--- license: gpl-3.0 --- 添加了新的bs_roformer去混响模型384dim_10depth,相比之前使用 `FabFilter Pro-R 2` 76种预设生成的混响,新的混响是完全随机参数的 `ValhallaVintageVerb` 生成的混响,更高的sdr(旧valid ~0.23,新valid ~1.72) *** 适用 https://github.com/ZFTurbo/Music-Source-Separation-Training/ 虽然是去混响模型,但是也会去除不在中心声道的和声、人声特效 如果你想把这个模型添加到UVR5中,先把配置文件和权重放到相应目录下(权重为 `Ultimate Vocal Remover\models\MDX_Net_Models`,配置文件为 `Ultimate Vocal Remover\models\MDX_Net_Models\model_data\mdx_c_configs`)。删除配置文件中 `linear_transformer_depth: 0`,并将 `stft_hop_length: 512`改为 `stft_hop_length: 441`,然后打开UVR5,选择MDX架构后会提示你添加模型,选择对应的配置文件并选中 `roformer model`。 Although this is a dereverb model, it will also remove harmonies or vocal effects that are not in the center channel. If you want to add this model to UVR5, first place the config file and weights in the corresponding directory (weights in `Ultimate Vocal Remover\models\MDX_Net_Models`, config file in `Ultimate Vocal Remover\models\MDX_Net_Models\model_data\mdx_c_configs`). Delete `linear_transformer_depth: 0` from the config file and change `stft_hop_length: 512` to `stft_hop_length: 441`. then open UVR5, you will be prompted to add the model (select the MDX architecture if not). Choose the corresponding config file and check the `Roformer model` checkbox.