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Upload folder using huggingface_hub
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import os
import numpy as np
import math
import json
import imageio
import torch
import tqdm
import cv2
from data_util.face3d_helper import Face3DHelper
from utils.commons.euler2rot import euler_trans_2_c2w, c2w_to_euler_trans
from data_gen.utils.process_video.euler2quaterion import euler2quaterion, quaterion2euler
from deep_3drecon.deep_3drecon_models.bfm import ParametricFaceModel
def euler2rot(euler_angle):
batch_size = euler_angle.shape[0]
theta = euler_angle[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
phi = euler_angle[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
psi = euler_angle[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
one = torch.ones(batch_size, 1, 1).to(euler_angle.device)
zero = torch.zeros(batch_size, 1, 1).to(euler_angle.device)
rot_x =, zero, zero), 1),, theta.cos(), theta.sin()), 1),, -theta.sin(), theta.cos()), 1),
), 2)
rot_y =, zero, -phi.sin()), 1),, one, zero), 1),, zero, phi.cos()), 1),
), 2)
rot_z =, -psi.sin(), zero), 1),, psi.cos(), zero), 1),, zero, one), 1)
), 2)
return torch.bmm(rot_x, torch.bmm(rot_y, rot_z))
def rot2euler(rot_mat):
batch_size = len(rot_mat)
# we assert that y in in [-0.5pi, 0.5pi]
cos_y = torch.sqrt(rot_mat[:, 1, 2] * rot_mat[:, 1, 2] + rot_mat[:, 2, 2] * rot_mat[:, 2, 2])
theta_x = torch.atan2(-rot_mat[:, 1, 2], rot_mat[:, 2, 2])
theta_y = torch.atan2(rot_mat[:, 2, 0], cos_y)
theta_z = torch.atan2(rot_mat[:, 0, 1], rot_mat[:, 0, 0])
euler_angles = torch.zeros([batch_size, 3])
euler_angles[:, 0] = theta_x
euler_angles[:, 1] = theta_y
euler_angles[:, 2] = theta_z
return euler_angles
index_lm68_from_lm468 = [127,234,93,132,58,136,150,176,152,400,379,365,288,361,323,454,356,70,63,105,66,107,336,296,334,293,300,168,197,5,4,75,97,2,326,305,
def plot_lm2d(lm2d):
WH = 512
img = np.ones([WH, WH, 3], dtype=np.uint8) * 255
for i in range(len(lm2d)):
x, y = lm2d[i]
color = (255,0,0)
img =, center=(int(x),int(y)), radius=3, color=color, thickness=-1)
for i in range(len(lm2d)):
x, y = lm2d[i]
img = cv2.putText(img, f"{i}", org=(int(x),int(y)), fontFace=font, fontScale=0.3, color=(255,0,0))
return img
def get_face_rect(lms, h, w):
lms: [68, 2]
h, w: int
return: [4,]
assert len(lms) == 68
# min_x, max_x = np.min(lms, 0)[0], np.max(lms, 0)[0]
min_x, max_x = np.min(lms[:, 0]), np.max(lms[:, 0])
cx = int((min_x+max_x)/2.0)
cy = int(lms[27, 1])
h_w = int((max_x-cx)*1.5)
h_h = int((lms[8, 1]-cy)*1.15)
rect_x = cx - h_w
rect_y = cy - h_h
if rect_x < 0:
rect_x = 0
if rect_y < 0:
rect_y = 0
rect_w = min(w-1-rect_x, 2*h_w)
rect_h = min(h-1-rect_y, 2*h_h)
# rect = np.array((rect_x, rect_y, rect_w, rect_h), dtype=np.int32)
# rect = [rect_x, rect_y, rect_w, rect_h]
rect = [rect_x, rect_x + rect_w, rect_y, rect_y + rect_h] # min_j, max_j, min_i, max_i
return rect # this x is width, y is height
def get_lip_rect(lms, h, w):
lms: [68, 2]
h, w: int
return: [4,]
# this x is width, y is height
# for lms, lms[:, 0] is width, lms[:, 1] is height
assert len(lms) == 68
lips = slice(48, 60)
lms = lms[lips]
min_x, max_x = np.min(lms[:, 0]), np.max(lms[:, 0])
min_y, max_y = np.min(lms[:, 1]), np.max(lms[:, 1])
cx = int((min_x+max_x)/2.0)
cy = int((min_y+max_y)/2.0)
h_w = int((max_x-cx)*1.2)
h_h = int((max_y-cy)*1.2)
h_w = max(h_w, h_h)
h_h = h_w
rect_x = cx - h_w
rect_y = cy - h_h
rect_w = 2*h_w
rect_h = 2*h_h
if rect_x < 0:
rect_x = 0
if rect_y < 0:
rect_y = 0
if rect_x + rect_w > w:
rect_x = w - rect_w
if rect_y + rect_h > h:
rect_y = h - rect_h
rect = [rect_x, rect_x + rect_w, rect_y, rect_y + rect_h] # min_j, max_j, min_i, max_i
return rect # this x is width, y is height
# def get_lip_rect(lms, h, w):
# """
# lms: [68, 2]
# h, w: int
# return: [4,]
# """
# assert len(lms) == 68
# lips = slice(48, 60)
# # this x is width, y is height
# xmin, xmax = int(lms[lips, 1].min()), int(lms[lips, 1].max())
# ymin, ymax = int(lms[lips, 0].min()), int(lms[lips, 0].max())
# # padding to H == W
# cx = (xmin + xmax) // 2
# cy = (ymin + ymax) // 2
# l = max(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin) // 2
# xmin = max(0, cx - l)
# xmax = min(h, cx + l)
# ymin = max(0, cy - l)
# ymax = min(w, cy + l)
# lip_rect = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
# return lip_rect
def get_win_conds(conds, idx, smo_win_size=8, pad_option='zero'):
conds: [b, t=16, h=29]
idx: long, time index of the selected frame
idx = max(0, idx)
idx = min(idx, conds.shape[0]-1)
smo_half_win_size = smo_win_size//2
left_i = idx - smo_half_win_size
right_i = idx + (smo_win_size - smo_half_win_size)
pad_left, pad_right = 0, 0
if left_i < 0:
pad_left = -left_i
left_i = 0
if right_i > conds.shape[0]:
pad_right = right_i - conds.shape[0]
right_i = conds.shape[0]
conds_win = conds[left_i:right_i]
if pad_left > 0:
if pad_option == 'zero':
conds_win = np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(conds_win)[:pad_left], conds_win], axis=0)
elif pad_option == 'edge':
edge_value = conds[0][np.newaxis, ...]
conds_win = np.concatenate([edge_value] * pad_left + [conds_win], axis=0)
raise NotImplementedError
if pad_right > 0:
if pad_option == 'zero':
conds_win = np.concatenate([conds_win, np.zeros_like(conds_win)[:pad_right]], axis=0)
elif pad_option == 'edge':
edge_value = conds[-1][np.newaxis, ...]
conds_win = np.concatenate([conds_win] + [edge_value] * pad_right , axis=0)
raise NotImplementedError
assert conds_win.shape[0] == smo_win_size
return conds_win
def load_processed_data(processed_dir):
# load necessary files
background_img_name = os.path.join(processed_dir, "bg.jpg")
assert os.path.exists(background_img_name)
head_img_dir = os.path.join(processed_dir, "head_imgs")
torso_img_dir = os.path.join(processed_dir, "inpaint_torso_imgs")
gt_img_dir = os.path.join(processed_dir, "gt_imgs")
hubert_npy_name = os.path.join(processed_dir, "aud_hubert.npy")
mel_f0_npy_name = os.path.join(processed_dir, "aud_mel_f0.npy")
coeff_npy_name = os.path.join(processed_dir, "coeff_fit_mp.npy")
lm2d_npy_name = os.path.join(processed_dir, "lms_2d.npy")
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict['bg_img'] = imageio.imread(background_img_name)
ret_dict['H'], ret_dict['W'] = ret_dict['bg_img'].shape[:2]
ret_dict['focal'], ret_dict['cx'], ret_dict['cy'] = face_model.focal,,
print("loading lm2d coeff ...")
lm2d_arr = np.load(lm2d_npy_name)
face_rect_lst = []
lip_rect_lst = []
for lm2d in lm2d_arr:
if len(lm2d) in [468, 478]:
lm2d = lm2d[index_lm68_from_lm468]
face_rect = get_face_rect(lm2d, ret_dict['H'], ret_dict['W'])
lip_rect = get_lip_rect(lm2d, ret_dict['H'], ret_dict['W'])
face_rects = np.stack(face_rect_lst, axis=0) # [T, 4]
print("loading fitted 3dmm coeff ...")
coeff_dict = np.load(coeff_npy_name, allow_pickle=True).tolist()
identity_arr = coeff_dict['id']
exp_arr = coeff_dict['exp']
ret_dict['id'] = identity_arr
ret_dict['exp'] = exp_arr
euler_arr = ret_dict['euler'] = coeff_dict['euler']
trans_arr = ret_dict['trans'] = coeff_dict['trans']
print("calculating lm3d ...")
idexp_lm3d_arr = face3d_helper.reconstruct_idexp_lm3d(torch.from_numpy(identity_arr), torch.from_numpy(exp_arr)).cpu().numpy().reshape([-1, 68*3])
len_motion = len(idexp_lm3d_arr)
video_idexp_lm3d_mean = idexp_lm3d_arr.mean(axis=0)
video_idexp_lm3d_std = idexp_lm3d_arr.std(axis=0)
ret_dict['idexp_lm3d'] = idexp_lm3d_arr
ret_dict['idexp_lm3d_mean'] = video_idexp_lm3d_mean
ret_dict['idexp_lm3d_std'] = video_idexp_lm3d_std
# now we convert the euler_trans from deep3d convention to adnerf convention
eulers = torch.FloatTensor(euler_arr)
trans = torch.FloatTensor(trans_arr)
rots = face_model.compute_rotation(eulers) # rotation matrix is a better intermediate for convention-transplan than euler
# handle the camera pose to geneface's convention
trans[:, 2] = 10 - trans[:, 2] # 抵消fit阶段的to_camera操作,即trans[...,2] = 10 - trans[...,2]
rots = rots.permute(0, 2, 1)
trans[:, 2] = - trans[:,2] # 因为intrinsic proj不同
# below is the NeRF camera preprocessing strategy, see `save_transforms` in data_util/
trans = trans / 10.0
rots_inv = rots.permute(0, 2, 1)
trans_inv = - torch.bmm(rots_inv, trans.unsqueeze(2))
pose = torch.eye(4, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0).repeat([len_motion, 1, 1]) # [T, 4, 4]
pose[:, :3, :3] = rots_inv
pose[:, :3, 3] = trans_inv[:, :, 0]
c2w_transform_matrices = pose.numpy()
# process the audio features used for postnet training
print("loading hubert ...")
hubert_features = np.load(hubert_npy_name)
print("loading Mel and F0 ...")
mel_f0_features = np.load(mel_f0_npy_name, allow_pickle=True).tolist()
ret_dict['hubert'] = hubert_features
ret_dict['mel'] = mel_f0_features['mel']
ret_dict['f0'] = mel_f0_features['f0']
# obtaining train samples
frame_indices = list(range(len_motion))
num_train = len_motion // 11 * 10
train_indices = frame_indices[:num_train]
val_indices = frame_indices[num_train:]
for split in ['train', 'val']:
if split == 'train':
indices = train_indices
samples = []
ret_dict['train_samples'] = samples
elif split == 'val':
indices = val_indices
samples = []
ret_dict['val_samples'] = samples
for idx in indices:
sample = {}
sample['idx'] = idx
sample['head_img_fname'] = os.path.join(head_img_dir,f"{idx:08d}.png")
sample['torso_img_fname'] = os.path.join(torso_img_dir,f"{idx:08d}.png")
sample['gt_img_fname'] = os.path.join(gt_img_dir,f"{idx:08d}.jpg")
# assert os.path.exists(sample['head_img_fname']) and os.path.exists(sample['torso_img_fname']) and os.path.exists(sample['gt_img_fname'])
sample['face_rect'] = face_rects[idx]
sample['lip_rect'] = lip_rect_lst[idx]
sample['c2w'] = c2w_transform_matrices[idx]
return ret_dict
class Binarizer:
def __init__(self):
self.data_dir = 'data/'
def parse(self, video_id):
processed_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'processed/videos', video_id)
binary_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'binary/videos', video_id)
out_fname = os.path.join(binary_dir, "trainval_dataset.npy")
os.makedirs(binary_dir, exist_ok=True)
ret = load_processed_data(processed_dir)
mel_name = os.path.join(processed_dir, 'aud_mel_f0.npy')
mel_f0_dict = np.load(mel_name, allow_pickle=True).tolist()
ret.update(mel_f0_dict), ret, allow_pickle=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--video_id', type=str, default='May', help='')
args = parser.parse_args()
### Process Single Long Audio for NeRF dataset
video_id = args.video_id
face_model = ParametricFaceModel(bfm_folder='deep_3drecon/BFM',
camera_distance=10, focal=1015)"cpu")
face3d_helper = Face3DHelper()
binarizer = Binarizer()
print(f"Binarization for {video_id} Done!")