copy_files = false; |
path = 'D:\All_files\pys\AI_algos\Mikes_Work\viscosity-video-classification\code_digdiscovery\annotate\'; |
file_path = 'D:\All_files\pys\AI_algos\Mikes_Work\viscosity-video-classification\code_digdiscovery\new_honey_164\'; |
cropped_path = [path, 'cropped\']; |
tot_frames = 1; |
folders = dir(file_path); |
if copy_files |
for i = 1: length(folders) |
if ~strcmp(folders(i).name,'.') && ~strcmp(folders(i).name,'..') |
frame_list = randperm(30,tot_frames); |
for j = 1 : tot_frames |
frames = ['frame_',num2str(frame_list(j)),'.jpg']; |
copyfile([file_path,folders(i).name,'\',frames],[path,folders(i).name,'_',frames]); |
end |
end |
end |
end |
%% check a single image and crop the rest using the smale BBox |
files = dir([path,'*.jpg']); |
% figure; |
% file = '2202_frame_6.jpg'; |
% img = imread([path,file]);subplot(1,2,1);imshow(img); |
% h = drawrectangle(); |
% img_crop = imcrop(img,h.Position); |
% subplot(1,2,2);imshow(img_crop); |
for i = 1: length(files) |
if ~strcmp(files(i).name,'.') && ~strcmp(files(i).name,'..') |
img = imread([path,files(i).name]); |
img_crop = imcrop(img,h.Position); |
imwrite(img_crop,[cropped_path,files(i).name]) |
end |
end |