{ "0002/astro-ph0002382_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on $V$ and $R$ high speed photometry of the dwarf nova EX~Dra in quiescence and in outburst. The analysis of the outburst lightcurves indicates that the outbursts do not start in the outer disc regions. The disc expands during the rise to maximum and shrinks during decline and along the following quiescent period. The decrease in brightness at the later stages of the outburst is due to the fading of the light from the inner disc regions. At the end of two outbursts the system was seen to go through a phase of lower brightness, characterized by an out-of-eclipse level $\\simeq 15$ per cent lower than the typical quiescent level and by the fairly symmetric eclipse of a compact source at disc centre with little evidence of a bright spot at disc rim. New eclipse timings were measured from the lightcurves taken in quiescence and a revised ephemeris was derived. The residuals with respect to the linear ephemeris are well described by a sinusoid of amplitude 1.2 minutes and period $\\simeq 4$ years and are possibly related to a solar-like magnetic activity cycle in the secondary star. Eclipse phases of the compact central source and of the bright spot were used to derive the geometry of the binary. By constraining the gas stream trajectory to pass through the observed position of the bright spot we find $q=0.72\\pm 0.06$ and $i= 85^{+3}_{-2}$ degrees. The binary parameters were estimated by combining the measured mass ratio with the assumption that the secondary star obeys an empirical main sequence mass-radius relation. We find $M_1 = 0.75\\pm 0.15 \\; M_\\odot$ and $M_2 = 0.54\\pm 0.10 \\; M_\\odot$. The results indicate that the white dwarf at disc centre is surrounded by an extended and variable atmosphere or boundary layer of at least 3 times its radius and a temperature of $T\\simeq 28000 \\;K$. The fluxes at mid-eclipse yield an upper limit to the contribution of the secondary star and lead to a lower limit photometric parallax distance of $D= 290 \\pm 80\\; pc$. The fluxes of the secondary star are well matched by those of a M$0\\pm2$ main sequence star. ", "introduction": "Dwarf novae are mass-exchanging binaries in which a late type star (the secondary) overfills its Roche lobe and transfers matter to a companion white dwarf (the primary) via an accretion disc. These systems show recurrent outbursts of 2--5 magnitudes on timescales of a few weeks to months caused either by an instability in the mass transfer from the secondary star or by a thermal instability in the accretion disc which switches the disc from a low to a high-viscosity regime (Warner 1995 and references therein). During outburst most of the light arises from the bright, optically thick accretion disc, while in quiescence the dominant sources of light are the white dwarf and the bright spot formed by the impact of the infalling gas stream with the edge of the disc. Eclipsing dwarf novae are probably the best sites for the study of accretion physics as the occultation of the accretion disc and white dwarf by the secondary can be used to constrain the geometry and parameters of the binary, and tomographic techniques such as eclipse mapping (Horne 1985) and Doppler tomography (Marsh \\& Horne 1988) can be applied to probe the structure and dynamics of the accretion flow. EX Draconis (= HS1804+67) was detected in the Hamburger Quasar Survey (Bade et~al. 1989) and shown to be an eclipsing dwarf nova with an orbital period of 5.04 hr by Barwig et~al. (1993). From spectroscopic observations made in quiescence, Billington, Marsh \\& Dhillon (1996) found that the secondary star is of spectral type M1 to M2 and that it contributes almost all of the light at mid-eclipse. Their analysis showed that the inner face of the secondary is significantly irradiated by the white dwarf. They found a rotational broadening of $v\\sin i = 140\\; km\\,s^{-1}$ and a radial velocity semi-amplitude of $K_2 = 210\\; km\\,s^{-1}$ for the secondary star which leads to a spectroscopic mass ratio of $q=0.8$ when combined with the $K_1= 167\\; km\\,s^{-1}$ of Barwig et~al. (1993). A relatively small value for the radius of the accretion disc ($0.4\\;R_{L1}$) is derived but no explanation is given of how this estimate was made. In a follow up study using spectroscopy and photometry of EX~Dra in quiescence and in outburst, Fiedler, Barwig \\& Mantel (1997) measured radial velocity semi-amplitudes of $K_1= 167\\; km\\,s^{-1}$ and $K_2= 223\\; km\\,s^{-1}$ and derived a spectroscopic model for the binary with $q=0.75$, $i= 84.2\\degr$, $M_1= 0.75\\;M_\\odot$ and $M_2= 0.56\\;M_\\odot$. However, the radial velocity curve of the H$\\alpha$ line shows a large phase shift ($\\simeq 0.2$ cycle) with respect to photometric conjunction which casts doubt on the derived value of $K_1$. They use the eclipse phases of the bright spot and white dwarf to derive a photometric mass ratio between 0.7 and 0.8, supporting the spectroscopic model. From the ratios of Ca\\,I and TiO absorption features they infer a spectral type of M0 for the secondary star. Smith \\& Dhillon (1998) use the values of $v\\sin i$ and $K_2$ of Billington et~al. (1996) and the eclipse phase width $\\Delta\\phi$ of Fiedler et~al. (1997) to infer a $K_1= 176 \\;km\\,s^{-1}$. In this paper we present and discuss high-speed photometry of EX~Dra in quiescence and in outburst. Section~\\ref{obs} describes the observations. In section~\\ref{results} we present and discuss the eclipse lightcurves, provide an updated ephemeris, derive the binary parameters from the eclipse phases of the white dwarf and bright spot, and obtain estimates of the distance to the binary. The results are summarized in section~\\ref{final}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{final} The results of the analysis of $V$ and $R$ high speed photometry of EX~Dra in quiescence and through outburst can be summarized as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item During the period of the observations EX~Dra showed outbursts with typical amplitudes of $\\simeq 2.0$ mag, duration of $\\simeq 10$ days, and average time between outbursts of $20\\pm 3$ days. The observed amplitudes are larger than those found by Billington et~al. (1996). \\item The lightcurves during outburst were grouped by outburst phase. The analysis of these lightcurves indicates that the outbursts do not start in the outer disc regions and, therefore, favours the disc instability model. The disc expands during the rise to maximum (as indicated by the increasing width of the eclipse) and shrinks during decline. The decrease in brightness at the later stages of the outburst is due to the fading of the light from the inner disc regions. \\item At the end of two outbursts the system was seen to go through a phase of lower brightness (named the low state), characterized by the fairly symmetric eclipse of a compact source at disc centre with little evidence of a bright spot at disc rim, and by an out-of-eclipse level $\\simeq 15$ per cent lower than the typical quiescent level. \\item New eclipse timings were measured from the lightcurves in quiescence and a revised ephemeris was derived. The residuals with respect to the linear ephemeris show a clear cyclical behaviour and can be well described by a sinusoid of amplitude 1.2 minutes and period $\\simeq 4$ years. This period variation is possibly related to a solar-like magnetic activity cycle in the secondary star. \\item Eclipse phases of the compact central source and of the bright spot were used to derive the geometry of the binary. By constraining the gas stream trajectory to pass through the observed position of the bright spot we find $q=0.72\\pm 0.06$ and $i= 85^{+3}_{-2}$ degrees. \\item The binary parameters were estimated by combining the measured mass ratio with the assumption that the secondary star in EX~Dra obeys the empirical main sequence mass-radius relation of Smith \\& Dhillon (1998). The set of derived parameters in listed in Table~\\ref{tab5}. \\item The observed changes in the position of the bright spot with time suggest that the accretion disc shrinks during quiescence by at least $\\simeq 12$ per cent. \\item The phase of hump maximum is distinct from the radial direction of the bright spot. If the hump maximum is normal to the plane of the shock at the bright spot site then the shock lies in a direction between the stream trajectory and the edge of the disc, making an angle of $41\\degr\\pm 4\\degr$ with the latter. \\item The white dwarf seems surrounded by an extended, variable atmosphere or boundary layer of at least 3 times its radius. From the derived parameters, a duration of the ingress/egress of the white dwarf of $\\Delta_{wd}= 0.0024\\pm 0.0006$ cycle is predicted. \\item The fluxes at mid-eclipse of the lightcurves of the low state yield an upper limit to the contribution of the secondary star and lead to a lower limit photometric parallax distance of $D_{MS}= 290\\pm 80\\;pc$. \\item The fluxes of the central source are well fitted by a white dwarf atmosphere model with $T_{cs}= (28\\pm 3)\\times 10^3\\;K ,\\: \\log g = 8$ and solid angle $\\theta^2_{cs}= [(R_{cs}/R_\\odot)/(D/kpc)]^2= (3.3\\pm 0.5) \\times 10^{-3}$. For a spherical central source, this leads to a distance of $D= 640\\pm 50\\;pc$ if the inner disc is optically thin. The distance estimates from the mid-eclipse fluxes and from the fluxes of the central source can be reconciled if the central source has a toroidal shape with an equatorial diameter of $2\\times 0.037\\;R_\\odot$ and a vertical thickness of $0.012\\; R_\\odot$ (if the inner disc is optically thin) or $0.024\\;R_\\odot$ (if the inner disc is opaque). \\end{enumerate} The analysis of the set of lightcurves through outburst with eclipse mapping techniques yields an uneven opportunity to investigate the changes in the structure of an outbursting accretion disc and is the subject of another paper (Baptista \\& Catal\\'an 1999, 2000)." }, "0002/astro-ph0002457_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present predictions for the reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) by stars in high-redshift galaxies, based on a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. We calculate ionizing luminosities of galaxies, including the effects of absorption by interstellar gas and dust on the escape fraction $f_{\\rm esc}$, and follow the propagation of the ionization fronts around each galaxy in order to calculate the filling factor of ionized hydrogen in the IGM. For a $\\Lambda{\\rm CDM}$ cosmology, with parameters of the galaxy formation model chosen to match observations of present-day galaxies, and a physical calculation of the escape fraction, we find that the hydrogen in the IGM will be reionized at redshift $z=6.1$ if the IGM has uniform density, but only by $z=4.5$ if the IGM is clumped. If instead we assume a constant escape fraction of 20\\% for all galaxies, then we find reionization at $z=9.0$ and $z=7.8$ for the same two assumptions about IGM clumping. We combine our semi-analytic model with an N-body simulation of the distribution of dark matter in the universe in order to calculate the evolution of the spatial and velocity distribution of the ionized gas in the IGM, and use this to calculate the secondary temperature anisotropies induced in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by scattering off free electrons. The models predict a spectrum of secondary anisotropies covering a broad range of angular scales, with fractional temperature fluctuations $\\sim 10^{-7}-10^{-6}$ on arcminute scales. The amplitude depends strongly on the total baryon density, and less sensitively on the escape fraction $f_{\\rm esc}$. The amplitude also depends somewhat on the geometry of reionization, with models in which the regions of highest gas density are reionized first giving larger CMB fluctuations than the case where galaxies ionize surrounding spherical regions, and models where low density regions reionize first giving the smallest fluctuations. Measurement of these anisotropies can therefore put important constraints on the reionization process, in particular, the redshift evolution of the filling factor, and should be a primary objective of a next generation submillimeter telescope such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array. ", "introduction": "The Gunn-Peterson (GP) effect \\cite{gunn65} strongly indicates that the smoothly distributed hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) is already highly ionized by $z=5$ \\cite{schneider91,lanzetta95}. Barring the possibility of collisional reionization (e.g. Giroux \\& Shapiro 1994), the GP effect implies the presence of very luminous ionizing sources at high redshifts capable of producing enough Lyman continuum (Lyc) photons to cause photoionization of hydrogen by $z\\gsim 5$. The two possible sources of these ionizing photons are QSOs and high mass stars. Models in which QSOs dominate the production of ionizing photons may be able to meet the GP constraint \\cite{miralda90}. However, such models are strongly constrained by the observed drop in the abundance of bright QSOs above $z\\approx 3$ \\cite{hartwick90,warren94,kennefick95,schmidt95}. Furthermore, \\scite{mhr98} note that a model in which faint QSOs provide all the required ionizing luminosity can be ruled out on the basis of the number of faint QSOs seen in the HDF. There is, however, growing evidence for the presence of bright galaxies at redshifts as high as $z \\sim 5$ \\cite{spinrad98}, and perhaps even higher \\cite{yahil98}. Thus the other natural candidate sources of ionizing photons are young, high mass stars forming in galaxies at redshifts greater than 5 (e.g. \\pcite{CR86,haiman96,ciardi99}). \\scite{mhr98} note that at $z\\approx 3$ stars in Lyman-break galaxies will emit more ionizing photons into the IGM than QSOs if more than 30\\% of such photons can escape from their host galaxy. Whilst such high escape fractions may not be realistic (e.g. local starbursts show escape fractions of only a few percent, \\pcite{leitherer95}), this does demonstrate that high-redshift galaxies could provide a significant contribution to (or perhaps even dominate) the production of ionizing photons. In this work we will restrict our attention to ionizing photons produced by stars, deferring consideration of the QSO contribution to a later paper. According to the hierarchical structure formation scenario (e.g. \\pcite{peebles80}) perturbations in the gravitationally dominant and dissipationless dark matter grow, by gravitational instability, into virialised clumps, or halos. Galaxies, and later stars, then form by the cooling and condensation of gas inside these halos (e.g. \\pcite{wr78,wf91}). Dark matter halos continually grow by merging with other halos (e.g. \\pcite{bower91,bcek}). In the context of this hierarchical scenario, we present a realistic scheme for studying the reionization of the universe by ionizing photons emitted from massive stars. We focus on the photoionization of the hydrogen component of the IGM. To predict the time dependent luminosity in Lyc photons we use a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation (e.g. \\pcite{kauff93,coleetal94,somerville98}). In particular, we use the semi-analytic model of \\scite{coleetal99}, modified to take into account Compton cooling by cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons, to model the properties of galaxies living in dark matter halos spanning a wide range of masses. We then estimate the fraction of the ionizing photons which manage to escape each galaxy, and therefore contribute to the photoionization of the intergalactic \\HI. The fraction of ionizing photons escaping is determined on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis, using physically motivated models. Assuming spherical symmetry, we follow the propagation of the ionization front around each halo to compute the filling factor of intergalactic \\HII\\ regions, including the effects of clumping in the IGM. Finally, using several alternative models for the spatial distribution of ionized regions within a high resolution N-body simulation of the dark matter distribution, we estimate the anisotropies imprinted on the CMB by the patchy reionization process, due to the correlations in the ionized gas distribution and velocities \\cite{sz80,vishniac87}. In previous models many simplifications were made in computing both the spatial distribution of ionized regions and the two-point correlations of gas density and velocity in those regions \\cite{aghanim96,jaffe98,gruzinov98,knox98,peebles98,haiman99}. Our calculations represent a significant improvement over these models as we are able to calculate the two-point correlations between gas density and velocity in ionized regions directly from an N-body simulation. The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. In \\S\\ref{sec:modified} we outline the features of the semi-analytic model relevant to galaxy formation at high redshifts. In \\S\\ref{sec:fescape} we describe how we calculate the fraction of ionizing photons escaping from galaxies, and observational constraints on the ionizing luminosities and escape fraction at low and high redshift from ${\\mathrm H}\\alpha$ luminosities and \\HI\\ masses and column densities. In \\S\\ref{sec:fronts} we describe how we calculate the filling factor of photoionized gas in the IGM, including the effects of clumping of this gas. We then present our predictions for reionization, including the effects on the reionization redshift of using different assumptions about escape fractions and clumping factors.In \\S\\ref{sec:variants} we examine the robustness of our results to changes in the other parameters of the semi-analytic galaxy formation model. In \\S\\ref{sec:spatial} we describe how the semi-analytic models are combined with N-body simulations to calculate the spatial distribution of the photoionized IGM. We then calculate the spectrum of anisotropies introduced into the CMB by this ionized gas. Finally, in \\S\\ref{sec:conc} we summarize our results and examine their consequences. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We have outlined an approach to studying the reionization of the universe by the radiation from stars in high redshift galaxies. We have focussed on the reionization of hydrogen, but the approach can be generalised to study helium reionization (e.g. \\pcite{giroux94}), and also to include radiation from quasars. Our main conclusions are: (i) Using a model of galaxy formation constrained by several observations of the local galaxy population, enough ionizing photons are produced to reionize the universe by $z=11.7$. This assumes that all ionizing photons escape from the galaxies they originate in, and that the density of the IGM is uniform. Reionization is delayed until $z\\approx 10.9$ in the case of a clumped IGM, in which gas falls into halos with virial temperatures exceeding $10^4$K. Galaxies can reionize such a clumped IGM by $z=5$ providing that, on average, at least 4\\% of ionizing photons can escape from the galaxies where they are produced. In the case of a uniform IGM, an escape fraction of only 1.4\\% is sufficient to reionize by $z=5$. Using a physical model for the escape of ionizing radiation from galaxies, in which photons escape through ``\\HII\\ chimneys'' ionized in the gas layers in galaxy disks \\cite[hereafter DS94]{doveshull94}, we predict reionization by $z=6.1$ for a uniform IGM or by $z=4.5$ for a clumped IGM. Models which assume that all the gas in galaxy disks remains neutral are unable to reionize even a uniform IGM by $z=0$. Using alternative estimates of the IGM clumping factor from \\scite{gnedin97} or \\scite{valageas99}, we find reionization redshifts comparable with those found using our own clumping model, i.e. in the range $z=$ 4.5--5.0 with the DS94 model for the escape fraction. (ii) Once the ionizing escape fraction and IGM clumping factor have been specified, our estimates for the filling factor of ionized gas in the IGM are reasonably robust, providing that we consider only models which are successful in matching the H$\\alpha$ luminosity function of galaxies at $z=0$. By far the greatest remaining influences on the ionized filling factor come from the value of the baryon fraction $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$ and the prescription for feedback from supernovae. However, we have shown that altering these parameters also produces large changes in the $z=0$ H$\\alpha$ luminosity function. (iii) We combined our model for reionization with N-body simulations of the dark matter distribution in order to predict the spectrum of secondary anisotropies imprinted on the CMB by the process of reionization. The {\\it shape} of this spectrum is almost independent of the assumptions about reionization, but the {\\it amplitude} depends on the spatial distribution of the ionized regions, the redshift at which reionization occurs and the baryon fraction. We find considerably more power in the anisotropy spectrum at small $\\ell$ than predicted by models which do not account for the large-scale correlations in the gas density and velocity produced by gravity. Despite the uncertainty in the spatial distribution of ionized regions, we are able to determine the amplitude of this spectrum to within a factor of three for a given $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$ (the amplitude being proportional to $\\Omega_{\\rm b}^2$). The results found by \\scite{bruscoli00} using a similar technique are reasonably consistent with ours, once differences in $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$ and other cosmological parameters are allowed for. Detection of these secondary anisotropies, which would constrain the reionization history of the Universe, would require fractional temperature fluctuations of $\\sim 10^{-7}$ to be measured on angular scales smaller than several arcminutes. Although the Planck and MAP space missions are unlikely to have sufficient sensitivity to observe such anisotropies, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array is expected to be able to measure temperature fluctuations of the level predicted at $\\ell \\sim 10^4$ in a ten hour integration. Previous studies of reionization have either used an approach similar to our own, i.e. employing some type of analytical or semi-analytical model (e.g. \\pcite{haiman96,valageas99,chiu99,ciardi99}), or else have used direct hydrodynamical simulations (e.g. \\pcite{gnedin97}). While the latter technique can in principle follow the detailed processes of galaxy formation, gas dynamics and radiative transfer, in practice the resolutions attainable at present do not allow such simulations to resolve the small scales relevant to this problem. Furthermore, the implementation of star formation and feedback in such models is far from straightforward. There are two main uncertainties in our approach, as in most others: the fraction \\fesctxt\\ of ionizing photons that escape from galaxies, and the clumping factor $f_{\\rm clump}$ of gas in the IGM. Future progress depends on improving estimates of the effects of clumping using larger gas dynamical simulations, on better modelling of the escape of ionizing photons from galaxies, and on better understanding of star formation and supernova feedback in high redshift objects." }, "0002/astro-ph0002511_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\begin{small} We analyze high resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra of six red-giant-branch (RGB) stars in the globular cluster M~3 (NGC~5272) and three in M~13 (NGC~6205) that were obtained with the Mayall 4-meter telescope and echelle spectrometer on Kitt Peak. The spectra include lines of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe and Ni. We also analyze the [Al/Fe] values of 96 RGB stars in M~13 covering the brightest 3.5 magnitudes, which include 66 measurements that were derived from moderate resolution, low signal-to-noise spectra obtained with the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope and Hydra multi-object spectrograph, also on Kitt Peak. In addition, we compile from the literature and inspect the [Na/Fe] values of 119 RGB stars in M~13. We test for bimodality in the [Al/Fe] and [Na/Fe] distributions using the KMM algorithm and find that the [Al/Fe] values in M~13 are distributed bimodally at all points along the RGB that were observed, while the [Na/Fe] values are bimodal only over the brightest two magnitudes. The ratios of Al-enhanced to Al-normal and Na-enhanced to Na-normal giants increase towards the tip of the RGB in M~13, which is suggestive of deep mixing in this cluster. The limited M~3 data exhibit a bimodal distribution of [Al/Fe] values and are suggestive of no deep mixing; however, they are too few to be conclusive. We further test for a relationship between deep mixing on the RGB and a second parameter that can create the extended blue tail seen along the horizontal-branches of some clusters by using an ``instantaneous'' mixing algorithm, which we develop here. We conclude that the data for both clusters are consistent with deep mixing as a ``blue-tail second parameter'', and we suggest future observations to further constrain the results. Finally, we offer a solution to the problem of over producing sodium during deep mixing that is based on the depletion of $^{22}$Ne in asymptotic-giant-branch stars and suggest that pollution might best be traced by {\\spr} elements in the Sr-Y-Zr peak. \\end{small} ", "introduction": "According to canonical stellar evolution models, the by-products of the nuclear processing around the hydrogen-burning shell (H~shell) of low-mass red-giant-branch (RGB) stars should remain confined to the stellar interior; however, observations over the past 25 years have shown star-to-star variations in the elements C, N, O, Na, Mg and Al, among others, on the surfaces of globular cluster red giants (see Kraft 1994, Briley et al. 1994 and Cavallo 1998a for detailed reviews of the observations). In particular, the data show evidence of the CNO cycle that dominates the energy production in such stars: C and O are anticorrelated with N, while the {\\cratio} is near the equilibrium value of 4 in many clusters \\citep{SS91,S96b,BSKL97,BSSBN97,ZWB96}. While the first dredge-up phenomenon \\citep{Iben67} does alter the carbon and nitrogen abundances slightly, it cannot account for the observed large variations of these elements and their isotopic ratios, nor can it account for the variations of the other elements. In addition, some elements show evidence for gradual changes along the RGB, indicating that something is occurring during the course of evolution to facilitate these alterations. For example, C becomes more depleted with decreasing $V$ in the clusters M~15, M~55, M~92 and NGC~6397 \\citep{BDG79,Carbon1982,TCLSK83, BBHD90}. Two separate approaches have been developed to address the observations. One assumes that some form of non-canonical mixing occurs along the RGB, which gradually brings material from around the H~shell to the stellar surface \\citep[hereafter, SM79]{SM79}. Models by SM79, \\citet{DD90}, \\citet{LHS93}, \\citet{CSB96}, \\citet{DW96} and \\citet[hereafter, CSB98]{CSB98} have shown that most variations along the brighter part of the RGB can be explained by nuclear processing around the H~shell combined with mixing. The source of mixing is generally assumed to be rotationally induced meridional circulation currents (SM79); although, other theories abound \\citep{LHZ97,FAK99}. The observations by \\citet{Peterson83} that show the horizontal-branch (HB) stars in M~13, a cluster with large variations of oxygen and aluminum on the RGB, rotating nearly a factor of two faster than the HB stars in M~3, a cluster with a composition similar to M~13, but with less extreme abundance variations along it's RGB, support the SM79 hypothesis. The second approach assumes that some of the variations, particularly those of the heavier elements, are primordial in nature, perhaps originating in the processed envelopes of intermediate-mass asymptotic-giant-branch (AGB) stars that were shed into the nascent cluster environment \\citep{CD81}. While it has been shown that this scenario cannot account for all the variations \\citep{DWW97}, some aspects of it are plausible in light of the data. For example, observations of CN-band strength and sodium variations on the upper main sequence of 47~Tuc, sodium enhancements on the subgiant branch of M~92 and enhancements in the neutron-capture elements in some clusters all point to primordial origins \\citep{BBSH89,BHB91,S96a,BSSLBH96,CCBHS98,KSB98,Ivans99}. The most likely solution to the abundance anomaly problem probably involves a combination of both scenarios, where primordial pollution is present in the cluster, but mixing later plays a role in adjusting the abundance patterns (see, e.g., Denissenkov et al. 1998 and Briley et al. 1999), an approach we examine here. This paper focuses on determining the chemical abundances in the red giants of the globular clusters M~3 (NGC~5272) and M~13 (NGC~6205) from high resolution, high signal-to-noise echelle spectra obtained with the Mayall 4-meter telescope on Kitt Peak. We choose these two clusters because they are often considered a classical ``second-parameter'' pair since they have markedly different HB's, despite having similar [Fe/H]\\footnote{ We use the usual notation: [X/Y]~=log(X/Y)$_{\\star}$~$-$~log(X/Y)$_{\\sun}$.} values, the first parameter. We discuss the hypothesis that deep mixing along the RGB, which we define as mixing that penetrates the H~shell, brings helium to the surface and affects the HB morphology as a second parameter that creates the extended blue tail in M~13 \\citep{AVS97a,AVS97b}. One oft-quoted choice for the second parameter is a relative age difference between M~3 and M~13 \\citep{FPB97,SCD97,Chaboyer98}; however, this is not borne out by the photometry \\citep{JB98,vdB99,FG99} and leaves open the need for a qualified alternative. While M~13 is by far the most well-studied cluster for abundance variations, the data for M~3 are lacking. One goal of this paper is to increase our knowledge of the chemical abundances in this latter cluster so that it can be compared with M~13 in greater detail. The outline of this paper is as follows: we describe the observations, data reduction approach, abundance analysis technique and abundance results in sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. In section 5 we discuss evidence for and the implications of deep mixing along the RGB, and we give our conclusions in section 6. In the appendix we derive the instantaneous mixing algorithm that is used in section 5. ", "conclusions": "Before we discuss our final conclusions, we first remind the reader of the number of assumptions that have gone into our analysis. First, there are errors associated with the abundance determinations that we tried to characterize by allowing for significant variations in the model atmosphere parameters, which contribute the most to the uncertainty in the analysis. Second, the inclusion of the WIYN data into our analysis comes at a price: the data have poor signal-to-noise ratios, come from only one line and require the assumption that, for some stars with indeterminate line strengths, the [Al/Fe] value is ``low.'' Third, despite that fact that this is the largest compilation of [Al/Fe] and [Na/Fe] values in one globular cluster to be analyzed in a single paper, the data are still subject to small number effects, particularly at the RGB tip. Unfortunately, there are only so many tip stars that can be spectroscopically measured from the ground, leaving this problem difficult to solve. We suggest the best way to handle the small numbers is to expand this analysis to other clusters for a broad comparative study. Fourth, the models have many assumptions in them: we assume that canonical evolution holds and add in our mixing algorithm after the fact, we assume that mixing is instantaneous, we assume that the abundances are distributed as per \\citet{DDNW98}, we assume that our reaction rates are accurate, and we assume that we adequately searched the parameter space allowed by the uncertainties in the initial abundances, nuclear reaction rates and mass-loss rates. Fifth, we assume that no other second parameter affects the relationship between the M~3 and M~13 HB morphologies. Sixth, we make no attempt to correct for blending of the AGB with the RGB when performing our analysis. Approximately 20\\% of the red giants above the point where giant branches merge are supposedly AGB interlopers based on comparative lifetimes: the problem is to determine which ones are really AGB stars. This might not be as much of a problem for the M~13 sample, however, since blue HB stars tend to evolve away from the AGB. The best workaround for this problem is also an extension of our analysis to other clusters to look for consistent trends despite this, and the other, uncertainties. The importance of having accurate nuclear reaction rates cannot be overstated. This is particularly true when using aluminum as a diagnostic of deep mixing. If we were to vary, for example, the $^{26}$Mg proton-capture rate to its upper limit in range of $T_9~=~0.05-0.06$, the production of Al can move outside the H shell, although, just barely. Depending on the initial abundances of $^{25}$Mg and $^{26}$Mg, this might be able to account for the full enhancements of aluminum that we observed. In addition, according to the NACRE compilation, the rate for $^{26}$Al$^{g}(p,{\\gamma})^{27}$Si is uncertain by as much as three orders of magnitude in the same temperature range. Increasing these rates might help solve the problem presented by \\citet{CDW99} who show that, if mixing occurs below the top of the H shell, sodium is overproduced due to the extra enhancement from $^{20}$Ne in the NeNa cycle, a result we confirm with our instantaneous mixing algorithm. If the $^{26}$Mg proton-capture rate is near its upper limit, then deep mixing is not required to produce the observed aluminum abundances and sodium is not over enhanced compared to the observations. Our general results for the M~3 and M~13 abundances obtained in this work show the usual trends in the proton-capture, ${\\alpha}$ and iron-peak elements: the sodium and aluminum abundances are anticorrelated with oxygen, the ${\\alpha}$ elements are enhanced by approximately 0.3 dex and the iron-peak elements remain constant. Our analysis shows that the variation in both the [Al/Fe] and [Na/Fe] ratios are consistent with deep mixing occurring on the RGB in M~13 and not in M~3. The aluminum and sodium data are correlated for the M~13 giants; although, the Al ratio is probably a better indicator of deep mixing since it is more easily separated into ``high'' and ``low'' groups. We would not expect such a similar tight correlation between aluminum and sodium in the M~3 giants since sodium can be enhanced without increasing the aluminum abundance if the mixing currents do not penetrate the H shell, as seems indicated in M~3 from the low Al ratio. However, some semblance of a correlation between aluminum and sodium might be set up by primordial effects in this cluster. In addition, the Na ratio increases near the same magnitude as the Al ratio, which is contrary to the previous predictions that sodium should be enhanced further down the RGB from $^{22}$Ne (CSB98). Our models show that this would be expected if the $^{22}$Ne were depleted in primordial intermediate-mass AGB stars. When comparing the Al ratio with the HB ratio, it seems that the assumption of deep mixing as a blue-tail parameter is self-consistent; however, the large range allowed in the actual number of mixed RGB stars and the empirical definitions of ``blue'' and ``red'' HB stars do not constrain the results enough to be firmly conclusive. Again we suggest that a similar analysis as the one presented here be extended to other clusters to determine the Al ratio as a function of $V$ and to compare this with the HB ratio. If the Al ratio at the RGB tip can be shown to be a predictor of the HB ratio, then helium mixing would certainly be given greater credence as a blue-tail second parameter, supplanting the oft-assumed cluster age differences that have been shown to fail for this classical pair of clusters. In particular, we suggest the study of metal-rich clusters to see if the aluminum distribution is bimodal, and if it is, if the Al ratio varies. According to our models, it should not vary since aluminum cannot be produced in metal-rich cluster giants on the same scale as it can in the intermediate metallicity and metal-poor giants. In addition, we suggest further examination of the sodium abundance in clusters to search for similar behavior as in M~13. Also, we suggest a more extensive comparison of the {\\spr} abundances with the aluminum data as a test of primordial contamination. Finally, we conclude that the problem of abundance anomalies in globular cluster red giants requires detailed study of the abundance yields from primordial AGB stars as well as an in-depth and complete study of the hydrodynamical evolution of rotating RGB stars. In the meantime, aluminum, and to a lesser extent, sodium, give the best diagnostics of deep mixing during the evolution up the RGB and the {\\spr} elements near the Sr-Y-Zr peak are the best tracers of AGB pollution from IMS." }, "0002/astro-ph0002277_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present sensitive sub-mm imaging of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 at 850 $\\mu $m and 450 $\\mu $m with the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and $ ^{12}$CO J=3--2 line observations of its central starbursting region. The global dust spectrum, as constrained by the new set of sub-mm data and available 1.30~mm and IRAS 100~$\\mu $m, 60 $\\mu $m data reveals a dominant warm dust component with a temperature of $\\rm T_{\\rm d} \\sim 35$ K and a global molecular gas-to-dust ratio $\\rm M(H_2)/M_{\\rm d}\\sim 600$. Including the atomic gas component yields a total gas-to-dust ratio of $\\sim 830$. Such high values are typical for IR-bright spirals and in order to reconcile them with the significantly lower ratio of $\\sim 100$ obtained for the Milky Way a cold dust reservoir, inconspicuous at FIR wavelengths, is usually postulated. However, while there is good evidence for the presence of cold gas/dust in NGC~7469 beyond its central region, our 450 $\\mu $m map and available interferometric $ ^{12}$CO J=1--0 maps show the bright sub-mm/CO emission confined in the inner $\\sim 2.5$~kpc, where a high $ ^{12}$CO (J=3--2)/(J=1--0) ratio ($\\sim 0.85-1.0$) is measured. This is consistent with molecular gas at $\\rm T_{\\rm kin}\\ga 30$K, suggesting that the bulk of the ISM in the starburst center of NGC~7469 is warm. Nevertheless the corresponding total gas-to-dust ratio there remains high, of the order of $\\sim 500$. We argue that, rather than unaccounted cold dust mass, this high ratio suggests an overestimate of $\\rm M(H_2)$ from its associated $ ^{12}$CO J=1--0 line luminosity by a factor of $\\sim 5$ when a Milky Way value for this conversion is used. Finally the diffuse cold gas and dust that is the likely source of the observed faint extended 450 $\\mu $m and $ ^{12}$CO J=1--0 emission has an estimated total gas-to-dust ratio of $\\sim 50-160$, closer to the Galactic value. ", "introduction": "The role of molecular gas as the fuel of both starburst activity and an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is now well established. In Seyfert galaxies such gas is found on scales ranging from the inner $\\sim 1-2$ kpc ``feeding'' an intense circumnuclear starburst down to $\\rm L\\la $100~pc from the AGN, where in the form of a geometrically thick torus obscures the active nucleus along certain viewing angles thus creating the difference between type 2 and type 1 Seyferts (Miller \\& Antonucci 1983; Krolik 1990 and references therein). Estimates of molecular gas mass in other galaxies from their velocity-integrated $ ^{12}$CO J=1--0 luminosity $\\rm L_{\\rm CO}$ (in K km s$ ^{-1}$ pc$ ^2$) are based on the so-called conversion factor $\\rm X_{\\rm CO}=M(H_2)/L_{\\rm CO}\\approx 5\\ M_{\\odot } (K\\ km\\ s^{-1}\\ pc^2)^{-1}$ (e.g. Solomon \\& Barrett 1991) whose value is derived from studies of molecular gas in the Galactic disk. Numerous studies quantify the effects of the various physical conditions on this factor (e.g. Bryant \\& Scoville 1996; Israel 1997). Particularly in the starburst nuclei of very luminous IR galaxies ($\\rm L_{\\rm FIR} > 10^{11}\\ L_{\\odot }$) these conditions are significantly different than in the disk environment of quiescent spirals like the Milky Way. More specifically in the inner $\\sim 1-2$ kpc, where a starburst usually occurs, the gas differentiates into two distinct phases (e.g. Aalto et al. 1995) with a warm, diffuse and possibly non self-gravitating phase dominating the $ ^{12}$CO emission. This results in a significant overestimate of $\\rm H_2$ mass from $\\rm L_{\\rm CO}$ when a Galactic value of $\\rm X_{\\rm CO}$ is used (Solomon et al. 1997; Downes \\& Solomon~1998). The aforementioned conditions are expected in the nuclear region of the SBa Seyfert~1 galaxy NGC~7469 (Arp 298, Mrk 1514), a luminous IR source with $\\rm L_{\\rm FIR}\\approx 3\\times 10^{11}\\ L_{\\odot }$ emanating from a powerful starburst deeply embedded into its $\\rm L\\sim 1$~kpc circumnuclear region (Wilson et al. 1991; Genzel et al. 1995). High resolution $ ^{12}$CO J=1--0 observations revealed large amounts of molecular gas within this region (Meixner et al. 1990; Tacconi \\& Genzel 1996) with mass comparable to the dynamical, and there is significant evidence that application of the standard Galactic conversion factor overestimates $\\rm M(H_2)$ in the circumnuclear starburst of this galaxy (Genzel et al. 1995). In this paper we present sensitive sub-mm imaging of NGC 7469 at 850~$\\mu $m and 450~$\\mu $m and $ ^{12}$CO J=3--2 spectroscopy of its central region. Under the assumption of a canonical gas-to-dust ratio of $\\sim 100$, our results confirm the overestimate of H$_2$ gas mass when a Galactic value for $\\rm X_{\\rm CO}$ is used, and demonstrate the significance of CO spectroscopy and sub-mm imaging in offering a better assessment of the molecular gas mass and its average physical conditions. Throughout this work we adopt $\\rm H_{\\circ } = 75\\ km\\ sec^{-1}\\ Mpc^{-1}$ and $\\rm q_{\\circ } = 0.5$, which for cz=4900 km s$ ^{-1}$ yields a luminosity distance of $\\rm D_{\\rm L}\\sim 66$ Mpc for NGC 7469, where 1$''$ corresponds to $\\sim 310$ pc. ", "conclusions": "We presented sensitive 850 $\\mu $m, 450 $\\mu $m maps of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 and a measurement of the $ ^{12}$CO J=3--2 line towards its starbursting central region. Our main conclusions can be summarized as follows 1. The FIR/sub-mm/mm spectrum of this source is dominated by a warm dust component with a temperature of $\\sim 35$ K and a global molecular gas-to-dust ratio of $\\sim 600$, both typical for IR-luminous spirals. Including the atomic gas mass yields a total gas-to-dust ratio of $\\sim 800$. 2. The warm dust and gas lies in the inner 8$''$ ($\\sim $2.5 kpc) where a starburst is embedded. In this region we find no evidence for a significant mass of cold dust, yet the ratio of the mainly molecular gas to the dust mass is $\\sim 500$, still five times larger than the Galactic value. We argue that this is the result of a systematic overestimate of $\\rm H_2$ mass by a factor of $\\sim 5$ when a Galactic value for $\\rm X_{\\rm CO}=M(H_2)/L_{\\rm CO}$ is used in starburst environments. 3. On larger scales (radius $\\ga 1.2$ kpc) the ISM in NGC 7469 is dominated by cold, sub-thermally excited gas where the faint 450 $\\mu $m and $ ^{12}$CO J=1--0 emission originate. The gas-to-dust ratio for this phase, is $\\sim 50-150$; in better accord with the Milky~Way~value. \\subsection" }, "0002/astro-ph0002041_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a convolution-based algorithm for finding cosmic rays in single well-sampled astronomical images. The spatial filter used is the point spread function (approximated by a Gaussian) minus a scaled delta function, and cosmic rays are identified by thresholding the filtered image. This filter searches for features with significant power at spatial frequencies too high for legitimate objects. Noise properties of the filtered image are readily calculated, which allows us to compute the probability of rejecting a pixel not contaminated by a cosmic ray (the false alarm probability). We demonstrate that the false alarm probability for a pixel containing object flux will never exceed the corresponding probability for a blank sky pixel, provided we choose the convolution kernel appropriately. This allows confident rejection of cosmic rays superposed on real objects. Identification of multiple-pixel cosmic ray hits can be enhanced by running the algorithm iteratively, replacing flagged pixels with the background level at each iteration. ", "introduction": "Images from most current-day astronomical instruments have tractable noise properties. An exemplary case is optical images from CCD detectors, whose uncertainties are generally dominated by the Poisson statistics of the detected photons, with (usually smaller) contributions from detector read noise, dark current, and other comparatively minor nuisances. Most of these noise sources are well approximated by Gaussian distributions, and their sum is therefore also well approximated by a Gaussian. Cosmic rays impinging on a detector can yield large signals over single pixels or small groups of pixels, thereby introducing a distinctly non-Gaussian tail to the noise distribution. The most common approach to removing cosmic rays from astronomical images is to take multiple exposures and combine them with some sort of outlier rejection. Real astronomical objects should (usually) be present on multiple frames, while cosmic ray hits will not generally repeat. Such methods have been presented in the literature by (e.g.) Shaw \\& Horne (1992) and Windhorst, Franklin, \\& Neuschaefer (1994), and are widely implemented in astronomical image processing packages. However, there are times when multiple images are not available, or when the sources of interest may be moving or varying on timescales short compared to the interval between exposures. In these cases, a cosmic ray rejection method capable of operating on single exposures is necessary. Cosmic ray rejection in single frames can also be useful even when multiple exposures are to be stacked, since stacking often requires spatial interpolation of the input images, and any cosmic rays not previously identified can be spread over many pixels by spatially extended interpolation kernels. Additionally, if a stack of images has widely different point spread function (PSF) widths, rejection algorithms used while stacking tend either to be overly lenient, potentially admitting cosmic rays; or overly strict, discarding valid data from images with very good or very bad seeing. Examples of both these behaviors are offered by sigma clipping algorithms, where the contribution of a particular exposure to a stack is discarded if it differs from the mean (or median) intensity at that location by more than $k \\sigma$, where $k$ is a constant (generally with $2 \\la k \\la 5$) and $\\sigma$ measures the intensity uncertainty at that location. If $\\sigma$ is measured directly from the list of exposure intensities at a fixed sky position, a lenient rejection results, while if $\\sigma$ is taken from the known Poisson statistics of electrons in single exposures, a strict rejection results. To identify cosmic rays in single exposures, rejection algorithms rely on the sharpness of cosmic rays relative to true astronomical objects. That is, any legitimate object in our astronomical image is blurred by the PSF, but there is no such requirement on cosmic ray hits. Provided the image is well-sampled (in practice, $\\ga 2$ pixels across the PSF full width at half maximum), cosmic ray hits can be identified as those features with spatial variations too rapid for consistency with the PSF. Murtagh (1992) and Salzberg et al (1995) have explored trainable classifier approaches to single-image cosmic ray rejection. Their methods have the advantage of applicability to substantially undersampled data (from the WF/PC-I instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope). On the other hand, these methods ultimately rely on a training set, which may be subjectively defined. The present paper explores a method suggested by Fischer and Kochanski (1994), who remark that the optimal filter for detecting [single-pixel] cosmic ray hits is the point spread function minus a delta function. This can be regarded as a difference between the matched filter for detecting point sources (i.e. the PSF) and that for detecting single pixels (i.e. a delta function). There is one free parameter in such a filter, which is the amplitude ratio of the two functions. We develop this filtering method in detail by considering the cosmic ray rejection rates and false alarm rates. Much of our analysis is devoted to choosing the delta function amplitude appropriately. With a careful choice of this parameter, it is possible to ensure that the false alarm rate nowhere exceeds its value in blank sky regions. In section~\\ref{math}, we derive the noise properties of our filtered image, and explain how to tune the filter to avoid excessive rejection of valid data. In section~\\ref{iraf}, we discuss practical issues that arise when implementing our algorithm. Section~\\ref{simulations} presents simulations used to verify the algorithm's performance. Finally, in section~\\ref{theend} we summarize our work, describe our usual application for our algorithm, and comment on a desirable future direction for cosmic ray rejection algorithms. ", "conclusions": "\\label{theend} We have presented a cosmic ray rejection algorithm based on a convolution of the input image. The advantages of the method spring from the linear nature of the spatial filter, which allows us to determine the noise properties of the filtered image and so to calculate and control the probability of rejecting the central pixel (or indeed any pixel) of a point source. This safety mechanism ensures that cosmic ray rejection can be applied throughout the image, without special treatment for the locations of sources. The sensitivity to cosmic rays is of course reduced at the locations of objects, because of the added Poisson noise contributed by object photons and the resulting need to maintain a positive expectation value in the filtered image. We usually apply our method conservatively, considering pixels innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. This means that given some uncertainty in the measured point spread function, we use a convolution kernel that is slightly narrower than our best estimate of the PSF (generally by about 10\\%). This choice depends on the relative importance of keeping legitimate sources and rejecting spurious ones for the scientific problem at hand. Our original goal in developing this algorithm was to flag and replace cosmic ray hits in individual exposures that are later aligned and stacked. The alignment procedure requires interpolating the original images, and we use sinc interpolation to preserve the spatial resolution and noise properties of the input image. However, sinc interpolation assumes well sampled data and responds badly to cosmic rays, spreading their effects over many more pixels than were originally affected and motivating us to replace them at an early stage. We nevertheless have a second chance to reject cosmic rays by looking for consistency among our different exposures when we stack them, and this second chance helps motivate our generally conservative approach to cosmic ray flagging. By applying the algorithm developed here followed by sigma rejection during image stacking, we exploit two distinct properties of cosmic rays: They are sharper than the point spread function, and they do not repeat from exposure to exposure. However, we are using these two tests in sequence. An algorithm exploiting both pieces of information simultaneously could potentially yield more sensitive cosmic ray rejection. For general data sets, such an algorithm would have to handle stacks of unregistered images with different PSFs, making its development difficult but potentially rewarding. An interesting effort in this regard is Freudling's (1995) algorithm, which identifies cosmic rays in the course of deconvolving and coadding images with Hook \\& Lucy's (1992) method." }, "0002/astro-ph0002088_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The properties of old globular cluster systems (GCSs) in galaxy halos offer unique insight into the physical processes that conspire to form any generic star cluster, at any epoch. Presented here is a summary of the information obtained from (1) the specific frequencies (total populations) and spatial structures (density vs.~galactocentric radius) of GCSs in early-type galaxies, as they relate to the efficiency (or probability) of bound cluster formation, and (2) the fundamental role of a scaling between cluster mass and energy among Galactic globulars in setting their other structural correlations, and the possible implications for star formation efficiency as a function of mass in gaseous protoclusters. ", "introduction": "Until quite recently, it was commonly assumed that the old globular clusters in galaxy halos were the remnants of a unique sort of star formation that occurred only in a cosmological context. The discovery of young, massive, ``super'' star clusters in local galaxy mergers and starbursts has clearly done much to change this perception; but at least as important is the parallel recognition that star formation in the Milky Way itself proceeds---under much less extreme conditions---largely in a clustered mode. Observations of entire starbursts (Meurer et al.~1995) and individual Galactic molecular clouds (e.g., Lada 1992), as well as a more general comparison of the mass function of molecular cloud clumps and the stellar IMF (Patel \\& Pudritz 1994), all argue convincingly that (by mass) most new stars are born in groups rather than in isolation. The production of a true stellar cluster---one that remains bound even after dispersing the gas from which it formed---is undoubtedly a {\\it rare} event, but it is an exceedingly {\\it regular} one. Seen in this light, the globular cluster systems (GCSs) found in most galaxies can be used to good effect as probes not only of galaxy formation but also of an important element of the generic star-formation process at any epoch. This is arguably so even in cases where newly formed clusters may not be ``massive'' according to the criteria of this workshop (the main issue being simply the formation of a {\\it self-gravitating} stellar system), and even though GCSs have been subjected to $10^{10}$ yr of dynamical evolution in the tidal fields of their parent galaxies (see O.~Gerhard's contribution to these proceedings, and note that theoretical calculations geared specifically to conditions both in the Milky Way [Gnedin \\& Ostriker 1997] and in the giant elliptical M87 [Murali \\& Weinberg 1997] suggest that GCS properties are most affected by evolution inside roughly a stellar effective radius in each case). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002331_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report new interferometric observations of the $\\COjtwo$ rotational transition on Titan. We find that the spectrum is best fit by a uniform profile of 52 ppm, with estimated errors of 6 ppm (40 to 200 km) and 12 ppm (200 to 300 km). ", "introduction": "The atmosphere of Titan exhibits a complex photochemistry, and many nitriles and hydrocarbons have been detected by Voyager spacecraft and from Earth. Until recently, however, only two oxygen-bearing species had been detected on Titan: $\\COtwo$ (observed by Voyager 1; \\cite{samu1983}) and CO (observed from Earth; \\cite{lutz1983}). The presence of oxygenated molecules is interesting because the atmosphere of Titan is strongly reducing. The cold temperatures of the lower stratosphere and the troposphere imply that $\\COtwo$ condenses out of the lower atmosphere and is continuously deposited on the surface. To sustain the carbon dioxide abundance a source of oxygen is needed, and it is generally assumed to be supplied in water from bombardment of the upper atmosphere by icy grains. In this model vaporized water is quickly photolyzed to produce OH, and OH reacts with hydrocarbon radicals such as $\\CHthree$ to produce CO. CO in turn reacts with OH to produce $\\COtwo$ (\\cite{samu1983}, \\cite{yung1984}, \\cite{toub1995}, \\cite{lara1996}). While $\\COtwo$ has a short lifetime (order 10$^3$--10$^4$ years), the photochemical lifetime of $\\CO$ in the atmosphere of Titan is estimated to be very long ($\\sim 10^9$ years; \\cite{yung1984}, \\cite{chas1991}). Observationally the missing piece of the oxygen chemistry has been the source, water. Recently, water vapor was detected in the upper atmosphere of Titan by the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) aboard the Infrared Satellite Observatory (\\cite{cous1998}). With observations of the three major components of oxygen chemistry, it is now possible to check the internal consistency of photochemical models, and to compare the oxygen chemistry and water infall rate of Titan with the other giant planets, particularly Saturn (\\cite{feuc1997}, \\cite{cous1998}). Understanding the oxygen chemistry relies on accurate knowledge of the abundance and distribution of each species. A longstanding discussion regarding the CO distribution in Titan's atmosphere, spanning more than a decade, has been primarily directed toward determining if CO is well-mixed (\\cite{mart1988}, \\cite{gurw1995}, \\cite{hida1998}). Since the residence lifetime of CO is long compared to transport timescales, the molecular weight of $\\CO$ is the same as for the dominant $\\Ntwo$ gas, and the atmosphere is never cold enough for CO to condense, carbon monoxide should be uniformly mixed in the Titan atmosphere to high altitudes. Observational data, however, give conflicting results. Table 1 provides data on the CO abundance as measured by ground-based observers over the past 17 years. These observations have been sensitive to either the troposphere (near- and mid-IR) or the stratosphere (millimeter). The data in Table 1 show that no clear consensus has emerged regarding the CO abundance, either in the troposphere or the stratosphere. In this Note, we present an analysis of new interferometric observations of the $\\COjtwo$ line on Titan. The results of this study have important implications for our understanding of the oxygen budget and photochemistry of the stratosphere of Titan. ", "conclusions": "The results presented here are nearly identical to our previous estimate of the CO distribution based on observations of the $\\COjone$ transition (\\cite{gurw1995}) and consistent with the original measurement of tropospheric CO (\\cite{lutz1983}). Taken together, these measurements suggest a vertical profile of CO that is constant with altitude, at about 52 ppm, from the surface to at least 300 km. These results are at odds with the recent measurements of Noll (1996), who found a tropospheric abundance of 10 ppm, and Hidayat \\etal (1998), who found a stratospheric CO abundance of around 27 ppm (Table 1). Noll (1996) explored the possibility that their simple reflecting layer was not the surface, but a higher altitude 'haze' layer. If the reflecting layer was at 0.9 bar (14 km) the spectrum was best fit with a CO abundance of 60 ppm. However, based on other evidence they found this model less satisfactory than a surface reflecting layer. The results of Hidayat \\etal come from an analysis of several lines of CO, including the $\\COjone$ and $\\COjtwo$ lines; the discrepancy between their results and ours does not appear to be due to differences in modeling the atmosphere of Titan, but derives from differences in the measurement techniques and the resulting calibrated spectra (A.~Marten, personal communication). However, we do point out that the interferometric method does offer advantages over single-dish observations for measuring the very broad lines of CO from the atmosphere of Titan. We find the model of a uniform distribution of CO in the atmosphere of Titan provides a good fit to our data, but we cannot rule out a difference between the tropospheric and stratospheric CO abundance, since our data is insensitive to the lower atmosphere. A final confirmation of the abundance of CO and its vertical distribution requires further near- and mid-IR measurements of CO in the troposphere. \\vskip 25pt \\center{\\bf Acknowledgements} This work was supported in part by NASA grant NAG5-7946." }, "0002/astro-ph0002107_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The \\emph{ISO-SWS}\\footnote{% Based on observations made with ISO, an ESA project with instruments funded by ESA member states (especially the PI countries: France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom) and with the participation of ISAS and NASA. The SWS is a joint project of SRON and MPE. } \\( 2.5 \\)--\\( 45\\, \\mu \\mathrm{m} \\) infrared spectroscopic observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy \\( \\NGC \\) (see companion paper) are combined with a compilation of UV to IR narrow emission line data to determine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the obscured extreme-UV continuum that photoionizes the narrow line emitting gas in the active galactic nucleus. We search a large grid of gas cloud models and SEDs for the combination that best reproduces the observed line fluxes and NLR geometry. Our best fit model reproduces the observed line fluxes to better than a factor of 2 on average and is in general agreement with the observed NLR geometry. It has two gas components that are consistent with a clumpy distribution of dense outflowing gas in the center and a more extended distribution of less dense and more clumpy gas farther out that has no net outflow. The best fit SED has a deep trough at \\( \\sim \\! 4 \\) Ryd, which is consistent with an intrinsic Big Blue Bump that is partially absorbed by \\( \\sim \\! 6\\times 10^{19}\\, \\mathrm{cm}^{-2} \\) of neutral hydrogen interior to the NLR. ", "introduction": "The intrinsic spectral energy distribution (SED) of active galactic nuclei (AGN), which extends from the radio up to \\( \\gamma \\)-rays, cannot be directly observed from the Lyman limit and up to several hundred eV due to Galactic and intrinsic absorption. However, the extreme-UV (EUV) and soft X-ray continuum can be investigated indirectly by the infrared coronal line emission. These lines are emitted by collisionally excited forbidden fine-structure transitions of highly ionized atoms, whose ionization potentials extend well beyond the Lyman limit up to hundreds of eV. Unlike the strong permitted lines of these ions, which are also emitted in the obscured EUV, the reddening-insensitive forbidden IR coronal lines and semi-forbidden optical coronal lines can be observed. Therefore, when photoionization is the main ionization mechanism, the coronal lines can provide information on the intrinsic obscured SED and the accretion process that powers the AGN. This information can be extracted by photoionization models of the NLR. The coronal lines are collisionally suppressed in the dense broad line region (BLR) close to the continuum source and are efficiently emitted only from the more rarefied gas in the narrow line region (NLR), hundreds of pc away from the center. It is well established that large quantities of gas attenuate the continuum emission in many AGN. These gas clouds are detected by narrow UV absorption lines (e.g. Kriss et al. \\cite{Kriss92}) or by X-ray absorption features and emission lines (e.g. George et al. \\cite{George98}). Although their exact location along the line of sight is unknown, there are reasons to believe that in some cases they may be inside the NLR. In particular, the warm absorbers that block the X-ray continuum appear to cover a large fraction of the continuum source (George et al. \\cite{George98}). This raises the possibility that in some AGN the ionizing SED, which is traced by the coronal lines, is not the intrinsic one produced by the accretion process, but rather one that is filtered by intervening absorbers inside the NLR. It has been proposed that such absorbers are common in Seyfert galaxies, and are responsible for the observed correlations between the soft X-ray slope and the narrow emission line spectra of Seyfert 1.5 galaxies (Kraemer, Ruiz \\& Crenshaw \\cite{KTCG99}). This study of the Seyfert 2 galaxy \\( \\NGC \\) is part of the \\emph{ISO-SWS} program on bright galactic nuclei. Previous studies in this program include the reconstruction of the SED of the Seyfert 2 Circinus galaxy (Moorwood et al. \\cite{Moorwood96}; Alexander et al. \\cite{Alexander99}) and of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC~4151 (Alexander et al. \\cite{Alexander99}). In both cases we found evidence of a ``Big Blue Bump'' signature of a thin accretion disk (Shakura \\& Sunyaev \\cite{SS73}). However, in the case of NGC~4151 this structure is masked by a deep absorption trough of an absorber situated between the BLR and the NLR, which filters the light that photoionizes the NLR. In this paper we apply our SED reconstruction method to \\( \\NGC \\), one of the closest, brightest and most extensively studied Seyfert 2 galaxies, which is considered a prototype of this AGN class. The first detection of broad permitted emission lines in the polarized light of \\( \\NGC \\) (Antonucci \\& Miller \\cite{AM85}) provided a major argument for the Seyfert 1 and 2 unification scheme (Antonucci \\cite{Antonucci93}). This scheme postulates that the two Seyfert types have both broad and narrow line regions and an obscuring torus that lies between the two. When the torus is face on and the BLR is directly observed, the AGN is classified as a Seyfert 1. When the BLR is obscured by the torus, the AGN is classified as a Seyfert 2, and the BLR can be observed only indirectly in scattered polarized light. The factors that determine the accretion properties and the ionizing SED of AGN are currently unknown. However, the Seyfert unification picture implies that all possibly relevant factors being equal, such as luminosity, host galaxy type or redshift, the intrinsic SED of both AGN types should be similar. It is therefore of interest to complement our previous study of the nearby luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC~4151 with a corresponding study of a nearby luminous Seyfert 2 galaxy with a similar host galaxy type, such as \\( \\NGC \\). The \\emph{ISO-SWS} observations of \\emph{\\( \\NGC \\)} are presented in a companion paper (Lutz et al. \\cite{Lutz00}) and are used there to derive the gas density and to place constraints on the structure and dynamics of the NLR. This paper is organized as follows. In \\S\\ref{sec:physprop} we summarize the physical properties of the nucleus of \\( \\NGC \\) that are needed for constructing the photoionization models and constraining their results. In \\S\\ref{s:lines} we present the emission line flux compilation that we use in our modeling. In \\S\\ref{s:models} we briefly discuss the construction and fitting of the NLR photoionization models. We present the results in \\S\\ref{s:results} and discuss them in \\S\\ref{s:discuss}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:discuss} As was discussed in detail by Alexander et al. (\\cite{Alexander99}), there are various degeneracies between the parameters that describe the gas model (\\( n, \\) \\( A \\), \\( F \\), \\( U \\), \\( C \\), \\( \\theta \\), and \\( \\tion \\)). These degeneracies allow the fit procedure to converge to a robust best-fit SED even when the assumed values of \\( n \\), \\( A \\), \\( F \\) or \\( U \\) significantly differ from their true values, since this can be compensated to a large degree by a suitable modification of the gas geometry (\\( C \\), \\( \\theta \\), and \\( \\tion \\)). This property of the fit procedure is especially important in the analysis of \\( \\NGC \\), where observations indicate that the actual properties of the NLR gas are much more complex than can be modeled by our family of simplified gas models. For this reason, we place more weight on the fact that all the best-fit SED models, whether one or two-component, display a deep trough at 4 Ryd than on the determination of the exact values of the gas parameters. The trough in the SED is required for reproducing the relative line fluxes of the high and low ionization species. To check the robustness of this result, we attempted to re-fit the observed line fluxes with all of our one and two-component models using an approximate single power-law SED (\\( \\log f=-25.8,\\, -26.6,\\, -27.4,\\, -28.2 \\) at 2, 4, 8 and 16 Ryd, respectively), which was held fixed in the fit procedure. In all cases the low excitation lines were over-estimated with respect to the high excitation lines, regardless of the values of \\( U \\), \\( n \\) or \\( F \\). For example, when the power-law SED is applied to the best-fit two-component gas model (Table~\\ref{tbl:fit}), the low excitation lines (\\( \\Eion \\lesssim 50\\, \\mathrm{eV} \\)) are over-estimated by the model by up to a factor of 13, whereas the high excitation lines (\\( \\Eion \\gtrsim 100\\, \\mathrm{eV} \\)) are under-estimated by up to a factor of 23. The overall mismatch of this SED with the observed line fluxes is reflected in both the poor fit score of \\( S=4.1 \\) and in the very strong residual anti-correlation between the line ratios and \\( \\Eion \\), whose random probability is \\( 10^{-4} \\). We caution against generalizing this result to mean that every AGN that exhibits a hard emission line spectrum has an absorbed ionizing SED. The emission line spectrum reflects the gas parameters, such as \\( U \\), \\( n \\) and \\( F \\), no less than it does the ionizing SED. It is necessary to have some knowledge of the likely range of values for these parameters in order to interpret the hardness of the line spectrum. Alexander et al. (\\cite{Alexander99}) provide a counter-example where subtle cancellations between the SED and the gas properties lead to a situation where an AGN (NGC4151) with a hard absorbed SED has a \\emph{softer} emission line spectrum than another AGN (Circinus) with a soft unabsorbed Big Blue Bump. Although we do not claim to fix the gas parameters with certainty, the best fit model (Table~\\ref{tbl:fit}) is reassuringly consistent with the observations, which broadly indicate that the integrated NLR emission originates in two components. Component A of the model can be interpreted as a system of dense (\\( n=10^{4} \\)~\\( \\mathrm{cm}^{-3} \\) ), centrally concentrated (\\( 0.3\\arcsec <\\theta <1.4\\arcsec \\)) outflowing gas clouds (\\( F\\propto r^{-2} \\)) with a relatively high filling factor (\\( F\\sim 0.01 \\)) and high ionization parameter \\( (\\log U=-1 \\)). Component B of the model can be interpreted as a more extended distribution (\\( 1.9\\arcsec <\\theta <4.5\\arcsec \\)) of lower density gas (\\( n=2\\times 10^{3} \\)~\\( \\mathrm{cm}^{-3} \\)) with no net outflow (\\( F=\\mathrm{const}. \\)), with a lower filling factor (\\( F=0.001) \\) and a lower ionization parameter (\\( \\log U=-2 \\)). Component A contributes 58\\% of the total line flux in 22 lines listed in Table~\\ref{tbl:flux}, with the contribution to individual lines ranging from 45\\% of the low excitation \\( \\bSIVb \\) (\\( \\Eion =34.8\\, \\mathrm{eV} \\)) to more than 99.9\\% of the very high excitation line \\( \\bSiIXbB \\) (\\( \\Eion =303.2\\, \\mathrm{eV} \\)). Its large covering factor indicates that there is probably a significant contribution of flux from the inner \\( \\sim \\! 1\\arcsec \\) of the diffuse SW emission cone as well as from the bright NE cone. Component B contributes the remaining 42\\% of the total line flux, mainly in the lower excitation lines. Its covering factor is small enough for it to be concentrated mostly in the NE bright emission cone, as is observed. The best-fit procedure indicates that models with the low oxygen abundance set fit the observed line fluxes somewhat better than models with the high nitrogen abundance set. In particular, the \\( \\mathrm{O}\\, {\\textsc {iii]}}\\, \\lambda 1663 \\), whose unusual relative weakness was an important argument for assuming non-solar abundances (Netzer \\cite{Netzer97}; Kraemer et al. \\cite{KRC98}), is well reproduced by the best-fit low oxygen model with a model-to-data line flux ratio of 1.4 (Fig.~\\ref{fig:ratios}), even though it was not included in our fit since it didn't pass the minimal flux criterion. The trough in the best fit SED (Fig.~\\ref{fig:mix}) can be interpreted as an absorption trough due to an absorber between the continuum source and the NLR. The energy resolution of the SED template, which is limited by the computational cost of enumerating over all the SED combinations, is too low to allow detailed modeling of the absorber. Figure~\\ref{fig:abs_sed} shows an example of how a quasi-thermal big blue bump that is absorbed by neutral hydrogen would appear in our low resolution SED reconstruction. We find that the trough is consistent, for example, with an absorber that shadows the entire NLR (\\( C_{\\mathrm{abs}}=1) \\) and has a column density of \\( N_{H^{0}}=6\\times 10^{19}\\, \\mathrm{cm}^{-2} \\) in neutral hydrogen, or with an absorber that allows a small leakage of unfiltered radiation (\\( C_{\\mathrm{abs}}=0.999 \\)) and a column density of \\( N_{H^{0}}=10^{20}\\, \\mathrm{cm}^{-2} \\). A similar trough, consistent with an absorber of \\( C_{\\mathrm{abs}}>0.99 \\) and \\( N_{H^{0}}=5\\times 10^{19}\\, \\mathrm{cm}^{-2} \\), was discovered in the reconstructed SED of Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC~4151 (Alexander et al. \\cite{Alexander99}). That absorber was also detected in the \\emph{HUT} absorption line spectra of the UV continuum of NGC~4151 (Kriss et al. \\cite{Kriss92}, \\cite{Kriss95}) . The \\emph{HUT} spectra of \\( \\NGC \\) (Kriss et al \\cite{KDBFL92}) do not have a high enough S/N to allow the detection of absorption lines in the scattered UV continuum of this AGN or against the stellar background (G. Kriss, private comm.). We predict that future sensitive absorption line studies should reveal the presence of such an absorber. The bias in our results due to the fact that we neglected the line emission from the absorbing gas is likely to be small if the absorber is similar to the dense, high velocity UV absorber that was detected in NGC~4151. Such an absorber will not emit forbidden lines, and its permitted lines will be broader than typical NLR lines. Only 3 of the 22 lines we used in our fit are permitted lines, and we did not use lines that are contaminated by broad components. A highly ionized and optically thin absorber will produce strong \\( \\OVI \\) line emission in excess of the typical NLR emission. It is therefore interesting that unlike the two forbidden \\( \\bOIIIbB \\) and \\( \\bOIVb \\) lines and the semi-forbidden \\( \\OIIIb \\) line, which are well reproduced by the best fit model, the observed \\( \\OVI \\) line is 3.2 stronger than predicted (Fig.~\\ref{fig:ratios}). We have, up to now, applied our SED reconstruction method to \\emph{ISO-SWS} observations of IR coronal lines of three AGN: the Seyfert 2 Circinus galaxy (Moorwood et al. \\cite{Moorwood96}; Alexander et al. \\cite{Alexander99}), the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC~4151 (Alexander et al. \\cite{Alexander99}), and the Seyfert 2 galaxy \\( \\NGC \\) (this work). In one of these (Circinus), we detect a Big Blue Bump that peaks at \\( \\gtrsim 50\\, \\mathrm{eV} \\). In the other two we detect deep troughs, which are consistent (but not exclusively so) with a Big Blue Bump that is absorbed by neutral gas interior to the NLR. Our findings thus far are consistent with the picture that luminous Seyfert galaxies are powered by thin accretion disks that produce a quasi-thermal Big Blue Bump, and that in a large fraction of them the NLR sees a partially absorbed ionizing continuum, as suggested by Kraemer et al. (\\cite{KRC98})." }, "0002/astro-ph0002113_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A growing number of astronomical resources and data or information services are made available through the Internet. However valuable information is frequently hidden in a deluge of non-pertinent or non up-to-date documents. At a first level, compilations of astronomical resources provide help for selecting relevant sites. Combining yellow-page services and meta-databases of active pointers may be an efficient solution to the data retrieval problem. Responses generated by submission of queries to a set of heterogeneous resources are difficult to merge or cross-match, because different data providers generally use different data formats: new endeavors are under way to tackle this problem. We review the technical challenges involved in trying to provide general search and discovery tools, and to integrate them through upper level interfaces. ", "introduction": "How to help the users find their way through the jungle of information services is a question which has been raised since the early development of the WWW (see e.g., Egret \\cite{jungle}), when it became clear that a big centralized system was not the efficient way to go. Obviously the World Wide Web is a very powerful medium for the development of distributed resources: on the one hand the WWW provides a common medium for all information providers -- the language is flexible enough so that it does not bring unbearable constraints on existing databases -- on the other hand the distributed hypertextual approach opens the way to navigation and links between services (provided a minimum of coordination can be achieved). Let us note that it has been already widely demonstrated that coordinating spirit is not out of reach in a small community such as astronomy, largely sheltered from commercial influence. Searching for a resource (either already visited, or unknown but expected), or browsing lists of existing services in order to discover new tools of interest implies a need for query strategies that cannot generally be managed at the level of a single data provider. There is a need for road-guides pointing to the most useful resources, or to compilations or databases where information can be found about these resources. Such guides have been made in the past, and are of very practical help for the novice as well as the trained user, for example: Andernach et al.\\ \\cite{AHM94}, Egret \\& Heck \\cite{waw}, Egret \\& Albrecht \\cite{amp2}, Heck \\cite{eppa}, Grothkopf \\cite{librarians}, Andernach \\cite{ALDIA}. In the present paper our aim is to address the questions related to the collection, integration and interfacing of the wealth of astronomical Internet resources, and also to describe some strategies that have to be developed for building cooperative tools which will be essential in the research environment of the decade to come. ", "conclusions": "The on-line ``Virtual Observatory'' is currently under construction with on-line archives and services potentially giving access to a huge quantity of scientific information: its services will allow astronomers to select the information of interest for their research, and to access original data, observatory archives and results published in journals. Search and discovery tools currently in development will be of vital importance to make all the observational data and information available to the widest scientific community." }, "0002/astro-ph0002439_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Local Group irregular galaxy IC 1613 has remained an enigma for many years because of its apparent lack of star clusters. We report the successful search for clusters among several of the candidate objects identified many years ago on photographic plates. We have used a single HST WFPC2 pointing and a series of images obtained with the WIYN telescope under exceptional seeing conditions, examining a total of 23 of the previously published candidates. All but six of these objects were found to be either asterisms or background galaxies. Five of the six remaining candidates possibly are small, sparse clusters and the sixth, C32, is an obvious cluster. It is a compact, young object, with an age of less than 10 million years and a total absolute magnitude of M$_V = -5.78\\pm0.16$ within a radius of 13 pc. ", "introduction": "\\citet{ba63} remarked on the fact, which he obviously considered remarkable, that the irregular galaxy IC 1613, a member of the Local Group that he had studied quite intensively, appeared to be devoid of star clusters. This fact was again discussed by \\citet{va79}, who compared IC 1613 with the SMC, pointing out that the SMC's many rich clusters are so conspicuous that, if IC 1613 has any, they should show up clearly on available plate material. \\citet{ho78} had searched photographic plates taken with the Palomar Observatory's 5m and the Lick Observatory's 3m telescopes and published a list of 43 possible candidates for clusters, all of which were very inconspicuous, none having more than 6 resolved stars on the best images. Clearly, these objects were not comparable to the rich star clusters of the Magellanic Clouds, but he thought that at least some of them might be similar to small Galactic open clusters like the Pleiades. More recently \\citet{fr88}, in her CCD-based study of the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of a portion of IC 1613, noted that she could not identify those candidate clusters that should have been visible on her images. On the other hand, \\citet{ge99} observed a field centered on the most active area of star formation (east of our present field), identified 12 of the earlier cluster candidates and measured integrated UBV magnitudes for eight, six of which they found to have colors indicating ages of less than 10 million years. They also identified two new small, young clusters. They searched for massive clusters, either young or old globular clusters, but found none. For a related discsussion of the young massive cluster populations in galaxies and their correlations with integrated galaxy properties see \\citet{la00}. Thus it has been clear that IC 1613 must be poor in rich star clusters compared with the Magellanic Clouds, a fact which van den Bergh attributed to the lack of a history of strong shocks. But it has not been clear whether or not IC 1613 is lacking in a significant number of normal open clusters, as most of the published candidate clusters have not been examined on anything but the original photographic plates. This paper reports the results of a study of some of these candidates using HST and WIYN\\footnote{The WIYN Observatory is a joint facility of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, Yale University, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories.} telescope images. ", "conclusions": "We have surveyed the central area of IC 1613 for star clusters. There are no globular clusters or massive young clusters present, but there are six very sparse groupings that may be open clusters like some of the smaller ones in our Galaxy. One of them, previously cataloged as C32, is a very young cluster embedded in an HII region and surrounded by an OB association. When the uncertain nature of many of the cluster candidates, their very small sizes and their implied small stellar populations are taken into account, it is clear that IC 1613 is a cluster-poor galaxy." }, "0002/astro-ph0002325_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyse a sample of 236 \\C\\ from the \\HP\\ catalog, using the method of ``reduced parallaxes'' in $V, I, K$ and the reddening-free ``Wesenheit-index''. We compare our sample to those considered by Feast \\& Catchpole (1997) and Lanoix et al. (1999), and argue that our sample is the most carefully selected one with respect to completeness, the flagging of overtone pulsators, and the removal of \\C\\ that may influence the analyses for various reasons (double-mode \\C, unreliable \\HP\\ solutions, possible contaminated photometry due to binary companions). From numerical simulations, and confirmed by the observed parallax distribution, we derive a (vertical) scale height of \\C\\ of 70 pc, as expected for a population of 3-10 \\msol\\ stars. This has consequences for Malmquist- and Lutz-Kelker (Lutz \\& Kelker 1973, Oudmaijer et al. 1998) type corrections which are smaller for a disk population than for a spherical population. The $V$ and $I$ data suggest that the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relations may be shallower than that observed for LMC Cepheids, either for the whole period range, or that there is a break at short periods (near $\\log P_0 \\approx 0.7-0.8$). We stress the importance of two systematic effects which influence the distance to the LMC: the slopes of the Galactic $PL$-relations and metallicity corrections. In order to assess the influence of these various effects, we present 27 distance moduli (DM) to the LMC. These are based on three different colours ($V,I,K$), three different slopes (the slope observed for \\C\\ in the LMC, a shallower slope predicted from one set of theoretical models, and a steeper slope as derived for Galactic \\C\\ from the surface-brightness technique), and three different metallicity corrections (no correction as predicted by one set of theoretical models, one implying larger DM as predicted by another set of theoretical models, and one implying shorter DM based on empirical evidence). We derive DM between 18.45 $\\pm$ 0.18 and 18.86 $\\pm$ 0.12. The DM based on $K$ are shorter than those based on $V$ and $I$ and range from 18.45 $\\pm$ 0.18 to 18.62 $\\pm$ 0.19, but the DM in $K$ could be systematically too low by about 0.1 magnitude because of a bias due to the fact that NIR photometry is available only for a limited number of stars. From the Wesenheit-index we derive a DM of 18.60 $\\pm$ 0.11, assuming the observed slope of LMC \\C\\ and no metallicity correction, for want of more information. The DM to the LMC based on the parallax data can be summarised as follows. Based on the $PL$-relation in $V$ and $I$, and the Wesenheit-index, the DM is \\begin{displaymath} 18.60 \\pm 0.11 \\;\\; (\\pm 0.08 \\;{\\rm slope})(^{+0.08}_{-0.15} \\;{\\rm metallicity}), \\end{displaymath} which is our current best estimate. Based on the $PL$-relation in $K$ the DM is $\\;\\;\\;\\; 18.52 \\pm 0.18$ \\begin{displaymath} \\;\\;(\\pm 0.03 \\;{\\rm slope}) (\\pm 0.06 \\;{\\rm metallicity}) (^{+0.10}_{-0} \\;{\\rm sampling \\;bias}). \\end{displaymath} The random error is mostly due to the given accuracy of the \\HP\\ parallaxes and the number of Cepheids in the respective samples. The terms between parentheses indicate the possible systematic uncertainties due to the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relations, the metallicity corrections, and in the $K$-band, due to the limited number of stars. Recent work by Sandage et al. (1999) indicates that the effect of metallicity towards shorter distances may be smaller in $V$ and $I$ than indicated here. From this, we point out the importance of obtaining NIR photometry for more (closeby) \\C, as for the moment NIR photometry is only available for 27\\% of the total sample. This would eliminate the possible bias due to the limited number of stars, and would reduce the random error estimate from 0.18 to about 0.10 mag. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the DM to reddening, metallicity correction and slope are smallest in the $K$-band. ", "introduction": "Cepheids are important standard candles in determining the extra-galactic distance scale. The results of the \\HP\\ mission allow, in principle, a calibration of the period-luminosity relation based on the available parallaxes. Feast \\& Catchpole (1997; hereafter FC) did just that for the $M_{\\rm V} - \\log P$-relation based on pre-released \\HP\\ data of 223 Cepheids available to them at that time. Now that the entire catalog has become available (ESA 1997) it is timely to analyse the full sample of Cepheids in it. In a recent paper, Lanoix et al. (1999, hereafter L99) presented a study similar to ours and they derived the zero points of the $M_{\\rm V} - \\log P$- and $M_{\\rm I} - \\log P$-relations, without, however, discussing the distance to the LMC. We will indicate where the two studies agree and differ. The paper is organised as follows. In Sect.~2 the sample considered in the present paper is presented, and compared to that in FC and L99. In Sect.~3 several aspects involved in the analysis of parallax data are described, and the method of ``reduced parallaxes'' is outlined, together with all necessary recipes to obtain the reddening. In Sect.~4 the zero points of the $PL$-relations in $V,I, K$ and the reddening-free ``Wesenheit-index'' (e.g. Tanvir 1999, and Eq.~(11)) are presented for different selections of the sample, which are discussed in Sect.~5. In Sect.~6 we construct and present the zero points for volume complete samples of stars. In Sect.~7 we describe numerical simulations that are first of all tuned to fit the observed properties of the \\C\\ in the \\HP\\ catalog, and then are used to show that the method of ``reduced parallaxes'' introduces a bias which is of the order of 0.01 mag or less. Based on these results we discuss in Sect.~8 the distance to the LMC, and elaborate on the various uncertainties. \\\\ ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{On the use of longer wavelengths} One argument to consider $PL$-relations in $I$ and $K$ besides the traditional relation in $V$, is because of the smaller extinction at longer wavelengths. We have calculated the zero points for the whole sample considering a systematic shift for all stars of 0.005 mag in $V$ (respectively $I$ and $K$), 0.007 in $B-V$ (resp. $V-I$, $J-K$), a shift in the period-colour relations (Eqs.~(4), (8), (12)) equal to 1/10-th of the quoted dispersions, and a shift in the selective reddening (Eqs.~(5), (10), (14)) equal to the quoted dispersion. The results are listed in Table~1 (solutions 48-51), Table~2 (solutions 23-26), and Table~3 (solutions 15-18). Adding the differences between these zero points and that for the default case in quadrature, one arrives at estimated uncertainties due to errors in the photometry, reddening and period-colour relations of 0.038 mag in $V$, 0.032 mag in $I$, and 0.011 mag in $K$. This illustrates that the $K$-band $PL$-relation is indeed the least sensitive to these effects. For the Wesenheit-index the error due to the photometry and reddening coefficients amounts to 0.028 mag (solutions 13-15 in Table~4). \\\\ Unfortunately, the advantages of using the infrared, like the intrinsically tighter $PL$-relation and the insensitivity to reddening, are countered by the fact that so few stars have been measured in the NIR so far. Of the approximately 48 stars with in 1 kpc, $BV$ photometry is available for all of them, $VI$ for 41 of them, but $JHK$ data (of sufficient quality) for only 24. It is estimated that determining the intensity-mean NIR magnitudes of the remaining 24 stars alone would bring the scatter in the zero point determination in the $K$-band down from about 0.17 to less than 0.1 mag. \\\\ \\subsection{On the slopes of Galactic $PL$-relations} Another important issue concerns the slopes in the respective Galactic $PL$-relations. Common practice is to adopt the slope determined for \\C\\ in the LMC, but the slope could be different for Galactic \\C. In Table~5 we have collected slopes of the $PL$-relations from the literature for \\C\\ in the Galaxy, LMC and SMC, in $V,I,K$, both observationally determined and from two recent theoretical papers (Alibert et al. 1999, Bono et al. 1999 and private communication). Table~5 includes ths slopes in $V$ and $I$ by Madore \\& Freedman (1991) used by the {\\sc hst} $H_0$ Key Project (see for example Gibson et al. 1999). From the results of Gieren et al. (1998) on the \\C\\ in the LMC, we have calculated the error in the slope using the data they kindly provided (their Tables 8 and 9). In addition we have calculated the slope and zero point for their data set but using cut-offs in period, for reasons that will be explained later. \\\\ There are several interesting features to be noted about the slopes. Observationally, the slopes in the $V$ and $I$ $PL$-relations in the LMC are very well established, respectively, about $-2.81$ and $-3.05$, and these are the default slopes adopted in the present study, with errors of about 0.08 and 0.06. For $M_{\\rm K}-\\log P$-relation there are fewer observational data available but the slope in Gieren et al. (1998) is determined very accurately and is in reasonable agreement with the result of Madore \\& Freedman (1991). \\\\ One fact needs to be mentioned however, and that is that the period distribution of the calibrating \\C\\ in the LMC is very different from that of the Galactic \\C\\ in the \\HP\\ catalog. In Table 8 in Gieren et al. (1998) there are 53 LMC \\C\\ listed with $V,I$ photometry that define their $PL$-relation. Nine have $\\log P \\le 0.555$, then there is a gap, and 42 have $\\log P \\ge 0.846$. In $JHK$ (their Table 9), there are 59 \\C, including 5 that have $\\log P \\le 0.680$, then there is a gap, and 54 have $\\log P \\ge 0.834$. The same dichotomy of \\C\\ in period can be seen from Tanvir (1999). Note that in more distant Galaxies than the Magellanic Clouds, due to observational bias, most known Cepheids have periods longer than 10 days. We therefore have included in Table~5 the slopes in $V,I,K$ based on the data in Gieren et al. (1998), but have divided the sample according to period. The slopes for the long period sub-sample differ only slightly from that for the whole sample but are characterised by slightly larger errors. The slopes for the short-period sample have larger errors because of the small number of stars involved but nevertheless are systematically steeper at the 1$\\sigma$ level in all three colours. For comparison, in our sample only 107 of the 236 \\C\\ have $\\log P \\ge 0.846$, and the zero point of this sample differs at the 1.4$\\sigma$ level from that of the whole sample (solution 52 in Table~1). This is yet another indication that for the default slope of $-2.81$ the zero point may depend on the period range chosen. For a slope of $\\delta = -2.22$ (compare solutions 38, 53) this is not the case. \\\\ A second issue concerns the predictions of the theoretical models and the comparison with observations. In $V,K$ for the LMC, and in $I$ for the SMC the models of Bono et al. (1999) are in very good agreement with the observed slope, in $I$ for the LMC and $V$ for the SMC the agreement is poor. In $I, K$ for the LMC, the models of Alibert et al. (1999) are in good agreement with the observed slopes; in $V$ the agreement for the LMC and $V,I$ for the SMC is fair. However, the prediction both models make for the Galaxy are very different. Gieren et al. (1998) have derived $PL$-relations for Galactic \\C\\ using the surface brightness technique. The slopes they find in all three bands are {\\it steeper} than the corresponding slopes in the LMC at the 2-3 $\\sigma$ level. In their paper they ascribe this to small number statistics, and in the end assume the LMC slopes to hold for the Galactic \\C\\ as well, also, they add, because the slopes for the LMC \\C\\ are better determined. The models of Alibert et al. (1999) predict slopes for the Galactic $PL$-relations that are {\\it steeper} than the observed ones in the LMC in $V,I,K$ as well, although by a small amount only (the main conclusion of their paper is actually that the slope and zero point of the $PL$-relations do not depend on metallicity). By contrast, the Bono et al. (1999) paper predicts slopes that are significantly {\\it shallower} in the Galaxy compared to the LMC especially in $V,I$ but also in $K$. In addition, the Bono et al. models actually predict a non-linear $PL$-relation in $V$, for all metallicities considered. Furthermore, Alibert et al. mention that a change of slope in $PL$-relations is expected at short periods due to the reduction of the blue loop during core He burning, and that this change of slope occurs near $\\log P = 0.2$ for $Z$ = 0.004, $\\log P = 0.35$ for $Z$ = 0.01, and $\\log P = 0.5$ for $Z$ = 0.02. Such a change of slope (in the sense that the slope of the $PL$-relation is steeper for periods below this limit) was recently observed for SMC \\C\\ (Bauer et al. 1999) with the break occurring near $\\log P = 0.3$, near the predicted value. \\\\ \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Slopes of the $PL$-relations.} \\begin{tabular}{ccll} \\hline Slope & Colour & System & Reference \\\\ \\hline $-3.037 \\pm 0.138$ & V & GAL & Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-2.22 \\pm 0.04$ & V & 0.02& Bono et al. (1999); non-linear, $\\log P<1.4$\\\\ $-2.905$ & V & 0.02& Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-2.810 \\pm 0.082$ & V & LMC & Tanvir (1999) \\\\ $-2.769 \\pm 0.073$ & V & LMC & Gieren et al. (1998) \\\\ $-2.820 \\pm 0.118$ & V & LMC & this work; 44 stars with $\\log P > 0.845$ from Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-3.54 \\pm 0.68$ & V & LMC & this work; 9 stars with $\\log P < 0.845$ from Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-2.88 \\pm 0.20$ & V & LMC & Madore \\& Freedman (1991)\\\\ $-2.81 \\pm 0.06$ & V & LMC & Caldwell \\& Laney (1991)\\\\ $-2.79 \\pm 0.06$ & V & 0.008& Bono et al. (1999); non-linear, $\\log P<1.4$\\\\ $-2.951$ & V & 0.01& Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-2.63 \\pm 0.08$ & V & SMC & Caldwell \\& Laney (1991), \\\\ $-3.04 \\pm 0.04$ & V & 0.004& Bono et al. (1999); non-linear, $\\log P<1.4$\\\\ $-2.939$ & V & 0.004& Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.329 \\pm 0.132$ & I & GAL & Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-2.35 \\pm 0.08$ & I & 0.02& Bono et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.102$ & I & 0.02& Alibert et al. (1999)\\\\ $-3.078 \\pm 0.059$ & I & LMC & Tanvir (1999) \\\\ $-3.041 \\pm 0.054$ & I & LMC & Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-3.084 \\pm 0.088$ & I & LMC & this work; 44 stars with $\\log P > 0.845$ from Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-3.39 \\pm 0.39$ & I & LMC & this work; 9 stars with $\\log P < 0.845$ from Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-3.14 \\pm 0.17$ & I & LMC & Madore \\& Freedman (1991)\\\\ $-3.01 \\pm 0.05$ & I & LMC & Caldwell \\& Laney (1991) \\\\ $-2.63 \\pm 0.08$ & I & 0.008& Bono et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.140$ & I & 0.01& Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-2.92 \\pm 0.07$ & I & SMC & Caldwell \\& Laney (1991) \\\\ $-2.73 \\pm 0.10$ & I & 0.004& Bono et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.124$ & I & 0.004& Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.598 \\pm 0.114$ & K & GAL & Gieren et al. (1998) \\\\ $-3.03 \\pm 0.07$ & K & 0.02 & Bono et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.367$ & K & 0.02 & Alibert et al. (1999)\\\\ $-3.267 \\pm 0.041$ & K & LMC & Gieren et al. (1998) \\\\ $-3.304 \\pm 0.052$ & K & LMC & this work; 54 stars with $\\log P > 0.833$ from Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-3.37 \\pm 0.39$ & K & LMC & this work; 5 stars with $\\log P < 0.833$ from Gieren et al. (1998)\\\\ $-3.42 \\pm 0.09$ & K & LMC & Madore \\& Freedman (1991) \\\\ $-3.19 \\pm 0.09$ & K & 0.008 & Bono et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.395$ & K & 0.01& Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.27 \\pm 0.09$ & K & 0.004 & Bono et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.369$ & K & 0.004 & Alibert et al. (1999) \\\\ $-3.411 \\pm 0.036$ & Wesenheit & LMC & Tanvir (1999) \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table*} \\subsection{Consistency between individual distances based on different colours} For a given slope and zero point of the $PL$-relation one can calculate the photometric distance, and since we have determined the zero point for three photometric band we can intercompare photometric distances to individual \\C. This is illustrated in Fig.~6, for the default slopes of the $PL$-relations. The zero point of the $M_{\\rm V}-\\log P$ relation is fixed at $-1.411$ (solution 10, Table~1). The zero point of the $M_{\\rm I}-\\log P$ relation is determined to give a mean difference in $(m-M)_{\\rm 0,I} - (m-M)_{\\rm 0,V}$ of zero, and is found to be $-1.918$ (top panel Fig.~6). The rms dispersion is 0.14 mag. Similarly, to create the bottom panel, the zero point of the $M_{\\rm K}-\\log P$ relation was determined to give a mean difference in $(m-M)_{\\rm 0,K} - (m-M)_{\\rm 0,I}$ of zero, and is found to be $-2.600$, with an rms dispersion is 0.10. The values for the zero points in $I$ and $K$ derived in this way differ only slightly from the solutions 1 in Tables 2 and 3. Interestingly, least-square fitting shows that the slopes of the relations are not unity, but 0.980 $\\pm$ 0.007 (top panel), and 0.965 $\\pm$ 0.007 (bottom panel). Using the same procedure, but adopting steeper slopes of $-3.04$, $-3.33$, $-3.60$ (see Sect.~8 for the reason of these choices) in, respectively, the $M_{\\rm V}-\\log P$, $M_{\\rm I}-\\log P$ and $M_{\\rm K}-\\log P$ relations and fixing the zero point of the $M_{\\rm V}-\\log P$ relation at $-1.234$ we find in the same way the zero points of the $M_{\\rm I}-\\log P$ and $M_{\\rm K}-\\log P$-relations to be $-1.696$ and $-2.328$. The slopes are 0.983 $\\pm$ 0.007 and 0.971 $\\pm$ 0.007. Using the same procedure, but adopting shallower slopes of $-2.22$, $-2.35$, $-3.05$ in, respectively, the $M_{\\rm V}-\\log P$, $M_{\\rm I}-\\log P$ and $M_{\\rm K}-\\log P$ relations and fixing the zero point of the $M_{\\rm V}-\\log P$ relation at $-1.885$ (solution 38 in Table~1) we find the zero point of the $M_{\\rm I}-\\log P$ and $M_{\\rm K}-\\log P$-relations to be $-2.491$ and $-2.692$. The slopes are 0.974 $\\pm$ 0.007 and 1.010 $\\pm$ 0.010. The conclusion is the the photometric distances based on different $PL$-relations are consistent with each other at a level of 0.10-0.14 mag, similar to the uncertainties in the individually derived zero points in $V,I,K$ for the full sample. The data does not allow to discriminate between different choices of the slopes of the $PL$-relations. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=vergelijk.ps,width=8.8cm}} \\caption[]{Comparison of the distance moduli based on the $PL$-relations in $V$ and $I$ (top panel), assuming zero points of respectively $-1.411$ and $-1.918$, and the default slopes, and $I$ and $K$ (bottom panel) for zero points of $-1.918$ and $-2.600$, and the default slopes. The solid line is the one-to-one relation, although a least-square fit indicates that the best fitting slope differs slightly from unity (see text). } \\end{figure} \\subsection{The finally adopted zero points} Based on the results obtained in Sects.~4, 5 and 6, we will present three sets of solutions, a `traditional' one, and two alternatives. The traditional one follows FC and L99 closely. The zero point adopted is the one for the entire sample (which has the lowest error of the samples that are not selected on observed parallax), adopting the slope of the $PL$-relation observed for \\C\\ in the LMC. This would then be solution 10 from Table~1 ($\\rho = -1.41 \\pm 0.10$), solution 1 from Table~2 ($\\rho = -1.89 \\pm 0.11$) and solution 1 from Table~3 corrected for the off-set in the corresponding solution in $V$ and $I$ as discussed in Sect.~4.3 ($\\rho = -2.50 \\pm 0.17$). These zero points have to be corrected for Malmquist bias. If the Malmquist bias would be evaluated in magnitude space, this bias would amount to 0.0092, 0.021 and 0.013 magnitude in $V,I,K$, respectively, for a disk population and the adopted values for ${\\sigma}_{\\rm H}$ of, respectively, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.12 mag (Stobie et al. 1989). However, if evaluated using the reduced parallax method the Malmquist bias is smaller (see Oudmaijer et al. 1999), and from the numerical simulations (Table~6) we find a Malmquist bias of 0.007 in $V$, 0.003 in $I$, and an unphysical negative value in $K$, probably due to the smaller number of stars involved. For the Malmquist bias we will assume a (round number) of 0.01 mag in all three bands. Also, we have increased the errors in the zero points to reflect the sensitivity to uncertainties in the photometry, reddening and period-colour relations (see Sect.~5.1). For adopted slopes of $-2.81$, $-3.05$ and $-3.27$, the finally adopted zero points of the $PL$-relations in $V$, $I$ and $K$ are, respectively, $\\rho = -1.40 \\pm 0.11$, $-1.88 \\pm 0.12$ and $-2.49 \\pm 0.17$. For the Wesenheit-index, after correcting for Malmquist bias and increasing the error bar due to the uncertainties described in Sect.~5.1, we adopt a zero point of $-2.55 \\pm 0.11$ for a slope of $-3.411$. \\\\ The `traditional' solution above has certain advantages, like the fact that the errors are smallest compared to solutions that do not include all stars, or, since the slope adopted is the one in the LMC, a distance determination to the LMC is essentially a comparison of zero points only (apart from systematic effects). On the other hand, alternative solutions can be presented which also have merits. These solutions are based on a volume complete sample (at least in $V$ and $I$) to avoid Malmquist bias. Although small, its value does depend on the distribution of stars, and the intrinsic spread in the $PL$-relation and selecting a volume complete sample avoids Malmquist bias outright. In $K$, no volume complete sample could be constructed and we used the full sample instead. The alternative solutions take into account the theoretical prediction that the slope of the $PL$-relation may change at $\\log P \\sim 0.5$ for solar metallicities (Alibert et al. 1999). Where the two alternative solutions differ are in the adopted slopes for the Galactic $PL$-relations. One alternative solution takes into account the, admittedly at the 1$\\sigma$ level of significance, evidence presented in Sects.~4.1-4.2 that the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relations are shallower than the ones in the LMC, and in accordance we have adopted the theoretical slopes predicted by Bono et al. (1999) for solar metallicities. The second alternative method adopts the slopes in Gieren et al. (1998), who derived distances from the infrared version of the surface brightness technique to Galactic \\C, which yields steeper slopes than for the LMC. These alternative solutions are presented in Tables~1-3 (solutions 54-55, 28-28 and 19-20, respectively). The zero points in $K$ have to be corrected for Malmquist bias (+0.01 mag) and for the off-sets in the corresponding $V$ and $I$ solutions, and the errors in all three zero points are increased for reasons indicated above. For the adopted slopes of $-2.22$, $-2.35$ and $-3.05$, the zero points of the $PL$-relations in $V$, $I$ and $K$ are, respectively, $\\rho = -1.95 \\pm 0.12$, $-2.47 \\pm 0.15$ and $-2.68 \\pm 0.18$. For the adopted slopes of $-3.04$, $-3.33$ and $-3.60$, the zero points of the $PL$-relations in $V$, $I$ and $K$ are, respectively, $\\rho = -1.30 \\pm 0.13$, $-1.75 \\pm 0.14$ and $-2.30 \\pm 0.18$. \\\\ \\subsection{$PL$-relation of LMC \\C} Before proceeding we have to adopt $PL$-relations for the LMC \\C. In $V$, for a slope of $-2.81$, Caldwell \\& Laney (1991) find a zero point of 17.23 $\\pm$ 0.02. Tanvir (1999), for the same slope, gives an observed zero point of 17.451 $\\pm$ 0.043. Adopting a mean reddening to the LMC of $E(B-V)$ of 0.08 (Caldwell \\& Laney 1991) and a ratio of total-to-selective reddening of $R_{\\rm V} = A_{\\rm V}/E(B-V) = $ 3.27 (Eq.~(5) for typical colors) we derive a de-reddened zero point of 17.19 $\\pm$ 0.04. For the \\C\\ in the LMC we adopt the weighted mean of these two values, or a zero point of 17.22 $\\pm$ 0.02 in $V$ for a slope of $-2.81$. In $I$, for a slope of $-3.041$, Gieren et al. (1998) find a zero point of 16.74 $\\pm$ 0.06 (the error is calculated by us, from their data). Tanvir (1999), for a slope of $-3.078$, gives an observed zero point of 16.904 $\\pm$ 0.031. Adopting $A_{\\rm I} = 0.69 A_{\\rm V} = 0.18$ mag for the reddening in $V$ calculated as above, we derive a zero point of 16.72 $\\pm$ 0.03. For the default slope of $-3.05$ we adopt the weighted mean of these two values, or a de-reddened zero point in the $I$ band for the \\C\\ in the LMC of 16.72 $\\pm$ 0.02. In $K$, for a slope of $-3.267$, Gieren et al. (1998) find a zero point of 16.03 $\\pm$ 0.05 (the error is calculated by us from their data) for the \\C\\ in the LMC. This value is adopted by us. For the Wesenheit-index, for a slope of $-3.411$, Tanvir (1999) finds a zero point of 16.051 $\\pm$ 0.017. This value is adopted by us.\\\\ \\subsection{Metallicity correction} We will now consider the effect of metallicity on the zero point. For comparison, FC applied a correction of +0.042 mag to the zero point in the $V$-band, based on Laney \\& Stobie (1994). The theoretical models of Bono et al. (1999), and Alibert et al. (1999) provide $PL$-relations and from those the difference $\\Delta M = M$(Gal) $- M$(LMC) can be determined which will depend on the photometric band and period. We have determined this difference for two periods, namely for $\\log P_0 = 0.77$ which we have determined to be the mean period of the volume complete sample of Galactic \\C\\ in \\HP\\, and for $\\log P_0 = 0.47$ which is the mean period of \\C\\ in the LMC (Alcock et al. 1999). The results for $\\Delta M$ are listed in Table~7 for the three photometric bands. This illustrates the difference between the two theoretical models, for the Alibert et al. (1999) models predict essentially no dependence on metallicity, while the Bono et al. (1999) models predict a significant metallicity dependence, which mostly is in the sense that the metal-rich pulsators are fainter than the metal-poor ones. This is at variance with various empirical estimates that give the opposite result, and that, in the $V$-band, vary between $-0.24 \\pm 0.16$ (Kennicutt et al. 1998) and about $-0.4$ mag/dex (Kochanek 1997, Sasselov et al. 1997, Storm et al. 1999\\footnote{Recently, Storm (2000) suggested that this result may not be confirmed from his latest analysis and that the correction may have a positive sign instead.}). A mean of these four determinations is $-0.38 \\pm 0.09$ mag/dex, which for a difference in metallicity of 0.4 dex, implies $\\Delta M = -0.15 \\pm 0.04$ in the $V$-band. In the $I$-band we assume the same value following Sasselov et al. (1997) and Kochanek (1997), but the reader should realise that this number is less well established than the correction in $V$, and in the $K$-band adopt $\\Delta M = -0.07$. Note however, that a metallicity dependence as large as 0.4 mag in $V$ as suggested by Sekiguchi \\& Fukugita (1998) can be excluded at the 6$\\sigma$ level (Laney 1999, 2000). In recent papers, Saio \\& Gautschy (1998) and Sandage et al. (1999) found no significant metallicity dependence on the bolometric $PL$-relation, and slopes of $-0.08$ mag/dex in $V$ and $-0.1$ mag/dex in $I$ (Sandage et al. 1999), which represents a shallower dependence than the values listed above, that are adopted in the present study, and which therefore may be an extreme view.\\\\ \\subsection{The distance to the LMC} In Table~8 are listed the true distance moduli (DM) to the LMC for $V,I,K$, the three slopes (`traditional' meaning the observed slopes for the \\C\\ in the LMC, `shallower' adopting the theoretical slopes from Bono et al. and `steeper' adopting the observed slopes for Galactic \\C\\ from Gieren et al. (1998) and the three metallicity corrections (`0' means no correction, `+' means a longer distance scale as implied by the models from Bono et al., and `$-$' means a shorter distance scale as implied from empirical evidence). The error quoted includes the error in the zero point of both the Galactic and LMC Cepheids, and where appropriate, the error due to the metallicity correction, and for the solutions with either steeper or shallower slope, the uncertainty due to the difference in DM at $\\log P = 0.47$ and 0.77. Also included are the weighted mean DM, averaged over $V,I,K$ (with internal error), and, for reference, the (unweighted) mean DM per photometric band of all the solutions (with the one-sided range in the solutions). Also included is the solution based on the Wesenheit-index assuming the slope observed in the LMC, and no metallicity correction. The DM range from 18.45 $\\pm$ 0.18 to 18.86 $\\pm$ 0.12. Several important conclusions may be drawn: \\bigskip {\\bf (1)} For every combination, the $PL$-relation in $K$ gives the shortest distance, and the difference between the distance based on $V$ and $K$ can be as large as 0.24 mag (solutions 4, 5 in Table~8). This systematic effect is worrying and merits investigation. It could hint to errors in the reddening, or dereddening procedure. It is illustrative to note that the (minimum, maximum, mean) extinction for the whole sample is ($-0.21$, 3.4, 1.3) in $A_{\\rm V}$, ($-0.08$, 2.1, 0.75) in $A_{\\rm I}$, and ($-0.05$, 0.26, 0.10) in $A_{\\rm K}$. This implies that any uncertainty in reddening is less in $K$. In Sect.~5.1 we have estimated these uncertainties (about 0.04 in $V$, 0.03 in $I$ and 0.01 mag in $K$) and added them as a random errors. Possibly these are errors of a systematic nature instead. It is interesting to note that application of the procedures outlined in Sect.~3.2 results in negative reddening in some cases. One can raise the question how much bluer the period-colour-relations need to be to give positive reddening for all stars. It turns out that Eq.~(4) needs to be bluer by 0.065 mag, Eq.~(8) by 0.055 mag, and Eq.~(11) by 0.075 mag. For the default slopes and using all stars, the zero points in $V,I,K$ would change to, respectively, $-1.620$ (from $-1.411$), $-1.970$ (from $-1.892$), and $-2.660$ (from $-2.607$). On the other hand, the DM based on the Wesenheit-index, which avoids the use of a $PC$-relation to estimate the individual reddenings, is in perfect agreement with the DM based both on the $PL$-relations in $V$ and $I$. This suggests that the reddening is not the main reason for the systematically shorter DM in the $K$-band. As pointed out in Sect.~4.3 there may be a bias in the $K$-band zero point due to the smaller number of \\C\\ with accurate intensity-mean magnitudes. The correction for this bias was estimated by comparing, for the same sample of stars with $K$-band data, the zero point of the $PL$-relations in $V$ and $I$ to those for the full samples in $V$ and $I$, and this correction is about 0.1 mag, in the sense that it makes the DM based on $K$ shorter than they would be without this correction. This uncertainty can only be eliminated if more intensity-mean NIR magnitudes come available. {\\bf (2)} The uncertainty in the type of metallicity correction introduces a range in DM of up to 0.20 mag in $V,I$, and 0.12 mag in $K$. {\\bf (3)} The uncertainty in the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relations introduces a range in DM of about 0.16 mag in $V,I$, and about 0.05 mag in $K$.\\\\ \\noindent Taking the case with the observed slopes of LMC Cepheids with no metallicity correction as default, one may summarise the results as follows. Based on the $PL$-relation in $V$ and $I$, and the Wesenheit-index, the true DM to the LMC is 18.60 $\\pm$ 0.11 ($\\pm$ 0.08 slope) ($^{+0.08}_{-0.15}$ metallicity). Based on the $PL$-relation in $K$ it is 18.52 $\\pm$ 0.18 ($\\pm$ 0.03 slope) ($\\pm 0.06$ metallicity) ($^{+0.10}_{-0}$ sample bias). The terms between parenthesis indicate the possible systematic uncertainties due to the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relations, the metallicity corrections, and in the $K$-band, due to the limited number of stars. Recent work by Sandage et al. (1999) indicate that the effect of metallicity towards shorter distances may be smaller in $V$ and $I$ than indicated here. A more accurate determination is not possible without more definite information on the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relations and the metallicity correction. \\\\ Our prefered distance modulus is the one based on the $PL$-relation in $V$, $I$ and the Wesenheit index, and puts the LMC 0.10 mag in DM closer than the value of 18.70 derived by FC. The difference is due to four effects that all work in the same direction, namely, (1) FC apply a metallicty correction of +0.042 mag, (2) the difference in the zero point in the Galactic $PL$-relation in $V$ between FC and this study is +0.03 mag (+0.01 mag is due to Malmquist bias which FC did not take into account, while +0.02 mag is due to the different sample and slightly different photometry in some cases), (3) the difference in the DM based on $V$ compared to the mean of the DM based on $V$, $I$ and the Wesenheit-index is +0.02 mag, and (4) the difference between FC and this study in the adopted zero point of the $PL$-relation in $V$ of the LMC Cepheids is +0.01 mag. \\\\ We finally note that the influence of the choice of slope and the metallicity correction are (predicted to be) smallest in the $K$-band as well as the uncertainty in the extinction correction. If the 20-30 closest \\C\\ without published NIR photometry could have their NIR intensity-mean magnitudes determined, then the uncertainty due to the small number of stars could be eliminated and the zero point in $K$ could be determined with an error that is a factor of two smaller than is possible at present. \\\\ \\begin{table} \\caption[]{Metallicity dependence of the absolute magnitude between Galaxy and LMC from recent theoretical models. } \\begin{tabular}{rrrrl} \\hline $\\log P_0$ & ${\\Delta M}_{\\rm V}$ & ${\\Delta M}_{\\rm I}$ & ${\\Delta M}_{\\rm K}$ & Reference \\\\ \\hline 0.77 & 0.139 & 0.145 & 0.073 & Bono et al. (1999)\\\\ 0.77 & 0.005 &$-0.007$ & 0.004 & Alibert et al. (1999)\\\\ 0.47 & $-0.032$ & 0.062 & 0.025 & Bono et al. (1999)\\\\ 0.47 & $-0.008$ &$-0.018$ &$-0.003$ & Alibert et al. (1999)\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Distance Moduli to the LMC. Based on the $PL$-relations in $V,I,K$ and the Wesenheit-index, for different assumptions about the slope of the Galactic $PL$-relation, and metallicity correction.} \\begin{tabular}{crccccccc} \\hline Solution & Slope & Metallicity & $V$ & $I$ & $K$ & $W$ & Mean\\\\ & & dependence & & & & & over $V,I,K$ \\\\ \\hline 1& traditional & 0 & 18.62 $\\pm$ 0.11 & 18.60 $\\pm$ 0.12 & 18.52 $\\pm$ 0.18 & 18.60 $\\pm$ 0.11 & 18.60 $\\pm$ 0.07 & \\\\ 2& traditional & + & 18.71 $\\pm$ 0.12 & 18.70 $\\pm$ 0.13 & 18.57 $\\pm$ 0.18 & & 18.68 $\\pm$ 0.08 & \\\\ 3& traditional & $-$ & 18.47 $\\pm$ 0.12 & 18.45 $\\pm$ 0.12 & 18.45 $\\pm$ 0.18 & & 18.46 $\\pm$ 0.08 & \\\\ 4& shallower & 0 & 18.80 $\\pm$ 0.14 & 18.76 $\\pm$ 0.19 & 18.57 $\\pm$ 0.19 & & 18.73 $\\pm$ 0.10 & \\\\ 5& shallower & + & 18.86 $\\pm$ 0.12 & 18.86 $\\pm$ 0.16 & 18.62 $\\pm$ 0.19 & & 18.81 $\\pm$ 0.09 & \\\\ 6& shallower & $-$ & 18.65 $\\pm$ 0.14 & 18.61 $\\pm$ 0.18 & 18.50 $\\pm$ 0.19 & & 18.60 $\\pm$ 0.10 & \\\\ 7& steeper & 0 & 18.66 $\\pm$ 0.13 & 18.64 $\\pm$ 0.15 & 18.53 $\\pm$ 0.19 & & 18.63 $\\pm$ 0.09 & \\\\ 8& steeper & + & 18.72 $\\pm$ 0.18 & 18.75 $\\pm$ 0.16 & 18.58 $\\pm$ 0.20 & & 18.70 $\\pm$ 0.10 & \\\\ 9& steeper & $-$ & 18.51 $\\pm$ 0.14 & 18.49 $\\pm$ 0.15 & 18.46 $\\pm$ 0.19 & & 18.49 $\\pm$ 0.09 & \\\\ \\hline mean/range & & & 18.67 / 0.20 & 18.65 / 0.21 & 18.53 / 0.09 & & 18.63 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table*} \\subsection*{Acknowledgements} We thank Pascal Fouqu\\'e, Michael Feast and Patricia Whitelock for providing tabular material in Gieren et al. (1998), respectively Feast \\& Whitelock (1997) in electronic format. We thank Giuseppe Bono and Santi Cassisi in calculating and communicating additional $PL(C)$-relations to us. Frederic Pont and Frederic Arenou are thanked for lively and interesting discussions. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France." }, "0002/astro-ph0002055_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider gravitational waves emitted by various populations of compact binaries at cosmological distances. We use population synthesis models to characterize the properties of double neutron stars, double black holes and double white dwarf binaries as well as white dwarf-neutron star, white dwarf-black hole and black hole-neutron star systems. \\\\ We use the observationally determined cosmic star formation history to reconstruct the redshift distribution of these sources and their merging rate evolution.\\\\ The gravitational signals emitted by each source during its early-inspiral phase add randomly to produce a stochastic background in the low frequency band with spectral strain amplitude between $\\sim 10^{-18} \\, \\mbox{Hz}^{-1/2}$ and $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{-17}\\,\\mbox{Hz}^{-1/2}$ at frequencies in the interval $[\\sim 5 \\times 10^{-6}-5 \\times 10^{-5}]$~Hz. The overall signal which, at frequencies above $10^{-4}$~Hz, is largely dominated by double white dwarf systems, might be detectable with LISA in the frequency range $[1-10]$~mHz and acts like a confusion limited noise component which might limit the LISA sensitivity at frequencies above 1~mHz. ", "introduction": "Binaries with two compact stars are the most promising sources for gravitational radiation. The final phase of spiral in may be detected with ground-based (LIGO, VIRGO, GEO and TAMA) and space-borne laser interferometers (LISA). This has motivated researchers to model gravitational waveforms and to develop population synthesis codes to estimate the properties and formation rates of possible sources for gravitational wave radiation. Since there is not yet a single prescription for calculating the gravitational emission from a compact binary system, it is customary to divide the gravitational waveforms in two main pieces: the inspiral waveform, emitted before tidal distortions become noticeable, and the coalescence waveform, emitted at higher frequencies during the epoch of distortion, tidal disruption and/or merger (Cutler \\etal 1993). As the binary, driven by gravitational radiation reaction, spirals in, the frequency of the emitted wave increases until the last 3 orbital cycles prior to complete merger. With post-Newtonian expansions of the equations of motion for two point masses, the waveforms can be computed fairly accurately in the relatively long phase of spiral in (see, for a recent review, Rasio \\& Shapiro 2000 and references therein). Conversely, the gravitational waveform from the coalescence can only be obtained from extensive numerical calculations with a fully general relativistic treatment. Such calculations are now well underway (Brady, Creighton \\& Thorne 1998; Damour, Iyer \\& Sathyaprakash 1998; Rasio \\& Shapiro 1999). In this paper, we consider the low frequency signal from the early phase of the spiral in, which is of interest for space-borne antennas, such as LISA. For this purpose, we use the leading order expression for the single source emission spectrum, obtained using the quadrupole approximation. Our analysis includes various populations of compact binary systems: black hole-black hole (bh, bh), neutron star-neutron star (ns, ns), white dwarf-white dwarf (wd, wd) as well as mixed systems such as (ns, wd), (bh, wd) and (bh, ns). For some of these sources [(ns, ns), (wd, wd) and (ns, wd)], statistical information on the event rate can be inferred from electromagnetic observations. In particular, there are several observational estimates of the (ns, ns) merger rate obtained from statistics of the known population of binary radio pulsars (Narayan, Piran \\& Shemi 1991; Phinney 1991). A rather large number of close white dwarf binaries have recently been found (see Maxted \\& Marsh 1999 and Moran 1999). However, it is customary to constrain the (wd, wd) merger rate from the observed SNIa rate (see Postnov \\& Prokhorov 1998). Also the population of binaries where a radio pulsar is accompanied by a massive unseen white dwarf may be considerably higher than hitherto expected (Portegies Zwart \\& Yungelson 1999). Since most stars are members of binaries and the formation rate of potential sources of gravitational waves may be abundant in the Galaxy, the gravitational-wave signal emitted by such binaries might produce a stochastic background. This possibility has been explored by various authors, starting from the earliest work of Mironovskij (1965) and Rosi \\& Zimmermann (1976) until the more recent investigations of Hils, Bender \\& Webbink (1990), Lipunov \\etal (1995), Bender \\& Hils (1997), Giazotto, Bonazzola \\& Gourgoulhon (1997), Giampieri (1997), Postnov \\& Prokhorov (1998), and Nelemans, Portegies Zwart \\& Verbunt (1999). This background, which acts like a noise component for the interferometric detectors, has always been viewed as a potential obstacle for the detection of gravitational wave backgrounds coming from the early Universe. In this paper we extend the investigation of compact binary systems to extragalactic distances, accounting for the binaries which have been formed since the onset of galaxy formation in the Universe. Following Ferrari, Matarrese \\& Schneider (1999a, 1999b: hereafter referred as FMSI and FMSII, respectively), we modulate the binary formation rate in the Universe with the cosmic star formation history derived from observations of field galaxies out to redshift $z \\sim 5$ (see \\eg Madau, Pozzetti \\& Dickinson 1998b; Steidel \\etal 1999). The magnitude and frequency distribution of the integrated gravitational signal produced by the cosmological population of compact binaries is calculated from the distribution of binary parameters (masses and types of both stars, orbital separations and eccentricities). These orbital parameters characterize the gravitational-wave signal which we observe on Earth. Detailed information for the properties of the binary population may be obtained through population synthesis. We use the binary population synthesis code {\\sf SeBa} to simulate the characteristics of the binary population in the Galaxy (Portegies Zwart \\& Verbunt 1996; Portegies Zwart \\& Yungelson 1998). The characteristics of the extragalactic population are derived from extrapolating these results to the local Universe. The paper is organized as follows: in Section~2 we describe the population synthesis calculations. Section~3 deals with the energy spectrum of a single source followed, in Section~4, by the derivation of the extragalactic backgrounds for the different binary populations. In Sections~3 and~4 we also give details on the adopted astrophysical and cosmological properties of the systems. In Section~5, we compute the spectral strain amplitude produced by each cosmological population and investigate its detectability with LISA. Finally, in Section~6 we summarize our main results and compare them with other previously estimated astrophysical background signals. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have obtained estimates for the stochastic background of gravitational waves emitted by cosmological populations of compact binary systems during their early-inspiral phase. Since we have restricted our investigation to frequencies well below the frequency emitted when each system approaches its last stable circular orbit, we have characterized the single source emission using the quadrupole approximation. Our main motivation was to develop a simple method to estimate the gravitational signal produced by populations of binary systems at extragalactic distances. This method relies on three main pieces of information: \\begin{enumerate} \\item the theoretical description of gravitational waveforms to characterize the single source contribution to the overall background \\item the predictions of binary population synthesis codes to characterize the distribution of astrophysical parameters (masses of the stellar components, orbital parameters, merger times etc.) among each ensemble of binary systems \\item a model for the evolution of the cosmic star formation history derived from a collection of observations out to $z \\sim 5$ to infer the evolution of the birth and merger rates for each binary population throughout the Universe. \\end{enumerate} As we have considered only the early-inspiral phase of the binary evolution, our predictions for the resulting gravitational signals are restricted to the low frequency band $10^{-5}-1$~Hz. The stochastic background signals produced by (wd, wd) and (ns, ns) might be observable with LISA and add as confusion limited noise components to the LISA instrumental noise and to the signal produced by binaries within our own Galaxy. The extragalactic contributions are dominant at frequencies in the range $1-10$~mHz and limit the performances expected for LISA in the same range, where the previously estimated sensitivity curve was attaining its mimimum. We plan to extend further this preliminary study and to consider more realistic waveforms so as to enter a frequency region interesting for ground-based experiments. Finally, in Fig.~\\ref{fig:extragal} we show the spectral densities of the extragalactic backgrounds that have been investigated so far. The high frequency band appears to be dominated by the stochastic signal from a population of rapidly rotating neutron stars via the r-mode instability (see FMSII). For comparison, we have shown the overall signal emitted during the core-collapse of massive stars to black holes (see FMSI). In this case, the amplitude and frequency range depend sensitively on the fraction of progenitor star which participates to the collapse. The signal indicated with BH corresponds to the conservative assumption that the core mass is $\\sim 10 \\%$ of the progenitor's (see FMSI). Recent numerical simulations of core-collapse supernova explosions (Fryer 1999) appear to indicate that for progenitor masses $>40 \\msun$ no supernova explosion occurs and the star directly collapses to form a black hole. The final mass of this core depends strongly on the relevance of mass loss caused by stellar winds (Fryer \\& Kalogera 2000). If massive black holes are formed the resulting background would have a larger amplitude and the relevant signal would be shifted towards lower frequencies, more interesting for ground-based interferometers (Schneider, Ferrari \\& Matarrese 1999). In the low frequency band, we have plotted only the backgrounds produced by (bh, bh), (ns, ns) and (wd, wd) binaries because their signals largely overwhelm those from other degenerate binary types. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=extragalactic.ps,angle=270,width=8cm}} \\caption{The predicted strain amplitude of the stochastic backgrounds produced by extragalactic populations of gravitational sources. In the high frequency band, we show the estimates for the background produced by rotating neutron stars via r-mode instability, and two possible signals emitted by populations of massive stars collapsing to black holes (see text). In the low frequency band, we plot the background predicted for three different populations of binary systems.} \\label{fig:extragal} \\end{figure} We find that both in the low and in the high frequency band, extragalactic populations generate a signal which is comparable to and, in some cases, larger than the backgrounds produced by populations of sources within our Galaxy (Giazotto, Bonazzola \\& Gourgoulhon 1997; Giampieri 1997; Postnov 1997; Hils, Bender \\& Webbink 1990; Bender \\& Hils 1997; Postnov \\& Prokhorov 1998; Nelemans, Portegies Zwart \\& Verbunt 1999). It is important to stress that even if future investigations reveal that the amplitude of galactic backgrounds might be higher than presently conceived, their signal could still be discriminated from that generated by sources at extragalactic distance. In fact, the signal produced within the Galaxy shows a characteristic amplitude modulation when the antenna changes its orientation with respect to fixed stars (Giazotto, Bonazzola \\& Gourgoulhon 1997; Giampieri 1997). The same conclusions can be drawn when the extragalactic backgrounds are compared to the stochastic relic gravitational signals predicted by some classical early Universe scenarios. The relic gravitational backgrounds suffer of the many uncertainties which characterize our present knowledge of the early Universe. According to the presently conceived typical spectra, we find that their detectability might be severely limited by the amplitude of the more recent astrophysical backgrounds, especially in the high frequency band." }, "0002/astro-ph0002263_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Galaxy interactions, mergers, elliptical formation, bulge formation, starbursts, quasars} Gravitational interactions and mergers are shaping and reshaping galaxies throughout the observable universe. While observations of interacting galaxies at low redshifts yield detailed information about the processes at work, observations at high redshifts suggest that interactions and mergers were much more frequent in the past. Major mergers of nearby disk galaxies form remnants that share many properties with ellipticals and are, in essence, present-day protoellipticals. There is also tantalizing evidence that minor mergers of companions may help build bulges in disk galaxies. Gas plays a crucial role in such interactions. Because of its dissipative nature, it tends to get crunched into molecular form, turning into fuel for starbursts and active nuclei. Besides the evidence for ongoing interactions, signatures of past interactions and mergers in galaxies abound: tidal tails and ripples, counterrotating disks and bulges, polar rings, systems of young globular clusters, and aging starbursts. Galaxy formation and transformation clearly is a prolonged process occurring to the present time. Overall, the currently available observational evidence points towards Hubble's morphological sequence being mainly a sequence of decreasing merger damage. ", "introduction": "Ever since Hubble (1936) published his famous `Sequence of Nebular Types' (a.k.a.\\ tuning-fork diagram) the question has been: What determines the position of a galaxy along this sequence? And why are galaxies at one end of the sequence disk-shaped and at the other end ellipsoidal? Was this shape dichotomy imprinted during an early collapse phase of galaxies, or did it arise through subsequent evolution? Work begun several decades ago by Zwicky (1956), Arp (1966), Alladin (1965), and Toomre \\& Toomre (1972, hereafter `TT'), among others, has led to growing evidence that gravitational interactions between neighbor galaxies do not only explain some of the most striking `bridges' and `tails' observed in disturbed galaxy pairs, but also tend to lead to galactic mergers that often trigger bursts of star formation and clearly represent important phases of galaxy building (Larson 1990; Barnes \\& Hernquist 1992; Kennicutt \\etal\\ 1998). Before reviewing some of the evidence for interactions and mergers being a significant driver of galaxy evolution, it seems wise to agree on some terminology and point out biases. To be called a `merger', a galaxy pair or single galaxy should show at least clear morphological signatures of an advanced tidal interaction, such as significant distortions, major tails, and ripples or `shells' (for a review, see Schweizer 1998). A stronger case for merging can usually be made when {\\it kinematic\\,} signatures are available as well, such as opposite tail motions, counter-rotating parts, or tail material falling back onto a remnant. As figure~\\ref{fig:n4038kin} illustrates, much recent progress in this area is due to the upgraded {\\it Very Large Array}'s ability to map the line-of-sight motions of neutral hydrogen (\\hi ) in tidal features in great detail (Hibbard 1999). \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=schweizer_fig1.ps,height=7.0cm,angle=-90}} \\caption{Neutral hydrogen distribution and kinematics of NGC\\,4038/4039. Left: \\hi\\ contour lines ({\\it white}) superposed on an optical photograph; right: \\hi\\ position--velocity plot, with declination along $y$-axis and line-of-sight velocity along $x$-axis (from Hibbard 1999).} \\label{fig:n4038kin} \\end{figure} The main bias in studies of gravitational interactions has been toward major mergers, which involve two galaxies of nearly equal mass. Such mergers are highly destructive and tend to lead to spectacular morphologies, whence they can be observed from the local universe out to redshifts of $z\\approx 2$ and beyond. Minor mergers involving galaxies with mass ratios of, say, $m/M = 0.1$--0.5 are less spectacular and often require verification via some kinematic signature (esp.\\ in the remnant phase). Hence, such interactions and mergers have been studied mainly in nearby galaxies and out to $z\\lesssim 0.5$. Finally, although satellite accretions leading to mass increases of a few percent or less may be relatively frequent, they are the most difficult to detect and have been studied only in the Local Group, and even there nearly exclusively in our Milky-Way galaxy. Thus, our knowledge of growth through accretions and minor mergers is severely limited. Because of its dissipative nature gas plays a disproportionately large role in galaxy interactions. Even at the present epoch, the vast majority of galaxies contain significant amounts of cold gas (Roberts \\& Haynes 1994). During tidal interactions and mergers this gas tends to be driven toward the centers of galaxies through gravitational torques exerted on it by tidally induced {\\it stellar\\,} bars (e.g. Barnes \\& Hernquist 1996). The ensuing shocks and energy dissipation allow the gas to get compressed, leading to intense bursts of star formation, globular-cluster formation, and the feeding of nuclear activity. Starbursts and active galactic nuclei in turn drive galactic winds and jets, which can have profound effects on the chemical evolution of galaxies (Heckman 2000). Some of these processes can now be reproduced by modern $N$-body simulations that include gas hydrodynamics. Barnes (1999) shows a beautiful sequence of two gas-rich disk galaxies merging. Whereas their stars end up in a three-dimensional pile not unlike an elliptical galaxy with considerable fine structure, more than half of the cold gas from the input disks gets funneled to the center of the remnant into a region only about 0.5\\3kpc in diameter, while the initially warm gas ($T\\approx 10^4$\\3K) gets heated to X-ray temperatures ($\\sim$10$^6$\\3K) and forms a pressure-supported atmosphere of similar dimensions as the stellar pile. The time scale for this transformation from two disk galaxies to one merged remnant is remarkably short: about 1.5 rotation periods of the input disks or, when scaled to component galaxies of Milky-Way size, about 400\\3Myr. The rapidity of this equal-mass merger is due to strong dynamical friction. We should keep this in mind when trying to understand the formation of elliptical galaxies in dense environments. Claims have been made that cluster ellipticals formed in a rapid monolithic collapse because their present-day colors are rather uniform. Yet, experts agree that age differences of $\\lesssim$3\\3Gyr cannot be discerned from broad-band colors of galaxies 10--15\\3Gyr old. A time interval of 3\\3Gyr may seem short when we struggle with logarithmic age estimates, yet it is long when compared to the merger time scale. About eight major mergers of the kind simulated by Barnes could take place one after another during this time interval, and 12\\3Gyr later all their remnants would look nearly the same color and age. Hence, claims about monolithic collapses and a single epoch of elliptical formation are to be taken with a grain of salt. There was time for many major mergers of juvenile disks during the first few Gyr after the big bang, and most cluster ellipticals could have formed through such mergers without us knowing it from their present-day colors. The following review of evidence for interactions being a driver of galaxy evolution begins with accretions in the Local Group, continues with minor mergers and the damage they inflict on disk galaxies, moves on to major mergers forming ellipticals from wrecked disks, and ends with a brief description of what we have learned from first glimpses of high-redshift mergers. ", "conclusions": "This review has high-lighted the role that interactions and mergers play in driving galaxy evolution. At present we remain challenged to understand the relative importance of weak and strong interactions, the details of bulge formation, the existence of nearly pure-disk galaxies, and the merger rate as a function of redshift. Yet, some firm conclusions have been reached and are as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Gravitational interactions and mergers are forming and transforming galaxies throughout the observable universe. The vast majority involve gas, dissipation, and enhanced star formation. \\item The close link between mergers, ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, and quasars suggests that---like quasar activity---major merging may have peaked around $z\\approx 2$. \\item Major disk--disk mergers form elliptical galaxies with kinematic subsystems, bimodal globular-cluster populations, and remnant fine structure. Such mergers occurred relatively early near the centers of rich clusters, but continue to the present time in rich-cluster outskirts, poorer clusters, and the field. \\item Minor mergers tend to move disk galaxies toward earlier morphological types, creating kinematic subsystems and some bulges (fraction remains unknown). \\item In short, the currently available evidence strongly suggests that Hubble's morphological sequence is mainly a sequence of decreasing merger damage. \\end{itemize}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002505_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Accreting black holes and neutron stars in their hard (low) state show not only very similar X/$\\gamma$-ray spectra but also that the behaviour of their light curves is quite similar which can be quantified as having similar power-density spectra and Fourier-frequency-dependent time/phase lags. Taken together this argues for a common mechanism of the X/$\\gamma$-ray production in these objects. This mechanism is probably a property of the accretion flow only since it does not depend on the nature of the compact object. In this paper, I review the observational data paying most attention to the properties of the temporal variability such as the time/phase lags that hopefully can help us to discriminate between different theoretical models. I also discuss the models developed to account for the basic observational facts. Particularly, I show that the commonly used Compton cloud models with constant temperature cannot explain variable sources without violating the energy conservation law. Alternative models where time lags are related to the spectral evolution during X-ray flares are discussed and compared with observations. Compton reflection from the outer edge of the accretion disc is shown to markedly affect the time lag Fourier spectrum. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} X-ray and gamma-ray spectra of accreting black holes and neutron stars are deconvolved into (at least) two components: a soft component interpreted as emission from an optically thick accretion disc, and a hard tail associated with a hot (10--100 keV) ``corona''. Reviews of the spectral properties of Galactic black hole candidates (GBHs) can be found in Gilfanov et al. (1995), Tanaka \\& Lewin (1995), Grebenev et al. (1993, 1997), Grove et al. (1997), and Poutanen (1998). X/$\\gamma$-ray properties of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGN) are reviewed by Zdziarski et al. (1997), Johnson et al. (1997), and Zdziarski (1999). Recent results on the broad-band spectra of accreting neutron stars are presented by Barret et al. (2000). An amusing fact is that super-massive black holes in AGN, GBHs and accreting neutron stars in their hard (low) states (see Tanaka \\& Lewin 1995; Gilfanov et al. 1995 for the definition of the spectral states) show very similar X/$\\gamma$-ray spectra (see Zdziarski 1999; Barret et al. 2000). Furthermore, properties of their rapid temporal variability are also similar (van der Klis 1995b; Wijnands \\& van der Klis 1999; Psaltis, Belloni \\& van der Klis 1999; Ford et al. 1999; Edelson \\& Nandra 1999; Chiang et al. 2000). All this argues for a common mechanism of the X-ray production in all these sources. There are good reasons to believe that the main radiative mechanism for the production of the hard X-rays is Comptonization of soft photons (e.g., Shapiro, Lightman, \\& Eardley 1976; Sunyaev \\& Tr\\\"umper 1979; Sunyaev \\& Titarchuk 1980). However, it is not completely clear what determines the observed spectral slopes. The geometry of the X-ray emitting region and the source of soft photons is still a matter of debate (see Svensson 1996; Poutanen 1998; Beloborodov 1999b; Wardzinski \\& Zdziarski 2000). An important clue to our understanding of the X-ray production came from the discovery of Fe lines (at $\\sim 6.4$ keV) and the hardening of the spectra above 10 keV in AGN (Pounds et al. 1990; Mushotzky, Done, \\& Pounds 1993; Nandra \\& Pounds 1994), Cygnus X-1 (e.g., Done et al. 1992; Gierli\\'nski et al. 1997), and neutron stars (e.g., Yoshida et al. 1993). These features are associated with the reflection of hard X-rays from cold material (Basko, Sunyaev, \\& Titarchuk 1974; George \\& Fabian 1991; Magdziarz \\& Zdziarski 1995; Poutanen, Nagendra, \\& Svensson 1996). These observations gave support to the so called two-phase accretion disc-corona models. In such models, X-rays are emitted by a hot rarified corona above the cold accretion disc (Haardt \\& Maraschi 1993; Haardt, Maraschi, \\& Ghisellini 1994; Stern et al. 1995; Poutanen \\& Svensson 1996). Hard X-rays from the corona, being reprocessed in the cold disc, produce the reflection hump as well as most of the seed soft photons that are subsequently Comptonized to produce the hard X-rays. This is the {\\it feedback} mechanism. The geometry of the corona determines the feedback factor which in its turn determines the spectral slope of the escaping radiation. The temperature of the emitting plasma (or to be more exact, the Kompaneets $y$-parameter) is determined by the energy balance between heating (by magnetic reconnection?) and cooling (by Comptonization of soft photons). Further support for the feedback models was recently given by Zdziarski, Lubinski, \\& Smith (1999) (see also Zdziarski 1999; Gilfanov, Churazov, \\& Revnivtsev 2000) who found a correlation between the amount of reflection ($R\\equiv\\Omega/(2\\pi)$, where $\\Omega$ is a solid angle subtended by cold material as viewed from the X-ray source) and the intrinsic photon spectral index, $\\Gamma$, of the hard X-ray component. Such a correlation can easily be explained if there is overlap between the hot corona and the cold disc (Poutanen, Krolik, \\& Ryde 1997). The further the cold disc penetrates into the corona, the larger is the cooling, the smaller is the temperature of the corona, the softer is the spectrum, and, finally, the larger is the amplitude of the reflection. The model, however, appears to have trouble giving reflection amplitudes above $R_{\\max}\\sim 0.5$ (if the coronal optical depth $\\taut \\sim 1$, see Zdziarski et al. 1997) due to partial smearing of the reflection component by the hot corona. Alternatively, the observed $R - \\Gamma$ correlation can be reproduced by variations of the bulk velocity of the X/$\\gamma$-ray emitting plasma (Beloborodov 1999a,b). If the emitting regions are sufficiently compact to produce electron-positron pairs, the pressure of the radiation reflected and reprocessed in the disc accelerates pairs to mildly relativistic velocities away from the disc. On the other hand, for proton dominated plasmas, a small anisotropy in the energy dissipation mechanism can result in the ejection of particles away or towards the disc. Ejection away from the disc reduces $R$ below 1 and leads to hard spectra, while ejection towards to the disc can result in apparent $R>1$ as is observed in some objects. The physical possibility of the corona formation was studied by Galeev, Rosner, \\& Vaiana (1979). They showed that the magnetic fields, being amplified in the cold disc due to turbulent motions and differential rotation, do not have time to annihilate inside the disc on the inflow time scale. Instead, the field loops are expelled from the disc by buoyancy (the Parker instability) and they annihilate in the tenuous corona. Beloborodov (1999a) showed that the mechanism studied by Galeev et al. is able to produce a corona of limited luminosity which is $h/r$ (the ratio of the disc height to its radius) times smaller than the disc luminosity. By contrast, in some sources most of the energy escapes in the form of hard X-rays. Beloborodov also argued that the magneto-rotational instability (Velikhov 1959; Chandrasekhar 1960; Balbus \\& Hawley 1991) increases the rate of the magnetic field generation (as compared with the Galeev et al. model) thus producing an active magnetic corona where a large fraction of the gravitational energy can finally be dissipated in magnetic flares. These qualitative arguments were recently supported by numerical three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of Miller \\& Stone (2000) who showed that about 25 \\% of the total energy dissipation can occur in the rarified corona. An alternative to the magnetic corona is the hot disc model (Shapiro et al. 1976; Ichimaru 1977; Narayan, Mahadevan, \\& Quataert 1998; Zdziarski 1998; Esin et al. 1998) which is also able to explain the observed X/$\\gamma$-ray spectra. In order to distinguish between the models, it would be helpful to compare the predictions of different models with the temporal variability data (see van der Klis 1995a,b and Cui 1999a for recent reviews). Unfortunately, most of the papers on the spectral models do not consider the temporal variability. On the other hand, most of the models designed to explain the temporal variability data do not pay enough attention to the emission processes and the physics of the spectral formation. In this review, we will discuss the variability data keeping in mind recent advances in modelling broad-band X/$\\gamma$-ray spectra of accreting black holes and neutron stars. Most attention will be paid to the time lags that can shed light on the mechanism of the X-ray production. Then we discuss simple phenomenological models that are able to explain some of the observational facts. After that, we switch to the physical models. In particular, the properties of the Comptonizing regions will be discussed. We will point out the flaws in models that do not consider the energy balance in the ``Compton cloud'', and then discuss models that satisfy the energy conservation law and confront them with the available data. ", "conclusions": "Time lags and other temporal variability data provide strong constraints on the models of the X-ray production. It was demonstrated that static Compton cloud models are based on physically unrealistic assumptions. The models invoking spectral evolution of the flare spectrum can fit both the CCF and the time lag Fourier spectra only if (1) the energy dissipation rate increases slowly and decreases rapidly and (2) the flare spectrum evolves from soft to hard. If soft seed photons are produced by reprocessing the hard ones, the change of sign in the time lag spectrum is expected at high frequencies corresponding to the light crossing time of the emission region. The absence of such a change would put constraints on the size of the emitting region. We also argued that the reflection of hard X-rays from the outer part of the accretion disc produces time delays that we already might have observed in GBHs. If so, the disc should be flared and the break in the time lag Fourier spectra then corresponds to the size of the accretion disc. Of course, such an interpretation is not unique. Alternatively, small scale spectral transitions (e.g., oscillations of the inner radius of the accretion disc at viscous time scales) might produce time lags observed at lower frequencies. In the case of (quasi-) periodic oscillations from the neutron star sources, we argued that in order to reproduce both the time lags and the energy dependent rms amplitude, the spectrum of the hot spots should not be close to a black-body." }, "0002/astro-ph0002169_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present BeppoSAX observations of the Seyfert 1.8 galaxy NGC1365 in the 0.1--100 keV range. The source was 6 times brighter than during an ASCA observation 3 years earlier. The 4--10 keV flux is highly variable during the BeppoSAX observation, while the soft (0.1-4 keV) emission is constant within the errors. Both a cold and a warm reflector and a cold absorber are required to explain the observed spectrum. The comparison between ASCA and BeppoSAX spectra strongly suggests that the circumnuclear material has a more complex structure than a simple homogeneous torus, with quite different absorbing gas columns along different lines of sight. A broad iron K$_\\alpha$ line is also present in the spectrum, with the peak energy significantly redshifted. This can be explained by means of a relativistic disk line model. Alternatively, a warm absorption Fe line system with N$_H \\simeq 10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ could account for the observed line profile. ", "introduction": "NGC 1365 is a barred spiral galaxy (Hubble type SB0) in the Fornax cluster that hosts an active nucleus whose optical spectrum shows weak broad Balmer lines (Seyfert 1.8, Alloin et al. 1981) In this paper we present the analysis of the spectrum of NGC 1365 in the 0.1-100 keV spectral range obtained with the BeppoSAX satellite (Boella et al. 1997). During the past ten years NGC 1365 has been observed several times in the X-rays by ASCA (Iyomoto et al. 1997, hereafter I97) ROSAT (Komossa \\& Schulz 1998) and Ginga (Awaki 1991). The 1-10 keV continuum spectrum observed by ASCA in August 1994 and January 1995 (I97) is well reproduced by a flat powerlaw (photon index $\\Gamma$=0.8) and a thermal soft component. A strong emission feature is present at E$\\sim$6.4--7 keV, which can be fitted by a single broad emission line with E=6.58 keV and equivalent width EW=2.1 keV or, alternatively, by two narrow lines with E=6.4 keV (neutral iron, EW=0.9 keV) and E=6.7 keV (highly ionized iron, EW=0.9 keV). Both these spectral features and the lack of (short term) variability suggested that the ASCA spectrum is dominated by a cold reflection component which is usually observed in most of the heavily absorbed, Compton thick sources (Maiolino et al. 1998, hereafter M98) and generally ascribed to the reflection from the molecular torus expected by the unified model of AGNs (Antonucci 1993). The ASCA--SIS and ROSAT--HRI data, obtained in 1994 and 1995, reveal also the presence of a strong off-nuclear X-ray source characterized by a steep powerlaw spectrum (photon index $\\Gamma$=1.7 in the 1-10 keV band) and by a strong variability on time-scales of months; during the ASCA observation in 1995 this source was as bright as the Seyfert 2 nucleus with a flux of 0.9$\\times 10^{-12}$ erg cm $^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. The spatial resolution of the BeppoSAX instruments does not allow to separate the contribution of this source from that of the nucleus. We will discuss the possible contamination from this off-nuclear source further in Sect. 2. In the next section we present the results of the spectral and temporal analysis of our data. In Sect. 3 we discuss the BeppoSAX data and their differences with respect to the previous X-ray observations. We assume a distance of 18.4 Mpc for NGC 1365, as estimated by Fabbiano et al. (1992), and in agreement with more recent Cepheid measurement (Madore et al. 1998). ", "conclusions": "We presented new BeppoSAX data in the 0.1--100 keV range of the Seyfert 1.8 galaxy NGC1365. The spectrum is characterized by a continuum absorbed by a cold gaseous column density of $\\rm N_H = 4\\times 10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ and an iron K$\\alpha$ emission complex that is well fitted by a cold component at 6.29 keV and a warm component at 7 keV (rest frame). At energies below the absorption cutoff (E $<$ 4 keV) a soft excess is present. The cold absorption is probably due to the obscuring torus predicted by unified model of AGNs. The continuum is strongly variable during the BeppoSAX observation. The variability is mostly due to the hard component of the spectrum above the photoelectric cutoff (4--10 keV), while the soft component (1.65--4 keV) is essentially constant. The rapid variability very likely reflects variations of the central engine. Instead, the soft excess is probably due to an extended component, either associated to starburst activity or to hot gas in the Narrow Line Region. The BeppoSAX spectrum is 6 times brighter than during two ASCA observations of NGC~1365 taken about 3 years earlier. The latter spectra were characterized by a flat continuum, indicative of cold Compton reflection, very likely from the circumnuclear torus. The high reflection efficiency, deduced from the comparison of the ASCA and BeppoSAX spectra, requires a column density of the reflector much higher than that measured in absorption. We conclude that the circumnuclear medium is strongly inhomogeneous: the torus could contain Compton thick clouds or, alternatively, has a steep density gradient from the edge to the equatorial regions. The fading of the direct emission during the ASCA observations can be explained in two ways: the central engine was hidden by a Compton thick cloud or, most probably, the nucleus was in an intrinsically low state. In the latter scenario, the temporal behavior of the cold and the warm iron lines indicate that the cold reflecting torus must be located at a distance larger than 0.15 pc, while the warm mirror must be located at a distance larger than 1 pc. Both the circumnuclear torus and the accretion disk contribute to the emission of the cold Fe line, in a proportion of about 1:2 respectively. The cold iron line is significantly redshifted with respect to its nominal value. More specifically we measure a line peak (rest frame) of 6.29 keV, that is inconsistent with the nominal value of 6.4 keV at a significance level higher than 99\\%. A disk relativistic line can fit the observed profile, though the fit is worse than the analytical fit. Also, according to this fit the accretion disk must be oriented face on, that is an improbable geometry for an absorbed AGN like NGC 1365. Alternatively, we propose that the shift of the cold iron line is caused by a warm absorber, along the line of sight (with $\\rm N_{warm}\\approx 10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$), that introduces an absorption Fe line at 6.5--6.7 keV: the combination of the cold emission line and the warm absorption line, convolved with the spectral resolution of BeppoSAX, results in an emission line whose center is apparently shifted at 6.29 keV. The spectral fit of the data with this second model is significantly better with respect to the relativistic disk line." }, "0002/astro-ph0002443_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We have discovered a concentration of extremely red objects (EROs; $R-K>6$) in the field of the \\mbox{$z=2.69$} quasar QSO~1213--0017 (UM~485), which is significantly overabundant compared to the field ERO surface density. The optical/near-IR colors of the EROs and numerous other red galaxies in this field are consistent with elliptical galaxies at $z=1-2$. \\HST\\ optical images for a subset of galaxies show regular morphologies, most of them being disky or diffuse and without any obvious evidence for interactions. Ground-based IR images show similar morphologies, indicating any dust reddening in these objects is spatially uniform. Optical spectroscopy with the W. M. Keck Telescope has found that four of the red galaxies lie at $z\\approx1.31$, and a fifth lies in the foreground at $z=1.20$. Of the $z\\approx1.31$ galaxies, one is a reddened AGN while the remaining three have rest-frame UV absorption-line spectra characteristic of old (few Gyr) stellar populations, similar to the old red galaxy LBDS~53W091 at $z=1.55$. Including the \\mgiin\\ absorber seen in the QSO spectrum, we find five galaxies at $z\\approx1.31$ spread over $1.5~\\hfperone$~Mpc on the sky. These results suggest we have discovered a coherent structure of old galaxies at high-redshift, possibly associated with a massive galaxy cluster. ", "introduction": "The observational study of galaxy formation and evolution can broadly be divided into two approaches: (1) searches for primordial galaxies, typically oriented toward high redshifts, in order to scrutinize formation and evolution processes as they occur, and (2) studies of existing old galaxies to decipher their origin and life history from their current properties. With the advent of infrared imaging detectors, a population of infrared-bright, extremely red objects (EROs) have been uncovered which is relevant to both of these approaches. \\citet{1988ApJ...331L..77E} discovered a few objects with exceptional optical/IR colors ($R-K\\gtrsim5$) in the first deep near-IR sky survey. While the brightest objects were shown to be $z\\leq0.8$ ellipticals \\citep{1988ApJ...332L..59L,1989ApJ...341...80E}, their tantalizing conjecture that the fainter ($K\\gtrsim18$) red objects are $z>1$ ellipticals has remained unresolved until recently. Subsequent deep infrared imaging of primarily high-redshift radio galaxy and quasar fields serendipitously uncovered handfuls of objects with extreme colors \\citep{1992ApJ...386...52M,1992ApJ...399L..47E,1994ApJ...420L...5G, 1994AJ....107.1303H,1994ApJ...420L...1S,1995ApJ...440..515D, 1995ApJ...438L..13D}. Deep multicolor optical/IR sky surveys have begun to assemble larger samples of these objects using well-defined selection criteria, an essential starting point for statistical studies \\citep{1994ApJ...434..114C,1998ApJ...507..558H, 1999ApJ...512...30C,1999AJ....117..102B,2000MNRAS.311..707M}. In particular, the recent availability of $1024 \\times 1024$~pixel IR detectors has made possible surveys for significant numbers of EROs \\citep{1999ApJ...523..100T}. The use of the designation ``extremely red'' has varied in the literature. This was especially true in earlier work where the description was applied to any object appearing in IR images but undetected optically. In this paper, we follow \\citet{1996ApJ...471..720G} and use the term ``extremely red object'' (ERO) for a source with $R-K>6$. This criteria was an operational one, encompassing several IR-detected, optically-invisible sources known at the time, and it has since become widely used. In particular, \\citet{1999ApJ...523..100T}, who have conducted the widest deep $R-K$ survey to date, also adopt this definition. They confirm EROs defined by this criteria are unusual objects, being the reddest 2\\% of the $K\\leq20$ field galaxy population. However, we will also pay attention in this paper to galaxies with $R-K>5$, the criteria used by \\citet{1988ApJ...331L..77E} and \\citet{1999ApJ...512...30C}, as this is about the expected color of passively-evolving elliptical galaxies at $z\\gtrsim1$. We will generically refer to this larger sample as ``red galaxies.'' EROs are very optically faint ($R\\gtrsim24$) which has hampered studies of these objects. Successful spectroscopy to determine their redshifts and physical nature has only become possible with the development of the Keck 10-m telescope. Recent work has found some members of this ``missing population'' are luminous ($\\gtrsim L^*$) galaxies at $z>1$; hence determining their origin has direct relevance to the formation of massive galaxies and AGN. Being solely defined by optical/IR color, the few EROs with measured redshifts form a heterogeneous population as expected, comprising at least two broad classes: (1) ultraluminous dusty star-forming systems, perhaps akin to local objects like Arp~220, and (2) massive galaxies with old passively-evolving stellar populations. The best studied ERO to date, ERO~J164502+4626.4 \\citep[object 10 of][hereinafter ``HR10'']{1994AJ....107.1303H}, is the prototype for star-forming EROs. This object is a $z=1.44$ dusty, ultraluminous galaxy with enormous ongoing star formation ($\\gtrsim1000$~\\Msun~yr\\perone) suggested by its sub-mm continuum emission \\citep{1996ApJ...471..720G,1998Natur.392..895C, 1999ApJ...519..610D}. However, since HR~10 has among the reddest colors ($I-K=6$) of known EROs, it is unrepresentative of the bulk of the population or at least is an extreme example. These EROs may provide excellent case studies of optically obscured star formation in the early Universe, especially given the association of faint EROs with some of the sub-mm emitting sources found by SCUBA \\citep{sma99}. In fact, it may be that intense, very brief bursts of star formation are a common mode of star formation at high redshift. There are also examples of EROs as galaxies with old stellar populations. Passively evolving ellipticals at $z>1$ are expected to have large $R-K$ colors, which stem from their rising spectral energy distributions (SEDs) longward of $4000$~\\AA\\ being redshifted into the near-IR. Therefore, selection using very red colors is an excellent method to search for early-type galaxies at $z>1$. This is especially true in searching for clusters since the surface density of galaxies becomes quite high at faint magnitudes and it would otherwise be hard to distinguish a cluster from the foreground and background populations. However, ellipticals at these distances are expected to be optically very faint so measuring spectroscopic redshifts is challenging. \\citet{dic95} has identified a cluster of elliptical galaxies associated with the powerful radio galaxy 3C~324 at $z=1.206$ along with a foreground structure at $z=1.15$. To date, the highest-redshift collection of old, red galaxies spectroscopically confirmed has been found by \\citet{1997AJ....114.2232S}. They have discovered a $z=1.27$ cluster by its large $J-K$ colors; the cluster galaxies have $R-K\\gtrsim5$ and rest-frame UV spectra resembling local elliptical galaxies. There is also a neighboring cluster at $z=1.26$ found from its X-ray emission by \\citet{ros99} which contains spectroscopically old red galaxies. Isolated examples of old EROs have been discovered at still higher redshifts. The very weak radio sources LBDS~53W091 at $z=1.552$ \\citep{1996Natur.381..581D,1997ApJ...484..581S} and LDBS~53W069 at $z=1.432$ \\citep{dun98,dey00} both have $R-K\\approx6$ and rest-frame UV spectra which imply ages of a few Gyr. Recently, \\citet{soi99} have identified an $R-K\\sim7$ object as an old galaxy at $z=1.58$ based on associating a large continuum break observed at $\\approx$1~\\micron\\ with redshifted 4000~\\AA\\ break. Discovery of $z>1$ galaxies with old stellar populations offers several powerful lines of inquiry into understanding galaxy formation and evolution and its cosmological context. Detailed comparison of the absorption lines and continuum breaks of these galaxies with galaxies at $z=0$ may prove fruitful in tracing the evolutionary course and enrichment history of the oldest stellar populations. Absolute age dating of these galaxies would provide a constraint on the time scale of galaxy formation and the age of the Universe. Moreover, clusters of old galaxies at high redshift can provide testing grounds for competing scenarios of galaxy formation; the predicted appearance of early-type galaxies in these clusters is dramatically different in hierarchical galaxy formation scenarios as compared to monolithic collapse ones \\citep[e.g.,][]{1998MNRAS.294..705K}. Finally, the existence of these old galaxies at high redshift potentially can constrain cosmological parameters and theories of structure formation \\citep[e.g.,][]{1998MNRAS.296.1089P}. We are conducting an on-going study of the nature of these EROs, using deep optical and near-IR imaging from the ground to assemble a large sample of EROs for statistical study. We have been acquiring high-resolution morphological information from \\HST\\ optical and Keck near-IR imaging, and we are obtaining spectroscopy from Keck in the optical and near-IR to determine ERO redshifts and physical properties. Deciphering the identity of EROs based on comparing broad-band colors alone to theoretical stellar population synthesis models is dubious given that the model parameter space is vast, at least comprising age, metallicity, and reddening variations. Spectroscopy is essential. In addition, given the apparent heterogeneity of the population, a reasonably large sample of objects needs to be studied to understand the nature and relative abundances of the subsets, instead of the spectroscopy of individual EROs which has been done to date. In this paper, we present a study of the EROs in the field of QSO~1213--0017 (RA = 12$^h$15$^m$49.8$^s$, Dec = --00\\degree 34\\arcmin 34\\arcsec\\ ; J2000.0). This $z=2.69$ quasar, also known as UM~485, has exceptionally strong and complex Mg~II absorption systems at $z=1.3196$ and $z=1.5534$ \\citep{1992ApJS...80....1S}. In \\S~2, we describe optical and near-IR imaging covering an 11~arcmin\\pertwo\\ region around this field and Keck optical spectroscopic follow-up of galaxies selected by their very red colors. We consider in \\S~3 the surface density of the red galaxies, their morphologies, and their spectroscopic redshifts. We examine in \\S~4 the collection of red galaxies as a whole, both their spatial distribution to consider the possibility that they are members of a cluster at $z=1.31$ and their spectrophotometric properties to understand their stellar populations. We summarize our findings in \\S~5 and discuss their implications. Throughout this paper, we assume a cosmology with $\\Omega=1$, $\\Lambda=0$, and $H_0=50\\ \\hf$~\\kms~Mpc\\perone. At $z=1.31$ with these parameters, 1\\arcsec\\ = 8.58~\\hfperone~kpc; the luminosity distance $d_L = 9.40$~\\hfperone~Gpc; and the angular diameter distance $d_\\theta=1.78$~\\hfperone~Gpc. ", "conclusions": "We have found an overdensity of EROs in the field of the $z=2.69$ quasar QSO~1213--0017 (UM~485), about a factor of 16 overdense compared to the blank field ERO surface density and at least of factor of 6 overdense at the 95\\% confidence level. The optical/IR colors of the EROs and numerous other red galaxies in this field are consistent with those of passively-evolving elliptical galaxies at $z>1$. \\HST\\ optical imaging shows a few of the red ($\\Rs-K>5$) galaxies seem to have early-type morphologies while the remainder are either disk galaxies or diffuse objects without any obvious core. Their near-IR morphologies are consistent with those observed in the optical, unlike in the case of the prototypical ERO HR~10. This suggests that the dust extinction in these galaxies is either relatively smooth or that reddening by dust is not a significant cause of the colors. Follow-up Keck spectroscopy has measured redshifts for five red galaxies. Four lie at $z\\approx1.31$, and three of these have rest-frame UV absorption-line spectra similar to present-day elliptical galaxies, making this the most distant concentration of old galaxies spectroscopically confirmed to date. Including an \\mgiin\\ absorber seen in the spectrum of the background quasar, there are five spectroscopic redshifts at $z\\approx1.31$ with a standard deviation of 1800~\\kms\\ and a full range of 3800~\\kms\\ in the mean rest frame. A number of lines of evidence possibly suggest the red galaxies in this field delineate the presence of a massive high-redshift cluster. The ERO surface density is enhanced above blank field counts, and there are five spectroscopic redshifts close together. The reddest 1213--0017 galaxies, three of which have the spectra of early-type galaxies, are nearly as luminous and as red as the brightest Coma cluster ellipticals. The red galaxies also have a large angular extent on the sky, and a considerable velocity spread, suggesting dynamical youthfulness. An impression of youthfulness is also conveyed by the roughly filamentary distribution of the red galaxies on the sky. Aside from the direct physical evidence, the presence of spectroscopically old EROs provides circumstantial support to the idea of a cluster. Elliptical galaxies in the local Universe, presumably the present-day counterparts of $z>1$ old EROs, are highly clustered and predominantly found in high density regions \\citep[e.g.,][]{1980ApJ...236..351D}. Such an analogy suggests that old EROs should be found with others of their ilk --- this idea has yet to be fully explored. Since the hallmark of rich clusters is the presence of old ellipticals, this $z=1.31$ field may be one of the most distant rich cluster candidates to date. Moreover, regardless of whether this system is shown to be a genuine massive cluster, the concentration of EROs is likely a sign that this field is an uncommonly overdense region at high redshift, which warrants follow-up studies. Further observations are needed to develop a full physical picture of this field. A much larger sample of redshifts, inferred from multicolor photometric redshifts and directly measured from deep spectroscopy, will reveal the number of luminous galaxies at this redshift. An expanded spectroscopic sample will also be valuable to measure the galaxy velocity distribution and to search for dynamical sub-structure. X-ray observations will allow us to look for hot intracluster gas, a sign of a deep gravitational potential, and also for mass sub-structure. This issue can also be addressed with radio observations to search for a Sunyaev-Zeldovich decrement. Extending galaxy cluster studies to $z>1$ has special importance since current hierarchical formation theories predict massive galaxies assemble from smaller sub-units during this epoch \\citep[e.g.,][]{1998MNRAS.294..705K}, so we can potentially test these models by witnessing the formation process in situ. Measuring the high-redshift cluster abundance using wide-area surveys can provide strong tests of cosmological models \\citep{1996MNRAS.282..263E,1997ApJ...485L..53B}. However, even before a large number of such clusters have been found, the few known to date are valuable sites to investigate the processes which drive the evolution of the oldest stellar populations, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. Furthermore, these clusters can also be used as testing grounds for $z>1$ cluster-search strategies, which by necessity are derived from extrapolating the known properties of lower-redshift clusters. It may be that we have to abandon some common precepts formed from studying local rich clusters in order to develop a complete understanding of high-redshift clusters and their constituent galaxies at an epoch of less than half the current age of the Universe." }, "0002/astro-ph0002396_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We report spectral time series of the late O-type runaway supergiant HD 188209. Radial velocity variations of photospheric absorption lines with a possible quasi-period $\\sim$ 6.4 days have been detected in high-resolution echelle spectra. Night-to-night variations in the position and strength of the central emission reversal of the \\Ha~profile occuring over ill-defined time-scales have been observed. The fundamental parameters of the star have been derived using state-of-the-art plane--parallel and unified non-LTE model atmospheres, these last including the mass-loss rate. The derived helium abundance is moderately enhanced with respect to solar, and the stellar masses are lower than those predicted by the evolutionary models. The binary nature of this star is not suggested either from {\\it Hipparcos\\/} photometry or from radial velocity curves. } ", "introduction": "Runaway O stars have been defined as a group by Blaauw (1961), who introduced the term {\\it runaway} to describe the space motions of AE Aur and $\\mu$ Col. Blaauw (1961) has also suggested that such stars were ejected in the breakup of binary systems in supernova explosions by their companions. In later evolutionary stages, the initial secondary appears as a most massive star and transfers matter to the compact companion (the initial primary) making the system appear as a massive X-ray binary (van den Heuvel 1976). Given the possibility of the binary nature of runaway stars, it appears to be an important task to measure the radial velocity (RV) variations of the photospheric lines. Systematic searches for RV variations have been made in order to assess the binary frequency of O stars (e.g. Garmany, Conti \\& Massey 1980; Stone 1982, Gies 1987). In many cases the amplitude of RV variations is quite large, and the additional presence of a clear periodicity immediately suggests a binary nature for the system. However, there are stars which show more complicated RV curves, and the interpretation of their spectral variability is not straightforward. HD 188209 (O9.5Iab) is one of those objects. Garmany et al. (1980) have concluded from three spectra that this star is probably not a binary, and that the RV variations must be attributed to atmospheric motions. This conclusion was supported by Musaev \\& Chentsov (1988). However, based on 21 measurements Stone (1982) has concluded that HD 188209 can be considered as a spectroscopic binary with a period 57 days and small semiamplitude. More recently, Fullerton, Gies \\& Bolton (1996) included HD 188209 in a large sample of stars investigated on the presence of line profile variability (LPV) and found LPVs only in \\HeI~5876 \\AA. However, they did not flag HD 188209 as a velocity variable (their Table 10). The binarity of many O supergiants has been proposed recently by Thaller (1997). The fact that binaries have a higher incidence and an H$\\alpha$ emission strength in post-MS stages may indicate that wind interactions are a common source of emission in massive stars. In other words, even in cases where RV measurements are not available, the presence of \\Ha~emission in a spectrum could be linked with colliding winds. One needs to study orbital phase variations in the \\Ha~profile in order to be sure that the latter is due to colliding winds instead of some other mechanism. Note that HD 188209 is an X-ray source detected by {\\it ROSAT} (Berghoefer, Schmitt \\& Cassinelli 1996). In this paper we focus on the high-resolution spectroscopic data of HD 188209. Our observations can possibly account for the small semi-amplitudes and eccentric orbits of this binary candidate since they have been accumulated at different periods over a long baseline. ", "conclusions": "Our target belongs to the group of stars for which the existence of a compact companion has been proposed in the literature. The task of disproving or confirming the binary nature of the system can be tackled only if sufficiently accurate analysed observational data are available. In this paper we used state-of-the-art models of atmospheres to determine the fundamental parameters of HD 188209. To establish the presence of a possible companion we have studied the RVs of absorption lines by combining them in different groups. Fourier analysis based on the iterative {\\sc clean} algorithm was used to search for periodic variability. Unfortunately the time coverage of runs 1--4 and 8--9 was too sparse to set constraints on their time-dependent behaviour. For this reason we first analysed a few runs separately and then utilized the {\\sc clean} algorithm to search for periods in a whole data set. The highest peak in the Fourier power spectrum was centered near the frequency 0.156 day$^{-1}$ (6.4 days). The 6.4 days period can be due to the binary nature of the system if one assumes very small and unlikely values for the mass ratio (q$\\le$0.1). Taking the values derived in this article (\\M = 16.6, \\R =20.9) and assuming q=0.1, we obtain for the Roche radius and for the major semi-axis of the binary orbit 15 \\Rsun~and 25 \\Rsun, respectively. This simple estimate shows that an O supergiant can hardly fit within the orbit because its Roche radius would be less than the stellar radius. Even if it would fit, the tides in such a tight binary would be very strong making the star to speed up quickly until the rotation period matches the orbit. Even if we assume that the system is very young, it's hard to explain that the putative orbital period is 2 times shorter than the rotational period (13 days). The second difficulty with the binary interpretation comes from the variability of H$\\alpha$. A TVS (temporal variance spectrum, showing the extent and distribution of statistically significant profile variability) has been computed recently (Baade 1998b, Kaper et al. 1998) for 15 spectroscopic binaries and it was found that all they show a characteristic double-peaked profile. This is due to two H$\\alpha$ absorption/emission profiles moving in a composite spectra. In our case the H$\\alpha$ profile is splitted because of the central emission coming from the lower wind. The last argument comes from the clear relations between excitation energies and radial velocity amplitude and excitation energy and mean radial velocities and from the model atmosphere atmosphere calculations. The latter is a good discriminant between internal variations (pulsations \\& wind instabilities) and Keplerian motions. In a binary system one would expect all lines to have the same amplitude independent on their TEE. It has been known for a long time (Abt 1957) that the quasi-periodicity in hot supergiants might be ascribed to radial pulsations. A simple relation (Burki 1978; de Jager 1980) can be used to estimate the period of radial pulsation, \\begin{equation} \\log P_{\\rm fund} = 10.93 - 0.5\\log (M/M_{\\odot}) - 0.38M_{\\rm bol} - 3 \\log T_{\\rm eff} \\end{equation} Using the values of parameters obtained in Section 4 we arrive at $P_{\\rm fund}$=1.75 d. Note that the form of the relation (1) depends on the stellar evolutionary models and the input parameters; both are subject to large errors. In particular, note that we found no large differences in the parameters determined with plane--parallel and unified model atmospheres. Nevertheless, Levy et al. (1984) have pointed out that periods a factor of 1.5 longer than the corresponding periods of the radial pulsations can be ascribed to non-radial pulsations. This means that a factor of two difference between the evolutionary and the spectroscopic masses can easily result in the mis-identification of the pulsating mode. Another difficulty has been pointed by the referee of the article. A more sophisticated approach shows (Unno et al. 1979) that f-mode pulsation (which is the lowest-frequency mode supported by radial pulsation) periods are about 10 times larger than the one suggested by a period-luminosity relation. In any case, the theoretical period of 1.75 days is very close to the Nyquist frequency of our data which means that we have a little chance to identify it in our data set even if it exists. Our data not allow to distinguish between pulsations and stochastic variations of the stellar wind. It is also quite possible that we have a combination of both effects. Note that the projected rotational period of this star ($\\sim$ 13 d) is much longer than any of the quasi-periods found in this paper (but of course our runs do not cover a whole rotation cycle). The surface features (if any) will always be visible on the projected disc of the star independently of the inclination angle. Thus, any periods due to the rotation of these features must correspond directly to the rotation period. We do not find any peaks in the power spectra at $\\sim$13 d and this leads us to discard rotational modulation as a possible explanation of the RV variations reported here. The quality and the sampling of our data do not allow a careful study of the line asymmetries, moving components (if later exists) and/or long-term spectroscopic variability to be made. It is quite possible that the non-sinusoidal character of the RV curve for 6.4 days period (Fig 8) is caused by some disturbances due to the NRPs and/or moving features in the profiles plus any stochastic instabilities of the wind. New monitoring with much higher S/N may allow NRPs, multimode pulsations and clearly separate a sinusoidal curve of the radial pulsations to be revealed. However, we found convincing evidence that the atmospheric motions cannot be ascribed solely to Keplerian motions and probably are not of a binary origin." }, "0002/astro-ph0002304_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The results obtained by means of the photometric approach to the study of $\\delta$ Sct stars are extensively discussed. The different frequency contents of the three best candidates for asteroseismological studies (FG Vir, 4 CVn and XX Pyx) are presented and compared; the importance of the amplitude variations and of the combination terms is emphasized. The analysis of other multiperiodic variables shows how a large variety of nonradial modes are excited; in some cases, modifications of the power spectrum can be observed over a few years and new modes can be seen to grow. Among monoperiodic pulsators, constant as well as variable amplitudes can be observed. The difficulty of identifying an oscillation yielding quantum numbers is emphasized; the possibilities offered by $\\delta$ Sct stars belonging to binary systems and open clusters are discussed. In this respect, combining the photometric and the spectroscopic approaches could lead to a solution. A comparison is also made between low- and high-amplitude pulsators, finding similarities. The use of a reliable Period--Luminosity--Colour relationships toward the shortest periods can greatly help mode identification in the galactic stars; moreover, it could provide an independent verification of extragalactic distances. ", "introduction": "$\\delta$ Sct variables are now a well-defined class of stars. They are located on or just above the zero-age main sequence, in the lowest part of the classical instability strip. $\\delta$ Sct stars have masses between 1.5 and 2.5 M$_{\\sun}$ and they are close to the end of the core hydrogen burning phase (Breger \\& Pamyatnykh 1998). The presence of convective zones and related phenomena such as convective overshooting, make them very interesting objects for the understanding of stellar evolution. The investigation of pulsational properties of pre-main sequence stars allowed their instability strip in the H-R diagram to be defined (Marconi \\& Palla 1998); some of these stars showing $\\delta$ Sct variability were discovered (Kurtz \\& Muller 1999). Photometric monitoring is the most practiced approach to study the properties of $\\delta$ Sct stars and several stars have been deeply investigated. However, the spectroscopic approach tells us that many modes that are not photometrically detectable are actually excited. Rotation acts as an important factor in the increase of the number of excited modes. The observed frequencies are between 5 and 35~cd$^{-1}$ and multiperiodicity is very common; only a few stars show a monoperiodic behaviour above the current limit of the detectable amplitude from ground, i.e., $\\sim$1~mmag. The observed modes are in the domain of pressure ($p$) modes; there is no observational evidence that gravity ($g$) modes are excited in $\\delta$ Sct stars, even if some cases are suggested. At the moment, $g$-modes seem to be present only in the $\\gamma$ Dor stars, which in turn do not show $p$-modes. The great observational effort made by several teams allows us to handle a well-defined phenomenological scenario of the $\\delta$ Sct variability. This contribution tries to summarize the results obtained in the past years by means of extended photometric time series. The paper is structured as follows: \\begin{list} { } { } \\item 2.~The best candidates for asteroseismological studies \\begin{list} { } { } \\item 2.1~FG Vir: 24 independent modes \\item 2.2~XX Pyx: strong and rapid amplitude changes \\item 2.3~4 CVn: presence of combination terms and amplitude variations \\item 2.4~Comparison between FG Vir, XX Pyx and 4 CVn \\end{list} \\item 3.~Other stars studied by the Merate Group \\begin{list} { } { } \\item 3.1~44 Tau: variable amplitude and recurrent ratio 0.77 \\item 3.2~BH Psc: variable amplitude and rich pulsational content \\item 3.3~V663 Cas: growth of new modes \\item 3.4~The help of the spectroscopic approach \\end{list} \\item 4.~Monoperiodic pulsators \\item 5.~$\\delta$ Sct stars in binary systems \\item 6.~$\\delta$ Sct stars in open clusters \\item 7.~The frequency content of high amplitude $\\delta$ Sct stars \\item 8.~Summing-up and Conclusions \\item 9.~The future: the exportation of the results on galactic stars to \\\\ \\hspace*{4truemm} extragalactic research \\end{list} In what manner the photometric results can be used to identify modes (i.e., to classify the oscillation in terms of quantum numbers $n$, $\\ell$ and $m$) is discussed by Garrido (2000). Some improvements, both observational and theoretical, are probably necessary to make new, substantial steps forward. A better connection between theory and observation will allow us to really progress in the asteroseismology of these stars. ", "conclusions": "In our travel through the observational scenario we met many objects which teach us something about the pulsation of $\\delta$ Sct stars. The high frequencies shown by XX Pyx, the intermediate frequencies displayed by FG Vir and the low frequencies found in the case of 4 CVn are leading toward the idea that the mode excitation is really complex and unpredictable. In this respect, the close similarity between 4 CVn and HD~2724 is comfortable. Probably the multiperiodic behaviour of the high-amplitude $\\delta$ Sct star V974 Oph can also be seen as a simplification of the phenomenology, demonstrating that we can observe a multimode excitation even when a large pulsational energy is involved. To complete the similarities in the opposite direction, we observe monoperiodic pulsators with a very small amplitude (HD 19279 and $\\beta$ Cas). What the excited mode is should be investigated in order to understand if a selection effect acts for these low-amplitude monoperiodic stars and what difference there is with a star such as AZ CMi, which displays an asymmetrical light curve. The amplitude variations are observed in a large variety of stars, both multiperiodic (XX Pyx, 4 CVn, 44 Tau) and monoperiodic (28 And and BF Phe). The observations of mode growth in the light curve of a relatively simple pulsator such as V663 Cas clarifies what can happen in much more complicated ones: some modes can be damped and then re-excited. There are some observational facts which make this explanation preferable even if the model of a beating between two close frequencies with similar, constant amplitude cannot be ruled out. In this context the continuous survey of $\\delta$ Sct stars which will be performed by space missions could greatly improve the situation; in the case of intrinsic variations, the time-scale of such variations could be determined. \\smallskip The better focusing of the phenomenological scenario is not the only result. The effort made by the observers in the last years allowed us to detect a large number of frequencies in stars such as FG Vir, XX Pyx, 4 CVn and BH Psc. By means of multisite campaigns we are able to detect terms with amplitudes less than 1 mmag; in these conditions ground-based observations can be successfully complementary to space missions. The mode identification techniques are based on both the phase shifts and amplitude ratios of the light and colour curves and the synergic approach performed by considering spectroscopic curves. Their full exploitation should guarantee an important role for our researche in stellar physics." }, "0002/astro-ph0002418_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "}[2]{{\\footnotesize\\begin{center}ABSTRACT\\end{center} \\vspace{1mm}\\par#1\\par \\noindent {~}{\\it #2}}} \\newcommand{\\TabCap}[2]{\\begin{center}\\parbox[t]{#1}{\\begin{center} \\small {\\spaceskip 2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt T a b l e} \\refstepcounter{table}\\thetable \\\\[2mm] \\footnotesize #2 \\end{center}}\\end{center}} \\newcommand{\\TableSep}[2]{\\begin{table}[p]\\vspace{#1} \\TabCap{#2}\\end{table}} \\newcommand{\\FigCap}[1]{\\footnotesize\\par\\noindent Fig.\\ % \\refstepcounter{figure}\\thefigure. #1\\par} \\newcommand{\\TableFont}{\\footnotesize} \\newcommand{\\TableFontIt}{\\ttit} \\newcommand{\\SetTableFont}[1]{\\renewcommand{\\TableFont}{#1}} \\newcommand{\\MakeTable}[4]{\\begin{table}[htb]\\TabCap{#2}{#3} \\begin{center} \\TableFont \\begin{tabular}{#1} #4 \\end{tabular}\\end{center}\\end{table}} \\newcommand{\\MakeTableSep}[4]{\\begin{table}[p]\\TabCap{#2}{#3} \\begin{center} \\TableFont \\begin{tabular}{#1} #4 \\end{tabular}\\end{center}\\end{table}} \\newenvironment{references}% { \\footnotesize \\frenchspacing \\renewcommand{\\thesection}{} \\renewcommand{\\in}{{\\rm in }} \\renewcommand{\\AA}{Astron.\\ Astrophys.} \\newcommand{\\AAS}{Astron.~Astrophys.~Suppl.~Ser.} \\newcommand{\\ApJ}{Astrophys.\\ J.} \\newcommand{\\ApJS}{Astrophys.\\ J.~Suppl.~Ser.} \\newcommand{\\ApJL}{Astrophys.\\ J.~Letters} \\newcommand{\\AJ}{Astron.\\ J.} \\newcommand{\\IBVS}{IBVS} \\newcommand{\\PASP}{P.A.S.P.} \\newcommand{\\Acta}{Acta Astron.} \\newcommand{\\MNRAS}{MNRAS} \\renewcommand{\\and}{{\\rm and }} { We present the Catalog of microlensing events detected toward the Galactic bulge in three observing seasons, 1997--1999, during the OGLE-II microlensing survey. The search for microlensing events was performed using a database of about $4\\cdot10^9$ photometric measurements of about 20.5 million stars from the Galactic bulge. The Catalog comprises 214 cases of microlensing events found in the fields covering about 11 square degrees on the sky and distributed in different parts of the Galactic bulge. The sample includes 20 binary microlensing events, 14 of them are caustic crossing. In one case a double star is likely lensed. We present distribution of the basic parameters of microlensing events and show preliminary rate of microlensing in different regions of the Galactic bulge. The latter reveals clear dependence on the Galactic coordinates. The dependence on $l$ indicates that the majority of lenses toward the Galactic bulge are located in the Galactic bar. Models of the Galactic bar seem to reasonably predict the observed spatial distribution of microlensing events in the Galactic bulge. All data presented in the Catalog and photometry of all events are available from the OGLE Internet archive. }{~} ", "introduction": "During the past couple of years microlensing proved to be a new and potentially very powerful tool of modern astrophysics. Originally proposed by Paczy{\\'n}ski (1986, 1991) as a method of searching for dark matter in the Galaxy it has been used for such different applications as searching for planets, determination of parameters of stellar atmospheres, studies of Galactic structure and many others. After the original reports on discovery of the first cases of microlensing in September 1993 (toward the LMC: MACHO survey -- Alcock \\etal 1993, EROS survey -- Aubourg \\etal 1993; toward the Galactic bulge: OGLE survey -- Udalski \\etal 1993) much observing work was done to convince the astronomical community on the potentials of the newly discovered class of events. Soon more cases of classical microlensing in the Galactic bulge were announced (Udalski \\etal 1994a, Alcock \\etal 1995a), first cases of \"exotic microlensing\" like binary microlensing (Udalski \\etal 1994b) or events with parallax effect (Alcock \\etal 1995b) were found. Also first estimates of the observed optical depth to the Galactic bulge were published (Udalski \\etal 1994c, Alcock \\etal 1995a, 1997a) indicating that it is much larger than that predicted from modeling. Many theoretical interpretations of these intriguing results followed (see review by Paczy{\\'n}ski 1996). First interpretation of results of observations toward the LMC was also published (Alcock \\etal 1996a). Another important step was development and implementation of the so called alert systems (the Early Warning System, EWS, of the OGLE survey -- Udalski \\etal 1994d and MACHO Alert system -- Alcock \\etal 1996b) which allow to detect the microlensing phenomena when an event is in progress. This step changed the observing strategy of microlensing surveys. The ability of detection in real time made it possible to perform follow-up observations, both photometric and spectroscopic, of many events. New kind of microlensing studies, \"follow-up\" projects concentrated on high time resolution observations of events discovered by survey projects, were formed (\\eg PLANET -- Albrow \\etal 1998; MPS -- Rhie \\etal 1999). From 1995 on, the vast majority of microlensing events have been detected by the alert systems.\\footnote{\\noindent Information on microlensing events in progress can be found:\\newline OGLE-EWS: {\\it http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/\\~{}ogle} \\newline MACHO (1995--1999): {\\it http://darkstar.astro.washington.edu/} \\newline EROS: {\\it http://www-dapnia.cea.fr/Spp/Experiences/EROS/alertes.html} \\newline PLANET: {\\it http://www.astro.rug.nl/\\~{}planet/} \\newline MPS: {\\it http://bustard.phys.nd.edu/MPS/} } The microlensing field of astrophysics matured rapidly and entered the second phase of extensive observations to largely increase statistic of collected microlensing events. Both EROS and OGLE surveys considerably increased their observing capabilities in 1996. First microlensing events were discovered in other lines of sight -- toward the SMC (MACHO -- Alcock \\etal 1997b) and in the Galactic disk (EROS -- Derue \\etal 1999) even as far as $70^{\\circ}$ from the Galactic center (OGLE -- Mao 1999). Many interesting results were published by follow-up teams (PLANET -- Albrow \\etal 2000a,b, MPS -- Bennett \\etal 1999a). Up to now one can estimate the total number of registered microlensing events to be about 500. In this paper we present the catalog of microlensing event candidates detected during the second phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-II) in three observing seasons 1997--1999. Although during the OGLE-II phase observations are conducted in many lines of sight only two events were discovered in the directions other than the Galactic bulge so far.\\footnote{1999-CAR-01 and 1999-LMC-01 see {\\it http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/\\~{}ogle} for more information on these events.} Therefore we decided to limit our catalog to the Galactic bulge events only. Presented microlensing events were extracted from the OGLE-II photometric databases with a technique similar to that applied in the EWS alert system. Great care was paid to achieve the highest possible completeness of the catalog. The Catalog comprises 214 cases of microlensing toward the Galactic bulge. The main goal of the paper is to provide the astronomical microlensing community with the large set of photometric data of microlensing events for further analysis. Photometry of all objects is available from the OGLE Internet archive (see Section~5). Beside of the typical single mass microlensing cases the Catalog includes several cases of \"exotic microlensing\", like binary microlensing events etc. The sample of presented events is already large enough that in spite of possible incompleteness the distribution of microlensing parameters can be studied. In particular we present the first preliminary distribution of the rate of microlensing in different parts of the Galactic bulge. Studies of such a distribution can provide important constraints on the origin of the Galactic bulge microlensing (bar \\vs disk) and in general on the structure of the Galaxy. ", "conclusions": "Two hundred fourteen microlensing event candidates were detected in the OGLE-II fields during the observing seasons 1997--1999. Significant number of events from 1998--1999 seasons, \\ie when the EWS alert system was implemented, were detected in real time. Many of these events were then followed up by other groups for detailed study (\\eg 1998-BUL-14, Albrow \\etal 2000a). Because part of the OGLE-II fields overlap with those observed by the MACHO team several events were discovered by both teams. Cross-identification of those discovered by alert systems can be found on the WWW alert pages of both teams while for the remaining objects (in particular all 1997 season events) it can be done using accurate equatorial coordinates provided in this paper and on the MACHO WWW alert page. The sample of OGLE-II microlensing events contains several cases of evident lensing caused by binary object. The sample of characteristic caustic crossing events consists of 14 events. In five additional cases it is possible that the observed light variations are also caused by binary lens. In two cases, BUL$\\_$SC39 259656 and BUL$\\_$SC40 434222, two separate microlensing like episodes were detected. These cases might be explained either as due to binary microlensing without caustic crossing or double lensed star. In the latter case the time scales of both episodes should be equal what can discriminate between those two possibilities. Time scales of BUL$\\_$SC39 259656 episodes are equal to about 15 and 27~days suggesting that this case is a binary microlensing. The second brightening episode of BUL$\\_$SC40 434222 started at the end of 1999 season but observations collected up to the moment of writing this paper confirm that it can be of microlensing origin (see OGLE EWS WWW page). In this case the time scales are within errors the same ($t_0\\approx 130$~days) suggesting double source star. However, the second episode is still in the rising part of its light curve. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig2.ps,bbllx=60pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Distribution of the {\\it I}-band baseline magnitude of lensed stars.} \\end{figure} The rate of the binary caustic crossing microlensing toward the Galactic bulge observed in our sample of all microlensing events is equal to $\\approx 6.5$\\% while that of all binary microlensing $\\approx 9.3$\\%. It is worth noting that this is much more than reported by the MACHO team (Alcock \\etal 1999). On the other hand Mao and Paczy{\\'n}ski (1991) in their classical paper on binary microlensing predicted about 10\\% rate of strong binary microlensing events. The agreement between the predicted and observed rates is very good. Among many interesting cases of microlensing presented in the Catalog we draw attention to the object, BUL$\\_$SC5 244353. Unfortunately, only falling part of its light curve was covered during the entire observation period. While the shape of the light curve strongly resembles that of microlensing event, it cannot be excluded that the object is a variable star. If, however, its brightening was caused by microlensing, the time-scale of the event was very long. The event would closely resemble those reported by Bennett \\etal (1999b) which are supposed to be caused by black hole lenses. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig3.ps,bbllx=60pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Magnification at maximum, $A_{\\rm max}$, and minimum impact parameter, $u_{\\rm min}$, as a function of the {\\it I}-band baseline magnitude. } \\end{figure} The statistic of collected events toward the Galactic bulge is becoming significantly larger after each observing season. While an accurate analysis requires additional information like efficiency of detection, the number of presented microlensing events is already so large that interesting correlations can be shown. Efficiency of detection of microlensing events depends at least on two factors: time sampling of the microlensing light curve and brightness of the lensed star. Typical sampling of one/two observations per night limits detection to events with sufficiently long time-scale. For fainter lensed stars the $3\\sigma$ detection threshold is larger, therefore only larger magnification events can be triggered. In Fig.~2 we plot distribution of the {\\it I}-band baseline magnitude of lensed stars from our sample. The bins are 0.3~mag wide. Dotted line presents the distribution of all events while the bold solid line the one of subsample of events with magnification $A_{\\rm max}>1.5$. The shape of both distributions indicate that the entire sample of microlensing events is reasonably complete up to $I\\approx18.0$~mag while subsample of events with $A_{\\rm max}>1.5$ up to $I\\approx18.8$~mag. Selection effect due to brightness of the lensed star can also be assessed from Fig.~3 which shows magnification at the maximum,$A_{\\rm max}$, and minimum impact parameter, $u_{\\rm min}$, plotted against the {\\it I}-band baseline magnitude. It is clearly seen from Fig.~3 that our sample is quite complete for stars of $I<18$~mag and $A_{\\rm max}>1.3$, \\ie $u<1.0$. As can be expected for fainter stars only higher magnification events were triggered. Nevertheless at $I=19$~mag the limit of reasonable completeness is still $A_{\\rm max}\\approx1.5$ ($u_{\\rm min}\\approx0.8$). \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig4.ps,bbllx=60pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12.5cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Distribution of the maximum magnification $A_{\\rm max}$.} \\end{figure} Fig.~4 presents distribution of maximum magnification of our entire sample. This parameter ranges from as low as 1.1 up to about 50 (in a few cases the single point mass model predicts extremely large magnifications but because of lack of observations at the very maximum these values are not reliable. In these cases we provide lower limit of magnification resulting from the brightest observation). Below $A_{\\rm max}=1.3$ incompleteness of our sample is larger -- only for brighter stars so low magnification events could be detected. However, the completeness becomes much higher for events with $A_{\\rm max}>1.5$. The number of events is gradually falling from $A_{\\rm max}\\approx1.7$ to $A_{\\rm max}=7$ with a long tail of single events with higher $A_{\\rm max}$. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig5.ps,bbllx=60pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12.5cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Distribution of the Einstein radius crossing time $t_0$.} \\end{figure} Fig.~5 shows the distribution of the Einstein radius crossing time, $t_0$, for our sample of microlensing events. This parameter is also likely to be affected by incompleteness resulting from the sampling of the light curve. Although we have not performed yet detailed analysis of the dependence of detection efficiency on the event time-scale for our entire data set, preliminary tests performed on 1997 databases of constant stars in similar manner as in Udalski \\etal (1994c) indicate that the region of reasonable efficiency is extended toward shorter time scales as compared to the OGLE-I phase. For events with $t_0>8$ days efficiency of detection becomes relatively flat, so we may expect that the distribution of $t_0$ is also relatively complete for events longer than that limit. The distribution of $t_0$ peaks at $t_0\\approx17$~days with a long tail of longer time-scale events. One should also note a small excess of events with $t_0\\approx 50$~days. It was marginally seen in the MACHO data (Alcock \\etal 1997a). The time-scale is plotted as a function of the {\\it I}-band baseline magnitude in Fig.~6. No evident correlation is seen in this plot. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig6.ps,bbllx=60pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12.5cm,clip=} \\FigCap{The Einstein radius crossing time, $t_0$, as a function of the {\\it I}-band baseline magnitude. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig7.ps,bbllx=35pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12.5cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Spatial distribution in the Galactic bulge of the short (open circles), medium (open triangles) and long (filled squares) time-scale microlensing events.} \\end{figure} The spatial distribution of events with different time-scales is presented in Fig.~7. The total sample was divided into three sub-samples of short ($t_0<20$~days), medium ($2040$~days) events. Location on the sky of these three samples in the Galactic coordinates ($l,b$) is plotted with different symbols in Fig.~7. If the different time-scale events were to be caused by different populations of lensing objects one could expect some differences in the distribution of our three sub-samples on the sky. However, this does not seem to be true -- the distribution of all our sub-samples is rather similar. One should be, however, aware of still small statistic of events in the regions at larger $|l|$. \\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.0} \\renewcommand{\\TableFont}{\\scriptsize} \\MakeTableSep{lrcrr}{12.5cm}{Number of microlensing events in the OGLE-II fields} { \\hline \\noalign{\\vskip3pt} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Field} & $N_{\\rm OBS}^{{\\mu}{\\rm LENS}}$ & $N_{I<19.5}^{\\rm STARS}$ &\\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N^{{\\mu}{\\rm LENS}}$ per } \\\\ & & &\\multicolumn{1}{c}{$10^6$ stars}\\\\ \\noalign{\\vskip3pt} \\hline \\noalign{\\vskip3pt} BUL$\\_$SC1 & 1~~~~~ & 579010 & 1.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC2 & 4~~~~~ & 650973 & 6.1~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC3 & 12~~~~~ & 644230 & 18.6~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC4 & 14~~~~~ & 644012 & 21.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC5 & 5~~~~~ & 280867 & 17.8~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC6 & 1~~~~~ & 289813 & 3.5~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC7 & 1~~~~~ & 280966 & 3.6~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC8 & 0~~~~~ & 205248 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC9 & 0~~~~~ & 212660 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC10 & 3~~~~~ & 222382 & 13.5~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC11 & 0~~~~~ & 199964 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC12 & 0~~~~~ & 312079 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC13 & 1~~~~~ & 335321 & 3.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC14 & 7~~~~~ & 414683 & 16.9~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC15 & 7~~~~~ & 361358 & 19.4~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC16 & 2~~~~~ & 435850 & 4.6~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC17 & 2~~~~~ & 454107 & 4.4~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC18 & 7~~~~~ & 556327 & 12.6~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC19 & 3~~~~~ & 508643 & 5.9~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC20 & 6~~~~~ & 692281 & 8.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC21 & 4~~~~~ & 704858 & 5.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC22 & 7~~~~~ & 503527 & 13.9~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC23 & 6~~~~~ & 455213 & 13.2~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC24 & 7~~~~~ & 410873 & 17.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC25 & 1~~~~~ & 437199 & 2.3~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC26 & 5~~~~~ & 446205 & 11.2~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC27 & 6~~~~~ & 434129 & 13.8~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC28 & 0~~~~~ & 258811 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC29 & 2~~~~~ & 257335 & 7.8~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC30 & 12~~~~~ & 606406 & 19.8~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC31 & 7~~~~~ & 651611 & 10.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC32 & 3~~~~~ & 680714 & 4.4~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC33 & 4~~~~~ & 563023 & 7.1~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC34 & 7~~~~~ & 743418 & 9.4~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC35 & 5~~~~~ & 614900 & 8.1~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC36 & 2~~~~~ & 659023 & 3.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC37 & 8~~~~~ & 509135 & 15.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC38 & 5~~~~~ & 572045 & 8.7~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC39 & 15~~~~~ & 627658 & 23.9~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC40 & 6~~~~~ & 366672 & 16.4~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC41 & 8~~~~~ & 394514 & 20.3~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC42 & 4~~~~~ & 436339 & 9.2~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC43 & 4~~~~~ & 295349 & 13.5~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC44 & 10~~~~~ & 183296 & 54.6~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC47 & 0~~~~~ & 155703 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC48 & 0~~~~~ & 156226 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ BUL$\\_$SC49 & 0~~~~~ & 148155 & 0.0~~~~~\\\\ \\hline} Table~3 lists the average number of stars searched for microlensing events in each of the Galactic bulge fields. In the second column the number of detected events in each field is provided. Because the number of searched stars is different by a factor of more than four in our fields, we normalized the observed number of microlensing events in each field to one million stars. Normalized number of events is listed in the last column of Table~3. \\MakeTable{lrrr}{12.5cm}{Average number of microlensing events in the Galactic bulge} { \\hline \\noalign{\\vskip3pt} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Line of sight} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$l$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$b$} &\\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N$ per}\\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{BUL$\\_$SC} & & & $10^6$ stars \\\\ \\hline \\noalign{\\vskip3pt} 5+44\t&\t$ -0.33$\t& $-1.26$ &\t36~~~~~\\\\ 3+37\t&\t$ 0.05$\t& $-1.83$ &\t17~~~~~\\\\ 4+39\t&\t$ 0.48$\t& $-2.11$ &\t23~~~~~\\\\ 22+23\t&\t$ -0.38$\t& $-3.15$ &\t14~~~~~\\\\ 6+7\t&\t$ -0.20$\t& $-5.80$ &\t 4~~~~~\\\\ 40+41\t&\t$ -2.89$\t& $-3.20$ &\t18~~~~~\\\\ 24+25\t&\t$ -2.38$\t& $-3.46$ &\t10~~~~~\\\\ 26+27\t&\t$ -4.91$\t& $-3.51$ &\t13~~~~~\\\\ 28+29\t&\t$ -6.70$\t& $-4.52$ &\t 4~~~~~\\\\ 47+48+49&\t$ -11.21$\t& $-2.88$ &\t 0~~~~~\\\\ 1+38\t&\t$ 1.02$\t& $-3.52$ &\t 5~~~~~\\\\ 20+34\t&\t$ 1.52$\t& $-2.43$ &\t 9~~~~~\\\\ 21+30\t&\t$ 1.87$\t& $-2.75$ &\t13~~~~~\\\\ 31+32\t&\t$ 2.28$\t& $-3.04$ &\t 8~~~~~\\\\ 35+36\t&\t$ 3.10$\t& $-3.10$ &\t 6~~~~~\\\\ 2+33\t&\t$ 2.29$\t& $-3.56$ &\t 7~~~~~\\\\ 18+19\t&\t$ 4.03$\t& $-3.24$ &\t 9~~~~~\\\\ 42\t&\t$ 4.48$\t& $-3.38$ &\t 9~~~~~\\\\ 16+17\t&\t$ 5.19$\t& $-3.37$ &\t 4~~~~~\\\\ 12+13\t&\t$ 7.85$\t& $-3.48$ &\t 2~~~~~\\\\ 10+11\t&\t$ 9.69$\t& $-3.54$ &\t 7~~~~~\\\\ 8+9\t&\t$ 10.53$\t& $-3.88$ &\t 0~~~~~\\\\ 14+15\t&\t$ 5.30$\t& $ 2.72$ &\t18~~~~~\\\\ 43\t&\t$ 0.37$\t& $ 2.95$ &\t14~~~~~\\\\ \\hline} Finally, because we typically observe two slightly overlapping driftscan fields in a given part of the Galactic bulge (see Fig.~1), we averaged the normalized numbers of events in such adjacent fields to increase statistic. Table~4 lists our 24 lines of sight in the Galactic bulge with their Galactic coordinates and the average number of observed microlensing events per one million stars during seasons 1997--1999 (the total span of presented observations is about 940 days, \\ie 2.58~years). \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig8.ps,bbllx=15pt,bblly=150pt,bburx=565pt,bbury=430pt,width=12.5cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Rate of microlensing events in the Galactic bulge. The numbers in the Galactic coordinates grid correspond to the number of microlensing events per one million stars observed during three bulge seasons 1997--1999 (2.58~years).} \\end{figure} Fig.~8 presents the number of events per one million stars observed in 24 lines of sight in the Galactic bulge in years 1997--1999. The number at given ($l$,$b$) indicates the normalized number of events observed in a given direction. Of course, one should be aware that the presented numbers are not the true optical depth. Accurate estimate of the optical depth would require precise determination of detection efficiency, assessment of the blending effect and contribution of the Galactic disk stars to the stars searched for microlensing events. On the other hand one can expect that these factors are in the first approximation similar in so uniformly observed fields. Also the spatial distribution of the time-scale of events is similar. Therefore the normalized number of events is likely a crude approximation of the optical depth. As one can expect the number of events is a strong function of the Galactic latitude. It falls by almost an order of magnitude when $b$ changes from $b=-1\\zdot\\arcd3$ to $b=-6\\arcd$ (at $l\\approx0\\arcd$). It also changes with the Galactic longitude. The numbers of events observed in the fields at $b\\approx-3\\zdot\\arcd5$ indicate that there is a clear dependence on $l$ -- the number of events falls by a factor of 2--4 at $|l|\\approx 10\\arcd$ as compared to $l=0\\arcd$. There is a noticable asymmetry with larger number of events at negative $l$. The clear dependence of the number of microlensing events on $l$ strongly suggests that the majority of microlensing events are caused by lenses located in the Galactic bar, inclined to the line of sight toward the Galactic center, rather than in the Galactic disk. At positive $b$ the number of microlensing events in the line of sight located at $l=0\\zdot\\arcd4, b=3\\arcd$ is consistent with that observed at negative $b$ but one can notice possible excess of events at $l=5\\zdot\\arcd3, b=2\\zdot\\arcd7$. Looking at the numbers presented in Fig.~8 and Table~4 one should be aware of the possible bias resulting from somewhat different time sampling of some fields. While the numbers of observations in most fields are similar there are six fields with about 40\\% larger number of analyzed frames (see Table~1). These were the fields located closest to the Galactic center and they were observed with frequency of 3--5 observations per night during a part of the 1997 season for ultra-short time events. No such events (time scale $t_0<2$~days) were, however, found. Nevertheless, the number of detected microlensing events can be larger in more frequently observed fields resulting in somewhat overestimated ratios between the number of microlensing events close to the Galactic center and in other directions. We estimated the possible magnitude of this effect by comparison of the median time scale, $t_0$, of events from the least-, medium- and most-frequently observed fields. One could expect that for the most frequently sampled fields, the efficiency of detection is much higher for short time scale events and the median $t_0$ of that subsample should be significantly shorter than that of the remaining subsamples if the bias is strong. However, the median $t_0$ is equal to 17.0, 21.5 and 19.7~days for the most-, medium- and least-frequently sampled fields, respectively. The differences are small indicating that the bias is also small and can be in the first approximation neglected. It would be certainly much stronger if much larger part of events had very short time scales. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\psfig{figure=fig9.ps,bbllx=60pt,bblly=50pt,bburx=505pt,bbury=405pt,width=12.5cm,clip=} \\FigCap{Correlation between the observed number of microlensing events and the model optical depth.} \\end{figure} It is interesting to compare our empirical results with the modeling predictions. We used the map of the optical depth for the Galactic bar calculated by Stanek \\etal (1997) to derive the optical depth in our lines of sight. Contribution of the Galactic disk in these directions was taken from Kiraga (1994) and added to the contribution of the Galactic bar. Fig.~9 shows the relation between the model optical depth and the observed number of microlensing events per one million stars in our lines of sight. The correlation between both values is clearly seen. The slope of the relation is equal to $0.86\\pm0.11$ giving a crude calibration between the observed numbers and the optical depth. However, one should also note the potential problem -- the linear relation does not cross the (0,0) point. This may indicate that the ordinate in Fig.~9 is not that simply related with the optical depth and the observed normalized number of events is a function not only of the optical depth but also of an additional factor like, for instance, spatial dependent efficiency of detection. Another possibility is that the model underestimate significantly the optical depth close to the Galactic center. In general, however, Figs.~8 and 9 indicate that models of the bar might provide a reasonable approximation of the Galactic bulge structure (see also for example Evans 1994, Zhao and Mao 1996, Grenacher \\etal 1999) and that the microlensing will be a very powerful tool in further constraining the Galactic bulge properties when significantly larger statistic of events is collected. While Fig.~8 can provide a first outlook on the distribution of microlensing events in the Galactic bulge one should be aware that this is only the first approximation. The statistic of microlensing events, in particular in the fields with larger $|l|$, is still small. Observations with the same set-up will be continued during the next observing season (2000) providing about 60--70 new cases of microlensing events. After that a large instrumental upgrade to the OGLE-III phase is planned by implementation of a new mosaic CCD camera. This will increase the number of discovered events by a factor of 3--5 leading to fast increase of the statistic of Galactic bulge events. Also larger area of the Galactic bulge will be monitored. It is also planned to reanalyze the OGLE-II photometric data with new techniques like image subtraction method. It would allow to get rid of blending effect uncertainties. By limiting to well defined population of the Galactic bulge stars like for instance red clump giants it will be possible to provide much more accurate information on the optical depth distribution in the Galactic bulge in the near future. The Catalog of Microlensing Events in the Galactic Bulge and all photometric data presented in this paper are available now to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive: \\begin{center} {\\it http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/\\~{}ogle} \\\\ {\\it ftp://sirius.astrouw.edu.pl/ogle/ogle2/microlensing/gb/}\\\\ \\end{center} or its US mirror \\begin{center} {\\it http://www.astro.princeton.edu/\\~{}ogle}\\\\ {\\it ftp://astro.princeton.edu/ogle/ogle2/microlensing/gb/}\\\\ \\end{center} \\Acknow{We would like to thank Prof.\\ Bohdan Paczy\\'nski for many discussions and help at all stages of the OGLE project. The paper was partly supported by the Polish KBN grants 2P03D00814 to A.\\ Udalski, 2P03D00916 to M.\\ Szyma{\\'n}ski, and 2P03D00717 to K.\\ \\.Zebru\\'n. Partial support for the OGLE project was provided with the NSF grant AST-9820314 to B.~Paczy\\'nski.}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002132_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of broad-band B and I imaging observations for a sample of 88 Seyfert galaxies (29 Seyfert 1's and 59 Seyfert 2's), selected from a mostly isotropic property, the flux at 60$\\mu$m. We also present the B and I imaging results for an additional sample of 20 Seyfert galaxies (7 Seyfert 1's and 13 Seyfert 2's), selected from the literature and known to have extended radio emission. The I band images are fitted with ellipses to determine the position angle and ellipticity of the host galaxy major axis. This information will be used in a future paper, combined with information from radio observations, to study the orientation of radio jets relative to the plane of their host galaxies (Kinney et al. 2000). Here we present surface brightness profiles and magnitudes in the B and I bands, as well as mean ellipticities and major axis position angles. ", "introduction": "\\label{sample} \\subsection{60$\\mu$m sample} In order to avoid selection effects as much as possible, we have chosen a sample from a mostly isotropic property, the flux at 60$\\mu$m. According to the torus models of Pier \\& Krolik (1992), which are the most anisotropic and hence the most conservative models, the circumnuclear torus radiates nearly isotropically at 60$\\mu$m. Our sample includes 88 Seyfert galaxies (29 Seyfert 1's and 59 Seyfert 2's), which correspond to all galaxies from the de Grijp et al. (1987, 1992) sample of warm IRAS galaxies with redshift z$\\leq0.031$. The galaxies in this sample were selected based on the quality of the 60$\\mu$m flux, Galactic latitude $|b|>20^{\\circ}$, and 25$\\mu$m$-60\\mu$m color in the range $-1.5<\\alpha(25/60)<0$, chosen to exclude starburst galaxies as much as possible. The candidate AGN galaxies were all observed spectroscopically (de Grijp et al. 1992) to confirm their activity class as being Seyfert 1 or Seyfert 2 and {\\it not} a lower level of activity such as starburst or LINER. The distance limit of z$\\leq0.031$ is large enough to encompass a statistically significant number of objects yet close enough to ensure that radio features can be resolved. Table 1 presents the galaxies in the de Grijp et al. (1987) catalog, selected for our study. We list their catalog numbers, names, coordinates, the total exposure times in the B and I bands, and the observing runs in which the galaxies were observed. \\subsection{Additional sample} Parts of the study presented by Kinney et al. (2000) will also use an additional sample of 53 Seyfert galaxies selected from the literature. This sample comprises Seyferts known to have extended radio emission, used in previous studies (such as Schmitt et al. 1997; or Nagar et al. 1999) but which are not in the 60$\\mu$m sample. For 20 of these galaxies (7 Seyfert 1's and 13 Seyfert 2's) we were able to obtain B and/or I images during our observing runs. Table 2 gives the names of the galaxies, their coordinates, total exposure times in B and I bands and the observing run in which they were observed. Some of the galaxies in the additional sample were used in previous papers, but we now consider that they should not be included in this analysis. The reasons to exclude them are the fact that they are in interacting systems, mergers, or the radio emission is not extended enough to allow a reliable measurement of the position angle of the jet. For these galaxies, Column 8 (Comments) of Table 2 gives the reasons why they are excluded. ", "conclusions": "We presented B and I band images for a sample of 88 Seyfert galaxies selected from a mostly isotropic property, the flux at 60$\\mu$m, as well as for an additional 20 Seyfert galaxies with extended radio emission. The isophotes of the I band images were fitted with ellipses to determine the surface brightness profiles, the ellipticities and position angles of the host galaxy major axis. The parameters obtained with these fits were used to measure the surface brightness profiles in the B band. These images were also used to measure the integrated B and I magnitudes of the galaxies. These measurements will be combined with information from radio observations to study the orientation of radio jets relative to the host galaxy disk (Kinney et al. 2000)." }, "0002/astro-ph0002242_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use high precision multiband photometric data of the first overtone RR Lyrae \\uc to investigate the predictive capability of full amplitude, nonlinear, convective hydrodynamical models. The main outcome of this investigation is that theoretical predictions properly account for the luminosity variations along a full pulsation cycle. Moreover, we find that this approach, due to the strong dependence of this observable and of the pulsation period on stellar parameters, supply tight constraints on stellar mass, effective temperature, and distance modulus. Pulsational estimates of these parameters appear in good agreement with empirical ones. Finally, the occurrence of a well-defined bump just before the luminosity maximum gave the unique opportunity to calibrate the turbulent convection model adopted for handling the coupling between pulsation and convection. ", "introduction": "Variable stars play a key role in many astrophysical problems, since their pulsation properties do depend on stellar parameters, and therefore they can supply valuable and independent constraints on a large amount of current evolutionary predictions. In particular, the empirical evidence found long time ago in Magellanic Cepheids of the correlation between period and luminosity was the initial step for a paramount theoretical and observational effort aimed at using variable stars as standard candles to estimate cosmic distances. The current literature is still hosting a vivid debate on the intrinsic accuracy of the Cepheid distance scale (Bono et al. 1999; Laney 2000) and on the use of RR Lyrae variables to evaluate the distance -and the age- of Galactic globulars (Caputo 1998; Gratton 1998, G98). Theoretical insights into the problem of radial stellar pulsations came from the linearization of local conservation equations governing the dynamical instability of stellar envelopes. Linear, nonadiabatic models typically supply accurate pulsation periods and plausible estimates (necessary conditions) on the modal stability of the lowest radial modes. However, a proper treatment of radial pulsations does require the solution of the full system of hydrodynamic equations, including a nonlocal and time-dependent treatment of turbulent convection (TC) to account for the coupling between radial and convective motions (Castor 1968; Stellingwerf 1982, S82). The development of nonlinear, convective hydrocodes (S82; Gehmeyr 1992; Bono \\& Stellingwerf 1994, BS; Wuchterl \\& Feuchtinger 1998) gave the opportunity to provide plausible predictions on the properties of radial variables, and in particular on the topology of the instability strip, as well as on the time behavior of both light and radial velocity curves. This new theoretical scenario allowed to investigate, for the first time, the dependence of pulsation amplitudes and Fourier parameters on stellar mass, luminosity and effective temperature (see e.g. Kovacs \\& Kanbur 1997; Brocato et al. 1996; Feuchtinger 2000, F20). However, all these investigations dealt with parameters related to the light curve, whereas nonlinear computations supply much more information, as given by the detailed predictions of the light variation along a full pulsation cycle. Therefore, the direct comparison between observed and predicted light curves appears as a key test only partially exploited in the current literature (Wood, Arnold, \\& Sebo 1997, WAS). In order to perform a detailed test of the predictive capability of our nonlinear, convective models we focused our attention on the photometric data collected by Heiser (1996, H96) for the field, first overtone -$RR_c$- variable \\uc. The reason for this choice relies on the detailed coverage of the U, B, and V light curves, as well as on the characteristic shape of the light curve, with a well-defined bump close to the luminosity maximum. This secondary feature provides a tight observational constraint to be nailed down by theory. Since the period of the variable strongly depends on the structural parameters (mass, luminosity, and radius) of the pulsator, the problem arises whether or not nonlinear pulsation models account for the occurrence of similar pulsators, and in affirmative how precisely the observed light curves can be reproduced by theoretical predictions. In \\S 2 we present the comparison between theory and observations, while in \\S 3 we discuss the calibration of the TC model. Finally, in \\S 4 we briefly outline the observables which can further validate this theoretical scenario. ", "conclusions": "The comparison between theory and observations, namely the period and the shape of the {\\rm B} light curve of U Com, allowed us to supply tight constraints on the structural parameters such as stellar mass, effective temperature, and gravity, as well as on the distance of this variable. We also found that the occurrence of a well-defined bump close to the luminosity maximum can be safely adopted for constraining the metallicity of this object and for calibrating the TC model adopted for handling the coupling between convection and pulsation. The approach adopted in this investigation seems quite promising since it only relies on nonlinear, convective models and on stellar atmosphere models. In fact, the best fit model to the empirical data was found by constructing sequences of iso-period models in which the stellar mass, the luminosity and the effective temperatures were not changed according to HB models but to the pulsation relation (BCCM). The comparison between theory and observations shows that both the structural parameters and the distance are in very good agreement with estimates available in the literature. No evidence for a systematic discrepancy was found in pulsation estimates, thus supporting the evidence that the individual fit to light curves can supply independent and firm constraints on the actual parameters and distances of variable stars. This finding confirms the results of a similar analysis on a LMC Bump Cepheid by WAS. Accurate radial velocity data for \\uc are not available in the literature and therefore we could not constrain the accuracy of the velocity variation along the pulsation cycle. The three radial velocity points collected by FB98 agree quite well with the predicted curve. However, the radial velocity curve is a key observable for constraining the consistency of the adopted TC model (F20), and therefore new spectroscopic measurements of \\uc would be of great relevance for assessing the predictive impact of nonlinear, convective models. Theoretical observables of the best fit model discussed in this paper, as well as both radius and radial velocity variations are available upon request to the authors. It is a pleasure to thank M. Groenewegen for providing us the \\uc distances based on the reduced parallax method and on the modified Lutz-Kelker correction, as well as for insightful discussions on their accuracy. We are indebted to R. Garrido for sending us radial velocity data and to T. Barnes for useful suggestions on current data. We also acknowledge an anonymous referee for some useful suggestions that improved the readability of the paper. This work was supported by MURST -Cofin98- under the project \"Stellar Evolution\". Partial support by ASI and CNAA is also acknowledged." }, "0002/astro-ph0002074_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We measure simultaneously the properties of the energy spectra and the frequencies of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in fifteen low mass X-ray binaries covering a wide range of X-ray luminosities. In each source the QPO frequencies cover the same range of approximately $300$ Hz to $1300$ Hz, though the sources differ by two orders of magnitude in their X-ray luminosities (as measured from the unabsorbed 2--50 keV flux). So the X-ray luminosity does not uniquely determine the QPO frequency. This is difficult to understand since the evidence from individual sources indicates that the frequency and luminosity are very well correlated at least over short timescales. Perhaps beaming effects or bolometric corrections change the observed luminosities, or perhaps part of the energy in mass accretion is used to power outflows reducing the energy emitted in X-rays. It is also possible that the parameters of a QPO model are tuned in such a way that the same range of frequencies appears in all sources. Different modes of accretion may be involved for example (disk and radial) or multiple parameters may conspire to yield the same frequencies. ", "introduction": "Many low mass X-ray binaries exhibit quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in their persistent X-ray flux in the kilohertz range as revealed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). There are currently 18 such sources with published results. Generally two kilohertz QPOs are observed simultaneously from a given system. In all cases, the QPOs are separated in frequency by about 250 to 350 Hz. The QPOs vary over a wide range in frequency. In 4U~0614+09, for example, the higher frequency QPO has been measured at frequencies between $449\\pm20$ Hz and $1329\\pm4$ Hz \\citep{vanstraaten00}. For reviews and references see \\citet{vanderklis_rev98b} and http://www.astro.uva.nl/$^{\\sim}$ecford/qpos.html. The low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) which exhibit QPOs come in a wide variety. Most are persistent sources, but some transients are known with kilohertz QPOs: 4U~1608-52 \\citep{berger96,mendez98a}, Aql~X-1 \\citep{zhang98a}, and XTE~J2123-058 \\citep{homan99,tomsick99}. The two traditional classes of LMXBs, Z and atoll sources \\citep{hk89}, have very similar QPOs, though the QPOs in Z-sources tend to have larger widths and smaller rms fractions. The X-ray dipper 4U~1915-05 \\citep{boirin00} also has shown kilohertz QPOs. In all these systems, the kilohertz QPO frequencies are very similar, even though the inferred mass accretion rates differ by orders of magnitude \\citep{vdk_rev97a,vdk_rev97b}. Here we quantify these comparisons by considering the ensemble of sources. The main tool is a measurement of the X-ray luminosity in each system simultaneous with a determination of its kilohertz QPO frequencies. This approach is inspired by the strong correlation of QPO frequency and count rate in individual sources. This correlation is very strict on short time scales \\citep[e.g. 4U~1728-34;][]{strohmayer96}, though on longer timescales of days to weeks in some sources a single correlation no longer holds \\citep[e.g. 4U~0614+09,][4U~1608-52,]{ford97a,mendez99a}. The same correlations are present if one considers X-ray flux instead of count rate \\citep{ford97b, zhang98a}. The QPO frequencies are clearly influenced to some extent by the X-ray luminosity. Correlations of luminosity and kilohertz QPO frequency provide a rather direct connection to QPO models. In most current models, the frequency of one of the QPOs is set by the orbital frequency of matter in the inner disk \\citep{mlp98a,lai98,sv99,ot99b}. Higher QPO frequencies are the result of faster orbital frequencies which are in turn coupled to higher mass accretion rates. In the following we present simultaneous measurements of kilohertz QPOs and energy spectra in LMXBs. Section~2 details the analysis procedure and results with special notes on each source. Section~3 discusses these results in context with current QPO models. ", "conclusions": "Within a given low-mass X-ray binary the frequency of the kilohertz QPOs, \\freq, is well correlated with the X-ray flux \\citep{ford97b, zhang98a} or count rate \\citep{strohmayer96,wijnands98d,mendez99a,mendez99b,mendez99c}, at least on the timescale of about a day. Considering all the binaries as a group, however, such a correlation does not hold. This is a very clear feature of Figure~\\ref{fig:freqlx}, where \\freq covers roughly the same range of frequencies for sources of widely different X-ray luminosities, \\lx. All sources have maximum frequencies at roughly 1000 to 1300 Hz, a fact that \\citet{zss97} have used to argue that the maximum \\freq is set by the orbital frequency at the marginally stable orbit. In addition to the similar maximum \\freq, all the sources have roughly the same minimum \\freq and slope of their \\freq--\\lx relation. This is the central mystery presented here. How is it that \\lx and \\freq are decoupled in the ensemble of systems? This decoupling has an apparent analog within individual sources. In a given system, \\freq and \\lx (or flux, or count rate) are uniquely correlated within single observations spanning less than roughly a day. Between observations more widely separated in time, however, the correlation shifts and parallel lines appear in the \\freq vs \\lx diagram similar to those in Figure~\\ref{fig:freqlx}. Note, though, that these parallel lines in individual sources covers a much narrower range; flux shifts are a factor of a few at most in individual sources. 4U~0614+09 was first seen to have such parallel lines \\citep{ford97a,ford97b}, and the same effect is observed in Aql~X-1 \\citep{zhang98a}, 4U~1608-52 \\citep{mendez99a}, 4U 1728-34 \\citep{mendez99b}, and 4U~1636-53 \\citep{mendez99c}. There is a similar effect in Z-sources, where \\freq is correlated to the position on the instantaneous Z-track in the X-ray color diagram \\citep[e.g.][]{wijnands98d, jonker00} while the tracks themselves shift around in intensity. One possible solution to the mystery of decoupled \\lx and \\freq is that the parameters of the mechanism producing the QPOs are tuned in such a way that \\freq is the same in all systems. As an example consider the magnetospheric beat-frequency model. A simple version of the theory predicts that the QPO frequency is set by $\\dot{M}/B^2$, where \\mdot is the mass accretion rate and $B$ is the surface magnetic field strength \\citep{as85}. The frequencies could then be the same if $B$ scaled in such a way that $\\dot{M}/B^2$ is constant in all systems \\citep{wz97}. Such a connection between \\mdot and $B$ was suggested previously on other grounds \\citep{hk89,pl97}. Other parameters, such as the neutron star spin, mass or temperature, might be involved as well, though it is not clear how these would fit into a detailed model. The observational data do suggest that \\mdot has a role in setting the QPO frequency. The correlations of \\freq and \\lx suggest this, in as much as \\lx and \\mdot are related (see below). The timing properties point to a similar conclusion as well. The Fourier power spectra often show a noise component, whose power decreases with frequency above a break frequency of roughly 10 Hz. The break frequency is strongly correlated with $\\nu_{kHz}$ \\citep{fk98,vanstraaten00,reig00,disalvo00}. The fact that the break frequency is thought to be a good indicator of $\\dot{M}$ \\citep{vanderklis94}, suggests that the frequency of the kilohertz QPO is also correlated with \\mdot. Another timing signal is the QPO at 10--50 Hz \\citep[e.g.][]{vanderklis96,fk98,pbk99} which also correlates with \\freq. Thus there are several timing features, all correlated with one another \\citep[see also][]{wk99,pbk99}. In addition \\freq also depends strongly on the energy spectra, sometimes parameterized as the distance along a track in the X-ray color diagram \\citep[e.g.][]{ vanderklis96,wijnands98a,zhang98c,mendez99a,mendez99c,kaaret99b}. The implication is that a single parameter underlies these correlations, and that parameter is likely \\mdot. If there is a connection between \\freq and \\mdot, one might also expect a correlation of \\freq and \\lx, since \\lx is some measure of \\mdot. Why then is the range of \\freq similar for very different \\lx in Figure~\\ref{fig:freqlx}? In the following we consider one logical possibility: that \\lx and \\mdot do {\\em not} track one another. Perhaps \\lx is simply not a good indicator of the bolometric luminosity and in fact the bolometric luminosity is similar in all systems. In principle \\lx could misrepresent the bolometric luminosity just due to the limited 2--25 keV energy range of the RXTE/PCA. It is unlikely however that this is a large effect, since Beppo-SAX measurements from 0.1--200 keV indicate that not much energy is radiated outside the PCA band for these sources and our spectral models are applicable \\citep{piraino99}. Of course there could also be strong emission in the unobserved extreme ultraviolet band. If the emission is not isotropic, the measured \\lx will also be an inaccurate indicator of the total emission. Inclination effects are one possibility: the lower \\lx sources may be viewed at a higher (more edge-on) inclination making \\lx smaller. This effect is well known in the dipping X-ray systems where the inclination is extremely edge-on and \\lx is low \\citep{parmar86}. An added attraction of this scenario is that it may explain the fact that Z-sources are strong radio emitters while the atoll-sources are not \\citep{fender00}. In this scenario, the less inclined, higher \\lx, Z-sources show strong radio emission because the radio jet is beamed into the line of sight, while atoll-sources at higher inclination and lower \\lx, are usually not detected in the radio because the radio jet is more in the plane of the sky. This may not be the full story, however, since the beaming would have to be narrow and a search for effects of inclination in the X-ray spectra with EXOSAT uncovered no evidence that inclination is important \\citep{wsp88}. A general problem with preserving the same \\mdot in all the systems while changing the observed \\lx through anisotropy or bolometric corrections is that, if all the sources had the same \\mdot, they should all show the same X-ray burst properties. They do not; the Z-sources, for example, hardly burst at all \\citep{lewin93}. In the low-\\lx sources, \\mdot is also likely low because the persistent emission is at least 10 times weaker than in the bursts, some of which are at the Eddington limit. Assuming the anisotropy is about the same in the burst and persistent emission, \\mdot in these sources is then likely lower than in the sources near the Eddington limit, such as the Z sources. Outflows are another way to decouple \\lx and \\mdot, and are a well-known feature of X-ray binaries, as seen for example in the collimated radio jets \\citep{hjellming95,fender99b}. One might expect that the outflows in the low-\\lx systems are stronger than those in the high-\\lx systems to preserve a similar accreted rate in the various systems. Radio observations, however, suggest that the opposite is true; the atoll sources are less luminous in radio than the Z-sources \\citep{fender00}. Another alternative is that part of the \\mdot may be ineffective in determining \\freq while not being lost from the system. This could happen if the mass accretion rate occurs in a two component flow, radially and through a disk \\citep[e.g.][]{gl79,flm89,wijnands96}. The accretion rate through the disk is primarily responsible for setting \\freq, while the radial flow does not affect \\freq but does change $L_x$ \\citep[see][]{kaaret98}. \\citet{mlp98a} suggest that the disk accretion rate is similar in all sources. Matter is `scooped off' into a radial flow at the magnetospheric radius, and this process is more efficient in the higher \\lx sources because the fields are stronger. Under this scenario, the QPOs at higher \\lx should have a much smaller rms fraction due to the addition of unmodulated flux. This represents a problem for this scenario since the rms fraction apparently does not decrease enough with $L_x$ \\citep{ford00}. All of the above effects may act to decouple \\lx and \\mdot. As outlined above, though, no single effect can account for the decoupling and each has problems. If \\lx and \\mdot are unrelated, \\mdot can set the frequency of the QPOs while \\lx assumes any value, as observed." }, "0002/astro-ph0002238_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the prospects for extracting detailed statistical properties of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect associated with large scale structure using upcoming multifrequency CMB experiments. The greatest obstacle to detecting the large-angle signal is the confusion noise provided by the primary anisotropies themselves, and to a lesser degree galactic and extragalactic foregrounds. We employ multifrequency subtraction techniques and the latest foregrounds models to determine the detection threshold for the Boomerang, MAP (several $\\mu$K) and Planck CMB (sub $\\mu$K) experiments. Calibrating a simplified biased-tracer model of the gas pressure off recent hydrodynamic simulations, we estimate the SZ power spectrum, skewness and bispectrum through analytic scalings and N-body simulations of the dark matter. We show that the Planck satellite should be able to measure the SZ effect with sufficient precision to determine its power spectrum and higher order correlations, e.g. the skewness and bispectrum. Planck should also be able to detect the cross correlation between the SZ and gravitational lensing effect in the CMB. Detection of these effects will help determine the properties of the as yet undetected gas, including the manner in which the gas pressure traces the dark matter. ", "introduction": "It is by now well established that the precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background expected from upcoming experiments, especially MAP and Planck satellite missions, will provide a gold mine of information about the early universe and the fundamental cosmological parameters (e.g., \\cite{Junetal96} 1996). These experiments can in fact do so much more. With all-sky maps across the wide range of uncharted frequencies from $20$GHz-$900$GHz, the secondary science from these missions will arguably be as interesting as the primary science. In this paper, we examine the prospects for extracting the large-scale properties of the hot intergalactic gas from multifrequency observations of the CMB. Inverse-Compton scattering of CMB photons by hot gas, known as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ; \\cite{SunZel80} 1980) effect, leaves a characteristic distortion in the spectrum of the CMB, which fluctuates in the sky with the gas density and temperature. In the Rayleigh-Jeans (RJ) regime, it produces a constant decrement and with only low frequency measurements, the much larger primary anisotropies in the CMB itself obscure the fluctuations on scales greater than a few arcminutes (e.g., \\cite{GolSpe99} 1999). The upscattering in frequency implies an increment at high frequencies and a null around $217$GHz. This behavior provides a potential tool for the separation of SZ effect from other temperature anisotropy contributors. Since both the SZ spectrum and the CMB spectrum are accurately known, one can expect that foreground removal techniques developed to isolate the primary anisotropies can be reversed to recover the SZ signal in the presence of noise from the primary anisotropies. Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds will be more challenging to remove. Here we use the latest foreground models from \\cite{Tegetal99} (1999) that takes into account the fact that imperfect correlations in the foregrounds between frequency channels inhibits our ability to remove them. Using foreground information together with the expected noise properties of individual experiments, one can determine the minimal detectable signal in each experiment and the upper limit achievable in the absence of detection. Experiments with sufficient signal-to-noise can extract precision measurements for the power spectrum and higher order statistics such as the skewness. Ultimately, they can provide detailed maps of the large-angle SZ effect. To assess the prospects for an actual detection, we must model the SZ signal itself. The SZ effect is now routinely imaged in massive galaxy clusters (e.g., \\cite{Caretal96} 1996; \\cite{Jonetal93} 1993), where the temperature of the scattering medium can reach as high as 10 keV, producing temperature changes in the CMB of order 1 mK at RJ wavelengths. The possibility for detection of massive clusters in CMB satellite data has already been discussed in several studies (e.g., \\cite{Aghetal96}, \\cite{HaeTeg96} 1996, \\cite{Poietal98} 1998). Here, however, we are interested in the SZ effect produced by large-scale structure in the general intergalactic medium (IGM) where the gas is expected to be at $\\lesssim 1$keV in mild overdensities, leading to CMB contributions in the $\\mu$K range. It is now widely believed that at least $\\sim$ 50\\% of the present day baryons, when compared to the total baryon budget from big bang nucleosynthesis, are present in gas associated with hot large-scale structure which has remained undetected given its temperature and clustering properties (e.g., \\cite{Fuketal98} 1998; \\cite{CenOst99} 1999; \\cite{Pen99} 1999). Recently, \\cite{Schetal00} (2000) has provided a tentative detection of X-ray emission from a large-scale filament in one of the deep ROSAT PSPC fields; previous attempts yielding upper limits are described in \\cite{KulBoh99} (1999) and \\cite{BriHen95} (1995). These results are consistent with current predictions for the X-ray surface brightness based on numerical simulations (e.g., \\cite{Cenetal95} 1995). \\cite{Pen99} (1999) argued that non-gravitational heating of the gas to $\\sim 1$keV is required to evade bounds from the soft X-ray background. These results suggest that the X-ray emission from this gas may be detectable in the near future with wide-field observations with Chandra X-ray Observatory\\footnote{http://asc.harvard.edu} and X-ray Multiple Mirror Mission\\footnote{http://astro.estec.esa.nl/XMM}. On the theoretical front, hydrodynamic simulations of the SZ effect continue to improve (\\cite{daS99} 1999; \\cite{Refetal99} 1999; \\cite{Seletal00} 2000). As a consensus from these simulations of basic properties such as the opacity weighted gas temperature and average Compton distortion is still lacking, we will base our assessment of the detectability of the large-scale SZ effect on a simple parameterization of the effect, based on a gas pressure bias model (\\cite{Refetal99} 1999), crudely calibrated with the recent hydrodynamic simulations. We employ perturbation theory, non-linear scaling relations, and N-body simulations for the dark matter to assess the statistical properties of the signal. Properly calibrated, these techniques can complement hydrodynamic simulations by extending their dynamic range and sampling volume. Currently, they should simply be taken as order of magnitude estimates of the potential signal. Throughout this paper, we will take an adiabatic cold dark matter (CDM) model as our fiducial cosmology. We assume cosmological parameters $\\Omega_c=0.30$ for the cold dark matter density, $\\Omega_b=0.05$ for the baryon density, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.65$ for the cosmological constant, $h=0.65$ for the dimensionless Hubble constant and a COBE-normalized scale invariant spectrum of primordial fluctuations (\\cite{BunWhi97} 1997). The layout of the paper is as follows. In \\S~\\ref{sec:cleaning}, we describe the foreground and primary anisotropy removal method and assess their efficacy for upcoming CMB experiments. In \\S~\\ref{sec:sz}, we detail the bias model for the SZ effect and calculate through perturbation theory, analytic approximations and numerical simulations, the low order statistics of the SZ effect: its power spectrum, skewness and bispectrum. In \\S~\\ref{sec:sn}, having estimated the noise and the signal, we assess the prospects for measuring these low order statistics in upcoming experiments. We conclude in \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} with a discussion of our results. \\begin{figure*} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=figure1.eps,width=6.5in,angle=0}} \\caption{Top: foreground contributions to temperature anisotropies $(\\Delta T/T)^2 = l(l+1)C_l/2\\pi$ from the various foregrounds (dust, free-free, synchrotron, radio and infrared point sources, and rotating dust) at three fiducial frequencies as labeled. The SZ signal (solid, unlabeled) is estimated with the simplified model of \\S~3. Bottom: residual foregrounds after multifrequency subtraction for Boomerang, MAP and Planck. The total includes detector noise and residual CMB. } \\label{fig:clean} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} We have studied the prospects for extracting the statistical properties of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect associated with hot gas in large-scale structure using upcoming multifrequency CMB experiments. This gas currently remains undetected but may comprise a substantial fraction of the present day baryons. The SZ effect has a distinct spectral dependence with a null at a frequency of $\\sim$ 217 GHz compared with true temperature anisotropies. This frequency dependence is what allows for effective separation of the SZ contribution with multifrequency CMB measurements. As examples, we have employed the frequency and noise specifications of the Boomerang, MAP, Planck experiments. The MAP satellite only covers frequencies at RJ part of the frequency spectrum. Consequently, only Boomerang and Planck can take full advantage of multifrequency separation of the SZ and primary anisotropies. We have evaluated the detection threshold for SZ power spectrum measurements (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:error}). Boomerang and MAP should provide limits on the degree scale fluctuations at the several $\\mu$K level in rms; Planck should be able to detect sub $\\mu$K signals. The expected level of the SZ signal in the fiducial $\\Lambda$CDM model is still somewhat uncertain. We have employed a simple bias model for the pressure fluctuations, roughly normalized to recent hydrodynamic simulations (\\cite{Refetal99} 1999; \\cite{Seletal00} 2000), and calculated the resulting signal using analytic scaling relations and particle-mesh dark matter simulations. As hydrodynamic simulations improve, these techniques can be extended with more sophisticated modeling of the bias. They complement hydrodynamic simulations by extending the dynamic range and simulated volume, the latter being important for questions of sample variance. Assuming this simplified model of the SZ signal, Planck should have signal-to-noise per multipole of order unity for $l < 1000$. Although the recovered maps are then somewhat noisy, they are sufficient for precise determinations of low order statistics such as the SZ power spectrum, bispectrum and skewness (see Figs.~\\ref{fig:simultwopt}-\\ref{fig:szbispec}). The skewness in principle can be used to separate the pressure bias from the underlying amplitude of the density fluctuations. The full bispectrum contains significantly more information but will be difficult to extract in its entirety. Current methods for measuring the bispectrum, tested with the COBE data, have concentrated at measuring specific modes such as $l_1 = l_2 =l_3 = l$ (\\cite{Feretal98} 1998). More work will clearly be required, especially in understanding the systematic errors at a sufficient level, but the wealth of information potentially present in the bispectrum should motivate efforts. Note however that the non-Gaussianity in the SZ signal is not very strong due to the fact that it is constructed from many independent pressure fluctuations along the line of sight. As a consequence, we expect that signal-to-noise ratios can be estimated by Gaussian approximations, but that techniques that try to improve the SZ-primary separation based on non-Gaussianity (\\cite{Hobetal98} 1998; \\cite{AghFor99} 1999) may not be particularly effective for this signal. We caution the reader that our oversimplification of the SZ signal can cause problems for a naive interpretation of future detections. For example, \\cite{Seletal00} (2000) find that the SZ power spectrum in their simulations is dominated by shot noise from the rare hot clusters not included in our modeling. Fortunately since these contributions are highly non-Gaussian, they can can readily be identified and removed. At the very least, $X$-ray bright clusters can be externally identified and removed; this has been shown to substantially reduce the shot noise contribution (\\cite{KomKit99} 1999). The effect we are modeling should be understood as the signal in fields without such clusters. Another means of separating the SZ signal from large-scale structure from that of massive clusters is to cross correlate it with other tracers of large-scale structure that are less sensitive to highly overdense regions. An added benefit is that such a cross-correlation will also empirically measure the extent to which pressure fluctuations follow mass fluctuations. The CMB anisotropies themselves carry one such tracer in the form of the convergence from weak lensing. It manifests itself as a three-point correlation or bispectrum (\\cite{GolSpe99} 1999) but without frequency information it is severely sample-variance limited due to confusion noise from primary anisotropies. Measuring the SZ-lensing correlation using the cleaned SZ maps improves the signal-to-noise for the detection by over an order of magnitude at degree scales. Furthermore, the techniques introduced by \\cite{ZalSel99} (1999) provide a concrete algorithm for extracting most of the three-point signal without recourse to measuring all the configurations of the bispectrum. Conversely, SZ removal from the CMB maps themselves can assist in the detection of other smaller bispectrum signals by eliminating one source of confusion noise. The cross-correlation coefficient between the SZ effect and CMB weak lensing is relatively modest ($\\sim$ 0.5, see \\cite{Seletal00} 2000). This is due to the fact that the SZ effect is a tracer of the nearby universe while CMB lensing is maximally sensitive to structure at $z\\sim 3$. A higher correlation is expected if SZ is cross-correlated with an external probe of low redshift structure. \\cite{PeiSpe00} (2000) suggested the cross-correlation of MAP CMB data and Sloan\\footnote{http://www.sdss.org} galaxy data. An improved approach would be to use the Planck derived SZ map rather than a CMB map. Using a SZ map reduces noise from the primary anisotropies and guarantees that any detection is due to correlations with the SZ effect. Extending the calculations in \\cite{PeiSpe00} (2000) with the Planck generated SZ map, we find signal-to-noise ratios which are on average greater by a factor of $\\sim$ 10 when compared to signal-to-noise values using MAP CMB map. In fact with redshifts for galaxies, Planck SZ map can be cross-correlated in redshifts bins to study the redshift evolution of the gas. Other promising possibilities include cross correlation with soft X-ray background measurements, as well as ultraviolet and soft X-ray absorption line studies. All these considerations imply a bright future for SZ studies of the hot gas associated with large-scale structure with wide-field multifrequency CMB observations. Its detailed properties should be revealed in its non-Gaussianity and correlation with other tracers of large-scale structure." }, "0002/astro-ph0002524_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Definitely, an affirmative answer to this question would have implications of fundamental importance for astrophysics (a new class of compact stars), and for the physics of strong interactions (deconfined phase of quark matter, and strange matter hypothesis). In the present work, we use observational data for the newly discovered millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 and for the atoll source 4U~1728-34 to constrain the radius of the underlying compact stars. Comparing the mass--radius relation of these two compact stars with theoretical models for both neutron stars and strange stars, we argue that a strange star model is more consistent with SAX J1808.4-3658 and 4U~1728-34, and suggest that they are likely strange star candidates. ", "introduction": "The possible existence of a new class of compact stars, which are made entirely of deconfined {\\it u,d,s} quark matter ({\\it strange quark matter} (SQM)), is one of the most intriguing aspects of modern astrophysics. These compact objects are called strange stars. They differ from neutron stars, where quarks are confined within neutrons, protons, and eventually within other hadrons ({\\it e.g. hyperons}). The investigation of such a possibility is relevant not only for astrophysics, but for high energy physics too. In fact, the search for a deconfined phase of quark matter is one of the main goals in heavy ion physics. Experiments at Brookhaven National Lab's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), will hopefully clarify this issue in the near future. The possibility that strange stars do exist is based on the so called {\\it strange matter hypothesis}, formulated by Witten~(1984) (see also Bodmer, 1971). According to this hypothesis, strange quark matter, in equilibrium with respect to the weak interactions, could be the true ground state of strongly interacting matter rather than $^{56}Fe$, {\\it i.e.} the energy per baryon of SQM must fulfil the inequality \\be \\bigg( {{E}\\over{A}} \\bigg)_{SQM} \\leq {{E(^{56}Fe)}\\over{56}} \\simeq 930~MeV, \\label{eq:stableSQM} \\ee at the baryon density where the pressure is equal to zero. If the strange matter hypothesis is true, then a nucleus with A nucleons, could in principle lower its energy by converting to a strangelet (a drop of SQM). However, this process requires a very high-order simultaneous weak interactions to convert about a number A of {\\it u} and {\\it d} quarks of the nucleus into strange quarks. The probability for such a process is extremely low {\\footnote{~It is proportional to $G_F^{2A}$, being $G_F$ the Fermi constant, and assuming a number $A$ of simultaneous weak processes.}}, and the mean life time for an atomic nucleus to decay to a strangelet is much higher than the age of the Universe. On the other hand, a step by step production of {\\it s} quarks, at different times, will produce hyperons in the nucleus, {\\it i.e.} a system (hypernucleus) with a higher energy per baryon with respect to the original nucleus. In addition, finite size effects (surface and shell effects) place a lower limit (A $\\sim$ 10--100) on the baryon number of a stable strangelet even if bulk SQM is stable (Farhi \\& Jaffe, 1984). Thus, according to the strange matter hypothesis, the ordinary state of matter, in which quarks are confined within hadrons, is a metastable state. The success of traditional nuclear physics, in explaining an astonishing amount of experimental data, provides a clear indication that quarks in a nucleus are confined within protons and neutrons. Thus, the energy per baryon $(E/A)_{ud}$ of {\\it u,d} quark matter (nonstrange quark matter) must be higher than the energy per baryon of nuclei \\be \\bigg( {{E}\\over{A}} \\bigg)_{ud} \\geq 930~MeV + \\Delta , \\label{eq:stableNSQM} \\ee being $\\Delta \\sim 4$~MeV a quantity which accounts for the lower energy per baryon of a finite chunk ($A \\sim 250$) of nonstrange quark matter with respect to the bulk ($A \\rightarrow \\infty$) case (Farhi \\& Jaffe, 1984). These stability conditions (eq.s (1) and (2)) in turn may be used to constrain the parameters entering in models for the equation of state (EOS) of SQM. As we show below, the existence of strange stars is allowable within the uncertainties inherent in perturbative Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD). Thus {\\it strange stars may exist in the Universe}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002181_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present statistics of SGR 1806-20 bursts, combining 290 events detected with RXTE/PCA, 111 events detected with BATSE and 134 events detected with ICE. We find that the fluence distribution of bursts observed with each instrument are well described by power laws with indices 1.43, 1.76 and 1.67, respectively. The distribution of time intervals between successive bursts from SGR 1806-20 is described by a lognormal function with a peak at 103 s. There is no correlation between the burst intensity and either the waiting times till the next burst or the time elapsed since the previous burst. In all these statistical properties, SGR 1806-20 bursts resemble a self-organized critical system, similar to earthquakes and solar flares. Our results thus support the hypothesis that the energy source for SGR bursts is crustquakes due to the evolving, strong magnetic field of the neutron star, rather than any accretion or nuclear power. ", "introduction": "Soft gamma repeaters (SGR) are a rare class of objects characterized by their repetitive emission of low energy gamma-ray bursts. SGR bursts last $\\sim$ 0.1 s and their spectra are usually well described by an optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB) model with kT $\\sim$ 20--40 keV. Three of the four known SGRs are associated with slowly rotating (P$_{\\rm spin}$ $\\sim$ ~5--8 s; Mazets et al. 1979, Kouveliotou et al. 1998, Hurley et al. 1999), ultra-strongly magnetized ($B \\gtrsim 10^{14}$ Gauss; Kouveliotou et al. 1998, Kouveliotou et al. 1999a) neutron stars positioned within or near young supernova remnants. For a review of the burst and persistent emission properties of SGRs, see Kouveliotou (1999b) and Hurley (2000). Cheng et al. (1996) \\markcite{cheng96} reported similarities between particular statistical properties of a sample of 111 SGR 1806-20 bursts (observed with the International Cometary Explorer, ICE, between 1979 and 1984) and earthquakes. They noted that the distribution of the event energies of both phenomena follow a power law, dN $\\propto$ E$^{-\\gamma}$~dE, with index, $\\gamma$ $\\sim$ 1.6. Furthermore, they found that the cumulative waiting times between successive SGR bursts and earthquakes are similar. Laros et al. (1987) noted that the distribution of waiting times between successive SGR 1806-20 bursts follow a lognormal function, which was also seen between micro-glitches of the Vela pulsar (Hurley et al. 1994). Using the same data set, Palmer (1999) showed that, similar to earthquakes, some SGR 1806-20 bursts may originate from relaxation systems. {G\\\"o\\u{g}\\\"u\\c{s}} et al. (1999) studied a set of 1024 bursts from SGR 1900+14; 187 bursts were detected with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) aboard the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) and 837 bursts were detected with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) during an active period of the source in 1998. We found that their fluence distribution is consistent with a power law of index $\\gamma$ = 1.66 over 4 orders of magnitude. The distribution of waiting times between successive bursts also follows a lognormal function, which peaks at $\\sim$ 49 s. We discussed the idea that SGRs, like earthquakes and solar flares, are manifestations of self-organized critical systems (Bak, Tang \\& Wiesenfeld 1988). All of these results are consistent with the idea that SGR bursts are caused by starquakes, which are the result of a fracture of the crust of a magnetically-powered neutron star, or ``magnetar\" (Duncan \\& Thompson 1992\\markcite{dt92}; Thompson and Duncan 1995\\markcite{td95}, 1996\\markcite{td96}). SGR 1806-20 exhibited sporadic bursting activity from the launch of BATSE (in April 1991) until November 1993 (Kouveliotou et al. ~1994\\markcite{kou94}). In October 1996, the source entered a burst active phase. The reactivation initiated a series of pointed observations with the RXTE/PCA over a period of two weeks. These observations led to the discovery of 7.47 s pulsations from SGR 1806-20 and confirmed its nature as a magnetar (Kouveliotou et al. 1998). In these two weeks RXTE/PCA recorded a total of 290 bursts\\setcounter{footnote}{6} \\footnote{Examples of RXTE/PCA observations of SGR 1806-20 can be seen at {\\tt http://gammaray.msfc.nasa.gov/batse/sgr/sgr1806/}}. In the BATSE data, SGR 1806-20 burst activity was persistent but variable from October 1996 up to October 1999 with a total of 116 recorded bursts. In this {\\it Letter}, we present a comprehensive study of the statistical properties of SGR 1806-20 by combining several data bases. Sections 2, 3 and 4 describe the CGRO/BATSE, RXTE/PCA and ICE observations, respectively. Our results are presented in Section 5 and discussed in Section 6. ", "conclusions": "The fluence distributions of the SGR 1806-20 bursts seen with ICE and BATSE are well described by single power laws with indices 1.67 $\\pm$ 0.15 and 1.76 $\\pm$ 0.17, respectively, while RXTE bursts have an index of 1.43 $\\pm$ 0.06. These indices are similar to those found for SGR 1900+14 (1.66, {G\\\"o\\u{g}\\\"u\\c{s}} et al. 1999) and SGR 1627-41 (1.62, Woods et al. 1999b). The ICE and BATSE values are consistent with one another, over nearly the same energy range but at different epochs. This suggests that SGR event fluence distributions may not vary greatly in time, therefore, we combine the ICE and BATSE values to calculate a ``high-energy'' index, $\\gamma$ = 1.71 $\\pm$ 0.11. The difference between the ``low-energy'' (RXTE) index and the ``high-energy'' index is insignificant ($\\sim$ 2.3 $\\sigma$); more ``high-energy'' data are needed to determine whether there is a break in the distribution. Power law energy distributions have also been found for earthquakes with $\\gamma$ = 1.4 to 1.8 (Gutenberg \\& Richter 1956; Chen et al. 1991; Lay \\& Wallace 1995), and solar flares, $\\gamma$ = 1.53 to 1.73 (Crosby et al. 1993, Lu et al. 1993). This is a typical behavior seen in self-organized critical systems. The concept of self-organized criticality (Bak, Tang \\& Wiesenfeld 1988) states that sub-systems self-organize due to some driving force to a critical state at which a slight perturbation can cause a chain reaction of any size within the system. SGR power law fluence distributions, along with a lognormal waiting time distribution support the idea that systems responsible for SGR bursts are in a state of self-organized criticality. We believe that in SGRs, the critical systems are neutron star crusts strained by evolving magnetic stresses (cf. Thompson \\& Duncan ~1995). Cheng et al. (1996) suggested that there is a high energy cut-off in the cumulative energy distribution of SGR 1806-20 bursts seen by ICE. In a cumulative energy distribution, the values of neighboring points are correlated, consequently, judging the significance of apparent deviations is very difficult. For these reasons we used a maximum likelihood fitting technique and displayed the differential energy distributions (e.g Fig.2). We find no evidence for a high-energy cut-off in the ICE data of SGR 1806-20 up to burst energies $\\sim 10^{41}$ ergs. It should be noted, however, that a high energy cut-off or turnover must exist because otherwise the total energy diverges. The distribution of waiting times of SGR 1806-20 bursts observed with RXTE is well described by a lognormal function, similar to that found by Hurley et al. (1994) for the bursts seen with ICE. The waiting times of the RXTE events are on average shorter than the ones observed with ICE, maybe due to different burst active phase of the source or to instrumental sensitivity (the PCA is more sensitive to weaker bursts than ICE, and the system displayed plenty of weaker bursts as well as strong ones in 1996), or combination of both. Recently G\\\"o\\u{g}\\\"u\\c{s} et al. (1999) showed that the recurrence time distribution of SGR 1900+14 bursts observed with RXTE is also a lognormal function which peaks at $\\sim$ 49 s. The lack of any correlation between the intensity and the waiting time until the next burst agrees well with the results of ICE observations of SGR 1806-20 (Laros et al. 1987). This behavior, also seen in SGR 1900+14 (G\\\"o\\u{g}\\\"u\\c{s} et al. 1999) confirms that the physical mechanism responsible for SGR bursts is different from systems where accretion-powered outbursts take place (e.g. the Rapid Burster, Lewin et al. 1976, and the Bursting Pulsar, Kouveliotou et al. 1996) The burst activity of SGR 1806-20 over the last three years is considerably different from that of SGR 1900+14. After a long period with almost no bursts, BATSE recorded 200 bursts from SGR 1900+14 between 1998 May and 1999 January, with a remarkably low activity thereafter. On the other hand, after SGR 1806-20 reactivated in 1996, it continued bursting on a lower rate, with 18 bursts in 1997, 32 in 1998 and 18 in 1999 through October. The latest RXTE observations of SGR 1806-20 in 1999 August revealed that smaller scale bursts are still occurring occasionally in this system, whereas contemporaneous RXTE observations of SGR 1900+14 do not show burst activity of any size. This continuation of burst activity may prevent the deposition of very large amounts of stress in the crust. Therefore, in SGR 1806-20 it may be less likely to expect, in the near future, a giant flare from this source, as the ones seen on 1979 March 5 from SGR 0526-66 (Mazetz et al. 1979) and on 1998 August 27 from SGR 1900+14 (Hurley et al. 1999)." }, "0002/astro-ph0002148_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It is shown how wavelets may be used to analyse the absorption properties of the \\Lya forest. The Discrete Wavelet Transform of a QSO spectrum is used to decompose the light fluctuations that comprise the forest into orthogonal wavelets. It is demonstrated that most of the signal is carried by the moderate to lower frequency wavelets in high resolution spectra, and that a statistically acceptable description of even high signal--to--noise spectra is provided by only a fraction (10--30\\%) of the wavelets. The distributions of the wavelet coefficients provide a statistical basis for discriminating between different models of the \\Lya forest. The method is illustrated using the measured spectrum of Q1937--1009. The procedure described is readily automated and may be used to process both measured spectra and the large number of spectra generated by numerical simulations, permitting a fair comparison between the two. ", "introduction": "Measurements of QSO spectra show that the Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is composed of highly inhomogeneous structures. Ever since their identification by Lynds (1971) and the pioneering survey of Sargent \\etal (1980), these inhomogeneities have been described as discrete absorption systems, the \\Lya forest. With the view that the systems arise from individual intervening gas clouds, the \\Lya forest has been characterized using traditional absorption line statistics, most notably the line equivalent widths and, as the spectra improved in resolution and signal--to--noise ratio, the Doppler widths and \\HI column densities through Voigt profile line fitting to the features. In the past few years, numerical simulations have successfully modelled many of the measured properties of the forest, showing that the absorption systems may arise as a consequence of cosmological structure formation (Cen \\etal 1994; Zhang, Anninos \\& Norman 1995; Hernquist \\etal 1996; Bond \\& Wadsley 1997; Zhang \\etal 1997; Theuns, Leonard \\& Efstathiou 1998). The simulations have shown, contrary to the picture in which the systems are isolated intergalactic gas clouds, that most of the systems originate in an interconnected web of sheets and filaments of gas and dark matter (Cen \\etal 1994; Bond \\& Wadsley 1997; Zhang \\etal 1998). Alternative statistical methods were subsequently introduced for describing the forest using the more direct measurements of the induced light fluctuations. These include the 1-point distribution of the fluctuations (Miralda-Escud\\'e \\etal 1996; Zhang \\etal 1997), and a quantity related to the 2-point distribution based on a weighted difference of the light fluctuations in neighbouring wavelength pixels (Miralda-Escud\\'e \\etal). A direct estimate of the 2-point transmission correlation function was made by Zuo \\& Bond (1994). While the newer methods for analysing the \\Lya forest avoid the identification of absorption lines and the fitting of Voigt profiles, they are not necessarily fundamentally different in their description of the spectra. For instance, Zhang \\etal (1998) find that the distribution of optical depth per pixel in their simulation may be recovered by modelling the spectra entirely by discrete absorption lines with Voigt profiles. Rather the more direct methods circumvent a difficulty that has long plagued attempts to characterize the absorbers in terms of Voigt profiles: the sensitivity of the resulting line statistics to noise and to the fitting procedure. Absorption line fitting of necessity requires arbitrary decisions to be made regarding the setting of the continuum level, the deblending of features, and a decision on the acceptability of a fit. Different observational groups report different distributions for the line parameters. Most discrepant has been the inferred distribution of line widths. Even with the highest quality data gathered to date using the Keck HIRES, agreement is still lacking, with Hu \\etal (1995) finding a narrower Doppler parameter distribution with a significantly higher mean than found by Kirkman \\& Tytler (1997). The differences are important, as cosmological simulations predict comparable differences for a range of plausible cosmological models (Machacek \\etal 2000; Meiksin \\etal 2000). The purpose in this paper is to develop a method that provides an alternative objective description of the statistics of the \\Lya forest. Ultimately the goal is to employ the same method for analysing both observational data and data derived from numerical simulations in order to compare the two on a fair basis. Because of the large number of synthetic spectra generated from a simulation necessary to provide a correct average description of the forest, two principal requirements of the procedure are that it be fast and easily automated. Although automated or semi--automated Voigt profile fitting procedures exist (AutoVP, Dav\\'e \\etal 1997; VPFIT, developed by Carswell and collaborators), these procedures still require arbitrary decisions to be made to obtain acceptable fits. The complexity of the codes makes it difficult to assess the statistical significance of differences between the measured distributions of the absorption line parameters and those predicted. The codes also are computationally expensive, making very costly their application to the large number of simulated spectra required to obtain a statistically valid average of the line parameters. For these reasons, a faster less complex method would be desirable. The Voigt profile fitting codes yield important parameters, like the linewidths, which contain physical information (eg, gas temperature and turbulent velocities), that the direct-analysis methods do not. It would thus be desirable for an alternative method to retain some of this information. The method presented here utilizes wavelets to characterize the absorption statistics of the \\Lya forest. It is not intended to be a replacement for Voigt profile fitting, but a fast alternative that allows a ready comparison between the predictions of numerical models and measured spectra and a clear statistical analysis of the results. The outline of the paper is as follows: in \\S\\ref{sec:wavelets} it is shown how the statistics of the \\Lya forest may be characterized using wavelets. In \\S\\ref{sec:results} the method is applied to the measured spectrum of a high redshift QSO. The results are summarized in \\S\\ref{sec:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} Wavelets may be usefully employed to provide a statistical characterizaton of the absorption properties of the \\Lya forest. An approach is presented that performs a multiresolution analysis of the forest using the Discrete Wavelet Transform of the QSO spectrum. The transform decomposes the local frequency dependence of the light fluctuations into an orthogonal hierarchy of basis functions, the wavelets. It is found that in spectra of better than 10~\\kms resolution, most of the information of the spectrum is carried by the lower frequency wavelets. For a signal--to--noise ratio typical of even the highest quality spectra ($S/N=10-100$), only 10--30\\% of the wavelets are required to provide a statistically acceptable description of the spectrum, corresponding to a data compression factor of 3--10. It is shown that a Voigt profile line analysis performed on the wavelet filtered spectra yields nearly identical line parameter distributions as obtained from the original unfiltered spectra. The distributions of the wavelet coefficients offer an alternative statistical description of the \\Lya forest while retaining information on the line widths. It is demonstrated that the correlations of coefficients between different levels in the wavelet hierarchy are weak (a few percent or smaller). Consequently, each of the distributions may be treated as statistically independent to good approximation. The method is applied to a Keck HIRES spectrum of Q1937--1009. The wavelet coefficient distributions behave qualitatively similarly to those found in Monte Carlo simulations based on the line parameter distributions reported by Kirkman \\& Tytler. The measured distributions, however, show some differences on the scale $17-34$~\\kms. The results demonstrate that Multiresolution Analysis using the Discrete Wavelet Transform provides an alternative objective, easily automated procedure for analysing the \\Lya forest suitable for basing a comparison between the measured properties of the \\Lya forest and the predictions of numerical models. \\bigskip The author thanks S. Burles and D. Tytler for kindly providing the spectrum of Q1937--1009, and R. Dav\\'e for permission to use AutoVP." }, "0002/hep-ex0002048_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) was flown on the space shuttle {\\it Discovery} during flight STS--91 in a 51.7$^\\circ$ orbit at altitudes between 320 and 390\\,km. A total of $2.86\\times 10^6$ helium nuclei were observed in the rigidity range 1 to 140\\,GV. No antihelium nuclei were detected at any rigidity. An upper limit on the flux ratio of antihelium to helium of $< 1.1\\times 10^{-6}$ is obtained. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002476_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper presents some statistical correlations of 72 northern spiral galaxies. The results show that early-type spirals that are brighter, and thicker, and the axis ratios ($H_{z}/H_r$) of the disk tend to be smaller along the Hubble sequence. We also find that $H_{z}/H_r$ correlates strongly with the galaxy's color, and early-type spirals have larger values of $H_{z}/H_r$. The inclinations obtained by fitting the pattern of a spiral structure with a logarithmic spiral form are nearly the same as those obtained by using the formulas of Aaronson et al. (1980). Finally, the mean measured pitch angles for the different Hubble sequences in the Third Catalogue of Bright Galaxies by de Vaucouleurs et al. (1991) are derived. ", "introduction": "The inclination of a spiral galaxy ( i.e., the angle between the galactic plane and the tangent plane of the celestial sphere) is not only an important parameter, but also difficult to determine. A spiral galaxy consists of a thin disk, a bulge and spiral arms that are thought to be situated in the disk. If we assume that the thickness of the spiral plane is rather negligible in comparision to its extension, and that when a spiral galaxy is inclined moderately to the plane of sky, the thickness of the nucleus can be omitted, the inclination $(\\gamma)$ can be obtained by: \\begin{equation} \\gamma=\\arccos(\\frac{d}{D}), \\end{equation} where $D$ and $d$ are the apparent major and minor isophotal diameters respectively. When a spiral galaxy is seen edge-on, it is not possible to consider the thickness of the nuclear part as negligible. Thus, Eq. (1) cannot be used to calculate the inclination. The reason for this is that the apparent minor isophotal-diameter consists of two parts. One is attributed by the disk and, another by the bulge, the latter of which will decrease the real value of the inclination. Considering that the disk is not infinitely thin, Aaronson et al. (1980) corrected Eq. (1) by \\begin{equation} \\gamma=\\arccos\\sqrt{1.042(\\frac{d}{D})^{2}-0.042}+3^{\\circ}. \\end{equation} The constant of $3^{\\circ}$ is added in accordance with an empirical recipe. A more elaborate specification of the axial ratio for an edge-on system that depends on the Hubble type could be justified. The thinnest galaxies are Sc spirals', earlier types have larger bulges. Giovanelli et al. (1997) provided an example to justify why they assumed the axial ratio of Sc galaxies to be 0.13. A smaller value of the axial ratio for an edge-on system results in smaller derived inclinations, where the spirals are more face-on. Besides, if the values $D$ and $d$ are approximations due to errors, the inclination obtained by Eq. (2) is not an exact value. Ma et al. (1997, 1998) proposed a method to determine the inclination of a spiral galaxy by fitting a spiral arm with a logarithmic spiral form with constant pitch angle. They obtained the inclinations of 72 northern spiral galaxies. The question of the mathematical form of spiral arms was recognized at the beginning of this century (von der Pahlen, 1911; Groot, 1925). Then, Danver (1942), Kennicutt (1981) and Kennicutt \\& Hodge (1982) systematically studied the shapes of spiral arms. Using the method of the least squares and as many points as possible situated on the spiral arm in question, Danver (1942) studied a sample of 98 nearby spirals by drawing the projected images on white paper and then, by copying it on the paper to be used for the measurement thanks to transparent illumination. Kennicutt (1981) measured the shapes of spiral arms in 113 nearby Sa-Sc galaxies by disposing directly of photographic enlargement and using an iterative procedure to correct for inclination effects. He gave an initial estimate of the inclination and pitch angle to orient the spiral to a face-on geometry, and then used any residual sinusoidal deviations in the arm shapes to make small corrections to the derived orientation. Using the IRAF software, Ma et al. (1997, 1998) fitted the shapes of spiral arms on the images, so that they could show clearly whether the fitting was good or not. The DISPLAY program of IRAF software can enlarge the image and change its grey scale to minimize any personal prejudice about the regularity and prominence of arms. But we must emphasize that the DISPLAY program of IRAF has many variables, so the results are not always objective. In our program, we modify z1 (minimum greylevel to be displayed) and z2 (maximum greylevel to be displayed) in the DISPLAY program in order to display the images clearly. In the procedure of fitting, we emphasize the global spiral structure, where, except for the small-scale distortions, the arms can be represented by the logarithmic spiral forms. There has been much interest concerning the separation of disk and bulge components in the observed surface brightness distribution of spiral galaxies. de Vaucouleurs (1958), for instance, established an isophotic map of M~31 in blue light by means of direct photoelectric scans, spaced at 10$'$ intervals in declination from +39$^{\\circ}$31$'$ to 42$^{\\circ}$30$'$. From photoelectric photometry, he determined that the thickness of the flat component is about 0.8 kpc. By assuming that a galaxy has an infinitesimally thin disk, Freeman (1970) and Sandage et al. (1970) collected and studied the radial distribution of the surface brightness $I(r)$ for thirty-six S0 and spiral galaxies, and showed that $I(r)$ distribution for these galaxies can be presented by two main components: an inner spheroidal component which follows the law of \\begin{equation} \\log I(r) \\propto r^{1/4} \\end{equation} and an outer exponential component (disk), with \\begin{equation} \\log I(r)=I_0e^{-r/h_r}, \\end{equation} where $h_r$ is defined as a radial scale length. Van der Kruit and Searle (1981a) proposed a model for the light distribution in the disks of edge-on spiral galaxies, assuming that a galaxy has a locally isothermal, self-gravitating and truncated exponential disk. This model has the feature of being isothermal in $z$ at all radii with a scale parameter $z_0$ and has an exponential dependence of surface brightness upon $r$ with a scale length $h_r$. The space-luminosity of this model can be described by \\begin{equation} L(r, z)=L_0e^{-r/h_r}{\\rm{sech}}^{2}(z/z_0). \\end{equation} With this model, van der Kruit \\& Searle (1981a, 1981b, 1982a, 1982b) determined $h_r$ and $z_0$ for seven disk-dominated and one spheroid-dominated spiral galaxies by using three-color surface photometry. Peng et al (1979) investigated three-dimensional disk galaxies, based on the fundamental assumption by Parenago that the density distribution along $z$-direction for a finite thickness disk is \\begin{equation} \\rho(r, \\phi, z)=\\frac{1}{H_z}\\sigma(r, \\phi)e^{-|z|/h}, \\end{equation} where $h$ is defined as an exponential scale height, $H_{z}$ is defined as a thickness of disk and equals $2h$, and $\\sigma(r, \\phi)$ is the surface density. By solving Poission's equation for a logarithmic density perturbation, Peng et al. (1979) obtained a criterion for density waves to appear, which is \\begin{equation} r>r_0=\\frac{H_z\\sqrt{m^2+\\Lambda^2}}{2}, \\end{equation} where $(r_0, \\phi_0)$ is the polar coordinate of the starting point from which arms of a galaxy stretch outward on the galactic plane, and $m$ is the number of the arms in a spiral galaxy. Based on this criterion, Peng (1988) proposed a method for estimating the thickness of a non-edge-on spiral, and derived the thicknesses of four galaxies. Guthrie (1992) derived the axial ratios $R$ of disc components for 262 edge-on spiral galaxies on print copies of the blue Palomar Sky Survey plates by using a microscope fitted with a micrometer eyepiece. He then analyzed the distribution of isophotal axial ratios for 888 diameter-limited normal Sa-Sc galaxies to give information on the true axial ratios $R_0$, and at last presented the mean value of $\\log R_0$ is $0.95\\pm0.03$. Ma et al. (1997, 1998) derived the thicknesses of 72 spirals by using Peng's proposal (Peng, 1988) and presented some statistical correlations between thickness or flatness and other parameters. The value of $R_0$ derived by Guthrie (1992) is based on observational work and, should be much more reliable. So, it is important to compare Ma et al.'s results (1997, 1998) to Guthrie's (1992). In Ma et al. (1997, 1998), the flatnesses for 72 galactic disks ($H_{z}/D_0$) \\footnote{$D_0$, which is measured at or reduced down to the surface brightness level $\\mu_{B}=25.0 B$ magnitudes per square arcsecond, and corrected to the ``face-on'' ($\\gamma = 0^{\\circ}$). For the Galactic extinction, but not for redshift, $D_0$ is from the Third Catalogue of Bright Galaxies by de Vaucouleurs et al. (hereafter RC3).} were given, and the mean value is $0.033 \\pm 0.002$. Suppose that the value of ratio of radial scale length ($h_r$) over exponential scale height ($h$) for an average exponential galactic disk is equal to $R_0$ from Guthrie (1992), which is 9. From Freeman (1970), we can derive $D_0/(2h_r)\\approx 5$. Thus, we obtain $H_{z}/D_0\\approx 0.023$, which is in relative agreement with the mean value of Ma et al. (1997, 1998). At the same time, we calculate the values of $\\overline{\\log R_0}$ for spirals of various types T and list them in Table 1. T, from the RC3, is morphological types, and $\\sigma$ is the dispersion. From this table and Table 3 of Guthrie (1992), we can see that our results are in agreement with Guthrie's (1992). Except for the data concerning Scd galaxies, our results also agree with de Grijs' (1998). \\begin{table} \\caption{Values of $\\overline{\\log R_0}$ for spirals of various types T.} \\begin{tabular} {c|ccc} \\hline T & $\\overline{\\log R_0}$ & $\\sigma$ \\\\ \\hline 2 & $0.65\\pm 0.04$ & 0.09\\\\ 3 & $0.79\\pm 0.06$ & 0.21\\\\ 4 & $0.79\\pm 0.04$ & 0.21\\\\ 5 & $0.90\\pm 0.04$ & 0.18\\\\ 6 & $1.20\\pm 0.15$ & 0.33\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} The structure of this paper is as following: in Sect. 2, we outline the principles of obtaining an inclination and a pitch angle; Sect. 3 presents some statistical properties; and conclusions will be shown in Sect. 4. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we investigate some statistical correlations about the thickness of galactic disks and pitch angles of spiral arms. The main conclusions are: (1). Early-type spirals, that are brighter on the average, are thicker; (2). The axis ratio ($H_{z}/H_r$, here $H_{r}$ and $H_z$ are defined as two times the radial scale length ($h_r$) and exponential scale height ($h$)) of galactic disk tends to be smaller along the Hubble sequence; (3). Except for a few galaxies, early-type spiral galaxies have larger values of $H_{z}/H_r$; (4). $H_{z}/H_r$ correlates strongly with galaxy color; (5). The inclinations obtained by fitting the pattern of spiral structure with a logarithmic spiral form are nearly the same as those obtained by using the formulas of Aaronson et al. (1980); (6). The mean measured pitch angles for different Hubble sequences in the RC3 are derived, and the results show that the mean pitch angles of Sa-Sc's are not larger than $15.5^{\\circ}$, so that cotan$\\mu\\geq3.6$. Thus the WKB approximation can be satisfied at the mean pitch angles from Sa-Sc's, but not by very much; (7). From early to late Hubble types, the mean value of pitch angle increases, despite some scattering. Although the method, proposed by Peng (1988) for deriving the thickness of a face-on disc, is effective and simple, it relies on a spiral structure theory that predicts that a spiral arm has to end somewhere in the disk. However, this theory might not be completely right. For example, Zaritsky et al. (1993) has presented K-band (2.2 $\\mu m$) images of M~51, which reveal remarkable dynamical structure not visible in the conventional optical observations, and show that the spiral arms extend significantly further towards the galaxy's center than previously observed. In the optical images, the spiral arms begins at a radius of about $30^{''}$ from the center. But, the K-band residual image showed the spiral arms wind through an additional $540^{\\circ}$ beyond that seen in the B-band images of the entire galaxy, and end at about $10^{''}$ from the center of the galaxy. If spiral galaxies whose spiral arms do not stop anywhere in the disk exist, the parameters $\\rho_0$ and $r_0$ (Peng, 1988; Ma et al., 1997, 1998) cannot be found. In the K-band images, which minimize the effect of dust and maximize sensitivity to the dominant stellar population, we can derive our reliable values of $\\rho_0$ and $r_0$. As an example, we apply our method to the image of M~51 in the K-band\\footnote{The image of M~51 in K-band is provided by Prof. Zaritsky.} and derive the flatness of disk ($H_z/D_0$), which is $0.010\\pm 26.4\\%$. Comparing this value with Peng's (1988) ($H_z/D_0=0.013\\pm 16.4\\%$), we can find that the value of the flatness based on the K-band image is smaller. The reason is that, in the K-band image, the effect of dust can be minimized and the values of $\\rho_0$ and $r_0$ may be reliably derived. We also emphasize that the images, which Ma et al. (1998) used, are from the Digitized Palomar Sky Survey, in which many images have burnt-out centers. There are some pictures that have burnt-out centers in Ma et al. (1998), but we can change the parameters of DISPLAY program to minimize the effect." }, "0002/astro-ph0002195_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an inventory of mid-infrared spectral features detected in high resolution (R$\\sim$1500) ISO-SWS 2.4--45$\\mu$m spectra of the galaxies \\object{M\\,82}, \\object{NGC\\,253}, \\object{Circinus}, \\object{NGC\\,1068}, and a position in the \\object{30\\,Doradus} region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. We discuss their identifications and highlight possible relations between these features and the physical state of the interstellar medium in galaxies. The spectral features vary considerably from source to source in presence and relative strength. Emission features are largely absent in the intense radiation field close to an AGN. Compared to normal infrared-selected starbursts, they also seem to be weaker in a low metallicity, intensely star forming environment. The large number of features beyond 13$\\mu$m is remarkable. Some of the features have -- to our knowledge -- not been reported before in astronomical objects. In the 5--13$\\mu$m region, emission from unidentified infrared bands (UIBs), usually ascribed to aromatic molecules, and apparent silicate absorption dominate the spectrum. The density of features makes it difficult to determine the continuum, particularly in ground-based data of limited wavelength coverage. In fact the apparent depth of the 9.7$\\mu$m silicate absorption may be overestimated in the presence of UIB emission, as we demonstrate by comparing the spectrum of M\\,82 to the (absorption free) spectrum of the reflection nebula \\object{NGC\\,7023}. No strong silicate absorption is present in M\\,82. The (very small grain) dust continuum under the UIB emission in our starburst templates can be modeled by a simple power law, starting at wavelengths between 8 and 9$\\mu$m. We find broad H$_2$O-ice absorption features at 3.0$\\mu$m in M\\,82 and NGC\\,253. Their optical depths (relative to the visual extinction) indicate that the lines of sight towards these galaxies have similar properties as the line of sight towards the Galactic Center. The active galaxy NGC\\,1068 exhibits a clearly different spectrum of absorption features, indicating different physical conditions in the obscuring regions of this AGN compared to the starburst templates. The spectra are valuable templates for future mid-infrared missions. We smooth our data to simulate low resolution spectra as obtained with ISOCAM-CVF, ISOPHOT-S, and in the future with the low resolution mode of SIRTF-IRS, and use our high spectral resolution information to highlight possible identification problems at low resolving power that are caused by coincidences of lines and features. The spectra are available in electronic form from the authors. ", "introduction": "Mid-infrared spectra of galaxies are rich in emission lines, and display prominent broader emission and absorption features due to the presence of various solids and/or large molecules in their interstellar medium (ISM). Significant variation from source to source suggests that these features may provide important diagnostics of the ISM conditions in galaxies. The ground based and Kuiper Airborne Observatory spectra of the prototypical starburst M\\,82 by Gillett et al. (1975) and Willner et al. (1977) fully established the existence of the mid-infrared `unidentified infrared bands' (UIB) at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3$\\mu$m in galaxy spectra. These emission bands are characteristic of C-C and C-H bonds in aromatic molecules. In this paper we will refer to them as `PAH features' according to one of the most popular interpretations of their carrier, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules \\footnote{Other suggested carriers include small grains of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (HACs), quenched carbonaceous composites (QCCs), or coal.}. These detections and related work using the IRAS LRS (Cohen \\& Volk 1989) form the basic pre-ISO knowledge of mid-infrared spectral features in galaxies. Considerable work has also been done from the ground but has been limited to the features found in atmospheric windows, mainly silicate absorption and PAH feature emission in the N band (e.g. Roche et al. 1991, and references therein) and the companion PAH feature in the L band (e.g. Moorwood 1986). The restriction to atmospheric windows increases problems in establishing the `continuum' on which the features are superposed. This is a nontrivial task, even with full wavelength coverage, due to the crowding of mid-infrared emission and absorption features (especially in the 10$\\mu$m region). With the Short Wavelength Spectrometer SWS (de~Graauw et al. 1996) on board the Infrared Space Observatory ISO (Kessler et al. 1996) high spectral resolution observations with good signal-to-noise (S/N) were obtained for a number of bright galaxies. Their main advantages lie in continuous wavelength coverage from 2.4 to 45$\\mu$m and in the possibility to clearly separate features from nearby emission lines. The interpretation of galaxy-integrated spectra strongly benefits from comparisons to similar observations of galactic sources, sometimes spatially resolved, allowing better isolation of the physical mechanisms at work. Recent ISO spectra of many galactic template objects, such as reflection nebulae (e.g. Boulanger et al. 1996, Cesarsky et al. 1996a, Verstraete et al. 1996, Moutou et al. 1998), planetary nebulae and circumstellar regions (e.g. Beintema et al. 1996), and HII regions (Roelfsema et al. 1996, Cesarsky et al. 1996b) have clearly demonstrated the importance of such template spectra. They prove that PAHs are an ubiquitous part of the ISM. Additional information on emission features of crystalline silicates comes from similar template observations with ISO of e.g. planetary nebulae (Waters et al. 1998), evolved stars (Waters et al. 1996), young stars (Waelkens et al. 1996), or LBVs in the LMC (Voors et al. 1999). Absorption features (silicates, ices) have been found e.g. in the Galactic center (Lutz et al. 1996, Chiar et al. 2000), young stellar objects (d'Hendecourt et al. 1996, Whittet et al. 1996, Dartois et al. 1999), and in dark clouds in the solar neighborhood (Whittet et al. 1998). In this paper we present an inventory of mid-infrared spectral features detected in high resolution (R$\\sim$1500) ISO-SWS 2.4--45$\\mu$m spectra of the starburst galaxies M\\,82 and NGC\\,253, the Seyfert 2 galaxies Circinus and NGC\\,1068, and a position in the 30\\,Doradus star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (Sect. \\ref{s:inventory}). We briefly discuss possible feature identifications (Sect. \\ref{s:ident}) and highlight possible relations between these features and the physical state of the interstellar medium in galaxies (Sect. \\ref{s:PAH_var}). We also address the issue of the continuum determination and the apparent depth of the silicate absorption at 9.7$\\mu$m (Sect. \\ref{s:continuum}). Finally (Sects. \\ref{s:lowres} and \\ref{s:conclusions}) we demonstrate the use of these ISO spectra as templates for future infrared missions such as SIRTF, with particular emphasis on potential identification problems at low resolving power that are caused by coincidences of lines and features. All the spectra shown here exhibit a large number of atomic, ionic and molecular emission lines. These have been or will be discussed elsewhere, along with more details on observations and data processing (Circinus: Moorwood et al. 1996; M\\,82: Lutz et al. 1998b, Schreiber 1998; NGC\\,1068: Lutz et al. 2000; 30\\,Dor: Thornley et al., in prep.). ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:conclusions} We have detected a large number of mid-infrared features in galaxy spectra, some of them previously unobserved, and discussed the dependence of the dust features on ISM condition in galaxies. The spectral features vary considerably from source to source in presence and relative strength. Emission features are largely absent in the intense radiation field close to an AGN, and weak in a low metallicity, intensely star forming environment. Differences in the absorption spectra point to different physical properties of the obscuring regions in starburst and active galaxies. The spectra presented here will be valuable template spectra for future mid- and far-infrared space missions such as SIRTF, SOFIA or FIRST. They provide important clues for the identification and interpretation of high redshift, dusty galaxies. The strongest PAH features can be used to provide redshift information in far-infrared photometric galaxy surveys (Simpson \\& Eisenhardt 1999, see also the example of 21396+3623, Rigopoulou et al. 1999). Furthermore, they affect galaxy number counts. For instance, Xu et al. (1998) have constructed semi-empirical galaxy SEDs to model the considerable PAH effects on number counts and redshift distributions. Finally, the continuum and the PAH features can be used to distinguish between starburst activity and active nuclei in high redshift galaxies, as has been demonstrated for local infrared bright galaxies (Genzel et al. 1998, Lutz et al. 1998a, Rigopoulou et al. 1999). The advantage of the wide wavelength coverage of the SWS spectra has been used to illustrate the problem of the continuum definition and the true depth of the silicate absorption. We find that in our starburst templates the hot VSG dust continuum begins to rise around 8 to 9$\\mu$m, and that it can be well fitted by a simple power-law up to 20...25$\\mu$m. Finally we have demonstrated possible line identification problems in low resolution spectra. The spectra presented here are available in electronic form from the authors. We want to note again, that different parts of the spectra were observed through different aperture sizes, which should be taken into account for a detailed use as template spectra." }, "0002/astro-ph0002530_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Deep I-band imaging to I~$\\approx$~26.5 of the soft gamma--ray repeater SGR 1900+14 region has revealed a compact cluster of massive stars located only a few arcseconds from the fading radio source thought to be the location of the SGR \\citep{fra99}. This cluster was previously hidden in the glare of the pair of M5 supergiant stars (whose light was removed by PSF subtraction) proposed by \\citet{vrb96} as likely associated with the SGR 1900+14. The cluster has at least 13 members within a cluster radius of $\\approx$~0.6~pc based on an estimated distance of 12--15 kpc. It is remarkably similar to a cluster found associated with SGR 1806--20 \\citep{fuc99}. That similar clusters have now been found at or near the positions of the two best--studied SGRs suggests that young neutron stars, thought to be responsible for the SGR phenomenon, have their origins in proximate compact clusters of massive stars. ", "introduction": "The \\citet[V96]{har96,vrb96} survey of the original Network Synthesis Localization (NSL) of SGR 1900+14 \\citep{hur94} found a pair of nearly identical M5 supergiant stars, separated by 3.3 arcsec, and at an estimated distance of 12-15 kpc. While just outside of the original NSL, they lie within the ROSAT HRI localization of the quiescent X--ray source RX~J190717+0919.3 thought to be associated with SGR 1900+14 \\citep{hur96}. On the basis of the small probability that even one supergiant would lie within the ROSAT error circle and that at least one other supergiant had been associated with an SGR (1806--20; \\citet{van95,kul95}), V96 proposed that the M star pair may be associated with the SGR 1900+14 source. The position of the M star pair has continued to be consistent with more recent X--ray and gamma--ray observations which, taken together, have narrowed considerably the actual location of SGR 1900+14 from the original NSL area of 5 arcmin$^2$. These recent X--ray and gamma--ray observations have also detected variations with a period of 5.16 sec \\citep{hur99a,mur99,kou99} and a deceleration of $\\dot P \\approx 10^{-10}$~sec/sec. Taken together, these are interpreted as evidence that the SGR source is a magnetar, though there remains some uncertainty in this interpretation \\citep{mar99}. Additionally, a variable and fading radio source was detected shortly after the 27 August SGR 1900+14 superburst by \\citet{fra99}, providing strong evidence that it was the radio counterpart to the SGR. Its subarcsec accurate position is located only a few arcseconds from the M stars. These positional coincidences, the lack of a plerionic radio source, and, despite arguments for SNR G42.8+0.6 in the literature, the lack of a coincident supernova remnant, suggest that the system of proximate, high--mass M stars should not yet be dismissed as an evolutionary companion to the pulsating X--ray source associated with the SGR. Finding direct evidence that the M star pair may be associated with SGR 1900+14 has proven elusive as summarized by \\citet{gue20}. Also difficult is a theoretical understanding of how isolated, albeit high mass, stars could play a role in the formation of a pulsating X--ray source, despite the presence of a high mass luminous blue variable (LBV) very near the SGR 1806--20 localization position, a remarkably similar situation to that for SGR 1900+14. Recent near-- and mid--infrared observations of SGR 1806--20 \\citep[F99]{fuc99}, however, have revealed the LBV to be only the most luminous member of a compact cluster of massive stars. Such proximate regions of recent star formation provide a natural location for the birth of such pulsating X--ray sources, which cannot be very old, without the need for invoking enormous space velocities from the nearest supernova remnants. In this paper we present evidence for a similar compact cluster of high-mass stars which has heretofore been hidden in the glare of its brightest components, the pair of M5 supergiant stars. ", "conclusions": "If the cluster was the birthplace of SGR 1900+14, this essentially excludes SNR G42.8+0.6 as playing any role in the SGR. Although one can envision scenarios in which the SNR progenitor was ejected from the cluster by dynamical interaction or a much earlier supernova, this leaves the necessity of the neutron star having been kicked back to almost exactly its place of origin by the supernova that formed SNR G42.8+0.6 (since the cluster and SGR localizations are coincident), an unlikely coincidence both in space and timing. However, despite the association of G42.8+0.6 with SGR 1900+14 in the literature, there has been no evidence supporting this association offered, such as the probablity of finding any SNR within a given distance, based on the number density of SNRs in the Galactic plane. A more plausable scenario is one in which the cluster and associated dense gas/dust cloud hides a recent supernova. Evidence for this cloud comes from Figures 1 and 2 and the coincident extended strong far--infrared source indicating compact warm and extended cool dust (see V96). Optical extinction from this cloud combined with a 12--15~kpc distance explains why the supernova would not have been noticed historically. A very young SNR expanding into the dense wind--blown bubble due to mass loss from the supergiant stars in the cluster would be consistent with the otherwise unexplained persistent X--ray source at this position, RX J190717+0919.3 \\citep{hur96}. While no quiescent radio source is known at this position, a combination of self--absorption within the dense medium and rapid decay \\citep{rey88} could account for this. The supernova remnant evolutionary calculations of \\citet{tru99} indicate that for an ejecta mass of 1 M$_\\sun$, and an external density medium of 10 cm$^{-3}$, one finds characteristic sizes of $\\approx$ 1~pc at t~=~1000 yr; similar to that of the cluster dimensions at the estimated M supergiant distances. The most likely position for the SGR itself is the \\citet{fra99} fading radio source located at $\\alpha$~=~19$^h$~07$^m$~14.33$^s$, $\\delta$~=~+09$^d$~19'~21.1\" (J2000), with positional accuracy of $\\pm$ 0.15 arcsec in each coordinate. With these astrometric positions we estimate the approximate distances from the center and edge of the cluster to the radio position as 12 arcsec (0.7--0.9~pc) and 5 arcsec (0.3--0.4~pc), respectively, based on the 12--15~kpc distance estimate. Thus, even at the extreme minimum age of the SGR based on the simplest magnetar physics ($\\approx$~700 yr; Kouveliotou et al. 1999) this implies a tangential velocity of $\\approx$ 420 km~s$^{-1}$ from the near edge of the cluster. While still an ample velocity for the runaway neutron star, it obviates the enormous space velocities implied by associating it with G42.8+0.6 \\citep{kou99}, which is about 12 arcmin away \\citep{hur99b}. While an isolated instance of the compact, high mass cluster found at/near SGR 1900+14 would be dismissed as a chance superposition, its striking similarity to the cluster found near SGR 1806-20 by \\citet{fuc99} must be recognized. In that case, an LBV supergiant is found associated with a cluster of at least another four massive young stars enshrouded in a bright dust cloud as imaged by ISO and located only 7 arcsec from the SGR gamma--ray localization. With an approximate cluster radius of 8 arcsec and an estimated distance of 14.5 kpc, this implies a cluster radius of $\\approx$~0.6~pc. Now that similar compact clusters have been found near the positions of the two best studied SGRs (1806-20 and 1900+14) the possiblity that young SGR neutron stars have their origins in compact clusters should be considered seriously." }, "0002/astro-ph0002060_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A historical perspective on the study of asymmetries in planetary nebulae (PNs) is presented. We also describe our ongoing work in high resolution spectroscopy of planetaries, and discuss some likely future directions for the study of asymmetrical PNs. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002256_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "POINT-AGAPE is an Anglo-French collaboration which is employing the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) to conduct a pixel-lensing survey towards M31. Pixel lensing is a technique which permits the detection of microlensing against unresolved stellar fields. The survey aims to constrain the stellar population in M31 and the distribution and nature of massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) in both M31 and the Galaxy. In this paper we investigate what we can learn from pixel-lensing observables about the MACHO mass and fractional contribution in M31 and the Galaxy for the case of spherically-symmetric near-isothermal haloes. We employ detailed pixel-lensing simulations which include many of the factors which affect the observables, such as non-uniform sampling and signal-to-noise ratio degradation due to changing observing conditions. For a maximum MACHO halo we predict an event rate in $V$ of up to 100 per season for M31 and 40 per season for the Galaxy. However, the Einstein radius crossing time is generally not measurable and the observed full-width half-maximum duration provides only a weak tracer of lens mass. Nonetheless, we find that the near-far asymmetry in the spatial distribution of M31 MACHOs provides significant information on their mass and density contribution. We present a likelihood estimator for measuring the fractional contribution and mass of both M31 and Galaxy MACHOs which permits an unbiased determination to be made of MACHO parameters, even from data-sets strongly contaminated by variable stars. If M31 does not have a significant population of MACHOs in the mass range $10^{-3}~\\sm - 1~\\sm$ strong limits will result from the first season of INT observations. Simulations based on currently favoured density and mass values indicate that, after three seasons, the M31 MACHO parameters should be constrained to within a factor four uncertainty in halo fraction and an order of magnitude uncertainty in mass ($90\\%$ confidence). Interesting constraints on Galaxy MACHOs may also be possible. For a campaign lasting ten years, comparable to the lifetime of current LMC surveys, reliable estimates of MACHO parameters in both galaxies should be possible. ", "introduction": "\\label{s1} \\subsection{Conventional microlensing: landmarks and limitations} The detection of the gravitational microlensing effect due to compact objects in the Galaxy is undoubtedly one of the great success stories in astrophysics over the past decade. Surveys have discovered around 20 candidates towards the Magellanic clouds and several hundred towards the Galactic Bulge \\cite{uda94,alc97,ala97,lass99,alc00}. Amongst these candidates a number of exotic lensing phenomena have been catalogued, such as parallax effects, binary lensing (including spectacular examples of caustic-crossing events), and finite source-size effects. These discoveries are facilitated by coordinated follow-up campaigns such as PLANET \\cite{alb98} and MPS \\cite{rhie99} which act on microlensing alerts broadcast by the survey teams. The absence of certain microlensing signals has also yielded a clearer insight into the nature of halo dark matter. The null detection of short duration events towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by the EROS and MACHO surveys indicates that, for a range of plausible halo models, massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) within the mass interval $10^{-7} - 10^{-3}~\\sm$ provide less than a quarter of the dark matter \\cite{alc98}. This is an important result when set against the current insensitivity of other techniques to this mass range. Despite these successes a number of unsolved problems remain. The optical depth measured towards the Galactic Bulge is at least a factor two larger than can be accommodated by theoretical models (e.g. Bissantz et al. 1997; Sevenster et al. 1999). Towards the LMC the rate of detected events is consistent with the discovery of a significant fraction of the halo dark matter. However, the implied lens mass range ($0.1 - 1~\\sm$) is not easily reconciled with existing constraints on baryonic dark matter candidates \\cite{carr94}, though the MACHOs need not necessarily be baryonic. Furthermore, the discovery of two possible binary caustic-crossing events towards the LMC and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) has thrown into question the very existence of MACHOs. Their caustic-crossing timescales, which provide an indicator of their line-of-sight position, seem to exclude either as being of halo origin, a statistically unlikely occurrence if the halo comprises a significant MACHO component \\cite{ker99}. As a result, there is a growing body of opinion that all events observed so far towards the LMC and SMC may reside in the clouds themselves. However, this explanation is itself problematic because it requires that the clouds must either have a higher MACHO fraction than the Galaxy or comprise substantial but diffuse stellar components not in hydrodynamical equilibrium (Evans \\& Kerins 2000, and references therein). These problems highlight two principal constraints on the ability of conventional microlensing experiments to determine the nature and distribution of MACHOs in the halo. The first limitation is their inefficiency in differentiating between lensing by MACHOs and self-lensing by the source population, since for most events one observes only a duration and a position on the sky. These observables are only weakly correlated with the location of the events along the line of sight. The second constraint is the limited number of suitable lines of sight through the halo. Conventional microlensing surveys require rich yet resolved stellar fields and are thus limited to just two lines of sight, the LMC and SMC, with which to probe MACHOs. The line of sight to the Galactic Bulge is dominated by bulge and disc lensing. The paucity of halo lines of sight, together with the rather weak dynamical and kinematical constraints on Galactic halo structure, also diminishes the prospect of being able to decouple information on the Galactic distribution function and MACHO mass function. \\subsection{Beyond the Galaxy: a new target, a new technique} The possibility of detecting MACHOs in an external galaxy, specifically M31, was initially explored by Crotts (1992) and by Baillon et al. (1993). Crotts (1992) pointed out that the high inclination of the disc of M31 would result in an asymmetry in the observed rate of microlensing if the disc is surrounded by a MACHO halo, as illustrated in Figure~\\ref{f1}. The fact that the M31 MACHO microlensing rate should be lower towards the near side of the disc than the far side, which lies behind a larger halo column density, means that the presence of MACHOs in M31 can be established unambiguously. In particular, neither variable stars nor stellar self-lensing events in the disc of M31 should exhibit near-far asymmetry. Additionally, the external vantage point serves to reduce systematic model uncertainties in two ways. Firstly, it permits a more accurate determination of the rotation curve and surface brightness profile than is possible for the Galaxy, which reduces the prior parameter space of viable galactic models. Secondly, it provides many independent lines of sight through the halo of M31, allowing the MACHO distribution across the face of the disc to be mapped and thus the halo distribution function to be constrained more or less directly. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=fig01.ps,width=5cm,angle=270} \\end{center} \\caption{The principle of near-far asymmetry. The optical depth through the halo towards the far disc is larger than towards the near disc owing to the tilt of the disc confined within the spheroidal distribution of MACHOs. The distribution of Galaxy MACHOs, disc self-lensing events and variable stars does not exhibit asymmetry.} \\label{f1} \\end{figure} As pointed out by Baillon et al. (1993), another appeal of directing observations towards more distant large galaxies like M31 is the increase in the number of potential source stars, more than a factor of one thousand over the number available in the LMC and SMC, and all confined to within a few square degrees. However, this also presents a fundamental problem in that the source stars are resolved only whilst they are lensed (and even then only if the magnification is sufficiently large). The presence of many stars per detector pixel means it is often impossible to identify which is being lensed. Furthermore, the flux contribution of the unlensed stars dilutes the observed flux variation due to microlensing. Nonetheless, Baillon et al. (1993) determined from numerical simulations that the number of observable events, due to either the lensing of bright stars or high magnification events, is expected to be large. As a result of these studies, the Andromeda Galaxy Amplified Pixel Experiment (AGAPE) and another group, Columbia-VATT, commenced observing programs towards M31 \\cite{ans97,cro97}. One of the biggest technical difficulties facing surveys which look for variable sources against unresolved stellar fields is how to distinguish between flux variations due to changing observing conditions and intrinsic variations due to microlensing or stellar variability. For example, changes in seeing induce variations in the detected flux within a pixel. One must also deal with the consequences of positional misalignment between exposures, spatial and temporal variations in the point spread function (PSF) and photometric variations due to atmospheric transparency and variable sky background. AGAPE has employed the Pixel Method to cope with the changing observing conditions \\cite{ans97}. AGAPE thoroughly tested this technique with a three-year campaign using the 2m Bernard Lyot telescope at Pic du Midi from 1994 to 1996 \\cite{ans97,ans99,ledu00}. Six fields covering about 100 arcmin$^2$ centred on the bulge of M31 were monitored. Whilst the field of view was insufficient to conclude much about the nature of MACHOs, 19 candidate events were detected, though it is still premature to rule out many of them being intrinsically variable sources, such as Miras or novae. One event, AGAPE~Z1, appears to be a convincing lensing candidate as its flux increase and colour are inconsistent with that of a Mira or nova \\cite{ans99}. A longer baseline is needed to determine how many of the other candidates are due to microlensing. A major observing programme began on the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La~Palma in the Autumn of 1999, with a run of one hour per night for almost sixty nights over six months. The POINT-AGAPE collaboration is a joint venture between UK-based astronomers and AGAPE (where POINT is an acronym for ``Pixel-lensing Observations with INT''). We are exploiting the 0.3~deg$^2$ field of view of the INT Wide-field Camera (WFC) to map the distribution of microlensing events across a large region of the M31 disc. Our initial observations of M31 with the INT employed a $V$ filter and the simulations reported here have been undertaken with parameters appropriate to V-band observations. The strategy employed for the actual M31 monitoring campaign involves observations in three bands, $g$, $r$, and $i$ [very similar to the bands employed by SLOAN \\cite{fuk96}]. The multi-colour observations will improve our ability to discriminate against variable stars and the $gri$-filter plus CCD combination offers a significant improvement in sensitivity (the $g$-band zero-point is some 0.4 magnitudes fainter than that for $V$). The simulation parameters are thus somewhat conservative in this regard. The programme is being conducted in consort with the Microlensing Exploration of the Galaxy and Andromeda (MEGA) survey \\cite{cro99}, the successor program to Columbia-VATT. Whilst POINT-AGAPE and MEGA are sharing the data, different techniques are being employed to search for microlensing events. Henceforth we use the term {\\em pixel lensing}\\/ \\cite{gou96} to describe microlensing against unresolved stellar fields, regardless of the detection technique. Whilst the technical viability of pixel lensing is now clearly established, a number of important theoretical issues are still outstanding. The principal concern is that the main observable in classical microlensing, the Einstein crossing time, is generally not accessible in pixel lensing. The Einstein crossing time is directly related to the lens mass, its transverse velocity and the observer--lens--source geometry. In pixel lensing the observed timescale depends upon additional factors, such as the local surface brightness and the source luminosity and magnification, so the dependence on lens parameters is much weaker than for classical microlensing. The first detailed study of pixel lensing was undertaken by Gould (1996). He defined two regimes: a semi-classical regime in which the source star dominates the pixel flux and the observable timescale provides a fair tracer of the Einstein crossing time; and the ``spike'' regime where only high-magnification events are identified, and the timescales are only weakly correlated with the underlying Einstein crossing duration. Remarkably, Gould showed that, despite the loss of timescale information, in the spike regime one can still measure the microlensing optical depth. Using Gould's formalism, Han (1996) provided the first pixel event rate estimates for the M31 line of sight. However, Gould's formalism assumes a fixed sampling rate and unchanging observing conditions. As such it is of limited applicability to a ground-based observing program. Gondolo (1999) has proposed an optical depth estimator based on the observed pixel event timescale. Whilst this estimator can be readily employed by a ground-based campaign, it is somewhat sensitive to the shape of the source luminosity function and is valid only to the extent that this can be taken to be the same for all source components. More recently, Baltz \\& Silk (1999) derived expressions for the pixel rate and timescale distribution in terms of the observable timescale, rather than the Einstein crossing time. Again, their study assumes constant sampling and observing conditions, as would be the case for space-borne programmes. Whilst these studies provide a solid foundation for predictions of pixel-lensing quantities (i.e. timescales, rates and optical depth), none of them address to what extent one can constrain galactic and lens parameters, in particular the MACHO mass, from pixel lens observables. Gyuk \\& Crotts (2000) have shown that a reliable measure of the optical depth from pixel lensing can be used to probe the core radius and flattening of the M31 MACHO halo. In this paper we quantitatively assess the degree to which the POINT-AGAPE campaign directed towards M31 will constrain the fractional contribution and mass of the MACHOs. Since the answer inevitably depends upon the assumed galactic distribution function, we focus attention here on the simple case of spherically-symmetric near-isothermal halo models. The line of sight towards M31 is sensitive to two MACHO populations, our own and that in M31 itself, so we investigate the extent to which they can be distinguished and probed independently. We also model the expected background due to variable stars and lenses residing in the disc and bulge of M31. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section~\\ref{s2} we summarize the basic principles of pixel lensing, with emphasis on the differences between pixel lensing and classical microlensing. We describe our Monte-Carlo pixel-lensing simulations in Section~\\ref{s3}, including our event selection criteria and the incorporation of realistic sampling and observing conditions. In Section~\\ref{s4} we construct a reference model for the lens and source populations in the halo of the Galaxy and the halo, disc and bulge of M31, seeking consistency with the observed M31 rotation curve and surface brightness profiles. In Section~\\ref{s5} we present predictions for the POINT-AGAPE survey based on our simulations. In Section~\\ref{s6} we use the simulations to generate artificial data-sets and we investigate to what extent the MACHO mass and fractional contribution in the two galaxies can be recovered from the data. The results are summarized and discussed in Section~\\ref{s7}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s7} Pixel lensing is a relatively new and powerful method to allow microlensing searches to be extended to targets where the sources are unresolved. It heralds the possibility of detecting or constraining MACHO populations in external galaxies. Though pixel lensing is hampered by changes in observing conditions, which introduce spurious variations in detected pixel flux, techniques have been developed which minimize these variations to a level where genuine microlensing signals can be detected. POINT-AGAPE and another team (MEGA) have embarked on a major joint observing programme using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) to monitor unresolved stars in M31 for evidence of pixel lensing due to MACHOs either in the Galaxy or M31 itself. Two techniques, the Pixel Method and difference imaging, are available to minimize flux variations induced by the changing observing conditions. In this paper we have assessed the extent to which the Pixel Method allows us to determine the mass and fractional contribution of MACHOs in both M31 and the Galaxy from pixel-lensing observables. Our assessment takes account of realistic variations in observing conditions, due to changes in seeing and sky background, together with irregular sampling. Pixel lensing observables differ from those in classical microlensing, where one targets resolved stellar fields, in that one is generally unable to measure the Einstein radius crossing time, $\\te$, of an event. The fact that the source stars are resolved only whilst they are lensed means that one is unable to determine their baseline luminosity, so neither the magnification nor the total duration of the event can be measured. As an alternative to $\\te$ one may measure the full-width half-maximum timescale, $\\tfw$, directly from the light-curve. However, this provides only a lower limit to the underlying event duration. Fortunately, M31 provides a signature which permits an unambiguous determination of whether or not MACHOs reside in its halo: near-far asymmetry \\cite{cro92}. If M31 is embedded in a dark spheroidal halo of MACHOs the high disc inclination should provide a measurable gradient in the observed pixel lensing rate. The strength of this signature depends both on the mass and fractional contribution of MACHOs in M31, as well as the level of ``contamination'' by variable stars, M31 stellar lensing events and foreground Galaxy MACHOs. We have employed detailed Monte-Carlo simulations to estimate the timescale and spatial distributions of MACHOs in both our Galaxy and M31 for spherically-symmetric near-isothermal halo models. We also model the lensing contribution due to disc and bulge self-lensing. The expected number of M31 MACHOs for our two INT fields peaks at about 100 events for $\\sim 0.01~\\sm$ MACHOs, the Galaxy MACHO contribution being about half as large. For a given mass and halo fraction we expect to detect about an order of magnitude more events than current conventional surveys targeting the LMC. The timescale distributions for Galaxy and M31 MACHOs are practically identical because of the symmetry of the microlensing geometry. Our simulations also confirm that $\\tfw$ is less strongly correlated with lens mass than $\\te$. For our sampling we find that, empirically, $\\langle \\tfw \\rangle \\propto \\langle \\te \\rangle^{1/2} \\propto m^{1/4}$ for lens mass $m$. Sampling introduces a significant bias in the duration of detected events with respect to the underlying average for very massive and very light MACHOs. Our simulations clearly show the near-far asymmetry in the M31 MACHO spatial distribution. However, the presence of the foreground Galaxy MACHOs makes its measurement more difficult. We also find that the distribution of very massive MACHOs is noticeably more centrally concentrated than that of less massive lenses. Stellar self-lensing events are found to be mostly confined to within the inner 5~arcmin of the M31 disc, and are mostly due to bulge self-lensing. Their tight spatial concentration means that they do not pose a serious contamination problem for analysis of the Galaxy and M31 MACHO populations. We have constructed a maximum likelihood estimator which uses timescale and position observables to simultaneously constrain the MACHO mass and halo fraction of both M31 and the Galaxy. The statistic is devised to be robust to data-set contamination by variable stars. We find that M31 MACHO parameters can be reliably constrained by pixel lensing. For simulated INT data-sets we find pixel-lensing constraints on the M31 halo to be comparable to those obtained for the Galaxy halo by the conventional microlensing surveys. Even with severe contamination from variable stars the M31 MACHO parameters are well determined within three years. In particular, if there are few MACHOs in M31 this should become apparent after just one season of data collection, even if as many as a hundred variable stars pass the microlensing selection criteria, because of the absence of near-far asymmetry. Pixel lensing is less sensitive to Galaxy MACHO parameters. Our simulations indicate that we require at least three times as much observing time in order to produce comparable constraints on Galaxy MACHO parameters. If the spatial distribution of variable stars closely follows that of Galaxy MACHOs, then it may become very difficult to reliably constrain Galaxy MACHO parameters. The work presented here clearly demonstrates that a vigorous monitoring campaign on a 2m class telescope with a wide-field camera can identify and characterize MACHOs in M31. We now have the opportunity to unambiguously establish the existence or absence of MACHOs in an external galaxy. The advantage of targeting M31 over our own Galaxy is that we have many lines of sight through the halo of M31 and a clear signature with which to distinguish M31 MACHOs from stellar self-lensing, the primary source of systematic uncertainty for Galaxy halo microlensing surveys. M31 therefore represents one of the most promising lines of sight for MACHO studies." }, "0002/astro-ph0002126_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recently it has been proposed that the main contributor to the dark energy of the Universe is a dynamical, slow evolving, spatially inhomogeneous scalar field, called the quintessence. We investigate the behavior of this scalar field at galactic level, trying it as the dark matter in the halos of galaxies. Using an exact solution of the Einstein's equations, we find an excellent concordance between our results and observations.\\\\ ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002310_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use large-scale cosmological simulations to estimate the mass-to-light ratio of galaxy systems as a function of scale, and compare the results with observations of galaxies, groups, clusters, and superclusters of galaxies. We find remarkably good agreement between observations and simulations. Specifically, we find that the simulated mass-to-light ratio increases with scale on small scales and flattens to a constant value on large scales, as suggested by observations. We find that while mass typically follows light on large scales, high overdensity regions --- such as rich clusters and superclusters of galaxies --- exhibit higher $M/L_{\\rm B}$ values than average, while low density regions exhibit lower $M/L_{\\rm B}$ values; high density regions are thus \\emph{antibiased} in $M/L_{\\rm B}$, with mass more strongly concentrated than blue light. This is true despite the fact that the galaxy mass density is unbiased or positively biased relative to the total mass density in these regions. The $M/L_{\\rm B}$ antibias is likely due to the relatively old age of the high density regions, where light has declined significantly since their early formation time, especially in the blue band which traces recent star formation. Comparing the simulated results with observations, we place a powerful constraint on the mass density of the universe; using, for the first time, the entire observed mass-to-light function, from galaxies to superclusters, we find $\\Omega =0.16\\pm0.05$. ", "introduction": "One of the oldest - and simplest - techniques for estimating the mass density of the universe is the mass-to-light method. In this method, the average ratio of the observed mass to light of the largest possible systems is used; assuming it is a fair sample, it can then be multiplied by the total luminosity density of the universe to yield the universal mass density. When the method is applied to rich clusters of galaxies --- the largest virilized systems for which a mass has been reliably determined --- the total mass density of the universe adds up to only $\\Omega \\simeq 0.2\\,\\ $% (where $\\Omega $ is the mass density in units of the critical density) (Zwicky 1957, Abell 1965, Ostriker, Peebles \\& Yahil 1974, Bahcall 1977, Faber \\& Gallagher 1979, Trimble 1987, Peebles 1993, Bahcall, Lubin \\& Dorman 1995, Carlberg \\emph{et al.} 1996, 1997, and references therein). A fundamental assumption in this determination, however, is that the mass-to-light ratio ($M/L$) of clusters is a fair representation of the universal value. If the mass-to-light ratio of clusters is larger or smaller than the universal mean, then the resulting $% \\Omega $ will be an over- or under- estimate, respectively. It is not clear whether this classic assumption of an unbiased representation by clusters is correct. More generally, if mass follows light (i.e., galaxies) on large scales --- thus $M/L\\simeq $ constant --- the galaxy distribution is considered to be unbiased with respect to mass; if mass is distributed more broadly than light, as is generally believed, then the galaxy distribution is biased (i.e., more clustered) with respect to mass, and the above determination of $\\Omega $ is an underestimate. \\ We investigate these questions of cluster representation and bias, and the impact they have on the measurement of $\\Omega $. Observations of galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies suggest that $M/L$ increases as a function of scale up to scales of hundreds of kiloparsecs (Schwarzschild 1954, Rubin \\& Ford 1970, Roberts \\& Rots 1973, Ostriker \\emph{et al.} 1974, Einasto \\emph{et al.} 1974, Davis \\emph{et al.} 1980, Trimble 1987, Gramann 1990, Zaritzky \\emph{et al.} 1993, Fischer \\emph{et al }$1999$), but then flattens out and remains approximately constant on larger scales (Bahcall, Lubin \\& Dorman 1995). In the modern context we normally interpret this fact as indicating that luminous galaxies are more concentrated in peak density regions than the dark matter because baryons are dissipational. The shape and amplitude of the mass-to-light function --- that is, the dependence of $M/L$ on scale, $(M/L)(R)$ --- can place powerful constraints on the amount and distribution of dark matter in the universe, as well as on the amount of bias and its dependence on scale. The $M/L$ function thus provides a direct, model-independent census of the total mass density of the universe. What is the expected dependence of $M/L$ on scale? In this paper we investigate this question using large-scale, high resolution hydrodynamic cosmological simulations that contain dark matter and gas, and compare the results with observations. We find an excellent agreement between models and observations in the shape of the $M/L$ function; both data and models show an increase on small scales (hundreds of kpc) and a flattened $(M/L)(R)$ distribution on large scales. We use the comparison between data and simulations to determine the mass density of the universe. The amount of bias and its dependence on scale are also revealed. \\ We find that clusters of galaxies are mildly \\emph{antibiased, } in the sense that mass is more concentrated than light on average. Previous determinations of $\\Omega$ using clusters of galaxies have thus \\emph{overestimated} $\\Omega $ due to this unaccounted antibias. The present investigation attempts to provide an unbiased determination of $\\Omega$ using, for the first time, the entire observed mass-to-light function. The above results do not disagree with previous estimates that the mass density of galaxies is unbiased or positively biased with respect to the total mass density in the high density regions; it is the light density that is shown here to be antibiased. ", "conclusions": "\\qquad We use large-scale cosmological simulations to determine the expected mass-to-light ratio of galaxy systems and its dependence on scale. The $(M/L_{\\rm B})(R)$ function is investigated from small scales of galaxies ($R \\simeq 20$ kpc) to large scales ($R \\simeq 60h^{-1}$Mpc), and compared with observations of galaxies, groups, clusters, and superclusters. We use the results to evaluate the amount of bias on different scales (i.e., how mass traces light), and use the comparison with observations to determine the mass density of the universe, $\\Omega $. We find the following results: \\begin{enumerate} \\item In high density regions the galaxy blue light is antibiased (i.e., lower) relative to the total mass density (while the galaxy mass density is not). This is due to the old age of the high density systems which leads to a relative decrease in their present-day luminosity, especially in the blue band that traces recent star formation. \\item The shape of the simulated $(M/L_{\\rm B})(R)$ function is in excellent agreement with observations. The simulated $M/L_{\\rm B}(R)$ function increases with scale on small scales and flattens on large scales, where $M/L_{\\rm B}$ reaches a constant value, as observed. The mean flattening of $(M/L_{\\rm B})(R)$ on large scales indicates that, on average, mass follows light on large scales (i.e., $M \\propto L$). \\item Even though $M/L_{\\rm B}$ is approximately constant on large scales, we find that the actual value of $M/L_{\\rm B}$ depends on the local mass overdensity, $\\Delta \\rho /\\rho (_o/_{\\rm cl}=0.75\\pm0.15$. \\item We find that the $(M/L_{\\rm B})(R)$ function of high density regions is traced well by $(M/L_{\\rm B})(R)$ of old (elliptical) galaxies; low density regions are traced well by young (spiral) galaxies. \\ These results are consistent with observations. \\item We determine the mass density of the universe by fitting the simulated $(M/L_{\\rm B})(R)$ function to observations. The best fit $\\Omega$ is lower than previous estimates based on cluster $M/L$ values because of the antibias discussed above as well as the more robust use of the entire $M/L$ function --- not just clusters --- in constraining $\\Omega$. We find a best-fit value of $\\Omega=0.16\\pm0.05$ (with an additional estimated uncertainty of $\\pm0.03$ for possible additional systematics); this value provides a remarkably good match to the data for galaxies, groups, clusters, and superclusters. \\ The results are independent of the details of the models and provide a powerful measure of $\\Omega$. The only significant uncertainty we are aware of is due to the possibility that current observations may systematically underestimate the global mean luminosity density of the universe. This will produce a corresponding underestimate in our computation of $\\Omega$ unless there was also a corresponding underestimate in the luminosity of groups, clusters, and superclusters of galaxies. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002036_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The rate of mass accumulation due to galaxy merging depends on the mass, density, and velocity distribution of galaxies in the near neighborhood of a host galaxy. The fractional luminosity in kinematic pairs combines all of these effects in a single estimator which is relatively insensitive to population evolution. Here we use a k-corrected and evolution compensated volume-limited sample having an R-band absolute magnitude of $M_R^{k,e} \\le -19.8+5\\log{h}$ mag drawing about 300 redshifts from CFGRS and 3000 from CNOC2 to measure the rate and redshift evolution of merging. The combined sample has an approximately constant co-moving number and luminosity density from redshift 0.1 to 1.1 ($\\Omega_M=0.2, \\Omega_\\Lambda=0.8$); hence, any merger evolution will be dominated by correlation and velocity evolution, not density evolution. We identify kinematic pairs with projected separations less than either 50 or 100 \\hkpc\\ and rest-frame velocity differences of less than 1000\\kms. The fractional luminosity in pairs is modeled as $f_L(\\Delta v,r_p,M_r^{ke})(1+z)^{m_L}$ where $[f_L,m_L]$ are $[0.14\\pm0.07,0\\pm1.4]$ and $[0.37\\pm0.7,0.1\\pm0.5]$ for $r_p\\le 50$ and 100\\hkpc, respectively ($\\Omega_M=0.2, \\Omega_\\Lambda=0.8$). The value of $m_L$ is about 0.6 larger if $\\Lambda=0$. To convert these redshift space statistics to a merger rate we use the data to derive a conversion factor to physical space pair density, a merger probability and a mean in-spiral time. The resulting mass accretion rate per galaxy ($M_1,M_2\\ge 0.2 M_\\ast$) is $0.02\\pm0.01(1+z)^{0.1\\pm0.5} M_\\ast~{\\rm Gyr}^{-1}$. Present day high-luminosity galaxies therefore have accreted approximately $0.15M_\\ast$ of their mass over the approximately 7 Gyr to redshift one. Since merging is likely only weakly dependent on host mass, the fractional effect, $\\delta M/M \\simeq 0.15M_\\ast/M$, is dramatic for lower mass galaxies but is, on the average, effectively perturbative for galaxies above $M_\\ast$. ", "introduction": "Merging is a fundamental mode of stellar mass addition to galaxies. Moreover, merging brings in new gas and creates gravitational disturbances that enhance star formation or fuel a nuclear black hole. The general process of substructure infall may be the rate fixing process for the buildup of a galaxy's stars and consequently may largely regulate its luminosity history. Gravitational forces on relatively large scales dominate merger dynamics which allows direct observation of the mechanism, although with the considerable complication that dark matter dominates the mass. N-body simulations \\citep{tt,bh} give the detailed orbital evolution, morphological disturbances and eventual outcomes of the encounters of pairs of galaxies. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the rate of mass gain per galaxy due to mergers over the redshift zero to one interval. Our primary statistic is the fractional luminosity in close kinematic pairs, which is readily related to n-body simulations and sidesteps morphological interpretation. This approach provides a clear sample definition which is closely connected to the large scale dynamics of merging. In common with all merger estimates it requires an estimate of the fraction of the pairs that will merge and a mean time to merger. The number of kinematic pairs is proportional to the volume integral at small scales of the product of two-point correlation function, $\\xi$, and the luminosity function (LF). The high luminosity galaxies appear to be evolving purely in luminosity \\citep{cfrs_lf,huan_lf}, which can be easily compensated. The measured evolution of $\\xi$ suggests that the density of physical pairs should not vary much with redshift, $(1+z)^{0\\pm1}$ \\citep{cfrsxi,kkeck,cnoc_xi}. This inference is in notable contrast with the pair counts or morphological typing approaches to merger estimation \\citep{zk,cpi,ye_pairs,patton_cnoc1,cfrs_mg}, which suggest that merging rate by number varies as $(1+z)^{3\\pm1}$. HST photometric pairs, with no redshift information leads to a dependence of $(1+z)^{1.2\\pm0.4}$ \\citep{mdss}. In the next section we combine the Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey (CFGRS) and the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology field galaxy survey (CNOC2) from which we construct evolution compensated, volume-limited, subsamples. In Section 3 we measure the fractional luminosity in 50 and 100\\hkpc\\ companions as a function of redshift. The CNOC2 sample is used in Section 4 to relate this wide pair sample to a close pair sample which is more securely converted into a mass merger rate. Section 5 discusses our conclusions. We use $H_0= 100h\\kmsm$, $\\Omega_M=0.2$ in open and flat cosmologies. ", "conclusions": "Our main observational result is that for galaxies with $M_R^{k,e}\\le -19.8+5\\log{h}$ mag, the fraction of galaxy luminosity in 50\\hkpc\\ wide kinematic pairs is about 14\\%, with no noticeable redshift dependence over the redshift zero to one range. This implies an integrated mass accretion rate of about 2\\% of $L_\\ast$ per Gyr per galaxy for merging galaxies having $L\\ge 0.2L_\\ast$. Our rate is uncertain at about the factor of two level due to uncertainty in the dynamical details of merging for our sample definitions. This merger rate implies a 15\\% mass increase in an $M_\\ast$ galaxy since redshift one. If the correlations of lower luminosity galaxies are only somewhat weaker than these \\citep{roysoc} then the same $0.15M_\\ast$ merged-in mass causes a 50\\% mass increase in a 0.3$M_\\ast$ galaxy. There are several issues that require further investigation. First, the rate of merging of similarly selected kinematic pairs should be studied in appropriately matched n-body experiments to better determine the orbital timescales. Second, the absence of a redshift dependence of $\\sigma_{12}$ and $v_{mg}$ needs to be observationally checked. Third, the connection between close kinematic pairs and morphologically disturbed galaxies, which does conform to the kinematic pair predictions at low redshift \\citep{patton_ssrs2}, needs to be better understood at high redshift." }, "0002/astro-ph0002200_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new techniques to produce IRAS 12 $\\mu$m samples of galaxies and stars. We show that previous IRAS 12 $\\mu$m samples are incompatible for detailed comparison with ISO surveys and review their problems. We provide a stellar infrared diagnostic diagram to distinguish galaxies from stars without using longer wavelength IRAS colour criteria and produce complete 12 $\\mu$m samples of galaxies and stars. This new technique allows us to estimate the contribution of non-dusty galaxies to the IRAS 12 $\\mu$m counts and produce a true local mid-infrared extragalactic sample compatible with ISO surveys. We present our initial analysis and results. ", "introduction": "The recent ISO mission has produced a number of deep mid-infrared extragalactic surveys [1,2,3,4] many of which are presented elsewhere in these proceedings. In order to accurately evaluate the apparent source evolution found in these surveys it is essential to have a stable and exact local infrared picture that is compatible with ISO surveys. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002493_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present near-infrared K-band spectroscopy of 21 elliptical or cD Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs), for which we have measured the strength of the 2.293~$\\mu$m CO stellar absorption feature. We find that the strength of this feature is remarkably uniform among these galaxies, with a smaller scatter in equivalent width than for the normal elliptical population in the field or clusters. The scatter for BCGs is 0.156~nm, compared with 0.240~nm for Coma cluster ellipticals, 0.337~nm for ellipticals from a variety of other clusters, and 0.422~nm for field ellipticals. We interpret this homogeneity as being due to a greater age, or more uniform history, of star formation in BCGs than in other ellipticals; only a small fraction of the scatter can be due to metallicity variations, even in the BCGs. Notwithstanding the small scatter, correlations are found between CO strength and various galaxy properties, including R-band absolute magnitude, which could improve the precision of these galaxies as distance indicators in measurements of cosmological parameters and velocity flows. ", "introduction": "The equivalent widths of CO absorption features for the sample of BCGs observed in this study are presented in Table 1. The data included in this table are Abell \\shortcite{ab:58} catalogue numbers (column 1), BCG names (column 2), CO$_{EW}$ values with 1--$\\sigma$ errors (column 3), recession velocity in kms$^{-1}$ (column 4), absolute R-band magnitude corresponding to the metric luminosity $L_m$ (column 5), structure parameter ($\\alpha$) (column 6) and the magnitude residual relative to the best-fit $L_m$--$\\alpha$ relation (column 7), (columns 4--7 are all taken from Lauer \\& Postman \\shortcite{la:94}, who assumed a Hubble constant of 80~kms$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$). Columns 8 and 9 contain velocity dispersions and Mg$_2$ metallicity indices, where available, from Faber et al. \\shortcite{fa:89}. \\begin{table*} \\centering \\begin{minipage}{140mm} \\caption{Photometric and spectroscopic parameters for 21 brightest cluster galaxies} \\begin{tabular}{llllcclcl}\\\\ & & & & & & & &\\\\ Abell$\\#$ & Galaxy name & CO$_{EW}$(nm)& V$_{rec}$ & M$_R$ & $\\alpha$ & dM$_{\\alpha}$ & $\\sigma$ (kms$^{-1}$) & Mg$_2$ \\\\ & & & & & & &\\\\ 496 & MCG-02-12-039 & 3.36$\\pm$0.20 & 9893 & -22.579 & 0.786 & 0.103 & 274 & --\\\\ 533 & -- & 3.55$\\pm$0.19 & 14365 & -22.397 & 0.500 & 0.012 & -- & --\\\\ 539 & MCG+01-14-019 & 3.36$\\pm$0.18 & 9682 & -22.366 & 0.505 & 0.050 & 309 & --\\\\ 548 & ESO488-G033 & 3.23$\\pm$0.18 & 11848 & -22.490 & 0.493 &-0.093 & -- & --\\\\ 569 & NGC2329 & 3.15$\\pm$0.18 & 5724 & -22.357 & 0.472 & 0.003 & 271 & 0.269\\\\ 576 & -- & 3.42$\\pm$0.18 & 12072 & -22.051 & 0.296 &-0.083 & -- & --\\\\ 634 & UGC4289 & 3.20$\\pm$0.18 & 8135 & -22.248 & 0.497 & 0.156 & 241 & --\\\\ 671 & IC2378 & 3.44$\\pm$0.19 & 14970 & -22.961 & 0.713 &-0.310 & 313 & --\\\\ 779 & NGC2832 & 3.48$\\pm$0.18 & 6867 & -23.011 & 0.596 &-0.465 & 354 & 0.340\\\\ 912 & -- & 3.23$\\pm$0.19 & 13572 & -21.984 & 0.423 & 0.283 & -- & --\\\\ 957 & UGC5515 & 3.39$\\pm$0.19 & 13438 & -22.882 & 0.760 &-0.207 & 350 & --\\\\ 999 & MCG+02-27-004 & 3.34$\\pm$0.18 & 9749 & -22.328 & 0.443 &-0.021 & -- & --\\\\ 1016 & IC613 & 3.28$\\pm$0.18 & 9705 & -22.112 & 0.436 & 0.181 & -- & --\\\\ 1060 & NGC3311 & 3.39$\\pm$0.24 & 3704 & -22.392 & 0.845 & 0.297 & 192 & 0.297\\\\ 1142 & IC664 & 3.34$\\pm$0.18 & 10118 & -22.367 & 0.544 & 0.110 & -- & --\\\\ 1656 & NGC4889 & 3.55$\\pm$0.18 & 6497 & -23.106 & 0.612 &-0.541 & 404 & 0.359\\\\ 2147 & UGC10143 & 3.01$\\pm$0.18 & 10384 & -22.374 & 0.666 & 0.244 & 303 & --\\\\ 2162 & NGC6086 & 3.25$\\pm$0.18 & 9547 & -22.594 & 0.503 &-0.179 & 325 & 0.344\\\\ 2197 & NGC6173 & 3.62$\\pm$0.25 & 8800 & -22.988 & 0.592 &-0.466 & 295 & 0.332\\\\ 2199 & NGC6166 & 3.23$\\pm$0.25 & 9348 & -22.748 & 0.777 &-0.067 & 320 & 0.340\\\\ 2634 & NGC7720 & 3.60$\\pm$0.25 & 9141 & -22.662 & 0.643 &-0.065 & 305 & 0.339\\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{minipage} \\end{table*} \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig2a.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig2b.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig2c.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{Histograms of CO$_{EW}$ distributions BCGs (hashed regions), overlaid on field and group galaxies (a), cluster galaxies (b), and Coma cluster galaxies (c).} \\end{figure} We find the mean CO$_{EW}$ value for the 21 BCGs (3.35$\\pm$0.03) to be effectively identical to that of the Coma cluster ellipticals (3.37$\\pm$0.04) \\cite{mo:99}, and to that of the 31 ellipticals from a range of clusters discussed by James \\& Mobasher \\shortcite{ja:99} (3.29$\\pm$0.06). The cluster and BCG distributions lie between the distributions of `isolated' and `group' field ellipticals discussed by James \\& Mobasher \\shortcite{ja:99} and shown in Fig. 2a. The major difference between the BCG CO$_{EW}$ values and those of other ellipticals is the remarkably small range in the former: the standard deviation for BCGs is 0.156, compared to 0.240 for Coma ellipticals, 0.337 for general cluster galaxies, and 0.422 for cluster plus field ellipticals. Indeed, the scatter in BCG CO absorption strengths is that predicted from the error estimates on the individual CO$_{EW}$ values, and so the intrinsic scatter may be much smaller still. Given the small number of BCG galaxies, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test cannot distinguish between the distributions of BCG and cluster or Coma galaxies in Figs. 2b and 2c, but there is less than 10\\% chance that the BCGs are drawn from the same parent population as all the non-BCG ellipticals, and less than 1\\% chance that they are from the same population as field ellipticals (Fig. 2a). The BCGs are drawn from a much narrower region of the galaxy luminosity function than are the comparison samples in Fig. 2, which could affect the interpretation of this result. The 21 BCGs have a range in M$_R$ of -22.0 to -23.1, little more than a magnitude. R-band photometry is not available for all the comparison galaxies, but good estimates can be made from published optical and near-IR photometry, leading to an estimated range of M$_R$ of -19.4 to -22.8 for the Coma cluster ellipticals, and -19.8 to -22.5 for the field and cluster ellipticals discussed by James and Mobasher \\shortcite{ja:99}. We investigated whether the differences in CO$_{EW}$ scatter shown in Fig. 2 result from these differences in luminosity range by regressing CO$_{EW}$ on absolute magnitude, and studying the distributions of CO$_{EW}$ residuals about the best-fit lines. The distributions of these residuals are shown in Fig. 3. The dashed, diagonally shaded columns represent the residuals for the BCGs; the thick, dotted columns are those for the Coma cluster galaxies; and the solid lines represent the residuals for the field, group and cluster galaxies from James and Mobasher \\shortcite{ja:99}. The standard deviations of the CO$_{EW}$ residuals are 0.133~nm for the BCGs, 0.221~nm for the Coma ellipticals, and 0.419~nm for the cluster plus field ellipticals. This reinforces the conclusion from Fig. 2 that the BCGs have substantially more homogeneous CO strengths than the other elliptical galaxies studied, and this result does not appear to be a selection effect caused by the small luminosity range of the BCGs. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig3.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{Histograms of residuals of CO$_{EW}$ when regressed on absolute magnitude, for BCGs (hashed regions with dashed lines), overlaid on residuals for Coma ellipticals (thick dotted lines) and general field and cluster ellipticals (solid lines).} \\end{figure} This uniformity in CO$_{EW}$ values is the main result of this paper, and it is important to consider what it implies in terms of differences between BCGs and other ellipticals. Both high metallicity and recency of star formation are expected to increase CO$_{EW}$ values. The effect of metallicity on CO$_{EW}$ values can be estimated for the galaxies with measured Mg$_2$ indices, using the following method. From Fig. 37 of Worthey \\shortcite{wo:94}, a change in [Fe/H] from -0.25 to 0.00 changes the Mg$_2$ index from 0.216 to 0.258, and the change is approximately linear over the modelled range. Thus we infer a relation of the form $$\\delta Mg_2 = 0.168~\\delta [Fe/H].$$ Doyon et al. \\shortcite{do:94} find a relation between [Fe/H] and their CO index CO$_{sp}$, $$\\delta CO_{sp} = 0.11~\\delta [Fe/H],$$ and from the definitions in Puxley et al. \\shortcite{pu:97} it is straightforward to convert from the index CO$_{sp}$ to CO$_{EW}$. Then, the measured scatter in Mg$_2$ index of 0.029 for the BCGs should cause a scatter of 0.060~nm in CO$_{EW}$, 38\\% of the observed scatter. For Coma ellipticals, the measured Mg$_2$ scatter is 0.024, equivalent to a scatter of 0.049~nm in CO$_{EW}$, 20\\% of that observed, and for the field and cluster sample, the Mg$_2$ scatter is 0.030, and the predicted CO$_{EW}$ scatter 0.062~nm, 15\\% of that observed. Note also that the scatters in Mg$_2$ values are very similar in the three subsamples, whereas they have very different CO$_{EW}$ distributions. Thus, we conclude that metallicity differences have little effect on the measured CO$_{EW}$ values for the elliptical galaxies studied here, and propose that star formation history is the dominant factor causing the larger scatter for non-BCG ellipticals. If so, the differences in the distributions of CO$_{EW}$, shown in Fig. 2 would be the result of wider variations in star formation history for general field and cluster ellipticals than for the BCGs. This indicates that BCGs formed their stars very early; if there has been more recent star formation in these galaxies then the rate of star formation as a function of epoch must have been very uniform from galaxy to galaxy. Given the narrow range in BCG CO$_{EW}$ values, it is unrealistic to expect very strong correlations with other BCG parameters. Nevertheless, Fig. 4 does show a good correlation with absolute R-band magnitude in a 10~kpc metric aperture, M$_R$, with a correlation coefficient of 0.51 and a probability of 98.4\\% that this represents a true correlation (i.e. 1.6\\% probability that it could arise by chance). This is significant enough to be useful as a distance indicator: the scatter in M$_R$ for the 21 galaxies observed is 0.326~mag, which reduces to 0.280~mag when the M$_R$ values are corrected for the CO$_{EW}$ effect. The slope of the regression line of M$_R$ on CO$_{EW}$ is somewhat smaller than that for the trend in M$_K$ (total K-band absolute magnitude) vs CO$_{EW}$ for Coma cluster ellipticals \\cite{mo:99}, at -1.1$\\pm$0.5~mag/nm c.f. -1.6$\\pm$0.7~mag/nm for the Coma galaxies. However, this difference is not statistically significant ($\\sim$0.6$\\sigma$). It is not possible to determine whether the absolute magnitude--CO$_{EW}$ relations are consistent for the various samples because of the lack of homogeneous photometry, and the consequent need for large and uncertain colour and aperture corrections. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig4.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{Absolute R-band magnitude versus CO Equivalent Width for the 21 Brightest Cluster Galaxies. } \\end{figure} Similarly, there is a strong correlation between CO$_{EW}$ and residuals (dM$_{\\alpha}$) about the relation of M$_R$ with structure parameter $\\alpha$ \\cite{ho:80} (Fig. 5), in the sense that galaxies with high CO$_{EW}$ tend to be bright relative to the mean relation (correlation coefficient 0.60, significance 99.6\\%). The residuals (dM$_{\\alpha}$) are reduced from 0.243~mag to 0.195~mag by correcting for the trend with CO$_{EW}$ shown in Fig. 5. There is no correlation between CO$_{EW}$ and the structure parameter $\\alpha$ itself. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig5.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{Structure parameter residuals versus CO Equivalent Width for the 21 Brightest Cluster Galaxies. } \\end{figure} Given the trends found in Figs. 4 \\& 5, it is instructive to explore if these effects could cause the putative streaming flow signal detected by Lauer \\& Postman \\shortcite{la:94} using the full sample of BCGs. However, we find no significant correlation between CO$_{EW}$ and direction on the sky (Fig. 6). This implies that the Lauer \\& Postman \\shortcite{la:94} apparent detection of a bulk flow was not an artefact of differing stellar populations between sample galaxies, although we have of course only looked at a small fraction (18\\%) of their sample. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig6.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{CO$_{EW}$ versus the cosine of the angle between galaxy direction and the apex of the Lauer \\& Postman\\shortcite{la:94} streaming motion, for the 21 Brightest Cluster Galaxies. } \\end{figure} The trends in figures 4 \\& 5 are both in the sense that brighter galaxies have higher indices: that in Fig. 4 could be a consequence of a metallicity--absolute magnitude relation, and there is indeed evidence of a weak correlation of CO$_{EW}$ with metallicity (Fig. 7). The correlation coefficient here is 0.52, but the relation has only 80\\% significance due to only 8 BCGs having tabulated Mg$_2$ values. Fig. 7 also shows the trend in CO$_{EW}$ with metallicity for 31 Coma cluster galaxies \\cite{mo:99}. The BCGs clearly lie at higher mean metallicity than do the Coma cluster ellipticals (mean Mg$_2$ values 0.328 for the BCGs and 0.294 for the Coma ellipticals). Using the relation between Mg$_2$ and [Fe/H] from Worthey \\shortcite{wo:94}, and that between [Fe/H] and CO absorption strength found by Doyon et al. \\shortcite{do:94}, this predicts a difference in mean CO$_{EW}$ of 0.05~nm, compared to the observed difference of 0.04$\\pm$0.07~nm in the same sense. The small variation found here confirms the weakness of the dependence of CO$_{EW}$ on metallicity, as found by Doyon et al. \\shortcite{do:94}, at least at the high metallicity values typical of centres of bright galaxies, and also confirms our earlier conclusion that star formation history is the dominant effect in determining CO$_{EW}$ strength. This is further confirmed by the wide spread in the CO$_{EW}$ values of isolated and group ellipticals \\cite{ja:99}, with no corresponding change in their metallicity. Finally, we find a weak correlation of CO$_{EW}$ with velocity dispersion for 14 galaxies with data in Table 1 (Fig. 8). This corresponds to a correlation coefficient of 0.294, and is significant at the 69\\% level. The slope and correlation coefficient are the same as was found for 31 Coma cluster ellipticals, also plotted in Fig. 8, but the mean correlation for the BCGs is again offset, to higher velocity dispersion at a given CO$_{EW}$. The mean CO$_{EW}$ is almost identical for the two samples, whilst the BCGs have a much higher average velocity dispersion, and hence mass, as expected. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig7.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{Mg$_2$ index versus CO Equivalent Width for the Brightest Cluster Galaxies (circles) and Coma cluster ellipticals (crosses). } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=bcg_fig8.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=270}} \\caption{Log of velocity dispersion (kms$^{-1}$) versus CO Equivalent Width for the Brightest Cluster Galaxies (circles) and Coma cluster ellipticals (crosses). } \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We find that BCGs are much more homogeneous in evolved red stellar content than ellipticals overall, and BCGs are somewhat more homogeneous than Coma cluster ellipticals. The measured scatter in the CO$_{EW}$ indices for BCGs is comparable to the measurement errors. We interpret this as implying a more uniform and probably earlier star formation history for BCGs than for normal ellipticals. Metallicity does not appear to be the controlling parameter of CO absorption strength for elliptical galaxies. Absolute magnitudes, and magnitude residuals relative to the structure parameter relation of Hoessel \\shortcite{ho:80} correlate well with CO absorption depth. This may imply the presence of an additional intermediate-age population, or a higher metallicity population, in the galaxies which are over-luminous relative to the mean relation. However, this effect is very small and such populations, if present, must be weaker than in most field and cluster ellipticals, given the high degree of homogeneity in BCG CO$_{EW}$ values. It may be possible to use these correlations to define higher precision distance indicators for BCGs, which could be used for galaxies with redshifts up to 18,000~kms$^{-1}$, as is indicated by the reduced scatter in R-band absolute magnitude, and the reduced scatter about the structure parameter relation after correction for the correlation with CO$_{EW}$, discussed in section 3. Recent ROSAT observations reveal that a significant number of the Lauer \\& Postman \\shortcite{la:94} galaxies do not lie at the X-ray centroids of their clusters (Paul Lynam, private communication), and there may be better candidates for the dominant central cluster galaxy. Thus our conclusions may refer more generally to bright galaxies towards cluster centres than to individual BCGs inhabiting the very centre of the cluster potential." }, "0002/astro-ph0002170_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a simple method for evaluating the nonlinear biasing function of galaxies from a redshift survey. The nonlinear biasing is characterized by the conditional mean of the galaxy density fluctuation given the underlying mass density fluctuation $\\coav$, or by the associated parameters of mean biasing $\\bh$ and nonlinearity $\\bt$ (following Dekel \\& Lahav 1999). Using the distribution of galaxies in cosmological simulations, at smoothing of a few Mpc, we find that $\\coav$ can be recovered to a good accuracy from the cumulative distribution functions of galaxies and mass, $\\cg(\\delg)$ and $\\cm(\\delm)$, despite the biasing scatter. Then, using a suite of simulations of different cosmological models, we demonstrate that $\\cm(\\delm)$ can be approximated in the mildly nonlinear regime by a cumulative log-normal distribution of $1+\\delm$ with a single parameter $\\sigm$, with deviations that are small compared to the difference between $\\cg$ and $\\cm$. Finally, we show how the nonlinear biasing function can be obtained with adequate accuracy directly from the observed $\\cg$ in redshift space. Thus, the biasing function can be obtained from counts in cells once the rms mass fluctuation at the appropriate scale is assumed a priori. The relative biasing function between different galaxy types is measurable in a similar way. The main source of error is sparse sampling, which requires that the mean galaxy separation be smaller than the smoothing scale. Once applied to redshift surveys such as PSC$z$, 2dF, SDSS, or DEEP, the biasing function can provide valuable constraints on galaxy formation and structure evolution. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The fact that galaxies of different types cluster differently (\\eg, Dressler 1980; Lahav, Nemiroff \\& Piran 1990; Santiago \\& Strauss 1992; Loveday \\etal 1995; Hermit \\etal 1996; Guzzo \\etal 1997) indicates that the galaxy distribution is in general biased compared to the underlying mass distribution. Cosmological simulations confirm that halos and galaxies must be biased (\\eg, Cen \\& Ostriker 1992; Kauffmann, Nusser \\& Steinmetz 1997; Blanton \\etal 1999; Somerville \\etal 2000). The biasing becomes even more pronounced at high redshift, as predicted by theory (\\eg, Kaiser 1986; Davis \\etal 1985; Bardeen \\etal 1986; Dekel \\& Rees 1987; Mo \\& White 1996; Bagla 1998; Jing \\& Suto 1998; Wechsler \\etal 1998), and confirmed by the strong clustering of galaxies observed at $z\\sim 3$ (Steidel \\etal 1996; 1998). Knowing the biasing scheme is crucial for extracting dynamical information and cosmological constants from the observed galaxy distribution, and may also be very useful for understanding the process and history of galaxy formation. The simplest possible biasing model relating the density fluctuation fields of matter and galaxies, $\\delm$ and $\\delg$, is the deterministic and linear relation, $\\delg(\\vx)=b\\,\\delta(\\vx)$, where $b$ is a constant linear biasing parameter. However, this is at best a crude approximation, because it is not self-consistent (\\eg, it does not prevent $\\delg$ from becoming smaller than $-1$ when $b>1$) and is not preserved in time. At any given time, scale and galaxy type, the biasing is expected in general to be nonlinear, i.e., $b$ should vary as a function of $\\delta$. The nonlinearity of dark-matter halo biasing (as well as its dependence on scale, mass and time) is approximated fairly well by the model of Mo \\& White (1996), based on the extended Press-Schechter formalism (Bond \\etal 1991). Improved approximations have been proposed by Jing (1998), Catelan \\etal (1998), Sheth \\& Tormen (1999) and Porciani \\etal (1999). It is quantified further for halos and galaxies using cosmological $N$-body simulations with semi-analytic galaxy formation (\\eg, Somerville \\etal 2000). The biasing is also expected, in general, to be stochastic, in the sense that a range of values of $\\delg$ is possible for any given value of $\\delm$. For example, if the biasing is nonlinear on one scale, it should be different and non-deterministic on any other scale. The origin of the scatter is shot noise as well as the influence of physical quantities other than mass density (\\eg, velocity dispersion, the dimensionality of the local deformation tensor which affects the shape of the collapsing object, etc.) on the efficiency of galaxy formation. Dekel \\& Lahav (1999) have proposed a general formalism for galaxy biasing, that separates nonlinearity and stochasticity in a natural way. The density fields are treated as random fields, and the biasing is fully characterized by the conditional probability distribution function $P(\\delg\\vert\\delm)$. The constant linear biasing factor $b$ is replaced by a mean {\\it biasing function}, \\be \\coav\\equiv b(\\delm)\\,\\delm , \\label{eq:cond_def} \\ee which can in principle take a wide range of functional forms, restricted by definition to have $\\av{\\delg}=0$ and $\\coav\\geq -1$ for any $\\delm$. The stochasticity is expressed by the higher moments about this mean, such as the conditional variance \\be \\sigb ^2(\\del) \\equiv \\av{\\epsilon^2 |\\delm} /\\sigma^2 , \\quad \\epsilon \\equiv \\delg-\\av{\\delg|\\delm} \\ , \\ee scaled for convenience by the variance of mass fluctuations, $\\sigma^2\\equiv\\av{\\delm^2}$. To second order, the biasing function $b(\\del)$ can be characterized by two parameters: the moments $\\bh$ and $\\bt$, \\be \\bh \\equiv\\ \\av{b(\\del)\\, \\del^2} /\\sig^2 \\quad {\\rm and} \\quad \\bt^2 \\equiv\\ \\av{b^2(\\del)\\, \\del^2} /\\sig^2 \\ . \\ee The parameter $\\bh$ is the natural extension of the linear biasing parameter, measuring the slope of the linear regression of $\\delg$ on $\\delm$, and $\\bt/\\bh$ is a useful measure of non-linearity. The stochasticity is characterized independently by a third parameter, $\\sigb ^2 \\equiv \\av{\\epsilon^2}/\\sig^2$. As has been partly explored by Dekel \\& Lahav (1999), these parameters should enter any nonlinear analysis aimed at extracting the cosmological density parameter $\\Omega$ from a galaxy redshift survey, and are therefore important to measure. In this paper we propose a simple method to measure the biasing function $b(\\delta)$ and the associated parameters $\\bh$ and $\\bt$ from observed data that are either already available, such as the PSC$z$ redshift survey (Saunders \\etal 2000), or that will soon become available, such as the redshift surveys of 2dF (Colless 1999) and SDSS (\\eg, Loveday \\etal 1998) and high-redshift surveys such as DEEP (Davis \\& Faber 1999). Alternative methods have been proposed to measure the biasing function, using the cumulant correlators of the observed distribution of galaxies in redshift surveys (Szapudi 1998) or their bispectrum (Matarrese, Verde, Heavens 1997, Verde \\etal 1998). We first show in \\se{CDF}, using halos and galaxies in $N$-body simulations, that the difference between the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of galaxies and mass can be straightforwardly translated into $\\coav$ despite the scatter in the biasing scheme. Then, in \\se{rob}, we demonstrate that for our purpose, $\\cm(\\delm)$ is insensitive to the cosmological model and can be approximated robustly by a cumulative log-normal distribution. This means that we do not need to observe $\\cm(\\delta)$, which is hard to do; we only need to measure $\\cg(\\delg)$ and, independently, the rms value $\\sigm$ of the mass fluctuations on the same scale. In \\se{redshift}, we slightly modify the method to account for redshift-space distortions, and use mock galaxy catalogs from N-body simulations to evaluate the associated errors. Finally, in \\se{errors}, we estimate the errors due to the sparse sampling and finite volume. The method and its applications to existing and future data are discussed in \\se{conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We propose a simple prescription for recovering the mean nonlinear biasing function from a large redshift survey. The biasing function is defined by $b(\\delm)\\,\\delm = \\av{\\delg | \\delm}$, and is characterized to second order by two parameters, $\\bh$ and $\\bt$, measuring the mean biasing and its nonlinearity respectively. The method is applied at a given cosmology, time, object type and smoothing scale, and involves one parameter that should be assumed a priori --- the rms mass density fluctuation $\\sigma$ on the relevant scale. The main steps of the algorithm are as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item Obtain the observed cumulative distribution function in redshift space $\\cgz(\\delgz)$, by counts in cells or with window smoothing at a certain smoothing length. \\item Assume a value for $\\sigm$ on that scale and for the cosmological density parameter $\\om$, and approximate the mass CDF in redshift space by $\\clnz(\\delmz;\\sigmz)$, the cumulative log-normal distribution (\\eqd{cln}), with the width $\\sigmz$ derived from $\\sigm$ and $\\om$ by \\equ{sigmz}. \\item Derive the mean biasing function by \\be \\delg (\\delm\\!=\\!\\delmz) \\simeq \\delgz (\\delmz ) = \\cgz^{-1} [\\clnz(\\delmz;\\sigmz)] \\ \\ . \\ee \\end{enumerate} We first showed that the mean biasing function, at TH8 smoothing, can be derived with reasonable accuracy from the r-space CDFs of galaxies (or halos) and mass, despite the biasing scatter. We then demonstrated that for a wide range of CDM cosmologies the mass CDF can be properly approximated for this purpose by a log-normal distribution of the same width $\\sigm$. Next we showed that the biasing functions in z-space and r-space are very similar, and that the z-space mass CDF can also be approximated by a log-normal distribution, with a width derived from $\\sigm$ via \\equ{sigmz}. This allows us to apply the method directly to the observed CDF in a redshift survey. The errors in the recovered biasing function and its moments, in an ideal case of dense sampling in a large volume, are at the level of a few percent. In any realistic galaxy survey the limited volume and discrete sampling introduce further random and systematic errors. For a survey like the PSC$z$ survey, the main source of error is the sampling density; the error does not exceed $\\sim 10\\%$ as long as the mean observed galaxy separation is kept smaller than the smoothing radius. We are currently in the process of applying this method to the PSC$z$ survey (E. Branchini, \\etal 2000, in preparation), where a more specific error analysis will be carried out. The sampling errors are expected to be significantly smaller for the upcoming 2dF and SDSS redshift surveys. In \\se{CDF} we showed that our method works well both for halos and for galaxies, on scales 5 to 15$\\hmpc$, and in the redshift range $0\\leq z \\leq 3$ over which the biasing is expected to change drastically. We obtain a similar accuracy when we vary the cosmological model, the mass of the halos in the comparison, or galaxy properties such as morphological type and luminosity. The approximation $\\delg(\\delta)$ is consistent (the deviation is less than 1-$\\sigma$) with the true average biasing function $\\coav$ over a wide range of $\\delm$ values, which covers 98 -- 99\\% of the volume, depending on redshift and the type of biased objects. This allows us to estimate the moments of the biasing function to within a few percent (see Table~1). The moments of the biasing function are derived from 99.9\\% of the volume (99\\% at $z$=3 and for relative biasing). The method requires as external parameters the rms mass-density fluctuation $\\sigm$ and the cosmological parameter $\\om$. These can be obtained by joint analyses of constraints from several observational data sets, such as the cluster abundance (\\eg, Eke \\etal 1998), peculiar velocities (\\eg, Dekel \\& Rees 1994; Zaroubi \\etal 1997; Freudling \\etal 1999), CMB anisotropies (\\eg, de Bernardis \\etal 1999), and type Ia supernovae (Riess \\etal 1998; Perlmutter \\etal 1999). Examples for such joint analyses are Bahcall \\etal (1999) and Bridle \\etal (1999). The method is clearly applicable at $z\\simeq0$ with available redshift surveys and especially with those that will become available in the near future, 2dF and SDSS. In the future, this method may become applicable at higher redshifts as well, where the biasing plays an even more important role. With the accumulation of Lyman-break galaxies at $z\\sim 3$, it may soon become feasible to reconstruct their PDF by counts in cells, and our method will allow a recovery of the biasing function at this early epoch, with consequences on galaxy formation and on the evolution of structure. We have concentrated here on smoothing scales relevant to galaxy biasing, but the method may also be applicable for the biasing of galaxy clusters, on scales of a few tens of Mpc. The biasing scatter may be larger for clusters because of their sparse sampling, but the larger mean biasing parameter for clusters may help in regaining the required monotonicity for \\equ{cc} to provide a valid approximation to the mean biasing function. The mass PDF has been checked to be properly approximated by a log-normal distribution at smoothing scales in the range 20 to $40\\hmpc$, using simulations of the standard CDM and Cold+Hot DM models (Borgani \\etal 1995). The errors due to sparse sampling would require a smoothing scale at the high end of this range. In a large redshift survey which distinguishes between object types, one can measure the {\\it relative} biasing function between two object types by applying \\equ{cc12} in redshift space, using the observed CDFs for the two types without appealing to the underlying mass distribution at all. The upcoming large redshift surveys 2dF and SDSS, and the DEEP survey at $z\\sim 1$, are indeed expected to provide adequate samples of different galaxy types. Compared with the predictions of simulations and semi-analytic modeling of galaxy formation (\\eg, Kauffmann \\etal 1999; Benson \\etal 1998; Baugh \\etal 1999; Somerville \\& Primack 1999), the measured relative biasing function can provide valuable constraints on the formation of galaxies and the evolution of structure. While implementing the method outlined above for measuring the mean nonlinear biasing function using current and future redshift surveys, the next challenge is to devise a practical method for measuring the biasing scatter about the mean." }, "0002/astro-ph0002346_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The systematic search for the presence of cyclotron lines in the spectra of accreting X-ray pulsars is being carried on with the BeppoSAX satellite since the beginning of the mission. These highly successful observations allowed the detection of cyclotron lines in many of the accreting X-ray pulsars observed. Some correlations between the different measured parameters were found. We present these correlations and discuss them in the framework of the current theoretical scenario for the X--ray emission from these sources. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002420_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first results from the Shellflow program, an all-sky Tully-Fisher (TF) peculiar velocity survey of 276 Sb$-$Sc galaxies with redshifts between 4500 and 7000 \\kms. Shellflow was designed to minimize systematic errors between observing runs and between telescopes, thereby removing the possibility of a spurious bulk flow caused by data inhomogeneity. A fit to the data yields a bulk flow amplitude $V_{{\\rm bulk}} = 70^{+100}_{-70}\\ \\kms$ ($1\\sigma$ error) with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background, i.e., consistent with being at rest. At the 95\\% confidence level, the flow amplitude is $< 300\\,\\kms.$ Our results are insensitive to which Galactic extinction maps we use, and to the parameterization of the TF relation. The larger bulk motion found in analyses of the Mark III peculiar velocity catalog are thus likely to be due to non-uniformities between the subsamples making up Mark III. The absence of bulk flow is consistent with the study of Giovanelli and collaborators and flow field predictions from the observed distribution of IRAS galaxies. ", "introduction": "\\setcounter{footnote}{0} It is of great cosmological importance to identify the volume of space, centered on the Local Group, which is at rest with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB). Very large-scale density fluctuations are required to move large volumes of galaxies in the gravitational instability picture of structure formation. In standard Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmogonies, density fluctuations on scales $\\simgt 100\\hmpc$ are very small. As a result, the volume of space encompassed by the nearest superclusters (Great Attractor, Pisces-Perseus, Coma) is expected to be nearly at rest with respect to the CMB, and the distribution of matter {\\em within\\/} this volume should explain the $\\sim 600$ \\kms\\ motion of the Local Group in the CMB frame. However, the detection of a large amplitude flow ($V_{{\\rm bulk}} \\simgt 700$ \\kms) out to 15,000 \\kms\\ by Lauer \\& Postman (1994), along with recent measurements of similar amplitude (although different directions) by Willick (1999b) and Hudson \\etal\\ (1999), have challenged the notion that the bulk flow on large scales is small, and are pushing CDM models to the breaking point (e.g., Feldman \\& Watkins 1994; Strauss \\etal\\ 1995). However, Giovanelli \\etal\\ (1998a,b) and Dale \\etal\\ (1999) find results consistent with no flow in their survey of field and cluster spirals out to 20,000 \\kms. The measured bulk flow on smaller scales is also controversial. The most recent POTENT reconstructions (Dekel \\etal\\ 1999) of the Mark III velocities (Willick \\etal\\ 1997; Mark III) find a bulk velocity within 6000 \\kms\\ of $370 \\pm 110$ \\kms\\ in the CMB frame towards Supergalactic $(L,B)=(165^\\circ,\\, -10^\\circ)$\\footnote{A slightly smaller bulk flow amplitude of $305 \\pm 110\\kms$ is obtained if the VELMOD2 TF calibration of Willick \\& Strauss (1998) is used.}. Dekel \\etal\\ (1999) argue that this motion is generated by the {\\it external} mass distribution on very large scales (see also Courteau \\etal\\ 1993). On the other hand, Giovanelli \\etal\\ (1998) find a flow consistent with zero on similar scales from their field sample, a result consistent with the surface brightness fluctuation data of Tonry \\etal\\ (2000) and SN Ia distances (Riess 2000). Accurate ($\\simlt 150\\ \\kms$) measurement of the bulk flow at 6000 \\kms\\ requires that the galaxy distance data be homogeneous and free of systematic effects at the $2-3$\\% level. This cannot be guaranteed for datasets, such as the Mark III catalog, that are composed of two or more independent peculiar velocity surveys. Indeed, Willick \\& Strauss (1998) found evidence of systematic errors in the relative zero points of the various TF samples that make up the Mark III catalog. Thus, the controversy over the observed bulk flow within $60 \\hmpc$ stems, in large part, from the difficulty of combining the various galaxy distance samples used in flow studies into a single homogeneous catalog. None of the previous surveys extending to $60\\hmpc$ sampled the {\\it entire} sky uniformly and reduced the raw data for Northern and Southern hemisphere galaxies using identical techniques\\footnote{Earlier attempts include Roth (1994) and Schlegel (1995). The work of Giovanelli \\etal\\ (1998a,b) incorporates the Southern galaxy survey of Mathewson \\etal\\ (1992), but these authors claim to have reduced the systematic offset in the calibration between the two data sets to negligible levels. On scales larger than 6000 \\kms, the surveys of Lauer \\& Postman (1994) and Dale \\etal\\ (1999) were designed in a manner analogous to Shellflow.}. To address these issues we undertook a new TF survey focussed on a relatively narrow redshift shell centered at $\\sim 6000\\ \\kms.$ Our survey, ``Shellflow,'' was designed to provide {\\em precise\\/} and {\\em uniform\\/} photometric and spectroscopic data over the whole sky, and thus to remove the uncertainties associated with matching heterogeneous data sets. In this {\\em Letter,} we report the first scientific result from Shellflow: a reliable, high-accuracy measurement of the bulk flow at $60\\hmpc.$ In future papers (Willick \\etal\\ 2000, Paper II; Courteau \\etal\\ 2000, Paper III), we will describe the data set in greater detail and address related scientific questions, including higher-order moments of the flow field and the value of $\\beta\\equiv \\Omega_m^{0.6}/b.$ ", "conclusions": "The results we have presented here are in broad agreement with other recently reported results on the flow field in the local universe. These include the analyses of the SCI and SFI TF samples (Giovanelli \\etal\\ 1998a,b), who find V$_{\\rm bulk}=200\\pm65$ \\kms\\ within 6500 \\kms\\ and no motion for shells farther than 5000 \\kms; a similar analysis by Dale et al. (1999) who find no significant motion of clusters between 5000 and 20000 \\kms; as well as work from Tonry \\etal\\ (2000), who obtain V$_{\\rm bulk}=289\\pm137$ \\kms\\ at 3000 \\kms\\ from surface brightness fluctuation data, and Riess (2000), who finds no measurable bulk flow in the CMB frame from a sample of 44 SNe Ia with an average depth of 6000 \\kms. Taken together these results suggest that by a distance of $60\\hmpc$, we are seeing a convergence of the flow field to the CMB frame, as is predicted by the observed distribution of IRAS galaxies (Strauss \\etal\\ 1992; Schmoldt \\etal\\ 1999; Rowan-Robinson \\etal\\ 2000). While the data for more distant samples remain ambiguous, with several claims of large amplitude flows on scales $\\simgt 100\\hmpc,$ the results within $60\\hmpc$ cast serious doubt on these claims. If, as abundant evidence suggests, the universe monotonically approaches homogeneity on ever larger scales, it is difficult to see how $\\simgt 600\\,\\kms$ bulk flows on $\\simgt 100\\hmpc$ scales can be reconciled with negligible bulk flow on a scale half as large. From this perspective it seems likely that the results of Lauer \\& Postman (1994), Willick (1999b), and Hudson \\etal\\ (1999) are due, at least in part, to subtle and small systematic effects. In summary, we find no significant motion of a shell of galaxies centered at 6000 \\kms, as seen in the CMB frame. Equivalently, from the vantage point of the LG frame, we see a motion equal in amplitude and opposite in direction to the motion of the LG through the CMB. Our results are insensitive to whether we adopt the BH or the SFD reddenings, as well as to the parameterization of the TF relation. Future papers will present the spectroscopic and photometric data, give a detailed account of our TF analysis, including tests for a surface-brightness dependence of the TF relation, consider higher-order moments of the velocity field, and compare with the IRAS-predicted velocity field, following the methods of Davis, Nusser, \\& Willick (1996) and Willick \\& Strauss (1998), to estimate $\\beta=\\Omega_m^{0.6}/b.$ We will also use the Shellflow sample to recalibrate and homogeneously merge the major TF catalogs out to 6000 \\kms, including Mark III and SFI (Haynes \\etal\\ 1999). Such a future superset of existing TF catalogs, based on a reliable, all-sky calibration, will provide a powerful tool for studying the velocity and density fields in the local universe." }, "0002/astro-ph0002085_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Naturally occurring water vapor maser emission at 1.35 cm wavelength provides an accurate probe for the study of accretion disks around highly compact objects, thought to be black holes, in the centers of active galaxies. Because of the exceptionally fine angular resolution, 200 microarcseconds, obtainable with very long baseline interferometry, accompanied by high spectral resolution, $<0.1$~\\kms, the dynamics and structures of these disks can be probed with exceptional clarity. The data on the galaxy NGC\\_4258 are discussed here in detail. The mass of the black hole binding the accretion disk is $3.9 \\times 10^7$~\\msun. Although the accretion disk has a rotational period of about 800 years, the physical motions of the masers have been directly measured with VLBI over a period of a few years. These measurements also allow the distance from the earth to the black hole to be estimated to an accuracy of 4 percent. The status of the search for other maser/black hole candidates is also discussed. ", "introduction": "The observational evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes ($10^6$--$10^9$ times the mass of the sun, \\msun) in the centers of active galaxies has been accumulating at an ever accelerating pace for the last few decades (e.g., Rees 1998; Blandford \\& Gehrels 1999). Seyfert (1943) first drew attention to a group of galaxies with unusual excitation conditions in their nuclei indicative of energetic activity. Among the twelve galaxies in his list was NGC\\_4258, which is the subject of much of this paper. Such galaxies, now known as galaxies with active galactic nuclei (AGN), have grown in membership and importance. Ironically, NGC\\_4258 no longer belongs to the class of Seyfert galaxies by modern classification standards (Heckman 1980), but it is still considered to have a mildly active galactic nucleus. Meanwhile, the study of AGN has become a major field in modern astrophysics. In the 1960s, galaxies with AGN were discovered with intense radio emission arising from jets of relativistic particles often extending far beyond the optical boundaries of the host galaxy. The central engine, the source of energy that powers such jets and other phenomena in the centers of galaxies, has long been ascribed to black holes (e.g., Salpeter 1964; Blandford \\& Rees 1992). There are two sources of energy for these phenomena: the gravitational energy from material falling onto the black hole and the spin energy of the black hole itself (Blandford \\& Znajek 1977). The direct evidence for black holes in AGN has come principally from observations of the motions of gas and stars in the extended environments of black holes. In the optical and infrared domains, the evidence for black holes from stellar measurements comes from an analysis of the velocity dispersion of stars as a function of distance from the dynamical centers of galaxies. In the case of our own Galactic center, the proper motions (angular velocities in the plane of the sky) of individual stars can be measured. These data show that there is a mass of about $2.6 \\times 10^6$~\\Mdot\\ within a volume of radius 0.01 pc (Genzel et al. 1997; Ghez et al. 1998). In addition, measurements by the Hubble Space Telescope of the velocity field of hydrogen gas in active galaxies indicate the presence of massive centrally condensed objects. Reviews of these data have been written by Faber (1999), Ho (1999), Kormendy and Richstone (1995), and others. In the X-ray portion of the spectrum, there is compelling evidence for black holes in AGN from the detection of the highly broadened iron K$\\alpha$ line at 6.4 keV. The line is broadened by the gravitational redshift of gas as close as 3 Schwarzschild radii from the black hole. An example of an iron line profile in the galaxy MCG\\_-6-30-15 is shown in Figure~1 (Tanaka et al. 1995). The linear extent of the emission region cannot be determined directly by the X-ray telescope, so it is not possible to estimate directly the mass of the putative black hole. Detailed analysis of the line profile suggests that the black hole is spinning (e.g., Bromley, Miller, \\& Pariev 1998). \\begin{figure}[t] \\plotfiddle{fig1.eps}{3.25in}{.2}{90}{90}{-275}{-204} \\caption{\\setlength{\\baselineskip}{8 pt} The X-ray spectrum of the galaxy MCG\\_-6-30-15, observed by the Japanese ASCA satellite. The top panel shows the total spectrum with a model of the continuum emission fitted to the data outside the range of 5--7 keV. The bottom panel shows the residuals, which reveal a broad spectral feature attributed to the Fe K$\\alpha$ line at 6.4 keV. The line has a width of 100,000 \\kms. The most extreme redshifted part is thought to arise from gas at a radius of about 3 Schwarzschild radii. (From Tanaka et al. 1995)} \\end{figure} In the radio regime, a new line of inquiry has given unexpectedly clear and compelling evidence for black holes: the discovery of water masers orbiting highly massive and compact central objects. With the aid of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), which provides angular resolution as fine as 200~microarcseconds ($\\mu$as) at a wavelength of 1.3~cm and spectral resolution of 0.1 km$\\,$s$^{-1}$ or less, the structure of accreting material around these central objects can be studied in detail. This paper describes the observations and the significance of these measurements of water masers in AGN. We begin with a brief description of cosmic masers and the interferometric techniques used to observe them. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002058_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The nature of the dark matter in the haloes of galaxies is one of the outstanding questions in astrophysics. All stellar candidates, until recently thought to be likely baryonic contributions to the Halo of our Galaxy, are shown to be ruled out. Faint stars and brown dwarfs are found to constitute only a few percent of the mass of the Galaxy. Stellar remnants, including white dwarfs and neutron stars, are shown to be very constrained as well. High energy gamma-rays observed in HEGRA data place the strongest constraints, $\\Omega_{WD} < 3 \\times 10^{-3} h^{-1}$, where $h$ is the Hubble constant in units of 100 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. Hence one is left with several unanswered questions: 1) What are MACHOs seen in microlensing surveys? 2) What is the dark matter in our Galaxy? Indeed a nonbaryonic component in the Halo seems to be required. ", "introduction": "The nature of the dark matter in the haloes of galaxies is an outstanding problem in astrophysics. Over the last several decades there has been great debate about whether this matter is baryonic or must be exotic. Many astronomers believed that a stellar or substellar solution to this problem might be the most simple and therefore most plausible explanation. However, in the last few years, these candidates have been ruled out as significant components of the Galactic Halo. I will discuss limits on these stellar candidates, and argue for my personal conviction that: {\\em Most of the dark matter in the Galactic Halo must be nonbaryonic.} Until recently, stellar candidates for the dark matter, including faint stars, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and neutron stars, were extremely popular. However, recent analysis of various data sets has shown that faint stars and brown dwarfs probably constitute no more than a few percent of the mass of our Galaxy \\cite{kfrbfgk,kfrgf96a,kfrgf96b,kfrmcs,kfrfgb,kfrfreese}. Specifically, using Hubble Space Telescope and parallax data, we showed that faint stars and brown dwarfs contribute no more than 1\\% of the mass density of the Galaxy. Microlensing experiments (the MACHO \\cite{kfrmacho:1yr}, \\cite{kfrmacho:2yr} and EROS \\cite{kfransari}) experiments), which were designed to look for Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs), also failed to find these light stellar objects and ruled out substellar dark matter candidates in the $(10^{-7} - 10^{-2}) M_\\odot$ mass range. Recently white dwarfs have received attention as possible dark matter candidates. Interest in white dwarfs has been motivated by microlensing events interpreted as being in the Halo, with a best fit mass of $\\sim 0.5 M_\\odot $. However, I will show that stellar remnants including white dwarfs and neutron stars are extremely problematic as dark matter candidates. A combination of excessive infrared radiation, mass budget issues and chemical abundances constrains the abundance of stellar remnants in the Halo quite severely, as shown below. Hence, white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, faint stars, and neutron stars are either ruled out or extremely problematic as dark matter candidates. Thus the puzzle remains, What are the 14 MACHO events that have been interpreted as being in the Halo of the Galaxy? Are some of them actually located elsewhere, such as in the LMC itself? These questions are currently unanswered. As regards the dark matter in the Halo of our Galaxy, one is driven to nonbaryonic constituents as the bulk of the matter. Possibilities include supersymmetric particles, axions, primordial black holes, or other exotic candidates. In this talk I will focus on the arguments against stellar remnants as candidates for a substantial fraction of the dark matter, as white dwarfs in particular have been the focus of attention as potential explanations of microlensing data. For a discussion of limits on faint stars and brown dwarfs, see earlier conference proceedings by Freese, Fields, and Graff (\\cite{kfrfreese} and \\cite{kfrconf1}). ", "conclusions": "\\paragraph{A Zero Macho Halo?} The possibility exists that the 14 microlensing events that have been interpreted as being in the Halo of the Galaxy are in fact due to some other lensing population. One of the most difficult aspects of microlensing is the degeneracy of the interpretation of the data, so that it is currently impossible to determine whether the lenses lie in the Galactic Halo, or in the Disk of the Milky Way, or in the LMC. In particular, it is possible that the LMC is thicker than previously thought so that the observed events are due to self-lensing of the LMC. All these possibilities are being investigated. More data are required in order to identify where the lenses are. Microlensing experiments have ruled out baryonic dark matter objects in the mass range $10^{-7}M_\\odot $ all the way up to $10^{-2}M_\\odot$. In this talk I discussed the heavier possibilities in the range $10^{-2}M_\\odot $ to a few $M_\\odot $. Brown dwarfs and faint stars are ruled out as significant dark matter components; they contribute no more than 1\\% of the Halo mass density. Stellar remnants are not able to explain the dark matter of the Galaxy either; none of the expected signatures of stellar remnants, i.e., infrared radiation, large baryonic mass budget, and C,N, and He$^4$ abundances, are found observationally. Hence, in conclusion, \\hfill\\break 1) Nonbaryonic dark matter in our Galaxy seems to be required, and \\hfill\\break 2) The nature of the Machos seen in microlensing experiments and interpreted as the dark matter in the Halo of our Galaxy remains a mystery. Are we driven to primordial black holes \\cite{kfrcarr} \\cite{kfrjedam}, nonbaryonic Machos (Machismos?), mirror matter Machos (\\cite{kfrmohap}) or perhaps a no-Macho Halo?" }, "0002/astro-ph0002328_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper we describe the Bayesian link between the cosmological mass function and the distribution of times at which isolated halos of a given mass exist. By assuming that clumps of dark matter undergo monotonic growth on the time-scales of interest, this distribution of times is also the distribution of `creation' times of the halos. This monotonic growth is an inevitable aspect of gravitational instability. The spherical top-hat collapse model is used to estimate the rate at which clumps of dark matter collapse. This gives the prior for the creation time given no information about halo mass. Applying Bayes' theorem then allows {\\em any} mass function to be converted into a distribution of times at which halos of a given mass are created. This general result covers both Gaussian and non-Gaussian models. We also demonstrate how the mass function and the creation time distribution can be combined to give a joint density function, and discuss the relation between the time distribution of major merger events and the formula calculated. Finally, we determine the creation time of halos within three N-body simulations, and compare the link between the mass function and creation rate with the analytic theory. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The hierarchical build-up of self-gravitating dark matter is thought to drive evolution in the observable universe. The formation of clumps of dark matter precipitates the formation of galaxies by providing a potential well into which gas can fall and subsequently cool. Violent mergers between equally sized halos and their associated galaxies are thought to be important for starbursts and quasar activation. In order to model and understand the observable universe it is therefore essential to understand the build-up of the dark structure. The most widely used analytic model for the distribution of mass in isolated halos at any epoch comes from Press-Schechter (PS) theory \\cite{ps}. By smoothing the initial field of density fluctuations on different scales, information on the distribution of perturbation sizes can be obtained. Linking the time at which these perturbations collapse to the initial overdensities using the simplified spherical top-hat collapse model allows the distribution of mass in isolated halos at any epoch to be determined \\cite{ps,peacock,bond}. In Percival \\& Miller \\shortcite{ev1} (hereafter paper~I), we used the tenets of PS theory to model the related, but distinct problem of determining the distribution of times at which halos of a given mass are created. Here, `creation' is defined as the epoch at which non-linear collapse is predicted. Two derivations were given, one of which directly used the trajectories invoked in PS theory \\cite{peacock,bond}, and one of which used Bayes' theorem to convert from the PS mass function to a time distribution. The second derivation required the prior for the creation time which was calculated by examining the trajectories model. In this paper we extend the Bayesian link between the mass function and the creation time distribution to cover any mass function. This is important, not only because it is known that standard PS theory is wrong in detail (e.g. Sheth \\& Tormen 1999), but especially because the new extension applies to mass functions derived from more general density fields including non-Gaussian models (e.g. Matarrese, Verde \\& Jimenez 2000). First, we adopt the assumption that all clumps monotonically increase in mass on the cosmological time scales of interest. This monotonic growth is an inevitable aspect of gravitational instability. Every epoch should now be thought of as a creation time for a given clump, and we need not make the distinction between the creation time distribution and the distribution of times at which a given halo exists. In order to convert from a mass function to a distribution in time we require the prior for the creation time. This is the rate at which creation events occur, given no information about the halo mass. In this work we use the spherical top-hat collapse (STHC) model to provide a simple mechanism for determining the required rate. In Section~\\ref{sec:tophat} we derive the link between collapse time and the overdensity at an early epoch for the STHC model within any Friedmann cosmology. Having determined that this relation is independent of halo mass, this leads directly to an approximation to the prior for the creation time, described in Section~\\ref{sec:time}. This is the second major assumption adopted in this paper: that the prior for the creation time is well approximated by this simple model for the break-away of structure from linear expansion. This means that following the two simple assumptions detailed above, we are able to convert any mass function to give the distribution of epochs at which halos of a given mass are created. Simple models of cosmologically evolving phenomena often adopt an important mass range rather than a specific halo mass (e.g. paper~I, Granato \\etal\\ 1999). In order to use the work presented here in these models, the joint distribution of halos in mass and creation time is required. Although calculating the required joint probability is formally impossible because the equations cannot be properly normalised, a formula with the correct shape can be determined and is presented in Section~\\ref{sec:joint}. So far we have not made a distinction between the slow accretion of mass onto a halo and major mergers between halos. Such a distinction is important because only major mergers are thought to play a vital role in starbursts and quasar activation (see paper~I). The time distribution calculated in this paper determines when halos existed (or were created by any mechanism assuming monotonic clump growth) which is not necessarily equal to the distribution of merger events. This is discussed in Section~\\ref{sec:mergers}. Finally, we compare the analytic link between the mass function and the creation rate to the results from three numerical simulations of structure formation in different cosmological models. An analytic fit to the mass function as described by Sheth \\& Tormen \\shortcite{sheth} is adopted and is converted into a creation rate using the STHC model. This model is compared with and shown to be in good agreement with the numerical results. ", "conclusions": "We have demonstrated a simple method for linking any mass function to the corresponding distribution of times at which isolated halos of a given mass are created. In order to provide this link we adopted the assumption that the time scales of interest are those over which the mass of every clump can be thought of as monotonically increasing. The prior for the collapse time was estimated using the STHC model which ties in directly with PS theory, although the method does not use any of PS theory beyond that of the STHC model. We have presented a new derivation of the link between the collapse time and initial overdensity for this model which explicitly shows that this link is independent of the halo mass and is applicable in any Friedmann cosmology. Multiplying the mass function by a function with no mass dependence and proportional to the time derivative of the critical overdensity then provides a joint density function with the correct behaviour for the creation of a halo in mass {\\em and} time. Integrating over the resulting joint density function will give the correct relative number densities of halos within different mass and time intervals. We have extended the analysis of N-body simulation results presented in paper~I to cover three simulations of the build-up of dark matter within different cosmological models. Rather than using PS theory, we have demonstrated how a fit to the mass function may be converted to give a creation rate. Out of the three functions we have compared to the mass function data, the best fit model for these data when converted to a creation rate also fits the creation rate data the best. This gives us confidence that the formalism presented here is sound, and should give accurate results in more general situations, in particular non-Gaussian models." }, "0002/astro-ph0002352_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It has been known for a long time (Mestel~1953) that the meridional circulation velocity in stars, in the presence of $\\displaystyle \\mu $-gradients, is the sum of two terms, one due to the classical thermal imbalance ($\\displaystyle \\Omega$-currents) and the other one due to the induced horizontal $\\displaystyle \\mu $-gradients ($\\displaystyle \\mu $-induced currents, or $\\displaystyle \\mu $-currents in short). In the most general cases, $\\displaystyle \\mu $-currents are opposite to $\\displaystyle \\Omega$-currents. Vauclair (1999) has shown that such processes can, in specific cases, lead to a quasi-equilibrium stage in which both the circulation and the helium settling is frozen. Here we present computations of the circulation currents in halo star models, along the whole evolutionary sequences for four stellar masses with a metallicity of [Fe/H] = -2. We show that such a self-regulated process can account for the constancy of the lithium abundances and the small dispersion in the Spite plateau. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002164_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The dominant linear contribution to cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations at small angular scales ($\\lesssim 1'$) is a second-order contribution known as the Vishniac or Ostriker-Vishniac effect. This effect is caused by the scattering of CMB photons off free electrons after the universe has been reionized, and is dominated by linear perturbations near the $R_V =2$ Mpc/($h \\Gamma/0.2)$ scale in the Cold Dark Matter cosmogony. As the reionization of the universe requires that nonlinear objects exist on some scale, however, one can compare the scale responsible for reionization to $R_V$ and ask if a linear treatment is even feasible in different scenarios of reionization. For an $\\Omega_0 = 1$ cosmology normalized to cluster abundances, only $\\sim 65 \\%$ of the linear integral is valid if reionization is due to quasars in halos of mass $\\sim 10^9 M_\\odot$, while $\\sim 75\\%$ of the integral is valid if reionization was caused by stars in halos of $\\sim 10^6 M_\\odot$. In $\\Lambda$ or open cosmologies, both the redshift of reionization and $z_V$ are pushed further back, but still only $\\sim 75 \\%$ to $\\sim 85 \\%$ of the linear integral is valid, independent of the ionization scenario. We point out that all odd higher-order moments from Vishniac fluctuations are zero while even moments are non-zero, regardless of the gaussianity of the density perturbations. This provides a defining characteristic of the Vishniac effect that differentiates it from other secondary perturbations and may be helpful in separating them. ", "introduction": "While recombination at $z \\approx 1100$ marked the end of ionized hydrogen from the viewpoint of a linearly evolving universe, the nonlinear evolution of small-scale perturbations resulted in the reionization of the intergalactic medium at much lower redshifts. The fact that quasar spectra show an absence of an absorption trough from Ly$\\alpha$ resonant scattering by neutral H atoms distributed diffusely along the line of sight, the Gunn-Peterson effect (Gunn \\& Peterson 1965), means that this reionization must have occurred with a high degree of efficiency before a redshift of 5. One of the necessary consequences of this reionization is the presence of secondary anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) due to the scattering of photons off ionized electrons. These secondary fluctuations can be divided into two classes: anisotropies due to nonlinear structures and linear anisotropies. Nonlinear secondary anisotropies are of several types. Some of the more studied of these include the scattering of photons off the hot intracluster medium of galaxy clusters (Sunyaev \\& Zel'dovich 1970, 1972; or for more recent treatments see, e.g., Evrard \\& Henry 1991; Colfrancesco et al.\\ 1994; Aghanim et al.\\ 1997), gravitational lensing (see, e.g., Linder 1997; Metcalf \\& Silk 1997), the impact of inhomogeneous reionization (Aghanim et al.\\ 1995; Peebles \\& Juszkiewicz 1998; Knox, Scoccimarro, \\& Dodelson 1998), and the Rees-Sciama effect due to the bulk motions of collapsing nonlinear structures (see, e.g., Rees \\& Sciama 1968; Kaiser 1982; Seljak 1996). Small-scale linear anisotropies come in fewer flavors. Detailed analyses of linear perturbations have uncovered a single dominant effect known as the Vishniac or Ostriker-Vishniac effect (Hu, Scott, \\& Silk 1994; Dodelson \\& Jubas 1995; Hu \\& White 1995; Hu \\& Sugiyama 1996). The level of these perturbations has been calculated by several authors (Ostriker \\& Vishniac 1985; Vishniac 1987; Jaffe \\& Kamionkowski 1998, hereafter JK). These investigations raise the question of whether a detectable Vishniac effect even exists since nonlinear structures must exist on {\\em some} length scale at the time of secondary scattering of CMB photons, as it is only by the formation of nonlinear objects that the universe is able to reionize itself. If these scales are comparable to those making the dominant contribution to the Vishniac effect, then a linear analysis is inappropriate and a calculation of secondary anisotropies must incorporate nonlinear effects. In this work we determine the minimum length scale, $R_V$, which must remain linear in order for a linear approach to scattering by ionized regions with varying bulk motions to be accurate for the range of angular scales over which one can hope to measure secondary fluctuations. In hierarchical scenarios of structure formation, such as the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, smaller structures assemble at early times, later merging to form larger objects. This allows us to place limits on the time between the formation of structures large enough to reionize the universe and the time at which $R_V$ becomes nonlinear. At that point, while peculiar velocities of ionized gas continue to be imprinted on the microwave background, the nature of this signature is qualitatively different and is best interpreted from another perspective. The structure of this work is as follows. In Sec.\\ 2 we describe the Vishniac effect and determine the physical length scale on which it depends. In Sec.\\ 3 we compare this to the scale of reionizing objects in different reionization scenarios and discuss the applicability of linear theory. In Sec.\\ 4 we examine how the Vishniac effect is distinguished from other effects. Conclusions are given in Sec.\\ 5, and the various cosmological expressions used throughout are summarized in the appendix. ", "conclusions": "Due to the tremendous predictive power of linear theory, comparisons between linear predictions and large-scale cosmic microwave background measurements promise to constrain cosmological parameters to the order of a few percent (Jungman et al.\\ 1996; Bond, Efstathiou, \\& Tegmark 1997; Zaldarriaga, Spergel, \\& Seljak 1997). The natural extension of this approach is to try to measure small-scale secondary anisotropies and match them to linear predictions to study the reionization history of universe. The situation in this case is more muddled, however, as a number of nonlinear secondary effects also contribute at these scales. The dominant secondary linear anisotropy is a second-order contribution known as the Vishniac or Ostriker-Vishniac effect. As this effect can be predicted accurately as a function of cosmological parameters, several authors have proposed that its measurement will prove to be a sensitive probe of the reionization history of the universe. Reionization occurs by the formation of nonlinear structures, however, raising the question of whether a regime of redshift space exists in which these objects have collapsed but a linear analysis is still appropriate. In this work, we have determined the relevant physical scales that give rise to the Vishniac effect in a Cold Dark Matter cosmogony, showing that approximations are already compromised when $1$ Mpc/($h \\Gamma_{0.20}$) scales have become nonlinear, and break down when $2$ Mpc/($h \\Gamma_{0.20}$) dark matter halos reach overdensities of 1. The width of the redshift regime over which the effect can be imprinted on the CMB is dependent on the cosmological parameters and the reionizing mass scale. Schemes in which reionization is due to radiation from active galactic nuclei associated with dark matter halos of masses $\\gtrsim 10^9 M_\\odot$ are limited by the absence of a Gunn-Peterson absorption trough. As reionization must have occurred with a high degree of efficiency before a redshift of 5, such models are successful only if one assumes a large value of $\\sigma_8$, or considers open models with slowly-changing linear growth factors. Both these assumptions push back the redshift at which $R_V$ becomes nonlinear, limiting the range over which a linear analysis is appropriate. Scenarios in which reionization is due to much smaller objects, such as stars formed in dwarf galaxies associated with dark matter halos of masses $\\gtrsim 10^6 M_\\odot$, are able to reionize the universe at much larger redshifts even in cosmologies in which $\\sigma_8$ is small and $D(z)$ quickly evolving. This represents only a marginal gain however, as the high redshift contribution to the Vishniac integral is roughly proportional to comoving distance, and comoving distances are small at high redshifts. Thus low-mass scenarios of reionization are more compatible with a linear analysis not so much because they reionize earlier as because they allow $R_V$ to become nonlinear more recently without violating Gunn-Peterson limits. The Vishniac effect arises from physical processes that are distinct from nonlinear secondary anisotropies. Its detection indicates the presence of a redshift regime in which a delicate cancellation takes place due to the lack of curl in the peculiar velocity field and slow variations in $G(w)$. This leaves a unique signature in the higher-order moments of the temperature fluctuations that is absent from its nonlinear counterparts. Furthermore, due to the predictive power of linear theory, it represents a sensitive probe of the reionization history not available from measurements of nonlinear contributions. As with measurements of large angular scale anisotropies, small-scale microwave background anisotropy measurements have the potential to uncover much about the history of our universe. Also as with large-scale measurements, whether this potential will be realized remains to be seen. While the Vishniac effect represents a possible probe of the reionization epoch, the analysis will, as always, be more involved than first suggested. Ultimately it will only be through the measurement and analysis of small-scale microwave background anisotropies that we will be able to know if there is a detectable Vishniac effect." }, "0002/astro-ph0002487_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the results of analysis of observations of the Vela Pulsar by PCA on RXTE. Our data consists of two parts. The first part contains observations at 1, 4, and 9 days after the glitch in 1996 and has 27000 sec. total exposure time. The second part of observations were performed three months after this glitch and have a total exposure time of 93000 sec. We found pulsations in both sets. The observed spectrum is a power-law with no apparent change in flux or count rate. The theoretical expectations of increase in flux due to internal heating after a glitch are smaller than the uncertainty of the observations. ", "introduction": "\\label{velaintro} We present observations of the \\object{Vela pulsar} with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA), on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). Our observations cover two distinct time-spans. The first part is very close to the glitch on 1996 October 13.394 UT (Flanagan \\cite{glidate}). It consists of three observations at one, four and nine days after the glitch. We analyzed these sets of data separately. The second series of observations were obtained in January 1997. All data sets of January 1997 were analyzed together. The exact dates of observations are given in Table~\\ref{the_table}. We first performed spectral analysis of our data, calculated time averaged flux for different observations and put upper limits for the flux change. Then, by using radio ephemerides, we detected the pulsations in the data, and investigated the changes in pulse shape and pulse fraction. Finally, we compared our results with the theoretical expectations of change in flux which might arise because of glitch induced energy dissipation in the neutron star. Time averaged spectrum analysis is explained in section \\ref{pavspec}. The detected pulse shapes are presented in section \\ref{velatiming}. In section \\ref{velaconc} we discuss the implications of our results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{velaconc} \\subsection{Time Averaged Spectrum} The power-law spectrum observed is in agreement with expectations deduced from previous observations of Vela at higher and lower energies(\\\"Ogelman et al. \\cite{vel_og}, Kanbach et al. \\cite{kanbach}, Strickman et al. \\cite{strick96}, Kuiper et al. \\cite{kuiper} ). At this part of spectrum (2-20 keV), the contribution of the pulsar is very small compared to the contribution of the compact nebula surrounding it. As a result the pulse shapes have a very high DC level, as can be seen in Fig.~\\ref{pulses}. The slightly higher residuals near 6 keV and lower residuals near 4 keV are not characteristics of observed sources, but are artifacts of PCA. This effect, which is a result of the L edge of Xenon, is reduced by the version of response matrices in use, but not completely removed. Our main conclusion from the analysis is that the spectrum does not change from early post-glitch to late observations. It is a power-law with an index around 2 for all of the observations. The power-law index does not change significantly among the observations. The highest value calculated for the index is 2.107 and the lowest value is 2.009. This corresponds to a change of 5\\%, which is a fractional upper limit for the change of power-index during the observations. The upper and lower limits of the flux calculated by the comparison explained in section \\ref{pavspec} and presented in Table~\\ref{the_table} are well within the range of systematic errors. We therefore adopt the systematic errors as the upper limits to any variation in flux. There is seemingly a jump in the flux between 2-20 keV, from the first to the second observation. This observation is only four days away from the glitch. The pre-glitch temperature of the surface of the Vela pulsar is thought to be around 0.15 keV(\\\"Ogelman et al. \\cite{vel_og}). Theoretical models (Van Riper et al.\\cite{nsth1}; Umeda et al.\\cite{nsth2}; Hirano et al. \\cite{nsth3}) predict an increase at most by a factor of 8, which brings the temperature to 1.2 keV. Attempts to find a blackbody component in this observation did not give significantly different results from other observations. This suggests that the observed flux changes may have little or nothing to do with changes in surface temperature. Another possible interpretation is that there is an error in the analysis of this particular observation, possibly arising from the calculation of synthetic background. Vela is a faint source for PCA. An improved model in the estimation of background for faint sources has been released by the PCA Team in 1998. This model has been used throughout the calculations. There may be further improvements on the background models that could change the calculated flux. The presented flux is calculated by using the spectrum model, rather than by direct observation. Apart from this observation there is no apparent change in flux or count rate. Treating the calculated fluxes as very high upper bounds to the Wien tail of possible blackbody radiation from the neutron star surface could in principle be used to rule out some of the models for the post-glitch thermal emission from the neutron stars. In practice this does not work since the surface temperature range of the Vela pulsar is far below the RXTE-PCA energies. \\subsection{Timing Analysis and Pulse Shapes} The epoch of the second ephemeris taken from the Princeton database, 50379.0 MJD, is pretty close to the third observation (see Fig.~\\ref{obseph}), but using the ephemeris alone for the observation does not give a pulse shape. This may be due to the existence of two distinct decay time scales of Vela, 3 days and 30 days, which were observed in all previous glitches and fall within the ranges of ephemeris (Alpar et al. \\cite{Alpar93}). Our data is not good enough to determine any exponential decay time scales. In view of the rapidly varying period at those epochs, the pulse shapes of the first part of the observations were obtained by a careful interpolation amounting to the construction of an ephemeris that can represent the rapid changes in the pulsar's timing parameters in this postglitch epoch. The phase difference of the two observed peaks in these shapes is the same as the phase difference in the second set of observations (in January 1997). This gives us some confidence in the resultant pulse shapes. The pulse shapes obtained are not reliable for drawing conclusions on the changes of pulse shape or pulsed fraction, since both of these factors are sensitively dependent on ephemeris. This is best seen by comparing Fig.~\\ref{pulses}~(b) and (c). They belong to the same set of data but have obvious differences both in the pulse shape and pulsed fraction. \\subsection{Possible Future Work} Extracting the contribution of the compact nebula from the spectrum may help to delineate effects of temperature changes on the neutron star surface. Although the pulsations are detected, they are not reliable enough to justify taking the off-peak photon counts as background to the peak photon counts to remove the effects coming from the DC signal. The field of view of the PCA detector is one degree (RXTE GOF \\cite{PCA}), consequently the compact nebula surrounding the Vela pulsar has a significant contribution to the observed spectrum. The images showing the emission from the pulsar and the sources around it, in particular the compact nebula, can be found in Markwardt (\\cite{craig_neb}), Frail et al. (\\cite{ogel2}), Harnden et al. (\\cite{1985}), and Willmore et al. (\\cite{willmore}). When we divided the data from the second part of observations into smaller time intervals we have observed that the pulse shape begins to disappear for data strings covering less than 30000 seconds. The exposure time of the data sets we used in this work are below 10000 seconds. This explains the uncertainty in pulse shapes and fractions. Future target of opportunity observation of the Vela pulsar by RXTE need to be allocated more observation time, and should contain observations made approximately 20 days after the glitch, since this is about the time that the surface temperature will reach its maximum according to theoretical models. Also, more detailed ephemerides fitting the post-glitch behavior of the pulsar is necessary to make deductions on changes in pulse shape. Finally we note that the question of glitch associated energy dissipation in the Vela pulsar has been addressed also with ROSAT observations. Comparison of observations at epochs before and after the glitch has not yielded stringent constraints on the glitch related energy dissipation (Seward et al. \\cite{ROSAT}). While this work was in preparation another analysis of RXTE/PCA observations of the Vela pulsar was published by Strickman et al. (\\cite{strick2}). They have also detected a pulsed emission and a power-law spectrum. Our analysis differs from theirs in two ways. Their phase-resolved spectra are obtained by taking ``off-pulse'' photons as background to ``on-pulse'' photons, whereas we calculated only time averaged spectra. Another difference is that these authors used data coming from only the first xenon layer for energies below 8 keV, but included data coming from the other two layers for higher energies. In our analysis we used photons detected only in the first xenon layer. As a result of these differences, their power-law index is smaller than the value that we found." }, "0002/astro-ph0002508_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Moderate resolution, near-IR spectroscopy of MS1512-cB58 is presented, obtained during commissioning of the the Near IR Spectrometer (NIRSPEC) on the Keck II telescope. The strong lensing of this $z=2.72$~galaxy by the foreground cluster MS1512+36 makes it the best candidate for detailed study of the rest-frame optical properties of Lyman Break Galaxies. In eighty minutes of on-source integration, we have detected \\ha, \\nii $\\lambda$6583,6548\\AA, \\oi$\\lambda$6300\\AA, He I $\\lambda$5876\\AA, \\oiii $\\lambda$5007,4959\\AA, \\hb, \\hgamma, \\oii$\\lambda$3727, and a strong continuum signal in the range 1.29-2.46\\mic. A redshift of $z=2.7290\\pm 0.0007$~is inferred from the emission lines, in contrast to the $z=2.7233$~calculated from UV observations of interstellar absorption lines. Using the Balmer line ratios, we find an extinction of \\ebmv=0.27. Using the line strengths, we infer an SFR$=620\\pm 18$~\\Myr (\\h0=75, \\q0=0.1, $\\Lambda =0$), a factor of 2 higher than that measured from narrow-band imaging observations of the galaxy, but a factor of almost 4 lower than the SFR inferred from the UV continuum luminosity. The width of the Balmer lines yields a mass of $M_{vir}=1.2\\times 10^{10}$~\\Msun. We find that the oxygen abundance is 1/3 solar, in good agreement with other estimates of the metallicity. However, we infer a high nitrogen abundance, which may argue for the presence of an older stellar population. ", "introduction": "The largest sample of high redshift galaxies was selected from observations of the extinction of rest-frame far-ultraviolet light by intrinsic and intergalactic absorption. These Lyman Break galaxies (hereafter LBGs; Steidel et al. 1996) may, in principle, be the tracers of the global star formation history of the universe (Madau et al. 1998). However, the unquantified effects of dust extinction present an obstacle to such interpretation. For example, corrections to the star formation rate (SFR) of LBGs have been suggested to be as large as factors of 2--10 (Pettini et al. 1998, hereafter P98; Trager et al. 1997). In this paper we present the first observations of an LBG with NIRSPEC, the near infrared spectrometer on the Keck II telescope. We will use the rest-frame optical spectrum to obtain a model independent measure of dust extinction, an estimate of the virial mass, and the star formation rate. Spectra such as this one also provide the best method for determining the metal abundance in LBGs. We will examine the evolutionary status of cB58, and its implications as a ``typical'' LBG. We have chosen the brightest LBG as our first target (MS1512-cB58; see Yee et al. 1996). MS1512-cB58 is a gravitationally lensed starburst galaxy at z=2.72. It was discovered serendipitously, within the field of the z=0.37 galaxy cluster MS1512+36, in spectra obtained for the CNOC survey (Yee, Ellingson, \\& Carlberg 1996). MS1512-cB58 is clearly extended with the morphology of a lensed arc (Williams \\& Lewis, 1997; Seitz et al., 1998). It has an ultraviolet spectrum representative of LBGs but due to a factor of $\\sim 30$~magnification (Seitz et al. 1998) it is orders of magnitude brighter than any other object of its kind (V=20.6, \\kp=17.8; Ellingson et al. 1996, hereafter E96). Like most LBGs, its UV spectrum (devoid of strong, high ionization emission lines) rules out any non-stellar (AGN) contribution to its flux. Its apparent (lensed) star-formation rate is 2417 \\Myr~(\\h0 = 75 km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$, \\q0 = 0.1; with extinction correction) from the 1500\\AA~continuum (Pettini et al. 2000, hereafter P2000). Throughout this paper, unless otherwise noted, a cosmology of (\\h0 = 75 km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$, \\q0 = 0.1, $\\Lambda =0$) is assumed. ", "conclusions": "While it is difficult to draw general conclusions from observations of one object, the rest-frame optical spectrum of MS1512-cB58 affords us a preview of near-IR spectroscopy of LBGs. As expected (Seitz et al. 1998, P2000), cB58 does not appear to be a ``proto-galaxy'', but a galaxy with significant metals produced in at least two phases. We find that the properties of MS1512-cB58 are consistent with the interpretation of LBGs as progenitors of modern-day elliptical galaxies. Previous studies have also shown that the mass, SFR, and extinction of LBGs are appropriate in that context (i.e. P98). We have obtained the first measure of metal abundance in an LBG from the promising $R_{23}$~method. The metallicity of $1/3$~solar is in the range expected at this redshift from hierarchical models of elliptical galaxy evolution (Thomas 1999). Ellipticals produce most of their stars, and hence metals, in the first $\\sim 0.5$~or 1 Gyr (Rocca-Volmerange \\& Fioc, 2000), and so at $z\\sim 3$~they do not resemble low redshift, extremely metal poor galaxies, but rather older low-z starbursts. Future LBG surveys with NIRSPEC will explore this connection (Pettini et al. 2000b). The ease with which our spectra were obtained (1.3 hours of telescope time) demonstrates the great potential for observation of typical ($K\\simgt 20$) LBGs with NIRSPEC or similar instruments." }, "0002/astro-ph0002022_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We present an analysis of $\\sim$390 ksec of data of the Z source GX~340+0 taken during 24 observations with the {\\em Rossi\\,X\\,-ray\\,Timing\\,Explorer} satellite. We report the discovery of a new broad component in the power spectra. The frequency of this component varied between 9 and 14 Hz, and remained close to half that of the horizontal branch quasi-periodic oscillations (HBO). Its rms amplitude was consistent with being constant around $\\sim$5\\%, while its FWHM increased with frequency from 7 to 18 Hz. If this sub-HBO component is the fundamental frequency, then the HBO and its second harmonic are the second and fourth harmonic component, while the third harmonic was not detected. This is similar to what was recently found for the black hole candidate XTE~J1550--564. The profiles of both the horizontal- and the normal branch quasi-periodic oscillation peaks were asymmetric when they were strongest. We describe this in terms of a shoulder component at the high frequency side of the quasi-periodic oscillation peak, whose rms amplitudes were approximately constant at $\\sim$4\\% and $\\sim$3\\%, respectively. The peak separation between the twin kHz quasi-periodic oscillations was consistent with being constant at 339$\\pm$8 Hz but a trend similar to that seen in, e.g. Sco~X--1 could not be excluded. We discuss our results within the framework of the various models which have been proposed for the kHz QPOs and low frequency peaks. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} \\noindent GX\\,340+0 is a bright low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) and a Z source (Hasinger \\& van der Klis 1989). The Z-shaped track traced out by Z sources in the X-ray color-color diagram or hardness-intensity diagram (HID) is divided into three branches: the horizontal branch (HB), the normal branch (NB), and the flaring branch (FB). The power spectral properties and the HID of GX\\,340+0 were previously described by van Paradijs et al. (1988) and Kuulkers \\& van der Klis (1996) using data obtained with the EXOSAT satellite, by Penninx et al. (1991) using data obtained with the Ginga satellite, and by Jonker et al. (1998) using data obtained with the {\\em Rossi\\,X\\,-ray\\,Timing\\,Explorer} {\\em(RXTE)} satellite. An extra branch trailing the FB in the HID has been described by Penninx et al. (1991) and Jonker et al. (1998). When the source is on the HB or on the upper part of the NB, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) occur with frequencies varying from 20--50 Hz: the horizontal branch quasi-periodic oscillations or HBOs (Penninx et al. 1991; Kuulkers \\& van der Klis 1996; Jonker et al. 1998). Second harmonics of these HBOs were detected by Kuulkers \\& van der Klis (1996) and Jonker et al. (1998) in the frequency range 73--76 Hz and 38--69 Hz, respectively. In the middle of the NB, van Paradijs et al. (1988) found normal branch oscillations (NBOs) with a frequency of 5.6 Hz. Recently, Jonker et al. (1998) discovered twin kHz QPOs in GX\\,340+0. These QPOs have now been seen in all six originally identified Z sources (Sco~X--1, van der Klis et al. 1996; Cyg X--2, Wijnands et al 1998a; GX~17+2, Wijnands et al. 1997b; GX~349+2, Zhang et al. 1998; GX~340+0, Jonker et al. 1998; GX~5--1, Wijnands et al. 1998b; see van der Klis 1997, 1999 for reviews), but not in Cir~X--1, which combines Z source and atoll source characteristics (Oosterbroek et al. 1995; Shirey, Bradt, and Levine 1999; see also Psaltis, Belloni, \\& van der Klis 1999). \\par \\noindent In the other class of LMXBs, the atoll sources (Hasinger \\& van der Klis 1989), kHz QPOs are observed as well (see van der Klis 1997, 1999 for reviews). Recently, also HBO-like features have been identified in a number of atoll sources (4U\\,1728--34, Strohmayer et al. 1996, Ford \\& van der Klis 1998, Di Salvo et al. 1999; GX13+1, Homan et al. 1998; 4U~1735--44, Wijnands et al. 1998c; 4U~1705--44, Ford, van der Klis, \\& Kaaret 1998; 4U\\,1915--05, Boirin et al. 1999; 4U~0614+09, van Straaten et al. 1999; see Psaltis, Belloni, \\& van der Klis 1999 for a summary). Furthermore, at the highest inferred mass accretion rates, QPOs with frequencies near 6 Hz have been discovered in the atoll sources 4U\\,1820--30 (Wijnands, van der Klis, \\& Rijkhorst 1999c), and XTE~J1806--246 (Wijnands \\& van der Klis 1998e, 1999b; Revnivtsev, Borozdin, \\& Emelyanov 1999), which might have a similar origin as the Z source NBOs. \\par \\noindent At low mass accretion rates the power spectra of black hole candidates, atoll, and Z sources show similar characteristics (van der Klis 1994a,b). Wijnands \\& van der Klis (1999a) found that the break frequency of the broken power law which describes the broad-band power spectrum, correlates well with the frequency of peaked noise components (and sometimes narrow QPO peaks) observed in atoll sources (including the millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX\\,J1808.4--3658; Wijnands \\& van der Klis 1998d, Chakrabarty \\& Morgan 1998), and black hole candidates. The Z sources followed a slightly different correlation. In a similar analysis, Psaltis, Belloni, \\& van der Klis (1999) have pointed out correlations between the frequencies of some of these QPOs and other noise components in atoll sources, Z sources, and black hole candidates, which suggests these phenomena may be closely related across these various source types, or at least depend on a third phenomenon in the same manner. Because of these correlations, models describing the kHz QPOs which also predict QPOs or noise components in the low-frequency part of the power spectrum can be tested by investigating this low-frequency part. \\par \\noindent In this paper, we study the full power spectral range of the bright LMXB and Z source GX~340+0 in order to further investigate the similarities between the atoll sources and the Z sources, and to help constrain models concerning the formation of the different QPOs. We report on the discovery of two new components in the power spectra of GX~340+0 with frequencies less than 40 Hz when the source is on the left part of the HB. We also discuss the properties of the NBO, and those of the kHz QPOs. ", "conclusions": "\\noindent In the present work we combined all {\\em RXTE} data presently available for the Z source GX~340+0 using our new selection method based on the frequency of the HBO peak. This allowed us to distinguish two new components in the low-frequency part of the power spectrum. \\par \\noindent These two extra components were strongest when the source was at the lowest count rates on the HB (see Fig.~\\ref{fig_HIDs}), between $\\rm{S_z}=$ 0.48--0.73, i.e., at the lowest inferred $\\dot{M}$. The frequency of one of these components, the sub-HBO component, is close to half the frequency of the HBO component. The frequency ratio was consistent with being constant when the frequency of the sub-HBO changed from 9 to 14 Hz. A similar feature at sub-HBO frequencies has been reported by van der Klis et al. (1997) in Sco\\,X--1. Since the frequency of this component is close to twice the predicted Lense-Thirring (LT) precession frequency for rapidly rotating neutron stars (Stella \\& Vietri 1998), we shall discuss the properties of this component within this framework. \\par \\noindent The other component we discovered, the HBO shoulder component, was used to describe the strong excess in power in the HBO profile towards higher frequencies. If this shoulder component is related to the HBO and not to a completely different mechanism which by chance results in frequencies close to the frequency of the HBO, it can be used to constrain the formation models of the HBO peak. We demonstrated that both the HBO and the NBO have a similar asymmetric profile. In the NBO this was previously noted by Priedhorsky et al. (1986) in Sco~X--1. We shall consider the hypothesis that the formation of this shoulder is a common feature of the two different QPO phenomena, even if the two peaks themselves perhaps occur due to completely different physical reasons. \\par \\noindent Our results on the kHz QPOs based on more extensive data sets at three different epochs and using the new HBO selection method are consistent with those of Jonker et al. (1998). We discuss the properties of the kHz QPOs within the framework of precessing Keplerian flows (Stella \\& Vietri 1999), the sonic point model (Miller, Lamb, \\& Psaltis 1998), and the transition layer model described by Osherovich \\& Titarchuk (1999), and Titarchuk, Osherovich, \\& Kuznetsov (1999). \\subsection{Comparison with other observations} \\noindent In various LMXBs, QPOs have been found whose profiles are clearly not symmetric. Belloni et al. (1997) showed that for the black hole candidate (BHC) GS~1124--68 the QPO profiles are asymmetric, with a high frequency shoulder. Dieters et al. (1998) reported that the 2.67 Hz QPO of the BHC 4U~1630--47 was also asymmetric with a high frequency shoulder. In the Z source Sco~X--1 the NBO profile was also found to be asymmetric (Priedhorsky et al. 1986). It is clear that asymmetric shapes of the QPO profiles are frequently observed in LMXBs and are not restricted to either the black hole candidates or the neutron star systems.\\par \\noindent In the BHCs GS~1124--68 (Belloni et al. 1997) and XTE~J1550--564 (Homan et al. 1999) several QPOs were discovered which seem to be harmonically related in the same way as we report for GX~340+0, i.e. the third harmonic is not detected, while the first, the second and the fourth harmonic are. If this implies that these QPOs are the same, models involving the magnetic field of the neutron star for their origin could be ruled out. The time lag properties of the harmonic components of the QPOs in XTE~J1550--564 are complex and quite distinctive (Wijnands, Homan, \\& van der Klis 1999). In GX~340+0 no time lags of the harmonic components could be measured, but the time lags measured in the HBO in the similar Z source GX~5--1 (Vaughan et al. 1994) are quite different. \\par \\noindent In order to study in more detail the relationship found by Wijnands \\& van der Klis (1999) between the QPOs and the noise break frequency in the power spectrum of LMXBs, we fitted the LFN component using a broken power law. To determine the value for the break frequency we fixed the parameters of all other components to the values found when using a cut-off power law to describe the LFN. Wijnands \\& van der Klis (1999a) reported that the Z sources did not fall on the relation between the break and QPO frequency established by atoll sources and black hole candidates. They suggested that the Z source LFN is not similar to the atoll HFN but the noise component found in Sco~X--1 at sub-HBO frequencies is. By using the centroid frequency of that peaked noise component as the break frequency instead of the LFN break frequency, the HBO frequencies did fall on the reported relation. On the other hand, we find that using the sub-HBO frequency instead of the HBO frequency together with the LFN break frequency, the Z source GX~340+0 also falls exactly on the relation. Therefore, the suggestion made by Wijnands \\& van der Klis (1999a) that the strong band-limited noise in atoll and Z sources have a different origin is only one of the two possible solutions to the observed discrepancy. Our proposed alternative solution is that the Z and atoll noise components are the same, but that it is the sub-HBO in Z sources which corresponds to the QPO in atoll sources. An argument in favour of the noise components in Z and atoll sources being the same is that the cut-off frequency of the LFN component increased as a function of $\\rm{S_z}$, in a similar fashion as the frequency associated with the atoll high frequency noise (van der Klis 1995, Ford \\& van der Klis 1998, van Straaten et al. 1999). \\par \\noindent Following Psaltis, Belloni, \\& van der Klis (1999) we plotted the sub-HBO frequency against the frequency of the lower-frequency kHz QPO. The sub-HBO does not fall on the relation found by Psaltis, Belloni, \\& van der Klis (1999) between the frequency of the HBO and the lower-frequency kHz QPO frequency. Instead the data points fall between the two branches defined by the HBO-like QPO frequencies vs. the lower kHz QPO frequency at high frequencies (see Psaltis, Belloni, \\& van der Klis 1999). \\subsection{HBO -- kHz QPO relations} \\subsubsection{Lense-Thirring precession frequency} \\noindent Stella \\& Vietri (1998) recently considered the possibility that the HBO is formed due to the LT precession of the nodal points of sligthly tilted orbits in the inner accretion disk, but as they already mentioned the Z sources GX~5--1 and GX~17+2 did not seem to fit in this scheme. For reasonable values of I/M, the neutron star moment of inertia divided by its mass, the observed frequencies were larger by a factor of $\\sim$2 than the predicted ones. Jonker et al. (1998) showed that for GX~340+0 the predicted frequency is too small by a factor of 3, if one assumes that the higher frequency peak of the kHz QPOs reflects the Keplerian frequency of matter in orbit around the neutron star, and that the mean peak separation reflects the neutron star spin frequency. Using the same assumptions Psaltis et al. (1999) also concluded that a simple LT precession frequency model is unable to explain the formation of HBOs in Z sources. \\par \\noindent Detailed calculations of Morsink \\& Stella (1999) even worsen the situation, since their calculations lower the predicted LT frequencies. They find that the LT precession frequencies are approximately a factor of two too low to explain the noise components at frequencies $\\sim$20--35 Hz observed in atoll sources (4U~1735--44, Wijnands \\& van der Klis 1998c; 4U~1728--34, Strohmayer et al 1996, Ford \\& van der Klis 1998). Stella \\& Vietri (1998) already put forward the suggestion that a modulation can be produced at twice the LT precession frequency if the modulation is produced by the two points where the inclined orbit intersects the disk plane (although they initially used this for explaining the discrepancy of a factor of two between the predicted and the observed LT precession frequencies for the Z sources). \\par \\noindent The sub-HBO peaked noise component we discovered could be harmonically related to the HBO component. If the sub-HBO is the second harmonic of the fundamental LT precession frequency, as needed to explain the frequencies in the framework of the LT precession model where the neutron star spin frequency is approximately equal to the frequency of the kHz QPO peak separation, the HBO must be the fourth and the harmonic of the HBO must be the eighth harmonic component, whereas the sixth and uneven harmonics must be much weaker. This poses strong (geometrical) constraints on the LT precession process. On the other hand, if the HBO frequency is twice the LT precession frequency, which implies a neutron star spin frequency of $\\sim$900 Hz (see Morsink \\& Stella 1999), the frequency of the sub-HBO component is the LT precession frequency, and the frequency of the second harmonic of the HBO is four times the LT precession frequency. In that case only even harmonics and the LT precession frequency are observed. \\subsubsection{Magnetospheric beat frequency and radial-flow models} \\label{random} \\noindent In this section, we discuss our findings concerning the QPOs and the LFN component in terms of the magnetic beat frequency model where the QPOs are described by harmonic series (e.g. Shibazaki \\& Lamb 1987). \\par \\noindent If the sub-HBO frequency is proven not to be harmonically related to the HBO, the sub-HBO peak might be explained as an effect of fluctuations entering the magnetospheric boundary layer periodically. Such an effect will be strongest at low HBO frequencies since its power density will be proportional to the power density of the LFN (Shibazaki \\& Lamb 1987). If it is the fundamental frequency and the HBO its first overtone then the magnetospheric beat frequency model proposed to explain the HBO formation (Alpar \\& Shaham 1985; Lamb et al. 1985) is not strongly constrained. \\par \\noindent Within the beat frequency model the high frequency shoulder of the HBO peak can be explained as a sign of radial drift of the blobs as they spiral in after crossing the magnetospheric boundary layer (Shibazaki \\& Lamb 1987). Shibazaki \\& Lamb (1987) describe another mechanism which may produce a high frequency shoulder. Interference between the LFN and the QPO caused by a non uniform phase distribution of the blobs will also cause the QPO to become asymmetric. This effect will be strongest when the LFN and the QPO components overlap, as observed. Finally, an asymmetric initial distribution of frequencies of the blobs when entering the magnetospheric boundary layer may also form an asymmetric HBO peak. \\par \\noindent The changes in the power law index of the LFN as a function of photon energy can be explained by varying the width or the steepness of the lifetime distribution of the blobs entering the magnetic boundary layer (Shibazaki \\& Lamb 1987). The decrease in increase of both the fractional and absolute rms amplitude of the HBO as a function of energy towards higher frequencies (Fig.~\\ref{rmsratio}) also constrains the detailed physical interactions occurring in the boundary layer. \\par \\noindent Fortner et al. (1989) proposed that the NBO is caused by oscillations in the electron scattering optical depth at the critical Eddington mass accretion rate. How a high frequency shoulder can be produced within this model is not clear. Both the HBO and the NBO shoulder components were detected when the rms amplitude of the HBO and the NBO was highest. In case of the NBO, this may be a result of the higher signal to noise. Since the rms amplitude of the NBO shoulder component is consistent with being $\\sim$2/3 of the NBO rms amplitude (see Table~\\ref{nbo_tab}), combining more observations should increase the range over which this shoulder component is detected, if this ratio is constant along $\\rm{S_z}$. In case of the HBO the two components seem to merge. While the fractional rms amplitude of the HBO shoulder component increased that of the HBO decreased. When the fractional rms amplitudes were comparable, the HBO was fitted with one Lorentzian. The rms amplitude of both shoulder components increased in a similar way as the rms amplitudes of the NBO and the HBO with photon energy. So, the formation of these shoulder components seems a common feature of both QPO forming mechanisms. \\subsubsection{Radial oscillations in a viscous layer} In Sco~X--1, Titarchuk, Osherovich, \\& Kuznetsov (1999) interpreted the extra noise component in the power spectra (van der Klis et al. 1997) as due to radial oscillations in a viscous boundary layer (Titarchuk \\& Osherovich 1999). If the noise component in Sco~X--1 is the sub-HBO component in GX~340+0, the model of Titarchuk \\& Osherovich (1999) can be applied to the frequencies and dependencies we found for the sub-HBO component in GX~340+0. Fitting our data to the relation between the frequency of the extra noise component and the Keplerian frequency, using the parameters and parametrization given by Titarchuk, Osherovich, \\& Kuznetsov (1999), we obtained a value of $C_N=15$ for GX~340+0. This value is much larger than the value obtained for Sco~X--1 (9.76). According to Titarchuk \\& Osherovich (1999) a higher $C_N$ value implies a higher viscosity for the same Reynold's number. \\subsection{KHz QPOs and their peak separation} \\noindent Recently, Stella \\& Vietri (1999) have put forward a model in which the formation of the lower kHz QPO is due to the relativistic periastron precession (apsidal motion) of matter in (near) Keplerian orbits. The frequency of the upper kHz QPO peaks is the Keplerian frequency of this material. The peak separation is then equal to the radial frequency of matter in a nearly circular Keplerian orbit, and is predicted to decrease as the Keplerian frequency increases and approaches the predicted frequency at the marginally stable circular orbit. This model can explain the decrease in peak separation as observed in various sources (see Section~\\ref{khz_res}). \\par \\noindent Beat frequency models stating that the upper kHz QPO peak is formed by Keplerian motion at a preferred radius in the disk (e.g. the sonic point radius, Miller, Lamb, \\& Psaltis 1998), whereas the lower kHz QPO peak formed at the frequency of the beat between the neutron star spin frequency and this Keplerian frequency, cannot in their original form explain the decrease in peak separation in these two sources. A relatively small extension of the model (Lamb, Miller, \\& Psaltis 1998) can, however, produce the observed decrease in peak separation.\\par \\noindent Osherovich \\& Titarchuk (1999) developed a model in which the kHz QPOs arise due to radial oscillations of blobs of accreting material at the magnetospheric boundary. The lower kHz QPO frequency is in their model identified with the Keplerian frequency. Besides this QPO two eigenmodes are identified whose frequencies coincide with the upper kHz QPO peak frequency and the frequency of the HBO component in the power spectra of Sco~X--1 (Titarchuk \\& Osherovich 1999). Interpreting our findings within this framework did not result in stringent constraints on the model. \\par \\noindent We found that the peak separation is consistent with being constant (Fig.~\\ref{kHz_vs_HBO_two_selection} A and B), but neither a decrease towards higher $\\dot{M}$ as in Sco~X--1, 4U~1608--52, 4U~1735--44, 4U~1702--429, and 4U~1728--34 nor a decrease towards lower $\\dot{M}$, as predicted by Stella \\& Vietri (1999) can be ruled out. If the model of Stella \\& Vietri turns out to be the right one the mass of the neutron star most likely is in the range of 1.8 to 2.2 $M_{\\odot}$ (see Fig.~\\ref{kHz_vs_HBO_two_selection} B). This is in agreement with the mass of Cyg~X--2 derived by Orosz \\& Kuulkers (1999), and with the masses of the neutron stars derived when interpreting the highest observed kHz QPO frequencies as due to motion at or near the marginally stable orbit (Kaaret, Ford, \\& Chen 1997; Zhang, Strohmayer, \\& Swank 1997)." }, "0002/astro-ph0002079_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have used infrared polarimetric imaging with NICMOS to determine precisely the position of the star that illuminates (and presumably generated) the bipolar, pre-planetary reflection nebula RAFGL 2688 (the Egg Nebula). The polarimetric data pinpoint the illuminating star, which is not detected directly at wavelengths $\\le$ 2 $\\mu$m, at a position well within the dark lane that bisects the nebula, 0\\farcs55 ($\\sim550$ AU) southwest of the infrared peak which was previously detected at the southern tip of the northern polar lobe. The inferred position of the central star corresponds to the geometric center of the tips of the four principle lobes of near-infrared H$_2$ emission; identifying the central star at this position also reveals the strong point symmetric structure of the nebula, as seen both in the intensity and polarization structure of the polar lobes. The polarimetric and imaging data indicate that the infrared peak directly detected in the NICMOS images is a self-luminous source and, therefore, is most likely a distant binary companion to the illuminating star. Although present theory predicts that bipolar structure in pre-planetary and planetary nebulae is a consequence of binary star evolution, the separation between the components of the RAFGL 2688 binary system, as deduced from these observations, is much too large for the presence of the infrared companion to have influenced the structure of the RAFGL 2688 nebula. ", "introduction": "The bipolar structures exhibited by a substantial fraction of the known planetary nebulae likely arise during the last, rapid, pre-planetary nebula (PPN) stage of evolution of intermediate-mass (1--8 M$_\\odot$) stars off the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). A popular, albeit largely untested, model for such bipolarity is that the central AGB star possesses a companion that aids in the buildup of a dense, dusty equatorial torus surrounding the central star (e.g., \\cite{soke1998}). Alternatively, the fossil remnant of a $\\beta$ Pic-like main-sequence disk may bear responsibility for triggering bipolarity during post-main sequence evolution (\\cite{kast1995}). Whatever the mechanism that abets their formation, bipolar PPN typically show two bright reflection lobes separated by a dark dust lane. The star that illuminates the polar lobes presumably is located at or near the center of the equatorial, dust torus. While this geometry obscures the central star along our direct line of sight, photons readily escape the nebular core in the polar directions and subsequently are scattered by dust grains located primarily in the walls of the rarefied, expanding lobes. As even the lobe walls tend to be optically thin in the near-infrared, such photons can be singly scattered out of the nebula into our line of sight. Single scattering produces polarized light that contains a record of the original direction of the unpolarized light source; therefore, polarimetric maps of such polarized nebulae contain clues as to the locations of their illuminating sources, even if those stars lie hidden inside dust lanes. Recent direct imaging of RAFGL 2688 (the Egg Nebula) with the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope ({\\it HST}) (\\cite{saha1998}) revealed a compact red source just south of the bottom of the northern reflection lobe. However, initial analysis of the polarimetric maps from NICMOS indicated that this red source was not the primary illuminator of the reflection nebulosity; this object is most likely a companion to the post-AGB star that lurks in the core of the Egg Nebula. From a preliminary examination of the 2.0 $\\mu$m polarimetric map, Sahai et al. suggested that the obscured, post-AGB star was located $\\simeq$ 750 AU (0\\farcs75) south of the red companion. In this paper, we present a rigorous analysis of the 2.0 $\\mu$m polarization map of RAFGL 2688 obtained by NICMOS. We determine the precise position of the post-AGB star in the core, assess the relationship of the red source to the illuminator star, and discuss the implications of this work for understanding the formation of the Egg Nebula and of other bipolar PPN. ", "conclusions": "From a detailed analysis of the polarimetric images obtained using NICMOS and the {\\it HST}, we have precisely determined the position of the post-AGB star in the waist of the Egg Nebula and the projected orientation of the polar axis (PA 12$^\\circ$) of this bipolar system. This post-AGB star, which illuminates the Egg Nebula, falls point-symmetrically at the center of the molecular hydrogen emission regions that mark the waist and the polar lobes of the nebula. We find that this star lies 550 AU in projected distance, and perhaps 1000 AU in physical distance, from the star previously identified (\\cite{saha1998}) at the southern tip of the northern polar lobe. Thus, these data provide clear evidence for the presence of an optically obscured, widely spaced binary system near the core of the bipolar, pre-planetary nebula RAFGL 2688. However, the separation between these components is orders of magnitude larger than required by models postulating that companions to AGB stars trigger the production of bipolar planetary nebulae." }, "0002/astro-ph0002415_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Based on the analysis of a large sample of RXTE/PCA observations of several black hole binaries in the low spectral state we show that a correlation exists between the spectral parameters and characteristic noise frequency. In particular, the amplitude of reflection increases and the slope of Comptonized radiation steepens as the noise frequency increases. We consider possible implications of these results on the accretion flow models and discuss a possible observational test aimed to discriminate between different geometries of the accretion flow. ", "introduction": "\\subsubsection{Observations and data reduction} The results presented below are based on the publicly available data of Cyg X--1, GX339--4 and GS1354--644 observations with the Proportional Counter Array aboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (\\cite{rxte}) from 1996--1998 during the low (hard) spectral state of the sources. In total our sample included $\\approx 60$ observations of these sources. The energy and power density spectra were averaged for each individual observation. The energy spectra were extracted from the ``Standard Mode 2'' data and ARF and RMF were constructed using standard RXTE FTOOLS v.4.2 tasks. The ``VLE'' and ``Q6'' models were used for the background calculation with the preference being given to the ``VLE'' model when possible. A uniform systematic error of 0.5\\% was added quadratically to the statistical error in each energy channel. The power spectra were calculated in the 2--16 keV energy band and in the $\\approx 0.005-32$ Hz frequency range following the standard X--ray timing technique and normalized to units of squared fractional rms. \\subsubsection{The spectral model} The energy spectra were fit with a model consisting of a power law with a superimposed reflected continuum (pexrav model in XSPEC, \\cite{pexrav}) and an intrinsically narrow line at $\\sim 6.4-6.7$ keV. The centroid energy of the line was a free parameter of the fit. For all sources the binary system inclination was fixed at $i=50$ degrees, the iron abundance -- at the solar value of $A_{\\rm Fe}=3.3\\cdot 10^{-5}$ and the low energy absorption -- at $N_{\\rm H}=6\\cdot 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$. The effects of ionization were not included. In order to approximately include in the model the smearing of the reflection features due to motion in the accretion flow the reflection continuum and line were convolved with a Gaussian, which width was a free parameter of the fit. The spectra were fitted in the 4--20 keV energy range. This spectral model is identical to that applied by \\cite{paper1} to the Cyg X-1 data, except that in the present analysis we let the line centroid energy be a free parameter of the fit. Strength of the reflected component is characterized in the pexrav model by the reflection scaling factor $R$, which approximately measures the solid angle subtended by the reflecting media as seen from the source of the primary radiation, $R\\approx \\Omega_{refl}/2\\pi$, so that $R=1$ for an isotropic point source above an infinite optically thick slab. The spectral model is obviously oversimplified. Moreover, several important parameters, such as the binary system inclination angle and the iron abundance were fixed at fiducial values. Therefore the best fit values do not necessarily represent the exact values of the physically interesting parameters. Particularly subject to the uncertainties due to the choice of the spectral model is the reflection scaling factor $R\\sim\\Omega/2\\pi$. This might explain the values of $R$ exceeding unity obtained for some of the spectra. However, as was shown by \\cite{paper1} the model correctly ranks the spectra according to the strength of the reflected component and the slope of the underlying power law. \\begin{figure}[t] \\centerline{ \\epsfxsize 9. cm \\epsffile{refl_slope_mod_ab.ps} } \\caption{The best fit values of the photon index of the underlying power law plotted vs. reflection scaling factor for Cyg X-1, GX339--4 and GS1354--644. The solid line shows the dependence $\\Gamma(R)$ of the photon index of the Comptonized radiation $\\Gamma$ on the strength of the reflected emission $R$ expected in the disk--spheroid model assuming the disk albedo $a=0.1$, Thomson optical depth of the cloud $\\tau_T=1$ and the ratio of the temperature of the seed photons to the electron temperature $T_{bb}/T_e=10^{-4}$. The dashed line shows $\\Gamma(R)$ dependence expected in the plasma ejection model (\\cite{belob}) for $a=0.15$, $\\tau_T=1$, $T_{bb}/T_e=3\\cdot 10^{-3}$ and $\\mu_s=0.3$. \\label{refl_slope} } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[t] \\centerline{ \\epsfxsize 9.0 cm \\epsffile{qpo_refl.ps} } \\caption{The QPO centroid frequency plotted vs. reflection scaling factor for the same set of observations of Cyg X-1, GX339--4 and GS1354--644 as in Fig.\\ref{refl_slope} and \\ref{refl_gsmo}. \\label{refl_qpo} } \\end{figure} \\subsubsection{Power spectra approximation} The power density spectra in units of $rms^2/Hz$ were fit in the 0.005--15 Hz frequency range with a model, consisting of two broken constant components and a Lorentzian profile $P_\\nu=\\frac{P_0}{1+(2(\\nu-\\nu_0)/\\Delta\\nu)^2}$. We use centroid frequency of the Lorentzian profile as a characteristic noise frequency. Its dependence on the break frequency of the band limited noise (the first broken constant component in the model) is shown in Fig.\\ref{pds}. \\subsubsection{Correlation between the spectral parameters and the noise frequency} The results of the energy and power spectra approximation are presented in Fig. \\ref{refl_slope} and \\ref{refl_qpo} showing dependence of the slope of the primary emission and characteristic noise frequency on the amplitude of the reflected component. The noise frequency and the spectral parameters are clearly correlated. An increase of the amplitude of the reflected component is accompanied with a steepening of the spectrum of the primary emission and an increase of the noise frequency. ", "conclusions": "In the low spectral state of black hole candidates the amplitude of reflection $R$, slope of the Comptonized radiation $\\Gamma$ and characteristic noise frequency change in a correlated way. The correlation between the slope and reflection indicates that the accretion disk is the primary source of the soft seed photons for Comptonization. We considered two idealized models, the disk--spheroid and plasma ejection model, and showed that with appropriate tuning of the parameters either model can explain the observed $\\Gamma(R)$ dependence. The RXTE data also hints at a correlated change of the width of relativistic smearing of the reflection features. If confirmed by observations with better energy resolution, this correlation may help to distinguish between different geometries of the accretion flow." }, "0002/astro-ph0002309_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results of extensive model calculations of disk galaxy evolution within an hierarchical inside-out formation scenario. We first compare properties of the dark halos identified in a cosmological N-body simulation with predictions of a seminumerical method based on an extended collapse model and find a good agreement. We then describe detailed modelling of the formation and evolution of disks within these growing halos and predictions for the main properties, correlations and evolutionary features of normal disk galaxies. The shortcomings of the scenario are discussed. ", "introduction": "The hierarchical cosmic structure formation picture based on the inflationary cold dark matter (CDM) provides a solid framework for models of galaxy formation and evolution. On the other hand, the unprecedented observations of galaxies at different redshifts make it possible to probe and constrain these models. Here we discuss some of the results obtained with a self-consistent scenario of disk galaxy formation and evolution within the context of the hierarchical picture (the extended collapse scenario). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002145_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We develop a numerical chemical model allowing for radial flows of gas, with the aim to analyse the possible role of gas flows in the chemical evolution of the Galactic Disc. The dynamical effects of the Galactic Bar on the radial gas profile of the Disc are especially addressed. ", "introduction": "The observed chemical and spectro--photometric properties of galaxies are one of the main sources of information for our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. The corresponding theoretical modelling involves star formation (SF) as a basic ingredient. Unfortunately, this process is rather poorly known on the large scales relevant to galaxy evolution. Portinari \\& Chiosi (1999, hereinafter PC99) analysed the effects of adopting different SF laws in a chemical model for the Galactic Disc, a system which we can study in great detail. In this paper we address another phenomenon which can bear interesting effects on the chemical evolution of galaxies: radial gas flows. A few papers in literature (Section~\\ref{previous}) demonstrate that radial gas flows influence chemical models for the Disc, especially in their predictions on the metallicity gradient. It is therefore interesting to discuss the radial profile of the Disc with models including also radial flows, in addition to various options for the SF law. In particular, radial flows can help to overcome some difficulties that ``static'' models find in reproducing, at the same time, the metallicity gradient and the radial gas profile of the Disc (PC99). We develop a chemical model with radial gas flows as a multi--dimensional extension of the model of Portinari \\etal (1998, hereinafter PCB98). The model is described in Section~\\ref{discrete} and in the appendices. In Section~\\ref{radfloweffects} we discuss the general qualitative effects of superposing radial flows upon a chemical model. In Section~\\ref{bestfit} we present models for the Galactic Disc with radial gas flows and different SF laws, showing that radial flows provide an alternative or additional dynamical effect to the ``inside--out'' formation scenario to explain the metallicity gradient. Section~\\ref{bar} is dedicated to qualitative simulations of the dynamical effects of the Galactic Bar upon the gas distribution, with the aim to reproduce the molecular ring around 4 kpc, which static models cannot account for (PC99). Section~\\ref{conclusions} contains a final summary and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} From the results of static chemical models, PC99 underlined the need to introduce radial flows to explain some features of the Galactic Disc. In fact, static models are unable to reproduce, at the same time, both the metallicity gradient and the radial gas profile; in particular, the peak corresponding to the molecular ring at 4--6~kpc is likely to be a consequence of gas drifts induced by the dynamical influence of the Galactic Bar. Therefore, in the present paper we introduced a new chemical model including radial gas flows, developed as a multi--dimensional generalization of the original static model (\\S\\ref{discrete}). Our model is conceived so as to adapt to any imposed radial velocity profile, describing both inflows and outflows in any part of the disc. The model is carefully tested against instability problems and spatial resolution, by comparing it to suitable exact analytical cases (Appendix~B). In this paper we applied the model to the Galactic Disc; more in general, such models allowing for gas drifts are meant to be used as fast and handy interfaces between detailed dynamical galaxy models (predicting the velocity profiles) and parametric chemical and spectro--photometric models. An overview of the behaviour of chemical models with radial inflows of gas shows that these provide an alternative ``dynamical'' assumption to the inside--out disc formation scenario to explain the metallicity gradient (\\S\\ref{radfloweffects}). With radial gas flows, the model can reproduce the metallicity gradient even in the case of a Schmidt or an {\\mbox{Oort--type}} SF law, which were excluded in the case of static models (see PC99). In addition, it appears that even low radial flow velocities, well within observational limits and theoretical expectations (see~\\S\\ref{previous}), have non--negligible effects upon model predictions on the metallicity gradient and moreover on the gas distribution. In particular, if radial gas inflows are allowed for, a metallicity gradient can coexist with a high gas fraction in the inner regions, at odds with simple static models. This is indispensable to reproduce the observed gas distribution in the inner Galaxy (see point 2 below). The remarkable effects of even slow radial flows upon observable quantities, mainly upon the gas distribution, should be kept in mind as a caveat when comparing real galaxies to simple analytical models which predict a one--to--one relationship between metallicity and gas fraction (e.g.\\ Tinsley 1980). Our models show that small dynamical effects, like slow gas flows, can easily make real systems depart from the behaviour of simple models. With our model it is possible to mimic the dynamical influence of the Galactic Bar and reproduce the peak in the gas distribution around 4~kpc (\\S\\ref{bar}). Two scenarios, related to two different models for the structure of the Bar, are qualitatively suggested. \\begin{description} \\item[{\\bf A.}] With a Schmidt or an Oort--type SF law, slow radial inflows in the disc pile up gas inward down to {\\mbox{$r=3.5-4$~kpc}}. Here, the Bar CR radius is found and the gas is quickly swept inward from CR toward an ILR, which causes the drop in the gas profile at 3.5~kpc. \\item[{\\bf B.}] With a SF law like that by Dopita \\& Ryder (1994), smaller inflow rates suffice to reproduce the metallicity gradient, leading to a lower concentration of gas in the inner regions than in the previous case. The peak corresponding to the molecular ring can be reproduced with a Bar CR around 2.5~kpc and its OLR around 4.5~kpc, so that all the gas external to $r=2.5$~kpc tends to pile up around the OLR. \\end{description} Though these models are just qualitative and cannot describe the detailed dynamical process of Bar formation nor the evolution of the related gas flows to form the molecular ring, they provide two interesting indications. \\begin{enumerate} \\item Only when introducing the effects of the Bar, the model is able to reproduce the radial gas profile properly. The only possible exception resides in a particular combination of an Oort-type SF law with a radial inflow pattern whose velocity decreases inward (model {\\sf O10RFe}; this combination may lead to a peak of the gas distribution in the inner Galactic regions, closed to the observed molecular ring. But this particular, fortunate case does not diminish the general conclusions about the role of the Galactic Bar. \\item In any case (A or B above), overall radial inflows in the disc are indispensable to replenish the inner regions with enough gas that the observed molecular ring can form under the influence of the Bar. This seems to favour disc models with radial inflows, unless one assumes that the gas in the ring has some different origin (gas swept from the Bulge, or accreted later). \\end{enumerate} To investigate these issues any further, detailed gas--dynamical models are obviously required. Unfortunately, most studies on Bar--induced gas dynamics (see references in \\S\\ref{bar}) concentrate on the observed features of the very inner regions, such as the nuclear ring, the 3~kpc expanding arm, and so forth. Little discussion can be found about the effects of the Bar on more external regions, and on the formation of the molecular ring in particular: whether it is due to gas depletion inside CR as in our case A, or due to gas accumulation at some resonance (e.g.\\ Binney \\etal 1991, Fux 1999) as in our case B, or whether it just consists of two or more tightly wound spiral arms (e.g. Englmaier \\& Gerhard 1999). Further gas--dynamical studies suggesting detailed scenarios, time-scales, and velocity profiles for the formation of the molecular ring would be welcome, for the sake of including the effects of the Bar in chemical evolution models more consistently. Further investigation of gas--dynamical models on the influence of the Bar on even larger scales (namely, outside its OLR) should be pursued as well, since this is a clue issue related to a claimed discrepancy between the characteristics of the Galactic Bar and the observed metallicity gradient. It is well known that barred galaxies display systematically shallower gradients than ordinary spirals (e.g.\\ Alloin \\etal 1981, Vila--Costas \\& Edmunds 1992, Martin \\& Roy 1994). This is likely a consequence of the radial mixing induced by bars; in fact, Martin \\& Roy (1994) found a correlation for external galaxies between the strength of a bar and the metallicity gradient. Taking this empirical relation at face value, the Galactic Bar with an axial ratio of {\\mbox{$\\sim 0.5$}} should induce a metallicity gradient of {\\mbox{--0.03~dex/kpc}}, much shallower than the observed one of --0.07~dex/kpc, which is typical of a {\\it normal} Sbc galaxy. To overcome such a puzzle, it has been suggested that the Galactic Bar must be very young ($<$1~Gyr), so that there was not enough time yet to flatten the gradient (Gummersbach \\etal 1998); but this is in conflict with other estimates of the Bar's age (e.g.\\ Sevenster 1997, 1999). Alternatively, we suggest that the discrepancy might be only apparent, since the Galactic Bar is quite small, and the Milky Way cannot be properly considered a barred spiral. It might be unlikely that the Bar can influence the metallicity gradient all over the Disc, as in really barred galaxies: Bar--induced radial drifts and corresponding chemical mixing are expected to occur from CR toward the ILR (inflows) and to the OLR (outflows; e.g.\\ Schwarz 1981, 1984; Friedli \\etal 1994). Present understanding of the Galactic Bar sets its OLR between 4.5 and 6~kpc (\\S\\ref{bar} and references therein), so in our models we presumed that the Bar induces negligible mixing beyond these radii, regardless of its age (see also Gerhard 1999). If the situation is as in the models we presented here, in fact, the metallicity gradient in the outer regions is unperturbed and just related to intrinsic Disc properties and/or large--scale viscous flows. However, gas--dynamical simulations dedicated to the effects of the Galactic Bar over the whole Disc would be necessary, so as to investigate the relation between the Bar, radial mixing and the metallicity gradient more consistently. More in general, including the effects of {\\mbox{bar--induced}} radial flows in the picture of the chemical evolution of spiral galaxies might turn out to be of wide interest, since it is likely that all spirals develop at some point, or have developed in the past, some bar--like structure (Binney 1995). Infrared observations indeed reveal that a large fraction of spirals host a barred structure (e.g.\\ Eskridge \\etal 1999), and recent numerical simulations suggest that even weak bars or oval distortions may be able to induce radial drifts to form multiple gaseous rings at the corresponding Lindblad resonances (Jungwiert \\& Palou\\v{s} 1996). Bars could even drive secular evolution of spiral discs from late to early type (e.g.\\ Dutil \\& Roy 1999). Bar--driven radial gas flows might therefore play a fundamental role in the chemical evolution of spiral discs." }, "0002/astro-ph0002373_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This review describes some general properites of proto-planetary nebulae with particular emphasis on the recent work of morpholgical studies. The weight of observational evidence shows that proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) are most certainly axisymmetric like planetary nebulae. Recent work suggests two subclasses of PPNe optical morphology, DUst-Prominent Longitudinally-EXtended (DUPLEX) and Star-Obvious Low-level Elongated (SOLE). Radiative transfer models of an example DUPLEX PPN and SOLE PPN, presented here, support the interpretation that DUPLEX and SOLE are two physically distinct types of PPNe. The DUPLEX PPNe and SOLE PPNe may well be the precursors to bipolar and elliptical PNe, respectively. ", "introduction": "The proto-planetary nebula (PPN;a.k.a. post-AGB or pre-PN) stage of evolution immediately precedes the planetary nebula (PN) stage. The lifetime for this phase is $\\; \\buildrel < \\over \\sim \\;$1000 years and marks the time from when the star was forced off the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) by intensive mass loss to when the central star becomes hot enough (T$_{\\rm eff} \\sim 3\\times 10^4$ K) to photoionize the neutral circumstellar shell (Kwok 1993). We refer the reader to Kwok (1993) for a comprehensive review of PPN. For short recent reviews, see Hrivnak (1997) and van Winckel (1999). In this short review, I summarize the basic properties of PPN but focus primarily on the morphological studies because there have been numerous morphological studies in the past few years and because this particular conference is focused on morphology. ", "conclusions": "The observational evidence from a number of independent studies clearly shows that PPNe are intrinsically axisymmetric. Thus the axisymmetry that we observe in PNe must predate the PPNe stage. Most likely the axisymmetry originates at the end of the AGB phase, because observations of the outer regions of AGB envelopes show a spherical symmetry. With the variety of PNe morphologies discussed at this conference (e.g. round, elliptical, bipolar and point symmetric), we must now begin to ask: Do we see examples of PPNe with these corresponding subtle differences in morphologies? I think we are beginning to see these differences. The DUPLEX and SOLE PPNe may well be the precursors for bipolar and elliptical PNe." }, "0002/astro-ph0002003_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We describe a population of compact objects in the centre of the Fornax Cluster which were discovered as part of our 2dF Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. These objects have spectra typical of old stellar systems, but are unresolved on photographic sky survey plates. They have absolute magnitudes $-13 10^{10} M_{\\odot}$) input gas masses, more than is routinely available in disk galaxies today. The normal merger route does appear to be quite effective as a logical source for low$-S_N$ field ellipticals (see \\cite{har99} or \\cite{whi95a} for much more extensive discussion). However, if either the merger or accretion processes are taken to an extreme form in which {\\it the merging objects are almost completely gaseous}, then they become closely similar to the {\\it in situ} route, and the conundrum of the missing low-metallicity clusters can be more easily circumvented. If the gas supply -- however it was assembled -- underwent most or all of its star formation in the high-pressure, high-density environment of the protoelliptical, then the conversion of gas to stars would have run much further to completion and built up the metallicity to the high levels that we now observe. Later gaseous mergers are, of course, not ruled out: the central corotating disk in the core of IC 4051 (Mehlert \\etal\\ 1998) \\nocite{meh98} with its very high metallicity is a likely signature of such an event, though at its $\\ltsim 1$\\% contribution to the present-day luminosity, it probably did not form more than a few dozen globular clusters along with it, and even these would have mostly disrupted by now if they resided in the central few kpc of the core. The relatively compact structure of the galaxy may be the result of tidal trimming (``harrassment'') from the Coma potential well (e.g., \\cite{moo96}). The radial velocity of IC 4051 (4940 km s$^{-1}$) is almost two standard deviations away from the Coma centroid (6850 km s$^{-1}$; see \\cite{col96}), indicating that this galaxy oscillates back and forth through the cluster and is now passing through the dense Coma core at high speed. These elements of an evolutionary scenario for IC 4051 are in strong contrast to NGC 4874, for which we argued (Paper II) that a large fraction of its clusters (which are almost entirely low-metallicity) could have been acquired by accretions of smaller satellites. In IC 4051, we are forced to argue that the bulk of its clusters formed {\\it in situ}. The globular clusters in these two galaxies provide unique evidence for the view that large E galaxies can form by radically different evolutionary routes. One of the most challenging elements of IC 4051 to interpret is certainly the high specific frequency of its GCS. In the previous literature (\\cite{har91}, 2000; \\cite{bla97}, 1999; \\cite{har98}; \\cite{mcl99}) it has become conventional to associate high $S_N$ with giant galaxies at the centers of rich clusters. These central BCG's or cD's can have had histories of star and cluster formation through inflowing gas clouds and filaments, mergers, and accretions (e.g., \\cite{dub98}) that were much more extended than for normal outlying ellipticals. Recently, the view has been developed that such high$-S_N$ galaxies should be regarded not as ``cluster-rich'' but rather as ``star-poor'' (\\cite{bla97}, 1999; \\cite{har98}; \\cite{mcl99}). In this scheme, we postulate that the protogalactic gas started forming globular clusters at early times at a normal efficiency rate, but was then disrupted (perhaps by supernova-driven galactic winds, or by tidal shredding during infall; cf.~the papers cited above) before its star formation could run to completion. The leftover gas now remains around these galaxies as their hot X-ray halos. This picture, however, assumes that the globular clusters form earlier than the bulk of the field stars in any given round of star formation -- not an implausible requirement given the bulk of the observational evidence for starburst systems (see Harris 2000) and given that globular clusters emerge from the densest, most massive protocluster clouds. McLaughlin (1999) \\nocite{mcl99} defines a globular cluster formation efficiency, measured empirically as the mass ratio $$ \\epsilon = {M_{cl} \\over {M_{\\star} + M_{gas}} } $$ where $M_{\\star}$ and $M_{gas}$ are the masses within the galaxy in the form of visible stars and in the X-ray gas respectively. He finds that $\\epsilon$ is essentially identical in the well studied Virgo and Fornax systems M87, NGC 4472, and NGC 1399 (despite their very different $S_N$), providing evidence for a ``universal'' globular cluster formation efficiency $\\epsilon \\simeq 0.26$\\% relative to the {\\it initial protogalactic gas supply}. The total mass ratio $\\epsilon$ is a more important indicator of cluster formation than $S_N$, which is only a measure of the cluster numbers (or equivalently total mass) relative to the galaxy light. In other words, $S_N$ is a measure of only the gas mass $M_{\\star}$ that got converted to stars. Additional support for the near-universality of $\\epsilon$ in several other BCG's is found by Blakeslee (1999) \\nocite{bla99}. In this view, {\\it any high$-S_N$ galaxy should then be surrounded by a massive X-ray gaseous component} whether or not it is a centrally dominant giant. Notably, IC 4051 is indeed one of the few Coma ellipticals with an individually detected X-ray halo. Dow \\& White (1995), \\nocite{dow95} from ROSAT observations of the Coma core region, find that IC 4051 is detectable at the $2-\\sigma$ level in the soft X-ray range $0.2 - 0.4$ keV, but not in the higher $0.4 - 2.4$ keV range. If it were at the $\\sim 6.3$ times closer distance of Virgo, IC 4051 would have a total $L_X \\simeq 5 \\times 10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$. This level makes it quite comparable with the Virgo giant NGC 4472, which has $L_X \\simeq 6 \\times 10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in the soft X-ray regime (\\cite{fab92}; \\cite{irw96}; \\cite{mat97}; \\cite{buo98}). However, this amount of X-ray gas corresponds to only $\\sim 5$\\% of the stellar mass (\\cite{mcl99}) and NGC 4472, as expected, has only a ``normal'' specific frequency level $S_N \\simeq 5$. With our adopted distance ratios for Virgo and Coma, we find that IC 4051 is about half as luminous as NGC 4472, so if it has a roughly similar amount of X-ray gas mass, this gas would only make up $\\sim 10$\\% of its stellar mass. Along with $S_N \\simeq 11$, we find that these parameters convert to a {\\it present-day} value for the mass ratio in IC 4051 of $\\epsilon \\sim 0.005$, twice as large as McLaughlin's (1999) \\nocite{mcl99} fiducial value. Nominally, it therefore seems that IC 4051 acts against the paradigm of a universal globular cluster formation efficiency. An obvious possibility, however, is that IC 4051 originally did possess much more gas shortly after its main era of globular cluster formation, but that most of this unused material was quickly stripped away as IC 4051 went through its first few passages of the Coma core. This gas would have joined the general reservoir of hot gas spread throughout the Coma potential well. The same mechanism which resulted in this galaxy's compact structure might then have plausibly left it with the unusual combination of high $S_N$ and modest amount of X-ray gas that we now see. A situation which would act much more strongly to falsify McLaughlin's case for a universal $\\epsilon$ would be the opposite one: that is, a galaxy with a massive X-ray halo but a ``normal'' or subnormal $S_N \\ltsim 4$. In such a case it would be much harder to avoid the conclusion that the formation efficiency of globular clusters was genuinely different (and low). Does the central Coma giant NGC 4874 present us with such a case? As we found in Paper II, NGC 4874 is {\\it not} a high-$S_N$ system and is embedded within a very massive X-ray envelope. This X-ray gas is, however, so extended that must belong to the general Coma potential well as a whole, with no detectable concentrated component that can be associated with NGC 4874 itself (\\cite{dow95}). Thus there are ambiguities in the interpretation that are hard to circumvent. Better candidates would be E galaxies with massive X-ray halos that are not at the centers of rich clusters. Finally, we may compare the interesting case of IC 4051 with that of its Coma neighbor NGC 4881 (\\cite{baum95}), a giant E galaxy of similar location, size, and structure. Curiously, NGC 4881 holds a GCS of {\\it low} specific frequency ($S_N \\ltsim 2$) which appears to be almost entirely metal-{\\it poor}, just the opposite of IC 4051. It has no significant amounts of X-ray gas (\\cite{dow95}). We speculate that NGC 4881 may have resulted from the merger of smaller galaxies in which these metal-poor globulars had already formed. These mergers should have been rather gas-poor to prevent the formation of newer and more metal-rich clusters. This is, however, an extremely sketchy interpretation, and there is an obvious problem with the much higher metallicity of the host galaxy light (how did the bulk of the giant E galaxy form at higher metallicity without leaving behind some metal-rich globular clusters? See Paper II for additional discussion). The Coma ellipticals clearly present a wide range of GCS characteristics that strongly challenge the array of current galaxy formation models." }, "0002/astro-ph0002378_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Formulating the equations of motion for cosmological bodies (such as galaxies) in an integral, rather than differential, form has several advantages. Using an integral the mathematical instability at early times is avoided and the boundary conditions of the integral correspond closely with available data. Here it is shown that such a least-action calculation for a number of bodies interacting by gravity has a finite number of solutions, possibly only one. Characteristics of the different possible solutions are explored. The results are extended to cover the motion of a continuous fluid. A method to generalize an action to use velocities, instead of positions, in boundary conditions, is given, which reduces in particular cases to those given by Giavalisco et al. (1993) \\markcite{G93} and Schmoldt \\& Saha (1998) \\markcite{SS98}. The velocity boundary condition is shown to have no effect on the number of solutions. ", "introduction": "The present motions of cosmological objects, in particular galaxies, are functions of their past history. In principle one might discover the shape of the past by calculating presently observed positions and motions backward. However, in doing this we are faced immediately with two problems. First, their velocities in the plane of the sky are not known, and their distances not known accurately; so perhaps half the information needed to start the calculation by Newton's equations is there. Second, if the trajectories of the galaxies are to be traced back to very early times distances become very small and corresponding gravitational forces very large. Small errors in present velocities or positions become heavily magnified, resulting in galaxies being formed at infinite speeds. The problem is mathematically unstable, rather like trying to roll a marble to the top of a glass mountain, and requiring that it stop exactly on the summit\\footnote{Valtonen et al. \\markcite{V93} (1993) have found some possible solutions for the motion of the major galaxies in the Local Group and the Maffei 1/IC 342 Group by integrating equations of motion forward from an early time. However, it is not clear that this method is generally applicable, and in any case requires a great deal of hunting about in parameter space; for their result, the Valtonen group integrated ten thousand situations.}. To avoid these difficulties Peebles (\\markcite{P89}1989, \\markcite{P90} 1990, \\markcite{P94} 1994) formulated the problem in integral rather than differential form. This traded the relative simplicity and definiteness of differential equations for the stability of the integral. The most important consideration in moving from the differential to integral form of the problem (apart from the mechanics of implementation) is the fact that, with the same boundary conditions, an integral calculation may produce several (or many) solutions. An obvious question to answer is just how many there are. This is something more than a purely mathematical concern. Of course, if the numerical calculation of solutions can be guided in some way there is the potential for a large savings in computer time, and if the number of solutions is limited the search may be stopped when all are found. Conversely, if the number of solutions is very large or infinite, the usefulness of the calculation is thrown into doubt (unless some method of selecting more probable solutions is found). But the question is more fundamental than that, for the variational formulation of the cosmological problem corresponds closely to the limits of our knowledge. When the present radial velocities and positions on the sky of a number of bodies are specified and the Big Bang postulated, we find the end conditions are fixed; the action is determined by relevant physics. The mathematical question is thus transformed into a cosmological one. The subject of this study is the mathematical theory of variational calculations as applied to the cosmological problem. That problem is defined as the determination of the motion of a number of bodies moving under gravitational interaction, with the requirement that all bodies must be at the same point (in proper coordinates) at $t=0$. Newtonian, rather than relativistic, calculations are employed throughout\\footnote{See Peebles \\markcite{P80} (1980) and Bondi \\markcite{B60} (1960) for the validity of this approach.}. The cosmological problem may be interpreted as a rough approximation of the motion of galaxies, each galaxy simulated by a point mass interacting only through gravity. This is the way most least-action calculations have proceeded, and is not a bad approximation considering the uncertainties in such data as distances and masses. It would be more accurate, however, to consider the objects to represent the dark matter halos of galaxies (which as far as is known interact {\\em only} through gravity). The point-mass approximation provides a reasonable simulation of gravitational effects, since multipole moments decay rapidly with distance (Dunn \\& Laflamme 1995 found them to be quite unimportant), and in any case the conclusions of this study are not affected by the detailed form of the gravitational potential used. Of course, identifying whole galaxies with single bodies ignores internal structure (which may be significant in some cases) and the effects of mergers (which certainly are significant); Dunn \\& Laflamme (1995) found some additional problems. To address these matters one must turn to a continuous fluid formulation of the problem. Section 6 generalizes the discrete-body results to this more complicated situation. ", "conclusions": "The important results of this study are as follows: {\\em If the action for the cosmological variational problem can be written in proper coordinates and an integral of energy exists, there is one minimum solution.} Assuming Hamilton's Principle is used, there may be additional, stationary solutions, one for each number of kinetic foci, if multiple-pass trajectories exist. There is a finite number in total, limited by possible values of energy. {\\em Solutions containing at least one approximately two-body orbit which passes through more than $180\\arcdeg$ in longitude are not minima.} {\\em Kinetic foci are reached only after the momentum is normal to the force for some body in the system.} In so far as a continuous mass distribution may be approximated by an arbitrarily large number of individual masses, {\\em a continuum least-action calculation also has a single minimum solution, but generally a very large number of stationary solutions.} These can be limited by setting a lower limit to the resolution of the calculation. The specific size of this resolution may be difficult to determine. {\\em A radial velocity, rather than a distance, can be used as an end point in a numerical variational calculation.} Forms of the modified action required have been discovered by Giavalisco et al. (1993) and used by Schmoldt \\& Saha (1998). {\\em Using such an endpoint has no effect on the number or character of solutions.} {\\em Orbit-crossing is not necessarily related to the number of solutions of a continuum calculation.}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002187_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Eclipse lightcurves of the dwarf nova IP Peg during the November 1996 outburst are analysed with eclipse mapping techniques to constrain the location and investigate the spatial structure of the spiral shocks observed in the Doppler tomograms (Harlaftis et~al. 1999). Eclipse maps in the blue continuum and in the C\\,III+N\\,III $\\lambda 4650$ emission line show two asymmetric arcs of $\\sim 90$ degrees in azimuth and extending from intermediate to the outer disc regions ($R\\simeq 0.2 - 0.6\\; R_{L1}$, where $R_{L1}$ is the distance from disc centre to the inner Lagrangian point) which are interpreted as being the spiral shocks seen in the Doppler tomograms. The He\\,II $\\lambda 4686$ eclipse map also shows two asymmetric arcs diluted by a central brightness source. The central source probably corresponds to the low-velocity component seen in the Doppler tomogram and is understood in terms of gas outflow in a wind emanating from the inner parts of the disc. We estimate that the spirals contribute about 16 and 30 per cent of the total line flux, respectively, for the He\\,II and C\\,III+N\\,III lines. Comparison between the Doppler and eclipse maps reveal that the Keplerian velocities derived from the radial position of the shocks are systematically larger than those inferred from the Doppler tomography indicating that the gas in the spiral shocks has sub-Keplerian velocities. We undertake simulations with the aim to investigate the effect of artifacts on the image reconstruction of the spiral structures. ", "introduction": "Accretion discs are widespread in astrophysical environments, from sheltering the birth of stars to providing the energetics for the most violent phenomena such as relativistic jets. Despite its general importance and although considerable effort both in observation and theory has been invested over the past decade, the structure and underlying physics of accretion discs remains poorly understood. One of the major unsolved problems concerns the nature of the anomalous viscosity mechanism responsible for the inward spiraling of the disc material (Frank, King \\& Raine 1992). Best prospects for progress in understanding accretion discs physics are possibly found in mass-exchanging binaries such as Cataclysmic Variables (CVs). In these close binaries mass is fed to a non-magnetic ($B\\simlt 10^{5}$ G) white dwarf via an accretion disc by a Roche lobe filling companion star (the secondary). The sub-class of {\\em dwarf novae} comprises low-mass transfer CVs which show recurrent outbursts of 2--5 magnitudes on timescales of months either due to an instability in the mass transfer from the secondary or due to a thermal instability in the accretion disc which switches the disc from a low to a high-viscosity regime (Warner 1995 and references therein). Spiral shocks have been advocated by various researchers as a possible mechanism for transport of angular momentum in accretion discs (Savonije, Papaloizou \\& Lin 1994) and may be the key, together with magnetic viscosity (Hawley, Balbus \\& Winters, 1999), in understanding the viscosity mechanism. The recent discovery of spiral shocks in the accretion disc of the dwarf novae IP~Pegasi in outburst -- from Doppler tomography of emission lines (Steeghs, Harlaftis \\& Horne 1997, 1998; Harlaftis et~al. 1999) -- confirmed the results of hydrodynamical simulations (Armitage \\& Murray 1998, Stehle 1999). The spiral shocks are produced in the outer regions of the disc by the tides raised by the secondary star. During the outburst the disc expands and its outer parts feel more effectively the gravitational attraction of the secondary star leading to the formation of spiral arms. Here we report on the eclipse mapping analysis of the data obtained by Harlaftis et al. (1999; see there for observations and data reduction). Our goal is to confirm the existence, constrain the location and to investigate the spatial structure of the spiral shocks observed in the Doppler tomograms. Section\\,\\ref{dados} presents the data and gives details of the analysis procedures. In section\\,\\ref{sim} we present a set of simulations with the eclipse mapping method aimed to clarify the interpretation of the results of section\\,\\ref{results} in terms of real spiral shocks. A summary of our findings is given in section\\,\\ref{fim}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{fim} We analyzed eclipse lightcurves of the dwarf novae IP Peg during the November 1996 outburst in order to confirm the existence, constrain the location and investigate the spatial structure of the spiral shocks observed in the Doppler tomograms. Our mais results can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Eclipse maps in the blue continuum and in the C\\,III+N\\,III emission line reveal two asymmetric arcs at different azimuth and radius from disc centre which are consistent with the spiral shocks seen in the Doppler tomograms. The arcs show an azimuthal extent of $\\sim 90\\degr$ and extend from the intermediate to the outer disc regions ($R\\simeq 0.2 - 0.6\\; R_{L1}$). The outer radius of the spirals is of the same order of the disc outburst radius ($R_{d}\\simeq 0.34\\;a\\simeq 0.6\\; R_{L1}$). \\item The He\\,II eclipse map is composed of a central brightness source plus asymmetric arcs at different distances from disc centre. The symmetric component probably corresponds to the low-velocity component seen in He\\,II Doppler tomograms and is understood in terms of gas outflow in a wind emanating from the inner parts of the disc. \\item The spirals contribute about 16 and 30 per cent of the total line flux, respectively, for the He\\,II and C\\,III+N\\,III lines, and 13 per cent in the continuum. \\item The Keplerian velocities derived from the radial position of the shocks are systematically larger than those inferred from the Doppler tomography, indicating that the gas in the spiral shocks has sub-Keplerian velocities. \\end{itemize}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002464_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI) data from eight observations have been co-added to obtain an effective exposure of 230 ksec. We have identified a number of features and regions with excess X-ray brightness over that from a circularly symmetric model of the well known hot gas component. A prominent `spur' extends 4$^{\\prime}$ from the vicinity of knot A towards the south-west. The brightness to the south and east of this spur is significantly higher than that to the north and west. Excess brightness is also found to the East of the nucleus, with a local maximum centered on the eastern radio lobe 3$^{\\prime}$ from the core. There are two well known relationships between radio and x-ray emission for radio galaxies in clusters: coincidence of emissions because the X-rays come from inverse Compton or synchrotron processes; and anti-coincidence caused by exclusion of hot gas from radio entities. We present a radio/X-ray comparison to determine if either of these relationships can be isolated in M87. The greatest obstacle we face is the unknown projection which affects both bands. ", "introduction": "Eight ROSAT/HRI observations of M87 were made between 1992Jun and 1998Jan to study the X-ray structure and variability of the core and jet (Harris, Biretta, and Junor, 1997 and 1998a). To study the large scale X-ray features of M87, we have used these data to make an image with effective exposure of 230 ksec. A preliminary analysis based on the data then available was presented at the Ringberg Workshop on M87 held in 1997Sep (Harris, Biretta, and Junor 1998b). The radio map of M87 (see Owen, this volume) appears to indicate an exceedingly complex structure, for which it is difficult to make meaningful measurements of isolated features. Generally, we need to define volumes and measure their emission properties. Once you leave the inner (brightest) lobes and jet, this is not easily done. Even for definable filaments and other features, the surface brightness is often a sum of emissivities from various entities along the line of sight. The X-ray map suffers from the same problem although generally there is less fine structure than in the radio (at similar resolutions). An additional complexity for the X-ray analysis is that we cannot be certain that the very large scale X-ray distribution from the hot gas of the Virgo cluster is circularly symmetric. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{itemize} \\item We suspect that projection effects confuse the interpretation of both radio and X-ray features. Harris et al. (1998b) suggested that the SW spur might be caused by a bow shock between the ICM and the ISM, and the resulting change in temperature and density might explain the presence of knot A in the jet. Since the current evidence supports the notion that the spur is a thermal feature, a convincing explanation for the spur will probably await the spectral/spatial capabilities of Chandra and XMM. \\item Many X-ray and radio features are located in the same general region, but it appears that they do not actually occupy the same volumes. \\item There is some evidence for edge effects and cavities. \\end{itemize}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002522_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{% The possibility of determining cosmological parameters on the basis of a wide set of observational data including the Abell-ACO cluster power spectrum and mass function, peculiar velocities of galaxies, the distribution of Ly-$\\alpha$ clouds and CMB temperature fluctuations is analyzed. Using a $\\chi^2$ minimization method, assuming $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}+\\Omega_m =1 $ and no contribution from gravity waves, we found that a tilted $\\Lambda$MDM model with one sort of massive neutrinos and the parameters $n=1.12\\pm 0.10$, $\\Omega_m=0.41\\pm 0.11$ ($\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.59\\pm0.11$), $\\Omega_{cdm}=0.31\\pm 0.15$, $\\Omega_{\\nu}=0.059\\pm 0.028$, $\\Omega_b=0.039\\pm 0.014$ and $h=0.70\\pm 0.12$ (standard errors) matches observational data best. $\\Omega_{\\nu}$ is higher for more species of massive neutrinos, $\\sim 0.1$ for two and $\\sim 0.13$ for three species. $\\Omega_m$ raises by $\\sim 0.08$ and $\\sim 0.15$ respectively. The 1$\\sigma$ (68.3\\%) confidence limits on each cosmological parameter, which are obtained by marginalizing over the other parameters, are $0.82\\le n\\le1.39$, $0.19\\le\\Omega_m\\le 1$ ($0\\le\\Omega_{\\Lambda}\\le 0.81$), $0\\le\\Omega_{\\nu}\\le 0.17$, $0.021\\le \\Omega_b\\le 0.13$ and $0.38\\le h\\le 0.85$. Varying only a subset of parameters and fixing the others shows also that the observational data set used here rules out pure CDM models with $h\\ge 0.5$, scale invariant primordial power spectrum, zero cosmological constant and spatial curvature at a very high confidence level, $>99.99\\%$. The corresponding class of MDM models are ruled out at $\\sim 95\\%$ C.L. It is notable also that this data set determines the amplitude of scalar fluctuations approximately at the same level as COBE four-year data. It indicates that a possible tensor component in the COBE data cannot be very substantial. } ", "introduction": "The last years of the past century are marked by huge efforts of the community of astronomers, physicists and astrophysicists devoted to determine the most fundamental parameters of our Universe, the cosmological parameters. The most important among them are the mass densities of baryons $\\Omega_b$ (in units of the critical density) and of cold dark matter $\\Omega_{cdm}$, the neutrino rest masses $m_{\\nu}$ and their total density $\\Omega_{\\nu}$, the value of cosmological term $\\Lambda$ (or $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$), the Hubble constant $H_0$, the spatial curvature parameter $\\Omega_k$ and the slopes $n$ and amplitudes $A$ of the primordial power spectra of scalar and tensor fluctuations. The primordial ratio of the number of deuterium to hydrogen nuclei (D/H) created in Big Bang nucleosynthesis is the most sensitive measure of the cosmological density of baryons $\\Omega_b$. Quasar absorption systems give definite measurements of the primordial deuterium and the most accurate value of baryon density obtained recently in this way is $\\Omega_bh^2=0.019\\pm0.0024$ \\cite{bur99}. The measurements of the neutrino rest mass is not so certain, unfortunately. Up-to-day we have only some indications for the range where it may be found. The oscillations of solar and atmospheric neutrinos registered by the SuperKamiokande experiment show that the difference of rest masses between $\\tau -$ and $\\mu$-neutrinos is $0.02<\\Delta m_{\\tau \\mu} < 0.08eV$ \\cite{fu98,pr98}. This also provides a lower limit for the neutrino mass, $m_{\\nu}\\ge |\\Delta m|$ and does not exclude models with cosmologically significant values $\\sim 1-20eV$. Therefore, at least two species of neutrinos can have approximately equal masses in this range. Some versions of elementary particle theories predict $m_{\\nu _e}\\approx m_{\\nu _\\tau}\\approx 2.5eV$ and $m_{\\nu _{\\mu}}\\approx m_{\\nu _s}\\sim 10^{-5}eV$, where ${\\nu _e}$, ${\\nu _\\tau}$, ${\\nu _{\\mu}}$ and ${\\nu _s}$ denote the electron, $\\tau -$, $\\mu -$ and sterile neutrinos accordingly (e.g. \\cite{dol95}). The strongest upper limit for the neutrino mass comes from the observed large scale structure of our Universe: $\\sum_{i} m_{\\nu_i}/94{\\rm eV}\\le 0.3h^2$. Since observations give for the Hubble parameter an upper limit of $h=0.8$ one gets $\\sum_{i} m_{\\nu_i}\\le 18eV$. It is interesting to note that this upper limit coincides roughly with the upper limit for the electron neutrino mass obtained from the supernova explosion SN1987A and tritium $\\beta$-decay experiments. Important conclusions about measurements of matter density $\\Omega_m$ ($\\equiv \\Omega_b+\\Omega_{cdm}+\\Omega_{\\nu}$) come from the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-z Supernova Search. In particular, the relation of observed brightness vs. redshift for SNeIa shows that distant supernovae are fainter than expected for a decelerating Universe, and, thus, more distant. This can be interpreted as an accelerated expansion rate, or $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}>0$. The best-fit value is $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}={4\\over 3}\\Omega_m + {1\\over 3}\\pm 0.1$ (1$\\sigma$ error) and $\\Omega_m=1$ models are ruled out at the 8$\\sigma$ level \\cite{per98}. For a flat Universe $\\Omega_m + \\Omega_{\\Lambda}=1$ ($\\Omega_k=0$) the best-fit values are $\\Omega_m=0.25\\pm 0.1$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.75\\pm 0.1$ \\cite{per98,rie98,bah99}. An upper limit of $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}<0.7$ (95\\% C.L.) follows from gravitational lensing statistics\\cite{bar98,fal98}, just consistent with distant supernovas results. Strong evidence against an open Universe can be derived from recent measurements of the position of the first acoustic peak in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum by the Boomerang experiment\\cite{mau99}. The $1\\sigma$ range for the curvature parameter derived from this experiment is $-0.25\\le \\Omega_k\\le 0.15$ \\cite{mel99} and the mean value is close to the flat Universe, $\\Omega_k\\approx 0$. Currently there are a few completely independent and broad routes to the determination of the Hubble constant $H_0$. The direct experiments can be divided into three groups: the gravitational lens time delay methods, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich method for clusters and extra-galactic distance measurements. Almost all observations yield values of $H_0$ in the range 50-80 km/sec/Mpc. Other independent methods for the determination of cosmological parameters are based on large scale structure (LSS) observations. Their advantage is that all parameters mentioned above can be determined together because the form and amplitude of the power spectrum of density fluctuations are rather sensitive to all of them. Their disadvantage is that they are model dependent. This approach has been carried out in several papers (e.g. \\cite{atr97,lin97,Teg99,bri99,nov99,phill} and references therein) and it is also the goal of this paper. The papers on this subject differ by the number of parameters and the set of observational data included into the analysis. In this paper a total of 23 measurements from sub-galaxy scales (Ly-$\\alpha$ clouds) over cluster scales up to horizon scale (CMB quadrupole) is used to determine eight cosmological parameters, namely the tilt of the primordial spectrum $n$, the densities of cold dark matter $\\Omega_{cdm}$, hot dark matter $\\Omega_{\\nu}$, baryons $\\Omega_b$ and cosmological constant $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$, the number of massive neutrino species $N_{\\nu}$, the Hubble parameter $H_0$ and, in addition, the bias parameter $b_{cl}$ for rich clusters of galaxies. We restrict ourselves to the analysis of spatially flat cosmological models with $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}+\\Omega_m=1$ ($\\Omega_k=0$) and to an inflationary scenario without tensor mode. We also neglect the effect of a possible early reionization which could reduce the amplitude of the first acoustic peak in the CMB anisotropy spectrum. In comparison to the companion paper\\cite{nov00} the influence of the uncertainties in the normalization of the scalar mode amplitude caused by experimental errors on determination of cosmological parameters is also taken into account here. ", "conclusions": "We summarize, that the observational data of the LSS of the Universe considered here can be explained by a tilted $\\Lambda$MDM inflationary model without tensor mode. The best fit parameters are: $n=1.12\\pm 0.09$, $\\Omega_m=0.41\\pm 0.11$, $\\Omega_{\\nu}=0.06\\pm 0.028$, $\\Omega_b=0.039\\pm 0.014$ and $h=0.70\\pm 0.12$. All predictions of measurements are close to the experimental values given above and within the error bars of the data. The CDM density parameter is $\\Omega_{cdm} = 0.31\\pm0.12$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$ is moderate, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.59\\pm0.11$. The neutrino matter density corresponds to a neutrino mass $m_{\\nu}=94\\Omega_{\\nu}h^2\\approx2.7\\pm1.2$ eV. The value of the Hubble constant is close to the measurements by Madore et al.\\cite{mad98}. The age of the Universe for this model equals 12.3 Gyrs which is in good agreement with the age of the oldest objects in our galaxy \\cite{car99}. The spectral index coincides with the COBE prediction. The relation between the matter density $\\Omega_m$ and the cosmological constant $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$ agrees well with the independent measurements of cosmic deceleration and global curvature based on the SNIa observation. The 1$\\sigma$ (68.3\\%) confidence limits on each cosmological parameter, obtained by marginalizing over the other parameters, are $0.82\\le n\\le 1.39$, $0.19\\le\\Omega_m\\le 1$, $0\\le\\Omega_{\\Lambda}\\le0.81$, $0\\le\\Omega_{\\nu}\\le 0.17$, $0.021\\le\\Omega_b\\le 0.13$ and $0.38\\le h\\le 0.85$. The observational data set used here rules out the CDM models with $h\\ge 0.5$, scale invariant primordial power spectrum $n=1$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=\\Omega_k=0$ at very high confidence level, $>99.99\\%$. Also pure MDM models are ruled out at $\\sim 95\\%$ C.L. It is remarkable also that this data set determines the value of normalization constant for scalar fluctuations which approximately equals the value deduced from COBE four-year data. It indicates that a possible tensor component in the COBE data cannot be very substantial. The coincidence of the values of cosmological parameters obtained by different methods indicates that a wide set of cosmological measurements are correct and that their theoretical interpretation is consistent. However, we must also note that the accuracy of present observational data on the large scale structure of the Universe is still insufficient to determine a set of cosmological parameters with high accuracy." }, "0002/astro-ph0002008_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present ISO-SWS spectroscopy of NGC 1068 for the complete wavelength range 2.4 to 45$\\mu$m at resolving power $\\sim$1500. Selected subranges have been observed at higher sensitivity and full resolving power $\\sim$2000. We detect a total of 36 emission lines and derive upper limits for 13 additional transitions. Most of the observed transitions are fine structure and recombination lines originating in the narrow line region (NLR) and the inner part of the extended emission line region. We compare the line profiles of optical lines and reddening-insensitive infrared lines to constrain the dynamical structure and extinction properties of the narrow line region. The most likely explanation of the considerable differences found is a combination of two effects. (1) The spatial structure of the NGC\\,1068 narrow line region is a combination of a highly ionized outflow cone and lower excitation extended emission. (2) Parts of the narrow line region, mainly in the receding part at velocities above systemic, are subject to extinction that is significantly suppressing optical emission from these clouds. Line asymmetries and net blueshifts remain, however, even for infrared fine structure lines suffering very little obscuration. This may be either due to an intrinsic asymmetry of the NLR, as perhaps also suggested by the asymmetric radio continuum emission, or due to a very high column density obscuring component which is hiding part of the narrow line region even from infrared view. We present detections and limits for 11 rotational and ro-vibrational emission lines of molecular hydrogen (H$_2$). They arise in a dense molecular medium at temperatures of a few hundred Kelvin that is most likely closely related to the warm and dense components seen in the near-infrared H$_2$ rovibrational transitions, and in millimeter wave tracers (CO, HCN) of molecular gas. Any emission of the putative pc-scale molecular torus is likely overwhelmed by this larger scale emission. In companion papers we use the SWS data to derive the spectral energy distribution emitted by the active nucleus of NGC\\,1068 (\\cite{alexander00}), to put limits on infrared emission from the obscured broad line region (\\cite{lutz00}), and discuss the continuum and its features in conjunction with SWS spectra of other galaxies (\\cite{sturm00}). ", "introduction": "NGC\\,1068 is one of the nearest and probably the most intensely studied Seyfert 2 galaxy. Observations in all wavelength bands from radio to hard X-rays have formed a uniquely detailed picture of this object. NGC 1068 has played a key role in the development of unified scenarios for Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies (\\cite{antonucci85}), in the study of molecular gas in the nuclear region of Seyferts (e.g. \\cite{myers87}; \\cite{tacconi94}), and in elucidating the importance of star formation activity coexistent with the AGN, both on larger (e.g. \\cite{telesco88}) and smaller (\\cite{macchetto94}; \\cite{thatte97}) scales. NGC 1068 hosts a prominent Narrow Line Region (NLR) that is approximately cospatial with a linear radio source with two lobes (\\cite{wilson83}). The narrow emission line region has been extensively characterized from subarcsecond clouds probed by HST (\\cite{evans91}; \\cite{macchetto94}), the $\\approx 5$ arcseconds of the NLR hosting most of the line flux (e.g. \\cite{walker68}; \\cite{shields75}; \\cite{cecil90}), and the ionization cone and extended emission line region (\\cite{pogge88}; \\cite{unger92}) extending to radii of at least 30\\arcsec\\/ (1\\arcsec\\/ = 72 pc at the distance of 14.4 Mpc, \\cite{tully88}). The velocity field is complex, with an ensemble of rapidly moving clouds dominating the inner arcseconds and a more quiescent rotation pattern prevailing at larger radii (e.g. \\cite{walker68}; \\cite{alloin83}; \\cite{meaburn86}; \\cite{cecil90}). While most of the excitation of the narrow line region and the extended emission line region is likely through photoionization by the central AGN (\\cite{marconi96}), high resolution observations suggest kinematic disturbance and possibly shock excitation of regions close to the radio outflow (e.g. \\cite{axon98}). With ESA's {\\it Infrared Space Observatory} ISO, sensitive mid-infrared spectroscopy of AGNs became possible, with detections of a broad range of low- and high-excitation fine structure lines, recombination lines, and pure rotational lines from such sources (\\cite{moorwood96}; \\cite{sturm99}; \\cite{alexander99})). Model predictions of the mid-IR spectra of AGN had been obtained prior to ISO (e.g. \\cite{spinoglio92}), but observations were restricted by limited sensitivity and focussed primarily on the continuum emission and broad features rather than emission lines. In this paper, we present the ISO-SWS spectra of NGC\\,1068 and draw conclusions on the structure of the narrow line region that can be obtained mainly from the comparison of optical and reddening-insensitive infrared lines, and discuss the nature of the mid-infrared molecular hydrogen emission. The ISO-SWS data of NGC\\,1068 are analysed further in several companion papers. Alexander et al. (2000) use photoionization modelling based on the ISO fine structure line set and other NLR lines to model the shape of the AGN's spectral energy distribution. Lutz et al. (2000) analyze limits on emission from the obscured broad line region. Finally, Sturm et al. (2000) discuss continuum energy distribution and features of NGC\\,1068 in conjunction with ISO-SWS spectra of other galaxies. Our paper is organised as follows. In \\S 2 we discuss the ISO-SWS observations and data reduction. \\S 3 presents results and implications of the density of the narrow line region. \\S 4 uses infrared line profiles in comparison to optical ones to constrain the structure of the narrow line region. We discuss the mid-infrared molecular hydrogen emission in \\S 5 and summarize in \\S 6. ", "conclusions": "ISO-SWS spectroscopy provides the first detailed census of the mid-infrared spectrum of the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC\\,1068. We have detected 36 emission lines on top of the strong AGN-heated continuum. Most lines originate in the NLR characterized by a density of $\\sim$2000\\,cm$^{-3}$. We have compared the mid-infrared ISO line profiles with optical emission line profiles produced in the NLR. The line profiles are consistent with a model where the NLR is a combination of a highly ionized outflow and lower excitation extended emission, with extinction significantly affecting the optical line profiles. Remaining blueshift and asymmetry of the least obscured lines may reflect either intrinsic asymmetry of the NLR or an additional very high column density obscuring component. We detect strong emission from warm molecular hydrogen, which most likely originates on the 100pc to kpc scale, and which is also probed by emission in near-infrared and millimeter wave tracers of molecular material. This emission masks any possible emission from a putative parsec-scale molecular torus. Companion papers use the SWS data to model the spectral energy distribution of the active nucleus, to put limits on emission from the obscured broad line region, and discuss the continuum and its features." }, "0002/astro-ph0002244_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new HST NICMOS observations of NGC 4945, a starburst galaxy hosting a highly obscured active nucleus that is one of the brightest extragalactic sources at 100 keV. The HST data are complemented with ground based \\FeII\\ line and mid--IR observations. A 100pc-scale starburst ring is detected in \\PA, while \\Hmol\\ traces the walls of a super bubble opened by supernova-driven winds. The conically shaped cavity is particularly prominent in \\PA\\ equivalent width and in the \\PA/\\Hmol\\ ratio. Continuum images are heavily affected by dust extinction and the nucleus of the galaxy is located in a highly reddened region with an elongated, disk-like morphology. No manifestation of the active nucleus is found, neither a strong point source nor dilution in CO stellar features, which are expected tracers of AGN activity. Even if no AGN traces are detected in the near-IR, with the currently available data it is still not possible to establish whether the bolometric luminosity of the object is powered by the AGN or by the starburst: we demonstrate that the two scenarios constitute equally viable alternatives. However, the absence of any signature other than in the hard X-rays implies that, in both scenarios, the AGN is non-standard: if it dominates, it must be obscured in all directions, conversely, if the starburst dominates, the AGN must lack UV photons with respect to X-rays. An important conclusion is that powerful AGNs can be hidden even at mid-infrared wavelengths and, therefore, the nature of luminous dusty galaxies cannot be always characterized by long-wavelength data alone but must be complemented with sensitive hard X-ray observations. ", "introduction": "A key problem in studies of objects emitting most of their energy in the FIR/submm is to establish the relative importance of highly obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and starburst activity. In particular, it is important to know if it is still possible to hide an AGN, contributing significantly to the bolometric emission, when optical to mid-IR spectroscopy and imaging reveal only a starburst component. Several pieces of evidence suggest that most cosmic AGN activity is obscured. Most, and possibly all, cores of large galaxies host a supermassive black hole (\\ten{6}--\\ten{9}\\Mo; e.g. Richstone et al. \\cite{richstone}). To complete the formation process in a Hubble time, accretion must proceed at high rates, producing quasar luminosities ($L\\sim\\ten{12}\\Lo$). However the observed black hole density is an order of magnitude greater than that expected from the observed quasar light, assuming accretion efficiency of 10\\%, suggesting that most of the accretion history is obscured (e.g. Fabian \\& Iwasawa \\cite{fabian99}, and references therein). It is estimated either that 85\\% of all AGNs are obscured (type 2) or that 85\\% of the accretion history of an object is hidden from view. In addition, the hard X-ray background ($>1\\KEV$) requires a large population of obscured AGNs at higher redshifts ($z\\sim1$) since the observed spectral energy distribution cannot be explained with the continua of Quasars, i.e. un--obscured (type 1) AGNs (Comastri et al. \\cite{comastri}, Gilli et al. \\cite{gilli99}). Despite the above evidence, detections of obscured AGNs at cosmological distances are still sparse (e.g. Akiyama et al. \\cite{akiyama}). Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs; see Sanders \\& Mirabel \\cite{sanders96} for a review) and the sources detected in recent far-infrared and submm surveys performed with ISO and SCUBA (e.g. Rowan-Robinson et al. \\cite{rowanrob}, Blain et al. \\cite{blain} and references therein) are candidate to host the missing population of type 2 AGNs. However, mid-IR ISO spectroscopy has recently shown that ULIRGs are mostly powered by starbursts and that no trace of AGNs is found in the majority of cases (Genzel et al. \\cite{genzel98}; Lutz et al. \\cite{lutz98}). Yet, the emission of a hidden AGN could be heavily absorbed even in the mid-IR. Indeed, the obscuration of the AGN could be related to the starburst phenomenon, as observed for Seyfert 2s (Maiolino et al. \\cite{maiolino95}). Fabian et al. (\\cite{fabian98}) proposed that the energy input from supernovae and stellar winds prevents interstellar clouds from collapsing into a thin disk, thus maintaining them in orbits that intercept the majority of the lines of sight from an active nucleus. In this paper, we investigate the existence of completely obscured AGNs and the Starburst-AGN connection through observations of NGC 4945, one of the closest galaxies where an AGN and starburst coexist. NGC 4945 is an edge-on ($i\\sim 80^\\circ$), nearby ($D=3.7\\MPC$) SB spiral galaxy hosting a powerful nuclear starburst (Koornneef \\cite{koorn}; Moorwood \\& Oliva \\cite{moorwood94a}). It is a member of the Centaurus group and, like the more famous Centaurus A (NGC 5128), its optical image is marked by dust extinction in the nuclear regions. The ONLY evidence for a hidden AGN comes from the hard X-rays where NGC 4945 is characterized by a Compton-thick spectrum (with an absorbing column density of $\\NH=5\\xten{24}\\CM\\2$, Iwasawa et al. \\cite{iwasawa93}) and one of the brightest 100\\KEV\\ emissions among extragalactic sources (Done et al. \\cite{done96}). Recently, BeppoSAX clearly detected variability in the 13-200\\KEV\\ band (Guainazzi et al., \\cite{guainazzi}). Its total infrared luminosity derived from IRAS data is $\\sim 2.4\\xten{10}\\Lo$ (Rice et al. \\cite{rice88}), $\\sim 75\\%$ of which arises from a region of $\\le 12\\arcsec\\times9\\arcsec$ centered on the nucleus (Brock et al. \\cite{brock88}). Although its star formation and supernova rates are moderate, $\\sim 0.4\\,\\Mo\\YR\\1$ and $\\sim 0.05\\YR\\1$ (Moorwood \\& Oliva \\cite{moorwood94a}), the starburst activity is concentrated in the central $\\sim 100\\PC$ and has spectacular consequences on the circumnuclear region which is characterized by a conical cavity evacuated by a supernova-driven wind (Moorwood et al. \\cite{moorwood96a}). The radio emission is characterized by a compact non-thermal core with a luminosity of $\\simeq 8\\xten{38}\\ERG\\S\\1$ (Elmouttie et al. \\cite{elmouttie}). It is one of the first H$_2$O and OH megamaser sources detected (dos Santos \\& Lepine \\cite{dossantos}; Baan \\cite{baan85}) and the H$_2$O maser was mapped by Greenhill et al. (\\cite{greenhill}) who found the emission linearly distributed along the position angle of the galactic disk and with a velocity pattern suggesting the presence of a $\\sim\\ten{6}\\Mo$ black hole. Mauersberger et al. (\\cite{mauersberger}) mapped the $J=3-2$ line of $^{12}$CO which is mostly concentrated within the nuclear $\\sim 200\\PC$. We present new line and continuum images obtained with the {\\it Near Infrared Camera and Multi Object Spectrograph} (NICMOS) on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), aimed at detecting AGN activity in the near-infrared. These observations are complemented by recent ground based near- and mid-IR observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory. Section \\ref{sec:obs} describes the observations and data reduction techniques. Results are presented in Section \\ref{sec:res} and discussed in Section \\ref{sec:discuss}. Finally, conclusions will be drawn in Sec. \\ref{sec:conclus}. Throughout the paper we assume a distance of 3.7\\MPC\\ (Mauersberger et al. \\cite{mauersberger}), whence 1\\arcsec\\ corresponds to $\\simeq18$\\PC. \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{cc} \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f1a.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} & \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f1b.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} \\\\ & \\\\ \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f1c.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} & \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f1d.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} \\\\ & \\\\ \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f1e.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} & \\hspace{14pt}\\vspace*{-14pt} \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f1f.ps,width=0.38\\linewidth} \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\caption{\\label{fig:cont} (a) F222M image (K band). North is up and East is left. The cross marks the location of the K nucleus and the circle represents the uncertainty on the position of the H$_2$O maser given by Greenhill et al. (1997). Units of the frame box are seconds of arc. The origin is at the nominal location of the H$_2$O maser. (b) F160W image (H). Notation as in panel (a). (c) F110W image (J). Notation as in panel (a). The black contours are from the H-K color image at 1.8, 2 and 2.2 levels. (d) F606W image (R band). Notation as in panel (a) except for the contours which are from the K band image. (e) H-K image. Symbols are as in (a). (f) Truecolor (Red=F222M, Green=F110W, Blue=F606W) image. } \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}[!] \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{cc} \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f2a.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} & \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f2b.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} \\\\ & \\\\ \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f2c.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} & \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f2d.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} \\\\ & \\\\ \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f2e.ps,width=0.45\\linewidth} & \\hspace{14pt}\\vspace*{-14pt} \\epsfig{figure=marconi_f2f.ps,width=0.38\\linewidth} \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\caption{\\label{fig:line} (a) Pa$\\alpha$ image. Symbols as in Fig. 1. The black contours are from the \\HA+\\NII\\ image by Moorwood et al. (1996). (b) H$_2$ image. Black contours are from the blue ground-based \\FeII\\ image, (c) Equivalent width of Pa$\\alpha$. (d) \\PA/\\Hmol\\ image. Symbols as in Fig. 1. (e) CO index. Symbols as in Fig. 1. (f) Truecolor line image (Red=F222M, Green=\\Hmol, Blue=\\PA) image. } \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "Conclusions} Our new HST NICMOS observations of NGC 4945, complemented by new ground based near and mid-IR observations, have provided detailed morphology of the nuclear region. In \\PA, we detect a 100pc-scale starburst ring while in \\Hmol\\ we trace the walls of a conical cavity blown by supernova driven winds. The continuum images are strongly affected by dust extinction but show that even at HST resolution and sensitivity, the nucleus is completely obscured by a dust lane with an elongated, disk-like morphology. We detect neither a strong point source nor dilution in CO stellar features, expected signs of AGN activity. Whereas all the infrared properties of NGC 4945 are consistent with starburst activity, its strong and variable hard X-ray emission cannot be plausibly accounted for without the presence also of an AGN. Although the starburst must contribute to the total bolometric luminosity we have shown, using starburst models, that the actual amount is dependent on the star formation history. A major contribution from the AGN is thus not excluded. Irrespective of the assumption made, however, our most important conclusion is that the observed variable hard X-ray emission combined with the lack of evidence for reprocessed UV radiation in the infrared is incompatible with the \"standard\" AGN model. If the AGN dominates the bolometric luminosity, then its UV radiation must be totally obscured along all lines of sight. If the starburst dominates then the AGN must be highly deficient in its UV relative to X-ray emission. The former case clearly raises the possibility that a larger fraction of ULIRGs than currently thought could actually be AGN rather than starburst powered." }, "0002/astro-ph0002072_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "From 43\\,GHz VLBA observations of the pair of radio sources \\1928+738 and \\2007+777 we have demonstrated the feasibility of precision phase-delay differential astrometric techniques at millimeter wavelengths. For a pair of sources with 5\\degr\\, separation and high antenna elevations, we have shown that present astrometric models and millimeter arrays are advanced enough to model the differential phase-delay to within 2 picoseconds, less than one tenth of a phase-cycle at 43\\,GHz. The root-mean-square of the differential phase-delay residuals is dominated by the fluctuations of the atmospheric water vapor. We have determined the relative position of the observed sources with a precision twofold better than previous determinations at lower frequencies and, more importantly, largely free from ambiguous definitions of the reference point on the structure of the radio sources. Our result makes 43\\,GHz VLBI phase-delay differential astrometry an ideal tool to study the absolute kinematics of the highly variable structures of regions near the core of extragalactic radio sources. ", "introduction": "One of the trends in Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is to augment the angular resolution of the observations in search for a more detailed view of the inner structure of extragalactic radio sources. This is effectively carried out by either observing at millimeter wavelengths (mm-VLBI) or, at cm-wavelengths, by combining ground telescopes with antennas in space. The correct interpretation of these high-resolution observations is of much relevance since they map the morphology of highly variable regions close to the central engine of AGNs. However, multi-epoch analyses directed to understand the dynamical behavior of these inner regions critically depend on the alignment of the images: no solid conclusions can be extracted without an accurate source component (i.e. core) identification. In particular, VLBI reveals that cm-wavelength components break up in complex structures with multiple features at mm-wavelengths. These compact mm-features show a strong variability, which may be the result of phenomena only seen so far in numerical simulations (G\\'omez et al. 1995). For a meaningful physical understanding of those compact features, a detailed knowledge of the (absolute) kinematics of the region is crucial. It is therefore highly desirable to extend precision differential phase-delay astrometry to mm-wavelengths.\\\\ In this Letter we demonstrate the feasibility of using phase-delay differential astrometry at 43\\,GHz. We have selected the pair of sources \\1928+738 and \\2007+777, $\\sim$5\\degr\\, apart, with flat spectra, high flux densities, and rich structures at 43\\,GHz. The astrometry analysis of these data show the advantages and possibilities of mm-wavelength differential astrometry. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{table}[t] \\caption[]{Contributions to the standard errors of the estimates of the coordinates of \\1928+738 minus those of \\2007+777 ( $\\delta\\Delta\\alpha$, $\\delta\\Delta\\delta$) from the sensitivity study. } \\begin{flushleft} \\begin{footnotesize} \\begin{tabular}{llccc} \\hline Effect & & Standard & $\\delta\\Delta\\alpha^b$ & $\\delta\\Delta\\delta$ \\\\ & & Deviation$^a$ & ($\\mu$s) & ($\\mu$as) \\\\ \\hline Statistical errors$^c$ & & -- & 4 & 25 \\\\ Ref. point identification & & -- & 0.6 & 1 \\\\ Station coordinates & & 2\\,cm & 6 & 25 \\\\ Coordinates & $\\alpha$ & 100\\,$\\mu$s & 23 & 41 \\\\ of \\2007+777: & $\\delta$ & 300\\,$\\mu$as & 9 & 9 \\\\ Earth's pole: & $x$ & 150\\,$\\mu$as & 2 & 9 \\\\ & $y$ & 250\\,$\\mu$as & 2 & 4 \\\\ UT1-UTC & & 15\\,$\\mu$s & 3 & 5 \\\\ Earth's nutation: & $d\\psi$ & 170\\,$\\mu$as & 0.3 & 1 \\\\ & $d\\epsilon$ & 80\\,$\\mu$as & 1 & 2 \\\\ Ionosphere$^d$ & & 1 TECU & 1 & 2 \\\\ \\hline rss$^e$ & & & 26 & 56 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{footnotesize} \\begin{scriptsize} \\noindent $^a$ The standard deviation of the fixed geometrical parameters of our astrometric model (all entries but ionosphere) were taken from IERS Annual Report 1998 (1999). The 2\\,cm standard deviation of the site coordinates corresponds to each of the three coordinates for each antenna site.\\\\ $^b$ Notice that the values of $\\delta\\Delta\\alpha$ are in $\\mu$s. To convert $\\mu$s to $\\mu$as, the factor 15$\\cdot\\cos\\delta_{\\rm{QSO}\\,1928+738}$ ($\\sim$4.2 ) must be used.\\\\ $^c$ The statistical errors include the uncertainties of the tropospheric zenith delays at the nodes of the piecewise linear function used in the troposphere model (see Sect. 2).\\\\ $^d$ Standard deviation provided by the global ionospheric maps at each site. 1 TECU = 1$\\times$10$^{16}$ el\\,m$^{-2}$.\\\\ $^e$ Root-sum-square of the tabulated values. \\end{scriptsize} \\end{flushleft} \\end{table} \\noindent From the astrometric analysis described in Sect. 3, we obtain the following J2000.0 coordinates of \\1928+738 minus those of \\2007+777 at 43\\,GHz:\\\\ \\noindent \\begin{tabular}{lll} $\\Delta\\alpha=$ & $-0^{h}\\,37^{m}\\,42\\rlap{.}^{s}503443$ & \\, $\\pm\\,0\\rlap{.}^{s}000026$\\\\ $\\Delta\\delta=$ & $-3^{\\circ}\\,54'\\,41\\rlap{.}''677208$ & \\, $\\pm\\,0\\rlap{.}''000056$\\\\ \\end{tabular} \\vspace*{0.2cm} \\noindent where the quoted uncertainties are overall standard errors (see Table 1), nearly twofold smaller than the standard errors corresponding to previous determinations at 5 and 8.4\\,GHz. From the comparison of the results of the sensitivity analysis displayed in Table 1 with similar sensitivity analyses at lower frequencies (G95; R99), we see that the improvement in precision comes from (i) the small contribution to the standard errors of the reference point identification in the map (dominated by image noise), as a consequence of the improvement of resolution of the maps and of the lack of ambiguity in selecting the components acting as reference, and (ii) the negligible contribution of the ionosphere, that scales down by a factor of 25 with respect to its contribution at 8.4\\,GHz. As occurs at cm-wavelengths, the quoted standard errors of the relative position are dominated by the uncertainties of the fixed parameters of the astrometric model (entries 3 to 10 of Table 1), and, in particular, by the uncertainties of the coordinates of the reference source, as expected for objects with a large angular separation (notice that this error is not frequency dependent). The comparison and interpretation of the relative position estimate at 43\\,GHz with previously reported estimates at lower frequencies will be postponed to a later publication where the comparison will be made in great detail. \\noindent The postfit residuals of the differenced phase delays corresponding to all baselines included in our analysis are shown in Fig. 2. Note the scale of the plots, $\\pm$23\\,ps, corresponding to $\\pm$1 phase cycle. The average root-mean-square (rms) of the postfit residuals is 2\\,ps, less than one tenth of the phase cycle at 43\\,GHz. At this level of precision, the absence of systematic effects validates both the astrometric model, based on IERS standards, and the propagation medium procedures for mm-wavelength VLBI astrometry (at least for cycle times, source separations, weather conditions, and antenna elevations similar to those presented in this paper). To calibrate the quality of our procedure, we compared the residual of the differenced phase delay with similar residuals corresponding to observations at 8.4\\,GHz and 5\\,GHz made in the past (G95, G98). The rms of the residuals are about 15, 9, and 2\\,ps for the data sets at 5, 8.4, and 43\\,GHz, respectively, which expressed in equivalent-phase yield postfit residuals of roughly 30 degrees at each of the three frequencies. This similarity of the rms expressed in phase at all the observed frequencies demonstrates not only that the phase connection process is feasible at 43\\,GHz, but which is also of no less quality than at lower frequencies.\\\\ Likely, the most important contributors to the scatter of the phases at 43\\,GHz are the unmodeled variations of the refractivity of the neutral atmosphere. From the average rms of 2\\,ps of the phase residuals of Fig. 2, and assuming uncorrelated contributions from the antennas forming each interferometric pair, the average uncertainty for the single-site phase delay is $\\sqrt{2}$\\,ps. This uncertainty is in good agreement with the predictions of water vapor fluctuations on time scales of 100 seconds ($\\sim$2\\,ps) based on refractivity patterns described by Kolmogorov turbulences (Treuhaft \\& Lanyi 1987).\\\\ The importance of our result translates to VLBI phase-referencing mapping. This technique (see e.g. Lestrade \\et 1990) relies completely on the behavior of the phase of the reference source (usually a strong radio emitter) to predict the phase of the target source (usually a weak radio emitter). Beasley \\& Conway (1995) provide useful expressions for the maximum cycle time for phase-referencing with the VLBA. Under good weather conditions, average antenna elevation of 40\\degr, and with the requirement that the rms phase between scans is $<$90\\degr, the maximum cycle time at 43\\,GHz is $\\sim$100s. This estimate should be shortened if atmospheric spatial variations from different lines of sight are considered. Actually, the facts are more favorable. For sources separated 5\\degr\\, on the sky, high antenna elevations, and good weather conditions, our results show that (i) the rms of the phases is below 90\\degr\\, throughout the experiment and does not seem to be substantially dependent of the cycle times used during our observation (100-300s); and (ii) the expected average uncertainty in interpolating the phases of one source to the epoch of the other is $\\sim$30\\degr\\,in the differenced phase. This value is not larger than usual phase errors in phase-reference mapping at cm-wavelengths (e.g. Lestrade \\et 1990). Therefore, with the proper cycle times and nearby calibrator sources, diffraction limited VLBI phase-reference images at 43\\,GHz should be possible. \\begin{figure}[t] \\vspace*{9cm} \\special{psfile=guirado_f2.ps hoffset=-40 voffset=-54 hscale=50 vscale=50} \\caption[]{Postfit residuals of the difference phase delays at 43\\,GHz for all baselines. Full vertical scale is $\\pm$one phase cycle ($\\pm$2$\\pi$ equivalent), i.e., $\\pm$23\\,ps. The average rms is 2 ps, less than one tenth of a phase cycle at 43\\,GHz. The symbols correspond to the following VLBA antennas: B, Brewster; F, Fort Davis; K, Kitt Peak; L, Los Alamos; M, Mauna Kea; N, North Liberty; O, Owens Valley} \\end{figure} \\noindent Our observations have shown that VLBI differential astrometry at 43\\,GHz provides high-precision relative positions. At this frequency, the astrometric precision is nearly equivalent to the resolution of the maps, and the reference point selected in the source structure might be associated with the core. This makes 43\\,GHz differential astrometry an ideal technique to trace unambiguously the kinematics of the inner regions of the extragalactic radiosources." }, "0002/astro-ph0002302_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Observations at high spectral and temporal resolution are presented of the dwarf nova EX\\,Dra in outburst. The disk seen in the \\ion{He}{i} line reconstructed by Doppler tomography shows a clear two-armed spiral pattern pointing to spiral shocks in the disk. The Balmer and \\ion{He}{ii} maps also give evidence for the presence of spirals. The eclipse as seen in the red continuum indicates a disk radius of 0.31 times the orbital separation, which might be large enough to explain the observed spiral shocks through excitation by the tidal field of the secondary. The eclipse in the Balmer line profiles, well resolved in our observations, indicates a somewhat smaller disk size (0.25). We discuss the possibility that this is related to an optical depth effect in the lines. ", "introduction": "Spiral shocks in accretion disks have been predicted from numerical simulations (Sawada et al. 1986, 1987, R\\'o\\.zyczka \\& Spruit 1993, Yukawa et al. 1997), and analytic considerations (Spruit 1987, Spruit et al. 1987, Larson 1990). They are excited by the tidal field of the secondary if the disk extends far enough into the Roche lobe and can result in two prominent spiral arms. If shock dissipation is the main mechanism damping the wave, it extends over the entire disk and causes accretion at an effective $\\alpha$-value of $0.01(H/r)^{3/2}$ (Spruit 1987, Larson 1990, Godon 1997). The first observational evidence for shock waves in accretion disks of cataclysmic variables (CVs) was the detection of a clear two-armed structure in the disk of IP\\,Peg during rise to outburst (Steeghs et al. 1997). The spiral pattern, interpreted as evidence for shock waves, has also been seen during outburst maximum (Harlaftis et al. 1999) and early decline of outburst (Morales-Rueda et al. 2000). At the temperatures expected from dwarf nova disks models, whether in outburst or in quiescence, the predicted spirals are tightly wound and would be hard to detect observationally (Bunk et al. 1990), so that their presence in the observations is somewhat unexpected. Spirals this strong are most naturally explained if the disk temporarily extends rather far into the primary Roche lobe, so that the tidal force of the secondary causes a strong disturbance. A strong non-axisymmetric disturbance, however, would also cause the gas to loose angular momentum quickly (transfered to the secondary), so that the disk would shrink to a smaller radius where the tidal force is weaker. Spirals in disks of CVs would then be understandable if they are a temporary phenomenon, perhaps restricted to outbursts. To test this, more observations of different systems at sufficient spectral resolution and signal-to-noise are needed (Steeghs \\& Stehle 1999). With high quality spectroscopic studies of different CVs it should also be possible to answer the question if spiral shocks in CV accretion disks are a common phenomenon. Systems suitable for this purpose would be bright and have frequent outbursts, such as SS\\,Cyg and EX\\,Dra. EX\\,Dra is a double--eclipsing dwarf nova with a 5-hour orbit (Barwig et al. 1993, Billington et al. 1996, system parameters by Fiedler et al. 1997). There is suggestive evidence for asymmetric structures in the \\ion{He}{i} Doppler map reconstructed from outburst data taken in 1993 (Joergens et al. 2000). From eclipse maps obtained at various stages in the outburst cycle Baptista \\& Catalan (1999) claim that spiral waves form at the early stages of an outburst. We report in this paper on observations at high spectral and temporal resolution during an outburst in 1996. ", "conclusions": "We find evidence for spiral structures in the outburst accretion disk of EX\\,Dra similar to those found in IP\\,Peg by Steeghs\\,et\\,al. (1997). The pattern of intensity and velocity perturbations agrees with that predicted from numerical simulations of spiral shock waves (Steeghs\\,\\&\\,Stehle 1999). It is best seen in the \\ion{He}{i} line, somewhat less clearly in the Balmer and \\ion{He}{ii} lines. In EX Dra the pattern appears somewhat less clearly and asymmetric than in IP\\,Peg. In particular, it is less clear in the \\ion{He}{ii} line, suggesting lower temperatures and shock strengths of the spirals of EX\\,Dra. Possibly the observability of spirals in the \\ion{He}{ii} map is hampered by strong hot spot emission visible in this line. We derive a disk radius of $r/a=0.31\\pm0.01$ from the red continuum eclipse light curve. From numerical simulations, Steeghs \\& Stehle find that disk sizes \\mbox{$r_{\\rm d}/a\\,=\\,0.3-0.4$} are needed to excite spirals that are strong enough to generate an observable pattern in the spectra. (Transformation from $r_{\\rm d}/a$ to $r_{\\rm d}/R_{L_1}$ is given by R$_{L_1}=0.53\\,a$ for q=0.75, cp. Plavec \\& Kratochvil 1964.) Since the tidal force is a very steep function of $r/a$, the spirals rapidly become weak at smaller disk sizes. The {\\mk disk size we find here in EX\\,Dra} is at the lower limit of the required size. Further evidence for the size of the disk in EX\\,Dra in outburst was obtained by Baptista \\& Catalan (1999). Radial intensity distributions presented there show disk radii of 0.30\\,$a$ in quiescence and 0.49\\,$a$ in outburst. The authors see hints of spirals in their eclipse maps, during the early outburst stages. This may be compared with the observations presented here, which show spirals and a disk size of 0.31\\,$a$ three days after the beginning of an outburst. The eclipses of the Balmer lines in our spectra yield significantly {\\em smaller} disks sizes than the continuum eclipse, $r_{\\rm dB}/a=0.25\\pm 0.02$. Since it is known that the line emission is produced primarily in the outer parts of the disk (e.g. Rutten et al. 1994), one might have expected the disk as seen in the lines to be larger, if anything, than in the continuum. A possible resolution of this conflict may lie in the optical depth effects affecting the emission lines in systems seen at high inclination. {\\mk The low central intensity of the Balmer lines in high-inclination CVs (often below the continuum) shows that such effects are strong. As shown by Horne \\& Marsh (1986), the effects are strongest for lines of sight parallel and perpendicular to the orbital motion, leading to reduced line emission from these directions compared to intermediate lines of sight (near $45^\\circ$ to the orbit). The bias towards intermediate angles will give the appearance of a somewhat smaller disk size. It is still to be determined if this suggestion also works quantitatively.}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002134_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Multiwavelength observations of blazars such as Mrk 421 and Mrk 501 show that they exhibit strong short time variabilities in flare-like phenomena. Based on the homogeneous synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model and assuming that time variability of the emission is initiated by changes in the injection of nonthermal electrons, we perform detailed temporal and spectral studies of a purely cooling plasma system, using parameters appropriate to blazars. One important parameter is the total injected energy ${\\cal E}$ and we show how the synchrotron and Compton components respond as ${\\cal E}$ varies. When the synchrotron and SSC components have comparable peak fluxes, we find that the SSC process contributes strongly to the electron cooling and the whole system is nonlinear, thus simultaneously solving electron and photon kinetic equations is necessary. In the limit of the injection-dominated situation when the cooling timescale is long, we find a unique set of model parameters that are fully constrained by observable quantities. In the limit of cooling-dominated situation, TeV emissions arise mostly from a cooled electron distribution and Compton scattering process is always in the Klein-Nishina regime, which makes the TeV spectrum having a large curvature. Furthermore, even in a single injection event, the multiwavelength light-curves do not necessarily track each other because the electrons that are responsible for those emissions might have quite different lifetimes. We discuss in detail how one could infer important physical parameters using the observed spectra. In particular, we could infer the size of the emission region by looking for exponential decay in the light curves. We could also test the basic assumption of SSC by measuring the difference in the rate of peak energy changes of synchrotron and SSC peaks. We also show that the trajectory in the photon-index--flux plane evolves clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the value of ${\\cal E}$ and observed energy bands. ", "introduction": "Blazars are a class of flat radio spectrum, core-dominated active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The overall radiation spectra of blazars show two broad peaks in the $\\nu F_{\\nu}$ space; one is between IR and X-rays, and the other in the $\\gamma$-ray regime (e.g., \\cite{vm95}). Flares also have been observed at X- and gamma-ray bands by multiwavelength observations of Mrk 421 (e.g., Macomb et al. 1995; Macomb et al. 1996 for erratum; Buckley et al. 1996) and Mrk 501 (Catanese et al. 1997; Pian et al. 1998). The tremendous luminosity and fast time variabilities from blazars have led to the usual arguments that relativistic motion is occurring in the emitting plasma. Moreover, the favored scenario to explain these sources is that we are viewing nearly along the axis of a relativistically outflowing plasma jet that has been ejected from an accreting super massive black hole (e.g., \\cite{br78}). Although the origin of these multiwavelength spectra is still under debate, several models on the radiative processes have been put forth, in particular, models of Compton scattering of synchrotron photons or external photons have been developed in recent years (e.g., Bloom \\& Marscher 1996; Inoue \\& Takahara 1996; Ghisellini \\& Madau 1996; Dermer, Sturner, \\& Schlickeiser 1997; Mastichiadis \\& Kirk 1997; Sikora et al. 1997; B\\\"{o}ttcher, Mause, \\& Schlickeiser 1997; Georganopoulos \\& Marscher 1998; Ghisellini et al. 1998). Most of these calculations are either semi-analytic, or for steady state situations, or not including the Compton scattering process self-consistently. The main purpose of this paper is to improve upon this situation. The physics of how energy is dissipated into relativistic particles is, unfortunately, not well understood (see, however, \\cite{rl97}) and will not be treated fully in this paper. Among various blazar models, synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) models have received a fair amount of attention, by virtue of its simplicity and its possible predictive power. In these models, it is proposed that the nonthermal synchrotron emission forms the radio-through-X-ray continuum, and that the Compton scattering of these (soft) synchrotron photons by the same nonthermal electrons produces the gamma rays ($\\sim$ GeV -- TeVs). In this paper, we focus on the so-called homogeneous SSC model where a spherical blob of uniform relativistic plasma is postulated. Even with such a greatly simplified picture, a number of parameters have to be invoked, whose interplay gives rise to a rich dynamic behavior of the observed radiation. Of particular interest is the correlated variabilities in X-ray and $\\gamma$-ray fluxes, since they represent the tail of nonthermal electrons which have the shortest cooling timescale. Although the generic multiwavelength spectra from radio to TeV can be fitted by a steady state model with fixed parameters (e.g, Kataoka et al. 1999), time-dependent calculations almost always offer stronger constraints. Furthermore, when the self-Compton component contains a comparable or even larger fraction of the radiative energy than the synchrotron component, the whole problem becomes inherently nonlinear and both components need to be calculated simultaneously and self-consistently. This naturally leads to the need of solving coupled, time-dependent, nonlinear particle and photon kinetic-equations. Moreover, by examining the energy-dependence of flare data at gamma-ray energies, one could potentially discriminate between SSC and external Compton-scattering origins of the seed photons (Dermer 1998). The simplest model for time variability of blazars (Mastichiadis \\& Kirk 1997; hereafter MK97) assumes that electrons obeying a power-law distribution are injected uniformly throughout a relativistically moving blob over an extended period of time, and that electrons cool by both synchrotron radiation and Compton scattering. The blob is assumed not to accelerate or decelerate, and the energy loss by Compton scattering of photons impinging from outside the blob is assumed to be small in comparison with the synchrotron self-Compton loss. MK97 reproduced the qualitative behavior of the energy-dependent lags and the hysteresis diagrams (Takahashi et al. 1996). Much of the work presented here follows closely to the previous study by MK97, but we are using a completely different kinetic code which will be discussed in later sections. Kirk, Rieger, \\& Mastichiadis (1998) further modeled the evolution of synchrotron emission, calculating acceleration and cooling regions separately, though Compton scattering was not included. In this paper we present a detailed study of the time-evolution of an electron-photon plasma (the positive particles could be either protons or positrons) by solving the kinetic equations numerically. We briefly describe our model in \\S \\ref{sec:codes} and show numerical results in \\S \\ref{sec:results}. Summary is given in \\S \\ref{sec:sum}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:sum} Using a homogeneous synchrotron self-Compton model, we have calculated the time evolution of emission spectra and electron energy distributions when nonthermal electrons are uniformly injected into a relativistically moving plasma blob with constant velocity. We have found that: (1) When the luminosities of the synchrotron and SSC peaks are comparable, the electron cooling by inverse Compton scattering is not negligible and the system is inherently nonlinear and dynamic. One has to solve the time-dependent, coupled electron and photon kinetic-equations self-consistently. Furthermore, since observations are most sensitive to the peak fluxes of synchrotron and SSC components, accurate treatments of synchrotron emissivity due to the end point effects and inverse Compton scattering in the KN regime are quite essential. (2) When the cooling time at the maximum particle energy is longer than the injection timescale ($\\ge R/c$), the light curve of emissions corresponding to the tail of the electron distribution can have short, large amplitude variations but emissions at other wavelengths show considerably longer and smaller amplitude changes. Additionally, spectral evolution is also rather slow. All these features are simply caused by the long cooling time of electrons. (3) When cooling time at the maximum particle energy is shorter than the dynamic timescale, strong spectral evolutions are observed for both synchrotron and SSC components and short duration flares are obtained in most energy bands. (4) Generally, the prompt TeV spectrum is curved due to the KN effect and the fact that TeV-production electrons are usually in a cooled distribution. This consideration does not take into account the possible infrared background attenuation of the TeVs, which might cause further curvature in the TeV spectrum. On the other hand, most current TeV observations require an accumulation time probably much longer than the dynamic timescale of the blob, so that it might still be possible to obtain a quasi power-law TeV spectrum by averaging over an evolving spectrum. Further study is needed to address this issue. (5) We recommend plotting the light curves in a fashion that is logarithmic flux versus linear time. The goal is to look for exponential decays at specific energy bands, which might give direct measurements of the size of the system, as indicated in Figures \\ref{fig:ltcv-e44} -- \\ref{fig:ltcv-e49}. (6) One has to be cautious about the common belief that light curves in different energy bands should track each other. The electrons responsible for producing specific energy photons might have quite different lifetimes, especially when multiple and closely spaced injections are involved. This complication also applies to the leading/lagging analysis for different photon energy bands. (7) When high time-resolution spectroscopy is available both in keV and TeV bands, one should be able to prove whether TeV production is via SSC process by comparing the rates of spectral softening as done in Figure \\ref{fig:epkt}. The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate the radiative signatures in a purely cooling and dynamic system, thus providing a bridge between observations and the detailed but largely unknown physics of particle energization processes. Since we did not address the particle acceleration problem here, in this sense, some of the conclusions drawn above are certainly subject to revisions as our understanding of energy flow in AGNs improves. In conclusion, we have found that solving time-dependent, coupled electron and photon kinetic-equations provides an easy and efficient way of comparing multiwavelength, time-dependent observations with some simplified SSC models. It has the advantage of naturally combining the spectral and temporal evolutions in a dynamic system, which is very useful when more and more high quality data become available." }, "0002/astro-ph0002120_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A new determination of the pregalactic helium abundance based on the Magellanic Clouds H~II regions is discussed. This determination amounts to $Y_p = 0.2345 \\pm 0.0030$ and is compared with those derived from giant extragalactic H~II regions in systems with extremely low heavy elements content. It is suggested that the higher primordial value derived by other authors from giant H~II region complexes could be due to two systematic effects: the presence of neutral hydrogen inside the helium Str\\\"omgren sphere and the presence of temperature variations inside the observed volume. ", "introduction": "The determination of the pregalactic, or primordial, helium abundance by mass $Y_p$ is paramount for the study of cosmology, the physics of elementary particles, and the chemical evolution of galaxies (e. g. Fields \\& Olive 1998, Izotov et al. 1999, Peimbert \\& Torres-Peimbert 1999, and references therein). In this review we briefly discuss the method used to derive $Y_p$ and its main sources of error as well as a new determination based on observations of the SMC. This determination is compared with those carried out earlier based on extremely metal poor extragalactic H~II regions. The Magellanic Clouds determination of $Y_p$ can have at least four significant advantages and one disadvantage with respect to those based on distant H~II region complexes: a) no underlying absorption correction for the helium lines is needed because the ionizing stars can be excluded from the observing slit, b) the determination of the helium ionization correction factor can be estimated by observing different lines of sight of a given H~II region, c) the accuracy of the determination can be estimated by comparing the results derived from different points in a given H~II region, d) the electron temperature is generally smaller than those of metal poorer H~II regions reducing the effect of collisional excitation from the metastable 2$^3$ S level of He~I, and e) the disadvantage is that the correction due to the chemical evolution of the SMC is in general larger than for the other systems. ", "conclusions": "The $Y_p$ value derived by us is significantly smaller than the value derived by Izotov \\& Thuan (1998) from the $Y$ -- O/H linear regression for a sample of 45 BCGs, and by Izotov et al. (1999) from the average for the two most metal deficient galaxies known (I~Zw~18 and SBS 0335--052), that amount to $0.2443 \\pm 0.0015$ and $0.2452 \\pm 0.0015$ respectively. The difference could be due to systematic effects in the abundance determinations. There are two systematic effects not considered by Izotov and collaborators that we did take into account, the presence of H$^0$ inside the He$^+$ region and the use of a lower temperature than that provided by the [O~III] lines. We consider the first effect to be a minor one and the second to be a mayor one but both should be estimated for each object. From \\ constant \\ density \\ chemicaly \\ homogeneous \\ models \\ computed with CLOUDY we estimate that the maximum temperature that should be used to determine the helium abundance should be 5\\% smaller than $T_e$(O~III). Moreover, if there is additional energy injected to the H~II region $T_e$(He~II) should be even smaller. Luridiana, Peimbert, \\& Leitherer (1999) produced a detailed photoionized model of NGC~2363. For the slit used by Izotov, Thuan, \\& Lipovetsky (1997) they find an $ICF$(He) = 0.993; moreover they also find that the $T_e$(O~III) predicted by the model is considerably smaller than observed. {From} the data of Izotov et al. (1997) for NGC~2363, adopting a $T_e$(He~II) 10\\% smaller than $T_e$(O~III) and $\\Delta Y/\\Delta Z = 1.9 \\pm 0.5$ we find that $Y_p = 0.234 \\pm 0.006$. Similarly, Stasinska \\& Schaerer (1999) produced a detailed model of I~Zw~18 and find that the photoionized model predicts a $T_e$(O~III) value 15\\% smaller than observed, on the other hand their model predicts an $ICF$(He) = 1.00. From the observations of $\\lambda\\lambda$ 5876 and 6678 by Izotov et al. (1999) of I~Zw~18, and adopting a $T_e$(He~II) 10\\% smaller than $T_e$(O~III) we obtain $Y_p = 0.237 \\pm 0.007$; for a $T_e$(He~II) 15\\% smaller than $T_e$(O~III) we obtain $Y_p = 0.234 \\pm 0.007$, both results in good agreement with our determination based on the SMC. Further discussion of these issues is presented elsewhere (Peimbert, Peimbert, \\& Luridiana 2000b). The primordial helium abundance by mass of $0.2345 \\pm 0.0030 (1 \\sigma)$ --- based on the SMC --- combined with the computations by Copi, Schramm, \\& Turner (1995) for three light neutrino species implies that, at the 95 percent confidence level, $\\Omega_b h^2$ is in the 0.0046 to 0.0103 range. For $h = 0.65$ the $Y_p$ value corresponds to $0.011 < \\Omega_b < 0.024$, a value considerably smaller than that derived from the pregalactic deuterium abundance, $D_p$, determined by Burles \\& Tytler (1998) that corresponds to $0.040 < \\Omega_b < 0.050$ for $h$ = 0.65, but in very good agreement with the observational estimate of the global budget of baryons by Fukugita, Hogan, \\& Peebles (1998) who find $0.007 < \\Omega_b < 0.038$ for $h$ = 0.65. The discrepancy between $Y_p$ and $D_p$ needs to be studied further. To increase the accuracy of the $Y_p$ determinations we need observations of very high quality of as many He~I lines as possible to derive $T_e$(He~II), $N_e$(He~II), and $\\tau$(3889) self-consistently. We also need observations with high spatial resolution to estimate the $ICF$(He) along different lines of sight. \\bigskip It is a pleasure to acknowledge several fruitful discussions on this subject with: L. Carigi, V. Luridiana, B. E. J. Pagel, M. T. Ruiz, E. Skillman, G. Steigman, S. Torres-Peimbert, and S. Viegas." }, "0002/astro-ph0002316_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) was flown in june 1998 on board of the space shuttle Discovery (flight STS-91) at an altitude ranging between 320 and 390 km. This preliminary version of AMS included an Aerogel Threshold \\cher detector (ATC) to separate $\\bar{p}$ from $e^{-}$ background, for momenta less than 3.5 \\GeVc. In this paper, the design and physical principles of ATC will be discussed briefly, then the performance results of ATC will be presented.} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002066_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present \\hst\\/ WFPC2 images of Stephan's Quintet which encompass three interacting galaxies and their associated tidal features. These deep, three-color ($B,V,I$) images indicate recent, massive stellar system formation in various regions within the compact group environment. We have identified star cluster candidates (SCC) both within the interacting galaxies and in the tidal debris. We compare the SCC colors with stellar population synthesis models in order to constrain cluster ages, and compare the pattern of formation of SCC in different regions to the inferred dynamical history of the group. ", "introduction": "The Hickson Compact Groups (HCG; Hickson 1982) are among the densest concentrations of galaxies in the local universe. These high densities combined with relatively low velocity dispersions, $\\sigma\\sim(2-3)\\times10^2$~km~s$^{-1}$ (Hickson et al. 1992), make them active sites of strong galaxy interactions. Interactions are believed to initiate bursts of star cluster formation on many scales from dwarf galaxies along tidal tails to massive star clusters, the progenitors of today's globular clusters. One group in particular, Stephan's Quintet (SQ; also known as HCG~92), is notable for evidence of multiple interactions. \\begin{figure}[t] \\plotfiddle{gallaghers1.eps}{3in}{-90}{50}{50}{-165}{220} \\caption{This $V-$band image is produced from two overlapping pointings of WFPC2. The field-of-view is approximately $3\\farcm7 \\times 2\\farcm5$, and the regions of interest have been labeled. The fifth member of the group, NGC~7317, is out of the frame to the west. Note that NGC~7320 is a foreground galaxy not relevant to the current discussion.} \\end{figure} SQ is comprised of five galaxies: NGC~7317, NGC~7318A and B, NGC~7319 and NGC~7320 (see Fig.~1 for galaxy identifications). Based on multiwavelength observations of the group, NGC~7317 and NGC~7320 show no evidence for recent interactions, unlike the other three galaxies (NGC~7320 is a foreground galaxy). In particular, NGC~7318B shows morphological disruption of spiral structure, and a long tidal tail extends from NGC~7319. The interactions have resulted in recent and ongoing star formation as evident from $B-V$ (Schombert et al. 1990), H$\\alpha$ (V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Iglesias-P\\'aramo 1998) and far-infrared (Xu, Sulentic \\& Tuffs 1999) imaging. Furthermore, in the photometric dwarf galaxy study of Hunsberger, Charlton, \\& Zaritsky (1996), SQ was identified as hosting the richest known system of tidal dwarf galaxy candidates. From these studies, only the largest star-forming regions were resolved; many of the young stars appeared to be distributed in the diffuse light in the tidal features between the galaxies. High spatial resolution is required to identify star cluster candidates (SCC) which at the distance of SQ ($z=0.02$; $d\\sim66h^{-1}$~Mpc) are faint point sources on the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} (\\hst) imaging was the obvious next step for investigating the full range in scale of massive star formation structure. Furthermore, with these images we could investigate whether star clusters form in diverse environments from the inner regions of galaxies to tidal debris tens of kiloparsecs from a galaxy center. ", "conclusions": "From \\hst\\ WFPC2 images, we find $\\sim150$ SCC in the environs of SQ. SCC are found both within the bulges of each of the galaxies NGC~7318A/B and NGC~7319, and also in tidal features. The ages deduced from $B-V$ versus $V-I$ colors of SCC are consistent with the complex interaction scenario outlined by MSM97. Since only old GCC are found in the centers of NGC~7318A/B, this suggests that recent star formation has not yet occurred there. Very young SCC are found along the interaction shock front between the ISM of NGC~7318B and the IGM of SQ supporting the hypothesis that this is a recent event. The spread of ages in SCC found throughout the field is indicative of recurring episodes of interaction-induced star formation." }, "0002/astro-ph0002250_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Most phenomenological galaxy formation models show a discrepancy between the predicted Tully-Fisher relation and the luminosity function. We show that this is mainly due to overmerging of galaxy haloes, which is inherent in both the Press-Schechter formalism and dissipationless N-body simulations. This overmerging problem be circumvented by including a specific galaxy halo formation recipe into an otherwise standard N-body code. Resolving the overmerging also allows us to include models for chemical evolution and starbursts, which improves the match to observational data {\\it and} renders the modelling more realistic. We use high-redshift clustering data to try and distinguish models which predict similar results at low redshifts for different sets of parameters. ", "introduction": "There has been significant recent progress in the study of galaxy formation within a cosmological context, mainly due to a phenomenological approach to this problem. The idea is to start with a structure formation model that describes where and when galactic dark haloes form. A simple description of gas dynamics and star formation provides a means to calculate the amount of stars forming in these haloes. Stellar population synthesis models then provide the spectral evolution, i.e.\\ luminosities and colours, of these galaxies. Many physical processes are modelled as simple functions of the circular velocity of the galaxy halo. Therefore, the Tully-Fisher relation is the most obvious observational relation to try and predict, as it relates the total luminosity of a galaxy to its halo circular velocity. However, most phenomenological galaxy formation models do not simultaneously fit the I-band Tully-Fisher relation and the B or K band luminosity function. When one sets the model parameters such that the Tully-Fisher relation has the right normalization, the luminosity functions generally overshoot (e.g.\\ Kauffmann, White \\& Guiderdoni 1993; Kauffmann, Colberg, Diaferio \\& White 1999), certainly for the $\\Omega=1$, $H_0=50$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ standard CDM cosmology (in the form given by Davis et al.\\ 1985) that we consider in this paper. Alternatively, when making sure that the luminosity functions matches by changing some of the model parameters, the Tully-Fisher relation ends up significantly shifted with respect to the observed relation (e.g.\\ Cole et al.\\ 1994; Heyl et al.\\ 1995). In order to keep the modelling as analytical as possible, an extension to the Press \\& Schechter (1974) prescription for the evolution of galaxy haloes (e.g.\\ Bond et al. 1991; Bower 1991; Lacey \\& Cole 1993; Kauffmann \\& White 1993) has been a popular ingredient for implementations of a phenomenological theory of galaxy formation. However, the EPS formalism is designed to identify collapsed systems, irrespective of whether these contain surviving subsystems. This `overmerging' of subhaloes into larger embedding haloes is relevant to the problem of matching both the galaxy luminosity function and the Tully-Fisher relation, as the central galaxy in an overmerged halo is the focus of a much larger cooling gas reservoir than the reservoir that galaxy is to focus of in case its parent subhalo survives. Traditional N-body simulations suffer from a similar overmerging problem (e.g.\\ White 1976), which is of a purely numerical nature, caused by two-body heating in dense environments when the mass resolution is too low (Carlberg 1994; van Kampen 1995). In order to circumvent these problems, we use an N-body simulation technique that includes a built-in recipe for galaxy halo formation, designed to prevent overmerging (van Kampen 1995, 1997), to generate the halo population and its formation and merger history. This resolves most of the discrepancy sketched above, {\\it and}\\ allows us to make the modelling more realistic by adding chemical evolution and a merger-driven bursting mode of star formation to the modelling. Once stars are formed, we apply the stellar population synthesis models of Jimenez et al.\\ (1998) to follow their evolution. We have enhanced these models with a model for the evolution of the average metallicity of the population, which depends on the starting metallicity. Feedback to the surrounding material means that cooling properties of that material will change with time, affecting the star formation rate, and thus various other properties of the parent galaxy. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002470_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In a spectroscopic follow-up to the VLA FIRST survey, the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey (FBQS) has found 29 radio-selected broad absorption line (BAL) quasars. This sample provides the first opportunity to study the properties of radio-selected BAL quasars. Contrary to most previous studies, we establish that a significant population of radio-loud BAL quasars exists. Radio-selected BAL quasars display compact radio morphologies and possess both steep and flat radio spectra. Quasars with low-ionization BALs have a color distribution redder than that of the FBQS sample as a whole. The frequency of BAL quasars in the FBQS is significantly greater, perhaps by as much as factor of two, than that inferred from optically selected samples. The frequency of BAL quasars appears to have a complex dependence on radio-loudness. The properties of this sample appear inconsistent with simple unified models in which BAL quasars constitute a subset of quasars seen edge-on. ", "introduction": "\\label{sectionintro} Until recently, a search of the astronomical literature would have revealed that broad absorption lines (BAL) are seen in approximately 10\\% of optically selected quasars (\\cite{foltz90}; \\cite{weymann91}) and in exactly 0\\% of radio-loud quasars (\\cite{stocke92}). This dichotomy has puzzled astronomers for years. The BAL quasars can be divided into two classes, high-ionization and low-ionization, which are primarily defined by the presence of broad absorption by C~IV $\\lambda1549$ and Mg~II $\\lambda2800$, respectively. (Note that all low-ionization BAL quasars also show high ionization absorption). The high-ionization BAL (HiBAL) quasars are more common, including 10\\% of all optically selected quasars, while the rarer low-ionization BAL (LoBAL) quasars make up only 1\\% of optically selected quasars. Prior to the FIRST survey there was only a single example of a LoBAL quasar whose spectrum shows strong absorption by metastable excited states of Fe~II (Q 0059$-$2735, \\cite{hazard87}). Becker et al.\\ (1997) reported the discovery of two more objects resembling Q0059$-$2735 (FIRST J084044.5+363328 and J155633.8+351758), the second of which is radio-loud. We will refer to these as FeLoBAL quasars. Both of the new unusual quasars were found by making optical identifications of radio sources from the VLA FIRST survey (Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm, \\cite{becker95}; \\cite{white97}). Subsequently, Brotherton et al.\\ (1998) identified five more radio-loud BAL quasars (two HiBAL and three LoBAL quasars) from a complete sample of radio-selected ultraviolet excess quasars, firmly establishing the existence of radio-loud BAL quasars. Lastly, Wills, Brandt, and Laor (1999) have recently suggested that the radio-loud quasar PKS 1004+13 is also a BAL quasar. For the past five years we have been developing several new radio-selected samples of quasars based on the VLA FIRST survey. The most extensive of these is the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey or FBQS (Gregg et al.\\ 1996, hereafter \\cite{gregg96}; White et al.\\ 2000, hereafter \\cite{white99}). The goal of the FBQS is to identify all quasars in the FIRST survey brighter than 17.8 on the POSS-I $E$ (red) plate. In the initial 2700 square degrees of the FIRST survey, we defined a sample of 1238 quasar candidates based on positional coincidence between a FIRST source and a POSS-I stellar object (see \\cite{gregg96} and \\cite{white99} for a detailed discussion of the candidate selection criteria). Spectra have been collected for 90\\% of these candidates, 636 of which have been identified as quasars. Among these are 29 which display BAL characteristics. We present the optical spectra and radio spectral indices of these BAL quasars, comparing their radio and optical properties to previous samples of optically selected BAL quasars. We discuss the selection biases inherent in the survey results and discuss why our sample differs from those based on optically selected samples. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated the properties of 29 radio-selected BAL quasars found in the FBQS. The sample comprises 15 high-ionization BAL quasars, and 14 low-ionization BAL quasars, 4 of which are rare FeLoBALs. At least 13 are formally radio-loud, unequivocally establishing the existence of a substantial population of radio-loud quasars exhibiting BAL spectral features. The frequency of BAL quasars appears to be higher than that found in optically selected samples. Even so, because of selection effects and preferential reddening of LoBAL quasars, the FBQS almost certainly misses additional BAL quasars and the true frequency must be higher. The situation is complicated by indications that the frequency of BAL quasars peaks among the radio-moderate population and decreases for the extremes of radio-loudness. The BAL quasars show compact radio morphologies, and have a range in radio spectral indices. The radio properties do not support the popular scenario in which all BAL quasars are normal quasars seen edge-on. An alternative picture in which BALs are an early stage in the development of new or refueled quasars is preferred." }, "0002/astro-ph0002337_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The major uncertainties involved in the Chandrasekhar mass models for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are related to the companion star of their accreting white dwarf progenitor (which determines the accretion rate and consequently the carbon ignition density) and the flame speed after the carbon ignition. We calculate explosive nucleosynthesis in relatively slow deflagrations with a variety of deflagration speeds and ignition densities to put new constraints on the above key quantities. The abundance of the Fe-group, in particular of neutron-rich species like $^{48}$Ca, $^{50}$Ti, $^{54}$Cr, $^{54,58}$Fe, and $^{58}$Ni, is highly sensitive to the electron captures taking place in the central layers. The yields obtained from such a slow central deflagration, and from a fast deflagration or delayed detonation in the outer layers, are combined and put to comparison with solar isotopic abundances. To avoid excessively large ratios of $^{54}$Cr/$^{56}$Fe and $^{50}$Ti/$^{56}$Fe, the central density of the \"average\" white dwarf progenitor at ignition should be as low as \\ltsim 2 \\e9 \\gmc. To avoid the overproduction of $^{58}$Ni and $^{54}$Fe, either the flame speed should not exceed a few \\% of the sound speed in the central low $Y_e$ layers, or the metallicity of the average progenitors has to be lower than solar. Such low central densities can be realized by a rapid accretion as fast as $\\dot M$ \\gtsim 1 $\\times$ 10$^{-7}$M$_\\odot$ yr$^{-1}$. In order to reproduce the solar abundance of $^{48}$Ca, one also needs progenitor systems that undergo ignition at higher densities. Even the smallest laminar flame speeds after the low-density ignitions would not produce sufficient amount of this isotope. We also found that the total amount of $^{56}$Ni, the Si-Ca/Fe ratio, and the abundance of some elements like Mn and Cr (originating from incomplete Si-burning), depend on the density of the deflagration-detonation transition in delayed detonations. Our nucleosynthesis results favor transition densities slightly below 2.2$\\times 10^7$~g cm$^{-3}$. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "From the very early days of explosive nucleosynthesis calculations, when no direct connection to astrophysical sites was possible yet, it was noticed (Trimble 1975) that the solar Fe-group composition could be reproduced with a superposition of matter from explosive Si burning with about 90\\% originating from a $Y_e$=0.499 source and 10\\% from a $Y_e$=0.46 source. We have discussed in some detail in the present paper that the central part of SNe Ia could be this second source, while Thielemann et al. (1996) have shown that SN II ejecta with $Y_e$$<$0.498 could cause serious problems. New results by Hachisu \\etal (1999a, 1999b; see also Li \\& van den Heuvel 1997), which include wind losses in the interaction of binary systems, come to the conclusion that the majority of SNe Ia progenitor systems experience hydrogen accretion on white dwarfs at a rate that has them grow toward the Chandrasekhar mass through steady H- and He-burning. This leads to the single degenerate Chandrasekhar mass scenario (SD/Ch). Binary systems with steady H-burning on accreting white dwarfs and effective accretion rates as high as $\\dot M >$ 1 $\\times$ 10$^{-7}$ M$_\\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ might correspond to observed supersoft X-ray sources. This also would lead to low central ignition densities of the Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf at the thermonuclear runaway ($<$ 2 \\e9 \\gmc), which correspond to the C series of the models discussed in the present paper. A small fraction can deviate from steady H burning and would experience weak hydrogen flashes near the end of the accretion history. Such cases would correspond to our W series of models and even higher ignition densities. Kobayashi et al. (1998) discussed metallicity effects and their influence on the delay time for the appearance of SNe Ia in galactic evolution. Our nucleosynthesis results of the present paper are quite consistent with these scenarios and favor case C. The reason is that too high ignition densities lead to a high degree of electron captures and small $Y_e$ values, which would cause an overproduction of $^{54}$Cr and $^{50}$Ti in excess of what is permitted for SNe Ia in a solar mix. We have to make two reservations here. New shell model calculations (Dean et al. 1998; Caurier et al. 1999) indicate that the electron capture rates could be substantially reduced in comparison to the rates by Fuller et al. (1980,1982,1985) employed here. The application of these new capture rates might also permit models of our W series without serious deviations from the allowed central $Y_e$ values. In addition, such conclusions deal only with the dominant or average SN Ia events. If more neutron-rich nuclei like $^{48}$Ca are also the result of SN Ia nucleosynthesis, an occasional event with a significantly higher ignition density is required, a fact also consistent with the above scenario. Our nucleosynthesis results imply that for the dominant events the central density of the Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf at thermonuclear runaway must be as low as or lower than \\ltsim 2 \\e9 \\gmc, though the exact constraint depends somewhat on the flame speed. Here is the point where nucleosynthesis predictions can also be of help for providing constraints to the supernova modeling and the burning-front velocity. A carbon deflagration wave, propagating as slow as $v_{\\rm def}/v_{\\rm s} \\sim 0.015$ or even slightly slower, would be the ideal choice for the neutron-rich species such as $^{54}$Cr and $^{50}$Ti; see cases CS15 and WS30. The latter case makes also clear that slightly larger ignition densities than 1.5 \\e9 \\gmc~(case C) are permitted if the flame speed is increased appropriately. An acceleration of the flame speed in the outer part of the central layers is permitted to about 3\\% of the sound speed or slightly more, but should clearly stay below 5\\%. For such fast burning fronts the $Y_e$-gradient becomes very flat and too much material in the range $Y_e$ = 0.47-0.485 is produced. This leads to dominant abundances of $^{54}$Fe and $^{58}$Ni, a feature that was already prominent in W7, and causes an excessive overproduction of $^{58}$Ni in galactic evolution. Our calculations were performed with a constant fraction of the sound speed. An acceleration of the burning front is expected (Khokhlov 1995; Niemeyer \\& Woosley 1997) and future investigations should include such a time dependence, which is in agreement with the findings discussed above. Finally, nucleosynthesis can also give clues about the deflagration-detonation transition (DDT). The most obvious consequence of choosing different transition densities is the amount of $^{56}$Ni produced in a SN Ia event. H\\\"oflich and Khokhlov (1996) find from light curve modeling and spectra that the typical $^{56}$Ni mass should be in the range 0.5-0.7~M$_\\odot$. This agrees with W7. Among the DD models it would ask for a value somewhere between DD1 and DD2 (closer to DD2). Here 3, 2, and 1 stand for DDTs when densities ahead of the flame decrease to 3.0, 2.2, and 1.7 \\e7 \\gmc~. DD1 is excluded for other reasons. The amount of Si-Ca in comparison to Fe is too large in DD1 models in order to compensate for the well-known overproduction of Si-Ca in SNe II during galactic evolution. Si/Fe ratios in SN Ia models require specific Ia/(II+Ib) ratios in order to obtain a solar mix combined with SN II contributions (see Table 5). DD2 seems to be closest to the present observational constraints for this ratio by Cappelaro et al. (1997). Small DDT densities favor larger amounts of matter that experience incomplete Si burning. Low-metallicity constraints require an overproduction of Mn (and Cr) in SNe Ia. These elements are mostly made as $^{55}$Co and $^{52}$Fe (decaying to Mn and Cr), which are favorably produced in incomplete Si burning and would also require a DDT between DD1 and DD2. (One should, however, realize that a fast deflagration could possibly simulate this as well - see the Mn overproduction in Figure 12 - and on the other hand that these numbers would have to be rescaled or reinterpreted in multi-D calculations.) Thus, combining all requirements on the DDT from total Ni yields, Si/Fe and Ia/(II+Ib) ratios, as well as specific elements favored in incomplete Si-burning, we would argue for a DDT density slightly below 2.2 \\e7 \\gmc~, i.e., results between DD1 and DD2. One should, however, be careful with these constraints based on spherically symmetric approximations of the burning front. Full three-dimensional calculations could possibly produce the required ratio of matter from incomplete Si burning and complete Si burning with alpha-rich freeze-out in a different realization. More extended calculations that make use of the conclusions presented here, including a time dependence of $v_{\\rm def}/v_{\\rm sound}$, the best choice for the DDT density, and a detailed galactic evolution model, replacing our comparisons of only the global yields, will be the next step to undertake. That would also have to include further tests of the metallicity of the exploding object, a topic which has gained in importance with the cosmological interpretation of high-redshift SNe Ia. For this reason we repeat here in Figure 25a-25c some of the Figures 19-21 with a continuation to smaller mass fractions and purely plotted as a function of velocity, in order to magnify the behavior of the outer layers. The differences in velocities between CDD and WDD models are negligibly small in these plots. As mentioned before, the $^{54}$Fe (in the outer layers not affected by electron captures but only by the neutron excess due to the initial metallicity) ranging in velocities up to 15,000 - 19,000 km s$^{-1}$ in the models DD1-DD3, is a strong indicator of metallicity (see Fig. 14). The minima in S, Ar, and Ca, if observed in spectra, with positions between 16,000 and 21,000 km s$^{-1}$ in the DD1-DD3 models, could give further clues on the deflagration-detonation transition. And finally, any unburned intermediate mass elements at higher velocities would give a clear indication of the metallicity of the accreted matter. Our calculations and plots include only initial compositions of $^{12}$C, $^{16}$O, and $^{22}$Ne. Solar abundances of Ca, Ar, S, Si, or Fe would correspond to mass fractions of $1.2\\times 10^{-4}$, $1.6 \\times 10^{-4}$, $7.6\\times 10^{-4}$, $1.3\\times 10^{-3}$, or $2.3\\times 10^{-3}$. Thus, any future investigations of very early time spectra, leading to abundance observations at high velocities, would provide strong constraints on the SNe Ia mechanism and the relation to the metallicity of the individual SNe Ia explosion." }, "0002/astro-ph0002101_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have conducted observations of the environment around the z=2.15 radio loud quasar 1550-269 in search of distant galaxies associated either with it or the z=2.09 CIV absorber along its line of sight. Such objects will be distinguished by their red colours, R-K$>$4.5. We find five such objects in a 1.5 arcmin$^2$ field around the quasar, with typical K' magnitudes of $\\sim$20.4 and no detected R band emission. We also find a sixth object with K=19.6$\\pm$0.3, and undetected at R, just two arcseconds from the quasar. The nature of all these objects is currently unclear, and will remain so until we have determined their redshifts. We suggest that it is likely that they are associated with either the quasar or the CIV absorber, in which case their properties might be similar to those of the z=2.38 red Ly$\\alpha$ emitting galaxies discovered by Francis et al. (1997). The small separation between the quasar and the brightest of our objects suggests that it may be the galaxy responsible for the CIV metal line absorption system. The closeness to the quasar and the red colour might have precluded similar objects from being uncovered in previous searches for emission from CIV and eg. damped absorbers. ", "introduction": "The selection of high redshift galaxies on the basis of their colours has been a growth industry over the last 5 years. Much of this work has concentrated on the selection of high (z$>$3) redshift objects through `dropout' techniques. Such methods have had considerable success (eg. Steidel et al. 1999). However, many of these techniques are reliant on emission in the rest-frame ultraviolet. The UV emission from a galaxy can easily be dominated by a small burst of star formation, or alternatively obscured by a relatively small amount of dust. A population of older quiescent galaxies might thus coexist with the UV selected high redshift objects. Studies of the stellar populations in moderate redshift radio galaxies provide some support for this idea. A number of authors (eg. Stockton et al. (1995), Spinrad et al. (1997)) have shown that several radio galaxies have ages $>$3--5 Gyr at z$\\sim$1.5, indicating that they must have formed at z$>$5. These results have even been used (Dunlop et al. 1996) to argue that $\\Omega$ must be significantly less than 1. Old galaxies at moderate redshift, passively evolving from z$>$5 to z=1.5 -- 2.5, would appear as red objects, with R-K' colours $>$4.5. There has been considerable interest in such red objects. Much of this work has centred on red objects found in the fields of known high redshift AGN (eg. Hu \\& Ridgeway (1994), Yamada et al., (1997)). A large survey of the environments of z=1--2 quasars (Hall et al., 1998) finds that such associations are quite common. The present paper attempts to push such studies above z=2. The alternative approach, to study red objects in the field, is also an active area with several surveys dedicated to or capable of finding such objects. See eg. Cohen et al. (1999), or Rigopoulou et al. (in preparation). Red objects need not be old, though. An alternative explanation is that they are heavily obscured, and may contain either a redenned AGN or massive starburst (eg. Dey et al., 1999, Egami et al., 1996). In this context it is interesting to note that several of the objects found in recent deep submm surveys have been identified with very red objects (Smail et al., 1999; Clements et al., in preparation). Finding emission from the putative galaxies responsible for metal and damped-Ly$\\alpha$ absorption line systems has been the goal of numerous observational programmes. At low redshift there has been considerable success in identifying the galaxies responsible for MgII absorption systems (Bergeron \\& Boisse, 1991; Steidel et al., 1997. At higher redshifts, interest has mostly focussed on the damped-Ly$\\alpha$ absorption systems. Searches for line emission from such objects (eg. Bunker et al. 1999; Wolfe et al. 1992) has met with varying success (Leibundgut \\& Robertson, 1999). Fewer observers have looked in the continuum, but there have been some successes there as well. For example, Aragon-Salamanca et al. (1996) found close companions to 2 out of 10 quasars with damped absorbers in a K band survey. As yet there has been no spectroscopic confirmation of these identifications, but the broad characteristics of these objects, and the small fraction of damped absorbers detected, is consistent with plausible models for the evolution of the galaxies responsible (Mathlin et al., in preparation). Meanwhile, Aragon-Salamanca et al. (1994) looked for counterparts to multiple CIV absorbers lying at z$\\sim$1.6, also using K band observations. They found an excess of K band objects near to the quasars, consistent with their being responsible for the CIV absorption. Once again, there is no spectroscopic confirmation of the assumed redshifts. The present paper presents the first results of a programme aimed at finding quiescent objects at high redshift (z$\\sim$2--2.5) using optical/IR colour selection techniques. Among the targets observed in an initial test programme was the radio loud quasar 1550-2655, selected as an example radio loud object. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes our observations, data analysis and presents the results. Section 3 discusses these results and examines three possible origins for the red objects we have found to be associated with 1550-2655. Finally we draw our conclusions. We assume $\\Omega_M$ = 1, $\\Lambda$=0 and H$_0$=100 kms$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$ throughout this paper. ", "conclusions": "At present there are several deficiencies in our data. Firstly we have only obtained limits on the objects R band magnitudes. We must detect them and measure, rather than limit, their R band magnitudes before we can properly determine their colours. Secondly we must obtain spectra for the objects so that we can actually determine, rather than speculate on, their redshift. However, the results presented here suggest that a larger survey of quasar environments, both with and without absorbers, using infrared imagers with adaptive optics correction might shed new light on galaxy populations at large redshift. \\\\~\\\\ {\\bf Acknowledgments} This paper is based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, Chile. It is a pleasure to thank Nick Devillard for his excellent Eclipse data reduction pipeline, and E. Bertin for SExtractor. This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I would like to thank Amanda Baker and Garry Mathlin for useful discussions, and the anonymous referee for helpful comments on an earlier version. This work was supported in part by an ESO fellowship, EU TMR Network programme FMRX-CT96-0068 and by a PPARC postdoctoral grant." }, "0002/astro-ph0002271_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\nop We estimate the contributions to the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) power spectrum from the static and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effects, and from the moving cluster of galaxies (MCG) effect. We conclude, in agreement with other studies, that at sufficiently small scales secondary fluctuations caused by clusters provide important contributions to the CMBR. At $\\ell \\gtrsim 3000$, these secondary fluctuations become important relative to lensed primordial fluctuations. Gravitational lensing at small angular scales has been proposed as a way to break the ``geometric degeneracy'' in determining fundamental cosmological parameters. We show that this method requires the separation of the static SZ effect, but the kinematic SZ effect and the MCG effect are less important. The power spectrum of secondary fluctuations caused by clusters of galaxies, if separated from the spectrum of lensed primordial fluctuations, might provide an independent constraint on several important cosmological parameters. ", "introduction": "\\label{S:INTRO} The power spectrum of the cosmic microwave radiation (CMBR) carries much cosmological information about primordial density fluctuations in the early Universe. As photons leave the last scattering surface and travel across the Universe, however, these brightness fluctuations are modified by intervening structures, causing secondary fluctuations, which we would expect to become more important on small angular scales. The power spectrum of the CMBR alone can be used to determine cosmological parameters. Recently it has been shown, however, that a geometrical degeneracy effect prevents some combinations of cosmological parameters from being disentangled by the power spectrum alone (\\cite{BondEfTeg97}; \\cite{EfstathBond98}; \\cite{ZaldarrSperSel97}). The primordial density fluctuations and matter content determine the positions and magnitudes of the Doppler peaks at the last scattering surface. These fluctuations are transferred to apparent angular scales determined by their angular diameter distance. As a result, cold dark matter (CDM) models with the same primordial density fluctuations, matter content, and angular diameter distance can not be distinguished. The models are ``effectively degenerate'' in the sense that their power spectrum is degenerate for parameter determination on intermediate and small scales. Although the observed power spectrum also depends on the time variation of the metric, via the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, this breaks the degeneracy only at large angular scales. Unfortunately observations of the power spectrum do not provide strong constraints on models at large scales, since this is where the statistics of the data are dominated by the cosmic variance due to the fact that we have only one realization of our cosmological model, the Universe itself, and we encounter a sampling problem). Therefore we can determine, for example, only combinations such as $\\Omega_0 h^2$ and $\\Omega_b h^2$ (where $\\Omega_0$ and $\\Omega_b$ are the $z = 0$ matter and baryon density parameters and $h$ is the dimensionless Hubble parameter). It has been noticed that gravitational lensing can break the geometric degeneracy at small angular scales, $\\ell \\gtrsim 2000$, in such a way that the cosmological parameters can be determined separately (\\cite{MetcalfSilk98}; \\cite{StomporEfstath98}). The effect of gravitational lensing on the CMBR was studied by several authors (see for example \\cite{BlanchardSchneider87}; \\cite{MetcalfSilk97}; \\cite{Seljak97}). Static gravitational lenses do not change a smooth CMBR, but the fluctuations get distorted by lensing. As a result, power from the acoustic peaks is transferred to small angular scales, conserving the variance of the spectrum. The amount of power transferred depends on the cosmological model, thus, in principle, we can determine separately $\\Omega_0$, $\\Omega_b$, and $h$. This method makes use of the small angular scale part of the power spectrum, where the amplitude of primordial fluctuations is declining and secondary fluctuations are becoming more important. The question naturally arises: How do contributions to the power spectrum from secondary fluctuations influence parameter determination based on the small scale CMBR power spectrum? The most important secondary fluctuations are the thermal static and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SSZ and KSZ) effects (\\cite{sz80}), the Rees-Sciama (RS) effect (\\cite{ReesSciama68}), the moving cluster of galaxies (MCG) effect (\\cite{BirkGull83}; \\cite{GurvitsMitrof86} ; \\cite{PyneBirkinshaw93}), point sources (\\cite{ToffZAB99}), and, if the Universe was re-ionized at some early stage, the Ostriker-Vishniac effect (\\cite{OstrVish86}; \\cite{Vish87}). In this paper we concentrate on secondary effects caused by clusters of galaxies. Since detailed reviews are available on the SZ and the MCG effects (\\cite{Reph95}; \\cite{Birk98}), here we just summarize their major features. The thermal SZ effect is a change in the CMBR via inverse Compton scattering by electrons in the hot atmosphere of an intervening cluster of galaxies. We use the terms kinematic or static SZ effect depending on whether or not the intracluster gas possesses bulk motion. To date only the static thermal SZ effect has been detected (\\cite{Birk98}). The MCG effect is a special type of RS effect, due to the time-varying gravitational field of a cluster of galaxies as it moves relative to the rest frame of the CMBR. Unlike the original RS effect, the MCG effect is not caused by intrinsic variation of the gravitational field, so that in the rest frame of the cluster, the photons fall into and climb out of the same gravitational field. However, in the rest frame of the cluster the CMBR is not isotropic, but has a dipole pattern, being brighter in the direction of the cluster peculiar velocity vector. Photons passing the cluster are deflected towards its center. Thus in the direction of the cluster peculiar velocity vector (ahead of the cluster) one can see a cooler part of the dipole pattern. Towards the tail of the cluster, one can see a brighter part of the dipole (ahead of the cluster). When transferring back to the rest frame of the CMBR, we transfer the dipole out, but the fluctuations remain, showing a bipolar pattern of positive and negative peaks. At cluster center there is no deflection, thus there is no effect. The amplitude of the MCG effect is proportional to the product of the gravitational deflection angle and the peculiar velocity of the cluster. The most important characteristics of the SSZ, KSZ, and MCG effects in the context of cosmology is that their amplitudes do not depend on the redshift of the clusters causing the effect. Using thermodynamic temperature units, their maximum amplitude are about 500 $\\mu$K, 20 $\\mu$K, and 10 $\\mu$K, respectively. The SSZ and KSZ effects have the same spatial dependence as the line of sight optical depth, the MCG effect has a unique bipolar pattern. Assuming a King approximation for the total mass and an isothermal beta model for the intracluster gas, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the SSZ and KSZ effects $\\approx (2 - 4)\\,r_c$, where $r_c$ is the core radius, depending on $\\beta$, which is typically between 2/3 and 1. The MCG effect has a much larger spatial extent, with FWHM for each part of the bipolar distribution $\\approx 10\\, r_c$. The spectra of the effects are also important: the SSZ effect has a unique spectrum which changes sign from negative to positive at about 218 GHz. The KSZ and MCG effects have the same frequency dependence as the primordial fluctuations. The most important difference between the SZ effect and the MCG effect is that the SZ effect is caused by intracluster gas, the MCG effect is caused by gravitational lensing by the total mass regardless the physical nature of that mass. Therefore the SZ effect only arises from clusters with intracluster gas. Clusters can produce significant MCG effects even if devoid of intracluster gas. The effects of clusters of galaxies on the CMBR in a given cosmology have been a subject of intensive research since the late 1980s. There are several different ways of extracting information from these effects. Source counts of the SSZ effect were estimated by using the Press-Schechter mass function (PSMF) and scaling relations (\\cite{ColeKaiser88}; \\cite{Markevitchet92}; 1994; \\cite{MakiSuto93}; \\cite{BartSilk94}, De Luca, Desert \\& Puget 1995, \\cite{ColaMRV94}; 1997, \\cite{sutoet99}). The importance of the SSZ effect was demonstrated and it was shown that thousands of detections are expected with the next generation of satellites. Contributions to the CMBR from the RS and the KSZ effects were derived by Tuluie, Laguna \\& Anninos (1996) and Seljak (1996) for CDM models with zero cosmological constant. Tuluie et al. used N-body simulations and a ray-tracing technique, Seljak used N-body simulations and second order perturbation theory. Contributions from the SSZ and KSZ effects originating from large scale mass concentrations (superclusters) were studied by Persi et al. (1995). Bersanelli et al. (1996), in their extensive study of the CMBR for the Planck mission, estimated the contribution to the power spectrum from the SSZ and KSZ effects. Aghanim et al. (1998) estimated the effects of the KSZ and MCG effects on the CMBR including their contributions to the CMBR power spectrum. Aghanim et al. simulated $12.5^\\circ \\times 12.5^\\circ$ maps with pixel size of $1.5^\\prime \\times 1.5^\\prime$. They used the PSMF normalized to X-ray data (assuming an X-ray luminosity-mass relation). The total mass was assumed to have a Navarro-Frenk-White profile (\\cite{Navarroet97}), and the intracluster gas was assumed to follow an isothermal beta model distribution. The time evolution of the electron temperature and the core radius were assumed to follow models of Bartlett \\& Silk (1994), which are based on self-similar models of Kaiser (1986). According to Aghanim et al. (1998)'s results, the KSZ effect is many orders of magnitude stronger than the primordial CMBR on small angular scales, and therefore the effect would prevent the use of the power spectrum to break the geometric degeneracy. Atrio-Barandela \\& Mucket (1998) estimated the power spectra of the SSZ effect in a standard dark matter dominated model with different lower mass cut-offs. Contributions to the power from the Ostriker-Vishniac effect in CDM models were estimated by Jaffe \\& Kamionkowski (1998). In this paper we estimate the contributions to the CMBR power spectrum from the SSZ, KSZ, and MCG effects on small angular scales adopting cold dark matter dominated models. In our models we assumed scale invariant primordial fluctuations with a processed spectrum having a power law form on cluster scales with a power law index of $n_P = -1.4$ (Bahcall \\& Fan 1998). This maybe used as a first approximation as long as contributions from very low and/or very high mass clusters are small (cf. our discussion about mass cut offs at section~\\ref{s:PSMF}). We use three representative models in our study: {\\it Model 1}, open CDM (OCDM) model: a low density open model with $\\Omega_0 = 0.2$, $\\Lambda = 0$, $\\sigma_8 = 1.2$; {\\it Model 2}, flat lambda CDM (\\L CDM) model: a low density flat model with $\\Omega_0 = 0.2$, $\\Lambda = 0.8$, $\\sigma_8 = 1.35$; {\\it Model 3}, standard CDM (SCDM) model: a flat model with $\\Omega_0 = 1$, $\\Lambda = 0$, and $\\sigma_8 = 0.65$. In Section~\\ref{s:method} we outline our method of estimating the power spectra of secondary fluctuations caused by clusters of galaxies and discuss our normalization method for the PSMF. Sections~\\ref{s:PSMF} and ~\\ref{s:physpar} describe how we used the PSMF and the scaling relations to obtain masses and other physical parameters of clusters. In section~\\ref{s:PowerSpectr} we present the spherical harmonic expansion of the SSZ, KSZ and MCG effects, and our method of estimating their power spectra. Section~\\ref{s:Simulation} describes our simulations to evaluate the integrals over clusters. Sections~\\ref{s:Results} and \\ref{s:Discussion} present our results and discuss the differences from previous work. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:Discussion} An observed power spectrum is made up from the sum of all astrophysical effects and noise. We rely on the different frequency and/or power spectra of the secondary effects to separate these foregrounds from the primordial CMBR signal (\\cite{Tegmark98}). Of the effects discussed here, it should be easy to separate the SSZ effect by using multi-frequency measurements of its unique spectrum. The separation of primordial fluctuations in the CMBR and fluctuations caused by the KSZ and MCG effects is more difficult since their frequency spectra are the same. Optimal filters have been designed to separate the KSZ effect (\\cite{HaehneltTegmark96}; \\cite{Aghanimet97}): here it helps to know the SSZ effect for the same cluster, since that would give us a position and even an estimate for the expected amplitude of the effect. Aghanim et al. (1998) discussed methods to separate the MCG effect: this is facilitated by its unique dipole pattern with sharp peaks (Figure~\\ref{F:MCG1}). Primordial fluctuations are usually assumed to be gaussian, where the probability of getting such a strongly peaked bipolar pattern is small, and we would expect the strong small angular scale gradient near a known cluster of galaxies to be a definite indication of the presence of the MCG effect. Also, knowing the position of clusters helps to find the effect. However, contributions from other effects, such as early ionization and discrete radio sources causes further confusion, and may be expected to make it difficult to determine the power from the SZ or MCG effects. We analyzed the contributions to the power spectrum from the SSZ, KSZ and MCG effects to check their impact on the determination of cosmological parameters, especially at large $\\ell$ where gravitational lensing may break the geometric degeneracy. In Figure~\\ref{f:Lens01} we show the small scale lensed primordial fluctuation power spectra of our three models (OCDM, SCDM, \\L CDM; solid lines) with power spectra resulting from the sum of fluctuations due to the lensed primordial CMBR and the SSZ effect (long dashed lines), and from the sum of the lensed primordial CMBR, the KSZ and the MCG effects (short dashed lines). According to our models, if the fluctuations due to the SSZ effect are fully separated, the KSZ and MCG effects do not prevent the use of this part of the power spectrum to break the geometric degeneracy and distinguish between different CDM models. Note that normalization at the first Doppler peak, rather than the usual {\\it COBE} normalization, would lower the contributions to the power spectrum from primordial fluctuations in a \\L CDM model relative to those from a SCDM model, and thus secondary effects would become more important relative to the primordial CMBR fluctuations. Our simulations also show that the power spectrum of the SSZ effect may itself be used to break the geometric degeneracy. Since the separation of the SSZ effect from other secondary effects should be straightforward, we should be able to determine the power spectrum of the SSZ effect alone. As can be seen from Figure~\\ref{f:PowerSp3}, this power spectrum depends on $\\Omega_0 h^2$ and $\\Omega_b h^2$, providing an additional constraint on these parameters. We note, however, that the amplitude of the SSZ effect is model dependent. Since the contributions to the power spectrum from the SZ and MCG effects are model dependent, to evaluate fully their power spectra we need a better observationally-supported model for the intracluster gas. Sensitive, high-resolution all-sky, X-ray observations could map the emission from intracluster gas up to high redshift providing strong constraints on gas formation and evolution and thus a good basis for modeling the SSZ and KSZ effects (\\cite{Jahoda.et97}). Number counts of clusters based on their SSZ effect can also be used to constrain cosmological models (\\cite{sutoet99}). There are many possibilities of using observations to break the geometric degeneracy. For example measurements of the CMBR polarization, the Hubble constant, or light curves of Type Ia supernovae have been discussed (Zaldarriaga et al. 1997; \\cite{EisensteinHuTeg98}; \\cite{Tegmarket98}). Also, combination of measurements of the SSZ effect and thermal bremsstrahlung (X-ray) emission from clusters can be used to determine the Hubble constant for a large number of clusters, providing a statistical sample which might enable us to determine the Hubble constant, and perhaps the acceleration parameter, to good accuracy (\\cite{Birk98}). Secondary fluctuations introduce non-gaussianity into the primordial spectrum at small scales. This non-gaussianity should be taken into account when estimating CMBR non-gaussianity at these scales. Winitzky (1998) estimated the effect of lensing and concluded that Planck may observe non-gaussianity due to lensing near the angular scale of maximum effect, $\\sim 10^\\prime$. Other processes, including the SSZ, KSZ, and especially the MCG effect, introduce a highly non-gaussian signal as is easily seen for the MCG effect on Figure~\\ref{F:MCG1}. A similar non-gaussian pattern arises from moving cosmic strings (the Kaiser-Stebbins effect, compare our Figure~\\ref{F:MCG1} to Figure 6a of \\cite{MagueijoLewin97}). Our results indicate that at $\\ell \\gtrsim 10^4$ the MCG effect might be comparable in strength to the primordial fluctuations. Evidence for non-gaussianity has been reported by Ferreira, Magueijo \\& Gorski (1998) and Gaztanaga, Fosalba, \\& Elizalde (1997) at angular scales $\\ell \\approx 16$ and $\\ell \\approx 150$. They do not exclude the possibility that this non-gaussianity has been introduced by foregrounds, but our results show that clusters can not introduce detectable non-gaussianity on such scales (Figure~\\ref{f:PowerSp3}). We convolved our theoretical results (Figures~\\ref{f:PowerSpOCDM} - \\ref{f:PowerSpSCDM}) with the expected point spread functions (PSFs) of instruments on the MAP and Planck missions to estimate the level of the secondary fluctuations caused by clusters of galaxies on the observable power spectrum. The observed $C_{\\ell}$ values become \\begin{equation} C_{\\ell}^{obs} = C_{\\ell} W_{\\ell} , \\end{equation} where the $W_{\\ell}$ values are the Legendre coefficients of the PSF. For an assumed gaussian response function and in the small angle approximation, the $W_{\\ell}$ coefficients are \\begin{equation} W_{\\ell} = e^{- \\sigma^2 (\\ell + 1/2)^2} , \\end{equation} where $\\sigma = h / 2 \\sqrt{ \\ln 4}$, and $h$ is the FWHM of the beam (for a detailed description of window functions and $W_{\\ell}$ coefficients, see White \\& Srednicki 1995). The observed rms fluctuations then become \\begin{equation} \\label{E:DT_rms} \\langle \\Delta T/ T_0 \\rangle_{rms}^2 = \\sum_\\ell { 2 \\ell + 1 \\over 4 \\pi} C_\\ell W_{\\ell} . \\end{equation} In general, contributions from unresolved cluster static effects add to provide a cumulative contribution to the CMBR power spectrum. Contributions from the KSZ and MCG effects from unresolved sources tend to cancel. In the case of the MCG effect this is because each unresolved source contribution would be zero owing to the dipole spatial pattern of the effect. For small-scale KSZ effects there are several sources in the field of view of the telescope, and different sources have positive or negative contributions depending on the sign of their line of sight peculiar velocity, and therefore they tend to cancel each other. The larger the beam size, the more effective is the cancellation of the MCG and KSZ effects. Note that the spatial extension of the MCG effect is much larger than that of the KSZ effect, so many clusters may be unresolved in their KSZ and resolved in their MCG effect. The MCG effect might be relatively more important at high redshifts, since it does not require a well-developed cluster atmosphere. In Figures~\\ref{f:MAP94} and \\ref{f:PLANCK353} we show the contributions to the power spectrum from primordial fluctuations, and the SSZ, KSZ and MCG effects, convolved with the PSF of the planned $\\nu = 94$ GHz receiver on MAP, and the planned $\\nu = 353$ GHz bolometer on Planck. The amplitude of the fluctuations from the the SSZ effect is negative at $\\nu = 94$ GHz and positive at $\\nu = 353$ GHz, but only the the absolute value of the effect contributes to the power spectrum. The different maximum $\\ell$ values for the MAP and Planck systems ($\\ell_{max} \\sim$ 1000 and 2000, respectively) can clearly be seen on Figures~\\ref{f:MAP94} and \\ref{f:PLANCK353}. Because of these cutoffs, the observable power spectrum is dominated by primordial fluctuations at all $\\ell$ for these missions. According to our results, the SSZ effect may cause a 1\\% enhancement in the amplitude of the Doppler peaks, which is at the limit of the sensitivity of the MAP and Planck missions. From the analysis of the power spectrum, this would lead to an overestimation of the parameter $\\Omega_0 h^2$ by about 1\\%,. The shift in the position of peaks as a function of $\\ell$ caused by the SSZ effect is less important since the spectrum of the SSZ effect has only a weak dependence on $\\ell$. In Table~\\ref{T:RMS_ALL} we show the $(\\Delta T/T)_{rms}$ values of the contributions to the CMBR from the SSZ, KSZ, and MCG effects convolved with the the 94 GHz MAP and 353 GHz Planck receivers for our three models (OCDM; \\L CDM; SCDM). As a comparison, we display the corresponding rms values of the primordial fluctuations. The rms values of all these secondary effects are an order of magnitude smaller than rms values from primordial fluctuations. The most important contribution is that of the SSZ effect at these frequencies. The KSZ and MCG effects give similar contributions with the KSZ effect being about a factor of two stronger. Aghanim et al. (1998)'s results for the rms values of the MCG effect is a factor of 10 (SCDM) or a factor of 3 (OCDM and \\L CDM) larger than our results. Note, however, that rms values give only a crude estimate of the magnitude of the effects. At large angular scales the primordial fluctuations are about 100 (for the SSZ effect) or $10^5 - 10^7$ (KSZ, MCG effects) times stronger than the secondary fluctuations. An ideal observation to measure the contribution to the power spectrum from the SSZ effect would use high angular resolution ($\\ell \\gtrsim 7000$) and high frequency ($\\nu \\gtrsim 250$ GHz). SuZIE probes the power spectrum at angular scale $\\ell \\approx 7500$ at 140 GHz. The 2$\\sigma$ upper limit on the power at this scale from SuZIE is $\\ell (\\ell+1) C_\\ell \\leq 1.4 \\times 10^{-9}$ (\\cite{Gangaet97}). Unfortunately our models suggest that at this frequency the primordial contribution to the power spectrum is about 10 times stronger than that from the SSZ effect. A promising experiment is SCUBA, which probes the anisotropies at angular scale $\\ell \\approx 10000$ and frequency 348.4 GHz. Their preliminary 2$\\sigma$ upper limit on the power spectrum at this scale is $\\ell (\\ell+1) C_\\ell \\leq 4.7 \\times 10^{-8}$. Much further work is planned, and should lower this limit by a factor of 3-10 (\\cite{BorysCS98})." }, "0002/astro-ph0002047_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from photoionization models of low-metallicity \\h regions. These nebulae form the basis for measuring the primordial helium abundance. Our models show that the helium ionization correction factor (ICF) can be non-negligible for nebulae excited by stars with effective temperatures larger than 40,000~K. Furthermore, we find that when the effective temperature rises to above 45,000~K, the ICF can be significantly negative. This result is independent of the choice of stellar atmosphere. However, if an \\h region has an \\3/\\1 ratio greater than 300, then our models show that, regardless of its metallicity, it will have a negligibly small ICF. A similar, but metallicity dependent, result was found using the \\3/H$\\beta$ ratio. These two results can be used as selection criteria to remove nebulae with potentially non-negligible ICFs. Using our metallicity independent criterion on the data of \\citet{izo98} results in a 20\\% reduction of the rms scatter about the best fit $Y-Z$ line. A fit to the selected data results in a slight increase of the value of the primordial helium abundance. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} An accurate measurement of the primordial helium abundance would be an important test of standard big bang nucleosynthesis \\citep{oli97}, and would also constrain the values of the photon-to-baryon ratio and $\\Omega_b$ \\citep{oli99}. The traditional procedure to measure the primordial helium abundance is to make use of the correlation between the helium mass fraction ($Y$) and metal abundance ($Z$). This correlation is then extrapolated to zero metallicity to estimate the primordial mass fraction of helium, $Y_p$. Spectroscopic observations of bright, low-metallicity extragalactic \\h regions provide the data for these studies \\cite[e.g.,][]{oli95,oli97, izo94,izo97,izo98,tor89,skil98}. To be cosmologically useful the value of $Y_p$ has to be determined to better than 5\\%. Fortunately, abundance determinations from measurements of line ratios is relatively straightforward \\citep{pei75,ben99}, and can, {\\it in theory}, give the desired accuracy. However, to reach the needed level of precision, any systematic errors involved with target selection, observations, and data analysis must be identified and corrected. Many such systematic errors have already been identified \\citep{dav85,din86,pag92,skil94,pei96,izo97,ste97,skil98}, but any errors resulting from the so-called ``ionization correction factor'' (ICF) have so far been assumed to be small. The ICF corrects for the fact that some amount of atomic (i.e., unseen) helium might be present in ionized regions of hydrogen \\citep{ost89,pei75}. This correction traditionally has been assumed to be zero because measurements of the primordial helium abundance employ observations of bright extragalactic \\h regions. These regions are excited by clusters of young stars with effective temperatures greater than 40,000~K. Calculations by \\citet{sta90} and \\citet{pag92} showed that the helium ICF should be negligibly small for these \\h regions. As a result, recent determinations of $Y_p$ have assumed that the helium ICF is small. Very recently, \\citet{arm99} presented calculations that showed that \\h regions excited by stars with temperatures greater than 40,000~K can have non-negligible ICFs. \\citet{arm99} found that the ICFs were often negative (i.e., the helium ionized zone is {\\bf larger} than the hydrogen one; \\citet{sta80,sta82}, \\citet{pen86}) for the hardest stellar continua. These results were confirmed by \\citet{vie99}. In this paper, we follow up on the work of \\citet{arm99}, and develop observational diagnostics of when the He ICF is important and when it can be ignored. We then apply these diagnostics to the data of \\cite{izo98} to illustrate how our technique can improve the precision of the measurement of $Y_p$. We describe our calculations in \\S~\\ref{sec:calc}, and our results in \\S~\\ref{sec:results}. The main results are summarized in \\S~\\ref{sec:concl}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} In this paper we have shown the following: \\begin{enumerate} \\item There can be a non-negligible ICF correction for \\h regions excited by stars with temperatures greater than 40,000~K. At temperatures higher than 45,000~K, the ICF is preferentially negative. This result is independent of the atmosphere of the O star. \\item There is a simple procedure to determine if an ICF correction needs to be made for a given \\h region. If the \\3/\\1 ratio is greater than 300, then no correction is needed. This criterion is independent of metallicity. If the \\1 line cannot be measured, then there is a metallicity dependent cutoff (Eq.~\\ref{eq:zcutoff}) that can be used with the \\3 line. \\item Applying the metallicity independent criterion to the data of \\citet{izo98} results in reducing the rms scatter about the best fit $Y-Z$ line by 20\\%. This will help remove systematic errors relating to unrecognized ICF effects, and ought to improve the reliability of the $Y_p$ determination. Furthermore, an analysis of the selected data gives a larger value of $Y_p$ than was originally measured, which is closer to the theoretically expected value. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002517_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of a broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature in the Carina nebula \\ion{H}{2} region by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Short Wavelength Spectrometer. The feature shape is similar to that of the 22 $\\mu$m emission feature of newly synthesized dust observed in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant. This finding suggests that both of the features are arising from the same carrier, and that supernovae are probably the dominant production source of this new interstellar grain. A similar broad emission dust feature is also found in the spectra of two starburst galaxies from the ISO archival data. This new dust grain could be an abundant component of interstellar grains and can be used to trace the supernova rate or star formation rate in external galaxies. The existence of the broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature complicates the dust model for starburst galaxies and must be taken into account correctly in the derivation of dust color temperature. Mg protosilicate has been suggested as the carrier of the 22 $\\mu$m emission dust feature observed in Cassiopeia A. The present results provide useful information in studies on chemical composition and emission mechanism of the carrier. ", "introduction": "Supernovae have been suggested besides evolved stars as one of the major sources of interstellar dust (see Gehrz 1989, Jones and Tielens 1994, Dwek 1998 for review). Supporting evidence includes observations of dust condensation in the ejecta of SN 1987A (Moseley et al. 1989, Whitelock et al. 1989, Dwek et al. 1992, Wooden et al. 1993), and those of the newly synthesized dust in the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova remnant (Arendt, Dwek, \\& Moseley 1999). The dust formation mechanism and the amount of dust that is formed in supernovae are still poorly known. Observations of SN 1987A and Cas A showed that the mass of the newly formed dust is much less than expected, and the discrepancy may be due to the fact that most of the dust is cold and cannot be detected in the far-infrared (Dwek 1998, Arendt et al. 1999). Finding an abundant dust component in the interstellar medium (ISM) which is formed only in supernovae will support the hypothesis that supernovae are a major source of interstellar dust. Furthermore, since the amount of this specific grain is proportional to the number of supernova, its total mass in the ISM can be used as a tracer of the supernova rate or star formation rate in external galaxies. In this Letter we report the detection of a broad 22 $\\mu$m emission dust feature in the Carina nebula \\ion{H}{2} region by the ISO guaranteed time observations. We found that the shape of the present 22 $\\mu$m emission dust feature is similar to the 22 $\\mu$m emission feature observed in Cas A. We also found a similar emission feature in two starburst galaxies from the ISO archival data. ", "conclusions": "Evolved stars and supernovae have been suggested as the major production sources of interstellar dust. Past observations of evolved stars have found a number of dust features in the near to far-infrared ranges (see Waters et al. 1999 for a recent review). However, the broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature that we found in Carina nebula \\ion{H}{2} region has never been reported in evolved stars. On the other hand, the present broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature is quite similar to the emission feature of newly synthesized dust observed in Cas A, suggesting that both of these features arise from the same dust grain, and that supernovae are probably the major production source of this new interstellar grain. The non-detection of the 22 $\\mu$m feature in SN 1987A (Moseley et al. 1989) does not make the latter suggestion less convincing, since the infrared emission in SN 1987A probably arises from optically thick clumps. Lucy et al. (1991) and Wooden et al. (1993) suggest that the infrared emission in SN 1987A is dominated by the dust in the optically thick clumps, and the low density small grains in the interclump medium contribute to the visual extinction. With this model, the infrared emission in SN 1987A is a graybody emission, but the visual extinction is not. We would expect to find the 22 $\\mu$m dust feature in astronomical sources with high supernova rate if supernovae are the major production source of this new interstellar grain. Starburst galaxies are an ideal place to search for. From the ISO archival data we found that two starburst galaxies, M82 and NGC7582, show a similar 22 $\\mu$m emission feature. Figure 4 shows the SWS spectrum of the nuclear region of NGC7582, a narrow-line X-ray galaxy with strong starburst in the central kpc (Radovich et al. 1999, and references therein). The 20 to 30 $\\mu$m emission is mostly or completely arising from the broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature. The spectrum of NGC7582 was taken by the SWS AOT01 with the speed of 2. We processed the data through the OLP 8.4 and reduced with the SWS IA package in a way similar to the Carina nebula spectra. The feature intensity in M82 (not shown) is much weaker, about 10$\\%$ of the 18 -- 28 $\\mu$m emission if the continuum is assumed to pass through the 18 and 28 $\\mu$m data points. Two other starburst galaxies, NGC253 and Circinus may also have a 22 $\\mu$m feature, but they are further weak in intensity and more observations are needed to confirm it. The findings of the 22 $\\mu$m dust feature in \\ion{H}{2} regions and starburst galaxies suggest that this new grain could be an abundant component of interstellar dust. If the amount of this interstellar grain in the ISM is supposed to be proportional to the number of supernovae, its total mass in the ISM can be used as a tracer of the supernova rate or star formation rate in external galaxies. Studies of a large sample of starburst galaxies are required to confirm the above relationship. Only a limited number of galaxies have been observed by the SWS full grating scan mode, and a statistically useful sample of starburst galaxies for this study is not available at present. Future space missions like the Space InfraRed Telescope Facility (SIRFT) and Infrared Imaging Surveyor (IRIS), and the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) are expected to provide the necessary data base. The existence of this broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature complicates the dust model used in the study of the spectral energy distribution of starburst galaxies. Dust grains like graphite, amorphous carbon, silicates, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may not be representative of all the dust properties in starburst galaxies. Particularly, this broad 22 $\\mu$m emission feature could have significant effects in the derivation of the dust color temperature based on the 20 -- 30 $\\mu$m photometric flux (e.g., the Infrared Astronomical Satellite 25 $\\mu$m data) as well as the number counts of deep surveys in the infrared spectral range to be carried out by SIRTF and IRIS observations, and must be taken into account appropriately. Arendt et al. (1999) suggested that the carrier of the 22 $\\mu$m feature observed in Cas A is Mg protosilicate based on the good agreement between the observed feature shape and the laboratory spectrum of the Mg protosilicate taken by Dorschner et al. (1980). They found that FeO can also give a good fit to their observed 22 $\\mu$m feature, but the required dust temperature higher than expected and the deficient of emission at wavelegths longer than 30 $\\mu$m led them to rule it out as a promising candidate. If the identification of Mg protosilicate is true, it is the second silicate grain besides the astronomical silicates found in the ISM. More observations are needed to confirm (or test) the suggested identification. Observing the 22 $\\mu$m feature in a variety of astronomical environments will provide useful information in studies on chemical composition and emission mechanism of the carrier. The major results of this Letter are: (1) a broad 22 $\\mu$m emission dust feature is detected in \\ion{H}{2} regions and starburst galaxies; (2) the 22 $\\mu$m emission feature is similar in shape with the emission feature of newly synthesized dust observed in the ejecta of Cas A, and both of these features arise from the same carrier; and (3) supernovae are probably the major production source of this new interstellar dust." }, "0002/astro-ph0002384_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Although the population of luminous quasars rises and falls over a period of $\\sim~10^9$ years, the typical lifetime of individual quasars is uncertain by several orders of magnitude. We show that quasar clustering measurements can substantially narrow the range of possible lifetimes with the assumption that luminous quasars reside in the most massive host halos. If quasars are long-lived, then they are rare phenomena that are highly biased with respect to the underlying dark matter, while if they are short-lived they reside in more typical halos that are less strongly clustered. For a given quasar lifetime, we calculate the minimum host halo mass by matching the observed space density of quasars, using the Press-Schechter approximation. We use the results of Mo \\& White to calculate the clustering of these halos, and hence of the quasars they contain, as a function of quasar lifetime. A lifetime of $\\tq = 4 \\times 10^7$ years, the $e$-folding timescale of an Eddington luminosity black hole with accretion efficiency $\\epsilon = 0.1$, corresponds to a quasar correlation length $r_0 \\approx 10 \\hmpc$ in low-density cosmological models at $z = 2 - 3$; this value is consistent with current clustering measurements, but these have large uncertainties. High-precision clustering measurements from the 2dF and Sloan quasar surveys will test our key assumption of a tight correlation between quasar luminosity and host halo mass, and if this assumption holds then they should determine $\\tq$ to a factor of three or better. An accurate determination of the quasar lifetime will show whether supermassive black holes acquire most of their mass during high-luminosity accretion, and it will show whether the black holes in the nuclei of typical nearby galaxies were once the central engines of high-luminosity quasars. ", "introduction": "Mounting evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in the centers of nearby galaxies \\citep[recently reviewed by, e.g.,][]{richstone98} supports the long-standing hypothesis that quasars are powered by black hole accretion \\citep[e.g.,][]{salpeter64,zeldovich64,lyndenbell69}. However, one of the most basic properties of quasars, the typical quasar lifetime $\\tq$, remains uncertain by orders of magnitude. The physics of gravitational accretion and radiation pressure provides one natural timescale, the $e$-folding time $t_e=M_{\\rm BH}/\\dot{M} = 4 \\times 10^8\\, \\epsilon\\, l$ years of a black hole accreting mass with a radiative efficiency $\\epsilon=L/\\dot{M}c^2$ and shining at a fraction $l=L/L_E$ of its Eddington luminosity \\citep{salpeter64}. But while $\\epsilon \\sim 0.1$ and $l \\sim 1$ are plausible values for a quasar, it is possible that black holes accrete much of their mass while radiating at much lower efficiency, or at a small fraction of $L_E$. The task of determining $\\tq$ must therefore be approached empirically. The observed evolution of the quasar luminosity function imposes a strong upper limit on $\\tq$ of about $10^9$ years, since the whole quasar population rises and falls over roughly this interval \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{osmer98}. The lifetime of individual quasars could be much shorter than the lifetime of the quasar population, however, and lower limits of $\\tq \\sim 10^5$ years rest on indirect arguments, such as the requirement that quasars maintain their ionizing luminosity long enough to explain the proximity effect in the Ly$\\alpha$ forest \\citep[e.g.,][]{bajtlik88,bechtold94}. A typical lifetime $\\tq \\sim 10^9$ years would imply that quasars are rare phenomena, arising in at most a small fraction of high-redshift galaxies. Conversely, a lifetime as low as $\\tq \\sim 10^5$ years would imply that quasars are quite common, suggesting that a large fraction of present-day galaxies went through a brief quasar phase in their youth. The comoving space density $\\Phi(z)$ of active quasars at redshift $z$ is proportional to $\\tq n_H(z)$, where $n_H$ is the comoving space density of quasar hosts. ``Demographic'' studies of the local black hole population \\citep[e.g.,][]{mag98,salucci99,marel99} have opened up one route to determining the typical quasar lifetime: counting the present-day descendants of the quasar central engines in order to estimate $n_H(z)$ and thus constrain $\\tq$ by matching $\\Phi(z)$. Roughly speaking, the ubiquity of black holes in nearby galaxies suggests that quasars are common and that $\\tq$ is likely in the range $10^6$ -- $10^7$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{richstone98,haehnelt98,salucci99}. However, as \\citet{richstone98} emphasize, the lifetime estimated in this way depends crucially on the way one links the mass of a present-day black hole to the luminosity of a high-redshift quasar, which in turn depends on assumptions about the growth of black hole masses since the quasar epoch via mergers or low-efficiency accretion. In this paper we propose an alternative route to the quasar lifetime, using measurements of high-redshift quasar clustering. The underlying idea goes back to the work of \\citet{kaiser84} and \\citet{bbks86}: in models of structure formation based on gravitational instability of Gaussian primordial fluctuations, the rare, massive objects are highly biased tracers of the underlying mass distribution, while more common objects are less strongly biased. Therefore, a longer quasar lifetime $\\tq$ should imply a more clustered quasar population, provided that luminous quasars reside in massive hosts. The specific calculations that we present in this paper use the Press-Schechter (1974; hereafter PS) approximation for the mass function of dark matter halos and the \\citet[hereafter MW]{mw96} and \\citet{jing98} approximations for the bias of these halos as a function of mass. The path from clustering to quasar lifetime has its own uncertainties; in particular, our predictions for quasar clustering will rely on the assumption that the luminosity of a quasar during its active phase is a monotonically increasing function of the mass of its host dark matter halo. However, the assumptions in the clustering approach are at least very different from those in the black hole mass function approach, and they can be tested empirically by detailed studies of quasar clustering as a function of luminosity and redshift. Our theoretical model of quasar clustering follows a general trend in which the study of quasar activity is embedded in the broader context of galaxy formation and gravitational growth of structure \\citep[e.g.,][]{efstathiou88,turner91,haehnelt93,katz94,haehnelt98,haiman98, monaco00,kauffmann00}. This paper also continues a theme that is prominent in recent work on the clustering of Lyman-break galaxies, namely that the clustering of high-redshift objects is a good tool for understanding the physics of their formation and evolution \\citep[e.g.,][]{adelberger98,katz99,kolatt99,mmw99}. Our model of the quasar population is idealized, but by focusing on a simple calculation with clearly defined predictions, we hope to highlight the link between quasar lifetime and clustering strength. After presenting the theoretical results, we will draw some inferences from existing estimates of the quasar correlation length. However, our study is motivated mainly by the anticipation of vastly improved measurements of quasar clustering from the 2dF and Sloan quasar surveys \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{boyle99,fan99,york00}. These measurements can test various hypotheses about the origin of quasar activity, including our primary assumption of a monotonic relation between quasar luminosity and host halo mass. If this assumption proves valid, then the first major physical result to emerge from the 2dF and Sloan measurements of high-redshift quasar clustering will be a new determination of the typical quasar lifetime. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:dis} \\subsection{Sensitivity to model details} \\label{sec:sen} As already mentioned in \\S\\ref{sec:life}, the definition of a ``halo lifetime'' is somewhat ambiguous. We have so far adopted a definition of $t_H$ as the median time before a halo of mass $M$ is incorporated into a halo of mass $2M$. If we increase this mass ratio from 2 to 5 (a rather extreme value), then the typical halo lifetimes in our CDM models increase by factors of $2-4$. Since it is the ratio $t_Q/t_H$ that enters our determination of $\\mmin$ (eq.~[\\ref{eqn:phimatch2}]), and hence fixes the bias factor, this change in $t_H$ would require an equal increase in $t_Q$ to maintain the same clustering length $r_1$. We conclude that the ambiguity in halo lifetime definition introduces a factor $\\sim 2$ uncertainty in the determination of $t_Q$ from clustering measurements, in the context of our model. We have also assumed that quasar luminosity is perfectly correlated with host halo mass, so that matching the space density of an absolute-magnitude limited sample imposes a sharp cutoff in the host mass distribution at $M=\\mmin$. If there is some scatter in the luminosity--host mass relation, then some halos with $M<\\mmin$ will host a quasar above the absolute-magnitude limit and some halos with $M>\\mmin$ will not. We can model such an effect by introducing a soft cutoff into equation~(\\ref{eqn:phimatch2}): \\begin{equation} \\Phi(z) = \\int_{0}^{\\infty} dM\\;g(M)\\;\\frac{\\tq}{t_H(M, z)} n(M, z) \\end{equation} with \\begin{equation} g(M) = \t\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 & {\\rm for} \\; M < \\frac{\\mmin}{\\alpha} \\\\ \\left( \\frac{\\alpha}{\\mmin (\\alpha^2 - 1)} \\right) M - \\frac{1}{\\alpha^2 - 1} & {\\rm for} \\; \\frac{\\mmin}{\\alpha} < M < \\alpha \\mmin \\\\ 1 & {\\rm for} \\; M > \\alpha \\mmin \\end{array} \\right. \\label{eqn:cut} \\end{equation} and $\\alpha > 1$. Adopting a soft cutoff slightly decreases $\\mmin$ and, more significantly, reduces the value of $\\beff$ by allowing some quasars to reside in lower mass halos, which are less strongly biased. Quantitatively, we find that setting $\\alpha = 2$, which corresponds to including halos down to $M=\\mmin/2$, decreases the clustering length by $\\la 6$\\% for the shortest quasar lifetimes and $\\la 10$\\% for the longest quasar lifetimes. Matching a fixed $r_1$ with an $\\alpha=2$ cutoff requires lifetimes that are longer by a factor $\\sim 1-1.5$ at short $\\tq$ and $\\sim 2-2.5$ at long $\\tq$. Longer lifetimes are more sensitive to scatter in the luminosity-host mass relation because $\\beff$ depends more strongly on $\\mmin/M_*$ for these rarer objects. The assumption of a perfectly monotonic relation between quasar luminosity and host mass leads to the smallest $\\tq$ for a given $r_1$. Thus if any scatter does exist in this relation, our model predictions for $\\tq$ effectively become lower limits to the quasar lifetime. Another simplification of our model is the assumption that a quasar is either ``on'' or ``off'' -- each quasar shines at luminosity $L$ for time $t_Q$, perhaps divided among several episodes of activity, and the rest of the time it is too faint to appear in a luminous quasar sample. More realistically, variations in the accretion rate and radiative efficiency will cause the quasar luminosity to vary, especially if the black hole mass itself grows significantly during the luminous phase. Nonetheless, the maximum luminosity will still depend on the maximum black hole mass. At a given time, the luminous quasar population will include black holes shining at close to their maximum luminosity and ``faded'' black holes of higher mass. Because the host halos lie on the steeply falling tail of the mass function, the first component of the population always dominates over the second, and we therefore expect our clustering method to yield the time $t_Q$ for which a quasar shines within a factor $\\sim 2$ of its peak luminosity. More strongly faded quasars are too rare to make much difference to the space density or effective bias. To illustrate this point, we consider the model of \\citet{haehnelt98} in which a quasar hosted by a halo of mass $M$ has a luminosity history $L(t) = L_0(M)\\,{\\rm exp}(-t/t_Q)$, with a maximum luminosity $L_0(M) = \\alpha\\,M$ proportional to the halo mass. In this model, the time that a quasar shines above the luminosity threshold $L_{\\rm min} = L_0 (\\mmin)$ of a survey is the visibility time $t_Q' = t_Q\\,{\\rm ln}(M/\\mmin)$. We can calculate $\\mmin$ for a given space density by substituting $t_Q'$ for $t_Q$ in equation~(\\ref{eqn:phimatch2}), then calculate $\\beff(\\mmin)$ by multiplying the integrands in the numerator and denominator of equation~(\\ref{eqn:beff}) by the visibility weighting factor ${\\rm ln}(M/\\mmin)$. The middle curves in Figure~\\ref{fig:lt} compare $r_1(t_Q)$ for the on--off ({\\it solid line}) and exponential decay ({\\it dotted line}) models, in the case of $\\Lambda$CDM at $z = 3$ with our standard $\\Phi(z)$. The curves are remarkably similar, showing that the lifetime inferred from clustering assuming an on--off model would be close to the $e$-folding timescale in an exponential decay model. The curves for the exponential decay model are slightly shallower because at low $\\mmin$ (low $t_Q$) the mass function is not as steep, allowing faded quasars in more massive halos to make a larger contribution to $\\beff$ and thereby raise $r_1$. Although results for a different functional form of $L(M,t)$ would differ in detail, we would expect the lifetime inferred from clustering to be close to the ``half-maximum'' width of the typical luminosity history, for the general reasons discussed above. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\centerline{ \\epsfxsize=3.5truein \\epsfbox[65 165 550 730]{martini.f8.eps} } \\caption{ \\footnotesize Clustering length vs. $\\tq$ for the $\\Lambda$CDM model at $z=3$ for two different models of quasar luminosity evolution at three different space densities $\\Phi(z)$. The ``on -- off'' model ({\\it solid lines}) assumes the quasar luminosity is constant throughout its lifetime $\\tq$ and is the standard model we discuss in this paper. The central line shows results for the $\\Lambda$CDM model at $z = 3$ with our standard $\\Phi(z)$. The other solid curves, related to the first by simple horizontal shifts, show results for space densities different by factors of $10$ and $1/10$ (bottom and top). In the exponential model ({\\it dotted lines}), the quasar luminosity starts at some maximum luminosity proportional to the halo mass and decays with an $e$-folding timescale $\\tq$. The middle line again corresponds to our standard $\\Phi(z)$, and the other two dotted curves show results for space densities different by factors of $10$ and $1/10$ (bottom and top). } \\label{fig:lt} \\end{figure*} As mentioned in \\S\\ref{sec:over}, we assume that quasars radiate isotropically. If they radiate instead with an average beaming factor $f_B < 1$, then the true value of $\\Phi(z)$ is larger than the observed value by a factor $f_B^{-1}$. The implied lifetime for a given $r_1$ would therefore be larger by a factor $f_B^{-1}$ as well. \\subsection{Interpretation of Existing Data} \\label{sec:data} After several attempts \\citep{osmer81, webster82}, quasar clustering was first detected by \\citet{shaver84}, and later by \\citet{shanks87} and \\citet{iovino88}. However, measurements of quasar clustering are still hampered by small, sparse samples, and even the best studies to date yield detections with only several-$\\sigma$ significance. Given the limitations of current data, it is not surprising that different authors reach different conclusions about the strength of clustering and its evolution. Analyzing a combined sample of quasars with $0.32.7$. This high correlation length (inferred from the presence of three close pairs in a sample of 90 quasars) could be a statistical fluke, but in the context of our model it is tempting to see it as a consequence of the high luminosity threshold of the PTGS survey, which might lead it to pick out the most strongly clustered members of the quasar population. \\subsection{Prospects} \\label{sec:pros} The 2dF \\citep{boyle00,shanks00} and Sloan \\citep{york00} quasar surveys will transform the study of quasar clustering over the next several years, yielding high-precision measurements for a wide range of redshifts. These measurements will allow good determination of the typical quasar lifetime $\\tq$ in the context of the model presented here. They will also test the key assumption of this model, the monotonic relation between quasar luminosity and host halo mass, by characterizing the clustering as a function of redshift and, especially, as a function of quasar absolute magnitude. Figure~\\ref{fig:lt} illustrates this test for the $\\Lambda$CDM model at $z=3$. Brighter quasars have a lower space density $\\Phi(z)$, so they should have a higher minimum host halo mass $\\mmin$, and, because of the higher bias of more massive halos, they should exhibit stronger clustering. Fainter, more numerous quasars should exhibit weaker clustering. Figure~\\ref{fig:lt} shows the predicted $r_1$ vs. $\\tq$ relation for samples with 1/10 and 10 times the space density of our standard case (3.42 quasars per square degree per unit redshift; see Table~\\ref{tbl:qlf}). In our standard on--off model ({\\it solid lines}), a change in $\\Phi(z)$ in equation~(\\ref{eqn:phimatch2}) can be exactly compensated by changing $\\tq$ by the same factor, so the solid curves in Figure~\\ref{fig:lt} are simply shifted horizontally relative to each other. Our predictions in Figure~\\ref{fig:r1cdm} (see eq.~[\\ref{eqn:fits}]) can therefore be transformed to any quasar space density by changing $\\tq$ in proportion to $\\Phi(z)$. In the exponential decay model ({\\it dotted lines}), the scaling of $t_Q$ with $\\Phi(z)$ is no longer exact, though it is still a good approximation. If there is a large dispersion in the relation between quasar luminosity and host halo mass, then the dependence of clustering strength on quasar space density will be much weaker than Figure~\\ref{fig:lt} predicts. Detection of the predicted trend between luminosity and clustering, or definitive demonstration of its absence, would itself provide an important insight into the nature of quasar host halos. More generally, the parameters of a model that incorporates scatter (such as the $\\alpha$ prescription of equation~[\\ref{eqn:cut}]) could be determined by matching the observed relation between $r_1$ and $\\Phi(z)$. If the observations do support a tight correlation between luminosity and host halo mass, then the first property of quasars to emerge from the 2dF and Sloan clustering studies will be the typical lifetime $\\tq$. For the low-density models in Figure~\\ref{fig:r1cdm}, the slope of the correlation between $r_1$ and $\\log_{10}\\tq$ is $\\sim 10$, so a determination of $r_1$ with a precision of $2\\hmpc$ would constrain $\\tq$ to a factor of $10^{0.2} \\approx 1.6$, for a specified cosmology. By the time these quasar surveys are complete, a variety of observations may have constrained cosmological parameters to the point that they contribute negligible uncertainty to this constraint. Instead, the uncertainty in $\\tq$ will probably be dominated by the limitations of the quasar population model, e.g., the approximate nature of the assumptions that the quasar luminosity tracks the halo mass, that there is only quasar per halo, and that the average lifetime $\\tq$ is independent of quasar luminosity. These assumptions can be tested empirically to some degree, but not perfectly. Despite these limitations, it seems realistic to hope that $\\tq$ can be constrained to a factor three or better by high-precision clustering measurements, a vast improvement over the current situation. It is worth reiterating that our assumption of a perfectly monotonic relation between luminosity and halo mass leads to the smallest $\\tq$ for an observed $r_1$, since with a shorter lifetime there are simply not enough massive, highly biased halos to host the quasar population. A determination of $\\tq$ to a factor of three will be sufficient to address fundamental issues about the physics of quasars and galactic nuclei. Comparison of $\\tq$ to the Salpeter timescale will answer one of the most basic questions about supermassive black holes: do they shine as they grow? If $\\tq \\ga 4\\times 10^7$ years, the $e$-folding timescale for $L \\sim L_E$, $\\epsilon \\sim 0.1$, then quasar black holes increase their mass by a substantial factor during their optically bright phase. If $\\tq$ is much shorter than this, then the black holes must accrete most of their mass at low efficiency, or while shining at $L \\ll L_E$. A short lifetime could indicate an important role for advection dominated accretion (\\citet{narayan98} and references therein), or it could indicate that black holes acquire much of their mass through mergers with other black holes, emitting binding energy in the form of gravitational waves rather than electromagnetic waves. A determination of $\\tq$ would also resolve the question of whether the black holes in the nuclei of local galaxies are the remnants of dead quasars. For example, \\citet{richstone98} infer a lifetime $t_Q \\sim 10^6$ years by matching the space density of local spheroids that host black holes of mass $M \\ga 4\\times 10^8 M_\\odot$ to the space density of high-redshift quasars of luminosity $L_E(M) \\ga 6 \\times 10^{46}\\;{\\rm erg}\\;{\\rm s}^{-1}$. If clustering implies a much longer lifetime, then these numerous local black holes may once have powered active nuclei, but they were not the engines of the luminous, rare quasars. We have assumed in our model that quasar activity is a random event in the life of the parent halo. Quasar activity might instead be triggered by a major merger, by a weaker ``fly-by'' interaction, or by the first burst of star formation in the host galaxy. Regardless of the trigger mechanism, the lifetime will be the dominant factor in determining the strength of high-redshift quasar clustering, if our assumed link between luminosity and halo mass holds. However, different triggering mechanisms might be diagnosed by more subtle clustering properties, such as features in the correlation function at small separations, or higher-order correlations. At low redshift, where the evolution of the quasar population is driven by fueling rather than by black hole growth, the nature of the triggering mechanism might play a major role in determining quasars' clustering properties. The calculations presented here illustrate the promise of quasar clustering as a tool for testing ideas about quasar physics, a promise that should be fulfilled by the large quasar surveys now underway." }, "0002/astro-ph0002498_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The evolution of the star formation rate in the Galaxy is one of the key ingredients quantifying the formation and determining the chemical and luminosity evolution of galaxies. Many complementary methods exist to infer the star formation history of the components of the Galaxy, from indirect methods for analysis of low-precision data, to new exact analytic methods for analysis of sufficiently high quality data. We summarise available general constraints on star formation histories, showing that derived star formation rates are in general comparable to those seen today. We then show how colour-magnitude diagrams of volume- and absolute magnitude-limited samples of the solar neighbourhood observed by Hipparcos may be analysed, using variational calculus techniques, to reconstruct the local star formation history. The remarkable accuracy of the data coupled to our maximum-likelihood variational method allows objective quantification of the local star formation history with a time resolution of $\\approx 50$Myr. Over the past 3Gyr, the solar neighbourhood star formation rate has varied by a factor of $\\sim$4, with characteristic timescale about 0.5Gyr, possibly triggered by interactions with spiral arms. ", "introduction": "Star formation rates and histories can be estimated in special cases from a combination of chemical evolution models and the total stellar mass formed into stars. Basically, this exploits the stellar evolutionary, and Type~I supernova timescales for element production. One requires that stars formed at a rate consistent with their chemical distributions, whether a $\\delta$-function, a range in the products of both Type~I and Type~II supernaova, products of single supernovae with time for efficient mixing of the ISM, or whatever. Combining these albeit crude estimates of the {\\sl duration} of star formation with a calculation of the stellar mass formed, provides a star formation rate. Perhaps surprisingly, given the crude calculation, such derived rates are both similar to those determined more accurately today, and are all quite low. \\begin{table}[h] \\begin{center} \\caption{A summary of star formation rates, and durations of star formation, in some Galactic stellar populations. These values are derived from combination of chemical element scatter and masses.} \\vskip 10pt \\leavevmode \\footnotesize \\begin{tabular}[tbh]{|l|c|c|} \\hline && \\\\[-4pt] { Population } & Duration & Formation Rate \\\\ \\hline && \\\\[-4pt] & (years) & ${\\mathcal M}_{\\odot}yr^{-1}$ \\\\ \\hline && \\\\[-4pt] Globular cluster & $\\le10^8$ & $\\ge 0.01$ \\\\ $\\omega$Cen&$\\ge10^8$ & $\\le 0.1$ \\\\ Halo, [Fe/H]$\\le-2.0$ & $\\le10^8$ & $\\sim 1$ \\\\ Halo, [Fe/H]$\\sim-1.5$ & $\\le10^9$ & $\\sim 1$ \\\\ Bulge; high [$\\alpha$/Fe] & few.10$^8$ & 10-100 \\\\ Bulge; low [$\\alpha$/Fe] & few.10$^9$ & 10-100 \\\\ Thick Disk & few.10$^9$ & 1-10 \\\\ Current Disk & $10^{10}$ & $\\sim 1-10$ \\\\ Inner Disk & ? & ? \\\\ Satellite dSph & many.10$^9$ & $\\le 10^{-3}$ \\\\ \\hline && \\\\[-4pt] Assembly & early & \\\\ \\hline && \\\\[-4pt] Infall & continuing? & $\\sim 4$Gyr \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\vspace{-0.5cm} \\end{center} \\end{table} In cases where no spread in element ratios is seen, and there is no range in [Fe/H], star formation was plausibly complete before new chemical elements could be produced; perhaps globular clsuters are an example of this case. For field halo stars with [Fe/H]$\\ge -2$, where a wide range in [Fe/H] but a very small range in [$\\alpha$/H] is seen, star formation must have continued for long enough for efficient mixing of supernova ejecta into the ISM. Since no products of Type~I supernovae are seen, this brackets allowed star formation durations. By applying such qualitative considerations, we deduce that most of the Milky way formed at a star formation rate which is comparable to that of today. Only the Galactic Bulge, and the inner disk, where star formation histories remain very poorly known, are available to retrieve the Milky Way's place as a `typical object' on the Madau plot. These simple calculations are summarised in Table~(1). ", "conclusions": "Star formation rates and histories can be estimated in special cases from a combination of chemical evolution models and the total stellar mass formed into stars. Basically, this exploits the stellar evolutionary, and Type~I supernova timescales for element production. In cases where no spread in element ratios is seen, and there is no range in [Fe/H], star formation was plausibly complete before new chemical elements could be produced; perhaps globular clsuters are an example of this case. For field halo stars with [Fe/H]$\\ge -2$, where a wide range in [Fe/H] but a very small range in [$\\alpha$/H] is seen, star formation must have continued for long enough for efficient mixing of supernova ejects into the ISM. Since no products of Type~I supernovae are seen, this brackets allowed star formation durations. By applying such qualitative considerations, we deduce that most of the Milky way formed at a star formation rate which is comparable to that of today. Only the Galactic Bulge, and the inner disk, where star formation histories remain very poorly known, are available to retrieve the Milky Way's place as a `typical object' on the Madau plot. In the immediate Solar neighbourhood, and in dSph satellite galaxies, the high quality data and the simple stellar populations respectively allow us to be more quantitative. We have applied the objective variational calculus method for the reconstruction of star formation histories from observed colour magnitude data, developed in our Paper~(I), to the data in the Hipparcos catalogue, yielding the star formation history of the solar neighbourhood over the last 3 Gyr. Surprisingly, a structured star formation history is obtained, showing a cyclic pattern with a period of about 0.5 Gyr, superimposed on some underlying star formation activity which increases slightly with age. No random bursting behaviour was found at the time resolution of 0.05 Gyr of our method. A first order density wave model for the repeated encounter of galactic arms could explain the observed regularity." }, "0002/astro-ph0002451_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We show that the Tully-Fisher relation observed for spiral galaxies can be explained in the current scenario of galaxy formation without invoking subtle assumptions, provided that galactic-sized dark haloes have low concentrations which do not change significantly with halo circular velocity. This conclusion does not depend significantly on whether haloes have cuspy or flat profiles in the inner region. In such a system, both the disk and the halo may contribute significantly to the maximum rotation of the disk, and the gravitational interaction between the disk and halo components leads to a tight relation between the disk mass and maximum rotation velocity. The model can therefore be tested by studying the Tully-Fisher zero points for galaxies with different disk mass-to-light ratios. With model parameters (such as the ratio between disk and halo mass, the specific angular momentum of disk material, disk formation time) chosen in plausible ranges, the model can well accommodate the zero-point, slope, and scatter of the observed Tully-Fisher relation, as well as the observed large range of disk surface densities and sizes. In particular, the model predicts that low surface-brightness disk galaxies obey a Tully-Fisher relation very similar to that of normal disks, if the disk mass-to-light ratio is properly taken into account. About half of the gravitational force at maximum rotation comes from the disk component for normal disks, while the disk contribution is lower for galaxies with a lower surface density. The halo profile required by the Tully-Fisher relation is as concentrated as that required by the observed rotation curves of faint disks, but less concentrated than that given by current simulations of CDM models. We discuss the implication of such profiles for structure formation in the universe and for the properties of dark matter. Our results cannot be explained by some of the recent proposals for resolving the conflict between conventional CDM models and the observed rotation-curve shapes of faint galaxies. If dark matter self-interaction (either scattering or annihilation) is responsible for the shallow profile, the observed Tully-Fisher relation requires the interaction cross section $\\sigma_X$ to satisfy $\\langle\\sigma_{X}\\vert v\\vert\\rangle/m_{X} \\sim 10^{-16} {\\rm cm^{3}\\,s^{-1}\\,GeV^{-1}}$, where $m_X$ is the mass of a dark matter particle. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002445_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report results of a high-resolution imaging search for the galaxy associated with the damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ (DLA) absorber at $z=1.892$ toward the $z_{em}=2.543$ quasar LBQS 1210+1731, using HST/NICMOS. The images were obtained in the broad filter F160W and the narrow filter F190N with camera 2 on NICMOS, and were aimed at detecting the absorber in the rest-frame optical continuum and in H-$\\alpha$ line emission from the DLA absorber. After suitable point spread function (PSF) subtractions, a feature is seen in both the broad-band and narrow-band images, at a projected separation of 0.25$\\arcsec$ from the quasar. This feature may be associated with the DLA absorber, although we cannot completely rule out that it could be a PSF artifact. If associated with the DLA, the object would be $\\approx 2-3$ $h_{70}^{-1}$ kpc in size with a flux of $9.8 \\pm 2.4$ $\\mu$Jy in the F160W filter, implying a luminosity at $\\lambda_{central}=5500$ {\\AA} in the rest frame of $1.5 \\times 10^{10}$ $h_{70}^{-2}$ L$_{\\odot}$ at $z=1.89$, for $q_{0}=0.5$. However, a comparison of the fluxes in the broad and narrow filters indicates that most of the flux in the narrow-band filter is continuum emission, rather than red-shifted H-$\\alpha$ line emission. This suggests that if this object is the absorber, then either it has a low star formation rate (SFR), with a 3 $\\sigma$ upper limit of 4.0 $h_{70}^{-2}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, or dust obscuration is important. It is possible that the H-$\\alpha$ emission may be extinguished by dust, but this seems unlikely, given the typically low dust-to-gas ratios observed in DLAs. Alternatively, the object, if real, may be associated with the host galaxy of the quasar rather than with the damped Ly-$\\alpha$ absorber. H-band images obtained with the NICMOS camera 2 coronagraph show a much fainter structure $\\approx 4-5$ $h_{70}^{-1}$ kpc in size and containing four knots of continuum emission, located 0.7$\\arcsec$ away from the quasar. This structure is not seen in images of comparison stars after similar PSF subtractions, and is also likely to be associated with the absorbing galaxy or its companions, although we do not know its redshift. We have probed regions far closer to the quasar sight-line than in most previous studies of high-redshift intervening DLAs. The two objects we report mark the closest detected high-redshift DLA candidates yet to any quasar sight line. If the features in our images are associated with the DLA, they suggest faint, compact, somewhat clumpy objects rather than large, well-formed proto-galactic disks or spheroids. If the features are PSF artifacts, then the constraints on sizes and star-formation rates of the DLA are even more severe. The size, luminosity, and SFR estimates mentioned above should therefore be conservatively considered as upper limits. ", "introduction": "Damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ absorption systems detected in spectra of high-redshift quasars are believed to be the progenitors of present-day galaxies, because they show high H~I column densities (log $N_{HI} \\ge 20.0$) and display absorption lines of several heavy elements. However, there are various competing ideas regarding the nature of the galaxies underlying the DLAs. Wolfe et al. (1986) suggested that the DLAs are rotating proto-disks. This suggestion has also been made by Prochaska \\& Wolfe (1997, 1998), based on asymmetric line profiles of the heavy-element absorption lines in DLAs. On the other hand, gas-rich dwarf galaxies have also been suggested as candidate objects for the DLAs (York et al. 1986; Matteucci, Molaro, \\& Vladilo 1997). Recently, Jimenez, Bowen, \\& Matteucci (1999) have suggested that high-redshift DLAs may arise in low-surface brightness galaxies. The lack of substantial chemical evolution found in studies of element abundances in DLAs (e.g., Pettini et al. 1999; Kulkarni, Bechtold, \\& Ge 2000a) also shows that the currently known population of DLAs seems to be dominated by metal-poor objects, so DLAs may consist of dwarf or low-surface brightness galaxies with modest star formation rates. Unfortunately, it is hard to determine what type of galaxies underlie the DLAs, since most previous efforts to directly image the high-redshift DLAs have failed. A few detections have been made at low redshifts, which showed those DLAs to arise in low surface-brightness galaxies (see, e.g., Steidel et al. 1995a, 1995b; LeBrun et al. 1997). But high-redshift DLAs with $z_{abs} < z_{em}$ have proven hard to detect, and the question of the nature of galaxies giving rise to these DLAs is still open. Many of the previous attempts to detect the emission from DLAs concentrated on the Ly-$\\alpha$ emission, which is an expected signature from a star-forming region (e.g. Smith et al. 1989; Hunstead, Pettini, \\& Fletcher 1990; Lowenthal et al. 1995). There have been only a few Ly-$\\alpha$ detections of DLAs so far. M{\\o}ller \\& Warren (1998) and M{\\o}ller, Warren, \\& Fynbo (1998) detected Ly-$\\alpha$ emission in the fields of two DLAs at $z=2.81$ and $z=1.93$. However, both of these DLAs have $z_{abs} \\approx z_{em}$ and may be different from the general population of intervening DLAs. Djorgovski et al. (1996) and Djorgovski (1997) reported Ly-$\\alpha$ emitting objects with $R \\sim 25$ (and inferred SFRs of a few M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$) in fields of a few DLAs, located at 2-3 $\\arcsec$ from the quasar. However, the Ly-$\\alpha$ technique cannot definitively measure the star formation rates of the DLAs because of the generally unquantifiable effects of dust extinction in the systems. The lack of detections in the other Ly-$\\alpha$ studies of interevening DLAs could indicate either that DLAs have low star formation rates (SFR) or that the emission is extinguished by dust. As pointed out by Charlot \\& Fall (1991), even small quantities of dust are sufficient to extinguish the Ly-$\\alpha$ emission, since resonant scattering greatly increases the path length of Ly-$\\alpha$ photons attempting to escape from an H I cloud. Indeed, observations of reddening of background quasars and evidence for depletion of Cr, Fe, Ni etc. relative to Zn suggest the presence of a small amount of dust in DLAs (see, e.g., Pei, Fall, \\& Bechtold 1991; Pettini et al. 1997; Kulkarni, Fall, \\& Truran 1997). Thus, it is hard to constrain the SFRs in DLA galaxies using the non-detections or weak detections of Ly-$\\alpha$ emission. The issues of dust and SFR in high redshift DLAs are also important in view of recent claims based on mid-IR and far-IR observations that a large fraction of the star formation at high redshifts is hidden from us by dust obscuration (e.g., Elbaz et al. 1998; Clements et al. 1999). One way to discern whether the previous non-detections of Ly-$\\alpha$ were due to low SFR or presence of dust is to search for longer wavelength emission lines less affected by dust extinction and not subject to resonant scattering. The ground-based near-IR spectroscopic survey of Bunker et al. (1999), which searched for redshifted H-$\\alpha$ emission in $11 \\arcsec \\times 2.5 \\arcsec$ regions around 6 quasars with DLAs at $z > 2$ and reached 3 $\\sigma$ detection levels of 6-18 M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, failed to detect any redshifted H-$\\alpha$ emission from the DLAs in their sample. Some of the ground-based narrow-band photometric surveys for H-$\\alpha$ emission from DLAs have also failed to detect any emission line objects in the DLA fields (e.g., Teplitz, Malkan, \\& McLean 1998, who however found H-$\\alpha$ emitters in the fields of some weaker non-DLA metal line systems). Some other narrow-band searches for H-$\\alpha$ emission have revealed multiple objects in the DLA fields separated by several arcseconds from the quasar (2-12$\\arcsec$ for Bechtold et al. 1998, 9-120 $\\arcsec$ for Mannucci et al. 1998). These surveys, which had 3 $\\sigma$ detection limits of $\\sim 5$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ (Bechtold et al. 1998) or $\\gtrsim 10$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ (Mannucci et al. 1998), found the H-$\\alpha$ emitting objects to have a wide range of inferred SFRs (10-20 M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ for Bechtold et al. 1998, 6-90 M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ for Mannucci et al. 1998). The relatively large separations of these emission line objects from the quasars indicates that they are not the DLA absorbers themselves, but star-forming companions in the same larger structure (e.g. sheet or filament) as the DLA. None of these ground-based surveys has been able to probe the regions very close to the quasar sightline (angular separations $< 2$ $\\arcsec$), because of the limitations imposed by seeing in these studies. While these studies offer interesting information about the environments of the DLAs, high sensitivity diffraction-limited imaging is necessary for the detection of the DLA absorbers themselves (to probe small angular separations), and thus for determining the morphology and SFRs of the DLAs. The HST WFPC2 study of Le Brun et al. (1997) has detected candidates with angular separations $< 2$ $\\arcsec$ in broad band images for six DLAs at $z < 1$ and one DLA at $z=1.78$. However, the information obtained from this study about the nature of high-redshift DLAs is limited since no narrow-band images were obtained and since the sample contained only 1 DLA at $z > 1$. As mentioned earlier, the HST WFPC2 study of M{\\o}ller \\& Warren (1998 and references therein) detected Ly-$\\alpha$ emission in a $z_{abs} > z_{em}$ DLA, but this DLA may differ from intervening DLAs. To summarize, many previous attempts to detect emission from high-redshift intervening DLAs have failed. The few detections so far consist mainly of either weak Ly-$\\alpha$ detections (which cannot constrain the SFR completely) or detections of H-$\\alpha$ companions at fairly large angular separations from the quasars. There are only four objects detected so far in fields of high-$z$ interevening DLAs at small angular separations. These objects have impact parameters between 4.3 and 11.5 h$_{70}^{-1}$ kpc (where $H_{0} = 70$ h$_{70}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$), and are promising candidates for the DLAs in those sightlines (see M{\\o}ller \\& Warren 1998 and references therein; the other DLA impact parameter data listed in M{\\o}ller \\& Warren 1998 are biased toward $z_{abs} \\approx z_{em}$ DLAs.). To further increase the number of promising candidates for high-redshift intervening DLAs, it is necessary to carry out more deep high spatial resolution near-infrared searches for DLAs. We have obtained deep diffraction-limited images of three DLAs at $z \\sim 2$ with the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Here we describe our NICMOS observations of the quasar LBQS 1210+1731 ($z_{em}=2.543 \\pm 0.005$; Hewett, Foltz, \\& Chaffee 1995), which has a spectroscopically known damped Ly-$\\alpha$ absorber ($z_{abs}=1.8920$ and log $N_{HI} = 20.6$; Wolfe et al. 1995). Our observations have the unique benefit of combining high near-IR sensitivity and high spatial resolution with a more stable and quantifiable PSF than is currently possible with ground-based observations. A further feature of some of our observations is the use of the NICMOS coronagraph, which greatly decreases the scattered light background outside of the coronagraphic hole and therefore allows a study of the environment of the DLA. Our analysis indicates two objects at 0.25 $\\arcsec$ and 0.7 $\\arcsec$ from the quasar that we cannot explain as any known artifacts of the PSF. We believe that these objects are likely to be real and may be associated with the DLA and its companions, at impact parameters of 1.5 and 3.8 h$_{70}^{-1}$ kpc. We have thus probed regions far closer to the quasar sight-line than in most previous studies of high-redshift intervening DLAs, and the two objects we report mark the closest detected high-redshift intervening DLA candidates yet to any quasar sight line. Sections 2, 3, and 4 describe the observations, data reduction, and the subtraction of the quasar point spread functions. Our results are described in section 5. Section 6 describes various tests of our data analysis procedures, carried out to investigate whether the features seen after PSF subtraction are real. A summary of the results of the various data analysis tests is given in subsection 6.12. (Readers interested mainly in the scientific discussion can go directly from section 5 to subsection 6.12.) Finally, sections 7 and 8 discuss the implications of our observations for sizes, environment, and star-formation rates of DLA galaxies. ", "conclusions": "With deep diffraction-limited NICMOS images of LBQS 1210+1731, we have probed regions far closer to the quasar sight-line than in most previous studies of high-redshift intervening DLAs. The two objects we report mark the closest detected high-redshift DLA candidates yet to any quasar sight line. Our continuum and H$\\alpha$ images of the $z=1.89$ DLA toward LBQS 1210+1731 suggest that this DLA is not a big galaxy with high SFR, but may be compact (2-3 $h_{70}^{-1}$ kpc in size), probably consisting of multiple sub-units. Assuming no dust extinction of H-$\\alpha$ emission, we place a 3 $\\sigma$ upper limit of 4.0 $h_{70}^{-2}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ on the star formation rate, for $q_{0}=0.5$ . Our continuum and H$\\alpha$ observations are consistent with the hierarchical models, in which DLAs arise in several sub-galactic clumps or dwarf galaxies, which eventually come together to form the present-day galaxies (see, e.g., York et al. 1986; Matteucci et al. 1997). Indeed, theoretical simulations of merging proto-galactic fragments in cold dark matter cosmologies (e.g., Haehnelt et al. 1998), low surface brightness galaxies (e.g., Jimenez et al. 1999), and collapsing halos with merging clouds (e.g., McDonald \\& Miralda-Escud'e 1999) have also been found to reproduce the observed properties of DLAs (asymmetric line profiles of metal absorption lines, metallicities, H I content etc.) The small sizes of high-$z$ DLAs suggested by our observations are also consistent with the small sizes of galaxies seen in other independent high-redshift observations, e.g., in the NICMOS Hubble Deep Field observations (Thompson et al. 1999). Together, these observations may be indications that while star formation had begun long before $z=2$ resulting in some chemical enrichment, most of the dynamical assembly of galaxies as we know them today occurred more recently, and at $z \\sim 2$, the various constituent units were still coming together. However, it cannot be ruled out that the DLA toward LBQS1210+1731 is a large low surface brightness galaxy with a low SFR, which is below our detection limit even in the F160W image. We point out that our conclusions are, nevertheless, based on detailed observations of only one high-$z$ DLA. It is quite possible that different DLAs have different rates of evolution because of different physical conditions. Indeed, this is suggested by the large scatter in the metallicity-redshift relation of DLAs (see, e.g., Pettini et al. 1999 and references therein). The NICMOS observations of other DLAs from our sample are currently being analyzed and will help to explore the generality of our conclusions. To improve the statistics of the DLA imaging studies, it is necessary to obtain high spatial resolution near-IR images of more high-redshift DLAs. It would be very valuable to carry out a deeper near-IR imaging survey of more DLAs with HST, if the NICMOS cryocooler or the near-IR channel of WFC3 becomes available in the near future. A major advantage of such HST observations will be a relatively stable PSF compared to that currently achieved with any ground-based telescope, which is crucial for the detection of DLAs. It will also be of great interest to complement the HST observations with observations from adaptive optics systems on large ground-based telescopes. Although these systems will not initially have the relatively stable PSF offered by HST, they will be able to achieve even higher spatial resolution and higher imaging sensitivity. Such future space and ground-based observations will provide further insight into the structure and nature of DLA galaxies, and thereby help to constrain theoretical models of the formation and evolution of galaxies." }, "0002/astro-ph0002390_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "Powerful radio galaxies provide one of the most exciting opportunities to trace the evolution of galaxies and their activity over the history of the Universe. There is a rapid evolution of the power of active galactic nuclei (AGN), such as quasars and radio galaxies, toward $z\\sim3$, and such evolution may reflect some aspects of the phenomena of galaxy formation and evolution. Powerful radio galaxies have an advantage over quasars in studying the structures in hosts since they are not swamped by the bright nucler light. One of the most striking properties of high-redshift powerful radio galaxies (HzPRGs) is the `alignment effect' observed in their optical images (McCarthy et al. 1987; Chambers et al. 1987; Rigler et al. 1992). Rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) radiation tends to have an elongated structure aligned with the radio-jet axis. The origin of this aligned UV radiation is still not clear; while the scattered non-thermal radiation contributes to the observed UV flux, at least to some extent, in many radio galaxies, the stellar photospheric emission and/or the nebular continuum emission has also been observed in some sources (e.g., Cimatti et al. 1996). In any case, UV emission is very likely to be the {\\it consequence} of nuclear activity, and near-infrared observations may be more essential to reveal the true host-galaxy structure. 3C 324 at $z=1.206$ has been extensively studied as one of the `proto-typical' objects which show the optical alignment effect. Its total radio power at 5 GHz is large, log $P_{\\rm 5 GHz}$= 27.75 ($H_0$ = 50 km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$, $q_0$ = 0.5; hereafter we use this set of cosmological parameters unless noted), which implies the existence of a very powerful AGN. Indeed, Cimatti et al. (1996) detected a broad Mg {\\sc II} $\\lambda$ 2800 \\AA\\ emission line in the polarized spectrum, and thus established that 3C 324 hosts a quasar obscured by dust. The radio source has two distinct radio lobes with a separation of $\\sim 11$$^{\\prime\\prime}$ (95 kpc at $z=1.206$; Fernini et al. 1993; Best et al. 1998b) at a position angle of 71$^\\circ$ (Dunlop, Peacock 1993). Best et al. (1998b) detected a plausible radio core at frequencies of 8.2 and 4.7 GHz. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 observations with the ${\\rm F702W}$ and ${\\rm F791W}$ filters (Longair et al. 1995; Dickinson et al. 1995; Best et al. 1997, 1998a) revealed in detail the elongated patchy structure of the rest-frame UV emission, which is collinear with the radio axis. The radio core is located in a gap between the two central optical knots (Best et al. 1998b), which suggests that this gap is due to a dust lane which obscures the active nucleus. The existence of a significant amount of dust is supported by the detection of sub-mm radiation which is not associated with the synchrotron radiation (Best et al. 1998c). At near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, previous ground-based observations under $\\sim$ 1$^{\\prime\\prime}$ seeing conditions have detected the red host galaxy (Dunlop, Peacock 1993; Dickinson et al. 1995; Best et al. 1997, 1998a). Dunlop and Peacock (1993) showed that the host galaxy has a somewhat elongated structure whose position angle (PA) is $\\sim 75^\\circ$, closely aligned with the radio axis. Best et al. (1998a) argued that the galaxy is as bright as $K=16.99$ mag (9$^{\\prime\\prime}$ aperture) and has a light profile well represented by a de Vaucouleurs law with an effective radius of 2$^{\\prime\\prime}$.2 (19 kpc). Dickinson et al. (1995) pointed out that the $K$-band light peak coinsides with the gap of the optical knots. It has been known that 3C 324 is located in a galaxy cluster (Dickinson et al. 1997; Kajisawa et al. 1999 and references therein) and is the brightest galaxy in the cluster at z = 1.21. We have observed 3C 324 with the Subaru telescope equipped with the Cooled Infrared Spectrograph and Camera for OHS (CISCO: Motohara et al. 1998), which provides a $\\sim 2$$^{\\prime\\prime}$ $\\times 2$$^{\\prime\\prime}$ field of view at a sampling of 0$^{\\prime\\prime}$.116 pixel$^{-1}$. The observations were made during the telescope commissioning period and good image quality with 0$^{\\prime\\prime}$.3--0$^{\\prime\\prime}$.4 seeing (FWHM of stellar images) was achieved. In this paper, we investigate the NIR properties of the host galaxy of 3C 324. Thanks to the high spatial resolution, we can directly compare the light distribution in the optical images obtained with the deep HST observations without seriously degrading the HST data. In section 2, we briefly describe the observations and the data reduction. We show the light distribution and color map of the host galaxy in section 3 and discuss its properties as a brightest cluster galaxy in section 4. We present our conclusions in section 5. ", "conclusions": "The host galaxy of the powerful radio galaxy 3C 324 was observed with the Subaru telescope under good seeing conditions. The host galaxy is clearly resolved and seen to be a spheroidal galaxy well approximated by a de Vaucouleurs profile. The effective (half-light) radius evaluated from profile fitting is 1$^{\\prime\\prime}$.3 (11.2 kpc), which is about half the value previously published in the literature, while a curve of growth analysis produces a value of 0$^{\\prime\\prime}$.8. After subtraction of the model galaxies, we clearly detect the `aligned component' in the $K^\\prime$-band image. The disagreement between the effective radius obtained in the profile fitting and the half-light radius in the growth-curve analysis may be due to this `aligned component' and/or to a contribution from the obscured AGN. The peak of the $K^\\prime$-band light coincides with the position of the radio core, which strongly implies that the engine of the powerful radio sources is indeed hosted at the nucleus of the giant elliptical galaxy. The NIR peak also corresponds to the gap in the rest-frame UV emission, which may be due to a dust lane. It is very likely that we see the obscuring structure from an almost edge-on view. The host galaxy has a very red $R_{{\\rm F702W}}-K$ color and the near-infrared light of the galaxy is likely to be dominated by an old stellar population, while the relatively blue $B_{{\\rm F450W}}-R_{{\\rm F702W}}$ color suggests that there may be some small amount of star-formation activity. The colors of the 'aligned' components located inside the host galaxy, which are obtained after subtracting the host component, may be explained by nebular continuum emission with a small amount of a dust while those outside the host galaxy are better modeled by optically-thin dust scattering of the nuclear light. \\vspace{0.5cm} The authors are indebted to all members of the Subaru Observatory, NAOJ, Japan. We thank Nobuo Arimoto for kindly providing the Kodama and Arimoto evolutionary synthesis models. TY thanks Takashi Murayama for useful discussions. We thank Dr. Marc Dickinson, the referee, for the invaluable comments. This research was supported by grants-in-aid for scientific research of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (08740181, 09740168). This work was also supported by the Foundation for the Promotion of Astronomy of Japan. This work is based in part on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the data archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute, U.S.A., which is operated by AURA, Inc.\\ under NASA contract NAS5--26555. The Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF) used in this paper is distributed by National Optical Astronomy Observatories. U.S.A., operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contact to the U.S.A. National Science Foundation. \\clearpage" }, "0002/astro-ph0002029_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A problem of mass flow in the immediate vicinity of a planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk is studied numerically in two dimensions. Large differences in temporal and spatial scales involved suggest that a specialized discretization method for solution of hydrodynamical equations may offer great savings in computational resources, and can make extensive parameter studies feasible. Preliminary results obtained with help of Adaptive Mesh Refinement technique and high-order explicit Eulerian solver are presented. This combination of numerical techniques appears to be an excellent tool which allows for direct simulations of mass flow in vicinity of the accretor at moderate computational cost. In particular, it is possible to resolve the surface of the planet and to model the process of planet growth with minimal set of assumptions. Some issues related to visualization of the results and future prospects are discussed briefly. ", "introduction": "Extremely small temporal and spatial scales involved in the problem of accretion onto a protoplanet necessitate the use of nonuniform discretization in the vicinity of the accretor. In our study we used adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) method combined with a high-resolution Godunov-type advection scheme ({\\sc amra}, Plewa \\& M\\\"uller 2000). The AMR discretization scheme follows the approach of Berger and Colella (1989). The computational domain is covered by a set of completely nested {\\em patches} occupying {\\em levels}. The levels create a refinement hierarchy. As one moves toward higher levels, the numerical resolution increases by a prescribed integer factor (separate for every direction). The net flow of material between patches at different levels is carefully accounted for in order to preserve conservation properties of hydrodynamical equations. Boundary data for child patches are either obtained by parabolic two-dimensional conservative interpolation of parental data or set according to prescribed boundary conditions. Hydrodynamical equations are solved with the help of the Direct Eulerian Piecewise-Parabolic Method (PPMDE) of Colella \\& Woodward (1984), as implemented in {\\sc herakles} solver (Plewa \\& M\\\"uller 2000). Simulations have been done in spherical polar coordinates in a frame of reference corotating with the protoplanet. {\\sc herakles} guarantees exact conservation of angular momentum which is particularly important in numerical modeling of disk accretion problems. The use of its multifluid option with tracer materials distributed within disk (not presented here) allows to identify the origin of the material accreted onto protoplanet. The {\\sc amra} code is written purely in FORTRAN 77 and has been successfully used on both vector supercomputers and superscalar cache-oriented workstations. Its parallelization on shared memory machines exploits microtasking (through the use of vendor-specific directives) or the OpenMP standard. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002503_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We employed recently computed evolutionary white-dwarf models with helium cores, supplemented by heavier models with carbon-oxygen cores, in order to investigate the ages of millisecond pulsar systems based on the cooling properties of the compact companions. Contrary to the behaviour of more massive white dwarfs, the evolutionary speed of low-mass white-dwarf models is substantially slowed down by ongoing hydrogen burning. By comparing the cooling ages of these models with the spin-down ages of the pulsars for those systems for which reasonable information about the compact companions is available, we found good correspondence between both ages. Based on these models any revisions concerning the temporal evolution of millisecond pulsars do not appear to be necessary. ", "introduction": "Millisecond pulsars are thought to be components of low-mass binary systems in their final stage of evolution: the neutron star which has been spun up by accretion of matter from a low-mass evolved companion is now being slowed down by emission of magnetic dipole radiation (recycled radio pulsar). The companion, after having transferred most of its envelope mass towards the neutron star, remains as a white dwarf of rather a low mass whose core consists, in the majority of the known cases, of helium. The characteristic age, or so-called {\\em spin-down age}, of the (recycled) pulsar depends on the physics how the neutron star's rotational energy is converted into non-thermal emission of electromagnetic energy. On the other hand, the white-dwarf age is ruled by the white dwarf's thermo-mechanical structure and the transformation of gravothermal energy content into thermal emission of photons from the surface. Any age determinations of the pulsar and the dwarf component should give the same answer, provided our physical understanding of the pulsar's slow-down processes and the white dwarf's cooling properties is correct. So far, no general consensus on this matter has been achieved. Under the assumption that the cooling properties of low-mass white dwarfs are ruled by rather simple laws as is known from evolutionary calculations of more massive white dwarfs with carbon-oxygen cores (cf.\\ Iben \\& Tutukov \\cite{IT84}; Koester \\& Sch\\\"onberner \\cite{KS86}, Bl\\\"ocker \\cite{BL95}), large age differences between the pulsars and their dwarf companions have been found. In general, the white dwarfs appear to be much younger than the pulsars (cf.\\ Hansen \\& Phinney \\cite{HP98b} for a recent, detailed account). The best-studied example is the \\object{PSR J1012+5307} system, for which Lorimer et al.\\ (\\cite{LFLN95}) determined 7 Gyr for the spin-down age of the pulsar, but only about 0.3 Gyr for the white dwarf's age. Note that the usual spin-down age determinations are based on the assumption that the initial rotational period after completion of the spin-up by accretion is much smaller then the present one, and that the pulsar emits magnetic dipole radiation (braking index $n=3$). A summary of the assumptions inherent in the derivation of characteristic or spin-down ages of pulsars is given in Hansen \\& Phinney (\\cite{HP98b}). A discrepant result as found for \\object{PSR J1012+5307}, if true, would have important consequences for the details of the accretion process and the following spin-down phase (cf.\\ Burderi et al.\\ \\cite{BKW96}). A larger sample of millisecond pulsar systems with white-dwarf companions has recently been investigated by Hansen \\& Phinney (\\cite{HP98b}), using a grid of low-mass white-dwarf sequences especially computed for this purpurse (Hansen \\& Phinney \\cite{HP98a}). In most cases spin-down and cooling ages appeared to be discrepant to various degrees, and the authors were able to constrain the initial spin periods and spin-up histories for individual systems, especially also for the \\object{PSR J1012+5307} system. However, the white-dwarf models which this study is based on, are generated from ad-hoc assumed initial configurations. These configurations appear not to be consistent with respect to the thermo-mechanical structures and unprocessed, hydrogen-rich envelopes with what would be adequate for companions in these pulsar binary systems. The early investigations concerning the evolution of helium white dwarfs made by Webbink (\\cite{W75}) indicated that the final cooling is slowed down considerably by ongoing hydrogen burning via the pp cycle. Obviously the cooling behaviour of low-mass white dwarfs depends on the size of the still unprocessed hydrogen-rich envelope, i.e.\\ whether this envelope is massive enough as to sustain burning temperatures at its bottom for a long time span. The Webbink (\\cite{W75}) white-dwarf models are, however, just evolved main sequence stars without any consideration of mass loss. Since white-dwarf envelope masses cannot be guessed from first principles, they must rather be determined by detailed evolutionary calculations. A step in this direction was made by Alberts et al.\\ (\\cite{ASH96}) and Sarna et al.\\ (\\cite{SAAM98}) who modelled % the \\object{PSR J1012+5307} system and in particular the evolution of the mass giving companion. % It turned out that the donor shrinks below its Roche lobe while still having a rather massive hydrogen-rich envelope which is able to keep hydrogen burning dominant even through the white-dwarf cooling phase. The evolution was slowed down to such an extent that the discrepancy with the spin-down age of the pulsar vanished completely. Strictly speaking the strength of hydrogen burning, and hence the cooling age of an observed white dwarf, depends on the size of the envelope before entering the cooling path. This envelope mass can be reduced because of thermal instabilities of the burning shell when the CNO rate dies out, namely by \\begin{itemize} \\item enhanced hydrogen consumption during the instability (flash) itself, and by \\item a possible Roche-lobe overflow driven by the rapid envelope expansion. \\end{itemize} The latter case was dominant for the evolution of the Iben \\& Tutukov (\\cite{IT86}) 0.3\\,M$_{\\sun}$ helium white-dwarf model: Roche-lobe overflow due to the flash-driven envelope expansions reduced the envelope mass {\\em below\\/} the critical value necessary for hydrogen burning. The white-dwarf models of Webbink (\\cite{W75}) and Sarna et al.\\ (\\cite{SAAM98}) experienced phases of unstable hydrogen burning for \\mbox{$ M \\la 0.2$~M$_{\\sun}$} (but see Driebe et al.\\ \\cite{DBSH99} for a discussion). Recently Driebe et al.\\ (\\cite{DSBH98}) published a grid of evolutionary tracks for helium white-dwarf models which were generated by enhanced mass loss applied at different positions along the red-giant branch of a 1\\,M$_{\\sun}$ sequence (see also Iben \\& Tutukov \\cite{IT86}, Castellani et al.\\ 1994). This method mimicks to some extent the mass transfer in binary systems and allows to get reliable post-red-giant configurations which are very useful for the interpretation of observations. Driebe et al.\\ (\\cite{DSBH98}) covered the whole mass range of interest, and they demonstrated that \\begin{itemize} \\item the anti-correlation between core mass and size of envelope (cf.\\ Bl\\\"ocker et al.\\ \\cite{BHDBS97}) determines later the nuclear activity along the cooling branch, and that \\item thermal instabilities of the hydrogen-burning shell appear to be restricted to the mass range of approximately 0.2 to 0.3~M$_{\\sun}$. % \\end{itemize} The absence of thermal flashes below $ M= 0.2$~M$_{\\sun}$ agrees well with the results of Alberts et al.\\ (\\cite{ASH96}) but disagrees with those of Sarna et al.\\ (\\cite{SAAM98}). Nevertheless, the cooling times of our models are in excellent agreement with both studies. From the given parameters of the white-dwarf component in the \\object{PSR J1012+5307} system, Driebe et al.\\ (\\cite{DSBH98}) determined then its age to be of $ 6 \\pm 1$~Gyr, in good agreement with the pulsar's spin-down age of $ 7.0 \\pm 1.4$~Gyr (Lorimer et al.\\ \\cite{LFLN95}). The latest effort in a better understanding of the combined pulsar-white dwarf systems is that of Burderi et al.\\ (\\cite{BKW98}). They took the pulsar spin-down ages at their face value and concluded that the standard assumption for the white-dwarf cooling (i.e.\\ without nuclear burning) complies with the observations, except for masses below approx.\\ 0.2~M$_{\\sun}$. There are, however, some facts that we would like to point out: Burderi et al.\\ (\\cite{BKW98}) used data 'renormalized' to a standard luminosity of $ 10^{-2}$~L$_{\\sun}$, whereby it remains unclear how ages can be renormalized if the temporal evolution of the systems is not known a priori. Furthermore, they extrapolated existing white-dwarf cooling models into mass regimes where they are not valid anymore. Because of its importance we felt the necessity to reconsider the whole issue by utilizing more realistic evolutionary models for low-mass white dwarfs. We will show in the next section that with such models a consistent description of those millisecond pulsar binary systems can be achieved for which sufficiently accurate data is available. ", "conclusions": "From the present paper, together with previous efforts which concentrated solely on the \\object{PSR J1012+5307} system (Alberts et al.\\ \\cite{ASH96}; Sarna et al.\\ \\cite{SAAM98}; Driebe et al.\\ \\cite{DSBH98}), it becomes obvious that a consistent description of the millisecond binary systems with compact companions can only be achieved by using % evolutionary model calculations of white dwarfs which include their complete pre-white-dwarf history. The key to the solution of the apparent age paradoxon between the pulsar and its white-dwarf companion is the fact that low-mass white dwarfs have massive, still unburnt envelopes that sustain hydrogen burning at their bases for a long time. Hydrogen burning slows down the cooling of a low-mass white dwarf to such an extent that cooling ages become comparable to, or may even exceed, observed pulsar spin-down ages. Employing our evolutionary helium white-dwarf models, supplemented by those with carbon-oxygen cores, we demonstrated that, next to the already studied PSR J1012+5307 system, also in other millisecond pulsar binary systems with reliable information on pulsar age and companion properties, as mass and temperature, reasonable agreement between the components' ages is achieved. The use of white-dwarf models with ad hoc assumed envelope masses may lead to erroneous interpretations since these envelope masses are usually much smaller than those which follow from complete evolutionary calculations. It appears to us that upon using realistic white-dwarf models in interpreting millisecond binary systems there is no need to modify existing ideas of the spin-down process of pulsars. Clearly a larger sample of well-studied systems like \\object{PSR J1012+5307} would be very important in investigating more precisely the cooling theory of white dwarfs {\\it and\\/} the braking of radio pulsars." }, "0002/astro-ph0002053_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The theory of coronal evaporation predicts the formation of an inner hole in the cool thin accretion disk for mass accretion rates below a certain value ($\\approx$ 1/50 of the Eddington mass accretion rate) and the sudden disappearance of this hole when the mass accretion rate rises above that value. The inner edge of the standard thin disk then suddenly shifts inward vvvvfrom about a few hundred Schwarzschild radii to the last stable orbit. This appears to quantitatively account for the observed transitions between hard and soft spectral states at critical luminosities. Due to the evaporation process the matter accreting in the geometrically thin disk changes to a hot coronal flow which proceeds towards the black hole as an advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF; for a review see Narayan et al. 1998). ", "introduction": "For a decade it has been known that the spectra of X-ray novae show changes from a soft state at high luminosity to a hard state when the luminosity has declined during the outburst (Tanaka 1989). The persistent canonical black hole system Cyg X-1 also undergoes occasional transitions between its standard low luminosity (hard) state and a soft state (see Fig. 1). Such changes between the two spectral states have been observed for several systems, regardless of whether the compact object is a neutron star (Aql X-1, 1608-522) or a black hole (GS/GRS 1124-684, GX 339-4) (Tanaka \\& Shibazaki 1996). Here we concentrate on black hole sources. Observations show that the phenomenon always occurs at a luminosity around $10^{37}\\rm{erg/s}$, which corresponds to a mass accretion rate of about $10^{17}\\rm{g/s}$ (Tanaka 1999). The two spectral states are thought to be related to different states of accretion: (1) the soft spectrum originates from a thin disk which extends down to the last stable orbit plus a corona above the disk, (2) the hard spectrum originates from a thin disk outside a transition radius $r_{tr}$ and a coronal flow/ ADAF inside. The spectral transitions of Nova Muscae 1991 and Cygnus X-1 were modelled based on this picture by Esin et al. (1997, 1998). The value of $r_{tr}$ was taken as the maximal distance $r$ for which an ADAF with that accretion rate can exist (``strong ADAF proposal\", Narayan \\& Yi 1995). We determine the location of the inner edge of the thin disk from the equilibrium between it and the corona above. ", "conclusions": "We understand the spectral transition as related to a critical mass accretion rate. For rates ${\\dot M} \\ge {\\dot M_{\\rm{crit}}}$ (the peak coronal mass flow rate) the standard disk reaches inward to the last stable orbit and the spectrum is soft. Otherwise the ADAF in the inner accretion region provides a hard spectrum. At ${\\dot M_{\\rm{crit}}}$ the transition between dominant advective losses further out and dominant radiative losses further in occurs. Except for the difference between the sub-virial temperature of the corona and the closer-to-virial temperature of an ADAF of the same mass flow rate, this same critical radius is predicted by the ``strong ADAF proposal\" (Narayan \\& Yi (1995). In general however, the strong ADAF proposal results in an ADAF region larger than that which the evaporation model yields. The transition between the two spectral states has been observed for black hole and neutron star systems, in persistent and transient sources (Tanaka \\& Shibazaki 1996, Campana et al.1998). This points to similar physical accretion processes. Menou et al. (1999) already discussed the accretion via an ADAF in neutron star transient sources. Our results should also be applicable. The relations for a 6 $M_\\odot$ black hole plotted in Fig. 2 can be scaled to other masses: in units of Schwarzschild radii and Eddington accretion rates the plot is universal. The application to disks around supermassive black holes implies interesting conclusions for AGN." }, "0002/astro-ph0002265_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\rightskip 0pt \\pretolerance=100 \\noindent We present the results of hard-X-ray observations of four broad-line radio galaxies (BLRGs) with the {\\it Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer} ({\\it RXTE}). The original motivation behind the observations was to search for systematic differences between the BLRGs and their radio-quiet counterparts, the Seyfert galaxies. We do, indeed, find that the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines and Compton ``reflection'' components, which are hallmarks of the X-ray spectra of Seyferts galaxies, are weaker in BLRGs by about a factor of 2. This observational result is in agreement with the conclusions of other recent studies of these objects. We examine several possible explanations for this systematic difference, including beaming of the primary X-rays away from the accretion disk, a low iron abundance, a small solid angle subtended by the disk to the primary X-ray source, and dilution of the observed spectrum by beamed X-rays from the jet. We find that a small solid angle subtended by the disk to the primary X-ray source is a viable and appealing explanation, while all others suffer from drawbacks. We interpret this as an indication of a difference in the inner accretion disk structure between Seyfert galaxies and BLRGs, namely that the inner accretion disks of BLRGs have the form of an ion-supported torus or an advection-dominated accretion flow, which irradiates the geometrically thin outer disk. ", "introduction": "An important issue in our study of active galactic nuclei (hereafter AGNs) is the as yet unexplained difference between radio loud and radio-quiet objects. All AGNs are thought to be powered by accretion of matter onto a supermassive black hole, presumably via an equatorial accretion disk. From a theoretical perspective, the accretion disk is an essential ingredient for the formation of radio jets, although the exact mechanism is not well known (see the review by Livio 1996). The observational evidence\\footnote{The most direct observational evidence for the presence of accretion disks in AGNs takes the form of Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines with disk-like profiles in the X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies (e.g., Tanaka et al. 1995; Nandra et al. 1997b) and double-peaked H$\\alpha$ lines in the optical spectra of BLRGs (Eracleous \\& Halpern 1994).} suggests that both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs harbor accretion disks, but it is a mystery why well-collimated, powerful, relativistic radio jets only exist in the former class of object. The origin of the difference could lie in the nature of the host galaxy. At low redshifts ($z<0.5$) radio-loud AGNs are found only in elliptical galaxies, whereas radio-quiet AGNs can have either elliptical or spiral hosts (Smith et al. 1986; Hutchings, Janson, \\& Neff 1989; V\\'eron-Cetty \\& Woltjer 1990; Dunlop et al. 1993; Bahcall et al. 1997; Boyce et al. 1998). This observational trend has led to the suggestion that the interstellar medium of the host galaxy may play an important role in the propagation and collimation of the radio jets on large scales (e.g., Blandford \\& Levinson 1995; Fabian \\& Rees 1995). Alternatively, one may seek the fundamental cause of the difference between radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs in the properties of their accretion flows or the properties of their central black holes. One possibility is that radio-loud AGNs may harbor rapidly spinning black holes, whose energy is extracted electromagnetically via the Blandford \\& Znajek (1977) mechanism and used to power the radio jets. Rapidly spinning black holes could be associated with elliptical galaxies if both the black hole and the host galaxy result from the merger of two parent galaxies, each with its own nuclear black hole (see Wilson \\& Colbert 1995). Another possibility is that the inner accretion disks of radio-quiet AGNs are geometrically thin and optically thick throughout (Shakura \\& Sunyaev 1973) while the inner accretion disks of radio-loud AGNs are ion-supported tori (Rees et al. 1982; known today as advection-dominated accretion flows, or ADAFs, after the work of Narayan \\& Yi 1994, 1995). Because ADAFs are nearly spherical and parts of the flow are unbound, they can lead to the formation of outflows (e.g., Blandford \\& Begelman 1999). In either of the above pictures, an additional mechanism may be necessary to {\\it collimate} the radio jets (see for example, Blandford \\& Payne 1982; Meier 1999). If the difference between radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs is related to differences in their central engines, it would lead to observable differences in their respective X-ray spectra, in particular in the properties (profiles and equivalent width) of the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines and in the shape of the continuum. This is because the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines are thought to result from fluorescence of the dense gas in the geometrically thin and optically thick regions of the disk (e.g., George \\& Fabian 1991; Matt et al 1992). Similarly, the continuum above 10~keV is thought to include a significant contribution from X-ray photons from the ``primary'' X-ray source, near the center of the disk, which undergo Compton scattering (``reflection'') in the same regions of the disk where the Fe~K$\\alpha$ line is produced (e.g., Lightman \\& White 1988; George \\& Fabian 1991; Matt, Perola, \\& Piro 1991). It is, therefore, extremely interesting that studies of the X-ray spectra of broad-line radio galaxies (BLRGs) by Zdziarski et al. (1995) and Wo\\'zniak et al. (1998) found them to be systematically different from those of (radio-quiet) Seyfert galaxies. In particular, these authors found that the signature of Compton reflection, which is very prominent in the spectra of Seyfert galaxies above 10~keV (Pounds et al. 1989; Nandra \\& Pounds 1994), is weak of absent in the spectra of BLRGs. Moreover, Wo\\'zniak et al. (1997) found that the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines of BLRGs are narrower and weaker than those of Seyfert galaxies. Motivated by the above theoretical considerations and observational results, we have undertaken a systematic study of the X-ray spectra of radio-loud AGNs with {\\it ASCA} and {\\it RXTE} in order to characterize their properties. Our main goal is to compare their spectroscopic properties with those of Seyfert galaxies and test the above ideas for the origin of the difference between the two classes. In our re-analysis of archival {\\it ASCA} spectra of BLRGs and radio-loud quasars (Sambruna, Eracleous, \\& Mushotzky 1999) we found that the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines of some objects are indeed weaker and narrower than those of Seyferts, in agreement with the findings of Wo\\'zniak et al. (1997). In other objects, however, the uncertainties are large enough that we cannot reach firm conclusions, thus we have not been able to confirm this result in general. In this paper we present the results of new observations of four BLRGs with {\\it RXTE}, aimed at measuring the shape of their hard X-ray continuum and the equivalent width of their Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines. As such, these observations complement our study of the {\\it ASCA} spectra of these objects. In \\S2 we describe the observations and data screening. In \\S3 we present and discuss the light curves and in \\S4 we compare the observed spectra with models. In \\S5 we discuss the implications of the results, while in \\S6 we summarize our conclusions. Throughout this paper we assume a Hubble constant of $H_0=50~{\\rm km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}$ and a deceleration parameter of $q_0=0.5$. \\begin{deluxetable}{lcrcccc} \\tablenum{1} \\tablewidth{6.5in} \\tablecolumns{6} \\tablecaption{Target Objects, Basic Properties, and Observation Log} \\tablehead{ & & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{$N_{\\rm H}$ (cm$^{-2}$)} & \\nl & & & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\hrulefill} & \\colhead{Observation} & Duration \\nl \\colhead{Object} & \\colhead{$z$} & \\colhead{$i$\\tablenotemark{\\;a}} & \\colhead{Galactic\\tablenotemark{\\;b}} & \\colhead{{\\it ASCA}\\tablenotemark{\\;c}} & \\colhead{Start Time (UT)} & \\colhead{(hours)} } \\startdata 3C 111 & 0.048 & $37^{\\circ}>i>24^{\\circ}$ & $1.2\\times 10^{22}$ & $9.63\\times 10^{21}$ & 1997/3/22 01:23 & 62 \\nl 3C 120 & 0.033 & $14^{\\circ}>i>1^{\\circ}\\phantom{4}$ & $1.2\\times 10^{21}$ & $1.65\\times 10^{21}$ & 1998/2/13 04:53 & 58 \\nl Pictor A & 0.035 & $i>24^{\\circ}$ & $4.2\\times 10^{20}$ & $8.30\\times 10^{20}$ & 1997/5/08 02:21 & 82 \\nl 3C 382 & 0.057 & $i>15^{\\circ}$ & $6.7\\times 10^{20}$ & $6.70\\times 10^{20}$ & 1997/3/28 23:26 & 47 \\nl \\tablenotetext{a\\;} {The inclination angle of the radio jet (see Eracleous \\& Halpern 1998, and references therein).} \\tablenotetext{b\\;} {The Galactic equivalent H{\\sc\\, i} column density. {\\it References}: 3C~111: Bania, Marscher, \\& Barvainis (1991); 3C~120: Elvis et al. (1989); Pictor~A: Heiles \\& Cleary (1979); 3C 382: Murphy et al. (1996). } \\tablenotetext{c\\;} {The Galactic equivalent H{\\sc\\, i} column density as measured by the {\\it ASCA} SIS (taken from Sambruna et al. 1999).} \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} \\begin{deluxetable}{lcccccc} \\tablenum{2} \\tablewidth{6.5in} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablecaption{Exposure Times and Count Rates} \\tablehead{ & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{PCA (2.5--30 keV)} & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{HEXTE cluster 0 (20-100 keV)}\\nl & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{\\hrulefill} & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{\\hrulefill}\\nl \\colhead{} & \\colhead{Exp.} & \\colhead{Source} & \\colhead{Backg.} & \\colhead{Exp.} & \\colhead{Source} & \\colhead{Backg.} \\nl \\colhead{} & \\colhead{Time} & \\colhead{Count Rate} & \\colhead{Count Rate} & \\colhead{Time} & \\colhead{Count Rate} & \\colhead{Count Rate} \\nl \\colhead{Object} & \\colhead{(s)} & \\colhead{(s$^{-1}$ PCU$^{-1}$)} & \\colhead{(s$^{-1}$ PCU$^{-1}$)} & \\colhead{(s)} & \\colhead{(s$^{-1}$)} & \\colhead{(s$^{-1}$)} } \\startdata 3C 111 & 33,440 & 22.9 & 39.1 & 12,748 & 7.5 & 158.4 \\nl 3C 120 & 55,904\\tablenotemark{\\;a} & 25.2 & 39.9 & 17,572 & 3.7 & 187.5 \\nl Pictor A & 30,240\\tablenotemark{\\;a} & 9.6 & 38.7 & 12,461 & 9.4 & 166.9 \\nl 3C 382 & 28,192 & 13.9 & 22.0 & 10,606 & 3.0 & 114.9 \\nl \\tablenotetext{a\\;} {The PCA exposure time refers to PCUs 0, 1, and 2. PCUs 3 and 4 were off during part of the observation.} \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} ", "conclusions": "Our study of the hard X-ray spectra of 4 BLRGs observed with {\\it RXTE} has shown them to be systematically different from those of Seyfert galaxies. In particular, the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines and Compton reflection humps in the spectra of BLRGs are at least a factor of 2 weaker than those observed in the spectra of Seyfert galaxies. This result is consistent with the conclusions of previous studies and is supported by the results of {\\it SAX} observations of the same targets. After examining several possible explanations for this difference, we conclude that the most likely one is that the solid angle subtended by the source of these spectral features to the primary X-ray source is a factor of 2 smaller in BLRGs than in Seyferts. Since this reprocessing medium is thought to be the accretion disk, we interpret this difference as the result of a difference in the accretion disk structure between BLRGs and Seyferts. More specifically, we argue that if the inner accretion disks of BLRGs have the form of an ion-supported torus (or an ADAF) that irradiates the outer disk, then the observed differences can be explained. We find this explanation particularly appealing because ADAFs offer a possible way of producing the radio jets in these objects and because such a disk structure can also account for the double-peaked Balmer line profiles observed in these objects. This interpretation, as well as some of the other scenarios we have considered, can be tested further by studying the profiles of of the Fe~K$\\alpha$ lines. Unfortunately, such a test has not been possible so far using spectra from {\\it ASCA}, because of their low signal-to-noise ratio. It will be possible, however, to carry out the test using spectra from upcoming observatories such as {\\it XMM} and {\\it Astro-E}. Correlated variations of the intensity of the Fe~K$\\alpha$ line and the strength of the X-ray continuum afford an additional observational test of these ideas. The light travel time between the ion torus and the outer accretion disk is $\\tau_{\\ell} \\approx 1.7\\,(R/300\\,R_{\\rm g})\\,(M/10^8\\,M_{\\odot})$~days, which means that one may expect lags of this order between line and continuum variations. If, on the other hand, the line is produced very close to the center of the disk, the lags should be considerably shorter, while if the line is produced in the obscuring torus, the lags should be on the order of several years. Monitoring campaigns with {\\it RXTE} may provide the data needed for such a test." }, "0002/astro-ph0002115_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the most recent progress in understanding the emission properties of millisecond pulsars. ", "introduction": "} \\setcounter{footnote}{1} \\footnotetext{If two do the same, it is not the same.} Through intensive research for almost two decades, it has been well established, both in theory and observation, that millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are the end product of mass accretion in binary systems. As MSPs emerge in the radio universe having been given a second chance in life, they are surrounded by magnetospheres which are several orders of magnitude more compact than those of slower rotating pulsars. Inferred magnetic fields close to the surface of MSPs are 3 to 4 orders of magnitude weaker than in normal pulsars while charges at these regions experience an accelerating potential similar to that of normal pulsars. The impact of the different environment on the emission process in MSP magnetospheres has been a question addressed already shortly after the discovery of a first few such sources. With the plethora of MSPs detected over the years, a significant sample became available to us, enabling a better understanding of not only MSPs (as radio sources and tools) but slower rotating (normal) pulsars as well. In the following, we will concentrate on {\\em recent} progress, referring to Kramer et al.~(1998, Paper I) on spectra, pulse shapes and beaming fraction; Xilouris et al.~(1998, Paper II) on polarimetry of 24 MSPs; Sallmen (1998) and Stairs et al.~(1999) on multi-frequency polarimetry; Toscano et al.~(1998) on spectra of Southern MSPs; Kramer et al.~(1999b, Paper III) on multi-frequency evolution; and Kramer et al.~(1999a, Paper IV) on profile instabilities of MSPs; but see also the following contributions by Kuzmin \\& Losovsky and Soglasnov. \\vspace{-0.3cm} ", "conclusions": "While we have had to be necessarily brief in reviewing MSP properties, we direct the interested reader to the extensive studies of MSPs presented in the quoted literature. We summarize here our point of view: MSPs emit their radio emission by the same mechanism as normal pulsars. Some distinct differences may originate from the way they were formed, but most observed features can be explained by very compact magnetospheres. Our data can be explained without any need to invoke deviations from dipolar field lines, although a large number of open questions remain. We need more polarization information at higher frequencies and, in particular, single pulse studies. These will allow us to study the formation of the profile and its stability, to see if the additional pulse features are distinct from the main pulse, and how the polarization modes behave under the magnifying glass of the blown-up MSP profiles. There are exciting years to come!" }, "0002/astro-ph0002233_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We combine new CCD {\\it UBV} photometry and spectroscopy with that from the literature to investigate 19 Magellanic Cloud OB associations that contain Wolf-Rayet (WR) and other types of evolved massive stars. Our spectroscopy reveals a wealth of newly identified interesting objects, including early O-type supergiants, a high mass double-lined binary in the SMC, and, in the LMC, a newly confirmed LBV (R~85), a newly discovered WR star (Sk$-69^\\circ$194), and a newly found luminous B[e] star (LH85-10). We use these data to provide precise reddening determinations and construct physical H-R diagrams for the associations. We find that about half of the associations may be highly coeval, with the massive stars having formed over a short period ($\\Delta \\tau <$ 1~Myr). The (initial) masses of the highest mass {\\it unevolved} stars in the coeval clusters may be used to estimate the masses of the progenitors of WR and other evolved stars found in these clusters. Similarly the bolometric luminosities of the highest mass unevolved stars can be used to determine the bolometric corrections for the evolved stars, providing a valuable observational basis for evaluating recent models of these complicated atmospheres. What we find is the following: (1) Although their numbers are small, it appears that the WRs in the SMC come from only the highest mass ($>70 \\cal M_\\odot$) stars. This is in accord with our expectations that at low metallicities only the most massive and luminous stars will have sufficient mass-loss to become WRs. (2) In the LMC, the early-type WN stars (WNEs) occur in clusters clusters whose turn-off masses range from 30$\\cal M_\\odot$ to 100 $\\cal M_\\odot$ or more. This suggests that possibly all stars with mass $>30 \\cal M_\\odot$ pass through an WNE stage at LMC metallicities. (3) The one WC star in the SMC is found in a cluster with a turn-off mass of 70$\\cal M_\\odot$, the same as for the SMC WNs. In the LMC, the WCs are found in clusters with turn-off masses of 45$\\cal M_\\odot$ or higher, similar to what is found for the LMC WNs. Thus we conclude that WC stars come from essentially the same mass range as do the WNs, and indeed are often found in the same clusters. This has important implications for interpreting the relationship between metallicity and the WC/WN ratio found in Local Group galaxies, which we discuss. (3) The LBVs in our sample come from very high mass stars ($>85 \\cal M_\\odot$), similar to what is known for the Galactic LBV $\\eta$~Car, suggesting that only the most massive stars go through an LBV phase. Recently, Ofpe/WN9 stars have been implicated as LBVs after one such star underwent an LBV-like outburst. However, our study includes two Ofpe/WN9 stars, BE~381 and Br~18, which we find in clusters with much lower turn-off masses ($25-35 \\cal M_\\odot$). We suggest that Ofpe/WN9 stars are unrelated to ``true\" LBVs: not all ``LBV-like outbursts\" may have the same cause. Similarly, the B[e] stars have sometimes been described as LBV-like. Yet, the two stars in our sample appear to come from a large mass range ($>30-60 \\cal M_\\odot$). This is consistent with other studies suggesting that B[e] stars cover a large range in bolometric luminosities. (4) The bolometric corrections of early WN and WC stars are found to be extreme, with an average BC(WNE)=$-6.0$~mag, and an average BC(WC4)=$-5.5$~mag. These values are considerably more negative than those of even the hottest O-type stars. However, similar values have been found for WNE stars by applying Hillier's ``standard model\" for WR atmospheres. We find more modest BCs for the Ofpe/WN9 stars (BC=$-2$ to $-4$~mag), also consistent with recent analysis done with the standard model. Extension of these studies to the Galactic clusters will provide insight into how massive stars evolve at different metallicities. ", "introduction": "Conti (1976) first proposed that Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars might be a normal, late stage in the evolution of massive stars. In the modern version of the ``Conti scenario\" (Maeder \\& Conti 1994), strong stellar winds gradually strip off the H-rich outer layers of the most massive stars during the course of their main-sequence lifetimes. At first the H-burning CNO products He and N are revealed, and the star is called a WN-type WR star; this stage occurs either near the end of core-H burning or after core-He burning has begun, depending upon the luminosity of the star and the initial metallicity. Further mass-loss during the He-burning phases exposes the triple-$\\alpha$ products C and O, and results in a WC-type WR star. Since the fraction of mass that a star loses during its main-sequence evolution depends upon luminosity (mass), we would expect that at somewhat lower masses evolution proceeds only as far as the WN stage. At still lower masses a star never loses sufficient mass to become a Wolf-Rayet at all, but spends its He-burning life as a red supergiant (RSG). Mass-loss rates also scale with metallicity as the stellar winds are driven by radiation pressure acting through highly ionized metal lines. Thus the mass-limits for becoming WN or WC stars should vary from galaxy to galaxy, and with location within a galaxy that has metallicity variations. Studies of mixed-age populations in the galaxies of the Local Group have confirmed some of the predictions of the Conti scenario. For instance, the number ratio of WC and WN stars is a strong function of metallicity (Massey \\& Johnson 1998 and references therein), with proportionally more WC stars seen at higher metallicities, suggesting that the mass-limit for becoming WC stars is somewhat lower in these galaxies. Similarly the relative number of WRs and RSGs is correlated with metallicity, and there is a paucity of high luminosity RSGs at high metallicities (Massey 1998a), suggesting that these high luminosity stars have become WRs rather than RSGs. However, fundamental questions remain concerning the evolution of massive stars: \\noindent (1) What is the role of the luminous blue variables (LBVs)? These stars are highly luminous objects that undergo photometric ``outbursts\" associated with increased mass-loss (Humphreys \\& Davidison 1994). Are LBVs a short but important stage in the lives of {\\it all} high mass stars that occur at or near the end of core-H burning? Recent efforts have linked some of the LBVs to binaries, as Kenyon \\& Gallagher (1985) first suggested. The archetype LBV, $\\eta$ Car, may be a binary with a highly eccentric orbit (Damineli, Conti, \\& Lopes 1997), but whether its outbursts have anything to do with the binary nature remains controversial (Davidson 1997), as does the orbit itself (Davidson et al.\\ 2000). Similarly, the WR star HD~5980 in the SMC underwent an ``LBV-like\" outburst (Barba et al 1995); this star is also believed to be a binary with an eccentric orbit, although the nature (and multiplicity?) of the companion(s) remains unclear (Koenigsberger et al.\\ 1998; Moffat 1999). \\noindent The Ofpe/WN9 type WRs, and the high-luminosity B[e] stars have recently been implicated in the LBV phenomenon. The former have spectral properties intermediate between ``Of\" and ``WN\" (Bohannan \\& Walborn 1989). One of the prototypes of this class, R~127, underwent an LBV outburst in 1982 (Walborn 1982; Stahl et al.\\ 1983; see discussion in Bohannan 1997). Similarly some B[e] stars have been described as having LBV-like outbursts. Var~C, a well-known LBV in M~33, has a spectrum indistinguishable from B[e] stars: compare Fig.~8a of Massey et al.\\ (1996) with Fig.~8 of Zickgraf et al. (1986). Do all B[e] stars undergo an LBV phase or not? Conti (1997) has provided an insightful review. \\noindent (2) What is the evolutionary connection between WN and WC stars? We expect only the highest mass stars become WCs, while stars of a wider range in mass become WNs. The changing proportion of WCs and WNs within the galaxies of the Local Group have been attributed to the expected dependence of these mass ranges on metallicity. However, the relative time spent in the WN and WC stages may also change with metallicity, complicating the interpretation of such global measures drawn from mixed-age populations. \\noindent (3) Is there any evolutionary significance to the excitation subtypes? Both WN and WC stars are subdivided into numerical classes, or more coarsely into ``early\" (WNE, WCE) or ``late\" (WNL, WCL) based upon whether higher or lower excitation ions dominate. Recent modeling by Crowther (2000) suggests that the distinction between WNL and WNE is not actually due to temperature differences but primarily metal abundance. Armandroff \\& Massey (1991) and Massey \\& Johnson (1998) have argued that this true for the WC excitation classes based upon the metallicity of the regions where these stars are found. If we knew the progenitor masses of LBVs and the various kinds of WRs we would have our answers to the above. However, here recourse to stellar evolution models fails us. Stellar evolutionary models show that a star's path in the HRD during core-He burning is strongly dependent upon the amount of mass-loss that has preceded this stage. Thus the nature of the LBV phenomenon becomes very important in understanding where WRs come from, as the amount of mass ejected by LBVs is large, but given the episodic nature of LBVs, hard to include in the evolutionary models. In addition, the locations of WRs and LBVs in the H-R diagram are highly uncertain. LBVs have pronounced UV-excesses and ``pseudo-photospheres\" (Humphreys \\& Davidson 1994). For WR stars, neither the effective temperatures nor bolometric corrections are established, as none of the standard assumptions of stellar atmospheres hold in the non-LTE, rapidly expanding, ``clumpy\" stellar winds where both the stellar continua and emission-lines arise (e.g., Conti 1988). While the WR subtypes represent some sort of excitation sequence in the stellar winds, the relationship, if any, to the effective temperature of the star remains unclear. There has been recent success in modeling WR atmospheres, with convincing matches to the observed line profiles and stellar continua from the UV to the near-IR. These models have the potential for determining the bolometric luminosities and effective temperatures. The ``standard WR model\" (Hillier 1987, 1990) assumes a spherical geometry and homogeneity, and then iteratively solves the equations for statistical equilibrium and radiative equilibrium for an adopted velocity law, mass-loss rate, and chemical composition. (See also Hillier \\& Miller 1998, 1999.) Comparison with observations then permits tweaking of the parameters. Although the solutions may not be unique, good agreement is often achieved with observations, and in a series of papers, Crowther and collaborators have offered the ``fundamental\" parameters (effective temperatures, luminosities, chemical abundances, mass-loss rates, etc.) of WN stars obtained with this model (Crowther, Hillier \\& Smith 1995a, 1995b; Crowther, Smith, \\& Hillier 1995c; Crowther et al. 1995d; Crowther, Smith, \\& Willis 1995e; Crowther \\& Smith 1997; Bohannan \\& Crowther 1999). Here we utilize a complementary, observational approach to the problem, one that can not only answer the question of the progenitor masses of LBVs and WRs, but also provide data on the BCs that can help constrain and evaluate the WR atmosphere models. \\subsection{The Use of Cluster Turn-offs} A time-honored method of understanding the nature of evolved stars is to determine the turn-off luminosities in clusters containing such objects (Johnson \\& Sandage 1955; Schwarzschild 1958). This was first applied by Sandage (1953) to determine the masses of RR~Lyrae stars in the globular clusters M~3 and M~92, with a result that was at variance with that given by theory (Sandage 1956). Similarly, the turn-off masses of intermediate-age open clusters were used by Anthony-Twarog (1982) to determine the progenitor masses of white dwarfs. However, it is one thing to apply this to clusters with ages of $10^{10}$ yr, as was done for the RR~Lyrae stars, or to clusters whose ages are $2\\times 10^{7}$---$7\\times 10^{8}$ yr, as was done for white dwarfs. Can we safely extend this to clusters whose ages are only of order 3--5$\\times 10^6$~yr in order to determine the progenitor masses of WRs and LBVs? When stars form in a cluster or association, stars of intermediate mass appear to form over a significant time span---perhaps over several million years (Hillenbrand et al.\\ 1993; Massey \\& Hunter 1998). However, modern spectroscopic and photometric studies have shown that the massive stars tend to form in a highly coeval fashion. For instance, in their study of the stellar content of NGC~6611, Hillenbrand et al.\\ (1993) found a {\\it maximum} age spread of 1~Myr for the massive stars, and noted that the data were consistent with {\\it no} discernible age spread. for all one could tell ``the highest-mass stars could have all been born on a particular Tuesday.\" Similarly, the high mass stars in the R136 cluster have clearly formed over $\\Delta \\tau < 1$~Myr, given the large number of O3~V stars and the short duration that stars would have in this phase (Massey \\& Hunter 1998). Such short time scales for star formation are consistent with recent studies by Elmegreen (1997, 2000a, 2000b), who argues that star formation takes place not over tens of crossing times but over one or two. For regions with large spatial extent (such as 100~pc diameter OB associations) star formation in the general region may occur over a prolonged time ($\\leq$10~Myr). However, large OB associations can contain subgroups that have formed independently (Blaauw 1964), and are small enough so that a high degree of coevality ($<1-2$~Myr) is expected. The stars from such a subgroup need not be spatially coincident. Rather, a star with a random motion of 10~km~s$^{-1}$ will have traveled 30~pc in just 3~Myr. Thus in an OB association we may find intermediate-mass stars which have formed from a number of subgroups over time, but massive stars which may have formed from a single subgroup and hence are coeval---even though these massive stars may now be spread out throughout the OB association. Or, it may be that massive stars of different ages are present, in which case the ``turn-off mass\" will not be relevant to the evolved object. We take an optimistic approach in our search for turn-off masses, but will insist that coevality be established empirically for the massive stars in the region in question. For massive stars, the mass-luminosity relationship is much flatter than for solar-type stars ($L\\sim M^{2.4}$ for 30~$\\cal M_\\odot$ and $L\\sim M^{1.5}$ for 120~$\\cal M_\\odot$). As a result, the lifetimes of massive stars do not change as drastically with mass as one might expect. A 120 $\\cal M_\\odot$ will have a main-sequence lifetime of 2.6~Myr, a 60 $\\cal M_\\odot$ still will have a main-sequence lifetime of 3.5~Myr, and a 25 $\\cal M_\\odot$ star will have a main-sequence lifetime of 6.4~Myr. (These numbers are based on the $z=0.02$ models of Schaller et al.\\ 1992.) Thus it should be possible to use clusters and OB associations to pin down the ``minimum mass\" of various unevolved massive stars. If the highest mass star still on the main-sequence is 60$\\cal M_\\odot$, and its associated stellar aggregate contains a WC-type WR star, then we might reasonably conclude that the progenitor mass of the WC star was at least 60 $\\cal M_\\odot$. Of course, if coevality does not hold, then this answer may be wrong---the WC star might have come from a 25 $\\cal M_\\odot$ that formed earlier. But were that the case, it would have to have formed {\\it much} earlier---at least 3~Myr earlier, according to the lifetimes given above, and such an age spread should be readily apparent. We can in principle also find the BCs from the cluster turn-offs. It is straightforward to determine the absolute visual magnitude of the WR, making some modest correction for the emission lines. Since massive stars evolve at nearly constant bolometric luminosity, we expect that the bolometric luminosity of the WR will be at least as great as the bolometric luminosity of the highest mass main-sequence object. With modern stellar models we can improve on this by making first-order correction for modest luminosity evolution. We are, of course, not the first to have trod on this ground. Schild \\& Maeder (1984) attempted to provide links between the different WR subtypes using this sort of analysis of Galactic clusters, concluding that stars with masses as low as $18 \\cal M_\\odot$ became WN stars, while WC stars came from stars of $35 \\cal M_\\odot$ and higher, and proposing various evolutionary relationships between the various subtypes. Humphreys, Nichols, \\& Massey (1985) also used data drawn from the literature on (mostly the same) Galactic clusters, and found a considerably higher minimum mass for becoming a WR star (30 $\\cal M_\\odot$), with no difference between the masses required to become a WN or a WC. They were also the first to apply this method to determining the minimum bolometric corrections for WR stars, concluding that WNE stars have BCs $<-5.5$~mag, WNL stars have BCs $<-3.5$~mag, and WCs have BCs $<-5.0$~mag. (These BCs are considerably more negative than had been commonly assumed.) Smith, Meynet, \\& Mermilliod (1994) re-addressed the issue of BCs by analyzing the same data from the literature on what was also mostly the same clusters, finding BCs for WNs that were typically $-4$ mag (WNL) to $-6$ mag (WNE), and $-4.5$ for WCs, essentially unchanged from the Humphreys et al.\\ findings. There were problems, however, with these earlier studies. The most significant one was the reliance upon (the same) literature data for the spectral types of the main-sequence stars in these clusters and associations. Over the past decade we have examined the stellar content of numerous clusters and OB associations in the Milky Way, and invariably discovered stars of high mass that had been previously missed either due to reddening or simple oversight (Massey, Johnson, \\& DeGioia-Eastwood 1995a). A related problem is that some of the literature spectral types were ``outdated\" for the O-type stars, particularly for stars of type O7 and earlier, which would lead to an incorrect assignment of bolometric corrections and hence luminosities and masses. In addition, our understanding of massive star evolution has improved to the point where we can do a considerably better job in assigning masses, and in particular understand the errors associated with this procedure (see, for example, Massey 1998b). Another problem was that the spectral information was sufficiently sparse that no test of coevality could be applied to the cluster. In addition, poor photometry---often photographic---led to poor reddening corrections. And, finally, a significant limitation in these earlier studies was that all were restricted to the Milky Way. It would be most interesting to understand the origin of evolved massive stars as a function of metallicity; for this, extension to the Magellanic Clouds is a logical step. We have attempted to rectify these problems by carrying out a modern analysis of OB associations containing WR and other evolved massive stars in galaxies of the Local Group, obtaining new spectroscopic and photometric data where warranted, and combining this with studies drawn form the recent literature. In this first paper we will determine the progenitor masses of WR and LBVs in 19 associations of the Magellanic Clouds. These two galaxies have abundances which are low compared to the solar neighborhood. In the next paper we will compare these to new results obtained for OB associations in our own Galaxy. In a third paper we will combine {\\it HST} photometric and spectroscopic data with large-aperture ground-based studies to extend this work to the more distant members of the Local Group as an addition check on metallicity effects. Throughout this paper we will assume the true distance modulus of the SMC is 18.9, and that of LMC is 18.5 (Westerlund 1997; van den Bergh 2000). ", "conclusions": "Our photometric and spectroscopic investigation of 19 OB associations in the Magellanic Clouds has found that most of the massive stars have formed within a short time ($<$1~Myr) in about half of the regions in our sample. Their degree of coevality is similar to that found by Hillenbrand et al.\\ (1993) for NGC~6611, i.e., that the data are {\\it consistent} with all of the massive stars ``having been born on a particular Tuesday.\" In other regions, star-formation of the massive stars may have proceeded over a longer time, as suggested by the presence of evolved stars of 15-20$\\cal M_\\odot$ (suggesting ages of 10~Myr) along with unevolved stars of high mass (60 $\\cal M_\\odot$) with ages of only 2~Myr. In some cases such apparent non-coevality may be due to chance line-of-sight coincidences within the Clouds, or to drift of lower mass stars into the space occupied by a truly coeval OB association, but in other cases, such as the $\\beta$ subcluster of LH~90, one is forced to conclude that star-formation itself was not very coeval, but proceeded over several million years. The turn-off masses of the coeval associations have provided considerable insight into the evolution of massive stars. We find that only the highest mass stars ($>70 \\cal M_\\odot$) become WRs in the SMC. The numbers are admittedly sparse, and an additional complication is the fact that most SMC WRs show the presence of absorption lines. Are these absorption lines indicative of a weak stellar wind (as evidenced by the weakness of the WR emission lines) or are these all due to binary companions? Conti et al.\\ (1989) discuss this without reaching any conclusions, and we note here that the issue of the binary frequency of the SMC WR stars requires further investigation. Possibly a strong stellar wind due to very high luminosity {\\it and} binary-induced mass-loss is needed to become a WR star in the low metallicity of the SMC. In the LMC the mass limit for becoming a WR star would appear to be a great deal lower, possibly 30$\\cal M_\\odot$. Stars with a large range of initial masses (30-60 $\\cal M_\\odot$), and possibly {\\it all} massive stars with a mass above 30$\\cal M_\\odot$ go through a WNE stage in the LMC. Most WR stars in the LMC are of early WN type; this is not true at the higher metallicity of the Milky Way, where WN3 and WN4 stars are relatively rare. This is consistent with recent theoretical work of Crowther (2000), who finds that varying only the abundance in synthetic WN models (holding all other physical parameters consist) changes the spectral subtype, with WNEs characteristic of low abundances, and WNLs characteristic of higher abundances. Thus, it may be the excitation classes are related neither to the masses nor to stellar temperatures. The true LBVs occurs in clusters with very high turn-off masses ($\\approx 85\\cal M_\\odot$), both in the LMC and the SMC. This is very similar to the turn-off mass in the Trumpler 14/16 complex with which the Galactic LBV $\\eta$~Car is associated (Massey \\& Johnson 1993). This supports the standard picture, that LBVs are an important, if short-lived, phase in the evolution of the most massive stars, at least at the metallicities that characterize the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way. We note with interest the important study by King, Gallagher, \\& Walterbos (2000), who find that some LBV stars in M~31 appear to be found in relative isolation, leading them to question whether these are all high mass stars, at least at the higher metallicity of M~31. The Ofpe/WN9 stars, some of which go through some sort of outburst, cannot be ``true\" LBVs, if the nature of the latter is tied to extremely high bolometric luminosities. We find that the Ofpe/WN9 stars have the {\\it lowest} masses of {\\it any} WRs, with the progenitors possibly as low as 25$\\cal M_\\odot$. Similarly, the connection of the B[e] stars to LBVs seems tenuous on the basis of mass or bolometric luminosities. We know that the relative number of WC and WN stars change drastically throughout the Local Group, in a manner well-correlated with metallicity (Massey \\& Johnson 1998). One obvious interpretation of this is that it is much harder to lose enough mass to become a WC star in a low-metallicity environment; i.e., only the most luminous and massive stars have sufficiently high mass-loss rates to achieve this. And, similarly, the limit for WN stars should be higher in lower metallicity systems. As long as the bar is somewhat lower for achieving WN status compared to WC status, then the IMF assures that the WC/WN ratio will change. Thus our finding here that WCs and WNs come from similar mass ranges (although higher in the SMC than in the LMC), suggest that an alternative explanation is needed. Instead, it may be that it is the relative lifetimes of the WC and WN stages which are different at different masses; i.e., at very high masses the WC stage is shorter compared to the length of the WN stage than at lower masses. Or, it could be that the metallicity itself affects the relative lifetimes of the WC and WN stages. We note that we found luminous red supergiants (RSGs) cohabiting with both WNs and WCs in many OB associations in more distant galaxies of the Local Group (Massey \\& Johnson 1998; see for example their Figs.~14-16). While we were unable to evaluate the degree of coevality of these associations, the statistics suggest that these stars have similar progenitor mass at a given metallicity, and that variations in the relative number of RSGs to WRs are due primarily to changes in the relative lifetimes due to the effect of metallicity on the mass-loss rates (Azzopardi, Lequeux, \\& Maeder 1988). We conclude that the BCs of WNE stars are quite substantial, $-6$ mag. This value is in very good accord with that determined from weak-lined WNE stars using the WR ``standard model\" of Hillier (1987, 1990) by Crowther et al.\\ (1995c). The earliest-type WN star known (of type WN2) is included in our sample, and our data suggest an even more striking BC ($<-7.5$~mag); a full analysis of Br~4 via the standard model would be of great interest. For the Ofpe/WN9 stars we find BCs of $-2$ to $-4$~mag, again in good agreement with the atmospheric analysis of several such stars by Crowther et al.\\ (1995a). We find here that the BCs of WC4 stars are typically about $-5.5$~mag. In the next paper, we will extend this study to the higher metallicities found in our own Milky Way galaxy." }, "0002/astro-ph0002143_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the formation of binary stellar systems. We consider a model where a `seed' protobinary system forms, via fragmentation, within a collapsing molecular cloud core and evolves to its final mass by accreting material from an infalling gaseous envelope. This accretion alters the mass ratio and orbit of the binary, and is largely responsible for forming the circumstellar and/or circumbinary discs. Given this model for binary formation, we predict the properties of binary systems and how they depend on the initial conditions within the molecular cloud core. We predict that there should be a continuous trend such that closer binaries are more likely to have equal mass components and are more likely to have circumbinary discs than wider systems. Comparing our results to observations, we find that the observed mass-ratio distributions of binaries and the frequency of circumbinary discs as a function of separation are most easily reproduced if the progenitor molecular cloud cores have radial density profiles between uniform and $1/r$ (e.g. Gaussian) with near uniform-rotation. This is in good agreement with the observed properties of pre-stellar cores. Conversely, we find that the observed properties of binaries cannot be reproduced if the cloud cores are in solid-body rotation and have initial density profiles which are strongly centrally condensed. Finally, in agreement with the radial-velocity searches for extra-solar planets, we find that it is very difficult to form a brown dwarf companion to a solar-type star with a separation $\\simless 10$ AU, but that the frequency of brown dwarf companions should increase with larger separations or lower mass primaries. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} The favoured mechanism for producing most binary stellar systems is the fragmentation of a molecular cloud core during its gravitational collapse. Fragmentation can be divided into two main classes: direct fragmentation (e.g.~Boss \\& Bodenheimer 1979; Boss 1986; Bonnell et al.~1991, 1992; Bonnell \\& Bastien 1992; Nelson \\& Papaloizou 1993; Burkert \\& Bodenheimer 1993; Bate \\& Burkert 1997), and rotational fragmentation (e.g.~Norman \\& Wilson 1978; Bonnell 1994; Bonnell \\& Bate 1994a, 1994b; Burkert \\& Bodenheimer 1996; Burkert, Bate, Bodenheimer 1997). Direct fragmentation depends critically on the initial density structure within the molecular cloud core (e.g.~non-spherical shape or density perturbations), whereas rotational fragmentation is relatively independent of the initial density structure of the cloud because the fragmentation occurs due to nonaxisymmetric instabilities in a massive rotationally-supported disc or ring. The main conclusion, from $\\approx 20$ years of fragmentation studies, is that it appears to be possible to form binaries with similar properties to those that are observed. However, it has not been possible to use these calculations to predict the fundamental properties of stellar systems such as the fraction of stellar systems which are binary or the properties of binary systems (e.g.~the distributions of mass ratios, separations, and eccentricities and the properties of discs in pre-main-sequence systems). There are two primary reasons for this lack of predictive power. First, the results of fragmentation calculations depend sensitively on the initial conditions, which are poorly constrained. The second problem is that of accretion. In fragmentation calculations, the binary or multiple protostellar systems that are formed initially contain only a small fraction of the total mass of the original cloud (e.g.~Boss 1986; Bonnell \\& Bate 1994b) with the magnitude of this fraction decreasing with the binary's initial separation (see Section \\ref{bmass_vs_sepsec}). To obtain the final parameters of a stellar system, a calculation must be followed until all of the original cloud material has been accumulated by one of the protostars or their discs. Unfortunately, due to the enormous range in densities and dynamical time-scales in such a calculation, this is very difficult. Thus far, only one calculation has followed the three-dimensional collapse of a molecular cloud core until $>90$\\% of the initial cloud was contained in the protostars or circumstellar/circumbinary discs (Bate, Bonnell \\& Price 1995). Because such calculations are so difficult to perform, it is impossible to perform the number of calculations that would be required to predict the statistical properties of binary stellar systems -- even if we knew the distribution of initial conditions. On the other hand, if we can overcome this second difficulty, we can use observations of binary systems to better constrain the initial conditions for star formation. Bate \\& Bonnell \\shortcite{BatBon97} quantified how the properties of a binary system are affected by the accretion of a small amount of gas from an infalling gaseous envelope. They found that the effects depend primarily on the specific angular momentum of the gas and the binary's mass ratio (see also Artymowicz 1983; Bate 1997). Generally, accretion of gas with low specific angular momentum decreases the mass ratio and separation of the binary, while accretion of gas with high specific angular momentum increases the separation, drives the mass ratio toward unity, and can form a circumbinary disc. From these results, they predicted that closer binaries should have mass ratios that are biased toward equal masses compared to wider systems. In this paper, we use the results of Bate \\& Bonnell \\shortcite{BatBon97} to develop a protobinary evolution code that enables us to follow the evolution of a protobinary system as it accretes from its initial to its final mass, but does so in far less time than would be required for a full hydrodynamic calculation. Using this code, we consider the following model for the formation of binary stellar systems. We assume that a `seed' binary system is formed at the centre of a collapsing molecular cloud core, presumably via some sort of fragmentation. The protobinary system initial consists of only a small fraction of the total mass of the core. Subsequently, it accretes the remainder of the initial cloud (which is falling on to the binary) and its properties evolve due to the accretion. We consider the formation process to be complete when all of the original cloud's material is contained either in one of the two stars or their surrounding discs. Our goal is to obtain predictions about the properties of binary stars that can be tested observationally, and to determine how these properties depend on the initial conditions (e.g.~the density and angular momentum profiles) in the progenitor molecular cloud cores so that the initial conditions can be better constrained. In Section \\ref{commethod}, we describe the methods used to follow the evolution of accreting protobinary systems, and we present the results of various test calculations in Section \\ref{comparison}. In Sections \\ref{evolution} and \\ref{relax}, we present results from calculations with a range of initial conditions which follow the evolution of accreting protobinary systems. From these results, in Section \\ref{predictions}, we make predictions regarding the properties of binary systems and compare them with the latest observations. These predictions are briefly summarised in Section \\ref{conclusions}. Those readers more interested in our predictions of the properties of binary stars, rather than the method by which these predictions have been obtained, may care to move directly to Section \\ref{evolution}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} We have considered a model for the formation of binary stellar systems which has been inspired by the results obtained from $\\approx 20$ years of study of the fragmentation collapsing molecular cloud cores. In the model, a `seed' protobinary system forms, presumably via fragmentation, within a collapsing molecular cloud core and evolves to its final mass by accreting material from an infalling gaseous envelope. We developed and tested a method which can rapidly follow the evolution of the mass ratios, separations and circumbinary disc properties of such binaries as they accrete to their final masses. Using this protobinary evolution code, we predict the properties of binary stars and how they depend on the pre-collapse conditions in their progenitor molecular cloud cores. These predictions and their comparison with current observations are discussed in detail in Section \\ref{predictions}. Briefly, we conclude that, if most binary stars form via the above model, binary systems with smaller separations or greater total masses should have mass ratios which are biased toward equal masses when compared to binaries with wider orbits or lower total masses. Similarly, the frequency of circumbinary discs should be greater for pre-main-sequence binaries with closer orbits or greater total masses. These conclusions can be understood because: binaries which are closer or have a greater final mass should accrete more gas relative to their initial masses than wider or lower-mass binaries; the specific angular momentum of the infalling gas relative to that of the binary is expected to increase as the accretion proceeds; and the accretion of gas with high specific angular momentum tends to equalise the mass ratio and forms a circumbinary disc. We also demonstrate that in a young binary which is accreting from an infalling gaseous envelope, the primary will generally have a circumstellar disc which is more massive or similar in mass to that of the secondary. All of these conclusions are in good agreement with the latest observations. By making rough quantitative predictions of the properties of binary stars, we find that the observed properties of binary stars are most easily reproduced if the pre-collapse molecular cloud cores from which binaries form have radial density profiles between uniform and $1/r$ (e.g.~Gaussian) with near uniform rotation. This is in excellent agreement with the observed properties of pre-stellar cores (Ward-Thompson et al.~1994; Andr\\'e, Ward-Thompson, Motte 1996; Ward-Thompson, Motte, \\& Andr\\'e 1999). Conversely, the observed properties of binaries cannot be reproduced if the cores are in solid-body rotation and have initial density profiles which are strongly centrally condensed (between $1/r$ and $1/r^2$), and the singular isothermal sphere ($\\rho \\propto 1/r^2$) cannot fit the observations even with strong differential rotation." }, "0002/astro-ph0002469_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report results from a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Near-Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrometer (NICMOS) program to study the distribution of hot neutral (molecular hydrogen) and ionized circumstellar material in the young planetary nebulae \\n7027. HST/NICMOS provided very high spatial resolution imaging in line and continuum emission, and the stability and large dynamic range needed for investigating detailed structures in the circumstellar material. We present dramatic new images of \\n7027 that have led to a new understanding of the structure in this important planetary nebula. The central star is clearly revealed, providing near-infrared fluxes that are used to directly determine the stellar temperature very accurately (T$_{\\star}$ = 198,000 K). It is found that the photodissociation layer as revealed by near--infrared molecular hydrogen emission is very thin ($\\Delta$R $\\sim$ 6$\\times$10$^{15}$ cm), and is biconical in shape. The interface region is structured and filamentary, suggesting the existence of hydrodynamic instabilities. We discuss evidence for the presence of one or more highly collimated, off-axis jets that might be present in \\n7027. The NICMOS data are combined with earlier Hubble Space Telescope data to provide a complete picture of NGC 7027 using the highest spatial resolution data to date. The evolutionary future of \\n7027 is discussed. ", "introduction": "Planetary nebulae have long been thought of as ionized remnants of circumstellar material ejected by stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). That somewhat limited view has changed dramatically, as the neutral component of the remnant circumstellar envelope has been shown to remain observable very late into the lifetime of many planetary nebulae (PNe; \\eg \\cite{din95}; \\cite{hug96}; \\cite{hor99}; and references therein). It is now known that many PNe are characterized by emission from material that is contained in rapidly evolving photodissocation regions (PDRs; \\cite{th85}; \\cite{sd89}; \\cite{lat93a}; \\cite{nat98}). As the central star and nebula evolve, UV emission from the star increases rapidly. A photodissociation front moves through the gas and slowly turns the mostly molecular nebula to predominantly atomic. At this point, the nebula radiates mainly in the infrared. When the central star becomes hotter than $T_* \\approx 30,000$ K, the circumstellar gas quickly becomes ionized and the planetary nebula shines brightly in visible light. The chemical properties of gas in PNe and proto-PNe (PPN) are like those of interstellar PDRs (\\cite{lat92}; \\cite{lat93a}; \\cite{tie93}; \\cite{hor94}), which are well modeled (see \\cite{ht97}). The time over which molecular material can be present in PNe is typically predicted to be a rather brief period in the lifetime of PNe (\\eg \\cite{tie93}; \\cite{nat98}). But, such timescales predicted from current chemical models are limited by observational data and lack of a clear understanding of the morphology and density structure of these objects. \\n7027 is perhaps the best studied planetary nebula, in part because of its proximity (about 900 pc; e.g. \\cite{mas89}) and high surface brightness at all wavelengths. It has a very rich atomic and molecular spectrum, making it ripe for study at all wavelengths, and it is rich in physical and chemical information (see, \\eg \\cite{gra93a}; \\cite{cox97}, and references therein). Because of its compact size as viewed from Earth ($\\approx 15$\\arcsec), the morphology, particularly that for the \\h2\\ emission, of this object has been suggested, but has not been clearly revealed (see, \\eg \\cite{gra93a}; \\cite{gra93b}; \\cite{kas94}; \\cite{lat95}). The elliptical ionized core lies at the center of an extended molecular envelope (\\cite{jhb91}). At the interface between the cold molecular envelope and the hot ionized region is an apparent ``quadrupolar'' region of strong near--infrared (IR) rotational-vibrational molecular hydrogen emission (\\cite{gra93a}) that has been shown to be excited by absorption of UV photons in the photodissociation region (\\cite{hor99}). A detailed understanding of the morphology of planetary nebulae is important. It has been demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between the presence of molecular emission from PNe and the observed morphology of the PNe, such that objects that contain large amounts of molecular material are bipolar or butterfly nebulae (\\cite{hor99}; \\cite{kas96}; \\cite{hug96}; \\cite{hug89}; \\cite{zuc88}). Progenitor mass also correlates with morphological type, such that higher mass stars appear to produce bipolar or butterfly nebulae (see \\cite{cor94}). This correlation suggests that the higher mass AGB progenitors, which probably have the highest mass loss rates, produce dense, long lived molecular envelopes (\\cite{hor99}). The evolution of PDR and PNe, and the correlation between morphology with molecular content are not fully understood. Because NGC 7027 is in a rapid and key moment in evolution (the transition from neutral, predominantly molecular envelope to an ionized one), it is worthy of serious study into its chemical and physical properties and its detailed morphology. The Hubble Space Telescope and NICMOS provided the high spatial resolution, dynamic range, and stable background needed to examine the near-IR nature of NGC 7027. In this paper, we present narrowband images in the \\s1 ($\\lambda = 2.121$ \\micron) line of molecular hydrogen and other filters that trace the ionized core and the nearby neutral region. These images show with unprecedented clarity the true structure of NGC 7027. In Sections 2 and 3, we discuss the data, the apparent morphology, and the presence of a jet (or jets) in the object. In \\S 4 we present a 3-dimensional model for the overall structure, including the photodissociation region. Section 5 presents a discussion of the excitation of the nebula and the central star properties. We then consider our results in light of previous work, and discuss the evolution of the PDR in NGC 7027. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Previous Kinematic Results} In a detailed multiwavelength study, Graham \\etal (1993a) found that uniform, radial expansion of a prolate spheroid, tilted to the line of sight is consistent with the millimeter-wave (CO) position-velocity maps. However the CO P-V diagram differs from the H$_2$ P-V diagram presented here. This is not unexpected since the observed emission from the two molecules is produced under very different excitation conditions. Therefore the two molecules trace different spatial/kinematical structures. Observations have been made with the ``BEAR'' instrument (a 256$\\times$256 pixel HgCdTe camera coupled to a Fourier transform spectrometer, with a spectral resolution \\about\\ 52.2 \\kms) on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (\\cite{cox97}). Cox \\etal found that the velocity field appeared to them as an equatorial ``torus'' suggests that north pole is tilted away from observer. This result is inconsistent with our interpretation of the HST images, our 3-D modeling of those images, and the higher spectral resolution CSHELL data. The high spatial resolution and sensitivity of the HST images shows that the front part of the top rim lies in front of the the ionized nebula (not behind), suggesting that the top (northern side) is tilted $toward$ the observer. We cannot resolve this discrepancy with the data available. We suggest that the spectral resolution available to Cox \\etal (1997) was not sufficent to fully deconvolve the subtle, but complex velocity structure that must be present (\\cite{kel99}). In addition, the model schematic given by Jaminet \\etal (1991) shows the same orientation as Cox \\etal (north pole away) for the fast molecular wind traced by CO $J = 3 \\to 2$ line emission, which presumably has a similar flow direction as the ionized gas. It is entirely possible that the flow along the back of the cone (or bubble) has been confused with a flow along the polar axis, which in our model would not be the dominant emitting region. Bains \\etal (1997) found from their high spectral resolution radio and optical observations, an orientation for NGC 7027 that is consistent with ours: i.e. that the NE lobe is blue-shifted, SW lobe is red-shifted. \\subsection{Evolution of the PDR in \\n7027} A full modeling of PDR evolution is beyond the scope of this paper. We can, however, make an assessment of such PDR evolution based on available models. The morphological evolution of the PDR will depend most strongly on the distribution of material in the circumstellar envelope. For \\n7027\\ the post-AGB circumstellar envelope must have been axially symmetric with a gradual decrease in density from the equatorial region to the poles. A dense equatorial disk cannot be ruled out, but there is no evidence in these data, or other molecular data (\\cite{jhb91}; \\cite{jam91}; \\cite{gra93a}), that requires or even suggests one. For that reason, we consider such a structure as unlikely to be present. The density distribution appears typical for other post-AGB objects with an equatorial to polar density contrast of $\\sim 2 - 10$, such that it is not as great as the extreme bipolar proto-PNe (see \\S \\ref{h2e}). In much less than the cooling timescale of the central star, the PDR will be established quickly in all directions, with the fastest evolution in the polar regions. The result will most likely be for \\n7027\\ to become a butterfly-type nebula similar in gross properties to (e.g.) NGC 2346. Wind interactions for this type of morphological evolution are not required. The timescale for PDR evolution is highly uncertain (other timescales are discussed in \\S \\ref{cs}), but reasonable estimates can, and have been made (see, \\eg \\cite{tie93}). It is straightforward to show that for a constant mass loss rate and parameters typical of high mass loss rate carbon stars, the timescale for a PDR to completely move through the circumstellar envelope can be estimated by integrating the equations of molecular formation and destruction with respect to radius and time, as was done by \\cite{tie93}. For a constant wind velocity $V_w = 20$ \\kms, a constant mass loss rate $\\dot M = 10^{-4}$ \\msol\\ yr$^{-1}$, and a stellar luminosity $L_* = 6000$ \\lsol, it can be shown that the dissociation front travels a distance $r_i \\approx 3\\times 10^{16}$ cm in $t_i \\approx 65\\ {\\rm years}$ with a PDR speed of $V_i \\approx 263\\ {\\rm km\\ s}^{-1}$ (see \\cite{tie93} for a more detailed discussion; see also \\cite{nat98}). Tielens suggested clumping as how the evolution is slowed in real nebulae. Although widespread clumping and structure is seen in these data, it does not appear at the size scales required, or marginally so at best ($R \\gtrsim 10^{16}$ cm and $A_V \\gtrsim 4$ mag). Even if clumping is important in localized regions, it is more likely that we now know several of the assumptions used to derive this evolutionary timescale are not valid, and if properly accounted for will tend to increase the timescale. The mass loss rate is not constant. The ``ring'' structure clearly visible in AFGL 2688 (\\cite{lat93}; \\cite{sah98}) indicates a time varying mass loss rate on a timescale of hundreds of years. The same type of structures are seen in other objects observed (\\cite{kwok98}), including \\n7027 (see, \\eg \\cite{bond97}). In addition, the distribution of material is not spherical. The degree to which the mass loss rate is varying is not known. Nor is how a non-spherical distribution of attenuating and shielding material will alter the evolutionary timescales (see, however, \\cite{nat98}). Additional work must be done to characterize these properties and how they relate to evolution. From the above expression and an assessment of the impact of uncertain parameters, it seems likely that the timescale for \\n7027\\ to evolve away from its current state will be only a few hundred to a few thousand years (see also \\cite{nat98}). Wind interactions will complicate the picture by adding hydrodynamic effects and changes to the density structure. However, evolution to the current epoch appears to be described fully by the interaction of FUV and ionizing photons with an AGB wind that has (or had) a somewhat enhanced mass loss rate in the equatorial plane. While there is evidence for recent jet interactions with the outflow, the jets have not dominated the morphological shaping. It is worth monitoring \\n7027\\ at very high spatial resolution for morphological changes caused by jets and UV photons over the next several decades." }, "0002/astro-ph0002375_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "ROSAT HRI observations show complicated substructure in the X--ray surface brightness within $\\sim$5 arcminutes around NGC 1275 -- the dominant galaxy of the Perseus cluster. The typical amplitude of the variations is of the order of 30\\% of the azimuthally averaged surface brightness at a given distance from NGC 1275. We argue that this substructure could be related to the activity of NGC 1275 in the past. Bubbles of relativistic plasma, inflated by jets, be forced to rise by buoyancy forces, mix with the ambient intracluster medium (ICM), and then spread. Overall evolution of the bubble may resemble the evolution of a hot bubble during a powerful atmospheric explosion. From a comparison of the time scale of the bubble inflation to the rise time of the bubbles and from the observed size of the radio lobes which displace the thermal gas, the energy release in the relativistic plasma by the active nucleus of NGC 1275 can be inferred. Approximate modeling implies a nuclear power output of the order of $10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ averaged over the last $\\sim 3~10^7$ years. This is comparable with the energy radiated in X-rays during the same epoch. Detailed measurements of the morphology of the X--ray structure, the temperature and abundance distributions with Chandra and XMM may test this hypothesis. ", "introduction": "The Perseus cluster of galaxies (Abell 426) is one of the best studied clusters, due to its proximity ($z=0.018$, $1'$ corresponds to $\\sim$ 30 kpc for $H_0=50~km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}$) and brightness. Detailed X--ray images were obtained with the Einstein IPC (Branduardi--Raymont et al. 1981) and HRI (Fabian et al. 1981) and the ROSAT PSPC (Schwarz et al. 1992, Ettori, Fabian, White 1999) and HRI (B\\\"{o}hringer et al. 1993; see also Heinz et al. 1998). The cluster has a prominent X--ray surface brightness peak at its center along with cool gas, which is usually interpreted as due to the pressure induced flow of gas releasing its thermal energy via radiation. The cooling flow is centered on the active galaxy NGC1275, containing a strong core-dominated radio source (Per A, 3C 84) surrounded by a lower surface brightness halo (e.g. Pedlar et al. 1990, Sijbring 1993). Analysis of the ROSAT HRI observations of the central arcminute has shown that the X-ray emitting gas is displaced by the bright radio emitting regions (B\\\"{o}hringer et al. 1993), suggesting that the cosmic ray pressure is at least comparable to that of the hot intracluster gas. Many other studies explored correlations of X-ray, radio, optical, and ultraviolet emission (see e.g. McNamara, O'Connell \\& Sarazin, 1996 and references therein). In this contribution, we discuss asymmetric structure in the X--ray surface brightness within $\\sim$ 5 arcminutes of NGC 1275 and suggest that buoyant bubbles of relativistic plasma may be important in defining the properties of this structure. ", "conclusions": "The X--ray surface brightness around NGC 1275 (dominant galaxy of the Perseus cluster) is perturbed at various spatial scales. We suggest that on arcminute scales, the disturbance is caused by bubbles of relativistic plasma, inflated by jets during the past $\\sim 10^8$ years. Overall evolution of the buoyant bubble will resemble the evolution of a hot bubble during a powerful atmospheric explosion. Colder gas from the central region of the cooling flow may be uplifted by the rising bubbles and (in the case of continuous jet activity) may make several cycles (from the center to the outer regions and back) on time scales comparable to the cooling time of the gas in the cooling flow. A very important result that can be inferred from this model is the total power output of the nuclear energy source in NGC 1275 in the form of relativistic plasma. This energy release averaged over a time scale of about $3~10^7$ to $10^8$ years is estimated as a function of the inflation time of the central radio lobes, the rise time of the inflated bubbles due to buoyancy forces, and the actual size of the central bubbles. A geometrically simplified model yields a power output on the order of $10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$. This is comparable with the energy lost at the same time by thermal X-ray radiation from the entire central cooling flow region. This raises the question, where does all this energy go, especially if the energy release is persistent over a longer epoch during which the relativistic electrons can lose their energy by radiation, but the energy in protons and in the magnetic field is mostly conserved. The complicated X-ray morphology discussed in this paper may indicate long lasting nuclear activity, if we interpret the peculiar structure in the X-ray surface brightness as remnants of decaying radio lobe bubbles. Detailed measurements of the morphology of the X--ray structure and the temperature and abundance distribution with Chandra and XMM may test this hypothesis. The gas uplifted from the central region is expected to be cooler than the ambient gas and to have an abundance of heavy elements typical of the innermost region. If cosmic rays are mixed with the thermal gas, then the pressure, as derived from X--ray observations, may be lower than the pressure of the ambient gas." }, "0002/astro-ph0002139_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) have been used as approximate standard candles to measure cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter. These measurements rely on empirical correlations between peak luminosities and other features that can be observed in the supernovae spectra and their light curves. Such correlations deserve further study since they have been established from small samples of nearby SNIa. Two years ago, the EROS2 collaboration launched an automated search for supernovae with the 1m Marly telescope operating at La Silla. In all, 57 SNe have been discovered in this EROS2 search and spectra have been obtained for 26 of them. We found that 75\\% were of type Ia and 25\\% of type II. Using this sample, a preliminary SN explosion rate has been obtained. Our most recent observation campaign took place in February and March 99. It was performed in the framework of a large consortium led by the {\\em Supernova Cosmology Project}. The aim of this intensive campaign was to provide an independent set of high quality light curves and spectra to study systematic effects in the measurement of cosmological parameters. We will briefly describe our search procedure and present the status of our ongoing analysis. } ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002249_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I review the basic theory of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies in adiabatic cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies. The latest observational results on the CMB power spectrum are consistent with the simplest inflationary models and indicate that the Universe is close to spatially flat with a nearly scale invariant fluctuation spectrum. We are also beginning to see interesting constraints on the density of CDM, with a best fit value of $\\omega_c \\equiv \\Omega_c h^2 \\sim 0.1$. The CMB constraints, when combined with observations of distant Type Ia supernovae, are converging on a $\\Lambda$-dominated Universe with $\\Omega_m \\approx 0.3$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda \\approx 0.7$.\\footnote{To appear in Proceedings of NATO ASI: Structure formation in the Universe, eds. N. Turok, R. Crittenden.} ", "introduction": "The discovery of temperature anisotropies in the CMB by the COBE team (Smoot \\etal 1992) heralded a new era in cosmology. For the first time COBE provided a clear detection of the primordial fluctuations responsible for the formation of structure in the Universe at a time when they were still in the linear growth regime. Since then, a large number of ground based and balloon borne experiments have been performed which have succeeded in defining the shape of the power spectrum of temperature anisotropies $C_\\ell$\\footnote{The power spectrum is defined as $C_\\ell = \\langle \\vert a_{\\ell m}\\vert^2 \\rangle$, where the $a_{\\ell m}$ are determined from a spherical harmonic expansion of the temperature anisotropies on the sky, $\\Delta T/T = \\sum a_{\\ell m} Y_{\\ell m}(\\theta, \\phi)$.} up to multipoles of $\\ell \\sim 300$ clearly defining the first acoustic peak in the spectrum. Figure 1 shows a compilation of band power anisotropy measurements \\begin{equation} {\\Delta T_\\ell \\over T} = \\sqrt{ {1 \\over 2 \\pi} \\ell (\\ell + 1) C_\\ell} \\end{equation} that is almost up to date at the time of writing. The horizontal error bars show the multipole range probed by each experiment. The recent results from the VIPER experiment (Peterson \\etal 1999) and the Boomerang test flight (Mauskopf \\etal 1999) are not plotted because the exact window functions are not yet publically available. Neither are the published results from the Python V experiment (Coble \\etal 1999) which seem to be discrepant with the other experiments particularly in the multipole range $\\ell \\simlt 100$. The points plotted in figure 1 are generally consistent with each other and provide strong evidence for a peak in the power spectrum at $\\ell \\sim 200$. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{9cm} \\special{psfile=pgconf1.ps hscale=65 vscale=65 angle=-90 hoffset= -20 voffset=340} \\caption{Current constraints on the power spectrum of CMB temperature anisotropies. The error bars in the vertical direction show $1\\sigma$ errors in the band power estimates and the error bars in the horizontal direction indicate the width of the band. The solid line shows the best fit adiabatic CDM model with parameters $\\omega_b = 0.019$, $\\omega_c = 0.10$, $n_s = 1.08$, $Q_{10} = 0.98$, $\\Omega_m=0.225$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda = 0.775$.} \\end{figure} In this introductory article, I will review briefly the theory of CMB anisotropies in adiabatic models of structure formation and then discuss the implications of Figure 1 for values of cosmological parameters. The literature on the CMB anisotropies has grown enormously over the last few years and it is impossible to do the subject justice in a short article. General reviews of the CMB anisotropies are given by Bond (1996) and Kamionkowski and Kosowsky (1999). A recent review on constraining cosmological parameters from the CMB is given by Rocha (1999). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002280_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We exploited the large areal coverage offered by the Digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey to analyze the outermost regions of the galactic globular cluster \\object{M~92} (\\object{NGC~6341}). Two independent photometric reduction programs (SKICAT and DAOPHOT) were used to construct a color-magnitude diagram and a surface density profile for this cluster, based on J- and F-band DPOSS plates. A strong similarity has been found in the performance of the two programs in the low--crowded outermost cluster regions. After removing the background contribution, we obtained the cluster outer surface density profile down to a surface brightness magnitude of $\\mu_{\\mathrm V} \\sim$ 31 mag arcsec$^{-2}$ and matched it with the inner profile of Trager et al. (\\cite{Tra95}). The profile shapes match very well: since our data are uncalibrated, the shift in magnitudes between the profiles has been also used to calibrate our profile. The analysis shows that the cluster has an extra tidal halo extending out to $\\sim 30\\arcmin$ from the cluster center at a $3~\\sigma$ level over the background noise. This halo is revealed to be almost circular. ", "introduction": "The tidal radii of globular clusters (GCs) are important tools for understanding the complex interactions of GCs with the Galaxy. In fact, they have traditionally been used to study the mass distribution of the galactic halo (Innanen et al. \\cite{Inn83}), or to deduce GCs orbital parameters (Freeman \\& Norris \\cite{Fre81}; Djorgovski et al. \\cite{DJ96}). Tidal radii have usually been {\\it estimated} (only in few cases {\\it directly} measured), by fitting King models to cluster density profiles rarely measured from the inner regions out to the tidal radius, because of the nature of the photographic material, that prevented any measure in the cluster center, and the small format of the first digital cameras. Only in the last few years, the advent of deep digitized sky surveys and wide field digital detectors has allowed us to deal with the overwhelming problem of contamination from field stars and to probe the outer region of GCs directly (Grillmair et al. \\cite{Gri95}, hereafter G95; Zaggia et al. \\cite{Zag95}; Zaggia et al. \\cite{Zag97}; Lehman \\& Scholz \\cite{LS97}). The study of tidal tails in galactic satellites is gaining interest for many applications related to the derivation of the galactic structure and potential, the formation and evolution of the galactic halo, as well as the dynamical evolution of the clusters themselves. Recent determinations of proper motion for some globular clusters with HIPPARCOS have made it possible to estimate the orbital parameters of a good number of them (Dinescu et al. \\cite{Din99}). This helps to clarify the nature and structure of tidal extensions in GCs. In principle, available tools to enhance cluster star counts against field stars rely on the color-magnitude diagram (CMD), proper motions, radial velocities, or a combination of the three techniques. The application of these techniques to GCs have led to the discovery that tidal or extra-tidal material is a common feature: Grillmair (\\cite{Gri98}), for instance, reported the discovery of tidal tails in 16 out of 21 globular clusters. Interestingly, signature of the presence of tidal tails in GCs has also been found in four GC's in M31 (Grillmair \\cite{Gri96}). For galactic clusters, the discovery was made by using a selection in the CMD of cluster stars on catalogs extracted from digitized photographic datasets. The CMD selection technique is an economical and powerful method to detect GC tails, since it significantly decreases the number of background and/or foreground objects. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\resizebox{10cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{testa_fig1.ps}} % \\parbox[b]{55mm}{ \\caption{A comparison of objects detected in the inner parts of \\object{M~92} by SKICAT (filled triangles) and DAOPHOT (dots) for the two different plates: $J$ ({\\it upper panel}) and $F$ ({\\it lower panel}). The inner circle (continuous) marks the circular aperture where plate detections cannot be used. The outer circle (short-dash) marks the annular region where crowding correction is important. In both panels North is up and East is to the right. The two diagonal bands in the lower panel indicate the satellite tracks where SKICAT detects no objects.} \\label{fig1}} \\end{figure*} In order to test the feasibility of a survey of most GCs present in the Northern hemisphere, we applied the CMD technique to the galactic globular cluster \\object{M~92} (NGC~6341), with the aim of measuring the tidal radius and searching for the possible presence of extra-tidal material. We used plates from the Digitized Second Palomar Sky Survey (hereafter DPOSS), in the framework of the CRoNaRio (Caltech-Roma-Napoli-Rio de Janeiro) collaboration (Djorgovski et al. \\cite{DJ97}, Andreon et al. \\cite{And97}, Djorgovski et al. \\cite{DJ99}). A previous account on this work was given in Zaggia et al. (\\cite{Zag98}). This is the first of a series of papers dedicated to the subject --an ideal application for this kind of all-sky surveys. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\resizebox{10cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{testa_fig2.ps}} \\hfill \\parbox[b]{55mm}{ \\caption{Comparison between SKICAT $M_{Core}$ and DAOPHOT aperture magnitude in the filters $F$ ({\\it upper panel}) and $J$ ({\\it lower panel}).The histograms of the distributions, expressed in percentage of the total, are reported at the right edge of the plots.} \\label{fig2}} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "We investigated the presence and significance of a tidal extension of the brightness profile of \\object{M~92}. The main results of our study are: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The presence of an extra-tidal profile extending out to $\\sim~0.5^{\\circ}$ from the cluster center, at a significance level of $3~\\sigma$ out to $r~\\sim~2000~\\arcsec$. We found no strong evidence for preferential direction of elongation of the profile. This may imply that we are detecting the extra-tidal halo of evaporating stars, which will later form a tidal stream. Moreover, the tidal tail might be compressed along the line of sight --see, for instance, Fig.~18 of G95. In fact, G95 point out that tidal tails extend over enormous distances ahead and behind the cluster orbit, and the volume density is subject to the open-orbit analogous of Kepler's third law: near apogalacticon, stars in the tidal tail undergo differential slowing-down, so that the tail converges upon the cluster. Actually, most models (e.g., Murali \\& Dubinsky \\cite{Mur99}) predict that the extra-tidal material should continue to follow the cluster orbit and thus take the shape of an elongated tail, or a stream. The stream has been already revealed in dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the local group (Mateo et al. \\cite{Mat98}), but whether the stream can also be visible in significantly smaller objects like globular clusters is currently a moot point. \\item By constructing the surface density map and performing a Gaussian smoothing, the low-frequency features are enhanced over the background. We find some marginal evidence for a possible elongation in the extra-tidal extention based on a visual inspection of this map. This elongation may be aligned in a direction perdendicular to the Galactic center, although we already know that the significance of this result is low; additional observations will be required to settle the issue. A similar displacement is described in Fig.~3 of Johnston (\\cite{Jon98}). \\end{enumerate} Finally, we want to stress the power of the DPOSS material in conducting this kind of programs, either by using the standard output catalogs, as they come out from the processing pipeline, or the specific re-analysis of the digitized plate scans. In the future we will extend this study to most of the globular clusters present on the DPOSS plates." }, "0002/astro-ph0002294_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from an empirical study of the Mg~II h \\& k emission lines of selected Mira variable stars, using spectra from the {\\em International Ultraviolet Explorer} (IUE). The stars all exhibit similar Mg~II behavior during the course of their pulsation cycles. The Mg~II flux always peaks after optical maximum near pulsation phase $\\phi=0.2-0.5$, although the Mg~II flux can vary greatly from one cycle to the next. The lines are highly blueshifted, with the magnitude of the blueshift decreasing with phase. The widths of the Mg~II lines are also phase-dependent, decreasing from about 70 km~s$^{-1}$ to 40 km~s$^{-1}$ between $\\phi=0.2$ and $\\phi=0.6$. We also study other UV emission lines apparent in the IUE spectra, most of them Fe~II lines. These lines are much narrower and not nearly as blueshifted as the Mg~II lines. They exhibit the same phase-dependent flux behavior as Mg~II, but they do not show similar velocity or width variations. ", "introduction": "At some point in their lives, many if not most stars go through an unstable phase which leads to pulsation. There are many classes of these pulsating stars. Perhaps the most famous are the Cepheid variables, which are popular mostly because of their well-defined relationship between stellar luminosity and pulsation period (typically 5--50 days) that makes these stars very useful as distance indicators. Mira variables are another important class of stellar pulsators, having long periods of 150--500 days and luminosities that vary by as much as 6--7 magnitudes from minimum to maximum. Miras are asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with masses similar to that of the Sun. They have very massive, slow, cool winds, which produce a complex circumstellar environment. Observations of molecular CO lines show that Miras are often surrounded by molecular envelopes thousands of AU in diameter. These observations yield estimates of the wind termination velocity and total mass loss rate, which are typically of order 5 km~s$^{-1}$ and $10^{-7}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, respectively \\citep{ky95}. The circumstellar envelopes are rich sites for dust formation and are often found to be sources of SiO, OH, and H$_{2}$O maser emission \\citep{pjd94,bl97}. The massive winds of Miras are believed to be driven by a combination of shocks induced by stellar pulsation, and dust formation \\citep{ghb88}. The shocks lift a substantial amount of material up to 1--2 stellar radii above the surface of the star. Radiation pressure on dust formed in this material then pushes it away from the star. The pulsation-induced shocks not only assist in generating the massive winds of Miras, but they also determine the atmospheric structure of these stars to a large extent. Thus, understanding the nature of the shocks and measuring their properties is essential to understanding the physics of pulsation and mass loss from pulsating stars. The ultraviolet spectral regime is an ideal place to study radiation from the shocks. Many UV emission lines are generated from immediately behind the shocks, which are potentially very useful diagnostics for various characteristics of the shocks. Foremost among these lines are the strong Mg~II h \\& k lines at 2800 \\AA. A large number of UV spectra of Miras have been taken by the {\\it International Ultraviolet Explorer} (IUE) over the years, and some of the basic characteristics of the Mg~II h \\& k lines have been noted. It is known, for example, that the Mg~II lines are not visible throughout part of the pulsation cycle. They typically appear at about pulsation phase $\\phi=0.1$, well after optical maximum ($\\phi=0.0$). The Mg~II fluxes peak around $\\phi=0.3-0.45$ and then decrease until becoming undetectable at about $\\phi=0.7$ \\citep{ewb86,dgl96}. For a set of LW-HI observations of S~Car and R~Car, \\citet{jab89} showed that the Mg~II h \\& k lines are blueshifted relative to the stellar rest frame by as much as 100 km~s$^{-1}$, and the h line is significantly stronger than the k line. Both of these properties are very difficult to explain, as the shock speeds should be much lower than 100 km~s$^{-1}$, and for other astronomical targets the k line is almost always found to be stronger than the h line \\citep[e.g.][]{rdr95}. Clearly the unusual behavior of the Mg~II lines of Miras should be looked at in more detail to understand the pulsation process. In this paper, we utilize the extensive IUE data sets that exist for 5 Miras to fully characterize the behavior of the ultraviolet emission of these stars. Many pulsation cycles are sampled for each star, allowing us to see how the UV emission lines behave from one cycle to the next. ", "conclusions": "We have compiled IUE observations of 5 Mira variables with substantial IUE data sets in order to study the properties of emission lines seen in the UV spectra of these stars, which are believed to be formed behind outwardly propagating shocks in the atmospheres of these pulsating stars. Our findings are summarized as follows: \\begin{description} \\item[1.] We confirm the phase-dependent Mg~II flux behavior previously reported for Mira variables \\citep*[e.g.][]{ewb86}, which is observed for all the pulsation cycles that we study: the Mg~II flux rises after optical maximum, peaks near $\\phi=0.2-0.5$, and then decreases. For some Miras (e.g.\\ R~Car) the amount of Mg~II flux produced during a pulsation cycle can vary by 2--3 orders of magnitude from one cycle to the next, while for others (e.g.\\ S~Car) the flux behavior is more consistent. \\item[2.] The Mg~II k lines are almost always contaminated with circumstellar absorption lines of Fe~I and Mn~I, making analysis of the line profile very difficult. \\item[3.] The Mg~II h line is always blueshifted, with the magnitude of the blueshift decreasing with pulsation phase. The blueshifts vary somewhat from star to star and cycle to cycle, but typical velocity changes are from $-70$ km~s$^{-1}$ to $-40$ km~s$^{-1}$ from $\\phi=0.2$ to $\\phi=0.6$. Note, however, that these line shifts do not represent the actual gas velocities at the formation depths of these lines, because of the high opacity of Mg~II h \\& k. These velocity variations are very similar to those of the optical Ca~II H \\& K lines. \\item[4.] The width of the Mg~II h line decreases from about 70 km~s$^{-1}$ to 40 km~s$^{-1}$ between $\\phi=0.2$ and $\\phi=0.6$. \\item[5.] In addition to the Mg~II lines, other lines of Fe~II, Fe~I, and Al~II] are also observed in IUE LW-HI spectra. The fluxes of these lines show the same phase-dependent behavior as the Mg~II lines. \\item[6.] Unlike Mg~II, these other emission lines tend to be very narrow and do not show phase-dependent velocity and width variations. Except for Fe~II $\\lambda$2599, the Fe~II and Al~II] lines of most of the Miras show blueshifts of $5-15$ km~s$^{-1}$, which may indicate the flow velocity of the shocked material. In contrast, the lines of T~Cep do not show any significant line shifts, although we speculate that perhaps this is due to an uncertain center-of-mass velocity for this star. \\end{description}" }, "0002/astro-ph0002157_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of $\\sim$1\\,500 RR Lyrae of Bailey type ab located in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Sgr). These variables have been detected on two ESO Schmidt fields centred on (l,b)=(3.1\\de,-7.1\\de) and (6.6\\de,-10.8\\de), covering an area of $\\sim$50 deg$^{2}$. We present a surface density map of Sgr based on the spatial distribution of these RRab, allowing us to trace its structure in a region that was still almost unexplored between b=-14\\de and b=-4\\de. We present the results of the fit of different models to the density profile of Sgr. The best fit to the core of Sgr is an exponential with a scale length of 4.1\\de along the major axis. When we look at the extension of Sgr we find a break (significant at the $\\sim$2$\\sigma$ level) in the slope of the surface density along the main axis of Sgr. The nearly flat (or at least very slowly decreasing) profile in the outer region of Sgr shows that this dwarf galaxy is probably extending even further out our fields. ", "introduction": "The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is the closest known member of the Local Group orbiting around the Milky Way ($\\sim$25 kpc from the sun, $\\sim$16 kpc from the Galactic Centre), but as a consequence of its location behind the Galactic Centre, it has been discovered only recently (Ibata, Gilmore, Irwin 1994, 1995). Since this discovery it turned out that Sgr presents typical features of a dwarf spheroidal: domination of an old ($\\gtrsim$10 Gyr) metal poor stellar population (Mateo et al. \\cite{muskkk}; Fahlman et al. \\cite{fahlman}; Marconi et al. \\cite{marconi}; Bellazzini et al \\cite{bfb1}) and absence of gas (Burton \\& Lockman \\cite{bl}). Its highest surface density region is centred on the Globular Cluster M54 (l=5.6\\de, b=-14.0\\de) and it is oriented roughly perpendicular to the Galactic plane so that its Northern extension (in Galactic coordinates) is completely hidden by the MW.\\\\ The mapping of Sgr is difficult to achieve because of the combination of its low surface brightness ($\\mu_{V}\\ge 25.5$ mag.arcsec$^{-2}$), contamination by foreground Galactic stars and its large spatial extent (at least 22$^{\\circ}\\times$8\\de) (Ibata et al. \\cite{iwgis}, hereafter IWGIS). Evidence for the presence of Sgr has been established over 45\\de from b$\\sim -3^{\\circ}$ (Alard \\cite{a96}, hereafter A96; Alcock et al. 1997, hereafter Alc97) down to b$\\sim -48^{\\circ}$ (Mateo et al. \\cite{mom}, hereafter MOM), but it is difficult to assess whether these regions still correspond to the main body of Sgr or if we are merely encountering tidal debris (as suggested by Johnston et al. \\cite{johnston99}). IWGIS proposed a map of the Southern part of Sgr based on the spatial distribution of the bright main sequence stars in Sgr and covering an area of $\\sim 150$ deg$^{2}$ from $b\\sim -11^{\\circ}$ down to $b\\sim -26^{\\circ}$. However, their method based on statistical decontamination fails at low Galactic latitudes ($|$b$|\\lesssim$12\\de) where differential reddening and high density of foreground stars (only $\\sim$1 star in 1\\,000 is in Sgr in these regions) preclude any reliable decontamination, leaving the structure of the Northern extension of Sgr almost unknown. To this point, the detection of RR Lyrae constitutes an essential tool to trace the structure of Sgr in these regions as they can be clearly separated from the RR Lyrae of the MW. This method has already proven successful and $\\sim 350$ RRab were detected between b=-10\\de and b=-4\\de (A96; Alc97). However, a connection between these stars and the centre of Sgr was necessary in order to offer a clear vision of this important region strongly interacting with the MW.\\\\ In this paper we report the detection of $\\sim$1\\,500 RRab members of Sgr and located in its Northern extension. We present a surface density map of Sgr covering $\\sim$50 deg$^{2}$ between b=-14\\de and b=-4\\de, based on the spatial distribution of these variables. \\\\ The paper is organized as follows : in section 2 we present our data (observations and reduction). Section 3 is devoted to the description of the selection process of RR Lyrae stars as well as a study of its completeness. We then describe the structure of Sgr (section 4). Finally we summarize our results and conclude in section 5. ", "conclusions": "To summarize, we presented the detection of $\\sim$1\\,500 RRab stars located in the Sgr dwarf galaxy. A surface density map based on the spatial distribution of these variables unveiled the structure of this dwarf galaxy in a region that was still almost unexplored so far between b=-14\\de and b=-4\\de. The core of Sgr is best fitted by an exponential with a scale length of 4.1\\de along the major axis. A cross section of this density map revealed a break in the slope occurring at $\\sim$6\\de from the highest density region of Sgr and an almost flat density past the break.\\\\ Although the break coincided with the change of field we have shown that this is unlikely to be an experimental effect since it is also perceptible in the uncorrected density, whereas the \\duo field is intrinsically more sensitive to crowding than \\sag (lower resolution, lower extinction). Also, as shown in Section 4.2, the amplitude cuts used in this study cannot be considered as responsible for the break. Finally, could this break be a consequence of an overestimation of the completeness correction in \\duo relative to \\sag ? Though not excluded, this would be in conflict with what is observed in the overlap where 3 RRab blended by a neighbouring star were detected in \\sag and missed in \\duo, a result that is quite consistent with the corrections actually applied. We argue therefore that the break is real. The significance of the break relative to an exponential with a scale length of 4.1\\de is $\\sim$2$\\sigma$. MOM also observed a break in their density profile in the Southern extension of Sgr. However neither the location (20\\de from the centre) nor the density at the break location ($\\Sigma_{V}\\sim$29.0 mag.arcsec$^{-2}$) are consistent with our values (6\\de and $\\sim$26.7 mag.arcsec$^{-2}$) implying that either the main body of Sgr is not symmetric or these ``post-break'' stars are not directly related to it.\\\\ Another striking feature revealed by the surface density profile is its flatness past the break. This feature relies on the accuracy of the completeness correction over the field, a correction that becomes quite important at low Galactic latitudes (up to 60$\\%$). Yet, the difficulty of modeling point spread functions on photographic plates (due to non-linear response of the emulsion) and potential systematic errors caused by differential sensitivity over the plate makes the crowding correction rather uncertain. Therefore, although our completeness corrections are fairly consistent within the overlap, we cannot exclude that the flatness of the density profile in the outer regions is a consequence of an overcorrection. Wide-field high resolution imaging would be necessary in these extremely crowded regions (up to $\\sim$10$^{6}$ stars per square degree at our magnitude limit) to confirm or to rule out this issue. Nevertheless, even if we consider that our completeness corrections are overestimated by a factor of 2 (a quite conservative estimate), it remains that the density profile decreases slowly in the outer regions and Sgr may well be extending even further out towards (beyond ?) the Galactic plane. \\\\ Johnston et al. (\\cite{johnston99}) recently modeled the Sgr stream as a superposition of a main body and tidal streams of stars stripped on previous peri-centric passages. This scenario has been worked out to explain both the break observed by MOM and the possible detection of stars in the outer region of Sgr with different radial velocities relative to those of the main body (Majewski et al. \\cite{maj}). Similarly, spectroscopic observations on our RR Lyrae catalogue could allow to determine the nature of the stars in the outer region: if these stars are linked to the main body of Sgr, then they should share almost the same radial velocities as the main body (apart of a gradient along the main axis due to the rapidly varying Galactic potential). On the other hand, if the break we observe corresponds to a transition between the main body and an unbound tidal stream from a previous orbit, it is likely that the two objects will have different radial velocities. This new catalogue of RR Lyrae is an interesting opportunity to study further a region of Sgr that has been poorly investigated so far.\\\\" }, "0002/astro-ph0002227_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present sub-arcsecond thermal infrared imaging of HD~98800, a young quadruple system composed of a pair of low-mass spectroscopic binaries separated by 0.8$''$ (38 AU), each with a K-dwarf primary. Images at wavelengths ranging from 5 to 24.5 $\\mu$m show unequivocally that the optically fainter binary, HD~98800B, is the sole source of a comparatively large infrared excess upon which a silicate emission feature is superposed. The excess is detected only at wavelengths of 7.9~$\\mu$m and longer, peaks at 25 $\\mu$m, and has a best-fit black-body temperature of 150~K, indicating that most of the dust lies at distances greater than the orbital separation of the spectroscopic binary. We estimate the radial extent of the dust with a disk model that approximates radiation from the spectroscopic binary as a single source of equivalent luminosity. Given the data, the most-likely values of disk properties in the ranges considered are $R_{in} = {5.0}\\pm2.5$ AU, $\\Delta R = 13\\pm8$ AU, $\\lambda_0 = {2}^{+4}_{-1.5}\\mu$m, $\\gamma = 0\\pm2.5$, and $\\sigma_{total} = 16\\pm3$ AU$^2$, where $R_{in}$ is the inner radius, $\\Delta R$ is the radial extent of the disk, $\\lambda_0$ is the effective grain size, $\\gamma$ is the radial power-law exponent of the optical depth, $\\tau$, and $\\sigma_{total}$ is the total cross-section of the grains. The range of implied disk masses is 0.001--0.1 times that of the moon. These results show that, for a wide range of possible disk properties, a circumbinary disk is far more likely than a narrow ring. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002011_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Gravitational lensing magnifies the observed flux of galaxies behind the lens. We use this effect to constrain the total mass in the cluster Abell 1689 by comparing the lensed luminosities of background galaxies with the luminosity function of an undistorted field. Under the assumption that these galaxies are a random sample of luminosity space, this method is not limited by clustering noise. We use photometric redshift information to estimate galaxy distance and intrinsic luminosity. Knowing the redshift distribution of the background population allows us to lift the mass/background degeneracy common to lensing analysis. In this paper we use 9 filters observed over 12 hours with the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope to determine the redshifts of 1000 galaxies in the field of Abell 1689. Using a complete sample of 146 background galaxies we measure the cluster mass profile. We find that the total projected mass interior to $0.25\\mpcoh$ is $M_{2d}(<0.25\\mpcoh)=(0.48\\pm0.16)\\times10^{15} \\,h^{-1}{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$, where our error budget includes uncertainties from the photometric redshift determination, the uncertainty in the offset calibration and finite sampling. This result is in good agreement with that found by number count and shear--based methods and provides a new and independent method to determine cluster masses. ", "introduction": "The use of gravitational lensing as a means of cluster mass reconstruction provides a theoretically efficient approach without the equilibrium and symmetry assumptions which typically accompany virial and X-ray temperature methods. Mass determination through application of lens shear proves to give good resolution in mass maps although measurement of absolute quantities is not possible without external calibration. This so called sheet-mass degeneracy (Falco, Gorenstein \\& Shapiro 1985) is broken however by methods which exploit the property of lens magnification. First recognised by Broadhurst, Taylor \\& Peacock (1995, BTP hereafter) as a viable tool for the reconstruction of cluster mass, lens magnification has the twofold effect of amplifying background source galaxy fluxes as well as their geometrical size and separation. This immediately permits two separate approaches for measuring lensing mass. The first involves selecting a sample of sources with a flat or near-flat number count slope. Magnification results in a reduction of their local surface number density owing to the dominance of their increased separation over the enhanced number detectable due to flux amplification. Although contaminated by faint cluster members, Fort, Mellier \\& Dantel-Fort (1997) first reported this dilution effect using B and I band observations of the cluster CL0024$+$1654. Later, Taylor et al. (1998, T98 hereafter) demonstrated how the dilution in surface number density of a colour-selected sample of red galaxies lying behind the cluster Abell 1689 enables determination of its total mass profile and 2d distribution. A projected mass interior to $0.24\\mpcoh$ of $M_{2d}(<0.24\\mpcoh)=(0.50\\pm0.09) \\times10^{15}\\,h^{-1}{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$ was predicted, in good agreement with the shear analysis of Tyson \\& Fischer (1995) who measured $M_{2d}(<0.24\\mpcoh)=(0.43\\pm0.02)\\times10^{15}\\,h^{-1} {\\rm M}_{\\odot}$ and Kaiser (1995) with a measurement of $M_{2d}(<0.24\\mpcoh)=(0.43\\pm0.04)\\times10^{15}\\,h^{-1} {\\rm M}_{\\odot}$. Since then, several authors have detected source number count depletion due to cluster lensing. Athreya et al (1999) observe MS1008$-$1224 and use photometric redshifts to identify a background population of galaxies within which they measure depletion. Mayen \\& Soucail (2000) constrain the mass profile of MS1008$-$1224 by comparing to simulations of depletion curves. Gray et al (2000) measure the first depletion in the near infra-red due to lensing by Abell 2219. Finally and most recently, R\\\"{o}gnvaldsson et al. (2000) find depletion in the source counts behind CL0024$+$1654 in the R band and for the first time, in the U band. The second mass reconstruction approach permitted by magnification forms the primary focus of this paper. The amplification of flux by lens magnification introduces a measurable shift in the luminosity function of background source galaxies. With a sufficiently well defined luminosity function derived from an unlensed offset field for comparison, this shift can be measured to allow an estimate of the lens mass (BTP). This method relies upon a set of observed source magnitudes which, if assumed to form an effective random sampling of luminosity space, is not limited by noise from background source clustering unlike the number count method (see Section \\ref{sec_morph} for further discussion). This paper presents the first application of mass reconstruction using lens flux magnification inferred from the luminosity function of background samples. Unlike the method of T98 who defined their background sample based on colour cuts, in this work photometric redshifts of all objects in the observed field have been estimated. This not only allows an unambiguous background source selection but alleviates the need to estimate source distances when scaling convergence to real lens mass. The following section details the theory of mass reconstruction from lens magnification of background source magnitudes. Section \\ref{sec_photo_anal} describes the photometric analysis applied to observations of A1689 with the redshifts which result. Observations of the offset field which provide the absolute magnitude distribution required for comparison with the A1689 background source sample are presented in Section \\ref{sec_cadis_field}. From this, a parameterised luminosity function is calculated in Section \\ref{sec_cadis_schechter} necessary for application of the maximum likelihood method. Following a discussion of sample incompleteness in Section \\ref{sec_completeness}, a mass measurement of A1689 is given in Section \\ref{sec_mass_determ} where the effects of sample incompleteness are quantified. Finally, a signal to noise study is carried out in Section \\ref{sec_sn_calcs} to investigate the effects of shot noise, calibration uncertainty of the offset field and photometric redshift error. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002083_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of the first major systematic submillimetre survey of radio galaxies spanning the redshift range $1 < z < 5$. The primary aim of this work is to elucidate the star-formation history of this sub-class of elliptical galaxies by tracing the cosmological evolution of dust mass. Using SCUBA on the JCMT we have obtained 850-\\micron{} photometry of 47 radio galaxies to a consistent rms depth of $1\\;$mJy, and have detected dust emission in 14 cases. The radio galaxy targets have been selected from a series of low-frequency radio surveys of increasing depth (3CRR, 6CE, etc), in order to allow us to separate the effects of increasing redshift and increasing radio power on submillimetre luminosity. Although the dynamic range of our study is inevitably small, we find clear evidence that the typical submillimetre luminosity (and hence dust mass) of a powerful radio galaxy is a strongly increasing function of redshift; the detection rate rises from $\\simeq$15 per cent at $z < 2.5$ to $\\gtrsim$75 per cent at $z > 2.5$, and the average submillimetre luminosity rises at a rate $\\propto (1+z)^3$ out to $z \\simeq 4$. Moreover our extensive sample allows us to argue that this behaviour is not driven by underlying correlations with other radio galaxy properties such as radio power, radio spectral index, or radio source size/age. Although radio selection may introduce other more subtle biases, the redshift distribution of our detected objects is in fact consistent with the most recent estimates of the redshift distribution of comparably bright submillimetre sources discovered in blank field surveys. The evolution of submillimetre luminosity found here for radio galaxies may thus be representative of massive ellipticals in general. ", "introduction": "Although large numbers of `normal' galaxies have now been discovered out to $z \\simeq 5$ (e.g. Steidel et al. 1999\\nocite{sag99}), radio galaxies continue to offer the best opportunity to study examples of {\\em massive elliptical galaxies} (or the progenitors thereof) back to comparably early cosmic epochs. The reason for this is that a powerful radio source requires a massive black hole, and it is relatively certain that nowadays all such massive black holes reside in massive ellipticals \\cite{magorrian98,mkd99}. Thus radio selection offers a relatively efficient way of studying the properties of a sub-set of massive ellipticals as a function of cosmic epoch. Moreover this subset may well be representative of massive ellipticals in general, especially since it can be argued that a substantial fraction of all present-day ellipticals brighter than $2L^{\\star}$ must have been active at $z \\simeq 2.5$ (Dunlop et al. 2000\\nocite{dunlopetal2000}). At low redshift, radio galaxies are dominated by well-evolved stellar populations \\cite{nolan2000}, have rather low dust/gas masses \\cite{kp91}, and lie in the same region of the fundamental plane as normal inactive ellipticals (McLure et al. 1999; Dunlop et al. 2000\\nocite{mkd99,dunlopetal2000}). Moreover current evidence suggests that they have evolved only passively since at least $z \\simeq 1$ \\cite{ll84,mcd00}. This, coupled with the relatively old ages derived for a few radio galaxies at $z \\simeq 1.5$ \\cite{dunlophy}, points towards a high redshift of formation, $z > 3$, for the bulk of their stellar populations. This means that both the star-formation rate and gas mass in these galaxies should be a strongly increasing function of redshift as one approaches their primary formation epoch(s). As has been argued by many authors, a massive starburst at high redshift is expected to produce rapid chemical enrichment and to be largely enshrouded in dust. Consequently , submillimetre luminosity should be a good indicator of the evolutionary state of an elliptical galaxy, being expected to peak roughly half-way through the production of a galaxy from primordial material \\cite{ee96,frayerbrown97}, or even earlier (i.e. as soon as the gas receives sufficient heating) given pre-existing enrichment (Hughes, Dunlop \\& Rawlings 1997\\nocite{hdr97}). Indeed submillimetre luminosity, viewed as a tracer of gas mass, is arguably the best way to assess the evolutionary status of a massive galaxy. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the sensitivity and bandwidth limitations of present-day instruments makes detecting molecular line emission from high-redshift objects extremely difficult. Secondly, in the case of radio galaxies, optical-UV measures may be confused by the direct or indirect effects of AGN activity. The detectability of high-redshift radio galaxies at submillimetre wavelengths was first demonstrated by Dunlop et al. \\shortcite{dhr94}, when they detected 4C41.17, at the time the most distant known galaxy at $z=3.8$. However the observation, made with the single element bolometer detector UKT14 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), required 4 hours of integration in exceptional weather conditions. In fact, the sensitivity of UKT14 permitted only the most extreme objects to be detected at high redshift, and it was often a struggle to detect even those. The advent of the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the JCMT offered the first real opportunity to rectify this situation. Although photometric observations do not fully exploit the multiplex advantage offered by an array camera, the individual bolometers in the SCUBA array offered almost an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over UKT14. This made it feasible to consider undertaking the first major submillimetre study of radio galaxies spanning a wide range of redshifts, and it is the results of the first major SCUBA survey of radio galaxies which we report here. The layout of the paper is as follows: In \\sec{samp} we give a more detailed overview of pre-existing submillimetre observations of radio galaxies, and explain the motivation for observing a sample of galaxies compiled from flux-limited radio surveys of increasing depth. The resulting sample is then described and summarized, before the results of our new submillimetre observations are presented in \\sec{submmobs}. \\sec{synchcorrect} then gives details of the radio properties of each galaxy, and explains how the total and, where possible, core radio spectrum has been extrapolated to submillimetre wavelengths to estimate (or at least constrain) the potential level of non-thermal contamination at 850$\\;$\\micron{}. The coverage of the radio-luminosity:redshift plane provided by our observed sample is presented in \\sec{pzplanesec}, and then in \\sec{seclumin} we calculate the rest-frame 850-\\micron{} luminosities or upper limits for all the observed galaxies. In \\sec{evolstats} we present a detailed statistical exploration of the evidence for genuine cosmological evolution of \\luminsub{} in our sample. Finally in \\sec{concsec} we conclude by considering our results in the context of the recently published blank-field submillimetre surveys. We have deliberately confined this paper to a determination and discussion of the relative behaviour of submillimetre luminosity in our sample, and have postponed our analysis and interpretation of more model-dependent properties, such as inferred gas mass and galaxy age, to a subsequent paper. \\subsection{Conventions} For clarity, we summarize here a number of conventions which have been adopted throughout this paper. \\begin{enumerate} \\item For each galaxy in the sample, information has been collated from several references. Each reference has been given a code; for example, ER93\\nocite{er93} corresponds to Eales S.A., Rawlings S., 1993, ApJ, 411, 67. These codes are included in the bibliography. \\item Throughout the paper, upper limits are calculated using the following prescription: Consider an observation with signal S and standard error $\\varepsilon$. If the signal is positive, the $n$-$\\sigma$ upper limit is S$+(n\\times\\varepsilon)$. If the signal is negative, the $n$-$\\sigma$ upper limit is $n\\times\\varepsilon$. It cannot be guaranteed that the upper limits taken from other papers were calculated in this manner. \\item For a power-law spectrum, the spectral index, $\\alpha$, is defined as ${\\rm S}_{\\nu}\\propto \\nu^{-\\alpha}$, where S$_{\\nu}$ is the flux density at frequency $\\nu$. Thus, a radio synchrotron spectrum has a positive spectral index, and the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of a thermal spectrum has a negative spectral index. \\item The cosmological constant, $\\Lambda$, is assumed to be zero throughout the paper. \\end{enumerate} ", "conclusions": "\\label{concsec} In summary, our attempts to investigate and quantify the various possible biases which might conceivably afflict this study have simply served to reaffirm and strengthen our basic result, namely that the submillimetre luminosity of radio galaxies is primarily a function of redshift as illustrated in \\Fig{ombinning}. It therefore seems hard to avoid the straightforward conclusion that the observed increase in submillimetre detection rate and characteristic luminosity with redshift is due to the increasing youthfulness of the stellar populations of the radio galaxies in our sample. In a separate paper we will explore how the inferred evolution of gas mass and star-formation rate in these galaxies compares with the predictions of models of elliptical galaxy formation and evolution. However, it is interesting to briefly consider whether the apparently rather extreme evolution is peculiar to radio galaxies, or may in fact be typical of the cosmological evolution of dust and gas in massive ellipticals in general. In \\Fig{cumulrgzdistrib} we show the cumulative redshift distribution of our radio galaxy sample, along with the cumulative redshift distribution of the subset detected at submillimetre wavelengths. This figure serves to re-emphasize that the high median redshift of our detected galaxies ($z = 3$) does not simply reflect the median redshift of the sample selected for observation ($z = 2$). However, what is particularly interesting is that the redshift distribution of our submillimetre detected radio galaxies is statistically indistinguishable from current best estimates of the redshift distribution of sources detected in SCUBA surveys, as illustrated in \\Fig{smailz} \\cite{smailzdistrib}. This comparison provides at least circumstantial evidence that the submillimetre evolution of radio galaxies found here may indeed be symptomatic of the evolution of massive elliptical galaxies in general. At first sight, it may appear contradictory that the average submillimetre luminosity of the radio galaxy sample continues to rise beyond $z\\sim3$ while the median redshift of the sample is $z\\sim3$. This results from the median redshift of our most luminous detections being higher at $z\\sim3.6$ for sources brighter than 5$\\;$mJy. This raises the interesting possibility that the most massive dust-enshrouded starbursts are confined to $z>3$. Therefore the median redshift of submillimetre sources detected in blank-field surveys may prove to be a function of flux density. It will be some time before the redshift information in bright submillimetre surveys approaches that currently available for radio-selected samples. However, it will undoubtedly be very interesting to see how this comparison evolves as submillimetre-selected samples are studied and refined in the years to come." }, "0002/astro-ph0002426_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the role of the eccentric disc resonance in systems with mass ratios $q \\age 1/4$, and demonstrate the effects that changes in the mass flux from the secondary star have upon the disc radius and structure. The addition of material with low specific angular momentum to its outer edge restricts a disc radially. Should the mass flux from the secondary be reduced, it is possible for the disc in a system with mass ratio as large as $1/3$ to expand to the $3:1$ eccentric inner Lindblad resonance and for superhumps to be excited. ", "introduction": "The superhump phenomenon was first observed in superoutbursts of dwarf novae of short orbital period ($P_{\\rm orb} \\ale 2.8\\,{\\rm h}$: see Warner 1995b). It can be explained as an effect of an eccentric disc that precesses with respect to the tidal field of the secondary star (Whitehurst 1988). In low mass ratio binaries ($q \\ale 1/4$), disc eccentricity can be excited via tidal resonance (Whitehurst 1988, Hirose \\& Osaki 1990, Lubow 1991). In systems with larger $q$ however, the disc is truncated at too small a radius for the resonance to be effective. Observationally there is evidence that discs can be tidally resonant for $q$ significantly greater than $1/4$. Superhumps appear in high mass transfer discs (those of nova-like variables and of nova remnants) in some systems with orbital periods up to 3.5 h (Skillman et al. 1998). At this period the mass of the secondary star is $0.31\\,\\msol$ (equation 2.100 of Warner 1995b). Unfortunately there are no reliable determinations of $q$ in the superhumping systems with $\\Pb > 3$h. The mean mass of the primaries of the nova-likes is $\\sim 0.74\\,\\msol$ (Warner 1995b) and the range is likely to be at least $0.5 - 1.0\\,\\msol$. If the primary mass is at the upper end of this range, it is therefore possible that a system with $\\Pb \\sim 3.5$h would have a mass ratio approaching that needed for the eccentric resonance to lie within the accretion disc. There can be little doubt that a mechanism is required to extend the range of mass ratios for which tidal resonance occurs, beyond the $q \\ale 1/4$ established in equilibrium disc calculations. One possibility is suggested by the VY~Scl stars, systems with orbital periods in the range $3.0 < \\Pb < 4.0$ h (Warner 1995b) in which mass transfer is liable to reduce significantly at irregular intervals. Such a drop in $\\dot M_{\\rm s}$ would allow a tidally stable, equilibrium disc that just marginally fails to reach the eccentric resonance to expand radially and become eccentrically unstable. In this paper we demonstrate that the discs in high $\\dot M$ systems can be excited into an eccentric state when the mass transfer from the secondary drops below its equilibrium value. In the next section we discuss the observational peculiarities of the VY~Scl stars. In section three we outline our model for superhumps in these systems. We present numerical results that support our case in section four, and make our conclusions in section five. ", "conclusions": "Under conditions of steady mass transfer, a mass ratio $\\ale 1/4$ is required for a close binary accretion disc to encounter the $3:1$ eccentric inner Lindblad resonance. However, it is possible for eccentricity to be excited in the disc of a high mass transfer system with $q \\ale 1/3$ if $\\dot M_{\\rm s}$ is reduced, as is thought to occur in the VY~Sculptoris systems. Our simulations suggest that the disc will remain eccentric as long as $\\dot M_{\\rm s}$ remains at the lower value. Thus, a precessing, eccentric disc remains the best explanation of superhumps, even for systems with $3.0 < \\Pb < 4.0$ h." }, "0002/astro-ph0002176_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We adapt and modify the eigenfunction method of computing the power-law spectrum of particles accelerated at a relativistic shock front via the first-order Fermi process \\cite{aguthmann:kirkschneider87} to apply to shocks of arbitrarily high Lorentz factor. The power-law index of accelerated particles undergoing isotropic small-angle scattering at an ultrarelativistic, unmagnetized shock is found to be $s=4.23\\pm0.2$ (where $s=d\\ln f/ d\\ln p$, with $f$ the Lorentz-invariant phase-space density and $p$ the momentum), in agreement with the results of Monte-Carlo simulations. We present results for shocks in plasmas with different equations of state and for Lorentz factors ranging from 5 to infinity. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002340_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Toronto Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (TRCS) is a new galaxy cluster survey designed to provide a large sample of optically selected $0.1 < z < 1.4$ clusters. The planned survey data is 100 square degrees of two color ($R$ and $z'$) imaging, with a 5$\\sigma$ depth $\\sim$2 mag past $M^*$ at $z=1$. The primary scientific drivers of the survey are a derivation of $\\Omega_{m}$ and $\\sigma_8$ (from $N(M,z)$ for clusters) and a study of cluster galaxy evolution with a complete sample. This paper gives a brief outline of the TRCS survey parameters and sketches the methods by which we intend to pursue the main scientific goals, including an explicit calculation of the expected survey completeness limits. Some preliminary results from the first set of data ($\\sim$ 6 deg$^2$) are also given. These preliminary results provide new examples of rich $z\\sim1$ clusters, strong cluster lensing, and a possible filament at $z\\sim1$. ", "introduction": "\\paragraph{} The Toronto Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (TRCS) is a major new observational effort designed to identify and characterize a large sample of galaxy clusters to redshifts as high as $z\\sim1.4$. When completed, the TRCS will be the largest imaging survey ever completed on 4m telescopes, and will provide a large and homogeneous sample of galaxy clusters for detailed follow-up study. The basic survey is envisioned as 100 deg$^2$ of 2 filter ($R$ and $z'$) imaging, to a depth which is $\\sim$2 mag past $M^*$ at $z=1$ in both filters. The design of the survey is based on a new method for identifying galaxy clusters (Gladders \\& Yee 2000a) developed specifically for the TRCS. In brief, this method searches for clustering in the 5-D space of: x-y positions, $R-z'$ color, $z'$ mag, and morphology in the form of a concentration index. The x-y positions provide the surface density enhancement. A color slice in the color-mag plane provides separation in $z$ space via the {\\it red sequence} of early-type galaxies in clusters (Figure 1) and increases the S/N of density enhancements. Morphology allows us to key onto early-type galaxies, the primary population in cluster centers. \\begin{figure} \\plotone{gladders1.eps} \\caption{ Modeled cluster CMDs to z=1.4 (left panel, solid lines), from Kodama \\& Arimoto (1997). Diamonds indicate simulated field galaxies for a 1 arcmin$^2$ FOV. The *s show M$^{*}$ for each redshift. The TRCS photometric completeness limits are shown (dashed line). We also show real CMDs (right) for CL1322+3114 at $z=0.75$ and k-corrected to $z=1$. These data are from HST images degraded to TRCS seeing and depth. Cluster image objects (*) and field image objects ($\\diamond$) are shown. Note the visibility of the cluster red sequence.} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Scientific Goals} \\paragraph{} The TRCS is being driven by two major scientific goals. The first is based on the theoretical prediction that the evolution of the mass-spectrum of galaxy clusters with redshift, $N(M,z)$, should be a strong function of two cosmological parameters, $\\Omega_{m}$ and $\\sigma_8$ (Figure 2). The goal is to use the clusters identified in the survey to measure $N(M,z)$ directly from the survey data. Redshift can be estimated from the color of red sequence (e.g., L\\'{o}pez-Cruz \\& Yee 2000), and the mass of each cluster can be estimated from its richness, as measured by the parameter $B_{gc}$ (e.g., Yee \\& L\\'{o}pez-Cruz 1999). The second major scientific goal is a study of the cluster galaxy populations, which can be done using the TRCS for the first time with a complete sample. The definition of a complete, or volume limited, sample is derived from extensive simulations of the survey selection functions. \\begin{figure}[htp] \\plotfiddle{gladders2.eps}{3cm}{0.0}{50}{40}{-165}{-40} \\caption{The expected cumulative counts of clusters per~deg$^2$ for two cosmologies, for Abell Richness Class (ARC) 1 and 2. The 100\\% completeness redshift for ARC 1 is $\\sim1.1$, and $\\sim1.3$ for the richer, rarer ARC 2 clusters.} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Survey Completeness and Selection Functions} \\paragraph{} Any detailed understanding of the cosmological or galaxy evolution results deriving from the TRCS requires a good understanding of the survey selection functions. Specifically, we wish to know how well the cluster-finding algorithm finds clusters of various sorts (as described by various parameters). To this end, we have constructed a number of cluster and field simulations (Gladders \\& Yee 2000b) to directly test the algorithm. A large suite of possible clusters have been tested; the parameters describing the clusters are given in Table 1. The results of this process demonstrate that the TRCS should be complete for all reasonable clusters of Abell Richness Class $\\geq$ 1 clusters ($\\sigma_{v}\\geq750$ km s$^{-1}$) to at least $z=1.1$. \\begin{table} \\begin{tabular}{lll} \\hline Parameter & Model Values & Notes \\\\\\hline LF $R$-band $M^*$ & -22.5, -22.25, -22.0 & $\\alpha=-1.0$\\\\ Abell Richness counts & 35,44,56,72,93,120& Richness Classes 0-2 \\\\ NFW core scale radius & 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5 & in $h^{-1}$ Mpc\\\\ ellipticity &0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 & measured at 1 $h^{-1}$ Mpc \\\\ blue fraction & 0.1,0.5,0.65,0.8,0.9 & \\\\ red sequence age & 9,10,11,11.5 & lower limit of SF in Gyr \\\\ scatter in formation ages& 0.5,1.0,max & tophat width in Gyr \\\\ cluster redshift&0--1.4&\\\\\\hline \\end{tabular} \\caption{Cluster model parameters used to test the cluster finding algorithm as applied to the TRCS.} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002030_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We provide a pedagogical overview of defect models of structure formation. We first introduce the concept of topological defect, and describe how to classify them. We then show how defects might be produced in phase transitions in the Early Universe and approach non-pathological scaling solutions. A very heuristic account of structure formation with defects is then provided, following which we introduce the tool box required for high precision calculations of CMB and LSS power spectra in these theories. The decomposition into scalar vector and tensor modes is reviewed, and then we introduce the concept of unequal-time correlator. We use isotropy and causality to constrain the form of these correlators. We finally show how these correlators may be decomposed into eigenmodes, thereby reducing a defect problem to a series of ``inflation'' problems. We conclude with a short description of results in these theories and how they fare against observations. We finally describe yet another application of topological defects in cosmology: baryogenesis. ", "introduction": "Phase transitions are ubiquitous in nature. Typically, as the temperature of a system drops below the critical temperature, the system makes a transition from a state with greater symmetry to one with less symmetry. In general, the state with less symmetry is not unique, but can lie anywhere in a so-called {\\it vacuum manifold}. Depending on the topology of this vacuum manifold, defects will form during the phase transition. If the topology of the vacuum manifold admits defects, then these defects will inevitably arise during the phase transition unless the dynamics is completely adiabatic. In the early Universe the temperature was decreasing very rapidly. On length scales larger than the Hubble radius, causality prevents the system from maintaining adiabaticity through interactions, and therefore on these scales defects will arise in any cosmological phase transition in which they are topologically allowed. The Universe has undergone several phase transitions. We are quite confident about those which occurred at lower temperatures: the confinement transition at a temperature $T \\sim 10^2 {\\rm GeV}$ and the electroweak symmetry breaking transition at $T \\sim 10^3 {\\rm GeV}$. Unified field theories of fundamental interactions predict the existence of other transitions at higher temperatures, e.g. a phase transition at $T \\sim 10^{16} {\\rm GeV}$ in Grand Unified Models, the supersymmetry breaking phase transition in supersymmetric models, and various compactification transitions in string (and M-) theory. Since topological defects carry energy density, they will curve space-time and can thus act as the seeds for gravitational accretion (see e.g. Refs. \\cite{TK80,Vil85,ShellVil,HK95,RB94} for comprehensive reviews). Since inside of topological defects the symmetry characteristic of the high temperature phase is unbroken, topological defects can interact in various interesting ways with the surrounding matter and can have an effect on cosmological issues such as baryogenesis (see e.g. \\cite{BDH,BD,BDPT}), magnetic field generation (see e.g. \\cite{DD,BZ99}), and ultra-high-energy cosmic ray production \\cite{MB,PB,Sigl,BV}. In these lectures, we first review the classification of topological defects and explain why in models with the appropriate topology, defects will inevitably form during the symmetry breaking phase transition. In Section 3 we discuss some initial applications of topological defects to cosmology. We review the domain wall and monopole problems and explain why the cosmic string model yields a promising mechanism for structure formation. In the following sections we provide a more technical description of how high accuracy calculations of structure formation in defect theories are performed. We first describe the details of the scalar, vector and tensor decomposition (Section \\ref{svt}). This is an invaluable tool in linear perturbation theory. Then in Section \\ref{corrs} we introduce the concept of UETC and show their general form, assuming isotropy and scaling, but not energy conservation. In Section~\\ref{caus} we show how causality limits further the form of the correlators, in the large wavelength limit. These results will be important when checking upon the numerics. Then in Section~\\ref{result} we present the UETCs measured for cosmic strings, and highlight some of their features. Their remarkable novelty is the dominance of the energy density over any other components of the stress energy tensor. This property sets strings apart, resulting in a dominance of scalar modes over vector and tensor modes. We present some conclusions on string scenarios of structure formation, and also hybrid scenarios combining strings and inflation. In the final section we illustrate one application of topological defects to cosmology which involves microscopic physics rather than gravitational accretion: we discuss the basics of defect-mediated baryogenesis. The last decade has witnessed unprecedented progress in mapping the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropy and the large scale structure (LSS) of the Universe. The prospect of fast improving data has forced theorists to new standards of precision in computing observable quantities. The new standards have been met in theories based on cosmic inflation\\cite{hsselj,hw}. Topological defect scenarios \\cite{ShellVil,HK95} have been more challenging. However, recently there have been a number of computational breakthroughs in defect theories, partly related to improvements in computer technology. Most strikingly, the method described in \\cite{pst} showed how one could glean from defect simulations all the information required to compute accurately CMB and LSS power spectra. In this method the simulations are used uniquely for evaluating the two point functions (known as unequal time correlators, or UETCs) of the defects' stress-energy tensor. UETCs are all that is required for computing CMB and LSS power spectra. Furthermore, they are constrained by requirements of self-similarity (or scaling) and causality, which enable us to radically extend the dynamical range of simulations, a fact central to the success of the method. This method was applied to theories based on global symmetries. In recent work \\cite{chm,chm1} we have shown how the same method could be applied to local cosmic strings (see also \\cite{steb,abr}). In the next few Sections we shall describe in detail the simulation and measurement of UETCs which led to the work in \\cite{chm,chm1}; as well as present the analytical tools used in this enterprise. The formalism we had to use is unfortunately more complicated than \\cite{pst}. Local strings have an extra complication over global defects, which stems from the fact that we are unable to simulate the underlying field theory. Instead, we approximate the true dynamics with line-like relativistic strings. This is thought to be reasonable for the large scale properties of the stress-energy tensor, but we do not have a good understanding of how the string network loses energy in order to maintain scaling. This leads to two problems. Firstly one is forced to make assumptions about which cosmological fluids pick up this deficit. It is often assumed that all the strings' energy and momentum is radiated into gravitational waves, approximated by a relativistic fluid. This is by no means certain, and it may well be that the energy and momentum is transferred to particles \\cite{VinAntHin98}, and hence to the baryon, photon and CDM components. Secondly, it is not enough to find correlators for a reduced number of stress energy tensor components (two scalar, two vector, two tensor), and then find the others by means of energy conservation. If energy conservation can be used then one needs to compute 3 scalar, 1 vector, and 1 tensor UETCs. If one is not allowed to make use of energy conservation, one has to compute 10 scalar, 3 vector, and 1 tensor UETC. In the following sections we first give a qualitative description of the technical novelties introduced in defect scenarios. We describe defects as active incoherent perturbations. We then describe a set of tools with which we can perform high accuracy calculations of structure power spectra in these scenarios. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002206_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "There are several Seyfert galaxies for which there is a discrepancy between the small column of neutral hydrogen deduced from X-ray observations and the much greater column derived from the reddening of the optical/UV emission lines and continuum. The standard paradigm has the dust within the highly ionized gas which produces O~VII and O~VIII absorption edges (i.e., a ``dusty warm absorber''). We present an alternative model in which the dust exists in a component of gas in which hydrogen has been stripped, but which is at too low an ionization state to possess significant columns of O~VII and O~VIII (i.e, a ``lukewarm absorber''). The lukewarm absorber is at sufficient radial distance to encompass much of the narrow emission-line region, and thus accounts for the narrow-line reddening, unlike the dusty warm absorber. We test the model by using a combination of photoionization models and absorption edge fits to analyze the combined {\\it ROSAT}/{\\it ASCA} dataset for the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy, NGC 3227. We show that the data are well fit by a combination of the lukewarm absorber and a more highly ionized component similar to that suggested in earlier studies. We predict that the lukewarm absorber will produce strong UV absorption lines of N~V, C~IV, Si~IV and Mg~II. Finally, these results illustrate that singly ionized helium is an important, and often overlooked, source of opacity in the soft X-ray band (100 - 500 eV). ", "introduction": "The presence of absorption edges of O~VII and O~VIII in the X-ray (Reynolds 1997; George et al. 1998a) indicates that there is a significant amount of intrinsic ionized material along our line-of-sight to the nucleus in a large fraction ($\\sim$ 0.5) of Seyfert 1 galaxies. In addition to highly ionized gas (referred to as an X-ray or ``warm'' absorber), X-ray spectra often show evidence for a less-ionized absorber. This component has been modeled using neutral gas (cf. George et al. 1998b), and its relationship to the ``warm'' absorber is unclear. Interestingly, there are several instances in which this additional neutral column is too small by as much as an order of magnitude to explain the reddening of the continuum and emission lines, assuming typical Galactic dust/gas ratios (cf. Shull \\& van Steenburg 1985). This inconsistency was first noted in regard to the absence of high ionization emission lines in the {\\it IUE} spectra of MCG -6-30-15 (Reynolds \\& Fabian 1995). The first quantitative comparison of the neutral columns inferred from the X-ray data to that derived from the reddening was for the QSO IRAS 13349+2438 by Brandt, Fabian, \\& Pounds (1996), who suggested that the dust exists within the highly ionized X-ray absorber (ergo, a dusty warm absorber). It has been suggested that dusty warm absorbers are present in several other Seyferts (NGC 3227: Komossa \\& Fink 1997a; NGC 3786: Komossa \\& Fink 1997b; IRAS 17020+4544: Leighly et al. 1997, Komossa \\& Bade 1998; MCG -6-30-15: Reynolds et al. 1997). Since it is unlikely that dust could form within the highly ionized gas responsible for the O~VII and O~VIII absorption, it has been suggested that the dust is evaporated off the putative molecular torus (at $\\sim$ 1 pc) and, subsequently, swept up in an radially outflowing wind (cf. Reynolds 1997). In this paper, we present an alternative explanation. It is possible that there is a component of dusty gas (which we will refer to as the ``lukewarm'' absorber), with an ionization state such that hydrogen is nearly completely ionized but the O~VII and O~VIII columns are negligible, which has a sufficient total column to account for the reddening. Such a possibility has been mentioned by Brandt et al. (1996), while Reynolds et al. (1997) have suggested that the dusty warm absorber in MCG -6-30-15 may have multiple zones. Here we suggest that the lukewarm absorber lies far into the narrow-line region (NLR). Such a component has been detected in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 (Kraemer et al. 1999), and it lies at sufficient radial distance to cover much of the NLR. We will demonstrate that the combination of a dusty lukewarm absorber and a more highly ionized (O~VII and O~VIII) absorber is consistent with the observed X-ray data and with the reddening of the narrow emission lines in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3227. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that the X-ray spectrum of NGC~3227 is consistent with attenuation by the sum of a highly-ionized absorber and a lukewarm absorber. We suggest that these are physically different components of the circumnuclear material surrounding NGC~3227. The characteristics of the highly-ionized absorber are similar to those previously suggested for NGC 3227 (George et al. 1998b); this is in the range of and generally similar to those in other Seyfert 1s (Reynolds 1997; George et al. 1998a). Such absorbers have been observed to vary on timescales $\\lesssim$3~yr (and much faster in some cases), and are probably due to gas well within the NLR. The main result of this paper is that the second component, our ``lukewarm absorber'', has the appropriate physical conditions to simultaneously explain the absorption seen below 0.5 keV in the X-ray band (previously modeled as completely neutral gas) {\\it and} the reddening seen in the optical/UV. Agreement with the soft X-ray data is the result of the lukewarm gas containing significant opacity due to He~II. Agreement with the reddening of the narrow emission lines places the component outside the NLR. Although the lukewarm absorber has the appropriate physical conditions and radial distance to redden the NLR, it must also have a sufficiently high covering fraction to be detected. For example, Reynolds (1997) found that 4/20 of radio-quiet active galaxies show both intrinsic X-ray absorption and reddening. Thus, the global covering factor of the dusty ionized absorber must be 20\\%, within the solid angle that we see these objects (cf., Antonucci 1993). Kraemer et al. (1999) have shown that the covering factor for optically thin gas in NGC 4151, similar to our lukewarm model, can be quite large ($\\sim$ 30\\%). In addition, Crenshaw et al. (1999) find that $\\sim$ 60\\% of Seyfert 1 galaxies have UV absorbers with a global covering factor $\\geq$ 50\\%, and an ionization parameter similar to the lukewarm absorber, but with lower columns on average (cf. Crenshaw \\& Kraemer 1999). Therefore, it is entirely plausible that there would be optically thin NLR gas along our line-of-sight to the nucleus in a fraction of Seyfert 1s. The lukewarm model predicts a column of Mg~II of 3.3 x 10$^{14}$ cm$^{-2}$, which would produce strong Mg~II $\\lambda$2800 absorption. It is interesting that NGC 3227 is one of the few Seyfert 1s to show evidence of Mg~II $\\lambda$2800 in absorption (Ulrich 1988). While Kriss (1998) has shown that Mg~II absorption can arise in clouds characterized by small column density and low ionization parameter (N$_{H}$ $\\sim$ 10$^{19.5}$ cm$^{-2}$, U $\\sim$ 10$^{-2.5}$), our results predict that it may also arise in a large column of highly ionized NLR gas, even if a substantial fraction of Mg is depleted onto dust grains. The lukewarm model predicts average grain temperatures of 30K -- 60K, for grains with radii from 0.25 $\\mu$m -- 0.005 $\\mu$m, respectively. The reradiated IR continuum, which is produced primarily by the silicate grains (cf. Mezger, Mathis, \\& Panagia 1982), peaks near 60 $\\mu$m. Assuming a covering factor of unity, this component only accounts for $\\sim$ 1\\% of the observed IR flux from NGC 3227, (which is $\\approx$ 7.98 Jy at 60 $\\mu$m; {\\it The IRAS Point Source Catalog} [1985]). It is likely that most of the thermal IR emission in NGC 3227 arises in the dense (n$_{H}$ $\\geq$ 10$^{3}$ cm$^{-3}$) NLR gas in which the narrow emission lines are formed, as is the case for the Seyfert 2 galaxy, Mrk 3 (Kraemer \\& Harrington 1986)." }, "0002/astro-ph0002212_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyze the wind generated by the great 20 year long super-Eddington outburst of $\\eta$-Carinae. We show that using classical stellar atmospheres and winds theory, it is impossible to construct a consistent wind model in which a sufficiently {\\em small} amount of mass, like the one observed, is shed. One expects the super-Eddington luminosity to drive a thick wind with a mass loss rate substantially higher than the observed one. The easiest way to resolve the inconsistency is if we alleviate the implicit notion that atmospheres are homogeneous. An inhomogeneous atmosphere, or ``porous\", allows more radiation to escape while exerting a smaller average force. Consequently, such an atmosphere yields a considerably lower mass loss rate for the same total luminosity. Moreover, all the applications of the Eddington Luminosity as a strict luminosity limit should be revised, or at least reanalyzed carefully. \\vskip 0.5cm \\centerline{\\em To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letters} \\vskip 0.5cm ", "introduction": "$\\eta$-Carinae is probably one of the most remarkable stellar object to have ever been documented. About 150 years ago, the star began a 20 year long giant eruption during which it radiated a supernova-like energy of roughly $3 \\times 10^{49}~ergs$~ (\\citenp{DH97}). Throughout the eruption it also shed some $1-2~\\ms$ of material carrying approximately $6\\times 10^{48}~ergs$ as kinetic energy (\\citenp{DH97}), while expanding at a velocity of $650~km/sec$ (\\citenp{HA92}, \\citenp{C96}). $\\eta$-Carinae can therefore serve as a good laboratory for the study of atmospheres at extreme luminosity conditions. At first glance, it appears that the star shed a large amount of material. Indeed, the inferred mass loss rate during the great eruption of $\\sim 0.1~\\ms/yr$ is significantly larger than the mass loss rate inferred for the star today ($\\lesssim 10^{-3}~\\ms/yr$, \\citenp{DH97} and references therein). However, considering that the luminosity during the great eruption is estimated to be significantly above the Eddington limit, we shall show that the star should have had a much higher mass loss rate. In fact, it should have lost during the 20 year eruption more mass than its total mass, giving rise to an obvious discrepancy. A review of our current knowledge of $\\eta$ Car can be found in \\cite{DH97}. In section \\ref{sec:wind} we summarize how a wind solution for the star $\\eta$ Car should be constructed. Since the luminosity is very high, the effects of convection must be taken into account. In section \\ref{sec:discrepancy} we integrate the wind equations to show that no consistent solution for $\\eta$ Car exists within the possible range of observed parameters. Section \\ref{sec:bad} is devoted to possible classical solutions to the discrepancy, showing that no such possibility exists. In section \\ref{sec:good}, we show that a porous atmosphere is a simple and viable solution to the wind discrepancy. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} To summarize, the super-Eddington luminosity emitted by $\\eta$-Car should have generated a much thicker wind with a sonic point placed significantly deeper than what can be directly inferred from the observations. A solution which lives in harmony with observations and theoretical modeling is a porous atmosphere, which allows more radiation to escape while exerting a smaller average force. It also means that the Eddington limit is not as destructive as one would a priori think it must be, even in a globally spherically symmetric case. Namely, all astrophysical analyses that employ the Eddington limit as a strict limit should be reconsidered carefully, even if they involve only unmagnetized Thomson scattering material. If $\\eta$-Carinae could have been super-Eddington for such a long duration without ``evaporating'', other systems can display a similar behavior." }, "0002/astro-ph0002024_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first full FIR spectrum of Centaurus A (NGC 5128) from 43 - 196.7 $\\mu$m. The data was obtained with the ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS). We conclude that the FIR emission in a 70~\\arcsec~beam centred on the nucleus is dominated by star formation rather than AGN activity. The flux in the far-infrared lines is $\\sim$ 1 \\% of the total FIR: the \\cii line flux is $\\sim$ 0.4 \\% FIR and the \\oi line is $\\sim$ 0.2 \\%, with the remainder arising from \\oiiinb, \\nii and \\niii lines. These are typical values for starburst galaxies. The ratio of the \\niii / \\nii line intensities from the HII regions in the dust lane corresponds to an effective temperature, T$_{\\mathrm{eff}}$ $\\sim$ $35\\,500$ K, implying that the tip of the main sequence is headed by O8.5 stars and that the starburst is $\\sim$ 6 $\\times 10^6$ years old. This suggests that the galaxy underwent either a recent merger or a merger which triggered a series of bursts. The N/O abundance ratio is consistent with the range of $\\sim$ 0.2 - 0.3 found for Galactic HII regions. We estimate that $<$ 5 \\% of the observed \\cii arises in the cold neutral medium (CNM) and that $\\sim$ 10 \\% arises in the warm ionized medium (WIM). The main contributors to the \\cii emission are the PDRs, which are located throughout the dust lane and in regions beyond where the bulk of the molecular material lies. On scales of $\\sim$ 1 kpc the average physical properties of the PDRs are modelled with a gas density, n $\\sim$ $10^3$ cm$^{-3}$, an incident far-UV field, G $\\sim$ $10^2$ times the local Galactic field, and a gas temperature of $\\sim$ 250 K. ", "introduction": "Centaurus A (NGC 5128) is the nearest (d = 3.5 Mpc; 1 \\arcsec $\\sim$17~pc, Hui et al. 1993) example of a giant elliptical galaxy associated with a powerful radio source. The large-scale radio morphology consists of twin radio lobes separated by $\\sim$ 5 degrees on the sky. The compact ($\\sim$ milliarcsecond) radio nucleus is variable and has a strong jet extending $\\sim$ 4 arcminutes towards the northeast lobe. The spectacular optical appearance is that of a giant elliptical galaxy that appears enveloped in a nearly edge on, warped dust lane. There is also a series of faint optical shells. The stellar population in the dominant elliptical structure is old, whilst that of the twisted dust lane is young, sporadically punctuated by HII regions, dust and gas (Graham 1979). The overall structure of Cen A resembles that of a recent ($< 4 \\times 10^8$ years, Tubbs 1980) merger, between a spiral and a large elliptical galaxy. The dust lane is the source of most (90 \\%) of the far-infrared luminosity (L$_{\\mathrm{FIR}} \\sim 3 \\times 10^{9}$ L$_{\\odot}$) and is thought to be re-radiated starlight from young stars in the dusty disk (Joy et al. 1988). In Sect. 2 we describe the observations and data analysis. Sect. 3 looks at the general FIR properties and proceeds to model the HII regions and the PDRs in the dust lane. Sect. 4 summarises the results and presents our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We present the first full FIR spectrum from 43 - 196.7 $\\mu$m of Cen A. We detect seven fine structure lines (see Table 2), the strongest being those generated in PDRs. At the central position, the total flux in the far-infrared lines is $\\sim$ 1 \\% of the total FIR luminosity (L$_{43-197 \\mu m} = 3.2 \\times 10^9$ L$_{\\odot}$ for a distance of 3.5 Mpc). The \\cii line flux is $\\sim$0.4 \\% FIR and the \\oi line flux is $\\sim$ 0.2 \\% FIR. These are typical values for starburst galaxies (Lord et al. 1996). The \\oiii 52 $\\mu$m / \\oiii 88 $\\mu$m line intensity ratio is $\\sim$ 0.9, which corresponds to an electron density, n$_{\\mathrm{e}} \\sim$ 100 cm$^{-3}$ (Rubin et al. 1994). The {\\it thermal pressure} of the ionized medium in the Cen A dust lane is closer to that of starburst galaxies (n$_e \\sim$ 250 cm$^{-3}$ in M82 (Colbert et al. 1999) and M83 (Stacey et al. 1999)) than that of the Milky Way (n$_e \\sim$ 3 cm$^{-3}$ (Pettuchowski \\& Bennett 1993)). The \\niii / \\nii line intensity ratio is $\\sim$ 1.6, giving an abundance ratio N++/N+ $\\sim$ 0.3, which corresponds to an effective temperature, T$_{\\mathrm{eff}} \\sim$ 35\\,500 K (Rubin et al. 1994). Assuming a coeval starburst, then the tip of the main sequence is headed by O8.5 stars, and the starburst is $\\sim$ 6 $\\times 10^6$ years old. If the burst in Cen A was triggered by the spiral-elliptical galaxy merger then its occurance was very recent. Alternatively, the merger triggered a series of bursts of star formation and we are witnessing the most recent activity. We estimate that the N/O abundance ratio is $\\sim$ 0.2 in the HII regions in Cen A. This value is consistent with the range of $\\sim$ 0.2 - 0.3 found for Galactic HII regions (Rubin et al. 1988). N/O is a measure of the chemical evolution and we expect it to increase with time (c.f. the solar value of $\\sim$ 0.12). We estimate that $\\sim$ 10 \\% of the observed \\cii arises in the WIM. The CNM contributes very little ($< 5$ \\%) \\cii emission at our beam positions. The bulk of the emission is from the PDRs. We derive the average physical conditions for the PDRs in Cen A for the first time. There is active star formation throughout the dust lane and in regions beyond the bulk of the molecular material. The FIR emission in the 70~\\arcsec~LWS beam at the nucleus is dominated by emission from star formation rather than AGN activity. On scales of $\\sim$ 1 kpc the average physical properties of the PDRs are modelled with a gas density, n $\\sim$ 10$^3$ cm$^{-3}$, an incident far-UV field, G $\\sim$ 10$^2$ and a gas temperature of $\\sim$ 250 K." }, "0002/astro-ph0002354_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of a systematic search for X-ray flares on young stars observed during {\\em ROSAT} PSPC observations of the Taurus-Auriga-Perseus sky region. All pointed PSPC observations currently available from the {\\em ROSAT} Public Data Archive with known pre-main sequence T Tauri Stars or young Pleiads or Hyads in the field of view are analyzed. A study of the activity of late-type stars of different ages provides information on the evolution of their coronal activity, which may be linked to their angular momentum. We develop a criterion for the detection of flares based on the shape of the X-ray lightcurve. Applying our detection method to all 104 PSPC pointings from the archive we find 52 flares. Among them 15 are detected on T Tauri Stars, 20 on Pleiads, and 17 on Hyads. Only the 38 events which can definitely be attributed to late-type stars (i.e. stars of spectral type G and later) are considered in the statistical analysis of the properties of flaring stars. We investigate the influence of stellar parameters such as age, rotation and multiplicity on individual flare parameters and flare frequency. From the total exposure time falling to the share of each sample and the duration of the individual flares we compute a flare rate. We take into account that the detection sensitivity for large X-ray flares depends on the S/N and hence on the stellar distance. The values we derive for the flare rates are $0.86 \\pm 0.16$\\% for T Tauri Stars, $0.67 \\pm 0.13$\\% for Pleiads and $0.32 \\pm 0.17$\\% for Hyads. The flare rate of classical T Tauri Stars may be somewhat higher than that of weak-line T Tauri Stars ($F_{\\rm c} = 1.09 \\pm 0.39$\\% versus $F_{\\rm w} = 0.65 \\pm 0.16$\\%). Hardness ratios are used to track the heating that takes place during stellar flares. Hardness ratios are evaluated for three distinct phases of the flare: the rise, the decay, and the quiescent (pre- and post-flare) stage. In most cases the hardness increases during the flares as compared to the quiescent state. During both quiescence and flare phase TTSs display the largest hardness ratios, and the Hyades stars show the softest spectrum. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} The Taurus-Auriga-Perseus region offers the opportunity to study the X-ray emission of young stars at several evolutionary stages. The youngest stars observed by {\\em ROSAT} in this portion of the sky are the T Tauri Stars (TTSs) of the Taurus-Auriga and Perseus star forming regions, late-type pre-main sequence (PMS) stars of $M \\leq 3 {\\rm M}_\\odot$ with an estimated age of $10^5-10^7\\,{\\rm yrs}$. Two young star clusters, the Pleiades and Hyades, are also located in this region of the sky at age of $10^8\\,{\\rm yrs}$ and $6~10^8\\,{\\rm yrs}$, respectively. They consist mostly of zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) stars, except for some higher mass post-main sequence stars and brown dwarfs, which are not studied here. From the early observations by the {\\em Einstein} satellite it was concluded that the X-ray emission of young stars arises in an optically thin, hot plasma at temperatures above $10^6\\,{\\rm K}$ (\\cite{Feigelson81.1}). The emission region has been associated with the stellar corona where the X-rays are produced --- more or less analogous to the solar X-ray emission --- through a stellar $\\alpha$-$\\Omega$-dynamo. The dynamo is driven by the combination of rotation and convective motions. Correlations between the X-ray emission of late-type stars and the stellar rotation support the notion that dynamo-generated magnetic fields are responsible for heating the coronae (\\cite{Pallavicini81.1}). But successful direct measurements of the magnetic fields of TTSs have been performed only recently (see e.g. \\cite{Guenther99.2}). The details of the heating mechanism are still not well understood. The correlation between stellar rotation and X-ray emission of late-type stars suggests that the rotational evolution of young stars determines the development of stellar activity. The rotational evolution of low-mass PMS stars partly depends on the circumstellar environment. While classical TTSs (hereafter cTTSs) are surrounded by a circumstellar disk, inferred from IR dust emission (\\cite{Bertout88.1}, \\cite{Strom89.1}, and \\cite{Beckwith90.1}) and more recently from direct imaging (e.g. \\cite{McCaughrean96.1}), weak-line TTSs (wTTSs) lack such a disk, or at least the disk is not optically thick. Owing to contraction wTTSs spin up as they approach the main sequence. For cTTSs, on the other hand, coupling between the disk and the star may prevent spin-up (\\cite{Bouvier93.1}). The period observed on the ZAMS depends on the time the star has spent in the cTTS phase. After the main-sequence is reached, the rotation rate decreases again (see \\cite{Bouvier97.1}). As a consequence of their slower rotation, stars on the ZAMS and main sequence (MS) should on average show less X-ray activity than PMS stars. Earlier investigations of X-ray observations of young late-type stars were mostly concerned with the quiescent emission (see \\cite{Neuhaeuser95.1}, \\cite{Stauffer94.1}, \\cite{Gagne95.1}, \\cite{Hodgkin95.1}, \\cite{Micela96.1}, 1999, \\cite{Pye94.1}, and \\cite{Stern94.1}). In contrast to these studies we focus on the occurrence of X-ray flares. Furthermore we discuss a larger sample than most of the previous studies by using {\\em all} currently available observations from the {\\em ROSAT} Public Data Archive that contain any TTS, Pleiad or Hyad in the field of view. X-ray flares may be used as a diagnostics of stellar activity. They are thought to originate in magnetic loops. In contrast to findings from quasi-static loop modeling, the only direct determination of the size of a flaring region (\\cite{Schmitt99.1}) shows that the emitting region is very compact. In the loops which confine the coronal plasma magnetic reconnection suddenly frees large amounts of energy which is dissipated into heat and thus leads to a temporary enhancement of the X-ray emission. The decay of the lightcurve is accompanied by a corresponding (exponential) decay of the temperature and emission measure, which are obtained from one- or two-temperature spectral models for an optically thin, thermal plasma (\\cite{Raymond77.1}, \\cite{Mewe85.1}, 1986). The most powerful X-ray flares have been observed on the youngest objects, notably a flare on the infrared Class I protostar YLW~15 in $\\rho$ Oph which has been presented by \\citey{Grosso97.1}. X-ray flares on TTSs observed so far (see \\cite{Montmerle83.1}, \\cite{Preibisch93.1}, \\cite{Strom94.1}, \\cite{Preibisch95.1}, \\cite{Gagne95.1}, \\cite{Skinner97.1}, \\cite{Tsuboi98.1}) exceed the maximum emission observed from solar flares by a factor of $10^3$ and more. Some extreme events have shown X-ray luminosities of $\\sim L_{\\rm x} = 10^{33}\\,{\\rm erg/s}$. Although some of the strongest X-ray flares ever observed were detected on TTSs to date no systematic search for TTS flares was undertaken. This paper is devoted to a study of the relation between X-ray flare activity and other stellar parameters, such as age, rotation rate, and multiplicity. For this purpose we perform a statistical investigation of {\\em ROSAT} observations. We develop a method for the flare detection based on our conception of the typical shape of a flare lightcurve, where the term `typical shape' refers to the characteristics of the X-ray lightcurve described above, i.e. a significant rise and subsequent decay of the lightcurve to the previous emission level. The database and source detection is described in Sect.~\\ref{sect:data}. In Sect.~\\ref{sect:lcs} we describe how the lightcurves are generated. Our flare detection algorithm is explained in Sect.~\\ref{sect:detect}, where we also present all flare parameters derived from the X-ray lightcurves. Then we describe the influence of observational restrictions on the data analysis and how the related biases can be overcome (Sect.~\\ref{sect:bias}). In Sect.~\\ref{sect:statcomp} we compare the flare characteristics of different samples of flaring stars selected by their age, rotation rate, and multiplicity. We present luminosity functions for TTSs, Pleiads, and Hyads during flare and quiescence. Luminosity functions of the non-active state of these stars have been presented before (see e.g. \\cite{Pye94.1}, \\cite{Hodgkin95.1}, \\cite{Neuhaeuser97.3}) and some of the flares discussed here have been discussed by \\citey{Gagne95.1}, \\citey{Strom94.1}, and \\citey{Preibisch93.1}. However, this is the first statistical evaluation of flare luminosities. Flare rates comparing stellar subgroups with different properties (such as age, $v\\,\\sin{i}$, and stellar multiplicity) are compiled in Sect.~\\ref{sect:rate}. Because of lack of sufficient statistics for a detailed spectral analysis, hardness ratios are used to describe the spectral properties of the flares. In Sect.~\\ref{sect:hr} we present the observed relations between hardness ratios measured during different activity phases and between hardness and X-ray luminosity. Finally, we discuss and summarize our results in Sect.~\\ref{sect:discussion} and Sect.~\\ref{sect:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclusions} We have determined flare rates for PMS stars, Pleiades and Hyades on a large data set and found that all stars are observed during flares for less than 1\\% of the observing time. Both frequency and strength of large X-ray flares decline after the PMS phase. To probe whether the activity changes in the presence of a circumstellar disk, e.g. as a result of magnetic interactions between the star and the disk, we have compared flares on cTTSs and wTTSs. We find that flares on cTTSs are stronger and more frequent. A comparison of flares on spectroscopic binaries to flares on all other stars of our sample shows that the flare rate is by a factor of $\\sim 2$ higher for the close binaries. The flare rate of fast rotators is enhanced by a factor of $\\sim$ 3 as compared to slowly rotating stars. To summarize, our analysis confirms that age and rotation influence the magnetic activity of late-type stars. All previous studies in this field have focused on the quiescent X-ray emission. Now, for the first time the rotation-activity-age connection has been examined for X-ray flares. Furthermore, from the sample of flares investigated here we find evidence that magnetic activity goes beyond solar-type coronal activity: On young stars interactions between the star and a circumstellar disk or the magnetic fields of close binary stars may play a role." }, "0002/astro-ph0002448_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Supernovae in distant galaxies that are gravitationally lensed by foreground galaxy clusters make excellent cosmological candles for measuring quantities like the density of the Universe in its various components and the Hubble constant. Distant supernovae will be more easily detectable since foreground cluster lenses would magnify such supernovae by up to 3--4 magnitudes. We show that in the case of the lens cluster Abell~2218, the detectability of high-redshift supernovae is significantly enhanced due to the lensing effects of the cluster. Since lensed supernovae will remain point images even when their host galaxies are stretched into arcs, the signal-to-noise ratio for their observation will be further enhanced, typically by an order of magnitude. We recommend monitoring well-modelled clusters with several known arclets for the detection of cosmologically useful SNe around $z=1$ and beyond. ", "introduction": "Observations of distant sources with known absolute luminosity (cosmological standard candles) are of primary importance to modern cosmology, since the relation between the apparent magnitude, luminosity and redshift of distant galaxies can be used to determine the Hubble constant $H_0$, the deceleration (or density) parameter $q_0$, and the cosmological constant $\\Lambda$. Observations of standard candles beyond $z=0.05$ (where peculiar velocities are small) can yield the value of $H_0$ with reasonably small uncertainty (\\eg\\ \\cite{fil1,ham96}). Observations of standard candles at $z\\!>\\!0.3$ are being used for the determination of the fraction of the total energy of the Universe in matter $\\Omega_M$ and in some hitherto unknown form $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ (\\cite{riess98,perlmutter99,saini00}). The study of the gravitational magnification of standard candles at even higher redshift will put tighter constraints on dark matter models of cosmogony (\\eg\\ \\cite{kb98, marri98, holz98, metcalf99, pm00}). The work of Riess \\etal\\ (1998b) and Perlmutter \\etal\\ (1999) has shown that, if detected significantly earlier than the epoch of their peak luminosity, type~Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) would be the most useful among cosmological candles at high redshift. However, the required integration times for good photometry and for obtaining spectra of such supernovae at redshift $z\\ssim 1$ are estimated to be tens of hours on a 10m telescope for $0\\farcs 75$ seeing (\\cite{goop95}). These observations would clearly be more favourable if these supernovae occur in galaxies magnified by gravitational lensing. The magnification due to lensing can be significant enough to make possible the detection of supernovae (SNe) in galaxies at high redshifts ($z\\!\\gta\\!1$). Narasimha \\& Chitre (1988) first pointed out that such events in giant luminous arcs (as in the A370 system) can be used as a test of the lens models. In the case of multiply imaged supernovae, Kovner \\& Paczy\\'nski (1988) deduce simple relations between the magnification of such a SN, the separation of images, and the differences between the arrival times of the event in different images. Indeed, such SNe would serve as a unique probe for not only the distribution of matter in the clusters, but also for studying the source galaxies themselves. Due to the increased flux produced by the magnification of the images, photometric and spectroscopic studies of very distant galaxies can become possible. This would enable us to obtain information, which would be otherwise unavailable, about the star formation process in the young galaxies (\\cite{mel91,yee}), the evolutionary status of AGN (\\cite{sti}), and even the morphology of distant galaxies (\\cite{ctt}). Indeed, one of the farthest known galaxies (at $z$=4.92, \\cite{fra97}) would not have been detected had it not been for the $10$-fold magnification by the cluster CL1358+62 at $z=0.33$. In this paper we address the feasibility of detecting lensed SN events in high redshift galaxies which would be useful in the measurement of cosmological parameters. From a qualitative point of view such a study seems worthwhile for several reasons. For a typical magnification of 3--4 mag (\\cite{kovpac88}) the study of lensed SNe stretches the usefulness of using them to characterize the distance ladder to further distances by a factor of 4--6, or, equivalently, results in a considerable decrease in the required duration of observation. Furthermore, although galaxies lensed into arcs are resolved in one direction due to stretching, a supernova in such a galaxy will remain a point source, hence the signal-to-noise ratio (\\snr) of a lensed supernova in an arc will be superior to that of one in an unlensed galaxy. Finally, a cluster lens typically produces multiple images with time delays between them being up to several months, thereby making it possible to observe the same SN again, and measuring its light curve more accurately, particularly in its pre-peak phase. In the searches we propose, we do not have to be confined to one lensed SN at a time. In many known cases of gravitational lensing of background objects by galaxy clusters, several arcs and arclets can be found in an area of the sky typically imaged by a single CCD frame. In the case of \\object{Abell 2218}, for instance, there are 30 observed arclets (\\cite{ebb98, bez98}) with $R\\le 23.5$ and $\\mu_R\\le 25.5$ between $z=$0.5 to 1.5, so clearly a lot of galaxies can be simultaneously monitored. This is also true of the cluster \\object{Abell~2390} at $z=0.23$, in which, in addition to the famous ``straight arc'' (triple image of a galaxy at $z=0.913$), there are at least 12 arclets ($R<21$) between $z=$0.4--1.3 in an area of $2.7\\times 2.7$ arcmin$^2$ around it (\\cite{bezecourt2390}). In the same area, in the magnitude range $21N+1$. If $m\\geq N+1$, both the mass inside any sphere, which containes the center of the symmetry, and kinetic energy equal infinity. We will consider $mm_1$) develop a cavity around the center of explosion. Such a cavity creates in the uniform medium ($m=0$) when $\\gamma>\\gamma_1=(1+3N)/(N-1)$. Sedov has also presented a solution for hollow blastwaves. Review of approximations for these cases is given by Ostriker \\& McKee (\\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}). We do not consider $m>m_1$ in this paper. \\par For $m=m_1$ (or $\\gamma=\\gamma^*$ in the uniform medium) solution has very simple form: \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{l} \\rho(r)=r^{N-1}\\ ,\\qquad P(r)=r^{N+1}\\ , \\\\ \\\\ u(r)=r\\ ,\\hspace{1.4cm} a(r)=r^{(\\gamma+1)/(\\gamma-1)}\\ . \\end{array} \\label{solut-m_1} \\end{equation} Singularities in the solution also appear with $m_2=(N+1)(2-\\gamma)$ and $m_3=(2\\gamma+N-1)/\\gamma$ then some exponents in the solution equal infinity. Similarity solutions for these cases are deduced by Korobejnikov \\& Rjazanov (\\cite{Korobejnikov-Rjazanov-59}). For $N=2$ and $\\gamma=5/3$ $m_1=2$, $m_2=1$, $m_3=13/5$. \\par Self-similar constant $\\alpha_A=\\alpha_A(N,\\gamma,m)$ in equations (\\ref{R_s_Sedov-ro^w})-(\\ref{D_Sedov-ro^w}) for $R$ and $D$ may be found from the energy balance equation with variations of density $\\tilde{\\rho}$, pressure $\\tilde{P}$ and mass velocity $\\tilde{u}$ inside the shocked region \\begin{equation} \\label{enery-bal} {E_o\\over \\sigma}=\\int\\limits_0^R {\\tilde{\\rho}(r,t) \\tilde{u}(r,t)^2\\over 2} r^Ndr+ \\int\\limits_0^R {\\tilde{P}(r,t)\\over \\gamma-1} r^Ndr\\ , \\end{equation} where $\\sigma=4\\pi$ for $N=2$, $\\sigma=2\\pi$ for $N=1$ and $\\sigma=2$ for $N=0$ or, generally, $\\sigma=2\\pi N+(N-1)(N-2)$. If we proceed to normalized parameters using (\\ref{uni-prof-1})-(\\ref{uni-prof-3}) and general shock front conditions \\begin{equation} \\tilde{\\rho}_{\\rm s}={\\gamma+1\\over\\gamma-1}\\tilde{\\rho}^o_{\\rm s},\\ \\tilde{P}_{\\rm s}={2\\over\\gamma+1}\\tilde{\\rho}^o_{\\rm s}D^2,\\ \\tilde{u}_{\\rm s}={2\\over\\gamma+1}D \\end{equation} we will obtain that $E_o=\\beta_A\\cdot MD^2/2$ with \\begin{equation} M=\\sigma\\tilde{\\rho}^o(0)R^{N+1-m}/(N+1-m), \\end{equation} constant shape-factor \\begin{equation} \\beta_A={4(N+1-m)\\over\\gamma^2-1}\\cdot\\left(I_{\\rm K}+I_{\\rm T}\\right) \\label{beta_A} \\end{equation} and constant integrals \\begin{equation} I_{\\rm K}=\\int\\limits_0^1 \\rho(r)u(r)^2 r^Ndr\\ , \\qquad I_{\\rm T}=\\int\\limits_0^1 P(r) r^Ndr\\ . \\end{equation} Also we will have a self-similar constant \\begin{equation} \\label{alpha_A-vs-beta_A} \\alpha_A={2\\sigma\\over(N+1-m)(N+3-m)^2}\\cdot\\beta_A\\ . \\end{equation} Simple formula gives $\\alpha_A(N,\\gamma,m_1)$: \\begin{equation} \\alpha_A={2\\sigma(\\gamma+1)\\over(N+1)(\\gamma-1)\\big((N+1)\\gamma-N+1\\big)^2}\\ . \\end{equation} The distributions (\\ref{uni-prof-1})-(\\ref{uni-prof-4}) in the exact solution are parametric functions of an internal parameter. The expressions for the functions are complicated. These factors stimulate developing the approximations of the self-similar solution. \\par \\subsection{Taylor approximation} Basing on own numerical results, Taylor (\\cite{Taylor-50}) propose to approximate the velocity variation $u(r)$ behind spherical ($N=2$) shock front moving into the uniform medium ($m=0$) as \\begin{equation} {\\tilde{u}(r,t)\\over D}={r\\over\\gamma}+\\alpha r^n, \\label{app-Taylor-base} \\end{equation} where $\\alpha$ and $n$ are found to give exact values of $\\tilde{u}_{\\rm s}$, $\\tilde{P}_{\\rm s}$, $\\tilde{\\rho}_{\\rm s}$ and their first derivatives in respect to $r$. Substituting this approximation into the continuity equation and into the equation of state for perfect gas, the approximated distributions of the density and pressure obtain. Taylor do not give the dependence $a(r)$, but it may be taken from the adiabaticity condition $P(a)\\rho(a)^{-\\gamma}=P(r)\\rho(r)^{-\\gamma}$ and (\\ref{appr_3a})-(\\ref{appr_3b}): \\begin{equation} a^{\\gamma m-(N+1)}=P(r)\\rho(r)^{-\\gamma}, \\label{a-vs-Prho} \\end{equation} with approximations for $P(r)$ and $\\rho(r)$. \\par So, Taylor approximation for the variations of density $\\rho$, pressure $P$, fluid velocity $u$ and coordinate $a$ are: \\begin{equation} \\label{Taylor-n} \\rho(r)={\\rho(r,t)\\over \\rho_{\\rm s}(t)}= r^{\\ 3/(\\gamma-1)}\\ \\left({\\gamma+1\\over\\gamma}-{r^{n-1}\\over\\gamma}\\right)^{-p}, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\label{Taylor-T} P(r)={P(r,t)\\over P_{\\rm s}(t)}= \\left({\\gamma+1\\over\\gamma}-{r^{n-1}\\over\\gamma}\\right)^{-q}, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\label{Taylor-u} u(r)={u(r,t)\\over u_{\\rm s}(t)}= {\\gamma+1\\over 2}\\left({r\\over\\gamma}+{\\gamma-1\\over\\gamma+1}{r^{n}\\over\\gamma}\\right), \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\label{Taylor-a} a(r)={a_o(r)\\over R(t)}= r^{\\ \\gamma/(\\gamma-1)}\\ \\left({\\gamma+1\\over\\gamma}-{r^{n-1}\\over\\gamma}\\right)^{-s}, \\end{equation} where $n=(7\\gamma-1)/(\\gamma^2-1)$, $p=2(\\gamma+5)/(7-\\gamma)$, $q=(2\\gamma^2+7\\gamma-3)/(7-\\gamma)$, $s=(\\gamma+1)/(7-\\gamma)$. Self-similar constant $\\alpha_A=\\alpha_A(2,\\gamma,0)$ goes with (\\ref{alpha_A-vs-beta_A}) and approximated profiles of $\\rho$, $P$ and $u$. % Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Taylor_Kahn} and table \\ref{alpha_comp} demonstrate accuracy of Taylor approximation in comparison with the exact solution. \\par This approximation is extended to cases $m\\neq 0$ in section \\ref{Taylor-ext}. \\par \\begin{figure}% \\epsfxsize=8.8truecm \\centerline{\\epsfbox{1.eps}} \\caption[]{{\\bf a-c.} Sedov solution and the accuracy of Taylor and Kahn approximations of the solution in the uniform medium: {\\bf a}~exact Sedov solution, {\\bf b}~relative differences of Taylor approximation, {\\bf c}~relative differences of Kahn approximation. Lines: 1 -- $\\rho(r)$, 2 -- $P(r)$, 3 -- $u(r)$, 4 -- $a(r)$. $\\gamma=5/3$. } \\label{accuracy_Taylor_Kahn} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Kahn approximation} Kahn (\\cite{Kahn}) apply his methodology to the strong spherical blastwave ($N=2$) in uniform medium ($m=0$) with $\\gamma=5/3$. It is proposed to approximate first the mass distribution \\begin{equation} \\label{mu-def} \\mu(r)={M(r,t)\\over M_{\\rm s}(t)}= 3\\int\\limits^r_0 \\rho(r)r^2dr. \\end{equation} Sedov solution shows that $P_r(r)=0$ near the centre (subscript \"$r$\" denotes a partial derivative in respect to $r$). This fact allows to find that $\\mu_r/\\mu=15/(2r)$ at $r=0$. On the base of the equation of motion, $\\mu_r/\\mu=12$, $\\mu_{rr}=168$ and $(\\mu_r/\\mu)_r=24$ at $r=1$. Therefore ratio $\\mu_r/\\mu$ is proposed to be approximated as \\begin{equation} \\label{Kahn-dmu-appr} {\\mu_r\\over\\mu}= {15\\over 2r}+{9\\over 2}r^7. \\end{equation} This formula satisfies all written boundary conditions at both ends. \\par The mass distribution finds as integral from (\\ref{Kahn-dmu-appr}): \\begin{equation} \\label{Kahn-mu-appr} \\mu(r)=r^{15/2}\\ \\exp\\left({9\\over16}\\left(r^8-1\\right)\\right). \\end{equation} Density distribution follows from (\\ref{mu-def}) and (\\ref{Kahn-mu-appr}): \\begin{equation} \\rho(r)=\\mu_r/3r^2. \\end{equation} Adiabaticity condition gives pressure variation \\begin{equation} P(r)=\\left({2\\over3}\\right)^{5/3}{1\\over 32}\\ {\\mu_r^{5/3}\\over \\mu\\ r^{10/3}}\\ . \\end{equation} Velocity deduses from the mass conservation equation \\begin{equation} u(r)={4\\over 3}r-{4\\mu\\over\\mu_r}\\ . \\end{equation} If present location of mass element $a$ is $r$, then a(r) may be found from the condition of mass conservation $\\mu(a)=\\mu(r)$ and relation (\\ref{mu(a)}) $\\mu(a)=a^{3}$: \\begin{equation} \\label{Kahn-a-appr} a(r)=\\mu(r)^{1/3}\\ . \\end{equation} The expressions for Kahn approximation are the same as (\\ref{Kahn-n})-(\\ref{Kahn-mu}) with $m=0$. The accuracy of this approximation are shown on the Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Taylor_Kahn}. \\subsection{Approximation of Cox \\& Franco} Appling Kahn's approximation technique, Cox \\& Franco (\\cite{Cox_Fanko-81}) obtain the approximation of the self-similar solution for an ambient medium with the power-law density distribution (\\ref{rho-power}) with $m<2$ for $\\gamma=5/3$ and $N=2$. Approximation of Cox \\& Franco are: \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{l} {\\displaystyle \\rho(r)=% \\left({5\\over8}+{3\\over8}r^{\\ 8-4m}\\right)\\cdot r^{\\ (9-5m)/2} }\\\\ \\\\ {\\displaystyle \\qquad\\qquad\\qquad\\!\\! \\times\\exp\\left({3\\over8}{(3-m)\\over(2-m)}\\left(r^{\\ 8-4m}-1\\right)\\right)\\ , } \\end{array} \\label{Kahn-n} \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{l} {\\displaystyle P(r)=% \\left({5\\over8}+{3\\over8}r^{\\ 8-4m}\\right)^{5/3} }\\\\ \\\\ {\\displaystyle \\qquad\\qquad\\qquad\\!\\! \\times\\exp\\left({3\\over4(2-m)}\\left(r^{\\ 8-4m}-1\\right)\\right)\\ , } \\end{array} \\label{Kahn-T} \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\label{Kahn-u} u(r)=% 4\\ r\\ {1+r^{\\ 8-4m}\\over 5+3\\ r^{\\ 8-4m}}\\ , \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} {\\displaystyle a(r)=% r^{5/2}\\ \\exp\\left({3\\over8(2-m)}\\left(r^{\\ 8-4m}-1\\right)\\right)\\ ,} \\label{Kahn-a} \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} {\\displaystyle \\mu(r)=r^{\\ 5(3-m)/2} \\ \\exp\\left({3\\over8}{(3-m)\\over(2-m)}\\left(r^{\\ 8-4m}-1\\right)\\right)\\ . } \\label{Kahn-mu} \\end{equation} Author's approximation for $\\beta_A$ is \\begin{equation} \\label{beta-Cox-Fanko} \\beta_A=1.125\\cdot(0.22+0.52\\cdot(3-m)/3). \\end{equation} The accuracy of Cox \\& Franco approximation is shown on Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Kahn_N-2} and table \\ref{alpha_comp}. \\par \\begin{figure}% \\epsfxsize=8.8truecm \\centerline{\\epsfbox{2.eps}} \\caption[]{{\\bf a-c.} Accuracy of Cox \\& Franco approximation of the self-similar solution in the power-law medium (\\ref{rho-power}): {\\bf a}~relative differences of the approximation for $m=-4$, {\\bf b}~relative differences for $m=-2$, {\\bf c}~relative differences for $m=1$. Lines are the same as on Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Taylor_Kahn}. Fracture in the curves for $\\rho(r)$ and $a(r)$ is due to very strong dependence of the relevant Sedov distributions on the internal parameter, which changes in these wide intervals of $r$ on $10^{-10}$ only. } \\label{accuracy_Kahn_N-2} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Approximations of Ostriker \\& McKee} \\label{Ostr-McKee} Ostriker \\& McKee (\\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}) in the frame of the virial theorem approach applied to spherical blastwave (N=2) in the power-law ambient medium (\\ref{rho-power}) and time-dependent energy injection $E_o(t)\\propto t^{s}$, present a number of approximations for the self-similar solution. We consider further $s=0$. \\par Authors introduce the dimensionless moments of coordinate $r$ and velocity $u$: \\begin{equation} \\label{moment-Ostr-McKee} K_{ij}=l_\\mu\\int\\limits_0^1 r^iu(r)^j\\rho(r)r^2dr\\ , \\end{equation} where $l_\\mu=(\\gamma+1)(3-m)/(\\gamma-1)$, and consider three types of approximations for $u(r)$ and $\\rho(r)$: linear velocity approximation (LVA) \\begin{equation} \\label{LVA-Ostr-McKee} u(r)=r,\\qquad \\rho(r)=r^{(6-(\\gamma+1)m)/(\\gamma-1)}, \\end{equation} one-power aproximation (OPA) \\begin{equation} \\label{OPA-Ostr-McKee} u(r)=r^{l_u},\\qquad \\rho(r)=r^{l_\\rho}, \\end{equation} and two-power aproximation (TPA) \\begin{equation} \\label{TPA-Ostr-McKee-u} u(r)=a_ur^{l_{u,1}}+(1-a_u)r^{l_{u,2}},\\\\ \\\\ \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\label{TPA-Ostr-McKee-rho} \\rho(r)=a_\\rho r^{l_{\\rho,1}}+(1-a_\\rho)r^{l_{\\rho,2}}. \\end{equation} In such an approach the self-similar constant $\\alpha_A$ as well as exponents $l_u$ and $l_\\rho$ may be expressed in terms of moments $K_{02}$ and $K_{11}$. Namely, under self-similarity $\\alpha_A=2\\pi\\eta^2\\beta_A/(3-m)$, where $\\eta=2/(5-m)$ and factor $\\beta_A$ equals \\begin{equation} \\label{beta_A-Ostr-McKee} \\beta_A={2\\over3}\\cdot{2K_{02}(3\\gamma-5)+(5-m)(\\gamma+1)K_{11} \\over (\\gamma^2-1)(\\gamma+1)}\\ . \\end{equation} Exponents in OPA are \\begin{equation} l_u={2K_{20}-K_{11}(1+K_{20})\\over(1-K_{20})K_{11}}\\ , \\quad l_{\\rho}={5K_{20}-3\\over1-K_{20}}\\ . \\end{equation} Derivatives at shock front are used to obtain the moments. So, \\begin{equation} K_{ij}={1\\over 1+s_{ij}/l_\\mu}\\ , \\label{K_Ostr-McKee} \\end{equation} where $s_{ij}=i+j$ in LVA and $s_{ij}=i+j+j(m_1-m)/2$ in OPA. Using (\\ref{K_Ostr-McKee}) $\\alpha_A$ may be written in a simple form in LVA: \\begin{equation} \\label{alpha_A-Ostr-McKee} \\alpha_A={16\\pi\\over 3(5-m)^2}\\cdot {11\\gamma-5-m(\\gamma+1)\\over (\\gamma^2-1)\\big(5\\gamma+1-m(\\gamma+1)\\big)}\\ . \\end{equation} Moments have more complicated form in TPA. In this approach the expression for $u(r)$ coinsides with the approximation (\\ref{Taylor-u}) of Taylor with $n=1+\\gamma(m_1-m)/(\\gamma-1)$ that equals to Taylor's $n$ at $m=0$. So, TPA is extension of Taylor approximation of $u(r)$ to $m\\neq 0$. Contrary to Taylor's approach to find $\\rho(r)$ and $P(r)$ from the hydrodynamic equations, Ostriker \\& McKee find the density variation independently as TPA (\\ref{TPA-Ostr-McKee-rho}) with \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{l} {\\displaystyle a_{\\rho}={\\gamma(m_1-m)\\over 10-\\gamma-(\\gamma+2)m} \\ ,}\\\\ \\\\ {\\displaystyle l_{\\rho,1}={3-\\gamma m\\over\\gamma-1} \\ , \\quad l_{\\rho,2}={6+(\\gamma+1)(m_1-2m)\\over \\gamma-1} \\ ,} \\end{array} \\end{equation} where $\\gamma>1$. For $m=0$ variation $\\rho(r)$ in TPA coinsides with the result of Gaffet (\\cite{Gaffet}) for case of uniform medium (Ostriker \\& McKee \\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}). Two-power velocity approximation is used to extend Taylor approximation to cases $m\\neq 0$ in section \\ref{Taylor-ext}. \\par Pressure distribution are also restored independently. It may be found in OPA as a linear pressure approximation (LPA) and for TPA in the frame of pressure-gradient approximation (PGA). \\par Most of mass is concentrated near the shock front and distribution $u(r)$ is close to a linear function of $r$. Therefore, as noted by Gaffet (\\cite{Gaffet}), the right side of Euler equation \\begin{equation} {\\partial\\tilde{P}(\\tilde{r},t)\\over \\partial M(\\tilde{r},t)}= -{1\\over4\\pi}{1\\over \\tilde{r}^2}{d\\tilde{u}(\\tilde{r},t)\\over dt} \\label{Eul-eq} \\end{equation} is nearly a constant. LPA (Gaffet \\cite{Gaffet}, Ostriker \\& McKee \\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}) use this feature assuming the pressure to be a linear function of the mass fraction $\\mu(r)$ \\begin{equation} P(r)=P(0)+(P^*_{\\rm s}/l_{\\mu})\\ \\mu(r). \\end{equation} Logariphmic derivative of pressure at the shock front is $P^*_{\\rm s}=(d\\ln P/d\\ln r)_{\\rm s}= (2\\gamma^2+7\\gamma-3-\\gamma m(\\gamma+1))/(\\gamma^2-1)$. Mass in OPA is $\\mu(r)=3l_\\mu^{-1}r^{l_\\mu}$. P(0) in LPA is (Gaffet \\cite{Gaffet}) \\begin{equation} P(0)=1+{\\overline{u_t^{\\rm s}}\\over\\omega(3-m)} \\end{equation} where $\\overline{u_t^{\\rm s}}=\\tilde{u}_t^{\\rm s}R/D^2= \\omega\\big((4-3\\omega)(m-3)+2(1-\\omega)(4-2\\omega-m)\\big)/2$ (Hnatyk \\cite{Hn87}), $\\omega=2/(\\gamma+1)$. \\par Such an approach (substitution with $\\tilde{r}^{-2}_{\\rm s}\\tilde{u}_t^{\\rm s}$ instead of $\\tilde{r}^{-2}\\tilde{u}_t$ in (\\ref{Eul-eq})) was also used by Laumbach \\& Probstein (\\cite{L-P}) to develop the sector approximation. \\par In PGA a power-law form for the pressure gradient \\begin{equation} {dP(r)\\over dr}=P^*_{\\rm s}r^{l_{p,2}-1}\\ \\end{equation} is used to give two-power approximation for the pressure \\begin{equation} P(r)=P(0)+a_pr^{l_{p,2}}\\ , \\end{equation} where $a_p=P^*_{\\rm s}/l_{p,2}$ and \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{l} {\\displaystyle P(0)={(\\gamma+1)^2(m_1-m)\\over 3\\gamma^2+20\\gamma+1-(\\gamma+1)(3\\gamma+1)m}\\ ,}\\\\ \\\\ {\\displaystyle \\hspace{0.4cm} l_{p,2}= {3\\gamma^2+20\\gamma+1-(\\gamma+1)(3\\gamma+1)m \\over 2(\\gamma^2-1)} \\ .} \\end{array} \\end{equation} Accuracy in determination of $\\alpha_A$ and $P(0)$ in approximations of Ostriker \\& McKee is shown in table \\ref{alpha_comp} and in revealing the flow parameters on Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Ostr-McKee}. \\par \\begin{figure}% \\epsfxsize=8.6truecm \\centerline{\\epsfbox{3.eps}} \\caption[]{Relative differences of Ostriker \\& McKee two-power approximation of the self-similar solution for the uniform medium. $\\gamma=5/3$. Lines are the same as on Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Taylor_Kahn}. } \\label{accuracy_Ostr-McKee} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Cavaliere \\& Messina approximation of $\\alpha_A$} Cavaliere \\& Messina (\\cite{Cavaliere-Messina-76}) with a simple technique approximate the equations for the radius and velocity of shock in the power-law medium (\\ref{rho-power}) and $E_o(t)\\propto t^{s}$. For $s=0$ his approximation gives \\begin{equation} \\label{beta-Cav-Mess} \\beta_A={4\\over \\gamma^2-1}\\left({\\gamma-1\\over\\gamma+1}+{1\\over 2} {N+1-m\\over N+1}\\right). \\end{equation} \\subsection{Approximate methods for an explosion in medium with arbitrary large-scale nonuniformity} In this subsection we pointed out a number of approximate methods for description of a point explosion in arbitrary nonuniform medium. These methods may also be applicable for a medium with power-law density variation. Bisnovatyi-Kogan \\& Silich (\\cite{BK-Syl}) and Hnatyk (\\cite{Hn87}) have given the reviews of these methods, their applications and accuracy. \\subsubsection{Thin-layer approximation} Thin-layer approximation is firstly introduced by Chernyi (\\cite{Chernyi}) and used by Kompaneets (\\cite{Komp}) and other authors to find analytical solutions for evolution of the shock front in a number of type of nonuniform media. It is assumed in this approach that all swept-up mass is concentrated in the infinitely thin layer just after shock front and the motion is stimulated with the hot gas inside the shocked region with uniform pressure distribution $P(r)=0.5$ (excepting $P_{\\rm s}=1$). Layer of the gas moves with velocity $u_{\\rm s}$. This method was developed to calculate anly the shock front dynamics and therefore does not allow to reveal the distribution of the fluid parameters behind the shock front. \\par Thin-layer approximation gives for spherical blastwave in the uniform medium (Andriankin et al. \\cite{Andriankin-et-al}) \\begin{equation} \\label{alpha_A-TL} \\alpha_A={16\\pi(3\\gamma-1)\\over 75(\\gamma-1)(\\gamma+1)^2}\\ . \\end{equation} \\subsubsection{Sector approximation} In the sector approximation, the characteristics of an one-dimentional flow find as decompositions into series about the shock front. \\par Laumbach \\& Probstein (\\cite{L-P}) have proposed the sector approximation applying it to spherical blastwaves in a plane-stratified exponential medium. Authors use Lagrangian coordinate $a$ and propose to approximate pressure variation in the form equivalent to $P(a)=1+P_a^{\\rm s}(a-1)$ (Hnatyk \\cite{Hn87}). Density variation is given by the adiabaticity condition and relation $r=r(a)$ by continuity equation. Fluid velocity field is not determined. For shock radius and its velocity Laumbach \\& Probstein approximation yeilds in the uniform medium limit \\begin{equation} \\label{alpha_A-SA} \\alpha_A={32\\pi(4\\gamma^2-\\gamma+3)\\over 225(\\gamma-1)(\\gamma+1)^3}\\ . \\end{equation} Gaffet (\\cite{Gaffet,Gaffet-81}) uses Lagrangian mass coordinates $\\mu$ and finds pressure variation as a linear pressure approximation $P(\\mu)=1+P_\\mu^{\\rm s}(\\mu-1)$. Gaffet (\\cite{Gaffet,Gaffet-81}) also propose to improve accuracy of the approximation, taking into account the second order coefficients in the series. Author calculates such coefficients in terms of Lagrangian mass coordinate $\\mu$. Hnatyk (\\cite{Hn87}), considering different modifications of the sector approximation, presents the coefficients up to the second order in terms of $a$. \\par \\begin{figure}% \\epsfxsize=8.6truecm \\centerline{\\epsfbox{4.eps}} \\caption[]{Accuracy of Hnatyk approximation of Sedov solution for the uniform medium. Lines: 1 -- $\\rho(a)$, 2 -- $P(a)$, 3 -- $u(a)$, 4 -- $r(a)$. $\\gamma=5/3$. } \\label{accuracy_Hn} \\end{figure} \\subsubsection{Hnatyk approximation} \\label{Hn-app} Hnatyk (\\cite{Hn87}) introduces also the idea to aproximate first\\-ly the relation $\\tilde{r}=\\tilde{r}(a,t)$ between the Lagrangian $a$ and Eulerian $r$ coordinates of the gas element in each sector of shocked region. Density $\\rho$, pressure $P$ and velocity $u$ variation behind the shock front are exactly deduced from this relation. Really, the continuity equation \\begin{equation} \\tilde{\\rho}^o(\\tilde{a}) \\tilde{a}^N d\\tilde{a}= \\tilde{\\rho}(\\tilde{r}) \\tilde{r}^N d\\tilde{r} \\label{cont-eq-rho} \\end{equation} gives us the density distribution \\begin{equation} \\label{ro(at)} \\rho(a)={\\tilde{\\rho}(a,t)\\over \\tilde{\\rho}^{\\rm s}(t)}= {\\tilde{\\rho}^{o}(\\tilde{a})\\over \\tilde{\\rho}(R,t)} \\left({\\tilde{a}\\over \\tilde{r}(\\tilde{a},t)}\\right)^N \\left({\\partial \\tilde{r}(\\tilde{a},t)\\over\\partial \\tilde{a}} \\right)^{-1}, \\end{equation} the equation of adiabaticity \\begin{equation} \\tilde{P}(\\tilde{a},t)=K\\tilde{\\rho}(\\tilde{a},t)^{\\gamma} \\end{equation} yields the distribution of pressure \\begin{equation} \\label{P(at)} P(a)= {\\tilde{P}(\\tilde{a},t)\\over \\tilde{P}^{\\rm s}(t)}= \\biggl({\\tilde{\\rho}^{o}(\\tilde{a})\\over \\tilde{\\rho}^{o}(R)}\\biggr)^{\\!1-\\gamma} \\biggl({D(\\tilde{a})\\over D(R)}\\biggr)^{\\!2}\\biggl({\\tilde{\\rho}(\\tilde{a},t)\\over \\tilde{\\rho}(R,t)} \\biggr)^{\\!\\gamma} \\end{equation} and relation $\\tilde{r}=\\tilde{r}(\\tilde{a},t)$ gives velocity \\begin{equation} \\label{u(at)} u(a)= {\\tilde{u}(\\tilde{a},t)\\over \\tilde{u}^{\\rm s}(t)}= {\\gamma+1\\over 2}{1\\over D(R)} {d\\tilde{r}(\\tilde{a},t)\\over dt}\\ . \\end{equation} Author propose to approximate $r(a)$ as \\begin{equation} r(a)=a^\\alpha\\exp\\big(\\beta(a-1)\\big)\\ \\label{r(a)-Hn} \\end{equation} with \\begin{equation} \\alpha=(r^{\\rm s}_{a})^2-r^{\\rm s}_{aa} \\quad {\\rm and}\\quad \\beta=r^{\\rm s}_{aa}+r^{\\rm s}_{a}-(r^{\\rm s}_{a})^2 \\ . \\end{equation} Such an expression ensures the edge condition $r(0)=0$, $r_{\\rm s}=1$ and values of the derivatives \\begin{equation} r^{\\rm s}_a = 1-\\omega, \\label{ras} \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} r^{\\rm s}_{aa}=\\omega(1-\\omega) \\bigl[ 3B+N(2-\\omega)-m\\bigr] \\label{raas} \\end{equation} where $B=R\\ddot R/\\dot R^2$, $\\dot R=dR/dt$ is the shock velocity, $m=-d\\ln\\rho^o(R)/d\\ln R$, subscript \"$a$\" denotes a partial derivative in respect to $a$. \\par This approximation is accurate near the shock front, but around the explosion site (for $a<0.1$ or $r<0.4$) characteristics do not restore correctly (Fig.~\\ref{accuracy_Hn}). This approximation does not take into consideration any derivatives of $r(a)$ near the center and the distributions of $\\rho(a)$, $P(a)$, $u(a)$ do not bind there, causing such a situation. This approximation is extended to the central region in subsection \\ref{app-Hn-imp}. \\par ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we review approximations of the self-similar solution for a strong point explosion in the power law medium $\\rho^o\\propto r^{-m}$ and compare their accuracy with the exact Sedov solution of the problem. Different approaches found on the different basic approximations. Namely, Taylor (\\cite{Taylor-50}) and Ostriker \\& McKee (\\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}) approximate first\\-ly the fluid velocity variation behind the shock front. Taylor used approximated $u(r)$ substituting it into the hydrodynamic equations to obtain full description of the flow. Contrary to this, Ostriker \\& McKee approximate $\\rho(r)$ and $P(r)$ independently. Kahn (\\cite{Kahn}) technic, used also by Cox \\& Franco (\\cite{Cox_Fanko-81}), consists in approximation of the fluid mass variation $\\mu(r)$ and further usage of the system of hydrodynamic equations. Gaffet (\\cite{Gaffet}), Laumbach \\& Probstein (\\cite{L-P}), Ostriker \\& McKee (\\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}) base their approaches on the approximation of $P(\\mu)$ or $P(r)$. Thin layer approximation may also be included into this group. Hnatyk (\\cite{Hn87}) take approximation of the connection between Eulerian and Lagran\\-gi\\-an coordinates as basic relation. So, practically all possible approaches are used to have approximation for the self-similar solution. \\par In this paper we apply Taylor's methodology to discribe a strong point explosion in the power-law medium, extending his approximation written for uniform medium, and write also two approximations expressed in Lagran\\-gi\\-an geometric coordinates, approaching $r(a)$ with different accuracy. \\par Errors of all approximations are caused only by errors in the basic approximation. When the first approximation has higher accuracy we have more accurate approximation for parameters of the shock and flow. \\par \\begin{table*}% \\caption[]{ Comparision of the self-similar constant $\\alpha_{\\rm A}$ and pressure $P(0)$ calculated with: S -- Sedov (\\cite{Sedov-1946b}) solution (Kestenboim et al. \\cite{Kestenb}); T -- Taylor (\\cite{Taylor-50}) approximation; CF -- approximation of Cox \\& Franco (\\cite{Cox_Fanko-81}); LVA, OPA and TPA of Ostriker \\& McKee (\\cite{Ostriker-McKee-88}); CM -- approximation of Cavaliere \\& Messina (\\cite{Cavaliere-Messina-76}); TL -- thin-layer (\\ref{alpha_A-TL}) approximation; LP -- approximation (\\ref{alpha_A-SA}) of Laumbach \\& Probstein (\\cite{L-P}); SOA -- second order (\\ref{Hn-impruved}) and TOA -- third order (\\ref{r(a)_approx}) approximations. Uniform medium, $\\gamma=5/3$ and $N=2$. \\\\ } \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccccccccc} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} &S&T&CF&LVA&OPA/LPA&TPA/PGA&CM&TL&LP&SOA&TOA\\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} $\\alpha_A$&0.4936 &0.4957 &0.4930 &0.5386 &0.5027 &0.4957 &0.5655 &0.5655 &0.4398 &0.4981 &0.4944 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} $P(0)$\t &0.3062 &0.2855 &0.3140 &-- &0.3333 &0.3333 &-- &0.5000 &0.3333 &0.2507 &0.3062 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\label{alpha_comp} \\end{table*} \\appendix" }, "0002/astro-ph0002438_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have determined the radial velocities of the [O~III] emitting gas in the inner narrow-line region (NLR) of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068, along a slit at position angle 202\\deg, from STIS observations at a spatial resolution of 0\\arcsecpoint1 and a spectral resolving power of $\\lambda$/$\\Delta\\lambda$ $\\approx$ 1000. We use these data to investigate the kinematics of the NLR within 6$''$ ($\\sim$430 pc) of the nucleus. The emission-line knots show evidence for radial acceleration, to a projected angular distance of 1\\arcsecpoint7 in most cases, followed by deceleration that approaches the systemic velocity at a projected distance of $\\sim$4$''$. We find that a simple kinematic model of biconical radial outflow can match the general trend of observed radial velocities. In this model, the emitting material is evacuated along the bicone axis, and the axis is inclined 5\\deg\\ out of the plane of the sky. The acceleration of the emission-line clouds provides support for dynamical models that invoke radiation and/or wind pressure. We suggest that the deceleration of the clouds is due to their collision with a patchy and anistropically distributed ambient medium. ", "introduction": "The narrow-line region (NLR) in Seyfert galaxies is characterized by emission lines with widths on the order of 500 km s$^{-1}$ (full-width at half-maximum, FWHM), which are attributed to motions of the ionized clouds of gas. Over the past couple of decades, ground-based studies attempted to determine the kinematics of the NLR, but a general consensus on the velocity flow pattern was not reached; cases were made for infall, rotation, parabolic orbits, outflow, etc. (e.g., Osterbrock and Mathews 1986, and references therein; DeRobertis \\& Shaw 1990; Veilleux 1991; Moore \\& Cohen 1994, 1996). Since the majority of the NLR flux comes from a region that subtends only a few arcseconds in most Seyferts (Schmitt \\& Kinney 1996), these studies had to rely on spatially-integrated line profiles. Unfortunately, similar profile shapes and asymmetries can be generated from a wide variety of kinematic models (Capriotti, Foltz, \\& Byard 1980, 1981), and hence the difficulty in determining the velocity fields from these data. By contrast, ground-based studies of the extended narrow-line region (ENLR, at distances typically $\\geq$ 500 pc from the central source) can take advantage of of spatially-resolved spectra; these studies find that the ionized gas in the ENLR is undergoing normal galactic rotation (Unger et al. 1987), with evidence for an additional component of outward radial motion in some cases (Whittle et al. 1988). Despite the limited spatial resolution, recent ground-based studies suggest that the NLR of NGC 1068, the nearest bright Seyfert 2 galaxy, shows evidence for radial outflow (Cecil, Bland, \\& Tully 1990; Arribas, Mediavilla, and Garc\\'{i}a-Lorenzo 1996), which is a suggestion first offered by Walker (1968). With the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} (HST) and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), we now have the ability to obtain spectra of the NLR at high spatial resolution. The importance of these observations is that we can probe the velocity field of the ionized gas close to the central continuum source, where the supermassive black hole presumably dominates the kinematics (due to its gravitational influence and/or the radiation, winds, and jets emanating from its vicinity). In this letter, we use STIS long-slit spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 to determine the kinematics of the ionized gas in its NLR. In previous papers, we used these spectra to study the extended continuum emission (Crenshaw \\& Kraemer 2000, hereafter Paper I) and the physical conditions in ionized gas near the continuum ``hot spot'' (Kraemer \\& Crenshaw 2000, Paper II). We adopt a systemic redshift of cz $=$ 1148 km~s$^{-1}$ from H~I observations of NGC 1068 (Brinks et al. 1997) and a distance of 14.4 Mpc (Bland-Hawthorne 1997), so that 0\\arcsecpoint1 corresponds to 7.2 pc. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Comparison with Ground-based Observations} Cecil et al. (1990) provide the most comprehensive set of velocity maps for the NLR of NGC 1068, based on Fabry-Perot observations of the [N II] lines at $\\sim$1$''$ spatial and 140 km s$^{-1}$ spectral resolutions; these authors conclude that their data can be explained by cylindrical or biconical outflow. Given the limited spatial resolution, their observations are in agreement with ours and are consistent with our model. Their line profiles along the STIS slit position show a single broad component at the location of the hot spot and double-peaked profiles, separated by $\\sim$1000 km s$^{-1}$, at a distance $\\sim$2$''$ from the hot spot, in agreement with our observations (Figure 3). Outside of the STIS slit position, their profiles show the same double-peaked structure, with the largest velocity separation at $\\sim$2$''$ on either side of the hot spot, which is consistent with our model prediction that the highest blueshifts and redshifts should occur at this distance. The higher spatial resolution of the STIS observations allows us to see the acceleration of clouds outward from the nucleus followed by a clear deceleration of the clouds. We have not applied our model to ground-based observations at distances $>$ 6$''$, where galactic rotation begins to play a much larger role in the kinematics (Baldwin, Whittle, \\& Wilson 1987). \\subsection{Comparison with Other Models} Two other kinematic models of the NLR have been proposed on the basis of spectra at high spatial resolution, which were obtained with {\\it HST}'s Faint Object Camera (FOC). Axon et al. (1998) suggest a model for NGC 1068 in which the gas expands outward from the radio jet (which is nearly coincident with the axis of the ionization cone). Winge et al. (1999) propose a rotating disk model for the NLR in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC~4151. To test the Axon et al. (1998) suggestion for NGC 1068, we generated a model with the same parameters as in Table 1, except that the velocity vectors are directed perpendicular to the radio axis. In this case, we find that the envelope of radial velocities is nearly the same as in Figure 3, due to the small inclination angle. However, we have two concerns about this model. First, the observed radial velocities follow a well-organized flow pattern, and we can discern no correlation with the clumpy radio structure in the NLR (Gallimore et al. 1996). Second, this model cannot explain the kinematics of the NLR in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151, where the gas is blueshifted in one cone and redshifted in the other (Winge et al. 1999; Nelson et. al. 2000, and references therein), whereas motions perpendicular to the axis produce equal blueshifts and redshifts in each cone, regardless of the inclination of the axis. We note that our radial outflow model for NGC 1068 provides a slightly better fit than the Axon et al. model, because a small tilt of the axis (5\\deg) can match the slightly different amplitudes of the observed blueshifted and redshifted curves. Furthermore, by tilting the cone axis towards the line of sight, this model can explain the observed radial velocities in NGC 4151 (see Crenshaw et al. 2000). Winge et al.'s (1999) rotating disk model for NGC 4151 is only used to match their low velocity component (within 300 km s$^{-1}$ of systemic). Even so, they require an extended (and otherwise undetected) distribution of matter within 0\\arcsecpoint1 (64 pc) of the nucleus with a mass on the order of 10$^{9}$ M$\\odot$, in addition to a central point-source mass of 10$^{7}$M$\\odot$. A rotation model can be ruled out for NGC 1068, because high redshifts and blueshifts are seen on either side of the nucleus. Other gravitational models can also be ruled out as the principal source of the velocities in NGC 1068, because the required mass is prohibitive. At the peaks of the velocity curves (ignoring the two knots with very high velocities), the projected distance from the nucleus is $\\sim$120 pc, the projected velocity is $\\sim$850 km s$^{-1}$, and the required mass is $\\geq$ 10$^{10}$ M$\\odot$ (a lower limit because of projection effects). By comparison, the dynamical mass from stars within a radius of $\\sim$1$''$ from the nucleus of NGC 1068 is only 6 x 10$^{8}$ M$\\odot$ (Thatte et al. 1997). Thus, radial outflow provides the simplest and best explanation of the observed velocities in these two Seyfert galaxies. \\subsection{Implications of our Model} Our kinematic model assumes constant acceleration of clouds in the inner NLR ($<$ 140 pc), and constant deceleration further out; this assumption provides a reasonable match to the observations, although more complicated velocity laws as a function of distance are possible, given the intrinsic scatter in the observed points. Nevertheless, these results favor dynamical models that invoke radiation and/or wind pressure to drive clouds out from the nucleus. The deceleration of clouds further is not primarily due to gravity, for the reasons given above: an unreasonably high mass ($\\sim$10$^{10}$ M$\\odot$) is required to slow the clouds down. The simplest explanation for the deceleration is that the clouds experience a drag force, presumably due to interaction with ambient material at $\\sim$140 pc from the nucleus. A possible explanation for the blueshifted clouds on the SW side is that they run into ambient material that is closer to the nucleus ($\\sim$80 pc). In this picture, the two high velocity clumps in Figure 3 represent clouds that have not experienced a drag force in the direction they are traveling, which suggests that there are holes in the surrounding medium. We note that gravity may eventually play a role in the kinematics. In our model, the axis of the outflow is inclined by $\\sim$45\\deg\\ with respect to the galactic disk (inclination $=$ 40\\deg, major axis at position angle 106 \\deg, see Bland-Hawthorne et al. 1997), and as the NLR clouds slow down, they may be pulled back to the disk, possibly joining the existing ENLR gas. In conclusion, we find that a biconical outflow model, with evidence for acceleration close to the nucleus and deceleration further out, provides a reasonable explanation for the radial velocities in our long-slit spectrum of NGC 1068. STIS long-slit observations of NGC 1068 at higher spectral resolution and at different slit positions will be helpful in resolving velocity components and mapping out the two-dimensional velocity field. STIS observations of other Seyferts will help test the utility of this model." }, "0002/astro-ph0002324_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a preliminary analysis of the 1--10 keV spectrum of the massive X-ray binary Cyg X-3, obtained with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on the {\\it Chandra X-ray Observatory}. The source reveals a richly detailed discrete emission spectrum, with clear signatures of photoionization-driven excitation. Among the spectroscopic novelties in the data are the first astrophysical detections of a number of He-like 'triplets' (Si, S, Ar) with emission line ratios characteristic of photoionization equilibrium, fully resolved narrow radiative recombination continua of Mg, Si, and S, the presence of the H-like Fe Balmer series, and a clear detection of a $\\sim 800$ km s$^{-1}$ large scale velocity field, as well as a $\\sim 1500$ km s$^{-1}$ FWHM Doppler broadening in the source. We briefly touch on the implications of these findings for the structure of the Wolf-Rayet wind. ", "introduction": "In a previous paper (Liedahl \\& Paerels 1996, 'LP96') we presented an interpretation of the discrete spectrum of Cyg X-3 as observed with the Solid State Imaging Spectrometers on {\\it ASCA} (cf. Kitamoto et al. 1994; Kawashima \\& Kitamoto 1996). We found clear spectroscopic evidence that the discrete emission is excited by recombination in a tenuous X-ray photoionized medium, presumably the stellar wind from the Wolf-Rayet companion star (van Kerkwijk et al. 1992). Specifically, the {\\it ASCA} spectrum revealed a narrow radiative recombination continuum (RRC) from H-like S, unblended with any other transitions. On closer inspection, RRC features due to H-like Mg and Si were also found to be present in the data, although severely blended with emission lines. These narrow continua are an unambiguous indicator of excitation by recombination in X-ray photoionized gas, and their relative narrowness is a direct consequence of the fact that a highly ionized photoionized plasma is generally much cooler than a collisionally ionized plasma of comparable mean ionization (LP96, Liedahl 1999 and references therein). With the high spectral resolution of the {\\it Chandra} High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer, we now have the capability to fully resolve the discrete spectrum. Apart from offering a unique way to determine the structure of the wind of a massive star, study of the spectrum may yield other significant benefits. Cyg X-3 shows a bright, purely photoionization driven spectrum, and, as such, may provide a template for the study of the spectra of more complex accretion-driven sources, such as AGN. The analysis will also allow us to verify explicitly the predictions for the structure of X-ray photoionized nebulae derived from widely applied X-ray photoionization codes. ", "conclusions": "The HETGS spectrum of Cyg X-3 has revealed a rich discrete spectrum, the properties of which are consistent with pure recombination excitation in cool, optically thin, low density X-ray photoionized gas in equilibrium. We fully resolve the narrow RRCs for the first time, and estimate an average electron temperature in the photoionized region of $kT_e \\sim 50$ eV, consistent with global photoionization calculations. We detect a net redshift in the emission lines of $v \\sim 750-800$ km s$^{-1}$, essentially independent of binary phase, and a distribution in velocity with a FWHM of $\\sim 1500$ km s$^{-1}$. If the wind were photoionized throughout, we would expect to see roughly equal amounts of blue-- and redshifted material, so evidently we are viewing an ionized region that is not symmetric with respect to the source of the wind, as expected if only the part of the wind in the vicinity of the X-ray continuum source is ionized. However, in the simplest wind models, one would then expect to see a strong dependence of the centroid velocity on binary phase, alternating between red-- and blueshifts, and this is decidedly not the case in our data. The implications of this finding for the flow pattern and distribution of material in the wind will be explored in a future paper. Finally, the Fe K$\\alpha$ fluorescent feature, which probes a more neutral phase of the wind, has never been seen before in Cyg X-3. Unfortunately, the exact range of ionization can not be separated uniquely from systematic Doppler shifts through a measurement of the wavelengths of the K$\\alpha$ spectra, because the feature, while clearly broadened, is not separated into its component ionization stages. Still, the width of the feature (the net effect of the velocity field and the existence of a range of charge states) and its intensity will impose strong constraints on the global properties of the wind. \\noindent Acknowledgements. \\newline \\noindent We wish to express our gratitude to Dan Dewey and Marten van Kerkwijk, for discussions and a careful reading of the manuscript, and to the referee, Randall Smith, for a thorough review. JC acknowledges support from NASA under a GRSP fellowship. MS's contribution was supported by NASA under Long Term Space Astrophysics grant no. NAG 5-3541. FP was supported under NASA Contract no. NAS 5-31429. DL acknowledges support from NASA under Long Term Space Astrophysics Grant no. S-92654-F. Work at LLNL was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy, Contract mo. W-7405-Eng-48." }, "0002/astro-ph0002168_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Gamma-ray burst astronomy has undergone a revolution in the last three years, spurred by the discovery of fading long-wavelength counterparts. We now know that at least the long duration GRBs lie at cosmological distances with estimated electromagnetic energy release of $10^{51}$ -- $10^{53}$ erg, making these the brightest explosions in the Universe. In this article we review the current observational state, beginning with the statistics of X-ray, optical, and radio afterglow detections. We then discuss the insights these observations have given to the progenitor population, the energetics of the GRB events, and the physics of the afterglow emission. We focus particular attention on the evidence linking GRBs to the explosion of massive stars. Throughout, we identify remaining puzzles and uncertainties, and emphasize promising observational tools for addressing them. The imminent launch of {\\em HETE-2} and the increasingly sophisticated and coordinated ground-based and space-based observations have primed this field for fantastic growth. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} GRBs have mystified and fascinated astronomers since their discovery. Their brilliance and their short time variability clearly suggest a compact object (black hole or neutron star) origin. Three decades of high-energy observations, culminating in the definitive measurements of CGRO/BATSE, determined the spatial distribution to be isotropic yet inhomogeneous, suggestive of an extragalactic population (see \\cite{fm95} for a review of the situation prior to the launch of the BeppoSAX mission). Further progress had to await the availability of GRB positions adequate for identification of counterparts at other wavelengths. In the cosmological scenario, GRBs would have energy releases comparable to that of supernovae (SNe). Based on this analogy, Paczy\\'nsk \\&\\ Rhoads \\cite{pr93} and Katz \\cite{k94} predicted that the gamma-ray burst would be followed by long-lived but fading emission. These papers motivated systematic searches for radio afterglow, including our effort at the VLA \\cite{fk95}. The broad-band nature of this ``afterglow'' and its detectability was underscored in later work \\cite{mr97,v97}. Ultimately, the detection of the predicted afterglow had to await localizations provided by the Italian-Dutch satellite, BeppoSAX \\cite{b+97}. The BeppoSAX Wide Field Camera (WFC) observes about 3\\% of the sky, triggering on the low-energy (2 -- 30 keV) portion of the GRB spectrum, localizing events to $\\sim$ 5 -- 10 arcminutes. X-ray afterglow was first discovered by BeppoSAX in GRB~970228, after the satellite was re-oriented (within about 8 hours) to study the error circle of a WFC detection with the 2 -- 10 keV X-ray concentrators. The detection of fading X-ray emission, combined with the high sensitivity and the ability of the concentrators to refine the position to the arcminute level, led to the subsequent discovery of long lived emission at lower frequencies \\cite{c+97,JvP+97,f+97}. Optical spectroscopy of the afterglow of GRB 970508 led to the definitive demonstration of the extragalactic nature of this GRB \\cite{mdk+97}. The precise positions provided by radio and/or optical afterglow observations have allowed for the identification of host galaxies, found in almost every case. Not only has this provided further redshift determinations, but it has been useful in tying GRBs to star formation through measurements of the host star formation rate (e.g. \\cite{kdr+98,dkb+98}). HST with its exquisite resolution has been critical in localizing GRBs within their host galaxies and thereby shed light on their progenitors (e.g. \\cite{fpt+99,hh99,bod+99}). Observations of the radio afterglow have directly established the relativistic nature of the GRB explosions \\cite{f+97} and provided evidence linking GRBs to dusty star-forming regions. Radio observations are excellent probes of the circumburst medium and the current evidence suggests that the progenitors are massive stars with copious stellar winds. The latest twist is an apparent connection of GRBs with SNe \\cite{bkd+99}. Separately, an important development is the possible association of a GRB with a nearby (40 Mpc) peculiar SN \\cite{gvv+98,kfw+98}. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=980703-lcurve.ps,width=7.3cm}\\qquad\\qquad\\psfig{figure=970508-lcurve.ps,width=7.3cm,angle=0}} \\vspace{10pt} \\caption[]{\\small {\\it Left: The radio light curve of GRB 980703. This is a typical afterglow, a rise to a peak followed by a power law decay. The longer lifetime of the radio afterglow allows us to see both the rise and the fall of the afterglow emission. In contrast, at optical and X-ray emission, most of the times we see only the decaying portion of the light curve. Right: The radio light curve of GRB970508 \\cite{fwk00}. The wild fluctuations of the light curve in the first three weeks are chromatic. At later times, the fluctuations become broad-band and subdued. These fluctuations are a result of multi-path propagation of the radio waves in the Galactic interstellar medium. As the source expands (at superluminal speeds) the scintillation changes from diffractive to refractive scintillation. This is analogous to why stars twinkle but planets do not.\\label{fig:980703-970508}}} \\end{figure} In this paper we review the primary advances resulting from afterglow studies. \\S{II} discusses the statistics of detections to-date, including possible causes for the lack of radio and optical afterglows from some GRBs. In \\S{III} we review constraints on the nature of the progenitor population(s), in particular evidence linking some classes of GRBs to SNe. \\S{IV} describes the status of current understanding of the physics of the afterglow emission. Here we compare observations to predictions of the basic spherically-symmetric model, and describe complications arising from deviations from spherical symmetry and non-uniform distribution of the circumburst medium. We conclude with speculations of the near and long-term advances in this field (\\S{V}). We point out that this review has two biases. First, given the concentration of previous review articles on optical and X-ray observations, we emphasize the unique contributions of radio afterglow measurements. Second, this article is intended to also provide a summary of the efforts of the Caltech-NRAO-CARA GRB collaboration, and therefore details our work in particular. This review is in response to review talks given at the 1999 Maryland October meeting (SRK) and the 5th Huntsville GRB meeting (DAF and SRK). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002442_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In magnetic fields stronger than $B_Q \\equiv m_e^2 c^3/\\hbar e = 4.4 \\times 10^{13}$ Gauss, an electron's Landau excitation energy exceeds its rest energy. I review the physics of this strange regime and some of its implications for the crusts and magnetospheres of neutron stars. In particular, I describe how ultra-strong fields \\begin{list}{$\\bullet$}{\\setlength{\\leftmargin}{1.8\\leftmargini} \\setlength{\\rightmargin}{\\leftmargin} \\setlength{\\itemsep}{0pt} \\setlength{\\parsep}{0pt} \\setlength{\\topsep}{2pt} } \\item render the vacuum {\\it birefringent\\/} and capable of distorting and magnifying images (``magnetic lensing\"); \\item change the self-energy of electrons: as $B$ increases they are first slightly lighter than $m_e$, then slightly heavier; \\item cause photons to rapidly split and merge with each other; \\item distort atoms into long, thin cylinders and molecules into strong, polymer-like chains; \\item enhance the pair density in thermal pair-photon gases; \\item strongly suppress photon-electron scattering, and \\item drive the vacuum itself unstable, at extremely large $B$. \\end{list} In a concluding section, I discuss the spindown of ultra-magnetized neutron stars and recent soft gamma repeater observations. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002397_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We evaluate the observational constraints on the spectral index $n$, in the context of the $\\Lambda$CDM hypothesis which represents the simplest viable cosmology. We first take $n$ to be practically scale-independent. Ignoring reionization, we find at a nominal 2-$\\sigma$ level $n\\simeq 1.0 \\pm 0.1$. If we make the more realisitic assumption that reionization occurs when a fraction $f\\sim 10^{-5}$ to $1$ of the matter has collapsed, the 2-$\\sigma$ lower bound is unchanged while the 1-$\\sigma$ bound rises slightly. These constraints are compared with the prediction of various inflation models. Then we investigate the two-parameter scale-dependent spectral index, predicted by running-mass inflation models, and find that present data allow significant scale-dependence of $n$, which occurs in a physically reasonable regime of parameter space. ", "introduction": "It is generally supposed that structure in the Universe originates from a primordial gaussian curvature perturbation, generated by slow-roll inflation. The spectrum $\\calpr(k)$ of the curvature perturbation is the point of contact between observation and models of inflation. It is given in terms of the inflaton potential $V(\\phi)$ by\\footnote {As usual, $\\mpl=2.4\\times 10^{18}\\GeV$ is the Planck mass, $a$ is the scale factor and $H=\\dot a/a$ is the Hubble parameter, and $k/a$ is the wavenumber. We assume the usual slow-roll conditions $\\mpl^2|V''/V|\\ll 1$ and $\\mpl^2(V'/V)^2\\ll1$, leading to $3H\\dot\\phi\\simeq -V'$.} \\be \\frac4{25}\\calpr(k) = \\frac1{75\\pi^2\\mpl^6}\\frac{V^3}{V'^2} \\,, \\label{delh} \\ee where the potential and its derivatives are evaluated at the epoch of horizon exit $k=aH$. To work out the value of $\\phi$ at this epoch one uses the relation \\be \\ln(k\\sub{end}/k)\\equiv N(k) =\\mpl^{-2}\\int^\\phi_{\\phi\\sub{end}} (V/V') \\diff\\phi \\,, \\label{Nofv} \\ee where $N(k)$ is actually the number of $e$-folds from horizon exit to the end of slow-roll inflation. At the scale explored by the COBE measurement of the cosmic microwave background (cmb) anisotropy, $N(k\\sub{COBE})$ depends on the expansion of the Universe after inflation in the manner specified by \\eq{Ncobe} below. Given this prediction, the observed large-scale normalization $\\calp_\\calr^{1/2}\\simeq 10^{-5}$ provides a strong constraint on models of inflation. Taking that for granted, we are here interested in the scale-dependence of the spectrum, defined by the, in general, scale-dependent spectral index $n$; \\be n(k)-1\\equiv \\frac {\\diff \\ln \\calpr}{ \\diff \\ln k} \\,. \\ee According to most inflation models, $n$ has negligible variation on cosmological scales so that $\\calpr\\propto k^{n-1}$, but we shall also discuss an interesting class of models giving a different scale-dependence. {}From \\eqs{delh}{Nofv}, \\bea n-1 &=& 2\\mpl^2 (V''/V)-3\\mpl^2 (V'/V)^2 \\,, \\label{nofv} \\eea and in almost all models of inflation, \\eq{nofv} is well approximated by \\be n-1=2\\mpl^2(V''/V) \\label{nofvapprox} \\,. \\ee We see that the spectral index measures the {\\em shape} of the inflaton potential $V(\\phi)$, being independent of its overall normalization. For this reason, it is a powerful discriminator between models of inflation. The observational constraints on the spectral index have been studied by many authors, but a new investigation is justified for two reasons. On the observational side, the cosmological parameters are at last being pinned down, as is the height of the first peak in the spectrum the cmb anisotropy. No study has yet been given which takes on board these observational developments, while at the same time taking on board the crucial influence of the reionization epoch on the peak height. On the theory side, it is known that the spectral index may be strongly scale-dependent if the inflaton has a gauge coupling, leading to what are called running-mass models. The quite specific, two-parameter prediction for the scale dependence of the spectral index in these models has not been compared with presently available data. ", "conclusions": "In the context of the $\\Lambda$CDM model, we have evaluated the observational constraint on the spectral index $n(k)$. This constraint comes from a range of data, including the height of the first peak in the cmb anisotropy, which we take to be $80\\pm 10\\mu$K (nominal 1-$\\sigma$). Reionization is assumed to occur when some fixed fraction $f$ of the matter collapses, and the most important results are insensitive to this fraction in the reasonable range $10^{-4}\\lsim f\\lsim 1$. We first considered the case that $n$ has negligible scale dependence, comparing the observational bound with the prediction of various models of inflation. A significant improvement in the 2-$\\sigma$ lower bound, which may well occur with the advent of slightly better measurements of the cmb anisotropy, will become a serious discriminator between models of inflation. Even the present bound has serious implications if, as is very possible, late-time gravitino creation or some other phenomenon requires an era of thermal inflation after the usual inflation. We also considered the running mass models of inflation, where the spectral index can have significant scale-dependence. Because of this scale dependence, it is in this case crucial to fix not the epoch of reionization, but the fraction $f$ of matter that has collapsed at that epoch. We presented results for the choice $f=1$ (corresponding to $z\\sub R\\simeq 13$ if the spectral index has negligible scale-dependence), and for a perhaps more reasonable choice $ f=10^{-2.2}$. In the running-mass models, the scale-dependent spectral index $n(k)$ is given by $n-1=s \\exp(c\\Delta N) -c$, where $\\Delta N=\\ln(k\\sub{COBE}/k)$. The parameters in this expression can be of either sign, leading to four different models of inflation. Barring fine-tuning, one expects $s$ to be in the range $|c|e^{-cN\\sub{COBE}}\\lsim |s|\\lsim e^{-cN\\sub{COBE}}$. The parameter $c$ depends on the nature of the soft supersymmetry breaking, but in the simplest case of gravity-mediation it becomes a dimensionless coupling strength, presumably of order $ 10^{-1}$ to $10^{-2}$ in magnitude. Without worrying about the origin of the parameters $c$ and $s$, we have investigated the observational constraints on them. In the case $c,s>0$ (referred to as Model (i)) we find that $n$ can have a significant variation on cosmological scales, with $n-1$ passing through zero signaling a minimum of the spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation. In a future paper, we shall exhibit the possible effect of this scale-dependence on the cmb anisotropy, at and above the first peak." }, "0002/astro-ph0002504_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The clustering of galaxies is well characterized by fractal properties, with the presence of an eventual cross-over to homogeneity still a matter of considerable debate. In this letter we discuss the cosmological implications of a fractal distribution of matter, with a possible cross-over to homogeneity at an undetermined scale $R_{homo}$. Contrary to what is generally assumed, we show that, even when $R_{homo} \\rightarrow \\infty$, this possibility can be treated consistently within the framework of the expanding universe solutions of Friedmann. The fractal is a perturbation to an open cosmology in which the leading homogeneous component is the cosmic background radiation (CBR). This cosmology, inspired by the observed galaxy distributions, provides a simple explanation for the recent data which indicate the absence of deceleration in the expansion ($q_o \\approx 0$). Correspondingly the `age problem' is also resolved. Further we show that the model can be extended back from the curvature dominated arbitrarily deep into the radiation dominated era, and we discuss qualitatively the modifications to the physics of the anisotropy of the CBR, nucleosynthesis and structure formation. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002218_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The time profiles of many gamma-ray bursts consist of distinct pulses, which offers the possibility of characterizing the temporal structure of these bursts using a relatively small set of pulse shape parameters. We have used a pulse decomposition procedure to analyze the Time-to-Spill (TTS) data for all bursts observed by BATSE up through trigger number 2000, in all energy channels for which TTS data is available. We obtain amplitude, rise and decay timescales, a pulse shape parameter, and the fluences of individual pulses in all of the bursts. We investigate the correlations between brightness measures (amplitude and fluence) and timescale measures (pulse width and separation) which may result from cosmological time dilation of bursts, or from intrinsic properties of burst sources or from selection effects. The effects of selection biases are evaluated through simulations. The correlations between these parameters among pulses within individual bursts give a measure of the intrinsic effects while the correlations among bursts could result both from intrinsic and cosmological effects. We find that timescales tend to be shorter in bursts with higher peak fluxes, as expected from cosmological time dilation effects, but also find that there are non-cosmological effects contributing to this inverse correlation. We find that timescales tend to be longer in bursts with higher total fluences, contrary to what is expected from cosmological effects. We also find that peak fluxes and total fluences of bursts are uncorrelated, indicating that they cannot both be good distance indicators for bursts. ", "introduction": "Many of the signatures of the cosmological time dilation and the radiation mechanisms of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are hidden in the temporal and spectral characteristics of GRBs. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the temporal properties of the bursts, and the correlations between intensities and timescales. We use the BATSE Time-to-Spill (TTS) data, which can give much higher time resolution than other forms of BATSE data for most bursts. The advantages and shortcomings of this data, our decomposition of the time profiles into pulses, and the evolution of burst characteristics are described in greater detail in the accompanying paper \\cite{lee:2000}. What follows is a brief summary. (See also \\cite{lee:1996,lee:1998,lee:thesis}.) Many burst time profiles appear to be composed of a series of discrete, often overlapping, pulses, often with a \\emph{fast rise, exponential decay} (FRED) shape~\\citep{norris:1996}. The different pulses may represent emission from distinct subevents within the gamma-ray burst source. Therefore, it may be useful to decompose burst time profiles in terms of individual pulses, each of which rises from background to a maximum and then decays back to background levels. We have analyzed gamma-ray burst time profiles by representing them in terms of a finite number of pulses, each of which is described by a small number of parameters. We have used the phenomological pulse model of \\cite{norris:1996} to decompose gamma-ray burst time profiles into distinct pulses. In this model, each pulse is described by five parameters with the functional form \\begin{equation} I(t)\\ =\\ A \\exp{\\left(-\\left\\vert\\frac{t - t_{\\text{max}}}{\\sigma_{r,d}}\\right\\vert^{\\nu}\\right)}\\ , \\label{eq:pulse} \\end{equation} where $t_{\\text{max}}$ is the time at which the pulse attains its maximum, $\\sigma_{r}$ and $\\sigma_{d}$ are the rise and decay times, respectively, $A$ is the pulse amplitude, and $\\nu$ (the~``peakedness'') gives the sharpness or smoothness of the pulse at its peak. We have developed an interactive pulse-fitting program to perform this pulse decomposition on the BATSE TTS data. and used this program to fit pulses to all gamma-ray bursts in the BATSE 3B catalog~\\citep{batse:3b} up to trigger number 2000 in all of the four BATSE LAD energy channels for which TTS data is available and shows time variation beyond the normal Poisson noise for the background. We fit each channel of each burst separately. We have obtained 574 fits for 211 bursts, with a total of 2465 pulses. In this paper, we focus on the possibility of distinguishing between intrinsic signatures in the temporal characteristics and those which arise from their cosmological distribution. A prominent example of this is the cosmological time dilation effect, which we expect to see since some, and possibly all, gamma-ray bursts originate at cosmological distances. All timescales in GRBs will be lengthened by a factor of $1 + z$ where $z$ is the redshift of the burst, as a result of cosmological time dilation~\\citep{paczynski:1992,piran:1992}. However, this seemingly straightforward test is not simple. First of all, given the great diversity in burst time profiles, it is difficult to decide which timescale is most appropriate for this test. It seems unlikely that any particular timescale is approximately the same in all bursts, so we expect to find time dilation as a statistical effect, rather than for individual bursts. Secondly, redshifts are known only for a few bursts, so that for the vast majority of bursts we need to use another measure of distance or redshift. Most past analyses have used some measure of apparent GRB brightness for this purpose with the tacit assumption that the corresponding intrinsic brightness is a standard candle or has a very narrow distribution. The observed apparent brightnesses of bursts are generally measured using either peak fluxes, which give the instantaneous intensity of bursts when they peak, or fluences, which measure the total output of bursts integrated over their entire durations. The brightness measures can also be divided another way, into photon measures and energy measures. Thus, there are several different measures of the apparent brightnesses of bursts. The BATSE burst catalogs give peak photon fluxes and total energy fluences for bursts. The pulse-fitting data presented here can be used to determine count fluxes and count fluences. Most previous work on the evidence for time dilation in burst time profiles has binned the bursts into two or three brightness classes using the peak flux as a measure of brightness, and compared a measure of total burst duration these classes. Use of fluence as a brightness measure has been promoted by \\cite{petrosian:1996} and \\cite{lloyd:1999}. In this paper, we use a number of different timescale and brightness measures. We will describe their correlations using power laws. Although cosmological models generally predict more complex relationships than a simple power law, it would be fruitless to attempt to fit anything more complex than a power law using the pulse-fitting data, which appears to have a large intrinsic scatter. To contrast the cosmological versus the intrinsic signatures, we compare the relations or correlations between strengths and timescales among bursts, which should contain the signatures of cosmological time dilations, with the same correlations among pulses of individual bursts, which can only contain the intrinsic effects. It is likely that some of these correlations are affected by selection effects in our fitting procedures. To investigate the importance of these, we have carried out extensive simulations which are described in the accompanying paper \\cite{lee:2000}. We use the results of these simulations to test whether or not the correlations we find are properties of the bursts or are products of our procedures. In the next section, we define the various timescales and burst strengths used in this analysis. The correlations relevant to the ``time dilation'' tests are discussed in Section~\\ref{sec:timedilation} and the correlations between other quantities within bursts and among bursts are described in Section~\\ref{sec:othercorr}. In Section~\\ref{sec:discuss} we discuss the significance of these correlations. It should be noted that many of the simulated bursts were affected by a truncation that almost never occurred in the actual BATSE TTS data. The TTS data is truncated at $2^{20}$ counts or 240 seconds, whichever occurs first. In nearly all of the actual bursts, the 240 second limit is reached first, while in many of the the simulated bursts, the $2^{20}$ count limit is reached first. This truncation can shorten the observed time intervals between the first and last pulses in a burst, and between the two highest amplitude pulses in a burst, but not the observed pulse widths or the observed time intervals between consecutive pulses. \\emph{Therefore, all discussions of the first two kinds of time intervals in simulated bursts will only consider simulated bursts where no pulses were truncated by the $2^{20}$ count limit.} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discuss} In this paper, we use a pulse-fitting procedure to the TTS data from BATSE and determine the amplitudes, rise and decay times, and fluences. We investigate the correlations between all of these parameters of pulses in individual bursts and among different bursts. The former gives a measure of correlations intrinsic to the energy and radiation generation in burst sources, while the latter are also affected by cosmological effects. Simulations are used to determine the biases of the pulse-fitting procedure. If the peak luminosities of pulses or bursts are approximate standard candles, so that the peak fluxes would be good measures of distance, then we expect to find negative correlations between fluxes and timescales. We do find inverse correlations between the highest pulse amplitude within a burst and two different timescales, the width of the highest amplitude pulse and the time interval between the two highest amplitude pulses. The former correlation, between pulse amplitude and pulse width, which is expected from cosmological time dilation effects, is nevertheless not consistent with purely cosmological effects, but must be at least partially influenced by non-cosmological effects. These non-cosmological effects may include intrinsic properties of the burst sources, or selection effects due to the BATSE triggering procedure, but do not appear to be affected by the pulse-fitting procedure. Our study indicates that the latter correlation, between pulse amplitude and time intervals between pulses, may be less influenced by non-cosmological effects. The inverse correlation observed between pulse amplitude and pulse width within bursts results in part from selection effects in the pulse-fitting procedure, but also appears to result in part from intrinsic properties of the burst sources. If the total radiated energies of bursts are approximate standard candles, so that the burst fluences would be good measures of distance, then we expect to find negative correlations between fluences and timescales. We find instead a \\emph{positive} correlation between the total burst count fluence and the width of the highest amplitude pulse, but no correlation with the time interval between the two highest amplitude pulses. The former correlation indicates that non-cosmological effects are stronger than any cosmological effects. This is supported by the positive correlation between pulse amplitude and pulse count fluence within bursts. However, it is not clear why total burst count fluence and time intervals between pulses show no correlation. It is natural to expect that the peak flux of bursts and the total count fluence of bursts should both decrease essentially the same way (except for a factor of $1 + z$) as the distance to the burst sources increase. This would suggest that there should be positive correlations between the peak flux of bursts and the total count fluence of bursts. Strangely, the highest pulse amplitude and the total count fluence of bursts appear to have no statistically significant correlation with each other, implying that the two measures of brightness cannot both be good standard candles; at least one, or more probably both, are poor measures of distance. There do not appear to be any statistically significant correlations between pulse amplitude and pulse asymmetry, whether the comparison is i) of all pulses in all bursts combined, ii) of only the highest pulse in each burst, iii) of only the single-pulse bursts, or iv) of different pulses within multiple-pulse bursts. This implies that the differences between the variations of pulse rise and decay time with pulse amplitude are statistically insignificant, and both rise times and decay times tend to decrease as pulse amplitude increases." }, "0002/hep-ph0002031_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{Cosmology cannot rule out the solution $\\nu_{\\mu}\\leftrightarrow\\nu_{s}$ to the atmospheric neutrino data and thus only Earth experiments will be able to give a definitive answer. This conclusion holds when a generation of lepton number is taken into account and one assumes that the sterile neutrino is also slightly mixed with an ${\\rm eV}-\\tau$ neutrino. This result cannot be spoiled by a chaotic generation of lepton domains.} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002510_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the microlensing optical depth towards the Galactic bulge based on the detection of 99 events found in our Difference Image Analysis (DIA) survey. This analysis encompasses three years of data, covering $\\sim 17$ million stars in $\\sim 4$ deg$^2$, to a source star baseline magnitude limit of $V = 23$. The DIA technique improves the quality of photometry in crowded fields, and allows us to detect more microlensing events with faint source stars. We find this method increases the number of detection events by $85\\%$ compared with the standard analysis technique. DIA light curves of the events are presented and the microlensing fit parameters are given. The total microlensing optical depth is estimated to be $\\tau_{total}= 2.43^{+0.39}_{-0.38}\\times 10^{-6}$ averaged over 8 fields centered at $l=2\\fdg68$ and $b=-3\\fdg35$. % For the bulge component we find $\\tau_{bulge}=3.23^{+0.52}_{-0.50}\\times 10^{-6}$ assuming a $25\\%$ stellar contribution from disk sources. These optical depths are in good agreement with the past determinations of the MACHO \\shortcite{ALC97a} and OGLE \\shortcite{USKK94d} groups, and are higher than predicted by contemporary Galactic models. We show that our observed event timescale distribution is consistent with the distribution expected from normal mass stars, if we adopt the stellar mass function of Scalo (1986) as our lens mass function. However, we note that as there is still disagreement about the exact form of the stellar mass function, there is uncertainty in this conclusion. Based on our event timescale distribution we find no evidence for the existence of a large population of brown dwarfs in the direction of the Galactic bulge. ", "introduction": "Over the past seven years the MACHO group has been making observations of the Galactic bulge in order to determine some of the fundamental properties of our Galaxy. The Milky Way is expected to be an SAB(rs)bc or SAB(r)bc type spiral galaxy \\shortcite{DEV64,Fux97} with four spiral arms \\shortcite{VA95}. However, very little is known about the mass distributions of the various components of our Galaxy (bulge, spheroid, disk, halo). Galactic microlensing surveys provide some insight into the structure and dynamics of the inner Galaxy, spiral arms and the halo. Unlike most types of observation, the presence of lensing objects can be detected independent of their luminosities. Microlensing is sensitive to the mass distribution rather than light, this makes microlensing a powerful way of investigating the mass density within our Galaxy. Furthermore, microlensing can be used to investigate the stellar mass function to the hydrogen burning limit, both within our Galaxy and other nearby galaxies. The amplification of a source star during gravitational microlensing is related to the projected lens-source separation $u$ normalised by the angular Einstein Ring radius $R_{E}$. This is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{chisw} A(u) = \\frac{u^{2}+2}{u \\sqrt{u^{2}+4}}. \\end{equation} \\noindent The timescale of a microlensing event, $\\hat t$, is characterised by the time it takes for the Einstein ring associated with a foreground compact lensing object, to transit a background source star at velocity $v_{\\perp}$. The size of the Einstein ring, for a lens with mass $M$ (in $\\rm M_{\\odot}$), an observer-lens distance $D_{d}$, and a source-observer distance $D_{s}$, is given by \\begin{equation} R_{E} = 2.85 {\\rm AU} \\sqrt{\\frac{M D_{d}(1-\\frac{D_{d}}{D_{s}})}{1\\,\\rm kpc}}. \\label{chiswolsonx} \\end{equation} \\noindent The lensing timescale is $\\hat t \\equiv 2R_{E}/v_{\\perp}$. Hence, if $R_{E}$ were known, this would enable us to constrain some of the physical parameters of a microlensing event ($M$, $D_{s}$, $D_{d}$). However, $R_{E}$ is not known, generally, so it is not possible to determine the lens masses from individual microlensing events. Nevertheless, under special circumstances it is possible to impose additional constraints on these microlensing event parameters when quantities such as, the physical size of the source star \\cite{AAAA99} or the projected transverse velocity of the lens \\cite{ALC95a} are measured. Photometry of the stars monitored by the MACHO project has previously been carried out using a fixed position PSF photometry package SoDoPhot (Son of DoPhot, \\shortciteNP{BEN93}). In 1996 we introduced a second reduction method, Difference Image Analysis (hereafter DIA). The DIA technique enables us to detect microlensing events which go undetected with the SoDoPhot photometry because the events are due to stars which are too faint to be detected when unlensed. This technique follows on from the work of \\citeN{Crotts92}, \\citeN{PHL95} and \\citeN{TC96}, and allows us to detect and perform accurate photometry on these new microlensing events found in the reanalysis of bulge images. Recently, the MACHO and OGLE groups reported that the microlensing optical depth towards the Galactic bulge was a factor of 2 larger than expected from stellar number density. That is, the optical depth found by OGLE is $3.3\\pm{1.2} \\times 10^{-6}$ \\shortcite{USKK94d} and by MACHO is $3.9^{+1.8}_{-1.2} \\times 10^{-6}$ for 13 clump giant source star events out of a 41 event sample \\shortcite{ALC97a}. It was suggested that the size of these measurements could be explained by the presence of a bar oriented along our line-of-sight to the bulge (\\shortciteNP{PSUS94b,ZSR95}). The density profile of the proposed bar is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{pt1} \\rho_{b} = \\frac{M}{20.65 abc}\\; {\\rm exp}\\left (-\\frac{w^{2}}{2}\\right), \\end{equation} \\noindent where \\begin{equation}\\label{pt2} w^{4} = \\left[\\left(\\frac{x}{a}\\right)^{2} + \\left(\\frac{y}{b}\\right)^{2}\\right]^{2} + \\left(\\frac{z^{\\prime}}{c}\\right)^{4}. \\end{equation} \\noindent For the bulge galactocentric coordinates (x,y,z$^{\\prime}$): $x = \\cos{\\theta} - \\eta \\cos{b} \\cos{(l-\\theta)}$, $y= -\\sin{\\theta} - \\eta \\cos{b}\\sin{(l-\\theta)}$, $z^{\\prime} = \\eta \\sin{b}$. The bar inclination angle $\\theta$ is oriented in the direction of increasing $l$, and $\\eta=D_{s}/D_{8.5}$ is the ratio of the source distance relative to a galactocentric distance, taken to be 8.5 kpc. The terms $a$, $b$ and $c$ define the bar scale lengths. The idea that our Galaxy harbours a bar at its centre is not a new one as it was first suggested by \\shortciteN{DEV64} because of the similarity of the gas dynamics observed in our galaxy with other barred galaxies. \\citeN{BGSBU91} provided further evidence for a bar from star counts. The DIRBE results of \\citeN{DAH95} were also found to be consistent with this prediction. The presence of such a bar is an important way of explaining the interaction of the disk, halo and the spiral density waves in the disk. A number of authors have adopted a bar into their Galactic models and have adopted various values of the bar orientation \\shortcite{PSUS94b,Peale98,ZM96} and bar mass \\shortcite{Peale98,ZM96}. Other authors have also proposed that large optical depth contributions could come from the disk component \\shortcite{EGTB98}, or the Galactic stellar mass function (M\\'era, Chabrier, \\& Schaeffer 1998; \\shortciteNP{HC98,ZM96}).\\nocite{MER98a} In this paper we present a new value for the microlensing optical depth and investigate what is known about the Galactic parameters with most influence the optical depth. In the next section we will detail the observational setup. In \\S 3, we will outline the reduction procedure. We will next review the microlensing event selection process in \\S 4. The results of our analysis are presented in \\S 5, and we will discuss how the microlensing detection efficiency was calculated in \\S 6. The microlensing optical depth for the sample of fields presently analysed with DIA and for each of the individual field will be presented in \\S 7. In \\S 8, we will review what is known about the most important factors affecting the observed optical depth and discuss the implications of our results. In the final section we summarise the results of this work. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002383_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Future space and ground-based survey programmes will produce an impressive amount of photometric data. The GAIA space mission will map the complete sky down to mag V=20 and produce time series for about 1 billion stars. Survey instruments as the International Liquid Mirror Telescope will observe slices of the sky down to magnitude V=23. In both experiments, the opportunity exists to discover a huge amount of variable stars. A prediction of the expected total number of variable stars and the number of variables in specific subgroups is given. ", "introduction": "A first estimate of the total number of variable stars observable by GAIA was done by Eyer (1999). The star population used came from the star-count model of Figueras~et~al.~(1999) and the variability detection threshold was derived from the Hipparcos survey results. With the new qualifications of the GAIA mission, about 1 billion stars (up to mag~G$<$20) are expected to be observed, with about 18~million variable stars, including about 5~million \"classic\" periodic variables.\\\\ Very different star counts are obtained according to the extinction laws used (Figueras, private communication). Since the quality of the GAIA photometry in the crowded fields is still uncertain, we cannot discuss here the number of variables in dense clusters and galaxies.\\\\ About 2 to 3 millions eclipsing binaries will be observed, but their detection probability will be studied in detail in the future. About 300\\,000 stars with rotation induced variability can be expected as well. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002456_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using the Short-Wavelength-Spectrometer on the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), we obtained near- and mid-infrared spectra toward the brightest H$_2$ emission peak of the Orion OMC-1 outflow. A wealth of emission and absorption features were detected, dominated by 56 $\\rm H_2$ ro-vibrational and pure rotational lines reaching from H$_2$ 0--0 S(1) to 0-0~S(25). The spectra also show a number of H~{\\sc i} recombination lines, atomic and ionic fine structure lines, and molecular lines of CO and $\\rm H_2O$. Between 6 and 12 $\\rm \\mu m$ the emission is dominated by PAH features. The extinction toward the molecular and atomic line emitting regions is estimated from relative line intensities, and it is found that the H$_2$ emission arises from within the OMC-1 cloud at an average K-band extinction of 1.0 mag, whereas the atomic hydrogen emission and much of the fine structure emission comes from the foreground H~{\\sc ii} region and its bounding photodissociation front. The total H$_2$ luminosity in the ISO-SWS aperture is estimated at $(17 \\pm 5)~\\rm L_{\\sun}$, and extrapolated to the entire outflow, $(120 \\pm 60)~\\rm L_{\\sun}$. The H$_2$ level column density distribution shows no signs of fluorescent excitation or a deviation from an ortho-to-para ratio of three. It shows an excitation temperature which increases from about 600~K for the lowest rotational and vibrational levels to about 3200~K at level energies $E(v,J)/k > 14\\,000$~K. No single steady state shock model can reproduce the observed H$_2$ excitation. The higher energy H$_2$ levels may be excited either thermally in non-dissociative J-shocks, through non-thermal collisions between fast ions and molecules with H$_2$ in C-shocks, or they are pumped by newly formed H$_2$ molecules. The highest rotational levels may be populated by yet another mechanism, such as the gas phase formation of H$_2$ through H$^-$. ", "introduction": "The Orion molecular cloud, OMC-1, located behind the Orion M42 Nebula at a distance of $\\sim$450~pc (Genzel \\& Stutzki \\cite{gen89}), is the best-studied massive star forming region. This cloud embeds a spectacular outflow arising from some embedded young stellar object, which can possibly be identified as the radio source ``I'' 0.49 arcsec south of the infrared source IRc2-A (Menten \\& Reid \\cite{men95}; Dougados et al. \\cite{dou93}). The outflow shocks the surrounding molecular gas, thereby giving rise to the strongest H$_2$ infrared line emission appearing in the sky (Fig.~\\ref{schultz}). Peak~1 (Beckwith et al. \\cite{bec78}) is the brighter of the two H$_2$ emission lobes of the outflow. Although the outflow has been studied extensively for nearly two decades, the nature of the excitation mechanism remains unclear. Molecular hydrogen, through its infrared rotational and rotation-vibrational transitions, is an important coolant in shocks and photodissociation regions, and thereby a particularly well suited tracer of the flourescently- and/or shock-excited gas. The Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS, de Graauw et al. \\cite{deg96}) aboard the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO, Kessler et al. \\cite{kes96}) offered the first opportunity to observe pure rotational and rotation-vibrational H$_2$ lines from 2.4 $\\mu$m to 28 $\\mu$m with one instrument, unhindered by the Earth's atmosphere. In this paper, we present a comprehensive set of intensities for 56 H$_2$ near- and mid-infrared lines we observed with the ISO-SWS. These observations trace populations of energy levels ranging from $E/k=$1015~K to 43\\,000~K. The redundancy of the H$_2$ level determinations provides information on the average gas excitation along the line of sight over an unprecedented range. This sheds new light on the possible excitation mechanisms in the IRc2 outflow. We here concentrate on the interpretation of the $\\rm H_2$ and the atomic and ionic fine structure line emission, whereas a detailed discussion of the CO and $\\rm H_2O$ lines will be presented in a separate paper (Boonman et al. \\cite{boo00}). In a related paper we already discussed the detection of HD toward Orion Peak~1 (Bertoldi et al. \\cite{ber99}). ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure*}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=2.\\columnwidth]{figure2.ps} \\caption{2.4--45 \\mum\\ spectrum of Orion Peak~1 obtained in the SWS~01 grating scan observing mode. Some of the detected lines, bands and features are identified. The continuum levels of the individual bands, which differ due to aperture changes, were adjusted to make the spectrum appear continuous.} \\label{spectrum} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} Fig.~\\ref{spectrum} shows the full SWS~01 spectrum. Most of the observed continuum flux is probably coming from the strong Becklin Neugebauer (BN) source near the edge of the aperture. Aperture size changes from one band to another then cause changes in the intercepted continuum which are not simply proportional to the aperture size. In addition, there is extended continuum emission all over the outflow. We normalized the line and continuum fluxes by the aperture size, assuming that there is uniform surface brightness at least for the line emission. The exact aperture profiles for the various wavelength bands is yet to be determined. Assuming an effective aperture resembling those shown in Fig.~\\ref{schultz} is approximate. The error from this assumption, and the nonuniform continuum surface brightness cause additional relative offsets in the continuum fluxes of neighboring bands of --10\\% for the 7--12~$\\mu$m band, $-30\\%$ for the 12--16~$\\mu$m band, +15\\% at 16--19.5~$\\mu$m, -5\\% at 19.5--27.5~$\\mu$m, -7.5\\% at 27.5--29.5~$\\mu$m, and +5\\% above 29.5~$\\mu$m. Since the observed H$_2$ line intensities result in a smooth distribution of column densities in the excitation diagram, Fig. \\ref{excit}, the line intensities appear not to be affected much by the uncertainty of the aperture. Fig.~\\ref{spec} shows the SWS~01 spectrum in more detail. Fig.~\\ref{multi} shows selected lines at higher spectral resolution from line scan observation in the SWS~02 and SWS~07/SWS~06 modes. The SWS~06 grating spectra were simultaneously recorded with the SWS~07 Fabry-Perot spectra. \\begin{figure*}[h] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.95\\columnwidth]{figure3.ps} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\caption{The full scan SWS 01 spectrum of Fig. 2 in detail.} \\label{spec} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}[h] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=2.0\\columnwidth]{figure4.ps} \\vspace{0.5cm} \\caption{Line scans in the SWS 02 or SWS 07/SWS 06 modes. In cases where the flux from the SWS 01 full scan spectrum differs much from that found in other observing modes, or where lines do not show well in Figs.~\\ref{spectrum} and \\ref{spec}, we overplot the SWS 01 spectrum for comparison.} \\label{multi} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} The Peak 1 spectrum is dominated by a large number of rotational and ro-vibrational $\\rm H_2$ lines. The pure rotational lines arise from levels with energies ranging from $E/k=$1015~K for the 0-0~S(1) line to $E/k=42\\,515$~K for the 0-0~S(25) line. They represent gas with excitation temperatures ranging from 600~K for the low energy levels to over 3000~K for level energies $E/k > 14\\,000$~K. The observed fluxes of the identified H$_2$ lines are listed in Table~\\ref{h2_table}. The spectrum is rich also in H~{\\sc i} recombination lines and atomic and ionic fine structure lines. Between 4.5 to 5~$\\mu$m, we find a forest of gaseous 1-0 ro-vibrational CO emission, possibly mixed with absorption of solid CO (van Dishoeck et al. \\cite{dis98}). Gaseous water is seen in emission through the $\\nu_2$ bending mode between 6.3 and 7~$\\mu$m and several lines between 30 and 45~$\\mu$m, and gaseous $\\rm CO_2$ is detected at 15~$\\mu$m. PAH features dominate the emission between 6 and 12~$\\rm \\mu m$. Absorption features of water ice are seen at 3.1~$\\mu$m, of $\\rm CO_2$ ice at 4.25~$\\rm \\mu m$, and of silicate at 9.7~$\\rm \\mu m$. The various observed lines and features probe different regions -- both within the SWS aperture and along the line of sight. The H~{\\sc ii} region in the foreground of OMC-1 contributes to the H recombination and ionic fine structure emission, whereas the PAH (Verstraete et al. \\cite{ver96}) emission and a large fraction of the [Si~{\\sc ii}]34.8$\\rm \\mu m$ emission (Haas et al. \\cite{haa91}) originate in the PDR between the H~{\\sc ii} region and the molecular cloud which embeds OMC-1. The PDR also contributes to the $\\rm H_2$ emission. The shocks dominate the emission of H$_2$, H$_2$O and CO, and may make a minor contribution to the H recombination and most fine structure emission. \\subsection{Observed H$_2$ level column densities} All molecular hydrogen lines, due to the small radiative transition probabilities, remain optically thin. Therefore the corresponding ``observed'' upper level column density can be computed from the observed line flux, \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:col} N_{\\rm obs}(v,J) = {4\\pi \\lambda \\over h c} {I_{\\rm obs}(v,J\\rightarrow v',J')\\over A(v,J\\rightarrow v',J')}~, \\end{equation} where $I_{\\rm obs}(v,J\\rightarrow v',J')$ and $A(v,J\\rightarrow v',J')$ are the observed line flux and the Einstein-$A$ radiative transition probability of the transition from level $(v,J)$ to $(v',J')$, respectively. The Einstein coefficients are adopted from Turner et al. (\\cite{tur77}) and Wolniewicz et al. (\\cite{wol98}). The transition energies we computed from level energies kindly provided by E. Roueff (1992, private communication). A convenient way to visualize the level column densities is to divide them by the level degeneracy $g_J$, and plot this against the upper level energy $E_{\\rm u}(v,J)/k$; the degeneracy $g_J \\equiv g_s (2 J + 1)$, where $g_s = 3$ for ortho (odd $J$) H$_2$ and $g_s = 1$ for para (even $J$) H$_2$. For the lines we observed toward Peak 1 we found that in such a ``Boltzmann diagram'' Fig.~\\ref{fig:boltz1} the level columns show a smooth distribution, where the level columns line up irrespective of their quantum numbers. There is no sign of fluorescent excitation or of a deviation from the ortho-to-para H$_2$ ratio of three. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.0\\columnwidth]{figure5.ps} \\caption{Excitation diagram of the H$_2$ level column density distribution toward Peak 1, plotting the observed level columns (not corrected for extinction, divided by the level degeneracy) against level energy.} \\label{fig:boltz1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Fluorescently excited $\\rm H_2$, as seen in photodissociation regions (Timmermann et al. \\cite{tim96}) would produce a level distribution in which the ``rotational temperature'' derived from levels at given $v$ is lower than the ``vibrational temperature'' derived from levels of the same $J$ (e.g. Draine \\& Bertoldi \\cite{dra96}). Fluorescent excitation therefore shows a characteristic jigsaw distribution of the $v>1$ levels, unlike the smooth line-up we observed here, where $N/g$ appears not to depend on the state quantum number. Furthermore, fluorescently excited gas usually shows ortho-to-para ratios in vibrationally excited levels smaller than the total ortho-to-para ratio of the gas along the line of sight. This is due to the enhanced self-shielding, and therefore reduced excitation rate, of the more abundant ortho-H$_2$ (Sternberg \\& Neufeld \\cite{ste99}). \\subsection{Extinction} \\label{ex} The shocks emitting the strong infrared lines in the OMC-1 outflow are deeply embedded in the molecular cloud, so that the emerging radiation suffers significant extinction. To correct the column densities derived from the H$_2$ emission line intensities, $N_{\\rm obs}(v,J)$, for this extinction, we need to know the proper extinction correction as a function of wavelength. However, this interstellar infrared extinction curve is not well determined. Especially the depth and width of the silicate absorption features, centered at 9.7~$\\rm \\mu$m and 18~${\\rm \\mu m}$ are uncertain, and they could vary from region to region (Draine \\cite{dra89}). A further complication arises from the mixing of the emitting and absorbing gas, which we might expect in the outflow regions considering the complex spatial variation of the near-IR emission mapped in OMC-1 (Fig.~\\ref{schultz}), or in similar outflows such as DR21 and Cep A (Davis \\& Smith \\cite{dav96}; Goetz et al. \\cite{goe98}). With enough redundancy in the information provided by the molecular and atomic lines in Peak~1, we are in principle able to estimate the average extinction along our line of sight as a function of wavelength. However, the H~{\\sc i} recombination lines and the H$_2$ emission lines may not be tracing the same regions, and might therefore be subject to differing extinction. We therefore treat them separately. To correct the $\\rm H_2$ line fluxes for extinction, we tried to derive the extinction from the $\\rm H_2$ lines directly (Bertoldi et al. \\cite{ber99}). \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.0\\columnwidth]{figure6.ps} \\caption{Near- and mid-infrared extinction (Eq.~2) found from the relative intensities of the H$_2$ lines observed toward Peak~1. The curve was constructed using four free parameters for which values were derived that minimize the dispersion of the H$_2$ column density distribution (Fig.~5) for levels with $E/k < 16\\, 000$~K} \\label{extinction} \\end{center} \\end{figure} An inspection of the excitation diagram Fig.~\\ref{fig:boltz1} derived from the line intensities ({\\em uncorrected} for extinction) shows that the column densities follow a smooth distribution, with no dependence on vibrational quantum number, and no sign of an ortho-to-para column density ratio different from three. Transitions from a given state to different lower states produce lines with different wavelengths which suffer extinction. Deviations from the expected line ratios of lines from the same state therefore yield the difference in extinction between the corresponding wavelengths of the lines. More generally, we can use this to estimate the extinction as a function of wavelength for a large set of lines, by minimizing the dispersion in the excitation diagram around a least-squares fit to the level columns. We thereby assume that the dispersion in the column densities is partly due to extinction. We constructed an extinction curve (Fig. \\ref{extinction}) with four free parameters: the absolute normalization for a $A_\\lambda\\propto\\lambda^{\\rm -1.7}$ power law extinction curve from $\\rm 2.4\\, \\mu m$ to $6\\rm \\, \\mu m$, the width and depth of the water ice absorption feature at 3.1$\\,\\mu$m, and the depth of the $9.7\\, \\mu$m silicate absorption feature. We fixed the width of the 9.7 and $\\rm 18 \\, \\mu m$ silicate features from calculations by Draine \\& Lee (\\cite{dra84}). The depth of the 18$\\, \\mu$m feature was taken to be 0.44 times that of the 9.7$\\rm \\,\\mu m $ feature, based on an average of previous estimates (Draine \\& Lee \\cite{dra84}; Pegourie \\& Papoular \\cite{peg85}; Volk \\& Kwok \\cite{vol88}; Bertoldi et al. in prep.). Calibration uncertainties and a small contribution of foreground fluorescently excited H$_2$ may give rise to a dispersion in the derived extinction corrections that is not due to extinction. The derived curve should therefore be considered as very approximate. The extinction curve minimizing the dispersion in the excitation curve is shown in Fig.~\\ref{extinction}. Explicitly it can be written \\begin{eqnarray} A(\\lambda) & = & A_{\\rm K} (\\lambda/2.12)^{-1.7} + 0.58~e^{-22(\\lambda-3.05)^2} \\nonumber \\\\ & & {} + (1.35-0.08 A_{\\rm K}) \\left\\{e^{-[c_1 \\log(\\lambda/9.66)]^2} \\right. \\\\ & & \\left. {} + 0.44 ~e^{-[c_2 \\log(\\lambda/19)]^2} \\right\\}~, \\nonumber \\end{eqnarray} where $A_{\\rm K}=(1.0\\pm 0.1)$~mag is the implied extinction at 2.12~\\mum, and $c_1=14.3$ for $\\lambda<9.7$, $c_1=9.8$ for $\\lambda>9.7$, $c_2=7.5$ for $\\lambda<19$, $c_2=4.8$ for $\\lambda>19$, and $\\lambda$ is given here in \\mum. The depth of the extinction minimum at 6.5~$\\mu$m is very uncertain, since it is not constrained by the inconsistent corrections derived from the four lines between 5.8 and 7.3~$\\mu$m. There is an indication that the minimum is at least as deep as our simple curve shows, but a much more careful analysis of the line fluxes would be necessary to reach a firm conclusion. Atomic hydrogen recombination lines could offer another means to trace the extinction as a function of wavelength. We detected seventeen H~{\\sc i} recombination lines ranging in wavelength from 2.6 to 19~$\\rm \\mu m$. Since the relative emissivities are known from theory (Storey \\& Hummer \\cite{sto95}) and depend only mildly on the gas temperature and density, a comparison of the observed line intensities divided by their respective case B emissivities yields a measure for the differential extinction between the respective lines' wavelengths. In Fig.~\\ref{recom} we plot against wavelength the observed line intensities, divided by their emissivities and normalized to this ratio for the H~{\\sc i} 8--5 transition line. The data points scatter around unity, which means that there is little if any differential extinction over this wavelength range. A comparison with the distribution of intensities expected for an extinction curve with the shape we found from the H$_2$ lines reveals none of the prominent extinction features. A reasonable explanation is that the total extinction to the H~{\\sc i} emission region is very low, $A_{\\rm K}<0.3$ mag. Although the errors are too large to constrain the exact value of the extinction, it is obvious that the H recombination lines are much less attenuated than the H$_2$ lines. This suggests that the bulk of the atomic hydrogen emission arises in the foreground H~{\\sc ii} region, whereas the $\\rm H_2$ emitting region is more deeply embedded in the molecular cloud. This conclusion agrees with the assessment of Everett et al. (\\cite{eve95}), who obtained $A_{\\rm J}=(0.38 \\pm 0.09)$~mag for the extinction shown by H recombination lines, but found $A_{\\rm J}=(2.15 \\pm 0.26)$~mag from the H$_2$ lines. With a $\\lambda^{-1.7}$ extinction law this corresponds to $A_{\\rm K}=(0.15 \\pm 0.04)$~mag and $A_{\\rm K}=(0.9 \\pm 0.1)$~mag, in good agreement with our results. \\begin{figure*}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.5\\columnwidth]{figure7.ps} \\caption{An attempt to derive the differential extinction in the H recombination line emission: The line intensities divided by their respective emissivities are normalized by this value for the H 8--5 line, and then plotted against line wavelength. With no differential extinction to the H 8--5 line, all data points should line up at unity value. The broken lines show the expected distribution of values adopting the shape of the extinction curve derived from H$_2$ lines (Fig.\\ref{extinction}), with two different values of the absolute extinction at K. The apparent distribution is consistent with an extinction of zero.} \\label{recom} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} \\subsection{Fine structure lines} \\label{finestructure} The observed atomic and ionic fine structure lines are valuable diagnostics. If highly-ionized species are found toward the shocked region -- which is well shielded from the ionizing radiation of the Trapezium stars -- they would indicate the presence of fast, ionizing J-shocks. It is therefore interesting to disentangle the respective contributions to the fine structure line emission of the foreground H~{\\sc ii} region/PDR and the shocked gas of the OMC-1 outflow. Table~\\ref{fine} lists the observed intensities of a number of fine structure lines we searched for toward Peak 1. \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{ ISO-SWS Observations of Fine Structure Lines toward Orion Peak~1 } \\begin{tabular}{lrrrrccrlc} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\lambda$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\rm IP_l~^a$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\rm IP_u~^b$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$n_{\\rm crit}~^{\\rm c}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{SWS} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm obs}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{S/N~$^{\\rm d}$ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A_\\lambda~^{\\rm e}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm model}~^{\\rm f}$} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[$\\rm \\mu$m]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[eV]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[eV]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[cm$^{\\rm -3}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{AOT} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[mag]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} [Ne~{\\sc iii}] & 36.009 & 40.96 & 63.45 & $5.52 \\times 10^4$ & 01 & $2.26 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 4.3 & 0.02 & $1.78 \\times 10^{-3}$ \\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc ii}]} & 35.777 & 7.90 & 16.19 & & 01 & $1.22 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 2.0 & 0.02 & \\\\ {[Si~{\\sc ii}]} & 34.814 & 8.15 & 16.35 & $3.67 \\times 10^{\\rm 5~g}$ & 01 & $1.43 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 19.1 & 0.03 & $3.16 \\times 10^{-4}$ \\\\ & & & & & 02 & $1.59 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 58.8 & & \\\\ {[S~{\\sc iii}]} & 33.480 & 22.34 & 34.79 & $6.34 \\times 10^3$ & 01 & $2.16 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 46.0 & 0.03 & $1.20 \\times 10^{\\rm -2~h}$\\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc ii}]} & 25.988 & 7.90 & 16.19 & $3.59 \\times 10^{\\rm 4~i}$ & 01 & $3.70 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 6.8 & 0.05 & \\\\ & & & & & 02 & $1.76 \\times 10^{-3}$ &10.6 & & \\\\ {[S~{\\sc i}]} & 25.249 & 0.0 & 10.36 & $4.2 \\times 10^{\\rm 4~j}$ & 01 &$1.19 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 19.5 & 0.35$~^{\\rm k}$ & \\\\ & & & & & 02 & $1.17 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 20.5 & & \\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc iii}]} & 22.925 & 16.19 & 30.65 & $1.12 \\times 10^5$ & 01 & $4.15 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 2.1 & 0.07 & \\\\ {[S~{\\sc iii}]} & 18.713 & 23.34 & 34.79 & $2.06 \\times 10^4$ & 01 & $3.61 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 307.0 & 0.09 & $3.63 \\times 10^{-2}$\\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc ii}]} & 17.936 & 7.90 & 16.19 & & 01 & $2.56 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 2.2 & 0.09 & \\\\ {[P~{\\sc iii}]} & 17.885 & 19.77 & 30.20 & $3.91 \\times 10^4$ & 01 & $3.09 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 2.9 & 0.09 & \\\\ {[Ne~{\\sc iii}]} & 15.555 & 40.96 & 63.45 & $2.70 \\times 10^5$ & 01 & $3.20 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 255.0 & 0.07 & $2.80 \\times 10^{-2}$\\\\ {[Ne~{\\sc ii}]} & 12.814 & 21.56 & 40.96 & $6.54 \\times 10^5$ & 01 & $3.03 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 109.0 & 0.07 & $3.16 \\times 10^{-2}$ \\\\ & & & & & 02 & $3.11 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 63.3 & & \\\\ {[S~{\\sc iv}]}$^{\\rm l}$ & 10.511 & 34.79 & 47.22 & $5.39 \\times 10^4$ & 01 & $9.69 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 550.0 & 0.19 & $2.40 \\times 10^{-2}$ \\\\ {[Ar~{\\sc iii}]} & 8.991 & 27.63 & 40.74 & $3.18 \\times 10^5$ & 01 & $9.29 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 323.0 & 0.18 & $1.38 \\times 10^{-2}$\\\\ {[Ar~{\\sc ii}]} & 6.985 & 15.76 & 27.63 & $4.17 \\times 10^5$ & 01 & $2.92 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 148.0 & 0.02 & $2.82 \\times 10^{-3}$\\\\ {[Ni~{\\sc ii}]}$^{\\rm m}$ & 6.636 & 7.64 & 18.17 & $1.73 \\times 10^7$ & 01 & $1.26 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 47.8 & 0.02 & \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} $^{\\rm a}$ Lower ionization potential, IP$_{\\rm l}$, to produce the ion.\\\\ $^{\\rm b}$ Upper ionization potential, IP$_{\\rm u}$, of the next higher ionization stage.\\\\ $^{\\rm c}$ Collisions with electrons at $T = 10\\,000$~K, unless indicated.\\\\ $^{\\rm d}$ Calculated from the RMS noise within $\\rm \\sim 500 \\: km\\,s^{-1}$. \\\\ $^{\\rm e}$ From the extinction law of Bertoldi et al. (\\cite{ber99}) with $A_{\\rm K}=$0.15 mag.\\\\ $^{\\rm f}$ Best model by Rubin et al. (\\cite{rub91}) for a projected distance of $\\sim 86\\arcsec$ from $\\theta^1$~Ori~C. \\\\ $^{\\rm g}$ For collisions with electrons at $20\\,000$~K. Collisions with H atoms at 300 K yield $n_{\\rm crit} = 3.67 \\times 10^5 \\rm\\: cm^{-3}$.\\\\ $^{\\rm h}$ From the predicted [S~{\\sc iii}]18.7$\\mu$m line intensity and the [S~{\\sc iii}]18.7$\\mu$m/[S~{\\sc iii}]33.5$\\mu$m line ratio. \\\\ $^{\\rm i}$ Collisions with H atoms yield $n_{\\rm crit} = 2.24 \\times 10^6$ cm$^{-3}$.\\\\ $^{\\rm j}$ For collisions with $\\rm H^+$ ions. Collisions with H atoms at 300 K yield $n_{\\rm crit} = 1.5 \\times 10^6 \\rm\\: cm^{-3}$.\\\\ $^{\\rm k}$ Because [S~{\\sc i}]25.249$\\rm \\mu m$ probably arises from the more deeply embedded, shocked region, we adopt $A_{\\rm K} = 1.0$ as for the H$_2$ emission, with the extinction curve of Fig.~\\ref{extinction}.\\\\ $^{\\rm l}$ Merged with H~12-8, but we estimate latter to contribute only $4\\times 10^{-5} \\: {\\rm erg~s^{-1}cm^{-2}sr^{-1}}$, adopting case-B emissivities. \\\\ $^{\\rm m}$ Merged with an $\\rm H_2O$ line at 6.6354 $\\rm \\mu m$.\\\\ \\label{fine} \\end{table*} % A predominantly ionized medium is traced by species with ionization potentials larger than 13.6 eV. From such ions a number of lines, [Ar~{\\sc ii}]6.9$\\mu$m, [Ar~{\\sc ii}]8.99$\\mu$m, [Ne~{\\sc ii}]12.8$\\mu$m, [Ne~{\\sc iii}]15.5$\\mu$m, [Ne~{\\sc iii}]36$\\mu$m, [S~{\\sc iii}]18.7$\\mu$m, and [S~{\\sc iv}]10.5$\\mu$m, are found in our ISO-SWS spectra, and their intensities can be compared with H~{\\sc ii} region models such as those computed by Rubin et al. (\\cite{rub91}). A comparison of the line intensities and their ratios to a blister H~{\\sc ii} region model with a star of $T_{\\rm eff}=37\\,000$~K and $\\log g = 4.0$, shows good agreement of all line intensities, except for that the models overestimate the [S~{\\sc iii}]18.7$\\mu$m/[S~{\\sc iii}]33.5$\\mu$m ratio by a factor 1.8. The good agreement indicates that these lines may be predominantly produced in the foreground H~{\\sc ii} region, although a shock contribution of up to 30\\% cannot be excluded. We can compare the Peak 1 fine structure line emission also with that seen toward the Orion Bar photodissociation region and ionization front, which is also irradiated by the Trapezium stars. We know that here no fast shocks should contribute to the emission, and that the emission should be similar to that coming from the PDR in front of the OMC-1 outflow (Herrmann et al. \\cite{her97}). In Table~\\ref{bar} we list line intensities we observed toward two positions on the Orion Bar: toward the ionization front at $5^{\\rm h} 35^{\\rm m} 19.31^{\\rm s}$, $-5 \\degr 24 \\arcmin 59.9\\arcsec$ (J2000), and toward the peak of the H$_2$ 1-0 S(1) emission at $5^{\\rm h} 35^{\\rm m} 20.31^{\\rm s}$, $-5 \\degr 25 \\arcmin 19.9\\arcsec$. A comparison with the Peak 1 intensities shows that the intensities of most lines agree within a factor of a few, suggesting that ionic emission indeed arises in the foreground H~{\\sc ii} region. The [P~{\\sc iii}]17.9$\\mu$m, [Fe~{\\sc iii}]22.9$\\mu$m, [Fe~{\\sc ii}]26$\\mu$m, and the [S~{\\sc iii}]33.5$\\mu$m lines were not included in the Rubin models, but their intensities are very similar toward the outflow and the Bar. It is unclear where the [Fe~{\\sc ii}]26$\\mu$m emission comes from, though. It could be produced either in the PDR or in the ionization front. A detailed analysis of the [Fe~{\\sc ii}] emission will be subject of a subsequent publication (Bertoldi et al., in prep.). \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{ Fine Structure Lines toward two Positions on the Orion Bar PDR } \\begin{tabular}{lrccrcrccrc} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{2}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{\\rule[-2mm]{0mm}{6mm}Bar H$_2$ S(1)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{Bar Br$\\gamma$} \\\\ \\cline{3-6} \\cline{8-11} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\lambda$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{SWS} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm obs}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{SWS} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm obs}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[$\\rm \\mu$m]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{AOT} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.5ex}[-1.5ex]{S/N$~^{\\rm a}$}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.5ex}[-1.5ex]{Bar/Pk1 $~^{\\rm b}$}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{AOT} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.5ex}[-1.5ex]{S/N}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.5ex}[-1.5ex]{Bar/Pk1 $~^{\\rm b}$}} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} {[Ne~{\\sc iii}]} & 36.009 & 01 & $1.75 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 12.9 & 0.8 & & 01 & $1.31 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 1.8 & 0.6 \\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc ii}]} & 35.777 & 01 & $2.05 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 2.8 & 0.2 & & & & & \\\\ {[Si~{\\sc ii}]} & 34.814 & 01 & $1.38 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 135.0 & 1.1 & & 01 & $1.16 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 7.1 & 1.0 \\\\ & & & & & & & 02 & $1.13 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 63.7 & 0.7 \\\\ {[S~{\\sc iii}]} & 33.480 & 01 & $2.70 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 88.4 & 1.3 & & 01 & $4.78 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 36.4 & 2.2 \\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc ii}]} & 25.988 & 01 & $1.38 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 19.4 & 0.4 & & 01 & $9.58 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 4.2 & 0.3 \\\\ & & & & & & & 02 & $1.37 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 17.8 & 0.8 \\\\ {[S~{\\sc i}]}$^{\\rm d}$ & 25.249 & 01 & $ < 1.9 \\times 10^{-4}$ & &$ < 0.02$ & & 01 & $< 2.1 \\times 10^{-4}$ & &$< 0.02$ \\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc iii}]} & 22.925 & 01 & $4.82 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 10.6 & 1.2 & & 01 & $1.64 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 4.4 & 4.0 \\\\ & & & & & & & 02 & $9.60 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 15.6 & 2.3 \\\\ {[Ar~{\\sc iii}]} & 21.842 & 01 & $3.59 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 6.0 & & & & & & \\\\ {[S~{\\sc iii}]} & 18.713 & 01 & $2.08 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 391.0 & 0.6 & & 01 & $5.19 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 249.0 & 1.4 \\\\ {[Fe~{\\sc ii}]} & 17.936 & 01 & $4.22 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 2.1 & 0.1 & & & & & \\\\ {[P~{\\sc iii}]} & 17.885 & 01 & $1.56 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 6.6 & 0.5 & & & & & \\\\ {[Ne~{\\sc iii}]} & 15.555 & 01 & $7.54 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 186.0 & 0.2 & & 01 & $2.62 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 575.0 & 0.8 \\\\ {[Ne~{\\sc ii}]} & 12.814 & 01 & $1.49 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 76.5 & 0.5 & & 01 & $3.44 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 70.6 & 1.1 \\\\ {[S~{\\sc iv}]}$^{\\rm c}$ & 10.511 & 01 & $2.29 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 100.0 & 0.2 & & 01 & $8.38 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 55.0 & 0.9 \\\\ {[Ar~{\\sc iii}]} & 8.991 & 01 & $3.69 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 116.0 & 0.4 & & 01 & $1.13 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 194.0 & 1.2 \\\\ {[Ar~{\\sc ii}]} & 6.985 & 01 & $1.90 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 18.7 & 0.7 & & 01 & $1.15 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 40.2 & 3.9 \\\\ {[Ni~{\\sc ii}]}$^{\\rm d}$ & 6.636 & 01 & $< 7.7 \\times 10^{-5}$ & & $< 0.06$ & & 01 & $< 1.4 \\times 10^{-4}$ & & $< 0.1$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} $^{\\rm a}$ From the RMS noise within $\\rm \\sim 500 \\: km\\,s^{-1}$. \\\\ $^{\\rm b}$ Ratio of the respective intensities toward Bar H$_2$ S(1) and Peak 1, and Bar Br$\\gamma$ and Peak 1. If lines in different observing modes are available the ratio was calculated from lines of the same mode.\\\\ $^{\\rm c}$ The [S~{\\sc iv}] line is merged with the H~12-8 line.\\\\ $^{\\rm d}$ The upper limit for the intensities is calculated from the $3 \\sigma$ flux density noise level at the respective wavelength times the width of one resolution element. \\label{bar} \\end{table*} % \\paragraph{Silicon:} Haas et al. (\\cite{haa91}) observed [Si~{\\sc ii}]34.8$\\mu$m strip maps across the OMC-1 outflow. From the apparent peak of emission near IRc2 they concluded that about half of this emission must be due to the production and excitation of gas phase silicon in shocks. In their preliminary reduction of a $\\sim 6 \\arcmin$ square map of [Si~{\\sc ii}], Stacey et al. (\\cite{sta95}) also find that the emission peaks toward the OMC-1 outflow, and this excess is consistent with that observed by Haas et al. (\\cite{haa91}). Haas et al. find a surface flux density of $6\\times 10^{-3}\\rm ~erg~cm^{-2}s^{-1}sr^{-1}$ toward Peak 1, of which they attribute about half to an extended component, which most likely arises from the PDR lining the foreground H~{\\sc ii} region. Haas et al. find that the flux is similar toward Peak~1 and the Orion Bar, which may well be due to limb brightening by a factor two of the PDR component at the Bar. Our observations of [Si~{\\sc ii}]34.8$\\mu$m toward the Bar and Peak 1 yield fluxes twice as high as those of Haas. This could be due either to a calibration error, or to beam dilution in the Haas et al. measurements. Either way, it seems that both the PDR and the shocks give rise to strong silicon emission, which for the PDR at least requires Si gas phase abundances of order 10\\% solar: the PDR models by Tielens \\& Hollenbach (\\cite{tie85b}) adopt a 2.2\\% solar gas phase Si abundance and predict about a quarter of the flux we could attribute to the PDR. The silicon abundance can be enhanced in shocks by sputtering (Martin-Pintado et al. \\cite{mar92}; Caselli et al. \\cite{cas97}; Bachiller \\& Perez-Gutierrez \\cite{bac97}). Large gas phase silicon abundances are also found in other PDRs such as NGC 7023 (Fuente et al. \\cite{fue99}). The mechanism by which the abundance is enhanced in PDRs is still unclear, although photodesorption has been suggested (Walmsley et al. \\cite{wal99}). Strong silicate emission is however not a universal feature of PDRs: based on ISO observations of [Si~{\\sc ii}]34.8$\\mu$m toward NGC 2023 and a comparison with model calculations, Draine \\& Bertoldi (2000) report Si to be quite highly depleted in the NGC 2023 PDR. \\paragraph{Other lines:} Of the other fine structure lines seen toward Peak 1, [Ni~{\\sc ii}]6.6$\\mu$m and [S~{\\sc i}]25$\\mu$m are not detected toward the Orion Bar. The [Ni~{\\sc ii}]6.6$\\mu$m line is confused with a water line, making it difficult to detect. Although the [Fe~{\\sc ii}]18$\\mu$m and [Fe~{\\sc ii}]36$\\mu$m lines are marginally detected in both objects, they both appear to be an order of magnitude fainter toward the Bar than toward Peak~1. This suggests that shocks are more efficient in producing and exciting gas phase iron. \\paragraph{Sulfur:} The strong [S~{\\sc i}]25$\\mu$m line emission is probably shock-excited. Burton et al. (\\cite{bur90a}) computed the [S~{\\sc i}] intensity in their PDR model for densities of $10^3$ to $\\rm 10^5 \\: cm^{-3}$ and radiation fields of $10^3$ to $10^5$ times the ambient interstellar field as $\\rm \\leq 10^{-5} \\: erg \\, s^{-1} \\, cm^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$, which is three orders of magnitude below our observed [S~{\\sc i}] intensity. Both a J- or C-type shock could account for the [S~{\\sc i}] emission. But only a J-shock is able to produce both the [S~{\\sc i}] and the [Si~{\\sc ii}] line emission. We compared the estimated shock contribution to the observed [Si~{\\sc ii}]34.8$\\mu$m flux of $\\rm \\sim 7 \\times 10^{-3} $ $\\rm erg \\, s^{-1} \\, cm^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$ (Haas et al. \\cite{haa91}) and the [S~{\\sc i}]25$\\mu$m line flux to the J-shock model of Hollenbach \\& McKee (\\cite{hol89}). Both the relative and absolute [S~{\\sc i}] and [Si~{\\sc ii}] fluxes could be explained by shocks of high velocities, $v_{\\rm s} = {\\rm (85 \\pm 10) \\: km\\,s^{-1}}$, a pre-shock hydrogen nuclei density $ n_{\\rm H} = {\\rm (10^5 - 10^6) \\: cm^{-3}}$, and a beam filling factor $\\phi \\sim 3-4$. A beam-filling planar shock results in $\\phi = 1$, and a beam-filling spherical shock in $\\phi = 4$. A shock contribution of 10 to 30\\% to the [Ne~{\\sc ii}]12.8$\\mu$m flux would also explain the observed [Ne~{\\sc ii}]/[Si~{\\sc ii}] and [Ne~{\\sc ii}]/[S~{\\sc i}] flux ratios. \\subsection{Molecular hydrogen} \\label{molh2} In the spectra shown in Figs.~\\ref{spectrum}, \\ref{spec}, and \\ref{multi}, we detected 56 different $\\rm H_2$ lines of pure rotational and rotation-vibrational transitions (Table~\\ref{h2_table}). Pure rotational lines were detected ranging from the 0-0~S(1) to 0-0~S(25) transitions, which correspond to upper level energies $E(v,J)/k$ ranging from 1015~K to $42\\,500$~K. Adding a large number of vibration-rotational transition lines, we are able to study the excitation of the gas within the ISO aperture over an unprecedented range. The H$_2$ 0-0 S(0) transition line was not detected from our observations with the medium resolution grating modes (SWS~01 and SWS~02, $R \\sim 1000-2000$). Unfortunately, our observation with the Fabry-Perot did not cover a spectral range wide enough to detect a line with the expected width of $\\sim 60\\rm ~km ~s^{-1}$ (Nadeau \\& Geballe \\cite{nad79}; Brand et al. \\cite{bra89b}, Moorhouse et al. \\cite{moo90}; Chrysostomou et al. \\cite{chr97}). However, the FP spectrum, shown in Fig.~\\ref{multi}, shows a line-like feature with a a narrow width of 12~km~s$^{-1}$, comparable to the spectral resolution in this observing mode. This feature could be emission arising in the foreground photodissociation region bounding the Orion Nebula and the dense molecular cloud embedding the outflow. \\begin{table*}[h] \\caption[]{ Summary of the ISO-SWS $\\rm H_2$ line observations at Orion Peak~1 } \\begin{tabular}{lrrlrcrrrr} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\lambda$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$E_{\\rm u}/k~^{\\rm a}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A~^{\\rm b}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{SWS} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm obs}~^{\\rm c}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A_\\lambda~^{\\rm e}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N_{\\rm u}~^{\\rm f}$} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.ex}[-1.ex]{line}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[$\\rm \\mu m$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[K]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[s$^{-1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{AOT} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.ex}[-1.ex]{S/N$^{\\rm d}$}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[mag]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[cm$^{-2}$]} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} 0-0 S(0) & 28.2188 & 509.9 & $2.94 \\times 10^{-11}$ & 01 & $< 7.90 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 3$. & 0.27 & $< 6.17 \\times 10^{21}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(1) & 17.0346 & 1015.0 & $4.76 \\times 10^{-10}$ & 01 & $ 1.34 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 27.8 & 0.53 & $4.92 \\times 10^{20}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.71 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 51.4 & 0.53 & $6.28 \\times 10^{20}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(2) & 12.2785 & 1682.0 & $2.76 \\times 10^{-9}$ & 01 & $ 1.44 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 32.8 & 0.57 & $6.84 \\times 10^{19}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.78 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 12.6 & 0.57 & $8.46 \\times 10^{19}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(3) & 9.6649 & 2503.4 & $9.84 \\times 10^{-9}$ & 01 & $ 4.08 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 200.0 & 1.35 & $8.82 \\times 10^{19}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 4.72 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 251.0 & 1.35 & $1.02 \\times 10^{20}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(4) & 8.0258 & 3474.6 & $2.64 \\times 10^{-8}$ & 01 & $ 4.43 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 133.0 & 0.45 & $1.28 \\times 10^{19}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 4.84 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 231.0 & 0.45 & $1.40 \\times 10^{19}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(5) & 7.2807 & $10\\,340.3$ & $5.44 \\times 10^{-8}$ & 01 & $ 2.48 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 6.7 & 0.18 & $2.48 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(5) & 6.9091 & 4586.7 & $5.88 \\times 10^{-8}$ & 01 & $ 1.09 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 63.7 & 0.15 & $9.31 \\times 10^{18}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.15 \\times 10^{-2}$ & 64.2 & 0.15 & $9.83 \\times 10^{18}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(6) & 6.1089 & 5829.8 & $1.14 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.37 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 44.2 & 0.17 & $1.33 \\times 10^{18}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 3.03 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 58.3 & 0.17 & $1.20 \\times 10^{18}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(7) & 5.8111 & $12\\,816.4$ & $1.82 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 2.48 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 8.1 & 0.18 & $5.91 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(7) & 5.5115 & 7196.6 & $2.00 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 9.99 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 113.0 & 0.20 & $2.09 \\times 10^{18}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 8.33 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 141.0 & 0.20 & $1.74 \\times 10^{18}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(8) & 5.0528 & 8677.1 & $3.24 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 2.28 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 24.8 & 0.23 & $2.78 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(9)$^{\\rm g}$ & 4.9533 & $15\\,725.5$ & $4.38 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 4.65 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 4.5 & 0.24 & $4.14 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 06 & $ 2.81 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 4.1 & 0.24 & $2.50 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(9)$^{\\rm g}$ & 4.6947 & $10\\,261.2$ & $4.90 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 5.09 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 15.7 & 0.26 & $3.92 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 4.85 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 26.9 & 0.26 & $3.73 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(11) & 4.4171 & $18\\,977.1$ & $8.42 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 2.13 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 4.6 & 0.29 & $9.21 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(10) & 4.4096 & $11\\,940.2$ & $7.03 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.26 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 18.2 & 0.29 & $6.52 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 3-2 O(7) & 4.3298 & $19\\,092.2$ & $9.77 \\times 10^{-8}$ & 01 & $< 6.54 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.30 & $< 2.41 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 2-2 S(13) & 4.3137 & $27\\,264.3$ & $1.14 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 7.47 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.30 & $< 2.35 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(11) & 4.1810 & $13\\,702.7$ & $9.64 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 2.39 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 31.7 & 0.32 & $8.77 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 2.19 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 113.0 & 0.32 & $8.03 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-0 O(8) & 4.1622 & 9285.7 & $7.38 \\times 10^{-8}$ & 01 & $ 1.91 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 3.7 & 0.32 & $9.13 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.10 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 7.9 & 0.32 & $5.26 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(13) & 4.0675 & $22\\,516.4$ & $1.38 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 2.39 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 13.7 & 0.33 & $6.17 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.80 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 8.7 & 0.33 & $4.55 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(12) & 3.9968 & $15\\,538.5$ & $1.27 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 6.50 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 41.5 & 0.34 & $1.78 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(14) & 3.9414 & $24\\,372.4$ & $1.69 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 1.03 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 6.5 & 0.35 & $2.09 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(13) & 3.8464 & $17\\,437.7$ & $1.62 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 1.51 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 78.2 & 0.36 & $3.17 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.40 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 92.7 & 0.36 & $2.94 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(15) & 3.8404 & $26\\,257.2$ & $2.00 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 1.09 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 7.2 & 0.36 & $1.85 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.51 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 10.8 & 0.36 & $2.57 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-0 O(7) & 3.8075 & 8364.9 & $1.06 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.43 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 99.3 & 0.37 & $4.57 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(16) & 3.7602 & $28\\,199.5$ & $2.32 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 1.51 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.38 & $< 2.19 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 2-1 O(6) & 3.7236 & $13\\,150.2$ & $2.28 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 3.72 \\times 10^{-4}$ &$< 15.3 $ & 0.38 & $< 5.47 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(14) & 3.7245 & $19\\,408.7$ & $2.41 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 3.72 \\times 10^{-4}$ &$< 15.3 $ & 0.38 & $< 5.18 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-1 S(17) & 3.6979 & $30\\,156.2$ & $2.64 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 6.21 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 3.8 & 0.39 & $7.87 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 3-2 O(5) & 3.6630 & $17\\,811.7$ & $3.52 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 3.73 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.39 & $< 3.53 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(15) & 3.6263 & $21\\,408.6$ & $2.41 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 6.15 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 29.9 & 0.40 & $8.48 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 6.49 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 31.2 & 0.40 & $8.94 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(16) & 3.5470 & $23\\,451.6$ & $2.83 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 2.81 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 7.2 & 0.42 & $3.28 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-0 O(6) & 3.5007 & 7583.7 & $1.50 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 8.37 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 54.5 & 0.43 & $1.84 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(17) & 3.4856 & $25\\,537.8$ & $3.26 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 3.35 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 23.1 & 0.44 & $3.39 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 2-1 O(5) & 3.4384 & $12\\,550.2$ & $3.18 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 4.31 \\times 10^{-4}$ &$< 22.8$ & 0.46 & $< 4.51 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(18) & 3.4384 & $27\\,638.4$ & $3.68 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 4.31 \\times 10^{-4}$ &$< 22.8$ & 0.46 & $< 3.89 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(19) & 3.4039 & $29\\,767.7$ & $4.08 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 1.62 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 15.1 & 0.48 & $1.34 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.13 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 17.2 & 0.48 & $9.31 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} \\label{h2_table} \\end{table*} % \\addtocounter{table}{-1} \\begin{table*}[h] \\caption[]{ -Continued } \\begin{tabular}{lrrlrcrrrr} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\lambda$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$E_{\\rm u}/k~^{\\rm a}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A~^{\\rm b}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{SWS} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm obs}~^{\\rm c}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A_\\lambda~^{\\rm e}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N_{\\rm u}~^{\\rm f}$} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.ex}[-1.ex]{line}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[$\\rm \\mu m$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[K]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[s$^{-1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{AOT} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.ex}[-1.ex]{S/N$~^{\\rm d}$}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[mag]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[cm$^{-2}$]} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} 3-2 O(4) & 3.3958 & $17\\,380.1$ & $4.87 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 4.88 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 6.5 & 0.49 & $3.38 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(20) & 3.3809 & $31\\,898.5$ & $4.45 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 1.43 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.50 & $< 1.09 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(21) & 3.3689 & $34\\,040.8$ & $4.78 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 2.47 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 4.0 & 0.52 & $1.77 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(22) & 3.3663 & $36\\,149.7$ & $5.06 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 1.91 \\times 10^{-5}$ &$< 3$ & 0.52 & $< 1.30 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(23) & 3.3718 & $38\\,299.5$ & $5.27 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 1.91 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.51 & $< 1.24 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(24) & 3.3876 & $40\\,419.6$ & $5.42 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 1.42 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.50 & $< 8.88 \\times 10^{13}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(25) & 3.4108 & $42\\,515.1$ & $5.50 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 3.33 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.48 & $< 2.03 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 2.42 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 4.1 & 0.48 & $1.48 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(26) & 3.4417 & $44\\,573.2$ & $5.51 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 3.27 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.46 & $< 1.97 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(27) & 3.4855 & $46\\, 650.3$ & $5.43 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 3.27 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.44 & $< 1.82 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(28) & 3.5375 & $48\\,640.3$ & $5.28 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 3.86 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.42 & $< 2.41 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 0-0 S(29) & 3.5996 & $50\\,619.9$ & $5.04 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 4.56 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.41 & $< 3.00 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 1-0 O(5) & 3.2350 & 6950.6 & $2.09 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.24 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 221.0 & 0.76 & $6.39 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 3.05 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 218.0 & 0.76 & $6.02 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 06 & $ 3.05 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 144.0 & 0.76 & $6.02 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 2-1 O(4) & 3.1899 & $12\\,094.1$ & $4.41 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.25 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 12.4 & 0.88 & $1.28 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 3-2 O(3) & 3.1637 & $17\\,092.3$ & $7.04 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 4.08 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 3.8 & 0.94 & $2.76 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-0 O(4) & 3.0039 & 6471.5 & $2.90 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.28 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 119.0 & 1.11 & $2.32 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.20 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 70.5 & 1.11 & $2.18 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 06 & $ 1.34 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 49.6 & 1.11 & $2.43 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 2-1 O(3) & 2.9741 & $11\\,789.1$ & $6.40 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.43 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 24.4 & 1.07 & $2.71 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 3-2 O(2) & 2.9620 & $16\\,948.5$ & $1.41 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $< 1.98 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 1.06 & $< 6.96 \\times 10^{14}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(13) & 2.9061 & $23\\,926.4$ & $2.22 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 4.37 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.95 & $< 8.70 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 3-2 Q(7) & 2.8250 & $20\\,861.9$ & $3.58 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 4.84 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.80 & $< 5.07 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-0 O(3) & 2.8025 & 6149.2 & $4.23 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 6.17 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 388.0 & 0.77 & $5.27 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 5.20 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 287.0 & 0.77 & $4.44 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 2-1 O(2) & 2.7862 & $11\\,635.2$ & $1.29 \\times 10^{-6}$ & 01 & $ 1.11 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 6.5 & 0.75 & $3.04 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 3-2 Q(5) & 2.7692 & $19\\,092.2$ & $3.98 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 9.81 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 5.9 & 0.74 & $8.52 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 3-2 Q(3) & 2.7312 & $17\\,811.7$ & $4.41 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 6.55 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.71 & $< 4.94 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(13) & 2.7269 & $18\\,977.1$ & $1.61 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.10 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 3.3 & 0.71 & $2.27 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 3-2 Q(2) & 2.7186 & $17\\,394.5$ & $4.84 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 2.63 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 8.4 $ & 0.71 & $< 1.79 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(9) & 2.7200 & $18\\,099.5$ & $3.03 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 2.63 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 8.4 $ & 0.71 & $< 2.87 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 3-2 Q(1) & 2.7102 & $17\\,092.3$ & $6.86 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 5.43 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.70 & $< 2.60 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(8) & 2.6850 & $16\\,876.5$ & $3.22 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 5.29 \\times 10^{-5}$ & $< 3$ & 0.70 & $< 5.32 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(7) & 2.6538 & $15\\,768.7$ & $3.40 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.32 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 10.3 & 0.70 & $3.13 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(11) & 2.6350 & $15\\,725.5$ & $1.87 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.10 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 9.8 & 0.70 & $5.29 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.86 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 5.6 & 0.70 & $3.17 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(5) & 2.6040 & $13\\,889.7$ & $3.74 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 6.54 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 17.2 & 0.71 & $5.55 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 3.58 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 40.5 & 0.71 & $3.04 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(10) & 2.5954 & $14\\,220.6$ & $1.99 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.55 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 9.1 & 0.72 & $2.47 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 1.59 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 9.3 & 0.72 & $2.53 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(4) & 2.5850 & $13\\,150.2$ & $2.65 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.60 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 7.8 & 0.72 & $1.91 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(3) & 2.5698 & $12\\,550.2$ & $4.12 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 4.42 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 13.8 & 0.72 & $3.40 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(9) & 2.5600 & $12\\,816.4$ & $2.12 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 8.27 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 4.8 $ & 0.73 & $< 1.24 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $< 7.85 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 59.5 $ & 0.73 & $< 1.17 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(2) & 2.5585 & $12\\,094.1$ & $4.50 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $< 8.27 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 4.8 $ & 0.73 & $<5.82 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $< 7.85 \\times 10^{-4}$ & $< 59.5 $ & 0.73 & $< 5.53 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 2-1 Q(1) & 2.5510 & $11\\,789.1$ & $6.37 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 4.62 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 19.2 & 0.73 & $2.30 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 4.25 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 43.4 & 0.73 & $2.11 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 4-3 S(1) & 2.5415 & $22\\,761.0$ & $4.49 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 02 & $6.98 \\times 10^{-5}$ & 4.5 & 0.74 & $4.93 \\times 10^{15}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(8)$^{\\rm h}$ & 2.5278 & $11\\,521.5$ & $2.23 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.28 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 10.1 & 0.74 & $4.66 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ & & & & 02 & $ 3.30 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 23.3 & 0.74 & $4.69 \\times 10^{16}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(7) & 2.5001 & $10\\,340.3$ & $2.34 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.76 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 95.2 & 0.76 & $2.38 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(6) & 2.4755 & 9285.7 & $2.45 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 8.49 \\times 10^{-4}$ & 29.9 & 0.77 & $1.10 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} \\label{h2_table} \\end{table*} % \\addtocounter{table}{-1} \\begin{table*}[h] \\caption[]{ -Continued } \\begin{tabular}{lrrlrcrrrr} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\lambda$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$E_{\\rm u}/k~^{\\rm a}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A~^{\\rm b}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{SWS} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$I_{\\rm obs}~^{\\rm c}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$A_\\lambda~^{\\rm e}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N_{\\rm u}~^{\\rm f}$} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.ex}[-1.ex]{line}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[$\\rm \\mu m$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[K]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[s$^{-1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{AOT} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[erg~s$^{\\rm -1}$cm$^{\\rm -2}$sr$^{\\rm -1}$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\raisebox{1.ex}[-1.ex]{S/N$^{\\rm d}$}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[mag]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[cm$^{-2}$]} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} 1-0 Q(5) & 2.4548 & 8364.9 & $2.55 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 3.68 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 209.0 & 0.78 & $4.60 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(4) & 2.4375 & 7583.7 & $2.65 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.61 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 76.9 & 0.79 & $1.94 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(3) & 2.4237 & 6950.6 & $2.78 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 5.52 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 176.0 & 0.80 & $6.34 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(2) & 2.4134 & 6471.5 & $3.03 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 1.91 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 56.3 & 0.80 & $2.01 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ 1-0 Q(1) & 2.4066 & 6149.2 & $4.29 \\times 10^{-7}$ & 01 & $ 6.31 \\times 10^{-3}$ & 195.0 & 0.81 & $4.71 \\times 10^{17}$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} $^{\\rm a}$ The upper level energies were kindly provided by Roueff (1992, private communication). \\\\ $^{\\rm b}$ The Einstein coefficients are taken from Turner et al. (\\cite{tur77}) and Wolniewicz et al. (\\cite{wol98}). \\\\ $^{\\rm c}$ The upper limit for the intensities is calculated from the $3 \\sigma$ flux density noise level at the respective wavelength, times the width of one resolution element. In a few cases of merged lines it was not possible to derive the individual line intensities. There the measured intensity of the combined structure -- although the S/N ratio is $> 3$ -- is also indicated as an upper limit for each of the components. \\\\ $^{\\rm d}$ Calculated from the RMS noise within $\\rm \\sim 500 \\: km\\,s^{-1}$. \\\\ $^{\\rm e}$ From the extinction curve shown in Fig.~\\ref{extinction}, derived from the H$_2$ lines. \\\\ $^{\\rm f}$ Extinction-corrected upper level column density. \\\\ $^{\\rm g}$ The 1-1 S(9) and 0-0 S(9) lines are merged with CO lines. To derive the H$_2$ line intensities, the CO lines and the background were fit by sine functions plus a first order polynomial, whereas the H$_2$ lines were fit by a Gaussian. \\\\ $^{\\rm h}$ The 1-0 Q(8) line is merged with H 16-5 line. The respective intensities were derived by fitting two gaussian functions to the combined structure. \\label{h2_table} \\end{table*} % \\subsubsection{Contribution from the foreground PDR} The line emission toward Peak 1 must include some contribution from the photodissociation region bordering the foreground Orion Nebula H~{\\sc ii} region. Garden (\\cite{gar86}) produced a $\\rm H_2$~1-0~S(1) map which covers OMC-1, the Trapezium, and the Orion Bar PDR. Following Burton \\& Puxley (\\cite{bur90b}), we estimate that the extended fluorescent $\\rm H_2$ flux should amount to about 5\\% of the total $\\rm H_2$ emission toward Peak~1 over the SWS aperture. For an additional estimate of the expected PDR contribution we can compare the total H$_2$ luminosity toward Peak 1 to that toward the Orion Bar, a PDR observed nearly edge-on south-east of the Trapezium. We did observe the Bar with the ISO-SWS (Bertoldi et al., in prep.), and find that the total H$_2$ emission here amounts to 0.008~ $\\rm erg~s^{-1}cm^{-2}sr^{-1}$, compared to the 0.28~$\\rm erg~s^{-1}cm^{-2}sr^{-1}$ toward Peak 1. Since the Bar is the brightest PDR emission peak in the Orion Nebula, we see that the $\\rm H_2$ emission from the PDR toward Peak 1 is probably small compared with the emission arising from the deeply embedded outflow. \\subsubsection{Excitation of molecular hydrogen} From the line intensities we derived observed column densities of the levels from which these transitions arise (Eq.\\ref{eq:col}). We correct these values for extinction with the curve we derived in Sec.~\\ref{ex} (Fig.~\\ref{extinction}), to obtain the inherent level column densities \\begin{equation} N(v,J) = N_{\\rm obs}(v,J)~~ 10^{0.4A(\\lambda)}. \\end{equation} The resulting excitation (Boltzmann) diagram is shown in Fig.~\\ref{excit}. \\begin{figure*}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=2.\\columnwidth]{figure8.ps} \\caption{Extinction-corrected, observed H$_2$ level column densities, divided by their degeneracy, plotted against the upper level energy $E(v,J)$. Vibrational levels are distinguished by different symbols: squares, triangles, diamonds, $+$, and $\\times$ represent $v=0,$ 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The dotted line represents the fit Eq.~\\ref{fit}. Error bars represent $1\\sigma$ flux uncertainties of the line flux integrations, but do not include $\\sim$30\\% calibration uncertainties. Some lines were measured in two different AOTs, with the corresponding column densities both shown.} \\label{excit} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} The lack of signs of fluorescent excitation in the level columns suggest that the molecules might be mostly thermally excited. An H$_2$ column $N_{\\rm H_2,tot}$ in statistical (thermodynamic) equilibrium at a single kinetic temperature $T$ would yield a level distribution \\begin{equation} \\label{single_boltz} { N(v,J) \\over g_J} ~=~ N_{\\rm H_2,tot} \\; { e^{- E(v,J)/k T}\\over \\sum_{v',J'} g_{J'} \\, e^{- E(v',J')/k T} }, \\end{equation} which produces a straight line in the Boltzmann (excitation) diagram Fig.~\\ref{excit}. An excitation temperature function, $T_{\\rm ex}(E)$, can be assigned to the level distributions at each level energy, $E(v,J)$, by computing the inverse of the derivative of the line which best fits $ \\ln[N(v,J)/g_J]$ as a function of $E(v,J)/k$. Near the lowest energy levels, $T_{\\rm ex} \\sim 600$~K, whereas at $E(v,J)/k \\geq 14\\,000$~K, the excitation temperature rises to $\\sim 3200$~K. To describe the range of excitation temperatures, we decomposed the distribution of column densities to a sum of five Boltzmann distributions of different excitation temperatures: \\begin{equation} \\label{fit} N(v,J)/ g_J = \\sum_{i=1}^5 C_i \\; e^{- E(v,J)/kT_{{\\rm ex},i} }, \\end{equation} where we chose $T_{{\\rm ex},i} = (628, 800, 1200, 1800, 3226)$~K, and the $C_i$ (see Table \\ref{column}) were determined by a least-squares-fit to the observed level columns. In Fig.~\\ref{excit} the dotted line shows the five-component fit. From this fit we can also compute the total warm $\\rm H_2$ column density, by summing the column densities over {\\it all} levels following the interpolated level column distribution: \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{n_tot} N_{\\rm H_2,tot} & = & \\sum_{v,J} \\left[ \\frac{N(v,J)}{g_J} \\right] \\: g_J \\nonumber \\\\ & = & \\sum_{v,J} \\sum_{i=1}^5 g_J \\: C_i \\; e^{-E(v,J)/k T_{{\\rm ex},i}} \\nonumber \\\\ & = & (1.9\\pm 0.5) \\times 10^{21} \\: {\\rm cm^{-2}} . \\end{eqnarray} Adopting a distance of 450~pc (Genzel \\& Stutzki \\cite{gen89}), this column corresponds to a warm H$_2$ mass of $(0.06\\pm 0.015)~{\\rm M}_{\\sun}$ within the ISO-SWS aperture. By summing from $J = 0$, we extrapolated the observed H$_2$ $(v=0,J\\geq 3)$ level populations to the unobserved $(v=0,J = 0, 1, 2)$ levels. Note that thereby we estimate the total {\\it warm} $\\rm H_2$ column density, but we do not account for the {\\it total} $\\rm H_2$ column along the line of sight, which includes an additional $\\rm \\approx 10^{22} \\: cm^{-2}$ cold gas from the molecular cloud which embeds the outflow. Most of this cold $\\rm H_2 $ resides in the ground states $J = 0$ and $J = 1$, and does not contribute to the emission observed from the shock-excited gas in the outflow. By changing the order of summation in Eq.~\\ref{n_tot} we can compute the column densities corresponding to the five excitation temperature components, $N_{{\\rm H_2,}i}$ (Table~\\ref{column}), such that \\begin{equation} \\label{t_components} N_{\\rm H_2,tot} = \\sum _{i=1}^5 \\sum_{v,J} g(J) \\: C_i \\; e^{-E(v,J)/k \\, T_{{\\rm ex,}i}} = \\sum _{i=1}^5 N_{{\\rm H_2,}i}. \\end{equation} \\begin{table} % \\caption[]{ } \\begin{tabular}{rccr} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\rule[-2mm]{0mm}{5mm}$T_{{\\rm ex,}i}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$C_i$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N_{\\rm H_{\\rm 2,i}}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{r}{fraction of}\\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{r}{(K)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{(cm$^{\\rm -2}$)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{(cm$^{\\rm -2}$)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{warm $\\rm H_2$} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} 628 & $8.80 \\times 10^{19}$ & $1.37 \\times 10^{21}$ & 72.2\\% \\\\ 800 & $2.01 \\times 10^{19}$ & $3.96 \\times 10^{20}$ & 20.9\\% \\\\ 1200 & $3.62 \\times 10^{18}$ & $1.07 \\times 10^{20}$ & 5.7\\% \\\\ 1800 & $3.83 \\times 10^{17}$ & $1.76 \\times 10^{19}$ & 0.9\\% \\\\ 3226 & $7.01 \\times 10^{16}$ & $6.82 \\times 10^{18}$ & 0.4\\% \\\\ \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} \\label{column} \\end{table} % Figure~\\ref{temp} shows the corresponding cummulative column density, $N_{\\rm H_2}(T_{ex}>T)$, plotted against $T$. \\begin{figure}[b] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.0\\columnwidth]{figure9.ps} \\caption{ Cummulative column density of H$_2$ with excitation temperatures larger than a given value of $T$, observed within the ISO aperture. Derived from the five-component decomposition listed in Table 4. } \\label{temp} \\end{center} \\end{figure} With the interpolated excitation distribution Eq.~\\ref{fit} the column densities of all $\\rm H_2$ energy levels can be estimated, even those from which no lines were observed. Then the total H$_2$ rovibrational emission from the electronic ground state extrapolates to $(0.28 \\pm 0.08)$~erg~s$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$sr$^{-1}$. Over the ISO-SWS aperture this amounts to $(17 \\pm 5)~\\rm L_{\\sun}$. Compared with the total observed $\\rm H_2$ line emission (after extinction correction) of $(0.16 \\pm 0.05)$~erg~s$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$sr$^{-1}$, we find that our line spectra account for more than half of the total $\\rm H_2$ emission. Our observations target the brightest field in the Orion outflow. The outflow covers an area of about $2\\arcmin \\times 2\\arcmin$. The average H$_2$ brightness over this area we estimate from the 1-0~S(1) map of Garden (\\cite{gar86}) to approximately 20\\% of that in our observed field, so that the total $\\rm H_2$ luminosity of the OMC-1 outflow is estimated to be $(120 \\pm 60)~ \\rm L_{\\sun}$. This is consistent with the 94~$\\rm L_{\\sun}$ estimated by Burton \\& Puxley (\\cite{bur90b}). \\subsubsection{What excites the highest-energy levels?} \\label{extraexcitation} Table~\\ref{column} and Fig.~\\ref{temp} illustrate that only a small fraction of the warm molecular gas is at the high excitation temperatures, which reach 3000~K. This is difficult to reconcile with the expected smooth temperature profile of a single planar C-type shock, in which the gas temperature changes smoothly, and where a large fraction of the warm gas is near the maximum temperature (Timmermann \\cite{tim96b}). Even with a distribution of shock speeds, and a correspondingly wide range in peak temperatures, an excitation temperature distribution similar to that shown in Fig.~\\ref{temp} is difficult to understand. It would require a velocity distribution where only a small fraction, about 1\\%, of the gas is shocked at the high speed necessary to produce a 3000 K excitation. In bow shocks, e.g., the velocity changes slowly with distance from the apex, and such a distribution of velocities would not be expected. In dissociative J-type shocks, the molecules are destroyed in the shock, and they reform in a postshock layer where the temperature has dropped much below 3000 K, somewhat dependent on the H$_2$ formation rate efficiency at higher temperatures, which is essentially unknown (e.g. Bertoldi \\cite{ber97}). Dissociative J-shocks can therefore not account for the high excitation H$_2$ we observe. Even if temperatures of 3000 K or more can be reached in non-dissociative shocks, the higher H$_2$ levels would remain subthermally excited unless the gas density is high enough that the collisional excitation and deexcitation rates are comparable to those for radiative decay. A ``critical'' gas density can be defined for a given level as that for which the total collisional deexcitation rate of this level equals its total radiative decay rate. In Fig.~\\ref{ncrit} we plot the critical density computed this way for states in the vibrational ground state, $v=0$, up to $J=16$. We see that even at kinetic temperatures of 3000 K, gas densities above $10^6\\rm cm^{-3}$ would be necessary to maintain the high $v=0$ levels at populations resembling LTE. Since such high densities may not prevail in the shocked gas of the Orion outflow, we may explore mechanisms other than thermal excitation that could account for the population of the higher energy states (see also Bertoldi et al.~\\cite{ber00}). \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.0\\columnwidth]{figure10.ps} % \\caption{ Critical densities, $n_{\\rm crit}$, of $v=0$ states of H$_2$ as a function of level energy, for H$_2$--H$_2$ and H$_2$--H collisions. The critical density is the ratio between the sum of all radiative rate (Einstein-$A$) coefficients, and the sum of the collisional deexcitation rate coefficients from a state to all states with lower energy. Einstein-$A$ coefficients were adopted from Turner et al.~(1977), and collisional rate coefficients from Bourlot et al.~(1999).} \\label{ncrit} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\paragraph{Time-dependent C-shocks:} When a high velocity outflow strikes dense molecular gas and thereby a C-type shock is first established, J-type shocks can temporarily form within the C-shock. In such an embedded J-shock, a small column of gas is heated to high temperatures (Chi\\`{e}ze et al. \\cite{chi98}), and if the density is sufficiently high, this could account for the high-excitation tail of the column density distribution (Flower \\& Pineau des For\\^ets \\cite{flo99}). The lifetime of the embedded J-shock is small, so that the high-temperature excitation tail would be a transient phenomenon, unless shocks are constantly reforming. Embedded J-shocks may also form when a C-shock encounters dense clumps. \\paragraph{Formation pumping:} Another possible pumping mechanism of the high-energy states is the formation of H$_2$. Molecular hydrogen is believed to form on the surfaces of dust grains. Some of the 4.5~eV released during the formation of an H$_2$ molecule is used up to leave the grain, and the remainder is split between translation, rotation, and vibration of the new molecule. The exact level distribution of newly formed H$_2$ is yet unknown, but it could very well contribute to the observed excitation at intermediate energies, $E\\approx 1-3$~eV (Black \\& van Dishoeck \\cite{bla87}; Le Bourlot et al. \\cite{leb95}). Using Eq.~\\ref{n_tot} we can sum up the column densities of all levels with energy $E/k \\geq 10 \\,000$~K, to find a column density $1.30 \\times 10^{18}$~cm$^{-2}$, a fraction $6.8 \\times 10^{-4}$ of the total warm H$_2$ column. Could H$_2$ formation in a steady state produce such a fraction of molecules in highly excited states? The pumping rate due to formation pumping is equal to the H$_2$ formation rate, $n({\\rm H}) n_{\\rm H} R_{\\rm gr}$, where $R_{\\rm gr} \\approx 5\\times 10^{-17}$~cm$^3$~s$^{-1}$ is the H$_2$ formation rate coefficient per hydrogen nucleus. We estimate the radiative decay rate by starting with the characteristic radiative lifetime of $\\sim 10^6$~sec for a molecule in a vibrational level $v \\approx 5$, and note that $\\sim 5$ jumps may be required to reach the ground state, so that the effective $A$-coefficient $A_{\\rm x} \\approx 2 \\times 10^{-7}~s^{-1}$. The population balance for the excited states then writes \\begin{equation} R_{\\rm gr} ~n_{\\rm H}~ n({\\rm H}) ~=~ n_{\\rm x}({\\rm H_2}) ~A_{\\rm x}, \\end{equation} which yields an excited H$_2$ fraction \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{eq:excited} {n_{\\rm x}({\\rm H_2})\\over n({\\rm H_2})} & = & {n{(\\rm H)}\\over n({\\rm H_2})} {n_{\\rm H} R_{\\rm gr} \\over A_{\\rm x} } \\nonumber \\\\ & = & 5\\times 10^{-4} \\left( {n_{\\rm H}\\over 10^6{\\rm cm^{-3}}}~~ {n{(\\rm H)}\\over 2n({\\rm H_2})} \\right)~, \\end{eqnarray} which would be consistent with the observed value, if the term in brackets assumes a value of order unity. This simple estimate thus shows that H$_2$ formation could account for some of the high excitation level populations if the density is high, the atomic fraction not small, and the formation rate coefficient in the warm shocked gas is somewhat higher than the value implied at $\\approx 100$~K from Copernicus observations, which is $R_{\\rm gr} \\approx 3\\times 10^{-17}$~cm$^3$~s$^{-1}$ (Jura 1975). To illustrate the possible importance of H$_2$ formation for the high-excitation level pumping we show that a simple superposition of two gas layers with hydrogen nuclei density $n_{\\rm H}=10^6\\rm cm^{-3}$, atomic fraction $n({\\rm H})/n_{\\rm H}=0.5$, and respective temperatures of 200 K and 800 K, with column densities $N_{\\rm H_2}=1.2\\times 10^{22}\\rm cm^{-2}$ and $1.2\\times 10^{21}\\rm cm^{-2}$, can in fact reproduce the observed level column distribution better than any shock model currently available. We used the photodissociation front code of Draine \\& Bertoldi (1996), but without UV illumination, to compute the non-LTE level distributions for gas at a fixed temperature, density, and molecular fraction. We include H$_2$ formation with a rate coefficient $R_{\\rm gr}~=~5\\times 10^{-17} \\rm cm^{3} s^{-1}$ and assume a level distribution for the newly formed H$_2$ following $N(v,J) \\propto (2J+1) e^{-E(v,J)/kT_{form}}$, with a ``formation temperature'' $T_{form}=5000$~K chosen to match the slope of the observed high-excitation level distribution. Fig.~\\ref{fig:twoT} illustrates how the newly-formed H$_2$ molecules give rise to a high-excitation tail in the levels' column density distribution. The remaining gas displays a thermal distribution at least up to the levels which are mainly populated by H$_2$ formation. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.05\\columnwidth]{figure11.ps} \\caption{ Level column density distributions for two gas layers at temperatures 200 K and 800 K with H$_2$ column densities of $1.2\\times 10^{22}\\rm cm^{-3}$ and $1.2\\times 10^{21}\\rm cm^{-3}$, respectively. Individual vibrational level distributions are shown as separate lines. The sum of both distributions well matches the observed level distribution toward Peak 1 which is shown in Fig. 7.} \\label{fig:twoT} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\paragraph{Non-thermal collisions:} An even more important pumping mechanism for the high-excitation levels may be non-thermal collisions between molecules and ions in a magnetic shock. In magnetic C-type shocks, which are believed to be responsible for most of the emission in Peak~1, the gas is accelerated through fast inelastic collisions. In a magnetic precursor the ions, which are tied to the magnetic field, collide with the undisturbed pre-shock gas at relative velocities comparable to the shock speed. Such non-thermal ion--molecule collisions lead to the acceleration of the molecules and to their internal excitation. High-velocity molecules subsequently collide with other molecules, leading to a cascade of collisions during which the relative kinetic energy is in part converted to internal excitation of the molecules (O'Brien \\& Drury \\cite{bri96}). In sufficiently fast C-shocks, the ion--H$_2$ and H$_2$--H$_2$ collisions can even lead to a significant collisional dissociation rate. The molecules dissociated in a steady-state, partially dissociative shock reform further downstream, so that across such a shock the H$_2$ dissociation rate equals the H$_2$ reformation rate. For every collisionally dissociated molecule there will be a larger number of inelastic collisions which did not lead to dissociation, but to the excitation of the molecule into high ro-vibrational states, up to the dissociation limit. The high-excitation H$_2$ level column densities thereby created should therefore be larger than those caused by H$_2$ formation alone. Note that such energetic collision between ions and H$_2$ in C-shocks are relatively infrequent because ions are rare -- thus the excited H$_2$ has time enough to cascade to lower levels between collisions, giving rise to line emission from the highly excited levels. In C-type shocks, however, dissociations take place too quickly for highly excited H$_2$ to radiatively decay. We conclude that non-thermal collisions in partially dissociative C-shocks could pump the high-excitation states in the H$_2$ electronic ground state to the levels observed. However, no detailed shock models are available yet which account for this process. \\paragraph{0 -- 0 S(25):} The $J=27$ level observed through the $0-0$~S(25) line appears overpopulated by a factor of seven over what would be expected from the least-squares fit of the data shown in Fig.~\\ref{excit}. The $J=27$ level is 3.6~eV above ground and only 0.9~eV from the dissociation limit. H$_2$ molecules which are newly formed on grains are unlikely to be able to populate states so high, because some fraction of the formation energy is lost to overcome the grain surface potential, and some goes to kinetic and vibrational excitation. Unless we misidentified the $0-0$~S(25) line, it appears that a different mechanism may be populating this level and possibly other high levels. The gas-phase formation of H$_2$ via H$^-$, e.g., might be able to leave the new molecule in such a high rotational state (Bieniek \\& Dalgarno \\cite{bie79}; Black et al. \\cite{bla81}; Launay et al. \\cite{lau91}). \\subsubsection{Comparison with shock models} \\label{model} For over 20 years, evidence accumulated that the $\\rm H_2$ emission from OMC-1 may arise from shocks (Gautier et al. \\cite{gau76}; Kwan \\& Scoville \\cite{kwa76}). However, the physical nature of these shocks remains unclear. Models for planar J-type (Hollenbach \\& Shull \\cite{hol77}; Kwan \\cite{kwa77}; London et al. \\cite{lon77}) or C-type (Draine \\cite{dra80}; Draine \\& Roberge \\cite{dra82}; Chernoff et al. \\cite{che82}; Draine et al. \\cite{dra83}) shocks were unable to reproduce the observed wide velocity profiles (Nadeau \\& Geballe \\cite{nad79}; Brand et al. \\cite{bra89b}; Moorhouse et al. \\cite{moo90}; Chrysostomou et al. \\cite{chr97}), or the wide range of excitation conditions observed. Bow shocks were suggested to account for the observed range of excitation conditions and the wide velocity profiles (Hartigan et al. \\cite{har87}; e.~g. Smith et al. \\cite{smi91a,smi91b}), but it remains unclear whether these are predominantly C-type, J-type, or a combination of those. \\paragraph{Planar shock models:} In Sect.~\\ref{finestructure} we suggested that some fraction of the fine structure line emission may arise from dissociative J-shocks with velocities of about 85~km~s$^{-1}$, pre-shock densities $n_{\\rm H}\\approx \\rm 10^5 - 10^6\\,cm^{-3}$, and a beam filling factor of 3--4 (Hollenbach \\& McKee \\cite{hol89}). In such dissociative shocks most of the excitation of the $v=0$, $ J \\leq 5$ levels is collisional, and the emission arises in the H$_2$ reformation region where the temperature levels at 400 to 500~K, which is somewhat below the observed excitation temperature of the lowest levels. The higher levels would then be predominantly pumped by newly formed molecules. Such a model however neither fits the low excitation nor the higher excitation level populations very well. The deficits of the J-shock model could be compensated if we combined it with a C-shock model, e.g., one of Kaufman \\& Neufeld (\\cite{kau96}) with $v_{\\rm s}=25$~$\\rm km~s^{-1}$, $n_{\\rm H_2}=10^5-10^6~{\\rm cm^{-3}}$, and a beam filling factor 0.3. Such a combined model provides a good fit to the $v=0$, $J=3$ to 9 level populations, although higher rotational level populations are predicted too large (see Fig.~\\ref{ex_model}: HK). A combination of J-type and C-type shocks would be consistent with the picture proposed by Chernoff et al.~(\\cite{che82}), who suggested that a high velocity, $\\sim {\\rm 110~km~s^{-1}}$, wind emanating from an object near IRc2 drives a $\\sim {\\rm 30~km~s^{-1}}$ expanding shell of swept-up material. The low beam filling factor of the C-shock emission could be due to the clumping of the ambient medium. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=1.\\columnwidth]{figure12.ps} \\caption{ Comparison of the observed H$_2$ level column distribution (solid line) with models: dissociative J-shock plus C-shock model (HK: long-dashed), J-type cooling flow model (B88: dash-dotted), bow shock model (S91: short-dashed), combination of two planar C-shock models (KN96: dotted).} \\label{ex_model} \\end{center} \\end{figure} The $\\rm H_2$ level populations implied by previous ground-based observations (e.g. Brand et al. \\cite{bra88}; Parmar et al. \\cite{par94}; Burton \\& Haas \\cite{bur97}) were attempted to match with an empirical planar J-shock ``cooling flow\" model (Brand et al. \\cite{bra88}; Chang \\& Martin \\cite{cha91}; Burton \\& Haas \\cite{bur97}), which assumes that the cooling is dominated by $\\rm H_2$, and cooling by other molecules such as H$_2$O and CO may be neglected. Such a model can match the medium and high-excitation level populations, although it somewhat overestimates the population of lower rotational levels. These models assume LTE level distributions, which as we argued above, may not be a valid assumption for the high-excitation levels if the gas density is below $10^6\\rm cm^{-3}$. Furthermore, theoretical chemical studies show that most oxygen not locked in CO is converted to $\\rm H_2O$ (Draine et al. \\cite{dra83}; Kaufman \\& Neufeld \\cite{kau96}), which is detected by ISO-LWS observations toward OMC-1 (Harwit et al. \\cite{har98}; Cernicharo et al. \\cite{cer99}). Both H$_2$O and CO should therefore be significant coolants, and the neglect of this in these models is worrisome. Currently available more realistic single shock models do not seem to fit the observed H$_2$ level distribution. It appears necessary to combine at least two shock models, one to account for the high-excitation level populations, one for the low-excitation levels. For example, combining two models from Kaufman \\& Neufeld (\\cite{kau96}), with shock velocities of 20 and 40 km~s$^{-1}$, and beam filling factors of 1 and 0.026, respectively, can well match the level population up to $E/k\\approx 20\\,000$ K (Fig.~\\ref{excit}, KN96); a pre-shock H$_2$ number density of $\\rm 3~\\times~10^{5}~cm^{-3}$ was adopted. The Kaufman \\& Neufeld models however do not account for time-dependency, formation pumping, or non-thermal excitation. \\paragraph{H$_2$ velocity dispersion:} Optical and near-IR observations with high spectral resolution toward the OMC-1 outflow show that typical FWHM widths of the H$_2$ lines are 50--60~km s$^{-1}$ (Nadeau \\& Geballe \\cite{nad79}; Moorhouse et al. \\cite{moo90}; Geballe \\& Garden \\cite{geb87}; Chrysostomou et al. \\cite{chr97}), and that the line wings can extend to several hundred km s$^{-1}$ (Ramsey-Howat et al., in prep.). Molecular hydrogen is expected to be destroyed in shocks with velocities larger than 30 to 50 km s$^{-1}$, depending on the magnetic field strength. It is therefore puzzeling how the H$_2$ emission can show such large velocity dispersions, even in filaments which are only several arcseconds in size. \\paragraph{Bow-shocks:} It has been suggested that the H$_2$ emission arises in bow-shocks, in which the effective shock velocity decreases from the tip to the wake. The shock speed at the apex may be high enough to produce a dissociative J-shock here. But further down the wake, non-dissociative C-type shocks can prevail, with peak temperatures in the shocked molecular layers that decrease steadily down the wake. Thereby a large range of temperatures for the molecular gas exists in a single bow shock. This could account for the observed level excitation, and may also explain the observed constancy of $\\rm H_2$ excitation over the entire OMC-1 outflow (Brand et al. \\cite{bra89a}). The existence of bow-shocks is also supported by the observation of double-peaked velocity profiles for isolated regions in the outflow (Chrysostomou et al. \\cite{chr97}), and of knots of [Fe~{\\sc ii}] emission which coincide with ``fingers'' of $\\rm H_2$ emission. Allen \\& Burton (\\cite{all93}) suggest that the [Fe~{\\sc ii}] and $\\rm H_2$ emission trace tips and wakes of bow shocks formed in a stellar outflow. Recent observations of [Fe~{\\sc ii}] and $\\rm H_2$~1-0~S(1) velocity profiles (Tedds et al. \\cite{ted99}) however question the bow shock picture. Alternatively, Stone et al. (\\cite{sto95b}) proposed that the bows result from Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities when a poorly collimated outflow accelerates in an ambient medium of decreasing density, or when catching up with a slower shock. It is difficult to understand how the high velocity excited H$_2$ can be produced in a bow shock which is produced, e.g., by a dense bullet which is moving through a medium initially at rest. Ambient gas which has passed through parts of the bow shock which are not strong enough to dissociate the H$_2$ will not be accelerated to velocities much larger than 30 km s$^{-1}$, unless the magnetic field is very strong. If alternatively the bow shock arises from a molecular wind impinging on a dense obstacle, then the problem arises how the molecular wind was accelerated to over 100 km s$^{-1}$ without destroying the molecules, and why we do not see a lot more mass, traced by CO, e.g., at such high velocities. Smith et al. (\\cite{smi91a}) are able to reproduce the shape and width of the observed H$_2$ lines in the Orion outflow with bow shock models, but only by assuming a magnetic field strength of 50 mG, significantly higher than the 10 mG implied by polarization studies (Chrysostomou et al. \\cite{chr94}). In Fig.~\\ref{ex_model}, we compare our data with a bow shock model by Smith (\\cite{smi91b}), adopting a peak shock velocity of ${\\rm 100~km~s^{-1}}$ and an Alfv\\'en speed of ${\\rm 2~km~s^{-1}}$. This model is able to match the medium-excitation level populations well, but underestimates the low-excitation, and overestimates the high-excitation levels. Note that the H$_2$ excitation in the models of Smith, like for the planar J-shock model of Brand et al. (\\cite{bra88}), was calculated under the assumption of LTE, and also it ignores non-thermal excitation mechanisms. These models therefore overestimate the population of the high energy levels by thermal collision, and at the same time they underestimate the level population because they neglect non-thermal excitation mechanisms. We conclude that current shock models are able to reproduce the overall H$_2$ level distribution only when combining shocks with a range of velocities. However, most models do not include the physics most likely to account for the highest excitation level populations." }, "0002/astro-ph0002330_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We examine the effect of primordial dark matter velocity dispersion and/or particle self-interactions on the structure and stability of galaxy halos, especially with respect to the formation of substructure and central density cusps. Primordial velocity dispersion is characterised by a ``phase density'' $Q\\equiv \\rho/\\langle v^2\\rangle^{3/2}$, which for relativistically-decoupled relics is determined by particle mass and spin and is insensitive to cosmological parameters. Finite $Q$ leads to small-scale filtering of the primordial power spectrum, which reduces substructure, and limits the maximum central density of halos, which eliminates central cusps. The relationship between $Q$ and halo observables is estimated. The primordial $Q$ may be preserved in the cores of halos and if so leads to a predicted relation, closely analogous to that in degenerate dwarf stars, between the central density and velocity dispersion. Classical polytrope solutions are used to model the structure of halos of collisional dark matter, and to show that self-interactions in halos today are probably not significant because they destabilize halo cores via heat conduction. Constraints on masses and self-interactions of dark matter particles are estimated from halo stability and other considerations. ", "introduction": "The successful concordance of predictions and observations of large scale structure and microwave anisotropy vindicates many assumptions of standard cosmology, in particular the hypothesis that the dark matter is composed of primordial particles which are cold and collisionless\\cite{cdm}. At the same time, there are hints of discrepancies observed in the small-scale structure within galaxy haloes, which we explore as two related but separate issues, namely the predictions of excessive substructure and sharp central cusps in dark matter halos. The first ``substructure problem'' is that CDM predicts excessive relic substructure\\cite{ghigna,klypin}: much of the mass of a CDM halo is not smoothly distributed but is concentrated in many massive sublumps, like galaxies in galaxy clusters. The model predicts that galaxy halos should contain many dwarf galaxies which are not seen, and which would disrupt disks even if they are invisible. The substructure problem appears to be caused by the ``bottom-up'' hierarchical clustering predicted by CDM power spectra; fluctuations on small scales collapse early and survive as dense condensations. Its absence hints that the small scale power spectrum is filtered to suppress early collapse on subgalactic scales. The second ``cusp problem'' is that CDM also predicts\\cite{dubinski,nfw,moore98,moore99a,moore99b} a universal, monotonic increase of density towards the center of halos which is not seen in close studies of dark-matter-dominated galaxies\\cite{swaters,swaters2,carignan} (although the observational issue is far from settled\\cite{vandenbosch,dalcanton}). The formation of central cusps has been observed for many years in simulations of collapse of cold matter in a wide variety of circumstances; it may be thought of as low-entropy material sinking to the center during halo formation. Simulations suggest that dynamical ``pre-heating'' of CDM by hierarchical clustering is not enough to prevent a cusp from forming--- that some material is always left with a low entropy and sinks to the center. If this is right, the central structure of halos might provide clues to the primordial entropy which are insensitive to complicated details of nonlinear collapse. It may be possible to explain these discrepancies in a CDM framework\\cite{frank}, for example by using various baryonic contrivances. It is also possible that the observations can be interpreted more sympathetically for CDM; we explore this possibility in more detail in a separate paper\\cite{dalcanton}. However it is also possible that the problems with halo structure are giving specific quantitative clues about new properties of the dark matter particles. By examining halo structure and stability, in this paper we make a quantitative assessment of the effects of modifications of the two main properties of CDM--- the addition of primordial velocity dispersion, and/or the addition of particle self-interactions. In particular we focus on aspects of halo structure which provide the cleanest ``laboratories'' for studying dark matter properties. The ultimate goal of this exercise is to measure and constrain particle properties from halo structure. Endowing the particles with non-zero primordial velocity dispersion produces two separate effects: a filter in the primordial power spectrum which limits small-scale substructure, and a phase packing or Liouville limit which produces halo cores. Both effects depend on the same quantity, the ``phase density'' which we choose to define using the most observationally accessible units, $Q\\equiv \\rho/\\langle v^2\\rangle^{3/2}$, where $\\rho$ is the density and $\\langle v^2\\rangle$ is the velocity dispersion. The definitions of these quantities depend on whether we are discussing fine-grained or coarse-grained $Q$.\\footnote{For a uniform monatomic ideal thermal gas, $Q$ is related in a straightforward way to the usual thermodynamic entropy; for $N$ particles, $S=- kN[\\ln (Q)+{\\rm constant}].$} For collisionless particles, the fine-grained $Q$ does not change but the coarse-grained $Q$ can decrease as the sheet occupied by particles folds up in phase space. The coarse-grained $Q$ can be estimated directly from astronomical observations, while the fine-grained $Q$ relates directly to microphysics of dark matter particles. For particles which decouple when still relativistic, the initial microscopic phase density $Q_0$, which for nondissipationless collisionless particles is the maximum value for all time, can be related to the particle mass and type, with little reference to the cosmology. The most familiar examples are the standard neutrinos, but we include in our discussion the more general case which yields different numerical factors for bosons and for particles with a significant chemical potential. The physics of both the filtering and the phase packing in the collisionless case closely parallels that of massive neutrinos\\cite{gerstein,cowsik}, the standard form of ``hot'' dark matter. Dominant hot dark matter overdoes both of these effects--- the filtering scale is too large to agree with observations of galaxy formation (both in emission and quasar absorption) and the phase density is too low to agree with observations of giant-galaxy halos\\cite{tremaine}. However one can introduce new particles with a lower velocity dispersion (``warm'' dark matter, \\cite{bond,bardeen,blumenthal,melott,primack,dodelson}), which is the option we consider here. Although warm dark matter has most often been invoked as a solution to fixing apparent (and no longer problematic\\cite{peacock,cdm}) difficulties with predictions of the CDM power spectrum for matching galaxy clustering data, a spectrum filtered on smaller scales may also solve several other classic problems of CDM on galactic and subgalactic scales\\cite{whiterees,navarrosteinmetz} which are sometimes attributed to baryonic effects. The main effect in warm models is that the first nonlinear objects are larger and form later, suppressing substructure and increasing the angular momentum of galaxies\\cite{sommerlarsen}. This improves the predictions for dwarf galaxy populations\\cite{colin}, baryon-to-dark-matter ratio, disk size and angular momentum, and quiet flows on the scale of galaxy groups. If the filtering is confined to small scales the predictions are likely to remain acceptable for Lyman-$\\alpha$ absorption during the epoch of galaxy formation at $z\\approx 3$\\cite{croft,dave,white}. Liouville's theorem tells us that dissipationless, collisionless particles can only decrease their coarse-grained phase density, and we conjecture that halo cores on small scales approximately preserve the primordial phase density. The universal character of the phase density allows us to make definite predictions for the scaling of core density and core radius with halo velocity dispersion. These relations are analogous to those governing nonrelativistic degenerate-dwarf stars: more tightly bound (i.e. massive) halos should have smaller, denser cores. A survey\\cite{dalcanton} of available evidence on the phase density of dark matter cores on scales from dwarf spheroidal galaxies to galaxy clusters shows that the phase density needed to create the cores of rotating dwarf galaxies is much lower than that apparently present in dwarf spheroidal galaxies\\cite{aaronson,olszewski,faber,lake,gerhard,ralston,mateo}--- so at least one of these populations is not probing primordial phase density. Translating into masses of neutrino-like relics, the spheroidals prefer masses of about 1 keV (unless the observed stars occupy only a small central portion of an implausibly large, massive and high-dispersion halo), and the disks prefer about 200 eV. The larger phase density is also preferred from the point of view of filtering. If we take $\\Omega\\approx 0.3$ (instead of 1 as in most of the original warm scenarios--- which reduces the scale for a given mass, because it lowers the temperature and therefore the number of the particles), the filtering scale for 1 keV particles is at about $k=3{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$--- small enough to preserve the successful large-scale predictions of CDM but also large enough to impact the substructure problem. Galaxy halo substructure therefore favors a primordial phase density corresponding to collisionless thermal relics with a mass of around 1 keV. In this scenario the densest dwarf spheroidals might well preserve the primordial phase density and in principle could allow a measurement of the particle mass.\\footnote{This raises another unresolved issue: whether the filtering actually prevents systems as small as dwarf spheroidals from forming at all. The predictions of warm dark models are not yet worked out enough to answer this question.} (Conversely, a mass as large as 1 keV can only solve the core problem in disks with additional nonlinear dynamical heating, so that the central matter no longer remains on the lowest adiabat, or with the aid of baryonic effects\\cite{frank}.) To have the right mean density and phase density today, relativistically-decoupling particles of this phase density must have separated out at least as early as the QCD era, when the number of degrees of freedom was much larger than at classical weak decoupling. Their interactions with normal Standard Model particles must therefore be ``weaker than weak,'' ruling out not only standard neutrinos but many other particle candidates. The leading CDM particle candidates, such as WIMPs and axions, form in standard scenarios with much higher phase densities, although more elaborate mechanisms are possible to endow these particles with the velocities to dilute $Q$. We review briefly some of the available options for making low-$Q$ candidates, such as particles decaying out of equilibrium. A new wrinkle on this story comes if we endow the particles with self-interactions\\cite{carlson,delaix,atrio,spergel,mohapatra}. We consider a simple parametrized model of particle self-interactions based on massive intermediate particles of adjustable mass and coupling, and explore the constraints on these parameters from halo structure. Self-interactions change the filtering of the power spectrum early on, and if they are strong enough they qualititatively change the global structure and stability of halos. In the interacting case, linear perturbations below the Jeans scale oscillate as sound waves instead of damping by free streaming--- analogous to a baryon plasma rather than a neutrino gas. This effect introduces a filter which is sharper in $k$ than that from streaming, and also on a scale about ten times smaller than the streaming for the same rms particle velocity--- about right to reconcile the appropriate filtering scale with the $Q$ needed for phase-density-limited disk cores. These self-interactions could be so weak that the particles are effectively collisionless today as in standard CDM. On the other hand stronger self-interactions have major effects during the nonlinear stages of structure formation and on the structure of galaxy halos\\cite{spergel}. We consider this possibility in some detail, using Lane-Emden polytropes as fiducial models for collisional halos. Their structures are close analogs of degenerate dwarf stars and we call them ``giant dwarfs''. We find that these structures are subject to an instability caused by heat conduction by particle diffusion.\\footnote{Degenerate dwarf stars are not subject to this instability because they are supported without a temperature gradient; the same stabilization could occur in halo cores only if the dark matter is fermionic and degenerate (e.g., \\cite{fuller,shi}). The instability we discuss here is essentially what happens in a thermally-supported star with no nuclear reactions, except that the conduction is by particle diffusion rather than by radiation. This effect may have already been observed numerically.\\cite{hannestad}} Although a little of this might be interesting (e.g. leading to the formation of central black holes\\cite{ostriker} or to high-density, dwarf spheroidal galaxies), typical halos can only be significantly collisional if they last for a Hubble time; for this to be the case, the particle interactions must be so strong that diffusion is suppressed, which in turn requires a fluid behavior for all bound dark matter structures. This option is not very attractive from a phenomenological point of view\\cite{delaix,spergel}; for example, dwarf galaxies or galaxies in clusters tend to sink like rocks instead of orbiting like satellites, and the collapse of cores occurs most easily in those low-dispersion halos where we seek to stabilize them. ", "conclusions": "We have found that some halos might preserve in their inner structure observable clues to new dark matter physics, and that indeed some current observations already hint that the dark matter might be warm rather than cold. We conclude with a summary: 1. Halo cores can be created by a ``phase-packing limit'' depending on finite initial phase density. They may provide a direct probe of primordial velocity dispersion in dissipationless dark matter. 2. For relativistically-decoupled thermal relics, the phase density depends on the particle mass and spin but not on cosmological parameters. 3. Rotation curves in a few dwarf disk galaxies indicate cores with a phase density corresponding to that of a 200 eV thermal relic or an rms velocity of about 0.4 km/sec at the current cosmic mean density. Velocity dispersions in dwarf spheroidal galaxies indicate a higher phase density, corresponding to a thermal relic mass of about 1 keV. At most one of these populations can be tracing the primordial phase density. 4. Thermal relics in this mass range can match the mean cosmic density with a plausible superweak decoupling from Standard Model particles before the QCD epoch. 5. Other very different particles are consistent with the halo data, provided they have the about the same mean density and phase density. Examples include WIMPs from particle decay and axions from defect decay. 6. Cores due to phase packing limited by primoridial $Q_0$ predict a universal relation between core radius and halo velocity dispersion. The relation is not found in a straightforward interpretation of the data. 7. Primordial velocity dispersion also suppresses halo substructure (and solves some other difficulties with CDM) by filtering primordial adiabatic perturbations. Estimates based on luminosity functions prefer filtering on a scale of about $k\\approx 3 {\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$; for collisionless particles, this scale corresponds to a filter caused by streaming of about a 1keV thermal relic. 8. Weak self-interactions change from streaming to acoustic behavior, reducing the damping scale and sharpening the filter. 9. Stronger self-interactions destabilize halos by thermal conduction, making the cusp problem worse (unless they are very strong--- too strong for satellite-galaxy kinematics--- or particles are degenerate, eliminating the central temperature gradient). 10. A simulation which samples a warm distribution function reasonably well is strongly motivated, to determine whether primordial $Q$ is preserved in the centers of halos, or whether nonlinear effects can amplify dynamical heating in such models to explain cores on all scales." }, "0002/astro-ph0002106_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The radiative cooling of optically thin gaseous regions and the formation of a two-phase medium and of cold gas clouds with a clumpy substructure is investigated. We demonstrate how clumpiness can emerge as a result of thermal instability. In optically thin clouds, the growth rate of small density perturbations is independent of their length scale as long as the perturbations can adjust to an isobaric state. However, the growth of a perturbation is limited by its transition from isobaric to isochoric cooling when the cooling time scale is reduced below the sound crossing time scale across its length scale. The temperature at which this transition occurs decreases with the length scale of the perturbation. Consequently small scale perturbations have the potential to reach higher amplitudes than large scale perturbations. When the amplitude becomes nonlinear, advection overtakes the pressure gradient in promoting the compression resulting in an accelerated growth of the disturbance. The critical temperature for transition depends on the initial amplitude. The fluctuations which can first reach nonlinearity before their isobaric to isochoric transition will determine the characteristic size and mass of the cold dense clumps which would emerge from the cooling of an initially nearly homogeneous region of gas. Thermal conduction is in general very efficient in erasing isobaric, small-scale fluctuations, suppressing a cooling instability. A weak, tangled magnetic field can however reduce the conductive heat flux enough for low-amplitude fluctuations to grow isobarically and become non-linear if their length scales are of order $10^{-2}$ pc. If the amplitude of the initial perturbations is a decreasing function of the wavelength, the size of the emerging clumps will decrease with increasing magnetic field strength. Finally, we demonstrate how a 2-phase medium, with cold clumps being pressure confined in a diffuse hot residual background component, would be sustained if there is adequate heating to compensate the energy loss. ", "introduction": "The interstellar medium and cold gas clouds are characterized by a clumpy substructure and a turbulent velocity field (Larson 1981, Blitz 1993). As molecular clouds are the sites of star formation, their formation, internal structure and dynamics determines the rate of star formation and the properties of young stars, such as their mass function or binarity. The understanding of the origin of cold clouds and their internal substructure is therefore of fundamental importance for a consistent theory of star formation and galactic evolution. In the nearby clouds, the dispersion velocity inferred from molecular line width is often larger than the gas sound speed inferred from the line transition temperatures (Solomon et al 1987). MHD turbulence may be responsible for the stirring of these clouds (Arons \\& Max 1975). This conjecture is supported by the polarization maps and direct measurements of field strength in some star forming regions (Myers \\& Goodman 1988, Crutcher et al. 1993). Recent simulations of MHD turbulence, however, suggest that it dissipates rapidly (Gammie \\& Ostriker 1996, MacLow et al 1998, MacLow 1999, Ostriker et al. 1999). One possible source of energy supply is winds and outflows from young stellar objects (Franco \\& Cox 1983, McKee 1989). But in regions where star formation is inactive, clumpy structure with velocity dispersion is also observed. Thus, the origin and energy supply of clumpy cloud structure remains an outstanding issue. On small scales, magnetic field pressure is important in regulating infall and collapse of protostellar clouds and the formation of low-mass stars (Mouschovias \\& Spitzer 1976, Nakano 1979, Shu 1993). For clouds with sub-critical masses, gravitational contraction is proceeded by ambipolar diffusion which for typical cloud densities operates on a timescale $\\tau_B \\sim 10^{7-8}$ yr (Lizano \\& Shu 1989, Mouschovias 1991). In regions with intense star formation activities such as the central region of Orion, $\\tau_B$ for individual dense clumps is comparable to the typical age of the young stellar objects. But, the spread in stellar ages ($\\Delta \\tau_\\ast \\sim 10^6$ yrs) appears to be considerably shorter than $\\tau_B$ (Carpenter et al. 1997, Hillenbrand, 1997). This coeval star formation history requires either a coordinated trigger mechanism for star formation within initially magnetically supported clumps or subcritical collapse, fragmentation and star formation of a larger molecular cloud region in which the magnetic field plays a weak role. A rapid and coordinated episode of star formation can also be inferred in globular clusters (Brown et al. 1991, 1995, Murray \\& Lin 1992, Lin \\& Murray 1992). In some metal deficient clusters such as M92, the total amount of heavy elements corresponds to the yield of a few supernovae. If star formation has proceeded over a duration $\\Delta \\tau_\\ast$ comparable to the expected life span ($\\sim$ a few $10^6$ yrs) of massive stars, a significant metallicity spread would be expected, in contrast to the observations (e.g. Kraft 1979). At least in these systems, $\\Delta \\tau_\\ast <\\tau_B$ and star formation may have proceeded through supercritical collapse. The dynamical timescale of most clusters at their half mass radius is $\\tau_d \\approx 10^6$ yr. Any energy dissipation associated with the episode of star formation would imply an even longer dynamical timescale in the proto cluster cloud prior to that event. We infer that $\\Delta \\tau_{\\ast}$ was comparable to or shorter than the dynamical timescale of the proto cluster clouds indicating a rapid fragmentation and star formation episode. In this paper, we focus on the rapid emergence of clumpy structure during the formation and collapse of a thermally unstable supercritical cloud. This process is relevant to the formation of stellar clusters as well as galaxies. We assume that the clouds condense out of a diffuse hot medium as a result of thermal instability. Large condensations with cooling timescales $\\tau_c > \\tau_d$ are thermally stable because they can adjust through contraction such that their radiative losses may be compensated by the release of their gravitational energy. Runaway cooling of the gas through thermal instability however occurs in clouds with $\\tau_c < \\tau_d$. In order to form clumps within an initially almost homogeneous cloud, internal density fluctuations must grow rapidly on a timescale short compared to the mean dynamical timescale of the entire cloud. Small scale density fluctuations would begin to dominate if either the growth timescale or the limiting amplitude is a decreasing function of the perturbations' length scale. One possible fragmentation mechanism is gravitational collapse. The reduction in the cloud's temperature reduces its Jeans' mass, leading to the onset of gravitational instability and collapse. However, for a non rotating, cold, homogeneous gaseous region, gravitational instability alone cannot induce fragmentation because the growth rate is essentially independent of length scale such that the growth timescale for the density contrast is comparable to the dynamical timescale of the whole cloud (Hunter 1962). This has also been shown by numerical collapse simulations of initially gravitationally unstable perturbed gas clouds (e.g. Burkert \\& Bodenheimer 1993, 1996, Burkert, Bate \\& Bodenheimer 1997). If the initial density perturbations $\\delta_0$ are linear ($\\delta_0 < 1$), fragmentation is suppressed until the gas cloud has collapsed into either a disk or a dense filamentary substructure. We propose that clumpyness in clouds arises naturally from their formation through a cooling instability which acts on timescales that can be much shorter than the dynamical timescale of the cloud. In a pioneering paper, Field (1965) derived a criterion for a cooling gas to be unstable to the growth of thermal condensations. He showed that thermal instability can lead to the rapid growth of density perturbations from infinitesimal $\\delta_0$ to nonlinear amplitudes on a cooling timescale $\\tau_c$ which for typical conditions in the interstellar medium is short compared to the dynamical timescale. If $\\tau_c$ increases with decreasing density any small density difference would induce a temperature difference between the cooler perturbed region and the warmer background. Across the interface between the two-phase medium, differential cooling leads to a pressure gradient which induces a gas flow from the lower-density background towards the higher-density perturbed region. The density enhancement in the cooler region further reduces its cooling timescale compared to that of the background where $\\tau_c$ increases. A more detailed investigation of the growth of condensations in cooling regions has been presented by Schwarz et al. (1972) who included also the effects of ionization and recombination and by Balbus (1986) who examined the effect of magnetic fields. The classical model of the interstellar medium where heating balances cooling was presented by Field et al. (1969). A recent progress report on the theory of thermal instability is given by Balbus (1995). Although thermal instability proceeds faster than the collapse of the cloud, its growth rate is determined by the local cooling rate. During the initial linear evolution, variations in the initial over density (or under temperature) might lead only to a weak dependence of the growth timescale on the wavelength. In this paper we show however that there exist two important transitions which are very sensitively determined by the wavelengths of perturbations. 1) The growth of a perturbation is limited by its transition from isobaric to isochoric cooling, when the cooling time scale is reduced below the sound crossing time scale across the wavelength of the perturbation. This transition occurs at a lower temperature, with correspondingly larger over density, for perturbations with smaller wavelengths. 2) For those perturbation which can become nonlinear before the isobaric to isochoric transition, advection overtakes the pressure gradient in promoting the compression and growth of the perturbed region at an accelerated rate. The fluctuations which can first reach nonlinearity would dominate the growth of all perturbations with longer wavelengths and homogenize disturbances with smaller wavelengths. Thus, they determine the characteristic size and mass of the cold dense clumps which would emerge from the cooling of an initially nearly homogeneous cloud. Thermal conduction could in general erase these fluctuations, suppressing the instability. Weak, tangled magnetic fields would however be efficient enough in reducing the conductive flux, allowing the medium to break up into cold clumps on the characteristic length scale. We study the cooling and fragmentation of gas using simplified power-law cooling functions. Since we are primarily interested in supercritical clouds, we neglect the effect of magnetic fields. Note that even a weak magnetic field could have an important destabilizing influence in thermal instability (Loewenstein 1990, Balbus 1995). In \\S2, we obtain approximate analytic solutions which describe the evolution of a linear density perturbation in the isobaric and nearly isochoric regime. We show that the growth of over density in a thermally unstable fluctuation is limited by a transition from isobaric to isochoric evolution and that the limiting amplitude is a decreasing function of the length scale. We verify our analytic approximations with numerical, hydrodynamical calculations which are also used in \\S3 to study the transition into the non-linear regime. In \\S4 we investigate the cooling of interacting perturbations and determine the critical length scale of clumps that emerge through thermal instability. The importance of thermal conduction is investigated in \\S5. In \\S6 we discuss the affect of heating processes and the formation of a stable 2-phase medium. Finally, we summarize our results and discuss their implications in \\S7. ", "conclusions": "The discussions in this paper focussed on the emergence of small scale perturbations. We have assumed the pre-existence of small initial perturbations which is a reasonable assumption for dynamically evolving systems like the interstellar medium in galaxies or in galactic clusters. We have limited our analysis to the optically thin regime such that radiation transfer is solely due to optically thin local radiative processes. This approximation is appropriate for the collapse of supercritical clouds where the effect of a magnetic field is dominated by thermal processes. Such a situation may be particularly relevant for the formation of stellar clusters and first generation stars in galaxies. Provided that the density of the progenitor clouds is relatively small, the local cooling approximation is adequate. We also neglected the interaction and merging of clumps. These processes become important for the subsequent evolution and they will be considered in subsequent papers. In the context of our approximations, we have shown that thermal instability can lead to the breakup of large clouds into cold, dense clumps with a characteristic length scale which is given by $\\lambda_{crit}$ in eq. ({\\ref{a30}) or by the smallest unstable wavelength that is not erased by thermal conduction, depending on whether the amplitude of the initial perturbation is an increasing or decreasing function of wavelength. For linear perturbations with overdensities $\\rho_a/\\rho_0 \\approx 0.01$ the critical wavelength lies in the regime of $10^{-3}$ pc to $10^{-1}$ pc, depending on the initial temperature. The emergence of small scale dense subcondensations is equivalent to fragmentation. As in a thermally unstable region the cooling timescale is shorter than the dynamical timescale, gravity has no time to play an important role during this fragmentation process. $\\lambda_{crit}$ may be either smaller or bigger than the Jeans' length. In the latter case gravity becomes important eventually. In general however, thermally induced fragmentation of clouds with small initial density fluctuations proceeds the onset of gravitational instability of their individual clumps. In our analyses, we adopted an idealized power-law cooling function. In reality, the cooling efficiency would terminate when the main cooling agents reach their ground state or establish an equilibrium with some external heating source. The latter is necessary for the clouds to attain a two-phase medium. Interaction between these two phases may determine the pressure, density and infall rate of the cloud complex as well as the dynamical evolution and size distribution of cloudlets and sub condensations. The analysis of this interaction will be presented elsewhere. \\newpage" }, "0002/astro-ph0002276_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A search for new $\\gamma$ Dor stars was undertaken using the Hipparcos periodic variable star catalogue and the Geneva photometric database, leading to a list of 40 new candidates. We started a monitoring of the candidates which suited the observational window with the CORALIE spectrograph at the Swiss Euler Telescope for establishing a robust list of new $\\gamma$ Dor stars and studying line profile variations. We here present our long-term program. ", "introduction": "The $\\gamma$ Dor stars have amplitude variations up to 0.1 mag in Johnson V and periods ranging from 0.4 to 3 days (Kaye, these proceedings). We searched in two databases for finding new members of this class of variable stars. The first one is the Hipparcos main mission photometric database. It contains a mean of 110 measurements for 118\\,204 stars brighter than 12.4 and is magnitude complete up to 7.3-7.9 depending on the galactic latitude $b$. As the sampling is ruled by the scanning law of the satellite, it is not affected by the aliasing around 1/day, which might be a problem for detecting $\\gamma$ Dor stars. The second scanned database is the Geneva photometric catalogue (Burki \\& Kienzle, these proceedings), it counts 48\\,000 stars and 345\\,000 measurements in a seven colour system. The content of the Geneva catalogue is the reunion of more than 200 scientific programmes, including namely the Bright Star Catalogue south of $\\delta < +20$. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002040_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have begun an observational program to search nearby stars for dust disks that are analogous to the disk of zodiacal dust that fills the interior of our solar system. We imaged six nearby main-sequence stars with the Keck telescope at 11.6 microns, correcting for atmosphere-induced wavefront aberrations and deconvolving the point spread function via classical speckle analysis. We compare our data to a simple model of the zodiacal dust in our own system based on COBE/DIRBE observations (Kelsall et al. 1998) and place upper limits on the density of exo-zodiacal dust in these systems. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "To interpret our observations we compared them to models of the IR emission from the solar zodiacal cloud. We constructed a model for exo-zodiacal emission based on the smooth component of the Kelsall et al. \\markcite{kels98}(1998) model of the solar system zodiacal cloud as seen by COBE/DIRBE, with emissivity $\\epsilon \\propto r^{-0.34}$ and a temperature $T = 286 \\ {\\rm K} \\ r^{-0.467}L^{0.234}$, where $r$ is the distance from the star in AU, and $L$ is the luminosity of the star in terms of $L_\\odot$. For a dust cloud consisting entirely of a single kind of dust particle of a given size and albedo, the $L$ exponent in the expression for the temperature is simply $-1/2$ times the $r$ exponent \\markcite{back93}(Backman \\& Paresce 1993). The physics of the innermost part of the solar zodiacal dust is complicated (see \\markcite{mann93} Mann \\& MacQueen 1993), but our results are not sensitive to the details, because the hottest dust is too close to the star for us to resolve. We assume that the dust sublimates at a temperature of 1500 K, and allow this assumption to define the inner radius of the disk. We set the outer radius of the model to 3 AU, the heliocentric distance of the inner edge of our own main asteroid belt. Our conclusions are not sensitive to this assumption; decreasing the outer radius to 2 AU or increasing it to infinity makes a negligible difference in the visibility of the model, even for A stars. The assumed surface density profile, however, does make a difference. A collisionless cloud of dust in approximately circular orbits spiraling into a star due to Poynting-Robertson drag that is steadily replenished at its outer edge attains an equilibrium surface density that is independent of radius \\markcite{wyat50}\\markcite{brig62} (Wyatt and Whipple 1950, Briggs 1962). Models that fit data from the Helios space probes \\markcite{lein81}(Leinert et al 1981), the fit by Kelsall et al. \\markcite{kels98}(1998) to the COBE/DIRBE measurements and Good's \\markcite{good97}(1997) revised fit to the IRAS data all have surface densities that go roughly as $r^{-0.4}$. This distribution appears to continue all the way in to the solar corona \\markcite{macq95}(MacQueen \\& Greely 1995). We find that in general, if we assume an $r^{-\\alpha}$ surface density profile, our upper limit for the 1 AU density of a given disk scales roughly as $10^{\\alpha/2}$; disks with more dust towards the outer edge of the 11.6 micron emitting region are easier to resolve. Likewise, the assumed temperature profile strongly affects our upper limits. Unfortunately, we know little about the temperature profile of the solar zodiacal cloud. COBE/DIRBE and IRAS only probed the dust thermal emission near 1 AU, and Helios measured the solar system cloud in scattered light, which does not indicate the dust temperature. We found that a dust cloud model with the IRAS temperature profile ($T = 266 \\ {\\rm K} \\ r^{-0.359}L^{0.180}$) was much easier to resolve than the model based on DIRBE measurements that we present here, especially for G and K stars. To compare the models with the observations, we synthesized high resolution images of the model disks at an inclination of 30 degrees. We calculated the IR flux of the stars from the blackbody function, and obtained the parallaxes of the stars from the Hipparcos Catalog \\markcite{esa97}(ESA 1997). We inferred stellar radii and effective temperatures for each star from the literature and checked them by comparing the blackbody fluxes to spectral energy distributions based on photometry from the SIMBAD database \\markcite{simbad} (Egret et al. 1991). For Altair and Vega, we use the interferometrically measured angular diameters \\markcite{hanb74}(1974) (they are 2.98 +/-0.14 mas and 3.24 mas). Stellar fluxes typically disagree with fitted blackbody curves by $\\sim10\\%$ in the mid-infrared \\markcite{enge90}(Engelke 1990), but our method does not require precise photometry, and the blackbody numbers suffice for determining conservative upper limits. We computed the power spectra of the images, and normalized them just like the observed power spectra. In figures 3 and 4, the azimuthally-averaged power spectra for our target stars are compared to the extrapolated COBE/DIRBE model at a range of model surface densities. Disks with masses as high as $10^3$ times the mass of the solar disk will suffer collisional depletion in their inner regions, so they are unlikely to have the same structure as the solar disk. By neglecting this effect we are being conservative in our mass limits. The density of the densest model disk consistent with the data in each case is listed in table 1. Altair Our best upper limit is for Altair (spectral type A7, distance 5.1 pc); with 11 pairs of object and calibrator observations we were able to rule out a solar-type disk a few times $10^3$ as dense as our zodiacal cloud. Such a disk would have been marginally detectable by IRAS as a photometric excess. Vega IRAS detected no infrared excess in Vega's spectral energy distribution at 12 microns, with an uncertainty of 0.8 Jy. This may be due to a central void in the disk interior to about 26 AU \\markcite{back93} (Backman \\& Paresce 1993). \\markcite{auma84}Aumann et al (1984) suggested that Vega (A0, 7.8 pc) could have a hot grain component (500 K) with up to $10^{-3}$ of the grain area of the observed component and not violate this limit. The apparent upward trend in the visibility data may be a symptom of resolved flux in the calibrator stars. We have only 3 object/calibrator pairs for Vega, not enough to test this hypothesis. Our upper limit is a solar-type disk with approximately $3 \\times 10^3$ times the density of the solar disk. This disk would have a $\\geq$500 K emitting area of $10^{24} \\ {\\rm cm}^2$, about $10^{-3}$ of the grain area of the observed component. 61 Cygni A and B Though 61 Cygni is close to the galactic plane and surrounded by cool cirrus emission, \\markcite{back86}Backman, Gillett and Low (1986) identified an IRAS point source with this binary system and deduced a far-infrared excess not unlike Vega's. The color temperature of the excess suggests the presence of dust at distances $> 15$ AU from either star. However these stars are dim (spectral types K5 and K7) and the region of the disk hot enough to emit strongly at 11.6 microns is close to the star and difficult to resolve; we could not detect a solar-type dust disk around either of these objects at any density, assuming the COBE/DIRBE model, or unless it had $10^{5}$ times the density of the solar disk, assuming the IRAS model. 70 Oph B 70 Oph is a binary (types K0 and K4) with a separation of 24 pixels (2.6 arcsec). We were able to assemble a power spectrum for B from 9 object/calibrator pairs, but the image of A fell on a part of the LWS chip that suffered from many bad pixels and was unusable. The image of A may also have been distorted by off-axis effects. 70 Oph B, like 61 Cygni A and B, is dim, making any dust around it cool and hard to detect at 11.6 microns. $\\tau$ Ceti IRAS could have barely detected a disk with $\\sim 1000$ times the emitting area of the solar disk around Tau Ceti (G8, 3.6 pc), the nearest G star. We have only three object/calibrator pairs for this object, not enough data to improve on this limit." }, "0002/astro-ph0002089_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The origin of the highest-energy cosmic rays remains elusive. The decay of a superheavy particle (X) into an ultra-energetic neutrino which scatters from a relic (anti-)neutrino at the Z-resonance has attractive features. Given the necessary X mass of $10^{14\\sim15}$ GeV, the required lifetime, $10^{15\\sim16}$ y, renders model-building a serious challenge but three logical possibilities are considered: (i) X is a Higgs scalar in $SU(15)$ belonging to high-rank representation, leading to {\\it power}-enhanced lifetime; (ii) a global X quantum number has {\\it exponentially}-suppressed symmetry-breaking by instantons; and (iii) with additional space dimension(s) localisation of X within the real-world brane leads to {\\it gaussian} decay suppression, the most efficient of the suppression mechanisms considered. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/hep-ph0002004_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It has been recently shown that it is possible to excite gravitinos in an expanding background due to time-varying scalar field oscillating at the bottom of the inflationary potential. The two components of the gravitino, namely helicity $1/2$ and helicity $3/2$ are excited differently due to the presence of different time-varying mass scales in the problem. In this paper we analyse the production of both the helicities in multi-chiral scenario, in particular focusing on a general model of hybrid inflation. Fermion production in hybrid models is very much different from that of the chaotic models discussed so far in the literature. In this paper we give a full account of gravitino production analytically and numerically. It is noticed that the creation of gravitinos does not take place in the first few oscillations of the inflaton field, rather the production is a gradual and delayed process. It takes roughly $30-40$ oscillations to build up the production and for the saturation to take place it can even take longer time, depending on the model parameters. We give an estimation of the reheat temperature and a brief discussion upon back-reaction on the gravitino production which could change its abundance. ", "introduction": "Low energy effective $N=1$ supergravity is a predictive theory \\cite{nilles}, which could predict an inflationary potential flat enough to provide adequate density perturbations \\cite{lyth}. So far, such viable inflationary models were constrained from observations by fixing the height of the potential, which essentially determines the amplitude of the COBE normalization. The first and the second derivative of the potential determines the tilt in the power spectrum, and the Yukawa couplings of the inflaton to other particles determines the reheat temperature of the Universe. The higher the coupling constant is, the higher is the temperature of the thermal bath and so the creation of the gravitinos from the collisions or the decay of other particles. The gravitinos decay very late and depending on their mass their life time could be long enough to disrupt the synthesis of light elements, via hadronic shower or by altering the entropy density of the baryons. Due to these reasons there is a strong constraint on the reheat temperature, for a review see Ref.~\\cite{sarkar}. However, there is also a non-thermal phase of the Universe, just after the end of slow-roll inflation when the scalar field begins to oscillate coherently at the bottom of the potential. During this era an explosive production of particles, both bosons \\cite {linde} and fermions \\cite{patrick,peloso}, may take place due to the non-perturbative decay of the inflaton to other fields. It has also been shown that it is possible to create super-massive bosons and fermions. However, fermionic production is always saturated by the Pauli blocking. As a matter of fact creation of heavy non-thermal bosons can be a good candidate for weakly interacting massive particles, known as WIMPS \\cite{rocky}. The decay of super-massive bosons can explain the ultra-high energy cosmic rays \\cite{berezin}. Super-massive fermions can be used in leptogenesis, mainly from the decay of right-handed neutrinos into Higgs and leptons, which explicitly violates the CP conserving phase \\cite{peloso}. It is worth mentioning that the non-perturbative technique of decaying inflaton to other particles has given a new paradigm shift in understanding the hot big bang universe from the ultra-cold inflationary regime. Recently preheating in the context of global supersymmetric theories has been considered \\cite{mar,mar1} and, as a natural extension it has been necessary to consider a local version of the supersymmetric theory and discuss the non-perturbative aspects of particle production and their consequences to nucleosynthesis. The local version of supersymmetry, known as supergravity, naturally accommodates the graviton and its superpartner the gravitino, a spin $3/2$ particle. Quantization of spin $3/2$ particles in the presence of an external background is plagued by consistency problems. It has been known for a long time that quantization of spin $3/2$ particles in scalar, electromagnetic, or gravitational backgrounds can give rise to acausal behaviour \\cite{velo}. Supergravity is the only set-up where such problems do not occur, provided the background fields also satisfy the corresponding equations of motion \\cite{deser0}. Nevertheless, the complicated form of the Rarita-Schwinger equation makes it extremely difficult to extract any explicit results even in a simple background \\cite{auvil}. The problem was first addressed in Ref.~\\cite{deser}, where the authors quantized spin $3/2$ particles in a non-vanishing cosmological background, almost two decades ago. The slightest generalization of quantizing spin $3/2$ has been done very recently in literature, in Ref.~\\cite{anupam}. The authors have extended the calculation of quantizing spin $3/2$ in presence of a time-varying homogeneously oscillating scalar field in a cosmological background. This is the first result where the non-perturbative decay of the inflaton to gravitinos during preheating has been taken into account. The authors have explicitly shown the production of a particular helicity, the $\\pm 3/2$ components of gravitino, in a particular new-inflationary type model \\cite{ross}. It has been noticed that the non-perturbative result can give rise to a larger abundance compared to the perturbative decay. The gravitino to photon number density has been found to be $n_{3/2}/n_\\gamma \\sim 10^{-12}$ \\cite{anupam}. This abundance is $3$ orders of magnitude larger than the thermal abundance for a reheat temperature $10^{5}$ GeV \\cite{sarkar}. Such over production of gravitinos has been the first proof of the non-thermal production of gravitinos with helicity $\\pm 3/2$, which demands constraining the reheat temperature in any supergravity motivated inflationary model. However, a massive gravitino has $4$ degrees of freedom, the other two degrees of freedom due to the helicity $\\pm 1/2$ components of the gravitino. The production of helicity $\\pm 1/2$ gravitinos is directly related to the problem of super-Higgs mechanism in supergravity models, which was studied in Ref.~\\cite{deser} in the context of a non-vanishing cosmological constant, and in Ref.~\\cite{cremmer} with a vanishing cosmological constant. In the presence of a time-varying scalar field there is an additional source of supersymmetry breaking via the non-vanishing time derivative of the homogeneous scalar field. This plays an important role in the context of cosmology when the scalar field is recognized as the inflaton, oscillating coherently at the bottom of the scalar potential. Due to the presence of such a field, supersymmetry is always broken at the minima of the potential and the initially massless gravitino which possesses only the helicity $\\pm 3/2$ components ``eats'' the goldstino to gain the other $\\pm 1/2$ components. At this point, one may wonder how to generalize the super-Higgs mechanism in such a scenario. In fact the problem turns out to be quite complicated and it has been addressed in two seminal papers \\cite{kallosh,riotto1}. These papers also study for the first time the production mechanism of the helicity $\\pm 1/2$ components of gravitino ( see other papers in the similar context \\cite{lyth1}). In all these papers the authors have assumed the existence of a unitary gauge, where the physical Lagrangian is free from the goldstino field. We will explicitly show that it is possible to choose such a gauge, where the gravitino equation of motion is free from the goldstino field. Our calculation is valid for more than one chiral field as well. Though we shall give a proof for the $F$-type supersymmetry breaking, this can be extended to $D$-type supersymmetry breaking also. It has been noticed in Refs.\\cite{kallosh,riotto1} that the production of the two helicity states are completely different. The helicity $\\pm 1/2$ components are produced copiously compared to the helicity $\\pm 3/2$. In the case of helicity $\\pm 3/2$, conformal invariance is broken due to the presence of a time-varying gravitino mass, which is usually Planck mass suppressed, whereas for helicity $\\pm 1/2$ the breaking of conformal invariance is related to the presence of a massive Goldstone fermion \\cite{kallosh,riotto1}, whose time-varying mass is not suppressed by the Planck mass. Moreover in the high momentum limit the helicity $\\pm 1/2$ gravitino behaves like a fermion, the goldstino, as it is stated by the equivalence principle \\cite{riotto2,maroto}. This has been studied in a single-chiral field scenario, where the source of conformal breaking can be directly related to the mass of Goldstino. Unfortunately in the multi-chiral field scenario the quantization scheme becomes more involved, and the relation between conformal breaking and Goldstino mass is not so straightforward. The situation has been briefly discussed in Ref. \\cite{riotto2}, and an attempt of a perturbative scheme has been suggested. However, it would be nice to discuss a non-perturbative scheme. Our paper fills that gap and, as we shall see, we can discuss non-perturbative production of the helicity $\\pm 1/2$ gravitinos in the multi-chiral case. The best example to study the multi-chiral field scenario is in the context of a general class of supersymmetric hybrid inflation model \\cite{mar,mar1}. There are essentially two scalar fields, one is responsible for inflation, and the other field is responsible for the phase transition which results in terminating the inflationary era. Unlike the non-supersymmetric version of hybrid inflation model \\cite{hybrid}, the supersymmetric version considered in this paper has only one coupling constant in the potential. This leads to a single natural frequency of oscillations. This gives us an ample opportunity to use techniques to explore gravitino production in a similar spirit as in the case of a single-chiral field. Fermionic production in this case is very much different compared to that of a quadratic inflationary potential. In the hybrid models the effective mass term for the fermions is always positive and as a result the production can never be completed in just a few oscillations, rather the occupation number gradually increases and depending on the model parameters the rate of production could be slowed down significantly. For example, in order to reach the Fermi saturation it may be necessary more than $100$ oscillations. Due to such a slow rate of production, the issue of back-reaction becomes important. It is very likely that simultaneous non-perturbative production of bosons can change the picture quite significantly. In some sense, hybrid model can be considered to be the safest of all the supergravity motivated inflationary models, because the gravitino production can stop due to back-reaction effects coming from other newly created bosons or fermions. In other models, such as in the chaotic models, where most of the particle creation takes place in the very first few oscillations, the issue of back-reaction hardly plays any significant role. The layout of the paper is as follows; in section $2$, we establish the supergravity Lagrangian and discuss the gauge fixing mechanism for the multi-chiral field scenario; this is a mere generalization of the $R_{\\zeta}$ gauge usually used in pure gauge theories as well as an alternative way of explaining the existence of a unitary gauge in supergravity theories \\cite{baulieu,casalbuoni,maroto}. In section $3$, we discuss the quantization procedure for the gravitinos. In section $4$, we briefly describe a general class of supersymmetric hybrid inflationary models we use. Analytical results and discussions based on our numerical results are presented in section $5$. The implications of these results on the reheat temperature are discussed in section $6$. We give a detailed discussion on fermionic creation in hybrid model in the appendix. ", "conclusions": "We have carried out the calculation for the gravitino production in multi-chiral field scenario, in particular in the context of hybrid model. As we have shown, it is possible to add a gauge-fixing term to the supergravity Lagrangian to get rid of the mixing between the goldstino and the gravitino field. Our method is a generalization of $R_{\\zeta}$ gauge studied in various contexts. We choose to work in a unitary gauge, in which the goldstino is completely removed from the physical spectrum. Our study emphasizes major points in the non-perturbative production mechanism of gravitinos, analytically and numerically for the multi-chiral field models. We also give detailed analysis of the fermionic creation in general. We have observed that the fermionic creation in hybrid model is quite different from other chaotic inflationary models. The effective fermionic mass in hybrid models never vanishes, and as a result the particle production does not take place in first few oscillations, rather it builds up gradually. This makes it more interesting as far as the gravitino production is concerned. If we really want nucleosynthesis to be preserved in the context of supergravity inflationary models, we believe models based on hybrid inflation with low scales are probably going to be the only saviour. The reason is very simple; in other models there is no way we can argue the back-reaction due to the creation of other particles would stop creating gravitinos, but in hybrid models there is a scope where the back-reaction due to non-perturbative creation of bosons could affect the coherent oscillations of the inflaton and halt the particle production completely. This gives us a new hope to understand the abundance of gravitinos during nucleosynthesis and we leave these important issues to be investigated in near future." }, "0002/astro-ph0002531_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present plane-parallel equilibrium models of molecular clumps that are supported by Alfv\\'en waves damped by the linear process of ion-neutral friction. We used a WKB approximation to treat the inward propagation of waves and adopted a realistic ionization structure influenced by dissociation and ionization due to photons of external origin. The model clumps are larger and less centrally condensed than those obtained for an assumed ionization structure, used in some previous studies, that is more appropriate for dark regions. ", "introduction": "Giant molecular cloud complexes (GMCs), the birth places of stars, are typically many tens of parsecs in linear extent and have masses from $10^4$ to $10^6 M_{\\sun}$ and temperatures of 10--30 K (see \\cite{HCRRW98} for a recent review). Observations of CO emission from GMCs (\\cite{BT80}; \\cite{WBS95}) show them to be composed of many smaller clumps that are a few parsecs in extent and contain $\\simlt 10^3 M_{\\sun}$. The widths of CO emission lines originating in individual clumps are supersonic and have been attributed to the presence of Alfv\\'en waves having subAlfv\\'enic velocity amplitudes (\\cite{AM75}). The Alfv\\'en waves contribute to the support of a clump along the direction of the large-scale magnetic field; the damping of the waves affects the degree of support that they provide. An important and well understood mechanism for the damping of linear Alfv\\'en waves in a partially ionized medium is that due to ion-neutral friction which depends on the ionization structure (\\cite{KP69}). Ruffle et al. (1998, hereafter R98) and Hartquist et al. (1993) have emphasised that the dependence of the ionization structure on total visual extinction, $A_\\mathrm{V}$, should greatly influence the density profiles of clumps if Alfv\\'en waves contribute to their support. To quantify the assertion of Hartquist et al. (1993) and R98, we present in this paper models of plane-parallel, wave-supported GMC clumps like those identified in the work of Williams et al. (1995), who made a detailed analysis of the CO maps of the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC), identifying more than 70 clumps. The models that we have constructed are for RMC-type clumps in equilibrium, a restriction justified by the fact that clear spectral signatures of collapse have been found only when much smaller scale features have been resolved (see, e.g., \\cite{HCRRW98}). We have adopted a WKB description of the wave propagation as did Martin et al. (1997) in their work on wave-supported clumps. Their work differs substantially from ours in that they used an ionization structure appropriate for dark regions. Also, we have considered inwardly rather than outwardly propagating waves, as many of the clumps mapped by Williams et al. (1995) do not contain detected stars and may have no internal means of generating waves. Indeed, the waves may be produced at the surface of a clump by its interaction with an interclump medium. Other authors have addressed the importance of photoabsorption for the effects that the ionization structure will have upon a clump's dynamics. These authors have been concerned primarily with dense cores and/or envelopes around them; cores are much smaller-scale objects than the clumps identified in Williams et al. (1995). McKee (1989) addressed the possibility that collapse in a system of dense cores is a self-regulating process due to the ionization of metals such as Magnesium and Sodium by photons emitted by stars formed in the collapse; he was concerned with infall due to ambipolar diffusion of a large-scale magnetic field. Ciolek \\& Mouschovias (1995) have shown that the large-scale magnetic field can support a photoionized envelope around a dense core for a time that is very long compared to the ambipolar diffusion timescale in the center of the dense core. In contrast to McKee (1989) and Ciolek \\& Mouschovias (1995), Myers \\& Lazarian (1998) addressed the effect of photoabsorption on support by waves rather than by the large-scale magnetic field. They stressed that observed infall of dense core envelopes is slower than that expected due to gravitational free-fall and more rapid than collapse due to the reduction by ambipolar diffusion of support by an ordered large-scale magnetic field. They considered collapse of material supported primarily by waves and subjected to an external radiation field. While they made clear comments about the importance of the $A_\\mathrm{V}$ dependence of the ionization structure for their model, they did not perform any detailed calculations in which a realistic dependence of the ionization fraction on $A_\\mathrm{V}$ was used. Several sets of authors have considered nonlinear effects in the dissipation of waves supporting a clump. Gammie \\& Ostriker (1996) investigated models of plane-parallel clumps and from their ``1 2/3-dimensional'' models found dissipation times due to nonlinear effects to be longer than the Alfv\\'en crossing times for a fairly large range of parameters. The three dimensional investigations of Mac Low et al. (1998) and Stone et al. (1998) suggest the more restrictive condition that the angular frequency of the longest waves be no more than a few times $2\\pi/t_\\mathrm{A}$ (where $t_\\mathrm{A}$ is the Alfv\\'en crossing time) in order for the dissipation timescale due to nonlinear damping to be roughly the Alfv\\'en crossing time or more. In most cases addressed in this paper we have restricted our attention to such angular frequencies so that we are justified to lowest order in focusing on only the damping due to ion-neutral friction. It should be noted that the above three dimensional studies of nonlinear effects concerned homogeneous turbulence and did not include ion-neutral damping for a realistic ionization structure. If we are correct in supposing that the waves in clumps are driven externally, then the turbulence is not homogeneous and its nature depends on both the viscous scale set by ion-neutral damping and the exact boundary conditions. The effects of nonlinear damping and multiple dimensions will be considered in subsequent work. In Sect. 2 we present the equations for the wave energy, the static equilibrium clump structure, and the gravitational field. In Sect. 3 we give a description of the calculations of the ionization structure for various values of the clump density and $A_\\mathrm{V}$ while Sect. 4 contains details of the models considered here. Finally, in Sect. 5, we present conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\epsfxsize=8.8cm \\epsfbox{fig1_rho.eps} \\caption[]{Plot of density (normalized to the density at the outer edge of the clump) versus $A_\\mathrm{V}$ for the 5 Models. The solid curve is for Model 1, the dotted curve for Model 2, the dashed curve for Model 3, the dot-dashed curve for Model 4, and the dash-chain-dot curve for Model 5.} \\label{fig:rho} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\epsfxsize=8.8cm \\epsfbox{fig2_U.eps} \\caption[]{As Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho} but for the perturbing magnetic field, $\\delta B$.} \\label{fig:deltaB} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\epsfxsize=8.8cm \\epsfbox{fig3_xi.eps} \\caption[]{As Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho} but for the absolute ion mass fraction, $\\xi$. The bumps seen on the curves for Models 1--3 are a result of the interpolation over $A_\\mathrm{V}$.} \\label{fig:xi} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\epsfxsize=8.8cm \\epsfbox{fig4_flux.eps} \\caption[]{As Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho} but for the magnetic energy flux, $F \\equiv k_\\mathrm{r} U \\omega / |k|^2$.} \\label{fig:flux} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\epsfxsize=8.8cm \\epsfbox{fig5_zed.eps} \\caption[]{As Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho} but for z, the absolute spatial extent of the plane-parallel cloud.} \\label{fig:size} \\end{figure} In Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho} we present density as a function of visual extinction for each of the 5 Models. It is clear that the newer ionization profiles used in Models 1--3 result in less condensed, more extended clumps than the profile used in Model 4. In fact, $n_\\mathrm{H}$ is roughly proportional to $1/z$ in Models 1--3 while $n_\\mathrm{H}$ goes roughly as $1/z^2$ in Model 4. In Fig.~\\ref{fig:deltaB} we show plots of $\\delta B$ versus $A_\\mathrm{V}$ for Models 1--4. Except for Model 4, which has $k_\\mathrm{i}/k_\\mathrm{r}$ approaching $0.5$ at the clump boundary so that Eq.~\\ref{eq:test} is not satisfactorily satisfied, the perturbing field obeys flux conservation near the surface of the clump. In Model 1, in the central region of the clump dissipation is rapid enough that $\\delta B$ begins to decrease. In order to compensate for the loss of support, the equilibrium solution requires a complementary increase in the density, as can be seen in Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho}. On the other hand, in Model 4, the turbulence is dissipated much nearer to the cloud boundary, thus requiring a steeper overall density profile. The higher ionization fractions of the case B depletions result in very little dissipation even in the center of the clump for Model 2. Note that even though observations (\\cite{WBS95}) suggest that the temperature of RMC-type clumps is closer to 10 K rather than the 20 K used here, thermal support is insignificant except in the centre of Model 1, so the effect of a lower temperature on the models would be merely to enhance slightly any central condensations. The ionization profiles used in the Models are shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:xi}. The ionization profiles described in Sec. 3 result in $\\xi$ for Models 1--3 being more than 50 times greater near the surface of the clump than in Model 4. However, in the center of the clump the ionization fraction drops, resulting in more dissipation. Again, this leads to clumps that are overall more diffuse but with small condensed cores. Clearly, clumps with $A_\\mathrm{V} \\simgt 5$ will have distinct central condensations with $n/n_\\mathrm{b} \\simgt 100$ and central fractional ionizations of $\\simlt 5\\times10^{-7}$. Though dense cores may be formed during the fairly rapid collapse (as envisaged by Fielder \\& Mouschovias 1993) of more extended objects (i.e. RMC-like clumps) that become unstable, even in our equilibrium models we find central cores having densities and fractional ionizations similar to those measured for dense cores and their envelopes (\\cite{WBS95}; \\cite{WBCMP98}; \\cite{BPWM99}). Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux} shows the flux of magnetic energy through the clumps for Models 1--4. Near the clump center, Model 1 is nearly thermally supported due to the dissipation of the turbulence. The higher ionization fraction for the case B depletions used in Model 2 results in less dissipation and thus more turbulent support for the clump. Consequently, as can be seen in Fig.~\\ref{fig:rho}, Model 2 has no central condensation and is more extended. Unfortunately, we can only speculate about how the depletions of Sulphur, metals, and some other species behave in RMC-like clumps (\\cite{RHCW99}). Thus, cases A and B are merely representative; as can be clearly seen in the figures, the clump profiles are very sensitive to the choice of abundances and the subsequent fractional ionizations. In addition, compared to Model 1, the stronger ion-neutral coupling in Model 3 results in less dissipation and subsequently the clump has little central condensation, as expected. Note however that for Model 3 the lower limit in Eq.~\\ref{eq:omega} is not adequately satisfied. Fig.~\\ref{fig:flux} also shows the effect of external wave generation. If the fractional ionization is too low, as in Model 4, dissipation occurs close to the surface of the clump. Conversely, if the fractional ionization is too large, as in Model 2, significant dissipation occurs only at the clump's very centre. Both extremes produce density profiles which lack a central condensation. Note that if our externally generated wave model is correct, one should not see turbulence within a condensed core if there is no turbulence in its surrounding envelope. In Fig.~\\ref{fig:size} we present curves which map the visual extinction to the spatial extent of the clumps. Clouds with larger extents which match the observed 2--3 pc size of RMC-type clumps (\\cite{WBS95}) cannot be reproduced within the constraints given in Sect. 4. However, observations generally measure the largest linear extent of a clump. Thus, since the waves only support the model clumps parallel to the large-scale field, it is not surprising that the model sizes given here are less than the observed sizes. Similarly, the models require high boundary densities and magnetic field strengths in order for the Alfv\\'en speed and wave velocity amplitude at visual extinctions where CO is abundant to be large enough to be compatible with observed linewidths. For Model 1, $n_\\mathrm{b} = 375~\\H2$ cm$^{-3}$. This is rather higher than the typical value of $n(\\H2) = 220$ cm$^{-3}$ given by Williams et al. (1995) for RMC-type clumps but, given the uncertainties, it is within a reasonable range of the Williams et al. (1995) value. For Model 1, $B_0 = 135~\\mu$G, significantly higher than the value of $30\\, \\mu$G suggested by observations (\\cite{H87}) and expected from robust theoretical arguments (\\cite{M87}). In order to determine whether the values of $n_\\mathrm{b}$ and $B_0$ could be lower and still allow model properties to be consistent with observed linewidths, we constructed models for clumps with total edge-to-center extinctions of 3 magnitudes. The model giving $V = 2$ km sec$^{-1}$ and $v_\\mathrm{A} = 3$ km sec$^{-1}$ at $A_\\mathrm{V} = 2$ had $n_\\mathrm{b} = 325~\\H2$ cm$^{-3}$, $B_0 = 105\\,\\mu$G, $f_\\mathrm{b} = 0.49$, and $z_\\mathrm{max} = 0.565$ pc; although $n_\\mathrm{b}$ and $B_0$ were smaller and $z_{max}$ larger, the agreement with observations is nonetheless poor. Thus, the next step in the modelling of clumps in which wave support is important is the inclusion of wave support in models analogous to the axisymmetric models of magnetically and thermally suported clumps described in classic papers by Mouschovias (1976a,1976b). It is possible that the inclusion of magnetic tension, as well as pressure, will allow the reduction of $B_0$ to a value more like that expected and the construction of models of clumps having larger linear extents." }, "0002/astro-ph0002477_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The normalized inclination distributions are presented for the spiral galaxies in RC3. The results show that, except for the bin of $81^{\\circ}$-$90^{\\circ}$, in which the apparent minor isophotal diameters that are used to obtain the inclinations, are affected by the central bulges, the distributions for Sa, Sab, Scd and Sd are well consistent with the Monte-Carlo simulation of random inclinations within 3-$\\sigma$, and Sb and Sbc almost, but Sc is different. One reason for the difference between the real distribution and the Monte-Carlo simulation of Sc may be that some quite inclined spirals, the arms of which are inherently loosely wound on the galactic plane and should be classified to Sc galaxies, have been incorrectly classified to the earlier ones, because the tightness of spiral arms which is one of the criteria of the Hubble classification in RC3 is different between on the galactic plane and on the tangent plane of the celestial sphere. Our result also implies that there might exist biases in the luminosity functions of individual Hubble types if spiral galaxies are only classified visually. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002194_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider resonant inverse Compton scattering of thermal photons by secondary particles above the pulsar polar gap. At neutron star temperatures higher than $10^5$ K the process appears to be an essential energy loss mechanism for the particles. The distribution function of the secondary plasma particles is found to be strongly affected by the scattering. It becomes two-humped implying the development of two-stream instability. The resonantly upscattered Compton photons are found to gain energy of 1--10 MeV forming an additional component in the pulsar gamma-ray spectrum. The corresponding gamma-ray flux is estimated as well. ", "introduction": "Rotation of a highly magnetized neutron star is known to induce a strong electric field, which intensely accelerates charged particles. According to the customary polar gap models (Ruderman \\& Sutherland 1975, Arons \\& Scharlemann 1979), the acceleration takes place near the neutron star surface above the polar cap, the Lorentz-factor of the primary particles increasing up to $\\sim 10^6$. The particles move along the magnetic lines and emit curvature photons, which initiate pair-production cascade. The first electron-positron pairs created screen the accelerating electric field, so that at higher altitudes the particle energy remains unaltered; the typical Lorentz-factors of the secondary plasma are $\\sim 10-10^4$. Recent observations testify to thermal soft X-ray emission from some pulsars indicating that the neutron stars can be rather hot, $T\\sim 5\\cdot 10^5$ K, while the polar caps can have still higher temperatures scaling a few times $10^6$ K (Cordova {\\it et al.} 1989, Ogelman 1991, Halpern \\& Holt 1992, Finley {\\it et al.} 1992, Halpern \\& Ruderman 1993, Ogelman \\& Finley 1993, Ogelman {\\it et al.} 1993, Yancopoulos {\\it et al.} 1994, Ogelman 1995, Greiveldinger {\\it et al.} 1996). Such high temperatures of the neutron star surface are also predicted theoretically (Alpar {\\it et al.} 1984, Shibazaki \\& Lamb 1989, Van Riper 1991, Page \\& Applegate 1992, Umeda {\\it et al.} 1993, Halpern \\& Ruderman 1993). The thermal X-ray photons should suffer inverse Compton scattering off the primary particles in the polar gap. In the presence of a strong magnetic field the scattering cross-section is essentially enhanced, if the photon energy in the particle rest frame equals the cyclotron energy (Herold 1979, Xia {\\it et al.} 1985). For the pulsars with hot polar caps the resonant Compton scattering in the polar gap was found to be rather efficient (Kardashev {\\it et al.} 1984, Xia {\\it et al.} 1985, Daugherty \\& Harding 1989, Dermer 1990, Sturner 1995, Chang 1995). Firstly, it was recognized as an essential mechanism for energy loss of primary particles accelerating in the polar gap. Secondly, inverse Compton scattering was found to condition the gap formation, since the pair production avalanche may be triggered by the upscattered Compton photons rather than by curvature photons (Zhang \\& Qiao 1996, Qiao \\& Zhang 1996, Luo 1996, Zhang {\\it et al.} 1997). As shown by Sturner (1995), given typical values of neutron star temperature and surface magnetic field, the resonant Compton scattering is the strongest for particle Lorentz-factors $\\sim 10^2-10^3$. Theoretical models (Van Riper 1991, Page \\& Applegate 1992, Umeda {\\it et al.} 1993) suggest that the typical temperatures of the neutron star surface are as high as a few times $10^5$ K. Hence, the scattering is likely to be essential for the secondary plasma in most of the pulsars. Daugherty \\& Harding (1989), Zhang {\\it et al.} (1997) traced the evolution of the Lorentz-factor of secondary particles on account of magnetic inverse Compton scattering above the polar gap. Our aim is to investigate in more detail the influence of resonant inverse Compton scattering on the parameters of secondary plasma. For the resonant character of the scattering, the evolution of particle Lorentz-factor with the distance depends strongly on the initial particle energy. Since the distribution function of the secondary plasma is generally believed to be rather broad (the Lorentz-factor ranges from $10$ to $10^4$), its evolution on account of the Compton scattering is of a great interest. It will be shown that only particles with Lorentz-factors between 100 and 1000 are essentially decelerated in the course of the resonant scattering forming a sharp peak at low energies. Particles with larger Lorentz-factors are not decelerated at all. Thus, the resultant distribution function of secondary particles becomes two-humped, giving rise to the two-stream instability. In Sect. 2 we examine how the resonant inverse Compton scattering affects the Lorentz-factor of a secondary particle at various pulsar parameters. Section 3 is devoted to studying the evolution of the distribution function. The conditions for the development of the two-stream instability are also discussed. In Sect. 4 we estimate the gamma-ray luminosity caused by the upscattered Compton photons. Section 5 contains a brief summary. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated resonant inverse Compton scattering by secondary pulsar plasma. The process is found to cause the efficient energy loss of the secondary particles given the neutron star temperatures $>10^5$ K, so that our results are applicable to most pulsars. For the resonant character of the scattering, the energy loss depends strongly on the initial particle energy. At $\\gamma_0\\sim 10^2-10^3$ the scattering is the most essential, the final Lorentz-factors of the particles being independent of the initial ones. The distribution function of the secondary plasma is significantly altered by the resonant inverse Compton scattering. It is shown that ultimately the distribution function becomes two-humped. The main peak at $\\gamma\\sim 10^2$ is very sharp. It is formed by particles which suffered severe energy loss on account of the scattering. Another hump is sufficiently broad. It is associated with the particles, whose Lorentz-factors are almost unaltered by the scattering. The two-humped distribution function of the plasma particles is known to be unstable. It is shown that at pulsar conditions the two-stream instability develops readily and leads to an essential increase of plasma oscillations, which are likely to be transformed into radio emission. We have also estimated the gamma-ray flux provided by the upscattered Compton photons. The resonantly scattered photons appear to gain the energies of 1--10 MeV forming an additional low-energy component in pulsar gamma-ray spectrum." }, "0002/astro-ph0002127_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The late-time entropy production by the massive particle decay induces the various cosmological effects in the early epoch and modify the standard scenario. We investigate the thermalization process of the neutrinos after the entropy production by solving the Boltzmann equations numerically. We find that if the large entropy are produced at $t \\sim 1$ sec, the neutrinos are not thermalized very well and do not have the perfect Fermi-Dirac distribution. Then the freeze-out value of the neutron to proton ratio is altered considerably and the produced light elements, especially $\\4he$, are drastically changed. Comparing with the observational light element abundances, we find that $T_R \\lesssim 0.7$~MeV is excluded at 95 $\\%$ C.L. We also study the case in which the massive particle has a decay mode into hadrons. Then we find that $T_R$ should be a little higher, {\\it i.e.} $T_R \\gtrsim$ 2.5 MeV - 4 MeV, for the hadronic branching ratio $B_h = 10^{-2}-1$. Possible influence of late-time entropy production on the large scale structure formation and temperature anisotropies of cosmic microwave background is studied. It is expected that the future satellite experiments (MAP and PLANCK) to measure anisotropies of cosmic microwave background radiation temperature can detect the vestige of the late-time entropy production as a modification of the effective number of the neutrino species $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$. ", "introduction": "In the standard big bang cosmology it had been assumed tacitly that the universe was dominated by the thermal radiation at the early epoch. Even in the paradigm of the modern cosmology it is commonly believed that thermal radiation was produced by the reheating process after the primordial inflation and they dominated the energy of the universe at sufficiently early epoch. Here we ask, ``How early should the universe be dominated by radiation in order to success the standard big bang cosmology?''. We could say that the energy of the universe should be dominated by the radiation at least before the beginning of the big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) epoch. In this paper we answer the above question. The various models of the modern particle physics beyond the standard model predicts a number of unstable massive particles which have long lifetimes and decays at about BBN epoch. The energy density of the non-relativistic particles or the oscillation energy density of the scalar fields (inflaton and so on) decreases as $\\rho_{NR}(t) \\propto a(t)^{-3}$, where $a(t)$ is a scale factor. On the other hand since the radiation energy density decreases more rapidly $\\rho(t)\\propto a(t)^{-4}$, if the energy density of the massive non-relativistic particles or the oscillating scalar fields is large enough, it immediately dominates the universe as it expands, and the universe necessarily becomes matter-dominated until the cosmic time reaches to their lifetime. When the particles decay into standard particles (e.g. photon and electron), they produce the large entropy and the universe becomes radiation-dominated again. It is expected that such process would change the initial condition for the standard big bang scenario. We call the process ``late-time entropy production''. Now we have some interesting candidates for late-time entropy production in models based on supersymmetry (SUSY). It is known that gravitino and Polonyi field which exist in local SUSY ({\\it i.e.} supergravity ) theories have masses of $\\sim {\\cal O}(100{\\rm GeV}-10{\\rm TeV})$~\\cite{Nilles}. In addition they have long lifetimes because they interact with the other particle only through gravity. For example, since Polonyi field~\\cite{Polonyi} which has a heavy mass $\\sim 10$~TeV cannot be diluted by the usual inflation, it immediately dominates the universe and decays at the BBN epoch. Moreover it is also known that in the superstring theories there exist many light fields called dilaton and moduli which have similar properties to the Polonyi field. Recently Lyth and Stewart~\\cite{Lyth} considered a mini-inflation called ``thermal inflation'' which dilutes the above dangerous scalar fields. In the thermal inflation scenario, however, the flaton field which is responsible for the thermal inflation decays at late times. In particular, if Polonyi (moduli) mass is less than $\\sim 1$~GeV which is predicted in the framework of gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models~\\cite{Giudice}, the sufficient dilution requires that the flaton decays just before BBN~\\cite{Asaka}. Thus, in thermal inflation models, one should take care of the late-time entropy production. To keep the success of BBN, any long-lived massive particles or the coherent oscillation of any scalar fields which dominate the universe at that time must finally decay into the standard particles before the beginning of BBN. Moreover the decay products would have to be quickly thermalized through scatterings, annihilations, pair creations and further decays and make the thermal bath of photon, electron and neutrinos. Concerning photons and electrons which electromagnetically interact, the interaction rate is much more rapid than the Hubble expansion rate at that time. Therefore it is expected that the photon and electron which are produced in the decay and subsequent thermalization processes are efficiently thermalized. The problem is that neutrinos can interact only through the weak interaction. In the standard big bang cosmology the neutrinos usually decouple from the electromagnetic thermal bath at about $T \\simeq 2-3$MeV. Therefore it is approximately inferred that they can not be sufficiently thermalized at the temperature $T \\lesssim $ a few MeV. Namely the reheating temperature after the entropy production process should be high enough to thermalize the neutrinos. Though people had ever used the rough constraints on the reheating temperature between 1MeV - 10MeV, in the previous paper~\\cite{kks} we pointed out that the neutrino thermalization is the most crucial for the successful BBN. In this paper we describe the detail of the method to obtain the neutrino spectrum and the formulations to integrate a set of Boltzmann equations numerically , and we study the constraint on the reheating temperature using the obtained neutrino spectrum and the full BBN network calculations with the revised observational light element abundances. The above constraint is almost model-independent and hence conservative because we only assume that the massive particle decay produces the entropy. However, a more stringent constraint can be obtained if we assume a decay mode into quarks or gluons. In this case some modifications are needed for the above description. When the high energy quark-antiquark pairs or gluons are emitted, they immediately fragment into a lot of hadrons (pions , kaons, protons, neutrons, {\\it etc}.). It is expected that they significantly influence the freeze-out value of neutron to proton ratio at the beginning of BBN through the strong interaction with the ambient protons and neutrons. In the previous paper~\\cite{kks} we did not consider such hadron injection effects on BBN. Therefore we carefully treat the hadron injection effects in the present paper. For another constraint, the late-time entropy production may induce the significant effects on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background radiations (CMB). Lopez {\\it et al.}~\\cite{Lopez} pointed out that the CMB anisotropies are very sensitive to the equal time of matter and radiation. When the reheating temperature is so low that neutrinos do not be sufficiently thermalized, the radiation density which consists of photon and neutrinos becomes less than that in the standard big bang scenario. It may give distinguishable signals in the CMB anisotropies as a modification of the effective number of neutrino species $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$. With the present angular resolutions and sensitivities of COBE observation~\\cite{COBE} it is impossible to set a constraint on $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$ but it is expected that future satellite experiments such as MAP~\\cite{MAP} and PLANCK~\\cite{PLANCK} will gives us a useful information about $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$. In addition the above effect may also induce the signals in the observed power spectrum of the density fluctuation for the large scale structure as a modification of the epoch of the matter-radiation equality. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.~II we introduce the formulation of the basic equations and the physical parameters. In Sec.~III we briefly review the current status of the observational light element abundances. In Sec.~IV we study the spectra of the electron neutrino and the mu(tau)-neutrino by numerically solving the Boltzmann equations, and the constraints from BBN are obtained there. In Sec~V we investigate the additional effects in the hadron injection by the massive particle decay. In Sec.~VI we consider the another constraints which come from observations for large scale structures and anisotropies of CMB. Sec~VII is devoted to conclusions. In Appendix we introduce the method of the reduction for the nine dimension integrals into one dimension. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclude} In this paper we have investigated the various cosmological effects induced by the late-time entropy production due to the massive particle decay. The neutrino distribution functions have been obtained by solving the Boltzmann equations numerically. We have found that if the large entropy are produced at about $t \\simeq 1$ sec, the neutrinos are not thermalized very well and hence do not have the perfect Fermi-Dirac distribution. The deficits of the neutrino distribution functions due to the insufficient thermalization decrease the Hubble expansion rate and weakens the weak interaction rates between proton and neutron. The above two effects changes the freeze-out value of $n/p$ significantly. Especially the produced $\\4he$ mass fraction $Y$ is so sensitive to $n/p$ that the predicted value of $Y$ is changed drastically. Comparing the theoretical predictions of D, $\\4he$ and $\\li7$ to the observational data, we have estimated the lower bound on the reheating temperature $T_R$ after the entropy production. We have found that $T_R \\lesssim 0.7$~MeV is excluded at 95 $\\%$ C.L. In other wards, $T_R$ can be as low as 0.7 MeV. Then the effective number of neutrino species $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$ can be as small as $0.1$. It is enough sensitive for the ongoing large scale structure observations such as 2DF and SDSS or future satellite experiments (MAP and PLANCK) of CMB anisotropies to detect such modifications on $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$ and we can find out the vestige of the late-time entropy production. Furthermore, we have also studied the case in which the massive particle has some decay modes into quarks or gluons. In this scenario, a lot of hadrons, {\\it e.g.} pions, kaons, protons and neutrons, which are originated by the fragmentation of the high energy quarks and gluons are injected into thermal bath. The emitted hadrons extraordinarily inter-convert the ambient protons and neutrons each other through the strong interaction even after the freeze-out time of the neutron to proton ratio $n/p$. Then the predicted value of $Y$ increase extremely and we can constrain $T_R$ and the branching ratio of the hadronic decay mode $B_h$ comparing to the observational light element abundances. We have found $T_R$ should be higher than 2.5 MeV - 4 MeV at 95 $\\%$ C.L. for $B_h$ = $10^{-2}$ - 1. The above results tells us that $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$ can be as small as 1.9 - 2.8 even in the hadron injection scenario for $B_h = 10^{-2}$ - 1. Then it still may be possible to detect the modifications on $N_{\\nu}^{\\rm eff}$ by MAP and PLANCK." }, "0002/astro-ph0002257_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We implement an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithm to separate signals of different origin in sky maps at several frequencies. Due to its self-organizing capability, it works without prior assumptions either on the frequency dependence or on the angular power spectrum of the various signals; rather, it learns directly from the input data how to identify the statistically independent components, on the assumption that all but, at most, one of them have non-Gaussian distributions. We have applied the ICA algorithm to simulated patches of the sky at the four frequencies (30, 44, 70 and 100 GHz) of the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) of ESA's {\\sc Planck} satellite. Simulations include the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the synchrotron and thermal dust emissions and extragalactic radio sources. The effects of detectors angular response functions and of instrumental noise have been ignored in this first exploratory study. The ICA algorithm reconstructs the spatial distribution of each component with rms errors of about 1\\% for the CMB and of about $10\\%$ for the, much weaker, Galactic components. Radio sources are almost completely recovered down to a flux limit corresponding to $\\simeq 0.7\\sigma_{CMB}$, where $\\sigma_{CMB}$ is the rms level of CMB fluctuations. The signal recovered has equal quality on all scales larger then the pixel size. In addition, we show that for the strongest components (CMB and radio sources) the frequency scaling is recevered with percent precision. Thus, algorithms of the type presented here appear to be very promising tools for component separation. On the other hand, we have been dealing here with an highly idealized situation. Work to include instrumental noise, the effect of different resolving powers at different frequencies and a more complete and realistic characterization of astrophysical foregrounds is in progress. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} Maps produced by large area surveys aimed at imaging primordial fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) contain a linear mixture of signals by several astrophysical and cosmological sources (Galactic synchrotron, free-free and dust emissions, both from compact and diffuse sources, extragalactic sources, Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in clusters of galaxies or by inhomogeneous re-ionization, in addition to primary and secondary CMB anisotropies) convolved with the spatial and spectral responses of the antenna and of the detectors. In order to exploit the unique cosmological information encoded in the CMB anisotropy patterns as well as the extremely interesting astrophysical information carried by the foregound signals, we need to accurately separate the different components. A great deal of work has been carried out in recent years in this area (see de Oliveira-Costa \\& Tegmark 1999, and references therein; Tegmark et al. 2000). The problem of map denoising has been tackled with the wavelets analysis on the whole sphere \\cite{TENORIO} and on sky patches \\cite{SANZb}. Algorithms to single out the CMB and the various foregrounds have been developed \\cite{WF,HOBSON,TE}. In these works, Wiener filtering (WF) and the maximum entropy method (MEM) have been applied to simulated data from the {\\sc Planck} satellite, taking into account the expected performances of the instruments. Assuming a perfect knowledge of the frequency dependence of all the components, as well as priors for the statistical properties of their spatial pattern, these algorithms are able to recover the the strongest components, at the best {\\sc Planck} resolution. We adopt a rather different approach, considering denoising and deconvolution of the signals on one side and component separation on the other as separate steps in the data analysis process, and focus here on the latter step only, presenting a 'blind separation' method, based on 'Independent Component Analysis' (ICA) techniques. The method does not require any a priori assumption on spectral properties and on the spatial distribution of the various components, but only that they are statistically independent and all but at most one have a non-Gaussian distribution. It is important to note that this is in fact the physical system we have to deal with: surely all the foregrounds are non-Gaussian, while the CMB is expected to be a nearly Gaussian fluctuation field for most of the candidate theories of the early universe. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce the relevant formalism and briefly review methods applied in previous works. In Section 3 we outline the ICA algorithm in a rather general framework, since it may be useful for a variety of astrophysical applications. In Section 4 we describe our simulated maps. In Section 5 we give some details on our analysis and present the results. In Section 6 we draw our conclusions and list some future developments. ", "conclusions": "We have developed a neural network suitable to implement the Independent Component Analysis technique for separating different emission components in maps of the sky at microwave wavelengths. The algorithm was applied to simulated maps of a $15^{\\circ}\\times 15^{\\circ}$ region of sky at 30, 44, 70, 100 GHz, corresponding to the frequency channels of {\\sc Planck}'s Low Frequency Instrument (LFI). Simulations include the Cosmic Microwave Background, extragalactic radio sources and Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emission. The various components have markedly different angular patterns, frequency dependences and amplitudes. The technique exploits the statistical independence of the different signals to recover each individual component with no prior assumption either on their spatial pattern or on their frequency dependence. The great virtue of this approach is the capability of the algorithm to {\\it learn} how to recover the independent components in the input maps. The price of the lack of {\\it a priori} information is that each signal can be recovered multiplied by an unknown constant produced during the learning process itself. However this is not a substantial limitation, since a lot of physics is encoded in the spatial patterns of the signals, and ultimately the right normalization of each component can be obtained by resorting to independent observations. The results are very promising. The CMB map is recovered with an accuracy at the 1\\% level. The algorithm is remarkably efficient also in the detection of extragalactic radio sources: almost all sources brighter then 15 mJy at 100 GHz (corresponding to $\\simeq 0.7 \\sigma_{CMB}$, $\\sigma_{CMB}$ being the rms level of CMB fluctuations on the pixel scale) are recovered; on the other hand, it must be stressed that is not directly indicative of what can be achieved in the analysis of Planck/LFI data because the adopted resolution ($3'.5\\times 3'.5$) is much better than that of the real experiment, instrumental noise has been neglected and the same spectral slope was assumed for all sources. Also the frequency dependences of the strongest components are correctly recovered (error on the spectral index of 1\\% for the CMB and extragalactic sources). Maps of subdominant signals (Galactic synchrotron and dust emissions) are recovered with rms errors of about 10\\%; their spectral properties cannot be retrieved by our technique. The reconstruction has equal quality on all the scales of the input maps, down to the pixel size. All this indicates that this technique is suitable for a variety of astrophysical applications, i.e. whenever we want to separate independent signals from different astrophysical processes occurring along the line of sight. Of course, much work has to be done to better explore the potential of the ICA technique. It has to be tested under more realistic assumptions, taking into account instrumental noise and the effect of angular response functions as well as including a more complete and accurate characterization of foregrounds. In particular, the assumption that the spectral properties of each foreground component is independent of position will have to be relaxed to allow for spectral variations across the sky. Also, it will be necessary to deal with the fact that Galactic emissions are correlated. The technique is flexible enough to offer good prospects in this respect. In the learning stage, the ICA algorithm makes use of non-linear functions that, case by case, are chosen to minimize the mutual information between the outputs; improvements could be obtained by specializing the ICA inner non-linearities to our specific needs. Also, it is possible to take properly into account our prior knowledge on some of the signals to recover, still taking advantage as far as possible of the ability of this neural network approach to carry out a ``blind\" separation. Work in this direction is in progress. \\vskip .1in We warmly thank Luigi Danese for original suggestions. We also thank Krzysztof M. G\\'orski and all the people who collaborated to build the HEALPix pixelization scheme extensively used in this work. Work supported in part by ASI and MURST. LT acknowledges financial support from the Spanish DGES, projects ESP98--1545--E and PB98--0531--C02--01." }, "0002/astro-ph0002243_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The $\\gamma$-ray burst (GRB) model for production of ultra-high-energy, $>10^{19}$~eV, cosmic-rays is based on the hypothesis that GRBs arise from the dissipation of the kinetic energy of relativistic fireballs at cosmological distances. Recent observations of delayed low energy emission, ``afterglow,'' from GRB sources strongly support the validity of this hypothesis. Observations also provide quantitative support for the model. The inferred physical fireball parameters imply that protons may be accelerated to $>10^{20}$~eV, and the inferred GRB energy generation rate is similar to that required to account for the observed flux of ultra-high-energy cosmic-rays (UHECRs). Strong suppression of cosmic-ray flux is expected in this model above $10^{19.7}$~eV, due to proton interaction with microwave background photons. Strong deviations from model flux derived under the assumption of uniform source distribution is expected above $10^{20}$~eV, due to source discreteness and due to inhomogeneities in source distribution. In particular, the flux above $10^{20.5}$~eV is expected to be dominated by few, narrow spectrum sources. While model predictions can not be tested (with high confidence level) using present data, the predicted signatures should be observed with the planned Auger and Telescope-Array UHECR detectors. A natural consequence of the GRB model of UHECR production is the conversion of a large fraction, $\\sim10\\%$, of the fireball energy to accompanying burst of $\\sim10^{14}{\\rm eV}$ and $\\sim10^{18}{\\rm eV}$ neutrinos. A ${\\rm km}^2$ neutrino detector would observe several tens of events per year correlated with GRBs, and test for neutrino properties (e.g. flavor oscillations, for which upward moving $\\tau$'s would be a unique signature, and coupling to gravity) with an accuracy many orders of magnitude better than is currently possible. ", "introduction": "The origin of GRBs, bursts of 0.1 MeV---1 MeV photons lasting for a few seconds, remained unknown for over 20 years, primarily because GRBs were not detected prior to 1997 at wave-bands other than $\\gamma$-rays (see \\cite{Fishman} for review of $\\gamma$-ray observations). The isotropic distribution of bursts over the sky suggested that GRB sources lie at cosmological distances, and general phenomenological considerations were used to argue that the bursts are produced by the dissipation of the kinetic energy of a relativistic expanding fireball (see \\cite{fireballs} for review). Adopting the cosmological fireball hypothesis, it was shown that the physical conditions in the fireball dissipation region allow Fermi acceleration of protons to energy $>10^{20}{\\rm eV}$ \\cite{W95a,Vietri95}, and that the average rate at which energy is emitted as $\\gamma$-rays by GRBs is comparable to the energy generation rate of UHECRs in a model where UHECRs are produced by a cosmological distribution of sources \\cite{W95b}. Based on these two facts, it was suggested that GRBs and UHECRs have a common origin (see \\cite{Nobel_rev} for review). In the last two years, afterglows of GRBs have been discovered in X-ray, optical, and radio wave bands (see \\cite{AG_review} for review). Afterglow observations confirmed the cosmological origin of the bursts, through the redshift determination of several GRB host-galaxies (see \\cite{Freedman} for an updated list), and confirmed \\cite{AG_confirm} standard model predictions \\cite{AG_pred} of afterglows that result from the collision of an expanding fireball with its surrounding medium. These observations therefore provide strong support for the GRB model of UHECR production. In this review, UHECR and neutrino production in GRBs is discussed in the light of recent GRB and UHECR observations. The fireball model is briefly described in \\S2.1, and proton acceleration in GRB fireballs is discussed in \\S2.2. Recent claims, according to which protons can not be accelerated to $>10^{20}$~eV in the fireball \\cite{Gallant98}, are shown in \\S2.2 to be erroneous. Implications of recent afterglow observations to high energy particle production are discussed in \\S3. It is shown that, contrary to some recent claims \\cite{Stecker}, the GRB energy generation rate implied by afterglow observations is similar to the energy generation rate required to account for the flux of $>10^{19}$~eV cosmic-rays. Model predictions are shown to be consistent with the observed UHECR spectrum in \\S4. Predictions of the GRB model for UHECR production, that can be tested with future UHECR experiments, are discussed in \\S5. Implications of the detection by the AGASA experiment of multiple high energy events with consistent arrival directions \\cite{AGASA_pairs} is also discussed in \\S5. High energy neutrino production in fireballs and its implications for future high energy neutrino detectors are discussed in \\S6. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0002/astro-ph0002305_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recently correlation analyses between Galactic dust emission templates and a number of CMB data sets have led to differing claims on the origin of the Galactic contamination at low frequencies. de Oliviera-Costa {\\em et al} (1999) have presented work based on Tenerife data supporting the spinning dust hypothesis. Since the frequency coverage of these data is ideal to discriminate spectrally between spinning dust and free-free emission, we used the latest version of the Tenerife data, which have lower systematic uncertainty, to study the correlation in more detail. We found however that the evidence in favor of spinning dust originates from a small region at low Galactic latitude where the significance of the correlation itself is low and is compromised by systematic effects in the Galactic plane signal. The rest of the region was found to be uncorrelated. Regions that correlate with higher significance tend to have a steeper spectrum, as is expected for free-free emission. Averaging over all correlated regions yields dust-correlation coefficients of $180\\pm47$ and $123\\pm16$ $\\mu$K /MJy sr$^{-1}$ at 10 and 15~GHz respectively. These numbers however have large systematic uncertainties that we have identified and care should be taken when comparing with results from other experiments. We do find evidence for synchrotron emission with spectral index steepening from radio to microwave frequencies, but we cannot make conclusive claims about the origin of the dust-correlated component based on the spectral index estimates. Data with higher sensitivity are required to decide about the significance of the dust-correlation at high Galactic latitudes and other Galactic templates, in particular H$_\\alpha$ maps, will be necessary for constraining its origin. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} A small, but significant correlation of existing Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data with maps of Galactic dust emission has been detected. It is important to understand the origin, and hence the characteristics of any Galactic emission present in CMB maps with structure on angular scales relevant to CMB measurements. With such information, we can attempt to remove these contaminating emissions from the data, to be left with a pure CMB map. Cross-correlating the COBE DMR maps with DIRBE far-infrared maps, Kogut {\\em et al} (1996a,b) discovered that statistically significant correlations did exist at each DMR frequency, but that the frequency dependence was inconsistent with vibrational dust emission alone and strongly suggestive of additional dust-correlated free-free emission ($\\beta_{ff} = -2.15$). A number of recent microwave observations have also shown that these correlations are not strongly dependent on angular scale. Different experiments ( DMR: Kogut et al. 1996b; 19GHz: de Oliviera-Costa et al. 1998; Saskatoon: de Oliviera-Costa et al. 1997; MAX5: Lim et al. 1996; OVRO: Leich et al. 1997), together give, with $95\\%$ confidence, $-3.6 < \\beta_{radio} < -1.3$, consistent with free-free emission over the frequency range 15-50~GHz. However if the source of this correlated emission is indeed free-free, it is expected that a similar correlation should exist between $H_\\alpha$ and dust maps. Several authors have found that these data sets are only marginally correlated (McCallough 1997 and Kogut 1997). Thus, most of the correlated emission appears to come from another source. Draine and Lazarian (1998a,b) suggest that the correlated emission could originate from spinning dust grains. This model predicts a microwave emission spectrum that peaks at low microwave frequencies, the exact location of the peak depending on the size distribution of dust grains, and has a spectral index between -3.3 and -4, over the frequency range 15-50~GHz (Draine and Lazarian 1998b, Kogut 1999). The spectral indices obtained from various experiments do not seem to conform too well to the spinning dust model alone. However, recently de Oliveira-Costa {\\em et al} (1999) (hereafter DOC99) claim to have found evidence of the spinning dust origin of DIRBE-correlated emission using the Tenerife 10 and 15GHz data. They find a rising spectrum from 10GHz to 15GHz, which is indicative of a spinning dust origin, as opposed to a free-free origin, for the dust-correlated Galactic foreground at these frequencies. In this paper, we use the most recent Tenerife data to show that the correlated emission is not necessarily indicative of spinning dust. ", "conclusions": "Spinning dust emission can be identified and discriminated from free-free emission {\\em if} indications for a peak in the emission spectrum can be found at low microwave frequencies, which are probed by the Tenerife experiment. A rising spectrum between 10 and 15~GHz can be taken as a prediction of the spinning dust hypothesis, although the exact location of the emission peak depends on details of the model. Tentative evidence for a turnover in the spectrum of the Galactic dust-correlated microwave component between 10 and 15~GHz has been presented by DOC99. We however find that the spectral index of dust-correlated emission is negative for all Galactic cuts except for the $b > 20\\deg$ cut. The Galactic signal, and with it the significance of the correlation, decreases with increasing Galactic latitude, and no correlations are detected in the higher Galactic latitude regions of $b > 30\\deg$. The variance in the value of $\\hat{a}$ between regions with different Galactic cuts is rather large. We further find that the correlation detected in the $b> 20\\deg$ region comes only from a small number of pixels at low Galactic latitude and towards the Galactic centre, where signal from the Galactic plane is present. This correlation shows a free-free like spectral index, whereas the rest of the region was found to be uncorrelated, or even significantly anticorrelated. Using sky rotations we show that the correlation we see at $b > 20\\deg$ is only an alignment of structure due to the rise of the Galactic plane signal. Employing a simple model for this structure we were able to demonstrate that the spatial distribution of Galactic emission is in fact different in the templates and in the data, giving rise to a systematic error. We were also able to show that this simple model of the Galaxy fits the data generally better than the templates. Further, modelling a Galactic free-free component, which correlates with the dust template, generally yields an equally acceptable fit to the data. Another significant systematic effect arises due to intrinsic errors in the templates, and all these effects cause a misleading increase in the inferred spectral index of the dust-correlated component between 10 and 15~GHz. A comparison of our results with other experiments is presented in Figure 7. Here the data points for the Tenerife experiment, obtained by taking a weighted average of all detections (all regions of all Galactic cuts, joint analyses) with errors taken from the sky rotations, correspond to values of $180\\pm47$ and $123\\pm16$ $\\mu$K /MJy sr$^{-1}$ at 10 and 15~GHz respectively. Note that the 10GHz point on the plot is significantly higher, as compared to that plotted in DOC99 and the value quoted in our table 2 This is because this region consists of parts that are correlated as well as parts that do not correlate or even anticorrelate, as in the case of the 10GHz data. Here, since we are focussing only on the regions that correlate (these regions are the same for both 10 and 15~GHz data and have been found to lie close to the Galactic plane), the value is significantly higher. Note that the high values of $a$ that we get need not be in contradiction to the typical level of free-free allowed by $H_{\\alpha}$ maps of other regions as our detections are close to the Galactic plane, where the level of Galactic emission is expected to be high. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\epsfig{ file=spectra.eps,height=8cm,width=8cm,angle=0}} \\caption{Summary of our results on the dust-correlated (top panel) and synchrotron-correlated (bottom panel) emission compared to results from other experiments (COBE DMR-filled circles, 19GHz-empty triangle, OVRO-filled triangle, Saskatoon-filled square). The straight lines represent synchrotron (solid), free-free (dotted) and vibrational dust (dashed) spectral indices. The thick solid curve shows a combination of free-free emission with a small spinning dust contribution with a peak at 15 GHz in an attempt to fit all the data. This fit appears acceptable, as does the single free-free component fit, but it should be kept in mind that the data from different experiments might not be directly comparable, since they were taken on different angular scales and towards different regions of the sky. The Tenerife data points are an average derived from our various results, see text for details.} \\end{figure} The spectral index for dust-correlated emission as deduced from the 10 and 15 GHz points is less negative (by about $1\\sigma$) than expected for free-free emission. The spectral index deduced simultaneously from synchrotron-correlated emission is systematically steeper than expected. This could be attributed to the effects that we have identified and which have all been shown to influence the correlation in the same direction. Note also that in this plot only the Tenerife and COBE DMR points, at different frequencies, each represent data which probe the same angular scales and were taken with the same sky coverage. Inferring a spectral index by comparing different experiments assumes that the Galactic component is traced by a given fixed template and does not depend on parameters which vary over the sky, but our analysis of the Tenerife data shows large variations of Galactic correlation with the sky region. With the present analysis of Tenerife data we are not able to make a firm claim about the origin of the dust-correlated component, since we do not find convincing support for a spinning dust component. This does not have to rule out this hypothesis, since environmental conditions or grain sizes, which affect the position of the spectral peak, could change systematically with location on the sky, particularly in the transition region between low and high Galactic latitude. The spatial variation in the correlation amplitude and the possibility of the presence of some spinning dust emission along with free-free emission need to be dealt with. The separation task is difficult for two reasons. Firstly neither the frequency dependence nor the spatial distribution of any of the Galactic components at low microwave frequencies is particularly well known. And further we would expect these components to be correlated, since we find their templates to be correlated, at least at low Galactic latitudes. The combination of the results from the other experiments, shown in Figure 7, might not be strongly constraining, but nevertheless, does not give conclusive evidence for spinning dust emission either, without an expectation of the amplitude of free-free emission based on dust-correlated H$_\\alpha$ emission. In order to make more reliable inferences, a pixel by pixel separation of components would have to be performed, using the Maximum Entropy method for example. In a forthcoming paper we shall perform such a separation incorporating information about spinning dust. Also, including other data at frequencies lower than 10~GHz and adding other templates of Galactic emission such as the $H_\\alpha$ maps from the Wisconsin H-Alpha mapper (Tufte, Reynolds and Haffner 1998) would be useful." }, "0002/astro-ph0002133_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present simple models for disk evolution based on two different approaches: a forward approach based on predictions generic to hierarchical models for structure formation (e.g., Mo, Mao, \\& White 1998) and a backwards approach based on detailed modeling of the Milky Way galaxy (e.g., Bouwens, Cay\\'on, \\& Silk 1997). We normalize these models to local observations and predict high-redshift luminosities, sizes, circular velocities, and surface brightnesses. Both approaches yield somewhat similar predictions for size, surface brightness, and luminosity evolution though they clearly differ in the amount of number evolution. These predictions seem to be broadly consistent with the high-redshift observations of Simard et al.\\ (1999), suggesting that the $B$-band surface brightness of disks has indeed evolved by $\\sim1.5^m$ from $z\\sim0$ to $z\\sim1$ similar to the models and is not an artifact of selection effects as previously claimed. We also find a lack of low surface brightness galaxies in several high redshift samples relative to model predictions based on local samples (de Jong \\& van der Kruit 1994; Mathewson, Ford, \\& Buchhorn 1992). ", "introduction": "Over the last several years, there has been a steady increase in the number and quality of observations available for disk galaxies from $z=0$ and $z=1$. Schade et al.\\ (1995,1996), using early ground and space based images of galaxies from the Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS), found a net increase in the surface brightness of galaxies to $z\\sim1$. Along the same lines, Roche et al.\\ (1998), compiling 347 galaxies from the Medium Deep Survey and other surveys, concluded that disk galaxies had undergone a net evolution in surface brightness and a net devolution in size. Lilly et al.\\ (1998), using structural parameters extracted from HST images of the combined CFRS and LDSS2 sample, concluded that there has been essentially no evolution in large disks out to $z\\sim1$. As a preliminary effort as part of the DEEP survey, Vogt et al.\\ (1996,1997) found little evolution in the Tully-Fisher relationship ($<0.3^m$) out to $z\\sim1$. More recently, these observations have been augmented by the DEEP sample with 197 galaxies from the Groth strip to $I<23.5$, 1.5 magnitudes deeper than the LDSS2-CFRS sample. In a first paper, Simard et al.\\ (1998) concluded that there had been little evolution in the disk surface brightness distribution to $z\\sim1$ contrary to previous claims. A number of different approaches have been proposed for making specific predictions about disk evolution. Mo, Mao, \\& White (1998a) showed how the standard paradigm for hierarchical growth of structure combined with simple assumptions about angular momentum conservation led to simple scaling relationships for the change in disk properties as a function of redshift. Other authors (Ferrini et al.\\ 1994; Prantzos \\& Aubert 1995; Prantzos \\& Silk 1998; Boissier \\& Prantzos 1999; Chiappini, Matteucci \\& Gratton 1997), taking more of a backwards approach to the problem, used detailed studies of the profiles of the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies to propose radially dependent models of star formation in disk galaxies, models which could be used to make detailed predictions about high-redshift disk evolution. Already there have been a number of elegant studies in which both the backwards approach (Cay\\'on, Silk, \\& Charlot 1996; Bouwens, Cay\\'on, \\& Silk 1997; Roche et al.\\ 1998) and the forwards approach (Mao, Mo, \\& White 1998; Steinmetz \\& Navarro 1999; Contardo, Steinmetz, \\& Fritze-von Alvensleben 1998; van den Bosch 1998; Mo, Mao, \\& White 1998b) have been used to interpret the observations available for disk galaxies, mostly to $z\\sim1$. Unfortunately, none of these studies considered the important effect that a large spread in surface brightness could have on the interpretation of these observations, particularly the potentially large fraction of low surface brightness galaxies. In some studies, the surface brightness selection effects at low and high redshift were simply ignored, and in others, e.g., Roche et al.\\ (1998), the spread was limited to $0.3\\,\\textrm{mag/arcsec}^2$ about Freeman's law (Freeman 1970). Clearly, given the apparent large numbers of low surface brightness galaxies seen locally, it is quite logical to wonder if these galaxies are detectable in current high redshift surveys. Indeed, one might wonder whether these galaxies or the observed correlation between luminosity and surface brightness may have already affected the interpretation of high redshift observations. In light of the recent claim by Simard et al.\\ (1999) that the apparent surface brightness evolution thus far inferred to $z\\sim1$ is completely due to surface brightness selection effects, such a study would seem to be especially timely. Secondly, none of these studies directly compared the predictions of the forward and backward approaches using the same observations. Simple comparisons of the scaling expected in surface brightness, size, luminosity, and number are useful for interpreting the high redshift observations. To address these shortcomings, we shall therefore consider implementations of both approaches, normalize them to the observed $z\\sim0$ size-luminosity relationship, compare their predictions, and consider how each of them fares at explaining the observed disk evolution out to $z\\sim1$ incorporating all the selection effects as they are best understood. We commence by presenting our models (\\S2) and the observational samples with which we compare (\\S3). We present the results (\\S4), discuss them (\\S5), and then summarize our conclusions (\\S6). Throughout this study, we use $H_0 = 50\\,\\textrm{km/s/Mpc}$ unless otherwise noted. ", "conclusions": "There is a real question about a lack of low surface brightness galaxies relative to our predictions, especially as compared to the no-evolution model predictions. This conclusion is somewhat dependent on the assumed correlation between surface brightness and luminosity as is evident in Figure 4. This conclusion is also dependent on the selection biases against low surface brightness galaxies not being stronger than those considered here. There is an extensive literature discussing surface brightness selection biases (Disney 1976; Allen \\& Shu 1979) and various attempts to derive the bivariate luminosity-surface brightness distribution of galaxies (McGaugh 1996; Dalcanton et al.\\ 1997b; Sprayberry et al.\\ 1997). Surface brightness has a particularly strong effect on isophotal magnitude determinations, especially for low surface brightness galaxies; and this can introduce significant errors in the magnitude determinations, so the effective volume probed for these galaxies is significantly smaller than it is for equivalent luminosity high surface brightness galaxies (McGaugh 1996). Simard et al.\\ (1999) in a detailed quantification of the selection effects of the DEEP sample do not consider the effect of surface brightness on the magnitudes and sizes recovered since typical errors were found to be $0.2^m$ (Simard 1999, private communication). Despite the relatively small size of this error, it is not entirely clear to the present authors that the errors would not become quite significant for the lowest surface brightness galaxies in the sample, particularly those just marginally detectable given the chosen object identification and photometric parameters. Secondly, Simard et al.\\ (1999) considers disk galaxies to be optically thin whereas the observations of Lilly et al.\\ (1998) are more consistent with disks being optically thick. Highly-inclined optically thin disks would be much more detectable than face-on or optically-thick disks. The upshot is that at many apparent magnitudes and radii, Simard et al.\\ (1998) would suppose that at least some highly inclined galaxies would be detectable and therefore the selection function $S_{UP}$ there would be non-zero when in reality if disks were optically thick it would be zero. For these reasons, we used a slightly more conservative selection function in surface brightness than that given in Figure 4 of Simard et al.\\ (1999) (see \\S3.2). Another possibility, not considered here, is that low surface brightness galaxies might form relatively late, meaning that their mass-to-light ratios remain relatively large until relatively recent epochs. Of course, prima facie, this would seem unlikely given the apparently constant slope in the Tully-Fisher relationship to faint magnitudes. In their own analysis of their sample of $\\sim200$ galaxies, Simard et al.\\ (1999) concluded that there had been little evolution in the surface brightness distribution of disk galaxies when all selection effects had been carefully considered, quite in contrast to our estimated $\\sim1.5^m$ of $B$-band surface brightness evolution. Little consideration, however, was paid to the evolution in the total \\textit{numbers} of high surface brightness galaxies. Here, we find that the number of high surface brightness galaxies dramatically exceeds that predicted by the evolutionary models considered here, and we have argued that this provides evidence for an evolution in the surface brightness distribution of disk galaxies. Our interpretation seems to be furthermore supported by the lack of low surface brightness galaxies relative to our models. For no-evolution in the disk surface brightness distribution really to be present as Simard et al.\\ (1999) claims, high-redshift intervals should have similar numbers of low surface brightness galaxies to those found in local samples, and these galaxies seem to be deficient, even with respect to our models which show significant evolution in surface brightness. While the conclusions of Simard et al.\\ (1999) appear to have been carefully drawn, we would like to suggest that there are significant uncertainties in their determination of the mean surface brightnesses in the lowest redshift intervals and therefore the inferred evolution in surface brightness due to the small size of the low redshift samples considered. By applying the selection effects from the high-redshift bin identically to all redshift intervals, Simard et al.\\ (1999) restricted their analysis to that fraction of disk galaxies exceeding the high-redshift surface brightness detection limit. Applying these selection criteria uniformly to all low redshift intervals severely pares down the low-redshift samples and significantly increases the uncertainty of their average surface brightness measure. Given the observed range in observed surface brightness ($\\sim 2\\, \\textrm{mag/arcsec}^2$) and typical numbers ($\\sim 5-6$) for the lowest redshift bins, there is a non-negligible uncertainty in the average surface brightness at low redshift, $\\sim 0.6^m$. Our estimates of $\\sim1.5^m$ of $B$-band surface brightness evolution are somewhat larger than that inferred by most authors. Roche et al.\\ (1998) found $0.9^m$ of surface brightness evolution from $z\\sim0.2$ to $z\\sim0.9$, Lilly et al.\\ (1998) found $0.8^m$ of surface brightness evolution in their large disk sample, and Schade et al.\\ (1995,1996a) inferred $1.2^m$ and $1.5^m$ respectively to $z\\sim0.8$. Despite different differential measures of surface brightness evolution, most of these samples give similar values for the mean disk surface brightness near $z\\sim1$: $20.79 \\pm 0.17$ for the Roche et al.\\ (1998) sample ($0.65