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ADU AE AER AF AFGL AFT AG AGB AGILE AGN AGNs AH AI AIA AIC AIPS AIRS AJ AK AKARI AKR AL ALF ALFALFA ALH ALHA ALL ALMA ALP ALT AM AMD AMI AMO AMOC AMP AMR AMS AN ANAL ANALYS ANALYSIS AND ANDERS ANG ANN ANT AO AOD AP APEC APEX APM APO APOGEE APP APPENDIX APPL APPRO APR APS APXS AQ AR ARAA ARE ARM ARs AS ASA ASAS ASASSN ASC ASCA ASI ASK ASKAP ASM ASP ASS AST ASTER ASTRO AT AT20 ATCA ATLAS ATLASGAL ATMOS AU AV AVHRR AW AX AXPs AZ Aa Ab Abaz Abazajian Abb Abbott Abd Abdo Abel Abelian Abell About Above Abraham Abram Abramowicz Abs Absolute Absorption Abstract Abund Abundance Abundances Ac Acad Academ Academic Academy Acc Acceler Acceleration According Accordingly Accounting Accretion Accur Accuracy Accurate Ach Ack Ackermann Ackn Acknowledg Acknowledge Acknowledgements Acknowledgments Across Act Acta Active Activity Actually Ad AdS Ada Adam Adams Adap Adaptive Adding Addition Additional Additionally Adel Adi Administration Adop Adopting Adri Adv Advanced Advances Ae Aegean Aer Aeron Aeronautics Aerosol Af Aff Afric Africa African After Ag Again Age Agency Ages Agol Agu Ah Ahar Aharonian Ai Aims Air Airy Ait Aj Ak Akad Akas Akasofu Aki Al Alam Alaska Alb Alber Albert Alcock Ald Ale Ales Alex Alexander Alf Alfven Alfvenic Alg Algor Algorithm Ali Alice All Allan Allard Allen Allende Aller Allow Allowing Almost Along Alonso Alpha Alpine Alps Also Alt Alter Altern Alternative Alternatively Although Altim Altitude Alto Altogether Alv Alvarez Alves Am Amaz Amazon Amazonian Amb Amer America American Ames Ammon Among Amp Ampl Amplitude Amster Amsterdam An Analog Analy Analyses Analysis Analytic Analytical Analyzer Anat And Andean Anders Andersen Anderson Andersson Andes Andre Andreas Andrews Androm Andromeda Ang Angel Angeles Angle Angular Anisot Anisotropy Ann Annual Anomal Anomalous Anomaly Another Ans Ant Antarctic Antarctica Antenn Antennae Anth Anti Anton Antona Antonucci Any Ao Aoki Ap ApJ ApJS Apart Apenn Apennines Aperture Apollo App Apparent Apparently Appendices Appendix Appl Applic Application Applications Applied Applying Appro Approach Approxim Approximate Approximately Apr April Aq Aql Aqr Aqu Aquarius Ar Ara Arab Arabia Arabian Arag Arc Arch Archae Archaean Arche Archean Archive Arctic Are Area Areas Arec Arecibo Arg Argenti Argentina Argo Argon Ari Arizona Ark Arm Armitage Armstrong Arn Arnaud Arnett Arnold Arnouts Around Arp Array Arrhen Arrhenius Arrows Art Artem Artif As Asc Aschw Aschwanden Ash Asia Asian Aside Asp Asplund Ass Assemb Assembly Assess Assessment Assoc Associ Associated Association Assume Assuming Ast Astero Asteroid Asteroids Astro Astromet Astrometric Astron Astronom Astronomical Astronomy Astrop Astrophys Astrophysical Astrophysics Asympto At Atac Atacama Ath Athan Athanass Athanassoula Athen Atlan Atlantic Atlas Atm Atmos Atmosphere Atmospheres Atmospheric Atomic Att Attemp Attempts Atten Au Aud Aug Auger August Aur Auroral Aus Aust Austral Australia Australian Aut Auth Av Available Aver Average Averaged Averaging Ax Ay Az AzTEC Azimuth Aμ B B0 B1 B10 B11 B12 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BACK BAL BALQ BALs BAN BAO BAR BAS BAT BATSE BB BBH BBHs BBN BC BC03 BCD BCDs BCG BCGs BCS BD BDS BDs BE BEC BEL BEST BET BETWEEN BF BG BH BHB BHBs BHs BI BIC BIMA BIN BIS BJ BJD BK BL BLACK BLAST BLG BLR BLS BM BN BNS BO BOSS BOW BP BPS BPT BR BRO BROWN BS BSE BSR BSS BSSs BSs BT BTZ BU BUR BV BVRI BW BX BY BZ Ba Baade Bab Bac Bach Back Background Bacon Bad Bag Bah Bahcall Bai Baik Baikal Bail Bailey Baj Bak Baker Bal Balbus Bald Baldry Baldwin Ball Bally Balmer Balog Balogh Baltic Ban Band Bands Baner Banerjee Bang Bank Banks Bar Baraffe Barb Barber Bard Bardeen Barents Barger Bark Barker Barlow Barn Barnes Barrow Bars Bart Barth Bary Bas Basal Basalt Base Based Baseline Basic Basin Basri Bass Bastian Basu Bat Bate Bath Batt Bauer Baugh Baum Baumg Baumgardt Bay Bayes Bayesian Be Bea Beam Beau Bec Because Beck Becker Bed Beers Before Beg Begelman Beh Behav Behroozi Beij Beijing Being Bek Bekenstein Bekki Bel Belczynski Belg Bell Belloni Belob Beloborodov Belokurov Below Belt Ben Bender Bened Beng Bengal Benn Bennett Bennu Bens Bensby Benson Bent Benz Beppo BeppoSAX Ber Bere Berg Berger Bergeron Bergh Berk Berkeley Berlin Bern Bernard Bernardi Berner Bernou Bernstein Berry Bert Bertin Bes Besides Bessel Bessell Best Bet Beta Bethe Between Bey Beyond Bez Bh Bhat Bhatt Bhattach Bhattachary Bi Bian Bianchi Bias Bica Big Bil Bild Bildsten Bin Binaries Binary Bing Binney Bio Bir Birch Bird Birn Bis Bisch Bischoff Bish Bishop Bj Bl Bla Black Blake Blanc Blanco Bland Blandford Blanton Blaz Blazhko Blitz Blo Block Blok Blond Bloom Blu Blue Blum Blund Bn Bo Board Bob Bock Bod Bodenheimer Bog Bogd Boh Bohm Bohringer Bol Bolton Boltz Boltzmann Bon Bond Bondi Bonn Bonnell Bonnet Boo Book Bootes Booth Bopp Bor Bore Borg Boris Born Bos Bosch Bose Boss Bost Bot Both Bott Bottke Bottom Bou Bouguer Boul Bould Boulder Bound Boundary Bour Bouss Boussinesq Bouvier Bouwens Bovy Bow Bowen Bower Box Boy Boyd Boyer Boyle Br Bra Brad Bradley Brag Bram Bran Branch Brand Brandenburg Brandt Brans Braun Braz Brazil Brazilian Bre Break Brear Brearley Breg Bregman Bren Bress Bressan Bri Brid Bridge Bridle Brief Briefly Brien Briggs Bright Brightness Brill Brin Brinchmann Brink Brit Britain British Bro Broad Broadband Brog Brom Bromm Brook Brooks Brow Brown Brownian Bru Brun Brunt Bruzual Bry Bryan Brγ Bu Bubble Buch Buck Bud Building Bul Bulge Bulk Bull Bullock Bun Bur Burb Bure Bureau Burg Burgasser Burke Burkert Burl Burlaga Burn Burns Burrows Burst Bursts Burton Bus Bush But Butler By Byr Bz BzK C C0 C02 C1 C10 C12 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CAI CAIs CAL CALCUL CALIF CALIFA CAM CAN CAND CANDELS CAP CAPS CAR CARMA CAS CASA CAT CB CC CCC CCD CCDs CCF CCFs CCH CCM CCN CCS CCSN CCSNe CCs CD CDF CDFS CDM CDMS CDS CE CEL CEMP CEN CER CERN CES CF CFHT CFHTLS CFL CFT CG CGM CGs CH CH3 CH4 CHAMP CHAN CHAR CHI CHIANTI CHO CI CIA CIAO CIB CIE CII CIR CIRS CIRs CIS CJ CK CL CLA CLASS CLE 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Cart Cartan Carter Cartesian Cas Casc Case Cases Casey Cash Casimir Cass Cassegrain Cassi Cassini Cast Castro Caswell Cat Catal Catalog Catalogue Cauchy Cav Cave Cay Cd Ce Cec Cel Cell Cen Cenozoic Cent Centa Centauri Centaurs Centaurus Center Central Centre Cep Cephe Cepheid Cepheids Cer Cerenkov Ceres Cern Cerro Certain Certainly Ces Cet Ceti Cf CfA Ch ChRM Cha Chab Chabrier Chain Chak Chakrab Chakrabar Chakrabarti Chall Cham Chambers Chan Chand Chandra Chandrase Chandrasekhar Chang Change Changes Changing Chann Channel Chap Chapman Chapter Char Character Characteristic Characteristics Characterization Charbon Charbonneau Charge Charles Charlot Charn Charon Chasma Chatter Chatterjee Chau Che Chebyshev Chem Chemical Chemistry Chen Cheng Cher Cherenkov Chern Cheval Chevalier Chi Chiang Chic Chicago Chile Chin China Chinese Chl Chlor Cho Choi Chond Choosing Chou Chris Christ Christensen Christoffel Chrom Chron Chu Chung Chur Churazov Church Churchill Churchwell Ci Cim Cir Circ Circles Circular Circulation City Civ Civita Cl ClO Claret Clark Clarke Class Classical Classif Classification Clay Clayton Cle Clear Clearly Clem Clementine Clim Climate Clo Close Cloud Clouds Clump Cluster Clusters Cm Cnc Co CoRo CoRoT Coast Coastal Cob Coc Coch Code Coe Coeffici Coefficients Cohen Col Cold Cole Coleman Coll Collaboration Colle College Collier Collins Collision Collisions Color Colorado Colors Colour Cols Columb Columbia Column Columns Com Coma Comb Combes Combined Combining Comet Comets Comm Comments Commission Committee Common Commun Community Comp Compact Company Compar Compared Comparing Comparison Comparisons Compl Complet Complete Completeness Complex Component Components Composite Composition Compositions Compton Comptonization Comptonized Comput Computer Computing Con Conc Concent Concentration Concentrations Concept Concerning Conclu Concluding Conclusion Conclusions Cond Conditions Condon Conduc Conf Conference Config Cong Conn Connell Conroy Cons Conselice Consequently Consider Considering Consist Consistent Consortium Const Constant Constrain Constraints Cont Contamination Context Continental Continu Continued Continuous Continuum Contour Contours Contrary Contrib Contribution Contributions Control Conv Convection Conven Conver Convergence Conversely Cook Cool Cooling Cooper Coor Cooray Coordin Coordinates Cop Copern Copernicus Copyright Cor Cord Cordes Cordillera Core Cores Coriolis Corn Cornell Coron Corona Coronal Corp Corporation Correc Corrected Correction Corrections Correl Correlation Correlations Correspond Corresponding Correspondingly Cos Cosm Cosmic Cosmochim Cosmochimica Cosmological Cosmology Cost Costa Cot Cou Couch Coul Coulomb Coun Council Count Counter County Coupl Coupled Coupling Cour Courant Cousins Cov Cow Cowan Cowie Cowley Cowling Cox Cp Cpx Cr CrB Cra Crab Craig Crater Craters Craton Craw Crawford Cre Creek Cret Cretaceous Cris Criter Critical Cro Cross Croton Crow Crowther Cru Crust Crustal Crut Cruz Cry Cryst Crystal Cs Cu Cui Cum Cumul Cumulative Cun Cunha Cur Curi Curie Curiosity Current Currently Curve Curves Cut Cutri Cuzzi Cy Cyc Cycl Cycle Cyg Cygni Cygnus Cz Czech D D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 DA DAC DAM DAMA DAO DAOPHOT DATA DAV DB DBI DC DCO DD DDO DE DE3 DEC DEEP2 DEIMOS DEL DEM DEMETER DEMs DEN DENSITY DEP DER DES DET DF DFT DFs DG DGP DH DI DIA DIB DIBs DIC DIF DIG DIM DIR DIRBE DIS DISCU DISCUSSION DIST DISTRIB DISTRIBUTION DJ DJF DK DL DLA DLAs DLR DM DMS DMSP DN DNA DNS DO DOC DOGs DOM DON DOR DORIS DOY DP DQ DR DR1 DR12 DR2 DR3 DR4 DR5 DR7 DS DSA DSDP DSF DSS DT DTD DTM DU DUR DUST DV DW DX DY DYNAM DZ Da Dab Daddi Dahl Dahlen Dai Daily Dal Dale Dalgarno Dam Dame Dan Dani Dar Dark Darwin Das Dashed Dat Data Database Date Dau Dav Dave David Davidson Davies Davis Dawn Dawson Day De DeM DeWitt Dead Deb Debris Debye Dec Decay Deccan December Decomp Decre Deep Def Defining Definition Deformation Deg Degree Dehnen Dekel Del Delgado Dell Delta Dem Den Deng Denn Dense Densities Density Dep Department Depend Dependence Depending Depth Der Deriv Derived Derm Dermer Des Desc Description Desert Design Despite Dess Dessart Det Detail Detailed Details Detected Detection Detector Determ Determination Determining Deut Dev Develop Development Devi Deviations Devonian Dew Dh Di Dia Diag Diagn Diagram Diam Diamond Diaz Dick Dicke Dickey Dickinson Die Diego Diet Dif Diff Differ Difference Differences Different Differential Diffuse Diffusion Dig Digital Dijk Dim Dimension Din Ding Dione Dip Dir Dirac Direct Director Dirichlet Dis Disc Discovery Discus Discussion Discussions Dish Dishoeck Disk Disks Disper Dispersion Displ Diss Dissolved Dist Distance Distances Distribution Distributions Diurnal Div Division Dixon Dj Djorg Djorgovski Do Dob Dod Does Dokkum Dol Domain Dome Domin Doming Dominik Don Donahue Donati Done Dong Donn Dop Dopita Doppler Dor Dorad Doradus Dord Dordrecht Dot Dotted Dou Double Dougl Douglas Dow Down Downes Dr Dra Drac Draco Drag Draine Drake Dre Dress Dressler Dri Drift Drilling Driver Dro Dry Dst Du Dual Dub Duc Due Dul Dum Dun Dunc Duncan Dunlop Dunn Dup Dur During Dust Dut Dw Dwarf Dwek Dy Dynam Dynamic Dynamical Dynamics Dzi Dziew Dziewonski E E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 EA EAG EAGLE EAR EARTH EAS EB EBL EBs EC ECH ECMWF ECS ED EDM EDR EDS EDX EE EEJ EEP EET EF EFF EFFECT EFT EG EGB EGR EGRET EGS EH EHB EHT EI EIA EIS EISCAT EIT EJ EK EL ELA ELE ELECTR ELECTRON ELF ELS ELT EM EMI EMIC EMISSION EMP EN ENA ENAs ENERG ENERGY ENSO EO EOB EOF EOS EOSs EP EPB EPBs EPIC EPMA EPR EPS EQ EQU EQUATIONS ER ERA ERO EROs ERROR ERS ES ESA ESF ESM ESO ESP ESR EST ESTIM ET ETG ETGs EU EUV EUVE EUVI EV EVOLUTION EVPA EW EWs EX EXAFS EXP EXPER EXPERIM EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENTAL EZ Each Ear Earlier Early Earth Earthquake Earths East Eastern Eb Ebel Eber Ebert Ec Echelle Eck Eclip Econ Ed Edd Eddington Edge Editor Editorial Editors Eds Education Edwards EeV Ef Eff Effect Effective Effects Effelsberg Effici Efst Efstathiou Eg Egg Eggleton Eh Ehl Ehren Ei Eich Eigen Eight Ein Einasto Einstein Eisen Eisenstein Either Ejecta Ek Ekman Ekstrom El Elastic Elbaz Eld Ele Elect Electric Electro Electromagnetic Electron Electronic Electrons Element Elemental Elements Elev Elias Ell Ellip Ellis Ellison Elm Elmegreen Els Else Elsevier Elvis Ely Elysium Em Emb Emission Emp Empirical Ems Emsellem En Enc Encel Enceladus End Ener Energ Energetic Energies Energy Eng Engel Engine Engineering England English Enh Enhanced Ent Environ Environment Environmental Eo EoR EoS Eocene Ep Epoch Epstein Eq Eqn Eqs Equ Equation Equations Equator Equatorial Equilibrium Equival Equivalent Er Erb Eri Ern Eros Error Errors Es Esc Escude Esp Espec Especially Ess Essentially Est Estim Estimated Estimates Estimating Estimation Et Eth Etna Eu Euc Euclid Euclidean Euler Eulerian Eur Euras Eurasia Eurasian Europ Europa Europe European Ev Evalu Evaluating Evaluation Evans Even Event Events Eventually Ever Every Evidence Evidently Evolution Evolutionary Evrard Ex Exact Exam Examination Examining Example Examples Exc Except Excess Excitation Exclu Excluding Exo Exoplanet Exp Expanding Expansion Expected Exper Experiment Experimental Experiments Expl Explan Explanation Explicit Explo Exploration Explorer Exposure Express Ext Extended Extension Extensive External Extinction Extragalactic Extrap Extrem Extreme Ey F F0 F1 F10 F12 F160 F160W F2 F3 F336W F4 F5 F55 F555W F6 F606 F606W F7 F8 F814W FA FAC FACs FAP FAR FAST FB FC FD FDM FE FER FF FFT FG FGK FH FI FIB FIELD FIG FIN FIP FIR FIRE FIRST FITS FK FL FLR FLRW FLU FLUX FM FN FO FOC FOF FOR FORM FORMATION FORS2 FOS FOV FP FPI FR FRB FRBs FRE FREQU FRI FROM FRW FS FSR FSRQs FT FTE FTEs FTIR FTS FU FUN FUNCTION FUSE FUV FV FW FWHM FWHMs FZ Fa Fab Fabb Faber Fabian Fabry Fac Facility Fact Factor Factors Faint Fair Fal Fall Fan Fang Far Faraday Fast Fault Fe Fe2 FeH FeNi FeO FeS Feature Features Feb February Fed Feder Federr Federrath Feed Feedback Feg Feig Feigelson Fejer Fel Feld Feldman Fender Feng Fenn Fer Ferg Ferguson Ferland Fermi Fern Fernand Fernandes Fernandez Ferr Ferra Ferrara Ferrarese Ferraro Ferre Few Feyn Feynman Fi Field Fields Fig Figs Figure Figures Fil Filipp Filippenko Filled Filter Fin Final Finally Finding Fine Finite Fink Finkbeiner Finland Finn Fins First Firstly Fis Fischer Fish Fisher Fit Fits Fitted Fitting Fitz Fitzpatrick Five Fl Flare Flares Flat Fle Flet Fletcher Flight Flo Flor Florida Flow Flu Fluctu Fluctuations Fluid Fluids Flux Fluxes Fly Flynn Fm Fo FoF FoM FoV Foc Fock Focusing Fok Fokker Fol Fold Foley Follow Following Fomal Fon Font Foot For Forb Forbes Force Ford Fore Forec Forest Form Formally Formation Forn Fornax Fors Forster Fort Fortney Fortunately Foss Fossae Foster Fou Found Foundation Four Fourier Fourth Fow Fowler Fox Fr Fra Fract Fraction Fractional Fracture Frag Frail Fram Frame Fran Franc France Frances Francis Francisco Frank Franx Fraser Fre Fred Free Freedman Freeman Fren French Frenk Frequency Fres Fresnel Frey Fri Fried Friedman Friedmann Friedrich Fris Fritz Fro From Fron Front Fry Fryer Fs Fu Fuj Fuji Fuk Fukugita Ful Full Fuller Function Functions Fund Fundamental Fur Furlanet Furlanetto Further Furthermore Future G G0 G1 G10 G2 G29 G3 G33 G35 G4 G5 G8 GA GAL GALAX GALAXIES GALAXY GALEX GALFIT GAM GAMA GAMMA GAS GASS GB GBM GBT GC GCE GCM GCMs GCR GCRs GCS GCs GD GDR GDS GE GEM GEMS GEN GENER GEO GEOS GF GG GH GHRS GHz GI GIA GIM GIS GJ GK GL GLAST GLE GLEAM GLIM GLIMPSE GM GMC GMCs GMOS GMRT GMT GN GNSS GO GOC GOES GOL GOLD GOODS GP GPP GPR GPS GPU GPa GR GRA GRACE GRAV GRAVITY GRB GRBs GREEN GRMHD GRO GRS GS GSC GSE GSFC GSM GSS GT GU GUT GUV GUVI GV GW GW150 GW150914 GW17 GW170817 GWB GWs GX GZ GZK Ga Gab Gad Gaia Gal Galactic Galactocentric Galapagos Galax Galaxies Galaxy Gale Galile Galilean Galileo Galileon Gall Gallagher Gam Gamm Gamma Gammie Gan Gang Gans Gany Ganymed Ganymede Gao Gar Garc Garcia Gard Gardner Garn Gary Gas Gau Gaus Gauss Gaussian Gaussianity Gaussians Gav Gavazzi Gaz Gd Ge GeV Geb Gebhardt Geh Gehrels Gel Geller Gem Geminga Gemini Gen Gene Gener General Generally Generation Geneva Genzel Geo Geochem Geochemical Geochemistry Geochim Geochimica Geol Geologic Geological Geology Geomagnetic Geometry Geophys Geophysical Geophysics Georg George Geos Geosci Geotail Ger Gerhard Germ German Germany Gh Ghe Ghis Ghisellini Ghosh Gi Giac Gian Giant Gib Gibbons Gibbs Gibson Gier Gies Gil Gilbert Gill Gilmore Gin Giov Giovanelli Gir Girardi Given Giz Gl Glac Glacial Glacier Glad Glass Gle Glo Glob Global Globular Gned Gnedin Go God Goddard Gol Gold Goldberg Goldreich Golds Goldstein Goldstone Gomez Gon Gond Gondwana Gonz Gonzalez Good Goodman Goodrich Gop Gopals Gopalswamy Gor Gord Gordon Gos Goto Gott Gou Gough Gould Govern Government Gpc Gr Gra Grad Gradi Graham Grain Grains Gran Grand Grande Granite Grant Graph Gratton Grav Gravitational Gravity Gray Gre Great Greece Green Greenberg Greene Greenland Greg Gregory Gren Greves Grevesse Grey Gri Grid Griff Griffin Griffith Griffiths Gro Gron Gros Gross Grossman Ground Group Groups Growth Gru Gt Gu Gub Gud Guide Guill Guillot Guine Gul Gulf Gull Gun Gunn Guo Gupta Gur Gurn Gurnett Gusev Gust Gustaf Gut Guz Gy Gyr H H0 H1 H2 H20 H2O H3 H4 H5 HA HAL HAM HAR HARPS HAT HAW HB HBL HC HC1 HCG HCN HCO HCS HCl HD HDF HDO HE HED HEL HER HESS HET HEX HEXTE HF HFI HFS HG HH HI HIFI HIGH HII HIM HIP HIPASS HIR HIRES HIT HJ HJD HK HL HM HMF HMI HMXB HMXBs HN HNC HNCO HNO HO HOD HOL HOR HP HR HRC HRD HREE HRI HRS HRSC HS HSC HSE HSS HST HT HU HUDF HV HVC HVCs HW HWM HX HXR HY HZ Ha Haardt Hab Haber Hach Hachisu Had Hadley Haeh Haehnelt Hag Hahn Haim Haiman Hain Hal Hale Half Hall Halley Halo Halpern Ham Hamann Hamb Hamilton Hamiltonian Hammer Hamuy Han Hand Handbook Hank Hann Hansen Hanson Hap Hapke Har Hard Hardcastle Harding Haro Harris Harrison Hart Hartle Hartman Hartmann Hartree Harvard Harvey Has Hase Hasegawa Hash Hashimoto Hasinger Hass Hat Hatz Hau Haus Having Haw Hawai Hawaii Hawaiian Hawking Hawley Hawth Hawthorn Hay Hayashi Hayes Haynes Haz He Head Hear Hearn Heat Heating Heav Heavens Heaviside Heavy Heck Heckman Hed Heg Heger Heggie Height Heiles Hein Heisenberg Hel Helf Heli Helios Heliospheric Helium Hell Hellas Helm Helmholtz Helmi Hem Hemisp Hemisphere Hen Hence Hend Henderson Henn Henne Henning Henri Henry Her Herb Herbig Herbst Hercul Hercules Here Hereafter Herm Hermite Hermitian Hern Hernandez Hernquist Herr Herrero Hers Herschel Hertz Hertzsprung Herz Herzberg Hes Hesper Hesperian Hess Hessian Hew Hey Hf Hg Hi HiR HiRISE Hib Hick Hig Higgs High Higher Highly Hil Hilbert Hild Hilde Hildebrand Hill Hillenbrand Hillier Hills Himal Himalaya Himalayan Hin Hind Hinode Hipp Hipparcos Hir Hirata Hiro Hirsch His Hist Histogram Histograms Histor History Hj Ho Hob Hobbs Hod Hodge Hoek Hof Hoff Hoffman Hofmann Hogg Hol Hole Holl Holland Hollenbach Holman Holmberg Holocene Holt Hom Home Hon Hong Hood Hop Hopkins Hor Horiz Horizon Horizons Horizontal Horn Horndes Horndeski Horne Hos Host Hot Hou Hough Houston How Howard Howell However Hoyle Hsi Hsu Hu Huang Hub Hubbard Hubble Hubeny Huber Huch Huchra Hud Hudson Hug Hughes Hugoni Hugoniot Hui Hul Hum Humph Humphreys Hun Hung Hunt Hunter Hur Hurley Hus Huss Hut Hutch Huygens Hw Hwang Hy Hya Hyades Hybrid Hyd Hydra Hydro Hydrodynam Hydrogen Hydrothermal Hyp Hyper Hz Hα Hβ Hγ Hδ I I0 I1 I1⁄2 I2 I3 IA IAB IAU IB IBEX IBIS IC ICB ICE ICL ICM ICME ICMEs ICP ICPMS ICS ID IDL IDP IDPs IDs IE IF IFS IFU IG IGM IGR IGRF IGS IH II IIA III IIP IIb IIn IJ IK IL ILC ILR IM IMA IMAGE IMBH IMBHs IMF IMFs IMP IMS IN IND INMS INT INTE INTEGR INTEGRAL INTER INTR INTRODUCTION INV IO IOD IOM ION IP IPAC IPC IPP IPS IQ IR IRAC IRAF IRAM IRAS IRC IRD IRDC IRDCs IRI IRIS IRM IRS IRTF IRX IS ISA ISCO ISEE ISIS ISM ISO ISP ISR ISRF ISS IST ISW IT ITCZ ITR IUE IV IW IX IZ Ia Iap Iapetus Ib Ibata Iben Iber Iberian Ic Icarus Ice IceCube Iceland Icelandic Ich Id Ida Ide Ideally Identif Identification Identifying If Ig Ign Ignoring Ik Il Ilbert Ill Illinois Illust Illustration Illustris Im Image Imager Images Imaging Imb Imbrium Imm Imp Impact Impl Implications Import Important Importantly Impro Improved In InS InSAR Inc Incl Inclu Including Inclusion Incorp Incre Increased Increasing Ind Indeed Independ Independent Index India Indian Indices Indiv Individual Indo Indones Indonesia Inf Infer Inflation Influence Information Infra Infrared Ing Ini Initial Initially Inner Inoue Input Ins Inser Inserting Inside Insp Inspection Inst Instability Instead Instit Institut Institute Institution Instrum Instrument Instrumental Instruments Int Integ Integral Integrated Integrating Integration Intensity Inter Interaction Interactions Interest Interesting Interestingly Interfer Interferometer Interim Interior Interiors Intermediate Intern Internal International Interp Interplanetary Interpretation Interstellar Intr Intrinsic Introducing Introduction Inver Inverse Inversion Investig Investigation Investigations Io Ion Ionization Ionosphere Ionospheric Ions Ip Ir Iran Irel Ireland Iron Irradi Irwin Is Isa Ish Isid Isidis Island Islands Iso Isot Isotope Isotopic Israel Iss It Ital Italian Italy Ito Itokawa Its Iv Ivan Ivanov Ivezic Ivison Iw Iz Izotov I± J J0 J00 J03 J04 J05 J06 J07 J08 J09 J1 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17 J18 J19 J2 J20 J2000 J22 J23 JA JAC JAN JB JCMT JD JE JET JF JH JHK JJ JJA JK JO JOH JOHNS JONES JPL JR JS JSC JV JW JWST Ja Jac Jack Jackson Jacob Jacobi Jacobian Jacobson Jaffe Jager Jain Jak James Jan Janka January Jap Japan Japanese Jar Jarvis Jason Java Je Jean Jeans Jeff Jeffer Jen Jenkins Jenn Jensen Jer Jet Jewitt Ji Jiang Jicam Jicamarca Jim Jimenez Jin Jing Jo Joh Johansen John Johns Johnson Johnston Johnstone Joint Jok Jokipii Jon Jones Jong Jord Jordan Jose Joseph Joule Journal Jovian Joy Jr Ju Juan Jud Jul Julian July Jun June Jung Juno Jup Jupiter Jupiters Jur Jura Jurassic Just Jy Jø Jørgensen K K0 K1 K2 K20 K3 K5 KA KAW KB KBO KBOs KC KCl KD KE KELT KF KG KH KHI KI KIC KIN KING KK KL KM KN KO KOI KP KPNO KR KREEP KS KT KV KW Ka Kah Kahler Kaiser Kal Kall Kalman Kalu Kaluza Kam Kami Kamiokande Kan Kanamori Kane Kang Kap Kaplan Kar Karachent Karachentsev Karato Karl Kas Kasen Kash Kaspi Kast Kasting Kat Kato Katz Kau Kauf Kauff Kauffmann Kaufman Kav Kaw Kay Kaz Ke Kea Keck Keeping Keil Kel Kell Keller Kelley Kelly Kelvin Kemp Ken Kend Kendall Kenn Kennedy Kennett Kennic Kennicutt Kent Kenyon Kep Kepler Keplerian Ker Kern Kerr Kes Kew Kewley Key Kh Ki KiDS Kie Kil Kilauea Killing Kim Kimura Kin Kine Kinema Kinematic Kinematics Kinetic King Kingdom Kir Kirby Kirk Kirkpatrick Kis Kiss Kit Kitt Kiv Kivelson Kj Kl Kle Klein Klessen Klim Klis Klu Kly Klypin Km Kn Kne Knowing Knowledge Knud Knudsen Ko Kob Kobayashi Koch Kochanek Kod Kodama Koen Koester Koh Kohl Kok Kol Kolb Kolmog Kolmogorov Kom Komatsu Kon Kong Koop Kop Kopp Kor Kore Korea Korm Kormendy Kos Kot Kou Kov Kow Koyama Koz Kozai Kp Kr Kra Kraft Kram Kramer Kras Krasn Kraus Krause Krav Kravtsov Kre Kris Krish Krist Kro Krolik Kron Krot Kroupa Kru Krum Krumholz Ks Ku Kub Kuiper Kul Kulkarni Kumar Kun Kund Kur Kurtz Kurucz Kus Kush Kutta Kuz Kw Ky Kyoto Kα L L0 L1 L11 L14 L15 L16 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L9 LA LAB LAE LAEs LAM LAMOST LAN LANL LAP LAR LAS LASCO LAT LB LBG LBGs LBH LBV LBVs LC LCP LCs LD LDA LE LED LEO LEP LER LES LET LETT LETTERS LEW LF LFM LFs LG LGM LGR LGRBs LGS LH LHC LHS LI LIGHT LIGO LIM LIN LINE LINEAR LINER LINERs LIRGs LIS LISA LISM LK LL LLAG LLBL LLS LM LMC LMXB LMXBs LN LO LOC LOF LOFAR LONG LOS LOW LP LQ LQC LQG LR LREE LRG LRGs LRIS LRS LS LSB LSD LSF LSP LSR LSS LSST LST LT LTE LU LV LVG LW LY LZ La Lab Labor Laboratory Labrad Labrador Lac Lacey Lacs Lacy Lad Lada Laf Lag Lagr Lagrang Lagrange Lagrangian Lagrangians Lah Lai Lake Lal Lam Lamb Lambert Lamers Lan Lanc Land Landau Lander Landi Landolt Landsat Lane Lang Lange Langer Langmuir Lanz Laor Lap Lapl Laplace Laplacian Lar Large Larger Larm Larmor Lars Larsen Larson Las Laser Lask Laskar Last Lastly Lat Late Later Latin Latitude Lau Lauer Laur Laure Lauren Lav Law Lawrence Lay Layer Laz Lazarian Le Lead Leahy Leb Lec Led Lee Leeu Leeuwen Left Leg Legacy Legendre Leh Lehner Leib Leither Leitherer Lem Lemaitre Lemma Length Lens Lensing Leo Leon Leonard Lep Leroy Les Less Let Lett Letter Letters Lev Level Leven Levenberg Levi Levin Levison Levy Lew Lewis Li Liang Lib Library Lick Lid Lie Lif Life Lifshitz Light Lik Like Likewise Lilly Lim Limits Lin Lind Lindbl Lindblad Line Linear Lines Ling Link Liou Liouville Lip Liqu Liquid Lis Liss Lissauer List Lit Literature Lith Little Liu Liv Liver Living Livio Lk Ll Llo Lloyd Lo Lob Local Location Locations Lock Lockman Lockwood Lod Lodders Loeb Log Loh Lomb Lon Lond London Long Longitude Looking Loop Lope Lopez Lor Lore Loren Lorentz Lorentzian Lorenz Lorimer Los Loss Lou Louis Lov Love Lovelock Low Lower Ls Ltd Lu Lub Lubow Luc Lucas Luce Lucia Luck Lucy Lud Lug Luhman Lumin Luminosity Lun Luna Lunar Lund Luo Lup Lupus Lutz Ly LyC Lyapunov Lyman Lyn Lynden Lyne Lyon Lyons Lyot Lyr Lyrae Lyα Lyβ M M0 M1 M10 M101 M13 M15 M17 M2 M3 M31 M32 M33 M4 M5 M51 M6 M67 M7 M8 M81 M82 M83 M87 M9 MA MAC MACHO MACS MAD MAG MAGIC MAGNET MAGNETIC MAL MAM MAN MAP MAR MARS MARSIS MAS MASS MAST MAT MAVEN MAX MAXI MAY MB MBH MBHs MC MCC MCD MCG MCMC MCP MCS MCs MD MDF MDI ME MEAS MEASURE MEASUREMENTS MED MEG MEM MER MERLIN MERRA MES MESA MESS MESSENGER MET METH METHOD METHODS MEX MF MFR MFs MG MGS MH MHD MHz MI MIC MID MIL MILES MILL MIN MIP MIPS MIR MIS MIT MJ MJD MJO MJy MK ML MLAT MLD MLR MLS MLT MM MM1 MMC MMR MMRs MMS MMT MN MNR MNRAS MO MOA MOC MOD MODEL MODELS MODIS MOLA MON MOND MOR MORB MOS MOS1 MOS2 MOST MOT MP MPA MPC MPI MPa MR MRC MRI MRO MS MSE MSIS MSL MSO MSP MSPs MSS MSSM MST MSTIDs MSTO MSW MSWD MSX MT MU MULT MUR MUS MUSE MV MVA MW MWA MWC MY MZ MZR Ma MaNGA Mac MacD MacDonald MacL Mach Mack Mackey Mad Madau Maeda Maeder Mag Magell Magellan Magellanic Magn Magnet Magneti Magnetic Magnetospheric Magnitude Magnitudes Mah Main Maiol Maiolino Maj Majewski Major Majorana Mak Making Makino Mal Malhotra Malin Mall Malm Mam Mamajek Man Manc Manchester Mand Mandel Mang Mann Mannucci Mant Mantle Many Mao Map Mapping Maps Mar Maraston Marc March Marconi Marcy Mare Marel Marg Marginal Mari Mariana Marigo Marin Marine Mariner Marineris Marino Mark Markevitch Markov Marqu Marquardt Mars Marsh Marshall Mart Marti Martian Martin Martine Martinez Martins Mary Maryland Marz Mas Mason Mass Massachusetts Masses Massey Massif Massive Mast Masters Mat Mate Mateo Material Materials Math Mathe Mathema Mathews Mathis Matrix Mats Matsu Matsum Matsumoto Matt Matte Matteo Matter Matteucci Matth Matthe Matthews Mau Mauna Maur Max Maximum Maxwell Maxwellian May Mayer Mayor Maz Mazz Mb Mc McC McCarthy McCl McClintock McComas McConn McD McDonald McE McEl McEwen McG McGaugh McI McInt McK McKay McKee McKenzie McKinney McL McLaughlin McLure McM McMillan McN McNamara McQu McQuinn McS McSween McW McWilli Me MeV Mead Mean Meanwhile Meas Measure Measured 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Modified Moff Moffat Moh Moho Mohr Mol Molecular Molnar Mom Mon Monaghan Mong Monitor Monitoring Mons Mont Monte Monter Montes Montg Month Monthly Moon Moore Mor Moral Morales Moran Morbid Morbidelli More Moreno Moreover Morgan Mori Morph Morphology Morris Morrison Morse Morton Mos Mosc Moscow Moss Mossbauer Most Mot Motion Motivated Mott Mou Mount Mountain Mountains Mous Moving Mpc Mr Mrk Ms Mt Mu Much Mueller Muk Mul Mull Muller Multi Multip Multiple Mun Munoz Mur Murch Murchison Murphy Murray Mus Museum Mush Mushotzky Mut Mw Mx My Myers Myr N N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 NA NAC NAD NAG NAL NAM NAO NAS NASA NAT NB NBS NC NCAR NCC NCEP ND NDVI NE NEA NEAR NEAs NEC NED NEO NEOs NEP NEU NEUTR NEW NF NFW NG NGC NH NH3 NI NIC NICER NICMOS NIR NIRSPEC NIST NJ NL NLC NLF NLFFF NLR NLS NLS1 NLS1s NLT NLTE NM NMR NN NNN NO NOAA NON NOR NOT NP NR NRAO NRL NRLMS NRM NS NSC NSE NSF NSs NT NTT NU NUC NUCLE NUM NUMBER NUMERICAL NUT NUV NV NVSS NW NWA NY NZ Na NaCI NaCl NaI NaOH Naab Nag Nagai Nagy Nak Nakajima 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OBSERV OBSERVATIONS OC OCE OCS OCs OD ODE ODP OE OF OFF OG OGLE OH OI OIB OIII OJ OK OL OLR OM OMC OME OMEGA OMNI ON ONC ONe OO OP OPAL OPT OPTICAL OR ORB ORBIT OS OSC OSIRIS OSS OT OU OUT OV OW OX OZ Oa Ob Ober Object Objects Obs ObsID Obser Observ Observation Observational Observationally Observations Observatories Observatory Observed Observing Obtain Obvious Obviously Oc Occ Occur Occurrence Oce Ocean Oceanic Oceans Oct October Od Odys Odyssey Oe Oeochim Of Off Office Often Og Ogil Ogilvie Oh Ohm Ohmic Oi Ok Oke Ol Old Olig Oligocene Oliv Olive Oliveira Oliver Olivine Olsen Olson Oly Olymp Olympus Om Oman On Once One Online Only Ont Ontario Oo Oort Ooster Op Open Oper Oph Ophi Ophiuchus Opp Oppenheimer Opportun Opportunity Opt Optical Optics Optim Or Orbit Orbital Orbiter Orbits Ord Order Ordovician Oregon Org Organ Organic Orgueil Ori Orient Orientale Orig Origin Origins Orion Orionis Orogen Orth Os Oscill Oscillation Oscillations Ost Oster Osterbrock Ostriker Ot Other Others 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Parker Parkes Pars Parsons Part Partial Particle Particles Particular Particularly Partition Pas Pasc Paschen Pass Past Pat Pater Patera Path Pathfinder Pattern Patterson Paul Pauli Pav Pavlov Pay Payne Pb Pc Pc5 Pd Pe PeV Peacock Peak Pear Pearce Pearson Pec Ped Pedersen Pee Peebles Peg Peimbert Pel Peltier Pen Peng Peninsula Penn Penns Pennsylvan Penrose Per Perc Percent Percentage Percival Pere Perez Perform Performance Performing Perg Pergamon Perhaps Period Periodic Periods Perley Perm Permian Pern Perot Perry Pers Perse Perseus Perturb Peru Pes Pet Peter Peters Peterson Petit Petro Petrol Petrosian Petrov Pettini Pf Pg Ph PhD Phan Phanerozoic Phase Phases Phen Phenomen Phil Philipp Philippine Phill Phillips Phobos Phoenix Phosph Phot Photo Photometric Photometry Photon Phy Phys PhysR PhysRev PhysRevC PhysRevD Physi Physical Physically Physics Pi Pi2 Pic Pich Pick Pier Pierre Piet Pieters Pil Pin Pine Pioneer Pip Pir Piran Pis Pit Pl Plag Plagioclase Plain Plains Plan Planck 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Revised Reyk Reykj Reyn Reynolds Rh Rhe Rhea Rho Ri Rib Ric Ricci Rice Rich Richard Richards Richardson Richmond Richter Rick Rid Ridge Rie Rieke Riemann Riemannian Ries Riess Rift Rig Right Riley Rindler Ring Ringwood Rio Rip Rise Riv River Rix Rm Rn Ro Rob Robert Roberts Robertson Robin Robinson Roc Roche Rock Rocks Rod Rodrig Rodriguez Rog Rogers Rol Role Rom Roman Romani Romano Rome Ros Rose Rosen Rosetta Ross Rossby Rosseland Rossi Rot Rotation Rotational Roth Rou Rough Roughly Rover Row Rowan Rowe Roy Royal Roz Rs Ru Rub Rubin Rud Ruderman Rudnick Ruff Ruiz Run Runge Runs Rup Rus Russ Russell Russia Russian Rut Ry Ryan Ryb Rybicki Ryd Rydberg Ryu S S0 S0s S1 S10 S11 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 SA SAA SAB SABER SAF SAGE SAL SAM SAMI SAMPLE SAMs SAO SAPS SAR SAS SASI SAT SAURON SAX SB SBF SBH SBS SC SCAL SCAT SCH SCHM SCI SCR SCS SCUBA SCs SD SDO SDSS SE SEC SED SEDs SEE SEG SEGUE SELE SELECTION SEM SEP SEPs SER SET SExtractor SF SFD SFE SFGs SFH SFHs SFR SFRD SFRs SG SGB SGR SGRBs SGRs SGS SH SHAR SHE SHM SI SIC SIDM SIE SIG SIL SIM SIMBA SIMBAD SIMS SIMUL SIMULATIONS SIN SINF SINFONI SING SIR SIRM SIS SIT SJ SK SKA SKR SKS SL SLA SLP SLR SLS SLSNe SM SMA SMBH SMBHs SMC SME SMF SMG SMGs SMITH SMM SMS SN SN19 SNII SNIa SNLS SNR SNRs SNe SO SOC SOD SOF SOHO SOI SOL SOLAR SOM SON SOUR SOURCE SP SPA SPACE SPE SPEC SPECTR SPECTRA SPECTRAL SPECTRUM SPH SPHERE SPI SPIC SPIRE SPL SPM SPS SPT SQ SR SRM SS SSA SSB SSC SSCs SSE SSFR SSH SSI SSM SSN SSP SSPs SSS SST SSTs SSW ST STA STAR STARRS STARS STAT STD STE STELLAR STER STEREO STIS STP STR STRUCT STRUCTURE STS STU SU SUB SUM SUMER SUMM SUMMARY SUMSS SUN SUP SUR SURF SUSY SV SVD SVM SW SWE SWIRE SWS SX SXR SXT SY SYM SYST SYSTEM SZ SZA SZE Sa Sab Sachs Sad Saf Sag Sagitt Sagittarius Sah Saha Sahara Saito Sak Sakai Sal Salp Salpeter Salt Salv Sam Same Sample Samples Sampling San Sanchez Sand Sandage Sanders Sant Santa Santos Sao Sar Sarazin Sarg Sargent Sari Sasaki Sat Satellite Satellites Sato Saturn Saturnian Sau Saunders Sav Savage Saw Sb Sc Scal Scale Scaling Scalo Scand Scandinav Scannap Scannapieco Scanning Scargle Scatter Scattering Scenari Scenario Sch Scha Schae Schaefer Schaerer Schaye Sche Schechter Schematic Schen Scher Schild Schl Schlaf Schlafly Schle Schlegel Schm Schmidt Schmitt Schn Schne Schneider Scho Schol Scholz Schon School Schr Schre Schreiber Schrijver Schro Schrodinger Schu Schubert Schul Schult Schultz Schulz Schw Schwar Schwartz Schwarz Schwarzschild Schwe Schwing Schwinger Sci Science Sciences Scientific Scl Sco Scocc Scoccim Scoccimarro Scotland Scott Scoville Sct Scul Sculptor Scuti Sd Se Sea Seager Seam Sear Search Seas Seasonal Sec Second Secondary Secondly Secs Sect Section Sections Sects Sed Sediment Sedimentary Sedov See Seg Sei Seism Seismic Sel Selected Selection Self Seljak Sell Sellwood Sem Sembach Sen Sensi Sensing Sensitivity Sensor Sep Separ Separation Sept September Sequ Sequence Ser Series Serp Serpens Serra Sersic Serv Service Ses Set Sets Setting Seven Sever Several Sext Sextans Sey Seyfer Seyfert Seyferts Sge Sgr Sh Shaded Shah Shakura Shal Shale Shallow Shan Shank Shannon Shap Shape Shapiro Shapley Shar Sharma Sharp Shaw She Shear Shearer Sheet Shel Shelf Shell Shem Shen Shepherd Sher Shet Sheth Shi Shib Shibata Shield Shields Shim Shk Sho Shock Shoemaker Short Show Showman Shown Shu Shuk Shull Shuttle Si Si02 SiC SiO Sib Siber Siberia Siberian Sid Sie Sier Sierra Siess Sig Sign Signal Signific Significant Sik Sil Silic Silicate Silk Silla Silurian Silva Silver Sim Similar Similarly Simon Simons Simp Simple Simpson Simulated Simulation Simulations Simultaneous Sin Since Sing Singer Singh Single Siri Sit Site Sites Sitter Six Size Sk Skill Skillman Skin Skr Skrutskie Sky Skyrme Sl Sle Slo Sloan Slope Slow Sm Smail Small Smaller Smart Smir Smirnov Smith Smithson Smithsonian Smooth Sn Snapsh Sned Sneden Snell Snow Snyder So Sob Sobolev Soc Society Sod Soder Soderblom Sof Soft Software Soil Sok Soker Sokol Sol Solar Solid Solomon Solution Solutions Solving Som Some Somerville Sometimes Sommer Sommerfeld Son Song Sor Sou Sound Sour Source Sources Sout South Southeast Southern Southwest Sovi Soviet Sp Space Spacecraft Spain Span Sparks Spati Spatial Spatially Spe SpeX Spear Spearman Spec Special Species Specific Specifically Spect Spectra Spectral Spectrograph Spectromet Spectrometer Spectrosc Spectroscopic Spectroscopy Spectrum Speed Spencer Sper Spergel Spherical Spi Spin Spir Spiral Spirit Spit Spitzer Spl Spot Spread Spring Springel Springer Spruit Spur Sq Squ Square Sr St Stability Stable Stacey Stack Stage Stan Standard Standards Stanford Star Starburst Stard Stardust Stark Starob Starobinsky Stars Starting State States Station Stations Statis Statistical Statistics Stau Ste Steady Stef Stefan Steff Steidel Stein Steiner Steinmetz Stellar Step Stephen Ster Stern Stetson Stev Stevens Stevenson Stew Stewart Sti Stic Still Sto Stock Stokes Stol Stone Stor Store Storey Storm Str Stra Strait Strat Strateg Stratig Strauss Stre Stream Strehl Streng Stress Stri Strict Strictly Strip Stripe Stro Strohm Strohmayer Strom Stromgren Stron Strong Struct Structural Structure Structures Stu Stud Student Studies Study Studying Su Sub Subaru Submill Submillimeter Subs Subsequent Subsequently Substit Substituting Substorm Subt Such Sud Sug Sul Sulf Sulfur Sullivan Sum Sumatra Summ Summar Summary Summer Sun Sund Sunyaev Sup Super SuperDARN Supernova Supernovae Superp Supp Suppl Supplement Supplemental Supplementary Support Supporting Suppose Suprime Sur Surface Surprisingly Surv Surve Survey Surveyor Surveys Sus Sut Suther Sutherland Suz Suzaku Suzuki Sv Sval Svalbard Sver Sw Swarm Swe Swed Sweden Swift Swiss Switzer Switzerland Sy Sym Symb Symbols Symmet Symp Symposium Syn Synchrotron Synt Synthesis Synthetic Syr Syrtis System Systematic Systems Sz Szalay T T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T9 TA TAB TABLE TAR TAYL TAYLOR TB TC TCs TD TDE TDEs TE TEC TECU TEM TEMPER TEMPERATURE TER TES TESS TEX TF TFR TG TGF TGFs TH THE THEMIS THEOR THEORY THERM THOM TI TIC TID TIDs TIE TIEGCM TIM TIME TIMED TIMS TIR TJ TL TLE TM TMC TN TNG TNO TNOs TO TOA TOC TOF TOI TOT TOV TP TPW TR TRACE TRANS TRAPP TRAPPIST TRGB TRM TRMM TS TSI TT TTV TTVs TU TV TW TWA TX TY TYC TZ Ta Tab Table Table1 Table2 Tables Tac Tacconi Tag Tai Taiwan Tak Takah Takahashi Take Takeda Taken Taking Tal Tam Tan Tanaka Tang Tar Targ Target Tas Tasman Tau Taur Tauri Taurus Tav Tay Taylor Tb Tc Te TeV Team Tech Techn Techni Technical Techniques Technology Tect Tecton Tectonic Tectonophysics Tef Teflon Teg Tegmark Tel Telescope Telescopes Temp Tempel Temperature Temperatures Temporal Ten Ter Terlevich Term Terr Terra Terrestrial Tertiary Tes Test Testing Tests Tet Tethys Teuk Teukolsky Tex Texas Text Teys Teyssier Tg Th Thanks Tharsis That The Their Thellier Then Theore Theorem Theoretical Theoretically Theory There Therefore Therm Thermal Thermo Thermodynamic Thermosphere These Thesis They Thi Thick Thickness Thiel Thin Thir Third Thirdly This Thom Thomas Thomp Thompson Thomson Thor Thorne Those Though Three Through Throughout Thuan Thus Ti TiO Tian Tib Tibet Tibetan Tidal Tielens Til Tim Time Times Timing Tin Tinker Tit Titan Tj Tl Tm To Tod Today Together Toh Tohoku Tok Tokyo Tol Tolman Tom Ton Tong Tonga Tonry Tool Toom Toomre Top Tor Torm Tormen Torr Torres Tot Total Tout Tow Toward Towards Town Towns Tr Tra Trac Trace Track Tradition Tran Trans Transfer Transform Transi Transient Transit Transition Transitions Transmission Transport Trap Trapezium Tre Tree Trem Tremaine Tremonti Tren Trench Trends Treu Tri Triang Triassic Trin Trit Triton Tro Troj Trojan Trojans Trom Troms Tropical Trough Tru True Truj Trujillo Ts Tsun Tsur Tsurutani Tsyg Tsyganenko Tu Tuc Tucson Tuff Tully Tun Tur Turb Turbulence Turbulent Turc Turcotte Turkey Turn Turner Turning Tw Twent Twenty Two Ty Tycho Typ Type Types Typical Typically Tyr Tyrrhen Tz U UB UBV UBVRI UC UCAC UCD UCDs UCH UCM UD UDF UDGs UDS UF UGC UH UHE UHEC UHECR UHECRs UHF UHP UI UK UKID UKIDSS UKIRT UL ULF ULIRG ULIRGs ULX ULXs UM UMa UN UO UP UPb UR US USA USGS USNO USS USSR UT UTC UV UVB UVES UVI UVIS UVOT UVW Ud Udalski Ueda Ul Ultimately Ultra Ultraviolet Ulysses Um Un Unc Uncertain Uncertainties Uncertainty Und Under Understanding Unfortunately Uni Uniform Union Unit United Units Univ Univers Universal Universe Universit Universities University Unless Unlike Unruh Until Up Upon Upper Ur Uran Uranium Uranus Urry Ursa Us Use Used User Using Usually Ut Utah Util V V1 V10 V2 V3 V4 V40 V7 V8 VA VAL VAN VARI VB VC VCC VDF VE VEL VELOC VELOCITY VEN VER VERITAS VEV VF VG VH VHE VHF VI VII VIII VIMOS VIMS VIP VIR VIRGO VIRTIS VIS VISTA VL VLA VLBA VLBI VLF VLT VM VN VNIR VO VOL VP VR VS VT VTEC VUV VV VVV VW VY Va Vac Vain Vainshtein Vais Vaisala Val Valenti Validation Vall Valle Valles Valley Vallis Value Values Van Vanden Var Vari Variability Variable Variables Variation Variations Various Varying Vas Vauc Vaucoule Vaucouleurs Vaughan Vaz Vazquez Ve Vector Vega Veilleux Vel Vela Veloc Velocities Velocity Ven Vener Venera Vent Venus Venusian Ver Verb Verde Verlag Vern Veron Vers Version Vertical Very Ves Vesta Vi Via Victor Victoria Vidal Vienna View Vik Vikhlin Vikhlinin Viking Vil Vill Vinc Vink Vir Virgin Virgo Virt Virtual Vis Visc Visible Visual Vit Vl Vlas Vlasov Vo Vog Vogt Voigt Voit Vol Volc Volcan Volcanic Volcano Volk Volon Volonteri Volume Von Vor Voron Voronoi Voy Voyager Vp Vr Vs Vul W W1 W2 W3 W4 W49 W51 WA WAC WACCM WAL WAR WASP WASS WAT WAV WAVE WAVES WB WC WD WDM WDS WDs WE WEB WF WFC WFC3 WFIRST WFPC WFPC2 WH WHIM WHT WI WILLI WIM WIMP WIMPs WIN WIND WIS WISE WITH WIYN WKB WL WM WMAP WN WNM WO WOOD WP WR WRF WS WSA WSR WSRT WT WV WW WZ Wa Waals Wada Wade Wagner Wak Wal Walborn Wald Walker Wall Wallace Walsh Walter Wan Wand Wang War Ward Warm Warner Warren Wash Washington Wasser Wasserburg Wasson Wat Watan Watanabe Water Waters Watkins Watson Watts Wav Wave Wavelength Waves Wax Waxman Way Wd We Weak Weather Weaver Web Webb Weber Webster Wech Wechsler Wed Wei Weib Weid Weidensch Weidenschilling Wein Weinberg Weis Weiss Wel Well Wen Wer Werner Wes West Wester Western Weyl Wh What Whatever Whe Wheeler When Whenever Where Whereas Whether Which While Whilst Whipple Whit White Whitmore Whitney Whitt Whole Why Wi Wick Wid Wide Width Wiec Wiener Wign Wigner Wij Wijn Wil Wilc Wild Wiley Wilhel Wilkinson Will Willi William Williams Willott Wilson Win Wind Winds Wing Wink Winn Winter Wis Wisc Wisconsin Wise Wit With Within Without Witt Witten Wm Wo Wol Wolf Wolfe Wong Woo Wood Woods Woosley Work Working Workshop World Wort Worthey Wright Writing Wu Wy Wyatt Wyithe X X1 X2 XANES XB XEN XENON XI XII XIII XIS XL XLF XM XMM XPS XR XRB XRBs XRD XRF XRT XSPEC XTE XUV XV XX XY XZ Xe Xen Xia Xiao Xie Xu Xue Y Y1 YE YM YORP YS YSO YSOs Ya Yak Yale Yam Yamada Yamamoto Yan Yang Yangtze Yao Yark Yarkovsky Yb Ye Year Yee Yellow Yes Yet Yi Yin Yoh Yohkoh Yok Yoon York Yosh Yoshida You Young Younger Yu Yuan Yuk Yukawa Yun Yung Z ZAH ZAMS ZE ZH ZO ZP ZTF ZZ Zab Zach Zadeh Zag Zahn Zak Zald Zaldarriaga Zank Zar Zaritsky Zav Zdzi Zdziarski Ze Zealand Zee Zeeman Zeeuw Zel Zeldovich Zero Zh Zhang Zhao Zheng Zhong Zhou Zhu Zi Zinn Zircon Zn Zo Zol Zonal Zone Zr Zu Zuckerman Zur Zw Zwart [ [CLS] [MASK] [PAD] [SEP] [UNK] \ ] ^ _ ` a a0 a1 a2 a3 a63 a78 aL aa ab aband abbrevi aber aberration aberrations ability abiotic ablation able abnormal abnormally aboard about above abras abrasion abrupt abruptly abs absc abscissa absence absent absol absolute absolutely absor absorb absorbance absorbed absorber absorbers absorbing absorbs absorp absorption absorptions abstract abund abundance abundances abundant abyssal ac acc acceler accelerate accelerated accelerates accelerating acceleration accelerations accelerator accelerators accelerometer accent accep accept acceptable acceptance accepted access accessed accessible accessory accidental accommod accommodate accommodated accommodation accomp accompan accompanied accompany accompanying accompl accomplish accomplished accord accordance according accordingly accoun account accounted accounting accounts accre accrete accreted accretes accreting accretion accretionary accretor accum accumul accumulate accumulated accumulates accumulating accumulation accumulations accur accuracies accuracy accurate accurately ace acet acetate acetic acetone acetylene ach achie achievable achieve achieved achieves achieving achond achondrites acid acidic acids ackn acknowled acknowledge acknowledged acknowledges acoustic acqui acquire acquired acquires acquiring acquis acquisition across act acted actin acting action actions activ activated activation active actively activities activity acts actu actual actually ad adap adapt adaptation adapted adaptive add added addi adding addition additional additionally additions additive address addressed addresses addressing adds adequ adequate adequately adhe adi adiab adiabat adiabatic adiabatically adj adjacent adjoint adjust adjustable adjusted adjusting adjustment adjustments adm admit admits admittance admitted admix admixture adop adopt adopted adopting adoption adopts adsor adsorbed adsorption adv advance advanced advances advancing advant advantage advantageous advantages advected advection advective advent advocated ae aeolian aer aerial aerodynamic aerogel aeros aerosol aerosols af aff affect affected affecting affects affine affinity afford afore aforementioned after afterglow afterglows afternoon aftershock aftershocks afterslip afterward afterwards ag again against age aged agencies agent agents ages agg agglomer aggreg aggregate aggregated aggregates aggregation aging ago agree agreed agreement agrees agric agricultural ahead ai aid aided aim aimed aiming aims air airborne aircraft airglow airmass ak akin al alarm albed albedo albedos albeit albite alc alcoh alert alg algae algal alge algebra algebraic algor algorithm algorithms ali alias aliasing align aligned alignment alignments aliphatic aliqu aliquot aliquots alk alkal alkali alkaline alkalinity alkane alkanes alken alky alkyl all alle allevi alleviate allocated allow allowable allowed allowing allows alloy alloys allu alluvial almost alone along alongside alpha already also alt alter alteration alterations altered altering altern alternate alternating alternative alternatively alternatives alters although altim altimeter altimetry altit altitude altitudes altogether alumin alumina aluminium aluminosilicate aluminum always am amb ambient ambigu ambiguities ambiguity ambiguous ambipolar amen amenable amino ammon ammonia ammonium among amongst amorph amorphous amount amounts amp amphib amphibole amphibolite ampl ample amplification amplified amplifier amplify amplitude amplitudes amu an ana anaerobic anal analog analogous analogously analogs analogue analogues analogy analy analys analyse analysed analyses analysing analysis analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzer analyzing anc anch anchor anchored ancient ancillary and andes andesite andesites andesitic anelastic ang angle angles angular anhyd anhydrite anhydrous animal animals animation anion anions anisot anisotropic anisotropies anisotropy ann anne annealed annealing annih annihil annihilate annihilating annihilation annihilations annot announced annual annually annular annuli annulus anode anomal anomalies anomalous anomalously anomaly anonymous anorth anorthite anorthosite another anoxic ans ansatz answer answered answers ant anten antenna antennas anth anthrop anthropogenic anti antic anticip anticipate anticipated anticorrelated anticorrelation anticycl anticyclonic antig antim antineut antineutrino antineutrinos antip antiparallel antipodal antiproton antis antisun antisunward antisymmetric anv anvil any anymore anything anyway anywhere ao ap apart apatite aperture apertures apex aphelion apj apo apocent apod apogee app appar apparatus apparent apparently appari appe appealing appear appearance appeared appearing appears appendix applic applicability applicable application applications applied applies apply applying apprec appreci appreciable appreciably appreciate appreciated appro approac approach approached approaches approaching appropri appropriate appropriately approx approxim approximate approximated approximately approximates approximating approximation approximations apsid apsidal aq aqu aquatic aqueous aquifer aquifers ar arXiv arag aragonite arbit arbitr arbitrarily arbitrary arc arcade arch archae architect architecture architectures archival archive archived archives arcmin arcminutes arcs arcsec arcsecond arcseconds are area areal areas arg argon argu arguably argue argued argues arguing argum argument arguments arid arise arises arising arithm arithmetic arm armed arms aromatic arose around arr arrange arranged arrangement array arrays arri arrival arrivals arrive arrived arrives arriving arrow arrows arsen arsenic art arte artefact artefacts article articles artif artifact artifacts artificial artificially as asc ascending ascension ascent ascertain ascribed aseismic ash aside ask asked asp aspect aspects asper asperity aspherical ass assemb assembl assemblage assemblages assemble assembled assembly asser assertion assess assessed assessing assessment assessments assign assigned assigning assignment assignments assim assimil assimilated assimilation assist assistance assisted associ associate associated association associations assum assume assumed assumes assuming assump assumption assumptions assure ast aster asterisk asterisks astero asteroid asteroidal asteroids asteroseismic asteroseismology asthen asthenosphere asthenospheric astro astromet astrometric astrometry astron astronauts astronom astronomers astronomical astronomy astrophys astrophysical astrophysically astrophysics aswhere asy asymmet asymmetric asymmetrical asymmetries asymmetry asymp asympt asympto asymptotic asymptotically asymptotics at ation atlas atm atmos atmosphere atmospheres atmospheric atoll atom atomic atoms att attached attachment attack attain attainable attained attains attemp attempt attempted attempting attempts atten attention attenu attenuated attenuation attitude attract attracted attraction attractive attractor attrib attributable attribute attributed attributes atypical au aug augite augmented aur auror aurora auroral auroras aus austral aut auth authigenic author authors auto autoc autocorrelation autom automated automatic automatically autonom autonomous autumn aux auxiliary av avail availability available aval avalanche avalanches aven aver averag average averaged averages averaging avg avoid avoidance avoided avoiding avoids awa award aware away ax axes axial axially axion axions axis axisymmetric axisymmetry az azimuth azimuthal azimuthally azimuths b b2 back backazimuth background backgrounds backre backreaction backscatter backscattered backscattering backward backwards bacter bacteria bacterial bad bag bal balance balanced balances balancing ball ballistic balloon balloons balls ban band banded bandpass bandpasses bands bandwidth bandwidths bang bank bar bare barely barite barium baroclinic barotropic barred barrier barriers bars bary barycent barycenter barycentric baryogenesis baryon baryonic baryons bas basal basalt basaltic basalts base based baseline baselines basement bases basic basically basin basins basis batch bath bathym bathymetric bathymetry batter bay bb bc bd be beach beads beam beamed beaming beams beamwidth bear bearing bears beat bec became because becom become becomes becoming bed bedded bedding bedrock beds been before beg began begin beginning begins begun beh behav behave behaved behaves behavi behavior behaviors behaviour behaviours behind bei being bel belie belief believe believed belong belonging belongs below belt belts bench benchmark bend bending bends bene beneath benef beneficial benefit benefits bent benthic benz benzene ber bes besides best bet beta better between bey beyond bg bh bi bias biased biases biasing bib bic bicarbonate bidirectional bif bifurc bifurcation big bigger biggest bil bilinear bill billion bimodal bimodality bin binaries binarity binary binding binned binning binomial bins bio bioge biogenic biogeochemical biological biom biomark biomarkers biomass bios biosign biosphere biotic biotite bioturb bip bipolar birefring birth bis bisector bispectrum bit bits bivariate bl black blackbody blank blanket blanketing blanks blast blaz blazar blazars ble blend blended blending blends blind blo blob blobs block blocked blocking blocks bloom blow blown blowout blu blue bluer bluesh blueshift blueshifted blueshifts bluest blueward blur blurred blurring bo board bod bodies body boiling bol bold bolometer bolometric bomb bombardment bon bona bond bonded bonding bonds bone book boost boosted boosting boosts bootstra bootstrap bootstrapping bor border borders bore boreal borehole boreholes born borne boron bos boson bosonic bosons both bott bottle bottles bottom bottomside bould boulder boulders boun bounce bouncing bound boundaries boundary bounded bounding bounds bow box boxcar boxes boxy br bra brach brack bracket bracketed bracketing brackets braking bran branch branched branches branching brane branes braneworld bre break breakdown breaking breakout breaks breakthrough breakup brec brecci breccia breccias brecciated bremsstrahlung brevity brid bridge bridges bridging brief briefly bright brightened brightening brightenings brighter brightest brightness brightnesses brine brines bring bringing brings brittle bro broad broadband broaden broadened broadening broader broadly broken brom brought brown brucite bu bubble bubbles buck bud budget budgets buffer buffered build building builds buildup built bul bulge bulges bulk bump bumps bund bundle bundles buoy buoyancy buoyant bur burial buried burn burned burning burst bursting bursts bursty bus but butterfly by bypass bywhere c c1 c2 cD ca cable cad cadence cal calc calcareous calcification calcite calcium calcul calculate calculated calculates calculating calculation calculations calder caldera calib calibrate calibrated calibrating calibration calibrations calibrator calibrators call called calls calor calorimeter caltech came camera cameras campaign campaigns can canc cancel canceled cancellation cancels cand candid candidate candidates candles cannot canonical canopy canyon cap capabilities capability capable capac capacitance capacities capacity capillary caps capsule capsules caption capture captured captures capturing car carb carbon carbonaceous carbonate carbonates carbonatite carboxyl card care careful carefully carri carried carrier carriers carries carry carrying cart cas casc cascade cascades cascading case cases cast cat catac cataclysmic catalog cataloged catalogs catalogue catalogued catalogues cataly catalytic catast catastrop catastrophe catastrophic catch catchment catchments cate categor categories categorized category cath cathode cation cations caught caus causal causality causally cause caused causes causing caustic caustics cauti caution cav cave caveat caveats cavities cavity cc cd cds cdsarc ce cease ceased ceases celestial cell cells cellular cellulose cement cemented cen census cent center centered centers centim centimet centimeter centimeters centr central centrally centrals centre centred centres centric centrif centrifug centrifugal centro centroid centroids centuries century cer certain certainly certainty cess cessation cf cgs ch cha chain chains chalc chalcopyrite chall challen challenge challenged challenges challenging cham chamber chambers chameleon chance chances change changed changes changing chann channel channels chaos chaotic chap chapter chapters char character characterise characterised characteristic characteristics characterization characterize characterized characterizes characterizing charge charged charges charging chart charts che check checked checking checks chem chemical chemically chemistry cher chert chi chief chiefly child chim chip chips chir chiral chirality chirp chlor chloride chlorine chlorite chlorophyll cho choice choices chond chondr chondrite chondrites chondritic chondrule chondrules choose choosing chorus chose chosen chrom chromat chromatic chromatography chromite chromium chromosphere chromospheric chron chronological chronology ci cir circ circle circled circles circu circuit circul circular circularization circularly circulating circulation circulations circum circumbinary circumn circumnuclear circumst circumstance circumstances circumstellar circumvent cirrus cit cited city civ civil cl claim claimed claims clar clarified clarify clarity class classes classic classical classically classif classification classifications classified classifier classifiers classify classifying clast clastic clasts clath clathrate clay clays cle clean cleaned cleaning clear cleared clearer clearing clearly cleavage cliff clim climat climate climates climatic climatological climatology clin clinopyroxene clinopyroxenes clipped clipping clock clocks clockwise clones clos close closed closely closer closest closing closure cloud clouds cloudy clu clue clues clump clumped clumpiness clumping clumps clumpy clust cluster clustered clustering clusters cm cm2 cm3 cn co coad coadded coag coagulation coal coales coalesc coalesce coalescence coars coarse coarser coast coastal coastline coated coating coatings cob cobal cobalt coc cocoon cod coda code coded codes coding coeffici coefficient coefficients coerc coercivity coesite coeval coex coexist coexistence coexisting coh cohe coheren coherence coherency coherent coherently cohesion cohesive coil coinc coincide coincided coincidence coincidences coincident coincides coinciding col colatitude cold colder coldest coll collabor collaboration collaborators collaps collapse collapsed collapses collapsing colle colleag colleagues collect collected collecting collection collections collective collectively collector collide collider colliding collim collimated collimation collimator collinear collision collisional collisionally collisionless collisions collo collocated colloidal colon color colored colors colour coloured colours column columns com coma comb combination combinations combine combined combines combining combustion come comes comet cometary comets coming comm command commence commencement commens commensur commensurate comment comments commerc commercial commission commissioning common commonly commun communication communications communities community commut commutation commutator comoving comp compac compact compactification compaction compactness compan companion companions compar comparable comparably comparative comparatively compare compared compares comparing comparison comparisons compatibility compatible compelling compens compensate compensated compensates compensating compensation compet compete competi competing competition competitive compilation compilations compile compiled compl comple complement complementary complemented complet complete completed completely completeness completes completion complex complexation complexes complexities complexity compli compliance complic complicate complicated complicates complicating complication complications compo compon component components composed composite composites composition compositional compositionally compositions compound compounds comprehen comprehensive compress compressed compressibility compressible compression compressional compressions compressive compris comprise comprised comprises comprising comprom compromise compromised comput computation computational computationally computations compute computed computer computers computes computing con conc concave conce conceiv conceivable concen concent concentrate concentrated concentrates concentrating concentration concentrations concentric concept concepts conceptual conceptually concern concerned concerning concerns conclu conclude concluded concludes concluding conclusion conclusions conclusive conclusively concomit concomitant concordance concordant concre concrete concur concurrent cond condens condensate condensates condensation condensations condense condensed condition conditional conditioned conditions conduc conducive conduct conductance conducted conducting conduction conductive conductivities conductivity conductor conduit conduits cone cones conf conference confidence confident confidently config configuration configurations configured confine confined confinement confining confir confirm confirmation confirmed confirming confirms conflic conflict conflicting conform conformal conformally confron confused confusion cong conglomer conglomerate congru congruence conical conj conject conjecture conjectured conjug conjugate conjunction conn connect connected connecting connection connections connectivity connects cons consecutive consensus consequ consequence consequences consequent consequently conserv conservation conservative conservatively conserve conserved conserving consid consider considerable considerably consideration considerations considered considering considers consist consisted consistency consistent consistently consisting consists consolidated consp conspic conspicuous const constancy constant constantly constants constellation constit constitu constituent constituents constitute constituted constitutes constituting constitutive constrain constrained constraining constrains constraint constraints construc construct constructed constructing construction constructive consumed consuming consumption cont contact contacts contain contained container containing contains contam contamin contaminant contaminants contaminate contaminated contaminating contamination contemp contempor contemporaneous contemporary content contents contex context contexts contig contiguous contin continent continental continents continu continua continually continuation continue continued continues continuing continuity continuous continuously continuum contour contours contr contra contract contracted contracting contraction contracts contrad contradic contradict contradiction contradictory contradicts contrary contrast contrasted contrasting contrasts contrib contribut contribute contributed contributes contributing contribution contributions contributor contributors contro control controll controlled controller controlling controls controversi controversial controversy conv conve convected convecting convection convective convectively conven convenience convenient conveniently convention conventional conventionally conventions conver converge converged convergence convergent converges converging conversely conversion conversions convert converted converting converts convex convey convinc convincing convincingly convolution convolve convolved convolving cool cooled cooler coolest cooling cools cooper cooperation cooperative coordin coordinate coordinated coordinates coordination cop copies coplanar copper copy cor coral corals core cored cores corner corners coron corona coronae coronagraph coronagraphic coronal corot corotating corotation corr corre correc correct corrected correcting correction corrections correctly corrects correl correlate correlated correlates correlating correlation correlations correlator correlators correspond corresponded correspondence corresponding correspondingly corresponds corro corrobor corroborated corundum cos coseismic cosh cosine cosm cosmic cosmogenic cosmological cosmologically cosmologies cosmology cost costs cot cou could coun count counted counter counterclockwise counterpar counterpart counterparts counters counterter counting countries country counts coupl couple coupled couples coupling couplings cour course cov covari covariance covariances covariant cover coverage covered covering covers cp cpx cr crack cracking cracks crat crater cratered cratering craters craton cratonic cratons cre create created creates creating creation cred credible cree creep cres crescent crest crests crew cri crit criter criteria criterion critic critical critically cro crop cros cross crossed crosses crossing crossings crosso crossover crow crowded crowding cru cruc crucial crucially crud crude cruise crushed crushing crust crustal crusts cry cryogenic cryostat crypt cryst crystal crystall crystalline crystallinity crystallisation crystallization crystallize crystallized crystallographic crystals cs ct cu cub cube cubes cubic cul culture cultures cum cumul cumulate cumulates cumulative cumulus cup cur curious curl curre current currently currents curtain curv curvaton curvature curvatures curve curved curves curvilinear cusp cusps cuspy custom customary cut cutoff cutoffs cuts cutting cx cy cyan cyanobacter cyc cycl cycle cycles cyclic cycling cyclo cyclone cyclones cyclonic cyclotron cylind cylinder cylinders cylindrical cyt cz d d2 dA dB dE dEs dI dM dN dP dR dS dSph dSphs dT dV da daily dam damage damaged damp damped damping danger dangerous dans dark darkened darkening darker das dash dashed dat data database databases datac datas dataset datasets date dated dates dating datum daugh daughter dawn dawnside dawnward day dayglow days dayside daytime dc de dead deal dealing deals dealt death deb debate debated debl debris dec decadal decade decades decay decayed decaying decays deceler decelerated decelerating deceleration decide decided decis decision decisive deck decl declination declinations decline declined declines declining deco decoherence decomp decompose decomposed decomposition decompositions decompression deconv deconvolution deconvolved decorrelation decoupl decouple decoupled decoupling decre decrease decreased decreases decreasing decrement ded dedicated deduc deduce deduced deem deemed deep deepening deeper deepest deeply def default defect defects defer defici deficiencies deficiency deficient deficit deficits defin define defined defines defini defining definite definitely definition definitions definitive definitively defl deflag deflagration deflected deflection deflections defoc deform deformability deformation deformations deformed deforming deg degassed degassing degener degeneracies degeneracy degenerate deglac deglaciation degradation degrade degraded degrades degree degrees dehyd dehydration del delay delayed delays deliber delim deline delineate delineated deliver delivered delivery delta deltas dem demagneti demagnetization demagnetized demand demanding demands demarc demon demonst demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates demonstrating demonstration den dend denitrification denomin denominator denote denoted denotes denoting dens dense densely denser densest densities density denudation dep depar depart departure departures depend depended dependence dependences dependencies dependency dependent depending depends depic depict depicted depicts deple deplet deplete depleted depletion depletions deploy deployed deployment depolar depolarization depos deposit deposited deposition depositional deposits depressed depression depressions depro deprojected deprojection depth depths der dered dereddened deriv derivation derivations derivative derivatives derive derived derives deriving des desc descend descendants descending descent describ describe described describes describing description descriptions deser desert deserves desicc design designate designated designation designed designs desirable desire desired desorption despite dest destabil destro destroy destroyed destruc destruction destructive det detached detachment detail detailed details detect detectability detectable detected detecting detection detections detector detectors detects deter deterior determ determin determinant determination determinations determine determined determines determining deterministic deton detonation detrend detrended detrending detrit detrital detritus deuter deuterated deuterium dev develop developed developing development developments develops devi deviate deviates deviating deviation deviations deviatoric device devices devil devils devised devoid devoted dex dext dextral df di diag diagenesis diagenetic diagn diagnos diagnostic diagnostics diagonal diagram diagrams diam diamagnetic diamet diameter diameters diamond diamonds diap diapir diatom diatoms dic dich dichotom dichotomy dichro dict dictated dictates did die dielectric dies dif diff diffe diffeomorph diffeomorphism diffeomorphisms differ differed difference differences differencing different differenti differential differentially differentiate differentiated differentiating differentiation differently differing differs diffic difficul difficult difficulties difficulty diffraction diffu diffus diffuse diffused diffusing diffusion diffusive diffusivities diffusivity dig diges digestion digit digital digitized digits dike dikes dil dilat dilation dilaton dilute diluted dilution dim dimension dimensional dimensionality dimensionless dimensions dimin diminish diminished diminishes diminishing dimmer dimming din diode diogen diogenites diopside dioxide dip dipolar dipolarization dipole dipoles dipping dips direc direct directed direction directional directions directly dirty dis disadvant disadvantage disag disagree disagreement disapp disappear disappearance disappeared disappears disc discard discarded discarding discern discerned discernible disch discharge discharges discip discon disconnected discontinu discontinuities discontinuity discontinuous discordant discover discovered discoveries discovery discr discre discrep discrepancies discrepancy discrepant discrete discreteness discreti discretization discretized discrimin discriminant discriminate discriminating discrimination discriminator discs discus discuss discussed discusses discussing discussion discussions disentang disentangle disequilibrium disfav disfavored dish disinteg disintegration disk disks disl dislocation dislocations dism dismiss disorder disordered disp dispar disparity disper dispersal disperse dispersed dispersion dispersions dispersive displ displace displaced displacement displacements display displayed displaying displays disposal disproportion disreg disrup disrupt disrupted disruption disruptions diss dissi dissim dissimilar dissip dissipate dissipated dissipates dissipation dissipative dissoci dissociated dissociation dissociative dissolution dissolve dissolved dissolving dist distal distance distances distant distill distillation distilled distinc distinct distinction distinctive distinctly distingu distinguish distinguishable distinguished distinguishes distinguishing distort distorted distortion distortions distrib distribute distributed distribution distributions district disturb disturbance disturbances disturbed disturbing dit dither dithered diurnal div divalent diver diverg diverge divergence divergences divergent diverges diverging diverse diversity divide divided divides dividing division dl dm dn do doc docum document documentation documented documents does dof doi doing dol dolom dolomite dom domain domains dome domes domin dominance dominant dominantly dominate dominated dominates dominating domination don done donor donors doped dose doses dot dots dotted dou doub double doubled doubles doublet doublets doubling doubly doubt dovich dow down downd downflow downflows downgoing download downloaded downsizing downslope downstream downt downward downwards downwelling downwind dozen dp dpm dr dra drag dragged dragging drain drainage drained draining dramatic dramatically drap draped draping drastic drastically draw drawback drawbacks drawing drawn draws dred dredge dri dried drier drift drifting drifts drill drilled drilling drip drive driven driver drivers drives driving dro drop droplet droplets dropout dropouts dropped dropping drops drought dry drying ds dt du dual duality dub dubbed duc duct ductile due dump dun dune dunes dunite dupl duplicate duration durations during dusk duskside duskward dust dusty duty dv dwarf dwarfs dx dy dyke dykes dyn dynam dynamic dynamical dynamically dynamics dynamo dynamos dz e e2 eR eV each ear earlier earliest early earth earthqu earthquake earthquakes earthward eas ease easier easiest easily east easter easterly eastern eastward easy ec eccentric eccentricities eccentricity ech echel echelle echo echoes eclip eclipse eclipses eclipsing ecliptic eclog eclogite eclogites ecological econom economic ecosystem ecosystems ed edd eddies eddy edge edges edi edific edifice edited editing edition editor eds edu ee ef eff effect effective effectively effectiveness effects effic efficacy effici efficiencies efficiency efficient efficiently effort efforts eg egress ei eig eigen eigenf eigenfrequencies eigenfunction eigenfunctions eigenm eigenmode eigenmodes eigens eigenst eigenstates eigenv eigenvalue eigenvalues eigenvector eigenvectors eight eighth either ej eject ejecta ejected ejection ejections el elabor elaborate elaborated elapsed elastic elasticity ele elec elect electric electrical electrically electro electrode electrodes electrodynam electrodynamic electrodynamics electrojet electroly electrolyte electrom electromagnetic electron electronic electronics electrons electrostatic electroweak eleg elegant element elemental elementary elements elev elevated elevation elevations eleven elimin eliminate eliminated eliminates eliminating elimination ellip ellipse ellipses ellipso ellipsoid ellipsoidal ellipsoids elliptic elliptical ellipticals ellipticities ellipticity elong elongate elongated elongation else elsevier elsewhere elu elucid elucidate elusive em eman emanating emb embed embedded embedding embry embryo embryos emerg emerge emerged emergence emergent emerges emerging emis emission emissions emissivities emissivity emit emits emitted emitter emitters emitting emp emphas emphasis emphasize emphasized emphasizes emphasizing empir empirical empirically empl emplaced emplacement emplo employ employed employing employs empty en enab enable enabled enables enabling enc encaps ence encirc encircled encl enclose enclosed encloses enclosing encode encoded encodes encomp encompass encompasses encompassing encoun encounter encountered encountering encounters encoura encourag encourage encouraging end ended ending endm endmember endmembers endpoint endpoints ends energ energe energetic energetically energetics energies energization energized energy energymomentum enfor enforce enforced eng engine engineering engines engulf enh enhance enhanced enhancement enhancements enhances enhancing enig enigmatic enl enlarge enlarged enorm enormous enough enrich enriched enrichment enrichments ens ensemble ensembles enstatite ensuing ensure ensured ensures ensuring ent entails entang entangled entanglement enter entered entering enters enthal enthalpy enti entire entirely entirety entit entities entrain entrained entrainment entrance entries entropies entropy entry env envelop envelope envelopes environ environment environmental environments envis envisaged envision eo eolian ep ephem ephemer ephemerides ephemeris epic epicent epicenter epicentral epicentre epicyclic epid epidote epis episode episodes episodic epithermal epoch epochs epoxy eq eqn eqs equ equa equal equality equally equals equating equation equations equator equatorial equatorward equid equidistant equilateral equilib equilibrate equilibrated equilibration equilibria equilibrium equin equinoctial equinox equinoxes equip equipartition equipment equipotential equipped equival equivalence equivalent equivalently equivalents er era erased erg ergs ero eroded erosion erosional err erratic errone erroneous erroneously error errors erup erupted erupting eruption eruptions eruptive es esc escap escape escaped escapes escaping espec especially ess essence essential essentially est estab establ establish established establishes establishing establishment estim estimate estimated estimates estimating estimation estimations estimator estimators estu estuarine estuary et etal etc etch etched ethan ethane ethanol ethyl eu euc eucrite eucrites euhedral eut eutectic eux ev evacu evacuated evalu evaluate evaluated evaluating evaluation evaluations evan evanescent evap evapor evaporate evaporated evaporating evaporation evaporative evaporite evaporites evapotranspiration even evening evenly event events eventual eventually ever every everything everywhere evid evidence evidenced evidences evident evidently evolution evolutionary evolutions evolve evolved evolves evolving ex exacer exact exactly exagger exam examination examine examined examines examining example examples exc excav excavated excavation exceed exceeded exceeding exceedingly exceeds excell excellent except exception exceptional exceptionally exceptions exces excess excesses excessive exch exchange exchanged exchanges excitation excitations excite excited exciting exclu exclude excluded excludes excluding exclusion exclusive exclusively excur excursion excursions exec executed execution exempl exemplified exer exerc exercise exert exerted exerts exh exhaus exhaust exhausted exhaustive exhib exhibit exhibited exhibiting exhibits exhumation exhumed exist existed existence existing exists exit exo exob exobase exopl exoplanet exoplanetary exoplanets exosphere exospheric exothermic exotic exp expan expand expanded expanding expands expansion expansions expect expectation expectations expected expects exped expelled expense expensive exper experi experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experimentally experiments expl explain explained explaining explains explan explanation explanations explicit explicitly explo explode exploding exploit exploited exploiting exploration explore explored explores exploring explosion explosions explosive expon exponent exponential exponentially exponents export expose exposed exposure exposures express expressed expresses expressing expression expressions expulsion exs exsolution ext extant extend extended extending extends extensi extension extensional extensions extensive extensively extent extents exterior external externally extinc extinct extinction extinctions extr extra extract extracted extracting extraction extractions extracts extragalactic extraordin extraordinary extrap extrapolate extrapolated extrapolating extrapolation extrapolations extras extrasolar extrat extraterrestrial extratropical extrem extrema extremal extreme extremely extremes extremum extrinsic extru extrusion ey eye f f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 fa fabric fabrics fac face faced faces facet facets facies facilit facilitate facilitated facilitates facilitating facilities facility facing fact factor factors facts faculae fade faded fades fading fail failed fails failure failures fain faint fainter faintest faintness fair fairly faith fake fall fallback fallen falling falloff fallout falls false fam famil familiar families family famous fan fans far farther farthest fasc fash fashion fast faster fastest fat fate fatty fault faulting faults fav favor favorable favored favoring favors favour favourable favoured favours fay fayalite fb fc fe feas feasibility feasible feat feature featureless features featuring fed feed feedback feedbacks feeding feeds feel feld feldspar feldspars feldspathic fell fels felsic felt fer ferm fermion fermionic fermions ferri ferric ferrihydrite ferro ferroan ferrom ferromagnetic ferrous fertil fertile few fewer ff fi fib fiber fibers fibr fibre fibres fic fictitious fid fide fidel fidelity fiducial field fielded fielding fields fift fifth fig figs figure figures fil filam filament filamentary filaments file files fill filled filling fills film films filt filter filtered filtering filters filtration fin final finally financ financial find finder finding findings finds fine finely finer fines finest fing finger fingers finished finite fir fire fireball fires firm firmly first firstly fis fish fission fissure fit fits fitted fitting fittings five fix fixation fixed fixes fixing fl flag flagged flagging flags flame flank flanks flare flared flares flaring flas flash flashes flat flatness flats flatten flattened flattening flattens flatter flav flavor flavors flavour flaw flex flexibility flexible flexural flexure flick flickering flight flights flip flo float floating flood flooding floodpl floods floor floors flow flowing flown flows flu fluctu fluctuate fluctuates fluctuating fluctuation fluctuations fluence fluences fluid fluids fluor fluores fluorescence fluorescent fluorine fluvial flux fluxes fly flyby flybys flying fm fn fo foF2 foam foc focal focus focused focuses focusing foil foils fol fold folded folding foldings folds foliation follow followed following follows food foot footnote footp footpoint footpoints footprint footprints footwall for foramin foraminifer foraminifera foraminiferal forb forbidden forc force forced forces forcing forcings fore forearc forec forecast forecasting forecasts foreground foregrounds foreland foresh foreshock forest forests form formal formaldehyde formalism formally format formation formations formed former formerly forming forms formula formulae formulas formulate formulated formulation formulations forsterite fort forth forthcoming fortu fortun forward fossil fossils found foundation fountain four fourth fr frac fract fractal fraction fractional fractionated fractionation fractionations fractions fracture fractured fractures fracturing frag fragment fragmentation fragmented fragments fram frame frames framework fre free freedom freely freeze freezing frequ frequencies frequency frequent frequently fres fresh freshly freshwater fri fric friction frictional friends fring fringe fringes fro from fron front frontal fronts frost frozen fruit fruitful fs ft ftp fu fuel fug fugacity ful fulf fulfill fulfilled full fuller fully fumar fun func function functional functionality functionals functions fund fundam fundament fundamental fundamentally funded funding funnel fur furn furnace further furthermore fused fusion future fuzz fuzzy g ga gab gabb gabbro gabbroic gabbros gadget gain gained gains gal galactic galactocentric galax galaxies galaxy galfit gall gamma gap gaps garn garnet garnets gas gaseous gases gate gather gathered gau gauge gauged gauges gaugino gaus gaussian gave gc ge gel gen gene gener general generality generalization generalizations generalize generalized generalizes generally generate generated generates generating generation generations generator generators generic generically genesis genetic gent gentle gently genu genuine genus geo geocentric geochem geochemical geochemistry geochron geochronology geocor geodes geodesic geodesics geodetic geodynam geodynamic geoeff geographic geographical geoid geologic geological geologically geology geomagnetic geomagnetically geomet geometric geometrical geometrically geometries geometry geomorph geomorphic geophys geophysical geophysics geopotential geos geost geostationary geostrophic geosynchronous geother geotherm geothermal german germanium get gets getting gf gg gh ghost ghosts giant giants gib gibbsite gif gig github giv give given gives giving gl glac glaci glacial glaciation glacier glaciers glance glass glasses glassy glitch glitches glob global globally globe globular globule globules glow glu gluon glyc glycine gm gneiss gneisses go goal goals goes goethite going gold gone good goodness got gou gouge gov gover govern governed governing government governs gr gra grab graben grad grade gradi gradient gradients gradual gradually grain grained grains gram gran grand granit granite granites granitic granitoids granodior granodiorite grant grants granul granular granulation granules granulite granulites graph graphic graphical graphically graphite graphs grass grate grateful gratefully grating gratings grav gravel gravi gravit gravitating gravitation gravitational gravitationally gravities gravitino graviton gravitons gravity gray grayscale grazing gre great greater greatest greatly green greenhouse greenstone grew grey grid gridded grids grinding grism grl gro groo grooves gross ground grounding groundmass grounds groundwater groundwaters group grouped grouping groupings groups grow growing grown grows growth gs gsfc gt gu guarant guarantee guaranteed guarantees guess guid guidance guide guided guidelines guiding gullies gully gun gy gypsum gyr gyre gyro gyrofrequency gyroradi gyroradius h hPa ha hab habit habitability habitable habitat had hadron hadronic hadrons haem haematite hair hal half halite halo haloes halogen halos halves hamp hampered hand handed handful handle handled handling hanging happ happen happened happening happens har harb harbor harbour hard hardening harder hardly hardness hardware harmon harmonic harmonics harvard harzburg harzburgite has hat hatched have having haz hazard hazards haze hc he head header heads health hear heart heat heated heater heating heats heav heavier heaviest heavily heavy height heights hel held heli helical helicity heliocentric heliographic heliopause heliosheath heliosphere heliospheric helium help helped helpful helping helps hem hematite hemisp hemisphere hemispheres hemispheric hemispherical hence henceforth hep her here hereafter herein hereinafter het heter hetero heterogene heterogeneities heterogeneity heterogeneous heuristic hex hexagonal hi hiatus hib hibonite hidden hierarch hierarchical hierarchy hig high higher highest highl highland highlands highlight highlighted highlighting highlights highly highs hill hills him hind hinder hing hint hints his hiss hist histogram histograms histor historic historical historically histories history hit hitherto hits hm hmF2 ho hoc hod hol hold holder holding holds hole holes hollow holog holographic holonomy hom home homogen homogeneity homogeneous homogeneously homogenization homogenized homogenous homolog homologous hop hope hoped horiz horizon horizons horizont horizontal horizontally horn hornblende horseshoe host hosted hosting hosts hot hotspot hotspots hotter hottest hour hourly hours hous house how howard however hr href htm html http https huge hum human humans humic humid humidity hump hundred hundreds hur hurricane hy hybrid hyd hydr hydra hydrate hydrated hydrates hydration hydraulic hydro hydrocar hydrocarbon hydrocarbons hydrodynam hydrodynamic hydrodynamical hydrodynamics hydrog hydrogen hydrogenation hydrolog hydrologic hydrological hydrology hydrolysis hydromagnetic hydroph hydrostatic hydrothermal hydrous hydrox hydroxide hydroxides hydroxy hydroxyl hyp hyper hyperb hyperbol hyperbolic hyperfine hypergeometric hyperons hyperparamet hyperparameters hypers hypersurface hypersurfaces hypervelocity hypocent hypocenter hypocentral hypocentre hypot hypothe hypotheses hypothesis hypothesize hypothesized hypothetical hysteresis i i0 iO iPTF iS ia ic ice iceberg ices icy id ide idea ideal idealized ideally ideas iden identi identical identically identif identifiable identification identifications identified identifier identifies identify identifying identities identity ie if ig ign igneous ignition ignor ignore ignored ignores ignoring ii iii ij ik il ill illite illumin illuminate illuminated illuminating illumination illust illustrate illustrated illustrates illustrating illustration illustrative ilmenite im imag image imaged imager imagers imagery images imaginary imagine imaging imbal imbalance imm immediate immediately immers immersed immisc immob immobile imp impac impact impacted impacting impactor impactors impacts imparted imped impedance imper imperfect imping impinging impl implantation implanted implau implausible implement implementation implementations implemented implementing implements implic implication implications implicit implicitly implied implies imply implying import importance important importantly impose imposed imposes imposing impossible impractical impression impressive imprint imprinted imprints impro improb improbable improve improved improvement improvements improves improving impul impulse impulsive impurities impurity in inability inac inaccessible inaccur inaccuracies inaccuracy inaccurate inactive inadequ inadequate inapp inappropriate inbound inc inch incidence incident incipient incision incl inclination inclinations inclined inclu includ include included includes including inclusion inclusions inclusive inco incoherent incoming incomp incompatible incomplet incomplete incompleteness incompressible incon inconclusive incons inconsist inconsistencies inconsistency inconsistent incor incorp incorpor incorporate incorporated incorporates incorporating incorporation incorrect incorrectly incre increas increase increased increases increasing increasingly increment incremental increments incub incubation incur ind indeb indebted indeed indef independ independence independent independently index indexes indic indicate indicated indicates indicating indication indications indicative indicator indicators indices indirect indirectly indistinguishable indiv individ individual individually individuals induc induce induced induces inducing induction inductive inductively indust industrial industry ineff ineffective ineffici inefficient inelastic inequ inequalities inequality iner inert inertia inertial inev inevitable inevitably inf infall infalling infer inference inferences inferior inferred inferring infilt infiltration infinite infinitely infinites infinitesimal infinity infl inflated inflation inflationary inflaton inflection inflow inflowing inflows influ influence influenced influences influencing influx inform information informative informed infrared infrasound infrastructure infrequ ing ingoing ingred ingredient ingredients ingress inh inhab inher inherent inherently inherited inhib inhibit inhibited inhibition inhibits inhomogene inhomogeneities inhomogeneity inhomogeneous ini init initi initial initialization initialized initially initiate initiated initiating initiation initio inj inject injected injecting injection injections inland inlet inline inlineGraphic inn inner innermost innov inorganic input inputs ins insensi insensitive inser insert inserted inserting insertion inset insets inside insight insights insignificant insolation insoluble insp inspect inspected inspecting inspection inspir inspiral inspired inst instabilities instability install installation installed instance instances instant instantaneous instantaneously instanton instead institution instruc instructive instrum instrument instrumental instrumentation instruments insuffici insufficient insulating int intact integ integer integers integra integrable integral integrals integrand integrate integrated integrates integrating integration integrations integrator intell intellig intend intended intense intensi intensif intensification intensified intensities intensity intensive intensively intention inter interac interact interacted interacting interaction interactions interactive interacts interannual interarm interc intercal intercept intercepts interchange intercon interconnected interd interest interested interesting interestingly interests interf interface interfaces interfacial interfer interfere interference interferences interferogram interferograms interferometer interferometers interferometric interferometry interg intergalactic interglacial intergranular interior interiors interl interlayer interlopers intermedi intermediate intermitt intermittency intermittent intern internal internally international interp interpl interplanetary interplay interpolate interpolated interpolating interpolation interpre interpret interpretation interpretations interpreted interpreting interrel interrupted inters intersect intersecting intersection intersections intersects interseismic interstellar interstitial intert interval intervals interven intervening intimately into intr intra intrac intracluster intraplate intric intrigu intriguing intrins intrinsic intrinsically introduc introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction intru intruded intrusion intrusions intrusive intu intui intuition intuitive intuitively inund inv invalid invaluable invari invariably invariance invariant invariants invent inventories inventory inver inverse inversely inversion inversions invert inverted inverting invest investig investigate investigated investigates investigating investigation investigations investigators invis inviscid invisible invok invoke invoked invoking involve involved involvement involves involving inward inwards io iod iodine ion ionic ionisation ionised ionization ionize ionized ionizing ionogram ionograms ionopause ionosonde ionosphere ionospheric ions ip ipac ir iraf iron irons irradi irradiance irradiated irradiation irre irreduc irreducible irreg irregular irregularities irregularity irregularly irrelev irrelevant irrespective irreversible irrig is isent isentropic island islands iso isobar isobaric isoc isochron isochrone isochrones isochrons isocurvature isod isolate isolated isolating isolation isomer isomers isometry isop isoph isophotal isophote isophotes isopyc isos isospin isostatic isot isother isotherm isothermal isotherms isotop isotope isotopes isotopic isotopically isotopolog isotopologue isotopologues isotrop isotropic isotropically isotropy isov iss issue issues ist iswhere it italic item items iter iterated iteration iterations iterative iteratively its itself ity iv ix j jack jackknife jar jarosite jet jets jg jgra jgre jitter jo job join joined joining joint jointly jour journal jovian ju jud judge judged jump jumps junction junctions jus just justif justification justified justifies justify juven juvenile k k2 kA kG kHz kJ kK kPa kR kSZ kT kV kW ka kam kamacite kaol kaolinite kappa kb kbar kcal ke keV keep keeping keeps kept ker kern kernel kernels kerogen ket key kg kick kicks kil kilo kilomet kilometer kilometers kilometres kilonova kiloparsec kiloparsecs kim kimberl kimberlite kimberlites kin kind kindly kinds kine kinema kinematic kinematical kinematically kinematics kinetic kinetics kink kinks kl km kms kn knee knot knots know knowing knowledge known komati kpc kr ks kurt kurtosis ky kyr l l0 lO la lab label labeled labelled labels labile laboratories laboratory lac lack lacking lacks lacustrine lad ladder lag lagged lags laid lake lakes lam lamellae lamin laminar laminated lamp lamps lan land lander landforms landing lands landsc landscape landscapes landsl landslide landslides landward lane lanes lang language lanthan lapse lar larg large largely larger largest las laser lasers last lasted lasting lasts lat late latent later lateral laterally latest latex latit latitude latitudes latitudinal latter lattice launc launch launched launches launching lav lava lavas law laws lay layer layered layering layers layout lb lc le leach leached leaching lead leader leaders leading leads leaf leak leakage leap lear learn learned learning least leave leaves leaving led left leftmost leg legacy legend legs lem lemma len lends leng length lengthen lengths lengthy lens lensed lenses lensing lenticular lep lept leptogenesis lepton leptonic leptons les less lesser let letter letters letting leuc lev level levels lever lh lherz lherzolite li lib liber liberated libraries library libration lic lid lidar lie lies life lifetime lifetimes lift lifted lifting lig ligand ligands light lightcur lightcurve lightcurves lighter lightest lightning lign lignin lik like likelihood likelihoods likely likewise lim limb limest limestone limestones limit limitation limitations limited limiting limits lin line lineaments linear linearity linearization linearized linearly lineations lined lines linewidth linewidths link linkage linked linking links lip lipid lipids liqu liquid liquids liquidus list listed listing lists lit liter literature lith lithic lithium lithological lithologies lithology lithophile lithosphere lithospheric little live lived lives living ll lm ln lo load loaded loading loads lobate lobe lobes loc local localised localities locality localization localized locally locate located locating location locations loci lock locked locking locus loess log logarithm logarithmic logarithmically logarithms logic logical lognormal logs lon long longer longest longit longitude longitudes longitudinal longitudinally longward longwave look looked looking looks loop loops loose loosely lopsided los lose loses losing loss losses lost lot loud loudness low lower lowered lowering lowermost lowers lowest lowlands lows ls lt lumin luminescence luminosities luminosity luminous lump lunar ly lying m m2 m3 mA mC mG mHz mJy mK mL mM mT mV mW ma mac mach machine macro macrom macroscopic made mafic mag magenta maghemite magma magmas magmatic magmatism magn magnes magnesian magnesite magnesium magnet magnetar magnetars magneti magnetic magnetically magnetism magnetite magnetization magnetizations magnetized magneto magnetogram magnetograms magnetohydrodynam magnetohydrodynamic magnetohydrodynamics magnetometer magnetometers magnetopause magnetorotational magnetos magnetosheath magnetosonic magnetosphere magnetospheres magnetospheric magnetot magnetotail magnification magnifications magnified magnitude magnitudes mail main mainly mainshock maintain maintained maintaining maintains maintenance major majority make makes making mal man manage managed management mand maneu maneuver mang manganese manif manifest manifestation manifestations manifested manifestly manifests manifold manifolds manip manipulation manner mant mantle mantles manual manually manufact manusc manuscript many map mapped mapping maps mar mare marg margin marginal marginalize marginalized marginalizing marginally margins maria marine mark marked markedly marker markers market marking marks marsh martian mas maser masers mask masked masking masks mass masses massif massive massless master mat match matched matches matching material materials math mathema mathematical mathematically mathematics mathvariant mation matrices matrix matter matters maturation mature maturity max maxim maxima maximal maximally maximize maximized maximizes maximizing maximum may maybe mb mbar mbs mbsf mc me mea mean meaning meaningful means meant meas measurable measure measured measurement measurements measures measuring mechan mechanical mechanically mechanics mechanism mechanisms med medi media median medians mediated mediator medium meet meeting meets meg mega megac megacryst megathrust mel melilite melt melted melting melts meltwater mem memb member members membership membrane memory men ment mental mention mentioned mentioning ments mer mercury mere merely merg merge merged merger mergers merges merging merid meridian meridional merit merits mes mesa mesh meshes meso meson mesons mesopause mesoscale mesosphere mesospheric mesostasis mess message met meta metab metabol metabolic metabolism metal metall metallic metallicities metallicity metals metamorph metamorphic metamorphism metamorphosed metas metased metasom metasomatic metasomatism metast metastable meteor meteoric meteorite meteorites meteoritic meteoroid meteoroids meteorological meteorology meteors meter meters meth methan methane methanol method methodologies methodology methods methyl metres metric metrics mf mg mi mic mica micas micro microb microbial microc microf microg microgravity microl microlensing micromet micrometeor micrometeorites micron microns microorgan microorganisms microp microphys microphysical microphysics microprobe microquas micros microsc microscope microscopic microscopy microse microstructure microstructures microturb microturbulence microturbulent microwave mid midday middle midl midlatitude midlatitudes midnight midplane midpoint mig might migrate migrated migrates migrating migration mil mild mildly milit military mill milli millimeter millimetre million millions millisec millisecond milliseconds mim mimic mimick mimicking mimics min mind mine miner mineral mineralization mineralog mineralogical mineralogy minerals mini minih minihal minim minima minimal minimally minimization minimize minimized minimizes minimizing minimum mining minor minority minus minute minutes mir mirror mirroring mirrors mis misal misaligned misalignment misc misclassified misfit misle misleading mism mismatch miss missed missing mission missions mist mistaken mit mitig mitigate mitigated mitigation mix mixed mixes mixing mixture mixtures ml mm mmag mml mmol mn mnr2 mo mob mobile mobility mobilization mock mocks mod modal mode model modeled modeling modelled modelling models moder moderate moderately modern modes modest modestly modification modifications modified modifies modify modifying modular modulate modulated modulating modulation modulations module modules moduli modulo modulus moist moisture mol molal molar mole molec molecular molecule molecules moles molten molyb molybden moment momenta moments momentum mon monazite monitor monitored monitoring monitors mono monoch monochromatic monod monoenergetic monol monolithic monomer monomers monop monopole monopoles monot monoton monotonic monotonically monoxide monso monsoon month monthly months montmorillonite moon moons mor more moreover morning morph morphologic morphological morphologically morphologies morphology mort mosa mosaic mosaics most mostly mot mother motion motions motiv motivate motivated motivates motivation motivations motor mound mounds mount mountain mountains mounted mounting mouth move moved movement movements moves movie moving mp mrow ms msub mt mu much mud mudstone mul multi multiband multic multicomponent multid multidimensional multifract multifractal multifrequency multilayer multim multip multiphase multipl multiple multiples multiplet multiplets multiplication multiplicative multiplicity multiplied multiplier multipliers multiply multiplying multipolar multipole multipoles multiscale multispectral multitude multiv multivariate multiwavelength muon muons musc muscovite must mut mutual mutually my myl myster mystery n nA nM nPa nT na nadir naive naively nak naked nakhl nam name named namely names nan nano nanop nanoparticles napp narrow narrowband narrower narrowing nas nasa nascent nat natal nation national native natural naturally nature nav navigation nd ne near nearby nearer nearest nearly neb nebul nebula nebulae nebular nebulosity necess necessarily necessary necessit necessity neck need needed needle needs neg negative negatively negl neglect neglected neglecting neglects neglig negligible negligibly neighb neighbor neighborhood neighboring neighbors neighbour neighbourhood neighbouring neighbours neither neon nep nephe nepheline nested net netic network networks neu neur neural neurons neut neutral neutralino neutralinos neutrality neutrals neutrin neutrino neutrinos neutron neutrons never nevertheless new newer newly next ng ni nic nice nicely nickel night nightglow nightly nights nightside nighttime nin nine nit nitr nitrate nitric nitrogen nl nm nmol nn no noaa noble nod nodal node nodes nodule nodules nois noise noises noisier noisy nom nomenclature nominal nominally non nonadiabatic nonaxis nonaxisymmetric nonc noncommut noncommutative noncon nond nondeg nondet nondetection nondimensional none nonequilibrium nonetheless nong nonl nonlinear nonlinearities nonlinearity nonlocal nonm nonmigrating nonmin nonminimal nonneg nonp nonperturb nonperturbative nonradi nonradial nonrelativistic nonresonant nonrotating nons nonsing nonsingular nonsp nonspherical nonspinning nonst nonstandard nont nonthermal nontri nontrivial nonun nonuniform nonvanishing nonzero noon nor norm normal normalisation normalised normalization normalizations normalize normalized normalizing normally normals normative nort north northeast northeastern northern northernmost northward northwest northwestern nose not notable notably notation notations note noted notes noteworthy nothing notic notice noticeable noticeably noticed noticing noting notion nova novae novel now np nr ns nt nu nuc nucle nuclear nucleated nucleation nuclei nucleon nucleons nucleosynthesis nucleosynthetic nucleus nuclide nuclides nug nuggets nuisance null nulling nulls num number numbered numbers numer numerator numerical numerically numerous nut nutation nutri nutrient nutrients o ob obey obeying obeys obj object objective objectives objects obl oblate oblateness obliqu oblique obliquity obs obsc obscuration obscure obscured obscuring obser observ observability observable observables observation observational observationally observations observatories observatory observe observed observer observers observes observing obstac obstacle obstacles obtain obtained obtaining obtains obvious obviously oc occ occas occasional occasionally occasions occul occultation occultations occulted occup occupation occupied occupies occupy occupying occur occurred occurrence occurrences occurring occurs oce ocean oceanic oceans oct octa octahed octahedral octup octupole od odd odds of off offer offered offering offers official offs offset offsets offshore often oh ohmic oi oil oils ol old older oldest olig oliv olivine olivines om omission omit omitted omitting omn on onboard once one ones ongoing online only onset onsets onshore onto onwards oo ooo op opacities opacity opal opaque open opened opening opens oper operate operated operates operating operation operational operations operator operators oph ophi ophiol ophiolite ophiolites opin opinion opp opportun opportunities opportunity opposed opposing opposite oppositely opposition opt optic optical optically optics optim optimal optimally optimistic optimization optimize optimized optimizing optimum option options opx or orange orb orbit orbital orbitals orbiter orbiting orbits ord order ordered ordering orders ordin ordinary ordinate ore ores org organ organic organics organisms organization organized orient orientation orientations oriented orig origin original originally originate originated originates originating origins orogen orogenic orogeny orth ortho orthog orthogonal orthogonality orthonormal orthopyroxene os oscill oscillate oscillates oscillating oscillation oscillations oscillator oscillators oscillatory osculating osm ot other others otherwise ou ought our ours ourselves out outbound outburst outbursts outc outcome outcomes outcrop outcrops outer outermost outflow outflowing outflows outg outgassing outgoing outl outlet outlier outliers outline outlined outlines outlying outper output outputs outside outskir outskirts outstanding outward outwards ov oval oven over overabund overabundance overall overbur overburden overc overcome overd overdense overdensities overdensity overestim overestimate overestimated overestimates overestimation overflow overg overhead overl overlaid overlain overlap overlapped overlapping overlaps overlay overlook overlooked overly overlying overp overplot overplotted overpredic overpress overpressure overr overriding overs oversh overshoot overshooting oversimpl overt overtone overtones overturn overturning overview overw overwhel overwhelming ow owing own ox oxalate oxic oxid oxidation oxidative oxide oxides oxidized oxidizing oxy oxygen oxyhyd oxyhydrox oxyhydroxides ozone p p2 pCO pH pP pT pV pa pack package packages packed packet packets packing pad page pages paid pair paired pairing pairs pairwise pal palae palaeo palaeomagnetic pale paleo paleoclim paleointensity paleol paleomagnetic pan panc pancake panel panels paper papers par para parab parabol parabola parabolic parad paradigm paradox paragraph paragraphs parall parallactic parallax parallaxes parallel param paramagnetic paramet parameter parameterization parameterizations parameterize parameterized parameters parametri parametric parametrization parametrizations parametrize parametrized parc parcel parcels parent parental parentheses parenthesis parity parsec parsecs part parti partial partially partic particip participants participate participating participation particle particles particular particularly particulate partition partitioned partitioning partly partner partners parts pass passage passages passband passbands passed passes passing passive passively past pat patch patches patchy path paths pathway pathways pattern patterns paucity pay payload payloads pb pc pdf pe peak peaked peaking peaks peat peb pebble pebbles pec peculi peculiar peculiarities peculiarity ped pedestal peg pegm pel pelagic pell pen penal penalty pend pendulum penet penetrate penetrated penetrates penetrating penetration peninsula pent pentlandite penum penumbra penumbral people per perature perc perce perceived percent percentage percentages percenti percentile percentiles perchlor perchlorate percolation perfect perfectly perform performance performances performed performing performs perhaps peri periapsis periastron peric pericent pericenter pericentre pericentric perido peridotite peridotites perig perigee perihelion perimeter period periodic periodically periodicities periodicity periodogram periodograms periods peripher peripheral periphery perm permafrost perman permanent permanently perme permeability permeable permission permit permits permitted permitting permittivity permut perovsk perovskite perp perpendicular pers persist persisted persistence persistent persists personal perspective perspectives pertain pertaining pertinent pertur perturb perturbation perturbations perturbative perturbatively perturbed perturber perturbing pervas pervasive pes pet petro petrogen petrogenesis petrograph petrographic petroleum petrolog petrologic petrological petrology pg ph phantom phase phased phases phasing phen phenocrysts phenomen phenomena phenomenological phenomenologically phenomenology phenomenon philos phlogopite phon phonon phosph phosphate phosphates phosphorus phot photo photoc photochemical photochemistry photod photodiss photodissociation photoelectric photoelectron photoelectrons photoev photoevapor photoevaporation photograph photographic photographs photoion photoionization photoionized photolysis photom photomet photometer photometric photometrically photometry photomultipl photomultiplier photon photons photop photosphere photospheres photospheric photosynthesis photosynthetic phy phyll phyllosilic phyllosilicate phyllosilicates phys physi physic physical physically physics phyt phytoplankton pi pic pick picked picking picks pickup picture pictures pie piec piece pieces piecewise pier pig pige pigeonite pil pile piles pileup pill pillow pilot pin pink pinning pion pioneer pioneering pions pip pipe pipeline pipelines piston pit pitch pits piv pivot pix pixel pixels pk pl place placed placement places placing plag plage plagioclase plain plains plan planar plane planes planet planetary planetes planetesimal planetesimals planets plank plankton planktonic planned planning plans plant plants plas plasm plasma plasmapause plasmas plasmasp plasmasphere plasmaspheric plasmoid plasmoids plastic plat plate plateau plateaus plates platform platforms platinum plau plausible plausibly play played playing plays ple plot plots plotted plotting plu plug plume plumes plung plunge plus plut pluton plutonic plutons pm pn po pock pocket pockets poin point pointed pointing pointings pointlike points pol polar polarimeter polarimetric polarimetry polarisation polarities polarity polarization polarizations polarized polars pole poles poleward polic policy polished political poll pollen pollut polluted pollution poloidal poly polyc polycrystalline polycyclic polyg polygon polygonal polygons polym polymer polymerization polymict polymorph polyn polynomial polynomials polyp polys polyt polytrope polytropic pond ponds pool pools poor poorer poorly pop popular populate populated populating population populations por pore pores porewater porosities porosity porous porph porphy porphyritic port portion portions pos pose posed poses posi posit position positional positioned positioning positions positive positively positives positivity positron positrons poss possess possesses possessing possi possib possibilities possibility possible possibly post postd poster posterior posteriori posteriors postmidnight postseismic postshock postulate postulated pot potassium potential potentially potentials pour pow powder powdered powders power powered powerful powering powers pp ppb ppbv ppm ppmv ppt pr prac practical practically practice pre prec preced preceded preceding precess precessing precession precip precipit precipitate precipitated precipitates precipitating precipitation precise precisely precision precisions preclu preclude precludes precondition precurs precursor precursors pred predic predict predictability predictable predicted predicting prediction predictions predictive predictor predictors predicts predomin predominance predominant predominantly predominately pree preex preexisting prefactor prefer preferable preferably preference preferential preferentially preferred preheating prelim preliminary prem premature premidnight prenoon prep prepar preparation prepare prepared preprint prepro prere prerequisite pres presc prescribed prescription prescriptions presence present presentation presented presenting presently presents preser preservation preserve preserved preserves preserving preshock presolar press pressur pressure pressures prestellar presum presumably presumed pret prev prevail prevailing preval prevalence prevalent preven prevent prevented preventing prevents previous previously pri price prim primaries primarily primary prime primitive primordial princ princip principal principally principle principles prior priori priority priors pris prism pristine priv private pro prob probabilistic probabilities probability probable probably probe probed probes probing proble problem problematic problems procedure procedures proceed proceeded proceeding proceeds process processed processes processing processor processors produc produce produced produces producing product production productive productivity products prof profile profiles profiling profound prog progen progenitor progenitors prograde program programme programmes programming programs progress progresses progression progressive progressively prohib proj projec project projected projectile projectiles projecting projection projections projects prol prolate prolong prolonged prom promin prominence prominences prominent prominently promise promising promote promoted promotes promoting promp prompt prompted pron prone pronounced proof prop propag propagate propagated propagates propagating propagation propagator propagators propell propeller proper properly properties property proply proportion proportional proportionality proportionally proportions propos proposal proposals propose proposed proposes proposition propulsion prosp prospect prospects prot prote protect protected protection protein proteins proto protoc protocluster protocol protog proton protons protopl protoplanet protoplanetary protoplanets protost protostar protostars protostellar protot prototype prototypical prov prove proved proven provenance proves provide provided provides providing province provinces proving provision prox proxies proxim proximal proximity proxy ps pseud pseudo pseudob pseudoscalar pt pub public publication publications publicly published pul pull pulled puls pulsar pulsars pulsating pulsation pulsational pulsations pulsators pulse pulsed pulses pum pump pumped pumping punc puncture pup pupil pur pure purely purification purified purity purp purple purpose purposes purs pursue pursued push pushed pushes pushing put putative puts putting puzz puzzle puzzling pv px py pyr pyrite pyro pyrocl pyroclastic pyrolysis pyrox pyroxene pyroxenes pyroxenite pyrrhotite python q qu quad quadr quadrant quadrants quadratic quadratically quadrature quadrup quadruple quadrupolar quadrupole qual qualit qualitative qualitatively quality quan quanta quanti quantif quantification quantified quantifies quantify quantifying quantit quantitative quantitatively quantities quantity quantization quantized quantum quar quark quarks quarter quarters quartic quartile quartiles quartz quas quasar quasars quasi quasinormal quasip quasiperiodic qubit que quen quenc quench quenched quenching query ques question questionable questioned questions quick quickly quies quiescence quiescent quiet quint quintess quintessence quite quote quoted quoti quotient r r1 r2 ra race rad radar radars radi radial radially radiance radiances radians radiant radiate radiated radiates radiating radiation radiations radiative radiatively radical radicals radii radio radioac radioactive radioactivity radiocarbon radiogenic radiometer radiometric radion radionuc radionuclides radiosonde radius radon rain rainfall raise raised raises raising ram ramp ran random randomized randomly range ranged ranges ranging rank ranked ranking rapid rapidly rar rare raref rarefaction rarely rarer raster rate rates rather rati ratio rational rationale ratios raw ray rays rc re reac reacc reach reached reaches reaching react reactant reactants reacted reacting reaction reactions reactivation reactive reactivity reactor reactors reacts read readable reader readers readily reading readings readout reads ready reag reagent real realistic realistically reality realization realizations realize realized really realm rean reanaly reanalysis reapp rear rearr rearrange rearrangement reason reasonable reasonably reasoning reasons reass rebin rebinned rebound rec recal recalcul recalculated recall recalling recast rece reced receding receive received receiver receivers receives receiving recent recently recession rech recharge recip recipe recipes reciprocal reco recog recogn recognised recognition recognizable recognize recognized recoil recoils recoll recomb recombination recombinations recomm recommend recommendations recommended recomp recon reconc reconcile reconciled reconfig reconn reconnected reconnecting reconnection reconsider reconstruc reconstruct reconstructed reconstructing reconstruction reconstructions record recorded recording recordings records recover recovered recovering recovers recovery recrystall recrystallization recrystallized rect rectang rectangle rectangles rectangular recur recurrence recurrent recyc recycled recycling red redMa redd redden reddened reddening redder reddest reddish redef redefinition redist redistrib redistributed redistribution redox redsh redshift redshifted redshifts reduc reduce reduced reduces reducing reduction reductions redund redundancy redundant redward reef reefs reex ref refer referee reference referenced references referred referring refers refilling refine refined refinement refinements refit refl reflect reflectance reflected reflecting reflection reflections reflective reflectivity reflector reflectors reflects reform refrac refracted refraction refractive refractivity refractory reg regard regarded regarding regardless regards regener regime regimes region regional regionally regions register registered registration regolith regression regressions regular regularity regularization regularized regularly regulate regulated regulating regulation regulator reheating rein reinfor reinforce reinforced reinforces reion reionization reiter rej reject rejected rejecting rejection rejuven rel relate related relates relating relation relations relationship relationships relativ relative relatively relativistic relativistically relativity relax relaxation relaxed relaxes relaxing rele release released releases releasing relev relevance relevant reli reliability reliable reliably relic relics relict relied relief relies relocated rely relying rem remain remainder remained remaining remains reman remanence remanent remark remarkable remarkably remarked remarks remed remember remind reminis reminiscent remn remnant remnants remo remote remotely removal remove removed removes removing ren rend render rendered rendering renders renew renewed renormal renormalizable renormalization renormalized reorgan reorient rep repar repe repeat repeated repeatedly repeating repeats repeti repetition repl replace replaced replacement replaces replacing replen replenish replic replicate report reported reporting reports repository repres represent representation representations representative represented representing represents repro reprocessed reprocessing reproduc reproduce reproduced reproduces reproducibility reproducible reproducing reproduction repulsion repulsive requ reques request requested requi require required requirement requirements requires requiring rer res resampled resampling rescal rescale rescaled rescaling resear research researchers resem resembl resemblance resemble resembles resembling reser reserved reservoir reservoirs reset resid reside residence resides residing residual residuals residue residues resin resis resist resistance resistant resistive resistivity resol resolution resolutions resolvable resolve resolved resolves resolving reson resonance resonances resonant resonantly resonator resort resour resource resources resp respect respective respectively respects respiration respon respond responding responds response responses responsible rest resto restoration restore restored restoring restric restrict restricted restricting restriction restrictions restrictive restricts rests resul result resultant resulted resulting results resurf resurfacing ret retain retained retaining retains retard retarded retention retreat retri retrie retriev retrieval retrievals retrieve retrieved retrog retrograde return returned returning returns rev reve reveal revealed revealing reveals rever reverberation revers reversal reversals reverse reversed reverses reversible reversing review reviewed reviewer reviewers reviews revis revised revision revisit revisited revolution rew rework reworked reworking rewrite rewritten rf rh rhe rheological rheology rhy rhyolite rhyolitic ri rib ribbon ribbons ric rich richer richness rid ridge ridges rift rifting rifts rig right rightmost rights rigid rigidity rigidly rigorous rigorously rim rims rind ring ringdown rings ringwoodite rins riometer rip ripp ripple ripples ris rise rises rising risk risks river riverine rivers rl rm rms rn ro road rob robotic robust robustly robustness rock rocket rockets rocks rocky rod rol role roles roll rolling rolls roof room root rooted roots rope ropes rose rot rotate rotated rotates rotating rotation rotational rotationally rotations rotator rotators rou rough roughly roughness round rounded rout route routes routin routine routinely routines rover row rows rp rr rs rt ru rub rubble rul rule ruled rules ruling run runaway running runoff runs rup rupture ruptured ruptures rutile s sSFR sa sac sad saddle saf safe safely safety said sail sake sal salient saline salinities salinity salt saltation salts sam same samp sample sampled sampler samples sampling san sand sands sandstone sandstones sandy sanidine sap sat satell satellite satellites satisf satisfact satisfactorily satisfactory satisfied satisfies satisfy satisfying satur saturate saturated saturates saturation save saved saw sawtooth say says sb sc scal scalar scalars scale scaled scalehe scaleheight scalelength scales scaling scalings scan scanned scanning scans scar scarc scarce scarcity scarp scarps scatter scattered scatterer scatterers scattering scatterings scatters scav scavenging scenari scenario scenarios scene sch sched schedul schedule scheduled schem schematic schematically scheme schemes schist scho sci science sciences scienti scientific scientists scintill scintillation scintillations scintillator scope score scores scre screen screened screening script scrutin sd sdB se sea seafloor sealed seam seamount seamounts searc search searched searches searching seas season seasonal seasonality seasonally seasons seaward seawater sec second secondaries secondary secondly seconds section sectional sections sector sectors secular secure security sed sedi sediment sedimentary sedimentation sediments see seed seeded seeding seeds seeing seek seeking seem seemed seemingly seems seen seep seepage sees seesaw seg segment segmentation segmented segments segreg segregated segregation seism seismic seismically seismicity seismogenic seismogram seismograms seismological seismology seismometers sel select selected selecting selection selections selective selectively selects self sem semi semian semianaly semianalytic semiannual semic semiclassical semidiurnal semimajor seminal sen sens sense sensed sensi sensible sensing sensitive sensitively sensitivities sensitivity sensor sensors sent sep separ separable separat separate separated separately separates separating separation separations separator separatrix sequ sequence sequences sequential sequentially ser serendip serendipitous serial series serious seriously serpenti serpentin serpentine serpentinite serpentinization serpentinized serv serve served serves service services ses session sessions set sets sett setting settings settle settled settles settling setup setups seven sevent seventh sever several severe severely sf sfer sg sh shad shaded shading shadow shadowed shadowing shadows shaking shale shales shall shallow shallower shallowest shap shape shaped shapes shaping shar share shared shares sharing sharp sharper sharply sharpness shatter she shear sheared shearing shears sheath shed shedding sheet sheets shel shelf shell shells shelves shergot shergottites shield shielded shielding shields shift shifted shifting shifts ship shock shocked shocks shooter shore shoreline short shortcomings shortening shorter shortest shortly shortward shortwave shot shots should shoulder show showed shower showers showing shown shows shr shrin shrink shrinking shrinks shuff shut shutter shuttle si sid side sideband sided sidelob sidelobes sider sidereal siderite siderophile sides sidew sie sig sight sightline sightlines sigm sigma sigmoid sign signal signals signature signatures signed signific significance significant significantly signifies signs sil silic silica silicate silicates siliceous silicic silicon sill sills silt silver sim similar similarities similarity similarly simp simpl simple simpler simplest simplex simplicity simplification simplifications simplified simplifies simplify simplifying simplistic simply simul simulate simulated simulates simulating simulation simulations simulator simultaneous simultaneously sin sin2 since sine sing single singlet singly singular singularities singularity sinh sink sinking sinks sinuous sinus sinusoid sinusoidal sion sit site sites sits situ situated situation situations six sixth sizable size sizeable sized sizes sk skel skeletal skeleton sket sketch sketched skew skewed skewness skill skin sky sl slab slabs slant sle slic slice slices slicing slide sliding slight slightly slip slit slits slope slopes sloping slosh slot slow slowed slower slowest slowing slowly slowness slows slu slump sm small smaller smallest smallness smear smeared smearing smec smectite smectites smoke smooth smoothed smoother smoothing smoothly smoothness sn snapsh snapshot snapshots snow so soc soci sodium soft softening softer software soil soils sol solar sole solely solen solenoidal solid solidification solids solidus solit solitary soliton solitons sols solstice solstices solub solubilities solubility soluble solute solutes solution solutions solv solve solved solvent solver solvers solves solving some somehow something sometimes somew somewhat somewhere son sonic soon sophistic sophisticated sorbed sorption sort sorted sorting sou sought sound sounder sounding soundings sour source sourced sources sout south southeast southeastern southern southernmost southward southwest southwestern sp spac space spacecraft spaced spaceflight spacelike spaces spacetime spacetimes spacing spacings spall spallation span spanned spanning spans spark spars sparse sparsely spati spatial spatially spatio spatiotemporal spax spaxel spaxels spe speaking spec special specialized specially speciation species specific specifically specification specifications specified specifies specify specifying specim specimen specimens speck speckle spect spectacular spectra spectral spectrally spectro spectrogram spectrograms spectrograph spectrographs spectromet spectrometer spectrometers spectrometric spectrometry spectrophot spectrophotometric spectrophotometry spectropolar spectropolarimetric spectrosc spectroscopic spectroscopically spectroscopy spectrum specul specular speculate speculated speculation speculative speed speeds speleothem spend spends spent sph sphal sphe spher sphere spheres spheric spherical spherically sphericity sphero spheroid spheroidal spheroids spherule spherules spic spicules spik spike spiked spikes spin spine spinel spinels spinning spinor spinors spins spir spiral spirals spirit spite spl splash spline split splits splitting splittings spon spontaneous spontaneously sporad sporadic spot spots spotted spread spreading spreads spring springs sprite sprites spun spur spuri spurious sputter sputtered sputtering squ square squared squares sque squee squeezed squeezing sr ss st stabil stability stabilization stabilize stabilized stabilizes stabilizing stable stably stack stacked stacking stacks staff stage stages stagger staggered stagn stagnant stagnation stain stainless stal stalag stall stamp stand standard standardized standards standing stands star starburst starbursts stark starless starlight stars starsp starspots start started starting starts stat state stated statement statements states static station stationarity stationary stations statis statistic statistical statistically statistics status stay stays ste steadily steady steam steel steep steepen steepening steepens steeper steepest steeply steepness stellar stem stemming stems step stepped stepping steps stepwise ster stere stereo sterile sti stic stick sticking sticks stiff stiffness still stim stimulated stir stirred stirring stishovite sto stoch stochastic stochastically stochasticity stock stoichi stoichiometric stoichiometry stone stones stony stop stopped stopping stops storage store stored storm storms story str stra strag stragg stragglers strahl straight straightforward straightforwardly strain strains strand strands strang strange stras strasbg strat strata strateg strategies strategy strati stratification stratified stratig stratigraph stratigraphic stratigraphically stratigraphy stratosphere stratospheric stray stre streak streaks stream streamer streamers streaming streamline streamlines streams streng strength strengthen strengthened strengthening strengthens strengths stress stressed stresses stret stretch stretched stretches stretching stretchy stri striations strict strictly strike strikes striking strikingly string stringent strings strip stripe stripes stripped stripping strips stro stroke strokes stron strong stronger strongest strongly strontium struc struct structural structurally structure structured structures stud student students studied studies study studying sty style styles su sub suba subaerial subauroral subc subcl subclass subclasses subcluster subclusters subcritical subd subdiv subdivided subdivision subdominant subduc subducted subducting subduction subdwarf subdwarfs subf subg subgiant subgiants subglacial subgrid subgroup subgroups subhal subhalo subhaloes subhalos subhorizon subject subjected subjective subjects subl suble subleading sublim sublimation subm submarine submerg submic submicron submill submillimeter submillimetre submitted submm subp subpop subpopulation subpopulations subreg subregion subregions subs subsample subsamples subsc subscript subscripts subsection subsections subsequ subsequent subsequently subset subsets subsi subsidence subsolar subsonic subspace subst substan substances substanti substantial substantially substellar substit substitute substituted substituting substitution substorm substorms substrate substrates substructure substructures subsurface subsystem subsystems subt subtended subtle subtract subtracted subtracting subtraction subtropical subtype subtypes suc succeed succeeded succes success successful successfully succession successions successive successively such sud sudden suddenly suev suff suffer suffered suffers suffice suffices suffici sufficient sufficiently sug sugges suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggestions suggestive suggests suit suitable suitably suite suited suites sulf sulfate sulfates sulfide sulfides sulfur sulfuric sulph sulphate sulphide sulphides sulphur sum summ summar summarised summarize summarized summarizes summary summation summed summer summing summit sums sun sunlight sunlit sunrise sunset sunspot sunspots sunward sup super superb superbubble superc supercluster superclusters superconduc superconducting supercritical superf superflu superfluid superg supergiant supergiants supergravity superh superhorizon superhump superhumps superimp superimposed superior superluminal superm supermassive supernov supernova supernovae superout superp superposed superposition superpotential superradi supers supersaturated supersaturation supersc superscript supersonic superst supersymmetric supersymmetry superwind supp supplement supplementary supplemented supplied supplies supply supplying support supported supporting supports suppose supposed suppress suppressed suppresses suppressing suppression suprathermal sur sure surely surf surface surfaces surficial surge surges surp surprise surprising surprisingly surrog surrogate surround surrounded surrounding surroundings surrounds surv surve survey surveyed surveys surviv survival survive survived survives surviving sus suscepti susceptibility susceptible susp suspect suspected suspended suspension suspensions sust sustain sustained suture sw swar swarm swarms swath swe sweep sweeping sweeps swell swept swing swir switch switched switches switching sy sym symb symbiotic symbol symbols symmet symmetric symmetrical symmetrically symmetries symmetry symp sympl symplectic syn synch synchron synchronization synchronized synchronous synchrotron synoptic synt synthe synthesis synthesize synthesized synthetic synthetics sys system systematic systematically systematics systemic systems t t0 t1 t2 tO tSZ ta tab table tables tabulated tach tachocline tachy tachyon tachyonic tack tad taenite tag tagged tail tailored tails tailward tak take taken takes taking tal talc talk tall tan tang tangent tangential tanh tank tant tape taper tapered targ target targeted targeting targets tas task tasks tau tax taxa taxonomic tb te team teams tearing tech techn techni technical technically technique techniques technological technologies technology tect tecton tectonic tectonically tectonics ted tek tektites tel telec telem telemetry telep telescope telescopes teleseismic tell tells telluric tem temp tempera temperate temperature temperatures templ template templates tempor temporal temporally temporarily temporary tempting ten tend tended tendency tending tends tens tensile tension tensor tensors tent tentative tentatively tenth tenths tenuous teph tephra ter term termed termin terminal terminate terminated terminates termination terminator terminology terms tern ternary terr terrace terraces terrain terrains terrane terranes terrestrial terrigenous tertiary tes test testable tested testing tests tet tether tetra tetrad tetrahed tetrahedra tetrahedral tetrahedron tex text textbook textural texture textures th than thank thanked thanks that thaw the their theirs them thems themselves then theor theore theorem theorems theoretical theoretically theories theory ther there thereafter thereby therefore therein thereof therm thermal thermalization thermalized thermally thermo thermoc thermochemical thermocline thermodynam thermodynamic thermodynamical thermodynamically thermodynamics thermohaline thermonuclear thermosphere thermospheric these thesis they thick thickened thickening thicker thickness thicknesses thin thing things think thinned thinner thinning third thirds this thol thole tholei tholeiites tholeiitic thor thorium thorough thoroughly those though thought thous thousand thousands thread threads threat three threshold thresholds thro throat through throughout throughput throw thrust thrusting thumb thunder thunderstorm thunderstorms thus ti tic tick tid tidal tidally tide tides tie tied ties tight tighter tightly til tile tiles till tilt tilted tilting tilts tim time timelike times timesc timescale timescales timest timestep timing timings tin tiny tion tional tions tip tips tiss tissue tit titan titanium titanomagn titanomagnetite title titration tive tively tl to today toget together toler tolerance tom tomographic tomography ton tonal tone toned tong tongue tons too took tool tools top topic topics topographic topography topological topologically topologies topology tops topside tor tori torn toroidal torque torques torsion torsional tort torus tot total totally totals touch tour toward towards tower toy tr tra trac trace traced traceless tracer tracers traces trachy tracing track tracked tracker tracking tracks tract tractable traction trade tradition traditional traditionally trail trailing trails train trained training trains trajectories trajectory tran trans transc transduc transect transects transfer transferred transferring transfers transform transformation transformations transformed transforming transforms transg transi transient transients transit transiting transition transitional transitions transits transl translate translated translates translation translational translations translucent transmission transmissions transmit transmittance transmitted transmitter transmitters transmitting transonic transp transparency transparent transport transportation transported transporting transports transversal transverse trap trapped trapping traps trav travel traveled traveling travelling travels traveltime traveltimes travers traverse traversed traverses traversing tre treat treated treating treatment treatments treats tree trees trem tremend tremendous tremor tren trench trend trending trends tri triad trial trials triang triangle triangles triangular triangulation triaxial triaxiality trib tribut tributaries tribution tried tries trig trigger triggered triggering triggers trigon trigonometric trim trip tripl triple triples triplet triplets trispectrum tritium trivial trivially tro troilite tron trop tropical tropics tropopause troposphere tropospheric trou trough troughs true truly trunc truncate truncated truncation trust truth try trying ts tsun tsunami tt tub tube tubes tuff tun tune tuned tungsten tuning tunn tunnel tunneling tur turb turbid turbidity turbul turbulence turbulent ture tures turn turnaround turned turning turnoff turnover turns tw tween twelve twenty twice twilight twin twins twist twisted twisting two twofold typ type types typical typically u ub ubiqu ubiquitous ug ugriz uk ul ult ultimate ultimately ultra ultrac ultracompact ultrahigh ultral ultraluminous ultramafic ultrarelativistic ultrasonic ultraviolet um umb umbra umbral un unable unabsorbed unac unacc unaccept unacceptable unaff unaffected unal unaltered unambigu unambiguous unambiguously unav unavailable unavoid unavoidable unb unbiased unbinned unbl unblock unbound unbounded unbro unbroken unc uncertain uncertainties uncertainty unch unchanged unclear uncom uncommon uncon unconform unconformity unconsolidated unconstrained uncont uncorrected uncorrelated uncover uncovered und unde under underd underdense underestim underestimate underestimated underestimates underestimating underestimation underg undergo undergoes undergoing undergone underground underl underlain underlying underneath underp underpredic unders undersaturated underst understand understanding understood undert undertaken underway underwent undes undet undetectable undetected undetermined undist undisturbed undoubtedly undulations une unequ unequal unequiv uneven unex unexp unexpected unexpectedly unexpl unexplained unexplored unf unfilled unfiltered unfold unfortunately ung uni unidentified unidirectional unification unified uniform uniformity uniformly unimodal unimp unimportant unipolar uniqu unique uniquely uniqueness unit unitarity unitary units unity univers universal universality universally universe universes unknown unknowns unl unlensed unless unlik unlike unlikely unload unloading unm unmagnetized unmod unn unnecess unnecessary unob unobscured unobserv unobserved unp unperturbed unphysical unpolarized unprecedented unpub unpublished unre unrealistic unrealistically unreason unreasonable unrec unred unrel unrelated unreliable unresolved uns unsaturated unseen unsh unshocked unst unstable unsur unt until unus unusual unusually unve unw unwanted unwe unweighted up upcoming upd update updated updates updating upflow upflows upg upgrade upgraded upl uplift uplifted upon upp upper uppermost ups upstream upt uptake upturn upward upwards upwelling upwind ur uran uranium uranyl urban ure ureilites urn us usable usage use used useful usefulness user users uses using usual usually ut util utility utilization utilize utilized utilizes utilizing uv v v1 v2 vac vacu vacua vacuum val valence valid validate validated validating validation validity valley valleys valu valuable value valued values valve van vanish vanishes vanishing vap vapor vaporization vapour var vari variabilities variability variable variables variance variances variant variants variation variational variations varied varies variety various vary varying vast vastly ve vector vectors veget vegetation vehic vehicle vehicles veiling vein veins vel veloc velocities velocity vent venti venting vents ver verification verified verify verifying vers versa version versions versus vertex vertical vertically vertices very ves vesic vesicles vesicular vessel veto vi via viability viable vial vib vibration vibrational vibrationally vibrations vic vice vicinity vide video view viewed viewing viewpoint views vig vign vignetting vigorous vii viii viol violate violated violates violating violation violations violent violet vir virial virialization virialized virt virtual virtually virtue vis visc viscoelastic viscosities viscosity viscous visib visibilities visibility visible vision visit visits visual visualization visualize visualized visually vit vital viz vo void voids vol volati volatil volatile volatiles volatility volc volcan volcanic volcanics volcanism volcano volcanoes volt voltage voltages volum volume volumes volumetric von vor vort vortex vortices vorticity vox vs vul vulner vulnerable w w3 wa wadsleyite waiting wake wakes wal walk wall walls wander want wanted wants war ward warm warmer warming warning warp warped warping warr warranted was wash washed waste wasting water waters watershed wav wave waveband wavebands wavef wavefield waveform waveforms wavefront wavefunction wavegu waveguide wavel wavelength wavelengths wavelet wavelets wavenum wavenumber wavenumbers waves wavevector wavy wax way ways we weak weaken weakened weakening weakens weaker weakest weakly weakness wealth weather weathered weathering web website wed wedge wedges week weekly weeks weigh weighed weight weighted weighting weights weld well wells went were west wester westerly western westward wet wh what whatever whe wheel when whenever where whereas whereby wherein wherever whether which while whilst whist whistler whistlers whit white who whole whose why wid wide widely widening wider widespread widest width widths wigg wild wiley will win wind winding window windows winds wing wings winter winters wire wires wise wish wit with within without witness wob wobble wonder wood wor word words work worked workers working works workshop world worldline worlds worldwide worm wormhole wormholes worry wors worse worst worth worthwhile would wra wrapped wrink wrinkle write writing written wrong wt www x x1 x2 xen xenolith xenoliths xenon xi xii xiv xl xlink xml xmlns xref xspec xt xvi xx xxv xy y year yearly years yellow yes yet yield yielded yielding yields you young younger youngest youth yr yrs yy z ze zenith zer zero zeros zeroth zinc zircon zircons zo zodiacal zon zonal zonally zonation zone zoned zones zoning zoom zoomed zu zz { | } ~ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ® ¯ ° °C ± ±0 ±1 ±10 ±2 ±20 ±3 ±30 ±5 ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ Æ Ð × ×10 Ø Þ ß æ ð ÷ ø þ Đ đ ħ ı ĸ Ł ł ŋ Œ œ Ŧ ŧ Ɛ ƒ Ɣ Ɨ ƛ ƞ Ɵ Ʃ Ƶ Ʒ ǁ ǂ ǃ ȡ ȷ Ʌ ɑ ə ɛ ɟ ɡ ɢ ɣ ɤ ɪ ɱ ɳ ɸ ɹ ʃ ʋ ʌ ʎ ʏ ʘ ʠ ʹ ʺ ʻ ʼ ʿ ˂ ˃ ˄ ˆ ˇ ˈ ˊ ː ˑ ˗ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˢ ˦ ˮ ΄ Α Β Γ Δ Δlog Δα Δθ Δλ Δν Δφ Δχ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ ΛCDM Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω α β γ δ δB δD ε ζ η θ ι κ λ λ10 λ15 λ16 λ37 λ3727 λ4 λ46 λ4686 λ5007 λ6 λ65 λλ μ μG μHz μJy μK μg μm μs μν ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϑ ϒ ϕ ϖ Ϙ ϛ Ϝ ϝ Ϭ ϭ ϰ ϱ ϵ ϶ Ͻ Є Ѕ І А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Ы Ь Э Я а б в г д е ж з и к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ы ь э ю я є і ћ Ѳ ѳ Ґ ҫ ү Ӕ ө ԉ ԏ א ב ג ד ׳ ر ط ق ي ߕ ߚ ߝ ࢤ ࢱ ࣙ ० ๏ ༎ ᄊ ᄋ ᄑ ᅧ ᅩ ᅯ ᆪ ᆰ ᆽ ᐅ ᒥ ᔭ ᖅ ᴌ ᴙ ẟ ‐ ‑ ‒ – — ― ‖ ‘ ’ ‚ ‛ “ ” „ ‟ † ‡ • ‥ … ‧ ‰ ‱ ′ ″ ‴ ‵ ‸ ‹ › ‾ ⁁ ⁄ ⁎ ⁗ ₁ ₂ ₃ € ₸ ⃝ ⃞ ⃟ ℂ ℃ ℊ ℋ ℌ ℎ ℏ ℐ ℑ ℒ ℓ ℔ ℘ ℛ ℜ ™ ℧ ℬ ℰ ℱ ℳ ℵ ⅃ ⅓ ⅔ ⅛ ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↝ ↞ ↠ ↤ ↦ ↩ ↪ ↬ ↭ ↳ ↶ ↷ ↺ ↻ ↼ ↽ ↾ ↿ ⇀ ⇂ ⇄ ⇅ ⇆ ⇈ ⇉ ⇋ ⇌ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇝ ∀ ∁ ∂ ∃ ∅ ∆ ∇ ∈ ∊ ∋ ∍ ∎ ∏ ∐ ∑ − −0 −1 −10 −100 −11 −12 −13 −14 −15 −16 −17 −18 −19 −2 −20 −21 −22 −23 −24 −25 −26 −27 −28 −3 −30 −4 −40 −45 −5 −50 −6 −60 −7 −8 −9 ∓ ∕ ∖ ∗ ∘ ∙ √ ∝ ∞ ∠ ∡ ∢ ∣ ∥ ∧ ∨ ∩ ∪ ∫ ∮ ∱ ∳ ∴ ∵ ∶ ∷ ∸ ∼ ∼0 ∼1 ∼10 ∼100 ∼1000 ∼11 ∼12 ∼120 ∼13 ∼14 ∼15 ∼150 ∼16 ∼17 ∼18 ∼19 ∼2 ∼20 ∼200 ∼2000 ∼22 ∼23 ∼25 ∼250 ∼3 ∼30 ∼300 ∼35 ∼4 ∼40 ∼400 ∼45 ∼5 ∼50 ∼500 ∼6 ∼60 ∼600 ∼7 ∼70 ∼75 ∼8 ∼80 ∼9 ∼90 ∼− ∽ ∾ ≀ ≂ ≃ ≃0 ≅ ≈ ≈0 ≈1 ≈10 ≈2 ≈20 ≈3 ≈4 ≈5 ≊ ≋ ≌ ≍ ≏ ≐ ≑ ≒ ≔ ≕ ≗ ≙ ≜ ≟ ≡ ≤ ≤0 ≤1 ≥ ≦ ≧ ≪ ≫ ≬ ≲ ≲0 ≲1 ≲10 ≳ ≳10 ≶ ≷ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ⊊ ⊎ ⊏ ⊑ ⊓ ⊔ ⊕ ⊖ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ⊝ ⊞ ⊟ ⊠ ⊡ ⊢ ⊣ ⊤ ⊥ ⊧ ⊲ ⊳ ⊸ ⊺ ⊻ ⋀ ⋁ ⋂ ⋃ ⋄ ⋅ ⋆ ⋇ ⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌ ⋍ ⋎ ⋏ ⋐ ⋖ ⋗ ⋘ ⋙ ⋛ ⋜ ⋝ ⋞ ⋟ ⋥ ⋦ ⋧ ⋨ ⋩ ⋮ ⋯ ⋰ ⋱ ⋴ ⋵ ⋹ ⌀ ⌃ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⌖ ⌙ ⌝ ⌞ ⌟ ⌢ ⌣ ⌷ ⌽ ⍴ ⍺ ⎕ ⎴ ⎵ ⎸ ⏊ ⏞ ⏟ ␣ ─ │ ┘ ┴ ═ ║ █ ▒ ▓ ■ □ ▪ ▫ ▭ ▲ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▼ ▽ ▾ ▿ ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◉ ◊ ○ ◎ ● ◦ ◫ ◯ ◸ ◹ ◺ ◻ ◼ ◿ ★ ☆ ☉ ☊ ☐ ☺ ☼ ☽ ☾ ☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♭ ♮ ♯ ✓ ✔ ✕ ✖ ✗ ✘ ✚ ✛ ✟ ✠ ✦ ✩ ✯ ✰ ✳ ✴ ✶ ✻ ❑ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➅ ➆ ➔ ➙ ➛ ➜ ➝ ⟂ ⟦ ⟧ ⟨ ⟩ ⟪ ⟫ ⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⟸ ⟹ ⟺ ⟼ ⤺ ⥎ ⥾ ⦀ ⦅ ⦆ ⦶ ⦹ ⦿ ⧄ ⧅ ⧍ ⧜ ⧫ ⧵ ⧸ ⧹ ⨀ ⨁ ⨂ ⨄ ⨆ ⨇ ⨋ ⨍ ⨎ ⨏ ⨯ ⨼ ⨿ ⩲ ⩽ ⩾ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪕ ⪖ ⪙ ⪝ ⪞ ⪡ ⪢ ⪭ ⪯ ⪰ ⪷ ⪸ ⫅ ⫽ ⫿ ⬠ ⬧ ⵙ ⿢ ⿨ ⿱ ⿲ 、 。 〇 〈 〉 《 》 『 』 〚 〛 〳 か く さ す そ ち の は ふ み や ら ん キ チ ツ ト ニ ノ ハ フ ヘ モ リ ル ワ ヲ ・ 一 丁 七 万 丈 三 上 下 丑 世 丗 丙 並 中 丽 乃 久 之 乙 九 也 乾 事 二 云 五 亘 亥 亨 京 亮 人 仁 仙 代 令 以 似 佐 体 來 修 倍 元 先 光 入 全 兩 八 六 其 内 冊 出 刻 前 劉 務 北 十 卅 午 半 南 卜 占 卫 卯 印 却 厳 去 又 及 友 双 叢 古 台 史 右 号 司 吉 同 和 唐 善 四 図 國 圍 圖 土 地 坤 城 執 堕 場 壬 外 多 夜 大 天 太 央 契 女 如 娥 嫦 子 学 學 安 宗 宝 实 実 宣 家 宸 寅 寛 實 寮 寺 寿 将 將 小 尺 尾 局 山 峙 川 州 左 己 巳 巻 市 帝 帳 幡 平 年 并 庚 府 廣 廿 录 形 彦 律 後 從 御 微 徳 志 慶 戌 成 或 戸 所 承 指 授 推 撮 政 數 文 料 新 方 於 旗 日 旦 旧 早 明 昏 星 是 時 晴 暈 暦 曰 曳 書 月 有 朔 朝 本 朱 李 村 東 板 校 梅 條 榷 樂 歆 正 此 武 歴 歷 殆 殿 毎 氏 民 气 気 氣 水 永 江 沙 治 法 泰 洋 流 浮 海 消 清 済 渡 測 滅 澗 激 灌 火 炬 点 烟 無 熾 片 物 特 犯 玉 王 理 瑞 生 用 田 甲 申 町 異 疑 登 白 百 皆 皇 直 省 眼 砂 研 碓 神 祥 祲 禄 科 稿 究 空 立 竟 第 算 籍 籥 精 紀 紫 経 絵 続 編 繞 署 羅 義 者 而 聞 肴 自 至 臺 舎 舰 艮 良 色 花 若 草 荘 荤 莽 落 蓮 蕃 薬 藩 蝶 蠄 蠅 行 衞 表 西 要 覆 見 覧 觀 解 言 記 許 誌 語 説 謂 講 记 谷 豊 貞 貫 資 赤 赦 起 越 跡 路 軍 輪 辰 近 通 過 道 遠 遲 遺 邦 郎 部 都 酉 量 金 鉾 銖 錄 録 鍾 鏡 長 門 院 陰 陽 隆 際 雀 集 雉 雍 雑 雖 雲 電 靈 青 韓 頂 須 顯 食 餘 高 鲜 鳥 黃 黄 黑 黒 點 鼎 齋 龠 Ꙩ ffi & 𝒞 𝒟 𝒨 𝒩 𝒪 𝒬 𝒮 𝒱 𝒳 𝒴 𝒵 𝓁 𝓓 𝓜 𝓰 𝔇 𝔩 𝔰 𝔲 𝕊 𝕐 𝖡 𝛽 𝜆 𝜌 🌘 😱 𠄃 𠄵 𢀒 𢉲