import os import gc import torch from trainer import Trainer, TrainerArgs from TTS.config.shared_configs import BaseDatasetConfig from TTS.tts.datasets import load_tts_samples from TTS.tts.layers.xtts.trainer.gpt_trainer import GPTArgs, GPTTrainer, GPTTrainerConfig, XttsAudioConfig from TTS.utils.manage import ModelManager from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from transformers import HfArgumentParser import argparse def create_xtts_trainer_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments for XTTS Trainer") parser.add_argument("--output_path", type=str, required=True, help="Path to pretrained + checkpoint model") parser.add_argument("--metadatas", nargs='+', type=str, required=True, help="train_csv_path,eval_csv_path,language") parser.add_argument("--num_epochs", type=int, default=1, help="Number of epochs") parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=1, help="Mini batch size") parser.add_argument("--grad_acumm", type=int, default=1, help="Grad accumulation steps") parser.add_argument("--max_audio_length", type=int, default=255995, help="Max audio length") parser.add_argument("--max_text_length", type=int, default=200, help="Max text length") parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", type=float, default=1e-2, help="Weight decay") parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=5e-6, help="Learning rate") parser.add_argument("--save_step", type=int, default=5000, help="Save step") parser.add_argument("--tf32_matmul", type=bool, default=False, help="Enable or disable Torch TF32 MatMul") parser.add_argument("--tf32_cudnn", type=bool, default=False, help="Enable or disable Torch TF32 CUDNN") return parser def train_gpt(metadatas, num_epochs, batch_size, grad_acumm, output_path, max_audio_length, max_text_length, lr, weight_decay, save_step): # Logging parameters RUN_NAME = "GPT_XTTS_FT" PROJECT_NAME = "XTTS_trainer" DASHBOARD_LOGGER = "tensorboard" LOGGER_URI = None # Set here the path that the checkpoints will be saved. Default: ./run/training/ # OUT_PATH = os.path.join(output_path, "run", "training") OUT_PATH = output_path # Training Parameters # for multi-gpu training please make it False OPTIMIZER_WD_ONLY_ON_WEIGHTS = True START_WITH_EVAL = False # if True it will star with evaluation BATCH_SIZE = batch_size # set here the batch size GRAD_ACUMM_STEPS = grad_acumm # set here the grad accumulation steps # Define here the dataset that you want to use for the fine-tuning on. DATASETS_CONFIG_LIST = [] for metadata in metadatas: train_csv, eval_csv, language = metadata.split(",") print(train_csv, eval_csv, language) config_dataset = BaseDatasetConfig( formatter="coqui", dataset_name="ft_dataset", path=os.path.dirname(train_csv), meta_file_train=os.path.basename(train_csv), meta_file_val=os.path.basename(eval_csv), language=language, ) DATASETS_CONFIG_LIST.append(config_dataset) # Define the path where XTTS v2.0.1 files will be downloaded CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH = os.path.join( OUT_PATH, "XTTS_v2.0_original_model_files/") os.makedirs(CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, exist_ok=True) # DVAE files DVAE_CHECKPOINT_LINK = "" MEL_NORM_LINK = "" # Set the path to the downloaded files DVAE_CHECKPOINT = os.path.join( CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, os.path.basename(DVAE_CHECKPOINT_LINK)) MEL_NORM_FILE = os.path.join( CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, os.path.basename(MEL_NORM_LINK)) # download DVAE files if needed if not os.path.isfile(DVAE_CHECKPOINT) or not os.path.isfile(MEL_NORM_FILE): print(" > Downloading DVAE files!") ModelManager._download_model_files( [MEL_NORM_LINK, DVAE_CHECKPOINT_LINK], CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, progress_bar=True) # Download XTTS v2.0 checkpoint if needed TOKENIZER_FILE_LINK = "" XTTS_CHECKPOINT_LINK = "" XTTS_CONFIG_LINK = "" # XTTS transfer learning parameters: You we need to provide the paths of XTTS model checkpoint that you want to do the fine tuning. TOKENIZER_FILE = os.path.join(CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, os.path.basename( TOKENIZER_FILE_LINK)) # vocab.json file XTTS_CHECKPOINT = os.path.join(CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, os.path.basename( XTTS_CHECKPOINT_LINK)) # model.pth file XTTS_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join( # config.json file CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, os.path.basename(XTTS_CONFIG_LINK)) # download XTTS v2.0 files if needed if not os.path.isfile(TOKENIZER_FILE): print(" > Downloading XTTS v2.0 tokenizer!") ModelManager._download_model_files( [TOKENIZER_FILE_LINK], CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, progress_bar=True ) if not os.path.isfile(XTTS_CHECKPOINT): print(" > Downloading XTTS v2.0 checkpoint!") ModelManager._download_model_files( [XTTS_CHECKPOINT_LINK], CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, progress_bar=True ) if not os.path.isfile(XTTS_CONFIG_FILE): print(" > Downloading XTTS v2.0 config!") ModelManager._download_model_files( [XTTS_CONFIG_LINK], CHECKPOINTS_OUT_PATH, progress_bar=True ) # init args and config model_args = GPTArgs( max_conditioning_length=264600, # 12 secs min_conditioning_length=88200, # 4 secs debug_loading_failures=False, max_wav_length=max_audio_length, # ~11.6 seconds max_text_length=max_text_length, mel_norm_file=MEL_NORM_FILE, dvae_checkpoint=DVAE_CHECKPOINT, # checkpoint path of the model that you want to fine-tune xtts_checkpoint=XTTS_CHECKPOINT, tokenizer_file=TOKENIZER_FILE, gpt_num_audio_tokens=1026, gpt_start_audio_token=1024, gpt_stop_audio_token=1025, gpt_use_masking_gt_prompt_approach=True, gpt_use_perceiver_resampler=True, ) # define audio config audio_config = XttsAudioConfig( sample_rate=22050, dvae_sample_rate=22050, output_sample_rate=24000) # training parameters config config = GPTTrainerConfig() config.load_json(XTTS_CONFIG_FILE) config.epochs = num_epochs config.output_path = OUT_PATH config.model_args = model_args config.run_name = RUN_NAME config.project_name = PROJECT_NAME config.run_description = """ GPT XTTS training """, config.dashboard_logger = DASHBOARD_LOGGER config.logger_uri = LOGGER_URI = audio_config config.batch_size = BATCH_SIZE config.num_loader_workers = 4 config.eval_split_max_size = 256 config.print_step = 50 config.plot_step = 100 config.log_model_step = 100 config.save_step = save_step config.save_n_checkpoints = 1 config.save_checkpoints = True config.print_eval = False config.optimizer = "AdamW" config.optimizer_wd_only_on_weights = OPTIMIZER_WD_ONLY_ON_WEIGHTS config.optimizer_params = { "betas": [0.9, 0.96], "eps": 1e-8, "weight_decay": weight_decay} = lr config.lr_scheduler = "MultiStepLR" config.lr_scheduler_params = {"milestones": [ save_step * 3, save_step * 3 * 2, save_step * 3 * 3], "gamma": 0.5, "last_epoch": -1} config.test_sentences = [] # init the model from config model = GPTTrainer.init_from_config(config) # load training samples train_samples, eval_samples = load_tts_samples( DATASETS_CONFIG_LIST, eval_split=True, eval_split_max_size=config.eval_split_max_size, eval_split_size=config.eval_split_size, ) # init the trainer and 🚀 trainer = Trainer( TrainerArgs( restore_path=None, # xtts checkpoint is restored via xtts_checkpoint key so no need of restore it using Trainer restore_path parameter skip_train_epoch=False, start_with_eval=START_WITH_EVAL, grad_accum_steps=GRAD_ACUMM_STEPS ), config, # output_path=os.path.join(output_path, "run", "training"), output_path=os.path.join(output_path), model=model, train_samples=train_samples, eval_samples=eval_samples, ) # get the longest text audio file to use as speaker reference samples_len = [len(item["text"].split(" ")) for item in train_samples] longest_text_idx = samples_len.index(max(samples_len)) speaker_ref = train_samples[longest_text_idx]["audio_file"] trainer_out_path = trainer.output_path # deallocate VRAM and RAM del model, trainer, train_samples, eval_samples gc.collect() return trainer_out_path if __name__ == "__main__": parser = create_xtts_trainer_parser() args = parser.parse_args() # Set Torch TF32 MatMul and CUDNN based on the command line arguments torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = args.tf32_matmul torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = args.tf32_cudnn trainer_out_path = train_gpt( metadatas=args.metadatas, output_path=args.output_path, num_epochs=args.num_epochs, batch_size=args.batch_size, grad_acumm=args.grad_acumm, weight_decay=args.weight_decay,, max_text_length=args.max_text_length, max_audio_length=args.max_audio_length, save_step=args.save_step ) print(f"Checkpoint saved in dir: {trainer_out_path}")