import unittest import numpy as np import torch import hypothesis.strategies as st from hypothesis import assume, given, settings from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase from examples.simultaneous_translation.utils.functions import exclusive_cumprod TEST_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available() class AlignmentTrainTest(TestCase): def _test_custom_alignment_train_ref(self, p_choose, eps): cumprod_1mp = exclusive_cumprod(1 - p_choose, dim=2, eps=eps) cumprod_1mp_clamp = torch.clamp(cumprod_1mp, eps, 1.0) bsz = p_choose.size(0) tgt_len = p_choose.size(1) src_len = p_choose.size(2) alpha_0 = p_choose.new_zeros([bsz, 1, src_len]) alpha_0[:, :, 0] = 1.0 previous_alpha = [alpha_0] for i in range(tgt_len): # p_choose: bsz , tgt_len, src_len # cumprod_1mp_clamp : bsz, tgt_len, src_len # previous_alpha[i]: bsz, 1, src_len # alpha_i: bsz, src_len alpha_i = ( p_choose[:, i] * cumprod_1mp[:, i] * torch.cumsum( previous_alpha[i][:, 0] / cumprod_1mp_clamp[:, i], dim=1 ) ).clamp(0, 1.0) previous_alpha.append(alpha_i.unsqueeze(1)) # alpha: bsz * num_heads, tgt_len, src_len alpha =[1:], dim=1) return alpha def _test_custom_alignment_train_impl(self, p_choose, alpha, eps): if p_choose.is_cuda: from alignment_train_cuda_binding import alignment_train_cuda # @manual=//deeplearning/projects/fairseq-py:alignment_train_cuda_binding alignment_train_cuda(p_choose, alpha, eps) else: from alignment_train_cpu_binding import alignment_train_cpu # @manual=//deeplearning/projects/fairseq-py:alignment_train_cpu_binding alignment_train_cpu(p_choose, alpha, eps) @settings(deadline=None) @given( bsz=st.integers(1, 100), tgt_len=st.integers(1, 100), src_len=st.integers(1, 550), device=st.sampled_from(["cpu", "cuda"]), ) def test_alignment_train(self, bsz, tgt_len, src_len, device): eps = 1e-6 assume(device == "cpu" or TEST_CUDA) p_choose = torch.rand(bsz, tgt_len, src_len, device=device) # run the alignment with the custom operator alpha_act = p_choose.new_zeros([bsz, tgt_len, src_len]) self._test_custom_alignment_train_impl(p_choose, alpha_act, eps) # runu the alignment with the ref implementation alpha_ref = self._test_custom_alignment_train_ref(p_choose, eps) # verify the results alpha_act = alpha_act.cpu().detach().numpy() alpha_ref = alpha_ref.cpu().detach().numpy() np.testing.assert_allclose( alpha_act, alpha_ref, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3, ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()