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# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: FloatEnt.tcl,v 1.4 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $
# FloatEnt.tcl --
# An entry widget that can be attached on top of any widget to
# provide dynamic editing. It is used to provide dynamic editing
# for the tixGrid widget, among other things.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
tixWidgetClass tixFloatEntry {
-classname TixFloatEntry
-superclass tixPrimitive
-method {
invoke post unpost
-flag {
-command -value
-configspec {
{-value value Value ""}
{-command command Command ""}
-default {
{.entry.highlightThickness 0}
# Initialization bindings
proc tixFloatEntry:InitWidgetRec {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec
proc tixFloatEntry:ConstructWidget {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget
set data(w:entry) [entry $w.entry]
pack $data(w:entry) -expand yes -fill both
proc tixFloatEntry:SetBindings {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w SetBindings
tixBind $data(w:entry) <Return> [list tixFloatEntry:invoke $w]
# Class bindings
proc tixFloatEntryBind {} {
tixBind TixFloatEntry <FocusIn> {
if {[focus -displayof [set %W(w:entry)]] ne [set %W(w:entry)]} {
focus [%W subwidget entry]
[set %W(w:entry)] selection from 0
[set %W(w:entry)] selection to end
[set %W(w:entry)] icursor end
# Public methods
proc tixFloatEntry:post {w x y {width ""} {height ""}} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$width == ""} {
set width [winfo reqwidth $data(w:entry)]
if {$height == ""} {
set height [winfo reqheight $data(w:entry)]
place $w -x $x -y $y -width $width -height $height -bordermode ignore
raise $w
focus $data(w:entry)
proc tixFloatEntry:unpost {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
place forget $w
proc tixFloatEntry:config-value {w val} {
upvar #0 $w data
$data(w:entry) delete 0 end
$data(w:entry) insert 0 $val
$data(w:entry) selection from 0
$data(w:entry) selection to end
$data(w:entry) icursor end
# Private methods
proc tixFloatEntry:invoke {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {[llength $data(-command)]} {
set bind(specs) {%V}
set bind(%V) [$data(w:entry) get]
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $bind(%V)