{ "_name_or_path": "allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased", "architectures": [ "BertForSequenceClassification" ], "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "classifier_dropout": null, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "id2label": { "0": "3 Biotech", "1": "A&A practice", "2": "AANA journal", "3": "AAPS PharmSciTech", "4": "ACG case reports journal", "5": "ACS applied materials & interfaces", "6": "ACS central science", "7": "ACS chemical biology", "8": "ACS chemical neuroscience", "9": "ACS infectious diseases", "10": "ACS medicinal chemistry letters", "11": "ACS nano", "12": "ACS omega", "13": "ACS sensors", "14": "ACS synthetic biology", "15": "AEM education and training", "16": "AIDS (London, England)", "17": "AIDS and behavior", "18": "AIDS care", "19": "AIDS patient care and STDs", "20": "AIDS research and human retroviruses", "21": "AIDS research and therapy", "22": "AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology", "23": "AJP reports", "24": "AJR. American journal of roentgenology", "25": "AMA journal of ethics", "26": "AMB Express", "27": "AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium", "28": "ANZ journal of surgery", "29": "AORN journal", "30": "APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica", "31": "ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)", "32": "Abdominal radiology (New York)", "33": "Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine", "34": "Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges", "35": "Academic pediatrics", "36": "Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry", "37": "Academic radiology", "38": "Accident; analysis and prevention", "39": "Accounts of chemical research", "40": "Acta Cardiologica Sinica", "41": "Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica", "42": "Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis", "43": "Acta biochimica Polonica", "44": "Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica", "45": "Acta biomaterialia", "46": "Acta cardiologica", "47": "Acta chimica Slovenica", "48": "Acta chirurgica Belgica", "49": "Acta cirurgica brasileira", "50": "Acta clinica Belgica", "51": "Acta clinica Croatica", "52": "Acta crystallographica Section B, Structural science, crystal engineering and materials", "53": "Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances", "54": "Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry", "55": "Acta crystallographica. Section D, Structural biology", "56": "Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications", "57": "Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications", "58": "Acta cytologica", "59": "Acta dermato-venereologica", "60": "Acta dermatovenerologica Croatica : ADC", "61": "Acta diabetologica", "62": "Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica", "63": "Acta haematologica", "64": "Acta histochemica", "65": "Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH", "66": "Acta medica Indonesiana", "67": "Acta medica Okayama", "68": "Acta medica portuguesa", "69": "Acta neurochirurgica", "70": "Acta neurologica Belgica", "71": "Acta neurologica Scandinavica", "72": "Acta neuropathologica", "73": "Acta neuropathologica communications", "74": "Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica", "75": "Acta odontologica Scandinavica", "76": "Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics", "77": "Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden)", "78": "Acta ophthalmologica", "79": "Acta orthopaedica", "80": "Acta orthopaedica Belgica", "81": "Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica", "82": "Acta ortopedica brasileira", "83": "Acta oto-laryngologica", "84": "Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale", "85": "Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)", "86": "Acta parasitologica", "87": "Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. B", "88": "Acta pharmacologica Sinica", "89": "Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)", "90": "Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica", "91": "Acta psychologica", "92": "Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987)", "93": "Acta tropica", "94": "Acta veterinaria Hungarica", "95": "Acta veterinaria Scandinavica", "96": "Acta virologica", "97": "Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society", "98": "Addiction (Abingdon, England)", "99": "Addiction biology", "100": "Addictive behaviors", "101": "Addictive behaviors reports", "102": "Administration and policy in mental health", "103": "Advanced drug delivery reviews", "104": "Advanced healthcare materials", "105": "Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)", "106": "Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany)", "107": "Advances in colloid and interface science", "108": "Advances in experimental medicine and biology", "109": "Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice", "110": "Advances in medical sciences", "111": "Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses", "112": "Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.)", "113": "Advances in physiology education", "114": "Advances in radiation oncology", "115": "Advances in respiratory medicine", "116": "Advances in skin & wound care", "117": "Advances in therapy", "118": "Advances in wound care", "119": "Aerospace medicine and human performance", "120": "Aesthetic plastic surgery", "121": "Aesthetic surgery journal", "122": "African health sciences", "123": "African journal of primary health care & family medicine", "124": "Age and ageing", "125": "Ageing research reviews", "126": "Aggressive behavior", "127": "Aging", "128": "Aging & mental health", "129": "Aging and disease", "130": "Aging cell", "131": "Aging clinical and experimental research", "132": "Air medical journal", "133": "Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)", "134": "Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)", "135": "Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research", "136": "Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics", "137": "Allergologia et immunopathologia", "138": "Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology", "139": "Allergy", "140": "Allergy and asthma proceedings", "141": "Allergy, asthma & immunology research", "142": "Alternative therapies in health and medicine", "143": "Alzheimer disease and associated disorders", "144": "Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "145": "Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.)", "146": "Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association", "147": "Alzheimer's research & therapy", "148": "Ambio", "149": "American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Annual Meeting", "150": "American family physician", "151": "American heart journal", "152": "American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias", "153": "American journal of audiology", "154": "American journal of botany", "155": "American journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventions", "156": "American journal of clinical dermatology", "157": "American journal of clinical pathology", "158": "American journal of community psychology", "159": "American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses", "160": "American journal of dentistry", "161": "American journal of epidemiology", "162": "American journal of health behavior", "163": "American journal of health promotion : AJHP", "164": "American journal of hematology", "165": "American journal of human genetics", "166": "American journal of hypertension", "167": "American journal of industrial medicine", "168": "American journal of infection control", "169": "American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation", "170": "American journal of lifestyle medicine", "171": "American journal of medical genetics. Part A", "172": "American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics", "173": "American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality", "174": "American journal of men's health", "175": "American journal of nephrology", "176": "American journal of obstetrics and gynecology", "177": "American journal of ophthalmology", "178": "American journal of ophthalmology case reports", "179": "American journal of otolaryngology", "180": "American journal of perinatology", "181": "American journal of pharmaceutical education", "182": "American journal of physical anthropology", "183": "American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation", "184": "American journal of physiology. Cell physiology", "185": "American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism", "186": "American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology", "187": "American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology", "188": "American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology", "189": "American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology", "190": "American journal of physiology. Renal physiology", "191": "American journal of preventive medicine", "192": "American journal of primatology", "193": "American journal of public health", "194": "American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)", "195": "American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine", "196": "American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology", "197": "American journal of rhinology & allergy", "198": "American journal of speech-language pathology", "199": "American journal of surgery", "200": "American journal of therapeutics", "201": "American journal of translational research", "202": "American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons", "203": "American journal of veterinary research", "204": "Amino acids", "205": "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration", "206": "Anaerobe", "207": "Anaesthesia", "208": "Anaesthesia and intensive care", "209": "Anaesthesia, critical care & pain medicine", "210": "Anais brasileiros de dermatologia", "211": "Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias", "212": "Analytica chimica acta", "213": "Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry", "214": "Analytical biochemistry", "215": "Analytical chemistry", "216": "Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry", "217": "Anatolian journal of cardiology", "218": "Anatomia, histologia, embryologia", "219": "Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)", "220": "Anatomical science international", "221": "Anatomical sciences education", "222": "Anatomy & cell biology", "223": "Andrologia", "224": "Andrology", "225": "Anesthesia and analgesia", "226": "Anesthesiology", "227": "Anesthesiology and pain medicine", "228": "Anesthesiology clinics", "229": "Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)", "230": "Angiogenesis", "231": "Angiology", "232": "Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience", "233": "Animal biotechnology", "234": "Animal cognition", "235": "Animal genetics", "236": "Animal nutrition (Zhongguo xu mu shou yi xue hui)", "237": "Animal reproduction science", "238": "Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho", "239": "Animals : an open access journal from MDPI", "240": "Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanita", "241": "Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita", "242": "Annali italiani di chirurgia", "243": "Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology", "244": "Annals of Saudi medicine", "245": "Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM", "246": "Annals of botany", "247": "Annals of cardiac anaesthesia", "248": "Annals of cardiothoracic surgery", "249": "Annals of clinical and laboratory science", "250": "Annals of clinical and translational neurology", "251": "Annals of clinical biochemistry", "252": "Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials", "253": "Annals of coloproctology", "254": "Annals of dermatology", "255": "Annals of diagnostic pathology", "256": "Annals of emergency medicine", "257": "Annals of epidemiology", "258": "Annals of family medicine", "259": "Annals of gastroenterological surgery", "260": "Annals of gastroenterology", "261": "Annals of global health", "262": "Annals of hematology", "263": "Annals of hepatology", "264": "Annals of human biology", "265": "Annals of intensive care", "266": "Annals of internal medicine", "267": "Annals of laboratory medicine", "268": "Annals of maxillofacial surgery", "269": "Annals of medicine and surgery (2012)", "270": "Annals of neurology", "271": "Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology : the official journal of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Inc", "272": "Annals of nuclear medicine", "273": "Annals of nutrition & metabolism", "274": "Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology", "275": "Annals of palliative medicine", "276": "Annals of parasitology", "277": "Annals of pediatric cardiology", "278": "Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine", "279": "Annals of plastic surgery", "280": "Annals of rehabilitation medicine", "281": "Annals of surgery", "282": "Annals of surgical oncology", "283": "Annals of surgical treatment and research", "284": "Annals of the American Thoracic Society", "285": "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences", "286": "Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England", "287": "Annals of the rheumatic diseases", "288": "Annals of transplantation", "289": "Annals of vascular surgery", "290": "Annals of work exposures and health", "291": "Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry", "292": "Anti-cancer drugs", "293": "Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)", "294": "Anticancer research", "295": "Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy", "296": "Antimicrobial resistance and infection control", "297": "Antioxidants & redox signaling", "298": "Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)", "299": "Antiviral research", "300": "Antiviral therapy", "301": "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek", "302": "Anxiety, stress, and coping", "303": "AoB PLANTS", "304": "Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death", "305": "Appetite", "306": "Applications in plant sciences", "307": "Applied and environmental microbiology", "308": "Applied biochemistry and biotechnology", "309": "Applied bionics and biomechanics", "310": "Applied clinical informatics", "311": "Applied ergonomics", "312": "Applied health economics and health policy", "313": "Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology : AIMM", "314": "Applied microbiology and biotechnology", "315": "Applied neuropsychology. Adult", "316": "Applied neuropsychology. Child", "317": "Applied nursing research : ANR", "318": "Applied optics", "319": "Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme", "320": "Applied spectroscopy", "321": "Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "322": "Arab journal of urology", "323": "Archiv der Pharmazie", "324": "Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie", "325": "Archives of Iranian medicine", "326": "Archives of biochemistry and biophysics", "327": "Archives of cardiovascular diseases", "328": "Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists", "329": "Archives of craniofacial surgery", "330": "Archives of dermatological research", "331": "Archives of disease in childhood", "332": "Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition", "333": "Archives of endocrinology and metabolism", "334": "Archives of environmental & occupational health", "335": "Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology", "336": "Archives of gerontology and geriatrics", "337": "Archives of gynecology and obstetrics", "338": "Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology", "339": "Archives of medical research", "340": "Archives of medical science : AMS", "341": "Archives of microbiology", "342": "Archives of oral biology", "343": "Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery", "344": "Archives of osteoporosis", "345": "Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine", "346": "Archives of pharmacal research", "347": "Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation", "348": "Archives of physiology and biochemistry", "349": "Archives of plastic surgery", "350": "Archives of psychiatric nursing", "351": "Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique", "352": "Archives of rheumatology", "353": "Archives of sexual behavior", "354": "Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research", "355": "Archives of toxicology", "356": "Archives of virology", "357": "Archives of women's mental health", "358": "Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Societa italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica", "359": "Archivos argentinos de pediatria", "360": "Archivos de bronconeumologia", "361": "Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia", "362": "Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery", "363": "Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia", "364": "Arquivos de gastroenterologia", "365": "Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria", "366": "Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology", "367": "Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.)", "368": "Arthritis care & research", "369": "Arthritis research & therapy", "370": "Arthroplasty today", "371": "Arthropod structure & development", "372": "Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association", "373": "Arthroscopy techniques", "374": "Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology", "375": "Artificial intelligence in medicine", "376": "Artificial organs", "377": "Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition", "378": "Asia-Pacific journal of clinical oncology", "379": "Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing", "380": "Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.)", "381": "Asia-Pacific journal of public health", "382": "Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology", "383": "Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP", "384": "Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine", "385": "Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals", "386": "Asian journal of andrology", "387": "Asian journal of endoscopic surgery", "388": "Asian journal of psychiatry", "389": "Asian journal of surgery", "390": "Asian spine journal", "391": "Assessment", "392": "Astrobiology", "393": "Atherosclerosis", "394": "Attention, perception & psychophysics", "395": "Auris, nasus, larynx", "396": "Australasian journal on ageing", "397": "Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists", "398": "Australian and New Zealand journal of public health", "399": "Australian dental journal", "400": "Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association", "401": "Australian journal of general practice", "402": "Australian journal of primary health", "403": "Australian occupational therapy journal", "404": "Australian veterinary journal", "405": "Autoimmunity reviews", "406": "Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical", "407": "Autophagy", "408": "Avian diseases", "409": "BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology", "410": "BJPsych bulletin", "411": "BJPsych open", "412": "BJS open", "413": "BJU international", "414": "BMB reports", "415": "BMC anesthesiology", "416": "BMC bioinformatics", "417": "BMC biology", "418": "BMC biotechnology", "419": "BMC cancer", "420": "BMC cardiovascular disorders", "421": "BMC complementary medicine and therapies", "422": "BMC emergency medicine", "423": "BMC endocrine disorders", "424": "BMC family practice", "425": "BMC gastroenterology", "426": "BMC genomics", "427": "BMC geriatrics", "428": "BMC health services research", "429": "BMC immunology", "430": "BMC infectious diseases", "431": "BMC medical education", "432": "BMC medical ethics", "433": "BMC medical genomics", "434": "BMC medical imaging", "435": "BMC medical informatics and decision making", "436": "BMC medical research methodology", "437": "BMC medicine", "438": "BMC microbiology", "439": "BMC musculoskeletal disorders", "440": "BMC nephrology", "441": "BMC neurology", "442": "BMC neuroscience", "443": "BMC nursing", "444": "BMC nutrition", "445": "BMC ophthalmology", "446": "BMC oral health", "447": "BMC palliative care", "448": "BMC pediatrics", "449": "BMC pharmacology & toxicology", "450": "BMC plant biology", "451": "BMC pregnancy and childbirth", "452": "BMC psychiatry", "453": "BMC psychology", "454": "BMC public health", "455": "BMC pulmonary medicine", "456": "BMC research notes", "457": "BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation", "458": "BMC surgery", "459": "BMC urology", "460": "BMC veterinary research", "461": "BMC women's health", "462": "BMJ (Clinical research ed.)", "463": "BMJ case reports", "464": "BMJ global health", "465": "BMJ military health", "466": "BMJ open", "467": "BMJ open diabetes research & care", "468": "BMJ open gastroenterology", "469": "BMJ open ophthalmology", "470": "BMJ open quality", "471": "BMJ open respiratory research", "472": "BMJ open sport & exercise medicine", "473": "BMJ paediatrics open", "474": "BMJ quality & safety", "475": "BMJ supportive & palliative care", "476": "Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology", "477": "Basic and clinical neuroscience", "478": "Basic research in cardiology", "479": "Behavior modification", "480": "Behavior research methods", "481": "Behavior therapy", "482": "Behavioral neuroscience", "483": "Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)", "484": "Behaviour research and therapy", "485": "Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy", "486": "Behavioural brain research", "487": "Behavioural neurology", "488": "Behavioural pharmacology", "489": "Behavioural processes", "490": "Beilstein journal of nanotechnology", "491": "Beilstein journal of organic chemistry", "492": "Beneficial microbes", "493": "Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology", "494": "Best practice & research. Clinical rheumatology", "495": "Bio Systems", "496": "BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology", "497": "BioFactors (Oxford, England)", "498": "BioMed research international", "499": "BioTechniques", "500": "Bioactive materials", "501": "Bioanalysis", "502": "Biochemia medica", "503": "Biochemical Society transactions", "504": "Biochemical and biophysical research communications", "505": "Biochemical genetics", "506": "Biochemical pharmacology", "507": "Biochemistry", "508": "Biochemistry and biophysics reports", "509": "Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire", "510": "Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", "511": "Biochemistry. Biokhimiia", "512": "Biochimica et biophysica acta", "513": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics", "514": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes", "515": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene regulatory mechanisms", "516": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects", "517": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids", "518": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease", "519": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research", "520": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Proteins and proteomics", "521": "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer", "522": "Bioconjugate chemistry", "523": "Biodiversity data journal", "524": "Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "525": "Bioelectromagnetics", "526": "Bioengineered", "527": "Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland)", "528": "Bioethics", "529": "Biofabrication", "530": "Biofouling", "531": "Biogerontology", "532": "Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)", "533": "Bioinspiration & biomimetics", "534": "Biointerphases", "535": "Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin", "536": "Biological chemistry", "537": "Biological psychiatry", "538": "Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging", "539": "Biological psychology", "540": "Biological research", "541": "Biological research for nursing", "542": "Biological trace element research", "543": "Biology", "544": "Biology letters", "545": "Biology of reproduction", "546": "Biology of sex differences", "547": "Biology open", "548": "Biomacromolecules", "549": "Biomarkers in medicine", "550": "Biomaterials", "551": "Biomaterials science", "552": "Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology", "553": "Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES", "554": "Biomedical chromatography : BMC", "555": "Biomedical engineering online", "556": "Biomedical journal", "557": "Biomedical materials (Bristol, England)", "558": "Biomedical microdevices", "559": "Biomedical optics express", "560": "Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia", "561": "Biomedical reports", "562": "Biomedicines", "563": "Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering", "564": "Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift", "565": "Biometrics", "566": "Biomicrofluidics", "567": "Biomolecular NMR assignments", "568": "Biomolecules", "569": "Biomolecules & therapeutics", "570": "Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry", "571": "Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters", "572": "Bioorganic chemistry", "573": "Biophysical chemistry", "574": "Biophysical journal", "575": "Biophysical reviews", "576": "Biopolymers", "577": "Biopreservation and biobanking", "578": "Bioprocess and biosystems engineering", "579": "Bioresource technology", "580": "Bioscience reports", "581": "Bioscience trends", "582": "Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry", "583": "Biosensors", "584": "Biosensors & bioelectronics", "585": "Biostatistics (Oxford, England)", "586": "Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission", "587": "Biotechnology advances", "588": "Biotechnology and applied biochemistry", "589": "Biotechnology and bioengineering", "590": "Biotechnology for biofuels", "591": "Biotechnology journal", "592": "Biotechnology letters", "593": "Biotechnology progress", "594": "Bipolar disorders", "595": "Birth (Berkeley, Calif.)", "596": "Birth defects research", "597": "Blood", "598": "Blood advances", "599": "Blood cancer journal", "600": "Blood cells, molecules & diseases", "601": "Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis", "602": "Blood pressure monitoring", "603": "Blood purification", "604": "Blood reviews", "605": "Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue", "606": "Body image", "607": "Bone", "608": "Bone & joint research", "609": "Bone marrow transplantation", "610": "Bone reports", "611": "Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences", "612": "Brachytherapy", "613": "Brain & development", "614": "Brain : a journal of neurology", "615": "Brain and behavior", "616": "Brain and cognition", "617": "Brain and language", "618": "Brain connectivity", "619": "Brain imaging and behavior", "620": "Brain injury", "621": "Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)", "622": "Brain research", "623": "Brain research bulletin", "624": "Brain sciences", "625": "Brain stimulation", "626": "Brain structure & function", "627": "Brain topography", "628": "Brain, behavior, and immunity", "629": "Bratislavske lekarske listy", "630": "Brazilian dental journal", "631": "Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia", "632": "Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery", "633": "Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas", "634": "Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology]", "635": "Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology", "636": "Brazilian journal of physical therapy", "637": "Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)", "638": "Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)", "639": "Breast cancer research : BCR", "640": "Breast cancer research and treatment", "641": "Breast care (Basel, Switzerland)", "642": "Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine", "643": "Briefings in bioinformatics", "644": "British dental journal", "645": "British journal of anaesthesia", "646": "British journal of cancer", "647": "British journal of clinical pharmacology", "648": "British journal of community nursing", "649": "British journal of haematology", "650": "British journal of health psychology", "651": "British journal of neurosurgery", "652": "British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing)", "653": "British journal of pharmacology", "654": "British journal of psychology (London, England : 1953)", "655": "British journal of sports medicine", "656": "British poultry science", "657": "Bulletin of entomological research", "658": "Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology", "659": "Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine", "660": "Bulletin of mathematical biology", "661": "Bulletin of the World Health Organization", "662": "Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries", "663": "CBE life sciences education", "664": "CJEM", "665": "CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne", "666": "CNS & neurological disorders drug targets", "667": "CNS drugs", "668": "CNS neuroscience & therapeutics", "669": "CNS spectrums", "670": "COPD", "671": "CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology", "672": "Cadernos de saude publica", "673": "Calcified tissue international", "674": "Canadian Association of Radiologists journal = Journal l'Association canadienne des radiologistes", "675": "Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada", "676": "Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien", "677": "Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie", "678": "Canadian journal of diabetes", "679": "Canadian journal of gastroenterology & hepatology", "680": "Canadian journal of kidney health and disease", "681": "Canadian journal of microbiology", "682": "Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie", "683": "Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology", "684": "Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie", "685": "Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique", "686": "Canadian journal of surgery. Journal canadien de chirurgie", "687": "Canadian respiratory journal", "688": "Cancer", "689": "Cancer biology & medicine", "690": "Cancer biology & therapy", "691": "Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers", "692": "Cancer causes & control : CCC", "693": "Cancer cell", "694": "Cancer cell international", "695": "Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology", "696": "Cancer cytopathology", "697": "Cancer discovery", "698": "Cancer epidemiology", "699": "Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology", "700": "Cancer gene therapy", "701": "Cancer genetics", "702": "Cancer genomics & proteomics", "703": "Cancer immunology research", "704": "Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII", "705": "Cancer investigation", "706": "Cancer letters", "707": "Cancer management and research", "708": "Cancer medicine", "709": "Cancer metastasis reviews", "710": "Cancer nursing", "711": "Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)", "712": "Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique", "713": "Cancer research", "714": "Cancer research and treatment", "715": "Cancer science", "716": "Cancer treatment reviews", "717": "Cancers", "718": "Carbohydrate polymers", "719": "Carbohydrate research", "720": "Carcinogenesis", "721": "Cardiac electrophysiology clinics", "722": "Cardiology", "723": "Cardiology in review", "724": "Cardiology in the young", "725": "Cardiology journal", "726": "Cardiology research and practice", "727": "Cardiovascular and interventional radiology", "728": "Cardiovascular diabetology", "729": "Cardiovascular diagnosis and therapy", "730": "Cardiovascular drugs and therapy", "731": "Cardiovascular engineering and technology", "732": "Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics", "733": "Cardiovascular journal of Africa", "734": "Cardiovascular research", "735": "Cardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions", "736": "Cardiovascular therapeutics", "737": "Cardiovascular toxicology", "738": "Caries research", "739": "Cartilage", "740": "Case reports in cardiology", "741": "Case reports in dentistry", "742": "Case reports in dermatology", "743": "Case reports in endocrinology", "744": "Case reports in gastroenterology", "745": "Case reports in medicine", "746": "Case reports in neurology", "747": "Case reports in oncological medicine", "748": "Case reports in oncology", "749": "Case reports in ophthalmology", "750": "Caspian journal of internal medicine", "751": "Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions", "752": "Cell", "753": "Cell & bioscience", "754": "Cell and tissue banking", "755": "Cell and tissue research", "756": "Cell biochemistry and biophysics", "757": "Cell biochemistry and function", "758": "Cell biology international", "759": "Cell calcium", "760": "Cell chemical biology", "761": "Cell communication and signaling : CCS", "762": "Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)", "763": "Cell death & disease", "764": "Cell death and differentiation", "765": "Cell death discovery", "766": "Cell discovery", "767": "Cell host & microbe", "768": "Cell journal", "769": "Cell metabolism", "770": "Cell proliferation", "771": "Cell reports", "772": "Cell research", "773": "Cell stem cell", "774": "Cell stress & chaperones", "775": "Cell systems", "776": "Cell transplantation", "777": "Cells", "778": "Cells, tissues, organs", "779": "Cellular & molecular immunology", "780": "Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France)", "781": "Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology", "782": "Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS", "783": "Cellular and molecular neurobiology", "784": "Cellular immunology", "785": "Cellular microbiology", "786": "Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology", "787": "Cellular signalling", "788": "Central European journal of public health", "789": "Central European journal of urology", "790": "Central-European journal of immunology", "791": "Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache", "792": "Cerebellum (London, England)", "793": "Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)", "794": "Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)", "795": "Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.)", "796": "ChemMedChem", "797": "ChemPlusChem", "798": "ChemSusChem", "799": "Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology", "800": "Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin", "801": "Chemical Society reviews", "802": "Chemical biology & drug design", "803": "Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)", "804": "Chemical record (New York, N.Y.)", "805": "Chemical research in toxicology", "806": "Chemical reviews", "807": "Chemical science", "808": "Chemical senses", "809": "Chemico-biological interactions", "810": "Chemistry & biodiversity", "811": "Chemistry and physics of lipids", "812": "Chemistry, an Asian journal", "813": "ChemistryOpen", "814": "Chemosphere", "815": "Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry", "816": "Chest", "817": "Child abuse & neglect", "818": "Child and adolescent mental health", "819": "Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America", "820": "Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health", "821": "Child development", "822": "Child psychiatry and human development", "823": "Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery", "824": "Child: care, health and development", "825": "Childhood obesity (Print)", "826": "Chimia", "827": "Chinese clinical oncology", "828": "Chinese journal of integrative medicine", "829": "Chinese medical journal", "830": "Chinese medicine", "831": "Chirality", "832": "Chiropractic & manual therapies", "833": "Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)", "834": "Chronobiology international", "835": "Ciencia & saude coletiva", "836": "Circulation", "837": "Circulation research", "838": "Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology", "839": "Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging", "840": "Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions", "841": "Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes", "842": "Circulation. Heart failure", "843": "Cirugia y cirujanos", "844": "Climacteric : the journal of the International Menopause Society", "845": "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry", "846": "Clinical & experimental metastasis", "847": "Clinical & experimental ophthalmology", "848": "Clinical & experimental optometry", "849": "Clinical & translational immunology", "850": "Clinical EEG and neuroscience", "851": "Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)", "852": "Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis", "853": "Clinical and experimental dental research", "854": "Clinical and experimental dermatology", "855": "Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993)", "856": "Clinical and experimental immunology", "857": "Clinical and experimental medicine", "858": "Clinical and experimental nephrology", "859": "Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology", "860": "Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology", "861": "Clinical and experimental rheumatology", "862": "Clinical and translational allergy", "863": "Clinical and translational gastroenterology", "864": "Clinical and translational medicine", "865": "Clinical and translational radiation oncology", "866": "Clinical and translational science", "867": "Clinical biochemistry", "868": "Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)", "869": "Clinical breast cancer", "870": "Clinical cardiology", "871": "Clinical case reports", "872": "Clinical chemistry", "873": "Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine", "874": "Clinical child psychology and psychiatry", "875": "Clinical colorectal cancer", "876": "Clinical drug investigation", "877": "Clinical endocrinology", "878": "Clinical endoscopy", "879": "Clinical epidemiology", "880": "Clinical epigenetics", "881": "Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association", "882": "Clinical genetics", "883": "Clinical genitourinary cancer", "884": "Clinical gerontologist", "885": "Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation", "886": "Clinical imaging", "887": "Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)", "888": "Clinical implant dentistry and related research", "889": "Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America", "890": "Clinical interventions in aging", "891": "Clinical journal of gastroenterology", "892": "Clinical journal of oncology nursing", "893": "Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN", "894": "Clinical kidney journal", "895": "Clinical laboratory", "896": "Clinical linguistics & phonetics", "897": "Clinical lung cancer", "898": "Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia", "899": "Clinical medicine (London, England)", "900": "Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases", "901": "Clinical nephrology", "902": "Clinical neurology and neurosurgery", "903": "Clinical neuropharmacology", "904": "Clinical neuroradiology", "905": "Clinical nuclear medicine", "906": "Clinical nursing research", "907": "Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)", "908": "Clinical nutrition ESPEN", "909": "Clinical obesity", "910": "Clinical obstetrics and gynecology", "911": "Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain))", "912": "Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)", "913": "Clinical oral implants research", "914": "Clinical oral investigations", "915": "Clinical orthopaedics and related research", "916": "Clinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery", "917": "Clinical pediatrics", "918": "Clinical pharmacokinetics", "919": "Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics", "920": "Clinical pharmacology in drug development", "921": "Clinical physiology and functional imaging", "922": "Clinical psychology & psychotherapy", "923": "Clinical psychology review", "924": "Clinical radiology", "925": "Clinical rehabilitation", "926": "Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society", "927": "Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology", "928": "Clinical rheumatology", "929": "Clinical science (London, England : 1979)", "930": "Clinical spine surgery", "931": "Clinical therapeutics", "932": "Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)", "933": "Clinical transplantation", "934": "Clinical trials (London, England)", "935": "Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology", "936": "ClinicoEconomics and outcomes research : CEOR", "937": "Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil)", "938": "Clinics and research in hepatology and gastroenterology", "939": "Clinics in dermatology", "940": "Clinics in liver disease", "941": "Clinics in orthopedic surgery", "942": "Clinics in perinatology", "943": "Cognition", "944": "Cognition & emotion", "945": "Cognitive neurodynamics", "946": "Cognitive processing", "947": "Cognitive research: principles and implications", "948": "Cognitive science", "949": "Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience", "950": "Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology", "951": "Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine", "952": "Cold Spring Harbor protocols", "953": "Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces", "954": "Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening", "955": "Communications biology", "956": "Community dentistry and oral epidemiology", "957": "Community mental health journal", "958": "Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology", "959": "Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology", "960": "Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part D, Genomics & proteomics", "961": "Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases", "962": "Comparative medicine", "963": "Complementary therapies in clinical practice", "964": "Complementary therapies in medicine", "965": "Comprehensive psychiatry", "966": "Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety", "967": "Computational and mathematical methods in medicine", "968": "Computational and structural biotechnology journal", "969": "Computational biology and chemistry", "970": "Computational intelligence and neuroscience", "971": "Computer methods and programs in biomedicine", "972": "Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering", "973": "Computers in biology and medicine", "974": "Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN", "975": "Conflict and health", "976": "Congenital heart disease", "977": "Connective tissue research", "978": "Consciousness and cognition", "979": "Conservation physiology", "980": "Contact dermatitis", "981": "Contact lens & anterior eye : the journal of the British Contact Lens Association", "982": "Contemporary clinical dentistry", "983": "Contemporary clinical trials", "984": "Contemporary clinical trials communications", "985": "Contemporary oncology (Poznan, Poland)", "986": "Contraception", "987": "Contrast media & molecular imaging", "988": "Cornea", "989": "Coronary artery disease", "990": "Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior", "991": "Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular practice", "992": "Critical care (London, England)", "993": "Critical care medicine", "994": "Critical reviews in analytical chemistry", "995": "Critical reviews in biotechnology", "996": "Critical reviews in food science and nutrition", "997": "Critical reviews in oncology/hematology", "998": "Cryobiology", "999": "Culture, health & sexuality", "1000": "Cureus", "1001": "Current Alzheimer research", "1002": "Current HIV research", "1003": "Current allergy and asthma reports", "1004": "Current atherosclerosis reports", "1005": "Current biology : CB", "1006": "Current cancer drug targets", "1007": "Current cardiology reports", "1008": "Current developments in nutrition", "1009": "Current diabetes reports", "1010": "Current diabetes reviews", "1011": "Current drug delivery", "1012": "Current drug metabolism", "1013": "Current drug targets", "1014": "Current eye research", "1015": "Current gastroenterology reports", "1016": "Current genetics", "1017": "Current hematologic malignancy reports", "1018": "Current hypertension reports", "1019": "Current medical imaging", "1020": "Current medical research and opinion", "1021": "Current medical science", "1022": "Current medicinal chemistry", "1023": "Current microbiology", "1024": "Current molecular medicine", "1025": "Current neurology and neuroscience reports", "1026": "Current neuropharmacology", "1027": "Current neurovascular research", "1028": "Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.)", "1029": "Current oncology reports", "1030": "Current opinion in HIV and AIDS", "1031": "Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology", "1032": "Current opinion in anaesthesiology", "1033": "Current opinion in biotechnology", "1034": "Current opinion in cardiology", "1035": "Current opinion in cell biology", "1036": "Current opinion in chemical biology", "1037": "Current opinion in critical care", "1038": "Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity", "1039": "Current opinion in gastroenterology", "1040": "Current opinion in genetics & development", "1041": "Current opinion in hematology", "1042": "Current opinion in immunology", "1043": "Current opinion in infectious diseases", "1044": "Current opinion in insect science", "1045": "Current opinion in lipidology", "1046": "Current opinion in microbiology", "1047": "Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension", "1048": "Current opinion in neurobiology", "1049": "Current opinion in neurology", "1050": "Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology", "1051": "Current opinion in oncology", "1052": "Current opinion in ophthalmology", "1053": "Current opinion in organ transplantation", "1054": "Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery", "1055": "Current opinion in pediatrics", "1056": "Current opinion in pharmacology", "1057": "Current opinion in plant biology", "1058": "Current opinion in psychiatry", "1059": "Current opinion in psychology", "1060": "Current opinion in pulmonary medicine", "1061": "Current opinion in rheumatology", "1062": "Current opinion in structural biology", "1063": "Current opinion in supportive and palliative care", "1064": "Current opinion in urology", "1065": "Current opinion in virology", "1066": "Current osteoporosis reports", "1067": "Current pain and headache reports", "1068": "Current pharmaceutical biotechnology", "1069": "Current pharmaceutical design", "1070": "Current problems in cancer", "1071": "Current problems in cardiology", "1072": "Current problems in diagnostic radiology", "1073": "Current protein & peptide science", "1074": "Current psychiatry reports", "1075": "Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine", "1076": "Current rheumatology reports", "1077": "Current sports medicine reports", "1078": "Current stem cell research & therapy", "1079": "Current topics in behavioral neurosciences", "1080": "Current topics in medicinal chemistry", "1081": "Current topics in microbiology and immunology", "1082": "Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine", "1083": "Current treatment options in oncology", "1084": "Current urology reports", "1085": "Current vascular pharmacology", "1086": "Current zoology", "1087": "Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning", "1088": "Cutis", "1089": "Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking", "1090": "Cytogenetic and genome research", "1091": "Cytokine", "1092": "Cytokine & growth factor reviews", "1093": "Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology", "1094": "Cytopathology : official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology", "1095": "Cytotechnology", "1096": "Cytotherapy", "1097": "DNA and cell biology", "1098": "DNA repair", "1099": "Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)", "1100": "Danish medical journal", "1101": "Data in brief", "1102": "Database : the journal of biological databases and curation", "1103": "Death studies", "1104": "Dementia & neuropsychologia", "1105": "Dementia (London, England)", "1106": "Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders", "1107": "Demography", "1108": "Dental materials journal", "1109": "Dental press journal of orthodontics", "1110": "Dental research journal", "1111": "Dentistry journal", "1112": "Dento maxillo facial radiology", "1113": "Depression and anxiety", "1114": "Dermatitis : contact, atopic, occupational, drug", "1115": "Dermatologic clinics", "1116": "Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]", "1117": "Dermatologic therapy", "1118": "Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland)", "1119": "Dermatology and therapy", "1120": "Dermatology online journal", "1121": "Deutsches Arzteblatt international", "1122": "Development (Cambridge, England)", "1123": "Development and psychopathology", "1124": "Development, growth & differentiation", "1125": "Developmental and comparative immunology", "1126": "Developmental biology", "1127": "Developmental cell", "1128": "Developmental cognitive neuroscience", "1129": "Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists", "1130": "Developmental medicine and child neurology", "1131": "Developmental neurobiology", "1132": "Developmental psychobiology", "1133": "Developmental psychology", "1134": "Developmental science", "1135": "Diabetes", "1136": "Diabetes & metabolic syndrome", "1137": "Diabetes & metabolism", "1138": "Diabetes & metabolism journal", "1139": "Diabetes & vascular disease research", "1140": "Diabetes care", "1141": "Diabetes research and clinical practice", "1142": "Diabetes technology & therapeutics", "1143": "Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders", "1144": "Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy", "1145": "Diabetes, obesity & metabolism", "1146": "Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews", "1147": "Diabetologia", "1148": "Diabetology & metabolic syndrome", "1149": "Diagnostic and interventional imaging", "1150": "Diagnostic and interventional radiology (Ankara, Turkey)", "1151": "Diagnostic cytopathology", "1152": "Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease", "1153": "Diagnostic pathology", "1154": "Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)", "1155": "Die Naturwissenschaften", "1156": "Die Pharmazie", "1157": "Digestion", "1158": "Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland)", "1159": "Digestive diseases and sciences", "1160": "Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society", "1161": "Digestive surgery", "1162": "Digital health", "1163": "Disability and health journal", "1164": "Disability and rehabilitation", "1165": "Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology", "1166": "Disaster medicine and public health preparedness", "1167": "Disasters", "1168": "Disease markers", "1169": "Disease models & mechanisms", "1170": "Diseases of aquatic organisms", "1171": "Diseases of the colon and rectum", "1172": "Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus", "1173": "Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology", "1174": "Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics", "1175": "Domestic animal endocrinology", "1176": "Drug and alcohol dependence", "1177": "Drug and alcohol review", "1178": "Drug and chemical toxicology", "1179": "Drug delivery", "1180": "Drug delivery and translational research", "1181": "Drug design, development and therapy", "1182": "Drug development and industrial pharmacy", "1183": "Drug development research", "1184": "Drug discoveries & therapeutics", "1185": "Drug discovery today", "1186": "Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics", "1187": "Drug research", "1188": "Drug safety", "1189": "Drug testing and analysis", "1190": "Drugs", "1191": "Drugs & aging", "1192": "Drugs of today (Barcelona, Spain : 1998)", "1193": "Dysphagia", "1194": "EBioMedicine", "1195": "EClinicalMedicine", "1196": "EFORT open reviews", "1197": "EFSA journal. European Food Safety Authority", "1198": "EJNMMI research", "1199": "EMBO molecular medicine", "1200": "EMBO reports", "1201": "ERJ open research", "1202": "ESC heart failure", "1203": "ESMO open", "1204": "EXCLI journal", "1205": "Ear and hearing", "1206": "Ear, nose, & throat journal", "1207": "Early human development", "1208": "Early intervention in psychiatry", "1209": "Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit", "1210": "Eating and weight disorders : EWD", "1211": "Eating behaviors", "1212": "Ecancermedicalscience", "1213": "Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)", "1214": "EcoHealth", "1215": "Ecology", "1216": "Ecology and evolution", "1217": "Ecology letters", "1218": "Economics and human biology", "1219": "Ecotoxicology (London, England)", "1220": "Ecotoxicology and environmental safety", "1221": "Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors", "1222": "Einstein (Sao Paulo, Brazil)", "1223": "Electrophoresis", "1224": "Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA", "1225": "Emergency medicine clinics of North America", "1226": "Emergency medicine journal : EMJ", "1227": "Emergency radiology", "1228": "Emerging infectious diseases", "1229": "Emerging microbes & infections", "1230": "Emotion (Washington, D.C.)", "1231": "Endocrine connections", "1232": "Endocrine journal", "1233": "Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets", "1234": "Endocrine-related cancer", "1235": "Endocrinology", "1236": "Endocrinology and metabolism (Seoul, Korea)", "1237": "Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America", "1238": "Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism case reports", "1239": "Endokrynologia Polska", "1240": "Endoscopy", "1241": "Endoscopy international open", "1242": "Entropy (Basel, Switzerland)", "1243": "Environment international", "1244": "Environmental and molecular mutagenesis", "1245": "Environmental entomology", "1246": "Environmental geochemistry and health", "1247": "Environmental health : a global access science source", "1248": "Environmental health and preventive medicine", "1249": "Environmental health perspectives", "1250": "Environmental management", "1251": "Environmental microbiology", "1252": "Environmental microbiology reports", "1253": "Environmental monitoring and assessment", "1254": "Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)", "1255": "Environmental research", "1256": "Environmental science & technology", "1257": "Environmental science and pollution research international", "1258": "Environmental science. Processes & impacts", "1259": "Environmental technology", "1260": "Environmental toxicology", "1261": "Environmental toxicology and chemistry", "1262": "Environmental toxicology and pharmacology", "1263": "Enzyme and microbial technology", "1264": "Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil", "1265": "Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)", "1266": "Epidemiology and health", "1267": "Epidemiology and infection", "1268": "Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences", "1269": "Epigenetics", "1270": "Epigenetics & chromatin", "1271": "Epigenomics", "1272": "Epilepsia", "1273": "Epilepsia open", "1274": "Epilepsy & behavior : E&B", "1275": "Epilepsy research", "1276": "Equine veterinary journal", "1277": "Ergonomics", "1278": "Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society", "1279": "Essays in biochemistry", "1280": "Ethiopian journal of health sciences", "1281": "Ethnicity & disease", "1282": "Ethnicity & health", "1283": "EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology", "1284": "Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology", "1285": "European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases", "1286": "European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery", "1287": "European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry", "1288": "European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience", "1289": "European biophysics journal : EBJ", "1290": "European child & adolescent psychiatry", "1291": "European geriatric medicine", "1292": "European heart journal", "1293": "European heart journal supplements : journal of the European Society of Cardiology", "1294": "European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care", "1295": "European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging", "1296": "European heart journal. Case reports", "1297": "European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes", "1298": "European journal of anaesthesiology", "1299": "European journal of applied physiology", "1300": "European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)", "1301": "European journal of cancer care", "1302": "European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery", "1303": "European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology", "1304": "European journal of case reports in internal medicine", "1305": "European journal of clinical investigation", "1306": "European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology", "1307": "European journal of clinical nutrition", "1308": "European journal of clinical pharmacology", "1309": "European journal of dentistry", "1310": "European journal of dermatology : EJD", "1311": "European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics", "1312": "European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine", "1313": "European journal of endocrinology", "1314": "European journal of epidemiology", "1315": "European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology", "1316": "European journal of haematology", "1317": "European journal of heart failure", "1318": "European journal of human genetics : EJHG", "1319": "European journal of immunology", "1320": "European journal of internal medicine", "1321": "European journal of medical genetics", "1322": "European journal of medical research", "1323": "European journal of medicinal chemistry", "1324": "European journal of neurology", "1325": "European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging", "1326": "European journal of nutrition", "1327": "European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology", "1328": "European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society", "1329": "European journal of ophthalmology", "1330": "European journal of oral sciences", "1331": "European journal of orthodontics", "1332": "European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie", "1333": "European journal of paediatric dentistry", "1334": "European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society", "1335": "European journal of pain (London, England)", "1336": "European journal of pediatric surgery : official journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery ... [et al] = Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie", "1337": "European journal of pediatrics", "1338": "European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences", "1339": "European journal of pharmacology", "1340": "European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine", "1341": "European journal of preventive cardiology", "1342": "European journal of protistology", "1343": "European journal of psychotraumatology", "1344": "European journal of public health", "1345": "European journal of radiology", "1346": "European journal of radiology open", "1347": "European journal of sport science", "1348": "European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology", "1349": "European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society", "1350": "European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery", "1351": "European neurology", "1352": "European radiology", "1353": "European review for medical and pharmacological sciences", "1354": "European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society", "1355": "European urology focus", "1356": "European urology oncology", "1357": "Evaluation and program planning", "1358": "Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM", "1359": "Evidence-based dentistry", "1360": "Evolution; international journal of organic evolution", "1361": "Evolutionary applications", "1362": "Experimental & applied acarology", "1363": "Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology", "1364": "Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation", "1365": "Experimental and molecular pathology", "1366": "Experimental animals", "1367": "Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)", "1368": "Experimental brain research", "1369": "Experimental cell research", "1370": "Experimental dermatology", "1371": "Experimental eye research", "1372": "Experimental gerontology", "1373": "Experimental hematology", "1374": "Experimental neurology", "1375": "Experimental oncology", "1376": "Experimental parasitology", "1377": "Experimental physiology", "1378": "Expert opinion on biological therapy", "1379": "Expert opinion on drug delivery", "1380": "Expert opinion on drug discovery", "1381": "Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology", "1382": "Expert opinion on drug safety", "1383": "Expert opinion on investigational drugs", "1384": "Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy", "1385": "Expert opinion on therapeutic patents", "1386": "Expert opinion on therapeutic targets", "1387": "Expert review of anti-infective therapy", "1388": "Expert review of anticancer therapy", "1389": "Expert review of cardiovascular therapy", "1390": "Expert review of clinical immunology", "1391": "Expert review of clinical pharmacology", "1392": "Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology", "1393": "Expert review of hematology", "1394": "Expert review of medical devices", "1395": "Expert review of molecular diagnostics", "1396": "Expert review of neurotherapeutics", "1397": "Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research", "1398": "Expert review of proteomics", "1399": "Expert review of respiratory medicine", "1400": "Expert review of vaccines", "1401": "Explore (New York, N.Y.)", "1402": "Eye & contact lens", "1403": "Eye (London, England)", "1404": "F1000Research", "1405": "FEBS letters", "1406": "FEBS open bio", "1407": "FEMS microbiology ecology", "1408": "FEMS microbiology letters", "1409": "FEMS microbiology reviews", "1410": "FEMS yeast research", "1411": "Facial plastic surgery : FPS", "1412": "Familial cancer", "1413": "Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare", "1414": "Family medicine", "1415": "Family practice", "1416": "Family process", "1417": "Faraday discussions", "1418": "Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery", "1419": "Fertility and sterility", "1420": "Fetal and pediatric pathology", "1421": "Fetal diagnosis and therapy", "1422": "Fish & shellfish immunology", "1423": "Fish physiology and biochemistry", "1424": "Fitoterapia", "1425": "Folia medica", "1426": "Folia microbiologica", "1427": "Folia morphologica", "1428": "Food & function", "1429": "Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment", "1430": "Food and nutrition bulletin", "1431": "Food chemistry", "1432": "Food microbiology", "1433": "Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)", "1434": "Food science & nutrition", "1435": "Food science and biotechnology", "1436": "Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnologia de los alimentos internacional", "1437": "Foodborne pathogens and disease", "1438": "Foods (Basel, Switzerland)", "1439": "Foot & ankle international", "1440": "Foot & ankle specialist", "1441": "Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland)", "1442": "Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons", "1443": "Forensic science international", "1444": "Forensic science international. Genetics", "1445": "Forensic science, medicine, and pathology", "1446": "Free radical biology & medicine", "1447": "Free radical research", "1448": "Frontiers in aging neuroscience", "1449": "Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience", "1450": "Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology", "1451": "Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine", "1452": "Frontiers in cell and developmental biology", "1453": "Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology", "1454": "Frontiers in cellular neuroscience", "1455": "Frontiers in chemistry", "1456": "Frontiers in computational neuroscience", "1457": "Frontiers in endocrinology", "1458": "Frontiers in genetics", "1459": "Frontiers in human neuroscience", "1460": "Frontiers in immunology", "1461": "Frontiers in integrative neuroscience", "1462": "Frontiers in medicine", "1463": "Frontiers in microbiology", "1464": "Frontiers in molecular biosciences", "1465": "Frontiers in molecular neuroscience", "1466": "Frontiers in neural circuits", "1467": "Frontiers in neuroanatomy", "1468": "Frontiers in neuroinformatics", "1469": "Frontiers in neurology", "1470": "Frontiers in neurorobotics", "1471": "Frontiers in neuroscience", "1472": "Frontiers in nutrition", "1473": "Frontiers in oncology", "1474": "Frontiers in pediatrics", "1475": "Frontiers in pharmacology", "1476": "Frontiers in physiology", "1477": "Frontiers in plant science", "1478": "Frontiers in psychiatry", "1479": "Frontiers in psychology", "1480": "Frontiers in public health", "1481": "Frontiers in surgery", "1482": "Frontiers in systems neuroscience", "1483": "Frontiers in veterinary science", "1484": "Frontiers in zoology", "1485": "Frontiers of medicine", "1486": "Frontline gastroenterology", "1487": "Functional & integrative genomics", "1488": "Functional plant biology : FPB", "1489": "Fundamental & clinical pharmacology", "1490": "Fungal biology", "1491": "Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B", "1492": "Future cardiology", "1493": "Future medicinal chemistry", "1494": "Future microbiology", "1495": "Future oncology (London, England)", "1496": "Future science OA", "1497": "G3 (Bethesda, Md.)", "1498": "GMS journal for medical education", "1499": "Gaceta medica de Mexico", "1500": "Gaceta sanitaria", "1501": "Gait & posture", "1502": "Gastroenterologia y hepatologia", "1503": "Gastroenterology", "1504": "Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench", "1505": "Gastroenterology report", "1506": "Gastroenterology research and practice", "1507": "Gastrointestinal endoscopy", "1508": "Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde", "1509": "Gene", "1510": "Gene therapy", "1511": "General and comparative endocrinology", "1512": "General dentistry", "1513": "General hospital psychiatry", "1514": "General physiology and biophysics", "1515": "Genes", "1516": "Genes & development", "1517": "Genes & genomics", "1518": "Genes, brain, and behavior", "1519": "Genes, chromosomes & cancer", "1520": "Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)", "1521": "Genetic epidemiology", "1522": "Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers", "1523": "Genetics", "1524": "Genetics and molecular biology", "1525": "Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics", "1526": "Genetics, selection, evolution : GSE", "1527": "Genome", "1528": "Genome biology", "1529": "Genome biology and evolution", "1530": "Genome medicine", "1531": "Genome research", "1532": "Genomics", "1533": "Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics", "1534": "Geophysical research letters", "1535": "Georgian medical news", "1536": "Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)", "1537": "Geriatric orthopaedic surgery & rehabilitation", "1538": "Geriatrics & gerontology international", "1539": "GeroScience", "1540": "Gerodontology", "1541": "Gerontology", "1542": "Gerontology & geriatric medicine", "1543": "GigaScience", "1544": "Ginekologia polska", "1545": "Giornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia : organo ufficiale, Societa italiana di dermatologia e sifilografia", "1546": "Gland surgery", "1547": "Glia", "1548": "Global change biology", "1549": "Global health action", "1550": "Global health promotion", "1551": "Global health, science and practice", "1552": "Global pediatric health", "1553": "Global public health", "1554": "Global spine journal", "1555": "Globalization and health", "1556": "Glycobiology", "1557": "Glycoconjugate journal", "1558": "Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie", "1559": "Ground water", "1560": "Gut", "1561": "Gut and liver", "1562": "Gut microbes", "1563": "Gynecologic and obstetric investigation", "1564": "Gynecologic oncology", "1565": "Gynecologic oncology reports", "1566": "HERD", "1567": "HIV medicine", "1568": "HLA", "1569": "HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association", "1570": "Haematologica", "1571": "Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia", "1572": "Hand (New York, N.Y.)", "1573": "Hand clinics", "1574": "Hand surgery & rehabilitation", "1575": "Handbook of experimental pharmacology", "1576": "Harm reduction journal", "1577": "Harmful algae", "1578": "Head & neck", "1579": "Head and neck pathology", "1580": "Headache", "1581": "Health & place", "1582": "Health & social care in the community", "1583": "Health affairs (Project Hope)", "1584": "Health and quality of life outcomes", "1585": "Health care for women international", "1586": "Health communication", "1587": "Health economics", "1588": "Health education research", "1589": "Health informatics journal", "1590": "Health physics", "1591": "Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "1592": "Health policy and planning", "1593": "Health promotion international", "1594": "Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals", "1595": "Health promotion practice", "1596": "Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association", "1597": "Health research policy and systems", "1598": "Health security", "1599": "Health services research", "1600": "Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)", "1601": "Healthcare management forum", "1602": "Hearing research", "1603": "Heart & lung : the journal of critical care", "1604": "Heart (British Cardiac Society)", "1605": "Heart and vessels", "1606": "Heart failure clinics", "1607": "Heart failure reviews", "1608": "Heart rhythm", "1609": "Heart, lung & circulation", "1610": "Helicobacter", "1611": "Heliyon", "1612": "Hellenic journal of nuclear medicine", "1613": "Hematological oncology", "1614": "Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "1615": "Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program", "1616": "Hemoglobin", "1617": "Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT", "1618": "Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)", "1619": "Hepatology international", "1620": "Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology", "1621": "Heredity", "1622": "Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery", "1623": "Herz", "1624": "Hippocampus", "1625": "Histochemistry and cell biology", "1626": "Histology and histopathology", "1627": "Histopathology", "1628": "Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi", "1629": "Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme", "1630": "Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation", "1631": "Hormone research in paediatrics", "1632": "Hormones (Athens, Greece)", "1633": "Hormones and behavior", "1634": "Hospital pediatrics", "1635": "Human & experimental toxicology", "1636": "Human brain mapping", "1637": "Human cell", "1638": "Human factors", "1639": "Human fertility (Cambridge, England)", "1640": "Human gene therapy", "1641": "Human genetics", "1642": "Human immunology", "1643": "Human molecular genetics", "1644": "Human movement science", "1645": "Human mutation", "1646": "Human pathology", "1647": "Human reproduction (Oxford, England)", "1648": "Human resources for health", "1649": "Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics", "1650": "Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979)", "1651": "IDCases", "1652": "IEEE computer graphics and applications", "1653": "IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics", "1654": "IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering", "1655": "IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems", "1656": "IEEE transactions on cybernetics", "1657": "IEEE transactions on haptics", "1658": "IEEE transactions on nanobioscience", "1659": "IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems", "1660": "IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence", "1661": "IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control", "1662": "IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics", "1663": "IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics", "1664": "IET nanobiotechnology", "1665": "ISA transactions", "1666": "IUBMB life", "1667": "IUCrJ", "1668": "Immunity", "1669": "Immunity, inflammation and disease", "1670": "Immunobiology", "1671": "Immunogenetics", "1672": "Immunologic research", "1673": "Immunological investigations", "1674": "Immunological reviews", "1675": "Immunology", "1676": "Immunology and cell biology", "1677": "Immunology letters", "1678": "Immunotherapy", "1679": "Implementation science : IS", "1680": "In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal", "1681": "In vivo (Athens, Greece)", "1682": "Indian heart journal", "1683": "Indian journal of anaesthesia", "1684": "Indian journal of cancer", "1685": "Indian journal of clinical biochemistry : IJCB", "1686": "Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine", "1687": "Indian journal of critical care medicine : peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine", "1688": "Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research", "1689": "Indian journal of dermatology", "1690": "Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology", "1691": "Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism", "1692": "Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology", "1693": "Indian journal of hematology & blood transfusion : an official journal of Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion", "1694": "Indian journal of medical ethics", "1695": "Indian journal of medical microbiology", "1696": "Indian journal of nephrology", "1697": "Indian journal of nuclear medicine : IJNM : the official journal of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, India", "1698": "Indian journal of ophthalmology", "1699": "Indian journal of orthopaedics", "1700": "Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery : official publication of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India", "1701": "Indian journal of palliative care", "1702": "Indian journal of pathology & microbiology", "1703": "Indian journal of pediatrics", "1704": "Indian journal of pharmacology", "1705": "Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India", "1706": "Indian journal of psychiatry", "1707": "Indian journal of psychological medicine", "1708": "Indian journal of public health", "1709": "Indian journal of surgical oncology", "1710": "Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery", "1711": "Indian pediatrics", "1712": "Indoor air", "1713": "Industrial health", "1714": "Infant behavior & development", "1715": "Infant mental health journal", "1716": "Infection", "1717": "Infection & chemotherapy", "1718": "Infection and drug resistance", "1719": "Infection and immunity", "1720": "Infection control and hospital epidemiology", "1721": "Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases", "1722": "Infectious agents and cancer", "1723": "Infectious diseases (London, England)", "1724": "Infectious diseases and therapy", "1725": "Infectious diseases of poverty", "1726": "Infectious disorders drug targets", "1727": "Inflammation", "1728": "Inflammatory bowel diseases", "1729": "Inflammopharmacology", "1730": "Influenza and other respiratory viruses", "1731": "Inhalation toxicology", "1732": "Injury", "1733": "Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention", "1734": "Innate immunity", "1735": "Innovations (Philadelphia, Pa.)", "1736": "Inorganic chemistry", "1737": "Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing", "1738": "Insect biochemistry and molecular biology", "1739": "Insect molecular biology", "1740": "Insect science", "1741": "Insects", "1742": "Insights into imaging", "1743": "Integrated environmental assessment and management", "1744": "Integrative and comparative biology", "1745": "Integrative cancer therapies", "1746": "Integrative medicine research", "1747": "Integrative psychological & behavioral science", "1748": "Integrative zoology", "1749": "Intensive & critical care nursing", "1750": "Intensive care medicine", "1751": "Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery", "1752": "Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences", "1753": "Interface focus", "1754": "Internal and emergency medicine", "1755": "Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)", "1756": "Internal medicine journal", "1757": "International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology", "1758": "International archives of allergy and immunology", "1759": "International archives of occupational and environmental health", "1760": "International archives of otorhinolaryngology", "1761": "International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology", "1762": "International breastfeeding journal", "1763": "International dental journal", "1764": "International emergency nursing", "1765": "International endodontic journal", "1766": "International forum of allergy & rhinology", "1767": "International health", "1768": "International heart journal", "1769": "International immunology", "1770": "International immunopharmacology", "1771": "International journal for equity in health", "1772": "International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering", "1773": "International journal for parasitology", "1774": "International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance", "1775": "International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care", "1776": "International journal of STD & AIDS", "1777": "International journal of adolescent medicine and health", "1778": "International journal of antimicrobial agents", "1779": "International journal of audiology", "1780": "International journal of behavioral medicine", "1781": "International journal of biological macromolecules", "1782": "International journal of biological sciences", "1783": "International journal of biometeorology", "1784": "International journal of cancer", "1785": "International journal of cardiology", "1786": "International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature", "1787": "International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "1788": "International journal of circumpolar health", "1789": "International journal of clinical oncology", "1790": "International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics", "1791": "International journal of clinical pharmacy", "1792": "International journal of clinical practice", "1793": "International journal of colorectal disease", "1794": "International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery", "1795": "International journal of cosmetic science", "1796": "International journal of dental hygiene", "1797": "International journal of dentistry", "1798": "International journal of dermatology", "1799": "International journal of endocrinology", "1800": "International journal of environmental health research", "1801": "International journal of environmental research and public health", "1802": "International journal of epidemiology", "1803": "International journal of exercise science", "1804": "International journal of fertility & sterility", "1805": "International journal of food microbiology", "1806": "International journal of food sciences and nutrition", "1807": "International journal of general medicine", "1808": "International journal of geriatric psychiatry", "1809": "International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society", "1810": "International journal of health care quality assurance", "1811": "International journal of health policy and management", "1812": "International journal of hematology", "1813": "International journal of hygiene and environmental health", "1814": "International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology", "1815": "International journal of impotence research", "1816": "International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases", "1817": "International journal of injury control and safety promotion", "1818": "International journal of integrated care", "1819": "International journal of laboratory hematology", "1820": "International journal of language & communication disorders", "1821": "International journal of law and psychiatry", "1822": "International journal of legal medicine", "1823": "International journal of medical informatics", "1824": "International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM", "1825": "International journal of medical sciences", "1826": "International journal of medicinal mushrooms", "1827": "International journal of mental health systems", "1828": "International journal of molecular medicine", "1829": "International journal of molecular sciences", "1830": "International journal of mycobacteriology", "1831": "International journal of nanomedicine", "1832": "International journal of neural systems", "1833": "International journal of nursing practice", "1834": "International journal of nursing studies", "1835": "International journal of obesity (2005)", "1836": "International journal of obstetric anesthesia", "1837": "International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health", "1838": "International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE", "1839": "International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology", "1840": "International journal of oncology", "1841": "International journal of ophthalmology", "1842": "International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery", "1843": "International journal of paediatric dentistry", "1844": "International journal of paleopathology", "1845": "International journal of palliative nursing", "1846": "International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology", "1847": "International journal of pharmaceutical compounding", "1848": "International journal of pharmaceutics", "1849": "International journal of phytoremediation", "1850": "International journal of preventive medicine", "1851": "International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie", "1852": "International journal of public health", "1853": "International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being", "1854": "International journal of radiation biology", "1855": "International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics", "1856": "International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation", "1857": "International journal of reproductive biomedicine", "1858": "International journal of retina and vitreous", "1859": "International journal of rheumatic diseases", "1860": "International journal of speech-language pathology", "1861": "International journal of spine surgery", "1862": "International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism", "1863": "International journal of sports medicine", "1864": "International journal of sports physiology and performance", "1865": "International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society", "1866": "International journal of surgery (London, England)", "1867": "International journal of surgery case reports", "1868": "International journal of surgical pathology", "1869": "International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology", "1870": "International journal of technology assessment in health care", "1871": "International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association", "1872": "International journal of women's dermatology", "1873": "International journal of women's health", "1874": "International medical case reports journal", "1875": "International neurourology journal", "1876": "International nursing review", "1877": "International ophthalmology", "1878": "International orthodontics", "1879": "International orthopaedics", "1880": "International psychogeriatrics", "1881": "International review of neurobiology", "1882": "International review of psychiatry (Abingdon, England)", "1883": "International urogynecology journal", "1884": "International urology and nephrology", "1885": "International wound journal", "1886": "Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences", "1887": "Intestinal research", "1888": "Intractable & rare diseases research", "1889": "Investigational new drugs", "1890": "Investigative and clinical urology", "1891": "Investigative ophthalmology & visual science", "1892": "Investigative radiology", "1893": "Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology", "1894": "Iranian journal of basic medical sciences", "1895": "Iranian journal of child neurology", "1896": "Iranian journal of kidney diseases", "1897": "Iranian journal of medical sciences", "1898": "Iranian journal of microbiology", "1899": "Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research", "1900": "Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology", "1901": "Iranian journal of parasitology", "1902": "Iranian journal of pathology", "1903": "Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research : IJPR", "1904": "Iranian journal of public health", "1905": "Irish journal of medical science", "1906": "Irish journal of psychological medicine", "1907": "Irish medical journal", "1908": "Israel journal of health policy research", "1909": "Issues in mental health nursing", "1910": "Italian journal of pediatrics", "1911": "JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants", "1912": "JACC. Basic to translational science", "1913": "JACC. Cardiovascular imaging", "1914": "JACC. Cardiovascular interventions", "1915": "JACC. Clinical electrophysiology", "1916": "JACC. Heart failure", "1917": "JAMA", "1918": "JAMA cardiology", "1919": "JAMA dermatology", "1920": "JAMA internal medicine", "1921": "JAMA network open", "1922": "JAMA neurology", "1923": "JAMA oncology", "1924": "JAMA ophthalmology", "1925": "JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery", "1926": "JAMA pediatrics", "1927": "JAMA psychiatry", "1928": "JAMA surgery", "1929": "JBI evidence synthesis", "1930": "JBJS case connector", "1931": "JBJS reviews", "1932": "JBRA assisted reproduction", "1933": "JCI insight", "1934": "JCO oncology practice", "1935": "JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology", "1936": "JMIR mHealth and uHealth", "1937": "JMIR research protocols", "1938": "JNMA; journal of the Nepal Medical Association", "1939": "JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition", "1940": "JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association", "1941": "JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons", "1942": "Japanese journal of clinical oncology", "1943": "Japanese journal of infectious diseases", "1944": "Japanese journal of ophthalmology", "1945": "Japanese journal of radiology", "1946": "Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety", "1947": "Joint bone spine", "1948": "Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : 'orgao oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia", "1949": "Jornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisilogia", "1950": "Jornal de pediatria", "1951": "Journal de mycologie medicale", "1952": "Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG", "1953": "Journal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality", "1954": "Journal for immunotherapy of cancer", "1955": "Journal francais d'ophtalmologie", "1956": "Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus", "1957": "Journal of AOAC International", "1958": "Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD", "1959": "Journal of American college health : J of ACH", "1960": "Journal of Asian natural products research", "1961": "Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC", "1962": "Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine", "1963": "Journal of Cancer", "1964": "Journal of Crohn's & colitis", "1965": "Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons", "1966": "Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society", "1967": "Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology", "1968": "Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry", "1969": "Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society", "1970": "Journal of Korean medical science", "1971": "Journal of Nepal Health Research Council", "1972": "Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi", "1973": "Journal of Parkinson's disease", "1974": "Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences", "1975": "Journal of X-ray science and technology", "1976": "Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B", "1977": "Journal of abnormal psychology", "1978": "Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)", "1979": "Journal of addiction medicine", "1980": "Journal of adolescence", "1981": "Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology", "1982": "Journal of advanced nursing", "1983": "Journal of advanced research", "1984": "Journal of affective disorders", "1985": "Journal of aging and health", "1986": "Journal of aging and physical activity", "1987": "Journal of agricultural and food chemistry", "1988": "Journal of allied health", "1989": "Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)", "1990": "Journal of anaesthesiology, clinical pharmacology", "1991": "Journal of analytical methods in chemistry", "1992": "Journal of analytical toxicology", "1993": "Journal of anatomy", "1994": "Journal of anesthesia", "1995": "Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie", "1996": "Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition", "1997": "Journal of animal science", "1998": "Journal of animal science and biotechnology", "1999": "Journal of anxiety disorders", "2000": "Journal of applied behavior analysis", "2001": "Journal of applied biomechanics", "2002": "Journal of applied clinical medical physics", "2003": "Journal of applied genetics", "2004": "Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society", "2005": "Journal of applied microbiology", "2006": "Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB", "2007": "Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)", "2008": "Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID", "2009": "Journal of applied toxicology : JAT", "2010": "Journal of arrhythmia", "2011": "Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs", "2012": "Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics", "2013": "Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis", "2014": "Journal of athletic training", "2015": "Journal of atrial fibrillation", "2016": "Journal of autism and developmental disorders", "2017": "Journal of autoimmunity", "2018": "Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation", "2019": "Journal of bacteriology", "2020": "Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology", "2021": "Journal of basic microbiology", "2022": "Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry", "2023": "Journal of behavioral addictions", "2024": "Journal of behavioral medicine", "2025": "Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology", "2026": "Journal of biochemistry", "2027": "Journal of bioethical inquiry", "2028": "Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology", "2029": "Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents", "2030": "Journal of biomaterials applications", "2031": "Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition", "2032": "Journal of biomechanical engineering", "2033": "Journal of biomechanics", "2034": "Journal of biomedical informatics", "2035": "Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A", "2036": "Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials", "2037": "Journal of biomedical nanotechnology", "2038": "Journal of biomedical optics", "2039": "Journal of biomedical physics & engineering", "2040": "Journal of biomedical science", "2041": "Journal of biomolecular NMR", "2042": "Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics", "2043": "Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics", "2044": "Journal of biophotonics", "2045": "Journal of bioscience and bioengineering", "2046": "Journal of biosciences", "2047": "Journal of biosocial science", "2048": "Journal of biotechnology", "2049": "Journal of bodywork and movement therapies", "2050": "Journal of bone and mineral metabolism", "2051": "Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research", "2052": "Journal of breast cancer", "2053": "Journal of breath research", "2054": "Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association", "2055": "Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle", "2056": "Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education", "2057": "Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology", "2058": "Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice", "2059": "Journal of cardiac failure", "2060": "Journal of cardiac surgery", "2061": "Journal of cardiology", "2062": "Journal of cardiology cases", "2063": "Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention", "2064": "Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia", "2065": "Journal of cardiothoracic surgery", "2066": "Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography", "2067": "Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology", "2068": "Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance", "2069": "Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.)", "2070": "Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology", "2071": "Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics", "2072": "Journal of cardiovascular translational research", "2073": "Journal of cataract and refractive surgery", "2074": "Journal of cell communication and signaling", "2075": "Journal of cell science", "2076": "Journal of cellular and molecular medicine", "2077": "Journal of cellular biochemistry", "2078": "Journal of cellular physiology", "2079": "Journal of chemical ecology", "2080": "Journal of chemical information and modeling", "2081": "Journal of chemical neuroanatomy", "2082": "Journal of chemical theory and computation", "2083": "Journal of cheminformatics", "2084": "Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology", "2085": "Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community", "2086": "Journal of child language", "2087": "Journal of child neurology", "2088": "Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines", "2089": "Journal of child sexual abuse", "2090": "Journal of children's orthopaedics", "2091": "Journal of chromatographic science", "2092": "Journal of chromatography. A", "2093": "Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences", "2094": "Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry", "2095": "Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology", "2096": "Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology", "2097": "Journal of clinical and translational hepatology", "2098": "Journal of clinical and translational science", "2099": "Journal of clinical anesthesia", "2100": "Journal of clinical apheresis", "2101": "Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition", "2102": "Journal of clinical densitometry : the official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry", "2103": "Journal of clinical epidemiology", "2104": "Journal of clinical gastroenterology", "2105": "Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.)", "2106": "Journal of clinical imaging science", "2107": "Journal of clinical immunology", "2108": "Journal of clinical laboratory analysis", "2109": "Journal of clinical lipidology", "2110": "Journal of clinical microbiology", "2111": "Journal of clinical monitoring and computing", "2112": "Journal of clinical nursing", "2113": "Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology", "2114": "Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma", "2115": "Journal of clinical pathology", "2116": "Journal of clinical periodontology", "2117": "Journal of clinical pharmacology", "2118": "Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics", "2119": "Journal of clinical psychology", "2120": "Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings", "2121": "Journal of clinical psychopharmacology", "2122": "Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology", "2123": "Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases", "2124": "Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine", "2125": "Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU", "2126": "Journal of cognitive neuroscience", "2127": "Journal of colloid and interface science", "2128": "Journal of communication disorders", "2129": "Journal of community health", "2130": "Journal of community psychology", "2131": "Journal of comparative effectiveness research", "2132": "Journal of comparative pathology", "2133": "Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology", "2134": "Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology", "2135": "Journal of complementary & integrative medicine", "2136": "Journal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology", "2137": "Journal of computational chemistry", "2138": "Journal of computer assisted tomography", "2139": "Journal of computer-aided molecular design", "2140": "Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD", "2141": "Journal of consulting and clinical psychology", "2142": "Journal of contaminant hydrology", "2143": "Journal of contemporary brachytherapy", "2144": "Journal of continuing education in nursing", "2145": "Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society", "2146": "Journal of cosmetic dermatology", "2147": "Journal of counseling psychology", "2148": "Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery", "2149": "Journal of craniovertebral junction & spine", "2150": "Journal of critical care", "2151": "Journal of current ophthalmology", "2152": "Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery", "2153": "Journal of cutaneous pathology", "2154": "Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society", "2155": "Journal of dairy science", "2156": "Journal of dental education", "2157": "Journal of dental research", "2158": "Journal of dentistry", "2159": "Journal of dermatological science", "2160": "Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP", "2161": "Journal of developmental origins of health and disease", "2162": "Journal of diabetes", "2163": "Journal of diabetes and its complications", "2164": "Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders", "2165": "Journal of diabetes investigation", "2166": "Journal of diabetes research", "2167": "Journal of diabetes science and technology", "2168": "Journal of dietary supplements", "2169": "Journal of digestive diseases", "2170": "Journal of digital imaging", "2171": "Journal of drug targeting", "2172": "Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD", "2173": "Journal of eating disorders", "2174": "Journal of economic entomology", "2175": "Journal of education and health promotion", "2176": "Journal of electrocardiology", "2177": "Journal of emergency nursing", "2178": "Journal of endocrinological investigation", "2179": "Journal of endodontics", "2180": "Journal of endourology", "2181": "Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists", "2182": "Journal of environmental and public health", "2183": "Journal of environmental health science & engineering", "2184": "Journal of environmental management", "2185": "Journal of environmental quality", "2186": "Journal of environmental radioactivity", "2187": "Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering", "2188": "Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes", "2189": "Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry", "2190": "Journal of epidemiology", "2191": "Journal of epidemiology and community health", "2192": "Journal of equine veterinary science", "2193": "Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse", "2194": "Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine", "2195": "Journal of ethnopharmacology", "2196": "Journal of evaluation in clinical practice", "2197": "Journal of evolutionary biology", "2198": "Journal of exercise rehabilitation", "2199": "Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR", "2200": "Journal of experimental botany", "2201": "Journal of experimental child psychology", "2202": "Journal of experimental orthopaedics", "2203": "Journal of experimental psychology. General", "2204": "Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance", "2205": "Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition", "2206": "Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology", "2207": "Journal of extracellular vesicles", "2208": "Journal of feline medicine and surgery", "2209": "Journal of fish biology", "2210": "Journal of fish diseases", "2211": "Journal of fluorescence", "2212": "Journal of food biochemistry", "2213": "Journal of food protection", "2214": "Journal of food science", "2215": "Journal of food science and technology", "2216": "Journal of foot and ankle research", "2217": "Journal of forensic and legal medicine", "2218": "Journal of forensic sciences", "2219": "Journal of functional biomaterials", "2220": "Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland)", "2221": "Journal of gambling studies", "2222": "Journal of gastroenterology", "2223": "Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD", "2224": "Journal of gastrointestinal cancer", "2225": "Journal of gastrointestinal oncology", "2226": "Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract", "2227": "Journal of general internal medicine", "2228": "Journal of genetic counseling", "2229": "Journal of genetics", "2230": "Journal of genetics and genomics = Yi chuan xue bao", "2231": "Journal of geriatric cardiology : JGC", "2232": "Journal of geriatric oncology", "2233": "Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology", "2234": "Journal of gerontological nursing", "2235": "Journal of gerontological social work", "2236": "Journal of ginseng research", "2237": "Journal of glaucoma", "2238": "Journal of global antimicrobial resistance", "2239": "Journal of global health", "2240": "Journal of graduate medical education", "2241": "Journal of gynecologic oncology", "2242": "Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction", "2243": "Journal of hand therapy : official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists", "2244": "Journal of hazardous materials", "2245": "Journal of health care for the poor and underserved", "2246": "Journal of health communication", "2247": "Journal of health economics", "2248": "Journal of health organization and management", "2249": "Journal of health psychology", "2250": "Journal of healthcare engineering", "2251": "Journal of helminthology", "2252": "Journal of hematology & oncology", "2253": "Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences", "2254": "Journal of hepatology", "2255": "Journal of homosexuality", "2256": "Journal of hospital medicine", "2257": "Journal of human evolution", "2258": "Journal of human genetics", "2259": "Journal of human hypertension", "2260": "Journal of human kinetics", "2261": "Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association", "2262": "Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association", "2263": "Journal of human reproductive sciences", "2264": "Journal of hypertension", "2265": "Journal of imaging", "2266": "Journal of immigrant and minority health", "2267": "Journal of immunoassay & immunochemistry", "2268": "Journal of immunological methods", "2269": "Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)", "2270": "Journal of immunology research", "2271": "Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology", "2272": "Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy", "2273": "Journal of infection and public health", "2274": "Journal of infection in developing countries", "2275": "Journal of inflammation research", "2276": "Journal of inherited metabolic disease", "2277": "Journal of inorganic biochemistry", "2278": "Journal of insect physiology", "2279": "Journal of insect science (Online)", "2280": "Journal of integrative medicine", "2281": "Journal of integrative neuroscience", "2282": "Journal of integrative plant biology", "2283": "Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR", "2284": "Journal of intensive care", "2285": "Journal of intensive care medicine", "2286": "Journal of internal medicine", "2287": "Journal of interpersonal violence", "2288": "Journal of interprofessional care", "2289": "Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing", "2290": "Journal of interventional cardiology", "2291": "Journal of invertebrate pathology", "2292": "Journal of investigative medicine high impact case reports", "2293": "Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research", "2294": "Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A", "2295": "Journal of lasers in medical sciences", "2296": "Journal of law and medicine", "2297": "Journal of leukocyte biology", "2298": "Journal of lipid research", "2299": "Journal of lower genital tract disease", "2300": "Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997)", "2301": "Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI", "2302": "Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy", "2303": "Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics", "2304": "Journal of marital and family therapy", "2305": "Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS", "2306": "Journal of materials chemistry. B", "2307": "Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine", "2308": "Journal of mathematical biology", "2309": "Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery", "2310": "Journal of medical Internet research", "2311": "Journal of medical biography", "2312": "Journal of medical case reports", "2313": "Journal of medical economics", "2314": "Journal of medical engineering & technology", "2315": "Journal of medical entomology", "2316": "Journal of medical ethics", "2317": "Journal of medical genetics", "2318": "Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.)", "2319": "Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology", "2320": "Journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences", "2321": "Journal of medical microbiology", "2322": "Journal of medical systems", "2323": "Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001)", "2324": "Journal of medical virology", "2325": "Journal of medicinal chemistry", "2326": "Journal of medicinal food", "2327": "Journal of medicine and life", "2328": "Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)", "2329": "Journal of microbiological methods", "2330": "Journal of microbiology & biology education", "2331": "Journal of microbiology (Seoul, Korea)", "2332": "Journal of microbiology and biotechnology", "2333": "Journal of microbiology, immunology, and infection = Wei mian yu gan ran za zhi", "2334": "Journal of microencapsulation", "2335": "Journal of microscopy", "2336": "Journal of midwifery & women's health", "2337": "Journal of minimal access surgery", "2338": "Journal of minimally invasive gynecology", "2339": "Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology", "2340": "Journal of molecular biology", "2341": "Journal of molecular cell biology", "2342": "Journal of molecular endocrinology", "2343": "Journal of molecular graphics & modelling", "2344": "Journal of molecular histology", "2345": "Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany)", "2346": "Journal of molecular modeling", "2347": "Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN", "2348": "Journal of molecular recognition : JMR", "2349": "Journal of morphology", "2350": "Journal of motor behavior", "2351": "Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare", "2352": "Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions", "2353": "Journal of nanobiotechnology", "2354": "Journal of natural medicines", "2355": "Journal of natural products", "2356": "Journal of nematology", "2357": "Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine", "2358": "Journal of nephrology", "2359": "Journal of neural engineering", "2360": "Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)", "2361": "Journal of neuro-oncology", "2362": "Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society", "2363": "Journal of neurochemistry", "2364": "Journal of neuroendocrinology", "2365": "Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation", "2366": "Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility", "2367": "Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging", "2368": "Journal of neuroimmunology", "2369": "Journal of neuroinflammation", "2370": "Journal of neurointerventional surgery", "2371": "Journal of neurological surgery. Part A, Central European neurosurgery", "2372": "Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base", "2373": "Journal of neurology", "2374": "Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry", "2375": "Journal of neuromuscular diseases", "2376": "Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology", "2377": "Journal of neurophysiology", "2378": "Journal of neuroradiology = Journal de neuroradiologie", "2379": "Journal of neuroscience methods", "2380": "Journal of neuroscience research", "2381": "Journal of neurosciences in rural practice", "2382": "Journal of neurosurgery", "2383": "Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics", "2384": "Journal of neurosurgery. Spine", "2385": "Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology", "2386": "Journal of neurosurgical sciences", "2387": "Journal of neurotrauma", "2388": "Journal of neurovirology", "2389": "Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology", "2390": "Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine", "2391": "Journal of nursing care quality", "2392": "Journal of nursing management", "2393": "Journal of nutrition education and behavior", "2394": "Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology", "2395": "Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN", "2396": "Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology", "2397": "Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada : JOGC = Journal d'obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada : JOGC", "2398": "Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of India", "2399": "Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene", "2400": "Journal of occupational and environmental medicine", "2401": "Journal of occupational health", "2402": "Journal of occupational rehabilitation", "2403": "Journal of oleo science", "2404": "Journal of oncology", "2405": "Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners", "2406": "Journal of ophthalmic & vision research", "2407": "Journal of ophthalmology", "2408": "Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology : JOMFP", "2409": "Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons", "2410": "Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research", "2411": "Journal of oral rehabilitation", "2412": "Journal of oral science", "2413": "Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society", "2414": "Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association", "2415": "Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)", "2416": "Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research", "2417": "Journal of orthopaedic translation", "2418": "Journal of orthopaedic trauma", "2419": "Journal of orthopaedics", "2420": "Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = Le Journal d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale", "2421": "Journal of ovarian research", "2422": "Journal of paediatrics and child health", "2423": "Journal of pain and symptom management", "2424": "Journal of pain research", "2425": "Journal of palliative medicine", "2426": "Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology", "2427": "Journal of pathology and translational medicine", "2428": "Journal of patient safety", "2429": "Journal of patient-reported outcomes", "2430": "Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology", "2431": "Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM", "2432": "Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition", "2433": "Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners", "2434": "Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology", "2435": "Journal of pediatric neurosciences", "2436": "Journal of pediatric nursing", "2437": "Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus", "2438": "Journal of pediatric orthopedics", "2439": "Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B", "2440": "Journal of pediatric psychology", "2441": "Journal of pediatric surgery", "2442": "Journal of pediatric urology", "2443": "Journal of perinatal medicine", "2444": "Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association", "2445": "Journal of periodontal research", "2446": "Journal of periodontology", "2447": "Journal of personality", "2448": "Journal of personality and social psychology", "2449": "Journal of personality assessment", "2450": "Journal of personality disorders", "2451": "Journal of personalized medicine", "2452": "Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis", "2453": "Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice", "2454": "Journal of pharmaceutical sciences", "2455": "Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics", "2456": "Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods", "2457": "Journal of pharmacological sciences", "2458": "Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences", "2459": "Journal of pharmacy practice", "2460": "Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology", "2461": "Journal of phycology", "2462": "Journal of physical activity & health", "2463": "Journal of physiology and biochemistry", "2464": "Journal of pineal research", "2465": "Journal of plant physiology", "2466": "Journal of plant research", "2467": "Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery", "2468": "Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS", "2469": "Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene", "2470": "Journal of primary care & community health", "2471": "Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing", "2472": "Journal of prosthodontic research", "2473": "Journal of proteome research", "2474": "Journal of proteomics", "2475": "Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing", "2476": "Journal of psychiatric practice", "2477": "Journal of psychiatric research", "2478": "Journal of psychoactive drugs", "2479": "Journal of psycholinguistic research", "2480": "Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)", "2481": "Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services", "2482": "Journal of psychosocial oncology", "2483": "Journal of psychosomatic research", "2484": "Journal of public health (Oxford, England)", "2485": "Journal of public health dentistry", "2486": "Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP", "2487": "Journal of public health research", "2488": "Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities", "2489": "Journal of radiation research", "2490": "Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection", "2491": "Journal of receptor and signal transduction research", "2492": "Journal of reconstructive microsurgery", "2493": "Journal of refractive surgery (Thorofare, N.J. : 1995)", "2494": "Journal of rehabilitation medicine", "2495": "Journal of religion and health", "2496": "Journal of reproductive immunology", "2497": "Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences", "2498": "Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence", "2499": "Journal of robotic surgery", "2500": "Journal of safety research", "2501": "Journal of science and medicine in sport", "2502": "Journal of separation science", "2503": "Journal of sex & marital therapy", "2504": "Journal of sex research", "2505": "Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery", "2506": "Journal of sleep research", "2507": "Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals", "2508": "Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR", "2509": "Journal of spine surgery (Hong Kong)", "2510": "Journal of sport and health science", "2511": "Journal of sport rehabilitation", "2512": "Journal of sports science & medicine", "2513": "Journal of sports sciences", "2514": "Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery", "2515": "Journal of strength and conditioning research", "2516": "Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association", "2517": "Journal of structural biology", "2518": "Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs", "2519": "Journal of substance abuse treatment", "2520": "Journal of surgical case reports", "2521": "Journal of surgical education", "2522": "Journal of surgical oncology", "2523": "Journal of synchrotron radiation", "2524": "Journal of telemedicine and telecare", "2525": "Journal of texture studies", "2526": "Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics", "2527": "Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)", "2528": "Journal of the American Academy of Audiology", "2529": "Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry", "2530": "Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology", "2531": "Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS", "2532": "Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners", "2533": "Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM", "2534": "Journal of the American Chemical Society", "2535": "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", "2536": "Journal of the American College of Nutrition", "2537": "Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR", "2538": "Journal of the American College of Surgeons", "2539": "Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)", "2540": "Journal of the American Geriatrics Society", "2541": "Journal of the American Heart Association", "2542": "Journal of the American Medical Directors Association", "2543": "Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA", "2544": "Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA", "2545": "Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association", "2546": "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry", "2547": "Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology", "2548": "Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography", "2549": "Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN", "2550": "Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association", "2551": "Journal of the Chinese Medical Association : JCMA", "2552": "Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP", "2553": "Journal of the Endocrine Society", "2554": "Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV", "2555": "Journal of the Formosan Medical Association = Taiwan yi zhi", "2556": "Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry", "2557": "Journal of the International AIDS Society", "2558": "Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care", "2559": "Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS", "2560": "Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition", "2561": "Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons", "2562": "Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA", "2563": "Journal of the National Cancer Institute", "2564": "Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN", "2565": "Journal of the National Medical Association", "2566": "Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision", "2567": "Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society", "2568": "Journal of the Royal Society, Interface", "2569": "Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior", "2570": "Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials", "2571": "Journal of the neurological sciences", "2572": "Journal of the science of food and agriculture", "2573": "Journal of theoretical biology", "2574": "Journal of thermal biology", "2575": "Journal of thoracic disease", "2576": "Journal of thoracic imaging", "2577": "Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer", "2578": "Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH", "2579": "Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis", "2580": "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine", "2581": "Journal of tissue viability", "2582": "Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A", "2583": "Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan", "2584": "Journal of translational medicine", "2585": "Journal of traumatic stress", "2586": "Journal of travel medicine", "2587": "Journal of tropical pediatrics", "2588": "Journal of ultrasound", "2589": "Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine", "2590": "Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine", "2591": "Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR", "2592": "Journal of vascular surgery", "2593": "Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques", "2594": "Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders", "2595": "Journal of veterinary cardiology : the official journal of the European Society of Veterinary Cardiology", "2596": "Journal of veterinary emergency and critical care (San Antonio, Tex. : 2001)", "2597": "Journal of veterinary internal medicine", "2598": "Journal of veterinary medical education", "2599": "Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics", "2600": "Journal of veterinary science", "2601": "Journal of viral hepatitis", "2602": "Journal of virological methods", "2603": "Journal of virology", "2604": "Journal of visceral surgery", "2605": "Journal of vision", "2606": "Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE", "2607": "Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation", "2608": "Journal of water and health", "2609": "Journal of wildlife diseases", "2610": "Journal of women & aging", "2611": "Journal of women's health (2002)", "2612": "Journal of wound care", "2613": "Journal of wrist surgery", "2614": "Journal of youth and adolescence", "2615": "Journal, genetic engineering & biotechnology", "2616": "Kardiologia polska", "2617": "Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ)", "2618": "Kidney & blood pressure research", "2619": "Kidney international", "2620": "Kidney international reports", "2621": "Klinicka onkologie : casopis Ceske a Slovenske onkologicke spolecnosti", "2622": "Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA", "2623": "Korean circulation journal", "2624": "Korean journal of anesthesiology", "2625": "Korean journal of family medicine", "2626": "Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO", "2627": "Korean journal of radiology", "2628": "LGBT health", "2629": "La Clinica terapeutica", "2630": "La Radiologia medica", "2631": "La Tunisie medicale", "2632": "Lab on a chip", "2633": "Laboratory animals", "2634": "Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology", "2635": "Laboratory medicine", "2636": "Lancet (London, England)", "2637": "Langenbeck's archives of surgery", "2638": "Language, speech, and hearing services in schools", "2639": "Lasers in medical science", "2640": "Lasers in surgery and medicine", "2641": "Le infezioni in medicina", "2642": "Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)", "2643": "Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)", "2644": "Letters in applied microbiology", "2645": "Leukemia", "2646": "Leukemia & lymphoma", "2647": "Leukemia research", "2648": "Life (Basel, Switzerland)", "2649": "Life science alliance", "2650": "Life sciences", "2651": "Light, science & applications", "2652": "Lipids", "2653": "Lipids in health and disease", "2654": "Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver", "2655": "Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society", "2656": "Lower urinary tract symptoms", "2657": "Lung", "2658": "Lung India : official organ of Indian Chest Society", "2659": "Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "2660": "Lupus", "2661": "Lymphatic research and biology", "2662": "MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report", "2663": "Macromolecular bioscience", "2664": "Macromolecular rapid communications", "2665": "Magnetic resonance imaging", "2666": "Magnetic resonance in chemistry : MRC", "2667": "Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine", "2668": "Magnetic resonance in medicine", "2669": "Malaria journal", "2670": "Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society", "2671": "Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)", "2672": "Marine drugs", "2673": "Marine environmental research", "2674": "Marine genomics", "2675": "Marine pollution bulletin", "2676": "Materials (Basel, Switzerland)", "2677": "Maternal & child nutrition", "2678": "Maternal and child health journal", "2679": "Mathematical biosciences", "2680": "Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE", "2681": "Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology", "2682": "Maturitas", "2683": "Mayo Clinic proceedings", "2684": "Meat science", "2685": "Mechanisms of ageing and development", "2686": "MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources", "2687": "Mediators of inflammation", "2688": "Medical & biological engineering & computing", "2689": "Medical and veterinary entomology", "2690": "Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)", "2691": "Medical care", "2692": "Medical care research and review : MCRR", "2693": "Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making", "2694": "Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists", "2695": "Medical education", "2696": "Medical education online", "2697": "Medical engineering & physics", "2698": "Medical humanities", "2699": "Medical hypotheses", "2700": "Medical image analysis", "2701": "Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran", "2702": "Medical journal, Armed Forces India", "2703": "Medical mycology", "2704": "Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England)", "2705": "Medical physics", "2706": "Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre", "2707": "Medical science educator", "2708": "Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research", "2709": "Medical teacher", "2710": "Medical ultrasonography", "2711": "Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)", "2712": "Medicina clinica", "2713": "Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal", "2714": "Medicinal chemistry (Shariqah (United Arab Emirates))", "2715": "Medicinal research reviews", "2716": "Medicine", "2717": "Medicine and science in sports and exercise", "2718": "Medicine, health care, and philosophy", "2719": "Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina", "2720": "Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases", "2721": "Melanoma research", "2722": "Membranes", "2723": "Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz", "2724": "Memory & cognition", "2725": "Memory (Hove, England)", "2726": "Menopause (New York, N.Y.)", "2727": "Metabolic brain disease", "2728": "Metabolic engineering", "2729": "Metabolic syndrome and related disorders", "2730": "Metabolism: clinical and experimental", "2731": "Metabolites", "2732": "Methods (San Diego, Calif.)", "2733": "Methods and applications in fluorescence", "2734": "Methods in cell biology", "2735": "Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)", "2736": "MethodsX", "2737": "Microbes and environments", "2738": "Microbes and infection", "2739": "Microbial biotechnology", "2740": "Microbial cell factories", "2741": "Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.)", "2742": "Microbial ecology", "2743": "Microbial genomics", "2744": "Microbial pathogenesis", "2745": "Microbiological research", "2746": "Microbiology and immunology", "2747": "Microbiology spectrum", "2748": "MicrobiologyOpen", "2749": "Microbiome", "2750": "Microcirculation (New York, N.Y. : 1994)", "2751": "Micromachines", "2752": "Micron (Oxford, England : 1993)", "2753": "Microorganisms", "2754": "Microscopy (Oxford, England)", "2755": "Microscopy research and technique", "2756": "Microsurgery", "2757": "Microvascular research", "2758": "Midwifery", "2759": "Mikrochimica acta", "2760": "Military medicine", "2761": "Minerva anestesiologica", "2762": "Minerva cardioangiologica", "2763": "Minerva pediatrica", "2764": "Minerva urologica e nefrologica = The Italian journal of urology and nephrology", "2765": "Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry", "2766": "Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy", "2767": "Mitochondrial DNA. Part A, DNA mapping, sequencing, and analysis", "2768": "Mitochondrial DNA. Part B, Resources", "2769": "Mitochondrion", "2770": "Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc", "2771": "Modern rheumatology", "2772": "Molecular & cellular oncology", "2773": "Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP", "2774": "Molecular and biochemical parasitology", "2775": "Molecular and cellular biochemistry", "2776": "Molecular and cellular biology", "2777": "Molecular and cellular endocrinology", "2778": "Molecular and cellular neurosciences", "2779": "Molecular and cellular probes", "2780": "Molecular and clinical oncology", "2781": "Molecular aspects of medicine", "2782": "Molecular autism", "2783": "Molecular biology and evolution", "2784": "Molecular biology of the cell", "2785": "Molecular biology reports", "2786": "Molecular biotechnology", "2787": "Molecular brain", "2788": "Molecular cancer", "2789": "Molecular cancer research : MCR", "2790": "Molecular cancer therapeutics", "2791": "Molecular carcinogenesis", "2792": "Molecular cell", "2793": "Molecular cytogenetics", "2794": "Molecular diversity", "2795": "Molecular ecology", "2796": "Molecular ecology resources", "2797": "Molecular genetics & genomic medicine", "2798": "Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG", "2799": "Molecular genetics and metabolism", "2800": "Molecular genetics and metabolism reports", "2801": "Molecular human reproduction", "2802": "Molecular imaging and biology", "2803": "Molecular immunology", "2804": "Molecular informatics", "2805": "Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.)", "2806": "Molecular medicine reports", "2807": "Molecular metabolism", "2808": "Molecular microbiology", "2809": "Molecular neurobiology", "2810": "Molecular neurodegeneration", "2811": "Molecular nutrition & food research", "2812": "Molecular oncology", "2813": "Molecular pain", "2814": "Molecular pharmaceutics", "2815": "Molecular pharmacology", "2816": "Molecular phylogenetics and evolution", "2817": "Molecular plant", "2818": "Molecular plant pathology", "2819": "Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI", "2820": "Molecular psychiatry", "2821": "Molecular reproduction and development", "2822": "Molecular systems biology", "2823": "Molecular therapy oncolytics", "2824": "Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development", "2825": "Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids", "2826": "Molecular vision", "2827": "Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)", "2828": "Molecules and cells", "2829": "Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace", "2830": "Movement disorders clinical practice", "2831": "Mucosal immunology", "2832": "Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)", "2833": "Multiple sclerosis and related disorders", "2834": "Multivariate behavioral research", "2835": "Muscle & nerve", "2836": "Musculoskeletal care", "2837": "Musculoskeletal science & practice", "2838": "Musculoskeletal surgery", "2839": "Mutagenesis", "2840": "Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis", "2841": "Mycologia", "2842": "Mycopathologia", "2843": "Mycorrhiza", "2844": "Mycoses", "2845": "NMR in biomedicine", "2846": "Nagoya journal of medical science", "2847": "Nano letters", "2848": "Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland)", "2849": "Nanomedicine (London, England)", "2850": "Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine", "2851": "Nanoscale", "2852": "Nanoscale research letters", "2853": "Nanotechnology", "2854": "Nanotoxicology", "2855": "Natural product communications", "2856": "Natural product reports", "2857": "Natural product research", "2858": "Nature", "2859": "Nature and science of sleep", "2860": "Nature biomedical engineering", "2861": "Nature biotechnology", "2862": "Nature cell biology", "2863": "Nature chemical biology", "2864": "Nature chemistry", "2865": "Nature communications", "2866": "Nature ecology & evolution", "2867": "Nature genetics", "2868": "Nature human behaviour", "2869": "Nature immunology", "2870": "Nature materials", "2871": "Nature medicine", "2872": "Nature methods", "2873": "Nature microbiology", "2874": "Nature nanotechnology", "2875": "Nature neuroscience", "2876": "Nature protocols", "2877": "Nature reviews. Cancer", "2878": "Nature reviews. Cardiology", "2879": "Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology", "2880": "Nature reviews. Genetics", "2881": "Nature reviews. Immunology", "2882": "Nature reviews. Microbiology", "2883": "Nature reviews. Neuroscience", "2884": "Nature reviews. Rheumatology", "2885": "Nature structural & molecular biology", "2886": "Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology", "2887": "Neonatology", "2888": "Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.)", "2889": "Neoplasma", "2890": "Neotropical entomology", "2891": "Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)", "2892": "Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association", "2893": "Nephron", "2894": "Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation", "2895": "Neural computation", "2896": "Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society", "2897": "Neural plasticity", "2898": "Neural regeneration research", "2899": "Neuro endocrinology letters", "2900": "Neuro-Chirurgie", "2901": "Neuro-oncology", "2902": "Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press)", "2903": "NeuroImage", "2904": "NeuroImage. Clinical", "2905": "NeuroRehabilitation", "2906": "Neurobiology of aging", "2907": "Neurobiology of disease", "2908": "Neurobiology of learning and memory", "2909": "Neurobiology of stress", "2910": "Neurocase", "2911": "Neurochemical research", "2912": "Neurochemistry international", "2913": "Neurocritical care", "2914": "Neuroendocrinology", "2915": "Neuroepidemiology", "2916": "Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska", "2917": "Neurologia medico-chirurgica", "2918": "Neurologic clinics", "2919": "Neurological research", "2920": "Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology", "2921": "Neurology", "2922": "Neurology India", "2923": "Neurology. Clinical practice", "2924": "Neurology. Genetics", "2925": "Neuromolecular medicine", "2926": "Neuromuscular disorders : NMD", "2927": "Neuron", "2928": "Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology", "2929": "Neuropathology and applied neurobiology", "2930": "Neuropediatrics", "2931": "Neuropeptides", "2932": "Neuropharmacology", "2933": "Neurophotonics", "2934": "Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment", "2935": "Neuropsychologia", "2936": "Neuropsychological rehabilitation", "2937": "Neuropsychology", "2938": "Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition", "2939": "Neuroradiology", "2940": "Neurorehabilitation and neural repair", "2941": "Neuroreport", "2942": "Neuroscience", "2943": "Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews", "2944": "Neuroscience bulletin", "2945": "Neuroscience letters", "2946": "Neuroscience research", "2947": "Neurosurgery", "2948": "Neurosurgery clinics of North America", "2949": "Neurosurgical focus", "2950": "Neurosurgical review", "2951": "Neurotoxicity research", "2952": "Neurotoxicology", "2953": "Neurotoxicology and teratology", "2954": "Neurourology and urodynamics", "2955": "New Zealand veterinary journal", "2956": "New biotechnology", "2957": "Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco", "2958": "Nigerian journal of clinical practice", "2959": "Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry", "2960": "Nordic journal of psychiatry", "2961": "Noro psikiyatri arsivi", "2962": "Nuclear medicine and biology", "2963": "Nuclear medicine communications", "2964": "Nucleic acids research", "2965": "Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids", "2966": "Nurse education in practice", "2967": "Nurse education today", "2968": "Nurse educator", "2969": "Nursing & health sciences", "2970": "Nursing education perspectives", "2971": "Nursing ethics", "2972": "Nursing forum", "2973": "Nursing inquiry", "2974": "Nursing open", "2975": "Nursing outlook", "2976": "Nursing research", "2977": "Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)", "2978": "Nutricion hospitalaria", "2979": "Nutrients", "2980": "Nutrition & metabolism", "2981": "Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)", "2982": "Nutrition and cancer", "2983": "Nutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition", "2984": "Nutrition journal", "2985": "Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.)", "2986": "Nutrition research and practice", "2987": "Nutrition reviews", "2988": "Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD", "2989": "Nutritional neuroscience", "2990": "ORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related specialties", "2991": "Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)", "2992": "Obesity facts", "2993": "Obesity research & clinical practice", "2994": "Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity", "2995": "Obesity science & practice", "2996": "Obesity surgery", "2997": "Obstetrics & gynecology science", "2998": "Obstetrics and gynecology", "2999": "Occupational and environmental medicine", "3000": "Occupational medicine (Oxford, England)", "3001": "Ocular immunology and inflammation", "3002": "Ocular oncology and pathology", "3003": "Oecologia", "3004": "Oman medical journal", "3005": "Omega", "3006": "Omics : a journal of integrative biology", "3007": "OncoTargets and therapy", "3008": "Oncogene", "3009": "Oncogenesis", "3010": "Oncoimmunology", "3011": "Oncology letters", "3012": "Oncology nursing forum", "3013": "Oncology reports", "3014": "Oncology research", "3015": "Oncology research and treatment", "3016": "Oncotarget", "3017": "Open biology", "3018": "Open forum infectious diseases", "3019": "Open heart", "3020": "Open medicine (Warsaw, Poland)", "3021": "Open veterinary journal", "3022": "Operative dentistry", "3023": "Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.)", "3024": "Ophthalmic epidemiology", "3025": "Ophthalmic genetics", "3026": "Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery", "3027": "Ophthalmic research", "3028": "Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging retina", "3029": "Ophthalmology", "3030": "Ophthalmology and therapy", "3031": "Ophthalmology. Retina", "3032": "Optics express", "3033": "Optics letters", "3034": "Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry", "3035": "Oral and maxillofacial surgery", "3036": "Oral diseases", "3037": "Oral health & preventive dentistry", "3038": "Oral oncology", "3039": "Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology", "3040": "Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "3041": "Organic & biomolecular chemistry", "3042": "Organic letters", "3043": "Orphanet journal of rare diseases", "3044": "Orthodontics & craniofacial research", "3045": "Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine", "3046": "Orthopaedic surgery", "3047": "Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR", "3048": "Orthopedics", "3049": "Osong public health and research perspectives", "3050": "Osteoarthritis and cartilage", "3051": "Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA", "3052": "Otolaryngologic clinics of North America", "3053": "Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery", "3054": "Oxford medical case reports", "3055": "Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity", "3056": "PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology", "3057": "PLoS biology", "3058": "PLoS computational biology", "3059": "PLoS genetics", "3060": "PLoS medicine", "3061": "PLoS neglected tropical diseases", "3062": "PLoS pathogens", "3063": "Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE", "3064": "Paediatric anaesthesia", "3065": "Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology", "3066": "Paediatric drugs", "3067": "Paediatric respiratory reviews", "3068": "Paediatrics & child health", "3069": "Pain", "3070": "Pain management", "3071": "Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.)", "3072": "Pain physician", "3073": "Pain reports", "3074": "Pain research & management", "3075": "Pakistan journal of biological sciences : PJBS", "3076": "Pakistan journal of medical sciences", "3077": "Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences", "3078": "Palliative & supportive care", "3079": "Palliative medicine", "3080": "Pancreas", "3081": "Parasite (Paris, France)", "3082": "Parasite immunology", "3083": "Parasites & vectors", "3084": "Parasitology", "3085": "Parasitology international", "3086": "Parasitology research", "3087": "Parkinson's disease", "3088": "Parkinsonism & related disorders", "3089": "Particle and fibre toxicology", "3090": "Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)", "3091": "Pathogens and disease", "3092": "Pathology", "3093": "Pathology international", "3094": "Pathology oncology research : POR", "3095": "Pathology, research and practice", "3096": "Patient education and counseling", "3097": "Patient preference and adherence", "3098": "Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society", "3099": "Pediatric annals", "3100": "Pediatric blood & cancer", "3101": "Pediatric cardiology", "3102": "Pediatric clinics of North America", "3103": "Pediatric dermatology", "3104": "Pediatric diabetes", "3105": "Pediatric emergency care", "3106": "Pediatric exercise science", "3107": "Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition", "3108": "Pediatric hematology and oncology", "3109": "Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)", "3110": "Pediatric neurology", "3111": "Pediatric neurosurgery", "3112": "Pediatric obesity", "3113": "Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association", "3114": "Pediatric pulmonology", "3115": "Pediatric radiology", "3116": "Pediatric research", "3117": "Pediatric rheumatology online journal", "3118": "Pediatric surgery international", "3119": "Pediatric transplantation", "3120": "Pediatrics", "3121": "Pediatrics and neonatology", "3122": "Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society", "3123": "PeerJ", "3124": "Peptides", "3125": "Perception", "3126": "Perceptual and motor skills", "3127": "Perfusion", "3128": "Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis", "3129": "Personality & social psychology bulletin", "3130": "Personality disorders", "3131": "Perspectives in psychiatric care", "3132": "Perspectives on medical education", "3133": "Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science", "3134": "Pest management science", "3135": "Pesticide biochemistry and physiology", "3136": "Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology", "3137": "Pharmaceutical biology", "3138": "Pharmaceutical development and technology", "3139": "Pharmaceutical research", "3140": "Pharmaceutical statistics", "3141": "Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)", "3142": "Pharmaceutics", "3143": "PharmacoEconomics", "3144": "Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety", "3145": "Pharmacogenomics", "3146": "Pharmacological reports : PR", "3147": "Pharmacological research", "3148": "Pharmacology", "3149": "Pharmacology & therapeutics", "3150": "Pharmacology research & perspectives", "3151": "Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior", "3152": "Pharmacotherapy", "3153": "Pharmacy practice", "3154": "Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences", "3155": "Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences", "3156": "Phlebology", "3157": "Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology", "3158": "Photochemistry and photobiology", "3159": "Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine", "3160": "Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy", "3161": "Photosynthesis research", "3162": "Physical biology", "3163": "Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP", "3164": "Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America", "3165": "Physical review letters", "3166": "Physical review. E", "3167": "Physical therapy", "3168": "Physics in medicine and biology", "3169": "Physiologia plantarum", "3170": "Physiological genomics", "3171": "Physiological measurement", "3172": "Physiological reports", "3173": "Physiological research", "3174": "Physiology & behavior", "3175": "Physiotherapy", "3176": "Physiotherapy theory and practice", "3177": "PhytoKeys", "3178": "Phytochemical analysis : PCA", "3179": "Phytochemistry", "3180": "Phytopathology", "3181": "Phytotherapy research : PTR", "3182": "Pigment cell & melanoma research", "3183": "Pilot and feasibility studies", "3184": "Pituitary", "3185": "Placenta", "3186": "Plant & cell physiology", "3187": "Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)", "3188": "Plant biotechnology journal", "3189": "Plant cell reports", "3190": "Plant disease", "3191": "Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)", "3192": "Plant methods", "3193": "Plant molecular biology", "3194": "Plant physiology", "3195": "Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB", "3196": "Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology", "3197": "Plant signaling & behavior", "3198": "Plant, cell & environment", "3199": "Planta", "3200": "Planta medica", "3201": "Plants (Basel, Switzerland)", "3202": "Plastic and reconstructive surgery", "3203": "Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open", "3204": "Platelets", "3205": "PloS one", "3206": "Polish archives of internal medicine", "3207": "Polish journal of radiology", "3208": "Polish journal of veterinary sciences", "3209": "Polymers", "3210": "Population health management", "3211": "Postepy dermatologii i alergologii", "3212": "Postgraduate medical journal", "3213": "Postgraduate medicine", "3214": "Poultry science", "3215": "Practical neurology", "3216": "Practical radiation oncology", "3217": "Pregnancy hypertension", "3218": "Prehospital and disaster medicine", "3219": "Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors", "3220": "Prenatal diagnosis", "3221": "Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology", "3222": "Preventing chronic disease", "3223": "Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research", "3224": "Preventive medicine", "3225": "Preventive medicine reports", "3226": "Preventive nutrition and food science", "3227": "Preventive veterinary medicine", "3228": "Primary care diabetes", "3229": "Primary health care research & development", "3230": "Primates; journal of primatology", "3231": "Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins", "3232": "Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center)", "3233": "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine", "3234": "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America", "3235": "Proceedings. Biological sciences", "3236": "Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences", "3237": "Progress in biophysics and molecular biology", "3238": "Progress in brain research", "3239": "Progress in cardiovascular diseases", "3240": "Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry", "3241": "Progress in neurobiology", "3242": "Progress in retinal and eye research", "3243": "Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.)", "3244": "Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators", "3245": "Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids", "3246": "Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases", "3247": "Prosthetics and orthotics international", "3248": "Protein & cell", "3249": "Protein and peptide letters", "3250": "Protein expression and purification", "3251": "Proteins", "3252": "Proteomics", "3253": "Proteomics. Clinical applications", "3254": "Protoplasma", "3255": "Przeglad epidemiologiczny", "3256": "Psicothema", "3257": "Psychiatria Danubina", "3258": "Psychiatria polska", "3259": "Psychiatric rehabilitation journal", "3260": "Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)", "3261": "Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences", "3262": "Psychiatry investigation", "3263": "Psychiatry research", "3264": "Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging", "3265": "Psycho-oncology", "3266": "Psychological assessment", "3267": "Psychological medicine", "3268": "Psychological methods", "3269": "Psychological reports", "3270": "Psychological research", "3271": "Psychological science", "3272": "Psychological services", "3273": "Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy", "3274": "Psychology & health", "3275": "Psychology and aging", "3276": "Psychology research and behavior management", "3277": "Psychology, health & medicine", "3278": "Psychometrika", "3279": "Psychoneuroendocrinology", "3280": "Psychonomic bulletin & review", "3281": "Psychopharmacology", "3282": "Psychophysiology", "3283": "Psychosomatic medicine", "3284": "Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)", "3285": "Public health", "3286": "Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)", "3287": "Public health nutrition", "3288": "Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)", "3289": "Public understanding of science (Bristol, England)", "3290": "Pulmonary circulation", "3291": "Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics", "3292": "QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians", "3293": "Qualitative health research", "3294": "Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation", "3295": "Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery", "3296": "Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)", "3297": "Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985)", "3298": "RMD open", "3299": "RNA (New York, N.Y.)", "3300": "RNA biology", "3301": "Radiation and environmental biophysics", "3302": "Radiation oncology (London, England)", "3303": "Radiation protection dosimetry", "3304": "Radiation research", "3305": "Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc", "3306": "Radiography (London, England : 1995)", "3307": "Radiologic clinics of North America", "3308": "Radiology", "3309": "Radiology and oncology", "3310": "Radiology case reports", "3311": "Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology", "3312": "Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM", "3313": "Redox biology", "3314": "Regenerative medicine", "3315": "Regenerative therapy", "3316": "Regional anesthesia and pain medicine", "3317": "Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP", "3318": "Rehabilitation psychology", "3319": "Renal failure", "3320": "Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)", "3321": "Reproduction (Cambridge, England)", "3322": "Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene", "3323": "Reproduction, fertility, and development", "3324": "Reproductive biology", "3325": "Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E", "3326": "Reproductive biomedicine online", "3327": "Reproductive health", "3328": "Reproductive medicine and biology", "3329": "Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)", "3330": "Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.)", "3331": "Research in developmental disabilities", "3332": "Research in microbiology", "3333": "Research in nursing & health", "3334": "Research in pharmaceutical sciences", "3335": "Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP", "3336": "Research in sports medicine (Print)", "3337": "Research in veterinary science", "3338": "Research quarterly for exercise and sport", "3339": "Research synthesis methods", "3340": "Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases", "3341": "Respiratory care", "3342": "Respiratory investigation", "3343": "Respiratory medicine", "3344": "Respiratory medicine case reports", "3345": "Respiratory physiology & neurobiology", "3346": "Respiratory research", "3347": "Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)", "3348": "Respirology case reports", "3349": "Restorative neurology and neuroscience", "3350": "Resuscitation", "3351": "Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.)", "3352": "Retinal cases & brief reports", "3353": "Retrovirology", "3354": "Reumatologia", "3355": "Reviews in cardiovascular medicine", "3356": "Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders", "3357": "Reviews in medical virology", "3358": "Reviews in the neurosciences", "3359": "Reviews on environmental health", "3360": "Revista brasileira de enfermagem", "3361": "Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricia : revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia", "3362": "Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinaria = Brazilian journal of veterinary parasitology : Orgao Oficial do Colegio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria", "3363": "Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999)", "3364": "Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992)", "3365": "Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical", "3366": "Revista de saude publica", "3367": "Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo", "3368": "Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva", "3369": "Revista gaucha de enfermagem", "3370": "Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health", "3371": "Revue neurologique", "3372": "Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics)", "3373": "Rheumatology (Oxford, England)", "3374": "Rheumatology international", "3375": "Rhinology", "3376": "Rice (New York, N.Y.)", "3377": "Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis", "3378": "Risk management and healthcare policy", "3379": "RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin", "3380": "Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie", "3381": "Royal Society open science", "3382": "Rural and remote health", "3383": "SAGE open medicine", "3384": "SAR and QSAR in environmental research", "3385": "SICOT-J", "3386": "SLAS technology", "3387": "SSM - population health", "3388": "Safety and health at work", "3389": "Sao Paulo medical journal = Revista paulista de medicina", "3390": "Saudi journal of anaesthesia", "3391": "Saudi journal of biological sciences", "3392": "Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association", "3393": "Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia", "3394": "Saudi journal of ophthalmology : official journal of the Saudi Ophthalmological Society", "3395": "Saudi medical journal", "3396": "Saudi pharmaceutical journal : SPJ : the official publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society", "3397": "Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ", "3398": "Scandinavian journal of caring sciences", "3399": "Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation", "3400": "Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology", "3401": "Scandinavian journal of immunology", "3402": "Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports", "3403": "Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy", "3404": "Scandinavian journal of pain", "3405": "Scandinavian journal of primary health care", "3406": "Scandinavian journal of psychology", "3407": "Scandinavian journal of public health", "3408": "Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine", "3409": "Scandinavian journal of urology", "3410": "Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health", "3411": "Schizophrenia bulletin", "3412": "Schizophrenia research", "3413": "Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society", "3414": "Science (New York, N.Y.)", "3415": "Science China. Life sciences", "3416": "Science advances", "3417": "Science and engineering ethics", "3418": "Science and technology of advanced materials", "3419": "Science progress", "3420": "Science signaling", "3421": "Science translational medicine", "3422": "Scientific data", "3423": "Scientific reports", "3424": "Scientifica", "3425": "Seizure", "3426": "Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism", "3427": "Seminars in cancer biology", "3428": "Seminars in cell & developmental biology", "3429": "Seminars in dialysis", "3430": "Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicine", "3431": "Seminars in immunology", "3432": "Seminars in immunopathology", "3433": "Seminars in interventional radiology", "3434": "Seminars in nephrology", "3435": "Seminars in neurology", "3436": "Seminars in nuclear medicine", "3437": "Seminars in oncology nursing", "3438": "Seminars in ophthalmology", "3439": "Seminars in pediatric surgery", "3440": "Seminars in perinatology", "3441": "Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine", "3442": "Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery", "3443": "Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis", "3444": "Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)", "3445": "Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives", "3446": "Sexual health", "3447": "Sexual medicine", "3448": "Sexual medicine reviews", "3449": "Sexually transmitted diseases", "3450": "Sexually transmitted infections", "3451": "Shock (Augusta, Ga.)", "3452": "Signal transduction and targeted therapy", "3453": "Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare", "3454": "Singapore medical journal", "3455": "Skeletal radiology", "3456": "Skin appendage disorders", "3457": "Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)", "3458": "Skinmed", "3459": "Sleep", "3460": "Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung", "3461": "Sleep health", "3462": "Sleep medicine", "3463": "Sleep medicine reviews", "3464": "Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)", "3465": "Small methods", "3466": "Social cognitive and affective neuroscience", "3467": "Social neuroscience", "3468": "Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology", "3469": "Social science & medicine (1982)", "3470": "Social science research", "3471": "Social work in health care", "3472": "Social work in public health", "3473": "Sociology of health & illness", "3474": "Soft matter", "3475": "Soft robotics", "3476": "South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde", "3477": "South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association", "3478": "Southern medical journal", "3479": "Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy", "3480": "Spinal cord", "3481": "Spinal cord series and cases", "3482": "Spine", "3483": "Spine deformity", "3484": "Sports biomechanics", "3485": "Sports health", "3486": "Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.)", "3487": "Sports medicine - open", "3488": "Statistical methods in medical research", "3489": "Statistics in medicine", "3490": "Stem cell reports", "3491": "Stem cell research", "3492": "Stem cell research & therapy", "3493": "Stem cell reviews and reports", "3494": "Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)", "3495": "Stem cells and development", "3496": "Stem cells international", "3497": "Stem cells translational medicine", "3498": "Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery", "3499": "Steroids", "3500": "Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]", "3501": "Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands)", "3502": "Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress", "3503": "Stroke", "3504": "Structure (London, England : 1993)", "3505": "Studies in health technology and informatics", "3506": "Studies in history and philosophy of science", "3507": "Substance abuse", "3508": "Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy", "3509": "Substance use & misuse", "3510": "Suicide & life-threatening behavior", "3511": "Sultan Qaboos University medical journal", "3512": "Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer", "3513": "Surgery", "3514": "Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery", "3515": "Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA", "3516": "Surgical endoscopy", "3517": "Surgical infections", "3518": "Surgical innovation", "3519": "Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques", "3520": "Surgical neurology international", "3521": "Surgical oncology", "3522": "Surgical technology international", "3523": "Survey of ophthalmology", "3524": "Swiss medical weekly", "3525": "Systematic and applied microbiology", "3526": "Systematic biology", "3527": "Systematic parasitology", "3528": "Systematic reviews", "3529": "TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik", "3530": "Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology", "3531": "Talanta", "3532": "Targeted oncology", "3533": "Techniques in coloproctology", "3534": "Technology in cancer research & treatment", "3535": "Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association", "3536": "Texas Heart Institute journal", "3537": "The AAPS journal", "3538": "The American Journal of dermatopathology", "3539": "The American journal of Chinese medicine", "3540": "The American journal of cardiology", "3541": "The American journal of case reports", "3542": "The American journal of clinical nutrition", "3543": "The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse", "3544": "The American journal of emergency medicine", "3545": "The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology", "3546": "The American journal of gastroenterology", "3547": "The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry", "3548": "The American journal of hospice & palliative care", "3549": "The American journal of managed care", "3550": "The American journal of medicine", "3551": "The American journal of nursing", "3552": "The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association", "3553": "The American journal of orthopsychiatry", "3554": "The American journal of pathology", "3555": "The American journal of psychiatry", "3556": "The American journal of sports medicine", "3557": "The American journal of surgical pathology", "3558": "The American journal of the medical sciences", "3559": "The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene", "3560": "The American journal on addictions", "3561": "The American naturalist", "3562": "The American psychologist", "3563": "The American surgeon", "3564": "The Angle orthodontist", "3565": "The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology", "3566": "The Annals of pharmacotherapy", "3567": "The Annals of thoracic surgery", "3568": "The Australasian journal of dermatology", "3569": "The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology", "3570": "The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry", "3571": "The Australian journal of rural health", "3572": "The Biochemical journal", "3573": "The British journal of dermatology", "3574": "The British journal of educational psychology", "3575": "The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners", "3576": "The British journal of nutrition", "3577": "The British journal of ophthalmology", "3578": "The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery", "3579": "The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science", "3580": "The British journal of radiology", "3581": "The British journal of social psychology", "3582": "The British journal of sociology", "3583": "The British journal of surgery", "3584": "The Canadian journal of cardiology", "3585": "The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses et de la microbiologie medicale", "3586": "The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques", "3587": "The Canadian journal of urology", "3588": "The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne", "3589": "The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association", "3590": "The Clinical journal of pain", "3591": "The Clinical neuropsychologist", "3592": "The Cochrane database of systematic reviews", "3593": "The EMBO journal", "3594": "The Egyptian heart journal : (EHJ) : official bulletin of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology", "3595": "The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care : the official journal of the European Society of Contraception", "3596": "The European journal of health economics : HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care", "3597": "The European journal of neuroscience", "3598": "The European respiratory journal", "3599": "The FEBS journal", "3600": "The Gerontologist", "3601": "The Hastings Center report", "3602": "The ISME journal", "3603": "The Indian journal of medical research", "3604": "The Indian journal of radiology & imaging", "3605": "The Indian journal of surgery", "3606": "The Indian journal of tuberculosis", "3607": "The International journal of artificial organs", "3608": "The International journal of biological markers", "3609": "The International journal of developmental biology", "3610": "The International journal of eating disorders", "3611": "The International journal of health planning and management", "3612": "The International journal of neuroscience", "3613": "The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants", "3614": "The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry", "3615": "The International journal of pharmacy practice", "3616": "The International journal of prosthodontics", "3617": "The International journal of psycho-analysis", "3618": "The International journal of social psychiatry", "3619": "The International journal on drug policy", "3620": "The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ", "3621": "The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine", "3622": "The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology", "3623": "The Journal of animal ecology", "3624": "The Journal of antibiotics", "3625": "The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy", "3626": "The Journal of applied psychology", "3627": "The Journal of arthroplasty", "3628": "The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma", "3629": "The Journal of biological chemistry", "3630": "The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume", "3631": "The Journal of cardiovascular nursing", "3632": "The Journal of cardiovascular surgery", "3633": "The Journal of cell biology", "3634": "The Journal of chemical physics", "3635": "The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology", "3636": "The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism", "3637": "The Journal of clinical investigation", "3638": "The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry", "3639": "The Journal of clinical psychiatry", "3640": "The Journal of comparative neurology", "3641": "The Journal of craniofacial surgery", "3642": "The Journal of dairy research", "3643": "The Journal of dermatological treatment", "3644": "The Journal of dermatology", "3645": "The Journal of emergency medicine", "3646": "The Journal of endocrinology", "3647": "The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology", "3648": "The Journal of experimental biology", "3649": "The Journal of experimental medicine", "3650": "The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons", "3651": "The Journal of general physiology", "3652": "The Journal of general virology", "3653": "The Journal of hand surgery", "3654": "The Journal of hand surgery, European volume", "3655": "The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation", "3656": "The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation", "3657": "The Journal of heredity", "3658": "The Journal of hospital infection", "3659": "The Journal of infection", "3660": "The Journal of infectious diseases", "3661": "The Journal of international medical research", "3662": "The Journal of invasive cardiology", "3663": "The Journal of investigative dermatology", "3664": "The Journal of laryngology and otology", "3665": "The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics", "3666": "The Journal of membrane biology", "3667": "The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD", "3668": "The Journal of nervous and mental disease", "3669": "The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience", "3670": "The Journal of nursing administration", "3671": "The Journal of nursing education", "3672": "The Journal of nutrition", "3673": "The Journal of nutritional biochemistry", "3674": "The Journal of oral implantology", "3675": "The Journal of organic chemistry", "3676": "The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy", "3677": "The Journal of parasitology", "3678": "The Journal of pathology", "3679": "The Journal of pediatrics", "3680": "The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics", "3681": "The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology", "3682": "The Journal of physiology", "3683": "The Journal of prosthetic dentistry", "3684": "The Journal of reproduction and development", "3685": "The Journal of rheumatology", "3686": "The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association", "3687": "The Journal of school health", "3688": "The Journal of small animal practice", "3689": "The Journal of social psychology", "3690": "The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness", "3691": "The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology", "3692": "The Journal of surgical research", "3693": "The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America", "3694": "The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons", "3695": "The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association", "3696": "The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC", "3697": "The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India", "3698": "The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery", "3699": "The Journal of toxicological sciences", "3700": "The Journal of urology", "3701": "The Journal of veterinary medical science", "3702": "The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences", "3703": "The Knee", "3704": "The Korean journal of internal medicine", "3705": "The Korean journal of parasitology", "3706": "The Lancet. Global health", "3707": "The Lancet. Haematology", "3708": "The Lancet. Infectious diseases", "3709": "The Lancet. Neurology", "3710": "The Lancet. Oncology", "3711": "The Lancet. Respiratory medicine", "3712": "The Laryngoscope", "3713": "The Malaysian journal of medical sciences : MJMS", "3714": "The Medical clinics of North America", "3715": "The Medical journal of Australia", "3716": "The Medical journal of Malaysia", "3717": "The New England journal of medicine", "3718": "The New Zealand medical journal", "3719": "The New phytologist", "3720": "The Ochsner journal", "3721": "The Orthopedic clinics of North America", "3722": "The Pan African medical journal", "3723": "The Pediatric infectious disease journal", "3724": "The Permanente journal", "3725": "The Physician and sportsmedicine", "3726": "The Plant cell", "3727": "The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society", "3728": "The Prostate", "3729": "The Psychiatric quarterly", "3730": "The Review of scientific instruments", "3731": "The Saudi dental journal", "3732": "The Science of the total environment", "3733": "The Spanish journal of psychology", "3734": "The Surgical clinics of North America", "3735": "The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon", "3736": "The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine", "3737": "The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology", "3738": "The Turkish journal of pediatrics", "3739": "The Urologic clinics of North America", "3740": "The Veterinary clinics of North America. Small animal practice", "3741": "The Veterinary record", "3742": "The World Allergy Organization journal", "3743": "The Yale journal of biology and medicine", "3744": "The aging male : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male", "3745": "The archives of bone and joint surgery", "3746": "The bone & joint journal", "3747": "The breast journal", "3748": "The clinical respiratory journal", "3749": "The clinical teacher", "3750": "The heart surgery forum", "3751": "The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity", "3752": "The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology", "3753": "The international journal of cardiovascular imaging", "3754": "The international journal of lower extremity wounds", "3755": "The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS", "3756": "The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology", "3757": "The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease", "3758": "The journal of ECT", "3759": "The journal of adhesive dentistry", "3760": "The journal of advanced prosthodontics", "3761": "The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice", "3762": "The journal of contemporary dental practice", "3763": "The journal of gene medicine", "3764": "The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume", "3765": "The journal of headache and pain", "3766": "The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society", "3767": "The journal of international advanced otology", "3768": "The journal of knee surgery", "3769": "The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians", "3770": "The journal of medical investigation : JMI", "3771": "The journal of nursing research : JNR", "3772": "The journal of nutrition, health & aging", "3773": "The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research", "3774": "The journal of pain", "3775": "The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG", "3776": "The journal of physical chemistry letters", "3777": "The journal of physical chemistry. A", "3778": "The journal of physical chemistry. B", "3779": "The journal of physiological sciences : JPS", "3780": "The journal of sexual medicine", "3781": "The journal of spinal cord medicine", "3782": "The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh", "3783": "The journal of trauma and acute care surgery", "3784": "The journal of vascular access", "3785": "The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences", "3786": "The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences", "3787": "The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology", "3788": "The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology", "3789": "The lancet. HIV", "3790": "The neurologist", "3791": "The neuroradiology journal", "3792": "The ocular surface", "3793": "The oncologist", "3794": "The pharmacogenomics journal", "3795": "The plant genome", "3796": "The protein journal", "3797": "The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society", "3798": "The surgeon : journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland", "3799": "The western journal of emergency medicine", "3800": "TheScientificWorldJournal", "3801": "Theranostics", "3802": "Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology", "3803": "Therapeutic advances in medical oncology", "3804": "Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders", "3805": "Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease", "3806": "Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy", "3807": "Therapeutic delivery", "3808": "Therapeutic drug monitoring", "3809": "Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science", "3810": "Therapeutics and clinical risk management", "3811": "Theriogenology", "3812": "Thoracic cancer", "3813": "Thorax", "3814": "Thrombosis and haemostasis", "3815": "Thrombosis research", "3816": "Ticks and tick-borne diseases", "3817": "Tissue & cell", "3818": "Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine", "3819": "Tissue engineering. Part A", "3820": "Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods", "3821": "Tobacco control", "3822": "Tobacco induced diseases", "3823": "Topics in cognitive science", "3824": "Topics in stroke rehabilitation", "3825": "Toxicologic pathology", "3826": "Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology", "3827": "Toxicology", "3828": "Toxicology and applied pharmacology", "3829": "Toxicology and industrial health", "3830": "Toxicology letters", "3831": "Toxicology mechanisms and methods", "3832": "Toxicology reports", "3833": "Toxicology research", "3834": "Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology", "3835": "Toxics", "3836": "Toxins", "3837": "Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark)", "3838": "Traffic injury prevention", "3839": "Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene", "3840": "Transboundary and emerging diseases", "3841": "Transcultural psychiatry", "3842": "Transfusion", "3843": "Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis", "3844": "Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England)", "3845": "Transgenic research", "3846": "Translational andrology and urology", "3847": "Translational animal science", "3848": "Translational behavioral medicine", "3849": "Translational lung cancer research", "3850": "Translational oncology", "3851": "Translational pediatrics", "3852": "Translational psychiatry", "3853": "Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine", "3854": "Translational vision science & technology", "3855": "Transplant immunology", "3856": "Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society", "3857": "Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation", "3858": "Transplantation", "3859": "Transplantation direct", "3860": "Transplantation proceedings", "3861": "Trauma case reports", "3862": "Trauma surgery & acute care open", "3863": "Trauma, violence & abuse", "3864": "Travel medicine and infectious disease", "3865": "Tree physiology", "3866": "Trends in biochemical sciences", "3867": "Trends in biotechnology", "3868": "Trends in cancer", "3869": "Trends in cardiovascular medicine", "3870": "Trends in cell biology", "3871": "Trends in cognitive sciences", "3872": "Trends in ecology & evolution", "3873": "Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM", "3874": "Trends in genetics : TIG", "3875": "Trends in hearing", "3876": "Trends in immunology", "3877": "Trends in microbiology", "3878": "Trends in molecular medicine", "3879": "Trends in neurosciences", "3880": "Trends in parasitology", "3881": "Trends in pharmacological sciences", "3882": "Trends in plant science", "3883": "Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy", "3884": "Trials", "3885": "Tropical animal health and production", "3886": "Tropical doctor", "3887": "Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH", "3888": "Tropical medicine and health", "3889": "Tropical medicine and infectious disease", "3890": "Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland)", "3891": "Tumori", "3892": "Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi arsivi : Turk Kardiyoloji Derneginin yayin organidir", "3893": "Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation", "3894": "Turkish journal of emergency medicine", "3895": "Turkish journal of medical sciences", "3896": "Turkish journal of ophthalmology", "3897": "Turkish journal of urology", "3898": "Turkish neurosurgery", "3899": "Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi", "3900": "Ultramicroscopy", "3901": "Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980)", "3902": "Ultrasonics", "3903": "Ultrasonics sonochemistry", "3904": "Ultrasound in medicine & biology", "3905": "Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology", "3906": "Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES", "3907": "United European gastroenterology journal", "3908": "Updates in surgery", "3909": "Urolithiasis", "3910": "Urologia", "3911": "Urologia internationalis", "3912": "Urologic oncology", "3913": "Urology", "3914": "Urology annals", "3915": "Urology case reports", "3916": "Urology journal", "3917": "VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten", "3918": "Vaccine", "3919": "Vaccines", "3920": "Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research", "3921": "Value in health regional issues", "3922": "Vascular", "3923": "Vascular and endovascular surgery", "3924": "Vascular health and risk management", "3925": "Vascular medicine (London, England)", "3926": "Vascular pharmacology", "3927": "Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.)", "3928": "Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia", "3929": "Veterinary and comparative oncology", "3930": "Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T", "3931": "Veterinary clinical pathology", "3932": "Veterinary dermatology", "3933": "Veterinary immunology and immunopathology", "3934": "Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)", "3935": "Veterinary medicine and science", "3936": "Veterinary microbiology", "3937": "Veterinary ophthalmology", "3938": "Veterinary parasitology", "3939": "Veterinary parasitology, regional studies and reports", "3940": "Veterinary pathology", "3941": "Veterinary research", "3942": "Veterinary sciences", "3943": "Veterinary surgery : VS", "3944": "Veterinary world", "3945": "Violence against women", "3946": "Violence and victims", "3947": "Viral immunology", "3948": "Virology", "3949": "Virology journal", "3950": "Virulence", "3951": "Virus evolution", "3952": "Virus genes", "3953": "Virus research", "3954": "Virusdisease", "3955": "Viruses", "3956": "Visceral medicine", "3957": "Vision research", "3958": "Vnitrni lekarstvi", "3959": "Vox sanguinis", "3960": "Waste management (New York, N.Y.)", "3961": "Water research", "3962": "West African journal of medicine", "3963": "Western journal of nursing research", "3964": "Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)", "3965": "Wideochirurgia i inne techniki maloinwazyjne = Videosurgery and other miniinvasive techniques", "3966": "Wiener klinische Wochenschrift", "3967": "Wilderness & environmental medicine", "3968": "Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology", "3969": "Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. RNA", "3970": "Women & health", "3971": "Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives", "3972": "Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health", "3973": "Work (Reading, Mass.)", "3974": "Workplace health & safety", "3975": "World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery", "3976": "World journal of cardiology", "3977": "World journal of clinical cases", "3978": "World journal of emergency surgery : WJES", "3979": "World journal of gastroenterology", "3980": "World journal of gastrointestinal oncology", "3981": "World journal of hepatology", "3982": "World journal of microbiology & biotechnology", "3983": "World journal of orthopedics", "3984": "World journal of pediatrics : WJP", "3985": "World journal of stem cells", "3986": "World journal of surgery", "3987": "World journal of surgical oncology", "3988": "World journal of urology", "3989": "World neurosurgery", "3990": "Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society", "3991": "Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice", "3992": "Xenotransplantation", "3993": "Yeast (Chichester, England)", "3994": "Yi chuan = Hereditas", "3995": "Yonsei medical journal", "3996": "Zebrafish", "3997": "Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciences", "3998": "Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences", "3999": "Zoo biology", "4000": "ZooKeys", "4001": "Zoological research", "4002": "Zoological science", "4003": "Zoology (Jena, Germany)", "4004": "Zoonoses and public health", "4005": "Zootaxa", "4006": "Zygote (Cambridge, England)", "4007": "eLife", "4008": "eNeuro", "4009": "i-Perception", "4010": "iScience", "4011": "mAbs", "4012": "mBio", "4013": "mSphere", "4014": "mSystems" }, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "label2id": { "3 Biotech": 0, "A&A practice": 1, "AANA journal": 2, "AAPS PharmSciTech": 3, "ACG case reports journal": 4, "ACS applied materials & interfaces": 5, "ACS central science": 6, "ACS chemical biology": 7, "ACS chemical neuroscience": 8, "ACS infectious diseases": 9, "ACS medicinal chemistry letters": 10, "ACS nano": 11, "ACS omega": 12, "ACS sensors": 13, "ACS synthetic biology": 14, "AEM education and training": 15, "AIDS (London, England)": 16, "AIDS and behavior": 17, "AIDS care": 18, "AIDS patient care and STDs": 19, "AIDS research and human retroviruses": 20, "AIDS research and therapy": 21, "AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology": 22, "AJP reports": 23, "AJR. American journal of roentgenology": 24, "AMA journal of ethics": 25, "AMB Express": 26, "AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium": 27, "ANZ journal of surgery": 28, "AORN journal": 29, "APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica": 30, "ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)": 31, "Abdominal radiology (New York)": 32, "Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine": 33, "Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges": 34, "Academic pediatrics": 35, "Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry": 36, "Academic radiology": 37, "Accident; analysis and prevention": 38, "Accounts of chemical research": 39, "Acta Cardiologica Sinica": 40, "Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica": 41, "Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis": 42, "Acta biochimica Polonica": 43, "Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica": 44, "Acta biomaterialia": 45, "Acta cardiologica": 46, "Acta chimica Slovenica": 47, "Acta chirurgica Belgica": 48, "Acta cirurgica brasileira": 49, "Acta clinica Belgica": 50, "Acta clinica Croatica": 51, "Acta crystallographica Section B, Structural science, crystal engineering and materials": 52, "Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances": 53, "Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry": 54, "Acta crystallographica. Section D, Structural biology": 55, "Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications": 56, "Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications": 57, "Acta cytologica": 58, "Acta dermato-venereologica": 59, "Acta dermatovenerologica Croatica : ADC": 60, "Acta diabetologica": 61, "Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica": 62, "Acta haematologica": 63, "Acta histochemica": 64, "Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH": 65, "Acta medica Indonesiana": 66, "Acta medica Okayama": 67, "Acta medica portuguesa": 68, "Acta neurochirurgica": 69, "Acta neurologica Belgica": 70, "Acta neurologica Scandinavica": 71, "Acta neuropathologica": 72, "Acta neuropathologica communications": 73, "Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica": 74, "Acta odontologica Scandinavica": 75, "Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics": 76, "Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden)": 77, "Acta ophthalmologica": 78, "Acta orthopaedica": 79, "Acta orthopaedica Belgica": 80, "Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica": 81, "Acta ortopedica brasileira": 82, "Acta oto-laryngologica": 83, "Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale": 84, "Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)": 85, "Acta parasitologica": 86, "Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. B": 87, "Acta pharmacologica Sinica": 88, "Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)": 89, "Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica": 90, "Acta psychologica": 91, "Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987)": 92, "Acta tropica": 93, "Acta veterinaria Hungarica": 94, "Acta veterinaria Scandinavica": 95, "Acta virologica": 96, "Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society": 97, "Addiction (Abingdon, England)": 98, "Addiction biology": 99, "Addictive behaviors": 100, "Addictive behaviors reports": 101, "Administration and policy in mental health": 102, "Advanced drug delivery reviews": 103, "Advanced healthcare materials": 104, "Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)": 105, "Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany)": 106, "Advances in colloid and interface science": 107, "Advances in experimental medicine and biology": 108, "Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice": 109, "Advances in medical sciences": 110, "Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses": 111, "Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.)": 112, "Advances in physiology education": 113, "Advances in radiation oncology": 114, "Advances in respiratory medicine": 115, "Advances in skin & wound care": 116, "Advances in therapy": 117, "Advances in wound care": 118, "Aerospace medicine and human performance": 119, "Aesthetic plastic surgery": 120, "Aesthetic surgery journal": 121, "African health sciences": 122, "African journal of primary health care & family medicine": 123, "Age and ageing": 124, "Ageing research reviews": 125, "Aggressive behavior": 126, "Aging": 127, "Aging & mental health": 128, "Aging and disease": 129, "Aging cell": 130, "Aging clinical and experimental research": 131, "Air medical journal": 132, "Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)": 133, "Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)": 134, "Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research": 135, "Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics": 136, "Allergologia et immunopathologia": 137, "Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology": 138, "Allergy": 139, "Allergy and asthma proceedings": 140, "Allergy, asthma & immunology research": 141, "Alternative therapies in health and medicine": 142, "Alzheimer disease and associated disorders": 143, "Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 144, "Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.)": 145, "Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association": 146, "Alzheimer's research & therapy": 147, "Ambio": 148, "American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Annual Meeting": 149, "American family physician": 150, "American heart journal": 151, "American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias": 152, "American journal of audiology": 153, "American journal of botany": 154, "American journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventions": 155, "American journal of clinical dermatology": 156, "American journal of clinical pathology": 157, "American journal of community psychology": 158, "American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses": 159, "American journal of dentistry": 160, "American journal of epidemiology": 161, "American journal of health behavior": 162, "American journal of health promotion : AJHP": 163, "American journal of hematology": 164, "American journal of human genetics": 165, "American journal of hypertension": 166, "American journal of industrial medicine": 167, "American journal of infection control": 168, "American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation": 169, "American journal of lifestyle medicine": 170, "American journal of medical genetics. Part A": 171, "American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics": 172, "American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality": 173, "American journal of men's health": 174, "American journal of nephrology": 175, "American journal of obstetrics and gynecology": 176, "American journal of ophthalmology": 177, "American journal of ophthalmology case reports": 178, "American journal of otolaryngology": 179, "American journal of perinatology": 180, "American journal of pharmaceutical education": 181, "American journal of physical anthropology": 182, "American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation": 183, "American journal of physiology. Cell physiology": 184, "American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism": 185, "American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology": 186, "American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology": 187, "American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology": 188, "American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology": 189, "American journal of physiology. Renal physiology": 190, "American journal of preventive medicine": 191, "American journal of primatology": 192, "American journal of public health": 193, "American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)": 194, "American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine": 195, "American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology": 196, "American journal of rhinology & allergy": 197, "American journal of speech-language pathology": 198, "American journal of surgery": 199, "American journal of therapeutics": 200, "American journal of translational research": 201, "American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons": 202, "American journal of veterinary research": 203, "Amino acids": 204, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration": 205, "Anaerobe": 206, "Anaesthesia": 207, "Anaesthesia and intensive care": 208, "Anaesthesia, critical care & pain medicine": 209, "Anais brasileiros de dermatologia": 210, "Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias": 211, "Analytica chimica acta": 212, "Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry": 213, "Analytical biochemistry": 214, "Analytical chemistry": 215, "Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry": 216, "Anatolian journal of cardiology": 217, "Anatomia, histologia, embryologia": 218, "Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)": 219, "Anatomical science international": 220, "Anatomical sciences education": 221, "Anatomy & cell biology": 222, "Andrologia": 223, "Andrology": 224, "Anesthesia and analgesia": 225, "Anesthesiology": 226, "Anesthesiology and pain medicine": 227, "Anesthesiology clinics": 228, "Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)": 229, "Angiogenesis": 230, "Angiology": 231, "Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience": 232, "Animal biotechnology": 233, "Animal cognition": 234, "Animal genetics": 235, "Animal nutrition (Zhongguo xu mu shou yi xue hui)": 236, "Animal reproduction science": 237, "Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho": 238, "Animals : an open access journal from MDPI": 239, "Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanita": 240, "Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita": 241, "Annali italiani di chirurgia": 242, "Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology": 243, "Annals of Saudi medicine": 244, "Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM": 245, "Annals of botany": 246, "Annals of cardiac anaesthesia": 247, "Annals of cardiothoracic surgery": 248, "Annals of clinical and laboratory science": 249, "Annals of clinical and translational neurology": 250, "Annals of clinical biochemistry": 251, "Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials": 252, "Annals of coloproctology": 253, "Annals of dermatology": 254, "Annals of diagnostic pathology": 255, "Annals of emergency medicine": 256, "Annals of epidemiology": 257, "Annals of family medicine": 258, "Annals of gastroenterological surgery": 259, "Annals of gastroenterology": 260, "Annals of global health": 261, "Annals of hematology": 262, "Annals of hepatology": 263, "Annals of human biology": 264, "Annals of intensive care": 265, "Annals of internal medicine": 266, "Annals of laboratory medicine": 267, "Annals of maxillofacial surgery": 268, "Annals of medicine and surgery (2012)": 269, "Annals of neurology": 270, "Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology : the official journal of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Inc": 271, "Annals of nuclear medicine": 272, "Annals of nutrition & metabolism": 273, "Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology": 274, "Annals of palliative medicine": 275, "Annals of parasitology": 276, "Annals of pediatric cardiology": 277, "Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine": 278, "Annals of plastic surgery": 279, "Annals of rehabilitation medicine": 280, "Annals of surgery": 281, "Annals of surgical oncology": 282, "Annals of surgical treatment and research": 283, "Annals of the American Thoracic Society": 284, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences": 285, "Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England": 286, "Annals of the rheumatic diseases": 287, "Annals of transplantation": 288, "Annals of vascular surgery": 289, "Annals of work exposures and health": 290, "Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry": 291, "Anti-cancer drugs": 292, "Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)": 293, "Anticancer research": 294, "Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy": 295, "Antimicrobial resistance and infection control": 296, "Antioxidants & redox signaling": 297, "Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)": 298, "Antiviral research": 299, "Antiviral therapy": 300, "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek": 301, "Anxiety, stress, and coping": 302, "AoB PLANTS": 303, "Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death": 304, "Appetite": 305, "Applications in plant sciences": 306, "Applied and environmental microbiology": 307, "Applied biochemistry and biotechnology": 308, "Applied bionics and biomechanics": 309, "Applied clinical informatics": 310, "Applied ergonomics": 311, "Applied health economics and health policy": 312, "Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology : AIMM": 313, "Applied microbiology and biotechnology": 314, "Applied neuropsychology. Adult": 315, "Applied neuropsychology. Child": 316, "Applied nursing research : ANR": 317, "Applied optics": 318, "Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme": 319, "Applied spectroscopy": 320, "Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 321, "Arab journal of urology": 322, "Archiv der Pharmazie": 323, "Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie": 324, "Archives of Iranian medicine": 325, "Archives of biochemistry and biophysics": 326, "Archives of cardiovascular diseases": 327, "Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists": 328, "Archives of craniofacial surgery": 329, "Archives of dermatological research": 330, "Archives of disease in childhood": 331, "Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition": 332, "Archives of endocrinology and metabolism": 333, "Archives of environmental & occupational health": 334, "Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology": 335, "Archives of gerontology and geriatrics": 336, "Archives of gynecology and obstetrics": 337, "Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology": 338, "Archives of medical research": 339, "Archives of medical science : AMS": 340, "Archives of microbiology": 341, "Archives of oral biology": 342, "Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery": 343, "Archives of osteoporosis": 344, "Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine": 345, "Archives of pharmacal research": 346, "Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation": 347, "Archives of physiology and biochemistry": 348, "Archives of plastic surgery": 349, "Archives of psychiatric nursing": 350, "Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique": 351, "Archives of rheumatology": 352, "Archives of sexual behavior": 353, "Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research": 354, "Archives of toxicology": 355, "Archives of virology": 356, "Archives of women's mental health": 357, "Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Societa italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica": 358, "Archivos argentinos de pediatria": 359, "Archivos de bronconeumologia": 360, "Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia": 361, "Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery": 362, "Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia": 363, "Arquivos de gastroenterologia": 364, "Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria": 365, "Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology": 366, "Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.)": 367, "Arthritis care & research": 368, "Arthritis research & therapy": 369, "Arthroplasty today": 370, "Arthropod structure & development": 371, "Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association": 372, "Arthroscopy techniques": 373, "Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology": 374, "Artificial intelligence in medicine": 375, "Artificial organs": 376, "Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition": 377, "Asia-Pacific journal of clinical oncology": 378, "Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing": 379, "Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.)": 380, "Asia-Pacific journal of public health": 381, "Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology": 382, "Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP": 383, "Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine": 384, "Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals": 385, "Asian journal of andrology": 386, "Asian journal of endoscopic surgery": 387, "Asian journal of psychiatry": 388, "Asian journal of surgery": 389, "Asian spine journal": 390, "Assessment": 391, "Astrobiology": 392, "Atherosclerosis": 393, "Attention, perception & psychophysics": 394, "Auris, nasus, larynx": 395, "Australasian journal on ageing": 396, "Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists": 397, "Australian and New Zealand journal of public health": 398, "Australian dental journal": 399, "Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association": 400, "Australian journal of general practice": 401, "Australian journal of primary health": 402, "Australian occupational therapy journal": 403, "Australian veterinary journal": 404, "Autoimmunity reviews": 405, "Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical": 406, "Autophagy": 407, "Avian diseases": 408, "BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology": 409, "BJPsych bulletin": 410, "BJPsych open": 411, "BJS open": 412, "BJU international": 413, "BMB reports": 414, "BMC anesthesiology": 415, "BMC bioinformatics": 416, "BMC biology": 417, "BMC biotechnology": 418, "BMC cancer": 419, "BMC cardiovascular disorders": 420, "BMC complementary medicine and therapies": 421, "BMC emergency medicine": 422, "BMC endocrine disorders": 423, "BMC family practice": 424, "BMC gastroenterology": 425, "BMC genomics": 426, "BMC geriatrics": 427, "BMC health services research": 428, "BMC immunology": 429, "BMC infectious diseases": 430, "BMC medical education": 431, "BMC medical ethics": 432, "BMC medical genomics": 433, "BMC medical imaging": 434, "BMC medical informatics and decision making": 435, "BMC medical research methodology": 436, "BMC medicine": 437, "BMC microbiology": 438, "BMC musculoskeletal disorders": 439, "BMC nephrology": 440, "BMC neurology": 441, "BMC neuroscience": 442, "BMC nursing": 443, "BMC nutrition": 444, "BMC ophthalmology": 445, "BMC oral health": 446, "BMC palliative care": 447, "BMC pediatrics": 448, "BMC pharmacology & toxicology": 449, "BMC plant biology": 450, "BMC pregnancy and childbirth": 451, "BMC psychiatry": 452, "BMC psychology": 453, "BMC public health": 454, "BMC pulmonary medicine": 455, "BMC research notes": 456, "BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation": 457, "BMC surgery": 458, "BMC urology": 459, "BMC veterinary research": 460, "BMC women's health": 461, "BMJ (Clinical research ed.)": 462, "BMJ case reports": 463, "BMJ global health": 464, "BMJ military health": 465, "BMJ open": 466, "BMJ open diabetes research & care": 467, "BMJ open gastroenterology": 468, "BMJ open ophthalmology": 469, "BMJ open quality": 470, "BMJ open respiratory research": 471, "BMJ open sport & exercise medicine": 472, "BMJ paediatrics open": 473, "BMJ quality & safety": 474, "BMJ supportive & palliative care": 475, "Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology": 476, "Basic and clinical neuroscience": 477, "Basic research in cardiology": 478, "Behavior modification": 479, "Behavior research methods": 480, "Behavior therapy": 481, "Behavioral neuroscience": 482, "Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)": 483, "Behaviour research and therapy": 484, "Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy": 485, "Behavioural brain research": 486, "Behavioural neurology": 487, "Behavioural pharmacology": 488, "Behavioural processes": 489, "Beilstein journal of nanotechnology": 490, "Beilstein journal of organic chemistry": 491, "Beneficial microbes": 492, "Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology": 493, "Best practice & research. Clinical rheumatology": 494, "Bio Systems": 495, "BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology": 496, "BioFactors (Oxford, England)": 497, "BioMed research international": 498, "BioTechniques": 499, "Bioactive materials": 500, "Bioanalysis": 501, "Biochemia medica": 502, "Biochemical Society transactions": 503, "Biochemical and biophysical research communications": 504, "Biochemical genetics": 505, "Biochemical pharmacology": 506, "Biochemistry": 507, "Biochemistry and biophysics reports": 508, "Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire": 509, "Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology": 510, "Biochemistry. Biokhimiia": 511, "Biochimica et biophysica acta": 512, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics": 513, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes": 514, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene regulatory mechanisms": 515, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects": 516, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids": 517, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease": 518, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research": 519, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Proteins and proteomics": 520, "Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer": 521, "Bioconjugate chemistry": 522, "Biodiversity data journal": 523, "Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 524, "Bioelectromagnetics": 525, "Bioengineered": 526, "Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland)": 527, "Bioethics": 528, "Biofabrication": 529, "Biofouling": 530, "Biogerontology": 531, "Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)": 532, "Bioinspiration & biomimetics": 533, "Biointerphases": 534, "Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin": 535, "Biological chemistry": 536, "Biological psychiatry": 537, "Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging": 538, "Biological psychology": 539, "Biological research": 540, "Biological research for nursing": 541, "Biological trace element research": 542, "Biology": 543, "Biology letters": 544, "Biology of reproduction": 545, "Biology of sex differences": 546, "Biology open": 547, "Biomacromolecules": 548, "Biomarkers in medicine": 549, "Biomaterials": 550, "Biomaterials science": 551, "Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology": 552, "Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES": 553, "Biomedical chromatography : BMC": 554, "Biomedical engineering online": 555, "Biomedical journal": 556, "Biomedical materials (Bristol, England)": 557, "Biomedical microdevices": 558, "Biomedical optics express": 559, "Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia": 560, "Biomedical reports": 561, "Biomedicines": 562, "Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering": 563, "Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift": 564, "Biometrics": 565, "Biomicrofluidics": 566, "Biomolecular NMR assignments": 567, "Biomolecules": 568, "Biomolecules & therapeutics": 569, "Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry": 570, "Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters": 571, "Bioorganic chemistry": 572, "Biophysical chemistry": 573, "Biophysical journal": 574, "Biophysical reviews": 575, "Biopolymers": 576, "Biopreservation and biobanking": 577, "Bioprocess and biosystems engineering": 578, "Bioresource technology": 579, "Bioscience reports": 580, "Bioscience trends": 581, "Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry": 582, "Biosensors": 583, "Biosensors & bioelectronics": 584, "Biostatistics (Oxford, England)": 585, "Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission": 586, "Biotechnology advances": 587, "Biotechnology and applied biochemistry": 588, "Biotechnology and bioengineering": 589, "Biotechnology for biofuels": 590, "Biotechnology journal": 591, "Biotechnology letters": 592, "Biotechnology progress": 593, "Bipolar disorders": 594, "Birth (Berkeley, Calif.)": 595, "Birth defects research": 596, "Blood": 597, "Blood advances": 598, "Blood cancer journal": 599, "Blood cells, molecules & diseases": 600, "Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis": 601, "Blood pressure monitoring": 602, "Blood purification": 603, "Blood reviews": 604, "Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue": 605, "Body image": 606, "Bone": 607, "Bone & joint research": 608, "Bone marrow transplantation": 609, "Bone reports": 610, "Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences": 611, "Brachytherapy": 612, "Brain & development": 613, "Brain : a journal of neurology": 614, "Brain and behavior": 615, "Brain and cognition": 616, "Brain and language": 617, "Brain connectivity": 618, "Brain imaging and behavior": 619, "Brain injury": 620, "Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)": 621, "Brain research": 622, "Brain research bulletin": 623, "Brain sciences": 624, "Brain stimulation": 625, "Brain structure & function": 626, "Brain topography": 627, "Brain, behavior, and immunity": 628, "Bratislavske lekarske listy": 629, "Brazilian dental journal": 630, "Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia": 631, "Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery": 632, "Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas": 633, "Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology]": 634, "Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology": 635, "Brazilian journal of physical therapy": 636, "Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)": 637, "Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)": 638, "Breast cancer research : BCR": 639, "Breast cancer research and treatment": 640, "Breast care (Basel, Switzerland)": 641, "Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine": 642, "Briefings in bioinformatics": 643, "British dental journal": 644, "British journal of anaesthesia": 645, "British journal of cancer": 646, "British journal of clinical pharmacology": 647, "British journal of community nursing": 648, "British journal of haematology": 649, "British journal of health psychology": 650, "British journal of neurosurgery": 651, "British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing)": 652, "British journal of pharmacology": 653, "British journal of psychology (London, England : 1953)": 654, "British journal of sports medicine": 655, "British poultry science": 656, "Bulletin of entomological research": 657, "Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology": 658, "Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine": 659, "Bulletin of mathematical biology": 660, "Bulletin of the World Health Organization": 661, "Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries": 662, "CBE life sciences education": 663, "CJEM": 664, "CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne": 665, "CNS & neurological disorders drug targets": 666, "CNS drugs": 667, "CNS neuroscience & therapeutics": 668, "CNS spectrums": 669, "COPD": 670, "CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology": 671, "Cadernos de saude publica": 672, "Calcified tissue international": 673, "Canadian Association of Radiologists journal = Journal l'Association canadienne des radiologistes": 674, "Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada": 675, "Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien": 676, "Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie": 677, "Canadian journal of diabetes": 678, "Canadian journal of gastroenterology & hepatology": 679, "Canadian journal of kidney health and disease": 680, "Canadian journal of microbiology": 681, "Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie": 682, "Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology": 683, "Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie": 684, "Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique": 685, "Canadian journal of surgery. Journal canadien de chirurgie": 686, "Canadian respiratory journal": 687, "Cancer": 688, "Cancer biology & medicine": 689, "Cancer biology & therapy": 690, "Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers": 691, "Cancer causes & control : CCC": 692, "Cancer cell": 693, "Cancer cell international": 694, "Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology": 695, "Cancer cytopathology": 696, "Cancer discovery": 697, "Cancer epidemiology": 698, "Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology": 699, "Cancer gene therapy": 700, "Cancer genetics": 701, "Cancer genomics & proteomics": 702, "Cancer immunology research": 703, "Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII": 704, "Cancer investigation": 705, "Cancer letters": 706, "Cancer management and research": 707, "Cancer medicine": 708, "Cancer metastasis reviews": 709, "Cancer nursing": 710, "Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)": 711, "Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique": 712, "Cancer research": 713, "Cancer research and treatment": 714, "Cancer science": 715, "Cancer treatment reviews": 716, "Cancers": 717, "Carbohydrate polymers": 718, "Carbohydrate research": 719, "Carcinogenesis": 720, "Cardiac electrophysiology clinics": 721, "Cardiology": 722, "Cardiology in review": 723, "Cardiology in the young": 724, "Cardiology journal": 725, "Cardiology research and practice": 726, "Cardiovascular and interventional radiology": 727, "Cardiovascular diabetology": 728, "Cardiovascular diagnosis and therapy": 729, "Cardiovascular drugs and therapy": 730, "Cardiovascular engineering and technology": 731, "Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics": 732, "Cardiovascular journal of Africa": 733, "Cardiovascular research": 734, "Cardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions": 735, "Cardiovascular therapeutics": 736, "Cardiovascular toxicology": 737, "Caries research": 738, "Cartilage": 739, "Case reports in cardiology": 740, "Case reports in dentistry": 741, "Case reports in dermatology": 742, "Case reports in endocrinology": 743, "Case reports in gastroenterology": 744, "Case reports in medicine": 745, "Case reports in neurology": 746, "Case reports in oncological medicine": 747, "Case reports in oncology": 748, "Case reports in ophthalmology": 749, "Caspian journal of internal medicine": 750, "Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions": 751, "Cell": 752, "Cell & bioscience": 753, "Cell and tissue banking": 754, "Cell and tissue research": 755, "Cell biochemistry and biophysics": 756, "Cell biochemistry and function": 757, "Cell biology international": 758, "Cell calcium": 759, "Cell chemical biology": 760, "Cell communication and signaling : CCS": 761, "Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)": 762, "Cell death & disease": 763, "Cell death and differentiation": 764, "Cell death discovery": 765, "Cell discovery": 766, "Cell host & microbe": 767, "Cell journal": 768, "Cell metabolism": 769, "Cell proliferation": 770, "Cell reports": 771, "Cell research": 772, "Cell stem cell": 773, "Cell stress & chaperones": 774, "Cell systems": 775, "Cell transplantation": 776, "Cells": 777, "Cells, tissues, organs": 778, "Cellular & molecular immunology": 779, "Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France)": 780, "Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology": 781, "Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS": 782, "Cellular and molecular neurobiology": 783, "Cellular immunology": 784, "Cellular microbiology": 785, "Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology": 786, "Cellular signalling": 787, "Central European journal of public health": 788, "Central European journal of urology": 789, "Central-European journal of immunology": 790, "Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache": 791, "Cerebellum (London, England)": 792, "Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)": 793, "Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)": 794, "Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.)": 795, "ChemMedChem": 796, "ChemPlusChem": 797, "ChemSusChem": 798, "Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology": 799, "Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin": 800, "Chemical Society reviews": 801, "Chemical biology & drug design": 802, "Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)": 803, "Chemical record (New York, N.Y.)": 804, "Chemical research in toxicology": 805, "Chemical reviews": 806, "Chemical science": 807, "Chemical senses": 808, "Chemico-biological interactions": 809, "Chemistry & biodiversity": 810, "Chemistry and physics of lipids": 811, "Chemistry, an Asian journal": 812, "ChemistryOpen": 813, "Chemosphere": 814, "Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry": 815, "Chest": 816, "Child abuse & neglect": 817, "Child and adolescent mental health": 818, "Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America": 819, "Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health": 820, "Child development": 821, "Child psychiatry and human development": 822, "Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery": 823, "Child: care, health and development": 824, "Childhood obesity (Print)": 825, "Chimia": 826, "Chinese clinical oncology": 827, "Chinese journal of integrative medicine": 828, "Chinese medical journal": 829, "Chinese medicine": 830, "Chirality": 831, "Chiropractic & manual therapies": 832, "Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)": 833, "Chronobiology international": 834, "Ciencia & saude coletiva": 835, "Circulation": 836, "Circulation research": 837, "Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology": 838, "Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging": 839, "Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions": 840, "Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes": 841, "Circulation. Heart failure": 842, "Cirugia y cirujanos": 843, "Climacteric : the journal of the International Menopause Society": 844, "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry": 845, "Clinical & experimental metastasis": 846, "Clinical & experimental ophthalmology": 847, "Clinical & experimental optometry": 848, "Clinical & translational immunology": 849, "Clinical EEG and neuroscience": 850, "Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)": 851, "Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis": 852, "Clinical and experimental dental research": 853, "Clinical and experimental dermatology": 854, "Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993)": 855, "Clinical and experimental immunology": 856, "Clinical and experimental medicine": 857, "Clinical and experimental nephrology": 858, "Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology": 859, "Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology": 860, "Clinical and experimental rheumatology": 861, "Clinical and translational allergy": 862, "Clinical and translational gastroenterology": 863, "Clinical and translational medicine": 864, "Clinical and translational radiation oncology": 865, "Clinical and translational science": 866, "Clinical biochemistry": 867, "Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)": 868, "Clinical breast cancer": 869, "Clinical cardiology": 870, "Clinical case reports": 871, "Clinical chemistry": 872, "Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine": 873, "Clinical child psychology and psychiatry": 874, "Clinical colorectal cancer": 875, "Clinical drug investigation": 876, "Clinical endocrinology": 877, "Clinical endoscopy": 878, "Clinical epidemiology": 879, "Clinical epigenetics": 880, "Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association": 881, "Clinical genetics": 882, "Clinical genitourinary cancer": 883, "Clinical gerontologist": 884, "Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation": 885, "Clinical imaging": 886, "Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)": 887, "Clinical implant dentistry and related research": 888, "Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America": 889, "Clinical interventions in aging": 890, "Clinical journal of gastroenterology": 891, "Clinical journal of oncology nursing": 892, "Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN": 893, "Clinical kidney journal": 894, "Clinical laboratory": 895, "Clinical linguistics & phonetics": 896, "Clinical lung cancer": 897, "Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia": 898, "Clinical medicine (London, England)": 899, "Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases": 900, "Clinical nephrology": 901, "Clinical neurology and neurosurgery": 902, "Clinical neuropharmacology": 903, "Clinical neuroradiology": 904, "Clinical nuclear medicine": 905, "Clinical nursing research": 906, "Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)": 907, "Clinical nutrition ESPEN": 908, "Clinical obesity": 909, "Clinical obstetrics and gynecology": 910, "Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain))": 911, "Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)": 912, "Clinical oral implants research": 913, "Clinical oral investigations": 914, "Clinical orthopaedics and related research": 915, "Clinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery": 916, "Clinical pediatrics": 917, "Clinical pharmacokinetics": 918, "Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics": 919, "Clinical pharmacology in drug development": 920, "Clinical physiology and functional imaging": 921, "Clinical psychology & psychotherapy": 922, "Clinical psychology review": 923, "Clinical radiology": 924, "Clinical rehabilitation": 925, "Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society": 926, "Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology": 927, "Clinical rheumatology": 928, "Clinical science (London, England : 1979)": 929, "Clinical spine surgery": 930, "Clinical therapeutics": 931, "Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)": 932, "Clinical transplantation": 933, "Clinical trials (London, England)": 934, "Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology": 935, "ClinicoEconomics and outcomes research : CEOR": 936, "Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil)": 937, "Clinics and research in hepatology and gastroenterology": 938, "Clinics in dermatology": 939, "Clinics in liver disease": 940, "Clinics in orthopedic surgery": 941, "Clinics in perinatology": 942, "Cognition": 943, "Cognition & emotion": 944, "Cognitive neurodynamics": 945, "Cognitive processing": 946, "Cognitive research: principles and implications": 947, "Cognitive science": 948, "Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience": 949, "Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology": 950, "Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine": 951, "Cold Spring Harbor protocols": 952, "Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces": 953, "Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening": 954, "Communications biology": 955, "Community dentistry and oral epidemiology": 956, "Community mental health journal": 957, "Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology": 958, "Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology": 959, "Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part D, Genomics & proteomics": 960, "Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases": 961, "Comparative medicine": 962, "Complementary therapies in clinical practice": 963, "Complementary therapies in medicine": 964, "Comprehensive psychiatry": 965, "Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety": 966, "Computational and mathematical methods in medicine": 967, "Computational and structural biotechnology journal": 968, "Computational biology and chemistry": 969, "Computational intelligence and neuroscience": 970, "Computer methods and programs in biomedicine": 971, "Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering": 972, "Computers in biology and medicine": 973, "Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN": 974, "Conflict and health": 975, "Congenital heart disease": 976, "Connective tissue research": 977, "Consciousness and cognition": 978, "Conservation physiology": 979, "Contact dermatitis": 980, "Contact lens & anterior eye : the journal of the British Contact Lens Association": 981, "Contemporary clinical dentistry": 982, "Contemporary clinical trials": 983, "Contemporary clinical trials communications": 984, "Contemporary oncology (Poznan, Poland)": 985, "Contraception": 986, "Contrast media & molecular imaging": 987, "Cornea": 988, "Coronary artery disease": 989, "Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior": 990, "Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular practice": 991, "Critical care (London, England)": 992, "Critical care medicine": 993, "Critical reviews in analytical chemistry": 994, "Critical reviews in biotechnology": 995, "Critical reviews in food science and nutrition": 996, "Critical reviews in oncology/hematology": 997, "Cryobiology": 998, "Culture, health & sexuality": 999, "Cureus": 1000, "Current Alzheimer research": 1001, "Current HIV research": 1002, "Current allergy and asthma reports": 1003, "Current atherosclerosis reports": 1004, "Current biology : CB": 1005, "Current cancer drug targets": 1006, "Current cardiology reports": 1007, "Current developments in nutrition": 1008, "Current diabetes reports": 1009, "Current diabetes reviews": 1010, "Current drug delivery": 1011, "Current drug metabolism": 1012, "Current drug targets": 1013, "Current eye research": 1014, "Current gastroenterology reports": 1015, "Current genetics": 1016, "Current hematologic malignancy reports": 1017, "Current hypertension reports": 1018, "Current medical imaging": 1019, "Current medical research and opinion": 1020, "Current medical science": 1021, "Current medicinal chemistry": 1022, "Current microbiology": 1023, "Current molecular medicine": 1024, "Current neurology and neuroscience reports": 1025, "Current neuropharmacology": 1026, "Current neurovascular research": 1027, "Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.)": 1028, "Current oncology reports": 1029, "Current opinion in HIV and AIDS": 1030, "Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology": 1031, "Current opinion in anaesthesiology": 1032, "Current opinion in biotechnology": 1033, "Current opinion in cardiology": 1034, "Current opinion in cell biology": 1035, "Current opinion in chemical biology": 1036, "Current opinion in critical care": 1037, "Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity": 1038, "Current opinion in gastroenterology": 1039, "Current opinion in genetics & development": 1040, "Current opinion in hematology": 1041, "Current opinion in immunology": 1042, "Current opinion in infectious diseases": 1043, "Current opinion in insect science": 1044, "Current opinion in lipidology": 1045, "Current opinion in microbiology": 1046, "Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension": 1047, "Current opinion in neurobiology": 1048, "Current opinion in neurology": 1049, "Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology": 1050, "Current opinion in oncology": 1051, "Current opinion in ophthalmology": 1052, "Current opinion in organ transplantation": 1053, "Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery": 1054, "Current opinion in pediatrics": 1055, "Current opinion in pharmacology": 1056, "Current opinion in plant biology": 1057, "Current opinion in psychiatry": 1058, "Current opinion in psychology": 1059, "Current opinion in pulmonary medicine": 1060, "Current opinion in rheumatology": 1061, "Current opinion in structural biology": 1062, "Current opinion in supportive and palliative care": 1063, "Current opinion in urology": 1064, "Current opinion in virology": 1065, "Current osteoporosis reports": 1066, "Current pain and headache reports": 1067, "Current pharmaceutical biotechnology": 1068, "Current pharmaceutical design": 1069, "Current problems in cancer": 1070, "Current problems in cardiology": 1071, "Current problems in diagnostic radiology": 1072, "Current protein & peptide science": 1073, "Current psychiatry reports": 1074, "Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine": 1075, "Current rheumatology reports": 1076, "Current sports medicine reports": 1077, "Current stem cell research & therapy": 1078, "Current topics in behavioral neurosciences": 1079, "Current topics in medicinal chemistry": 1080, "Current topics in microbiology and immunology": 1081, "Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine": 1082, "Current treatment options in oncology": 1083, "Current urology reports": 1084, "Current vascular pharmacology": 1085, "Current zoology": 1086, "Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning": 1087, "Cutis": 1088, "Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking": 1089, "Cytogenetic and genome research": 1090, "Cytokine": 1091, "Cytokine & growth factor reviews": 1092, "Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology": 1093, "Cytopathology : official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology": 1094, "Cytotechnology": 1095, "Cytotherapy": 1096, "DNA and cell biology": 1097, "DNA repair": 1098, "Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)": 1099, "Danish medical journal": 1100, "Data in brief": 1101, "Database : the journal of biological databases and curation": 1102, "Death studies": 1103, "Dementia & neuropsychologia": 1104, "Dementia (London, England)": 1105, "Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders": 1106, "Demography": 1107, "Dental materials journal": 1108, "Dental press journal of orthodontics": 1109, "Dental research journal": 1110, "Dentistry journal": 1111, "Dento maxillo facial radiology": 1112, "Depression and anxiety": 1113, "Dermatitis : contact, atopic, occupational, drug": 1114, "Dermatologic clinics": 1115, "Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]": 1116, "Dermatologic therapy": 1117, "Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland)": 1118, "Dermatology and therapy": 1119, "Dermatology online journal": 1120, "Deutsches Arzteblatt international": 1121, "Development (Cambridge, England)": 1122, "Development and psychopathology": 1123, "Development, growth & differentiation": 1124, "Developmental and comparative immunology": 1125, "Developmental biology": 1126, "Developmental cell": 1127, "Developmental cognitive neuroscience": 1128, "Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists": 1129, "Developmental medicine and child neurology": 1130, "Developmental neurobiology": 1131, "Developmental psychobiology": 1132, "Developmental psychology": 1133, "Developmental science": 1134, "Diabetes": 1135, "Diabetes & metabolic syndrome": 1136, "Diabetes & metabolism": 1137, "Diabetes & metabolism journal": 1138, "Diabetes & vascular disease research": 1139, "Diabetes care": 1140, "Diabetes research and clinical practice": 1141, "Diabetes technology & therapeutics": 1142, "Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders": 1143, "Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy": 1144, "Diabetes, obesity & metabolism": 1145, "Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews": 1146, "Diabetologia": 1147, "Diabetology & metabolic syndrome": 1148, "Diagnostic and interventional imaging": 1149, "Diagnostic and interventional radiology (Ankara, Turkey)": 1150, "Diagnostic cytopathology": 1151, "Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease": 1152, "Diagnostic pathology": 1153, "Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)": 1154, "Die Naturwissenschaften": 1155, "Die Pharmazie": 1156, "Digestion": 1157, "Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland)": 1158, "Digestive diseases and sciences": 1159, "Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society": 1160, "Digestive surgery": 1161, "Digital health": 1162, "Disability and health journal": 1163, "Disability and rehabilitation": 1164, "Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology": 1165, "Disaster medicine and public health preparedness": 1166, "Disasters": 1167, "Disease markers": 1168, "Disease models & mechanisms": 1169, "Diseases of aquatic organisms": 1170, "Diseases of the colon and rectum": 1171, "Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus": 1172, "Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology": 1173, "Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics": 1174, "Domestic animal endocrinology": 1175, "Drug and alcohol dependence": 1176, "Drug and alcohol review": 1177, "Drug and chemical toxicology": 1178, "Drug delivery": 1179, "Drug delivery and translational research": 1180, "Drug design, development and therapy": 1181, "Drug development and industrial pharmacy": 1182, "Drug development research": 1183, "Drug discoveries & therapeutics": 1184, "Drug discovery today": 1185, "Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics": 1186, "Drug research": 1187, "Drug safety": 1188, "Drug testing and analysis": 1189, "Drugs": 1190, "Drugs & aging": 1191, "Drugs of today (Barcelona, Spain : 1998)": 1192, "Dysphagia": 1193, "EBioMedicine": 1194, "EClinicalMedicine": 1195, "EFORT open reviews": 1196, "EFSA journal. European Food Safety Authority": 1197, "EJNMMI research": 1198, "EMBO molecular medicine": 1199, "EMBO reports": 1200, "ERJ open research": 1201, "ESC heart failure": 1202, "ESMO open": 1203, "EXCLI journal": 1204, "Ear and hearing": 1205, "Ear, nose, & throat journal": 1206, "Early human development": 1207, "Early intervention in psychiatry": 1208, "Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit": 1209, "Eating and weight disorders : EWD": 1210, "Eating behaviors": 1211, "Ecancermedicalscience": 1212, "Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)": 1213, "EcoHealth": 1214, "Ecology": 1215, "Ecology and evolution": 1216, "Ecology letters": 1217, "Economics and human biology": 1218, "Ecotoxicology (London, England)": 1219, "Ecotoxicology and environmental safety": 1220, "Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors": 1221, "Einstein (Sao Paulo, Brazil)": 1222, "Electrophoresis": 1223, "Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA": 1224, "Emergency medicine clinics of North America": 1225, "Emergency medicine journal : EMJ": 1226, "Emergency radiology": 1227, "Emerging infectious diseases": 1228, "Emerging microbes & infections": 1229, "Emotion (Washington, D.C.)": 1230, "Endocrine connections": 1231, "Endocrine journal": 1232, "Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets": 1233, "Endocrine-related cancer": 1234, "Endocrinology": 1235, "Endocrinology and metabolism (Seoul, Korea)": 1236, "Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America": 1237, "Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism case reports": 1238, "Endokrynologia Polska": 1239, "Endoscopy": 1240, "Endoscopy international open": 1241, "Entropy (Basel, Switzerland)": 1242, "Environment international": 1243, "Environmental and molecular mutagenesis": 1244, "Environmental entomology": 1245, "Environmental geochemistry and health": 1246, "Environmental health : a global access science source": 1247, "Environmental health and preventive medicine": 1248, "Environmental health perspectives": 1249, "Environmental management": 1250, "Environmental microbiology": 1251, "Environmental microbiology reports": 1252, "Environmental monitoring and assessment": 1253, "Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)": 1254, "Environmental research": 1255, "Environmental science & technology": 1256, "Environmental science and pollution research international": 1257, "Environmental science. Processes & impacts": 1258, "Environmental technology": 1259, "Environmental toxicology": 1260, "Environmental toxicology and chemistry": 1261, "Environmental toxicology and pharmacology": 1262, "Enzyme and microbial technology": 1263, "Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil": 1264, "Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)": 1265, "Epidemiology and health": 1266, "Epidemiology and infection": 1267, "Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences": 1268, "Epigenetics": 1269, "Epigenetics & chromatin": 1270, "Epigenomics": 1271, "Epilepsia": 1272, "Epilepsia open": 1273, "Epilepsy & behavior : E&B": 1274, "Epilepsy research": 1275, "Equine veterinary journal": 1276, "Ergonomics": 1277, "Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society": 1278, "Essays in biochemistry": 1279, "Ethiopian journal of health sciences": 1280, "Ethnicity & disease": 1281, "Ethnicity & health": 1282, "EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology": 1283, "Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology": 1284, "European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases": 1285, "European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery": 1286, "European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry": 1287, "European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience": 1288, "European biophysics journal : EBJ": 1289, "European child & adolescent psychiatry": 1290, "European geriatric medicine": 1291, "European heart journal": 1292, "European heart journal supplements : journal of the European Society of Cardiology": 1293, "European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care": 1294, "European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging": 1295, "European heart journal. Case reports": 1296, "European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes": 1297, "European journal of anaesthesiology": 1298, "European journal of applied physiology": 1299, "European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)": 1300, "European journal of cancer care": 1301, "European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery": 1302, "European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology": 1303, "European journal of case reports in internal medicine": 1304, "European journal of clinical investigation": 1305, "European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology": 1306, "European journal of clinical nutrition": 1307, "European journal of clinical pharmacology": 1308, "European journal of dentistry": 1309, "European journal of dermatology : EJD": 1310, "European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics": 1311, "European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine": 1312, "European journal of endocrinology": 1313, "European journal of epidemiology": 1314, "European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology": 1315, "European journal of haematology": 1316, "European journal of heart failure": 1317, "European journal of human genetics : EJHG": 1318, "European journal of immunology": 1319, "European journal of internal medicine": 1320, "European journal of medical genetics": 1321, "European journal of medical research": 1322, "European journal of medicinal chemistry": 1323, "European journal of neurology": 1324, "European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging": 1325, "European journal of nutrition": 1326, "European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology": 1327, "European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society": 1328, "European journal of ophthalmology": 1329, "European journal of oral sciences": 1330, "European journal of orthodontics": 1331, "European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie": 1332, "European journal of paediatric dentistry": 1333, "European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society": 1334, "European journal of pain (London, England)": 1335, "European journal of pediatric surgery : official journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery ... [et al] = Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie": 1336, "European journal of pediatrics": 1337, "European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences": 1338, "European journal of pharmacology": 1339, "European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine": 1340, "European journal of preventive cardiology": 1341, "European journal of protistology": 1342, "European journal of psychotraumatology": 1343, "European journal of public health": 1344, "European journal of radiology": 1345, "European journal of radiology open": 1346, "European journal of sport science": 1347, "European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology": 1348, "European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society": 1349, "European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery": 1350, "European neurology": 1351, "European radiology": 1352, "European review for medical and pharmacological sciences": 1353, "European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society": 1354, "European urology focus": 1355, "European urology oncology": 1356, "Evaluation and program planning": 1357, "Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM": 1358, "Evidence-based dentistry": 1359, "Evolution; international journal of organic evolution": 1360, "Evolutionary applications": 1361, "Experimental & applied acarology": 1362, "Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology": 1363, "Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation": 1364, "Experimental and molecular pathology": 1365, "Experimental animals": 1366, "Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)": 1367, "Experimental brain research": 1368, "Experimental cell research": 1369, "Experimental dermatology": 1370, "Experimental eye research": 1371, "Experimental gerontology": 1372, "Experimental hematology": 1373, "Experimental neurology": 1374, "Experimental oncology": 1375, "Experimental parasitology": 1376, "Experimental physiology": 1377, "Expert opinion on biological therapy": 1378, "Expert opinion on drug delivery": 1379, "Expert opinion on drug discovery": 1380, "Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology": 1381, "Expert opinion on drug safety": 1382, "Expert opinion on investigational drugs": 1383, "Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy": 1384, "Expert opinion on therapeutic patents": 1385, "Expert opinion on therapeutic targets": 1386, "Expert review of anti-infective therapy": 1387, "Expert review of anticancer therapy": 1388, "Expert review of cardiovascular therapy": 1389, "Expert review of clinical immunology": 1390, "Expert review of clinical pharmacology": 1391, "Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology": 1392, "Expert review of hematology": 1393, "Expert review of medical devices": 1394, "Expert review of molecular diagnostics": 1395, "Expert review of neurotherapeutics": 1396, "Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research": 1397, "Expert review of proteomics": 1398, "Expert review of respiratory medicine": 1399, "Expert review of vaccines": 1400, "Explore (New York, N.Y.)": 1401, "Eye & contact lens": 1402, "Eye (London, England)": 1403, "F1000Research": 1404, "FEBS letters": 1405, "FEBS open bio": 1406, "FEMS microbiology ecology": 1407, "FEMS microbiology letters": 1408, "FEMS microbiology reviews": 1409, "FEMS yeast research": 1410, "Facial plastic surgery : FPS": 1411, "Familial cancer": 1412, "Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare": 1413, "Family medicine": 1414, "Family practice": 1415, "Family process": 1416, "Faraday discussions": 1417, "Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery": 1418, "Fertility and sterility": 1419, "Fetal and pediatric pathology": 1420, "Fetal diagnosis and therapy": 1421, "Fish & shellfish immunology": 1422, "Fish physiology and biochemistry": 1423, "Fitoterapia": 1424, "Folia medica": 1425, "Folia microbiologica": 1426, "Folia morphologica": 1427, "Food & function": 1428, "Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment": 1429, "Food and nutrition bulletin": 1430, "Food chemistry": 1431, "Food microbiology": 1432, "Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)": 1433, "Food science & nutrition": 1434, "Food science and biotechnology": 1435, "Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnologia de los alimentos internacional": 1436, "Foodborne pathogens and disease": 1437, "Foods (Basel, Switzerland)": 1438, "Foot & ankle international": 1439, "Foot & ankle specialist": 1440, "Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland)": 1441, "Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons": 1442, "Forensic science international": 1443, "Forensic science international. Genetics": 1444, "Forensic science, medicine, and pathology": 1445, "Free radical biology & medicine": 1446, "Free radical research": 1447, "Frontiers in aging neuroscience": 1448, "Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience": 1449, "Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology": 1450, "Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine": 1451, "Frontiers in cell and developmental biology": 1452, "Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology": 1453, "Frontiers in cellular neuroscience": 1454, "Frontiers in chemistry": 1455, "Frontiers in computational neuroscience": 1456, "Frontiers in endocrinology": 1457, "Frontiers in genetics": 1458, "Frontiers in human neuroscience": 1459, "Frontiers in immunology": 1460, "Frontiers in integrative neuroscience": 1461, "Frontiers in medicine": 1462, "Frontiers in microbiology": 1463, "Frontiers in molecular biosciences": 1464, "Frontiers in molecular neuroscience": 1465, "Frontiers in neural circuits": 1466, "Frontiers in neuroanatomy": 1467, "Frontiers in neuroinformatics": 1468, "Frontiers in neurology": 1469, "Frontiers in neurorobotics": 1470, "Frontiers in neuroscience": 1471, "Frontiers in nutrition": 1472, "Frontiers in oncology": 1473, "Frontiers in pediatrics": 1474, "Frontiers in pharmacology": 1475, "Frontiers in physiology": 1476, "Frontiers in plant science": 1477, "Frontiers in psychiatry": 1478, "Frontiers in psychology": 1479, "Frontiers in public health": 1480, "Frontiers in surgery": 1481, "Frontiers in systems neuroscience": 1482, "Frontiers in veterinary science": 1483, "Frontiers in zoology": 1484, "Frontiers of medicine": 1485, "Frontline gastroenterology": 1486, "Functional & integrative genomics": 1487, "Functional plant biology : FPB": 1488, "Fundamental & clinical pharmacology": 1489, "Fungal biology": 1490, "Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B": 1491, "Future cardiology": 1492, "Future medicinal chemistry": 1493, "Future microbiology": 1494, "Future oncology (London, England)": 1495, "Future science OA": 1496, "G3 (Bethesda, Md.)": 1497, "GMS journal for medical education": 1498, "Gaceta medica de Mexico": 1499, "Gaceta sanitaria": 1500, "Gait & posture": 1501, "Gastroenterologia y hepatologia": 1502, "Gastroenterology": 1503, "Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench": 1504, "Gastroenterology report": 1505, "Gastroenterology research and practice": 1506, "Gastrointestinal endoscopy": 1507, "Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde": 1508, "Gene": 1509, "Gene therapy": 1510, "General and comparative endocrinology": 1511, "General dentistry": 1512, "General hospital psychiatry": 1513, "General physiology and biophysics": 1514, "Genes": 1515, "Genes & development": 1516, "Genes & genomics": 1517, "Genes, brain, and behavior": 1518, "Genes, chromosomes & cancer": 1519, "Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)": 1520, "Genetic epidemiology": 1521, "Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers": 1522, "Genetics": 1523, "Genetics and molecular biology": 1524, "Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics": 1525, "Genetics, selection, evolution : GSE": 1526, "Genome": 1527, "Genome biology": 1528, "Genome biology and evolution": 1529, "Genome medicine": 1530, "Genome research": 1531, "Genomics": 1532, "Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics": 1533, "Geophysical research letters": 1534, "Georgian medical news": 1535, "Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)": 1536, "Geriatric orthopaedic surgery & rehabilitation": 1537, "Geriatrics & gerontology international": 1538, "GeroScience": 1539, "Gerodontology": 1540, "Gerontology": 1541, "Gerontology & geriatric medicine": 1542, "GigaScience": 1543, "Ginekologia polska": 1544, "Giornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia : organo ufficiale, Societa italiana di dermatologia e sifilografia": 1545, "Gland surgery": 1546, "Glia": 1547, "Global change biology": 1548, "Global health action": 1549, "Global health promotion": 1550, "Global health, science and practice": 1551, "Global pediatric health": 1552, "Global public health": 1553, "Global spine journal": 1554, "Globalization and health": 1555, "Glycobiology": 1556, "Glycoconjugate journal": 1557, "Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie": 1558, "Ground water": 1559, "Gut": 1560, "Gut and liver": 1561, "Gut microbes": 1562, "Gynecologic and obstetric investigation": 1563, "Gynecologic oncology": 1564, "Gynecologic oncology reports": 1565, "HERD": 1566, "HIV medicine": 1567, "HLA": 1568, "HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association": 1569, "Haematologica": 1570, "Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia": 1571, "Hand (New York, N.Y.)": 1572, "Hand clinics": 1573, "Hand surgery & rehabilitation": 1574, "Handbook of experimental pharmacology": 1575, "Harm reduction journal": 1576, "Harmful algae": 1577, "Head & neck": 1578, "Head and neck pathology": 1579, "Headache": 1580, "Health & place": 1581, "Health & social care in the community": 1582, "Health affairs (Project Hope)": 1583, "Health and quality of life outcomes": 1584, "Health care for women international": 1585, "Health communication": 1586, "Health economics": 1587, "Health education research": 1588, "Health informatics journal": 1589, "Health physics": 1590, "Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 1591, "Health policy and planning": 1592, "Health promotion international": 1593, "Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals": 1594, "Health promotion practice": 1595, "Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association": 1596, "Health research policy and systems": 1597, "Health security": 1598, "Health services research": 1599, "Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)": 1600, "Healthcare management forum": 1601, "Hearing research": 1602, "Heart & lung : the journal of critical care": 1603, "Heart (British Cardiac Society)": 1604, "Heart and vessels": 1605, "Heart failure clinics": 1606, "Heart failure reviews": 1607, "Heart rhythm": 1608, "Heart, lung & circulation": 1609, "Helicobacter": 1610, "Heliyon": 1611, "Hellenic journal of nuclear medicine": 1612, "Hematological oncology": 1613, "Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 1614, "Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program": 1615, "Hemoglobin": 1616, "Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT": 1617, "Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)": 1618, "Hepatology international": 1619, "Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology": 1620, "Heredity": 1621, "Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery": 1622, "Herz": 1623, "Hippocampus": 1624, "Histochemistry and cell biology": 1625, "Histology and histopathology": 1626, "Histopathology": 1627, "Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi": 1628, "Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme": 1629, "Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation": 1630, "Hormone research in paediatrics": 1631, "Hormones (Athens, Greece)": 1632, "Hormones and behavior": 1633, "Hospital pediatrics": 1634, "Human & experimental toxicology": 1635, "Human brain mapping": 1636, "Human cell": 1637, "Human factors": 1638, "Human fertility (Cambridge, England)": 1639, "Human gene therapy": 1640, "Human genetics": 1641, "Human immunology": 1642, "Human molecular genetics": 1643, "Human movement science": 1644, "Human mutation": 1645, "Human pathology": 1646, "Human reproduction (Oxford, England)": 1647, "Human resources for health": 1648, "Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics": 1649, "Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979)": 1650, "IDCases": 1651, "IEEE computer graphics and applications": 1652, "IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics": 1653, "IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering": 1654, "IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems": 1655, "IEEE transactions on cybernetics": 1656, "IEEE transactions on haptics": 1657, "IEEE transactions on nanobioscience": 1658, "IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems": 1659, "IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence": 1660, "IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control": 1661, "IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics": 1662, "IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics": 1663, "IET nanobiotechnology": 1664, "ISA transactions": 1665, "IUBMB life": 1666, "IUCrJ": 1667, "Immunity": 1668, "Immunity, inflammation and disease": 1669, "Immunobiology": 1670, "Immunogenetics": 1671, "Immunologic research": 1672, "Immunological investigations": 1673, "Immunological reviews": 1674, "Immunology": 1675, "Immunology and cell biology": 1676, "Immunology letters": 1677, "Immunotherapy": 1678, "Implementation science : IS": 1679, "In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal": 1680, "In vivo (Athens, Greece)": 1681, "Indian heart journal": 1682, "Indian journal of anaesthesia": 1683, "Indian journal of cancer": 1684, "Indian journal of clinical biochemistry : IJCB": 1685, "Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine": 1686, "Indian journal of critical care medicine : peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine": 1687, "Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research": 1688, "Indian journal of dermatology": 1689, "Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology": 1690, "Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism": 1691, "Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology": 1692, "Indian journal of hematology & blood transfusion : an official journal of Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion": 1693, "Indian journal of medical ethics": 1694, "Indian journal of medical microbiology": 1695, "Indian journal of nephrology": 1696, "Indian journal of nuclear medicine : IJNM : the official journal of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, India": 1697, "Indian journal of ophthalmology": 1698, "Indian journal of orthopaedics": 1699, "Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery : official publication of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India": 1700, "Indian journal of palliative care": 1701, "Indian journal of pathology & microbiology": 1702, "Indian journal of pediatrics": 1703, "Indian journal of pharmacology": 1704, "Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India": 1705, "Indian journal of psychiatry": 1706, "Indian journal of psychological medicine": 1707, "Indian journal of public health": 1708, "Indian journal of surgical oncology": 1709, "Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery": 1710, "Indian pediatrics": 1711, "Indoor air": 1712, "Industrial health": 1713, "Infant behavior & development": 1714, "Infant mental health journal": 1715, "Infection": 1716, "Infection & chemotherapy": 1717, "Infection and drug resistance": 1718, "Infection and immunity": 1719, "Infection control and hospital epidemiology": 1720, "Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases": 1721, "Infectious agents and cancer": 1722, "Infectious diseases (London, England)": 1723, "Infectious diseases and therapy": 1724, "Infectious diseases of poverty": 1725, "Infectious disorders drug targets": 1726, "Inflammation": 1727, "Inflammatory bowel diseases": 1728, "Inflammopharmacology": 1729, "Influenza and other respiratory viruses": 1730, "Inhalation toxicology": 1731, "Injury": 1732, "Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention": 1733, "Innate immunity": 1734, "Innovations (Philadelphia, Pa.)": 1735, "Inorganic chemistry": 1736, "Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing": 1737, "Insect biochemistry and molecular biology": 1738, "Insect molecular biology": 1739, "Insect science": 1740, "Insects": 1741, "Insights into imaging": 1742, "Integrated environmental assessment and management": 1743, "Integrative and comparative biology": 1744, "Integrative cancer therapies": 1745, "Integrative medicine research": 1746, "Integrative psychological & behavioral science": 1747, "Integrative zoology": 1748, "Intensive & critical care nursing": 1749, "Intensive care medicine": 1750, "Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery": 1751, "Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences": 1752, "Interface focus": 1753, "Internal and emergency medicine": 1754, "Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)": 1755, "Internal medicine journal": 1756, "International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology": 1757, "International archives of allergy and immunology": 1758, "International archives of occupational and environmental health": 1759, "International archives of otorhinolaryngology": 1760, "International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology": 1761, "International breastfeeding journal": 1762, "International dental journal": 1763, "International emergency nursing": 1764, "International endodontic journal": 1765, "International forum of allergy & rhinology": 1766, "International health": 1767, "International heart journal": 1768, "International immunology": 1769, "International immunopharmacology": 1770, "International journal for equity in health": 1771, "International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering": 1772, "International journal for parasitology": 1773, "International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance": 1774, "International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care": 1775, "International journal of STD & AIDS": 1776, "International journal of adolescent medicine and health": 1777, "International journal of antimicrobial agents": 1778, "International journal of audiology": 1779, "International journal of behavioral medicine": 1780, "International journal of biological macromolecules": 1781, "International journal of biological sciences": 1782, "International journal of biometeorology": 1783, "International journal of cancer": 1784, "International journal of cardiology": 1785, "International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature": 1786, "International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease": 1787, "International journal of circumpolar health": 1788, "International journal of clinical oncology": 1789, "International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics": 1790, "International journal of clinical pharmacy": 1791, "International journal of clinical practice": 1792, "International journal of colorectal disease": 1793, "International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery": 1794, "International journal of cosmetic science": 1795, "International journal of dental hygiene": 1796, "International journal of dentistry": 1797, "International journal of dermatology": 1798, "International journal of endocrinology": 1799, "International journal of environmental health research": 1800, "International journal of environmental research and public health": 1801, "International journal of epidemiology": 1802, "International journal of exercise science": 1803, "International journal of fertility & sterility": 1804, "International journal of food microbiology": 1805, "International journal of food sciences and nutrition": 1806, "International journal of general medicine": 1807, "International journal of geriatric psychiatry": 1808, "International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society": 1809, "International journal of health care quality assurance": 1810, "International journal of health policy and management": 1811, "International journal of hematology": 1812, "International journal of hygiene and environmental health": 1813, "International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology": 1814, "International journal of impotence research": 1815, "International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases": 1816, "International journal of injury control and safety promotion": 1817, "International journal of integrated care": 1818, "International journal of laboratory hematology": 1819, "International journal of language & communication disorders": 1820, "International journal of law and psychiatry": 1821, "International journal of legal medicine": 1822, "International journal of medical informatics": 1823, "International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM": 1824, "International journal of medical sciences": 1825, "International journal of medicinal mushrooms": 1826, "International journal of mental health systems": 1827, "International journal of molecular medicine": 1828, "International journal of molecular sciences": 1829, "International journal of mycobacteriology": 1830, "International journal of nanomedicine": 1831, "International journal of neural systems": 1832, "International journal of nursing practice": 1833, "International journal of nursing studies": 1834, "International journal of obesity (2005)": 1835, "International journal of obstetric anesthesia": 1836, "International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health": 1837, "International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE": 1838, "International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology": 1839, "International journal of oncology": 1840, "International journal of ophthalmology": 1841, "International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery": 1842, "International journal of paediatric dentistry": 1843, "International journal of paleopathology": 1844, "International journal of palliative nursing": 1845, "International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology": 1846, "International journal of pharmaceutical compounding": 1847, "International journal of pharmaceutics": 1848, "International journal of phytoremediation": 1849, "International journal of preventive medicine": 1850, "International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie": 1851, "International journal of public health": 1852, "International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being": 1853, "International journal of radiation biology": 1854, "International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics": 1855, "International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation": 1856, "International journal of reproductive biomedicine": 1857, "International journal of retina and vitreous": 1858, "International journal of rheumatic diseases": 1859, "International journal of speech-language pathology": 1860, "International journal of spine surgery": 1861, "International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism": 1862, "International journal of sports medicine": 1863, "International journal of sports physiology and performance": 1864, "International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society": 1865, "International journal of surgery (London, England)": 1866, "International journal of surgery case reports": 1867, "International journal of surgical pathology": 1868, "International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology": 1869, "International journal of technology assessment in health care": 1870, "International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association": 1871, "International journal of women's dermatology": 1872, "International journal of women's health": 1873, "International medical case reports journal": 1874, "International neurourology journal": 1875, "International nursing review": 1876, "International ophthalmology": 1877, "International orthodontics": 1878, "International orthopaedics": 1879, "International psychogeriatrics": 1880, "International review of neurobiology": 1881, "International review of psychiatry (Abingdon, England)": 1882, "International urogynecology journal": 1883, "International urology and nephrology": 1884, "International wound journal": 1885, "Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences": 1886, "Intestinal research": 1887, "Intractable & rare diseases research": 1888, "Investigational new drugs": 1889, "Investigative and clinical urology": 1890, "Investigative ophthalmology & visual science": 1891, "Investigative radiology": 1892, "Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology": 1893, "Iranian journal of basic medical sciences": 1894, "Iranian journal of child neurology": 1895, "Iranian journal of kidney diseases": 1896, "Iranian journal of medical sciences": 1897, "Iranian journal of microbiology": 1898, "Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research": 1899, "Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology": 1900, "Iranian journal of parasitology": 1901, "Iranian journal of pathology": 1902, "Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research : IJPR": 1903, "Iranian journal of public health": 1904, "Irish journal of medical science": 1905, "Irish journal of psychological medicine": 1906, "Irish medical journal": 1907, "Israel journal of health policy research": 1908, "Issues in mental health nursing": 1909, "Italian journal of pediatrics": 1910, "JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants": 1911, "JACC. Basic to translational science": 1912, "JACC. Cardiovascular imaging": 1913, "JACC. Cardiovascular interventions": 1914, "JACC. Clinical electrophysiology": 1915, "JACC. Heart failure": 1916, "JAMA": 1917, "JAMA cardiology": 1918, "JAMA dermatology": 1919, "JAMA internal medicine": 1920, "JAMA network open": 1921, "JAMA neurology": 1922, "JAMA oncology": 1923, "JAMA ophthalmology": 1924, "JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery": 1925, "JAMA pediatrics": 1926, "JAMA psychiatry": 1927, "JAMA surgery": 1928, "JBI evidence synthesis": 1929, "JBJS case connector": 1930, "JBJS reviews": 1931, "JBRA assisted reproduction": 1932, "JCI insight": 1933, "JCO oncology practice": 1934, "JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology": 1935, "JMIR mHealth and uHealth": 1936, "JMIR research protocols": 1937, "JNMA; journal of the Nepal Medical Association": 1938, "JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition": 1939, "JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association": 1940, "JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons": 1941, "Japanese journal of clinical oncology": 1942, "Japanese journal of infectious diseases": 1943, "Japanese journal of ophthalmology": 1944, "Japanese journal of radiology": 1945, "Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety": 1946, "Joint bone spine": 1947, "Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : 'orgao oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia": 1948, "Jornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisilogia": 1949, "Jornal de pediatria": 1950, "Journal de mycologie medicale": 1951, "Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG": 1952, "Journal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality": 1953, "Journal for immunotherapy of cancer": 1954, "Journal francais d'ophtalmologie": 1955, "Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus": 1956, "Journal of AOAC International": 1957, "Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD": 1958, "Journal of American college health : J of ACH": 1959, "Journal of Asian natural products research": 1960, "Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC": 1961, "Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine": 1962, "Journal of Cancer": 1963, "Journal of Crohn's & colitis": 1964, "Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons": 1965, "Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society": 1966, "Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology": 1967, "Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry": 1968, "Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society": 1969, "Journal of Korean medical science": 1970, "Journal of Nepal Health Research Council": 1971, "Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi": 1972, "Journal of Parkinson's disease": 1973, "Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences": 1974, "Journal of X-ray science and technology": 1975, "Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B": 1976, "Journal of abnormal psychology": 1977, "Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)": 1978, "Journal of addiction medicine": 1979, "Journal of adolescence": 1980, "Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology": 1981, "Journal of advanced nursing": 1982, "Journal of advanced research": 1983, "Journal of affective disorders": 1984, "Journal of aging and health": 1985, "Journal of aging and physical activity": 1986, "Journal of agricultural and food chemistry": 1987, "Journal of allied health": 1988, "Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)": 1989, "Journal of anaesthesiology, clinical pharmacology": 1990, "Journal of analytical methods in chemistry": 1991, "Journal of analytical toxicology": 1992, "Journal of anatomy": 1993, "Journal of anesthesia": 1994, "Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie": 1995, "Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition": 1996, "Journal of animal science": 1997, "Journal of animal science and biotechnology": 1998, "Journal of anxiety disorders": 1999, "Journal of applied behavior analysis": 2000, "Journal of applied biomechanics": 2001, "Journal of applied clinical medical physics": 2002, "Journal of applied genetics": 2003, "Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society": 2004, "Journal of applied microbiology": 2005, "Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB": 2006, "Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)": 2007, "Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID": 2008, "Journal of applied toxicology : JAT": 2009, "Journal of arrhythmia": 2010, "Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs": 2011, "Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics": 2012, "Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis": 2013, "Journal of athletic training": 2014, "Journal of atrial fibrillation": 2015, "Journal of autism and developmental disorders": 2016, "Journal of autoimmunity": 2017, "Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation": 2018, "Journal of bacteriology": 2019, "Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology": 2020, "Journal of basic microbiology": 2021, "Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry": 2022, "Journal of behavioral addictions": 2023, "Journal of behavioral medicine": 2024, "Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology": 2025, "Journal of biochemistry": 2026, "Journal of bioethical inquiry": 2027, "Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology": 2028, "Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents": 2029, "Journal of biomaterials applications": 2030, "Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition": 2031, "Journal of biomechanical engineering": 2032, "Journal of biomechanics": 2033, "Journal of biomedical informatics": 2034, "Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A": 2035, "Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials": 2036, "Journal of biomedical nanotechnology": 2037, "Journal of biomedical optics": 2038, "Journal of biomedical physics & engineering": 2039, "Journal of biomedical science": 2040, "Journal of biomolecular NMR": 2041, "Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics": 2042, "Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics": 2043, "Journal of biophotonics": 2044, "Journal of bioscience and bioengineering": 2045, "Journal of biosciences": 2046, "Journal of biosocial science": 2047, "Journal of biotechnology": 2048, "Journal of bodywork and movement therapies": 2049, "Journal of bone and mineral metabolism": 2050, "Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research": 2051, "Journal of breast cancer": 2052, "Journal of breath research": 2053, "Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association": 2054, "Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle": 2055, "Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education": 2056, "Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology": 2057, "Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice": 2058, "Journal of cardiac failure": 2059, "Journal of cardiac surgery": 2060, "Journal of cardiology": 2061, "Journal of cardiology cases": 2062, "Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention": 2063, "Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia": 2064, "Journal of cardiothoracic surgery": 2065, "Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography": 2066, "Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology": 2067, "Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance": 2068, "Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.)": 2069, "Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology": 2070, "Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics": 2071, "Journal of cardiovascular translational research": 2072, "Journal of cataract and refractive surgery": 2073, "Journal of cell communication and signaling": 2074, "Journal of cell science": 2075, "Journal of cellular and molecular medicine": 2076, "Journal of cellular biochemistry": 2077, "Journal of cellular physiology": 2078, "Journal of chemical ecology": 2079, "Journal of chemical information and modeling": 2080, "Journal of chemical neuroanatomy": 2081, "Journal of chemical theory and computation": 2082, "Journal of cheminformatics": 2083, "Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology": 2084, "Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community": 2085, "Journal of child language": 2086, "Journal of child neurology": 2087, "Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines": 2088, "Journal of child sexual abuse": 2089, "Journal of children's orthopaedics": 2090, "Journal of chromatographic science": 2091, "Journal of chromatography. A": 2092, "Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences": 2093, "Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry": 2094, "Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology": 2095, "Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology": 2096, "Journal of clinical and translational hepatology": 2097, "Journal of clinical and translational science": 2098, "Journal of clinical anesthesia": 2099, "Journal of clinical apheresis": 2100, "Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition": 2101, "Journal of clinical densitometry : the official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry": 2102, "Journal of clinical epidemiology": 2103, "Journal of clinical gastroenterology": 2104, "Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.)": 2105, "Journal of clinical imaging science": 2106, "Journal of clinical immunology": 2107, "Journal of clinical laboratory analysis": 2108, "Journal of clinical lipidology": 2109, "Journal of clinical microbiology": 2110, "Journal of clinical monitoring and computing": 2111, "Journal of clinical nursing": 2112, "Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology": 2113, "Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma": 2114, "Journal of clinical pathology": 2115, "Journal of clinical periodontology": 2116, "Journal of clinical pharmacology": 2117, "Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics": 2118, "Journal of clinical psychology": 2119, "Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings": 2120, "Journal of clinical psychopharmacology": 2121, "Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology": 2122, "Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases": 2123, "Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine": 2124, "Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU": 2125, "Journal of cognitive neuroscience": 2126, "Journal of colloid and interface science": 2127, "Journal of communication disorders": 2128, "Journal of community health": 2129, "Journal of community psychology": 2130, "Journal of comparative effectiveness research": 2131, "Journal of comparative pathology": 2132, "Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology": 2133, "Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology": 2134, "Journal of complementary & integrative medicine": 2135, "Journal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology": 2136, "Journal of computational chemistry": 2137, "Journal of computer assisted tomography": 2138, "Journal of computer-aided molecular design": 2139, "Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD": 2140, "Journal of consulting and clinical psychology": 2141, "Journal of contaminant hydrology": 2142, "Journal of contemporary brachytherapy": 2143, "Journal of continuing education in nursing": 2144, "Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society": 2145, "Journal of cosmetic dermatology": 2146, "Journal of counseling psychology": 2147, "Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery": 2148, "Journal of craniovertebral junction & spine": 2149, "Journal of critical care": 2150, "Journal of current ophthalmology": 2151, "Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery": 2152, "Journal of cutaneous pathology": 2153, "Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society": 2154, "Journal of dairy science": 2155, "Journal of dental education": 2156, "Journal of dental research": 2157, "Journal of dentistry": 2158, "Journal of dermatological science": 2159, "Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP": 2160, "Journal of developmental origins of health and disease": 2161, "Journal of diabetes": 2162, "Journal of diabetes and its complications": 2163, "Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders": 2164, "Journal of diabetes investigation": 2165, "Journal of diabetes research": 2166, "Journal of diabetes science and technology": 2167, "Journal of dietary supplements": 2168, "Journal of digestive diseases": 2169, "Journal of digital imaging": 2170, "Journal of drug targeting": 2171, "Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD": 2172, "Journal of eating disorders": 2173, "Journal of economic entomology": 2174, "Journal of education and health promotion": 2175, "Journal of electrocardiology": 2176, "Journal of emergency nursing": 2177, "Journal of endocrinological investigation": 2178, "Journal of endodontics": 2179, "Journal of endourology": 2180, "Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists": 2181, "Journal of environmental and public health": 2182, "Journal of environmental health science & engineering": 2183, "Journal of environmental management": 2184, "Journal of environmental quality": 2185, "Journal of environmental radioactivity": 2186, "Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering": 2187, "Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes": 2188, "Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry": 2189, "Journal of epidemiology": 2190, "Journal of epidemiology and community health": 2191, "Journal of equine veterinary science": 2192, "Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse": 2193, "Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine": 2194, "Journal of ethnopharmacology": 2195, "Journal of evaluation in clinical practice": 2196, "Journal of evolutionary biology": 2197, "Journal of exercise rehabilitation": 2198, "Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR": 2199, "Journal of experimental botany": 2200, "Journal of experimental child psychology": 2201, "Journal of experimental orthopaedics": 2202, "Journal of experimental psychology. General": 2203, "Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance": 2204, "Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition": 2205, "Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology": 2206, "Journal of extracellular vesicles": 2207, "Journal of feline medicine and surgery": 2208, "Journal of fish biology": 2209, "Journal of fish diseases": 2210, "Journal of fluorescence": 2211, "Journal of food biochemistry": 2212, "Journal of food protection": 2213, "Journal of food science": 2214, "Journal of food science and technology": 2215, "Journal of foot and ankle research": 2216, "Journal of forensic and legal medicine": 2217, "Journal of forensic sciences": 2218, "Journal of functional biomaterials": 2219, "Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland)": 2220, "Journal of gambling studies": 2221, "Journal of gastroenterology": 2222, "Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLD": 2223, "Journal of gastrointestinal cancer": 2224, "Journal of gastrointestinal oncology": 2225, "Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract": 2226, "Journal of general internal medicine": 2227, "Journal of genetic counseling": 2228, "Journal of genetics": 2229, "Journal of genetics and genomics = Yi chuan xue bao": 2230, "Journal of geriatric cardiology : JGC": 2231, "Journal of geriatric oncology": 2232, "Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology": 2233, "Journal of gerontological nursing": 2234, "Journal of gerontological social work": 2235, "Journal of ginseng research": 2236, "Journal of glaucoma": 2237, "Journal of global antimicrobial resistance": 2238, "Journal of global health": 2239, "Journal of graduate medical education": 2240, "Journal of gynecologic oncology": 2241, "Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction": 2242, "Journal of hand therapy : official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists": 2243, "Journal of hazardous materials": 2244, "Journal of health care for the poor and underserved": 2245, "Journal of health communication": 2246, "Journal of health economics": 2247, "Journal of health organization and management": 2248, "Journal of health psychology": 2249, "Journal of healthcare engineering": 2250, "Journal of helminthology": 2251, "Journal of hematology & oncology": 2252, "Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences": 2253, "Journal of hepatology": 2254, "Journal of homosexuality": 2255, "Journal of hospital medicine": 2256, "Journal of human evolution": 2257, "Journal of human genetics": 2258, "Journal of human hypertension": 2259, "Journal of human kinetics": 2260, "Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association": 2261, "Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association": 2262, "Journal of human reproductive sciences": 2263, "Journal of hypertension": 2264, "Journal of imaging": 2265, "Journal of immigrant and minority health": 2266, "Journal of immunoassay & immunochemistry": 2267, "Journal of immunological methods": 2268, "Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)": 2269, "Journal of immunology research": 2270, "Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology": 2271, "Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy": 2272, "Journal of infection and public health": 2273, "Journal of infection in developing countries": 2274, "Journal of inflammation research": 2275, "Journal of inherited metabolic disease": 2276, "Journal of inorganic biochemistry": 2277, "Journal of insect physiology": 2278, "Journal of insect science (Online)": 2279, "Journal of integrative medicine": 2280, "Journal of integrative neuroscience": 2281, "Journal of integrative plant biology": 2282, "Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR": 2283, "Journal of intensive care": 2284, "Journal of intensive care medicine": 2285, "Journal of internal medicine": 2286, "Journal of interpersonal violence": 2287, "Journal of interprofessional care": 2288, "Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing": 2289, "Journal of interventional cardiology": 2290, "Journal of invertebrate pathology": 2291, "Journal of investigative medicine high impact case reports": 2292, "Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research": 2293, "Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A": 2294, "Journal of lasers in medical sciences": 2295, "Journal of law and medicine": 2296, "Journal of leukocyte biology": 2297, "Journal of lipid research": 2298, "Journal of lower genital tract disease": 2299, "Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997)": 2300, "Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI": 2301, "Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy": 2302, "Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics": 2303, "Journal of marital and family therapy": 2304, "Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS": 2305, "Journal of materials chemistry. B": 2306, "Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine": 2307, "Journal of mathematical biology": 2308, "Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery": 2309, "Journal of medical Internet research": 2310, "Journal of medical biography": 2311, "Journal of medical case reports": 2312, "Journal of medical economics": 2313, "Journal of medical engineering & technology": 2314, "Journal of medical entomology": 2315, "Journal of medical ethics": 2316, "Journal of medical genetics": 2317, "Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.)": 2318, "Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology": 2319, "Journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences": 2320, "Journal of medical microbiology": 2321, "Journal of medical systems": 2322, "Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001)": 2323, "Journal of medical virology": 2324, "Journal of medicinal chemistry": 2325, "Journal of medicinal food": 2326, "Journal of medicine and life": 2327, "Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)": 2328, "Journal of microbiological methods": 2329, "Journal of microbiology & biology education": 2330, "Journal of microbiology (Seoul, Korea)": 2331, "Journal of microbiology and biotechnology": 2332, "Journal of microbiology, immunology, and infection = Wei mian yu gan ran za zhi": 2333, "Journal of microencapsulation": 2334, "Journal of microscopy": 2335, "Journal of midwifery & women's health": 2336, "Journal of minimal access surgery": 2337, "Journal of minimally invasive gynecology": 2338, "Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology": 2339, "Journal of molecular biology": 2340, "Journal of molecular cell biology": 2341, "Journal of molecular endocrinology": 2342, "Journal of molecular graphics & modelling": 2343, "Journal of molecular histology": 2344, "Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany)": 2345, "Journal of molecular modeling": 2346, "Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN": 2347, "Journal of molecular recognition : JMR": 2348, "Journal of morphology": 2349, "Journal of motor behavior": 2350, "Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare": 2351, "Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions": 2352, "Journal of nanobiotechnology": 2353, "Journal of natural medicines": 2354, "Journal of natural products": 2355, "Journal of nematology": 2356, "Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine": 2357, "Journal of nephrology": 2358, "Journal of neural engineering": 2359, "Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)": 2360, "Journal of neuro-oncology": 2361, "Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society": 2362, "Journal of neurochemistry": 2363, "Journal of neuroendocrinology": 2364, "Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation": 2365, "Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility": 2366, "Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging": 2367, "Journal of neuroimmunology": 2368, "Journal of neuroinflammation": 2369, "Journal of neurointerventional surgery": 2370, "Journal of neurological surgery. Part A, Central European neurosurgery": 2371, "Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base": 2372, "Journal of neurology": 2373, "Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry": 2374, "Journal of neuromuscular diseases": 2375, "Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology": 2376, "Journal of neurophysiology": 2377, "Journal of neuroradiology = Journal de neuroradiologie": 2378, "Journal of neuroscience methods": 2379, "Journal of neuroscience research": 2380, "Journal of neurosciences in rural practice": 2381, "Journal of neurosurgery": 2382, "Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics": 2383, "Journal of neurosurgery. Spine": 2384, "Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology": 2385, "Journal of neurosurgical sciences": 2386, "Journal of neurotrauma": 2387, "Journal of neurovirology": 2388, "Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology": 2389, "Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine": 2390, "Journal of nursing care quality": 2391, "Journal of nursing management": 2392, "Journal of nutrition education and behavior": 2393, "Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology": 2394, "Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN": 2395, "Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology": 2396, "Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada : JOGC = Journal d'obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada : JOGC": 2397, "Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of India": 2398, "Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene": 2399, "Journal of occupational and environmental medicine": 2400, "Journal of occupational health": 2401, "Journal of occupational rehabilitation": 2402, "Journal of oleo science": 2403, "Journal of oncology": 2404, "Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners": 2405, "Journal of ophthalmic & vision research": 2406, "Journal of ophthalmology": 2407, "Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology : JOMFP": 2408, "Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons": 2409, "Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research": 2410, "Journal of oral rehabilitation": 2411, "Journal of oral science": 2412, "Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society": 2413, "Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association": 2414, "Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)": 2415, "Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research": 2416, "Journal of orthopaedic translation": 2417, "Journal of orthopaedic trauma": 2418, "Journal of orthopaedics": 2419, "Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = Le Journal d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale": 2420, "Journal of ovarian research": 2421, "Journal of paediatrics and child health": 2422, "Journal of pain and symptom management": 2423, "Journal of pain research": 2424, "Journal of palliative medicine": 2425, "Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology": 2426, "Journal of pathology and translational medicine": 2427, "Journal of patient safety": 2428, "Journal of patient-reported outcomes": 2429, "Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology": 2430, "Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM": 2431, "Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition": 2432, "Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners": 2433, "Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology": 2434, "Journal of pediatric neurosciences": 2435, "Journal of pediatric nursing": 2436, "Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus": 2437, "Journal of pediatric orthopedics": 2438, "Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B": 2439, "Journal of pediatric psychology": 2440, "Journal of pediatric surgery": 2441, "Journal of pediatric urology": 2442, "Journal of perinatal medicine": 2443, "Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association": 2444, "Journal of periodontal research": 2445, "Journal of periodontology": 2446, "Journal of personality": 2447, "Journal of personality and social psychology": 2448, "Journal of personality assessment": 2449, "Journal of personality disorders": 2450, "Journal of personalized medicine": 2451, "Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis": 2452, "Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice": 2453, "Journal of pharmaceutical sciences": 2454, "Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics": 2455, "Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods": 2456, "Journal of pharmacological sciences": 2457, "Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences": 2458, "Journal of pharmacy practice": 2459, "Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology": 2460, "Journal of phycology": 2461, "Journal of physical activity & health": 2462, "Journal of physiology and biochemistry": 2463, "Journal of pineal research": 2464, "Journal of plant physiology": 2465, "Journal of plant research": 2466, "Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery": 2467, "Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS": 2468, "Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene": 2469, "Journal of primary care & community health": 2470, "Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing": 2471, "Journal of prosthodontic research": 2472, "Journal of proteome research": 2473, "Journal of proteomics": 2474, "Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing": 2475, "Journal of psychiatric practice": 2476, "Journal of psychiatric research": 2477, "Journal of psychoactive drugs": 2478, "Journal of psycholinguistic research": 2479, "Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)": 2480, "Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services": 2481, "Journal of psychosocial oncology": 2482, "Journal of psychosomatic research": 2483, "Journal of public health (Oxford, England)": 2484, "Journal of public health dentistry": 2485, "Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP": 2486, "Journal of public health research": 2487, "Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities": 2488, "Journal of radiation research": 2489, "Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection": 2490, "Journal of receptor and signal transduction research": 2491, "Journal of reconstructive microsurgery": 2492, "Journal of refractive surgery (Thorofare, N.J. : 1995)": 2493, "Journal of rehabilitation medicine": 2494, "Journal of religion and health": 2495, "Journal of reproductive immunology": 2496, "Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences": 2497, "Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence": 2498, "Journal of robotic surgery": 2499, "Journal of safety research": 2500, "Journal of science and medicine in sport": 2501, "Journal of separation science": 2502, "Journal of sex & marital therapy": 2503, "Journal of sex research": 2504, "Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery": 2505, "Journal of sleep research": 2506, "Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals": 2507, "Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR": 2508, "Journal of spine surgery (Hong Kong)": 2509, "Journal of sport and health science": 2510, "Journal of sport rehabilitation": 2511, "Journal of sports science & medicine": 2512, "Journal of sports sciences": 2513, "Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery": 2514, "Journal of strength and conditioning research": 2515, "Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association": 2516, "Journal of structural biology": 2517, "Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs": 2518, "Journal of substance abuse treatment": 2519, "Journal of surgical case reports": 2520, "Journal of surgical education": 2521, "Journal of surgical oncology": 2522, "Journal of synchrotron radiation": 2523, "Journal of telemedicine and telecare": 2524, "Journal of texture studies": 2525, "Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics": 2526, "Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)": 2527, "Journal of the American Academy of Audiology": 2528, "Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry": 2529, "Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology": 2530, "Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS": 2531, "Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners": 2532, "Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM": 2533, "Journal of the American Chemical Society": 2534, "Journal of the American College of Cardiology": 2535, "Journal of the American College of Nutrition": 2536, "Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR": 2537, "Journal of the American College of Surgeons": 2538, "Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)": 2539, "Journal of the American Geriatrics Society": 2540, "Journal of the American Heart Association": 2541, "Journal of the American Medical Directors Association": 2542, "Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA": 2543, "Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA": 2544, "Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association": 2545, "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry": 2546, "Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology": 2547, "Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography": 2548, "Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN": 2549, "Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association": 2550, "Journal of the Chinese Medical Association : JCMA": 2551, "Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP": 2552, "Journal of the Endocrine Society": 2553, "Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV": 2554, "Journal of the Formosan Medical Association = Taiwan yi zhi": 2555, "Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry": 2556, "Journal of the International AIDS Society": 2557, "Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care": 2558, "Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS": 2559, "Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition": 2560, "Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons": 2561, "Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA": 2562, "Journal of the National Cancer Institute": 2563, "Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN": 2564, "Journal of the National Medical Association": 2565, "Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision": 2566, "Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society": 2567, "Journal of the Royal Society, Interface": 2568, "Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior": 2569, "Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials": 2570, "Journal of the neurological sciences": 2571, "Journal of the science of food and agriculture": 2572, "Journal of theoretical biology": 2573, "Journal of thermal biology": 2574, "Journal of thoracic disease": 2575, "Journal of thoracic imaging": 2576, "Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer": 2577, "Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH": 2578, "Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis": 2579, "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine": 2580, "Journal of tissue viability": 2581, "Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A": 2582, "Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan": 2583, "Journal of translational medicine": 2584, "Journal of traumatic stress": 2585, "Journal of travel medicine": 2586, "Journal of tropical pediatrics": 2587, "Journal of ultrasound": 2588, "Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine": 2589, "Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine": 2590, "Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR": 2591, "Journal of vascular surgery": 2592, "Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques": 2593, "Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders": 2594, "Journal of veterinary cardiology : the official journal of the European Society of Veterinary Cardiology": 2595, "Journal of veterinary emergency and critical care (San Antonio, Tex. : 2001)": 2596, "Journal of veterinary internal medicine": 2597, "Journal of veterinary medical education": 2598, "Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics": 2599, "Journal of veterinary science": 2600, "Journal of viral hepatitis": 2601, "Journal of virological methods": 2602, "Journal of virology": 2603, "Journal of visceral surgery": 2604, "Journal of vision": 2605, "Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE": 2606, "Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation": 2607, "Journal of water and health": 2608, "Journal of wildlife diseases": 2609, "Journal of women & aging": 2610, "Journal of women's health (2002)": 2611, "Journal of wound care": 2612, "Journal of wrist surgery": 2613, "Journal of youth and adolescence": 2614, "Journal, genetic engineering & biotechnology": 2615, "Kardiologia polska": 2616, "Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ)": 2617, "Kidney & blood pressure research": 2618, "Kidney international": 2619, "Kidney international reports": 2620, "Klinicka onkologie : casopis Ceske a Slovenske onkologicke spolecnosti": 2621, "Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA": 2622, "Korean circulation journal": 2623, "Korean journal of anesthesiology": 2624, "Korean journal of family medicine": 2625, "Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO": 2626, "Korean journal of radiology": 2627, "LGBT health": 2628, "La Clinica terapeutica": 2629, "La Radiologia medica": 2630, "La Tunisie medicale": 2631, "Lab on a chip": 2632, "Laboratory animals": 2633, "Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology": 2634, "Laboratory medicine": 2635, "Lancet (London, England)": 2636, "Langenbeck's archives of surgery": 2637, "Language, speech, and hearing services in schools": 2638, "Lasers in medical science": 2639, "Lasers in surgery and medicine": 2640, "Le infezioni in medicina": 2641, "Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)": 2642, "Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)": 2643, "Letters in applied microbiology": 2644, "Leukemia": 2645, "Leukemia & lymphoma": 2646, "Leukemia research": 2647, "Life (Basel, Switzerland)": 2648, "Life science alliance": 2649, "Life sciences": 2650, "Light, science & applications": 2651, "Lipids": 2652, "Lipids in health and disease": 2653, "Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver": 2654, "Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society": 2655, "Lower urinary tract symptoms": 2656, "Lung": 2657, "Lung India : official organ of Indian Chest Society": 2658, "Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 2659, "Lupus": 2660, "Lymphatic research and biology": 2661, "MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report": 2662, "Macromolecular bioscience": 2663, "Macromolecular rapid communications": 2664, "Magnetic resonance imaging": 2665, "Magnetic resonance in chemistry : MRC": 2666, "Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine": 2667, "Magnetic resonance in medicine": 2668, "Malaria journal": 2669, "Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society": 2670, "Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)": 2671, "Marine drugs": 2672, "Marine environmental research": 2673, "Marine genomics": 2674, "Marine pollution bulletin": 2675, "Materials (Basel, Switzerland)": 2676, "Maternal & child nutrition": 2677, "Maternal and child health journal": 2678, "Mathematical biosciences": 2679, "Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE": 2680, "Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology": 2681, "Maturitas": 2682, "Mayo Clinic proceedings": 2683, "Meat science": 2684, "Mechanisms of ageing and development": 2685, "MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources": 2686, "Mediators of inflammation": 2687, "Medical & biological engineering & computing": 2688, "Medical and veterinary entomology": 2689, "Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)": 2690, "Medical care": 2691, "Medical care research and review : MCRR": 2692, "Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making": 2693, "Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists": 2694, "Medical education": 2695, "Medical education online": 2696, "Medical engineering & physics": 2697, "Medical humanities": 2698, "Medical hypotheses": 2699, "Medical image analysis": 2700, "Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran": 2701, "Medical journal, Armed Forces India": 2702, "Medical mycology": 2703, "Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England)": 2704, "Medical physics": 2705, "Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre": 2706, "Medical science educator": 2707, "Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research": 2708, "Medical teacher": 2709, "Medical ultrasonography": 2710, "Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)": 2711, "Medicina clinica": 2712, "Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal": 2713, "Medicinal chemistry (Shariqah (United Arab Emirates))": 2714, "Medicinal research reviews": 2715, "Medicine": 2716, "Medicine and science in sports and exercise": 2717, "Medicine, health care, and philosophy": 2718, "Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina": 2719, "Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases": 2720, "Melanoma research": 2721, "Membranes": 2722, "Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz": 2723, "Memory & cognition": 2724, "Memory (Hove, England)": 2725, "Menopause (New York, N.Y.)": 2726, "Metabolic brain disease": 2727, "Metabolic engineering": 2728, "Metabolic syndrome and related disorders": 2729, "Metabolism: clinical and experimental": 2730, "Metabolites": 2731, "Methods (San Diego, Calif.)": 2732, "Methods and applications in fluorescence": 2733, "Methods in cell biology": 2734, "Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)": 2735, "MethodsX": 2736, "Microbes and environments": 2737, "Microbes and infection": 2738, "Microbial biotechnology": 2739, "Microbial cell factories": 2740, "Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.)": 2741, "Microbial ecology": 2742, "Microbial genomics": 2743, "Microbial pathogenesis": 2744, "Microbiological research": 2745, "Microbiology and immunology": 2746, "Microbiology spectrum": 2747, "MicrobiologyOpen": 2748, "Microbiome": 2749, "Microcirculation (New York, N.Y. : 1994)": 2750, "Micromachines": 2751, "Micron (Oxford, England : 1993)": 2752, "Microorganisms": 2753, "Microscopy (Oxford, England)": 2754, "Microscopy research and technique": 2755, "Microsurgery": 2756, "Microvascular research": 2757, "Midwifery": 2758, "Mikrochimica acta": 2759, "Military medicine": 2760, "Minerva anestesiologica": 2761, "Minerva cardioangiologica": 2762, "Minerva pediatrica": 2763, "Minerva urologica e nefrologica = The Italian journal of urology and nephrology": 2764, "Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry": 2765, "Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy": 2766, "Mitochondrial DNA. Part A, DNA mapping, sequencing, and analysis": 2767, "Mitochondrial DNA. Part B, Resources": 2768, "Mitochondrion": 2769, "Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc": 2770, "Modern rheumatology": 2771, "Molecular & cellular oncology": 2772, "Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP": 2773, "Molecular and biochemical parasitology": 2774, "Molecular and cellular biochemistry": 2775, "Molecular and cellular biology": 2776, "Molecular and cellular endocrinology": 2777, "Molecular and cellular neurosciences": 2778, "Molecular and cellular probes": 2779, "Molecular and clinical oncology": 2780, "Molecular aspects of medicine": 2781, "Molecular autism": 2782, "Molecular biology and evolution": 2783, "Molecular biology of the cell": 2784, "Molecular biology reports": 2785, "Molecular biotechnology": 2786, "Molecular brain": 2787, "Molecular cancer": 2788, "Molecular cancer research : MCR": 2789, "Molecular cancer therapeutics": 2790, "Molecular carcinogenesis": 2791, "Molecular cell": 2792, "Molecular cytogenetics": 2793, "Molecular diversity": 2794, "Molecular ecology": 2795, "Molecular ecology resources": 2796, "Molecular genetics & genomic medicine": 2797, "Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG": 2798, "Molecular genetics and metabolism": 2799, "Molecular genetics and metabolism reports": 2800, "Molecular human reproduction": 2801, "Molecular imaging and biology": 2802, "Molecular immunology": 2803, "Molecular informatics": 2804, "Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.)": 2805, "Molecular medicine reports": 2806, "Molecular metabolism": 2807, "Molecular microbiology": 2808, "Molecular neurobiology": 2809, "Molecular neurodegeneration": 2810, "Molecular nutrition & food research": 2811, "Molecular oncology": 2812, "Molecular pain": 2813, "Molecular pharmaceutics": 2814, "Molecular pharmacology": 2815, "Molecular phylogenetics and evolution": 2816, "Molecular plant": 2817, "Molecular plant pathology": 2818, "Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI": 2819, "Molecular psychiatry": 2820, "Molecular reproduction and development": 2821, "Molecular systems biology": 2822, "Molecular therapy oncolytics": 2823, "Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development": 2824, "Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids": 2825, "Molecular vision": 2826, "Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)": 2827, "Molecules and cells": 2828, "Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace": 2829, "Movement disorders clinical practice": 2830, "Mucosal immunology": 2831, "Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)": 2832, "Multiple sclerosis and related disorders": 2833, "Multivariate behavioral research": 2834, "Muscle & nerve": 2835, "Musculoskeletal care": 2836, "Musculoskeletal science & practice": 2837, "Musculoskeletal surgery": 2838, "Mutagenesis": 2839, "Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis": 2840, "Mycologia": 2841, "Mycopathologia": 2842, "Mycorrhiza": 2843, "Mycoses": 2844, "NMR in biomedicine": 2845, "Nagoya journal of medical science": 2846, "Nano letters": 2847, "Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland)": 2848, "Nanomedicine (London, England)": 2849, "Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine": 2850, "Nanoscale": 2851, "Nanoscale research letters": 2852, "Nanotechnology": 2853, "Nanotoxicology": 2854, "Natural product communications": 2855, "Natural product reports": 2856, "Natural product research": 2857, "Nature": 2858, "Nature and science of sleep": 2859, "Nature biomedical engineering": 2860, "Nature biotechnology": 2861, "Nature cell biology": 2862, "Nature chemical biology": 2863, "Nature chemistry": 2864, "Nature communications": 2865, "Nature ecology & evolution": 2866, "Nature genetics": 2867, "Nature human behaviour": 2868, "Nature immunology": 2869, "Nature materials": 2870, "Nature medicine": 2871, "Nature methods": 2872, "Nature microbiology": 2873, "Nature nanotechnology": 2874, "Nature neuroscience": 2875, "Nature protocols": 2876, "Nature reviews. Cancer": 2877, "Nature reviews. Cardiology": 2878, "Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology": 2879, "Nature reviews. Genetics": 2880, "Nature reviews. Immunology": 2881, "Nature reviews. Microbiology": 2882, "Nature reviews. Neuroscience": 2883, "Nature reviews. Rheumatology": 2884, "Nature structural & molecular biology": 2885, "Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology": 2886, "Neonatology": 2887, "Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.)": 2888, "Neoplasma": 2889, "Neotropical entomology": 2890, "Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)": 2891, "Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association": 2892, "Nephron": 2893, "Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation": 2894, "Neural computation": 2895, "Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society": 2896, "Neural plasticity": 2897, "Neural regeneration research": 2898, "Neuro endocrinology letters": 2899, "Neuro-Chirurgie": 2900, "Neuro-oncology": 2901, "Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press)": 2902, "NeuroImage": 2903, "NeuroImage. Clinical": 2904, "NeuroRehabilitation": 2905, "Neurobiology of aging": 2906, "Neurobiology of disease": 2907, "Neurobiology of learning and memory": 2908, "Neurobiology of stress": 2909, "Neurocase": 2910, "Neurochemical research": 2911, "Neurochemistry international": 2912, "Neurocritical care": 2913, "Neuroendocrinology": 2914, "Neuroepidemiology": 2915, "Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska": 2916, "Neurologia medico-chirurgica": 2917, "Neurologic clinics": 2918, "Neurological research": 2919, "Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology": 2920, "Neurology": 2921, "Neurology India": 2922, "Neurology. Clinical practice": 2923, "Neurology. Genetics": 2924, "Neuromolecular medicine": 2925, "Neuromuscular disorders : NMD": 2926, "Neuron": 2927, "Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology": 2928, "Neuropathology and applied neurobiology": 2929, "Neuropediatrics": 2930, "Neuropeptides": 2931, "Neuropharmacology": 2932, "Neurophotonics": 2933, "Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment": 2934, "Neuropsychologia": 2935, "Neuropsychological rehabilitation": 2936, "Neuropsychology": 2937, "Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition": 2938, "Neuroradiology": 2939, "Neurorehabilitation and neural repair": 2940, "Neuroreport": 2941, "Neuroscience": 2942, "Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews": 2943, "Neuroscience bulletin": 2944, "Neuroscience letters": 2945, "Neuroscience research": 2946, "Neurosurgery": 2947, "Neurosurgery clinics of North America": 2948, "Neurosurgical focus": 2949, "Neurosurgical review": 2950, "Neurotoxicity research": 2951, "Neurotoxicology": 2952, "Neurotoxicology and teratology": 2953, "Neurourology and urodynamics": 2954, "New Zealand veterinary journal": 2955, "New biotechnology": 2956, "Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco": 2957, "Nigerian journal of clinical practice": 2958, "Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry": 2959, "Nordic journal of psychiatry": 2960, "Noro psikiyatri arsivi": 2961, "Nuclear medicine and biology": 2962, "Nuclear medicine communications": 2963, "Nucleic acids research": 2964, "Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids": 2965, "Nurse education in practice": 2966, "Nurse education today": 2967, "Nurse educator": 2968, "Nursing & health sciences": 2969, "Nursing education perspectives": 2970, "Nursing ethics": 2971, "Nursing forum": 2972, "Nursing inquiry": 2973, "Nursing open": 2974, "Nursing outlook": 2975, "Nursing research": 2976, "Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)": 2977, "Nutricion hospitalaria": 2978, "Nutrients": 2979, "Nutrition & metabolism": 2980, "Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)": 2981, "Nutrition and cancer": 2982, "Nutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition": 2983, "Nutrition journal": 2984, "Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.)": 2985, "Nutrition research and practice": 2986, "Nutrition reviews": 2987, "Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD": 2988, "Nutritional neuroscience": 2989, "ORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related specialties": 2990, "Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)": 2991, "Obesity facts": 2992, "Obesity research & clinical practice": 2993, "Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity": 2994, "Obesity science & practice": 2995, "Obesity surgery": 2996, "Obstetrics & gynecology science": 2997, "Obstetrics and gynecology": 2998, "Occupational and environmental medicine": 2999, "Occupational medicine (Oxford, England)": 3000, "Ocular immunology and inflammation": 3001, "Ocular oncology and pathology": 3002, "Oecologia": 3003, "Oman medical journal": 3004, "Omega": 3005, "Omics : a journal of integrative biology": 3006, "OncoTargets and therapy": 3007, "Oncogene": 3008, "Oncogenesis": 3009, "Oncoimmunology": 3010, "Oncology letters": 3011, "Oncology nursing forum": 3012, "Oncology reports": 3013, "Oncology research": 3014, "Oncology research and treatment": 3015, "Oncotarget": 3016, "Open biology": 3017, "Open forum infectious diseases": 3018, "Open heart": 3019, "Open medicine (Warsaw, Poland)": 3020, "Open veterinary journal": 3021, "Operative dentistry": 3022, "Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.)": 3023, "Ophthalmic epidemiology": 3024, "Ophthalmic genetics": 3025, "Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery": 3026, "Ophthalmic research": 3027, "Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging retina": 3028, "Ophthalmology": 3029, "Ophthalmology and therapy": 3030, "Ophthalmology. Retina": 3031, "Optics express": 3032, "Optics letters": 3033, "Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry": 3034, "Oral and maxillofacial surgery": 3035, "Oral diseases": 3036, "Oral health & preventive dentistry": 3037, "Oral oncology": 3038, "Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology": 3039, "Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 3040, "Organic & biomolecular chemistry": 3041, "Organic letters": 3042, "Orphanet journal of rare diseases": 3043, "Orthodontics & craniofacial research": 3044, "Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine": 3045, "Orthopaedic surgery": 3046, "Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR": 3047, "Orthopedics": 3048, "Osong public health and research perspectives": 3049, "Osteoarthritis and cartilage": 3050, "Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA": 3051, "Otolaryngologic clinics of North America": 3052, "Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery": 3053, "Oxford medical case reports": 3054, "Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity": 3055, "PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology": 3056, "PLoS biology": 3057, "PLoS computational biology": 3058, "PLoS genetics": 3059, "PLoS medicine": 3060, "PLoS neglected tropical diseases": 3061, "PLoS pathogens": 3062, "Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE": 3063, "Paediatric anaesthesia": 3064, "Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology": 3065, "Paediatric drugs": 3066, "Paediatric respiratory reviews": 3067, "Paediatrics & child health": 3068, "Pain": 3069, "Pain management": 3070, "Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.)": 3071, "Pain physician": 3072, "Pain reports": 3073, "Pain research & management": 3074, "Pakistan journal of biological sciences : PJBS": 3075, "Pakistan journal of medical sciences": 3076, "Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences": 3077, "Palliative & supportive care": 3078, "Palliative medicine": 3079, "Pancreas": 3080, "Parasite (Paris, France)": 3081, "Parasite immunology": 3082, "Parasites & vectors": 3083, "Parasitology": 3084, "Parasitology international": 3085, "Parasitology research": 3086, "Parkinson's disease": 3087, "Parkinsonism & related disorders": 3088, "Particle and fibre toxicology": 3089, "Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)": 3090, "Pathogens and disease": 3091, "Pathology": 3092, "Pathology international": 3093, "Pathology oncology research : POR": 3094, "Pathology, research and practice": 3095, "Patient education and counseling": 3096, "Patient preference and adherence": 3097, "Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society": 3098, "Pediatric annals": 3099, "Pediatric blood & cancer": 3100, "Pediatric cardiology": 3101, "Pediatric clinics of North America": 3102, "Pediatric dermatology": 3103, "Pediatric diabetes": 3104, "Pediatric emergency care": 3105, "Pediatric exercise science": 3106, "Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition": 3107, "Pediatric hematology and oncology": 3108, "Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)": 3109, "Pediatric neurology": 3110, "Pediatric neurosurgery": 3111, "Pediatric obesity": 3112, "Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association": 3113, "Pediatric pulmonology": 3114, "Pediatric radiology": 3115, "Pediatric research": 3116, "Pediatric rheumatology online journal": 3117, "Pediatric surgery international": 3118, "Pediatric transplantation": 3119, "Pediatrics": 3120, "Pediatrics and neonatology": 3121, "Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society": 3122, "PeerJ": 3123, "Peptides": 3124, "Perception": 3125, "Perceptual and motor skills": 3126, "Perfusion": 3127, "Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis": 3128, "Personality & social psychology bulletin": 3129, "Personality disorders": 3130, "Perspectives in psychiatric care": 3131, "Perspectives on medical education": 3132, "Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science": 3133, "Pest management science": 3134, "Pesticide biochemistry and physiology": 3135, "Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology": 3136, "Pharmaceutical biology": 3137, "Pharmaceutical development and technology": 3138, "Pharmaceutical research": 3139, "Pharmaceutical statistics": 3140, "Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)": 3141, "Pharmaceutics": 3142, "PharmacoEconomics": 3143, "Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety": 3144, "Pharmacogenomics": 3145, "Pharmacological reports : PR": 3146, "Pharmacological research": 3147, "Pharmacology": 3148, "Pharmacology & therapeutics": 3149, "Pharmacology research & perspectives": 3150, "Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior": 3151, "Pharmacotherapy": 3152, "Pharmacy practice": 3153, "Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences": 3154, "Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences": 3155, "Phlebology": 3156, "Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology": 3157, "Photochemistry and photobiology": 3158, "Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine": 3159, "Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy": 3160, "Photosynthesis research": 3161, "Physical biology": 3162, "Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP": 3163, "Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America": 3164, "Physical review letters": 3165, "Physical review. E": 3166, "Physical therapy": 3167, "Physics in medicine and biology": 3168, "Physiologia plantarum": 3169, "Physiological genomics": 3170, "Physiological measurement": 3171, "Physiological reports": 3172, "Physiological research": 3173, "Physiology & behavior": 3174, "Physiotherapy": 3175, "Physiotherapy theory and practice": 3176, "PhytoKeys": 3177, "Phytochemical analysis : PCA": 3178, "Phytochemistry": 3179, "Phytopathology": 3180, "Phytotherapy research : PTR": 3181, "Pigment cell & melanoma research": 3182, "Pilot and feasibility studies": 3183, "Pituitary": 3184, "Placenta": 3185, "Plant & cell physiology": 3186, "Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)": 3187, "Plant biotechnology journal": 3188, "Plant cell reports": 3189, "Plant disease": 3190, "Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)": 3191, "Plant methods": 3192, "Plant molecular biology": 3193, "Plant physiology": 3194, "Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB": 3195, "Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology": 3196, "Plant signaling & behavior": 3197, "Plant, cell & environment": 3198, "Planta": 3199, "Planta medica": 3200, "Plants (Basel, Switzerland)": 3201, "Plastic and reconstructive surgery": 3202, "Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open": 3203, "Platelets": 3204, "PloS one": 3205, "Polish archives of internal medicine": 3206, "Polish journal of radiology": 3207, "Polish journal of veterinary sciences": 3208, "Polymers": 3209, "Population health management": 3210, "Postepy dermatologii i alergologii": 3211, "Postgraduate medical journal": 3212, "Postgraduate medicine": 3213, "Poultry science": 3214, "Practical neurology": 3215, "Practical radiation oncology": 3216, "Pregnancy hypertension": 3217, "Prehospital and disaster medicine": 3218, "Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors": 3219, "Prenatal diagnosis": 3220, "Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology": 3221, "Preventing chronic disease": 3222, "Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research": 3223, "Preventive medicine": 3224, "Preventive medicine reports": 3225, "Preventive nutrition and food science": 3226, "Preventive veterinary medicine": 3227, "Primary care diabetes": 3228, "Primary health care research & development": 3229, "Primates; journal of primatology": 3230, "Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins": 3231, "Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center)": 3232, "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine": 3233, "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America": 3234, "Proceedings. Biological sciences": 3235, "Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences": 3236, "Progress in biophysics and molecular biology": 3237, "Progress in brain research": 3238, "Progress in cardiovascular diseases": 3239, "Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry": 3240, "Progress in neurobiology": 3241, "Progress in retinal and eye research": 3242, "Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.)": 3243, "Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators": 3244, "Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids": 3245, "Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases": 3246, "Prosthetics and orthotics international": 3247, "Protein & cell": 3248, "Protein and peptide letters": 3249, "Protein expression and purification": 3250, "Proteins": 3251, "Proteomics": 3252, "Proteomics. Clinical applications": 3253, "Protoplasma": 3254, "Przeglad epidemiologiczny": 3255, "Psicothema": 3256, "Psychiatria Danubina": 3257, "Psychiatria polska": 3258, "Psychiatric rehabilitation journal": 3259, "Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)": 3260, "Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences": 3261, "Psychiatry investigation": 3262, "Psychiatry research": 3263, "Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging": 3264, "Psycho-oncology": 3265, "Psychological assessment": 3266, "Psychological medicine": 3267, "Psychological methods": 3268, "Psychological reports": 3269, "Psychological research": 3270, "Psychological science": 3271, "Psychological services": 3272, "Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy": 3273, "Psychology & health": 3274, "Psychology and aging": 3275, "Psychology research and behavior management": 3276, "Psychology, health & medicine": 3277, "Psychometrika": 3278, "Psychoneuroendocrinology": 3279, "Psychonomic bulletin & review": 3280, "Psychopharmacology": 3281, "Psychophysiology": 3282, "Psychosomatic medicine": 3283, "Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)": 3284, "Public health": 3285, "Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)": 3286, "Public health nutrition": 3287, "Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)": 3288, "Public understanding of science (Bristol, England)": 3289, "Pulmonary circulation": 3290, "Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics": 3291, "QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians": 3292, "Qualitative health research": 3293, "Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation": 3294, "Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery": 3295, "Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)": 3296, "Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985)": 3297, "RMD open": 3298, "RNA (New York, N.Y.)": 3299, "RNA biology": 3300, "Radiation and environmental biophysics": 3301, "Radiation oncology (London, England)": 3302, "Radiation protection dosimetry": 3303, "Radiation research": 3304, "Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc": 3305, "Radiography (London, England : 1995)": 3306, "Radiologic clinics of North America": 3307, "Radiology": 3308, "Radiology and oncology": 3309, "Radiology case reports": 3310, "Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology": 3311, "Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM": 3312, "Redox biology": 3313, "Regenerative medicine": 3314, "Regenerative therapy": 3315, "Regional anesthesia and pain medicine": 3316, "Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP": 3317, "Rehabilitation psychology": 3318, "Renal failure": 3319, "Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)": 3320, "Reproduction (Cambridge, England)": 3321, "Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene": 3322, "Reproduction, fertility, and development": 3323, "Reproductive biology": 3324, "Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E": 3325, "Reproductive biomedicine online": 3326, "Reproductive health": 3327, "Reproductive medicine and biology": 3328, "Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)": 3329, "Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.)": 3330, "Research in developmental disabilities": 3331, "Research in microbiology": 3332, "Research in nursing & health": 3333, "Research in pharmaceutical sciences": 3334, "Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP": 3335, "Research in sports medicine (Print)": 3336, "Research in veterinary science": 3337, "Research quarterly for exercise and sport": 3338, "Research synthesis methods": 3339, "Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases": 3340, "Respiratory care": 3341, "Respiratory investigation": 3342, "Respiratory medicine": 3343, "Respiratory medicine case reports": 3344, "Respiratory physiology & neurobiology": 3345, "Respiratory research": 3346, "Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)": 3347, "Respirology case reports": 3348, "Restorative neurology and neuroscience": 3349, "Resuscitation": 3350, "Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.)": 3351, "Retinal cases & brief reports": 3352, "Retrovirology": 3353, "Reumatologia": 3354, "Reviews in cardiovascular medicine": 3355, "Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders": 3356, "Reviews in medical virology": 3357, "Reviews in the neurosciences": 3358, "Reviews on environmental health": 3359, "Revista brasileira de enfermagem": 3360, "Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricia : revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia": 3361, "Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinaria = Brazilian journal of veterinary parasitology : Orgao Oficial do Colegio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria": 3362, "Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999)": 3363, "Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992)": 3364, "Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical": 3365, "Revista de saude publica": 3366, "Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo": 3367, "Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva": 3368, "Revista gaucha de enfermagem": 3369, "Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health": 3370, "Revue neurologique": 3371, "Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics)": 3372, "Rheumatology (Oxford, England)": 3373, "Rheumatology international": 3374, "Rhinology": 3375, "Rice (New York, N.Y.)": 3376, "Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis": 3377, "Risk management and healthcare policy": 3378, "RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin": 3379, "Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie": 3380, "Royal Society open science": 3381, "Rural and remote health": 3382, "SAGE open medicine": 3383, "SAR and QSAR in environmental research": 3384, "SICOT-J": 3385, "SLAS technology": 3386, "SSM - population health": 3387, "Safety and health at work": 3388, "Sao Paulo medical journal = Revista paulista de medicina": 3389, "Saudi journal of anaesthesia": 3390, "Saudi journal of biological sciences": 3391, "Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association": 3392, "Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia": 3393, "Saudi journal of ophthalmology : official journal of the Saudi Ophthalmological Society": 3394, "Saudi medical journal": 3395, "Saudi pharmaceutical journal : SPJ : the official publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society": 3396, "Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ": 3397, "Scandinavian journal of caring sciences": 3398, "Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation": 3399, "Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology": 3400, "Scandinavian journal of immunology": 3401, "Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports": 3402, "Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy": 3403, "Scandinavian journal of pain": 3404, "Scandinavian journal of primary health care": 3405, "Scandinavian journal of psychology": 3406, "Scandinavian journal of public health": 3407, "Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine": 3408, "Scandinavian journal of urology": 3409, "Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health": 3410, "Schizophrenia bulletin": 3411, "Schizophrenia research": 3412, "Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society": 3413, "Science (New York, N.Y.)": 3414, "Science China. Life sciences": 3415, "Science advances": 3416, "Science and engineering ethics": 3417, "Science and technology of advanced materials": 3418, "Science progress": 3419, "Science signaling": 3420, "Science translational medicine": 3421, "Scientific data": 3422, "Scientific reports": 3423, "Scientifica": 3424, "Seizure": 3425, "Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism": 3426, "Seminars in cancer biology": 3427, "Seminars in cell & developmental biology": 3428, "Seminars in dialysis": 3429, "Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicine": 3430, "Seminars in immunology": 3431, "Seminars in immunopathology": 3432, "Seminars in interventional radiology": 3433, "Seminars in nephrology": 3434, "Seminars in neurology": 3435, "Seminars in nuclear medicine": 3436, "Seminars in oncology nursing": 3437, "Seminars in ophthalmology": 3438, "Seminars in pediatric surgery": 3439, "Seminars in perinatology": 3440, "Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine": 3441, "Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery": 3442, "Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis": 3443, "Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)": 3444, "Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives": 3445, "Sexual health": 3446, "Sexual medicine": 3447, "Sexual medicine reviews": 3448, "Sexually transmitted diseases": 3449, "Sexually transmitted infections": 3450, "Shock (Augusta, Ga.)": 3451, "Signal transduction and targeted therapy": 3452, "Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare": 3453, "Singapore medical journal": 3454, "Skeletal radiology": 3455, "Skin appendage disorders": 3456, "Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)": 3457, "Skinmed": 3458, "Sleep": 3459, "Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung": 3460, "Sleep health": 3461, "Sleep medicine": 3462, "Sleep medicine reviews": 3463, "Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)": 3464, "Small methods": 3465, "Social cognitive and affective neuroscience": 3466, "Social neuroscience": 3467, "Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology": 3468, "Social science & medicine (1982)": 3469, "Social science research": 3470, "Social work in health care": 3471, "Social work in public health": 3472, "Sociology of health & illness": 3473, "Soft matter": 3474, "Soft robotics": 3475, "South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde": 3476, "South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association": 3477, "Southern medical journal": 3478, "Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy": 3479, "Spinal cord": 3480, "Spinal cord series and cases": 3481, "Spine": 3482, "Spine deformity": 3483, "Sports biomechanics": 3484, "Sports health": 3485, "Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.)": 3486, "Sports medicine - open": 3487, "Statistical methods in medical research": 3488, "Statistics in medicine": 3489, "Stem cell reports": 3490, "Stem cell research": 3491, "Stem cell research & therapy": 3492, "Stem cell reviews and reports": 3493, "Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)": 3494, "Stem cells and development": 3495, "Stem cells international": 3496, "Stem cells translational medicine": 3497, "Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery": 3498, "Steroids": 3499, "Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]": 3500, "Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands)": 3501, "Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress": 3502, "Stroke": 3503, "Structure (London, England : 1993)": 3504, "Studies in health technology and informatics": 3505, "Studies in history and philosophy of science": 3506, "Substance abuse": 3507, "Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy": 3508, "Substance use & misuse": 3509, "Suicide & life-threatening behavior": 3510, "Sultan Qaboos University medical journal": 3511, "Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer": 3512, "Surgery": 3513, "Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery": 3514, "Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA": 3515, "Surgical endoscopy": 3516, "Surgical infections": 3517, "Surgical innovation": 3518, "Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques": 3519, "Surgical neurology international": 3520, "Surgical oncology": 3521, "Surgical technology international": 3522, "Survey of ophthalmology": 3523, "Swiss medical weekly": 3524, "Systematic and applied microbiology": 3525, "Systematic biology": 3526, "Systematic parasitology": 3527, "Systematic reviews": 3528, "TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik": 3529, "Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology": 3530, "Talanta": 3531, "Targeted oncology": 3532, "Techniques in coloproctology": 3533, "Technology in cancer research & treatment": 3534, "Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association": 3535, "Texas Heart Institute journal": 3536, "The AAPS journal": 3537, "The American Journal of dermatopathology": 3538, "The American journal of Chinese medicine": 3539, "The American journal of cardiology": 3540, "The American journal of case reports": 3541, "The American journal of clinical nutrition": 3542, "The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse": 3543, "The American journal of emergency medicine": 3544, "The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology": 3545, "The American journal of gastroenterology": 3546, "The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry": 3547, "The American journal of hospice & palliative care": 3548, "The American journal of managed care": 3549, "The American journal of medicine": 3550, "The American journal of nursing": 3551, "The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association": 3552, "The American journal of orthopsychiatry": 3553, "The American journal of pathology": 3554, "The American journal of psychiatry": 3555, "The American journal of sports medicine": 3556, "The American journal of surgical pathology": 3557, "The American journal of the medical sciences": 3558, "The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene": 3559, "The American journal on addictions": 3560, "The American naturalist": 3561, "The American psychologist": 3562, "The American surgeon": 3563, "The Angle orthodontist": 3564, "The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology": 3565, "The Annals of pharmacotherapy": 3566, "The Annals of thoracic surgery": 3567, "The Australasian journal of dermatology": 3568, "The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology": 3569, "The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry": 3570, "The Australian journal of rural health": 3571, "The Biochemical journal": 3572, "The British journal of dermatology": 3573, "The British journal of educational psychology": 3574, "The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners": 3575, "The British journal of nutrition": 3576, "The British journal of ophthalmology": 3577, "The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery": 3578, "The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science": 3579, "The British journal of radiology": 3580, "The British journal of social psychology": 3581, "The British journal of sociology": 3582, "The British journal of surgery": 3583, "The Canadian journal of cardiology": 3584, "The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses et de la microbiologie medicale": 3585, "The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques": 3586, "The Canadian journal of urology": 3587, "The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne": 3588, "The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association": 3589, "The Clinical journal of pain": 3590, "The Clinical neuropsychologist": 3591, "The Cochrane database of systematic reviews": 3592, "The EMBO journal": 3593, "The Egyptian heart journal : (EHJ) : official bulletin of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology": 3594, "The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care : the official journal of the European Society of Contraception": 3595, "The European journal of health economics : HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care": 3596, "The European journal of neuroscience": 3597, "The European respiratory journal": 3598, "The FEBS journal": 3599, "The Gerontologist": 3600, "The Hastings Center report": 3601, "The ISME journal": 3602, "The Indian journal of medical research": 3603, "The Indian journal of radiology & imaging": 3604, "The Indian journal of surgery": 3605, "The Indian journal of tuberculosis": 3606, "The International journal of artificial organs": 3607, "The International journal of biological markers": 3608, "The International journal of developmental biology": 3609, "The International journal of eating disorders": 3610, "The International journal of health planning and management": 3611, "The International journal of neuroscience": 3612, "The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants": 3613, "The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry": 3614, "The International journal of pharmacy practice": 3615, "The International journal of prosthodontics": 3616, "The International journal of psycho-analysis": 3617, "The International journal of social psychiatry": 3618, "The International journal on drug policy": 3619, "The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ": 3620, "The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine": 3621, "The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology": 3622, "The Journal of animal ecology": 3623, "The Journal of antibiotics": 3624, "The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy": 3625, "The Journal of applied psychology": 3626, "The Journal of arthroplasty": 3627, "The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma": 3628, "The Journal of biological chemistry": 3629, "The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume": 3630, "The Journal of cardiovascular nursing": 3631, "The Journal of cardiovascular surgery": 3632, "The Journal of cell biology": 3633, "The Journal of chemical physics": 3634, "The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology": 3635, "The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism": 3636, "The Journal of clinical investigation": 3637, "The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry": 3638, "The Journal of clinical psychiatry": 3639, "The Journal of comparative neurology": 3640, "The Journal of craniofacial surgery": 3641, "The Journal of dairy research": 3642, "The Journal of dermatological treatment": 3643, "The Journal of dermatology": 3644, "The Journal of emergency medicine": 3645, "The Journal of endocrinology": 3646, "The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology": 3647, "The Journal of experimental biology": 3648, "The Journal of experimental medicine": 3649, "The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons": 3650, "The Journal of general physiology": 3651, "The Journal of general virology": 3652, "The Journal of hand surgery": 3653, "The Journal of hand surgery, European volume": 3654, "The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation": 3655, "The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation": 3656, "The Journal of heredity": 3657, "The Journal of hospital infection": 3658, "The Journal of infection": 3659, "The Journal of infectious diseases": 3660, "The Journal of international medical research": 3661, "The Journal of invasive cardiology": 3662, "The Journal of investigative dermatology": 3663, "The Journal of laryngology and otology": 3664, "The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics": 3665, "The Journal of membrane biology": 3666, "The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD": 3667, "The Journal of nervous and mental disease": 3668, "The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience": 3669, "The Journal of nursing administration": 3670, "The Journal of nursing education": 3671, "The Journal of nutrition": 3672, "The Journal of nutritional biochemistry": 3673, "The Journal of oral implantology": 3674, "The Journal of organic chemistry": 3675, "The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy": 3676, "The Journal of parasitology": 3677, "The Journal of pathology": 3678, "The Journal of pediatrics": 3679, "The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics": 3680, "The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology": 3681, "The Journal of physiology": 3682, "The Journal of prosthetic dentistry": 3683, "The Journal of reproduction and development": 3684, "The Journal of rheumatology": 3685, "The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association": 3686, "The Journal of school health": 3687, "The Journal of small animal practice": 3688, "The Journal of social psychology": 3689, "The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness": 3690, "The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology": 3691, "The Journal of surgical research": 3692, "The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America": 3693, "The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons": 3694, "The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association": 3695, "The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC": 3696, "The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India": 3697, "The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery": 3698, "The Journal of toxicological sciences": 3699, "The Journal of urology": 3700, "The Journal of veterinary medical science": 3701, "The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences": 3702, "The Knee": 3703, "The Korean journal of internal medicine": 3704, "The Korean journal of parasitology": 3705, "The Lancet. Global health": 3706, "The Lancet. Haematology": 3707, "The Lancet. Infectious diseases": 3708, "The Lancet. Neurology": 3709, "The Lancet. Oncology": 3710, "The Lancet. Respiratory medicine": 3711, "The Laryngoscope": 3712, "The Malaysian journal of medical sciences : MJMS": 3713, "The Medical clinics of North America": 3714, "The Medical journal of Australia": 3715, "The Medical journal of Malaysia": 3716, "The New England journal of medicine": 3717, "The New Zealand medical journal": 3718, "The New phytologist": 3719, "The Ochsner journal": 3720, "The Orthopedic clinics of North America": 3721, "The Pan African medical journal": 3722, "The Pediatric infectious disease journal": 3723, "The Permanente journal": 3724, "The Physician and sportsmedicine": 3725, "The Plant cell": 3726, "The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society": 3727, "The Prostate": 3728, "The Psychiatric quarterly": 3729, "The Review of scientific instruments": 3730, "The Saudi dental journal": 3731, "The Science of the total environment": 3732, "The Spanish journal of psychology": 3733, "The Surgical clinics of North America": 3734, "The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon": 3735, "The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine": 3736, "The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology": 3737, "The Turkish journal of pediatrics": 3738, "The Urologic clinics of North America": 3739, "The Veterinary clinics of North America. Small animal practice": 3740, "The Veterinary record": 3741, "The World Allergy Organization journal": 3742, "The Yale journal of biology and medicine": 3743, "The aging male : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male": 3744, "The archives of bone and joint surgery": 3745, "The bone & joint journal": 3746, "The breast journal": 3747, "The clinical respiratory journal": 3748, "The clinical teacher": 3749, "The heart surgery forum": 3750, "The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity": 3751, "The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology": 3752, "The international journal of cardiovascular imaging": 3753, "The international journal of lower extremity wounds": 3754, "The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS": 3755, "The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology": 3756, "The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease": 3757, "The journal of ECT": 3758, "The journal of adhesive dentistry": 3759, "The journal of advanced prosthodontics": 3760, "The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice": 3761, "The journal of contemporary dental practice": 3762, "The journal of gene medicine": 3763, "The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume": 3764, "The journal of headache and pain": 3765, "The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society": 3766, "The journal of international advanced otology": 3767, "The journal of knee surgery": 3768, "The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians": 3769, "The journal of medical investigation : JMI": 3770, "The journal of nursing research : JNR": 3771, "The journal of nutrition, health & aging": 3772, "The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research": 3773, "The journal of pain": 3774, "The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG": 3775, "The journal of physical chemistry letters": 3776, "The journal of physical chemistry. A": 3777, "The journal of physical chemistry. B": 3778, "The journal of physiological sciences : JPS": 3779, "The journal of sexual medicine": 3780, "The journal of spinal cord medicine": 3781, "The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh": 3782, "The journal of trauma and acute care surgery": 3783, "The journal of vascular access": 3784, "The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences": 3785, "The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences": 3786, "The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology": 3787, "The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology": 3788, "The lancet. HIV": 3789, "The neurologist": 3790, "The neuroradiology journal": 3791, "The ocular surface": 3792, "The oncologist": 3793, "The pharmacogenomics journal": 3794, "The plant genome": 3795, "The protein journal": 3796, "The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society": 3797, "The surgeon : journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland": 3798, "The western journal of emergency medicine": 3799, "TheScientificWorldJournal": 3800, "Theranostics": 3801, "Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology": 3802, "Therapeutic advances in medical oncology": 3803, "Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders": 3804, "Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease": 3805, "Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy": 3806, "Therapeutic delivery": 3807, "Therapeutic drug monitoring": 3808, "Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science": 3809, "Therapeutics and clinical risk management": 3810, "Theriogenology": 3811, "Thoracic cancer": 3812, "Thorax": 3813, "Thrombosis and haemostasis": 3814, "Thrombosis research": 3815, "Ticks and tick-borne diseases": 3816, "Tissue & cell": 3817, "Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine": 3818, "Tissue engineering. Part A": 3819, "Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods": 3820, "Tobacco control": 3821, "Tobacco induced diseases": 3822, "Topics in cognitive science": 3823, "Topics in stroke rehabilitation": 3824, "Toxicologic pathology": 3825, "Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology": 3826, "Toxicology": 3827, "Toxicology and applied pharmacology": 3828, "Toxicology and industrial health": 3829, "Toxicology letters": 3830, "Toxicology mechanisms and methods": 3831, "Toxicology reports": 3832, "Toxicology research": 3833, "Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology": 3834, "Toxics": 3835, "Toxins": 3836, "Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark)": 3837, "Traffic injury prevention": 3838, "Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene": 3839, "Transboundary and emerging diseases": 3840, "Transcultural psychiatry": 3841, "Transfusion": 3842, "Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis": 3843, "Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England)": 3844, "Transgenic research": 3845, "Translational andrology and urology": 3846, "Translational animal science": 3847, "Translational behavioral medicine": 3848, "Translational lung cancer research": 3849, "Translational oncology": 3850, "Translational pediatrics": 3851, "Translational psychiatry": 3852, "Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine": 3853, "Translational vision science & technology": 3854, "Transplant immunology": 3855, "Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society": 3856, "Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation": 3857, "Transplantation": 3858, "Transplantation direct": 3859, "Transplantation proceedings": 3860, "Trauma case reports": 3861, "Trauma surgery & acute care open": 3862, "Trauma, violence & abuse": 3863, "Travel medicine and infectious disease": 3864, "Tree physiology": 3865, "Trends in biochemical sciences": 3866, "Trends in biotechnology": 3867, "Trends in cancer": 3868, "Trends in cardiovascular medicine": 3869, "Trends in cell biology": 3870, "Trends in cognitive sciences": 3871, "Trends in ecology & evolution": 3872, "Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM": 3873, "Trends in genetics : TIG": 3874, "Trends in hearing": 3875, "Trends in immunology": 3876, "Trends in microbiology": 3877, "Trends in molecular medicine": 3878, "Trends in neurosciences": 3879, "Trends in parasitology": 3880, "Trends in pharmacological sciences": 3881, "Trends in plant science": 3882, "Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy": 3883, "Trials": 3884, "Tropical animal health and production": 3885, "Tropical doctor": 3886, "Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH": 3887, "Tropical medicine and health": 3888, "Tropical medicine and infectious disease": 3889, "Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland)": 3890, "Tumori": 3891, "Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi arsivi : Turk Kardiyoloji Derneginin yayin organidir": 3892, "Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation": 3893, "Turkish journal of emergency medicine": 3894, "Turkish journal of medical sciences": 3895, "Turkish journal of ophthalmology": 3896, "Turkish journal of urology": 3897, "Turkish neurosurgery": 3898, "Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi": 3899, "Ultramicroscopy": 3900, "Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980)": 3901, "Ultrasonics": 3902, "Ultrasonics sonochemistry": 3903, "Ultrasound in medicine & biology": 3904, "Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology": 3905, "Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES": 3906, "United European gastroenterology journal": 3907, "Updates in surgery": 3908, "Urolithiasis": 3909, "Urologia": 3910, "Urologia internationalis": 3911, "Urologic oncology": 3912, "Urology": 3913, "Urology annals": 3914, "Urology case reports": 3915, "Urology journal": 3916, "VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten": 3917, "Vaccine": 3918, "Vaccines": 3919, "Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research": 3920, "Value in health regional issues": 3921, "Vascular": 3922, "Vascular and endovascular surgery": 3923, "Vascular health and risk management": 3924, "Vascular medicine (London, England)": 3925, "Vascular pharmacology": 3926, "Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.)": 3927, "Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia": 3928, "Veterinary and comparative oncology": 3929, "Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T": 3930, "Veterinary clinical pathology": 3931, "Veterinary dermatology": 3932, "Veterinary immunology and immunopathology": 3933, "Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)": 3934, "Veterinary medicine and science": 3935, "Veterinary microbiology": 3936, "Veterinary ophthalmology": 3937, "Veterinary parasitology": 3938, "Veterinary parasitology, regional studies and reports": 3939, "Veterinary pathology": 3940, "Veterinary research": 3941, "Veterinary sciences": 3942, "Veterinary surgery : VS": 3943, "Veterinary world": 3944, "Violence against women": 3945, "Violence and victims": 3946, "Viral immunology": 3947, "Virology": 3948, "Virology journal": 3949, "Virulence": 3950, "Virus evolution": 3951, "Virus genes": 3952, "Virus research": 3953, "Virusdisease": 3954, "Viruses": 3955, "Visceral medicine": 3956, "Vision research": 3957, "Vnitrni lekarstvi": 3958, "Vox sanguinis": 3959, "Waste management (New York, N.Y.)": 3960, "Water research": 3961, "West African journal of medicine": 3962, "Western journal of nursing research": 3963, "Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)": 3964, "Wideochirurgia i inne techniki maloinwazyjne = Videosurgery and other miniinvasive techniques": 3965, "Wiener klinische Wochenschrift": 3966, "Wilderness & environmental medicine": 3967, "Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology": 3968, "Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. RNA": 3969, "Women & health": 3970, "Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives": 3971, "Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health": 3972, "Work (Reading, Mass.)": 3973, "Workplace health & safety": 3974, "World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery": 3975, "World journal of cardiology": 3976, "World journal of clinical cases": 3977, "World journal of emergency surgery : WJES": 3978, "World journal of gastroenterology": 3979, "World journal of gastrointestinal oncology": 3980, "World journal of hepatology": 3981, "World journal of microbiology & biotechnology": 3982, "World journal of orthopedics": 3983, "World journal of pediatrics : WJP": 3984, "World journal of stem cells": 3985, "World journal of surgery": 3986, "World journal of surgical oncology": 3987, "World journal of urology": 3988, "World neurosurgery": 3989, "Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society": 3990, "Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice": 3991, "Xenotransplantation": 3992, "Yeast (Chichester, England)": 3993, "Yi chuan = Hereditas": 3994, "Yonsei medical journal": 3995, "Zebrafish": 3996, "Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciences": 3997, "Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences": 3998, "Zoo biology": 3999, "ZooKeys": 4000, "Zoological research": 4001, "Zoological science": 4002, "Zoology (Jena, Germany)": 4003, "Zoonoses and public health": 4004, "Zootaxa": 4005, "Zygote (Cambridge, England)": 4006, "eLife": 4007, "eNeuro": 4008, "i-Perception": 4009, "iScience": 4010, "mAbs": 4011, "mBio": 4012, "mSphere": 4013, "mSystems": 4014 }, "layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "model_type": "bert", "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "pad_token_id": 0, "position_embedding_type": "absolute", "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.27.4", "type_vocab_size": 2, "use_cache": true, "vocab_size": 31090 }