{ "9602/astro-ph9602028_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider stochastic particle acceleration in plasmas around stellar mass black holes to explain the emissions above 1 MeV from Galactic black hole candidates. We show that for certain parameter regimes, electrons can overcome Coulomb losses and be accelerated beyond the thermal distribution to form a new population, whose distribution is broad and usually not a power law; the peak energy of the distribution is determined by the balance between acceleration and cooling, with particles piling up around it. Radiation by inverse Compton scattering off the thermal (from background) and non-thermal (produced by acceleration) particles can in principle explain the hard X-ray to gamma-ray emissions from black hole candidates. We present model fits of Cyg X-1 and GRO J0422 in 50 keV -- 5 MeV region observed with OSSE and COMPTEL. ", "introduction": "Most of Galactic black hole candidates (GBHCs) show X-ray spectra well fit by a thermal Comptonization model with temperatures $\\sim$ 50 -- 100 keV and Thomson depths of a few (e.g., \\cite{har94}; \\cite{lia93}). OSSE and COMPTEL experiments on {\\em Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory} (CGRO), however, have recently revealed that persistent gamma-rays $>$ MeVs are being produced in some GBHCs, in particular Cyg X-1 (\\cite{joh93}; \\cite{mcc94}) and GRO J0422+32 (\\cite{dij95}). These gamma-ray tails are hard to fit with a single component Sunyaev \\& Titarchuk (1980) thermal model (or a more recent model by Titarchuk 1994). Hence non-thermal processes are strongly hinted by these observations. Models of non-thermal $e^\\pm$ pairs have been studied with the emphasis on the power-law X-ray emission from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) (e.g., \\cite{fab86}; \\cite{lz87}; \\cite{sv87}; \\cite{cop92}), and they can be also applied to plasmas around stellar mass black holes. Those models assume that either mono-energetic or power-law leptons with a large Lorentz factor ($\\gamma \\gg 1$) are injected and they initiate cascade processes such as $e^{\\pm}$ production and Compton scattering (see \\cite{sv94} for a recent review). However, those models did not specify any acceleration mechanism, thereby lacking the self-consistency in determining the particle distributions and photon spectra. Motivated by the MeV photons from GBHCs, we study the role of stochastic particle acceleration in accreting plasmas near GBHCs. The mechanisms of wave-particle resonant interactions that lead to particle acceleration have been directly observed in solar-wind (e.g., \\cite{mar91}) and extensively studied in the context of solar flares (e.g., \\cite{mel74}; \\cite{ram79}; \\cite{hp92}; \\cite{mr95}). Stochastic acceleration has been applied to diffusive shock acceleration and cosmic rays (\\cite{sch94}), the lobes of radio galaxies (e.g., \\cite{lac77}; \\cite{ach79}; \\cite{eil84}), and recently, the central regions of AGNs (\\cite{dml95}). Here in this {\\em Letter}, we couple the particle energization and radiative processes to determine self-consistently the steady state particle and photon distributions in GBHC environments. We then present fits to gamma-ray data of GBHCs observed with OSSE and COMPTEL. ", "conclusions": "\\label{dis-sec} We have examined stochastic particle acceleration via wave-particle resonant interactions near Galactic black holes. We find that under certain conditions, stochastic electron acceleration can overcome both Coulomb and Compton losses, resulting in a suprathermal population. Preliminary model spectra show good fits to the recent OSSE and COMPTEL observations of Cyg X-1 and GRO J0422. We find that Cyg X-1 has a much higher component in gamma-rays than J0422, as it is also evident in the data. This can be understood in terms of the higher $\\ell_{\\rm nt} / \\ell$ and lower compactness of Cyg X-1, compared to J0422, if they have the same black hole mass. On the other hand, the high energy emissions from J0422 can be fitted by different masses of the putative black holes. But these fittings are different from the standard thermal (i.e. e-p plasma only) models because a large amount of pairs are produced and thermalized due to the high compactness. Since both sources are highly variable, especially in gamma-ray emissions, we expect the non-thermal energy content $\\ell_{\\rm nt} / \\ell$ might vary but the detailed microphysics of how the system partitions the energy flows is presently unclear. The non-thermal population we obtain here is relatively soft with few pairs, not capable of explaining either the transient MeV bump discovered by Ling et al. (1987) or the COMPTEL power-law tail if it extends to much higher energies. This softness is due to our assumptions of a copious soft photon source permeating the entire emission region and {\\em the coexistence of thermal and non-thermal particles in a single homogeneous volume}. Coulomb interaction {\\em efficiently} transfers the non-thermal energy to the thermal reservoir which strongly limits the existence and energy content of non-thermal particle population. To achieve much harder non-thermal populations and emissions we need to postulate the existence of physically distinct regions for the thermal and non-thermal components, either in the form of a thermal disk plus non-thermal corona or jets, or thermal outer disk and non-thermal inner torus. We plan to undertake such ventures in future work. But it is highly encouraging that a simple-minded single-component spherical model with few parameters is already capable of explaining from first principles the quiescent (low-hard state) emissions of Cyg X-1 and GRO J0422 detected by CGRO. We note, of course, that there are many other alternative interpretations of the hard tail, including the pion decay model (\\cite{jr94}) and pair-dominated hot cloud model invoking quenching of the soft photon source (\\cite{ld88}). It is possible that particles accelerated by shocks may also account for the $>$ MeV emissions." }, "9602/astro-ph9602046_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the light of the recent finding that nebular emission lines are commonly found in the inner regions of early-type galaxies, we evaluate their effect to stellar absorption-line indices. We derive analytical expressions for changes induced by the presence of nebular emission lines, both for atomic and molecular absorption-line indices. We find that the \\NI\\ emission-line doublet at 5199 \\AA\\ can significantly affect \\mgb\\ line-strength measurements. For typical equivalent widths of the \\NI\\ doublet in nuclei of early-type galaxies featuring nebular emission, the \\mgb\\ index is artificially enhanced by 0.4\\,--\\,2 \\AA, which represents a significant fraction of the typical equivalent width of the \\mgb\\ line in early-type galaxies. We illustrate this effect in the case of NGC~2974. \\keywords galaxies: elliptical and lenticular -- elliptical galaxies: line strengths, emission lines, kinematical substructure ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The \\mgb\\ index at 5177\\,\\AA\\ is one of the most prominent features in the optical spectra of old stars. It is one of the 11 well-known strong spectral line-strength indices that are widely used to study stellar populations in old stellar systems such as globular clusters and early-type galaxies (e.g., Burstein \\etal \\cite{bfgk84}; Faber \\etal \\cite{fab+85}; Gorgas, Efstathiou \\& Arag\\'on-Salamanca \\cite{gea90}; Davies, Sadler \\& Peletier \\cite{dsp93}; Gonz\\'alez \\cite{gonz93}; Carollo \\& Danziger \\cite{cardan94}; Sansom, Peace \\& Dodd \\cite{sams+94}; Fisher, Franx \\& Illingworth \\cite{fish+95}; Surma \\& Bender \\cite{surben95}). Using a library of standard stars, these indices have been empirically calibrated as a function of stellar colour, surface gravity and metallicity (Gorgas \\etal \\cite{gorg+93}), allowing the construction of semi-empirical population synthesis models (e.g., Worthey \\cite{guy94}). The behaviour of these indices in old stellar systems has provided useful insights on the star formation history of elliptical galaxies (e.g., Davies \\cite{dav95} and references therein). These line strengths are a measure of the depth of a given absorption feature, based on the flux in a central bandpass covering the feature of interest versus a local continuum level, which is linearly interpolated from a pair of bracketing bandpasses at either side of the feature. The continuum bandpasses have been defined in regions close to the feature, having no strong absorption lines; the bandpasses have been chosen wide enough to enable a calibration of index dilution due to velocity dispersions in galaxy nuclei. The indices have been defined using old Galactic stars and globular clusters, free of emission lines. However, it is now known that a significant fraction (at least 50\\%) of `normal' elliptical galaxies contains ionized gas (Goudfrooij \\etal \\cite{paul+94a} (hereafter GHJN) and references therein). In this {\\it Letter}, we study the effect of nebular emission lines to measured line strengths. Particular attention will be devoted to the effect of the \\NI$\\,\\lambda\\lambda 5197.9, 5200.4$ emission-line doublet (often, and hereafter, refered to as \\NI\\,5199), since it is situated right in the continuum bandpass redward of the \\mgb\\ lines, and is thus a potential source of error. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concl} In this {\\it Letter}, we have discussed the effect of nebular emission lines on the derivation of absorption-line strengths in the central region of early-type galaxies. We derived analytical expressions for changes induced by the presence of nebular emission lines, both for atomic and molecular absorption-line indices. In particular, we emphasize the fact that the measurement of the well-known \\mgb\\ index can be strongly perturbed by the presence of the \\NI\\,5199 doublet, with a difference in equivalent width $\\Delta \\mbox{\\mgb}$ up to 2~\\AA. We have illustrated this effect using spectrographic observations of NGC~2974. We argue that this effect should be considered when studying line-strength gradients in the inner regions of early-type galaxies." }, "9602/astro-ph9602121_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A protogalaxy candidate at $z=2.72$ has been discovered serendipitously by the CNOC cluster redshift survey. The candidate is an extremely luminous ($V=20.5$ mag, absolute mag --26) and well resolved (2$''$$\\times$3$''$) disk-like galaxy. The redshift is identified from a dozen strong UV absorption lines, including lines with P-Cygni profiles, which are indicative of the presence of young O and B stars. No emission lines are found between 1000 and 2000\\AA~(rest), including Ly$\\alpha$. The surface brightness profile of the galaxy fits an exponential law with a scale length of $\\sim$3.5 kpc. The multi-color photometric data fit the spectral energy distributions of a stellar population from 400 million years to an arbitrary young age, dependent on the amount of dust extinction. However, the presence of a strong P-Cygni profile in \\CIV~indicates that a very substantial component of the stellar population must be younger than $\\sim$ 10 Myr. These models predict that this galaxy will evolve into a bright galaxy of several $L^*$ in brightness. We can interpret this object as an early-type galaxy observed within about 100 million years of the initial burst of star formation which created most of its stellar mass, producing the extremely high luminosity. Because of the resolved, regular, and smooth nature of the object, it is unlikely that the high luminosity is due to gravitational lensing. We estimate the sky density of this type of objects observable at any one time to be $10^{0\\pm1}$ per square degree. ", "introduction": "The discovery of a primeval, or proto-, galaxy -- loosely defined as a galaxy in its initial star formation stage -- has long been one of the most sought-after observational goals of extragalactic astronomy. The importance of proto-galaxies (PGs) to our understanding of the formation of structures and evolution of galaxies is enormous. By observing galaxies in their early stages of evolution, we may be able to delineate the dynamical processes that lead to and accompany the formation of galaxies. Furthermore, because evolution is slow for galaxies containing mostly stars older than about 1 Gyr (Tinsley 1972), it is only by observing the properties of galaxies during the first Gyr or so of their lifetime that we will be able to place strong constraints on the star formation and chemical evolution history of galaxies. It is precisely because no definitive observational data for PG exist, that over the years PGs have been predicted to have properties covering the whole imaginable range of morphologies, colors, redshift of formation, and emission-line characteristics (e.g., see the excellent reviews by Koo 1986 and Pritchet 1994, and references therein). In response to the predictions arising from these diverse models of PGs, many different methods have been suggested and carried out in their search -- narrow-band imaging from the near-UV to the infrared searching for Ly$\\alpha$ emission (e.g., Pritchet \\& Hartwick 1990); broad-band imaging searches for the Lyman break (e.g., Steidel \\& Hamilton 1993, Djorgovski 1992); and searching around other known high-redshift objects discovered by their non-stellar emission, such as quasars, radio-galaxies, and damped Ly$\\alpha$ absorbers (e.g., Djorgovski 1985, McCarthy 1993, and Wolfe 1995). Most of these searches have one thing in common: the dependence of redshift identification on the existence of the Ly$\\alpha$ emission line. Many different types of objects have been put forward as possible PG candidates, ranging from high-redshift radio galaxies to Ly$\\alpha$ emitters found around quasars and damped Ly$\\alpha$ systems. Most recently, two promising candidates were announced in the literature. One was the ultra-luminous IRAS galaxy 10214+4724 at $z=2.29$ (Rowan-Robinson et al.~1991). However, recent observations (Matthew et al.~1994, Eisenhardt et al.~1996) have clearly shown that gravitational lensing is the culprit behind the very large apparent luminosity; the object is consistent with being similar to low-redshift luminous IRAS galaxies. Another recent object of interest is Hawaii-167, an unresolved object at $z=2.33$ with strong UV absorption lines, discovered by Cowie et al.~(1994) from their $K$-band redshift survey. Egami et al.~(1996) interpret this object as a buried quasar with a host galaxy undergoing a strong burst of star formation. Cowie et al.~(1995) recently reported the discovery of many galaxies at $1