{ "0004/astro-ph0004337_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Abundances of $\\alpha$-elements such as Ca and Mg in disk and halo stars are usually derived from equivalent widths lines measured on high resolution spectra, and assuming Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) . In this paper, we present non-LTE differential abundances derived by computing the statistical equilibrium of CaI and MgI atoms, using high resolution equivalent widths available in the literature for 252 dwarf to subgiant stars. These non-LTE abundances combined with recent determination of non-LTE abundances of iron, seem to remove the dispersion of the [Ca/Fe] and [Mg/Fe] ratios in the galactic halo and disk phases, revealing new and surprising structures. These results have important consequences for chemical evolution models of the Galaxy. In addition, non-LTE abundance ratios for stars belonging to the M92 cluster apparently have the same behavior. More high resolution observations, mainly of globular clusters, are urgently needed to confirm our results. ", "introduction": "The determination of abundances of nuclear species at distinct locations in the Galaxy (e.g. halo, disk and bulge) comes mainly from the spectra of late-type star atmospheres. Measured abundances in cool stars at different stages of evolution give not only the understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis, but also provide valuable information about the process of chemical enrichment of the Galaxy. The archaeological tracers of the chemical evolution of a star system are the elements produced by explosive nucleosynthesis in type II (SNII) and type Ia (SNIa) supernovae events. The interest using such elements as tracers rests on the fact that SNII and SNIa progenitors have different lifetimes; SNII is the final evolution of massive stars and SNIa is a possible final result of evolution of a close binary system of intermediate mass stars. SNII contribute to the enrichment of the interstellar medium (ISM) mainly with elements produced by the capture of $\\alpha$ particles ($\\alpha$ elements) and from the r-process, and SNIa produce elements belonging to the Fe peak. Consequently, the basic tools to constraint the evolution of ISM in the Galaxy are usually the analysis of relations between ratios of heavy elements [element/Fe] and Fe abundance [Fe/H].\\footnote{$\\rm [Fe/H]= log(N_{Fe}/N_H)-log(N_{Fe}/N_H)_{\\odot}$.} A first glance at the temporal behavior of $\\alpha$ elements shows that the ratio [$\\alpha$/Fe] is approximately constant for halo metal-poor stars ([Fe/H]$\\leq$-1.5) and decreases for metal-rich stars ([Fe/H]$>$-1.5) belonging to the disk. This is reasonably explained by the chemical evolutionary models that assume progressive enrichment of ISM by supernovae: first generation of stars have in their atmospheres the signature of SNII events only (called halo-phase of the Galaxy) and the subsequent generations have a signature of both SNII and SNIa events (disk-phase). However, a more precise analysis of [$\\alpha$/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] shows a pronounced scatter, mainly in the region of metal-poor stars. This scatter has been interpreted mostly as a consequence of the inhomogeneity of the matter having made stars rather than resulting of poor observational data (Audouze and Silk 1996). The derivation of abundances based on the analysis of high resolution stellar spectra is usually made under the assumption of Local Thermodynamical Equilibrium (LTE). In the last 15 years, many efforts to estimate errors on abundance determinations caused by LTE assumption have been done. Recently results for Ba II (Gigas 1986, 1988, Mashonkina \\& Bikmaev 1996), Sr II (Belyakova \\& Mashonkina 1997), Na I (Mashonkina et al. 1993), Mg I (Gigas 1986, Mashonkina et al. 1996), Ca I (Drake 1991), B I (Kiselman \\& Carlsson 1996), Al I (Baumuller \\& Gehren 1997) and Fe I and Fe II (Th\\'evenin \\& Idiart 1999, TI99), O I (Mishenina et al. 1999) and Mg I (Zhao, Butler \\& Gehren 1998) demonstrate that most lines can formed far from LTE conditions. So, some important questions arise: what is the influence of non-LTE abundance calculations on the chemical evolution diagrams of the Galaxy? Do these computations add another different constraints to the chemical history of enrichment of the matter in the Galaxy? In this work, we present non-LTE abundances derived from computation of statistical equilibrium of Ca and Mg atoms, using published equivalent widths (Sect. 3). The atomic data and stellar atmospheric models used are presented in Sect. 2. $\\alpha$ elements like Mg and Ca have well-known enhanced abundances in atmospheres of F-G metal-poor dwarf stars as a result of cumulative stellar generations. Recently, Nissen \\& Schuster(1997) and Jehin et al. (1999) proposed the existence of two sequences of stars having two different [$\\alpha$/Fe] ratios for intermediate stars ([Fe/H] $\\approx$ -1). Their works are based on highly accurate observations of stars having approximately same temperatures and surface gravities. Based on our non-LTE computations, we found different branches or sub-populations of stars not only for intermediate metallicities; consequences for chemical evolution models of the Galaxy are presented in Sect. 4. We drawn our conclusions in Sect. 5. ", "conclusions": "We report here non-LTE differential abundances for 252 subdwarf to subgiant stars using published high resolution equivalent widths. [Ca/Fe] and [Mg/Fe] diagrams show remarkable structures, both in the halo and disk phases of the Galaxy, which are not related with observational or atmospheric parameter uncertainties. These results lead us to a possible evolutive galactic scenario of non-homogeneity or incomplete mixing of synthesized SNII yields (Karlsson \\& Gustafsson, 1999, Argast et al. 1999). A surprising result is the behavior of M92 stars, mainly in the Ca diagram, suggesting a common origin for field and cluster stars. Spectroscopic high resolution with good S/N of stars in clusters are needed to confirm or not the sketch of a new chemical evolution model presented in this work. New non-LTE analysis for other $\\alpha$-elements is also necessary to verify if this structural behavior applies to all $\\alpha$-capture SNII products." }, "0004/astro-ph0004047_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present spectroscopic observations from the {\\sl Hubble Space Telescope} that reveal for the first time the presence of a broad pedestal of Balmer-line emission in the LINER galaxy NGC 4203. The emission-line profile is suggestive of a relativistic accretion disk, and is reminiscent of double-peaked transient Balmer emission observed in a handful of other LINERs. The very broad line emission thus constitutes clear qualitative evidence for a black hole, and spatially resolved narrow-line emission in NGC~4203 can be used to constrain its mass, $M_{BH }\\le 6\\times 10^6$ M$_\\odot$ at 99.7\\% confidence. This value implies a ratio of black-hole mass to bulge mass $\\lesssim 7\\times 10^{-4}$ in NGC~4203, which is less by a factor of $\\sim 3 - 9$ than the mean ratio obtained for other galaxies. The availability of an independent constraint on central black-hole mass makes NGC~4203 an important testbed for probing the physics of weak active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Assuming $M_{BH }$ near the detection limit, the ratio of observed luminosity to the Eddington luminosity is $\\sim 10^{-4}$. This value is consistent with advection-dominated accretion, and hence with scenarios in which an ion torus irradiates an outer accretion disk that produces the observed double-peaked line emission. Follow-up observations will make it possible to improve the black-hole mass estimate and study variability in the nuclear emission. ", "introduction": "Spectroscopic surveys have revealed that a large fraction of nearby early-type galaxies harbor low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions, or LINERs (Heckman 1980\\markcite{Heckman80}; Ho et al. 1997a\\markcite{Ho97a} and references therein). The physical understanding of these sources remains rudimentary, but there are strong indications that at least some LINERs are weak versions of the Seyfert or QSO phenomenon, and hence powered by accretion onto a massive black hole. LINERs are nonetheless distinct from classical AGNs in terms of their characteristic (low) luminosity, emission-line properties, and broad-band spectral energy distribution (Ho 1999\\markcite{Ho99}). These differences may follow from fundamental disparities in the accretion process operative in luminous and weak AGNs. The study of emission-line behavior on small spatial scales within galaxy nuclei provides one strategy for probing the energetics, dynamics, and structure of LINERs and related objects. Here we report on observations acquired with the {\\sl Hubble Space Telescope}\\/ ({\\sl HST}\\/) for the LINER NGC~4203. The data provide dynamical constraints on a black hole, and reveal line emission that may directly trace an accretion flow in this source. These observations and future follow-up studies will provide an important framework for testing physical models for the structure of LINERs, and the nature of black holes in galaxy nuclei. ", "conclusions": "NGC~4203 is the latest addition to a small set of LINERs that exhibit broad, double-shouldered Balmer lines. The discovery of two such objects in our {\\sl HST} survey (NGC~4450 being the other; Ho et al. 2000a\\markcite{Ho_et00a}) suggests that such emission may be common in LINERs, but often eludes detection in ground-based apertures for which the contrast with the stellar continuum is weak. The line profile in NGC~4203 is noteworthy for its resemblance to emission profiles seen in broad-line radio galaxies, which have been interpreted as the signature of a thin outer accretion disk irradiated by an inner ion torus, representing an advection-dominated flow onto a black hole. The nucleus of NGC~4203 also exhibits spatially resolved emission that can be used to provide kinematic information on the underlying mass distribution. The existing observations at a single PA can be used to restrict the underlying black-hole mass to $M_{BH} \\le 6 \\times 10^6$ M$_\\odot$. The availability of a mass estimate for the black hole is of fundamental importance for studying the physics of the accretion process. Our limiting value for $M_{BH}$ is consistent with a sub-Eddington accretion rate and formation of an ADAF, although a more stringent limit could challenge this picture. Follow-up observations from space, or with small apertures under good seeing conditions on the ground, will make it possible to improve the estimate of the black-hole mass and study time evolution of the~broad~H$\\alpha$~emission." }, "0004/astro-ph0004271_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first results of a survey of blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars in the Galactic bulge. In this exploratory study, candidates with $15 \\leq V \\leq 17.5$ covering a wide range in \\bmv\\ color were selected from CTIO Schmidt $UBV$ photometry. Blue spectra were recorded at 2.4\\angs\\ FWHM resolution for 164 stars in a 1.3 sq.\\ dg.\\ field $\\sim$7.5\\dg\\ from the Galactic center. Radial velocities were measured for all stars. For stars with strong Balmer lines, we devised and applied a spectroscopic technique to determine stellar temperature \\teff, gravity \\logg, and metallicity \\feh\\ independent of reddening. The reddening and distance to each star were then found from $UBV$ photometry. Reddening proved highly variable, with \\ebmv\\ ranging from 0.0 to 0.55 around a mean of 0.28. The \\bmv\\ colors of cool HB stars of solar metallicity reddenened by \\ebmv\\ $\\geq 0.3$ overlap those of foreground main-sequence stars, but the \\umb\\ vs.\\ \\bmv\\ diagram distinguishes these groups until \\ebmv\\ $>$ 0.5. Forty-seven BHB candidates were identified with \\teff\\ $\\geq$ 7250\\kel. Seven have the gravities of \\popi\\ stars, three are ambiguous, and 37 are HB stars, including perhaps a dozen RR Lyraes. The unambiguous BHB stars are all cooler than 9000\\,K. They span a wide metallicity range, from solar to 1/300 solar. The warmer BHB's are more metal-poor and loosely concentrated towards the Galactic center, while the cooler ones are of somewhat higher metallicity and are situated closer to the center. We detect two cool solar-metallicity HB stars in the bulge of our own Galaxy, the first such stars known. Still elusive are their fainter hot counterparts, the metal-rich sdB/O stars strong in ultraviolet light. ", "introduction": "According to classical calculations of single-star evolution \\citep[e.g.,][]{roo73}, the color of a star that has left the giant branch to become a core-helium-burning star on the horizontal branch (HB) depends primarily on its age and metallicity. At lower metallicities, a wide range in color is both found and predicted among BHB stars if modest mass loss is assumed. Among populations of solar metallicity or higher, only HB stars redder than the RR Lyrae instability strip should be produced within a Hubble time. However, the most metal-rich globular clusters in the Galaxy, such as \\ngc 6388 and \\ngc 6441 near the Galactic center, do show a handful of BHB stars \\citep{ric97}. These are mostly cool or warm BHB's \\citep{moesc99}, with few if any of the hottest, faintest types, the subdwarf sdB stars and their relatively rare successors the sdO stars. Surprisingly, significant numbers of sdB/O's are found in metal-rich populations in the Milky Way; even more surprisingly, they appear to outnumber cool and warm metal-rich BHB's. In the field, where it is difficult to distinguish BHB's of intermediate temperature from \\popi\\ A stars, few if any metal-rich cool BHB's are known -- \\citet{gra96}, for example, uncovered only one possible BHB with \\feh\\ $\\ge$ $-0.7$, out of 39 BHB's newly identified. In contrast, there are dozens of field sdB/O stars whose gravities indicate HB status, and whose radial velocities indicate a thick disk rather than halo population \\citep{saf94,saf97}. Among open clusters \\citep[reviewed by][]{fri95}, the most striking occurrence of sdB/O stars is found in \\ngc 6791, with a metallicity 3 -- 4 times solar \\citep{pet98}. In addition to two cooler BHB (or blue straggler) members, the cluster harbors four or five sdB/O stars \\citep{lie94} whose membership is likely given their spatial concentration towards the cluster center \\citep{kal92}. Hot, metal-rich BHB stars also appear to be present in metal-rich extragalactic systems. As reviewed by \\citet{oco99}, elliptical galaxies and early-type spiral bulges commonly show an upturn in integrated light below 2000\\angs, where old main-sequence turnoff stars have very little flux. Both the smooth spatial distribution and the continuous spectral distribution of the UV upturn indicate that it is not caused by young O and B stars, but rather by hot old stars, sdB/O's and the brighter but rarer blue post-AGB stars \\citep{dor95,bro97}. Among elliptical galaxies, the size of the UV upturn tends to increase with increasing galactic metallicity \\citep{fab83,bur88,lon89}, although the strongest correlation is with line indices based on light elements rather than iron itself, the scatter is large, and there is no continuity between these systems and globular clusters. The presence of BHB stars in high-metallicity populations and the reversal in their color distribution raise major questions as to their origin. Both observation and theory suggest that BHB stars in metal-rich systems may be produced by channels in addition to those operating in metal-poor systems. Theoretical production of metal-rich sdB's from single-star evolution can be achieved with a rapid increase at \\feh\\ $> 0$ in either helium abundance \\citep{bre94,yi98} or mass loss \\citep{dor95,dcr96}. It may also be accomplished with deep mixing, and thus accompanied by light-element enhancements \\citep{swe97,kra98}. However, binary mass transfer may play a dominant role at the hot end of the BHB, since a large fraction of field sdB/O stars are found to be binaries \\citep{all94,gre00}. Blue stragglers, thought also to have formed by mass transfer, may therefore be involved in the production of hot HB stars. Constraints on these mechanisms might be placed by determining the color distribution and light-element ratios of metal-rich versus metal-poor BHB's, and by determining whether blue stragglers of similar metallicity are invariably present. The best place to do this is in the Milky Way bulge itself. The bulge is the only Milky Way population sizable enough to support large numbers of BHB stars. Unlike the centers of external galaxies, it is sufficiently nearby that stars as faint as the sdB's may be resolved individually. It resembles elliptical galaxies and spiral bulges in stellar density and star-formation history \\citep{whi78,fro87,ter90,hou95} as well as in a relatively high abundance of light elements \\citep{mcw94,sad96}. Its metallicity gradient \\citep{ter88,fro90,tys93,tie95} provides a natural testbed of how metallicity drives stellar evolution. Consequently we have undertaken a survey of the BHB population in four windows of the bulge along and near its minor axis. BHB candidates are selected from $UBV$ photometry. For a representative subset, follow-up moderate-resolution spectroscopy is providing stellar parameters (confirming BHB status and establishing reddening), plus iron and magnesium abundances to as high a temperature as possible. The basic goal is a statistically complete survey of stars on or near the BHB across all temperatures where they occur, from 7250\\kel\\ to 35,000\\kel. We aim for the same degree of completeness for all BHB stars, regardless of their temperature and metallicity. Such a survey would show immediately whether cool BHB's and sdB/O stars exist at all in the bulge, as suggested at the cool end from its RR Lyrae stars \\citep{wt91}. Knowledge of the numbers of hot BHB stars in each field, in conjunction with the metallicity and temperature distribution of cooler BHB stars in the same region, should help greatly in disentangling the relative influence of the various production factors noted above. We begin with this pilot study of a single region limited in magnitude to the cool end of the BHB, whose results we briefly summarize here. Spectra were obtained during the commissioning phase of the Two-Degree Field (2DF) spectrograph of the \\aat. Forty-seven stars whose Balmer-line profiles indicated temperatures $\\geq$ 7250\\kel\\ were analyzed by comparing their spectra with a grid of theoretical spectra. Reddening was then found from the model colors as tabulated by Kurucz. We show that reddening varies dramatically from star to star within this field, with $0 \\leq\\ \\ebmv\\ \\leq\\ 0.55$, so that colors alone cannot determine \\teff\\ and \\logg. However, the $UBV$ color-color diagram helps to distinguish BHB stars from main-sequence turnoff interlopers as long as \\ebmv\\ $\\la$ 0.50. Thirty-seven of the hot stars proved to have temperatures and gravities indicating a position on the horizontal branch. Two more of the hottest stars might be either BHB or main-sequence stars. None of the unambiguous BHB stars in this sample proves to have \\teff\\ $\\geq$ 9000\\,K, which we attribute to the sparseness of our sample at blue colors and faint magnitudes. We estimate roughly a dozen of our coolest hot stars to be RR Lyraes, pulsating variables located just redward of the BHB stars on the horizontal branch. The hotter BHB stars in this sample tend to be more metal-poor and more spatially extended than the cooler ones. We comment on the possible implications for BHB and RR Lyrae production in metal-rich and metal-poor bulge populations. Five HB stars are discerned with \\feh\\ $\\geq$ $-0.5$ in the bulge itself, the first such stars found. Searches to fainter magnitudes are planned to reach the hot sdB stars believed responsible for the UV upturn. ", "conclusions": "Of the 47 stars found to have \\teff\\ $\\geq$ 7250\\kel, gravities \\logg\\ indicate that nine are possible \\popi\\ core-hydrogen-burning stars. (A tenth, star 163 with the unusual gravity \\logg\\ = 3.5 at \\teff\\ = 7750\\kel, is likely to be an RR Lyrae.) Of the nine, three stars have \\teff\\ = 7250\\kel\\ and \\logg\\ = 4.0, and are likely to be foreground young stars given their distances. Four clearly are young \\popi\\ stars, with \\logg\\ = 4.0 and \\teff\\ $<$ 9000\\,K. Two of these show classical peculiarities \\citep{jas90}: 91 is a Sr-Cr-Eu Ap star, with strong \\srj\\ lines and suitable \\bmv\\ colors, and 46 has very weak \\caj\\ for its Balmer-line and metallic-line strengths, as is typical of Am stars. Stars 75 and 91 are broad-lined. If due to rapid rotation, implied \\vsini\\ values are $\\sim$ 110\\kms\\ and $\\sim$ 190\\kms\\ respectively, values in keeping with normal main-sequence A stars (Jaschek \\& Jaschek 1990). Two stars (48 and 182) with \\teff\\ $\\geq$ 9000\\kel\\ and \\logg\\ = 3.5 could be either foreground young stars or \\popj\\ evolved stars. If the latter, neither is in the bulge, but rather in front of it. Thirty-seven stars are evolved \\popj\\ core-helium-burning stars on the HB: those with 8500\\kel\\ $\\geq$ \\teff\\ $\\geq$ 7250\\kel\\ and 3.0 $\\geq$ \\logg\\ $\\geq$ 2.5. As discussed above, among the cooler stars we must allow for RR Lyraes, which are HB stars but not BHB stars. We estimate that two stars with \\teff\\ $\\ge$ 8000\\kel, five with 7500 -- 7750\\kel, and seven of the nine with 7250\\kel\\ should be considered variables. This leaves the number of bona-fide BHB stars around 23. In our sample, no unambiguous BHB stars appear with \\teff\\ $>$ 8500\\kel. The Balmer line strengths reach a maximum near 9500\\kel, that of the hottest star we have discerned, so the possibility exists that we have erroneously assigned hotter stars to the cooler side. We do not think this has happened, because in hot stars both the Balmer line profiles and the strengths of weak atomic lines are well reproduced at the temperatures assigned. It is premature to conclude that hotter BHB stars are absent from the bulge, however, because of the sparse coverage of the spectroscopic dataset at the colors and magnitudes appropriate for stars hotter than 10,000\\kel\\ reddened by \\ebmv\\ = 0.3. We may judge this from the \\ngc 6791 CMD and the model colors. \\cite{cha99} match isochrones to the \\ngc 6791 CMD, deriving 0.08 $\\leq$ \\ebmv\\ $\\leq$ 0.13 and 13.30 $\\leq$ \\dmv\\ $\\leq$ 13.45. Indeed, the colors \\citep{mon94,kal95} of 2-17, the cool BHB candidate in \\ngc6791, are matched to a few hundredths in $U - B$, % \\bmv, and \\vmi\\ by those of the model with \\teff\\ = 7250\\kel, \\logg\\ = 3.0, and \\feh\\ = +0.3 when \\ebmv\\ = 0.15 is taken. Adopting \\mv\\ = 1.1 for this star, for which $V$ = 15.0, also reproduces \\dmv\\ = 13.45. Stars in the bulge would appear 1 mag fainter at the same reddening, or 1.5 mag fainter in $V$ if \\ebmv\\ = 0.3. Thus a star with \\teff\\ = 11,500\\kel\\ and \\logg\\ = 4.0 would have $V$ = 16.0 in \\ngc 6791, but would have $V$ = 17.5 in the bulge at \\ebmv\\ = 0.3, and \\bmv\\ = 0.20 and \\umb\\ = $-0.06$ based on the models. We have obtained very few spectra of stars this faint and this blue (see Figures 1 and 2), and so should not be surprised to find none this hot. The HB stars uncovered by our analysis span a wide metallicity range, $-2.5 \\leq \\feh\\ \\leq\\ +0.0$. This is considerably broader than the metallicity distribution for RR Lyrae stars in Baade's Window at $-4$\\dg\\ \\citep{wt91}, which is sharply peaked near $\\langle{\\rm [Fe/H]}\\rangle = -1.0$ and drops quickly for $\\feh > -0.9$. The HB metallicity distribution is also broader than that of K giants, but in the opposite sense: the K-giant mean is $\\langle\\feh\\rangle$ = $-0.11$, and few K giants are found below $-1.0$ \\citep{sad96}. The true BHB stars with 8500\\kel\\ $\\geq$ \\teff\\ $\\ge$ 8000\\kel\\ span a rather wide range of distances. Excluding as RR Lyrae stars both star 162 and (arbitrarily) star 118 (at 8000\\kel), we find for 14 BHB stars a mean distance of 8.9\\kpc\\ with an individual deviation $\\sigma_i$ = 4.1\\kpc. Their radial velocity dispersion is 100.5\\kms\\ with a mean of 22.0\\kms. They are metal-poor, averaging \\feh\\ = $-1.59 \\pm 0.13$ with $\\sigma_i$ = 0.49\\,dex. The hotter BHB stars in our sample thus are dominated by a metal-poor, extended-bulge population reminiscent of the halo. The mean metallicity of the cooler HB stars is difficult to judge but is probably higher. The mean and standard deviation for all 19 low-gravity stars with \\teff\\ $\\leq$ 7750\\kel\\ is \\feh\\ = $-1.29 \\pm 0.18$ and $\\sigma_i$ = 0.77. For the ten stars remaining after excluding the most likely RR Lyraes listed above, we find \\feh\\ = $-1.10 \\pm 0.25$ and $\\sigma_i$ = 0.78\\,dex. Because of the large velocity variability of RR Lyraes, exceeding $100$\\kms\\ for $ab$ types, it is premature to examine the cool HB stars' velocity dispersion. There are five HB stars with \\feh\\ $\\geq$ $-0.5$, including two with solar metallicity. Only one has \\teff\\ $>$ 7500\\kel. The five stars are located an average 8.2\\kpc\\ away, with a 1$\\sigma$ dispersion of 2.9\\kpc. Thus they are indeed bulge stars. We cannot exclude the possibility that both the solar-metallicity stars are RR Lyraes, given their 7500\\kel\\ temperatures. This is not likely, however, in view of the paucity of metal-rich $c$ RR Lyrae variables \\citep{smi95}, as well as the good fits to their spectra and colors. Moreover, the velocities of these two stars are low, $-56$ and $-45$\\kms. Our work has thus identified solar-metallicity HB stars in the bulge for the first time. Coupled with the dichotomy above between the RR Lyrae and K-giant metallicities in the bulge, this suggests that the warm and cool BHB stars at this angular distance from the Galactic center may be dominated by two different progenitor populations. One is metal-poor and the other metal-rich, and their HB-star output differs considerably. The metal-poor population, less concentrated to the Galactic center, seems to produce many warm and cool BHB stars per K giant. The metal-rich population, more concentrated towards the galactic center, seems to produce far fewer HB stars per K giant, mostly cool ones. Moreover, the metal-poor population might form RR Lyraes in preference to stable BHB stars of low temperature, while the metal-rich population might do the opposite. This is suggested from the dearth of metal-rich RR Lyraes in both the bulge and the solar neighborhood, and by the low temperature of 7250\\kel\\ \\citep{pet98} found for the nonvariable metal-rich star 2-17 in \\ngc 6791, if a true BHB. Thus metal-poor and metal-rich RR Lyraes, like metal-poor and metal-rich sdB's, might be formed through a somewhat different assortment of pathways than cool BHB stars. Such a possibility is also suggested by measurements of surface rotation \\vsini. Although none of the 27 field RR Lyrae stars measured by \\citet{pet96} showed \\vsini\\ $\\geq$ 10\\kms, over half of the cool and warm BHB stars do so, in both globular clusters and the field \\citep{pet83,pet85,pet95}. Globular-cluster BHB stars with \\teff\\ $\\geq$ 12,000\\kel\\ also show very low \\vsini\\ values \\citep{beh99,beh00}. However, to clarify the pathways of formation of RR Lyraes and sdB's in metal-rich and metal-poor populations, we must analyze a much larger sample of bulge HB stars in which RR Lyraes are detected photometrically, and which goes blue enough and faint enough to detect BHB stars hotter than 12,000\\kel. Reaching the sdB's -- the hottest, faintest BHB stars -- requires going to magnitudes well beyond those of our current survey. Given the average magnitude $$ = 18.0 of such stars in \\ngc 6791, the discussion above suggests they are expected near $V$ = 20.5 at the distance of the bulge when \\ebmv\\ = 0.3. At this reddening, the colors of the solar-metallicity Kurucz model with \\teff\\ = 25,000\\kel\\ and \\logg\\ = 5.0 are \\bmv\\ = 0.07 and \\umb\\ = $-0.68$, reaching 0.01 and $-0.86$ at \\teff\\ = 35,000\\kel. To detect and count such stars in the future, we plan to pursue bulge $UBV$ photometry to $V \\sim B \\sim 21$ and $U \\sim 20.5$. We aim to secure spectroscopy for BHB and blue straggler candidates to $V \\sim 18.5$ and perhaps beyond, to characterize their temperatures and metallicities. By so extending this survey, we hope to shed light on the both the mechanism(s) of production of BHB stars and the predisposing factors of the UV upturn phenomenon." }, "0004/hep-th0004134_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A four-form gauge flux makes a variable contribution to the cosmological constant. This has often been assumed to take continuous values, but we argue that it has a generalized Dirac quantization condition. For a single flux the steps are much larger than the observational limit, but we show that with multiple fluxes the allowed values can form a sufficiently dense `discretuum'. Multiple fluxes generally arise in M theory compactifications on manifolds with non-trivial three-cycles. In theories with large extra dimensions a few four-forms suffice; otherwise of order 100 are needed. Starting from generic initial conditions, the repeated nucleation of membranes dynamically generates regions with $\\lambda$ in the observational range. Entropy and density perturbations can be produced. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "Compactifications of M-theory generally give rise to multiple four-form field strengths. We showed that such theories have vacua with discrete but closely spaced values for the cosmological constant. In the Witten GUT scenario, the spectrum will contain values of $\\lambda$ in the observable range if the number of four-forms is of order 100. (This requires that the cosmological constant to be cancelled is of GUT scale, not weak scale). In models with large internal dimensions, four or five four-forms suffice, and a weak-scale cosmological constant can be cancelled. By repeated membrane nucleation, flux configurations with $\\lambda \\approx 0$ arise dynamically from generic initial conditions. We argued that entropy and density perturbations can be generated in such regions, and showed that the amplitude for the decay of the $\\lambda \\approx 0$ vacuum is negligible. An attractive feature of this proposal is that it simultaneously addresses two questions that are usually treated as distinct. The first question is: Why is the cosmological constant not huge? One would expect a vacuum density $\\lambda$ of order $M_{\\rm Pl}^4$, or at least TeV$^4$ with supersymmetry. Until recently this was the only cosmological constant problem. It appeared to require a symmetry ensuring the exact cancellation of all contributions to the cosmological constant. This is difficult because contributions are expected to come from many different scales. The second question is: Why is the cosmological constant not zero? Recent evidence% \\footnote{A review of these observations can be found in Ref.~\\cite{Car00}.} points to a flat universe with $\\Omega_{\\rm m} \\approx 0.3$ and $\\Omega_\\lambda \\approx 0.7$. The favored value for the vacuum energy is $\\lambda \\approx 10^{-120} M_{\\rm Pl}^4 \\approx (0.003 \\mbox{ eV})^4$. In particular, a flat universe with vanishing vacuum energy has been ruled out. But if it is difficult to explain $\\lambda=0$, a small non-zero cosmological constant seems to pose an even greater theoretical challenge. The mechanism we propose has limited accuracy because of flux quantization, so that a residual cosmological constant is inevitable. Our proposal has certain features of the Brown-Teitelboim idea, and also certain features of eternal inflation~\\cite{Lin86a}. Previously, however, both of these ideas have been difficult to realize with a plausible microphysics. Our proposal allows both to be realized within string theory. For the Brown-Teitelboim idea, the main problem was the very small energy scale needed in the discretuum; we see that this can be obtained from a normal hierarchy with multiple fluxes. Eternal inflation with generic polynomial potentials requires scalar field expectation values strictly larger than the Planck scale. In string theory the scale of the field manifold is the string scale, which is no larger than the Planck scale. The manifold is actually noncompact, but the asymptotic regions generally correspond to decompactification of spacetime, and in this region the effective potential generally ceases to be flat. We have realized a version of eternal inflation that does not require such a large scalar, and uses elements already present in string theory.% \\footnote{A precursor to the idea of four-form-driven eternal inflation was presented in Ref.~\\cite{BouCha98}.} Moreover, if the membrane charges are large, the high temperature of de~Sitter space before the final membrane nucleation induces Brownian motion of the inflaton field, thus preparing suitable initial conditions for chaotic inflation after the transition. The main problem with realizing our picture is the stabilization of the compact dimensions, which is of course a ubiquitous problem in string theory. A positive bulk cosmological constant is a useful ingredient~\\cite{Sun98,ArkDim98b}, but it is not clear that this can be realized in string theory. It is interesting that the naked singularity proposal~\\cite{Ark00,Kac00} appears to lead in the end to a very similar picture. The free parameters that correspond to boundary conditions at a naked singularity in a compact space will become, in a four-dimensional effective Lagrangian, variable coupling constants. In the original proposal these were assumed to be continuous and constant in time, but in Ref.~\\cite{PolStr00} it was argued that they are discrete and can change across a domain wall, just as for the fluxes considered here. In the example~\\cite{PolStr00} there was a potentially large number of states, of order $e^{\\sqrt N}$ where $N$ is at Ramond-Ramond charge of the singularity. Note, however, that a charge of order $10^5$ is needed to produce a discretuum sufficiently dense to account for the smallness of the cosmological constant. In Ref.~\\cite{PolStr00} the main focus was on supersymmetric states, which were all degenerate, but with supersymmetry breaking there will again be a spectrum for $\\lambda$. Again, stabilization will be an issue. The appearance of the anthropic principle, even in the weak form encountered here, is not entirely pleasant, but we would argue that it is necessary in any approach where the cosmological constant is a dynamical variable. That is, a small value for the present cosmological constant cannot be obtained by dynamical considerations alone. The point is that we can follow cosmology at least back to nucleosynthesis, when the present cosmological constant contributed only a fraction $10^{-30}$ to the energy density of the universe, and so was dynamically irrelevant. At earlier times, including the point where the cosmological constant is to have been determined, the fraction would have been even smaller.\\footnote{One exception is the wormhole idea~\\cite{Col88a}, where the value of the cosmological constant in our universe is determined by the presence of other, empty, universes. At least one of the authors retains a certain wary fondness for this possibility.}" }, "0004/astro-ph0004029_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this work we explore the effects of adopting an initial mass function (IMF) variable in time on the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. In order to do that we adopt a chemical evolution model which assumes two main infall episodes for the formation of the Galaxy. We study the effects on such a model of different IMFs. First, we use a theoretical one based on the statistical description of the density field arising from random motions in the gas. This IMF is a function of time as it depends on physical conditions of the site of star formation. We also investigate the behaviour of the model predictions using other variable IMFs, parameterized as a function of metallicity. Our results show that the theoretical IMF when applied to our model depends on time but such time variation is important only in the early phases of the Galactic evolution, when the IMF is biased towards massive stars. We also show that the use of an IMF which is a stronger function of time does not lead to a good agreement with the observational constraints suggesting that if the IMF varied this variation should have been small. Our main conclusion is that the G-dwarf metallicity distribution is best explained by infall with a large timescale and a constant IMF, since it is possible to find variable IMFs of the kind studied here, reproducing the G-dwarf metallicity but this worsens the agreement with other observational constraints. ", "introduction": "Observational constraints are of fundamental importance to build a realistic chemical evolution model. With respect to these constraints the last years have been of crucial importance (Pagel 1997) and, in the case of the Milky Way, the new observational data required a revision of the previous chemical evolution models (see Pagel and Tautvaisiene 1995 and Chiappini et al. 1997, hereinafter CMG, for a discussion on this point). In particular, Gratton et al. (1996, 1999) showed that the distribution of the abundances of $\\alpha$-elements to Fe for a large homogeneous sample of stars in the solar neighbourhood seems to indicate a short timescale for the evolution of the halo and thick disk phases and a sudden decrease in the star formation in the epoch preceding the formation of the thin disk. An analogous result was found by Fuhrmann (1998) for the [Mg/Fe] ratio. Moreover, Beers and Sommer-Larsen (1995) have shown that the thick disk population extends to very low metallicities. Those are very important new information which stimulated us (CMG) to consider a different picture of Galaxy formation than those previously adopted. Previous models, in fact, (e.g. Matteucci and Fran\\c cois 1989) were based on a pure colapse picture where the disk formed from gas shed from the halo. These models, however, are difficult to conciliate with the new results discussed above indicating a discontinuity between halo and thin disk. We than suggested the so-called {\\it Two-Infall Model}, a model that assumes that the Galactic thin disk was not only formed from gas shed from the halo but was formed mainly from extra-galactic gas. We assume two main infall episodes, the first one is responsible for the formation of the population made of that fraction of the halo and thick disk stars which originated from a fast dissipative collapse, such as suggested by Eggen et al. (1962). The second infall episode forms the thin disk component with a timescale much longer than that of the halo formation. In this new picture the disk was formed slowly (with a timescale of 7-8 Gyrs at the solar vicinity) and from inside-out (Matteucci and Fran\\c cois 1989). A direct consequence of that is that at high redshift we should expect to see smaller disks in size (Roche et al. 1998). This long timescale for the formation of the thin disk at the solar vicinity, required to produce a good fit of the obseved G-dwarf metallicity distribution (Rocha-Pinto and Maciel 1996) was also confirmed by recent chemical evolution models (eg. Portinari et al. 1998, Prantzos and Silk 1998, Chang et al. 1999) as well as by chemo-dynamical models (eg. Hensler 1998) and is also in agreement with the results showed in this conference by Carraro (2000). The two-infall model adopted a constant IMF. On the empirical grounds there is at present no clear direct evidence that the IMF in the Galaxy has varied with time. A detailed discussion about possible observed variations in the IMF in different environments is given by Scalo (1998), but such variations are comparable with the uncertainties still involved in the IMF determinations. The present uncertainties in the observational results prevent any conclusion against the idea of an universal IMF. However, a variable IMF, which formed relatively more massive stars during the earlier phases of the evolution of the Galaxy compared to the one observed today in the solar vicinity, has often been suggested as being one of the possible solutions for the G-dwarf problem (namely the deficiency of metal-poor stars in the solar neighborhood when compared with the number of such stars predicted by the simple model). Such an IMF would also be physically plausible from the theoretical point of view if the IMF depends on a mass scale such as the Jeans mass. Given the uncertainties in both theoretical and observational grounds, the proposed IMFs can in principle be tested by means of a detailed chemical evolution model. An example of a theoretical approach to the IMF problem is the one proposed by Padoan et al. (1997 - hereinafter PNJ). Since random motions are probably ubiquitous in sites of star formation, PNJ suggested to describe the formation of protostars as the gravitational collapse of Jeans masses in a density distribution shaped by random supersonic motions (but see Scalo et al. 1998). This IMF was already tested in models of elliptical galaxies by Chiosi et al. (1998) and they concluded that a strongly varying IMF could be suitable for such galaxies. Our goal was to address the question of what time-dependent IMF properties are allowed in order to still match the observational constraints when adopting the two-infall model (CMG). To do this we tested different IMFs in our chemical evolution code, going from those where the variability is contained in the slope of the power-law, assumed to be a function of the metallicity (parametrizations adopted by Scully et al. 1996, Matteucci and Tornamb\\'e 1987), to the one by PNJ which predicts also a change in the stellar mass which contributes most to the IMF as a function of time. A detailed description of the {\\it Two-Infall} model as well as of the PNJ IMF and the hypothesis needed to introduce it in our chemical evolution code are discussed in detail in Chiappini et al. 2000a (hereinafter CMP; see also CMG and PNJ). ", "conclusions": "The main results are summarized below: \\par\\noindent a) We tested the IMF proposed by PNJ in a model for the chemical evolution of the Milky Way (CMG) and we showed that this IMF gives good agreement with the observed properties of the solar vicinity. However, such an agreement is due to the fact that this IMF when applied to the two-infall model shows a time variation that is important only in the early phases of Galactic evolution. This in turn is due to the simplifying assumptions adopted here, like neglecting the dependence of the IMF on the gas temperature which would produce more sharply varying IMF. In these early phases the IMF is biased towards massive stars. \\par\\noindent c) the PNJ IMF combined with the inside-out picture for the thin disk formation predicts a gradient flatter than the one predicted by a model which adopts a constant IMF. This situation cannot be reversed by changing the SFR because in this case the abundance gradient is recovered but the gas density profile is destroyed. \\par\\noindent d) Models which adopt IMFs strongly dependent on metallicity, thus simulating a dependence also on the gas temperature, are not in agreement with the most important observational constraints of the solar vicinity and predict radial gas profiles at variance with observations, therefore they should be rejected. \\par\\noindent e) We conclude that a constant IMF and the assumption of a continuous infall onto the Galactic disk is still the best way to explain the observational constraints in the Milky Way including the G-dwarf metallicity distribution. A probable source of the required infall could be the HVCs (see Burton and Braun 1999 for a discussion on this point). {\\small" }, "0004/astro-ph0004265_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present high-resolution spectra (R $\\sim$ 49,000) of stars that have parallax measurements from the {\\it Hipparcos} satellite and are projected along the line of sight to the two nearest known star forming clouds to the Sun: MBM12 and MBM20. The spectra were obtained with the FOCES Echelle Spectrograph at the 2.2 meter telescope in Calar Alto, Spain and the wavelength range was chosen to include the interstellar \\ion{Na}{I} D lines at $\\lambda 5889.950$ \\AA\\ and $\\lambda 5895.924$ \\AA. Since the stars are at a range of distances, we use their spectra along with their parallaxes from {\\it Hipparcos} to determine the distance to the molecular gas. The stars in front of the cloud do not show interstellar \\ion{Na}{I} D absorption features while the stars behind the cloud do show interstellar absorption features. We find that both clouds are somewhat more distant than previously estimated. The revised distance to MBM12 is 58$\\pm$5~pc $< d <$ 90$\\pm$12~pc and the distance to MBM20 is $112\\pm15$ pc $< d <$ $161\\pm21$~pc. ", "introduction": "The two nearest known star forming clouds to the Sun are MBM12 and MBM20. The MBM12 complex consists of clouds 11, 12, and 13 from the catalog of Magnani et al.~(1985) and is located at (l,b) $\\sim$ (159\\fdg4,$-$34\\fdg3) (we will refer to the entire complex as MBM12). It was first identified by Lynds (1962) and appears as objects L1453-L1454, L1457, L1458 in her catalog of dark nebulae. The mass of the entire complex is estimated to be $\\sim$~30--200~M$_{\\odot}$ based on radio maps of the region in $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO and C$^{18}$O (Pound et al.~1990; Zimmermann \\& Ungerechts 1990). The cloud MBM20 was first identified as L1642 in the Lynds (1962) catalog of dark nebulae. The mass of MBM20 is $\\sim$~84~M$_{\\odot}$ and it is located at (l,b) $\\sim$ (210\\fdg9,$-$36\\fdg6) southwest of the Orion star forming complex (Magnani et al. 1985). Both MBM12 and MBM20 are star forming clouds. Several T~Tauri stars have been identified in MBM12 via H$\\alpha$ emission line and X-ray surveys (Herbig \\& Bell 1988; Stephenson 1986; Hearty et al. 2000). Two binary classical T~Tauri stars have been identified in the central region of MBM20 (Sandell et al. 1987). Subsequent high-resolution $^{12}$CO(J=1-0) observations near the center of the cloud have shown that the infrared point source IRAS04325-1419 corresponding to one of the binaries is associated with a red and blue-shifted bipolar outflow (Liljestr\\\"om et al. 1989). Using {\\it ROSAT} observations, Kuntz et al. (1997) find evidence based on the possible detection of 0.25 keV X-ray shadows of these clouds that both are located either within or at the edge of the Local Bubble. They estimate that distances, $d$, of $60\\leq d \\leq 90$ pc to MBM12 and $d$ $<$~100~pc to MBM20 are consistent with the foreground 0.25 keV emission seen in the direction of each cloud. The distances are also consistent with previous distance estimates (see Sect.~\\ref{previous}). Since MBM12 and MBM20 are both star forming clouds which are probably located within or at the edge of the Local Bubble, determining an accurate distance to these clouds is important for studies of stars and of the interstellar medium. In addition, observations of MBM12 are already scheduled for {\\it XMM} (50 ks) and {\\it Chandra} (100 ks) to investigate the diffuse X-ray emission of the Local Bubble. Therefore we present observations to improve the distance estimates to both clouds. In Sect.~\\ref{previous} we review previous distance estimates for these clouds and the {\\it Hipparcos} results that revise them. In Sect.~\\ref{specsec} we present our spectroscopic observations of {\\it Hipparcos} stars along the line of sight to both of the clouds which we use to improve the previous distance estimates. In Sect.~\\ref{conclusions} we summarize our investigations and suggest future observations. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} We have investigated the {\\it Hipparcos} parallax measurements of stars to estimate the distance to the two nearest star forming clouds to the Sun: MBM12 and MBM20. The {\\it Hipparcos} observations of previously observed stars suggest that the distances to both of these clouds are not as well constrained as previously thought, although they are consistent with the previous estimates. Therefore, we obtained high resolution spectra of additional {\\it Hipparcos} stars at intermediate distances and improved the distance estimates to both clouds. The distance to MBM12 is 58$\\pm$5~pc $< d <$ 90$\\pm$12~pc and the distance to MBM20 is $\\sim$ $112\\pm15$ pc $< d <$ $161\\pm21$~pc. Since there are additional stars that were observed with {\\it Hipparcos} that are projected near each cloud (though farther off axis than the stars we observed), future spectroscopic observations like those presented here may further refine our distance estimates." }, "0004/astro-ph0004053_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We quantitatively cross-associate the 18811 ROSAT Bright Source Catalog (RASS/BSC) X-ray sources with optical sources in the \\usno\\ catalog, calculating the the probability of unique association (\\pid) between each candidate within 75\\arcsec\\ of the X-ray source position, on the basis of optical magnitude and proximity. We present catalogs of RASS/BSC sources for which \\pid$>$98\\%, \\pid$>$90\\%, and \\pid$>$50\\%, which contain 2705, 5492, and 11301 unique \\usno\\ optical counterparts respectively down to the stated level of significance. Together with identifications of objects not cataloged in \\usno\\ due to their high surface brightness (M31, M32, ...) and optical pairs, we produced a total of 11803 associations to a probability of \\pid$>$50\\%. We include in this catalog a list of objects in the SIMBAD database within 10\\arcsec\\ of the \\usno\\ position, as an aid to identification and source classification. This is the first RASS/BSC counterpart catalog which provides a probability of association between each X-ray source and counterpart, quantifying the certainty of each individual association. The catalog is more useful than previous catalogs which either rely on plausibility arguments for association, or do not aid in selecting a counterpart between multiple off-band sources in the field. Sources of high probability of association can be separated out, to produce high-quality lists of classes (Seyfert 1/2s, QSOs, RS CVns) desired for targeted study, or for discovering new examples of known classes (or new classes altogether) through the spectroscopic classification of securely identified but unclassified \\usno\\ counterparts. Low \\pid\\ associations can be used for statistical studies and follow-on investigation -- for example, performing follow-up spectroscopy of the many low-mass stars to search for signatures of coronal emission, or to investigate the relationship between X-ray emission and classes of sources not previously well-studied for their X-ray emissions (such as pulsating variable stars). We find that a fraction $\\sim$65.8\\% of RASS/BSC sources have an identifiable optical counterpart, down to the magnitude limit of the \\usno\\ catalog which could be identified by their spatial proximity and high optical brightness. ", "introduction": "The ROSAT Bright Source Catalog (BSC; \\citenp{voges96,voges99}) contains positions, X-ray countrates, and spectral information of 18811 X-ray sources with countrates $>$0.05 c/s, observed during the ROSAT All-Sky-Survey (RASS). Efforts to identify the sources of X-ray emission with counterparts in other wavebands are hampered by source confusion. The error-region of the RASS/BSC sources average $\\sim$12\\arcsec (1$\\sigma$), which can contain several candidate objects, any of which may be the source of X-rays. To date, most efforts to identify the X-ray sources with parent populations -- usually, optical sources -- have been targeted toward sub-groups of known X-ray emitting populations, such as coronal X-ray sources \\cite{berghoefer97,huensch98a,huensch98b,huensch99}; AGN/QSOs \\cite{thomas98,beuermann99}; OB stars \\cite{berghoefer96,berghoefer96er,berghoefer97,motch97a,motch97b}; and high galactic latitude spectrally soft sources \\cite{thomas98}. As part of a larger effort to identify QSOs, a general spectroscopic survey has also identified stellar type-sources \\cite{bade95,bade98}. Many of these associations -- though not all -- have been based upon an argument of plausibility. In the plausibility method, one typically performs imaging photometry and spectroscopy of objects within the X-ray error-box, and finds a plausible counterpart among these; a counterpart is usually considered plausible if the candidate object's class is previously known to emit X-rays, and if the properties (such as magnitude, or implied $L_{\\rm X}/L_{\\rm opt}$) are consistent with those previously observed from other objects within its class. This method is useful when the parent population is known and rare (much less than one object per average X-ray error-box size). However, this method will not discover X-ray sources independent of object classification. In addition, some of the studies which rely upon plausibility do not measure the level of background contamination, while others do not evaluate the limiting \\pid\\ (the lowest probability of unique identification a prospective counterpart can have, and still be included in the catalog). None provide a \\pid\\ for each cross-identification, which makes it impossible to quantitatively evaluate the quality of a purported association in future work. In Table~\\ref{tab:prevwork}, we list previous works which catalog $\\approxgt$ 100 optical counterparts to RASS/BSC objects, or which sought RASS/BSC counterparts for a particular class of sources. The table includes: (1) the reference; (2) brief description of the cross-identification catalog; (3) the number of cross-identifications found and the estimated number of mis-identified (background) sources in the cross-id list ($N_{\\rm bkg}$); (4) a brief description of the identification algorithm used; (5) and the probability of unique association (\\pid) between the X-ray source and candidate counterpart at the identification limit of the catalog. For several of these works, no estimation of the probability of cross-identified sources being background sources at the detection limit was given. Of those which do, a probability of confusion with background (that is, unassociated) sources of $\\sim$50\\% is a common limit (below which, the identified counterpart is more likely to be an unrelated background object than actually associated with the X-ray source. An extensive comparison with several published and unpublished cross-identification catalogs was made in Table~3 of the RASS/BSC work \\cite[\\voges\\ hereafter]{voges99} (for a total of $\\sim$17,000 sources), which we discuss more completely in Sec.~\\ref{sec:v99}. We include, for comparison, the results of the present work. We have undertaken a project of off-band identification of ROSAT/BSC X-ray sources -- XID. The goal of this project is to provide a catalog of cross-identifications, which provides the probability of unique identification (\\pid) between the off-band counterpart for all RASS/BSC sources. We have additional motivation for performing the present work. Future databases of sources -- both in the X-ray and in other bands -- will and already do contain $10^{5}-10^{9}$ objects. This is too great a number of objects on which to perform non-automated methods for identifying counterparts. We therefore develop and use an automated method for identifying cross-band counterparts, which can be further adapted and used in future studies. We present the method and results of a statistical cross-identification between RASS/BSC and \\usno\\ catalogs, producing a high, medium, and low-quality cross-identification list. We summarize these results, and provide a short discussion on the content of the cross-identification catalog. These catalogs are given in the appendix. ", "conclusions": "We have cross-correlated the 18811 RASS/BSC X-ray sources with 321144 candidate \\usno\\ optical counterparts within 75\\arcsec\\ of the RASS/BSC source position, on the basis of $B$ magnitude and source proximity, taking into account the quoted RASS/BSC positional uncertainty. On this basis, we identify 2705 \\usno\\ objects with \\pid$>$98\\%, with $\\sim$0.66\\% background contamination; 5492 with \\pid $>$90\\%, with $\\sim$2.8\\% background contamination; and 11301 with \\pid$>$50\\%, with $\\sim18\\%$ background contamination. Thus, we have identified possible optical counterparts to 60\\% of the ROSAT/BSC on the basis of position and photometry alone. We have also provided -- for the first time -- a probability of unique identification between each of the X-ray sources and their proposed counterpart. When we include unique ``binary'' identifications, and 30 high-surface brightness objects which were not included in \\usno, we have presented optical associations for a total of 11803 objects, down to a limiting identification probability of 50\\%, which is 62.7\\% of the RASS/BSC catalog objects. More conservatively, we have presented optical associations for 5553 objects, to \\pid$\\ge$90\\%, which is 29.5\\% of the RASS/BSC catalog. The breakdown of these identified sources is listed in Table~\\ref{tab:number}. The individual identifications are subject to systematic uncertainty of the association between X-ray sources and clustered optical sources (such as clusters of galaxies, open stellar clusters and star formation regions), in which the X-ray source may reside, and the greater than average density of candidate optical counterparts makes the presence of a brighter-than-average source more likely than in a background field. Thus, the given optical identification should be considered an ``association'' -- and the likelihood that the source of X-ray emission is the identified optical point source directly or a nearby associated object must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, on the basis of the likelihood of such a secondary association. For these sources, we have listed the RASS/BSC source-name, and the identified \\usno\\ counterpart. In addition, we compiled a list of objects in the SIMBAD database within 10\\arcsec\\ of the \\usno\\ counterpart, many of which are likely to be the \\usno\\ counterpart itself. There are a surprisingly high fraction (25\\% in the \\pid$>$90\\% Catalog) of optical counterparts which are not named in the SIMBAD database. As these are (photometrically) identical to objects which have been previously classified, the unclassified objects are likely to be the same population. Thus, a program of classification of these unclassified objects will likely discover new examples of known classes of sources, although they may contain unknown classes as well. The limit on the fraction of RASS/BSC sources which have counterparts in the \\usno\\ catalog discoverable by this method is $Q\\le$72.2\\%. To improve this identification fraction between X-ray sources and optical data, either additional optical information is required (source classes, spectral colors) which will help distinguish identifiable sources, or improved X-ray localizations (such as from the ROSAT/HRI, or \\chandra), or combining X-ray and optical information to pick out sources of particular classes ($L_x/L_{\\rm opt}$)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004323_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present SCUBA observations of the protomultiple system NGC1333/IRAS4 at 450\\micron\\ and 850\\micron. The 850\\micron\\ map shows significant extended emission which is most probably a remnant of the initial cloud core. At 450\\micron, the component 4A is seen to have an elongated shape suggestive of a disk. Also we confirm that in addition to the 4A and 4B system, there exists another component 4C, which appears to lie out of the plane of the system and of the extended emission. Deconvolution of the beam reveals a binary companion to IRAS4B. Simple considerations of binary dynamics suggest that this triple 4A-4BI-4BII system is unstable and will probably not survive in its current form. Thus IRAS4 provides evidence that systems can evolve from higher to lower multiplicity as they move towards the main sequence. We construct a map of spectral index from the two wavelengths, and comment on the implications of this for dust evolution and temperature differences across the map. There is evidence that in the region of component 4A the dust has evolved, probably by coagulating into larger or more complex grains. Furthermore, there is evidence from the spectral index maps that dust from this object is being entrained in its associated outflow. ", "introduction": "Stars of all ages are commonly found in binary and multiple systems \\cite{duqmay}. In fact, amongst the youngest stars, the frequency of companions appears to be higher than in older systems (eg Ghez, 1995). In order to understand the initial stages of star formation, we need to understand the initial stages of binary star formation. There have been many theories advanced to explain the formation of binary stars (cf Clarke 1995; Bonnell 1999). These generally include either a fragmentation during collapse \\cite{boss,bonnetal}, a fragmentation of a circumstellar disc \\cite{bonnfrag,whitworth} or a post-fragmentation star-disc capture (eg Clarke \\& Pringle 1991). In order to be able to distinguish between these theories, we need to observe the youngest systems. This paper reports on recent observations of a young, protostellar multiple system NGC~1333 IRAS~4 in order to constrain its formation mechanism. NGC1333/IRAS4 is a well studied protobinary system. It was first identified as a site of star formation by Haschick et al (1986), who observed two variable H$_2$O masers. The distinct core was mapped by Jennings et al (1987). Sandell et al (1991, hereafter SADRR) mapped the system in the submillimetre with UKT14. They confirmed its multiple nature, finding a 30'' binary system embedded in diffuse emission. They labelled the components 4A and 4B. Component 4A was seen to be elongated, which SADRR interpreted as a massive disk seen at an oblique angle. Dynamical evidence of binarity for IRAS4 is lacking, but the common envelope of material surrounding the two main components suggests that they are the products of a single collapse event, the extended material being identified as the remnants of the precollapse core. This extended envelope then provides the main motivation for considering IRAS 4 to be a multiple system, rather than a chance superposition of cores. The system is associated with a high velocity outflow, mapped at various molecular transitions by Blake et al (1995, hereafter BSDGMA). These authors found a high velocity outflow originating from IRAS 4A and aligned with the apparent disk axis. Minchin et al \\shortcite{minchin} measured polarisation at 800\\micron\\ for both 4A and 4B. They found that the polarisation position angle was similar for both sources and broadly aligned with the elongated circumbinary emission. Interferometry by Lay et al \\shortcite{lay} revealed that both 4A and 4B are themselves multiple systems. 4A was revealed to be a binary of separation 1.2'' aligned with the direction of elongation of 4A. 4B appeared also to be multiple, but had a more complex nature which could not be determined. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection*{Morphology of IRAS4} The elongation of 4A could be explained as a circular disk inclined at an angle of approximately 53$^{o}$ to the plane of the sky. The elongation of 4B in the raw map appears to be EW. However, upon deconvolving the beam from the map we discovered that this elongation is due to 4B being itself a binary system. The primary component of 4B in the deconvolved 450\\micron\\ map appears to have a slight elongation along the same axis as 4A. The amount of diffuse material in which the system is embedded is difficult to determine with any accuracy, since the map does not encompass the entire extended ridge, the flux density levels may be affected by the chop throw sampling some of the extended emission, and at 450\\micron\\ the error beam may spread flux density from the compact sources into the surrounding regions. \\subsection*{Stability of the system} The separation of the 4B double is approximately 12'' on the sky. If we assume that the triple system is coplanar, so that the 4BI-BII axis has the same inclination to the plane of the sky as the 4A disk, the true BI-BII separation would then be 16'' (5600 AU for a distance of 350pc). The 4A-4B separation is approximately 30''. The long axis of the 4A disk extends some 8'' from the centre in the deconvolved images (we measure the disk extent as the distance at which the flux density reaches 5\\% of its peak value). Thus the presence of the 4A disk is not incompatible with the interpretation that 4A, 4BI and 4BII have coplanar orbits. We can also make an assessment of how stable the triple 4A-4BI-4BII system is. We first assume that the system is coplanar and the orbits circular. A criterion for stability in a hierarchical triple was developed by Harrington (1977), \\begin{equation} \\frac{D_{triple}}{D_{binary}} > K \\left\\{ 1 + A \\ln \\left[\\frac{2}{3} \\left( 1 + \\frac{M_3}{M_1 + M_2} \\right) \\right] \\right\\}. \\end{equation} Here, $D_{triple}$ is the periastron distance of the stand-alone star, and $D_{binary}$ the semi-major axis of the binary orbit. $M_3$ is the mass of the single component, $M_1$ and $M_2$ the masses of the binary components. The constants have values $K=3.5$ and $A=0.7$ for a corevolving system, or $K=2.75$, $A=0.64$ for a counterrotating system. For our case, the mass ratio is $1/0.63$ (Section~\\ref{ratios}). The semimajor axis of the BI-BII system cannot be smaller than the observed separation on the sky of 12''. The true 4A-4BI separation of course depends on the angle of the binary-single star axis. We have already argued (as have previous authors) that the 4A elongation is an inclined disk. If we assume that the 4A-4BI orbit is coplanar with the 4A disk (expected if fragmentation formation models apply), then the true 4A-4BI distance would be 30'', which would also be the largest possible periastron distance. Taking these figures we find that the system fails Harrington's stability test easily, even if we consider the more stable counterrotating case. See Figure~\\ref{stabfig}. \\begin{figure} \\psfig{{figure=stabgraph.ps,width=3.truein,height=3.truein}} \\caption{\\label{stabfig} Harrington's stability test as applied to IRAS4. The x-axis is the mass ratio $M_3 / (M_1 + M_2)$. The y-axis is the ratio of periastron distance to binary separation. The two bold lines represent the corotating and counterrotating stability limits. The lower of the two represents the more stable counterrotating case. Systems above these lines will be stable. The position of the 4A-4BI-4BII system is marked as a point. The error in the mass ratio is calculated from the errors in Table~\\ref{peakmass}. The uncertainty in the ordinate has been estimated as follows. The misalignment between component BI and the axis of elongation of 4A was projected back into the plane of the supposed 4A disk. This then gives the possible discrepency between the 4A-4BI distance measured in the plane of the sky and the inferred 4A-4BI distance in the plane of the disk. The upper error bar shows the possible increase in stability due to this observed misalignment. Since the quantities $D_{triple}$ and $D_{bin}$ have been chosen to maximise stability, the y-position of the IRAS4 system is an upper limit.} \\end{figure} It is possible to envisage accretion of material stabilising initially-unstable triple systems by modifying the separation ratios of the components (Smith et al, 1997). There certainly seems to be a substantial reservoir of available material in the IRAS4 envelope (see Table~\\ref{extmass}). In the case of a low-mass binary orbiting a higher-mass single star, as here, this mechanism is unlikely to result in stability. Low specific angular momentum material will tend to be accreted onto IRAS4A, causing the single-binary separation to decrease and destabilizing the system. High specific angular momentum will tend to accrete onto the binary (4BI-4BII), widening it by adding angular momentum and again destabilizing the system. Furthermore, the 4A-4BI-4BII system fails the Harrington stability test by a comfortable margin. Even if the available envelope mass were accreted exclusively onto 4BI and BII, moving the mass ratio towards 1, there is not enough mass to entirely stabilize the system. We conclude that IRAS4 seems to be an unstable multiple which will be disrupted within a few orbits. \\subsection*{Star forming history of IRAS4} Could the elongation of the main cloud be explained as a foreshortened disk, in a similar way to the elongation of 4A? The young age (approx 10$^5$ years deduced from the embedded nature), appears to preclude this interpretation. For a circumstellar disk to form requires several of the disks dynamical time and a disk of this size would have a period in excess of 4$\\times$10$^5$ years. This implies that the extended structure must be a remnant of the cloud's initial conditions and not due to the subsequent collapse dynamics. Based on their polarimetric observations, Minchin et al suggested that the extended emission is an inclined ``pseudo-disk'', of the sort envisaged by for example Galli \\& Shu (1993). In this case, the cloud material is magnetically supported in one direction, but free to collapse in the other. A massive, non-centrifugally supported disk can therefore form in a shorter time than would be expected on dynamical grounds. The ambipolar diffusion timescale would have to be longer than the freefall time of the cloud, and the magnetic field would be an impediment to fragmentation of the central region, because it would tend to enforce solid body rotation. For this reason, we do not favour the ``pseudo-disk'' interpretation. Simulations indicate that a prolate cloud, with an end-over-end rotation, should undergo fragmentation and form a central binary (Bonnell et al, 1992, Bonnell \\& Bastian 1992). The additional multiplicity of the system (4BI-4BII) is then explainable as being due to an internal disk fragmentation (Bonnell 1994) that occurs in the individual components formed in the prolate cloud fragmentation (Bonnell et al 1992). This interpretation still leaves us with some unexplained details. Most importantly, the third component to the north east. There are several possible explanations for this component. Firstly, it could be part of the IRAS 4 system, but lie outside of the prolate cloud, in front of the main system and well above the plane of the IRAS 4A disk and inferred 4A-4B orbit. This poses substantial problems for fragmentation models where collapse occurs preferentially in one direction, reducing the dimension of the cloud and making it unstable to fragmentation (Bonnell~1999). Secondly, it could lie in the same plane as the 4A disk, which would place it well outside the prolate cloud as it is seen in the maps, at a distance of 15,400 AU (44'' at 350pc). If IRAS 4C is part of the IRAS 4 system, then the most promising explanation is that an independent condensation (see eg, Pringle~1991) was present near the prolate cloud when collapse occured. There exists the possibility that IRAS 4C is not a member of the IRAS 4 system but just a chance projection. Its separation and the presence of other sources nearby lend credence to this possibility, as does it's spectral index being higher than the surrounding cloud. A determination of the velocities of the various components could shed further light on the possible relationship of 4C with the central system." }, "0004/astro-ph0004115_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We performed a series of high-resolution collisionless N-body simulations designed to study the substructure of Milky Way-size galactic halos (host halos) and the density profiles of halos in a warm dark matter (WDM) scenario with a non-vanishing cosmological constant. The virial masses of the host halos range from $3.5 \\times 10^{12}\\ \\msunh$ to $1.7 \\times 10^{12}\\ \\msunh$ and they have more than $10^5$ particles each. A key feature of the WDM power spectrum is the free-streaming length \\fsl\\ which fixes an additional parameter for the model of structure formation. We analyze the substructure of host halos using three \\fsl\\ values: 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 \\mpc\\ and compare results to the predictions of the cold dark matter (CDM) model. We find that guest halos (satellites) do form in the WDM scenario but are more easily destroyed by dynamical friction and tidal disruption than their counterparts in a CDM model. The small number of guest halos that we find in the WDM models with respect to the CDM one is the result of a lower guest halo accretion and a higher satellite destruction rate. These two phenomena operate almost with the same intensity in delivering a reduced number of guest halos at $z = 0$. For the model with $\\fsl = 0.1\\ \\mpc$ the number of accreted small halos is a factor 2.5 below that of the CDM model while the fraction of destroyed satellites is almost twice larger than that of the CDM model. The larger the \\fsl\\ value the greater the size of these two effects and the smaller the abundance of satellites. Under the assumption that each guest halo hosts a luminous galaxy, we find that the observed circular velocity function of satellites around the Milky Way and Andromeda is well described by the $\\fsl = 0.1\\ \\mpc$ WDM model. In the $\\fsl =0.1- 0.2\\ \\mpc$ models, the surviving guest halos at $z=0$ ---whose masses are in the range $M_h \\approx 10^9-10^{11}\\ \\msunh$--- have an average concentration parameter $c_{1/5}$ $( =r(M_h)/r(M_h/5) )$ which is approximately twice smaller than that of the corresponding CDM guest halos. This difference, very likely, produces the higher satellite destruction rate found in the WDM models. The density profile of host halos is well described by the NFW fit whereas guest halos show a wide variety of density profiles. A tendency to form shallow cores is not evident; the profiles, however, are limited by a poor mass resolution in the innermost regions were shallow cores could be expected. ", "introduction": "Non-baryonic dark matter is an essential ingredient of current inflation-inspired models of cosmic structure formation in the universe. From the point of view of particle physics, there is no obvious preference for any of the predicted dark matter candidates (\\cite{CDW96}), which, according to their rms velocity at the time of their decoupling, can be cold, warm, or hot. From the point of view of structure formation, the most compelling candidate has been the cold dark matter. The CDM scenario for structure formation has successfully accounted for several observational facts, particularly on large scales, without introducing an additional free parameter related to its particle distribution function in phase space. However, on small scales and/or in high-density regions of the universe, the predictions of the CDM models seem to be in conflict with observations. One of the potential problems of the CDM scenario is that the predicted number of low-mass halos ---where probably dwarf galaxies form--- within a Milky Way-size halo, greatly exceeds the observed abundance of satellite galaxies in the Local Group (Klypin et al. 1999, hereafter \\cite{KKVP99}; \\cite{Moore99a}; see also \\cite{Kauffmann93}). A second problem is that the predicted inner density profiles of CDM halos may disagree with the shallow profiles inferred from the rotation curves of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies (\\cite{Moore94}; \\cite{FP94}; \\cite{Burkert95}; \\cite{dBM97}; \\cite{HG98}), although the observational data for the latter galaxies are controversial (\\cite{vdB99}; \\cite{SMT2000}; but see \\cite{Firmani2000b}). High-resolution gravitational lensing maps of a cluster of galaxies have also revealed a soft inner mass distribution in the halo of this cluster (\\cite{TKD98}). The rotation curve decompositions of normal galaxies and the Tully-Fisher relation obtained in galaxy formation models as well as the dark mass contained within the solar radius in our Galaxy, also point out to dark halos shallower and/or much less concentrated than those predicted by the CDM model (\\cite{AFH98}; \\cite{Navarro98}; \\cite{NS99}; \\cite{FA2000}; \\cite{MM2000}). If these shortcomings of the CDM scenario are confirmed with more observational and theoretical data, new alternatives (cosmological and/or astrophysical) have to be explored in order to modify the properties of the mass distribution at small scales. In a recent burst of papers, explored alternatives include modifications to: either the nature of the dark matter candidate (\\eg\\ \\cite{SS99}; Hannestad 1999; \\cite{SomDol00}; \\cite{WC2000}; \\cite{Firmani2000a}; \\cite{HD2000}; \\cite{Moore2000}; \\cite{YSWT2000} ; \\cite{Burkert2000}; \\cite{Peebles2000}; Hannestad \\& Scherrer 2000; Riotto \\& Tkachev 2000), or the generation of the primordial power spectrum (\\eg\\ \\cite{KL99}). More conservative astrophysical mechanisms to overcome the problems mentioned above have also been proposed (\\eg\\ \\cite{NEF96}; \\cite{GS99}; \\cite{BKW2000}; \\cite{BGS2000}). One possible modification is to go from a CDM scenario to a warm dark matter (WDM) one. The WDM particles (warmons) would suppress the power at small scales by free-streaming out of overdense regions limiting the formation of substructure at scales below the free-streaming scale. At large scales, the structure formation would proceed in a very similar way to that of a CDM model. N-body simulations have shown that indeed large-scale structure in WDM models looks similar to that of a CDM model (Colombi et al. 1996). On the other hand, as Hogan \\& Dalcanton (2000) noted, the finite phase density of dark halos inferred from observations could be pointing to a non-negligible DM velocity dispersion at the time of structure formation. Using the Press-Schechter formalism, Kamionkowski \\& Liddle (1999) have shown that if the CDM power spectrum is filtered at scales corresponding to dwarf galaxies, then the abundance of Milky Way satellites can be reproduced. Recently, \\cite{WC2000} reported results from N-body simulations for WDM models at high redshifts. They found that the abundance of $10^{10} \\msunh$ halos is reduced by a factor of $\\sim 5$ at $z = 3$ with respect to the CDM model when the power spectrum is filtered at $k \\approx 2 \\kmpch$. At the same time they showed that the Ly-$\\alpha$ power spectrum at this redshift is very similar to that of the CDM model, which is in agreement with observations. This apparent contradictory result is explained by the fact that the collapse of large-scale structures, as they go non-linear, regenerates the initially suppressed small-scale modes in the power spectrum (\\cite{WC2000}). These results encourage us to explore in more detail the predictions of WDM N-body simulations at the present epoch. Does the suppression of power at small scales of a WDM model actually eliminate the excessive degree of substructure predicted by the CDM scenario? Are the WDM halos less concentrated? And if so, do they have a smoother inner mass distribution than their counterpart CDM halos? The main aim of this paper is to give a quantitative answer to the first question. To this end we have carried out high-resolution N-body simulations of Milky Way-size galactic halos in three different WDM models. A host halo of about $2 \\times 10^{12}\\ \\msunh$ has more than $10^5$ particles in the simulations. Since the most successful variant of the CDM models is a flat universe with a non-zero cosmological constant ($\\Omega_{\\Lambda} = 0.7$ and $h = 0.7$), here we also use this cosmological model but instead of CDM we introduce WDM with the extra free parameter \\fsl: these models will be our $\\Lambda$WDM models (for economy we drop off the greek letter $\\Lambda$ hereafter when we refer to either CDM or WDM models). We will also address the questions of concentrations and density profiles of dark halos, although the small number of large high-resolved halos and the small range of masses in the simulations constrain our predictions on this subject. In Section 2 we discuss the WDM models to be explored in this paper. In Section 3 we briefly describe the numerical technique that we used for the simulations. Section 4 is devoted to the analysis and comparison with observations of the circular velocity function of satellites within host halos of Milky Way-sizes. The concentrations and density profiles of the host and satellite halos are presented in Section 5. In Section 6 we discuss some of the results, and summarize of our main conclusions is given in Section 7. ", "conclusions": "Using high-resolution N-body simulations, we have studied the substructure inside Milky Way-size halos in a WDM cosmological scenario. We have also addressed the question whether the density profiles of host and guest halos are different from their corresponding CDM ones. Our main conclusions are: 1. Despite the fact that the power spectrum of fluctuations is suppressed at small scales, a non-negligible number of virialized structures, corresponding to these or smaller scales, form and survive within larger structures. The accretion rate of small halos is found to be less in the WDM scenario than in the CDM one. This is simply explained by the fact that a smaller number of small halos are avalaible for their incorporation into host halos in the WDM models. A higher satellite destruction rate is found in the WDM scenario as compared with the one in the CDM model: it can be accounted for the fact that guest halos are less concentrated by about a factor two in average in the WDM models. The less efficient halo accretion and the higher satellite destruction have almost the same weight as far as the final count of satellites within host halos at $z = 0$ is concerned. The larger the \\fsl\\ value the greater the size of these two effects, and the smaller the abundance of satellites. 2. The predicted maximum circular velocity function of guest halos that seems to best fit the observed one for satellites in the Milky Way and Andromeda is that given by the $\\fsl=0.1\\ \\mpc$ model. This \\fsl\\ value corresponds to a warmon of mass about 1 keV. 3. For the $\\fsl =0.1$ and 0.2\\ \\mpc\\ models, guest halos ($M_h \\approx 10^9-10^{11}\\ \\msunh$) have a concentration parameter $c_{1/5}$ which is roughly twice smaller than that of the CDM halos. For those guest halos whose density profiles are reasonably well described by a NFW parametric fit ($\\sim 15\\%$), the $c_{\\rm NFW}$ parameter is roughly $1.5-3.0$ times lower than that of the CDM halos. This difference in the concentration parameters, for both $c_{1/5}$ and $c_{\\rm NFW}$, vanishes as we go to more massive halos. 4. The density profile of the host halos ($M_{\\rm vir} \\approx 1-3 \\times 10^{12}\\ \\msunh$) is well described by the NFW profile (in some cases, the inner slope is slightly shallower than $r^{-1}$). The guest halos have a wide variety of density profiles and those whose masses are below the corresponding cut-off mass scale probably present a small shallow core. The poor mass resolution of the simulations at these scales limits our predictions. In summary, we have shown that in the WDM model with $\\fsl \\approx 0.1 \\mpc$ or $m_W \\approx 1\\ \\kev$ the degree of substructure within a Milky Way-size halo is much lower than in the CDM model and is in agreement with observations, if one assumes that each guest halo hosts a luminous galaxy. The problem of cuspy halos probably still persists in the WDM scenario, although we have found that halos ---in particular the small ones--- are less concentrated than the corresponding CDM halos. If the inclusion of baryonic matter helps to significantly avoid disruption of substructure, then the agreement with observation may continue for less massive WDM candidates for which the rms velocity is larger. In this case, the formation of shallow cores in dwarf galaxy like halos is expected. Nevertheless, as we have shown, halos of larger masses will not have a shallow core." }, "0004/hep-ph0004151_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\baselineskip 16pt \\tightenlines The current Super-Kamiokande data on the D-N asymmetry between the the day event rate and the {\\it Night} ({\\it Mantle}) and {\\it Core} event rates, produced by solar neutrinos which respectively cross the Earth along any trajectory (cross the Earth mantle but do not cross the core), and cross the Earth core before reaching the detector, imply rather stringent constraints on the MSW small mixing angle (SMA) $\\nu_e \\rightarrow \\nu_{\\mu(\\tau)}$ solution of the solar neutrino problem. A simplified analysis shows, in particular, that a substantial subregion of the SMA solution region is disfavored by these data. The {\\it Core} D-N asymmetry data alone allow to rule out at 99.7\\% C.L. a part of this subregion. The constraints on the MSW large mixing angle and LOW $\\nu_e \\rightarrow \\nu_{\\mu(\\tau)}$ solutions as well as on the MSW $\\nu_e \\rightarrow \\nu_{s}$ solution, following from the data on the {\\it Mantle}, {\\it Night} and {\\it Core} D-N asymmetries are also discussed. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004378_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Tycho--2 Catalogue, released in February 2000, is based on the ESA Hipparcos space mission data and various ground--based catalogs for proper motions. An external comparison of the Tycho--2 astrometry is presented here using the first U.S.~Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC1). The UCAC1 data were obtained from observations performed at CTIO between February 1998 and November 1999, using the 206 mm aperture 5--element lens astrograph and a 4k x 4k CCD. Only small systematic differences in position between Tycho--2 and UCAC1 up to 15 milliarcseconds (mas) are found, mainly as a function of magnitude. The standard deviations of the distributions of the position differences are in the 35 to 140 mas range, depending on magnitude. The observed scatter in the position differences is about 30\\% larger than expected from the combined formal, internal errors, also depending on magnitude. The Tycho--2 Catalogue has the more precise positions for bright stars (V$\\le 10^{m}$) while the UCAC1 positions are significantly better at the faint end ($11^{m} \\le V \\le 12.5^{m}$) of the magnitude range in common. UCAC1 goes much fainter (to R$\\approx 16^{m}$) than Tycho--2; however complete sky coverage is not expected before mid 2003. ", "introduction": "Two new major astrometric catalogs became available in early 2000. The Tycho--2 Catalogue for the brightest 2.5 million stars \\citep{tycho2s}, \\citep{tycho2l} and the first U.S.~Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog, UCAC1, for 27 million stars on the Southern Hemisphere \\citep{ucac1}. Both catalogs are important steps towards the extension of the optical reference frame \\citep{iau_jd} beyond densities and magnitudes of the Hipparcos Catalogue. The Tycho--2 Catalogue is a new, extended version of the original Tycho Catalogue \\citep{hip_tycho}, based on a re--reduction of the ESA Hipparcos \\mbox{space} mission Tycho data and over 140 ground--based catalogs for the Tycho--2 proper motions. An external comparison of the Tycho--2 {\\em astrometry} is presented here utilizing the UCAC1 positions. A similar comparison between the Tycho--1 Catalogue and CCD astrograph test data was \\mbox{presented} earlier \\citep{veniceT}. The U.S.~Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph (UCAC) project was planned and initiated in the mid 1990s \\citep{gaus1}, \\citep{1k_res}, \\citep{veniceU}. Observations started at the South Celestial Pole in 1998 and full sky coverage is expected by mid 2003. For the comparison presented in this paper, these new, high precision observations were available for about 80\\% of the Southern Hemisphere, covering the magnitude range R$\\approx 8-16^{m}$. Thus, particularly, the new, faint extension of the Tycho--2 catalog ($11^{m}$ to $12.5^{m}$) is very well covered by these independent ground--based observations. Both catalogs are on the Hipparcos system, thus the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS). The epoch difference of about 8 years is bridged by proper motions given in the Tycho--2 catalog at the expense of introducing a third error contribution besides the positional errors of both catalogs. The UCAC is not a photometric catalog, with only approximate magnitudes given in a single bandpass (red). Therefore {\\em no} external {\\em photometric} comparison of the Tycho--2 data can be presented here. Both Tycho--2 and UCAC1 are of great importance to the general astronomical community and the astrometric comparison presented here is also of benefit for the Tycho--2 and in particular the UCAC projects. Another important catalog comparison between the Tycho--2, the \\mbox{ACT} and the Hipparcos Catalogue is in preparation \\cite{t2acthip}. ", "conclusions": "The Tycho--2 and UCAC1 positions overall are in good agreement with systematic differences being very small by current astrometric catalog \\mbox{standards}. This external comparison shows the observed scatter in the position differences to be 10 to 50\\% larger than the formal, internal precisions predict. A significant fraction of the additional errors can be explained by systematic errors present in the current UCAC1, which by all means is a preliminary catalog. The UCAC1 contains the best positions available today (at current epochs) for stars in the 11 to 16 magnitude range. UCAC today covers only 80\\% of the Southern Hemisphere with no data in the North. When completed in 2003 it will form the basis for the FAME \\cite{fame} input catalog. The Tycho--2 Catalogue covers all sky and is the preferred astrometric reference down to about magnitude V=10.5 or wherever no UCAC1 data are available." }, "0004/astro-ph0004072_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The dependence of star formation rate on galaxian environment is a key issue in the understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. However, the study of this subject is complex and observationally challenging. This paper reviews some of the current results, drawing mostly from recent large redshift surveys such the LCRS, the MORPH collaboration, and the CNOC1 and CNOC2 redshift surveys. ", "introduction": "Tremendous strides have been made in the last few years in understanding the average star formation history of the universe from the present to as far back as 90\\% of the age of the universe (e.g., Steidel et al.~1999, Sawicki et al.~1997). However, the overall picture remains crude, and is still subject to many uncertainties and systematics. Most of the advances have been based on converting the UV luminosity density in different epochs into an average star formation rate (SFR). This requires averaging over volume and extrapolating over luminosity. The universe contains significant large scale structures even at epochs as early as $z\\sim3$ (Giavalisco et al.~1998), as galaxies formed initially in the most massive dark matter halos. Voids, filaments, and rich clusters mark very different environments in which galaxies reside. To come to a full physical understanding of galaxy formation and galaxy evolution, we need to have a more detailed picture, such as the history of star formation in different environments. This is an observationally challenging task, as currently, we have barely begun to study these issues in the relatively nearby universe. There are two major observational questions that we ultimately would like to answer. First, how does the SFR depend on the environment? Second, how does this dependence evolve with time? Currently we have some idea of the answers to the first question, and little or no information on the second. Simple physical arguments provide some expectations on the influence of environments on SFR; however, these are not always clear cut. Processes that lower gas content of a galaxy are expected to decrease SFR; these include, e.g., ram-pressure stripping and evaporation in rich environments; tidal stripping from close encounters of galaxies; and the decrease of the accretion rate of new gas into a galaxy in rich environments. On the other hand, similar processes can also serve to {\\it increase} the SFR: e.g., ram-pressure and tidal shocks, and mergers and harassment of galaxies in close encounters. To obtain definitive and quantitative conclusions, well-controlled, large samples (in the thousands) of galaxies with redshift, multi-color photometry, and spectroscopic information are required. (Perhaps large, robust photometric redshift samples can provide some needed advancement also.) Examples of completed redshift surveys that meet these goals include the LCRS (e.g., Shectman et al.~1996) for $z\\sim0.1$, the CNOC1 cluster redshift survey (Yee et al.~1996) with 2600 redshifts in fields of galaxy clusters at $0.170$.\\\\ We then discuss future galaxy cluster surveys which will probe the abundance of galaxy clusters to intermediate and high redshift. We investigate the sensitivity of these surveys to the cosmological density parameter $\\Omega_{M}$ and the equation of state parameter $w$ of any quintessence component. In particular, we show that cluster survey constraints from a proposed large solid angle X-ray survey are comparable in precision and complementary in nature to constraints expected from future CMB anisotropy and SNe Ia studies.} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004134_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Increasing evidence suggests that most of the energy density of the universe consists of a dark energy component with negative pressure, a ``cosmological constant\" that causes the cosmic expansion to accelerate. In this paper, we address the puzzle of why this component comes to dominate the universe only recently rather than at some much earlier epoch. We present a class of theories based on an evolving scalar field where the explanation is based entirely on internal dynamical properties of the solutions. In the theories we consider, the dynamics causes the scalar field to lock automatically into a negative pressure state at the onset of matter-domination such that the present epoch is the earliest possible time, consistent with nucleosynthesis restrictions, when it can start to dominate. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004302_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a possible Cepheid-like luminosity estimator for the long gamma-ray bursts based on the variability of their light curves. To construct the luminosity estimator, we use {\\it CGRO}/BATSE data for 13 bursts, {\\it Wind}/KONUS data for 5 bursts, {\\it Ulysses}/GRB data for 1 burst, and NEAR/XGRS data for 1 burst. Spectroscopic redshifts, peak fluxes, and high resolution light curves are available for 11 of these bursts; partial information is available for the remaining 9 bursts. We find that the isotropic-equivalent peak luminosities $L$ of these bursts positively correlate with a rigorously-constructed measure $V$ of the variability of their light curves. We fit a model to these data that accommodates both intrinsic scatter (statistical variance) and extrinsic scatter (sample variance). We find that $L \\sim V^{3.3^{+1.1}_{-0.9}}$. If one excludes GRB 980425 from the fit on the grounds that its association with SN 1998bw at a redshift of $z = 0.0085$ is not secure, the luminosity estimator spans $\\approx 2.5$ orders of magnitude in $L$, and the slope of the correlation between $L$ and $V$ is positive with a probability of $1 - 1.4 \\times 10^{-4}$ (3.8 $\\sigma$). Although GRB 980425 is excluded from this fit, its $L$ and $V$ values are consistent with the fitted model, which suggests that GRB 980425 may well be associated with SN 1998bw, and that GRB 980425 and the cosmological bursts may share a common physical origin. If one includes GRB 980425 in the fit, the luminosity estimator spans $\\approx 6.3$ orders of magnitude in $L$, and the slope of the correlation is positive with a probability of $1 - 9.3 \\times 10^{-7}$ (4.9 $\\sigma$). In either case, the luminosity estimator yields best-estimate luminosities that are accurate to a factor of $\\approx 4$, or best-estimate luminosity distances that are accurate to a factor of $\\approx 2$. Independently of whether or not GRB 980425 should be included in the fit, its light curve is unique in that it is much less variable than the other $\\approx 17$ light curves of bursts in our sample for which the signal-to-noise is reasonably good. ", "introduction": "Since gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) were first discovered (Klebesadel, Strong, \\& Olson 1973), thousands of bursts have been detected by a wide variety of instruments, most notably, the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the {\\it Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO)}, which will have detected about 2700 bursts by the end of {\\it CGRO}'s more than 9 year mission in 2000 June (see, e.g., Paciesas et al. 1999). However, the distance scale of the bursts remained uncertain until 1997, when BeppoSAX began localizing long bursts to a few arcminutes on the sky, and distributing the locations to observers within hours of the bursts. This led to the discovery of X-ray (Costa et al. 1997), optical (van Paradijs et al. 1997), and radio (Frail et al. 1997) afterglows, as well as host galaxies (Sahu et al. 1997). Subsequent observations led to the spectroscopic determination of burst redshifts, using absorption lines in the spectra of the afterglows (see, e.g., Metzger et al. 1997), and emission lines in the spectra of the host galaxies (see, e.g., Kulkarni et al. 1998a). To date, redshifts have been measured for 13 bursts. Recently, Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson (1999; see also Stern, Svensson, \\& Poutanen 1997), Norris, Marani \\& Bonnell (2000; see also Norris, Marani \\& Bonnell 1999), and Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (2000; see also Ramirez-Ruiz \\& Fenimore 1999) have proposed trends between burst luminosity and quantities that can be measured directly from burst light curves, for the long bursts. Using 1310 BATSE bursts for which peak fluxes and high resolution light curves were available, Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson (1999) have suggested that simple bursts (bursts dominated by a single, smooth pulse) are less luminous than complex bursts (bursts consisting of overlapping pulses); however, see \\S 5. Using a sample of 7 BATSE bursts for which spectroscopic redshifts, peak fluxes, and high resolution light curves were available, Norris, Marani \\& Bonnell (2000) have suggested that more luminous bursts have shorter spectral lags (the interval of time between the peak of the light curve in different energy bands). Using the same 7 bursts, Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (2000) have suggested that more luminous bursts have more variable light curves. These trends between luminosity and quantities that can be measured directly from light curves raise the exciting possibility that luminosities, and hence luminosity distances, might be inferred for the long bursts from their light curves alone. In this paper, we present a possible luminosity estimator for the long bursts, the construction of which was motivated by the work of Ramirez-Ruiz \\& Fenimore (1999) and Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (2000). We term the luminosity estimator ``Cepheid-like'' in that it can be used to infer luminosities and luminosity distances for the long bursts from the variabilities of their light curves alone. We apply this luminosity estimator to every long burst in the current BATSE catalog in an upcoming paper (Reichart et al. 2000). We rigorously construct our measure $V$ of the variability of a burst light curve in \\S 2. Qualitatively, $V$ is computed by taking the difference of the light curve and a smoothed version of the light curve, squaring this difference, summing the squared difference over time intervals, and appropriately normalizing the result. Our variability measure differs from that of Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (2000) in three important ways: (1) we define the timescale over which the light curve is smoothed differently; (2) we subtract out the contribution to the variability due to Poisson noise differently; and (3) we combine variability measurements of light curves acquired in different energy bands into a single measurement of a burst's variability differently. We find that only smoothing timescales that are proportional to burst duration appear to lead to significant correlations between the isotropic-equivalent peak photon luminosity $L$ of a burst and $V$; in particular, smoothing timescales that are a fixed duration in the source frame do not. We take the smoothing timescale of a burst light curve, acquired in observer-frame energy band $E$, to be the time spanned by the brightest $100f$\\% of the total counts above background, where $f$ is a number between 0 and 1 that we fix using the data in \\S 4. We schematically illustrate this measure of duration in Figures 1 and 2. In Figure 1, the 50\\% smoothing timescale of the light curve is given by $T_{f=0.5}^E = T_1 + T_2$, and the 90\\% smoothing timescale of the light curve is given by $T_{f=0.9}^E = T_3$; in Figure 2, the 50\\% smoothing timescale of the light curve is given by $T_{f=0.5}^E = T_4$, and the 90\\% smoothing timescale of the light curve is given by $T_{f=0.9}^E = T_5 + T_6$. We have chosen this measure of the smoothing timescale over others because it is robust: small variations in either the light curve or the value of $f$ result in only small variations in the value of the smoothing timescale. This is not the case with measures like $T_{50}$ and $T_{90}$ (see, e.g., Paciesas et al. 1999). For example, consider the case of a burst with a precursor. The value of, say, $T_{90}$ can differ considerable if the precursor's counts above background is $< 5$\\% versus $> 5$\\% of the total counts above background. Likewise, if the precursor's counts above background is, say, 5\\% of the total counts above background, the duration that one measures can differ considerably if one uses $T_{<90}$ versus $T_{>90}$. The effect of using a smoothing timescale that is artificially long (short) is measuring a variability that is artificially high (low). Our measure of the smoothing timescale does not suffer from such robustness problems. We present our measure of the isotropic-equivalent peak photon luminosity $L$ of a burst in \\S 3. In \\S 4, we expand the original Ramirez-Ruiz \\& Fenimore (1999) sample of 7 bursts to include a total of 20 bursts, including 13 BATSE bursts, 5 {\\it Wind}/KONUS bursts, 1 {\\it Ulysses}/GRB burst, and 1 NEAR/XGRS burst. Spectroscopic redshifts, peak fluxes, and high resolution light curves are available for 11 of these bursts; partial information is available for the remaining 9 bursts. Also in \\S 4, we construct our luminosity estimator, which differs from that of Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (2000) in two important ways: (1) applying the Bayesian inference formalism developed by Reichart (2000), we fit a model to the data that accommodates both intrinsic scatter (statistical variance) in two dimensions and extrinsic scatter (sample variance) in two dimensions; and (2) again applying this Bayesian inference formalism, we determine not only the best estimate for $L$ as a function of $V$, but also the uncertainty in $L$ as a function of $V$, as well as approximate these functions with analytic expressions. We state our conclusions in \\S 5. ", "conclusions": "We have presented a rigorously-constructed measure of the variability of a burst's light curve. Using this variability measure and a sample of 20 bursts, consisting of every burst for which redshift information is currently available, we have shown that a significant correlation exists between the variability of a burst's light curve, and the burst's isotropic-equivalent peak photon luminosity. This correlation between variability and luminosity is in agreement with the trends found by Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson (1999) and Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (1999). That is, more variable (``complex'' in the terminology of Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson 1999) bursts are more luminous, while less variable (``simple'' in the terminology of Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson 1999) bursts are less luminous.\\footnote{However, we must draw attention to a potential disagreement between the primary conclusion of Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson (1999), and the width of the luminosity distribution of the multiply-peaked bursts with spectroscopically-measured redshifts in our sample. Stern, Poutanen, \\& Svensson (1999) find that the differential peak count rate distribution of their complex, or multiply-peaked BATSE bursts peaks about a factor of 4 above threshold, while the differential peak count rate distribution of their simple, or singly-peaked BATSE bursts does not have a similar peak. They interpret this to mean that their complex bursts are more luminous and at higher redshifts than their simple bursts: they argue that this peak corresponds to the peak in the star-formation history of the universe at $z \\sim 1.5$, and that it is not a threshold effect. However, as this peak is narrow, spanning less than an order of magnitude, this could only be the case if the luminosity function of the complex bursts is similarly narrow; otherwise, this feature would be washed out. We have visually examined the light curves of the bursts with spectroscopically-measured redshifts in our sample, and find that only GRB 980425 and GRB 970508 appear to be singly-peaked. The remaining, multiply-peaked bursts span $\\approx 2.5$ orders of magnitude, which appears to contradict their interpretation of this peak that they find in the differential peak count rate distribution of their complex bursts.} Furthermore, from the correlated variabilities and luminosities of our sample of 20 bursts, we have constructed a possible Cepheid-like luminosity estimator for the long bursts. If one excludes GRB 980425 from the fits, the luminosity estimator spans $\\approx 2.5$ orders of magnitude in luminosity, and its slope is positive with a probability of $1 - 1.4 \\times 10^{-4}$ (3.8 $\\sigma$). GRB 980425, however, is consistent with the fitted model. If one includes this burst in the fits, the luminosity estimator spans $\\approx 6.3$ orders of magnitude in luminosity, and its slope is positive with a probability of $1 - 9.3 \\times 10^{-7}$ (4.9 $\\sigma$). Future bursts will either increase these probabilities, or possibly disprove the luminosity estimator. However, since the uncertainty in $L$ as a function of $V_f$ in Figures 10 and 13 is dominated by extrinsic scatter (i.e., $\\sigma_{\\log{V_f}}$), and not by the uncertainties in the fitted values of the model parameters, a larger sample of bursts is unlikely to improve the predictive power of the luminosity estimator. Currently, the luminosity estimator yields best-estimate luminosities that are accurate to a factor of $\\approx 4$, or best-estimate luminosity distances that are accurate to a factor of $\\approx 2$. However, independently of whether or not the luminosity estimator is eventually disproved, the light curve of GRB 980425 is unique in that it is much less variable than the other $\\approx 17$ light curves of bursts in our sample for which the signal-to-noise is reasonably good: $\\log{V_{f=0.45}} < -1.5$ with a probability of $1 - 3.4 \\times 10^{-4}$ (3.4 $\\sigma$), and $\\log{V_{f=0.45}} < -1$ with a probability of $1 - 3.5 \\times 10^{-23}$ (9.9 $\\sigma$). The argument has been made that the association of GRB 980425 with SN 1998bw at the unusually low redshift of $z = 0.0085$ probably is accidental because the light curve of GRB 980425 is no different than the light curves of the cosmological bursts. On the contrary, we find that the light curve of GRB 980425 is different from the light curves of the cosmological bursts. Consequently, GRB 980425 may well be associated with SN 1998bw. If GRB 980425 is associated with SN 1998bw, and if the luminosity estimator is correct, the fact that GRB 980425 is consistent with the fitted model suggests that GRB 980425 and the cosmological bursts may share a common, or at least a related, physical origin, although they cannot share a common redshift distribution and/or luminosity function (Graziani, Lamb, \\& Marion 1999). This conclusion is made more intriguing by the recent discoveries of supernova-like components to the late afterglows of the cosmological bursts GRB 970228 (Reichart 1999, Galama et al. 2000; Reichart, Castander, \\& Lamb 2000; Reichart, Lamb, \\& Castander 2000) and GRB 980326 (Bloom et al. 1999)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004316_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new X-ray observations of the high mass X-ray binary (HMXRB) pulsar OAO 1657-415, obtained during one orbital period (10.44 days) with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). Using the binary orbital parameters, obtained from Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) observations, we resolve the fluctuations in the pulse frequency at time scales on the order of one day for the first time. Recent BATSE results showed that OAO 1657-415 has spin-up/down trends in its pulse frequency time series, without any correlation with the X-luminosity at energies $>$20 keV (Baykal 1997). In the present RXTE observations the source is found to be in an extended phase of spin-down. We also find a gradual increase in the X-ray luminosity which is correlated with a marginal spin-up episode. The marginal correlation between the gradual spin-up (or decrease in spin-down rate) and increase in X-ray luminosity suggests that the OAO 1657-415 is observed during a stable accretion episode where the prograde accretion disk is formed. ", "introduction": "The high mass X-ray binary source HMXRB source OAO 1657-415 (OAO 1653-40) was first detected by the Copernicus satellite (Polidan et al. 1978) in the 4-9 keV range. The HEAO-1 observations also showed 38.22 sec pulsations in the 1-40 keV and 40-80 keV bands (White $\\& $ Pravdo 1979, Byrne et al. 1981). Observations with Ginga and GRANAT (Kamata et al. 1990, Gilfanov et al. 1991, Mereghetti et al. 1991, Sunyaev et al. 1991) have found pulse period changes. BATSE observations of this source with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) showed that OAO 1657-415 is in an $10.44^{d}$ binary orbit with an X-ray eclipse by the a stellar companion (Chakrabarty et al. 1993). The observed orbital parameters imply that the companion is a supergiant of spectral class B0-B6. The correlations between X-ray flux and pulse frequency derivatives ($\\dot \\nu $) fluctuations were investigated by using the previously published pulse frequencies and BATSE measurements (Baykal 1997). These correlations suggested that the formation of episodic accretion disks in the case of a stellar wind is the possible accretion mechanism. In this paper, we present the short term pulse frequency fluctuations and X-ray fluxes of OAO 1657-415 in the light of recent RXTE observations. We have employed background subtraction by using the background models for the RXTE/PCA instrument and galactic ridge emission in the 2-50 keV range. Our X-ray flux and pulse frequency measurements find an increase in the X-ray flux which is correlated with the decrease in the spin-down rate (or marginal spin-up trend). ", "conclusions": "OAO 1657-415, has shown strong spin-up/down torques in its time history which can not be explained by wind accretion (Baykal 1997). The formation of temporary accretion disks was therefore considered. If accretion onto the neutron star is from a Keplerian disk (Ghosh \\& Lamb 1979), the torque on the neutron star is given by \\begin{equation} I\\dot \\nu = n(w_{s}) \\dot M~l_{K}, \\end{equation} where $l_{K} = (GMr_{o})^{1/2}$ is the specific angular momentum added by a Keplerian disk to the neutron star at the inner disk edge $r_{o} \\approx 0.5 r_{A}$ where $r_{A} \\ = (2GM)^{-1/7} \\mu ^{4/7} \\dot M^{-2/7}$ is the Alfven radius, $\\mu$ is the neutron star magnetic moment, $n(w_{s}) \\approx 1.4 (1-w_{s}/w_{c})/(1-w_{s})$ is a dimensionless function that measures the variation of the accretion torque as estimated by the fastness parameter $w_{s}=\\nu /\\nu _{K}(r_{o}) = 2 \\pi P^{-1} G^{-1/2} M^{-5/7} \\mu ^{6/7} \\dot M^{-3/7}$. Here $w_{c}$ is the critical fastness parameter where the accretion torque is expected to vanish at $w_{c} \\sim 0.35-0.85$ depending on the structure of the disk. According to this model the torque will cause a spin-up if the neutron star is rotating slowly ($w_{s}~<~w_{c}$) in the same sense as the circulation in the disk, or spin-down, if it is rotating in the opposite sense. Even if the neutron star is rotating in the same sense as the disk flow, the torque will spin-down the neutron star if it is rotating too rapidly ($w_{s}~>>~w_{c}$). In such a model one should see positive correlation between pulse frequency derivative ($\\dot \\nu $) and moderate mass accretion rate ($\\dot M$) if the disk is rotating in the same sense as the neutron star (Baykal 1997). Recent observations of accreting neutron stars have shown stochastic spin-up/down trends on time scales from days to a few years (Bildsten et al. 1997). Some of the sources switch from spin-up to spin-down states without showing great changes in their mass accretion rates (Bildsten et al. 1997). These unusual behaviors led Nelson et al. (1997) to the possibility of retrograde circulation of accretion disks. GX 4+1 shows correlation between the X-ray flux and the spin-down rate (Chakrabarty et al. 1997) which may suggest a retrograde accretion disk. In our RXTE observations, OAO 1657-415 has shown marginal correlation with accretion rate and pulse frequency change. This positive correlation strongly suggesting that the disk formed in the spin-down episode is in prograde direction. From the BATSE observations, it was concluded that the pulse frequency derivatives and X-ray flux were not well correlated and the 8 days was the minimum for the correlation time scale (Baykal 1997). This RXTE observation implies that the time-scale of correlation is short, only a few days. To see the exact nature of correlations between X-ray flux and pulse frequency derivatives, an even more extensive broad band X-ray observation should be carried out." }, "0004/astro-ph0004120_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We test accurate models of Comptonization spectra over the high quality data of the \\BS long look at NGC 5548. The data are well represented by a plane parallel corona with an inclination angle of 30$^{\\circ}$, a soft photon temperature of 5 eV and a hot plasma temperature and optical depth of $kT_{\\rm e}\\simeq$ 360 keV and $\\tau\\simeq$ 0.1, respectively. If energy balance applies, such values suggest that a more ``photon-starved'' geometry (e.g. a hemispheric region) is necessary. The spectral softening detected during a flare, appears to be associated to a decrease of the heating--to--cooling ratio, indicating a geometric and/or energetic modification of the disk plus corona system. The hot plasma temperature derived with the models above is significantly higher than that obtained fitting the same data with a power law plus high energy cut off model for the continuum. This is due to the fact that in anisotropic geometries Comptonization spectra show \"intrinsic\" curvature which moves the fitted high energy cut-off to higher energies. ", "introduction": "The X-ray emission of Seyfert galaxies is commonly believed to be produced by Compton scattering of soft photons on a (thermal or non-thermal) population of hot electrons. The non--detection of Seyferts by Comptel and the high energy cut-offs indicated by OSSE have focused attention on thermal models (e.g. Sunyaev \\& Titarchuk, 1980). In this case the X--ray spectral shape is mainly determined by the temperature $\\Theta=kT_{\\rm e}/m_{\\rm e}c^2$ and the optical depth $\\tau$ of the scattering electrons, while the cut--off energy is related essentially to $\\Theta$. Moreover, if the Comptonizing region and the source of seed photons are {\\it coupled}, one can write an energy balance equation for the hot coronal plasma which determines a roughly constant value of the Compton parameter $y\\simeq 4\\Theta \\tau \\, (1+4\\Theta)(1+\\tau)$ (e.g., Svensson, 1996) and thus a one to one correpondence between $\\theta$ and $\\tau$. The required value of $y$ depends on the fraction $f$ of the power dissipated in the corona and on geometry. In the following the limiting case $f=1$ is considered.\\\\ \\noindent In the present work (Petrucci et al., 1999, hereafter P99), we test Comptonization models over the high quality data of the (8 days) \\BS long look at the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 5548, deriving constraints on the physical parameters and geometry of the source. These data have already been studied in detail by Nicastro et al. (1999), modelling the continuum with a cut-off power law. \\begin{figure}[h] \\centerline{\\psfig{file=models-iuesaxosse.ps, width=5cm,angle=-90}} \\caption{{\\bf (a):} Comptonized models for different geometries assuming $\\Theta=0.7$. We have also over-plotted a cut--off power law with $E_{\\rm c}=2kT_{\\rm e}$ in dashed line (cf. text for details).{\\bf (b):} \\BS data set of NGC 5548 with non--simultaneous IUE and OSSE data (from Magdziark et al., 1998) with the corresponding best fits Comptonization model (in slab geometry, solid line) and simple cut--off power law model (dashed line).} \\vspace*{-0.5cm} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "This \\BS observation of NGC 5548 allowed us to show that i) the temperature $kT_{\\rm e}$ of the Comptonizing plasma can be largely underestimated (up to a factor of 7 here) when derived from simple power law models with high energy cut-off; ii) the data are well fitted by a plane parallel corona model with an inclination angle of $30^{\\circ}$, a soft photon temperature of 5 eV, a hot plasma $kT_{\\rm e}\\simeq$ 360~keV and an optical depth $\\tau\\simeq 0.1$. The latter values suggest however that the hot Comptonizing gas, if in the shape of slab, is not in energy balance. A better agreement is obtained with an hemispherical geometry; iii) the change of state during the central part of the run clearly indicates a variation of the Compton parameter $y$, which could be due, as suggested by the data, to an increase of the cooling." }, "0004/astro-ph0004250_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have developed a code to compute multi-colour microlensing lightcurves for extended sources, including the effects of limb darkening and photospheric star spots as a function of spot temperature, position, size and lens trajectory. Our model also includes the effect of structure within the spot and rotation of the stellar source. Our results indicate that star spots generally give a clear signature only for transit events. Moreover, this signature is strongly suppressed by limb darkening for spots close to the limb -- although such spots can be detected by favourable lens trajectories. ", "introduction": "The amplification for a point source microlensing event is dependent only on the projected separation between lens and source. However, if the source size is comparable to the Einstein radius and the projected separation is small, it is necessary to treat the source as finite, with the amplification being calculated as an integral over the source star. Thus, the microlensing lightcurve also contains information about the source surface brightness profile. Finite source effects were considered by Gould~(1994) for the case in which a lens \\emph{transits} the star, allowing measurement of the lens proper motion and thus distinguishing between MC and Galactic MACHOs. Witt and Mao~(1994) showed that the magnification profile of an extended source with a constant surface brightness profile was significantly different from the point source treatment for a 100 $R_{\\sun}$ source microlensed by a 0.1 $M_{\\sun}$ MACHO. The ability to recover the lens mass, transverse velocity and the source size are considerable assets in extended source microlensing, however rare the events may be. The opportunity to use such events to provide information about the source star has also been investigated. Simmons \\emph{et al.}~(1995) modelled the polarisation signature of an extended source microlensing event, assuming a pure electron scattering grey model atmosphere. They showed that including polarisation information significantly improves the accuracy of estimates of the source radius, as well as better constraining the radial surface brightness profile of the source. Gould~(1997) suggested the use of extended source events to determine the rotation speed of red giants. The use of extended sources to estimate source limb darkening parameters has also been discussed by several authors (cf. Hendry \\emph{et al.} 1998; Valls-Gabaud 1998). Such an event produces a chromatic signature as the lens effectively \\emph{sees} a star of different radius in different photometric colour bands. This provides an unambiguous signature of microlensing, as opposed to that from a variable star (Valls-Gabaud 1998). ", "conclusions": "With the advent of automated `alert' status for candidate events, the prospects for using microlensing as a tool for gravitational imaging and investigating stellar atmospheres are dramatically improved. Of crucial importance in such studies are coordinated global observations to achieve the high level of sampling required to constrain models effectively. Observations of this quality are \\emph{also} precisely what is required to extract useful information from the microlensing of extended sources -- making detailed modelling of such events a timely issue. Moreover, the intensive observation of second caustic crossings in binary events -- currently being pursued with the principal goal of detecting planetary companions -- would also provide powerful constraints on the range of spot-related phenomena discussed in this paper. We are currently, therefore, extending our analyses to consider the photometric, polarimetric and spectroscopic signatures of star spots lensed during line caustic crossing events." }, "0004/astro-ph0004299_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyze the behavior of N/O and C/O abundance ratios as a function of metallicity as gauged by O/H in large, extant Galactic and extragalactic H~II region abundance samples. We compile and compare published yields of C, N, and O for intermediate mass and massive stars and choose appropriate yield sets based upon analytical chemical evolution models fitted to the abundance data. We then use these yields to compute numerical chemical evolution models which satisfactorily reproduce the observed abundance trends and thereby identify the most likely production sites for carbon and nitrogen. Our results suggest that carbon and nitrogen originate from separate production sites and are decoupled from one another. Massive stars (M$>$8~M$_{\\sun}$) dominate the production of carbon, while intermediate-mass stars between 4 and 8~M$_{\\sun}$, with a characteristic lag time of roughly 250~Myr following their formation, dominate nitrogen production. Carbon production is positively sensitive to metallicity through mass loss processes in massive stars and has a pseudo-secondary character. Nitrogen production in intermediate mass stars is primary at low metallicity, but when 12+log(O/H)$>$8.3, secondary nitrogen becomes prominent, and nitrogen increases at a faster rate than oxygen -- indeed the dependence is steeper than would be formally expected for a secondary element. The observed flat behavior of N/O versus O/H in metal-poor galaxies is explained by invoking low star formation rates which flatten the age-metallicity relation and allow N/O to rise to observed levels at low metallicities. The observed scatter and distribution of data points for N/O challenge the popular idea that observed intermittent polluting by oxygen is occurring from massive stars following star bursts. Rather, we find most points cluster at relatively low N/O values, indicating that scatter is caused by intermittent increases in nitrogen due to local contamination by Wolf-Rayet stars or luminous blue variables. In addition, the effect of inflow of gas into galactic systems on secondary production of nitrogen from carbon may introduce some scatter into N/O ratios at high metallicities. ", "introduction": "``It is quite a three pipe problem'' (S. Holmes, quoted in Doyle 1891). Carbon and nitrogen are among the most abundant of the chemical elements, and of obvious importance for life. Carbon is also a major constituent of interstellar dust. The main nuclear processes which generate these two elements are reasonably well understood -- the carbon must come predominantly from the triple-alpha reaction of helium, and nitrogen by the conversion of carbon and oxygen that occurs during the CNO cycles of hydrogen burning. A lingering problem, though, has been the lack of knowledge of which {\\it sites} are most important for their generation -- in particular do they come mainly from short-lived massive stars, or from longer-lived progenitors of asymptotic giant branch stars? Coupled with this is uncertainty over the form and magnitude of the dependence of their production on the metallicity of the stars in which the reactions take place. Metallicity can essentially be tracked by its principal component -- oxygen -- whose dominant source is the Type~II supernova explosion of massive stars. There is observed variation in the ratios of carbon and nitrogen to oxygen (i.e. C/O, N/O) in both stars (e.g. Gustafsson et al. 1999) and the gas in galactic systems (e.g. Garnett et al. 1999; Henry \\& Worthey 1999), and it is these variations that we use as clues to pin down the synthesis sites. The threshold temperature of He burning and production of $^{12}$C via the triple alpha process is $\\sim$10$^8$K, a temperature accessible in both massive (M$>$8M$_{\\sun}$) and intermediate mass (1$<$M$<$8M$_{\\sun}$) stars. Thus, these broad stellar groups represent two possible sites for carbon production. Likewise, nitrogen production via the CNO cycles may occur in either of these sites. However, discovering the origin of nitrogen is further complicated by the fact that the seed carbon needed for its production may either have been present when the star was born or is synthesized within the star during its lifetime. We now explore this idea in more detail. Nitrogen is mainly produced in the six steps of the CN branch of the CNO cycles within H burning stellar zones, where $^{12}$C serves as the reaction catalyst (see a textbook like Clayton 1983 or Cowley 1995 for nucleosynthesis review). Three reactions occur to transform $^{12}$C to $^{14}$N: $^{12}$C(p,$\\gamma$)$^{13}$N($\\beta$$^{+}$,$ \\nu$)$^{13}$C(p,$\\gamma$)$^{14}$N, while the next step, $^{14}$N(p,$\\gamma$)O$^{15}$, depletes nitrogen and has a relatively low cross-section. The final two reactions in the cycle transform $^{15}$O to $^{12}$C. Since the fourth reaction runs much slower than the others, the cycle achieves equilibrium only when $^{14}$N accumulates to high levels, and so one effect of the CN cycle is to convert $^{12}$C to $^{14}$N. The real issue in nitrogen evolution is to discover the source of the carbon which is converted into nitrogen, and of any oxygen which can contribute through the (slow) side chain $^{16}$O(p,$\\gamma$)$^{17}$F($\\beta$$^{+}$,$\\nu$)$^{17}$O(p,$\\alpha$)$^{14}$N. The conventional meaning of ``{\\it primary}'' applied to nitrogen is that its production is independent of the initial composition of the star in which it is synthesized. An example is where stars produce their own carbon (and some oxygen) during helium burning, and the carbon (and perhaps oxygen) is subsequently processed into $^{14}$N via the CN(O) cycle. Stars beyond the first generation in a galactic system already contain some carbon and oxygen, inherited from the interstellar medium out of which they formed. The amount of nitrogen formed from CNO cycling of this material will be proportional to its C abundance (and also its O abundance, if the CNO cycling proceeds long enough to deplete the oxygen) and is known as ``{\\it secondary}'' nitrogen. In general, then, primary nitrogen production is independent of metallicity, while secondary production is a linear function of it. However, these conventional definitions become rather blurred if the evolution of the synthesizing stars, and/or the release of nucleosynthesis products to the interstellar medium, depends on the initial composition of the star - as well it might if stellar wind generation is metallicity-dependent. Thus effective production of carbon could depend on the initial metallicity of the star, although no actual ``seed nucleus'' is involved, and the production of nitrogen might differ from a simple primary or secondary process. Also important is the mass of star in which production takes place, since if {\\it most} production takes place in stars of {\\it low} mass, a significant delay will occur between formation of the source stars and release of the products into the interstellar medium. Detailed discussion and review of computed stellar yields is left until {\\S\\S}3 and 5 below, but we now refer to current {\\it interpretations} of the observed carbon and nitrogen abundances in stars and galaxies. The literature on the origin of carbon has recently been reviewed by Gustafsson et al. (1999), and Garnett et al. (1999). The former conclude that their own stellar results are ``consistent with carbon enrichment by superwinds of metal-rich massive stars, but inconsistent with a main origin of carbon in low mass stars'', which is pretty much echoed by the latter authors who state that the behavior of C/O ratios as a function of O/H is ``best explained [by] ... effects of stellar mass loss on massive star yields''. They note that theoretical chemical evolution models (Carigi 1994) in which carbon comes from intermediate stars apparently predict too shallow a C/O relation to fit their observed galaxy abundance gradients. Other recent discussions of C/O gradients across our own or other galaxies, or of C/O ratios in low metallicity galaxies, have been given by G\\\"{o}tz and K\\\"{o}ppen (1992), Prantzos, Vangioni-Flam \\& Chauveau (1994), Kunth et al. (1995), Garnett et al. (1995), Carigi et al. (1995), Moll\\'{a}, Ferrini, and D{\\'i}az (1997) and Chiappini, Matteucci \\& Gratton (1997). The literature on the origin of nitrogen was briefly reviewed by Vila-Costas \\& Edmunds (1993). A major problem with N/O ratios has been to try to explain the {\\it spread} in N/O at a given O/H (see Figure 1B of Section 2), although the reality of a spread at low O/H (12+log(O/H) $\\leq$ 7.6) has been questioned by Thuan et al. (1995) and Izotov \\& Thuan (1999). Two major mechanisms have been proposed for generating a spread - mechanisms that could also apply (with different timescales etc) to C/O ratios. One mechanism invokes a significant time delay between formation of the star which will produce the nitrogen and the delivery of the nitrogen to the interstellar medium. Thus oxygen is expected to be produced predominantly in the SNII explosion of short-lived massive stars, the N/O ratio in the ISM will at first decrease, and then rise again as the nitrogen is released. A delay could affect both primary and secondary nitrogen, and Edmunds \\& Pagel (1978) suggested that N/O ratios might perhaps be an indicator of the age of a galactic system, in the sense that it indicated the time since the bulk of star formation has taken place. This idea continues to find some support (e.g. Kobulnicky \\& Skillman 1996; van Zee, Haynes \\& Salzer 1997). A suspicion of low N/S or N/Si ratios (the S and Si being expected to follow O) in damped Lyman alpha absorption systems (Lu et al. 1996; Pettini, Lipman \\& Hunstead 1995; Pilyugin 1999) has been invoked as evidence of the youth of the systems on the basis of delayed N release. However, if the delay mechanism is to be effective in altering N/O ratios, the delay must be reasonably long - otherwise the probability of catching a system at low N/O, perhaps after a burst of star formation, will be too small. A time scale of {\\it several} 10$^{8}$ or of order 10$^{9}$ years would seem to be necessary. We shall argue later that the dominant source of nitrogen may always be in intermediate mass stars of too high a mass to allow a strong, observable, systematic effect. The second mechanism for causing N/O variation (or C/O variation, but to avoid repetition we only discuss nitrogen here) is variation in the flow of gas into or out of the galaxy. If the nitrogen is {\\it primary}, then neither inflow of unenriched gas nor outflow of interstellar medium will affect the N/O ratio {\\it except} in the case where the outflow is {\\it different} for nitrogen and oxygen (e.g. Marconi, Matteucci \\& Tosi 1994; Pilyugin 1993). If the nitrogen is {\\it secondary} (or of any composition behavior other than primary) the N/O ratio is still unaffected by any {\\it non-differential} outflow, but can be affected by unenriched inflow (Serano \\& Peimbert 1983; Edmunds 1990). K{\\\"o}ppen \\& Edmunds (1999) were able to place the useful constraint that variation in N/O caused by inflow and secondary nitrogen can be at most a factor of two if the inflow is time-decreasing (as most chemical evolution models tend to assume). We will find - with no surprise - that nitrogen can be interpreted as having both primary and secondary components. But we will suggest that the nitrogen is (or acts as if it is) secondary on {\\it carbon}, rather than on oxygen. This will allow a rather steep dependence of N/O on O/H at high O/H, possibly aided by inflow effects. That the CNO cycle might not go to completion, but effectively stop at CN equilibrium, was noted in LMC planetary nebulae by Dopita et al. (1996) and (at low metallicity) from observations of old stars by Langer \\& Kraft (1984). We shall not discuss isotope ratios such as $^{15}$N/$^{14}$N here, although they are a subject of some recent interest (Chin et al. 1999; Wielen \\& Wilson 1997). After reviewing the observational data in Section 2 and stellar yields in Section 3, we give an elementary analytic model which can account well for the general trends of the observational data. The yield parameters of this analytic model can then be compared with published stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis predicted yields with the result that it is possible to choose which are the most realistic yield calculations -- and to identify the stellar sources of carbon and nitrogen. The general form of the analytic models is confirmed by calculations generated by detailed chemical evolution codes in Section 5. After some discussion in Section 6, our identification of the sources and metallicity-dependence of carbon and nitrogen production are summarized in {\\S}7. ", "conclusions": "We have satisfactorily and simultaneously reproduced the C/O and N/O behavior in Figs.~3A,B by adjusting the star formation rate to suppress oxygen buildup until nitrogen can be ejected by IMS. Our results clearly suggest that carbon rises relative to oxygen because the former is produced in massive stars in a manner which is directly sensitive to metallicity through the mass loss process. On the other hand, the bimodal behavior of N/O is consistent with primary IMS nitrogen production at metallicities below 12+log(O/H) of 8.3, with metal-sensitive secondary production contributing significantly above this value. Both the C/O and high-metallicity N/O trends are amplified by the decrease in oxygen synthesis by massive stars as metallicity increases. This picture is in complete agreement with the yield predictions for massive and intermediate mass stars discussed in {\\S}3. The low star formation rate at early times is necessary to allow log(N/O) to rise to about -1.4 at metallicities below those observed, as primary nitrogen production for an IMS population builds up to its maximum level. As metallicities continue to climb, IMS production of nitrogen and massive star production of oxygen remain in equilibrium and the element ratio constant. Prior to 250Myr in our model, the gas surface density is roughly equal to 4~M$_{\\sun}$/pc$^2$, corresponding to a star formation rate of 10$^{-3}$M$_{\\sun}$yr$^{-1}$kpc$^{-2}$. A reasonable interpretation of this, then, is that the galaxies containing the low metallicity systems studied by Izotov \\& Thuan and Kobulnicky \\& Skillman (1996) and shown in Fig.~1B historically have had relatively low star formation rates due to their low surface densities. Indeed, results in Papaderos et al. (1996) indicate that a typical surface density for a BCG is 2-5~M$_{\\sun}$/pc$^2$, consistent with the surface gas densities in our model at early times. Observations by van~Zee et al. (1997) for low surface brightness galaxies are consistent with this level, as are the total surface densities for the outer disk regions of spirals presented in Vila-Costas \\& Edmunds (1992). Of course the star formation rate in these systems could be reduced because of the lack of environmental effects or spiral structure, or the inability by gas to cool efficiently enough. But whatever the cause, it seems clear that the data are consistent with low star formation rates in these objects. Thus, our results nicely accomodate the popular picture of blue compact galaxies having an underlying old metal-poor population with star bursts superimposed on the systems. The N/O levels in these systems are set by maximized primary nitrogen production of IMS and oxygen production by massive stars. Our picture contrasts with the explanation by Izotov \\& Thuan which claims that these systems are necessarily very young because of their low metallicities. Then, since their IMS have not had time to begin releasing nitrogen, this forces the conclusion that the N/O ratio at low metallicities must be set by massive star primary nitrogen production. However, this picture neglects the influence of the star formation efficiency in the rate of buildup of metals. According to our analysis, these systems are simply evolving relatively slowly or intermittently due to historically low star formation rates, so that the delay in nitrogen release by IMS becomes insignificant. More generally, any galaxy or galactic region which evolves slowly will maintain a relatively low metallicity over a significant fraction of a Hubble time, since total metallicity is directly related to the star formation rate integrated over time. This opens up the possibility that objects such as blue compact galaxies and outer regions of spiral disks are in fact several Gyr in age despite their low metallicities. This is consistent with the recent conclusions of Legrand (2000), who employed chemical evolution models to study abundances and continuum colors of I~Zw~18. Legrand found that models characterized by a star formation rate of $10^{-4}$ M$_{\\sun}$ yr$^{-1}$ over 14 Gyr explain the observations. This general explanation may also apply to the outer regions of spiral disks, where CNO abundance ratios are similar to those observed in dwarf galaxies such as blue compact objects (Garnett et al. 1999). Our numerical models allow us to track the separate contributions of IMS and massive stars to carbon and nitrogen evolution. The left and right sides of Fig.~5 show our predictions for carbon and nitrogen, respectively, for our best numerical model, model~B. For each element the fraction of the total mass of carbon or nitrogen being ejected at a point in time is shown in the upper panels for IMS and massive stars versus time. Meanwhile, the lower panels plot the fraction of accumulated mass of carbon and nitrogen ejected by IMS and massive stars, also versus time. To gauge the final contributions of IMS and massive stars to carbon and nitrogen synthesis, we can simply read the late-time values off of lower panels in Fig.~5. Clearly, in our models carbon production is dominated by massive stars, with massive stars providing 97\\% (all) of the total carbon. On the other hand, the roles of the stellar types appear to be reversed in the case of nitrogen, with IMS providing roughly 90\\% (all) of this element. {\\it Our analysis has led to the conclusion that carbon and nitrogen production in the Universe are essentially decoupled from one another, with the former produced in massive stars, while the latter is produced in IMS.} Consensus toward this claim in the case of carbon has been building for several years. For example, work by Prantzos et al. (1994), Garnett et al. (1999), and Gustafsson et al. (1999) show that carbon is largely produced by massive stars, to which we now add our support. In the case of nitrogen, the predicted large IMS yields in conjunction with the large extant database of planetary nebula abundances suggest strongly that the production of this element is dominated by IMS. The most recent problem has been the one presented by the observed constant N/O value at low metallicities, suggesting that massive stars must play at least an important role here, due to supposed significant IMS nitrogen release delays. However, our models have shown that low star formation rates can accomodate IMS nitrogen production with no problem. Finally, during this investigation we have chosen to ignore until now the large scatter in N/O that is observed at a single O/H value. This matter has been addressed by a number of authors including Garnett (1990), Pilyugin (1993; 1999), and Marconi, Matteucci, \\& Tosi (1994), with the consensus being that at least some of the scatter is real and due to bursts which momentarily lower N/O in the observed H~II regions with sudden injections of fresh oxygen, but as IMS eject nitrogen after the customary lag time, N/O rises again. Therefore, the scatter comes about by observing a large sample of H~II regions in various stages of oxygen and nitrogen enrichment. This picture implies that most points should be concentrated at relatively high N/O values, with fewer points, representing those objects experiencing sudden oxygen enrichment, located below the main concentration, since presumably bursts are followed by relatively long periods of quiescence during which the end point N/O is characteristic. However, a close look at the vertical distribution of points in N/O in Fig.~1B reveals that most points seem to be clustered along the NO envelope at relatively low values with the concentration falling off as one considers higher N/O values, i.e. exactly the reverse of the standard interpretation of the scatter described above. Indeed, this empirical finding strongly suggests that the ``equilibrium'' or unperturbed locus where most H~II regions reside is the NO envelope, and thus the excursions caused by sudden injections of material are actually {\\it upward} toward the region of fewer points. Barring an unidentified selection effect, then, the distribution of data points in Fig.~1B would seem to challenge the conventional picture. In fact the data are consistent with the lack of evidence for localized oxygen contamination from massive stars in H~II regions described in Kobulnicky \\& Skillman (1997b). Furthermore, the falloff in points above the NO envelope is more consistent with injections of nitrogen rather than oxygen; in this case the nitrogen source might be Wolf-Rayet stars or luminous blue variable stars, both of which were considered by Kobulnicky \\& Skillman (1997a) in their study of nitrogen-enriched H~II regions in NGC~5253. Their explanation suggests a simultaneous enrichment of helium, and thus H~II regions exhibiting high values of N/O in Fig.~1B should be checked for evidence of helium enrichment. Our general results, though, imply that the contributions of WR and luminous blue variable stars to nitrogen enrichment must be small. We postpone further investigation of this aspect of the N/O distribution, as we plan to take it up in another paper. Finally, we note the upper limits of log(N/O) for four damped Ly$\\alpha$ systems taken from Lu et al. (1996). While two of the points lie within the NO envelope, the other two points lie about 0.25 dex below it. Since the position of the rising track of a numerical model in Fig.~3B can be forced to the right (higher star formation rates) and left (lower star formation rates), such objects and others at even lower N/O values (if eventually observed) may be explained as representing very early stages of N/O evolution when IMS are just beginning to release nitrogen, i.e. roughly 250 Myr or less after an initial star burst." }, "0004/astro-ph0004066_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Self-similar solutions provide good descriptions for the gravitational collapse of spherical clouds or stars when the gas obeys a polytropic equation of state, $p=K\\rho^\\gamma$ (with $\\gamma\\le 4/3$, and $\\gamma=1$ corresponds to isothermal gas). We study the behaviors of nonradial (nonspherical) perturbations in the similarity solutions of Larson, Penston and Yahil, which describe the evolution of the collapsing cloud prior to core formation. Our global stability analysis reveals the existence of unstable bar-modes ($l=2$) when $\\gamma\\le 1.09$. In particular, for the collapse of isothermal spheres, which applies to the early stages of star formation, the $l=2$ density perturbation relative to the background, $\\delta\\rho({\\bf r},t)/\\rho(r,t)$, increases as $(t_0-t)^{-0.352}\\propto \\rho_c(t)^{0.176}$, where $t_0$ denotes the epoch of core formation, and $\\rho_c(t)$ is the cloud central density. Thus, the isothermal cloud tends to evolve into an ellipsoidal shape (prolate bar or oblate disk, depending on initial conditions) as the collapse proceeds. This shape deformation may facilitate fragmentation of the cloud. In the context of Type II supernovae, core collapse is described by the $\\gamma\\simeq 1.3$ equation of state, and our analysis indicates that there is no growing mode (with density perturbation) in the collapsing core before the proto-neutron star forms, although nonradial perturbations can grow during the subsequent accretion of the outer core and envelope onto the neutron star. We also carry out a global stability analysis for the self-similar expansion-wave solution found by Shu, which describes the post-collapse accretion (``inside-out'' collapse) of isothermal gas onto a protostar. We show that this solution is unstable to perturbations of all $l$'s, although the growth rates are unknown. ", "introduction": "The gravitational collapse of molecular clouds leading to star formation has long been an active area of study. In the early stages of collapse (from $\\rho\\lo 10^{-19}$~g~cm$^{-3}$ to $\\rho\\sim 10^{-12}$~g~cm$^{-3}$) the gas remains approximately isothermal (at temperature $\\sim 10$~K) due to efficient cooling by dust grains (see, e.g., Myhill \\& Boss 1993). The gas dynamics is then specified by two dimensional parameters, the gravitational constant $G$ and the isothermal sound speed $a$, so that the flow is expected to approach a self-similar form in the asymptotic limit, when the memory of initial conditions is ``lost''. Larson (1969) and Penston (1969) found a similarity solution which describes the pre-collapse (i.e., before the central protostar forms) evolution of the cloud, in which the gas collapses from rest, accelerating until it cruises at Mach number of $3.3$ and the density profile reaches a $r^{-2}$ power law. The Larson-Penston solution contains a nonsingular homologous inner core and a supersonic outer envelope. A qualitatively different set of similarity solutions was found by Shu (1977). Of particular interest is Shu's expansion-wave solution which describes the post-collapse accretion of a singular isothermal gas cloud onto a protostar. In this solution, the flow starts from hydrostatic equilibrium (with a $r^{-2}$ density profile) and a rarefaction wave expands from the center and initiates the collapse (the so-called ``inside-out'' collapse); Inside the expansion-wave front, the flow eventually attains the free-fall behavior ($v\\propto r^{-1/2}$) at small radii, with density $\\rho\\propto r^{-3/2}$. The link between the Larson-Penston pre-collapse solution and Shu's expansion-wave solution was elucidated by Hunter (1977), who showed that the Larson-Penston solution can be continued to the post-collapse phase and that there exists an infinite (but discrete) number of pre- and post-collapse solutions of a different type (called ``Type I''; see \\S 2), among which the expansion-wave solution represents a limiting case. Figure 1 illustrates the properties of different self-similar solutions for the collapse and accretion of isothermal spheres.\\footnote{We note that Whitworth \\& Summers (1985) have found a continuum of similarity solutions by relaxing the analyticity condition of the flow at the transonic point; However, these generalized solutions are locally unstable (Hunter 1986; Ori \\& Piran 1988), and therefore may not be realized in astrophysical situations. We also mention that Boily and Lynden-Bell (1995) have constructed similarity solutions for the gravitational collapse of radiatively cooling gas spheres (with emissivity having a power-law dependence on density and temperature).} With the plethora of possible similarity solutions, it is important to know which, if any, of them are actually realized by collapse of isothermal clouds. One-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, starting from a regular (Bonner-Ebert) sphere, generally indicate that the collapse resembles the Larson-Penston similarity form in the asymptotic limit (Hunter 1977; Foster \\& Chevalier 1993). This is consistent with the recent finding of Hanawa \\& Nakayama (1997), who showed that the pre-collapse Type I solutions of Hunter's (see Fig.~1) are strongly unstable against global spherical perturbations, and therefore are unlikely to be realized in astrophysical situations or numerical simulations. Similarity solutions have also been investigated in the context of core-collapse supernovae (Goldreich \\& Weber 1980; Yahil 1983), where the equation of state of the collapsing iron core can be approximated by that of a polytrope, $p=K\\rho^\\gamma$, where $K$ is a constant and $\\gamma\\simeq 4/3$. (In fact, the effective $\\gamma$ is about $1.3$ from the onset of electron capture to the neutrino trapping density, i.e., for $4\\times 10^9$~g~cm$^{-3}\\lo\\rho\\lo 10^{12}$~g~cm$^{-3}$; $\\gamma$ becomes close to $4/3$ when $\\rho\\go 10^{12}$~g~cm$^{-3}$ until nuclear density is reached.) Goldreich \\& Weber (1980) studied the special case of $\\gamma=4/3$, which provides a good description for the inner homologous core; They also performed a global perturbation analysis and showed that the inner core is stable against all radial and nonradial perturbations. Yahil (1983) generalized the Goldreich-Weber solution to general $\\gamma\\le 4/3$; this allows for a proper description of the outer core which collapses supersonically. Since Yahil's solution is the same as the Larson-Penston solution except for different values of $\\gamma$, we shall often refer them as Larson-Penston-Yahil solutions in the remainder of this paper. The similarity solutions described above (in both star formation and supernova contexts) assume idealized spherical flows. A realistic gas cloud, however, contains nonradial (nonspherical) perturbations,\\footnote{A realistic flow may also contain a non-negligible amount of angular momentum and magnetic fields --- these are neglected in the main text of this paper. In Appendix A we discuss the perturbative effects of rotation on Larson-Penston-Yahil solutions. Terebey, Shu \\& Cassen (1984) have considered how slow rotation affects the expansion-wave solution, and Galli \\& Shu (1993a,b) have studied the perturbative effects of magnetic fields (see also Li \\& Shu 1997).} and it is of interest to understand the behaviors of these perturbations during the collapse/accretion of the cloud. In general, multi-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations are needed to follow the evolution of the perturbed flow, especially when the perturbations become nonlinear. The large dynamical range involved in a collapse makes such simulations particularly challenging (e.g., star formation ultimately involves collapse from $\\rho\\lo 10^{-19}$~g~cm$^{-3}$ to $\\rho\\go 0.1$~g~cm$^{-3}$; even the initial isothermal collapse stage involves seven orders of magnitude increase in densities; see Truelove et al.~1997,1998 and Boss 1998 for a discussion on the numerical subtleties). An alternative, complementary approach is to carry out linear stability analysis to determine whether the flow is unstable to the growth of any nonradial perturbations. Since the unperturbed flow varies in space and time in a self-similar manner, a global analysis is needed to study perturbations which vary on similar scales as the unperturbed flow itself. The stability properties of the flow therefore depend crucially on boundary conditions at different locations of the flow. In this paper we perform global stability analysis for Larson-Penston-Yahil solutions (general $\\gamma$) and for Shu's expansion-wave solution ($\\gamma=1$ only) to determine whether these similarity flows contain growing nonradial modes. While the stability properties of isothermal similarity collapse solutions (the Larson-Penston solution and the expansion-wave solution) are relevant to the formation of binary (and multiple) stars (see \\S 5), the present study stems from our attempts to understand the origin of asymmetric supernovae and pulsar kicks (Goldreich, Lai \\& Sahrling 1996; see also Lai 1999). Numerical simulations indicate that local hydrodynamical instabilities in the collapsed stellar core (e.g., Burrows et al.~1995; Janka \\& M\\\"uller 1994,~1996; Herant et al.~1994), which can in principle lead to asymmetric matter ejection and/or asymmetric neutrino emission, are not adequate to account for kick velocities $\\go 100$~km~s$^{-1}$ (Burrows \\& Hayes 1996; Janka 1998). Global asymmetric perturbations of presupernova cores may be required to produce the observed kicks. Goldreich et al.~(1996) suggested that overstable g-modes driven by shell nuclear burning may provide seed perturbations which could be amplified during core collapse (see also Lai \\& Goldreich 2000). While the analysis of Goldreich \\& Weber (1980) shows that the inner homologous core is stable against nonradial perturbations, the situation is not so clear for the supersonically collapsing outer core where pressure plays a less important role. It is therefore important to analyse the global stability of Yahil's self-similar solution. Hanawa \\& Matsumoto (1999) have recently found a globally unstable bar mode in the pre-collapse Larson-Penston solution (for isothermal collapse). Our independent calculations confirm their result for $\\gamma=1$. Since the analysis of Hanawa \\& Matsumoto is restricted to perturbations with real eigenvalues and eigenfunctions (see \\S 3), it is not clear whether there exists any other growing modes, nor is it clear whether the growing bar-mode persists for general values of $\\gamma$ (see also Hanawa \\& Matsumoto 2000a). The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes the basic properties of the (unperturbed) Larson-Penston-Yahil similarity solution. This serves as a preparation for our stability analysis presented in Section 3. (For readers not interested in technical details, the main results are given in \\S 3.4 and Figures 3-5.) In Section 4 we show that Shu's expansion-wave solution for isothermal collapse is unstable to nonradial perturbations of all angular orders. Finally, we discuss the astrophysical implications of our results in \\S 5. Appendix A contains a discussion of the rotational and vortex modes of Larson-Penston-Yahil solutions. ", "conclusions": "Early studies by Hunter (1962) and by Lin, Mestel \\& Shu (1965) demonstrated that uniform, pressure-free gas clouds undergoing gravitational collapse are unstable toward fragmentation and shape deformation, with perturbations growing asymptotically as $\\delta\\rho(\\br,t)/\\rho(t)\\propto (t_0-t)^{-1}\\propto\\rho(t)^{1/2}$ in the linear regime, where $t_0$ denotes the epoch of complete collapse, and $\\rho(t)$ is the unperturbed uniform density. However, the presence of even a small initial central concentration and pressure forces significantly alters the evolution of the cloud. If the gas pressure is simply related to the density by a power-law, $p=K\\rho^\\gamma$ (polytropic equation of state), the flow asymptotically approaches the similarity solutions found by Larson (1969), Penston (1969) (for isothermal gas $\\gamma=1$), by Goldreich \\& Weber (1980) (for $\\gamma=4/3$), and by Yahil (1983) (for general $\\gamma$). Since the local Jeans length is of the same order as the length scale at which the flow varies, a global analysis is needed to determine the stability properties of the collapsing cloud. The result (\\S 3) presented in this paper (see also Hanawa \\& Matsumoto 1999) shows that for sufficiently soft equation of state ($\\gamma\\le 1.09$), the Larson-Penston-Yahil similarity flow is unstable against bar-mode perturbations, such that $\\delta\\rho(\\br,t)/\\rho(r,t)\\propto (t_0-t)^sY_{2m}(\\theta,\\phi)$ with $s<0$ ($s=-0.352$ for $\\gamma=1$ and $s$ increases to zero as $\\gamma$ increases to $1.09$, see Fig.~5), where $t_0$ denotes the epoch of core formation. Since the central density increases as $\\rho_c(t)\\propto (t_0-t)^{-2}$, the growth of perturbation, $\\delta\\rho(\\br,t)/\\rho(r,t)\\propto \\rho_c(t)^{-s/2}$, is slow (e.g., for isothermal collapse, $\\delta\\rho/\\rho$ increases by a factor of $1.5$ when $\\rho_c$ increases by a factor of $10$). Such a slow growth (compared with the $\\delta\\rho/\\rho\\propto\\rho^{1/2}$ behavior for the collapse of uniform, pressure-less gas) is a result of the stablizing influence of pressure, despite the large Mach number (about $3$) achieved in the outer region of the cloud. Our stability analysis applies to the pre-collapse stage (prior to core formation) of the Larson-Penston-Yahil solutions. After the central core forms, the outer core and envelope accrete onto it (see Fig.~1). The gas approaches free-fall as $r\\rightarrow 0$, and the Mach number becomes much greater than unity. In this (accretion) stage, nonradial perturbations (of all scales) grow kinematically as $\\delta\\rho/\\rho\\propto r^{-1/2}\\propto \\rho^{1/3}$, where $r(t)$ is the radius of a fluid element and $\\rho(t)\\propto r^{-3/2}$ its comoving density (Lai \\& Goldreich 2000). Although the fluid element is free-falling, the perturbation grows more slowly compared with the case of uniform pressure-less collapse because the steep velocity gradients provide a stablizing influence on the flow. The global bar-mode instability for isothermal collapse may have important implications for star formation, particularly in connection with the formation of binary (and multiple) stars (see also Hanawa \\& Matsumoto 1999; Matsumoto \\& Hanawa 1999). Fragmentation is unlikely to occur in a globally spherical collapse because small condensations do not contract fast enough to separate out from the converging bulk flow. Angular momentum (or magnetic field) can obviously make the cloud nonspherical, and thus facilitate fragmentation (e.g., Burkert \\& Bodenheimer 1996; Burkert, Bate \\& Bodenheimer 1997; Truelove et al.~1997,1998; Boss 1998). Observations suggest that many of the molecular cloud cores (with mass of order a few $M_\\odot$ and size $0.1$~pc) have elongated shapes (Myers et al.~1991) and slow rotation rates (with the ratio of rotational to gravitational energies of order $0.02$; Goodman et al.~1993), implying that rotation is probably not a crucial factor in driving fragmentation on scales greater than $200$~AU. Our result on the growth of bar-mode perturbations ($\\delta\\rho\\propto Y_{2m}$) indicates that, even without net angular momentum, the collapsing cloud tends to deform into an ellipsoidal shape (oblate disk or prolate bar, depending on which $m$-mode perturbation is dominant initially). Fragmentation is more likely to occur for such deformed configurations (e.g., Bonnel 1999; Matsumoto \\& Hanawa 1999). In the context of core-collapse supernovae, our result shows that the homologous inner core and the supersonic outer core are globally stable against nonradial perturbations prior to core bounce at nuclear density and the formation of the proto-neutron star. However, during the subsequent accretion of the outer core (involving $15\\%$ of the core mass) and envelope onto the proto-neutron star, nonspherical perturbations can grow according to $\\delta\\rho/\\rho\\propto r^{-1/2}$ or even $\\delta\\rho/\\rho \\propto r^{-1}$ (Lai \\& Goldreich 2000). The asymmetric density perturbations seeded in the presupernova star, especially those in the outer region of the iron core, are therefore amplified during collapse. The enhanced asymmetric density perturbation may lead to asymmetric shock propagation and breakout, which then give rise to asymmetry in the explosion and a kick velocity to the neutron star (Goldreich et al.~1996; Burrows \\& Hayes 1996). Our stability analysis (\\S 4) shows that Shu's expansion-wave solution is globally unstable to perturbations of all $l$'s, although the growth rates are unknown at present. The implication of this result is not entirely clear. It is well-known that a static singular isothermal sphere is highly unstable to radial perturbations (A truncated Bonner-Ebert isothermal sphere is unstable when the range of density from the center to the surface is greater than $14.04$; see Bonner 1956, Hunter 1977). Earlier one-dimensional numerical simulations have already shown that a collapsing isothermal cloud does not approach the expansion-wave solution (Hunter 1977; Foster \\& Chevalier 1993). Our stability analysis corroborates this result, and indicates that the expansion-wave solution cannot be realised in a pure hydrodynamical situation. Magnetic fields play an important role in the current paradigm for forming low-mass stars (e.g., Shu, Adams \\& Lizano 1987; Shu et al.~1999; Mouschovias \\& Ciolek 1999). Ambipolar diffusion of magnetic fields drives the quasi-static contraction of the molecular cloud core with growing central concentration such that the core asymptotically approaches the state of a singular isothermal sphere. When the flux-to-mass ratio drops below certain critical value, a runaway ``inside-out'' collapse ensues, and it is thought that this collapse is well described by the expansion-wave solution (Shu et al.~1999). In reality, there is probably no sharp distinction between the quasi-static contraction and dynamical collapse (e.g., Safier, McKee \\& Stahler 1997; Li 1998), and a real singular isothermal sphere can never be reached. Our global stability analysis of the expansion-wave solution (\\S 4) does not depend on the mathematical singularity of the solution at $r=0$, but depends on the existence of a well-defined rarefaction front and a static isothermal density profile outside the front in the solution. It in not clear whether our idealized hydrodynamical stability analysis can be applied to more realistic situations with (even sub-dominant) magnetic fields (see Galli \\& Shu 1993a,b and Li \\& Shu 1997 for the effects of magnetic field on self-similar ``inside-out'' collapse)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004193_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The boundaries of the Uranian $\\epsilon$, $\\alpha$, and $\\beta$ rings can be fitted by Keplerian ellipses. The pair of ellipses that outline a given ring share a common line of apsides. Apse alignment is surprising because the quadrupole moment of Uranus induces differential precession. We propose that rigid precession is maintained by a balance of forces due to ring self-gravity, planetary oblateness, and interparticle collisions. Collisional impulses play an especially dramatic role near ring edges. Pressure-induced accelerations are maximal near edges because there (1) velocity dispersions are enhanced by resonant satellite perturbations, and (2) the surface density declines steeply. Remarkably, collisional forces felt by material in the last $\\sim$100 m of a $\\sim$10 km wide ring can increase equilibrium masses up to a factor of $\\sim$100. New ring surface densities are derived which accord with Voyager radio measurements. In contrast to previous models, collisionally modified self-gravity appears to allow for both negative and positive eccentricity gradients; why all narrow planetary rings exhibit positive eccentricity gradients remains an open question. ", "introduction": "Each narrow eccentric ring surrounding Uranus is composed of particles moving on nested elliptical orbits. The outer and inner edges of a given ring define ellipses having semi-major axes $a \\pm \\Delta a/2$ and eccentricities $e \\pm \\Delta e/2$, where $\\Delta a \\ll a$, $\\Delta e \\ll e$, and $e \\ll 1$. Observed values of $a$, $e$, $\\Delta a$, and $\\Delta e$ for the Uranian $\\epsilon$, $\\alpha$, and $\\beta$ rings are listed in Table \\ref{param}. \\placetable{param} \\begin{deluxetable}{ccccc} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Parameters of Eccentric Uranian Rings\\tablenotemark{a}\\label{param}} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Ring} & \\colhead{$a$(km)} & \\colhead{$\\Delta a$(km)} & \\colhead{$e\\, (\\times 10^3)$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta e\\, (\\times 10^3)$} } \\startdata $\\epsilon$ & 51149 & 58.1 & 7.936 & 0.711 \\nl $\\alpha$ & 44718 & 7.15 & 0.761 & 0.076 \\nl $\\beta$ & 45661 & 8.15 & 0.442 & 0.066 \\nl \\tablenotetext{a}{Values taken from Tables I and VII of \\markcite{fetal91}French et al. (1991).} \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} Remarkably, the set of ellipses describing an individual ring share a common line of apsides. Apse alignment is surprising because the oblateness of Uranus causes orbits of particles with different semi-major axes to precess differentially. Timescales for differential precession in the absence of other forces are extremely short; in the case of the Uranian $\\epsilon$ ring, the inner edge would precess a full revolution relative to the outer edge in 175 years. Rigid precession of an eccentric planetary ring has remained a problem in ring dynamics for over 20 years. \\markcite{gt79}Goldreich \\& Tremaine (1979, hereafter GT) proposed that apse alignment is maintained by self-gravity. Their theory predicts that the eccentricity gradient across the ring, \\begin{equation} q_e \\equiv a \\frac{\\partial e}{\\partial a} \\, , \\end{equation} \\ni must be positive. A positive eccentricity gradient in an apse-aligned ring implies that the ring is narrowest at periapse and widest at apoapse. Gravitational forces between particles are therefore greatest near periapse. Material in the inner half of the ring pulls radially inward on the outer half at periapse, generating a differential precession which exactly cancels that due to planetary oblateness. Though the prediction that $q_e > 0$ accords with observations of all known narrow eccentric rings, the standard self-gravity model (hereafter SSG) predicts Uranian ring masses that are too low compared to those inferred from Voyager radio occultations. Ring masses based on observations exceed predictions by factors of at least $\\sim$3 ($\\epsilon$ ring) to $\\sim$50 ($\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ rings) (\\markcite{tetal86}Tyler et al. 1986; \\markcite{g90}Gresh 1990; see also the reviews by \\markcite{espo91}Esposito et al. 1991 and \\markcite{fetal91}French et al. 1991). Low surface densities are particularly problematic for the $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ rings. With SSG surface densities, torques exerted by inner shepherd satellites would be insufficiently strong to confine the $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ rings against drag from the distended exosphere of Uranus (\\markcite{gp87}Goldreich \\& Porco 1987, hereafter GP). In addition, as discussed by \\markcite{getal95}Graps et al. (1995), shapes of the $\\epsilon$ ring surface density profiles as derived from occultation light curves do not accord with SSG predictions. This paper points the way towards resolving these problems. In \\S \\ref{qual}, a theory of collisionally modified self-gravity (hereafter CMSG) is qualitatively described. A simple quantitative model is set forth in \\S \\ref{quant}, in which new surface density profiles are derived for the $\\epsilon$ and $\\alpha$ rings that are in better agreement with observations. In \\S \\ref{impl}, implications of our solutions for torque balance, the role of planetary oblateness, and the value of $q_e$ are discussed. Directions for future research are summarized in \\S \\ref{future}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{impl} \\subsection{Surface Density Profiles and Torque Balance} Simple CMSG models, while not fully realistic, demonstrate the existence of a new class of self-gravity solution, that obtained by accounting for the modification of ring boundary conditions by interparticle collisions. Remarkably, forces felt by material in the last $\\sim$100 m of a $\\sim$10 km wide ring can increase equilibrium masses by factors up to 100. Large S-band opacities measured by Voyager, which are incompatible with SSG surface densities (see, e.g., the review by \\markcite{espo91}Esposito et al. 1991), can be reconciled with average CMSG surface densities of $\\sim$75--100$\\gm \\,\\cm^{-2}$ for the $\\epsilon$, $\\alpha$, and $\\beta$ rings. Moreover, CMSG models predict that surface densities near ring edges are higher than those in the interior. This behavior is reminiscent of the ``double-dip'' structure seen in occultation light curves for the $\\epsilon$ and $\\alpha$ rings (see, e.g., the review by \\markcite{fetal91}French et al. 1991). Greater ring masses as implied by CMSG resolve problems associated with exospheric drag that were pointed out by \\markcite{gp87}GP for rings $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$. For the remainder of this subsection, numerical estimates will be made for the $\\alpha$ ring; similar conclusions hold for the $\\beta$ and $\\epsilon$ rings. Surface densities are scaled to a typical CMSG value in the ring interior of $\\Sigma = 75 \\gm \\,\\cm^{-2}$. An inner shepherd satellite exerts a repulsive, non-linear torque at first-order Lindblad resonances of magnitude \\begin{equation} T^L_{\\rm nl} \\approx \\frac{10 \\rho_s R_s^3 \\Sigma^2 n^2 a^7}{M_p^2 d} \\approx 6 \\times 10^{17} \\left( \\frac{\\Sigma}{75 \\gm \\,\\cm^{-2}} \\right)^2 \\left( \\frac{R_s}{10 \\km} \\right)^3 \\left( \\frac{\\rho_s}{1.5 \\gm \\,\\cm^{-3}} \\right) \\left( \\frac{500 \\km}{d} \\right) \\erg \\;, \\end{equation} \\ni where the satellite radius, $R_s$, is scaled to the Voyager upper limit of 10 km (\\markcite{setal86}Smith et al. 1986). The shepherding torque exceeds the magnitude of the drag torque exerted by the Uranian exosphere, \\begin{equation} \\label{atm} T_{d} \\approx -4\\pi m_H n_H v_T n a^3 \\Delta a \\approx -4 \\times 10^{16} \\left( \\frac{n_H}{10^3 \\,\\cm^{-3}} \\right) \\erg \\, . \\end{equation} \\ni Here $n_H = 7 \\times 10^{-6} \\, e^{32.4 \\, R_p / a} \\,\\cm^{-3}$ is the number density of hydrogen atoms of mass $m_H$ in the exosphere, and $v_T \\approx 1 \\km \\,\\s^{-1}$ is their thermal speed normal to the orbital plane (\\markcite{betal86}Broadfoot et al. 1986). That $T^L_{\\rm{nl}} > |T_d|$ ensures that the inner shepherd prevents ring particles from spiraling in towards Uranus. Estimates of viscous torques $T_v$ also require revision. For a ring undergoing Keplerian shear, with minimum kinematic viscosity $n (\\Sigma/\\rho)^2$, the viscous torque is given by \\begin{equation} T_v \\approx \\frac{3\\pi n^2 \\Sigma^3 a^2}{\\rho^2} \\approx 2.5 \\times 10^{18} \\left( \\frac{\\Sigma}{75 \\gm \\,\\cm^{-2}} \\right)^3 \\left( \\frac{1.5 \\gm \\,\\cm^{-3}}{\\rho} \\right)^2 \\erg \\end{equation} \\ni (\\markcite{gp87}GP). That $T_v \\gg |T_d|$ ensures that ring particles on the outer edge press against the inner Lindblad resonance established by the outer shepherd. Conclusions drawn from comparisons between $T^L_{\\rm{nl}}$ and $T_v$ are on less sure footing. For the choice of scaling parameters, the latter exceeds the former, contrary to the requirement of the standard theory of shepherding that the torques be equal. This might be construed as evidence that the angular momentum luminosity in the ring interior is reduced below $T_v$ by the non-Keplerian shear associated with a non-zero $q_e$ (\\markcite{bgt82}Borderies, Goldreich, \\& Tremaine 1982; \\markcite{gp87}GP). However, the numerical estimates for the two torques differ only by a factor of a few. The shepherding torque should be evaluated using surface densities near the edge, which CMSG predicts are higher than those in the interior; this would increase the estimate of $T^L_{\\rm{nl}}$. Uncertainties in the choice of parameters preclude drawing any conclusion other than that these torques are of the same order of magnitude. \\subsection{Relative Importance of Planetary Oblateness} \\subsubsection{$J_2 = 0$ vs. $J_2 \\neq 0$} What does CMSG predict if $J_2 = 0$? Figure 2a displays the answer for the $\\epsilon$ ring, for $c_b = 2$ and 3 $\\cm \\,\\s^{-1}$. In contrast to SSG, a non-vanishing equilibrium surface density does not require a finite planetary oblateness; self-gravity can be balanced entirely by collisional pressure gradients. For the $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ rings, solutions with and without $J_2$ are practically indistinguishable for $c_b \\geq 0.5 \\,\\cm \\,\\s^{-1}$. The influence of $J_2$ on the equilibrium solution diminishes as $\\Delta a$ decreases or as $c_b$ increases. \\placefigure{j2} \\begin{figure} \\plotone{f2.eps} \\caption{(a) CMSG $\\epsilon$ ring models for which $J_2$ is reduced from its nominal value of $3.35 \\times 10^{-3}$ {\\protect \\markcite{en84}}(Elliot \\& Nicholson 1984) (solid line) to 0 (dotted line). As $c_b$ is increased from $2 \\, \\cm \\,\\s^{-1}$ (lower two curves) to $3 \\, \\cm \\,\\s^{-1}$ (upper two curves), the influence of $J_2$ diminishes. For the $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ rings, CMSG models with and without $J_2$ are practically indistinguishable for $c_b \\geq 0.5 \\,\\cm \\,\\s^{-1}$ (data not shown). (b) CMSG $\\epsilon$ ring models for which $q_e = \\pm \\, 0.626$. Contrary to SSG models, a positive $q_e$ is not required to obtain an equilibrium solution.} \\label{j2} \\end{figure} \\subsubsection{Empirical Scaling Relations for $J_2 = 0$} \\label{scale} For $J_2 = 0$ and fixed ring geometry, the surface density at quadrature near a given edge scales as \\begin{equation} \\label{scalesurfb} \\Sigma_b \\,(0 \\leq |x| \\lesssim \\lambda) = \\frac{c_b^2}{G\\lambda} \\;f(|x|/\\lambda) \\, , \\end{equation} \\ni where $|x|$ measures distance from the edge, $c_b$ and $\\lambda$ are the same free parameters as in Equation (\\ref{prescrip}), and $f$ is a dimensionless function of the similarity variable $|x| / \\lambda$. Well away from ring edges, the surface density at quadrature scales as \\begin{equation} \\label{scalesurf} \\Sigma_i \\,(|x| \\gg \\lambda) = \\frac{c_b^2}{G\\sqrt{\\lambda \\Delta a}} \\; g(|x|/\\Delta a) \\, , \\end{equation} \\ni where $g$ is another dimensionless function. The total ring mass scales as \\begin{equation} \\label{scalemass} M \\sim \\frac{c_b^2 a}{G} \\sqrt{\\Delta a / \\lambda} \\, . \\end{equation} \\subsection{Value of $q_e$} \\subsubsection{Sign of $q_e$} Figure 2b displays a CMSG model for the $\\epsilon$ ring obtained by reversing the sign of $q_e$. In contrast to SSG, a positive eccentricity gradient is not necessary in CMSG to obtain an equilibrium solution. This resurrects the problem of why all known eccentric planetary rings, including the Titan and Huygens ringlets around Saturn, are narrowest at periapse and widest at apoapse. It is possible that equilibria obtained using $q_e < 0$ are unstable. To address this issue, a preliminary investigation of ring stability for an $N=4$ ringlet model has been undertaken. Forces due to pressure gradients are included only for the first and fourth ringlets. Collisional accelerations are treated as if they arise from anti-self-gravity forces (self-gravity with the sign of the acceleration reversed); i.e., collisional shear stresses are ignored. In this crude approximation, equilibria are found to be stable regardless of the sign of $q_e$; small deviations from equilibrium masses result in apsidal librations (\\markcite{bgt83}Borderies, Goldreich \\& Tremaine 1983). It remains to be seen whether collisional shear stresses alter stability properties. Another possibility is that initial conditions set the sign of $q_e$. If the ring were initially uniform in width as a function of azimuth, then planetary oblateness would determine the initial sense of differential precession within the ring. The resultant narrowing of the ring width near a true anomaly of $f = -\\pi/2$ would cause a positive eccentricity gradient to grow by self-gravity. Under this hypothesis, an $N=2$ ringlet model incorporating forces from self-gravity and planetary oblateness yields the following time evolution for the apse and eccentricity differences between outer and inner ringlets: \\begin{eqnarray} \\delta \\pomega = - A \\sin \\Omega_{\\rm{lib}} t \\\\ \\delta e = A e ( 1 - \\cos \\Omega_{\\rm{lib}} t ) \\end{eqnarray} \\ni where $A > 0$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm{lib}}$ are the amplitude and frequency, respectively, of libration (cf. \\markcite{bgt83}Borderies, Goldreich, \\& Tremaine 1983). Note that the time-average of $\\delta e$ is positive. Inelastic collisions would damp librations and the ring would eventually settle into an equilibrium for which $q_e > 0$. \\subsubsection{Magnitude of $q_e$ Near Ring Boundaries} \\label{magqe} It has been assumed that the eccentricity gradient, $q_e$, is finite out to the last $\\lambda = c_b/n \\sim 50$ meters of ring material. A finite $q_e$ is necessary to generate a non-zero azimuthal average of the collisional acceleration [see equation (\\ref{azaverage})]. The simple quantitative model of \\S \\ref{quant} employed the observed value of $q_e$ averaged over the entire ring width. The true value over the last few hundred meters of ring material is unknown. In the case of the best-studied $\\epsilon$ ring, \\markcite{getal95}Graps et al. (1995) combined Voyager photopolarimeter and radio occultation measurements to infer the eccentricity gradient as a function of semi-major axis. They found that $q_e$ decreases over the last $\\sim$5 km from its nearly constant value of $\\sim$0.65 in the interior to $\\sim$0.35 near the edge. The radial resolution of their study was between 1 and 2 km. A decrease in $q_e$ towards ring boundaries is theoretically plausible. Distortions in a circular ring can be described by the change in separation, $\\delta r$, between neighboring streamlines of the form \\begin{equation} \\delta r \\propto \\cos m(\\phi - \\Omega_{\\rm pat} t) \\, , \\end{equation} \\ni where $\\Omega_{\\rm pat}$ is the pattern speed of the distortion and $m$ is an integer. A constant $q_e$ ring that precesses rigidly in the quadrupole field of the central planet is equivalent to a distorted circular ring for which $m = 1$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm pat} = \\langle d\\pomega/dt \\rangle_Q$. Resonant satellite perturbations, which enhance velocity dispersions within a distance $w_r \\sim 1 \\km$ of ring edges, are characterized by much higher values of $m = 2a/3d \\gg 1$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm pat} = \\Omega_s$. Satellite-induced disturbances might therefore reduce the local value of $q_e$. A decrease in $q_e$ over a distance $w_r$ near ring boundaries is roughly equivalent to setting $\\lambda = w_r$ in equation (\\ref{prescrip}). By the scaling relations (\\ref{scalesurf}) and (\\ref{scalemass}), this would reduce surface densities and total ring masses shown in Figure \\ref{surf} by a factor of $\\sqrt{w_rn/c_b} \\sim 4$." }, "0004/astro-ph0004083_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a high-resolution 5-GHz radio continuum map of the starburst galaxy NGC 2146 made with MERLIN and the VLA (A-array), in a search of radio supernovae and supernova remnants expected to be already produced by the most massive stars in the starburst. At 5 GHz, about 20 point sources were detected earlier by Glendenning $\\&$ Kronberg (1986) in the central 800 pc of NGC 2146. Our observations with higher sensitivity and resolution made with MERLIN and the VLA confirms the detection of 18 sources, and resolves 7 of them. Additional 1.6-GHz MERLIN observations disclose 9 sources coincident in position with those detected at 5 GHz, which allows us to derive their spectral indices $\\mathrm{\\alpha_{1.6}^{5}}$, ($\\mathrm{S_{\\nu}\\sim\\nu^{\\alpha}}$). Only 3 sources have indices ($\\alpha$ $<$ 0) consistent with synchrotron emission from supernova remnants or radio supernovae, while the others have very steep inverted spectra ($\\alpha$ $>$ 0). \\\\ We suggest that the sources with positive spectral index are optically thick ultra--compact and/or ultra--dense {H\\,{\\sc ii}} regions with high electron densities and high emission measures (EM $>$ $\\mathrm{10^{7}}$ $\\mathrm{cm^{-6}}$ pc). Minimum energy requirements indicate that these regions may contain up to 1000 equivalent stars of type O6, comparable to the number of stars found in super starclusters. When compared with M\\,82, the galaxy NGC 2146 lacks however a large number of supernova remnants. We suggest that NGC 2146 is experiencing a burst of star formation stronger than that in M\\,82, but being in a younger phase. In this phase, only few stars have already exploded, whereas the others cause strong thermal emission from compact, optically thick ionized gas regions, around the young super starclusters.\\\\ We may, however, not exclude an alternative scenario in which strong free-free absorption at 1.6 GHz in foreground ionized gas with very high emission measures (EM $>$ $\\mathrm{10^{8}}$ $\\mathrm{cm^{-6}}$ pc) hides a certain number of supernova remnants, thus rendering for some sources the observed inverted spectra. ", "introduction": "NGC 2146 is a starburst galaxy located at a distance of 14.5 Mpc (1\\arcsec $\\approx$ 70 pc). Its infrared luminosity measured with IRAS at 60 $\\mathrm{\\mu m}$ and 100 $\\mathrm{\\mu m}$ is $6.6\\times10^{10}$ $\\mathrm{L_\\odot}$. This value and the large 25 $\\mathrm{\\mu m}$ to 60 $\\mathrm{\\mu m}$ flux ratio place the object in the lower part of the IR luminosity/spectral index plane populated by superluminous galaxies without active nuclei (Hutchings et al. \\cite{hutch90}). NGC 2146 has a central molecular ring (Jackson \\& Ho \\cite{jack88}, Young et al. \\cite{young88}), and an outflow of hot gas along the minor axis driven by supernova explosions and stellar winds in the starburst region (Armus et al. \\cite{armus95}, Della Ceca et al. \\cite{della99}). These characteristics reveal a strong similarity to the prototype starburst galaxy M\\,82 (at a distance of 3.2 Mpc and with an infrared luminosity of $2.4\\times10^{10}$ $\\mathrm{L_\\odot}$), although NGC 2146 does not have a companion that may have triggered the starburst (Fisher $\\&$ Tully \\cite{fisher76}). It has been suggested that the starburst in NGC 2146 is the result of a far evolved merger (Condon et al. \\cite{condon82}; Young et al. \\cite{young88}, Hutchings et al. \\cite{hutch90}), but a fully convincing kinematic and material trace of the merger has not yet been found.\\\\ The nuclear region is partly obscured by a strongly absorbing dust lane (Benvenuti et al. \\cite{benve75}). The high extinction (A$\\mathrm{_{v}}$ $>$ 5 mag; Young et al. \\cite{young88bis}; Hutchings et al. \\cite{hutch90}; Smith et al. \\cite{smith95}) makes the optical observation of the inner star-forming regions impossible.\\\\ Strong non--thermal radio emission from the centre of NGC 2146 has been detected by Kronberg \\& Biermann (\\cite{kron81}; hereafter KB), by Condon et al. (\\cite{condon82}), and by Lisenfeld et al. (\\cite{lisenfeld96}, \\cite{lisenfeld97}). About 20 point sources were detected at 5 GHz in the central 800 pc of NGC 2146 by Glendenning \\& Kronberg (\\cite{glen86}) using the VLA, and these were interpreted as radio supernovae (RSN) or supernova remnants (SNRs). In this paper we report the detailed spatial distribution of these point sources, together with their number and fluxes derived from radio continuum observations at 5 GHz obtained with MERLIN and the VLA. From additional 1.6 GHz MERLIN observations we obtained the spectral index of 9 of these sources, which allow to identify their nature. Our results open the possibility of a direct comparison with similar observations of M\\,82 (Kronberg et al. \\cite{kron85}; Muxlow et al. \\cite{mux94}) and other strong and nearby starburst galaxies, such as NGC\\,1808, NGC\\,4736 and NGC\\,5253 (Saikia et al. \\cite{saikia90}; Duric \\& Dittmar \\cite{duric88}; Turner et al. \\cite{turner98}). ", "conclusions": "The combination of VLA and MERLIN 5 GHz observations of the starburst galaxy NGC 2146 allowed us to resolve seven of the eighteen hitherto unresolved sources detected with the VLA. We have measured the spectral indices between 1.6 and 5 GHz for nine sources. Three sources (37.6+24.2, 38.9+22.5, 41.4+15.0) seem to be good candidates for SNRs or RSN, with total emitted powers at 5 GHz comparable to the strongest SNRs found in M\\,82. Four other sources (36.6+27.5, 39.0+17.9, 40.2+18.1 and 37.7+23.7) have instead been identified with compact or ultra-dense \\ion{H} {ii} regions that have large EMs and a high-frequency turnover. The emitted thermal emission indicates a large equivalent number of O6 stars, exceeding the number of those found in similar objects in other galaxies. The large number of O6 stars may, however, be consistent with stars in super starclusters. The nature of the last two sources (37.9+23.7 and 39.5+17.7) for which we have spectral index information are still a matter of discussion. It seems realistic that they emit a mixture of thermal and non-thermal radiation, and may manifest the most powerful \\ion{H} {ii} regions ever observed. However, the burst of star formation in NGC 2146 has an extraordinary power, stronger than that in M\\,82. Despite this and the fact that the overall radio spectral index of the galaxy reveals a non-thermal origin, the number of discovered SNRs is much smaller than that in M\\,82. For the explanation of this fact we propose two scenarios: \\begin{itemize} \\item{NGC 2146 is experiencing a burst of star formation stronger than that in M\\,82, but which we are observing in a younger phase. This phase still lacks a large number of SNRs, but instead gives rise to strong thermal emission from optically thick dense ionized gas regions, associated with massive or super starclusters. The origin of the non-thermal extended component must be a trace of past SN explosions, individually too old and faint to be seen, and belonging to a previous burst in the galaxy.} \\item{Strong free-free absorption by very dense \\ion{H} {ii} regions and, for the most compact sources, possibly also\\\\ synchrotron-self absorption, may conceal a certain number of SNRs or RSN, rendering the identification of their nature difficult if only based on measurements of the spectral indices around the turnover frequencies. In this case the global number of SNRs or RSN can be higher, and this would corroborate the similarity between NGC 2146 and M\\,82. This interpretation raises, however, the question why we do not observe similar compact or ultra-dense \\ion{H} {ii} regions in M\\,82 as well.} \\end{itemize} Observations at 15 GHz will be able to better clarify the nature of the sources, and shed light on the unusual phase of the star burst we are observing in NGC 2146." }, "0004/hep-ph0004169_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The search for experimental evidence for supersymmetry is currently approaching a transition. For several years now, many of the most incisive experimental searches have been those at LEP~\\cite{lepsusy}, whose constraints on the parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) have grown ever more restrictive, as the centre-of-mass energy of LEP~II has been increased in successive steps. In parallel, improved analyses of data from Run~I of the Tevatron Collider have been providing important complementary constraints~\\cite{sugrarept}. The transition is marked by the termination of the LEP~II experimental programme in late 2000 and the anticipated start of Run~II of the Tevatron Collider in 2001. The results of experimental searches for different MSSM particles can usefully be compared and combined using the conventional parameterization of the model in terms of supersymmetry-breaking scalar and gaugino masses $m_0, m_{1/2}$, the higgsino mixing parameter $\\mu$, the ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values (vev's) $\\tan \\beta$ and a universal trilinear supersymmetry-breaking parameter $A$. We work in the framework of gravity-mediated models of supersymmetry breaking, in which it is commonly assumed that the scalar masses $m_0$ and the gaugino masses $m_{1/2}$ are universal at some supersymmetric GUT scale. The assumptions that these supersymmetry-breaking parameters are universal should be questioned, particularly for scalar masses and especially those of the Higgs supermultiplets, but provide a convenient way of benchmarking comparisons and combinations of different experimental searches. In this paper, we make such comparisons and combinations in variants of the MSSM in which the scalar-mass universality assumption is extended to Higgs fields (UHM, also commonly referred to as mSUGRA or the constrained MSSM or CMSSM), and also without this supplementary assumption (nUHM). In making such comparisons, we emphasize the importance of including radiative corrections to the relations between these MSSM model parameters $(m_0, m_{1/2}, \\mu, \\tan \\beta, A)$ and the physical masses of MSSM particles. Radiative corrections are well-known to be crucial in the MSSM Higgs sector, but also should not be neglected in the chargino, neutralino, gluino and squark sectors. As we have emphasized previously~\\cite{efgos}, the differences between the domains of MSSM parameter space apparently explored at the tree and one-loop levels are comparable to the differences between the domains explored in successive years of LEP running at higher centre-of-mass energies. In view of the intense experimental effort put into sparticle searches at LEP~II, it is important that the final results of these efforts be treated with the theoretical care they deserve. This issue is also relevant if one wishes to compare the physics reaches for electroweakly-interacting sparticles at LEP and for strongly-interacting sparticles at the Tevatron Collider, in which case one should take into account the important radiative corrections to squark and gluino masses~\\cite{Pierce:1997zz}, as well as to their production cross sections. In addition to direct searches for the production of MSSM particles, important indirect constraints must also be taken into account. These include other accelerator constraints, such as the measured value of the $b \\rightarrow s \\gamma$ decay rate~\\cite{CLEObsg,ALEPHbsg}, and non-accelerator constraints related to the possible role of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) as cold dark matter (CDM). The lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) would be stable in any variant of the MSSM which conserves $R$ parity, as we assume here. In gravity-mediated models of supersymmetry breaking, the framework adopted here, the LSP is commonly thought to be the lightest neutralino $\\chi$, and calculations of the cosmological relic density of LSPs, $\\Omega_\\chi$, yield values in the range preferred by cosmology in generic domains of MSSM parameter space~\\cite{EHNOS}. The possibility of supersymmetric CDM provides one of our principal motivations for seeking a deeper understanding of the allowed MSSM parameter space, but is not our only focus in this paper. The most essential dark-matter constraint is that the relic LSP density not overclose the Universe. The conditions that the universe has an age in excess of 12 billion years and that $\\Omega_{\\rm total}\\le 1$ imply an upper bound on $\\ohsq$ of 0.3. Further, the convergent indications from astrophysical structure-formation arguments and observations of high-redshift supernovae are that $\\Omega_{CDM} < 0.5$\\cite{Bahcall:1999xn}, whereas the Hubble expansion rate $H_0 = 100 h$~km/s/Mpc: $h = 0.7$ with an error of about 10\\%\\cite{Freedman:1999wh}, so we require $\\Omega_{LSP} h^2 \\le \\Omega_{CDM} h^2 \\le 0.3$. On the other hand, astrophysical structure formation seems to require $\\Omega_{CDM} > 0.2$, so we also require $\\Omega_{LSP} h^2 \\ge 0.1$, while acknowledging that a lower value of $\\Omega_{LSP}$ could be permitted if other CDM particles such as axions and/or superheavy relics are present. There have recently been some significant developments in the analysis of supersymmetric CDM. One is that the importance of co-annihilation effects involving next-to-lightest supersymmetric particles (NLSPs) such as the $\\tilde \\tau, \\tilde \\mu$ and $\\tilde e$ for calculations of the relic density of a gaugino-like LSP has recently been recognized \\cite{EFOSi,glp}. Another phenomenon whose importance in the CMSSM has recently been underlined is the possible transition of the electroweak vacuum into a charge- and colour-breaking (CCB) minimum \\cite{bbc}. The absence of such an instability is not absolutely necessary, since a transition in the future cannot be excluded. Therefore, we comment on the regions of MSSM parameter space in which the CCB instability is absent, but do not focus exclusively on these regions. The main purpose of this paper is to prepare for the compilation, comparison and combination of the definitive results from LEP~II and the Tevatron. We illustrate our analysis with the latest available limits from these two experimental programmes~\\cite{lepsusy, sugrarept}, supplemented by educated guesses at their final sensitivities. As we have explained previously, and discuss in more detail below, a key role in constraining the MSSM parameter space is provided by the LEP Higgs search. We express our results as a function of the present LEP lower limit on $m_H$, currently 107.9~GeV~\\cite{Higgs2000}, and the prospective future sensitivity, which may approach 112~GeV. We use our analysis to present lower limits on the LSP mass and on tan$\\beta$. We include a discussion of the implications of relaxing the UHM assumption that the soft supersymmetry-breaking contributions to Higgs masses are also universal. In particular, we investigate whether a light Higgsino LSP is still a viable dark matter candidate, and find that the latest LEP~II data now exclude this possibility. Finally, we discuss the likely future developments in the exploration of the MSSM parameter space in the period before the start-up of the LHC, during which the central role is likely to be played by Run~II of the Tevatron Collider. The layout of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we review in more detail the theoretical framework we adopt, discussing the issues of universality and relic coannihilations, and stressing the importance of Higgs mass constraints. In Section 3 we review our implementation of the $b \\rightarrow s \\gamma$ constraint, including, where applicable, the next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD corrections. We discuss the implications of the latest available constraints from LEP~II in Section 4, combining them in Section 5 with the cosmological and astrophysical constraints $0.1 \\le \\Omega_{CDM} h^2 \\le 0.3$ as well as the $b \\rightarrow s \\gamma$ constraint, and making the UHM assumption. We find \\beq m_\\chi \\ge 51~{\\rm GeV}, \\; \\; \\tan \\beta \\ge 2.2 \\label{summarize} \\eeq and discuss the expanded ranges of $m_\\chi$ and $\\tan \\beta$ that may be explored by the improved Higgs-mass limits that might be obtained from the run of LEP~II in the year 2000. The limits in (\\ref{summarize}) are strengthened when we restrict values of $A_0$ to minimize the parameter space with CCB minima, in which case we find \\beq m_\\chi \\ge 54~{\\rm GeV}, \\; \\; \\tan \\beta \\ge 2.8 \\label{summarize2} \\eeq \\noindent We further generalize the discussion to non-universal Higgs masses (nUHM) in Section 6, finding that the limits on $m_\\chi$ and $\\tan \\beta$ are relaxed to \\beq m_\\chi \\ge 46~{\\rm GeV}, \\; \\; \\tan \\beta \\ge 1.9. \\label{summarize3} \\eeq \\noindent Section 7 is devoted to a discussion of the possibility of Higgsino dark matter in such a nUHM scenario. We find that the LEP~II searches for charginos, neutralinos and Higgs bosons together now exclude as dark matter an LSP that is more than about 70\\% Higgsino. We turn our attention to the Tevatron Collider in Section 8. We compare the LEP~II and Run~I sensitivities to the MSSM parameters, and discuss and compare the regions of MSSM parameter space to which Tevatron Run~II data should be sensitive~\\cite{sugrarept}. Finally, Section 9 summarizes our conclusions and the prospects for future improvements and extensions of the analysis reported here. ", "conclusions": "One of our principal goals in this paper has been to obtain strengthened lower limits on the neutralino mass, combining the latest LEP data with the cosmological dark matter requirement $0.1 < \\Omega_\\chi h^2 < 0.3$. We summarize our limits in Figs.~\\ref{fig:mvtb}, under various different assumptions: universal (UHM) or non-universal (nUHM) soft supersymmetry-breaking scalar masses for Higgs bosons and (in the former case) whether one requires the present vacuum to be stable against transition to a charge- and colour-breaking (CCB) vacuum or not (UHM$_{\\rm min}$). Also, we give limits both for the available 1999 LEP data and with a `realistic' assessment of the likely sensitivity of data to be taken in 2K. In all cases, for both positive and negative $\\mu$, the lower limits on $m_\\chi$ are relatively insensitive to $\\tan \\beta$ at large $\\tan \\beta$. Here they are determined by the LEP chargino bound, as the LEP Higgs mass bound is weaker than the chargino bound at large $\\tan \\beta$. In fact, in the two UHM cases shown, the points at which the limiting curves bend upward, as one decreases $\\tan \\beta$, are precisely the points at which the Higgs mass bound becomes more stringent than the chargino bound. In the UHM cases, the neutralino mass limits are strong at intermediate values of $\\tan \\beta \\simeq$ 4--7 because, as discussed earlier, the cosmological bound on the relic density prohibits going to large values of $m_0$, and ensures that the Higgs bound places a strong constraint. Below this break point, the lower limit on $m_\\chi$ increases rapidly with decreasing $\\tan \\beta$. Above this break point, the limit on $m_\\chi$ is relatively insensitive to the additional theoretical assumptions made, such as UHM vs. UHM$_{\\rm min}$ or nUHM. However, in the nUHM cases, because one can increase $m_0$ sufficiently to weaken the Higgs mass bound, the break point occurs at a lower value of $\\tan \\beta$. To go to lower values of $\\tan \\beta$ then requires a substantial increase in $m_\\chi$. \\begin{figure}[htbp] \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=mvtbn.eps,height=8.0cm}} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=mvtbp.eps,height=8.0cm}} \\end{center} \\caption[.]{\\label{fig:mvtb}\\it Lower limits on the neutralino mass $m_\\chi$ as functions of $\\tan \\beta$ for (a) $\\mu< 0$ and (b) $\\mu>0$. The curves correspond to the final 1999 LEP results (thin lines) and our `realistic' expectations for the 2K LEP run (thick lines). We show the UHM case with $A_0 = -m_{1/2}$ to avoid CCB minima (dashed curves): these are the strongest constraints. We also show (dotted lines) the more general UHM$_{\\rm min}$ case where $A_0$ is left free, and we do not require the absence of CCB vacua. We also display additionally the nUHM case, which is the most conservative and allows both $\\mu$ and $m_A$ to be free in addition to $A_0$. } \\end{figure} In the UHM cases with and without the restriction forbidding CCB vacua, the lower limit on the lightest MSSM Higgs mass, in particular, implies lower limits on $\\tan \\beta$ which are plotted in Fig.~\\ref{fig:tbvmh}. The limits are somewhat stricter for $\\mu < 0$ than for $\\mu > 0$, whether (UHM) or not (UHM$_{\\rm min}$) one requires the absence of CCB vacua. Indeed, Fig.~\\ref{fig:tbvmh} will enable the appropriate conclusion to be drawn from whatever lower limit on the Higgs mass LEP eventually provides. We recall that the existing Higgs mass calculations in the MSSM are believed to be accurate to about 3~GeV. Therefore in computing the bounds on $\\tb$ for Tables \\ref{tab:tbvmh} and \\ref{tab:tbvmhc}, for example, we have conservatively shifted the exclusion curves of Fig.~\\ref{fig:Higgs} by 3 GeV to the left before reading the values of $\\tb$ off of Fig.~\\ref{fig:tbvmh}. We also show in Fig.~\\ref{fig:tbvmh} the lower bound on $\\tan \\beta$ obtained in the nUHM, which is significantly weaker than in the UHM cases, and essentially independent of the sign of $\\mu$. \\begin{figure}[htbp] \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=tbvmh.eps,height=8cm}} \\end{center} \\caption[.]{\\label{fig:tbvmh}\\it Lower limit on $\\tb$ imposed by the experimental and cosmological constraints, as a function of the experimental Higgs mass limit. The UHM, UHM$_{min}$ and nUHM labels are as in \\protect{Fig.~\\ref{fig:mvtb}}. The $\\mu>0$ curve in the nUHM case is very similar to the $\\mu<0$ curve.} \\end{figure} If LEP does achieve the `optimistic' 2K energies and luminosities (\\ref{optimistic}), the above constraints will be somewhat tighter. The horizontal segments of Fig.~\\ref{fig:mvtb}, corresponding to the chargino limits, increase by a fraction of a GeV; the vertical branches move to the right, intersecting the horizontal segments at $\\tb=8\\, (7.5)$ for $\\mu<0\\, (\\mu>0)$. And lastly, the lower limits on $\\tb$ improve to \\begin{table}[htbp] \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|} \\hline &UHM&UHM$_{\\rm min}$&nUHM\\\\ \\hline $\\mu<0\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;$&4.7&3.4&2.3\\\\[.2em] $\\mu>0$&4.2&3.0&2.3\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\caption{\\label{tab:tbvmho} {\\it Limits on $\\tb$, assuming the 'optimistic' 2K energies and luminosities (\\protect{\\ref{optimistic}})}.} \\end{center} \\end{table} In many respects, LEP has provided the most stringent constraints on the parameters of the MSSM. This is true, in particular, for its lower limits on the Higgs mass, and the chargino, neutralino and slepton constraints from LEP compare favourably with the Tevatron bounds on squark and gluino masses, once the different mass renormalizations of electroweakly- and strongly-interacting sparticles are taken into account. As we have shown, the present LEP data may be combined to set interesting lower bounds on the lightest neutralino mass, in particular if it is assumed to constitute the dark matter favoured by astrophysics and cosmology, and on $\\tan \\beta$. It may well be that these lower limits will be further strengthened by the LEP run during 2000, as we have discussed in this paper. However, this would be the pessimistic scenario. There is still a chance that sparticles or the Higgs boson may turn up this year, in which case we would be delighted to see our bounds superseded. LEP may not yet have discovered supersymmetry, but it certainly deserves to! \\vskip 0.5in \\vbox{ \\noindent{ {\\bf Acknowledgments} } \\\\ \\noindent We would like to thank P. Gambino and C. Kao and especially M. Schmitt and M. Spiropulu for useful discussions. This work was supported in part by DOE grant DE--FG02--94ER--40823. The work of T.F. was supported in part by DOE grant DE--FG02--95ER--40896 and in part by the University of Wisconsin Research Committee with funds granted by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.} \\vskip 0.5in" }, "0004/astro-ph0004340_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "BVRI and \\Ha ~imaging and long--slit optical spectroscopic data are presented for four morphologically normal and relatively isolated Sa galaxies, NGC~3626, NGC~3900, NGC~4772 and NGC~5854. VLA \\HI ~synthesis imaging is presented for the first three objects. In all four galaxies, evidence of kinematic decoupling of ionized gas components is found in the long--slit spectroscopic data; the degree and circumstances of the distinct kinematics vary from complete counterrotation of all of the gas from all of the stars (NGC~3626) to nuclear gas disks decoupled from the stars (NGC~5854) to anomalous velocity central gas components (NGC~3900 and NGC~4772). In the three objects mapped in \\HI, the neutral gas extends far beyond the optical radius, $R_{HI}/R_{25}$ $\\ge$ 2. In general, the \\HI ~surface density is very low and the outer \\HI ~is patchy and asymmetric (NGC~3900) or found in a distinct ring, exterior to the optical edge (NGC~3626 and NGC~4772). While the overall \\HI ~velocity fields are dominated by circular motions, strong warps are suggested in the outer regions by bending of the minor axis isovelocity contours (NGC~3900) and/or systematic shifts in position angle between inner and outer rings (NGC~3626 and NGC~4772). In the interior, coincidence is found between the \\Ha ~and \\HI ~in rings, sometimes partial and crisscrossed by dustlanes. Optical imaging is also presented for NGC~4138 previously reported by Jore \\etal ~(1996) to show counterrotating stellar components. The multiwavelength evidence is interpreted in terms of the kinematic ``memory'' of past minor mergers in objects that otherwise exhibit no morphological signs of interaction. \\vskip 20pt Key words: -- galaxies: evolution -- galaxies: individual (NGC~3626, NGC~3900, NGC~4138, NGC~4772, NGC~5854) -- galaxies: interactions -- galaxies: kinematics and dynamics -- galaxies: spiral ", "introduction": "While mergers between comparable mass galaxies may be responsible for some of the most dramatic extragalactic events, minor mergers with small mass satellites may play a subtle but nonetheless critical role in the evolution of garden--variety spirals, including perhaps the Milky Way. It is easy to recognize the fireworks of the former by the tides, starbursts and nuclear activity they trigger. The latter however may lurk hidden to morphological inspection. Minor mergers are suggested to produce the X--shaped structures seen in some peculiar S0's (Mihos \\etal ~1995), the departures from axisymmetry seen in a significant fraction of spiral disks (Zaritsky \\& Rix 1997), the driving mechanism for strong stellar bars (Laine \\& Heller 1999) and the peculiar extended counter--rotating disks seen in some early--type spirals, e.g. NGC~7217 (Merrifield \\& Kuijken 1994; Buta \\etal ~1995), NGC~3593 (Bertola \\etal ~1996; Corsini \\etal ~1998), NGC~3626 (Ciri \\etal ~1995) and NGC~4138 (Jore \\etal ~1996). Satellites are commonly found in the vicinity of normal galaxies (Zaritsky \\etal ~1997). If the Local Group is at all typical of spiral extragalactic environments, then the characteristics of such satellites are familiar. Interaction of the Milky Way with its low mass satellites is hypothesized to explain a variety of local kinematic peculiarities: the thick disk, the outer flare and warp, the Magellanic Stream and the high velocity \\HI ~clouds. Several authors have begun to address numerically the complex phenomenon of minor mergers of gas--rich satellites with more massive spiral companions. An immediate worry is how to avoid over--heating the inner disk of the primary or disrupting it entirely. Minor mergers of low--density, small mass, gas--rich companions may avoid vertical heating, thereby preserving the victim disk. Predictions of the observable consequences of the accretion of a small mass companion by a spiral include the warping or actual spreading out of the disk (Quinn \\etal ~1993). As the satellite material sinks towards the center of the large galaxy, the gas, unlike the stars, may lose angular momentum because of dissipation (Hernquist \\& Mihos 1995). The resultant inflow of gas towards the center may trigger a nuclear starburst (Mihos \\& Hernquist 1994) or fuel nuclear activity (Taniguchi 1999). Because of the predicted heating, even a satellite with one tenth the mass will thicken the disk and possibly build--up the bulge, driving the morphology of the post merger primary towards an earlier spiral type. The discovery of kinematically decoupled disks in early spirals may thus prove the efficacy of minor merger models. Intrinsic galaxy properties arise from two principal components: absolute ``scale'' (size, luminosity, mass) and ``form'' (morphology, bulge--to--disk ratio, color, gas content, star formation rate). It is well-known (e.g. Roberts \\& Haynes 1994) that the early spiral types show a much greater spread in their characteristic properties related to ``form'' than do their later--type counterparts. As a part of a study to investigate the heterogeneity and dark matter content of the Sa galaxy class, we have investigated the kinematics of gas and stars in a sample of morphologically normal, isolated galaxies classified as Sa in the {\\it Revised Shapley Ames Catalog} (Sandage \\& Tammann 1987; RSA). In the course of that study, we have obtained major and minor axis long slit spectra for both stars and gas for a sample of 20 objects; for nine of them, we have also obtained \\HI ~synthesis maps yielding also two--dimensional \\HI ~velocity fields. A summary of results focussing on the data presentation and mass modelling was presented in Jore (1997). The analysis of the mass modelling and stellar velocities will be presented elsewhere (Jore \\etal, in preparation). During the course of that work, a number of unusual cases of kinematic decoupling were discovered. In Jore \\etal ~(1996), we discussed the distinctive case of NGC~4138, an isolated Sa with two extended coplanar counter--rotating stellar disks embedded in a huge HI disk that co--rotates with the secondary stellar component. In a separate paper (Jore \\etal ~2000), we discuss five Sa galaxies, NGC~1169, 3623, 4866, 5377 and 5448, which represent a range of environments and morphologies within the Sa class. Of those objects, NGC~1169 and NGC~5448, exhibit no peculiar optical kinematics but their outer \\HI ~disks are strongly warped and kinematically skewed. NGC~3623, whose companions in the Leo Triplet are known to be interacting, exhibits a truncated \\HI ~disk and central gas decoupling. NGC~4866, viewed nearly edge--on, and NGC~5377 show doubling of their central gas components, as well as outer \\HI ~warps. Here, we present four additional examples: NGC 3626, NGC~3900, NGC~4772 and NGC~5854. Along with NGC~4138, each of these morphologically normal Sa galaxies exhibits peculiar kinematics that betray a disturbed past. We propose that each represents a different stage and circumstance of involvement in a relatively minor merger event with a gas--rich companion that is no longer recognizable. This paper presents evidence of this past interaction through a combination of optical imaging and spectroscopy and \\HI ~synthesis mapping. In Section 2, we discuss the acquisition and reduction of the body of data: broad-- and narrow--band optical images, optical long--slit spectra, and \\HI ~synthesis maps. The kinematic evidence of past interaction is presented for each galaxy in Section 3. Section 4 gives a discussion of the observational results in the context of the minor merger scenario. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have presented a combined imaging and spectroscopic dataset for four Sa galaxies; images are also included for a fifth, NGC~4138, discussed previously by Jore \\etal ~(1996). All of the galaxies show evidence of departure from kinematic normalcy ranging from large--scale counter--rotation to decoupled central gas and/or stellar components. Despite the difference of detail, several unifying themes seem critical: (1) All of the objects are relatively isolated, morphologically normal, unbarred Sa galaxies. (2) Rings are prominent features both in the optical broadband light and in the distributions of ionized and neutral gas. The apparent rings may also result from tightly wound spiral arms viewed at moderate inclination. (3) The kinematically decoupled gas components appear to be associated with sites of current or at least recent star formation. In all cases where \\Ha ~emission is detectable in the region of interest, it coincides well with the location of kinematically decoupled components. When there is no \\Ha ~emission in these regions, the decoupled components often show some form of a color change, often towards the red. (4) The gas--rich galaxies (all except NGC~5854) contain moderate \\HI ~masses, but, because the gas is spread over a large area R$_{HI}$/R$_{25} \\ge$ 2, the globally averaged \\HI ~surface densities $<\\sigma_{HI}> = M_{HI}/\\pi R_{HI}^2$ are very low, typically of order 0.5--1.0 M$_\\odot$~pc$^{-2}$. In NGC~3626 and NGC~4772, the \\HI ~is found in two concentric but distinct rings. In NGC~3900, the gas exterior to the optical edge is patchy, but can be traced 50~kpc to the south, giving R$_H$/R$_{25}$ $\\sim$ 4.5. Along the minor axis, the exterior \\HI ~is strongly asymmetric. (5) In all four \\HI ~maps, including that of NGC~4138, the velocity field is dominated by circular rotation, but significant departures from motion in a quiescent disk are evident. In all, the outer \\HI ~velocity contours suggest significant warping of the outer disk, roughly beginning at the optical edge and following Briggs' (1990) rule for warps, as commonly seen in other galaxies. The similiarities found in the five Sa galaxies are consistent with the scenario that the kinematically distinct gas components arise from slow, minor mergers of gas--rich satellites with an already--formed disk galaxy. Differences in their appearance thus arise from differences in the circumstances of the merger events. Retrograde primordial gas infall, as discussed by Thakar \\etal ~(1997) is also offered as a possible solution to produce counter--rotating components, although seemingly more difficult to justify in the growing number of known cases. Though most numerical work on the merger process has focussed on equal mass progenitors, recent studies have begun to address the minor merger phenomenon (Quinn \\etal ~1993; Hernquist \\& Mihos 1995; Walker \\etal ~1996; Thakar \\etal ~1997; Bekki 1998; Thakar \\& Ryden 1998; Taniguchi ~1999). Although much of this work is preliminary, requiring further refinement of the range of galaxy characteristics and orbital parameters and the influence of gas dissipation, triaxiality and dark matter content, we can nonetheless examine the main characteristics of the five galaxies under the assumption that we may be seeing the results of varying acquisition scenarios. The extensive \\HI ~distributions seen in four of the five galaxies discussed here may result from the slow accretion of a gas--rich satellite that is tidally stripped before the merger occurs. Accretion of a low density gas-rich satellite would minimize the disk heating problem and might favor the formation of extended \\HI ~disks or rings, but perhaps not inner rings. The formation of rings is seen in a variety of infalling gas models, both due to orbit crowding and to true self--gravitating rings. Also, Quinn \\etal ~(1993) suggest that transport of angular momentum outwards will tend to cause the disk to spread in radius. The newly--acquired gas may reach sufficient densities, if clumpy, to form a new generation of stars. This possibility is suggested by the faint, blue, low-surface brightness outer disk seen in NGC~4772 and a similar excess of light found around the counter-rotating Sab galaxy NGC~7217 (Buta \\etal ~1995). Clearly the timescales of the merger events responsible for the individual characteristics noted here are likely to vary greatly. Relatively gas--poor and large--bulged, NGC~5854 may represent the result of the accretion of a more massive satellite travelling in a prograde orbit (Walker \\etal ~1996). Merger events might lead to bulge build--up and even induce large-scale star formation, leaving the galaxy in the post-starburst state in which NGC~5854 is found. Furthermore, one of the primary arguments made against the tidal forcing of warps is that the modes would damp out after a few galactic rotations. Perhaps in the cases that suggest strong warping of the \\HI, the minor mergers may be relatively recent events. Over time, the warps may damp, or be reexcited by additional interactions. If there are no impediments to star formation in a counter-rotating gas component, NGC~4138 with its two counter-rotating extended stellar disks may represented the future evolutionary state of NGC~3626. The similarities among the results for these five galaxies lead to several questions and conundrums. (1) Is it key that the sample is composed of Sa galaxies? The accretion of moderate amounts of gas may also sweep up the gas contained within the primary disk itself, ultimately leading to a smoothing of the spiral structure. Do minor mergers lead to bulge build-up and disk heating, driving the post-merger morphology towards earlier spiral types? (2) Damping the process of disk heating is a challenge for models of mergers, even minor ones, if the accreted satellite is sufficiently massive or dense. The resultant disk heating will be relatively lessened if the satellite is predominantly gaseous. What are the conditions necessary to avoid over-heating the disk and disturbing the overall velocity field and spiral structure? (3) Is the fact that these galaxies are all unbarred important? Loss of angular momentum may drive the material inward toward the central regions where it accumulates in a nuclear disk as is often discussed for the kinematically decoupled cores seen in ellipticals. In the early stages of galaxy evolution, the formation of bars seems inevitable, but if the central concentration of mass is sufficient, the development of an inner Lindblad resonance will inhibit the central flow of gas (Sellwood \\& Moore 1999). Thus, since the progenitor primary was already a well-developed object, infalling material may be stopped at the inner Lindblad resonance, allowing the build--up of gas in a ring with subsequent star formation. Does this process produce the inner \\Ha ~and \\HI ~rings seen here? Jungwiert \\& Palous (1996) propose that unbarred ringed galaxies must possess weak central oval distortions, while the two--stream instability picture of Lovelace \\etal ~(1997) for galaxies with counter-rotating components suggests the generation of strong m=1 spiral waves. Are the inner kinematic peculiarities evidence of such oval distortions or m=1 streaming? (4) Although these Sa galaxies are relatively isolated, they are all members of loose groups. In fact, Sa galaxies are found typically in denser environments than their later type counterparts. Is the relative morphological segregation seen across the spiral sequence related to the likelihood of minor mergers and their increased probability in environments characterized by moderate density and low velocity dispersion? While examination of the rate of strongly disturbed galaxies may provide a reliable estimate of the major merger rate (e.g. Keel \\& Wu, 1995), minor mergers may be morphologically hidden, revealed only by the presence of their resultant kinematic peculiarities. Because of the ambiguities involved in disentangling the kinematic clues, it is not possible to trace with any degree of precision the evolutionary history of the multiple stellar and gaseous components evident in these galaxies. Food for thought, however, is the possibility that, over the course of its lifetime, a disk galaxy might undergo multiple minor accretion events with kinematic as well as morphological consequences. In particular, more complicated histories involving multiple minor mergers are likely to produce heterogenous properties, particularly those related to properties of ``form''. We suggest that the heterogeneity of the Sa class in particular is the outcome of such complicated life histories, the memory of which is signaled only by kinematic clues such as those identified here." }, "0004/astro-ph0004389_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Under the standard model for recombination of the primeval plasma, and the cold dark matter model for structure formation, recent measurements of the first peak in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background temperature indicate the spatial geometry of the universe is nearly flat. If sources of \\lya resonance radiation, such as stars or active galactic nuclei, were present at $z\\sim 1000$ they would delay recombination, shifting the first peak to larger angular scales, and producing a positive bias in this measure of space curvature. It can be distinguished from space curvature by its suppression of the secondary peaks in the spectrum. ", "introduction": "The measurements of the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (the CMB) offer extraordinarily powerful tests of the relativistic Friedmann-Lema\\^\\i tre cosmological model and the nature of the early stages of cosmic structure formation (e.g. \\cite{Junetal96} 1996). Indeed, the recent detection of the first peak in the angular power spectrum of the CMB temperature indicates space is close to flat (\\cite{Miletal99} 1999; \\cite{Meletal99} 1999; \\cite{deBer00} 2000). The interpretation is quite indirect, however so we must seek diagnostics for possible complications. There are relatively few physical effects that can {\\it increase} the angular scale of the first peak. Because of this fact, the observed large angular scale of the peak is believed to strongly disfavour open universes. Of the fundamental cosmological parameters, only a Hubble constant well in excess of observations can substantially increase the scale of the peak in an open or flat universe (\\cite{HuSug95} 1995). One possibility is that some process at redshift $z\\sim 1000$ delayed recombination of the primeval plasma. This would increase the sound horizon at last scattering and decrease the angular size distance to last scattering, moving the first peak of the CMB temperature fluctuation spectrum to smaller angular wavenumber (\\cite{HuWhi96} 1996; \\cite{WelBatAlb99} 1999), and biasing the measure of space curvature to a too large (more positive) apparent value. Another consequence of delayed recombination is that it would suppress the secondary peaks due to an increase in the time available for acoustic oscillations to dissipate (\\cite{Sil68} 1968; \\cite{HuWhi96} 1996). Because the first peak is not observed to have suffered substantial dissipation, recombination in the delayed model must be rapid compared with the cosmological expansion rate. Thus if recombination were delayed by ionizing radiation from decaying dark matter (e.g. \\cite{SarCoo83} 1983; \\cite{Sciama} 1991; \\cite{Elletal92} 1992) or evaporating primeval black holes (\\cite{pbh} 1987), or by thermal energy input from cosmic string wakes (\\cite{WelBatAlb99} 1999), the source would have to terminate quite abruptly and well before $z\\sim 100$ when the universe starts to become optically thin even if the baryons are fully ionized. Here we consider a picture that more naturally allows rapid recombination: sources of radiation at $z\\sim 1000$ that produce many more photons in the resonance \\lya line than ionizing photons, in the manner of a quasar. The \\lya photons would increase the population in the principal quantum number $n=2$ levels of atomic hydrogen, increasing the rate of photoionization from $n=2$ by the CMB. Since the rate of thermal photoionization from $n=2$ varies rapidly with redshift at $z \\lsim 1000$, the delayed recombination is rapid, and the residual ionization can be small enough that the optical depth for Thomson scattering after recombination is well below unity. Thus the height of the first peak in the spectrum of CMB temperature fluctuations is little affected by the delayed recombination. The shift in the angular wavenumber at the first peak is modest also, even if early sources produce many \\lya photons per baryon, but the shift can be considerably larger than the projected precision of the measurements. Thus it is fortunate that we seem to have an unambiguous diagnostic for delayed recombination in the suppression of the secondary peaks. After this work was substantially complete we learned that the recent measurements by the BOOMERanG experiment in fact favor a substantial suppression of the second peak (\\cite{deBer00} 2000). We emphasize that there are many other ways to account for this effect, and that there is no evidence for the early source of \\lya radiation assumed in our picture. Within the conventional adiabatic CDM model the recombination history is well understood (\\cite{SeaSasSco00} 2000 and earlier references therein), so there is good reason to expect the residual fluctuations in the CMB may be related to the cosmology in a simple and computable way. But it is good science to bear in mind the possibility that Nature is more complicated than our ideas, a rule that has particular force in cosmology because of the limited empirical basis. \\begin{figure} \\plotone{figure1.ps} \\caption{The ionization fraction, $x$, as a function of redshift for $\\epsilon_{i}=0$ and various values of $\\epsilon_{\\alpha}$.} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Our model for delayed recombination with $\\epsilon _{\\alpha} = 1$ yields a 5\\% shift of the first peak and a reduction of the secondary peak by 10\\%, an observationally interesting effect. The sources must have $\\epsilon _{\\rm i} \\ll 1$ (see Figure 2). This condition requires that the \\lya sources (perhaps hot stars or quasars) be surrounded by envelopes of neutral primeval material which strongly absorbs the ionizing radiation. Our picture does not follow from the conventional CDM model for structure formation. Apparent problems with excess small-scale clustering in this model (\\cite{Mooetal99} 1999; \\cite{Klyetal99} 1999) have motivated discussions of modifications (\\cite{SpeSte99} 1999; \\cite{KamLid99} 1999; \\cite{Pee00} 2000; \\cite{HuBarGru00} 2000). These modifications would tend to delay the appearance of the first generation of gravitationally bound systems, however, which is in the opposite direction to what is postulated here. These lines of thought do not rule out early sources of \\lya photons, of course, but they do suggest one might best look for a source outside the adiabatic CDM model. Perhaps cosmic strings produced wakes that were subdominant to the primeval CDM density fluctuations in determining the mass fluctuation power spectrum but did produce occasional non-gaussian density fluctuations (\\cite{ConHinMag99} 1999) large enough to have collapsed to stars or active black holes that could have produced \\lya photons. To summarize, we have argued that the picture of delayed recombination caused by early sources of \\lya radiation, modeled after quasar spectra, but with suppressed X-ray emission, has the virtue that it naturally preserves the observed first peak in the CMB temperature angular power spectrum while shifting the peak to larger scales. The picture is ad hoc but important as a conceivable complication in the application of an exceedingly powerful cosmological test. The most direct diagnostic for delayed recombination seems to be the suppression of the secondary peaks in the spectrum. The amplitude of the third peak, which may be measured by the BOOMERanG experiment or the MAP satellite\\footnote{\\tt http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov}, is crucial for distinguishing the effect of delayed recombination from that of adjustments of the values of space curvature, the baryon density, the Hubble constant or the shape of the spectrum of the primeval density fluctuations. If the measured secondary peaks agreed with the standard model for recombination with astronomically acceptable cosmological parameters that fit the primary peak, it would convincingly rule out our model for delayed recombination." }, "0004/astro-ph0004206_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present spectra for a sample of radio sources from the FIRST survey, and use them to define the form of the redshift distribution of radio sources at mJy levels. We targeted 365 sources and obtained 46 redshifts (13 per cent of the sample). We find that our sample is complete in redshift measurement to R $\\sim 18.6$, corresponding to $z\\sim 0.2$. Galaxies were assigned spectral types based on emission line strengths. Early-type galaxies represent the largest subset (45 per cent) of the sample and have redshifts $0.15\\la z \\la 0.5$ ; late-type galaxies make up 15 per cent of the sample and have redshifts $0.05\\la z \\la 0.2$; starbursting galaxies are a small fraction ($\\sim 6$ per cent), and are very nearby ($z\\la 0.05$). Some 9 per cent of the population have Seyfert1/quasar-type spectra, all at $z\\ga 0.8$, and there are 4 per cent are Seyfert2 type galaxies at intermediate redshifts ($z\\sim 0.2$). Using our measurements and data from the Phoenix survey (Hopkins et al., 1998), we obtain an estimate for $N(z)$ at $S_{1.4 \\rm {GHz}}\\ge 1$ mJy and compare this with model predictions. At variance with previous conclusions, we find that the population of starbursting objects makes up $\\la 5 $ per cent of the radio population at S $\\sim 1$~mJy. ", "introduction": "An accurate definition of the redshift distribution of radio sources at faint flux densities has become particularly important in the last decade for both radio astronomy and cosmology. It is critical, for example, in testing radio-source unification (e.g. Jackson \\& Wall, 1998), and in large-scale structure studies (e.g. Loan et al. 1997, Magliocchetti et al. 1999) to permit the conversion of angular clustering estimates to the spatial clustering estimates required to evaluate structure formation models. Classical large-scale-structure studies have used wide-area optical and IR surveys to measure the clustering of galaxies, but these are limited to low redshifts, with a peak redshift selection of $\\la 0.1$ (e.g. APM, Maddox et al., 1990; IRAS, Fisher et al., 1993). Deep small-area surveys such as the Hubble Deep Field North (Williams et al., 1996) or the CFRS survey (Lilly et al., 1995) have been used to measure clustering to much higher redshifts (see e.g. Le Fevre et al., 1995; Magliocchetti \\& Maddox, 1998), but they probe small volumes and can measure clustering only on small scales ($\\la 1$ Mpc). On the other hand radio objects are detected to high redshifts ($z\\sim 4$) and sample a much larger volume for a given number of galaxies, so that they have the potential to provide information on the growth of structure on large physical scales. Recently, clustering statistics in deep radio surveys have been measured (Cress et al., 1997; Loan et al., 1997; Baleisis et al., 1997; Magliocchetti et al., 1998) and these analyses have shown radio sources to be reliable tracers of the mass distribution, even though they may be biased (Magliochetti et al., 1999). However the relationship between angular measurements and the physically meaningful spatial quantities is highly uncertain without an accurate estimate of the redshift distribution of radio objects $N(z)$ (Magliocchetti et al., 1999). The current estimates of $N(z)$ for radio sources at mJy levels are largely based on predictions from the local radio luminosity functions and evolution (see e.g. Dunlop \\& Peacock, 1990), and are poorly defined. Indeed the predictions require the knowledge of more than one luminosity function. Deep radio surveys (Condon \\& Mitchell, 1984; Windhorst et al., 1985; Fomalont et al., 1993) have shown a flattening of the differential source count $\\frac{dN}{dS}$ below S $\\sim 10$ mJy. This flattening is generally interpreted as due to the presence of a population of radio sources differing from the radio AGN which dominate at higher flux densities. Condon (1984) suggested a population of strongly-evolving normal spiral galaxies, while others (Windhorst et al., 1985; Danese et al., 1987) claimed the presence of an actively star-forming galaxy population. Observations supported this latter suggestion; the identifications of many of the faint sources are with galaxies with spectroscopic and photometric properties similar to `IRAS galaxies' (Franceschini et al., 1988; Benn et al., 1993). The model predictions of $N(z)$ at faint flux densities from the luminosity functions of Dunlop \\& Peacock (1990) diverge greatly because of inadequate definition of the radio AGN luminosity functions; but in addition the contribution to $N(z)$ of the starburst population needs consideration. In order to define $N(z)$ and the population mix at mJy levels, we have observed radio sources from the FIRST survey (Becker et al., 1995) using the WYFFOS multi-object spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope in 8 1-degree diameter fields. We show how these observations constrain both the form of $N(z)$ and the population mix at S $\\sim 1$~mJy for $z\\la 0.3$. Section 2 of the paper introduces this radio sample, while Sections 3 and 4 describe acquisition and reduction of the data. In Sections 5, 6 and 7 we present the radio, spectroscopic and photometric properties of the sample. Section 8 is devoted to the analysis of the observed $N(z)$ and comparison with models; the conclusions are in Section 9. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{19cm} % \\special{psfile=f02new.ps hoffset=-30 voffset=160 vscale=50 hscale=50} \\special{psfile=f22new.ps hoffset=-30 voffset=0 vscale=50 hscale=50} \\special{psfile=eliasnew.ps hoffset=-30 voffset=-40 vscale=35 hscale=50} \\caption{Area covered by the 8 observed fields. Crosses are for the radio sources while open circles show the positions of the optical fibres. \\label{fig:fields}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We have carried out multi-object spectroscopy of an unbiased selection of FIRST radio sources (S $\\ga 0.8$~mJy) by placing fibres at the positions of 365 sources ($\\sim$ 69~per~cent of the complete radio sample). The spectra obtained have enabled us to measure 46 redshifts, $\\sim 13$~per~cent of the targeted objects. APM data have provided morphology and photometric data for the corresponding optical identifications. The photometry shows that redshift measurements were obtained only for objects brighter than R $\\simeq 20.5$~mag; from the tight R-$z$ relation observed, the redshift sample is estimated to be $\\sim$100~per~cent complete to R=18.6~mag. The objects in the spectroscopic sample with R $\\la 20.5$ are a mixture of early-type galaxies at relatively high redshifts, $z\\ga 0.2$ ($\\sim 45$~per~cent of the sample), late-type galaxies at intermediate redshifts, $0.02\\la z\\la 0.2$ ($\\sim15$~per~cent), and very local starburst galaxies with $z\\la 0.05$ ($\\sim 6$~per~cent). We also found a number of Seyfert1/quasar type galaxies, all at $z\\ga 0.8$ ($\\sim 9$~per~cent of the sample), two Seyfert2's (4~per~cent), and 4 stars. The number of objects with featureless spectra are most probably early-type galaxies, given the shape of the continuum, the lack of emission lines and the red colours. Using the R-$z$ relation derived for our sample, we conclude that they are likely to have $z\\ga 0.3$. The redshift incompleteness does not depend on radio flux density; optical apparent magnitude is the only identifiable factor. Using again the R-$z$ relation determined for the sample, we estimate $\\sim$ 100~per~cent completeness for the spectroscopic sample up to $z\\sim0.3\\pm 0.1$. To define $N(z)$ at S$_{1.4\\,\\rm{GHz}}$ as well as possible, we have combined our sample with the Phoenix spectroscopic sample (Georgakakis et al., 1999), which we estimate to be complete (for non-AGN objects) to $z=0.9$. The combined distribution (Figure~\\ref{fig:N_zgt1}) shows the following: \\begin{itemize} \\item The redshift distribution rises up to $z\\simeq 0.05$ and is then approximately leveled to $z=0.3$. \\item The total number of sources predicted by the luminosity-function models of Dunlop \\& Peacock (1990) agrees with that observed. \\item None of the models provides a good fit to the shape of $N(z)$. The percentage of objects at $z\\la 0.1$ is seriously overestimated in almost all the models, especially for the pure-luminosity and luminosity/density evolution models (DP 6 and 7) that feature an unrealistic $z\\sim 0$ spike. \\item The normalization of the models appears to be too high to fit the observed $N(z)$ for $z \\la 0.2$. This disagreement may imply that the model shape is wrong, and there are more sources at $z\\ga 0.3$ than indicated by the models. Alternatively, the discrepancy could be due to observing a low density by chance, given a large variance in galaxy density caused by strong clustering. \\item The $N(z)$ at $S_{1.4\\,{\\rm GHz}} = 1$~mJy is dominated by AGN, and starburst objects constitute less than 5~per~cent of the total. This is a robust conclusion. More starburst galaxies would have substantially raised the proportion of objects with redshift determinations; and a significant intrusion of starburst galaxies at the lowest radio flux densities would have resulted in a higher success rate in redshift determination with decreasing flux density. The great majority of objects in the sample at this level are AGN associated with early-type galaxies whose optical continua and weak-to non-existent emission lines place them at or below the limit of our spectroscopic survey. \\end{itemize} The accurate definition of the low$-z$ end of the $N(z)$ relation has impact in four areas: (i) the population mix, which is critical for testing and refining dual-population unified models; (ii) the definition of the local luminosity functions, important for modelling both the form and cosmic evolution of the overall luminosity functions; (iii) the derivation of spatial measurements of the large-scale structure from angular measurements; and (iv) constraints which it enables to be placed on the global star-formation-rate up to $z=0.3$. \\vspace{1cm} \\noindent {\\bf ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}\\\\ MM acknowledges support from the Isaac Newton Scholarship. We thank David Helfand for extremely helpful discussions. The WHT is operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. GC acknowledges a PPARC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship." }, "0004/astro-ph0004030_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this work we present the predictions of a modified version of the ``two-infall model'' (Chiappini et al. 1997 - CMG) for the evolution of $^3$He, $^4$He and D in the solar vicinity, as well as their distributions along the Galactic disk. In particular, we show that when allowing for extra-mixing process in low mass stars (M$ <$ 2.5 $M_{\\odot}$), as predicted by Charbonnel and do Nascimento (1998), a long standing problem in chemical evolution is solved, namely: the overproduction of $^3$He by the chemical evolution models as compared to the observed values in the sun and in the interstellar medium. Moreover, we show that chemical evolution models can constrain the primordial value of the deuterium abundance and that a value of (D/H)$_p$ $ < $ 3 $\\times$ 10$^{-5}$ is suggested by the present model. Finally, adopting the primordial $^4$He abundance suggested by Viegas et al. (1999), we obtain a value for $\\Delta Y/\\Delta Z$ $\\simeq$ 2 and a better agreement with the solar $^4$He abundance. ", "introduction": "As discussed by Tosi (this volume), chemical evolution models are useful both to derive the primordial abundances of D, $^3$He and $^4$He and to give informations on stellar nucleosynthesis. In this work we show the predictions of the two-infall model (CMG) for the chemical evolution of the above elements in the solar vicinity and for their distribution along the galactic disk. We adopt a new version of the two-infall model which includes the contribution by novae enrichment and the new proposed mechanism of extra-mixing in low mass stars (Charbonnel, Sackman, this meeting). The model was calibrated to the solar galactocentric distance of 8 kpc (we were still adopting 10 kpc in CMG to better compare our predictions with the ones of Matteucci and Fran\\c cois 1989). This model assumes two main infall episodes for the formation of the halo (and part of the thick disk) and thin disk, respectively. The timescale for the formation of the thin disk is much longer than that of the halo, implying that the infalling gas forming the thin disk comes not only from the halo but mainly from the intergalactic medium. The timescale for the formation of the thin disk is assumed to be a function of the galactocentric distance, leading to an inside-out picture for the Galaxy disk buildup. The two-infall model differs from other models in the literature mainly in two aspects: i) it considers an almost independent evolution between the halo and thin disk components (see also Pagel \\& Tautvaisiene 1995) and ii) it assumes a threshold in the star formation process (Kennicutt 1989). The last point has important consequences for the predicted abundance gradients (Chiappini, Matteucci \\& Romano 2000 - CMR). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004024_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Far-ultraviolet spectra of Venus and Mars in the range 820~--~1840~\\AA\\ at $\\sim$4 \\AA\\ resolution were obtained on 13 and 12 March 1995, respectively, by the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), which was part of the Astro-2 observatory on the Space Shuttle {\\it Endeavour}. Longward of 1250 \\AA , the spectra of both planets are dominated by emission of the CO Fourth Positive (\\api\\ -- \\xsig ) band system and strong \\Oone\\ and \\Cone\\ multiplets. In addition, CO Hopfield-Birge bands, \\bsig\\ -- \\xsig\\ (0,0) at 1151 \\AA\\ and \\csig\\ -- \\xsig\\ (0,0) at 1088 \\AA , are detected for the first time, and there is a weak indication of the \\epi\\ -- \\xsig\\ (0,0) band at 1076 \\AA\\ in the spectrum of Venus. The $B - X$ band is blended with emission from \\Oone\\ \\lam1152. Modeling the relative intensities of these bands suggests that resonance fluorescence of CO is the dominant source of the emission, as it is for the Fourth Positive system. Shortward of Lyman-$\\alpha$, other emission features detected include \\Otwo\\ \\lam 834, \\Oone\\ \\lam 989, \\Hone\\ Lyman-$\\beta$, and \\None\\ \\lam\\lam 1134 and 1200. For Venus, the derived disk brightnesses of the \\Oone , \\Otwo , and \\Hone\\ features are about one-half of those reported by \\citet{hor91} from {\\it Galileo} EUV measurements made in February 1990. This result is consistent with the expected variation from solar maximum to solar minimum. The \\Arone\\ \\lam\\lam 1048,1066 doublet is detected only in the spectrum of Mars and the derived mixing ratio of Ar is of the order of 2\\%, consistent with previous determinations. ", "introduction": "Ultraviolet observations of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars, primarily from fly-by or orbiting spacecraft, but also from platforms above the terrestrial atmosphere, have played an important role in the study of the composition and structure of the \\cotwo\\ atmospheres of these planets. Early spacecraft experiments were broad-band photometers that provided information about the spatial distribution of the emissions in the passband but required remote spectroscopic measurements to assure the identity of the emitting species. A thorough review of this subject is given by \\citet{pax92}. Once the emitting species were known, narrowband polychromators were developed and flown on missions such as {\\em Mariner 10} \\citep{bro74} and {\\em Venera 11} and {\\em 12} \\citep{ber81}, although the interpretation of the data from these instruments was far from unambiguous. With {\\em Mariners 6, 7} and {\\em 9}, flown to Mars in the early 1970s, and {\\em Pioneer Venus Orbiter} launched to Venus in 1978, ultraviolet spectrometers were included in the payloads and provided modest spectral resolution. Very little additional spectroscopy, particularly from newer generations of Earth-orbiting observatories such as the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), has been done and is also summarized by \\citeauthor{pax92}. In February 1990, {\\em Galileo} flew by Venus on its way to Jupiter and the ultraviolet spectrometers on board made observations that were reported by \\citet{hor91}. The flight of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) on the Astro-2 mission on the Space Shuttle {\\it Endeavour} in March 1995 provided an opportunity to measure the ultraviolet disk spectra of both Venus and Mars at a spectral resolution ($\\sim 4$ \\AA) significantly higher than any of the prior spacecraft observations. Moreover, since the first order spectral range of HUT extended to wavelengths as short as 830 \\AA, the observations of Venus enabled the resolution of the identity of the emissions recorded in the narrow-band photometric channels of the {\\it Venera 11} and {\\it 12} EUV instruments that had been interpreted in terms of analogue terrestrial spectra \\citep{ber81}. This paper presents the HUT disk spectra of Venus and Mars together with the spectral identifications and the disk-averaged brightnesses. CO fluorescence in both the $B - X$ (0,0) and $C - X$ (0,0) Birge-Hopfield bands is identified in both Venus and Mars and shown to be consistent with current models of the CO/\\cotwo\\ mixing ratios in the atmospheres of these planets. Several other emissions are definitively identified for the first time. ", "conclusions": "We have obtained far-ultraviolet spectra of Venus and Mars in the range 820~--~1840~\\AA\\ at $\\sim$4 \\AA\\ resolution with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) during the {\\em Astro-2} mission in March 1995. The spectra of both planets are rich in CO band emission, some of the systems being identified for the first time, together with strong \\Oone\\ and \\Cone\\ multiplets. Resonance fluorescence is identified as the dominant source of the CO emission. Atomic nitrogen emissions are also identified in the spectrum of Venus, while the \\Arone\\ doublet is seen only in the spectrum of Mars. These spectra, obtained at higher spectral resolution than was possible from earlier fly-by and orbiting missions to these planets, elucidates and extends the earlier spectroscopic measurements and should provide guidance in the interpretation of the far-ultraviolet spectra obtained during the recent {\\em Cassini} fly-by of Venus \\citep{ste99}." }, "0004/astro-ph0004212_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Poynting flux driven outflows from magnetized rotators are a plausible explanation for gamma-ray burst engines. We suggest a new possibility for how such outflows might transfer energy into radiating particles. We argue that the Poynting flux drives non-linearly unstable large amplitude electromagnetic waves (LAEMW) which ``break'' at radii $r_t \\sim 10^{14} $ cm where the MHD approximation becomes inapplicable. In the ``foaming'' (relativisticly reconnecting) regions formed during the wave breaks the random electric fields stochastically accelerate particles to ultrarelativistic energies which then radiate in turbulent electromagnetic fields. The typical energy of the emitted photons is a fraction of the fundamental Compton energy $ \\epsilon \\sim f \\hbar c/r_e $ with $f \\sim 10^{-3}$ plus additional boosting due to the bulk motion of the medium. The emission properties are similar to synchrotron radiation, with a typical cooling time $\\sim 10^{-4}$ sec. During the wave break, the plasma is also bulk accelerated in the outward radial direction and at larger radii can produce afterglows due to the interactions with external medium. The near equipartition fields required by afterglow models maybe due to magnetic field regeneration in the outflowing plasma (similarly to the field generation by LAEMW of laser-plasma interactions) and mixing with the upstream plasma. ", "introduction": "A Poynting flux driven outflow from a magnetized rotator is a promising paradigm for gamma-ray burst (GRB) engines and there have been various implementations of this concept (c.f. Usov 1992; Thompson 1994; Blackman et al. 1996; M\\'esz\\'aros \\& Rees 1997; Kluzniak \\& Ruderman 1998). Such models are appealing in light of the fact that neutrino driven GRB emission from compact object mergers (Ruffert \\& Janka 1998; Janka et al. 1999) might fall short in radiative luminosity. Also, Poynting flux models may provide a source of magnetic fields which could help alleviate the field amplification problem in GRBs themselves and in afterglows which requires fields of the order of equipartition (\\cite{WG98,FWK99,GPS99}). Scenarios that could produce Poynting flux dominated outflows (PFDOs) require a source of magnetic fields $\\ga 10^{15}$ Gauss, and rotation speeds of order $\\Omega \\sim 10^4$/sec. The total available energy from a compact ($R_0 \\sim 10^6$ cm, $M \\ge M_{\\odot}$) object is then $ M \\Omega^2 R_0^2/2 \\ge 10^{53}$ ergs and a dipole type luminosity $ 2 B_0^2 \\, R_0 ^6 \\,\\Omega^4/ 3 c^3 \\sim 2 \\times 10^{50}$ ergs/sec. Such combinations could be generated in a number of plausible cases: an accretion torus surrounding a black hole that formed from a neutron star merger (Rees \\& M\\'esz\\'aros 1997), strongly magnetized neutron stars (``magnetars'' Duncan \\& Thompson 1992) possibly formed from accretion induced collapse of a white dwarf with possible dynamo amplified fields in the hot young neutron star (Usov 1992; Duncan \\& Thompson 1992, Blackman et al. 1996), failed supernova Ib (Woosley 1993), rapidly rotating magnetized black holes undergoing a Blandford-Znajek type energy extraction from supernovae (Lee et al. 1999,Brown et al., 2000) or hyper-accreting accretion disks (Popham et al. 1999), with an MHD dynamo (Araya-Gochez 2000). Without further specifying the nature of the central engine we suppose that GRB are due to such stellar mass objects, so that the conditions required for the generation of PFDOs are satisfied. Here we are interested in how Poynting flux models accelerate particles and produce gamma-ray emission. The suggestion that GRBs are PFDOs whose energy is converted to particles and escaping radiation only at large distances from the central rotator potentially accounts for some important characteristics of GRBs (c.f. Blackman et al. 1996, Rees \\& \t M\\'esz\\'aros 1997) (i) mass loading - PFDO can be launched without much matter, and particularly without much baryon contamination (as in pulsars, the wind may carry no baryons at all); (ii) compactness problem - the PFDO converts its energy effectively into particles and gamma-rays at distances many orders of magnitude from the central engine, (iii) collimation - PFDO have a preferred direction along the rotation axis of the central engine; (iv) jets observed in pulsars and (probably) AGNs provide examples of operation of PFDO; (v) the energy from Poynting flux can be easily converted into high frequency electromagnetic radiation. The presence of strong magnetic fields from the rotator provides electromagnetic energy which might be tapped or converted into the fields which accelerate the radiating particles. PFDOs may differ from the conventional blast wave models in several important respects. The lepto-baryonic content of the outflow in the inner region is expected to be small by analogy to pulsar winds, and the energy carried by matter in the central region will be less than the energy carried by EM fields. As in the relativistic pulsar wind, the only other well established PFDO, the baryons may be absent altogether while energy flux in the electron-positron pairs may be as small as one millionth of the Poynting flux. The conventional estimates of the relativistic expansion Lorentz factors and density of the outflowing plasma used in the framework of blast wave models may not be applicable to the Poynting dominated outflows because of the strong magnetic fields (Paczy\\'{n}ski 1990, Usov 1999). Strong fields dramatically reduce the importance of pair production from photon-photon interactions relative to the photon-magnetic field interactions. Other exotic QED processes, like photon splitting (e.g., Baring 1991, Adler 1971), will also become important for magnetic fields larger than the critical value of $4.4 \\time 10^{13}$ Gauss. At this moment, we are unaware of the calculations of the Compton scattering cross section in supercritical magnetic fields, but we expect that it will also be strongly suppressed. The above suggests that in the central regions of PFDOs, the magnetic pair production and photon splitting may be more important than pair production in photon collisions. Note that this situation is realized in pulsars. There acceleration of particles to energies beyond $10^6$ MeV proceeds relatively quietly, without producing a large number of observable photons. Very few rotationally powered pulsars are observed at high energies. Thus conventional estimates of the Lorentz factors and densities in GRBs based on two photon pair production may be irrelevant. To estimate a ``revised'' density of the generated pairs in the strong magnetic rotator case applicable to GRB, we use the analogy with pulsars where the number of pairs produced is related to the local Goldreich-Julian density $n_{GJ} = \\Omega B /( 2 \\pi e c)$ (Goldreich \\& Julian (1969)). The pair number density is usually $\\lambda \\sim 10^3 -10^5$ times larger than $n_{GJ}$ in the inner regions. The factor $\\lambda$ depends sensitively on the magnetic field, its curvature and accelerating potential. A highly curved magnetic field produces denser and less relativistic outflows. In this paper we address the fundamental but unresolved issue of how Poynting flux is converted into gamma-rays and the subsequent emission characteristics. In section 2 we give the basic picture of the magnetized rotator magnetosphere and the propagation of large amplitude electromagnetic waves. In section 3 we discuss the breaking of these waves, and the predicted emission from random electromagnetic fields is discussed in section 4. There we address the spectrum and time dependence of the emission. The afterglow possibilities from our picture are addressed in section 5. We conclude in section 6. ", "conclusions": "The two main points of this work may be summarized as follow: (i) Poynting flux dominated outflows, which so far has been invoked only in the context of central engines, possesses internal instabilities which may also explain radiation generation, (ii) emission from stochastically accelerated particles in turbulent electromagnetic fields, when electric fields are as important as magnetic fields in the acceleration and radiation process, is a viable mechanism for the GRB emission. Our approach may also naturally explain the result that the peak of GRB emission varies only over a small range of value from burst to burst. (Brainerd 1994, 1997). For our maximally efficient mode of acceleration, the peak, when boosted into observer frame, becomes $ \\epsilon_{max} \\sim f \\hbar c/r_e \\Gamma_{\\rm bulk}$. If this maximally efficient regime were operating, the bulk gamma-factor $\\Gamma_{\\rm bulk}$ would not be much larger than 10. The location of this peak is a very weak function of the parameters of the underlying rotator, $f \\sim \\Omega ^{1/7} $ and is independent of the progenitor's magnetic field. This can be compared to phenomenological internal shock models in which the peak energy is proportional to $\\gamma_{min}^2 \\om_B \\Gamma_{bulk}$, where $\\gamma_{min}$ is the low energy cutoff to the electron power law spectrum. All three quantities here are usually taken to be free parameters. It seems unlikely for their combination to be almost constant from burst to burst, and within each pulse of a given burst unless some physics dictates this to be the case. We have tried to add some of this physics. In our approach the remaining free parameter is the Lorentz factor of the bulk flow. PFDOs may also resolve the problem of the magnetic field generation since in the Poynting flux driven outflows the large magnetic fields are supplied by the source. These fields do not necessarily have to be generated in the external shock for the afterglow since the shock is a current sheet through which outflow and ambient particles mix (Smolsky \\& Usov 2000). At the same time, however there exists an unexplored analogy between field generation mechanisms in laser driven plasmas and GRB outflows that will have to be understood to determine the scale and structure of the outlfow magnetic field. Other observational properties of the GRBs that may be explained in our framework: (i) GRBs show no correlation between the spectra and other micropulse characteristics (e.g., Lee \\& Bloom 2000) - this is a direct consequence of the turbulent EM acceleration which produces photons with the frequency $\\sim c/r_e$; (ii) the fact that pulses peak earlier at high frequencies and that bursts have shorter duration at higher energies may be due to the initial development of the turbulence: if the turbulence develops from large scales to small scales then initially the acceleration may be more effective since it is due to large scale electric fields (with coherence length larger than the radiative length). In this case initially particles are accelerated to the limiting energies $\\gamma \\sim \\sqrt{r_L /r_e}$ while later, when the coherence length of the turbulence becomes smaller than the radiative length, the particle distributions soften and radiation spectra emanates at lower frequencies. The typical time for such a cascade should be of the order of the \"vortex overturn time\" on the largest scale of the turbulence, which may be on the order of seconds. (iii) the absence of correlation between the pulses and overall burst characteristics, interpreted as arising from random and independent emission episodes (Lee \\& Bloom 2000), is natural in our model since each wave overturn happens independently. (iv) The temporal characteristics of the microbursts, FREDs, and the hard-to-soft spectral evolution is a consequence of synchrotron cooling of the reservoir of energy released during wave overturn. (v) composite structure of GRBs (a burst being a sum of many independent emission events) (Stern \\& Svennson 1996) naturally follows from the model - each overturning region produces an independent microburst. (vi) the average power density spectrum of GRBs is well described as being due to selfsimilar turbulent-type process near marginal stability (Stern 1999). This is reminicent of the cellular automata model of solar reconnecting regions (Lu \\& Hamilton 1991) and may be related to the reconnecting \"foaming\" regions in our model. We also would like to point out that the particular mechanism of the wave instability, the wave overturn during MHD-wave transition, may not necessarily be the only one. Other plasma instabilities may contribute to the generation of EM turbulence." }, "0004/astro-ph0004162_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new sample of 415 bright QSOs and Seyfert~1 nuclei drawn from the Hamburg/ESO survey (HES). The sample is spectroscopically 99\\,\\% complete and well-defined in terms of flux and redshift limits. Optical magnitudes are in the interval $13\\la B_J\\la 17.5$, redshifts range within $0< z < 3.2$. More than 50\\,\\% of the objects in the sample are new discoveries. We describe the selection techniques and discuss sample completeness and potential selection effects. There is no evidence for redshift-dependent variations of completeness; in particular, low-redshift QSOs -- notoriously missed by other optical surveys -- are abundant in this sample, since no discrimination against extended sources is imposed. For the same reason, the HES is not biased against QSOs multiply imaged due to gravitational lensing. The sample forms the largest homogeneous set of bright QSOs currently in existence, useful for a variety of statistical studies. We have redetermined the bright part of the optical quasar number-magnitude relation. We confirm that the Palomar-Green survey is significantly incomplete, but that its degree of incompleteness has recently been overestimated. ", "introduction": "While the total number of known quasars is growing rapidly, most of these are too faint for detailed investigations. Existing catalogues are mostly inhomogeneous in composition and not representative, featuring disproportionately high fractions of radio-loud, X-ray- and infrared-selected QSOs especially among the brightest known QSOs. To homogeneously sample the bright part of the quasar population in the optical regime, substantial fractions of the extragalactic sky have to be covered with efficient surveying techniques. The only presently available such catalogue, the Palomar-Green Bright Quasar Sample (BQS; Schmidt \\& Green \\cite{schm+gree:83:QEBQS}), is now known to be substantially incomplete (Goldschmidt et al.\\ \\cite{goldschmidt*:92:SDBQ}; K\\\"ohler et al.\\ \\cite{koehler*:97:LQLF}). A similar project in the southern hemisphere, the Edinburgh/Cape Survey (ECS; Stobie et al.\\ \\cite{stobie*:97:EC1}), has just produced first output, and the completeness of this survey remains to be assessed. Moreover, both BQS and ECS discriminate against low-$z$ QSOs with extended host galaxies, and the photometric UV excess selection technique confines both surveys to $z<2.2$ QSOs. In 1990 we have started the `Hamburg/ESO survey' (HES), a new wide-angle survey for bright QSOs and Seyferts, as an ESO key programme. The survey is based on digitised objective-prism photographs taken with the ESO Schmidt telescope, covering essentially the entire southern extragalactic sky. QSO candidates are selected with largely automated procedures, minimising human interaction and establishing well-defined input samples for follow-up slit spectroscopy. A description of initial design and first results of the HES was given by Wisotzki et al.\\ (\\cite{wisotzki*:96:HES1}; hereafter Paper~1), where also the driving science objectives behind the survey have been listed. A list of 160 newly discovered QSOs and Seyfert~1 galaxies was published by Reimers et al.\\ (\\cite{reimers*:96:HES2}; hereafter Paper~2). The first flux-limited sample of 55 QSOs, distributed over an effective area of 611\\,deg$^2$, was presented and analysed by K\\\"ohler et al.\\ (\\cite{koehler*:97:LQLF}), to measure the surface density of bright quasars and to estimate the combined local luminosity function of quasars and Seyfert~1 nuclei. In this paper we present a major expansion of our earlier work. The survey area has been sixfolded, and the QSO selection techniques have evolved significantly. We have constructed a new flux-limited sample of 415 optically bright QSOs that will be useful for a wide variety of statistical investigations. We describe the selection techniques used to build the sample and discuss its completeness, in comparison with other surveys as well as in terms of expected redshift-dependent selection effects. In providing these details, this paper serves also as a reference for future publications of HES-selected QSO samples. The paper closes with a reassessment of the surface density of bright QSOs. In a companion paper (Wisotzki \\cite{wisotzki:99:BQLF}) we study the impact of this new sample on the bright end of the QSO luminosity function and its evolution. Further work is in progress to follow up on several issues like host galaxy characteristics, radio properties, or the incidence of gravitational lensing events. \\begin{figure}[tb] \\epsfxsize=\\hsize \\epsfclipon \\epsfbox[90 190 525 602]{h1831f1.ps} \\caption[]{Distribution of HES survey fields in the southern hemisphere, in area-conserving azimuthal projection. The South pole is in the centre, and meridians of constant right ascension are marked. The black areas correspond to the 207 fields forming the basis for the flux-limited sample, while greyshaded zones indicate further HES fields where survey work is not yet completed. Fields left white are in or too close to the Milky Way.} \\label{fig:area} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "The Hamburg/ESO survey is an ongoing project that provides substantial improvements over previous searches for optically bright QSOs. We have constructed a new flux-limited quasar sample useful for a wide variety of statistical studies, consisting of 415 objects distributed over 3700~deg$^2$ in the sky. Greatest care was taken to minimise selection biases that could lead to redshift-dependent incompleteness. Key properties of the HES in this respect are (i) very relaxed UV excess selection criteria, equivalent to $(U-B)<-0.18$, (ii) the small errors of determining the UV excess in individual objects, and (iii) the high spectral resolution of the ESO objective prism spectra which ensures low stellar contamination without sacrifices in completeness. Comparing the sample with the results of other surveys, in terms of general number counts as well as by detailed comparison of common survey regions, we find no evidence that the HES might miss a sizeable fraction of the known QSO population, within its redshift limits. The surface density of detected bright quasars, for given magnitudes, is consistent with most recently published work, but the HES sample greatly improves the statistics at very bright magnitudes. We confirm that the Palomar-Green BQS is incomplete (although the degree of incompleteness has been overestimated in the past), but alert the reader that there is also evidence for significant overcompleteness. Several precautions were taken to reduce potential selection biases associated with low-redshift QSOs. Unlike most other optical QSO surveys, there is no discrimination of objects with extended morphological structure; these objects are subjected to the same selection criteria as the point sources. In the extraction of spectra, nuclear properties are enhanced relative to possibly `red' galaxy contributions. This also affects the derived magnitudes which are dominated by the nuclear emission. Furthermore, a specific selection criterion has been implemented that is sensitive to `Seyfert-like' spectral shapes. All these factors enable the HES to produce the first well-defined optically selected samples of low-$z$ QSOs and bright Seyfert~1 nuclei. At the same time, selection biases against gravitationally lensed QSOs are avoided. The HES substantially improves the sampling in the high-luminosity, high-redshift domain unaccessible to traditional UV excess surveys. While the number of $z>2.5$ sources in the present flux-limited sample is still small, there is a large reservoir of unambiguously detected high-$z$ quasars. By using dedicated flux limits optimised for these objects, combined with a detailed determination of the survey selection function, the total number of bright QSOs in the redshift range $2.5\\la z\\la 3.3$ that are part of a well-defined flux-limited sample will be increased by at least an order of magnitude in the near future." }, "0004/astro-ph0004118_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We test accurate models of Comptonization spectra over the high quality data of the \\BS long look at NGC 5548, allowing for different geometries of the scattering region, different temperatures of the input soft photon field and different viewing angles. We find that the \\BS data are well represented by a plane parallel or hemispherical corona viewed at an inclination angle of 30$^{\\circ}$. For both geometries the best fit temperature of the soft photons is close to 15$^{+3}_{-9}$ eV. The corresponding best fit values of the hot plasma temperature and optical depth are $kT_{\\rm e}\\simeq$ 250--260 keV and $\\tau\\simeq$ 0.16--0.37 for the slab and hemisphere respectively. These values are substantially different from those derived fitting the data with a power-law + cut off approximation to the Comptonization component ($kT_{\\rm e}\\lta$ 60 keV, $\\tau\\simeq$ 2.4). In particular the temperature of the hot electrons estimated from Comptonization models is much larger. This is due to the fact that accurate Comptonization spectra in anisotropic geometries show \"intrinsic\" curvature which reduces the necessity of a high energy cut-off. The Comptonization parameter derived for the slab model { is} larger than predicted for a two phase plane parallel corona in energy balance, suggesting that a more ``photon-starved'' geometry is necessary. The case of a hemispheric corona is consistent with energy balance but requires a large reflection component. The spectral softening detected during a flare which occurred in the central part of the observation corresponds to a decrease of the Comptonization parameter, probably associated with an increase of the soft photon luminosity, the { hard} photon luminosity remaining constant. The increased cooling fits in naturally with the derived decrease of the coronal temperature $kT_{\\rm e}$ in the high state. ", "introduction": "The X-ray emission of Seyfert galaxies is commonly believed to be produced by Compton scattering of soft photons on a population of hot electrons { (Pozdniakov et al., \\cite{poz76}; Shapiro et al., \\cite{sha76}; Liang \\& Price, \\cite{lia77}; Sunyaev \\& Titarchuk, \\cite{sun80})}. Although high energy observations of Seyfert galaxies may be consistent with both thermal and non--thermal models (Zdziarski et al. \\cite{zdz94}; Malzac et al. \\cite{mal98}) the non--detection of Seyferts by Comptel and the high energy cut-offs indicated by OSSE (Jourdain et al. \\cite{jou92}; Maisack et al., \\cite{mai93}) and {\\it Beppo}SAX (Matt \\cite{mat99}) have focused attention on thermal models. In fact it was shown early on that assuming thermal equilibrium and a plane parallel geometry for the Comptonizing plasma above an accretion disk, and neglecting direct heating of the disk, the average properties of the X-ray emission of Seyfert galaxies could be naturally accounted for (Haardt \\& Maraschi \\cite{haa91}). The spectral slope is mainly determined by two parameters, the temperature $kT_{\\rm e}$ and optical depth $\\tau$ of the scattering electrons, while the cut--off energy is related essentially to $kT_e$. Thus, simultaneous measurements of the slope of the X-ray continuum {\\it and} of the cut--off energy are necessary to determine the physical parameters of the Comptonizing region. Moreover, in a disk plus corona system, the Comptonizing region and the source of soft photons are {\\it coupled}, as the optically thick disk necessarily reprocesses and reemits part of the Comptonized flux as soft photons which are the seeds for Comptonization. The system must then satisfy equilibrium energy balance equations, which depend on {\\it geometry} and on the ratio of direct heating of the disk to that of the corona. In the limiting case of a \"passive\" disk, the amplification of the Comptonization process, determined by the Compton parameter $\\displaystyle y\\simeq 4\\left(\\frac{kT_e}{m_ec^2}\\right)\\, \\left[1+4\\left(\\frac{kT_e}{m_ec^2}\\right)\\right] \\tau (1+\\tau)$, is fixed by geometry only. Therefore, if the corona is in energy balance, the temperature and optical depth must satisfy a relation which can be computed for different geometries of the disk+corona configuration (e.g., the review of Svensson \\cite{sve96}). It is then theoretically possible to constrain the geometry of the system and verify the selfconsistency of the model, provided that $kT_e$ and $\\tau$ are known with sufficient precision. The extent of spectral variability during luminosity variations is an additional, in principle powerful, diagnostic tool that can be used to test existing models, as it provides direct insight into the way the emitting particles are heated and cooled. For example, if the plasma is pair dominated, the value of $\\tau$ is fixed by the compactness parameter (i.e. by the luminosity for fixed geometry). This yields a definite relation between spectral variations and intensity, predicting modest spectral changes for large (factor 10 at least) variations in the intensity. On the contrary, for low pair density plasmas, significant spectral variations are possible even in the absence of luminosity variations. { In the latter case, for constant geometry (i.e. at a constant Compton parameter $y$), the spectral index is expected to increase when the electron temperature decreases (Haardt, Maraschi \\& Ghisellini \\cite{haa97})}. In the present paper, our aim is to test Comptonization models over high quality data, deriving { further} constraints on the physical parameters and geometry of the source. To achieve such goal, the long look at the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 5548 performed by \\BS provides an ideal dataset. Previous studies of the source conducted over several years using EXOSAT, GINGA, ASCA and RXTE and, in some cases, coordinated observations first with IUE and later with EUVE (Walter \\& Courvoisier, \\cite{wal90}; Nandra et al., \\cite{nan91}; Chiang et al., \\cite{chi00}) support the general Comptonization picture, revealing the presence of several components in the X-ray spectra (neutral Iron line, reflection hump, soft excess...). No information on the high energy and of the Comptonization component could however be obtained from the above studies. Magdziarz et al. (\\cite{mag98}), using average OSSE data and non simultaneaous GINGA observations, suggested a temperature of 50~keV for the hot corona. NGC 5548 was observed by \\BS in a single long (8 days) observation, with a net exposure of 314 ks on source. The high quality of the \\BS data allows a detailed study of the spectrum over a very wide energy range, from 0.2 to 200 keV, and offers the opportunity to study spectral variability, since a conspicuous flare occurred in the middle of the observation. A detailed analysis of these data has been presented by Nicastro et al. (\\cite{nic99}, hereafter N99). The differences between the latter analysis and our results concern only the modelling of the continuum and will be discussed in the course of the paper. Our main progress here is to adopt and fit directly to the data a detailed model of the Comptonized spectrum, for which the commonly adopted representation of a simple power law with a high energy cut--off turns out to be a rather poor approximation. Effectively, Comptonized spectra intrinsically show additional features, such as bumps due to different scattering orders, and an anisotropy \"break\" due to the (plausible) anisotropic nature of the soft photon input. The paper is organized as follows. In section \\ref{comptonmodel} we briefly summarize the main characteristics of Comptonization models, and compare results of different approaches and geometries. The analysis of the \\BS data is presented in section \\ref{dataanal}. We will not be concerned here in detail with the warm absorber features already discussed in N99. In section \\ref{iueosse}, we compare the \\BS data with non--simultaneous IUE and OSSE data. We discuss our results and their physical interpretations in section \\ref{discussion}. We then conclude in the last section. ", "conclusions": "The aim of this paper was to test realistic Comptonization models over the high signal to noise \\BS observations of NGC 5548 (which has been detailed by N99). Our main effort was to adopt detailed Comptonization codes that treat carefully the Compton processes in different geometries, especially for what concerns the possible anisotropy of the soft photon field. This last point is crucial, since, in geometries like slabs or hemispheres, the observed first order scattering humps is highly reduced in comparison to the others, producing an anisotropy break just above the averaged energy of twice scattered photons. Specifically, the \\BS observation of NGC 5548 has allowed us to show that: \\begin{itemize} \\item the data are well fitted by a plane parallel corona model with an inclination angle of $30^{\\circ}$ and a soft photon temperature between 5 and 15 eV. The corresponding best fit values of the hot plasma temperature and optical depth are $kT_{\\rm e}\\simeq$ 250 keV and $\\tau\\simeq$ 0.1 respectively. These values of $kT_{\\rm e}$ and $\\tau$ are however not in agreement with a radiatively balanced two phases disk/corona system in plane parallel geometry, even under the assumption that all the gravitationnal power is dissipated in the hot corona. Instead the data suggest that the hot Comptonizing gas is photon-starved. A better agreement is effectively obtained with a hemispherical geometry, which is naturally undercooled with respect to the slab model. However for the hemisphere the anisotropy break is larger, yielding a large reflection component (R=1.6$\\pm$0.3). This suggests that the real configuration is probably more complex than these two ideal cases. \\item the flare occurring during the central 70 ks part of the run enabled us to interpret the spectral change of the source between different states in terms of changes in the physical parameters of the system. Within the framework of anisotropic thermal Comptonisation the change of state suggests a variation of the Compton parameter $y$, and thus a change of the central configuration. The spectral variability can be most naturally explained by an increase of the soft photon flux causing a reduction of the coronal temperature. % be the first \\item the zero order cut--off power law approximation commonly used to Comptonization spectra leads to quite different results. The corresponding best fit values of the temperature and optical depth of the corona are $kT_e\\simeq$ 60 keV and $\\tau\\simeq$ 2.4. The bright state is consistent with the Compton parameter remaining constant during the spectral transition, but suggets an {\\it increase of the coronal temperature} and a {\\it decrease of the optical depth}. This model is statistically acceptable. \\item We expect that the substantial improvements in the spectral data at low and medium X-ray energies achievable with CHANDRA and XMM-Newton could discriminate between these alternative models if complemented by simultaneous measurements at higher energies possibly provided by \\BS. A decisive progress could come from improved soft $\\gamma$--ray observations like those expected in the near future by INTEGRAL, \\end{itemize} \\noindent {\\sl Acknowlegements:} We gratefully acknowledge J. Poutanen for providing us his code and the anonymous referee for his helpful comments. POP, FH and LM were supported by the European Commission under contract number ERBFMRX-CT98-0195 ( TMR network \"Accretion onto black holes, compact stars and protostars\") and by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MURST) under grant COFIN98-02-154100. GM and GCP were supported by the Ministry for University and Research (MURST) under grant COFIN98-02-32." }, "0004/astro-ph0004097_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Motivated by the recently improved knowledge on the kinematic and chemical properties of the Galactic metal-poor stars, we present the numerical simulation for the formation of the Galactic stellar halo to interpret the observational results. As a model for the Galaxy contraction, we adopt the currently standard theory of galaxy formation based on the hierarchical assembly of the cold dark matter fluctuations. We find, for the simulated stars with [Fe/H]$\\le-1.0$, that there is no strong correlation between metal abundances and orbital eccentricities, in good agreement with the observations. Moreover, the observed fraction of the low eccentricity stars is reproduced correctly for [Fe/H]$\\le-1.6$ and approximately for the intermediate abundance range of $-1.6<$[Fe/H]$\\le-1.0$. We show that this successful reproduction of the kinematics of the Galactic halo is a natural consequence of the hierarchical evolution of the subgalactic clumps seeded from the cold dark matter density fluctuations. ", "introduction": "Structure and dynamics of the metal-deficient halo component in the Galaxy provide valuable information on the early evolution of the Galaxy (e.g., Freeman 1987; Majewski 1993). Accordingly, the origin of the Galactic stellar halo has been extensively discussed by many authors since Eggen, Lynden-Bell, \\& Sandage (1962, hereafter referred to as ELS) reported a strong correlation between metal abundances and space motions of the high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. ELS argued that the contraction of the Galaxy must have been monolithic and rapid within a free-fall time ($\\sim$ $10^{8}$ yr). Several authors however pointed out that the collapse time scale estimated by ELS is greatly affected by their selection criterion against the halo stars having high angular momentum (e.g., Yoshii \\& Saio 1979; Norris, Bessell, \\& Pickles 1985; Chiba \\& Yoshii 1998, hereafter CY). Alternatively, Searle \\& Zinn (1978, hereafter SZ) proposed that the Galactic halo was formed slowly ($\\sim$ $10^{9}$ yr) by chaotic merging/accretion of several subgalactic fragments. It is yet unsettled whether either ELS's monolithic or SZ's merging picture (or both, e.g., Norris 1994; Freeman 1996; Carney et al. 1996) is more plausible and realistic for describing the early evolution the Galaxy. Kinematic aspects of the Galactic metal-poor stars have been greatly improved by the recently completed $Hipparcos$ Catalogue (ESA 1997) and various ground-based catalogs (e.g., Platais et al. 1998; Urban et al. 1998) which provide unprecedentedly accurate proper motion data for a wealth of metal-poor stars (Beers et al. 2000). Using the non-kinematically selected sample of stars having available proper motions, CY and Chiba \\& Beers (2000, hereafter CB) revisited the relation between metal abundances and orbital eccentricities of the halo stars and found no evidence for a strong correlation between these quantities, in contrast to ELS's finding. CB also showed a clear evidence for internal structure of the halo: the outer halo shows no systematic rotation and nearly spherical density distribution, whereas the inner halo has a prograde rotation and a highly flattened density distribution. Also, Helmi et al. (1999) discovered a statistically significant clumpiness of the nearby halo stars in the angular momentum space, and argued that about 10 \\% of the halo come from a single small galaxy that was disrupted during or soon after the Galaxy formation. These new findings not only provide constraints on the formation of the Galactic stellar halo but also improve our understanding of how disk galaxies like our own form. In this Letter, we address the question whether the above kinematic and chemical properties of the Galactic halo are understandable in the context of the currently favored theory of galaxy formation based on the hierarchical assembly of cold dark matter (CDM) halos (White \\& Rees 1978). Most of the CDM-based numerical models on disk galaxy formation have focused on only the fundamental properties of a disk, such as an exponential density profile (Katz 1992) and Tully-Fisher relation (Steinmetz \\& Navarro 1999). The spatial structure of the stellar halo has been examined by Steinmetz \\& M\\\"uller (1995), but the detailed internal kinematics of the halo stars in the simulated model remained unknown. Here we explore a numerical simulation for the formation of the Galactic halo, to investigate whether the CDM model can successfully explain the kinematic and chemical properties of the Galactic halo. We particularly focus on the evolution of hierarchically clustered subgalactic clumps seeded from the CDM density fluctuations and investigate their evolutionary effects on the orbital distribution of the stars in conjunction with the metal enrichment. More extensive analyses and results of the numerical simulations will be presented elsewhere (Bekki \\& Chiba 2000). ", "conclusions": "Although both the ELS monolithic and SZ merger scenarios have offered the basic ingredients for describing the early evolution of the Galaxy, either model alone does not comprehensively explain the currently improved knowledge on the fundamental properties of the halo (e.g., Freeman 1996; CB). For example, the lack of the abundance gradient in the halo stars (Carney et al. 1990; CY) and no significant correlation between [Fe/H] and $e$ (CY; CB) are difficult to interpret in the context of the ELS scenario. The SZ scenario seems unlikely to explain a large vertical gradient of the mean rotational velocity $$ in the halo component (CB). It is also unclear how the rapidly rotating disk component subsequently formed after the totally chaotic merging of ``Searle \\& Zinn'' fragments. In contrast, to explain the dual nature of the observed halo in its density, kinematics, and age (Norris 1994; Carney et al. 1996; CB), one requires the sort of hybrid picture, combining aspects of both the ELS and SZ scenarios. As a possible candidate model to achieve the above hybrid picture, we have considered the CDM model, which invokes both the hierarchical assembly of subgalactic clumps and the dissipative process of gas inside the clumpy protogalactic system. As a first step toward understanding the formation of the Galactic halo in this context, we have investigated the orbital properties of the stars in the simulated Galactic halo, and have shown that the hierarchical merging of CDM clumps in the course of the expansion and contraction of the overall protogalactic sphere plays a vital role in determining the observed [Fe/H]-$e$ relation of the metal-poor stars. It is also found that the dissipative merging of the clumps is important for the development of the characteristic structure of the halo and also for the subsequently formed disk component (Bekki \\& Chiba 2000). While we have reproduced the most basic relation between metal abundances and orbital eccentricities of the halo stars based on the currently favored picture of galaxy formation, there are still a couple of points to be clarified for the comprehensive understanding of the halo formation. For example, Sommer-Larsen et al. (1997) reported that the velocity ellipsoid of the metal-poor stars changes from radial anisotropy near the Sun to tangential anisotropy in the outer part of the Galactic halo. This may be explained via the anisotropic, {\\it dissipative} merging between protogalactic gas clouds in a collapsing galaxy (Theis 1997), but it is yet unsettled as to whether the similar process is equally applied in the case of the CDM clumps consisting of both dissipationless particles (dark matter and stars) and dissipative gas. Also, the non-kinematically selected sample of the nearby stars shows a remarkable discontinuity of the mean rotational velocity, $V_{rot}$, at [Fe/H]$\\sim-1.7$: the stars at [Fe/H]$<-1.7$ shows an approximately constant rotation, whereas those at [Fe/H]$>-1.7$ show the linear increase of $V_{rot}$ with increasing [Fe/H] (e.g., CB). We will further discuss in the forthcoming paper whether these other kinematic properties of the Galactic halo are also explained by the dynamical evolution of the system of subgalactic clumps seeded from the CDM density fluctuations." }, "0004/astro-ph0004233_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent Measurements of electron, muon, and hadron lateral distributions of extensive air showers as recorded by the KASCADE experiment are presented. The data cover the energy range from $5\\times10^{14}$ eV up to almost $10^{17}$ eV and extend from the inner core region to distances of 200~m. The electron and muon distributions are corrected for mutual contaminations by taking into account the detector properties in the experiment. All distributions are well described by NKG-functions. The scale radii describing the electron and hadron data best are $\\simeq 30$~m and $\\simeq 10$~m, respectively. We discuss the correlation between scale radii and `age' parameter as well as their dependence on shower size, zenith angle, and particle energy threshold. ", "introduction": "The KASCADE ({\\em KArlsruhe Shower Core and Array DEtector\\/}) experiment is located at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, at an altitude of 110~m a.s.l.\\ and has been described in detail in \\cite{Doll-1990b,AAA067.022.145}. The experiment has three major components: an array of electron and muon detectors, a central detector mainly for hadron measurements but with substantial muon detection areas, and a tunnel with streamer tube muon telescopes. Since the latter have only been completed at the time of writing this article, no data from the muon tunnel are included in the present analysis. The KASCADE array covers an area of about 200$\\times$200~m$^2$ and consists of 252 detector stations located on a square grid of 13~m separation. These are organized in 16 clusters of 16 stations each, except for the inner four clusters where the location of one station is blocked by the central detector. The stations contain two types of detectors, liquid scintillation counters ($e/\\gamma$ detectors) of 0.79~m$^2$ area each and 5~cm thickness with little shielding above and plastic scintillators of 0.81~m$^2$ area each and 3~cm thickness (muon detectors) below a shielding of 10~cm lead and 4~cm steel. The inner four clusters are instrumented with four $e/\\gamma$ detectors per station but without muon detectors while the outer 12 clusters house two $e/\\gamma$ and four muon detectors per station. For both detector types the sum of photomultiplier signals, the earliest time, and the hit pattern are recorded for all stations fired. The central hadron calorimeter is of the sampling type and has a fiducial area of 16$\\times$19~m$^2$. A detailed description can be found in \\cite{Engler-1999}. The energy is absorbed in an iron stack and sampled in eight layers of liquid ionization chambers with anode segments of 0.25$\\times$0.25~m$^2$ (appr.\\ 38\\,500 channels). The thickness of the iron slabs increases from 12 to 36~cm towards the deeper parts of the calorimeter, amounting to 154~cm in total. The 8$^{\\rm th}$ layer is located below an additional concrete ceiling of 77~cm thickness. On top, a 5~cm lead layer filters off the soft electromagnetic component. The ionization chambers are read out by logarithmic amplifiers and 13 bit ADCs, achieving a dynamic range of $6\\mal10^4$. Signals starting from single minimum ionizing muons up to energy deposits of 10~GeV in a chamber are read out without saturation. The response curve of each channel is calibrated with a reference capacitor coupled to the preamplifier, injecting known charges into the electronics chain. Below the 8$^{\\rm th}$ calorimeter layer, two layers of multiwire proportional chambers (MWPCs), vertically separated by 38 cm, are used as muon detectors. In total, 32 chambers are operated with 129~m$^2$ total area per layer. Hits are registered on anode wires and two layers of cathode strips at angles of $\\pm34^\\circ$ with respect to the wires. A total of 456 plastic scintillation counters of $0.48 \\times 0.95$~m$^2$ area each and 3~cm thickness are used within the calorimeter (below 5~cm lead and 36~cm steel) to trigger the calorimeter and the MWPCs. They also serve as muon counters. On top of the calorimeter, an additional 50 such counters fill the central gap of $e/\\gamma$ detectors but their data are not included in the present analysis. A summary of the detector components used in this article together with their most relevant parameters is given in Table~\\ref{tab:detectors}. \\begin{table}[t] \\caption{KASCADE detector components used in this analysis. Detection thresholds refer to particle energies above the absorber material of the detectors.} \\label{tab:detectors} \\def\\secz{~$\\times\\sec\\theta$} \\def\\pscz{\\phantom{\\secz}} \\vspace*{3mm} \\begin{tabular}{lcccrc} \\hline Detector & channels & separation & total area & threshold $E_{\\rm kin}$~~ & for \\\\ \\hline array $e/\\gamma$ & 252 & 13~m & 490~m$^2$ & 5 MeV\\pscz & $e$ \\\\ array $\\mu$ & 192 & 13~m & 622~m$^2$ & 230 MeV\\secz & $\\mu$ \\\\ trigger & 456 & --- & 208~m$^2$ & 490 MeV\\secz & $\\mu$ \\\\ MWPCs & 26\\,080 & --- & 129~m$^2$ & 2.4 GeV\\secz & $\\mu$ \\\\ calorimeter & 38\\,368 & --- & 304~m$^2$ & 50 GeV\\pscz & hadrons \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "Measurements of electron, muon, and hadron lateral distributions as recorded by the KASCADE experiment have been presented for radial distances of up to 200~m and for the energy range $5\\times10^{14} {\\rm eV} < E < 10^{17} {\\rm eV}$. Detector simulations were performed to account for effects like muon and hadron contamination in signals of the $e/\\gamma$-scintillators and for punch-through of electrons and hadrons into the muon detectors. All types of lateral distributions are well described by NKG-functions using different scale radii $r_{i}$ (with $i=e,\\mu,h$) for the different air shower components. \\begin{itemize} \\item A study of the electron LDFs shows that optimum fits are not obtained for the canonical value of $\\Rmol = 79$~m, but for $r_{e} \\simeq 20-30$~m, i.e.\\ we observe a stronger curvature in the experimental data than in the conventional NKG function. This imposes a systematic effect of up to 5\\,\\% in the integrated number of shower electrons. Due to the strong correlation of $r_{e}$ and $s$, the preferred lower scale radius is accompanied by a larger age parameter of $s \\simeq 1.65$. The optimum set of parameters depends on shower size and zenith angle and may be used to infer the mass of the primary particle. For practical reasons and because of limited statistics within single events, information about the shape of the electron LDF is usually extracted by fixing $r_{e}$ and fitting only the age parameter $s$. A problem specific to NKG functions in this approach and with small scale radii $r_{e}$ is, that upwards fluctuations of $s$ easily lead to ill defined shower sizes. As an alternative, we have demonstrated that a fixed age parameter but variable scale radius provides an equally good fit to the data. The parameter $r_{e}$ then changes in a characteristic way and also exhibits a distinct structure at shower sizes corresponding to the knee position. \\item Within the fiducial area of KASCADE, muon LDFs are well described by a NKG function, but with a scale radius of $r_{\\mu} = 420$~m. Because of the limitation to 40~m $< r <$ 200~m, the experiment is not very sensitive to the actual value chosen and the data are also equally well described by a Greisen parametrization. Significant differences would only occur at radial distances outside the acceptance of the experiment. The unknown flat shape of the muon LDF at large distances imposes serious problems (even for much larger surface detector arrays) when calculating the total number of muons within an air shower. Most importantly, $N_{\\mu}$ is subject to systematic shifts and increased fluctuations, thereby deteriorating the shower size and primary energy resolution. Thus, for classifying events, we have introduced the truncated muon number, $N_{\\mu}^{\\rm tr}$, obtained from integrating the LDF only within the experimental acceptance of 40-200~m. A rough scan of the low energy muon spectrum has been performed by analysing LDFs at $E_{\\mu} \\ge 230$, 490, and 2400~MeV. Similarly to electrons, a steepening of the muon LDF is observed with increasing shower size and decreasing zenith angle, as is expected for observations being increasingly closer to the shower maximum. \\item Quite interestingly, also hadronic lateral energy density and particle number distributions are well approximated by the NKG form up to distances of at least 90~m. The scale radius for $E_{\\rm th} \\ge 50$~GeV is $r_{h} \\simeq 10$~m and scales roughly proportional to $E_{\\rm th}^{-1}$, as expected by a simple dimensional comparison of electromagnetic multiple scattering and hadronic interactions. \\item The interrelation between the electromagnetic and hadronic EAS component may explain the `unconventional' small preferred scale radius of the electron LDF of 20-30~m as compared to the classical value of $\\Rmol \\simeq 80$~m. It should be kept in mind that the classical Moli\\`ere radius has been derived for pure electromagnetic showers and for zero energy threshold only. However, extensive air showers are mostly initiated by primary hadrons. Therefore, the shower evolution is mostly driven by the substantially narrower hadronic component, and the effective lateral scale radius of observed electrons is expected to be smaller than for $E_{\\rm kin} \\ge 0$ electrons in pure $\\gamma$-initiated showers. \\end{itemize} The present paper is not focussed to detailed analyses in terms of predictions of the EAS developments from Monte Carlo simulations and to a comparison of different theoretical high-energy interaction approaches like VENUS \\cite{venus}, QGSJET \\cite{qgsjet} and SIBYLL \\cite{sibyll}. These models, continuously in the process of refinement, are generators implemented into the Karlsruhe EAS Monte Carlo code CORSIKA \\cite{CORSIKA}. However, the presented results provide a coherent experimental basis for serious tests considering simultaneously the three main EAS components, not only concerning the interaction but also the particle propagation procedures. It may be noted that the muon lateral distributions are experimentally given for three different energy detection thresholds of the registered muons, thus implying also some sensitivity to the low energy spectrum. Most valuable for such tests are observations based on the hadronic component. An example of first analyses in this scope were presented in \\cite{kascade-ww} and a remarkable agreement of lateral distributions of hadrons for primary protons and Fe nuclei was observed. In particular, the absence of peculiar features, in contrast to earlier observations by Danilova et al.\\ \\cite{Danilova-1985} and Arvela and Elo \\cite{Arvela-1995} can be stated, even at energies as high as 10 PeV. Such results support the trust in a correct handling of the particle propagation and of the development of the hadronic component at least for hadron energies above 50 GeV. More detailed comparisons of lateral distributions with CORSIKA simulations are under study and will be subject of a forthcoming publication." }, "0004/astro-ph0004005_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Low-radio-frequency observations played a remarkable role in the early days of radio astronomy; however, in the subsequent three or four decades their usefulness has largely been in terms of the {\\sl finding-frequency} of surveys. Recent technical innovation at the VLA has meant that {\\sl spatially well-resolved} imaging at low frequencies is now possible. Such imaging is essential to understanding the relationship between the hotspot and lobe emission in classical double radio sources, for example. We here present new images of 3C radio sources at 74\\,MHz and 330\\,MHz and discuss their implications. ", "introduction": "Low-frequency radio surveys play a key role in selecting samples of radio sources, dominated by optically thin synchrotron emission, which are free of orientation biases. Examples of such samples, which have been pivotal in advancing our understanding of the nature of radio sources, are the celebrated 3C sample (revised by Laing, Riley and Longair 1983) and very recently the much fainter 7C sample (Rawlings et al.\\ 1998). Following recent technical innovation at the VLA, it is now possible to make spatially well-resolved images of radio sources at low frequencies: at 74\\,MHz, images can now routinely be made with an angular resolution of 25$^{\\prime\\prime}$. It is in this low-frequency regime that models of the energy supply to the lobes from the hotspots in classical doubles may be tested, and where their energy budgets may be investigated, for example by the detection or otherwise of steep-spectrum halos surrounding these objects. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004413_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The first sources of ionizing radiation to condense out of the dark and neutral IGM sent ionization fronts sweeping outward through their surroundings, overtaking other condensed objects and photoevaporating them. This feedback of universal reionization on cosmic structure formation is demonstrated here by gas dynamical simulations, including radiative transfer, for the case of a cosmological minihalo of dark matter and baryons exposed to an external source of ionizing starlight, just after the passage of the global ionization front created by the source. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:constraints} The neutral, opaque IGM out of which the first bound objects condensed was dramatically reheated and reionized at some time between a redshift $z\\approx50$ and $z\\approx5$ by the radiation released by some of these objects. When the first sources turned on, they ionized their surroundings by propagating weak, R-type ionization fronts which moved outward supersonically with respect to both the neutral gas ahead of and the ionized gas behind the front, racing ahead of the hydrodynamical response of the IGM, as first described by Shapiro (1986) and Shapiro \\& Giroux (1987). These authors solved the problem of the time-varying radius of a spherical I-front which surrounds isolated sources in a cosmologically-expanding IGM analytically, taking proper account of the I-front jump condition generalized to cosmological conditions. They applied these solutions to determine when the I-fronts surrounding isolated sources would grow to overlap and, thereby, complete the reionization of the universe (Donahue \\& Shull 1987 and Meiksen \\& Madau 1993 subsequently adopted a similar approach to answer that question). The effect of density inhomogeneity on the rate of I-front propagation was described by a mean ``clumping factor'' $c_l>1$, which slowed the I-fronts by increasing the average recombination rate per H atom inside clumps. This suffices to describe the rate of I-front propagation as long as the clumps are either not self-shielding or, if so, only absorb a fraction of the ionizing photons emitted by the central source. Numerical radiative transfer methods are currently under development to solve this problem in 3D for the inhomogeneous density distribution which arises as cosmic structure forms, so far limited to a fixed density field without gas dynamics (e.g.\\ Abel, Norman, \\& Madau 1999; Razoumov \\& Scott 1999). The question of what dynamical effect the I-front had on the density inhomogeneity it encountered, however, requires further analysis. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004139_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent Mapping the central 5 pc region of the nearby radio galaxy NGC 6251 with a 0.2 pc resolution using VLBI at two radio frequencies, 5 GHz and 15 GHz, we have found the sub-pc-scale counter jet for the first time in this radio galaxy. This discovery allows us to investigate the jet acceleration based on the relativistic beaming model (Ghisellini et al. 1993). ", "introduction": "The genesis of powerful radio jets from active galactic nuclei is one of the long standing problems in astrophysics (Bridle \\& Perley 1984). Although global morphological properties give us very important information, very inner regions in the radio jets also provide hints to understanding the genesis of radio jets. In order to investigate radio galaxies at the sub-milli arcsecond angular resolution, we have performed new high-resolution VLBI observations of NGC 6251 using HALCA (Hirabayashi et al. 1998). We use a distance to NGC 6251, 94.4 Mpc (for a Hubble constant $H_0$ = 75 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$). Note that 1 mas (milli arcsecond) corresponds to 0.48 pc at this distance. ", "conclusions": "We assume for simplicity that the core is surrounded by a plasma sphere with a radius of $a$ and the radio emission from the inner part of the jets (i.e., both the jet and the counter jet) suffer from the free-free absorption. The approaching jet escapes from the plasma sphere at a projected distance of $x = a \\times \\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet} $ and thus the spectral index becomes to be intrinsic here. The counter jet suffers the effect of free-free absorption until $x = -a $. It is also noted that the path length is longest at $x = - a \\times \\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet} $. As shown in Figure 2a, we define the following projected distances; $X_{\\rm jet} = X_{\\rm peak} = a \\times \\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet}$ and $X_{\\rm cjet} = a$. Then we are able to estimate $ \\theta_{\\rm jet} = \\sin^{-1} \\left({\\frac {X_{\\rm jet}}{X_{\\rm cjet}}} \\right) $. We adopt the 15 GHz brightest peak as the core, because the optical depth at 15 GHz is enough to be small in the case of free-free absorption. In Figure 2b, we show the observed spectral index variation along the radio jet. We estimate $X_{\\rm peak} \\approx$ 0.24 mas, $X_{\\rm jet} \\approx$ 0.41 mas, and $X_{\\rm cjet} \\approx$ 0.80 mas. Then we obtain $\\theta_{\\rm jet} \\simeq 31^\\circ$. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsfile{file=sudou_fig2.eps,scale=0.52} \\caption{A schematic illustration of the spherical-absorption model (a), and spectral index variation along the radio jet of NGC 6251 (b).} \\label{Fig2} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsfile{file=sudou_fig3.eps,scale=0.46} \\caption{The jet/counter jet flux density ratio $R$ as a function of the projected distance from the brightest peak at 15 GHz for the 5GHz data ({\\it filled triangle}) and for the 15 GHz data ({\\it filled circles}) (a), and jet velocity \\bj ~ as a function of projected distance from the brightest peak at 15 GHz (b).} \\label{Fig2} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Adopting the so-called Doppler beaming model, the jet to the counter jet intensity ratio $R$ can be written as a function of projected distance $x$, $R(x) = \\left[\\frac {1 + \\beta_{\\rm{jet}}(x) \\cos \\theta_{\\rm{jet}}(x)} {1 - \\beta_{\\rm{jet}}(x) \\cos \\theta_{\\rm{jet}}(x)}\\right]^{2 - \\alpha(x)}$ , where \\bj($x$) = $v_{\\rm jet}(x) / c$. In Figure 3a, we measured $R$ as a function of $x$. It is shown that $R$ is estimated to be systematically larger at 5 GHz than those at 15 GHz. This is probably due to stronger absorption at 5 GHz than at 15 GHz. It is shown that $R$ at 15 GHz increases from 1.7 at 0.85 mas (0.4 pc) to 10 at 1.25 mas (0.6 pc) with projected distance from the core. If this increase is just caused by the Doppler beaming, it is suggested that \\bj ~ increase with distance, because it cannot be seen that \\tj ~ varies significantly. Figure 3b shows that the jet is accelerated from \\bj ~ $\\approx 0.1$ at 0.4 pc to \\bj ~ $\\approx 0.5$ at 0.6 pc. This provides the first direct evidence for the acceleration at the sub-pc-scale radio jet." }, "0004/astro-ph0004280_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The atmospheric \\C imaging technique has been used to search for point-like and diffuse TeV gamma-ray emission from the southern supernova remnant, W28, and surrounding region. The search, made with the CANGAROO 3.8\\,m telescope, encompasses a number of interesting features, the supernova remnant itself, the EGRET source 3EG J1800$-$2338, the pulsar PSR~J1801$-$23, strong 1720 MHz OH masers and molecular clouds on the north and east boundaries of the remnant. An analysis tailored to extended and off-axis point sources was used, and no evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from any of the features described above was found in data taken over the 1994 and 1995 seasons. Our upper limit ($E>1.5$ TeV) for a diffuse source of radius 0.25$^\\circ$ encompassing both molecular clouds was calculated at 6.64$\\times10^{-12}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ (from 1994 data), and interpreted within the framework of a model predicting TeV gamma-rays from shocked-accelerated hadrons. Our upper limit suggests the need for some cutoff in the parent spectrum of accelerated hadrons and/or slightly steeper parent spectra than that used here ($-$2.1). As to the nature of 3EG J1800$-$2338, it possibly does not result entirely from $\\pi^\\circ$ decay, a conclusion also consistent with its location in relation to W28. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Supernova remnants (SNRs) have long been thought to be the dominant source of cosmic rays (CR) at energies below 100 TeV (for a review see e.g. Blandford \\& Eichler \\cite{Blandford:1}). SNR, via the diffusive shock process, are able to accelerate electrons and hadrons and meet the energetics of the observed cosmic rays. The TeV gamma-ray flux predicted from SNR is the most accessible tracer of CR acceleration and its detection would be convincing evidence for the SNR origin of galactic CR. Models of the TeV gamma-ray emission from SNR predict distinct spectral features, according to the hadronic and/or electronic nature of the parent CR accounting for the gamma-ray flux (see Drury \\etal \\cite{Drury:1}, Naito and Takahara \\cite{Naito:1}, Baring \\etal \\cite{Baring:1}, and references therein for a summary). Ground-based surveys of SNR at gamma-ray energies (TeV to PeV) have been carried out on several promising northern hemisphere candidates (e.g. IC443, Tycho's SNR, W51, W44, G78.2$+$2.1). The Whipple (Buckley \\etal \\cite{Buckley:1}, Lessard \\etal \\cite{Lessard:1}), HEGRA (Hess \\etal \\cite{Hess:1} at TeV energies, and Prosch \\etal \\cite{Prosch:1} at multi-TeV energies), CAT (Goret \\etal \\cite{Goret:1}) and CYGNUS (Allen \\etal \\cite{Allen:1}) groups have reported upper limits. Recently however, the HEGRA has seen marginal evidence for TeV gamma-rays from the young SNR Cas-A, after deep observation (P\\\"{u}hlhofer \\etal \\cite{Puhlhofer:1}). In the southern hemisphere, the CANGAROO has reported the detection of TeV gamma-rays from SNR SN1006 (Tanimori \\etal \\cite{Tanimori:1}) and SNR RX J1713.7$-$3946 (Muraishi \\etal \\cite{Muraishi:1}), and if confirmed, will be strong evidence in favour of the production of cosmic rays electrons in SNR. W28 (also SNR G6.4$-$0.1 from Green \\cite{Green:1}) is considered an archetypal composite (mixed or M-type) supernova remnant, characterised by a centrally filled X-ray and shell-like radio morphology (Rho \\& Petre \\cite{Rho:1}, Long \\etal \\cite{Long:1}). The ROSAT X-ray emission appears best explained by a thermal model (Rho \\etal \\cite{Rho:2}) although Tomida \\etal (\\cite{Tomida:1}) from the analysis of ASCA data, has suggested the presence of a weak a non-thermal component in the south west region. The limb-brightened radio emission (20, 6 \\& 2cm) shows a synchrotron spectrum of varying spectral index (Andrews \\etal \\cite{Andrews:1}). A radio point source at $l=6.6^\\circ, b=-0.16^\\circ$ (G6.6$-$0.1) is defined (Altenhoff \\etal \\cite {Altenhoff:1}, Andrews \\etal \\cite{Andrews:1}), hereafter referred as A83 in this paper. A glitching radio pulsar, PSR~J1801$-$23 (PSR~B1758$-23$, $P=$416ms, $\\dot{P}=113\\times 10^{-15}$ ss$^{-1}$), lies at the northern radio edge (Kaspi \\etal \\cite{Kaspi:1}). An upper limit to this pulsar's characteristic age is estimated at 58\\,000 years, and it's spin-down luminosity ($\\dot{E} \\sim 6.2\\times 10^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$) is at the lower edge of luminosity values when compared to the known gamma-ray (EGRET \\& COMPTEL) pulsars. The age of W28 is estimated (Kaspi \\etal \\cite{Kaspi:1}) in the range 35\\,000 to 150\\,000 years, with upper and lower limits taken from the assumptions that W28 is currently in either the radiative or Sedov phases of expansion. According to Kaspi \\etal \\cite{Kaspi:1}, the distance of PSR~J1801$-$23 (9 to 16.5 kpc) derived from it's dispersion measure (DM) appears inconsistent with that derived for the remnant. Estimates for the remnant distance are set at 1.8 kpc (Goudis \\cite{Goudis:1} $\\Sigma$-D relation) and 3.3 kpc respectively (Lozinskaya \\cite{Lozinskaya:1}, from mean optical velocities), indicating that the pulsar/W28 association is possibly a line-of-sight coincidence. However, Frail \\etal (\\cite{Frail:1}) have noted the large uncertainty in using the DM as a distance estimate for this pulsar due to the high concentration of ionised material in the line of sight, and conclude there is sufficient evidence for the pulsar/remnant association. The unidentified EGRET source 3EG J1800$-$2338 (95\\% error circle 0.32$^\\circ$ radius) (Hartman \\etal \\cite{Hartman:1}), listed as 2EG J1801$-$2312 in the second EGRET catalogue (Thompson \\etal \\cite{Thompson:1}), lies on the edge of the radio shell and was thought to be associated with the remnant (Esposito \\etal \\cite{Esposito:1}, Zhang \\& Cheng \\cite{Zhang:1}). 3EG J1800$-$2338 has a relatively hard spectral index (Hartman \\etal \\cite{Hartman:1}) with no apparent sign of a turnover at 1\\,GeV (Merck \\etal \\cite{Merck:1}). Lamb \\& Macomb (\\cite{Lamb:1}) also point out that 3EG J1800$-$2338 is visible above 1 GeV at 5.4$\\sigma$ significance, and is centred very close to the A83 radio position. The 3EG position of the EGRET source is displaced by about 0.5$^\\circ$ relative to the 2EG position, yet still lies comfortably within the SNR radio shell, and remains a strong example of an EGRET source/SNR association (Romero \\etal \\cite{Romero:1}). The 3EG error circle however, now excludes PSR~J1801$-$23 and the molecular clouds. W28 lies in a complex region of the galactic plane with many HII regions and dense molecular clouds (Wootten \\cite{Wootten:1}) contributing to the ISM surrounding the SNR. Over forty OH (1720\\,MHz) maser emission sites are concentrated at the eastern and northern edges of the SNR (Claussen \\etal \\cite{Claussen:1}), along the SNR and molecular cloud interface. The distribution of shocked and unshocked gas in this region is also consistent with the idea of the SNR shock passing through the cloud (Arikawa \\etal \\cite{Arikawa:1}). OH maser emission (1720 MHz) is considered a strong indicator of collisional pumping with matter densities $\\sim10^5$ cm$^{-3}$ (Claussen \\etal \\cite{Claussen:1,Claussen:2}). Enhanced levels of TeV $\\gamma$-ray emission via the decay of neutral pions may be expected from such areas associated with the masers and molecular cloud (Aharonian \\etal \\cite{Aharonian:1}). Fig. ~\\ref{fig:w28_claussen} indicates the sites of interest in relation to the radio continuum emission (327 MHz). The presence of these interesting objects make W28 a prime southern hemisphere candidate for study at TeV gamma-ray energies. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{8cm} \\special{psfile=w28_claussen.ps hoffset=-120 voffset=-240 hscale=80 vscale=80} \\caption{Radio continuum (327 MHz) for W28, adapted from Claussen \\etal (\\protect\\cite{Claussen:1}). Included are the positions (and error circles) of the EGRET source 3EG\\,J1800$-$2238 (2EG\\,J1801$-$2312 in the 2nd EGRET catalogue), OH maser sites A to F, PSR\\,J1801$-$23 (also the tracking position for 1994 data) and the radio point source, labelled A83 (Andrews \\etal \\cite{Andrews:1}), is the tracking position for 1995 data. See Sect.~\\ref{sec:res} for a discussion.} \\label{fig:w28_claussen} \\end{figure} We report here on the comprehensive analysis of data taken in 1994 and 1995 with the CANGAROO 3.8 metre telescope. This work follows analysis of data taken in 1992 (Kifune \\etal \\cite{Kifune:1}) in which weak evidence for a gamma-ray signal was reported. At that time, only ON source data were collected, making an estimation of the background rate difficult. Mori \\etal (\\cite{Mori:1}) reported briefly on an analysis of 1994 data centred on PSR~J1801$-23$, in which a $\\pm0.7^\\circ$ field of view was searched. Both ON and OFF source data were collected and no evidence for TeV $\\gamma$-ray emission was seen from various point-like sources including the pulsar and both radio and X-ray maxima. The 1995 data were centred on the radio position A83, located $\\sim0.3^\\circ$ away from PSR~J1801$-23$. A search for point-like and diffuse sources of TeV emission was carried out on the 1994 and 1995 datasets out to $\\pm 1^\\circ$ from the tracking centre of each dataset, using an extended source analysis. We have used an improved set of cuts to those used in the analysis of data taken on the Vela Pulsar/Nebula (Yoshikoshi \\etal \\cite{Yoshikoshi:1}). These cuts were designed to minimise the loss of gamma-ray sensitivity for off-axis sources and in particular maintain reliable statistics over the search region. ", "conclusions": "A search for TeV gamma-ray emission from the southern SNR W28 was carried out by the CANGAROO over two observation seasons (1994 and 1995) using the atmospheric \\C imaging technique. An analysis providing a consistent gamma-ray acceptance and quality factor for extended sources was used. A number of sites within a search region of $\\pm1^\\circ$ were considered as potential point-like and diffuse sources of TeV gamma-ray emission. No evidence was found for the emission of TeV gamma-rays at any of these sites which include those from the strongest two masers, an EGRET source, a radio pulsar (all as point sources) and a diffuse region containing the molecular clouds that appear to be interacting with the remnant. Our 3$\\sigma$ upper limit from this diffuse region at 6.64$\\times10^{-12}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ $> 1.5$ TeV, and the flux of the EGRET source 3EG J1800$-$2338 were compared with gamma-ray flux predictions from the model of Naito and Takahara (\\cite{Naito:1}). Under this framework, our upper limit rules out a straight extrapolation of the EGRET flux to TeV energies. It also constrains somewhat the flux expected from the shocked region of gas in the molecular cloud, placing limits on the parent spectra for hadrons and/or cutoff energy. Our results suggest that the EGRET source probably does not result entirely of $\\pi^\\circ$ gamma-rays. This fact is supported by it's location in relation to the molecular clouds. In a later paper, we will consider electronic bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering and discuss the broader implications of our results in relation to the origin of galactic cosmic rays. Further data on W28 will no doubt be taken with the recently completed CANGAROO II telescope (Yoshikoshi \\etal \\cite{Yoshikoshi:3}), which, at the very least will provide tighter constraints on models of gamma-ray production for this interesting source." }, "0004/astro-ph0004249_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "N-body codes for performing simulations of the origin and evolution of the large scale structure of the universe have improved significantly over the past decade in terms of both the resolution achieved and the reduction of the CPU time. However, state-of-the-art N-body codes hardly allow one to deal with particle numbers larger than a few $10^7$, even on the largest parallel systems. In order to allow simulations with larger resolution, we have first reconsidered the grouping strategy as described in J. Barnes (1990, {\\it J. Comput. Phys.} {\\bf 87}, 161) (hereafter B90) and applied it with some modifications to our WDSH-PT (Work and Data SHaring - Parallel Tree) code (U. Becciani et al., 1996, {\\it Comput. Phys. Comm.} {\\bf 99},1). In the first part of this paper we will give a short description of the code adopting the algorithm of J. E. Barnes and P. Hut (1986, {\\it Nature}, {\\bf 324}, 446) and in particular the memory and work distribution strategy applied to describe the {\\it data distribution} on a CC-NUMA machine like the CRAY-T3E system. In very large simulations (typically $ N \\geq 10^7$), due to network contention and the formation of clusters of galaxies, an uneven load easily verifies. To remedy this, we have devised an automatic work redistribution mechanism which provided a good dynamic load balance without adding significant overhead. In the second part of the paper we describe the modification to the Barnes grouping strategy we have devised to improve the performance of the WDSH-PT code. We will use the property that nearby particles have similar interaction lists. This idea has been checked in B90, where an interaction list is built which applies everywhere within a cell $C_{group}$ containing a small number of particles $ N_{crit}$. B90 reuses this interaction list for each particle $ p \\in C_{group}$ in the cell in turn. We will assume each particle $ p$ to have the same interaction list. We consider that the agent force ${\\bf F}_p$ on a particle $ p$ can be decomposed into two terms ${\\bf F}_p = {\\bf F}_{far} + {\\bf F}_{near}$. The first term ${\\bf F}_{far}$ is the same for each particle in the cell and is generated by the interaction between a hypothetical particle placed in the center of mass of the $C_{group}$ and the farther cells contained in the interaction list. ${\\bf F}_{near}$ is different for each particle $p$ and is generated by the interaction between $ p$ and the elements near $C_{group}$. Thus it has been possible to reduce the CPU time and increase the code performance. This enable us to run simulations with a large number of particles ($ N \\sim 10^7 \\div 10^9$) in nonprohibitive CPU times. ", "introduction": "N-body codes are one of the most important tools of theoretical cosmology \\cite{ber91} because they offer the possibility of simulating most of the gravitational processes driving the formation of the large scale structure of the universe (hereafter LSS) \\cite{bar86}\\cite{her87}\\cite{dub88}. These simulations are often used to check cosmological models and to constrain the free parameters of these models which cannot be fixed either theoretically or observationally.\\\\ The typical mass scale for gravitational instability, the Jeans mass, has a value of $\\approx 10^{6.5}$ solar masses (1 solar mass $\\approx 1.9\\times 10^{33} g$) at the recombination epoch, and it gives the approximate size of the first objects forming by gravitational collapse at that epoch. On the other hand, the largest structure we see in our Universe today, the ``Supercluster'' of galaxies, has a mass in excess of $\\approx 10^{18}$ solar masses. Moreover, the gravitational force has a truly long-range character, which makes it impossible to introduce reasonable upper cutoffs in the mass range. For all these reasons, one would like to be able to perform simulations spanning more than 12 orders of magnitude in mass, but present-day state-of-the-art software and hardware technology does not allow simulations with more than $\\approx 10^9$ bodies. For these reasons, the quest for increasingly efficient algorithms is still in progress. However, the importance of making N-body simulations is clear to several authors \\cite{dub96}\\cite{kra97}\\cite{kuh96}. During the past years N-body codes have been much improved and applied successfully to various problems in galaxy dynamics, galaxy formation, and cosmological large structure formation. Nevertheless, the computational expense has remained prohibitive for $ N > 10^9$, even using tree-based algorithms on the most powerful computers.\\\\ The situation is even worse for other N-body algorithms. The N-body direct evolution method scales as $O(N^2)$, which makes it impossible to run simulations with more than $10^4$ particles. To overcome this difficulty, and when high accuracy is required, alternative numerical methods based on hierarchical force-computation algorithms are widely used. The recent effort has addressed the production of new software and algorithms for the new generation of high-performance computer systems. The ultimate target is an implementation of the tree N-body algorithm to run simulations with higher accuracy and particle number, decreasing the cost of the simulation in terms of CPU time and increasing performance in terms of number of particles/second elaborated when running on MPP systems. \\\\ Among the tree algorithms designed to compute the gravitational force in N-body systems, one of the most used and powerful in modern cosmology is that by Barnes and Hut (BH) \\cite{barh86}. The BH octal-tree recursive method is inherently adaptive and allows one to achieve a higher mass resolution even if parallel implementation of this algorithm \\cite{bec96}\\cite{sal90} suffers from a serious drawback: it can easily run into imbalance as soon as the configuration evolves, causing performance degradation. In this paper we present a modified version of the BH algorithm in which we have introduced an enhanced grouping strategy. We will show how this feature allows an increase in performance when we consider N-body simulation with a large number of particles ($ N \\geq 10^6$). The code we present incorporates fully periodic boundary conditions using the Ewald method, without the use of fast Fourier transform techniques \\cite{her91}.\\\\ In Section 2 we give a brief description of our N-body parallel code, based on the BH tree algorithm, and the dynamic load balance (DLB) policy adopted. In Section 3 we describe our enhanced grouping strategy. In Section 4 we show the results of our tests and in Section 5 we report our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "The code WD99 is mainly used for LSS studies, but it could be tested and used for other applications where accuracy not higher than 1\\% is necessary. Considering the high performances we obtained, the WD99 method may be very successfully applied when clustered configurations such as galaxies or clusters of galaxies have to be studied. The new approach could be applied also to other fields of physics where collisionless systems are to be simulated, as in plasma and hydrodynamic studies.\\\\ The code is written in Fortran 90 with PGHPF/CRAFT, but the latest version (written in F90 and C languages) uses the one-side communication library SHMEM, allowing it to run on the ORIGIN 2000 systems. A new version will be implemented using dynamical array allocation, and we are studying the implementation of the parallel out-of-core \\cite{sal97}, moving data in the disk. This version will be developed for a CC-NUMA machine with MPI-2. We plan to have a freely available version of WD99 in October 2000." }, "0004/astro-ph0004294_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Radio recombination lines (RRL) at 8 GHz and 15 GHz detected from four starburst galaxies are shown to arise in compact high density HII regions, which are undetectable below $\\sim$4 GHz. Detection of an RRL at 1.4 GHz towards one galaxy and upper limits in the other three are consistent with the presence of an equal amount of low density diffuse gas. Continuum flux density measurements using the GMRT will be important in constraining the properties of the diffuse gas. ", "introduction": "\\vspace{-0.3cm} RRL and radio continuum studies of nuclear starbursts in galaxies are proving to be useful not only because of the absence of extinction but also because different density components of the ionized gas can be accessed through observations of RRLs at different frequencies (Zhao et al. 1996). We report a multi-frequency RRL and continuum study of four starburst galaxies. \\vspace{-0.5cm} ", "conclusions": "\\vspace{-0.3cm} The models show that the 8.3 GHz and 15 GHz lines originate in a population of compact (0.1$-$5 pc) high density (5000$-$50000 cm$^{-3}$) HII regions with low total volume filling factor ($<$~10$^{-4}$). These lines arise from internal emission in the HII regions. Since the NIR and optical data imply much lower densities, this component is probably not detected in these bands due to high extinction. In all four galaxies, the photon flux neccesary for ionizing this gas is equal to or greater than that derived using conventional means. This result could lead to an upward revision of their star formation rates. The above gas is practically undetectable at frequencies \\raisebox{-0.8ex}{$\\stackrel{<}{\\sim}$}4 GHz. Modeling the detected H166$\\alpha$~line at 1.4 GHz from NGC 253 indicates that this line arises from low density (10$-$100 cm$^{-3}$) diffuse (5$-$100 pc) HII regions with an area filling factor $>$~0.1. The upper limits to the 1.4 GHz line for the other three galaxies give very similar results. Although the detection of lines from this component in the other three galaxies might be difficult with current instruments, measuring the continuum flux densities at $\\nu<$1 GHz from the nuclear region using the GMRT will enable us to strongly constrain the properties of this gas. These observations are a first step towards deriving properties of the ionized gas at different densities in starburst regions and hence towards studying the star formation at different time scales since the lifetime of an HII region depends on its density. \\vspace{-0.6cm}" }, "0004/astro-ph0004407_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We model the formation of magnetospheric components of millisecond pulsar light curves, deriving an approximate model for the curved space, `swept-back' dipole field and following photon emission, propagation, and scattering. Magnetospheric pulse components are strongly affected by rapid rotation and Schwarzschild effects. ", "introduction": "With the launch of {\\it CXO} and {\\it XMM-Newton}, there has been a dramatic increase in sensitivity for high resolution X-ray studies of compact objects. Rapidly rotating neutron stars are targets of particular interest, since measurements of the stellar surface can probe the neutron star evolution and the equation of state at high density. Several relativistic effects may also be visible, in some cases. A number of millisecond pulsars (MSP) have been observed in the X-rays, both as isolated rotation powered objects \\citep{bec99} and as accretion powered LMXBs \\citep[e.g.][]{wij98}. In \\citet*{bra00}, we explored the distortions of the surface emission imparted by rapid rotation, including the important effects of Doppler boosting, aberration, and gravitational focusing and time delays. More subtle effects induced by frame dragging were also considered. For rotation-powered pulsars, the surface radiation must traverse the magnetosphere, where resonant scattering can introduce significant distortions in the pulse profile \\citep{raj97}. Further, several X-ray MSP have narrow, non-thermal pulse components, suggesting a direct origin in the magnetosphere. In this paper, we extend the treatment of rapid rotation effects to include scattering and emission in a surrounding dipole magnetosphere. Our model assumes a spherical star, which we take to be sufficiently centrally condensed that a Schwarzschild (or Kerr) metric is an adequate model of the external spacetime (the `Roche approximation'). Because we wish to extend the modeling to small spin periods $P_*$, the effects of `sweep-back' on the magnetic field, even for $r$ a few times the stellar mass $M$, can be substantial. In addition, the rapid rotation develops large electro-motive forces. We follow the common assumption that this EMF causes pair production such that the closed zone of the magnetosphere is filled with a charge-separated pair plasma, whose charge distribution cancels the rotational EMF. For the magnetic field, we assume a point dipole located at the stellar center and generalize the computation of the field structure for the non-rotating dipole in the Schwarzschild spacetime \\citep[e.g.,][]{bar73,pra97,mus97}. Our result passes smoothly to the Schwarzschild magnetic field {\\boldmath $B$} as the stellar angular velocity $\\Omega_*$ vanishes and to the flat space rotating dipole solution as $r \\rightarrow \\infty$. We assume that the plasma co-rotates (is stationary) in the closed zone, which is defined by the `last closed' field lines traced from tangent approach to the light cylinder at $r_{\\rm LC}=c\\,P_*/2\\pi$ to the stellar surface. Our light curve modeling follows the procedure described in \\citet{bra00}. This Monte Carlo code starts with photons randomly drawn from the surface emission zone, with initial directions drawn from a model limb-darkened distribution. We aberrate these surface photons and propagate to infinity through curved space, using the Schwarzschild or Kerr metric, as appropriate. As the photon passes through the magnetosphere, we monitor for local cyclotron resonance. At the resonance position photons are re-emitted with the proper boosted scattering angular distribution. We also follow photons arising directly from the magnetosphere --- from acceleration gaps or other non-thermal sources. After including the gravitational and time-of-flight delays, the photons are assigned to energy and rotational phase bins to produce maps of the radiation on the sky. Slices through these maps at the Earth's viewing angle provide pulsar light curves and phase-resolved spectra. ", "conclusions": "We have improved the modeling of light curves of rapidly rotating neutron stars (MSP) by extending the description of the surrounding vacuum dipole magnetosphere to include curved space and rapid rotation effects up to corrections of order $\\mathcal{O}[(\\Omega_*r/c)^2(GM/rc^2)]$. These effects produce substantial changes in the pulse components introduced by magnetospheric resonant scattering (for thermal surface emission) or direct emission from the rotating magnetosphere (high altitude gap radiation). We have developed a Monte Carlo code to compute light curves illustrating these effects including the energy dependence of the scattered photon pulse shapes. Higher order effects from frame dragging have also been computed, but these are likely too subtle to be discernible in magnetospheric pulse components unless the S/N is very high. Scattering perturbations, though small, will be greatly enhanced if the magnetosphere can support a plasma with $\\tau > \\tau_{\\rm GJ}$. In this paper, we have only considered the minimum possible scattering perturbation. With new detector technologies \\citep[e.g.][]{rom99}, we should see a marked increase in the quality of optical light curves. With enhanced sensitivity and spectral resolution (and possibly higher scattering $\\tau$), light curve perturbations due to rapid rotation effects may be promoted to important probes of pulsar physics." }, "0004/astro-ph0004361_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\footnotesize We have combined 2MASS and POSS II data in a search for nearby ultracool (later than M6.5) dwarfs with $K_s<12$. Spectroscopic follow-up observations identify 53 M7 to M9.5 dwarfs and seven L dwarfs. The observed space density is $0.0045 \\pm 0.0008$ M8-M9.5 dwarfs per cubic parsec, without accounting for biases, consistent with a mass function that is smooth across the stellar/substellar limit. We show the observed frequency of H$\\alpha$ emission peaks at $\\sim 100\\%$ for M7 dwarfs and then decreases for cooler dwarfs. In absolute terms, however, as measured by the ratio of H$\\alpha$ to bolometric luminosity, none of the ultracool M dwarfs can be considered very active compared to earlier M dwarfs, and we show that the decrease that begins at spectral type M6 continues to the latest L dwarfs. We find that flaring is common among the coolest M dwarfs and estimate the frequency of flares at 7\\% or higher. We show that the kinematics of relatively active ($EW_{H\\alpha}>6$ \\AA) ultracool M dwarfs are consistent with an ordinary old disk stellar population, while the kinematics of inactive ultracool M dwarfs are more typical of a 0.5 Gyr old population. The early L dwarfs in the sample have kinematics consistent with old ages, suggesting that the hydrogen burning limit is near spectral types L2-L4. We use the available data on M and L dwarfs to show that chromospheric activity drops with decreasing mass and temperature, and that at a given (M8 or later) spectral type, the younger field (brown) dwarfs are less active than many of the older, more massive field stellar dwarfs. Thus, contrary to the well-known stellar age-activity relationship, low activity in field ultracool dwarfs can be an indication of comparative youth and substellar mass. ", "introduction": "} Catalogs of nearby stars \\citep{gj91,khs95,rhg95} and high proper motion stars \\citep{l79} are grossly deficient in very low mass (VLM) dwarfs. With spectral types of M7 and later, these objects, sometimes called ``ultracool M dwarfs,''\\footnote{ All spectral types in this paper are on the \\citet{khm91} M dwarf and \\citet{k99} L dwarf systems. L dwarfs are cooler than ``ultracool'' M dwarfs.} are so optically faint that even nearby ones eluded searches based on the older (pre-1980s) sky surveys. These dwarfs have particular importance because they lie at or below the hydrogen burning limit -- and have proven not only to be estimators of the numbers of dark brown dwarfs, but also present interesting astrophysical challenges in their own right. The new generation of sky surveys allows this deficiency to be addressed and large samples of nearby VLM dwarfs to be identified. The Two Micron All-Sky Survey\\footnote{2MASS data and documentation are available at \\url{http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass}} (Skrutskie et al., in prep.; hereafter 2MASS) provides reliable photometry in the JHK$_s$ passbands, close to the peak of emission for these cool dwarfs. Furthermore, the Second Palomar Sky Survey \\citep{poss2}, hereafter POSS II) provides B$_J$,R$_{F}$, and I$_N$ photographic photometry in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the UK Schmidt and ESO sky survey plates provide $B_J$ and $R_F$ magnitudes. In sum, it is becoming possible to identify both the least luminous stars and young massive brown dwarfs by their optical and near-infrared colors alone over most of the sky. We present first results of a search using near-infrared and optical sky survey data aimed at completing the nearby star catalog for the ultracool M dwarfs. We discuss the sample selection and spectroscopic followup in Section~\\ref{data}. Although the sample discussed in this paper includes only a small fraction of the total population of nearby ultracool dwarfs, it represents a fourfold increase in the number of such sources known. We discuss some preliminary results concerning the statistical properties of these sources in the latter sections of this paper. We discuss some stars of special interest in Section~\\ref{special} and the 2MASS colors of ultracool M dwarfs in Section~\\ref{colors}. The local space density of VLM dwarfs is discussed in Section~\\ref{lf}, their activity and kinematics are discussed in Section~\\ref{activity}, and finally our conclusions and future prospects are discussed in ~\\ref{summary}. ", "conclusions": "} We show that a sample of bright, nearby ultracool M and L dwarfs can be selected without proper motion bias using 2MASS and PMM scans. Our initial samples include high proper motion objects, visible on the POSS plates, that should be added to an updated version of the LHS Catalogue, and one M8.0 dwarf with a photometric parallax that places it within 10 parsecs. We intend to continue this study in order to complete the nearby star catalog for the lowest mass stars. Using our initial sample, we estimate the space density of dwarfs near the hydrogen-burning limit. We show that the dropoff near the hydrogen burning limit in the five and eight parsec nearby star samples is likely to be due to incompleteness. This is more consistent with a smooth relation across the hydrogen burning limit. Trigonometric parallaxes and searches for companions will help improve the space density estimate. Most importantly, we use our spectroscopic observations of our well-defined sample to explore the relationships between age, kinematics, and chromospheric activity for the ultracool M and L dwarfs. We show that the observations can be understood if activity is primarily related to temperature and secondarily mass and age, and that lower mass (substellar) objects have weaker chromosperes. Thus, the classical relation that strong H$\\alpha$ emission implies youth is not valid for these dwarfs. Instead, strong H$\\alpha$ emitters in the field are likely to be old ($\\gtrsim 1$ Gyr) stars, while weaker emitters are often young ($<1$ Gyr), lower-mass brown dwarfs. This does not exclude the idea that for a given dwarf, H$\\alpha$ activity declines with age -- but spectral type (temperature) is the observable in the field. The local population of ultracool M dwarfs apparently consists both of the most massive (lithium burning) brown dwarfs and the lowest mass (hydrogen burning) stars, with the substellar objects making up a significant fraction of the sample. The early L (L0-L4) dwarfs are consistent with an old, at least partially stellar population. The evidence thus suggests, as do some models, that early L dwarfs can be stable hydrogen-burning stars. Expansion of the sample with follow-up observations should clarify the relative contribution of stars and brown dwarfs to these temperature ranges." }, "0004/astro-ph0004011_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "An all high-latitude sky survey for cool carbon giant stars in the Galactic halo has revealed 75 such stars, of which the majority are new detections. Of these, more than half are clustered on a Great Circle on the sky which intersects the center of Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and is parallel to its proper motion vector, while many of the remainder are outlying Magellanic Cloud carbon stars. Previous numerical experiments of the disruption of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (the closest of the Galactic satellite galaxies) predicted that the effect of the strong tides, during its repeated close encounters with the Milky Way, would be to slowly disrupt that galaxy. Due to the small velocity dispersion of the disrupted particles, these disperse slowly along (approximately) the orbital path of the progenitor, eventually giving rise to a very long stream of tidal debris surrounding our Galaxy. The more recently disrupted fragments of this stream should contain a similar mix of stellar populations to that found in the progenitor, which includes giant carbon stars. Given the measured position and velocity of the Sagittarius dwarf, we first integrate its orbit assuming a standard spherical model for the Galactic potential, and find both that the path of the orbit intersects the position of the stream, and that the radial velocity of the orbit, as viewed from the Solar position, agrees very well with the observed radial velocities of the carbon stars. We also present a pole-count analysis of the carbon star distribution, which clearly indicates that the Great Circle stream we have isolated is statistically significant, being a 5-6$\\sigma$ over-density. These two arguments strongly support our conclusion that a large fraction of the Halo carbon stars originated in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. The stream orbits the Galaxy between the present location of the Sagittarius dwarf, $16\\kpc$ from the Galactic center, and the most distant stream carbon star, at $\\sim 60\\kpc$. It follows neither a polar nor a Galactic plane orbit, so that a large range in both Galactic $R$ and $z$ distances are probed. That the stream is observed as a Great Circle indicates that the Galaxy does not exert a significant torque upon the stream, so the Galactic potential must be nearly spherical in the regions probed by the stream. Furthermore, the radial mass distribution of the Halo must allow a particle at the position and with the velocity of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy to reach the distance of the furthest stream carbon stars. Thus, the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy tidal stream gives a very powerful means to constrain the mass distribution it resides in, that is, the dark halo. We present N-body experiments simulating this disruption process as a function of the distribution of mass in the Galactic halo. A likelihood analysis shows that, in the Galactocentric distance range $16\\kpc < R < 60\\kpc$, the dark halo is most likely almost spherical. We rule out, at high confidence levels, the possibility that the Halo is significantly oblate, with isodensity contours of aspect $q_m < 0.7$. This result is quite unexpected and contests currently popular galaxy formation models. ", "introduction": "One of the most intriguing puzzles of modern astronomy is the apparent existence of unseen mass on galactic and larger scales. Even for the Milky Way, our knowledge of the dark component is poor, the little known having been gleamed from indirect, mostly kinematic, probes. The best constraints on the mass distribution in the Galaxy have been derived from the kinematics of tracers of the Galactic disk, in particular the \\ion{H}{1} gas, which samples the Galaxy from almost its center to the outermost parts of its disk. Indeed, the success of this technique in fitting the \\ion{H}{1} velocities at Galactic longitudes $\\ell > 30^\\circ$ strongly suggests \\citep{dehnen} that the Galaxy is axisymmetric at Galactocentric distances greater than $\\sim 5 \\kpc$ --- where most of the mass resides. Information on the vertical mass gradient has been obtained from the study of tracers of the Galactic spheroid \\citep{wyse, binney87, morrison90, sommer-larsen, vandermarel, amendt, morrison00}. Yet despite considerable observational and theoretical effort, the vertical structure of the spheroid component is still poorly constrained; dependent on the technique employed, the spheroid's oblateness is found to lie in the range $0.5 < q < 1$. (It is usually assumed that the density of the spheroidal components of the Galaxy is of the form $\\rho(s)$, where $s=(R^2+(z/q)^2)^{1/2}$, and $R$, $z$ are Galactic cylindrical coordinates). This paucity of information on the vertical structure of the Galaxy, it transpires, is the primary cause of the large uncertainties on the Galactic mass models \\citep{dehnen}. The above studies of the stellar spheroid do not, however, necessarily place strong constraints on the massive dark halo. This is because the stellar spheroid is a partially self-gravitating system, with its own density profile and kinematics. Also, at large radii, the stellar halo will not be dynamically relaxed, so we should expect to see a light distribution which reflects the formation process of this component (which may well have been quite different to that of the dark halo). Strong constraints on the dark material must therefore come from dynamical analyses. At large Galactocentric radii, satellites provide the only means to probe the dark halo \\citep{zaritsky89, lin, zaritsky94}. Within the end of a galaxy's disk other analyses are possible, probing the self-gravity of stellar disks \\citep{ueda}, or of HI disks \\citep{becquaert}. For the case of our own Galaxy, it has already been possible to place constraints on the dark halo distribution through an analysis of the HI disk thickness \\citep{olling}, which suggests that the mass distribution is not substantially flattened, with $q \\sim 0.8$. In this contribution, we analyze kinematic and distance data of a group of newly-discovered stars that are part of a stream of material that has been tidally stripped from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. A stream gives much stronger constraints on the underlying mass distribution than does a uniformly distributed spheroid star population, as it implies a low velocity dispersion and a continuity between the stream members. It provides essentially the trace of an orbit through the Halo. The stream studied here is now distributed through the Halo between Galactocentric distances of $16\\kpc$ to $\\sim 60\\kpc$, probing a region between the end of the Galactic disk, and the Magellanic clouds. In section~2, we discuss the all-sky survey that reveals the Halo carbon star population; section~3 reviews previous analyses of the evolution of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and their predictions about its stellar stream; section~4 makes a simple first-pass comparison of the expected stream with the carbon star dataset and discusses the probability of a chance alignment. Section~5 presents a simple analytic argument to constrain the Halo shape and mass; section~6 provides a fuller analysis with the aid of N-body simulations covering a range of static Halo models. Finally, section~7 presents the conclusions of this work. ", "conclusions": "The results presented above provide strong evidence that the dark matter halo surrounding our Galaxy is not significantly oblate between Galactocentric radii of $\\sim 16\\kpc$ to $\\sim 60\\kpc$. Flat halos $q<0.7$ are ruled out at very high confidence levels. Therefore, dark matter candidates such as cold molecular gas \\citep{pfenniger94a, pfenniger94b, combes} or massive decaying neutrinos \\citep{sciama}, that would give rise to a highly flattened component, cannot contribute significantly to the galactic mass budget. Our result is at odds with some earlier studies that used spheroid tracers to probe the dark halo; the large spread of $q_m$ between different teams adopting that approach is likely a result of the different assumptions employed to reduce the complexity of the Jeans' equations, and also of the technical difficulty of measuring the necessary input quantities to those equations. In contrast, our measurement hinges on the very simple physical principle of conservation of angular momentum in a spherical potential, which, we believe, provides a much cleaner test. \\citet{olling} have recently summarized extant measurements of the dark matter shapes of galaxies. The methods used to date are confined to analyses of the flaring of the galactic gas layer, warping of the gas layer, X-ray isophotes, polar ring analysis, and precession of dusty disks. They note that the derived answer correlates strongly with the technique employed (see their Figure~1). It is interesting that these measurements are derived from data at smaller galactocentric distance than the stellar stream presented here. It is possible that this reflects a radial gradient in the shape of dark matter halos, the inner regions being more flattened. Better statistics, perhaps from gravitational weak lensing experiments \\citep{fischer}, may help solve this issue. Is our result unexpected on theoretical grounds? Numerical simulations with purely collisionless matter \\citep{katz91a, dubinski91, warren, katz91b, summers, dubinski94} produce flattened triaxial halos, with a distribution of flattening ratios that peaks near $q_m = 0.7$. However, it is found that the presence of a realistic fraction of dissipational gas particles in the simulations \\citep{katz91b, summers, steinmetz} alters the orbits of the dark matter particles, giving rise to oblate and slightly flatter halos. The conclusion of this study, albeit a single measurement, is somewhat at odds with these widely popular theories; we find in all possible cases that the Galactic dark matter halo is closer to being spherical. The initial conditions, and the physics and numerical techniques employed in the subsequent evolution of those galaxy formation simulations should be re-addressed in the light of these observational results if other galaxies are also deduced to have nearly spherical mass distributions at large radii. Further surveys should attempt to discover the other stellar populations associated with the Great Circle streams identified in this study. Stars of interest will include RRLyrae variables, which are better standard candles than C-stars, and being much older, trace the more ancient history of disruption events in our Galactic halo. These stars could be identified from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) for instance. Furthermore, SDSS (or other surveys) could help improve the stream statistics by finding the much more numerous fainter stars spatially and kinematically associated with the C-stars presented above. \\footnote{After the submission of this article, \\citet{yanny} and \\citet{ivezic} discovered the presence of a large population of A-colored Halo stars in the SDSS dataset, distributed apparently in a ring around the Milky Way. In a companion paper \\citep{ibata00b}, we argue that those stars are most likely the RR-Lyrae members of the Sagittarius stream discussed in the present contribution. Analysis of the (as yet very limited) region covered by the SDSS survey shows a distribution in good agreement with the simulation of Figure~8 (where $q_m=0.9$).} On a large telescope equipped with a wide field camera (such as Subaru's Suprime-Cam), it will also be possible to conduct a complementary C-star survey around our neighboring galaxy M31. It will be very interesting to see whether similar Great Circle streams are detected in a different environment. With the advent of the next generation of space astrometric missions, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's SIM and the European Space Agency's GAIA, it will be possible to obtain accurate proper motions and even distances for stars from the Halo streams identified in this contribution. With the resulting full 6-dimensional phase space information, we can expect to be able to map the distant Galactic mass distribution in exquisite detail, and clarify how the Milky Way and its satellite galaxies formed, and how the latter came to be torn apart and their contents flung across the sky." }, "0004/astro-ph0004227_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We show that our Universe may be inhomogeneous on large sub-horizon scales without us being able to realise it. We assume that a network of domain walls permeates the universe dividing it in domains with slightly different vacuum energy densities. We require that the energy scale of the phase transition which produced the domain walls is sufficiently low so that the walls have a negligible effect on structure formation. Nevertheless, the different vacuum densities of different domains will lead to different values of the cosmological parameters $\\Omega_\\Lambda^0$, $\\Omega_m^0$ and $h$, in each patch thus affecting the growth of cosmological perturbations at recent times. Hence, if our local patch of the universe (with uniform vacuum density) is big enough -- which is likely to happen given that we should have on average about one domain per horizon volume -- we might not notice these large-scale inhomogeneities. This happens because in order to see a patch with a different vacuum density one may have to look back at a time when the universe was still very homogeneous. } ", "introduction": "\\label{secintro} The last year or so has seen the first serious attempts to provide some direct connections between ``fundamental'' high-energy physics \\cite{Polchinski} and ``low-energy'' standard cosmology \\cite{Kolb}. Although this ``top-down'' approach is still at a very early stage, a number of crucial general trends already became apparent. For example, since high-energy theories are formulated in higher dimensions, any low energy limit will necessarily involve dimensional reduction, and possibly also compactification \\cite{Banks}. This turns out to be crucial because as a result of this process the low energy, four-dimensional coupling constants become functions of the radii of extra dimensions, which are often variables. One can therefore end up with low-energy effective models in which some of the ``fundamental'' constants of nature are time and/or space-varying quantities. There are a number of known examples of such models \\cite{Chodos,Marciano,WuWang,Kiritsis,Alexander}. On the other hand, there are recent tentative suggestions of a time-variation of the fine structure constant \\cite{Webbetal}, but these require further confirmation. It is therefore interesting to study the possible observational signatures of such variations, and in particular to find out how such observational signatures constrain the possible models. It turns out to be easier to study this issue by constructing simple ``toy models''. This provides a ``bottom-up'' approach, in which one gives up the possibility of testing particular assumptions from first principles, but instead has the possibility of exploring a larger patch of parameter space. This idea goes back at least to Dirac, and had its first detailed realization with the Brans-Dicke model \\cite{BransDicke}, which has a varying $G$. A number of toy models have recently been constructed to analyse possible variations of the fine structure constant \\cite{Hannestad,Kaplinghat,Bergstrom}, the speed of light \\cite{Mof92,Mof98,BarMag98,AlbreMag99,Bar99,AveMar99,BarMag99,AveMarRoc,AveMar00a} and electric charge \\cite{Bekenstein}. A somewhat related approach is that of ``quintessence'' (see for example \\cite{PeeblesRatra,Wetterich,Caldwell,Hueyetal}). These are essentially models with a time-varying cosmological constant. Here we consider the possible observational effects of having a universe made up of different domains, each with a different value of the cosmological constant. Such a structure would dramatically influence the future evolution of the universe \\cite{Starkman,AvedeCarMar}. Recent observations of Type Ia Supernovae up to redshifts of about $z \\sim 1$ \\cite{Perlmutter,Riess,Garnavich}, when combined with CMBR anisotropy data, seem to indicate that our patch of the universe is currently characterised by the parameters $\\Omega_\\Lambda^0 \\simeq 0.7$ and $\\Omega_m^0 \\simeq 0.3$, implying that the cosmological constant become important only very recently. As has been pointed out before, the Supernovae measurements are local, and so they can not be extrapolated all the way to the horizon. For example, we could be living in a small, sub-critical bubble, and our local neighbourhood could have a value of $\\Omega_\\Lambda^0\\simeq0.7$ that is uncharacteristic. Here we discuss some basic consequences of such a scenario. We shall assume that different regions of space have different values of the vacuum energy density, separated by domain walls. This can be achieved if there is a scalar field, say $\\phi$, which within each region sits in one of a number of possible minima of a time-independent potential. The above simplifying assumptions could be relaxed; for example one could instead consider quintessence-type fields. This would introduce quantitative differences, but would not change the basic qualitative results we are discussing. In the following section we describe our numerical simulations of the evolution of the domain wall network. We then proceed to discuss the basic features of the structure formation mechanism for this scenario in section~\\ref{growth}. Finally we present our results in section~\\ref{results} and discuss our conclusions in section~\\ref{conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} In this paper we have provided a simple example of a cosmological scenario where the universe becomes inhomogeneous at a very recent epoch, in a way which is perfectly consistent with current observations assuming that we are not very close to one of the boundaries. The inhomogeneity arises due to the onset of vacuum energy domination, if the value of the `cosmological' constant is different in different domains. This in turn implies that the subsequent dynamics of each patch of the universe will be different, leading to different values of other cosmological parameters in each patch, such as the matter density and the Hubble constant. The size of each patch is determined by the dynamics of the domain walls but is expected to be of the order of the horizon (although causality prevents it from exceeding it). This fact makes the detection of the cosmological signatures of this kind of model more difficult given that the contribution of the vacuum energy density rapidly becomes negligible with increasing red-shift." }, "0004/astro-ph0004132_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "According to the hierarchical scenario, galaxies form via merging and accretion of small objects. Using $N$-body simulations, we study the frequency of merging events in the history of the halos. We find that at $z \\la 2 $ the merging rate of the overall halo population can be described by a simple power law $(1+z)^{3}$. The main emphasis of the paper is on the effects of environment of halos at the present epoch ($z=0$). We find that the halos located inside clusters have formed earlier ($\\Delta z \\approx 1$) than isolated halos of the same mass. At low redshifts ($z<1$), the merger rate of cluster halos is 3 times lower than that of isolated halos and 2 times lower than merger rate of halos that end up in groups by $z=0$. At higher redshifts ($z\\sim 1-4$), progenitors of cluster and group halos have 3--5 times higher merger rates than isolated halos. We briefly discuss implications of our results for galaxy evolution in different environments. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} \\footnotetext{Hubble Fellow} A significant fraction of mass in the universe is believed to be in the form of dark matter (DM). According to the standard theoretical paradigm of structure formation, small-mass DM perturbations collapse first and the resulting objects then merge to form increasingly larger DM halos. Baryonic matter (gas) is assumed to follow the gravitationally dominant dark matter. Galaxies, thus, could have been formed within dense DM halos when the infalling gas reaches sufficiently high overdensities to cool, condense, and form stars. The most convincing observational evidence for substantial amounts of dark matter even in the very inner regions of galaxies comes from HI studies of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies. The gravitational domination of DM on the scale of galaxy virial radius implies that collisionless simulations can be used to study the formation of the DM component of galaxies. Interactions between halos, such as mergers, collisions, and tidal stripping, are thought to play a crucial role in the evolution of galaxies. In particular, there is a substantial evidence that elliptical galaxies may have formed by mergers of disk systems (e.g., Barnes 1999). Observations of faint distant systems indicate that interaction rate rapidly increases with redshift (e.g., Abraham 1999). Intuitively, one could expect that the merging rate of galaxies should depend on environment (in particular, on the local density and velocity dispersion). For example, Makino \\& Hut (1997) found under some simplifying assumptions that the merging rate in clusters is proportional to $n^2\\sigma^{-3}$ where $n$ is the number density of galaxies in the cluster and $\\sigma$ is their one dimensional velocity dispersion of galactic velocities. Since the environment changes with time one could also expect dramatic changes in the evolution of the merging rate. In order to study the evolution of the merging rate and its dependence on environment one must follow the evolution of halos in a representative cosmological volume. Moreover, the simulation must have sufficiently high mass and force resolutions. Insufficient resolutions leads to structureless virialized halos instead of systems similar to observed groups and clusters of galaxies with wealth of substructure. This effect is well known as the overmerging problem (e.g., Moore \\etal 1996, Frenk \\etal 1996, Klypin \\etal 1999). Cosmological scenarios with cold dark matter (CDM) alone cannot explain the structure formation both on small and very large scales. Variants of the CDM model with a non-zero cosmological constant, $\\Lambda$, have proven to be very successful in describing most of the observational data at both low and high redshifts. Moreover, from a recent analysis of 42 high-redshift supernovae Perlmutter \\etal (1999) found direct evidence for $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}= 0.72$, if a flat cosmology is assumed. Also, from the recent BOOMERANG data Melchiorri \\etal (1999) found strong evidence against an open universe with $\\Lambda = 0$. For our study we have chosen a spatially flat cosmological model with a cosmological constant $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}= 0.7$ and the present-day Hubble constant of $H_0=70$~km/s/Mpc. The goal of this study is to determine the distribution with redshift of merging events for halos which exist at $z=0$. We study this merging rate and its dependence on environment of halos at $z=0$. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we define the merging events studied in this paper. In \\S~3 we describe the cosmological model and the numerical simulation. We briefly describe our halo finding algorithm, the definition of environment and the detection of progenitors of halos. The technical details of these procedures are presented in the Appendix. We use the extended Press-Schechter formalism to test our procedure. In \\S~4 we discuss the merging of halos found in the simulation and compare our results with observations. In \\S~5 we summarize our results and briefly discuss their implications. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concl} We have analyzed a high-resolution collisionless simulation of the evolution of structure in a $\\Lambda$CDM model. We have followed the formation and evolution of DM halos in different cosmological environments and estimated the evolution of the major merger rate of dark matter halos. We have found that regardless of their present-day mass, halos that end in clusters form earlier than isolated halos of the same mass (Figs.~3 and 4). We find that at redshifts $z \\la 2$ major merger rate evolves as $(1+z)^{\\sim 3.0}$, in good agreement with observations. Finally, we have calculated the merging rate evolution as a function of halo environment at $z=0$ (Fig.~9). The merger rate of halos located in clusters or groups at present increases faster back in time than that of isolated halos. The cluster and group halos are therefore predicted to have a higher rate of major merger events in the past. At $z\\la 1$, the merger rate of cluster and group halos drops very quickly, while numerous major merger events for isolated halos have been detected down to $z=0$. This implies possible systematic differences between cluster and field ellipticals. Evidence for such differences was found by de Carvalho \\& Djorgovski (1992), while Bernardi \\etal 1998 detected close similarity between cluster and field early type galaxies. The agreement between theoretical predictions and observations are encouraging and supports the validity of the hierarchical structure formation scenario. Future, higher resolution simulations should extend the predictions presented here to higher redshift and, in case of gasdynamics simulations, provide a more straightforward connection to observations. On the observational side, the ever increasing size of the high-redshift galaxy samples should also allow estimates of the merger rate at high redshifts in the near future." }, "0004/astro-ph0004304_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Clusters of galaxies are the most massive objects in the Universe and mapping their location is an important astronomical problem. This paper describes an algorithm (based on statistical signal processing methods), a software architecture (based on a hybrid layered approach) and a parallelization scheme (based on a client/server model) for finding clusters of galaxies in large astronomical databases. The Adaptive Matched Filter (AMF) algorithm presented here identifies clusters by finding the peaks in a cluster likelihood map generated by convolving a galaxy survey with a filter based on a cluster model and a background model. The method has proved successful in identifying clusters in real and simulated data. The implementation is flexible and readily executed in parallel on a network of workstations. ", "introduction": "Clusters of galaxies are the largest objects known to humans (see Figure \\ref{fig:colley_cluster}). They are the ``mountains'' of the Cosmos, and like terrestial mountains they lie in great ranges that define the cosmic ``continents'' and ``oceans'' (see Figure \\ref{fig:ncsa_sheets}). Mapping clusters of galaxies is very much akin to surveying our own world and allows us to understand the creation, evolution and eventual fate of our Universe \\cite{Bahcall88}. The process by which astronomers detect clusters of galaxies begins with assembling large images of the sky, which are the result of hundreds of nights of observing through a telescope. These pictures are analyzed to produce a database of galaxies $X = \\{ \\xb_i : i = 1, \\ldots, N_X \\}$, where $N_X \\sim 10^8$. Each record $\\xb_i \\in X$ consists of a position on the sky, brightness measurements in one or more bands and possibly hundreds of additional measurements describing the shape and composition of the galaxy. Clusters are local density peaks in the three dimensional distribution of galaxies across the Universe. In 3D data, clusters are easy to detect. Unfortunately, the majority of distances to individual galaxies are not known and can only be inferred statistically from empirical models of their brightness. Thus, it is difficult to differentiate small nearby clusters from large far away clusters. The goal of cluster detection and estimation is to create a catalog, $\\Theta$, consisting of thousands of clusters $\\Theta = \\{ \\thetab_i : i = 1, \\ldots, N_\\Theta \\}$, where $N_\\Theta \\sim 10^4$. Each cluster in this list, $\\thetab_i$, consists of a position on the sky, a distance estimate, a size estimate and perhaps additional estimated properties of the cluster. The first catalog of galaxy clusters was compiled by Abell \\cite{Abell58}, and has proved extremely useful to astronomers over the past four decades. Abell's catalog was created by visually inspecting hundreds of photographic plates taken from the first Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS). Modern galaxy databases are too large for such methods to be used today. Subsequent efforts to detect clusters have relied on Matched Filter techniques taken from statistical signal processing (e.g., \\cite{Lumsden92}, \\cite{Dalton94}, \\cite{Postman96}, \\cite{Kawasaki97} and \\cite{Bramel00}. These methods have a strong mathematical foundation, but require extensive prior information and are often computationally prohibitive as they test every possible location in the domain of the cluster space $\\Omega_\\Theta$ for the presence of a cluster. The Adaptive Matched Filter \\cite{Kepner99} that is described later in this paper is a variation on the Matched Filter that uses a hierarchical set of filters, as well as software coding and parallel computing techniques that address some of the Matched Filter's drawbacks. The AMF is adaptive in two ways. First, the AMF uses a two step approach that first applies a coarse filter to find the clusters and then a fine filter to provide more precise estimates of the distance and size of each cluster. Second, the AMF uses the location of the data points as a ``naturally'' adaptive grid to ensure sufficient spatial resolution. A variety of other techniques have also been applied to the cluster finding problem. The compact nature of clusters make Wavelet based signal processing approaches an appealing alternative \\cite{Fang97} and \\cite{Fadda97}. Geometric approaches such as Voronoi tessellation \\cite{Ramella98} have also been used. In this method each $\\xb_i$ is the seed for the tessellation. Clusters are then found by computing the volume of each tessel and selecting the points with the smallest volume, which presumably have the highest density. Such geometric methods have the advantage that they require very little prior information. The Matched Filter, Adaptive Matched Filter, Wavelet and Voronoi Tessellation approaches all use the three to five high affinity dimensions of $X$ (i.e., angular position and brightness measurements). These dimensions are continuous real variables that lend themselves to Euclidean distance metrics. Working in these lower dimensions allows more compute intensive techniques which are necessary to de-project clusters from the observed data domain $\\Omega_X$ to the desired underlying domain in which clusters exist $\\Omega_\\Theta$, i.e., angular position, {\\it distance} and size. More recently, there has been interest in exploiting the low affinity dimensions that are also available in galaxy databases \\cite{Djorgovski97,Gal99} to enhance detection. As the understanding of these methods increases, the exploitation of many dimensions should be possible using advanced datamining techniques (see e.g. \\cite{Fayyad96} and \\cite{Dasarathy99} and references therein). These methods have enormous potential for detecting new clusters and possibly separating them into distinct groups thus revealing new classes of galaxy clusters. The rest of this paper presents in greater detail the AMF algorithm, its implementation and results. In section two a detailed derivation of the AMF is given. The derivation is meant to be sufficiently general that it can lend itself to other types of databases. Section three presents the implementation of the AMF using a layered software architecture and a client/server parallelization model. Again, these methods are not limited to the specific problem presented here and are applicable to a variety areas. In section four the results of applying the AMF on simulated and real data are discussed. Finally, section five gives the summary and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We have presented the Adaptive Matched Filter method for the automatic selection of clusters of galaxies from a galaxy database. The AMF is adaptive in two ways. First, the AMF uses a two step approach that first applies a coarse filter to find the clusters and then a fine filter to provide more precise estimates of the distance and size of each cluster. Second, the AMF uses the location of the data points as a ``naturally'' adaptive grid to ensure sufficient spatial resolution. Matched Filter techniques have a firm mathematical basis in statistical signal processing. The AMF uses a hierarchy of two filters (each mathematically correct under its assumptions). Combining these filters allow the AMF to maximize computational performance and accuracy. The AMF also provides two estimates for each cluster which can be compared as an additional check. This is particular effective for these filters because they react differently when given insufficient data. The AMF relies heavily on models for both the cluster and the background field. This prior information is quite extensive and makes the AMF complex to implement and difficult to adapt to new data sets. To alleviate this coding challenge a hybrid coding approach was used to leverage the ease of use of interpreted languages along with the compute performance of compiled languages. In this way the complex task of testing model inputs and observing their effect through the data processing pipeline can be done quickly without sacrificing the compute efficiency necessary to complete the application in a timely manner. A further benefit of the hybrid approach is that it makes available to the compiled code a wide variety of parallel software libraries and tools. A parallel implementation is critical to the application because matched filter techniques work by testing every possible location in the cluster space for the presence of a cluster. This is a compute intensive operation, but also provides a high degree of parallelism. The parallelization scheme used for the AMF application is a client/server approach which is a very effective on Network-Of-Workstations. The TNT client/server software used is lightweight and efficient, and provides a naturally load balancing and fault tolerant framework. The AMF has been extensively tested on simulated data. These results indicate that it robustly and accurately detects clusters and estimates their positions while having few false positives. The AMF is now being applied to the first results of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\cite{Kim00}. These tests have shown that the AMF detects all previously known clusters in this data and performs at or above other cluster finding methods. The AMF hybrid application architecture has proven effective in supporting the implementation of new datasets. The TNT based client/server parallelization scheme has also demonstrated significant speedups which will make it feasible for this application to address to the entire SDSS when it becomes available." }, "0004/astro-ph0004074_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) is a new objective-prism survey for extragalactic emission-line objects. It combines many of the features of previous slitless spectroscopic surveys that were carried out with Schmidt telescopes using photographic plates with the advantages of modern CCD detectors. It is the first purely digital objective-prism survey, and extends previous photographic surveys to substantially fainter flux limits. In this, the first paper in the series, we give an overview of the survey technique, describe our data processing procedures, and present examples of the types of objects found by KISS. Our first H$\\alpha$-selected survey list detects objects at the rate of 18.1 per square degree, which is 181 times higher than the surface density of the Markarian survey. Since the sample is line-selected, there is an imposed redshift limit of z$\\simlt$0.095 due to the filter employed for the objective-prism observations. We evaluate the quality of the observed parameters derived from the survey data, which include accurate astrometry, photometry, redshifts, and line fluxes. Finally, we describe some of the many applications the KISS database will have for addressing specific questions in extragalactic astronomy. Subsequent papers in this series will present our survey lists of emission-line galaxy candidates. ", "introduction": "\\par Active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galaxian starbursts are among the most energetic phenomena known in the universe. From Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies to QSOs, galaxian activity manifests itself on all scales and over the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Activity in galaxies appears to be common, with between 5 and 10\\% of all galaxies showing evidence for it via the presence of unusually strong emission lines in their spectra (e.g., Salzer 1989, Gregory \\etal 2000). The study of these objects has been a major research topic for many years, and a great deal has been learned about the physical processes occurring in the active regions of both AGN and starburst galaxies. Much still remains to be understood. How does the activity, be it central or global, shape the overall evolution of the host galaxy? Do all galaxies cycle through periods of activity? What role does environment play in whether or not a galaxy becomes active? Given that many of the galaxies we observe at high redshift are active, can we understand their evolutionary status in the context of what we observe locally? How has the global star formation density evolved as a function of cosmic epoch? \\par Central to the study of AGN and starburst activity have been the surveys which have cataloged large samples for subsequent investigation. Few types of extragalactic surveys have been as scientifically fruitful as the various objective-prism surveys for UV-excess and emission-line galaxies (ELGs) carried out with Schmidt telescopes. Much of what we know about Seyfert galaxies, starburst galaxies, and even QSOs has been learned by studying objects originally discovered in surveys with such familiar names as the Markarian, Tololo, Wasilewski, Michigan (UM), Kiso, Case, and Second Byurakan (SBS) surveys. \\par Virtually all of the existing surveys for galaxies which display some form of unusual activity (e.g., blue colors or strong emission lines) have been carried out using Schmidt telescopes and one of three detection methods. The first, which is commonly referred to as the color-selection technique, uses multiple exposures taken through two or three filters to isolate the bluest galaxies. This method has been used by Haro (1956), Takase \\& Miyauchi-Isobe (1993; Kiso survey), and Coziol {\\it et al.} (1993, 1997; Montreal survey). The well known Palomar-Green survey (Green {\\it et al.} 1986; PG survey) for UV-bright stars and QSOs also employed this technique. The other two methods employ objective prisms. One, the UV-excess technique, was pioneered by Markarian (1967) and Markarian \\etal (1981). It is similar to the color-selection method in that the criterion for inclusion is the presence of a very blue continuum. The other selects objects via the presence of emission lines in the objective-prism spectra. Surveys of this type include the Tololo (Smith 1975, Smith {\\it et al.} 1976), Michigan (UM, MacAlpine {\\it et al.} 1977, MacAlpine \\& Williams 1981), Wasilewski (1983), and Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, Zamorano {\\it et al.} 1994, 1996; Alonso {\\it et al.} 1999) surveys. Finally, the Case (Pesch \\& Sanduleak 1983, Stephenson {\\it et al.} 1992) and Second Byurakan surveys (Markarian \\etal 1983, Markarian \\& Stepanian 1983, Stepanian 1994) use a hybrid scheme, selecting galaxies based on both UV excess and line emission. \\par In recent years various observatories have begun experimenting with the use of CCD detectors on Schmidt telescopes. While CCDs had become the detector of choice for most observing applications by the mid-1980's, photographic plates have remained in use on Schmidt telescopes due to their vastly superior areal coverage. However, the advent of large format CCDs (2048 $\\times$ 2048 pixels and larger) now provides sufficiently large fields-of-view (in excess of one degree square) that it has become advantageous to carry out a variety of wide-field survey projects using CCDs on Schmidt telescopes (Armandroff 1995). These advances have motivated us to initiate a new survey for emission-line galaxies. \\par Our new survey is called KISS - the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey. The technique we employ combines the benefits of a traditional photographic objective-prism survey with the advantages of using a CCD detector, and represents the {\\bf next generation of wide-field objective-prism surveys}. The goal of the KISS project is to survey a large area of the sky for extragalactic emission-line sources, and to reach a minimum of two magnitudes deeper than any of the previous line-selected Schmidt surveys. Our initial plan was to be able to detect strong-lined ELGs with continuum magnitudes down to B = 20 - 21, and to be complete to B = 19 - 20. The use of a CCD detector allows us to achieve these goals. \\par We stress that the need for this type of survey goes beyond the desire to simply find {\\bf more} AGN and starburst galaxies. The type of scientific questions we wish to address requires large samples with well defined selection criteria and completeness limits. Our research cuts across the traditional lines of study of active galaxies, and touches upon nearly all areas of extragalactic astronomy, such as galaxy formation and evolution, chemical evolution, and large-scale structure and cosmology. Although we fully expect to discover many new objects which possess noteworthy characteristics that will warrant individual study, the prime motivation for this survey is to create a sample of objects that can be used as probes for studying more general questions. We will discuss some of these applications of the KISS sample of galaxies in Section 5. \\par In the next section we describe in detail our instrumental setup and observational technique, while Section 3 gives an overview of our image processing and analysis software which is central to the survey effort. Section 4 presents the results from our first two survey lists, evaluates the quality of the survey data (e.g., photometry, astrometry, redshifts), and gives a preliminary analysis of the survey contents. In Section 5 we list some of the possible uses of the KISS sample for attacking specific problems relevant to extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. Finally, Section 6 summarizes our results. ", "conclusions": "We have presented a description of the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS), a new objective-prism survey for extragalactic emission-line objects. KISS is the first large survey to combine CCD detectors with the traditional Schmidt telescope slitless-spectroscopic-survey method, which has proven to be extremely fruitful over the past three decades. The superior sensitivity of the CCD allows us to survey to fainter flux levels than were previously possible using photographic plates. In addition, the digital nature of the data will allow us to assess the selection function and completeness limits of the survey far more accurately than with photographic surveys. KISS is being carried out on the Burrell Schmidt telescope. The first survey region was observed in both the red and blue spectral regions. Both sets of objective-prism spectra were obtained over a restricted wavelength region in order to minimize the problems of overlapping spectra and to reduce the level of the sky background. The blue spectral region covers 4800 - 5500 \\AA, and the primary emission line we select by is [\\ion{O}{3}]$\\lambda$5007. The red spectra cover the wavelength range from 6400 - 7200 \\AA, and objects are detected primarily via the H$\\alpha$ line. Both the red and the blue spectra detect galaxies out to z $\\approx$ 0.095 via the primary line, and are sensitive to higher-z galaxies over restricted redshift intervals as other lines move into the survey bandpasses. Because of the digital nature of the survey data, all of the candidate selection is carried out using automated software, although the final candidate lists are also checked visually. In addition to the objective-prism spectra used to select the ELG candidates, we also have direct images taken through B and V filters which provide accurate astrometry, photometry, and morphological information for all objects in each field. These data, plus estimates of the redshift and line flux for each ELG candidate obtained from the objective-prism spectra, yield a fairly complete picture of each candidate galaxy without the need for additional follow-up observations. This makes the KISS database particularly valuable for statistical studies of galaxian activity. The results obtained from our first survey lists are extremely encouraging. The first blue survey strip covers 117 deg$^2$ and includes 223 cataloged ELG candidates. With a surface density of just under 2 ELGs per square degree, the blue KISS sample is substantially deeper than previous surveys of this type. The numbers for the H$\\alpha$ (red) survey are even more impressive. A total of 1128 ELGs have been found in an area of 62 deg$^2$, for a surface density of 18.1 ELGs per square degree. This is 32 times the surface density of the H$\\alpha$-selected UCM survey, and 181 times that of the UV-excess Markarian survey. The first two survey lists will be presented in Salzer \\etal (2000a,b), along with a complete discussion of the characteristics of the two samples. Additional survey lists will be published as the data are acquired, processed, and cataloged. To date, data covering 200 deg$^2$ of sky have been obtained, and observations are continuing. Our overall project goal is to cover in excess of 300 deg$^2$ in a series of survey strips in selected areas of both the north and south Galactic caps. This will yield several thousand ELG candidates, which will be suitable for addressing a wide range of scientific questions that cover nearly the full scope of extragalactic astronomy." }, "0004/astro-ph0004242_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first measurements of the X-ray size-temperature (ST) relation in intermediate redshift ($z\\sim0.30$) galaxy clusters. We interpret the local ST relation ($z\\sim0.06$) in terms of underlying scaling relations in the cluster dark matter properties, and then we use standard models for the redshift evolution of those dark matter properties to show that the ST relation does not evolve with redshift. We then use ROSAT HRI observations of 11 clusters to examine the intermediate redshift ST relation; for currently favored cosmological parameters, the intermediate redshift ST relation is consistent with that of local clusters. Finally, we use the ST relation and our evolution model to measure angular diameter distances; with these 11 distances we evaluate constraints on $\\Omega_{M}$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$ which are consistent with those derived from studies of Type Ia supernovae. The data rule out a model with $\\Omega_{M}=1$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0$ with 2.5$\\sigma$ confidence. When limited to models where $\\Omega_{M}+\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=1$, these data are inconsistent with $\\Omega_{M}=1$ with 3$\\sigma$ confidence. ", "introduction": "Nearby galaxy clusters exhibit a tight correlation between X-ray isophotal size and emission weighted intracluster medium (ICM) temperature (\\cite{mohr97}; hereafter ME97). This correlation is evidence of regularity; it exists in an X-ray flux limited sample of 45 clusters (\\cite{edge90}), where no attempt has been made to use the X-ray morphologies to exclude clusters showing signatures of recent, major mergers. The scatter around the X-ray size--temperature (ST) relation is approximately 15\\% in size, comparable to the scatter of elliptical and lenticular galaxies around their fundamental plane (\\cite{jorgensen96}). This small scatter in the galaxy cluster scaling relation is intriguing, because (1) there is overwhelming evidence that galaxy clusters are still accreting mass (e.g. \\cite{mohr95,buote96}) and (2) elliptical galaxies are generally thought to be among the most regular objects in the universe. ME97 use 48 N-body and hydrodynamical simulations of cluster formation in four different cosmological models to address this apparent contradiction between regularity and ongoing accretion in nearby clusters. Using simulations from both $\\Omega_{M}=0.3$ and $\\Omega_{M}=1$ cosmologies, they show that a tight ST relation is expected even in cosmogonies where there is significant cluster growth at the present epoch. The high degree of regularity implied by the ST relation is surprising, because the well known correlation between X-ray luminosity and emission weighted mean temperature (the \\lxt\\ relation) has very large scatter (\\cite{david93}). ME97 show that the same cluster ensemble which exhibits a ~15\\% scatter in the ST relation exhibits a 52\\% scatter in $L_{X}$ around the \\lxt\\ relation. This higher scatter in the \\lxt\\ relation results from the sensitivity of the X-ray luminosity to the densest regions of the cluster-- a sensitivity to the presence or absence of so-called cooling flows (\\cite{fabian94}). This interpretation is supported by more recent work where cluster ensembles specially chosen to contain no cooling flow clusters conform to \\lxt\\ relations with significantly reduced scatter of ~25\\% (\\cite{arnaud99}). Additionally, when central parts of cooling flow clusters are excluded, the scatter in the \\lxt\\ relation decreases (\\cite{markevitch98}). Finally, cluster regularity is also evident in the tight correlation between ICM mass and emission weighted temperature (the \\micmT\\ relation). When measuring ICM mass within a limiting radius of \\rfive\\ (the radius where the enclosed overdensity is 500 times the critical density) the scatter in mass about the \\micmT\\ relation is 17\\% (\\cite{mohr99}). Observational studies of the ST relation followed by work on the \\lxt\\ and \\micmT\\ relations support a scenario where clusters exhibit regularity similar to that of elliptical galaxies in the properties measured on the scales of their virial regions, but exhibit significant irregularities in the properties of the densest, central regions where physical processes other than gravity and gas dynamics-- such as radiative cooling and magnetic fields-- play significant roles (\\cite{mohr97,arnaud99,mohr99}). The evidence indicating cluster regularity is balanced by evidence for departures from regularity; the scatter in the observed scaling relations is larger than can be accounted for by the measurement uncertainties. This resolved scatter contains clues about, among other things, cluster peculiar velocities and departures from equilibrium. Here we examine the ST relation at intermediate redshift ($0.19\\le z\\le0.55$) using ROSAT HRI observations of the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology (CNOC; e.g. \\cite{yee96,lewis99}) cluster sample. The ST relation provides a potentially powerful tool to study the expansion history of the universe. As explained in detail below, the ST relation is rather insensitive to cosmological evolution. Thus, armed with an accurate model of cluster evolution, one could use the ST relation to measure distances at intermediate redshift, constraining the deceleration parameter $q_{0}$. We first present the X-ray ST relation in the nearby cluster sample ($\\S$\\ref{sec:localST}) and then present an interpretation of the ST relation in terms of regularity in the underlying dark matter properties of the cluster. Section \\ref{sec:midzST} describes observations of the ST relation in intermediate redshift clusters. In $\\S$\\ref{sec:cosmo} we use these observations to constrain cosmological parameters. Section \\ref{sec:conclude} contains a summary of our conclusions. Throughout the paper we use $H_{0}=50h_{50}\\,\\rm{km/s/Mpc}$. \\myputfigure{fig1.eps}{2.8}{0.45}{-20}{-10} \\figcaption{The X-ray isophotal size versus emission weighted mean ICM temperature $T_{X}$ for an X-ray flux limited sample of 45 nearby clusters. We use the isophote $I=3.0\\times10^{-14}$~erg/s/cm$^{2}$/arcmin$^{2}$ within the cluster rest frame 0.5:2.0~keV band. The solid line represents the best fit relation, and the RMS scatter about this line is 15\\% in size. \\label{fig:STnearby}} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclude} We present the local X-ray Size--Temperature (ST) relation for an X-ray flux limited sample of 45 clusters observed with the ROSAT PSPC (\\cite{mohr97}). We provide an explanation of this scaling relation in terms of underlying scaling relations in the cluster dark matter properties. The observed ST relation is slightly steeper than the self--similar expectation presented in $\\S$\\ref{sec:STscaling}, but is consistent when the modest variation of the ICM mass fraction $f_{g}$ with $T_{x}$ is taken into account (\\cite{mohr99}). We use our theoretical model for the ST relation to explore its evolution with redshift. Interestingly, for the typical ICM radial distribution observed in nearby and distant clusters, the normalization of the ST relation is not expected to evolve. The lack of evolution makes the ST relation a plausible source of intermediate redshift angular diameter distances. Of course, if cluster structure evolution is very different from the current theoretical expectation, our model ($\\S$\\ref{sec:STevolve}) will underestimate ST relation evolution. For example, a shift in the mean ICM mass fraction with redshift would bias ST relation distances; to date there is no compelling evidence that distant clusters have different ICM mass fractions in the mean than nearby clusters (e.g. \\cite{lewis99,grego00}). We use ROSAT HRI observations of 11 CNOC clusters with measured emission weighted mean ICM temperatures \\TX\\ to make the first measurements of the intermediate redshift ST relation. Because of the poor image quality, we measure the angular isophotal size $\\theta_{I}$ using the best fit circular $\\beta$ model, rather than measuring it nonparametrically as for the nearby clusters (see Eqn~\\ref{eq:size}). By assuming the cosmological parameters $\\Omega_{M}=0.3$ \\& $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$, we show that the slope and zeropoint of this intermediate redshift ST relation is statistically consistent with that of the local ST relation (see Fig~\\ref{fig:STmidz}). In addition, we examine the relation for $\\Omega_{M}=1$ \\& $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0$ (see Fig~\\ref{fig:STmidzSCDM}), showing that although the slope is consistent, the zeropoint is different at greater than 3$\\sigma$ significance. \\myputfigure{fig5.eps}{2.8}{0.45}{-25}{-10} \\figcaption{Cosmological constraints from X-ray ST relation distance measurements to 11 intermediate redshift clusters. Contours correspond to 1, 2 and 3 $\\sigma$ confidence regions ($\\Delta\\chi^{2}=2.3$, 6.2 and 11.8). The solid line marks spatially flat models, and the stars mark models $\\Omega_{M}=0.3$ \\& $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$, $\\Omega_{M}=0.3$ and $\\Omega_{M}=1$. \\label{fig:cosmo}\\vskip5pt} Finally, we use this cluster sample and our ST relation evolution model to place cosmological constraints. Given the quality of the cluster images and temperature measurements, it is not surprising that a wide range of cosmological models is consistent with the data. Nevertheless, this sample of 11 intermediate redshift distances is sufficient to rule out $\\Omega_{M}=1$ with between 2$\\sigma$ and 3$\\sigma$ confidence. Taken together with ICM mass fraction constraints on the cosmological matter density parameter $\\Omega_{M}<0.44$ at 95\\% confidence (\\cite{mohr99}), the cluster ST relation exhibits a slight preference for universes with $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}>0$; models with $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0$ are inconsistent with the ST relation at between 1 and 2$\\sigma$. When considering only models where $\\Omega_{M}+\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=1$, we can rule out $\\Omega_{M}=1$ with 3$\\sigma$ confidence. With the higher quality X-ray images and ICM temperature measurements available from Chandra and XMM, a significant tightening of these constraints and further tests of the underlying evolution model will be possible. Comparison of local and distant \\micmT\\ relations, which are more sensitive to cluster evolution, would provide important constraints on these models. In addition, observations with a new generation of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect instruments (\\cite{carlstrom99,mohr99b,holder00}) will allow us to more accurately constrain the evolution of cluster structure. With these future observations of intermediate and high redshift clusters, we plan to continue using the ST relation as a tool to provide cosmological constraints independent of those derived from recent high redshift SNe Ia observations (\\cite{schmidt98,perlmutter99})." }, "0004/astro-ph0004148_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the rich cluster Abell~2029 ($z \\sim 0.08$) using optical imaging and long-slit spectral observations of 52 disk galaxies distributed throughout the cluster field. No strong emission-line galaxies are present within $\\sim 400$~kpc of the cluster center, a region largely dominated by the similarly-shaped X-ray and low surface brightness optical envelopes centered on the giant cD galaxy. However, two-thirds of the galaxies observed outside the cluster core exhibit line emission. \\hal\\ rotation curves of 14~cluster members are used in conjunction with a deep $I$~band image to study the environmental dependence of the Tully-Fisher relation. The Tully-Fisher zero-point of Abell~2029 matches that of clusters at lower redshifts, although we do observe a relatively larger scatter about the Tully-Fisher relation. We do not observe any systematic variation in the data with projected distance to the cluster center: we see no environmental dependence of Tully-Fisher residuals, $R-I$ color, \\hal\\ equivalent width, and the shape and extent of the rotation curves. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:data} \\subsection{Optical Spectroscopy} We obtained long-slit spectroscopy to derive optical rotation curves of galaxies in Abell~2029. The observations were carried out at the Mt.~Palomar 5~m telescope during the nights of 1998 April 27--29. We used the red camera of the Double Spectrograph (Oke and Gunn 1982) to observe the \\hal\\ (6563~\\AA), \\NII\\ (6548, 6584 \\AA), and \\SII\\ (6717, 6731 \\AA) emission lines. The spatial scale of CCD21 (1024$^2$) was 0$\\farcs$468 pixel$^{-1}$. The combination of the 1200~lines~mm$^{-1}$ grating and a 2\\arcsec\\ wide slit yielded a dispersion of 0.65~\\AA~pixel$^{-1}$ and a spectral resolution of 1.7~\\AA\\ (equivalent to 75 \\kms\\ at 6800 \\AA). The grating angle allowed us to observe \\hal\\ in galaxies with recessional velocities between 7,600 and 38,100~\\kms. We were fortunate to enjoy extremely mild atmospheric conditions at Mt.~Palomar. All three nights were photometric and dark. The seeing was remarkably sharper and more stable than typically encountered at the site; we estimate the median seeing to have been 1\\arcsec, but at times the seeing dropped to 0$\\farcs$6. Such excellent spatial resolution is important to obtain high sensitivity rotation curves at the redshifts of the target galaxies. Besides yielding higher signal-to-noise per pixel, a sharper seeing also allows a more accurate placement of the slit. This is important because slit offsets and incorrect estimations of the position angles of galaxy disks can lead to serious errors in the inferred velocity widths (Bershady 1998, Giovanelli et al. 2000; hereafter G00). We did not obtain absolute flux calibrations as they were not necessary for the purpose of this paper. We used deep $R$ and $I$ band images to select candidate galaxies as well as to estimate their position angles. We discuss these data in the next section. We observed all probable disk-like systems on the reference images that might be members of the cluster, did not appear to be face-on, and were free of contamination from foreground stars. The limited resolution of the reference images precluded unambiguous identification of appropriate Tully-Fisher candidates. Our observing strategy began with a five minute test-exposure on each spectroscopic target. That way we were able to estimate ``on the fly'' the exposure time required in order to sample adequately the outer disk regions. Furthermore, the test exposure determined whether the galaxy was even useful to our work; a galaxy may lie in the foreground or background of the cluster or it may contain little or no \\hal\\ emission. If the observation was deemed useful, a second exposure typically ranged between 15 and 45~minutes. We detected line emission in half of the 52~observed galaxies. We list the galaxies observed in Table~1, sorting the entries by Right Ascension. The table contains: \\noindent Col. 1: Identification names corresponding to a coding number in our database, referred to as the Arecibo General Catalog. \\noindent Cols. 2 and 3: Right Ascension and Declination in the 1950.0 epoch. Coordinates have been obtained from the Digitized Sky Survey catalog and are accurate to $<$ 2\\arcsec. \\noindent Col. 4: The galaxy radial velocity as measured in the heliocentric reference frame. The redshift measurements of the galaxies without emission lines were obtained from the NED\\footnote{The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.} database. They have been previously derived by others using absorption-line spectra. \\noindent Col. 5: An indication of the usefulness of the optical emission lines in order to apply the Tully-Fisher relation: 0=no lines present; 1=strong emission lines throughout much of the disk; 2=weak or nuclear emission only. Rotation curves are extracted as discussed in Dale et al. (1997 and 1998; hereafter D97 and D98). We use the \\hal\\ emission line to map the rotation curve except in the case of the galaxy AGC 251909 where the emission of the \\NII\\ line (6584~\\AA) extends to a larger distance than that of the \\hal\\ emission. We center the rotation curve kinematically by assigning the velocity nearest to the average of the 10\\% and 90\\% velocities to be at radius zero, where an N\\% velocity is greater than N\\% of the velocity data points in the rotation curve. The average of the 10\\% and 90\\% velocities is taken to be the galaxy's recessional velocity. We define the observed rotational velocity width to be \\Wobs\\ $\\equiv V_{\\rm 90\\%} - V_{\\rm 10\\%}$. We filled-in small portions of the \\hal\\ rotation curve of two galaxies (AGC 251913 and AGC 251912) using data from the \\NII\\ rotation curve in order to provide information on the shape of the inner parts and to ensure consistent estimates of \\Wobs. The rotation curves in our sample vary in physical extent, and more importantly, they do not all reach the optical radius, \\Ropt, the distance along the major axis to the isophote containing 83\\% of the $I$~band flux. This radius is reported by Persic \\& Salucci (1991) and G00 to be the most useful radius at which to measure the velocity width of rotation curves. We have extrapolated the rotation curves, and hence made adjustments to \\Wobs, when they did not reach \\Ropt. The resulting correction, ${\\Delta}_{\\rm sh}$, depends on the shape of the rotation curve and only exceeded 4\\% for AGC 251831 where the correction was large ($\\sim 44$\\%). To recover the actual velocity widths, a few more corrections are necessary. The first is the factor 1/sin$i$ to convert the width observed when a disk is inclined to the line of sight at an angle $i$ to what would be observed if the disk were edge--on, and the second is the factor 1/(1+$z$) to correct the cosmological broadening of $W$. A final correction, $f_{\\rm slit} < 1.05$, accounts for the finite width of the slit of the spectrograph (G00). The corrected optical rotational velocity width is \\be W_{\\rm cor} = {{W_{\\rm obs} + {\\Delta}_{\\rm sh}} \\over {(1+z)\\sin i}} f_{\\rm slit}. \\ee A discussion of the errors in the velocity widths can be found in D97. Figure \\ref{fig:RCs} is a display of the rotation curves observed in the field of Abell~2029. Entries in the figure are sorted by Right Ascension. The name of the galaxy is given along with the CMB radial velocity. Two dashed lines are drawn: the vertical line is at \\Ropt; the horizontal line indicates the adopted half-velocity width, $W$/2, which in some cases arises from an extrapolation to the rotation curve (see Table 1). Overlayed are the fits used to infer $W$(\\Ropt). Details of the fitting procedure can be found in G00. The error bars include both the uncertainty in the wavelength calibration and the routine used to fit the rotation curve. Notice that the data are highly correlated due to seeing and guiding jitter. This is properly taken into account by the fitting routines (see D97 and references therein for details). \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=Dale.fig1a.ps,width=7.0in,bbllx=67pt,bblly=144pt,bburx=515pt,bbury=714pt}} \\begin{figure}[ht] \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=Dale.fig1b.ps,width=7.0in,bbllx=67pt,bblly=485pt,bburx=515pt,bbury=714pt}} \\caption[] {\\ The kinematically folded rotation curves (see text). The error bars include both the uncertainty in the wavelength calibration and the rotation curve fitting routine used. Names of the galaxy are given along with the CMB radial velocities. Two dashed lines are drawn: the horizontal line indicates the adopted half velocity width, $W$/2, which in some cases arises from an extrapolation to the RC; the vertical line is at \\Ropt, the radius containing 83\\% of the $I$ band flux. A fit to the rotation curve is indicated by a solid line. Note that the rotation curves are {\\it not} deprojected to an edge-on orientation.} \\label{fig:RCs} \\end{figure} We list in Table~2 the complete set of spectroscopic data corresponding to the 21~galaxies for which we obtained useful rotation curves, sorting the entries by Right Ascension. The parameters listed in Table~2 are: \\noindent Col. 1: Identification names corresponding to a coding number in the Arecibo General Catalog. \\noindent Col. 2: The spectral exposure time in seconds. \\noindent Col. 3: The recessional velocity of the galaxy in the CMB reference frame, assuming a Sun-CMB relative velocity of 369.5 \\kms\\ towards $(l,b)=264.4^\\circ,48.4^\\circ)$ (Kogut et al. 1993). Errors are parenthesized: e.g. 13241(08) means 13241$\\pm$08. \\noindent Col. 4: The observed velocity width in \\kms. \\noindent Col. 5: The velocity width in \\kms\\ at \\Ropt\\ after correcting for the shape of the rotation curve, the cosmological broadening, and the smearing effects due to the finite width of the slit of the spectrograph. \\noindent Col. 6: The corrected velocity width in \\kms\\ converted to an edge-on perspective. \\noindent Col. 7: The adopted inclination of the plane of the disk to the line of sight, $i$, expressed in degrees, (90$^\\circ$ corresponds to an edge--on perspective); the derivation of $i$ and its associated uncertainty are discussed in Section~4 of D97. \\noindent Col. 8: The logarithm in base~10 of the corrected velocity width (value in column 6), together with its estimated uncertainty in parentheses. The uncertainty takes into account both measurement errors and uncertainties arising from the corrections. The format 2.576(22), for example, is equivalent to 2.576$\\pm$0.022. \\subsection{Optical Imaging} $I$~band photometry of Abell~2029 was obtained for a different project by one of us (JMU) in collaboration with S. P. Boughn (Haverford) with the 0.9~m telescope on Kitt Peak National Observatory on 1998~April~19. They used the T2KA camera mounted at the f:7.5 Cassegrain focus which resulted in square pixels, 0$\\farcs$68 on a side. The seeing was excellent, between 0$\\farcs$7 and 0$\\farcs$9, which resulted in an effective seeing of $\\sim1\\farcs$2 due to the available pixel size. Two sets of fifteen partially overlapping frames were used to form a mosaic of about 35$\\arcmin$ (RA) by 58$\\arcmin$ (Dec). The central three by three mosaic has overlaps of about 3/4 of a frame between immediately adjacent frames, whereas the outer three frames to the north and south overlap by about 1/2 of a frame with the closest of the central ones. All but four of the outlying frames to the north and south were obtained with air masses between 1.11 and 1.25. The exposures lasted five minutes. The data were processed as discussed in Uson, Boughn and Kuhn (1991, hereafter UBK91). All frames were used to generate a ``sky-flat'' gain calibration frame. Since the cluster contains a diffuse halo that surrounds the central galaxy, a 12$\\arcmin$ by 12$\\arcmin$ area centered on the cluster was blanked on all the relevant frames before using them to generate the sky flat as discussed in UBK91. The calibrated frames were used to determine the secant-law extinction which had a slope of 0.06 mag/airmass. Absolute calibration was done using stars from Landolt's $UBVRI$ secondary calibration list (Landolt 1983). Details will be given elsewhere. The $R$~band photometry was obtained from UBK91. Flux estimation follows from the data reduction methods discussed in D97 and D98 using both standard and customized IRAF\\footnote{IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) is distributed by NOAO.} packages. We will only mention here that the measured fluxes, denoted $m_{\\rm obs}$, include extrapolations of the exponential fits to the surface brightness profiles to eight disk scale lengths and are typically accurate to \\about\\ 0.03 mag (uncertainties at least as large are later included after making corrections for internal extinction). We apply some corrections to $m_{\\rm obs}$ in order to obtain the final $I$ band fluxes: \\be m_I = m_{\\rm obs} - A_I + k_I - \\Delta m_{\\rm int}. \\ee For the Galactic extinction correction $A_I$, we use the recent work of Schlegel, Finkbeiner, and Davis (1998) who have provided accurate Galactic reddening estimates using COBE/DIRBE and IRAS/ISSA dust maps. The internal extinction correction, $\\Delta m_{\\rm int}$, is applied using the procedure outlined in G97, \\be \\Delta m_{\\rm int} = - f(T) \\; \\gamma(W_{\\rm cor}) \\; \\log(1-e), \\ee where $\\gamma$ ($\\lesssim$ 1.0) depends on the corrected velocity width $W_{\\rm cor}$ and $e$ is the ellipticity of the spiral disk, corrected for atmospheric seeing effects as described in Section 5 of D97 (the adopted correction $\\Delta m_{\\rm int}$ is slightly smaller for early, less dusty galaxies: $f(T)$=0.85 for types $T$ earlier than Sbc; $f(T)$=1 otherwise). We apply a cosmological k-correction according to Han (1992): $k_I = (0.5876 - 0.1658$T$)z$. The relevant photometric data are listed in Table~3 with the first column matching that of Table~2. The remaining parameters are: \\noindent Col. 2: Morphological type code in the RC3 scheme, where code 1 corresponds to Sa's, code 3 to Sb's, code 5 to Sc's and so on. We assign these codes after visually inspecting the CCD $I$ band images and after noting the value of $R_{\\rm 75}/R_{\\rm 25}$, where $R_X$ is the radius containing X\\% of the $I$ band flux. This ratio is a measure of the central concentration of the flux which was computed for a variety of bulge--to--disk ratios. Given the limited resolution of the images, some of the inferred types are rather uncertain; uncertain types are followed by a colon. \\noindent Col. 3: The angular distance $\\theta$ in arcminutes from the center of each cluster. \\noindent Col. 4: Position angle used for spectrograph slit positioning (North: 0$^{\\circ}$, East: 90$^{\\circ}$). \\noindent Col. 5: Ellipticity of the disk corrected for seeing effects as described in Sec. 5 of D97, along with its corresponding uncertainty expressed using the same convention as in Table~2. \\noindent Col. 6: The (exponential) disk scale length in arcseconds. \\noindent Col. 7: The distance along the major axis to the isophote containing 83\\% of the $I$ band flux. \\noindent Col. 8: The measured $I$ band magnitude, extrapolated to 8 disk scale lengths assuming that the surface brightness profile of the disk is well described by an exponential function. \\noindent Col. 9: The absolute magnitude, computed assuming that the galaxy is at the distance indicated by the cluster redshift, or by assuming the galaxy is at the distance indicated by the redshift if the galaxy is not deemed to be a member of the cluster. The calculation assumes $H_\\circ = 100h$ \\kms\\ Mpc$^{-1}$, so the value listed is strictly $M_I - 5\\log h$. This parameter is calculated after expressing the redshift in the CMB frame and neglecting any peculiar motion. The uncertainty on the magnitude, parenthetically included in hundredths of a mag, is the sum in quadrature of the measurement errors and the estimate of the uncertainty in the corrections applied to the measured parameter. \\noindent Col. 10: The difference in the $R$ and $I$ band magnitudes. When an asterisk appears at the end of the line, we include a detailed comment on that particular object. Because of the extent of these comments we have not appended them to the table but have included them in the text. Note that a record is flagged in both Tables~2 and~3, whether the comments refer to the photometry, to the spectroscopy, or to both. \\small \\noindent 251826: Background galaxy.\\\\ \\noindent 251827: Background galaxy; uncertain PA.\\\\ \\noindent 251831: Rising rotation curve; large rotation curve extrapolation.\\\\ \\noindent 251909: Background galaxy; \\NII\\ rotation curve used.\\\\ \\noindent 251913: \\NII\\ patch for radii $<$ 3\\arcsec; uncertain disk ellipticity.\\\\ \\noindent 251838: Asymmetric $I$ band profile.\\\\ \\noindent 251843: Note low $i$.\\\\ \\noindent 251874: Foreground galaxy; 5 minute integration.\\\\ \\noindent 251895: Uncertain disk ellipticity; asymmetric $I$ band profile.\\\\ \\noindent 251897: Center-of-light used for rotation curve spatial and kinematic center.\\\\ \\noindent 251900: Foreground galaxy; 5 minute integration; center-of-light used to determine the center of the rotation curve.\\\\ \\noindent 251908: Tidally interacting with small companion 13\\arcsec\\ to NE (\\S \\ref{sec:tidal}).\\\\ \\noindent 251912: Foreground galaxy; \\NII\\ patch for radii $<$ 3\\arcsec; flux disentanglement with AGC 251911 difficult.\\\\ \\noindent 251911: Flux disentanglement with AGC 251912 difficult; uncertain PA and disk ellipticity.\\\\ \\noindent 251915: Foreground galaxy.\\\\ \\normalsize ", "conclusions": "The extended optical envelope centered on the cD galaxy in Abell 2029 was interpreted by UBK91 as the leftover of a period of violent relaxation during the initial cluster collapse. This process would have led as well to the ionization of the gas present in the galaxies that participated in such a collapse and to the hot intracluster gas, observable through its X-ray emission and strongly peaked at the cluster center. The galaxies that traverse the cluster core will have their interstellar gas stripped by the dense intracluster gas, and is likely the root cause of the lack of emission line signatures from these galaxies. Indeed, UBK91 show the extremely large extent of the $R$~band profile which they trace to \\about 5$\\arcmin$, a boundary similar to the delineation between emission-poor and relatively emission-rich environs. Beyond this distance, however, it appears that the projected distance from the cluster core at which a cluster galaxy lies plays only a small role in the \\hal\\ success rate: galaxies with emission lines are spatially evenly mixed with those galaxies lacking emission lines. A goal of this project was to search for signs of tidal stripping on inner-core galaxies. Therefore, we observed all disk systems in the cluster core, irrespective of whether or not the galaxy appeared to be a useful ``Tully-Fisher'' galaxy. This could mean that we inspected a large fraction of early type spirals (S0 to Sab) in the cluster core. In the Coma cluster, for example, S0 galaxies outnumber spirals in the cluster center by more than a factor of two (Andreon \\& Davoust 1997). We find that the average (RC3) morphological type for the emission line galaxies that we observed in Abell~2029 is $T=4.7$ (Sbc/Sc), whereas it is $T=3.2$ (Sb/Sbc) for the non-emission line galaxies. There is a small difference in the average morphological type of these two groups, and thus the discrepancy in the spatial distribution of emission line galaxies may not be quite so surprising, as early-type disk galaxies contain fewer \\HII\\ regions than are typically found in late-type spirals. Outside the cluster core, we find no trends in $R-I$ color, \\hal\\ equivalent width, the shape and physical extent of a rotation curve, nor Tully-Fisher characteristics as a function of projected distance from the cluster center. The latter result is in agreement with the Tully-Fisher work of Biviano et al.~(1990) and G97 at relatively low redshifts, as well as with the work at $0.2 1$) galaxies has been claimed to be a relatively robust process ({\\it e.g.} Dunlop et al. 1996) due to the fact that, for ages $< 5$Gyr, the near-ultraviolet light of a stellar population is expected to be dominated by `well-understood' main-sequence (MS) stars. Recently, however, the reliability of this process has been called into question by Yi \\etal (2000), who claim to have developed models in which the spectrum produced by the main sequence reddens much more rapidly than in the models of Jimenez \\etal (2000a), leading to much younger age estimates for the reddest known high-redshift ellipticals. In support of their revised age estimates, Yi \\etal cite the fact that their models can reproduce the spectrum of the Sun at an age of 5 Gyr, whereas the solar spectrum is not reproduced by the Jimenez \\etal models until $\\simeq 10$ Gyr. Here we confirm this discrepancy, but point out that this is in fact a {\\it strength} of the Jimenez \\etal models and indicative of some flaw in the models of Yi \\etal (which, in effect, imply that the Sun will turn into a red giant any minute now). We have also explored the models of Worthey (1994) (which are known to differ greatly from those of Jimenez \\etal in the treatment of post-MS evolution) and find that the main-sequence component of Worthey's models also cannot reproduce the solar spectrum until an age of 9-10 Gyr. We conclude that either the models of Yi \\etal are not as main-sequence dominated at 4-5 Gyr as claimed, or that the stellar evolutionary timescale in these models is in error by a factor possibly as high as two. Our current best estimate of the age of the oldest galaxies at $z \\simeq 1.5$ thus remains $3-4$ Gyr, as we confirm with a new analysis of the existing data using the updated solar-metallicity models of both Jimenez \\etal and Worthey. Finally, by fitting a mixed metallicity model to the Sun, we demonstrate that, given rest-frame ultraviolet data of sufficient quality, it should be possible to break the age-metallicity degeneracy when analyzing the spectra of high-redshift galaxies. ", "introduction": "For over a decade now, astronomers have attempted to estimate the ages of high-redshift galaxies using broad-band optical-infrared photometry ({\\it e.g.} Lilly 1988; Dunlop et al. 1989, Chambers \\& Charlot 1990). Unfortunately, however, the derived ages have been rendered virtually meaningless by disagreements between modellers over post main-sequence evolution ({\\it e.g.} Charlot, Worthey \\& Bressan 1996), and by the extreme susceptibility of such relatively crude broad-band data to dust reddening, emission-line contamination etc. In contrast, it has long been anticipated that relatively robust age constraints for high-redshift galaxies could be derived given rest-frame near-ultraviolet spectra of sufficient quality. This is because, for the potential ages of interest at $z > 1$ (i.e. ages $<$ 5 Gyr), the ultraviolet light of a stellar population is expected to be dominated by stars close to the turn-off point of the `well-understood' main sequence (MS) ({\\it e.g.} Magris \\& Bruzual 1993). With the advent of deep optical spectroscopy on 10-m class telescopes, it has now proved possible to put this technique into practice. In particular, Dunlop et al. (1996) were able to use a deep Keck spectrum of the $z = 1.5$ radio galaxy LBDS 53W091 to first confirm that its near-ultraviolet spectrum was indeed dominated by starlight, and then to extract an age constraint of $ > 3$Gyr based primarily on comparison with a main-sequence only model of an evolving stellar population. Spinrad et al. (1997) explored further the reliability of this age estimate, and confirmed that the best agreement between ages derived using alternative evolutionary synthesis models was obtained if fitting was confined to the detailed shape of the near-ultraviolet spectral energy distribution. Not surprisingly, given its implications for cosmology (for $H_0 = 70 {\\rm km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}}$, the age of an Einstein-de Sitter universe at $z = 1.5$ is only 2.3 Gyr), this result has been the subject of subsequent close scrutiny, and claims that 53W091 is in fact less than 2 Gyr old have been put forward by, for example, Bruzual \\& Magris (1997). However, Dunlop (1999) has argued that such young ages are only deduced using some models if the near-infrared photometry is also included in the fitting process, once again placing undesirable emphasis on the reliability of the modelling of post main-sequence evolution (a point previously also explored by Spinrad et al. 1997). Moreover, Dunlop (1999) has shown that, certainly for the slightly redder $z = 1.43$ galaxy 53W069, if fitting is confined to the Keck spectroscopic data (Dey et al. 2000), the models of Bruzual \\& Charlot (1993), Worthey (1994), and Jimenez et al. (2000a) {\\it all} lead to the conclusion that its stellar population is $> 3$ Gyr old (assuming solar metallicity). Most recently, however, the reliability of even this near-ultraviolet spectroscopic age-dating has been called into question by Yi et al. (2000). Yi \\etal (2000), claim to have derived a much younger age for 53W091, but also claim that this age is not due to differences in post-MS evolution, but rather to the fact that the spectrum produced by the main sequence in their models reddens much more rapidly than in the models of Jimenez \\etal (2000a). In support of their revised age estimates, Yi \\etal cite the fact that their models can reproduce the spectrum of the Sun at an age of 5 Gyr, whereas the solar spectrum is not reproduced by the Jimenez \\etal models until 8-10 Gyr. It is unclear to us why a stellar population should be expected to mimic the spectrum of the Sun at its current age ($\\simeq 5$ Gyr); even if the light from the stellar population is dominated by stars near the main-sequence turnoff the Sun is not expected to leave the main sequence until an age of $\\simeq 10$ Gyr (Jorgensen 1991). Nevertheless this claim has motivated us to explicitly check the calibration of the main-sequence evolution in alternative evolutionary synthesis models of galaxy evolution. This is the main subject of the present paper. What we have done is to take the 3 alternative and independent models of galaxy evolution developed by Yi et al. (2000), Jimenez et al. (2000a) and Worthey (1994), and to check how rapidly they evolve to mimic the solar spectrum with and (more importantly) without inclusion of their post-MS components. The models are summarized in section 2, and the results of comparison with the solar near-ultraviolet spectrum are presented in section 3. We then proceed, in section 4, to use these models (again with and without post-MS components) to check explicitly the extent to which the age estimates of 53W091 and 53W069 really are affected by different approaches to modelling post-MS evolution. The main remaining uncertainty is the impact of having to assume a value for the metallicity of the stellar population, and in section 5 we explore whether, given near-ultraviolet data of sufficient quality, it may be possible to break the well-known age-metallicity degeneracy. Finally, our conclusions are summarized in section 6. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004113_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "New \\ion{H}{1} synthesis data have been obtained for six face--on galaxies with the Very Large Array. These data and reanalyses of three additional data sets make up a sample of nine face--on galaxies analyzed for deviations from axisymmetry in morphology and dynamics. This sample represents a subsample of galaxies already analyzed for morphological symmetry properties in the {\\it R-\\/}band. Four quantitative measures of dynamical nonaxisymmetry are compared to one another and to the quantitative measures of morphological asymmetry in \\ion{H}{1} and {\\it R-\\/}band to investigate the relationships between nonaxisymmetric morphology and dynamics. We find no significant relationship between asymmetric morphology and most of the dynamical measures in our sample. A possible relationship is found, however, between morphology and dynamical position angle differences between approaching and receding sides of the galaxy. ", "introduction": "} Despite the fact that most studies of spiral galaxy dynamics concentrate on understanding the properties of axisymmetric disks, evidence is accumulating that many galaxies lack such overall symmetry. Baldwin {\\it et al.\\/} (1980)\\markcite{blbs} were first to seriously examine the asymmetries in galactic disks, pointing out that lopsided galaxies were a common phenomenon not localized to interacting pairs. More recently, frequency of morphological asymmetry in galactic disks has been quantitatively studied at optical wavelengths. Based on optical morphology, approximately 30\\% of disk galaxies exhibit significant ``lopsidedness'' (Rix \\& Zaritsky 1995\\markcite{rz95}; Kornreich {\\it et al.\\/} 1998\\markcite{khl}, hereafter KHL). These studies are based on data sets containing some 30 targets each. Dynamical asymmetry, too, has been examined in large samples of single--dish \\ion{H}{1} line profiles. Richter \\& Sancisi (1994)\\markcite{rs94}, followed by the 104 galaxy sample of Haynes {\\it et al.\\/} (1998, hereafter HHMRvZ)\\markcite{h98a}, examined the symmetry properties of single--dish \\ion{H}{1} line profiles and determined that as many as $\\sim50$\\% of spiral galaxies show departures from the expected symmetric two--horned profile. Nevertheless, asymmetries in line profiles are ambiguous evidence at best for disturbed dynamics, since they combine both dynamic and spatial information. Until recently, however, little work had been done to examine the symmetry properties of neutral hydrogen in synthesis data. As a result, the connection between disturbed morphology and disturbed dynamics in field disk galaxies is only now beginning to be seriously studied. Schoenmakers {\\it et al.\\/} (1997, hereafter SFdZ)\\markcite{SFdZ} outline a method for measuring small deviations from axisymmetry of the potential of a filled gas disk by breaking down the observed velocity field into its harmonic components. Recently, Swaters {\\it et al.\\/} (1999, hereafter S3vA)\\markcite{S3vA} have applied this method to the \\ion{H}{1} synthesis data of two galaxies, DDO~9 and NGC~4395, where the hallmark of dynamical asymmetry is found to be asymmetry in the rotation curve, where one side of the curve rises more steeply than the other. \\ion{H}{1} synthesis observations of several other galaxies, e.g. NGC~3631 (Knapen 1997\\markcite{knapen}), NGC~5474 (Rownd {\\it et al.\\/} 1994, hereafter RDH\\markcite{rownd}), and NGC~7217 (Buta {\\it et al.\\/} 1995\\markcite{buta}), have also curiously revealed asymmetries or offsets between the optical centers of light and the kinematic centers of the neutral gas. While much evidence exists that many field spirals exhibit non--axisymmetric morphology, and that many field spirals exhibit asymmetric dynamics, the question of whether the two phenomena are correlated, or even represent two pictures of a single underlying effect, remains open. Both optical morphology and gas dynamics provide clues as to the overall structure of a galaxy. For instance, Zaritsky \\& Rix (1997)\\markcite{zr97} proposed that optical lopsidedness arises from tidal interactions, minor mergers, or possibly gradual accretion. Conselice {\\it et al.\\/} (2000)\\markcite{conselice}, on the other hand, find a correlation between optical asymmetry and \\bv\\ color, and are able to use morphological asymmetry to identify whether starbursts in a given galaxy are likely caused by interactions and mergers. Similarly, the neutral hydrogen dynamics of asymmetric galaxies should be able to distinguish between tidally deformed galaxies and those which are dynamically isolated. For instance, while the strongly optically--lopsided galaxy NGC~5474 is well--known to be under the tidal influence of its neighbor M101, the disturbed morphologies of the other relatively isolated objects in the KHL sample are not well--explained by standard tidal interaction models, which require particular dynamics as well as interactions with (unobserved) nearby companions. Alternatively, asymmetries may arise from the excitation of unstable, one--armed spiral modes possibly triggered by a past interaction or minor merger (Taga \\& Iye 1998a, 1998b; Lovelace {\\it et al.\\/} 1999)\\markcite{love}\\markcite{taga1}\\markcite{taga2}. Librations of the optical galaxy about the minimum of the gravitational potential might also be set in motion by a previous interaction. As density is dependent on radius in a galaxy, one might expect that the natural modes of a galaxy also depend on radius. The resulting differential oscillation might result in both lopsided appearance and kinematic decoupling from the optical light distribution. An understanding of these modes, if they exist, could provide a direct measure of the dark matter distribution (Jog 1997\\markcite{jog}; SFdZ\\markcite{SFdZ}). Another type of nonaxisymmetry, warping of galactic disks due to non-planar motions, has been proposed as an indicator of inclined flattened halo potentials (e.g. Dekel \\& Shlosman 1983\\markcite{ds83}; Toomre 1983\\markcite{T83}), which are required to stabilize the warp against differential precession, as well as observational indicators of massive dark halos (Tubbs \\& Sanders 1979)\\markcite{sand}. Warps may also be due to tidal interactions and accretion, and have been reported to be related to non--circular motions, particularly $m=1$ modes (Weinberg 1998)\\markcite{W98}. Although ``sloshing'' librations in the plane of the galaxy would not imply a correlation between warps and lopsided dynamics, ``flapping'' librations normal to the galactic plane could contribute to warping. In this paper, we present HI synthesis data for nine galaxies whose optical asymmetry properties were quantified by KHL. Data obtained from the archives at the Very Large Array (VLA)\\footnote{The VLA is a facility of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.} have been reanalyzed for the galaxies NGC~5474, NGC~5701, and UGC~12732, and new VLA data are presented for the galaxies NGC~991, NGC~1024, UGC~3685, NGC~3596, UGC~6420, and NGC~4688. These galaxies represent a sample of face--on galaxies selected on the basis of their optical properties. In \\S \\ref{obs}, we discuss the acquisition and reduction of the new and archived data for our sample of nine galaxies. In \\S\\ref{correlations}, we analyze the data obtained for deviations from morphological and dynamical axisymmetry and describe methods of determining the magnitudes of such deviations. These quantitative measures are useful for quantifying warps in face--on galaxies and for non--circular motions in more inclined galaxies. We then use the sample to draw correlations between the symmetry parameters of the galaxies to one another and to global \\ion{H}{1} properties. Finally, in \\S\\ref{conclusions}, we present our conclusions in the context of other recent work on galaxy asymmetry. ", "conclusions": "} This work represents a concurrent analysis of both optical and 21-cm symmetry properties of a sample of disk galaxies. We have presented methods by which the symmetry properties of a galaxy can be quickly computed over a wide range of dynamic variables. These parameters are sensitive to both non-circular and non-planar motions, depending in large part on the inclinations of the galaxies. In this case, the face--on inclinations of the targets make the parameters most sensitive to non--planar motions. In our sample presented here, tidal interaction with companion objects dominates the asymmetry in NGC~5474 and cannot be ruled out for NGC~1042 and NGC~4688. Nevertheless, dynamical nonaxisymmetries clearly prosper in more isolated and even morphologically symmetric galaxies such as UGC~12732 and UGC~3685 as well. Pervasive deviations from axisymmetry even outside of tidal interactions seem to indicate that asymmetric galaxies are stable and long--lived phenomena. Our data seem, however, to indicate that there is little or no connection between lopsided morphology and non--planar motions in such galaxies. This lack of clear connection between morphology and warping seems to imply that separate physical mechanisms may be at work in each domain to produce deviations from flat, axisymmetric disks. The methods presented in this paper can be quickly applied to large samples of galaxies to identify deviations from axisymmetry in dynamics and morphology. The small sample size of this initial study and the kinematic uncertainties produced by the sample galaxies' face--on inclinations can only rule out the strongest of correlations among the various parameters. Larger samples and samples at varying inclinations are required to truly study the relationships between these parameters at more than a cursory level. A future study with galaxies of a wider range of inclinations will also allow for additional parameters such as kinematic offsets which can then be adequately studied. Future numerical work can also benefit from an easily applied method to track and identify departures from symmetry. Such numerical work could, for instance, study the origins and longevity of asymmetries, and predict the course of their evolution in spiral galaxies." }, "0004/astro-ph0004263_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new redshift measurements for 55 galaxies in the vicinity of the rich galaxy cluster Abell 665. When combined with results from the literature, we have good velocity measurements for a sample of 77 confirmed cluster members from which we derive the cluster's redshift $z=0.1829\\pm 0.0005$ and line-of-sight velocity dispersion $\\sigma = 1390^{+120}_{-110}\\,\\rm km\\, s^{-1}$. Our analysis of the kinematical and spatial data for the subset of galaxies located within the central 750 kpc reveals only subtle evidence for substructure and non-Gaussianity in the velocity distribution. We find that the brightest cluster member is not moving significantly relative to the other galaxies near the center of the cluster. On the other hand, our deep \\rosat\\ high resolution image of A665 shows strong evidence for isophotal twisting and centroid variation, thereby confirming previous suggestions of significant substructure in the hot X-ray--emitting intracluster gas. In light of this evident substructure, we have compared the optical velocity data with N-body simulations of head-on cluster mergers. We find that a merger of two similar mass subclusters (mass ratios of 1:1 or 1:2) seen close to the time of core-crossing produces velocity distributions that are consistent with that observed. ", "introduction": "The study of galaxy clusters has revealed them as powerful probes of such cosmological quantities as the baryon fraction of the Universe (e.g., White \\& Fabian 1995), $\\Omega_0$ (Richstone et al.~1992), and the Hubble constant $H_0$ (Gunn 1978; Birkinshaw 1979). However, our knowledge of the physics of galaxy clusters has not yet reached the same level of understanding that we have gained for, arguably, the most important cosmological probe to date, i.e., Cepheid variables, and this remains as one of the most significant limitations in our use of clusters for cosmological studies. For instance, one can compute $H_0$ by combining measurements of the decrement in the brightness temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) caused by the inverse Compton scattering of CMBR photons by the hot electrons in the cluster (the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, Sunyaev \\& Zel'dovich 1972) with spectral and imaging observations of the X-ray emission produced by the same hot gas. This technique requires accurate 3-D models of the properties (temperature, density, metallicity, etc.) of the cluster atmosphere, which in turn demands that the physics and astrophysics of clusters be well understood. However, this understanding presents a problem because even present-day clusters are dynamically young and active, showing evidence for the accretion and merger of other systems. The resulting rich complexity in their internal properties greatly complicates their use for precision cosmology. Abell 665 was initially classified by Abell (1958) as the richest cluster in his catalog. As such, it has been the subject of considerable study across the wavebands. Evidence for subclustering in the spatial distribution of the galaxies was first presented by Geller \\& Beers (1982). This was later confirmed through BVR photometry of 178 galaxies by Kalloglyan et al.~(1990). The luminosity function has been recently studied by Garilli et al.~(1996), Wilson et al.~(1997), and Trentham (1998) for comparison with other clusters and in an effort to evaluate models for galaxy evolution. Despite its richness, only 33 cluster members in A665 have published redshifts (Oegerle et al.~1991, hereafter OHFH). OHFH examined the kinematical properties of these galaxies and found that the velocity distribution was well described by a Gaussian with a relativistically-corrected line-of-sight velocity dispersion of $\\sigma = 1201_{-126}^{+183}\\, \\rm km\\, s^{-1}$. This seemed to indicate a fairly relaxed, but massive cluster. However, these authors did not completely reject the possibility that the cluster could be more complex. They suggested that the observed spatial substructure in the galaxy distribution and the relatively large peculiar velocity (v$_{pec}$ = 447 km s$^{-1}$) of the brightest cluster member (BCM) argued for a non-relaxed dynamical state for A665. We will have more to say on this point later. A665 is also a luminous source of X-ray emission, as its optical richness and high velocity dispersion would suggest. The presence of hot gas in this cluster was demonstrated by early observations performed by the {\\it Einstein Observatory} and the {\\it Ginga} satellite (Birkinshaw, Hughes, \\& Arnaud 1991; Hughes \\& Tanaka 1992). These pioneering observations revealed some evidence that the spatial distribution of the X-ray--emitting gas deviated from circular symmetry. Birkinshaw et al.~modeled the complex gas distribution and found that a combination of two isothermal-$\\beta$ models separated by $\\sim$3$^\\prime$ provided a considerably better fit to the data than a single isothermal-$\\beta$ model did. Hughes \\& Birkinshaw (1996, 2000) have applied this type of modeling in much greater detail to \\rosat\\ PSPC data and came to the conclusion that the properties of the X-ray emission required that a major merger was occurring or had occurred recently in this system. Note that Markevitch (1996) also suggested that a recent merger could explain the temperature gradient and asymmetric X-ray emission detected in \\asca\\ observations of A665. Further support for a merger scenario comes from Buote \\& Tsai's (1996) study of the X-ray morphologies of a sample of 59 bright X-ray clusters. Their work quantifies cluster substructure by characterizing the X-ray surface brightness in terms of a multipole expansion of the two-dimensional gravitational potential. They detect a tight correlation between specific multipole power ratios that suggests an evolutionary track for clusters (i.e., the location of a cluster in the $P_2/P_0$--$P_4/P_0$ power ratio plane is a function of its dynamical state). Interestingly, Buote \\& Tsai find that the only cluster in their entire sample that deviates from this correlation is A665. They hypothesized that A665 is undergoing a major merger event and is in a brief period of its evolution when the X-ray emitting hot gas does not follow the dark matter distribution or the gravitational potential. The goal of this paper is to present new velocity measurements for galaxies in A665 and, by combining them with data from the literature, to study the cluster's dynamics and to investigate the parameters of the cluster merger that we infer to have taken place recently. In section~2 we describe the acquisition and reduction of new optical and \\rosat\\ X-ray data. In the following section we present our analysis of these data. Then in section 4 we present our model for the dynamical state of A665. We summarize our conclusions in section 5. We use $H_0$=75 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and q$_0$=0.5 throughout the paper. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004055_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the gaseous envelope of protogalaxies, thermal instability leads to the formation of a population of cool fragments which are confined by the pressure of a residual hot background medium. In order to remain in a quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium, the residual gas evolves at approximately the virial temperature of the dark matter halo. Its density is determined by the requirements of thermal equilibrium. The hot gas is heated by compression and shock dissipation. The heating is balanced by direct energy loss due to bremsstrahlung emission, and by conductive losses into the cool clouds, which are efficient radiators. The cool fragments are photoionized and heated by the extragalactic UV background and nearby massive stars. Several processes interact to determine the size distribution of the cool fragments. The smallest are evaporated due to conductive heat transfer from the hot gas. All fragments are subject to disruption due to hydrodynamic instabilities. The fragments also gain mass due to collisions and mergers, and condensation from the hot gas due to conduction. The size distribution of the fragments in term determines the rate and efficiency of star formation during the early phase of galactic evolution. We have performed one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the evolution of the hot and cool gas. The cool clouds are assumed to follow a power-law size distribution, and fall into the galactic potential, subject to drag from the hot gas. The relative amounts of the hot and cool gas is determined by the processes discussed above, and star formation occurs at a rate sufficient to maintain the cool clouds at 10$^4$~K. We present density distributions for the two phases and also for the stars for several cases, parametrized by the circular speeds of the potentials. Under some conditions, primarily low densities of the hot gas, conduction is more efficient than radiative processes at cooling the hot gas, limiting the x-ray radiation from the halo gas. ", "introduction": "According to CDM models of galaxy formation (Blumenthal et al. 1984; Navarro, Frenk, \\& White 1997; Klypin, Nolthenius, \\& Primack 1997), large galaxies emerge through the coalescence of smaller systems, normally identified as dwarf galaxies, which contain mostly dark matter with a fraction of gas. The dark matter components merge with each other in a dissipationless manner to form the halos of larger galaxies. The crossing of gas streamlines leads to shocks, heating the gas to the virial temperature of the galactic halo (Binney 1977; Rees \\& Ostriker 1977; White \\& Rees 1978). In order for the heated gas in this extended halo (hereafter, the protogalactic cloud or PGC) to collapse, its cooling timescale $\\tau_c$ must be shorter than its dynamical time scale, $\\tau_d$ during each growth stage of the galaxy. When large galaxies acquire a mass comparable to the Galaxy, this condition is satisfied once the characteristic length scale of the PGC is $< 100$ kpc (Blumenthal et al. 1984). For typical values ($\\sim 10^6$ K) of the virial temperature, the cooling timescale increases with temperature, and the PGC's are thermally unstable (Field 1965). Thermal instability leads to the rapid growth of perturbations and fragmentation of PGCs (Murray \\& Lin 1990). The result is that a two-phase medium develops during the initial cooling of the PGC, in which a population of warm fragmentary clouds (WFC's) are confined by the pressure of hot, residual halo gas (RHG) (Burkert \\& Lin 2000). The RHG is primarily heated by the release of the gravitational energy of the collapsing PGC and cooled by radiative emission and conductive transport. The WFC's settle into the central region of the halo potential. They are unable to cool below 10$^4$~K until their density reaches a sufficiently high value that the WFC's become self-shielded from external photodissociating UV radiation (Couchman \\& Rees 1986; Haiman, Rees, \\& Loeb 1997; Haiman, Abel, \\& Rees in press). Thereafter, molecular hydrogen can form within them as a consequence of non-equilibrium cooling. Efficient cooling reduces the temperature to $T < 100$~K even in the absence of metals. Consequently, WFC's evolve into cold molecular clouds (CMCs). The formation of massive stars within the CMC's provides ultraviolet heating, limiting the formation rate of CMC's from WFC's, and leading to the formation of an equilibrium three-phase structure in the galaxy. In this paper, we discuss the evolution of the hot phase that is left after the initial thermal instability. Detailed investigations of the warm and cold phases will be made in upcoming papers. For the current work, we assume a power-law size distribution for the WFC's. The CMC's are not included explicitly, but star formation within them is explicitly assumed to occur at a rate which would provide an adequate flux of UV photons to heat and ionize the WFC's. In \\S2, we briefly recapitulate the physical processes associated with this scenario. In \\S~3, we determine the energy balance between the warm and hot phases, while in \\S~4, we discuss the resulting star formation rate in the WFC's. In \\S~5, we show model results on the evolution of the warm and hot phases. Finally, we summarize our results and discuss their implications in \\S~6. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we examine the microphysics of gas dynamics in the early epoch of galactic evolution. Our objective is to provide a description of the dominant physical processes in ordinary matter which may be applied to a large class of galaxy formation models. For example, in the canonical hierarchical galaxy formation scenario, small dwarf-galaxy building blocks, containing non-interactive dark matter and gaseous ordinary matter, form first and subsequently merge to form larger entities such as our Galaxy. In the present analysis, we neglect the dynamical evolution of the dark matter halo which is undoubtedly important in determining not only the formation process but also the present kinematic properties of galaxies. This approximation enables us to focus our attention upon the evolution of gas in the early epoch of galactic evolution, which regulates the rate and location of star formation and therefore the light distribution and chemical properties of the emerging galaxies. We discuss below three possible applications of our results. \\subsection{Galactic Stellar halo} The results presented here show that thermal instability results in the formation of the residual halo gas (RHG), with density and pressure appropriate for quasi-hydrostatic and energy equilibria, and warm fragmentary clouds (WFC's), which are pressure confined by RHG and heated by ionizing UV photons. Such systems have been proposed as being the source of observed Lyman-limit systems (Mo \\& Miralda-Escude 1996). The mass limits of the WFC's are set by the same criteria as in the earlier work, but in this work we include many more details of the interactions between the phases. Inside $\\sim 10-100$~kpc, WFC's in galaxies with masses comparable to the Galaxy are self-shielded from the extragalactic UV flux (see Figure 1). Unless these WFC's are continually heated by the UV flux from nearby massive stars, further cooling reduces their temperature to $\\leq 10^2$ K. Gravitational instability in the large WFC's leads to spontaneous formation of stars among which the massive stars radiate UV photons, ionize their surroundings, and quench the formation of additional stars during their lifetime (Lin \\& Murray 1992). Through such a self-regulating feedback process, the maximum rate at which gas may be converted into stars is determined by the maintenance of an adequate UV flux to photoionize all the WFC's (\\S4.2). In the regions far from the center of the halo where the density of the RHG is relatively low, the internal density of the WFC's and their average density $<\\rho_w>$ are also low. The effect of self-regulation limits the star formation timescale $\\langle\\rho_w\\rangle / \\dot{\\rho}_{SF} > \\tau_d$. But, the star formation efficiency is much higher at smaller galactic distances. The results in Figures 2-4 show that within a few kpc (depending on the model), the stellar density $\\rho_\\ast$ already exceeds both $<\\rho_w>$ and $\\rho_h$ after 1 Gyr. Once the stars are formed out of gas, they cannot dissipate their orbital energy such that their orbital radii cannot contract further. Thus, the interaction between RHG, WFC's, and the newly formed massive stars essentially determines the asymptotic surface brightness distribution in galaxies. In Figure~5, we show the computed surface density profiles computed from the stellar distributions of Models~1-3. As can be seen, the models are fairly well fit by deVaucouleur profiles within the inner 50~kpc, in good agreement with the profiles of spheroidal systems. The onset of rapid and efficient star formation invalidates the instantaneous mixing and incremental gas-to-star conversion assumptions which are essential to the closed-box models for galactic chemical evolution and enrichment (cf Binney \\& Tremaine 1987), despite the apparent consistency between it and the observed metalicity distribution among population II stars (Chiappini et al. 1999). If these stars are formed in a series of starburst events in which a large fraction of the remaining gas is converted into stars on a timescale shorter than the dynamical timescale of the galaxy or the lifespan of the massive stars, the metallicity distribution would reflect the metallicity inhomogeneity in WFC's. In this case, the deficiency of extremely metal poor stars (with [Fe/H]$\\lapprox$-3) would be consistent with an evolving initial mass function which gradually becomes less biased towards massive stars as the WFC's are chemically enriched. A necessary condition for the formation of stars with long-lived, low-mass stars is small $M_{crit}$ (see \\S4.2). In a self-regulated environment, WFC's with [Fe/H]$\\gapprox$-3 can spontaneously cool from $10^4$ K to $\\sim 10$ K (so that $M_{crit}\\lapprox1M_\\odot$) between successive generations of nearby massive stars (with an interval $\\sim$ a few $10^6$ yr) provided the initial $n_w > 0.1-1$ (Hellsten \\& Lin 2000). The corresponding external pressure needed to confine such WFC's is $nT\\sim 10^{3-4}$. In Figures~2-4, we see that these values of $n_h T_h$ are attained outside 10~kpc, similar to the regions where the metal poor population II stars are located. In the above scenario, we have neglected the effect of magnetic fields which stablize cold clouds against gravitational instability through field-ion coupling and ion-neutral collisions (cf Shu 1985; Shu, Adams, \\& Lizano 1993). In dense cores of molecular clouds around the solar neighborhood, low-level ionization is maintained through cosmic ray heating and the field strength declines through ambipolar diffusion (Spitzer 1978; Shu 1985). If this process is important in WFC's, the star formation rate would be much reduced from those illustrated in Figures~2-4. Collisions between WFC's would occur at velocities in excess of 10~km~s$^{-1}$. Shock compression and rapid cooling near the collision interface could lead to a rapid expulsion of magnetic field, rendering its support ineffective. In the models discussed above, the covering factor of large WFC's is of order unity. A large cloud would therefore collide with another large cloud only about once during a galactic crossing time. Collisions between large and small clouds would, however, occur much more frequently. In the limit that the size distribution of the clouds is dominated by relatively small clouds, the area covering factor is large, and small clouds collide with each other much more frequently. These issues are beyond the scope of the present investigation and they need to be thoroughly investigated in the future. \\subsection{Formation of globular clusters} The analysis presented here can also be applied to the formation of Galactic globular clusters (Lin \\& Murray 1996). Prior to the conversion of ordinary matter from gas into stars, the progenitors of these clusters were protocluster clouds (PCC's). The chemical homogeneities within individual clusters and the large metallicity variation among different clusters suggest that PCC's are a distinct entities which must be confined either by their own self-gravity or external pressure. But, if PCC's are entirely bound by their own self-gravity, external UV heating would not be adequate to suppress thermal instability within them (see \\S3.3). The magnitude of $M_{crit}$ for the WFC's is comparable to the mass of globular clusters. We identify these warm, marginally self-gravitating and partially pressure-confined WFC's as PCC's. At Galactic distances $D \\sim 3-30$ kpc, PCC's with mass ($M$) $ < M_{crit} (\\sim 10^6 M_\\odot)$ are confined by the the pressure of the RHG, $n_h T_h \\sim 10^{3-5}$, depending on the Galactic halo structure during the epoch of cluster formation (Figs. 2-4). If these PCC's are completely ionized and have a $T_w \\sim 10^4$, then $n_w \\sim 0.1-10$~cm$^{-3}$. For these structural parameters, the UV flux needed is equivalent to that emitted by a few O5 stars at a distance comparable to or greater than their size (typical a few pc) (see Figure~1). (These stars could also reside within the PCC's). These clouds could persist for a significant fraction of $\\tau_d$ if the accretion of smaller clouds or condensation from the RHG is adequate to compensate for their mass loss due to stripping by the RHG. On the observational side, in order to verify that the PCC's were pressure-confined, we first estimate their $n_w T_w$ from the current properties of globular clusters, averaged over their half-mass radii ($r_h$) (Murray \\& Lin 1996). We use these quantities because the stellar density and the velocity dispersion at $r_h$ do not change significantly during post-formation evolution. Extrapolation to the stage prior to star formation is, however, highly uncertain. If, after their formation, the young stellar objects undergo collapse and virialization from rest, the clouds' initial radii ($r_i$) would be $\\sim 2 r_h$. Larger $r_i$ would be expected if star formation requires dissipative collisions and coagulation of substellar fragments (Murray \\& Lin 1996). But $r_i$ is unlikely to be larger than the tidal radii of the PCC's, which are typically a few times larger than $r_h$. Thus, the initial density of the PCC's may be 1-3 orders of magnitude smaller than the average cluster density at $r_h$ today. Based on the present velocity dispersion of the clusters, we infer the initial temperature of the PCC's to be $\\sim 10^4$~K, comparable to that expected if they were photoionized. From these estimates, we infer $n_w T_w \\sim 10^{2-5}$ (Murray \\& Lin 1992). The dependence of the pressure upon galactic radius, $D$, is very poorly determined from the observational parameters. Of more significance is that the magnitude of the pressure inferred from the observations is very similar to that found in the RHG in our models (Figs. 2-4). From these results, and the cluster metallicities, we can also estimate the cooling time scale ($\\tau_{cc}$) and dynamical time scale ($\\tau_{dc}$), of the PCC's. The ratio $\\tau_{cc}/\\tau_{cd}$ increases from $\\sim 10^{-4}$ near the Galactic bulge to $\\sim 1$ at $\\sim 100$ kpc. In most PCC's, $\\tau_{cc} < < \\tau_{cd}$ and thermal equilibrium is only possible in the presence of external UV photons with a flux comparable to that required by self-regulated star formation in the halo. \\subsection{X-ray Luminosity} In the hierarchical galaxy formation process, coalescence of small stellar systems (dwarf galaxies) occurs within a few dynamical timescales. If the ordinary matter contained initially within these building blocks is to be heated through shock dissipation to the virial temperature of the common halo, the mergers would become luminous X-ray sources (Eke, Navarro, \\& Frenk 1998). But the results of our models indicate that; 1) thermal instability leads to the formation of WFC's which contain most of the ordinary matter, and 2) even in the RHG, conduction may be a more efficient channel of heat loss than bremsstrahlung emission. As discussed in \\S~5.2-5.4, the resulting x-ray luminosities are small, ranging from 10$^{11}$~L$_\\odot$ in Model~1 to 10$^{8}$~L$_\\odot$ in Model~3. The spectra of the models are shown in Figure~6. The spectra of the low luminosity systems may be modified somewhat by supernova emission. Using the total star formation rates of Models~1-3, we estimate supernova luminosities of 10$^{10}$~L$_\\odot$ for Model~1, 6$\\times$10$^{9}$~L$_\\odot$ for Model~2, and 5$\\times$10$^{8}$~L$_\\odot$ for Model~3. Based upon these results, we expect relatively little X-ray luminosity to be released from regions with ongoing galaxy merging events, consistent with x-ray observations (Fabbiano \\& Schweizer 1995; Read \\& Ponman 1998). \\subsection{Limitations} In our first attempt to investigate the complex physics of multi phase gas dynamics during the early epoch of galaxy formation, we have adopted various simplifying assumptions such as 1-D spherical symmetry and power-law size distribution for WFC's. These treatments can be improved with a self-consistent analysis of the WFC's evolution which will be presented in a follow up paper. We have also neglected the evolution of dark matter which dominates the potential. The results in Figs 2-4 show that the distribution of pressure, density, filling factor of WFC's and the star formation rate depend, though not sensitively on the potential. A full study of this problem will require the use of multi-dimensional integrated simulations of both dark and ordinary matter. While such work has been done in a cosmological context, the extreme temperature range spanned by the gas within an individual galaxy (at least four orders of magnitude) places severe demands upon a code to be able to resolve structures over many orders of magnitude in size. Our basic approach and the prescription provided here can be readily used in such investigations as they begin to be made." }, "0004/astro-ph0004219_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results from an optical study of the stellar \\& star formation properties of NGC 925 using the WIYN 3.5m telescope. Images in B,V,R, \\& H$\\alpha$ reveal a galaxy that is fraught with asymmetries. From isophote fits we discover that the bar center is not coincident with the center of the outer isophotes nor with the dynamical center (from Pisano {\\it{et al.}} 1998). Cuts across the spiral arms reveal that the northern arms are distinctly different from the southern arm. The southern arm not only appears more coherent, but the peaks in stellar and H$\\alpha$ emission are found to be coincident with those of the H~I distribution, while no such consistency is present in the northern disk. We also examine the gas surface density criterion for massive star formation in NGC 925, and find that its behavior is more consistent with that for irregular galaxies, than with late-type spirals. In particular, star formation persists beyond the radius at which the gas surface density falls below the predicted critical value for star formation for late-type spirals. Such properties are characteristic of Magellanic spirals, but are present at a less dramatic level in NGC 925, a late-type spiral. ", "introduction": "This paper is part of an ongoing series of papers studying the general H~I and optical properties of late-type barred spiral galaxies (Sbc-Sd, hereafter LTBS). We will examine the stellar and star forming properties of NGC 925 based on observations from the WIYN 3.5m telescope{\\footnote{The WIYN observatory is a joint facility of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, Yale University, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories.}}. We previously observed NGC 925 and NGC 1744, both LTBS, in H~I as part of a study of the gaseous properties of this class of galaxies (Pisano {\\it{et al.}}, 1998, hereafter Paper I), and to determine the pattern speed of their bars (Elmegreen {\\it{et al.}} 1998). NGC 925 was chosen for study because it is a nearby ($\\sim$9.3 Mpc, Silbermann {\\it{et al.}} 1996), apparently prototypical LTBS which is well oriented in inclination for dynamical and morphological study. This value for the distance will be used throughout this paper. In paper I, we found that NGC 925 had a weak spiral pattern and bar as indicated by the small streaming motions in the spiral arms and bar. Asymmetries are quite prevalent in NGC 925. NGC 925's southern spiral arm has reasonably coherent streaming motions, while the northern arms do not. The center of the bar is also slightly offset from the dynamical center of the galaxy by $\\sim$950 pc. These asymmetries could possibly be related to the presence of a small H~I cloud (M$_{H~I}\\sim$10$^7$M$_{\\odot}$) interacting with the main galaxy. The strength of the interaction, however, is most likely not enough to drive the asymmetries in NGC 925. The presence of an off-center bar, and a single coherent spiral arm are typically viewed as characteristic properties of barred Magellanic (SBm) galaxies (de Vaucouleurs \\& Freeman 1972), and have been shown to be potentially long-lasting (Levine \\& Sparke 1998, Noordermeer {\\it{et al.}} 2000) While NGC 925 does not illustrate these properties as dramatically as the LMC, for example, it certainly indicates that these characteristic asymmetries do not suddenly appear in SBm's, but are rather a continuous change in morphology throughout late-type disk galaxies. A summary of basic properties of NGC 925 is given in table 1. LTBS are an understudied and, hence, a poorly understood class of galaxies. While bars may play an important role in galaxy evolution by generating gas inflow (e.g., Matsuda \\& Nelson 1977, Athanassoula 1992), driving spiral structure (e.g., Sanders \\& Huntley 1976; James \\& Sellwood 1978), and flattening the radial abundance gradient (Martin \\& Roy 1994), these effects are shown to exist primarily in early-type barred spirals (S0-Sb). LTBS do not appear to have strong enough bars to cause such effects (see paper I). Previous studies of LTBS have found that late-type bars tend to have exponential light profiles, as opposed to flat profiles, and end well within corotation, as opposed to just inside it (Elmegreen \\& Elmegreen 1985, Elmegreen {\\it{et al.}} 1998). Furthermore, late-type bars are not likely to be driving the spiral pattern (Sellwood \\& Sparke 1988), in contrast to early-type bars (Elmegreen \\& Elmegreen 1989). Star formation properties are also different, with late-type bars tending to be gas-rich and have star formation throughout the bar, while early-type bars have star formation only near the ends of the bar (Phillips 1995). Our observations in paper I of NGC 925 provided no evidence to contradict any of these properties. In this paper, we will investigate the optical properties of NGC 925, with a specific eye towards the nature of star formation in the galaxy. We will see if there are other signatures of asymmetry in NGC 925 that are typically associated with SBm's. Finally, we will try to devine what role the bar plays in determining the properties of the galaxy as a whole. In section 2 of this paper we discuss the observations and reduction. In section 3, we discuss the optical properties of galaxy as a whole. Section 4 discusses the star formation properties of NGC 925 both across the entire galaxy, and in the bar and spiral arms specifically. We conclude in section 5. ", "conclusions": "We have observed NGC 925 using the WIYN telescope in B, V, R, and H$\\alpha$ filters to better understand the stellar distribution and star formation properties of the galaxy. We have compared these observations with previously described H~I observations (Paper I) to get a nearly complete picture of the properties of NGC 925. The global properties of NGC 925 are typical for a late-type spiral galaxy. It has an obvious bar, and two large spiral arms. The southern spiral arm is apparently much stronger than the northern arm, which is quite flocculent. The relative dominance of the southern arm is apparent both optically and in the H~I (paper I). This difference between the northern and southern spiral arms is not the only asymmetry present in the galaxy. The center of the galaxy, as derived from the outer isophotes, is coincident with the dynamical center (Paper I), but not with the center of the bar. These properties are typically associated with barred Magellanic spirals (de Vaucouleurs \\& Freeman 1972), although in the case of SBm's the offset bar and single, dominant spiral arm tend to be much more pronounced than they are in the case of NGC 925. Nevertheless, we see that such properties are not limited to Magellanic spirals, but are present in more subtle ways in earlier-type spirals. The optical properties of NGC 925, such as mass-to-light ratio and absolute magnitude, are as would be expected for a typical late-type galaxy. From our isophote fitting, we find that NGC 925's surface brightness distribution can be characterized by a double exponential; one for the bar and one for the outer disk. The bar is quite easily distinguished from the rest of the galaxy in the fits, by having a well-defined center, position angle, and ellipticity differing from the outer disk. The bar also has a exponential brightness distribution with a scale-length much smaller than the rest of the galaxy. There is little evidence that the bar has any effect on the structure of the rest of the galaxy. The isophote fits show quite a bit of structure outside of the bar region. This is almost certainly due to the bright southern spiral arm, which shows up clearly as a surface brightness enhancement in the fits. At the same radius as this enhancement, we can see distinct changes in the fits for the center, ellipticity, and position angle. The fits do not seem to be affected by the weaker northern arm. This is further evidence for NGC 925's similarity to the SBm one-armed spiral pattern. The fits also show that NGC 925 gets redder with increasing radius, atypical of normal spiral galaxies in the field. This could indicate a recent enhancement of star formation in the inner galaxy. From our analysis of the critical density for massive star formation in NGC 925, using the technique of Kennicutt (1989), we find that the galaxy has widespread star formation occurring outside of the radius where it should be suppressed. NGC 925 has a very flat H$\\alpha$ surface brightness distribution, with emission extending all the way to the edge of our image at 15 kpc. Kennicutt (1989) using a sample of 15 Sc galaxies found that star formation was suppressed when $\\alpha$=$\\Sigma_{gas}$/$\\Sigma_{crit}$ fell below 0.67. For NGC 925 star formation continues past this radius and is more consistent with an $\\alpha\\sim$0.3, like what was found by Hunter {\\it{et al.}} (1998) and van Zee {\\it{et al.}} (1997) for later-type galaxies. The exact value of $\\alpha$ is unclear, but probably lower, as the H$\\alpha$ emission could continue beyond our field of view. As mentioned above, the spiral arms in NGC 925 are quite different. The north arm is quite weak, lacks coherence, and has only patchy star formation. The southern arm, on the other hand, can be traced all the way from the bar out to the edge of the galaxy and has plenty of star formation. Aside from a small gap, the arm is quite coherent. There is a long dust lane associated with the southern arm, which probably obscures some star formation. If there is dust along the northern arm, it is not nearly so well-behaved. Taking cuts across the northern and southern arms, we can measure the relative positions of the stars, H~II regions, and H~I. In the southern arm, the strongest H$\\alpha$ and stellar emission is closely aligned with the peak of the H~I. Large scale coherence breaks down in the northern half of the disk. At some places (40-50$^{\\prime\\prime}$ in cut f) star formation is well correlated with peaks in the H~I distribution. At other locations ($\\sim$40$^{\\prime\\prime}$ in cut g) star formation is displaced off of the H~I peaks while elsewhere the H~I and H$\\alpha$ are anti-correlated (e.g. $\\sim$50$^{\\prime\\prime}$ in cut e). The difference between the north and south arms suggests that there may be some fundamental difference in the nature of the two arms. Using the same cuts, we looked for evidence of triggering by the spiral arms. If there is triggering in the arms, we might expect a color gradient (implying an underlying age gradient) perpendicular to the arms. Such a color gradient can also be caused by dust extinction. The lack of a color gradient would imply the lack of an age gradient, and, hence a lack of triggering. While the cuts of the north arms show that the stellar emission is typically offset from the H$\\alpha$ and H~I emission, there is no offset present between the B \\& R peaks. Similarly, the southern arm shows no offset between the broadband emission peaks. The lack of an offset shows that there is no color gradient, and hence it is unlikely that an age gradient due to triggering in the spiral arm is occurring. This suggests that there is no larger scale organization of the star formation in the northern disk--a result reminiscent of irregular galaxies. Star formation must be driven by local conditions and processes in the northern half, while larger scale phenomena organize star formation in the bar and southern arm. Finally, we examined the nature of the NGC 925's bar and the star formation occurring within it. As is expected for late-type bars (Phillips 1995), NGC 925 has star formation occurring all along the bar. Cuts perpendicular to the major axis of the bar show that the star formation is occurring along the major axis, but the broadband optical emission is systematically offset to the north of the H~I peaks. While this could be a dust effect, we would expect the H$\\alpha$ emission to be similarly affected, but it is not. This could also be due to the massive star formation in the bar ionizing or clearing out the H~I in the bar. The systematic offset may be related to the dynamical center being offset from the bar center, and hence the bar could be a wave pattern moving through the gaseous medium in NGC 925. We might expect to see the peak of the stellar emission downstream of the star formation, as is the case here. It may be that the bar of NGC 925 is not actually a bar, but has more in common with the spiral arms of NGC 925. Overall, this study has shown that NGC 925 is a prototypical late-type spiral galaxy, with some properties that are characteristic of Magellanic spirals, such as an off-center bar and a dominant spiral arm. These traits are less pronounced in NGC 925 than in an SBm indicating a probable smooth transition of these properties from Scd galaxies to Sm's. Massive star formation in NGC 925 persists beyond the radius predicted by Kennicutt (1989) for late-type spirals, but behaves more like dIrr's (Hunter {\\it{et al.}} 1998). This result may be exacerbated by wider field imaging of NGC 925, however, and star formation almost certainly continues at a low level beyond this point (see Ferguson {\\it{et al.}} 1998 for an example). The north and south arms are not only different in brightness, but in coherence and in the distribution of stars across the arms. The north arm has stars offset from H~I peaks, while the south arm has both star formation and stellar emission coincident with the neutral gas peaks. Finally, the bar of NGC 925 appears to be a typical late-type bar being gas-rich and having star formation throughout, but the stars are offset from the H$\\alpha$ and H~I peaks. This fact coupled with the offset dynamical center of NGC 925 suggests that the bar may be more of a wave phenomenon, similar to a spiral arm." }, "0004/gr-qc0004068_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:Introduction} Global monopoles are topological defects that arise in certain theories where a global symmetry is spontaneously broken. The simplest and most studied example is the $O(3)$ model, in which one finds that the static, spherically symmetric solutions, have in general an energy density that decreases for large distances as $1/r^2$\\cite{Vilenkin}. This would lead in a Newtonian analysis to a divergent expression for the total mass. When we turn to the general relativistic analysis, this problem translates in the fact that the resulting spacetime is not asymptotically flat, and thus the standard ADM mass is not well defined. The effect of the $1/r^2$ behavior of the density on the spacetime is that the latter develops a deficit angle at large distances The fact that, at small distances, the behavior deviates from that, results in the appearance of a small phenomenological \"core mass\" which turns out to be negative in all cases considered \\cite{Harari}. Moreover, an analysis of the behavior of geodesics in the large distance regime does indeed support such interpretation of this core mass because its effect turns out to be repulsive\\cite{Harari}. This ``core mass\" is then evidently not the standard ADM mass. The question of what exactly one is talking about when referring to this core mass has been resolved in \\cite{Ulises} through the application of the standard type of Hamiltonian analysis to the class of spacetimes that are Asymptotically-flat-but-for-a-deficit-angle (AFDA$\\alpha$) \\cite{Ulises}. For these (AFDA$\\alpha$) spacetimes one can also define future and past conformal null infinity, and thus the notion of a black hole and of its horizon. In fact solutions corresponding to global monopoles with such interior horizons have been found in \\cite{Liebling}, \\cite{Maison}. In this paper we study the behavior of the ADM mass of these AFDA$\\alpha$ spacetimes as a function of the horizon area, concentrating in particular on its sign, which we find changes in the regime where one would interpret as going from a situation that would be naturally described as a ``black hole inside a monopole core\" to that which would be naturally described as a ``black hole with a global monopole inside\". We shall adhere to the following conventions on index notation in this paper: Greek indices ($\\alpha$, $\\beta$, $\\mu$, $\\nu$,...) range from $0$ to $3$, and denote tensors on (four-dimensional) spacetime. Latin indices, alphabetically located after the letter i (i,j,k,...) range from $1$ to $3$, and denote tensors on a spatial hipersurface $\\Sigma$; whereas Latin indices, from the beginning of the alphabet (a,b,c,d,...) range from $1$ to $3$, and denote indices in the internal space of the scalar fields. The metric for the internal space is just the flat Euclidean metric $ \\delta_{ab}$. The signature of the spacetime metric {\\bf g} is $ (-,+,+,+)$. Geometrized units, for which $G_N=c=1$ are used in this paper. \\medskip ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004169_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The TGRS experiment on board the {\\em Wind} spacecraft has many advantages as a sky monitor --- broad field of view ($\\sim 2 \\pi$ centered on the south ecliptic pole), long life (1994--present), and stable low background and continuous coverage due to {\\em Wind\\/}'s high altitude high eccentricity orbit. The Ge detector has sufficient energy resolution (3--4 keV at 511 keV) to resolve a cosmic positron annihilation line from the strong background annihilation line from $\\beta$-decays induced by cosmic ray impacts on the instrument, if the cosmic line is Doppler-shifted by this amount. Such lines (blueshifted) are predicted from nucleosynthesis in classical novae. We have searched the entire TGRS database for 1995--1997 for this line, with negative results. In principle such a search could yield an unbiased upper limit on the highly-uncertain Galactic nova rate. We carefully examined the times around the known nova events during this period, also with negative results. The upper limit on the nova line flux in a 6-hr interval is typically $<3.8 \\times 10^{-3}$ photon cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ ($4.6 \\sigma$). We performed the same analysis for times around the outburst of Nova Vel 1999, obtaining a worse limit due to recent degradation of the detector response caused by cosmic ray induced damage. ", "introduction": "Theoretical models of classical novae imply that large quantities of $\\beta$-unstable proton-rich nuclei are formed during a thermonuclear runaway, with half-lives of the order minutes to hours. The resulting positrons undergo annihilation in the expanding nova envelope, giving rise to a pulse of annihilation $\\gamma$-rays which is blueshifted and broadened by the nova velocity and lasts for up to $\\sim 6$ hr (2). All space-borne instruments are subject to a strong background emission line at 511 keV, arising from annihilation of cosmic ray induced $\\beta$-decay positrons in the instrument, which hinders detection of the same line from cosmic sources. However, a spectrometer with sufficient energy resolution could distinguish between cosmic and background lines because the former is blueshifted, typically by 2--5 keV. The Ge spectrometer TGRS (FWHM resolution 3 keV at the beginning of its mission) fulfills this requirement. Its other advantages as a detector and monitor of the nova 511 keV line are its broad aperture (nearly $2 \\pi$ sterad) and its high altitude high inclination orbit, in which background count rates are rather low, due to the lack of interaction with Earth's trapped radiation belts, and to the virtual absence of Earth albedo background radiation. The background count rate and spectrum has also been extremely stable throughout the mission. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\epsfig{file=mjh3_fig1.ps,height=2.0in,width=6.0in}} \\vspace{10pt} \\caption{Characteristic TGRS background count spectrum at energies around 511 keV, obtained during the interval 3 June 12h--18h UT with a power law continuum subtracted. The components of the fit are a line with the width and position of the nova 6-hr line (2, dot-dashed line) and a Gaussian line fitting the blue wing of the 511 keV background line (dashed line). The total model spectrum is the full line. (b) Expansion of Fig. 2a showing the significance of the fitted nova 6-hr line (dot-dashed line of amplitude $5.2 \\pm 0.1 \\times 10^{-3}$ photon cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$; other symbols as in Fig. 2a). Also shown (dotted line) is the theoretically expected level of the nova 6-hr line for a nova at 1 kpc (ref. 6 model HH5).} \\label{Fig. 1} \\end{figure} A disadvantage of Ge detectors for long-term missions is progressive degradation of performance due to cosmic-ray impact damage. For this reason most of the data used here were obtained during 1995--1997, before this effect became serious. In an attempt to avoid the effects of degradation, such as low-energy \"tailing\", we fitted only energies on the high-energy (blue) side of the background 511 keV line. One such fitted background spectrum is shown in Fig. 1. The dashed line is the strong background 511 keV line. The dot-dashed line is the fit to a theoretical nova line emitted in a 6-hr interval after the event (3). Although the amplitude of this line is significant, we will see shortly that it is characteristic of all our background spectra --- in other words, there is a systematic constant positive offset in this measurement. For scale, the dotted line shows how the same line would appear from a model nova at a distance 1 kpc. This line would be detected at a level $\\sim 8 \\sigma$. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004079_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present deep imaging in the U, B and I bands obtained under excellent seeing conditions of the double quasar Q0151+048A,B and of the Damped Ly$\\alpha$ (DLA) absorbing galaxy at $z_{\\rm abs} = 1.9342$ named S4. We analyse the data employing two separate and independent methods. First we deconvolve the images using the MCS algorithm, secondly we decompose the images via an object based iteration process where we fit models to objects without any attempt to improve the resolution of the data. Our detailed analysis of the images reveals, somewhat surprisingly, that extended objects centred on the quasars themselves are much brighter continuum sources than the DLA galaxy. Due to the complexity caused by the many superimposed objects, we are unable to certify whether or not continuum emission from the DLA galaxy is detected. Continuum emission from the extended objects centred on the positions of the quasars is clearly seen, and the objects are tentatively identified as the ``host galaxies'' of the quasars. The flux of those host galaxies is of order 2--6\\% of the quasar flux, and the light profile of the brighter of the two is clearly best fit with a de Vaucouleurs profile. We discuss two alternative interpretations of the origin of the extended flux: {\\it i)} the early stage of a massive elliptical galaxy in the process of forming the bulk of its stars, and {\\it ii)} quasar light scattered by dust. ", "introduction": "The study of the galaxy population at high redshifts has progressed rapidly during the last decade. Through the Lyman-break technique hundreds of normal (i.e. not dominated by active galactic nuclei), star forming galaxies at z=2--4 have been detected and studied with imaging as well as spectroscopy (Steidel et al. 1996). These so called Lyman-Break Galaxies (LBGs) have star formation rates (SFRs) in the range 4--55h$^{-2}$ M$_{\\sun}$ yr$^{-1}$ for $\\Omega$=1.0 or 20 -- 270 M$_{\\sun}$ yr$^{-1}$ for $\\Omega$=0.2 (Pettini et al. 1998). Also, via the study of the class of high column density QSO absorption lines systems known as Damped Ly$\\alpha$ Absorbers (DLAs) a wealth of information on the early chemical evolution of galaxies at z=2--4 has been obtained (e.g. Lu et al. 1996). The DLAs are in general forming stars at a significantly lower rate than the LBGs (M\\o ller \\& Warren 1998, Fynbo et al. 1999). Independent information about the formation of the brightest galaxies comes from detailed studies of the stellar populations of present day bright cluster ellipticals. These populations seems to have formed early (z$>$2) in strong burst of star formation (Bower et al. 1992). Studies of the fundamental plane for elliptical and lenticular galaxies in rich clusters at intermediate redshifts also indicate early formation times (z$>$5 for $\\Omega$=1, J\\o rgensen et al. 1999), and the fundamental plane for field ellipticals at similar redshifts is consistent with being the same as in clusters (Treu et al. 1999a). Studies of the globular cluster populations of faint elliptical galaxies also indicate rather early formation times (z$>$1), whereas for bright cluster ellipticals the globular cluster populations do not strongly constrain the possible formation scenarios (Kissler-Patig et al. 1998). Furthermore, the presence of seemingly old stellar populations in elliptical galaxies at z$>$1 proves that at least some elliptical galaxies formed very early in strong bursts of star formation (Spinrad et al. 1997, Treu et al. 1999b, see also Jimenez et al. 1999). For first-rank ellipticals star formation rates as high as SFR$\\sim$10$^{3}$ M$_{\\sun}$ yr$^{-1}$ would then be possible. A reason why such high star formation rates have not been detected in galaxies at high redshift may be that these galaxies are the hosts of powerful QSOs and hence are hidden by the light from the QSOs (e.g. Terlevich \\& Boyle 1993). Support for a connection between QSOs and bright elliptical galaxies comes from the fact that radio quiet QSOs as well as radio loud QSOs and radio galaxies at z=0.1-0.3 are hosted by galaxies for which the light profiles are best fit by de Vaucouleurs profiles indicating that they are early stages of massive ellipticals (McLure et al. 1999). There is increasing evidence that QSOs at redshifts z$\\approx$2 are embedded in extended emission that is consistent with the presence of a stellar population in the QSO host galaxies. In the case of radio loud QSOs host galaxies have been detected in the optical and infrared by Lehnert et al. (1992) and Carballo et al. (1998), and in the case of radio quiet QSOs host galaxies have been detected in the optical and near infrared by Aretxaga et al. (1998a,b). There does not seem to be any systematic differences between the host galaxies of radio loud and radio quiet QSOs. Both populations of host galaxies are extremely bright, R$\\approx$21--22, and have optical-to-infrared colours in the range R-K$\\approx$3--5. However, measured polarisation of the light from some radio galaxies show that scattered QSO light can also contribute significantly to the observed extended emission (e.g. Cimatti et al. 1998). In 1996 we performed a narrow band study of the z$_{abs}\\approx$z$_{em}$ Damped Ly$\\alpha$ Absorber (DLA, Wolfe et al. 1986) towards Q0151+048A using the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) (Fynbo et al. 1999). The main result of this study was the detection of extended Ly$\\alpha$ emission from the DLA. The Ly$\\alpha$ emission line had prior to this been detected in a spectroscopic study of Q0151+048A (M\\o ller et al. 1998), but the large extended nature of the DLA absorber was quite unexpected. U band data, also from the 1996 run, hinted at the existence of an extended broad band object, but the signal--to--noise ratio of the object was low. We have therefore obtained deeper imaging of Q0151+048 in broad band U, B and I filters in order to confirm or reject our tentative detection, and to measure the extend and luminosity of the broad band source if real. In Sect. 2 below we describe our new observations. In Sect. 3 we describe in detail the two independent methods we have used to search for extended objects close to the quasar. First we describe the image-deconvolution, where we used the Magain et al. (1998, hereafter MCS) algorithm, secondly we describe the direct PSF subtraction, and Sect. 4 we discuss our results. In this paper we adopt H=100 h km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_m$=1.0 and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$=0 unless otherwise stated. ", "conclusions": "Our original interest in the field of Q0151+048A was to identify the DLA galaxy in front of it. This identification was accomplished via imaging in Ly$\\alpha$ (Fynbo et al. 1999), but our broad band images left some questions open. The purpose of the deeper broad--band data presented in this paper was to clarify this situation. We shall here first summarise our findings, then briefly consider their implications. \\subsection{Results summary} Our new data have unambiguously confirmed the presence of extended emission in the field in all three bands I, B and U. The different morphology seen in the three bands strongly suggest that we see three objects superimposed: The quasar, the DLA absorbing galaxy and the quasar host galaxy. The superposition of three close objects of widely differing brightnesses causes considerable degeneracy for any attempt to determine the brightness of the faintest sources, and it is therefore impossible to find a unique solution for the flux of the faintest object (the DLA galaxy S4). Nevertheless, we find that S4 is clearly detected in the U image. The U--band magnitude of S4 determined via our minimum $\\chi^2$ procedure is fully consistent (to within 1 $\\sigma$) with being caused by the known Ly$\\alpha$ flux at 3565{\\AA} alone. The data are therefore consistent with a zero contribution from any continuum source in the U--band. It is difficult to determine the exact errors on the I and B magnitudes of S4, but for both images we found a very significant improvement in the reduced $\\chi^2$ of the fit when we included S4. It is therefore likely that S4 is indeed a low surface brightness continuum source, but this question is going to be extremely hard to settle. The existence of a separate extended continuum source centred on qA is, however, clearly demonstrated independently in all bands. This result was arrived at independently via image deconvolution, and via our iterative object fitting technique. \\subsection{Discussion: Starburst Galaxy or Dust scattering} The distance modulus (for z=1.93) in the assumed cosmology with h=0.5 is 45.8. Assuming instead $\\Omega$=0.3 and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=$0.7 the corresponding distance modulus becomes 46.6. Hence, the absolute AB magnitudes of the host galaxy HGa is $<$-24.0(-24.8) in U (rest frame 1100--1300\\AA), $<$-24.5(-25.3) in B (rest frame 1300--1500\\AA) and $<$-24.0(-24.8) in I (rest frame 2300--3400\\AA). Such extremely bright magnitudes are in the local universe only connected with brightest cluster galaxies (for comparison M87 and Centaurus A both have absolute magnitudes of roughly -23 in the V--band). Brightest cluster members can be as bright as -26 (Oemler 1976). Interestingly we find that the absolute magnitude of HGa is similar to those of the extended `fuzz' that have been detected around other high redshift QSOs by Lehnert et al. (1992), Carballo et al. (1998) and Aretxaga et al. (1998a,b). The morphology of the host galaxy HGa is best fit by a de Vaucouleurs profile. The fit to an exponential-disc leads to a much poorer fit. A plausible interpretation of the data is therefore that we see the early stage of a massive elliptical galaxy in the process of forming the bulk of its stars. Assuming that all the light is coming from stars, and not e.g. scattered quasar light (see below), we can estimate the star formation rate (SFR) needed to explain the observed fluxes. In the case of continuous star formation we can adopt the relation between the SFR and the luminosity at 1500\\AA \\ SFR = L$_{1500}/(1.3\\times10^{40} erg\\: s^{-1} $\\AA$^{-1}$) commonly used for LBGs (Pettini et al. 1998) and we hence infer a star formation rate of order 100(200) M$_{\\sun}$ \\ yr$^{-1}$ for $\\Omega$=1(0.3) and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$=0(0.7). For instantaneous bursts we can use the Starburst99 package (Leitherer et al. 1999) to infer the colours of models calculated with solar metallicity and ages 1, 10 and 100 million years. The colours for these three models are given in Table~\\ref{instan}. \\begin{table} \\begin{center} \\caption{The colours of instantaneous starbursts with four different ages. The colours of HGa are listed for comparison.} \\begin{tabular}{@{}rrrr} Age & u-B & B-I \\\\ (Myr) & & \\\\ \\hline 1 & -0.2 & -0.7 \\\\ 10 & -0.1 & -0.3 \\\\ 100 & 0.7 & 0.3 \\\\ \\hline Exta & 0.0--1.1 & -1.1--0.1 \\\\ HGa & 0.9$\\pm$0.3 & -0.7$\\pm$0.3 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\label{instan} \\end{center} \\end{table} The colours of the host, 0$<$u-B$<$1.1, -1.1$<$B-I$<$0.1 from Deconvolution and 0.9$\\pm$0.3, -0.7$\\pm$0.3 from PSF-subtraction, are roughly consistent with instantaneous bursts with ages in the range 10--100 Myr. The number of stars formed in the burst would be in the range from 10$^8$ to a few times 10$^9$ stars depending on the age of the burst and on the assumed cosmology. Another interpretation of the extended fuzz frequently seen around quasars, is light from the quasar itself scattered by dust. This mechanism is well known from radio galaxies at high redshifts where scattering off dust grains has revealed the existence of ``hidden'' quasars in the galaxy cores. It is likely that radio quiet QSOs have similar non--isotropic radiation fields (see e.g. the discussion in M{\\o}ller \\& Kj{\\ae}rgaard 1992), and in that case our line of sight is such that we look straight down the emission cone inside of which the scattering is taking place. In this case we therefore expect to see the quasar emission cone ``end on'' via forward scattered quasar light. The scattering process is expected to be essentially grey and recent calculations predict that as much as 10\\% of the quasar light could be scattered in this way (Witt \\& Gordon, 1999; V\\'arosi \\& Dwek, 1999; Vernet et al. in prep.). If considering a clumpy medium, we would expect dust scattered light to be emitted from inside a very large volume in front of the quasar. When taking the cone geometry into account one would expect its total flux to be roughly a few \\% of the quasar flux at any given wavelength (Fosbury, private communication). From Table 3 we find that the flux from HGa is 3, 6 and 2\\% of the flux from Q0151+048A in U, B and I respectively. Similar, but less significant, results are found for HGb. It is not yet known if the light profile of scattered light from a cone will reproduce a de Vaucouleurs profile, but since this seems to be a universally preferred profile it is not unlikely. One thing worth noting in Fig.~\\ref{PSFSUB}e are the negative residuals surrounding the position of qA at a distance of 2-3 arcsec after subtraction of the fitted de Vaucouleurs profile. This indicates that the true profile of HGa in reality falls off steeper than a de Vaucouleurs profile. If model calculations were to show such a steep profile for forward scattered light in a radiation cone, that would be a strong hint towards the nature of the quasar fuzz. \\begin{figure} \\epsfig{file=h1854_4.eps,width=8cm} \\caption{The B(AB)-I(AB) vs. u(AB)-B(AB) colours of qA and qB (marked by $\\times$), of the instantaneous star burst models of Table 4 (thick, full drawn line). The dotted, dashed and long dashed lines show the colours of reddened bursts assuming A(B$_{Rest}$)=0.5 and MW, LMC and SMC extinction curves respectively. The colours of the extended emission under qA is marked by the error-bars. The dashed error-bar represents the measurement from deconvolution and the full drawn error-bar the measurement from PSF-subtraction. } \\label{colours} \\end{figure} However, the colours of the extended emission as seen in Table 3 and Fig.~\\ref{colours} are significantly different from those of the two QSOs, which argues against the scattering hypothesis. Hence, we conclude that at least a significant fraction of the observed extended emission must be caused by a star burst." }, "0004/astro-ph0004309_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We employ an ensemble of 24 hydrodynamic cluster simulations to create spatially and spectrally resolved images of quality comparable to {\\em Chandra}'s expected performance. Emission from simulation mass elements is represented using the XSPEC {\\texttt mekal} program assuming 0.3 solar metallicity and the resulting spectra are fit with a single-temperature model. Despite significant departures from isothermality in the cluster gas, single-temperature models produce acceptable fits to 20,000 source photon spectra. The spectral fit temperature $T_s$ is generally lower than the mass weighted average temperature $T_m$ due to the influence of soft line emission from cooler gas being accreted as part of the hierarchical clustering process. The nature of this deviation depends on the bandpass used for spectral fitting. In a {\\em Chandra}-like bandpass of 0.5 to 9.5 keV we find a nearly uniform fractional bias of $(T_m-T_s)/T_s \\simeq 20\\%$, although smaller clusters sometimes demonstrate much greater deviations. If the minimum energy threshold is raised to 2 keV, however, the effect of line emission on the spectrum is greatly decreased and $T_s$ becomes a nearly unbiased estimator of $T_m$ for smaller clusters. The fractional deviation in $T_s$ relative to $T_m$ is scale-dependent in this bandpass and follows the approximate relation $(T_m-T_s)/T_s = 0.2\\log_{10}T_m$. This results in an observed $M_{ICM}$--$T_s$ relationship for the simulations with slope of about 1.6, intermediate between the virial relation $M \\propto T_m^{3/2}$ and the observed relation $M_{\\rm ICM} \\propto T^2$. Tracking each cluster in the ensemble at 16 epochs in its evolutionary history, we catalogue merger events with mass ratios exceeding 10\\% in order to investigate the relationship between spectral temperature and proximity to a major merger event. Clusters that are very cool relative to the mean mass-temperature relationship lie preferentially close to a major merger, suggesting a viable observational method to cull a subset of dynamically young clusters from the general population. ", "introduction": "Galaxy clusters are the youngest and largest organized structures in the universe, and as such provide us with a wealth of cosmological information. The most massive clusters draw their substance from cosmologically significant volumes of linear scale $\\gtrsim 10 h^{-1}$ Mpc. These scales are large enough that no known coherent process competes against gravity, so rich cluster contents are thought to comprise a fair sample of the universe's ingredients (White \\etal 1993). Because clusters are rare nonlinear excursions of the cosmic density field, the statistical properties of their population are quite sensitive to both cosmological model and slope of the primordial fluctuation spectrum. Unfortunately, their relative youth can also make interesting physical properties difficult to measure: about\\ 50\\% of the local population bears evidence of ongoing mergers, and the canonical ``relaxed'' cluster is a relatively rare beast. Nearly all interesting cosmological tests depend on accurate measurement of cluster virial masses. Observations of the intracluster medium (ICM) have shown promise in this regard: the ICM's high X-ray luminosity and large spatial extent make it possible to probe the content and structure of clusters in great detail. Bulk properties of the ICM such as luminosity, temperature, mass, and gas density profile shape have been found to display highly significant correlations with each other (Edge \\& Stewart 1991; David \\etal 1993; Mohr \\& Evrard 1997; Mushotzky \\& Scharf 1997; Markevitch 1998; Allen \\& Fabian 1998; Mohr, Mathiesen \\& Evrard 1999; Arnaud \\& Evrard 1999). In contrast to the noisy correlations of early X-ray data (Sarazin 1986 and references therein), many correlations now display scatter at the $10-20\\%$ level, indicating that a high degree of physical uniformity exists even in this structurally diverse population. Hydrodynamic simulations of cluster evolution predict tight relationships between observable quantities and between those quantities and the cluster binding mass (Evrard 1990; Kang \\etal 1994; Navarro, Frenk \\& White 1995; Evrard \\etal 1996; Bryan \\& Norman 1998), even when some members of the sample are far from dynamical equilibrium. The existence of both observed and theoretical correlations implies that the prevalence of cluster substructure is not a fundamental barrier to interpreting the properties of the population. However, moderate biases caused by the presence of substructure are likely to be present, and we explore the role of substructure in temperature measurements of the ICM in this paper. A previous paper (Mathiesen, Evrard \\& Mohr 1999) demonstrated that a ICM clumping leads to a modest ($\\sim 15\\%$) overestimate of ICM masses derived under the typical assumptions of spherical symmetry and isothermality. As the X--ray data improve, the limits of simplifying assumptions such as these become clearer. High-resolution X--ray images reveal secondary peaks and strong asphericities in many clusters and X--ray spectra indicate the presence of multiple temperature components within the cores of many clusters (Fabian \\etal 1994, Holzapfel \\etal 1997, Allen \\etal 2000). The {\\em Chandra} and {\\em XMM} satellite missions will provide the most detailed maps of the ICM emission and temperature structure yet obtained and will allow more precise definition of the limitations of the current models. Three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of cluster formation can help bridge the gap between the new generation of data and traditional methods and results. While simulated clusters often do not include many processes thought to be important to ICM evolution (e.g. radiative cooling and galactic winds), they excel at the creation of populations with realistic merger histories (Mohr \\etal 1995; Tsai \\& Buote 1996). Ensembles of simulated clusters can therefore be used to investigate the effects of accretion events, major mergers, clumping, and substructure on measurements of the ICM. In this paper, we analyze the spectral properties of an ensemble of 24 simulated clusters using a realistic plasma emission model and assuming a uniform metallicity $0.3$ times the solar abundance. We find that even minor accretion events can significantly bias our measurements of the mean, mass-weighted cluster temperature, and that clusters undergoing a major merger can sometimes be identified as extreme examples of this bias. Section 2 of this paper describes the simulations, the cluster ensemble, and the process of creating our spectral images. Section 3 discusses the various measures of cluster temperature which have seen frequent use and explores the relationships between them. In particular we explore the relationship between spectrally determined temperatures and the mass-weighted mean temperature. The latter is found in simulations to follow most closely the virial relationship. Section 4 then delves into cluster dynamics, investigating the effects of a major merger on the ICM and looking for observable signatures of the merging process. Finally, section 5 summarizes our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "The first (and perhaps the most suprising) result of this paper is the revelation that the emission spectrum of a realistically complex intracluster medium is barely distinguishable from that of an isothermal gas, even over a broad spectrum. This correspondence arises because we have created spectra with rather coarse (150 eV) bins in an effort to match our observation model to {\\em Chandra's} ACIS instrument. We provide relationships between spectral, emission, and mass-weighted temperatures in two different bandpasses and within two density constrasts; in particular, we find that spectral temperatures determined in the [2.0,9.5] keV range within $r_{500}$ are very similar in nature to those determined by the {\\em Einstein} MPC, {\\em Ginga}, and {\\em EXOSAT}. The other bandpass, [0.5,9.5] keV, is designed to be similar to {\\em Chandra} observations, and can be used to better interpret its results. We find that realistically determined spectral temperatures are commonly 10-20\\% lower than the mass-weighted temperatures in these simulations, a fact which has important implications for cluster physics. The bias arises through the natural and frequent occurence of minor accretion events: small clumps of cool gas which merge into the ICM and produce an excess of soft X-rays, biasing the spectrum towards cooler temperatures until they are fully assimilated. Because the mass-weighted temperature follows the virial relationship, it is a more accurate indicator of the binding mass. Previous measurements of the cluster mass function power spectrum need to account for this source of error if they make use of spectral temperature data. We have calibrated the relationship between spectral and mass-weighted temperature for the [2.0,9.5] keV bandpass within $r_{500}$ for this purpose; this should allow an appropriate correction for clusters observed by satellites with a similar energy range. The scale-dependent nature of this bias changes the slope of the observed $M_{\\rm ICM}$--$T_s$ relationship in a direction consistent with recent determinations, but it does not account for the whole difference. Additional physics, such as a variation in the ICM mass fraction with temperature, is still needed to explain the observed slope. Although we are stuck with a discrepance between observed temperatures and mass-weighted temperatures, this bias can be useful in identifying clusters which are dynamically young. Not all of these events will be obvious, even with {\\em Chandra's} high-resolution surface brightness and temperature maps; some of the mergers will be occuring on an axis near our line-of-sight. In such cases the shocks and cool regions will probably be masked by core emission, but the presence of a cool subclump can still produce an unusually large deviation in the spectral temperature. We should not fall into the trap of assuming that a cluster is relaxed because it looks spherically symmetric; rather, we should do everthing we can to determine whether or not it is truly relaxed. The simulations show that all of the clusters with temperatures falling far ($\\gtrsim 15\\%$) below the mean mass-temperature relation are dynamically young; a subset of merging clusters can thus be identified as outliers in the observed relation. The results described in this paper are a necessary step towards accurately measuring cluster masses under the assumption of virial equilibrium, as well as towards a reliable technique for determining a cluster's dynamical state observationally. It is not, however, the only step: first the astronomical community must recognize that the various definitions of temperature in common use are {\\em not} equivalent. Further work needs to be done in modeling observed temperatures (e.g. core-excised spectral temperatures and flux-weighted temperatures averaged over an image) and the effects of substructure on observable quantities. Spectral modeling of simulations is computationally more expensive, but not difficult, and the level of systematic error caused by inaccurate modeling is now comparable to the observational constraints on cosmological parameters. The spectral cubes described in this paper will be made avaiable to the public on Mathiesen's research web site \\footnote{http://redshift.perseus.edu/bfm} along with higher-resolution images for the subset of images used in fitting the mass-temperature relationships, the accretion history of each cluster, and documentation describing the file format and how to model other satellite responses. Our simulations of spatially resolved emission spectra can be used to help interpret {\\em Chandra} and {\\em XMM} observations of real clusters, and we are sure that enterprising researchers can mine these datasets for other interesting results." }, "0004/astro-ph0004373_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a weak-lensing analysis of a region around the galaxy cluster Cl 1604+4304 ($z=0.897$) on the basis of the deep observations with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} ({\\sl HST})/Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). We apply a variant of Schneider's aperture mass technique to the observed WFPC2 field and obtain the distribution of weak-lensing signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) within the field. The resulting S/N map reveals a clear pronounced peak located about $1\\farcm 7$ ($850h_{50}^{-1}$ kpc at $z=0.897$) southwest of the second peak associated with the optical cluster center determined from the dynamical analysis of Postman et al. A non-linear finite-field inversion method has been used to reconstruct the projected mass distribution from the observed shear field. The reconstructed mass map shows a super-critical feature at the location of the S/N peak as well as in the cluster central region. Assuming the redshift distribution of field galaxies, we obtain the total mass in the observed field to be $1.0 \\times 10^{15} h_{50}^{-1}M_{\\odot}$ for $\\left< z \\right>=1.0$. The estimated mass within a circular aperture of radius $280h_{50}^{-1}$ kpc centered on the dark clump is $2.4\\times 10^{14}h_{50}^{-1}M_{\\odot}$. We have confirmed the existence of the `dark' mass concentration from another deep {\\sl HST} observation with a slightly different ($\\sim 20\\arcsec$) pointing. ", "introduction": "Weak shear fields of high-redshift galaxies are promising, efficient tools to investigate the mass distribution on cluster-supercluster scales (Kaiser \\& Squires 1993; Luppino \\& Kaiser 1997; Kaiser et al. 1998; Bartelmann \\& Schneider 2000) and provide a unique mean to detect dark mass concentrations (Schneider 1996; Erben et al. 2000). Wide-field weak-lensing surveys of projected mass overdensities can probe the statistical clustering properties and underlying cosmology (Bahcall et al. 1999). Recent observations have revealed the existence of a supercluster at a high redshift of $z\\approx 0.9$ (Lubin et al. 2000). This supercluster contains two massive galaxy clusters, Cl 1604+4304 at $z=0.897$ and Cl 1604+4321 at $z=0.924$. The two clusters are separated by $17\\arcmin$ on the sky, corresponding to a projected separation of $\\sim 9h_{50}^{-1}$ Mpc. Cl1604+4304 is located at ($\\alpha_{{\\rm J}2000}$, $\\delta_{{\\rm J}2000}$) = ( $16{\\rm h}\\,04{\\rm m}\\,19.5{\\rm s}$, $+43\\arcdeg\\,04\\arcmin\\,33\\farcs 9$) and one of the optically-selected high-redshift cluster candidates studied by Oke, Postman, \\& Lubin (1998). Postman, Lubin, \\& Oke(1998) presented a detailed photometric and spectroscopic survey of the cluster and obtained a velocity dispersion of $1226$ km s$^{-1}$ and a dynamical mass estimate of $6.2\\times 10^{15}h_{50}^{-1}M_{\\odot}$. In this Letter, we present a weak lensing analysis of the Cl 1604+4304 field on the basis of deep images taken with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} ({\\sl HST})/Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). We shall mainly describe the weak-lensing signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) analysis of the observed field; the details of the mass reconstruction procedure will be present elsewhere. Throughout this Letter, we adopt $\\Omega_0=1$ ,$\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0$, and $H_0=50h_{50}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$; $1\\arcmin$ on the sky corresponds to $0.52h_{50}^{-1}$ Mpc at the cluster redshift. ", "conclusions": "We have performed a weak-lensing analysis on the deep images of a region around Cl 1604+4304 taken with the {\\sl HST}/WFPC2. We detected two significant maxima in the resulting weak-lensing S/N map: the second peak associated with the dynamical cluster center and the first peak located about $1\\farcm 7$ south of the dynamical center having no optical counter parts. The identification of high S/N peak from two-different pointing observations provides a robust evidence of dark mass concentration. Assuming that the dark mass clump has the same redshift as Cl 1604+4304, we reconstructed the projected mass distribution in the 1995 data field, from which we have estimated the mass within a circular aperture of radius $280h_{50}^{-1}$ kpc centered on the dark clump to be $2.4\\times 10^{14}h_{50}^{-1}M_{\\odot}$. The obtained results indicate that this dark clump could be a compact, massive bound system associated with the supercluster at $z\\approx 0.9$; the obtained mass will be overestimate if the redshift of the dark clump is much less than $0.897$. Our results demonstrate that the weak-lensing S/N statistics are powerful and efficient tools even for high-redshift cluster surveys ($z\\sim 1$). For a further confirmation of the dark mass concentration, deep wide-field observations covering the entire supercluster field ($\\sim 20\\arcmin$) are required. Such observations can probe the mass distribution in the supercluster field extending over $\\sim 10h_{50}^{-1}$ Mpc." }, "0004/astro-ph0004145_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Comparing models of Simple Stellar Populations (SSP) with observed line strengths generally provides a tool to break the age-metallicity degeneracy in elliptical galaxies. Due to the wide range of Balmer line strengths observed, ellipticals have been interpreted to exhibit an appreciable scatter in age. In this paper, we analyze Composite Stellar Population models with a simple mix of an old metal-rich and an old metal-poor component. We show that these models simultaneously produce strong Balmer lines and strong metallic lines without invoking a young population. The key to this result is that our models are based on SSPs that better match the steep increase of \\Hb\\ in metal-poor globular clusters than models in the literature. Hence, the scatter of \\Hb\\ observed in cluster and luminous field elliptical galaxies can be explained by a spread in the metallicity of {\\em old} stellar populations. We check our model with respect to the so-called G-dwarf problem in ellipticals. For a galaxy subsample covering a large range in \\UVV\\ colors we demonstrate that the addition of an old metal-poor subcomponent does not invalidate other observational constraints like colors and the flux in the mid-UV. ", "introduction": "More than 20 years ago it has been recognized that the modeling of the spectral energy distribution of ellipticals is affected by an ambiguity in age and metallicity (Faber 1972; O'Connell 1976)\\nocite{Fa72,Oc76}, which has turned out to be a general complication in population synthesis (Renzini 1986)\\nocite{Re86}. However, considering Simple Stellar Populations (SSP) in the two-parameter space of Balmer and metallic lines, the age-metallicity degeneracy can be broken (Gonz\\'alez 1993; Worthey 1994)\\nocite{G93,Wo94}. The major reason for the success of this strategy is that the Balmer line strengths of SSPs are predominantly age sensitive at metallicities above $\\sim 1/3~\\Zsun$ that are supposed to be the only relevant for elliptical galaxies. Strong \\Hb\\ lines are thus taken as an indication for young (intermediate-age) populations, the observed scatter is interpreted as a considerable spread in age (e.g., Faber et al.\\ 1995)\\nocite{Fetal95}. An alternative path to obtain blue stars and hence strong Balmer lines is to consider old {\\em metal-poor} populations. In this paper we follow this approach and compute composite stellar populations that contain an old metal-poor subcomponent. The principal focus is to check if a combination of only old populations can reproduce strong \\Hb\\ without invalidating further constraints for ellipticals like metallic indices, colors and spectral energy distributions. The paper is organized as follows. In Section~\\ref{calsec} we calibrate the SSP model indices and spectral energy distributions on globular cluster data. The composite models and their application to galaxy data are presented in Section~\\ref{resultssec}. In Sections~\\ref{discusssec} and~\\ref{sumsec} we discuss and summarize the results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discusssec} \\subsection{Metallicity distributions in ellipticals} The principle idea of this paper is to enhance the Balmer line strengths of old metal-rich stellar populations with a small fraction of metal-poor stars. The real metallicity distribution of the stellar populations in elliptical galaxies is difficult to assess observationally, as the stars cannot be resolved. The {\\em HST} color magnitude diagram of M32 (Grillmair et al.\\ 1996)\\nocite{Getal96} and the spectroscopy of K giants in the Bulge (Rich 1988)\\nocite{Ri88} show that these spheroids contain a tail of low metallicity stars. The closest giant elliptical for which color magnitude diagrams are available is NGC~5128 (Harris, Harris \\& Poole 1999)\\nocite{HHP99}. Analyzing deep {\\em HST} images in the outer halo of NGC~5128, the authors find a differential metallicity distribution that is well reproduced by two closed-box-like chemical enrichment scenarios implying a large number of extremely metal-poor stars. In particular the differential shape of the distribution implies a formation picture in which a metal-poor and a metal-rich population are formed separately from each other. This picture gets further support from a number of studies that discover bimodal color and metallicity distributions of globular clusters in at least half of the early-type galaxy population (Zepf \\& Ashman 1993; Gebhardt \\& Kissler-Patig 1999)\\nocite{ZA93,GK99}. Spectroscopic and photometric investigations indicate that both populations are old (Cohen, Blakeslee \\& Ryzhov 1998; Kissler-Patig et al.\\ 1998; Kissler-Patig, Forbes \\& Minniti 1998; Kundu et al.\\ 1999; Puzia et al.\\ 1999)\\nocite{Kietal98,CBK98,KFM98,Kuetal99,Puetal99}. More specifically, Puzia et al.\\ (1999)\\nocite{Puetal99} find that the two populations in NGC~4472 are old and coeval, with metallicities $\\sim 0.05~\\Zsun$ and $\\sim\\Zsun$. In the framework of hierarchical structure formation galaxies are built by mergers of smaller objects (e.g., White \\& Rees 1978; White \\& Frenk 1991; Kauffmann, White \\& Guiderdoni 1993)\\nocite{WR78,WF91,KWG93}. A merger of coeval systems without newly induced star formation would result in a coeval composite population. The accretion of a dwarf galaxy by a larger system (minor merger) qualitatively explains the existence of a metal-poor subpopulation. There is an additional important effect that is independent of the assumed scheme of galaxy formation. As discussed by Greggio (1997)\\nocite{Gre97}, a sizable fraction of metal-poor stars from the outer parts of a galaxy contaminate the light coming from the center due to projection and orbital mixing (Ciotti, Stiavelli \\& Braccesi 1995)\\nocite{CSB95}. The authors find that projection effects lower the actual central metallicity by roughly 10 per cent. The metal-poor components in the composite models of M31, NGC~4472 and NGC~3379 (Table~\\ref{modeltab}) dilute the metallicities of the metal-rich populations by 3, 6, and 4 per cent, respectively. Projection effects alone thus may be sufficient to explain the amount of metal-poor stars considered in the present analysis. \\subsection{Evidence against recent star formation} There are observational indications from the Fundamental Plane (Djorgovski \\& Davis 1987; Dressler et al.\\ 1987; Bender, Burstein \\& Faber 1992, 1993; Renzini \\& Ciotti 1993)\\nocite{DD87,Dretal87,BBF92,BBF93,RC93} and the color-magnitude relation (Bower, Lucey \\& Ellis 1992)\\nocite{BBF92} that limit the fraction of the young population to less than 10 per cent. As late star formation leads to low $\\alpha$/Fe ratios (Thomas, Greggio \\& Bender 1999; Thomas 1999)\\nocite{TGB99,Th99a}, the addition of a young population provokes inconsistencies with the high $\\alpha$/Fe ratios observed in elliptical galaxies (e.g., Worthey et al.\\ 1992)\\nocite{WFG92}. Also the redshift evolution of colors (Arag\\'on Salamanca et al.\\ 1993)\\nocite{Aetal93}, of the Mg-$\\sigma$ relation (Bender, Ziegler \\& Bruzual 1996)\\nocite{BZB96}, of the Kormendy relation (Ziegler et al.\\ 1999)\\nocite{Zieetal99}, and of the color gradients in cluster ellipticals (Saglia et al.\\ 2000)\\nocite{Saetal00} leave little space for a significant contribution from a young subcomponent. The addition of an old, metal-poor population as discussed in this paper can reconcile these findings with strong Balmer lines. Disturbed field ellipticals that have strong \\Hb\\ absorption (Schweizer et al.\\ 1990)\\nocite{Schetal90} and blue optical colors (Schweizer \\& Seitzer 1992)\\nocite{SS92} do not show any signature of recent star formation activity in the infrared colors (Silva \\& Bothun 1998a, 1998b)\\nocite{SB98a,SB98b}. As discussed by these authors, recent mergers may not have been accompanied by significant star formation, but metallicity effects are favored to explain the enhanced \\Hb\\ line strengths." }, "0004/astro-ph0004235_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present 53 simultaneous photometric (I band) and spectroscopic (6900-9500\\AA) observations of J0422+32, taken during December 1997. From these we determine that J0422+32 was in its lowest state yet observed, at I=20.44$\\pm$0.08. Using relative spectrophotometry, we show that it is possible to correct very accurately for telluric absorption. Following this, we use the TiO bands at 7055\\AA\\ and 7589\\AA\\ for a radial velocity study and thereby obtain a semi-amplitude of 378$\\pm$16~km~s$^{-1}$, which yields {\\it f(M)}=1.191$\\pm$0.021M$_\\odot$ and {\\it q}=9.0$^{\\scriptscriptstyle +2.2}_{\\scriptscriptstyle -2.7}$, consistent with previous observations. We further demonstrate that this little explored method is very powerful for such systems. We also determine a new orbital ephemeris of HJD=2450274.4156$\\pm$0.0009 + 0.2121600$\\pm$0.0000002 $\\times$ E. We see some evidence for an ellipsoidal modulation, from which we determine the orbital inclination of J0422+32 to be less than 45${^\\circ}$. We therefore calculate a minimum mass for the primary of 2.22M$_\\odot$, consistent with a black hole, but not necessarily the super-massive one proposed by Beekman et al (1997). We obtain an M4-5 spectral type for the secondary star and determine that the secondary contributes 38$\\pm$2\\% of the flux that we observe from J0422+32 over the range 6950-8400\\AA. From this we calculate the distance to the system to be 1.39$\\pm$0.15kpc. ", "introduction": "From the study of X-ray transient systems, it is possible to determine the masses of stellar-mass black-holes, by observing the cool secondary star during quiescence (see e.g. Charles, 1999). In this paper we present new observations of the late-type secondary star in the soft X-ray transient GRO J0422+32 (Nova~Per~1992/ V518~Per). Since the discovery of J0422+32 on August 5th 1992, whilst in outburst, by the `Compton Gamma Ray Observatory' (Paciesas et al, 1992), there have been three subsequent `mini' outbursts: December 1992 (Harmon, Fishman \\& Paciesas, 1992), August 1993 (Filipenko \\& Matheson, 1993) and December-January 1993/4 (Zhao et al, 1993). The system has been observed at I=20.03 \\cite{Oros95} and I=20.22 \\cite{Casa95}, but never, as we show in this paper, in absolute quiescence. Therefore, observations in the optical have been dominated by the flux emitted from the accretion disc around the compact object, making observations of the M-star difficult. Here we present results showing that J0422+32 was fainter still in December 1997, thus observations of the secondary were more accessible, due to less contamination from the disc. Previously, Beekman et al (1997) have determined a minimum mass of the compact object (black hole) of 15M$_\\odot$, from an I band light-curve. From calculations by King, Kolb \\& Burderi (1996) based on the `disc instability model', where the mass transfer rate must be below a critical level in order for low mass X-ray binary systems to become transient, a minimum mass of the compact object can be calculated. If their assumptions are correct, Beekman et al (1997) calculated a minimum mass of the compact object of 28M$_\\odot$. This mass is impossibly large for stellar evolution models. From studying the ellipsoidal modulation alone, we constrain the black-hole to have a much lower minimum mass, which is consistent with the evolution of massive stars that form black holes. We present a new method for conducting a radial velocity study in such systems with a late-type secondary star. Previously, the strong TiO features seen in M-stars have not been used, as it is very difficult to correct accurately for the telluric absorption that lies on top of them. Instead, the Na~I doublet at 8183, 8195\\AA\\ is commonly used. However, by placing two stars along the slit, J0422+32 and a local early-type star, we can correct for the telluric absorption very accurately. It was also thought that the TiO bands were far too broad to allow accurate cross correlation. The bands themselves are broad, but have within them, very sharp features. In this work we show, using the two TiO bands at 7055\\AA\\ and 7589\\AA, how effective cross-correlating these regions can be. We also exploit the good telluric absorption correction to determine the spectral type of the M-star accurately, through measuring the depths of these two TiO bands. A 5.1 hour period, assumed to be the orbital period, has been observed in most earlier data sets (e.g. Chevalier \\& Ilovaisky, 1994; Casares et al, 1995; Garcia et al, 1996). Earlier still, values close to 5.1 hours were observed as the system declined from the initial outburst (e.g. Chevalier \\& Ilovaisky, 1992; Kato, Mineshige \\& Hirata, 1992). This period has not been observed in other datasets, e.g. Shrader et al (1994) and Martin et al (1995). We have used our data to refine the orbital period and to determine a new ephemeris. ", "conclusions": "From our data, we determine that J0422+32 was in its lowest state yet observed during December 1997, at I=20.44$\\pm$0.08. Following a comprehensive search we measure a period of 0.2121600$\\pm$0.0000002 days, consistent with previous analysis. From the same radial velocity study, we determine a tightly constrained semi-amplitude of 378$\\pm$16 km s$^{-1}$. Thus we have shown that using TiO bands for radial velocity studies is a very powerful tool. We also determine a new T$_\\circ$ of 2450274.4156$\\pm$0.0009. Further to this we see some evidence for ellipsoidal modulation, implying a maximum inclination for J0422+32 of 45$^\\circ$. We obtain a new mass function of 1.191$\\pm$0.021 M$_\\odot$ and {\\it q}=9.0$^{\\scriptscriptstyle +2.2}_{\\scriptscriptstyle -2.7}$, from which we have calculated a minimum mass for the primary of 2.22M${_\\odot}$, consistent with a black-hole, but not necessarily as a super massive one. However, this is only a minimum mass and the maximum is not constrained. We also revise the calculations of Beekman et al (1997) to demonstrate that the minimum possible mass of the black hole is similar to other black hole systems. We have shown that it is important to perform a slit correction to the spectra, to calculate the correct flux for such a faint system. We obtain a spectral type of the secondary of M4-5 and determine that the secondary star contributes 38$\\pm$2\\% of the flux that we observe from J0422. From this we calculate the distance to the system to be 1.39$\\pm$0.15 kpc." }, "0004/astro-ph0004003_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent The Universe could be spatially flat, positively curved or negatively curved. Each option has been popular at various times, partly affected by an understanding that models tend to evolve away from flatness. The curvature of the Universe is amenable to measurement, through tests such as the determination of the angles of sufficiently large triangles. The angle subtended by the characteristic scale on the Cosmic Microwave sky provides a direct test, which has now been realised through a combination of exquisite results from a number of CMB experiments. \\noindent After a long and detailed investigation, with many false clues, it seems that the mystery of the curvature of the Universe is now solved. It's an open and shut case: the Universe is flat! ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/gr-qc0004050_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We introduce a new method to construct solutions to the constraint equations of general relativity describing binary black holes in quasicircular orbit. Black hole pairs with arbitrary momenta can be constructed with a simple method recently suggested by Brandt and Br\\\"ugmann, and quasicircular orbits can then be found by locating a minimum in the binding energy along sequences of constant horizon area. This approach produces binary black holes in a \"three-sheeted\" manifold structure, as opposed to the \"two-sheeted\" structure in the conformal-imaging approach adopted earlier by Cook. We focus on locating the innermost stable circular orbit and compare with earlier calculations. Our results confirm those of Cook and imply that the underlying manifold structure has a very small effect on the location of the innermost stable circular orbit. ", "introduction": "Binary black holes are among the most promising sources of gravitational radiation for the new generation of gravitational wave detectors such as the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), VIRGO, GEO and TAMA. This has motivated an intense theoretical effort to predict the gravitational waveform emitted during the inspiral and coalescence of two black holes~\\cite{itp00}. Because of the circularizing effects of gravitational radiation damping, we expect the orbits of close binary systems to have small eccentricities. The inspiral of a binary black hole system then proceeds adiabatically along a sequence of quasicircular orbits up to the innermost stable circular orbit (hereafter ISCO), where the evolution is expected to change into a rapid plunge and coalescence\\cite{footnote0}. The ISCO therefore leaves a characteristic signature in the gravitational wave signal, and knowledge of its location and frequency is thus very important for the prospect of future observations. While various approximations may be adequate to model the adiabatic inspiral up to the ISCO, it is generally expected that only numerical simulations in full general relativity can accurately model the dynamical plunge and merger and predict the gravitational signal from that phase. It is therefore desirable to construct initial data for numerical evolution calculations describing binary black hole pairs at the ISCO, which adds another motivation for determining the location of the ISCO. Various approaches have been adopted to locate the ISCO in compact binaries, including first order post-Newtonian approximations~\\cite{ce77}, variational principles~\\cite{bd92}, second order post-Newtonian methods combined with a ``hybrid'' approach~\\cite{kww92}, a Pad\\'{e} approximation~\\cite{dis98} and an effective-one-body approach~\\cite{bd99,bd00}, and numerical solutions to the constraint equations of general relativity~\\cite{c94,betal98}. Unfortunately, however, the results differ significantly and yet have to show any sign of convergence (see Table~II below). It would clearly be desirable to understand the origin of these differences. In this paper, we revisit binary black hole solutions to the constraint equations, and evaluate how some of the choices which have to be made in this approach affect the location of the ISCO. Before the constraint equations of general relativity can be solved, a background geometry and topology have to be chosen. In the conformal-imaging approach adopted by Cook~\\cite{c94}, a conformally flat (spatial) background metric is chosen together with a two-sheeted manifold structure (see Sec.~\\ref{sec2.1}). It has been suggested that these choices may affect the location of the ISCO, and may explain the difference between these and the more recent post-Newtonian results. In this paper, we combine the methods of Cook~\\cite{c94} and Brandt and Br\\\"ugmann~\\cite{bb97} to introduce a new approach to constructing binary black holes in quasicircular orbit. We follow Cook~\\cite{c94} and choose a conformally flat background metric, but do not assume an inversion-symmetry as is done in the conformal-imaging approach. This considerably simplifies the solution of the momentum constraint (see Sec.~\\ref{sec2.2}), and produces binary black holes in a three-sheeted manifold structure as opposed to the two-sheeted structure in the conformal-imaging approach. Moreover, adopting the ``puncture'' approach of Brandt and Br\\\"ugmann~\\cite{bb97}, the Hamiltonian constraint can be solved very easily numerically on R$^3$ without having to impose boundary conditions on interior boundaries (see Sec.~\\ref{sec2.3}). We locate the ISCO, and find that its physical parameters agree very well with those found with the conformal-imaging approach of Cook~\\cite{c94}. We therefore conclude that the choice of the underlying mani\\-fold structure has a very small effect on the location of the ISCO. Our new approach, which is significantly simpler than the conformal-imaging approach, may also provide a framework in which the conformal-flatness assumption may be relaxed, and its effect on the ISCO be evaluated. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.~II, we introduce the basic equations and explain how binary black holes in quasicircular orbit can be constructed. We discuss our numerical implementation in Sec.~III. In Sec.~IV we present our results and compare with those from other approaches. We briefly summarize in Sec.~V. ", "conclusions": "Since an accurate knowledge of the ISCO is very important for possible future gravitational wave observations, it is very unsettling that different approaches to computing the ISCO lead to very different results (compare Table~II). One of these approaches, namely constructing binary black hole solutions to the constraint equations of general relativity, involves {\\em choosing} the background geometry and topology, and it would be very desirable to know how much the results depend on these choices. In this paper, we introduce a new method to construct solutions to the constraint equations of general relativity describing binary black holes in quasicircular orbit. We combine the approaches of Cook~\\cite{c94} and Brandt and Br\\\"ugmann~\\cite{bb97} to construct binary black holes in a three-sheeted manifold structure, as opposed to the two-sheeted topology in the conformal-imaging approach adopted by Cook~\\cite{c94}. We locate the ISCO and find that its physical parameters are very similar to those found by Cook~\\cite{c94}. Our results confirm those earlier results and imply that the underlying manifold structure only has a very small effect on the ISCO. The latter is perhaps not entirely surprising, since it reflects the fact that the strength of the imaged poles in the conformal-imaging approach is smaller than the strength of the poles themselves~\\cite{m63}. Our new approach is considerably simpler than the conformal-imaging approach of Cook~\\cite{c94}. The analytic solution to the momentum constraint simplifies because no inversion-symmetric solutions have to be constructed, and the numerical solution to the Hamiltonian constraint simplifies because we can adopt the ``puncture'' method of Brandt and Br\\\"ugmann~\\cite{bb97}. In particular, we can solve the Hamiltonian constraint in cartesian coordinates on $R^3$ without having to impose interior boundary conditions. One disadvantage of our approach is that the apparent horizons have to be located numerically, which we do with the algorithm developed in~\\cite{betal96}. In this paper, we follow Cook~\\cite{c94} and choose a conformally flat background metric. Accordingly, we cannot address the dependence of the ISCO on the choice of the background geometry. However, since our new method is significantly simpler than the conformal-imaging approach, it may provide a useful framework to relax the assumption of conformal flatness and to construct binary black holes in quasicircular orbit for more general background geometries." }, "0004/astro-ph0004017_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The boundary layer where the accretion disk meets the star is expected to be the dominant source of high-energy radiation in low-mass X-ray binaries which contain weakly magnetized accreting neutron stars. We present solutions for the structure of the boundary layer in such a system. We find that the main portion of the boundary layer gas is hot ($\\ga 10^8$ K), has low density, and is radially and vertically extended. It will emit a large luminosity in X-rays, mainly produced by Comptonization of soft photons which pass through the hot gas. The gas is generally optically thick to scattering but optically thin to absorption. Energy is transported by viscosity from the rapidly rotating outer part of the boundary layer to the slowly rotating inner part, and this has the important effect of concentrating the energy dissipation in the dense, optically thick zone close to the stellar surface. Advection of energy also plays an important role in the energy balance. We explore the dependence of the boundary layer structure on the mass accretion rate and rotation rate of the star. We also examine the effects of changes in the $\\alpha$ viscosity parameter and the viscosity prescription. Radiation pressure is the dominant source of pressure in the boundary layer. The radiation flux in the boundary layer is a substantial fraction of the Eddington limiting flux even for luminosities well below ($\\sim 0.01$ times) the Eddington luminosity $L_{Edd}$ for spherically symmetric accretion. At luminosities near $L_{Edd}$, the boundary layer expands radially, and has a radial extent larger than one stellar radius. This radial expansion increases the surface area of the boundary layer and allows it to radiate a larger total luminosity. Based on the temperatures and optical depths which characterize the boundary layer, we expect that Comptonization will produce a power-law spectrum at low source luminosities. At high luminosities the scattering optical depth is quite large, and bremsstrahlung and Comptonization will produce a Planckian spectrum in the dense region where most of the energy is released. This spectrum will be altered by Comptonization as the radiation propagates through the lower-density outer boundary layer. We discuss some implications of our results for standard multi-component fits to X-ray spectra of LMXBs. ", "introduction": "\\subsection{The Boundary Layer} The boundary layer, the region where the rapidly spinning disk material reaches the more slowly spinning accreting star, is a crucial element of an accretion disk. In a thin accretion disk, the gas rotates at approximately the Keplerian velocity, and so by the time it approaches the surface of the accreting star, half of the gravitational potential energy released in the accretion process has been converted into rotational energy of the gas (in the Newtonian case). Unless the star is rotating rapidly, most of this energy will be released in the boundary layer. Furthermore, since this energy comes from a small region close to the star, the boundary layer should be hotter than the disk and should produce harder radiation. Thus, the boundary layer is expected to be the dominant source of high-energy emission from accretion disks, which for accretion onto neutron stars takes the form of X-rays. The boundary layer region is quite complex, since the accreting gas must make the transition from a disk to a star, with the accompanying changes in the balance of momentum and energy. For example, as the rotation rate of the gas drops below Keplerian, rotational support against gravity is replaced by pressure support. The radiation which cools the disk flows vertically, from the disk midplane to the surface, while near the stellar surface radiation must flow radially outward. In general, the radial scale over which the disk properties vary becomes comparable to or smaller than the vertical scale of the disk. As a result, radial transport, particularly of energy, plays an important role in the boundary layer. Boundary layers around neutron stars are even more complex, due to a number of additional physical processes which become important due to the small size of the neutron star and the resulting strong gravity and enormous luminosity due to accretion. In the solutions we present here, radiation pressure plays a major role in the dynamics of the flow, and can increase the sound speed to $\\ga 0.1 c$. Radiation pressure is dominant even for accretion rates where the total luminosity is well below (0.01 times) the Eddington limit, since the local radiation flux still reaches a large fraction of the local Eddington value. The gas can reach very high temperatures, so Comptonization of soft incident photons can be an important energy loss mechanism and can produce power-law spectra (Sunyaev \\& Titarchuk 1980). Energy transfer between protons and electrons can become inefficient at high temperatures, producing a two-temperature plasma. Relativistic effects can also be important, since the neutron star radius is comparable to the radius of the last stable particle orbit in the Schwarzschild metric. The incident radiation could in principle remove angular momentum from the gas (Miller \\& Lamb 1993, 1996), and if the neutron star radius is smaller than the last stable orbit, the gas may spiral toward the surface (Klu\\'zniak \\& Wilson 1991). \\subsection{Observational Background} Low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) have been observed in X-rays for almost 40 years, since the discovery of Sco X-1 (Giacconi \\et 1962). Since then, around 100 other LMXBs have been discovered, and many of these have been observed extensively in X-rays and at other wavelengths. These observations have revealed much about the timing and spectral behavior of LMXBs. The best-studied LMXBs generally fall into two classes, the atoll sources and the Z sources, based on the paths they trace out in the X-ray color-color diagram as they vary in brightness (Hasinger \\& van der Klis 1989). These variations are believed to be due to changes in the mass accretion rate $\\dot M$, with the Z sources having luminosities near the Eddington limit and the atoll sources varying over a wider range, down to about 1\\% of the Eddington limit. If so, then the atoll sources in particular provide an excellent means for directly observing the effects of changing $\\dot M$ and checking the predictions of our models. As the sources move along the paths in the color-color diagram, their variability properties also change, as indicated by changes in the shape of their power density spectra. In some regimes, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) appear. Some of these are at relatively low frequencies of a few Hz or tens of Hz (van der Klis \\et 1985; Middleditch \\& Priedhorsky 1986), but others are the recently discovered kHz QPOs (see van der Klis 1998 for a review). Sunyaev \\& Revnivtsev (2000) have recently shown that power density spectra of LMXBs in the low/hard state show much more power at high frequencies (> 100 Hz) than those of black hole candidates, probably due to the presence of the neutron star surface and the associated energy release in a boundary layer. The high-frequency variability and oscillations presumably originate from the innermost portions of the accretion flow, very near the neutron star, and provide strong motivation for studying these inner regions in detail. Nonetheless, our understanding of the production of X-rays and the formation of the X-ray spectrum in these sources is still very incomplete. The X-ray spectra of LMXBs are generally modeled in a rather simple way, by combining two or more spectral components to fit the overall spectrum. The components consist of blackbody, ``disk'' (a sum of blackbodies corresponding to annuli of a disk with a certain temperature and emissivity profile), bremsstrahlung, or power-law spectra. Thompson (elastic) scattering or Comptonization (where the frequency changes due to scattering) can play important roles in producing or modifying these components. These model fits are useful in that they have provided a simple picture of the changes in LMXB spectra as a function of luminosity. At high luminosities, above around $10^{37} \\ergs$, the data are fit well by blackbody-type spectra. Mitsuda \\et (1984) used a two-component model with a disk component and a single-temperature blackbody to fit high-luminosity LMXB spectra. White \\et (1986) used a similar model in which the disk emission was Compton-scattered to higher energies. At lower luminosities, the spectra are fit well by a power-law spectrum with an exponential cutoff at high energies (White, Stella, \\& Parmar 1988). Both a soft component and a hard power law can be present at low luminosities, but the power law seems to disappear at higher luminosities (Barret \\& Vedrenne 1994). The components used in these fits incorporate much of our current knowledge of the processes by which hot gas emits X-rays. However, in order to better understand which components should be present and how their temperatures and luminosities relate to each other, it is important to have a model for the accretion flow near the neutron star. In particular, the boundary layer region, where the accretion disk meets the star, is expected to produce a large portion of the X-ray luminosity. The size, temperature, and optical depth of this region depend on the dynamics and energetics of the accretion flow near the stellar surface. In this paper, we study the boundary layer region in detail, as a step toward the eventual goal of being able to directly interpret LMXB spectra in terms of fundamental parameters such as the mass accretion rate and the rotation rate of the accreting neutron star. \\subsection{Theoretical Background} The structure of the boundary layer region has been studied in other types of accreting systems, most notably cataclysmic variables (Pringle 1977; Pringle \\& Savonije 1979; Tylenda 1981; Patterson \\& Raymond 1985; Kley 1991; Narayan \\& Popham 1993; Popham \\& Narayan 1995) and pre-main sequence stars such as T Tauri and FU Orionis stars (Popham \\et 1993, 1996). Cataclysmic variables (CVs) are similar to LMXBs in many respects; the main difference is simply that accretion is onto a white dwarf instead of a neutron star. CVs also emit X-rays which are believed to originate in the boundary layer. Narayan \\& Popham (1993, hereafter NP93) showed that the optical depth of the boundary layer region is sensitive to the mass accretion rate. At high accretion rates, the boundary layer is optically thick and emits approximately as a blackbody with an effective temperature of a $\\few \\times 10^5$. But at low accretion rates, the boundary layer becomes optically thin to absorption and is unable to cool efficiently, as had been predicted by Tylenda (1981) and King \\& Shaviv (1984). The accreting gas is heated to $\\sim 10^8$ K by the energy dissipated in the boundary layer, and emits hard X-rays. While we expect some similarities between boundary layers in CVs and in LMXBs, we also expect a number of major differences. Because a neutron star is so much smaller than a white dwarf, a much larger luminosity must be emitted from a much smaller area, resulting in much higher radiation fluxes and temperatures, and therefore Comptonization and radiation pressure play critical roles. Studies of the accretion flow onto neutron stars have largely focused on the case where the neutron star has a very strong magnetic field. This field is believed to truncate the accretion disk at some inner radius and channel the accretion onto magnetic field lines, so that ultimately it falls onto polar caps corresponding to the poles of the magnetic field (Pringle \\& Rees 1972; Basko \\& Sunyaev 1976; Ghosh, Lamb, \\& Pethick 1977). Evidence for this magnetically-channeled polar accretion is provided by the X-ray pulsations and magnetic cyclotron features first observed in Her X-1 (Tr\\\"umper \\et 1978) and in a number of other X-ray pulsars. However, the great majority of LMXBs do not show any evidence for periodic pulsations or cyclotron features. In these systems the magnetic field may be sufficiently small ($B \\la 10^8$ G, as in some millisecond pulsars) to allow the disk to extend all the way in to the stellar surface, resulting in a boundary layer region where the rapidly rotating disk meets the (presumably) more slowly rotating star. There have only been a few studies of the inner accretion flow onto non-magnetic neutron stars (those where the stellar magnetic field is not strong enough to alter the flow), but for the most part they have not computed the boundary layer structure in detail. Sunyaev \\& Shakura (1986) computed the relative contributions of the disk and boundary layer to the total accretion luminosity. In standard Newtonian disk theory each contribute half of the total, but in the Schwarzschild metric the boundary layer contributes more than the disk. The relative contributions depend on the neutron star radius $R_*$: if $R_*$ equals the radius $R_{ms}=6 G M /c^2$ of the marginally stable particle orbit, the boundary layer luminosity should be about twice that of the disk. If $R_* < R_{ms}$ and the accreting gas spirals rapidly in from $R_{ms}$ to $R_*$, the relative contribution of the boundary layer is even larger. The relative luminosities of the disk and boundary layer also depend on the rotation rate of the star, as shown by Sibgatullin \\& Sunyaev (1998), who included the effects of rotation on the shape of the star and its gravitational field. Shakura \\& Sunyaev (1988) derived analytic estimates for the boundary layer structure at low accretion rates and X-ray luminosities $L_x < 10^{36} \\ergs$, assuming constant temperature and viscosity coefficient. They did not address the case of higher luminosities, where radiation pressure should dominate. Klu\\'zniak \\& Wilson (1991) computed the structure of an accretion belt on the stellar surface under the assumption that $R_* < R_{ms}$, and the accreting gas impacts the surface at high velocity, and found that high temperatures and hard spectra would be produced. King \\& Lasota (1987) argued that the boundary layer region would reach high temperatures even if the gas does not experience rapid infall, because as in the CV case, the gas cannot cool efficiently enough to radiate away the dissipated energy. They show that for luminosities less than $\\sim 10^{35} \\ergs$, where gas pressure is dominant, the boundary layer region should heat up and expand vertically to form a ``corona'' around the neutron star. Recently, Inogamov \\& Sunyaev (1999) have studied the problem of disk accretion onto neutron stars, using a new approach for modeling the boundary layer region. The accreting gas arrives at the equator of the star spinning at the Keplerian velocity, and forms a layer on the stellar surface which spreads from the equator toward the poles. As the gas moves meridionally, it loses angular momentum and dissipates energy, which is radiated away from the surface. This approach essentially treats the boundary layer as part of the star rather than part of the disk, and the angular velocity decreases with latitude on the stellar surface rather than with radial distance from the surface. This complements the approach used in the current paper, and later we compare the results of the two approaches. We model the boundary layer as part of the disk, using the slim disk equations (Paczy\\'nski \\& Bisnovatyi-Kogan 1981; Muchotrzeb \\& Paczy\\'nski 1982; Abramowicz \\et 1988), which contain terms which allow for large deviations from the standard thin Keplerian disk with efficient cooling. A similar approach has been used in most previous studies of boundary layers in CVs and accreting pre-main sequence stars. This approach has the advantage that it allows one to solve for the structure of the disk and boundary layer together, using a single set of equations throughout. The interface with the accreting star is treated as a set of boundary conditions implemented at the stellar radius. We use Newtonian equations throughout, despite the fact that our adopted neutron star radius of 10 km is less than the radius of the marginally stable particle orbit (12.4 km for a neutron star mass of 1.4 $\\msun$). Since there have been no previous solutions of these equations for neutron star parameters, either in Newtonian or relativistic form, we feel that a Newtonian solution is an important first step. The effects of relativity will be added in the future. Figure 1 shows some of the important features of our results. At the transition from the disk to the boundary layer, the angular velocity $\\Omega$ reaches a maximum and the flow passes through a narrow neck, where the disk height is only $\\sim 40 - 70$ meters in the low-$\\dot M$ solutions. The radial extent of the boundary layer region is $\\sim 0.1-0.2$ of the stellar radius at low $\\dot M$, and the height is comparable to the radial extent. The angular velocity drops slowly over most of the boundary layer, and then rapidly at the inner edge. At high $\\dot M$ near the Eddington limit, the situation is quite different: the radial extent and height boundary layer are equal to the stellar radius, and the neck between the disk and boundary layer is much wider. Here the drop in angular velocity occurs over the whole width of the layer. In \\S 2, we describe the slim disk equations and radiative transfer scheme which we have used to model boundary layers in LMXBs. We present expressions for the viscous transport of energy in the disk and boundary layer. We present the results of our calculations in \\S 3, and show how the transport of energy by viscosity, radiation, and advection play essential roles in determining the boundary layer structure. We present solutions for a variety of mass accretion rates, stellar rotation rates, and viscosities, and show how the size, temperature, and other properties vary. In \\S 4 we discuss the energetics of the boundary layer, the behavior near the Eddington limit, and the implications of our results for the spectra of LMXBs. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Energetics of the Boundary Layer} We have found that boundary layers around disk-accreting neutron stars will be hot, low in density, optically thin to absorption, and both radially and vertically extended. We begin by discussing some of the processes which are important in producing this boundary layer structure. We focus particularly on the important role played by radial energy transfer. We find that the accreting gas makes a fairly abrupt transition from the disk to the boundary layer. The disk is thin, relatively cool and dense, and optically thick to absorption, while the boundary layer is geometrically thick, hot and rarefied, and optically thin to absorption for most choices of parameters. There is a similar abrupt transition in reverse when the hot gas nears the stellar surface. These transitions are related to the thermal instability of the hot, low-density boundary layer gas discussed by King \\& Lasota (1987), in which the gas cannot efficiently radiate away the dissipated energy. However, the situation is more complicated than the one they envisioned, since they confined their analysis to local heating and cooling by dissipation and radiation, in a gas-pressure-dominated disk (corresponding to lower accretion rates and luminosities than those considered here). In our solutions radiation pressure is dominant and the energy balance is dominated not by local dissipation and radiation, but instead by Comptonization and advection. In our solutions the gas reaches temperatures of a $\\few \\times 10^8$ K, and nearly reaches $10^9$ K in one case. One might expect the large energy release to make the boundary layer gas even hotter than this; if all the accretion energy were to go into heating the gas, it would reach the virial temperature of a $\\few \\times 10^{11}$ K. However, the presence of Compton cooling keeps the electron temperature from rising above $\\sim 10^9$ K. Solutions computed without Compton cooling reached very low optical depths and high temperatures in excess of $10^9$ K even for very small values of $\\alpha = 10^{-4} - 10^{-3}$. For $\\alpha=0.1$ these temperatures would be much higher, and would presumably approach the virial temperature. This illustrates the dominant role played by Comptonization in transferring energy from the gas to the photons and cooling the boundary layer region. We have solved separate energy equations for the electrons and ions, allowing for the possibility of a two-temperature plasma. In most of our solutions, the ion and electron temperatures are essentially the same at all radii; however, in solutions with $\\dot M \\la 10^{-9} \\msyr$ and $\\alpha \\ga 0.1$, the ion temperature is significantly higher than the electron temperature in the boundary layer region. The ion temperature increases rapidly as $\\dot M$ decreases, reaching $\\sim 2 \\times 10^{10}$ K at $\\dot M = 10^{-10} \\msyr$, $\\alpha=0.1$. This increased ion temperature produces an increase in the gas pressure, and together with the smaller luminosity, this will lead to gas pressure becoming the dominant source of pressure at low $\\dot M$. Radial transport of energy by advection also plays an important role in our solutions. This is not surprising, since NP93 found that advection plays an important role in hot CV boundary layers, which led to the ``rediscovery'' of advection-dominated accretion by Narayan \\& Yi (1994). The importance of advection can be seen simply by noting that the disk is not geometrically thin in the boundary layer region, which means that the energy density is significant compared to gravity. However, the flow in the boundary layer differs in some respects from the standard advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF), which is heated by viscous dissipation and cooled (very inefficiently) by Compton cooling, so that essentially all the energy goes into heating the gas. In the boundary layer, as discussed in \\S 3, the energy balance is between Compton heating (or cooling) and advection. In the outer boundary layer, the energetic photons contribute far more energy than viscous dissipation, and the gas cannot radiate this energy away, so it heats up and expands and the energy is carried inward. In the inner boundary layer, this situation is reversed. Thus, even though the situation differs somewhat from a standard ADAF, advection is nonetheless an important energy term throughout the hot region. One of the main predictions of the mechanics of the boundary layer is that viscous transport carries energy inward, toward the dense, optically thick region at the surface of the star. The situation is very similar to that in the standard disk (Shakura \\& Sunyaev 1973), where viscous transport carries energy away from the central regions of the disk and delivers it to larger radii, increasing their energy release by a factor of three compared to the simple estimate based on the the change in the gravitational and rotational energy of the infalling gas. In the boundary layer, where $d \\Omega/dr$ has a different sign, the viscous torque transports energy toward the star and this leads to important consequences. This can be seen in Figure 5, which shows the energy release due to viscous dissipation, the viscous transport of energy, and the change in kinetic energy. In the dense region in the innermost part of the boundary layer, the rotational velocity of the gas is much smaller than Keplerian. If we consider the deepest layer, where the radiation flux is still much smaller than the local critical Eddington flux, we see immediately that the density of the matter must be very high, because it is not supported strongly by centrifugal forces or by the radiation pressure gradient $dP_{rad}/dR \\propto F_R$. A large fraction of the energy is dissipated in, and subsequently radiated away from, this high-density region. Much of the radiation travels radially outward into the hot, low-density region, providing the seed photons for Comptonization. In the solution shown in Figs. 3--5, the density at the point where the dissipation peaks is nearly $1 \\gcm$, and the radial scattering optical depth $\\tau_s = \\int \\rho \\kappa_s dR$ between that radius and the radius where the temperature peaks is $\\sim 20$, as shown in Fig. 6. It is crucial for the formation of the spectrum that viscous transport and advection carry the bulk of the energy from the low-density, rapidly rotating outer boundary layer to the dense, slowly rotating region where the gas reaches the stellar surface. \\subsection{The Eddington Flux Limit} The Eddington flux limit, where the outward radiation pressure gradient balances gravity, plays an important role in our solutions. For spherical accretion, $\\dot M$ is limited to $\\dot M_{Edd} = 4 \\pi c R_* / \\kappa_s \\simeq 1.73 \\times 10^{-8} \\msyr$ for $R_* = 10^6 \\cm$. In a disk geometry, where the luminosity is not emitted isotropically, the crucial quantity is the critical Eddington flux which balances the local gravitational force. The radial flux through the disk is limited to the local Eddington value $F_{Edd} = (G M / R^2) c/\\kappa_s$. In the vertical direction, the downward component of gravity increases with distance $z$ from the midplane as $\\sim z/R$. Thus at the disk surface $z \\sim H$, the vertical flux is limited to $F_{Edd,V} = (H/R) (G M / R^2) c/\\kappa_s$. For high values of $\\dot M$, the radial and vertical radiation fluxes approach their respective Eddington limiting fluxes. In Fig. 8 we showed that for $\\dot M = 10^{-8} \\msyr$, the radial flux comes very near the Eddington value, but only over a small range of radius, and drops steadily as the radiation moves outward through the boundary layer. This reflects the fact that more of the radial support against gravity comes from the centrifugal force and less from radiation pressure as one moves outward through the boundary layer. The vertical flux, on the other hand, stays within 2\\% of the Eddington value throughout the entire boundary layer. Even at $\\dot M = 10^{-9} \\msyr$, the vertical flux stays between 80\\% and 90\\% of $F_{Edd,V}$. This close correspondence between $F_V$ and $F_{Edd,V}$ means that the radiation flux from the boundary layer has a radial profile varying as $H/R^3$. Physically, it means that at high $\\dot M$ the boundary layer is radiating as much flux as it can. In order to increase $\\dot M$, the boundary layer must radiate more energy, and in order to do this it must expand either radially or vertically, or both. By expanding radially, it increases the surface area through which the energy can escape, while vertical expansion increases the gravity and the limiting flux. In the outer portion of the expanded boundary layer, both the radiation flux and centrifugal forces are important in supporting matter against gravitational attraction to the neutron star. The rotational velocity decreases significantly in this region as the gas flows inward, and is replaced by radiation pressure support; however, the energy release due to viscous dissipation is very small, since as we have seen, viscous transport carries most of the energy to be dissipated farther in. Thus this region serves mostly to radiate the energy which is dissipated farther in. We have shown that the boundary layer is both radially and vertically extended, with the radial width reaching $\\sim R_*$ and $H/R \\simeq 0.8$ at $\\dot M \\sim 10^{-8} \\msyr$ (Fig. 7). If we continue to increase $\\dot M$, the boundary layer continues to expand radially and increase its emitting area (Fig. 9). The radial expansion is quite rapid, with the boundary layer size doubling for a 40\\% increase in $\\dot M$. By increasing the emitting area, the radial expansion makes it possible for the boundary layer to radiate away the very high luminosities associated with these high values of $\\dot M$, while keeping the vertical flux below the Eddington limit. This illustrates an important difference between disk accretion and spherical accretion. In spherical accretion, the Eddington limit is global, in the sense that any luminosity produced inside a given radius must contribute to the total outward flux at that radius. Thus the total luminosity of the system is constrained by the Eddington limit. In a disk system, the Eddington limit is local; the local radial and vertical fluxes cannot exceed the local gravity. However, there is no global limit on the luminosity, since it can be radiated away through the surface area of the boundary layer, and as we have seen, the boundary layer can expand to radiate additional luminosity as needed. \\subsection{Radiation Spectrum} The structure of the boundary layer described above permits simple modeling of the formation of the radiation spectrum which leaves the boundary layer. We plan to calculate detailed spectra based on our solutions in a future paper; however, we can make some general statements. It is clear that Compton scattering will play a dominant role in the formation of the X-ray spectrum of the radiation which travels through the hot, low-density region. The seed photons which are Compton-scattered are primarily emitted from the denser gas which piles up at the inside edge of the hot region. The Comptonized spectrum will be characterized by $T_e$ and $\\tau_s$, and especially by the Compton $y$-parameter $y = (T/T_{com}) max(\\tau_s, \\tau_s^2)$. These parameters vary with radius in our solutions, and of course $T_e$ and $\\rho$ also vary with vertical position in the disk, and this variation is not included directly in our solutions. Also, $\\tau_s = \\kappa_s \\rho H$ in the vertical optical depth for our solutions, but the photons are not travelling only vertically, but also radially and azimuthally, and being scattered in all directions, so the path traveled by a given photon may be much longer than $H$. Therefore, although we can get a rough sense of what the X-ray spectrum will look like based on the characteristic values of $T_e$ and $\\tau_s$ for a given solution, the formation of the real spectrum will be considerably more complex. In the optically thick region, where Thompson scattering nevertheless strongly dominates the opacity, free-free processes easily produce many photons at low frequencies where they ($K_\\nu \\sim \\nu^{-2}$) are more effective than Comptonization. Comptonization increases the energy of low frequency photons due to the Doppler effect and leads to the diffusion of the photons towards higher frequencies. At some frequency $x_0 = {{h\\nu_0\\over kT_e}}$ the rate at which Comptonization can take photons and bring them to higher frequencies equals the rate of photon absorption due to bremsstrahlung. Practically every photon born with a frequency higher than $x_0$ will be transported toward the frequency $x=3$ due to the Comptonization process. This picture is very similar to the processes occurring in the early universe and is described in detail by Illarionov \\& Sunyaev (1975). Comptonization is very effective because the parameter $y = {{kT_e}\\over{m_ec^2}} \\tau_s^2 \\gg 1$. Under these circumstances a Wien-type spectrum must be formed when $x_0$ is very small and $y \\ga 1$ but not very high. At higher $\\tau_s$ and $y$ a Bose-Einstein spectrum is formed and the formation of the black body spectrum is possible inside very deep regions. Radiation with this spectrum diffuses out from the dense regions toward more and more rarified regions, where the production of new soft photons becomes more and more difficult due to the low density. Comptonization continues to dominate, and therefore the spectrum tends to be close to a Wien spectrum, with a strong increase of intensity at low frequencies where the spectrum becomes a Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum. The temperature of electrons in the outer regions is determined by the radiation: high energy photons heat electrons due to the recoil effect, and low energy photons cool them down. (See Levich \\& Sunyaev 1971). This process is illustrated by Fig. 5. We see that Comptonization takes energy from the plasma in the inner part of the boundary layer and gives energy back to the plasma in the outer part, heating the electrons. As a result, we are producing a quasi-Wien-type radiation spectrum with strong low frequency excess, and radiation with such a spectrum escapes from every point of the surface of the boundary layer. Different regions of the boundary layer have a range of temperatures, depending on the distance from both the stellar surface and from the midplane of the disk. Therefore we will observe a spectrum which is a sum of Wien spectra with different temperatures. The picture described above follows the results of extended calculations by Grebenev \\& Sunyaev (2000) for the spreading layer model (Inogamov \\& Sunyaev 1999) of the surface of the neutron star. It is interesting to note that this ``spreading layer'' picture of the boundary layer, in which the gas loses angular momentum as it spreads over the stellar surface, gives rather similar results to the ones presented here. In both cases, the size of the layer increases as the mass accretion rate and luminosity increase. The ``spreading layer'' has a meridional extent of about 0.45 km at $L/L_E = 0.01$ (which should correspond approximately to our $\\dot M = 10^{-10} \\msyr$ solutions), increasing to $\\sim 17$ km at $L/L_E = 0.8$. In our solutions the radial extent of the boundary layer is $\\sim 1, 0.5$ km for $\\dot M = 10^{-10} \\msyr$ and $\\alpha=0.1,0.01$, respectively, and $\\sim 10$ km for $\\dot M = 10^{-8} \\msyr$. In addition, the optical depths and $y$-parameters are quite similar in the two types of solutions. Inogamov \\& Sunyaev (1999) found $\\tau_s \\sim 3$ at $L/L_E = 0.01$ and $\\tau_s \\sim 1000, y \\sim 10^5$ at $L/L_E = 0.8$, quite similar to the values presented above. Thus the two treatments should result in rather similar spectra. Most importantly, in both cases the majority of the energy release occurs in a dense region which is covered by a levitating low density region where the final spectrum is formed. The agreement is remarkable considering that the accretion flow is treated quite differently in the two approaches. The question of which approach is the correct one is difficult to answer at present. The main difference between them is the assumed geometry of the boundary layer region. The ``spreading layer'' treatment assumes that the disk material enters the spreading layer at nearly Keplerian rotation velocity and small disk height; i.e., very little angular momentum is lost in the disk and there is no disk boundary layer of the type calculated in the present paper. Conversely, the approach taken here assumes that the drop from Keplerian to the stellar angular velocity takes place during the radial inflow of the gas, rather than during the spreading of the accreted gas over the stellar surface. A multi-dimensional treatment will be required to distinguish between these two possibilities. The treatment of viscosity in the disk and surface layer may have an important impact on the results. Note that the viscosity prescription adopted by Inogamov \\& Sunyaev (1999) is also quite different from the one used here; the viscosity decreases as the gas approaches the neutron star surface in analogy with the behavior of fluid near a wall in laboratory experiments. Yet despite these differences their results are rather similar to ours. \\subsection{Comparison to Observed Spectra of LMXBs} Most observed LMXBs have been in one of two spectral states: a low state characterized by low luminosity and a hard, power-law spectrum, or a high state characterized by high luminosity and a softer spectrum. For example, the four LMXBs recently observed by Barret \\et (1999) included three in the low state and one in the high state. The three low state sources 1E1724-3045, GS1826-238, and SLX1735-269, all had $1-200 \\keV$ luminosities of $\\sim 1 - 1.5 \\times 10^{37} \\ergs$, and their spectra were fitted by thermal Comptonization by gas with electron temperatures of $\\sim 25-30$ \\keV and optical depths of a few. The high state source KS1731-260 had $L (1-200 \\keV) \\simeq 8-9 \\times 10^{37} \\ergs$, and was fitted by a much softer Comptonized spectrum with $T_e \\sim 2.6-2.8$ keV and $\\tau \\sim 10$. Our $\\dot M = 10^{-10}$ solution with $\\alpha=0.1$ and regular viscosity (shown in Fig. 7) has $T_e$ in the hot boundary layer varying from $\\sim 10^8 - 10^9$ K and $\\tau_s \\sim 0.5 - 1$, giving a Compton $y$-parameter of less than 1. The large variations in $T_e$ and $\\tau_s$ make it difficult to predict what the spectrum will look like, but probably it will have a general power-law shape, and may extend to rather high energies due to the very high $T_e$ in the hottest part of the boundary layer. At moderate $\\dot M \\sim 10^{-9} \\msyr$, $T_e \\sim 2-3 \\times 10^8$ K and both $\\tau_s$ and $y \\sim$ a few. Unsaturated Comptonization in the hot boundary layer should produce a power-law spectrum with a cutoff at $\\sim 20-30$ keV. This solution has a total luminosity of $\\sim 10^{37} \\ergs$, which corresponds approximately to that of the low-state LMXBs oberved by Barret \\et (1999), and the values of $T_e$ and $\\tau_s$ agree well with those from their fits. At high $\\dot M$, $\\tau_s$ is in the hundreds (for $\\alpha=0.1$) or thousands (for $\\alpha=0.01$) and $y \\sim 10^5$. The optical depth for combined absorption and scattering is $\\tau_* \\sim 0.1$ for $\\alpha=0.01$ but only $\\tau_* \\sim 0.001$ for $\\alpha=0.1$. Saturated Comptonization will then produce a Wien spectrum which peaks at $\\sim 3 k T$ (Illarionov \\& Sunyaev 1975). $T$ varies from $\\sim 10^8$ K for $\\alpha=0.01$ to $\\sim 3 \\times 10^8$ K for $\\alpha=0.1$. This will produce spectra with $kT \\sim 10-30$ keV. However, these are the spectra that will be produced by the gas near the disk midplane, but these solutions have such large values of $\\tau_s$ and $y$ that we expect a substantial temperature gradient, with the gas near the surface much cooler than at the midplane. Thus the spectrum will strongly resemble a blackbody spectrum with a characteristic temperature which is close to the effective temperature of the gas rather than the midplane temperature, i.e. around 1.5--2 keV. Blackbody fits to luminous LMXBs (e.g. Mitsuda \\et 1984) give $kT \\sim 2$ keV, while White \\et (1986) used a $1-2$ keV blackbody plus an unsaturated Comptonized component with a cutoff at $3-8$ keV. Overall, it appears that our solutions should fit the spectral data reasonably well. The variation of boundary layer temperature with $\\dot M$ depends on $\\alpha$; for low $\\dot M$, the boundary layer is much hotter for $\\alpha=0.1$ than for $\\alpha=0.01$. Since low-luminosity LMXBs generally are observed to have rather hard power-law tails which are fit using electron temperatures of $\\sim 30 \\keV$, it seems that our models will agree with the observations better if a large value of $\\alpha$ is used. X-ray spectra of LMXBs frequently show evidence for iron line emission at about 6.4 keV, which is believed to result from X-ray irradiation of the surface of the disk. In our solutions, the hot boundary layer is much thicker than the inner disk, so the disk surface should intercept a reasonable fraction of the X-ray emission. This fraction will depend on the boundary layer thickness and radial extent and the disk height profile. Fig. 1 shows the height profile of the boundary layer and disk for four solutions. The solution with $\\dot M = 10^{-8} \\msyr$ has a thicker boundary layer and disk than the $\\dot M = 10^{-9} \\msyr$ or $10^{-10} \\msyr$ solutions, so a larger fraction of the boundary layer emission should be intercepted by the disk. The solution for a rotating neutron star has a thinner boundary layer than for the nonrotating star. Note that the axes are chosen to emphasize the differences between the three solutions and give a distorted impression of the shape of the disk; in fact the disk is quite thin, with $H/R \\sim 0.01-0.02$ at all radii. Thus the disk is basically flat, and the fraction of the boundary layer emission intercepted by the disk will be around 25\\% (Lapidus \\& Sunyaev 1985). The stellar surface will also intercept a substantial fraction of the X-ray emission (Popham 1997), but most of this will be reradiated back into the hot boundary layer gas. The X-ray flux incident on the disk and star will result in a number of interesting effects, including polarization (Lapidus \\& Sunyaev 1985), line emission, and a ``Compton reflection'' spectrum. \\subsection{Implications for Multicomponent Spectral Fits} With a self-consistent picture of the dynamics and energetics of the boundary layer region, we are now in a position to assess the multi-component models commonly used to fit LMXB spectra. In particular, we can discuss the emitting regions which are present. The first component, present in most of our solutions, is a hot, low-density boundary layer region which cools by inverse-Compton scattering of photons emitted from the cooler, optically thick zone near the stellar surface. The hot region also emits bremsstrahlung radiation, but in our solutions this is an insignificantly small fraction of the total emission. The temperature and density of the gas vary across the boundary layer, so the use of a single-temperature Comptonizing cloud will only approximate the true emitted spectrum. This temperature variation is quite pronounced at low $\\dot M$ for $\\alpha=0.1$; for other choices of parameters the single-temperature approximation may not be so bad. The second component is the disk, which is optically thick due to the combined effects of absorption and scattering. The scattering opacity is much larger than the absorptive opacity in our solutions, so the disk should emit a modified blackbody spectrum. In general the effective temperature of the inner disk is in the range $3-6 \\times 10^6$ K, so $kT \\simeq 0.25-0.5$ keV, but the color temperature of the disk radiation will be higher due to the modified blackbody spectrum. In multi-component models, the ``multi-color disk'' component is often parameterized using an inner radius $r_{in}$; in this context it is useful to note that the inner disk radius in our solutions is set by the radial extent of the boundary layer, and it varies by a factor of two as $\\dot M$ changes. Two-component models which consist of a Comptonized blackbody spectrum plus a modified blackbody multi-color disk would provide the best approximation to the solutions shown here. The two components would be constrained to having the appropriate luminosities. For a narrow boundary layer around a non-rotating star, the disk and boundary layer each contribute half of the total accretion luminosity $L_{acc} \\equiv G M \\dot M / R_*$. The disk luminosity can be substantially lower than this, since the inner radius of the disk can be as much as $\\sim 2 R_*$. The boundary layer luminosity is much less than $L_{acc}/2$ if the accreting star is rotating in the same direction as the disk, which it should be due to accretion spinup. The total luminosity of the boundary layer and disk varies as $1 - jf + 0.5f^2$, where $f \\equiv \\Omega_* / \\Omega_K(R_*)$ is the spin rate of the star as a fraction of the breakup rate (PN95). If the outer edge of the boundary layer is at a radius $b R_*$, then $j \\simeq b^{1/2}$. The disk and boundary layer luminosities will then be \\begin{equation} L_{disk} \\simeq L_{acc} \\left( {1 \\over 2b} \\right) \\qquad L_{bl} \\simeq L_{acc} \\left(1 - b^{1/2} f + {f^2 \\over 2} - {1 \\over 2b} \\right). \\end{equation} By using two components with the correct temperatures and optical depths and these luminosities, it should be possible to produce a reasonable approximation to the spectrum that would be emitted by our solutions. \\subsection{Comparison with Boundary Layers in CVs and Implications for Oscillations} In many respects the boundary layer solutions for accreting neutron stars in this paper resemble the solutions for very hot boundary layers in CVs presented by NP93. In both CVs and LMXBs, the radial extent of the boundary layer can be comparable to the stellar radius. One difference between the two types of solutions is that the radial extent of the boundary layer generally increases with increasing $\\dot M$ for LMXB solutions, while it increases with {\\it decreasing} $\\dot M$ for CV solutions. Both types of boundary layers reach high temperatures $T \\sim 10^8$, but in some cases the LMXB solutions get quite a bit hotter than this. One might expect the LMXB boundary layers to be much hotter than the CV ones, but as discussed above, Compton cooling limits the temperature. The CV boundary layer solutions of NP93 have $\\tau_s < 1$ and $T_e \\sim 10^8$ K, so the effects of Compton cooling should be small. One important observational characteristic of LMXBs is the presence of kHz QPOs. One of us has argued that kHz QPOs in LMXBs are very similar to dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs) observed in CVs, and that DNOs could arise at the boundary between the disk and the hot, low-density boundary layer (Popham 1999, 2000). Since we have shown here that LMXBs should have hot, low-density boundary layers similar to those in CVs, the logical next step is that kHz QPOs could arise at this same location. In our solutions the disk--boundary layer transition occurs at $\\sim 1.1 - 2.0 R_*$, moving outward as $\\dot M$ increases from $10^{-10}$ to $10^{-8} \\msyr$. The Keplerian rotation frequencies for this range of radii are $\\sim 770-1880$ Hz for our choice of the neutron star mass ($1.4 \\msun$) and radius (10 km). For a larger neutron star radius, e.g. 13 km, the range would be $\\sim 520-1270$ Hz, which matches the observed range of frequencies quite well. One difficulty with this picture is that unlike the CV solutions (NP93), our LMXB solutions have this transition radius increasing with increasing $\\dot M$. If the oscillation period is just the Keplerian period at the transition radius, it should also increase with increasing $\\dot M$. However, in the oscillations observed thus far, as the oscillation period increases, $\\dot M$ is inferred to decrease. Thus, if kHz QPOs are formed at the disk--boundary layer transition, either $\\dot M$ must change in the opposite sense to that inferred from the observations, or the change in the transition radius with $\\dot M$ must be opposite to what our models predict. Note that the transition radius reaches a minimum for $\\dot M < 10^{-9.8} \\msyr$ (for $\\alpha=0.1$), and then begins to move back out again as $\\dot M$ decreases. Thus for low values of $\\dot M$, the sense of the variation of the Keplerian period with $\\dot M$ would agree with the kHz QPO observations; however, these values of $\\dot M$ correspond to lower luminosities than are observed from the systems which show kHz QPOs. For higher values of $\\alpha$, the transition radius might turn around at a higher $\\dot M$, and when we add additional physical effects to our model, the dependence of the transition radius on $\\dot M$ may change. \\subsection{Limitations of the Model and Future Improvements} One obvious limitation of the model used here is the use of one-dimensional, vertically-averaged equations to model the boundary layer region. This region is inherently two-dimensional, and by using one-dimensional equations, we are unable to simulate a number of aspects of the flow of matter and radiation. Most of the important physical quantities are assumed to be constant with height $z$ above the midplane, but in reality they vary with both $R$ and $z$. The viscous dissipation rate varies with $z$, and the processes which produce radial energy transport will also produce vertical energy transport. As discussed in \\S 2, the abrupt drop in the disk height $H$ just before the gas reaches the stellar surface may also be a consequence of our use of simplified one-dimensional equations. Finally, the main differences between the model presented here and the ``spreading layer'' model of the flow of the gas over the neutron star surface are different assumptions about the geometry of the gas as it reaches the star. By constructing a two-dimensional model, we could eliminate a number of these problems. Another important improvement to be made to the model is the inclusion of general relativistic effects. We have found infall velocities $v_R$ which are at most $\\sim 0.01 c$, but the accreting gas may reach much larger infall velocities if it falls inside the marginally stable orbit. In addition to purely dynamical effects, radiation drag can remove angular momentum from the gas (Miller \\& Lamb 1993, 1996). Our current equations for radiative transfer are also rather crude. In particular, the assumption of frequency independence makes our treatment of absorption and of Compton scattering very approximate. Also, in our current form of the radiative transfer equations, all radial flux stays inside the disk, except that which is scattered or absorbed and reemitted as vertical flux. This is reasonable when the disk height varies slowly with radius, but in our boundary layers the disk height varies rapidly (see Fig. 1). This should be taken into account; for instance, some of the outward radial flux should escape from the outer side of the boundary layer as ``vertical'' flux when the disk height drops rapidly there. Since radiation pressure is important in supporting the gas, this could affect the size of the boundary layer region." }, "0004/astro-ph0004221_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Color gradients in elliptical galaxies in distant clusters ($z=0.37-0.56$) are examined by using the archival deep imaging data of Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Obtained color gradients are compared with the two model gradients to examine the origin of the color gradients. In one model, a color gradient is assumed to be caused by a metallicity gradient of stellar populations, while in the other one, it is caused by an age gradient. Both of these model color gradients reproduce the average color gradient seen in nearby ellipticals, but predict significantly different gradients at a redshift larger than $\\sim$0.3. Comparison between the observed gradients and the model gradients reveals that the metallicity gradient is much more favorable as the primary origin of color gradients in elliptical galaxies in clusters. The same conclusion has been obtained for field ellipticals by using those at the redshift from 0.1 to 1.0 in the Hubble Deep Field-North by Tamura et al. (2000). Thus, it is also suggested that the primary origin of the color gradients in elliptical galaxies does not depend on galaxy environment. ", "introduction": "It has been known that nearby elliptical galaxies have color gradients; colors in an elliptical galaxy gradually become bluer with increasing radius (e.g., Vader et al. 1988; Franx, Illingworth, \\& Heckman 1989; Peletier et al. 1990a; Peletier, Valentijn, \\& Jameson 1990b, Goudfrooij et al. 1994; Michard 1999). Since many of elliptical galaxies show radial gradients in metal absorption line strengths such as Mg$_{2}$, Fe$_{1}$(5270 \\AA) and Fe$_{2}$(5335 \\AA) (e.g., Carollo, Danziger, \\& Buson 1993; Davies, Sadler, \\& Peletier 1993; Gonzalez 1993; Kobayashi \\& Arimoto 1999), the origin of the color gradients has been naively interpreted to be the metallicity gradients. However, such an interpretation for the origin of the color gradient is premature, because both metallicity gradient and age gradient in stellar population can cause the same color gradient, and we cannot distinguish the cause for the gradient. This is called {\\it age-metallicity degeneracy}, which was originally pointed out by Worthey, Trager, \\& Faber (1996) in terms of the origin of the color-magnitude relation of nearby elliptical galaxies (see also Arimoto 1996). In order to break this degeneracy and to know the primary origin of the color gradients in elliptical galaxies, comparing the observed color gradients in distant ellipticals with predicted model gradients caused by either the metallicity gradient or the age gradient is a very effective approach, as was successful for examining the origin of the color-magnitude (CM) relation (Kodama \\& Arimoto, 1997). Tamura et al. (2000; hereafter called Paper I) constructed the two models both of which reproduce a typical color gradient of elliptical galaxies at $z=0$ using a population synthesis model. In one model, the mean metallicity of the stellar population decreases with increasing radius at a fixed old mean age. While in the other one, the mean age decreases with a radius at a fixed mean metallicity. These models were then made evolve back in time. The evolution of color gradients thus predicted are confronted with the observed ones in distant ($z = 0.1 \\sim 1.0$) ellipticals sampled from the {\\it Hubble Deep Field-North} (HDF-N; Williams et al. 1996). As a result, Paper I found that the metallicity gradient is the primary origin of color gradients and the age gradient model cannot reproduce the observed gradient at such redshift. The elliptical galaxies in the HDF-N, however, are only those in field environment. It has never been obvious that ellipticals in clusters evolve similarly as those in field. In rich clusters, it has been found that the color-magnitude relation still holds even at around $z \\sim 1$ (e.g., Stanford, Eisenhardt, \\& Dickinson 1998) and these observational results seem to favor the classical monolithic collapse scenario associated with the galactic wind and high-$z$ formation (e.g., $z > 3$) of elliptical galaxies (e.g., Kodama et al. 1998). However, this kind of evolution has not been established for ellipticals in lower density environment (but see Kodama, Bower, \\& Bell 1998). Some predictions either theoretically or observationally show that field ellipticals formed by recent (at $z \\leq 1$) merging processes (e.g., Baugh, Cole, \\& Frenk 1996; Barger et al. 1999). An internal structure of a galaxy such as a metallicity gradient and an age gradient must depend on its formation process. If cluster ellipticals pass different formation histories from those for field ellipticals, their internal structures, thus the origin of the color gradients, may not be the same. Or some environmental effects on color gradients may exist. Thus, the same approach is needed for cluster ellipticals to clarify the origin of their color gradients. It is noted that dust extinction in elliptical galaxies may also have some effects on the color gradients (Goudfrooij \\& de Jong 1995; Wise \\& Silva 1996; Silva \\& Wise 1996). However, about half of the detection towards ellipticals in far infrared with IRAS are around $3\\sigma$ threshold and confirmation is needed to be definitive (Bregman et al. 1998). In addition, spatial distribution of dust in an elliptical galaxy as well as dust mass which could affect a color gradient are not established yet. These are still open problems and will be examined in detail in our forthcoming papers. Therefore, in this paper, we have chosen to focus on age and metallicity effects only. This paper is organized as follows. The sample selection and data analysis of elliptical galaxies are described in \\S~2. Histograms of color gradients are presented in \\S~3 together with the representative color profiles of the sample ellipticals. Discussion is given in \\S~4. The cosmological parameters adopted throughout this paper are the same as those in Paper I; $H_{0} = 50$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{0}=0.2$ and $\\Lambda = 0$. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004198_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The detection of a pulsed X-ray counterpart (RX J1824.2-2R52P) of the 3.05 ms pulsar PSR 1821-24, suggests the possibility of a part of the rotational energy loss of this high spindown rate pulsar being in the optical band. Archival HST data for M28 is used here to set upper limits on the optical V-band magnitude of PSR 1821-24. The optical limit extends the multiwavelength observations for this source and provides a constraint for theoretical models of pulsar emission. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004151_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Weak gravitational lensing observations probe the spectrum and evolution of density fluctuations and the cosmological parameters which govern them. The non-linear evolution of large scale structure produces a non-Gaussian signal which is potentially observable in galaxy shear data. We study the three-point statistics of the convergence, specifically the bispectrum, using the dark matter halo approach which describes the density field in terms of correlations between and within dark matter halos. Our approach allows us to study the effect of the mass distribution in observed fields, in particular the bias induced by the lack of rare massive halos (clusters) in observed fields. We show the convergence skewness is primarily due to rare and massive dark matter halos with skewness converging to its mean value only if halos of mass $M > 10^{15} M_{\\sun}$ are present. This calculational method can in principle be used to correct for such a bias as well as to search for more robust statistics related to the two and three point correlations. ", "introduction": "Weak gravitational lensing of faint galaxies probes the distribution of matter along the line of sight. Lensing by large-scale structure (LSS) induces correlation in the galaxy ellipticities at the percent level (e.g., \\cite{Blaetal91} 1991; \\cite{Mir91} 1991; \\cite{Kai92} 1992). Though challenging to measure, these correlations provide important cosmological information that is complementary to that supplied by the cosmic microwave background and potentially as precise (e.g., \\cite{JaiSel97} 1997; \\cite{Beretal97} 1997; \\cite{Kai98} 1998; \\cite{Schetal98} 1998; \\cite{HuTeg99} 1999; \\cite{Coo99} 1999; \\cite{Vanetal99} 1999; see \\cite{BarSch00} 2000 for a recent review). Indeed several recent studies have provided the first clear evidence for weak lensing in so-called blank fields (e.g., \\cite{Vanetal00} 2000; \\cite{Bacetal00} 2000; \\cite{Witetal00} 2000; \\cite{Kaietal00} 2000), though more work is clearly needed to understand even the statistical errors (e.g. \\cite{Cooetal00b} 2000b). Given that weak gravitational lensing results from the projected mass distribution, the statistical properties of weak lensing convergence reflect those of the dark matter. Non-linearities in the mass distribution induce non-Gaussianity in the convergence distribution. With the growing observational and theoretical interest in weak gravitational lensing, statistics such as the skewness have been suggested as probes of cosmological parameters and the non-linear evolution of large scale structure (e.g., \\cite{Beretal97} 1997; \\cite{JaiSelWhi00} 2000; \\cite{Hui99} 1999; \\cite{MunJai99} 1999; \\cite{Vanetal99} 1999). Here, we extend previous studies by considering the full convergence bispectrum, the Fourier space analog of three-point function. The bispectrum contains all the information present at the three point level, whereas conventional statistics, such as skewness, do not. The calculation of the convergence bispectrum requires detailed knowledge of the dark matter density bispectrum, which can be obtain analytically through perturbation theory (e.g., \\cite{Beretal97} 1997) or numerically through simulations (e.g., \\cite{JaiSelWhi00} 2000; \\cite{WhiHu99} 1999). Perturbation theory, however, is not applicable at all scales of interest, while numerical simulations are limited by computational expense to a handful of realizations of cosmological models with modest dynamical range. Here, we use a new approach to obtain the density field bispectrum analytically by describing the underlying three point correlations as due to contributions from (and correlations between) individual dark matter halos. Techniques for studying the dark matter density field through halo contributions have recently been developed (\\cite{Sel00} 2000; \\cite{MaFry00b} 2000b; \\cite{Scoetal00} 2000) and applied to two-point lensing statistics (\\cite{Cooetal00b} 2000b). The critical ingredients are: the Press-Schechter formalism (PS; \\cite{PreSch74} 1974) for the mass function; the NFW profile of \\cite{Navetal96} (1996), and the halo bias model of \\cite{Moetal97} (1997). The dark matter halo approach provides a physically motivated method to calculate the bispectrum. By calibrating the halo parameters with N-body simulations, it can be made accurate across the scales of interest. Since lensing probes scales ranging from linear to deeply non-linear, this is an important advantage over perturbation-theory calculations. Throughout this paper, we will take $\\Lambda$CDM as our fiducial cosmology with parameters $\\Omega_c=0.30$ for the CDM density, $\\Omega_b=0.05$ for the baryon density, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.65$ for the cosmological constant, $h=0.65$ for the dimensionless Hubble constant and a scale invariant spectrum of primordial fluctuations, normalized to galaxy cluster abundances ($\\sigma_8=0.9$ see \\cite{ViaLid99} 1999) and consistent with COBE (\\cite{BunWhi97} 1997). For the linear power spectrum, we take the fitting formula for the transfer function given in \\cite{EisHu99} (1999). In \\S \\ref{sec:density}, we review the dark matter halo approach to modeling the density field. In \\S \\ref{sec:convergence} we apply the formalism to the convergence power spectrum, skewness, and bispectrum. We summarize our results in \\S \\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have presented an efficient method to calculate the non-Gaussian statistics of lensing convergence at the three point level based on a description of the underlying density field in terms of dark matter halos. The bispectrum contains all of the three point information, including the skewness. The prior attempts at calculating lensing bispectrum and skewness were limited by the accuracy of perturbative approximations and the dynamic range and sample variance of simulations. Though the present technique provides a clear and an efficient method to calculate the statistics of the convergence field, it has its own shortcomings. Halos are not all spherical, which can to some extent affect the configuration dependence in moments higher than the two point level. Substructures due to mergers of halos can also introduce scatter. Though such effects unlikely to dominate our calculations, further work using numerical simulations will be necessary to determine to what extent present method can be used as a precise tool to study the higher order statistics associated with weak gravitational lensing. The dark matter halo approach also allows one to study possible selection effects that may be present in weak lensing observations due to the presence or absence of rare massive halos in the small fields that are observed. We have shown that the weak lensing skewness is mostly due to the most massive and rarest dark matter halos in the universe. The effect of such halos is stronger at the three point level than the two point level. The absence of massive halos, with masses greater than $10^{14}$ M$_{\\sun}$, leads to a strong decrease in skewness, suggesting that a straightforward use of measured skewness values as a test of cosmological models may not be appropriate unless prior observations are available on the distribution of masses in observed lensing fields. One can correct for such biases using the halo approach, however. To implement such a correction in practice, further work will be needed to calibrate the technique precisely against simulations across a wide range of cosmologies. Efficient techniques to correct for mass biases both in the lensing power spectrum and bispectrum will be needed. Alternatively, this technique can be used to search for generalized three point statistics that are more robust to sampling issues. Given the great potential to study the dark matter distribution through weak lensing, this issues merit further study." }, "0004/astro-ph0004367_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We compute theoretical predictions for surface brightness fluctuations (SBFs) of single-burst stellar populations (SSPs) using models optimized for this purpose. We present results over a wide range of ages (from 1 to 17~Gyr) and metallicities (from 1/200 to 2.5~times solar) and for a comprehensive set of ground-based and space-based optical and infrared bandpasses. Our models agree well with existing SBF observations of Milky Way globular clusters and elliptical galaxies. Our results provide refined theoretical calibrations and $k$-corrections that are needed to use SBFs as standard candles. We suggest that SBF distance measurements can be improved by (1) using a filter around 1~\\micron\\ to minimize the influence of stellar population variations, and (2) using the integrated $V-K$ galaxy color instead of $V-\\Ic$ to calibrate $I$-band SBF distances. We show that available SBF observations set useful constraints on current population synthesis models, and we suggest SBF-based tests for future models. The existing SBF data favor particular choices of stellar evolutionary tracks and spectral libraries among the several choices allowed by comparisons based on only the integrated properties of galaxies. Also, the tightness of the empirical $I$-band SBF calibration as a function of $V-I_c$ galaxy color is a useful constraint. It suggests that the model uncertainties in the lifetimes of the post-main sequence evolutionary phases are probably less than $\\pm$50\\% and that the initial mass function in elliptical galaxies is probably not much steeper than that in the solar neighborhood. Finally, we analyze the potential of SBFs for probing unresolved stellar populations in elliptical galaxies. Since SBFs depend on the second moment of the stellar luminosity function, they are sensitive to the brightest giant stars and provide complementary information to commonly-used integrated light and spectra. In particular, we find that optical/near-infrared SBFs are much more sensitive to the metallicity than the age of a stellar population. Therefore, in combination with age-sensitive observables, SBF magnitudes and colors are a valuable complement to metal-line indices to break the age/metallicity degeneracy in elliptical galaxy studies. Our preliminary results suggest that the most luminous stellar populations of bright galaxies in nearby clusters have roughly solar metallicites and about a factor of three spread in age. ", "introduction": "When observing the inner regions of a nearby elliptical galaxy or the bulge of a nearby spiral galaxy, there are two noticeable characteristics of the surface brightness structure of these spheroidal stellar systems. The first characteristic is that the galaxy is brightest in the center with the surface brightness falling off gradually with increasing radial distance. The second characteristic is only apparent in good seeing conditions: on small scales, the galaxy has a clumpy appearance on the spatial scale of the seeing disk. The clumpiness arises from Poisson statistical variations in the number of stars within each resolution element. This effect can be easily recognized by visual inspection of images of nearby galaxies like M~31 and M~32, in which the small-scale clumpiness can be a few percent of the mean surface brightness. Historically, this effect was called ``incipient resolution.'' In the modern context, it is known as surface brightness fluctuations (SBFs). \\citet{1988AJ.....96..807T} devised a technique to quantify SBFs for use as an extragalactic distance indicator for undisturbed early-type galaxies. (See also the reviews by \\citealp{1992PASP..104..599J} and \\citealp{1999phcc.conf..181B}.) This method relies on using the ratio of the second moment to the first moment of the stellar luminosity function (LF) of the galaxy as a standard candle: \\begin{equation} \\Lbar \\equiv \\frac{\\sum_i n_i L_i^2}{\\sum_i n_i L_i} \\label{Lbar} \\end {equation} where $n_i$ is the number of stars of type $i$ and luminosity $L_i$. The quantity \\Lbar\\ has units of luminosity and is referred to as \\Mbar\\ when represented as an absolute magnitude. The apparent SBF magnitude \\mbar\\ can be determined observationally, and if the distance to the galaxy is known, \\Mbar\\ can also be determined. Of course, as in the case of ordinary photometry, SBF colors are distance-independent (provided that the $k$-correction is negligible). Using SBFs as a distance indicator requires that (1) the bright end of the stellar LF in elliptical galaxies and spiral bulges is universal, or (2) variations in the LF from galaxy to galaxy can be measured and corrected so that \\Mbar\\ remains a standard candle. SBFs are an intrinsic property of a stellar population as a whole. Therefore, in addition to their utility as a distance indicator, SBFs offer much promise in adding to our knowledge of the stellar content of elliptical galaxies. In fact, the use of SBFs for stellar population studies arguably preceded its use as a distance indicator: \\citet{1955AJ.....60..247B} used the \"count-brightness ratio,\" the ratio of the number of resolved stars to the integrated light, to study the populations of M~31 and M~32. Hence, the idea of using observations near or at the limit of resolution to explore stellar populations has a long history. Furthermore, SBFs provide information about stellar populations {\\em unique} from ordinary integrated light, which is the first moment of the stellar LF. Since SBFs also depend on the second moment of the stellar luminosity function, they are especially sensitive to the most luminous stars in elliptical galaxies, the evolved cool giant stars. Thus, SBFs can put stronger constraints on the evolution of these stars than integrated light alone. Both the interior structure and emergent spectral energy distributions of cool giant stars are poorly understood, especially near the tip of the red giant branch (RGB) and the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) populated by low and intermediate mass ($\\lesssim5-7\\Msun$) stars. Ideally, we would study these stars using Local Group star clusters, which comprise populations of homogenous composition and age. However, because cool giants evolve rapidly, only a handful are present in any cluster; therefore, small number statistics and stochastic fluctuations are undesireable factors \\citep[e.g.,][]{1997ApJ...479..764S}. In this context, SBF analyses of entire galaxies can complement star cluster studies, since galaxian light arises from several orders of magnitude more stars. Also, while nearby globular clusters are mostly metal-poor, the dominant stellar populations in ellipticals are thought to be generally old and metal-rich. There is a dearth of such systems in the Local Group --- the best examples are the bulges of the Milky Way and M~31, but these may be imperfect analogs. In order to study metal-rich stellar evolution, one naturally turns to elliptical galaxies. There are two basic motivations for modeling SBFs: (1) as pointed out by \\citet{1988AJ.....96..807T}, one can derive the calibration of SBF absolute magnitudes purely from models provided that stellar populations in galaxies can be modeled accurately, and alternatively, (2) one can use the observations of SBF magnitudes and colors to test and improve the models. The first attempt at deriving a purely theoretical SBF zeropoint was that of \\citet{1990AJ....100.1416T}. They used stellar evolutionary models from the Revised Yale Isochrones \\citep[][hereinafter RYI]{gre87} supplemented with simple prescriptions for the horizontal branch and AGB; the resulting \\Ibar\\ zeropoint and especially its dependence on the integrated $V-\\Ic$ galaxy color disagreed significantly with observations \\citep{1991ApJ...373L...1T}. This was due to the fact that the RYI giant branches failed to turn over in the optical at high metallicity, probably because of inaccurate bolometric corrections for the coolest giant stars \\citep{1992IAUS..149..181M, 1994ApJ...429..557A}. A subsequent study was made by \\citet{1993ApJ...409..530W}, who computed SBF magnitudes using his own population synthesis models \\citep{1994ApJS...95..107W}. For the main-sequence and RGB stars, these models used an amalgamation of isochrones from Vandenberg and collaborators with the RYI; post-RGB evolution was added using the fuel consumption theorem, including ``schematic'' treatments of the HB as a single red clump and of AGB evolution using a variety of theoretical prescriptions. The resulting SBF predictions agreed well with the observed optical SBF colors (\\Vbar, \\Rbar, and \\Ibar) and with the empirical calibration of \\Ibar\\ versus $V-\\Ic$ \\citep[see also][]{1997ApJ...475..399T}. \\citet{1993A&A...275..433B} also computed predictions for SBF magnitudes which were consistent with the existing optical SBF data at the time, though there were some uncertainties in transforming from the Johnson filters used in his models to the Kron-Cousins ones used for the observations. Since his models used older theoretical spectra \\citep{1978A&AS...34..229B}, Buzzoni had to extrapolate the spectra for wavelengths longward of 1.08~\\micron\\ and also for stars with $T_{eff}<4000$~K. For both of these reasons, the \\citet{1993A&A...275..433B} models are expected to be less accurate for SBF predictions in the IR. For example, their predictions are at least several tenths of a magnitude fainter in the $K$-band than the observations. The major observational effort on SBFs has been focused on $I$-band measurements for distance determinations. As mentioned above, comparisons of stellar population models with observed SBF magnitudes and colors can also help us calibrate the colors (\\ie, stellar spectral energy distributions [SEDs]) and numbers (\\ie, evolutionary lifetimes) of cool luminous giant stars in old stellar populations. SBF stellar population studies have been less explored than distance measurements, partly because of the lack of suitable datasets. Multicolor optical ($VRI$) SBF measurements for Virgo cluster galaxies from \\citet{1990AJ....100.1416T} were analyzed by both \\citet{1993ApJ...409..530W} and \\citet{1993A&A...275..433B}, who reached opposite conclusions on whether the optical SBF colors indicated that the galaxies contained a significant metal-poor component. \\citet{1994ApJ...429..557A} measured $I$-band SBFs for a sample of Galactic globular clusters, the only observations to date for these systems. They sought to understand the empirical $I$-band SBF zeropoint and its correlation with integrated $V-\\Ic$ galaxy colors, as well as the conflict between the data and the RYI models; they also addressed the use of optical SBF colors for stellar population studies in galaxies and for disentangling age from metallicity effects in globular clusters. \\citet{1995AJ....110..179S, 1996AJ....111..208S} performed a detailed study of the optical SBF gradients within the nearby ellipticals M~32 and NGC~3379. Finally, \\citet{1998ApJ...505..111J} found reasonable agreement between their \\Kp-band SBF data for 11 nearby galaxies and the \\citet{1993ApJ...409..530W} models, with most of the galaxies lying around the [Fe/H]~=~--0.25 models with a spread in ages. Now is a ripe opportunity to revisit the issue of stellar population modeling of surface brightness fluctuations. There have been significant recent improvements in the stellar evolution calculations and spectral libraries used by population synthesis models. For example, the latest stellar evolution calculations include updated input radiative opacities \\citep[e.g.,][]{1992ApJ...397..717I}. There has been even more progress on the observational front. The amount of $I$-band SBF data has increased by nearly tenfold since the early modeling of \\citet{1993ApJ...409..530W}, and new data in the near-infrared have extended the spectral range of SBF measurements \\citep{1994ApJ...433..567P, 1998ApJ...505..111J, liu2000, mei2000}. In this paper, we present new models for optical/infrared SBFs of intermediate-age and old single-burst stellar populations (SSPs) and discuss their implications for SBF distance measurements and stellar population studies. Though interesting issues remain to be addressed by blue/near-UV SBF measurements \\citep{1993ApJ...415L..91W}, we focus on the optical and near-infrared (\\ie, $V$-band to $K$-band) SBFs, since these constitute the bulk of past and ongoing observations. In \\S~2, we describe our models for computing SBFs. The models cover a wider range of ages and metallicities than in previous SBF studies. Furthermore, we have optimized the models for this work by refining the prescription for the luminous cool stars, which are important contributors to the SBF signal. In \\S~3, we present the predictions of our models, including SBF magnitudes, integrated colors, and the fractional contribution of different stellar evolutionary phases to the SBFs. We also derive theoretical calibrations and $k$-corrections that are needed to use SBFs standard candles. In \\S~4, we compare our results with current SBF observations and discuss implications for the stellar content of elliptical galaxies. In \\S~5, we review the uncertainties in our results and explore the potential of SBFs for breaking the age-metallicity degeneracy in studies of elliptical galaxies. Finally in \\S~6, we summarize our findings and offer some future directions for SBF studies. ", "conclusions": "} We have presented theoretical predictions for SBFs of single-burst stellar populations (SSPs) spanning a wide range of ages (from 1 to 17~Gyr) and metallicities (from 1/200 to 2.5~times solar). Our calculations are based on the population synthesis models of Bruzual \\& Charlot (2000), in which the stellar evolution prescription and spectral libraries are improved over the models used in previous SBF studies. In particular, our models have been optimized during the course of this work by refining the prescription for the latest phases of stellar evolution, which are important contributors to the optical and infrared SBF signal. Our standard predictions are based on multi-metallicity evolutionary tracks from the Padova school and semi-empirical stellar spectra designed to match the observed color-temperature relations of solar-neighborhood stars at solar metallicity (LCB97). Using our models, we generate several {\\bf basic predictions as a function of age and metallicity}. \\begin {enumerate} \\item We compute SBF magnitudes and integrated colors for a large set of ground-based and space-based (\\HST) optical and infrared bandpasses. These are supplemented with the strengths of several optical absorption-line indices on the Lick/IDS system. \\item We provide results for solar-metallicity models using several combinations of stellar evolutionary tracks and spectral libraries. These can be used to assess the systematic effects of different model inputs on the results. \\item We predict the fractional contribution of different stellar evolutionary phases to the SBFs. Since this information cannot be easily derived from observations, the models provide insight into which phases are important contributors to the SBF signal for a given bandpass. \\end{enumerate} \\noindent Our model results directly {\\bf benefit SBF distance determinations}, specifically: \\begin{enumerate} \\setcounter{enumi}{3} \\item We use the models to determine purely theoretical calibrations for SBFs in many bandpasses. These are independent of any systematic errors in Cepheid distances or reddening corrections, which affect only empirical calibrations. \\item We tabulate $k$-corrections out to $cz\\leq15,000$~\\kms\\ ($z=0.04$), which are required for accurate determinations of \\Ho. We find that the $k$-corrections are roughly linear in this redshift range. Metallicity has a stronger effect on $k$-corrections in the near-infrared than in optical, but the amplitudes of the corrections are also generally smaller in the near-infrared. We conclude that systematic errors from uncertainties in the $k$-corrections are not important sources of error for $H_0$ determinations. \\item We suggest that the scatter in $I$-band SBF distances can be further reduced by using the integrated $V-K$ galaxy color instead of $V-\\Ic$ to correct for stellar population variations between galaxies. The reason for this improvement is that the $V-K$ color is more sensitive to metallicity, which also drives the \\Ibar\\ signal. \\item Our models predict that the fluctuation magnitudes should be independent of population age and metallicity around 1~\\micron. A similar conclusion was reached by \\citet{1993ApJ...409..530W} using very different population synthesis models --- this suggests that the prediction is robust. Therefore, observations taken with a $Z$-band filter from a large (8--10~m) ground-based telescope or with the $F110W$ filter in \\HST\\ NICMOS should allow SBF distance measurements which are more robust against galaxian population variations. \\end{enumerate} \\noindent We have compared our model results with nearly all the SBF measurements available to date. Since SBFs are especially sensitive to the cool, luminous stars on the upper RGB and AGB, they provide important tests for population synthesis models. The existing dataset comprises Galactic globular clusters, M~31, M~32, and early-type galaxies in nearby clusters. The $I$-band dataset is by far the most extensive; there are some $K$-band SBF magnitudes and optical/IR SBF colors, but more measurements are needed for further testing. We find generally {\\bf good agreement between models and data} and also suggest some {\\bf new tests for the models}. Specifically: \\begin{enumerate} \\setcounter{enumi}{7} \\item Our models reproduce \\Vbar\\ and \\Ibar\\ observations of Galactic globular clusters. This test is complementary to those based on galaxy data, since the globular clusters have much lower metallicities. Models with [Fe/H]~$\\approx$~--0.7 might be $\\approx$0.2~mag too red in \\Vbar--\\Ibar, although more data are needed to verify this. \\item Our standard models provide the best agreement to date with the tight empirical calibration of \\Ibar\\ over the entire observed range of $V-\\Ic$ galaxy color. The zeropoint and slope of the calibration predicted by our models agree remarkably well with those derived from the data. Moreover, the models indicate a saturation of \\Ibar\\ for $V-\\Ic\\lesssim1.0$, which is also seen in the observations. The reason for this flattening is most likely the constancy of the $I$-band tip of the RGB for metal-poor stellar populations. The small scatter in the empirical calibration as a function of $V-\\Ic$ galaxy color is also reproduced by the models; this arises because of the partial age/metallicity degeneracy in the \\hbox{\\{\\Ibar, $V-\\Ic$\\}} parameter space. This degeneracy is a boon for distance measurements. \\item Our standard models also agree with \\Kpbar\\ observations, although this is based on a much smaller sample of galaxies. In the \\hbox{\\{\\Kpbar, $V-\\Ic$\\}} parameter space, changes in age and metallicity are roughly orthogonal. \\Kpbar\\ brightens for populations of higher metallicities and younger ages, as expected from observations of the RGB and AGB of star clusters in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. \\item The optical/IR fluctuation colors predicted by our models agree with the observations, although some discrepancies exist at the $\\approx0.1-0.2$~mag level. An advantage of testing the models against measurements of SBF colors is that the data are immune to errors in the galaxy distances. \\item The semi-empirical SEDs of LCB97 provide better agreement with SBF observations at all metallicities than their theoretical SEDs. Observations of \\Ibar--\\Jbar\\ and \\Ibar--\\Hbar\\ colors would help to verify this result. For solar metallicity, the results obtained from the empirical spectral library of \\citet{1998PASP..110..863P} agree closely with those from the semi-empirical library of LCB97. \\item For solar metallicity, the Padova evolutionary tracks seem to provide better agreement with SBF observations than the Geneva tracks. The integrated spectral properties from the two sets of tracks are very comparable at solar metallicities. However, the SBF data are a sensitive test for deciding between the Geneva and Padova tracks, since the differences are larger in the SBF predictions than in those for the integrated spectra. \\item From the tightness of the empirical \\Ibar\\ calibration, we conclude that the lifetimes of post-main sequence phases (RGB, core-He burning, and AGB) in the evolutionary tracks are probably accurate to within better than $\\pm$50\\%. \\end{enumerate} \\noindent By comparing our single-burst models with the available dataset, mostly composed of luminous galaxies in nearby clusters, our preliminary findings on {\\bf the stellar populations dominating the SBFs} are: \\begin{enumerate} \\setcounter{enumi}{14} \\item The metallicities inferred from SBF magnitudes and SBF colors show little spread. The metallicities favored by the optical/SBF colors are slightly sub-solar, while those favored by the \\Kpbar\\ data are around solar. \\item SBF color measurements show no obvious differences for galaxies observed with different linear aperture sizes, though the available dataset is small. The implication is that SBF distance measurements should be relatively insensitive to systematic errors due to aperture effects. \\item The ages inferred from comparisons of both \\Kpbar\\ and \\Vbar--\\Ibar\\ with the $V-\\Ic$ integrated color span a range of about a factor of three, with the youngest ones near 3~Gyr. Note that estimates based on combinations of SBF colors and integrated colors are independent of the galaxy distances. \\item For old populations, the tightness of the empirical $I$-band SBF calibration also indicates that the IMF in elliptical galaxies cannot be significantly steeper than that in the solar neighborhood. \\end{enumerate} \\noindent Finally, we suggest that SBF measurements can offer {\\bf useful new tools for stellar population studies}: \\begin{enumerate} \\setcounter{enumi}{18} \\item In old populations, the SBF magnitudes and colors are predicted to be very sensitive to metallicity, especially at near-IR ($JHK$) wavelengths. This may offer a potent means of breaking the age/metallicity degeneracy inherent in studies based on integrated spectral properties. \\item We find that the \\Ibar--\\Kbar\\ SBF color is very sensitive to metallicity because of the decreasing temperature of the giant branch with increasing metallicity. Thus, \\Ibar--\\Kbar\\ might be used in combination with age-sensitive observables such as Balmer absorption lines to constrain the ages and metallicities of elliptical galaxies. SBF colors may also present advantages over metal absorption lines such as Mg$_2$ and C4668, which are affected by uncertainties in the patterns of $\\alpha$-element enhancement in elliptical galaxies. \\item Our models suggest that the $L$-band and $M$-band SBFs are very sensitive to age, although our predictions are not optimized in this wavelength range. This potentially interesting result should be further investigated using more appropriate models. \\item Observations of \\Bbar--\\Ibar\\ with \\Ibar--\\Kbar\\ may be useful to identify stellar populations of different metallicities in elliptical galaxies. \\end{enumerate} The single-burst models we have investigated can account for the full observed ranges of SBF magnitudes, SBF colors, and integrated colors for bright elliptical galaxies in nearby clusters. It is important to realize that, although the SBF observations can be most simply reproduced by models with around solar metallicity and a significant spread in age, a more refined analysis is required to interpret these measurements in terms of the star formation history of elliptical galaxies. In particular, there are multiple lines of evidence that both cluster and field elliptical galaxies have experienced more than one episode of star formation \\citep[e.g.,][]{1992AJ....104.1039S, 1996MNRAS.279....1B, 1999ApJ...518..576P}. To constrain the ages and metallicities of different stellar generations in elliptical galaxies, we then require a combination of various age and metallicity indicators. Unfortunately, the published SBF and absorption-line studies contain few galaxies in common. In a future paper (M. Liu \\etal, in preparation), we exploit a more extensive set of new SBF measurements to investigate the stellar content of elliptical galaxies." }, "0004/astro-ph0004401_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Spectra taken with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} (\\hst) reveal that NGC 4450 emits Balmer emission lines with displaced double peaks and extremely high-velocity wings. This characteristic line profile, previously seen in a few nearby LINERs and in a small fraction of broad-line radio galaxies, can be interpreted as a kinematic signature of a relativistic accretion disk. We can reproduce the observed profile with a model for a disk with a radial range of 1000--2000 gravitational radii and inclined by 27 degrees along the line of sight. The small-aperture \\hst\\ data also allow us to detect, for the first time, the featureless continuum at optical wavelengths in NGC 4450; the nonstellar nucleus is intrinsically very faint, with $M_B$ = --11.2 mag for $D$ = 16.8 Mpc. We have examined the multiwavelength properties of NGC 4450 collectively with those of other low-luminosity active nuclei which possess double-peaked broad lines and find a number of common features. These objects are all classified spectroscopically as ``type 1'' LINERs or closely related objects. The nuclear luminosities are low, both in absolute terms and relative to the Eddington rates. All of them have compact radio cores, whose strength relative to the optical nuclear emission places them in the league of radio-loud active nuclei. The broad-band spectral energy distributions of these sources are most notable for their deficit of ultraviolet emission compared to those observed in luminous Seyfert~1 nuclei and quasars. The double-peaked broad-line radio galaxies Arp 102B and Pictor~A have very similar attributes. We discuss how these characteristics can be understood in the context of advection-dominated accretion onto massive black holes. ", "introduction": "A minority of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) exhibit double-peaked broad emission lines --- permitted lines whose profile shows two displaced maxima, offset from the line center by several thousand \\kms. According to Eracleous \\& Halpern (1994), approximately 10\\% of broad-line radio galaxies show double-peaked lines. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain this unique kinematic signature, including relativistic motions in an accretion disk (Chen, Halpern, \\& Filippenko 1989; Chen \\& Halpern 1989), two separate broad-line regions due to a binary black hole (Gaskell 1983), biconical outflow (Zheng, Binette, \\& Sulentic 1990), and anisotropic illumination of the broad-line region (Goad \\& Wanders 1996). A combination of basic physical arguments and recent observational results, however, has shown that the most plausible origin of double-peaked emission lines is the accretion disk around the central black hole. Alternative interpretations are slowly being ruled out (Eracleous 1999). A notable characteristic of double-peaked broad-line AGNs is that their distinctive line profile can be transient or highly variable. In recent years, double-peaked broad emission lines have been found in several galaxies that previously had none. These are NGC 1097 (Storchi-Bergmann, Baldwin, \\& Wilson 1993), Pictor~A (Halpern \\& Eracleous 1994; Sulentic et al. 1995), and M81 (Bower et al. 1996). That so many cases turn up serendipitously among nearby galaxies suggests that this is not an uncommon phenomenon. An intriguing, possibly important, connection may exist with low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs; Heckman 1980), a class of emission-line nuclei often found in nearby galaxies, but one whose nature remains controversial (Filippenko 1996; Ho 1999a). The transient emission sources listed above all qualify spectroscopically as LINERs according to the low-ionization state of their optical spectra, as do the majority of the broad-line radio galaxies that contain double-peaked lines (e.g., Eracleous \\& Halpern 1994). This paper reports the discovery of double-peaked broad emission lines in yet another LINER galaxy, NGC 4450, based on observations made with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)}. NGC 4450 is a bright ($B_T$ = 10.9 mag) Sab galaxy located in the Virgo cluster. The nucleus is spectroscopically classified by Ho, Filippenko, \\& Sargent (1997a) as a LINER of ``type 1.9'' based on detection of weak broad H\\al\\ emission. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Evidence for an Accretion Disk in NGC 4450} The double-shouldered H\\al\\ line in NGC 4450 strongly resembles the double-peaked profiles observed in some broad-line radio galaxies. In those objects the distinctive line profile has often been modeled in the context of a relativistic accretion disk (e.g., Chen et al. 1989; Eracleous \\& Halpern 1994; Halpern et al. 1996). In this interpretation, the tremendous breadth of the line reflects the high rotation speed of the gas; the blue peak has greater intensity than the red peak because of relativistic beaming; and the overall asymmetry of the profile arises from the combined effects of transverse and gravitational redshift. In NGC 4450, the observed profile of H\\bet\\ differs slightly from that of H\\al, but its signal-to-noise ratio is considerably lower because of its reduced strength, and the difference between H\\al\\ and H\\bet\\ is not inconsistent with that seen in broad-line radio galaxies. Figure 3 illustrates explicitly the viability of the disk interpretation for NGC 4450. After subtracting the continuum, the H$\\alpha$ profile was fitted with a model according to which the line originates in a relativistic Keplerian disk (Chen et al. 1989; Chen \\& Halpern 1989). In this model the line photons are emitted from a thin, photoionized layer at the surface of a circular accretion disk, which is illuminated by a source of ionizing radiation located at the center of the disk. The calculation of the line profile includes, in addition to Doppler broadening, the effects of transverse and gravitational redshift and light bending. The free parameters of the model are the inner and outer radii of the line-emitting portion of the disk, $\\xi_1$ and $\\xi_2$ (expressed in units of the gravitational radius, $r_{\\rm g}\\equiv GM/c^2$, where $M$ is the mass of the black hole), the inclination angle of the disk axis to the line of sight, $i$, and the broadening parameter, $\\sigma$, which represents the velocity dispersion in a parcel of gas in the disk, presumably due to turbulence. The emissivity of the disk is assumed to vary with radius as $\\epsilon\\propto\\xi^{-q}$, with $q$ set to 3, following the results of photoionization calculations by Dumont \\& Collin-Souffrin (1990a,b,c). The model parameters that yield the best fit are $\\xi_1=1010^{+610}_{-440}$, $\\xi_2=2030^{+1200}_{-990}$, $i=27^{+8}_{-7}$~degrees, and $\\sigma=1000^{+300}_{-200}~{\\rm km~s}^{-1}$. These parameters are comparable to those required to fit the profiles of double-peaked emission lines found in broad-line radio galaxies (Eracleous \\& Halpern 1994) and in the LINER NGC 1097 (Eracleous et al. 1995; Storchi-Bergmann et al. 1995, 1997). The bottom panel of Figure 3 shows the residual spectrum obtained by subtracting the disk model from the observed spectrum. Note that the residual spectrum looks very similar to the starlight-subtracted ground-based spectrum shown in Figure 1{\\it b}. NGC 4203, the other double-peaked broad-line object discovered in our survey (Shields et al. 2000), is qualitatively very similar to NGC 4450 in its line profile. Notably, the line profiles of both of these objects differ from those of NGC 1097 and M81, the two spirals that previously were found to emit transient double-peaked lines. At the time of discovery by Storchi-Bergmann et al. (1993), the H\\al\\ line in NGC 1097 displayed a red peak stronger than the blue peak, and the blue shoulder was the more extended of the two. The sense of the asymmetries, however, varied during subsequent monitoring, with the overall pattern interpretable in the context of a model of a precessing elliptical disk (Eracleous et al. 1995; Storchi-Bergmann et al. 1995, 1997). When M81 was observed by Bower et al. (1996), it, too, had the initial appearance of NGC 1097. \\begin{figure} \\psfig{file=fig3_new.ps,width=6.5truein,angle=270} \\caption{ The top panel shows an expanded view of the spectrum near the broad H\\al\\ line; the continuum has been removed. The disk model described in the text is overplotted as a continuous curve. The bottom panel shows the residual spectrum obtained by subtracting the disk model from the observed spectrum. } \\end{figure} \\vbox{ \\hbox{ \\hskip -0.5truein \\psfig{file=table1_v7.ps,width=7.5truein} } } \\subsection{The Incidence and Detectability of Double-Peaked Broad Lines} Double-peaked broad lines have recently been found serendipitously in three cases, namely NGC 1097, M81, and Pictor~A (\\S\\ 1). Our STIS study adds two new members to the roster, NGC 4450 and NGC 4203. Detection of such emission in low-luminosity sources is complicated by its weak contrast with the underlying stellar continuum. In the case of the first three objects, detection was made possible by a transient brightening of the broad feature. For the last two sources, we do not know whether variability contributed to their detection, but the use of the STIS aperture probably did. Indeed, the detection of two such objects out of a sample of only 19 weak AGNs (Rix et al. 2000) is perhaps an indication of both the prevalence of such emission and the difficulty of discerning it from the ground, a point reinforced by the scarcity of such objects in ground-based surveys. Disk-like line profiles are found preferentially in LINERs. All the previously known transient cases, along with the two found in our survey, are spectroscopically classified as LINERs (see Table 1), and the detection rate among LINERs in the STIS survey is 25\\% (2/8). The association with {\\it type 1} LINERs --- those that have detectable emission from a broad-line region --- is especially striking. With the exception of NGC 1097, all of the objects in Table 1 were known to be LINER~1s prior to the discovery of the double-peaked component, and two out of the four LINER~1s in the STIS sample turned out have disk-like profiles. Consistent with this trend, Eracleous \\& Halpern (1994) find that broad-line radio galaxies that show disk-like emission preferentially emit a stronger low-ionization, LINER-like spectrum. \\subsection{Spectral Properties and Nature of the Accretion Flow} Despite the limited number of known nearby low-luminosity AGNs with double-peaked broad emission lines, it is instructive to examine their spectral properties as a group. Table 1 summarizes multiwavelength data available for NGC 1097, M81, NGC 4203, and NGC 4450, and, for comparison, the radio galaxies Pictor~A and Arp 102B. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of these objects will be presented in greater detail by Ho et al. (2000a). It is important to stress that the SED measurements pertain to the galaxy {\\it nucleus}, which at virtually all wavelengths is much fainter than the host galaxy itself. We draw attention to a set of common spectral properties shared among the first four objects, all of which have nuclei with very low luminosities. The absolute magnitudes of the nuclei range from $M_B^{\\rm nuc}$ = --11.3 to --12.6. The most salient feature of the SEDs is their conspicuous deficit of UV emission, which manifests itself as continuum slopes in the optical--UV ($\\alpha_{\\rm ou}$ = 1.4--2.5; see Table 1 for specific definitions) and in the UV--X-ray ($\\alpha_{\\rm ox}$ = 0.9--1.1) regions that are steeper and flatter, respectively, than is found in luminous AGNs ($\\alpha_{\\rm ou}\\, \\approx$ 0.2--0.5, Malkan 1988; $\\alpha_{\\rm ox}\\,\\approx$ 1.2--1.6, Mushotzky \\& Wandel 1989). Following the arguments of Ho (1999b), we believe that the UV deficit is intrinsic to the source and not an artifact of dust extinction. This suggests that the ``big blue bump'' (Shields 1978; Malkan \\& Sargent 1982), and by implication the optically thick, geometrically thin accretion disk thought to give rise to this feature, is weak or absent. The strength of the radio band is also notable. All four objects, among them three spirals, contain compact, flat-spectrum radio cores. The absolute radio power of the nuclei is tiny by traditional standards, with $P_{\\rm 6~cm}\\, \\approx\\,10^{20}$ W Hz$^{-1}$, but their optical output is correspondingly low, such that the normalized radio power remains relatively high. The ratio $\\Re$, defined as $f_{\\nu}({\\rm 6~cm})/f_{\\nu}(B)$, spans $\\sim$20--100, to be compared with $\\Re\\,>$ 10 for radio-loud quasars (Kellermann \\etal 1989; Visnovsky \\etal 1992). By this conventional criterion, therefore, all four sources formally qualify as radio-loud, a finding that refutes the popular prejudice that radio-loud AGNs are confined to luminous early-type hosts. We note, however, that none of these low-luminosity objects possess well-collimated, large-scale radio jets. The accretion flow in the systems highlighted here may be systematically different from the standard Shakura \\& Sunyaev (1973) disk normally assumed to exist in luminous AGNs. Recently there has been increasing theoretical and observational evidence that black holes fed at a low rate accrete through an optically thin, advective mode (see review by Narayan, Mahadevan, \\& Quataert 1998). ``Advection-dominated'' accretion flows (ADAFs) have several characteristics that make them an attractive framework in which to interpret our observations. First, ADAFs are typified by a low radiative efficiency ($L\\,\\propto\\,\\dot{m}^2$ instead of $\\dot{m}$), and so they provide a natural explanation for the very low accretion luminosities actually measured. The nuclei of the four nearby sources in Table 1, for instance, have bolometric luminosities of $L_{\\rm bol}\\,\\approx\\, 10^{41}-10^{42}$ \\lum. Second, the ADAF phase can only exist in sub-Eddington systems, when $L_{\\rm bol}/L_{\\rm Edd}$ \\lax $10^{-2}$--10$^{-1}$ (Narayan et al. 1998); this condition is fulfilled by our sources, which have $L_{\\rm bol}/L_{\\rm Edd},\\approx$ 1\\e{-4} -- 3\\e{-5} (Table 1). Third, ADAFs do not emit a thermal UV bump, in qualitative agreement with the observed SEDs. Fourth, thermal synchrotron radio emission contributes significantly to the ADAF spectrum, and consequently we expect the SED to be prominent in the radio. Finally, we note that the characteristically harder ionizing spectrum of an ADAF lowers the effective ionization parameter and hence favors the production of a LINER-like emission-line spectrum (Halpern \\& Steiner 1983; Ferland \\& Netzer 1983). The picture we are advocating for low-luminosity AGNs with double-peaked broad lines is likely to be more widely applicable to low-luminosity AGNs as a class. The characteristics of the SEDs discussed above are not restricted to the specific sample emphasized in this study; they were noted by Ho (1999b) in a number of other low-luminosity systems, among them M81. Quataert et al. (1999) have successfully applied ADAF models to fit the SEDs of M81 and NGC 4579, the latter a LINER not known to possess disk-like broad lines but otherwise very similar to M81. The basic elements of the above scenario may also be appropriate in general for radio galaxies with disk-like broad emission lines. We illustrate this connection in Table 1 by comparing the first four nearby, low-luminosity systems with two well-studied, double-peaked broad-line radio galaxies, Arp 102B and Pictor~A. Although both objects are substantially more luminous than the rest ($M_B^{\\rm nuc}$ = --17.9 mag for Arp 102B; $M_B^{\\rm nuc}$ = --18.3 mag for Pictor~A), they still rank among the least luminous classical Seyferts known. More germane to the present discussion is the Eddington ratio, which is $\\sim$1\\e{-3} for Arp 102B and 2\\e{-2} for Pictor~A, both within the threshold in which the ADAF framework holds. In their study of Arp 102B, Chen et al. (1989) already suggested that the structure of its accretion flow may take the form of an ``ion-supported torus'' (Rees et al. 1982), the physical concept of which is very similar to that of an ADAF. Eracleous \\& Halpern (1994) subsequently extended this idea to interpret a number of statistical properties observed in disk-like emitters. However, one of the key pieces of evidence --- the absence of the UV bump --- has, until very recently, remained elusive. Halpern \\etal (1996) found that the \\hst\\ spectrum of Arp 102B indeed shows weak UV emission. As shown in Table 1, its continuum has a steep optical--UV slope ($\\alpha_{\\rm ou}$ = 2.04) and a relatively hard UV to X-ray slope ($\\alpha_{\\rm ox}$ = 1.08). Pictor~A, too, has an exceptionally flat UV--X-ray slope ($\\alpha_{\\rm ox}$ = 0.88), although its optical--UV slope ($\\alpha_{\\rm ou}$ = 0.60) does not differ markedly from those typically seen in luminous AGNs. This may reflect the fact that its Eddington ratio ($\\sim$2\\e{-2}), the largest in the sample, is only marginally within the ADAF limit." }, "0004/astro-ph0004292_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ROSEBUD (Rare Objects SEarch with Bolometers UndergrounD) is an experiment which attempts to detect low mass Weak Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) through their elastic scattering off Al and O nuclei. It consists of three small sapphire bolometers (of a total mass of 100 g) with NTD-Ge sensors in a dilution refrigerator operating at 20 mK in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory. We report in this paper the results of several runs (of about 10 days each) with successively improved energy thresholds, and the progressive background reduction obtained by improvement of the radiopurity of the components and subsequent modifications in the experimental assembly, including the addition of old lead shields. Mid-term plans and perspectives of the experiment are also presented.} \\\\ \\\\ PACS: 95.35.+d; 07.57.Kp; 07.62.+s \\\\ {\\it{Keywords:}} Dark matter; WIMPs; Underground detectors; Bolometers ", "introduction": "Among the particle candidates to the non-baryonic dark matter of the universe, the neutral, weak interacting massive particles (WIMPs)---supposedly forming a significant part of the galactic haloes---enjoy a prominent position. A distinguished WIMP is the neutralino, the lightest stable particle of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model \\cite{Gri}. Accelerator results settle a lower bound of 20--30 GeV to the neutralino mass in most of the models, but in unconstrained SUSY models masses as low as 2 GeV could be allowed \\cite{Gab96}. WIMPs of m $\\sim 1-1000$ GeV with non-relativistic velocity, can interact with the nuclei of a detector target producing a nuclear recoil of a few keV, a fraction of which is visible in the detector (depending on the nuclear target, the detector and the mechanism of energy deposition). Because of the low interaction rate and small energy deposition the WIMP detectors require very low backgrounds and energy thresholds \\cite{Mor3}. A further contribution to the direct detection rate---in the very low energy region $\\leq 1$ keV--- could be provided by a non-thermal, low velocity WIMP population recently proposed \\cite{Dam98} and discussed \\cite{Bot00}. Thermal detectors \\cite{Cryo}, which measure the temperature increase produced by the WIMP interaction in an absorber crystal, use more efficiently the energy deposition of WIMPs than the conventional ionization detectors because most of the nuclear recoil energy in WIMP scattering goes to heat. They are true low energy detectors, where the visible energy is practically the whole recoil energy (quenching factor close to one). Moreover, the mechanisms and quanta involved in the physics of the detection imply that they should have better energy threshold and energy resolution than the conventional ionization detectors. In particular, the energy resolution on nuclear recoils achieved by the sapphire bolometers of the experiment reported in this paper is significantly better than that obtained with HPGe diodes, like COSME \\cite{Jmor92} (which features a full width at half maximum (FWHM) energy resolution $\\Gamma (10 \\rm keV)=0.4 \\rm keV$). In much the same way the energy threshold of the sapphire bolometers of this work is also lower than that obtained in Ge-diodes looking for dark matter \\cite{Mor3,Jmor92,Reu91,Mor00}. Such low energy thresholds, hopefully achieved by thermal detectors, make them valuable tools in the search for phenomena \\cite{Dam98} leaving very small energy in the absorbers. So the cryogenic detectors are very well suited to explore either low mass WIMPs or low velocity WIMPs \\cite{Dam98}. They offer moreover the possibility of using different targets to tune up the sensitivity for different WIMP masses. Finally, they can discriminate the background (electron recoils) from nuclear recoils by collecting not only the phonon energy but also the charge (or light) produced by the ionizing component of the deposited energy (hybrid detection) \\cite{Cha00,Gai00}. The resulting background reduction permits to increase significantly the sensitivity of WIMP searches allowing to explore regions below $\\sigma^{p} \\sim 10^{-8}$ nbarn for medium mass ($\\sim 50$ GeV) WIMPs---where the neutralino configuration \\cite{Bot98} relevant to interpret an annual modulation effect \\cite{Ber99} is located. Although the radioactivity content of bolometers and their environment is still higher than that of HPGe, significant progresses are being accomplished. A WIMP search with small sapphire bolometers, ROSEBUD (Rare Objects Search with Bolometers Underground), is being carried out in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (at 2450 m.w.e.) \\cite{rosebud1,rosebud2,Ceb00} with the purpose of exploring the WIMPs scattering off Al and O nuclei. It features three small sapphire bolometers (with Ge thermistors) placed in a small, mobile dilution refrigerator in the ultralow radioactivity environment of the Canfranc underground site. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004200_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Inverse Problem techniques offer powerful tools which deal naturally with marginal data and asymmetric or strongly smoothing kernels, in cases where parameter-fitting methods may be used only with some caution. Although they are typically subject to some bias, they can invert data without requiring one to assume a particular model for the source. The Backus-Gilbert method in particular concentrates on the tradeoff between resolution and stability, and allows one to select an optimal compromise between them. We use these tools to analyse the problem of reconstructing features of the source star in a microlensing event, show that it should be possible to obtain useful information about the star with reasonably obtainable data, and note that the quality of the reconstruction is more sensitive to the number of data points than to the quality of individual ones. ", "introduction": "Where once all the interest in microlensing was in the details of the lensing population, there is now an increasing interest in lensing events as probes of the stellar sources. From this point of view, once the lens' geometrical details have been worked out, the event can be used as a `super-telescope', providing otherwise completely unattainable resolution of the surfaces of distant stellar disks. Initially, analyses assumed that the microlensing source star could be taken to be a point source, and the first discussion of `finite source effects' was in the context of a problem -- Witt \\& Mao (1994) asked at what point the point-source approximation would break down; {Nemiroff} \\& {Wickramasinghe} (1994) put the question more positively, asking what information could be obtained from the distortions to the light curve which finite-source effects would cause. It is not merely intensity information which can be obtained from events. Simmons, Newsam, \\& Willis (1995) discuss the information which can be extracted when polarization measurements are made of microlensing events, and in (Newsam {et~al.} 1998) show how even relatively poor polarization data can substantially improve fits of source parameters. Although the basic microlensing effect is achromatic, the fact that stars have different limb-darkening profiles in different colours means that a lens differentially amplifying the disk will produce a chromatic effect. Other workers ({Valls-Gabaud} 1995; Sasselov 1996; Valls-Gabaud 1998) have discussed how one might obtain such chromaticity information. It is even possible to discuss how one might observe the signatures of stellar spots (Heyrovsk{\\'y} \\& Sasselov 1999; Bryce \\& Hendry 2000). The usual way in which source structure is detected is by applying a model-fitting (equivalently, parameter-fitting) algorithm to the observed data, to obtain the best-fit parameters of a suitable limb-darkening model; this is the approach used, for example, by the MACHO collaboration ({Alcock} {et~al.} 1997) and the PLANET collaboration ({Albrow} {et~al.} 1999) to make the first detections of limb-darkening in microlensing events. It is also the approach which underlies the insightful error analysis by {Gaudi} \\& {Gould} (1999). A parameter-fitting algorithm essentially consists of a mechanism for systematically moving through parameter space, repeatedly solving the `forward problem' -- calculating the data to be predicted from a given limb-darkening profile -- until the predicted data is optimally close to the data actually observed. Here we want to suggest that, because of the fact that the underlying source function is convolved through a broad and asymmetric amplification kernel, a model-fitting approach is potentially problematic, and that this recovery problem is more naturally addressed using the well-established technology of inverse problems. We plan to discuss the merits of inverse problem techniques in general, and the Backus-Gilbert method in particular, and exemplify the possibilities by inverting simulated microlensing data to recover limb-darkening and limb-polarization effects. We will see that we are able to discuss explicitly and robustly the tradeoff between resolution and stability which is implicit in any such inversion, including recoveries obtained by model-fitting. ", "conclusions": "One of the aims of this paper is to emphasise the seriousness of the ill-conditioning of the source reconstruction problem, and hence the desirability of using an analytical technique which starts by examining that ill-conditioning, goes on to discuss what information is nonetheless recoverable, and only then produces the numerical information which is the point of the exercise. Of course, the same questions can be asked using a parameter-fit approach, but less naturally, since such approaches assume, in a sense, that the information is recoverable, with the result that problems can only be uncovered \\textit{post hoc}, by an intelligent examination of goodness-of-fit measures, or by tracing the propagation of errors through a calculation. The second aim is to use this inverse problem approach to analyse the kernel which turns the underlying limb-darkening and limb-polarization functions into microlensing intensity and polarization data. It turns out that the information is indeed recoverable with adequate uncertainties but, depending on the quality of the data available, one many have to make significant compromises over the resolution one is prepared to accept. It is also possible to use this approach to analyse the effect of modifications in the way the data is collected, and discover that this can indeed significantly improve the data's effective quality. \\let\\JApJ\\apj \\let\\JMNRAS\\mnras \\let\\JPASJ\\pasj \\let\\JAAS\\aaps" }, "0004/astro-ph0004036_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We detect stars from the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues in the field of view of observations with the ROSAT HRI of three globular clusters. We use the positions of these stars to reduce the systematic error in the positions of X-ray sources in the clusters to $\\sim2''$ for \\omcen\\ and NGC\\,6752, and $1''$ for NGC\\,6397. We detect three X-ray sources in the core of \\omcen, and four in the core of NGC\\,6752; the data for the center of NGC\\,6397 may be fitted with five or six sources. Outside the cores, but within the half-mass radius of the clusters, we detect two sources in \\omcen, one in NGC\\,6397 and two in NGC\\,6752; these may or may not be cluster members. A ROSAT HRI observation of Liller\\,1 does not detect a low-luminosity source, at a limit below a detection with ASCA. We discuss the nature of the low-luminosity X-ray sources in globular clusters in the light of these new results. ", "introduction": "Globular clusters contain many X-ray sources at lower luminosities, $L_{\\rm x}\\ltap 10^{34}$\\,\\ergs. These sources were first discovered with the Einstein satellite (Hertz \\&\\ Grindlay 1983), and many more were found with ROSAT (for a compilation, see Johnston \\&\\ Verbunt 1996). The nature of these low-luminosity sources is the subject of debate, because various types of objects can emit X-rays at such luminosities, such as soft X-ray transients in quiescence, cataclysmic variables, RS~CVn binaries, and recycled neutron stars (see e.g.\\ Fig.~8 in Verbunt et al.\\ 1997). The most compelling identification of a dim X-ray source with an object observed at other wavelengths is the recycled radio pulsar in M\\,28: the X-ray flux varies on the pulse period (Danner et al.\\ 1994). Plausible identifications with cataclysmic variables have been suggested for dim X-ray sources in NGC\\,6397, NGC\\,6752, NGC\\,5904 and 47\\,Tuc (Cool et al.\\ 1995b, Grindlay 1993, Hakala et al.\\ 1997, Verbunt \\&\\ Hasinger 1998). These identifications are based on the proximity of the X-ray position to that of a cataclysmic variable, and thus their probability depends on the accuracy of the X-ray position. \\nocite{hg83}\\nocite{jv96}\\nocite{vbrp97}\\nocite{dkt94}\\nocite{cgc+95} \\nocite{gri93}\\nocite{hcjv97}\\nocite{vh98} The accuracy of the ROSAT position of a detected X-ray source is determined by two factors: the statistical accuracy of the position of the source on the detector, and the accuracy with which the position of the detector as a whole is projected on the sky. For a sufficient number of photons the statistical error is less than an arcsecond, but the projection in general has a typical error of $\\sim5''$. Secure identification of a source in the detector field reduces the error in the projection to the statistical error of the identified source, provided that the optical (or radio) position has better accuracy. Only one identification is necessary, because the roll angle of the detector (i.e.\\ the North-South direction) is accurately known; nonetheless, identification of more than one source is preferable to allow checks on internal consistency. In a globular cluster the surface density of possible counterparts is so high that chance coincidence usually cannot be excluded; a secure identification can usually be made only for X-ray sources detected well outside the cluster. This method has been used by Verbunt \\&\\ Hasinger (1998) to improve the positional accuracy of the sources in the core of 47\\,Tuc from $5''$ to $2''$, whereby the area in which the source is expected to lie is reduced sufficiently to exclude several proposed identifications, and increase the probability of others, including two possible cataclysmic variables. In this paper we investigate three clusters known to contain multiple dim X-ray sources in their core, which have been observed in long exposures with the ROSAT HRI, and one cluster known to harbour a transient. We analyse hitherto unpublished observations and detect both previously published and new X-ray sources. All source positions are checked in the SIMBAD data base versus positions of other objects, and we find objects in the Hipparcos or Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997, Perryman et al.\\ 1997, H{\\o}g et al.\\ 1997) with each cluster, i.e.\\ counterparts with very accurate positions. In Sect.\\,2 we describe the observations and our data reduction procedures; Sections 3 to 5 describe the results for \\object{$\\omega$\\,Cen}, \\object{NGC\\,6397}, and \\object{NGC\\,6752}, respectively. In Sect.\\,6 we discuss an observation of \\object{Liller\\,1}. A discussion of our results is given in Sect.\\,7. \\nocite{ESA97}\\nocite{plk+97}\\nocite{hbb+97} ", "conclusions": "In the three low-reddened clusters \\omcen, NGC\\,6397 and NGC\\,6752 we have detected a total of 17 dim X-ray sources, of which 5 are well outside the core. The X-ray luminosities of these sources are listed in Table\\,\\ref{txlum}, and plotted in Fig.\\,\\ref{fxlum}. The interpretation of Fig.\\,\\ref{fxlum} must be made with some care. First, sources outside the core may not belong to the cluster; the faintest core source in \\omcen\\ may be a fore- or background source. Second, the conversion of observed countrate to luminosity depends on the assumed spectrum, and from PSPC observations we know that different sources have different spectral parameters (Johnston et al.\\ 1994). For example, the 0.6\\,keV black body spectrum used for the sources in \\omcen\\ gives a 40\\%\\ higher flux for the same countrate than an assumed 0.6\\,keV bremsstrahlung spectrum would give. The bremsstrahlung spectrum is used for the three other clusters. Third, the detection limits in NGC\\,6397, NGC\\,6752 and \\object{47~Tuc} are higher in the cores, where the point spread functions of sources overlap, than outside the core. Such a difference is not present in \\omcen. Fourth, we show the average luminosity, and several sources are known to be variable. \\begin{table} \\caption{X-ray luminosities in \\ergs\\ in the 0.5-2.5 keV band of the dim X-ray sources in globular clusters described in this paper. For sources in \\omcen\\ we assume a 0.6\\,keV black body spectrum; for those in NGC\\,6397 and NGC\\,6752 a 0.6\\,keV bremsstrahlung spectrum. For the same countrate, the blackbody spectrum corresponds to a flux higher by about 40\\%\\ than the bremsstrahlung spectrum. \\label{txlum}} \\begin{tabular}{rl@{\\hspace{1.cm}}rl@{\\hspace{1.cm}}rl} \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\omcen} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{NGC\\,6397} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{NGC\\,6752} \\\\ X & $\\log L_{\\rm x}$ & X & $\\log L_{\\rm x}$ & X & $\\log L_{\\rm x}$ \\\\ \\multicolumn{2}{c}{core} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{core} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{core} \\\\ 9a & 32.14 & 13 & 31.84 & 7a & 31.86 \\\\ 9b & 32.22 & 4a & 31.73 & 7b & 31.89 \\\\ 20 & 31.96 & 4b & 31.75 & 21 & 31.35 \\\\ \\multicolumn{2}{c}{outside} & 4c & 31.43 & 22 & 31.26 \\\\ 7 & 32.33 & 4d & 31.53 & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{outside} \\\\ 21 & 31.88 & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{outside} & 6 & 31.66 \\\\ & & 12 & 30.95 & 14 & 31.50 \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{table} With these points in mind, we note from Fig.\\,\\ref{fxlum} that in all clusters except possibly \\omcen\\ the most luminous sources appear to be in the cluster core. The main difference between \\omcen\\ and the other clusters is that the collision frequency in \\omcen\\ is so low that one expects no low-mass X-ray binaries in it, and that most cataclysmic variables in it will be evolved from primordial binaries (Verbunt \\&\\ Meylan 1988, Davies 1997). In addition, the mass segregation in this cluster is very low. Thus in \\omcen\\ there is no marked difference between the core and the regions outside the core. \\nocite{dav97}\\nocite{vm88} In each cluster we detect sources down to the detection limit; this suggests that more sensitive observations will detect more sources. In the cores of NGC\\,6397 and NGC\\,6752 the detection of more source will also require better imaging, so that the faint sources can be detected against the brighter ones. We do not detect a difference between the luminosities of sources in the collapsed globular cluster NGC\\,6397 and the much less concentrated globular cluster NGC\\,6752. On the other hand, the highly concentrated cluster 47~Tuc contains three sources which are an order of magnitude brighter than the brightest sources in NGC\\,6397 and NGC\\,6752. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{figure=compa.ps,width=\\columnwidth,clip=t} {\\hfil}} \\caption{X-ray countrates of the dim sources in globular clusters as a function of their visual magnitude, compared with the ROSAT PSPC countrates and visual magnitudes of various types of cataclysmic variables (data from Verbunt et al.\\ 1997; filled symbols represent systems first discovered in X-rays and only subsequently identified as cataclysmic variables, i.e.\\ X-ray selected systems) and with RS CVn systems (data from Dempsey et al.\\ 1993) respectively. PSPC countrates of the dim cluster sources have been computed for an assumed 0.6\\,keV bremsstrahlung spectrum, corrected for absorption, from the observed HRI countrates. Visual magnitudes are also corrected for absorption. T indicate sources in 47\\,Tuc (\\x9 and \\x19, $V$ as estimated by Verbunt \\&\\ Hasinger 1998), A in NGC\\,6397 (\\x4b and \\x4c, $V$ from Cool et al.\\ 1998), B in NGC\\,6752 (\\x7a, $V$ from Bailyn et al.\\ 1996). The dotted lines indicate a constant ratio of X-ray to optical flux. \\label{fcompa}} \\end{figure} \\nocite{dlfs93} Viable optical counterparts have been suggested for only five among the 26 sources shown in Fig.\\,\\ref{fxlum}, all of them probable cataclysmic variables. We compare the ratio of X-ray flux to optical flux of these sources with the ratios measured for cataclysmic variables and for RS CVn systems in the Galactic Disk in Fig.\\,\\ref{fcompa}. It is seen that the suggested optical counterparts for the sources in NGC\\,6397 and NGC\\,6752 lead to ratios which are compatible with those of cataclysmic variables, whereas those in 47~Tuc are too bright in X-rays, in agreement with Fig.\\,\\ref{fxlum}. If these sources are indeed cataclysmic variables, their excessive X-ray luminosity needs to be explained; alternatively, the suggested identifications may be chance coincidences (as discussed by Verbunt \\&\\ Hasinger 1998). All suggested counterparts lead to higher X-ray to optical flux ratios than those of RS CVn binaries. The accurate positions that we determine for individual sources are valid for separately detected sources in particular. In the case of overlapping sources, we do not have unique solutions. Thus, in the core of NGC\\,6397 fits with 5 and 6 sources are both acceptable, at similar quality; and we cannot exclude that more sources contribute to the observed flux, which would invalidate our derived positions. Binaries may reside away from the core either because the cluster has undergone little mass segregation, or because a three-body interaction (i.e.\\ a close encounter of a binary with a single star) in the core has expelled the binary from the core (e.g.\\ Hut et al.\\ 1992). \\nocite{hmr92} In the latter case the binary is expected to be eccentric immediately after being expelled; tidal forces may in time circularize the orbit again. Such binaries are only a minority of the overall binary population of a cluster; however, X-ray observations may preferably select such binaries if tidal forces act in them. Since sources away from the core can be fore- or background sources, optical identification of them is required to settle whether they belong to the cluster or not. Our accurate positions should help in finding such counterparts." }, "0004/astro-ph0004346_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper presents four color narrow-band photometry of clusters A115 ($z=0.191$) and A2283 ($z=0.182$) in order to follow the star formation history of various galaxy types. Although located at similar redshifts, the two clusters display very different fractions of blue galaxies (i.e. the Butcher-Oemler effect, $f_B = 0.13$ for A115, $f_B = 0.30$ for A2283). A system of photometric classification is applied to the cluster members that divides the cluster population into four classes based on their recent levels of star formation. It is shown that the blue population of each cluster is primarily composed of normal starforming (SFR $< 1 M_{\\sun}$ yrs$^{-1}$) galaxies at the high luminosity end, but with an increasing contribution from a dwarf starburst population below $M_{5500}= -20$. This dwarf starburst population appears to be the same population of low mass galaxies identified in recent HST imaging (Koo \\etal 1997), possible progenitors to present-day cluster dwarf ellipticals, irregulars and BCD's. Deviations in the color-magnitude relationship for the red galaxies in each cluster suggest that a population of blue S0's is evolving into present-day S0 colors at this epoch. The radial distribution of the blue population supports the prediction of galaxy harassment mechanisms for tidally induced star formation operating on an infalling set of gas-rich galaxies. ", "introduction": "The investigation of the blue and red populations in rich clusters have been our most lucrative glimpse into the evolution of galaxies. The search for changes in the stellar population of galaxies has mostly focused on clusters of galaxies due to their high visibility and ease of cataloging rich clusters even at distant redshifts. However, the gravitational clumping of a cluster also minimizes the effort required for distance determination where the measurement of a few of the brightest galaxies provides the redshift for the entire cluster. Attention concerning recent and rapid evolution has been diverted in the past decade to field galaxies (Tyson 1988), and the dilemma of the blue field population. However, clusters are the sites of numerous dramatic evolutionary effects, such as galaxy cannibalism (Moore \\etal 1996) and the Butcher-Oemler population (Oemler, Dressler and Butcher 1997). In addition, cluster populations are key to understanding galaxy characteristics since they cover not only a full range of galaxy masses (from giants to dwarfs) but also the full range of Hubble types and intrinsic density (e.g. surface brightness) that are missing from field populations. In a series of papers extending over the last 12 years (Rakos \\etal 1988, 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999), we have used a narrow band filter system to perform photometry of galaxies in rich clusters for redshifts ranging from 0.2 to 1. Our studies have differed from previous photometry of distant clusters by the use of a color system surrounding the 4000\\AA\\ break (the Str\\\"omgren $uvby$ system) and modified such that the filters are ``redshifted'' to the cluster of galaxies in consideration. This method results in effectively no k-corrections and allows discrimination between cluster membership based on spectrophotometric criteria. We call our modified system $uz,vz,bz,yz$ to distinguish it from the original $uvby$ Str\\\"omgren system and we believe we have demonstrated that these color indices are a profitable tool for investigating color evolution of both the red and blue populations in clusters of galaxies. In an previous exploratory paper (Rakos, Maindl and Schombert 1996, hereafter RMS96), the modified $uz,vz,bz,yz$ Str\\\"omgren system was used to develop a photometric classification scheme based on the recent star formation history of a galaxy. From the $mz$ color index ($mz=(vz-bz)-(bz-yz)$), the classification technique was shown to be extremely successful at discriminating normal starforming galaxies (spirals) and starburst galaxies despite the presence of heavy reddening. Rakos \\etal (1996, 1997) applied this technique to the members of the blue population in several clusters of intermediate redshift ($0.2 < z < 0.6$) and demonstrated that many of the cluster members have strong signatures of star formation activity. An extreme example is CL0317+1521 at $z=0.583$ which has a blue fraction of $f_B=0.60$ and which 42\\% of the blue population have $mz<-0.2$, the photometric signature for a starburst. Deep photometry of the cluster A2317 ($z=0.211$, Rakos, Odell and Schombert 1997) demonstrated that the ratio of the blue population to red population has a strong dependence on luminosity, such that blue galaxies dominate the very brightest and very faintest galaxies in the cluster. In contrast to the bright blue galaxies, the fraction of galaxies displaying the signatures of a starburst increases towards the faint end of the luminosity function, a dwarf starburst population first suggested by Koo \\etal (1997). The origin of this dwarf starburst population remains an enigma. Tidal interactions are frequently invoked as an explanation for the high fraction of starburst galaxies in Butcher-Oemler clusters (Dressler \\etal 1994, Couch \\etal 1994). If the same phenomenon acts on the low mass galaxies, then these starburst systems would have their origin as gas-rich dwarf galaxies who have had a short, but intense, tidally induced episode of star formation which would quickly exhaust their limited gas supply. It should be noted, however, that the orbits of cluster galaxies are primarily radial (Bothun and Schombert 1990), and the typical velocities into the dense cluster core are high. This makes any encounter extremely short-lived, with little impulse being transfered as is required to shock the incumbent molecular clouds into a nuclear starburst. The galaxy harassment mechanism (Moore \\etal 1996) emphasizes the influence of the cluster tidal field and the more powerful impulse encounters with individual central galaxies at the cluster edges. These two processes can then conspire raise the luminosity of cluster dwarfs, increase their visibility and, thus, their detectability. To further explore the behavior of the red E/S0's, blue Butcher-Oemler galaxies and the newly detected dwarf starburst population, we began a program of obtaining deeper photometry then our previous work on intermediate redshift clusters. Our goal in this study is to 1) illuminate the types of galaxies involved in the Butcher-Oemler effect, 2) determine the dominance of the blue galaxies to the cluster luminosity function, 3) examine the spatial extent of the blue and red population, and 4) determine the existence and characteristics of the dwarf starburst population in other blue clusters. In order to maintain a correct timescale to stellar population models, calibrated to globular cluster ages, values of $H_o=50$ km sec$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and $q_o=0$ are used throughout this paper. ", "conclusions": "The trends with respect to cluster populations for A115 (southern subcluster) and A2283 (combined with the data for A2218 and A2317) are shown in Figure 9. The data for A2317 are published in Rakos, Odell and Schombert (1997) and the data for A2218 will be published in Rakos, Dominis and Steindling (2000). Four parameters are plotted with respect to the elliptical/S0 fraction; the fraction of the blue population ($f_B$), the fraction of starburst galaxies, the richness of the cluster ($C$) and the radius of where the maximum value of $f_B$ occurs. The fraction of the blue population drops inversely with the E/S0 percentage. This is not too surprising since a majority of the red population is classified photometrically as E/S0's. However, the relation is nearly 1-to-1, suggesting that it is conversion of the E/S0 objects into the blue population that comprises the Butcher-Oemler effect. Since our previous work on present-day ellipticals and the color evolution of ellipticals (Schombert \\etal 1993, Rakos and Schombert 1995) demonstrates that their colors have a narrow range and closely match the models for a passively evolving population with a formation redshift of 5, we must conclude that it is primarily the S0 galaxies that are the normal starforming objects of the Butcher-Oemler population. This scenario matches well to our expectations of gas depletion, where large bulge S0's exhaust their supply first, followed by Sa's, then Sb's in the near future. We can assume that a gas-rich, proto-S0 undergoing star formation rates of around 1 $M_{\\sun}$ yrs$^{-1}$ will produce spiral structure and have morphologies similar to early-type spirals as revealed by HST imaging. The fraction of starbursts is only weakly related to the E/S0 fraction confirming the split impact that the reddened starburst galaxies have on the color distribution of cluster populations. This is a new phenomenon for distant clusters and, while the same mechanisms may be at work for the dwarf starbursts, we believe this is a separate event from the Butcher-Oemler effect. The radius of the peak density of the blue population is also uncorrelated with any population fraction or color fraction of the clusters. This fact is illuminating in the sense that distribution of the blue population in the red clusters (A115 and A2218) is similar to that of the blue clusters (A2283 and A2317). If tidal forces are responsible for the blue population, then there will be a mix of effects due to close encounters with other galaxies and the mean cluster tidal field which will only be weakly dependent on the cluster morphology. If ram pressure stripping is important, then this radius should be correlated with the x-ray profile of the cluster. One of the primary results of this study is that there appears to exist a {\\it duality} with respect to cluster population studies by morphology versus photometric classification. Morphological studies of intermediate redshift clusters (Oemler, Dressler and Butcher 1997, Dressler \\etal 1997) find the fraction of ellipticals to be similar to present-day clusters with a sharp drop in the number of S0's and a proportional increase in the number of spirals and irregulars. There is also an increase in the number of disturbed galaxies with redshift (Couch \\etal 1998), galaxies with tidal signatures of past encounters. On the other hand, photometric classification (such as this study and Dressler \\etal 1999) find a population of bright blue galaxies with normal star formation rates (the Butcher-Oemler effect) and a starburst population, dominated by low mass galaxies. But, the characteristics of these populations differ in their luminosity and geographical distributions compared to their morphological counterparts. This is particularly evident in magnitude diagrams such as Figure 5 compared to similar diagrams for nearby, rich clusters. {\\it The underlying consequence of this duality is the decoupling of the presence of star formation of the properties of Hubble types with redshift} (i.e. the existence of blue S0's, starbursting dwarfs, disturbed spirals at high redshift). How this decoupling takes place is due to a separation of formation events (such as the density of the protogalaxy, the fraction of dark to baryonic matter) and the later effects of environment. Clearly, local density plays an important role in the evolution of a galaxy. As shown in Hashimoto \\etal 1998, galaxies at intermediate densities have higher star formation rates than galaxies located in high dense regions (such as the core of a rich cluster). If the dominate process were galaxy encounters that induce star formation, then this correlation would be expected as intermediate density environments (such as loose groups) have the appropriate mix of galaxy density and low velocities to maximize tidal effects (Hashimoto \\etal 1998). However, a competing process, that a pure density analysis does not take into account, is the possibly of ram pressure effects from the hot intracluster gas identified with every rich cluster of galaxies. There is clear evidence of such stripping ongoing in nearby clusters, such as Virgo, based on the HI and CO images of cluster spirals (Kenney and Young 1989). We conclude that the Butcher-Oemler effect in rich clusters is the phenomenon of starforming S0's being ram pressure stripped as they encounter the hot gas in the core of the cluster. The elimination of the atomic gas prematurely ceases star formation (although the question remains of the interplay with the molecular gas) and the S0's disks age to the population we see today. On the other hand, the dwarf galaxy interactions in the outer regions of the cluster (where the velocities are lower) produce the starburst population. Both the blue and starburst population avoid the core of the cluster, but each for different reasons, one being intrinsic, the other environmental." }, "0004/astro-ph0004170_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a catalog of extremely red objects discovered using the NICMOS/HST parallel imaging database and ground-based optical follow-up observations. Within an area of 16 square arc-minutes, we detect 15 objects with $\\rm R - F160W > 5$ and $\\rm F160W < 21.5$. We have also obtained K-band photometry for a subset of the 15 EROs. All of the $\\rm R - F160W$ selected EROs imaged at K-band have $\\rm R - K > 6$. Our objects have $\\rm F110W - F160W$ colors in the range of 1.3 $-$ 2.1, redder than the cluster ellipticals at $z \\sim 0.8$ and nearly 1 magnitude redder than the average population selected from the F160W images at the same depth. In addition, among only 22 NICMOS pointings, we detected two groups or clusters in two fields, each contains 3 or more EROs, suggesting that extremely red galaxies may be strongly clustered. At bright magnitudes with $\\rm F160W < 19.5$, the ERO surface density is similar to what has been measured by other surveys. At the limit of our sample, F160W $= 21.5$, our measured surface density is 0.94$\\pm 0.24$ arcmin$^{-2}$. Excluding the two possible groups/clusters and the one apparently stellar object, reduces the surface density to 0.38$\\pm 0.15$~arcmin$^{-2}$. ", "introduction": "Deep near-IR imaging surveys have revealed a population of extremely red objects (``EROs''; Elston, Rieke \\&\\ Rieke 1988; McCarthy, Persson \\&\\ West 1992; Graham \\&\\ Dey 1996; Hu \\&\\ Ridgeway 1994; Soifer et al. 1994; Dey, Spinrad \\&\\ Dickinson 1995; Thompson et al. 1999). The nature of the extremely red population remains unclear. As it is defined largely by a single color, primarily $\\rm R - K$, there is no certainty that it represents a uniform class of object, and it may contain contributions from galaxies, cool stars or substellar objects and active nuclei. The precise definition of an ERO varies among the different surveys and depends on the particular bandpasses employed. Most samples were defined by $\\rm R - K \\gta 5 - 6$ or $\\rm I - K \\gta 4 - 5$. The present work is based on a somewhat different color system, that defined by the NICMOS F160W bandpass and conventional Kron-Cousins R magnitudes. The NICMOS F160W band is similar to the Johnson H band filter and the $\\rm H - F160W$ color term is negligable for a flat spectral energy distribution (in $f_{\\nu}$ units) (M. Rieke, 1999, private communication). Among the resolved objects there are reasonable expectations that there should exist stellar systems at redshifts such that the K-correction applied to an old or intermediate age population will produce very red optical to near-IR colors. Alternatively even fairly modest extinction, when observed in the same redshift range, can produce very steep spectral energy distributions in the rest-frame near-UV and there are local examples of such objects among the dusty starburst population. The central issue regarding the nature of the resolved EROs is to understand to what degree these two classes of objects contribute to the overall population. The earliest interpretation of the colors of EROs were centered around the old stellar population hypothesis (e.g. McCarthy, Persson, \\& West 1991; Hu \\& Ridgeway 1994) and redshifts of 1 - 2 were inferred from their multi-band photometry. There are clear examples which support this interpretation, such as weak radio source LBDS 53W091 at $z = 1.55$ (Dunlop et al. 1996) and near-IR selected object CL0939+4713B at z$=1.58$ (Soifer et al. 1999), and a concentration of EROs at $z = 1.3$ (Liu et al. 2000). Graham and Dey (1996) argued that the spectral energy distribution of HR10 (Hu \\& Ridgeway 1994) is well matched by a dusty star-forming galaxy at $z = 1.5$. The detection of a strong sub-mm continuum from HR10 (Cimatti et al. 1998; Dey et al. 1999) provided conclusive evidence that some of EROs, if not all, are dust enshrouded starburst galaxies with inferred star formation rates of $\\rm 500-2000 h_{50}^{-2}M_\\odot~yr^{-1}$ at moderate redshifts ($z \\sim 1 -2$). Recent deep near-IR follow-up observations of the sub-mm sources detected with the SCUBA (Smail et al. 1998) have suggested that two faint sub-mm sources may also be EROs with $\\rm I - K > 6$ (Smail et al. 1999). Liu et al. have measured redshifts for several other EROs and most of these are also in the $0.8 < z < 1.5$ range and some have moderately strong emission lines (Liu et al. 2000). Two important open issues concern the surface density of EROs and the relative contribution of different classes of objects as a function of both color and apparent magnitude. We continue to lack statistically large samples of EROs. The most recent systematic large survey, covering an area of 154~square arcminutes by Thompson et al. (1999), has yielded six objects with $K \\le 19.0$ and $ R - K > 6$. To quantify the fraction of different classes of EROs as a function of colors and magnitude, larger samples are required. The ERO surface density inferred from the Thompson et al. survey is 0.04$\\pm 0.016$ arcmin$^{-2}$ for $K \\le 19.0$ and $R - K > 6$. Depending on the K-band magnitude limit, $\\rm R - K$ color and possibly environment, the reported surface densities of EROs range from $0.01 - 0.7$ arcmin$^{-2}$, derived from several serendipitous surveys over small areas (Hu \\&\\ Ridgway 1994; Cowie et al. 1994; Beckwith et al. 1998; Thompson et al. 1999). There have been suggestions that EROs tend to cluster, particularly, in regions around high redshift AGNs compared with blank fields. The large luminosities and (admittedly uncertain) space densities imply that these objects represent a singificant consitutent of the overall galaxy population and that their contribution to the overall rate of star formation is non-negligable (e.g. Liu et al. 2000). In this paper, we present a sample of EROs discovered using NICMOS on HST while operating in the parallel mode. Our combined NICMOS/optical survey covers only 16 square arcminutes but it provides high spatial resolution and better signal-to-noise in the near-IR than most ground-based surveys. \\medskip ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004058_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Planet formation is accompanied by the formation of comet clouds. In systems where planets migrate on rapid timescales, the diffusive evolution of comet orbits may stall, resulting in a comet cloud intermediate between a flattened Kuiper Belt and a spherical Oort cloud. These `failed Oort clouds' may provide a `smoking gun', indicating that planetary migration has taken place. If some fraction of the scattered component consists of planetary embryos, it may be possible to observe transits of such bodies even when the planetary system is not edge-on to the line of sight. ", "introduction": "Planet formation is a messy business. The process of accumulation of small bodies into large bodies results not only in the formation of large planetary-mass objects but also a significant population of scattered comets and asteroids. Studies of short and long period comets in our solar system (Oort 1950; Fernandez 1980; Duncan, Quinn \\& Tremaine 1988) point to the existence of two repositories of cometary material, the spherically distributed Oort cloud (Oort 1950) and a low inclination population of trans-Neptunian objects, the Edgeworth/Kuiper Belt (Edgeworth 1949; Kuiper 1951). These cometary reservoirs convey valuable information regarding the primordial conditions in the solar system and their manifestations around other stars offer insights into the formation of extrasolar planetary systems. In particular, the detection of infra-red emission from dust in such systems (Backman \\& Paresce 1993; Trilling \\& Brown 1998) is thought to supplied by ongoing evaporation or ablation of comet-like objects (Weissman 1984) . The properties of recently detected extrasolar planets (e.g. Marcy, Cochran \\& Mayor 1999) suggest that the formation and evolution of planetary systems may be a much more dynamic and violent process than previously envisaged. The purpose of this letter is to examine the impact of this new paradigm on the configuration of cometary reservoirs in such systems. In particular, we will demonstrate the existence of a cometary component intermediate between a disk and isotropic component that will result in systems where significant planetary migration has taken place. Section~\\ref{Scatter} reviews the process of formation of an Oort cloud and examines the implications of planetary migration for such a scenario. In section~\\ref{Dust} we describe the implications for observations of dust disks around extrasolar planetary systems. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004091_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first dynamical study of the optically selected Palomar Distant Cluster Survey (PDCS). We have measured redshifts for seventeen clusters of galaxies in the PDCS and velocity dispersions for a subset of eleven. Using our new cluster redshifts, we re-determine the X-ray luminosities and upper limits. We show that eleven out of twelve PDCS clusters we observed are real over-densities of galaxies. Most clusters have velocity dispersions appropriate for clusters of galaxies. However, we find a fraction ($\\sim$ \\slantfrac{1}{3}) of objects in the PDCS which have velocity dispersions in the range of groups of galaxies (200 km s$^{-1}$ $\\pm$ 100 km s$^{-1}$) but have richnesses appropriate for clusters of galaxies. Within our survey volume of $31.7^{+0.5}_{-0.8}\\times 10^4$ h$^{-3}$ Mpc$^3$ ($q_o = 0.1$) for Richness Class 2 and greater clusters, we measure the richness function, X-ray luminosity function (using both the detections and upper limits), and the mass function derived from our velocity dispersions. We confirm that the space density, as a function of richness, of clusters of galaxies in the PDCS is $\\sim$ 5 times that of the Abell catalog. Excluding the above fraction of \\slantfrac{1}{3} of objects with low velocity dispersions, we measure a space density $\\sim$ 3 times that of the Abell catalog for equivalent mass clusters of galaxies, raising the possibility that the Abell catalog is incomplete. However, our space density estimates are in agreement with other low-redshift, optically-selected cluster surveys such as the EDCC, APM and EDCC2. Our X-ray luminosity function agrees with other measurements based on both X-ray and optically selected samples, so we find that the PDCS does not miss clusters of galaxies that would be found in an X-ray selected survey. Our resulting mass function, centered around $10^{14}$ M$_{\\sun}$ $h^{-1}$, agrees with the expectations from such surveys as the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology cluster survey, though errors on our mass measurements are too large to constrain cosmological parameters. We do show that future machine-based, optically-selected surveys can be used to constrain cosmological parameters. ", "introduction": "The space density of virialized clusters of galaxies as a function of mass and redshift are primary predictions of theories on the formation and evolution of structure. In general, three parameters control the shape, normalization and evolution of the mass function of clusters of galaxies. These parameters are the density of matter in the universe, $\\Omega_m$, the variance of the distribution of mass density fluctuations at cluster scales, $\\sigma_8$, and the shape of the spectrum of density fluctuations, commonly quantified as $\\Gamma$ \\citep{press74,efstathiou92,lacey93,viana96, Eke96, Kitayama97}. We can directly test these theoretical predictions and, therefore, constrain these parameters, by measuring masses of clusters of galaxies in a sample with a known survey volume. Most efforts to measure the space density of clusters of galaxies as a function of mass have focused on X-ray selected samples. X-ray selection has two advantages. First, X-ray luminosity is strongly correlated with mass. Second, X-ray selected surveys have a selection function that is easy to quantify. Therefore, previous work focused on the mass function derived from velocity dispersions of X-ray selected clusters \\citep[as examples]{carlberg97b, borgani99}, the temperature function \\citep[for an example]{henry97} or the luminosity function \\citep[as examples]{reichart99, borgani99b}. There is a large spread in the above results. Yet, most of the papers mentioned above use the sample of clusters of galaxies from the Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey or EMSS \\citep{gioia90b,gioia90a,henry92,nichol97}. For example, \\citet{reichart99} finds the most likely value of $\\Omega_m$ from the mass function of the EMSS to be around 1, while the CNOC survey \\citep[for example]{carlberg96} finds a the most likely value to be to 0.2. Recently, \\citet{borgani99} finds that $\\Omega_m$ from the CNOC survey can be constrained to the range $0.35 < \\Omega_m < 1.0$. \\citet{borgani99} finds that the large uncertainty in the best fitting values of $\\Omega_m$ is partly the result of the uncertainty in the mass function of low redshift clusters of galaxies. However, the high redshift sample of the EMSS only contains the highest mass clusters and, furthermore, is incomplete even at those masses (see Borgani \\etal 1999a\\nocite{borgani99} for a discussion of the completeness of the sample used by Carlberg \\etal 1997\\nocite{carlberg97b}, Borgani \\etal 1999a\\nocite{borgani99} estimate that the CNOC sample contains only 25\\% of all clusters with $\\sigma_v > 800$ km s$^{-1}$ because of the X-ray threshold of $ >10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$). Though there is great potential in the CNOC sample, both a larger number of clusters and a larger range in masses at both high and low redshift is needed to constrain cosmological parameters. To increase the range in mass at high redshift, we have used optically selected clusters of galaxies. Specifically, we have collected a number of redshift measurements towards clusters of galaxies in the Palomar Distant Cluster Survey \\citep[PDCS]{postman96} so we can measure velocity dispersions, the first such velocity dispersion measurements of this catalog. With our sample of $0.2 \\le z \\le 0.6$ clusters of galaxies, we could potentially improve the sample of \\citet{carlberg97b} and make a better measurement of the value of $\\Omega_m$. The PDCS contains a much larger space density of clusters of galaxies, between $\\sim 10^{-5}$ and $\\sim 10^{-6}$ h$^{-3}$ Mpc$^{3}$, in the same redshift range as the EMSS, and, therefore, should contain lower mass clusters. We should then have a sample that, when combined with the EMSS, increases the dynamic range of the cluster mass function making a more robust measurement of $\\Omega_m$. The approach of the PDCS was to create a model of what clusters of galaxies look like, called a matched-filter. The model for the galaxy distribution is a Schechter function for the luminosity distribution of the cluster galaxies and a profile of \\(\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1 + (r/r_c)^2}} \\). The core radius of the radial profile were fixed as were the slope and ``knee'' of the Schechter luminosity function. The total cluster size was also restricted to 1 $h^{-1}$ Mpc. The strength of any observed correlation of the observed galaxy catalog with this matched-filter can be used to measure how well the model matches the data, with the strongest correlations being assigned to cluster candidates. In this way, the PDCS also generated an estimated redshift, a galaxy richness based on the normalization of the luminosity function and other parameters for each cluster candidate based on the best-fitting model. The advantage of this approach has lead other groups to use similar techniques, see for example \\citet{dalton97}, \\citet{kepner99}, \\citet{olsen99} and \\citet{bramel99}. Using only the derived quantities from the cluster catalog, the authors of the PDCS found that the space density of clusters of galaxies was $5\\ \\pm\\ 2$ times that of the space density in the Abell catalog (though the space density is consistent with that found in low redshift automated catalogs such as the Edinburgh-Durham Cluster Catalog and APM cluster catalogs). Secondly, the authors found no evidence for evolution in the space density with redshift. Both of these results rely on the cluster catalog alone, a catalog based entirely on imaging data. We have completed a program of obtaining redshifts and velocity dispersions of PDCS clusters to measure the space density as a function of mass as well as richness and X-ray luminosity. This will allow us to both test the original results of the PDCS and possibly provide a complementary sample to that of \\citet{carlberg97b}. We began this program with the X-ray survey of \\citet{holden97}, or H97. Our first spectroscopic observations are described in \\citet{holden99}, H99, but the majority of spectra are from the CFHT Optical PDCS survey which is described in \\citet{adami99}. We summarized our data in \\S 2, with an emphasis on what changes we have made from the previously mentioned papers. We then derive cluster redshifts, velocity dispersions, X-ray luminosities and masses in \\S 3. Using the survey volume estimated in \\S 4, we find the richness and X-ray luminosity function of PDCS clusters in \\S 5. We compute the mass function of PDCS clusters, computed in \\S 6, and find it is consistent with the mass function found for the sample of \\citet{carlberg97b} given specific choices for the relation between $\\sigma_8$ and $\\Omega_m$, the value of $\\Gamma$ and the form of the richness-mass relation. Finally, in \\S 7 we summarize our results and discuss the future prospects of using optically selected clusters of galaxies to probe theoretical models of cluster formation and evolution. Unless otherwise noted, we use $q_o = 0.1$ ($\\Omega_m = 0.2$ and $\\Lambda = 0$) and $H_o = 100\\ h\\ {\\rm km\\ s^{-1}}$. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we presented redshift measurements, velocity dispersions and X-ray imaging data for a subset of the PDCS. We aimed to construct the first dataset of velocity dispersions of a subsample of the PDCS. This dataset was constructed to be complementary to the CNOC cluster survey and to be easily compared with lower redshift samples. Our goal was to use this dataset to determine the space density of clusters of galaxies in the PDCS catalog as a function of richness, X-ray luminosity, and mass. We could then compare these space densities with low redshift samples to test the apparent lack of evolution in the PDCS cluster catalog and to compare the distribution of masses with the expectations of cluster formation theory. We began this process by collecting X-ray imaging data for a total of thirty-one cluster candidates in the PDCS. We followed up the X-ray imaging data with spectroscopy of PDCS cluster candidate galaxies. We successfully measured redshifts for seventeen PDCS clusters (fifteen of which we have X-ray imaging data for). The PDCS clusters of galaxies for which we have redshifts are part of two samples with different selection criteria. One sample, the ARC/KPNO sample, was selected on the number of $V-I \\ge 1$, $V \\le 21$ galaxies in a 2\\farcm 5 circle centered on the PDCS cluster candidate position. This provided a sample selected independently of many of the derived cluster parameters in the PDCS (such as richness, estimated redshift, {\\em etc}.) Our second sample, the CFHT sample, was selected using cluster parameters from the catalog, specifically all clusters in the X-ray imaging data with $\\Lambda_V \\ge 40$ and $0.3 \\le z_{estimated} \\le 0.5$ where $\\Lambda_V$ is the richness estimate of the PDCS in the V filter. This second sample was constructed to mimic the selection of the ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey in that we selected clusters of Richness Class 1 or greater \\citep{katgert96}. Given these two samples of redshifts, we then derived redshifts for the clusters, and, when possible, velocity dispersions based on the galaxy redshifts. We fit a Gaussian plus flat background using a maximum likelihood estimator to measure the velocity dispersions. This approach has the advantage of using the galaxy velocities directly and is completely automated. However, as we made an explicit choice on the shape of the velocity distribution, we are biased towards over-estimating the velocity dispersion of clusters with complicated dynamics. We tested our approach using the published CNOC velocities and found that for seven out of the eight clusters we measured the same velocity dispersions and the same size errors, $\\sim$ 10\\%. The one exception was MS 1512+36, a dynamically complicated cluster with two secondary peaks in the velocity distribution. Most of the clusters in our sample had a much smaller number of cluster members than the CNOC sample. Therefore, our velocity dispersions had much larger errors, up to $\\sim$ 50\\%. Using the redshifts, we measured X-ray luminosities or upper limits for thirty-one PDCS cluster candidates. We chose to measure our X-ray luminosities within an aperture that contains a fixed fraction of the total flux, using a $\\beta$ model to calculate the size of that aperture. For those sixteen PDCS cluster candidates for which we did not have spectroscopic redshifts, we used the estimated redshifts of the PDCS to compute the apertures. Twenty-four of the candidates in our sample were not X-ray detections. For those, we assigned $3\\sigma$ upper limits on the flux and luminosity. When we compare our masses derived from the velocity dispersions to the richnesses in the PDCS catalog in Figure \\ref{richvmass}, we find that \\slantfrac{1}{3} of our masses are lower than the expected values based on the richnesses. For example, we have in our sample two Richness Class 3 clusters with velocity dispersions of only $\\sim$500 km s$^{-1}$, with implied masses around $1-3 \\times 10^{14}$ $h^{-1}$ M$_{\\sun}$. We find that the relation between masses and richnesses in the PDCS sample differs from the Abell mass-richness relation from \\cite{girardi98b} at the 99.5\\% confidence limit. This observed difference comes from these low mass systems with high richnesses. In \\S 4.2 and 4.3 we derived the volumes surveyed for our two samples. We find that these volumes are accurate to around $\\sim$ 20\\% except for changes in $q_o$. These are much smaller errors than our errors based on our sample size. We used these volumes to derive the space density of PDCS clusters as a function of richness, X-ray luminosity and mass. If we examine the richness function of the clusters in our sample, we find space densities in line with those of the whole of the PDCS. As we mentioned before, this result is not surprising given how accurate the estimated redshifts are for the clusters in our sample and that most of the candidates in the PDCS are true over-densities of galaxies. Based on this result, we find that the PDCS agrees with the space densities for lower redshift catalogs of clusters of galaxies like the EDCC2 of \\citet{bramel99} and the APM results from \\citet{croft99}. However, this raises the question of why all of these catalogs find a much higher space density of clusters of galaxies than the Abell catalog at ostensibly the same richnesses? To try to answer this question, we first look at a different distribution function, the X-ray luminosity function. What is interesting is that the X-ray luminosity function of PDCS clusters of galaxies is quite in line with those based on X-ray selected samples, such as \\citet{burke97} and \\citet{rosati98} as well as those based on other optically selected samples such as \\citet{burns96}. This means that it is unlikely that the PDCS missed any X-ray emitting clusters of galaxies. However, considering that most of the clusters of galaxies are not detected in our X-ray data, those clusters must have quite faint luminosities ($ \\le 10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$, see Figure \\ref{nvl}). The clusters at those luminosities in the optically-selected, low redshift sample of \\cite{burns96} are quite poor, being either Richness Class 0 Abell clusters or groups from the catalog of \\citet{white99}. If we examine the mass function, once again we find that the distribution of masses in our sample matches that of other samples. We chose to compare our mass function with those of other samples by finding which cosmological parameters are most likely to produce the distribution of masses in our sample. We find the best fitting $\\Omega_m$ to be quite in line with those from the CNOC cluster survey if we assume both the $\\sigma_8 - \\Omega_m$ relation and the richness-mass relation from \\citet{girardi98b}. By the theoretical mass function that best fits our data, we see that most of our clusters should have masses on the order of $\\sim 10^{14}$ h$^{-1}$ M$_{\\odot}$, which is in agreement with our data, and is the mass range found for Richness Class 0 and 1 clusters in Figure \\ref{richvmass}. Based on our data, we find that the PDCS finds clusters of galaxies have distributions of mass and X-ray luminosity that match those of other samples. This leaves the richness function as the discrepant function, but only when compared with the Abell catalog. Other optically selected catalogs of clusters of galaxies find a much higher space density of objects than the Abell catalog, such as the APM cluster catalog \\citep{dalton97} or the Edinburgh-Durham Cluster Catalog 2 \\citep{bramel99}. Therefore, it is likely that either the Abell catalog is strongly incomplete by a factor of three or four, a rather unlikely occurrence, or that there is a mismatch between the various richness measures used by the automated catalogs and the Abell Richness. These ideas will be tested with future cluster catalogs that cover a large area of the sky, such as the DPOSS \\citep{gal99} and SDSS cluster catalogs. The promise of optically selected catalogs has always been that, given the relative ease of collecting large amounts of imaging data, catalogs with literally thousands of clusters of galaxies could be constructed. Our investigations of the PDCS shows that modern sophisticated cluster finding algorithms do an excellent job of finding over-densities of galaxies and correctly estimating their apparent redshift. From Figure \\ref{massf}, we can see that it will be possible to use optically selected clusters of galaxies to study cluster formation and evolution. The challenge will lie in improving the contrast for truly massive systems, to decrease the contamination we see in Figure \\ref{richvmass}. Machine based richnesses appear to be only an incremental improvement over counts by eye \\citep[for a comparison of richness to mass for the APM and Abell catalogs]{alonso99}. A possible solution could be in using such techniques as a color-based or photometric redshift selection, see for example \\citet{kepner99} or \\citet{gal99}. The approaches have the promise of reducing the number of contaminating field galaxies in cluster candidates. A second solution would be to replace a simple count of the number of galaxies with new measures of the total galaxy content such as the total luminosity from \\citet{adami98}, \\citet{fritsch99} or \\citet{miller00}. Catalogs using the combination of these two techniques should have the observed optical galaxy signal much more strongly correlated with mass. With such improvements and the new large area surveys such as the SDSS and DPOSS, optically selected clusters can be used to probe the mass function over 4 or 5 orders of magnitude in density and, thus, be used to explore the formation of the most massive gravitationally bound objects observed. This paper represents the submitted version of BH's dissertation. I would like to thank a number of people for reading over various versions of this work. This list includes Rich Kron, who read the whole thing at least twice, and my collaborators: Christophe Adami, Francisco Javier Castander, Lori Lubin, Robert Nichol, and A. Katherine Romer. I would also like to thank the anonymous referee for improving this paper. For help in understanding statistics, I thank Erik Reese for many useful pointers and Carlo Graziani who spent hours explaining Maximum Likelihood parameter estimation and the theory behind confidence limits. I would like to credit Gil Holder for correcting many of my misunderstandings of the Press-Schechter formulation and for testing my predictions of the cluster mass function. Daniel Reichart also helped with my understanding of Press-Schechter theory as well as all of the pitfalls of converting observational quantities like richness into the masses predicted from theory. Finally, I would like to thank Chris Metzler and Martin White for long explanations during the Cluster Eating Group about cluster formation and the spherical collapse model, I would like to thank Chris especially for his long patient explanations of relating theoretical predictions to observations. For scientific guidance, I would like to thank Rich Kron for teaching so well his particular way of looking at observational data. His intuition and ability to quickly get to the heart of a complicated collection of numbers served me well, despite my writing a thesis in a field that is not his specialty. I owe a great debt to Bob Nichol for teaching me, on a daily basis, how to start, progress, and complete a scientific project. Without his ideas and guidance, I would have been a graduate student much longer. I only hope I can learn how to form the ideas that he does. Kath Romer has taught me almost all of the X-ray astronomy I know, and good deal of the optical astronomy as well. She also patiently waded through the horrid language of my first paper, molding it into something that could be read and understood. Francisco Castander had many long conversations with me about cluster X-ray emission, stellar population synthesis, and all sorts of other fields of astronomy. I would like to thank Lori Lubin taking the time to repeatedly dig through all of her old notes to answer my obscure questions about the PDCS. I would also like to thank her for providing very insightful comments on earlier drafts of this dissertation and my other papers. In addition, I would like to thank Mel Ulmer for scientific and financial support all throughout my graduate career, as well as a fresh perspective on many different scientific problems. This project was funded in part by NASA grant NAG5-3202. BH was partially supported by the Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, by NASA GO-06838.01-95A and by NSF AST-9256606. This research was supported through NASA ADP grant NAG5-2432 (at Northwestern University) and NASA LTSA grant NAG5-6548 (at Carnegie Mellon University). \\newpage" }, "0004/astro-ph0004328_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "For a flat universe presently dominated by smooth energy, either cosmological constant (LCDM) or quintessence (QCDM), we calculate the asymptotic collapsed mass fraction as function of the present ratio of smooth energy to matter energy $\\rat$. Identifying the normalized collapsed fraction as a conditional probability for habitable galaxies, we observe that the observed present ratio $\\rat \\sim 2$ is likely in LCDM, but more likely in QCDM. Inverse application of Bayes' Theorem makes the Anthropic Principle a predictive scientific principle: the data implies that the prior probability for $\\rat$ must be essentially flat over the anthropically allowed range. Interpreting this prior as a distribution over {\\em theories} lets us predict that any future theory of initial conditions must be indifferent to $\\rat$. This application of the Anthropic Principle does not demand the existence of other universes. ", "introduction": "In the absence of a recognized symmetry principle protecting its value, no theoretical reason for making the cosmological constant zero or small has been found. Inflation makes the universe appear flat, so that, at present, the vacuum or smooth energy density $\\Omega_{Q0}=1-\\omm < 1$, is $10^{120}$ times smaller than would be expected on current particle theories. To explain this small but non-vanishing present value, a dynamic vacuum energy, quintessence, has been invoked: a background scalar field whose potential energy dominates its kinetic energy, so that the fluid pressure $P$ and its ratio to energy density $w_Q \\equiv P/\\rho <0$. (When we speak of a static vacuum energy or cosmological constant, we mean the limiting case, $w_Q=-1$, which is homogeneous on all scales.) With any positive cosmological constant or quintessence, an expanding universe starts out radiation or matter dominated, but ultimately becomes dominated by smooth energy and goes into exponential expansion (Fig. 1). The best evidence for a flat low-density universe comes from the location (at $l \\sim 200$) of the first Doppler peak in the CBR anisotroy in the combined BOOMERANG-98, MAXIMA-1 and COBE-DMR measurements: $\\omm+\\omq=1.11 \\pm 0.07~^{+0.13}_{-0.12}$ \\citep{Jaffe}. Supporting evidence \\citep{WCOS,RHOR} comes from the slow evolution of rich clusters, the mass power spectrum, the curvature in the SNIa Hubble diagram, and the dynamic age. The cosmic flow implies $\\omm=0.3\\pm0.05$. The height of the first Doppler peak, and gravitational lensing imply $\\omq=1-\\omm \\sim 2/3$. Of these, the SNIa evidence is most subject to systematic errors due to precursor intrinsic evolution. A large set of such observational data have been combined \\citep{RHOR} in a two-step constrained fit. Firstly, ten independent constraints in the ($\\omm,\\omlam$)-plane yielded the result $\\omm + \\omlam = 0.99 \\pm 0.14$, which clearly supports the view of a flat universe. Secondly, assuming exact flatness, five more constraints were included in the fit with the result $\\omm = 1 - \\omlam = 0.33 \\pm 0.04$, or equivalently, $\\rat=\\omq/\\omm = 2.03\\pm 0.25$. We can interpret this as evidence that we live in a low-density universe with a smooth energy component with present density $\\omq \\sim 2/3$ and negative pressure $ -1 \\leq w_Q < -1/3 $. Accepting this small but non-vanishing value for static or dynamic vacuum energy, a flat Friedmann cosmology (CDM) is characterized by $\\omm,~\\Omega_{Q0}=1-\\omm$ or the present ratio $$\\rat \\equiv \\Omega_{Q0}/\\omm=(1-\\omm)/\\omm~, $$ and by the equation of state for the smooth energy component. The {\\em Cosmic Coincidence} problem now becomes pressing: Why do we live when the clustered matter density $\\Omega(a)$, which is diluting as $a^{-3}$ with cosmic scale $a$, is just now comparable to the static vacuum energy or present value of the smooth energy i.e. when the ratio $\\rat \\sim 2$ ? In this paper, we study the {quintessence} range $ -1 \\le w_Q < -1/3 $ for the smooth energy component, distinguishing in particular the two cases \\\\ LCDM: cosmological constant with $w_Q=-1$, and\\\\ QCDM: quintessence with the specific choice $ w_Q =-1/2$ . The next section compares the cosmic expansion and the freeze-out of structure formation, in these two models for smooth energy. Section 3 extends to QCDM the calculation of asymptotic mass fraction as function of a hypothetical continuous variable $\\omm$ for LCDM, presented by Martel {\\it et al} \\citep{MSW,MS}. In Section 4, identifying these collapsed mass fractions with anthropic probabilities for $\\rat$, we show that the presently observed ratio, while reasonable in an LCDM universe, is more likely in a QCDM universe. This confirms empirically that the prior probability for our universe is flat in $\\omm$, as is expected in a large class of fundamental theories \\citep{W}. The anthropic answer to the cosmic coincidence problem is: ``If not now, then when?'' \\citep{Hil} \\section {Expansion of a Low Density Flat Universe} The Friedmann equation in a flat universe with clustered matter and smooth energy density is $$ H^2(x) \\equiv (\\dot{a}/a)^2=(8 \\pi G/3)(\\rho_m+\\rho_Q), $$ or, in units of $\\rho_{cr}(x)=3H^2(x)/8\\pi G$, $$1=\\Omega_m(x)+\\Omega_Q(x),$$ where the reciprocal scale factor $x \\equiv a_0/a \\equiv 1+z \\rightarrow \\infty$ in the far past, $\\rightarrow 0$ in the far future. With the effective equation of state $w \\equiv P/\\rho=$ constant, different kinds of energy density dilute at different rates $\\rho \\sim a^{-n},~n \\equiv 3(1+w)$, and contribute to the deceleration at different rates $(1+3w)/2$ shown in the table:\\\\ \\begin{table} \\centering \\begin{tabular*}{115mm}{@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}l|ccc@{}} \\hline {\\em substance} &{\\em w} &{\\em n} &{\\em (1+3w)/2} \\\\ \\hline radiation & 1/3 & 4 &1 \\\\ NR matter & 0 & 3 &1/2 \\\\ quintessence & -1/2 & 3/2 &-1/4 \\\\ cosmolconst & -1 & 0 &-1 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular*} \\caption{Energy Dilution for Various Equations of State} \\end{table}\\\\ The expansion rate in present Hubble units is $$ H(x)/H_0=(\\omm x^3+ (1-\\omm) x^n_Q)^{1/2}. $$ The Friedmann equation has an unstable fixed point in the far past and a stable attractor in the far future. (Note the tacit application of the anthropic principle: Why does our universe expand, rather than contract?) \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=RecpresPlot.eps,width=12cm,height=13cm} \\caption{Scale evolution of LCDM and QCDM low-density flat universes in the recent past and near future. The lower curve shows the SCDM universe from which both LCDM and QCDM evolved in the far past. The upper curve shows the flat de Sitter universe towards which both LCDM and QCDM will evolve in the future. The inflection points marked (O) show where first LCDM and later QCDM change over from decelerating to accelerating universes.} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\nopagebreak The second Friedmann equation is $$q(a)\\equiv -\\ddot{a} a/{\\dot{a}^2}=\\sum_{i} \\Omega_i (1+3w_i)/2= (1+\\Omega_Q(a))/2 .$$ The ratio of smooth energy to matter energy, $\\mathcal R(a)=\\mathcal R_0 (a_0/a)^{3w_Q}$, increases as the cosmic expansion dilutes the matter density. A flat universe, characterized by $\\rat,~w_Q$, evolves out of an SCDM universe in the remote past towards a flat de Sitter universe in the future. As shown by the inflection points (O) on the middle curves of Figure 1, for fixed $\\rat$, QCDM expands faster than LCDM, but begins accelerating only at the present epoch. The top and bottom curves refer respectively to a de Sitter universe ($\\Omega_m=0$), which is always accelerating, and an SCDM universe ($\\Omega_m=1$), which is always decelerating. The matter-smooth energy transition (``freeze-out'') $\\Omega_Q/\\Omega_m=1$ took place only recently at $(x^*)^{-w_Q}=\\rat^{-1/3}$ or at $x^*=\\rat^{2/3}=1.59$ for QCDM and, even later, at $x^*=1.26$ for LCDM. Because, for the same value of $\\rat$, a matter-QCDM transition would take place earlier and more slowly than a matter-LCDM transition, it imposes a stronger constraint on structure evolution. As summarized in the table below, quintessence dominance begins 3.6 Gyr earlier and more gradually than cosmological constant dominance. (In this table, the deceleration $q(x) \\equiv -\\ddot{a}/aH_0^2$ is measured in {\\em present} Hubble units.) The recent lookback time is $$H_0t_L(z)=z-(1+q_0)z^2+...,\\quad z<1 ,$$ where $q_0=0$ for QCDM and $q_0=- 1/2$ for LCDM. \\begin{table} \\centering \\noindent \\begin{tabular*}{125mm}{@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}l|cc@{}} \\hline {\\em event} & {\\em LCDM} & {\\em QCDM} \\\\ \\hline \\hline {\\bf Cross-Over to Smooth Energy Dominance}& & \\\\ reciprocal scale $x^*=a_0/a=1+z$ &$\\rat^{1/3}$=1.260 &$\\rat ^{2/3}$=1.587 \\\\ age $t(x^*)/H_0^{-1}$ &0.720 &0.478 \\\\ in units $h_{65}^{-1}$Gyr &10.8 &7.2 \\\\ \\hline horizon size in units $cH_0^{-1}$ &2.39 &1.58 \\\\ in units $h_{65}^{-1}$Gpc &11.0 &7.24 \\\\ \\hline deceleration $q(x^*)$ at freeze-out &-0.333 &0.333 \\\\ \\hline \\hline {\\bf Present Epoch} & & \\\\ age $t_0/H_0^{-1}$ &0.936 &0.845 \\\\ $h_{65}^{-1}$Gyr &14.0 &12.7 \\\\ \\hline horizon in units $cH_0^{-1}$ &3.26 &2.96 \\\\ in units $h_{65}^{-1}$Gpc &15.0 &13.6 \\\\ \\hline present deceleration $q_0$ &-0.500 &0 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular*} \\caption{ Comparative Evolution of LCDM and QCDM Universes} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004164_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Transient Gamma Ray Spectrometer (TGRS) on board the {\\em WIND\\/} spacecraft has spent most of the interval 1995--1997 in a high-altitude orbit where $\\gamma$-ray backgrounds are low. Its high-resolution Ge spectrometer is thus able to detect weak lines which are slightly offset from stronger background features. One such line is predicted from nucleosynthesis in classical novae, where $\\beta$-decays on a time-scale of a few hours in an expanding envelope produce positrons that annihilate to generate a line which is blueshifted by a few keV away from the background annihilation line at 511 keV. The broad TGRS field of view contained five known Galactic novae during 1995 January -- 1997 June, and we have searched the spectra taken around the times of these events for the blueshifted nova annihilation line. Although no definite detections were made, the method is shown to be sensitive enough to detect novae occurring on ONeMg-rich white dwarfs out to about 2.5 kpc. ", "introduction": "In the standard thermonuclear runaway model of classical nova outbursts the energy source is the explosive burning of H in a degenerate layer on the surface of a white dwarf, composed of H-rich material accreted from a companion contaminated by material taken up from the white dwarf by diffusion. The nuclear burning time-scale is rapid compared to the lifetimes of certain key $\\beta$-unstable isotopes in the reaction chain, and substantial abundances of these nuclei are therefore built up. The isotopes involved may be $^{7}$Be, $^{13}$N, $^{14,15}$O, $^{17,18}$F, $^{22}$Na or $^{26}$Al, depending on the temperature and the chemical composition of the contaminating material from the white dwarf (CO-rich or ONeMg-rich). Convection in the accreted layer carries the longer-lived ($>100$ s) of these species to the surface before they decay. The $\\gamma$-ray lines resulting from decays at the surface are in principle observable, and would provide a rather direct test of the model. The $\\beta$-unstable nuclei involved are all proton-rich and therefore decay predominantly by emission of positrons. Thus in addition to $\\gamma$-ray lines from de-excitation of the daughter nuclei, we also expect a line at 511 keV from the annihilation of the positrons with the ambient material (Clayton \\& Hoyle 1974, Leising \\& Clayton 1987). Several previous experiments have searched for the decay lines from the relatively long-lived isotopes $^{22}$Na and $^{7}$Be, either from individual nearby novae (Leising et al. 1988, Iyudin et al. 1995) or from the accumulated production of many novae in a wide field of view (Leising et al. 1988, Harris, Leising \\& Share 1991, Harris et al. 1997). Here we report first results of the first search for the 511 keV line, which reflects primarily the production of shorter-lived isotopes such as $^{13}$N and $^{18}$F. The Transient Gamma Ray Spectrometer experiment (TGRS) is very well suited to the search for the 511 keV line, for several reasons. First, it is located on board a spacecraft whose orbit is so elliptical that it has spent virtually all of its mission (1994 November--present) in interplanetary space (the {\\em WIND\\/} mission). In this environment the $\\gamma$-ray background level is relatively low, and interruptions due to passages of Earth's trapped radiation belts are minimal (typically lasting a few hours at intervals of several months). This is important because the bursts of 511 keV radiation are predicted to occur only during a $\\sim 6$ hr period at an uncertain interval before the nova event (Leising \\& Clayton 1987, Hernanz et al. 1997, and \\S 2). Second, the TGRS instrument is attached to the south-facing surface of the rotating cylindrical {\\em WIND\\/} body, which points permanently toward the south ecliptic pole. The detector is unshielded, and TGRS therefore has an unobstructed view of the entire southern (ecliptic) hemisphere. Third, and most importantly, the TGRS Ge detector has sufficient spectral resolution to detect a 511 keV line which is slightly Doppler-shifted away from the background 511 keV line which is always present in space experiments, which arises from annihilation following $\\beta^{+}$ decays of cosmic-ray spallation product nuclei. This background line is always very close to the rest energy, whereas the most recent nova models predict the source line to be blueshifted by 2--5 keV (Hernanz 1997, private communication); by comparison, the TGRS energy resolution at 511 keV has varied from 3--4 keV FWHM during the mission (Harris et al. 1998). No previous experiment has possessed the same advantages of long and continuous temporal coverage, broad spatial coverage, and fine spectral resolution. Our analysis procedure (described in \\S 3) relies heavily on the theoretically predicted properties of the 511 keV line. There has not been much incentive for theoretical work upon this line because of the difficulty of resolving the nova line from the background line in the previous generation of low-resolution experiments. The early work of Clayton \\& Hoyle (1974) and Leising \\& Clayton (1987) assumed white dwarf models which were CO-rich, and treated the explosion parametrically. Much fuller hydrodynamic models which can be applied at all stages from accretion through explosion and nucleosynthesis have recently been developed (Starrfield et al. 1992, Hernanz et al. 1996, Jose et al. 1997) and applied to the positron annihilation problem (Hernanz et al. 1997, G\\'{o}mez-Gomar et al. 1998). In this series of models the largest 511 keV line fluxes come from the more massive ONeMg-rich white dwarfs; indeed, fluxes as high as $10^{-2}$ photon cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-2}$ are expected in favorable cases. For the purpose of analysis we shall in general assume the line properties of the Hernanz et al. (1997) ONe2 model, which generates this level of flux over a $\\sim 6$ hr period (\\S 3).\\footnote{ This model is referred to as A2 in G\\'{o}mez-Gomar et al. (1998).} In \\S 2 we describe the difficulties which are involved in a search for the 511 keV line around the times of those novae which are known to have been in TGRS's field of view during the mission. Our results for the individual novae are presented in \\S 4, and we will show in \\S 5 that for the ONe2 and other nova models TGRS sensitivity is good enough to justify a large-scale search for the line in the full 1995--1997 TGRS data. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Results for Individual Novae} As emphasized in \\S 2, it is very difficult to use our results for the individual novae to constrain the ONe2 model because of our lack of knowledge of two related nova parameters, the epoch of explosion and the distance. In Figs. 4c and 7--10 we use the limited information given in Table 2 to plot the predicted fluxes $\\phi_{pred}$ as dotted lines, which depend on the time relative to discovery according to \\begin{equation} \\phi_{pred}(t) = 0.016/r(t)^2 \\end{equation} where the distance $r(t)$ in kpc is obtained from Equation (3). Note that $\\phi_{pred}$ is {\\em not\\/} a light curve; as shown in Table 1, there is usually a wide range of allowed explosion times, and $\\phi_{pred}$ is the predicted flux {\\em at any one time\\/} of explosion. In two cases (N Sco 1997 and N Sgr 1996; Figs. 4c and 9a) the predicted flux is always below our $3 \\sigma$ upper limit, for any of the allowed explosion times; these novae must be too distant for our results to be used to constrain even the most optimistic nova model (Hernanz et al. 1997, model ONe2). The other three novae (N Cir 1995, N Cen 1995 and N Cru 1996) are predicted to yield a detectable $\\phi_{pred}$ only if the explosion occurred early in the allowed range of times [prior to $\\sim 12$ d before discovery for N Cir (Fig. 7), 7 d before discovery for N Cen (Fig. 8), and 9 d before discovery for N Cru (Fig. 10)]. In other words, the allowed range of distances for these novae includes the TGRS detection limit $\\sim 2.5$ kpc. The ONe2 model can be tested using our results for these novae if further investigations yield either the appropriate constraints on explosion time, or an independent measurement of the distance to the nova. \\subsection{Implications for Nova Searches} The data analyzed in this paper covers about 70 d, representing only a small fraction of the whole TGRS database. An obvious extension of this work would be to analyze the entire database in order to detect, or place upper limits upon, the occurrence of all neon novae lying within the 2.5 kpc radius estimated in \\S 4. There are good reasons for believing that many novae within this radius escape detection. As noted in \\S 2, visual searches for novae are usually episodic, containing gaps in temporal coverage within which fast-rising and decaying novae are likely to be missed; coverage is particularly uneven in the southern hemisphere. Further, the southern Galactic plane contains regions of very strong interstellar absorption; $A_{V}$ values up to 4 are found within 2.5 kpc in some directions (Neckel \\& Klare 1980). There is therefore considerable uncertainty, not only about the global Galactic nova rate, but also about its spatial distribution; novae in a disk population may be more common than the spheroidal population modeled by Leising \\& Clayton (1985), but less observable due to obscuration (Hatano et al. 1997). There is evidence that the neon subclass may be more concentrated toward the plane, and thus more under-represented in global nova statistics (Della Valle et al. 1992). Estimates of the success rate of a $\\gamma$-ray line search must be very uncertain, for the above reasons; in fact, the best justification for such a search is precisely that it is the only way to obtain an unbiased census of novae on which to base global nova rates. Estimated rates for the Galaxy as a whole range from 11--260 yr$^{-1}$, tending to cluster about values 35--50 (Shafter 1997), with about one-third occurring on ONeMg white dwarfs (Gehrz et al. 1998). To estimate TGRS's rate of detections, we note that a full-scale search of almost 3 years of TGRS data will yield a much higher chance detection rate than that found in the present work ($< 1$ detection in 70 d), so that the threshold for detection must be set higher than the value $3 \\sigma$ used here. Since the distribution of our null measurements is very close to the normal distribution expected by chance, it is easy to show that a threshold level $\\simeq 4.6 \\sigma$ yields a probability $< 1$\\% of a single false detection by chance (Abramowitz \\& Stegun 1964). This threshold level corresponds to a distance $\\simeq 2$ kpc for a neon nova. A simple model of nova distribution following star counts (Bahcall 1986, integrating the disk over $z$) suggests that $\\sim 2$\\% of Galactic novae occur within 2 kpc of the Sun in the southern hemisphere. Moderate estimates of the global nova rate $\\sim 50$ yr$^{-1}$ then imply that TGRS would detect one neon nova during $\\sim 3$ yr; higher global rates, or a higher fraction of neon novae, would imply more detections. Further papers in this series will utilize this search strategy, and will follow up the possibilities arising from detailed study of the already known novae as described in the previous section." }, "0004/astro-ph0004352_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The central densities of dark matter (DM) halos are much lower than predicted in cold DM models of structure formation. Confirmation that they have cores with a finite central density would allow us to rule out many popular types of collisionless particle as candidates for DM. Any model that leads to cusped halos (such as cold DM) is already facing serious difficulties on small scales and hot DM models have been excluded. Here I show that fermionic warm DM is inconsistent with the wide range of phase space densities in the DM halos of well-observed nearby galaxies. ", "introduction": "The well-known mass discrepancies in galaxies (Bosma 1978; Broeils 1992; Verheijen 1997) and in clusters of galaxies (Zwicky 1937; Carlberg, Yee \\& Ellingson 1997; Tyson, Kochanski \\& Dell'Antonio 1998) are usually taken to imply the existence of a large fraction of invisible, or ``dark,'' matter (DM) in the universe. A popular candidate is Cold Dark Matter, for which the DM particles, whatever they are, are almost at rest with respect to the Hubble flow in the early universe. CDM is often imagined to be a heavy, non-baryonic relic particle from the early universe which has essentially only gravitational interactions with itself and with normal, or baryonic, matter. The CDM model has been studied intensively for twenty years and now has many well-worked out predictions for the formation of structure in the universe (\\eg\\ Bertschinger 1998). The broad-brush impression one now has is that the currently favored $\\Lambda$CDM model boasts a considerable degree of success in predicting large-scale structure (\\eg\\ Pearce \\etal\\ 1999; Bahcall \\etal\\ 1999). But it has become apparent in recent years that the predictions of almost any flavor of CDM are seriously at variance with the observed properties of galaxies because the central densities of collapsed objects and fragments are predicted to be too high (\\S\\ref{sec:cusps}). A number of authors have therefore begun to explore variations of the CDM model; most favor a modification to the properties of the DM particles rather than the alternative -- a change to the law of gravity. The simplest is the warm DM matter model (\\eg\\ Colombi, Dodelson \\& Widrow 1996; Sommer-Larsen \\& Dolgov 1999; Hogan 1999) in which streaming of the DM particles in the early universe suppresses small-scale power in the fluctuation spectrum. In addition, WDM particles in halos of greater volume density must have larger velocity spreads, because of Liouville's theorem, thereby precluding strong density gradients. Simulators of the WDM model suppress small-scale power in the fluctuation spectrum but generally ignore the initial finite velocity spread, which is difficult to include without wrecking the quiet start. Since the DM in these simulations still has infinite phase space density, the resulting halo profiles have density cusps resembling those which form in CDM (\\eg\\ Moore \\etal\\ 1999; Col\\'\\i n \\etal\\ 2000). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} Fermionic WDM halos should have well-defined cores with a characteristic $\\fm$. This prediction is inconsistent with the range of values shown in Figure 1 which rules out this particular DM candidate. Halos having finite central densities are also inconsistent with the density cusps predicted by CDM, and possibly also bosonic WDM. Other work has excluded HDM. Thus the existence of finite central density cores in halos would rule out most forms of simple, collisionless relic particle as DM candidates. It is therefore of great importance to obtain tighter observational constraints on the inner density profiles of halos. It is suddenly popular to hypothesize extra properties for the CDM particle in order to soften the collapsed halos (Spergel \\& Steinhardt 1999; Peebles 2000; Goodman 2000; Hu \\etal\\ 2000; Kaplinghat \\etal\\ 2000; \\etc). The simple CDM model would become much less attractive if an extra {\\it ad hoc\\/} property were needed to rescue it. The nature of DM is increasingly constrained by the observed properties of galaxy halos. In particular, any successful theory of galaxy formation will need to account for the wide range of phase space densities for DM shown in Figure 1." }, "0004/astro-ph0004214_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use numerical simulations to investigate the cusp at the centre of elliptical galaxies, due to the slow growth of a super-massive black hole. We study this problem for axisymmetric models of galaxies, with or without rotation. The numerical simulations are based on the `Perturbation Particles' method, and use GRAPEs to compute the force due to the cusp. We study how the density cusp is affected by the initial flattening of the model, as well as the role played by initial rotation. The logarithmic slope of the density cusp is found to be very much insensitive to flattening; as a consequence, we deduce that tangential velocity anisotropy-- which supports the flattening-- is also of little influence on the final cusp. We investigate {\\it via} two different kinds of rotating models the efficiency with which a rotation velocity component builds within the cusp. A cusp in rotation develops only for models where a net rotation component is initially present at high energy levels. The eventual observation of a central rotational velocity peak in E galaxies has therefore some implications for the galaxy dynamical history. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec_intro} \\indent HST observations have shown that a central density cusp is present in most, if not all, elliptical galaxies (Lauer {\\it et al.} 1995, and companion papers). Furthermore the slope of the density cusp has shown a dichotomy between high mass (luminosity) systems and low mass (luminosity) ones, analogous to what has been found for other observational properties (Bender {\\it et al.} 1989). Low mass ellipticals tend to host steep cusps, the radial profile of their luminosity $\\rho(r)$ having a logarithmic slope $\\gamma\\equiv - {\\rm d } log(\\rho)/{\\rm d} log(r) \\simeq 1.9 \\pm 0.5 $. On the other hand, luminous ellipticals have shallower cusps, with $\\gamma \\simeq 0.8 \\pm 0.5$ (Gebhard \\etal 1996). The most popular explanation for the formation of a density cusp is a central super-massive black hole (BH)-- see Richstone {\\it et al.} (1998), Kormendy \\& Richstone (1995) for reviews. Such BHs are believed to be present in a large fraction (possibly close to 1, Haenelt \\& Rees 1993, Tremaine 1997) of present day galaxies. Their influence on a collisionless galactic nucleus was first addressed by Peebles (1972), Young (1980), Goodman \\& Binney (1984) using semi-analytic models. All these models suppose an isolated galaxy, at the center of which a BH grows by gas accretion. The slope of the cusp produced in such models is within the range observed for the less massive E galaxies. In this paper we shall also consider the formation of a cusp in an isolated galaxy, as we are interested in the origin for the steep cusp ($\\gamma \\simeq 1.9$) of low luminosity ellipticals. On the other hand, numerical simulations (Makino \\& Ebisuzaki, 1996, Quinlan \\& Hernquist 1997, Nakano \\& Makino 1999) have shown that a BH sinking within the core of an elliptical galaxy, or a binary of BHs produce a shallow cusp, similar to that observed for massive E galaxies. Such a BH binary could result from a merger. This picture is therefore compatible with the general belief (e.g. Nieto \\& Bender 1989) that the apparent existence of two classes of ellipticals is related to a more important role played by merging and interactions in the history of massive E galaxies. All the semi-analytic models of cusp formation due to a central BH use the adiabatic invariance of actions to derive the distribution function after a BH has slowly grown (see Young 1980). Since actions are explicitly known for spherical systems, analytical models have been derived in spherical symmetry. Based on such quasi-analytic computations for spherical models, Quinlan \\etal (1995) investigated the consequences of the initial density profile on the slope of the cusp, and addressed the influence of a velocity anisotropy. For non-spherical systems -- except for St\\\"ackel potentials -- an expression for the actions is unknown, and therefore models based on the conservation of actions have not been computed hitherto. In this paper, we propose to use numerical simulations with high central resolution, based on the PP method (Leeuwin \\etal 1993), to investigate the cusp formed in axisymmetric systems by the growth of a BH. Many low luminosity galaxies display little evidence for triaxiality, but are close to axisymmetry; they can be modeled as two-integral models, with $f(E,L_z)$. Such a distribution function (d.f.) implies velocity dispersions obeying $\\sigma_R=\\sigma_z$, meaning that flattening would be due to an excess of azimuthal motion (which increases the net rotation, or the tangential anisotropy). This does not preclude that three-integral models would not do as well, or better ({\\it e.g.} review by Merritt, 1998). Many of those galaxies however exhibit kinematic features consistent with isotropic rotators models: at least for them, an excess of tangential motion is plausibly the main support for their flattening. The BH itself may have perturbed orbits sufficiently to erase the part of memory for initial conditions that corresponds to conservation of a third integral (Norman \\etal 1985, Gerhard \\& Binney 1985, Merritt \\& Quinlan 1998). In this case axisymmetry is a consequence of the BH growth. Nevertheless, one still ought to investigate the scenario in which, for some of these galaxies, the presently observed axisymmetry already existed before the BH growth. This is the goal of this paper, where we will study the cusp generated by the growth of a central BH within axisymmetric systems having various degrees of rotation. If a BH grows in a roughly axisymmetric galaxy, do the initial flattening and rotation have a sizeable effect on the evolution, so that it deviates from that of the well known spherical case? Could we in certain cases be able, eventually with more detailed observational data, to infer from the properties of presently observed cusps any information about the pre-black hole galaxy? Should one be cautious in certain cases about deriving the BH mass using the spherical adiabatic model? This paper is organized as follows: first, the existing models are briefly recalled in section 2. We then specify the initial conditions (section 3) and the numerical techniques used for this work (section 4). Results for non-rotating and rotating models are given in sections 5 and 6, respectively. We conclude in section 7. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004028_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{early universe --- galaxies: evolution --- galaxies: morphology -- galaxies: stellar content --- infrared: galaxies} The Hubble Deep Fields continue to be a valuable resource for studying the distant universe, particularly at $z > 2$ where their comoving volume becomes large enough to encompass several hundred $L^\\ast$ galaxies or their progenitors. Here I present recent results from a near--infrared imaging survey of the HDF--North with NICMOS, which provides structural and photometric information in the optical rest frame ($\\lambda\\lambda_0$4000--5500\\AA) for hundreds of ordinary galaxies at $2 < z < 3$, and which offers the means to search for still more distant objects at $z \\gg 5$. Lyman break galaxies at $2 < z < 3$ are compact and often irregular in the NICMOS images; ordinary Hubble sequence spirals and ellipticals seem to be largely absent at these redshifts, and apparently reached maturity at $1 < z < 2$. The Lyman break galaxies have UV--optical spectral energy distributions like those of local starburst galaxies. Population synthesis models suggest typical ages $\\sim$few$\\times 10^8$ years and moderate UV extinction ($\\sim 1.2$~mag at 1700\\AA), but the constraints are fairly weak and there may be considerable variety. Considering a near--IR selected galaxy sample, there is little evidence for a significant number of galaxies at $z \\sim 3$ that have been missed by UV--based Lyman break selection. Using the well--characterized $z \\sim 3$ galaxy population as a point of reference, I consider Lyman break galaxy candidates at $4.5 < z < 9$, as well as one remarkable object which might (or might not) be at $z > 12$. The space density of UV--bright galaxies in the HDF appears to thin out toward larger redshifts, although surface brightness selection effects may play an important role. ", "introduction": "\\subsection{The first galaxies?} The past five years have seen remarkable breakthroughs in our ability to identify and systematically study ordinary galaxies at very large redshifts, not just as isolated case studies, but {\\it en masse} as a galaxy {\\it population.} To date, nearly 1000 galaxies have been spectroscopically confirmed at $z > 2$, mostly identified via broad--band color selection techniques (Steidel \\etal 1996, i.e., the Lyman break galaxies, or LBGs), but with other important and complementary methods also coming into play (sub--mm and radio surveys, emission line searches, QSO absorption systems, etc.). A broad census of galaxy properties at $z \\sim 3$ now seems within reach, covering star formation rates (SFRs), dust content, morphologies, spatial clustering, and perhaps even chemical abundances and internal kinematics. Although I have retained my assigned title, `The First Galaxies...,' it is far from clear that we know when, where, or how to find the `first' galaxies. The $z \\sim 3$ LBGs may or may not be the first major wave of galaxy formation. If anything, current data favors a roughly constant global SFR (as traced by cosmic UV luminosity density, at least) from $2 \\simlt z \\simlt 4$, with no certain evidence for a decline at higher redshifts (Steidel \\etal 1999). The sub--mm population detected by SCUBA (cf.\\ Cowie, this volume) may or may not represent the bulk of early star formation, and the upper redshift bound to SCUBA sources remains unknown. The reionization of the intergalactic medium at $z > 5$ and the presence of metals in the Ly~$\\alpha$ forest at $z \\sim 3$ point toward earlier epochs of star and galaxy formation, at least in trace amounts. A handful of galaxies now have plausible spectroscopic confirmation at $z > 5$, but too few for any systematic census. For this reason, I cannot promise to live up to my title: I do not know what the first galaxies are or what they look like. Given this ignorance, I will focus the first part of this article on the structure and stellar populations of the most distant {\\it well studied} galaxies, the $z \\sim 3$ Lyman break objects. This is not meant as a comprehensive review, but will instead concentrate on new imaging and photometric data from NICMOS on {\\it HST} that extend our knowledge of LBG properties to the optical rest frame. In his contribution to this volume, Max Pettini provides a complementary discussion of recent efforts to measure chemical abundances and internal kinematics for these same galaxies. In the second part of my article, I will describe efforts to extend Lyman break color selection to still larger redshifts, approaching (or perhaps even exceeding) $z \\approx 10$. In this way I hope to at least provide a look into the epoch when `the first galaxies' might plausibly have been formed, and to catalog what we can find right now, in the pre--{\\it NGST} era, given the best available survey data. \\subsection{Infrared observations of the Hubble Deep Field} For the past five years, the Hubble Deep Fields (HDFs) have provided the most exquisitely deep, high angular resolution optical census of the distant universe. It is important (if somewhat pedantic) to consider what an HDF is actually good for. One WFPC2 field covers 5 arcmin$^2$, and probes a very small co--moving volume at $z < 1$, enough to hold only $\\sim 12$--30 $L^\\ast$ galaxies, depending on the cosmology. Given small number statistics and concerns about clustering, the central HDF is therefore not the best place study massive galaxies in the `low' redshift universe, despite the fact that most of cosmic time and most bright galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts are at $z \\simlt 1$. There is far more volume at high redshift: 10.5 to 40$\\times$ more at $2 < z < 10$ than at $z < 1$ for plausible cosmologies, room enough for several hundred $L^\\ast$ galaxies or their progenitors. At $z > 1$, the optical light emitted from galaxies shifts into the near--infrared. Thus in order to compare $z > 2$ galaxies to their local counterparts, and to search for still more distant objects at $z \\gg 5$, it is important to extend the wavelength baseline. The HDF--North was observed in the near--IR from the ground in several different programs (e.g., Hogg \\etal 1997; Barger \\etal 1998; and our own KPNO 4m $JHK_s$ imaging, cf.\\ Dickinson 1998). The depth and angular resolution (typically $\\sim 1\\arcsec$) of these data are a poor match to that of the optical WFPC2 HDF images. Two programs therefore targeted the HDF--North with NICMOS on board {\\it HST}, providing much deeper images with high angular resolution. The NICMOS GTOs (Thompson \\etal 1999) imaged one NICMOS Camera 3 field ($\\sim 51\\arcsec\\times 51\\arcsec$) for 49 orbits each at F110W (1.1$\\mu$m) and F160W (1.6$\\mu$m). Our own program mosaiced the complete HDF with a mean exposure time of 12600s per filter in F110W and F160W. Sensitivity varies over the field of view, but the average depth is AB~$\\approx 26.1$ at $S/N=10$ in an $0\\secspt7$ diameter aperture. The drizzled PSF has FWHM~=~$0\\secspt22$, primarily limited by the NIC3 pixel scale. Because most galaxies have spectral energy distributions (SEDs) which brighten (in $f_\\nu$ units) at redder wavelengths, our images detect roughly half of the galaxies from the WFPC2 HDF, despite their short exposure times. We have also reanalyzed our KPNO $K_s$ images to optimally extract photometry matched to the WFPC2+NICMOS data. These data are not as deep as one would like, which is unfortunate because they provide the only access to rest frame optical wavelengths for objects at $3 < z < 4.4$, but they are the best presently available. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the observers, a remarkably high density of spectroscopic redshifts is available in the HDF--N: $\\sim 150$ galaxies (plus a few stars) in the central WFPC2+NICMOS field alone, with 33 objects at $2 < z < 5.6$. Taking advantage of the high quality photometric data, many investigators have used multicolor selection (e.g.\\ the two color Lyman break criteria of Steidel \\etal 1996, Madau \\etal 1996, and others) or photometric redshifts (e.g., Fern\\'andez--Soto \\etal 1999) to identify high redshift galaxy candidates. There are advantages and drawbacks to both approaches, but both have demonstrated remarkable successes. In this discussion, I will make use of both methods. For the photometric redshifts, I will use fits to our 7--band HDF photometry by Budav\\'ari \\etal (2000), whose `adaptive template' method is a modification of an otherwise straightforward spectral template fitting scheme. I will use AB magnitudes here throughout, and notate the six WFPC2 + NICMOS bandpasses by \\U300, \\B450, \\V606, \\I814, \\J110 and \\H160. Unless stated otherwise, I will assume a cosmology with $\\Omega_M = 0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda = 0.7$, and $H_0 = 70$~\\kmsmpc. ", "conclusions": "Overall, the HDF/NICMOS data demonstrate both the promise and the challenges which lie ahead for finding and studying the `first' galaxies. The rest--frame optical view of Lyman break galaxies presented in \\S\\S2 and 3 strongly suggests that the galaxy population at $2 < z < 3$ had not yet achieved maturity. The giant, Hubble sequence spirals and ellipticals that dominate the high--mass end of the galaxy population today are not seen at $z > 2$. In a sample of HDF galaxies selected in the near--infrared, nearly all galaxies with spectroscopic or plausible photometric redshifts $2 < z < 3.5$ are evidently forming stars quite rapidly and can also be identified via their emitted--frame UV light. The evidence from SCUBA shows that there are occasional `monsters' whose obscured star formation may be quite important to the global emissive energy budget from galaxies. The identification of these objects, relatively rare by number, remains an important dilemma. Broad band color selection has been the most successful means for identifying high redshift galaxies, but we seem to be pushing the limits of what can be accomplished at $z > 6$ with present--day capabilities. The NICMOS HDF images are the deepest near--IR data now available, and they do include plausible candidates for galaxies at $6 < z < 9$, but they are relatively few, and most are quite probably too faint for spectroscopic confirmation. We probably should not expect to find galaxies much {\\it brighter} than these candidates unless some of the `first' galaxies were significantly more luminous than the boring old `later' galaxies that we have now surveyed extensively at $z \\approx 3$. This is not impossible of course: the Chen \\etal object and HDFN--JD1 are both possible (but unconfirmed) $z > 6$ candidates more luminous than any normal Lyman break galaxy at $z < 5$. Perhaps indeed there are very luminous, relatively unobscured proto--galaxies out there waiting to be found, a hope that was once quite widespread, but which seems to have gradually faded in the modern era of 25th magnitude LBGs and optically invisible SCUBA sources. Perhaps it will still make a comeback... These few rather speculative candidates aside, the evidence from the HDF alone would suggest that the population of UV--bright LBGs may be thinning out at $z > 5$, at least for objects comparable to those at the bright end of the $z \\approx 3$ luminosity function. It should be remembered, however, that this was also the conclusion reached by Madau \\etal (1996) at $z > 3.5$, a result that has since been challenged by larger surveys with extensive spectroscopy. It is undoubtedly dangerous to draw conclusions too strongly from one 5~arcmin$^2$ field. However, extending this work to larger areas and more sightlines will be an expensive effort. Surface brightness dimming and limited solid angle coverage may limit our ability to see much more with NICMOS (assuming that it is successfully revived in 2001), and ground--based near--IR imaging may never go deep enough to detect any but the most luminous objects at $z > 5$. Wider fields imaged with the {\\it HST} WFC3 near--IR channel (coming circa 2004) may offer the best survey opportunity until NGST, but a substantial investment of observing time will be needed to survey adequate solid angles to sufficient depth. Alternatively, we may turn to other observing strategies, e.g., by taking advantage of gravitational lensing from foreground galaxy clusters to boost very distant objects to detectable magnitudes. Narrow band and blind multislit emission line searches are being carried out through airglow windows (e.g., at $\\lambda 9150$\\AA, corresponding to $z \\approx 6.5$; cf.\\ Crampton \\& Lilly 1999; Stockton 1999). Or perhaps concerted efforts to identify SCUBA sources will indeed turn up objects at $z \\gg 5$, where the advantage of the negative sub--mm $k$--correction is enormous. These data are offering a first glimpse into the so--called `dark ages,' and giving hope that there may be luminous things there to find and study. In some sense, we may not know that we've found the first galaxies until we can find no more beyond them. Holding to that standard will ensure that a more challenging (and hence, more rewarding) threshold of proof always lies ahead." }, "0004/astro-ph0004391_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new numerical code which is designed to derive a spectral energy distribution (SED) for an arbitrary spatial distribution of stellar and gaseous components in a dusty starburst galaxy. We apply a ray tracing method to numerical simulations and thereby estimate extinction and reemission of stellar light by dusty gas in an explicitly self-consistent manner. By using this code, we can investigate simultaneously dynamical and photometric evolution of a dusty galaxy based on stellar and gaseous dynamical simulations. As an example, we demonstrate when and how a major galaxy merger with dusty starburst becomes an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy owing to strong internal dust extinction. We furthermore discuss advantages and disadvantages of the present new code in clarifying the nature and the origin of low and high redshift dusty starburst galaxies. ", "introduction": "Recent observational studies have discovered possible dusty starburst candidates in various classes of galactic objects such as low z ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) (e.g., Sanders et al. 1988; Sanders \\& Mirabel 1996), intermediate z ones (e.g., Tran et al. 1999), faint submillimeter sources detected by the Sub-millimeter Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) (Holland et al. 1999) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (Smail, Ivison, \\& Blain 1997; Hughes et al. 1998; Barger et al. 1998; Smail et al. 1998; Ivison et al. 1999; Lilly et al. 1999), extremely red objects (EROs) (Elston, Rieke, \\& Rieke 1988; Graham \\& Dey 1996; Cimatti et al. 1998; Dey et al. 1999; Smail et al. 1999), optically faint radio sources detected by the Very Large Array (VLA) (e.g., Richards et al. 1999), Lyman-break galaxies (Steidel et al. 1996; Lowenthal et al. 1997), and near-infrared emission line galaxies (e.g., Mannucci et al. 1998). These dusty starburst candidates are generally considered to provide valuable information on the formation and the evolution of galaxies, accordingly the origin and the nature of these galaxies have been extensively discussed in variously different contexts. These discussions include, for example, the importance of dissipative dynamics in the formation of elliptical galaxies at low and high redshift (Kormendy \\& Sanders 1992; Barnes \\& Hernquist 1992), an evolutionary link between starburst and active galactic nuclei (Norman \\& Scoville 1988), fueling of dusty gas to the central $\\sim$ 100 pc for nuclear starburst in major galaxy mergers (e.g., Mihos \\& Hernquist 1996), physical correlations between morphological and photometric properties in ULIRGs (Bekki, Shioya, \\& Tanaka 1999; Bekki \\& Shioya 2000a), merging and clustering process of high $z$ dusty mergers within a hierarchical clustering scenario (e.g., Somerville \\& Primack 1998), and cosmic star formation history (e.g., Pei \\& Fall 1995; Madau et al. 1996; Meurer et al. 1997; Madau, Pozzetti, \\& Dickinson 1998; Pascarelle, Lanzetta, \\& Fernandez-Soto 1998; Blain et al. 1999; Steidel et al. 1999). One of important problems in extra-galactic astronomy is to settle the above discussions on high redshift dusty starburst galaxies, though observational analysis still has some difficulties in determining precisely redshifts (Sanders 1999), identifying optical counterparts (Richards 1999), and estimating the degree of dust extinction (e.g., Meurer, Heckman, \\& Calzetti 1999) for high $z$ dusty starburst galaxies. Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are generally considered to be one of essentially important factors that can determine the nature of dusty starburst galaxies. Accordingly several theoretical attempts have been made to derive the SEDs of galaxies with dusty starburst regions. Rowan-Robinson \\& Crawford (1989) discussed how the far-infrared spectra of a sample of galaxies observed by $Infrared$ $Astronomical$ $Satellite$ (IRAS) can be reproduced by a theoretical model with a given temperature of stars embedded by dust, the optical depth, and the density distribution (or geometry) of dust. Witt et al. (1991) investigated transfer processes of stellar light for models with variously different spherical geometries of dust with special emphasis on the effects of scattered light on photometric properties of galaxies and SEDs. Calzetti, Kinney, \\& Storchi-Bergmann (1994) analyzed ultraviolet (UV) and optical spectra of 39 starburst and blue compact galaxies and thereby provided an analytical formulation of the effects of dust extinction in galaxies and an effective extinction law for correcting the observed UV and optical spectral continua. Witt \\& Gordon (1996) investigated the radiative transfer processes of a central stellar source surrounded by a spherical, statistically homogeneous but clumpy two-phase scattering medium and found that the structure of dusty medium can greatly affect the conversion of UV, optical, and near-infrared radiation into thermal far-IR dust radiation in a dusty system. By comparing the observed SEDs of 30 starburst galaxies with theoretical radiative transfer models of dusty systems, Gordon, Calzetti, and Witt (1997) discussed the importance of geometry of stellar and gaseous components in determining the SED of a dusty starburst galaxy. Takagi, Arimoto, \\& Vansevi$\\rm \\check{c}$ius (1999) investigated radiative transfer models with variously different ages of secondary starburst components and optical depths for dusty starburst galaxies and proposed a new method for estimating precisely the effect of ages of young starburst populations and that of dust attenuation on the shape of SED in UV and near$-$infrared bands. Efstathiou, Rowan-Robinson, \\& Siebenmorgen (2000) treated starburst galaxies as an ensemble of optically thick giant molecular clouds (GMCs) centrally illuminated by recently formed stars and thereby constructed a new radiative transfer model for calculating SEDs from UV to millimeter band of dusty starburst galaxies. By using this model, they discussed how the age and the star formation history of a dusty starburst galaxy can control the SED particularly for the prototypical starburst galaxy M82 and NGC 6090. Although the above previous studies have succeeded in clarifying important dependences of SEDs on physical parameters such as spatial distribution of dust, geometries of stellar and gaseous components, and dust properties in dusty starburst galaxies, many of them did not discuss $the$ $time$ $evolution$ $of$ $SEDs$. Main reasons for $some$ previous theoretical studies' not discussing the time evolution of SEDs are the following three. Firstly previous models did not follow the time evolution of stellar and gaseous distribution and accordingly could not derive the time evolution of SEDs in dusty starburst galaxies. Secondly, hydro-dynamical evolution of interstellar gas (e.g., time evolution of gaseous density) was not included in previous studies, and accordingly the time evolution of optical depth could not be derived. Thirdly, some previous studies did not consider chemical evolution of dusty interstellar medium and that of stellar components, they could not follow time evolution of metallicity and that of dust properties. Considering that low z infrared luminous galaxies with dusty starburst and high $z$ faint SCUBA sources with possible dusty starburst show very peculiar morphology (Sanders et al. 1988; Sanders \\& Mirabel 1996; Smail et al. 1998), spherical symmetric approximation or axisymmetric one adopted in previous theoretical and numerical studies for the stellar and gaseous distribution of a dusty galaxy should be also relaxed in order that the nature and the origin of low and high z dusty galaxies can be extensively investigated by theoretical studies. The purpose of the present paper and our future papers is to investigate in detail the formation and the evolution of dusty starburst galaxies by using a new numerical code for deriving the time evolution of SEDs of these galaxies. We first perform numerical simulations that can follow dynamical evolution of stellar and gaseous components, star formation history, and chemical evolution for dusty starburst galaxies in an explicitly self-consistent manner. We then derive stellar and gaseous distribution and age and metallicity distribution of stellar populations and thereby calculate galactic SEDs. Furthermore we describe how the present numerical code is useful and helpful for investigating variously different physical properties of low and high z dusty galaxies. As an example, we here present the results of a major merger with dusty interstellar gas. We particularly demonstrate how dynamical evolution of stellar and gaseous components controls the time evolution of SEDs in dusty galaxy mergers and thus their photometric evolution. The layout of this paper is as follows. In \\S 2, we summarize numerical models used in the present study and describe in detail the methods for deriving the SEDs corrected by internal dust extinction. In this section, we also point out the limitations of the present numerical code. In \\S 3, we present numerical results on the time evolution of morphology, SED, and photometric properties in a gas-rich major merger. In \\S 4, we discuss the origin of high $z$ dusty starburst galaxies such as faint SCUBA sources and EROs. The conclusions of the preset study are given in \\S 5. ", "conclusions": "We present a new code which is designed to derive a SED for an arbitrary spatial distribution of stellar and gaseous components for a dusty starburst galaxy. By using this code, we can calculate SEDs based on numerical simulations that can analyze simultaneously dynamical and chemical evolution, structural and kinematical properties, morphology, star formation history, and transfer of metals and dust in interstellar medium for a starburst galaxy. Accordingly, we can investigate variously different properties of starburst galaxies, such as effects of dynamical evolution on galactic SEDs, physical correlations between morphology and SEDs, photometric evolution from UV to submillimeter wavelength, two dimensional distribution of $A_{\\rm V}$, and dependence of SEDs on line-of-site of an observer. Thanks to this code, we can furthermore try to clarify the origin of possible candidates of starburst galaxies, such as low $z$ ULIRGs (e.g., Sanders et al. 1988; Sanders \\& Mirabel 1996), intermediate z ones (e.g., Tran et al. 1999), faint SCUBA sources (Smail, Ivison, \\& Blain 1997; Barger et al. 1998; Hughes et al. 1998; Smail et al. 1998; Ivison et al. 1999; Lilly et al. 1999), EROs (Elston, Rieke, \\& Rieke 1988; Dey et al. 1999; Smail et al. 1999), optically faint radii sources detected by VLA (e.g., Richards et al. 1999), Lyman-break galaxies (Steidel et al. 1996; Lowenthal et al. 1997), and emission line galaxies (e.g., Mannucci et al. 1998). By using a new code developed in the present study, we try to answer the following seven questions in our forthcoming papers: (1) When and how a gas-rich major galaxy merger becomes an ULIRG during the dynamical evolution of the merger ? (2) How high z faint SCUBA sources with dusty starburst form and evolve? (3) What are physical conditions for high z dusty galaxies to become EROs ? (4) Are there any evolutionary links between high z possible dusty starburst galaxies, such as faint SCUBA sources, EROs, optically faint radio sources recently detected by VLA, emission line galaxies, and Lyman-break ones ? (5) When does a forming disk galaxy show the strongest submillimeter flux? (6) What physical processes can determine the shapes of SEDs observed in Lyman-break galaxies? (7) How dusty interstellar gas affects apparent morphology of intermediate and high $z$ dusty galaxies ? Although this code has some disadvantages in deriving very precise SEDs of dusty starburst galaxies, we believe that this code enables us to grasp some essential ingredients of physical processes related to galaxy formation with starburst at low and high z universe." }, "0004/astro-ph0004358_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new observations of $H\\alpha $ emission in the Hickson Compact Group 18 (HCG 18) obtained with a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer. The velocity field does not show motions of individual group members but, instead, a complex common velocity field for the whole group. The gas distribution is very asymmetric with clumps of maximum intensity coinciding with the optically brightest knots. Comparing $H\\alpha $ and HI data we conclude that HCG 18 is not a compact group but instead a large irregular galaxy with several clumps of star formation. ", "introduction": "Compact groups of galaxies have been known for over 30 years (Vorontsov-Vel`yaminov 1959, Arp 1966, Rose 1977, Hickson et al. 1977, Hickson 1982). A spectroscopic survey confirmed that 92 of the 100 groups catalogued by Hickson (1982) have at least three accordant redshift members with 69 groups having at least four (Hickson et al. 1992). With a median galaxy-galaxy separation of 40 h$^{-1}$ kpc and a low typical velocity dispersion ($\\sigma$ $\\sim$ 200 km s$^{-1}$, Hickson et al. 1992), compact groups are usually considered to be ideal laboratories for studying galaxy interactions. The most direct way to determine if interactions have occurred among group galaxies is to measure their kinematics in order to check if they are disturbed or normal. Study of the ionized gas kinematics for several of the Hickson group galaxies has shown that they are in different evolutionary stages (Mendes de Oliveira et al. 1998, Plana et al. 1998). HCG 18 (H18, Arp 258 or VV 143) was cataloged by Hickson (1982) as a group of three irregular galaxies (H18b, c and d with radial velocities between 4080 and 4163 km $s^{-1}$) plus one discordant-redshift S0 galaxy (H18a with a velocity of 10000 km $s^{-1}$; Hickson 1993). In this paper the H18 group refers to the triplet H18b, c and d. Verdes-Montenegro et al. (1998) determined the IRAS flux for H18d and upper limits on the flux for H18b and H18c. They also determined the H$_2$ mass for H18b and H18c, from their CO observations. Allam et al. (1996) also give IRAS flux but for H18b, c and d together. We eventually use Allam's values because H18 IRAS emission can not be spatially resolved. HI data is also available for this group, besides the optical measures (Hickson 1993). From a study of the HI velocity field of the group Williams and van Gorkom (1988, hereafter W\\&vG) concluded that the HI gas is concentrated in a single cloud with m$_{HI}$ = 10$^{10}$ M$_{\\odot}$ encompassing all of the optical structures. \\begin{deluxetable}{lll} \\tablenum{1} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablecaption{Journal of Perot-Fabry observations} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{Compact Group of Galaxies Hickson 18 } & \\colhead{}} \\startdata Observations & Telescope & CFHT 3.6m \\nl & Equipment & MOS/FP @ Cassegrain focus \\nl & Date & August, 22th 1996 \\nl & Seeing & $<$ 1\" \\nl Interference Filter & Central Wavelength & 6653 \\AA \\tablenotemark{1} \\nl & FWHM & 23 \\AA \\tablenotemark{2} \\nl & Transmission (maximum) & 0.6 \\nl Calibration & Neon Comparison light & $\\lambda$ 6598.95 \\AA \\nl Perot--Fabry & Interference Order & 1162 @ 6562.78 \\AA \\nl & Free Spectral Range at H$\\alpha$ & 265 km s$^{-1}$ \\nl & Finesse at H$\\alpha$ & 12 \\nl & Spectral resolution at H$\\alpha$ & 27344 at the sample step \\nl Sampling & Number of Scanning Steps & 24 \\nl & Sampling Step & 0.24 \\AA\\ (11 km s$^{-1}$)\\nl & Total Field & 430''$\\times $430'' (500$\\times $500 px$^2$) \\nl & Pixel Size & 0.86'' \\nl Detector & & STIS 2 CCD \\nl Exposures times & Total exposure & 2 hours \\nl & Total exposure time per channel & 300s \\nl \\enddata \\tablenotetext{} { $^1$ For a temperature de 5$^o$. $^2$ For a mean beam inclination of 2.7$^o$. } \\end{deluxetable} We observed the H18 group in the H$\\alpha$ emission line with a scanning Fabry-Perot instrument and we obtained velocity and H$\\alpha$ integrated flux maps for the system. This observation is part of a larger program that has the goal of unveiling kinematic evidences of interactions in compact groups of galaxies in order to determine their evolutionary stages. H18 appears to be one of the most complex groups of the Hickson sample. A key question raised by the HI study of W\\&vG was the nature of the three components b, c and d, namely if they are individual entities or form one single galaxy. Based on our observations and comparisons between our data and the HI results, we conclude that H18 is likely to be a single large irregular galaxy. The H$\\alpha$ maps presented in this study permit the determination of the H$\\alpha$ luminosity (L(H$\\alpha$)) and star formation rate (SFR) of the system, which can be compared with typical values for samples of irregular galaxies studied by Hunter et al. (1986, 1989 and 1993). We also compare the total B luminosity (L$_B$) of the group and its far-infrared luminosity (L($_{FIR}$)) with values given in the literature for typical irregular galaxies. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives details about the reduction of the Fabry-Perot data. Section 3 describes the results. Section 4 has a comparison of our results with the HI observations. Section 5 presents a discussion about the nature of H18 in light of our new H$\\alpha$ observations and section 6 contains our summary and final remarks. ", "conclusions": "The nature of H18 in light of HI observations was discussed by W\\&vG. They considered two possibilities for the nature of this system: 1) it is a knotty irregular galaxy (hereafter referred to as ``the irregular-galaxy scenario''), or 2) it is an interacting group and the observed HI cloud is a remnant of an interpenetrating collision which stripped the gas from the colliding galaxies. Our data and analysis confirm the first scenario. \\subsection{Arguments in favour of the irregular-galaxy scenario} The strongest argument in favour of H18 being an irregular galaxy comes from the kinematics of the HI and H$\\alpha$ gas. The velocity maps show velocity amplitudes of $\\pm$ 70 km s$^{-1}$ and gradients of 15km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$ for the ionized gas and 10km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$ for the HI. These confirm that H18 is a slow rotator. The few detailed studies concerning the kinematics concerning irregular galaxies (Hunter 1982, Tomita et al. 1998) confirm that irregular galaxies are indeed slow rotators. Hunter (1982) studied a sample of 15 irregular galaxies, five of which showed velocity gradients between 60 and 80 km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$, consistent with results found for H18. Tomita et al. (1998) produced position--velocity diagrams for four dwarf galaxies along several slit orientations. They did not detect disk-like rotation but velocity gradients were clearly seen. They also found a velocity difference of 10 to 20 km s$^{-1}$ between the HII regions and the HI gas disk. Saito et al. (1992) reported a kinematic study of the ionized gas in IC 10 and, particularly, a comparison between the ionized and HI gas kinematics for this galaxy giving the same kind of velocity differences that we found for H18. Two other works have studied a few irregular galaxies with a Fabry Perot interferometer. Sasaki et al. (1997) reported observations of NGC 4449 and its H$\\alpha$ velocity field that show a kpc-scale mosaic structure of blueshift and redshift components with a slow global rotation. They confirmed the counter rotation between ionized gas and the HI halo for this galaxy. Rosado et al. (1998) and Valdez \\& Rosado (1998) present an optical velocity field for NGC 4449 showing a decreasing gradient along the optical bar and an anticorrelation with respect to the HI velocity field. The LOS velocity curve of the southern part (Fig. 4a) suggests an independent disk rotation. The velocity curve along the major axis of H18 (Fig 4b) shows that H18b and c lie on the curve, suggesting that they are gravitationaly bound. The ratio L$_B$/L(H$\\alpha$) of H18 is consistent with the irregular-galaxy hypothesis. Hunter et al. (1989) find a value for the ratio L$_B$ /L(H$\\alpha$) $\\sim$ 44, for giant irregular galaxies while we find 50 for H18. One last piece of evidence for the irregular-galaxy scenario comes from the HI data. The size of the large HI cloud around H18 measured by W\\&vG and the total HI mass they found (M(HI)=10$^{10}$ M$_{\\odot}$) are consistent with values found for HI clouds around irregular galaxies such as IC 10 (Shostak \\& Skillman 1989) and NGC 4449 (Hunter et al. 1998). Normalized by the total B luminosity the HI total mass also compares with the typical values found for the Hunter (1993) sample. \\subsection{Differences between H18 and irregular galaxies} The main difference between H18 and irregular galaxies concerns the FIR properties and star formation rates. Hunter et al. (1989, 1993) present properties (in FIR, H$\\alpha$ and broad band imaging) for a sample of 43 irregular galaxies of different types (dwarf, giants, distant, amorphous). We used their sample of dwarf and giant irregular galaxies as a control sample for comparison with the properties of H18. We measured ratios of L(FIR)/L$_B$ = 0.22 and L(FIR)/L(H$\\alpha$)=11 for H18. The L(FIR)/L$_B$ ratio is significantly lower than the mean value of 1.9 and 1.0 found for Hunter et al.'s (1989) sample of giant and dwarf irregulars respectively (the two other classes, ``amorphous'' and ``distant'', show much larger ratios). The L(FIR)/L(H$\\alpha$) ratio is also lower than the mean values of 90 and 71 for the giant and dwarf irregulars respectively. However, within each subclass, giant, dwarf, amorphous and distant, there is significant scatter in the ratios. We also derived a dust temperature for H18 (from the S(100$\\mu$) and S(60$\\mu$) IRAS data) of T$_d$=27K, which is cooler than typical dust temperatures derived for other irregular galaxies. The recent SFR (SFR(B)) and the current SFR ( SFR(FIR) or SFR(H$\\alpha$) ) are much higher (by one or two orders of magnitude) compared with values from Hunter et al's sample. If, however, we calculate a SFR per area, using the SFR(H$\\alpha$) and taking the area to be that enclosed within the ellipse of major and minor axes defined by the H$\\alpha$ integrated flux map (Fig.5), we find that the SFR/area is 5 $\\times$ 10$^{-9}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ pc$^{-2}$. Hunter \\& Gallagher (1986) have a similar average for the SFR/area for the giant irregular galaxies of their sample. The other subclasses of irregular galaxies have average values for the SFR/area ratio that are slightly lower than that found for H18." }, "0004/astro-ph0004322_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ We present an analysis of the Gaussianity of the 4-year COBE-DMR data (in HEALPix pixelisation) based on spherical wavelets. The skewness, kurtosis and scale-scale correlation spectra are computed from the detail wavelet coefficients at each scale. The sensitivity of the method to the orientation of the data is also taken into account. We find a single detection of non-Gaussianity at the $>99\\%$ confidence level in one of our statistics. We use Monte-Carlo simulations to assess the statistical significance of this detection and find that the probability of obtaining such a detection by chance for an underlying Gaussian field is as high as $0.69$. Therefore, our analysis does not show evidence of non-Gaussianity in the COBE-DMR data.} ", "introduction": "Testing the Gaussianity of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations has become of great interest since it would make it possible to distinguish between competing theories of structure formation in the early Universe such as inflation and topological defects. With this aim, a large number of techniques have already been proposed, many of them being applied to the 4-year COBE-DMR data (see e.g. Barreiro 2000). Although most of these analyses did not find evidence for non-Gaussianity, methods based on bispectrum analyses (Ferreira et al. 1998, Magueijo 1999; see also Zaroubi et al. 1999) and on statistics of wavelet coefficients (Pando et al. 1998) have yielded detection of non-Gaussianity in the COBE-DMR data. In particular, Pando et al. have found a significant non-Gaussian signal at the $99\\%$ confidence level on computing the scale-scale correlation of the wavelet coefficients. This analysis has recently been revised by Mukherjee et al. (2000) (hereinafter MHL) who take into account that the results depend critically on the orientation of the signal and that a large number of the computed statistics do not show deviation from the Gaussian case. According to MHL, Gaussianity can be ruled out only at the $41\\%$ confidence level in the DSMB data and at the $72\\%$ level in the 53+90 GHz coadded data. The above wavelet analyses have been performed applying planar wavelets to Face 0 and Face 5 of the COBE-DMR QuadCube pixelisation. Therefore only one-third of the available data is being considered and, at the same time, undesirable projection effects may be present. In this work, we have performed a similar analysis to those of Pando et al and MHL, but applying orthogonal spherical Haar wavelets (SHW) (see Sweldens 1995 and references therein) to the COBE data in HEALPix pixelisation (G\\'orski et al 1999) with the customised Galactic cut (Banday et al. 1997). On the one hand, this hierarchical pixelisation scheme is particularly well-suited to the application of such a wavelet decomposition. On the other hand, SHW are more appropriate to study data over a large region of the sky and also allow an easy identification of those coefficients affected by the Galaxy. Therefore {\\em all} data lying outside the Galactic cut is used in the analysis, i.e., approximately two-thirds of the total number of COBE-DMR pixels. As an illustration, we present our results for three different orientations of the data to account for the sensitivity of these estimators to the orientation of the input signal. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated the Gaussianity of the 4-year COBE data (in HEALPix pixelisation) with an analysis based on SHW. We have taken into account the sensitivity of our method with respect to the orientation of the input signal, presenting the results for three different orientations. We have found a single detection of non-Gaussianity at the $>99\\%$ confidence level out of our 126 computed statistics, corresponding to the value of the kurtosis at $j=2,m=3$ for one of the chosen orientations. Using Monte-Carlo simulations we estimate that the probability of having such a detection in one of our statistics is as high as $0.69$ for the case of an underlying Gaussian field. Therefore, we conclude that an analysis based on SHW of the 4-year COBE-DMR data show no evidence of non-Gaussianity in the CMB." }, "0004/astro-ph0004114_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We first briefly review how we investigate the modes of oscillation trapped within the inner region of accretion disks by the strong-field gravitational properties of a black hole (or a compact, weakly-magnetized neutron star). Then we focus on the `corrugation'(c)--modes, nearly incompressible perturbations of the inner disk. The fundamental c--modes have eigenfrequencies (ordered by radial mode number) which correspond to the Lense--Thirring frequency, evaluated at the outer trapping radius of the mode, in the slow rotation limit. This trapping radius is a decreasing function of the black hole angular momentum, so a significant portion of the disk is modulated only for slowly rotating black holes. The eigenfrequencies are thus strongly increasing functions of black hole angular momentum. The dependence of the eigenfrequencies on the speed of sound within (or the luminosity) within the disk is very weak, except for slowly rotating black holes. ", "introduction": "For twenty years [beginning with \\citet{kf}], it has been known that general relativity can trap normal modes of oscillation near the inner edge of accretion disks around black holes. The strong gravitational fields that are required can also be produced by neutron stars that are sufficiently compact (with a soft equation of state) and weakly magnetized to produce a gap between the surface of the star and the innermost stable orbit of the accretion disk. Although we shall not explicitly consider such neutron stars here, the results obtained will also apply to them to first order in the dimensionless angular momentum parameter $a=cJ/GM^2$, since their exterior metric is identical to that of a black hole to that order. These modes of oscillation provide a potentially powerful probe of both strong gravitational fields and the physics of accretion disks, since they do not exist in Newtonian gravity. In addition, their frequencies depend upon the angular momentum as well as the mass of the black hole. The fractional frequency spread of each mode depends upon the elusive viscosity parameter of the accretion disk. The subject of `relativistic diskoseismology' has recently been reviewed by \\citet{w}. In this paper we shall focus on the `corrugation'(c) modes, previously studied (less generally) by \\citet{k90,k93}, \\citet{i94,i96}, and \\citet{p}. We shall briefly compare these modes with the `gravity'(g) modes and the pressure (p) modes. ", "conclusions": "We now apply the above analysis to models of black hole accretion disks. The numerical results discussed below were obtained by assuming that gas pressure dominates within the disk, so that $\\Gamma = 5/3$. However, this is only true near the inner edge $r_i$ [justifying our choice $\\mu=2/5$ in equation (\\ref{eq:33}) consistent with the results of \\citet{pt}], at radii $r\\gg r_i$, and at all radii for luminosities $L\\ll L_{Edd}$. Recall that the interior structure of the (zero buoyancy) accretion disk enters our formulation only through the constant $\\Gamma$ and the function $\\alpha(r)$ (not to be confused with the usual viscosity parameter, here denoted by $\\alpha_*$), inversely proportional to the speed of sound on the midplane and modeled by equation (\\ref{eq:33}). In this equation we also chose $\\gamma(r)$ to be constant, and took $\\nu=0$ unless otherwise indicated. In section 4.3, we found that the properties of the modes do not change greatly when small amounts of buoyancy are introduced. For all of the tables (but not the figures), we used $M=10^8M_\\sun$, $\\alpha_*=0.01$, and $L=0.1L_{Edd}$ so we could compare our results with those of \\citet{p}. For a standard thin accretion disk \\citep{ss}, at large radii (where the disk is nonrelativistic and gas pressure dominates) the speed of sound is given by \\be c_s/c = 2.21\\times 10^{-2}\\frac{(L/L_{Edd})^{1/5}}{(\\alpha_*M/M_\\sun)^{1/10}} (rc^2/GM)^{-9/20} \\qquad (r\\gg r_i) \\; , \\label{eq:75} \\ee corresponding to $\\nu=9/20$ \\citep{n}. (We are here reverting to ordinary units.) Since the physical conditions within the disk are more uncertain near its inner edge (but where gas pressure should also dominate), we have also used the nonrelativistic expression \\be c_s/c = 4.32\\times 10^{-3}\\frac{(L/L_{Edd})^{1/5}}{(\\alpha_*M/M_\\sun)^{1/10}}[c^2(r-r_i)/GM]^{2/5} \\qquad (r\\cong r_i) \\label{eq:76} \\ee there \\citep{n}, as indicated previously. We employ this relation (\\ref{eq:76}) when using $\\nu=0$ in equation (\\ref{eq:33}). We obtain the (constant) value of $\\gamma$ used in equation (\\ref{eq:33}) by setting $\\alpha(r)=1/c_s(r)$ there (again neglecting the relativistic corrections near the inner edge). The various relativistic corrections only become significant when $a\\gtrsim 0.5$. We have only studied the fundamental c--mode ($m^2=j=1$), but have employed various values of the radial mode number $n$. In Table 1 we present the cutoff values of $a$ [$a_n$, from equation (\\ref{eq:63}); for $a \\epsilon(r,r_c) > 0$ for all $r_c>r>r_i$. The same format is used for Tables 4 and 5. The eigenfrequency $\\sigma$ (in units of $c^3/GM$, as usual) is presented in Table 4. We see that it is a decreasing function of the radial mode number $n$, more strongly for lower values of $a$. The corresponding radial extent $r_c-r_i$ of the mode (in units of $GM/c^2$, as usual) is shown in Table 5. It increases significantly with radial mode number. We note that the sensitivity of the results in Tables 3--5 to the boundary condition parameter $\\theta$ is modest. Table 6 shows the dependence of the outer radius $r_c$ of the capture zone on values of $a$ near its cutoff $a_n$, for $n=0$ and $\\theta=\\pi/2$ (corresponding to $a_0=3.22\\times 10^{-5}$). From these data, one can see that when $\\log(a-a_0)\\lesssim -6$, the asymptotic formula (\\ref{eq:69}) holds: $r_c\\propto(a-a_0)^{-q}$. The exponent $q=0.56$ is very close to that predicted, $q=4/7$, for $\\nu=0$. The effect of changing the behavior of the speed of sound at large radii is illustrated in Table 7. The radial size of the mode for $\\nu=0$ (from Table 5) is compared to that obtained with the choice $\\nu=9/20$ of the standard accretion disk model, equation (\\ref{eq:75}). This shows that the decrease in the speed of sound with radius also reduces the size of the trapping region, as expected. Correspondingly, the values of $a_n$ shown in Table 1 are reduced by about a factor of 7.5, and the values of $\\epsilon(r_i,r_c)$ in Table 3 are reduced by about a factor of 2. The eigenfrequencies in Table 4 are increased by factors of 1.2--2.8 (with $n=0,1$) for $a=10^{-3}$, but were unaffected for $a=0.5$, as expected. We present our major observationally relevant results in the following figures. For them, we have chosen the radial mode number $n=0$ and the boundary condition parameter $\\theta=\\pi/2$. (One might expect that the lowest radial mode could be the one most easily excited and with the largest net modulation.) The speed of sound parameter is taken to be $\\nu=0$ for Figures 2 and 3, and $\\nu=9/20$ for Figures 4(a,b) (which differed very little when $\\nu=0$ was used). In Figure 2, we plot the relation between the fundamental c--mode and g--mode eigenfrequencies (scaled by the black hole mass) and the black hole angular momentum. This illustrates the dramatically different dependence of the c--mode frequency. Also shown is the orbital frequency $\\Omega_{max}=\\Omega(r_i)$ of a (commonly invoked) `blob' at the inner disk radius. As expected, the c--mode frequency approaches $\\Omega_{max}/2\\pi$ as $a\\rightarrow 1$. The case $\\nu=9/20$ lies almost entirely within the band containing the range of masses and luminosities indicated. It is significant that the c--mode results of \\citet{p}, obtained by numerical integration of equations (\\ref{eq:4}) and (\\ref{eq:5}), agree within the band shown in this figure (obtained via a further radial WKB approximation). In Figure 3, we present our numerical results (points) for the size of the trapping region. The curves shown are the fits of these results to the formula \\be r_c-r_i = K_0(GM/c^2)a^{-K_1}(1-a)^{K_2} \\; , \\label{eq:77} \\ee giving \\begin{eqnarray*} K_0 & = & 0.058\\; , \\quad K_1=0.66\\; , \\quad K_2=0.31\\; \\quad (M=10M_\\sun)\\; , \\\\ K_0 & = & 0.021\\; , \\quad K_1=0.55\\; , \\quad K_2=0.39\\; \\quad (M=10^8M_\\sun)\\; . \\end{eqnarray*} This illustrates the fact that the radial extent of the mode is only appreciable for slowly rotating black holes ($a\\ll 1$). To obtain the corresponding eigenfrequency, one can then use equation (\\ref{eq:77}) and the known function $r_i=Mf(a)$ to obtain the value of the trapping radius $r_c$. Our fundamental result, equation (\\ref{eq:17}) [or equation (\\ref{eq:19}) for $a\\ll 1$] with $m=-1$, then gives $|\\sigma|$. The c--mode frequency (scaled by mass) depends only on the black hole angular momentum and the accretion disk speed of sound. The first dependence has been shown in Figure 2. Rather than showing the second dependence directly, it is more relevant to instead use an observable, the luminosity. For fixed $\\alpha_*$ and $M$, we use equation (\\ref{eq:75}) to relate it to the speed of sound. We want to know how the frequency changes as the luminosity (proportional to the mass accretion rate) varies with time. That dependence is known to be very weak for the g--modes \\citep{per}. In contrast, the $m=0$ fundamental p--mode has a frequency $|\\sigma|\\propto c_s^{1/3}$ and a radial size $(r_- - r_i) \\propto c_s^{2/3}$ \\citep{kf,nw91,p}. We fit the dependences of the eigenfrequency on accretion disk luminosity shown by the points in Figures 4(a) and 4(b) by the form $|\\sigma|\\propto L^{-K(M,a)}$. The results shown correspond to \\begin{eqnarray*} K(10M_\\sun,10^{-3}) & = & 0.30\\phn\\; , \\quad K(10^8M_\\sun,10^{-3}) = 0.039\\phn \\; ;\\\\ K(10M_\\sun,10^{-1}) & = & 0.020 \\; , \\quad K(10^8M_\\sun,10^{-1}) = 0.0044 \\; . \\end{eqnarray*} Note that the dependence is weaker for the larger value of $a$, again as expected since the properties of the disk (except its inner radius) become irrelevant as $a\\rightarrow 1$. Although the fundamental c-mode is almost incompressible, the changing projected area of the mode could modulate the luminosity via reflection of radiation from the postulated `corona' surrounding the accretion disk. Of course, this requires that the disk not be viewed close to face-on. The observability of a c--mode induced modulation of the detected flux would seem to require large values of $r_c-r_i$. This in turn would imply small values of $a$, from Figure 3, and correspondingly small values of frequency, from Figure 2. We then see from Figure 4(a) that the dependence of the frequency on luminosity is relatively weak but might be detectable for the stellar mass black holes. Issues such as the excitation and damping of the c--modes, including their leakage into the black hole via accretion from the inner edge of the disk, are beyond the scope of this paper. Finally, we emphasize that of the fundamental (g, p, c) modes, only the c--mode can (generically) have a frequency $|\\sigma|\\ll\\Omega$. The c--modes are candidates for those low frequency features in the power spectra of accreting black holes whose frequency varies only weakly with changes in luminosity. An example of a candidate is the 9 Hz modulation in the `microquasar' GRO J1655-40 observed by the RXTE satellite \\citep{rem}. Since the mass of the presumed black hole in this binary has been determined to be $M\\cong 7M_\\sun$ \\citep{sha}, this frequency requires a black hole angular momentum $a\\cong 0.18$ (Figure 2) if it is produced by a low $n$ c--mode. However, we see from Figure 3 that the lowest radial mode would have a radial extent of only $0.2GM/c^2$. (But from the results in Table 5, we expect the radial extent of the $n=1$ mode to be about 3 times greater.) In addition, the energy spectrum of the X-rays when this modulation was present was `softer' (more thermal) than typical. This may complicate the above proposal that the photons are modulated via disk reflection from the corona. Clearly, one should search for other radial (or vertical) modes to confirm any identification." }, "0004/astro-ph0004264_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a detailed analysis of the number count and photometric redshift distribution of faint galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), paying a special attention to the selection effects including the cosmological dimming of surface brightness of galaxies, under the observational condition employed in this field. We find a considerably different result from previous studies ignoring the selection effects, and these effects should therefore be taken into account in the analysis. We find that the model of pure luminosity evolution (PLE) of galaxies in the Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) universe predicts much smaller counts than those observed at faint magnitude limits by a factor of more than 10, so that a very strong number evolution of galaxies with $\\eta \\gtilde$ 3--4 must be invoked to reproduce the $I_{814}$ counts, when parametrized as $\\phi^* \\propto (1+z)^\\eta$. However we show that such a strong number evolution under realistic merging processes of galaxies can not explain the steep slope of the $B_{450}$ and $V_{606}$ counts, and it is seriously inconsistent with their photometric redshift distribution. We find that these difficulties still persist in an open universe with $\\Omega_0 \\gtilde 0.2$, but are resolved only when we invoke a $\\Lambda$-dominated flat universe, after examining various systematic uncertainties in modeling the formation and evolution of galaxies. The present analysis revitalizes the practice of using faint number counts as an important cosmological test, giving one of the arguments against the EdS universe and suggests acceleration of the cosmic expansion by vacuum energy density. While a modest number evolution of galaxies with $\\eta \\ltilde 1$ is still necessary even in a $\\Lambda$-dominated universe, a stronger number evolution with $\\eta > 1$ is rejected from the HDF data, giving a strong constraint on the merger history of galaxies. ", "introduction": "Number counting of faint galaxies is one of the most fundamental observational tests with which the formation/evolution of galaxies as well as the geometry of the universe is probed. The best view to date of the optical sky to faint flux levels is given by the Hubble Deep Field (HDF, Williams et al. 1996), and it provides a valuable information to a wide range of studies on galaxies and cosmology. A comprehensive study of the HDF galaxy counts has been performed by Pozzetti et al. (1998), and they found that a simple model of pure luminosity evolution (PLE), in which galaxies evolve passively due to star formation histories without mergers or number evolution, gives a reasonable fit to the HDF counts in all the four passbands of $U$, $B$, $V$, and $I$, when an open universe with $\\Omega_0 = 0.1$ is assumed. The increase of the number of galaxies with their apparent magnitude was originally proposed as a measure of the geometry of the universe (Sandage 1961), and considerable efforts have been made along this line (e.g., Yoshii \\& Takahara 1988; Fukugita, Takahara, Yamashita \\& Yoshii 1990; Yoshii \\& Peterson 1991). However, the obtained constraints on cosmological parameters based on the PLE model have not been thought deterministic because of possible number evolution of galaxies by mergers. Particularly, when the PLE model is used, the Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) universe ($\\Omega_0=1$) underpredicts the observed galaxy counts at faint magnitudes, but a simple model of galaxy number evolution can reproduce the observed counts and save the EdS universe (Rocca-Volmerange \\& Guiderdoni 1990; Pozzetti et al. 1996). This degeneracy between the effects of galaxy evolution and cosmology has been a major problem when one uses the galaxy number count to determine the geometry of the universe. The information of redshifts is able to break such a degeneracy, because luminous galaxies at great distance are distinguishable from dwarf galaxies in a local universe. Although most of the HDF galaxies are too faint to measure the spectroscopic redshifts, several catalogs of their photometric redshifts have been published (Sawicki, Lin, \\& Yee 1997; Wang, Bahcall, \\& Turner 1998; Fern\\'andez-Soto, Lanzetta, \\& Yahil 1999). The follow-up studies based on these catalogs show that the photometric redshifts give reasonably reliable estimates of spectroscopic redshifts and are useful for a statistical study of the HDF galaxies. Here we give a combined analysis for the HDF counts and redshifts and constrain the cosmological parameters separately from the merger history of galaxies. Both the number count of faint galaxies and their redshift distribution are significantly affected by the selection effects inherent in the method of detecting galaxies in faint surveys, but these important effects have been ignored in almost all previous studies except for Yoshii \\& Fukugita (1991) and Yoshii (1993). It is well known that the surface brightness of galaxies rapidly becomes dimmer with increasing redshift as $\\propto (1+z)^{-4}$ (Tolman 1934), and this cosmological dimming makes many high-redshift galaxies remain undetected below the threshold value of surface brightness adopted in a galaxy survey (Pritchet \\& Kline 1981; Tyson 1984; Ellis, Sievers, \\& Perry 1984). The seeing or smoothing of an image furthermore lowers its surface brightness, and the photometry scheme used in a survey heavily affects a magnitude estimate of the faintest galaxies. Some observers apply corrections to raw counts of faint galaxies for those undetected, but it is in principle difficult and heavily model-dependent to estimate the number of undetected galaxies. Rather, the best way is to make theoretical predictions with the selection effects taken into account and then compare them directly to raw counts (Yoshii 1993). This paper is the first analysis of the HDF galaxies in which the above selection bias against high-redshift galaxies is explicitly incorporated. We use a standard PLE model of galaxies including the effects of internal dust obscuration and intergalactic HI absorption. Number evolution of galaxies is also allowed for with simple modifications to the PLE model. Throughout this paper, we use the AB photometry system with the notation of $U_{300}$, $B_{450}$, $V_{606}$, and $I_{814}$ (Williams et al. 1996). In \\S \\ref{section:model}, we present a detailed description for models of galaxy evolution and formulations to calculate galaxy counts and redshift distribution with the selection effects taken into account. Extensive calculations of number count predictions and comparison to the HDF counts are given in \\S \\ref{section:counts}, checking in great detail the uncertainties arising from the prescribed properties of local galaxies and their evolution. We will give the comparison of the model predictions with the observed photometric redshift distribution in \\S \\ref{section:redshifts}. We discuss the results in \\S \\ref{section:discussion}. The summary and conclusion of this paper are given in \\S \\ref{section:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{section:conclusions} We have modeled the number count and redshift distribution of faint HDF galaxies, with the observational selection effects properly taken into account. As a consequence of the selection effects in the theoretical modeling, predicted counts from the PLE model are smaller than previously considered, and they are more than 10 times smaller than the observed HDF counts at the faintest magnitudes in the EdS universe. A strong number evolution with $\\eta \\gtilde$ 3--4 under the assumption of conserved luminosity density is required to explain the faintest counts in this EdS universe, when the number evolution is parametrized as $\\phi^* \\propto (1+z)^\\eta$ and $L^* \\propto (1+z)^{-\\eta}$. However, such a strong number evolution is not consistent with the overall $N$-$m$ slope or the photometric redshift distribution. These discrepancies become even worse when one considers a more realistic merger process, i.e., enhanced star formation following by gas-rich mergers. In addition, such a strong evolution is rejected at least for average $L^*$ galaxies at $z<1$ from the data of spectroscopic redshift surveys (Totani \\& Yoshii 1998; Shade et al. 1999; Le F\\'evre et al. 2000). Therefore, we conclude that it is almost impossible to explain the HDF galaxies in the EdS universe, unless we invoke ultra-exotic galaxy populations such as galaxies forming only massive stars at high redshifts to escape from local galaxy surveys due to the complete lack of long-lived stars. The present work revitalizes the practice of using faint number counts as an important cosmological test, which gives one of the arguments against the EdS universe by its outstanding statistics compared with other cosmological tests. An open universe with $\\Omega_0 > 0.2$ does not fit to the HDF data either, for the similar reasons for rejecting the EdS universe. An open universe with $\\Omega_0 \\sim 0.1$ might be consistent with the HDF data, but such a low value of $\\Omega_0 \\sim 0.1$ would not be reconciled with other constraints on $\\Omega_0$, such as the baryon-gas to dark-matter mass ratio in poor clusters of galaxies combined with the standard big-bang nucleosynthesis prediction of baryon mass density in the universe (e.g., Pedersen, Yoshii, \\& Sommer-Larsen 1997). We have extensively checked systematic uncertainties in our theoretical modeling of galaxy formation and evolution, and found that they are unlikely to resolve the above discrepancies emerged in the EdS universe and also in an open universe. On the other hand, such discrepancies are naturally resolved if we invoke a $\\Lambda$-dominated flat universe. This suggests that the existence of the cosmological constant or an exotic form of the vacuum energy density of the universe which is now accelerating the expansion of the universe. The PLE model in a $\\Lambda$-dominated flat universe with $\\Omega_0 \\sim 0.2$ gives a reasonable fit to the HDF data, and a modest number evolution with $\\eta \\ltilde 1$ is also suggested by the HDF counts at the faintest magnitudes. It should be noted that this number evolution does not necessarily mean mergers of galaxies, but may suggest strongly clumpy star-forming regions within an individual galaxy system becoming visible at high redshifts (Colley et al. 1996; Bunker, Spinrad, \\& Thompson 1999). On the other hand, it is interesting to note that this indication of mild number evolution is consistent with the merger rate evolution of $L^*$ galaxies at $z<1$ recently inferred from a high-resolution image study for galaxies in the CFRS survey (Le F\\'evre et al. 2000). This result is consistent with some models of galaxy formation based on the hierarchical structure formation in the CDM universe (Le F\\'evre et al. 2000), although there are considerable uncertainties in the theoretical calculations for the merging history of baryonic component. A stronger number evolution with $\\eta \\gtilde 1$ is, however, strongly disfavored by the observed HDF galaxy counts. This will give an important constraint when galaxy formation is modeled in the framework of the structure formation in a cold dark matter universe. Inclusion of the selection effects in this paper leads to a considerably different result from previous studies on galaxy number count and redshift distribution. This means that any cosmological interpretations will be seriously misled if the selection effects are ignored. All future studies related to the detection and statistics of high-redshift galaxies should take into account these effects. The selection effects give a bias against high-redshift galaxies, reducing a problem of overprediction of such galaxies by the PLE model, which has been claimed by several studies ignoring the selection effects (e.g., Ellis 1997). In fact, we have shown that the PLE model is in overall agreement with the HDF galaxies, even if a modest number evolution of galaxies ($\\eta \\ltilde 1$) may be required. A strong number evolution, however, predicts too small a number of high-redshift galaxies to be consistent with the photometric redshift distribution of the HDF galaxies. The authors would like to thank K. Shimasaku for providing numerical data for the filter functions of HST photometry bands, and T. Tsujimoto and C. Kobayashi for providing their models of galaxy evolution in a tabular form. We also thank an anonymous referee for many useful comments which have considerably improved this manuscript. This work has been supported in part by a Grand-in-Aid for Conter-of-Excellence Research (07CE2002) of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture in Japan." }, "0004/astro-ph0004052_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The spectral energy distribution (SED) of gamma-ray loud BL~Lac objects typically has a double-humped appearance usually interpreted in terms of synchrotron self-Compton models. In proton blazar models, the SED is instead explained in terms of acceleration of protons and subsequent cascading. We discuss a variation of the Synchrotron Proton Blazar model, first proposed by M\\\"ucke \\& Protheroe (1999), in which the low energy part of the SED is mainly synchrotron radiation by electrons co-accelerated with protons which produce the high energy part of the SED mainly as proton synchrotron radiation. As an approximation, we assume non-relativistic shock acceleration which could apply if the bulk of the plasma in the jet frame were non-relativistic. Our results may therefore change if a relativistic equation of state were used. We consider the case where the maximum energy of the accelerated protons is above the threshold for pion photoproduction interactions on the synchrotron photons of the low energy part of the SED. Using a Monte Carlo/numerical technique to simulate the interactions and subsequent cascading of the accelerated protons, we are able to fit the high-energy gamma-ray portion of the observed SED of Markarian 501 during the April 1997 flare. We find that the emerging cascade spectra initiated by gamma-rays from $\\pi^0$ decay and by $e^\\pm$ from $\\mu^\\pm$ decay turn out to be relatively featureless. Synchrotron radiation produced by $\\mu^\\pm$ from $\\pi^\\pm$ decay, and even more importantly by protons, and subsequent synchrotron-pair cascading, is able to reproduce well the high energy part of the SED. For this fit we find that synchrotron radiation by protons dominates the TeV emission, pion photoproduction being less important with the consequence that we predict a lower neutrino flux than in other proton blazar models. ", "introduction": "During its giant outburst in April 1997, the nearby BL~Lac object Mkn~501 (at redshift z=0.034) emitted photons up to $24$~TeV and $0.5$~MeV in the $\\gamma $-ray and X-ray bands, respectively, and has proved to be the most extreme TeV-blazar observed so far (e.g. Catanese et al 1997, Pian et al 1998, Protheroe et al 1998, Quinn et al 1999, Aharonian et al 1999). This energy is the highest so-far observed for any BL~Lac object, and the flux is approximately 2 orders of magnitude higher than the synchrotron peak at its quiescent level. BeppoSAX and OSSE observations (Maraschi 1999) suggest that the X-ray spectrum is curved at all epochs, and the spectrum during flaring has been fitted by a multiply-broken power-law (Bednarek \\& Protheroe 1999). COMPTEL has not seen any significant signal from Mkn~501 at any time (Collmar 1999), while a $3\\sigma $ upper limit of $F(>100\\,{\\rm MeV})<3.6\\times 10^{-7}$cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ has been derived for the April 1997 EGRET viewing period (Catanese et al 1997). A flux increase at TeV-energies was also observed with the Whipple, HEGRA and CAT telescopes (Catanese et al 1997), with the most intense flare peaking on April 16 at a level $\\sim100 $ times higher than during its quiescent flux. The non-detection of Mkn~501 by EGRET indicates that most of the power output of the high energy component is in the GeV-TeV range. The TeV-observations revealed a power-law spectrum with photon index $\\sim 2$ up to $\\sim 10$~TeV and a gradual steepening up to 24~TeV. The extragalactic diffuse infrared background leads to significant extinction of $\\gamma $-rays through $\\gamma \\gamma $-pair production above 10~TeV. The extinction-corrected TeV-spectrum (e.g. Bednarek \\& Protheroe 1999), shows the spectral energy distribution (SED) peaking at $\\sim 2$~TeV. Optical observations did not show any significant variations (Buckley \\& McEnery 1997), indicating that the change in the low energy part of the SED was mainly confined to the X-ray band above $0.1$ keV. Various models have been proposed to explain the observed $\\gamma $-ray emission from TeV-blazars, all of which are identified as high-frequency peaked BL~Lac objects. Leptonic models, in which electrons inverse-Compton scatter a population of low energy photons to high energies, currently dominate the thinking of the scientific community. Because of the low luminosity of accretion disks in BL~Lacs, the main target photons for the relativistic electrons would be the synchrotron photons produced by the same relativistic electron population, as in the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model. An alternative scenario for the production of the observed $\\gamma $-ray flux has been proposed involving pion photoproduction by energetic protons with subsequent synchrotron-pair cascades initiated by decay products (photons and $e^\\pm$) of the mesons (e.g. Mannheim et al 1991, Mannheim 1993). These proton-initiated cascade (PIC) models could, in principle, be distinguished by the observation of high energy neutrinos produced as a result of photoproduction. In this paper, we consider the April 1997 flare of Mkn~501 in the light of a modified Synchrotron Proton Blazar (SPB) model. We assume that electrons ($e^{-}$) and protons ($p$) are accelerated by 1st order Fermi acceleration at the same shock. The relativistic $e^{-}$ radiate synchrotron photons which serve as the target radiation field for proton-photon interactions, and for the subsequent pair-synchrotron cascade which develops as a result of photon-photon pair production. This cascade redistributes the photon power to lower energies where the photons escape from the emission region, or ``blob,'' which moves relativistically in a direction closely aligned with our line-of-sight. Until recently, this model was not able to reproduce the general features of the double-humped blazar spectral energy distribution (SED), but produced a rather featureless spectrum (see e.g. Mannheim 1993), nor could it explain correlated X-ray/TeV-variability. Here, we present a comprehensive description of our Monte-Carlo simulations of a stationary SPB model, including all relevant emission processes, and show that this model is indeed capable of reproducing a double-humped SED as observed. Here, the origin of the TeV-photons are proton synchrotron radiation, as first proposed by M\\\"ucke \\& Protheroe (1999); a similar model has also been proposed by Aharonian (2000), and Rachen (1999) presented speculations about $\\mu^\\pm$- and proton-synchrotron radiation leading to narrow cascade spectra during flares, which might explain correlated X-ray/TeV-variability. Jet energetics and limits from particle shock acceleration, however, put severe constraints on this scenario. The goal of this paper is to discuss the physical processes included in our SPB model Monte-Carlo code, and give the results of applying this code, as an example, to reproduce the SED of the giant flare from Mkn~501 which occurred in April 1997. A comprehensive study of the whole parameter-space (magnetic field, Doppler factor, etc.) for this model will be the subject of a subsequent paper. In Section 2, we discuss constraints on the maximum particle energies imposed by the co-acceleration scenario, and by the pion production threshold. Section 3 is devoted to the emission processes in the present model. Energy losses and particle production are treated in Sect. 3.1, while the cascade calculations, including a brief description of our code, are outlined in Sect. 3.2. In Sect. 4 we apply our model to the April 1997 flare of Mkn~501. The multifrequency photon spectrum is shown in Sect. 4.1, while in Sect. 4.2 the predicted neutrino spectrum is discussed. We conclude with a discussion and summary in Section 5. ", "conclusions": "This paper describes an application of our newly-developed Monte Carlo program which simulates a modified version of the stationary SPB-model. The Monte Carlo technique allows us to use exact cross sections, and all important emission processes are considered here. As an example, we have used our code to model the giant April 1997 TeV-flare from Mkn~501. Here, the TeV-photons are due to synchrotron radiation of the relativistic protons in the highly magnetized emission region. This proton synchrotron model was first proposed by M\\\"ucke \\& Protheroe (1999); a similar model for TeV emission in Mrk~501 has just been proposed by Aharonian (2000), and his conclusions regarding the required Doppler factor and magnetic field are very similar to ours. Our model departs from the standard SPB model as introduced first by Mannheim and co-workers mainly in two areas: (i) we use the {\\it{observed}} synchrotron radiation as the target photon field for $p\\gamma$-interactions and pair-synchrotron cascades assuming it to be produced by co-accelerated electrons, and (ii) our model takes into account synchrotron radiation from muons and protons. The model parameters derived assuming diffusive shock acceleration of $e^-$ and $p$ in a Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum are consistent with the X-ray to TeV-data in the flare state. However, the total jet power we obtain is too large to comply with the steady-state jet--disk symbiosis scenario, but then we are not dealing with a stready-state phenomenon. While the emerging cascade SED initiated by $\\pi^0$ decay and $\\pi^\\pm$ synchrotron photons turns out to be relatively featureless, as was also found by, e.g., Mannheim (1993), the $\\mu^\\pm$ (see also Rachen 1999, and Rachen \\& Mannheim 2000) and, more importantly, the proton synchrotron radiation and its cascade produces a double-humped SED as is commonly observed in flaring blazars. For the present model, we find that proton synchrotron radiation dominates the TeV emission, while the contribution of the synchrotron radiation from the pairs, produced by photon-photon interactions of gamma-rays from the high energy hump is only minor. Our model considers the emission region to be homogeneous. Inhomogeneities in particle density, magnetic field, etc. within the source would result in a broader X-ray and TeV-peak in the SED. This indicates that for Mkn~501 a homogeneous model of the emission region seems to be appropriate. Being a hadronic model, our model predicts neutrino emission and we give the expected neutrino flux of Mrk~501 during flaring. Comparing our predicted neutrino flux with that for previous proton blazar models (e.g. Mannheim 1993), we find that the neutrino output in our model is significantly less than was previously estimated due to the synchrotron losses dominating the energy losses of protons, producing synchrotron $\\gamma$-rays at the expense of $\\pi^0$ $\\gamma$-rays and neutrinos." }, "0004/gr-qc0004001_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\baselineskip 16pt \\noindent One of the remarkable features of black holes is that they possess a thermodynamic description, even though they do not appear to be statistical systems. We use self-gravitating magnetic monopole solutions as tools for understanding the emergence of this description as one goes from an ordinary spacetime to one containing a black hole. We describe how causally distinct regions emerge as a monopole solution develops a horizon. We define an entropy that is naturally associated with these regions and that has a clear connection with the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy in the critical black hole limit. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004270_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We are using the Multibeam 21cm receiver on the Parkes Telescope combined with the optical Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain the first complete spectroscopic sample of the Fornax cluster. In the optical the survey is unique in that all objects (both ``stars'' and ``galaxies'') within our magnitude limits ($16.5\\leq B_J \\leq19.7$) are measured, producing the most complete survey of cluster members irrespective of surface brightness. We have detected two new classes of high surface brightness dwarf galaxy in the cluster. With 2dF we have discovered a population of very low luminosity ($M_B\\approx -12$) objects which are unresolved from the ground and may be the stripped nuclei of dwarf galaxies; they are unlike any known galaxies. In a survey of the brighter ($16.5\\leq B_J \\leq18$) galaxies with the FLAIR-II spectrograph we have found a number of new high surface brightness dwarf galaxies and show that the fraction of star-forming dwarf galaxies in the cluster is about 30\\%, about twice that implied by earlier morphological classifications. Our radio observations have greatly improved upon the sensitivity of the standard Multibeam survey by using a new ``basket weave'' scanning pattern. Our initial analysis shows that we are detecting new cluster members with HI masses of order $10^8$M$_\\odot$ and HI mass-to-light ratios of 1--2 M$_\\odot$/L$_\\odot$. ", "introduction": "It has long been suggested that optical selection effects limit the galaxies in optical surveys to a narrow range of surface brightness (Disney \\& Phillipps 1983 and references therein). The idea is that very low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies are lost in the sky noise and compact, high surface brightness galaxies would be confused with stars. It now seems unlikely that there are large numbers of undetected giant LSB galaxies (Driver, these proceedings) and the number of unresolved giant galaxies missed in photographic surveys is small (Drinkwater et al.\\ 1999). However the situation for dwarf galaxies may be different. Most flux-limited galaxy surveys are dominated by giant galaxies, so the only way to study significant samples of dwarf galaxies is to observe nearby galaxy clusters where the galaxy density is so elevated that many dwarfs can be detected. The advantage of cluster samples is that cluster membership can often be assigned on morphological grounds, avoiding the need for spectroscopy. This has been done very effectively in surveys of the Virgo and Fornax Clusters which now form the basis of our knowledge of dwarf galaxies (Binggeli, Sandage \\& Tammann 1985; Ferguson 1989=FCC). However the lack of spectroscopy becomes a serious handicap when it comes to unusual types of dwarf galaxy: these may not be included on morphological grounds. \\begin{figure} \\plotone{drinkwater1.eps} \\caption{New galaxies detected in the Fornax Cluster. These Bj-band photographic images (from the DSS: see acknowledgements) are all 3 arcminutes across with North at the top and East to the left.} \\end{figure} In this paper we present results from an extensive multi-wavelength {\\em spectroscopic} survey of the Fornax Cluster. We are obtaining the most complete spectroscopic sample of cluster galaxies ever made, detecting new types of galaxy missed in the previous morphological surveys. In the optical we are using the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) to make a complete survey of faint objects in the core of the cluster and the FLAIR-II spectrograph of the UK Schmidt Telescope (UKST) to measure brighter compact galaxies over a six degree field. In the radio we are making a blind spectroscopic survey of an even larger ten degree field with the Multibeam 21cm receiver on the Parkes Telescope. In Fig.~1 we show images of a selection of the cluster galaxies observed; these are described in more detail below. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that our approach of making complete spectroscopic surveys has overcome the selection effects evident in previous cluster samples of dwarf galaxies. The ``new'' members we find are not difficult to detect optically, but in each case have been excluded from existing compilations because of their high surface brightness or large distance from the cluster centre. We have detected unresolved compact objects, high surface brightness dwarf galaxies and radio galaxies. When it comes to clusters, galaxies do not have to be optically faint to be ``hidden'', they just have to be unusual. Apart from the compact objects, most of the galaxies we found show evidence of high rates of star formation. In the complete FLAIR-II sample our data show that star formation is about twice as common in the dwarf galaxies as would have been implied by the earlier morphological classifications. Star formation is still important in the Fornax cluster dwarfs, but not in the cluster core where the density of star-forming galaxies is reduced. This is consistent with the radio data which show that the neutral hydrogen in the cluster is much less centrally concentrated than the optical luminosity." }, "0004/astro-ph0004100_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "First detections of thermal water vapor absorption lines have been made toward Orion IRc2 using the {\\it Short Wavelength Spectrometer} (SWS) on board the {\\it Infrared Space Observatory} (ISO). Grating spectra covering wavelengths 25--45 $\\mu$m yield 19 pure rotational lines, originating from energy levels 200--750~K above ground. Fabry-Perot spectra of 5 transitions resolve the line profiles and reveal the H$_{2}$O gas kinematics. The fact that all lines are seen in absorption is in striking contrast with data from the ISO {\\it Long Wavelength Spectrometer} (LWS), where the H$_2$O lines appear in emission. At least one line displays a P-Cygni type profile, which suggests that the water is located in an expanding shell centered on or near IRc2. The expansion velocity is 18 km s$^{-1}$, in agreement with the value inferred from H$_{2}$O maser observations by Genzel et al.\\ (1981). Because the continuum is intense and likely formed in or near the water-containing gas, the excitation of the observed transitions is dominated by radiative processes. A simple, generalised curve-of-growth method is presented and used to analyze the data. A mean excitation temperature of 72 K and a total H$_2$O column density of $1.5\\times 10^{18}$ cm$^{-2}$ are inferred, each with an estimated maximum uncertainty of 20\\%. Combined with the H$_2$ column density derived from ISO observations of the pure rotational H$_2$ lines, and an assumed temperature of 200--350 K, the inferred H$_2$O abundance is 2--5$\\times 10^{-4}$ in the warm shocked gas. This abundance is similar to that found recently by Harwit et al. (1998) toward Orion using data from the LWS, but higher than that found for most other shocked regions by, for example, Liseau et al. (1996). ", "introduction": "Water is one of the prime species for probing the interaction between young stars and their surroundings, both in terms of its abundance and its peculiar excitation. In high temperature gas, appropriate to shocks and hot cores for instance, all of the oxygen not locked up in CO is predicted to be driven into H$_2$O at temperatures above 230 K by the O + H$_2$ $\\to$ OH + H and OH + H$_2$ $\\to$ H$_2$O + H reactions, resulting in very bright H$_2$O lines (e.g., Hollenbach \\& McKee 1979, Neufeld \\& Melnick 1987, Kaufman \\& Neufeld 1996, Charnley 1997). In contrast, the H$_2$O abundance may be at least two orders of magnitude lower in surrounding colder gas (e.g., Zmuidzinas et al.\\ 1995). In addition to collisions, the H$_2$O excitation and line profiles can be strongly affected by mid- and far-infrared radiation from warm dust (e.g., Phillips et al.\\ 1978, Takahashi et al. 1983, 1985), providing detailed information on the physical parameters of the gas and its location with respect to the radiation sources. Interstellar water has been difficult to detect, apart from its presence as an ice mantle on dust grains or through its maser emission, owing to the severe telluric absorption encountered at Earth-based observatories. Nevertheless, over the last twenty years, many searches for lines of gas-phase H$_2$O and its isotopomers have been made from the ground and airborne altitudes, in particular toward Orion (e.g., Waters et al.\\ 1980, Phillips et al.\\ 1978, Jacq et al. 1990, Wannier et al.\\ 1991, Cernicharo et al.\\ 1994, Zmuidzinas et al.\\ 1995, Tauber et al.\\ 1996, Timmermann et al.\\ 1996, Gensheimer et al.\\ 1996, Cernicharo et al.\\ 1999a,b). However, due to the choice of line, wavelength and beam size, different components are often probed, whilst many ground-based observations refer to masing lines, for which sophisticated shock and maser models are required in order to extract physical parameters. One of the major aims of the {\\it Infrared Space Observatory} ({\\it ISO}) mission has been the routine measurement of thermal gas-phase water lines, and their use as diagnostics of the chemical and physical conditions within molecular clouds. Far-infrared pure rotational H$_2$O emission lines in the 50--200 $\\mu$m wavelength range have been detected with the {\\it Long Wavelength Spectrometer} (LWS) of ISO in a number of star-forming regions (e.g., Liseau et al.\\ 1996, Ceccarelli et al.\\ 1998), including Sgr B2 (Cernicharo et al.\\ 1997a) and Orion (Cernicharo et al.\\ 1997b, 1999a; Harwit et al.\\ 1998). Additionally, van Dishoeck \\& Helmich (1996), van Dishoeck (1998) and Dartois et al.\\ (1998) have observed absorption around 6 $\\mu$m in the $\\nu_{2}$=1--0 band toward a number of deeply embedded, massive young stars. Typical H$_2$O abundances of $10^{-5}$ with respect to H$_2$ have been derived from these data. Similar observations have recently been reported for Orion BN/IRc2 by van Dishoeck et al.\\ (1998) and Gonz\\'{a}lez-Alfonso et al.\\ (1998), although in this case emission is also detected. Wright et al.\\ (1997) have however shown that the detection of the corresponding pure rotational lines at $\\sim$ 30--200 $\\mu$m in most sources observed at 6 $\\mu$m is still difficult. The observations of Orion-IRc2 presented here form a notable exception. Many of the earlier searches for H$_2$O lines have been performed toward the BN/IRc2 complex of infrared sources in Orion, because of the extraordinary brightness of many atomic and molecular lines in this region compared with other clouds (e.g., Genzel \\& Stutzki 1989, Blake 1997). See van Dishoeck et al.\\ (1998) and references therein for a detailed description of the geometry and the diverse range of physical phenomena in this region. In this paper we present the first detection of numerous pure rotational water lines in absorption toward IRc2 in the 25--45 $\\mu$m interval with the {\\it Short Wavelength Spectrometer} (SWS) (de Graauw et al.\\ 1996) on board {\\it ISO}. Some of these lines have been velocity resolved with the Fabry-Perot, enabling direct information on the location of the absorbing gas to be inferred. These data complement the earlier ground-based data, as well as observations of pure rotational lines with the LWS obtained by Cernicharo et al.\\ (1997b, 1999a) and Harwit et al.\\ (1998) in a much larger beam. Our interpretation of the ISO spectra of Orion IRc2 suggests that the 25--45 $\\mu$m H$_2$O spectrum originates in a region where the intrinsically strong lines couple efficiently to an intense continuum. In principle, the formation of such a spectrum should be described for a stratified atmosphere in which lines and continuum are treated self-consistently. We show here that the observed features of the spectrum can be described well by a simple ``generalised curve-of-growth'', which includes the effects of coupling to a strong continuum. In the following we describe our observations and present our results, followed by a discussion of the location of the absorbing water vapour, its excitation and finally its abundance. ", "conclusions": "Through use of the ISO--SWS in its grating mode, 19 pure rotational absorption lines of water have been detected toward Orion IRc2 for the first time. Fabry-Perot spectra of 5 lines reveal that the water is located in an outflow expanding at a velocity of 18 km s$^{-1}$. The strong mid-infrared continuum toward IRc2 plays a dominant role in the excitation of the molecule and the line formation, which can be modeled using a simple, generalised curve-of-growth technique. This yields a total water column density of order 1.5$\\times10^{18}$ cm$^{-2}$ and excitation temperature of 72 K, similar to the dust continuum colour temperature. Both derived quantities have a maximum uncertainty of about 20\\%. The data provide support for large abundances of H$_2$O in the outflows of massive stars. Simultaneous analysis of the complete ISO--SWS and LWS data set on H$_2$O, OH and CO may provide further information on the abundance and excitation of these molecules in the various physical components within the complex Orion environment." }, "0004/astro-ph0004336_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "MeV seed photons produced in shocks in a variable ultra-relativistic outflow gain energy by the Fermi mechanism, because the photons Compton scatter off relativistically colliding shells. The Fermi-modified high-energy photon spectrum has a non-universal slope and a universal cutoff. A significant increase in the total radiative efficiency is possible. In some gamma ray bursts, most of the power might be emitted at the high-energy cutoff for this mechanism, which would be close to 100 MeV for outflows with a mean bulk Lorentz factor of 100. ", "introduction": "The most common model of gamma-ray burst (GRB) sources involves a relativistic outflow in which shocks occur and radiate away a fraction of the bulk kinetic energy. For typical model parameters the synchrotron emission peaks around 1 keV in the comoving frame, or $\\sim 100$ keV in the observer frame. Generally, this is considered to be the primary spectrum observed. However, in internal shocks in the neighborhood of the flow photosphere, and also in external shocks in some cases (e.g. Madau, Blandford, \\& Rees 2000), the shocks can have a non-negligible Thomson scattering depth, which results in upscattering of these primary photons. Single scattering on individual shock-accelerated electrons with Lorentz factors $\\gamma _e\\sim 300$ produces photons with energies $\\sim \\gamma _e^2$ keV in the comoving, or $\\sim \\Gamma \\gamma _e^2 \\sim 10\\Gamma _2$ GeV in the observer frame, where $\\Gamma =100\\Gamma _2$ is the bulk Lorentz factor. Here we concentrate on a different, multiple scattering component. This is associated with mildly relativistic motions of different ejecta shells or turbulent cells resulting from multiple shock interactions, which contain more energy than the shock-accelerated highly relativistic electrons. Multiple interacting shells are naturally expected in internal shocks, and also in external shocks when a longer lasting modulated outflow runs into the first decelerated shell (e.g. Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz 2000; Kumar \\& Piran 2000). Repeated scatterings using the energy of these bulk motions boost the photon energy through the equivalent of the Fermi acceleration mechanism of particles (Blandford \\& Payne 1981). This is related to Thompson's (1994) photon scattering off Alvf\\'en waves, but our mechanism relies instead on relative bulk motions. It differs also in using synchrotron photons instead of thermal photons as its source term, and hence leads to different characteristic energies. This bulk Comptonization results in a spectrum extending at least up to $\\sim$ MeV in the comoving frame and $\\sim 100\\Gamma_2$ MeV in the observer frame. The spectral power or luminosity per decade can increase as steeply as linearly in the photon energy. This provides a natural explanation for those GRB spectra (e.g. Preece et al 1999) which show a positive $\\nu F_\\nu$ slope above the MeV range (generally $\\leq +1$), which cannot be explained by direct synchrotron radiation from Fermi shock-accelerated electrons. The component made up of bulk-scattered photons can extend up to a maximum observed energy $\\sim 100 \\Gamma_2$ MeV. Beyond this energy, Klein-Nishina and electron recoil effects set in, and the spectrum reverts to being dominated by the seed spectrum (with negative or flat power law slope) of the unscattered photons above the synchrotron peak. In this work we adopt a test photon model, which assumes no back reaction on the plasma. Several potentially important effects are neglected (upscattered photons can heat electrons in the colliding shells and produce pairs, light pressure ensures that the total comoving energy of the scattered photons cannot exceed the total kinetic energy of the relative shell motions). These effects will be investigated elswehere (Gruzinov, \\Mesz, \\& Rees 2000). The simplified approach that we use here retains the essential properties of the bulk motion comptonization phenomenon, and allows us to explore the main qualitative features it introduces in the spectra. In \\S 2 we specify the GRB model, in \\S 3 we give an analytical model of Fermi acceleration of photons by colliding shell, and in \\S 4 we describe our Monte Carlo simulations. The results are discussed and related to current and future observations in \\S 5. ", "conclusions": "The Fermi acceleration of photons in the standard GRB fireball model has several consequences of theoretical and observational interest. The first is that it can naturally produce $\\nu F_\\nu$ spectra which are harder than the input synchrotron spectrum, including the possibility of an increasing $\\nu F_{\\nu }$ above the usual break found in the Band parameterization of spectra (Band et al 1999, Preece et al 1999). The latter is a property that is hard to obtain with a synchrotron model. Such rising $\\nu F_\\nu \\propto \\nu^\\beta$ are expected, in this model, to have $\\beta \\siml 1$, and this implies that in some GRB most of the energy is at energies $h\\nu \\sim 100 (\\Gamma /10^2)$ MeV, well above the BATSE instrument band on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO). The current observational situation is that BATSE finds approximately 16 \\% of the spectra to be rising at $\\simg 1$ MeV, and the observed rise is not faster than $\\beta =1$ (Preece et al 1999). These fits generally cut off above 1.8 MeV, and the break is usually not much lower than this, so there is some uncertainty. The COMPTEL instrument on CGRO, sensitive up to 30 MeV, has analyzed $\\sim 30$ bursts (Schoenfelder et al 2000), and an analysis of the slopes indicates in several cases $\\nu F_\\nu$ slopes $\\beta\\sim 0$, with one burst of $\\beta\\sim 0.5$ (Kippen et al 1999). The EGRET experiment on CGRO has detected $\\sim 30$ bursts with the scintillation counters in the 1-200 MeV range, and $\\sim$ 7 bursts with the spark chambers in the 100 MeV-30 GeV range. In this range the spectra are largely noise-dominated (Schaefer et al 1998, Bromm \\& Schaefer 1999). However, the scintillation spectral slopes (Catelli, Dingus \\& Schneid, 1997) are compatible with $\\beta\\siml 0$, although some could be positive and others negative, which is compatible with the analysis of spark chamber data (e.g. Sommers, 1994; Hurley et al, 1994). Large area detectors such as GLAST should be able to obtain more definite answers in the 20 MeV-300 GeV range. Another implication of the photon acceleration described here is that it provides a natural mechanism to increase the efficiency of conversion of baryon bulk motion into photon energy. This is of interest since in general the internal shock synchrotron efficiency for radiating in the BATSE band is limited to 1-10\\% (Kumar 2000; Spada, Panaitescu \\& \\Mesz 2000; see however Fenimore \\& Ramirez-Ruiz 2000, and observation-based estimates by Freedman \\& Waxman 2000). The increase in the radiative efficiency is simply given by the increase in the value of $\\nu F_\\nu$ at different energies, or by the integral $\\int F_\\nu d\\nu$ in the range of interest. In the generic examples shown, this increase is substantial. Of course, the spectra shown in Figures \\ref{fig:2} and \\ref{fig:3} are test photon spectra, which do not take into account the back-reaction of radiation. The latter can become important when a substantial fraction of the bulk energy has been converted to radiation through Fermi acceleration, and the natural limit for this effect can be estimated as $\\sim 50\\%$ radiative efficiency. The calculations presented here are meant to illustrate the consequences of photon acceleration by bulk motions. A self-consistent calculation is needed in order to explore the back-reaction of the radiation pressure and pair formation on the shell dynamics. Pair formation has an angle averaged cross section $\\sigma _{\\gamma \\gamma}\\sim \\sigma_T/8$ at a threshold which is similar to that for Klein-Nishina effects. It is not very important in low compactness situations (shocks at large radii), while in high compactness cases the exponential tail of the photon distribution would lead to a pair cascade, which lowers the cut off in the comoving spectra of Figures \\ref{fig:2},\\ref{fig:3} to $\\siml$ 0.5 MeV, possibly with some pile-up of photons at this energy (Gruzinov, \\Mesz \\& Rees, 2000)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004385_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent \\rightskip=0pt Experimental study of the anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is gathering momentum. The eagerly awaited {\\sl Boomerang\\/} results have lived up to expectations. They provide convincing evidence in favor of the standard paradigm: the Universe is close to flat and with primordial fluctuations which are redolent of inflation. Further scrutiny reveals something even more exciting however -- two hints that there may be some unforeseen physical effects. Firstly the primary acoustic peak appears at slightly larger scales than expected. Although this may be explicable through a combination of mundane effects, we suggest it is also prudent to consider the possibility that the Universe might be marginally closed. The other hint is provided by a second peak which appears less prominent than expected. This may indicate one of a number of possibilities, including increased damping length or tilted initial conditions, but also breaking of coherence or features in the initial power spectrum. Further data should test whether the current concordance model needs only to be tweaked, or to be enhanced in some fundamental way. ", "introduction": "The study of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy holds the promise of answering many of our fundamental questions about the Universe and the origin of the large-scale structure (see e.g.~Bond~\\cite{Bond}; Bennett, Turner \\& White~\\cite{BenTurWhi}; Lawrence, Scott \\& White~\\cite{Romans}). The development of CMB research can be split into 5 main phases. Firstly, the mere existence of the CMB showed that the early Universe was hot and dense. Secondly, the blackbody nature of the CMB spectrum and its isotropic distribution implied that the Universe is approximately homogeneous on large scales. The third step came with the detection of anisotropies, confirming that structure grew through gravitational instability. Now we are entering the fourth stage, where the basic cosmological paradigm is defined. The recently released {\\sl Boomerang\\/} data (de Bernardis et al.~\\cite{BOOM}) provide support for a model with adiabatic initial conditions and a Universe with approximately flat geometry. The fact that our theories are holding up so well gives us further reason to believe that the CMB can be used as a precision cosmological tool. With the imminent launch of {\\sl MAP\\/}, we are on the verge of the fifth phase, which involves determining the precise values of the fundamental cosmological parameters to figure out exactly what kind of Universe we live in. Most of the unmined cosmological information available from the CMB anisotropy is encoded in the acoustic signatures, the series of peaks and troughs in the spectrum at subdegree scales, which we are only now beginning to probe experimentally. Because the properties of the photon-baryon oscillations are determined by the background, while the driving force is described by the model for the perturbations, the acoustic signatures provide a unique opportunity to probe both the background cosmology and the model for structure formation. For example the position of the first peak, or indeed any other feature, provides a measure of the angular diameter distance to last scattering. The relative heights of the peaks provide information about the baryon `drag' on the photons and thus the baryon-to-photon ratio. The relative peak locations provide information on the perturbations as they crossed the horizon and thus indirectly on the mechanism for their production (see e.g.~Hu, Sugiyama \\& Silk~\\cite{HuSugSil}). In the last year or so there have been several new CMB data sets which have begun to reveal the structure contained in the acoustic peaks (see e.g.~Lineweaver~\\cite{Charley}; Dodelson \\& Knox~\\cite{DodKno}; Melchiorri et al.~\\cite{Mel}; Pierpaoli, Scott \\& White~\\cite{Science}; Efstathiou~\\cite{Efs}; Tegmark \\& Zaldarriaga~\\cite{TegZal}; Lahav et al.~\\cite{LahBriHobLasSod}; Le Dour et al.~\\cite{LeDour}~for analyses of these data). Now with the first estimate of the power spectrum from a sub-set of the Antarctic flight of the {\\sl Boomerang\\/} experiment we are entering a whole new regime of precision. There are 3 striking things about this new power spectrum estimate. Firstly, and most importantly, it corroborates the basic picture of cosmological structure formation -- the shape is a confirmation of flat models of the sort inspired by inflation, dominated by a cosmological constant, as has become the standard paradigm. Secondly, however, the position of the first peak appears at slightly larger angular scales than might have been expected. And lastly, another possibility for something unexpected comes through a hint that the second peak may not be as pronounced as most models would predict. We will make some general comments about the existence of the first acoustic peak, and then in the rest of this paper we focus on these latter two surprising features of the new data (see also Hu~\\cite{Hu}). ", "conclusions": "The {\\sl Boomerang\\/} data provide a stunning confirmation of the reality of acoustic oscillations in the photon-baryon fluid at last scattering. The fact that the peak is at $\\ell\\,{\\sim}\\,200$ argues that the Universe is close to spatially flat. The fact that the second peak appears to be smaller than naively expected, while explicable within standard models, could be a clue to something novel in our model of structure formation. We have argued that the high first peak relative to the second is suggestive of tilt in the primordial power spectrum, a late epoch of matter-radiation equality and a low redshift of reionization. The slightly leftwards position (relative to the precisely flat expectation) of the first peak argues for a short distance to last scattering, and in combination with the former this argues that the Universe may be (marginally) spatially closed. Whether the best-fitting models are significantly closed will require more high precision data. But in any case, it is now clear that closed models need to be considered on at least an equal footing with open models when searching the cosmological parameter space. The key to making further progress will be the detection of a third peak. Models with a high baryon content will have a high third peak, tilted models will have a lower third peak. Lack of coherence in the oscillations would be more exciting still, since this would be harder to explain. The detection of a second feature in the power spectrum would pin down the fundamental mode of the baryon-photon fluid at last scattering and put us well on our way towards reconstructing the model of structure formation. Further measurement of the second peak should come with analysis of the full {\\sl Boomerang\\/} 98 data-set, together with data from the {\\sl MAXIMA}\\footnote{{\\tt http://cfpa.berkeley.edu/group/cmb/}\\quad After this paper was submitted the results of the {\\sl MAXIMA}-1 flight were released (Hanany~\\cite{Hanany}). They show impressive confirmation of the basic picture presented by the {\\sl Boomerang\\/} data, including the weakness of the second peak. Although the {\\sl MAXIMA}-1 data show no strong preference for closed models, we wish to emphasize that there is still a large region of closed model parameter space which needs to be explored.} {\\sl VSA}\\footnote{{\\tt http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/telescopes/vsa/index.html}}, {\\sl DASI}\\footnote{{\\tt http://astro.uchicago.edu/dasi/}} and {\\sl CBI}\\footnote{{\\tt http://astro.caltech.edu/$\\sim$tjp/CBI/}} experiments. In addition long-duration CMB balloon flights in the next couple of seasons, as well as the imminent launch of {\\sl MAP\\/}\\footnote{{\\tt http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/}}, should produce much more precise measurements of the relevant $\\ell$ range. The new {\\sl Boomerang\\/} results have shown a remarkable confirmation of the conventional picture for structure formation. On top of that, it is exciting that the data show some hints of a couple of surprises. To make it easier to fit the first peak position, it may be worth bearing in mind the possibility that the Universe may be spatially closed. And, for consistency with the structure of the subsidiary peaks, it is worth keeping an open mind to the possibility that there may yet be some important physical effects which are not contained within the simplest versions of the current standard paradigm. \\bigskip" }, "0004/astro-ph0004251_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A high resolution ($\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda \\simeq 110\\,000$), very high $S/N$ ($\\ga 600$) spectrum of the metal-poor turnoff star \\object{G\\,271-162} has been obtained in connection with the commissioning of UVES at VLT/Kueyen. Using both 1D hydrostatic and 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres, the lithium isotope ratio has been estimated from the \\Lione\\,670.8\\,nm line by means of spectral synthesis. The necessary stellar line broadening (1D: macroturbulence + rotation, 3D: rotation) has been determined from unblended \\Kone, \\Caone\\ and \\Feone\\ lines. The 3D line profiles agree very well with the observed profiles, including the characteristic line asymmetries. Both the 1D and 3D analyses reveal a possible detection of \\Lisix\\ in \\object{G\\,271-162}, $\\sixseven = 0.02\\pm0.01$ ($1\\sigma$). It is discussed if the smaller amount of \\Lisix\\ in \\object{G\\,271-162} than in the similar halo star \\object{HD\\,84937} could be due to differences in stellar mass and/or metallicity or whether it may reflect an intrinsic scatter of \\sixseven\\ in the ISM at a given metallicity. ", "introduction": "Due to the special status of \\Lisix\\ for astrophysics and cosmology, much work has been devoted to the search for this isotope in metal-poor stars ever since the first detection in \\object{HD\\,84937} by Smith et al. (\\cite{smith93}). The reason for this interest is threefold: {\\em i)} The presence of \\Lisix\\ in the envelope of halo stars severely limits the possible depletion of \\Liseven, and thus allows a more accurate determination of the primordial \\Liseven\\ abundance (Ryan et al. \\cite{ryan99}; Asplund \\& Carlsson \\cite{asplund00}); {\\em ii)} \\Lisix\\ abundances provide an additional test of theories for the production of the light elements (Li, Be and B) by cosmic ray processes; {\\em iii)} Since \\Lisix\\ is an even more fragile nuclei than \\Liseven\\, it is a sensitive probe of possible mixing events during the stellar life. To date \\Lisix\\ is claimed to have been detected in two metal-poor halo stars, \\object{HD\\,84937} and \\object{BD\\,+26 3578}, and two metal-poor disk stars, \\object{HD\\,68284} and \\object{HD\\,130551} (Smith et al. \\cite{smith98}; Hobbs \\& Thorburn \\cite{hobbs97}; Cayrel et al. \\cite{cayrel99}; Nissen et al. \\cite{nissen99}). Clearly, an observational test of models for the formation and evolution of \\Lisix\\ and for the depletion of \\Lisix\\ in stellar envelopes requires a much larger set of \\Lisix\\ data spanning a large metallicity range. With the advent of high-resolution spectrographs on 8m-class telescopes this is now becoming feasible. The determinations of \\Lisix\\ abundances are based on the increased width and asymmetry of the \\Lione\\ 670.8\\,nm doublet introduced by the isotope shift (0.16\\,\\AA\\ = 7.1\\,\\kmprs) of \\Lisix. Since the line is not resolved, the derived \\Lisix\\ abundance depends on the adopted stellar line broadening as estimated from other spectral lines. Until now all such analyses have relied on 1D hydrostatic model atmospheres which cannot predict the inherent line asymmetries introduced by the convective motions in the atmosphere and thus is a potential source of uncertainty. An attractive alternative is provided by the new generation of 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres (e.g. Stein \\& Nordlund \\cite{stein98}; Asplund et al. \\cite{asplund99}, \\cite{asp00}) which self-consistently compute the time-dependent convective velocity fields and thus are able to predict the convective line asymmetries. In the present {\\em Letter} we analyze a high resolution, very high $S/N$ spectrum of the metal-poor halo star \\object{G271-162} obtained during the commissioning of UVES on VLT/Kueyen using both 1D and 3D model atmospheres. Thereby we also investigate the ability of UVES to provide high quality spectra as needed in many astrophysical studies. ", "conclusions": "Both the 1D and 3D analyses suggest a possible detection of \\Lisix\\ in \\object{G\\,271-162} at the level of $\\sixseven\\ = 0.02\\pm0.01$. Given the remaining uncertainties in the determination of the stellar line broadening (e.g. NLTE effects) the detection should, however, be considered preliminary. The similarity between the 1D and 3D results and the excellent agreement between the observed and predicted profiles in 3D, could be interpreted as support for a positive detection though. It also lends added confidence to previous detections of \\Lisix\\ in metal-poor stars based on 1D investigations (e.g. Smith et al. \\cite{smith98}; Nissen et al. \\cite{nissen99}). Evidently, the convective line asymmetries are rather negligible compared to the isotopic shift of the \\Lisix\\ doublet. Regardless of whether \\Lisix\\ has been detected in \\object{G\\,271-162} or not, the \\sixseven\\ ratio appears in any case to be smaller than in \\object{HD\\,84937} for which a weighted average of the results of Hobbs \\& Thorburn (\\cite{hobbs97}), Smith et al. (\\cite{smith98}) and Cayrel et al. (\\cite{cayrel99}) is $\\sixseven = 0.059 \\pm 0.016 \\,\\, (1\\sigma)$. This is quite puzzling, because the two stars have almost identical parameters according to the $uvby$-$\\beta$ photometry of Schuster \\& Nissen (\\cite{schuster88}). Table 1 lists the measured indices for the three halo stars with \\Lisix\\ measurements after correction for a small reddening of G\\,271-162, $E(b-y) = 0.020$, as derived from the the $\\beta$ - $(b-y)_0$ calibration of Schuster \\& Nissen (\\cite{schuster89}). Table 2 shows the derived parameters using the IRFM calibration of \\teff\\ vs. $(b-y)_0$ by Alonso et al. (\\cite{alonso96a}), the \\feh\\ calibration of Schuster \\& Nissen (\\cite{schuster89}) and the $M_V$ calibration of Nissen \\& Schuster (\\cite{nissen91}). The directly measured IRFM temperatures of \\object{HD\\,84937} and \\object{BD\\,+26\\,3578} are 6330 and 6310 (Alonso et al. \\cite{alonso96b}) in excellent agreement with the values in Table 2, whereas \\object{G\\,271-162} has not been measured. The absolute magnitude of \\object{HD\\,84937} from the Hipparcos parallax (ESA, \\cite{esa97}) is $M_V = 3.82 \\pm 0.19$ in good agreement with the photometric value within the quoted errors. For the two other stars the relative error of the Hipparcos parallax is far too large to estimate $M_V$ with any reasonable accuracy. Finally, a preliminary abundance analysis shows that \\object{HD\\,84937} and \\object{G\\,271-162} have the same metal abundances within $\\pm 0.15$~dex. \\begin{table} \\caption[]{Str\\\"{o}mgren photometry from Schuster \\& Nissen (\\cite{schuster88})} \\begin{tabular}{lrcccc} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} ID & $V$ & $(b-y)_0$ & $m_0$ & $c_0$ & $\\beta$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} HD\\,84937 & 8.33 & 0.303 & 0.056 & 0.354 & 2.613 \\\\ G\\,271-162 &10.35 & 0.306 & 0.055 & 0.355 & 2.602 \\\\ BD\\,+26\\,3578& 9.37 & 0.308 & 0.045 & 0.366 & 2.600 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{table} \\caption[]{Stellar parameters and Li isotope ratios} \\begin{tabular}{lcccc} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} ID & $\\teff$ & \\feh & $M_V$ & \\sixseven \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} HD\\,84937 & 6315\\,K & $-2.14$ & 3.58 & $0.059 \\pm 0.016$ \\\\ G\\,271-162 & 6295\\,K & $-2.15$ & 3.53 & $0.020 \\pm 0.010$ \\\\ BD\\,+26\\,3578& 6280\\,K & $-2.60$ & 3.08 & $0.050 \\pm 0.030$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{figure}[t] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{cc161.fig6.ps}} \\caption{The position of \\object{HD\\,84937}, \\object{BD+26\\,3578} and \\object{G\\,271-162} in the \\mvlgt\\ diagram compared to evolutionary tracks from VandenBerg et al. (\\cite{vandenberg00}) with masses and metallicities indicated} \\label{f:HR} \\end{figure} Fig. \\ref{f:HR} shows the location of the three stars in the \\mvlgt\\ diagram. Clearly, \\object{HD\\,84937} and \\object{G\\,271-162} have nearly the same mass. This makes it difficult to explain the lower \\Lisix\\ abundance in \\object{G\\,271-162} as a depletion effect and raises the interesting question of a possible intrinsic scatter of \\sixseven\\ in the ISM at a given metallicity. In this connection we note that some models for the formation of the light elements by cosmic ray processes in the early Galaxy predict a scatter of one order of magnitude in the abundance of \\Lisix , Be and B relative to Fe, e.g. the bimodal superbubble model of Parizot \\& Drury (\\cite{parizot99}) and the supernovae-driven chemical evolution model for the Galactic halo by Suzuki et al. (\\cite{suzuki99}). It is clear that the ability of UVES on VLT/Kueyen to gather high quality, high resolution and very high $S/N$ spectra of even $V \\simeq 10\\fm5$ stars as evident from the present study, has opened up the possibility for a large survey of \\sixseven\\ for stars with a wide range of metallicities. An observing program with this exact aim using UVES/VLT is currently in progress, which is expected to be of great importance both for an improved understanding of Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic chemical evolution of the light elements and stellar mixing events." }, "0004/astro-ph0004298_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present images and spectra of the Cepheus E (Cep E) region at both optical and infrared wavelengths. Only the brightest region of the southern lobe of the Cep E outflow reveals optical emission, suggesting that the extinction close to the outflow source plays an important r\\^ole in the observed difference between the optical and IR morphologies. Cep E is a unique object since it provides a link between the spectroscopic properties of the optical Herbig-Haro (HH) objects and those of deeply embedded outflows. The observed H$_2$ infrared lines allow us to determine an excitation temperature of $\\sim 2300$~K, an Ortho-to-Para ratio of $\\sim 3$, and an H$_2$ (1,0)/(2,1) S(1) line ratio of $\\sim 9$. These results are consistent with the values observed for HH objects with detected NIR emission lines, with shock excitation as the main mechanism for their formation, and also with the values observed for embedded, NIR flows. The optical spectroscopic characteristics of Cep E (HH~377) appear to be similar to the ones of low excitation HH objects. However, the electron density determined from the [SII]6731/6717 line ratio for this object ($n_e=$ 4100 cm$^{-3})$, and the [OI]6300/H$\\alpha$, [SII](6717+6731)/H$\\alpha$ ratios are higher than the values of all of the previously studied low excitation HH objects. This result is likely to be the consequence of an anomalously high environmental density in the HH~377 outflow. The ionization fraction obtained for HH~377 is $x_e \\sim 1\\%$ From this result, together with the observed [OI]6300/H$\\alpha$ line ratio, we conclude that the observed H$\\alpha$ line emission is collisionally excited. From a comparison with shock models, we also conclude that the extinction towards HH~377 is very low. Comparing the observed H$\\beta$ and H$\\alpha$ fluxes of HH~377 with model predictions, we determine a shock speed between 15 and 20 km s$^{-1}$, although somewhat higher velocities also produce spectra with line ratios that qualitatively agree with the observations of HH~377. ", "introduction": "The Cepheus E (Cep E) outflow was first detected in the $^{12}$CO J=1-0 transition in some of the early radio studies of star formation in molecular clouds \\markcite{sar77}. In his catalog of molecular outflows, Fukui (1989) first pointed out the presence of a bipolar, high velocity outflow in this region. The bipolar nature of Cep E became clear with the K$^\\prime$ image of the molecular outflow obtained by Hodapp (1994), which included the stronger NIR H$_2$ lines, and revealed a relatively compact system (with a size of $\\sim$ 1.5\\arcmin). Subsequent studies in the near/mid infrared have shown that the outflow is quite bright in the H$_2$ (1,0) S(1) 2.12 $\\mu$m~line, consistent with models of shock excited H$_2$ gas \\markcite{eis96,lad97,nor98}. Suttner et al. (1997) have used three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of highly collimated molecular outflows in order to model the morphology of Cep E. These simulations, however, required a very high density {\\it in} the jet ($10^5$ cm$^{-3}$), which are not consistent with the hot and dense CO bullets recently found in the flow \\markcite{hat99}, with densities of $\\sim 10^4$ cm$^{-3}$. The IRAS 23011+6126 source was originally identified as the main candidate for the outflow source. However, the presence of multiple outflows in near infrared and radio wavelengths \\markcite{eis96,lad97} indicates the existence of at least two sources, which have recently been confirmed by OVRO observations at 1.3 and 2.6mm \\markcite{tes98}. The sources are embedded and invisible at optical and near infrared wavelengths, and are likely to be Class I or Class 0 protostellar objects \\markcite{lef96,and93}. In addition, Noriega-Crespo et al. (1998) detect one source at 6.9 $\\mu$m using ISOCAM, which is well detected in all IRAS bands. The present study has been motivated by the detection of emission at optical wavelengths in a small section of the southern lobe of the Cepheus E outflow by Noriega-Crespo (1997) and Devine et al. (1997). Noriega-Crespo (1997) mentions that H$\\alpha$ and [SII] 6717/31 images reveal a compact knot which is the optical counterpart of the southern bowshock observed at 2 $\\mu$m by Eisl\\\"offel et al. (1996). This optical knot has been named HH~377 \\markcite{dev97}. In this study, we explore the link between the physical properties of the outflow as determined from optical imaging and spectroscopy, and compare these results with those obtained from observations in the near infrared. Our goal is to understand the development of very young stellar outflows (we notice that Cep E has a dynamical age of $\\sim 3\\times 10^3$ years (Noriega-Crespo et al. 1998)) and the relationship between the mechanisms that produce the infrared and optical emission. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the different observations obtained for this work, and comment on the reduction and calibration techniques. In Section 3, we present the results obtained from our infrared and optical observations. Finally, in Section 4 we compare the physical properties of Cepheus E deduced from the optical and the NIR observations with other Herbig Haro objects. ", "conclusions": "We have carried out a spectroscopic and imaging study of the molecular hydrogen and optical atomic/ionized emission in the Cepheus E outflow. Our main results are: \\noindent - For deriving the excitation state of molecular gas in Cep E we use line ratios from our H-band and K-band spectra. We find that T$_{exc}$= 2260$\\pm$110 and 2340$\\pm$100 K for the northern and southern lobes, respectively, which are consistent with the T$_{exc}$ measured in other HH objects. The (1,0)/(2,1) S(1) ratios (8.50 and 9.40), and the Ortho/Para ratios (values $\\sim 3$) in both lobes are also consistent with the values observed in collisionally excited objects. \\noindent - Contrasting with the complex structure of the H$_{2}$ outflow, the optical emission is a compact, well resolved knot (HH~377), that nearly coincides with the southern NIR lobe. The [S~II] emission of HH~377 is clearly brighter and more compact than the H$\\alpha$ emission and its angular size is about 0.02 pc (at a distance of 0.75 kpc). The [S~II] and H$\\alpha$ peak emission spatially coincide and appear offset a few arcseconds upstream from the H$_2$ peak emission. \\noindent - Our spectroscopic optical analysis reveals that HH~377 has characteristics typical of low excitation Herbig-Haro objects. This is confirmed when comparing the relative fluxes of HH~377 with those of other HH objects using line ratio diagrams. However, HH~377 presents anomalous [SII](6717+6731)/H$\\alpha$ line ratio, larger than those obtained for objects classified as low excitation HH objects. The electron density, $n_e$= 4100 cm$^{-3}$, determined for this object from [SII] lines would be the highest density measured in low excitation HH objects. This value is similar to the electronic densities measured in high excitation HH objects. \\noindent - We estimate an ionization fraction $x_e \\sim 1\\%$ for HH~377. Together with the observed [OI]6300/H$\\alpha$ ratio, this result implies that the observed H$\\alpha$ line has to be collisionally excited. This result supports the low reddening obtained for HH~377 obtained through the shock models. Using this ionization fraction, a post-shock electron density $N_e \\sim 10^4$ cm $^{-3}$ and a compression of $\\sim 10$, we obtain a pre-shock density ~$\\sim$10$^5$ cm$^{-3}$~for HH~377. This exceptionally high pre-shock density is very unusual for HH objects. \\noindent - From the shock model predictions and the H$\\beta$ and H$\\alpha$ observed fluxes, we find that a shock speed between 15 and 20 km s$^{-1}$ gives the correct total fluxes for HH~377. This velocity appears to be somewhat lower than the one deduced from the observed line ratios. \\noindent - From a comparison between optical and infrared luminosities in HH~377 we find the possibility that the Mach disk produces the optical emission and the bow shock produces the IR emission. \\noindent - We have determined a visual extinction $A_V = 2.72$ ($E(B-V)$=0.88) assuming a recombination cascade H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$=3 Balmer decrement. If we use the H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta \\sim 6$ decrement predicted by the preferred shock wave models we obtain an $A_V \\sim 0.77$ ($E(B-V) \\sim 0.24$) extinction. Interestingly, Lefloch et al. (1996) have obtained an $A_V = 3.4$ from the mm continuum of the southern lobe of the Cep E outflow, in qualitatively good agreement with the extinction obtained assuming H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$=3 (see above). This confusing situation involving the optical extinction towards HH~377 and the Balmer decrement predicted from low velocity shock models could be clarified with future observations of the blue and IR [SII] lines (or, alternatively, the IR [Fe II] lines) of this object, in order to have a model-independent determination of the extinction. The overall extinction along the Cep E flow varies drastically. One could speculate different reasons (e.g. a large inclination with respect to the plane of the sky, a dense molecular gas core surrounding the source with a rapidly decreasing density profile and/or a non-homogeneous ISM). We can not answer this question with our present data. \\noindent - Comparing the {\\it optical} line ratios observed in south lobe of Cep E to atomic/ionic plane-parallel shock models (J-type) presented in the literature (Hartigan et al. 1994), we find that low velocity (v$_s=20$-30) shocks are the closest to reproduce the observations. These models have a high pre-shock density (n$_0=10^4$ cm$^{-3}$), and magnetic fields between 30 and 300 $\\mu$G. These conditions (high density, low ionization fraction and strong magnetic field) are quite appropriate for the development of {\\t molecular} C-type shock as well. Previous comparisons of the H$_2$ near-ir spectra with molecular shocks (Ladd \\& Hodapp, 1997), indeed indicated a preference for C-type shocks with $\\sim 35$ \\kms. Preliminary results from ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer (50 - 200\\mum) support also this view, given Cep E rich H$_2$O spectra (Noriega-Crespo 2000), a characteristic signature for C-type shocks (Kaufman \\& Neufeld 1996ab; Noriega-Crespo et al. 2000) \\noindent - Finally, our analysis seems to confirm that Cep E corresponds to an outflow in its earliest developing phases. Its short dynamical age of few 10$^3$ yrs, the high gas density estimated (at least 10$^5$ \\cc) and the inhomogeneous nature of its extinction, suggest that the outflow is breaking through its placental molecular core." }, "0004/astro-ph0004067_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We propose a unified picture of high magnetic field radio pulsars and magnetars by arguing that they are all rotating high-field neutron stars, but have different orientations of their magnetic axes with respective to their rotation axes. In strong magnetic fields where photon splitting suppresses pair creation near the surface, the high-field pulsars can have active inner accelerators while the anomalous X-ray pulsars cannot. This can account for the very different observed emission characteristics of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586 and the high field radio pulsar PSR J1814-1744. A predicted consequence of this picture is that radio pulsars having surface magnetic field greater than about $2\\times 10^{14}$ G should not exist. ", "introduction": "There is growing evidence that two sub-groups of objects, namely soft $\\gamma$-ray repeaters (hereafter SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (hereafter AXPs) are magnetars (e.g. Kouveliotou et al. 1998, 1999; Hurley et al. 1999; Mereghetti \\& Stella 1995; Wilson et al. 1999; Kaspi, Chakrabarty \\& Steinberger 1999), a type of objects with dipolar magnetic fields much stronger than the critical magnetic field (Duncan \\& Thompson 1992; Paczynski 1992; Usov 1992; Thompson \\& Duncan 1995, 1996). These objects occupy a unique phase space in their combination of long, monotonically increasing periods and high period derivatives, and are believed to be a distinct species from the normal radio pulsars in that most of them are radio quiet, except for a possible detection of radio emission from SGR 1900+14 (Shitov 1999; Shitov, Pugachev \\& Kutuzov 2000). However, the recent Parkes multi-beam radio pulsar survey (e.g. Manchester et al. 2000; Camilo et al. 2000b) discovered three pulsars with dipolar field strength higher than the critical value (i.e. high magnetic field pulsars, hereafter HBPs); and one of them, PSR J1814-1744, has spin parameters quite similar to the AXP 1E 2259+586 (Camilo et al. 2000; Kaspi et al. 2000). Furthermore, a search of the archival X-ray data from the HBP PSR J1814-1744 indicates that the upper limit of the X-ray luminosity of this pulsar is approximately 1/10 that of 1E 2259+586; this led to the suggestion that HBPs and AXPs may have distinct evolutionary paths, despite their proximity in period-period derivative phase space (Pivoraroff, Kaspi \\& Camilo 2000). Here we propose a possible interpretation of the distinct emission properties of the HBPs and AXPs (especially PSR J1814-1744 and 1E 2259+586) using a simple geometric effect. ", "conclusions": "In this letter we discuss possible formation of the inner accelerators in a magnetar environment for the first time and come to a unified picture for AXPs and HBPs by arguing that they are all rotating high-field neutron stars, but have different orientations of the magnetic axes with respective to the rotation axes. If photon splitting suppresses pair creation near the surface, the HBPs can have active inner accelerators while the AXPs can not. This suggestion may also have implications for another type of magnetar, i.e., the SGRs. These objects react much differently from the AXPs by exhibiting irregular short bursts and occasional giant flares, which are interpreted as crust cracking and large-scale magnetic field reconnection, respectively, within the framework of the magnetar model (Thompson \\& Duncan 1995). It remains unclear whether they are experiencing a different evolutionary stage than that of AXPs or whether they are intrinsically different objects. Only two of them (SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14) have $\\dot P$ measurements, but determination of their dipolar magnetic fields is complicated by the contribution of the relativistic winds to the spin-down (Harding et al. 1999). It is notable that the constraints of both the SNR age and the magnetar energy requirements lead to a polar field $B_p({\\rm SGR})\\sim 10^{14}$ G (Harding et al. 1999), which may lie below the SCLF death line for PRs. Thus they may also have active inner accelerators if they are actually PRs. Here we suggest a possibility that SGRs might also have active accelerators while AXPs do not, and the active behaviors of SGRs may have some connections with their inner accelerators. For example, the constant extraction of electrons from the pole may somehow more frequently trigger instability within the crust. One expectation of this scenario is pulsed radio emission from the SGRs, which may account for the pulsed radio emission from SGR 1900+14 (Shitov 1999; Shitov et al. 2000). Theoretically, the question of whether photon splitting occurs in all three modes permitted by QED or only in one mode in superstrong magnetic fields is difficult to tackle. If radio pulsar surveys discover any pulsar above the SCLF death line for PRs (the dashed line in Fig.1), these pulsars must have active V gaps with pair breakdown near the surface. This would strongly imply that only one mode of photon splitting occurs in fields above a few times $10^{14}$ G, and thus sheds important light on a fundamental physics process. It is worth noting that the location of the SCLF death line for PRs depends on the surface temperature of the neutron star, so that the location of the dashed line in Fig.1 may rise or drop. Thus detections in both radio and X-ray bands are desirable. We thank Matthew Baring, Alex Muslimov, and Zaven Arzoumanian for interesting discussions and helpful comments." }, "0004/astro-ph0004317_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "White dwarfs and neutron stars are stellar objects with masses comparable to that of our sun. However, as the endpoint stages of stellar evolution, these objects do not sustain any thermonuclear burning and therefore can no longer support the gravitational load of their own mass by generating thermal pressure. Rather, matter in their interiors is compressed to much higher densities than commonly found in normal stars, and pressure is created by degenerate fermion kinetic energy and particle interactions. As a result, white dwarfs and neutron stars offer unique cosmic laboratories for studying matter at very high densities. In this review we discuss the basic properties of condensed matter at extreme densities and summarize the extent to which these properties can be examined by observations of compact objects. ", "introduction": "Astronomical phenomena provide many examples where matter exists in extreme conditions not found in terrestrial environments. One example is the high density of degenerate matter in ``compact objects'' - the relics of stars that have ceased burning thermonuclear fuel, and thereby no longer generate thermal pressure to support themselves against gravitational collapse. By contracting appreciably from their original sizes, the interiors of compact objects reach sufficiently high densities to produce nonthermal pressure via degenerate fermion pressure and particle interactions. Compact objects provide cosmic laboratories for studying the properties of matter at high densities. Firm observational evidence and well-founded theoretical understanding both exist for two classes of compact objects which support themselves against collapse by cold, degenerate fermion pressure: {\\bf white dwarfs}, whose interiors resemble a very dense solid, with an ion lattice surrounded by degenerate electrons, and {\\bf neutron stars}, whose cores resemble a giant atomic nucleus - a mixture of interacting nucleons and electrons, and possibly other elementary particles and condensates. White dwarfs are supported by the pressure of degenerate electrons, while neutron stars are supported by pressure due to a combination of nucleon degeneracy and nuclear interactions. These unique states of matter are achieved by significant compression of stellar material. Table~\\ref{tab:sizes} compares the principal physical quantities of a typical white dwarf and neutron star with those of the sun\\footnote{Throughout this review we will be using units which are the standard in astrophysical research: cgs for microscopic properties of matter and solar units (denoted by $\\odot$) for macroscopic properties of astronomical objects.}. \\begin{table}[h] \\caption{Parameters for the sun and a typical white dwarf and neutron star. \\label{tab:sizes}} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c} object & mass & radius & mean density & mean pressure & $GM/Rc^2\\;\\;^{b}$ \\\\ & ($M_\\odot\\;\\;^{a}$) & (km) & (\\gmcmc) & (\\dncms) & \\\\ \\hline Sun & 1 & $\\sim 7\\times 10^5$ & $\\sim 1$ & $\\sim 10^{12}$ & $\\sim 10^{-6}$ \\\\ White Dwarf & $\\leq 1.4$ & $\\sim 5\\times 10^3$ & $\\sim10^7$ & $\\sim 10^{24}$ & $\\sim 10^{-4}$\\\\ Neutron Star & 1-3 & $\\sim 10$ & $\\sim10^{14}$ & $\\sim 10^{34}$ & $\\sim 10^{-1}$ \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} $^{a}$ - $M_\\odot\\equiv 1.989\\times10^{33}\\;$gm = one solar mass.\\\\ $^{b}$ - This ratio measures the importance of relativistic gravitation, i.e., general relativity. \\end{table} Condensed matter in compact objects spans an enormous range of densities, which we loosely refer to as ``high densities''. These extend from about $7\\:$\\gmcmc (e.g., the density of terrestrial $^{56}_{26}$Fe), at the surface of a cold neutron star or white dwarf, to as much as $\\rho\\approx 10^{15}\\;$\\gmcmc, several times the density in atomic nuclei, in the cores of neutron stars. Matter at the various densities found in compact objects exhibits a variety of novel properties. Electromagnetic, strong, and weak interactions all play an important role in determining the character of compact objects. Since these objects are bound by gravity, they are a meeting point of all four of the fundamental forces of nature. Correspondingly, the astrophysics of white dwarfs and neutron stars incorporates a wide variety of physics including nuclear, particle, solid state and gravitation physics, to name a few areas. In this review we briefly survey the theory of condensed matter at high densities in compact objects and illustrate how the basic theory is tested through astronomical observations. Since we must cover fifteen orders of magnitude in density, our presentation is at most introductory in nature, and we encourage the interested reader to pursue the cited references. A detailed introduction to the physics of high density matter and compact objects can be found in the textbook {\\it Black Holes, White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars: the Physics of Compact Objects}, by Shapiro and Teukolsky \\cite{ShaTeu83}. We begin by considering the fundamental nature of cold ($T=0$) high density matter in \\Sec~\\ref{sect:EoS}, and distinguish between different regimes of high density. In \\Sec~\\ref{sect:WDNSconf} we connect these microscopic properties with the fundamental macroscopic parameters of a compact object through the hydrostatic equilibrium dependence of mass and radius on central density. We summarize the fundamental predictions regarding the structure of white dwarfs and neutron stars. In \\Sec~\\ref{sect:WDs}-\\ref{sect:NSs} we examine how observations of white dwarfs and neutron stars can be used to probe the properties high density matter. We briefly discuss the perturbative effects of a finite temperature in \\Sec~\\ref{sect:Therm}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:CONC} The theoretical and observational study of compact objects remains one of the most exciting fields in modern astronomy. In essence, this research is also an exploration of the properties of condensed matter at extreme densities. Predictions regarding the properties of white dwarfs and neutron stars serve to test our understanding of matter at these high densities, while theories of high density matter serve as a basis for interpreting observational results regarding these objects. Most exciting, these objects bring together all four of the fundamental forces of nature and probe regimes not accessible in the terrestrial laboratory. They provide the most numerous and accessible sample of objects where relativistic gravitation - general relativity - plays a role in determining their physical properties. In this review we have described the tight interconnection between the microscopic (local) properties of condensed matter at high densities and the macroscopic (global) properties of white dwarfs and neutron stars. While the fundamental principles of cold, high density matter are believed to be well understood, and are generally consistent with observations, key questions still remain, and new observations may give rise to new puzzles. The current boom in capabilities of Earth-bound telescopes and satellite instrumentation promises that many more puzzles - and hopefully, answers - are in store regarding the nature of cosmic matter at high densities. \\def\\vol#1{{\\bf #1}} \\def\\aap{{\\it Astron.~Astrophys.}} \\def\\aj{{\\it Astron.~J.}} \\def\\apj{{\\it Astrophys.~J.}} \\def\\apjl{{\\it Astrophys.~J.~Lett.}} \\def\\apjs{{\\it Astrophys.~J.~Supp.}} \\def\\araa{{\\it Ann.~Rev~Astron.~Astrophys.}} \\def\\arnp{{\\it Ann.~Rev~Nuc.~Pat.~Sci.}} \\def\\nat{{\\it Nature}} \\def\\mnras{{\\it Mon.~Not.~Roy.~Astron.~Soc.}} \\def\\nphysa{{\\it Nucl.~Phys.~A}} \\def\\physletb{{\\it Phys.~Lett.~B}} \\def\\physrep{{\\it Phys.~Rep.}} \\def\\physrev{{\\it Phys.~Rev.}} \\def\\prc{{\\it Phys.~Rev.~{\\bf C}}} \\def\\prl{{\\it Phys.~Rev.~Lett.}} \\def\\rmphys{{\\it Rev.~Mod.~Phys}}" }, "0004/astro-ph0004121_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The ultimate motivation for this article is the problem of explaining one of the salient observational features of isolated (non-binary) pulsars, which is that comparatively long periods of continuous ``spin down'' of the observed frequency $\\Omega$ are occasionally interrupted by small ``glitches''. Such a glitch consists of a sudden small increase, $\\delta\\Omega$ say, that partially cancels the continuous negative variation $\\Delta \\Omega$ that has been accumulated since the preceding glitch. Since very soon after its discovery in 1968, it has been generally agreed that the pulsar phenomenon is attributable to a strong magnetic field anchored in the outer crust layers of a central neutron star. The observed frequency $\\Omega$ is to be interpreted as the rotation frequency of the outer crust layer, whose continuous spin down is evidently due to the continuous decrease of the angular momentum $J$ due to radiation from the external magnetosphere. After thirty years of work, two basic problems remain. The first is to account for the spectrum (from radio to X-ray and beyond) and the detailed pulse structure of the radiation, which are presumed to depend on the still very poorly understood workings of the magnetosphere. The second problem -- the one with which the present article is concerned -- is to account for the frequency ``glitches''. It is generally recognised that the glitches must be explained in terms of what goes on in the interior of the neutron star, and it is also generally believed that the glitch phenomenon is essentially related to the property of solidity that is predicted (on the basis of simple, generally accepted theoretical considerations) to characterise the crust of the neutron star after it has fallen below the relevant extremely high melting temperature, which occurs very soon after its formation. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the potential importance, as a mechanism for glitches, of the stresses induced in the crust just by the effective force arising from the deficit of centrifugal buoyancy that will be present whenever there is differential rotation. It is to be noticed that centrifugal buoyancy is a phenomenom that has been previously considered in the context of neutron stars, at least with reference to one of its possible consequences, namely Ekman pumping. This is a mechanism that can considerably shorten the timescale needed for the redistribution of angular momentum (in comparison with viscous diffusion characterized by the timescale given by $\\tau_{\\rm visc}\\approx R_\\ast^{\\,2}/\\nu_\\ast$ where $\\nu_\\ast$ is the typical kinetic viscosity coefficient and $R_\\ast$ is the relevant stellar radial length scale) and thus the damping of differential rotation in cases for which (as will be the case in a typical pulsar) the star is rotating fast enough for the corresponding rotation timescale $\\tau_{\\rm rot}=2\\pi/\\Omega$ to be short compared with $\\tau_{\\rm visc}$. In such circumstances, ``Ekman pumping'' will supplement the very slow diffusive transport by more rapid convective transport propelled by centrifugal buoyancy forces. The ensuing ``Ekman timescale'' $\\tau_{_{\\rm E}}$ for the effective damping of differential rotation in such cases will be given roughly by the geometric mean of the pure diffusion and rotation timescales, i.e. $\\tau_{_{\\rm E}}\\approx \\sqrt{\\tau_{\\rm rot}\\tau_{\\rm visc}}$. While it has been recognized that either Ekman pumping or magnetic coupling is in general efficient to bring into corotation the {\\it core plasma} with the crust \\cite{Easson79}, it is expected that Ekman pumping is quite inefficient (see e.g. \\cite{Epstein95}) for the uncharged {\\it crust neutron superfluid} that is believed (see e.g. \\cite{sauls}) to permeate the lower layers of the crust in the density range from $10^{11}$ to about $10^{14}$ gm/cm$^3$. This means that the convectively accelerated Ekman timescale, $\\tau_{_{\\rm E}}\\approx R_\\ast \\sqrt{2\\pi/\\nu_\\ast\\Omega}$, is too long to prevent the development of significant differential rotation. The negligibility, in such cases, of Ekman pumping is attributable to the effective negligibility of viscosity, but should not be construed as implying the negligibility of centrifugal buoyancy forces. In previous discussions of such scenarios -- and in particular of the simplified strictly stationary limit in which the effective viscosity is neglected, so that no possibility of Ekman pumping can arise at all -- the role of centrifugal buoyancy forces has been rather generally overlooked. The upshot of the present investigation of stationary differentially rotating configurations is to show that in such cases the general neglect of the centrifugal buoyancy effect is quite unjustified, and that on the contrary this effect is potentially capable by itself of providing the dominant contribution to the crust stresses that are ultimately released in ``glitches''. ", "conclusions": "In the lower crust region that seems most likely to be relevant for the explanation of the large glitches observed in the Vela pulsar one would expect the corotating constituent to be characterised by a density $\\rho_{\\rm c}$ (attributable mainly to protons and bound neutrons in the atomic type ions forming a solid lattice) having a range of values that is roughly comparable with that of the corresponding neutron superfluid density $\\rho_{\\rm n}$ (quantitatively round about $10^{13}$ g/cm$^3$). Thus although they are of opposite sign (tending to push the crust material outward in the case (\\ref{65}) of vortex pinning, but to push it inwards in the case (\\ref{67}) for which pinning is absent) the alternative formulae (\\ref{72}) and (\\ref{72bis}) both predict the same rough order of magnitude for the stress induced on the crust by the existence of a difference between the angular velocity $\\Omega_{\\rm n}$ of the neutron superfluid constituent and the (externally observable) angular velocity $\\Omega$ characterising the crust. The implication is that, as a candidate for explaining the large magnitude of the discontinuous changes $\\delta\\Omega$ that are commonly observed in a pulsar such as Vela, the previously overlooked buoyancy deficit mechanism characterised by the formula (\\ref{72}), i.e. \\be f_{\\rm s}^{\\, i}\\simeq \\rho_{\\rm c}\\big(\\Omega_{\\rm n}-\\Omega\\big)\\, \\Omega_{\\rm n}\\nabla^i\\varpi^2\\, , \\eqn{73}\\fe (pushing outward along the cylindrical radial direction) seems at first sight to be just as promising as the more thoroughly investigated vortex pinning mechanism, which, if the chemical contribution $f_{\\rm x}^{\\, i}$ were unimportant, would be given according to (\\ref{72bis}) by \\be f_{\\rm s}^{\\, i}\\simeq -\\rho_{\\rm n}\\big(\\Omega_{\\rm n}-\\Omega\\big)\\, \\Omega_{\\rm n}\\nabla^i\\varpi^2\\ ,\\eqn{74} \\fe (pushing inward along the cylindrical radial direction). In order to obtain definitive conclusions it is clear however that much more work on both kinds of mechanism will be needed. In particular it will be necessary to pay more attention than hitherto to the role of the chemical excess force (\\ref{55}). The present situation can be summarised by the statement that the large magnitude of the observed glitches in Vela provides strong evidence for the existence of angular velocity differences -- and hence for the existence of superfluidity -- in the pulsar interior, but that it is premature to claim it also provides strong evidence for vortex pinning because stresses of comparable magnitude could be produced in the absence of pinning by the centrifugal buoyancy deficit mechanism. \\bigskip \\noindent {\\bf Acknowledgments} \\medskip We wish to thank R. Prix and P. Hansel for very valuable discussions. One of us (D.S.) would like to acknowledge ``Jumelage France-Arm\\'enie\" exchange programme for financial support." }, "0004/astro-ph0004192_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Stellar fluxes from the 2MASS catalog are used to remove the contribution due to Galactic stars from the intensity measured by DIRBE in four regions in the North and South Galactic polar caps. After subtracting the interplanetary and Galactic foregrounds, a consistent residual intensity of \\KkJy\\ or \\KnW\\ at 2.2 $\\mu$m is found. At 1.25~$\\mu$m the residuals show more scatter and are a much smaller fraction of the foreground, leading to a weak limit on the CIRB of \\JkJy\\ or \\JnW\\ (1 $\\sigma$). ", "introduction": "The Diffuse InfraRed Background Experiment (DIRBE) on the COsmic Background Explorer ({\\sl COBE}, see \\citet{Bo92}) observed the entire sky in 10 infrared wavelengths from 1.25 to 240 \\um. \\citet{HAKDO98} discuss the determination of the Cosmic InfraRed Background (CIRB) by removing foreground emission from the DIRBE data. This paper detected the CIRB at 140 and 240 \\um, but only gives upper limits at shorter wavelengths. From 5 to 100 \\um, the zodiacal light foreground due to thermal emission from interplanetary dust grains is so large that no reliable estimates of the CIRB can be made from a position 1 AU from the Sun \\citep{KWFRA98}. In the shorter wavelengths from 1.25 to 3.5 \\um, the zodiacal light is fainter, but uncertainties in modeling the foreground due to Galactic stars are too large to allow a determination of the CIRB \\citep{AOWSH98}. Recently, \\citet{GWC00} removed the Galactic star foreground by directly measuring the stars in a $2\\deg\\times2\\deg$ box using ground-based telescopes and then subtracting the stellar contribution from the DIRBE intensity on a pixel-by-pixel basis. This field, a DIRBE dark spot, was selected using DIRBE data to have a minimal number of bright Galactic stars. In addition, \\citet{WR00} used a histogram fitting method to remove the stellar foreground from the DIRBE data in a less model-dependent way than that used by \\citet{AOWSH98}. \\citet{GWC00} and \\citet{WR00} obtained consistent estimates of the CIRB at 2.2 and 3.5 \\um. With the recent 2$^{nd}$ incremental release of 2MASS data, it is now possible to apply the direct subtraction method of \\citet{GWC00} to four additional DIRBE dark spots scattered around the North and South Galactic polar caps. \\citet{KO00} have claimed a detection of the fluctuations of the CIRB. \\citet{KO00} also give the range 0.05 to 0.1 for the ratio of the fluctuations in the DIRBE beam to the mean intensity for the CIRB. But this ratio and fluctuation combine to give a range of CIRB values that is incompatible with the \\citet{HAKDO98} upper limits on the CIRB, especially at 1.25 \\um. Furthermore, the claimed cosmic fluctuations are larger than the residuals in the DIRBE$-$2MASS fits presented in \\S\\ref{sec:analysis}. In this paper, \\citet{KO00} is treated as an upper limit on the CIRB which is compatible with previous limits and the results found here. \\citet{Wr01} will discuss the possible cosmic fluctuation signal in the DIRBE$-$2MASS residuals in more detail. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure}[tbp] \\plotone{f7.eps} \\caption{% Comparison of CIRB values to previous determinations and upper limits. Lower limits from source counts from \\protect\\citet{SIBK99} at 850 \\um, \\protect\\citet{1997fisu.conf..159F} at 15 \\& 6.7 \\um, and \\protect\\citet{MP00} at 2.2 to 0.3 \\um. Solid upper limits from \\protect\\citet{HAKDO98}, open upper limit symbols using $\\gamma$-rays from \\citet{FMMRW98} and \\citet{SF98}. Open squares at 240 \\& 140 \\um\\ from \\protect\\citet{HAKDO98}, open circles at 100 \\& 60 \\um\\ from \\citet{FDS00}, while the filled circle far IR data points are the \\citet{HAKDO98} results modified by using this paper's zodiacal model. Dashed curve is from \\protect\\citet{FDMBS98}. Filled circles from 3.5 to 1.25 \\um\\ are an average of \\protect\\citet{GWC00}, \\protect\\citet{WR00} and this paper. Open circles from 0.8 to 0.3 \\um\\ are from \\protect\\citet{1999hrug.conf..487B}. Open squares are from \\protect\\citet{DWW77} and \\protect\\citet{T83}. The open diamond at 0.15 \\um\\ is from \\protect\\citet{HBM91}. \\label{fig:COIBR-prev}} \\end{figure} Subtracting the 2MASS catalog from the zodi-subtracted DIRBE data yields a statistically significant, isotropic background at 2.2 \\um\\ of \\KkJy\\ which is consistent with the earlier results from \\citet{GWC00} $(16.4 \\pm 4.4\\;\\kJysr)$ and \\citet{WR00} $(16.9 \\pm 4.4\\;\\kJysr)$ within the systematic error associated with the modeling the zodiacal dust cloud. Averaging the results of \\citet{GWC00}, \\citet{WR00} and this paper gives a CIRB at 2.2 \\um\\ of $16 \\pm 4\\;\\kJysr$. This averaging has not reduced the estimated error which is dominated by systematic effects that affect all three results equally. The foreground due to interplanetary dust at 1.25 \\um\\ is too large to allow a CIRB detection, but an improved upper limit is found. Note that the Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average maps which used the \\citet{KWFRA98} zodiacal light model give a CIRB that is 13.75 \\kJysr\\ larger at 1.25 \\um\\ and 6.08 \\kJysr\\ larger at 2.2 \\um\\ than results obtained here using the zodiacal light model described in \\citet{Wr98} and \\citet{GWC00} based on the very strong no-zodi principle of \\citet{Wr97}. Figure \\ref{fig:CBR-JK} shows a plot of the \\Jband\\ intensity \\vs\\ \\Kband\\ intensity averaged over the four dark spots analyzed in this paper. Three values are plotted: the average total intensity $\\langle \\mbox{D} \\rangle$, the average zodi-subtracted intensity $\\langle \\mbox{DZ} \\rangle$, and the CIRB estimates. The \\citet{HAKDO98} upper limits on the CIRB, the \\cite{DA98} correlation and the $1 \\sigma$ error bars from this paper are shown as well. This figure emphasizes the large subtractions that are involved in determining the CIRB from data taken 1~AU from the Sun: the zodiacal light is about 16 times larger than the CIRB at 1.25 \\um\\ and 8 times larger than the CIRB at 2.2 \\um. Galactic stars are a problem in the large DIRBE beam, but in the selected dark spots the effect of stars is 4 times less than that of the zodiacal light. \\citet{1999hrug.conf..487B} has measured the optical extragalactic background light and obtained results at $\\lambda = 0.8,\\;0.55,\\; \\mbox{\\&}\\;0.3\\;\\um$ which are consistent with a reasonable extrapolation through the uncertain \\Jband\\ result found here, as shown in Figure \\ref{fig:COIBR-prev}. Both \\citet{1999hrug.conf..487B} and this work face challenging and uncertain corrections for the zodiacal light, but the two papers use very different techniques and should not have systematic errors in common. Thus the lack of a discontinuity in the spectrum between 0.8 and 1.25 \\um\\ is an indication in favor of the background level reported here. The model shown in Figure \\ref{fig:COIBR-prev} is the $\\Lambda$CDM-Salpeter model from \\citet{PBSN99} which appears to fit the observed far IR to near IR to optical ratios. But the model was multiplied by 1.84 to match the level of the observed background." }, "0004/nucl-th0004017_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\parbox{14cm}{\\rm We present shell model calculations of both the structure of $^{17}$F and the reactions $^{16}$O(p,$\\gamma$)$^{17}$F, $^{16}$O(p,p)$^{16}$O. We use the ZBM interaction which provides a fair description of the properties of $^{16}\\mbox{O}$ and neighbouring nuclei and, in particular it takes account for the complicated correlations in coexisting low-lying states of $^{16}\\mbox{O}$.} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004009_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate, on the basis of CCD Str\\\"omgren photometry, the ages and metallicities of six LMC clusters together with their surrounding field population. The clusters and metallicities are: NGC~1651 (in the range $[Fe/H]=-0.65$ dex to $-0.41$ dex), NGC~1711 ($-0.57\\pm0.17$ dex), NGC~1806 ($-0.71\\pm0.23$ dex), NGC~2031 ($-0.52\\pm0.21$ dex) and NGC~2136/37 ($-0.55\\pm0.23$ dex) and NGC~2257 ($-1.63\\pm0.21$ dex). The metallicities for NGC~1651, NGC~1711, NGC~1806 and NGC~2031 have been determined for the first time (NGC~2031 and NGC~2136/37 are interesting for the Cepheid distance scale). In the cluster surroundings, we found about 650 field stars that were suitable to be used for a determination of an age-metallicity relation (AMR). Our method is to estimate ages for individual stars on the basis of Str\\\"omgren isochrones with individually measured metallicities. With this method we are able to sample the AMR of the field population up to 8 Gyr. Our metallicity data are incompatible with models predicting many metal-poor stars (G-dwarf problem). The metallicity of the field population increased by a factor of six, starting around 2 Gyr ago. The proposed AMR is consistent with the AMR of the LMC cluster system (including ESO 121 SC03 and three clusters with an age of 4 Gyr). The proposed AMR is incompatible with the recently proposed AMR by Pagel \\& Tautvai\\u{s}vien\\.e (\\cite{pagel98}). ", "introduction": "\\label{chap:intro} In spite of its enormous importance for understanding galaxy evolution in adequate detail, the chemical enrichment process in galaxies is still poorly known, which is especially true for the field star component. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a natural target to study the chemical evolution because of its proximity. Also, its structure seems to be less complex than that of the Milky Way which might imply that the chemical enrichment history can be described by a simple global age-metallicity relationship (AMR). First efforts to determine the AMR of LMC clusters have been made with integrated broad band photometry of clusters (Westerlund \\cite{westerlund97}). Recent work continuing these studies is, for example, Bica et al. (\\cite{bica98}) and Girardi et al. (\\cite{girardi95}). Another major step towards an understanding of the LMC cluster AMR has been undertaken by Olszewski et al. (\\cite{olszewski91}), who used medium resolution spectroscopy of individual giants to measure the metallicity for around 70 clusters, with a quoted uncertainty of $\\pm 0.2$ dex. In addition many photometric studies of stars in LMC clusters (e.g. with the Washington system by Bica et al. \\cite{bica98}) contributed to the unveiling of the cluster AMR. The current wisdom on the cluster AMR that has been established by these studies is, that the mean metallicity of younger clusters is distinctly higher than that of old clusters by more than 1.2~dex. However, it is difficult to trace the AMR over the entire LMC history with this cluster sample, since for a long time, only one cluster (ESO121-SC03) with an age between 3~Gyr and 11~Gyr had been found (Mateo et al. \\cite{mateo86}, Bica et al. \\cite{bica98}). Recently, Sarajedini (\\cite{sarajedini98}) found three more clusters with an age of about 4~Gyr (NGC~2121, NGC~2155 and SL~663). The AMR as derived from LMC clusters shows a very large scatter (Olszewski et al. ~\\cite{olszewski91}), which, if intrinsic and not due to measurement uncertainties, would argue for a more complex chemical enrichment history. In addition there are hints that at least some clusters have smaller mean metallicities than the surrounding field population (e.g. Bica et al.~\\cite{bica98}, Richtler et al. \\cite{richtler89}). Thus possibly the chemical evolution of the cluster and field stars is to some degree decoupled. However, this is not without contradiction (e.g. Korn et al. \\cite{korn00}). Santos Jr. et al. (\\cite{santos99}) claimed that the metallicity dispersion of the field seems to be smaller than that of the cluster system of similar age. For the field population the metallicity distribution is known primarily for the young stars since mainly F \\& G supergiants have been spectroscopically investigated (e.g. Hill et al. \\cite{hillV95}, Luck \\& Lambert \\cite{luck92}, Russell \\& Bessell \\cite{russell89}). A compilation of young LMC field stars abundances which have been derived with high resolution spectroscopy can be found in the appendix (Table~\\ref{tab:fieldme}). Th\\'evenin \\& Jasniewicz (\\cite{thevenin92}) study 9 field stars in the LMC with medium resolution spectroscopy (5 $\\AA$) and found an average abundance of $[Fe/H]=-0.25\\pm0.08$ which is higher than the mean value of field stars that has been derived with high resolution spectroscopy ($-0.38\\pm0.11$ dex). Dopita et al. (\\cite{dopita97}) measured element abundances of planetary nebulae (PNs) in the LMC and derived their age by modelling the hot, central star. They found four PNs that are older than $4$ Gyr. Their AMR shows only little enrichment from $15$ to $5$ Gyr ago, while the metallicity doubled in the last $2-3$ Gyr. The study of the older stellar field component has been limited to studies using broad band photometry (e.g. Holtzman et al. \\cite{holtzman99} and Elson et al. \\cite{elson97}). We used a different approach and measured the metallicity of individual stars by using the medium wide Str\\\"omgren filter system, that gives a good metallicity discrimination for giants and supergiants red-wards of $b-y = 0.4$~mag. This method has already been used by Grebel \\& Richtler (\\cite{grebel92}), Hilker et al. (\\cite{hilker95b}) and Hilker et al. (\\cite{hilker95a}) to determine age and metallicity of NGC~330, NGC~1866 and NGC~2136/37. Ardeberg et al. (\\cite{ardeberg97}) used HST observations transformed into the Str\\\"omgren system to derive the SFH and the metallicity of LMC bar stars. Their investigation differs from our approach by the calibration they employed which is based on bluer stars and includes the gravity dependent $c1$ Str\\\"omgren colour index. In the current work we investigate mainly young LMC clusters and their surrounding fields, namely NGC~1651, NGC~1711, NGC~1806, NGC~2031, and NGC~2257, an old cluster. We have also re-analysed NGC~2136/37 because of the availability of Str\\\"omgren isochrones and a new calibration for photometric metallicities, which improves the calibration for more metal poor stars. This ensures the homogeneity of the sample and also tests if systematic shifts are present between the older investigations and the new one. An important aspect of this new work is exactly this homogeneity of the metallicities allowing one to assess the real magnitude of the intrinsic dispersion among metallicities of clusters of similar age. Two of the clusters (NGC~2136 and NGC~2031) are particularly interesting because they contain Cepheid variables, whose metallicities are important to know for distance scale problems. NGC~1866 might serve as example. Its metallicity has been determined by Hilker et al. (\\cite{hilker95b}) via Str\\\"omgren photometry which was used for the distance determination using its Cepheid members by Gieren et al. (\\cite{gieren94}). ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{The Age-Metallicity Relation} \\begin{table*}[t] \\begin{center} \\caption{ Results for the 5 clusters investigated in this work. The error includes the calibration uncertainty.} \\label{table:result} \\begin{tabular}{ccccc} \\hline Cluster & $E_{B-V}$ & Metallicity [dex] & log(Age [y]) & Remarks \\\\[0.5ex] \\hline NGC~1651 & $0.01$ to $0.05$ & $-0.65$ to $-0.45 $ & $9.4$ to $9.1$ & reddening problematic\\\\ NGC~1711 & $0.09 \\pm 0.03$ & $-0.57\\pm0.17$ & $ 7.7\\pm0.05 $ & reddening of the field is larger\\\\ NGC~1806 & $0.16 \\pm 0.06$ & $-0.71\\pm0.24$ & $8.7\\pm0.1$ & \\\\ NGC~2031 & $0.09 \\pm 0.05$ & $-0.52\\pm0.21$ & $8.2\\pm0.1$ & \\\\ NGC~2136/37 & $ 0.09 \\pm 0.05$ & $-0.55\\pm0.23$ & $8.0\\pm0.1$ & no differences between the two clusters\\\\ NGC~2257 & $0.04 \\pm 0.04$ & $-1.63\\pm0.21$ & $10.2\\pm0.1$& \\\\[0.5ex]\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} In Table\\ref{table:result} we summarise the resulting ages and metallicities of the investigated clusters. In order to compare our results with the literature, we compiled a list of clusters with ages and metallicities according to various sources (all published after 1989). The data is tabulated in Table\\ref{tab:LitData}. In addition, we used the compilation of Sagar \\& Pandey (\\cite{sagar89}), from which only clusters have been selected with a limiting magnitude below $V\\!=\\!21$. This limit shall serve as a rough quality criterion that is comparable to the more recent data and explains why most (photographic) papers cited by Sagar \\& Pandey are excluded. These clusters are plotted together with the newly investigated clusters and our field AMR in Fig.~\\ref{fig:LitData}. The solid line is the field AMR accompanied by two dotted lines which mark 1$\\sigma$ borders. If the older clusters are excluded, a weak correlation appears for the clusters: clusters younger $1$ Gyr have a mean metallicity of $[Fe/H]=-0.34$ with a standard deviation of 0.14 and in the age range $1-2.5$ Gyr the mean metallicity is $[Fe/H]=-0.71$ with a standard deviation of $0.17$ (11 cluster). \\begin{figure*}[t] \\resizebox{12cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig32.ps}} \\hfill \\parbox[b]{55mm}{ \\caption{Published ages and metallicities for LMC clusters, given in Table\\ref{tab:LitData} (open triangles) and in the compilation by Sagar \\& Pandey (\\cite{sagar89}) with a limiting magnitude of fainter than $V=20$ (open squares). The cluster data from this investigation are marked with solid circles. The solid line connects the points in our derived AMR for the field population. The dotted line surrounding the solid line marks the standard deviation of the metallicity around a given age. In addition three models for the AMR are plotted: Pagel \\& Tautvai\\u{s}vien\\.e (\\cite{pagel98}) as short dashed line and two models calculated by Geha et al. (\\cite{geha98}) as long dashed line.} \\label{fig:LitData} } \\end{figure*} The mean metallicity of our young clusters ($<10^{9.0}$ yr) is $-0.57 \\pm 0.04$ dex and thus lower than what we found using the newer cluster sample from the literature. The field of the same age has a mean metallicity of $-0.4\\pm0.2$ dex and is in good agreement with spectroscopic measurements ($-0.38\\pm0.11$ dex) of young field stars. The latter comparison is reasonable since {\\bf a)} most of the stars for which high resolution spectroscopy has been obtained are located at a similar radial distance and {\\bf b)} no radial gradient can be seen in the spectroscopic sample. We compiled a list of high resolution spectroscopic measurements of LMC stars in Table~\\ref{tab:fieldme}. Bica et al. (\\cite{bica98}) obtained ages and metallicities of 13 outer clusters in the LMC using Washington photometry. The mean metallicity of all the surrounding field stars is $\\langle[Fe/H]\\rangle\\simeq-0.6\\pm0.1$. The mean metallicities of our field populations seem to be systematically more metal poor than this value thus indicating a possible zero point difference of the order of 0.2 dex and comparable to the probable shift between our cluster metallicities and the ones taken from the literature. However, such a difference between cluster and field stars has not been seen in a study by Korn et al. (\\cite{korn00}) who employed high resolution spectroscopy of supergiants. The AMR for stars older than $3$ Gyr is consistent with little or even no enrichment until 8 Gyr ago. The AMR in this age range agrees well with the $4$ Gyr old clusters studied by Sarajedini (\\cite{sarajedini98}) and also ESO 121 SC03 is in agreement with the derived field star AMR, especially when taking the systematic underestimation of the metallicity for older stars on the order of $0.05-0.1$ dex into account (see Sect.~3). Therefore, we do not see the necessity that ESO 121 SC03 belongs to a dwarf galaxy that is in the process of merging with the LMC as proposed by Bica et al. {\\cite{bica98}). The field population of NGC~1651 and NGC~2257 is considerably different from that around the other clusters: around NGC~1651 we find two distinct field populations, around NGC~2257 only one, thus these fields cannot be compared to the other fields, where a mixture of populations have been detected. These fields contain a significantly larger fraction of old stars than the other fields, what is expected from their location in the LMC (e.g. Santos Jr. et al. \\cite{santos99}). If cluster and field are compared it becomes apparent that our AMR does not argue for an extremely decoupled enrichment history between cluster and field stars, only hints can be seen that the younger clusters are slightly more metal poor than the surrounding field population of the same age. Bica et al. (\\cite{bica98}) found the same behaviour for several of their (young) clusters and the surrounding field population. One has to consider the possibility, that these low mean cluster abundances are a result of the statistically larger effect of blending towards the cluster. This has been proposed by Bessell (\\cite{bessell93}) to explain the low Str\\\"omgren metallicity of NGC~330 measured by Grebel \\& Richtler (\\cite{grebel92}). In this work of Grebel \\& Richtler (\\cite{grebel92}) the mean metallicity found for the surrounding field population ($-0.74$ dex) agreed well with later on performed spectroscopic measurements ($-0.69$ dex, Hill \\cite{hillV99}) ( for a more comprehensive discussion on NGC~330 the reader is referred to the work by Gonzalez \\& Wallerstein \\cite{gonzalez99}). Having this agreement in mind, one can estimate from the difference of mean field and cluster metallicity that the contamination has a minor effect on our derived metallicities, accounting possibly for a systematic deviation of less than $<0.15$ dex. Our AMR is inconsistent with a recent calculation presented by Pagel \\& Tautvai\\u{s}vien\\.e (\\cite{pagel98}) based on LMC clusters and on planetary nebulae observed by Dopita et al. (\\cite{dopita97}), that predicts a steeper increase of the metallicity in earlier time, thus older stars should have a higher metallicity than what we observe (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:LitData}). The AMR is more consistent with closed box model calculations performed by Geha et al. (\\cite{geha98}). They present theoretical enrichment models for the two SFHs put forward by Holtzman et al. (1997) and by Vallenari et al. (1996a,b). These SFHs agree in the sense, that a long period of low star formation activity was followed by a sudden increase about 2 Gyr ago. With the Vallenari et al.- SFH, the metallicity increased by a factor of five during the last 2 Gyr, while a modest increase of a factor of three resulted from the Holtzman et al.-SFH. Dopita et al. (\\cite{dopita97}) published an AMR for the LMC based on planetary nebulae and found that the metallicity only doubled in the last 2-3 Gyr which is seen in our AMR as well. Another common feature is that a distinct enrichment (if any) between 4 and 9 Gyr cannot be seen. A comparison of the Dopita et al.-values with ours is made difficult by the fact that they measured $\\alpha$-element abundances instead of $[Fe/H]$, but they stated that {\\it \"there is no evidence in this sample of any \"halo\" abundance object\"}. If we would apply a constant shift of $-0.35$ on the [O/H]-abundance, to correct approximately the [O/Fe] overabundance in the LMC in comparison to the Milky Way the metallicity of the PNs with an age of $10^{8.8}-10^{9.8}$ yr would nicely be in coincidence with our measurements. However, the $[O/Fe]$ variation in dependence of $[Fe/O]$ is still under discussion (see e.g. Russell \\& Dopita \\cite{russell92} or Pagel \\& Tautvai\\u{s}vien\\.e \\cite{pagel98}). Judging from the field around NGC~2257 we find that no radial metallicity gradient can be seen, since the field stars are consistent with the AMR derived from the inner fields. Taking also NGC~1651 into account we find that in fields where no recent star formation happened the stellar population is dominated by a population with an age between $2$ and $4$ Gyr. Thus deriving a global SFH on a limited sample is quite uncertain. \\subsubsection{The Star Formation History} The manner in which we derived the field star SFH contains several points that may induce biases. One reason is that the isochrones have only a crude spacing in the parameters age and metallicity. Therefore, simulations are helpful for a discussion of the SFH of the field population as described above (Sect.~12). To derive a SFH from our data is more difficult than to derive an AMR, since one has to know not only the age of a star with a given metallicity, but the amount of stars with a given age has to be quite precise. As a result the AMR is quite robust against for example reddening variations compared to the AND. Two SFHs are shown that illustrate how to interpret the AND (Fig.~\\ref{fig:bestSFH}). One SFH has a constant SFR during the whole LMC evolution and thus serves to give an impression how the selection effects behave (left two panels in Fig.~\\ref{fig:bestSFH}).The SFR of the second SFH was constant until $10^{9.7}$ yr ago, then it increased by a factor of $5$ until $10^{8.4}$ yr ago, before the SFR dropped to its old low level. The AND \\& AMR resulting from this SFH is plotted in the right panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:bestSFH}. The constant SFR is marginally inconsistent with our data, which holds for a different reddening correction of $E_{b-y} = \\pm 0.02$. This is not true for exact behaviour of the SFH: for example a decrease in the reddening of $E_{B-V}=0.02$ results in a SFH in which a much larger increase (around a factor of $10$) is necessary to describe the observations. However, the general trend, namely, the increase of the SFR around $10^{9.5\\pm0.2}$ yr ($2-5$~Gyr) ago and the necessary declining SFR some $10^{8.5}$~yr ago in these fields is more robust. Since stars in the LMC should be mixed (at least azimuthally) after $\\approx 1$ Gyr (Gallager et al. \\cite{gallagher96}) the SFH of the older stars should be a measure for the average SFH of the LMC in the radial distance of the investigated clusters. As a rule of thumb an increase in the applied reddening correction of $E_{b-y}=0.1$ results for a single age population in a decrease in age by a factor of $0.7$. \\begin{figure}[t] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig33.ps}} \\caption{ Simulation with a quasi continuous SFR. The left panel shows the AMR and AND for a constant SFR over the last $10$ Gyr. In the right graph the symbols and solid line correspond to a SFH which was constant until $10^{9.7}$ yr, at $10^{9.6}$ yr it increased by a factor of $4$ until $10^{8.6}$ yr ago after that the SFR dropped to the same level as in the beginning. The dashed line shows the result of our composite field.} \\label{fig:bestSFH} \\end{figure} Vallenari et al. (1996a,b) proposed, on the basis of ground based observations, a SFH in which the SFR increased about a factor of ten 2 Gyr ago, thus only around 5 \\% of the stars should be older than 4 Gyr. This has recently also been found by Elson et al. (\\cite{elson97}) with HST observations. A different SFH was advanced by Holtzman et al. (\\cite{holtzman97}), Geha et al. (\\cite{geha98}) and Holtzman et al. (\\cite{holtzman99}) also based on HST observations. In their model, approximately half of the stars are older than 4 Gyr. In our data the fraction of stars older than 4 Gyr is $40 \\pm 20$\\%, but we note that already a small additional reddening of of $E_{b-y}=0.015$ leaves only $\\approx 15$\\% of the stars older than 4 Gyr. Olsen (\\cite{olsen99}) used Washington photometry of the LMC field population and derived a SFH which is compatible with the one proposed by Holtzman et al. (\\cite{holtzman99}). Summarizing, despite the uncertainty in the amount of the increase, the SFH is consistent with an increased SFR that started roughly $3\\pm 1$ Gyr ago. Interestingly the sparsely populated outer fields are tentatively populated by mainly a population with ages between $2$ and $4$ Gyr. If this result will hold for a larger sample of outlying fields this could mean that the stellar body of the inner part of the LMC contains more younger {\\it and} older stars compared to these intermediate age stars than the more remote parts of this galaxy. However, spectroscopic studies of several of these candidate stars are needed, especially because the tilted red clump of NGC~1651 could be due to a He overabundance and thus isochrones might be misleading. The observed SFH is inconsistent with a starformation history in which no star has been born between $4$ and $8$~Gyr. The simulations showed that virtually no star should have been recovered with an age of more than $10^{9.3}$~yr, even if the differential reddening is as large as $E_{B-V}=0.07$ and the binary fraction is $70\\%$. However, a large amount of old ($>10$~Gyr) CN anomal stars could mimic starformation between $4$ and $8$ Gyr. A last remark on the cluster formation rate: it has been noted several times that there apparently was a long period in the LMC where no clusters (or a few) have been formed. Recently, Larsen \\& Richtler (1999) performed a search for bright star clusters in 21 face-on galaxies. They found a correlation of the specific cluster frequency with parameters indicating the SFR. The age gap of the LMC cluster thus could reflect the low SFR during this period, where the condition for cluster formation where not present." }, "0004/astro-ph0004186_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present $BVRI$ light curves of the afterglow of GRB000301C, one of the brightest ever detected at a day time scale interval after GRB trigger. The monitoring started 1.5 days after the GRB and ended one month later. Inspection of the extremely well sampled $R$ band light curve and comparison with $BVI$ data has revealed complex behavior, with a long term flux decrease and various short time scale features superimposed. These features are uncommon among other observed afterglows, and might trace either intrinsic variability within the relativistic shock (re-acceleration and re-energization) or inhomogeneities in the medium in which the shock propagates. ", "introduction": "Fundamental progress on the knowledge of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) has been made possible by detection of their optical counterparts. Of nearly 40 GRBs accurately and rapidly localized so far by BSAX, BATSE/RXTE, IPN, and promptly followed up in the optical, only about 50\\% exhibited optical afterglows\\footnote{http://www.aip.de/$\\sim$jcg/grbgen.html}, suggesting that these sources are rapidly fading, or heavily obscured. The best monitored afterglows (GRBs 970228, 970508, 980326, 980519, 990123, 990510) exhibit a variety of behaviors, indicating that the shape of the optical decay must be determined not only by the intrinsic physics, but also by the nature, structure and composition of the surrounding medium. Therefore, optical light curves of GRB counterparts need to be frequently sampled for long time intervals, to follow the evolution of the afterglow and to allow mapping the characteristics of the medium. GRB000301C was detected by the IPN and by the RXTE ASM on 2000 March 1.4 UT with an error box of 50 arcmin$^2$ (Smith et al. 2000). Its field was acquired starting $\\sim$1.5 days later by various optical, infrared and radio telescopes. The optical afterglow was independently detected by Fynbo et al. (2000) and by us (Bernabei et al. 2000a), and is among the brightest ever observed. Near-infrared detection and monitoring of the afterglow are reported in Rhoads \\& Fruchter (2000). Observations of the counterpart at radio and millimetric wavelengths have been reported by Berger \\& Frail (2000) and Bertoldi (2000), respectively. Ultraviolet spectroscopy with the STIS instrument onboard HST allowed the determination of the redshift (Smette et al. 2000), then refined by optical ground-based spectroscopy ($z$ = 2.03, Castro et al. 2000). The good sampling and the brightness of the GRB000301C afterglow have allowed a detailed study of its evolution up to 15 days after the explosion. In this paper we present the results of the optical monitoring conducted at Loiano, Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, Nainital and Canary Islands. \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Journal of the optical observations of the GRB000301C afterglow} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{rccccc} \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} Exposure start & Telescope & Filter & Exp. time & Seeing & Magnitude$^1$ \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{(UT)} & & & (minutes) & (arcsecs) & \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} 2000 Mar 2.906 & UPSO & R & 70 & 1.4 & 20.42 $\\pm$ 0.04$^2$ \\\\ 3.144 & CAHA & R & 5 & 1.1 & 20.25 $\\pm$ 0.05 \\\\ 3.179 & CAHA & B & 15 & 1.1 & 21.07 $\\pm$ 0.05 \\\\ 3.185 & Loiano & R & 16.7 & 2 & 20.16 $\\pm$ 0.05 \\\\ 3.205 & CAHA & R & 5 & 1.1 & 20.25 $\\pm$ 0.05 \\\\ 3.210 & CAHA & I & 10 & 1.1 & 19.94 $\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 3.219 & CAHA & V & 15 & 1.1 & 20.57 $\\pm$ 0.05 \\\\ 3.232 & CAHA & B & 15 & 1.1 & 21.10 $\\pm$ 0.12 \\\\ 3.913 & UPSO & R & 50 & 1.2 & 20.51 $\\pm$ 0.04 \\\\ 4.038 & CAHA & R & 15 & 1.6 & 20.53 $\\pm$ 0.06 \\\\ 4.149 & Loiano & R & 36.7 & 3 & $>$ 20.25$^3$ \\\\ 4.165 & Loiano & B & 20 & 3 & $>$ 21.0 \\\\ 5.135 & SNO & R & 20 & 2 & 20.47 $\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 5.152 & SNO & B & 20 & 2 & 21.60 $\\pm$ 0.20 \\\\ 5.172 & SNO & V & 20 & 2 & 21.04 $\\pm$ 0.20 \\\\ 5.930 & UPSO & R & 85 & 1.3 & 21.14 $\\pm$ 0.06 \\\\ 6.135 & Loiano & R & 30 & 1.7 & 21.65 $\\pm$ 0.20 \\\\ 6.163 & Loiano & B & 30 & 1.7 & 22.45 $\\pm$ 0.15 \\\\ 6.185 & Loiano & I & 16.7 & 1.7 & 20.82 $\\pm$ 0.15 \\\\ 6.968 & UPSO & R & 35 & 1.6 & $>$ 21.6 \\\\ 7.125 & Loiano & R & 30 & 1.7 & 21.68 $\\pm$ 0.15 \\\\ 7.149 & Loiano & B & 35 & 1.7 & 22.43 $\\pm$ 0.10 \\\\ 7.177 & Loiano & I & 20 & 1.7 & 21.20 $\\pm$ 0.15 \\\\ 7.894 & UPSO & R & 105 & 1.6 & 22.00 $\\pm$ 0.15 \\\\ 8.146 & Loiano & R & 30 & 1.6 & 21.68 $\\pm$ 0.10 \\\\ 8.170 & Loiano & I & 30 & 1.6 & 21.61 $\\pm$ 0.10 \\\\ 8.924 & UPSO & R & 75 & 1.3 & 22.04 $\\pm$ 0.20 \\\\ Apr 5.213 & TNG & B & 20 & 0.5 & $>$ 25.5 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{6}{l}{$^1$Magnitudes of the GRB counterpart, not corrected for interstellar absorption}\\\\ \\multicolumn{6}{l}{$^2$Uncertainties of the magnitudes are at 1$\\sigma$ confidence level; lower limits at 3$\\sigma$}\\\\ \\multicolumn{6}{l}{$^3$Note that this measurement is reported as a detection in Bernabei et al. (2000b)}\\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} \\begin{figure*} \\vspace{-1.5cm} \\begin{center} \\epsfig{figure=cd141f1.ps,width=14cm} \\end{center} \\vspace{-1.8cm} \\caption[]{$BVRI$ light curves of GRB000301C afterglow, based on the data presented in this paper and in the literature (see text). Filled symbols represent data presented in this work, while open symbols refer to measurements published by other authors. We have consistently referred all magnitudes to the calibration zero point of Henden (2000). To the statistical uncertainties a 5\\% systematic error has been added in quadrature (see text). No Galactic extinction correction, nor host galaxy flux subtraction has been applied. The GRB start time, indicated with $t_0$, corresponds to 2000 March 1.410845 UT} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure} \\vspace{-1.2cm} \\begin{center} \\epsfig{figure=cd141f2.ps,width=11.5cm} \\end{center} \\vspace{-1.8cm} \\caption[]{Colors of GRB000301C afterglow (data are from this paper and from the literature, see text). These are reported as filled circles when computed between pairs of measurements spaced apart in time by no more than 0.5 hr, and as stars when the temporal separation is larger than 0.5 hr, but smaller than 9 hr. As in Fig. 1, calibration by Henden (2000) has been adopted and a 5\\% systematic error has been added in quadrature (see text). The GRB start time, indicated with $t_0$, corresponds to 2000 March 1.410845 UT} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Our optical monitoring of the bright GRB000301C afterglow has provided one of the best sampled afterglow datasets, especially in the $R$ filter. The long term behavior of this optical afterglow is better described by a continuous steepening, rather than by a single power-law, as expected in afterglows developing in laterally spreading jets (Sari et al. 1999; Rhoads 1999) or decelerating to non-relativistic regimes (Dai \\& Lu 1999), and seen in few other cases. Among equally well monitored GRB afterglows, GR000301C appears peculiar in that several shorter time scale variations are superimposed on the long term decrease. The reality of two of these (3.1-3.7 days and 5-7 days after the event) is supported by their appearance in more than one band. The first two points of the $R$ and $I$ band light curves might suggest a rise and could be reminiscent of the early (1-2 days after the GRB trigger) light curve of GRB970228 and GRB970508 (Guarnieri et al. 1997; Pedersen et al. 1998), although in the latter the initial increase was more structured. In the present case we cannot exclude that the flux is declining since the start of the monitoring, and hour time scale flares modulate this decrease. Some isolated short term variability events are seen in GRB980703 (Vreeswijk et al. 1999) and GRB990123 (Castro-Tirado et al. 1999) and are almost totally absent in GRB990510 (e.g., Stanek et al. 1999). Recently, various scenarios have been developed in which intrinsic re-energization of the blast wave, or irregularities of the dense interstellar medium in which the blast is expanding can account for the observed behavior (Panaitescu et al. 1998; M\\'esz\\'aros et al. 1998; Sari \\& M\\'esz\\'aros 2000; Wang \\& Loeb 2000; Dai \\& Lu 2000). In particular, a flattening of the afterglow light curve, similar to that exhibited by GRB000301C in the $R$ band on days 3.1-3.7 and 5-7 days after the GRB, is predicted by Kumar \\& Piran (2000) as a consequence of the collision of a slow shell ejected at a late time after the GRB with an outer shell decelerated by its propagation in the circumburst medium (see their Fig. 5). We note that the temporal occurrence of the observed flattenings could be consistent with a ``colliding shells\" interpretation, while it is incompatible with the time scale implied by an hypernova scenario (see Rhoads \\& Fruchter 2000). The lack of a clear correlation between the $R$ band light curve and the $I$ and $K$ band light curves (see Rhoads \\& Fruchter 2000 for the latter) might be due to non strict simultaneity of the data points. In fact, the $R-I$ and $R-K$ colors as a function of time show only marginally significant deviations from constancy (Fig. 2c and 2d), and these are mainly exhibited by color values derived from pairs of measurements separated in time by more than 0.5 hours, the shortest variability time scale observed in this afterglow. Our findings underline the critical importance of intensive multiwavelength observations of afterglow sources." }, "0004/astro-ph0004135_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of an \\ion{O}{6} absorption system at \\zabs\\ = 0.14232 in a high resolution FUV spectrum of PG 0953+415 obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). Both lines of the \\ion{O}{6} $\\lambda \\lambda$ 1032, 1038 doublet and multicomponent \\ion{H}{1} \\lya absorption are detected, but the \\ion{N}{5} doublet and the strong lines of \\ion{C}{2} and \\ion{Si}{3} are not apparent. We examine the ionization mechanism of the \\ion{O}{6} absorber and find that while theoretical considerations favor collisional ionization, it is difficult to observationally rule out photoionization. If the absorber is collisionally ionized, it may not be in equilibrium due to the rapid cooling of gas in the appropriate temperature range. Non-equilibrium collisionally ionized models are shown to be consistent with the observations. A WIYN survey of galaxy redshifts near the sight line has revealed a galaxy at a projected distance of 395 kpc separated by $\\sim$130 \\kms\\ from this absorber, and three additional galaxies are found within $\\lesssim$ 130 \\kms\\ of this redshift with projected separations ranging from 1.0 Mpc to 3.0 Mpc. All of these galaxies are luminous (0.6 -- 4.0 $L*$), and two of them show the [\\ion{O}{2}] $\\lambda$3727 emission line indicative of active star formation. The galaxies with [\\ion{O}{2}] emission are probably normal spirals. Combining the STIS observations of PG0953+415 with previous high signal-to-noise observations of H1821+643 with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), we find two \\ion{O}{6} systems with $W_{\\rm r} >$ 60 m\\AA\\ and $z <$ 0.3 over a total redshift path $\\Delta z$ of only 0.10. Both of these QSOs were originally observed to study the low $z$ \\lya lines and should not be biased in favor of \\ion{O}{6} detection. If these sight lines are representative, they imply a large number of \\ion{O}{6} absorbers per unit redshift, $dN/dz \\sim$ 20. The corresponding value of $dN/dz$ for low $z$ \\lya lines with $W_{\\rm r} >$ 50 m\\AA\\ is $102 \\pm 16$. We use this sample to obtain a first estimate of the cosmological mass density of the \\ion{O}{6} systems at $z \\approx$ 0. If further observations confirm the large $dN/dz$ derived for the \\ion{O}{6} systems, then these absorbers trace a significant reservoir of baryonic matter at low redshift. ", "introduction": "Hydrodynamic simulations of cosmological structure growth predict that when the initial density perturbations collapse, gas should be shock-heated to temperatures of $10^{5}$ -- $10^{7} \\ ^{\\circ}$K (Ostriker \\& Cen\\markcite{oc96} 1996; Dav\\'{e} et al.\\markcite{dave99} 1999; Cen \\& Ostriker\\markcite{co99a} 1999a). The fraction of the gas which has been heated to these temperatures increases with decreasing redshift, and at the present epoch, the model of Cen \\& Ostriker\\markcite{co99a} (1999a) predicts that 47 \\% of the baryons (by mass) are in this shock-heated phase, hereafter referred to as warm/hot gas (to distinguish it from the hotter gas in rich galaxy clusters which are readily detected X-ray sources). This warm/hot gas prediction has not been adequately tested by observations because the soft X-rays emitted by gas at these temperatures are difficult to detect with current instrumentation, especially at lower temperatures where corrections for foreground absorption and emission are complicated. However, it may be possible to detect gas in the lower half of this temperature range via absorption lines of species such as \\ion{O}{6}, \\ion{Ne}{8}, or \\ion{Mg}{10} in the spectrum of a background QSO (Verner, Tytler, \\& Barthel\\markcite{vern94} 1994). It is important to search for this warm/hot gas as part of the census of matter in the universe and because it could affect the formation and evolution of galaxies and galaxy groups and clusters (e.g., Blanton et al.\\markcite{blan99} 2000). There are some indications that warm/hot gas is present in some galaxy groups. For example, Mulchaey et al.\\markcite{mul96} (1996) have noted that ROSAT observations show that poor galaxy groups which are rich in elliptical galaxies tend to exhibit X-ray emission (E $>$ 0.5 keV) while spiral-rich groups do not. They suggest that spiral-rich groups contain cooler ($\\lesssim 4\\times 10^{6}$ K) intragroup gas which is not easily detected in X-rays, and they predict that the intragroup medium of spiral-rich groups will produce absorption lines of \\ion{O}{6}, but not \\ion{C}{4} or \\ion{N}{5} because their column densities are too low at $T > 5 \\times 10^{5} \\ ^{\\circ}$K. Interestingly, Savage, Tripp, \\& Lu\\markcite{stl98} (1998) have recently identified a QSO absorber in the spectrum of H1821+643 ($z_{\\rm QSO}$ = 0.297) which fits this description: \\ion{O}{6} absorption lines with two nearby spiral galaxies but no accompanying \\ion{C}{4} or \\ion{N}{5} lines. However, the absorption could be due to the halo of the closer spiral galaxy (which is at a projected distance of 105 $h_{75}^{-1}$ kpc) rather than the intragroup medium, and Savage et al.\\markcite{stl98} show that the \\ion{O}{6} absorption could plausibly arise in very low density photoionized gas. The \\ion{O}{6} doublet has been identified in several other intervening absorption systems\\footnote{Strong O VI absorption lines have also been detected in ``associated'' absorption line systems with \\zabs\\ $\\approx \\ z_{\\rm QSO}$ (e.g., Papovich et al.\\markcite{pap} 2000 and references therein). These are a rather different class of absorber which are often known to be very close to the QSO (Hamann \\& Ferland\\markcite{hf99} 1999). In this paper, we have focused our analysis and discussion on the intervening systems.} both at moderate redshifts (e.g., Bergeron et al.\\markcite{berg94} 1994; Burles \\& Tytler\\markcite{bt96} 1996; Jannuzi et al.\\markcite{jan98} 1998; Lopez et al.\\markcite{lop99} 1999; Churchill \\& Charlton\\markcite{cc99} 1999) and at high redshifts (Kirkman \\& Tytler\\markcite{kt97} \\markcite{kt99} 1997,1999). Composite spectra and statistical techniques have also been used to show that \\ion{O}{6} absorption is present at high $z$ (Lu \\& Savage\\markcite{ls93} 1993; Dav\\'{e} et al.\\markcite{dave98} 1998). In most cases it has been difficult to pin down the ionization mechanism definitively, partly due to the low resolution of the observations made with first-generation {\\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)} spectrographs, but in several cases there is evidence that the \\ion{O}{6} systems occur in multiphase absorbing media. An important step in this approach to the search for warm/hot gas is to determine whether the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers trace collisionally ionized gas or photoionized gas. As part of the program described by Tripp, Lu, \\& Savage\\markcite{tls98} (1998) to study low $z$ \\lya absorption line systems, we have recently observed the low redshift QSO PG0953+415 ($z_{\\rm QSO}$ = 0.239) with the E140M echelle mode of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). This high resolution FUV spectrum has revealed another highly ionized \\ion{O}{6} absorber associated with a group of spiral galaxies, and in this paper we present our analysis of this particular absorbing system. In \\S 2 we review the observations and data reductions including measurements of galaxy redshifts with the WIYN telescope. We present in \\S 3 the absorption line measurements. We constrain the temperature of the gas and examine its ionization in \\S 4, and we discuss the implications of the observations in \\S 5. Throughout this paper we assume $H_{0} = 75 h_{75}$ \\kms\\ Mpc$^{-1}$ and $q_{0}$ = 0.0. Also, all wavelengths and redshifts reported here are heliocentric, but in this direction heliocentric and LSR velocities are nearly identical.\\footnote{Assuming the Sun is moving in the direction $l = 53^{\\circ}, b = 25^{\\circ}$ at 16.5 \\kms\\ (Mihalas \\& Binney\\markcite{mb81} 1981), $v_{\\rm LSR} = v_{\\rm helio} - 0.1$ \\kms .} ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Association with a Galaxy Group} The fact that the \\zabs\\ = 0.14232 \\ion{O}{6} absorption line system is associated with a group of galaxies strongly indicates that the absorber is an {\\it intervening} system rather than an {\\it intrinsic} absorber which was ejected or somehow accelerated to high displacement velocity by the QSO. While this may seem a trivial conclusion since the \\ion{O}{6} is displaced from the QSO redshift by $\\sim$23,000 \\kms , during the last few years observations of absorption variability have established that some highly ionized intrinsic QSO absorbers are separated from $z_{\\rm QSO}$ by such large velocities (e.g. Hamann, Barlow, \\& Junkkarinen\\markcite{hbj97} 1997) and yet are relatively narrow (i.e., not traditional broad absorption line outflows). Therefore, it is important to find evidence that a given \\ion{O}{6} absorber is indeed intervening even if $\\Delta v$ is large. Of course, this association with a galaxy group does not necessarily indicate that the absorption arises in the intragroup medium; it could be due to gas within one of the galaxies in the group. We briefly discuss some possibilities below. The close proximity of the \\ion{O}{6} system to a galaxy group provides a theoretical prejudice in favor of collisional ionization. The presence of galaxies requires that intergalactic gas has collapsed in this region of space, and simple arguments (e.g., \\S 3 in Cen \\& Ostriker \\markcite{co99a} 1999a) suggest that substantial shock-heating probably occurred as a result. Therefore collisionally ionized gas is expected in the vicinity (if not along the pencil-beam probed by the QSO). It is interesting that this absorption system and associated galaxies fit the prediction of Mulchaey et al.\\markcite{mul96} (1996) discussed in \\S 1: a group which is possibly spiral-rich and has associated \\ion{O}{6} absorption, as expected based on their postulated collisionally ionized intragroup medium. However, we really are not sure that this is a spiral-rich group (or even a bound group) with only four known galaxies, and it is also possible that the \\ion{O}{6} absorption arises in the gaseous halo of a single galaxy. However, models of galaxy gaseous halos (e.g., Mo \\& Miralda-Escud\\'{e} \\markcite{mo} 1996) also usually produce \\ion{O}{6} absorption in a collisionally ionized hot phase. Similarly, models which produce QSO absorption line gas in supernova-driven winds from dwarf galaxies (e.g. Wang\\markcite{wang} 1995) also involve substantial shock-heating and collisionally ionized gas. The kinematics of the absorption also provide useful information about the possible origins of the system at \\zabs\\ = 0.14232. A fundamental question is whether the absorption is due to the intragroup medium or to the ISM of a single galaxy that happens to intercept the line-of-sight. The \\ion{H}{1} \\lya\\ profile has the ``leading edge asymmetry'' that various authors (e.g., Lanzetta \\& Bowen\\markcite{lanz92} 1992) have discussed as the signature of a moderately edge-on rotating disk. Of course, this is not a unique interpretation of such profile asymmetry, but it provides some evidence in favor of the single-galaxy interpretation. The simplicity of the \\ion{O}{6} profile also favors this interpretation. The velocity dispersion of poor galaxy groups is typically one to a few hundred \\kms\\ (Zabludoff \\& Mulchaey\\markcite{zab} 1998), so one might expect the \\ion{O}{6} to be spread over a larger velocity range if the absorption is due to the intragroup medium. Here, though, we must recognize that the observed \\ion{O}{6} profiles are noisy and we only detect \\ion{O}{6} at the velocity of the {\\it strongest} component of the \\ion{H}{1} profile. If the hot gas is concentrated at the center of the group, then this may be the only location along the line-of-sight where we have sufficient sensitivity to detect it, and there may be \\ion{O}{6} absorption at other velocities which has fallen below our detection threshold. To sort out the various possibilities, it would be very helpful to obtain additional STIS observations to improve the signal-to-noise and search for \\ion{O}{6} at other velocities. \\subsection{Number Density and Cosmological Mass Density} One means to test the warm/hot gas prediction of cosmological simulations (\\S 1) is to compare the number of \\ion{O}{6} absorbers observed per unit redshift, $dN/dz$, to the number statistically predicted from many random pencil-beams through the cosmological simulations. Is the observed $dN/dz$ consistent with the number predicted by the cosmological models? We can also estimate the mean cosmological mass density traced by the \\ion{O}{6} systems at low $z$. For these purposes, we combine the STIS observations of PG0953+415 with the GHRS observations of H1821+643 from Tripp et al.\\markcite{tls98} (1998).\\footnote{After this paper was completed, Tripp, Savage, \\& Jenkins\\markcite{tsj2000} (2000) carried out an analysis of new STIS echelle observations of H1821+643 with the E140M mode, and we refer the reader to that paper for the O VI number density and cosmological mass density derived from an independent data set.} We emphasize that the manner in which these QSOs were selected should not bias the sample to enhance the number of \\ion{O}{6} systems detected compared to sampling many random directions. Both QSOs were originally observed to study the relationship between weak \\lya clouds and galaxies\\footnote{$HST$ program IDs 6155 and 7747, see Tripp et al.\\markcite{tls98} (1998) for details.} at $z <$ 0.3. These two objects were selected for this project simply because they are among the brightest known QSOs with $z >$ 0.2, criteria which were required to substantially increase the sample of {\\it weak} \\lya absorbers with a minimal amount of {\\it HST} time. No consideration was given to factors which might indicate an enhanced likelihood of detecting the \\ion{O}{6} doublet when the targets were selected. To estimate $dN/dz$ of the \\ion{O}{6} systems, we define a sample of \\ion{O}{6} lines with $W_{\\rm r} >$ 60 m\\AA\\ for both lines of the doublet,\\footnote{The 3$\\sigma$ detection limit throughout the region where O VI absorbers can be detected is 60 m\\AA\\ or better in the spectrum of PG0953+415 and 50 m\\AA\\ or better in the spectrum of H1821+643.} and set the maximum absorber redshift, $z_{\\rm max}$, for each sight line to exclude any absorbers within $\\mid \\Delta v \\mid \\ \\leq$ 5000 \\kms\\ of the QSO redshift and thereby avoid contaminating the sample with associated/intrinsic absorbers which are close to the QSO. One might argue that 5000 \\kms\\ is insufficient (see above). However, we find that the two \\ion{O}{6} systems in the final sample are associated with galaxy groups, which suggests that these are indeed intervening absorbers. The lower redshift cutoff for each sight line, $z_{\\rm min}$, was determined by the lowest wavelength in the observed spectrum (with a small buffer to ensure that a line would be recognized if at that $\\lambda$) in the case of H1821+643 and by the wavelength at which the S/N is unacceptably low in the case of PG0953+415. These criteria resulted in a sample of two \\ion{O}{6} absorbers within a total redshift path of $\\Delta z$ = 0.100 (after a significant correction of 0.067 for regions of the spectra in which we cannot detect either of the \\ion{O}{6} lines\\footnote{Both of the O VI lines were required to fall in unblocked regions of the spectra so that the doublet could be securely identified.} because they would be blocked by strong ISM or extragalactic lines from other redshift systems). Therefore, $dN/dz \\sim$ 20 for \\ion{O}{6} systems with $W_{\\rm r} \\geq$ 60 m\\AA\\ at $z <$ 0.3. Using the confidence limits from Gehrels\\markcite{geh} (1986) for a sample of two absorbers, we derive 4 $< dN/dz <$ 63 for these \\ion{O}{6} absorbers at the 90\\% confidence level. For comparison, Tripp et al.\\markcite{tls98} (1998) find $dN/dz = 102 \\pm 16$ for \\ion{H}{1} \\lya lines with $W_{\\rm r} \\geq$ 50 m\\AA\\ at $z <$ 0.3, and Weymann et al.\\markcite{wey} (1998) report $dN/dz = 33 \\pm 4$ for \\lya absorbers at $z$ = 0 with $W_{\\rm r} \\geq$ 240 m\\AA\\ based on a large sample at $z <$ 1.5. In the case of low to moderate redshift \\ion{Mg}{2} absorbers, $dN/dz = 0.97 \\pm 0.10$ for $W_{\\rm r} \\geq$ 300 m\\AA\\ (Steidel \\& Sargent \\markcite{ss92} 1992) and $dN/dz = 2.65 \\pm 0.15$ for $W_{\\rm r} \\geq$ 20 m\\AA\\ (Churchill et al.\\markcite{crcv99} 1999; see also \\S 6 in Tripp, Lu, \\& Savage\\markcite{tls97} 1997). Evidently, these weak low $z$ \\ion{O}{6} systems have a substantially larger cross section and/or covering factor than the \\ion{Mg}{2} absorbers. Similarly, the {\\it stronger} \\ion{O}{6} absorbers at higher redshifts are less common: Burles \\& Tytler\\markcite{bt96} (1996) report $dN/dz = 1.0\\pm 0.6$ for \\ion{O}{6} systems with $W_{\\rm r} \\geq$ 210 m\\AA\\ at $$ = 0.9, and similar results (with smaller uncertainties) are derived from the larger sample provided by the FOS Quasar Absorption Line Key Project (B. Jannuzi \\& R. Weymann 2000, private communication). This comparison with the \\ion{O}{6} $dN/dz$ derived from FOS data must be interpreted carefully, however, because the FOS samples are dominated by lines which are substantially stronger and at substantially higher redshifts than the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers discussed in this paper. With a larger sample of low $z$ weak \\ion{O}{6} absorbers and smaller uncertainties in their number density, comparison of $dN/dz$ to the space density of objects such as dwarf galaxies may provide insight on the nature of the \\ion{O}{6} systems. Next we estimate the baryonic content of the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers, expressed as the cosmological mass density $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}), following previous analogous calculations for damped \\lya\\ systems (e.g., Lanzetta et al.\\markcite{lanz91} 1991) as well as \\ion{O}{6} absorbers (Burles \\& Tytler\\markcite{bt96} 1996). To estimate the density of baryons in the gaseous component of the universe traced by \\ion{O}{6}, we require information about the metallicity of the gas and the \\ion{O}{6} ionization fraction, $f$(\\ion{O}{6}) = \\ion{O}{6}/O$_{\\rm total}$. In collisional ionization equilibrium, $f$(\\ion{O}{6}) peaks at $\\sim$0.2 (Sutherland \\& Dopita\\markcite{sd93} 1993), and similarly low peak fractions are predicted by non-equilibrium collisional models (e.g., Shapiro \\& Moore\\markcite{shape76} 1976; Benjamin \\& Shapiro\\markcite{benj} 2000). The \\ion{O}{6} ion fraction is not much larger at peak value in photoionized gas (see appendix). Therefore we will adopt $f$(\\ion{O}{6}) $\\sim$ 0.2 to set a lower limit on the baryonic content of the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers, and the following calculation is relatively independent of how the gas is ionized or whether or not it is due to the intragroup medium. For the mean cosmic metallicity of the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers, it is less clear what value to adopt, but to set a lower limit on $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}) we should set (O/H) to a high but plausible value. As noted in \\S 4.2.1, Davis et al.\\markcite{dmm99} (1999) and Hwang et al.\\markcite{hwa} (1999) have derived metallicities of 1/3--1/2 solar for intragroup gas in several X-ray bright groups. Therefore we will initially use 1/2 solar metallicity for the calculation of $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}) and then discuss how it scales with (O/H). The mean cosmological mass density in the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers, in units of the current critical density $\\rho _{c}$, can be estimated as \\begin{equation} \\Omega _{b}({\\rm O \\ VI}) = \\frac{\\mu m_{\\rm H} H_{0}}{\\rho _{c} c f({\\rm O \\ VI})} \\left( \\frac{\\rm O}{\\rm H} \\right)^{-1}_{\\rm O \\ VI} \\frac{\\sum_{i} N_{i}({\\rm O \\ VI})}{\\sum_{i} \\Delta X_{i}} \\end{equation} where $\\mu$ is the mean atomic weight (taken to be 1.3), (O/H)$_{\\rm O \\ VI}$ is the assumed mean oxygen abundance by number in the \\ion{O}{6} absorption systems, $m_{\\rm H}$ is the mass of hydrogen, $N_{i}$(\\ion{O}{6}) is the total \\ion{O}{6} column density and $\\Delta X_{i}$ is the absorption distance interval (Bahcall \\& Peebles\\markcite{bah69} 1969) probed to the $i$th QSO, \\begin{equation} \\Delta X_{i} = \\case{1}{2} \\{ [(1 + z_{\\rm max})^{2} - 1] - [(1 + z_{\\rm min})^{2} - 1]\\} \\end{equation} assuming $q_{0}$ = 0.\\footnote{Over the redshift range probed by the sight lines to PG0953+415 and H1821+643, results are insensitive to the value assumed for $q_{0}$.} As in the calculation of $dN/dz$, we correct $\\Delta X_{i}$ for spectral regions blocked by strong lines. Combining the PG0953+415 STIS data and the GHRS observations of H1821+643 from Tripp et al.\\markcite{tls98} (1998) with $z_{\\rm min}$ and $z_{\\rm max}$ set to the same values used for the derivation of $dN/dz$, we obtain $\\Omega _{b}({\\rm O \\ VI}) \\gtrsim 0.0006 h_{75} ^{-1}$ assuming the mean O abundance is 1/2 solar. This is a lower limit not only because $f$(\\ion{O}{6}) and (O/H) were set to their approximate upper limits, but also because we have applied an equivalent width cutoff to define the sample; if \\ion{O}{6} absorbers with $W_{\\rm r} \\leq$ 60 m\\AA\\ significantly increase $\\sum_{i} N_{i}$(\\ion{O}{6}), then the true $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}) will be higher. Note that $\\Omega _{b}({\\rm O \\ VI})$ is inversely proportional to (O/H). Decreasing the metallicity to 1/10 solar, for example, increases the lower limit on the \\ion{O}{6} absorber baryon content to $\\Omega _{b}({\\rm O \\ VI}) \\gtrsim 0.003 h_{75} ^{-1}$. To demonstrate the level of uncertainty in the cosmological mass density estimate due to small number statistics, we can recalculate $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}) using an alternative expression analogous to equation (9) from Rao \\& Turnshek\\markcite{rt2000} (2000), \\begin{equation} \\Omega _{b}({\\rm O \\ VI}) = \\frac{\\mu m_{\\rm H} H_{0}}{\\rho _{c} c f({\\rm O \\ VI})} \\left( \\frac{\\rm O}{\\rm H} \\right)^{-1}_{\\rm O \\ VI} \\left(\\frac{dN}{dz}\\right) \\frac{}{(1+z)} \\end{equation} where $$ is the mean \\ion{O}{6} column density of the absorption systems in the sample and again we have assumed $q_{0}$ = 0. The advantage of this alternative expression for $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}) is that we can employ the Gehrels\\markcite{geh} (1986) small sample statistics to estimate the uncertainty in $dN/dz$ and then propagate the uncertainty into the estimate of $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}). With $dN/dz$ = $20^{+26}_{-13}$ and the other parameters set to the values assumed above, we find for the 1/10 solar metallicity case $\\Omega _{b}({\\rm O \\ VI}) \\gtrsim 0.003^{+0.004}_{-0.002} \\ h_{75} ^{-1}$ (error bars are $1\\sigma$ uncertainties). Bearing in mind that there is still considerable uncertainty in the lower limit on $\\Omega _{b}$(\\ion{O}{6}) due to the small sample, small redshift path, and uncertain mean metallicity, this preliminary estimate suggests that the \\ion{O}{6} absorbers may indeed harbor a significant fraction of the baryons in the universe at low $z$. The lower limit assuming (O/H) = 1/10 solar is comparable to the cosmological mass density of stars, \\ion{H}{1}, and X-ray emitting galaxy group and cluster gas at low redshift (Fukugita, Hogan, \\& Peebles\\markcite{fhp98} 1998), for example." }, "0004/astro-ph0004303_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The collapse of marginally Jeans unstable primordial gas clouds in the presence of UV radiation field is discussed. Assuming that the dynamical collapse proceeds approximately in an isothermal self-similar fashion, we investigate the thermal evolution of collapsing central core until H$_2$ cooling dominates photoheating and the temperature drops to below $10^4$K. Consequently, the mass of the cooled core is evaluated as $M_{\\rm cool}=3.6\\times 10^6 M_\\odot \\left(I_{21}/1\\right)^{-0.32}$. This scale depends only on the incident UV intensity, and provides a lower limit to the mass of collapsed objects in the UV radiation field. ", "introduction": "\\label{INTRO} Formation of primordial objects, such as young galaxies and globular clusters, in the early universe is a fundamental problem in modern cosmology. Rapid progress of observations in the last decade has pressed theoreticians to construct the physically correct and proper theory to solve this problem. Recently, formation of primordial objects has been investigated mainly in the following two contexts; one is the formation of ``first stars'' or ``first luminous objects'' (e.g. \\cite{Tegmark97,Abel98,ON98,NS99}), and the other is that of ``second generation objects'' (e.g. \\cite{HRL97,KBS97,ON99}). These two populations are expected to arise in quite different physical environments. For instance, the former is likely to be born from the primordial gas under little influences of the external radiation field, except for that of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). The latter, on the other hand, is largely affected by the external UV radiation produced by the former. The UV photons not only ionize and heat up the pregalactic gas clouds, but also dissociate H$_2$ in the clouds, which is an important coolant in metal-free gas clouds. In this paper, we pay particular attention to the formation of the latter population. At high redshifts, say $z\\gg 5$, ionized bubbles around photon sources, such as young galaxies or AGN's, are still so small that most of the gas in the universe is not ionized and photoheated. In this case, the external radiation affects the formation of primordial objects only via H$_2$ photodissociation \\cite{HRL97}. On the other hand, gas clouds near the ionizing sources, or those at lower redshifts ($z\\lsim 5$) are ionized and photoheated, before they collapse and cool. Therefore, the formation of population III objects close to the ionizing sources and the formation of galaxies at low redshifts are likely to start from hot ionized media. Kepner, Babul \\& Spergel (1997) investigated this problem in the context of dwarf galaxy formation under the assumption that pregalactic clouds are in hydrostatic equilibrium. They found that the gas transit from H$^+$ phase to H and H$_2$ ones, as radiative cooling proceeds. Corbelli, Galli \\& Palla (1997) also found similar phenomena in the rotationally supported hydrostatic gaseous disc. However, gravitational collapse of ionized gas proceeds almost isothermally \\cite{UI84,TW96,KI99,SU00}, and such a collapse becomes inevitably dynamical \\cite{Larson69}. In this paper, we investigate H$_2$ cooling in the dynamically collapsing core in marginally Jeans unstable clouds. If these clouds are self-gravitating, they are likely to collapse almost spherically with the temperature kept nearly at $\\sim 10^4$K, until the external radiation field is shielded by the clouds themselves. We thus employ the isothermal Larson-Penston similarity solution \\cite{Larson69} and solve explicitly non-equilibrium chemical reactions and energy equation to trace the thermal history of a collapsing central core. Consequently, the mass and the size of the cooled core are assessed, and their astrophysical implications are discussed. \\newpage ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004073_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper presents an analysis of the UV spectrum of some nebulae with clearly identified illuminating stars, all observed by the IUE satellite. The data show remarkable properties of the UV spectrum of the nebulae. Each spectrum is the product of the star spectrum and a linear function of $1/\\lambda$. There is no peculiar behaviour in the spectrums at 2200~\\AA{}: no bump created in the spectrum of a nebula and no excess of scattering. When moving away from the star, the surface brightness of a nebula decreases as the inverse of the square of the angular distance to the star. These results can logically be interpreted in terms of scattering of starlight. They imply constant properties of the interstellar grains in the UV and in the directions of space sampled by the nebulae, and probably a strong forward scattering phase function. There is no evidence for any particular type of grain which would specifically extinguish starlight at 2200~\\AA{}. Concerning the UV spectrum of a star, this may imply a revisal of the traditional interpretation of the 2200~\\AA{} bump. ", "introduction": "Introduction} In the UV, as in the optical, the light which we receive from a nebula should in great part be the light of the illuminating star scattered by dust grains in the nebula. If no other process than scattering of starlight by the average population of interstellar grains is involved, the ratio of the nebula to the star spectrum depends on the optical depth of the nebula, on the angle $\\varphi$ of scattering, and on the albedo and phase function of interstellar grains. The original idea of this work was to study the behavior of the spectrum of nebulae in the 2200~\\AA{} region. In this spectral region, the spectrum of the stars is known to have a characteristic depression (the 2200~\\AA{} bump) when there is interstellar matter between the star and the observer. The possible causes of the bump are reviewed by Bless~\\& Savage \\cite{bless72}. Admittedly, the bump is an extinction feature (eventually a purely absorbing one, Witt et al. \\cite{witt92}) which arises due to a particular type of interstellar grain. Since a nebula placed in front of a star produces a bump in the spectrum of the star, what will the bump spectral region of a nebula illuminated by a star at close angular distance be? If the particles which extinguish starlight at 2200~\\AA{} are present in the nebula, its spectrum should have an evident feature at 2200~\\AA{}. This feature will be an absorption one if the bump carriers are purely absorbing particles. It will be an excess of emission if the carriers scatter starlight. Section \\ref{data} presents the IUE observations used in this work. It consists of the spectrums of a few well known nebulae, all illuminated by close bright stars. Section~\\ref{analyse} to Section~\\ref{analyse2}, is an analysis of the data. It is a remarkable fact, and the most significant result of this analysis, that all the nebulae have a spectrum which is exactly the product of the illuminating star spectrum and a linear function of $1/\\lambda$ (Section~\\ref{analyse}). Some nebulae do not have a bump, and when they do have one it is always proportional to the bump of the illuminating star. No bump is created in the nebulae. In Section~\\ref{int}, the relation between the spectrum of a nebula and the spectrum of the illuminating star is interpreted as scattering of starlight by a medium with an optical depth which varies as $1/\\lambda$. A second result, the power law dependence of the surface brightness on the angular distance to the star, is arrived at and discussed in Sections~\\ref{analyse2} and \\ref{rdis}. The large variations of the surface brightness level of a nebula with the distance to the star may be an important argument in favor of a strong forward scattering phase function in the UV (Section~\\ref{rdis}). It implies that a considerable amount of starlight is scattered in directions close to the star. Different authors (e.g. A.N. Witt and collaborators) have found a strong forward scattering phase function of the grains in the UV. These papers are associated with models which also predict changes of the albedo and/or the phase function with the wavelength. From analysis of the present data, I cannot agree with these conclusions. Contrary to these studies, I find constant albedo and phase function of the grains in all the UV, and perhaps up to the near infrared, in all directions of space. In Section~\\ref{grains}, a few of these papers are briefly discussed along with the consequences the present paper have on the properties of interstellar grains. It is suggested that there is no excess of extinction in the spectrum of the stars at 2200~\\AA{}. An Appendix will review elementary properties of scattering and the notations used in the paper. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004245_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "Soft X-ray transients (SXTs), or X-ray novae (e.g. Chen et al. 1997) are binary systems which exhibit luminous X-ray and optical outburst (Tanaka, Shibazaki 1996). They uniquely provide the most compelling evidence for the existence of steller mass black holes using radial velocity studies, giving mass functions exceeding the maximum mass of a stable neutron star ($\\sim 3\\,M_\\odot$), and we know eight such black hole candidates (van Paradijs, McClintock 1995; Bailyn et al. 1998; Orosz et al. 1998). Their outburst light curves often have an common feature, that is, after a rise of a few days, the X-ray intensity comes to the maximum, which was typically followed by the exponential decay with an e-folding time of $\\sim 40\\,{\\rm d}$ (Chen et al. 1997). At the maximum, the X-ray luminosity reaches $10^{38-39}\\;{\\rm erg\\,s^{-1}}$ and the optical to X-ray flux ratio of $\\sim 500$ is typical in SXTs (Tanaka, Shibazaki 1996). Many astronomers have recently believed that the compact object of SXTs in quiescence is surrounded by the accretion disk whose inner part is the geometrically thick and optically thin advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) and the outer part is the geometrically thin and optically thick disk which becomes thermally unstable when the disk becomes too hot for hydrogen to remain neutral (Narayan, Yi 1995; Shakura, Sunyaev 1973; Osaki 1974). This model of the outburst mechanism is called the disk instability model and satisfactorily explains the outburst cycle of a few tens of years and the outburst duration by the viscous diffusion time scale of the accretion disk in the cool and hot states, respectively (Mineshige 1996). Almost all observed SXTs are distributed on the galactic disk and few had been discovered in the galactic halo (Chen et al. 1997; Bradt et al. 2000). White, van Paradijs (1996) have studied the galactic distribution of BHCs low-mass X-ray binaries and found an rms value for the distance from the galactic disk to be $\\sim 0.4$ kpc. We can easily understand these biased distribution because massive stars, which are responsible for producing neutron stars and black holes, have been generated in the disk rather than the halo. A new SXT, XTE J1118+480 whose galactic latitude is high ($\\sim 62^\\circ$), has been discovered at an intensity of 39 mCrab with the All-Sky Monitor (ASM; Levine et al. 1996) on the {\\it Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer} (RXTE) in 2000 March 29 (Remillard et al. 2000). The X-ray spectrum just after the discovery is similar to Cyg X-1 in its hard state (Remillard et al. 2000). The hard X-ray spectrum is well characterized by a power law with a photon index of 2.1 and the source is visible up to 120 keV which implies that it is a possible black hole X-ray transient (Wilson, McCollough 2000). In this paper, we report the discovery of the optical counterpart of XTE J1118+480 and the optical short-time variability, and discuss the binary nature and a distance estimation. ", "conclusions": "XTE J1118+480 shows some features different from those of typical X-ray transients, that is, the multiple peaks within three months observed both in X-ray and optical, an extremely low optical to X-ray flux ratio, and the high galactic latitude of $62^\\circ$. For the first outburst shown in figure 3, the light curve profile around the peak is relatively sharp compared with the second one and no clear time lag is seen between the X-ray and optical outburst. We can interpret this correlation through the occurrence of an ``inside-out'' type outburst in accretion disk which will generate the rapid rise in X-ray and simultaneous optical brightening, however this picture cannot predict the fast optical flare at the end of outburst (Smak 1984). On the other hand, we suggest the ``outside-in'' type outburst for the second outburst to explain the optical precursor. To observe these different types of outburst indicates that they may be caused by the different instability faculty such as normal and super outbursts of SU\\,UMa-type dwarf novae (Warner 1995). From the X-ray flux of 39 mCrab reported in Remillard et al. (2000) and the simultaneous magnitude of optical counterpart of $\\sim$ 13 mag, the optical to X-ray flux ratio is calculated as $\\sim 5$ which is by two orders of magnitude smaller than the typical value of $\\sim 500$. The X-ray intensity particularly shows a low value rather than optical, and this suggests an idea that it may be a high inclination system (Garcia et al. 2000). The HST observation revealed the continuum slope somewhat flatter, which suggests the intrinsic X-ray flux is relatively low and hence removes the suggestion of the high inclination system (Haswell et al. 2000). A high inclination system generally provides a high probability of occurrence of eclipses by secondary, whereas we have not detected them. It is almost certain that the periodicity appeared in figure 3 reflects the orbital motion of the underlying binary, through the reprocessing the X-rays by the secondary, or possibly superhump modulations as seen in SU\\,UMa-type dwarf novae (O'Donoghue, Charles 1996). We therefore suggest the orbital period of $0.17078$ d, which is relatively short compared with other low mass X-ray binaries (Ritter, Kolb 1998). Since the quiescent magnitude is 18.8 mag, if we assume a K dwarf secondary star and no other optical source in quiescence, the distance is at least 1.5 kpc, that is, 1.3 kpc above the galactic plane. The color of the quiescent counterpart in the USNO catalog ($b-r=+0.6$) is much bluer than that of a K or M dwarf, implying the substatial contribution from the accretion disk. The above distance estimate should be thus regarded as a lower limit, implying that XTE J1118+480 is a galactic halo X-ray transient. We can generally expect that such a galactic halo object is older than that in disk, and this is consistent with the short orbital period of 0.17078 d which implies a more evolved binary system. It should be noted, however, if we assume a short orbital period of 0.17078 d, the secondary may be a smaller star than in other typical SXTs. This case may be comparable to the system GRO J0422+32, whose orbital parameter and secondary type are 0.212 d and M2V, respectively (Orosz, Bailyn 1995; Filippenko et al. 1995). An M2V star secondary leads to the lower limit of the distance of 0.55 kpc. Optical or infrared spectroscopic observations are definitely needed to unambiguously determine the orbital period and the type of the secondary. On the point of the high galactic latitude SXTs, 3U 0042+32 is similar to XTE J1118+480 (Ricketts, Cooke 1977). The outburst in 1977 of 3U 0042+32 was detected by {\\it Uhuru} which classified it as a high galactic latitude ($\\sim -30^\\circ$) X-ray transient. During the active phase in 1977 Feburuary, 3U 0042+32 experienced at least four distinct outbursts whose interval is estimated as 11.6 d (Watson, Ricketts 1978). Compared with XTE J1118+480, the outburst duration seems to be quite shorter (decay e-folding time $= 2.8$ d). Another noteworthy, possibly related, high galactic latitude X-ray binary is MS 1603+2600 = UW CrB (Morris et al. 1990). This object is a persistent source whose orbital period is 111 min. Although Hakala et al. (1998) suggested this X-ray binary may correspond to a quiescent state of SXTs, the discovery of a short-period transient system XTE J1118+480 may suggest that these two systems comprise a new variety of halo X-ray binaries." }, "0004/astro-ph0004163_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The recently published precise spectrum of cosmic ray protons from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer has been examined in some detail from the standpoint of a search for deviations from a smooth, simple, power law. We find a significant excess (~$\\simeq$ 10\\% over $\\sim$ 0.3 interval in logE~) centered on 50 GeV in the published data. It is possible that the 'unfolding technique' adopted by the experimenters causes an overestimate of the excess but it is difficult to reduce it much below about (~5$\\pm$2~)\\%. \\noindent We have examined other recent data, too. There is also evidence here, for an excess in the same energy region, although of only (~1.6$\\pm$0.9~)\\%. A value of (~3$\\pm$1.5~)\\% would be consistent with all the data. There are hints of similar excesses for heavier nuclei and electrons. \\noindent Possible explanations are put forward for an excess, should it prove to be genuine. ", "introduction": "It is commonly asserted that the energy spectrum of cosmic rays is almost featureless, being characterised by a power law spectrum which slowly steepens near 3$\\cdot$10$^{15}$ eV (~the knee~) and continues with a new exponent to near 10$^{19}$ eV, where it flattens somewhat (~the ankle~). In fact, we (~Erlykin and Wolfendale, to be referred to as EW~) have claimed that near the knee the situation is more complex (~\\cite{EW1} and references therein~). The complexity is attributed to the effect of a single, local and recent supernova, the remnant of which has accelerated particles, particularly oxygen and iron nuclei, with a spectrum of the form E$^{-2}$ up to a rather sharp maximum at $\\simeq 4 \\cdot 10^{14}Z$ eV. It is not unreasonable, statistically \\cite{Fatem}, that such a single 'source' should show itself in a rather narrow band of energy. ", "conclusions": "Inspection of the very recent, precise, AMS measurements of the primary cosmic ray proton spectrum shows an interesting excess in the region of 50 GeV. Although the quoted values may overestimate the excess - perhaps by a factor 2 - it seems unlikely that the whole effect will go away. Including results from other proton experiments, too, an overall excess averaged over $\\Delta$ logE = 0.15 centred on 50 GeV of (~3$\\pm$1.5)\\% would fit all the data. It should be possible to confirm or deny a value of this magnitude by a more sophisticated study of the AMS results. More importantly, perhaps, is the general point that modern experiments of apparently high precision, should focus on examinations of the detailed shape of the energy spectrum of protons, of heavier nuclei and of electrons, too. Fine structure should be visible at some level; perhaps it is already starting to be seen ?\\\\ Concerning the explanation, if the heavier nuclei do, in fact, show similar effects to those for protons (~at present the results are clearly very marginal~) - at the same rigidity - it will be possible to rule out exotic processes as being responsible. Weak, local supernova remnants, would then be the preferred mechanism. However, it is premature to rule out exotic processes, yet.\\\\ {\\bf Acknowledgements}\\\\ We are grateful to Professor Yu.Galaktionov for useful discussions and comments. The Royal Society is thanked for the provision of financial support by way of a Joint Project. Mr. P.Kiraly kindly provided helpful comments, as did the referee, and we are grateful to them." }, "0004/astro-ph0004355_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The TeV and X-ray data obtained by the imaging Cherenkov telescope CAT and X-ray satellite BeppoSAX during the remarkable flare of Mkn~501 in April~16,~1997 are used to constrain the flux of the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) using different CIB models. We show that a non-negligible absorption of $\\gamma$-rays due to the CIB could take place already in the low-energy (sub-TeV) domain of the spectrum of Mkn~501. This implies that the data of the low-energy threshold CAT telescope contain very important information about the CIB at short wavelengths, 0.4~$\\mu$m$\\leq \\lambda \\leq$~3.~\\mic. The analysis of almost simultaneous spectroscopic measurements of Mkn~501 in a high state by CAT and BeppoSAX in the framework of the standard homogeneous Synchrotron-Self-Compton (\\mbox{SSC}) framework model leads to the conclusion that the density of the near-infrared background with typical ``starlight spectrum'' around 1~$\\mu$m should be between 5 and $35 \\, \\rm nW \\, m^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$ (99$\\%$~CL), with most likely value around 20~$\\rm nW \\, m^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$. Also we argue that the CAT \\gr~data alone allow rather robust upper limits on the CIB, $\\lambda F_\\lambda \\leq 60 \\ \\rm nW \\, m^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$ at 1~\\mic, taking into account that for any reasonable scenario of \\gr~production the differential intrinsic spectrum of \\grs~hardly could be flatter than ${\\rm d} N/{\\rm d} E \\propto E^{-1}$. This estimate agrees, within statistical and systematic uncertainties, with recent reports about tentative detections of the CIB at 2.2 and 3.5 $\\mu$m by the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE), as well as with the measurements of the background radiation at optical wavelengths from absolute photometry. The high flux of CIB at $\\leq$~few~\\mic~ wavelengths implies a significant distortion of the shape of the initial (source) spectrum of $\\gamma$-rays from Mkn~501 at sub-TeV energies. The ``reconstructed'' intrinsic $\\gamma$-ray spectrum shows a distinct peak in the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) around 2~TeV with a flux by a factor of 3 higher than the measured flux. The energy spectrum of gamma radiation from both sides of the peak has power-law behavior with photon index $\\alpha \\simeq 1.5$ below 2~TeV, and $\\alpha \\simeq 2.5$ above 2~TeV. This agrees with predictions of \\mbox{SSC} model. We also discuss the impact of the intergalactic absorption effect in derivation of the \\mbox{SSC} parameters for the jet in Mkn~501. ", "introduction": "The Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) is contributed mostly by the red-shifted `stellar' and `dust' radiation components, and therefore carries vital cosmological information about the epoch of galaxy formation and their evolution in time. The derivation of information about CIB from direct measurements is a hard task which requires an effective removal of heavy contamination caused by foregrounds of different origin, in particular by the zodiacal light, stellar and interstellar emission of our Galaxy, etc (Arendt et~al. 1998; Kelsall et~al. 1998). The conclusions of this approach in the near-infrared domain are to a large extent model-dependent because they are generally based on comprehensive modeling of the foregrounds; the far-infrared background is determined with a better accuracy as it dominates the foreground emission (Hauser et~al. 1998). Very High Energy (VHE) \\gr~astronomy provides an independent and complementary approach for the study of the CIB. The idea is simple, and based on the detection of absorption features in the \\gr~spectra of distant extragalactic objects caused by interactions of VHE \\grs~with the CIB photons in their way from a source to the observer (Nikishov 1962; Gould and Schreder 1967, Stecker et~al. 1992). The recent detections of \\grs~from two BL~Lac objects, Mkn~421 and Mkn~501, with spectra extending up to 10~TeV and beyond, open an interesting path for the realization of this exciting cosmological aspect of VHE gamma-ray astronomy. Obviously, the success of the `$\\gamma$-astronomical' approach essentially depends on two crucial conditions: (i) accurate \\gr~spectrometry, and (ii) good understanding of the intrinsic (source) spectra of TeV $\\gamma$-rays. The observations of Mkn~501, the second closest X-ray selected BL~Lac object with a redshift $z \\simeq 0.034$, during its extraordinary outburst in 1997 yielded unique data, which initiated important theoretical studies of the physical conditions in the relativistic jets of BL Lac objects (see {\\it e.g.} Tavecchio ~et~al. 1998 (hereafter TMG); Kirk \\& Mastichiadis 1999, Hillas 1999; Coppi \\& Aharonian 1999a, Bednarek \\& Protheroe 1999, Krawczynski ~et~al. 1999), as well as interesting efforts to set meaningful upper limits on the CIB flux (see Biller ~et~al. 1998, Stanev \\& Franceschini 1998, Barrau 1998, Stecker \\& De Jager 1998, Stecker 1999, Aharonian ~et~al. 1999, Coppi \\& Aharonian 1999b; Konopelko ~et~al. 1999). During the 1997 outburst, lasted several months, Mkn~501 showed dramatic variations of fluxes both in X-rays (BeppoSAX: Pian ~et~al. 1998, RXTE: Lamer \\& Wagner 1998) and TeV \\grs~ (Whipple: Catanese ~et~al. 1997, Samuelson ~et~al. 1998; HEGRA: Aharonian ~et~al. 1997, 1999; Telescope Array: Hayashida ~et~al. 1998; CAT: Djannati-Ata\\\"{\\i} ~et~al. 1999). More importantly, the high TeV fluxes allowed monitoring of the energy spectrum of Mkn~501 on a diurnal basis, especially during very strong flares. On several occasions truly simultaneous observations of Mkn~501 were available in TeV and X-ray band (Krawczynski ~et~al. 1999). A special interest presents the famous April~16,~1997 flare which was observed by BeppoSAX (Pian ~et~al. 1998) and low-energy threshold ($\\sim 300 \\, \\rm GeV$) Whipple and CAT atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (Catanese ~et~al. 1997; Djannati-Ata\\\"{\\i} ~et~al. 1999). Because of very large fluxes, the energy spectrum of the flare was obtained with good accuracy in broad dynamical ranges in both X-ray (0.1-100~keV) and TeV \\gr~(0.3-10~TeV) regimes. Within today's most popular, the so-called synchrotron-self-Compton (\\mbox{SSC}) model of non-thermal high energy radiation of Mkn~501, the data of April~16,~1997 flare allow to compute the intrinsic source spectrum of $\\gamma$-rays. This information, coupled with almost simultaneous spectral measurements of $\\gamma$-radiation by CAT, provides a good opportunity to analyze the intergalactic absorption signature in the observed VHE \\gr~spectrum. Since the optical depth $\\tau_{\\gamma \\gamma}$ of \\grs~in the intergalactic medium increases with energy (for any reasonable spectral shape of the CIB), most stringent constraints on the CIB come from the very energetic tail of the \\gr~ spectrum of Mkn~501. For $E \\geq$~10~TeV the $\\gamma - \\gamma$ absorption is dominated by the `dust' component of CIB at far infrared (FIR) wavelengths, $\\lambda \\geq$ 10~\\mic. Therefore, it is generally believed that a deep probe of CIB at optical and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths is contingent only upon the discovery of more distant ({\\it e.g.} with $z \\geq 0.1$) VHE \\gr~sources. In this paper, however, we show that the accurate measurements of the spectrum of Mkn~501 by CAT at sub-TeV energies already provide meaningful upper limits on the CIB flux at wavelengths between 0.4 and a few \\mic. Moreover, the analysis of the X-ray and \\gr~spectra of the April~16,~1997 flare within the homogeneous \\mbox{SSC} model allows rather conclusive estimates of the CIB flux at such short wavelengths. The CIB flux $\\lambda F_{\\lambda} \\sim 5-35 \\, \\rm nW\\ m^{-2} sr^{-1}$ at $\\lambda \\sim 1$~\\mic~gives a reasonable slope, $\\nu F_\\nu \\propto E^{0.5}$, in the `reconstructed' Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of \\grs~at low energies -~as expected within the framework of the \\mbox{SSC} model. The significant intergalactic absorption of sub-TeV \\grs~ leads to both the shift of the position ($E \\simeq 2 \\, \\rm TeV$ ) and increase of the flux ($\\nu F_\\nu \\simeq 10^{-9} \\, \\rm erg\\ cm^{-2}\\ s^{-1}$) of the so-called Compton peak in the \\gr~spectrum. An analytical approach has been recently proposed by (TMG) for derivation of constraints on the jet parameters of TeV blazars. With these revised spectral parameters, new results in a well defined self-consistent \\mbox{SSC} parameter-space for the jet of Mkn~501 in the high state are obtained. ", "conclusions": "The {accurate spectrometric observations of the $\\gamma$-ray spectrum of Mkn~501 during the remarkable April~16,~1997 flare by the low-threshold imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope CAT in the energy region from 300~GeV to 10~TeV is used for extraction of important information about the CIB at wavelengths $\\geq$ 0.4~\\mic. The interpretation of the spectrum of sub-TeV \\grs, together with simultaneously obtained X-ray data of BeppoSAX, requires, within the one-zone \\mbox{SSC} model, rather high NIR background at a level close to $20 \\, \\rm nW \\, m^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$ at 1~\\mic. Such high flux of CIB implies an essential distortion of the shape of the initial (source) spectrum of $\\gamma$-rays from Mkn~501 not only at multi-TeV, but also at sub-TeV energies. The `reconstructed' intrinsic $\\gamma$-ray spectrum shows a distinct peak in the Spectral Energy Distribution around 2~TeV with a flux by a factor of 3 higher than the measured flux. Moreover, the energy spectrum of gamma radiation from both sides of the peak has power-law behavior with spectral indices $\\alpha \\simeq 0.5$ below 2~TeV, and $\\alpha \\simeq 1.5$ above 2~TeV, which perfectly agrees with predictions of the \\mbox{SSC} model. We have shown that the intergalactic absorption has non-negligible impact on the construction of self-consistent \\mbox{SSC} parameters. And finally, we argue that the CAT \\gr~data alone allow rather robust upper limits on the CIB, $\\lambda F_\\lambda \\leq 60 \\ \\rm nW \\, m^{-2} \\, sr^{-1}$ at 1~\\mic, taking into account that for any reasonable scenario of \\gr~production the differential intrinsic spectrum of \\grs~hardly could be flatter than ${\\rm d} N/{\\rm d} E \\propto E^{-1}$." }, "0004/astro-ph0004025_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Terrestrial planets may be detected using the gravitational microlensing technique. This was demonstrated in the high magnification event MACHO-98-BLG-35. Observing strategies aimed at measuring the abundance of terrestrial planets are discussed, using both existing telescopes and planned telescopes. ", "introduction": "Significant advances have been made in recent years in the study of extra-solar planets using the radial velocity technique and, more recently, the transit technique (Mayor, these proceedings; Fischer, these proceedings). Approximately thirty Jupiter-mass planets have been detected by the radial velocity technique. Initial indications from transit measurements indicate they are gas giants similar to Jupiter. However, they have been detected in eccentric orbits at $>$ 0.2 AU or circular orbits at $<$ 0.2 AU, quite dissimilar to Jupiter's orbit. These surprising findings will assist our understanding of planetary systems and planetary formation. The gravitational microlensing technique complements the above studies because it is sensitive to giant and terrestrial planets at orbital radii of a few AU. In this technique, perturbations of standard microlensing caused by planets are searched for. Two versions of the technique have been utilised to date. These involve large perturbations of low-magnification events, and small perturbations of high-magnification events, respectively. Most searches have been made in the galactic bulge where the observed rate of microlensing is maximal. In the following sections strategies for optimising the detection rate of planets by microlensing, especially low-mass terrestrial planets, are discussed. The ultimate goal is to determine their abundances. To illustrate the technique, a high magnification event is described in the following section. Other examples of both high and low magnification events are described by Gaudi in these proceedings. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004213_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We report on low-resolution multi-object spectroscopy of 30 faint targets ($R \\simeq 24-25$) in the HDF-S and AXAF deep field obtained with the VLT Focal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS1). Eight high-redshift galaxies with $2.75< z < 4$ have been identified. The spectroscopic redshifts are in good agreement with the photometric ones with a dispersion $\\sigma_z = 0.07$ at $z<2$ and $\\sigma_z = 0.16$ at $z>2$. The inferred star formation rates of the individual objects are moderate, ranging from a few to a few tens $M_{\\odot}~ {\\rm yr}^{-1}$. Five out of the eight high-z objects do not show prominent emission lines. One object has a spectrum typical of an AGN. In the AXAF field two relatively close pairs of galaxies have been identified, with separations of 8.7 and 3.1 proper Mpc and mean redshifts of 3.11 and 3.93, respectively. } ", "introduction": "Observations of galaxies, now extending up to a redshift $z \\sim 6$ (\\cite{hu99}), are starting to provide quantitative information on basic properties - number densities, luminosities, colors, sizes, morphologies, star formation rates (SFR), chemical abundances, dynamics and clustering - over a large span of cosmic time. These data are beginning to sketch out a direct picture not only of the physical processes taking place in the assembly of the first galaxies, but also of the formation and evolution of large scale structure (LSS) from the primordial density fluctuations. Quantitative information is now available about the evolution of the neutral hydrogen and metal content of the universe since $z\\simeq 4$, the galaxy luminosity function since $z\\simeq 1$, the morphology of field and cluster galaxies since $z\\simeq 0.8$. A recent dramatic addition to the general picture has been the discovery of a large population of actively star-forming galaxies at $z\\simeq 3$ (\\cite{SGDA96}, hereafter SGDA96). The ``Lyman break'' color-selection technique (\\cite{SH92}) has proved a reliable and highly efficient method to select galaxies in large numbers at $z\\ga 2.5$, providing the first opportunity for statistical studies of evolutionary processes in galaxies beyond $z=1$. Follow-up spectroscopy of the UV drop-out candidates on the Keck telescopes shows most to lie in the expected redshift range, $2.5 \\leq z < 3.5$, with successful redshift measurement for more than $70 \\%$. The Lyman-break galaxies have spectra resembling those of nearby starburst galaxies, are strongly clustered, with a co-moving correlation length similar to present-day galaxies. SGDA96 inferred typical SFRs of $1-6 h^{-2} {\\rm M}_{\\odot} {\\rm yr}^{-1}$ for their galaxies, assuming a critical density universe. Dust corrections based on the UV continuum slope and on near-IR spectroscopy of a few objects suggest values larger by a mean factor of about 7 (\\cite{pettini98}). From the width of saturated interstellar absorption lines, SGDA96 inferred tentative 1D velocity dispersions in the range $\\sigma_{1D} = 180 - 320 {\\rm km \\, s}^{-1}$, but Pettini et al. (1998) measure in the IR significantly narrower line-widths $\\sigma_{1D} = 55 - 190 {\\rm km \\, s}^{-1}$ for the Balmer and [OIII] emission lines, albeit in a sample of only five objects. A programme has been started with the ESO VLT to study systematically galaxies at $z \\sim 4$ with the aim to clarify the earliest phases of the processes leading to the formation of galaxies and LSS, reaching a redshift domain where observations are more cosmologically discriminant (\\cite{arnouts99}) and taking advantage of a wide photometric coverage (in particular in the IR) to obtain mass estimates of the detected objects. We report here the results of pilot observations carried out during the commissioning and the science verification of the FORS1 instrument at the VLT-UT1. ", "conclusions": "At present, the spectroscopy of candidate Lyman-break galaxies has been restricted to an area of 13.5 sq.arcmin in the HDF-S in which $UBVRIJHK$ imaging is available and 25 sq.arcmin in the AXAF deep field ($22$ sq.arcmin covered in $UBVRIJK$ and 3 sq.arcmin in $UBVRI$ only). {\\it After} the FORS1 spectroscopic observations, which were based on a preliminary list of Lyman-break candidates produced shortly after the EIS imaging observations, we carried out a more refined selection of galaxies with $z>2.75$ on the basis of a photometric redshift code (described in Arnouts et al. 1999). In the HDF-S $25$ candidates have been found down to a limiting mag of $I_{AB} = 24.5$, while in the AXAF deep field $36$ candidates have been selected down to $R_{AB} = 25$. Of the total $61$ candidates $10$ turned out to have been observed during Commissioning and Science Verification: 8 of them have been confirmed to be at high redshift, 2 resulted in inconclusive spectra. \\begin{figure} \\psfig{figure=cristiani.fig2.ps,width=90mm} \\caption{Comparison of photometric and spectroscopic redshifts in the HDF-S and AXAF deep field.} \\label{fig:DZ} \\end{figure} Fig.~\\ref{fig:DZ} shows the comparison between photometric and spectroscopic redshifts for the 8 galaxies with $z>2.75$ observed so far in the HDF-S and AXAF field. The resulting dispersion is $\\sigma_z (z>2.75) = 0.16$. At lower redshift, including some preliminary results in the HDF-S of Dennefeld et al. (2000, in preparation, see {\\tt http://www.iap.fr/hst/tmrresults.html}, the dispersion turns out to be $\\sigma_z (z<2)= 0.07$ (47 objects). The properties of the high-z galaxies confirmed with the present observations are summarized in Table~\\ref{tab:properties}. They have been inferred from the GISSEL models best-fitting the photometric data (\\cite{arnouts99}) imposing the redshift at the spectroscopic value. The Star formation rate (Column~2) is estimated with the UV continuum flux at 150 nm derived from the best fitting model. For a Salpeter IMF ($0.1 M_{\\odot} < M < 125_{\\odot}$) with constant SFR, a galaxy with SFR $=1~ M_{\\odot}$ yr $^{-1}$ produces $L(150$ nm $)=10^{40.15}$ erg ~ s$^{-1}$ \\AA$^{-1}$ (\\cite{madau96}). Column~4 lists the SFR computed with the correction of the intrinsic extinction (reported in Column~3), as obtained form the best-fit procedure. The Calzetti extinction law (\\cite{calzetti97}) has been adopted. Column~5 and 6 show the estimated age \\footnote{In this paper $H_o =50$ and $q_o=0.5$ are assumed throughout.} and stellar mass. As typically found in surveys based on the ``Lyman-break'' technique, the inferred star formation rates are moderate, ranging from a few to a few tens $M_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. Five out of eight high-z objects do not show prominent emission lines. AXAF EIS-U21 has a spectrum typical of an AGN, showing Ly-$\\alpha$, CIV and possibly SiIV in emission with a P-Cyg profile. \\begin{table} \\caption{Properties of the Galaxies with $z>2.5$ in the HDF-S and AXAF fields.} \\begin{tabular}{lccccc} \\hline \\hline Identifier&SFR&$E_{BV}$&SFR&Age&Mass\\\\ &Uncorr.& &Corr.& & \\\\ &$M_{\\odot}/$yr&mag&$M_{\\odot}/$yr&Gyr&$\\log(M_{\\odot})$\\\\ \\hline HDF-EIS43& ~8 & 0.0 & ~8 & 0.7 & 10.6 \\\\ HDF-EIS47& 15 & 0.1 & 38 & 0.1 & 11.2 \\\\ HDF-EIS53& 12 & 0.1 & 19 & 0.1 & 10.8 \\\\ AX-EISU28& ~6 & 0.2 & 13 & 1.4 & 10.9 \\\\ AX-EISU12& ~6 & 0.0 & ~6 & 0.1 & 10.0 \\\\ AX-EISU21& AGN \\\\ AX-EISB07& 12 & 0.0 & 12 & 1.0 & 10.5 \\\\ AX-EISB02& 12 & 0.0 & 12 & 0.7 & 10.5 \\\\ \\hline \\label{tab:properties} \\end{tabular} \\end{table} It is interesting to note that two relatively close pairs of galaxies are observed in the AXAF field. EISU28/EISU12 and EISB07/EISB02 are separated of only 8.7 and 3.1 proper Mpc, respectively. Given the small number of objects in the present sample any statistical conclusion is obviously impossible, but it appears natural to link the occurrence of the two pairs to the redshift ``spikes'' observed by Steidel et al. (1998) at $z\\sim3$. Future observations of the remaining high-z galaxy candidates and the extension of the surveyed area (see {\\tt http://www.eso.org/science/eis/}) will make it possible to address also this issue on a more quantitative basis." }, "0004/astro-ph0004096_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{In a model recently proposed by Albrecht and Skordis\\cite{Albrecht:99} it was suggested that the observed accelerated expansion of the universe could be caused by a scalar field which is trapped in a local minimum of an exponential potential modified by a polynomial prefactor. We show that scalar field cosmologies with this kind of local minimum in the potential are stable and do not decay to the true vacuum if they fulfill the observational constraints from the Type Ia Supernovae experiments. Further we briefly sketch how this potential could be related to a potential of interacting D-branes.} ", "introduction": "Recent observations by the Supernovae Cosmology Project (SCP)\\cite{Perlmutter:98} and the High-Z Supernovae Search Team\\cite{Riess:98} have revealed that there is an energy component in the universe which is dark and has negative pressure. This is confirmed if one combines observations of the anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and clusters\\cite{Knox:00}. The simplest way to achieve accelerated expansion of the universe is by introducing an {\\em ad hoc} cosmological constant. The findings of the SCP are that the probability for a non-vanishing cosmological constant is 99\\%\\cite{Perlmutter:98}. If one assumes a flat universe, which seems to be confirmed by recent CMB observations, the universe consists of 30\\% matter and 70\\% cosmological constant or dark energy component\\cite{Knox:00}. A more general way to obtain accelerated expansion of the universe is by introducing a scalar field $\\phi$ which either slowly rolls down a potential or is trapped in a local minimum. In this way the universe eventually becomes vacuum dominated and therefore the expansion accelerates. During recent years dark energy or quintessence models have been proposed\\cite{models:88-00}, with some of these models needing tuning of the initial conditions to fulfill the observational constraints, but the majority requiring only a tuning of the parameters of the model. The novel feature of the model by Albrecht and Skordis\\cite{Albrecht:99} is that the parameters involved are roughly of order one in Planck units ($M_{\\rm Pl} \\approx 2.44 \\times 10^{18} {\\rm GeV}$) and only moderate tuning is required to be within the observational constraints. Throughout this paper we use natural units ($\\hbar = c = 1$) and set the Planck mass $M_{\\rm Pl} = \\left(\\hbar c^5/ 8\\pi G\\right)^{1/2} = 1$. ", "conclusions": "The considerations above show that the Albrecht and Skordis model is a stable solution and the probability that the field decays to the true vacuum state is negligible. We also observed that if we move the feature in the potential to smaller field values $\\phi \\leq 1$ the tunneling rate is significant and $B \\sim {\\cal O}(1)$ in Planck units. However a feature in the potential at such small field values could not fulfill the observational constraints and resolve the dark energy problem, since the field gets trapped in the local minimum too early. Since the false vacuum state does not decay for the relevant range of parameters, a classical description is sufficient and the field stays trapped in the local minimum. The dark energy model with a polynomial exponential is therefore a possible solution to the problem of the missing dark energy. One might wonder if it is possible to connect such a potential to fundamental physics. A potential with similar features to the one discussed above is an inverse polynomial exponential of the form $V(\\phi) = \\left[(\\phi-\\beta)^2+\\delta\\right]^{-1}\\exp(-\\lambda\\phi)$. It may be possible to relate this potential to the massive bulk modes of interacting D3-branes, which involves similar contributions\\cite{Dvali:98}. In this case the false vacuum state is also very stable with $B \\approx 10^{120}$. The question of how realistic a rational exponential potential which resolves the dark energy problem is remains open to this point but is under current investigation.\\\\ {\\bf Acknowledgment}\\\\ We would like to thank A.~Albrecht for fruitful collaboration\\cite{Weller:00} and acknowledge financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004269_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Microlensing is the only technique likely, within the next 5 years, to constrain the frequency of Jupiter-analogs. The PLANET collaboration has monitored nearly 100 microlensing events of which more than 20 have sensitivity to the perturbations that would be caused by a Jovian-mass companion to the primary lens. No clear signatures of such planets have been detected. These null results indicate that Jupiter mass planets with separations of 1.5-3 AU occur in less than 1/3 of systems. A similar limit applies to planets of 3 Jupiter masses between 1-4 AU. ", "introduction": "A Galactic microlensing event occurs when a massive, compact object (the lens) passes near to our line-of-sight to a more distant star (the source). If the lens, observer, and source are perfectly aligned, then the lens images the source into a ring, called the Einstein ring, which has angular radius of\\footnote{For the scaling relation on the far right of equations (1), (2), and (3), we have assumed $\\dos=8~\\kpc$ and $\\dol=6.5~\\kpc$, typical distances to the lens and source for microlensing events toward the bulge.} \\begin{equation} \\thetae \\equiv\\left[{4GM \\over c^2} {\\dls \\over \\dol \\, \\dos}\\right]^{1/2} \\sim 480 \\, \\mu{\\rm as} \\left({M \\over M_{\\odot}}\\right)^{1/2}, \\label{eqn:thetae} \\end{equation} where $M$ is the mass of the lens, and $\\dls$, $\\dos$, $\\dol$ are the lens-source, observer-source, and observer-lens distances, respectively. This corresponds to a physical distance at the lens plane of \\begin{equation} \\re = \\thetae \\dol \\sim 3~\\au \\left({M \\over M_{\\odot}}\\right)^{1/2}. \\label{eqn:re} \\end{equation} If the lens is not perfectly aligned with the line-of-sight, then the lens splits the source into two images. The separation of these images is ${\\cal O}(\\thetae)$ and hence unresolvable. However, the source is also magnified by the lens, by an amount that depends on the angular separation between the lens and source in units of $\\thetae$. Since the lens, observer, and source are all in relative motion, this magnification is a function of time: a `microlensing event.' The time scale for such an event is \\begin{equation} \\te \\equiv { \\thetae \\over \\murel} \\sim 40~\\days \\left({M\\over M_{\\odot}}\\right)^{1/2}, \\end{equation} where $\\murel$ is the relative lens-source proper motion. If the primary lens has a planetary companion, and the position of this companion happens to be in the path of one of the two images created during the primary event, then the planet will perturb the light from this image, creating a deviation from the primary light curve (see Figure 1). The duration of this perturbation is $\\sim \\sqrt{q} \\te$, where $q$ is the mass ratio between the planet and primary. Hence, for a Jupiter/Sun mass ratio ($q\\simeq10^{-3}$), the perturbation time scale is ${\\cal O}({\\rm day})$. These short-duration deviations are the signatures of planets orbiting the primary lenses. Note that since the perturbation time scale is considerably less than $\\te$, the majority of the light curve will be indistinguishable from a single lens. Three parameters determine the magnitude of the perturbation, and hence define the observables. These are mass ratio $q$, the instantaneous angular separation $d$ between the planet and primary in units of $\\re$, and the angle $\\alpha$ between the projected planet/star axis and the path of the source. As $q$ decreases, the perturbation time scale decreases, although the magnitude of the deviation does not necessarily decrease. Thus very small mass ratio planets ($q \\la 10^{-5}$) can be detected using microlensing, although the detection probability is small. The lower limit to the detectable $q$ is set practically by the sampling of the primary event, and ultimately by the finite size of the source stars (Bennett \\& Rhie 1996). A microlensing event is generally alerted only if the minimum angular impact parameter in units of $\\thetae$ satisfies $\\umin \\leq 1$, which corresponds to image positions between $(0.6-1.6)\\thetae$. Since the planet must be near one of these images to create a perturbation, microlensing is most sensitive to planets with separations $0.6 \\la d \\la 1.6$, the `lensing zone.' The angle $\\alpha$, which is of no physical interest, is uniformly distributed. Only certain values of $\\alpha$ will create detectable deviations. Thus integration over $\\alpha$ defines a geometric detection probability. \\begin{figure}[t] \\plotfiddle{fig1.eps}{0.5cm}{0}{70}{70}{-230}{-300} \\vskip6.0cm \\caption{ Left: The images (dotted ovals) are shown for several different positions of the source (solid circles), along with the primary lens (dot) and Einstein ring (long dashed circle). If the primary lens has a planet near the path of one of the images, i.e. within the short-dashed lines, then the planet will perturb the light from the source, creating a deviation to the single lens light cure. Right: The magnification as a function of time is shown for the case of a single lens (solid) and accompanying planet (dotted) located at the position of the X in the top panel. If the planet was located at the + instead, then there would be no detectable perturbation, and the resulting light curve would be identical to the solid curve. } \\end{figure} Microlensing as a method to detect extrasolar planets was first suggested by Mao \\& \\Packy (1991), and was expanded upon by Gould \\& Loeb (1992) who demonstrated that if all lenses had a Jupiter analog, than $\\sim 20\\%$ of all light curves should exhibit $\\ga 5\\%$ deviations. Since these two seminal papers, many authors have explored the use of microlensing to detect planets. It is not our intention to provide a comprehensive review of this field. However, of particular relevance is the paper by Griest \\& Safizadeh (1998, GS98) who demonstrated that, for high-magnification events (those with maximum magnification $\\amax > 10$), the detection probability for planets in the lensing zone is $\\sim 100\\%$. Thus high-magnification events are an extremely efficient means of detecting extrasolar planets. The results of GS98 also imply that multiple planets in the lensing zone should betray their presence in high-magnification events (Gaudi, Naber \\& Sackett 1998). ", "conclusions": "Microlensing offers a unique and complementary method of detecting extrasolar planets. Although many light curves have been monitored in the hopes of detecting the short-duration signature of planetary companions to the primary lenses, no convincing planetary detections have yet been made, despite the fact that data of sufficient quality are being acquired to detect such companions. These null results indicate that Jupiter-mass companions with separations in the `lensing zone,' $1.5-3~\\au$, occur is less than 1/3 of systems. The potential for this field is enormous. Current microlensing searches for planets will continue to monitor events alerted toward the bulge, and either push these limits down to levels probed by radial velocity surveys ($\\sim 5\\%$), or finally detect planets, and measure the frequency of companions at separations more relevant to our solar system. Next generation microlensing planet searches have the promise of obtaining a robust statistical estimate of the fraction of stars with planets of mass as low as that of the Earth." }, "0004/astro-ph0004119_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a detailed study of the cluster pair SL\\,353 \\& SL\\,349. This candidate binary cluster is located at the northwestern rim of the LMC bar. Based on photometric data we find that both clusters are coeval with an age of 550$\\pm$100 Myr. We use the Ca\\,II triplet in the spectra of individual red giants to derive radial velocities. Both components of the binary cluster candidate show very similar mean velocities ($\\approx274\\pm10$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$ for SL\\,349 and $\\approx279\\pm4$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$ for SL\\,353) while the field stars show lower velocities ($\\approx240\\pm19$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$). These findings suggest a common origin of the two clusters from the same GMC. In this sense the cluster pair may constitute a true binary cluster. We furthermore investigate the stellar densities in and around the star clusters and compare them with isopleths created from artificial, interacting as well as non-interacting star clusters. Gravitational interaction leads to a distortion which can also be found in the observed pair. ", "introduction": "The Magellanic Clouds offer the unique possibility to study star clusters in general and binary clusters in particular. These two companion galaxies are close enough to resolve single stars, but distant enough to make the detection of close pairs of star clusters an easy task. About a decade ago, Bhatia \\& Hatzidimitriou (\\cite{bh}), Hatzidimitriou \\& Bhatia (\\cite{hb}), and Bhatia et al. (\\cite{brht}) surveyed the Magellanic Clouds in order to catalogue binary cluster candidates. To qualify as a binary cluster candidate, the maximum projected centre-to-centre separation of the components of a pair was chosen to be $\\approx 1\\farcm3$, which corresponds to $\\approx$ 19 pc in the LMC if a distance modulus of 18.5 mag is adopted. A binary cluster with larger separation may become detached by the external tidal forces while shorter separations may lead to mergers (Sugimoto \\& Makino \\cite{sm}, Bhatia \\cite{bhatia}). The number of chance-pairs of objects uniformly distributed in space can be estimated adopting a formula presented by Page (1975): Roughly half of the pairs found may be explained by mere chance line-up. This suggests that at least a subset of them must be true binary clusters, i.e., clusters that are formed together and/or may interact or even be gravitationally bound. Depending on their masses and separations binary clusters will eventually merge or become detached. At one stage during the merger process the former binary cluster could have one single but elliptical core (Bhatia \\& McGillivray \\cite{bm}). Recently de\\,Oliveira et al. (\\cite{obd}) performed numerical simulations of star cluster encounters which could represent a possible scenario to explain the ellipticities found in several star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Star clusters form in giant molecular clouds (GMCs), but the details of cluster formation are not yet understood (Elme\\-green et al. \\cite{eepz}). Fujimoto \\& Kumai (\\cite{fk}) suggest that binary or multiple star clusters form through strong, oblique collisions between massive gas clouds in high-velocity random motion, resulting in compressed sub-clouds revolving around each other. Since the components of a cluster pair formed together, they should be coeval or at least have a small age difference compatible with cluster formation time scales. Binary clusters are expected to form more easily in galaxies like the Magellanic Clouds, whereas in the Milky Way the required large-scale high-velocity random motions are lacking. Indeed only few binary open cluster candidates and no globular cluster pairs are known in our Galaxy (see for example Subramaniam \\& Sagar \\cite{ss}). However, binary globular clusters are not expected to survive the gravitational forces of the Milky Way (Surdin \\cite{surdin}). In case of tidal capture two clusters would be gravitationally bound, but age differences are likely. Encounters of clusters can be traced using isodensity maps (de\\,Oliveira et al. \\cite{dodb}, Leon et al. \\cite{lbv}). Though van\\,den\\,Bergh (\\cite{vdbergh}) suggests that tidal capture becomes more probable in dwarf galaxies like the Magellanic Clouds with small velocity dispersion of the cluster system, Vallenari et al. (\\cite{vbc}) estimated a cluster encounter rate of $dN/dt\\sim1\\cdot(10^{9} \\mbox{yr})^{-1}$. This makes tidal capture of young clusters very unlikely. The formation of low-mass star clusters tends to proceed hierarchically in large molecular complexes over several $10^7$ years (e.g., Efremov \\& Elmegreen \\cite{ee}). Leon et al. (\\cite{lbv}) suggest that in these groups the cluster encounter rate is higher and thus tidal capture is more likely: Binary clusters are not born together as a pair with similar ages but are formed later through gravitational capture. An observational test of this scenario would require the detection of evidence of tidal interactions between clusters, whose age differences need to be compatible with the survival times of GMCs. Another binary cluster formation scenario is introduced by Theis (\\cite{theis}) and Ehlerov\\'a et al. (\\cite{epth}): Exploding supernovae close to the centre of a GMC sweep up the outer cloud material within a few Myrs and accumulate it in the shell. The large amount of matter makes the shell prone to gravitational fragmentation and may eventually lead to the formation of many open cluster-like associations (Theis et al. \\cite{teph}, Ehlerov\\'a et al. \\cite{epth}). In case of a dense ambient medium outside the cloud or a very massive original molecular cloud the shell can be strongly decelerated resulting in a gravitationally bound system of fragments or stars which can recollapse. A galactic tidal field acting on this recollapsing shell can split it into two or more large clusters, thus forming coeval twin globulars (Theis \\cite{theis}). These clusters may stay together for a long time, though they are gravitationally unbound. The evolution of their spatial separation mainly depends on the shape of the shock front at the time of fragmentation. We are studying binary cluster candidates in the Magellanic Clouds to investigate whether the cluster pairs may be of common origin and if they show evidence for interaction. While it is so far impossible to measure true, deprojected distances between apparent binary clusters, an analysis of their properties can give clues to a possible common origin. The binary cluster candidate SL\\,353 (or BRHT\\,33b, see Bhatia et al. \\cite{brht}) and SL\\,349 (BRHT\\,33a) is located in the outer western part of the LMC bar. Based on integrated colours, Bica et al. (\\cite{bcdsp}) suggest that SL\\,353 \\& SL\\,349 are coeval clusters of SWB type V (Searle et al. \\cite{swb}) which is in agreement with the findings of Vallenari et al. (\\cite{vbc}). Leon et al. (\\cite{lbv}) suggest that the two clusters may even be physically connected. Based on ages for a large sample of star clusters, derived on the base of integrated colours, Bica et al. (\\cite{bcdsp}) propose an age gradient of the LMC bar. Younger clusters are predominantly found in the eastern part, while older clusters of SWB type III and higher are concentrated to its western end. This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. \\ref{phot} we describe the photometric data in general. Stellar density maps are presented in Sect. \\ref{stardens}. The following section describes the colour magnitude diagrams (CMD) for the components of the cluster pair. Ages for each cluster are derived and compared with previous studies. The spectroscopic data are described in Sect. \\ref{spectroscopy}, and radial velocities are derived in Sect. \\ref{radvel}. A comparison of the observed isopleths with simulated ones for interacting and non-interacting star clusters is given in Sect. \\ref{nbody}. In the last Sect. \\ref{summary} we summarize and discuss the results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{summary} Fitting isochrones based on the Geneva models (Schaerer et al. \\cite{smms}) to the CMDs, we find that the components of the double cluster SL\\,353 \\& SL\\.349 are coeval within the accuracy of our data, and we derive an age of 550$\\pm$100 Myr for both clusters. The clusters are sufficiently old that the Ca\\,II triplet visible in the spectra of red giants could be used to derive radial velocities. 22 stars in and around the two star clusters were investigated. Most stars located inside the cluster areas show similar velocities of $\\approx277\\pm7$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$ whereas almost all field stars show lower velocities of $\\approx240\\pm19$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$. Two foreground stars were identified through their velocities which are too low to belong to the LMC population (14 km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$ and 84 km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$, respectively). Both components of the binary cluster candidate are of the same age and, furthermore, have very similar mean radial velocities of $\\approx274\\pm10$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$ for SL\\,349 and $\\approx279\\pm4$ km\\,$\\mbox{s}^{-1}$ for SL\\,353. These findings support that both clusters may have formed at similar times and from the same GMC. In this sense they may constitute a true binary cluster. We investigate the stellar densities in and around the binary cluster SL\\,353 \\& SL\\,349 and find an enhanced density between the two clusters. The smaller cluster SL\\,349 shows a distortion towards SL\\,353, and similar distortions can be seen around the more massive cluster. Vallenari et al. (\\cite{vbc}) found a distortion of the isophotal contours, similar to our Fig. \\ref{sl353dens}, and a twisting of the isopleths which they regard as a sign of interaction and physical connection between the two clusters. It is remarkable that the age of this binary cluster is higher than the theoretical survival time of few $10^{7}$ yrs for physically connected cluster pairs suggested by Bhatia (\\cite{bhatia}). Leon et al. (\\cite{lbv}) suggest that SL\\,349 \\& SL\\,353 are part of a larger star cluster group in which interacting binary clusters are formed later via tidal capture, thus explaining an age larger than the theoretical survival time. However, another explanation could be that the survival time might be larger in the LMC bar where the tidal field might be weaker, as proposed by Elson et al. (\\cite{elson}, their Fig.\\,13). Whether the distortion of the clusters is indeed a sign of possible interaction cannot be decided on the basis of our imaging data alone. Based on observational parameters we created two artificial star clusters. The isopleths of the non-interacting pair as well as of a simulated interacting pair of star clusters were compared with the observed density plot. The density plot of the artificial, interacting pair shows a distortion of the more massive cluster which can also be found in the observed isopleth, however, the observed distortion of the smaller cluster SL\\,349 is not seen in the artificial density plot. It seems likely that this cluster pair shows signs of interaction, however, this does not necessarily imply that both clusters are gravitationally bound." }, "0004/physics0004062_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "One of the topical problems of contemporary physics is a possible variability of the fundamental constants. Here we consider possible variability of two dimensionless constants which are most important for calculation of atomic and molecular spectra (in particular, the X-ray ones): the fine-structure constant $\\alpha=e^2/\\hbar c$ and the proton-to-electron mass ratio $\\mu=m_p/m_e$. Values of the physical constants in the early epochs are estimated directly from observations of quasars -- the most powerful sources of radiation, whose spectra were formed when the Universe was several times younger than now. A critical analysis of the available results leads to the conclusion that present-day data do not reveal any statistically significant evidence for variations of the fundamental constants under study. The most reliable upper limits to possible variation rates at the 95\\% confidence level, obtained in our work, read: $$ |\\dot\\alpha/\\alpha| < 1.4\\times 10^{-14}{\\rm~yr}^{-1}, \\quad |\\dot\\mu/\\mu| < 1.5\\times10^{-14}{\\rm~yr}^{-1} $$ on the average over the last $10^{10}$ yr. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004082_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyze the temporal behavior of Network Bright Points (NBPs) using a set of data acquired during coordinated observations between ground-based observatories (mainly at the NSO/Sacramento Peak) and the Michelson Doppler Interferometer onboard SOHO. We find that, at any time during the observational sequence, all the NBPs visible in the NaD$_2$ images are co-spatial within 1$^{\\prime\\prime}$ with locations of enhanced magnetic field. The ``excess'' of NaD$_2$ intensity in NBPs, i.e. the emission over the average value of quiet regions, is directly related to the magnetic flux density. This property implies that, in analogy with the Ca II K line, the NaD$_2$ line center emission can be used as a proxy for magnetic structures. We also compare the oscillation properties of NBPs and internetwork areas. At photospheric levels no differences between the two structures are found in power spectra, but analysis of phase and coherence spectra suggests the presence of downward propagating waves in the internetwork. At chromospheric levels some differences are evident in the power spectrum between NBPs and internetwork. At levels contributing to the \\Na~emission the NBPs show a strongly reduced amplitude of oscillations at the $p$ - mode frequencies. At levels contributing to the \\Ha \\ core emission, the amplitude of network oscillations is higher than the internetwork ones. The power spectrum of NBPs at this wavelength shows an important peak at 2.2 mHz (7 minutes), not present in the internetwork areas. Its coherence spectrum with \\Ha \\ wings shows very low coherence at this frequency, implying that the oscillations at these chromospheric levels are not directly coupled with those present in lower layers. ", "introduction": "\\label{s_int} The chromospheric bright network has long been observed in narrowband spectroheliograms taken in the H and K cores of the Ca II resonance lines. The Ca II network typically shows H and K profiles with high double peaks and enhanced line wings that persist for extended periods of time (longer than 10 minutes, see, e.g., Rutten \\& Uitenbroek 1991 ). The chromospheric network emission pattern is cospatial with small-scale magnetic field concentrations, and defines the supergranular network boundaries. It is this atmospheric component that produces the correlation between H and K excess line-core flux and magnetic activity of cool stars (\\cite{schri89}). The dynamics of the network elements, compared with the internetwork or quiet chromosphere, has been extensively studied (especially from the observational point of view) since these small-scale structures can be important in channeling the energy from photospheric layers to the transition region and corona (\\cite{kne86}, 1993, \\cite{deu90}, \\cite{kul92}, % Al et al. 1998). An assessment of the spectral characteristic properties of Network Bright Points (NBPs) at different layers in the atmosphere has been provided by Lites et al. (1993) using spectral observations in the range of the Ca II H line. In their work, these authors analyzed spectrographic observations of a single network bright patch and of several internetwork points. The wavelength shifts of photospheric and chromospheric lines allowed them to perform a compared analysis between the dynamics of the two atmospheric components. One of the relevant characteristics they describe is that at chromospheric levels (Ca II H$_3$) the NBPs show long period oscillations ($\\nu <$ 3 mHz) not correlated with oscillations in the lower atmosphere, while they lack power at higher temporal frequencies. The internetwork regions display instead enhanced power at higher frequencies, well correlated with photospheric oscillations. The presence of these low frequency oscillations in the network has been confirmed by Lites (1994) also for the chromospheric He I 10830 line, in contrast to Bocchialini et al. (1994) which observe, for the same line, oscillations only in the 5 minutes range. An enhanced power in the low frequency range for network points with respect to the internetwork has also been observed by Kneer \\& von Uexk\\\"{u}ll (1986) in the center of the chromospheric \\Ha~ line. These authors however interpret this feature as not due to oscillations, but of mainly stochastic origin, and attribute it to erratic motions of the corresponding photospheric footpoints. The problem is still open, and further observations to better address this issue are required (\\cite{lit94}). In particular one would need observations: 1- on a larger number of NBPs, to improve on the statistics; 2- at different heights in the atmosphere, since the analysis of the coherence between fluctuations at different levels can help exploring the nature of oscillations. To this end, a reliable method for the identification of the same physical structure at different atmospheric levels is mandatory, since the inclination of the magnetic field could displace the chromospheric network points with respect to the corresponding photospheric ones. In this paper, we address some of these issues, and present observational results on the NBPs and internetwork characteristics as derived from a multiwavelength analysis. The observations were obtained in August 1996, during a coordinated observing program between ground-based observatories and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). For the ground-based observations we used the cluster of instruments at the NSO/Sa\\-cra\\-men\\-to Peak R.B. Dunn Solar Telescope (NSO/SP-DST), that could provide a complete coverage at lower atmospheric levels. The dataset used is described in Sect. \\ref{s_obs}. General properties of a sample of NBPs, followed from the photosphere up to the chromosphere and including their relationship with the magnetic structures, are given in Sect. \\ref{s_char}. The temporal development of the NBPs is described in Sect. \\ref{s_lcurves}. Sect. \\ref{s_power} and \\ref{s_phase} provide an analysis of the power, phase difference and coherence spectra for the fluctuations observed separately within the NBPs and the surrounding internetwork. Finally, discussion and conclusions are given in Sect. \\ref{s_concl}. \\begin{table*}[ht] \\caption{Summary of the observations. }\\label{tbl-1} \\begin{center} \\scriptsize \\begin{tabular*}{18.2cm}{llllll} Instrument & FOV & Spat. resol. & Observing $\\lambda$ (\\AA) & FWHM (\\AA) & $\\Delta$t (s) \\\\ & & & & & \\\\ UBF & 2$^\\prime \\times 2^\\prime$ & $0.5^{\\prime\\prime} \\times 0.5^{\\prime\\prime}$ & 5889.9 (NaD$_2$) & 0.2 & 12 \\\\ & & & 6562.8 (H$\\alpha$) & 0.25 & \\\\ & & & 6561.3 (H$\\alpha -1.5$ \\AA) & 0.25 & \\\\ Zeiss & 2$^\\prime \\times 2^\\prime$ & $0.5^{\\prime\\prime} \\times 0.5^{\\prime\\prime}$ & 6564.3 (H$\\alpha +1.5$ \\AA) & 0.25 & 3 \\\\ White Light & 2$^\\prime \\times 2^\\prime$ & $0.5^{\\prime\\prime} \\times 0.5^{\\prime\\prime}$ & 5500 & 100 & 3 \\\\ HSG & $0.75^{\\prime\\prime}\\times 2^\\prime$ & $0.75^{\\prime\\prime}\\times 0.36^{\\prime\\prime}$ & 3904$-$3941 (CaII K) & 0.035 & \\\\ MDI &10$^\\prime \\times 6^\\prime$ &$0.6^{\\prime\\prime}\\times 0.6^{\\prime\\prime}$& 6768 (Ni I) & 0.1 &60 \\\\ \\end{tabular*} \\end{center} \\end{table*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{s_concl} The observations presented in this paper allowed us to define the characteristics of network bright points at different atmospheric heights, and to compare them with those of the surrounding internetwork areas. We improved on the existing statistics using a good-sized sample of NBPs, and the same number of ``test'' internetwork areas, defined in a comparable way. The method we adopted to study the temporal evolution of NBPs insures that each bright structure is properly followed in time and position at each height. In fact, the evaluation of the light curves and their properties after a spatial averaging over a well defined area guarantees that we are studying the same NBP at all heights, and avoids the problem (first pointed out by \\cite{lit94}) of a possible structure displacement due to the magnetic field inclination. Given the characteristic horizontal size of the NBPs, the analysis and the comparison of power spectra and phase differences concern the propagation of waves pertaining to a horizontal wavenumber of about 3 Mm$^{-1}$. The quasi-simultaneous series of \\Na~images and of MDI maps allowed us to establish for the first time a correspondence between \\Na~bright network and magnetic network at high spatial and temporal resolution. A correspondence between bright chromospheric structures (Ca II, Ly$\\alpha$, Mg I and UV continuum) and magnetic structures had been observed before, but not at this high temporal resolution. We also established for the NBPs a quantitative relationship between the Na excess and the corresponding absolute value of magnetic flux density. This relationship is best expressed by a power law with an exponent very close to the one found by Schrijver et al. (1989, 1996) for the Ca II - K excess, and indicates that the emission in \\Na~may be used as a proxy for the magnetic flux density. The NBPs considered in this work have the following properties: - are bright in the Ca II wings and in the Ca II K$_2$ peaks; - are visible in the \\Na~ images for about 1 hr; - coincide spatially with the magnetic structures; - are nearby or within a lower activity region. The general characteristics found for these NBPs do not differ from the ones derived in absolutely quiet regions (\\cite{deu90}, \\cite{lit93}). Our results referring to photospheric and chromospheric properties are so summarized: {\\it At photospheric levels:} No difference is detected between network and internetwork power spectra, either in intensity or in velocity, within the limits of sensitivity and accuracy of the instruments used for this work. The phase difference spectra between photospheric signatures in general do not show different characteristics for network or internetwork. However, when analyzing the phase difference between \\Ha \\ red wing and white light images($\\Delta h \\leq 100$ km), we find $ 5\\degr \\leq \\Delta\\Phi$ $\\leq 10\\degr$ \\ in the frequency window 1.5 - 2.5 mHz and in the internetwork. (The $\\Delta\\Phi$ value is more uncertain in the network, due to a lower coherence value). A phase lag of this amplitude and sign is usually considered a signature of gravity waves directed radially inward. A possible explanation for their origin might be sought in recent models of convection, described as a non-local process driven by {\\it cooling} at the solar surface rather than by heating from the lower layers (Spruit, 1997). One can imagine that the downward flowing cooled plasma can trigger some inward directed waves, and hence justify the fact that the external layers ``lead'' the deeper layers. The general inhibition of convection in magnetic structures might be the reason for the lack of this signature in network points. The power spectrum of the magnetic flux variations in NBPs shows a small but significant peak around 3 mHz, that could be related to a ``transformation'' of acoustic waves into MHD waves. However, the phase difference and coherence spectra between magnetic flux and velocity (B$-$V) for the NBPs indicate a very low correlation between the two signals so we cannot conclude anything on the presence of MHD waves within the network points. {\\it At chromospheric levels:} Network and internetwork areas have a rather different behaviour in the power spectra. We do not see any evidence for the typical chromospheric period of 3 minutes (but it must be reminded that they are best seen in velocity variations rather than intensity). In the low chromospheric levels, where \\Na~originates, the NBPs power spectrum is compressed at all frequencies if compared to the internetwork, while in the high chromosphere, where \\Ha \\ originates, the power of NBPs is higher than the one of internetwork. This opposite effect may be an indication that the magnetic field disturbs and reduces the amplitude of oscillations already present in the low chromosphere while it assumes a leading r\\^{o}le in the high chromosphere. In the layers contributing to the \\Na~emission it seems that the oscillations present in network points change regime with respect to both the photosphere and the high chromosphere and we think that it would be important to perform observations of NBPs in tha Na line, with high spectral resolution. Unfortunately we cannot analyze the phase difference spectrum for \\Na~intensity fluctuations with respect to others formed at different layers, since the \\Na~intensity fluctuations, measured with the UBF filter (FWHM$=0.2$\\AA), are more related to velocity than to temperature fluctuations (see Sect \\ref{s_power_chrom}). The power spectrum of \\Ha \\ intensity in NBPs has the more relevant peak at 2.2 mHz, but this signal is not correlated with the photospheric fluctuations, as indicated by the very low coherence measured at all frequencies between the \\Ha \\ core and the blue and red wings. We can then confirm, using a larger sample of NBPs, the presence of the peak found by Lites et al. (1993) around 2 mHz in the power spectrum of K3 velocity fluctuations for one network point. Kalkofen (1997) and Hasan \\& Kalkofen (1999) proposed an explanation for this peak in terms of transverse magneto-acoustic waves in magnetic flux tubes, excited by granular buffeting in the solar photosphere. In their model the low coherence between photospheric and chromospheric signatures could be explained by a partial conversion of the transverse waves to longitudinal modes in the higher chromosphere. A general result of our analysis, valid from the low photosphere to the high chromosphere, is that the NBPs always show a coherence lower than the internetwork, pointing out that the presence of the magnetic field changes the propagation regime of waves with respect to the non-magnetic regions." }, "0004/astro-ph0004207_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new method for fitting peculiar velocity models to complete flux limited magnitude-redshifts catalogues, using the luminosity function of the sources as a distance indicator. The method is characterised by its robustness. In particular, no assumptions are made concerning the spatial distribution of sources and their luminosity function. Moreover, selection effects in redshift are allowed. Furthermore the inclusion of additional observables correlated with the absolute magnitude -- such as for example rotation velocity information as described by the Tully-Fisher relation -- is straightforward. As an illustration of the method, the predicted IRAS peculiar velocity model characterised by the density parameter $\\beta$ is tested on two samples. The application of our method to the Tully-Fisher MarkIII MAT sample leads to a value of $\\beta=0.6 \\pm 0.125$, fully consistent with the results obtained previously by the VELMOD and ITF methods on similar datasets. Unlike these methods however, we make a very conservative use of the Tully-Fisher information. Specifically, we require to assume neither the linearity of the Tully-Fisher relation nor a gaussian distribution of its residuals. Moreover, the robustness of the method implies that no Malmquist corrections are required. A second application is carried out, using the fluxes of the IRAS 1.2 Jy sample as the distance indicator. In this case the effective depth of the volume in which the velocity model is compared to the data is almost twice the effective depth of the MarkIII MAT sample. The results suggest that the predicted IRAS velocity model, while successful in reproducing locally the cosmic flow, fails to describe the kinematics on larger scales. ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} The study of the large-scale motions of galaxies in the Universe may provide valuable information concerning the dynamics of large-scale structures and the nature of the underlying dark matter. According to the gravitational instability scenario, the peculiar velocity field (i.e. the deviation from the smooth Hubble flow) may be used to infer the power spectrum of the mass fluctuations on intermediate scales and to constrain the cosmological density parameter $\\Omega$ (see for example Dekel 1994). Since the discovery of the Great Attractor (Lynden-Bell et al. 1988), the field has proven to be particularly active. Various observationnal programs have been completed, providing large and accurate datasets: e.g. the W91CL and W91PP samples (Willick 1990); MAT sample (Mathewson et al. 1992); HM sample (Han \\& Mould 1992); CF sample (Courteau et al. 1993); Abell BCG sample (Lauer \\& Postman 1994); SCI sample (Giovanelli et al. 1997a); KLUN sample (Theureau et al. 1997); nearby SNIa sample (Riess et al. 1997); MarkIII dataset (Willick et al. 1997b); SBF survey (Tonry et al. 1997); SFI sample (Giovanelli et al. 1998); SMAC sample (Hudson et al. 1999); EFAR and ENEAR samples (Colless et al. 1999 and Wegner et al. 1999); SCII sample (Dale et al. 1999); Shellflow survey (Courteau et al. 1999); LP10k survey (Willick 1999a). Another significant advance during the past decade has been the improved understanding of the statistical formalism underlying the use of galaxy distance indicators -- and in particular the principles and practical methods of correcting for Malmquist bias. (See for example Hendry \\& Simmons 1990, Teerikorpi 1990, Bicknell 1992, Landy \\& Szalay 1992, Triay et al. 1994, Willick 1994, Hendry \\& Simmons 1994, Sandage 1994, Willick et al. 1995, Freudling et al. 1995, Willick et al. 1996, Rauzy \\& Triay 1996, Ekholm 1996, Triay et al. 1996, Rauzy 1997, Willick et al. 1997b, Giovanelli et al. 1997b, Theureau et al. 1998, Teerikorpi et al. 1999). Several methods for extracting dynamical and kinematical information from distance indicator datasets have been proposed, i.e. the POTENT method (Bertschinger \\& Dekel 1989, Dekel et al. 1990, Bertschinger et al. 1990, Dekel et al. 1999 and references therein) and its variants (Rauzy et al. 1993 and 1995, Newsam et al. 1995); the ITF method (Nusser \\& Davis 1995, Davis et al. 1996, Da Costa et al. 1998); the VELMOD method (Willick et al. 1997a, Willick \\& Strauss 1998). The comparison between the peculiar velocity or density fields inferred from distance indicator data with their corresponding fields derived from whole-sky redshift surveys has been one of the major issues addressed throughout the last decade. The question here is whether the spatial distribution of luminous matter e.g. the galaxies, traces the underlying mass fluctuations and if not, what are the properties of the ``biasing'' between the two fields? Up to now, the point has not received any consensual answer. Indeed, the application of POTENT to various distance indicator datasets (Sigad et al. 1998 and references therein) favours a value of $\\beta_I = \\Omega_0^{0.6}/b_I \\simeq 1$ for the linear ``biasing'' density parameter, while the VELMOD and ITF fitting methods lead to a value of $\\beta_I \\simeq 0.5$ (Davis et al. 1996, Willick et al. 1997a, Riess et al. 1997, Da Costa et al. 1998, Willick \\& Strauss 1998). The origins of this significant discrepancy have not yet been elucidated (see for example Strauss 1999, Willick 1999b). At least one of these methods is suffering from some systematic effects, i.e. some statistical biases plaguing the estimate of the parameter $\\beta$ and not accounted for in the error analysis. This remark leads us to the object of the present paper. The POTENT, VELMOD and ITF methods all require, at some stage of the analysis, to assume some a priori working hypotheses concerning the characteristics of the distance indicator dataset. For Tully-Fisher data for example, it will be assumed that the Tully-Fisher law is well described by a linear relation. These methods apply moreover under the hypothesis that the observational selection effects obey particular conditions. How are the results affected if one or more of the working assumptions fails to be satisfied by the dataset is generally a question not addressed in the error analysis. The philosophy of the method we present herein is to reduce as far as possible the number of a priori hypotheses concerning the distance indicator sample. A direct consequence is that the range of application of the method will be considerably broadened. The statistical background of the method is presented section 2. Its potential is illustrated by testing the predicted IRAS peculiar velocity model on two samples. In section 3, we perform the analysis using the fluxes of the IRAS 1.2 Jy survey as the distance indicator. We have deliberately chosen this sample looking to demonstrate the wide range of application of the method. Where the POTENT, VELMOD or ITF methods would not have been successful in extracting kinematical information from this dataset, our method does. We also treat a more classical case, the Tully-Fisher MarkIII MAT sample, in section 4. Finally, in section 5 we summarise our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We presented a method for fitting peculiar velocity models to complete flux limited magnitude-redshift catalogues, using the luminosity function of the sources as a distance indicator, i.e. assuming that the distribution function of the absolute magnitudes of the galaxies does not depend on the spatial position. Our method is based on a null-correlation approach. For a given peculiar velocity field model parametrised by a parameter $\\beta$, we defined a random variable $\\zeta_\\beta$, computable from the observed redshifts and apparent magnitudes of the sampled galaxies, which has the property of being statistically independent on the position in space (and thus on the modelled radial peculiar velocities themselves) if and only if the parameter $\\beta$ matches its true value $\\beta^\\star$. Therefore any test of independence between the random variable $\\zeta_\\beta$ and the modelled velocities or similar quantities provides us with an unbiased estimate of the value of $\\beta^\\star$. The method can be easily generalised to velocity models parametrised by an $N$-dimensional vector ${\\bf \\beta}=(\\beta_1,\\beta_2,...,\\beta_N)$. The method is characterised by its robustness. No assumptions are made concerning the spatial distribution of sources and their luminosity function and selection effects in redshifts are also allowed. The required strict completeness in apparent magnitude can moreover be checked independently (Rauzy, in preparation). Furthermore the inclusion of additional observables correlated with the absolute magnitude is straightforward. The predicted IRAS peculiar velocity model characterised by the density parameter $\\beta$ has been tested on two samples, the Tully-Fisher MarkIII MAT sample and the 60 $\\mu$m IRAS 1.2 Jy sample using the fluxes as the distance indicator. The application of our method to the MarkIII MAT sample gives a value of $\\beta=0.6 \\pm 0.125$, in excellent agreement with the results obtained previously by the VELMOD and ITF methods on similar datasets. Our method is however more robust than these two fitting methods. In particular, we make a very conservative use of the Tully-Fisher information. We do not require to assume the linearity of the Tully-Fisher relation nor a gaussian distribution of its residuals. We showed that our method allows to extract some valuable informations on the peculiar velocity field from the fluxes of the IRAS 1.2 Jy sample. The poor accuracy of the distance indicator (due to the broad spread of the luminosity function) is balanced in this case thanks to the large number of galaxies contained in the sample. The IRAS sample permits to probe the cosmic flow at larger scales. Indeed, the mean effective depth of the volume in which the velocity model is compared to the data is almost twice the mean effective depth of the MarkIII MAT sample. The application of our method to an IRAS subsample truncated in distance, of an effective depth similar to the MarkIII MAT sample, gives a value of $\\beta$ in accord with the values obtained using Tully-Fisher data. On the other hand when the application is performed on the whole sample, we found that the predicted IRAS velocity models with $\\beta \\ge 0.5$ can be rejected with a confidence level of $95\\%$. These results suggest that the predicted IRAS velocity model, while successful in reproducing locally the cosmic flow, fails to describe the kinematics on larger scales. Note that these results do not lead to dismiss the linear ``biasing'' paradigm. As the errors on the predicted IRAS velocity field increase with distances, it could be that the predictions at the scales considered herein, i.e. beyond $5000$ km s$^{-1}$, drastically differ from the true cosmic flow (see for example Davis et al. 1995)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004031_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present three-dimensional numerical simulations of the rise and fragmentation of twisted, initially horizontal magnetic flux tubes which evolve into emerging $\\Omega$-loops. The flux tubes rise buoyantly through an adiabatically stratified plasma that represents the solar convection zone. The MHD equations are solved in the anelastic approximation, and the results are compared with studies of flux tube fragmentation in two dimensions. We find that if the initial amount of field line twist is below a critical value, the degree of fragmentation at the apex of a rising $\\Omega$-loop depends on its three-dimensional geometry: the greater the apex curvature of a given $\\Omega$-loop, the lesser the degree of fragmentation of the loop as it approaches the photosphere. Thus, the amount of initial twist necessary for the loop to retain its cohesion can be reduced substantially from the two-dimensional limit. The simulations also suggest that as a fragmented flux tube emerges through a relatively quiet portion of the solar disk, extended crescent-shaped magnetic features of opposite polarity should form and steadily recede from one another. These features eventually coalesce after the fragmented portion of the $\\Omega$-loop emerges through the photosphere. ", "introduction": "The largest concentrations of magnetic flux on the Sun occur in active regions. Great progress has been made over the past decade in understanding the connections between the magnetic field in active regions, observed at the surface of the Sun, to the magnetic field deep in the solar interior. Active regions have a bipolar structure, suggesting that they are the tops of magnetic flux loops which have risen from deep in the solar interior. On average, active regions are oriented in the E-W direction (Hale's Polarity Law) suggesting that the underlying field geometry is toroidal. The persistence of Hale's law for periods of several years during a given solar cycle suggests that magnetic flux must be stored in a relatively stable region of the solar interior. Several stability arguments \\citep{svb82,vb82,fms93,fms95} show that the only place where such fields can be confined stably for periods of several years is below the solar convection zone. On the other hand, if magnetic fields are placed any significant distance below the top of the radiative zone, they are so stable they could not emerge on the time scale of a solar cycle. We are thus led to the conclusion that the most likely origin of active region magnetic fields is from a toroidally oriented field layer residing in the ``convective overshoot region'', a thin, slightly convectively stable layer just beneath the convection zone. This layer also seems to coincide with the ``tachocline'' \\citep{k96,c99}, where the solar rotation rate transitions from solid body behavior in the radiative zone, to the observed latitudinally dependent rotation rate we see at the Sun's surface. This suggests that not only are solar magnetic fields stored in the convective overshoot layer, the overshoot layer is also the most likely site for the solar cycle dynamo \\citep{gmd89,dg91,p93,mc97a,mc97b,d97,dc99}. Over the past decade, most efforts to study the emergence of active region magnetic fields have employed the ``thin flux tube'' approximation. This model assumes that magnetic flux tubes behave as distinct tube-like entities, surrounded by field-free plasma. The approximation further assumes that the tube diameter is small compared to all other length scales in the problem, and that pressure balance exists across the tube at all times. After adopting these assumptions, it is straightforward to derive an equation of motion for the dynamics of the tube from the momentum equation in MHD. Thin flux tube models of emerging active regions have proven very successful in explaining many properties of active regions in terms of flux tube dynamics in the solar interior. For example, they have successfully explained the variation of active region tilt with respect to the E-W direction as a function of solar latitude \\citep{dh93,dc93,ffh95}, the asymmetric orientation of the magnetic field after emergence \\citep{vp90,msc94,cmv96}, and the observed scatter in tilts as a function of active region size \\citep{lf96}. In spite of these successes, recent two-dimensional MHD simulations of flux tube emergence have shown results which seem to invalidate many assumptions that are adopted in the thin flux tube approximation. \\citet{s79} and \\citet{lfa96} find that an initially buoyant, untwisted flux tube will fragment into two counter-rotating tube elements which then separate from one another, essentially destroying the tube's initial identity. \\citet{mie96} and \\citet{fzl98} have demonstrated via two-dimensional MHD simulations that in order to prevent a flux tube from fragmenting, enough twist must be introduced into the tube to provide a cohesive force to balance the hydrodynamic forces acting to rip it apart. That critical twist is defined, roughly, by that necessary to make the Alfv\\'en speed from the azimuthal component of the field at least as great as the relative velocity between the tube and the field free plasma surrounding it \\citep{llf96,em98,fzl98}. But when global levels of twist in active regions \\citep{pcm95,lfp98} are determined from vector magnetograms, the amplitude of the observed twist is typically far smaller than this critical value \\citep{llp99}. When plotted as a function of active region latitude, the twists exhibit large scatter, but superimposed on this apparently random behavior there is a slight, but clearly discernible trend for active regions in the northern hemisphere to be negatively twisted, while those in the south are positively twisted. \\citet{lfp98} have developed a theoretical model which not only explains the latitudinal variation of twist, but also can account for the large fluctuations in twist from active region to active region. In this model, an initially untwisted flux tube rises through the convection zone in accordance with the thin flux tube approximation. Coriolis forces acting on convective eddies produce a non-zero average kinetic helicity, which is proportional to latitude. The kinetic helicity acts to ``writhe'' the flux tube, which is then twisted in the opposite direction to preserve its magnetic helicity. \\citet{lfp98} showed that this model can explain the observed data. Yet the model assumes from the beginning that the thin flux tube approximation can be used, even for an initially untwisted tube, while the two-dimensional MHD simulations suggest that this is invalid. Is there some way out of this quandary, which we dub ``Longcope's Paradox''? In this paper, we describe MHD simulations of flux tube fragmentation in three dimensions. The result of these simulations is that the critical degree of twist necessary to prevent fragmentation is reduced dramatically by the presence of flux tube curvature, as will be present in an emerging $\\Omega$-loop. We find that for a fixed amount of twist, the degree of fragmentation is a function of the tube's curvature, and transitions asymptotically to the two-dimensional limit as the curvature approaches zero. Even for flux tubes with little to no initial twist, the fragmenting magnetic morphology at the apex of an emerging $\\Omega$-loop is considerably less dispersed than the two-dimensional simulations would indicate --- a finding consistent with the simulation results of \\citet{dn98}. It is not clear at this time whether our results resolve Longcope's paradox or not, but they certainly ameliorate the problem a great deal. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section~\\ref{method} we briefly discuss the formalism of the anelastic approximation employed in our models, together with the numerical methods used to solve the system of equations. We also describe the range of initial configurations that we use to explore the relationship between flux tube fragmentation, tube geometry, and the initial twist of the field lines. At the beginning of Section~\\ref{results}, we define what is meant by a flux tube in the context of our three-dimensional MHD simulations, and further define a quantitative measure of the degree of fragmentation of such a tube. We then present the results of our numerical simulations and discuss the implications of the models. Finally, in Section~\\ref{conclusions} we summarize our conclusions. \\clearpage ", "conclusions": "We have performed detailed numerical simulations of the rise of twisted magnetic flux tubes embedded in a non-magnetic, stratified plasma using a code which solves the three-dimensional MHD equations in the anelastic approximation. The evolving magnetic field is described in terms of its volumetric flux distribution as a magnetic flux tube which may fragment into separate, distinct tubes during its rise toward the photospheric boundary. We find that the degree of fragmentation of the evolving magnetic flux tube depends not only on the initial ratio of the azimuthal to axial components of the field along the tube (as was the case in two dimensions), but also on the three-dimensional geometry of the tube as it rises through the convection zone. The principal results of our analysis are the following: \\begin{enumerate} \\item If the ratio of azimuthal to axial components of the field along a magnetic flux tube exceeds a critical limit, then it will retain its cohesion and not fragment as it rises through the plasma. The critical limit occurs when the rise speed is approximately equal to the maximum Alfv\\'en speed of the azimuthal component of the field. This reinforces the conclusions of \\citet{em98}, \\citet{mie96}, \\citet{lfa96}, and \\citet{fzl98}. \\item If the initial amount of field line twist is less than the critical value, and if the magnetic flux tube rises toward the photosphere as an $\\Omega$-loop, then the degree of apex fragmentation depends on the curvature of the loop --- the greater the apex curvature, the lesser the degree of fragmentation for a fixed amount of initial twist. \\item In two dimensions, counter-rotating vortices are effectively infinite in extent and generate long-range flows which eventually prevent the continued vertical rise of tube fragments. This artificial geometric constraint is relaxed in three dimensions, and although the fragments continue to experience forces due to the interaction of the vortex pairs, those forces are only important along a short section of the tube. Thus, the fragments are able to rise to the surface. The forces due to vortex interaction depend upon the geometry of the $\\Omega$-loop --- the greater the apex curvature, the lesser their magnitude. Thus, highly curved loops exhibit less fragmentation during their rise. \\item Differential circulation between the apex and footpoint of an $\\Omega$-loop leads to the introduction of new magnetic twist of opposite sign in each leg of a loop fragment. This twist reduces the circulation about the apex of each fragment, and further reduces the forces acting to separate the fragments of the flux tube. This result is consistent with the predictions of \\citet{em98} and \\citet{m97}. \\item Though these models do not admit to a direct, detailed comparison with observations, it is possible to infer certain general observational characteristics of emerging magnetic flux if the field configuration is that of a fragmented $\\Omega$-loop rising through the solar surface. If the magnetic field erupts through a relatively quiet portion of the Sun, then we expect that one should observe concentrations of vertical flux which resemble expanding oval shapes. This type of feature should quickly evolve into longer-lived crescent-shaped regions of opposite polarity that steadily move away from one another. These extended regions should then coalesce once the fragmented portions of the $\\Omega$-loop have emerged through the solar surface. \\end{enumerate} \\clearpage" }, "0004/astro-ph0004341_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Following the discovery of the cosmic microwave background, the hot big-bang model has become the standard cosmological model. In this theory, small primordial fluctuations are subsequently amplified by gravity to form the large-scale structure seen today. Different theories for unified models of particle physics, lead to different predictions for the statistical properties of the primordial fluctuations, that can be divided in two classes: gaussian and non-gaussian. Convincing evidence against or for gaussian initial conditions would rule out many scenarios and point us towards a physical theory for the origin of structures. The statistical distribution of cosmological perturbations, as we observe them, can deviate from the gaussian distribution in several different ways. Even if perturbations start off gaussian, non-linear gravitational evolution can introduce non-gaussian features. Additionally, our knowledge of the Universe comes principally from the study of luminous material such as galaxies, but galaxies might not be faithful tracers of the underlying mass distribution. The relationship between fluctuations in the mass and in the galaxies distribution ({\\it bias}), is often assumed to be local, but could well be non-linear. Moreover, galaxy catalogues use the redshift as third spatial coordinate: the resulting redshift-space map of the galaxy distribution is non-linearly distorted by peculiar velocities. Non-linear gravitational evolution, biasing, and redshift-space distortion introduce non-gaussianity, even in an initially gaussian fluctuation field. I will investigate the statistical tools that allow us, in principle, to disentangle the above different effects, and the observational datasets we require to do so in practice. ", "introduction": "Until recently in cosmology, non-gaussianity has been a synonymous of non-linearity; but, in the last 5 years or so, more and more objects like the galaxy of [1] at redshift 5.6 have been found. For the first time a galaxy has been found at higher redshift than the most distant known quasar. More recently, a galaxy at redshift almost 7 has been found [2]. The standard ``inflationary'' cosmological model with gaussian initial conditions predicts that these objects should be very rare. It is becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate the existence of so many high-redshift galaxies under the assumption that non-gaussianity is equivalent to non-linearity, that is postulating gaussian initial conditions. Non-gaussianity does not necessarily imply non-linearity: there might be some primordial non-gaussianity and it is necessary to ``find a way'' to distinguish the two effects. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that non-gaussianity does not necessarily mean non-linearity, but it is possible to distinguish different kinds of non-linearity: e.g. bias, gravitational evolution, redshift space distortions. For the physically motivated non-gaussian models we considered, it turns out that CMB bispectrum is better that LSS bispectrum to detect primordial non-gaussianity: if the future CMB missions will produce maps that are consistent with the gaussian hypothesis, any non-gaussianity seen in the LSS bispectrum can be unambiguously attributed to the effects of non-linearities. Thus, if this is the case, from on-going LSS surveys such as SDSS and 2dF we will be able to know the bias with few \\% accuracy. We have also shown that, to measure the bias parameter, ongoing 3D surveys are much better that 2D ones, even with full sky coverage, but the method developed has applications in different areas such as CMB and gravitational lensing studies. To conclude, we have seen different ways to disentangle primordial non-gaussianity from effects of non-linearity: CMB bispectrum, LSS trispectrum and the abundance of high-redshift objects such as galaxies and clusters. These methods probe the Universe a different scales and at different times and in addition to that they are sensitive to different moments of the distribution. We should therefore conclude that these methods are complementary rather than mutually exclusive. \\vspace*{1cm} \\begin{small} {\\bf Acknowledgments} I would like to thank my collaborators in this work Alan Heavens, Sabino Matarrese, Marc Kamionkowski, Limin Wang and Raul Jimenez. I also would like to thank the organizers for a very enjoyable workshop. \\end{small}" }, "0004/astro-ph0004406_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "General Relativity predicts that binary systems of stars produce gravitational waves of significant intensity. Here we are particularly interested in the cataclysmic variable binaries (CVs). These systems emit low frequency gravitational waves, $ f < 10^{-3} Hz$. We present here a catalog of CVs and argue that part of them are capable of being detected by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). ", "introduction": "Detection of gravitational radiation from astrophysical sources will mark a breakthrough in the history of astronomy (see, e.g., Thorne \\cite{thor87} and Schutz \\cite{schu96}). Experimental efforts to search for these space-time wrinkles have been under development for the past twenty years (Thorne \\cite{thor95,thor96}). With the advent of technological improvements in several crucial aspects of the detection process we will soon be ready to turn them a physical reality (Schutz \\cite{schu96}, Thorne \\cite{thor95}, Finn \\& Chernoff \\cite{finn93}). In particular, the Laser Interferometric Space Antenna (LISA) is designed to detect low frequency gravitational waves in the frequency range $10^{-4} - 1$ Hz, which are not possible to detect on the Earth because of seismic noise. There is a lot of very interesting astrophysical phenomena which are believed to generate GWs in the frequency band detectable by LISA, namely: formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), SMBH-SMBH binary coalescence, compact stars orbiting around SMBHs (in, e.g., galactic nuclei), a wide variety of binaries, such as pairs of close white dwarfs (WDs), pairs of neutron stars, neutron star and black hole binaries, pairs of contacting normal stars, normal stars and white dwarfs (cataclysmic) binaries, and pairs of stellar black holes. Due to the fact the GWs are produced by a large variety of astrophysical sources and cosmological phenomena it is quite probable that the Universe is pervaded by a background of such waves. Binary stars of a variety of stars (ordinary, compact or combinations of them), Population III stars, phase transitions in the early Universe, cosmic strings are examples of sources able to produce a background of GWs. As the GWs possess a very weak interaction with matter passing through it unharmed, relic radiation (spectral properties for example) once detected can provide information on the physical conditions from the era in which they were produced. In principle it will be possible, for example, to get information from the epoch when the galaxies and stars started to form and evolve. Concerning our galaxy, it presents a large number of binary systems, which produce a GW background named binary confusion noise (see Hils, Bender \\& Webbink \\cite{hils90}, Bender \\& Hils \\cite{bend97}). Some of the galactic binary sources are: close white dwarfs binaries (CWDBs), neutron star binaries (NSBs), unevolved binaries, WUMs binaries and cataclysmic binaries. The binary systems are the most understood of all sources of GWs (see, e.g., Thorne 1987). Knowing the masses of the stars, the orbital parameters and their estimated distances, one can calculate the details of the GW produced. The LISA's sensitivity as well as the binary confusion noise will determine in the end if one is able to discriminate the signal of a particular astrophysical source. The first papers concerning the gravitational radiation from binaries systems was written by Mironowskii (1966), who studied in particular the W UMa stars, and by Forward \\& Berman (1967), approximately 30 years ago. After that many other studies concerning the evaluation of GWs background produced by various types of binary stars in the Galaxy followed (see, e.g., Douglass \\& Braginsky 1979, Lipunov \\& Postnov 1987, Lipunov, Postnov \\& Prokhorov 1987, Evans, Iben \\& Smarr 1987, Hils, Bender \\& Webbink 1990, Bender \\& Hils 1997, Webbink \\& Han 1998, Hils 1998) Here we are particularly interested in the cataclysmic variable binaries as sources of GWs, such a system is formed by a white dwarf and a low mass secondary star. The total number of such a kind of binary is estimated to amount $10^6$ in the Galaxy (see, e.g. Hils, Bender \\& Webbink 1990). These systems produce low frequency GWs, namely, $f_{gw} < 10^{-3}$, which could be detected by LISA. We are not concerned here with the calculation of a confusion noise produced by such binaries, our aim is similar to the study by Douglass \\& Braginsky (1979) who evaluate the dimensionless amplitude h for a series of specific low frequency GW binaries. Based mainly on the 6th edition of the catalogue of cataclysmic binaries, low mass X-ray binaries and related objects (Ritter \\& Kolb 1998) we have catalogued almost 160 CV systems for which it is possible to evaluate the GW amplitude. We have catalogued firstly those CVs with known distances, orbital period and masses, quantities necessary to evaluate the GW amplitude produced by such objects; secondly we have catalogued those systems for which the distances and the orbital periods are known, the masses being obtained from a mass-period relationships. The remainder of the paper is as follows: Section 2 deals with the cataclysmic variables. Section 3 addresses the gravitational waves from cataclysmic variables. The discussion and conclusions are summarized in Section 4. ", "conclusions": "The CVs produce GWs which could in principle be detected by the LISA antenna, since CVs produce low frequency GWs in the frequency band where LISA is sensitive. Due to the fact that a positive detection of a CV by the LISA antenna might be improved once we know the sources beforehand we compile in the present study a catalogue of CVs, for which we know at least their orbital periods and distances. We argue that the present study is of interest since in the literature one has not found a systematic identification of possible detectable GW CVs, since an early study made by Douglass \\& Braginsky (1979) twenty years ago, and also a preliminary study by Aguiar et al. (1998). We have been able to catalogue approximately 160 CVs, from which a reasonable part of them could be detected once the LISA antenna become operative. We argue that it would be of interest whether other groups performed a similar study for the other binary systems which produce low frequency GWs in the frequency band where the LISA antenna is sensitive. It is worth mentioning that a positive detection of a binary system through its gravitational emission, with some help of electromagnetic data observations, could lead one to know all the parameters related to the binary system, namely, the masses of the stars, their distances to the earth, the period of the system and their orientation angles." }, "0004/astro-ph0004295_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have observed the nearly face-on spiral galaxy NGC 5668 with the TAURUS II Fabry-Perot interferometer at the William Herschel Telescope using the $H\\alpha$ line to study the kinematics of the ionized gas. From the extracted data cube we construct intensity, velocity and velocity dispersion maps. We calculate the rotation curve in the innermost 2 arcmin and we use the residual velocity field to look for regions with important vertical motions. By comparing the geometry of these regions in the residual velocity field with the geometry in the intensity and velocity dispersion maps we are able to select some regions which are very likely to be shells or chimneys in the disk. The geometry and size of these regions are very similar to the shells or chimneys detected in other galaxies by different means. Moreover, it is worth noting than this galaxy has been reported to have a population of neutral hydrogen high velocity clouds (Schulman et al. 1996) which, according to these observations, could have been originated by chimneys similar to those reported in this paper. ", "introduction": "There is now great observational evidence that disk-halo interactions in galaxies as well as the structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) is closely related to star formation processes in the disks of spiral galaxies (see the review by Dahlem 1997). Big shells develop around the brightest star forming regions, induced by the energy input of supernovae and the strong stellar winds produced by high-mass stars. These shells can grow enough to be able to break the disk, allowing large amounts of gas to blow out from the disk along these big chimneys (Norman \\& Ikeuchi 1989). The very hot gas going out through these chimneys cools as it rises until it eventually recombines and condenses to form clouds of neutral gas that fall back to the plane (Shapiro \\& Field 1976, Bregman 1980). This {\\em fountain} model then provides an explanation for the origin of high velocity clouds (HVC's) that have been observed in our galaxy and a in few external galaxies (with the galaxy studied in this paper being one of those few (Schulman et al. 1996, hereafter S96)), although alternative explanations have been proposed as well (Blitz et al. 1999). Good reviews on this topic can be found in Wakker \\& van Woerden (1997) and van der Hulst (1996, 1997). On the other side, the expanding shells can induce new star formation (sequential star formation (SSF)) at their edges. This effect has already been observed in some galaxies (see for example Thilker et al. 1998, hereafter T98) and it is also observed to take place in the case of NGC 5668 in our observations. According to the chimney model, the structure of the ISM, and in particular whether the chimney phenomenon takes place or not, is controlled by the amount of star formation. The study of the properties of these phenomena in a sample of nearby galaxies can greatly help to understand the structure of the ISM and the nature of disk-halo interactions. Observations of the neutral gas and narrow band imaging of the ionized gas have already been extensively used to study these phenomena (see the review by Dahlem 1997). Scanning long-slit $\\mathrm{H\\alpha}$ spectroscopy has also been used to study these phenomena (Saito et al., 1992; Tomita et al., 1993, 1994). In this work we make a first attempt to use optical Fabry-Perot spectroscopy in a nearly face-on spiral galaxy to directly study these vertical motions. Therefore we have chosen the spiral galaxy NGC 5668 which is already known to have HVC's and an important rate of star formation. These facts make it a perfect candidate for us to detect important vertical motions in its disk. In Sect. 2 we describe the general properties of the galaxy NGC 5668, with particular emphasis on the observation of the HVC's. Sect. 3 deals with the observations and data reduction (including calculation of intensity, velocity and velocity dispersion maps). Sect. 4 is devoted to the calculation of the rotation model for the galaxy from the observed velocity field. Sect. 5 describes how the residual velocity field is used to look for systematic deviations of circular rotation and how comparison of the geometry of the residual velocity field with that of the intensity and velocity dispersion in some regions can be used to detect real shells and/or chimneys. Finally, in Sect. 6 we report the shell candidates found in NGC 5668 and some of their properties. ", "conclusions": "We have carefully analyzed the data obtained for NGC 5668 with the Fabry-Perot interferometer TAURUS II at the WHT in order seek a connection between the star formation processes and vertical motions in spiral galaxies. We have found that there is a clear correlation between the morphology of the regions with a high residual velocity (HRVR's) and the intensity of the $\\mathrm{H\\alpha}$ emission, showing that the HRVR's are indeed regions with important vertical motions associated with star formation processes. Although we are not able to calculate the ages and energetics of these features, comparison with observations in other galaxies strongly supports the hypothesis that the structures detected present a wide age range, from young expanding shells in a bright HII region, to evolved chimneys blowing out hot gas to the halo, surrounded by several bright HII regions. The formation of these regions was probably induced by the pressure exerted by the expanding shell/chimney on the ambient gas. An alternative explanation to these features is that they are produced by infall/collision of gas clouds with the disk (e.g. Saito et al., 1992) followed by induced active star formation. Although this scenario explains in a very natural and simple way the fact that the velocity offsets are one-sided, this is also quite normal in expanding shells. If they are formed not exactly in the equator but slightly off-plane, they will grow up mostly in the low density side, therefore showing only one-sided offsets in the velocity structure. In fact, with the present data there is no way to decide whether the HRVR's are moving into or out of the disk. On the other hand, the different structures found in the HRVR's (from compact HII regions to {\\em rings} of HII regions) are fully compatible with an evolutionary pattern in the chimney model. Therefore, although we can not rule out the infalling hipotheses with the present observations, we find the chimney scenario followed by sequential star formation in the shell borders to be a more likely explanation for what is happening in NGC 5668. These observations provide in any case a clear link between the star formation processes in the disk with other observed phenomena in NGC 5668 like high HVC's of neutral hydrogen. Observations of this kind have been made for other galaxies with a lower star formation rate and without HVC's, and the residual velocity field is not reported to show these features (see for example Jim\\'enez-Vicente et al. 1999, for a similar study of NGC 3938). This fact seems to suggest that these features and the existence of HVC's in the disk are closely related. High resolution HI observations of NGC 5668 would be desirable to confirm the connection between those phenomena." }, "0004/astro-ph0004010_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Solutions to equilibrium sequences of irrotational binary polytropic stars in Newtonian gravity are expanded in a power of $\\e=a_0/R$, where $R$ and $a_0$ are the orbital separation of the binary system and the radius of each star for $R=\\infty$. For each order of $\\e$, we should solve ordinary differential equations for arbitrary polytropic indices $n$. We show solutions for polytropic indices $n= 0.5, 1, 1.5$ and $2$ up to $\\e^6$ orders. Our semi-analytic solutions can be used to check the validity of numerical solutions. ", "introduction": "Coalescing binary neutron stars (BNSs) are considered to be one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves for laser interferometers such as TAMA300\\cite{TAMA300}, GEO600\\cite{GEO600}, VIRGO\\cite{VIRGO} and LIGO\\cite{LIGO,Thorne94}. If we have accurate theoretical templates of inspiraling phase of BNSs, we can determine the mass and the spin of neutron stars from the gravitational wave signals in the inspiraling phase\\cite{Thorne95}. We may also extract the informations on the equation of state of a neutron star from the signals in the premerging phase\\cite{Lindblom92}. For this purpose it is important to complete theoretical templates of gravitational waves in the premerging phase as well as in the inspiraling phase. Moreover, the study of BNSs in the premerging phase is motivated by the need to provide the realistic initial condition for the merging phase simulations\\cite{Shibata99,SU99,ON99}. In order to obtain accurate theoretical templates of gravitational waves from BNSs around the premerging phase\\cite{Rasio99}, a general relativistic hydrostatic problem with compressible equation of state must be numerically solved. In solving this problem, we suppose that BNSs reach quasi-equilibrium states because the timescale of the orbital decay driven by the radiation reaction is much longer than the orbital period of BNSs until their innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO). (The formalism for solving quasi-equilibrium figures of irrotational binary neutron stars in general relativity is given in the references \\cite{BGM97,Asada98,Shibata98,Teukolsky98}.) Furthermore, we regard the internal state of a neutron star as an irrotational or nearly irrotational one because the viscosity of a neutron star is not large enough for synchronization even near the ISCO\\cite{Kochanek92,BC92}. Recently Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon and Marck have numerically studied the irrotational binary neutron stars in general relativity with the conformally flat condition\\cite{BGM99a,BGM99b,BGGM99}. More recently, Ury\\=u and Eriguchi have also numerically solved the same problem as that of Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon and Marck\\cite{UE99}. In order to check the validity of these numerical calculations, it is necessary to compare them with analytic or semi-analytic ones. However, we have not obtained such analytic solutions in general relativity yet. There are solutions of irrotational BNSs only in the first post-Newtonian (1PN) approximation of general relativity. For example, Lombardi, Rasio and Shapiro have semi-analytically studied irrotational BNSs by using the energy variational method\\cite{Lombardi97}, and one of the authors of the present paper (KT) has analytically calculated equilibrium sequences of irrotational BNSs by using the tensor virial method\\cite{Taniguchi99}. The former one restricts the internal motion within the plane orthogonal to the rotational axis assuming the shape of the star to an ellipsoidal one in order to treat compressible equation of state. While in the latter one the velocity component along the orbital axis is included at 1PN order and the shape of the star at 1PN order is not restricted to an ellipsoidal one although the fluid is incompressible. The situation is also the same in Newtonian gravity, that is, even in Newtonian gravity useful analytic or semi-analytic solutions for equilibrium sequences of irrotational binary systems are not obtained. Let us consider numerically constructed stationary structures of irrotational binary stars computed by Ury\\=u and Eriguchi in Newtonian gravity\\cite{UE98a,UE98b}. One may think that semi-analytic solutions by Lai, Rasio and Shapiro\\cite{LRS94} may be used to check the validity of numerical solutions. However, in numerical solutions of Ury\\=u and Eriguchi the velocity component along the orbital axis exists while in those of Lai, Rasio and Shapiro such a component is assumed to be zero from the beginning. Therefore new analytic or semi-analytic solutions are needed to check numerical solutions even in Newtonian gravity. Such a check of numerical solutions is extremely important because in the numerical calculation, there is a possibility to obtain another solution although the binding energy of a binary neutron star is almost the same value, and to lead a different conclusion\\cite{MMW99,MW99}. In the previous paper\\cite{TN99}, we showed such a new, almost analytic solution to an equilibrium of irrotational binary polytropic stars for the polytropic index $n=1$ in Newtonian gravity by expanding all physical quantities in a power of $\\e \\equiv a_0/R$, where $R$ and $a_0$ are the orbital separation of the binary system and the radius of each star for $R=\\infty$. In that paper, we have extended the method developed by Chandrasekhar more than 65 years ago for corotating fluids\\cite{Ch33,Kovetz68} to the one for irrotational fluids. In this paper, we show semi-analytic solutions for arbitrary polytropic indices by numerically solving ordinary differential equations. This paper is organized as follows. In \\S 2, we formulate the method to solve the irrotational binary polytropic stars. In \\S 3, the physical values, i.e., the central density of a star, the orbital angular velocity, the total energy and total angular momentum of the binary system are calculated. The numerical results are presented in \\S 4. Section 5 is devoted to summary and discussions. Although a binary system consists of two stars, we pay particular attention to one of two stars. We call it star 1 whose mass is $M_1$ and the companion one star 2 whose mass is $M_2$. In this paper, we adopt two corotating coordinate systems. First one is a Cartesian coordinate system $\\bX$ whose origin is located at the center of mass of the binary system. For calculational convenience, we choose the orbital axis as $X_3$, and we take the direction of $X_1$ from the center of mass of star 2 to that of star 1. The second coordinate system is the spherical one $\\br =(r,\\th,\\vp)$ whose origin is located at the center of mass of star 1. We use units of $G=1$. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Summary} In this paper, we have calculated the equilibrium solutions of irrotational binary polytropic stars in Newtonian gravity by expanding all physical quantities in a power of $\\e$. We have presented the results of the cases of several polytropic indices ($n=0.5, 1, 1.5$, and $2$). In particular, we have shown the velocity fields by solving the equation of continuity. It is found that there exists the small velocity component along the orbital axis (see \\S \\ref{sec:results}). It agrees with the numerical calculations performed by Ury\\=u and Eriguchi\\cite{UE98b} and Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon and Marck\\cite{BGM99a,BGM99b,BGM99c}. Furthermore, we have given the figures and tables of the total energy, total angular momentum and orbital angular velocity along the equilibrium sequences for each polytropic indices. We can see from these figures that our results agree with those of Lai, Rasio and Shapiro\\cite{LRS94} and Ury\\=u and Eriguchi\\cite{UE98b} for $R/a_0 >3$. Since our solutions are correct if $\\e \\ll 1$, they can be used to check the validity of numerical solutions. For any numerical codes, one can ask to solve an equilibrium for large $R$, and compare numerically derived velocity distribution and so on with our semi-analytic solutions. However, since we expanded physical quantities up to $O(\\e^6)$, it may not be enough to discuss about the behavior of solutions for small $R$. In order to apply our solutions in the case of small $R$ and to check the validity of numerical codes in this case, further higher order calculations are needed. \\subsection{Discussions} It is important to compare the velocity field which we obtain by solving the continuity equation with that given by Lai, Rasio and Shapiro. We can see the velocity field they give in their papers\\cite{LRS94,LRS93} or in the Chandrasekhar's textbook\\cite{Ch69}. In the irrotational case, it becomes \\beqa (u_{LRS})_1 &=&{2a_1^2 \\over a_1^2 +a_2^2} \\O x_2, \\\\ (u_{LRS})_2 &=&-{2a_2^2 \\over a_1^2 +a_2^2} \\O x_1, \\\\ (u_{LRS})_3 &=&0, \\eeqa in the corotating frame. Here $a_i$ denotes the length of the principal axis parallel to the $x_i$-axis. We can rewrite these component of the velocity field as \\beqa (u_{LRS})_1 &=&\\O x_2 +\\Bigl( {a_1^2 -a_2^2 \\over a_1^2 +a_2^2} \\Bigr) \\O x_2, \\\\ (u_{LRS})_2 &=&-\\O x_1 +\\Bigl( {a_1^2 -a_2^2 \\over a_1^2 +a_2^2} \\Bigr) \\O x_1. \\eeqa The second terms in the above equations are order $\\e^3$ because the deviation between $a_1$ and $a_2$ is produced by the tidal force and the effect of the tidal force is order $\\e^3$. On the other hand, if we restrict the form of the function in our velocity field as $\\four \\phi_2 =(b_2/\\xi_1) \\xi^2$, $\\five \\phi_3 =(\\a b_3/\\xi_1) \\xi^3$ and $\\six \\phi_4 =(\\a^2 b_4/\\xi_1) \\xi^4$ as in the case of the incompressible fluid, we can express our velocity field by using Eqs. (\\ref{Eq:velo_corot_1}), (\\ref{Eq:velo_corot_2}) and (\\ref{Eq:velo_corot_3}) as \\beqa (u_{present})_1 &=&\\O x_2 +\\O \\bigl[ 6\\e^3 b_2 x_2 -48\\e^4 b_3 x_1 x_2 +90 \\e^5 b_4 x_2 (r^2 -5x_1^2) \\bigr], \\\\ (u_{present})_2 &=&-\\O x_1 +\\O \\bigl[ 6\\e^3 b_2 x_1 +6\\e^4 b_3 (r^2 -5x_1^2 +2x_2^2) +30\\e^5 b_4 r(3r^2 +7x_1^2 -6x_2^2) \\bigr], \\\\ (u_{present})_3 &=&\\O \\bigl[ 12\\e^4 b_3 x_2 x_3 +180\\e^5 b_4 x_1 x_2 x_3 \\bigr], \\eeqa where $r^2=x_1^2 +x_2^2 +x_3^2$. Therefore, we find that the form of the velocity field we obtain in the case of the incompressible fluid coincides with that given by Lai, Rasio and Shapiro up to $O(\\e^3)$ including the value of $b_2$. This means that the velocity field of Lai, Rasio and Shapiro is correct only in the case of the ``incompressible'' equation of state and ``ellipsoidal'' figures, because the velocity field at order $\\e^3$ is produced by the ellipsoidal deformation of star 1 (see Appendix \\ref{order:4th}). Finally, we discuss about the configuration of each star. When we pay attention to star 1, the equation for the stellar surface is written as \\beqa \\Xi (\\th, \\vp) &=&\\xi_1 +\\e^3 S_3(\\th, \\vp) +\\e^4 S_4(\\th, \\vp) +\\e^5 S_5(\\th, \\vp) +\\e^6 S_6(\\th, \\vp), \\\\ &=&\\xi_1 +\\e^3 {\\three \\psi_2(\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} P_2 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +\\e^4 {\\four \\psi_3 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} P_3 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +\\e^5 {\\five \\psi_4(\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} P_4 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) \\nonumber \\\\ &&+\\e^6 {1 \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) \\Bigl\\{ {18 \\over 35} P_4 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +{2 \\over 7} P_2 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +{1 \\over 5} \\Bigr\\} \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{50pt}+\\six \\psi_0 (\\xi_1) +\\six \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) P_2 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +\\six \\psi_{22} (\\xi_1) P_2^2 (\\cos \\th) \\cos 2\\vp \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{50pt}+\\six \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) P_4 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +\\six \\psi_5 (\\xi_1) P_5 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) \\Bigr], \\label{Eq:stellar_surface} \\eeqa where $S_i$ are defined in Appendix \\ref{Ap:1} and we have used the relation (\\ref{Eq:ap_relation}). Accordingly, we can express the length of the principal axis. Although the real length of the axis is written as $\\a \\Xi$, we show the results divided by $\\a$. \\vspace{0.3cm} \\noindent (1) The opposite direction to star 2: \\beqa \\Xi \\Bigl( {\\pi \\over 2}, 0 \\Bigr) &=&\\xi_1 +\\e^3 {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} +\\e^4 {\\four \\psi_3 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} +\\e^5 {\\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\nonumber \\\\ &&+\\e^6 {1 \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) +\\six \\psi_0 (\\xi_1) +\\six \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) +3 \\six \\psi_{22} (\\xi_1) \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{40pt}+\\six \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) +\\six \\psi_5 (\\xi_1) \\Bigr], \\eeqa \\noindent (2) The direction to star 2: \\beqa \\Xi \\Bigl( {\\pi \\over 2}, \\pi \\Bigr) &=&\\xi_1 +\\e^3 {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} -\\e^4 {\\four \\psi_3 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} +\\e^5 {\\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\nonumber \\\\ &&+\\e^6 {1 \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) +\\six \\psi_0 (\\xi_1) +\\six \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) +3 \\six \\psi_{22} (\\xi_1) \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{40pt}+\\six \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) -\\six \\psi_5 (\\xi_1) \\Bigr], \\eeqa \\noindent (3) The (opposite) direction to the orbital motion: \\beqa \\Xi \\Bigl( {\\pi \\over 2}, {\\pi \\over 2} \\Bigr) &=&\\Xi \\Bigl( {\\pi \\over 2}, {3\\pi \\over 2} \\Bigr), \\nonumber \\\\ &=&\\xi_1 -\\e^3 {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over 2|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} +\\e^5 {3\\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\over 8|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\nonumber \\\\ &&+\\e^6 {1 \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over 4|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) +\\six \\psi_0 (\\xi_1) -{1 \\over 2}\\six \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) -3 \\six \\psi_{22} (\\xi_1) \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{40pt}+{3 \\over 8}\\six \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\Bigr], \\eeqa \\noindent (4) The direction parallel to the rotational axis: \\beqa \\Xi(0, 0) &=&\\Xi(-\\pi, 0), \\nonumber \\\\ &=&\\xi_1 -\\e^3 {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over 2|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} +\\e^5 {3\\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\over 8|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\nonumber \\\\ &&+\\e^6 {1 \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over 4|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) +\\six \\psi_0 (\\xi_1) -{1 \\over 2}\\six \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) +{3 \\over 8}\\six \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\Bigr]. \\eeqa We can see from these equations and Tables \\ref{table1} -- \\ref{table8} that the axis to star 2 is the longest, and the deviation between the axis to star 2 and that opposite to star 2 appears at order $\\e^4$. On the contrary, the deviation between the axis to the orbital motion and that parallel to the rotational axis appears at order $\\e^6$, and the difference is the effect of the deformation induced by the spin of the figure ($\\six \\psi_{22}$). When we see the quadrupole moments in Eq. (\\ref{Eq:stellar_surface}), we find that the coeffient of the higher order term is not large as \\beq \\e^3 {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ 1 +\\e^3 \\Bigl\\{ {2 \\over 7|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) +{\\six \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1)} \\Bigr\\} \\Bigr] P_2 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp). \\eeq Therefore we can expect the convergence of these terms. However, there is another quadrupole moment induced by the spin of the figure. The term $\\e^6 (\\six \\psi_{22} (\\xi_1)/|\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|) P_2^2 (\\cos \\th) \\cos 2\\vp$ seems to be as effective as the leading quadrupole term for the smaller orbital separation. This means that the terms concerned with the spin of the figure which appear at order $\\e^9$ in the total energy may change the behavior of the total energy. Furthermore, the hexadecapole moments in Eq. (\\ref{Eq:stellar_surface}), \\beq \\e^5 {\\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl[ 1 +\\e \\Bigl\\{ {18 \\over 35\\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1)} {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over |\\Th_{0,\\xi} (\\xi_1)|} \\Bigl( {\\three \\psi_2 (\\xi_1) \\over \\xi_1} +{d\\three \\psi_2 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) \\Bigr) +{\\six \\psi_4 (\\xi_1) \\over \\five \\psi_4 (\\xi_1)} \\Bigr\\} \\Bigr] P_4 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp), \\eeq does not seem to converge at order $\\e^6$. However, since these terms will appear at order $\\e^{10}$ in the total energy, they do not have so much effect. Anyway, if we discuss about the behavior of the total energy, the total angular momentum and so on for the smaller orbital separation such as $R/a_0 <3$, we must calculate at least up to order $\\e^9$. \\label{Ap:1} In the following appendices, we derive equations order by order of $\\e$, and describe in detail. In this appendix, we summarize the equations which should be solved numerically with their boundary conditions in each order. First of all, we give the total equations which include all terms up to $O(\\e^6)$. The equations for determination of the velocity potential and stellar configuration are written as \\beqa \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi} &=& -n \\Bigl[ \\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi} -(\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{orb} -{\\e \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\Bigr] \\cdot {\\t{\\n} \\Th \\over \\Th}, \\\\ \\t{\\D} \\Th &=&-\\Th^n -{\\O^2 \\xi_1^2 \\over 8\\pi \\r_c \\e^2} \\t{\\D} \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi})^2 -2(\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}) \\cdot \\Bigl\\{ (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{orb} +{\\e \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\Bigr\\} \\Bigr], \\eeqa where \\beqa \\t{\\D} &=&\\a^2 \\D ={1 \\over \\xi^2} {\\p \\over \\p \\xi} \\Bigl( \\xi^2 {\\p \\over \\p \\xi} \\Bigr) +{1 \\over \\xi^2 \\sin \\th} {\\p \\over \\p \\th} \\Bigl( \\sin \\th {\\p \\over \\p \\th} \\Bigr) +{1 \\over \\xi^2 \\sin^2 \\th} {\\p^2 \\over \\p \\vp^2}, \\\\ \\t{\\n} &=&\\a \\n ={\\p \\over \\p \\xi} \\hat{\\bxi} +{1 \\over \\xi} {\\p \\over \\p \\th} \\hat{\\bth} +{1 \\over \\xi \\sin \\th} {\\p \\over \\p \\vp} \\hat{\\bvp}. \\label{Eq:nomnabla} \\eeqa The boundary condition for the velocity field is \\beq \\Bigl[ \\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi} -(\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{orb} -{\\e \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\Bigr] \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th) \\Bigl|_{surf} =0. \\eeq The internal and external gravitational potentials which should be matched at the stellar surface are \\beqa \\t{U}_{int} &\\equiv& {U^{1 \\ra 1} \\over 4\\pi \\r_c \\a^2} \\nonumber \\\\ &=&\\Th +{\\O^2 \\xi_1^2 \\over 8\\pi \\r_c \\e^2} \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi})^2 -2(\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}) \\cdot \\Bigl\\{ (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{orb} +{\\e \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\Bigr\\} \\Bigr] +\\t{U}_0 \\nonumber \\\\ &&-{\\mu \\over 1+p} \\e \\sum_{l=0}^{\\infty} (-1)^l \\e^l \\Bigl( {\\xi \\over \\xi_1} \\Bigr)^l P_l (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) -{3\\mu \\over 2M_{tot}} \\Bigl( {\\bI_{11}' \\over a_0^2} \\Bigr) \\e^3 \\Bigl[ 1 -3\\e {\\xi \\over \\xi_1} P_1 (\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp)+ \\cdots \\Bigr], \\\\ \\t{U}_{ext} &=& {\\k_0 \\over \\xi} +\\e \\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{1:lm} \\over \\xi^{l+1}} Y_l^m +\\e^2 \\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{2:lm} \\over \\xi^{l+1}} Y_l^m +\\e^3 \\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{3:lm} \\over \\xi^{l+1}} Y_l^m +\\e^4 \\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{4:lm} \\over \\xi^{l+1}} Y_l^m +\\e^5 \\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{5:lm} \\over \\xi^{l+1}} Y_l^m \\nonumber \\\\ &&+\\e^6 \\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{6:lm} \\over \\xi^{l+1}} Y_l^m + \\cdots, \\eeqa where $\\k_0$ and $\\k_{i:lm}$ are multipole moments. $\\t{U}_0$ is constant and expanded as \\beq \\t{U}_0 =c_0 +\\e c_1 +\\e^2 c_2 +\\e^3 c_3 +\\e^4 c_4 +\\e^5 c_5 +\\e^6 c_6. \\eeq The velocity potential and configuration function are expanded up to $O(\\e^6)$ as \\beqa \\t{\\Phi} &=&\\t{\\Phi}_0 +\\e \\t{\\Phi}_1 +\\e^2 \\t{\\Phi}_2 +\\e^3 \\t{\\Phi}_3 +\\e^4 \\t{\\Phi}_4 +\\e^5 \\t{\\Phi}_5 +\\e^6 \\t{\\Phi}_6, \\\\ \\Th &=& \\Th_0 +\\e \\Th_1 +\\e^2 \\Th_2 +\\e^3 \\Th_3 +\\e^4 \\Th_4 +\\e^5 \\Th_5 +\\e^6 \\Th_6. \\eeqa The boundary conditions for $\\Th$ are \\beqa \\t{U}_{int}(\\Xi) &=&\\t{U}_{ext} (\\Xi), \\label{Eq:bc1} \\\\ {\\p \\t{U}_{int} \\over \\p \\xi} (\\Xi) &=&{\\p \\t{U}_{ext} \\over \\p \\xi} (\\Xi), \\label{Eq:bc2} \\eeqa where $\\Xi$ denotes the first zero point of the function $\\Th$, i.e., the stellar surface and is formally expressed as \\beq \\Xi(\\th,\\vp) =\\xi_1 +\\e S_1(\\th,\\vp) +\\e^2 S_2(\\th,\\vp) +\\e^3 S_3(\\th,\\vp) +\\e^4 S_4(\\th,\\vp) +\\e^5 S_5(\\th,\\vp) +\\e^6 S_6(\\th,\\vp). \\eeq The regularity conditions at the center of each star is \\beq {\\p \\Th \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and also we normalize the central value of $\\Th$ as \\beq \\Th(\\xi=0) =1. \\eeq In the following, we show the equation for the velocity potential, its boundary condition, the equation for determination of the figure and its boundary conditions (\\ref{Eq:bc1}) and (\\ref{Eq:bc2}). \\subsection{0th order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_0 =-n \\Bigl[ \\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_0 -(\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{orb} \\Bigr] \\cdot {\\t{\\n} \\Th_0 \\over \\Th_0}, \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq \\Bigl[ \\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_0 -(\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{orb} \\Bigr] \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) \\Bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq {1 \\over \\xi^2} {d \\over d\\xi} \\Bigl( \\xi^2 {d\\Th_0 \\over d\\xi} \\Bigr) =-\\Th_0^n, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_0 ={\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1}, \\\\ &&{d \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi_1) =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2}. \\eeqa The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {d \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_0$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_0 (\\xi=0) =1. \\eeq \\subsection{1st order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_1 =-n \\Bigl[ \\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_1 -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\Bigr] \\cdot {\\t{\\n} \\Th_0 \\over \\Th_0}, \\\\ \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_1) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) \\bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\Th_1 =-n\\Th_0^{n-1} \\Th_1, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_1 -{\\mu (3+2p) \\over 2(1+p)^2} =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2} S_1 +\\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{1:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+1}} Y_l^m, \\\\ &&S_1 {d^2 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^2}(\\xi_1) +{\\p \\Th_1 \\over \\p \\xi}(\\xi_1) ={2\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^3} S_1 -\\sum_{l,m} (l+1) {\\k_{1:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} Y_l^m. \\eeqa The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {\\p \\Th_1 \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_1$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_1 (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq because we take $\\Th_0 (\\xi=0)=1$. \\subsection{2nd order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_2 =-n (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_2) \\cdot {\\t{\\n} \\Th_0 \\over \\Th_0}, \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_2) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) \\bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\Th_2 =-n \\Th_0^{n-1} \\Th_2, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_2 =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2} S_2 +\\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{2:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+1}} Y_l^m, \\\\ &&S_2 {d^2 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^2}(\\xi_1) +{\\p \\Th_2 \\over \\p \\xi}(\\xi_1) ={2\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^3} S_2 -\\sum_{l,m} (l+1) {\\k_{2:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} Y_l^m. \\eeqa The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {\\p \\Th_2 \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_2$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_2 (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq because we take $\\Th_0 (\\xi=0)=1$. \\subsection{3rd order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_3 =-n (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_3) \\cdot {\\t{\\n} \\Th_0 \\over \\Th_0}, \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_3) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) \\bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\Th_3 =-n\\Th_0^{n-1} \\Th_3, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_3 -{\\mu \\over 1+p} P_2(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2} S_3 +\\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{3:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+1}} Y_l^m, \\\\ &&S_3 {d^2 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^2}(\\xi_1) +{\\p \\Th_3 \\over \\p \\xi}(\\xi_1) -{2\\mu \\over \\xi_1 (1+p)} P_2(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) ={2\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^3} S_3 -\\sum_{l,m} (l+1) {\\k_{3:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} Y_l^m. \\eeqa The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {\\p \\Th_3 \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_3$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_3 (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq because we take $\\Th_0 (\\xi=0)=1$. \\subsection{4th order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_4 =-{n \\over \\Th_0} \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_4) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_3) \\Bigr], \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_4) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_3) \\Bigr] \\Bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\Th_4 =-n\\Th_0^{n-1} \\Th_4, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_4 +{\\mu \\over 1+p} P_3(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2} S_4 +\\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{4:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+1}} Y_l^m, \\\\ &&S_4 {d^2 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^2}(\\xi_1) +{\\p \\Th_4 \\over \\p \\xi}(\\xi_1) +{3\\mu \\over \\xi_1(1+p)} P_3(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) ={2\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^3} S_4 -\\sum_{l,m} (l+1) {\\k_{4:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} Y_l^m. \\eeqa The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {\\p \\Th_4 \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_4$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_4 (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq because we take $\\Th_0 (\\xi=0)=1$. \\subsection{5th order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_5 =-{n \\over \\Th_0} \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_5) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_4) \\Bigr], \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_5) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_4) \\Bigr] \\Bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\Th_5 =-n\\Th_0^{n-1} \\Th_5, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_5 -{\\mu \\over 1+p} P_4(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2} S_5 +\\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{5:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+1}} Y_l^m, \\\\ &&S_5 {d^2 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^2}(\\xi_1) +{\\p \\Th_5 \\over \\p \\xi}(\\xi_1) -{4\\mu \\over \\xi_1(1+p)} P_4(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) ={2\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^3} S_5 -\\sum_{l,m} (l+1) {\\k_{5:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} Y_l^m. \\eeqa The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {\\p \\Th_5 \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_5$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_5 (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq because we take $\\Th_0 (\\xi=0)=1$. \\subsection{6th order} The equation for the velocity potential is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\t{\\Phi}_6 =-{n \\over \\Th_0} \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_6) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_5) \\Bigr], \\eeq and its boundary condition is \\beq \\Bigl[ (\\t{\\n} \\t{\\Phi}_6) \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_0) -{1 \\over \\xi_1} (\\t{\\bf \\O} \\times \\bxi)_{fig} \\cdot (\\t{\\n} \\Th_5) \\Bigr] \\Bigl|_{\\xi_1} =0. \\eeq The equation for determination of the figure is \\beq \\t{\\D} \\Th_6 =-n\\Th_0^{n-1} \\Th_6 -{1 \\over 2} n(n-1) \\Th_0^{n-2} \\Th_3^2 +{\\mu \\over \\xi_1} \\t{\\D} {\\p \\t{\\Phi}_4 \\over \\p \\vp}, \\eeq and its boundary conditions at the stellar surface are \\beqa &&c_6 -{3\\mu \\b{\\bI}_{11}' \\over 2M_{tot} a_0^2} -{\\mu \\d \\over 2(1+p)^2} -{2\\mu \\over \\xi_1 (1+p)} S_3 P_2(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +{\\mu \\over 1+p} P_5(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) -{\\mu \\over \\xi_1} {\\p \\t{\\Phi}_4 \\over \\p \\vp}(\\xi_1) \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{30pt}={\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^2} \\Bigl( {S_3^2 \\over \\xi_1} -S_6 \\Bigr) -\\sum_{l,m} (l+1) {\\k_{3:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} S_3 Y_l^m +\\sum_{l,m} {\\k_{6:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+1}} Y_l^m, \\\\ &&S_6 {d^2 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^2}(\\xi_1) +{1 \\over 2} S_3^2 {d^3 \\Th_0 \\over d\\xi^3}(\\xi_1) +S_3 {\\p^2 \\Th_3 \\over \\p \\xi^2} (\\xi_1) +{\\p \\Th_6 \\over \\p \\xi}(\\xi_1) -{2\\mu \\over \\xi_1^2 (1+p)} S_3 P_2(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) +{5\\mu \\over \\xi_1 (1+p)} P_5(\\sin \\th \\cos \\vp) \\nonumber \\\\ &&\\hspace{30pt}-{\\mu \\over \\xi_1} {\\p^2 \\t{\\Phi}_4 \\over \\p \\xi \\p \\vp} (\\xi_1) =-{\\k_0 \\over \\xi_1^3} \\Bigl( {3S_3^2 \\over \\xi_1} -2S_6 \\Bigr) +\\sum_{l=0}^{\\infty} (l+1)(l+2) {\\k_{3:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+3}} S_3 Y_l^m -\\sum_{l=0}^{\\infty} (l+1) {\\k_{6:lm} \\over \\xi_1^{l+2}} Y_l^m, \\eeqa where \\beq \\d \\equiv {9 \\over 2a_0^2} \\Bigl[ {\\b{\\bI}_{11} \\over M_1} +\\Bigl( {a_0' \\over a_0} \\Bigr)^3 {\\b{\\bI}_{11}' \\over M_2} \\Bigr]. \\eeq The regularity condition at the center of the star is \\beq {\\p \\Th_6 \\over \\p \\xi} (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq and the normalization of $\\Th_6$ at the center of the star is \\beq \\Th_6 (\\xi=0) =0, \\eeq because we take $\\Th_0 (\\xi=0)=1$." }, "0004/astro-ph0004226_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A number of authors have reported filaments connecting bright structures in high-resolution X-ray images, and in some cases these have been taken as evidence for a physical connection between the structures, which might be thought to provide support for a model with non-cosmological redshifts. In this paper I point out two problems which are inherent in the interpretation of smoothed photon-limited data of this kind, and develop some simple techniques for the assessment of the reality of X-ray filaments, which can be applied to either simply smoothed or adaptively smoothed data. To illustrate the usefulness of these techniques, I apply them to archival {\\it ROSAT} observations of galaxies and quasars previously analysed by others. I show that several reported filamentary structures connecting X-ray sources are not in fact significantly detected. ", "introduction": "With the advent of high-resolution X-ray telescopes it is now routine to see structure in X-ray images. Assessing the level at which one should believe this structure presents more of a challenge in X-ray observations than in optical or radio images of comparable resolution, because X-ray data are very often photon-noise limited. The problem is made worse by the common (and necessary) practice of smoothing the data with a Gaussian. This is carried out in order to make the images conform to our expectations of what the `true' sky image with infinite exposure time would look like; but it is important to remember that in general it does {\\it not} in fact take away the photon-limited nature of the underlying data. A number of smoothed X-ray images of extragalactic objects appear, on published contour maps, to show quite clear `filamentary' connections between X-ray sources in the field. (The term `filament' does not have a single definition in the literature; I shall use it to mean any extended, apparently linear connection between two sources.) In this paper I discuss the techniques necessary to determine whether such filamentary connections are real, and apply them to some sample observations of galaxies and quasars, previously analysed by other authors (Arp 1996, Dahlem \\etal\\ 1996, Arp 1997), which I have taken from the {\\it ROSAT} archives. ", "conclusions": "Using Monte Carlo techniques to find the distribution of pixel values in smoothed noise fields and to assess the reality of connections between adjacent sources, I have found that the filamentary X-ray connections between low- and high-redshift Seyfert galaxies and quasars reported by Arp (1996) are not statistically significant. I have confirmed that the X-ray extension of two low-redshift galaxies located near high-redshift radio-loud quasars, reported in the same paper, is significant. The filament extending south from NGC 3628, discussed by Dahlem \\etal\\ (1996), was shown to be marginally significant. The connection between NGC 4151 and a BL Lac object reported by Arp (1997) is also apparently not statistically significant. These results suggest that it is necessary to be cautious in the interpretation of smoothed X-ray images, and I urge authors to apply the techniques I have described to any situation where the detection or non-detection of faint extended X-ray emission has important scientific implications." }, "0004/astro-ph0004156_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate some aspects of quintessence models with a non-minimally coupled scalar field and in particular we show that it can behave as a component of matter with $-3 \\lesssim P/\\rho \\lesssim 0$. We study the properties of gravitational waves in this class of models and discuss their energy spectrum and the cosmic microwave background anisotropies they induce. We also show that gravitational waves are damped by the anisotropic stress of the radiation and that their energy spectrum may help to distinguish between inverse power law potential and supergravity motivated potential. We finish by a discussion on the constraints arising from their density parameter $\\Omega_\\GW$. ", "introduction": "\\label{par1} Recent astrophysical and cosmological observations such as the luminosity distance-redshift relation for the supernovae type~Ia~\\cite{sn1a_1,sn1a_2,sn1a_3}, the recent observations of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies~\\cite{boomerang}, gravitional lensing~\\cite{lens} and velocity fields~\\cite{roman} tend to indicate that a large fraction of the matter of the universe today is composed of matter with negative pressure (see \\EG~\\cite{indication} for a comparison of the different observations). Recent analyses~\\cite{efsta,perlmutter99} seem to indicate that the energy density $\\rho$ and the pressure $P$ of this fluid satisfies \\begin{equation} -1\\leq P/\\rho \\leq -0.6, \\end{equation} which is compatible with a cosmological constant $\\Lambda$ for which $P/\\rho=-1$ (see also~\\cite{phantom} for arguments in favour of $P/\\rho<-1$). A typical value of $\\Omega_\\Lambda\\simeq 0.7$ for its energy density in units of the critical density of the universe corresponds to an energy scale of order $5\\times10^{-47}\\,\\hbox{GeV}^4$ which is very far from what is expected from high energy physics; this is the well known cosmological constant problem~\\cite{weinberg}. To circumvent this problem different solutions have been proposed starting from the idea of a dynamical cosmological constant~\\cite{coble} to lead to the class of models known as {\\it quintessence}~\\cite{caldwell}, where a spatially homogeneous scalar field $\\phi$ is rolling down a potential decreasing when $\\phi$ tends to infinity. An example of such a potential which has been widely studied is the inverse power law potential. It can be obtained from some high energy physics models, \\EG{} where supersymmetry is broken through fermion condensates~\\cite{binetruy}. Recently, it has been argued~\\cite{brax} that supergravity has to be taken into account since today one expects the scalar field to be of order of the Planck mass $M_\\PL$ and corrections to the potential appear at this energy. This leads to a better agreement with observations~\\cite{brax2}. An important point about this family of models is the existence of scaling solutions~\\cite{scaling1,scaling2} (refered to as {\\it tracking solutions}), \\IE{} such that $\\phi$ evolves as the scale factor of the universe at a given power. These solutions are attractors of the dynamical system describing the evolution of the scale factor and of the scalar field. This implies that the present time behaviour of the field is almost independent of its initial conditions~\\cite{steinhard,steinhard2}. This property allows to address~\\cite{zlatev} (i) the {\\it coincidence problem}, \\IE{} the fact that $\\phi$ starts to dominate today and (ii) the {\\it fine tuning problem}, \\IE{} the fact that one does not have to fine tune the initial condition of the field $\\phi$. One of us extended these models to include a non-minimal coupling $\\xi\\bar Rf(\\phi)$ between the scalar field and the scalar curvature $\\bar R$~\\cite{uzan99}. Such a coupling term appears \\EG~when quantising fields in curved spacetime~\\cite{birrel,ford87} and in multi-dimensional theories~\\cite{maeda,acceta,mata}. It was shown that when $f(\\phi)=\\phi^2/2$ tracking solutions still exist~\\cite{uzan99} and this result was generalised~\\cite{amendola} to any coupling function $f$ and potential $V$ satisfying $V(\\phi)\\propto f^n(\\phi)$. However, such a coupling is constrained by the variations of the constants of nature~\\cite{caroll} which fix bounds on $\\xi$~\\cite{chiba99}. A way to circumvent this problem is to consider quintessence models in the framework of scalar-tensor theories~\\cite{bartolo,bertolami} where a double attractor mechanism can occur, \\IE{} of the scalar-tensor theory towards general relativity and of the scalar field $\\phi$ towards its tracking solution. Among all the possible observations of cosmology, gravitational waves give an insight on epochs where there was a variation of the background dynamics since every such variation affects the shape of the stochastic graviton background spectrum~\\cite{gw1,gw2}. We can then view our universe as containing a sea of stochastic gravitational waves from primordial origin, as predicted by most models of structure formations such as inflation~\\cite{gw1,gw2} (see also~\\cite{allen94} for a review) and topological defects scenarios~\\cite{vs}. Their spectrum extends typically from $10^{-18}$~Hz (for wavelengths of order of the size of the Hubble radius today) to $\\simeq 10^{10}$~Hz (the smallest mode that has been inflated out of the Hubble radius) and they could be detected or constrained by coming experiments such as LIGO~\\cite{ligo}, VIRGO~\\cite{virgo} (at $\\simeq 10^{2}$~Hz) and LISA~\\cite{lisa} (at $\\simeq 10^{-4}$~Hz). Gravitational waves, which are perturbations in the metric of the universe have also an effect on the cosmic microwave (CMB) temperature anisotropy~\\cite{soft1,soft2,soft3,white92,turner93} and polarisation~\\cite{pola} allowing to extract information on their amplitude from the measure of the CMB anisotropies. For instance, bounds on the energy density spectrum of these cosmological gravitational waves in units of the critical density, $\\Omega_\\GW$, have been obtained from the CMB~\\cite{soft1,soft2,soft3} $$ \\left.\\frac{\\ddd \\Omega_\\GW}{\\ddd \\ln \\omega}\\right|_{10^{-18}\\,\\mathrm{Hz}} \\lesssim 10^{-10}. $$ Gravitational waves are also a very good probe of the conditions in the early universe since they decouple early in its history and can help \\EG{} testing the initial conditions of $\\phi$. An example was put forward by Giovannini~\\cite{giovannini99,giovannini99b} who showed that in a class of quintessential inflation models~\\cite{vilenkin} there was an era dominated by the scalar field $\\phi$ before the radiation dominated era which implies that a large part of the gravitational wave energy of order $\\Omega_\\GW\\simeq 10^{-6}$ (about eight orders of magnitude higher than for standard inflation) was in the GHz region. This may happen in any scenario where the inflation ends with a kinetic phase~\\cite{ford87,spoko93} or when the dominant energy condition is violated \\cite{gio3}. On the other hand, the CMB temperature fluctuations give information on the history of the gravitational waves in between the last scattering surface and today through the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, whereas the polarisation of the CMB radiation gives mainly information on the gravitational waves at decoupling. These three observables (energy spectrum, CMB temperature and polarisation anisotropies) are thus complementary and we aim to present here a global study of the cosmological properties of the gravitational waves. \\vspace{0.5cm} The goals of this article are (i) to study in more details the cosmology with a non-minimal quintessence field and (ii) to study gravitational waves in this class of models. In \\S\\ref{par2} we set up the general framework and describe the two potentials we shall consider. In \\S\\ref{par3} we introduce and define the observable quantities associated with the gravitational waves: their energy density spectrum and their imprint on the CMB radiation anisotropies and its polarisation. In \\S\\ref{sec_damping}, we point out the general mechanism of damping by the anisotropic stress of the radiation. In \\S\\ref{par4} we discuss the parameters of the problem and investigate the tuning of the potential parameters; we also describe the evolution of the background spacetime and show that a non-minimally coupled quintessence field is a candidate for a ($\\omega<-1$)-matter. In \\S\\ref{par5} we describe the main properties of the gravitational waves. We finish in \\S\\ref{par6} by presenting numerical results and we underline the complementarity of the different observational quantities. This work gives a detailed study of the observational effects of gravitational waves in the framework of quintessence, including some recent developments, and allowing for non-minimal coupling. This extends the work on quintessential inflation~\\cite{giovannini99} by including the effects on the CMB. It also extends the studies on $\\Lambda$CDM~\\cite{melchiorri99} to quintessence and is, as far as we know, a more complete study of the effect of gravitational waves on the CMB polarisation. We hope to show that a joint study of the gravitational wave detection experiments~\\cite{ligo,virgo,lisa} of the CMB experiments~\\cite{boomerang,map,planck} and of the polarisation experiments~\\cite{planck} can lead to a better determination of their properties. ", "conclusions": "\\label{par6} In this article, we have studied some properties of quintessence models with a non-minimally coupled scalar field among which the spectrum of gravitational waves. We have shown that such a quintessence field can behave as a fluid with $\\omega<-1$ and our models lead to $-3\\lesssim \\omega \\lesssim 0$ when the field dominates. We related the energy scale $\\Lambda$ of the potential to its slope $\\alpha$ and to the scalar field energy density today $\\Omega_\\phi^0$. In particular, we showed that $\\Lambda$ is almost independent of $\\Omega_\\phi^0$. The {\\it coincidence problem}, \\IE{} the fact that $\\Omega_\\phi^0\\sim1$ implies a tuning of $\\Lambda$ (roughly the precision on $\\Lambda$ has to one order of magnitude higher than the one on $\\Omega_\\phi^0$) which is however less severe than the fine tuning needed for a cosmological constant. This being fixed, the tracking mechanism allows to span a very wide range of initial conditions for the scalar field and there is no fine tuning in that respect. We then showed that the combined study of the gravitational waves energy spectrum and of their imprint on the CMB radiation temperature and polarisation enables to extract many complementary informations on the models: \\begin{itemize} \\item the CMB mainly gives results on $\\xi$, $\\Omega_\\phi^0$ and $n_T$, \\item the energy spectrum gives results on the initial conditions of the scalar field. \\end{itemize} As pointed out in~\\cite{giovannini99,vilenkin}, there is an excess of gravitational waves today if inflation ends by a kinetic phase. In that case, one has to check that both $\\Omega_\\phi$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm GW}$ are negligible at the time of nucleosynthesis and we relate the amount of gravitational waves today to the reheating temperature and the time of equality between the kinetic scalar era and the radiation era. We also pointed out that gravitational waves are damped by the anisotropic stress of radiation, which implies that the CMB anisotropy and polarisation spectra are lowered roughly by 10\\% for high multipoles. It was also shown that the amplitude of the gravitational waves spectrum for inverse power law potentials is $\\sim 30$\\% higher than for SUGRA-like potentials at high frequency. Indeed this is probably not detectable by coming experiments but it could ultimately lead to a signature of supergravity." }, "0004/astro-ph0004374_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are a transient astrophysical phenomenon in which the emission is confined exclusively to high energies: they are detected at gamma-ray bands and last shortly (from a few milliseconds to several hundred seconds). Since the discovery of the events about thirty years ago (Klebesadel et al. 1973), more and more data have been obtained (e.g., Fishman et al. 1994; Meegan et al. 1994, 1996, 1998; Paciesas et al. 1997, 1999). Based on the data available so far, statistical studies have recently unveiled many basic properties of the objects. For example, two separate classes of GRBs with a division at the duration of 2 s were detected (Dezalay et al. 1992; Hurley 1992; Kouveliotou et al. 1993); a correlation between the peak spectral hardness and the peak intensity was discovered (Atteia et al. 1991, 1994, 1997; Belli 1992; Mitrofanov et al. 1992, 1996; Paciesas et al 1992; Nemiroff et al. 1994; Mallozzi et al. 1995; Dezalay et al. 1997). More recently, the hardness-duration correlation was confirmed by Fishman (1999) with a large number of bursts observed with BATSE. Generally, the hardness ratio is defined as the fluence in channel 3 ($\\sim 100$ to $\\sim 300$ keV) divided by the fluence in channel 2 ($\\sim 50$ to $\\sim 100$ keV) (see, e.g., Fishman et al. 1994). This quantity is more likely to present an intrinsic property of the objects rather than an observational one. It is noticed that, besides the two channel fluences, there are two other channel fluences available in the BATSE burst catalogs, e.g., channels 1 ($\\sim 20$ to $\\sim 50$ keV) and 4 ($>300$ keV) (see, e.g., Paciesas et al. 1997). Therefore, one can define more than one hardness ratios. We wonder if there are any meaningful statistical relations between these different hardness ratios. We also want to make clear if there are any differences between the two classes of the objects in the distributions of the ratios. In Section 2, correlations between various hardness ratios of GRBs will be studied, while in Section 3, differences between the two classes of the objects in the distributions of the ratios will be investigated. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004142_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The comparison of quasi-instantaneously measured HIPPARCOS proper motions with long-term averaged proper motions, derived from ground-based data, allows the identification of many stellar objects as $\\Delta\\mu$ binaries (Wielen et al., 1999, A\\&A 346, 675). We have used this method to find $\\Delta\\mu$ binaries among the fundamental stars, among the GC stars, and among the Tycho-2 stars. A finding list for about 4000 $\\Delta\\mu$ binaries is given under the URL http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/dmubin in a machine-readable format. This information on the probable duplicity of the listed objects can be used for planning specific observing programs, for improving our knowledge of binary statistics, or for avoiding the use of these binaries in some astrophysical calibrations or as astrometric reference stars. ", "introduction": "In order to identify $\\Delta\\mu$ binaries (Wielen et al. 1999a) we compare the HIPPARCOS proper motions (ESA 1997), which are quasi-instantaneously measured within about three years, with long-term averaged, mean proper motions, which are derived by using ground-based data from a much longer observational period (often a century or more). If the difference $\\Delta\\mu$ between the short-term and the long-term proper motion is statistically significant, the object is probably a binary or a multiple system. The statistical significance of $\\Delta\\mu$ is measured by the test parameter $F_{\\Delta\\mu}$. If the errors of the proper-motion components were independent of the directions, $F_{\\Delta\\mu}$ would be equal to $\\Delta\\mu$/(mean error of $\\Delta\\mu$). We take into account the non-isotropy of the errors of $\\Delta\\mu$ and the correlations between the components of $\\Delta\\mu$. A value of $F_{\\Delta\\mu} >$ 3.44 corresponds to the same error probability as the familiar two-sided 3\\,$\\sigma$ criterion, and is therefore used by us for identifying $\\Delta\\mu$ binaries. The long-term averaged proper motions are partially taken from available astrometric catalogues; partially they are derived from the mean positions given in the ground-based catalogues and the positions in the HIPPARCOS Catalogue (we call this proper motion $\\mu_0$). The ground-based catalogues are corrected for systematic errors by comparing them with the HIPPARCOS Catalogue. For determining various values of $\\Delta\\mu$ with respect to HIPPARCOS, we have used the following astrometric catalogues: FK5 (Fricke et al. 1988, 1991), RSup (Schwan et al. 1993), GC (Boss et al. 1937), and TYCHO-2 (Hoeg et al. 2000). More details will be given in other papers. For the basic FK5 stars, Part I of the FK6 (Wielen et al. 1999b) gives already many additional informations (see also URL: http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/fk6). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004004_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent Large-scale astrophysical systems are non-extensive due to their long-range force of gravity. Here we show an approach toward the statistical mechanics of such self-gravitating systems (SGS). This is a generalization of the standard statistical mechanics based on the new definition of entropy; Tsallis statistical mechanics. Developing the composition of entropy and the generalized Euler relation, we investigate the galaxy distributions in count-in-cell method. This is applied to the data of CfA II South redshift survey. ", "introduction": "% Astrophysical systems in the Universe are characterized by the gravitation. The structure formed through this long-range force is quite different from those formed through the other short-range forces. If the system does not strongly depend on the initial conditions of the Universe, we can apply statistical mechanics for describing such self-gravitating systems (SGS). However, we cannot directly apply the standard Boltzmann statistical mechanics for SGS since the long-range nature of gravity strongly violates the extensive property of the system which is the premise of statistical mechanics. Actually, the total energy increases much faster than the particle number $N$, the partition function $Z$ often becomes complex\\cite{iguchi99}, reflecting the fact that there is no absolute stable state in SGS. In order to seek for workable statistical mechanics of SGS, we try an approach based on the new definition of entropy whose extensivity is violated from the beginning; Tsallis statistical mechanics. We formulate the count-in-cell method for the large scale galaxy distributions in this new statistical mechanics. First we calculate the expression of the composite entropy and the generalized Euler relation in this new statistical mechanics. These are applied to the data of CfA II South redshift survey. The parameter q becomes negative, which represents the instability of gravity. ", "conclusions": "% We have constructed the non-extensive statistical mechanics based on the non-extensive entropy. Especially calculating the entropy of composite systems and deriving the generalized Euler relation in thermodynamics, we could evaluate the void probability function $f\\left( 0 \\right)$ and the probability to find $N$ galaxies $f\\left( N \\right)$. This result was applied to the CfAII South galaxy observations and we have obtained negative parameter $q$. This is thought to be another representation of the intrinsic instability of SGS. It will be also interesting to notice the fact that the multi-fractal scaling is observed in this CfAII South data within the scale-region from $500[{\\rm km/sec}]$ to $3000[{\\rm km/sec}]$\\cite{kurokawa99}. We would like to clarify possible connection between the non-extensive distributions and the multi-fractal nature in the context of gravity. On the way we derive $f\\left( N \\right)$, we encountered ``scale ($\\alpha $) dependent temperature $T$''. If we put the values we obtained $q = - 5.66847{\\rm }$ and $s = 0.164142{\\rm }$ to Eq.(\\ref{T-alpha}), we can explicitly plot the scale dependence of the temperature. It turns out to reduce with increasing scale and abruptly drops to zero at about $r \\approx 600[{\\rm km/sec}]$ or, assuming the cosmic expansion speed as $H = 72[{\\rm km/sec/Mpc]}$, at about $8.3[{\\rm Mpc}]$, which is almost the scale that the galaxy correlation function becomes unity. On the other hand, it is apparent that the galaxies do have peculiar velocity of order $1000[{\\rm km/sec}]$ at this scale. Therefore, at least, the quantity $T$ cannot be interpreted as the ordinary temperature as defined from the velocity dispersions. One of our next task will be to elucidate the meaning of $T$. In relation with the astronomical velocity distributions, the authors\\cite{lavagno98} claim that the velocity distribution of the {\\it clusters of galaxies} can be well fitted by the Tsallis distribution with the parameter $q = 0.23_{ - 0.05}^{ + 0.07}$, which is apparently different from our negative value for {\\it galaxy} distributions. Further study on the velocity distributions in various scales (galaxies, clusters, super-clusters) would reveal the origin and evolution of the large-scale structure of Universe. We would like to report these results in the near future." }, "0004/astro-ph0004281_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "It was suggested in \\cite{bkPaczynski1} that in the convective region cooling of matter may be enhanced in presence URCA shells appearing when matter contains an isotope with a threshold Fermi energy for an electron capture, coresponding to a density less then the central one. Presence of such isotope leads to existence of a jump in the composition at a density, corresponding to a threshold energy. During convective motion the matter in eddies around this density crosses periodically the boundary. That implies continious beta capture and beta decay in the matter of these eddies. Because of heating of a degenerate matter due to nonequilibrium beta processes \\cite{bkSeidov1}, with account of convective URCA shell different conclusions had been done with respect to stabilizing or destabilizing the carbon burning in the convective degenerate core \\cite{bkBruenn, bkErgma, bkPaczynski2, bkCouch, bkLazareff, bkIben1, bkIben2, bkBarkat, bkMochkovitch, bkStein}. Here we calculate damping of stellar oscillations in presence of URCA shell (see \\cite{bkIsern}), analyze physical processes in the convective URCA shells and formulate approximate quantitative approach to the solution of this problem. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004248_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the 2-D photometric decomposition of the Virgo galaxy \\object{IC3328}. The analysis of the global light distribution of this morphologically classified nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxy (dE1,N) reveals a tightly wound, bi-symmetric spiral structure with a diameter of 4.5\\,kpc, precisely centered on the nucleus of the dwarf. The amplitude of the spiral is only three percent of the dwarf's surface brightness making it the faintest and smallest spiral ever found in a galaxy. In terms of pitch angle and arm winding the spiral is similar to the intermediate-type galaxy M51, but it lacks the dust and prominent \\ion{H}{ii} regions which signal the presence of gas. The visual evidence of a spiral pattern in an early-type dwarf galaxy reopens the question on whether these dwarfs are genuine rotationally supported or anisotropic stellar systems. In the case of IC3328, we argue for a nearly face-on disk (dS0) galaxy with an estimated maximum rotation velocity of $v_{\\mathrm{c,max}}\\approx 55$\\kms. The faintness of the spiral and the small motions within it, suggests that we could be seeing swing-amplified noise. The other possibility is a tidal origin, caused by the near passage of a small companion. ", "introduction": "\\begin{figure*} \\centering\\leavevmode \\epsfxsize=16cm \\epsfbox[43 435 536 683]{jerjen.fig1.ps} \\caption[jerjen.fig1.ps]{The deep R-band CCD image of IC3328 (left panel) illustrates the overall morphology of this as dE1,N classified galaxy: a smooth radially decreasing light distribution with a centrally located nucleus. After the subtraction of the axis symmetric component, the residual image (right panel) reveals a prominent 2-armed spiral structure with a possible central bar. \\label{fig1}} \\end{figure*} In this paper we report on the serendipitous discovery of a spiral structure in the Virgo cluster dwarf elliptical IC3328. The presence of spiral structure provides compelling evidence for the disk nature of that particular dwarf galaxy. The observations are described and the light distribution is analysed in Sect.2. In Sect.3 we estimate the kinematical properties of the dwarf galaxy from the observed light distribution, assuming a likely value for the mass-to-light ratio and distance. We speculate on the origin of the spiral pattern in Sect.4. The concluding section deals with the ramifications for the dwarf elliptical taxonomy arising from IC3328. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004412_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The very recent Boomerang results give an estimate of unprecedented precision of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies on sub--degree scales. A puzzling feature for theoretical cosmology is the low amplitude of the second acoustic peak. Through a qualitative discussion, we argue that a scarcely considered category of flat models, with a leptonic asymmetry, a high baryon density and a low cosmological constant seems to be in very good agreement with the data, while still being compatible with big bang nucleosynthesis and some other observational constraints. Although this is certainly not the only way to explain the data, we believe that these models deserve to be included in forthcoming likelihood analyses. ", "introduction": "The measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies has been driving the attention of cosmologists over the past decade. Very recently, De Bernardis et al. \\cite{boomerang} published the first results of the Boomerang balloon Antarctic flight. With these data, the (recent) story of precision cosmology climbs a new step. For the first time, the anisotropy power spectrum has been measured by a single experiment in a wide range of angular scales, from multipoles $l \\sim 50$ up to $l \\sim 600$, with many independent points, and error bars of order $\\pm$ 20 percent. The observation of a narrow peak, centered around multipoles $l \\simeq 200$, confirms the inflationary picture of an approximately flat Universe with adiabatic fluctuations. This beautiful result was already suggested by previous CMB experiments (see \\cite{ddbb} for a recent review). On the other hand, the Boomerang anisotropy spectrum exhibits a puzzling behavior on small scales (high multipoles): in the range in which a pronounced secondary peak was expected, the data points are rather low, with an almost flat shape. It seems that the cosmological model most favored during the past year, which is a flat Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model with a large cosmological constant and ``standard'' parameter values (see below), can hardly account for this feature, unless some new ingredient is added. After this paper was submitted, a detailed analysis of the data by the Boomerang team was released in ref.\\cite{Lange}, followed by another work \\cite{Balbi} including also the new MAXIMA data \\cite{Hanany}. We refer the reader to these works for a more exhaustive interpretation of this puzzling small--scale behavior. In the following discussion, we just intend to point out that a particular category of models, which are scarcely taken into account, seem to be in remarkable agreement with the new published data (as can be seen from Fig.1). We therefore believe that they deserve some attention, and should be included in future data analyses. While this discussion was being completed, a nice paper by White et al. \\cite{Elena} was put on the preprint database, suggesting many possible explanations of the data, including a large baryon density $\\Omega_b$.\\footnote{In addition, the possibility of explaining the data with a high $\\Omega_b$ was confirmed contemporaneously \\cite{Tegmark} and soon after \\cite{Lange,Balbi} the release of this work.} The key point of this rapid communication is to recall that a large $\\Omega_b$ is still in agreement with the observed light element abundances, provided that a large neutrino asymmetry is also present \\cite{Kang}. With these two ingredients (large $\\Omega_b$ and neutrino asymmetry) the Boomerang data can be nicely fitted in a flat Universe context, especially with a low value of the cosmological constant. Interestingly, this class of models can satisfy some other cosmological requirements, such as the ones coming from the matter power spectrum and from the baryon fraction in clusters. ", "conclusions": "In conclusion, we believe that models with a large neutrino asymmetry deserve to be included in forthcoming precise comparisons with experimental data. In practice, this amounts in including simultaneously higher values of $N_{\\mathrm eff}$ and $h^2 \\Omega_b$ than the ones usually considered. Since a high baryon density enhances odd peaks with respect to even ones, a natural outcome of these models is a large amplitude for the third peak. This will be probably the best way to test this scheme in a near future. If the third peak turns out to be also very low, the situation will be even more puzzling, and more complicated models (for instance, with a Broken--Scale--Invariant primordial spectrum \\cite{LPS} or with topological defects \\cite{Patrick}) may have to enter into the game." }, "0004/astro-ph0004138_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study observational constraints on cosmological models with a quintessence field in the form of a dynamical pseudo Nambu--Goldstone boson. After reviewing the properties of the solutions, from a dynamical systems phase space analysis, we consider the constraints on parameter values imposed by luminosity distances from the 60 type Ia supernovae published by Perlmutter \\etal, and also from gravitational lensing statistics of distant quasars. In the case of the type Ia supernovae we explicitly allow for the possibility of evolution of the peak luminosities of the supernovae sources, using simple empirical models which have been recently discussed in the literature. We find weak evidence to suggest that the models with supernovae evolution fit the data better in the context of the quintessence models in question. If source evolution is a reality then the greatest challenge facing these models is the tension between current value of the expansion age, $H_0t_0$, and the fraction of the critical energy density, $\\Omp$, corresponding to the scalar field. Nonetheless there are ranges of the free parameters which fit all available cosmological data. ", "introduction": "Scalar fields have played a central role in models of the very early universe for the past 20 years. In the past few years attention has turned to models in which a scalar field plays a dynamical role at late times, rather than simply being frozen in as a static relic vacuum energy. Such models, which have been dubbed ``quintessence'' models \\cite{CDS}, could in principle provide a dynamical solution to the cosmological constant problem -- namely the question of why the magnitude of the vacuum energy at the present epoch is so much smaller than one might na\\\"{\\i}vely expect from particle physics models such as various supergravity theories. A dynamical `solution' of the cosmological constant problem would amount to a demonstration that a particular dynamical evolution of the scalar quintessence field is a natural consequence of the cosmological field equations without fine-tuning of parameters, given some reasonable physical assumptions about the initial conditions. The most notable recent observational evidence which has driven the theoretical interest is the measurement of the apparent magnitude-redshift relationship using type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) \\cite{PS}. These results have been interpreted, in the context of a cosmological model containing pressureless dust and a cosmological constant, $\\LA$, as evidence that the universe is undergoing accelerated expansion at the present epoch (see \\cite{P98,R98} and references therein). The validity of this conclusion is currently open to some doubt, however. In particular, a recent analysis by Riess \\etal\\ \\cite{Rie1} indicates that the sample of type Ia supernovae shows a possible evolution in rise times from moderate ($z\\goesas 0.3$) to large ($z\\goesas1$) redshifts. Although the statistical significance of this result has been diminished -- from the $5.8\\si$ level \\cite{Rie1} to the $1.5\\si$ level \\cite{AKN} -- upon a more rigorous treatment of the uncertainties in the data \\cite{AKN}, it remains true that while a systematic evolution in the rise times of the supernovae is not conclusively ruled in, neither is it conclusively ruled out. Given that an evolution in the shape of the light curves of the supernovae measured in their rest frame remains a real possibility, it would not be surprising if the peak luminosity -- which is the effective standard candle used -- were also to evolve. Riess \\etal\\ \\cite{Rie1} conclude that the type Ia supernovae data could conceivably be explained entirely within the context of an open Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe together with a reasonable astrophysical evolution model, e.g., a consequence of a time variation of the abundances of relevant heavy elements in the environment of the white dwarf supernovae progenitors. Detailed astrophysical modelling -- see, e.g., \\cite{Arn} -- should hopefully eventually resolve the issue, although at this stage the difference between our theoretical understanding and the observations remains quite substantial \\cite{Rie2}. In many recent papers it has been commonly assumed that the dynamical scalar field, $\\ph$, should obey an effective equation of state $P_\\ph\\simeq w\\rh_\\ph$ with $-10.85$ in substantial numbers would greatly improve the ability to decide between models in regions I and II. There is some cause for concern, however, if we consider the favoured values of $\\Omp$ and $H_0t_0$. In the case of the models with empirical evolution of the supernovae sources, we always found that the best-fit parameter values occured at the $\\Omp\\rarr1$ boundary of the ($M,\\ff$) parameter space. The overwhelming evidence of many astronomical observations over the past two decades \\cite{OS} would tend to indicate that $\\Om_{m0}\\simeq0.2\\pm0.1$, indicating that a vacuum energy fraction of $\\Omp\\goesas0.7$--$0.8$ is desirable, and $\\Omp\\lsim0.9$ in any case. Although parameter values with $\\Omp<0.8$ certainly fall within both the 2$\\si$ and 1$\\si$ portions of region II of Fig.\\ \\ref{SnIa-evolv1}, for all values of $b$, there are potentially serious problems if we wish to simultaneously obtain large values of $H_0t_0$. In view of recent estimates of the ages of globular clusters \\cite{Krauss}, a lower bound of 12 Gyr for the age of the Universe appears to currently indicated. With $h\\simeq0.65$ this would require $H_0t_0\\gsim0.8$. For $w_i=1.5$, parameter values with $H_0t_0>0.8$ coincide with values $\\Omp\\gsim 0.9$ in region II, which is phenomenologically problematic. The tension between the values of $\\Omp$ and $H_0t_0$ is somewhat mitigated for lower values of $w_i$. For $w_i=0.2$, for example, we see from Figs.\\ \\ref{SnIa-evolv3} and \\ref{lenstat}(b) that the $\\Omp=0.7$ and $H_0t_0$ meet in Region II, and there is a small region of parameters there with $0.7\\lsim \\Omp\\lsim0.9$ and $H_0t_0\\gsim0.8$, which is also consistent with the other cosmological tests. Even if the supernovae sources undergo evolution it is clear that parameter values in region I of \\ref{SnIabeta0} which are favoured in the absence of evolution of peak SnIa luminosities, are still included at the $2\\si$ level in the models with evolution, in view of Fig.\\ \\ref{SnIa-evolv1}. Perhaps the most significant aspect of our results is the fact that the mere introduction of an additional dispersion, $b>0.17$, in the peak luminosities while leaving their mean value fixed (cf., Fig.\\ \\ref{bval}), gives rise to a change in the best-fit region of parameter space from region I to region II. (See \\cite{dlw} for further details.) One would imagine that an increased dispersion is likely to be a feature of many models of source evolution, even if evolutionary effects are of secondary importance. Thus even if the empirical models with non-zero $\\beta$ are somewhat artificial, more sophisticated scenarios could well lead to similar changes in regard to the fitting of cosmological parameters in the PNGB model. Much tighter bounds on the parameter space of quintessence models, including the present model, will be obtained over the next decade as more supernovae data is collected. What we wish to emphasize, however, is that an effective vacuum energy which is cosmologically significant at the present epoch should not simply be thought of in terms of a ``cosmic acceleration''. A dynamical vacuum energy with a varying effective equation of state allows for many possibilities for the evolution of the universe, and overly restrictive assumptions, such as equating quintessence to models with a late period of continuous cosmological acceleration, should be avoided. If detailed astrophysical modeling of type Ia supernovae explosions ultimately shows that the dimness of distant supernova events is largely due to evolutionary effects, it does not spell the end for cosmologies with dynamical scalar fields." }, "0004/astro-ph0004194_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on large-scale, regular morphological patterns found in the radio jet of the nearby radio galaxy NGC 6251. Investigating morphological properties of this radio jet {}from the nucleus to a radial distance of $\\sim$ 300 arcsec ($\\approx$ 140 kpc) mapped at 1662 MHz and 4885 MHz by Perley, Bridle, \\& Willis, we find three chains, each of which consists of five radio knots. We also find that eight radio knots in the first two chains consist of three small sub-knots (the triple-knotty substructures). We discuss the observational properties of these regular morphological patterns. ", "introduction": "Since the discovery of the powerful radio jet from quasar 3C273 (Hazard et al. 1963, see for a review Bridle \\& Perley 1984; Zensus 1997), the generation of radio jets has been one of the long-standing main problems in active galactic nuclei (e.g., Begelman, Blandford, \\& Rees 1984; Urry \\& Padovani 1995). The most probable energy sources have been considered to be either mass-accreting, supermassive, single black holes around which gravitational energy is transformed into huge kinetic and radiation energies with the help of gaseous accretion disks (e.g., Rees 1984) or the electromagnetic extraction of energy from spinning supermassive black holes (Blandford \\& Znajek 1977; see also Wilson \\& Colbert 1995). In order to understand the genesis of radio jets, it is important to find some reliable observational constraints on theoretical models. It has been noticed that parsec-scale radio jets probed by VLBI techniques often show wiggles (e.g., Whitmore \\& Matese 1981; Roos 1988; Roos, Kaastra, \\& Hummel 1993). If a certain mechanism responsible for the formation of the wiggles (e.g., the precession of a supermassive black hole binary; Begelman, Blandford, \\& Rees 1980) has been working since the onset of radio jet activity, there could be some morphological evidence even in well-developed (i.e., $\\sim$ 100 kpc scale) radio jets. Furthermore, recent progress in three-dimensional numerical MHD simulations has enabled us to examine the detail of morphological properties of radio jets due to the so-called Kelvin-Holmheltz instability in the magnetic fluid (e.g., Rosen et al. 1998; Koide, Shibata, \\& Kudoh 1999). Therefore, since morphological properties of actual radio jets provide important constraints on the physical process involved in radio jets, it is interesting to investigate overall morphological properties of some well-developed radio jets in detail. For this purpose, in this paper, we investigate morphological properties of the radio jet of NGC 6251 in detail because the radio jet of NGC 6251 is one of the brightest known examples of a well-developed jet (Waggett, Warner, \\& Baldwin 1977; Cohen \\& Readhead 1979; Perley, Bridle, \\& Willis 1984; Jones et al. 1986; Jones \\& Wehrle 1994). We use a distance to NGC 6251, 94.4 Mpc, which is determined with the use of a recession velocity of NGC 6251 to the galactic standard of rest, $V_{\\rm GSR}$ = 7079 km s$^{-1}$ (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991), and a Hubble constant, $H_{0}$ = 75 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that there are two kinds of regular morphological structures in the radio jet of NGC 6251; 1) three Chains consisting of five radio knots , and 2) the triple-knotty substructures in the individual knots. Here we discuss some possible origins of these large-scale regular structures. \\subsection{Chains} The presence of three Chains suggests that a certain periodicity is involved in the radio jet activity of NGC 6251. As shown in Table 1, the separations of the $i$-th knots ($W$) are quite similar between two adjacent Chains; i.e., the average values are $\\overline{W}$(A-B) $\\simeq 48.0 \\pm 0.5$ kpc and $\\overline{W}$(B-C) $\\simeq 79.3 \\pm 2.9$ kpc. We estimate timescales corresponding to these separations. In order to perform this, both the viewing angle toward the jet ($\\theta_{\\rm jet}$) and the jet velocity ($v_{\\rm jet}$) are necessary for the kpc-scale radio jet. Since the parsec-scale counterjet cannot be seen in the previous VLBI observations (Perley et al. 1984; Jones et al. 1986; Jones \\& Wehrle 1994; see however Sudou et al. 2000a, b), it is unlikely that the radio jet of NGC 6251 lies close to the celestial plane. Jones et al. (1986) estimate that the angle between the radio jet and our line of sight may be $\\theta_{\\rm jet} \\sim 45^\\circ$ based on the observed jet-to-counterjet intensity ratio. We therefore adopt $\\theta_{\\rm jet} = 45^\\circ$ in later analysis. Another important quantity is the large-scale (i.e., kpc-scale) jet velocity $v_{\\rm jet}$ which is also difficult to be estimated (e.g., Perley et al. 1984). Based on several constraints (e.g., the energy flux required to power the radio jet, etc.), Perley et al. (1984) suggest that the large-scale jet velocity of NGC 6251 is subrelativistic; $v_{\\rm jet} \\leq 0.1c$. It is known that ram pressure confinement for the strongest double-lobed radio sources such as NGC 6251 requires $v_{\\rm jet} \\simeq 0.1c$ (e.g., Begelman et al. 1984). On the other hand, using the observed jet-to-counterjet brightness ratio, Jones et al. (1986) suggests $v_{\\rm jet} \\cos \\theta_{\\rm jet} \\geq 0.6$ for brightness ratio $ \\geq 30$. Given $\\theta_{\\rm jet} = 45^\\circ$, they obtain $v_{\\rm jet} \\sim 0.84c$. Since this estimate seems more reliable, we adopt for simplicity $v_{\\rm jet} = 0.8c$ in later analysis. These assumptions (i.e., $\\theta_{\\rm jet} = 45^\\circ$ and $v_{\\rm jet} = 0.8c$) seem enough to estimate rough timescales related to the large-scale regular structures found in this study. First we estimate timescales related to three Chains A, B, and C. Since the jet velocity is relativistic, we have to take account of the relativistic aberration effect. The true projected distance of the radio jet from the nucleus is estimated as $D_{\\rm jet}' = \\delta \\ D_{\\rm jet}$ where $\\delta$ is the Doppler factor defined as $\\delta = [\\gamma(1 - (v_{\\rm jet}/c) \\cos \\theta_{\\rm jet})]^{-1}$ where $\\gamma = [1 - (v_{\\rm jet}/c)^2]^{-1/2}$. Thus the true length of the radio jet is estimated as $L_{\\rm jet}^0 = D_{\\rm jet}' (\\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet})^{-1}$. Therefore, the related timescale $\\tau_{\\rm jet}$ is estimated as \\begin{eqnarray} \\tau_{\\rm jet} & = & L_{\\rm jet}^0 / v_{\\rm jet} \\nonumber \\\\ & = & \\ D_{\\rm jet}'/ (0.8 c ~ {\\rm sin} \\theta_{\\rm jet}) \\nonumber \\\\ & \\simeq & 1.83 \\times 10^{11}\\ \\delta \\ D_{\\rm jet, 1}\\ v_{\\rm jet, 0.8}^{-1}\\ (\\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet, 45})^{-1}~ {\\rm s} \\nonumber \\\\ & \\simeq & 5.79 \\times 10^3\\ \\delta \\ D_{\\rm jet, 1}\\ v_{\\rm jet, 0.8}^{-1}\\ (\\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet, 45})^{-1} ~ {\\rm y} \\end{eqnarray} where $D_{\\rm jet, 1}$ is the jet length projected onto the celestial plane in units of 1 kpc, $v_{\\rm jet, 0.8}$ is the jet velocity in units of $0.8c$, and $\\theta_{\\rm jet, 45}$ is the jet viewing angle in units of 45$^\\circ$. Given the velocity and viewing angle assumed above, we obtain $\\delta = 1.38$. The projected jet lengths of three Chains are $D_{\\rm jet}$(A) = $D_5$(A) $-$ $D_1$(A) = 32.4 $-$ 3.6 = 28.8 kpc, $D_{\\rm jet}$(B) = $D_5$(B) $-$ $D_1$(B) = 87.8 $-$ 45.5 = 42.3 kpc, and $D_{\\rm jet}$(C) = $D_5$(C) $-$ $D_1$(C) = 169.9 $-$ 120.7 = 49.2 kpc. Then we obtain the durations required to develop the radio jet for three Chains; $\\tau_{\\rm jet}$(A) $\\approx 2.3 \\times 10^5$ years, $\\tau_{\\rm jet}$(B) $\\approx 3.4 \\times 10^5$ years, and $\\tau_{\\rm jet}$(C) $\\approx 3.9 \\times 10^5$ years. These durations are shorten by one order of magnitude than the precession period estimated by Jones et al. (1986; see also Begelman et al. 1980), $\\tau_{\\rm prec} \\simeq 1.8 \\times 10^6$ y. This precession is proposed to explain the global wiggle pattern of the radio jet of NGC 6251. As estimated above, the length of Chain becomes longer with increasing radial distance; i.e., $D_{\\rm jet}$(A) $<$ $D_{\\rm jet}$(B) $<$ $D_{\\rm jet}$(C). If this tendency is real, the radio jet of NGC 6251 must be accelerated even at several tens of kpc. An alternative idea may be that the radio jet is bending in a plane which encloses the radio jet and our line of sight to the jet. Since the position angle of the parsec-scale radio jet (PA = 302$^\\circ$.2 $\\pm$ 0$^\\circ$.8, for the epoch of 1950.0; Cohen \\& Readhead 1979) is slightly different from that of the kpc-scale jet (PA = 296$^\\circ$.5; Waggett et al. 1977), Cohen \\& Readhead (1979) suggest a possible bending of the radio jet of NGC 6251. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate this idea in more detail. Here we assume that the true jet lengths of three Chains are nearly the same and the observed differences among them are attributed to the differences in the viewing angle toward them. If this is the case, we obtain the following relation; \\begin{equation} {D_{\\rm jet}({\\rm A}) ~ \\delta({\\rm A}) \\over {\\rm sin} \\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm A})} = {D_{\\rm jet}({\\rm B}) ~ \\delta({\\rm B}) \\over {\\rm sin} \\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm B})} = {D_{\\rm jet}({\\rm C}) ~ \\delta({\\rm C}) \\over {\\rm sin} \\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm C})} \\end{equation} where $\\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm A})$, $\\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm B})$, and $\\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm C})$ are the average viewing angles toward Chain A, B, and C, and $\\delta(\\rm A)$, $\\delta(\\rm B)$, and $\\delta(\\rm C)$ are the average Doppler factors toward Chain A, B, and C, respectively. If we adopt $\\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm C}) = 45.0^\\circ$ and $\\delta$(C) = 1.38, we obtain $\\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm A}) \\simeq 33.1^\\circ$ and $\\theta_{\\rm jet}({\\rm B}) \\simeq 41.3^\\circ$, with $\\delta({\\rm A}) \\simeq 1.82$ and $\\delta({\\rm B}) \\simeq 1.50$. It is therefore suggested that the direction of the radio jet is approaching the line of sight as time goes by, or the jet flow follows fixed but bent path. This result is schematically illustrated in Figure 8. Recently, Sudou et al. (2000a, b) have found the counterjet at sub-parsec scale and estimated the viewing angle to the sub-pc scale jet $\\theta_{\\rm jet} \\simeq$ 17$^\\circ$ -- 31$^\\circ$. Since the viewing angle toward Chain A derived above is consistent with their new estimate, this bending jet model appears consistent with the observation. Therefore, it is not necessary to introduce the jet acceleration at kpc regions. \\subsection{The Knots in Chains} We investigate the separations of the knots in three Chains. An average separation of the knots in each Chain is; $\\overline{S} = \\sum_{i=1}^4 S_{[i+1]-1}/4 \\simeq 7.2 \\pm 2.9$ kpc for Chain A, $10.6 \\pm 4.5$ kpc for Chain B, and $12.3 \\pm 3.1$ kpc for Chain C. Therefore, the average separation appears to increase with increasing Chain number. It is noted that the fifth knot in each Chain is located at a larger distance than that expected from the separations for the remaining four knots (see column 5 of Table 1). If we omit the data of the fifth knot, we obtain average separations of $\\overline{S} = \\sum_{i=1}^3 S_{[i+1]-1}/3 \\simeq 5.6 \\pm 1.0$ kpc for Chain A, $8.1 \\pm 1.6$ kpc for Chain B, and $10.6 \\pm 1.2$ kpc for Chain C. Although the tendency holds, the average separations are smaller than the former estimates respectively. If we adopt the bending jet model described in section 3.2 together with the relativistic aberration effect, the true separation, $S^0 = \\delta \\overline{S}/ \\sin \\theta_{\\rm jet}$, is; $S^0({\\rm A}) \\simeq 5.6 \\times 1.82 / \\sin 33.1^\\circ \\simeq 18.7 $ kpc, $S^0({\\rm B}) \\simeq 8.1 \\times 1.50 / \\sin 41.3^\\circ \\simeq 18.4$ kpc, and $S^0({\\rm C}) \\simeq 10.6 \\times 1.38 / \\sin 45^\\circ \\simeq 20.7$ kpc. These values are similar to each other. We obtain an average separation of the knots in three Chains of $\\simeq$ 19.2 kpc, corresponding to a timescale of $\\simeq 7.8 \\times 10^4$ years given the jet velocity of $v_{\\rm jet} = 0.8c$. \\subsection{The Triple-Knotty Substructure} We discuss briefly observational properties of the triple-knotty substructures. As shown in Figure 7, the first two knots (A2 and A3) show a clear triple-knotty substructures. However, the others show a range of irregular, complex morphologies although we give possible identifications of the triple knots for them by arrows. It is interesting to mention that such a triple-knotty substructure is also found in the radio jet of Centaurus A (Clarke et al. 1986). \\subsection{Concluding Remarks} In summary, the large-scale, regular morphological patterns involve the three kinds of structures; Chains, knots, and triple-knotty substructures in the knots. The concerned timescales for the first two structures are $\\sim 10^5$ years and $\\sim 10^4$ years, respectively. Although the longest timescale obtained for Chains may be related to the precession motion, the other two timescales are not understood easily. Although some studies of the large-scale morphological properties of the radio jets have been carried out (e.g., Perley \\& Bridle 1984, Sparks et al. 1996, Perlman et al. 1999, Biretta et al. 1999, Bahcall et al. 1995, R$\\ddot{\\rm o}$ser et al. 1996, and Clarke et al. 1986), the analysis presented in this paper is the first trial to investigate large-scale morphological regularity of radio jets. Since this kind of analysis needs high-resolution and large-scale radio continuum mapping, it seems difficult to perform a systematic morphological study of radio jets. Therefore, at present, it is difficult to judge whether or not large-scale morphological patterns found in the radio jet of NGC 6251 are general properties. However, this kind of analysis will be important to provide observational constraints on the theory for radio jets. \\vspace{0.5cm} We thank to Dr. D. Jones and anonymous referee for their useful comments and suggestions. This work was financially supported in part by Grant-in-Aids for the Scientific Research (Nos. 10044052, and 10304013) of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Science. \\newpage" }, "0004/astro-ph0004311_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new multicolour CCD photometry of the central part of the globular cluster M3, mapping the precise position of $\\sim 120$ RR Lyrae stars (RRab, RRd, RRc) on the horizontal branch (HB). The location of the double-mode variables (RRd) is in perfect agreement with recent theoretical results. We find a significant internal spread of metallicity amongst the RRab variables. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004257_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The interaction of an expanding Pair-Electromagnetic pulse (PEM pulse) with a shell of baryonic matter surrounding a Black Hole with electromagnetic structure (EMBH) is analyzed for selected values of the baryonic mass at selected distances well outside the dyadosphere of an EMBH. The dyadosphere, the region in which a super critical field exists for the creation of $e^+e^-$ pairs, is here considered in the special case of a Reissner-Nordstrom geometry. The interaction of the PEM pulse with the baryonic matter is described using a simplified model of a slab of constant thickness in the laboratory frame (constant-thickness approximation) as well as performing the integration of the general relativistic hydrodynamical equations. The validation of the constant-thickness approximation, already presented in a previous paper Ruffini, et al.(1999) for a PEM pulse in vacuum, is here generalized to the presence of baryonic matter. It is found that for a baryonic shell of mass-energy less than 1\\% of the total energy of the dyadosphere, the constant-thickness approximation is in excellent agreement with full general relativistic computations. The approximation breaks down for larger values of the baryonic shell mass, however such cases are of less interest for observed Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). On the basis of numerical computations of the slab model for PEM pulses, we describe (i) the properties of relativistic evolution of a PEM pulse colliding with a baryonic shell; (ii) the details of the expected emission energy and observed temperature of the associated GRBs for a given value of the EMBH mass; $10^3M_\\odot$, and for baryonic mass-energies in the range $10^{-8}$ to $10^{-2}$ the total energy of the dyadosphere. ", "introduction": "That vacuum polarization process {\\it \\`a la} Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger (\\cite{he}, \\cite{s}) can occur in the field of a Kerr Newmann EMBH and that they naturally lead to a model for gamma-ray bursts was pointed out in \\cite{dr}. The basic energetics of the process, governed by the Christodoulou-Ruffini mass formula, for an EMBH gives as shown in \\cite{rc}, \\begin{eqnarray} E^2&=&M^2c^4=\\left(M_{\\rm ir}c^2 + {Q^2\\over2\\rho_+}\\right)^2+{L^2c^2\\over \\rho_+^2},\\label{em}\\\\ S&=& 4\\pi \\rho_+^2=4\\pi(r_+^2+{L^2\\over c^2M^2})=16\\pi\\left({G^2\\over c^4}\\right) M^2_{\\rm ir}, \\label{sa} \\end{eqnarray} with \\begin{equation} {1\\over \\rho_+^4}\\left({G^2\\over c^8}\\right)\\left( Q^4+4L^2c^2\\right)\\leq 1, \\label{s1} \\end{equation} where $M, L$ and $Q$ are respectively the mass energy, the angular momentum and the charge of the EMBH and $M_{\\rm ir}$ is the irreducible mass, $r_{+}$ is the horizon radius, $\\rho_+$ is the quasi-spheroidal cylindrical coordinate of the horizon evaluated at the equatorial plane and $S$ is the horizon surface area. Extreme black holes satisfy the equality in Eq.(\\ref{s1}). The vacuum polarization process being ``reversible'' transformations in the sense of \\cite{rc} can extract an energy up to 29\\% of the mass-energy of an extremal rotating black hole and up to 50\\% of the mass-energy of an extremely magnetized and charged black hole. Although in general such a process is endowed with axial symmetry, in order to clarify the pure interplay of the gravitational and electrodynamical phenomena and also for simplicity, we have examined (\\cite{rr} and \\cite{prxa}) the limiting cases of such a process in the field of a Reissner-Nordstrom geometry whose spherically symmetric metric is given by \\begin{equation} d^2s=g_{tt}(r)d^2t+g_{rr}(r)d^2r+r^2d^2\\theta +r^2\\sin^2\\theta d^2\\phi ~, \\label{s} \\end{equation} where $g_{tt}(r)= - \\left[1-{2GM\\over c^2r}+{Q^2G\\over c^4r^2}\\right] \\equiv - \\alpha^2(r)$ and $g_{rr}(r)= \\alpha^{-2}(r)$. The dyadosphere, defined (see Fig. 1 of \\cite{prxa}) as the region where the electric field exceeds the critical value, ${\\cal E}_{\\rm c}={m^2c^3\\over\\hbar e}$ (\\cite{he}, \\cite{s}), where $m$ and $e$ are the mass and charge of the electron, extends between the horizon radius \\begin{eqnarray} r_{+}&=&1.47 \\cdot 10^5\\mu (1+\\sqrt{1-\\xi^2})\\hskip0.1cm {\\rm cm}. \\label{r+} \\end{eqnarray} where we have introduced the dimensionless mass and charge parameters $\\mu={M\\over M_{\\odot}}$, $\\xi={Q\\over (M\\sqrt{G})}\\le 1$, and the outer radius \\begin{eqnarray} r_{\\rm ds} &=&1.12\\cdot 10^8\\sqrt{\\mu\\xi} \\hskip0.1cm {\\rm cm}. \\label{rc} \\end{eqnarray} Consequently the local number density of electron and positron pairs created in the dyadosphere as a function of radius \\begin{equation} n_{e^+e^-}(r) = {Q\\over 4\\pi r^2\\left({\\hbar\\over mc}\\right)e}\\left[1-\\left({r\\over r_{\\rm ds}}\\right)^2\\right] ~, \\label{nd} \\end{equation} and their energy density is given by \\begin{equation} \\epsilon(r) = {Q^2 \\over 8 \\pi r^4} \\biggl(1 - \\biggl({r \\over r_{\\rm ds}}\\biggr)^4\\biggr) ~, \\label{jayet} \\end{equation} (see Figs.[2] \\& [3] of \\cite{prxa}). The total energy of pairs converted from the static electric energy and deposited within the dyadosphere is then \\begin{equation} E_{\\rm dya}={1\\over2}{Q^2\\over r_+}(1-{r_+\\over r_{\\rm ds}})\\left[1- \\left({r_+\\over r_{\\rm ds}}\\right)^2\\right] ~, \\label{tee} \\end{equation} and the total number of electron and position pairs in the dyadosphere is \\begin{equation} N^\\circ_{e^+e^-}\\simeq {Q-Q_c\\over e}\\left[1+{ (r_{\\rm ds}-r_+)\\over {\\hbar\\over mc}}\\right], \\label{tn} \\end{equation} where $Q_c={\\cal E}_{\\rm c}r_+^2$ (see \\cite{prxa}). In the limit of ${r_+\\over r_{\\rm ds}}\\rightarrow 0$, Eq.(\\ref{tee}) leads to $E_{\\rm dya}\\rightarrow {1\\over2}{Q^2\\over r_+}$, which coincides with the energy extractable from EMBHs by reversible processes ($M_{\\rm ir}={\\rm const.}$), namely $E-M_{\\rm ir}={1\\over2}{Q^2\\over r_+}$(see Fig. 4 of \\cite{prxa}). Due to the very large pair density given by Eq.(\\ref{nd}) and to the sizes of the cross-sections for the process $e^+e^-\\leftrightarrow \\gamma+\\gamma$, the system is expected to thermalize to a plasma configuration for which \\begin{equation} N_{e^+}=N_{e^-} \\sim N_{\\gamma} \\sim N^\\circ_{e^+e^-}, \\label{plasma} \\end{equation} where $N^\\circ_{e^+e^-}$ is the number of $e^+e^-$-pairs created in the dyadosphere(see \\cite{prxa}). These are the initial conditions for the evolution of the dyadosphere. In a previous paper (\\cite{rswx99}) we presented the temporal evolution of the dyadosphere in vacuum giving origin to an extremely sharply defined and extremely relativistic expanding pulse of pair and electromagnetical radiation of a constant length in the laboratory frame: the PEM pulse. In this paper we present results of the collision of the PEM pulse with a remnant of baryonic matter surrounding the just formed black hole. We assume the PEM pulse to collide with a shell of baryonic matter of constant density and at a radius of the order of 100 times the radius of the dyadosphere $r_{\\rm ds}$ Eq.(\\ref{rc}). The shells have this thickness of the order of 10 times $r_{\\rm ds}$. The mass-energies of the shells are taken to be $10^{-8}-10^{-2}$ of the total energy of the dyadosphere. The work contains the following sections: Sect. \\ref{hydrodynamic} presents discussions of the hydrodynamical equations of a PEM pulse interacting with the baryonic shell; Sect. \\ref{baryon} defines the parameters of the baryonic shells, the behaviour of the PEM pulse colliding with a baryon shell as well as before and after the collision are presented; in Sect. \\ref{comparison} the results of a numerical calculation solving the hydrodynamical equations of Sect. \\ref{hydrodynamic} are compared to the results of the analytical model of slab approximation for selected parameters. ", "conclusions": "By the direct comparison with the numerical integration of the complete relativistic hydrodynamical equations, the use of the constant-thickness approximation has been validated for values of the parameter $B\\leq10^{-2}$. For $B\\geq 10^{-2}$ the amount of energy released at transparency in the burst decreases, and its energy drifts toward low energy values, which are of little interest for the astrophysics of GRB. We conclude that the constant-thickness approximation is valid for all astrophysically relevant situations for the analysis of the GRB at transparency. Based on this validation we have studied the evolution of a PEM pulse in the presence of selected amounts of baryonic matter. We have studied for a typical case of $M_{\\rm BH}=10^3M_\\odot, \\xi=0.1$ EMBH and $B= 10^{-2}$ baryonic shell, the thermal, the bulk Lorentz factor evolution of the PEM pulse as well as the kinetic energy left over in the baryonic matter after the decoupling of matter and radiation and the emission of the GRB. Additional results corresponding to a larger range of masses and charges of the EMBH and the correlations between the peak energy and the duration of GRBs to be expected in our model will be considered in a future paper, together with the results of analyzing the interaction of the kinetic energy left over in the baryonic matter, after the decoupling of matter and radiation, with the interstellar medium." }, "0004/astro-ph0004061_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report first observational results of multifrequency campaigns on the prominent Virgo blazars 3C~273 and 3C~279 which were carried out in January and February 1999. Both blazars are detected from radio to \\gray\\ energies. We present the measured X- to \\gray\\ spectra of both sources, and for 3C~279 we compare the 1999 broad-band (radio to \\gray) spectrum to measured previous ones. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004204.txt": { "abstract": "First, we review the main physical effects to be considered in the building of evolutionary models of rotating stars on the Upper Main-Sequence (MS). The internal rotation law evolves as a result of contraction and expansion, meridional circulation, diffusion processes and mass loss. In turn, differential rotation and mixing exert a feedback on circulation and diffusion, so that a consistent treatment is necessary. We review recent results on the evolution of internal rotation and the surface rotational velocities for stars on the Upper MS, for red giants, supergiants and W--R stars. A fast rotation is enhancing the mass loss by stellar winds and reciprocally high mass loss is removing a lot of angular momentum. The problem of the ``break--up'' or $\\Omega$--limit is critically examined in connection with the origin of Be and LBV stars. The effects of rotation on the tracks in the HR diagram, the lifetimes, the isochrones, the blue to red supergiant ratios, the formation of W--R stars, the chemical abundances in massive stars as well as in red giants and AGB stars, are reviewed in relation to recent observations for stars in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds. The effects of rotation on the final stages and on the chemical yields are examined, as well as the constraints placed by the periods of pulsars. On the whole, this review points out that stellar evolution is not only a function of mass M and metallicity Z, but of angular velocity $\\Omega$ as well. ", "introduction": "Stellar rotation is an example of an astronomical domain which has been studied for several centuries and where the developments are rather slow. A short historical review since the discovery of the solar rotation by Galileo Galilei is given by Tassoul (1978). Few of the early works apply to real stars, since in general gaseous configurations were not considered and no account was given to radiative energy transport. The equations of rotating stars in radiative equilibrium were first considered by Milne (1923), von Zeipel (1924) and Eddington (1925); see also Tassoul (1990) for a more recent history. From the early days of stellar evolution, the studies of rotation and evolution have been closely associated. Soon after the first models showing that Main--Sequence (MS) stars move further into the giant and supergiant region (Sandage \\& Schwarzschild 1952), rotation was used as a major test for the evolution. Oke \\& Greenstein (1954) and Sandage (1955) found that the observed rotational velocities were consistent with the proposed evolutionary sequence. Stellar evolution, as other fields of Science, proceeds using as a guideline the principle of Occam's razor, which says that the explanation relying on the smallest number of hypotheses is usually the one to be preferred. Thus, due to the many well known successes of the theory of stellar evolution, rotation was and is still generally considered as only a second order effect. However, over recent years a number of serious discrepancies between current models and observations have been noticed. They concern particularly the helium and nitrogen abundances in massive O-- and B--type stars and in giants and supergiants, as well as the distribution of stars in the HR diagram at various metallicities. The observations show that the role of rotation has been largely overlooked. All the model outputs (tracks in the HR diagram, lifetimes, actual masses, surface abundances, nucleosynthetic yields, supernova precursors, etc\\dots ) are greatly influenced by rotation, thus it turns out that stellar evolution is basically a function of mass M, metallicity Z and angular velocity $\\Omega$. There are a number of reviews concerning stellar rotation, for example Strittmatter (1969), Fricke \\& Kippenhahn (1972), Tassoul (1978, 1990), Zahn (1983, 1994) and Pinsonneault (1997). Here, we focus on rotation in Upper MS stars, where the effects are likely the largest ones. The consequences for blue, yellow and red supergiants, Wolf--Rayet (W--R) stars, as well as for red giants and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are also examined. The rotation of low mass stars, where spin--down due to magnetic coupling between the wind and the central body is important, has been treated in a recent review (Pinsonneault 1997); rotation and magnetic activity were also reviewed by Hartmann and Noyes (1987). The role of rotation in pre--Main Sequence evolution with accretion disks has been discussed by Bodenheimer (1995). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004075_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This is a review of the physics and cosmology of the cosmological constant. Focusing on recent developments, I present a pedagogical overview of cosmology in the presence of a cosmological constant, observational constraints on its magnitude, and the physics of a small (and potentially nonzero) vacuum energy. ", "introduction": "\\label{section:introduction} \\subsection{Truth and beauty} \\label{section:truth} Science is rarely tidy. We ultimately seek a unified explanatory framework characterized by elegance and simplicity; along the way, however, our aesthetic impulses must occasionally be sacrificed to the desire to encompass the largest possible range of phenomena ({\\it i.e.}, to fit the data). It is often the case that an otherwise compelling theory, in order to be brought into agreement with observation, requires some apparently unnatural modification. Some such modifications may eventually be discarded as unnecessary once the phenomena are better understood; at other times, advances in our theoretical understanding will reveal that a certain theoretical compromise is only superficially distasteful, when in fact it arises as the consequence of a beautiful underlying structure. General relativity is a paradigmatic example of a scientific theory of impressive power and simplicity. The cosmological constant, meanwhile, is a paradigmatic example of a modification, originally introduced \\cite{einstein} to help fit the data, which appears at least on the surface to be superfluous and unattractive. Its original role, to allow static homogeneous solutions to Einstein's equations in the presence of matter, turned out to be unnecessary when the expansion of the universe was discovered \\cite{hubble}, and there have been a number of subsequent episodes in which a nonzero cosmological constant was put forward as an explanation for a set of observations and later withdrawn when the observational case evaporated. Meanwhile, particle theorists have realized that the cosmological constant can be interpreted as a measure of the energy density of the vacuum. This energy density is the sum of a number of apparently unrelated contributions, each of magnitude much larger than the upper limits on the cosmological constant today; the question of why the observed vacuum energy is so small in comparison to the scales of particle physics has become a celebrated puzzle, although it is usually thought to be easier to imagine an unknown mechanism which would set it precisely to zero than one which would suppress it by just the right amount to yield an observationally accessible cosmological constant. This checkered history has led to a certain reluctance to consider further invocations of a nonzero cosmological constant; however, recent years have provided the best evidence yet that this elusive quantity does play an important dynamical role in the universe. This possibility, although still far from a certainty, makes it worthwhile to review the physics and astrophysics of the cosmological constant (and its modern equivalent, the energy of the vacuum). There are a number of other reviews of various aspects of the cosmological constant; in the present article I will outline the most relevant issues, but not try to be completely comprehensive, focusing instead on providing a pedagogical introduction and explaining recent advances. For astrophysical aspects, I did not try to duplicate much of the material in Carroll, Press and Turner \\cite{cpt}, which should be consulted for numerous useful formulae and a discussion of several kinds of observational tests not covered here. Some earlier discussions include \\cite{felten,charlton,sandage88}, and subsequent reviews include \\cite{cohn,sahni,Turner:1998}. The classic discussion of the physics of the cosmological constant is by Weinberg \\cite{weinberg}, with more recent work discussed by \\cite{cohn,sahni}. For introductions to cosmology, see \\cite{kt,lindebook,peebles}. \\subsection{Introducing the cosmological constant} \\label{section:introducing} Einstein's original field equations are \\begin{equation} R_{\\mu\\nu} - {1\\over 2}Rg_{\\mu\\nu} = 8\\pi GT_{\\mu\\nu}\\ . \\label{einstein} \\end{equation} (I use conventions in which $c=1$, and will also set $\\hbar=1$ in most of the formulae to follow, but Newton's constant will be kept explicit.) On very large scales the universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic to an excellent approximation, which implies that its metric takes the Robertson-Walker form \\begin{equation} {\\rm d}s^2 = -{\\rm d}t^2 + a^2(t)R_0^2\\left[ {{{\\rm d}r^2}\\over{1-kr^2}} + r^2 {\\rm d}\\Omega^2\\right]\\ , \\label{rwmetric} \\end{equation} where ${\\rm d}\\Omega^2 = {\\rm d}\\theta^2 + \\sin^2\\theta {\\rm d} \\phi^2$ is the metric on a two-sphere. The curvature parameter $k$ takes on values $+1$, $0$, or $-1$ for positively curved, flat, and negatively curved spatial sections, respectively. The scale factor characterizes the relative size of the spatial sections as a function of time; we have written it in a normalized form $a(t) = R(t)/R_0$, where the subscript $0$ will always refer to a quantity evaluated at the present time. The redshift $z$ undergone by radiation from a comoving object as it travels to us today is related to the scale factor at which it was emitted by \\begin{equation} a = {1\\over {(1+z)}}\\ . \\end{equation} The energy-momentum sources may be modeled as a perfect fluid, specified by an energy density $\\rho$ and isotropic pressure $p$ in its rest frame. The energy-momentum tensor of such a fluid is \\begin{equation} T_{\\mu\\nu} = (\\rho +p)U_\\mu U_\\nu + p g_{\\mu\\nu}\\ , \\label{tmunufluid} \\end{equation} where $U^\\mu$ is the fluid four-velocity. To obtain a Robertson-Walker solution to Einstein's equations, the rest frame of the fluid must be that of a comoving observer in the metric (\\ref{rwmetric}); in that case, Einstein's equations reduce to the two Friedmann equations \\begin{equation} H^2 \\equiv \\left({{\\dot a}\\over a}\\right)^2 = {{8\\pi G}\\over 3}\\rho - {k\\over{a^2R_0^2}}\\ , \\label{feq1} \\end{equation} where we have introduced the Hubble parameter $H\\equiv \\dot a /a$, and \\begin{equation} {{\\ddot a}\\over a} = -{4\\pi G \\over 3}(\\rho + 3p)\\ . \\label{feq2} \\end{equation} Einstein was interested in finding static ($\\dot a = 0$) solutions, both due to his hope that general relativity would embody Mach's principle that matter determines inertia, and simply to account for the astronomical data as they were understood at the time.\\footnote{This account gives short shrift to the details of what actually happened; for historical background see \\cite{weinberg}.} A static universe with a positive energy density is compatible with (\\ref{feq1}) if the spatial curvature is positive ($k=+1$) and the density is appropriately tuned; however, (\\ref{feq2}) implies that $\\ddot a$ will never vanish in such a spacetime if the pressure $p$ is also nonnegative (which is true for most forms of matter, and certainly for ordinary sources such as stars and gas). Einstein therefore proposed a modification of his equations, to \\begin{equation} R_{\\mu\\nu} - {1\\over 2}Rg_{\\mu\\nu} + \\Lambda g_{\\mu\\nu} = 8\\pi GT_{\\mu\\nu}\\ , \\label{einsteinl} \\end{equation} where $\\Lambda$ is a new free parameter, the cosmological constant. Indeed, the left-hand side of (\\ref{einsteinl}) is the most general local, coordinate-invariant, divergenceless, symmetric, two-index tensor we can construct solely from the metric and its first and second derivatives. With this modification, the Friedmann equations become \\begin{equation} H^2 = {{8\\pi G}\\over 3}\\rho + {\\Lambda\\over 3} - {k\\over{a^2R_0^2}}\\ . \\label{feq1l} \\end{equation} and \\begin{equation} {{\\ddot a}\\over a} = -{4\\pi G \\over 3}(\\rho + 3p) + {\\Lambda \\over 3} \\ . \\label{feq2l} \\end{equation} These equations admit a static solution with positive spatial curvature and all the parameters $\\rho$, $p$, and $\\Lambda$ nonnegative. This solution is called the ``Einstein static universe.\" The discovery by Hubble that the universe is expanding eliminated the empirical need for a static world model (although the Einstein static universe continues to thrive in the toolboxes of theorists, as a crucial step in the construction of conformal diagrams). It has also been criticized on the grounds that any small deviation from a perfect balance between the terms in (\\ref{feq2l}) will rapidly grow into a runaway departure from the static solution. Pandora's box, however, is not so easily closed. The disappearance of the original motivation for introducing the cosmological constant did not change its status as a legitimate addition to the gravitational field equations, or as a parameter to be constrained by observation. The only way to purge $\\Lambda$ from cosmological discourse would be to measure all of the other terms in (\\ref{feq1l}) to sufficient precision to be able to conclude that the $\\Lambda/3$ term is negligibly small in comparison, a feat which has to date been out of reach. As discussed below, there is better reason than ever before to believe that $\\Lambda$ is actually nonzero, and Einstein may not have blundered after all. \\subsection{Vacuum energy} \\label{section:vacuumenergy} The cosmological constant $\\Lambda$ is a dimensionful parameter with units of (length)$^{-2}$. From the point of view of classical general relativity, there is no preferred choice for what the length scale defined by $\\Lambda$ might be. Particle physics, however, brings a different perspective to the question. The cosmological constant turns out to be a measure of the energy density of the vacuum --- the state of lowest energy --- and although we cannot calculate the vacuum energy with any confidence, this identification allows us to consider the scales of various contributions to the cosmological constant \\cite{zeld,bludman}. Consider a single scalar field $\\phi$, with potential energy $V(\\phi)$. The action can be written \\begin{equation} S = \\int d^4x\\, \\sqrt{-g}\\left[ {1\\over 2} g^{\\mu\\nu} \\partial_\\mu\\phi \\partial_\\nu\\phi - V(\\phi)\\right] \\end{equation} (where $g$ is the determinant of the metric tensor $g_{\\mu\\nu}$), and the corresponding energy-momentum tensor is \\begin{equation} T_{\\mu\\nu} = {1\\over 2}\\partial_\\mu\\phi \\partial_\\nu\\phi + {1\\over 2} (g^{\\rho\\sigma}\\partial_\\rho\\phi \\partial_\\sigma\\phi) g_{\\mu\\nu} - V(\\phi)g_{\\mu\\nu}\\ . \\end{equation} In this theory, the configuration with the lowest energy density (if it exists) will be one in which there is no contribution from kinetic or gradient energy, implying $\\partial_\\mu\\phi = 0$, for which $T_{\\mu\\nu}= - V(\\phi_0)g_{\\mu\\nu}$, where $\\phi_0$ is the value of $\\phi$ which minimizes $V(\\phi)$. There is no reason in principle why $V(\\phi_0)$ should vanish. The vacuum energy-momentum tensor can thus be written \\begin{equation} T^{\\rm vac}_{\\mu\\nu} = -\\rho_{\\rm vac} g_{\\mu\\nu}\\ , \\label{tmunuvac} \\end{equation} with $\\rho_{\\rm vac}$ in this example given by $V(\\phi_0)$. (This form for the vacuum energy-momentum tensor can also be argued for on the more general grounds that it is the only Lorentz-invariant form for $T^{\\rm vac}_{\\mu\\nu}$.) The vacuum can therefore be thought of as a perfect fluid as in (\\ref{tmunufluid}), with \\begin{equation} p_{\\rm vac} = -\\rho_{\\rm vac}\\ . \\end{equation} The effect of an energy-momentum tensor of the form (\\ref{tmunuvac}) is equivalent to that of a cosmological constant, as can be seen by moving the $\\Lambda g_{\\mu\\nu}$ term in (\\ref{einsteinl}) to the right-hand side and setting \\begin{equation} \\rho_{\\rm vac} = \\rho_\\Lambda \\equiv {{\\Lambda}\\over{8\\pi G}}\\ . \\end{equation} This equivalence is the origin of the identification of the cosmological constant with the energy of the vacuum. In what follows, I will use the terms ``vacuum energy\" and ``cosmological constant\" essentially interchangeably. It is not necessary to introduce scalar fields to obtain a nonzero vacuum energy. The action for general relativity in the presence of a ``bare'' cosmological constant $\\Lambda_0$ is \\begin{equation} S = {1\\over 16\\pi G}\\int d^4x\\, \\sqrt{-g} (R - 2\\Lambda_0)\\ , \\label{action} \\end{equation} where $R$ is the Ricci scalar. Extremizing this action (augmented by suitable matter terms) leads to the equations (\\ref{einsteinl}). Thus, the cosmological constant can be thought of as simply a constant term in the Lagrange density of the theory. Indeed, (\\ref{action}) is the most general covariant action we can construct out of the metric and its first and second derivatives, and is therefore a natural starting point for a theory of gravity. Classically, then, the effective cosmological constant is the sum of a bare term $\\Lambda_0$ and the potential energy $V(\\phi)$, where the latter may change with time as the universe passes through different phases. Quantum mechanics adds another contribution, from the zero-point energies associated with vacuum fluctuations. Consider a simple harmonic oscillator, {\\it i.e.}\\ a particle moving in a one-dimensional potential of the form $V(x)={1\\over 2}\\omega^2 x^2$. Classically, the ``vacuum'' for this system is the state in which the particle is motionless and at the minimum of the potential ($x=0$), for which the energy in this case vanishes. Quantum-mechanically, however, the uncertainty principle forbids us from isolating the particle both in position and momentum, and we find that the lowest energy state has an energy $E_0 = {1\\over 2} \\hbar\\omega$ (where I have temporarily re-introduced explicit factors of $\\hbar$ for clarity). Of course, in the absence of gravity either system actually has a vacuum energy which is completely arbitrary; we could add any constant to the potential (including, for example, $-{1\\over 2} \\hbar\\omega$) without changing the theory. It is important, however, that the zero-point energy depends on the system, in this case on the frequency $\\omega$. A precisely analogous situation holds in field theory. A (free) quantum field can be thought of as a collection of an infinite number of harmonic oscillators in momentum space. Formally, the zero-point energy of such an infinite collection will be infinite. (See \\cite{weinberg,cpt} for further details.) If, however, we discard the very high-momentum modes on the grounds that we trust our theory only up to a certain ultraviolet momentum cutoff $k_{\\rm max}$, we find that the resulting energy density is of the form \\begin{equation} \\rho_{\\Lambda} \\sim \\hbar k_{\\rm max}^4\\ . \\end{equation} This answer could have been guessed by dimensional analysis; the numerical constants which have been neglected will depend on the precise theory under consideration. Again, in the absence of gravity this energy has no effect, and is traditionally discarded (by a process known as ``normal-ordering''). However, gravity does exist, and the actual value of the vacuum energy has important consequences. (And the vacuum fluctuations themselves are very real, as evidenced by the Casimir effect \\cite{casimir}.) The net cosmological constant, from this point of view, is the sum of a number of apparently disparate contributions, including potential energies from scalar fields and zero-point fluctuations of each field theory degree of freedom, as well as a bare cosmological constant $\\Lambda_0$. Unlike the last of these, in the first two cases we can at least make educated guesses at the magnitudes. In the Weinberg-Salam electroweak model, the phases of broken and unbroken symmetry are distinguished by a potential energy difference of approximately $M_{\\rm EW} \\sim 200$~GeV (where 1~GeV $= 1.6\\times 10^{-3}$~erg); the universe is in the broken-symmetry phase during our current low-temperature epoch, and is believed to have been in the symmetric phase at sufficiently high temperatures in the early universe. The effective cosmological constant is therefore different in the two epochs; absent some form of prearrangement, we would naturally expect a contribution to the vacuum energy today of order \\begin{equation} \\rho_\\Lambda^{\\rm EW} \\sim (200~{\\rm GeV})^4 \\sim 3\\times 10^{47} {\\rm ~erg/cm}^3\\ . \\end{equation} Similar contributions can arise even without invoking ``fundamental\" scalar fields. In the strong interactions, chiral symmetry is believed to be broken by a nonzero expectation value of the quark bilinear $\\bar q q$ (which is itself a scalar, although constructed from fermions). In this case the energy difference between the symmetric and broken phases is of order the QCD scale $M_{\\rm QCD} \\sim 0.3$~GeV, and we would expect a corresponding contribution to the vacuum energy of order \\begin{equation} \\rho_\\Lambda^{\\rm QCD} \\sim (0.3~{\\rm GeV})^4 \\sim 1.6\\times 10^{36} {\\rm ~erg/cm}^3\\ . \\end{equation} These contributions are joined by those from any number of unknown phase transitions in the early universe, such as a possible contribution from grand unification of order $M_{\\rm GUT}\\sim 10^{16}$~GeV. In the case of vacuum fluctuations, we should choose our cutoff at the energy past which we no longer trust our field theory. If we are confident that we can use ordinary quantum field theory all the way up to the Planck scale $M_{\\rm Pl} = (8\\pi G)^{-1/2} \\sim 10^{18}$~GeV, we expect a contribution of order \\begin{equation} \\rho_\\Lambda^{\\rm Pl} \\sim (10^{18}~{\\rm GeV})^4 \\sim 2\\times 10^{110} {\\rm ~erg/cm}^3\\ . \\label{planckrho} \\end{equation} Field theory may fail earlier, although quantum gravity is the only reason we have to believe it will fail at any specific scale. As we will discuss later, cosmological observations imply \\begin{equation} |\\rho_\\Lambda^{\\rm (obs)}| \\leq (10^{-12}~{\\rm GeV})^4 \\sim 2\\times 10^{-10} {\\rm ~erg/cm}^3\\ , \\label{obsrho} \\end{equation} much smaller than any of the individual effects listed above. The ratio of (\\ref{planckrho}) to (\\ref{obsrho}) is the origin of the famous discrepancy of 120 orders of magnitude between the theoretical and observational values of the cosmological constant. There is no obstacle to imagining that all of the large and apparently unrelated contributions listed add together, with different signs, to produce a net cosmological constant consistent with the limit (\\ref{obsrho}), other than the fact that it seems ridiculous. We know of no special symmetry which could enforce a vanishing vacuum energy while remaining consistent with the known laws of physics; this conundrum is the ``cosmological constant problem''. In section \\ref{section:physics} we will discuss a number of issues related to this puzzle, which at this point remains one of the most significant unsolved problems in fundamental physics. ", "conclusions": "Observational evidence from a variety of sources currently points to a universe which is (at least approximately) spatially flat, with $(\\Omega_{\\rm M}, \\Omega_\\Lambda) \\approx (0.3, 0.7)$. The nucleosynthesis constraint implies that $\\Omega_{\\rm B}\\sim 0.04$, so the majority of the matter content must be in an unknown non-baryonic form. \\begin{figure}[t] \\epsfxsize = 8cm \\centerline{\\epsfbox{omegalvsa.ps}} \\caption{$\\Omega_\\Lambda$ as a function of the scale factor $a$, for a universe in which $\\Omega_{{\\rm M}0}=0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda 0}=0.7$. Indicated are the scale factors corresponding to the Planck era, the electroweak phase transition, and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.} \\label{omegalvsa} \\end{figure} Nobody would have guessed that we live in such a universe. Figure (\\ref{omegalvsa}) is a plot of $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ as a function of the scale factor $a$ for this cosmology. At early times, the cosmological constant would have been negligible, while at later times the density of matter will be essentially zero and the universe will be empty. We happen to live in that brief era, cosmologically speaking, when both matter and vacuum are of comparable magnitude. Within the matter component, there are apparently contributions from baryons and from a non-baryonic source, both of which are also comparable (although at least their ratio is independent of time). This scenario staggers under the burden of its unnaturalness, but nevertheless crosses the finish line well ahead of any competitors by agreeing so well with the data. Apart from confirming (or disproving) this picture, a major challenge to cosmologists and physicists in the years to come will be to understand whether these apparently distasteful aspects of our universe are simply surprising coincidences, or actually reflect a beautiful underlying structure we do not as yet comprehend. If we are fortunate, what appears unnatural at present will serve as a clue to a deeper understanding of fundamental physics." }, "0004/astro-ph0004243_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present PLANET observations of OGLE-1999-BUL-23, a binary-lens microlensing event towards the Galactic bulge. PLANET observations in the I and V bands cover the event from just before the first caustic crossing until the end of the event. In particular, a densely-sampled second caustic crossing enables us to derive the linear limb-darkening coefficients of the source star; $\\cv=0.786^{+0.080}_{-0.078}$ and $\\ci=0.632^{+0.047}_{-0.037}$. Combined analysis of the light curve and the color-magnitude diagram suggests that the source star is a G/K subgiant in the Galactic bulge ($\\Teff\\simeq 4800$ K). The resulting linear limb-darkening coefficient of the source is consistent with theoretical predictions, although it is likely that non-linearity of the stellar surface brightness profile complicates the interpretation, especially for the I band. The global light curve fit to the data indicates that the event is due to a binary lens of a mass ratio $q\\simeq 0.39$ and a projected separation $d\\simeq 2.42$. The lens/source relative proper motion is $(22.8\\pm 1.5)\\ \\kms\\ \\kpc^{-1}$, typical of bulge/bulge or bulge/disk events. ", "introduction": "In point-source-point-lens (PSPL) microlensing events, the light curve yields only one physically interesting parameter, the characteristic time scale of the event, $\\te$, which is a combination of the mass of the lens and the source-lens relative parallax and proper motion. However, more varieties than PSPL events have been observed in reality, and using deviations from the standard light curve, one can deduce more information about the lens and the source. The Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork (PLANET) is an international collaboration that monitors events in search of such anomalous light curves using a network of telescopes in the southern hemisphere \\citep{al98}. One example of information that can be extracted from anomalous events is the surface brightness profile of the source star \\citep{wi95}. In a binary or multiple lens system, the caustic is an extended structure. If the source passes near or across the caustic, drastic changes in magnification near the caustics can reveal the finite size of the source \\citep{go94, ne94, wi94, al97}, and one can even extract its surface-brightness profile \\citep{bc96, go96, sa97, va98}. The fall-off of the surface brightness near the edge of the stellar disk with respect to its center, known as limb darkening, has been extensively observed in the Sun. Theories of stellar atmospheres predict limb darkening as a general phenomenon and give models for different types of stars. Therefore, measurement of limb darkening in distant stars other than the Sun would provide important observational constraints on the study of stellar atmospheres. However, such measurements are very challenging with traditional techniques and have usually been restricted to relatively nearby stars or extremely large supergiants. As a result, only a few attempts have been made to measure limb darkening to date. The classical method of tracing the stellar surface brightness profile is the analysis of the light curves of eclipsing binaries \\citep{wi71, tw80}. However, the current practice in eclipsing-binary studies usually takes the opposite approach to limb darkening \\citep{cl98a} -- constructing models of light curves using theoretical predictions of limb darkening. This came to dominate after \\citet{po84} demonstrated that the uncertainty of limb darkening measurements from eclipsing binaries is substantially larger than the theoretical uncertainty. Since the limb-darkening parameter is highly correlated with other parameters of the eclipsing binary, fitting for limb darkening could seriously degrade the measurement of these other parameters. Multi-aperture interferometry and lunar occultation, which began as measurements of the angular sizes of stars, have also been used to resolve the surface structures of stars \\citep{ho98}. In particular, a large wavelength dependence of the interferometric size of a stellar disk has been attributed to limb darkening, and higher order corrections to account for limb darkening have been widely adopted in the interferometric angular size measurement of stars. Several recent investigations using optical interferometry extending beyond the first null of the visibility function have indeed confirmed that the observed patterns of the visibility function contradict a uniform stellar disk model and favor a limb-darkened disk \\citep{qu96, ha98} although these investigations have used a model prediction of limb darkening inferred from the surface temperature rather than deriving the limb darkening from the observations. However, at least in one case, \\citet{bu97} used interferometric imaging to measure the stellar surface brightness profile with coefficients beyond the simple linear model. In addition, developments of high resolution direct imaging in the last decade using space telescopes \\citep{gi96} or speckle imaging \\citep{kl97} have provided a more straightforward way of detecting stellar surface irregularities. However, most studies of this kind are still limited to a few extremely large supergiants, such as $\\alpha$ Ori. Furthermore, they seem to be more sensitive to asymmetric surface structures such as spotting than to limb darkening. By contrast, microlensing can produce limb-darkening measurements for distant stars with reasonable accuracy. To date, limb darkening (more precisely, a set of coefficients of a parametrized limb-darkened profile) has been measured for source stars in three events, two K giants in the Galactic bulge and an A dwarf in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). MACHO 97-BLG-28 was a cusp-crossing event of a K giant source with extremely good data, permitting \\citet{al99a} to make a two-coefficient (linear and square-root) measurement of limb darkening. \\citet{af00} used data from five microlensing collaborations to measure linear limb darkening coefficients in five filter bandpasses for MACHO 98-SMC-1, a metal-poor A star in the SMC. Although the data for this event were also excellent, the measurement did not yield a two-parameter determination because the caustic crossing was a fold-caustic rather than a cusp, and these are less sensitive to the form of the stellar surface brightness profile. \\citet{al00a} measured a linear limb-darkening coefficient for MACHO 97-BLG-41, a complex rotating-binary event with both a cusp crossing and a fold-caustic crossing. In principle, such an event could give very detailed information about the surface brightness profile. However, neither the cusp nor the fold-caustic crossing was densely sampled, so only a linear parameter could be extracted. In this paper, we report a new limb-darkening measurement of a star in the Galactic bulge by a fold-caustic crossing event, OGLE-1999-BUL-23, based on the photometric monitoring of PLANET. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004133_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A popular interpretation of recent microlensing studies of the line of sight towards the Large Magellanic Cloud invokes a population of old white dwarf stars in the Galactic halo. Below I review the basic properties of old white dwarf stars and the ongoing efforts to detect this population directly. ", "introduction": "Other authors in this volume cover the microlensing motivations much better than I can, so I shall suffice to remind you that one possible explanation of the microlensing events towards the LMC invokes a population of objects in the range $0.3-0.8$M$_{\\odot}$. Potentially these could be either normal hydrogen-burning stars or white dwarfs, the burnt-out remnants of stellar evolution. To distinguish these populations, we turn to direct searches at optical wavelengths, since the latter population is $10^{-3}-10^{-4}$ as bright as the former. The number counts of faint red stars suggest that hydrogen burning stars cannot account for the microlensing population (Bahcall et al 1994; Graff \\& Freese 1996). The question I wish to address is how well one can constrain the white dwarf hypothesis by similar means. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004305_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The increase in spin frequency as the burning atmospheres of Type~I X-ray bursts cool provides a strong constraint on the radius of the underlying neutron star. If the change in spin frequency is due to a change in the thickness of the atmosphere, the radius of the star must exceed $3 G M/c^2$ for any equation of state and approximately $3.5 G M/c^2$ for most physically reasonable equations of state. This constraint arises because the direction of the Coriolis force for radial motion reverses for $R < G / c^2 ( M + I / R^2 )$. Furthermore, the marked change in the magnitude of the Coriolis force near compact stars provides a straightforward explanation for why the frequency of the quickly rotating bursters shifts by the same amount as the slow rotators; they are slightly more massive, 1.6~M$_\\odot$ versus 1.4~M$_\\odot$. ", "introduction": "If material accretes onto the surface of a neutron star sufficiently slowly, a layer of fuel develops and then suddenly ignites producing a burst of x-rays known as a Type~I X-ray burst. These thermonuclear flashes each release about $10^{39}$~ergs and repeat on a timescale from hours to days (\\cite{Lewi95,Bild98}). Although only one source (SAX~J1808.4-3658) exhibits periodic variation in its quiescent emission (\\cite{Wijn98,Chak98}), during the bursts themselves the emission is quasiperiodic (\\eg \\cite{Stro97a}), apparently due to rotational modulation of the inhomogeneities in the thermonuclear burning. \\jcite{1999ApJ...516L..81S} find that the oscillations in the cooling tails of the X-ray bursts from 4U~1702-429 and 4U~1728-34 are nearly coherent with $Q\\sim 4000$ and consistent with an increase in the modulation frequency as the burning layer cools. \\jcite{Joss78} calculated the first numerical models of thermonuclear burning on the surface of a 1.4~M$_\\odot$ neutron star with a radius of 6.6~km. He found that the initial surface layer of helium expands from a thickness of about three meters to one of thirty meters during the onset of the burst (also \\cite{Bild95}). \\jcite{Stro97b} argue that this increase in radius is sufficient to account for the frequency shifts observed during the bursts due to the conservation of angular momentum. To use the conservation of angular momentum to explain the change in frequency of the emission as the burning region of the atmosphere (or hotspot) expands and then contracts, one assumes that the specific angular momentum of a fluid element is conserved during the burst. The magnetic fields of the neutron stars are likely to be weak (otherwise there would be periodicities in the persistent emission); consequently, this is a viable assumption. However, the relationship between the specific angular momentum of a fluid element and its position is more complicated in general relativity than in Newtonian theory (\\eg \\cite{AbramowiczMillerStuchlik1993}). In the case of the Schwarzschild spacetime, the angular momentum of a fluid element is \\be \\d\\! L = \\d m \\Omega r_g^2 = \\d m \\Omega \\frac{r^2}{1-2 M / r} \\label{eq:rgyration} \\ee where $\\Omega$ is the angular velocity of the element as measured by an observer at infinity. This expression and its generalizations result in the reversal of the centrifugal forces (\\eg \\cite{AbramowiczPrasanna1990,Abramowicz1993}) and gyroscopic precession (\\eg \\cite{1998GReGr..30..593N}) in curved spacetimes. Rather than using \\eqref{rgyration} to obtain the change in the angular velocity of the hotspot, \\S~\\ref{sec:coriolis} calculates the change the angular velocity in a frame that rotates with the neutron star. The reasons for this treatment are two-fold. First, the calculation is quite straightforward and illustrative. Second, the effects of frame dragging are likely to be important for neutron stars, so rather than deriving a new definition for the radius of gyration to include frame dragging, frame dragging may simply be included in the metric. \\S~\\ref{sec:xrayburst} applies these results to Type~I X-ray bursts, and finally \\S~\\ref{sec:conclus} summarizes the conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclus} The Coriolis force in the curved spacetime near a neutron star is substantially smaller than the Newtonian value and reverses its direction as the radius of the star approaches $3 G M/c^2$. For typical neutron-star parameters of $R=10$~km and $M=1.4$~M$_\\odot$, the fully relativistic Coriolis force is only 30\\% of the Newtonian value. This contrasts with the assertion of \\jcite{Stro99} that the correction to the Coriolis force is the same order as the gravitational redshift, \\ie 20 -- 30\\% due to time dilation alone. Although time dilation does contribute, it does not dominate. Time dilation alone would not predict, the change in the sign of the Coriolis force for $r\\approx 3 M$. The bulk of the effect arises from the fact that the specific angular momentum of a fluid element has a minimum at the photon circular orbit, which has $r=3 M$ for a non-rotating star. This also manifests itself through the reversal of the centrifugal force also at $r=3M$ (\\eg\\ \\cite{AbramowiczPrasanna1990,1990MNRAS.245..733A}, \\cite{Abramowicz1993,1996MNRAS.281..659S}) and the fact that compact stars may have moments of inertia which exceed $\\frac{2}{5} M R^2$, the Newtonian value for a sphere with constant density (\\eg\\ \\cite{1967ApJ...150.1005H,1974MNRAS.167...63C}). Because the Coriolis force sensitively depends on the ratio of the mass to the radius of a relativistic star, Type~I X-ray bursts provide a strong constraint on the equation of state of the underlying neutron star. Specifically, since the oscillation frequency of the burst increases as the atmosphere cools and presumably shrinks, the radius of the star must exceed $3\\; G M/c^2$. If frame dragging is included, the constraint is stronger, $R>3.49\\; G M/c^2$. Furthermore, this sensitivity provides a simple explanation for the fact that the quickly rotating bursters, 4U~1636-54, KS~1731-26, Aql X-1 and the galactic center source, spin up by the same amount as the slowly rotating bursters, 4U~1702-43 and 4U~1728-34. The fast rotators are simply slightly more massive, 1.6~M$_\\odot$ versus 1.4~M$_\\odot$. Further studies of the thermonuclear burning in the atmospheres of Type~I X-ray bursts will make them a precise probe of the spacetime geometry surrounding rotating neutron stars. General relativity presents gravity as an inertial force; therefore, it is not surprising that Newtonian notions of inertial forces do not apply in strong gravitational fields. Gravity strongly affects the Coriolis force which is important in the evolution of Type~I X-Ray bursts; consequently, these bursts provide a strong constraint on the spacetime geometry surrounding accreting neutron stars." }, "0004/cond-mat0004104_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the Falicov-Kimball model in two dimensions in the neutral case, i.e, the number of mobile electrons is equal to the number of ions. For rational densities between $1/3$ and $2/5$ we prove that the ground state is periodic if the strength of the attraction between the ions and electrons is large enough. The periodic ground state is given by taking the one dimensional periodic ground state found by Lemberger and then extending it into two dimensions in such a way that the configuration is constant along lines at a 45 degree angle to the lattice directions. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004149_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyze the three catalogs of nearby loose groups by Garcia (1993). She identified groups in a magnitude--limited redshift galaxy catalog, which covers about $\\sim 2/3$ of sky within $cz =5500$ \\kss, by using two methods, a percolation and a hierarchical method. The free parameters of the group-selection algorithms were tuned to obtain similar catalogs of groups. The author also proposed a third catalog of groups defined as a combination of the two. Each catalog contains almost 500 groups. In agreement with previous works on earlier catalogs, we find that groups can be described as collapsing systems. Their sampled size is in general considerably larger than their expected virialized region. We compute the virial masses and correct them by taking into account the young dynamical status of these groups. We estimate corrected group masses, $M$, for two reference cosmological models, a flat one with a matter density parameter $\\Omega_0=1$ and an open one with $\\Omega_0=0.2$. For each of the three catalogs we calculate the mass function. We find that the amplitude of the mass function is not very sensitive to the choice of the group-identification algorithm. The number density of groups with $M> 9 \\times 10^{12}$ \\msunn, which is the adopted limit of sample completeness, ranges in the interval $1.3$--$1.9 \\times 10^{-3} h^{3}Mpc^{-3}$ for $\\Omega_0=1$, and it is about a factor of $15\\%$ lower for $\\Omega_0=0.2$. The mass functions of the hierarchical and combined catalogs have essentially the same shape, while the mass function of the percolation catalog shows a flattening towards large masses. However, the difference decreases if we do not consider the most massive groups, for which reliable results come from galaxy cluster studies. After having estimated the mass contained within the central, presumably virialized, regions of groups by adopting a reduction in mass of $\\sim 30$--$40\\%$, we do a comparison with the results coming from the virial analysis of nearby rich clusters (Girardi et al. 1998a). All three group mass functions turn out to be a smooth extrapolation of the cluster mass function at $M<4 \\times 10^{14}$\\msunn, which is the completeness limit of the cluster sample. The resulting optical virial mass function of galaxy systems, which extends over two orders of magnitude, is fitted to a Schechter expression with a slope of $\\sim -1.5$ and a characteristic mass of $M^*\\sim 3\\times 10^{14}$\\msunn. We also verify that our group mass function reasonably agrees with the Press--Schechter predictions of models which at large masses describe the virial mass function of clusters. \\vspace*{6pt} \\noindent {\\em Subject headings: } galaxies: clusters: general - cosmology: observations - cosmology: theory - large scale structure of universe. ", "introduction": "Most galaxies in the local universe belong to loose galaxy groups. Groups seem to be the natural continuation of galaxy clusters at smaller mass scales. Indeed, there is a continuity of properties from rich clusters to poor clusters and to groups (e.g., Ramella, Geller, \\& Huchra 1989; Burns et al. 1996; Mulchaey \\& Zabludoff 1998; Ramella et al. 1999; Girardi, Boschin, \\& da Costa 2000). Zabludoff \\& Mulchaey (1998) used multi--fiber spectroscopy to obtain velocities for a large number of group members (i.e. 280 galaxies for a total of 12 groups) and Mahdavi et al. (1999) measured several hundreds of redshifts to obtain a sample of 20 groups, each one having , on average, 30 galaxies . For these well--sampled groups Zabludoff \\& Mulchaey (1998) and Mahdavi et al. (1999) performed refined analyses, i.e. the rejection of interlopers, the study of the internal galaxy distribution and velocity dispersion profiles, and the separation of different galaxy populations (see, e.g., Biviano et al. 1997; Carlberg et al. 1996, 1997b; den Hartog \\& Katgert 1996; Dressler et al. 1999; Girardi et al. 1996, 1998b; Mohr et al. 1996; Koranyi \\& Geller 2000; for recent relevant results on rich and poor clusters). However, all these analyses are so far restricted to a limited number of groups since they require a strong observational effort. Therefore, to analyze group dynamical properties in a statistical sense, one must resort to wide group catalogs where groups are extracted from three--dimensional galaxy catalogs and typically contain $\\lesssim$ five member galaxies (e.g., Huchra \\& Geller 1982; Tully 1987; Ramella et al. 1999). Here, we focus our attention on the determination of group mass function from wide catalogs of nearby loose groups. The observational determination of group mass function is plagued by several problems. Some of them concern the estimate of mass and are mainly due to the small number of group members and to uncertainties in the dynamical stage. In fact, although group cores are virialized or close to virialization (Zabludoff \\& Mulchaey 1998), the size of groups identified in three--dimensional galaxy catalogs, i.e. $\\sim 0.5$--$1$ \\hh, is appreciably greater than their expected virialized region, i.e. $\\sim 0.2$--0.4 \\h for systems with a line--of--sight velocity dispersion of 100--200 \\ks (according to the relations found for galaxy clusters, e.g. Carlberg, Yee, \\& Ellingson 1997; Girardi et al. 1998b). Indeed, there is a strong indication that these groups are not virialized systems over the whole sampled region, but can be rather described as being in a phase of collapse (e.g., Giuricin et al. 1988; Mamon 1994; Diaferio et al. 1993). Therefore, usual estimates of velocity dispersion and virial mass are not easily connected to physical quantities such as group potential and mass. The small number of data and the uncertainties on dynamical status prevent one to use refined methods to reject interlopers in each individual group (e.g., Zabludoff \\& Mulchaey 1998, Mahdavi et al. 1999). Instead, one must rely on member galaxies as assigned by the group-selection algorithm, while checking a posteriori the presence of spurious groups in a statistical sense (e.g., Ramella, Pisani, \\& Geller 1997; Diaferio et al. 1999). Indeed the results could depend on the choice of the group-selection algorithm and its free parameter (e.g., Pisani et al. 1992 -- hereafter P92; Ramella et al. 1997). For instance, Frederic' s (1995b) analysis of cosmological N--body simulations suggested that the estimated median mass depends on the algorithm and that the resulting bias is sensitive to the depth of the galaxy survey. However, even the analysis of simulated groups is not an easy task and, indeed, the results on mass can depend on the treatment of halos (cf. Frederic 1995b). A further uncertainty is connected to cosmic variance. In fact, group catalogs are recovered from local galaxy catalogs which may not be fair samples of the universe. In view of these difficulties, few statistical distributions of group dynamical properties are available in the literature and they are often discrepant. The cumulative distributions of internal velocity--dispersion, as computed by Moore, Frenk, \\& White (1993) and by Zabludoff et al. (1993), are strongly discrepant (the number densities of groups with line--of--sight velocity dispersion larger than 200 \\ks differ by a factor of 100, see Fig.~6 of Fadda et al. 1996 for a comparison). Moreover, analyzing nearby groups ($cz\\le 2000$ \\kss) of three different group catalogs, P92 found a significant dependence of the distribution of mass and other dynamical group parameters on the group-identification algorithm. The availability of new group catalogs has prompted us to derive a new group mass function, whose connection with the recent determination of the optical virial mass function of nearby rich galaxy clusters (Girardi et al. 1998a, hereafter G98) deserves to be investigated. The work by Garcia (1993, hereafter G93), who constructed two group catalogs using two different identification algorithms (the percolation and hierarchical ones) and proposed a third catalog which is a combination of the two, represents a good data base for facing the effect of identification algorithms. So far, G93 catalogs are the largest catalogs of groups presently published. They are largely superior to those analyzed by P92 both for the number of groups (450--500 groups for each of the three catalogs) and the encompassed volumes ($\\sim 2/3$ of sky, $cz\\le 5500$ \\kss). Moreover, these group catalogs were selected from the same parent galaxy sample, thus allowing us to better investigate on the effects due to differences in the selection algorithm. Furthermore, the improved statistics in the high-mass range (less than ten groups analyzed by P92 have masses larger than $10^{14}$\\msunn) permits an interesting comparison with cluster mass function and a determination of the virial mass function over an unprecedently large range of masses. In \\S~2 we briefly describe the data. In \\S~3 we calculate group masses. In \\S~4 and 5 we compute group mass function and verify its stability, respectively. In \\S~6 we compare the results of groups and clusters, recovering the mass function of galaxy systems for a mass range which extends over two orders of magnitude. In \\S~7 we give our discussions. In \\S~8 we summarize our results and draw our conclusions. Throughout the paper, errors are given at the $68\\%$ confidence level and the Hubble constant is $H_0=100\\ \\rm{h}\\ $Mpc$^{-1}$ \\kss. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0004/astro-ph0004239_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of a bright (J = 13.83$\\pm$0.03) methane brown dwarf, or T dwarf, by the Two Micron All Sky Survey. This object, 2MASSI J0559191-140448, is the first brown dwarf identified by the newly commissioned CorMASS instrument mounted on the Palomar 60-inch Telescope. Near-infrared spectra from 0.9 - 2.35 $\\micron$ show characteristic CH$_4$ bands at 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, and 2.2 $\\micron$, which are significantly shallower than those seen in other T dwarfs discovered to date. Coupled with the detection of an FeH band at 0.9896 and two sets of K I doublets at J-band, we propose that 2MASS J0559-14 is a warm T dwarf, close to the transition between L and T spectral classes. The brightness of this object makes it a good candidate for detailed investigation over a broad wavelength regime and at higher resolution. ", "introduction": "T dwarfs are brown dwarfs that exhibit methane absorption bands at 1.6 and 2.2 $\\micron$ \\citep{Ki99a}, and thus have effective temperatures T$_{eff}$ $\\lesssim$ 1200-1300 K \\citep{Fe96,Bu99,Ki00}. The prototype for this class, Gl 229B \\citep{Na95,Op99}, was identified as a cool companion to the nearby M1V star Gl 229A. Recently, seven field objects \\citep{Ss99,Bg99,Cu99,Ts00} and another companion object \\citep{Bg00a} have also been identified as T dwarfs. The rapid discovery of these cool brown dwarfs has been driven by new sky surveys, such as the Two Micron All Sky Survey \\citep[hereafter 2MASS]{Sk97} and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep{Gu95}; and deep near-infrared surveys, such as the ESO New Technology Telescope Deep Field \\citep{Ar99}. The T dwarfs identified to date are remarkably similar to Gl 229B, with colors in the range $-$0.2 $\\lesssim$ J-K$_s$ $\\lesssim$ 0.2. Near-infrared spectra are correspondingly similar \\citep{Ss99,Bg00a}, likely due to the saturation of H$_2$O and CH$_4$ bands that dominate this wavelength regime. Subtle differences in the magnitudes and shapes of H- and K-band flux peaks are observed, due to increased CH$_4$, H$_2$O, and H$_2$ collision-induced absorption (CIA) toward cooler effective temperatures \\citep{Bg99,Ts00}, and variations in the depths of near-infrared H$_2$O and CH$_4$ bands are discerned when compared to Gl 229B \\citep{Na00,Bg00a}. Nonetheless, the similarity of the near-infrared spectra suggests that either the objects thus far identified are very similar in temperature, around 1000 K \\citep{Ma96}, or that near-infrared features are fairly insensitive to temperature, making the definition of a T dwarf spectral sequence in this wavelength regime a difficult proposition, at least at low resolution. We report the discovery of a T dwarf by 2MASS which is unique among its counterparts, as it shows significant differences in its near-infrared features while retaining defining CH$_4$ bands. This object, 2MASSI J0559191-140448 (hereafter 2MASS J0559-14), is also 0.4 mag brighter than Gl 229B and more than 1 mag brighter than the field T dwarfs discovered thus far. It is the first brown dwarf to be identified by the newly commissioned Cornell Massachusetts Slit Spectrograph \\citep[hereafter CorMASS]{Wi00}, mounted on the Palomar 60-inch telescope. In $\\S$2 we discuss the selection of 2MASS J0559-14 from 2MASS data and its spectral identification by CorMASS. In $\\S$3 we discuss the observed spectral features and argue that 2MASS J0559-14 is a warm T dwarf, possibly close to the transition temperature between L and T spectral classes. We discuss the brightness of this object and its role in future spectroscopic investigation of the T dwarf class in $\\S$4. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Spectral Features} Table 2 summarizes the spectral features detected in 2MASS J0559-14, with identifications from \\citet{Pg63}, \\citet{Da66}, \\citet{Ws66}, and \\citet{Ph87}. Only major absorption bands of H$_2$O and CH$_4$ are tabulated. The characteristic CH$_4$ bands at 1.6 and 2.2 $\\micron$ are present, as are bands at 1.1 and 1.3 $\\micron$ identified from laboratory data \\citep{Fi79} which are blended with H$_2$O bands at the same wavelengths. An FeH feature is seen at 0.9896 $\\micron$ (0-0 band of A$^4$$\\Delta$-X$^4$$\\Delta$) which has also been identified in SDSS 1624+00 \\citep{Bg00b}. We do not detect the higher order 0-1 FeH band at 1.191 $\\micron$, which is seen to weaken in the latest L dwarfs \\citep{Mc00}. Two sets of K I doublets are noted at 1.1690 \\& 1.1773 $\\micron$ (4p $^2$P$_0$ $-$ 3d $^2$D) and 1.2432 \\& 1.2522 $\\micron$ (4p $^2$P$_0$ $-$ 5s $^2$S), as is Cs I at 0.8943 $\\micron$ (6s $^2$S$_{1/2}$ $-$ 6p $^2$P$_{1/2}$). We do not detect the 2-0 X$^1$$\\Sigma$$^+$-X$^1$$\\Sigma$$^+$ band of CO at 2.3 $\\micron$. Comparison between 2MASS J0559-14 and SDSS 1624+00 reveals significant differences in spectral morphology. In Figure 2, it is apparent that the slope between 0.9 and 1.05 $\\micron$ is shallower in 2MASS J0559-14, likely due to decreased absorption by the pressure-broadened K I doublet at 0.7665 and 0.7699 $\\micron$ \\citep{Li00}. CH$_4$ and H$_2$O features are generally weaker in 2MASS J0559-14, as noted by the significantly weakened 1.1 - 1.2 $\\micron$ trough between $z$- and J-band peaks. The decreased CH$_4$ opacity noticeably affects the shape of the J-band peak near 1.27 $\\micron$, as the weak CH$_4$ wings at 1.24 and 1.30 $\\micron$ carve out less flux on either side of the peak. In Figure 2, a significant flux offset is readily apparent at the base of the 1.6 $\\micron$ CH$_4$ band in 2MASS J0559-14, and relative enhancement of flux at both H- and K-bands in this object is almost certainly due to decreased H$_2$ CIA (1-0 Quadrupole), H$_2$O, and CH$_4$ opacity. \\placefigure{fig-2} \\placefigure{fig-3} \\placetable{tbl-2} \\subsection{2MASS J0559-14 is a Warm T dwarf} The weak CH$_4$ bands seen in 2MASS J0559-14 are unique among the current sample of T dwarfs, and the reduced opacity can be most readily explained if this object is warmer than other known T dwarfs. At higher effective temperatures, the dominant carbon-bearing species changes from CO to CH$_4$ at small optical depth, so that the CH$_4$ column density will be less than that of cooler T dwarfs, and observed band strengths correspondingly weaker. Increased thermal flux will also be seen at the base of these bands, particularly at 1.6 $\\micron$, which is unaffected by H$_2$O absorption. The lower CH$_4$ column density directly affects the H$_2$O column density, via the reaction CO + 3 H$_2$ $\\rightarrow$ CH$_4$ + H$_2$O, leading to shallower bands at 1.1 and 1.45 $\\micron$. Water can also be heated and dissociated by dust layers deep in the photosphere \\citep{Le98}. Finally, decreased H$_2$ CIA opacity at K-band, congruous with reduced CH$_4$ and H$_2$O opacity, will result in redder J-K$_s$ colors with warmer T$_{eff}$. These features are observed in 2MASS J0559-14, and its warm temperature is independently supported by the detection of the 0.9896 $\\micron$ FeH band, which is present but weakening in the latest L dwarfs \\citep{Ki99a}. A similar argument has been made for SDSS 1624+00 by \\citet{Bg00b}, which was one of only three T dwarfs in that paper to show this feature. SDSS 1624+00 has been shown to be a warm object via optical continuum measurements between broadened Na I and K I features \\citep{Li00}, while \\citet{Na00} argue that this object is both warmer and dustier than Gl 229B based on its shallower CH$_4$ and H$_2$O bands. By analogy, 2MASS J0559-14 should be warmer still. The detection of excited K I lines at J-band, which are seen to weaken in the latest L dwarfs \\citep{Mc00}, is further evidence of the warmth of this object. The spectral features in 2MASS J0559-14 suggest that it is close to the L/T transition temperature. The lack of CO detection at 2.3 $\\micron$ is not necessarily contradictory to this hypothesis, as overlying CH$_4$ absorption beyond 2.2 $\\micron$ may mask this weaker feature. Naturally, metallicity, dust, and gravity could also play roles in the band strengths seen in 2MASS J0559-14; however, temperature is likely to be the dominant determinant given the concordance of spectral features as discussed above. We can make a conservative T$_{eff}$ constraint for this object based on the temperature of Gl 229B, which is clearly cooler, and a temperature estimate of the L8V companion dwarf Gl 584C \\citep{Ki00}; this translates into a range of 1000 $\\lesssim$ T$_{eff}$ $\\lesssim$ 1300 K. Parallax and bolometric luminosity measurements of this object would allow a direct determination of temperature." }, "0004/astro-ph0004054_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In very crowded fields, the modulation of the background by the sea of unresolved faint sources induces centroid shifts. The errors increase with the number of sources per beam. Even the most optimistic simulations of imaging data show that position errors can become severe (on the order of the beam size) at flux levels at which images contain 1/50 to 1/15 sources per beam, depending on the slope of the number-flux relation $d\\log N/d\\log S$. These problems are expected to be significant for recent observations of faint submillimeter sources and may be the reason that some sources appear to lack optical counterparts. ", "introduction": "Fainter is (usually) better when it comes to star and galaxy counts. However, there are fundamental limits to faint imaging from confusion which cannot be overcome by increasing exposure times alone. The sea of unresolved sources fainter than the detection limit creates a noise in the sky, which does not improve with more data. Many of the issues associated with this confusion noise have been discussed before (eg, Scheuer 1957; Condon 1974; Franceschini 1982; Hacking \\& Houck 1987; Barcons 1992), however the large number of present-day observations that are or soon will be pushing this confusion limit suggests a new discussion. In particular, in recent years there has been a concerted effort to produce very deep, multi-wavelength studies of blank sky in order to identify extragalactic sources as comprehensively as possible. These studies have been very successful, identifying populations of radio-, submillimeter-, infrared-, visual- and x-ray-bright galaxies and associating them with their counterparts in other bands (Djorgovski et al 1995; Williams et al 1996; Hogg et al 1996; Rowan-Robinson et al 1997; Richards et al 1998; Hughes et al 1998; Barger et al 1998; Eales et al 1999; Aussel et al 1999; Elbaz et al 1999; Gardner et al 2000; Brandt et al in preparation; Dickinson et al in preparation). Some of the faintest sources in some of the most crowded fields (in the sense of number of sources per resolution element) have not shown clearly distinguished counterparts at other wavelengths (Hughes et al 1998; Smail et al 1998; Barger et al 1999b). This raises the question ``could confusion be playing a role?'' This paper is a first attempt at characterizing position shifts due to confusion in astronomical images. Simulated images of crowded fields are presented, made in the most optimistic way: no photon noise, a perfectly understood gaussian point spread function or beam shape, pointlike sources, a power-law number--flux relation of known slope, and no angular clustering. Even with these optimistic inputs, the resulting images show that it is impossible to accurately measure positions and fluxes of sources that are more than an order of magnitude brighter than the flux level corresponding to one source per beam (a beam being one resolution element in the image). Recent work making use of the limit ``one source per beam'' (eg, Blain et al 1998) is therefore overly optimistic. The standard rule-of-thumb is that confusion becomes important at 1/30 of a source per beam. It is possible to get information from the statistics of the background noise fainter than the level of 1/30 source per beam (eg, Scheuer 1957; Condon 1974), but in terms of identifying and measuring individual sources, 1/30 is regarded as the limit. This paper tests the rule-of-thumb for confusion-induced astrometry errors, which are particularly important for deep, multi-wavelength studies, in which counterpart identification across multiple data sets is important. Astrometric shifts due to confusion have been predicted and observed in the context of microlensing data (Goldberg 1998; Goldberg \\& Wo\\'zniak 1998) and are expected to limit future stellar astrometry experiments (Yu et al 1993; Rajagopal \\& Allen 1999). For the purposes of this paper a ``beam'' is taken to be the solid angle of the $1\\,\\sigma$-radius circle of the gaussian point spread function, or $\\Omega_{\\rm beam}=\\pi\\,\\sigma^2$. Note that for a gaussian, $\\sigma\\approx \\theta_{\\rm FWHM}/2.35$ where $\\theta_{\\rm FWHM}$ is the angular full width at half-maximum of the point spread function. The number of sources per beam $s/b$ at a given flux level $S$ is the integrated number of sources $N(>S)$ in an image brighter than flux $S$ divided by the number of beams in the solid angle of the image or $(\\Omega_{\\rm image}/\\Omega_{\\rm beam})$. ", "conclusions": "For typical faint imaging in the visual and near-infrared, in which number counts have the form $d\\log N/d\\log S=S^{-\\beta}$ with $\\beta\\approx 0.75$, the confusion limit rule-of-thumb that imaging should not be pursued much fainter than $s/b\\sim 1/30$ sources per beam is essentially correct, both for obtaining good positions and good photometry. Optimistic simulations show that positions and fluxes of sources more numerous than this condition are likely to have large uncertainties. When number counts are steep, with Euclidean $\\beta=1.5$ or steeper, the problem is even more severe and a better rule-of-thumb is something like $s/b\\sim 1/50$. Source identifications in one set of imaging data based on detections in another set will be affected by these confusion-induced astrometry errors. It is essential that surveys working near the confusion limit perform realistic simulations (which include the sources well faint of any detection limits) in order to draw conservative positional error boxes for source identification." }, "0004/astro-ph0004324_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The primary difficulty with using transits to discover extrasolar planets is the low probability a planet has of transiting its parent star. One way of overcoming this difficulty is to search for transits in dense stellar fields, such as the Galactic bulge. Here I estimate the number of planets that might be detected from a monitoring campaign toward the bulge. A campaign lasting 10 nights on a 10 meter telescope (assuming 8 hours of observations per night and a 5'x5' field of view) would detect about $100$ planets with radius $\\rp=1.5~\\rjup$, or about $30$ planets with $\\rp=1.0~\\rjup$, if the frequency and distribution of planets in the bulge is similar to that in the solar neighborhood. Most of these planets will be discovered around stars just below the turn-off, i.e. slightly evolved G-dwarfs. Campaigns involving 1- or 4-m class telescopes are unlikely to discover any planets, unless there exists a substantial population of companions with $\\rp > 1.5~\\rjup$. ", "introduction": "The search for extrasolar planets has garnered enormous attention in recent years, due primarily to the successful implementation of radial velocity searches (\\cite{mandq1995}, \\cite{mandb1996}). These searches have led to the discovery of a population of massive, close-in planets with orbital separations of $a \\la 0.1~\\au$. Recently, it was discovered that one such planet, the companion to HD 209458, also transits its parent star (\\cite{charbon2000}; \\cite{henry2000}), yielding a measurement of the mass, radius, and density of the companion. Clearly, transit observations can be used to extract additional information about known companions. The {\\it discovery} of an extrasolar planet using transits, however, has remained elusive. There are two primary difficulties with detecting planets with transits. First, the photometric requirements are quite stringent: a planet of radius $\\rp\\le\\rjup$ (where $\\rjup$ is the radius of Jupiter) transiting an primary of radius $\\rs=\\rsun$ would produce a fractional deviation of $\\la 1\\%$ during the course of the transit. Second, the probability that a planet will transit its parent is small: for a planet with separation $\\ge 0.05~\\au$ orbiting a star with $\\rs=\\rsun$, the probability is $\\la 10\\%$. Several methods for dealing will the small probability have been proposed. For instance, one can monitor eclipsing binary stars, where the orbital plane is known to be (nearly) perpendicular to the sky (\\cite{deeg}). Another way of overcoming this small probability is to simply monitor many stars simultaneously. This can be done by employing a camera with a large field-of-view, or by monitoring very dense stellar fields. Here I focus on the latter possibility. Specifically I determine the number of planets that might be detected in a campaign monitoring stars toward the Galactic bulge. ", "conclusions": "In this Letter, I have estimated the number of planets that may be detected by transits in a monitoring campaign toward the Galactic bulge. An investment of a relatively modest amount of telescope resources, 10 clear nights of 8 hours per night on a 10m telescope at a site with excellent ($0.75''$) median seeing, would result in the detection of $\\sim 30$ planets of Jupiter size, if the frequency and distribution of planetary companions to stars in the Galactic bulge is similar to those of G-dwarfs in the solar neighborhood. Most of these planets will be found at orbital separations of $a\\sim 0.02~\\au$ around stars slightly fainter than the turn-off, i.e.\\ evolved G or early K dwarfs. Modifications to the observing strategy, such as decreasing the number of nights to 5 instead of 10, will not result in substantially fewer detections. However, if the seeing is substantially worse than $0.75''$, the number of detections will be considerably smaller. Therefore an excellent site is required. Similar campaigns involving 1m- or 4m-class telescopes are unlikely to result in any detections toward the bulge. Thus, collaborations currently monitoring the Galactic bulge for microlensing events are unlikely to serendipitously detect any transits." }, "0004/astro-ph0004112_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first unambiguous case of external variability of a radio gravitational lens, CLASS B1600+434. The {\\sl Very Large Array} (VLA) 8.5--GHz difference light curve of the lensed images, taking the proper time-delay into account, shows the presence of external variability with 14.6--$\\sigma$ confidence. We investigate two plausible causes of this external variability: scattering by the ionized component of the Galactic interstellar medium and microlensing by massive compact objects in the bulge/disk and halo of the lens galaxy. Based on the tight relation between the modulation-index (fractional rms variability) and variability time scale {\\sl and} the quantitative difference between the light curves of both lensed images, we conclude that the observed short-term variability characteristics of the lensed images are incompatible with scintillation in our Galaxy. This conclusion is strongly supported by multi--frequency {\\sl Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope} (WSRT) observations at 1.4 and 5\\,GHz, which are in disagreement with predictions based on the scintillation hypothesis. Several arguments against scintillation might need to be reevaluated if evidence is found for significant scatter-broadening of lensed image B seen through the lens galaxy. However, the frequency-dependence and time scale of variability from image A are not affected by this and remain strong arguments against scintillation. On the other hand, a single superluminal jet-component in the source, having an apparent velocity 9$\\la$$(v_{\\rm app}/c)$$\\la$26, a radius of 2--5\\,$\\mu$as and containing 5--11\\% of the observed 8.5--GHz source flux density, can reproduce the observed modulation-indices and variability time scale at 8.5\\,GHz, when it is microlensed by compact objects in the lens galaxy. It also reproduces the frequency-dependence of the modulation-indices, determined from the independent WSRT 1.4 and 5--GHz observations. The difference between the modulation-indices of the lensed images (i.e. 2.8\\% and 1.6\\% at 8.5\\,GHz in 1998 for images A and B, respectively), if not affected by scatter-broadening of image B by the ionized ISM of the lens galaxy, can be explained through a different mass-function for the compact objects in the bulge/disk and halo of the lens galaxy. Comparing the observations with microlensing simulations, we place a tentative lower limit of $\\ga$0.5\\,M$_\\odot$ on the average mass of compact objects in the halo line-of-sight. The above-mentioned set of mass-function and source parameters is consistent, although not unique, and should only be regarded as indicative. The only conclusion fully consistent with the data gathered thus far is that we have indeed detected {\\sl radio microlensing}. The far reaching consequence of this statement is that a significant fraction of the mass in the dark--matter halo at $\\sim$6\\,kpc ($h$=0.65) above the lens--galaxy disk in B1600+434 consists of massive compact objects. ", "introduction": "\\begin{figure*}[t!] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig1_9329.ps}} \\hfill \\parbox[b]{\\hsize}{ \\caption{The normalized light curves of B1600+434 A (upper) and B (lower), corrected for a long-term gradient (Sect.\\,2). The error on each light-curve epoch is 0.7 to 0.8\\% (1--$\\sigma$). Day 0 corresponds to 1998 Febr. 13} \\label{normlc}} \\end{figure*} Gravitationally lensed compact radio sources have many astrophysical and cosmological applications. The foremost being the determination of a time-delay between the individual lensed images in order to constrain the Hubble parameter (e.g. Refsdal 1964). Considerable progress has been made during the last few years in measuring time-delays, both through optical and radio observations (e.g Kundi\\'c et al. 1997; Schechter et al. 1997; Lovell et al. 1998; Biggs et al. 1999; Fassnacht et al. 1999; Koopmans et al. 2000). They also allow a detailed study of the mass distribution of the lens galaxy and sometimes the background source, through a large magnification by the lensing potential. Absorption lines in the spectrum of the background source allow the study of the ISM in the lens galaxy and the HI distribution along the lines of sight to the source. Temporal changes in the brightnesses or spectra of the lensed images also allow the study of uncorrelated external variability. The most important sources of external variability are scintillation at radio wavelengths and microlensing in all wavelength bands. Differencing the image light curves, taking the proper time delay into account, removes intrinsic source variability and leaves only uncorrelated external variability. These difference light curves thus provide valuable information on the compact objects in the lens galaxy (e.g. Schmidt \\& Wambsganss 1998) and/or on the intervening ionized medium. The study of the ionized component of the Galactic interstellar medium (ISM) through scattering of radio emission from pulsars has had a long tradition (e.g. Rickett 1977, 1990). Scattering by the ionized ISM can explain long-term variability at meter wavelengths (e.g. Condon et al. 1979), as well as large-amplitude variability in very compact extra-galactic radio sources (e.g. Rickett, Coles \\& Bourgois 1984). Low-amplitude variability at shorter wavelengths (about 10\\,cm), called `flickering', has been observed by Heeschen (1982, 1984) and is probably associated with refractive interstellar scattering of an extended source (e.g. Rickett et al. 1984). Strong intra-day variability of very compact radio sources might result from refractive interstellar scattering as well (e.g. Wagner \\& Witzel 1995). A power-law model of the plasma-density power spectrum (e.g. Rickett 1977, 1990), combined with some distribution of this plasma in our galaxy (e.g. Taylor \\& Cordes 1993 [TC93]) is able to explain most of the observed dispersion measures and variability in pulsars at low frequencies, as well as the variability of extra-galactic radio sources at both low and high frequencies. However, especially for compact flat-spectrum radio sources it remains exceedingly difficult to separate intrinsic variability from scintillation by the Galactic ionized ISM. Gravitationally lensed (i.e. multiply-imaged) flat-spectrum compact radio sources could offer a solution to this problem. As mentioned previously, these systems provide two or more lines-of-sight through the Galactic ionized ISM. For typical image separations of a few arcseconds, one is looking through parts of the Galactic ionized ISM separated by a few hundred AU. One can expect the scattering of radio waves to be independent for the different lines-of-sight. Differencing the image light curves, after a correction for the appropriate time delay and flux-density ratio, produces a difference light curve that only shows uncorrelated external variability. This difference light curve can be studied to obtain information on the Galactic ionized ISM independent from intrinsic source variability. However, uncorrelated external variability of the lensed images might also originate from microlensing in the lens galaxy (e.g. Chang \\& Refsdal 1979). This offers the additional opportunity to study the properties of compact objects in the lens galaxy, if microlensing variability dominates or can be separated from scintillation. Optical microlensing in the lens galaxy of Q2237+0305 has unambiguously been shown (e.g. Irwin et al. 1989; Corrigan et al. 1991; Ostensen et al. 1996; Lewis et al. 1998; Wo\\'zniak et al. 2000). In the radio, several suggestions of microlensing variability have been made (e.g. Stickel et al. 1988; Quirrenbach et al. 1989; Schramm et al. 1993; Romero et al. 1995; Chu et al. 1996; Wagner et al. 1996; Lewis \\& Williams 1997; Takalo et al. 1998; Quirrenbach et al. 1998; Kraus et al. 1999; Watson et al. 1999). In none of these cases, however, has one really been able to convincingly distinguish between intrinsic and external variability. Claims of external variability in singly-imaged radio sources through microlensing should therefore be regarded with some caution. In this paper, we report the first unambiguous case of external variability of a radio gravitational lens, CLASS B1600+434 (Jackson et al. 1995; Jaunsen \\& Hjorth 1997; Koopmans, de Bruyn \\& Jackson 1998 [KBJ98]; Koopmans et al. 2000 [KBXF00]). The system consists of two compact flat-spectrum radio images, separated by 1.4\\,arcsec. The background source, at a redshift of $z$=1.59, is lensed by an edge-on disk galaxy at a redshift of $z$=0.41 (Fassnacht \\& Cohen 1998). A time delay of $47^{+12}_{-9}$\\,days (95\\% statistical confidence) was recently found (KBXF00). What is furthermore of interest is that this system offers two distinct lines-of-sight through the lens galaxy. Image~A only passes mainly through the dark-matter halo around the edge--on lens galaxy, whereas image~B passes predominantly through its disk and bulge (Koopmans et al. 1998; Maller et al. 2000; CASTLE Survey, Munoz et al. 1999). This makes image~A especially sensitive to microlensing by massive compact objects in the halo and image~B to microlensing by stars in the disk and bulge. This might even offer an opportunity to study compact objects in the dark--matter halo around the lens galaxy of B1600+434. \\begin{figure*}[t!] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig2_9329.ps}} \\hfill \\parbox[b]{\\hsize}{ \\caption{The normalized difference light curve between the two lensed images, corrected for both the time-delay and flux density ratio (Sect.\\,2.1). The shaded region indicates the expected 1--$\\sigma$ (1.1\\%) region if all variability were due to measurement errors. The dash--doted lines indicate the observed modulation-index of 2.8\\%. The dotted and dashed curves indicate the normalized difference curves for a time delay of 41 and 52\\,days, respectively. Obviously most variations can not be explained by any reasonable error in the time delay. There seems to be no evidence of any change in the typical time scale of variability over 6 months. Day 0 corresponds to 1998 Febr. 13.} \\label{normdiff}} \\end{figure*} The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we present the VLA 8.5--GHz data from KBXF00 in a different way, unambiguously showing the presence of external variability. We also present additional WSRT 1.4 and 5--GHz monitoring data of B1600+434. In Section 3, we investigate whether Galactic scintillation can explain the fractional rms variabilities (modulation-indices) and time scales of the short-term variability seen in the VLA 8.5--GHz light curves. Similarly, in Sections 4 and 5 the possibility of microlensing by compact objects in the lens galaxy is studied. In Section 6, we present microlensing simulations of a more complex jet structure and compare the results to B1600+434. In Section 7, we discuss a critical test (i.e. the frequency-dependence of the modulation-index) to discriminate between scintillation and microlensing {\\sl and} compare predictions from the VLA 8.5--GHz light curves with the independent multi-frequency WSRT data. In Section 8 our results and conclusions are summarized. ", "conclusions": "We have shown {\\sl unambiguous} evidence of external variability in the CLASS gravitational lens B1600+434. The difference between the 8.5--GHz VLA light curves of the two lensed images shows external variability at the 14.6--$\\sigma$ confidence level. The modulation indices of the short-term variability are 2.8\\% for image~A and 1.6\\% for image~B. The difference light curve has an rms scatter of 2.8\\%, indicating that the short-term variability in both light curves is mostly of external origin (Sect.\\,2). We have investigated two plausible sources of this external variability: (i) scattering by the ionized component of the Galactic interstellar medium (ISM) and (ii) microlensing by massive compact objects in the bulge/disk and halo of the lens galaxy. Based on the `standard' theory of scintillation (e.g. Narayan 1992; Rickett et al. 1995) there should be a considerable increase in the modulation-index with wavelength (Sections 3 and 7). From simultaneous WSRT 1.4 and 5--GHz observations we find, however, that $m_{21}$=1.2\\% and $m_{6}$=3.7\\% (Table~1), which is a considerable decrease. Scintillation theory predicts $m_{21}$=9.0\\% for $m_{6}$=3.7\\% (Sect.\\,7). If the 1.4 and 5--GHz short-term variability is intrinsic, it is hard to reconcile with the fact that in 1998 the VLA 8.5--GHz light curves were dominated by external variability during the full eight months of monitoring (Sect.\\,2), although it can not be fully excluded yet. Moreover, from microlensing simulations, we expect that $m_{21}$=1.2--2.4\\% if $m_{6}=3.7\\%$ (Fig.\\,\\ref{predict}), based on constraints on the source structure and mass function of compact objects found from the VLA 8.5--GHz light curves (Sections 4, 5 and 7). This range agrees remarkably well with the observed modulation index $m_{\\rm part}$=1.2\\% at 21 cm. Supplementary to this argument, the difference in modulation-index between the lensed images would, in the case of scintillation, argue for either a very different Galactic ionized ISM (SM$_{\\rm A}/$SM$_{\\rm B}\\approx$3.1; Section 3.1--2) towards the lensed images or a different image size ($\\Delta\\theta_{\\rm B}/\\Delta\\theta_{\\rm A}$$\\approx$1.75; Sect.\\,3.2), although the latter might result from scatter-broadening. Furthermore, the longer variability time scales at 8.5\\,GHz ($\\gg$1 day; Figs \\ref{normlc}--\\ref{normdiff}) are also difficult to explain in terms of scintillation, as well as the absence of variability with short time scales in several 12\\,h WSRT observations at 5\\,GHz (Koopmans et al. in prep.). However, the strongest argument against scintillation remains the dominant presence of short-term external variability at 8.5\\,GHz in 1998, combined with the fact that in 1999 significant short-term variability is seen at 5\\,GHz, but almost none at 1.4\\,GHz. Under the microlensing hypothesis, we find a consistent, although not unique set of jet-component parameters. A core plus a single-jet-component with a size of 2--5 $\\mu$as, containing 5--11\\% of the flux density and moving superluminally with 9$\\la$$\\beta_{\\rm app}$$\\la$26, can explain the modulation-index and variability time scale in both lensed images (Sections 4--5). For image~A we find a significantly higher average mass of compact objects ($\\ga$0.5 M$_\\odot$), compared with those near image~B. A much lower mass of compact object would result in a finer magnification pattern and thus in less variability. If image~B is scatter-broadened, its microlensing modulation-index is reduced, which might change the lower-limit on the compact object mass. If one, based on the evidence gathered thus far, accepts that the 1.4, 5 and 8.5--GHz short-term variability in B1600+434--A and B is dominated by microlensing, the profound consequence is that the dark-matter halo at $\\sim$6 kpc above the plane of the disk-galaxy lens in B1600+434 is partly filled with massive compact objects. New WSRT, VLA and VLBI multi-frequency data is being obtained at the moment, which combined with a more comprehensive statistical analysis should provide us with refined constraints on the mass function of compact objects and the source structure (Koopmans et al. in prep.)." }, "0004/astro-ph0004397_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the structure of dark matter halos by means of the kinematics of a very large sample of spiral galaxies of all luminosities. The observed rotation curves show an universal profile which is the sum of an exponential thin disk term and a spherical halo term with a flat density core. We find that the Burkert profile proposed to describe the dark matter halo density distribution of dwarf galaxies also provides an excellent mass model for the dark halos around disk systems up to 100 times more massive. Moreover, we find that spiral dark matter core densities $\\rho_0$ and core radii $r_0$ lie in the same scaling relation $\\rho_0 = 4.5 \\times 10^{-2} (r _0/kpc)^{-2/3} M_{\\odot} pc^{-3} $ of dwarf galaxies with core radii up to 10 times smaller. At the highest masses $\\rho_0$ decreases with $r_0$ faster than the $-{2\\over {3}}$ power law implying a lack of objects with disk masses $> 10^{11}M_\\odot$ and central densities $> 1.5 \\times 10^{-2}(r_0/kpc)^{-3}~M_{\\odot} pc^{-3}$ that can be explained by the existence of a {\\it maximum} mass of $\\approx 2 \\times 10^{12} M_{\\odot}$ for an halo hosting a spiral galaxy. ", "introduction": "It is now well established that spiral galaxies have universal rotation curves (URC) that can be characterized by one single free parameter, the luminosity (e.g. Rubin et al. 1980; Persic \\& Salucci, 1991, Persic, Salucci \\& Stel 1996 (PSS)). For instance, low-luminosity spirals show ever-rising rotation curves (RC) out to the optical radius \\footnote{ $R_{opt} = 3.2 R_d$, with $R_d$ the exponential disk length-scale}, while, in the same region, the RC of high-luminosity spirals are flat or even decreasing. It has been demonstrated by Persic \\& Salucci (1988, 1990) and Broeils (1992) that, as the galaxy luminosity decreases, the light is progressively unable to trace the radial distribution of the gravitating matter (see also Salucci, 1997). This discrepancy is, in general, interpreted as the signature of an invisible mass component (Rubin et.al. 1980; Bosma 1981). As pointed out by PSS the universality of the rotation curves, in combination with the invariant distribution of the luminous matter, implies an universal dark matter distribution with luminosity-dependent scaling properties. On the theoretical side, recent high-resolution cosmological N-body simulations have shown that cold dark matter halos achieve a specific equilibrium density profile (Navarro, Frenk \\& White 1996, NFW; Cole \\& Lacey 1997; Fukushige \\& Makino 1997; Moore et al. 1998; Kravtsov et al. 1998). This can be characterized by one free parameter, e.g. $M_{200}$, the dark mass enclosed within the radius inside which the average over-density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe. In the innermost regions the dark matter profiles show some scatter around an average profile which is characterized by a power-law cusp $\\rho \\sim r^{-\\gamma} $, with $\\gamma =1-1.5$ (NFW, Moore et al. 1998, Bullock et al., 1999). Until recently, due to both the limited number of suitable rotation curves and a poor knowledge of the exact amount of luminous matter present in the innermost regions of spirals, it has been difficult to investigate the internal structure of dark matter halos. The situation is more favorable for (low surface brightness) dwarf galaxies which are strongly dark matter dominated even at small radii. The kinematics of these systems shows an universality of the dark halo density profiles, but, it results in disagreement with that predicted by CDM, in particular because of the existence of dark halo density cores. (Moore 1994; Burkert 1995). The origin of these features is not yet understood (see e.g. Navarro, Eke \\& Frenk 1996; Burkert \\& Silk 1997, Gelato \\& Sommer-Larsen 1999), but it is likely that it involves more physics than a simple hierarchical assembly of cold structures. To cope with this observational evidence, Burkert (1995) proposed an empirical profile that successfully fitted the halo rotation curves of four dark matter dominated dwarf galaxies \\begin{equation} \\rho_b(r) = \\frac{\\rho_0 r^3_0}{(r+r_0)(r^2+r_0^2)} \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\rho_0$ and $r_0$ are free parameters which represent the central dark matter density and the scale radius. This sample has been extended, more recently, to 17 dwarf irregular and low surface brightness galaxies (Kravtsov et al. 1998, see however van den Bosch et al. 1999) which all are found to confirm equation (1). Adopting spherical symmetry, the mass distribution of the Burkert halos is given by \\begin{equation} M_b(r) = 4~M_0 \\Big\\{ ln \\Big( 1 + \\frac{r}{r_0} \\Big) -tg^{-1} \\Big( \\frac{r}{r_0} \\Big) +{1\\over {2}} ln \\Big[ 1 +\\Big(\\frac{r}{r_0} \\Big)^2 \\Big] \\Big\\} \\end{equation} \\noindent with $M_0$, the dark mass within the core given by: \\begin{equation} M_0 = 1.6 \\rho_0 r_0^3 \\end{equation} \\noindent The halo contribution to the circular velocity is then: \\begin{equation} V^2_b(r)=GM_b(r)/r. \\end{equation} Although the dark matter core parameters $r_0$, $\\rho_0$ and $M_0$ are in principle independent, the observations reveal a clear correlation (Burkert 1995): \\begin{equation} M_0 = 4.3\\times 10^7 \\left( \\frac{r_0}{kpc} \\right)^{7/3} M_{\\odot} \\end{equation} \\noindent which indicates that dark halos represent a 1-parameter family which is completely specified, e. g. by the core mass. \\vbox{ \\vskip 1.truecm \\centerline{\\epsfxsize=4.8truecm \\epsfbox{deco.ps}} \\vskip 0.00truecm \\figcaption[]{ Synthetic rotation curves (filled circles with error bars) and URC (solid line) with its separate dark/luminous contributions (dotted line: disk; dashed line: halo.) See PSS for details. } \\vskip 0.7truecm } The analysis of a recently published large sample of RC's (Persic \\& Salucci, 1995) has provided a suitable framework to investigate the dark halo density distribution in spirals. The starting points of this study are: {\\it a)} the mass in spirals is distributed according to the Inner Baryon Dominance (IBD) regime: there is a characteristic transition radius $R_{IBD} \\simeq 2 R_d \\Big({V_{opt}\\over{220 km/s}}\\Big)^{1.2}$ for which, at $r\\leq R_{IBD}$, the luminous matter totally accounts for the mass distribution, while, for $r> R_{IBD}$, the DM {\\it rapidly} becomes the dominant dynamical component (Salucci and Persic, 1999a,b; Salucci et al, 2000; Ratnam and Salucci, 2000; Borriello and Salucci, 2000). Then, although the dark halo might extend down to the galaxy center, it is only for $r>R_{IBD}$ that it gives a non-negligible contribution to the circular velocity. {\\it b)} The dark matter is distributed in a different way with respect to any of the various baryonic components (PSS, Corbelli and Salucci, 2000), and {\\it c)} The HI contribution to the circular velocity, for $r< R_{opt}$, is negligible (e.g. Rhee, 1996 ; Verheijen, 1997). The main aim of this letter is to expand the above results to derive the luminosity-averaged density profiles of the dark halos and to relate them with the Burkert profiles. Section 2 presents the analysis of a homogeneous sample of about 1100 rotation curves in which the dark halo contribution to the circular velocity is first derived and then matched to the Burkert halo mass models. In section 3 we discuss the results. We take $H_0=75 km/s/Mpc$ and $\\Omega_0=0.3$, however no result depends on these choices. ", "conclusions": "Out to two optical radii, the Burkert density profile reproduces, for the whole spiral luminosity sequence, the DM halos mass distribution. This density profile, though at very large radii coincides with the NFW profile, approaches a constant, finite density value at the center, in a way consistent with an isothermal distribution. This is in contradiction to cosmological models (e.g. Fukushige and Makino 1997) which predict that the velocity dispersion $\\sigma$ of the dark matter particles decreases towards the center to reach $\\sigma \\rightarrow 0$ for $r \\rightarrow 0$. After the result of this study, the dark halo inner regions, therefore, cannot be considered as kinematically cold structures but rather as \"warm\" regions with size $ r_0 \\propto \\rho_0^{-1.5}$. The halo core sizes are very large: $r_0 \\sim 4-7 R_d$. Then, the boundary of the core region is well beyond the region where the stars are located and, as in Corbelli and Salucci (2000), even at the outermost observed radius there is not the slightest evidence that dark halos converge to a $\\rho \\sim r^{-2}$ (or a steeper) regime. \\vbox{ \\vskip 0.5truecm \\centerline{\\epsfxsize=7.9truecm \\epsfbox{bur3.ps}} \\vskip 0.00truecm \\figcaption[]{ {\\it top} Disk mass (in solar units) {\\it vs} central halo density $\\rho_0$ (in $g/cm^3$) for normal spirals ({\\it filled circles}). The straight line is the extrapolation to high luminosities of the relation of dwarfs. {\\it bottom } Central density {\\it vs} core radii (in kpc) for normal spirals ({\\it filled circles}), compared with the extrapolation of the relationship of dwarfs ({\\it dotted line}, the point with errorbar represents a typical object of Burkert, 1995). The solid line is the eye-ball fit; $\\rho_0=5\\times 10^{-24}r_0^{-2/3}e^{-(r_0/27)^2} g/cm^3$. The effect of a limiting halo mass is also shown ({\\it dashed line}).} \\vskip 0.5truecm } We find that the dark halos around spirals are essentially an one-parameter family. It is relevant that the order parameter (the central density or the core radius) correlates with the luminous mass (see Fig 4). We do however not know how it is related to the global structural properties of the dark halo, like the virial radius or the virial mass. In fact, the RC out to $6R_D$ is completely determined by the core parameters, i.e. the central core density and the core radius, both of which are not defined in the CDM scenario. The location of spiral galaxies in the parameter space of virial mass, halo central density and baryonic mass is determined by different processes that occur on different scales and at different red-shifts. Yet, this 3D space degenerates into a single curve (see Figure 4,remind that: $\\rho_0 = {\\pi\\over {24}} ~ M_{200}/r_0^{3}$ and remind that: $M_d=G^{-1}\\beta V^2_{opt}R_{opt})$ which describes the dark-luminous coupling. Let us discuss the limitations of the present results. First, here we have considered the luminosity dependence of the dark halo structure. Although this is probably the most relevant one, other dependences (Hubble type and surface brightness) should also be investigated. Moreover, the existence of a (weak) cosmic variance in the halo structural properties cannot be excluded until we analyze individual objects (Salucci, 2000, Borriello and Salucci, 2000). Secondly, we have derived the profile of DM halos out to about six disk-scale lengths, i.e. out to a distance much smaller than the virial radius. To assess the {\\it global} validity of the proposed mass model data at larger radii are obviously required." }, "0004/astro-ph0004168_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We calculate the temperature profiles of (thin) accretion disks around rapidly rotating neutron stars (with low surface magnetic fields), taking into account the full effects of general relativity. We then consider a model for the spectrum of the X--ray emission from the disk, parameterized by the mass accretion rate, the color temperature and the rotation rate of the neutron star. We derive constraints on these parameters for the X--ray source Cygnus X--2 using the estimates of the maximum temperature in the disk along with the disk and boundary layer luminosities, using the spectrum inferred from the EXOSAT data. Our calculations suggest that the neutron star in Cygnus X--2 rotates close to the centrifugal mass--shed limit. Possible constraints on the neutron star equation of state are also discussed. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec: I} The soft X--ray spectra of luminous low--mass X--ray binaries (LMXBs) are believed to originate in geometrically thin accretion disks around neutron stars with weak surface magnetic fields (see for e.g. White 1995). An important parameter in modeling these spectra is the maximum value of the effective temperature in the accretion disk. The effective temperature profile in the disk can be estimated (assuming the disk to radiate from its surface like a blackbody) if one knows the accretion energy released in the disk. In a Newtonian treatment, the innermost region of an accretion disk surrounding a neutron star with weak magnetic field will extend rather close to the neutron star surface. The amount of energy released in the disk will be one--half of the total accretion energy, the other half being released in the thin boundary layer between the disk's inner edge and the neutron star's surface. This then gives the disk effective temperature $(T_{\\rm eff})$ varying with the radial distance $(r)$ as $T_{\\rm eff} \\propto r^{-3/4}$ and the maximum effective temperature $(T^{\\rm max}_{\\rm eff})$ will depend on the (nonrotating) neutron star mass $(M)$ and radius $(R)$ as $T_{\\rm eff}^{\\rm max} \\propto (M \\dot{M}/R^3)^{1/4}$, where $\\dot{M}$ is the steady state mass accretion rate. The value of $(T^{\\rm max}_{\\rm eff})$ in the disk, in this approach, occurs at a radial distance $1.36~R$. Mitsuda et al. (1984) parameterized the disk spectrum by the maximum temperature of the disk, using the above formalism and assuming the mass of the neutron star is equal to $1.4$~\\msun. These authors assumed that the inner parts of the disk do not contribute to the X--ray spectrum, and suggested a multi--color spectrum for the X--ray emission from the disk. It was shown by these authors, that the observed spectra of Sco X--1, 1608--52, GX 349+2 and GX 5--1, obtained with the {\\it Tenma} satellite, can be well fitted with the sum of a multi--color spectrum and a single blackbody spectrum (presumably coming from the boundary layer). White, Stella \\& Parmar (1988) (WSP) suggested that the simple blackbody accretion disk model should be modified to take into account the effects of electron scattering. Using {\\it EXOSAT} observations, these authors compared the spectral properties of the persistent emission from a number of X--ray burst sources with various X--ray emission models. This work suggests that either the neutron star (in each system considered) rotates close to equilibrium with the Keplerian disk, or that most of the boundary layer emission is not represented by a blackbody spectrum. For accretion disks around compact objects, one possibility is that of the accretion disk not being Keplerian in nature. For e.g. Titarchuk, Lapidus \\& Muslimov (1998) have formulated a boundary problem in which the Keplerian accretion flow in the inner disk is smoothly adjusted to the neutron star rotation rate. The generality of such a formulation permits application even to black holes, but only for certain assumed inner boundary conditions. These authors demonstrate that there exists a transition layer (having an extent of the order of the neutron star radius) in which the accretion flow is sub-Keplerian. An attractive feature of this formalism is that it allows super-Keplerian motion at the outer boundary of the transition layer, permitting the formation of a hot blob that ultimately bounces out to the magnetosphere. This formalism (Titarchuk \\& Osherovich 1999; Osherovich \\& Titarchuk 1999a; Osherovich \\& Titarchuk 1999b; Titarchuk, Osherovich \\& Kuznetsov 1999) therefore provides a mechanism for the production of high frequency quasi--periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the X--ray flux from several LMXBs. Such effects, when taken into account, can modify the Newtonian disk temperature profile (Chakrabarti \\& Titarchuk 1995). There are several other effects which will modify the Newtonian disk temperature profile, such as the effects of general relativity and of irradiation of the disk by the central neutron star. The wind mass loss from the disk and the residual magnetic field near the disk's inner edge may also play a part in modifying the effective temperature (Knigge 1999). Czerny, Czerny \\& Grindlay (1986) calculated LMXB disk spectra assuming that a disk radiates locally as a blackbody with the energy flux detemined by viscous forces, as well as irradiation by the boundary layer, and took into account relativistic effects, some of them in an approximate way. The possible effects of general relativity were also discussed by Hanawa (1989), using the Schwarzschild (nonrotating) metric, assuming that the neutron star radius is less than the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit ($r_{\\rm in} = 6 G M/c^2$), which they identified as the disk inner boundary. The color temperature was assumed to be higher than the effective temperature by a factor of 1.5. It was found by Hanawa (1989) that the observations are consistent with a geometrically thin, optically thick accretion disk, whose inner edge is at $r=r_{\\rm in}$, $r$ being the Schwarzschild radial coordinate. An important dynamical aspect of disk accretion on to a weakly magnetized neutron star is that the neutron star will get spun up to its equilibrium period, which is of the order of milliseconds (see Bhattacharya \\& van den Heuvel 1991, and refereces therein). The effect of rotation is to increase the equatorial radius of the neutron star, and also to relocate the innermost stable circular orbit (for a corotating disk) closer to the stellar surface (as compared to the Schwarzschild case). These effects will be substantial for rapid rotation rates in a fully general relativistic treatment that includes rotation. Therefore, for accreting neutron stars with low magnetic fields, the stellar radius can be greater or less than the radius of the innermost stable orbit, depending on the neutron star equation of state and the spacetime geometry. The effect of magnetic field will be to constrain the location of the inner--edge of the accretion disk to the magnetospheric (Alf\\'{v}en) radius. In such a case, $r_{\\rm in}$ would lose the astrophysical relevance as discussed here. However, this will be so only if the magnetic field strength ($B$) is large. The problem addressed in this paper refer to LMXBs which contain old neutron stars which are believed to have undergone sufficient magnetic field decay (Bhattacharya \\& Datta 1996). Clearly, for low magnetic field case, a number of different disk geometries will be possible if general relativistic effects of rotation are taken into account. These structural differences influence the effective temperature profile and the conclusions derived by Czerny, Czerny \\& Grindlay (1986) and Hanawa (1989) are likely to be modified. In this paper, we attempt to highlight the effects brought in due to general relativity and rotation of the neutron star on the accretion disk temperature profile and then apply this to the particular case of the X--ray source Cygnus X--2. For simplicity (unlike Titarchuk, Lapidus \\& Muslimov 1998), we assume the accretion disk to be fully Keplerian, geometrically thin and optically thick. We first give a theoretical estimate of the modifications in $T_{\\rm col}^{max}$ that would result if inclusion is made of the rotational effects of general relativity, and illustrate these by taking representative neutron star equations of state. We then consider a model for the spectrum parameterized by the mass accretion rate, the color factor, and the rotation rate of the accreting neutron star (assumed to be weakly magnetized). We derive constraints on these parameters for the X--ray source Cygnus X--2, for which we take the estimates of $T_{\\rm eff}^{\\rm max}$, the disk luminosity and boundary layer luminosity from the analysis of WSP. A conclusion of our work is that the neutron star in Cygnus X--2 has a rapid spin rate close to the centrifugal mass--shed limit. The format of this paper is as follows. In Section~\\ref{sec: II}, we discuss the rotational general relativistic effects on the disk temperature, using a formalism given by Page \\& Thorne (1974) and the disk irradiation by the neutron star. The theoretical predictions for the temperature profiles with these effects taken into account are presented in Section~\\ref{sec: III}. Section~\\ref{sec: IV} deals with comparison with observations, and its implications for parameters of our model for Cygnus X--2. A summary and discussions are presented in Section~\\ref{sec: V}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec: V} In this paper, we have calculated the temperature profiles of accretion disks around rapidly rotating and non--magnetized neutron stars, using a fully general relativistic formalism. The maximum temperature and its location in the disk are found to differ substantially from their values corresponding to the Schwarzschild space--time, depending on the rotation rate of the accreting neutron star. We have considered a model for the spectrum of the X--ray emission from the accretion disk, parameterized by the mass accretion rate, the color temperature, and the rotation rate of the star. We have compared the maximum effective temperature in the disk and the accretion luminosities (corresponding to the disk and the boundary layer) with the results of spectral fitting for the X--ray source Cygnus X--2 (WSP), and derived constraints on these parameters for the neutron star in this X--ray binary. The main conclusion of our analysis is that the neutron star in Cygnus X--2 has a rapid spin rate (close to the centrifugal mass shed value), and that the system has a fairly large accretion rate (several times $10^{18}$~g~s$^{-1}$). The low luminosity of the boundary layer compared to that of the disk for Cygnus X--2 is consistent with the above conclusion that the neutron star in this system has a rapid rotation rate. The low value of the ratio $L_{\\rm BL}/L_{\\rm D}$ justifies our assumption that the radiation pressure is negligible in the disk, so that the geometrically thin approximation for the disk is reasonable. According to Shimura \\& Takahara (1988), the spectrum from the disk can be represented as a multi-color blackbody only if $\\dot{M} >0.1 \\dot{M}_{\\rm edd}$. Our results for Cygnus X--2 are in accord with this. Interestingly, if we take the lower value $1.7$ for the color index $f$ (Shimura \\& Takahara 1988), we obtain a consistent set of results, except for the stiffest EOS model (D). This suggests that the comparatively lower values of $f$ would disfavor stiff EOS for neutron star matter. However, if we take the value of $f=2.6$, as reported by Borozdin et al. (1999), one would require an EOS model that is stiffer than the stiffest used here, or a mass greater than $M=1.78$~\\msun (if one uses the narrower limits on the luminosity and color temperature). On the other hand, if one were to use the broader limits, the hardening factor $f=2.6$ is disallowed only by the softest EOS model. We have assumed here that the magnetic field of the neutron star is weak, which implies that the radius of the last orbit of the accretion disk should be much greater than the Alfv\\'{e}n radius ($r_{\\rm a}$) (e.g., Shapiro \\& Teukolsky 1983), \\begin{equation} R >> r_{\\rm a} = 2.9 \\times 10^7 {({\\dot {M}\\over \\dot {M}_{\\rm edd}})}^{-2/7} \\mu_{30}^{4/7} ({M\\over M_\\odot})^{-3/7} \\end{equation} \\noindent where $M$ is the mass of the neutron star, $\\mu_{30}$ is the magnetic moment in units of $10^{30}$ G cm$^3$ and $r_{\\rm a}$ is in cm. The above condition implies that for $R \\approx 15$ km., $\\dot{M}/\\dot {M}_{\\rm edd} \\approx 20$ and $M = 1.4 M_\\odot$, the magnetic moment $\\mu_{30} << 3.4 \\times 10^{-2} $ or the magnetic field in the surface should be less than $10^{10}$ G. So the conclusions presented by us will be valid for the neutron star magnetic field upto a few times $10^{9}$~G. In our analysis, we have assumed that the the boundary layer between the disk and the neutron star surface does not affect the inner regions of the disk. This will be a valid approximation when the boundary layer luminosity is smaller than the disk luminosity, and the boundary layer extent is small compared to the radius of the star. The flux received at earth from this region is \\begin{equation} F_{\\rm BL} = ({2 \\pi R \\frac{\\Delta R}{D^2}}) \\cos{\\theta} ({\\sigma T_{\\rm BL}^4 \\over \\pi}) \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\Delta R$ is the width of the boundary layer, $D = 8$ kpc is the distance to the source, $\\theta = 60^o$ is the inclination angle and $T_{\\rm BL}$ is the effective temperature. Spectral fitting gives a best fit value for $F_{\\rm BL} \\approx 4 \\times 10^{-9}$ ergs sec$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ and $T_{\\rm BL} = T_{\\rm col(BL)}/f_{\\rm BL}$ = 2.88/$f_{\\rm BL}$~keV, where $f_{\\rm BL}$ is the color factor for the boundary layer and $T_{\\rm col(BL)}$ is the color temperature of the boundary layer. Using these values, $\\Delta R \\approx $ 0.2 $f_{\\rm BL}^4$ km, which is indeed smaller than $R$ provided the boundary layer color factor $f_{\\rm BL}$ is close to unity. This is supported by the work of London, Taam \\& Howard (1986) and Ebisuzaki (1987), who obtain $f_{\\rm BL}\\approx 1.5$. A few comments regarding the validity of the Page \\& Thorne (1974) formalism for accreting neutron star binaries are in order here. Unlike for the case of black holes, neutron stars possess hard surface that could be located outside the marginally stable orbit. For neutron star binaries, this gives rise to a possiblity of the disk inner edge coinciding with the neutron star surface. We have assumed that the torque (and hence the flux of energy) vanishes at the disk inner edge even in cases where the latter touches the neutron star surface. In the case of rapid spin of the neutron star (as we infer for Cygnus X--2), the angular velocity of a particle in Keplerian orbit at disk inner edge will be close to the rotation rate of the neutron star. Therefore, the torque between the neutron star surface and the inner edge of the disk is expected to be negligible. Independently of whether or not the neutron star spin is large, Page \\& Thorne (1974) argued that the error in the calculation of $T_{\\rm eff}$ will not be substantial outside a radial distance $r_{\\rm o}$, where $r_{\\rm o}$ is given by $r_{\\rm o} - r_{\\rm in} = 0.1 r_{\\rm in}$. In our calculation, we find that $r_{\\rm eff}^{\\rm max}$ (which is the most important region for the generation of X--rays) is greater than $r_{\\rm o}$ by several kilometers for all the cases considered. The shortest time-scale of the system is given by the frequency in the innermost stable circular orbit ($\\nu_{\\rm in}$, Table 2: column 5). A periodic oscillation in the system should be at a frequency lower than $\\nu_{\\rm in}$ (unless the model invoked to explain the temporal behavior predicts substantial power in the second harmonic, i.e., $\\nu_{\\rm QPO} \\approx 2 \\nu_{\\rm in}$). The maximum frequency of the kHz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) observed for Cygnus X-2 is 1005 Hz (Wijnands et al. 1998). The stiffest EOS, model (D), will then be disfavored since $\\nu_{\\rm in} < 1$~kHz for this model. Further, the neutron star mass estimate in Cygnus X-2 ($ \\approx 1.78 M_\\odot$, Orosz \\& Kuulkers 1998) is not consistent with the soft EOS model (A). Our analysis, therefore, favors neutron star EOS model which are intermediate in the stiffness parameters. We have not attempted to model the observed temporal behavior of the source, and in particular, the QPO observations. Beat frequency models identify the peak separation of the two kHz QPO observed with the neutron star spin rate. For Cygnus X-2 the observed peak separation is $\\Delta \\nu = 346 \\pm 29$ Hz (Wijnands et al. 1998) which is smaller than the typical rotation frequencies calculated here. However, a pure beat-frequency model has been called into question due to several observations. For instance, $\\Delta \\nu$ has been observed to vary by about 40\\% for Sco X-1 (van der Klis et al. 1997) and the kHz QPO frequencies have been found to be correlated with the break frequency ($\\approx$ 20 Hz) of the power spectrum density. An alternate model, where the QPOs are suggested to originate due to non--Keplerian motion of matter in the disk (Titarchuk \\& Osherovich 1999; Osherovich \\& Titarchuk 1999a; Osherovich \\& Titarchuk 1999b; Titarchuk, Osherovich \\& Kuznetsov 1999) have been proposed. These authors have also demonstrated the model by applying it to particular sources. Inclusion of this Newtonian model into the framework of the calculations mentioned in this paper require a parallel formulation within the space--time geometry chosen herein. X-ray binaries like Cygnus X-2 are believed to be the progenitors of the millisecond pulsars. Therefore, the discovery of a pulsar with a period $\\approx 1 $ ms will strengthen the model presented in this paper, in terms of a rapidly rotating accreting neutron star. X-ray spectral analysis of Cygnus X-2 and similar sources using data from recent satellites (e.g. BeppoSAX, ASCA, Chandra) are required to provide further support to the model presented in this paper." }, "0004/astro-ph0004383_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present imaging and spectro- polarimetric observations of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy IRAS P09104+4109 using the Keck 10-m Telescope. We detect the clear presence of broad \\hb, \\hg, and Mg~II~\\wave 2800 emission lines in the polarized flux spectra of the nucleus and of an extranuclear emission region $\\sim$ 4\\arcsec~away, confirming the presence of a hidden central quasar. The polarization of the broad Mg II emission line is high ($\\sim$ 29\\%), consistent with the remarkably high polarization ($\\sim$ 30\\%--40\\%) observed in the extended continuum emission. This indicates that the off-nuclear continuum is dominated by light scattered from the hidden quasar, most probably by dust mixed with the line emitting gas. The high polarizations, combined with the ``foreshortened'' morphology of the polarized brightness distribution allow us to constrain the scattering biconical structure to be at inclination $i~\\approx~50$\\arcdeg~with a half-opening cone angle $\\theta_c~\\approx$~40\\arcdeg. The narrow emission lines are polarized in a stratified fashion, with the high ionization lines (\\oiii, \\nev, \\fevii) being polarized 0.7\\%--1.7\\% and \\oii~essentially unpolarized. The line polarizations are positively correlated with critical density, ionization potential, and velocity width of the emission lines. This indicates that, as is the case with the narrow-line radio galaxies, which also often contain powerful quasars, the narrow-emission line region may be partially shadowed by the putative torus, with the higher ionization lines originating closer to the nucleus. One notable characteristic of the extranuclear knot is that all species of Fe are markedly absent in its spectrum, while they appear prominently in the nucleus. In addition, narrow Mg II is observed to be much weaker than predicted by ionization models. Our favored interpretation is that there is a large amount of dust in the extranuclear regions, allowing gaseous refractory metals to deposit. Near the nucleus, dust is destroyed in the strong radiation field of the quasar, inhibiting metal depletion onto grains. The extended emission regions are most likely material shredded from nearby cluster members and not gas condensed from the cooling flow or expelled from the obscured quasar. The higher temperature inferred from [O III] lines compared to that from [N II] and the general better agreement with models of line ratios, especially \\oiii~\\wave 5007/\\wave 4363 and He~II/\\hb, provide strong evidence for matter-bounded clouds in addition to ionization-bounded clouds in the NLR. Ionization by pure velocity shocks can be ruled out. Shocks with photoionizing precursors may be present, but are probably not a dominant contributor to the energy input. ", "introduction": "Discovered by the $IRAS$ all-sky survey, ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, see review by \\cite{sm96}) emit most of their energy in the infrared ($L_{IR} > 10^{12}$ \\lsun), and could harbor infant quasars enshrouded in a large amount of dust (\\cite{san88}). On the other hand, they may also represent energetic, compact starbursts (\\cite{con91}; \\cite{gen98}). Much recent research effort has been devoted to understanding the dominant energy source in these ULIRGs -- whether it is obscured quasars or intense bursts of star formation. IRAS P09104+4109 ($z$ = 0.44; \\cite{k88}) is one of the few exceptionally luminous ULIRGs sometimes referred to as the ``hyperluminous'' ($L_{IR}~\\simgt~10^{13}$~\\lsun) infrared galaxies. The others include F15307+3252 ($z$ = 0.926; \\cite{c94}) and F10214+4724 ($z$ = 2.286; \\cite{rr91}). All of these galaxies have been shown to harbor a quasar nucleus obscured from direct view (P09104+4109, \\cite{hin99}; F15307+3252, \\cite{hin95}; F10214+4724, \\cite{goo96}). This has led to the suggestion that perhaps all warm\\footnote{``Warm'' ULIRGs are those having $f_{25}/f_{60}~>~0.2$, \\cite{low88}; \\cite{san88}); $f_{25}$ and $f_{60}$ are the $IRAS$ flux densities in units of Jy at 25 $\\mu$m and 60 $\\mu$m, respectively.} ULIRGs contain buried QSOs and that they may be the misdirected type 2 QSOs (AGN with Seyfert 2-like emission-line characteristics but QSO-like luminosities). A diagnostic diagram (\\cite{t99}) involving \\oiii~emission line and infrared color $f_{25}/f_{60}$ does indeed show that essentially all warm ULIRGs with sufficiently high ionization harbor energetic quasars in their centers. IRAS P09104+4109 has been identified with a central cD galaxy in a rich cluster (\\cite{k88}; Hall \\etal~1997). It has a high-ionization spectrum characteristic of a Seyfert 2 galaxy. Ground-based and $Hubble~Space~Telescope$ ($HST$) images show that \\objn~has an off-nuclear northern extension or ``plume'' of ionized gas (\\cite{k88}; \\cite{hn88}; \\cite{armus99}) that may serve as a scattering mirror of the light originating from the nucleus. We wish to probe the origin of this extension and constrain the scattering geometry for \\objn~by obtaining polarimetric observations of this knot. In this paper, we confirm the high polarization and the broad emission lines of \\hb, \\hg~and Mg II in polarized flux of the nucleus. In addition to the $B$-band imaging polarimetry, we also present new spectropolarimetric data for the nucleus and off-nuclear emission regions of \\objn. We study in detail the emission-line spectra of the nuclear and extra-nuclear regions in order to derive an understanding of the ionization mechanism of the narrow-line region (NLR) of this galaxy. Throughout this paper, we assume $H_o$ = 75 \\hubu, $q_o$ = 0 and $\\Lambda$ = 0. At the redshift $z=0.44$ of P09104+4109, 1\\arcsec~corresponds to a projected size of 5 kpc. ", "conclusions": "Our high-quality Keck spectropolarimetric and imaging polarimetric data confirm the high polarization and broad Balmer emission lines in the polarized flux spectra of \\objn. In addition, we also detect broad Mg II in both total and polarized flux spectra of the nuclear and extension regions, indicating the presence of a hidden quasar visible only in scattered light. The narrow-line polarizations exhibit a strong positive correlation with line width, critical density and ionization potential of the transition, indicating that the line emission arise from a radially stratified gas. The lack of a clear fan-like morphology in the polarization image suggests that our viewing angle ($i~\\approx$~50\\arcdeg) is not far outside the ionization cone ($\\theta_c~\\approx$~40\\arcdeg) of \\objn. The emission-line spectra of \\objn~are consistent with AGN photoionization with contribution from both ionization-bounded and matter-bounded clouds. Under the assumption that photoionization by the central hidden quasar is the main operating mechanism, \\fevii~should be detected in the extended gas and Mg II should be much stronger than observed. The absence of all Fe lines and weakness of Mg II in the extension can be readily explained if dust is mixed with the ionized gas of the NLR. Furthermore, the fact that both the nuclear and the extended continua are highly polarized with relatively blue polarized flux spectra compared to that of the average quasar also supports the existence of dust, which could efficiently scatter and bluen the light. The other possibility is that the extended gas simply is highly deficient in iron, or is metal poor. This does not seem very likely, since the strengths of the other metal lines appear to be in good agreement with solar abundance. Since grains remain intact, this in turns implies that shocks are probably not important in the extra-nuclear regions. Although the diagnostic diagrams offer somewhat inconclusive assessment of the shocks+precursor models for the extension region, there is no strong evidence for shocks in \\objn~from the line ratios. Ionization by pure shocks can be ruled out by the data. The existence of dust and lack of strong shocks in the extended gas also suggest that it is probably dismembered remnants of a cluster neighbor being disrupted or in the process of merging with the central cD galaxy. Two predictions follow directly from our interpretation of the current data: The near-IR line [Fe II] 1.257 $\\mu$m has been observed in the nucleus of \\objn~by Soifer \\etal~(1996), but should be absent from the extension, confirming the absence of gaseous Fe, and hence the lack of shocks and presence of dust there. Likewise, [Ca II] \\waves 7291, 7324 should be absent in EXT spectrum, since Ca is more than 10 times more sensitive to grain depletion than Fe or Mg (\\cite{fer97b})." }, "0004/astro-ph0004330_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of two young isolated radio pulsars with very high inferred magnetic fields. PSR~J1119$-$6127 has period $P=0.407$\\,s, and the largest period derivative known among radio pulsars, $\\dot P=4.0\\times10^{-12}$. Under standard assumptions these parameters imply a characteristic spin-down age of only $\\tau_{\\rm c} = 1.6$\\,kyr and a surface dipole magnetic field strength of $B=4.1\\times10^{13}$\\,G. We have measured a stationary period-second-derivative for this pulsar, resulting in a braking index of $n=2.91\\pm0.05$. We have also observed a glitch in the rotation of the pulsar, with fractional period change $\\Delta P/P = - 4.4\\times10^{-9}$. Archival radio imaging data suggest the presence of a previously uncataloged supernova remnant centered on the pulsar. The second pulsar, PSR~J1814$-$1744, has $P=3.975$\\,s and $\\dot P=7.4\\times10^{-13}$. These parameters imply $\\tau_{\\rm c} = 85$\\,kyr, and $B=5.5\\times10^{13}$\\,G, the largest of any known radio pulsar. Both PSR~J1119$-$6127 and PSR~J1814$-$1744 show apparently normal radio emission in a regime of magnetic field strength where some models predict that no emission should occur. Also, PSR~J1814$-$1744 has spin parameters similar to the anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E~2259+586, but shows no discernible X-ray emission. If AXPs are isolated, high magnetic field neutron stars (``magnetars''), these results suggest that their unusual attributes are unlikely to be merely a consequence of their very high inferred magnetic fields. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The pulsar in the Crab nebula (PSR~B0531+21), with period $P = 33$\\,ms, was born in a type~II supernova observed in 1054~AD, supporting the view that at least some core-collapse supernovae (SNe) form pulsars. Based largely on studies of the Crab and a few other young objects, a picture has emerged where pulsars are born spinning rapidly (with initial period $P_0 \\approx 20$\\,ms in the case of the Crab), and spin down due to their large magnetic moments according to $\\dot{\\nu} \\propto - \\nu^n$. In this spin-down law $\\nu = 1/P$ is the pulsar rotation frequency, $\\dot \\nu$ is its derivative, and $n = \\nu \\ddot \\nu/(\\dot \\nu)^2$ is the ``braking index.'' Integration of the spin-down law with constant magnetic moment gives the age of the pulsar, \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:tau} \\tau = \\frac{P}{(n-1) \\dot{P}} \\left[ 1 - \\left(\\frac{P_0}{P} \\right)^{n-1} \\right]. \\end{equation} Braking indices have been measured for only four pulsars, namely PSRs~B0531+21, B0540$-$69, B0833$-$45, and B1509$-$58, with values for $n$ of $2.51\\pm0.01$, $2.2\\pm0.1$, $1.4\\pm0.2$, and $2.837\\pm0.001$ respectively (\\cite{lps93}; \\cite{dnb99}; \\cite{lpgc96}; \\cite{kms+94}). In other cases, an oblique rotating vacuum dipole model is typically assumed, for which $n=3$ (\\cite{mt77}), and if $P_0 \\ll P$, equation~(\\ref{eq:tau}) reduces to $\\tau = P/(2 \\dot P) \\equiv \\tau_{\\rm c}$, the characteristic age of a pulsar. With a neutron star radius of $10^6$\\,cm and moment of inertia of $10^{45}$\\,g\\,cm$^2$, the surface magnetic field strength is \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:B} B = 3.2 \\times 10^{19} \\sqrt{P \\dot{P}} \\;\\; {\\rm G}. \\end{equation} The luminosity generated in the braking of the pulsar rotation, $\\dot E = 4\\pi^2 I \\nu \\dot \\nu$, is emitted in the form of magnetic dipole radiation and a relativistic particle wind. The vast majority of this luminosity may be deposited in the ambient environment, powering a plerionic supernova remnant (SNR) such as the Crab synchrotron nebula, while a very small portion may be observed as pulsed electromagnetic radiation. Despite the above, many questions remain regarding the outcome of type~II SNe and the manifestation of young neutron stars. Although Galactic SNe and pulsar formation rates are both notoriously difficult to estimate (see, e.g., \\cite{vt91}; \\cite{tls94}; \\cite{wol98}, and \\cite{no90}; \\cite{lbdh93}; \\cite{lml+98}), it is quite plausible that type~II SNe occur significantly more often than radio pulsars of the kind already known are born (see \\cite{vt91}; \\cite{wol98}). If this is the case, perhaps some young neutron stars are being ``missed.'' A possible example is SNR 3C58, the likely outcome of a type~II SN observed about 820\\,yr ago, with no detectable pulsar. Studying the energetics and morphology of the remnant, Helfand, Becker, \\& White (1995)\\nocite{hbw95} make a compelling case for the presence of an unseen pulsar with higher magnetic field than any previously known. Having a short period like the Crab at birth, such a pulsar would have spun down rapidly to a present long period. Maybe yet other pulsars are born spinning slowly and never generate the large $\\dot E$ required to power an easily detectable nebula. In addition, some neutron stars may never manifest themselves as radio pulsars at all. It has been suggested that there exists a class of isolated rotating neutron stars with ultra-strong magnetic fields, the so-called ``magnetars'' (\\cite{dt92a}). The observational properties of radio pulsars and magnetar candidates are very different. Radio pulsars rarely exhibit X-ray pulsations, and when they do, their X-ray power is small compared to their $\\dot E$. By contrast, magnetars emit pulsed X-rays with luminosities far in excess of their spin-down power (\\cite{vg97}; \\cite{ksh+99}) but remain undetected at radio wavelengths. The dichotomy is thought to result from the much larger magnetic fields in magnetars (\\cite{td93a}; \\cite{hh97}). In this paper we report the discovery of two isolated radio pulsars with some properties that are unusual and interesting in the context of the above questions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:disc} \\subsection{PSR~J1119$-$6127}\\label{sec:p1119} PSR~J1119$-$6127 has the largest period derivative known among radio pulsars. Partly for this reason it was relatively straightforward to measure a stationary $\\ddot \\nu$ with a phase-connected timing solution (i.e., through absolute pulse numbering), only the third pulsar for which this has been possible. The resulting value of braking index is $n=2.91\\pm0.05$, including possible contamination by timing noise (see \\S~\\ref{sec:obs}), and is in good agreement with that predicted by a model treating the pulsar as an oblique rotator with a current-starved outer magnetosphere (\\cite{mel97}). For the four other pulsars for which it has been measured, $n$ ranges between 1.4 and 2.8 (see \\S~\\ref{sec:intro}). That observed braking indices are smaller than 3 can be explained in a variety of ways (see \\cite{mel97} for a review), including a kinetic energy-dominated flow at the light cylinder, or an increase in the magnetic moment of the star over time (\\cite{br88}). None of these scenarios are consistent with all the observations (\\cite{aro92}). Measurement of $\\dddotnu$ would constrain these possibilities further. At present the upper limit in Table~\\ref{tab:parms} is 30 times the value expected from a simple spin-down law (\\cite{br88}). Whether this can be measured, and how much the measurement of $n$ can be improved with further observations, will depend on the level of timing noise and glitch activity displayed by the pulsar. Assuming that $P_0 \\ll P$, but using the measured values of $P$, $\\dot P$, and $n$ (Table~\\ref{tab:parms}) in equation~(\\ref{eq:tau}), the age of PSR~J1119$-$6127 is $1.7\\pm0.1$\\,kyr, including possible biases due to timing noise and glitches (see \\S~\\ref{sec:obs}). Of course, if the pulsar were born spinning slower, it would be younger. For $P_0 = 0.2$\\,s, half the present period, the age is 1.2\\,kyr. In any case it is clear that PSR~J1119$-$6127 is among the very youngest neutron stars known. Three other pulsars with characteristic ages under 2\\,kyr are known: the Crab pulsar ($\\tau_{\\rm c} = 1.3$\\,kyr), PSR~B1509$-$58 in G320.4$-$1.2 ($\\tau_{\\rm c}=1.6$\\,kyr), and PSR~B0540$-$69 in the Large Magellanic Cloud ($\\tau_{\\rm c}=1.7$\\,kyr). All three are associated with SNRs. We have searched for evidence of an SNR near PSR~J1119$-$6127. Although none is cataloged (\\cite{gre96}), data from the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope obtained at a radio frequency of 843\\,MHz (\\cite{gcly99}) reveal a faint ring of radius 7$'$ centered on the pulsar. This could be the expanding blast wave of the SNR. Its size would imply an expansion velocity of $\\sim 10^4$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$, for a distance of 8\\,kpc and age of 1.6\\,kyr, reasonable for the blast-wave interpretation if the surrounding medium is of low density and relatively uniform. Additional ATCA data show that the shell has a non-thermal radio spectrum (Crawford et al., in preparation). This possible SNR is also X-ray-bright, with its spectrum described by either a power-law or thermal model, and additional observations are required to further constrain its properties (\\cite{pkc00b}). Although the supernova that gave birth to this pulsar occurred in an era in which celestial events were recorded by some civilizations, this explosion may have been too far south and/or too distant or too obscured to have been detected by these observers. The glitch observed in PSR~J1119$-$6127 is small compared to most glitches in most pulsars, with $\\Delta \\nu/\\nu = (4.4\\pm0.4)\\times10^{-9}$ (Table~\\ref{tab:parms}), but it is of similar fractional size as three of the five glitches observed in the Crab pulsar over 23 years (Lyne et al.~2000b\\nocite{lsg00}). It remains to be seen whether at least some of the change measured in $\\dot \\nu$ is permanent, as seen in the Crab glitches. Unless we were unreasonably lucky, PSR~J1119$-$6127 glitches more often than the Crab pulsar, but it is curious that its glitches share some characteristics with those of the Crab: while its period and magnetic field are approximately 10 times larger than the Crab's, its age, and perhaps therefore its internal temperature, are similar. Finally, we compare the PSR~J1119$-$6127 system with some young pulsar/SNR systems. For ages $\\la 2000$\\,yr, the radio luminosity $L_{\\rm R}$ of a synchrotron nebula (``plerion'') with a central pulsar is a measure of the energy output of the pulsar over its lifetime, due to the relatively long lifetime of the radiating electrons. The plerion X-ray luminosity $L_{\\rm X}$, on the other hand, reflects the current $\\dot E$ of the pulsar. For the Crab and PSR~B0540$-$69, $L_{\\rm X} \\sim 0.05 \\dot E$, while for PSR~B1509$-$58, $L_{\\rm X} \\sim 0.01 \\dot E$ (see Helfand et al.~1995, and references therein\\nocite{hbw95}). For SNR 3C58, Helfand et al.\\nocite{hbw95} find that all available data can be reconciled with a (candidate) pulsar having $P \\sim 0.2$\\,s, $\\dot P \\sim 4\\times 10^{-12}$ (parameters similar to those of PSR~J1119$-$6127 --- see Table~\\ref{tab:parms}), and with $L_{\\rm X} \\sim 5 \\times 10^{-4} \\dot E$. For PSR~J1119$-$6127, with a current $\\dot E$ 200 times smaller than the Crab's, the limit on plerionic X-ray emission is $L_{\\rm X} \\la 10^{-3} \\dot E$ (Pivovaroff et al.~2000a\\nocite{pkc00b}). If PSR~J1119$-$6127 were born with a small period, it would have had a much larger $\\dot E$ within the past $\\sim 1700$\\,yr, possibly larger than the Crab's initially. That energetic past might be reflected in plerionic radio emission near the pulsar, depending on the local environment. A measurement of $L_{\\rm X}$ and $L_{\\rm R}$ may in principle provide information about whether PSR~J1119$-$6127 was born with a rapid spin rate, as commonly assumed for most pulsars, or whether it was born a slow rotator. \\subsection{PSR~J1814$-$1744}\\label{sec:p1814} Figure~\\ref{fig:ppdot} is a plot of $\\dot P$ versus $P$ for the radio pulsar population. PSRs~J1119$-$6127 and J1814$-$1744 are indicated, and we infer $B = 4.1 \\times 10^{13}$ and $5.5 \\times 10^{13}$\\,G respectively, using equation~(\\ref{eq:B}). These are the highest magnetic field strengths yet observed among radio pulsars. The pulsars with the next largest values of $B$ are PSRs~J1726$-$3530 $(P=1.1\\,\\mbox{s}; B = 3.7 \\times 10^{13}\\,\\mbox{G})$ and J1632$-$4818 $(P=0.8\\,\\mbox{s}; B = 2.3 \\times 10^{13}\\,\\mbox{G})$, also discovered in the multibeam survey\\footnote{See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/$\\sim$pulsar/psr/pmsurv/pmwww/pmpsrs.db.}. Prior to this survey the largest value was $B = 2.1 \\times 10^{13}$\\,G for the 2.4\\,s PSR~B0154+61 (\\cite{antt94}). Also shown in Figure~\\ref{fig:ppdot} are the sources usually identified as magnetars, namely the five anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and two soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) for which $P$ and $\\dot{P}$ have been measured. AXPs are characterized by X-ray periods in the range 5--12\\,s and extremely rapid spin down (\\cite{gv98}), while the SGRs exhibit occasional enormous bursts of $\\gamma$-radiation and AXP-like X-ray pulsations during quiescence. Most models of the radio emission physics (\\cite{mt77}) depend on pair-production cascades above the magnetic poles and hence on the magnitude of the magnetic field. However, at field strengths near or above the so-called ``quantum critical field,'' \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:Bc} B_{\\rm c} \\equiv \\frac{m_e^2 c^3}{e \\hbar} = 4.4 \\times 10^{13} \\;\\; {\\rm G}, \\end{equation} the field at which the cyclotron energy is equal to the electron rest-mass energy, processes such as photon splitting may inhibit pair-producing cascades. It has therefore been argued (\\cite{bh98b}) that a radio-loud/radio-quiet boundary can be drawn on the $P$--$\\dot P$ diagram, with radio pulsars on one side, and AXPs and SGRs on the other (see dotted line in Fig.~\\ref{fig:ppdot}). \\medskip \\epsfxsize=8truecm \\epsfbox{ppdot.eps} \\figcaption[ppdot.eps]{\\label{fig:ppdot} Plot of $\\dot P$ versus $P$ for radio pulsars (dots), anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs). PSRs~J1119$-$6127 and J1814$-$1744 are identified by large filled circles, and sources plausibly associated with supernova remnants (SNRs) are noted. Lines of constant characteristic age and surface magnetic field strength are drawn. The dotted line shown between the lines for $B=10^{13}$ and $10^{14}$\\,G indicates a hypothesized approximate theoretical boundary (\\cite{bh98b}) separating radio-loud and radio-quiet neutron stars due to effects relating to magnetic fields close to the critical field $B_{\\rm c}$ (see discussion following equation~[\\ref{eq:Bc}]). } \\bigskip The existence of PSRs~J1119$-$6127, J1726$-$3530, and J1814$-$1744 demonstrates that radio emission can be produced in neutron stars with $B \\ga B_{\\rm c}$. The radio luminosities of these objects (Table~1) are typical for observed radio pulsars. Thus, photon splitting does not appear to inhibit radio emission at these magnetic fields, in agreement with Usov \\& Melrose (1995)\\nocite{um95} who argue that this process is inhibited by polarization selection rules. Also, there are both astrophysical and instrumental selection effects which bias searches against the detection of long-period ($P \\ga 5$\\,s) radio pulsars such as J1814$-$1744: evidence suggests their beams are narrower (e.g., \\cite{ymj99}), so the chances of one intersecting our line-of-sight are smaller, and instrumental high-pass filtering intended to remove baseline variations reduces the sensitivity of searches for such pulsars. Pulsars such as J1814$-$1744 could therefore be more prevalent than present numbers suggest. Especially noteworthy is the proximity of PSR~J1814$-$1744 to the cluster of AXPs and SGRs at the upper right corner of Figure~\\ref{fig:ppdot}. In particular, this pulsar has a very similar $\\dot P$ to that of the well-known AXP 1E~2259+586 (\\cite{fg81}; \\cite{bsss98}), which has a period of 7\\,s. The disparity in their emission properties is therefore surprising. The absence of X-ray emission from the direction of PSR~J1814$-$1744, inferred from archival ASCA and ROSAT observations, implies that it must be significantly less luminous than 1E~2259+586 (\\cite{pkc00}). The radio emission upper limit for 1E~2259+586 (\\cite{cjl94}; \\cite{llc98}) implies an upper limit on the radio luminosity at 1400\\,MHz of 0.8\\,mJy\\,kpc$^2$, $10^{-2}$ that of PSR~J1814$-$1744, assuming a distance of 4\\,kpc (\\cite{rp97}). This limit is comparable to the lowest values observed for the radio pulsar population (\\cite{tnj+94}). That the radio pulse may be unobservable because of beaming cannot of course be ruled out. The radio-loud/radio-quiet boundary line displayed in Figure~\\ref{fig:ppdot} is more illustrative than quantitative (\\cite{bh98b}). However, the apparently normal radio emission from PSRs~J1119$-$6127, J1726$-$3530, and J1814$-$1744, and the absence of radio emission from 1E~2259+586, located very close to PSR~J1814$-$1744 on a $P$--$\\dot P$ diagram (Fig.~\\ref{fig:ppdot}), suggests that it may be difficult to delineate any such boundary. The two sources are also similar in their levels of rotational stability, at least on time scales of $\\sim 2$\\,yr: PSR~J1814$-$1744 displays timing noise in the amount expected for a radio pulsar with its $\\dot P$ (see \\S~\\ref{sec:obs}), as is the upper limit on timing noise for 1E~2259+586 over a 2--3\\,yr span (\\cite{kcs99}). However, longer term incoherent timing of 1E~2259+586 has revealed significant deviations from a simple spin-down model. These have been interpreted as being evidence for radiative precession of the neutron star, due to its physical distortion by the strong magnetic field (\\cite{mel99}). Alternatively, Heyl \\& Hernquist~(1999)\\nocite{hh99} suggest the deviations are due to extremely large glitches. In either model, similar behavior might be expected of PSR~J1814$-$1744; continued radio timing will be sensitive to it. The similar spin parameters for these two stars and, in turn, many common features between 1E~2259+586 and some other AXPs and SGRs, suggest that very high inferred magnetic field strengths cannot be the sole factor governing whether or not an isolated neutron star is a magnetar or a radio pulsar. Other possible factors include heavy-element atmospheric composition and youth (\\cite{td93a}; \\cite{hh97}; see also Pivovaroff et al.~2000b\\nocite{pkc00}). The age of PSR~J1814$-$1744, if $P_0 \\ll P$ and $n=3$, is 85\\,kyr. It is unlikely that any associated supernova remnant would still be observable and indeed there is none known in the vicinity (\\cite{gre96}). We also note that the recently proposed accretion model for AXPs (\\cite{chn00}), in which they are accreting from a fall-back disk formed from material remaining after the supernova explosion, is challenged by PSR~J1814$-$1744. In this model, the neutron star should not be a radio pulsar, but rather an AXP progenitor in a ``dim propeller phase,'' its rotational frequency being still too high for the accreting material to overcome the centrifugal barrier. Of course, it is always possible that in this one case no fall-back disk formed. Proof that AXPs or SGRs are isolated high-magnetic-field neutron stars would come from either the discovery of magnetar-like emission from a radio pulsar, or radio pulsations from a putative magnetar. While such radio emission was not expected due to theoretical considerations, because of the high inferred magnetic fields, the discovery of PSR~J1814$-$1744 shows that this emission does occur at magnetic field values characteristic of at least some magnetars, opening the possibility that magnetars also emit observable radio waves." }, "0004/astro-ph0004089_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We propose a direct method to detect close-in giant planets orbiting stars in the Galactic bulge. This method uses caustic-crossing binary microlensing events discovered by survey teams monitoring the bulge to measure light from a planet orbiting the source star. When the planet crosses the caustic, it is more magnified than the source star; its light is magnified by two orders of magnitude for Jupiter size planets. If the planet is a giant close to the star, it may be bright enough to make a significant deviation in the light curve of the star. Detection of this deviation requires intensive monitoring of the microlensing light curve using a 10-meter class telescope for a few hours after the caustic. This is the only method yet proposed to directly detect close-in planets around stars outside the solar neighborhood. ", "introduction": "One of the scientific goals of microlensing searches towards the Galactic bulge is the detection of planets orbiting the primary lenses. These searches are conducted in the following manner: One of the microlensing searches, EROS (\\cite{erostrigger}) or OGLE (\\cite{udalski1994}) or the now terminated MACHO program (\\cite{alcock1996}) launches an electronic alert of an ongoing microlensing event. These events are then monitored by follow-up groups such as the PLANET (\\cite{albrow1998}), MPS (\\cite{mps}), or GMAN (\\cite{alcock1997}) collaborations. While the searching teams typically monitor stars $\\sim$ once per day, the follow-up campaigns, with a network of telescopes around the globe, sample much more frequently. A planet orbiting the primary lens with semi-major axis $a$ in the ``lensing zone'', $0.6-1.5 R_E$ (\\cite{mandp1991}; \\cite{gandl1992}), where the Einstein radius, $R_E$ is \\begin{equation} R_E=\\left ( \\frac{4 G M}{c^2}\\frac{D_{L}D_{LS}}{D_S} \\right )^{1/2} \\, , \\end{equation} may cause detectable deviations from the standard microlensing light curve (see \\cite{sackett1999} for a review). Here, $D_L$, $D_S$, and $D_{LS}$ are respectively the distances to the lens, the source star, and between the lens and source stars. For a bulge source lensed by a 0.3 $\\msun$ lens, the lensing zone, where one is most sensitive to planets, is in the range $1.2 - 3.2$ AU. In this paper, we discuss another means by which a microlensing follow-up experiment may detect a planet, in this case a giant planet close ($a\\la0.1~{\\rm AU}$) to the {\\it source} star. Confounding prior expectations, such close-in planets are found to be relatively common. They have been detected by several collaborations (\\cite{mandq1995}, \\cite{cochranetal1997}, \\cite{noyesetal1997}; see \\cite{mandb1998} for a review) and can be found around $\\sim 1\\%$ of all stars (\\cite{mandb2000}). Since direct detection is most sensitive to planets close to the source ($a\\la0.1~{\\rm AU}$), it is complementary to the traditional microlensing light curve deviation method which can only detect planets in the lensing zone ($a\\simeq 1-3~{\\rm AU}$). Unlike other methods of planet detection, such as radial velocity measurements or astrometric shifts\\footnote{It may also be possible to indirectly detect planets orbiting stars in the Galactic bulge using occultation.}, this method can be used to directly detect planets in the bulge of our Galaxy, thus allowing us to compare planet formation under conditions different from those in the solar neighborhood. \\subsection{Caustics} All strong gravitational lenses produce ``caustics,'' regions in which a point source is (formally) infinitely magnified. In reality, no source is truly point-like, and the passage of the source through the caustic allows us to spatially resolve the source. Already, limb-darkening profiles have been measured in sources as far away as the Small Magellanic Cloud (\\cite{afonso2000}), and it has been proposed that star-spots could be imaged when a source passes through a caustic (\\cite{hands2000}; \\cite{hkcp2000}; \\cite{bryce2000}). In this paper, we examine the possibilities of directly detecting light from a planet as it passes through a caustic. There are several different types of caustics depending on the lens configuration. A single point lens has a point caustic corresponding to perfect alignment between the source and the lens, when the image of the source is the Einstein ring. These events are rare since they require such perfect alignment. In the case of binary lenses, the caustics form a network of ``folds'' and ``cusps.'' The caustic structure of binary lenses is cataloged in Schneider \\& Weiss (1986) and Erdl \\& Schneider (1993). Because caustics form closed curves, a caustic light curve generically has pairs of crossings. The time of the second caustic crossing can often be predicted days in advance, allowing for scheduling of detailed monitoring of the caustic crossing. The best studied caustic crossing event, which allows us to illustrate the technology, is MACHO-98-SMC-1 (\\cite{alcock1999}), an event which took place in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The MACHO group first sent an alert indicating that a microlensing event was taking place. After the first caustic crossing, the MACHO group launched a second alert with a rough prediction of when the second caustic crossing would occur. As the second caustic crossing approached, predictions of its time became more accurate so that when it occurred, several groups were able to devote all their telescope time for one night to the observation of this one event. Notably, the passage of the source through the caustic was imaged every $\\sim 5$ minutes by the PLANET collaboration (\\cite{albrow1999}) from South Africa, followed immediately, and with similar sampling frequency by the EROS collaboration (\\cite{afonso1998}) from Chile. A combined analysis of this event involving data from the MACHO/GMAN, EROS, PLANET, OGLE and MPS collaborations was published in (\\cite{afonso2000}). Several other caustic crossings have been studied with similar sampling frequency, by the MACHO/GMAN and PLANET collaborations (\\cite{alcock2000}; \\cite{albrow2000}). Roughly 7\\% of all microlensing events are caustic crossing events (\\cite{udalski2000}). Near a fold caustic, the magnification of a single point is (\\cite{bible}) \\begin{equation} A=A_0 + \\Theta(-u_\\perp) (u_\\perp/u_r)^{1/2} \\end{equation} where $u_\\perp$ is the distance of the source to the caustic normal to the caustic in units of the projected Einstein radius, $u_r$ is the length scale of the caustic in units of the projected Einstein radius, $A_0$ is the magnification not associated with the caustic, and $\\Theta$ is a step function. For typical binary lenses, $u_r$ and $A_0$ are ${\\cal O}(1)$. The magnification of a uniform disk by a fold caustic is discussed in (\\cite{sandw1987}). The maximum magnification is $1.4 (u_r/\\rho_*)^{-1/2}$, where $\\rho_*$ is the radius of the stellar disk in units of the projected Einstein radius, while the average magnification during the crossing is $(u_0/\\rho_*)^{1/2}$. Note that since the planet is smaller than the source star, it is more highly magnified. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that the presence of a giant close-in planet around the source star of a caustic crossing microlensing event could generate an order 1\\% deviation in the light curve. This deviation would be detectable with a 10 meter class telescope making measurements every few minutes over the course of a night. In some cases, the planet will transit the caustic more than once, allowing for complete solution of the orbit and a determination of the radius and albedo of the planet. Follow-up with 100 meter class telescopes may allow for resolution of limb darkening and spots or bands on the surface of these planets. \\smallskip This paper profitted from useful discussions with Pierre Vermaak, Andrew Gould and Penny Sackett. This work was supported in part by grant AST 97-27520 from the NSF. B.S.G. acknowledges the support of a Presidential Fellowship from the Ohio State University." }, "0004/astro-ph0004276_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Which sample of objects can give strong constraints on single-star evolution theory ? Whilst star cluster members share the same age and the same metallicity, many questions (e.g. field stars contamination, stellar rotation, presence of unresolved binaries) are difficult to clarify properly when using their colour-magnitude diagram to compare with theoretical isochrones. Alternatively, binary stars can be used to put constraints on theoretical predictions. However, while the stellar mass is accurately known for some sample of well-detached binary stars, their metallicities are often poorly known. Then it appears that a better test could be obtained by combining both advantages (well-detached binaries members of a star cluster). This idea is applied in this work to binaries in the Hyades and one binary in the Cepheus OB3 association to test the validity of three independent sets of theoretical tracks. A detailed comparison of theoretical vs. observational masses (and radii when possible) are presented. ", "introduction": "Binary systems are the main source of fundamental data on stellar masses and radii. These data give stringent constraints that should be fitted by any set of theoretical stellar models. This work is exclusively focused on the mass estimate (and radius when available) of well-detached binary systems which can be presumed typical of single stars properties. Moreover three of them should share same age, chemical composition and distance due to their membership to the same open cluster. The 6 selected Hyades stars have individual stellar masses known with an accuracy of about 10\\% for 51 Tauri and $\\theta^2$ Tauri and better than 1\\% for V818 Tauri. The mass accuracy is better than 3\\% for the CW Cephei eclipsing binary (Table~\\ref{tab:par}). Moreover, these stars cover a wide mass range which is useful to obtain some interesting tests between $\\sim$0.77 and 13.5$M_{\\odot}$. \\begin{table}[htb] \\caption[]{Cross identification and masses for the 4 selected binary systems.} \\label{tab:par} \\smallskip \\begin{tabular}{lrcl} \\hline \\hline Stars & HIP & Mass & Ref. \\\\ & & ($M_{\\odot}$) & \\\\ \\tableline 51 Tau A & 20087 & 1.80 $\\pm$ 0.13 & [TSL97a] \\\\ 51 Tau B & ... & 1.46 $\\pm$ 0.18 & [TSL97a] \\\\ V818 Tau A & 20019 & 1.072 $\\pm$ 0.010 & [PS88] \\\\ V818 Tau B & ... & 0.769 $\\pm$ 0.005 & [PS88] \\\\ $\\theta^2$ Tau A & 20894 & 2.42 $\\pm$ 0.30 & [TSL97b]$^{(1)}$ \\\\ $\\theta^2$ Tau B & ... & 2.11 $\\pm$ 0.17 & [TSL97b]$^{(2)}$ \\\\ CW Cep A & 113907 & 13.52 $\\pm$ 0.39 & [A91] \\\\ CW Cep B & ... & 12.08 $\\pm$ 0.29 & [A91] \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\end{tabular} $^{(1)}$ The value originally quoted by [TSL97a], 2.10$\\pm$0.60 $M_{\\odot}$, is the determination of Tomkin et al. (1995) adjusting the error upward by a factor of two. \\\\ $^{(2)}$ The value quoted by [TSL97a], 1.60$\\pm$0.40 $M_{\\odot}$, is also from Tomkin et al. (1995) adjusting the error upward by a factor of two.\\\\ \\end{table} Comparisons between measured masses and predictions of three widely used models from the Geneva group (Mowlavi et al. 1998 and references therein), the Padova group (Fagotto et al. 1994 and references therein) and from Claret \\& Gim\\'enez (1992) (CG92 thereafter) are presented in the next sections. The theoretical quantities are derived from the isochrone technique in the colour magnitude diagram as described in Lastennet et al. (1999). ", "conclusions": "The main conclusions of this work are the following: \\\\ 1/ The masses predicted by the three sets of theoretical tracks, widely used in the literature, are in good agreement with the measured individual masses of each system in HIP 20087, HIP 20894 and HIP 113907. \\\\ 2/ Padova isochrones can not fit simultaneously the two stellar components of V818 Tau in the mass-radius diagram, whatever the age and metallicity assumed. The radius of the more massive component is overestimated by $\\sim$4$\\sigma$, and the radius of the less massive component is underestimated by more than 7$\\sigma$. \\\\ 2a/ No conclusion on this point for the two other models because the low mass star ($\\sim$ 0.77 $M_{\\odot}$) of V818 Tau does not allow us to test either the CG92 or the Geneva models whose lower mass limit is 0.8 $M_{\\odot}$. \\\\ 3/ The result 2/ points out that the Padova models have to be used cautiously for accurate studies in the mass range $\\sim$0.7-1.1 $M_{\\odot}$. \\\\ 4/ It is of interest to keep in mind that mass and radius can be compared with theoretical predictions only for V818 Tau and CW Cep, the only double-lined eclipsing binaries of the sample studied in this work. If Padova tracks predict the true stellar masses of V818 Tau (but only at a 5$\\sigma$ level), they are not able to reproduce simultaneously its true masses and radii with a great accuracy. Unfortunately, this result cannot be checked with the two other Hyades binaries, hence the importance of double-lined eclipsing binaries to fully constrain stellar tracks. \\\\ In this context, accurate data of well-detached double lined eclipsing binaries (e.g. Kurpinska-Winiarska et al. 2000) are highly needed to perform further detailed comparisons. Since 1996, Oblak and collaborators (see Oblak et al. 1999) started an observational campaign of radial velocity curves for a sample of new eclipsing binaries discovered by Hipparcos, and these new data will be of great interest for a better understanding of stellar evolution." }, "0004/astro-ph0004199_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present red spectra in the region $\\sim\\lambda$7000--8300\\AA\\ of the eclipsing dwarf nova IP Peg, with simultaneous narrow-band photometry centered at 7322\\AA. We show that by placing a second star on the slit we can correct for the telluric absorption bands which have hitherto made the TiO features from the secondary star unusable. We use these TiO features to carry out a radial velocity study of the secondary star, and find this gives an improvement in signal-to-noise of a factor two compared with using the Na{I} doublet. In contrast with previous results, we find no apparent ellipticity in the radial velocity curve. As a result we revise the semi-amplitude to $K_{2}=331.3\\pm 5.8$ km s$^{-1}$, and thus the primary and secondary star masses to $1.05^{+0.14}_{-0.07}$M$_{\\odot}$ and $0.33^{+0.14}_{-0.05}$M$_{\\odot}$ respectively. Although this is the lowest mass yet derived for the secondary star, it is still over-massive for its observed spectral type. However, the revised mass and radius bring IP Peg into line with other CVs in the mass-radius-period relationships. By fitting the phase resolved spectra around the TiO bands to a mean spectrum, we attempt to isolate the lightcurve of the secondary star. The resulting lightcurve has marked deviations from the expected ellipsoidal shape. The largest difference is at phase 0.5, and can be explained as an eclipse of the secondary star by the disc, indicating that the disc is optically thick when viewed at high inclination angles. ", "introduction": "IP Peg is a dwarf nova which brightens by $\\sim$2 mag every 100 days or so, with each outburst lasting $\\sim$2 weeks, and is important because it is the brightest known eclipsing dwarf nova above the period gap. The eclipses give tight constraints on the geometry of the system, and in combination with other data, such as radial velocity studies, allow the masses of the two stars to be determined. We should thus be able to compare the mass, radius and density of the secondary star with those of main sequence stars, and learn something of its structure and evolution. Unfortunately the radial velocity curve of the secondary star in IP Peg is problematical, being apparently elliptical (Martin et al. 1989, henceforth M89). The star is believed to be in a circular orbit, and the apparent ellipticity is thought to be due to irradiation of the secondary star (although we shall present an alternative explanation in Section \\ref{ecc_dis}), and an uncertain correction must be applied before the binary parameters can be determined. The result is acutely embarrassing. Smith \\& Dhillon (1998) collect together all the available masses, radii and spectral types for CVs. IP Peg is one of the few objects that does not rely on the dubious method of using the accretion disc lines to determine the white dwarf radial velocity, and so should give reliable parameters. However, in all the relationships IP Peg is a persistent offender, lying well clear of the supposedly less reliable points in both the mass vs. orbital period and mass vs. spectral type diagrams. A further complication is presented by the lightcurve of the system. High-speed photometric observations show a light curve dominated by a bright spot and a deep eclipse. The eclipse is that of the bright spot and white dwarf by the secondary star, superposed on a more gradual disc eclipse. Unfortunately the bright spot ingress overlaps with that of the white dwarf, making the ephemeris determination more problematical. Wood \\& Crawford (1986) were able to use their high-speed photometric observations to derive an ephemeris for IP Peg based on white dwarf egress timings. Later observations by Wood et al. (1989) and Wolf et al. (1993) show that the white dwarf egress varies markedly in strength and duration (10s to 300s). In this paper we present red spectroscopy and photometry of IP Peg. The observations and their reduction are explained in Section \\ref{obs}. After that the paper divides into two main threads. The first is the radial velocity study and its results. The extraction of the velocities is described in Section \\ref{rad_vel} after which we discuss the summed spectra and new ephemeris (Sections \\ref{disentangle} and \\ref{ephemeris}). In Section \\ref{circularity} we discuss the absence of apparent eccentricity in our data, and conclude the system has changed in some way. We use our radial velocity semi-amplitude to derive new system parameters in Section \\ref{masses}. The second thread, isolating the lightcurve of the secondary star, is explored in Section \\ref{flux_deficits}. ", "conclusions": "The main conclusions from this work are as follows. \\hfil\\break (1) There is some form of variability which means that radial velocity studies of the infrared Na{I} doublet in IP Peg can sometimes return an apparently elliptical orbit. We suspect this is contamination from disc emission. \\hfil\\break (2) We strongly recommend the use of TiO rather than Na{I} for future radial velocity studies. Not only does it avoid the contamination problem described above, but it gives a factor two gain in signal-to-noise. \\hfil\\break (3) Our TiO study suggests the radial velocity semi-amplitude for the secondary star should be revised to $K_{2}=331.3\\pm 5.8$km s$^{-1}$, and as a result the primary and secondary star masses become $M_{1}=1.05^{+0.14}_{-0.07}$M$_{\\odot}$ and $M_{2}=0.33^{+0.14}_{-0.05}$M$_{\\odot}$ respectively. \\hfil\\break (4) Despite this downwards revision of the secondary star mass, it is still over-massive for its observed spectral type, but now agrees with the current semi-empirical and theoretical mass-radius-period relationships. \\hfil\\break (5) The accretion disc eclipses the secondary star in quiescence, implying that, when viewed at high inclination, it is optically thick." }, "0004/astro-ph0004150_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the orbits in the MOND theory within a dwarf galaxy of mass $M_d\\sim 10^8M_\\odot$ at a distance of $\\sim 100$kpc from a neighboring galaxy of mass $M_g=5\\times 10^{11} M_\\odot$, such as ours. It is assumed that a second mass $m<>1$). In Newtonian gravitation, the presence of a dark halo is important in stabilizing the disk against violent bar formation \\cite{OP}. Recent N-body simulations for the BM theory, indicate that disks are more stable in MOND than in Newtonian dynamics with dark halos (\\cite{BrdM} 1999). We obtain the conservative Hamiltonian that describes the motion of a particle in a previous calculated potential for the BM theory in Section \\ref{2}. This Section also includes a summary of the stability theory for phase-space orbits. Orbits in a dwarf galaxy are discussed in Section \\ref{3}. Our conclusions are presented in Section \\ref{4}. ", "conclusions": "} There exists a previously calculated potential $\\varphi$ in the MOND theory, given by equation (\\ref{pot}), for a free falling sphere of mass $M_d$ in a constant external gravitational acceleration $\\nabla\\phi_g$. $\\varphi$ is valid when $|\\nabla\\phi_g|>>|\\nabla\\varphi|$. We assume that the existence of a second mass $m<