This Title Is Already Tokenized (Tokun P.2)

In machine learning, three domains —computer science, mathematics, and linguistics— are often at odds.
Each domain handles text in a different form:
- computers deal with raw numbers like byte sequences
- mathematics manipulates tensors and vectors
- while linguistics focuses on graphemes (characters) and their combinations (words)
Tokenization has long been used as a bridge, transforming human-readable text into a machine-friendly format. It relies on algorithms like BPE, which draw on human intuition.
In my previous article, I proposed to let the model itself learn the mapping from raw bytes to embeddings.
However, there's a more efficient alternative: using Unicode directly as the foundation for embeddings in LLMs.
Rather than merging encoding bytes outside of the model (BPE, etc), the idea is to combine elementary embeddings inside the model.
It can be achieved with small changes to the transformer architecture, on the input and output layers.
Input Pipeline
The inputs are processed as follows:
- the text is encoded using UTF-32-BE into a sequence of bytes (values in
[0 .. 256[
) - each byte is embedded independently using a
(256, E)
kernel - the byte embeddings are merged by groups of size
Starting from the UTF-32-BE bytes, and with T = 2

and E
can be chosen freely: the token length could be 4, 8 or even 16.
With a matching embedding dimension for the bytes, T * E
is brought to the model dimension, say 4096.
The bytes can be given independent meaning thanks to the embedding table. Each one contributes to a specific portion of the final embedding:

And the overall combination pattern holds the information on token composition.
Output Pipeline
The output layer could be a standard softmax of depth 256 for each byte prediction.
But, instead of evaluating each of the 256 options, it is more efficient to predict the value, as a vector of 8 bits:

The head activation is replaced with a sigmoid, which returns an independent probability for each bit.
Just like the previous iteration of tokun this scheme solves most tokenization shortcomings.
- token length: the token length can be freely chosen, it is now a hyper-parameter
- straightforward: there is no need for extra preprocessing or training
- optimizations (minor): the kernels of the input and output layers are smaller
- correlation: there is a direct match between predictions and text composition
You'll find more details in the comparison section.
In particular, the last point has wide ranging implications:
for example, digits are encoded as 48 + d
in Unicode, hence number representation is shifted but preserved.
- Tokenization And Ancient Language
- Unicode Embeddings
- Composite Embeddings
- Binary Predictions
- Comparison With Tokenization
- Implementations
- Next
- Resources
Tokenization And Ancient Languages
Essentially, tokenization merges individual characters (bytes) into monolithic chunks. Here, 56 cyrillic characters are grouped into 20 tokens:

LLMs are only aware of the index values on the right side and lose the information about the original composition of these tokens.
Imagine having a unique symbol for every number and word variation, like communicating with emojis only!
Early written languages, such as hieroglyphs, were based on such logograms: symbols representing whole concepts. However, they still had rebus rules to form nuanced meanings out of combinations of symbols.
For instance, to form the plural in Egyptian hieroglyphs you could triple a logogram or add 3 bars next to it: "house" is "𓉐" and "houses" is "𓉐 𓏪".
In contrast, the popular tokenizer o200k has " house" (4276), " House" (7826), "house" (9983), " houses" (20327), "House" (27796), "-house" (46400) etc.
This approach overlooks how modern languages derive meaning from combinations of symbols.
In particular, phonetic and positional systems allow to compose words and numbers. And the composition of a word gives many indications on its meaning.
In all three domains mentioned earlier, macro elements break down into simpler parts. For text, the different scales are roughly:
- computer science: sequences → codepoints → bytes → bits
- mathematics: tensors → axes → dimensions
- linguistics: paragraphs → sentences → words → symbols / letters
Tokenization cuts the decomposition short: it stops between sequences and codepoints on the computer side, which is somewhere between sentences and graphemes for linguistics.
To keep the compositional expressiveness, we'll start over from the fundamental graphemes.
Unicode Embeddings
On a computer, the language units are translated into numbers by the Unicode standard. It is universal, with 149813 symbols from 161 scripts.
Most digital text is expressed in this standard, including this very web page.
Codepoint Embeddings
And traditional tokenization algorithms like BPE start from Unicode. As the name Byte Pair Encoding suggests, it generates new indices by merging characters two by two.
The vocabulary of o200K was created by iterating this process on the most frequent pairs in a training set. So each index in o200k is equivalent to the underlying sequence of Unicode codepoints:
Position | Token | o200k | UTF-32-BE |
0 | M |
44 |
(77) |
1 | inds |
13834 |
(105, 110, 100, 115) |
2 | aren't |
23236 |
(32, 97, 114, 101, 110, 39, 116) |
3 | read |
1729 |
(32, 114, 101, 97, 100) |
4 | . |
13 |
(46) |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Now that all the indexes are Unicode, there is no reason to keep the uneven chunks:
Position | Chunk | UTF-32-BE | Embeddings |
0 | Mind |
(77, 105, 110, 100) |
(0.00029373, 0.00040054, 0.00041962, 0.00038147) |
1 | s ar |
(115, 32, 97, 114) |
(0.00043869, 0.00012207, 0.00037003, 0.00043488) |
2 | en't |
(101, 110, 39, 116) |
(0.00038528, 0.00041962, 0.00014877, 0.0004425 ) |
3 | rea |
(32, 114, 101, 97) |
(0.00012207, 0.00043488, 0.00038528, 0.00037003) |
... | ... | ... | ... |
This operation might look banal, but we moved data from the sequence axis to the feature axis! Now, the table is looking like an actual embedding tensor!
After normalizing the values, the codepoints can be directly treated as embeddings. And the "tokens" can be made arbitrarily long:
Position | Chunk | UTF-32-BE | Embeddings |
0 | Minds ar |
(77, 105, 110, 100, 115, 32, 97, 114) |
(2.94e-4, 4.01e-4, 4.20e-4, 3.81e-4, 4.39e-4, 1.22e-4, 3.70e-4, 4.35e-4) |
1 | en't rea |
(101, 110, 39, 116, 32, 114, 101, 97) |
(3.85e-4, 4.20e-4, 1.49e-4, 4.43e-4, 1.22e-4, 4.35e-4, 3.85e-4, 3.70e-4) |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Now the length of the sequence chunks ("tokens") is a hyper-parameter like the number of layers in a model.
These vectors have a lot of information embedded. Dimensionality reduction shows how the vectors made from similar characters are close:
Since the standard organizes the Unicode space into themed ranges of values, the embeddings are natively correlated with content. For example there are regions for each character set (Latin, Cyrillic, etc), for emojis, for symbols, for special characters, etc.
These normalized embeddings can serve as input tensor for a LLM. The model can then extend the embedding dimension for further processing.
This scheme inherits from the properties of Unicode and has already most of the advantages listed in the TL;DR.
Still, there is a lot to improve too:
- brittle: the embedding values are very precise and they are separated by
1 / 0x40000 = 3.8147-06
only - linear: the embeddings are regularly spaced despite the discontinuities in meaning
- expensive: there are 262144 "basic" elements, which is not an improvement over regular vocabularies
Byte Embeddings
The decomposition can be pushed further: the 32 bits of each Unicode codepoint can be split into bytes.
Position | Chunk | UTF-32-BE | Embeddings |
0 | Mind |
(0, 0, 0, 77, 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 100) |
(0 0 0 0.30078125 0 0 0 0.41015625 0 0 0 0.4296875 0 0 0 0.390625) |
1 | s ar |
(0, 0, 0, 115, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 0, 0, 114) |
(0 0 0 0.44921875 0 0 0 0.125 0 0 0 0.37890625 0 0 0 0.4453125) |
2 | en't |
(0, 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 116) |
(0 0 0 0.39453125 0 0 0 0.4296875 0 0 0 0.15234375 0 0 0 0.453125) |
3 | rea |
(0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 114, 0, 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 97) |
(0 0 0 0.125 0 0 0 0.4453125 0 0 0 0.39453125 0 0 0 0.37890625) |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Dividing by 256 is now enough to perform the normalization. And the structure of Unicode is even more apparent with these embeddings:
This transformation solves 2 of the shortcomings of the previous method:
- reduced complexity: embeddings are now derived from 256 base elements instead of 200k
- increased separation: byte values are further apart in the embedding space
Still, the embeddings are lineary distributed. It would be better to distinguish special values, in particular the null byte.
Composite Embeddings
Actually, the integer bytes can be interpreted as an index in a traditional embedding layer. After concatening the embeddings from each byte, a "token" embedding is formed:

Even when the embeddings for each byte are initialized randomly, the merged embeddings keep the information on token composition:
Now, the "token" length is a hyper-parameter of the model. For example, the Gemma2-27B architecture could be tweaked like this:
- the embed dimension
is kept at 4608 - the token dimension
is set to 32 (bytes, which amount to 8 Unicode characters) - the byte dimension
is then 4608 / 32 = 144
With this setup, an input tensor with a batch dimension B
of 128 and sequence dimension of 16384 (4096 characters) would be:
- first reshaped as
(B, S / T, T) = (128, 256, 64)
- and exit the composite embedding layer as a tensor of shape
(B, S / T, T * E) = (128, 256, 4608)
The LLM would process the input as a sequence of 256 embeddings, each representing 8 characters. And each of these embeddings is formed by concatenating 32 byte embeddings.
This layer can then be trained and the embeddings for each byte can be adjusted by the model. It allows the model to set an independent meaning to each byte, contrary to the two schemes in the sections above.
Finally the LLM is aware of the composition of each token through its embedding. It can natively perform calculations, create and understand neologisms, etc.
Binary Predictions
Since the format of the inputs changed, the targets should have a matching representation.
Let's get back to the current models (as of 2024) and suppose GPT-4o processed the following sentence:
This paper was based mainly on the attention mechanism developed by Bahdanau et al. in 2014.[11]
For each position in the sequence, the model evaluates the probability of every single token.
Given everything before the token "201" the probability vector might look like this:
Index | 0 | ... | 290 | ... | 667 | ... | 1179 | ... | 1323 | ... | 34902 | ... | 199,997 |
Token | ! |
... | the |
... | 201 |
... | 200 |
... | 202 |
... | september |
... | cocos |
Target | 0 | ... | 0 | ... | 1 | ... | 0 | ... | 0 | ... | 0 | ... | 0 |
Prediction | 0 | ... | 0.15 | ... | 0.4 | ... | 0.1 | ... | 0.25 | ... | 0.08 | ... | 0 |
This one-hot vector has a dimension of 200k and is usually obtained with either:
- a softmax activation
- dot projection on the embedding vectors
Instead, every number below 200k can be represented with just 18 bits.
The target index 667
for the next token "201" is 110110010100000000
in base 2.
Each bit can be predicted by an independent probability by switching the activation from softmax to a sigmoid:
Index | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Target | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Prediction | 0.6 | 0.58 | 0.55 | 0.7 | 0.64 | 0.37 | 0.2 | 0.8 | 0.25 | 0.9 | 0.08 | 0.12 | 0.04 | 0.1 | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The binary vector above has a prediction error at index 2 and encodes the prediction "671": With this scheme, errors are numerically close, because each bit only contributes to a portion of the prediction.
Unfortunately, the vocabulary of tokenizers are chaotic: numeric proximity is unrelated to semantic similarity. For example, the tokens surrounding "201" in o200k are: " can", "п", " me", " с", b"\xe0\xb3".
Again, the Unicode representation proves useful as targets.
Like the input tensor, the targets can be shaped as a tensor of (B, S / T, T)
Then, each byte prediction is a vector of dimension 8 (bits) and the final output is (B, S / T, 8 * T)
With L = 8
, the whole process is:

For the patch of text "201", the target prediction would be:
(0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 48, 0, 0, 0, 49)
in bytes- or
(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
as final binary target for the byte49
As you can see, the 3 bytes to predict -48, 49 and 50- are close like the characters they represent. Even with errors in the binary outputs, the predictions would not land far.
Now that the model's output align with the input's binary nature, we can explore how these changes impact the model's performance.
Comparison With Tokenization
The hyper parameters are set for all the comparisons below:
- the reference tokenizer is o200k
- batch dimension:
B = 128
- sequence dimension:
S = 32,768
characters - token dimension:
T = 64
- embedding dimensions:
- for each byte:
E = 64
- inside the model:
H = 4096
- for each byte:
Token sizes are irregular, while UTF-32-BE allows to group bytes into fixed size chunks. The number of characters covered by each embedding becomes a tunable hyper-parameter.
Also, the vocabularies of tokenizers depend on the training data:
- token frequencies change with time: dates, proper nouns, events, slang, etc
- training data is often limited:
- geographically, to a few languages
- by the lexical field, because of the context
While Unicode is timeless and universal.
Input Tensors
The sequence dimension S = 32,768
leads to:
- a context dimension of
C = 8,192
with tokenization (on average, with o200k, for the purpose of comparing) - a sequence of
4 * S = 131,072
After embedding, the input tensors are:
(8192, 4096)
with tokenization(4 * S / T, 4096) = (2048, 4096)
with composite embeddings
The composite embeddings are a combination of T = 64
vectors of dimension E = 64
for a total of 4096.
While UTF-32 temporarily expands the input sequence, it is then reduced into a smaller tensor.
Output Tensors
Finally, the outputs are significantly smaller:
(8192, 199998)
with tokenization(4 * S / T, 8 * T) = (2048, 512)
with binary predictions
Binary predictions are 1600 times smaller and very dense in comparison.
Embedding Weights
The kernel of composite embeddings has a shape (256, E)
, here (256, 64)
In contrast, the kernel for the vocabulary o200k is (199998, H)
, which is (199998, 4096)
The latter kernel requires enormous amounts of data so that each token in the vocabulary is witnessed in several contexts. On the contrary, all the byte values are seen in countless combinations, each will get a solid training.
Also, the composite embedding kernels have 50000 times less parameters.
Projection Weights
Similarly, the projection layers are shaped:
(199998, H) = (199998, 4096)
in case of a dot-product and the transpose for a softmax head(H, 8 * T) = (4096, 512)
with the sigmoid activation for binary predictions
The head is 400 times smaller too.
Weights Of The Inner Layers
Howver, the scope of inputs and outputs is greatly expanded to cover all modern languages. While the impact of this expansion is difficult to quantify, my experience indicates that it requires a larger model.
To match the performance of token-based models, I had to increase by about 1.5 times the embedding dimension in the inner layers.
Consequently, while composite embeddings reduce the size of input and output kernels, the overall model often ends up with more parameters.
Prediction Errors
With tokenization:
- a prediction is a whole subword, taken from a vocabulary
- tokens are listed in a chaotic order, and neighbors are unrelated
- the numeric error spans the whole output dimension (vocabulary size)
With binary predictions:
- the next chunk of text is predicted one byte at a time
- bytes are ordered according to the Unicode standard, which is very structured
- each prediction bit contributes to a portion of the prediction / error
So if the next token was e
, the target would be:
- a one-hot vector with a 1 at index
, for a model with tokenizer (199997 zeros and a one) (0, 0, 0, 101)
or((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1))
in binary
And a wrong prediction would be respectively:
- index 328 or
((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1))
or(0, 0, 0, 103)
From my experience the model rarely (virtually never) fails to predict the null bytes.
To sum up:
- the errors on token predictions are random
- binary errors are in the neighborhood of the target, which means that it is similar thanks to Unicode
- token predictions are always meaningful subwords
- while byte level predictions can have "typos" in the middle
So there are pros and cons to both approaches.
I'll only provide Tensorflow / Keras implementations here. Look at the resource section for the PyTorch version and more.
Composite Embeddings
The composite embeddings can be implemented in a very simple layer. For example, in Keras:
class TokunEmbedding(keras.layers.Embedding):
def call(self, inputs: keras.Input) -> keras.Input:
# embed each element separately
__outputs = super(TokunEmbedding, self).call(inputs)
# concatenate the embeddings
return keras.ops.einsum('bste -> bs(te)', __outputs)
The einsum
operation could be replaced with a more generic "merge" operation independent of the rank of its input.
For example, the einsum
equation could be generated according to the rank of the input:
def _equation(self, inputs: keras.Input) -> str:
__rank = len(keras.ops.shape(inputs))
__indices = [chr(97 + __i) for __i in range(__rank + 1)] # embedding adds an axis
return '{} -> {}({})'.format(''.join(__indices), ''.join(__indices[:-2]), ''.join(__indices[-2:]))
Binary Predictions
The targets for the binary predictions are calculated by decomposing the inputs in base 2. For example in Tensorflow:
def expand_base(data: tf.Tensor, base: int, depth: int, bigendian: bool=True) -> tf.Tensor:
__shape = len(list(data.shape)) * [1] + [depth]
# base indexes
__idx = range(depth)[::-1] if bigendian else range(depth)
# base divisor and moduli
__div = tf.convert_to_tensor([base ** __e for __e in __idx], dtype=data.dtype)
__mod = tf.convert_to_tensor([base ** (__e + 1) for __e in __idx], dtype=data.dtype)
# match the input shape
__div = tf.reshape(__div, shape=__shape)
__mod = tf.reshape(__mod, shape=__shape)
# Euclidean algorithm
__digits = tf.math.floordiv(x=tf.math.floormod(x=tf.expand_dims(data, axis=-1), y=__mod), y=__div)
# format
return tf.cast(__digits, dtype=data.dtype)
During inference, the predictions can be interpreted by doing the reverse operation:
def reduce_base(data: tf.Tensor, base: int, axis: int=-1, keepdims: bool=False, bigendian: bool=True) -> tf.Tensor:
__rank = len(data.shape)
# select the dimension of the given axis
__shape = [__d if (__i - axis) % __rank == 0 else 1 for __i, __d in enumerate(list(data.shape))]
# exponents
__exp = range(__shape[axis])[::-1] if bigendian else range(__shape[axis])
# base multipliers
__base = tf.convert_to_tensor([base ** __e for __e in __exp], dtype=data.dtype)
# match the input shape
__base = tf.reshape(__base, shape=__shape)
# recompose the number
return tf.reduce_sum(data * __base, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
With these input and output representations, LLM have a finer and wider understanding of text. It may come at the cost of an expansion in the inner layers though.
To get a better sense of the practical value of composite embeddings, I built a serie of models called llaminate
In particular, I may write a short review of a neural compiler that came out of this project.
Reference implementations:
- in Tensorflow + Keras: mlable PyPi package
- in PyTorch: notebook in a fork of GPT2 by Mr Karpathy (WIP)
- the Wikipedia article on Unicode planes
- the Unicode table at