<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:us:gov:treasury" targetNamespace="urn:us:gov:treasury" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="5.0.2"> |
<xsd:include schemaLocation="../core/Common_ComplexTypes.xsd"/> |
<xsd:element name="Error" type="Error_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Contains the error metadata fields.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="Errors" type="Errors_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Container for each Error item</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="Success" type="Success_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Conveys the successful receipt or validation of the inbound Transmission.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="Successes" type="Successes_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Container for each Success item</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="TransmissionRs" type="TransmissionRs_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Used to identify an application error by either text, code, or by an online description and also to give the status, tag, and/or identification of the record that may have caused the error.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="Warning" type="Warning_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Contains the warning metadata fields.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:element name="Warnings" type="Warnings_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Container for each Warning item</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:element> |
<xsd:complexType name="Error_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="ErrorWarningAttributeGroup"/> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Error_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:complexContent> |
<xsd:restriction base="Error_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorCode" type="StringLength_0to4_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorText" type="StringLength_0to150_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Provides a short text description of the error or warning.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="DocumentLink" type="URI_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>This URI refers to an online description of the error or warning that occurred.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="SeverityLevel" type="SeverityLevel_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>This value represents the degree of error where the lowest number "1" is the highest degree of error (i.e. a fatal error) and "9" is the lowest degree of error. </xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorNode" type="String_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>The XPath notation to identify the location of the error/warning present in the instance document referenced by the EchoID attribute.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:complexContent> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Errors_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Error" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Errors_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:complexContent> |
<xsd:restriction base="Errors_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Error" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:complexContent> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Success_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="TradingPartnerExtensions" minOccurs="0"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="SuccessType_AttributeGroup"/> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Success_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:complexContent> |
<xsd:restriction base="Success_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="TradingPartnerExtensions" minOccurs="0"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attribute name="SuccessType" type="Success_SimpleType" use="required"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Indicates whether the successful result of the inbound document was received or was validated. The server relays a successful business-rules validation by the absence of Warning items or Error items. </xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:complexContent> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Successes_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Success" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Successes_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:complexContent> |
<xsd:restriction base="Successes_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Success" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:complexContent> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="TransmissionRs_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Successes" minOccurs="0"/> |
<xsd:element ref="Warnings" minOccurs="0"/> |
<xsd:element ref="Errors" minOccurs="0"/> |
<xsd:element ref="Totals" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="TransmissionRs_AttributeGroup"/> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="TransmissionRs_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:complexContent> |
<xsd:restriction base="TransmissionRs_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Successes" minOccurs="0"/> |
<xsd:element ref="Warnings" minOccurs="0"/> |
<xsd:element ref="Errors" minOccurs="0"/> |
<xsd:element ref="Totals" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:attribute name="EchoID" type="Identifier_SimpleType" use="required"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Identifies the unique original Transmission message level identifier.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="Identifier_SimpleType" use="required"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>An identifier for the record. For a receiving system, this value can be used to reconcile updates to an existing record and qualify new records. For a sending system, this value can be used to reconcile acknowledgements for the submitted records.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="TransmissionTimestamp" type="TimeStamp_SimpleType" use="required"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Indicates the date and time of a transmission.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="AccountableBusinessLineCode" type="BusinessTransmissionCategory_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>The business line of a transaction's content (as opposed to the business line of the program that processes the transaction, which is not always the same).</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="InputSystemText" type="StringLength_0to40_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Identifies the sending trading partner.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="SequenceNumber" type="SequenceNumber_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Provides a sequential order of items.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:complexContent> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Warning_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="ErrorWarningAttributeGroup"/> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Warning_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:complexContent> |
<xsd:restriction base="Warning_Baseline_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorCode" type="StringLength_0to4_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorText" type="StringLength_0to150_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Provides a short text description of the error or warning.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="DocumentLink" type="URI_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>This URI refers to an online description of the error or warning that occurred.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="SeverityLevel" type="SeverityLevel_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>This value represents the degree of error where the lowest number "1" is the highest degree of error (i.e. a fatal error) and "9" is the lowest degree of error. </xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorNode" type="String_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>The XPath notation to identify the location of the error/warning present in the instance document referenced by the EchoID attribute.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:complexContent> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:complexType name="Warnings_ComplexType"> |
<xsd:sequence> |
<xsd:element ref="Warning" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
</xsd:sequence> |
</xsd:complexType> |
<xsd:attributeGroup name="ErrorWarningAttributeGroup"> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorCode" type="StringLength_0to4_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorText" type="StringLength_0to150_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Provides a short text description of the error or warning.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="DocumentLink" type="URI_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>This URI refers to an online description of the error or warning that occurred.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="SeverityLevel" type="SeverityLevel_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>This value represents the degree of error where the lowest number "1" is the highest degree of error (i.e. a fatal error) and "9" is the lowest degree of error. </xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attribute name="ErrorNode" type="String_SimpleType" use="optional"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>The XPath notation to identify the location of the error/warning present in the instance document referenced by the EchoID attribute.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
</xsd:attributeGroup> |
<xsd:attributeGroup name="SuccessType_AttributeGroup"> |
<xsd:attribute name="SuccessType" type="Success_SimpleType" use="required"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Indicates whether the successful result of the inbound document was received or was validated. The server relays a successful business-rules validation by the absence of Warning items or Error items. </xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:attribute> |
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="ReferenceIdentifier_AttributeGroup"/> |
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="ReferenceNumber_AttributeGroup"/> |
</xsd:attributeGroup> |
<xsd:simpleType name="SeverityLevel_SimpleType"> |
<xsd:restriction base="String_SimpleType"> |
<xsd:pattern value="[1-9]"/> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:simpleType> |
<xsd:simpleType name="Success_SimpleType"> |
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> |
<xsd:enumeration value="Received"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Indicates that the server received the inbound document (no schema-validation or business-rules validation).</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:enumeration> |
<xsd:enumeration value="Validated"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Indicates that the server received the inbound document and that it passed schema-validation.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:enumeration> |
<xsd:enumeration value="Processed"> |
<xsd:annotation> |
<xsd:documentation>Indicates that the server received the inbound document and that it passed schema-validation and business-rules validation.</xsd:documentation> |
</xsd:annotation> |
</xsd:enumeration> |
</xsd:restriction> |
</xsd:simpleType> |
</xsd:schema> |