import socket import os import logging import threading from scapy.all import sniff, IP, TCP, UDP # Configuration rules = {"", ""} # IPs to block blocked = {"", ""} # Domains to block log_path = "events.log" # Logging setup logging.basicConfig(filename=log_path, level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") def log_action(entry): """Log an action and print it to the console.""" print(f"[System] {entry}") def check_rule(item): """Check if an IP is in the rules set.""" return item in rules def check_data(data): """Check if any blocked domain is in the data.""" return any(item in data for item in blocked) def resolve(item): """Resolve a domain name to an IP address.""" try: return socket.gethostbyname(item) except socket.gaierror: return None def analyze(packet): """Analyze a network packet and enforce rules.""" if IP in packet: src = packet[IP].src dest = packet[IP].dst # Block traffic to/from restricted IPs if check_rule(src) or check_rule(dest): log_action(f"Blocked {src} -> {dest}") return # Check payload for blocked domains if TCP in packet or UDP in packet: content = bytes(packet[TCP].payload).decode(errors="ignore") for item in blocked: if item in content: log_action(f"Prevented access to {item} from {src}") return def restrict(item): """Block an IP address using system commands.""" try: if == "nt": os.system(f"netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name='Restricted' dir=in action=block remoteip={item}") else: os.system(f"iptables -A INPUT -s {item} -j DROP") log_action(f"Restricted {item}") except Exception as e: log_action(f"Failed to restrict {item}: {e}") def monitor(): """Start packet sniffing.""" log_action("System initialized.") sniff(filter="ip", prn=analyze, store=0) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run the monitor in a separate thread monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=monitor) monitor_thread.start() log_action("Monitoring started in a separate thread.")