Browse filesCan you generate me a json file to create a fake twitch chat ill be using twitch downloader to upload this basically reacting to my video and ill be reacting to a video about This is the script from the video "00:00:00 we've just got some insane information exposed about Call of Duty that has never been shared before and it's bad just a warning this is actually bad so just a disclaimer brace yourself for what's coming all credit right now goes to Branch off Bush who I'll link in the description he's much more knowledgeable than I am about computers game development and coding and his explanation is incredibly in-depth and precise however it's a little difficult to understand for an everyday average gamer so I'm going to simplify and relay
00:00:27 this information to you in a way where it's widely accessible bush has been trying to get the attention of the mainstream Call of Duty Community for a while but it was clear we weren't ready to hear the information yet this tweet shows him tagging a bunch of larger creators in the Call of Duty Community telling them that he helped a government agency expose the fact that Activision executes software that has unrestricted access to your computer's camera but it's a lot more than just that this is
00:00:49 going to expose a lot of what Activision is doing behind the scenes not just with manipulating the game but also with your computer or console as well I'm going to teach some complex computer things here in a short time the pay attention and get ready to get rocked we've never outed anything like this before the first thing I need to explain is something called a dll file dll stands for dynamic link library and it is put very simply a file that runs in the background of your computer that contains code that multiple programs can
00:01:17 access at the same time for example if a program needs to access your camera like Zoom or Skype instead of the developers needing to write code within that software to control your camera they can instead tell the software to access a dll file that is already on your computer to access the video feed of your camera it's basically a shortcut for developers instead of recoding functions that your computer can already do they just tell the software to access a toolbox of code that is already capable of doing that in the simplest
00:01:44 terms possible why build a hammer from scratch with your own resources when you can just reach into your toolbox and pull one out this being said Branch off Bush when helping this government agency find out what Activision was up to behind the scenes used software that detects what dll files a certain program was accessing while it was running first he tested this software on Black Ops 1 while playing combat training he found that it accessed only a single suspicious dll file called ntdll.dll now
00:02:10 bear with me here Black Ops 1 was designed to run in both 32 and 64-bit systems or newer and older systems at the same time but since Black Ops 1 was also compatible with Windows XP an older operating system the game was accessing this dll file in order to utilize the resources necessary to translate the game over to a 64-bit system from a 32-bit origin but simply Call of Duty was accessing this dll file present in Windows in order to make an older game compatible on a newer system so it is not suspicious activity the game simply
00:02:42 requires code that Windows already possessed so that the devs didn't need to codee their own translation software rather they pulled from the dll toolbox that already existed on windows so that was a total mouthful but it sets up the absolute bombshell that I'm about to drop next when using the same software that detects what dll files a certain certain program is potentially utilizing maliciously but this time on Modern Warfare 3 2023 the software found something that would shock you the first
00:03:08 list of utilized DLS when Black Ops 1 was investigated was this big only six dll files were utilized by Black Ops 1 and none were suspicious or malicious when the software was run on Modern Warfare 3 2023 the list was this big holy smokes for context and not just because black up 6 is more modern bro X defiant uses you guessed it zero dlls when it was tested with the same software the game accesses a lot of your computer's functionality but hold on there's one in particular that stands out from the rest well I will grant that
00:03:45 a lot of these files are innocent this one right here is cause for great alarm Envy camera 64.dll whoa now we're getting somewhere Call of Duty is using files in your computer that are designed to access your camera's video feed even when you don't have a webcam active Call of Duty immediately on Startup has direct access to your camera despite the game and anti-che not at all requiring camera access not a single function within Call of Duty requires such a thing to be active so why is it active well look no
00:04:17 further than this Activision owned and created patent methods and systems to modify a two-dimensional facial image to increase dimensional depth and generate a facial image that appears threedimensional why on God's green earth does this patent need to exist the scariest part part is that this image included in the patent's resources displays a player's face overlaid over their gameplay the footnote that describes this image reads as the following in embodiments the Expressions SL reactions of movements of image 1504
00:04:43 which is this image right here reflect the user's Expressions SL reactions and movements in real time this software is capable of using your camera to read and analyze your reactions and emotions and the game is also confirmed to be accessing your camera as soon as the game starts up but then we have to ask why is Call of Duty getting access to your camera the moment the game boots up it's not to design a 3D model of your face for graphic design purposes or maybe it is I don't know but what other
00:05:10 things is Activision created or perhaps patented that would need camera access in order to get the most benefit out of it well we return once again to one of our favorite patents system and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games and here is where I dropped the bombshell we can see right here in this patent that Activision has designed a system that does a few things by reading the emotional state of a player using visuals firstly in this section right here it reads examples of quality
00:05:36 factors include without limitation a player quitting a match or gameplay session while other players are still playing indicating satisfaction blah blah blah until we get right here a player engagement Factor eg a speed of player input a level of focus as determined from camera peripherals Etc where greater engagement May indicate greater satisfaction so in this patent a camera is used to analyze the emotional state of a player another other section reads the quality factors may include for example a duration of a gameplay
00:06:04 session EG via analysis of player historical data player psychological State EG frustration level and or other information so Activision has created methods and systems that read player emotions in order to drive microtransactions and rig the matchmaking and the best part the patent that creates 3D facial images out of 2D images is cited within the microtransaction patent and they have an AI that listens to your microphone in game chat so the game has unrestricted camera access can see your face and hear
00:06:32 your voice without you giving them permission to see your face or hear your voice outside of voice chat unless somewhere in the terms of service there is a loophole that we sign up to which I wouldn't be too surprised about this is really bad so Call of Duty has camera access as soon as the game starts up and Activision has patents that suggest that a camera can be used in game to measure your engagement levels and do whatever else it wants to do remember when Branch off Bush did this text with X defiant no
00:06:57 dll files were pulled at all meaning the game wasn't used anything on the system to run the game and the game was executing all of its own unique code that's quite interesting X defiant a game without manipulative matchmaking in a transparent Dev team doesn't use any dll processes not one nor does it do any other kind of Engagement measurement but then we get to Call of Duty where we can feel something is quite off about the game and we suddenly discover the game has unrestricted camera feed access as
00:07:23 well as patents about reading player emotions for engagement that cites a patent that uses a camera to model a 3D face out of a 2D image I wonder what they could be trying to do but this next patent seals the deal may I present to you methods and systems for continuing to execute a simulation after processing resources go offline already the name of this patent is incredibly offputting but then you read into what it's capable of doing and you start to really question what's going on get ready for this one a
00:07:50 system and method is provided that simulates gameplay of non-player characters and PCs distributed across networked end user devices the system May identify end user devices that are connected to the system through Network and are available to participate in a simulation in which each participating end user device is provided with one or more NPCs to be executed an end user device may be available to participate when it has sufficient Computing capacity such as when in an idle or standby State as such the system May
00:08:14 leverage spare Computing capacity of networked end user devices to execute NPCs at networked end user devices during a simulation in this manner the behavior of an NPC may be tested using real world connections that may affect gameplay such as network connection quality user to user game engine coordination and data exchanges and or other real world conditions associated with networked and user devices that's wicked complex but this is essentially what is called a botnet which is a computer virus which