{ |
"_name_or_path": "microsoft/deberta-v3-small", |
"architectures": [ |
"DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents", |
"1": "Competitiveness", |
"2": "Sustainable Communities", |
"3": "Education", |
"4": "Natural Capital", |
"5": "Regional Integration", |
"6": "Jobs and Development", |
"7": "Innovation and Entrepreneurship", |
"8": "Inclusive Cities", |
"9": "Jobs & Development", |
"10": "Transport", |
"11": "Sustainable Infrastructure Finance", |
"12": "Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19", |
"13": "Taxes and Government Revenue", |
"14": "Labor Markets", |
"15": "Measuring Poverty", |
"16": "Food Security Update", |
"17": "Disability Inclusion", |
"18": "Agriculture and Food", |
"19": "Trade Facilitation and Logistics", |
"20": "Social Protection", |
"21": "One Health", |
"22": "Biodiversity", |
"23": "Social Inclusion", |
"24": "Credit Infrastructure", |
"25": "Water Supply", |
"26": "Early Childhood Development", |
"27": "Food System Jobs", |
"28": "Migration", |
"29": "Indigenous Peoples", |
"30": "Universal Health Coverage", |
"31": "Financial Sector", |
"32": "Procurement for Development", |
"33": "Inequality and Shared Prosperity", |
"34": "COVID-19 Hub", |
"35": "Poverty", |
"36": "Financial Stability", |
"37": "Digital Development", |
"38": "Long-Term Finance", |
"39": "Gas Flaring Reduction", |
"40": "Mining Investment and Governance Review", |
"41": "Small and Medium Enterprises Finance", |
"42": "Infrastructure", |
"43": "Health", |
"44": "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity", |
"45": "Nutrition", |
"46": "Financial Inclusion", |
"47": "Fragility, Conflict, and Violence", |
"48": "Debt Relief", |
"49": "Disaster Risk Management", |
"50": "Water in Agriculture", |
"51": "Livestock and Sustainability", |
"52": "Global Value Chains", |
"53": "Competition Policy", |
"54": "Pollution", |
"55": "Urban Development", |
"56": "Gender", |
"57": "Safety Nets and Cash Transfers", |
"58": "Forests and Landscapes", |
"59": "Water Resources Management", |
"60": "Extractive Industries", |
"61": "Social Sustainability and Inclusion", |
"62": "Energy", |
"63": "Girls' Education", |
"64": "Environment", |
"65": "Marine Plastic Pollution", |
"66": "Education and Technology", |
"67": "Financial Integrity", |
"68": "Oceans, Fisheries, and Coastal Economies", |
"69": "Sanitation", |
"70": "Land", |
"71": "Higher Education", |
"72": "Teachers", |
"73": "Investment Climate", |
"74": "Debt", |
"75": "Climate Change", |
"76": "Trade", |
"77": "Skills Development", |
"78": "Agribusiness and Value Chains", |
"79": "Climate-Smart Agriculture", |
"80": "Pensions", |
"81": "Infectious diseases and Vaccines", |
"82": "Payment Systems", |
"83": "Community-Driven Development", |
"84": "Water", |
"85": "Governance", |
"86": "Macroeconomics" |
}, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"label2id": { |
"Agribusiness and Value Chains": 78, |
"Agriculture and Food": 18, |
"Biodiversity": 22, |
"COVID-19 Hub": 34, |
"Climate Change": 75, |
"Climate-Smart Agriculture": 79, |
"Community-Driven Development": 83, |
"Competition Policy": 53, |
"Competitiveness": 1, |
"Credit Infrastructure": 24, |
"Debt": 74, |
"Debt Relief": 48, |
"Digital Development": 37, |
"Disability Inclusion": 17, |
"Disaster Risk Management": 49, |
"Early Childhood Development": 26, |
"Education": 3, |
"Education and Technology": 66, |
"Energy": 62, |
"Environment": 64, |
"Extractive Industries": 60, |
"Financial Inclusion": 46, |
"Financial Integrity": 67, |
"Financial Sector": 31, |
"Financial Stability": 36, |
"Food Security Update": 16, |
"Food System Jobs": 27, |
"Forests and Landscapes": 58, |
"Fragility, Conflict, and Violence": 47, |
"Gas Flaring Reduction": 39, |
"Gender": 56, |
"Girls' Education": 63, |
"Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents": 0, |
"Global Value Chains": 52, |
"Governance": 85, |
"Health": 43, |
"Higher Education": 71, |
"Inclusive Cities": 8, |
"Indigenous Peoples": 29, |
"Inequality and Shared Prosperity": 33, |
"Infectious diseases and Vaccines": 81, |
"Infrastructure": 42, |
"Innovation and Entrepreneurship": 7, |
"Investment Climate": 73, |
"Jobs & Development": 9, |
"Jobs and Development": 6, |
"Labor Markets": 14, |
"Land": 70, |
"Livestock and Sustainability": 51, |
"Long-Term Finance": 38, |
"Macroeconomics": 86, |
"Marine Plastic Pollution": 65, |
"Measuring Poverty": 15, |
"Migration": 28, |
"Mining Investment and Governance Review": 40, |
"Natural Capital": 4, |
"Nutrition": 45, |
"Oceans, Fisheries, and Coastal Economies": 68, |
"One Health": 21, |
"Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19": 12, |
"Payment Systems": 82, |
"Pensions": 80, |
"Pollution": 54, |
"Poverty": 35, |
"Procurement for Development": 32, |
"Regional Integration": 5, |
"Safety Nets and Cash Transfers": 57, |
"Sanitation": 69, |
"Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity": 44, |
"Skills Development": 77, |
"Small and Medium Enterprises Finance": 41, |
"Social Inclusion": 23, |
"Social Protection": 20, |
"Social Sustainability and Inclusion": 61, |
"Sustainable Communities": 2, |
"Sustainable Infrastructure Finance": 11, |
"Taxes and Government Revenue": 13, |
"Teachers": 72, |
"Trade": 76, |
"Trade Facilitation and Logistics": 19, |
"Transport": 10, |
"Universal Health Coverage": 30, |
"Urban Development": 55, |
"Water": 84, |
"Water Resources Management": 59, |
"Water Supply": 25, |
"Water in Agriculture": 50 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-07, |
"max_position_embeddings": 512, |
"max_relative_positions": -1, |
"model_type": "deberta-v2", |
"norm_rel_ebd": "layer_norm", |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_hidden_layers": 6, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"pooler_dropout": 0, |
"pooler_hidden_act": "gelu", |
"pooler_hidden_size": 768, |
"pos_att_type": [ |
"p2c", |
"c2p" |
], |
"position_biased_input": false, |
"position_buckets": 256, |
"problem_type": "multi_label_classification", |
"relative_attention": true, |
"share_att_key": true, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.44.2", |
"type_vocab_size": 0, |
"vocab_size": 128100 |
} |