Welcome to OpenTunes AI, a platform for generating music using artificial intelligence. This user guide will help you get started with using OpenTunes AI to create your own music. |
1. Install the required dependencies by running `pip install -r requirements.txt` in your terminal. |
2. Clone the OpenTunes AI repository by running `git clone https://github.com/your-username/opentunes-ai.git` in your terminal. |
3. Navigate to the `opentunes-ai` directory by running `cd opentunes-ai` in your terminal. |
1. Open the `spaces/music-gen-demo` directory by running `cd spaces/music-gen-demo` in your terminal. |
2. Run the Gradio app by running `python app.py` in your terminal. |
3. Follow the prompts in the Gradio app to generate music. |
* If you encounter any issues, check the `README.md` file for troubleshooting tips. |
* If you're still having trouble, feel free to open an issue on the OpenTunes AI GitHub repository. |