import hashlib import json import math from functools import reduce from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import seqio import gin from .data_utils import flatten_parts, stateless_permutation, stateless_shuffle from .. import config def get_from_dict(data, keys): """Iterate nested dictionary""" return reduce(dict.get, keys, data) def get_blank_image(): image = tf.zeros([224, 224, 3], dtype=tf.uint8) image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)[:1] return image @seqio.utils.map_over_dataset def rekey(x, key_map=None): """Replace the feature keys according to the mapping in `key_map`. For example, if the dataset returns examples of the format: {'foo': 'something', 'bar': 'something else'} and key_map = {'boo': 'foo', 'spar': 'bar'} then this function will return examples with the format {'boo': 'something', 'spar': 'something else'} If a mapping is to an empty key or None, set the new key to an empty string. Args: x: an example to process. key_map: dictionary mapping new keys to original keys Returns: A preprocessed example with the format listed above. """ if key_map: out = {} for new_key, old_key in key_map.items(): if isinstance(old_key, list): out[new_key] = get_from_dict(x, old_key) else: out[new_key] = x[old_key] return out return x def rename(**kwargs): @seqio.map_over_dataset def _fn(x): updates = {} for new_key, old_key in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(old_key, list): val = x[old_key[0]] for k in old_key[1:-1]: val = val[k] updates[new_key] = val.pop(old_key[-1]) else: updates[new_key] = x.pop(old_key) x.update(updates) return x return _fn def extract_transcripts(ds): ds = flatten_parts(ds, ["transcripts"]) def _map(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], text=ex["transcripts"], url=ex["url"] ) return @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_caption_and_all_transcripts(ex): transcripts = tf.random.shuffle(ex["transcripts"])[:3] weight = 1.0 / tf.cast(tf.shape(transcripts)[0], tf.float32) return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(ex["caption"], 0), transcripts], 0), url=ex["url"], text_weights=tf.pad( tf.ones((1,), dtype=tf.float32), [[0, tf.shape(transcripts)[0]]], constant_values=weight), ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_all_transcripts(ex): transcripts = tf.random.shuffle(ex["transcripts"])[:3] weight = 3.0 / tf.cast(tf.shape(transcripts)[0], tf.float32) return dict( image=ex["image"], text=transcripts, url=ex["url"], text_weights=tf.fill((tf.shape(transcripts)[0],), weight), ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_transcript(ex): transcripts = tf.random.shuffle(ex["transcripts"]) return dict( image=ex["image"], text=transcripts[0], url=ex["url"], ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_caption(ex): caption = ex["caption"] if len(caption.shape) > 0: ex["text"] = caption[0] else: ex["text"] = caption return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_joint_captions(ex): caption = ex["caption"] if len(caption.shape) > 0: caption = caption[0] _ix = tf.random.uniform((), 0, tf.shape(ex["transcripts"])[0], dtype=tf.int32) _ix = _ix % tf.shape(ex["transcripts"])[0] return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.stack([caption, ex["mistral_caption"], ex["transcripts"][_ix]], 0), url=ex["url"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def extract_caption_and_transcript(ex, seed): caption = ex["caption"] if len(caption.shape) > 0: caption = caption[0] _ix = tf.random.stateless_uniform((), seed, 0, tf.shape(ex["transcripts"])[0], dtype=tf.int32) return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.stack([caption, ex["transcripts"][_ix]], 0), url=ex["url"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def caption_transcript_augmented(ex, sequence_length): caption = ex["caption"] if len(caption.shape) > 0: caption = caption[0] image = ex["image"] properties = [] do_augmentation = sequence_length["is_training"] # do_augmentation = False # Keep this off, it screws up OCR # do_hflip = (tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.2 and do_augmentation) do_hflip = False if do_hflip: image = image[:, ::-1] # Mild color jitter do_color = (tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5 and do_augmentation) if do_color: image = tf.image.random_hue(image, max_delta=0.05) image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.2) image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, 0.7, 1.3) image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, 0.7, 1.3) # Mild affine transformation do_affine = (tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5 and do_augmentation) if do_affine and do_augmentation: shift_x = tf.random.uniform((), -10, 10) * 0 shift_y = tf.random.uniform((), -10, 10) * 0 shear_x = tf.random.uniform((), -2, 2) shear_y = tf.random.uniform((), -2, 2) rotation = tf.random.uniform((), -6, 6) max_scale = 1.1 scale = tf.random.uniform((), 0.8, max_scale) center = tf.cast(tf.shape(image), tf.float32)/2 image = tf.keras.ops.image.affine_transform( image, tf.stack(get_affine_matrix( [center[0], center[1]], rotation, [shift_x, shift_y], 1/scale, [shear_x, shear_y] ) + [0., 0.]), interpolation='bilinear', fill_mode='constant', fill_value=1., data_format='channels_last' ) properties = tf.stack([ ("[hflip]" if do_hflip else ""), ("[color]" if do_color else ""), ("[affine]" if do_affine else "") ]) properties = tf.boolean_mask(properties, tf.strings.length(properties) > 0) prompt = tf.strings.reduce_join(properties, separator=" ") ix = tf.random.uniform((), 0, tf.shape(ex["transcripts"])[0], dtype=tf.int32) out = dict( image=image, text=tf.stack([caption, ex["transcripts"][ix]], 0), url=ex["url"], prompt=prompt, ) # out["metadata/unaugmented_image"] = image return out def extract_caption_and_transcript_hflip(ds): # Just in case they are ordered somehow in Matt's data @seqio.map_over_dataset def _shuffle_transcripts(_ex): _ex["transcripts"] = tf.random.shuffle(_ex["transcripts"]) _ex["hflip"] = tf.random.uniform((), 0, 3, dtype=tf.int32) return _ex ds = _shuffle_transcripts(ds) # Build a 3x long dataset with each individual transcript so we iterate through # each transcript @seqio.map_over_dataset def _with_transcript(ex, _ix): caption = ex["caption"] if len(caption.shape) > 0: caption = caption[0] hflip = ex["hflip"] == _ix if hflip: ex["image"] = ex["image"][:, ::-1] style = ["long_caption_flipped", "transcript_flipped"] else: style = ["long_caption", "transcript"] return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.stack([caption, ex["transcripts"][_ix]], 0), url=ex["url"], style=style ) joint_ds = _with_transcript(ds, 0) for i in range(1, 3): joint_ds = joint_ds.concatenate(_with_transcript(ds, i)) return joint_ds @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_llava(ex, sequence_length, output_features): tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(ex['conversations']['value'])[0], 2) prompt = ex['conversations']['value'][0] text = ex['conversations']['value'][1] ex.pop('conversations') ex["text"] = text ex["prompt"] = prompt return ex def extract_localized_narrative(ds): ds = ds.filter(lambda ex: tf.shape(ex["cap/cap_caption"])[0] > 0) def _map(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.strings.reduce_join(ex["cap/cap_caption"], separator="\n") ) return def float_to_text(val): return tf.strings.as_string(tf.cast(val * 100, tf.int32)) @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_vqa(ex): questions = ex["vqa"]["questions"] answers = ex["vqa"]["answers"] answers = tf.strings.reduce_join(answers, 1, separator="; ") qas = tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.stack([questions, answers], 1), separator=" ") return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.strings.reduce_join(qas, separator="\n") ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def coco_image_id_from_path(ex): image_id = tf.strings.substr(ex["image/filename"], 0, tf.strings.length(ex["image/filename"])-4) ex["image_id"] = tf.strings.to_number(image_id) return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset def add_coco_url(ex): """Turns a COCO path into a URL, which can then be used in visualizations""" path = ex["image/filename"] if not tf.strings.regex_full_match(path, ".*/.*"): prefix = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, "COCO_", "") prefix = tf.strings.regex_replace(prefix, "_[0-9]+.jpg", "") path = tf.strings.join([prefix, path], separator="/") # images are hosted by the COCO website here url = tf.strings.join(["", path]) ex["metadata/image_url"] = url return ex def flatten_vqa(ds): parts = ["questions", "answers"] for k in ["id", "question_id"]: if k in ds.element_spec: parts.append(k) return flatten_parts(ds, parts) def format_gqa(ds, is_balanced=True, flatten=True): if is_balanced: ds = ds.filter(lambda x: tf.reduce_any(x["questions"]["is_balanced"])) def _filter_qs(ex): qs = ex["questions"] mask = qs["is_balanced"] qs = {k: tf.boolean_mask(v, mask) for k, v in qs.items()} ex["questions"] = qs return ex ds = if flatten: ds = flatten_parts(ds, ["questions"]) def _rename(ex): out = ex["questions"] out["image"] = ex["image"] out["image_id"] = ex["image_id"] return out return @seqio.map_over_dataset def fix_doqa_url(x): x["image_url"] = tf.strings.regex_replace(x["image_url"], "gs://", "") return x def _add_metadata(ex): out = {} if "id" in ex: out["metadata/example_id"] = ex["id"] elif "example_id" in ex: out["metadata/example_id"] = ex["example_id"] elif "question_id" in ex: out["metadata/example_id"] = ex["question_id"] if "image_url" in ex: out["metadata/image_url"] = ex["image_url"] for k, v in ex.items(): if k.startswith("metadata/"): out[k] = v return out def image_only(ds): return ds.filter(lambda x: x["has_image"]) def filter_difficult_direct_answer(ds): return ds.filter(lambda x: not x["difficult_direct_answer"]) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def format_ai2d(ex, variable_style=True): abc = tf.constant(list("abcdefg".upper())) out = dict(image=ex["image"]) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) options = ex["choices"] # >= 3 in case of none of the above like answers n_options = tf.shape(ex["option_is_abc"])[0] if ex["abc_label"] and tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(ex["option_is_abc"], tf.int32)) >= (n_options - 1): # The image labels are always upper, so use upper in the answer ptions options = tf.where( ex["option_is_abc"], tf.strings.upper(options), options ) short_options = options style = "ai2_diagram_no_letter" else: short_options = abc[:tf.shape(options)[0]] options = tf.stack([short_options, options,], 1) options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, axis=-1, separator=": ") style = "ai2_diagram" options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, separator="\n") out["question"] = ex["question"] out["options"] = options if variable_style: out["style"] = style if ex["answer_idx"] < 0: out["text"] = "?" else: out["text"] = short_options[ex["answer_idx"]] out["metadata/answer_idx"] = ex["answer_idx"] tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_any(tf.strings.regex_full_match(options, ".*\|\|\|.*")), False) out["metadata/option_names"] = tf.strings.reduce_join(short_options, separator="|||") out["metadata/has_transparent_box"] = ex.get("has_transparent_box", tf.constant(False)) out["metadata/abc_label"] = ex["abc_label"] return out @gin.configurable() @seqio.map_over_dataset() def format_multiple_choice_qa(ex, option_format="abc"): assert option_format == "abc" abc = tf.constant(list("abcdefg".upper())) out = dict(image=ex["image"]) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) options = ex["choices"] short_options = abc[:tf.shape(options)[0]] options = tf.stack([short_options, options,], 1) options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, axis=-1, separator=": ") options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, separator="\n") out["question"] = ex["question"] out["options"] = options if ex["answer_idx"] < 0: out["text"] = "?" else: out["text"] = short_options[ex["answer_idx"]] out["metadata/answer_idx"] = ex["answer_idx"] tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_any(tf.strings.regex_full_match(options, ".*\|\|\|.*")), False) out["metadata/option_names"] = tf.strings.reduce_join(short_options, separator="|||") # out["metadata/option_names"] = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(short_options, tf.shape(short_options)) # out["metadata/option_names"] = short_options return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def output_options(ex): ex["metadata/options"] = ex["options"] return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_tally_qa(ex): questions = ex.pop("questions") ex["questions"] = questions["question"] ex["answers"] = tf.strings.as_string(questions["answer"]) ex["question_id"] = questions["question_id"] return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset() def count_bench_preprocessor(ex): return { "image": ex["image"], "text": tf.strings.as_string(ex["number"]), "object": ex["noun"], "question": tf.strings.join([ "How many ", ex["noun"], " are there?" ]), "metadata/count": ex["number"], } def filter_human(ds): return ds.filter(lambda x: x["is_human"]) def filter_aug(ds): return ds.filter(lambda x: not x["is_human"]) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def reweight_chartqa(ex, human, aug): is_human = ex["metadata/is_human"] ex["text_weights"] = human if is_human else aug return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset() def chartqa_prompting(ex): question = tf.strings.join([ex["question"], " Answer:"]) return dict( image=ex["image"], question=question, answer=ex["answer"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def chartqa_explanation(ex): question = tf.strings.join([ex["question"], " Explanation:"]) out = { "image": ex["image"], "question": question, "answer": ex["answer"], } out.update({k: v for k, v in ex.items() if k.startswith("metadata/")}) return out @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def _preprocess_scifi(ex, seed): if "qa_pairs" in ex: q = ex["qa_pairs"] else: q = ex["qa"] ix = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(q["question"])[0], seed) return dict( image=ex["image"], question=tf.gather(q["question"], ix), explanation=tf.gather(q["explanation"], ix), answer=tf.gather(q["answer"], ix), ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def scifi_explanation_only(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], question=ex["question"], answer=ex["explanation"], ) def filter_named_entity(ds): @seqio.map_over_dataset def _load_image(ex): ex["image"] = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) return ex ds = _load_image(ds) return ds.filter(lambda x: tf.reduce_min(tf.shape(x["image"])[:2]) >= 32) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_named_entity(ex): qs = ex["questions"] return { "image": ex["image"], "metadata/image_url": ex["url"], "metadata/entity": ex["entity"], "questions": qs["question"], "answers": qs["answer"], } @gin.configurable() def extract_individual_vqa(ds, test=False, answer_mode="best"): @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def _extract(ex, seed): if "questions" in ex: question = ex["questions"] else: question = ex["question"] out = dict( image=ex["image"], question=question, ) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["metadata/question"] = question if ex.get("answers") is not None: out["metadata/references"] = tf.strings.reduce_join(ex["answers"], separator="\n") elif ex.get("answer") is not None: out["metadata/references"] = ex["answer"] if not test: if "answer" in ex: answer = ex["answer"] else: answer = ex["answers"] if answer.dtype in [tf.int32, tf.int64]: answer = tf.strings.as_string(answer) if len(answer.shape) == 1 and tf.shape(answer)[0] == 0: answer = tf.expand_dims("", 0) if len(answer.shape) == len(question.shape): pass # Handle questions with multiple answers elif answer_mode == "random": assert len(answer.shape) == 1 answer = answer[tf.random.stateless_uniform((), seed, 0, tf.shape(answer)[0], dtype=tf.int32)] elif answer_mode == "best": def _get_best(_answer): vals, _, counts = tf.unique_with_counts(_answer) count_thresh = tf.reduce_max(counts) vals = tf.boolean_mask(vals, counts >= count_thresh) return vals[tf.random.stateless_uniform((), seed, 0, tf.shape(vals)[0], dtype=tf.int32)] if len(answer.shape) == 1: answer = _get_best(answer) elif isinstance(answer, tf.RaggedTensor): n = tf.shape(answer)[0] answer_arr = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.string, size=n, element_shape=()) for i in range(n): answer_arr = answer_arr.write(i, _get_best(answer[i])) answer = answer_arr.stack() else: answer = tf.map_fn(_get_best, answer) elif answer_mode == "all_segments": out["text"] = answer elif answer_mode == "all_segments_weighted": out["text"] = answer out["text_weights"] = 1.0 / tf.cast(tf.shape(answer)[-1], tf.float32) elif answer_mode == "all": if len(answer.shape) == 1: answer = stateless_shuffle(answer, seed) answer = tf.strings.reduce_join(answer, separator="\n", axis=-1) elif isinstance(answer, tf.RaggedTensor): n = tf.shape(answer)[0] answer_arr = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.string, size=n, element_shape=()) for i in range(n): answer_arr = answer_arr.write(i, tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.random.shuffle(answer[i]), separator="\n", axis=-1)) answer = answer_arr.stack() else: answer = tf.map_fn(tf.random.shuffle, answer) answer = tf.strings.reduce_join(answer, separator="\n", axis=-1) else: raise NotImplementedError() out["text"] = answer return out return _extract(ds) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_khan_academy(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], image_url=ex["image_url"], prompt="Answer this question", text=ex["gptResponse"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_vaia_qa_latex_image(ex, add_short_answer=False, set_short_answer_first=False): if ex["has_image"]: image = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)[:1] else: # image = get_blank_image() # blank image image = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)[:0] img_h = tf.shape(image)[1] img_w = tf.shape(image)[2] if add_short_answer: if set_short_answer_first: answer = tf.strings.join(["Answer: ", ex["short_answer"], "\n\n", ex["answer"]]) else: answer = tf.strings.join([ex["answer"], "\n\n", "Answer: ", ex["short_answer"]]) else: answer = ex["answer"] out = dict( image=image, # 4-d tensor text=answer, prompt=tf.strings.join([ex["latex_question"], "\n"]), ) out["metadata/images"] = image out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["metadata/batch_id"] = ex["batch_id"] out["metadata/image_size"] = [img_w, img_h] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_vqa_online(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt=tf.strings.join([ex["question"], "\n"]), text=ex["answer"] ) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["metadata/row_id"] = ex["row_id"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_scifi_joint(ex): if "qa_pairs" in ex: q = ex["qa_pairs"] else: q = ex["qa"] prompts = tf.concat([["Describe this image in detail."], q["question"]], 0) responses = tf.concat([ex["summary"][None], q["answer"]], 0) return dict( image=ex["image"], prompt=prompts, text=responses, ) def remove_no_qa(ds): def _filter(ex): if "qa_pairs" in ex: q = ex["qa_pairs"] else: q = ex["qa"] return tf.shape(q["question"])[0] > 0 return ds.filter(_filter) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_scifi_qa_exp(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], question=ex["question"], # Array of questions answer=tf.strings.join([ex["explanation"], " Answer: ", ex["answer"]]), ) @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def extract_scifi_qa_demo(ex, seed): # if tf.random.stateless_uniform((), 0, 1) > 0.5: answer = tf.strings.join([ex["explanation"], " Answer: ", ex["answer"]]) # else: # answer = ex["explanation"] return dict( image=ex["image"], question=ex["question"], # Array of questions answer=answer, ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def clock_bench_preprocessor(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt="What time is being shown?", ) for k in ["hour", "minute", "second", "answerable"]: out[f"metadata/{k}"] = ex[k] return out def deg2rad(x): return x*math.pi/180.0 def get_affine_matrix(center, angle, translate, scale, shear): # From rot = deg2rad(angle) sx = deg2rad(shear[0]) sy = deg2rad(shear[1]) cx, cy = center tx, ty = translate # RSS without scaling a = tf.cos(rot - sy) / tf.cos(sy) b = -tf.cos(rot - sy) * tf.tan(sx) / tf.cos(sy) - tf.sin(rot) c = tf.sin(rot - sy) / tf.cos(sy) d = -tf.sin(rot - sy) * tf.tan(sx) / tf.cos(sy) + tf.cos(rot) matrix = [a, b, 0.0, c, d, 0.0] matrix = [x * scale for x in matrix] # Apply inverse of center translation: RSS * C^-1 matrix[2] += matrix[0] * (-cx) + matrix[1] * (-cy) matrix[5] += matrix[3] * (-cx) + matrix[4] * (-cy) # Apply translation and center : T * C * RSS * C^-1 matrix[2] += cx + tx matrix[5] += cy + ty return matrix def quantize_point(coor, max_dim, mode="percent-precision-1"): max_dim = tf.cast(max_dim, tf.float32) coor = tf.cast(coor, tf.float32) x = (coor / max_dim) if mode == "percent-precision-1": return tf.strings.as_string(x*100, precision=1) elif mode == "zero_to_one": return tf.strings.as_string(x, precision=3) elif mode == "1k": return tf.strings.as_string(x*1000, precision=0) else: raise NotImplementedError(mode) def construct_pointing_format(label_text, alt_text, x_str, y_str): if alt_text is None: alt_text = label_text np = tf.shape(x_str)[0] if np == 0: output = "" elif np == 1: output = tf.strings.join([ '', label_text, '' ]) else: ids = tf.strings.as_string(tf.range(1, np + 1, dtype=tf.int32)) xs = tf.strings.join(["x", ids, '="', x_str, '"']) ys = tf.strings.join(["y", ids, '="', y_str, '"']) points = tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.reshape(tf.stack([xs, ys], 1), [-1]), separator=' ', axis=-1) output = tf.strings.join( ["', label_text, ""]) return output def order_points(x, y, seed, point_order): if point_order == "natural": return x, y if point_order == "random": ix = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(x)[0], seed) elif point_order == "xy": x_float, y_float = tf.strings.to_number(x), tf.strings.to_number(y) ix = tf.argsort(x_float*100000 + y_float) elif point_order == "yx": x_float, y_float = tf.strings.to_number(x), tf.strings.to_number(y) ix = tf.argsort(y_float*100000 + x_float) else: raise NotImplementedError(point_order) return tf.gather(x, ix), tf.gather(y, ix) @gin.configurable() def points_to_text(x, y, w, h, seed, label=None, alt_text=None, point_mode="percent-precision-1", point_order="xy", point_list_mode="tag"): """Returns a string encoding of a list of points""" x = quantize_point(x, w, point_mode) y = quantize_point(y, h, point_mode) # Order the quantized points to make the order matches what was generated, this can matter # when points have the same quantized value e.g, (10.001, 20) (10.002, 10) should be # represented (10, 10), (10, 20), but if we sort before quantization we get (10, 20), (10, 10) x, y = order_points(x, y, seed, point_order) if point_list_mode == "tag": return construct_pointing_format(label, alt_text, x, y) elif point_list_mode == "paren": n = tf.shape(x)[0] return tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.strings.join([ "(", x, ", ", y, ")" ]), separator=", ") # if n == 0: # output = "" # else: # ids = tf.strings.as_string(tf.range(1, np + 1, dtype=tf.int32)) # xs = tf.strings.join(["x", ids, '="', x_str, '"']) # ys = tf.strings.join(["y", ids, '="', y_str, '"']) # points = tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.reshape(tf.stack([xs, ys], 1), [-1]), separator=' ', axis=-1) # output = tf.strings.join( # ["', label_text, ""]) # return output else: raise NotImplementedError(point_list_mode) def points_to_answer(x, y, w, h, seed, label, is_counting, alt_text=None): count = tf.shape(x)[0] if is_counting: if count == 0: return "There are none." else: point_text = points_to_text(x, y, w, h, seed, label, alt_text) return tf.strings.join([ "Counting the ", point_text, " shows a total of ", tf.strings.as_string(count), "." ]) else: if count == 0: return "There are none." else: return points_to_text(x, y, w, h, seed, label, alt_text) @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=2) def extract_point_qa(ex, seeds, answer_type="y_major"): ex["image"] = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] questions = ex["questions"] question = questions["question"] n = tf.shape(question)[0] answers = tf.TensorArray(tf.string, size=n, element_shape=()) point_text = questions["annotations"]["point_text"] point_seeds = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits( row_splits=point_text.row_splits, values=tf.random.split(seeds[0], num=tf.shape(point_text.values)[0]) ) for question_ix in range(n): anno = questions["annotations"] answer = questions["answer_with_placeholders"][question_ix] n_anno = tf.shape(anno["point_text"][question_ix])[0] for anno_ix in range(n_anno): points = anno["points"][question_ix, anno_ix] point_text = points_to_answer( points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 100, 100, point_seeds[question_ix, anno_ix], anno["point_text"][question_ix, anno_ix], False, alt_text=anno["alt_text"][question_ix, anno_ix], ) answer_split = tf.strings.split(answer, sep="<|POINT|>", maxsplit=1) answer = tf.strings.join([answer_split[0], point_text, answer_split[1]]) # Make sure all placeholders where used tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.shape(tf.strings.split(answer, sep="<|POINT|>"))[0], 1) answers = answers.write(question_ix, answer) messages = tf.stack([question, answers.stack()], axis=1) messages = tf.reshape(messages, [-1]) conversation_ids = tf.range(tf.shape(messages)[0] // 2, dtype=tf.int32) conversation_ids = tf.repeat(conversation_ids, 2) out = dict( image=ex["image"], messages=tf.RaggedTensor.from_value_rowids(messages, conversation_ids) ) ix = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(messages)[0], seeds[1]) messages = tf.gather(messages, ix) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["metadata/image_size"] = [img_w, img_h] return out def select_point(mask): bs = tf.shape(mask)[0] valid = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) h, w = tf.shape(mask)[1], tf.shape(mask)[2] ys = tf.range(h, dtype=tf.int32) xs = tf.range(w, dtype=tf.int32) n = tf.reduce_sum(valid, [1, 2]) cy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(ys[None, :, None], tf.float32) * valid, [1, 2]) / n # [bs] cx = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(xs[None, None, :], tf.float32) * valid, [1, 2]) / n # [bs] dist_y = tf.square(tf.range(h, dtype=tf.float32)[None, :] - cy[:, None]) # [bs, h] dist_x = tf.square(tf.range(w, dtype=tf.float32)[None, :] - cx[:, None]) # [bs, w] dist = dist_y[:, :, None] + dist_x[:, None, :] # [batch, h, w] dist = dist + (1 - valid) * 1e12 min_dist = tf.argmin(tf.reshape(dist, [bs, -1]), axis=-1) # [batch] w = tf.cast(w, min_dist.dtype) cy = tf.cast(min_dist // w, tf.float32) cx = tf.cast(min_dist % w, tf.float32) return cx, cy @seqio.map_over_dataset def refexp_pointing(ex): img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] objects = ex["objects"] # Shuffle objects so what object gets truncated if the sequence gets truncated is randomized refexps = objects['refexp']['raw'] bbox = objects["bbox"] mask = tf.squeeze(objects["mask"], -1) ix = tf.range(0, tf.shape(refexps)[0], dtype=tf.int32) ix = tf.random.shuffle(ix) refexps = tf.gather(refexps, ix) bbox = tf.gather(bbox, ix) mask = tf.gather(mask, ix) cx, cy = select_point(mask) answers = points_to_text(img_h, img_w, cx, cy) out = { "image": ex["image"], "refexp": refexps.values, "metadata/image_size": tf.stack([img_w, img_h,]), "text": tf.repeat(answers, refexps.row_lengths()), } if "image_url" in ex: out["metadata/image_url"] = ex["image_url"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset def refexp_pointing_inf(ex): img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] objects = ex["objects"] mask = tf.squeeze(objects["mask"], -1) cx, cy = select_point(mask) answers = points_to_text(img_h, img_w, cx, cy) refexps = objects["refexp"]["raw"] # We can't use `mask` directly since it is variable size, and thus it # will break batching. Here we serialize it instead serialized_masks = tf.map_fn(, mask, fn_output_signature=tf.string) out = { "image": ex["image"], "refexp": refexps, "metadata/bbox": objects["bbox"], "metadata/answer": answers, "metadata/mask": serialized_masks, "metadata/image_size": tf.stack([img_w, img_h]), } out.update({k: v for k, v in ex.items() if k.startswith("metadata/")}) return out @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_andriod_control_inf(ex, mode): if mode == "ll": prompt = tf.strings.join(["low_level: ", ex["metadata/ll_instruction"]]) elif mode == "hl_ll": prompt = tf.strings.join([ "high_level: ", ex["metadata/hl_instruction"], " low_level: ", ex["metadata/ll_instruction"] ]) elif mode == "hl": prompt = tf.strings.join(["high_level: ", ex["metadata/hl_instruction"]]) elif mode == "hl_cot": prompt = tf.strings.join(["high_level_cot: ", ex["metadata/hl_instruction"]]) else: raise NotImplementedError() out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt=prompt, text=ex["metadata/target_action"] ) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) return out @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_android_control(ex): # Each image has three tasks: # low level -> action # high+low level -> action # high level -> action # high level -> low level + action (CoT) out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt=tf.stack([ tf.strings.join(["low_level: ", ex["metadata/ll_instruction"]]), tf.strings.join([ "high_level: ", ex["metadata/hl_instruction"], " low_level: ", ex["metadata/ll_instruction"] ]), tf.strings.join(["high_level: ", ex["metadata/hl_instruction"]]), tf.strings.join(["high_level_cot: ", ex["metadata/hl_instruction"]]), ]), text=tf.stack([ ex["metadata/target_action"], ex["metadata/target_action"], ex["metadata/target_action"], tf.strings.join(["Plan: ", ex["metadata/ll_instruction"], " Action: ", ex["metadata/target_action"]]), ]) ) # Only needed if visualizing # ex["image"] = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) # img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] # img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] # out["metadata/image_size"] = tf.stack([img_w, img_h,]) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) return out @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def refexp(ex, seed): img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] objects = ex["objects"] # Shuffle objects so what object gets truncated if the sequence gets truncated is randomized refexps = objects['refexp']['raw'] bbox = objects["bbox"] ix = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(refexps)[0], seed) refexps = tf.gather(refexps, ix) bbox = tf.gather(bbox, ix) x2 = bbox[:, 0] + bbox[:, 2] y2 = bbox[:, 1] + bbox[:, 3] with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_any(x2 <= tf.cast(img_w, tf.float32)), True), tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_any(y2 <= tf.cast(img_h, tf.float32)), True) ]): answers = points_to_text( img_h, img_w, tf.reshape(tf.stack([bbox[:, 0], x2], 1), [-1]), tf.reshape(tf.stack([bbox[:, 1], y2], 1), [-1])) answers = tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.reshape(answers, [-1, 2]), separator=" ", axis=1) out = { "image": ex["image"], "refexp": refexps.values, "metadata/bbox": bbox, "metadata/image_size": tf.stack([img_w, img_h,]), "text": tf.repeat(answers, refexps.row_lengths()), } if "image_url" in ex: out["image_url"] = ex["image_url"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset def refexp_inf(ex): img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] out = { "image": ex["image"], "refexp": ex["objects"]["refexp"]["raw"], "metadata/bbox": ex["objects"]["bbox"], "metadata/image_size": tf.stack([img_w, img_h,]), } out.update({k: v for k, v in ex.items() if k.startswith("metadata/")}) return out def point_text_interleaved(*args): raise NotImplementedError() @seqio.map_over_dataset def web_pointing_preprocessor(ex): img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] question = point_text_interleaved( img_h, img_w, ex["question"], ex["question_points"]["x"], ex["question_points"]["y"]) answer = point_text_interleaved( img_h, img_w, ex["answer"], ex["answer_points"]["x"], ex["answer_points"]["y"]) answer_points = tf.stack([ex["answer_points"]["x"], ex["answer_points"]["y"]], axis=1) return { "question": question, "answer": answer, "image": ex["image"], "metadata/image_size": [img_w, img_h], "metadata/question_type": ex["question_type"], "metadata/answer_points":, "metadata/answer": answer, } def filter_pointing(ds): return ds.filter(lambda ex: tf.shape(ex["answer_points"]["x"])[0] >= 1) def filter_qa(ds): return ds.filter(lambda ex: tf.shape(ex["answer_points"]["x"])[0] == 0) # vaia filtering def filter_image_only(ds): return ds.filter(lambda ex: ex["has_image"]) def filter_mc(ds): return ds.filter(lambda ex: ex["is_mc"]) def remove_is_long(ds): return ds.filter(lambda ex: not ex["is_long"]) def remove_has_multiple_parts(ds): return ds.filter(lambda ex: not ex["has_multiple_parts"]) def _split(ds:, keys, n_splits=2): def _map(ex): n = tf.shape(ex[keys[0]])[0] if n < n_splits: return else: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() bs = n // n_splits remainder = n - bs*n_splits lens = tf.concat([ tf.ones([remainder], dtype=tf.int32), tf.zeros([n_splits-remainder], dtype=tf.int32), ], axis=0) + bs tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_sum(lens), n) ends = tf.cumsum(lens) parts = [] for split_ix in range(n_splits): part_ex = dict(ex) e = ends[split_ix] s = e - lens[split_ix] for k in keys: if isinstance(k, tuple): assert len(k) == 2 part_ex[k[0]][k[1]] = ex[k[0]][k[1]][s:e] else: part_ex[k] = ex[k][s:e] parts.append(part_ex) ds =[0]) for sub_ds in parts[1:]: sub_ds = ds = ds.concatenate(sub_ds) return ds return ds.flat_map(_map) def split(ds, n=2): # return ds return _split(ds, [k for k in [ "question", "label", "text", "entity", "messages" ] if k in ds.element_spec], n_splits=n) def split_points(ds, max_points=50): label = "question" if "question" in ds.element_spec else "label" return _split(ds, [ "question", label, "notInImage", ("answer_points", "x"), ("answer_points", "y"), ]) @seqio.map_over_dataset def fix_count_qa(ex): ex["label"] = ex["label"][::2] tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.shape(ex["answer_points"]["x"])[0], tf.shape(ex["label"])[0]) return ex def filter_points(ds, max_number=40): def _add_valid(ex): valid = ( tf.reduce_all(ex["answer_points"]["x"] >= 0.0, axis=-1) & tf.reduce_all(ex["answer_points"]["x"] <= 100.0, axis=-1) & tf.reduce_all(ex["answer_points"]["y"] >= 0.0, axis=-1) & tf.reduce_all(ex["answer_points"]["y"] <= 100.0, axis=-1) & (ex["answer_points"]["y"].row_lengths() <= max_number) ) ex["valid"] = valid return ex ds = ds = ds.filter(lambda ex: tf.reduce_any(ex["valid"])) return ds # def filter_points(ds, max_number=30): # n_points = ds["answer_points"]["x"].row_lengths() # parts = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=tf.shape(n_points[0]), element_shape=tf.TensorShape([None])) # total = 0 # on_row = 0 # for i in range(n_points): # n = n_points[i] # if n > max_number: # continue # if n + total > max_number: # # return ds @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=2) def pointing_preprocessor(ex, sequence_length, seeds, with_count=False): image = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) img_h = tf.shape(image)[0] img_w = tf.shape(image)[1] ix = tf.where(ex["valid"])[:, 0] ix = stateless_shuffle(ix, seeds[0]) if "label" in ex: question = tf.strings.lower(ex["label"]) else: question = ex["question"] question = tf.gather(question, ix) # [n_question] points_x = tf.gather(ex["answer_points"]["x"], ix) # [n_question, n_points[ragged]]] points_y = tf.gather(ex["answer_points"]["y"], ix) not_in_image = tf.gather(ex["notInImage"], ix) # [n_question] n = tf.shape(points_x)[0] point_text = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.string, size=n, element_shape=()) # [n_question] point_seeds = tf.random.split(seeds[1], n) for i in range(n): answer = points_to_answer(points_x[i], points_y[i], 100, 100, point_seeds[i], question[i], with_count) point_text = point_text.write(i, answer) return { "image": image, "metadata/image_size": [img_w, img_h], "entity": question, "question": question, "text": point_text.stack(), } @seqio.map_over_dataset def pointing_inf_preprocessor(ex): ex["image"] = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) img_h = tf.shape(ex["image"])[0] img_w = tf.shape(ex["image"])[1] question = ex["question"] not_in_image = tf.shape(ex["answer_points"]["x"])[0] == 0 # points are stored in normalized format, de-normalize here points_x = ex["answer_points"]["x"] * tf.cast(img_w, tf.float32) / 100.0 points_y = ex["answer_points"]["y"] * tf.cast(img_h, tf.float32) / 100.0 out = dict( image=ex["image"], question=question, entity=question, ) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["metadata/not_in_image"] = not_in_image # We can't use `mask` directly since it is variable size, and thus it # will break batching. Here we serialize it instead serialized_masks = tf.map_fn(, ex["masks"], fn_output_signature=tf.string) serialized_masks = tf.strings.reduce_join(serialized_masks, separator="|||") out["metadata/mask"] = serialized_masks out["metadata/question"] = question out["metadata/answer_points"] =[points_x, points_y], 1)) out["metadata/image_size"] = [img_w, img_h] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def count_qa_preprocessor_inf(ex, sequence_length, seed): image = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) img_h = tf.shape(image)[0] img_w = tf.shape(image)[1] entity = tf.strings.substr( ex["question"], len("How many "), tf.strings.length(ex["question"]) - len("How many ")) entity = tf.strings.split(entity, sep=" are ", maxsplit=1)[0] entity = tf.strings.lower(entity) tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.strings.length(entity) != 0, True) return { "image": image, "metadata/image_size": [img_w, img_h], "metadata/count": tf.strings.to_number(ex["answer"]), "question": ex["question"], "entity": entity, } @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def count_qa_preprocessor(ex, sequence_length, seed, with_count=False, for_inference=False): point_answer = ex["point_answer"] numbers_str = tf.strings.regex_replace(point_answer, r'\.$', '') numbers_str = tf.strings.regex_replace(numbers_str, r'[^\d\.\s]+', '') numbers_str = tf.strings.strip(numbers_str) numbers = tf.strings.split(numbers_str) float_numbers = tf.strings.to_number(numbers, out_type=tf.float32) coordinates = tf.reshape(float_numbers, (-1, 3)) points_x = coordinates[:, 1] points_y = coordinates[:, 2] image = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) img_h = tf.shape(image)[0] img_w = tf.shape(image)[1] entity = tf.strings.substr( ex["question"], len("How many "), tf.strings.length(ex["question"]) - len("How many ")) entity = tf.strings.split(entity, sep=" are ", maxsplit=1)[0] entity = tf.strings.lower(entity) tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.strings.length(entity) != 0, True) count = tf.strings.to_number(ex["answer"], out_type=tf.int32) if for_inference: return { "image": image, "metadata/image_size": [img_w, img_h], "metadata/count": count, "question": ex["question"], "entity": entity, } else: tf.debugging.assert_equal(count, tf.shape(points_x)[0]) # points are already normalized so use w=1, h=1 answer = points_to_answer(points_x, points_y, 1, 1, seed, entity, with_count) return { "image": image, "metadata/image_size": [img_w, img_h], "metadata/count": count, "question": ex["question"], "entity": entity, "text": answer, } @gin.configurable() @seqio.map_over_dataset def cleanup_preprocessor(ex, preprocess=False): if preprocess: ex["prompt"] = tf.strings.join( [ "[[User]]: Correct the spelling and punctuation mistakes on the following transcript based on what appears in the image.\n\n{before} ", ex["prompt"], "\n[[Assistant]]: {after}" ] ) return ex else: return ex @gin.configurable() @seqio.map_over_dataset def random_text_preprocessor(ex, preprocess=False): ex["prompt"] = "What does the text say in this image?" if preprocess: ex["prompt"] = tf.strings.join(["[[User]]: ", ex["prompt"], "\n[[Assistant]]:"]) return ex else: return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=25) def clock_augmentation(ex, seeds): seeds = list(seeds) image = ex["image"] # Apply shear, rotation, and scale through one affine matrix height = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[0], tf.float32) width = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[1], tf.float32) _call_id = [0] def _rng(_minval=0, _maxval=1, shape=(), dtype=tf.float32): return tf.random.stateless_uniform(shape, seeds.pop(), _minval, _maxval, dtype=dtype) sel = _rng(0, 1) if sel < 0.1: # Straight on shear_x = 0. shear_y = 0. rotation = 0. elif sel < 0.5: # Normal looking shear_x = _rng(-10, 10) shear_y = _rng(-10, 10) rotation = _rng(-25, 25) else: # Allowed to be very wonky # if tf.random.stateless_uniform((), seeds.pop(), 0, 1) > 0.8: # image = image[:, ::-1] if _rng() > 0.5: shear_x = _rng( -30, 30) shear_y = _rng( -30, 30) else: shear_x = _rng( -10, 10) shear_y = _rng( -10, 10) rng = _rng( 0, 1) if rng < 0.2: rotation = _rng( -25, 25) elif rng < 0.6: rotation = _rng( -80, 80) else: rotation = _rng( -180, 180) if _rng() > 0.5: scale = _rng( 0.3, 2) else: scale = _rng( 0.3, 1) # Pad so upscaling/rotation will not move the image out of bounds pad = tf.cast(tf.maximum(height, width)*0.5, tf.int32) image = tf.pad(image, [[pad, pad], [pad, pad], [0, 0]], constant_values=1) height = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[0], tf.float32) width = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[1], tf.float32) image = tf.keras.ops.image.affine_transform( image, tf.stack(get_affine_matrix( [height/2, width/2], rotation, [0, 0], 1/scale, [shear_x, shear_y] ) + [0., 0.]), interpolation='bilinear', fill_mode='constant', fill_value=1., data_format='channels_last' ) # Crop, otherwise it would be impossible to put the image at the corner of the image not_white = tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_all(image > 0.99, -1)) no_white_ix = tf.where(not_white) top_left = tf.reduce_min(no_white_ix, axis=0) bottom_right = tf.reduce_max(no_white_ix, axis=0) image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box( image, offset_height=tf.cast(top_left[0], tf.int32), offset_width=tf.cast(top_left[1], tf.int32), target_height=tf.cast(bottom_right[0] - top_left[0] + 1, tf.int32), target_width=tf.cast(bottom_right[1] - top_left[1] + 1, tf.int32), ) # Translate height, width = tf.shape(image)[0], tf.shape(image)[1] translation_seed = _rng(0, 1) if translation_seed < 0.2: h_pad = _rng(0, height//2, (2,), dtype=tf.int32) w_pad = _rng(0, width//2, (2,), dtype=tf.int32) else: h_pad = _rng(0, height*2, (2,), dtype=tf.int32) w_pad = _rng(0, width*2, (2,), dtype=tf.int32) image = tf.pad(image, [[h_pad[0], w_pad[0]], [h_pad[1], w_pad[1]], [0, 0]], constant_values=1) # Random background color # color_rng = tf.random.stateless_uniform((4,), seeds.pop(), 0, 1) # random_color = color_rng[:3] # valid = tf.reduce_all(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(random_color[None, None, :] - image), -1) > 0.03) # if color_rng[0] < 0.2 and valid: # image = tf.where(tf.reduce_all(image < 0.99, axis=-1, keepdims=True), # image, image * 0 + random_color[None, None, :]) # Mild color hitter image = tf.image.stateless_random_hue(image, max_delta=0.05, seed=seeds.pop()) image = tf.image.stateless_random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.15, seed=seeds.pop()) image = tf.image.stateless_random_saturation(image, 0.8, 1.2, seed=seeds.pop()) image = tf.image.stateless_random_contrast(image, 0.8, 1.2, seed=seeds.pop()) # ex["metadata/unaugmented_image"] = ex["image"] ex["image"] = image return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset def clocks_preprocessor(ex): time_format = ex["time_format"] shows_seconds = ex["shows_seconds"] hour, minute, second = [tf.cast(ex[k], tf.int32) for k in ["hour", "minute", "second"]] if hour == 0: # Midnight of the previous day am_pm = "PM" hour_str = 12 hour = 24 elif hour > 12: am_pm = "PM" hour_str = hour - 12 else: hour_str = hour am_pm = "AM" hour_str = tf.strings.as_string(hour_str) minute_str = tf.strings.as_string(minute) if tf.strings.length(minute_str) == 1: minute_str = tf.strings.join(["0", minute_str]) second_str = tf.strings.as_string(second) if tf.strings.length(second_str) == 1: second_str = tf.strings.join(["0", second_str]) prefix = "The time shown is " if time_format == "The time is not shown": text = "The time is not shown in the image." hour, minute, second = -1, -1, -1 else: if not shows_seconds: second = -1 if time_format == "12 hour clock (without AM/PM)" and shows_seconds: if hour > 12: hour = hour - 12 time = tf.strings.join([hour_str, ":", minute_str, ":", second_str]) elif time_format == "12 hour clock (with AM/PM)" and shows_seconds: time = tf.strings.join([hour_str, ":", minute_str, ":", second_str, " ", am_pm]) elif time_format == "12 hour clock (with AM/PM)" and not shows_seconds: time = tf.strings.join([hour_str, ":", minute_str, " ", am_pm]) elif time_format == "12 hour clock (without AM/PM)" and not shows_seconds: if hour > 12: hour = hour - 12 time = tf.strings.join([hour_str, ":", minute_str]) else: time = "" # Should never occur, but needed for tf analysis tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.strings.length(time) > 0, True) text = tf.strings.join(["The time shown is ", time]) image = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, tf.float32)[:-120] # remove the black shadow at the bottom return { "image": image, "prompt": "What time is being shown?", "text": text, "metadata/time_format": time_format, "metadata/hour": hour, "metadata/minute": minute, "metadata/text": text, "metadata/second": second, } @seqio.map_over_dataset() def atlas_obscura_preprocessor(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt="Where was this picture taken?", text=tf.strings.join([ ex["place"], " in ", ex["city"] ]) ) out["metadata/image_url"] = ex["image_url"] out["metadata/references"] = out["text"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def famous_birthdays_preprocessor(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], image_url=ex["image_url"], prompt="Who is this?", text=ex["name"] ) out["metadata/references"] = out["text"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def mild_color_aug_preprocessor(ex): if "image_url" in ex: # URL won't show the augmentations del ex["image_url"] # ex["metadata/unaugmented_image"] = ex["image"] ex["image"] = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) ex["image"] = mild_color_aug(ex["image"]) return ex def build_text_with_points(text, points, img_h, img_w): points = points_to_text(img_h, img_w, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) parts = tf.strings.split(text, sep="") with_points = tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.reshape(tf.stack([ parts, tf.pad(points, [[0, 1]], constant_values=""), ], 1), [-1]), separator="") return tf.strings.split(with_points, "\n\n") @seqio.map_over_dataset() def synth_count_preprocessor(example): image_shape = tf.shape(example["image"]) h, w = image_shape[0], image_shape[1] questions = build_text_with_points(example["questions"], example["question_points"], h, w) answers = build_text_with_points(example["answers"], example["answer_points"], h, w) keep_q = tf.strings.regex_full_match(questions, "How many.*") keep_ans = tf.strings.regex_full_match(answers, "There are [0-9]+.*") keep = tf.logical_and(keep_q, keep_ans) questions = tf.boolean_mask(questions, keep) answers = tf.boolean_mask(answers, keep) ix = tf.range(0, tf.shape(answers)[0], dtype=tf.int32) ix = tf.random.shuffle(ix) return dict( image=example["image"], prompt=tf.gather(questions, ix), text=tf.gather(answers, ix), ) def synth_count_inf_preprocessor(ds): @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def get_two(example, seed): image_shape = tf.shape(example["image"]) h, w = image_shape[0], image_shape[1] questions = build_text_with_points(example["questions"], example["question_points"], h, w) answers = build_text_with_points(example["answers"], example["answer_points"], h, w) keep_q = tf.strings.regex_full_match(questions, "How many.*") keep_ans = tf.strings.regex_full_match(answers, "There are [0-9]+.*") keep = tf.logical_and(keep_q, keep_ans) questions = tf.boolean_mask(questions, keep) answers = tf.boolean_mask(answers, keep) ix = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(answers)[0], seed)[:2] return { "image": example["image"], "prompt": tf.gather(questions, ix), "metadata/references": tf.gather(answers, ix), } ds = get_two(ds) return flatten_parts(ds, ["prompt", "metadata/references"]) def mild_color_aug(image): image = tf.image.random_hue(image, max_delta=0.05) image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.15) image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, 0.7, 1.3) image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, 0.8, 1.2) return image @seqio.map_over_dataset() def name_entity_augmentation(ex, p_high_color=0.7): ex["image"] = tf.image.decode_image(ex['image'], channels=3, expand_animations=False) image = ex["image"] image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, tf.float32) # Horizontal flip if tf.random.uniform((), 0, 1) > 0.85: image = image[:, ::-1] # Random crop height = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[0], tf.float32) width = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[1], tf.float32) crop_rng = tf.random.uniform((), 0, 1) if crop_rng < 0.2: pass else: if crop_rng < 0.4: h_crop = height * 0.15 w_crop = width * 0.15 else: h_crop = height * 0.4 w_crop = width * 0.4 crop_h = tf.cast(tf.random.uniform((2,), 0, h_crop/2), tf.int32) crop_w = tf.cast(tf.random.uniform((2,), 0, w_crop/2), tf.int32) image = image[crop_h[0]:-crop_h[1]-1, crop_w[0]:-crop_w[1]-1] height = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[0], tf.float32) width = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[1], tf.float32) if tf.random.uniform(()) > p_high_color: image = tf.image.random_hue(image, max_delta=0.05) image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.15) image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, 0.7, 1.3) image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, 0.8, 1.2) else: image = tf.image.random_hue(image, max_delta=0.1) image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.3) image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, 0.0, 2.0) image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, 0.2, 1.5) # Apply shear, rotation, and scale through one affine matrix sel = tf.random.uniform((), 0, 1) if sel < 0.1: pass else: if sel < 0.15: # Scale only shear_x = 0 shear_y = 0 rotation = 0 if sel < 0.7: # Mild shear_x = tf.random.uniform((), -2, 2) shear_y = tf.random.uniform((), -2, 2) rotation = tf.random.uniform((), -5, 5) else: # Severe shear_x = tf.random.uniform((), -10, 10) shear_y = tf.random.uniform((), -10, 10) rotation = tf.random.uniform((), -20, 20) max_scale = 1.2 scale = tf.random.uniform((), 0.4, max_scale) # Pad so upscaling/rotation will not move the image out of bounds pad = tf.cast(tf.maximum(height, width)*0.2, tf.int32) image = tf.pad(image, [[pad, pad], [pad, pad], [0, 0]], constant_values=1) image = tf.keras.ops.image.affine_transform( image, tf.stack(get_affine_matrix( [height/2, width/2], rotation, [0, 0], 1/scale, [shear_x, shear_y] ) + [0., 0.]), interpolation='bilinear', fill_mode='constant', fill_value=1., data_format='channels_last' ) # Crop, otherwise it would be impossible to put the image at the corner of the image not_white = tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_all(image > 0.99, -1)) no_white_ix = tf.where(not_white) top_left = tf.reduce_min(no_white_ix, axis=0) bottom_right = tf.reduce_max(no_white_ix, axis=0) # Very low chance center crop will get nothing but white space, we just skip if ( (bottom_right[0] - top_left[0]) > 1 and (bottom_right[1] - top_left[1]) > 1 ): image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box( image, offset_height=tf.cast(top_left[0], tf.int32), offset_width=tf.cast(top_left[1], tf.int32), target_height=tf.cast(bottom_right[0] - top_left[0] + 1, tf.int32), target_width=tf.cast(bottom_right[1] - top_left[1] + 1, tf.int32), ) # Translate height, width = tf.shape(image)[0], tf.shape(image)[1] if tf.random.uniform((), 0, 1) < 0.1: h_pad = tf.zeros((2,), dtype=tf.int32) w_pad = tf.zeros((2,), dtype=tf.int32) elif tf.random.uniform((), 0, 1) < 0.8: h_pad = tf.random.uniform((2,), 0, 50, dtype=tf.int32) w_pad = tf.random.uniform((2,), 0, 50, dtype=tf.int32) else: pad = tf.cast(tf.maximum(height, width), tf.int32) h_pad = tf.random.uniform((2,), 0, pad, dtype=tf.int32) w_pad = tf.random.uniform((2,), 0, pad, dtype=tf.int32) image = tf.pad(image, [[h_pad[0], w_pad[0]], [h_pad[1], w_pad[1]], [0, 0]], constant_values=1) if "image_url" in ex: # URL won't show the augmentations del ex["image_url"] # ex["metadata/unaugmented_image"] = ex["image"] ex["image"] = image return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset() def wiki_art_preprocessor(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt="What is this?", text=ex["question"] ) out["metadata/title"] = ex["title"] out["metadata/gt"] = ex["question"] out["metadata/artist"] = ex["artist"] out["metadata/painting_url"] = ex["painting_url"] # if "metadata/unaugmented_image" in ex: # out["metadata/unaugmented_image"] = ex["metadata/unaugmented_image"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def oscar_preprocessor(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], prompt=ex["question"] ) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["metadata/question"] = ex["question"] out["metadata/answer"] = ex["answer"] out["metadata/category"] = ex["category"] return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def tulu_preprocessor(ex): return { "messages": ex["messages"]["content"], } #"Debugging tulue") # return {"messages": ex["messages"]["content"], "text_weights": 1e-6} WIKI_DATA_QUESTION = "What is this? Respond with just a proper name." @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_wiki_data(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], image_url=ex["image_url"], prompt=[ WIKI_DATA_QUESTION, "What is this? Respond with the proper name of the main focus of the image and a few details about it." ], text=[ tf.strings.strip(tf.strings.regex_replace(ex["question"], r"\(.*\)", "")), ex["gptResponse"], ] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_wiki_data_name(ex): target = tf.strings.strip(tf.strings.regex_replace(ex["question"], r"\(.*\)", "")) out = dict( image=ex["image"], image_url=ex["image_url"], prompt=WIKI_DATA_QUESTION, text=target, ) out["metadata/references"] = target return out @seqio.map_over_dataset() def extract_wiki_data_describe(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], image_url=ex["image_url"], prompt="What is this? Respond with the proper name of the main focus of the image and a few details about it.", ) out["metadata/references"] = ex["gptResponse"] return out @gin.configurable() def format_multiple_style_qa(ds, types=['multiple_choice', 'short_answer'], styles=['ai2_diagram', 'vqa2'], default_style='vqa2', strip_instruction=False): def _extract(ex): prompt = ex["question"] out = dict(image=ex["image"]) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["text"] = ex["answer"] out["metadata/references"] = ex["answer"] if ex["metadata/question_type"] == 'multiple_choice': style = styles[0] else: style = styles[1] if strip_instruction: if ex["metadata/question_type"] == "multiple_choice": # parts = tf.strings.split(prompt, "\n") # parts 1 is blank and part -1 is the instruction # prompt = tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.concat([parts[:1], parts[2:-1]], 0), separator="\n") prompt = prompt else: prompt = tf.strings.split(prompt, "\n")[0] out["style"] = style out["prompt"] = prompt return out ds =, return ds @gin.configurable() def extract_mmmu(ds, types=['multiple-choice', 'open'], styles=['ai2_diagram', 'vqa2'], default_style='ai2_diagram', option_format="abc"): assert option_format == "abc" keys_tensor = tf.constant(types, dtype=tf.string) values_tensor = tf.constant(styles, dtype=tf.string) table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable( tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys_tensor, values_tensor), default_value=tf.constant(default_style, dtype=tf.string), ) def _extract(ex): out = dict(image=tf.expand_dims(ex["image_1"], 0)) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) style = table.lookup(ex["metadata/question_type"]) out["style"] = style out["text"] = ex["answer"] out["metadata/references"] = ex["answer"] if style == styles[0]: abc = tf.constant(list("abcdefghi".upper())) options = ex["options"] num_options = tf.shape(options)[0] dummy_options = tf.tile(tf.constant([""], dtype=tf.string), [9 - num_options]) out["metadata/options"] = tf.concat([options, dummy_options], axis=0) out["metadata/options"] = tf.ensure_shape(out["metadata/options"], [9]) short_options = abc[:num_options] options = tf.stack([short_options, options,], 1) options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, axis=-1, separator=": ") options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, separator="\n") out["prompt"] = tf.strings.join([ex["question"], "\n", options, "\n"]) if tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.strings.regex_full_match(options, ""), tf.int32)) > 1: # Following LLaVa, don't use any images if there are multiple images paths # I think the rationale is that this means the image are answer-options out["image"] = out["image"][:0] else: out["metadata/options"] = tf.constant([""] * 9, dtype=tf.string) out["prompt"] = ex["question"] out["image"] = out["image"][:0] return out ds =, return ds @gin.configurable() def extract_mmmu_cot(ds, types=['multiple-choice', 'open'], styles=['ai2_diagram', 'vqa2'], default_style='ai2_diagram', option_format="abc"): assert option_format == "abc" keys_tensor = tf.constant(types, dtype=tf.string) values_tensor = tf.constant(styles, dtype=tf.string) table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable( tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys_tensor, values_tensor), default_value=tf.constant(default_style, dtype=tf.string), ) def _extract(ex): # out = dict(image=tf.expand_dims(ex["image_with_question"], 0)) out = dict(image=tf.expand_dims(ex["image_1"], 0)) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) style = table.lookup(ex["metadata/question_type"]) # out["style"] = style out["text"] = ex["answer"] out["metadata/question"] = ex["question"] out["metadata/references"] = ex["answer"] if style == styles[0]: abc = tf.constant(list("abcdefghi".upper())) options = ex["options"] num_options = tf.shape(options)[0] dummy_options = tf.tile(tf.constant([""], dtype=tf.string), [9 - num_options]) out["metadata/options"] = tf.concat([options, dummy_options], axis=0) out["metadata/options"] = tf.ensure_shape(out["metadata/options"], [9]) short_options = abc[:num_options] options = tf.stack([short_options, options,], 1) options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, axis=-1, separator=": ") options = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, separator="\n") out["prompt"] = tf.strings.join([ex["question"], "\n", options, "\n"]) # out["prompt"] = ex["question"] if tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.strings.regex_full_match(options, ""), tf.int32)) > 1: # Following LLaVa, don't use any images if there are multiple images paths # I think the rationale is that this means the image are answer-options out["image"] = out["image"][:0] else: out["metadata/options"] = tf.constant([""] * 9, dtype=tf.string) out["prompt"] = ex["question"] # out["image"] = out["image"][:0] return out ds =, return ds @seqio.map_over_dataset def reformat_math_vista(ex): query = ex["query"] query = tf.strings.split(query, sep="Question:")[-1] query = tf.strings.strip(tf.strings.split(query, sep="Hint:")[0]) ex["query"] = query return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_math_vista(ex, styles=['ai2_diagram', 'vqa2']): out = dict(image=ex["image"]) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) is_mc = ex["metadata/question_type"] == 'multi_choice' if is_mc: style = styles[0] abc = tf.constant(list("abcdefghi".upper())) options = ex["choices"] num_options = tf.shape(options)[0] dummy_options = tf.tile(tf.constant([""], dtype=tf.string), [9 - num_options]) out["metadata/options"] = tf.concat([options, dummy_options], axis=0) out["metadata/options"] = tf.ensure_shape(out["metadata/options"], [9]) if ex["metadata/split"] != "test": short_options = abc[:num_options] answer_short_option = tf.boolean_mask(short_options, options == ex["answer"])[0] out["text"] = answer_short_option else: out["text"] = ex["answer"] else: style = styles[1] out["metadata/options"] = tf.constant([""] * 9, dtype=tf.string) out["text"] = ex["answer"] out["style"] = style out["prompt"] = ex["query"] out["metadata/query"] = ex["query"] out["metadata/references"] = ex["answer"] return out NO_POINT_PREFIX = [ "No pointing: ", "No pointing: ", "no pointing:\n", "No pointing:\n", "Not pointing:\n", "No Points: ", "No Points: ", "NO POINTING\n", "No pontiing\n", "No Points:\n ", "No pointing\n", "Do not point. ", "Refrain from pointing. ", "Avoid generating points . ", "For this question, do not use points. ", "Refrain from using points:\n", "Don't include points in your response. ", "Don't point. ", "Don't use points. ", "Please don't use points.\n\n", "Please don't use points.\n\n", "Respond without using points. ", "Respond without pointing:\n", "Do not generate ponits: ", "Do not point. ", "Do not point\n", "no pointing\n\n", "Answer without points: ", "Answer this question without pointing: ", "Answer without poiints. ", "answer without points: ", "answer with text only, do not points\n" ] assert all(x[-1].isspace() for x in NO_POINT_PREFIX) NO_POINT_PREFIX_TF = tf.constant(NO_POINT_PREFIX) def prefix_how_many(messages, seed): question = messages[0] if tf.strings.regex_full_match(tf.strings.lower(question), "how many.*"): ix = tf.random.stateless_uniform((), seed, 0, len(NO_POINT_PREFIX), tf.int32) question = tf.strings.join([NO_POINT_PREFIX_TF[ix], question]) return tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(question, 0), messages[1:]], axis=0) else: return messages @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def prefix_how_many_messages(ex, seed): messages = ex["messages"] n = tf.shape(messages)[0] seeds = tf.random.split(seed, n) message_arr = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.string, size=n, element_shape=(None,)) for i in range(n): message_arr = message_arr.write(i, prefix_how_many(messages[i], seeds[i])) ex["messages"] = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits( values=message_arr.concat(), row_splits=messages.row_splits) return ex def filter_single_turn(ds): @seqio.map_over_dataset def _filter(ex): multi_turn = ex["messages"].row_lengths() > 2 ex["messages"] = tf.ragged.boolean_mask(ex["messages"], multi_turn) return ex ds = _filter(ds) ds = ds.filter(lambda x: tf.shape(x["messages"])[0] > 0) return ds @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def extract_cockatoo_qa_v2(ex, seed): messages = tf.RaggedTensor.from_value_rowids(ex["messages"], ex["conversation_ids"]) ix = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(messages)[0], seed) messages = tf.gather(messages, ix) out = dict( image=ex["image"], messages=messages ) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) return out def format_mmbench(ds): def _trim(ex): num_passes = tf.shape(ex["id"])[0] ex["choices"] = ex["choices"][:num_passes, :num_passes] ex["answer"] = ex["answer"][:num_passes] return ex ds = ds = flatten_parts(ds, ["id", "query", "choices", "answer"]) def _extract(ex): out = dict(image=ex["image"]) out.update(_add_metadata(ex)) out["prompt"] = ex["query"] out["text"] = ex["answer"] options = ex["choices"] tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_any(tf.strings.regex_full_match(options, ".*\|\|\|.*")), False) out["metadata/options"] = tf.strings.reduce_join(options, separator="|||") out["metadata/question"] = ex["question"] out["metadata/references"] = ex["answer"] return out ds =, return ds @seqio.map_over_dataset def extract_lvis(ex, class_name_file="gs://oe-training-chrisc/cockatoo/data/lvis_class_names.json"): with as f: class_names = json.load(f) class_names_arr = [None]*len(class_names) for k, v in class_names.items(): class_names_arr[int(k)] = v assert all(x is not None for x in class_names_arr) class_names_arr = tf.constant(class_names_arr) return dict( image=ex["image"], bbox=ex["objects"]["bbox"], label=tf.gather(class_names_arr, ex["objects"]["label"]), ) def extract_open_images_boxes(ds): # ds = ds.filter(lambda ex: tf.logical_or( # tf.shape(ex["cap/cap_caption"])[0] > 0, # tf.shape(ex["detection/bbox"])[0] > 0 # )) ds = ds.filter(lambda ex: tf.shape(ex["cap/cap_caption"])[0] > 0) @seqio.map_over_dataset def _map(ex): bbox = tf.reshape(ex["detection/bbox"], (-1, 4)) bbox = tf.stack([ bbox[:, 2], bbox[:, 0], bbox[:, 3], bbox[:, 1] ], 1) return dict( image=tf.image.decode_jpeg(ex["image"]), bbox=bbox, label=ex["detection/label"], caption=tf.strings.reduce_join(ex["cap/cap_caption"], separator="\n") ) return _map(ds) @seqio.map_over_dataset def region_captions_to_dense(ex): if "captions" in ex: captions = ex["captions"]["text"] boxes = ex["captions"]["bbox"] else: captions = ex["label"] boxes = ex["bbox"] sh = tf.cast(tf.shape(ex["image"])[:2], tf.float32) # image_h, image_w = sh[0], sh[1] w = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0] h = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] cx = tf.cast(boxes[:, 0] + w/2, tf.float32) cy = tf.cast(boxes[:, 1] + h/2, tf.float32) # w = w / image_w # h = h / image_h coor = tf.strings.reduce_join( float_to_text(tf.stack([cx, cy, w, h], 1)), separator=",", axis=1) area = w*h if tf.random.uniform(()) < 0.5: coor_text = "before" captions = tf.strings.join([coor, captions], separator=": ") else: coor_text = "after" captions = tf.strings.join([captions, coor], separator=": ") ix = tf.random.uniform((), 0, 6, tf.int32) center = boxes if ix == 0: order_text = "left" sort_by = boxes[:, 0] elif ix == 1: order_text = "right" sort_by = -boxes[:, 2] elif ix == 2: order_text = "top" sort_by = boxes[:, 1] elif ix == 3: order_text = "bottom" sort_by = -boxes[:, 3] elif ix == 4: order_text = "largest" sort_by = area else: order_text = "smallest" sort_by = -area ixs = tf.argsort(sort_by) captions = tf.gather(captions, ixs) text = tf.strings.join([ order_text, coor_text, tf.strings.reduce_join(captions, separator="\n") ], separator="; ") if "caption" in ex: if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5: text = tf.strings.join([text, "\ncaption: ", ex["caption"]]) else: text = tf.strings.join(["caption: ", ex["caption"], "\n", text]) return dict( image=ex["image"], text=text ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def join_captions(ex): text = tf.random.shuffle(ex['text']) ex["text"] = tf.strings.reduce_join(text, separator="\n") return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset(num_seeds=1) def extract_figureqa(ex, seed): questions = ex["questions"] n = stateless_permutation(tf.shape(questions["question"])[0], seed) return dict( image=ex["image"], questions=tf.gather(questions["question"], n), question_id=tf.gather(questions["question_id"], n), answer=tf.gather(tf.strings.as_string(questions["answer"]), n) ) @seqio.map_over_dataset def convert_figureqa_answer(ex): keys_tensor = tf.constant(["0", "1"]) values_tensor = tf.constant(["no", "yes"]) table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable( tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys_tensor, values_tensor), default_value=tf.constant("nan", dtype=tf.string), ) answer = table.lookup(ex["answer"]) ex["answer"] = answer return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset() def build_question_with_hint(ex): hint = ex["hint"] if tf.strings.length(hint) > 0: ex["question"] = tf.strings.join([hint, ex["question"]], separator="\n") return ex @seqio.map_over_dataset() def build_question_with_context(ex): context = ex["context"] if tf.strings.length(context) > 0: ex["question"] = tf.strings.join([context, ex["question"]], separator="\n") return ex def max_words(ds, max_words): return ds.filter(lambda x: x["n_words"] <= max_words) @seqio.map_over_dataset def format_pdfa_eng_wds(example): return dict( image=example["image"], text=tf.strings.reduce_join(example["lines"]["text"], separator="\n"), ) @gin.configurable() def accuracy_conditioned_joint(ds, sequence_length, is_eval=False, eval_quality=17, transcript_quality=None): # v2: Transcripts no longer get a quality score is_training = sequence_length.get('is_training', True) if not is_training: if is_eval: prompt = f"quality {eval_quality}:" else: prompt = f"quality 17:" @seqio.map_over_dataset def _with_prompt(ex): out = dict( image=ex["image"], url=ex["url"], prompt=prompt, ) if "text" in ex: out["text"] = ex["text"] elif "caption" in ex: out["text"] = ex["caption"] return out return _with_prompt(ds) elif is_eval: raise ValueError("is_eval=True and is_training=False") # each transcript @seqio.map_over_dataset def _with_transcript(ex): if tf.shape(ex["edited_captions"]["caption"])[0] > 0: edited_caption = ex["edited_captions"]["caption"][0] n = ex["edited_captions"]["n_edits"][0] else: edited_caption = "" n = 0 text = [ ex["caption"], ex["transcripts"][tf.random.uniform((), 0, tf.shape(ex["transcripts"])[0], dtype=tf.int32)], edited_caption ] edit_quality = 17 - n prompt = [ "quality 17:", "" if transcript_quality is None else f"quality: {edit_quality}:", tf.strings.join(["quality ", tf.strings.as_string(edit_quality), ":"]) ] return dict( image=ex["image"], text=tf.stack(text, 0), url=ex["url"], prompt=tf.stack(prompt, 0), style=["long_caption", "transcript", "long_caption"] ) return _with_transcript(ds) def select_dense_caption_sample(ds, samples=200): def compute_hash(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(string.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() with"gs://oe-training-chrisc/cockatoo/data/dense-caption-eval-v0-final-data.json") as f: data = json.load(f) for ex in data: ex["image_id"] = compute_hash(ex["image"]) data.sort(key=lambda x: x["image_id"]) np.random.RandomState(12312).shuffle(data) keep = tf.constant([x["image"] for x in data[:samples]]) def _keep(ex): return tf.reduce_any(ex["url"] == keep) ds = ds.filter(_keep) ds = return ds @seqio.map_over_dataset() def charxiv_preprocessor(ex): question_names = ["descriptive_q1", "descriptive_q2", "descriptive_q3", "descriptive_q4", "reasoning_q"] answer_names = ["descriptive_a1", "descriptive_a2", "descriptive_a3", "descriptive_a4", "reasoning_a"] questions = [ex[name] for name in question_names] answers = [ex[name] for name in answer_names] return dict( image=ex["image"], question=tf.stack(questions, 0), answer=tf.stack(answers, 0) ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def charxiv_descriptive_preprocessor(ex): question_names = ["descriptive_q1", "descriptive_q2", "descriptive_q3", "descriptive_q4"] answer_names = ["descriptive_a1", "descriptive_a2", "descriptive_a3", "descriptive_a4"] questions = [ex[name] for name in question_names] answers = [ex[name] for name in answer_names] return dict( image=ex["image"], question=tf.stack(questions, 0), answer=tf.stack(answers, 0) ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def charxiv_reasoning_preprocessor(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], question=ex["reasoning_q"], answer=ex["reasoning_a"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def tablevqa_preprocessor(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], question=ex["question"], answer=ex["gt"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def vtabfact_preprocessor(ex): return dict( image=ex["image"], question=tf.strings.join([ex["question"], "Answer with yes or no."], separator="\n"), answer=ex["gt"] ) @seqio.map_over_dataset() def nutrition_fact_preprocessor(ex): question_names = ["descriptive_q", "reasoning_q"] answer_names = ["descriptive_a", "reasoning_a"] questions = [ex[name] for name in question_names] answers = [ex[name] for name in answer_names] return dict( image=ex["image"], question=tf.stack(questions, 0), answer=tf.stack(answers, 0) )