import random |
import time |
import subprocess |
import traceback |
import socket |
import setproctitle |
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast |
import numpy as np |
import torch.optim |
import torch.utils.data |
import copy |
import logging |
import os |
import re |
import sys |
import torch |
import torch.distributed as dist |
import torch.multiprocessing as mp |
import tqdm |
import datetime |
from utils.commons.ckpt_utils import get_last_checkpoint, get_all_ckpts |
from utils.commons.ddp_utils import DDP |
from utils.commons.hparams import hparams |
from utils.commons.tensor_utils import move_to_cuda |
from utils.commons.os_utils import remove_file |
from utils.commons.meters import Timer |
def check_port_is_occupied(host='localhost', port=10080): |
s = socket.socket() |
try: |
s.connect((host, port)) |
print(f"{host}:{port} is occupied!") |
return True |
except: |
print(f"{host}:{port} is not occupied!") |
return False |
finally: |
s.close() |
class Tee(object): |
def __init__(self, name, mode): |
self.file = open(name, mode) |
self.stdout = sys.stdout |
sys.stdout = self |
def __del__(self): |
sys.stdout = self.stdout |
self.file.close() |
def write(self, data): |
self.file.write(data) |
self.stdout.write(data) |
def flush(self): |
self.file.flush() |
class Trainer: |
def __init__( |
self, |
work_dir, |
default_save_path=None, |
accumulate_grad_batches=1, |
max_updates=160000, |
print_nan_grads=False, |
val_check_interval=2000, |
num_sanity_val_steps=5, |
amp=False, |
log_save_interval=100, |
tb_log_interval=10, |
monitor_key='val_loss', |
monitor_mode='min', |
num_ckpt_keep=5, |
save_best=True, |
resume_from_checkpoint=0, |
seed=1234, |
debug=False, |
): |
os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) |
self.work_dir = work_dir |
self.accumulate_grad_batches = accumulate_grad_batches |
self.max_updates = max_updates |
self.num_sanity_val_steps = num_sanity_val_steps |
self.print_nan_grads = print_nan_grads |
self.default_save_path = default_save_path |
self.resume_from_checkpoint = resume_from_checkpoint if resume_from_checkpoint > 0 else None |
self.seed = seed |
self.debug = debug |
self.task = None |
self.optimizers = [] |
self.testing = False |
self.global_step = 0 |
self.current_epoch = 0 |
self.total_batches = 0 |
self.monitor_key = monitor_key |
self.num_ckpt_keep = num_ckpt_keep |
self.save_best = save_best |
self.monitor_op = np.less if monitor_mode == 'min' else np.greater |
self.best_val_results = np.Inf if monitor_mode == 'min' else -np.Inf |
self.mode = 'min' |
self.all_gpu_ids = [ |
int(x) for x in os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "").split(",") if x != ''] |
self.use_multi_machine_ddp = hparams['world_size'] != -1 |
self.num_local_gpus = len(self.all_gpu_ids) |
self.num_total_gpus = len(self.all_gpu_ids) if not self.use_multi_machine_ddp else hparams['world_size'] |
self.on_gpu = self.num_local_gpus > 0 |
self.root_gpu = 0 |
logging.info(f'GPU available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}, GPU used: {self.all_gpu_ids}, world_size: {self.num_total_gpus}, multi-machine training: {self.use_multi_machine_ddp}') |
self.use_ddp = self.num_local_gpus > 1 or self.use_multi_machine_ddp |
self.proc_rank = 0 |
self.log_save_interval = log_save_interval |
self.val_check_interval = val_check_interval |
self.tb_log_interval = tb_log_interval |
self.amp = amp |
self.amp_scalar = GradScaler() |
def test(self, task_cls): |
self.testing = True |
self.fit(task_cls) |
def fit(self, task_cls): |
try: |
if self.use_ddp: |
mp.start_processes(self.ddp_run,nprocs=self.num_local_gpus, args=(task_cls, copy.deepcopy(hparams)), start_method='spawn') |
else: |
self.task = task_cls() |
self.task.trainer = self |
setproctitle.setproctitle(f'GeneFace_worker ({hparams["work_dir"]})') |
self.run_single_process(self.task) |
except: |
traceback.print_exc() |
time.sleep(5) |
subprocess.check_call(f'pkill -f "GeneFace_worker \({hparams["work_dir"]}"', shell=True) |
return 1 |
return 1 |
def ddp_run(self, gpu_idx, task_cls, hparams_): |
hparams.update(hparams_) |
setproctitle.setproctitle(f'GeneFace_worker ({hparams_["work_dir"]}_{gpu_idx})') |
if hparams.get('use_file_system_mp'): |
torch.multiprocessing.set_sharing_strategy('file_system') |
if hparams.get('use_fork', True): |
torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('fork', force=True) |
self.root_gpu = gpu_idx |
self.proc_rank = gpu_idx + hparams['start_rank'] if self.use_multi_machine_ddp else gpu_idx |
print("before init_tcp!") |
if hparams['init_method'] == 'file': |
self.init_ddp_connection_file(self.proc_rank, self.num_total_gpus) |
elif hparams['init_method'] == 'tcp': |
self.init_ddp_connection_tcp(self.proc_rank, self.num_total_gpus) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
if gpu_idx != 0 and not self.debug: |
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") |
sys.stderr = open(os.devnull, "w") |
dist.barrier() |
print("after init_tcp!") |
task = task_cls() |
task.trainer = self |
torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_idx) |
self.task = task |
self.run_single_process(task) |
def run_single_process(self, task): |
"""Sanity check a few things before starting actual training. |
:param task: |
""" |
if self.proc_rank == 0: |
self.save_terminal_logs() |
if not self.testing: |
self.save_codes() |
model = task.build_model() |
if model is not None: |
task.model = model |
checkpoint, _ = get_last_checkpoint(self.work_dir, self.resume_from_checkpoint) |
if checkpoint is not None: |
self.restore_weights(checkpoint) |
elif self.on_gpu: |
task.cuda(self.root_gpu) |
if not self.testing: |
self.optimizers = task.configure_optimizers() |
self.fisrt_epoch = True |
if checkpoint is not None: |
self.restore_opt_state(checkpoint) |
del checkpoint |
if self.on_gpu: |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
if self.use_ddp: |
self.task = self.configure_ddp(self.task) |
dist.barrier() |
task_ref = self.get_task_ref() |
task_ref.trainer = self |
task_ref.testing = self.testing |
if self.proc_rank == 0: |
task_ref.build_tensorboard(save_dir=self.work_dir, name='tb_logs') |
else: |
os.makedirs('tmp', exist_ok=True) |
task_ref.build_tensorboard(save_dir='tmp', name='tb_tmp') |
self.logger = task_ref.logger |
try: |
if self.testing: |
self.run_evaluation(test=True) |
else: |
self.train() |
except: |
traceback.print_exc() |
task_ref.on_keyboard_interrupt() |
time.sleep(5) |
if self.proc_rank == 0: |
subprocess.check_call(f'pkill -f "GeneFace_worker \({hparams["work_dir"]}"', shell=True) |
def run_evaluation(self, test=False): |
eval_results = self.evaluate(self.task, test, tqdm_desc='Valid' if not test else 'test', |
max_batches=hparams['eval_max_batches']) |
if eval_results is not None and 'tb_log' in eval_results: |
tb_log_output = eval_results['tb_log'] |
self.log_metrics_to_tb(tb_log_output) |
if self.proc_rank == 0 and not test: |
self.save_checkpoint(epoch=self.current_epoch, logs=eval_results) |
def evaluate(self, task, test=False, tqdm_desc='Valid', max_batches=None): |
if max_batches == -1: |
max_batches = None |
task.zero_grad() |
task.eval() |
torch.set_grad_enabled(False) |
task_ref = self.get_task_ref() |
if test: |
ret = task_ref.test_start() |
if ret == 'EXIT': |
return |
else: |
task_ref.validation_start() |
outputs = [] |
dataloader = task_ref.test_dataloader() if test else task_ref.val_dataloader() |
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, desc=tqdm_desc, total=max_batches, dynamic_ncols=True, unit='step', |
disable=self.root_gpu > 0) |
for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(pbar): |
if batch is None: |
continue |
if max_batches is not None and batch_idx >= max_batches: |
break |
if self.on_gpu: |
batch = move_to_cuda(batch, self.root_gpu) |
args = [batch, batch_idx] |
if self.use_ddp: |
output = task(*args) |
else: |
if test: |
output = task_ref.test_step(*args) |
else: |
output = task_ref.validation_step(*args) |
outputs.append(output) |
if test: |
eval_results = task_ref.test_end(outputs) |
else: |
eval_results = task_ref.validation_end(outputs) |
task.train() |
torch.set_grad_enabled(True) |
return eval_results |
def train(self): |
task_ref = self.get_task_ref() |
task_ref.on_train_start() |
if self.num_sanity_val_steps > 0: |
self.evaluate(self.task, False, 'Sanity Val', max_batches=self.num_sanity_val_steps) |
if self.on_gpu: |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
dataloader = task_ref.train_dataloader() |
epoch = self.current_epoch |
while True: |
if self.use_ddp and hasattr(dataloader.sampler, 'set_epoch'): |
dataloader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) |
task_ref.current_epoch = epoch |
self.current_epoch = epoch |
self.batch_loss_value = 0 |
task_ref.on_epoch_start() |
train_pbar = tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, initial=self.global_step, total=float('inf'), |
dynamic_ncols=True, unit='step', disable=self.root_gpu > 0) |
train_iterator = iter(enumerate(train_pbar)) |
while True: |
with Timer("get_batch", enable=self.debug): |
try: |
batch_idx, batch = next(train_iterator) |
except StopIteration: |
train_iterator = iter(enumerate(train_pbar)) |
batch_idx, batch = next(train_iterator) |
if self.global_step % self.val_check_interval == 0 and not self.fisrt_epoch: |
self.run_evaluation() |
pbar_metrics, tb_metrics = self.run_training_batch(batch_idx, batch) |
train_pbar.set_postfix(**pbar_metrics) |
self.fisrt_epoch = False |
if (self.global_step + 1) % self.tb_log_interval == 0: |
self.log_metrics_to_tb(tb_metrics) |
self.global_step += 1 |
task_ref.global_step = self.global_step |
if self.global_step > self.max_updates: |
print("| Training end..") |
break |
epoch_loss_dict = task_ref.on_epoch_end() |
self.log_metrics_to_tb(epoch_loss_dict) |
epoch += 1 |
if self.global_step > self.max_updates: |
break |
task_ref.on_train_end() |
def run_training_batch(self, batch_idx, batch): |
if batch is None: |
return {} |
all_progress_bar_metrics = [] |
all_log_metrics = [] |
task_ref = self.get_task_ref() |
for opt_idx, optimizer in enumerate(self.optimizers): |
if optimizer is None: |
continue |
if len(self.optimizers) > 1: |
for k, param in task_ref.named_parameters(): |
param.requires_grad = False |
for group in optimizer.param_groups: |
for param in group['params']: |
param.requires_grad = True |
with Timer("forward_training_step", enable=self.debug): |
with autocast(enabled=self.amp): |
if self.on_gpu: |
batch = move_to_cuda(copy.copy(batch), self.root_gpu) |
args = [batch, batch_idx, opt_idx] |
if self.use_ddp: |
output = self.task(*args) |
else: |
output = task_ref.training_step(*args) |
loss = output['loss'] |
if loss is None: |
continue |
progress_bar_metrics = output['progress_bar'] |
log_metrics = output['tb_log'] |
loss = loss / self.accumulate_grad_batches |
with Timer("backward_training_step", enable=self.debug): |
if loss.requires_grad: |
if self.amp: |
self.amp_scalar.scale(loss).backward() |
else: |
loss.backward() |
all_log_metrics.append(log_metrics) |
all_progress_bar_metrics.append(progress_bar_metrics) |
if loss is None: |
continue |
with Timer("checkNan_training_step", enable=self.debug): |
has_nan_grad = False |
nan_params_names = [] |
if self.print_nan_grads: |
for name, param in task_ref.named_parameters(): |
if (param.grad is not None) and torch.isnan(param.grad.float()).any(): |
print("| NaN params: ", name, param, param.grad) |
has_nan_grad = True |
nan_params_names.append(name) |
if has_nan_grad: |
print(f"| WARN: found nan in grad! first nan params: {nan_params_names[0]}; last nan params: {nan_params_names[-1]}.") |
pass |
with Timer("optimUpdate_training_step", enable=self.debug): |
if (self.global_step + 1) % self.accumulate_grad_batches == 0 and not has_nan_grad: |
if self.amp: |
self.amp_scalar.unscale_(optimizer) |
grad_norm_dict = task_ref.on_before_optimization(opt_idx) |
if grad_norm_dict is not None: |
all_log_metrics[-1].update(grad_norm_dict) |
if self.amp: |
self.amp_scalar.step(optimizer) |
self.amp_scalar.update() |
else: |
optimizer.step() |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
task_ref.on_after_optimization(self.current_epoch, batch_idx, optimizer, opt_idx) |
all_progress_bar_metrics = {k: v for d in all_progress_bar_metrics for k, v in d.items()} |
all_log_metrics = {k: v for d in all_log_metrics for k, v in d.items()} |
return all_progress_bar_metrics, all_log_metrics |
def restore_weights(self, checkpoint): |
task_ref = self.get_task_ref() |
for k, v in checkpoint['state_dict'].items(): |
if hasattr(task_ref, k): |
getattr(task_ref, k).load_state_dict(v, strict=True) |
else: |
print(f"| the checkpoint has unmatched keys {k}") |
if self.on_gpu: |
task_ref.cuda(self.root_gpu) |
self.best_val_results = checkpoint['checkpoint_callback_best'] |
self.global_step = checkpoint['global_step'] |
self.current_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] |
task_ref.global_step = self.global_step |
if self.use_ddp: |
dist.barrier() |
def restore_opt_state(self, checkpoint): |
if self.testing: |
return |
optimizer_states = checkpoint['optimizer_states'] |
for optimizer, opt_state in zip(self.optimizers, optimizer_states): |
if optimizer is None: |
return |
try: |
optimizer.load_state_dict(opt_state) |
if self.on_gpu: |
for state in optimizer.state.values(): |
for k, v in state.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
state[k] = v.cuda(self.root_gpu) |
except ValueError: |
print("| WARMING: optimizer parameters not match !!!") |
try: |
if dist.is_initialized() and dist.get_rank() > 0: |
return |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return |
did_restore = True |
return did_restore |
def save_checkpoint(self, epoch, logs=None): |
monitor_op = np.less |
ckpt_path = f'{self.work_dir}/model_ckpt_steps_{self.global_step}.ckpt' |
logging.info(f'Epoch {epoch:05d}@{self.global_step}: saving model to {ckpt_path}') |
self._atomic_save(ckpt_path) |
get_ckpt_step_fn = lambda x: int(re.findall('.*steps\_(\d+)\.ckpt', x)[0]) |
for old_ckpt in get_all_ckpts(self.work_dir)[self.num_ckpt_keep:]: |
if hparams.get("ckpt_milestone_interval", 10_0000) != 0 and get_ckpt_step_fn(old_ckpt) % hparams.get("ckpt_milestone_interval", 10_0000) == 0: |
pass |
else: |
remove_file(old_ckpt) |
logging.info(f'Delete ckpt: {os.path.basename(old_ckpt)}') |
current = None |
if logs is not None and self.monitor_key in logs: |
current = logs[self.monitor_key] |
if current is not None and self.save_best: |
if monitor_op(current, self.best_val_results): |
best_filepath = f'{self.work_dir}/model_ckpt_best.pt' |
self.best_val_results = current |
logging.info( |
f'Epoch {epoch:05d}@{self.global_step}: {self.monitor_key} reached {current:0.5f}. ' |
f'Saving model to {best_filepath}') |
self._atomic_save(best_filepath) |
def _atomic_save(self, filepath): |
checkpoint = self.dump_checkpoint() |
tmp_path = str(filepath) + ".part" |
torch.save(checkpoint, tmp_path, _use_new_zipfile_serialization=False) |
os.replace(tmp_path, filepath) |
def dump_checkpoint(self): |
checkpoint = {'epoch': self.current_epoch, 'global_step': self.global_step, |
'checkpoint_callback_best': self.best_val_results} |
optimizer_states = [] |
for i, optimizer in enumerate(self.optimizers): |
if optimizer is not None: |
state_dict = optimizer.state_dict() |
state_dict = {k.replace('_orig_mod.', ''): v for k, v in state_dict.items()} |
optimizer_states.append(state_dict) |
checkpoint['optimizer_states'] = optimizer_states |
task_ref = self.get_task_ref() |
state_dict = { |
k: v.state_dict() for k, v in task_ref.named_children() |
if len(list(v.parameters())) > 0 and (k not in hparams.get('not_save_modules', [])) |
} |
for module_k, module_k_dict in list(state_dict.items()): |
for k, v in list(module_k_dict.items()): |
if '_orig_mod.' in k: |
module_k_dict[k.replace('_orig_mod.', '')] = v |
del module_k_dict[k] |
checkpoint['state_dict'] = state_dict |
return checkpoint |
def configure_ddp(self, task): |
task = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(task) |
task = DDP(task, device_ids=[self.root_gpu], find_unused_parameters=True) |
random.seed(self.seed) |
np.random.seed(self.seed) |
return task |
def init_ddp_connection_file(self, proc_rank, world_size): |
""" |
use a shared file in the network file system to bind all process |
if you found num_worker is larger than world_size, remove the old shard_file_name |
""" |
exp_name = hparams['exp_name'] |
shared_file_name = f'file:///home/tiger/nfs/pytorch_ddp_sharedfile/{exp_name}' |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(shared_file_name).replace("file://",""), exist_ok=True) |
dist.init_process_group('nccl', init_method=shared_file_name, |
world_size=world_size, rank=proc_rank) |
def init_ddp_connection_tcp(self, proc_rank, world_size): |
if self.use_multi_machine_ddp: |
root_node, port = os.environ['ARNOLD_WORKER_HOSTS'].split(",")[0].split(":") |
os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '6668' |
else: |
root_node = '' |
root_node = self.resolve_root_node_address(root_node) |
os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = root_node |
dist.init_process_group('nccl', rank=proc_rank, world_size=world_size, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=600)) |
def resolve_root_node_address(self, root_node): |
if '[' in root_node: |
name = root_node.split('[')[0] |
number = root_node.split(',')[0] |
if '-' in number: |
number = number.split('-')[0] |
number = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', number) |
root_node = name + number |
return root_node |
def get_task_ref(self): |
from utils.commons.base_task import BaseTask |
task: BaseTask = self.task.module if isinstance(self.task, DDP) else self.task |
return task |
def log_metrics_to_tb(self, metrics, step=None): |
"""Logs the metric dict passed in. |
:param metrics: |
""" |
scalar_metrics = self.metrics_to_scalars(metrics) |
step = step if step is not None else self.global_step |
if self.proc_rank == 0: |
self.log_metrics(self.logger, scalar_metrics, step=step) |
@staticmethod |
def log_metrics(logger, metrics, step=None): |
for k, v in metrics.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
v = v.item() |
logger.add_scalar(k, v, step) |
def metrics_to_scalars(self, metrics): |
new_metrics = {} |
for k, v in metrics.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
v = v.item() |
if type(v) is dict: |
v = self.metrics_to_scalars(v) |
new_metrics[k] = v |
return new_metrics |
def save_terminal_logs(self): |
t = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') |
os.makedirs(f'{self.work_dir}/terminal_logs', exist_ok=True) |
Tee(f'{self.work_dir}/terminal_logs/log_{t}.txt', 'w') |
def save_codes(self): |
if len(hparams['save_codes']) > 0: |
t = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') |
code_dir = f'{self.work_dir}/codes/{t}' |
subprocess.check_call(f'mkdir -p "{code_dir}"', shell=True) |
for c in hparams['save_codes']: |
if os.path.exists(c): |
subprocess.check_call( |
f'rsync -aR ' |
f'--include="*.py" ' |
f'--include="*.yaml" ' |
f'--exclude="__pycache__" ' |
f'--include="*/" ' |
f'--exclude="*" ' |
f'"./{c}" "{code_dir}/"', |
shell=True) |
print(f"| Copied codes to {code_dir}.") |