{ "0404/astro-ph0404257.txt": { "abstract": "\\vskip-4.6in \\begin{flushright} UMN-TH-2302/04 \\\\ TPI-MINN-04/13 \\\\ astro-ph/0404257 \\\\ April 2004 \\end{flushright} \\vskip+3.6in Evidence from a large sample of quasar absorption-line spectra in damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ systems has suggested a possible time variation of the fine structure constant $\\alpha$. The most statistically significant portion of this sample involves the comparison of Mg and Fe wavelength shifts using the many-multiplet (MM) method. However, the sensitivity of this method to the abundance of heavy isotopes, especially Mg, is enough to imitate an apparent variation in $\\alpha$ in the redshift range $0.5 < z < 1.8$. We implement recent yields of intermediate mass (IM) stars into a chemical evolution model and show that the ensuing isotope distribution of Mg can account for the observed variation in $\\alpha$ provided the early IMF was particularly rich in intermediate mass stars (or the heavy Mg isotope yields from AGB stars are even higher than in present-day models). As such, these observations of quasar absorption spectra can be used to probe the nucleosynthetic history of low-metallicity damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ systems in the redshift range $0.5 < z < 1.8$. This analysis, in conjunction with other abundance measurements of low-metallicity systems, reinforces the mounting evidence that star formation at low metallicities may have been strongly influenced by a population of IM stars. Such IM stars have a significant influence on other abundances, particularly nitrogen. We constrain our models with independent measurements of N, Si, and Fe in damped Lyman-alpha systems as well as C/O in low-metallicity stars. In this way, we obtain consistent model parameters for this chemical-evolution interpretation of the MM method results. ", "introduction": "%===================================================================== The origin and dynamics of the fundamental constants of Nature is one of the deepest questions in physics. One of the most widely held tenets in physics is that the laws of nature are universal, constant, and favor symmetries. Nevertheless, in various unified theories (including string theory), gauge and Yukawa couplings often appear as dynamical variables which are only ``fixed\" when a related scalar field (such as a dilaton in string theory) picks up a vacuum expectation value. While one may naturally expect that couplings become constant at or near the unification scale, only experimental evidence can constrain the degree to which these constants vary at late times. In this context there has been considerable excitement in recent years over the prospect that a time variation in the dimensionless fine structure constant, $\\alpha$, may have been observed (Webb et al.~1999, Murphy et al.~2001a,b, Murphy et al.~2003a). This evidence is based upon an application of the ``many multiplet\" (MM) method to quasar absorption lines in damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ systems (DLAs). Attempts at constraining or measuring time variations of $\\alpha$ in quasar absorption-line spectra have a long history going back to work by Bahcall \\& Salpeter (1965) using O$III$ and Ne$III$ emission lines. This method was reexamined recently by Bahcall, Steinhardt, \\& Schlegel (2004). Other recent attempts include measurements of absorption line spectra in alkali-like atoms (Potekhin \\& Varshalovich 1994, Varshalovich \\& Potekhin 1994, Murphy et al.~2001c, Fiorenzano, Vladilo, \\& Bonifacio 2003). While many observations have led to interesting limits on the temporal variation of $\\alpha$ (for a recent review, see Uzan 2003), only the MM method has led to a quantitatively positive result. Murphy et al.~(2003a) deduce that ${\\delta \\alpha /\\alpha} = (-0.54 \\pm 0.12) \\times 10^{-5}$ over a redshift range of $0.5 < z < 3$, where $\\delta \\alpha$ is defined as the deviation from present value. The implications of this deduced variation in $\\alpha$ at around a 5$\\sigma$ significance are phenomenal, and several cosmological models to explain its origin have been proposed (see e.g., Beckenstein 1982, Sandvik, Barrow, \\& Magueijo 2002, Olive \\& Pospelov 2002, Wetterich 2003, Anchordoqui \\& Goldberg 2003, Copeland, Nunes, \\& Pospelov 2004, Lee, Lee, \\& Ng 2003; Byrne \\& Kolda 2004). The caveat of implementing such a precise method, however, is its possible sensitivity to unknown systematic errors. Some of the excitement concerning the evolution of the fine structure constant has been focused on finding alternative explanations of the observed line structures or other systematic errors. Chand et al.~(2004) and Srianand et al.~(2004) probed the sensitivity of the MM method with respect to synthetic signal alterations and found that the MM method may break down in well blended, multi-cloud systems. They also applied the MM method independently and found ${\\delta \\alpha / \\alpha} = (-0.06 \\pm 0.06) \\times 10^{-5}$. Another group (Quast, Reimers, \\& Levshakov 2004) has also recently applied the MM method utilizing exceptionally high-resolution QSO absorption-line spectra. Their results are also consistent with a null hypothesis regarding the fine structure evolution. Other potential systematic errors in the MM method have been elicited by others. They involve the cloud velocity structure and line blending (Bahcall et al.~2004) or cloud inhomogeneity and spectrographic inconsistencies (Levshakov 2003). A number of sources of possible systematic error in this method have been well documented (Murphy et al.~2001b and 2003b; see also Bahcall et al.~2004). Here, we will focus on one of these possible systematic errors for which there is recent evidence of a new interpretation, namely the isotopic abundances of Mg assumed in the analysis. In this paper, we expand on our earlier studies (Ashenfelter, Mathews \\& Olive 2004) of possible systematic effects from the chemical evolution of magnesium isotopes within DLA quasar absorption-line systems. All of the results quoted above are based on the {\\em assumption} that the isotopic abundance ratios of Mg are Solar in these systems. Based upon galactic chemical evolution studies previously available (Timmes, Woosley \\& Weaver 1995), one could argue that the ratio of $^{25,26}$Mg/$^{24}$Mg is expected to decrease at low metallicity. In this case, if it is assumed that only $^{24}$Mg is present in the absorbers, the Murphy et al.~(2003a) result becomes significantly stronger ${\\delta \\alpha / \\alpha} = (-0.86 \\pm 0.10) \\times 10^{-5}$ (assuming also that only $^{28}$Si is present) and the Chand et al.~(2004) limit becomes a detection ${\\delta \\alpha / \\alpha} = (-0.36 \\pm 0.06) \\times 10^{-5}$. Hence, it is possible that the detections of time-varying $\\alpha$ are even more significant than the quoted confidence limits. However, we show that it is also plausible that the $^{25,26}$Mg/$^{24}$Mg ratio was in fact sufficiently {\\em higher} at low metallicity to account for the apparent variation in $\\alpha$ as seen in the so-called ``low redshift\" ($0.5 < z < 1.8$) data. Thus, the MM method of analysis may provide important new insights into the chemical evolution of damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ quasar absorption-line systems rather than conclusive evidence for a time-varying fine-structure constant. We begin the present discussion by briefly reviewing the current observational limits on the variations of the fine structure constant. In section 3, we discuss the theory and observations of the Mg isotopes. The sensitivity of $(\\delta \\alpha / \\alpha)$ to the Mg isotopic abundances is explained in section 4. In section 5, we describe a simple chemical evolution model, which we then utilize to address the question of the history of the Mg isotopes and other elements as a function of metallicity. Results of this study and the sensitivity to the model are discussed in section 6. Our summary and conclusions are given in section 7. %\\begin{figure} %\\mbox{\\epsfig{file=agbimf1.ps,height=7.5cm,angle=270}} %\\caption{\\label{fig:epsart} %\\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We have made a study of possible relations among stellar nucleosynthesis, the galactic chemical evolution of damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ systems, and the apparent detections of a time-varying fine structure constant. In particular, we have explored the important effects of high temperature thermonuclear burning in low-metallicity AGB stars. We have shown that ejecta from these stars could have had a dominant effect on the early galactic chemical evolution of the crucial Mg isotopes in DLA systems. We have explored a variety of models in which the early initial mass function favors the formation of IM stars. Such an enhanced contribution from early IM stars allows for sufficient modification of the Mg isotope ratios to explain the many-multiplet results without a time-varying fine structure constant. Such a modified IMF may to some extent be a simple parametrization of uncertainties in theoretical estimates of ejected yields from AGB stars, but it is motivated by both theoretical and observational constraints. To compare with the MM method results, we have utilized an approximate treatment that qualitatively relates computed Mg isotopic abundances to the deduced fine structure constant for DLA systems in the redshift range of $0.5 < z < 1.8$. Although this is only an approximation to the MM approach, we have shown that it reproduces the basic conclusions of detailed analysis (Murphy et al.~2003a). There is a real need to redo the MM method analysis in the context of evolving isotopic abundances as derived here. Incorporating isotopic variation would help to better quantify the need (or lack thereof) for IM stars and AGB nucleosynthesis in DLA systems. We hope that the present work will stimulate efforts along this line. In the context or our schematic analysis, we have explored a variety of chemical evolution models with an eye toward unraveling the time-varying alpha mystery while still satisfying the available constraints from observed elemental abundances in DLA systems. We have concentrated on the chemical evolution of N abundances, which are also produced in AGB stars. We also considered C as well as O and Si largely from Type II supernovae, and Fe from SNIa and SNII. We find that the observed high nitrogen abundances in DLA systems indeed confirm the need for enhanced ejecta from low-metallicity AGB stars. Even so, our previous model (Ashenfelter et al.~2004), which attempted to explain the MM results of (Murphy et al 2003a) tends to overproduce nitrogen and is therefore constrained by the observations. In this paper, however, we report on a parameter search which considers both data sets. We find a new optimum model (Model 2 in the present work) which simultaneously fits the observed N/H, C/O, and N/Si trends vs [Fe/H] while still eliminating the need for the time-varying fine structure constant as deduced from the Murphy et al.~(2003a) data for systems in the redshift range $0.5 < z < 1.8$. At the same time, we have also constructed a new model (Model 3) that can account for the results of the independent MM method analysis of Chand et al.~(2004), which indicate smaller apparent variations in the fine structure constant. Even though these authors claim results that are consistent with no variation in $\\alpha$, this conclusion is based on the assumption that the Mg isotopic ratio is equal to the Solar one. As we have shown, in order to obtain a Solar isotope ratio at low metallicity, we must again rely on the role of IM stars and AGB nucleosynthesis. One conclusion of the present study is that important tests can be made of the hypothesis that AGB nucleosynthesis can account for the apparent variation in the fine structure constant. The best measurement (though probably impossible) would be to directly detect Mg isotopic abundances from spectral lines. In our picture, the apparent variations in $\\alpha$ should correlate directly with the fraction of heavy Mg isotopes. Conversely, if heavy magnesium abundances are significantly depleted relative to Solar, then the MM method results are actually understating the variation in the fine structure constant. Furthermore, if sufficiently precise data could be obtained to distinguish the $^{25}$Mg and $^{26}$Mg abundances, then large enhancements of $^{26}$Mg observed in some systems could be indicative of Mg production that is specifically attributable to the Mg-Al cycle. If so, large enhancements of $^{26}$Mg may also be anti-correlated with Al abundances. We further suggest that nitrogen (and/or carbon) abundances provide an easier test of the present hypothesis with regards to an enhanced IMF for low-metallicity IM stars. Nitrogen should be measured and correlated with $\\delta \\alpha/\\alpha$ in the same DLA systems to which the MM method is applied. A correlation of [N/H] with the largest variations in $\\alpha$ would argue in favor of the present hypothesis. As another test of an enhanced IMF, the highest [Fe/H] or [Si/H] (Si and Fe are very correlated) in DLA systems should exhibit a significant over abundance of [N/$\\alpha$] if our IMF is correct. One caveat in using Si abundances is its dependence on the explosion conditions for the Type II supernovae. Future work regarding these tests should examine the consequences of adopting these different explosion criteria and compare with different yield models. Determining whether or not a metallicity condition exists for Type Ia supernovae is decisively related to an IMF enhanced with intermediate-mass stars. It may very well be that the reduced efficiency of Type Ia supernovae is offset by the enhanced numbers of intermediate mass stars, which may satisfy the previous work of Matteucci \\& Recchi ~(2001) and the metallicity conditions of Nomoto et. al ~(2003). Comparison of abundances of N, C, and Mg with [O/H] may be able to test the viability of IM mass enhanced IMF models independent of Sn Ia rates. One should interpret the large scatter in the inferred variation in $\\alpha$, as well as the observed variation in element abundances like Mg, in the context of the stochastic nature of the star formation process at low metallicity. Our models simply represent a global average, and the contribution of IM stars may very well vary in individual DLAs. Clearly, more work needs to be done in constraining the effect of chemical evolution on the interpretations of DLA observations. Nevertheless, we have established that at least some fraction of the deviations in the fine-structure constant deduced from the MM method could be due to chemical evolution effects. Among work that needs to be done, more stellar models of low-metallicity AGB stars over a broader mass and metallicity range are needed to quantify the model predictions, particularly in the extrapolated mass range of $7 <$ M $< 12$ M$_\\odot$ between the AGB and Type II regimes. In particular, it would be very useful to have have a full complement of stellar yields (including C, N and Mg) in the IM range derived from a self-consistent set of stellar models. Out of necessity, we supplemented the Mg yields of Karakas \\& Lattanzio (2003) with the Padova CNO yield models; however, a self-consistent model would more accurately quantify the correlation of Mg from AGB sources to N. At the same time, more observations of abundances in DLA systems are needed. Most importantly, the DLAs that are used in the MM-method should have their associated abundances quantified in order to see if there are correlations between the apparent variations in $\\alpha$ and various abundances. Additionally, more atomic physics work needs to be done to more accurately quantify the possible isotopic shifts in the absorption lines (particularly for the high-$z$ data). The MM method has presented a very important question as to whether the fine structure constant varies with time. It is hoped that the present study will stimulate further efforts along all of the above lines with a goal of clarifying this important physical question. If the fine structure constant does vary in time or space, it provides an important window into the physics beyond the standard model. As such, the chemical evolution effects described herein should be carefully quantified to reduce the systematic uncertainties in the deduced result. Even if our chemical-evolution interpretation of the MM results prove to be verified, the MM method will have provided valuable insight into the mysteries of early cosmic star formation and galaxy evolution. %{\\bf Acknowledgments} We thank V. Flambaum for helpful conversations. The work of K.A.O. was partially supported by DOE grant DE--FG02--94ER--40823. Work at the University of Notre Dame was supported by the U.S.~Department of Energy under Nuclear Theory Grant DE-FG02-95-ER40934. One of the authors (T.A.) also wishes to acknowledge partial support from NSF grant PHY02-16783 through the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics physics (JINA)." }, "0404/hep-ph0404061_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We provide a summary of the current knowledge, theoretical and experimental, of solar neutrino fluxes and of the masses and mixing angles that characterize solar neutrino oscillations. We also summarize the principal reasons for doing new solar neutrino experiments and what we think may be learned from the future measurements. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} We record in this paper a snapshot (taken on March 1, 2004) of where we stand with solar neutrino theoretical research. We do not attempt to review the many papers written on this subject. For details of the extensive literature, the reader is referred to earlier, more comprehensive studies~\\cite{pontecorvo,msw,book,bp00,cabibbo02,fiorentini02,conchayossi,smirnov,roadmap,bargerreview, bilenky03,kayser03,murayama,analysispostkamland,valle03,chitre01,sackmann03,turckchieze,haxton04}. The related subject of solar neutrino experiments will be reviewed in this volume by A. McDonald~\\cite{mcdonald}. We therefore do not discuss the experimental aspects of solar neutrino research in this article, although we do emphasize the relation between theoretical ideas and predictions and solar neutrino measurements. We begin in Section~\\ref{sec:models} by summarizing our current theoretical knowledge of the solar neutrino fluxes. We then summarize in Section~\\ref{sec:parameters} the numerical results regarding solar neutrino parameters and neutrino fluxes that have been inferred from solar neutrino and reactor experiments. Neutrinos are the first cosmological dark matter to be discovered. We describe in Section~\\ref{sec:darkmatter} what solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments have taught us about the cosmological mass density in neutrinos. Finally, in Section~\\ref{sec:newexperiments} we discuss the reasons for doing future solar neutrino experiments and the scientific results that may be obtained from the proposed new experiments. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404248_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present \\textit{K}-band commissioning observations of the Mira star prototype $o$ Cet obtained at the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) with the VINCI instrument and two siderostats. The observations were carried out between 2001 October and December, in 2002 January and December, and in 2003 January. Rosseland angular radii are derived from the measured visibilities by fitting theoretical visibility functions obtained from center-to-limb intensity variations (CLVs) of Mira star models \\citep{BSW,HSW,TLSW}. Using the derived Rosseland angular radii and the SEDs reconstructed from available photometric and spectrophotometric data, we find effective temperatures ranging from $T_{\\rm eff}=3192 \\pm 200$ K at phase $\\Phi=0.13$ to $2918 \\pm 183$ K at $\\Phi=0.26$. Comparison of these Rosseland radii, effective temperatures, and the shape of the observed visibility functions with model predictions suggests that $o$ Cet is a fundamental mode pulsator. Furthermore, we investigated the variation of visibility function and diameter with phase. The Rosseland angular diameter of $o$~Cet increased from $28.9 \\pm 0.3$~mas (corresponding to a Rosseland radius of $332 \\pm 38 ~R_{\\odot}$ for a distance of $D=107\\pm12~{\\rm pc}$) at $\\Phi=0.13$ to $34.9 \\pm 0.4$~mas ($402 \\pm 46~R_{\\odot}$) at $\\Phi=0.4$. The error of the Rosseland linear radius almost entirely results from the error of the parallax, since the error of the angular diameter is only approximately 1\\%. ", "introduction": "Mira stars are long-period variables (LPVs) which evolve along the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), and are characterized by stellar pulsation with amplitudes as large as $\\Delta V \\sim 9$ and well-defined pulsation periods (80-1000 days). In recent years, the comparison of theoretical pulsation models with MACHO observations of LPVs in the LMC, in particular the reproduction of period ratios in multimode pulsators, has shown that Miras are fundamental-mode pulsators \\citep{woodM}. However, radius measurements of Mira variables when compared to theoretical pulsation calculations have generally yielded the large values expected for first overtone pulsators (e.g., \\citealt{Feast,VANB}). There is clearly a problem with the interpretation of radius measurements that needs examination.\\\\ High-resolution interferometric studies of Mira stars allow the determination of the size of the stellar disk, its center-to-limb intensity variation, surface inhomogeneities, and the dependence of diameter on wavelength and variability phase (see, e.g., \\citealt{PEA}; \\citealt{BON}; \\citealt{LAB77}; \\citealt{BON82}; \\citealt{KAR}; \\citealt{HAN92}; \\citealt{QUI}; \\citealt{WIL92}; \\citealt{TUT94}; \\citealt{DAN}; \\citealt{HAN95}; \\citealt{WEI96}; \\citealt{VANB}; \\citealt{BURNS}; \\citealt{PER}; \\citealt{HOF00}; \\citealt{WEI00}; \\citealt{WEIN}; \\citealt{THOM}; \\citealt{MEIS}). The results of such interferometric observations can be compared with predictions from theo\\-retical models of stellar pulsation and the atmosphere of Mira stars (e.g., \\citealt{WAN}; \\citealt{SCHO}; \\citealt{BES}; \\citealt{BSW} = BSW; \\citealt{HSW} = HSW; \\citealt{TLSW} = TLSW; \\citealt{ISW} = ISW). Confrontation of detailed theoretical models with high-resolution observations is crucial for improving our understanding of the physical properties of Mira stars (e.g., \\citealt{HOFRCAS}; \\citealt{HOF01}; \\citealt{WEI03}; \\citealt{SCH03}). \\\\ In this paper we present ESO VLTI/VINCI visibility measurements of $o$~Cet and compare the measured visibility shape and the phase dependence of the visibility with model predictions. $o$~Cet, the prototype of oxygen-rich Mira stars, is a very suitable object for these studies, since VINCI observations exist for different phases and baselines, its distance is known (revised HIPPARCOS distance $107.06\\pm12.26~{\\rm pc}$, \\citealt{KNAPP}), and a large amount of spectroscopic and photometric data is available for different phases. ", "conclusions": "We presented \\textit{K}-band observations of $o$~Cet obtained with the VLTI and its beam combiner instrument VINCI. From these VINCI observations at six different epochs we derived Rosseland angular radii using 5 different theoretical model series from BSW, HSW, TLSW, and ISW. Using the derived Rosseland angular diameter and the SEDs reconstructed from various photometry and spectrophotometry data, we obtained effective temperatures ranging from $T_{\\rm eff}=3192 \\pm 200$~K at $\\Phi=0.13$ to $2918 \\pm 183$~K for $\\Phi=0.26$.\\\\ We found that there is fair agreement between the Rosseland linear radii derived from the observed visibilities and those predicted by the fundamental mode pulsation model series P and M, while there is no agreement for other models. The nonlinear pulsation models all start from a static ``parent'' star. The parent star for the best-fitting model series, the fundamental-mode P series, has a radius of $\\sim$240 R$_{\\odot}$. It is clear from Fig. 4 that $o$~Cet, and indeed the nonlinear pulsation models from the P series, nearly all have radii of $\\sim$300-400 R$_{\\odot}$. Thus, the effect of large amplitude pulsation is to expand the surface layers of the star so that its apparent radius is considerably larger at most phases than the radius it would have if static (note that this effect is milder with respect to a continuum radius like $R_{1.04}$ ; cf. Table \\ref{models2} and the discussion in ISW). This expansion of the apparent radius does not greatly affect the interior of the model or the pulsation period. Hence, if one compares observed radii of Miras in (say) a radius-period diagram with the radii and pulsation periods of the parent stars, then one will clearly not find agreement. This is the reason that the Miras were thought for so long to be first-overtone pulsators (see, e.g., \\citealt{FEREV,TUCH}, and references therein). It is only by a detailed comparison of interferometric angular diameter measurements with models of large-amplitude, pulsating atmospheres that this problem has been solved.\\\\ On the other hand, the effective temperatures derived from the observations are very close to the effective temperatures predicted by the D-model series but higher than those predicted by the P and M~models. Given the definition of effective temperature $L = 4 \\pi\\sigma R^{2} T^{4}_{\\rm eff}$, this tells us that the P-series models are too low in luminosity, consistent with the luminosities derived in section \\ref{teff} for $o$ Cet (compared to the model values in Table \\ref{models2}). The shape of the measured visibilities for $o$~Cet at phase $\\Phi=0.13$ are best fitted with the P~model series, whereas all other model series and simple UD models show much poorer agreement with the observations. Taking all this into account, it is clear that a higher-luminosity, fundamental-mode model series is required for a more accurate modeling of $o$ Cet.\\\\ Furthermore, we found that the observed visibility functions and diameters change considerably from phase 0.13 to phase 0.40. The Rosseland angular diameter of $o$~Cet increases from $d_{\\rm{Ross}}^{\\rm{a}} = 28.9 \\pm 0.3$~mas (corresponding to a Rosseland linear radius of $R_{\\rm Ross} = 332 \\pm 38 ~R_{\\odot}$) at $\\Phi=0.13$ to $d_{\\rm{Ross}}^{\\rm{a}} = 34.9 \\pm 0.4$~mas ($R_{\\rm Ross} = 402 \\pm 46 ~R_{\\odot}$) at $\\Phi=0.4$. Thus, the diameter of $o$~Cet increases by 18\\% between these two phases, which is in good agreement with the approximately 14\\% diameter increase derived from linear interpolation of the results by \\cite{THOM} for the oxygen-rich Mira S~Lac." }, "0404/astro-ph0404281_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Here we present a self-consistent stationary solution for spherically symmetric winds driven by massive star clusters under the impact of radiative cooling. We demonstrate that cooling may modify drastically the distribution of temperature if the rate of injected energy approaches a critical value. We also prove that the stationary wind solution does not exist whenever the energy radiated away at the star cluster center exceeds $\\sim 30\\%$ of the energy deposition rate. Finally we thoroughly discuss the expected appearance of super-star cluster winds in the X-ray and visible line regimes. The three solutions here found: the quasi-adiabatic, the strongly radiative wind and the inhibited stationary solution, are then compared to the winds from Arches cluster, NGC 4303 central cluster and to the supernebula in NGC 5253. ", "introduction": "In the stationary solution for spherically symmetric winds (Chevalier and Clegg 1985; hereafter referred to as CC85) as well as in the former approach of Holzer and Axford (1970) and in the more recent numerical calculations of Cant{\\'o} et al. (2000) and Raga et al. (2001) the flow has been assumed to be adiabatic and thus predicts a very extended X-ray envelope around the sources. The impact of cooling on the stationary wind solution, was discussed by Silich et al. (2003, hereafter referred to as Paper I) for winds driven by powerful and compact stellar clusters, and by Wang (1995) for gas outflows from galaxies. Winds driven by compact star clusters establish a temperature distribution radically different from that predicted by the adiabatic solution, bringing the X-ray emitting boundary much closer to the star cluster surface. However, in none of the above studies, the effects of radiative cooling within the star forming volume itself were taken into consideration. Here we present a self-consistent semi-analytical model of stationary winds driven by massive stellar clusters taking full account of radiative cooling (see sections 2 and 3). We first discuss how to find proper wind central values and then use them to integrate numerically the basic equations. We also indicate the threshold value of the energy deposition rate above which a stationary solution is inhibited. In sections 4 and 5, the three regimes found when radiative cooling is considered: the quasi-adiabatic, the strongly radiative wind and the inhibited stationary wind, are then compared to well observed examples. Our conclusions are given in section 6. ", "conclusions": "We have developed a self-consistent stationary solution for spherically symmetric winds driven by compact star clusters taking into consideration radiative cooling. We have shown that stationary radiative winds differ strongly from their adiabatic counterparts. In particular we have shown that in the energy-size plane, there is a regime where the stationary wind solution is inhibited. This occurs whenever the energy radiated away per unit volume and per unit time ($n^2_c \\Lambda(Z_w,T_w)$) surpasses a value of $\\sim 30\\%$ of the energy injection rate. In this catastrophic cooling regime, the sonic point cannot be accommodated at the star cluster surface and the stationary wind solution does not exist. Below such a limit the flow, despite radiative cooling, behaves within the star cluster volume in a quasi-adiabatic manner and is able to set the sonic point at the star cluster boundary and evolve into a stationary wind. Stationary winds driven by stellar clusters with an energy input rate or a size that approaches the critical value, establish a temperature distribution radically different from that predicted by the adiabatic solution. In these stationary wind cases the fast fall of temperature brings the boundaries of the X-ray zone, and of the line cooling zone and the photoionized envelope, closer to the star cluster center. This promotes the establishment of a compact ionized gaseous envelope which should be detected as a week and broad ($\\sim 1000$ km s$^{-1}$) emission line component at the base of a much narrower line caused by the central HII region. Note that the threshold energy input rate approaches an asymptotic value for large values of $R_{sc}$ (see Figure 3). This implies that single supermassive star clusters are not able to generate stationary outflows whatever their radii may be. The fate of the ejected material in this case remains unclear. A self-regulating star forming region may form and may keep the injected gas bound because of catastrophic radiative cooling or the gas may be blown away in a quasi-recurrent regime. The outflows driven by supermassive or super-compact star clusters should be studied with a full non-stationary hydrodynamic approach. We have speculated that the super-nebula in NGC 5253 seems a good example of this inhibited stationary wind regime. Radiative cooling enforces a rapid drop in the sound speed value and the injected matter is to remain near the cluster. In such a case we predict that the metallicity of the super-nebula is above solar, making the cluster lie above the threshold limit for stationary winds (Figures 3 and 5). Our calculations show that the Arches cluster wind seems to evolve in the quasi-adiabatic regime and predict the H$_{\\alpha}$ and Br$\\gamma$ broad component luminosities around $L_{H\\alpha} \\approx 5 \\times 10^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and $L_{Br\\gamma} \\approx 5 \\times 10^{32}$ erg s$^{-1}$, respectively. The temperature distribution derived for the NGC 4303 central 1.55~pc star cluster wind is radically different from the adiabatic temperature distribution even for a solar wind metallicity. The calculated X-ray luminosity is in reasonable agreement with the observed diffuse component luminosity. The radiative model also predicts a compact (between 6 pc and 30 pc) broad line emission with $L_{H\\alpha} \\approx 10^{36}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and L$_{Br\\gamma} \\approx 10^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$, respectively. We are pleased to thank D. Strickland who provided us with his X-ray emissivity tables. Our thanks also to C. Mu\\~noz-Tu\\~n\\'on for multiple suggestions and to C. Law for a useful discussion about the Arches cluster observational parameters during the X-ray - radio connection Santa Fe workshop. We thank prof. J. Palou\\v s for his comments and suggestions as a referee. We also appreciate the financial support given by M\\'exico (CONACYT) research grant 36132-E." }, "0404/astro-ph0404554_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A starquake mechanism for pulsar glitches is developed in the solid quark star model. It is found that the general glitch natures (i.e., the glitch amplitudes and the time intervals) could be reproduced if solid quark matter, with high baryon density but low temperature, has properties of shear modulus $\\mu=10^{30\\sim 34}$ erg/cm$^3$ and critical stress $\\sigma_{\\rm c}=10^{18\\sim 24}$ erg/cm$^3$. The post-glitch behavior may represent a kind of damped oscillations. \\vspace{5mm} \\noindent {\\it PACS codes:} 97.60.G, 97.60.J, 11.80.F ", "introduction": "Pulsars are unique objects, with which all types of elemental interaction could be tested extremely. However, the most elementary question relevant is still open: {\\em What is the nature of pulsars?} It is conventionally thought that pulsars are simply a kind of boring big ``nuclei'' --- neutron stars, but more and more attention is paid to the quark star model for pulsars \\citep{xzq02,xu03a} since {\\em no} convincing work, neither in theory from first principles nor in observation, has confirmed Baade-Zwicky's original idea that supernovae produce neutron stars. The bare quark surface is suggested to be a new probe for identifying quark stars with strangeness, and possible observational evidence for bare strange stars appears: the drifting subpulses of radio pulsars, ultra-high luminosity of soft $\\gamma$-ray repeaters, non-atomic thermal spectra of isolated ``neutron'' stars \\citep{xu03b}. However, can the bare strange star model reproduce most of the general features of pulsars (especially glitches)? The observation of free precession in PSR B1828-11 \\cite{sls00} and PSR B1642-03 \\citep{slu01} challenges astrophysicists today to re-consider the internal structure of radio pulsars \\citep{horv04}. The current model for glitches involves neutron superfluid vertex pinning and the consequent fluid dynamics. However, the pinning should be much weaker than predicted in the glitch models, otherwise the vortex pinning will damp out the precession on timescales being much smaller than observed. In addition the picture, that a neutron star core containing coexisting neutron vertices and proton flux tubes, is also inconsistent with observations of freely precessing pulsars \\citep{link03}. It is then supposed that the hydrodynamic forces presented in a precessing star are probably sufficient to unpin all of the vortices of the inner crust \\citep{lc02} since a definitive conclusion on the nature of vertex pinning has not been reached yet due to various uncertainties in the microscopic physics. But recently, Levin \\& D'Angelo \\citep{ld04} studied the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) coupling between the crust and the core of a rotating neutron star, and found that the precession of PSR B1828-11 should decay over a human lifetime. This well-defined MHD dissipation should certainly be important in order to test the stellar models. An alternative way to understand both glitch and free-precession could be through the suggestion that radio pulsars are solid quark stars \\citep{xu03,xu04}. A solid quark star is just a rigid-like body, no damping occurs, and the solid pulsar model may survive future observational tests if the free precession keeps the same over several tens of years. A neutron star could not be in a solid state, whereas a cold quark star could be. Such a solid state of quark matter could be very probably Skyrme-like\\footnote{% Skyrme \\citep{skyrme62} considered baryons as solitons. The $n-$quark clusters might also be described as solitons in a similar way. } \\citep{ob99,lee03}, % the study of which may help us to understand dense quark matter with low temperature. Fluid strange-star (even with possible crusts) models were noted to be inconsistent with the observations of pulsar glitches more than one decade ago \\citep{alpar87}. Modifications with the inclusion of possible stable particles to form a differentiated structure of so-called strange pulsars was also suggested \\citep{benv90}, but is not popular because of a disbelief in the employed physics \\citep{hps93,horv04}. However, can a fully solidified quark star proposed \\citep{xu03} really reproduce the glitch behaviors observed? One negative issue is that giant glitches are generally not able to occur at an observed rate in a solid neutron star \\citep{bp71}. Nonetheless, more strain energy could be stored in a solid quark star due to an almost uniform distribution of density (the density near the surface of a bare strange star is $\\sim 4\\times 10^{14}$ g/cm$^3$) and high shear modulus introduced phenomenologically for solid quark matter with strangeness. More energy is then released, and this may enable a solid pulsar to glitch frequently with large amplitudes. Furthermore, the post-glitch behaviors may represent damped vibrations. In this paper, we try to model glitches in a starquake scenario of solid quark stars. ", "conclusions": "A starquake model for pulsar glitches is developed in the regime of solid quark stars, and it is found that the general glitch behaviors (i.e., the glitch amplitude $\\Delta\\Omega/\\Omega$ and the time interval $t_{\\rm q}$) could be reproduced if solid quark matter has properties of shear modulus $\\mu=10^{30\\sim 34}$ erg/cm$^3$ and critical stress $\\sigma_{\\rm c}=10^{18\\sim 24}$ erg/cm$^3$. It is suggested that the post-glitch process could be described as damped oscillations, especially in the critical and the overdamped cases. Anyway, this is only a primary and simplified study of quakes in solid quark stars, more elaborate work, with possible modifications, on both quake and postquake processes is necessary in order to understand the nature of solid quark matter through glitching pulsars. We are dealing with solid quark stars in this paper. The quark Cooper pairing of the BCS type is suggested in quark matter of low-temperature but high baryon density, which may result in a color superconducting state \\cite{arw98}, with a large pairing gap on the order of 100 MeV. This kind of condensation in momentum space takes place in case of same Fermi momenta; whereas ``LOFF''-like state may occur if the Fermi momenta of two (or more) species of quarks are different \\cite{abr02}. For 3 flavors of massless quarks, all nine quarks pair in a pattern which locks color and flavor symmetries, as called color-flavor locking (CFL) state \\cite{arw99}. However, for such quark matter, there exists a {\\em competition} between color superconductivity and solidification, just like the case of laboratory low-temperature physics. One needs weak-interaction and low-mass in order to obtain a quantum fluid before solidification. This is why only helium, of all the elements, shows superfluid phenomenon though other noble elements have similar weak strength of interaction due to filled crusts of electrons. The strong color interaction (and the Coulomb interaction in the system with strangeness) may be responsible for a possible solidification of dense quark matter with low temperatures. Further experiments (in low-energy heavy ion colliders) may answer whether quark matter is in a state of solid or color-superconductivity. Can a solid neutron star be possible? The answer might be {\\em no}, because at least the part of neutron matter with approximate nuclear saturation density should be in a fluid state. In this sense, only solid quark matter is possible, and a quark star is identified if one convinces that a pulsar is in a solid state. We have assumed that the entire strain energy $E_{\\rm strain}$ is relieved in a quake, which results in the reference oblateness of Eq.(\\ref{epsiloni}). However, it is possible that not entire, but most of, the energy $E_{\\rm strain}$ is released in a real situation, and the actual reference points are near but larger than $\\varepsilon_i$. Of course, there is a tendency of $\\varepsilon\\rightarrow \\varepsilon_i$ after the $i-$th quake, but the effective shear modulus, $\\mu_{\\rm eff}$, of matter broken could be much smaller than that of perfect elastic solid, $\\mu$. The recovery timescale could be $\\tau \\sim 15$ days if $\\mu_{\\rm eff}$ is order of $10^{15}$ erg/cm$^3$. A large Vela glitch on 2000 January 16.319 was noted \\citep{dmc00}, and {\\em Chandra} observations were carried out $\\sim 3.5$ and $\\sim 35$ days after the glitch \\citep{hgh01}, but no temperature change expected in conventional models with released thermal energy of $\\sim 10^{42}$ ergs is detected. This could be understood in this starquake model since (1) the thermal conductivity of quark matter is much larger than that of hadron matter and (2) the thermal energy released, $E_{\\rm therm}$, to be much smaller than $10^{42}$ ergs is possible. {\\em Acknowledgments}: This work is supported by National Nature Sciences Foundation of China (10273001), and by the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects of China (G2000077602). The valuable suggestions from an anonymous referee are sincerely acknowledged." }, "0404/astro-ph0404412_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of an interferometric study of 38 millimeter-wave lines of $^{12}$CH$_3$OH in the vicinity of the massive star forming region W3(OH/H$_2$O). These lines cover a wide range of excitation energies and line strengths, allowing for a detailed study of excitation mechanisms and opacities. In this paper we concentrate on the region around the water maser source W3(H$_2$O) and a region extending about 30 arcsec to the south and west of the hydroxyl maser source W3(OH). The methanol emitting region around W3(H$_2$O) has an extent of 2.0 x 1.2 arcsec (4400 x 2600 AU). The density is of order 10$^7$ \\cc, sufficient to thermalize most of the methanol lines. The kinetic temperature is approximately 140 K and the methanol fractional abundance greater than 10$^{-6}$, indicative of a high degree of grain mantle evaporation. The W3(H$_2$O) source contains sub-structure, with peaks corresponding to the TW source and Wyrowski's B/C, separated by 2500 AU in projection. The kinematics are consistent with these being distinct protostellar cores in a wide binary orbit and a dynamical mass for the region of a few tens of M$_{\\sun}$. The extended methanol emission to the southwest of W3(OH) is seen strongly only from the lowest excitation lines and from lines known elsewhere to be class I methanol masers, namely the 84.5 GHz 5$_{-1}$--4$_0$ E and 95.2 GHz 8$_0$--7$_1$ A$^+$ lines. This suggests that this region, like class I maser sources, is dominated by collisional excitation. Within this region there are two compact clumps, which we denote as swA and swB, each about 15 arcsec (0.16 pc projected distance) away from W3(OH). Excitation analysis of these clumps indicates the presence of lines with inverted populations but only weak amplification. The sources swA and swB appear to have kinetic temperatures of order 50--100 K and densities of order 10$^5$--10$^6$ \\cc. The methanol fractional abundance for the warmer clump is of order 10$^{-7}$, suggestive of partial grain mantle evaporation. The clumping occurs on mass scales of order 1 M$_{\\sun}$. ", "introduction": "Methanol is an abundant interstellar molecule, especially in regions of star formation where its high abundance is thought to be the result of thermal evaporation of dust grain mantles \\citep{CHH93}. A slightly asymmetric rotor with hindered internal rotation and significant a- and b-axis dipole moments, methanol has a complex spectrum which is sensitive to interstellar conditions. Observable lines cover a wide range of energies and line strengths, allowing for detailed analysis of excitation conditions and opacities. Two classes of interstellar methanol masers are known. Class I methanol masers, produced by collisional pumping, are seen in regions of massive star formation, but are generally well separated from the centers of activity as traced by embedded infrared sources and ultracompact \\HII\\ (\\UCHII) regions. Class II methanol masers are thought to be produced by radiative excitation at infrared wavelengths and are spatially well correlated with young stellar objects, \\UCHII\\ regions, and OH masers. Even when not masing, methanol may be expected to exhibit distinctly non-LTE excitation, except under the highest density conditions where collisions could thermalize the level populations. The southeastern portion of W3 contains the hydroxyl maser source W3(OH), which is associated with an \\UCHII\\ region around a young O7 star, and the nearby water maser source W3(H$_2$O), which contains a young stellar object known as the TW object \\citep{TW84}. Numerous studies have been made of molecular material associated with these two compact objects and throughout the region surrounding them \\citep{W91,W93,W94,HvD97,W99,N00b}. W3 is thought to be about 2.2 kpc from the Sun \\citep{H78}. At such a distance, resolution of order 1 arcsec is necessary to study the nature of protostellar cores on scales of order 1000 AU. \\cite{S01}\\ presented results on new class II methanol masers in W3(OH) and discussed excitation conditions needed to explain observed fluxes in those and several other methanol maser-candidate lines. \\cite{S03}\\ extended that analysis to include absorption and emission components in a larger set of methanol lines in W3(OH) and discussed the implications in terms of excitation and source structure. Here we wish to complete our analysis of methanol in the vicinity of W3(OH) and W3(H$_2$O) by presenting our complete set of millimeter-wave observations and by discussing the nature of the methanol associated with the W3(H$_2$O) source and methanol in other nearby regions. ", "conclusions": "To the southwest of W3(OH) there is an extensive region of gas, dense enough to be seen in a number of methanol lines. Emission is most readily seen in lines of low upper state energy (E$_\\mathrm{u}$ $\\lesssim $ 15 K) and in lines known elsewhere for their class I methanol maser emission. In this case, strong class I masers do not seem to be present, but the physical conditions are similar to those seen in class I maser regions. Excitation is collisionally driven, with densities of order 10$^5$ - 10$^6$ \\cc. Inverted populations and weak amplification appear to be present. We predict that the 36 GHz and 44 GHz lines will also be inverted, although it is doubtful that their optical depths will be sufficient to produce strong masers. The region is clumpy on scales of about 1 to a few tens of solar masses. Kinetic temperatures range up to about 100 K. The warmest regions have methanol fractional abundances of order 10$^{-7}$, suggesting that some grain mantle evaporation has taken place, but that the evaporation is incomplete. In contrast, towards W3(H$_2$O) the methanol emission is nearly thermalized and many lines are optically thick. None of the lines studied have inverted populations. Excitation is due to a combination of collisional and radiative processes. The size of the methanol emitting region is about 2600 x 4400 AU. This is resolved into at least two components, corresponding to the TW object and a blend of Wyrowski's B and C components. It is likely that both are massive young stellar objects. Their separation and line of sight velocity difference are consistent with a wide binary orbit with a period of order 50,000 years. Each source may be accompanied by circumstellar material containing of order one solar mass or less of gas. There may be as much as a few tens of M$_{\\sun}$ of circumbinary material, although its distribution is unclear. Methanol fractional abundance in the circumstellar material is of order 10$^{-6}$, indicative of a warm environment and extensive grain mantle evaporation." }, "0404/nlin0404058_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use the Smaller Alignment Index (SALI) to distinguish rapidly and with certainty between ordered and chaotic motion in Hamiltonian flows. This distinction is based on the different behavior of the SALI for the two cases: the index fluctuates around non--zero values for ordered orbits, while it tends rapidly to zero for chaotic orbits. We present a detailed study of SALI's behavior for chaotic orbits and show that in this case the SALI exponentially converges to zero, following a time rate depending on the difference of the two largest Lyapunov exponents $\\sigma_1$, $\\sigma_2$ i.e. $\\mbox {SALI} \\propto e^{-(\\sigma_1-\\sigma_2)t}$. Exploiting the advantages of the SALI method, we demonstrate how one can rapidly identify even tiny regions of order or chaos in the phase space of Hamiltonian systems of 2 and 3 degrees of freedom. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Knowing whether the orbits of a dynamical system are ordered or chaotic is fundamental for the understanding of the behavior of the system. In the dissipative case, this distinction is easily made as both types of motion are attracting. In conservative systems, however, distinguishing between order and chaos is often a delicate issue (e.g.\\ when the chaotic or ordered regions are small) especially in systems with many degrees of freedom where one cannot easily visualize the dynamics. For this reason it is of great importance to have quantities that determine if an orbit is ordered or chaotic, independent of the dimension of its phase space. The well--known and commonly used method for this purpose is the evaluation of the maximal Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent (LCE) $\\sigma_1$. If $\\sigma_1 > 0$ the orbit is chaotic. Benettin et al.\\ \\cite{BGGS80a} studied theoretically the problem of the computation of all LCEs and proposed in \\cite{BGGS80b} an algorithm for their numerical computation. In particular, $\\sigma_1$ is computed as the limit for $t \\rightarrow \\infty$ of the quantity \\begin{equation} L_t=\\frac{1}{t}\\, \\ln \\frac{|\\vec{w}(t)|}{|\\vec{w}(0)|}\\, ,\\, \\mbox{i.e.}\\,\\, \\sigma_1 = \\lim_{t\\rightarrow \\infty} L_t \\, , \\label{eq:lyap} \\end{equation} where $\\vec{w}(0)$, $\\vec{w}(t)$ are deviation vectors from a given orbit, at times $t=0$ and $t>0$ respectively. The time evolution of $\\vec{w}$ is given by solving the so--called {\\it variational equations} (see Sec. \\ref{Behavior}). Generally, for almost all choices of initial deviations $\\vec{w}(0)$, the limit for $t \\rightarrow \\infty$ of Eq.~(\\ref{eq:lyap}) gives the same $\\sigma_1$. In practice, of course, since the exponential growth of $\\vec{w}(t)$ occurs for short time intervals, one stops the evolution of $\\vec{w}(t)$ after some time $T_1$, records the computed $L_{T_1}$, normalize vector $\\vec{w}(t)$ and repeats the calculation for another time interval $T_2$, etc. obtaining finally $\\sigma_1$ as an average over many $T_i$, $i=1,2,\\ldots,N$ as \\begin{displaymath} \\sigma_1 = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{i=1}^{N} L_{T_i} \\end{displaymath} The basic problem of the computation of $\\sigma_1$ is that, after every $T_i$, the calculation starts from the beginning and may yield an altogether different $L_{T_i}$ than the $T_{(i-1)}$ interval. Thus, since $\\sigma_1$ is influenced by the whole evolution of $\\vec{w}(0)$, the time needed for $L_t$ (or the $L_{T_i}$) to converge is not known a priori and may become extremely long. This makes it often difficult to tell whether $\\sigma_1$ finally tends to a positive value (chaos) or converges to zero (order). In recent years, several methods have been introduced which try to avoid this problem by studying the evolution of deviation vectors, some of which are briefly discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{Compare}. In the present paper, we focus our attention on the method of the Smaller Alignment Index (SALI)~\\cite{SALI}, performing a systematic study of its behavior in the case of autonomous Hamiltonian systems with 2 (2D) and 3 (3D) degrees of freedom. This method has been applied successfully to several 2--dimensional (2d) and multidimensional maps \\cite{SALI}, where SALI was found to converge rapidly to zero for chaotic orbits, while it exhibits small fluctuations around non--zero values for ordered orbits. It is exactly this ``opposite\" behavior of the SALI which makes it an ideal indicator of chaoticity: Unlike the maximal LCE, it does not start at every step a new calculation of the deviation vectors, but takes into account information about their convergence on the unstable manifold from all the previous steps. The method has already been used successfully as a chaos detection tool in some specific Hamiltonian systems \\cite{SABV03c,PBS04,S03,SESS04,VKS02,KVC04}, although some authors \\cite{VKS02,KVC04} use different names for the SALI. The paper is organized as follows: In Sec.\\ \\ref{Ap} we recall the definition of the SALI and present results distinguishing between ordered and chaotic motion in 2 and 3--degrees of freedom (2D and 3D) Hamiltonians, comparing also the efficiency of the SALI with the computation of $\\sigma_1$. In Sec.\\ \\ref{Behavior} we explain the behavior of the SALI for ordered and chaotic orbits, showing that in the latter case SALI converges exponentially to zero following a rate which depends on the difference of the two largest Lyapunov exponents $\\sigma_1$ and $\\sigma_2$. In Sec.\\ \\ref{Discussion} we demonstrate the ability of the method to reveal the detailed structure of the dynamics in the phase space. In Sec.\\ \\ref{Compare} we compare the SALI method with some other known methods of chaos detection and in Sec.\\ \\ref{Summary} we summarize our results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Summary} In this paper we have applied the SALI method to distinguish between order and chaos in 2D and 3D autonomous Hamiltonian systems, and have also analyzed the behavior of the index for chaotic orbits. Our results can be summarized as follows. \\begin{itemize} \\item The SALI proves to be an ideal indicator of chaoticity independent of the dimensions of the system. It tends to zero for chaotic orbits, while it exhibits small fluctuations around non--zero values for ordered ones and so it clearly distinguishes between these two cases. Its advantages are its simplicity, efficiency and reliability as it can rapidly and accurately determine the chaotic vs ordered nature of a given orbit. In regions of `stickiness', of course, along the borders of ordered motion it displays transient oscillations. However, once the orbit enters a large chaotic domain the SALI converges exponentially to zero, often at shorter times than it takes the maximal Lyapunov exponent to converge to its limiting value. \\item We emphasize that the main advantage of the SALI in chaotic regions is that it uses two deviation vectors and exploits at every step, their convergence to the unstable manifold from all previous steps. This allows us to show that the SALI tends to zero for chaotic orbits at a rate which is related to the difference of the two largest Lyapunov characteristic exponents $\\sigma_1$, $\\sigma_2$ as $\\mbox{SALI} \\propto e^{-(\\sigma_1-\\sigma_2)t}$. By comparison, the computation of the maximal LCE, even though it requires only one deviation vector and one exponent, $\\sigma_1$, often takes longer to converge, since it needs to average over many time intervals, where the calculation of this exponent is independent from all previous intervals. The SALI was also proved to have similar or even better performance than other methods of chaos detection which were briefly discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{Compare}. \\item The $\\mbox{SALI} \\in [0,\\sqrt{2}]$ and its value characterize an orbit of being chaotic or ordered. Exploiting this feature of the index we have plotted detailed phase space portraits both for 2D and 3D Hamiltonian systems, where the chaotic and ordered regions are clearly distinguished. We were thus able to trace in a fast and systematic way very small islands of ordered motion, whose detection by traditional methods would be very difficult and time consuming. This approach is therefore expected to provide useful tools for the location of stable periodic orbits, or the computation of the phase space volume occupied by ordered or chaotic motion in multidimensional systems, where the PSS is not easily visualized, and very few other similar techniques of practical value are available. \\end{itemize} \\ack We acknowledge fruitful discussions on the contents of this work with Professors Giulio Casati and Tomas Prosen. We would also like to thank the anonymous referee for very useful comments which helped us improve the clarity of the paper. This research was partially supported by the `Heraclitus' research program of the Greek Ministry of Development. Ch.\\ Skokos was supported by the `Karatheodory' post--doctoral fellowship No 2794 of the University of Patras and Ch.\\ Antonopoulos was supported by the `Karatheodory' graduate student fellowship No 2464 of the University of Patras." }, "0404/astro-ph0404468_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent attempts to fit Type Ia supernova data by modeling the dark energy density as a truncated Taylor series have suggested the possibility of {\\em metamorphosis}, i.e., a rapidly evolving equation of state parameter, $w_{DE}(z)$. However, we show that fits using that parametrization have significant problems. Evolution of $w_{DE}(z)$ is both favoured and in some sense forced, and the equation of state parameter blows up or diverges in large regions of the parameter space. To further elucidate these problems we have simulated sets of supernova data in a $\\Lambda$--universe to show that the suggested ``evidence'' for metamorphosis is also common for $w_{DE}=-1$. ", "introduction": "Revealing the true nature of dark energy (DE) has become one of the most important tasks in cosmology. Considering the plethora of DE models proposed in the literature, a model independent reconstruction of DE would be an appealing alternative to testing all models separately. In two recent papers~\\cite{alam:dec03,alam:mar04} attempts were made by Alam \\etal to reconstruct the dark energy equation of state parameter $w_{DE}(z)$ in a model independent manner, using the latest supernova data~\\cite{hzt:tonry,hzt:barris,hzt:riess,scp:knop}. In these two papers a truncated Taylor series was used to model the dark energy density $\\rho_{DE}(z)$. The results indicate an evolution of $w_{DE}(z)$, a behaviour they call metamorphosis. From the reported analysis, it would seem that this is a significant effect prompting for ``exotic'' models for the DE. Since other parameterizations~\\cite{hzt:tonry,hzt:riess,scp:knop} suggest that the Type Ia supernova data collected so far are consistent with the simplest DE model of all, that of a cosmological constant $\\Lambda$ ($w_{DE}=-1$), it is important to investigate how such different conclusions can be reached starting from the same sets of data. In this paper we argue that the method of model independent reconstruction proposed by Alam \\etal suffers from a number of serious shortcomings. For alternative methods of DE reconstruction see e.g. references~\\cite{wang1,wang2,wang3,huterer,daly}. A fundamental requirement on a model independent reconstruction of $w_{DE}(z)$ must be that all DE alternatives are treated on an equal footing. Although the method of Alam \\etal at first sight seems to be capable of an exact reproduction of the equation of state parameter of the cosmological constant, it actually favours evolving $w_{DE}(z)$. The confidence contours, describing the level to which the reconstructed $w_{DE}(z)$ is known, exhibit two related problems. First, contours enclosing regions of high confidence level (CL) and high redshift tend to diverge. Second, by construction, the low level CL regions shrink for high redshifts. ", "conclusions": "The ansatz proposed by Alam \\etal may be useful for modelling the dark energy density, but its usefulness for revealing the nature of the DE seems limited. The parametrization of the dark energy equation of state parameter based on a truncated Taylor series involves a number of severe problems. Evolution is both favoured and forced by this parametrization. The cosmological constant is thus mistreated by the ansatz proposed in~\\cite{alam:dec03, alam:mar04}. Not even an extension of the ansatz seems to be able to overcome these difficulties. The equation of state parameter expressed as in equation~(\\ref{eq:de_eos}) also diverges in large regions of the parameter space. More data, which focus the solutions to the stable regions, may solve this problem. However, the region close to the point describing a universe with a cosmological constant will be in a disfavoured part of the parameter space. The dark energy equation of state parameter reconstructed from the data sets presented in reference~\\cite{hzt:tonry} and~\\cite{hzt:barris} is inconsistent with the cosmological constant at the $68\\%$ confidence level. Simulations show that the rapidly changing behaviour of $w_{DE}(z)$ could also be expected with this ansatz for a $\\Lambda$ universe. The scatter of the best fit parameters can be reduced if additional data points at high redshift are added to the simulated data sets. Our best fit to real data with $16$ additional high redshift supernovae was consistent with the cosmological constant at the $68\\%$ confidence level. We concluded that the suggested ``model independent'' method of reconstructing the dark energy equation of state parameter in \\cite{alam:dec03}, is in fact model dependent, and that the seemingly striking results are likely to be due to this deficiency. \\ack A.G. is a Royal Swedish Academy Research Fellow supported by a grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. \\vspace{1cm}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404232_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Automatic classification of variability is now possible with tools like neural networks. Here, we present two neural networks for the identification of microlensing events -- the first discriminates against variable stars and the second against supernovae. The inputs to the networks include parameters describing the shape and the size of the lightcurve, together with colour of the event. The network computes the posterior probability of microlensing, together with an estimate of the likely error. An algorithm is devised for direct calculation of the microlensing rate from the output of the neural networks. We present a new analysis of the microlensing candidates towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The neural networks confirm the microlensing nature of only 7 of the possible 17 events identified by the MACHO experiment. This suggests that earlier estimates of the microlensing optical depth towards the LMC may have been overestimated. A smaller number of events is consistent with the assumption that all the microlensing events are caused by the known stellar populations in the outer Galaxy/LMC. ", "introduction": "Microlensing is rare and out-numbered by stellar variability by at least a factor of ten thousand. Despite this, the selection of microlensing candidates in variability surveys seems straightforward at an optimistic first glance. Unlike almost all forms of stellar variability, microlensing is achromatic, time-symmetric and does not repeat. The theoretical form of the microlensing lightcurve is well-known (e.g., Paczy\\'nski 1986) and so events can seemingly be selected by their goodness-of-fit in two passbands. In practice, the selection of candidates is fraught with difficulties. The lightcurves are usually sparsely sampled and noisy -- for example, the median seeing at the site of one of the most prominent microlensing experiment (MACHO) is $\\sim 2.0''$. More awkwardly still, the clear-cut set of characteristics of microlensing only holds good in the simplest case of an isolated point-mass lensing a point-source. In fact, microlensing lightcurves may show colour variations because of blending (e.g., Di Stefano \\& Esin 1995). They may show substantial deviations from time-symmetry because of parallax or xallarap effects (Dominik 1998; Mao et al. 2002) or because the lens is a binary star (e.g., Mao \\& Paczy\\'nski 1991; An et al. 2004). As a consequence, the results of the microlensing experiments towards the Magellanic Clouds by the MACHO and EROS collaborations remain controversial (e.g., Evans 2002). From 5.7 years of data, the MACHO collaboration identified between 13 and 17 candidates towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and reckoned that the optical depth is $1.2^{+0.4}_{-0.3} \\times 10^{-7}$ (Alcock et al. 2000). The first set of 13 events comprises the most convincing candidates, whilst the second set of 17 candidates includes an additional 4 events less firmly established. This is in astonishing contrast to the results reported by the EROS collaboration, who found just 3 events towards the LMC (Lasserre et al. 2000). The two experiments are not directly comparable as EROS monitor a wider solid angle of less crowded fields than do MACHO. Even though EROS do not analyze their data in terms of optical depth, it is clear that the results point to a lower value than that claimed by MACHO. Tellingly, a similar discord prevails in the results towards the Galactic Centre; MACHO (Alcock et al. 1997) recorded that the microlensing optical depth to the red clump stars as $3.9^{+1.8}_{-1.2} \\times 10^{-6}$, while EROS (Afonso et al. 2003b) found a value of $0.94 \\pm 0.26 \\times 10^{-6}$ at almost the same location. These discrepancies strongly suggest that the systematic effects in the experiments are not yet fully understood, with candidate selection fingered as the most likely culprit. All this motivated Belokurov, Evans \\& Le Du (2003) to introduce neural networks as an automatic way of classifying lightcurve shapes in massive variability surveys. They constructed a working neural network for identification of microlensing events and applied it to microlensing data towards the Galactic Centre. In this paper, the ideas and methods of analysis are extended to the variability datasets taken towards the LMC. This is a harder problem, as the source stars are fainter and hence the microlensing events less clear-cut. A particular difficulty already identified by Alcock et al. (2000) is the contamination of samples of microlensing events by supernovae in distant galaxies behind the LMC. \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{l|l|c}\\hline Variable Type & Specific Examples & Number\\\\ \\hline Eruptive & Pre-Main Sequence, R Corona Borealis stars & 34 \\\\ Pulsating & RV Tauris, Mira, Semi-Regular variables & 595 \\\\ \\null & Cepheids & 372 \\\\ \\null & Bumpers & 300 \\\\ Cataclysmic & Supernovae, novae, recurrent novae & 45\\\\ Eclipsing & \\null & 135 \\\\ MACHO samples & \\null & 531 \\\\ Microlensing & \\null & 1500 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\caption{Composition of the training set. There are 1500 examples of microlensing and 2014 examples of other classes of lightcurves. The sources for the data are reported in the main text. } \\label{table:tset} \\end{table*} ", "conclusions": "This paper has demonstrated the power of machine learning techniques, such as neural networks, for the classification of events in massive variability datasets. Using the specific example of the microlensing surveys, committees of neural networks have been devised to discriminate against common forms of stellar variability and against supernovae. The output of the neural network is the posterior probability of microlensing, given the prior distribution in the training set. The error on the probability can be straightforwardly calculated. The networks have been used to process some of the data ($\\approx 22000$ lightcurves) taken towards the Large Magellanic Cloud by the MACHO collaboration (Alcock et al. 2000). The latter authors provide a set of 13 events whose identification as microlensing is believed to be secure and a further 4 events whose identification is possible. The neural networks confirm the microlensing nature of only 7 of these possible 17 events. Without processing the entire dataset ($\\sim 11.9$ million lightcurves), we cannot be sure that there are no events missed by Alcock et al. (2000) which would be classified as microlensing by the networks. It is reasonable to argue that this is unlikely, as the $\\approx 22000$ MACHO lightcurves we have re-processed provide no new candidates. But, this remains a plausible speculation rather than an empirically derived fact. Hence, we can only speculate that, as the number of events has been roughly halved, so the optical depth will be similarly reduced. For comparison, Alcock et al. (1997) estimate the optical depths of the thin disk, thick disk and spheroid to be $2.2 \\times 10^{-8}$, whilst the optical depth of the stellar content of the LMC to be $3.2 \\times 10^{-8}$ on average. In other words, from the known stellar populations in the outer Galaxy and the LMC, the optical depth must be at least $5.4 \\times 10^{-8}$. This may well be enough to provide the 7 events whose microlensing nature we confirm. There is supporting evidence for the belief that the known stellar populations are providing the bulk of the lenses both from the exotic events and from the lensing signal towards the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). First, the exotic events yield additional information which can break some of the microlensing degeneracies and thus give indirect evidence on the location of the lens. There are two exotic events towards the LMC and two towards the SMC (Bennett et al. 1996; Palanque-Delabrouille 1998; Kerins \\& Evans 1999; Afonso et al. 2000; Alcock et al. 2001a; Evans 2002). In all cases, the exotic events favour an interpretation in which the lens lies in the Magellanic Clouds. Additionally, Alcock et al. (2001b) imaged one of the events towards the LMC and identified the lens as a nearby low mass disk star. Second, as Afonso et al. (2003a) point out, the duration of the events towards the SMC is very different from the duration towards the LMC. The EROS collaboration constrain the optical depth towards the SMC to be $< 10^{-7}$ at better than the 90 \\% confidence level, based on an admittedly small sample. Both these facts militate against the idea that a single population of objects in the Milky Way halo is causing the microlensing events. The mass function, internal kinematics and proper motions of the SMC and LMC are different, so that differences in the distributions of microlensing events are expected if the lenses lie predominantly in the Magellanic Clouds. Based on roughly spherical models of the dark halo, the optical depth towards the SMC is expected to be greater than that towards the LMC if the halo provides most of the lenses. Hence, the paucity of events towards the SMC is beginning to be highly problematic for halo interpretations of the events." }, "0404/astro-ph0404004_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Spectroscopic studies indicate that gas in the photospheres of young O stars moves at speeds up to the sound speed. We show, using two-dimensional radiation MHD calculations and results from a local linear analysis, that the motions may be due to photon bubble instability if young O stars have magnetic fields. } \\resumen{ } \\addkeyword{stars: early-type} \\addkeyword{stars: formation} \\def\\msol{\\rm\\,M_\\odot} \\def\\divv{{\\bf\\nabla\\cdot v}} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "Young high-mass stars may trigger or terminate nearby star and planet formation through ionizing radiation and winds launched from their surfaces. The properties of the radiation and winds depend on the structure of the stellar surface layers. Stars of more than 15 Solar masses reach the main sequence while still accreting material \\citep{ys02}. High-mass main sequence stars are thought to have stably stratified outer layers, yet gas motions are present in the atmospheres of these stars. Absorption lines formed in the photospheres of O stars are broader than expected based on the temperature, pressure and stellar rotation. If the rotation axes are randomly oriented with respect to our line of sight, some stars will be viewed pole-on and show no rotational broadening. However samples of O stars appear to contain no such pole-on cases \\citep{s56,ce77,p96,hs97}. The minimum apparent equatorial rotation speed is a function of spectral type and luminosity. Among main-sequence O stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 346, the excess broadening of UV metal lines ranges from 25 km s$^{-1}$ at O2, similar to the speed of sound at the photosphere, to 5 km s$^{-1}$ at O9.5 \\citep{bl03}. Processes that might be responsible for the additional line broadening include \\begin{enumerate} \\item {\\em Vertical velocity gradients in the stellar wind acceleration region} \\citep{k92}: Minimum line widths are similar in stars with and without strong outflows. Also, stellar atmosphere plus wind calculations including a variation in velocity through the acceleration region produce photospheric lines similar to those in hydrostatic calculations \\citep{bl03}. \\item {\\em Global non-radial pulsations:} Low levels of spectral line shape variations in main-sequence O stars \\citep{fg96} suggest that any global non-radial modes are either of low amplitude or high order. An unresolved issue is how such modes might be excited. \\item {\\em Strange modes:} Instability occurs only for masses greater than $80\\msol$ in zero-age main sequence stars with metallicity $Z=0.02$ \\citep{gk93}, while excess photospheric line widths are observed in main-sequence stars with masses down to $20\\msol$. \\item {\\em Shaviv modes:} The instabilities are found only at luminosities greater than half the Eddington value \\citep{s01}, while excess line broadening occurs in stars with one-tenth the Eddington luminosity. \\end{enumerate} Here we explore the possibility that a fifth mechanism, photon bubble instability \\citep{a92,g98}, may lead to small-scale motions in the surface layers of O stars. A general local WKB analysis of linear disturbances in optically-thick radiating atmospheres indicates instability under a wide range of conditions \\citep{bs03}. Photon bubbles are driven by the radiative flux (Figure~\\ref{fig:howitworks}), and grow if (1) Rosseland mean optical depth per wavelength is greater than unity, (2) a magnetic field is present, and (3) the radiative flux exceeds a critical value that in radiation-supported atmospheres is approximately the gas sound speed times the sum of gas and photon energy densities. The surface layers of O stars generally satisfy the first and third criteria, but until recently were thought to be unmagnetized. However $\\theta^1$~Ori~C, the illuminating star of the Orion Nebula and one of the nearest young O stars, shows polarimetric variations in photospheric lines with rotational phase, consistent with a 1.1~kG dipole field inclined $42^\\circ$ from the rotation axis \\citep{db02}. Also, narrow X-ray emission lines indicate some gas near the star moves more slowly than the wind. The line ratios show that most of the X-ray flux is thermal emission from plasma hotter than 15 million~K, too hot to arise in shocks in the wind, and as hot as coronae in some magnetically active lower-mass stars \\citep{sc03}. Overall, there is good evidence for a magnetic field in $\\theta^1$~Ori~C. \\begin{figure}[t!] \\vspace*{-6mm} \\hspace*{-3mm} \\includegraphics[width=0.95\\columnwidth]{f1.eps} \\vspace*{-1mm} \\caption{How photon bubbles work. {\\em Top:} A patch of atmosphere (gray square) is initially in hydrostatic balance. When density is reduced slightly in a small elongated region, photons diffuse more easily up the long axis. The perturbed radiation flux exerts an extra force with a component along the magnetic field. Gas is driven along the field to the right, out of the region of low density, and the perturbation grows. {\\em Bottom:} As fresh gas enters the region of low density from the left, the pattern propagates to the left at about the gas sound speed. } \\label{fig:howitworks} \\end{figure} Photon bubbles, unlike strange modes, can grow in scattering atmospheres. They differ from Shaviv instabilities in that they require magnetic fields and may grow when the luminosity is substantially less than the Eddington value. ", "conclusions": "Photon bubble instability is present in the surface layers of magnetized main-sequence O stars according to the results of a local linear WKB analysis. We use two-dimensional radiation MHD calculations with horizontal magnetic fields and closed vertical boundaries to show that the instability can lead to small-scale movements of gas in the surface layers, with velocities about equal to the observed linewidth excesses. In a calculation with parameters appropriate for an early O star, photon bubbles result in horizontal density variations near the photosphere. Radiation diffuses more rapidly through the inhomogeneities than through the hydrostatic atmosphere with the same column depth, and the radiative flux is 10\\% greater than that calculated assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. An enhanced flux may affect measurements of stellar parameters. Issues remaining to be resolved \\linebreak \\adjustfinalcols include the dependence on the local magnetic field orientation and the shapes of the spectral lines expected from emission integrated over the stellar disk. Photon bubbles reaching amplitudes similar to those in the hottest case we considered may eject blobs of gas through the photosphere, and could lead to density variations in the winds of O stars. The motions might transfer energy into an initially weak magnetic field. Additional radiation MHD calculations indicate the saturation amplitude generally increases with decreasing surface gravity, so photon bubbles may reach larger amplitudes in O giants and supergiants. Solutions of the dispersion relation show that photon bubbles may be present also in accretion disks around young massive stars." }, "0404/astro-ph0404010_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a library of 6410 synthetic spectra with resolution $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda = 250\\,000$ based on the revised Kurucz 1993 model atmospheres. The library covers the wavelength range $3000 - 10\\,000$ {\\AA} with 54 values of effective temperature in the range $5250 - 50\\,000$ K, 11 values of log surface gravity between 0.0 and 5.0 and 19 metallicities in the range $-5.0$ to 1.0. We find that, with a few caveats, the library compares well with both the original 20 {\\AA} Kurucz spectra and also with observed spectra. The library is intended for use in population synthesis and physical parameterisation of stellar spectra. We assess the suitability of the library for these tasks. ", "introduction": "Progress in population synthesis and automatic classification of stellar spectra has been limited by the spectral resolution of the available synthetic stellar spectra. The existing synthetic libraries are not at high enough resolution to be useful for classifying stars from recent surveys such as the SDSS \\citep{stoughton02} ($\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda\\sim1800$), or future surveys such as RAVE \\citep{steinmetz02} and GAIA \\citep{lindegren96}. Most classification techniques smooth the observed spectra to the resolution of the synthetic spectra. This means much of the detailed information in the observed spectra is lost, which may reduce the quality of the classifications. Population synthesis packages such as \\pegase\\ \\citep{fioc97} or \\textsc{gissel} \\citep{bruzual93} use a grid of stellar spectra to generate galaxy spectra. The resulting galaxy spectra are limited by the resolution of the input stellar spectra. To study the high resolution features, it is necessary to have a grid of observed or synthetic stellar spectra which match the resolution of the observed galaxy spectra. For example, galaxy spectra synthesised from 20 {\\AA} spectra cannot be used to measure standard line indices like the Lick indices. Perhaps the most widely used library of synthetic spectra are the flux distributions from the Kurucz \\atlas\\ model atmospheres \\citep{kurucz93CD13}. It is important to note that while these are usually referred to as spectra, they are flux distributions predicted directly from the model atmospheres, rather than spectra generated by a spectral synthesis program. The Kurucz atmospheres have several disadvantages which are discussed in various sources such as \\cite{kurucz92}. However, one of their advantages is the wide range of parameters they cover, which is important for generating a grid of stellar spectra for population synthesis. The need for higher resolution spectra has been recognised for some time but, because of the immense computational expense involved, the synthesis of the spectra has been limited to partial wavelength ranges and specific regions of parameter space. Several groups have generated libraries of spectra from the Kurucz model atmospheres. For example, \\citet*{chavez97} provide a set of 711 Kurucz spectra at $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda=250\\,000$ in the wavelength region $4850 - 5400$ {\\AA} and \\citet{castelli01} have generated a set of 698 Kurucz spectra at $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda=20\\,000$, in the wavelength region $7650 - 8750$ {\\AA} for use with GAIA spectra. \\citet{gonzalez99} have generated synthetic spectra in very small spectra regions necessary for a particular application. They created a grid of synthetic profiles of stellar H Balmer and HeI lines at $\\Delta\\lambda = 0.3$ {\\AA} for the purposes of evolutionary synthesis. There are also several libraries of observed spectra now available at much higher resolution. For example, the \\elodie\\ database \\citep{prugniel01}, consists of 709 stars observed in the wavelength range $4100-6800$ {\\AA} with a resolution of $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda \\sim 42\\,000$. STELIB \\citep{leborgne03} provides spectra for 249 stars observed in the wavelength range $3200-9500$ {\\AA} with a resolution of $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda \\sim2000$. The observed libraries are crucial for evaluating the accuracy of synthetic spectra and can also be used directly for population synthesis and classification. STELIB has been used by \\citet{kauffmann03} with a new version of \\textsc{gissel}, and \\elodie\\ has been used to assign physical parameters to stars observed by the SDSS. However, a limitation of the observed spectral libraries is that they do not cover the full range in parameter space needed for galaxy population synthesis. Complete coverage of the parameter space is even more important for stellar spectral classification. The most successful approaches to classification have used methods from machine learning \\citep{bailerjones01a}. In these methods, the distribution of spectra in the training set has a direct impact on the accuracy of the classification assigned to new spectra. There are several efforts to generate higher resolution Kurucz spectra that are currently in progress. \\citet{bertone02} have generated a grid of 832 spectra at $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda=500\\,000$ over the wavelength range $3500-7000$ {\\AA}. They intend to extend the wavelength range down to 850 {\\AA} at a resolution of $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda=50\\,000$. \\citet*{zwitter03} are in the process of generating a grid of Kurucz spectra at $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda=20\\,000$ over the wavelength range $2500-10\\,500$ {\\AA} for use in radial velocity correction work. We have generated a larger library of 6410 spectra from the Kurucz model atmospheres. Previously these spectra were only available either at much lower resolution (20 {\\AA}) or over small wavelength ranges. Our spectra were generated from \\atlas\\ model atmospheres, using John Lester's Unix version of the \\synthe\\ spectral synthesis package (Lester 2002, private communication). We have modified this package to improve the efficiency of the code, making it possible to generate the complete range of Kurucz spectra in a reasonable time. This paper compares our higher resolution spectra with the original 20 {\\AA} Kurucz spectra and the STELIB library of observed spectra. In Section \\ref{generate} we describe the main characteristics of the new library of spectra. In Section \\ref{comp20} we compare the spectra with the 20 {\\AA} Kurucz spectra from \\citet{kurucz93CD13}. Finally, in Section \\ref{compstellib} we compare the spectra with observed spectra from the STELIB library. We will make this library of spectra available for general use on request. ", "conclusions": "We have generated a grid of theoretical spectra from the Kurucz model atmospheres. Since the intended use of these spectra is in population synthesis and stellar classification, we have made several comparisons to check the validity of using the spectra for these purposes. The broadband properties of the spectra compare well with observed spectra, as do the line index measurements. The comparisons do not guarantee the accuracy of the Kurucz spectra as models of observed stellar spectra. Rather, they demonstrate that our new, high resolution Kurucz spectra are as good for use in population synthesis as the commonly used library of 20 {\\AA} spectra. The advantage of these spectra over the previously available Kurucz spectra is that they allow the modelling of spectral line features such as the Lick indices. When using these spectra at high resolutions, it should be recognised that the spectra were generated using line lists that include `predicted' lines. This is necessary to reproduce the broadband colours of the spectra accurately. However, it does mean that many of the individual lines present at high resolutions do not have measured properties. Also, the line lists that we used (such as LOWLINES) are known to have problems with the values for specific lines. As this mostly involves weak lines, it should not present any difficulties for population synthesis at the resolution of the SDSS. More accurate properties for these lines could be obtained using alternative values, for example from the Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) \\citep{kupka00}. Also, the 20 {\\AA} Kurucz flux distributions are often used with the corrections of \\cite{lejeune97,lejeune98} applied. The corrections are an attempt to calibrate the spectra by comparing the synthetic model colours with empirical stellar colours. We investigated applying the same corrections to our high resolution spectra, but found that artifacts were introduced when using this technique directly. The Lejeune corrections mainly affect the lower temperature spectra, which we have not included in this library. For most of our spectra, the corrections are negligibly small. We intend to extend the library to the lower temperature models in which TiO lines become important and also generate spectra for the NOVER models as these are more accurate. We are in the process of building a large library for population synthesis -- a higher resolution version of that done by \\cite{lejeune97} -- which will also incorporate the NextGen models \\citep*{hauschildt99a}, \\citep{hauschildt99b}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404226_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results of an age and metallicity gradient analysis inferred from both optical and near-infrared surface photometry. The analysis is based on a sample of 36 nearby early-type galaxies, obtained from the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Surface brightness profiles were derived in each band, and used to study the color gradients of the galaxies. Using simple stellar population models with both optical and near infrared colors, we may interpret the color gradients in term of age and metallicity gradients of galaxies. Using $g_Z \\equiv d \\log Z_{\\rm met} / d \\log R $ and $g_A = d \\log {\\rm Age} / d \\log R $ to represent the metallicity and age gradients, we found a median value of $g_Z=-0.25\\pm 0.03$ for the metallicity gradient, with a dispersion $\\sigma_{g_Z}=0.19\\pm0.02$. The corresponding values for the age gradients were $g_A=0.02\\pm 0.04$ and $\\sigma_{g_A}=0.25\\pm0.03$. These results are in good agreement with recent observational results, as well as with recent simulations that suggest both monolithic collapse and major mergers have played important roles in the formation of early-type galaxies. Our results demonstrate the potential of using multi-waveband colors obtained from current and future optical and infrared surveys in constraining the age and metallicity gradients of early-type galaxies. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec intro} The color gradients of early type galaxies have been known for quite a long time (de Vaucouleurs 1961; Boroson, Thompson \\& Shectman 1983). Such gradients are believed to be due to the variation of the properties of the underlying stellar population, such as age and metallicity. Theoretically, radial variations in metallicity are expected in some formation scenarios for early-type galaxies. For example, early simulations of the monolithic collapse of a gas cloud tended to predict metallicity gradients that are too steep to match observations (e.g. Larson 1974; Carlberg 1984). Later simulations based on mergers of gas-rich galaxies predict that interactions between merging galaxies can effectively dampen their metallicity gradients (e.g. White 1980; Kobayashi 2004). Moreover, radial age gradients are also theoretically conceivable. Therefore, detailed color gradient data are essential to discriminate different formation models of early-type galaxies. Spectroscopic indices are the most commonly used indicators of metallicity in early-type galaxies. Earlier measurements indicate the existence of systematic metallicity gradients at the level $\\Delta \\log Z / \\Delta \\log R \\approx -0.1$ to $-0.3$ (Baum, Thomsen, \\& Morgan 1986; Carollo, Danziger, and Buson 1993; Davies, Sadler, \\& Peletier 1993; Henry \\& Worthey 1999; Mehlert et al. 2000 and 2003). However, it is not easy to obtain a large sample using this technique, because of the difficulties associated with observing long-slit (two-dimensional) spectra. In addition, the rapid decrease of surface brightness with radius limits the radial range over which accurate spectroscopic measurements can be obtained. Such measurements are usually possible only out to a radius of about one or two effective radius, making it difficult to study gradients in the outer part of early-type galaxies. On the other hand, broad band surface photometry with CCD is relatively easy to expand the measurements to several effective radius. Furthermore, radial profiles obtained from surface photometry are an average measurement within an isophotic annulus, and so are a better representation of the average properties at a given radius. With modern telescopes, accurate multi-waveband photometry can be obtained with little difficulty for a large number of galaxies, making it possible to study the gradients of the stellar population in a statistical way. Because of these reasons, photometric measurements are also widely used for studying the metallicity and age gradients in early-type galaxies, although the interpretation of such measurements has to contend with the well-known age-metallicity degeneracy (e.g. Worthey 1994). Early analyses of nearby galaxies in optical bands all indicated that early-type galaxies have systematic color gradients (Boroson, Thompson, \\& Shectman 1983; Davis et. al. 1985; Cohen 1986; Franx, Illingworth, \\& Heckman 1989; Peletier et al. 1990; Michard 1999; Scodeggio 2001; Idiart, Michard, \\& de Freitas Pacheco 2002). This is supported by the more recent analysis of the surface photometry of E/S0 galaxies in the nearby rich cluster Abell 2199 by Tamura \\& Ohta (2003). Because of the age-metallicity degeneracy, the observed color gradients are usually interpreted either as the metallicity gradients or the age gradients, assuming the gradients of the other quantity is known. Assuming the age of the stellar population to be the same over an entire galaxy, both Peletier, Valentijn, \\& Jameson (1990) and Idiart, Michard, \\& de Freitas Pacheco (2003) obtained a metallicity gradient of $\\sim -0.16$ (in terms of $\\Delta\\log Z/\\Delta\\log R$). Under the same assumption, Tamura \\& Ohta (2003) found an average metallicity gradient of $-0.3\\pm 0.1$ from a sample of 40 galaxies in Abell 2199 and 11 galaxies in Abell 2634. Using stellar population synthesis models, Saglia et al. (2000) examined the origin of the observed color gradients by comparing the 20 brightest early-type galaxies in CL0949+44, a cluster at a redshift of $\\sim 0.4$ taken from HST WF2 frames, with local galaxies. They concluded that their results are better explained in terms of passive evolution of metallicity gradients than pure age gradients. Hinkley \\& Im (2001) investigated the optical and near-infrared color gradients in the HST WFPC2 and NICMOS images for six field early-type galaxies with redshifts from 0.4 to 1.0. By comparing with stellar synthesis models, they found that 5 out of the 6 galaxies show negligible age gradients and are dominated by a metallicity gradient. Similarly, Mehlert et al. (2003) found nearly zero age gradients in 35 early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. However, Silva \\& Elston (1994) investigated both the optical and near-infrared color gradients in eight early-type galaxies and found that all of them show both metallicity and age gradients. Therefore, whether the color gradients can be ascribed to pure metallicity gradients is still controversial. As pointed out by de Jong (1996; see also Cardiel et al. 2003; MacArthur et al. 2004), the age-metallicity degeneracy may be partially broken by adding infrared photometry to the optical colors. Including infrared data also has another advantage, since contamination by dust is expected to be less important in infrared than in optical. Thus, accurate near infrared photometry are extremely useful in studying stellar population gradients in galaxies. In this paper, we use the broad band photometry obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky survey (SDSS) in the optical, together with the 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometric data in the near-infrared, to study the color gradients for nearby early-type galaxies. The relative high image quality in both the SDSS and 2MASS surveys makes it possible to trace the spectral energy distribution (SED) to the outer part of individual galaxies. In addition, since the combined SDSS and 2MASS data give a uniform coverage of the SEDs over a large wavelength range, we may hope to use such data to derive stringent constraints on the variations of the stellar populations in early-type galaxies. As we will show, although 2MASS images are shallower and have lower resolution than the SDSS images, the S/N is sufficient for probing the color gradients to more than 2 effective radii. In this paper, we present results based on 36 early-type galaxies. Although this sample is not larger than those used in early analyses, this is the first time where SEDs from both optical and near infrared are used to study the stellar population gradients. As we will see, the results we obtain are in good agreement with those obtained from line indices measurements, which demonstrates the strength of combining optical and near infrared photometry in constraining the stellar population gradients in early-type galaxies. In the future, much larger samples can be obtained, making this approach a very promising one for such study. The outline of this paper is as follows. We describe our galaxy sample and related data reduction in section~\\ref{sec data}. In sections~\\ref{sec color-gra} and ~\\ref{sec gradient of A-M} we examine the color gradients of these galaxies, and use stellar population synthesis models to obtain constraints on their age and metallicity gradients. We discuss our results in section~\\ref{sec discussion} and give a summary of our results in section~\\ref{sec summary}. Except where stated otherwise, we assume the Hubble constant to be $H_0=70 {\\rm kms^{-1}} {\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec discussion} \\subsection{The Effect of Dust} \\label{subsec dust} It must be kept in mind that the results presented above have neglected dust absorption in the host galaxies. Since dust obscuration reddens stellar light, the existence of dust changes the color of a galaxy, and can mimic a color gradient if the distribution of dust has a gradient. Although many elliptical galaxies contain significant amounts of interstellar matter (Roberts et al. 1991), most is in the form of hot X-ray gas, and only a small fraction (about $10^7$ M$_{\\odot}$) is in the form of dust (Kormendy \\& Djorgovski 1989; Forbes 1991; Goudfrooij 1994; Wise \\& Silva 1996). van Dokkum \\& Franx (1995) used HST images to study the dust properties of a sample of 64 early-type galaxies. They found that 48\\% of them show dust absorption, but that dust absorption is highly concentrated to the nuclear regions. The sizes of these absorption regions at the major axes are much smaller than 1 kpc for almost all their sample galaxies (only 3 have a dust distribution size of 2 kpc). In recent observations of 6 early type galaxies in infrared PAH bands by the Spitzer Space Telescope (Pahre et al. 2004) 3 of these 6 early-type galaxies exhibit dust features and the dust distribution have a size of about 1 to 3 kpc. However, dust distribution in early type galaxies is still poorly understood; only simple models are available to investigate possible effect of the dust extinction on color gradients. Here we follow Wise \\& Silva (1996) and consider three simple models for the dust distribution. The most likely case is that of a concentrated dust distribution, which is suggested by current observations. If dust distribution has a spatial density distribution of $\\rho_{d}(r)\\sim r^{-3}$ or is even more concentrated, then dust absorption is only significant in the very central region of the galaxy ($\\sim 1\\,kpc$; see Fig. 8 in Wise \\& Silva 1996). In this case, dust extinction will not have any effect on our results, since we have excluded the central region of a galaxy (within $0.4 R_{50}$, $\\sim$ 1.4 kpc on average) in our analysis. The second case is a flat density distribution of dust $\\rho_{d}(r)\\sim r^{0}$. In this case, dust absorption is almost the same over the whole body of a galaxy, and it will not produce any radial gradients in colors (or in the SEDs). A third case is a distribution between these two extreme cases. According to Wise \\& Silva's analysis, if the dust is distributed as $\\rho_{d}(r)\\sim r^{-1}$, it will cause a linear color gradient with $\\log R$, which can be confused with true metallicity and/or age gradients. To be conservative, we consider here the effect of dust extinction assuming such a distribution. Following Charlot \\& Fall (2000), we assume a power-law form for the dust absorption curve: $\\tau_{\\lambda}=\\tau_{V}(\\lambda/5500\\AA)^{-0.7}$. The absorption by dust can then be parameterized with a single parameter $\\tau_{V}$, which is the effective optical depth at a wavelength of $5500\\AA$. Another assumption is that $\\tau_{V}(R)$ decreases linearly with $\\log R$, and approaches {\\it zero} in the outer region (in practice, we set $\\tau_{V}(10R_{50})\\equiv 0$). This absorption model can also be derived from Wise \\& Silva's (1996) calculations (see the dotted line in their Fig.8). Thus only one additional free parameter, $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})$, is needed to describe the absorption of such a diffuse distribution of dust as a function of radius $R$. \\begin{table} \\caption{Metallicity gradients, age gradients, and their dispersions obtained with different dust absorption levels.} \\label{tab dust} \\begin{tabular}{ccccc} \\tableline\\tableline $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})$ & $g_Z$ & $\\sigma_{g_Z}$ & $g_A$ & $\\sigma_{g_A}$ \\\\ \\tableline 0.0 & -0.25$\\pm$0.03 & 0.19$\\pm$0.03 & 0.02$\\pm$0.04 & 0.25$\\pm$0.03 \\\\ 0.1 & -0.19$\\pm$0.04 & 0.22$\\pm$0.03 & 0.02$\\pm$0.04 & 0.23$\\pm$0.03 \\\\ 0.2 & -0.13$\\pm$0.04 & 0.22$\\pm$0.03 & 0.00$\\pm$0.04 & 0.23$\\pm$0.03 \\\\ 0.4 & -0.02$\\pm$0.04 & 0.21$\\pm$0.03 & 0.00$\\pm$0.03 & 0.18$\\pm$0.03 \\\\ \\tableline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} The SSP fitting procedure was then carried out by convolving the absorption curves at different radii with the given values of $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})$, and the effects on age and metallicity gradients recorded. We have done several tests with different values of $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})$, and the results are summarized in Table~\\ref{tab dust}. Compared with the dust-free case $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})=0$, it is clear that the existence of a diffuse dust distribution can indeed cause a radial color gradient and thereby reduce the degree of metallicity gradients. However, it does not change the average value of the age gradients. If the total amount of diffusing dust is large enough so that $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})\\sim 0.4$, the different levels of absorption at different radii can explain all the observed color gradients in our sample. >From Wise \\& Silva's calculation, about $10^{6}M_{\\odot}$ of diffuse dust is needed to produce the required $\\tau_{V}(R_{50})\\sim 0.4$. The dust model we have used is likely too simple to describe the dust distribution in galaxies realistically. More precise description of the dust distribution in early-type galaxies may be possible with the future observations, such that from the Spitzer Space Telescope. In summary, the presence of diffuse dust distribution can mimic the color gradients we have observed, and the metallicity gradients we obtained ($g_Z\\sim -0.25$) is only robust if the amount of dust in the diffuse distribution is negligible. \\subsection{Theoretical Implications} \\label{subsec implications} Simulations of the formation of elliptical galaxies through monolithic collapse (e.g. Carlberg 1984) have shown that the metallicity gradients predicted by this model are quite steep, with $g_Z$ at least as steep as -0.5. This is clearly in conflict with our average result of $g_Z\\sim -0.25$. On the other hand, recent simulations of Kobayashi (2004) showed that metallicity gradients can be significantly flattened by strong mergers. They showed that galaxies formed through major mergers have $\\Delta \\log Z / \\Delta \\log R \\sim -0.22$ and none of them have a gradient steeper then $-0.35$, while galaxies formed through minor mergers or monolithic collapse are quite similar, with metallicity gradients of approximately $-0.3$. Our average metallicity gradient is between $-0.22$ and $-0.30$, but individual gradients span a wide range from -0.6 to above zero. Since Kobayashi used a similar radius range as ours to measure gradients, we can compare our observational results directly with her simulations. To proceed, we adopt a metallicity gradient of $-0.26$ to separate galaxies into two subsamples. According to Kobayashi's results, the subsample with metallicity gradients shallower than $-0.26$ would be galaxies dominated by a major merger, while those with steeper metallicity gradients are the ones whose formation would be dominated by minor mergers or monolithic collapse. In Figure~\\ref{fig13} we plot the absolute magnitude ($M_B$) distribution for these two subsamples of galaxies. Although the average $M_B$ is similar for the two subsamples (about $M_B \\sim -20.5$), the two distributions are different. Most of the galaxies in the subsample with $g_Z<-0.26$ (i.e. the one with steeper gradient) are fainter. Since nearly half of our galaxies are S0 galaxies which have luminosities lower than elliptical galaxies, it is possible that the subsample with lower gradients is in fact dominated by S0 galaxies. Unfortunately, the sample is too small to allow us to probe the detailed dependence on morphological type. The subsample with lower gradients also includes the three brightest galaxies in the whole sample (UGC05515, UGC00797 and NGC~5865). It is interesting that UGC00797 is a cD galaxy and the other two also look like cD galaxies from their environment and radial profiles. If merger plays an important role in determining the metallicity gradient, as discussed above, this result would mean that cD-like galaxies and faint ellipticals form through many minor mergers and/or monolithic collapse. Our current sample is still too small to make a strong statement, but this question can be addressed with large samples to be constructed from the SDSS and the 2MASS. Another interesting result is that we obtain a quite large scatter in $g_Z$, $\\sim 0.2$. This cannot be explained by the uncertainties in measurement or fitting alone, which are approximately an order of magnitude lower. Thus, such scatter must be intrinsic. In this study we have not separated galaxies according to morphology (e.g. lenticulars versus ellipticals, normal ellipticals versus cDs) and environment, and the large scatter may be partly due to morphology and environment dependence. Our result is also consistent with the simulation of Kobayashi (2004), who obtained similar scatter among all the galaxies in her simulation. The average value of the age gradient we found, $g_A \\sim 0$, suggests that stars over a wide range of radius in early-type galaxies (0.4 to 5.0 $R_{50}$ as probed in this paper), have approximately the same age. This is consistent with the monolithic collapse formation scenario, where the bulk of stars in a galaxy formed in a single burst, or with similar star formation history over the whole galaxy. However, the lack of a significant age gradient does not contradict with the hierarchical formation scenario, if early-type galaxies formed their stars early in their progenitors. In this paper we have analyzed the optical and near-infrared surface photometry of a sample of 36 nearby early-type galaxies based on broad-band images obtained from SDSS and 2MASS. The optical and near-infrared color gradients of each galaxy have been derived and modelled in terms of metallicity and age gradients in their underlying stellar populations. Our main results are summarized as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item Almost all galaxies show shallow color gradients in the five SDSS bands and the three 2MASS bands. The measured average color gradients in $U-R$, $B-R$, and $J-K_{\\rm S}$ are $-0.21$, $-0.08$, and $-0.09$ respectively, in agreement with previous results. \\item For the first time, SEDs from optical to near-infrared wavelengths have been used to analyze the stellar population distribution of early-type galaxies. Both tests and results have proved the strength of combining SDSS and 2MASS data in the study of stellar populations. \\item Fitting both the age and metallicity simultaneously with stellar population synthesis models, and using $g_Z = {\\rm d}\\log Z / {\\rm d}\\log R $ and $g_A = {\\rm d} \\log {\\rm Age} /{\\rm d}\\log R$ to represent the metallicity and age gradients, a median value of $g_Z=-0.25\\pm 0.03$ was found for the metallicity gradient, with a dispersion of $\\sigma_{g_Z}=0.19\\pm0.02$. Corresponding values for the age gradient are $g_A=0.02\\pm 0.04$ and $\\sigma_{g_A}=0.25\\pm0.03$. These results are in good agreement with other observational results and with the expectations of current theories of galaxy formation. \\item A diffuse distribution of dust [$\\rho_{d}(r)\\sim r^{-1}$] could produce a linear color gradient with $\\log R$, but it will not change the result that the average age gradient is $\\sim 0$. If any diffusely distributed dust exists, it would decrease metallicity gradients, which would further support the hypothesis that major mergers play an important role in the formation of the early-type galaxies. \\end{enumerate} Given the amount of new data now available from the 2MASS and the current SDSS (DR2), and data soon to be available from the SDSS and the Spitzer Space Telescope in the near future, it will be possible to compile a sample of several hundred large early-type galaxies to carry out the same analysis as presented in this paper. Our results presented here suggest that with such a sample, it will be possible to study the age-metallicity gradients of early-type galaxies in unprecedented detail." }, "0404/hep-ph0404239_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The current status of neutrino cosmology is reviewed, from the question of neutrino decoupling and the presence of sterile neutrinos to the effects of neutrinos on the cosmic microwave background and large scale structure. Particular emphasis is put on cosmological neutrino mass measurements. ", "introduction": "% Next to photons neutrinos are the most abundant particles in the universe. This means they have a profound impact on many different aspects of cosmology, from the question of leptogenesis in the very early universe, over big bang nucleosynthesis, to late time structure formation. In the present review I focus mainly on late-time aspects of neutrino cosmology, and particularly on issues relevant to cosmological bounds on the neutrino mass. The absolute value of neutrino masses are very difficult to measure experimentally. On the other hand, mass differences between neutrino mass eigenstates, $(m_1,m_2,m_3)$, can be measured in neutrino oscillation experiments. The combination of all currently available data suggests two important mass differences in the neutrino mass hierarchy. The solar mass difference of $\\delta m_{12}^2 \\simeq 7 \\times 10^{-5}$ eV$^2$ and the atmospheric mass difference $\\delta m_{23}^2 \\simeq 2.6 \\times 10^{-3}$ eV$^2$ \\cite{Maltoni:2003da,Aliani:2003ns,deHolanda:2003nj}. In the simplest case where neutrino masses are hierarchical these results suggest that $m_1 \\sim 0$, $m_2 \\sim \\delta m_{\\rm solar}$, and $m_3 \\sim \\delta m_{\\rm atmospheric}$. If the hierarchy is inverted \\cite{Kostelecky:1993dm,Fuller:1995tz,Caldwell:1995vi,Bilenky:1996cb,King:2000ce,He:2002rv} one instead finds $m_3 \\sim 0$, $m_2 \\sim \\delta m_{\\rm atmospheric}$, and $m_1 \\sim \\delta m_{\\rm atmospheric}$. However, it is also possible that neutrino masses are degenerate \\cite{Ioannisian:1994nx,Bamert:vc,Mohapatra:1994bg,Minakata:1996vs,% Vissani:1997pa,Minakata:1997ja,Ellis:1999my,Casas:1999tp,Casas:1999ac,% Ma:1999xq,Adhikari:2000as}, $m_1 \\sim m_2 \\sim m_3 \\gg \\delta m_{\\rm atmospheric}$, in which case oscillation experiments are not useful for determining the absolute mass scale. Experiments which rely on kinematical effects of the neutrino mass offer the strongest probe of this overall mass scale. Tritium decay measurements have been able to put an upper limit on the electron neutrino mass of 2.3 eV (95\\% conf.) \\cite{kraus}. However, cosmology at present yields an much stronger limit which is also based on the kinematics of neutrino mass. Very interestingly there is also a claim of direct detection of neutrinoless double beta decay in the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment \\cite{Klapdor-Kleingrothaus:2001ke,Klapdor-Kleingrothaus:2004wj}, corresponding to an effective neutrino mass in the $0.1-0.9$ eV range. If this result is confirmed then it shows that neutrino masses are almost degenerate and well within reach of cosmological detection in the near future. Another important question which can be answered by cosmological observations is how large the total neutrino energy density is. Apart from the standard model prediction of three light neutrinos, such energy density can be either in the form of additional, sterile neutrino degrees of freedom, or a non-zero neutrino chemical potential. The paper is divided into sections in the following way: In section 2 I review the present cosmological data which can be used for analysis of neutrino physics. In section 3 I discuss neutrino physics around the epoch of neutrino decoupling at a temperature of roughly 1 MeV, including the relation between neutrinos and Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Section 4 discusses neutrinos as dark matter particles, including mass constraints on light neutrinos, and sterile neutrino dark matter. Section 5 contains a relatively short review of neutrino physics in the very early universe from the perspective of leptogenesis. Finally, section 6 contains a discussion. ", "conclusions": "% In the present paper I have discussed how cosmological observations can be used for probing fundamental properties of neutrinos which are not easily accessible in lab experiments. Particularly the measurement of absolute neutrino masses from CMB and large scale structure data has received significant attention over the past few years. In Table \\ref{table:summary} I summarize neutrino mass bounds from cosmological observations and other astrophysical and experimental bounds. \\begin{table} \\caption{Summary table of cosmological neutrino mass limits. For completeness bounds from other sources, astrophysical and experimental, are also listed.} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{@{}lll} \\hline Method & Bound on $\\sum m_\\nu$ & Data used \\\\ \\hline $\\Omega_\\nu h^2 \\lesssim 0.15$ & 14 eV & $\\Omega_\\nu < \\Omega_m$ \\\\ CMB and LSS & 0.7-1 eV & WMAP, 2dF, SDSS \\\\ \\hline SN1987A & $m_{\\nu_e} < 5-20$ eV $(\\bar{\\nu}_e)$ & SN1987A cooling curve \\cite{Kernan:1994kt,Loredo:2001rx}\\\\ $\\beta$-decay & $m_{\\nu_e} < 2.2$ eV $(\\nu_e)$ & Mainz experiment \\cite{kraus} \\\\ $0\\nu 2\\beta$-decay & $m_{\\nu,{\\rm eff}} < 0.35$ eV & Heidelberg-Moscow \\cite{Klapdor-Kleingrothaus:2000sn} \\\\ & 0.1 eV $< m_{\\nu,{\\rm eff}} <$ 0.9 eV & Heidelberg-Moscow \\cite{Klapdor-Kleingrothaus:2001ke,Klapdor-Kleingrothaus:2004wj} \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\label{table:summary} \\end{table} Another cornerstone of neutrino cosmology is the measurement of the total energy density in non-electromagnetically interacting particles. For many years Big Bang nucleosynthesis was the only probe of relativistic energy density, but with the advent of precision CMB and LSS data it has been possible to complement the BBN measurement. At present the cosmic neutrino background is seen in both BBN, CMB and LSS data at high significance. Finally, cosmology can also be used to probe the possibility of neutrino warm dark matter, which could be produced by active-sterile neutrino oscillations. In the coming years the steady stream of new observational data will continue, and the cosmological bounds on neutrino will improve accordingly. For instance, it has been estimated that with data from the upcoming Planck satellite it could be possible to measure neutrino masses as low as 0.1 eV. Certainly neutrino cosmology will continue to be a prospering field of research for the foreseeable future." }, "0404/astro-ph0404406_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The OH and H$_2$O maser clusters in the W3(OH)/W3(H$_2$O) region are separated by about 5$^{\\prime\\prime}$ (0.05 pc at a distance of 2.2 kpc) and are associated with two young stellar objects at different stages of evolution. The OH and class II methanol masers are seen toward W3(OH) which contains an expanding ultra-compact HII region (UCHII) surrounding a young O7 star (Kawamura$\\&$Masson, 1998). To its east is W3(H$_2$O), a region containing H$_2$O masers and a young stellar object known as the TW object. Both objects show outflow activity (see, e.g., descriptions of the W3(OH) champagne outflow in Keto etal.,1995 and the W3(H$_2$O) jet in Wilner etal., 1999). Situated in close proximity and embedded in the same molecular core (see, e.g., Wilson etal. 1993) these objects have rather similar velocities. Here we report observations of molecular lines with BIMA which reveal the distibution of shock tracing molecules, in particular methanol and water, molecules which also produce maser emission. Additional observations at Onsala are used to reveal overall characteristics of the outflows. New detections of maser lines are used to construct model of the class II methanol maser formation region. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404589_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the subhalo populations of dark matter haloes in the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We use a large cosmological simulation and a variety of high resolution resimulations of individual cluster and galaxy haloes to study the systematics of subhalo populations over ranges of 1000 in halo mass and 1000 in the ratio of subhalo to parent halo mass. The subhalo populations of different haloes are not scaled copies of each other, but vary systematically with halo properties. On average, the amount of substructure increases with halo mass. At fixed mass, it decreases with halo concentration and with halo formation redshift. These trends are comparable in size to the scatter in subhalo abundance between similar haloes. Averaged over all haloes of given mass, the abundance of low mass subhaloes per unit parent halo mass is independendent of parent mass. It is very similar to the abundance per unit mass of low mass haloes in the universe as a whole, once differing boundary definitions for subhaloes and haloes are accounted for. The radial distribution of subhaloes within their parent haloes is substantially less centrally concentrated than that of the dark matter. It varies at most weakly with the mass (or concentration) of the parent halo and not at all with subhalo mass. It does depend on the criteria used to define the subhalo population considered. About $90$ per cent of present-day subhaloes were accreted after $z=1$ and about $70$ per cent after $z=0.5$. Only about $8$ per cent of the total mass of all haloes accreted at $z=1$ survives as bound subhaloes at $z=0$. For haloes accreted at $z=2$, the survival mass fraction is just 2 per cent. Subhaloes seen near the centre of their parent typically were accreted earlier and retain less of their original mass than those seen near the edge. These strong systematics mean that comparison with galaxies in real clusters is only possible if the formation of the luminous component is modelled appropriately. ", "introduction": "According to the standard CDM scenario, structure in our Universe formed hierarchically. Small-scale fluctuations were the first to collapse as virialised objects. These then merged to form larger systems. The inner regions of early virialised objects are very compact and often survive accretion onto a larger system to become self-bound subhaloes of their host. Since galaxies form by the condensation of gas at the centres of early haloes, most cluster galaxies may well be associated with subhaloes in their host cluster. Only in recent years have numerical techniques and computer capabilities advanced to the point where it is possible to study in detail the properties of such subhaloes (Moore et al. 1998, 1999; Tormen, Diaferio \\& Syer 1998; Klypin et al. 1999a,b; Ghigna et al. 1998, 2000; Springel et al. 2001; Stoehr et al. 2002, 2003). These studies indicate that the `overmerging' problem in early simulations, i.e. the failure to resolve subhaloes corresponding to galaxies in cosmological simulations of cluster haloes, was in part a result of insufficient mass and force resolution. Using high resolution resimulations of individual cluster or galaxy haloes, it is possible to study the properties of subhaloes in detail. Recent papers by De Lucia et al. (2004), Diemand et al. (2004) and Gill, Knebe \\& Gibson (2004) discuss many aspects of this topic and present results compatible with but complementary to those presented below. Most studies to date have been limited because their analysis has been performed on a small number of individual haloes. Since halo-to-halo variations are large, this may prevent the derivation of statistically significant results. In addition, all studies are still affected at some level by numerical resolution. The available tests show that the subhaloes seen in a particular object are reproduced moderately well in mass, but not in position or velocity, when the same object is resimulated multiple times with varying resolution (Ghigna et al. 2000; Springel et al. 2001; Stoehr et al 2002, 2003). This is a result of the well known divergence of neighboring trajectories in nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper, we carry out a systematic study of the properties of subhaloes in the halo population of a single, large-scale cosmological simulation, and we complement this by analysing a multi-resolution set of resimulations of a single `Milky Way' halo, together with a set of high-resolution resimulations of eight different rich clusters. These resimulations allow us to investigate how numerical resolution and halo-to-halo variation affect the conclusions from our cosmological simulation. We do not, however, carry out a full study of the numerical requirements for fully converged numerical results for the properties of subhaloes. Previous studies of subhaloes within haloes of different scale have emphasised similarities -- to a large extent the internal structure of a `Milky Way' halo looks like a scaled version of that of a rich cluster halo (Moore et al. 1999; Helmi \\& White 2001; Stoehr et al. 2003; De Lucia et al. 2004; Desai et al. 2004). We show below that this scaling is not exact, and that a better model assumes the mass distribution of low-mass subhaloes to be the same as in the Universe as a whole, once the differing definitions of an object's boundary are accounted for. We show that galaxy haloes have fewer high-mass subhaloes than rich clusters because of their earlier formation times. Indeed, even among haloes of given mass, the number of massive subhaloes correlates well with formation time, as reflected in the halo's central concentration. The emphasis of earlier high resolution work on solving the `overmerging problem' has given rise to the impression that the subhaloes are typically objects which formed at very early times. We demonstrate below that this is not the case. Even at low subhalo masses, most subhaloes were accreted onto the main halo at low redshift, in most cases well below $z=1$. This is important when considering the formation paths of present-day cluster galaxies. Our paper is organized as follows. We introduce our various simulation sets in Section 2. In Section 3, we compare the halo mass abundance function measured from our cosmological simulation with theoretical predictions and with earlier numerical data. In Section 4, we investigate the subhalo population as a function of halo mass and of redshift. The spatial distribution of subhaloes within haloes is also discussed in Section 4. In Section 5 we investigate the infall and mass-loss histories of present-day subhaloes, as well as the fate of objects that are accreted onto bigger clusters at early times. We discuss our results and set out our conclusions in Section 6. ", "conclusions": "We have used a single, large-scale cosmological simulation together with two sets of resimulations of the formation of individual cluster and galaxy haloes to carry out a systematic study of the properties of dark halo substructure in the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM universe. In agreement with the earlier work of Jenkins et al. (2001), Reed et al. (2003) and Yahagi et al. (2004) we find the abundance of haloes (defined using a friends-of-friends group finder with linking length $b=0.2$) to be well described by the Sheth \\& Tormen (1999) mass function down to masses of a few times $10^{10}{\\rm M_\\odot}$ and out to a redshift of 5. Our main results for the subhalo populations within these haloes can be summarized as follows: \\begin{description} \\item[(1)] The subhalo populations of different haloes are not simply scaled copies of each other, but vary systematically with global halo properties. On average, massive haloes contain more subhaloes above any given fraction of parent mass than do lower mass haloes, and these subhaloes contain a larger fraction of the parent's mass. At given halo mass, subhaloes are more abundant in haloes which are less concentrated, or formed more recently. \\item[(2)] There is considerable scatter in the abundance of subhaloes between haloes of similar mass, concentration or formation time. This presumably reflects differences in the details of halo assembly. \\item[(3)] For subhalo masses well below that of the parent halo the mean subhalo abundance {\\it per unit parent mass} is independent of the actual mass of the parent. It is very similar to the abundance of haloes per unit mass in the universe as a whole, once a correction is made for the differing bounding density within which the masses of haloes and subhaloes are defined. \\item[(4)] Normalised in this way to total parent halo mass, the mean abundance of subhaloes as a function of maximum circular velocity is also quite similar to the abundance per unit mass of haloes as a function of $V_{\\rm max}$. For subhaloes the abundance per unit mass is about a factor of two lower at given $V_{\\rm max}$ than for haloes. Equivalently, the $V_{\\rm max}$ values of subhaloes at given abundance per unit mass are about 25 per cent lower than those for haloes. \\item[(5)] In agreement with previous studies, we find the the radial distribution of subhaloes within their parent haloes to be much less concentrated than that of the dark matter. We find no significant dependence of this radial profile on the mass of the subhaloes and only a very weak dependence on the mass (or concentration) of the parent halo. To a good approximation the radial distribution of subhaloes appears `universal' and we give a fitting formula for it in equation~\\ref{pro}. \\item[(6)] The subhalo number density profile does depend on how the population is defined. Subhalo populations defined above a minimum circular velocity limit are significantly more concentrated than those defined above a minimum mass limit. \\item[(7)] Most subhaloes in present-day haloes fell into their parent systems very recently. Only about 10 per cent of them were accreted earlier than $z=1$ and 70 per cent were accreted at $z<0.5$. These fractions depend very little on the mass of the subhaloes or on that of their parents \\item[(8)] The rate at which tidal effects reduce the mass of subhaloes is not strongly dependent on the mass of the accreted object or on that of the halo it falls into. About 92 per cent of the total mass of haloes accreted at $z=1$ is removed to become part of the `smooth' halo component by $z=0$. For haloes which fall in at $z=2$ this fraction is about 98 per cent. Note that the highest mass accreted objects merge into the central regions more quickly because of dynamical friction effects. \\item[(9)] Subhaloes seen near the centre of their parent haloes typically fell in earlier and retain a smaller fraction of their original mass than subhaloes seen near the edge. Thus inner subhaloes may be expected to host brighter galaxies than outer subhaloes of similar mass (see Springel et al. 2001). \\end{description} These properties suggest a relatively simple picture for the evolution of subhalo populations. A substantial fraction of the mass of most haloes has been added at relatively recent redshifts, and this mass is accreted in clumpy form with a halo mass distribution similar to that of the Universe as a whole. Since tidal stripping rapidly reduces the mass of subhaloes, the population at any given mass is dominated by objects which fell in recently and so had lower mass (and thus more abundant) progenitors. The orbits of recently accreted objects spend most of their time in the outer halo, so that subhaloes of given mass are substantially less centrally concentrated than the dark matter as a whole. Subhaloes which are seen near halo centre have shorter period orbits and so must have fallen in earlier. They thus retain a relatively small fraction of their initial mass. Comparison of these subhalo properties with observation is far from simple. The recent accretion of most subhaloes means that the galaxies at their centres were almost fully formed by the time they became part of their current host. We might therefore expect their observable properties to be more closely related to the mass of their progenitor haloes and to their accretion redshifts than to the current masses of their subhaloes. Explicit tracking of galaxy formation during the assembly of cluster haloes shows that these differences can be large. For example, both Diaferio et al. (2001) and Springel et al. (2001) find radial number density profiles for magnitude limited samples of galaxies which are similar both to the underlying dark matter profiles and to the observed profiles of real clusters, but which are very different from the number density profiles for mass limited subhalo samples. Similar differences are to be expected between the velocity biases of galaxies and subhaloes. Models for the stellar content of subhaloes which are based purely on their current mass and internal structure are very unlikely to be successful. The past history of subhaloes must be included to get realistic results, as must galaxies associated with apparently disrupted subhaloes. We investigate these issues further in a companion paper (Gao et al. 2004b);" }, "0404/astro-ph0404295_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using a combination of observations involving the VLA, MERLIN and global VLBI networks we have made a detailed study of the radio continuum and the neutral hydrogen (H{\\sc i}) kinematics and distribution within the central kiloparsec of the radio galaxy 3C\\,293. These observations trace the complex jet structure and identify the position of the steeply inverted radio core at 1.3\\,GHz. Strong H{\\sc i} absorption is detected against the majority of the inner kiloparsec of 3C\\,293. This absorption is separated into two dynamically different and spatially resolved systems. Against the eastern part of the inner radio jet narrow H{\\sc i} absorption is detected and shown to have higher optical depths in areas co-spatial with a central dust lane. Additionally, this narrow line is shown to follow a velocity gradient of $\\sim$50\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,arcsec$^{-1}$, consistent with the velocity gradient observed in optical spectroscopy of ionised gas. We conclude that the narrow H{\\sc i} absorption, dust and ionised gas are physically associated and situated several kiloparsecs from the centre of the host galaxy. Against the western jet emission and core component, broad and complex H{\\sc i} absorption is detected. This broad and complex absorption structure is discussed in terms of two possible interpretations for the gas kinematics observed. We explore the possibility that these broad, double absorption spectra are the result of two gas layers at different velocities and distances along these lines of sight. A second plausible explanation for this absorbing structure is that the H{\\sc i} is situated in rotation about the core of this radio galaxy with some velocity dispersion resulting from in-fall and outflow of gas from the core region. If the latter explanation were correct, then the mass enclosed by the rotating disk would be at least 1.7$\\times$10$^9$ solar masses within a radius of 400\\,pc. ", "introduction": "Nuclear activity in galaxies manifests itself in a variety of forms from nearby low luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGN), such as Seyferts and LINERS, to powerful distant quasars and radio galaxies. In these sources, the nuclear activity is responsible for radiation detected across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In the radio loud active galaxies, such as quasars and radio galaxies, the radio emission demonstrates the influence of the AGN, for example via the formation of powerful jets (Fanaroff \\& Riley 1974). Additionally ample evidence is also available from other wavelength ranges ({\\it e.g} optical) for the interaction of the nuclear activity with the surrounding galactic interstellar medium (ISM) such as via the detection of outflows from nuclear regions of some Seyfert galaxies ({\\it e.g.} NGC\\,3079, Cecil et al. 2001). The commonly accepted standard model for nuclear activity asserts that the AGN is fuelled by the release of gravitational potential energy as galactic material is accreted onto a central super-massive black hole. As such it is incumbent upon investigators to study not only the effects of this nuclear activity ({\\it e.g.} jets) but also the physical and kinematic environment that surrounds the AGN, since this provides a method by which we can study how gas, dust and stars act as fuel for the activity we observe as well as how this activity impacts the surrounding ISM. At the present time most high angular resolution studies of powerful active galaxies have concentrated upon investigating the consequences of the activity ({\\it e.g.} the synchrotron emission such as radio jets), rather than the cause of the activity ({\\it e.g.} cold neutral and molecular gas that fuels the nuclear activity). This has primarily been a direct consequence of observational constraints resulting from the relatively small collecting areas of the current generation of mm-wavelength aperture synthesis instruments and the surface brightness sensitivity of decimetre wavelength interferometers precluding observations of cold thermal gas emission at angular resolutions of $\\ltsim$1\\,arcsec. However using current radio aperture synthesis techniques it is possible to observe cold gas, via decimetre transitions such as H{\\sc i}, OH and H$_2$CO, in absorption against the bright background radio continuum of some galaxies, on sub-arsecond angular scales. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1mm} \\begin{picture}(80,75) \\put(0,0){\\special{psfile= fig1sm.ps hoffset=-20 voffset=230 hscale=43 vscale=43 angle=270}} \\end{picture} \\caption{The {\\it u-v} coverage of the combined VLBI and MERLIN data-sets.} \\label{fig1a} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{center} \\begin{table} \\caption[]{Summary of Observations. All three of these observations were made in spectral line mode with the bandwidth centred at 1.359\\,GHz.} \\begin{tabular}{lccc} \\hline Interferometer&Date&BW&{\\it uv} Range\\\\ &&(MHz)&(k$\\lambda$)\\\\ \\hline VLA-A$+$PT&15/12/2000&3.125&3.1-235\\\\ MERLIN&08/04/1998&8&11-989\\\\ VLBI&18/11/1999&8&162-4850\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\label{tab1} \\end{table} \\end{center} 3C\\,293 is a nearby radio galaxy associated with the peculiar elliptical galaxy {\\sc vv}5-33-12. On scales of several tens of kiloparsecs, the radio jet structure of 3C\\,293 has been well studied by Bridle, Fomalont \\& Cornwell (1981) and van Breugel et al. (1984) and resembles a moderately large two-sided FR-II radio galaxy. However, 3C\\,293 is peculiar in that an unusually high proportion of the galaxy's radio power is emitted from a steep-spectrum extended core component. This core region when observed at higher angular resolution, is found to be a composite of several radio components forming a kiloparsec scale east-west orientated jet (Bridle et al. 1981; Akujor et al. 1996; Beswick, Pedlar \\& Holloway 2002). At other wavelengths, 3C\\,293 and its associated galaxy display several distinctive characteristics. VV5-33-12 has a closely interacting small companion galaxy situated $\\sim$37\\arcsec\\,\\,($\\sim$30\\,kpc) toward the south-west (Heckman et al. 1985; Evans et al. 1999) and the central region of the galaxy is criss-crossed by several filamentary dust lanes aligned in an approximately north-south direction (van Breugel et al. 1981; Martel el. 1999; Allen et al. 2002). Additionally {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} ({\\it HST}) observations have detected an optical/IR jet within the central kiloparsec (Leahy, Sparks \\& Jackson 1999) partially obscured from previous observations by the nuclear dust lanes. Arcsecond resolution observations of molecular gas in 3C\\,293 by Evans et al. (1999) have revealed large concentrations of CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) detected in both emission and absorption within the central few kiloparsecs. The CO emission is primarily distributed in an asymmetric disk rotating about an unresolved continuum component that Evans et al. conclude is the AGN. \\begin{figure} \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1mm} \\begin{picture}(80,77) \\put(0,0){\\special{psfile= fig2sm.ps hoffset=-20 voffset=230 hscale=43 vscale=43 angle=270}} \\end{picture} \\caption{VLA B configuration image at 1.35\\,GHz of the large scale structure of the radio galaxy 3C\\,293 along with inset MERLIN image of the central $\\sim$3\\,kpc. The VLA image has been contoured at $\\sqrt2$ times 0.5\\,mJy\\,beam$^{-1}$ with a peak flux of 3.44\\,Jy. The lowest contour of the inset MERLIN image is 5\\,mJy\\,beam$^{-1}$ and follows the same multiplying factors as the VLA image. The peak of the MERLIN image is 1.29\\,Jy\\,beam$^{-1}$. The MERLIN radio continuum image can be seen in more detail in Fig.\\,2.} \\label{fig1} \\end{figure} Broad neutral hydrogen absorption was first detected against 3C\\,293 by Baan \\& Haschick (1981) using the Arecibo telescope and has been studied in great detail with ever improving sensitivities and angular resolutions using a variety of radio interferometers over the last two decades (Shostak et al. 1983; Haschick \\& Baan 1985; Beswick et al. 2002; Morganti et al. 2003). 3C\\,293 has proved to be worthy of these numerous studies because of its complex and exceptionally broad H{\\sc i} absorption structure which has been observed against the extended nuclear radio continuum source. In order to fully sample the wide range of physical scales of the nuclear radio continuum of 3C\\,293 from several arcseconds to angular resolutions of a few tens of mas we have combined global Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations with previously published Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometric Network (MERLIN) data (Beswick et al. 2002) and Very Large Array (VLA: A configuration including the VLBA Pie Town antenna) observations to provide a wide range of {\\it u-v} spacings (see Tab.\\,1 and Fig.\\,1). This combined study allows this extended radio source to be imaged with high fidelity at a variety of angular resolutions. \\begin{figure*} \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1mm} \\begin{picture}(80,105) \\put(0,0){\\special{psfile= fig3sm.ps hoffset=-155 voffset=320 hscale=95 vscale=95 angle=270}} \\end{picture} \\vskip 16pc \\caption{Sub-arcsecond continuum structure of the inner few kiloparsecs of 3C\\,293. The top contour map shows the 1.359 GHz radio continuum structure observed with MERLIN at a resolution of 0\\farcs23$\\times$0\\farcs20. Contour levels of the MERLIN image are the same as for Fig.\\,1. The lower panel shows the global VLBI, MERLIN and VLA+PT contoured image of the inner jet of 3C\\,293 with angular resolution of 30\\,mas. This map is contoured at multiples of $\\sqrt2$ times 1.3\\,mJy\\,beam$^{-1}$. The peak flux of the 30\\,mas image is 38.23\\,mJy. Labels A, B, C and D at the top of the MERLIN image follow the convention of labeling continuum components in this source used by Bridle et al. (1981) and Beswick et al. (2002).} \\label{fig2} \\end{figure*} This paper is split into four additional sections. The first of these will describe the observations presented and the data processing that has been applied to them. This will be followed by the presentation of the observational results and a more detailed discussion of their implications. The discussion will initially concentrate upon the radio continuum structure of 3C\\,293 from arcmin to milliarcsec scales, comparing these new observations with previously published data-sets, followed by a detailed discussion of these new mas resolution H{\\sc i} absorption observations against the central kiloparsec of 3C\\,293. The final section of this paper will outline the key conclusions of this work and place them in context of other radio galaxies and their environments. Throughout this paper we assume H$_0=$75\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$. At a redshift of z=0.045 this implies a distance for 3C\\,293 of 180\\,Mpc so an angular size of 1\\,mas corresponds to 0.815\\,pc. \\begin{center} \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Spectral indices between 1.359 and 4.546 GHz\\footnotemark[1] for components in the inner jet. Flux densities for both frequencies have been obtained from matched angular resolution (50 mas) images. Positions of components have been derived from the 1.359 GHz image presented pictorially in Fig.\\,2, bracketed labels equivalent to the position labels of the spectra in Fig.\\,3 \\& 4 and Tab.\\,3. The flux densities quoted are for the peaks for each radio continuum component at both frequencies in addition to the integrated flux density of each component. Spectral indices have been calculated using S$_\\nu\\propto\\nu^{-\\alpha}$.} \\begin{tabular}{l||c|c|c|c|c|c|c} \\hline Component&RA (J2000) &Dec (J2000)&S$_{\\rm 1.359GHz}$&S$_{\\rm 1.359GHz}$&S$_{\\rm 4.546GHz}$&S$_{\\rm 4.546GHz}$&Spectral\\\\ &&&Peak&Total&Peak&Total&Index\\\\ &13$^{\\rm h}$\\,52$^{\\rm m}$&31\\degr\\,26\\arcmin&(mJy\\,beam$^{-1}$)&(mJy)&(mJy\\,beam$^{-1}$)&(mJy)&$\\alpha{^{1.3}_{4.5}}$\\\\ \\hline E1(2)&17$^{\\rm s}\\!\\!$.913&46\\farcs48&90.48&564.13&55.00&256.25&0.65\\\\ E2(5)&17.895&46.34&53.81&427.06&28.50&242.80&0.47\\\\ E3(6)&17.873&46.36&17.44&134.10&10.42&67.69&0.57\\\\ Core(7)&17.800&46.48&16.38&27.10&20.87&23.55&0.11\\\\ W1(8)&17.791&46.56&38.52&460.69&9.60&133.38&1.03\\\\ W2(11)&17.773&46.59&59.13&484.60&25.84&214.67&0.67\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\label{tab2} \\end{table*} \\end{center} ", "conclusions": "We have used observations made using the VLA including Pie Town, MERLIN and global VLBI to study the 1.3\\,GHz radio continuum structure of the central kiloparsec of the peculiar radio galaxy 3C\\,293 and to investigate the kinematics and the distribution of H{\\sc i} via absorption against this radio continuum. We confirm the component identified originally by Akujor et al. (1996) as the most probable site of the central engine and place limits upon its size of $\\ltsim$17\\,pc. Using both MERLIN 4.5\\,GHz data (Akujor et al. 1996) and new high resolution 1.3\\,GHz observations presented here we determine a radio spectral index of $\\alpha^{1.3}_{4.5}=$0.11 for the core component. We discuss in detail the differences in the value of this spectral index compared to that derived for the same component at higher radio frequencies ($\\alpha^{15}_{22}\\approx-1$; Akujor et al. 1996). It is concluded the flat spectral index derived in this study may be affected by a significant amount of unresolved radio emission from the jet close to the AGN and that this has been incorporated in our 1.3\\,GHz flux density measurement of the component resulting in the observed flat spectrum. In addition to the core we have mapped the radio continuum emission of the jet in 3C\\,293 across a variety of angular scales. From this multi-scale approach it is apparent that the trajectory of the radio jet emission in 3C\\,293 has changed significantly over the source's lifetime. In this region, observational data suggest the presence of an intrinsically symmetric jet with a highly relativistic spine, surrounded by a low velocity shear layer because of the jet interaction with the dense ISM. The jet orientation with respect to the line of sight is $\\sim$50$^\\circ$ with the eastern jet approaching us. Extensive H{\\sc i} absorption has been detected against both the eastern and western jet components within the central kiloparsec of 3C\\,293, consistent with lower angular resolution studies by Haschick \\& Baan (1985) and Beswick et al. (2002). As was previously known, the structure of the H{\\sc i} absorption against the eastern jet components primarily consists of strong and narrow features with a small velocity gradient whereas the absorption against the western and core components are much broader. The narrow H{\\sc i} absorption detected against the eastern radio jet traces a small velocity gradient of $\\sim50$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,arcsec$^{-1}$, consistent with the velocity gradient observed in ionised gas by van Breugel et al. (1984). Additionally we have re-confirmed (following Beswick et al. 2002) that this narrow H{\\sc i} absorption is co-spatial with the location of dust lanes observed by the {\\it HST}. From the association of these three components we conclude that they are all most likely situated $\\sim$8\\,kpc from the central part of the galaxy and are all probably undergoing galactic rotation. Against the western radio jet and core complex H{\\sc i} absorption is also detected. This absorption is discussed in terms of either tracing two gas structures at undetermined distances along the line of sight to the jet or a steep velocity gradient which may be interpreted as neutral gas in rotation about the core. If this is interpreted as rotation by a gas disk, it would imply an enclosed mass of at least 1.7$\\times$10$^9$ solar masses within a radius of 400\\,pc of the core." }, "0404/gr-qc0404076_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% The nonsymmetric gravitational theory predicts an acceleration law that modifies the Newtonian law of attraction between particles. For weak fields a fit to the flat rotation curves of galaxies is obtained in terms of the mass (mass-to-light ratio $M/L$) of galaxies. The fits assume that the galaxies are not dominated by exotic dark matter. The equations of motion for test particles reduce for weak gravitational fields to the GR equations of motion and the predictions for the solar system and the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 agree with the observations. The gravitational lensing of clusters of galaxies can be explained without exotic dark matter. ", "introduction": "A gravitational theory explanation of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe~\\cite{Perlmutter,Riess,Spergel} and the observed flat rotation curves of galaxies was proposed~\\cite{Moffat}, based on the nonsymmetric gravitational theory (NGT)~\\cite{Moffat2,Moffat3,Moffat4}. Since no dark matter has been detected so far, it seems imperative to seek a possible modified gravitational theory that could explain the now large amount of data on galaxy rotation curves. The same holds true for the need to explain the acceleration of the expansion of the universe without having to invoke a cosmological constant, because of the serious problems related to this constant~\\cite{Weinberg}. In the following, we summarize the derivation of the motion of test particles in NGT. We consider the derivation of test particle motion from the NGT conservation laws. The motion of a particle in a static, spherically symmetric gravitational field is derived, yielding the modified Newtonian law of motion for weak gravitational fields. Two parameters $\\sqrt{M_0}$ and $r_0$ occur in the generalized Newtonian acceleration law. The parameter $\\sqrt{M_0}$ is modelled for a bound system by a dependence on the mean orbital radius of a test particle, and the range parameter $r_0$ is determined for galaxies and clusters of galaxies from the acceleration $cH_0$ where $H_0$ is the measured Hubble constant. A fit to both low surface brightness and high surface brightness galaxies is achieved in terms of the total galaxy mass $M$ (or $M/L$) without exotic dark matter. A satisfactory fit is achieved to the rotational velocity data generic to the elliptical galaxy NGC 3379. Fits to the data of the two spheroidal dwarf galaxies Fornax and Draco and the globular cluster $\\omega$ Cenauri are also obtained. The predicted light bending and lensing can lead to agreement with galaxy cluster lensing observations. The modelled values of the parameter $\\sqrt{M_0}$ for the solar system and Earth, lead to agreement with solar system observations, terrestrial gravitational experiments and the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 observations. ", "conclusions": "There is a large enough sample of galaxy data which fits our predicted NGT acceleration law to warrant taking seriously the proposal that NGT can explain the flat rotational velocity curves of galaxies without exotic dark matter. We do predict that there will be galaxy matter additional to that due to visible stars and baryons, associated with the energy density $\\rho_m$ residing in the skew field $g_{[\\mu\\nu]}$. It is interesting to note that we can fit the rotational velocity data of galaxies in the distance range $0.02\\,{\\rm kpc} < r < 70\\,{\\rm kpc}$ and in the mass range $10^5\\, M_{\\odot}< M < 10^{11}\\,M_{\\odot}$. without exotic dark matter halos. We are required to investigate further the behavior of the NGT predictions for distances approaching the cores of galaxies, using a disk profile density. The lensing of clusters can also be explained by the theory without exotic dark matter in cluster halos. We are able to obtain agreement with the observations in the solar system and terrestrial gravitational experiments for suitable values of the parameter $M_0$. This required that we scale $G$ and the parameter $\\sqrt{M_0}$ as functions of the mean orbital radius $\\langle r_{\\rm orb}\\rangle$ of bound systems with the behavior $\\alpha_i=(\\sqrt{M_0})_i=\\langle r_{\\rm orb}\\rangle_i^{3/2}$. A numerical solution of the NGT field equations for cosmology must be implemented to see whether the theory can account for the large scale structure of the universe and account for galaxy formation and big bang nucleosynthesis, without requiring the existence of exotic, undetected dark matter and a positive cosmological constant to describe dark energy." }, "0404/astro-ph0404388_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The realization that direct imaging of extrasolar planets could be technologically feasible within the next decade or so has inspired a great deal of recent research into high-contrast imaging. We ourselves have contributed several design ideas, all of which can be described as {\\em shaped pupil coronagraphs}. In this paper, we offer a complete and unified survey of asymmetric shaped pupils designs, some of which have been published in our previous papers. We also introduce a promising new design, which we call {\\em barcode masks}. These masks achieve the required contrast with a fairly large discovery zone and throughput but most importantly they are perhaps the easiest to manufacture and might therefore stand up best to a refined analysis based on vector propogation techniques. ", "introduction": "The discovery of more than 100 extrasolar Jupiter-sized planets in just the last decade has generated enormous interest, both among astronomers and the public, in the problem of discovering and characterizing Earthlike planets. NASA is already planning its next large space-based observatory, the \\emph{Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF)}, with a planned launch date toward the end of the next decade. TPF's primary objective will be to discover Earthlike planets and characterize them for indications of life. While the technical challenges for TPF are great, foremost among them is the problem of high-contrast imaging. In order to discover as many planets as possible, it is necessary to design an imaging system that achieves very high contrast between the parent star and the nearby planet. An earlier study by \\cite{ref:Brown} indicates that a $D = 4$m class visible-light (i.e. $400\\text{nm} \\le \\lambda \\le 650\\text{nm}$) instrument ought to be able to discover about 50 extrasolar Earth-like planets if it can provide contrast of $10^{-10}$ at an angular separation of $3\\ld$ and that a $4 \\times 10$m class telescope ought to be able to discover about 150 such planets if it can provide the same contrast at a separation of $4\\ld$. Many approaches have been examined for designing a telescope with this level of contrast. The most promising fall into two broad categories---nulling interferometers (operating in the infrared) and coronagraphs (operating in the visible). One important subset of coronagraphs, referred to as shaped pupils, has been gaining interest (\\cite{ref:Spergel, ref:KVSL, VSK02, VSK03}). These are apodized entrance pupils that rely solely on one/zero binary openings. In this paper we present a unified treatment of the one-dimensional shaped pupil designs, a few of which have been previously published, and we introduce a promising new design which we call {\\em barcode masks}. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we briefly review the relationship between pupil-plane apodization and the corresponding image-plane electric field and point-spread function. In the following section we discuss the various performance metrics that characterize a planet finding telescope. In Section 4 we show how optimization problems can be formulated and used to find the ``best'' entrance pupil apodization for high contrast in one-dimensional square apertures as well as azimuthally symmetric (circular or elliptical) pupils. In Section 5 we describe how these results can be used to find various families of assymmetric shaped pupils. In section 6 we present a preliminary sensitivity analysis to determine the tolerances of the pupil approaches to manufacturing errors. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404341_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report results from Exploratory Time observations of the double-pulsar system PSR~J0737$-$3039 using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The large gain of the GBT, the diversity of the pulsar backends, and the four different frequency bands used have allowed us to make interesting measurements of a wide variety of phenomena. Here we briefly describe results from high-precision timing, polarization, eclipse, scintillation velocity, and single-pulse work. ", "introduction": "In December 2003, we proposed for and were awarded Exploratory Time to observe the spectacular double-pulsar system PSR~J0737$-$3039 \\citep[hereafter 0737;][and contributions to this volume from Burgay, Manchester, Kramer, and others]{bdp+03,lbk+04} as part of the NRAO Rapid Response Science program\\footnote{\\tt http://www.vla.nrao.edu/astro/prop/rapid/}. We observed 0737 five times at four different frequencies (427, 2$\\times$820, 1400, and 2200\\,MHz) using the Berkeley-Caltech Pulsar Machine (BCPM) and the Green Bank Pulsar Processor (GBPP; which measures full polarization information). For two of the observations (one each at 427 and 820 MHz) we also used the new GBT Spectrometer SPIGOT card (a correlator-based instrument that outputs lags at 25\\,MB/s) in some of its first scientific observations. These data are public and can be obtained from NRAO. ", "conclusions": "The fantastic and highly-varied science to come from these five observations gives some indication of how important a role the GBT will play in future work on 0737. These observations provide the best constraints yet available on the inclination of the orbits, the mass ratio of the pulsars, the geometry of \\A's radio emission, the asymmetries and achromaticity of \\A's eclipses (and the nature of \\B's magnetosphere that cause them), the orbital modulation of \\B's pulsed flux, and the systemic velocity of 0737 and the kick that caused it. The high gain of the telescope, the availability of many sensitive and useful receivers, and the new pulsar backends (including the SPIGOT and two coherent de-dispersion systems) will insure that these are only the first of a long series of GBT-based results from the double-pulsar." }, "0404/astro-ph0404177_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results of a self-consistent model of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of starburst galaxies. Two parameters control the IR SED, the mean pressure in the ISM and the destruction timescale of molecular clouds. Adding a simplified AGN spectrum provides mixing lines on IRAS color : color diagrams. This reproduces the observed colors of both AGNs and starbursts. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404611_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The \\lya\\ emitters found at $z \\sim 4.5$ by the Large Area Lyman Alpha (LALA) survey have high equivalent widths in the \\lya\\ line, which can be produced by either narrow-lined active galactic nuclei (AGNs) or by stellar populations with a very high proportion of young, massive stars. To investigate the AGN scenario, we obtained two deep $Chandra$ exposures to study the X-ray nature of the \\lya\\ emitters. The 172 ks deep $Chandra$ image on the LALA Bo\\\"{o}tes field was presented in a previous paper (Malhotra et al. 2003), and in this paper we present a new $Chandra$ deep exposure (174 ks) on the LALA Cetus field, which doubled our sample of X-ray imaged \\lya\\ sources, and imaged the brightest source among our \\lya\\ emitters. None of the 101 \\lya\\ sources covered by two $Chandra$ exposures was detected individually in X-ray, with a $3 \\sigma$ limiting X-ray flux of $F_{\\rm 0.5-10.0 keV} < 3.3 \\times 10^{-16}$ \\fluxunit\\ for on-axis targets. The sources remain undetectable in the stacked image, implying a 3$\\sigma$ limit to the average luminosity of $L_{\\rm 2-8keV} < 2.8 \\times 10^{42}$ ergs s$^{-1}$. The resulting X-ray to \\lya\\ ratio is $>$ 21 times lower than the ratios for known high redshift type-II quasars. Together with optical spectra obtained at Keck, we conclude that no evidence of AGN activity was found among our \\lya\\ emitters at $z \\sim 4.5$. ", "introduction": "The LALA survey comprises two primary fields, located in Bo\\\"{o}tes (J142557+3532) and in Cetus (J020520--0455). Each field is $36\\arcmin \\times 36\\arcmin$ in size, corresponding to a single field of the 8192$\\times$8192 pixel Mosaic CCD cameras at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory's 4 meter telescopes. For each field, 5 partially overlapping narrow band filters covering $4.37 < z < 4.57$ for \\lya\\ were utilized to obtain deep narrowband images. These filters have full width at half maximum (FWHM) $\\approx 80$\\AA\\ and are spaced at $\\approx 40$\\AA\\ intervals (central wavelengths $\\lambda_c \\approx 6559$, $6611$, $6650$, $6692$, and $6730$\\AA). For the Bo\\\"{o}tes field, 3 more narrowband images covering $z \\sim 5.7$ (Rhoads et al. 2003) and $z \\sim 6.5$ (Rhoads et al. 2004) are also available. Imaging data reduction followed the methods described in Rhoads et al (2000), and \\lya\\ candidates were selected using criteria described by Rhoads \\& Malhotra (2001). This resulted in a total of $\\sim$ 400 good candidates at $z \\sim 4.5$, which will be presented in a future paper (Rhoads et al. 2004, in preparation). Two deep $Chandra$ ACIS images were obtained for the LALA Bo\\\"{o}tes and Cetus fields. The $Chandra$ observations were designed to maximize the number of large equivalent width sources within the ACIS-I field of view. The 172 ks (net exposure) $Chandra$ exposure of the LALA Bo\\\"{o}tes field was taken in 2002, and details of the X-ray data analyses can be found in M03 and Wang et al. (2004). The new 174 ks (net exposure) $Chandra$ ACIS exposure on the LALA Cetus field was obtained in very faint (VFAINT) mode on UT 2003 June 13-15. Data reduction was done with the package CIAO 2.2.1 (see http://asc.harvard.edu/ciao), following the procedures described in M03. The average offset between the X-ray and optical images was obtained by comparing X-ray source positions with optical counterparts (whenever found). The derived 0.3$\\arcsec$ offset has been applied for all subsequent analyses. No obvious rotation and plate-scale effects were discovered. We ran WAVDETECT (Freeman et al. 2002) on the soft (0.5 -- 2.0 keV), hard (2.0 -- 7.0 keV), and total band (0.5 -- 7.0 keV) X-ray images. The detailed X-ray data reduction and the detected X-ray sources will be presented in a future paper (Wang et al. 2004, in preparation). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404427_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an investigation of satellite galaxies in the outskirts of galaxy clusters taken from a series of high-resolution \\nbody\\ simulations. We focus on the so-called ``backsplash population'', i.e. satellite galaxies that once were inside the virial radius of the host but now reside beyond it. We find that this population is significant in number and needs to be appreciated when interpreting the various galaxy morphology environmental relationships and decoupling the degeneracy between nature and nurture. Specifically, we find that approximately half of the galaxies with current clustercentric distance in the interval 1 -- 2 virial radii of the host are backsplash galaxies which once penetrated deep into the cluster potential, with 90\\% of these entering to within 50\\% of the virial radius. These galaxies have undergone significant tidal disruption, loosing on average 40\\% of their mass. This results in a mass function for the backsplash population different to those galaxies infalling for the first time. We further show that these two populations are kinematically distinct and should be observable within existent spectroscopic surveys. ", "introduction": "The relationship between galaxy morphology and local environment (i.e. the morphology-density relation) was first noticed by Hubble~\\& Humason (1931), where they reported that field and cluster galaxy populations differ. Oemler (1974) extended this finding by showing that the relationship held for differing clusters richness. The field truly emerged when Dressler (1980) demonstrated the strong relationship over five orders of magnitude between the local density of galaxies and the proportions of different morphological types. Bhavsar (1981), de Souza et al. (1982), and Postman~\\& Geller (1984) extended this work further to include the environments of both loose and compact groups. Recently, Aguerri~\\ea (2004) performed a thorough analysis of 116 bright galaxies in the Coma cluster, finding that bluer objects are located at larger projected radii while simultaneously showing a larger velocity dispersion than their red counterparts. Moreover, the bluest objects also host the most prominent disks contrary to systems observed close to the cluster centre or in high-density environments. Environmental dependence of galactic stellar populations is also seen in the Butcher-Oemler effect (Butcher \\& Oemler 1978, Kodama \\& Bower 2001) with clusters at higher redshifts showing a greater fraction of blue objects than are seen at present. The above observational work supports the idea that galaxies in clusters are substantially different from galaxies in the field. But the origins of these morphology-density relationships are still not fully understood with several large and small scale mechanisms proposed to explain their existence, including ram pressure stripping (Gun \\& Gott 1972), tidal stripping/star formation (Merritt 1983, 1984), starvation (Larson, Tinsley \\& Caldwell 1980), galaxy merger and harassment (Icke 1985; Moore \\ea 1996) and dynamics (Tsuchiya \\& Shimada 2000). Recent cosmological simulations (both hydrodynamical and \\nbody) have provided valuable insight into the mechanisms responsible for the morphology-density relationship (Springel \\ea 2001; Goto \\ea 2003; Okamoto \\& Nagashima 2003). In the analysis which follows, we focus on the dynamics of satellite galaxies taken from a series of high-resolution, fully self-consistent, cosmological simulations of eight galaxy clusters. We concentrate on the outskirts of these clusters, i.e. distances in the range $[R_{vir},2.5 R_{vir}]$, which (observationally) have only recently been probed through wide-field optical imaging and spectroscopy (Miyazaki~\\ea 2002; Lewis~\\ea 2002). We will demonstrate that a rich population of galaxies exist beyond the virial radius most of which have previously spent time near the cluster centre and can be seen in Figure~\\ref{galback}. We characterise the spatial, velocity and mass properties of this population and contrast these with those of the spatially coincident newly infalling galaxies. Our work complements the earlier studies of Balogh \\ea (2000) and Mamon \\ea (2004). Balogh \\ea investigated the \\textit{particle} backsplash from cosmological simulations and found that 50 $\\pm$ 20\\% of the particles within $[R_{200},2R_{200}]$ had passed through the $R_{200}$ radius. Mamon \\ea recently extended this work to calculate the maximum backsplash distance for particles to be $2.5 R_{100}$ and for galaxies $1.7 R_{100}$. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=eps/backsplash.eps,width=\\hsize}} \\caption{A simulated cluster at z=0 with the virial radius indicated by the dark sphere. The other line in this figure represents the orbital path of a ``backsplash'' galaxy. Such a galaxy has previously spent time near the cluster centre but now lies outside the virial radius of the cluster.} \\label{galback} \\end{figure} The outline of the paper is as follows. Section~\\ref{Computation} provides a description of the cosmological simulations employed. We investigate the number distribution of galaxies in the cluster outskirts in Section~\\ref{number}, with the mass distribution discussed in Section~\\ref{mass} and the velocity distribution of the satellites investigated in Section~\\ref{velocity}. We finish with our summary and conclusions in Section~\\ref{Conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Conclusions} Observational data supports the idea that galaxies in clusters are substantially different from galaxies in the field. There is a clear correlation between galaxy morphology and density of the local environment. However, the origin of this relation is far from being understood. In this study we have presented an analysis of satellite galaxies that once passed through the virial radius close to the centre of their respective host halo, but are now found outside the virial radius in the outskirts of the cluster. We have shown that this backsplash population is not negligible and needs to be accounted for when interpreting the various galaxy morphology relationships and decoupling the degeneracy between nature and nurture. We must also appreciate that the infalling population is not expected to be pristine. Rather, we would expect that infall galaxies have undergone some sort of pre-processing in groups before entering the cluster too as indicated by the sub-subhalos in \\Fig{RminRz}. Our results can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item 30\\% of all galaxies that ever came closer to the host than its virial radius are now located in the range [$R_{\\rm vir}$,2.5$R_{\\rm vir}$], \\item 50\\% of all galaxies in the region [$R_{\\rm vir}$,2$R_{\\rm vir}$] are backsplash galaxies, \\item 90\\% of the backsplash galaxies penetrated deeper than 50\\% of $R_{\\rm vir}$ into the host's potential, \\item during their passage through the cluster, on average the backsplash galaxies lose 40\\% of their mass, thus \\item the mass spectrum of the backsplash population has a steeper power-law slope than their infalling counterparts, thus it has fewer massive galaxies and more light ones, \\item the velocities of the infalling satellites is too small to account for ram-pressure stripping in the cluster outskirts, \\item the backsplash population has a factor of two smaller relative velocity than the infalling satellites, making it kinematically distinct. \\end{itemize} When transforming the last result into the observers plane though, the velocity separation between the infalling and backsplash population is removed. However, the backsplash population should still be detectable as it is responsible for a continuous rise in the distribution function towards low line-of-sight velocities. Our results suggest that we not only expect the backsplash population to experience various large-scale transformation mechanisms, but also small-scale ones, undergoing starvation, ram pressure stripping, tidally triggered star formation and significant tidal stripping." }, "0404/astro-ph0404561_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ The 68~000 $I$-band light curves of variable stars detected by the \\OG\\ survey in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (MCs) are fitted by Fourier series, and also correlated with the \\DE\\ and \\M\\ {\\it all-sky release} databases and with lists of spectroscopically confirmed M-, S- and C-stars. Lightcurves and the results of the lightcurve fitting (periods and amplitudes) and \\DE\\ and \\M\\ magnitudes are presented for 2277 M-,S-,C-stars in the MCs. The following aspects are discussed: the $K$-band period-luminosity relations for the spectroscopically confirmed AGB stars, period changes over a timespan of about 17 years in a subset of about 400 LPVs, and candidate obscured AGB stars. The use of a sample of spectroscopically confirmed variables allows me to show specifically that almost all carbon stars are brighter than the tip of the RGB, and occupy sequences A+,B+,C and D. It is shown (for the LMC where there is a sufficient number of spectroscopically identified M-stars) that for sequences A+,B+,C the M-stars are on average fainter than the C-stars, as expected from an evolutionary point of view and previously observed in MC clusters. However, this is not so for sequence ``D'', suggesting that the origin of the so-called Long Secondary Periods is not related to an evolutionary effect. The fraction of objects that has a period on sequence ``D'' is also independent of chemical type. Three stars are identified that have been classified as oxygen-rich in the 1970s and carbon-rich in 1990s. Possibly they underwent a thermal pulse in the last 20 years, and dredged-up enough carbon to switch spectral type. The observations over almost two decades seem to suggest that up to 10\\% of AGB variables changed pulsation mode over that time span. More robust estimates will come from the ongoing and future (microlensing) photometric surveys. A sample of 570 variable red objects ($(J-K) >$ 2.0 or $(I-K) >$ 4.0) is presented in which most stars are expected to be dust obscured AGB stars. Estimates are presented for cut-offs in $(J-K)$ which should be applied to minimise dust obscuration in $K$, and based on this, C- and O-star $K$-band $PL$-relations for large amplitude variables in the SMC and LMC are presented. ", "introduction": "In the course of the micro lensing surveys in the 1990's, the monitoring of the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds has revealed an amazing number and variety of variable stars. A big impact was felt and is being felt in many areas of variable star research, like Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars. Also in the area of Long Period Variables (LPVs) and AGB stars there has been remarkable progress. Wood et al. (1999) and Wood (2000) were the first to identify and label different sequences ``ABC'' thought to represent the classical Mira sequence (``C'') and overtone pulsators (``A,B''), and sequence ``D'' which is still unexplained (Olivier \\& Wood 2003, Wood 2003, 2004). Stars on these sequence are sometimes referred to as having Long Secondary Periods--LSPs. This view has subsequently been confirmed and expanded upon by Noda et al. (2002), Lebzelter et al. (2002), Cioni et al. (2003), Ita et al. (2004a,b) and Kiss \\& Bedding (2003, 2004). These works differ in the source of the variability data ({\\sc macho}, \\OG, {\\sc eros}, {\\sc moa}), area (SMC or LMC), associated infrared data (Siding Spring 2.3m, \\DE, \\M, {\\sc sirius}), and selection on pulsation amplitude or infrared colours. The present paper considers the \\OG\\ data for both LMC and SMC. Ita et al. (2004a) only consider the \\OG\\ data in overlap with their {\\sc sirius} IR observations in LMC and SMC, and Kiss \\& Bedding consider only stars in the SMC with \\M\\ data with $(J-K) > 0.9$. Also in contrast to previous studies, emphasis is put on spectroscopically confirmed AGB stars (i.e. M-, S- and C-stars). In other studies M- and C-stars are usually identified photometrically by using a division at a $(J-K)$ colour of $\\sim$1.4 mag. This paper specifically addresses the properties of known carbon stars in relation to sequences ``ABCD''. The paper is structured as follows. In Section~2 the \\OG, \\M\\ and \\DE\\ surveys are described. In Section~3 the model is presented, both in terms of the actual lightcurve fitting, and the post-processing. Section~4 presents the results. Discussed are the $K$-band $PL$-relation for the spectroscopically confirmed AGB stars, period changes over a timespan of almost 2 decades, and a sample of very red obscured AGB star candidates. The conclusions are summarised in Section~5. Some of this work, and the star-to-star comparison of periods derived by me from {\\sc macho} and \\OG\\ data and literature values are described in Groenewegen (2004). ", "conclusions": "This paper addresses several aspects of the pulsational character of late-type stars in the Magellanic Clouds. The main focus is on the $K$-band $PL$-relation of almost 2300 spectroscopically confirmed M-,S- and C-stars. This sample avoids to make the clearly incorrect approximation made in other studies that M-stars and carbon stars can be separated at a colour $(J-K)$ = 1.4. The present observations however do not allow the presentation a comprehensive picture of the evolution of pulsation periods of M- and C-stars. This would require a more detailed (AGB star) population synthesis study including pulsation properties. As previous MCs studies have found for AGB stars in general (Wood et al. (1999), Wood (2000), Noda et al. (2002), Lebzelter et al. (2002), Cioni et al. (2003), Ita et al. (2004a,b) and Kiss \\& Bedding (2003, 2004)), it is found specifically that both M-, and C-stars tend to occupy preferentially sequences B+ and then C for increasing amplitude. For a given amplitude, the C-stars tend to have the longer period, and, for a every sequence they are more luminous. This effect has previously been observed in MC clusters (e.g. FMB) and is in qualitative agreement with evolutionary calculations that predict that C-stars evolve from M-stars. Many objects have one period that falls in box ``D''. In the spectroscopically selected sample, 211 of 859 SMC stars (= 24.6\\%) have a period that falls in box ``D'', and 318 of the 1418 LMC stars (= 22.4\\%, namely 229/1064 = 21.5\\% of C-stars and 89/354 = 25.1\\% of M-stars). As will be discussed below, for at least some stars of the IR selected sample this is due to the fact that they are weaker in $K$ because of dust obscuration. For the overall majority of the stars in the spectroscopically selected sample this is not an issue. The reason why some late-type stars appear on that location of the $PL$-diagram is unexplained, see the discussion in Olivier \\& Wood (2003), Wood (2003, 2004). The classical large-amplitude Mira variables appear on sequence ``C'' (see the last panels in Figure~\\ref{fig:PL}) and are believed to be fundamental-mode pulsators, hence longer (radial mode pulsation) periods should not exist. The present paper does not shed light into the nature of the LSP phenomenon, except that Figure~\\ref{Fig-HistoSeq-LMC} indicates that the $K$-band luminosity function for sequence ``D'' is essentially the same for the M- and C-stars, while for sequences ``A,B,C'' the C-stars are brighter, as expected from an evolutionary point of view. The luminosity function of objects on sequence ``D'' is fainter from those of the other sequences. This is due to the fact that periods longer than 800 days are underrepresented because of stricter selection rules. This affects predominatly sequence ``D'' objects with $K_0$ \\less 10.5 mag. The fact that the fraction of all object with periods on sequence ``D'' is essentially the same for C- and M-stars and that the $K$-band luminosity of C- and M-stars of sequence ``D'' objects is very similar suggests that the LSP phenomenon is unrelated to chemical type, and hence seems unrelated to a pulsation phenomenon. For a few hundred variables it was possible to look for period changes over a timespan of typically 17 years. Almost all come from the studies by Hughes (1989) and Hughes \\& Wood (1990). They identified medium to large amplitude variables from photographic material using typically 21 observations in the time span 1977 to 1984. Out of 370 objects, 36 have been identified that seemingly changed pulsation mode (or at least changed ``box'') between $\\sim$1980 and the time of the \\OG\\ observations, and another 30 objects that changed pulsation period by more than 10\\%. This ratio of about 10\\% (36/370) is similar to the study of GLE03 who found large period changes in 3 out of 42 Mira variables studied. A caveat is that the original historical data points have never been published, and it would certainly be preferable to be able to phase the old data with the current period to see if in fact the period change is real. For the moment I consider the 10\\% change of pulsation sequence over $\\sim$17 years as an upper limit. By comparison, Zijlstra \\& Bedding (2003) find that only of order of 1\\% of well-known Miras show evidence for period changes. The understanding for MC objects may improve because of ongoing (e.g. {\\sc ogle-iii}) and future surveys. Finally a sample of stars was studied selected on infrared colours, namely redder than the majority of the spectroscopically selected sample. It should be pointed out that there is no proof that these are AGB stars (except for the few ones in overlap with the spectroscopically selected sample) and they make suitable targets for spectroscopic follow-up to determine their spectral type. Many of these stars also have a period located in box ``D'' but in this case the effect of obscuration by dust must be considered. This also has implications when using samples of variables to determine $K$-band $PL$-relations. In the last section one explicit example was shown, namely MSX 83, for which the SED was constructed and fitted with a dust radiative transfer model. Its period of 611 day, and $K$ magnitude of 10.58 would put it in ``box D''. However, when running the radiative transfer model without mass-loss the $K$-magnitude brightens to 9.17 mag (this value is somewhat dependent on the central star model atmosphere assumed) putting it on the extension of box ``C'', consistent with the expected location for a star with an pulsation amplitude of 0.66 mag. In reverse this implies that when studying the $K$-band $PL$-relation, and when multi-colour data is available, a cut-off in colour should be applied in order to avoid a bias by including stars that are dust obscured in $K$. Although this seems obvious, a quantification of where this cut-off should be placed and its actual application are rare in the literature; In fact I could only find one instance. Glass et al. (1995) mention they exclude some faint outliers with $(K-L) \\sim 2$ in the Sgr {\\sc i} bulge field (which corresponds to roughly $(J-K) \\sim$ 3.5, Glass, 1986), but did not impose a colour criterium a-priori. In other papers where dust obscuration in the studied variables should play a role the bolometric $PL$-relation is studied (e.g. WFLZ), which circumvents this problem in a natural way. It is difficult to give an exact colour cut-off to apply, since this depends on the colours involved, the dust properties and the evolution of mass-loss on the AGB. Based on the calculations presented in the last columns in Table~\\ref{tab-models} stars with colours $(J-K)_0 > 2.0$ should certainly be avoided, and a stricter criterium would be to include M-stars only when $(J-K)_0 <$ 1.4 and C-stars only when $(J-K)_0 <$ 1.7. Finally, applying these latter cut-offs to the spectroscopically selected stars in box ``C'' with amplitudes $>0.45$ mag and $>0.15$ mag, to improve the statistics, the $K$-band $PL$-relations listed in Table~\\ref{tab-pl} have been derived, where also some relations from the literature are listed. The period distribution of these samples is shown in Figure~\\ref{PerDist}. It would be interesting to fit the SEDs of all infrared selected stars to be able to include the dust-correced $K$-magnitudes in these $PL$-relations. There is very good agreement between the new relations (including what appears to be the first Mira $K$-band $PL$-relation in the SMC) and previous works. The formal error on the zero point and slope have become smaller, because of the larger sample size, but the overall rms are still larger because the photometry used in FGWC and GLE03 are averages over the lightcurve while the present data are at best averages of two measurements. \\begin{figure*}[ht] \\begin{minipage}{0.48\\textwidth} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{PerDistLmc_C_0.15_9.99.ps}} \\end{minipage} \\hfill \\begin{minipage}{0.48\\textwidth} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{PerDistSmc_C_0.15_9.99.ps}} \\end{minipage} \\caption{ Period distribution of the LMC (left panel) and SMC (right panel) variables in box ``C'' with $I$-band amplitudes larger than 0.15 magnitudes. Shown are the histograms for the M-stars (vertical lines), C-stars (hatched), and total. } \\label{PerDist} \\end{figure*} \\begin{table*} \\caption{$K$-band $PL$-relations in box ``C'', of the form $m_{\\rm K}= a \\log P + b$ } \\begin{tabular}{ccrcl} \\hline $a$ & $b$ & N & rms & remarks \\\\ \\hline $-3.78 \\pm 0.24$ & $20.17 \\pm 0.58$ & 44 & 0.26 & O-stars, LMC, Amplitude $> 0.45$ mag \\\\ $-3.50 \\pm 0.27$ & $19.42 \\pm 0.67$ & 58 & 0.22 & C-stars, LMC, Amplitude $> 0.45$ mag \\\\ $-4.14 \\pm 0.85$ & $21.34 \\pm 2.06$ & 14 & 0.25 & C-stars, SMC Amplitude $> 0.45$ mag \\\\ $-3.52 \\pm 0.16$ & $19.56 \\pm 0.38$ & 83 & 0.26 & O-stars, LMC, Amplitude $> 0.15$ mag \\\\ $-3.56 \\pm 0.15$ & $19.57 \\pm 0.38$ & 181 & 0.25 & C-stars, LMC, Amplitude $> 0.15$ mag \\\\ $-3.67 \\pm 0.24$ & $20.22 \\pm 0.60$ & 92 & 0.24 & C-stars, SMC, Amplitude $> 0.15$ mag \\\\ \\\\ $-3.47 \\pm 0.19$ & $19.48 \\pm 0.45$ & 29 & 0.13 & M-Miras, LMC, FGWC \\\\ $-3.52 \\pm 0.21$ & $19.64 \\pm 0.49$ & 26 & 0.13 & M-Miras, LMC, GLE03 \\\\ $-3.30 \\pm 0.40$ & $18.98 \\pm 0.98$ & 20 & 0.18 & C-Miras, LMC, FGWC \\\\ $-3.56 \\pm 0.17$ & $19.64 \\pm 0.42$ & 54 & 0.25 & C-Miras, LMC, Groenewegen \\& Whitelock (1996) \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\label{tab-pl} \\end{table*}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404096_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\begin{center} {\\it \\large Abstract\\vspace{-.5em}\\vspace{0pt}} \\end{center}} \\def\\endabstract{\\par} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{verbatim} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\ifPDF \\hypersetup{% pdftoolbar=treu,% pdfmenubar=true} \\else \\usepackage{epsfig} \\usepackage{pslatex} \\fi \\setlength{\\hoffset}{-1cm} \\setlength{\\voffset}{-1cm} \\setlength{\\textheight}{23.6cm} \\setlength{\\textwidth}{18.1cm} \\setlength{\\parindent}{0.7cm} \\setlength{\\parskip}{0ex} \\setlength{\\columnsep}{5.4mm} \\setlength{\\topmargin}{1.3cm} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{0.0cm} \\setlength{\\evensidemargin}{0.0cm} \\renewcommand{\\thesection}{\\rm \\Roman{section}. } \\renewcommand{\\thesubsection}{\\it \\Alph{subsection}. } \\renewcommand{\\thesubsubsection}{\\it \\arabic{subsubsection}) } \\renewcommand{\\thetable}{ \\arabic{table}} \\renewcommand{\\thefigure}{ \\arabic{figure}} \\renewcommand\\floatpagefraction{.9} \\renewcommand\\topfraction{.9} \\renewcommand\\bottomfraction{.9} \\renewcommand\\textfraction{.1} \\newcommand{\\ssection}[1]{% {\\begin{center} {\\it \\large Abstract\\vspace{-.5em}\\vspace{0pt}} \\end{center}} \\def\\endabstract{\\par} \\setcounter{totalnumber}{50} \\setcounter{topnumber}{50} \\setcounter{bottomnumber}{50} \\title{ \\vspace{-1cm} \\Large {The Baikal Neutrino Telescope: Results, Plans, Lessons}} \\author{\\large C. Spiering for the BAIKAL Collaboration \\\\ \\normalsize DESY Zeuthen, Platanenallee 6, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany\\\\ \\normalsize christian.spiering@desy.de} \\begin{document} \\date{} We review recent results on the search for high energy extraterrestrial neutrinos, neutrinos induced by WIMP annihilation and neutrinos coincident with Gamma Ray Bursts as obtained with the Baikal neutrino telescope NT-200. We describe the moderate upgrade of NT-200 towards a $\\sim$10 Mton scale detector NT-200$+$. We finally draw a few lessons from our experience which may be of use for other underwater experiments. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404575_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present long-slit HST/STIS measurements of the ionized-gas kinematics in the nucleus of three disk galaxies, namely NGC 2179, NGC 4343, NGC 4435. The sample galaxies have been selected on the basis of their ground-based spectroscopy, for displaying a strong central velocity gradient for the ionized gas, which is consistent with the presence of a circum nuclear keplerian disk (CNKD, \\cite{bert1998}; \\cite{funes2002}) rotating around a super massive black hole (SMBH). For each target galaxy we obtained the H$\\alpha$ and [NII] 6583 \\AA\\ kinematics along the major axis and two 0\\farcs25 parallel offset positions. Out of three objects only NGC 4435 turned out to have a disk of ionized gas in regular motion and a regular dust-lane morphology. Preliminary modeling indicates a SMBH mass ($M_\\bullet$) one order of magnitude lower than the one expected from the $M_\\bullet-\\sigma_c$ relation for galaxies (\\cite{ferr2000}; \\cite{geb2000}). ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404269_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We show that the recently developed thermal model which successfully describes how jets are launched by young stellar objects, when applied to system containing disk-accreting white dwarfs naturally explain the otherwise surprising absence of jets in cataclysmic variable stars. Our main argument uses the crucial element of the thermal model, namely that the accreted material is strongly shocked due to large gradients of physical quantities in the boundary layer, and then cools on a time scale longer than its ejection time from the disk. In our scenario the magnetic fields are weak, and serve only to recollimate the outflow at large distances from the source, or to initiate the shock, but not as a jet-driving agent. Using two criteria in that model, for the shock formation and for the ejection of mass, we find the mass accretion rate above which jets could be blown from accretion disks around young stellar objects and white dwarfs. We find that these accretion mass rates are $\\dot M ({\\rm YSO}) \\ga 10^{-7} M_\\odot \\yr ^{-1}$ and $\\dot M ({\\rm WD}) \\ga 10^{-6} M_\\odot \\yr ^{-1}$ for young stellar objects and white dwarfs respectively. Considering the uncertainties of the model, these limits could overestimate the critical value by a factor of $\\sim 10$. } ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} It is widely believed that most astrophysical jets, and all massive jets (to distinguish from low density hot-plasma jets from radio pulsars) are launched from accretion disks (Livio 1999, 2000a). This belief is supported by observations of jets in Young Stellar Object (YSOs), Low-Mass and High-Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs \\& HMXBs) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) which all are systems containing accretion disks (or at least accretion flows with a considerable amount of angular momentum). The apparent universality of the accretion disk--jet relation is spoiled by one class of systems: Cataclysmic Variables (CVs). They are close binary systems in which a white dwarf accretes matter lost by its Roche-lobe filling low-mass companion (see Warner 1995 for a review). For weak enough white-dwarf's magnetic fields CVs posses accretion disks. But no jets have ever been observed from these numerous and extremely well observed binaries. The one reported occurrence (Shahbaz et al. 1997) failed to be confirmed (O'Brien \\& Cohen 1998) and the system itself is most probably not a CV but a Super Soft X-ray Source (SSXS; Knigge, King \\& Patterson 2000). However, jets have been observed emanating from some other SSXSs (see below) which shows that the absence of jets in CVs cannot be attributed to some special properties of white dwarfs in binary systems since white dwarfs are also present in SSXSs, and symbiotic systems, some of which blow jets. One can expect that the absence of jets in CVs could tell us something about the still mysterious jets launching mechanism. Commonly it is assumed that magnetic fields play crucial roles in the formation of jets. Magnetic fields can appear in three types of roles: (1) In triggering the jet ejection events, e.g., by causing instabilities in the disk. These types of ``magnetospheric\" MHD instabilities could exist in accretion disks even when the central star has no magnetic field (e.g., Li \\& Narayan 2004 and references therein). MHD instabilities, turbulence, or other disturbances may lead to strong shocks; the high post-shock pressure may accelerate gas and form jets and/or winds, e.g., as was shown for non-radiative accretion around a black hole by De Villiers, Hawley, \\& Krolik (2004). (2) In accelerating the jets. There are many models and countless of papers on this subject. Basically, most models are based on the operation of large scale magnetic fields driving the flow from the disk; either via the ``centrifugal wind'' mechanism, first proposed by Blandford \\& Payne (1982), or from a narrow region in the magnetopause of the stellar field via an ``X-wind mechanism'' introduced by Shu et al. (1988, 1991) and in a somewhat different setting, by Ferreira \\& Pelletier (1993, 1995). See recent reviews by K\\\"onigl and Pudritz (2000), Shu et al. (2000) and Ferreira (2002). It should, however, be pointed out that the origin of the large scale magnetic fields and the manner that open field lines of sufficiently strong magnitude persist (in the centrifugal wind models), or the manner by which a stellar field interacts with the disk, allowing inflow and at the same time driving an outflow (in the X-wind models) are still open key issues of the theory (e.g. Heyvaerts, Priest \\& Bardou 1996). In addition, it seems that thermal pressure is needed in some of these models (e.g., Ferreira \\& Casse 2004). (3) In collimating the jets (e.g., Heyvaerts \\& Norman 1989). The collimation issue is, however, still quite controversial and while magnetic collimation is certainly plausible, its exact nature is probably quite involved and still not fully understood (see the recent works of Bogovalov \\& Tsinganos 2001 and Li 2002). Magnetic jet launching models fail to account for the absence of jets in CVs despite of some interesting suggestions in Livio (2000b). It is therefore justified to consider jet launching mechanisms in which magnetic fields would be deprived of at least one of the three roles. In the present article we show that the absence of jets in CVs is naturally explained by the model of thermal pressure acceleration proposed by Torbett (1984) and Torbett \\& Gilden (1992), and which was developed and extended recently by Soker \\& Regev (2003; hereafter SR03) to explain collimated outflows in YSO. SR03 interest in thermal pressure acceleration of jets was motivated by new results from recent X-ray observations of YSO. These show that there is essentially no difference between the properties of X-ray emission from YSO with and without outflows (Getman et al.\\ 2002), imposing quite severe constraints on models based on magnetic launching of jets. In the thermally-driven jet model, the magnetic fields are weak, and serve only to re-collimate the outflow at large distances from the source, (role (3) above), and possibly trigger disturbances in the boundary layer (BL), (role (1) above). The BL is the inner layer, where the disk adjust itself to the conditions of the accreting star. A crucial ingredient of the model is that the accreted material is strongly shocked, and that it cools down on a time scale longer than its ejection time from the inner disk. SR03 find that the thermal acceleration mechanism works only when the accretion rate in YSO accretion disk is large enough and the $\\alpha$ parameter of the disk small enough - otherwise the cooling time is too short and significant ejection does not take place. SR03 term these strong shocks `spatiotemporally localized (but not too small!) accretion shocks', or SPLASHes. In the present paper we extend the analysis of SR03 to white dwarfs (WDs) accretors. We compare the derived conditions for thermally launching jets from accretions disks around YSO and around WDs. YSO refers also to main sequence stars accreting from mass-losing companions stars. We show that the thermally-driven jet model can be extended to jets blown by disks around WDs and explain the absence of jets in CVs. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discuss} In the previous two sections we found the constraints on the mass accretion rate derived using the two conditions for slow radiative cooling derived by SR03. The first condition is that the strongly shocked gas in the BL will cool slowly, such that the thermal pressure will have enough time to accelerate the jet's material. The constraints on the accretion rate, $\\dot M_s$, are given by equations ({\\ref{accyso1}}) and ({\\ref{accwd1}}), for YSO and WD accretors, respectively. The second condition is that weakly shocked blobs in the BL will expand, and disturb the BL in such a way that a strong shock will develop. The constraints on the accretion rate, $\\dot M_b$, are given by equations ({\\ref{accyso2}}) and ({\\ref{accwd2}}), for YSO and WD accretors, respectively. We should stress the following in regard to these constraints. (1) The constraints are accurate to an order of magnitude. This is for several reasons, e.g., the values of $\\alpha$ and $\\epsilon$ are unknown; the demand on the ratio of the cooling time to acceleration time is given to an order of magnitude; the behavior of the gas, e.g., its opacity and pressure, should be treated more accurately with a full 3D numerical code. (2) The first constraint on $\\dot M_s$ is generic to the proposed thermally-accelerated jet model. (3) The second one, on the formation of the disturbances that lead to the formation of strong shocks in the BL, might be less important. This is because other types of disturbances can cause strong shocks to develop in the BL, e.g., MHD instabilities, magnetic eruptions from YSOs, and local thermonuclear events on a WDs. With these, we note the following. For YSOs (and other main sequence stellar accretors) the two requirements on the two cooling time-scales basically gives the same constraint on the mass accretion rate $\\dot M({\\rm YSO}) \\ga 10^{-7} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$ (eqs. {\\ref{accyso1}} and {\\ref{accyso2}}). This fits observations, which show jets from YSO accreting at such rates (e.g., Cabrit et al.\\ 1990). For WDs the two constraints give $\\dot M_s \\ga 10^{-9} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$ and $\\dot M_b \\ga 10^{-6} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$ (eqs. {\\ref{accwd1}} and {\\ref{accwd2}}). The second one is very stringent. The highest accretion rates deduced from observations of nova-like systems or dwarf-novae at maximum are two orders of magnitude lower (see e.g. Warner 1995). Taking into account the order of magnitude uncertainty one could maybe get $\\dot M({\\rm WD}) \\ga 1-3 \\times 10^{-7}$. This is compatible with observations of SSXSs and symbiotic systems. SSXSs are thought to be white dwarfs accreting at rates of $3 \\times 10^{-8}-10^{-6} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$ from a companion, and sustaining nuclear burning on their surface (e.g., van den Heuvel et al.\\ 1992; Greiner 1996). To maintain a steady nuclear burning the mass accretion rate should be $3 \\times 10^{-8}-10^{-6} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$, where the upper range is for massive WDs (Nomoto 1982). Fast, $\\sim 1000-5000 \\km \\s^{-1}$, collimated outflows have been observed in some SSXSs, RX J0513.9-6951 (Crampton et al.\\ 1996; Southwell et al.\\ 1996), RX J0019.8+2156 (Becker et al. 1998; Quaintrell \\& Fender 1998; Tomov et al.\\ 1998), and RX J0925.7-4758 (Motch 1998). These systems teach us that WDs accreting mass at rates much higher than those in cataclysmic variables can blow jets. In RX J0925.7-4758 the high luminosity (Motch 1998) implies an accretion rate of $\\sim 10^{-7} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$, and the WD radius is $\\sim 0.005 R_\\odot$. With $\\epsilon = 0.05$ the constraint (eq. {\\ref{accwd2}}) is $\\dot M_b \\ga 3 \\times 10^{-7} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$. The accretion rate onto RX J0513.9-6951 is even higher (Southwell et al.\\ 1996). Some symbiotic systems are also known to blow jets (Sokoloski 2004; Brocksopp et al.\\ 2004 and references therein). In these symbiotic systems, WD companions accrete from the wind of red giant branch stars or asymptotic giant branch stars, at relatively high rates. In some of the symbiotic systems which blow jets the WD sustains a quasi-steady nuclear burning, similar to SSXSs; in others, there is no nuclear burning (Brocksopp et al.\\ 2004). Still, the mass accretion rate is expected to be high in the later group as well. It is possible that in the later systems the WD are more massive; more massive WD stars require higher mass accretion rates to sustain nuclear burning (Nomoto 1982). Although no jets have ever been observed in CVs some of them emit winds. P Cygni profiles in resonant UV lines are observed in some very luminous CVs such as the nova-like stars and dwarf novae at outburst maximum. These winds are too cold to be ejected by a thermal mechanisms. They are most probably radiation driven (see e.g., Murray, 2002; Proga 2002). Finally, it is interesting to investigate what kind of condition one obtains when considering ultra-compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes. In such a case it is more convenient to scale Eq. ({\\ref{acc01}}) with the Schwarzschild radius $R_{\\rm G}=2GM/c^2$ and the Eddington accretion rate $\\dot M_{\\rm Edd}= L_{\\rm Edd}/0.1c^2= 2.3\\times 10^{-8} M_\\odot \\yr^{-1}$. One obtains then \\begin{equation} \\dot m \\equiv \\frac{\\dot M}{\\dot M_{\\rm Edd}} \\ga 0.02 \\left( \\frac{\\alpha}{0.1} \\right) \\left( \\frac{0.4 \\rm \\ g \\ cm^{-2}} {\\kappa}\\right) \\frac{R}{R_{\\rm G}}, \\label{comp} \\end{equation} which is very close to the value at which low-mass X-ray transients enter (from below) the so called hard/low states associated with the appearance of steady jets (e.g., Fender 2001). Of course there are no boundary layers around accreting black holes so that our model cannot be directly applied to these objects. We will discuss this problem in a future paper." }, "0404/astro-ph0404119_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We wish to estimate magnetic field strengths of radio emitting galaxy clusters by minimising the non-thermal energy density contained in cosmic ray electrons (CRe), protons (CRp), and magnetic fields. The {\\em classical} minimum energy estimate can be constructed independently of the origin of the radio synchrotron emitting CRe yielding thus an absolute minimum of the non-thermal energy density. Provided the observed synchrotron emission is generated by a CRe population originating from hadronic interactions of CRp with the ambient thermal gas of the intra-cluster medium, the parameter space of the {\\em classical} scenario can be tightened by means of the {\\em hadronic} minimum energy criterion. For both approaches, we derive the theoretically expected tolerance regions for the inferred minimum energy densities. Application to the radio halo of the Coma cluster and the radio mini-halo of the Perseus cluster yields equipartition between cosmic rays and magnetic fields within the expected tolerance regions. In the hadronic scenario, the inferred central magnetic field strength ranges from $2.4~\\umu\\rmn{G}$ (Coma) to $8.8~\\umu\\rmn{G}$ (Perseus), while the optimal CRp energy density is constrained to $2\\% \\pm 1\\%$ of the thermal energy density (Perseus). We discuss the possibility of a hadronic origin of the Coma radio halo while current observations favour such a scenario for the Perseus radio mini-halo. Combining future expected detections of radio synchrotron, hard X-ray inverse Compton, and hadronically induced $\\gamma$-ray emission should allow an estimate of volume averaged cluster magnetic fields and provide information about their dynamical state. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Clusters of galaxies harbour magnetised plasma. In particular, the detection of diffuse synchrotron radiation from radio halos or relics provides evidence for the existence of magnetic fields within the intra-cluster medium (ICM) \\citep[for a review, see][]{2002ARA&A..40..319C}. Since the detection rate of radio halos in galaxy clusters seems to be of the order of 30\\% for X-ray luminous clusters \\citep{1999NewA....4..141G}, the presence of magnetic fields appears to be common. Based on these observations, \\citet{2002A&A...396...83E} developed a redshift dependent radio halo luminosity function and predicted large numbers of radio halos to be detected with future radio telescopes. A different piece of evidence comes from Faraday rotation which arises owing to the birefringent property of magnetised plasma causing the plane of polarisation to rotate for a nonzero magnetic field component along the propagation direction of the photons \\citep{2001ApJ...547L.111C}. However, the accessible finite windows given by the extent of the sources emitting polarised radiation are a limitation of this method. The derived magnetic field strengths depend on the unknown magnetic field autocorrelation length which has to be deprojected from the observed two dimensional Faraday rotation measure maps using certain assumptions \\citep[see, however,][]{2003A&A...401..835E, 2003A&A...412..373V}. A different approach is given by the energy equipartition argument if a particular cluster exhibits diffuse radio synchrotron emission. The method assumes equal energy densities of cosmic ray electrons and magnetic fields in order to estimate volume averaged magnetic field strengths. The minimum energy criterion is a complementary method. It is based on the idea of minimising the non-thermal energy density contained in cosmic ray electrons (CRe), protons (CRp), and magnetic fields by varying the magnetic field strength. As one boundary condition, the implied synchrotron emissivity is required to match the observed value. Additionally, a second boundary condition is required mathematically which couples CRp and CRe. For the classical case, a constant scaling factor between CRp and CRe energy densities is assumed. However, if the physical connection between CRp and CRe is known or assumed, a physically better motivated criterion can be formulated. As such a case, we introduce the minimum energy criterion within the scenario of hadronically generated CRe. Classically, the equipartition/minimum energy formulae use a fixed interval in radio frequency in order to estimate the total energy density in cosmic ray electrons (CRe), a purely observationally motivated procedure \\citep{1956ApJ...124..416B, 1970ranp.book.....P}. However, this approach has a drawback when comparing different field strengths between galaxy clusters because a given frequency interval corresponds to different CRe energy intervals depending on the magnetic field strengths \\citep{2001SSRv...99..243B}. For this reason, variants of the minimum energy criterion have been studied in order to place the magnetic field estimates on more physical grounds, based then on assumptions such as the fixed interval in CRe energy \\citep{1993A&A...270...91P, 1996ARA&A..34..155B, 1997A&A...325..898B}. The modified classical minimum energy criterion does not specify a particular energy reservoir of the CRe. However, this apparent model-independence is bought dearly at the cost of the inferred magnetic field strength depending on unknown parameters like the lower energy cutoff of the CRe population or the unknown contribution of CRp to the non-thermal energy density. In the following, we use the term {\\em classical minimum energy criterion} in its modified version, including e.g.~a fixed interval in CRe energy. Natural candidates for acceleration mechanisms providing a highly-relativistic particle population are strong structure formation and merger shocks \\citep[e.g.,][]{1980A&AS...39..215H, 1999ApJ...520..529S} or reacceleration processes of 'mildly' relativistic CRe ($\\gamma_\\e\\simeq 100-300$) being injected over cosmological timescales into the ICM. Owing to their long lifetimes of a few times $10^9$ years, these mildly relativistic CRe can accumulate within the ICM \\citep[see][ and references therein]{2002mpgc.book....1S}, until they experience continuous in-situ acceleration via resonant pitch angle scattering by turbulent Alfv\\'en waves as originally proposed by \\citet{1977ApJ...212....1J} and reconsidered by \\citet{1987A&A...182...21S}, \\citet{2001MNRAS.320..365B}, \\citet{2002ApJ...577..658O}, \\citet{2002A&A...386..456G}, and \\citet{2003ApJ...594..732K}. However, this reacceleration scenario also faces challenges as recent results imply: \\citet{2003astro.ph.12482B} show, that if the CRp-to-thermal energy density ratio were more than a few percent, Alfv\\'en waves would be damped efficiently such that the reacceleration mechanism of the electrons is inefficient. Because nearly all conceivable electron acceleration mechanisms produce a population of CRp which accumulates within the clusters volume, this represents an efficient damping source of Alfv\\'en waves.\\footnote{Indeed, there are first hints for the existence of a 10~MeV - 100~MeV CRp population deriving from the detection of excited gamma-ray lines from the clusters Coma and Virgo \\citep{2004A&A.413..817I}. If verified, that would make a high energy (GeV) CRp population very plausible.} \\citet{2004ApJ...604..108K} presented an interesting line of argumentation to investigate the nature of radio halos by comparing the observed and statistically predicted population. This approach might allow to measure the life time of radio halos and thus help to conclude their physical origin with a future flux-limited, controlled, and homogeneous radio halo sample. In this work, we examine a minimum energy criterion within another specific model for the observed extended radio halos of $\\sim$~Mpc size: Hadronic interactions of CRp with the ambient thermal gas produce secondary electrons, neutrinos, and $\\gamma$-rays by inelastic collisions taking place throughout the cluster volume. These secondary CRe would generate radio halos through synchrotron emission \\citep{1980ApJ...239L..93D, 1982AJ.....87.1266V, 1999APh....12..169B, 2000A&A...362..151D, 2001ApJ...559...59M, 2004A&A...413...17P}. This scenario is motivated by the following argument: The radiative lifetime of a CRe population in the ICM, generated by direct shock acceleration, is of the order of $10^8$ years for $\\gamma_\\e \\sim 10^4$. This is relatively short compared to the required diffusion timescale needed to account for such extended radio phenomena \\citep{2002BrunettiTaiwan}. On the other hand, the CRp are characterised by lifetimes of the order of the Hubble time, which is long enough to diffuse away from the production site and to be distributed throughout the cluster volume to which they are confined by magnetic fields \\citep{1996SSRv...75..279V, 1997ApJ...477..560E, 1997ApJ...487..529B}. The magnetic field strength within this scenario is obtained by analogy with the classical minimum energy criterion while combining the CRp and CRe energy densities through their physically connecting process. Apart from relying on the particular model, the inferred magnetic field strengths do not depend strongly on unknown parameters in this model.\\footnote{Likewise the minimum energy criterion within the reacceleration scenario of mildly relativistic CRe ($\\gamma_\\e\\simeq 100-300$) can be obtained by minimising the sum of magnetic, mildly relativistic CRe, and turbulent energy densities while allowing for constant synchrotron emission.} The philosophy of these approaches is to provide a criterion for the energetically least expensive radio synchrotron emission model possible for a given physically motivated scenario. To our knowledge, there is no first principle enforcing this minimum state to be realised in Nature. However, our minimum energy estimates are interesting in two respects: First, these estimates allow scrutinising the hadronic model for extended radio synchrotron emission in clusters of galaxies. If it turns out that the required minimum non-thermal energy densities are too large compared to the thermal energy density, the hadronic scenario will become implausible to account for the extended diffuse radio emission. For the classical minimum energy estimate, such a comparison can yield constraints on the accessible parameter space spanned by lower energy cutoff of the CRe population or the contribution of CRp to the non-thermal energy density. Secondly, should the hadronic scenario be confirmed, the minimum energy estimates allow testing for the realisation of the minimum energy state for a given independent measurement of the magnetic field strength. This article is organised as follows: After introducing synchrotron radiation of CRe (Sect.~\\ref{sec:CRe}), analytic formulae for hadronically induced emission processes are presented (Sect.~\\ref{sec:CRp}). The classical and hadronic minimum energy criteria are then derived, the theoretically expected tolerance regions are given, and limiting cases are discussed (Sect.~\\ref{sec:MEC}). In Sect.~\\ref{sec:testing}, we examine whether future observations of inverse Compton emission and hadronically induced $\\gamma$-ray emission can serve as tests for the verification of the minimum energy criterion. Magnetic and cosmic ray energy densities and their tolerance regions are inferred from application of the minimum energy arguments in the Coma and Perseus cluster for both scenarios (Sect.~\\ref{sec:applications}). Our article concludes with formulae which provide recipes for estimating the magnetic field strength in typical observational situations (Sect.~\\ref{sec:nutshell}). Throughout this paper we use the present Hubble constant $H_0 = 70~h_{70}\\mbox{ km s}^{-1} \\mbox{ Mpc}^{-1}$, where $h_{70}$ indicates the scaling of $H_0$. ", "conclusions": "We investigated the minimum energy criterion of radio synchrotron emission in order to estimate the energy density of magnetic fields with the main focus on the underlying physical scenario. The classical scenario might find application for cosmic ray electrons (CRe) originating either from primary shock acceleration or in-situ reacceleration processes while the hadronic model assumes a scenario of inelastic cosmic ray proton (CRp) interactions with the ambient gas of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) and thus leads to extended diffuse synchrotron and $\\gamma$-ray emission. Generally, the hadronic minimum energy estimates allow testing the hadronic model for extended radio synchrotron emission in clusters of galaxies. If it turns out that the required minimum non-thermal energy densities are too large compared to the thermal energy density, the hadronic scenario has to face serious challenges. For the classical minimum energy estimate, such a comparison can yield constraints on the accessible parameter space spanned by the lower energy cutoff of the CRe population or the unknown contribution of CRp to the non-thermal energy density. For the first time we examine the localisation of the predicted minimum energy densities and provide a measure of the theoretically expected tolerance regions of these energetically favoured energy densities. The tolerance regions of the particular energy densities inferred from the classical minimum energy criterion are approximately constant for varying magnetic field strength $\\eps_B$. On the contrary, the hadronic minimum energy criterion predicts constant energy densities for varying magnetic field strength in the case of low $\\eps_B$ compared to $\\eps_\\rmn{CMB}$, while the tolerance region of the CRp energy density decreases at the same rate as the tolerance region of $\\eps_B$ increases for high $\\eps_B$. Future observations should shed light on the hypothetical realisation of such an optimal distribution of energy densities in Nature: Combining upper limits on the inverse Compton (IC) scattering of cosmic microwave background photons off CRe within the ICM provides lower limits on the magnetic field strength. Unambiguous detection of the $\\pi^0$-decay induced $\\gamma$-ray emission owing to hadronic CRp interactions in the ICM together with the observed radio synchrotron emission yields strong upper limits on the magnetic field strength. These are only upper limits because the inevitably accompanying hadronically generated CRe could have a non-hadronic counterpart CRe population which also contributes to the observed synchrotron emission. A combination of IC detection in hard X-rays, radio synchrotron emission, and hadronically induced $\\gamma$-ray emission therefore simultaneously enables the determination of the CRp population as well as a bracketing of the total magnetic field strength and the CRe population. Applying the appropriate minium energy arguments would yield information about both the dynamical state as well as the fragmentation of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field. Requiring the sum of cosmic ray and the magnetic field energy densities to be minimal for the observed synchrotron emission of the radio halo of the Coma cluster and the radio mini-halo of the Perseus cluster yields interesting results: Within the theoretically expected tolerance regions, equipartition is possible between the energy densities of CRp and magnetic fields, i.e.~the minimum energy criterion always seems to choose equipartition to be a quasi-optimal case. Applying the hadronic minimum energy criterion to the diffuse synchrotron emission of the Coma cluster yields a central magnetic field strength of $B_\\rmn{Coma} = 2.4^{+1.7}_{-1.0}~\\umu\\rmn{G}$ while in the case of the cool core cluster Perseus we obtain $B_\\rmn{Perseus} = 8.8^{+13.8}_{-5.4}~\\umu\\rmn{G}$. These values agree with magnetic field strengths inferred from Faraday rotation which range in the case of clusters without cool cores within $[3~\\umu\\rmn{G}, 6~\\umu\\rmn{G}]$ while cool core clusters yield values of $\\sim 12~\\umu\\rmn{G}$ \\citep{2003A&A...412..373V}. Within the hadronic model for the radio mini-halo in the Perseus cluster, this results in a confinement for the CRp energy density of $2\\%\\pm 1\\%$ of the thermal energy density while the magnetic energy density reaches only 0.4\\% of the thermal energy density within large uncertainties. These energetic considerations show that the hadronic scenario is a very attractive explanation of cluster radio mini-halos. In order to account for the radio halo of Coma in the hadronic scenario, the product of $\\eps_\\crp$ and $\\eps_B$ needs to increase by nearly two orders of magnitude relative to the square of the thermal energy density $\\eps_\\rmn{th}$ towards the outskirts of the halo. Moving away from the minimum energy solution and adopting for instance a constant magnetic-to-thermal energy density, it is energetically possible to explain the observed synchrotron emission hadronically by only requiring the magnetic and CRp energy density to be a few per cent relative to the thermal energy density (and even less for the CRp in the cluster centre, provided $\\alpha_\\p \\sim 2.3$ and the cluster is isothermal). Such a magnetic energy density corresponds to a central magnetic field strength of $6~\\umu$G. Assuming a lower magnetic field strength of $3~\\umu$G corresponding to a magnetic-to-thermal energy density of approximately 0.5\\% requires the CRp energy density to be lower than 10\\% for the entire range of the radio halo. The considered hadronic scenario assumes a CRp spectral index which is independent of position and thus the radio emission does not show any spatial variations over the clusters volume. In principle, one could allow for radial spectral variations of the CRp and thereby for the radio emission by adopting a particular history of this population. For instance, one possible scenario would be given by continuous in-situ acceleration of CRp via resonant pitch angle scattering by turbulent Alfv\\'en waves. We discuss that a moderate radial steepening would not significantly modify the hadronic minimum energy condition while a confirmation of the strong steepening reported by \\citet{1993ApJ...406..399G} would seriously challenge the hadronic scenario. As a caveat, it should be stressed that the inferred values for the particular energy densities only represent the energetically least expensive radio synchrotron emission model possible for a given physically motivated scenario. This minimum is not necessarily realised in Nature. Nevertheless, our minimum energy estimates are also interesting in a dynamical respect: Should the hadronic scenario of extended radio synchrotron emission be confirmed, the minimum energy estimates allow testing for the realisation of the minimum energy state for a given independent measurement of the magnetic field strength. Within the tolerance regions, our minimum energy estimates in Perseus and Coma agree well with magnetic field strengths inferred from Faraday rotation. Under the hypotheses of correctness of the hadronic scenario, such a possible realisation of the minimum energy state would seek an explanation of a first principle enforcing this extremal value to be realised in Nature." }, "0404/astro-ph0404605_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303 is one of the most observed Be/X-ray binary systems because, peculiarly, it has periodical radio and X-ray emission together with strong, variable gamma-ray emission. This source remains, however, quite enigmatic. Some properties of this system can be explained assuming that the unseen companion is a non-accreting young pulsar with a relativistic wind strongly interacting with the wind of the Be star. On the contrary, other properties of LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303 fit a model where the companion is accreting even with two events of super-critical accretion along the orbit. The very recent discovery of a radio jet extending ca. 200 AU at both sides of a central core has definitely proved the occurrence of accretion--ejection processes in this system. Therefore it is of great interest to combine this result with previous observations at other wavelengths within the framework of the two-peak accretion (ejection) model. Concerning the first ejection, we show that the observed gamma-rays variations might be periodic with outbursts confined around the periastron passage (i.e. where the first accretion-rate peak occurs and high-energy emission but no radio emission is predicted). Concerning the second ejection, with radio bursts, we point out that it can be also traced in the X-ray data, both in episodes of hardening of the X-ray emission and in a transition from soft- to hard-states at the onsets of radiobursts. In fact, both hardening and transitions between spectral states are related to the dramatic change in the structure of the accretion disk preceeding the ejection. Finally, we explore the nature of the accretor and we conclude that on the basis of the present optical data a black hole cannot be ruled out. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} The X-ray binary stellar system LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303 has always excited particular interest because of its two peculiarities: On the one hand being the probable counterpart of the variable gamma ray source \\object{2CG~135+01} (Gregory $\\&$ Taylor \\cite{gregory78}; Tavani et al. \\cite{tavani98}) and on the other hand being a periodic radio source (Taylor \\& Gregory \\cite{taylor82}, \\cite{taylor84}). The binary system is composed of a compact object in an eccentric orbit around a rapidly rotating B0-B0.5 main-sequence star, undergoing mass loss through an equatorial disk (Hutchings \\& Crampton \\cite{hutchings81}). The orbital period is assumed to be of 26.496 days determined on a radio data base of over 20 years (Hutchings \\& Crampton \\cite{hutchings81}; Gregory et~al. \\cite{gregory99}; Gregory \\cite{gregory02}). High radio outbursts always peak near phase 0.6, where $\\Phi$=0 has been set at Julian Date 2443366.775 (Taylor \\& Gregory \\cite{taylor82}; Paredes et al. \\cite{paredes90}). However, lower intensity radio outbursts occur within the broad distribution $\\Phi_{radio}$=0.45--0.95, due to variations of the equatorial disk in the Be star (Paredes et al. \\cite{paredes90}; Gregory et al. \\cite{gregory99}; Zamanov \\& Mart\\'i \\cite{zamanov00}; Gregory et al. \\cite{gregory02}; Gregory \\& Neish \\cite{gregory02b}). From optical and near-infrared observations the periastron passage is estimated to be in the range $\\Phi_{periastron}$=0.2--0.5 (Hutchings \\& Crampton \\cite{hutchings81}; Mart\\'i \\& Paredes \\cite{marti95}). One of the fundamental questions concerning the periodic radio outbursts of \\object{LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303} therefore has been: Why are the radio outbursts shifted with respect to the periastron passage? The X-ray emission is also periodic with period estimates of P= 26.7 $\\pm$ 0.2 by Paredes et al. (\\cite{paredes97}) and P=26.42$\\pm$ 0.05 by Leahy (\\cite{leahy01}), clearly in agreement with the radio period. Quite surprising, however, is that the X-ray outbursts are offset from the radio ones. In fact, the two available simultaneous X-ray and radio observations by Taylor et al.(\\cite{taylor96}) and by Harrison et al. (\\cite{harrison00}) during an orbital period show that the X-ray emission peaks in the phase interval $\\Phi_{X-ray}$=0.43--0.47 (recalculated by Gregory \\cite{gregory02}) while the radio outburst is offset to that by several days. Taylor et al. (\\cite{taylor92}) and Mart\\'{\\i} \\& Paredes (\\cite{marti95}) have modelled the properties of this system in terms of an accretion rate $\\dot{M} \\propto {\\rho_{wind}\\over v_{rel}^3}$, (where $\\rho_{wind}$ is the density of the Be star wind and $v_{rel}$ is the relative speed between the accretor and wind) which develops two peaks for high eccentricities: the highest peak corresponds to the periastron passage (highest density), while the second peak occurs when the drop in the relative velocity $v_{rel}$ compensates (because of the inverse cube dependence) the decrease in density. From typical parameters of LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303 derived from near infrared data, Mart\\'{\\i} \\& Paredes (\\cite{marti95}) have shown that both peaks are above the Eddington limit and therefore one expects that matter is ejected perpendicular to the plane of the accretion disk. Near the periastron the short distance to the Be star enhances inverse Compton losses: X-ray or/and gamma-ray outbursts are expected but no radio bursts. At the second accretion peak, the compact object is much farther away from the Be star, so that the electrons can propagate out of the orbital plane: an expanding double radio source should be observed with a radio interferometer (Taylor \\& Gregory \\cite{taylor84}; Taylor et~al. \\cite{taylor92}; Massi et al. \\cite{massi93}; Mart\\'{\\i} \\& Paredes \\cite{marti95}; Gregory et~al. \\cite{gregory99}). The main problem concerning this model is that the luminosity of \\object{LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303} in the X-ray range is only $L_{\\rm X}\\simeq 10^{35}$~erg~s$^{-1}$ (Maraschi \\& Treves \\cite{maraschi81}). That is three orders of magnitude lower than the Eddington limit, even for a neutron star, and in addition the bulk of the energy output seems to be shifted from X-ray to $\\gamma$-ray wavelengths with $L_{\\rm \\gamma}\\simeq10^{37}$erg~s$^{-1}$ (Hartman et~al. \\cite{hartman99}). The difficulty of interpreting these results in the context of a super-accretion model has led to an alternative young pulsar model where a population of relativistic electrons are produced at the shock boundary between the relativistic wind of the young pulsar and the wind of the Be star ( Maraschi \\& Treves \\cite{maraschi81}; Tavani \\cite{tavani95}; Harrison et al. \\cite{harrison00}; Hall et al. \\cite{hall03}). As a matter of fact such a model fits the time-variable high-energy emission observed near periastron from the Be/pulsar system PSR B1259-63 (Tavani \\& Aaron \\cite{tavani97}). However, the recent discovery of a radio emitting jet extending ca. 200 AU at both sides of a central core (Massi et al. \\cite{massi04}) has shown the occurrence of accretion--ejection processes in LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303. Therefore, this source seems very similar to the microquasar LS~5039 (Paredes et~al. \\cite{paredes00}) also subluminous in the X-ray range (even more than \\object{LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303}) and also having $L_{\\gamma} > L_{\\rm X}$. The quite stable gamma-ray emission in that case is explained due to upscattered stellar photons via inverse Compton from the relativistic electrons of the persistent jet. If that is true for \\object{LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303} (Taylor et al. \\cite{taylor96}; Massi et~al. \\cite{massi01}; Kaufman Bernad\\'o et~al. \\cite{kaufman02}), do the periodic outbursts of this source imply periodic gamma-ray bursts ? And in this case at which $\\Phi_{\\gamma-ray}$ ? Moreover, recent developments in the theory of the accretion-ejection processes show that magneto-rotational instabilities are able to accelerate and to collimate a part of the disk material into a double jet only after thermal instabilities in the accretion disk have inflated and transformed it into a geometrically thick disk (Meier \\cite{meier01}). As shown by Belloni et al. (\\cite{belloni97}) structural changes of the disk are associated with changes in the X-ray spectral states. Is it possible to discern a change of state in available X-ray data ? And in this case: are changes of state and radio outburst related to each other as expected in an accretion-ejection process ? The aim of this paper is to try to answer these questions. Section 2 analyses and discusses gamma-ray data while Section 3 deals with X-ray and optical results. The conclusions are given in Section 4. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} The emission of the gamma-ray source 2CG~135+01 is consistent with a periodic behaviour, with a period similar to the orbital/radio period of the system LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303. The gamma-ray peaks, observed at two different epochs (Tavani et al. \\cite{tavani98}), remain confined around the periastron passage, a fact which may imply that the most of the seed photons for Comptonization are indeed stellar photons (Taylor et~al. \\cite{taylor96}). The X-ray observations along an orbital cycle (Greiner \\& Rau \\cite{greiner01}) show that the system remains always in a high/soft state, characterized by a photon index $\\Gamma \\ge 2$. Only at the onset of radio emission there happens a state transition, characterized by $\\Gamma \\sim 1.6$, to the low/hard state (Tanaka \\cite{tanaka97}, Fender et al. \\cite{fender99}). These transitions between spectral states are related to the dramatic change in the structure of the accretion disk preceeding the ejection of part of it into a jet (Belloni et al. \\cite{belloni97}, Mirabel et al. \\cite{mirabel98}, Fender et al. \\cite{fender99}). Good sampled simultaneous X-ray and radio observations in different outbursts would be quite important to trace (by monitoring the photon index $\\Gamma$ ) the two accretion-ejection processes occurring in this peculiar source. Finally, we suggest that LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$30 may host a black hole, because its high/soft state has a power law component with $\\Gamma \\ge$2, which is typical for systems hosting black holes. On the other hand the value of M$_x$=1.5 M$\\odot$ - always quoted in the literature - is related to average values for the inclination of the orbit, mass of the Be star and mass function. The ranges for these parameters presently available are so large that a massive black hole in LS~I~+61$^{\\circ}$303 cannot be excluded. A new determination of all these values is desirable." }, "0404/astro-ph0404449_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recently we have made measurements of thermonuclear burst energetics and recurrence times which are unprecedented in their precision, largely thanks to the sensitivity of the {\\it Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer}\\/ ({\\it RXTE}). In the \"Clocked Burster\", GS~1826$-$24, hydrogen burns during the burst via the rapid-proton (rp) process, which has received particular attention in recent years through theoretical and modelling studies. The burst energies and the measured variation of alpha (the ratio of persistent to burst flux) with accretion rate strongly suggests solar metallicity in the neutron star atmosphere, although this is not consistent with the corresponding variation of the recurrence time. Possible explanations include extra heating between the bursts, or a change in the fraction of the neutron star over which accretion takes place. I also present results from 4U~1746$-$37, which exhibits regular burst trains which are interrupted by ``out of phase'' bursts. ", "introduction": "Unstable thermonuclear ignition of accreted fuel on neutron stars (NSs) in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) is triggered once a critical column density is reached in the fuel layer (e.g. \\cite[]{bil00}). Regular bursting is surprisingly uncommon, and only one source is known to consistently burst regularly (GS~1826$-$24; \\cite[]{gal03d}). The conditions required for regular bursting likely include steady accretion and uniform spreading of the accreted fuel over the NS surface, as well as complete fuel consumption. If the accretion rate is sufficiently steady the critical density for ignition will be reached after a fixed time. If, additionally, all the accreted fuel is burnt during each burst, then each burst will be ignited after the same interval, leading to regular bursting. Clearly, relaxation of any one of these conditions will lead to variations in the burst interval, and deviations away from regular bursting. Here we present recent results obtained via measurement of thermonuclear burst properties in GS~1826$-$24 and the globular cluster source 4U~1746$-$37 with \\xte. In GS~1826$-$24 we found regular bursting at a range of accretion rates, which allows us to constrain the composition of the burning fuel. In 4U~1746$-$37 we found trains of regular bursts interrupted by bursts which were ``out of phase''. We discuss possible mechanisms for this phenomenon, as well as future observational tests to distinguish between them. ", "conclusions": "The precise measurements of burst properties possible with \\xte\\/ allow tests of burst theory to unprecedented levels of precision. For both sources discussed here, the bursting behaviour may be significantly altered because accretion is not taking place over the entire NS surface. Measurements of blackbody radii from burst spectra offer at best a qualitative way to measure the area of accretion, unless the deviations of the spectra from pure blackbodies can be accounted for and the effective temperature measured accurately. This can likely only be achieved with measurements by dedicated spectroscopic instruments like {\\it Chandra}\\/ or {\\it XMM-Newton}. Such studies, when combined with the extensive archival observations of bursters accumulated by \\xte\\/ over its lifetime are thus an excellent way to improve our understanding of burst physics. Future observations in previously unexplored ranges of accretion rate will also further constrain the burst physics." }, "0404/astro-ph0404480_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Cyclic Model attempts to resolve the homogeneity, isotropy, and flatness problems and generate a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of fluctuations during a period of slow contraction that precedes a bounce to an expanding phase. Here we describe at a conceptual level the recent developments that have greatly simplified our understanding of the contraction phase and the Cyclic Model overall. The answers to many past questions and criticisms are now understood. In particular, we show that the contraction phase has equation of state $w>1$ and that contraction with $w>1$ has a surprisingly similar properties to inflation with $w < -1/3$. At one stroke, this shows how the model is different from inflation and why it may work just as well as inflation in resolving cosmological problems. ", "introduction": "Two years ago, the Cyclic Model \\cite{cyclic} was introduced as a radical alternative to the standard big bang/inflationary picture \\cite{inflation}. Its purpose is to offer a new solution to the homogeneity, isotropy, flatness problems and a new mechanism for generating a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of fluctuations. One might ask why we should consider an alternative when inflation \\cite{inflation,Bardeen,inflapert} has scored so many successes in explaining a wealth of new, highly precise data \\cite{MAPspergel}. There are several reasons. First, seeking an alternative is just plain good science. Science proceeds most rapidly when there are two or more competing ideas. The ideas focus attention on what are the unresolved issues theorists must address and what are the important measurements experimentalists must perform. Inflation has had no serious competition for several years, and the result has been that its flaws have been ignored. Many cosmologists are prepared to declare inflation to be established even though crucial experimental tests remain. Competition stimulates critical thinking and removes complacency. A second reason to consider an alternative is that, even though inflationary predictions are in marvelous accord with the data thus far, the theoretical front has seen little progress. In fact, if anything, there has been retrogress. The main questions about inflation that were cited twenty years ago remain today. What is the inflaton and why are its interactions finely-tuned? How did the universe begin and why did it start to inflate? With the advent of string theory, these issues have become severe problems. Despite heroic efforts to construct stringy inflation models with tens or hundreds of moving parts (fluxes, branes and anti-branes) and examining a complex landscape of (at least) $10^{500}$ vacua, even a single successful inflationary model is difficult to construct \\cite{Malda}. The notion that there is a landscape of $10^{500}$ or more string vacua has suggested to some that, if there is an acceptable vacuum somewhere, inflation makes it possible to populate all vacua; and that the ultimate explanation for our universe is anthropic \\cite{Susskind}. However, this cannot be the whole story since it begs the question of how the universe started in the first place. No matter where you lie in the landscape, extrapolating back in time brings you to a cosmic singularity in a finite time. The issue of the beginning remains unresolved. Furthermore, relying on the anthropic principle is like stepping on quicksand. The power of a theory is measured by the ratio of its explanations/predictions to assumptions. A good scientific theory is observationally testable. An anthropic explanation is based upon considerations involving regions of space that are causally disconnected from us and that will, in many cases, never be observed by us. What parameters and properties can vary from region to region? What is the probability distribution? In models such as eternal inflation, the relative likelihood of our being in one region or another is ill-defined since there is no unique time slicing and, therefore, no unique way of assessing the number of regions or their volumes. Brave souls have begun to head down this path, but it seems likely to us to drag a beautiful science towards the darkest depths of metaphysics. Another unresolved issue is trans-Planckian effects on the production of density perturbations \\cite{trans}. In inflationary cosmology, the fluctuations observed in the cosmic microwave background had wavelengths at the beginning of inflation that were smaller than the Planck scale. The standard approximation is to assume the initial distribution of sub-horizon and, hence, sub-Planckian fluctuations corresponds to quantum fluctuations on an empty, Minkowski background. However, quantum gravity effects may cause the distribution to be different on sub-Planckian wavelengths. The unknown distortion would be inflated and produce an uncertain correction to inflationary predictions for the cosmic microwave background anisotropy. Finally, the big bang/inflationary picture is still reeling from the recent shock that most of the universe consists of dark energy \\cite{SN}. The concept had been that, once conditions are set in the early universe, the rest of cosmic evolution is simple. Dark energy has shattered that dream. Dark energy was not anticipated and plays no significant role in the theory. Observations have forced us to add dark energy {\\it ad hoc.} The current approach in big bang/inflationary model-building has been to treat the key issues -- the bang, the creation of homogeneity and density fluctuations, and dark energy -- in a modular way. Separate solutions with separate ingredients are sought for each. Perhaps this approach will work, all the problems cited above will be resolved, and a simple picture will emerge. But, perhaps the time has come to consider a different, holistic approach. The cyclic model has an ambitious manifesto. Its goal is to address the entire history of the universe, past and future, in an efficient, unified approach. There is one essential ingredient -- branes in the higher-dimensional picture or a scalar field in the four-dimensional effective theory -- that is simultaneously responsible for explaining the big bang; the solution to the homogeneity, isotropy, flatness, and monopole problems \\cite{cyclic}; the generation of nearly scale-invariant fluctuations that seed large-scale structure \\cite{ekperts,newtolley}; and, the source of dark energy \\cite{cyclic}. Simplicity and parsimony are essential elements. The range of acceptable parameters is broad \\cite{design}. Over the past two years, the Cyclic Model has progressed remarkably. The concept has been examined by numerous groups, and many, many useful criticisms and questions have been raised \\cite{lyth,linde,contrascale,durrer,ambig,string}. As we and our collaborators have tried to address these issues, the results have been interesting. First, we have discovered that the Cyclic Model already contained the answers. Not a single new ingredient has had to be added thus far. Rather, we have learned to recognize fully the physical properties of the components the model contained at the outset \\cite{reply,bcbb,duality,dual2,chaos}. That is, we have been discovering new physical principles stemming from the original model rather than adding new ingredients and patches. Second, as we have come to understand the Cyclic Model better, the picture has become much, much simpler. We believe we can stick by our manifesto: If the model is going to work, it will be because of basic ideas as simple and compelling as inflation. In fact, we find that there are remarkable, unanticipated parallels between inflationary expansion and the contracting and bounce phases of the Cyclic Model \\cite{duality,dual2}. There remain important open issues about the bounce itself, but, now we can confidently say that many of the issues that plagued previous attempts at contracting cosmological models have been cleared away and there are solid reasons for optimism about resolving the remaining issues. The purpose of this essay is to present the simplified view of the Cyclic Model, focusing on the stages that are most novel and controversial: the contraction and bounce. We focus on the two key ingredients needed to understand the contracting phase: branes and the equation of state $w>1$. As we explain, the two features lead to a series of novel physical effects that solve the homogeneity, isotropy, and flatness problems and ensure a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of density perturbations following the big bang. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404163_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present N-body/SPH simulations of the evolution of an isolated dwarf galaxy including a detailed model for the ISM, star formation and stellar feedback. Depending on the strength of the feedback, the modelled dwarf galaxy shows periodic or quasi-periodic bursts of star formation of moderate strength. The period of the variations is related to the dynamical timescale, of the order of $1.5~10^8$ yr. We show that the results of these simulations are in good agreement with recent detailed observations of dwarf irregulars (dIrr) and that the peculiar kinematic and morphological properties of these objects, as revealed by high resolution HI studies, are fully reproduced. We discuss these results in the context of recent surveys of dwarf galaxies and point out that if the star formation pattern of our model galaxy is typical for dwarf irregulars this could explain the scatter of observed properties of dwarf galaxies. Specifically, we show that the time sampled distribution of the ratio between the instanteneous star formation rate (SFR) and the mean SFR is similar to that distribution in observed sample of dwarf galaxies. ", "introduction": "The nature of the processes regulating star formation in irregular galaxies is poorly understood. Whereas there is at least some understanding of star formation in regular spiral galaxies, this is less so for irregulars. For spiral galaxies the guiding observation that the star formation rate (SFR) is related to the gas surface density by the Schmidt law has given rise to a number of competing theories that reproduce the general features of star formation in large spiral galaxies (Elmegreen~\\citeyear{E02}, Dopita \\& Ryder~\\citeyear{DR94}). These systems seem to be regulated by large scale gravitational instabilities. Star formation in irregular galaxies has proven to be more difficult to understand. Irregulars have a widely varying SFR, spanning 4 orders of magnitude for the normalized SFR/area (Hunter~\\citeyear{H97}), possibly due to the fact that gas thermodynamics, governed by varying heating and cooling processes, plays the decisive role (Elmegreen~\\citeyear{E02}). But why do some irregulars have very high SFRs relative to their mass, while others hardly show any activity? Are there any intrinsic properties of the galaxies that can explain this disparity between SFRs or do all dwarf galaxies exhibit episodes of high star formation? In recent years a number of studies have highlighted these questions by investigating samples of dwarf galaxies and comparing their properties as derived from photometry, HI and H$\\alpha$ observations. Van Zee (\\citeyear{Z00}, \\citeyear{Z01}) investigated a sample of isolated dwarf galaxies and found no strong correlation between star formation and independent physical parameters. Hunter et al. (\\citeyear{HEB98}) tested different regulating processes, amongst which disk instabilities, thermal and shear regulated star formation, but found that none could explain patterns of star formation. Stil (\\citeyear{S99}) investigated the relation between star formation and HI gas kinematics. On the other hand, detailed studies of a number of nearby dwarf galaxies have fully revealed the complex structure of the ISM in these systems. High resolution aperture synthesis mapping (e.g. Kim et al.~\\citeyear{KSSD98}, Wilcots \\& Miller~\\citeyear{WM98}, Puche et al.~\\citeyear{PWBR92}, Walter \\& Brinks~\\citeyear{WB01}) of their HI has shown the interstellar medium (ISM) of these dwarfs to be a frothy structure, with holes of varying sizes, shells and filaments, even extending far beyond the optical radius. From velocity dispersion studies (Young et al.~\\citeyear{YL97}) the presence of cold and warm neutral components predicted by the two phase model for the ISM (Field~\\citeyear{F65}) has been deduced. Comparison with H$\\alpha$ and UV observations shows that the dense walls of these holes are the sites of star formation (Walter et al.~\\citeyear{WT01}), and suggest 'chains' of successive star forming sites (Stewart et al.~\\citeyear{SFB00}). The cause of the holes in the HI distribution seems to be the energy input from ionizing radiation, stellar winds and supernovae, although Rhode et al.~(\\citeyear{RSWR99}) and Efremov et al.~(\\citeyear{EEH98}) discuss other possible scenarios. Together these two types of observations have painted a picture of the complex interaction between star formation and the ISM of these systems that is formidable to capture theoretically. Some early attempts have been made to understand star formation qualitatively by the application of stochastic self propagating star formation (SSPSF) models to dwarf galaxies (Gerola \\& Seiden~\\citeyear{GSS80}, Comins~\\citeyear{C83}). While they probably capture some general characteristics of star formation, they are phenomenological and do not include the underlying physics of the ISM. Efforts to investigate the influence of star formation on the ISM of dwarf galaxies have mainly concentrated on the effects of large (central) bursts and on questions concerning the ejection of gas and the distribution of metals(e.g. Mac-Low \\& Ferrara~\\citeyear{MF99}, Mori et al.~\\citeyear{MYTN97}). Recently there also have been some simulations adressing the question of survival of small galaxies (Mori et al.~\\citeyear{MFM02}). Generally these simulations have not tried to set up a self consistent model for the ISM and star formation, but prescribed a certain SFR. The importance of a good model for the ISM and feedback has been recognized by a number of authors. Andersen \\& Burkert~(\\citeyear{AB00}) formulated an extensive model for the ISM in terms of a phenomenological model for the interstellar clouds. Their model showed self regulation of the SFR and they found moderate fluctuations in SFR. Berczik \\& Hensler~(\\citeyear{BHTS03}) incorporated such a cloud model into a chemodynamical galaxy evolution code. Semelin and Combes~(\\citeyear{SC02}) formulated a model with similar characteristics, representing clouds by sticky particles, but did not apply these to dwarf galaxies. Springel \\& Hernquist~(\\citeyear{SH03}) formulated a subgrid model for the multiphase interstellar medium, producing a quiescent self-regulating ISM. However, relatively little effort has been directed towards resolving the normal evolution of irregular dwarfs and providing the connection with detailed studies of single systems and extensive unbiased samples. Nevertheless dwarf galaxies are good test systems for exploring star formation in galaxies: they are dynamically simple systems in the sense that they do not exhibit spiral density waves or shear. Furthermore their small size means that simulations can follow the various physical processes at finer linear and density scales.\\emph{ As the small scale physics of star formation and feedback presumably do not differ between normal and dwarf galaxies, we can use results obtained from these simulations and apply the same methods to larger systems}. Here we present results of a simulation of the evolution of a normal dwarf irregular galaxy including a detailed model for the ISM, star formation and feedback. The distinguishing characteristics of this work are that the model for the ISM we employ does not explicitly postulate the presence of a two phase medium, rather it forms it as a result of the physics of the model. Furthermore we take special care in formulating a star formation model that is solely based on the Jeans instability, and we formulate a feedback scheme that gives us unambiguous control over the strength of the feedback. We will discuss the results of the simulation both in relation to detailed observations of comparable single systems, as well as in the context of recent surveys of dwarf galaxies. ", "conclusions": "The model we employed to calculate the evolution of a single dwarf galaxy is quite extensive and complicated and necessarily contains a number of free parameters, some of which we tried to constrain using observational data or theory( as in the case of the supernova energy), yet some remain only constrained by physical intuition. Therefore, it is worthwhile to summarize again the features of observed dwarf systems successfully reproduced by the model: 1) the morphology and kinematics of the HI distribution, 2) the two phase structure of the ISM, 2) the spatial pattern of star formation, 3) the star formation rate, 4) consistency with the observed distribution of Scalo $b$ parameter. These provide strong and independent checks of our modelling approach as they result from the intricate interplay of the model for the ISM we employed, the scheme for star formation and the method of returning mechanical energy to the ISM. These successes give some confidence that the model captures the essentials of dwarf galaxy evolution and to its predictive power. Comparing our model with recent simulations of dwarf galaxy evolution( e.g. Berzcik et al.~\\citeyear{BHTS03}, Mayer et al.~\\citeyear{MGC01}, Andersen \\& Burkert~\\citeyear{AB00}, Pasetto et al.~\\citeyear{PCC03}, Mori et al.~\\citeyear{MYTN97},~\\citeyear{MYN99}, Carraro et al.~\\citeyear{CCGL01}) we see that our work differs from previous work in two crucial aspects: 1) the modelling of the physics of the neutral ISM, 2) the treatment of supernova feedback. We follow the evolution of the WNM and CNM of the ISM explicitly, this process being the upper part of a cascade leading down to star formation. Star formation in our model happens in cold( $\\rm T \\la 200~K$) and dense ($\\rm n=1-10~cm^{-3}$) gas. These are realistic sites for star formation as we know that molecular clouds are embedded in neutral envelopes. The further stages of star formation, molecular cloud formation and collapse, are not included as they require prohibitive resolution and the inclusion of additional physics. These processes are only implicit in our star formation recipe, but at least our methods follows collapsing gas to the point that it has experienced a transition to a cold, dense state from which it may be trusted to form stars with rates and efficiencies that are constrained by observations. Some authors have tried to bypass this problem by formulating a phenomenological ISM model in terms of 'sticky' particles representing molecular clouds (Andersen \\& Burkert~\\citeyear{AB00}), sometimes in addition to a smooth SPH component representing the WNM (Semelin \\& Combes~\\citeyear{SC02}, Berczik et al.~\\citeyear{BHTS03}). They also succesfully reproduce a selfregulated ISM, including some effects, like evaporation of molecular clouds that are probably not well represented in our model. In these models stars form from the cloud particles, imposing a Schmidt law, not, as in our model, from the consideration of the the instabilities in the ISM. Furthermore, our model has a consistent representation of the ISM linking phases by physical processes, rather than prescriptions. Simulations of dwarf galaxy evolution that include supernova feedback have typically included this as a local heating term. This method for implementing supernova feedback is not effective in forming the structures associated with stellar feedback and simulations using it do not show any effect of SN feedback. This is a well understood numerical artefact and some authors have devised methods to prevent the radiative loss of mechanical energy that is the root of the problem (Springel \\& Hernquist~\\citeyear{SH03}, Thacker \\& Couchman~\\citeyear{TC00}, Gerritsen \\& Icke~\\citeyear{GI97}, the problem is also not exclusive to SPH type codes see e.g. Fragile et al.~\\citeyear{FMAL03}). They have not applied their methods to the evolution of dIrrs so a direct comparison is not yet possible. However, the notion that \\emph{the energy input from stellar winds and SN of young stellar clusters is crucial for the understanding the structure and kinematics of the ISM of dIrrs} is borne out by our simulations: if feedback is not included, the ISM stays in a smooth disk with very low random motions( 2-3 km/s). The self propagating mode of star formation is absent in that case. The dwarf galaxy will only poorly resemble a real dIrr. Chemical enrichment is not yet included in our code. We can estimate the importance of a changing chemical composition for our simulation. The total amount of metals $\\rm M_z$ produced during the simulation is $\\rm M_Z \\approx 0.015 \\Delta M_{\\star} = 1.6 \\times 10^5 \\msun$. This will raise the metallicity of the galaxy, under the assumption that the metals will be well mixed, with at most $25\\% $, which is not entirely insignificant, although to first approximation the thermal evolution is independent of metallicity as both the cooling and UV heating scale with Z. Note also that metals may be lost from the galaxy in galactic winds. It does mean that we should include chemical enrichment to follow the evolution for longer timescales and especially if we want to investigate extremely metal poor galaxies. In principle the inclusion of chemical enrichment will also add further constrains comparing with observations, very important to asses the long term evolution of the model. Both these points, however, do not alter the conclusion for simulations as presented here. The methods we use can be applied more general. Questions that we plan to address are for example the following: \\begin{itemize} \\item{ In view of the recent realization that there is a deficit of observed small galaxies as compared to predictions of $\\Lambda$CDM models of galaxy formation (Klypin et al.~\\citeyear{KKVP99}) it is interesting to consider what happens for galaxies of progressively smaller mass. We are in the process of running a grid of models exploring this question, but some effects may be clear from the preceding: for smaller galaxies variations will be on longer time scales (scaling as $\\rho_{halo}^{-.5})$ and bigger in amplitude (because the feedback becomes relatively stronger as the escape velocity decreases). Ultimately halos will be too small to retain their ISM, leaving them bare. The mass ranges for which this happens, the influence of other galactic parameters and the timescales on which these processes take place will be of interest to validate cosmological and galaxy formation models. } \\item{ We also plan to investigate a possible relation between dwarf irregulars and dwarf ellipticals. Although recent simulations(Mayer et al.~\\citeyear{MGC01}, Pasetto et al.~\\citeyear{PCC03}) have shown for satellite galaxies that a transition from dIrr to dE or dwarf Spheroidal (dSph) is plausible as a result of the action of tidal fields, it has not been conclusively determined whether a transition from dIrr to dE is to be expected in general. Various people have put forward arguments in favour (Davies \\& Phillipps~\\citeyear{DP88}) and against (Bothun et al.~\\citeyear{BMCM86}, Marlowe et al.~\\citeyear{MMH99}) such a descendancy for the dE. Although the results presented here do not immediately illuminate this question, we think that additional simulations of the sort presented here, testing a wider range of galactic properties and following the evolution for longer time scales may answer whether this is a viable scenario and whether we can put the various classes of small galaxies into an unified evolutionary framework. } \\end{itemize} In summary, our model suggests that it is possible that a large part of the current dIrr population is in a quasi-periodic burst mode of star formation. The scatter in observed properties in this picture is mainly due to the fact that galaxies are observed at different phases of their evolution. The main difference between our model and classical SSPSF models is that in our models variations are due to the interplay of stellar feedback and gasdynamics, the galaxy being periodically stirred by bursts of star formation after which a quiescent period occurs during which gas falls back to the disk. In classical SSPSF models the variations are due to the fact that star formation is described by a correlated stochastic process and the small size of the galaxies, which induces large statistical variations. Our model predicts that the amplitude of the variations depends on the strength of the feedback and that the period depends on the dynamical time scale." }, "0404/astro-ph0404355_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ The structure and the evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) are studied by means of two-dimensional axisymmetric relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations. After the first imaging of the Crab Nebula with {\\em Chandra}, a growing number of objects has been found to show in the X-rays spatial features such as rings and jets, that clearly cannot be accounted for within the standard framework of one-dimensional semi-analytical models. The most promising explanation suggested so far is based on the combined effects of the latitude dependence of the pulsar wind energy flux, shaping the wind termination shock and naturally providing a higher equatorial emission, and of the wind magnetization, likely responsible for the jet collimation by hoop stresses downstream of the shock. This scenario is investigated here by following the evolution of a PWN interacting with the confining Supernova Remnant (SNR), from the free expansion to the beginning of the reverberation phase. Our results confirm the oblate shape of the wind termination shock and the formation of a polar jet with supersonic velocities ($v\\approx 0.5 - 0.7 c$) for high enough values of the equatorial wind magnetization parameter ($\\sigma\\gsim 0.01$). ", "introduction": "Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe, or plerions) arise from the confinement of pulsar winds by the surrounding medium, usually an expanding Supernova Remnant (SNR). The relativistic magnetized pulsar wind is slowed down to non-relativistic velocities at a termination shock, where the magnetic field is compressed and the bulk energy of the outflow is converted into heat and acceleration of particles. These then give rise to the synchrotron and Inverse Compton emission observed from plerions in a very wide range of frequencies, extending from radio wavelengths to X-rays and even $\\gamma$-rays. The best studied plerion is the Crab Nebula, whose emission has been extensively investigated in all frequency bands and for which most models have been proposed. New light on the spatial structure of the Crab Nebula emission at high frequencies has been shed by observations made with the {\\em Chandra} X-ray satellite (Weisskopf et al. \\cite{weiss00}), which, thanks to the unprecedented spatial resolution, has revealed a number of intriguing features in the inner part of the nebula (see also Hester et al. \\cite{hester95,hester02}). The new details highlighted strengthen the view of the Crab Nebula as an axisymmetric object. In what is thought to be the equatorial plane of the pulsar rotation, {\\em Chandra} observations show the presence of a bright ring of emission, lying at a much closer distance to the pulsar than the already identified X-ray torus (e.g. Hester et al. \\cite{hester95}). The most puzzling discovery, however, is probably the presence of two opposite jet-like features oriented along an axis perpendicular to the plane of the torus and emerging from the very close vicinity of the pulsar. Similar features have been observed also in a number of other objects, namely around the Vela pulsar (Helfand et al. \\cite{helfand01}; Pavlov et al. \\cite{pavlov03}), PSR 1509-58 (Gaensler et al. \\cite{gaensler02}) and in the supernova remnants G0.9+01 (Gaensler et al. \\cite{gaensler01}) and G54.1+0.3 (Lu et al. \\cite{lu02}). While the presence of a X-ray bright torus may be at least qualitatively explained within the framework of standard 1-D RMHD models (Kennel \\& Coroniti \\cite{kc}, KC84 hereafter; Emmering \\& Chevalier \\cite{ec87}), if we further assume that either the energy flux emerging from the pulsar or the termination shock dissipation efficiency is higher at low latitudes around the equator, the presence of jets that seem to emanate directly from the pulsar poses severe theoretical problems in its interpretation (Lyubarsky \\& Eichler \\cite{lyueic}), given the difficulties at explaining self-collimation of ultra-relativistic flows. A recent suggestion for an answer to this puzzle (Bogovalov \\& Khangoulian \\cite{bk1,bk2}; Lyubarsky \\cite{lyu02}) is that the jets are actually originating downstream of the pulsar wind termination shock, where the flow is only mildly or non-relativistic. If this is the case, the fact that they are observed starting from a much closer distance from the pulsar than where the shock in the equatorial plane is thought to be, has to be interpreted assuming that the given degree of anisotropy in the energy flow from the pulsar also causes the shock front to be highly non-spherical in shape, much closer to the pulsar along the rotation axis than in the equatorial plane. Moreover, even if the pulsar wind is weakly magnetized just upstream of the termination shock, the magnetic field inside the plerion can become as high as to reach equipartition. Therefore, collimation of the downstream flow may be easily achieved there by magnetic hoop stresses (Lyubarsky \\cite{lyu02}; Khangoulian \\& Bogovalov \\cite{kb}), resulting in plasma compression toward the axis and eventually in a polar jet-like outflow. Thanks to the recent progress in numerical relativistic fluid dynamics and MHD (see Del Zanna \\& Bucciantini \\cite{luca1}; Del Zanna et al. \\cite{luca2}, and references therein), we are now able to start a more quantitative investigation of this problem by means of computer simulations. Our aim is to clarify whether a given latitude dependence of the pulsar wind energy flux may actually explain the jet-torus morphology observed at X-ray frequencies for the Crab Nebula and other plerions, and, if this is the case, what are the conclusions that one may infer on the structure and magnetization of the unshocked pulsar wind. Here we present the results of a first series of long-term 2-D axisymmetric RMHD simulations, from which some general conclusions on the physical mechanisms at work and useful scalings may already be derived (see Amato et al. \\cite{amato} for preliminary results). A similar numerical investigation has been recently carried out (Komissarov \\& Lyubarsky \\cite{kl}, KL03 hereafter), confirming the basic physical picture as viable for explaining the main observational features, as strongly suggested also by the close resemblance, at least at a qualitative level, between the map of simulated emission and {\\em Chandra} images of the Crab Nebula. The paper structure is as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:model} the pulsar wind model adopted at large distances from the light cylinder is sketched. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:setup} the numerical details of the simulations and the initial conditions are reported. Sect.~\\ref{sec:results} deals with the results of the simulations, split in three sub-sections for convenience. Finally the results are summarized in Sect.~\\ref{sec:final}, where conclusions are drawn for this preliminary work. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:final} In this paper the structure and evolution of PWNe interacting with the surrounding SN ejecta has been analyzed by means of relativistic MHD axisymmetric simulations. Our main goal has been here the investigation of the mechanism originating the polar jets which are observed in X-rays in a growing number of PWNe. The most recent and promising analytical studies (Bogovalov \\& Khangoulian \\cite{bk2}, Lyubarsky \\cite{lyu02}) start with the assumption that the pulsar wind is highly anisotropic, with a much larger energy flux at the equator than at the pole. Such a wind, interacting with the expanding SN ejecta produces a hot magnetized bubble with a torus-jet structure, as observed. The polar jet is originated by the magnetic hoop stresses in the PWN that, for high enough values of the wind magnetization parameter $\\sigma$, divert part of the equatorial flow toward the axis, collimating and accelerating it. The first numerical RMHD simulations (Amato et al. \\cite{amato}; KL03) confirm this scenario, and the simulated synchrotron emission map in the latter cited work strikingly resembles, at least qualitatively, the X-ray images of the Crab Nebula. Here we have made an effort to improve on those preliminary simulations. The equatorial relativistic wind has a Lorentz factor as high as $\\gamma=100$, the magnetization parameter $\\sigma$ goes from $0.003$ up to $0.1$, which leads to magnetic fields in the PWN well beyond equipartition. The magnetic field shape assumed in the wind is that proper for an aligned or weakly oblique rotator, while in KL03 the assumed field is far from the $\\sin\\theta$ dependence, with a very broad region of low magnetization around the equator. The evolution is followed up to the beginning of the reverberation phase and comparison with previous models is made whenever possible. The results show that the predicted self-similar evolution of the external PWN boundary is well reproduced at low magnetizations, and before reverberation effects begin. The expected elongation of the PWN due to magnetic pinching is also recovered, and we show how this effect increases in time and with $\\sigma$. The elongation of the nebula appears to be independent on the wind anisotropy, measured in our model by the parameter $\\alpha$. In the inner part of the PWN the termination shock assumes an oblate shape, as expected for an anisotropic wind energy flux. An equatorial supersonic flow is produced in a complex shock structure. At intermediate latitudes, where the TS is highly oblique, the downstream flow is still supersonic. The plasma moves along the front gradually focusing toward the equator. This pattern holds in hydrodynamical simulations as well, since it is due only to the wind flux anisotropy. The equatorial flow that is driven by this focusing mechanism is supersonic, with typical velocities of $v\\approx 0.5 - 0.7c$, consistent with the values inferred for motion in the equatorial plane of the Crab Nebula (Hester et al. \\cite{hester02}). When the wind magnetization is high enough ($\\sigma\\gsim 0.01$ in our simulations) the magnetic hoop stresses in the equatorial plane are so strong as to suppress completely this flow after a few termination shock radii. The plasma is then completely diverted toward the axis, where the magnetic compression finally drives a supersonic polar outflow with velocities that are once again in agreement with the values observed in the Crab and Vela PWNe ($v\\approx 0.3 - 0.7c$, see Hester et al. \\cite{hester02}; Pavlov et al. \\cite{pavlov03}). At later times the interaction of the polar jets with the contact discontinuity density jump may cause additional effects. The flow circulates all the way along the CD from high latitudes down to the equatorial plane. Here, these large scale vortexes drag some dense material from the ejecta toward the origin, with the effect of confining the equatorial outflow to the very inner parts of the nebula. Notice that the circulation is the opposite (from the equator to the pole) in the hydro and low $\\sigma$ cases. The value of $\\sigma$ that distinguishes the two regimes that we call highly and lowly magnetizatized depends on the expansion velocity of the CD: for nebulae expanding at a larger rate we expect the transition to occur for higher wind magnetizations. Finally, for the high $\\sigma$ cases, the flow pattern strongly depends on the Poynting flux distribution in the wind. In particular, if in a narrow region around the equator the magnetic field vanishes, an additional vortex appears in the circulation pattern. The equatorial supersonic flow is never suppressed completely: it reaches the CD and then it circulates back toward the axis. The polar jet is still present and drives a vortex circulating at higher latitudes in the opposite direction than the former. In conclusion, axisymmetric relativistic MHD simulations of the interaction of pulsar winds with expanding SNRs are able to reproduce at least qualitatively most of the structures seen in X-ray images: the overall toroidal structure of the plerion, the supersonic motions in the equatorial plane and, if the wind magnetization is high enough, also the presence of polar jets with supersonic velocities. A more detailed study, with a larger sampling of the parameter space would be necessary for a quantitative comparison with the observations. An interesting perspective that the present study suggests is the inference of the wind magnetic field structure from direct comparison between simulated synchrotron maps and X-ray observations. Preliminary results are encouraging, although we prefer to leave quantitative comparisons as future work. Some of the observed features are anyway impossible to reproduce within the present axisymmetric RMHD framework. Emission structures like knots and sprites might well be related to non-ideal effects, like magnetic reconnection and dissipation, that are non-trivial to deal with. Remaining within the RMHD approximation, a full 3-D setting would allow to deal with some non-axisymmetric instabilities that may play an important role in PWNe: let us mention as an example the kink instability, which is likely to be at the origin of the bending of the jet (observed in both the Crab and Vela nebulae). We also leave the study of these important physical processes as future work." }, "0404/astro-ph0404025_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the properties of the diffuse light in galaxy clusters forming in a large hydrodynamical cosmological simulation of the $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology. The simulation includes a model for radiative cooling, star formation in dense cold gas, and feedback by SN-II explosions. We select clusters having mass $M>10^{14} h^{-1} M_\\odot$ and study the spatial distribution of their star particles. While most stellar light is concentrated in gravitationally bound galaxies orbiting in the cluster potential, we find evidence for a substantial diffuse component, which may account for the extended halos of light observed around central cD galaxies. We find that more massive simulated clusters have a larger fraction of stars in the diffuse light than the less massive ones. The intracluster light is more centrally concentrated than the galaxy light, and the stars in the diffuse component are on average older than the stars in cluster galaxies, supporting the view that the diffuse light is not a random sampling of the stellar population in the cluster galaxies. We thus expect that at least $\\sim 10\\%$ of the stars in a cluster may be distributed as intracluster light, largely hidden thus far due to its very low surface brightness. ", "introduction": "The presence of diffuse `intracluster light' in galaxy groups and clusters is now well established; observations by several groups provide estimates of the fraction of diffuse light and its distribution, using different techniques (see Arnaboldi 2003 for a review). The fraction of stars contained in this space-filling component seems to increase strongly with the density of the environment: from loose groups ($ < 2\\%$, Castro-Rodriguez et al. 2003; Durrell et al. 2003) to Virgo-like (~10\\%; Feldmeier et al. 2003; Arnaboldi et al. 2003) and rich clusters ($ \\sim 20\\%$ or higher; Gonzalez et al. 2000, Feldmeier et al. 2002; Gal-Yam et al. 2003). This correlation may represent an important clue for understanding the mechanisms that produce intracluster (IC) light and drive its evolution in the cluster environment. Cosmological simulations of structure formation facilitate studies of the diffuse light and its expected properties. Dubinski (1998) constructed compound models of disk galaxies and placed them into a partially evolved simulation of cluster formation, allowing an evolutionary study of the dark matter and stellar components independently. Using an empirical method to identify stellar tracer particles in high-resolution dark matter (DM) simulations, Napolitano et al. (2003) studied a Virgo-like cluster, finding evidence of a young dynamical age of the intracluster component. The main limitations in these approaches is the restriction to collisionless dynamics. In this Letter, we analyze for the first time the IC light formed in a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation including a self-consistent model for star formation. In this method, no assumptions about the structural properties of the forming galaxies need to be made, and the gradual formation process of the stars, as well as their subsequent dynamical evolution in the non-linearly evolving gravitational potential can be seen as a direct consequence of the $\\Lambda$CDM initial conditions. It is therefore of immediate interest whether this theoretical formation scenario makes predictions for IC light consistent with observations. Using a large volume of $192^3\\, h^{-3}{\\rm Mpc}^3$, we can furthermore study a statistically significant sample of clusters at $z=0$, and analyze the correlations of properties of diffuse light with, e.g., cluster mass and X-ray temperatures. ", "conclusions": "We used a cosmological simulation of $(192 h^{-1}{\\rm Mpc})^3$ to study the statistical properties of the IC light in clusters of galaxies and the dependence of its physical properties on cluster mass and X-ray temperature. These predictions can be tested against known properties of cD halos and used to plan observational tests to understand the physical properties of IC light. The presence of the IC component is evident when the whole distribution of stars in the simulated clusters is analysed in a way similar to Schombert's (1986) photometry of BCGs. Galaxies at the center of our simulated clusters have surface-brightness profiles which turn strongly upward in a $(\\mu,R^{1/\\alpha})$ plot. This light excess can be explained as IC stars orbiting in the cluster potential. Integrating its density distribution along the LOS, the slopes from our simulations are in agreement with those observed for the surface brightness profiles of the diffuse light in nearby clusters. In the Coma cluster, Bernstein et al. (1995) parametrize the surface brightness as $r^\\beta$ and find that the diffuse light is best fit by $\\beta=-1.3\\pm0.1$. In the Fornax cluster, the surface brightness profile of the cD envelope of NGC 1399 follows a power law of the form $\\propto r^\\beta$ with $\\beta=-1.5$ (Bicknell et al. 1989). At large cluster radii, the surface brightness profile of the IC light appears more centrally concentrated than the surface brightness profile of cluster galaxies (see Fig.~\\ref{fig1} and Fig.~\\ref{fig2}). From the simulations we also obtained the redshifts $z_{form}$ at which the stars formed: those in the IC component have a $z_{form}$ distribution which differs from that in cluster galaxies, see Fig.~\\ref{fig3}. The ``unbound'' stars are formed earlier than the stars in galaxies. The prediction for an old stars' age in the diffuse component agrees with the HST observation of the IRGB stars in the Virgo IC field, e.g. $t> 2$Gyr (Durrell et al. 2002), and points toward the early tidal interactions as the preferred formation process for the IC light. The different age and spatial distribution of the stars in the diffuse component indicate that it is a stellar population that is not a random sampling of the stellar populations in cluster galaxies. The more massive clusters have the largest fraction $f$ of diffuse light (Fig.~\\ref{fig3}). It is $f>0.1$ for cluster masses $M > 10^{14}h^{-1}M_\\odot$. Our simulations may thus explain the low inferred star-formation efficiency in clusters vs. less massive structures (David 1997). If only the {\\it bound} stellar mass is accounted for in the ratio of the total cluster stellar mass vs.\\ cluster gas mass in our LSCS, then this ratio decreases from groups to rich clusters. The observational trend would then be reproduced in the simulation. Similarly, the disagreement found between the amount of stars produced in clusters in our LSCS and in observed clusters (see B04) is less severe, if an IC component is present in real clusters and has been systematically neglected when evaluating their internal stellar mass budget. The main result of this work is that large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations are in qualitative agreement with the observed properties of diffuse light in galaxy clusters. A quantitative assessment will require additional numerical efforts and more observations. A detailed study of the dynamical history of the unbound stellar population in our simulation will be presented in a forthcoming work." }, "0404/astro-ph0404213_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have been conducting deep searches at $\\sim$20\\,cm of $>$30 globular clusters (GCs) using the 305-m Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico and the 100-m Green Bank telescope (GBT) in West Virginia. With roughly 80\\% of our search data analyzed, we have confirmed 13 new millisecond pulsars (MSPs), 12 of which are in binary systems, and at least three of which eclipse. We currently have timing solutions for five of these systems and basic orbital and spin parameters for six others. ", "introduction": "The number of known MSPs in GCs has increased significantly in the last few years due to a number of targeted surveys (see the review by F.~Camilo and the contributions by A.~Possenti and B.~Jacoby in this volume) that have benefitted from increased computational resources, new large-bandwidth pulsar backends (primarily at 20\\,cm, and improved search algorithms. Approximately half of the currently known $\\sim$80 pulsars in 23 GCs\\footnote{\\url{http://www.naic.edu/~pfreire/GCpsr.html}} were found in the past four years. During the last three years we have been searching more than 30 GCs with the Arecibo and Green Bank telescopes. The high time and frequency resolution of these data, along with newly developed search algorithms \\citep*{rem02,rce03}, makes us significantly more sensitive than past surveys to sub-millisecond pulsations as well as to pulsars in ultra-compact binary systems. To date, we have confirmed 13 new MSPs in six GCs. ", "conclusions": "Our on-going 20-cm survey of clusters using the GBT and Arecibo has been very successful, resulting in the discovery of 13 new MSPs. These detections have benefitted greatly from the upgraded Arecibo telescope, the WAPP pulsar backends, and perhaps most importantly, a prodigious amount of available computing power. The vast majority of these systems would not have been discovered without both computationally expensive acceleration searches and repeated observations of the clusters. We anticipate determining timing solutions for the majority of the systems --- or at least reliable orbital parameters --- within the next year. We also believe that future multi-wavelength campaigns will uncover many more pulsars in these clusters.\\\\ {\\em Acknowledgements:} We wish to thank the Canadian Foundation for Innovation for the grant that purchased ``The Borg'' and made this project possible." }, "0404/astro-ph0404135_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper, I present results from theoretical and numerical (Monte Carlo) {\\it N-particle\\/} fully relativistic 4-D analysis of Penrose scattering processes (Compton and \\gggg) in the ergosphere of a supermassive or stellar mass Kerr (rotating) black hole. Specifically, the escape conditions and the escaping orbits of the Penrose pair production (\\gggg) electrons are analyzed, revealing that these particles escape along collimated, jet geodesic trajectories encircling the polar axis. Such collimated vortical tightly wound coil-like trajectories of relativistic particles are inherent properties of rotating black holes. The helical polar angles of escape for these $e^-e^+$ pairs range from $\\sim 40^o$ to $\\sim 0^o.5$ (for the highest energy particles). These jet distributions appear to be consistent with the astrophysical jets of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and galactic black holes, and suggest a mechanism for precollimation within the inner radius of the dynamically stable accretion disk. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} We now have observational evidence that black holes indeed exist in nature. They are at the cores of quasars and other active galactic nuclei (AGNs) as well as sources in our Galaxy, commonly referred to as microquasars or galactic black holes. Many of these sources are associated with polar jets emanating from their cores. Black holes were theoretically predicted from Einstein's theory of general relativity. Theoretical and numerical calculations (Williams 1991, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2002a, 2002b, 2003), described briefly below, show that Penrose (1969) gravitational-particle scattering processes are sufficient to describe energy-momentum extraction from a rotating Kerr (1963) black hole, from radii within the marginal stable orbit ($r\\la r_{\\rm ms}\\simeq 1.2M$, in gravitational units: $c=G=1$; ${a/M}=0.998$, where $a$ is the angular momentum per unit mass parameter and $M$ is the mass of the black hole), while electromagnetic interactions or magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) appear to govern the ``flow'' of polar jets of the extracted particles, escaping away from the central source, out to the observed distances, as suggested by observations (Junor, Biretta, \\& Livio 1999). In the primary paper cited above (Williams 1995), theoretical model calculations involving Monte Carlo computer simulations of Compton scattering and electron-positron ($e^- e^+$) pair production processes in the ergosphere of a supermassive ($\\sim 10^8 M_\\odot$) rotating black hole are presented. Particles from an accretion disk surrounding the rotating black hole fall into the ergosphere and scatter off particles that are in bound equatorially and nonequatorially confined orbits. The accretion flow is assumed to be of the form of the so-called {\\it two-temperature} bistable disk model, in which the disk can in principle exist in two phases: a thin disk (Novikov \\& Thorne 1973) and/or ion torus (Lightman \\& Eardley 1974; Shapiro, Lightman, \\& Eardley 1976; Eilek 1980; Eilek \\& Kafatos 1983), where the electrons and protons (or ions) can have separate temperatures of up to $\\sim 10^9$~K and $\\sim 10^{12}$~K, respectively. Note that disk models of this sort are also referred to as thin disk/ion corona models, and more recently, the ion corona has been called an advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF; Mahadevan, Narayan, \\& Krolik 1997). The Penrose mechanism, in general, allows rotational energy of a Kerr black hole (KBH) to be extracted by scattered particles escaping from the ergosphere to large distances from the rotating black hole. The results of these model calculations show that the Penrose mechanism is capable of producing the astronomically observed high energy particles ($\\sim $~GeV) emitted by quasars and other AGNs. This mechanism can extract hard X-ray to $\\gamma$-ray photons from Penrose Compton scatterings of initially low energy soft X-ray photons by target orbiting electrons in the ergosphere. The Penrose pair production (\\gggg) processes allow relativistic $e^- e^+$ pairs to escape with energies up to $\\sim 4$~GeV, or greater depending on the form of the accretion disk; these pairs are produced when infalling low energy photons collide with bound, highly blueshifted photons at the $\\it photon~ orbit$. This process may very well be the origin of the relativistic electrons inferred from observations to emerge from the cores of AGNs. Importantly, these model calculations show that the Lense-Thirring effect (Thirring \\& Lense 1918), i.e., the dragging of inertial frames into rotation, inside the ergosphere, caused by the angular momentum of the rotating black hole, results in a gravitomagnetic force being exerted on the scattered escaping particles. This force (which is the gravitational analog or resemblance of a magnetic force) produces asymmetrical particle emissions in the polar direction, above and below the equatorial plane, consistent with the asymmetrical or one-sided jets observed in radio strong AGNs (Williams 2002a, 1999)\\footnote{Figures~1(c) and~1(d) of Williams (1999) are incorrect. Figures~4(e) and~4(h), respectively, of Williams (2002a) are the correct figures, where in Figure~4(h) the target electrons have both positive and negative equal absolute value polar coordinate angular momenta.}. The dragging of inertial frames also causes the Penrose escaping particles to escape along vortical trajectories (as discussed in the following paragraphs). These Penrose processes can apply to any size rotating black hole and, in general, to any type of relativistic elementary particle scattering energy-momentum exchange process, inside the ergosphere, allowing particles to escape with rotational energy-momentum from the KBH. Even in the context of MHD, according to the guiding center (Landau \\& Lifshitz 1975) approximation, the single-particle approach is essential close to the black hole (de Felice \\& Carlotto 1997; Karas \\& Dov\\v{c}iak 1997; de Felice \\& Zonotti 2000), i.e., the behavior of individual particles moving along geodesics in the strong central gravitational force field is also that of the bulk of fluid elements. This suggests that even though a MHD simulation is not performed in this present paper, the results will be valid for the trajectories of particle flows and $e^-e^+$ pairs produced near the black-hole event horizon. Nevertheless, the Penrose analysis presented here should be considered in the context of a full-scale relativistic MHD simulation. However, because of the proximity of the Penrose processes to the horizon, and the dominating effect of gravity, the resulting trajectories are expected to be approximately the same in the MHD regime. In the model calculations summarized above, in which energy-momentum is extracted from a rotating black hole, it is found that particles escape with relativistic velocities along vortical trajectories, above and below the equatorial plane, with small helical angles of escape, implying strong coil-like vortex plasma collimation (Williams 2001, 2002b). Thus, from these model calculations, it appears that the rotating black hole naturally produces particle trajectories collimated about the axis of symmetry, i.e., the polar axis. Such vortical orbits or trajectories have been discussed by some other authors (de Felice \\& Calvani 1972; de Felice \\& Curir 1992; de Felice \\& Carlotto 1997; de Felice \\& Zanotti (2000); see also Bi\\v{c}\\'{a}k, Semer\\'{a}k, \\& Hadrava 1993; Karas \\& Dov\\v{c}iak 1997). Their independent findings, deduced from the geodesic properties of the Kerr metric, and referred to as geometry induced collimation, can serve as confirmation of Williams' (1991, 1995) theoretical and numerical calculated results, or vice versa. In this paper, I examine the escape conditions and the resulting four-momentum vectors of the Penrose pair production (\\gggg) processes, showing that the particles indeed escape to infinity in the form of vortical jets intrinsically collimated about the polar axis, because of the frame dragging of spacetime inside the ergosphere of the KBH. Importantly, we shall see that these $e^-e^+$ pairs escape without any appreciable interaction with the dynamically stable accretion disk particles. Now, although most of the Penrose Compton scattered photons escape along vortical trajectories as well, we are concerned, in this paper, only with the Penrose pair production (\\gggg) electrons, because these are the particles that compile the main constituents of the observed jets, being responsible for the synchrotron radiation and Doppler boosting (giving rise to superluminal motion). I refer the reader to the above references, particularly Williams (1995), for a thorough description of the ``Penrose-Williams'' (Williams 2002b) processes discussed in this present paper. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, I have shown that the Penrose pair production (\\gggg) electrons, of processes occurring at the photon orbit $r_{\\rm ph}$, escape to infinity along vortical trajectories about the polar axis, without any appreciable interaction with the stable accretion disk particles (which are located at $r\\ga r_{\\rm ms}$). This is also expected to be true for the Penrose Compton scattered escaping photons that have inward directed radial momenta with turning points at $r\\sim r_{\\rm ph}$, escaping along vortical orbits concentric to the polar axis (Williams 2001, 2002b). On the other hand, since the Penrose Compton scattering processes occur at radii $r_{\\rm mb}\\la r\\la r_{\\rm ms}$ the scattered photons with positive radial momenta probably have appreciable interaction with the inner region of the accretion disk, as suggested by the broad Fe K$\\alpha$ emission line at $\\sim 6$~keV observed in the bright Seyfert~1 galaxy MCG---6-30-15 (Wilms et al.~2001); see the qualitative description in Williams (2002b). Details concerning MCG---6-30-15 will be investigated in a future paper. Overall, these vortical trajectories of escaping particles suggest that the KBH is responsible for the precollimation (de Felice \\& Curir 1992; de Felice \\& Carlotto 1997; de Felice \\& Zanotti 2000; see also Bi\\v{c}\\'{a}k, Semer\\'{a}k, \\& Hadrava 1993; Karas \\& Dov\\v{c}iak 1997) of the observed jets of relativistic particles, emanating from the cores of objects powered by black holes (compare Junor, Biretta, \\& Livio 1999). Note, the coil-like collimation of the vortical orbits, presented here, and those of the Penrose Compton scattering processes, are investigated in further details elsewhere. Further investigations of this precollimation will include the self-induced dynamo magnetic field associated with the vortical orbiting escaping Penrose produced (\\gggg) pairs; such a field could be an important contribution to the observed synchrotron emission as well as in maintaining collimation. Recent polarization measures (e.g., see Homan 2004 and references therein) appear to be consistent with the dynamics and kinematics of these vortical polar trajectories of escaping electrons. The degree to which the above statement applies consistently, with the interpretation that the observed transverse rotation-measure gradients across the jets (Gabuzda \\& Murray 2003) are due to an intrinsic helical magnetic field structure associated with the accretion disk, must be looked at in detail. The best-case scenario would be for the magnetic field of the accretion disk to assist in further collimating and accelerating the Penrose produced relativistic jet particles as they escape from the black hole out to observed distances. In comparison with some MHD energy extraction models, of the Blandford-Znajek (1977) and Blandford-Payne (1982) type, we find the following. Firstly, because of the proximity of the Penrose pair production (\\gggg) processes (Williams 1995) to the event horizon, i.e., occurring at the photon orbit $r_{\\rm ph}$ inside the marginally bound orbit $r_{\\rm mb}$ (the last radius for any bound material particle before it falls directly into the black hole), the accretion disk magnetic field, proposed to be frozen to the plasma particles (e.g., Koide et al. 2002; Koide 2003; Meier, Koide, \\& Uchida 2001), is expected to have a negligible effect on these pair production processes, even without considering that the existences of such magnetic fields or ``flux tubes'' near the event horizon are inconsistent with general relativistic findings by Bi\\v{c}\\'{a}k (2000) and Bi\\v{c}\\'{a}k \\& Ledvinka (2000). These findings reveal that such fields, if aligned with the rotation axis, will be expelled from the horizon or redshifted away, for a rapidly rotating black hole (i.e., a near extreme KBH). Now based on these findings, it is probably safe to say that the disk magnetic field may have little, if any, effect on the Penrose Compton scattering processes (Williams 1995), particularly those occurring at $\\sim r_{\\rm mb}$, the radii first to be populated by the target electrons (Williams 2002b) and where the most energy would be extracted for a specific $Q_e$ value [compare the bound electron orbits displayed in Figs.~1$c$ and~3$c$; see also Fig.~1(b) of Williams 1995]. The radius of marginally bound orbit $r_{\\rm mb}$ is closer to the event horizon ($\\Delta r\\equiv r_{\\rm mb}-r_+\\simeq 0.026M$) than it is to $r_{\\rm ms}$ ($\\Delta r\\equiv r_{\\rm mb}-r_{\\rm ms}\\simeq 0.111M$), where $r_+\\simeq 1.063M$ for $a=0.998M$ (Bardeen et al. 1972). Secondly, the main advantage of the Penrose-Williams processes, over such Blandford-Znajek (1977) and Blandford-Payne (1982) type models, is that the Penrose-Williams gravitational energy-momentum extraction processes occur independently of a magnetic field, while producing highly relativistic particles that escape to infinity along intrinsically collimated vortical trajectories in the form of symmetrical or asymmetrical jets, because of the inertial frame dragging. Another feature of these processes is that most of the energy extracted is gravitational binding energy with only a small fraction of the scattered particles having final negative energies (up to $\\sim 30$\\% of the Penrose Compton scattered photons and up to $\\sim 10$\\% of the Penrose pair produced electrons, occurring only in the lowest energy-momentum scattering processes), which means that the angular momentum of the black hole will not decrease significantly in these processes. The lifetime of these processes is expected to be indefinite as long as there is matter to be accreted, since positive energy-momentum particles are also scattered into the KBH. The resulting escaping plasma jets are expected to generate a self-induced dynamo magnetic field, as stated above, in the form of a polar solenoid-like field, which could possibly magnetically confine and further assist in acceleration, collimation processes, as well as producing observed synchrotron radiation. Importantly, as soon as the inner region unstable disk particles reach a temperature $T\\ga 17$~keV---the energy needed to populate the target particle orbits for Penrose Compton scattering, assuming, of course, the probable existence of turning points (compare eq.~[\\ref{eq:escape1}] and discussion in \\S~\\ref{sec:orbits}), this Penrose process can ``turn on'' (Williams 2002b), irrespective of the mass of the rotating black hole. Moreover, the general observed high energy luminosity spectra of quasars and microquasars can be reproduced by these processes (see Williams 2002b, 2003). The above features are general characteristics of observed black hole sources. None of the 3-D MHD energy extraction jet models at the present (e.g., Koide et al. 2000; Meier et al. 2001; Koide et al. 2002; Koide 2003, 2004) exhibit such characteristic features in such details as does the Penrose-Williams mechanism. Nevertheless, 3-D MHD models can possible achieve the necessary powers (Blandford \\& Znajek 1977; Meier et al. 2001), but, in some cases, only after assuming an unrealistically large strength magnetic field. Lastly, it appears that the modern-day Blandford-Znajek (1977) and Blandford-Payne (1982) type models are essentially faced with the age-old problem of converting from electromagnetic energy to particle energy and thus the inability of generating the highly relativistic particles needed to be consistent with observations. The problems associated with such models in the direct extraction of energy near the event horizon suggest that these models may be important in the weak gravitational field limit, serving perhaps the same purpose they do in the jets of protostars, i.e., appearing to have a dominant role on a large scale at distances outside the strong effects of general relativity. The recent model of Koide (2004) and its application to $\\gamma$-ray bursts, assuming a large scale, superstrong radial magnetic field ($\\sim 10^{15}$~G) down to the event horizon of a rapidly rotating KBH ($a=0.99995$), produces a mildly relativistic outflow. Not only, at least at the present, does this model not collimate, but it may not be consistent with the general relativistic determination that any ``radiatable'' multipole field gets radiated away completely as a star collapses to a KBH (de la Cruz, Chase, \\& Israel 1970; Price 1972), which includes the magnetic field, leaving only nonzero monopole parameters $M$, $J$, and $q$, where $J$ ($=Ma$) is the black-hole angular momentum, and $q$ is the electric charge, hence the ``no-hair theorem'' (Misner, Thorne, \\& Wheeler 1973; Carter 1973). Also, the problem remains in the model of Koide (2004) as to how such a superstrong field is created in the popular (or generally accepted) model of stellar evolution. In any case, the Penrose-Williams processes described in this paper (see also Williams 2002a, 2002b, 2003) may be related to the beamed energy output observed in $\\gamma$-ray bursts. It is suspected that these processes, which could ``quickly'' turn on and off under suitable conditions, might be important. Particularly, these processes might prove to be invaluable in explaining the jets in so-called collapsars, i.e, black hole formation in massive stars with rotation (MacFadyen, Woosley, \\& Heger 2001), without the needed of a superstrong magnetic field. Equally, considering an ``inactive'' and/or perhaps ``isolated'' rotating black hole, if its tidal forces encounter and destroy an object of sufficient density, then as the debris is infalling, these Penrose processes could produce characteristics associated with some $\\gamma$-ray bursts: an energetic short-lived burst, collimation, synchrotron emission, as well as the afterglows in the X-ray (Costa et al. 1997), optical (van Paradijs et al. 1997), and radio (Frail et al. 1997) regimes. That is, $\\gamma$-ray and X-ray jets can be produced possibly from Penrose Compton scattering, and radio to optical synchrotron jet emission from subsequent Penrose pair production (\\gggg) electrons, interacting with the expected intrinsically induced magnetic field (mentioned above). Details of the application of these Penrose processes to $\\gamma$-ray bursts await future investigations. Note, in general, evaluation in a full-scale relativistic MHD regime is needed to follow the evolution of the trajectories of the escaping Penrose particles and their interactions with the intrinsically induced magnetic field and that of the surrounding accretion disk. This indeed will be a challenge. Yet, with existing MHD 3-D simulations, and since we have analytical expressions for the trajectories of the escaping particles (see Williams 2002a), such a task could be accomplished. Finally, for completeness, even though the Penrose processes present here are quite efficient (Williams 1995) without a magnetic field, the presence of a disk magnetic field, however, inside the ergosphere, might increase the efficiency (see Wagh \\& Dadhich 1989 and references therein). The effects of such a magnetic field, if sufficiently small, might be represented by a random motion superimposed on the orbital velocities of the charged particles, say the target electrons in Penrose Compton scattering (see e.g. Williams 1995)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404303_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the evolution of a low-mass X-ray binary by coupling a binary stellar evolution code with a general relativistic code that describes the behaviour of the neutron star. We find that non-conservative mass transfer scenarios are required to prevent the formation of submillisecond pulsars and/or the collapse to a black hole. We discuss the sweeping effects of an active magneto-dipole rotator on the transferred matter as a promising mechanism to obtain highly non-conservative evolutions. ", "introduction": "The ``classical'' scenario for the formation of millisecond radio pulsar binaries with low-mass companions envisages four main stages (see {\\it e.g.} Bhattacharya \\& van den Heuvel 1991 for a review): (i) The magnetic moment $\\mu$ of the newly formed radio pulsar ($\\mu = B R^{3}$, where $B$ and $R$ are the surface magnetic field and the neutron star, NS, radius\\footnote{Actually, since the NS is a relativistic object, $R$ is the NS circumferential equatorial radius, i.e.\\ the proper circumference in the equatorial plane divided by $2 \\pi$.}, respectively) decays spontaneously on a e-folding timescale $t_{\\mu} \\sim 10^{7} - 10^{8}$ yr (e.g.\\ Lyne, Anderson \\& Salter 1982) from an initial value $\\sim 10^{31}$ G cm$^3$ to a final value $\\sim 10^{26} - 10^{27}$ G cm$^3$, when the decay probably stops (e.g.\\ Bhattacharya \\& Srinivasan 1986). (ii) Simultaneously, the pulsar spin period $P$ increases under magnetic dipole emission according to $L_{\\rm PSR} = (2/3c^{3}) \\mu^{2} (2 \\pi/P)^{4}$ (where $L_{\\rm PSR}$ is the bolometric magneto--dipole luminosity and $c$ is the speed of light). The pulsar swithces off when eventually crosses the ``death line'' in the $\\mu-P$ plane, {\\it i.e.} the line defined by the relation $\\mu_{26}/P^2 = 2 \\times 10^{3}$ (where $\\mu_{26} = \\mu / 10^{26}$ G cm$^3$) below which it is believed that the radio pulsar phenomenon does not take place (see {\\it e.g.} Ruderman \\& Sutherland 1975). (iii) The companion star overflows its Roche lobe and transfers mass with angular momentum to the NS {\\it via} a Keplerian accretion disc, thereby spinning it up to millisecond periods (close to the Keplerian period at inner rim of the accretion disk, see below) and back across the death line (recycling). During this phase the system is visible as a low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB). (iv) Mass transfer ceases: the NS is again visible as a radio pulsar whose spin rate decays under magnetic dipole emission very slowly as $L_{\\rm PSR} \\propto \\mu^{2}$ and $\\mu$ is reduced by three or four orders of magnitude. The end point is therefore a millisecond pulsar orbiting a low mass companion ($< 0.3$ \\msun) that is the remnant of the $\\sim 1$ \\msun\\ mass donor. \\subsection*{Recycling in Transient Systems} Most LMXBs are NS Soft X-ray Transients (NSXT), i.e.\\ transient systems harboring a NS (see Campana \\etal 1998 for a review). Adopting the same conversion efficiency of the accreting matter energy into X-rays during the outbursts and the quiescent states (but see Barret \\etal 2000 for a different explanation), the inferred variations in the accretion rate are a factor $\\sim 10^{5}$. NSXTs can provide a direct evidence of the recycling scenario, since during stage (iii) the mass transfer rate varies up to five orders of magnitude. During the LMXB phase the accretion disk is truncated because of one of the following reasons: (i) the interaction with the magnetic field of the NS, which truncates the disc at the magnetospheric radius $R_{\\rm M}$, at which the accretion flow is channeled along the magnetic field lines towards the magnetic poles onto the NS surface; (ii) the presence of the NS surface itself at $R$; and (iii) the lack of closed Keplerian orbits for radii smaller than the marginally stable orbit radius, $R_{\\rm MSO}$ (at few -- depending on the mass and spin of the compact object -- Schwarzschild radii from the NS centre). The position of $R_{\\rm M}$ is determined by the istantaneous balance of the pressure exerted by the accretion disc and the pressure exerted by the NS magnetic field: \\begin{equation} R_{\\rm M} = 1.0 \\times 10^{6} \\, \\phi\\ \\mu_{26}^{4/7} m^{-1/7} R_6^{-2/7} \\dot{m}^{-2/7} \\; \\; \\; {\\rm cm}\\ , \\label{eq:rma} \\end{equation} where $\\phi \\le 1$, $m$ is the NS gravitational mass in \\msun\\footnote{Actually, since the NS is a relativistic object, it is important to distinguish between the baryonic mass, roughly speaking a measure of the amount of matter, and the gravitational mass that is smaller by a factor of $\\sim (3/5) G M^2/R \\sim 0.1 M c^2$, corresponding to the binding energy of the NS.}, $R_{6}$ is the NS radius in units of $10^{6}$ cm, and $\\dot{m}$ is the baryonic mass accretion rate$^2$ in Eddington units (the Eddington accretion rate is $1.5 \\times 10^{-8} R_{6} \\; \\; \\; {\\rm M}_{\\odot} {\\rm yr}^{-1}$). Eq. 1 % shows that as $\\dot{m}$ decreases, $R_{\\rm M}$ expands. Accretion onto a spinning magnetized NS is centrifugally inhibited once $R_{\\rm M}$ expands beyond the corotation radius $R_{\\rm CO}$, at which the Keplerian angular frequency of the orbiting matter is equal to the NS spin: $R_{\\rm CO} = 1.5 \\times 10^{6} \\, m^{1/3} P_{-3}^{2/3} \\; \\; \\; {\\rm cm}$ where $P_{-3}$ is the NS spin period in milliseconds. In this case the accreting matter could in principle be ejected from the system: this is called propeller phase (Illarionov \\& Sunyaev 1975). Finally, if $R_{\\rm M}$ further expands beyond the light-cylinder radius (where an object corotating with the NS attains the speed of light, $R_{\\rm LC} = 4.8 \\times 10^{6} \\, P_{-3} \\; \\; \\; {\\rm cm}$), the NS becomes generator of magnetodipole radiation and relativistic particles. Indeed, a common requirement of all the models of the emission mechanism from a rotating magnetic dipole is that the space surrounding the NS is free of matter up to $R_{\\rm LC}$. Let us consider the behaviour of a NSXT at the end of an outburst. Adopting $\\dot m \\sim 1$ in outburst, eq. 1 % gives $R_{\\rm M} \\sim R \\sim 10^{6} \\; \\; {\\rm cm}$. In quiescence $\\dot{m} \\sim 10^{-5}$ and $R_{\\rm M}= (10^{-5})^{-2/7} \\times 10^6 = 2.7 \\times 10^{7} \\; \\; {\\rm cm}\\ > R_{\\rm LC}$, for spin periods up to few milliseconds. Therefore it is likely that, during the quiescent phase, a magneto-dipole emitter switches on (see {\\it e.g.} Stella \\etal 1994; Burderi \\etal 2001). In this case, as the NS $\\mu$ and $P$ place such a system above the ``death line'', it is plausible to expect that the NS turns-on as a millisecond radio pulsar until a new outburst episode pushes $R_{\\rm M}$ back, close to the NS surface, quenching radio emission and restoring accretion. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404559_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection, with \\hst, of an optical counterpart to the transient supersoft X-ray source 1E~1339.8+2837, in the globular cluster M3. The counterpart is found near the faint end of the subgiant branch in the $V$ vs $V-I$ color magnitude diagram, but is extremely bright in $U$. Variability is detected over a range of timescales suggesting the presence of an accretion disk and perhaps also ellipsoidal variations of the subgiant secondary. The optical colors of the binary are similar to those of cataclysmic variables recently discovered in 47~Tucanae and NGC~6397. We suggest that magnetically channeled accretion may explain the relatively low X-ray luminosity of this source's supersoft state. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect.intro} Supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) are characterized by high bolometric luminosities ($10^{36}-10^{38}$ \\ergs) and extremely soft X-ray spectra (blackbody temperatures of 15--80 eV). These characteristics are best explained by white dwarfs (WDs) that are burning hydrogen-rich matter accreted onto their surface from a companion star at the rate of about $10^{-7}$ \\mdot\\ per year (Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 1997). These accretion rates are about a hundred times higher than those typically found in cataclysmic variables (CVs), the more common form of mass accreting binary containing a WD. Such high accretion rates can be supplied by mass transfer on a thermal time scale from a slightly evolved companion star (mass 1.3--2.5 \\mdot) that is more massive than the WD (Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 1997). Of the nine known SSSs in the Milky Way (Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 2003), only one is found in a globular cluster. A low luminosity X-ray source (\\lx\\ $\\sim 7 \\times 10^{33}$ \\ergs) named 1E~1339.8+2837 was discovered just inside the 33$''$ core radius of M3 (NGC~5272) by {\\it Einstein} (Hertz \\& Grindlay 1983; we assume a distance of 10.1 kpc to M3, using Djorgovski 1993). This source had a much higher luminosity of $2 \\times 10^{35}$ \\ergs\\ when observed by ROSAT in January 1991 and January 1992 (Hertz, Grindlay, \\& Bailyn 1993) and a very soft spectrum ($kT \\approx 20$ eV, Hertz et al. 1993; $kT = 36 \\pm 20$ eV, Dotani et al. 1999). This supersoft outburst is 10-100 times less luminous than most other SSSs (see Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 2003 and Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 1997). The ROSAT luminosity and temperature imply a WD radius of only $9 \\times 10^{7}$ cm, suggesting that only part of the WD surface is undergoing burning. The source has been seen in quiescence (\\lx\\ $\\sim 10^{33}$ \\ergs) with a hard X-ray spectrum several times since the 1991/1992 outburst (6/1992, 7/1993, 7/1994, 7/1995 with ROSAT, and 1/1997 with ASCA; Dotani et al. 1999). Because 1E~1339 is located in a globular cluster its distance and reddening are well known, helping in modeling of the system. Also, excellent constraints on the binary parameters are possible if the secondary in the system is found, combined with good optical photometry. No successful identification of an optical companion has yet been made, but very few searches have been reported in the literature. Hertz et al. (1993) report a star in the ROSAT error circle with UV magnitudes consistent with those of a horizontal branch star, and Geffert (1998) reports a blue star and a variable star within a 5$''$ error circle, but provides no further details. Here, we report the first detection of an optical companion to 1E~1339 in M3 using the ROSAT X-ray position determined by Verbunt (2001). \\hst\\ imaging is used to combat crowding near the center of the cluster. We briefly discuss the implications of this detection, addressing the origin of the supersoft X-ray emission, and the parameters of the binary system. More details about the implications of these results will be given in Kahabka et al. (2004; in preparation). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect.disc} To summarize, the properties of Star A (blue $U-V$ color, variability, and the close astrometric match with the ROSAT position of the SSS) mean that it is almost certainly the optical counterpart of 1E~1339. The optical colors of the SSS are similar to those of the CVs in 47~Tuc and NGC~6397, suggesting that 1E~1339 may be a type of CV, consistent with the scenarios predicted by Hertz et al. (1993) and Dotani et al. (1999). One popular scenario to allow the high mass transfer rates required for steady nuclear burning on the surface of the WD is for mass transfer to occur on a thermal timescale. This is believed to occur in binaries with a slightly evolved companion star that is more massive than the WD primary (Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 1997). With a secondary mass for the SSS of no more than 0.9 \\mdot\\ (less depending on how much mass has been lost), it should be easy to fulfill this requirement by normal stellar evolution in a primordial binary or an exchange collision between a primordial binary and a WD. WDs with masses of $\\sim$0.55 \\mdot\\ are currently being produced in the cluster (applying the initial-to-final mass relation of Weidemann 2000), and WDs with similar masses will be common. Therefore, our results are broadly consistent with expectations of high mass transfer rates to explain nuclear burning on the surface of the WD primary. However, a slightly evolved companion star with a mass between 1.3 and 2.5 \\mdot\\ is ruled out by these observations, since the only globular cluster stars in this mass range (besides neutron stars) are blue stragglers. A useful diagnostic for this system is the \\fxfopt\\ ratio. We used the 0.5-2.5 keV X-ray flux values of Dotani et al. (1999) from April and June 1995, and January 1997, and \\fopt\\ $=10^{-0.4V-5.43}$ to derive \\fxfopt=0.9--2.8. These large \\fxfopt\\ values are consistent with those found for magnetic (DQ~Her) systems by Verbunt et al. (1997). We speculate that magnetic behavior might explain why only part of the WD surface appeared to undergo hydrogen burning in 1991/1992. It has already been argued that large numbers of magnetic CVs may be found in globular clusters (Grindlay et al. 1995 \\& Edmonds et al. 1999). We note that studies of field CVs have shown that some CVs can turn on as SSSs (Greiner et al. 1999 \\& Patterson et al. 1998), with luminosities ($10^{35}-10^{36}$ \\ergs) that are lower than those of the original set of Milky Way and Magellanic Cloud SSSs. One of these, T~Pyx, might be a magnetic CV (Patterson et al. 1998). \\cha\\ observations, led by C.O.H., will provide new constraints on the X-ray spectrum and variability of 1E~1339, and, with a larger sample of optically identified X-ray sources, should give us excellent (0.1-0.2\") relative astrometry between \\hst\\ and \\cha. One dataset was obtained in November 2003 and two will follow in 2004. The second of these \\cha\\ observations will be coordinated with optical and UV observations with \\hst/ACS in 2004. Spectroscopic studies of this relatively bright binary should be possible with \\hst/STIS, but will be a challenge for ground-based telescopes because of the nearby giant star." }, "0404/astro-ph0404590_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We revisit the computation of a ``snow line'' in a passive protoplanetary disk during the stage of planetesimal formation. We examine how shadowing and illumination in the vicinity of a planet affects where in the disk ice can form, making use of our method for calculating radiative transfer on disk perturbations with some improvements on the model. We adopt a model for the unperturbed disk structure that is more consistent with observations and use opacities for reprocessed dust instead of interstellar medium dust. We use the improved disk model to calculate the temperature variation for a range of planet masses and distances and find that planets at the gap-opening threshold can induce temperature variations of up to $\\pm30\\%$. Temperature variations this significant may have ramifications for planetary accretion rates and migration rates. We discuss in particular the effect of temperature variations near the sublimation point of water, since the formation of ice can enhance the accretion rate of disk material onto a planet. Shadowing effects can cool the disk enough that ice will form closer to the star than previously expected, effectively moving the snow line inward. ", "introduction": "The concept of a ``snow line'' was introduced by \\citet{hayashi} and refers to the distance from the Sun at which the midplane temperature of the preplanetary solar nebula drops to the sublimation temperature of ice. The presence of ice beyond the snow line, which Hayashi calculated to be at 2.7 AU, ought to enhance planet formation and explains the existence of the gas and ice giants in their present locations. \\citet{snowline} revisited this issue, adopting an updated protoplanetary disk model in hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium, with little or no accretion heating (passive disk). They find that the snow line can be as close as $\\sim1$ AU, depending on disk parameters. However, if the temperature of the disk varies with height \\citep[e.g.,][]{vertstruct}, different parts of the disk will reach the sublimation temperature of water, 170 K, at different radii, so rather than a snow ``line'' in the disk, there will be a snow ``transition.'' In this paper, we show that the presence of planets themselves can affect where in the disk the snow transition occurs. We have previously shown that the presence of a protoplanet can affect the temperature structure in the protoplanetary disk \\citep[hereafter \\paperone{}]{paper1}. These temperature variations affect where in the disk ice can form. The goal of this study is to quantify this effect by undertaking a parameter study in which we calculate the temperature structure for a variety of planet masses and distances. This work is a step toward bridging the gap between simulations of disk-protoplanet interactions and analytical models based on observations of protoplanetary disks. High resolution two- and three dimensional simulations help us to understand the hydrodynamic and tidal interactions between protoplanets and disks \\citep[e.g.,][]{kley99,lsa99,bryden99, kdh01, bate}. However, a major shortcoming of all these codes is that they assume a very simple equation of state and include no radiative transfer effects. \\citet{boss01} does consider radiative transfer in the diffusion approximation, but these are simulations of relatively massive disks with high accretion rates and include only compressional and viscous heating, whereas our models concern passive disks in which stellar irradiation is the primary source of heating. Generally speaking, simulated protoplanetary disks are typically vertically isothermal and do not include heating from the central star. While they can probe gravitational and tidal effects of a planet in a disk, they cannot account for effects of shadowing and illumination on the temperature structure as a gap opens in a disk. Conversely, the analytic disk models self-consistently calculate effects of radiative transfer, which is important because a major source of heating in circumstellar disks is irradiation from the central star \\citep[e.g.,][]{calvet,CG,vertstruct,DDN}. Analytical models show that disk temperature structure can vary greatly with disk height due to heating at the surface from stellar irradiation and viscous heating at the midplane. However, these models cannot account for perturbations in the disk such as those imposed by the presence of a planet because they only consider radiative transport in one or two dimensions. Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer on a disk with a gap created by a planet have been done, but these models are essentially two-dimensional as well \\citep{rice2003,WWBW}. These models are interesting from an observational point of view because large planets are able to significantly change the disk structure, but they do not address what happens to planets below the gap-opening threshold, where planet growth and migration are poorly understood. The temperature structure of a disk, particularly in the vertical direction, can have an important effect on the dynamics of disk-protoplanet interactions since waves in disks do not necessarily carry energy evenly with height if it is not vertically isothermal \\citep{98lubowogilvie}. The local temperature structure can significantly affect how waves are dissipated in the disk, which will in turn affect tidal torques and migration rates. In this paper, we make a number of modifications to the model presented in \\paperone{} for calculating radiative transfer on perturbed disks, primarily in the calculation of the disk properties. These changes are described in detail in \\S\\S\\ref{diskstruct} and \\ref{planet_in_disk}. The algorithm for calculating radiative transfer remains essentially the same. In \\S\\ref{diskstruct}, we calculate the structure of the unperturbed disk, in \\S\\ref{planet_in_disk} we calculate the effect of a protoplanet on the disk structure, and in \\S\\ref{radtrans} we review the method of calculating radiative transfer on a three-dimensional perturbation in the disk. In \\S\\ref{results} we apply the revised method and analyze the results. We compare the results with those previously obtained in \\paperone{}, calculate the effect on the temperature of the disk photosphere over varying planet masses and distances, and discuss how these temperature variations change the locations where ice can form in the disk. Section \\ref{discussion} is a discussion of the results and implications. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} We have improved on the disk model from our previous paper \\citep{paper1} by updating the opacities and calculating the vertical temperature structure more self-consistently. As a result, temperature perturbations in the disk's photosphere due to the influence of a protoplanet are greater in magnitude. For planets at the gap opening threshold, temperature variations can be up to $\\pm30\\%$. While these temperature perturbations are unlikely to be observed with even the most sensitive instruments, they may have significant effects on planet building. The temperature variations are large enough to affect the composition and dynamics of the disk material near the planet, which can have consequences for planetary accretion and migration. If the temperature changes enough to drop above or below the condensation or sublimation temperature for ice formation, this will change the size distribution of dust grains. This will also change the composition of the gas as molecules freeze out onto the dust. The disk temperature can also change the time scale for the dust settling to the midplane, so that the dust-to-gas ratio may vary with height. In particular, shadowing and illumination effects can change the locations in the disk where water ice can form. We have shown that ice can form inward of 0.5 AU in the presence of a protoplanet, whereas without the protoplanet the minimum distance at which ice can form is at 0.57 AU. This may mean that accretion rates can be enhanced closer to the star than previously expected. The temperature may also affect the movement of disk material near the planet by shifting the streamlines along which gas and dust move past the planet. This is because of the pressure gradient that the temperature perturbation imposes on the disk. Thus, accretion onto the planet may preferentially come from one side of the planet or the other. This, along with the change in composition of disk material, can affect the growth rate and eventual composition of the planet. In addition, the temperature perturbation may change the migration rate of the planet under Type I migration. \\citet{wardA} has demonstrated that the pressure gradient caused by typical disk temperature profiles contributes to increasing (decreasing) torques from the outer (inner) disk so that the total net torque will almost certainly cause inward migration of the planet. Therefore changing the temperature profile in the vicinity of the planet can change migrations rates. In future work, we will address the questions raised about planet growth and migration in the light of the temperature variations that we have studied in this paper." }, "0404/astro-ph0404245_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new (semi-)analytic model for feedback in galaxy formation. The interstellar medium (hereafter ISM) is modeled as a two-phase medium in pressure equilibrium, where the cold phase is fragmented into clouds with a given mass spectrum. Cold gas infalls from an external halo. Large clouds are continually formed by coagulation and destroyed by gravitational collapse. Stars form in the collapsing clouds; the remnants of exploding type II supernovae (hereafter SNe) percolate into a single super-bubble (hereafter SB) that sweeps the ISM, heating the hot phase (if the SB is adiabatic) or cooling it (in the snowplow stage, when the interior gas of the SB has cooled). Different feedback regimes are obtained whenever SBs are stopped either in the adiabatic or in the snowplow stage, either by pressure confinement or by blow-out. The resulting feedback regimes occur in well-defined regions of the space defined by vertical scale-length and surface density of the structure. In the adiabatic blow-out regime the efficiency of SNe in heating the ISM is rather low (\\circa5 per cent, with \\circa80 per cent of the energy budget injected into the external halo), and the outcoming ISM is self-regulated to a state that, in conditions typical of our galaxy, is similar to that found in the Milky Way. Feedback is most efficient in the adiabatic confinement regime, where star-formation is hampered by the very high thermal pressure and the resulting inefficient coagulation. In some significant regions of the parameter space confinement takes place in the snowplow stage; in this case the hot phase has a lower temperature and star formation is quicker. In some critical cases, found at different densities in several regions of the parameter space, the hot phase is strongly depleted and the cold phase percolates the whole volume, giving rise to a burst of star formation. While the hot phase is allowed to leak out of the star-forming region, and may give rise to a tenuous wind that escapes the potential well of a small galactic halo, strong galactic winds are predicted to happen only in critical cases or in the snowplow confinement regime whenever the SBs are able to percolate the volume. This model provides a starting point for constructing a realistic grid of feedback solutions to be used in galaxy formation codes, either semi-analytic or numeric. The predictive power of this model extends to many properties of the ISM, so that most parameters can be constrained by reproducing the main properties of the Milky Way. ", "introduction": "Galaxy formation is an open problem. This is due to the complexity of the feedback processes that arise from the energetic activity of massive or dying stars, taking place through winds, ionizing photons and SN explosions (not to mention AGN). These feedback processes involve a large range of scales and masses, from the sub-pc scale of star formation to the $\\ga$10 \\kpc\\ scale of galactic winds, and from 1 to $10^{12}$ \\msun\\ or more. It is useful at this stage to identify ranges of scales in which different processes are dominant. On $\\ga$1 \\kpc\\ spatial and $\\ga$$10^6$ \\msun\\ mass scales the dominant processes such as shock heating of gas, radiative cooling, disc formation, galaxy merging and tidal or ram-pressure stripping are closely related to the dark-matter halo hosting the galaxy and to its hierarchical assembly. On scales ranging from $\\sim$1 \\pc\\ to $\\sim$1 \\kpc, or from $\\sim$1000 to $\\sim$$10^6$ \\msun, cool gas reaches suitable conditions for collapse and star formation, and the energy input from massive stars (through winds, UV photons and SNe) acts in shaping and sustaining the multi-phase structure of the ISM. At smaller scales star formation takes place; it is most likely driven and self-limited by magneto-hydro-dynamical (MHD) turbulence. This division is obviously meant to be only a rough approximation of reality. Numerical simulations of whole galaxies are still limited to space and mass resolutions not much smaller than $\\sim$1 kpc and $10^6$ \\msun\\ respectively (see, e.g., Weinberg, Hernquist \\& Katz 2002; Steinmetz \\& Navarro 2002; Mathis et al. 2002; Lia, Portinari \\& Carraro 2002; Recchi et al. 2002; Pearce et al. 2001; Toft et al. 2002; Springel \\& Hernquist 2003; Tornatore et al. 2003; Governato et al. 2004). They can address effectively the processes dominant in the large-scale range identified above, but the feedback processes acting on intermediate and small scales are ``sub-grid'' physics and are treated with simple heuristic models that require the introduction of free parameters. Current models of semi-analytic galaxy formation treat feedback at a similar, phenomenological level (see, e.g., Cole et al. 2000; Somerville, Primack \\& Faber 2001; Diaferio et al. 2001; Poli et al. 2001; Hatton et al. 2003); they typically connect the efficiency of feedback to the circular velocity of the dark matter halo, with the aid of free parameters. Models of galaxy formation that include a more detailed description of feedback have been presented, e.g., by Silk (1997, 2001), Ferrara \\& Tolstoy (2000), Efstathiou (2000), Tan (2000), Lin \\& Murray (2000), Hirashita, Burkert \\& Takeuchi (2001), Ferreras, Scannapieco \\& Silk (2002) or Shu, Mo \\& Mao (2003). In this framework (semi-)analytic work can give a very useful contribution in selecting the physical processes that are most likely to contribute to feedback. The focus of this paper is on modeling the intermediate range of scales defined above, where the physics of the ISM is in act. The standard picture of the ISM is that of a multi-phase medium in rough pressure equilibrium; the reference model is that of McKee \\& Ostriker (1977), who considered a medium composed by cold, spherical clouds with temperature and density \\tc\\circa 100 \\K\\ and \\nc\\circa 10 \\cmt, kept confined by a hot phase with \\th\\circa $10^6$ \\K\\ and \\nh\\circa $10^{-3}$ \\cmt. A warm phase of $T_{\\rm w}$\\circa 10$^4$ \\K\\ and $n_{\\rm w}$\\circa 10$^{-1}$ \\cmt\\ was produced at the interface. This vision is partially confirmed by multi-wavelength observations (see, e.g., Heiles 2001), although reality appears more complex, suggesting the presence of at least 5 different phases. This picture is challenged by the results of many simulation programs, aimed to the numerical modeling of the ISM (see, e.g., Mac Low et al. 1998; Ostriker, Gammie \\& Stone 1999; Avila-Reese \\& Vazquez-Semadeni 2001; Kritsuk \\& Norman 2002; see Mac Low 2003 and Vazquez-Semadeni 2002 for reviews). In this context the ISM is dominated by compressible, supersonic, MHD turbulence. These groups are still struggling to tame the full complexity of the problem, so that these simulations are not directly aimed to or easily usable by modeling of galaxy formation. For our purposes it is worth mentioning some results. The distributions of temperature and density of the simulated gas particles show a wide range of values without any strong multi-modality, but some broad peaks are anyway present. The distribution of pressure shows a much more limited range of values. Structures defined as overdensities are not static clouds but transient features of an overall fractal distribution (which is consistent with observations, see Chappell \\& Scalo 2001) that do not last more than a sound crossing time, unless they are gravitationally bound. Thus, the ``classical'' picture of the ISM is not validated, but a model with multiple phases in rough pressure equilibrium can still be used, though with care, as a useful first-order approximation, able to catch some significant elements of the dynamics of the ISM. The motivation for the present work is to investigate the kind of physical processes that arise in galaxy formation, in order to provide a grid of solutions for the behaviour of feedback in a wide range of realistic cases, to be used in simulations or semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We restrict to a two-phase medium in pressure equilibrium, composed by cold clouds embedded in a diffuse hot phase. The dynamics of the ISM is at present assumed to depend only on its ``local'' properties, leaving thus out ``large scale'' events like differential rotation, spiral arms, mergers, galactic winds and so on. These events will be introduced once the global characteristics of the galaxy are specified. This paper is the first of a series aimed to modeling feedback in galaxy formation. It presents a minimal feedback model with its main properties and results. Preliminary results were presented by Monaco (2002; 2003). An upcoming paper will focus on the destruction of collapsing, star-forming clouds (Monaco 2004, hereafter paper II). The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the physical ingredients of the model, Section 3 introduces the system of equations used, Section 4 the main solutions. Section 5 is devoted to a discussion of the results, and Section 6 gives the conclusions. Finally, three appendices give a list of frequently used symbols, a determination of the time scales of coagulation of cold clouds and a study of the fate of SBs in the \\nh--\\lmech\\ plane. ", "conclusions": "We have presented a model for feedback in galaxy formation, based on a two-phase ISM, that does not restrict to self-regulated, equilibrium solutions and neglects (for simplicity) the global structure of the galaxy, apart from its density, vertical scale-height and velocity dispersion of clouds. From the dynamics of the SBs that arise from the collapsing ``molecular'' clouds, we have identified four possible regimes of feedback, depending on whether SBs blow out of the ``disc'' or remain pressure-confined, and whether they have time to enter the PDS stage. For a reference set of parameter values we have studied the dynamics of the system in the vertical scale-height -- surface density plane, identifying the regions of the plane corresponding to different regimes. Both blow-out and confinement mostly take place in the adiabatic regime. In a Milky Way-like adiabatic blow-out case, the main characteristics of the ISM of the Galaxy are broadly reproduced. In the adiabatic confinement regime the ISM is predicted to have higher pressure, temperature of hot phase and densities of both phases, and smaller collapsing clouds; in some cases the density of the cold phase could be high enough to trigger diffuse star formation. PDS confinement is found for high-density, thick structures in significant regions of the parameter space. In this case feedback is less effective, the hot phase cooler and star formation quicker. In many cases the system becomes critical, in the sense that the hot phase is severely depleted and the cold phase percolates the whole volume. This happens for very low-density thin systems (that would however be kept ionized by the cosmological UV background), in some regions of the parameter space also for low-density thick systems in adiabatic blow-out (that may correspond to some gas-rich dwarf galaxies) and for high-density thick systems in PDS confinement (that may correspond to high-redshift galaxies). The most likely result of this critical behaviour is the sudden consumption by star formation of the cold gas accumulated by the galaxy; the dynamics switches from a ``candle''- to a ``bomb''-like solution. The porosity of SBs is usually found to be much lower than unity. However, in some cases unit porosity is found while SBs are in the PDS stage. This corresponds to the formation of a super-SB that sweeps the whole galaxy, removing most ISM from it. These events, together with the critical solutions, are likely connected to the triggering of galactic winds. With respect to previous models of feedback, the main parameters that are typically present, as the efficiency of feedback, the Schmidt law with its normalization, or the rate of blow-out and leak-out of gas from a star-forming galaxy, are predictions of the present model. The parameter space is connected to the properties of the ISM, and can thus be constrained by observations of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies; most parameters can be fixed in principle by reproducing only the Milky Way. Moreover, the mass flows used in this model can be fine tuned by comparing with future detailed simulations of the ISM in a forming galaxy that include all the main physical processes though to be at work. This model does not restrict to self-regulated ISM, and presents a rich variety of solutions with a relatively limited set of parameters. Although the turbulent nature of the ISM is not explicitly taken into account, the model is thought to give a good approximation to the solution of the feedback problem. The feedback regimes found here can be used, together with the refinements of the model that will be given in upcoming papers, to construct a realistic grid of feedback solutions to be used in galaxy formation codes, either semi-analytic or numeric." }, "0404/astro-ph0404523_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "}[2]{{\\footnotesize\\begin{center}ABSTRACT\\end{center} \\vspace{1mm}\\par#1\\par \\noindent {~}{\\it #2}}} \\newcommand{\\TabCap}[2]{\\begin{center}\\parbox[t]{#1}{\\begin{center} \\small {\\spaceskip 2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt T a b l e} \\refstepcounter{table}\\thetable \\\\[2mm] \\footnotesize #2 \\end{center}}\\end{center}} \\newcommand{\\TableSep}[2]{\\begin{table}[p]\\vspace{#1} \\TabCap{#2}\\end{table}} \\newcommand{\\FigCap}[1]{\\footnotesize\\par\\noindent Fig.\\ % \\refstepcounter{figure}\\thefigure. #1\\par} \\newcommand{\\TableFont}{\\footnotesize} \\newcommand{\\TableFontIt}{\\ttit} \\newcommand{\\SetTableFont}[1]{\\renewcommand{\\TableFont}{#1}} \\newcommand{\\MakeTable}[4]{\\begin{table}[htb]\\TabCap{#2}{#3} \\begin{center} \\TableFont \\begin{tabular}{#1} #4 \\end{tabular}\\end{center}\\end{table}} \\newcommand{\\MakeTableSep}[4]{\\begin{table}[p]\\TabCap{#2}{#3} \\begin{center} \\TableFont \\begin{tabular}{#1} #4 \\end{tabular}\\end{center}\\end{table}} \\newcommand{\\TabCapp}[2]{\\begin{center}\\parbox[t]{#1}{\\centerline{ \\small {\\spaceskip 2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt T a b l e} \\refstepcounter{table}\\thetable} \\vskip0mm \\centerline{\\footnotesize #2}} \\vskip0mm \\end{center}} \\newcommand{\\MakeTableSepp}[4]{\\begin{table}[p]\\TabCapp{#2}{#3} \\begin{center} \\TableFont \\begin{tabular}{#1} #4 \\end{tabular}\\end{center}\\end{table}} \\newenvironment{references}% { \\footnotesize \\frenchspacing \\renewcommand{\\thesection}{} \\renewcommand{\\in}{{\\rm in }} \\renewcommand{\\AA}{Astron.\\ Astrophys.} \\newcommand{\\AAS}{Astron.~Astrophys.~Suppl.~Ser.} \\newcommand{\\ApJ}{Astrophys.\\ J.} \\newcommand{\\ApJS}{Astrophys.\\ J.~Suppl.~Ser.} \\newcommand{\\ApJL}{Astrophys.\\ J.~Letters} \\newcommand{\\AJ}{Astron.\\ J.} \\newcommand{\\IBVS}{IBVS} \\newcommand{\\PASP}{P.A.S.P.} \\newcommand{\\Acta}{Acta Astron.} \\newcommand{\\MNRAS}{MNRAS} \\renewcommand{\\and}{{\\rm and }} {We present new version of the OGLE-II catalog of eclipsing binary stars detected in the Small Magellanic Cloud, based on Difference Image Analysis catalog of variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds containing data collected from 1997 to 2000. We found 1351 eclipsing binary stars in the central 2.4 square degree area of the SMC. 455 stars are newly discovered objects, not found in the previous release of the catalog. The eclipsing objects were selected with the automatic search algorithm based on the artificial neural network. The full catalog is accessible from the OGLE {\\sc Internet} archive.}{Keywords: binaries: eclipsing -- Magellanic Clouds -- Catalogs} ", "introduction": "Precise determination of distances to nearby galaxies is still one of the main goals of modern astrophysics. Eclipsing binary stars were used for this purpose for almost hundred years and in the last decade we witnessed their great ``comeback'' for two main reasons. First, very large telescopes with mirror diameter more than 6 meters can provide accurate spectroscopy of such faint stars as eclipsing binaries in nearby galaxies. Secondly, long time-base photometry and precise light curves of eclipsing binaries, mostly in Magellanic Clouds and Galactic bulge, are supplied as a by product of microlensing searches, \\eg MACHO (Alcock \\etal 1997) and OGLE (Udalski \\etal 1997a, Udalski \\etal 1998, Wyrzykowski \\etal 2003). To date several attempts of distance determination with eclipsing binary method were presented (\\eg Fitzpatrick \\etal 2003, Fitzpatrick \\etal 2002, Ribas \\etal 2002), mostly to the LMC because this value is crucial for the distance scale. The extragalactic distance scale is tied to the LMC distance. In last few years, the distance to the Small Magellanic Cloud was also determined with eclipsing binary method by several authors: Wyithe and Wilson (2001), Wyithe and Wilson (2002), Harries, Hilditch and Howarth (2003). Their papers were based on the photometry obtained by the OGLE collaboration (Udalski \\etal 1998), which contained data from the first 1.5 year of observations of the second phase of the OGLE survey (Udalski, Kubiak and Szyma{\\'n}ski 1997b). However, OGLE-II continued collecting data until the end of 2000. A much larger and almost complete subset of the OGLE-II images was reanalyzed with the image subtraction technique -- Difference Image Analysis ({\\.Z}ebru{\\'n}, Soszy{\\'n}ski and Wo{\\'z}niak 2001a). Variable stars detected in that study were presented in the catalog of variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds ({\\.Z}ebru{\\'n} \\etal 2001b). The main aim of this paper is to provide a catalog of eclipsing binary stars in the SMC based on the DIA photometry. The catalog contains 1351 stars, from which only 896 were cross-identified in previous version of the catalog indicating that 455 stars are newly discovered eclipsing binary stars. The search algorithm and classification method were identical with those used in the catalog of eclipsing binary stars in the LMC (Wyrzykowski \\etal 2003). We used artificial neural network for recognition of the variability type and divided discovered eclipsing binaries into three classical types: EA (Algol type), EB ($\\beta$~Lyr type) and EW (W~UMa type). The sample is reasonably complete at the level of the DIA catalog of variable stars in the SMC although the completeness of the latter drops rapidly for fainter objects. The sample allows statistical analysis of eclipsing binaries in the SMC and should provide a good material for testing theory of evolution of binary systems as well as for studying the evolution of the SMC, star formation or other projects. ", "conclusions": "We present 1351 eclipsing binary stars located in the central regions of the SMC found in the OGLE-II data collected during four observing seasons. The number of stars is, however, smaller than found in the previous release of the catalog (Udalski \\etal 1998) based on the first 1.5 year of OGLE-II observations. This is likely due to incompleteness of the DIA catalog of variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds ({\\.Z}ebru{\\'n} \\etal 2001b), from which data for the present search were taken. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\vglue-2mm \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=10.3cm,height=10.3cm]{fig1.ps}} \\vspace*{-3mm} \\FigCap{Comparison of light curves of the eclipsing binary stars from the previous OGLE-II SMC catalog (Udalski \\etal 1998) (left column) and present version (right column).} \\end{figure} Only 896 stars were cross-identified with the previous catalog. It means, that 455 stars presented here are newly discovered eclipsing binary stars. The main improvements compared to the previous catalog include much longer time-base of observations (4 years) and use of the DIA photometry instead of convensional PSF photometry. In the dense stellar fields the former technique is superior to the latter. Overall, present light curves have lower photometric scatter, better phase coverage and they yield much more accurate periods. A sample of light curves of eclipsing binary stars from both catalogs is presented in Fig.~1. Stars from the catalog of Udalski \\etal (1998) are in the left column while the stars from the current catalog are in the right column. For some objects a small systematic shift up to about 0.05 mag between light curves in the two catalogs can be seen. Most likely it is due to differences in the zero point of calibrations or, as mentioned above, inaccuracies in the conversion of the DIA flux differences to the magnitude scale. Fig.~2 presents histogram of the DIA $I$-band brightness for all eclipsing binary stars found in the SMC (solid lines) and for those, which were cross-identified with the previous edition of the catalog (dotted line). The number of stars grows up to about ${I\\approx18}$~mag and then falls down to zero at ${I\\approx20}$~mag. Newly discovered eclipsing binary stars (difference of solid and dotted lines on the histogram) are distributed more or less proportionally to the number of stars at a given brightness. \\begin{figure}[p] \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=10cm, height=8cm]{fig2.ps}} \\FigCap{Histogram of the DIA $I$-band brightness in 0.2~mag bins for all eclipsing binary stars (solid line) and only those, which were cross-identified with the previous edition of the catalog (dotted line).} \\vskip5mm \\vskip6cm fig3.jpg \\vskip6cm \\FigCap{OGLE-II fields in the SMC. Dots indicate positions of eclipsing stars. North is up and East to the left in the DSS image.} \\end{figure} Fig.~3 presents a picture of the SMC from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) with contours of the OGLE-II fields. Positions of the eclipsing binary stars are marked with dots. The stars are distributed proportionally to the density of the SMC stars, with the largest concentration in the fields SMC\\_SC4--SMC\\_SC6. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=11cm,height=8.8cm]{fig4.ps}} \\FigCap{Histogram of periods of eclipsing binaries in 0.25~day bins. Dashed (red), dot-dashed (green) and solid (blue) lines correspond to classes EA, EB and EW respectively. Doted (black) line corresponds to all eclipsing objects found in the SMC. Additional 235 objects have periods longer than 10 days.} \\end{figure} Fig.~4 shows the histogram of orbital periods of the SMC eclipsing stars in 0.25~day bins from 0 to 10~days. Dashed (red), dot-dashed (green) and solid (blue) lines correspond to classes EA, EB and EW, respectively, and dotted (black) line corresponds to all eclipsing objects. Additional 235 objects with periods longer than 10 days are distributed more or less uniformly and their number falls to zero at longer periods. The majority of stars are short period systems with the most frequent period of about 1~day. The longest period equals to 632.615 days (SMC\\_SC3 OGLE004402.68-725422.5), but both eclipses of this star are very similar and it is possible, that the real period is twice that long if the star has very faint secondary minima, invisible in our data. Another star (SMC\\_SC4 OGLE004617.60-731859.0) has the period equal to 580.5 days. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\vglue-3mm \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=13cm]{fig5.ps}} \\FigCap{Color-magnitude diagram of eclipsing binaries in the SMC. Red dots, green crosses and blue triangles mark EA, EB and EW type objects, respectively.} \\end{figure} Fig.~5. presents {\\it I} \\vs ${V-I}$ color-magnitude diagram for all eclipsing binary stars from the catalog. EA, EB and EW classes are marked with different symbols. Fig.~5 indicates, that most of the eclipsing stars belong to the SMC, but there are also some foreground stars, mostly EW class objects. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\vglue-3mm \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=13cm]{fig6.ps}} \\FigCap{Color-magnitude diagram of eclipsing binaries in the SMC. Different symbols mark position of stars with short, medium, long and very long periods.} \\end{figure} Another CMD diagram is presented in Fig.~6. Eclipsing binary stars are divided into 4 groups depending on their periods: short (less than 3 days), medium (from 3 to 7 days), long (from 7 to 15 days) and very long (more than 15 days). Each group is marked on the CMD with different symbol and color. The majority of short and medium period eclipsing stars are located on the main sequence and belong to the young population of stars. Part of the long period stars are located also on the main sequence, but some of them lie on the lower giant branch. Very long period eclipsing stars are mostly concentrated on the red giant branch. The new version of the catalog of eclipsing binary stars in the SMC based on the OGLE-II DIA catalog of variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds contains 1351 objects of three classical types: EA, EB and EW. 455 stars are newly discovered eclipsing binaries, not found in the previous edition of the catalog (Udalski \\etal 1998). The exceptional good quality of the DIA photometry and very long time-base of the OGLE-II observations enabled construction of a uniform sample of eclipsing binaries with high quality light curves and very accurate periods. The catalog provides observational material for a variety of astrophysical studies in the SMC. \\Acknow{We would like to thank Prof.~Bohdan Paczy{\\'n}ski for his encouragements and discussions about this work. This work was partly supported by the KBN grant 2P03D02523 to {\\L}.~Wyrzykowski, 2P03D02124 to A. Udalski and NASA grant NAG5-12212 and NSF grant AST-0204908 to B.~Paczy\\'nski. We acknowledge usage of the Digitized Sky Survey which was produced at the Space Telescope Science Institute based on photographic data obtained using the UK Schmidt Telescope, operated by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh.}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404009_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present three~methods for measuring the slope of the Galactic dust extinction law, $R_V$, and a method for measuring the fine-scale structure of dust clouds in the direction of differentially-reddened globular clusters. We apply these techniques to $BVI$ photometry of stars in the low-latitude Galactic globular cluster NGC~4833 which displays spatially-variable extinction/reddening about a mean $\\langle{A_V}\\rangle\\approx1$. An extensive suite of Monte Carlo simulations is used to characterize the efficacy of the methods. The essence of the first two~methods is to determine, for an assumed value of $R_V$, the {\\it relative\\/} visual extinction $\\delta{A_V}$ of each cluster horizontal branch (HB) star with respect to an empirical HB locus; the locus is derived from the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of a subset of stars in a small region near the cluster center for which differential extinction/reddening are relatively small. A star-by-star comparison of $\\delta{A_V}$ from the ($B-V$,~$V$) CMD with that from the ($V-I$,~$V$) CMD is used to find the optimal $R_V$. In the third method, $R_V$ is determined by minimizing the scatter in the HB in the ($B-V$,~$V$) CMD after correcting the photometry for extinction and reddening using the Schlegel, Finkbeiner, \\& Davis (1998) dust maps. The weighted average of the results from the three~methods gives $R_V=3.0\\pm0.4$ for the dust along the line of sight to NGC~4833. The fine-scale structure of the dust is quantified via the difference, $(\\Delta{A_V})_{ij}\\equiv (\\delta{A_V})_i-(\\delta{A_V})_j$, between pairs of cluster HB stars ($i$,\\,$j$) as a function of their angular separation $r_{ij}$. The variance (mean square scatter) of $(\\Delta{A_V})_{ij}$ is found to have a power-law dependence on angular scale: ${\\rm var}(r)\\propto{r}^\\beta$, with $\\beta=+0.9\\pm0.1$. This translates into an angular power spectrum $P(\\kappa)\\propto\\kappa^\\alpha$, with the index $\\alpha=-1.9\\pm0.1$ for $r\\sim1'$--$5'$, where $\\kappa\\equiv1/r$. The dust angular power spectrum on small scales (from optical data) matches smoothly onto the larger-scale power spectrum derived from Schlegel et~al.'s far-infrared map of the dust thermal emission. ", "introduction": "Scattering, absorption, and reradiation of photons by dust grains affect the propagation of starlight and play a key role in regulating the energy balance in the interstellar medium. Studies of these processes have provided a great deal of insight into the physical and chemical properties of dust grains (for reviews of dust properties, see Mathis 1990a; Witt 2003). It is also important to disentangle the effects of intervening dust from many kinds of astronomical observations, ranging from photometry and spectroscopy of Galactic stars and external galaxies to mapping small-scale anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). \\subsection{Reddening Law and Dust Grain Properties} The degree of absorption and scattering by dust depends, in general, on the wavelength of the incident radiation (Whitford 1958). This dependence can be quantified in terms of the normalized dust extinction law $A_\\lambda/A_V$ (or reddening law), where extinction is the sum of absorption plus scattering. The ratio of total to selective extinction, $R_V\\equiv{A_V}/E(B-V)$, is a commonly-used measure of the slope of the extinction/reddening law. Using data along many different Galactic sight-lines, Cardelli, Clayton, \\& Mathis (1989, hereafter CCM) found a tight correlation between the overall shape of the reddening law and the slope $R_V$. CCM devised an $R_V$-based, one-parameter family of empirical fitting functions to characterize the observed range of extinction law shapes; this parameterization was later refined by Fitzpatrick (1999). Galactic dust displays a wide range of behavior. While diffuse interstellar dust is observed to have $R_V=3.1$ {\\it on average\\/} (Savage \\& Mathis 1979; CCM), this value is by no means universal. Significant deviations from this canonical $R_V=3.1$ value (and corresponding differences in the overall shape of the extinction/reddening law) are known to exist for a variety of interstellar dust clouds, and these variations appear to be generally correlated with environment (Fitzpatrick 1999). For example, $R_V$ has been found to range from 4 to 5 in dense molecular clouds (Mathis 1990b; Larson, Whittet, \\& Hough 1996; Whittet et~al.\\ 2001), whereas there are indications that more diffuse, high-latitude cirrus clouds may have $R_V$ values as small as $\\sim2$ (Fitzpatrick \\& Massa 1990; Larson et~al.\\ 1996; Szomoru \\& Guhathakurta 1999). Studies based on stellar photometry from the Optical Gravitational Lens Experiment (OGLE) and MAssive Compact Halo Objects (MACHO) projects point to $R_V$ being substantially smaller than~3 in the direction of the Galactic bulge (Popowski 2000; Popowski, Cook, \\& Becker 2003; Udalski 2003; Sumi 2004; Popowski 2004). Barbaro et~al.\\ (2001) find departures from the CCM parameterization in the ultraviolet portion of the Galactic extinction law. It is worth noting that the above studies sample dust at a wide range of distances from the Sun: some probe the diffuse interstellar medium in its immediate vicinity whereas others, especially those at low Galactic latitudes, can probe dust at much larger distances well outside the Solar neighborhood (e.g.,~the RCrA cloud studied by Szomoru \\& Guhathakurta 1999). Some studies have suggested that $R_V$ variations are tied to variations in the size distribution of dust grains from one line of sight to another. In diffuse cirrus clouds, a relative abundance of small grains might explain the steep rise of the extinction curve into the ultraviolet (CCM; Larson et~al.\\ 1996). By contrast, a high abundance of large grains, which grow readily by coagulation in dense molecular clouds, may explain the larger than average values of $R_V$ observed in these regions (Whittet et~al.\\ 2001). Whittet et~al.\\ suggest that, in dense molecular clouds, $R_V$ remains close to the standard value of~3.1 except for lines of sight with unusually high extinction ($A_V\\ge3$). This may indicate a more complicated relationship between $R_V$ and $A_V$. Moreover, it has been argued that chemical composition can also play a role in determining the shape of the extinction law (Rhoads, Malhotra, \\& Kochanski 2004). To improve our understanding of the dependence of $R_V$ on environment, measurements are necessary along many sight-lines through a broad range of cloud types. Clusters with differential extinction/reddening have long been used to measure the $R_V$ of intervening dust (Mihalas \\& Routly 1968). The traditional method of spectral typing individual cluster stars (e.g.,~on the Morgan-Keenan system), in conjunction with photometric measurements, allows for a direct and precise measurement of extinction and reddening. However, this method of measuring $R_V$ requires high-quality, flux-calibrated spectra and a good understanding of the effects of metallicity on the energy output of stars. Our study focuses instead on the use of broad-band photometry in light of the fact that an extensive suite of photometric data sets is currently available. In this paper, we propose three~methods for measuring the $R_V$ of dust in the foreground of differentially-reddened globular clusters. The first two~methods are closely related to each other and rely on accurate three-band optical photometry of cluster stars. The third relies on two-band optical photometry and a map of the dust thermal emission (Schlegel, Finkbeiner, \\& Davis 1998, hereafter SFD) and is particularly well suited to wide-field data. All three~methods are based on the premise that the width of the blue horizontal branch (HB) is minimized when the appropriate $R_V$ value is used to correct the photometry for extinction and reddening. The methods are applied to NGC~4833, a low-latitude Galactic globular cluster with variable extinction across its face. Realistic Monte Carlo simulations of the cluster data set are used to estimate the accuracy with which $R_V$ can be recovered. \\subsection{``Cirrus''---The Rich Texture of Interstellar Dust} Nearly two decades ago, Low et~al.\\ (1984) noticed diffuse background emission in the InfraRed Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) 60 and 100$\\,\\mu$m maps and termed it `infrared cirrus' due to its complex texture. The cirrus has been associated with thermal emission from dust grains in the diffuse interstellar medium (Beichman 1987). Combining the angular resolution of the IRAS observations with the photometric accuracy of the COsmic Background Explorer (COBE)/Diffuse InfraRed Background Experiment (DIRBE) data, SFD derived all-sky maps of the dust column density and mean temperature. One of the primary uses of these maps has been to correct extragalactic sources for extinction and reddening. The SFD maps show structure in the cirrus down to the smallest angular scales resolved by IRAS ($\\approx6'$). Gautier et~al.\\ (1992) described the structure in the IRAS data in terms of its angular power spectrum, \\begin{equation} P(\\kappa)\\propto\\kappa^\\alpha~~~, \\end{equation} where $P$ is the Fourier power, $\\kappa$ is the reciprocal of the angular scale, and $\\alpha\\sim-3$ is the spectral index. Similarly, Guhathakurta \\& Cutri (1994) examined both IRAS 100$\\,\\mu$m maps and optical CCD surface photometry of reprocessed starlight from dust grains: they found that power on small scales was dominated by stars and galaxies, and since it was impossible to completely separate out these components, they merely cleared out the obvious compact ``objects'' (stars and galaxies) and smoothed the residual image over arcminute scales; the resulting power spectrum had an index $\\alpha=-3$. More recently, Kiss et~al.\\ (2003) observed 13~fields with Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)/ISOPHOT and found that the power spectrum index varies from field to field over the range $-5.3\\le\\alpha\\le-2.1$ for angular scales larger than $3'$. This work extends the finding of $-3.6\\le\\alpha\\le-0.5$ by Herbstmeier et~al.\\ (1998) in their earlier ISOPHOT-based study. These last two~studies indicate that $\\alpha\\sim-3.0$ is not universal. In this study, the scatter in the HB of the differentially-reddened globular cluster NGC~4833 is used to measure the angular power spectrum of dust on scales smaller than the angular resolution of the thermal emission maps (e.g.,~IRAS, DIRBE, ISOPHOT). For uncrowded data such as ours, the smallest angular scale down to which this method can be applied is set by the surface density of HB tracers which in turn determines the typical nearest-neighbor separation; in crowding-limited situations, the smallest angular scale is a few times the size of the stellar point spread function: few arcseconds for ground-based images and sub-arcsecond for {\\it Hubble Space Telescope\\/} images. Because interstellar dust causes extinction and reddening of starlight and reprocesses the energy, dust patchiness has a profound impact on the accuracy of many astronomical measurements even at high Galactic latitudes. Thermal emission from cold dust can confuse CMBR anisotropy measurements. Measurements of large-scale structure in galaxy surveys may be influenced by spatial non-uniformities in the foreground dust. Studies of stellar populations are at risk because measurements of $T_{\\rm eff}$ can be impacted by reddening. Extinction can affect the photometry of distance indicators and thereby produce systematic errors in the distance-scale ladder. It is therefore important to quantify extinction/reddening variations on the smallest scales possible. While the SFD study does an excellent job of characterizing moderate- to large-scale dust variations, their maps miss power on scales smaller than a few~arcminutes.\\\\\\\\ The photometry of NGC~4833 is presented in \\S\\,2. The construction of simulated cluster data sets in discussed in \\S\\,3. The $R_V$ measurement methods are outlined in \\S\\,4, along with their application to NGC~4833 and simulated data sets to estimate the accuracy of each method. In \\S\\,5, we describe the angular power spectrum of cirrus in the direction of NGC~4833. Possible future extensions of this work are discussed in \\S\\,6. The main conclusions of this paper are summarized in \\S\\,7. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{itemize} \\item[$\\bullet$]{We have demonstrated the use of three~methods, ``$A_V$~RMS'', ``$A_V$~Slope'', and ``Optical/IR'' methods, for determining the dust extinction law slope $R_V$ in the direction of differentially-reddened Galactic globular clusters, and have tested the methods on an extensive suite of simulated cluster data sets.} \\item[$\\bullet$]{For cluster data sets with low photometric error, $\\sigma_{\\rm phot}\\lesssim0.01$~mag, the ``$A_V$~RMS'' and ``$A_V$~Slope'' methods can be used to determine $R_V$ to an accuracy of $\\sigma(R_V)=0.1$--0.3. For cluster data sets with $\\sigma_{\\rm phot}\\gtrsim0.03$~mag, the two~methods yield $R_V$ to within $\\pm0.7$, with some systematic biases.} \\item[$\\bullet$]{The ``Optical/IR'' method generally provides relatively imprecise estimates of $R_V$, $\\sigma(R_V)\\sim0.6$, over the full range of photometric errors explored.} \\item[$\\bullet$]{Combining the results from all three~methods gives a mean extinction law slope of $R_V=3.0\\pm0.4$ for the line of sight towards the low-latitute Galactic globular cluster NGC~4833.} \\item[$\\bullet$]{The scatter in the cluster HB is used to estimate the amount of small-scale structure in the dust complex in the foreground of NGC~4833. The Schlegel et~al.\\ (1998) IRAS+DIRBE-based map of the dust thermal emission averages over small-scale reddening variations that are $\\approx6$\\% of the mean reddening value.} \\item[$\\bullet$]{Star-to-star variations in relative visual extinction across the face of NGC~4833 provide a measure of the foreground dust angular power spectrum for projected separations in the range $r\\sim1'$--$5'$. This small-scale power spectrum derived from cluster optical data matches smoothly onto the larger-scale power spectrum derived from the SFD reddening map of the region. The overall power spectrum is well fit by a power law: $P(\\kappa)\\propto\\kappa^\\alpha$, where $\\kappa$ is the reciprocal of the angular scale $r$, with spectral index $\\alpha\\approx-2.0\\pm0.1$.} \\end{itemize}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404465_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the relation between circular velocity $\\vc$ and bulge velocity dispersion $\\sigma$ in spiral galaxies, based on literature data and new spectroscopic observations. We find a strong, nearly linear \\vcsigma\\ correlation with a negligible intrinsic scatter, and a striking agreement with the corresponding relation for elliptical galaxies. The least massive galaxies ($\\sigma<80~\\kms$) significantly deviate from this relation. We combine this \\vcsigma\\ correlation with the well-known \\MBHsigma\\ relation to obtain a tight correlation between circular velocity and supermassive black hole mass, and interpret this as observational evidence for a close link between supermassive black holes and the dark matter haloes in which they presumably formed. Apart from being an important ingredient for theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution, the relation between $M_{\\text{BH}}$ and circular velocity has the potential to become an important practical tool in estimating supermassive black hole masses in spiral galaxies. ", "introduction": "The existence of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the nuclei of galaxies has been suspected for almost half a decade, as accretion onto SMBHs seemed the only logical explanation for the existence of quasars. HST observations have provided evidence that SMBHs with masses ranging from $10^6$ to $10^9$~\\Msun\\ are present in the centre of a few dozens of nearby (quiescent) galaxies. Be this sufficient evidence for the existence of SMBHs, we can now tackle more fundamental questions concerning their formation and evolution. An obvious way to proceed is the study of the relation between SMBHs and the galaxies that host them. It was found that black hole masses are correlated with parameters of the hot stellar components of their host galaxies. The tight \\MBHsigma\\ relation (Gebhardt et al.~2000; Ferrarese \\& Merritt~2000) is now the preferred paradigm to study SMBH demographics in galactic nuclei. This apparently tight link between bulges and SMBHs reflects an important ingredient that should be reproduced (and thus hopefully explained) by theoretical models of galaxy formation. In fact, the tightness of the \\MBHsigma\\ correlation is somewhat surprising. In most of the state-of-the-art models, the total galaxy mass (or dark matter mass $\\MDM$), rather than the bulge mass, plays a fundamental role in shaping the SMBHs. A close correlation could therefore be expected between $\\MBH$ and $\\MDM$, rather than between $\\MBH$ and the bulge properties. Establishing whether the \\MBHsigma\\ or the \\MBHMDM\\ relation reflects the fundamental mode by which SMBHs form and evolve will ultimately rely on a comparison of the intrinsic scatter of the two correlations. Unfortunately, a direct observational characterization of the \\MBHMDM\\ relation is currently impossible. Ferrarese~(2002b) first argued that a correlation between $\\MBH$ and $\\MDM$ should be reflected in an \\MBHvc\\ correlation, where $\\vc$ is the circular velocity in the flat part of the rotation curve of spiral galaxies. Indeed, in most of the state-of-the-art galaxy formation models, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the circular velocity and the mass of the dark matter halo. Unfortunately, there are (presently) only a handful of spiral galaxies with secure SMBH masses, and only two of them have a well-measured extended rotation curve. A way to avoid this problem is to adopt the tight \\MBHsigma\\ correlation in order to estimate black hole masses in a larger sample of galaxies. A tight correlation between SMBH mass and dark matter halo mass should thus appear in the form of a correlation between central velocity dispersion and circular velocity. Ferrarese~(2002b) presented a first attempt at establishing such a correlation. Baes et al.~(2003) significantly improved on these results by almost doubling the sample size. The present contribution is focused on the latter results. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404186_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the preliminary result of our project, consisting in studying the properties of a large sample of galaxy clusters. The M\\\"{u}nster Red Sky Survey, which is a large galaxy catalogue covering an area of about 5000 square degrees on the southern hemisphere serves as our observational basis. It is complete up to $r_F=18^m.3$. Creation of a cluster catalogue is the first step of our investigation. We propose to use the 2D Voronoi tessellation technique for identifying galaxy clusters in this 2D catalogue. Points with high values of the inverse Voronoi tessel area will be regarded as galaxy cluster centroids. We show that this approach works correctly. ", "introduction": "In this paper we present the first element of our project. It consists in studying the properties of a large sample of galaxy clusters. In order to perform such studies, we need a sample of clusters extracted in a uniform manner from a homogeneous set of data. Therefore, we chose the M\\\"{u}nster Red Sky Survey as our observational basis. The first step of investigation is to create the catalogue of galaxy clusters. There are three basic cluster detection algorithms: the matched filter algorithm (Postman et al. 1996), the adaptive matched filter algorithm (Kepner et al. 1999) and the Voronoi tessellation technique (Icke \\& van de Weygaert 1987, Zaninetti 1989, Ramella et al. 1999, 2001). Kim et al. (2002) made a comparison of these cluster-finding algorithms, using a Monte Carlo experiment with simulated clusters. We decided to apply the Voronoi tessellation technique for cluster detection. The Voronoi tessellation technique is completely non-parametric, and therefore sensitive to both symmetric and elongated clusters, allowing correct studies of non-spherically symmetric structures. For a distribution of seeds, the Voronoi tessellation creates polygonal cells containing one seed each and enclosing the whole area closest to its seed. This is the definition of a Voronoi cell in 2D. This natural partitioning of space by the Voronoi tessellation has been used to model the large-scale distribution of galaxies. ", "conclusions": "We show that the Voronoi tessellation allows us to find the overdense regions. The main point of a further step in the search of galaxy clusters is the determination of the contrast level. This is crucial for finding real clusters. This can be done using various methods. One of them consist in using the number overdensity in respect to the average background. Another possibility is to use the colour-magnitude relation combining the data from the M\\\"{u}nster Red Sky Survey with those from the APM catalogues. The determination of photometric redshifts can be considered as well. At present, we are able to conclude that the applied analysis allows us to find correctly the overdense regions in two-dimensional data." }, "0404/astro-ph0404379_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have measured the central structural properties for a sample of S0-Sbc galaxies down to scales of $\\sim$10~pc using {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} NICMOS images. We find that the photometric masses of the central star clusters, which occur in 58\\% of our sample, are related to their host bulge masses such that $\\MassPt = 10^{7.75\\pm0.15}\\,(\\MassBul/10^{10}\\MassSun)^{0.76\\pm 0.13}$. Put together with recent data on bulges hosting supermassive black holes, we infer a {\\it non-linear} dependency of the `Central Massive Object' mass on the host bulge mass such that $\\MassCMO/\\MassSun = 10^{7.51\\pm 0.06} (\\MassBul/10^{10}\\,\\MassSun)^{0.84 \\pm 0.06}$. We argue that the linear relation presented by Ferrarese et al.\\ is biased at the low-mass end by the inclusion of the disc light from lenticular galaxies in their sample. Matching our NICMOS data with wider-field, ground-based $K$-band images enabled us to sample from the nucleus to the disk-dominated region of each galaxy, and thus to perform a proper bulge-disk decomposition. We found that the majority of our galaxies ($\\sim$90\\%) possess central light excesses which can be modeled with an inner exponential and/or an unresolved point source in the case of the nuclear star clusters. All the extended nuclear components, with sizes of a few hundred pc, have disky isophotes, which suggest that they may be inner disks, rings, or bars; their colors are redder than those of the underlying bulge, arguing against a recent origin for their stellar populations. Surface brightness profiles (of the total galaxy light, and the bulge component on its own) rise inward to the resolution limit of the data, with a continuous distribution of logarithmic slopes from the low values typical of dwarf ellipticals ($0.1 \\leq \\gamma \\leq 0.3$) to the high values ($\\gamma\\sim 1$) typical of intermediate luminosity ellipticals; the nuclear slope bi-modality reported by others is not present in our sample. ", "introduction": "\\label{Sec:Introduction} The {\\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)} enables the study of the inner regions of nearby bulges and ellipticals down to spatial scales of $\\sim$10 pc, roughly one order of magnitude closer to the center than is feasible with typical ground-based data. These inner regions contain a small fraction of the ellipsoid mass, but they harbor the highest density regions of the galaxies and contain useful clues to their formation. The availability of NIR array detectors in the nineties fostered significant progress in the understanding of many aspects of bulges, including structural parameters, colors, dust content and stellar populations, as well as the scaling of disk and bulge parameters, using ground-based imaging (e.g.\\ Andredakis, Peletier, \\& Balcells 1995, hereafter APB95; de Jong 1996; Seigar \\& James 1998; Knapen et al.\\ 1995; Khosroshahi et al.\\ 2000; Graham 2001a, hereafter G01; M\\\"ollenhoff \\& Heidt 2001; Graham 2001b, 2002; Eskridge et al.\\ 2002; MacArthur, Courteau, \\& Holtzman 2003; Castro-Rodr\\'\\i guez \\& Garz\\'on 2003). NIR data helped to establish that exponential profiles provide better fits to the surface brightness profiles of bulges than \\r14\\ models (Kent et al.\\ 1991 for the MW bulge; Andredakis \\& Sanders 1994; de Jong 1996), and soon thereafter it was demonstrated that profiles of bulges of all Hubble types admit a particularly simple fit using the S\\'ersic (1963; see Graham \\& Driver 2005) function \\begin{equation} I(R) = I(0)\\,\\exp\\{-b_n\\,(R/\\reff)^{1/n}\\} \\label{Eqn:Sersic} \\end{equation} \\noindent(APB95; G01; M\\\"ollenhoff \\& Heidt 2001; MacArthur et al.\\ 2003; see Caon et al.~2003 for the case of elliptical galaxies). In eqn.~\\ref{Eqn:Sersic}, \\reff\\ is the half-light radius of the bulge, and $b_n\\approx 1.9992n-0.3271$. The S\\'ersic index $n$, which measures the curvature of the surface brightness profile, scales with bulge-to-disk luminosity ratio (B/D) and with bulge luminosity. The S\\'ersic index also provides a concentration parameter (Trujillo et al.\\ 2001) which strongly correlates with the velocity dispersion and central supermassive black hole mass (Graham et al.\\ 2001a, 2001b), hence it is linked to global physical parameters of the spheroid. Numerical simulations also suggest that bulges have a range of profile shapes. Aguerri, Balcells, \\& Peletier (2001) show that the accretion of dense satellites onto disk-bulge-halo galaxies yields a growth of both the S\\'ersic index and B/D, hinting that $n$ may be linked to the accretion history and to the growth of bulges. $\\Lambda$ cold dark matter cosmological simulations of galaxy formation yield bulge-disk structures where the bulge profile shape ranges from exponential to \\r14 (Scannapieco \\& Tissera 2003; Sommer-Larsen, G\\\"oth, \\& Portinari 2003). The results given above, derived from ground-based data, bear the question of whether the inner regions to which the \\HST\\ gives access also follow the S\\'ersic function. Our picture of elliptical galaxy nuclei had to be revised in several ways after the \\HST\\ imaging campaigns. Giant ellipticals often show a rather sudden inward flattening of their surface brightness profiles, confirming the result from ground-based data that some ellipticals have \"cores\" (Kormendy 1985), while intermediate-luminosity ellipticals ($-18\\leq M_B \\leq -20.5$) do not show cores; their profiles approach power laws throughout the inner regions (\"power-law\" galaxies); see Faber et al.\\ (1997, hereafter F97) and Rest et al.\\ (2001, hereafter R01). Inner profile slopes decrease toward fainter luminosities, and, for dwarf ellipticals, approach the slopes seen in the nuclei of giant, core galaxies, although dwarfs do not show profile discontinuities, i.e., do not show 'cores' (Graham \\& Guzm\\'an 2003; Ferrarese et al.\\ 2006, hereafter F06). Many cores of ellipticals and S0s are dusty, and a fraction of them harbor central unresolved sources at \\HST\\ resolution (Lauer et al.\\ 1995, hereafter L95; Phillips et al.\\ 1996; Carollo et al.~1997; Ravindranath et al.\\ 2001; Stiavelli et al.\\ 2001). Inasmuch as bulges share global similarities with ellipticals when studied from the ground, we enquire whether bulges show \"cores\", whether bulges show nuclear sources. Bulges of disk galaxies have been targeted less often than ellipticals by the \\HST. Peletier et al.\\ (1999, hereafter Paper\\,I) analyzed a sample of 19 field S0-Sbc galaxies using WFPC2 F450W, F814W and NICMOS F160W images, with the goal of obtaining bulge stellar population diagnostics. The combination of blue and NIR colors allowed them to put tight limits on the ages of bulge populations. Ages of S0 to Sb bulges were found to be comparable to those of ellipticals in the Coma cluster, with a small age spread $<2$ Gyr (Sbc bulges showed colors corresponding to younger ages). Nuclei were found to be dusty, with $A_V =0.6-1.0$ mag. Carollo and collaborators surveyed mid- to late-type bulges using WFPC2 and NICMOS (e.g.\\ Carollo 1999; Carollo \\& Stiavelli 1998; Carollo et al.\\ 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002; Seigar et al.\\ 2002). These authors focus on bulge structure. They provide fits using the \\r14, exponential and Nuker models, and propose a structural classification of bulges into `\\r14 classical' and 'exponential'. Carollo et al.\\ (2002) find nuclear resolved components (NC) in the centers of 60\\% of the exponential bulges. In their view, '\\r14' and 'exponential' bulges respectively show 'high' and 'low' nuclear profile slopes, a structural difference which would trace different formation histories. Whether bulges come in two families with distinct structural properties has implications for formation mechanisms of bulges. Several models have been proposed (see Wyse, Gilmore, \\& Franx 1997; Bouwens, Cayon, \\& Silk 1999; Kormendy \\& Kennicutt 2004): early collapse (Renzini 1999; Zoccali et al.~2003); mergers prior to disk formation (Kauffmann, Charlot \\& White 1996); satellite accretion (Pfenniger 1993; Aguerri et al.\\ 2001); and disk instabilities (Pfenniger \\& Norman 1990; Zhang 1999). Bulges with \\r14\\ structure fit in the early collapse or merger scenarios, while exponential bulges are destroyed by mergers (Aguerri et al.\\ 2001) and may instead be expected from disk instabilities (Combes et al.\\ 1990). Edge-on, peanut-shaped bulges are known to have bar dynamics, and are therefore also expected to form from disk instabilities (Kuijken \\& Merrifield 1995; Bureau \\& Freeman 1999). The existence of two classes of bulges is commonly understood as evidence that massive bulges come from mergers while less massive bulges grow as a result of disk instabilities (see, e.g., Athanassoula 2005). In this paper we analyze the structural properties of bulges of early- to intermediate-type galaxies at \\HST\\ resolution using the S0-Sbc sample presented in Paper I. We address profile shapes, nuclear sources, nuclear slopes, and central massive black hole mass estimates. Given the ability of the S\\'ersic model to describe the profiles of spheroids at ground-based resolution, we use the S\\'ersic model as our starting point and enquire whether the increased spatial resolution of the \\HST\\ contributes to support or to modify the ground-based picture. We perform a bulge-disk decomposition of the surface brightness profiles using combined \\HST+ground-based profiles that sample the galaxy light distribution from the nucleus to the disk-dominated region. Ignoring this step would bring up two problems: the un-modeled disk contribution to the inner profile would bias the bulge nuclear parameters; and, we would not be able to derive basic bulge parameters such as the total luminosity and the effective radius as the \\HST\\ images do not cover the entire bulge at the distances of our target galaxies. We avoid using the \\r14\\ or exponential models, rather we focus on S\\'ersic fits to the bulge profiles to test if the profile shape dichotomy appears when it is not forced. Our first results on bulge profile shapes using \\HST\\ data were presented in Balcells et al.\\ (2003, hereafter Paper\\,II). In that paper we show that \\r14\\ bulge profiles are exceedingly rare. In this and a companion paper (Balcells, Graham, \\& Peletier 2007, hereafter Paper~IV) we perform a comprehensive analysis of those profiles. We will show that inner surface brightness profiles show excesses, over the best-fit bulge S\\'ersic model, which can be successfully modeled by adding central unresolved sources and/or inner exponential components to the fitting function (\\S\\,\\ref{Sec:BulgeDiskFits}). Section~\\ref{Sec:ParameterUncertainties} provides details on the estimation of parameter errors through fits to simulated profiles. The subsequent sections analyze the properties of the nuclear excess light. Sect.\\,\\ref{Sec:NuclearExtendedComponents} shows that the galaxies with extended nuclear components closely match those with nuclear disky isophotes, which suggests that the excess light in the surface brightness profiles comes from flattened components such as disks, rings or inner bars. Sect.\\,\\ref{Sec:PointSources} derives luminosities and masses for the unresolved nuclear sources and addresses the Compact Massive Object (CMOs) paradigm, i.e., that nuclear star clusters are the low-mass extension to central supermassive black holes. In \\S\\,\\ref{Sec:SMBH} we relate the point sources to black hole mass estimates from the bulge velocity dispersions. Finally, in \\S\\,\\ref{Sec:Gammas} we present and discuss the nuclear surface brightness profile slopes and compare them to those of ellipticals, bulges and dwarf ellipticals. In Paper~IV, we discuss global bulge and disk scaling relations as inferred from the profile decompositions. A Hubble constant of $H_{0} = 75$ km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$ is used throughout. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Sec:Conclusions} At \\HST\\ resolution, nuclear photometric components, in addition to the S\\'ersic bulge and the exponential outer disk, are exceedingly common ($\\sim$90\\%) in early- to intermediate-type disk galaxies. Spatially-resolved nuclear components are found in 58\\% of our sample. These components are geometrically flat systems, and could be disks, bars or rings. The ones detected have comparable central surface brightness to the underlying bulges, but fainter such systems may exist. The isophotal signatures indicate total sizes of a few hundred pc, similar to those of inner bars in double-barred galaxies. Often, such components are reddened by dust; the evidence from optical and NIR colors, presented in Paper~I, as well as their high densities, suggest that they are old rather than late additions to the bulges. A majority of the galaxies ($\\sim$58\\%) harbor sources unresolved by \\HST/NICMOS2. They are most likely star clusters, with luminosities corresponding to 10--20 globular clusters, and similar to other unresolved sources found in the nuclei of ellipticals, dwarf ellipticals and bulges. When combined with similar nuclear components in dE galaxies, their photometric masses scale with spheroid mass as $\\MassPt/\\MassSun = 10^{7.73\\pm 0.16} (\\MassBul/10^{10}\\,\\MassSun)^{0.76\\pm 0.13}$. Our central star clusters fall above the faint-ward extrapolation of \\MassSMBH--\\MassBul\\ relations derived by HR04 or F06. In order to extend a CMO-style relation to faint spheroid luminosities, a moderate non-linearity is needed, and we propose the relation $\\MassCMO/\\MassSun = 10^{7.51\\pm 0.06} (\\MassBul/10^{10}\\,\\MassSun)^{0.84 \\pm 0.06}$. But we see additional difficulties with the CMO picture in that all of our PS show masses above the cluster-black hole transitional mass of $10^{7} \\MassSun$ proposed by Wehner \\& Harris (2006). Bulge surface brightness profiles rise inward to the limit of the \\HST/NICMOS resolution, $\\sim$10 pc for the current sample. While the inner bulge profiles deviate from pure power-laws, \"break radii\" in a Nuker-law sense are not present. Structurally, the bulges of early- to intermediate-type galaxies may be globally grouped with the \"power-law\", intermediate- and low-luminosity elliptical galaxies. Negative logarithmic nuclear profile slopes of the S\\'ersic bulge components $\\gamma$ cover a continuous range of $0<\\gamma<1$, overlapping with dwarf-ellipticals at the faint end, and with intermediate luminosity ellipticals at the bright end. We find no evidence to support a bimodal distribution of $\\gamma$ reported by others." }, "0404/hep-ph0404234_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We derive general expressions at the one-loop level for the coefficients of the covariant structure of the neutrino self-energy in the presence of a constant magnetic field. The neutrino energy spectrum and index of refraction are obtained for neutral and charged media in the strong-field limit ($M_{W}\\gg \\sqrt{B}\\gg m_{e},T,\\mu ,\\left| \\mathbf{p}\\right| $) using the lowest Landau level approximation. The results found within the lowest Landau level approximation are numerically validated, summing in all Landau levels, for strong $B\\gg T^{2}$ and weakly-strong $B \\gtrsim T^{2}$ fields. The neutrino energy in leading order of the Fermi coupling constant is expressed as the sum of three terms: a kinetic-energy term, a term of interaction between the magnetic field and an induced neutrino magnetic moment, and a rest-energy term. The leading radiative correction to the kinetic-energy term depends linearly on the magnetic field strength and is independent of the chemical potential. The other two terms are only present in a charged medium. For strong and weakly-strong fields, it is found that the field-dependent correction to the neutrino energy in a neutral medium is much larger than the thermal one. Possible applications to cosmology and astrophysics are considered. \\pacs{13.15.+g, 14.60.Pq, 95.30.Cq, 98.80.Cq} ", "introduction": "There are many astrophysical systems on which the physics of neutrinos in a magnetic field plays an important role. Let us recall that proto-neutron stars typically possess very strong magnetic fields. Large magnetic fields $% B=10^{12}-10^{14}$ G have been associated with the surface of supernovas \\cite{Ginzburg} and neutron stars \\cite{Fushiki}, and fields perhaps as large as $% 10^{16}$ G with magnetars \\cite{Duncan}. Even larger fields could exist in the star's interior. It is presumed from the scalar virial theorem \\cite{Lai} that the interior field in neutron stars could be as high as $10^{18}$ G. A magnetic field as this ($\\sim 10^{18}$ G) in the interior of a compact star will be larger in two orders than the chemical potential characterizing its quark matter density. Unveiling the interconnection between the star magnetic field and its particle current flows could shed new light to the question of the star evolution. For example, it is well known that neutrinos drive supernova dynamics from beginning to end. Neutrino emission and interactions play a crucial role in core collapse supernovae \\cite{SuperN}. Their eventual emission from the proto-neutron star contains nearly all the energy released in the star explosion. Neutrino luminosity, emissivity and the specific heat of the densest parts of the star are governed by charged and neutral current interactions involving matter at high densities and in the presence of strong magnetic fields. Thus, a total understanding of the star cooling mechanism in a strongly magnetized medium is crucial for astrophysics. On the other hand, the explanation of large-scale magnetic fields observed in a number of galaxies, and in clusters of galaxies \\cite{Kronberg} seems to require the existence of seed fields of primordial origin \\cite{Elect-W}. According to several mechanisms \\cite{Grasso}, strong primordial fields $% \\sim 10^{24}$ G could be generated at the electroweak transition. Even larger fields have been associated with superconducting magnetic strings, which would generate fields $\\sim 10^{30}$ G in their vicinity if created after inflation \\cite{Witten}. Were primordial magnetic fields present in the early universe, they would have had non-trivial consequences for particle-physics cosmology. For instance, as it is well known, oscillations between neutrino flavors may change the relative abundance of neutrino species and may thereby affect primordial nucleosynthesis (for a recent review on neutrinos in cosmology see \\cite {Dolgov}). Therefore, if a strong magnetic field ($M_{W}\\gg \\sqrt{B}\\gg m_{e},T,\\mu ,\\left| \\mathbf{p}\\right| $, with $ M_{W}$ and $m_{e}$ the W-boson and electron masses respectively) modifies the neutrino energy spectrum of different flavors in different ways, a primordial magnetic field can consequently influence the oscillation process in the primeval plasma \\cite{Australia}. The propagation of neutrinos in magnetized media has been previously investigated by several authors \\cite{McKeon}-\\cite{Nieves}. Weak-field calculations were done for magnetized vacuum in Refs. \\cite{McKeon}, \\cite{Feldman}, and at $ T\\neq 0$ and $\\mu =0$ ($\\mu $ is the electric chemical potential) in Refs. \\cite{Weak-F}. In the $\\mu =0$ case, as long as $B< T^{2}$, both the field- and temperature-dependent leading contributions to the neutrino energy resulted of $1/M_{W}^{4}$-order \\cite{McKeon}-\\cite{Weak-F}. In the charged plasma \\cite{Nieves}, the field-dependent terms were much larger, $\\sim 1/M_{W}^{2}$, but they vanished in the ($\\mu \\rightarrow 0$)-limit. The weak-field results of papers \\cite{McKeon}-\\cite{Nieves} led to think that the magnetic-field effects could be significant in astrophysics, because of the field- and $\\mu$-dependent terms of order $1/M_{W}^{2}$, but were irrelevant ($\\sim 1/M_{W}^{4}$-order) in the early universe due to its charge-symmetric character ($\\mu=0$). Hence, it has been assumed that in cosmology the main contribution to neutrino energy was the purely thermal term of order $T^{4}/M_{W}^{4}$ \\cite{Raffelt}. However, as we will show below, a strong magnetic field ($M_{W}\\gg \\sqrt{B}\\gg m_{e},T,\\mu ,\\left| \\mathbf{p}\\right| $) gives rise to a new contribution to the neutrino energy that is linear in the field, independent of the chemical potential, and that is of the same order ($1/M_{W}^{2}$) as the largest terms found in the weak-field charged-medium case. This new result can turn magnetic-field effects relevant for cosmology. In recent papers \\cite{Elizalde}, \\cite{Efrain}, we investigated the effects of a strong magnetic field on neutrinos in magnetized vacuum (i.e. with $T=0$ and $\\mu =0$). There, to facilitate the calculations in the strong-field limit, we extended the Ritus' Ep-eigenfunction method of diagonalization of the Green functions of spin-1/2 charged particle in electromagnetic field \\cite{Ritus}-\\cite{Ritus-Book}, to the case of spin-1 charged particles \\cite {Elizalde}. This formulation, which is particularly advantageous for strong-field calculations, provides an alternative method to the Schwinger approach to address QFT problems in electromagnetic backgrounds \\cite {Schwinger}. The use of the Ritus' method resulted very convenient to study the neutrino-self-energy in magnetized media, since it allowed to diagonalize in momentum space both the electron and the W-boson Green's functions in the presence of a magnetic field. Ritus' formalism has also been recently applied to investigate non-perturbative QFT in electromagnetic backgrounds \\cite{Ng}. From the above considerations it is clear that strong magnetic fields can play a significant role in a variety of astrophysical systems, and possibly also in the early universe. For these applications, the analysis has to be carried out in the presence of a medium. Thus, in the present paper we extend the results obtained in papers \\cite{Elizalde} and \\cite{Efrain} to include finite temperature and density, performing a detailed study of the effects of a strong magnetic field on neutrino propagation in neutral and charged media, and discussing possible applications to astrophysics and cosmology. We stress that in calculating the neutrino self-energy in a magnetized medium, we should consider, as usual, its vacuum and statistical parts. In this case the vacuum part depends on the magnetic field, and for strong fields it can make important contributions even at high temperatures $T^{2}\\gtrsim eB$. The reason is that the vacuum and statistical terms have different analytical behaviors, due to the lack of the statistic ultraviolet cutoff in the vacuum part. This fact gives rise to a field-dependent vacuum contribution ($1/M_{W}^{2}$-order) which is larger than the thermal one ($1/M_{W}^{4}$-order), into the self-energy. Therefore, as shown in this paper, a strong magnetic field can become more relevant than temperature for neutrino propagation in neutral media. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{selfen-gen-struc} we consider the radiative correction to the neutrino dispersion relation in the presence of a constant magnetic field. We introduce the general covariant structure of the neutrino self-energy in the presence of an external field, and find the dispersion relation as a function of the coefficients of each independent term in the covariant structure. The general form of the found dispersion relation goes beyond any given approximation and medium characteristic and serves as a guidance for particular applications. The general expressions for the coefficients of the self-energy structures in the presence of the magnetic field are found in the one-loop approximation in Sec.~\\ref{1-loop-selfen}. The leading behavior in the $1/M_{W}^{2}$ expansion of those coefficients are then calculated in Sec.~\\ref{strong-b-selfen} in the strong-field limit (i.e. in the lowest Landau level (LLL) approximation) for neutral and charged magnetized media. These results are then used in Sec.~\\ref{index-ref} to find the corresponding neutrino dispersion relations and the indexes of refraction in neutral and charged strongly magnetized media. In Sec.~\\ref{numerical}, the LLL-approximation is numerically corroborated by summing in all Landau levels and finding the values of the coefficients for parameter ranges corresponding to strong $B \\gg T^{2}$ and weakly strong $B \\gtrsim T^{2}$ fields. Possible applications to cosmology and astrophysics are discussed in Sec.~\\ref{applicat}. Finally, in Sec.~\\ref{conclusions} we summarize the main outcomes of the paper and make some final remarks. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we carried out a thorough study of the propagation of neutrinos in strongly magnetized neutral and charged media. We started from the most general structure of the neutrino self-energy in a magnetic field, expressing it as the sum of four independent covariant terms with coefficients that are functions of the physical variables of the theory and whose values depend on the approximation considered. General expressions of the four coefficients at one-loop approximation were given in Eqs. (\\ref{25}-\\ref{28}). The coefficients were then calculated in the strong-field limit using the LLL aproximation for the electrons. The LLL was assumed to be valid in the parameter range $M_{W}\\gg \\sqrt{B}\\gg m_{e},\\left| \\mathbf{p}\\right| $, $eB\\gtrsim $ $T^{2}$. To justify it one should keep in mind that under these conditions most electrons would not have enough energy to overcome the gap between the Landau levels. Hence, they will be mainly confined to their lower levels and the leading contribution would come from the LLL. This assumption was also corroborated for the above parameters' range by numerical calculations summing in all Landau levels. The dispersion relation of the neutrinos was written as a function of the four coefficients of the self-energy structures, allowing in this way to straightforwardly obtain the neutrino's energy in the strong-field limit for each physical case. In concordance with results previously obtained in charged media at weak fields \\cite{Nieves},% \\cite{Weak-F}, in the strong-field case an energy term associated with the interaction between the magnetic field and the effective magnetic moment was also found at leading order in $G_{F}$. This interaction energy disappears in the neutral medium, since in a charged-symmetric plasma the contribution to the effective magnetic moment coming from electrons and positrons cancels out. A main outcome of our investigation was to show that in strongly magnetized systems a term of different nature emerges in both charged and neutral media. The new term, which is linear in the magnetic field and of first order in $G_{F}$, enters as a correction to the neutrino kinetic energy in the presence of a strong-magnetic field. This correction is present even in a strongly magnetized vacuum, since it is related to the vacuum part ($T=0,$ $\\mu =0$) of the neutrino self-energy at $B\\neq 0$. A characteristic of the field-dependent corrections to the neutrino energy is that they produce an anisotropic index of refraction, since neutrinos moving along different directions have different field-dependent dispersion relations. We should underline that while the magnetic moment interaction term produces a maximum field effect for neutrinos propagating along the field lines, the field correction to the kinetic energy does not contribute to those propagation modes, but on the contrary, the maximum kinetic-energy effect takes place for neutrinos propagating perpendicularly to the field direction. We stress that the anisotropy does not differentiate between neutrinos and antineutrinos. The charged medium results reported in the current work can be of interest for the astrophysics of neutrinos in stars with large magnetic fields. On the other hand, our finding for the neutral medium can have applications in cosmology, if the existence of high primordial magnetic fields is finally confirmed. Contrary to some authors' belief \\cite{Weak-F},\\cite{Dolgov} that, regardless of the field intensity, the neutrino dispersion relation in the early universe is well approximated by the dispersion relation in the zero field medium, our results indicate that strong, and even weakly strong, magnetic fields can give rise to a contribution to the neutrino energy that is several orders larger than the pure thermal contribution. The field-dependent correction to the neutrino energy in a neutral medium with strong magnetic field can have an impact in neutrino flavor-oscillations in the primeval plasma \\cite{Australia} and therefore affect primordial nucleosynthesis. Hence, this new effect could be important to establish possible limits to the strength of the primordial magnetic field. \\medskip \\textbf" }, "0404/astro-ph0404192_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I review our understanding of the structure and kinematics of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), with a particular focus on recent results. This is an important topic, given the status of the LMC as a benchmark for studies of microlensing, tidal interactions, stellar populations, and the extragalactic distance scale. I address the observed morphology and kinematics of the LMC; the angles under which we view the LMC disk; its in-plane and vertical structure; the LMC self-lensing contribution to the total microlensing optical depth; the LMC orbit around the Milky Way; and the origin and interpretation of the Magellanic Stream. Our understanding of these topics is evolving rapidly, in particular due to the many large photometric and kinematic datasets that have become available in the last few years. It has now been established that: the LMC is considerably elongated in its disk plane; the LMC disk is thicker than previously believed; the LMC disk may have warps and twists; the LMC may have a pressure-supported halo; the inner regions of the LMC show unexpected complexities in their vertical structure; and precession and nutation of the LMC disk plane contribute measurably to the observed line-of-sight velocity field. However, many open questions remain and more work is needed before we can expect to converge on a fully coherent structural, dynamical and evolutionary picture that explains all observed features of the LMC. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is one of our closest neighbor galaxies at a distance of $\\sim 50 \\kpc$. The Sagitarrius dwarf is closer at $\\sim 24 \\kpc$, but its contrast with respect to the Milky Way foreground stars is so low that it was discovered only about a decade ago. The LMC is therefore the closest, big, easily observable galaxy from our vantage point in the Milky Way. As such, it has become a benchmark for studies on various topics. It is of fundamental importance for studies of stellar populations and the interstellar medium (ISM), it is being used to study the presence of dark objects in the Galactic Halo through microlensing (e.g., Alcock \\etal 2000a), and it plays a key role in determinations of the cosmological distance scale (e.g., Freedman \\etal 2001). For all these applications it is important to have an understanding of the structure and kinematics of the LMC. This is the topic of the present review. For information on other aspects of the LMC, the reader is referred to the book by Westerlund (1997). The book by van den Bergh (2000) discusses more generally how the properties of the LMC compare to those of other galaxies in the Local Group. The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) at a distance of $\\sim 62 \\kpc$ is a little further from us than the LMC, and is about 5 times less massive. Its structure is more irregular than that of the LMC, and it is less well studied and understood. Recent studies of SMC structure and kinematics include the work by Hatzidimitriou \\etal (1997), Udalski \\etal (1998), Stanimirovic \\etal (1999, 2004), Kunkel, Demers \\& Irwin (2000), Cioni, Habing \\& Israel (2000b), Zaritsky \\etal (2000, 2002), Crowl \\etal (2001) and Maragoudaki \\etal (2001). However, our overall understanding of SMC structure and kinematics has not evolved much since the reviews by Westerlund and van den Bergh. The present review is therefore restricted to the LMC. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:conc} The structure and kinematics of the LMC continue to be active areas of research. As outlined in this review, much progress has been made recently. Improved datasets have played a key role in this, most notably the advent of large stellar datasets of magnitudes in many bands, lightcurves, and line-of-sight kinematics, and also the availability of sensitive HI observations over large areas. As a result we now have a fairly good understanding of the LMC morphology and kinematics. The proper motion of the LMC is reasonably well measured and the global properties of the LMC orbit around the Milky Way are understood. The angles that determine how we view the LMC are now known much more accurately than before and this has led to the realization that the LMC is quite elliptical in its disk plane. We are starting to delineate the vertical structure of the LMC and are finding complexities that were not previously expected. Despite the excellent progress, many questions on LMC structure still remain open. Why is the bar offset from the center of the outer isophotes of the LMC? Why is the dynamical center of the HI offset from the center of the bar, from the center of the outer isophotes, and from the dynamical center of the carbon stars? Why do studies of the inner and outer regions of the LMC yield differences in line-of-nodes position angle of up to $30^{\\circ}$? Does the LMC have a pressure supported halo? Are there populations of stars at large distances from the LMC plane? What is the origin and dynamical nature of the non-planar structures detected in the inner regions of the LMC? Do different tracers outline the same non-planar structures? It might be necessary to answer all of these open questions before we can convince ourselves that the optical depth for LMC self-lensing has been correctly estimated. This seems to be the most critical step in establishing whether or not the Milky Way halo contains hitherto unknown compact lensing objects (MACHOs). The open questions about LMC structure are important also in their own right. The tidal interaction between the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way provides one of our best laboratories for studying the processes of tidal disruption and hierarchical merging by which all galaxies are believed to grow. A better understanding of LMC structure may also provide new insight into the origin of the Magellanic Stream, which continues to be debated. And with improved proper motion measurements of the Magellanic Clouds, the Stream may become a unique tool to constrain the shape and radial density distribution of the Milky Way halo at radii inaccessible using other tracers." }, "0404/astro-ph0404471_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We recently identified a substantial population of galaxies at $z>2$ with comparatively red rest-frame optical colors. These distant red galaxies (DRGs) are efficiently selected by the simple observed color criterion $J_s-K_s>2.3$. In this paper we present near-infrared spectroscopy with Keck/NIRSPEC of six DRGs with previously measured redshifts $2.42.3$ efficiently isolates galaxies with prominent Balmer- or 4000\\,\\AA-breaks at $z>2$ (see {Franx} {et~al.} 2003). This rest-frame optical break selection is complementary to the rest-frame UV Lyman break selection. We find large numbers of red $z>2$ objects in both fields ({Franx} {et~al.} 2003; {van Dokkum} {et~al.} 2003). Surface densities are $\\sim 3$\\,arcmin$^{-2}$ to $K_s=22.5$ and $\\sim 1$\\,arcmin$^{-2}$ to $K_s=21$, and the space density is 30--50\\,\\% of that of LBGs. Their much redder colors suggest they have higher mass-to-light ($M/L$) ratios, and they may contribute equally to the stellar mass density. Most of the galaxies are too faint in the rest-frame UV to be selected as LBGs. Although the samples are still too small for robust measurements, there are indications that the population is highly clustered ({Daddi} {et~al.} 2003; van Dokkum et al.\\ 2003; {R{\\\" o}ttgering} {et~al.} 2003). The available evidence suggests they could be the most massive galaxies at high redshift, and progenitors of today's early-type galaxies. Although these results are intriguing, large uncertainties remain. The density and clustering measurements are based on very small areas, comprising less than five percent of the area surveyed for LBGs by Steidel and collaborators. Furthermore, owing to their faintness in the observer's optical, spectroscopic redshifts have been secured for only a handful of objects (van Dokkum et al.\\ 2003). Finally, current estimates of ages, $M/L$ ratios, star formation rates, and extinction are solely based on modeling of broad band spectral energy distributions (SEDs), and as is well known this type of analyis suffers from significant degeneracies in the fitted parameters (see, e.g., {Papovich} {et~al.} 2001; {Shapley} {et~al.} 2001). Confirmation of the high stellar masses and improved constraints on the stellar populations require spectroscopy in the rest-frame optical (the observer's NIR). Emission lines such as \\oiii\\ $\\lambda 4959,5007$ and the Balmer H$\\alpha$ and H$\\beta$ lines have been studied extensively at low redshift, allowing direct comparisons to nearby galaxies. The H$\\alpha$ line is particularly valuable, as its luminosity is proportional to the star formation rate ({Kennicutt} 1998), and its equivalent width is sensitive to the ratio of current and past star formation activity. When more lines are available metallicity and reddening can be constrained as well. Finally, the widths of rest-frame optical lines better reflect the velocity dispersion of the H\\,{\\sc ii} regions than the widths of rest-UV lines, which are very sensitive to outflows and supernova-driven winds (see, e.g., {Pettini} {et~al.} 1998). In this paper, we present NIR spectroscopy of a small sample of $J_s-K_s$ selected galaxies. Line luminosities, equivalent widths, and linewidths are determined, and the derived constraints on the stellar populations and masses are combined with results from fits to the broad band SEDs. Results are compared to nearby galaxies, and also to LBGs: {Pettini} {et~al.} (1998, 2001) and {Erb} {et~al.} (2003) have studied the rest-frame optical spectra of LBGs in great detail, providing an excellent benchmark for such comparisons. For convenience we use the term \\orgsf, or \\orgs, for galaxies having $J_s-K_s>2.3$ and redshifts $z\\gtrsim 2$. This term is more general than ``optical-break galaxies'', as it allows for the possibility that in some galaxies the red colors are mainly caused by dust rather than a strong continuum break. {Im} {et~al.} (2002) use the designation Hyper Extremely Red Objects, or HEROs, for galaxies with $J-K\\gtrsim 2$. However, the corresponding rest-frame optical limits are not really ``hyper extreme'', as they would include all but the bluest nearby galaxies: at $z=2.7$, our $J_s-K_s$ limit corresponds to $U-V\\gtrsim 0.1$ in the rest-frame. We use $\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$, and $H_0=70$\\,\\kms\\,Mpc$^{-1}$ ({Riess} {et~al.} 1998; {Spergel} {et~al.} 2003). All magnitudes are on the Vega system; AB conversion constants for the ISAAC filters are given in {Labb{\\' e}} {et~al.} (2003). ", "conclusions": "Near-infrared spectroscopy with Keck/NIRSPEC has provided new constraints on the nature of red galaxies at redshifts $z>2$. The results are not unique, as they depend on the assumed functional form of star formation history, and on the (unknown) extinction towards the line emitting gas. The low H$\\alpha$ equivalent widths imply either significant extinction or a declining star formation rate. For constant star formation models we find total extinction toward H{\\sc ii} regions of $A_V = 2-3$\\,mag, extinction-corrected star formation rates of 200--400 $M_{\\odot}$\\,yr$^{-1}$, ages $1-2.5$\\,Gyr, and stellar masses $1-5\\times 10^{11}\\,M_{\\odot}$. In declining models the star formation rates and extinction are lower but the stellar masses are similar. Measurements of H$\\alpha$ and H$\\beta$ for the same objects will help constrain the extinction toward the line-emitting gas. The $J_s-K_s$ selected objects extend the known range of properties of early galaxies to include higher masses, mass-to-light ratios, and ages allowing a re-evaluation of the existence of galaxy scaling relations in the early universe. By combining our small sample of \\orgs\\ with a published sample of LBGs we find significant correlations between line width and color and line width and stellar mass. The latter correlation is intruiging, as it has the same form as the ``baryonic Tully-Fisher relation'' in the local universe. There are, however, many uncertainties. In particular, it is unclear whether the line widths at $z>2$ measure regular rotation in disks, and if they do, whether they sample the rotation curves out to the same radii as in local galaxies. Also, the correlations are currently only marginally significant, and larger samples are needed to confirm them. Finally, the comparison to $z\\approx 3$ LBGs may not be appropriate: initial results from studies at $z\\approx 2$ indicate that their measured properties are markedly different from the $z\\approx 3$ LBGs, with the lower redshift galaxies being more massive and more metal rich (Erb et al.\\ 2003 and private communication). A plausible reason is that the $z\\approx 3$ LBGs were selected to be bright in the rest-frame ultraviolet, which may select lower mass and lower metallicity objects (Erb et al.\\ 2003). It will be interesting to see if the $z\\approx 2$ LBGs deviate from the relations seen in Fig.\\ \\ref{sigcorr.plot}. It is still unclear how \\orgs\\ fit in the general picture of galaxy formation. They are redder, more metal rich, and more massive than $z\\approx 3$ Lyman break galaxies of the same luminosity, which suggests they will evolve into more massive galaxies. A plausible scenario is that they are descendants of LBGs at $z\\sim 5$ or beyond, in which continued star formation led to a gradual build-up of dust, metals, and stellar mass. It is tempting to place \\orgs\\ in an evolutionary sequence linking them to Extremely Red Objects (EROs) and massive $K-$selected galaxies at $12$ are probably attenuated by 1--2 magnitudes. Therefore, tests of galaxy formation models using the ``K20'' technique require a careful treatment of dust, either by correcting the observed abundance for extinction or by incorporating dust in the models. There are several ways to establish the properties of red $z>2$ galaxies more firmly, and to enlarge the sample for improved statistics. Photometric surveys over larger areas and multiple lines of sight are needed to better quantify the surface density, clustering, and to measure the luminosity function. Furthermore, the high dust content and star formation rates imply that a significant fraction of \\orgs\\ may shine brightly in the submm, as evidenced by the SCUBA detection of the galaxy with the highest dust content in our sample. The star formation may also be detectable with Chandra in stacked exposures, as has been demonstrated recently for LBGs (Reddy \\& Steidel 2004). Chandra can also provide estimates of the prevalence of AGN in \\orgs; this fraction could be relatively high if black hole accretion rates correlate with stellar mass at early epochs. Spitzer can provide better constraints on the stellar masses, as it samples the rest-frame $K$ band. Finally, the results in this paper can clearly be improved by obtaining more NIR spectroscopy of red $z>2$ galaxies. Contrary to the situation for LBGs, the sample of \\orgs\\ with measured redshift is rather limited due to their faintness in the rest-frame UV and the resulting difficulty of measuring redshifts in the observer's optical (see van Dokkum et al.\\ 2003; Wuyts et al.\\ in preperation). Furthermore, samples of galaxies with optically-measured redshifts are obviously biased toward galaxies with high star formation rates, low dust content, and/or active nuclei; it may not be a coincidence that the galaxy with the highest dust content is the only one in our sample without Ly$\\alpha$ emission. ``Blind'' NIR spectroscopy is notoriously difficult, but may be the best way of determining the masses, star formation rates, and dust content of \\orgs\\ in an unbiased fashion. It is expected that such studies will be possible for large samples when multi-object NIR spectrographs become available on 8--10m class telescopes." }, "0404/astro-ph0404251_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We discuss the physical basis of the statistical mechanics of self-gravitating systems. We show the correspondance between statistical mechanics methods based on the evaluation of the density of states and partition function and thermodynamical methods based on the maximization of a thermodynamical potential (entropy or free energy). We address the question of the thermodynamic limit of self-gravitating systems, the justification of the mean-field approximation, the validity of the saddle point approximation near the transition point, the lifetime of metastable states and the fluctuations in isothermal spheres. In particular, we emphasize the tremendously long lifetime of metastable states of self-gravitating systems which increases exponentially with the number of particles $N$ except in the vicinity of the critical point. More specifically, using an adaptation of the Kramers formula justified by a kinetic theory, we show that the lifetime of a metastable state scales as $e^{N\\Delta s}$ in microcanonical ensemble and $e^{N\\Delta j}$ in canonical ensemble, where $\\Delta s$ and $\\Delta j$ are the barriers of entropy and free energy $j=s-\\beta \\epsilon$ (per particle) respectively. The physical caloric curve must take these metastable states (local entropy maxima) into account. As a result, it becomes multi-valued and leads to microcanonical phase transitions and ``dinosaur's necks'' (Chavanis 2002b, Chavanis \\& Rieutord 2003). The consideration of metastable states answers the critics raised by D.H.E. Gross [cond-mat/0307535/0403582]. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec_introduction} The statistical mechanics of self-gravitating systems has a long history starting with the seminal papers of Antonov (1962) and Lynden-Bell \\& Wood (1968). A statistical mechanics approach is particularly relevant to describe the late stages of ``small'' groups of stars ($N\\sim 10^{6}$), such as globular clusters, which evolve under the influence of stellar encounters (``collisional'' relaxation). Apart from astrophysical applications, the statistical mechanics of stellar systems is of great interest in physics because it differs in many respects from that of more familiar systems with short-range interactions (Padmanabhan 1990). In particular, for systems with long-range interactions, the thermodynamical ensembles are not equivalent, negative specific heats are allowed in the microcanonical ensemble (but not in the canonical ensemble) and metastable equilibrium states can have tremendously long lifetimes making them of considerable interest. Two types of approaches have been developed to determine the statistical equilibrium state of a self-gravitating system. In the {\\it thermodynamical approach}, one determines the { most probable} distribution of particles by maximizing the Boltzmann entropy at fixed mass and energy in the microcanonical ensemble or by minimizing the free energy $F=E-TS$ at fixed mass and temperature in the canonical ensemble (Lynden-Bell \\& Wood 1968, Katz 1978, Chavanis 2002a). This approach is the simplest and the most illuminating. In addition, it is directly related to kinetic theories (based on the Landau or on the Fokker-Planck equation) for which the Boltzmann entropy (or the Boltzmann free energy) plays the role of a Lyapunov functional and satisfies a H-theorem. Alternatively, in the {\\it statistical mechanics approach}, one starts from the density of states or partition function, transforms it into a functional integral and uses a saddle point approximation valid in a properly defined thermodynamic limit (Horwitz \\& Katz 1978, de Vega \\& Sanchez 2002, Katz 2003). In the first part of this paper, we discuss the connexion between these two procedures. We remain at a heuristic level, stressing more the physical ideas than the mathematical formalism. In Sec. \\ref{sec_fermions}, we introduce the entropy by a combinatorial analysis. In order to regularize the problem at short distances, we consider either the case of self-gravitating fermions or the case of self-gravitating particles with a soften potential. We also discuss the thermodynamic limit of the classical and quantum self-gravitating gas. In Sec. \\ref{sec_connexion}, we show the relation between the density of states $g(E)$ and the entropy functional $S[f]$ and between the partition function $Z(\\beta)$ and the free energy functional $J[f]=S[f]-\\beta E[f]$. In the thermodynamic limit, the saddle point approximation amounts to maximizing the entropy at fixed mass and energy (microcanonical ensemble) or to minimizing the free energy at fixed mass and temperature (canonical ensemble). In Sec. \\ref{sec_corr}, we discuss the notion of canonical and microcanonical phase transitions in self-gravitating systems. We perform the (standard) horizontal and (less standard) vertical Maxwell constructions and discuss the validity of the saddle point approximation near the transition point for finite $N$ systems. These results (e.g., microcanonical first order phase transitions) are relatively new in statistical mechanics and still subject to controversy (Gross 2003,2004). Therefore, we provide a relatively detailed discussion of these issues. In the second part of the paper, we emphasize the importance of metastable states in astrophysics and show how they can be taken into account in the statistical approach. In Sec. \\ref{sec_persistence}, we use the Kramers formula to estimate the lifetime of a metastable state. We show that the lifetime of a metastable state scales as $e^{N\\Delta s}$ in microcanonical ensemble and $e^{N\\Delta j}$ in canonical ensemble, where $\\Delta s$ and $\\Delta j$ are the barriers of entropy and free energy $j=s-\\beta \\epsilon$ (per particle) respectively. Therefore, the typical lifetime of a metastable state scales as $e^{N}$ except in the vicinity of the critical point $E_{c}$ (Antonov energy) or $T_{c}$ (Emden-Jeans temperature). We explicitly compute the barriers of entropy and free energy close to the critical point for classical self-gravitating particles (stars). The very long lifetime of metastable states, scaling as $e^{N}$, was pointed out by Chavanis \\& Rieutord (2003) and the difficulty of a stellar system to overcome the entropic barrier and collapse was qualitatively discussed in Chavanis \\& Sommeria (1998). We here improve these arguments by developing a theory of fluctuations in isothermal spheres, following the approach of Katz \\& Okamoto (2000). We also determine how finite $N$ effects affect the collapse temperature and the collapse energy. Finally, in Sec. \\ref{sec_kramers}, we derive a Fokker-Planck equation for the evolution of the distribution of energies $P(E,t)$ in the canonical ensemble and make contact with the standard Kramers problem. We determine the typical lifetime of a metastable state by calculating the escape time accross a barrier of free energy. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_conclusion} In this paper, we have completed previous investigations concerning the statistical mechanics of self-gravitating systems in microcanonical and canonical ensembles. The microcanonical ensemble is the proper description of isolated Hamiltonian systems such as globular clusters (Binney \\& Tremaine 1987). The canonical ensemble is relevant for systems in contact with a heat bath of non-gravitational origin. It is also the proper description of stochastically forced systems such as self-gravitating Brownian particles (Chavanis, Rosier \\& Sire 2002). We have justified the mean-field approximation, in a proper thermodynamic limit $N\\rightarrow +\\infty$ with $\\eta=\\beta GMm/R$ and $\\epsilon=ER/GM^{2}$ fixed, from the equilibrium BBGKY hierarchy. In this thermodynamic limit, the equilibrium state is determined by a maximization problem: the maximization of entropy at fixed mass and energy in the microcanonical ensemble and the minimization of free energy at fixed mass and temperature in the canonical ensemble. This determines the {\\it most probable} macroscopic distribution of particles at equilibrium. This can also be seen as a saddle point approximation in the functional integral formulation of the density of states and partition function. We have shown that the saddle point approximation is less and less accurate close to the transition point since the condition $N|E-E_{t}|\\gg 1$ (in microcanonical ensemble) or $N|T-T_{t}|\\gg 1$ (in canonical ensemble) must be satisfied. We have also argued that the lifetime of metastable states (local entropy maxima) scales as ${\\rm exp}(N)$ due to the long-range nature of the interaction. Therefore, the importance of these metastable states is considerable and they cannot be simply ignored. Metastable states are in fact {\\it stable} and they correspond to observed structures in the universe such as globular clusters. The preceding estimate must, however, be revised close to the critical point. By solving a Fokker-Planck equation, we have shown the the lifetime of metastable states is given by the Kramers formula involving the barrier of entropy or free energy. These barriers have been calculated exactly close to the Antonov energy $E_{c}$ (in microcanonical ensemble) and close to the Jeans-Emden temperature $T_{c}$ (in canonical ensemble). We have obtained the estimates $t_{life}\\sim {\\rm exp}\\lbrace 1.726\\ N (\\Lambda_{c}-\\Lambda)^{3/2}\\rbrace$ (in microcanonical ensemble) and $t_{life}\\sim {\\rm exp}\\lbrace 0.339\\ N (\\eta_{c}-\\eta)^{3/2}\\rbrace$ (in canonical ensemble) so that the lifetime decreases as we approach $E_c$ or $T_{c}$. This implies that the collapse will take place slightly above $E_c$ or $T_{c}$ at an energy $\\Lambda_l= \\Lambda_{c}(1-2.077\\ N^{-2/3})$ or temperature $\\eta_{l}=\\eta_{c}(1-0.816\\ N^{-2/3})$. Similar conclusions have been reached by Katz \\& Okamoto (2000). Yet, these predictions do not seem to be consistent with the Monte Carlo simulations of de Vega \\& Sanchez (2002), although they find that the collapse indeed takes place slightly before the critical point. Independent simulations are under preparation to check that point. Finally, a part of our discussion was devoted to answer the critics raised by Gross (2003,2004) in recent comments. This author argues that the microcanonical entropy $S_{micro}(E)$ and the microcanonical temperature $\\beta_{micro}(E)$ must be single valued. This is true in a strict sense, but the problem is richer than that because of the existence of long-lived metastable states. Therefore, the {\\it physical} caloric curve/series of equilibria $\\beta(E)$ is multi-valued and leads to ``dinosaur's necks'' and special ``microcanonical phase transitions'' (Chavanis 2002). This is specific to systems with long-range interactions in view of the long lifetime of metastable states (local entropy maxima). These results have stimulated a general classification of phase transitions by Bouchet \\& Barr\\'e (2004). Microcanonical phase transitions (as in Fig. \\ref{le5}) have not been fully appreciated by Gross and his collaborators because their studies (e.g., Votyakov et al. 2002) consider a {\\it large} small-scale cut-off for which the caloric curve looks like Fig. \\ref{fel} and is univalued. If these authors reduce their small-scale cut-offs, they will see ``dinosaurs'' appear!" }, "0404/astro-ph0404584_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Since the beginning of precise Doppler surveys, which have had stunning success in detecting extrasolar planetary companions, one surprising enigma has emerged: the relative paucity of spectroscopic binaries where the secondary mass lies in between the stellar and planetary mass regime. This gap in the mass function for close-in ($a<3-4$~AU) companions to solar-type stars is generally referred to as the ``Brown Dwarf Desert''. Here we report the detection of a companion to HD~137510 (G0IV), with a minimum mass of $26~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jupiter}$, moving in an eccentric orbit ($e=0.4$) with a period of $798$ days and an orbital semimajor axis of $1.85$~AU. The detection is based on precise differential radial velocity (RV) data obtained by the McDonald Observatory and Th\\\"uringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg planet search programs. ", "introduction": "It was the common expectation that, with the increase in the precision of RV measurements, the detected secondary masses of spectroscopic binaries will gradually decrease, first into the brown dwarf mass range (${\\rm M}<80~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jup}$) and eventually into the planetary mass regime of roughly ${\\rm M}<13~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jup}$ (below the deuterium burning limit). Quite the opposite turned out to happen. The pioneering long-term Doppler survey of Campbell, Walker, \\& Yang (1988), and later also in the southern hemisphere by Murdoch, Hearnshaw, \\& Clark~(1993), did not reveal any brown dwarf companions to nearby solar-type stars, despite their sufficient sensitivity. There appeared to be an abrupt drop in the frequency of companions at the hydrogen burning limit of $\\approx 0.075~{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$. The first very low-mass companion ($m \\sin i = 11~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jup}$) detected by the RV technique is the companion to HD~114762 (Latham et al.~1989). The discoverers classified the object as a brown dwarf companion, but according to Cochran, Hatzes, \\& Hancock~(1991) this companion might be in fact a late M dwarf due to a possible low value of the inclination angle $i$. In the years after the discovery of the first unambiguous extrasolar planet orbiting a main-sequence star by Mayor \\& Queloz (1995), a total of more than a $100$ extrasolar planets have been accumulated by several precise Doppler searches all around the globe. Still, with a few exceptions (HD~127506: Mayor, Queloz, \\& Udry~1998; HD~29587 \\& HD~140913: Mazeh, Latham, \\& Stefanik~1996; HD~168443 (second companion): Marcy \\& Butler~2001; HD~184860: Vogt et al.~2002), the part of the mass function for spectroscopic secondaries, in between the minimum hydrogen burning mass and the deuterium burning limit of ${\\rm M}\\approx13~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jup}$, remained surprisingly sparsely populated. A notable exception is HD~10697, where Vogt et al.~(2000) detected a companion with $m \\sin i = 6.35~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jup}$, while Zucker \\& Mazeh (2000) determined a true mass for the secondary of $40~{\\rm M}_{\\rm Jup}$ after combining the spectroscopic solution with $Hipparcos$ astrometry. Udry et al.~(2002) found 4 companions with minimum masses close to the planet/brown dwarf border, which could be either ``superplanets'' or real brown dwarfs. However, most of the candidate brown dwarf secondaries considered in the Halbwachs et al.~(2000) study turned out to be stellar mass companions, again after combination with $Hipparcos$ astrometry. This suggests the existence of two distinctive binary formation processes for certain mass-ratios. The gap in the mass function between the stellar and planetary mass range for close binaries is generally dubbed the ``Brown Dwarf Desert'' (this desert does not appear to exist at wide separations, e.g. Gizis et al. 2001; Neuh\\\"auser \\& Guenther 2004). The gap is particularily obvious as a sudden drop at the deuterium burning limit in the substellar mass function for close companions. While planets are relatively common as companions to solar-type stars, brown dwarfs are rare. This fact is especially surprising since brown dwarf companions are much easier to detect, even for lower precision surveys, due to the larger RV amplitudes. Moreover, these objects cover a more than 4 times larger mass range than planetary companions, still their detected numbers per mass bin is extremely low compared to lower and higher mass companions. In this work we present the discovery of another possible ``oasis'' in this desert, a brown dwarf orbiting the G-type star HD~137510. ", "conclusions": "We have presented observational evidence for the substellar nature of the companion to HD~137510. {\\it The question, why this star constitutes one of the very rare oases in the brown dwarf desert, remains unanswered.} However, due to the well established parameters of the primary and the orbit, this new system might help to understand binary formation processes for these mass-ratios at small orbital separations." }, "0404/astro-ph0404317_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present a prospective analysis of a combined cosmic shear and cosmic microwave background data set, focusing on a Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) type lensing survey and the current WMAP-1 year and CBI data. We investigate the parameter degeneracies and error estimates of a seven parameters model, for the lensing alone as well as for the combined experiments. The analysis is performed using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain calculation, allowing for a more realistic estimate of errors and degeneracies than a Fisher matrix approach. After a detailed discussion of the relevant statistical techniques, the set of the most relevant 2 and 3-dimensional lensing contours are given. It is shown that the combined cosmic shear and CMB is particularly efficient to break some parameter degeneracies. The principal components directions are computed and it is found that the most orthogonal contours between the two experiments are for the parameter pairs $(\\Omega_m,\\sigma_8)$, $(h,n_s)$ and $(n_s,\\alpha_s)$, where $n_s$ and $\\alpha_s$ are the slope of the primordial mass power spectrum and the running spectral index respectively. It is shown that an improvement of a factor $2$ is expected on the running spectral index from the combined data sets. Forecasts for error improvements from a wide field space telescope lensing survey are also given. ", "introduction": "The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey \\footnote{http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Science/CFHTLS/} (CFHTLS) is a long term wide field imaging project that started in early 2003 and should be completed by 2008. The French and Canadian astronomical communities will spend about 500 CFHT nights to carry out imaging surveys with the new Megaprime/Megacam instrument recently mounted at the CFHT prime focus. About 160 nights will focus on the \"CFHTLS-Wide\" survey that will cover 170 deg$^2$, spread over 3 uncorrelated patches of $7^o \\times 7^o$ each, in $u^*,g',r',i',z'$ bands, with typical exposure times of about one hour per filter. The \"CFHTLS-Wide\" survey design and observing strategy are similar to the {\\sc Virmos}-Descart cosmic shear survey \\footnote{http://terapix.iap.fr/cplt/oldSite/Descart/} but it will have a sky coverage 20 times larger. It is widely seen as a typical second generation cosmic shear survey. The exploration of weak gravitational distortion produced by the large scale structures of the universe over field of views as large as \"CFHTLS-Wide\" has an enormous potential for cosmology. Past experiences based on first generations cosmic shear surveys (see for example reviews in \\cite{VWM03,REFRE03}) have demonstrated they can constrain the dark matter properties ($\\sigma_8$, $\\Omega_m$ and the shape of the dark matter power spectrum) from a careful investigation of the ellipticity induced by weak gravitational shear on distant galaxies. For example, the most recent cosmic shear results from the {\\sc Virmos}-Descart survey (\\cite{VWMH04}) lead to the conservative limits $\\sigma_8 =0.85 \\pm0.15$ (99\\% C.L.) and $\\Omega_m=0.3\\pm 0.15$ (99\\% C.L.), which means an expected accuracy of $\\approx$1-3\\% can be expected with the \"CFHTLS-Wide\" for the same set of cosmological parameters. The CFHTLS-Wide will also explore a broader wavenumber range (10$^5$-10$^2$) than {\\sc Virmos}-Descart and will extend to linear scale, that will considerably ease cosmological interpretation of weak lensing data. The second generation surveys will therefore permit to investigate more thoroughly different cosmological models, taking into account a broad range of cosmological parameters. For instance, the CFHTLS as a probe dark energy evolution was stressed out by \\cite{VWBENAB03}. The full scientific outcome of the cosmic shear data from the \"CFHTLS-Wide\" will only be complete with a joint analysis with other data sets, like Type Ia Supernovae, galaxy redshift surveys, Lyman-alpha forest, or CMB observations. \\cite{CONTALDHOEK03} have used the Red Cluster Sequence (RCS) cosmic shear survey together with the CMB data. It was shown that the $\\Omega_m,\\sigma_8$ degeneracies for lensing and CMB are nearly orthogonal, which makes this set of parameters particularly relevant for such combined analysis (\\cite{VW02}). The search for orthogonal parameter degeneracies between different observations is one of the most important aspects of parameters measurements. $\\,$\\cite{ISHAK03} recently argued that joint CMB-cosmic shear surveys provide an optimal data set to explore the amplitude of the running spectral index and probe inflation models. They used a Fisher-Matrix analysis on WMAP+ACBAR+CBI and a \"reference survey\". Their simulated survey covers about 400 deg$^2$ with a depth corresponding to a galaxy number density of lensed sources of about 60 arc-min$^{-2}$, and they restricted their analysis to 3000$>l>$20. They found that several parameters can be significantly improved (like $\\sigma_8$, $\\Omega_mh^2$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$) and in particular that both the spectral index $n_s$ and the running spectral index $\\alpha_s$ errors are reduced by a factor of 2. Their encouraging results show that joint CMB and weak lensing data may provide interesting insights on inflation models. Here, we investigate the 2-dimensional structure of the parameter degeneracies between lensing and CMB data sets, and look for the expectation with a \"CFHTLS-Wide\"-like survey design. To explore the smaller scales probed by the \"CFHTLS-Wide\", which will provide cosmic shear information down to 20 arc-seconds, it is preferable to avoid prior assumptions regarding the Gaussian nature of the underlying distribution, and to discard a Fisher matrix analysis. We used in this work the so-called Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The MCMC computing time linearly scales with the number of parameters and eases the exploration of a large sample of parameters and a broad range of values for each. \\cite{CONTALDHOEK03} already used this approach with the RCS survey to map the $\\Omega_m,\\sigma_8$ parameter space, but marginalised over a small set of cosmological parameters. The goal of this present work is to map the parameter space that describes cosmological models in order to extract series of parameter combinations that would minimise intersections of CMB and cosmic shear degeneracy tracks. Compared to the Fisher-Matrix approach which produces ellipses only, MCMC provides more details of the parameter space and eventually a more realistic estimate of error improvements of the joint analyses. The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 introduces the gravitational lensing and defines the cosmic shear fiducial data used and the parameter space investigated. Section 3 gives the details of our MCMC calculations, limitations and convergence criteria. Section 4 shows the MCMC results from the cosmic shear alone, assuming a lensing survey similar to the CFHTLS. In Section 5 we present the results of the parameter degeneracies analysis on the combined cosmic shear and cosmic microwave background observations. The assumptions made and the results obtained are discussed in section 6 and we conclude in section 7. ", "conclusions": "The CMB/cosmic shear complementarity opens good prospectives for the determinations of cosmological parameters by combining CMB and cosmic shear data sets. In fact, even for CFHTLS, whose contours are, in general, noticeably larger than the WMAP+CBI ones (Fig. \\ref{joint2d}), we predict non neglectable gains. Figure \\ref{snapcmb} shows what can be expected with future space telescope data. \\begin{table} \\caption{Cosmic shear : Wide field space telescope illustration specifications.} \\label{snaptab} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{ll} \\hline \\hline Size of the survey: &A=$1000\\,{\\rm deg} ^2$ \\\\ Density of galaxies: & $n_g=50\\,{\\rm arcmin}^{-2}$ \\\\ Intrinsic ellipticity dispersion:& $\\sigma_\\epsilon=0.3$ \\\\ Scales probed:& $0.6\\,'<\\theta<5\\deg$\\\\ \\ & $40$99$\\%$ confidence (I\\,Zw1, PG\\,0804+761, PG\\,1114+445, PG\\,1116+215 and PG\\,1402+261), whilst seven objects have a more marginal detection at 90--99$\\%$ confidence (PG\\,0947+396, PG\\,1048+342, PG\\,1115+407, PG\\,1244+026, PG\\,1309+355, Mkn\\,1383, and PG\\,1512+370). In five objects the line energy is consistent within the errors with 6.4 keV, a ``neutral'' to moderately ionized iron (i.e. $\\leq$ \\ion{Fe}{XVII}), while for the other seven objects the line energy is consistent with highly ionized iron: I\\,Zw1, PG\\,0804+761, PG\\,1115+407, PG\\,1116+215, PG\\,1244+026, PG\\,1402+261, and Mrk\\,1383. For five objects the fit is statistically improved when leaving the width of the line as a free parameter. All these line profiles can be well fitted with either a broad Gaussian line, or with a relativistic line profile (non-rotating Schwarzschild BH or rapidly rotating Kerr BH). No significant differences have been found comparing the $\\chi^{2}$ obtained for the relativistic line profile and for the broad Gaussian line. The width of the Gaussian line could be due to a blend of several (neutral/ionized) lines or simply to Keplerian motion. With the present S/N data we are not able to infer the incidence of genuine relativistic effects in quasars. Higher S/N data or larger spectral resolution are needed for such investigation. The line profiles can be also be interpreted as ionized disk reflection, which is able to explain the spectral shape over the 2--12\\,keV energy range. At least five significant detections (at $\\geq$ 99$\\%$ confidence) of broad iron lines in quasars have been found with {\\sl XMM-Newton} to date: I\\,Zw1, PG\\,0804+761, PG\\,1116+215, and PG\\,1402+261 (this work), and Q\\,0056+363 (Porquet et al. \\cite{PR2003}). The first three objects exhibit line energies corresponding to very ionized iron (He-like, H-like). As shown previously by Porquet \\& Reeves (\\cite{PR2003}), broad and intense lines at 6.4\\,keV in quasars appear to be very rare, with the quasar Q0056-363 being the most luminous quasar found to date exhibiting such characteristics. The RQQ PG\\,1402+261 shows a very large positive deviation near 7--8\\,keV compared to a power law model. Assuming that this feature is a relativistic Fe\\,K line, we find a huge EW of about 2\\,keV, thus the hard X-ray spectrum of this object is likely to be dominated by reflected emission from the disc. Other interpretations such as partial covering absorber models will be investigated in detail in a \\ forthcoming paper (Reeves et al. 2004, in preparation). Four of the five NLG of the sample show the presence of a very highly ionized Fe\\,K line: I\\,Zw1, PG\\,1115+407, PG\\,1244+026, and PG\\,1402+261. Our results are also consistent with the correlations found between the Fe\\,K line energy and the 2--10\\,keV X-ray power law slope by Dewangan (\\cite{D2002}). This means that the steep X-ray spectrum objects (such as NLG) tend to have Fe\\,K lines formed in a highly ionized medium, while objects with flatter X-ray spectra tend to be associated with near neutral or weakly ionized iron line emission. \\\\ A strong correlation is found between $\\Gamma$ (both in the soft 0.3--2\\,keV and hard 2--10\\,keV energy bands) and optical H$\\beta$ width, whereby the steepest X-ray spectra tend to be found in those objects with narrow H$\\beta$ widths. This is consistent with previous results (e.g., Boller et al. \\cite{Bo96}, Wang et al. \\cite{WBB96}, Brandt et al. \\cite{B97}, Vaughan et al. \\cite{V99}, Reeves \\& Turner \\cite{RT2000}, and Dewangan \\cite{D2002}). The soft and hard X-ray photon indices are also linked by a very strong correlation, i.e. the steepest soft X-ray spectra lead to the steepest hard X-ray spectra. The strongest correlations are found between $\\Gamma$ (soft and hard), H$\\beta$ width and the black hole mass and the accretion rate. Therefore, we conclude that a high accretion rate and a smaller black hole mass is likely to be the physical driver responsible for these trends, i.e. the steepest X-ray spectra are often found in objects accreting at high fraction of the Eddington rate, with smaller black hole masses. \\\\" }, "0404/astro-ph0404516_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have used the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) array to search for redshifted millimetre absorption in a sample of damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems (DLAs). This brings the number of published systems searched from 18 to 30. In 17 cases we reach $3\\sigma$ limits of $\\tau\\leq0.1$, which is a significant improvement over the previous searches and more than sufficient to detect the 4 known redshifted millimetre absorbers ($\\tau\\gapp1$). While the CO rotational (millimetre) column density limits obtained are weaker than the electronic (optical) limits, they may provide useful limits below the atmospheric cut-off for the Lyman and Werner \\MOLH-bands in the UV ($z_{\\rm abs}\\lapp1.8$). Using a model for the DLA metallicity evolution combined with assumed HCO$^+$/\\MOLH ~and CO/\\MOLH ~conversion ratios, we use the molecular column density limits to calculate plausible \\MOLH ~molecular fraction limits. Finally, we use these results to discuss the feasibility of detecting rotational CO transitions in DLAs with the next generation of large radio telescopes. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Molecular absorption lines trace, and provide detailed physical and chemical information about, the cold dense component of the interstellar medium (ISM). Although many detailed studies exist for molecular clouds within our own Galaxy, only relatively recently has detailed information emerged for molecular abundances at high redshift, through absorption studies of redshifted UV molecular hydrogen lines (e.g. \\citealt{lps03,rbql03}) and millimetre-band rotational lines from molecular tracers (e.g. \\citealt{wc96a}). Observations of a range of different molecular transitions in gas clouds at high redshift would provide a wealth of information on star formation activity in external galaxies, potentially viewed at epochs when chemical abundances and environments were markedly different to today. Such information is invaluable for a detailed understanding of galactic formation and evolution. Furthermore, the narrowness of molecular lines reveals information about small-scale structure in the ISM. Comparison of relative line strengths yields information about the excitation mechanism, and in particular, probes the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and hence the expected ($1+z$)--dependence (e.g. \\citealt{wc96a}). Finally, comparisons of the relative observed frequencies of millimetre molecular lines (with each other, and/or with atomic transitions arising in the same cloud) can be used to check on any possible variation in certain combinations of the fundamental constants \\citep{dwbf98,mwf+00}. This last point was the prime motivation for our search for new redshifted millimetre absorbers reported in this paper, although we use the upper limits obtained to yield molecular fraction limits in low redshift DLAs, which is not possible using the UV \\MOLH ~lines, which fall below the atmospheric cut-off of $z_{\\rm abs}\\lapp1.8$. Currently, only 4 redshifted millimetre absorption systems are known (see \\citealt{wc99b} and references therein), of which the highest redshift is 0.886 (PKS 1830--211). As a means of approaching a search for new high redshift radio absorbers systematically, we produced a catalogue of DLAs \\citep{cwbc01}\\footnote{A version of this catalogue is kept updated on-line and is available from http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/$\\sim$sjc/dla}, where large column densities ($N_{\\rm HI}\\geq2\\times10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$) are known to exist, and shortlisted those which are illuminated by radio-loud quasars (i.e. those with a measured radio flux density $>0.1$ Jy). This yielded 60 DLAs and sub-DLAs occulting radio-loud quasars. Of these, 37 have been searched for 21-cm absorption (see \\citealt{kc02,cmp+03}). Selecting those of 12-mm and 3-mm flux densities $\\gapp0.1$ Jy, gives 18 systems which have previously been searched for millimetre absorption (\\citealt{cmwp02}), this number now being increased in total to 30 with the observations we present in this paper. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Search results} In Table \\ref{sum} we show the best previously published optical depths together with our new results, for which, despite the improved limits, there are no absorption features of $\\geq3\\sigma$ over $\\geq3$ \\kms, the full resolution of the BIMA array observations. For all of the limits we estimate the $3\\sigma$ upper limits on the total column density of each molecule from \\begin{equation} N_{\\rm mm}=\\frac{8\\pi}{c^3}\\frac{\\nu^{3}}{g_{J+1}A_{J+1\\rightarrow J}}\\frac{Qe^{E_J/kT_x}}{1-e^{-h\\nu/kT_x}} \\left.\\int\\right.\\tau dv, \\end{equation} where $\\nu$ is the rest frequency of the $J\\rightarrow J+1$ transition, $g_{J+1}$ and $A_{J+1\\rightarrow J}$ are the statistical weight and the Einstein A-coefficient\\footnote{These are taken from \\citet{cklh95,cms96} or derived from the dipole moment (e.g. \\citealt{rw00}).} of the transition, respectively, $Q = \\sum^{\\infty}_{J=0}g_{J}~e^{-E_J/kT_x}$ is the partition function\\footnote{The energy of each level, $E_J$, is obtained from the JPL Spectral Line Catalog \\citep{ppc+98}.}, for the excitation temperature, $T_x$, and $\\int\\tau dv$ is the $3\\sigma$ upper limit of the velocity integrated optical depth of the line\\footnote{$\\int\\tau dv\\approx1.06\\,\\tau_{\\rm mm}\\times{\\rm FWHM}$ for a Gaussian profile, where $\\tau_{\\rm mm}$ is the $3\\sigma$ peak optical depth limit (Table \\ref{sum}).}. Since the derived optical depth limits depend upon the r.m.s. noise and thus the velocity resolution (see \\citealt{cwn+02}), in our previous articles we presented all of the optical depth limits normalised to a spectral resolution of 1 \\kms, the finest resolution typical of most current wide-band spectrometers. Previously, we also quoted column density upper limits per unit \\kms~ line-width. However, in order to use our limits to constrain molecular fractions at low redshift (Section 3.2), we shall now adopt a line-width (FWHM) of 10 \\kms, which is close to those of the 4 known systems (e.g. \\citealt{wc96a}). This is done for a resolution of the same value and so the column density limits, which are calculated for an excitation temperature\\footnote{Due to the increase of CMB temperature with redshift, $T_{\\rm CMB}=2.73 (1+z_{\\rm abs})$, $T_{x}$ increases to 20 K at $z_{\\rm abs}=3.75$, the highest redshift of our sample. The main effect of this is to increase the HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ column density estimates by a factor of $\\leq4$ in comparison to a constant value of 10 K.} of 10 K at $z_{\\rm abs}=0$, represent a one channel $3\\sigma$ detection of a $10$ \\kms ~wide line. \\begin{table*} \\centering \\begin{minipage}{162mm} \\caption{Summary of published searches for molecular tracer absorption in DLAs and sub-DLAs. $\\nu_{\\rm obs}$ is the approximate observed frequency (GHz), $V$ is the visual magnitude of the background quasar and $S$ is the flux density (Jy) at $\\nu_{\\rm obs}$ which, unless flagged, is the value obtained during the actual observations (the limits are $1\\sigma$ and blanks in this field indicate that no value is given in the literature). $N_{\\rm HI}$ (\\scm) is the DLA column density from the Lyman-alpha line and $\\tau_{\\rm 21~cm}$ is the normalised peak optical depth of the redshifted 21-cm line (see \\protect\\citealt{cmp+03} for details). The optical depth of the relevant millimetre line is calculated from $\\tau=-\\ln(1-3\\sigma_{{\\rm rms}}/S)$, where $\\sigma_{{\\rm rms}}$ is the r.m.s. noise level. Since $\\sigma_{{\\rm rms}}$ is dependent on the spectral resolution, we take the various published values and recalculate $\\sigma_{{\\rm rms}}$ at a resolution of 10 \\kms ~($\\tau_{\\rm mm}$) and quote only the best existing limit. For all optical depths, $3\\sigma$ upper limits are quoted and ``--'' designates where $3\\sigma>S_{{\\rm cont}}$, thus not giving a meaningful value for this limit. The penultimate column gives the corresponding column density (\\scm) per 10 \\kms ~channel (see main text).}% \\begin{tabular}{@{}l c c r c c c c c c c @{}} \\hline DLA & $z_{\\rm abs}$ & Transition & $\\nu_{\\rm obs}$ & $V$ & $S$ & $N_{\\rm HI}$ & $\\tau_{\\rm 21~cm}$ &$\\tau_{\\rm mm}$ & $N_{\\rm mm}$ & Ref.\\\\ \\hline 0201+113 & 3.38639 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 20.3 & 19.5 &0.47 & $2\\times10^{21}$ & $\\leq0.09$ &$<0.007$ & $<1\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ 0201+365 & 2.4614 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 25.8 & 17.9 &0.09$^V$ & $3\\times10^{20}$ & & $<0.1$ & $<1\\times10^{13}$ & 10\\\\ 0235+164 & 0.52400 & CO $0\\rightarrow1$& 75.6 &15.5 & 2.5& $4\\times10^{21}$ & $0.64$ &$<0.02$&$<1\\times10^{15}$ & 2\\\\ ... &0.52398 & CO $1\\rightarrow2$ & 151.3& ... & 1.27& ... & ... & $<0.03$& $<1\\times10^{15}$& 6\\\\ ...\t& ...& HCO$^+$ $3\\rightarrow4$ & 234.1 & ... & 0.75&... &... & $<0.1$ &$<7\\times10^{12}$ & 6\\\\ ...& 0.523869& CS $2\\rightarrow3$ & 96.4 &... & $1.7$ &...& ...&$<0.1$ &$<4\\times10^{13}$ & 8\\\\ 0248+430 & 0.3939& CS $2\\rightarrow3$ & 105.4 &17.7 &$<0.2$ &$4\\times10^{21}$ & 0.2& $<0.4$&$<1\\times10^{14}$ & 8\\\\ ...& 0.394 & CO $0\\rightarrow1$& 82.7 & ... & 0.21 &...& ...& $<0.4$ &$<3\\times10^{16}$ & 10\\\\ 0335--122 & 3.178 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 21.4 & 20.2 & 0.13$^{A,V}$& $6\\times10^{20}$ &$<0.008$ &$<0.03$& $<6\\times10^{12}$& 10\\\\ 0336--017 & 3.0619 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ &22.0 &18.8 & 0.15$^A$& $2\\times10^{21}$ &$<0.007$ &$<0.03$& $<5\\times10^{12}$& 10\\\\ 0405--331 &2.570 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 25.0 & 19.0 & 0.53&$4\\times10^{20}$ & &$<0.02$&$<3\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ 0458--020 & 2.0397 & HCO$^+$ $2\\rightarrow3$ & 88.0 &18.4 & & $5\\times10^{21}$ &0.3 & $<0.3$& $<1\\times10^{13}$& 7\\\\ ...\t& 2.0399 &... & 88.0 & ...&$1.3$& ... &... & $<0.07$ &$<3\\times10^{12}$ & 8\\\\ ...\t& 2.03937 &CO $0\\rightarrow1$ & 37.9 & ...& $\\approx0.8$ & ...& ... & $<0.01$ &$<1\\times10^{15}$ & 4\\\\ ...\t& 2.0398 & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 113.8 &... &0.53 & ...& ... & $<0.1$& $<6\\times10^{15}$ & 10\\\\ ...\t& 2.0397 & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 113.8 &... &0.53$^a$ & ...& ... &$<0.6$& $<4\\times10^{16}$& 5\\\\ ...\t& 2.0399 & CO $3\\rightarrow4$& 151.7 &... & $0.4$& ...& ... &$<0.4$ & $<4\\times10^{16}$ & 8\\\\ ...& 2.04 & H$_2$CO $1_{10}\\rightarrow1_{11}$ & 1.6 & ...& & ...&...&$<0.01$ & & 3\\\\ 0528--2505 & 2.1408 & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ &110.1 &19.0 & $\\approx0.2^b$ &$4\\times10^{20}$ & $<0.3$ & $<1.0$& $<6\\times10^{16}$& 5\\\\ ... & ... & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ &23.4 & ...& 0.3$^{A,V}$ & ... & ... & $<0.02$&$<3\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ 0537--286 & 2.974 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 22.4 &19.0 & 0.58& $2\\times10^{20}$ &$<0.007$ &$<0.02$ &$<3\\times10^{12}$ & 9\\\\ 0738+313 & 0.2212 & CO $0\\rightarrow1$ & 94.4 &16.1 &$0.48$ & $2\\times10^{21}$ & $\\approx0.07$& $<0.04$& $<3\\times10^{15}$ & 10\\\\ 0827+243 & 0.5247 & CS $2\\rightarrow3$ & 96.4 &17.3 &$2.7$ & $2\\times10^{20}$ &0.007 &$<0.09$ & $<3\\times10^{13}$& 8\\\\ 08279+5255 & 2.97364& HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 44.9 &15.2 & &$1\\times10^{20}$ & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\\it No 7 mm flux available}} & 8\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 87.0 &... & $<0.1$ &... & ... & & & 8\\\\ 0834--201 & 1.715 & HCO$^+$ $2\\rightarrow3$ &98.6 & 18.5& $1.7$ & $3\\times10^{20}$ & & $<0.1$&$<4\\times10^{12}$ & 8\\\\ ...\t& ... &HCO$^+$ $3\\rightarrow4$& 131.4 &... & & ...& ...& $<0.2$&$<1\\times10^{13}$ & 7\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $3\\rightarrow4$& 169.8 &... & $0.9$& ...& ...&$<0.7$ &$<8\\times10^{16}$ & 8\\\\ 0913+003 & 2.774 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 23.8 & -- & $\\approx0.17$$^{A,V}$ & $2\\times10^{20}$ & &$<0.04$ & $<6\\times10^{12}$ &10\\\\ 1017+1055 & 2.380& CS $2\\rightarrow3$ & 43.5 &17.2 & & $8\\times10^{19}$ & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\\it No 7 mm flux available}} & 8\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 102.3 &... &$<0.2$ & ...& ... & --& --& 8\\\\ 1215+333 & 1.9984 & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 115.3 &18.1 & & $1\\times10^{21}$ & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\\it No 3 mm flux available}} & 5\\\\ 1229--021 & 0.3950 & CO $0\\rightarrow1$ & 82.6 &16.8 &$0.2$ & $1\\times10^{21}$ &0.05 & $<0.7$& $<5\\times10^{16}$& 8\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $1\\rightarrow2$& 165.3 &... &$<0.1$ & ...& ...& --& --& 8\\\\ ...\t& 0.39498 & CO $1\\rightarrow2$& 165.3 &... &$0.11$ &...& ...&-- &-- &6\\\\ 1251--407 & 3.752 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 18.8 &23.7 & $\\approx0.1$$^{A,V}$ & $2\\times10^{20}$ & &$<0.09$& $<2\\times10^{13}$& 10\\\\ 1328+307 & 0.69215 & HCO$^+$ $1\\rightarrow2$ & 105.4 &17.3 &0.50 & $2\\times10^{21}$ &0.02 & $<0.2$& $<6\\times10^{12}$& 6\\\\ ...\t& ... & CS $2\\rightarrow3$ & 86.9 &... & $1.0$ &... & .... & $<0.3$& $<8\\times10^{13}$ & 8\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $1\\rightarrow2$ & 136.2 &... & 0.39& ...& ... &$<0.3$ &$<1\\times10^{16}$ & 6\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 204.4 &... & 0.27& ...& ... &$<0.5$ & $<3\\times10^{16}$& 6\\\\ 1331+170 & 1.7764 & CO $0\\rightarrow1$ & 41.5 &16.7 & 0.5& $3\\times10^{21}$ & 0.02 &$<0.4$ & $<5\\times10^{16}$ & 1\\\\ ...& 1.7755 & ...&41.5 & ... & ...& ...& ... &$<0.4$ &$<5\\times10^{16}$ & 1\\\\ 1354--107 & 2.501 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 25.5 & 19.2 &$\\approx0.07$$^{A,V}$ & $3\\times10^{20}$ & $<0.015$ & $<0.08$&$<1\\times10^{13}$ & 10\\\\ ... & 2.996 & ...& 22.5 & ... &... & ... & ... & $<0.1$& $<2\\times10^{13}$& 10\\\\ 1402+044 & 2.713 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 24.0 & 19.8 & 0.21$^*$ & $8\\times10^{19}$ & &$<0.008$& $<1\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ ... &... & HCN $0\\rightarrow1$ & 23.9 & ... & 0.6 & ... & ...& $<0.02$& $<8\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ 1418--064 & 3.449 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 20.1 & 18.5 & 0.14 & $3\\times10^{20}$ & &$<0.02$ & $<4\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ 1451--375 &0.2761 & HCO$^+$ $1\\rightarrow2$ & 139.8 & 16.7 &$0.6$ & $1\\times10^{20}$ & $<0.007$ & $<0.2$ &$<7\\times10^{12}$ & 8\\\\ ...\t& ... &CO $0\\rightarrow1$ &90.3 & ... & $1.2$ & ...& ... & $<0.1$&$<8\\times10^{15}$& 8\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\label{sum} {References: (1) \\citet{tsi+84}, (2) \\citet{tnb+87}, (3) \\citet{bwl+89}, (4) \\citet{tn91}, (5) \\citet{wc94}, (6) \\citet{wc95}, (7) \\citet{wc96b}, (8) \\citet{cwn+02}, (9) \\citet{cmwp02}, (10) This paper.\\\\ Flux densities: $^A$ATCA June \\& August 2002 \\citep{cmwp02,rcm+03}, $^V$VLA May 2003. Where the flux densities could not be obtained from the data/article -- $^a$the BIMA array value, $^b$interpolated between 11 GHz and K-band, $^c$interpolated between radio and 0.5--10 keV, $^d$extrapolated from 0.4 and 5 GHz. $^*$This observation of 1402+044 is from preliminary (February 2003) GBT observations using the wide band spectrometer.} \\end{minipage} \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\addtocounter{table}{-1} \\centering \\begin{minipage}{167mm} \\caption{{\\it Continued}} \\begin{tabular}{@{}l c c r c c c c c c c @{}} \\hline DLA & $z_{\\rm abs}$ & Transition & $\\nu_{\\rm obs}$ & $V$ & $S$ & $N_{\\rm HI}$ & $\\tau_{\\rm 21~cm}$ &$\\tau_{\\rm mm}$ & $N_{\\rm mm}$ & Ref.\\\\ \\hline 1614+051 & 2.52 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 25.3 & 19.5 & $\\sim0.3$$^c$ & $3\\times10^{20}$ & & $<0.03$&$<4\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ 2131--045 & 3.27 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 20.9 & 20.0 & $<0.06^A$ &$1\\times10^{20}$ & & --&-- & 10\\\\ 2128--123 & 0.4298 & CS $2\\rightarrow3$ & 102.8 & 15.5 & 0.75 & $2\\times10^{19}$& $<0.003$ & $<0.04$ &$<1\\times10^{13}$ & 7\\\\ ...\t& ... & CS $3\\rightarrow4$ & 137.1 & ... & 0.70 & ...& ...& $<0.05$ &$<2\\times10^{13}$ & 7\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $1\\rightarrow2$ & 161.2 & ... & 0.5 & ...& ...& $<0.2$ &$<6\\times10^{15}$ & 7\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 241.9 & ... & 0.4 & ...& ...& $<0.2$ &$<1\\times10^{16}$ & 7\\\\ 2136+141 & 2.1346 & HCO$^+$ $2\\rightarrow3$&85.4 & 18.9 & 0.59& $6\\times10^{19}$& &$<0.1$ &$<4\\times10^{12}$ & 6\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $2\\rightarrow3$ & 110.3 &... &0.27 & ...& ...&$<0.2$ &$<9\\times10^{15}$ &7\\\\ ...\t& ... & CO $3\\rightarrow4$ &147.1 & ... & 0.21& ...& ...&$<0.2$ & $<2\\times10^{16}$& 7\\\\ ...\t& ...& CO $5\\rightarrow6$ & 220.6 &... & 0.16 &...& ... &$<0.6$ & $<8\\times10^{17}$ & 7\\\\ 2342+342 & 2.908 & HCO$^+$ $0\\rightarrow1$ & 22.8 & 18.4 & $\\sim0.1$$^d$ &$2\\times10^{21}$ &$<0.03$ & $<0.04$& $<7\\times10^{12}$ & 10\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{minipage} \\end{table*} \\subsection{Deriving molecular fraction limits} Despite our improved limits there has yet to be a detection of a rotational molecular transition in a DLA. In many cases the limits far exceed those required to detect the 4 known redshifted millimetre absorbers (see below, Figs. \\ref{co} and \\ref{hco}). These systems have molecular fractions of $f\\equiv\\frac{2N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}}{2N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}+N_{{\\rm HI}}}\\approx0.3-1.0$ (e.g. \\citealt{cw98b}), c.f. $f\\sim10^{-7}-10^{-2}$ for the 10 DLAs in which molecular hydrogen has been detected at UV and optical wavelengths (\\citealt{rbql03} and references therein). In this section we investigate the possibility of detecting molecular tracers in systems with such low molecular fraction. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{5.3cm} \\special{psfile=MD1376rv-fig1.ps hoffset=-12 voffset=-160 hscale=43 vscale=43 angle=0} \\caption{The normalised CO column density versus the absorption redshift. The unfilled markers designate upper limits -- squares for the millimetre searches and circles for the optical searches. The filled stars represent the 4 known millimetre absorption systems. The lookback time is for $\\Omega_{\\rm m} = 0.30, \\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.70, H_0 = 70\\,{\\rm km\\,s}^{-1}\\,{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$.} \\label{co} \\end{figure} In Fig. \\ref{co} we show the CO rotational (Table \\ref{sum}) and electronic \\citep{gbwb97,lsb99,psl02} column density limits along with the values for the 4 known systems. While this illustrates the sensitivity to detecting absorption in the known systems, it clearly shows that the radio searches are considerably less sensitive than the optical CO searches\\footnote{Although the deep integrations of 0235+164 and 0458--020 with the NRO 45-m telescope \\citep{tnb+87,tn91} do approach the optical limits.}. They do, however, complement the optical results in giving limits at redshifts of $z_{\\rm abs}\\lapp1.8$ (below the atmospheric cut-off for direct optical \\MOLH ~detections). In Fig. \\ref{hco} we show the HCO$^+$ column density limits. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{5.3cm} \\special{psfile=MD1376rv-fig2.ps hoffset=-12 voffset=-160 hscale=43 vscale=43 angle=0} \\caption{The normalised HCO$^+$ column density versus the absorption redshift. Again the stars represent the 4 known systems and the inverted triangles are the DLA upper limits (Table \\ref{sum}).} \\label{hco} \\end{figure} Again we see that our limits are more than sufficient to detect HCO$^+$ in the 4 known systems \\citep{wc95,wc96,wc96b,wc97}, with two cases having been searched to at least an order of magnitude better than that required to detect the known systems at low redshift. Although we cannot match the sensitivity to molecular absorption provided by the optical results, we can nevertheless attempt to derive constraints on the molecular fraction for absorption systems at low redshift. The major obstacle in this is determining which $N_{{\\rm CO}}$--$N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}$ conversion ratio to apply: Unlike HCO$^+$ (discussed later), the ratio may vary from $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^6 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ for diffuse gas \\citep{ll00a} to $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^4 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ for dense, dark Galactic clouds. This latter value is applied to the 4 known millimetre absorbers to yield molecular fractions from rotational lines (see \\citealt{wc98})\\footnote{Since all of these sources absorb at low redshift, $z_{\\rm abs}\\leq0.87$, and have $V\\gapp20$ there is currently little chance of detecting the \\MOLH ~line directly.}. However, DLAs have lower metallicities than Galactic systems and are less visually obscured than the 4 known systems, thus casting doubt on whether applying this conversion ratio is justified. If we extrapolate the metallicity ([M/H]\\footnote{Defined as the heavy element abundance with respect to hydrogen, relative to that of the solar neighbourhood: ${\\rm [M/H]} \\equiv \\log_{10}[N({\\rm M})/N({\\rm H})] - \\log_{10}[N({\\rm M})/N({\\rm H})]_\\odot$.}) evolution of the general DLA population\\footnote{Due to many of the sources in Table \\ref{sum} having low redshifts and/or high visual magnitudes, there are only metallicity measurements for half of these sources, all of which belong to the sample of \\citet{pgw+03}. Therefore, by definition these follow the same metallicity evolution of the general DLA population rather than that of the \\MOLH-bearing DLAs \\citep{cwmc03}.} according to $[{\\rm M/H}]\\approx-0.26 z_{\\rm abs}$ \\citep{kf02,pgw+03}, \\begin{figure} \\vspace{5.3cm} \\special{psfile=MD1376rv-fig3.ps hoffset=-12 voffset=-162 hscale=43 vscale=43 angle=0} \\caption{The metallicity evolution of DLAs. The filled circles represent the DLAs which exhibit H$_2$ absorption with the least-squares fit shown \\protect\\citep{cwmc03}, the small unfilled diamonds represent the metallicity measurements of 60 DLAs between $1.9 < z_{\\rm abs} < 3.4$ (i.e. the general population), again with the fit shown \\citep{pgw+03}, and the unfilled squares are the DLAs searched for millimetre absorption (Table \\ref{sum}). } \\label{metal} \\end{figure} we obtain $[{\\rm M/H}]\\approx-0.75$ at $z_{\\rm abs}\\sim0$ (Fig. \\ref{metal}). At zero redshift this is still significantly lower than solar values suggesting that, in addition to lower enrichment at high redshift, there may be appreciable dust depletion of the metals, as in dense Galactic clouds (e.g. \\citealt{ss96}), although this may be more relevant to the \\MOLH-bearing DLAs where $f\\gapp10^{-2}$ at $z_{\\rm abs}\\lapp1.8$ \\citep{cwmc03}. Moreover, \\citet{lps03} suggest that the large depletion factors in DLAs indicate a significant dust content. Therefore, a fair compromise between the diffuse/dark cases may be to assume the conversion ratio for dark clouds but scaled by the abundance of metals from which the tracer molecules form, i.e. $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\approx10^{4.75} N_{{\\rm CO}}$ at $z_{\\rm abs}\\sim0$. Since the metallicity decreases with increasing redshift, we may expect the conversion of tracer to molecular hydrogen column density to scale accordingly. We therefore apply the ratio of $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\approx10^{0.26 z_{\\rm abs} + 4.75} N_{{\\rm CO}}$, based upon the metallicity evolution of the general DLA population\\footnote{Since the molecular hydrogen fraction shows a strong anti-correlation with redshift for the \\MOLH-bearing DLAs (\\citealt{cwmc03} and Fig. \\ref{frac}), we may expect less depletion and thus relatively higher metallicities. Fig. \\ref{metal} does appear to suggest, however, that the metallicity is dominated by poorer chemical enrichment at higher redshifts.}. This gives $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^5 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ at $z\\sim1$ rising to $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^6 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ at $z\\sim5$. From optical CO limits, \\citet{bcf87} and \\citet{cbf88} have previously noted that the carbon to hydrogen column density ratio is a tenth of the Galactic value at $z_{\\rm abs}=1.7$ and 2.3. In addition to CO, we can use the HCO$^+$ limits, which could be a better choice of tracer, since a near constant ratio of $N_{{\\rm HCO^+}}=2-3\\times10^{-9} N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}$ is found over various regimes in the Galaxy \\citep{ll00}. Applying the conversion thus suggests that $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^9 \\rightarrow 10^{10} N_{{\\rm HCO^+}}$ at $z\\sim1\\rightarrow 5$, i.e. $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\approx10^{0.26 z_{\\rm abs} + 9.34} N_{{\\rm HCO}^+}$. In Fig. \\ref{frac} we show the derived molecular fractions \\begin{figure} \\vspace{9.0cm} \\special{psfile=MD1376rv-fig4.ps hoffset=-12 voffset=-57 hscale=43 vscale=43 angle=0} \\caption{Molecular fractions measured in redshifted absorbers. Again the unfilled symbols represent the upper limits from the millimetre searches, $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}=10^{4.75} N_{{\\rm CO}}$ and $T_x = 10$ K at $z_{\\rm abs}=0$, with the squares representing CO and the inverted triangles HCO$^+$. The circles represent the H$_2$-bearing DLAs and the stars the 4 known millimetre absorption systems ($N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}=10^{4} N_{{\\rm CO}}$ and $T_x = 10$ K, $\\forall z_{\\rm abs}$). A log version of the plot is also shown by means of a detail of the H$_2$-bearing systems. This clearly illustrates the evolution of $f$ described by \\citet{cwmc03}.} \\label{frac} \\end{figure} of the CO and HCO$^+$ limits together with those of the H$_2$-bearing DLAs\\footnote{Versions of Fig. \\ref{frac} for $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}=10^6 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ and $10^4 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ can be viewed at \\bf synergy url here please}. From this we see that the high conversion ratio and excitation above the $0\\rightarrow1$ transition make the HCO$^+$ molecule insensitive with current telescopes to $f\\lapp1$: Although in many cases our GBT observations yield significantly better limits than previously (Table \\ref{sum}), these are all at high redshift and therefore convert less favourably to molecular fractions due to the steep metallicity evolution. Thus, we obtain near constant limits to the fraction across the entire redshift range searched for HCO$^+$. Note that the optical CO limits (Fig. \\ref{co}) occupy the space between the HCO$^+$ limits and the \\MOLH-bearing DLAs ($1.7\\lapp z_{\\rm abs}\\lapp4.4$, $-3 \\lapp \\log_{10} f \\lapp-0.5$) when the conversion is applied. We do see however, based on our redshift dependent conversion factor, that the millimetre CO searches generally give interesting (low redshift) limits, with two of the limits within the range of the H$_2$-bearing DLAs. This suggests that, were these DLAs \\MOLH-bearing\\footnote{\\MOLH ~is detected in $\\lapp20\\%$ of recent DLA surveys \\citep{lps03}, and so we perhaps expect a $\\approx1/5$ chance of having observed an \\MOLH-bearing system.}, making the $N_{{\\rm CO}}$--$N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}$ conversion reasonable, the CO rotational transition could have been detected in these DLAs: 0235+164 ($z_{\\rm abs}=0.524$) and 0738+313 ($z_{\\rm abs}=0.221$). Unfortunately, there are no metallicity measurements available for these, although \\citep{pgw+03} use the value of ${\\rm[M/H]}=-0.22\\pm0.15$ for 0235+164 which comes from model dependent X-ray measurements \\citep{trp+03}. Several other models give lower values than this, thus suggesting that this DLA may belong to the general population (${\\rm [M/H]}\\approx-0.9$), although the value quoted by \\citet{pgw+03} could place it in either population (Fig. \\ref{metal}). The general population fit is, however, consistent with the range of $-1.4 < {\\rm [M/H]} < -0.4$ at $z_{\\rm abs}\\approx0.4$ estimated by \\citet{trp+03} and the fact that we did not detect CO. Regarding the molecular fraction, the data are sensitive to $\\log_{10} f\\sim-1.5$ for the general population metallicity and $\\log_{10} f\\sim-2.1$ for the value used by \\citet{pgw+03}. This latter fraction shifts this DLA further into the \\MOLH-bearing DLA regime. For more diffuse clouds of low dust content our limits become weaker with $f\\geq0.4$, c.f. $\\geq0.03$ previously, being obtained for $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^6 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ and $T_x = 10$ K at $z_{\\rm abs}=0$, although in the diffuse gas case the column density limits would improve slightly due to lower excitation temperatures (at best a factor of $\\approx0.5$ lower than given in Table \\ref{sum})$^{13}$. That is, the clouds being diffuse could also explain why no millimetre absorption of CO was detected. \\subsection{Detecting millimetre lines in DLAs with the next generation of large radio telescopes} Applying the conversion of tracer column densities described above, we can ascertain the likelihood of detecting these molecular tracers in DLAs with the next generation of large radio telescopes. For $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}=10^{4.75} N_{{\\rm CO}}$ and $T_x = 10$ K at $z_{\\rm abs}=0$: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)\\footnote{http://www.eso.org/projects/alma/}: The 3-mm band of this telescope will give CO $0\\rightarrow1$ coverage to $z\\leq0.34$. At 10 \\kms ~resolution, one hour of integration will give an r.m.s. of $\\approx0.3$ mJy. For a 0.3 Jy continuum flux (fairly typical in Table \\ref{sum}), this corresponds to a $3\\sigma$ column density limit of $N_{{\\rm CO}}\\sim10^{14}$ \\scm ~per channel. Applying the conversion at these redshifts gives $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^{19}$ \\scm ~thus giving $f\\sim10^{-3}-0.1$ for DLAs. If we extrapolate the molecular fractions in \\MOLH-bearing systems back to $z\\lapp0.3$ (Fig. \\ref{frac}), we see that such limits could well be sufficient to detect rotational CO in DLAs at low redshift. \\item The Square Kilometre Array (SKA)\\footnote{http://www.skatelescope.org/}: With a tuning range of 0.15 to 20 GHz this telescope can observe CO at $z\\geq4.8$. With the same parameters as above, an r.m.s. of 5 $\\mu$Jy is reached giving $N_{{\\rm CO}}\\sim10^{12}$ \\scm ~per channel\\footnote{Again, this is for a flux density of 0.3 Jy. Due to the antenna temperature dominating the system at these low frequencies, an increased flux does not improve the optical depth to the same extent as for the millimetre observations. Therefore, the column density estimate is fairly robust.}, thus rivalling current optical limits. At $z\\sim5$, $N_{{\\rm H}_{2}}\\sim10^6 N_{{\\rm CO}}$ giving $f\\sim10^{-4} - 10^{-2}$ for DLAs, i.e. the molecular fraction range of 7 of the 10 \\MOLH-bearing DLAs (e.g. \\citealt{rbql03}). Unfortunately at $z\\gapp5$, extrapolating the molecular fraction--redshift anti-correlation, we expect $f\\lapp10^{-12}$, thus making it unlikely that redshifted millimetre transitions could be detected\\footnote{Note, however, that from Galactic studies, \\citet{lis02} suggests that at very low metallicities \\MOLH ~will still via form slow gas-phase processes, giving minimum molecular fractions of $f\\sim10^{-8}-10^{-7}$. This suggests that current DLA molecular fraction measurements may be close to the minimum possible value (see \\citealt{lps03,rbql03}).} with the SKA, despite its superior sensitivity\\footnote{Although \\citet{cdk04} discuss the possibility of detecting low redshift OH 18-cm lines in DLAs with this telescope.}. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404046_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "3C 111 is an X-ray bright broad-line radio galaxy which is classified as a Fanaroff-Riley type II source with a double-lobe/single jet morphology, and reported superluminal motion. It is a well-known X-ray source, and was observed by every major X-ray observatory since \\textit{HEAO-1}. In this paper we present the results of the \\textit{RXTE} and \\textit{INTEGRAL} data analysis and compare them with the results of the previous observations. ", "introduction": "3C~111 ($z=0.0485$) is an X-ray bright broad-line radio galaxy (BLRG) which is classified as a Fanaroff-Riley type II source with a double-lobe/single jet morphology (Linfield \\& Perley 1984, see Figure 1) and reported superluminal motion (Preuss et al. 1988). It is a well-known X-ray source, and was observed by every major X-ray observatory since \\textit{HEAO-1}. \\begin{figure} \\psfig{figure=3C111_jet.ps,width=\\columnwidth } \\caption{ Intensity map of 3C111 at 1.4 GHz. The bright central component is coincident with the nucleus of the galaxy in the optical band. Figure taken from Linfield \\& Perley 1984.} \\end{figure} During the last decade numerous attempts were made to compare the X-ray properties of radio quiet Seyfert~1 galaxies and bright broad-line radio galaxies (BLRG) (e.g. Zdziarski et al. 1995, Wo\\'zniak et al. 1998, Eracleous et al. 2000). It was shown that the typical spectral shape of radio quiet Seyfert~1 is well described in the 2--500 keV energy range by an intrinsic power law with $\\Gamma\\sim 1.9$ with an exponential cutoff energy of the order of several hundred keV and a Compton reflection component due to reflection of the power-law photons from cold matter covering a solid angle of $\\sim 2 \\pi$ (e.g. Nandra \\& Pounds 1994, Zdziarski et al. 1995). As for the BLRG, their average spectrum, with a photon index $\\Gamma\\sim 1.7$ power law, seems to have no, or little indication of the reflected component. If associated with the jet their X-ray emission is likely to be related to non-thermal Compton scattering. With the present data a thermal origin of the emission still cannot be ruled out. Main attention in all the X-ray observations of 3C~111 has been focused on characterizing its spectral shape. In the 2 -- 20 keV energy range all measured spectra are consistent with a power-law spectrum modified by the effects of neutral absorption (e.g. Weaver et al. 1995, Nandra \\& Pounds 1994, Reynolds et al.~1998). For the hard X-ray spectrum we have less reliable results. Observations by \\textit{HEXTE}, \\textit{OSSE} and \\textit{BeppoSAX} are not sufficient enough to confirm or to rule out the break in the hard X-ray tail of the source spectrum (Wo\\'zniak et al. 1998, Eracleous et al. 2000, Grandi et al. 2002). No significant short time variability was reported (see Eracleous et al. 2000 for a discussion on \\textit{RXTE} 1997 data). As for the long term variability, the 2-10 keV flux of 3C~111 varied by a factor of $\\sim$5 during its whole observation history (e.g. Reynolds et al.~1998). In this paper we present the results of the \\textit{INTEGRAL} and \\textit{RXTE} observations of 3C~111, and compare them with the results of previous missions. We retrieved the {\\it RXTE} data from the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC).The {\\it INTEGRAL} and part of the \\textit{RXTE} data presented here are unpublished so far. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure}[h] \\psfig{figure=3C111_hist.ps, width=\\columnwidth} \\vspace{-4cm} \\caption{ History of the 3C~111 flux in 2-10 keV energy range, and its power-law index variation.} \\end{figure} In Figure 6 the history of the 3C~111 flux in 2-10 keV energy range, and its power-law index variation is summarized. \\textit{RXTE} was lucky to observe the source during one of its faintest states (January 1999) and its brightest state (March, 2001). However, no significant spectral changes are observed, except the fact that the brightest state is the only one where the introduction of the Fe emission line significantly improves the $\\chi^2$ statistics. But this effect can be easily explained by the higher data quality." }, "0404/astro-ph0404270_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Following a brief review of the principles of the strong equivalence principle (SEP) and tests for its violation in the strong and weak gravitational field regimes, we present preliminary results of new tests using two long-period binary pulsars: J0407+1607 and J2016+1947. PSR J0407+1607 is in a 669-day orbit around a $\\gapp 0.2$ M$_{\\odot}$ companion, while J2016+1947 is in a 635-day orbit around a $\\gapp 0.3$ M$_{\\odot}$ companion. The small eccentricities of both orbits ($e \\sim 10^{-3}$) mean that these systems reduce previous limits on SEP violation by more than a factor of 4. ", "introduction": "The principle of equivalence between gravitational force and acceleration is a common feature to all viable theories of gravity. The Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP), however, is unique to Einstein's general theory of relativity (GR). Unlike the weak equivalence principle (which dates back to Galileo's demonstration that all matter free falls in the same way) and the Einstein equivalence principle from special relativity (which states that the result of a non-gravitational experiment is independent of rest-frame velocity and location), the SEP states that free fall of a body is completely independent of its gravitational self energy. Before examining how the SEP can be tested, let us first review the gravitational self energy, $\\epsilon$, which is a useful quantity for distinguishing between strong or weak gravitational fields. Expressed in terms of the rest-mass energy of a body of mass $M$ and size $R$, $\\epsilon = -GM/Rc^2$. For most bodies, $\\epsilon$ is vanishingly small. For example $\\epsilon_{\\rm human} \\sim -10^{-26}$, $\\epsilon_{\\rm Earth} \\sim -5 \\times 10^{-10}$ and even $\\epsilon_{\\odot} = -2 \\times 10^{-6}$. Only for compact objects does $\\epsilon$ become significant and we enter the ``strong-field'' regime. For a white dwarf $\\epsilon_{\\rm WD} \\sim -10^{-4}$, for a neutron star $\\epsilon_{\\rm NS} \\sim -0.3$ and for a non-rotating black hole, $\\epsilon_{\\rm BH}=-0.5$. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404100_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It has been noted that the Crab and Vela pulsar proper motions lie along the symmetry axes of their wind nebulae. In an effort to promote this observation to a serious test of kick physics, we are using CXO images and other data to estimate the angle between the proper motion and PWN (i.e. spin) axis for a number of pulsars. Here we give a progress report on this work and the constraints that these data provide on kick models. Present data suggest that a kick duration of $\\tau_K \\sim 3$s is sufficient to explain the alignment of most pulsars. This rules out E-M and hydrodynamic kick models, but is fairly consistent with proposed anisotropic $\\nu$ emission. However, some objects, especially PSR J0538+2817 show such good alignment that even $\\nu$ models are challenged. ", "introduction": "Typical pulsar velocities of $\\sim 500$km/s represent a lot of momentum, and the nature of the kick that gives neutron stars such speeds has long been one of the major problems in compact object physics. The distribution of kick speeds has important implications for the observed pulsar population, especially those in binaries; thus measurement of pulsar proper motion distributions and application to binary modeling sums has been a major activity (see Podsiadlowski; Burgay; Dewi The {\\it etc.}, these proceedings). However, ${\\vec v}$ is a vector quantity and comparison of its orientation with respect to that other relic of neutron star birth ${\\vec \\Omega}$, promises to provide additional insight into the kick physics. The letter of Spruit \\& Phinney (1998) was influential in promoting thinking about the spin-kick connection. These authors, in fact, hypothesized that neutron star initial angular momentum was small due to strong core-envelope coupling in pre-collapse stars. They suggested that an off-center kick, at impact parameter $d=R {\\rm sin}\\psi_{kick}$ imposed while the bloated proto-NS has radius $\\sim 3 \\times 10^6$cm produces a spin of $$ \\Omega_{rms} \\approx 42 {\\rm s^{-1}} \\left ( {{{\\rm sin}\\psi_{kick}} \\over 0.5} \\right ) \\left ( R_{10}/3 \\right ) \\langle v^2 \\rangle_7^{1/2} $$ when the resultant kick velocity was $100\\langle v^2 \\rangle_7^{1/2}$km/s. This gives a modest initial spin period $P_0 \\sim 150/v_7$ms. For a single impulse, the resulting ${\\vec \\Omega}$ is always orthogonal to the space velocity. Of course for long duration kicks $\\tau_K \\gg P_0$ the transverse component of the kick rotationally averages to 0, leading to an aligned spin. More recent treatments of core coupling through collapse (eg. Heger et al. 2004) do not support the idea of very slow initial spin, instead suggesting $P_0 \\approx 3-10$ms. Such a pre-existing spin will make rotational averaging of the transverse kick component even more effective, increasing the tendency to an aligned proper motion. Lai, Cordes \\& Chernoff (2001) have discussed several physical mechanisms for producing a kick at core collapse. The most important are the Harrison-Tademaru electromagnetic kick (requiring $P_0$ of a few ms), hydrodynamically-driven anisotropy induced kicks ($\\tau_K \\sim \\tau_{dyn}|_{R\\sim 100 {\\rm km}} \\sim 100$ms) and magnetic field-induced neutrino anisotropy kicks ($\\tau_K \\sim \\tau_\\nu \\sim 3$s). They discussed rotational averaging of these kicks, concluding that the spin-kick orientation could be a significant constraint on these models. For pulsars born in close binaries with aligned angular momenta, the Blaauw mechanism guarantees a component of the proper motion perpendicular to the (pre-SN) spin axis. Similarly the binary-like structure of a maximally rotating core with a strong $m=1$ perturbation can, when the lower mass proto-NS disrupts, induce a kick to the main core, as recently discussed by Colpi \\& Wasserman (2002). This can be thought of as an `intra-core Blaauw mechanism' and similarly gives rise to a kick component orthogonal to the initial spin. So there are viable models for both aligned and orthogonal momenta. The spectacular CXO images of the Crab and Vela PWNe show clear symmetry axes. It was promptly noted that the proper motion vectors (from HST for the Crab and the LBA for Vela; Dodson et al 2003) were roughly aligned. A more careful assessment (Ng \\& Romani 2004) however shows a statistically significant misalignment; the chance probability of getting two such 2-D projected alignments is $\\sim 3$\\%. Thus, the alignment can provide a significant probe of core collapse physics, but more and better measurements are clearly needed. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404336_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The spatial dependence of luminosity and mass functions of evolved open clusters is discussed in this work using J and H 2MASS photometry, which allows a wide spatial coverage and proper background determination. The target objects are the overlooked open cluster NGC\\,2180 ($\\ell=203.85^\\circ$, $b=-7.01^\\circ$) and the intermediate-age open cluster NGC\\,3680 ($\\ell=286.76^\\circ$\\ and $b=16.92^\\circ$), which has been reported as being in an advanced state of dissolution. We conclude that, although in an advanced dynamical state (mass segregated), NGC\\,3680 does not present strong signs of dissolution, having luminosity and mass functions very similar to those of the $\\age\\approx3.2$\\,Gyr open cluster M\\,67. On the other hand, NGC\\,2180 presents flat, eroded luminosity functions throughout its structure, indicating that in addition to mass segregation, Galactic tidal stripping has been effective in depleting this cluster of stars. Accordingly, NGC\\,2180 may be the missing link between evolved open clusters and remnants. For NGC\\,2180 we derive an age $\\age\\approx710$\\,Myr and an observed stellar mass of $\\mobs\\sim47\\ms$. Most of the colour-magnitude diagram features, the main sequence in particular, are equally well reproduced by isochrones with metallicity $\\zz=-0.4$ and 0.0. The solution for $\\zz=-0.4$ results in $\\mM=9.40\\pm0.20$, $\\ebv=0.18$ and a distance to the Sun $\\ds=0.76\\pm0.06$\\,kpc, while that for $\\zz=0.0$ gives $\\mM=10.10\\pm0.20$, $\\ebv=0.0$ and $\\ds=1.05\\pm0.08$\\,kpc. For NGC\\,3680 we derive an age $\\age\\approx1.6$\\,Gyr, $\\ebv=0.0$ and $\\ds=1.00\\pm0.09$\\,kpc, confirming previous estimates. The observed stellar mass $\\mobs\\approx130\\,\\ms$ agrees with previous values. We study both clusters in the context of dynamical states estimated from diagnostic-diagrams involving photometric and structural parameters. Both clusters are dynamically evolved systems. In particular, NGC\\,2180 is closer to open cluster remnants than NGC\\,3680. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Open clusters are formed along the gas and dust-rich Galactic plane and contain from tens to a few thousands of stars distributed in an approximately spherical structure of up to a few parsecs in radius. This loose condition makes them potentially short-lived stellar systems, since disruptions may occur by the cumulative effect of passages near interstellar clouds and/or by shocks with the Galactic disk. Cumulative orbital perturbations may lead to more internal orbits, enhancing such effects Bergond et al. (\\cite{Bergond2001}). Consequently, most of the open clusters in the Galaxy evaporate completely in less than 1\\,Gyr. Indeed, the open cluster catalogue of Lyng\\aa\\ (\\cite{Lyngaa1987}) indicated about 70 objects older than 1\\,Gyr ($\\approx6\\%$ of the total number). The dynamical evolution of an open cluster depends both on internal and external factors. Internal factors are: {\\it (i)} after successive 2-body encounters with more massive stars, less-massive stars may acquire velocities larger than the cluster's escape velocity, and {\\it (ii)} the normal stellar evolution via mass-loss. The external factors are: {\\it (i)} large-scale encounters with giant molecular clouds (Wielen \\cite{Wielen1991}), and {\\it (ii)} tidal stripping by the Galactic gravitational field. A typical open cluster at the solar radius will cross the Galactic plane 10--20 times before being disrupted and leaving an open cluster remnant (de la Fuente Marcos \\cite{delaF1998}). Bergond et al. (\\cite{Bergond2001}) estimate the destruction time-scale for open clusters in the solar neighbourhood at about 600\\,Myr. Consequently, it is expected that only those open clusters which are born with the largest masses or those located at large Galactic radii will survive longer than a few Gyr (Friel \\cite{Friel1995}). The numerical simulations of de la Fuente Marcos (\\cite{delaF1996}) have shown that the final cluster remnant composition depends on the initial mass function, fraction of primordial binaries and galactocentric distance. The resulting cluster remnants are rich in binaries and do not appear to contain collapsed objects. Remnants of poorly populated clusters are expected to contain early-type stars, while those of more massive clusters contain late-type stars (de la Fuente Marcos \\cite{delaF1996}), owing to different evolutionary time-scales. In the central region of the more evolved clusters, mass segregation should deplete the low main-sequence (MS) stars thus creating a core rich in compact and giant stars (Takahashi \\& Portegies Zwart \\cite{TakaP2000}). Mass segregation in a star cluster scales with the relaxation time, defined as $t_{relax}=\\frac{N}{8\\ln N}t_{cross}$, where $t_{cross}=R/v$ is the crossing time (Binney \\& Tremaine \\cite{BinTre1987}). For a typical cluster radius of $R\\sim5$\\,pc and velocity dispersion $v\\sim1$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$, $t_{relax}\\sim13$\\,Myr for a cluster with $N=10^2$ stars, and $t_{relax}\\sim90$\\,Myr for $N=10^3$ stars. Recently, several studies called attention to the possibility of detecting open cluster remnants in the Galaxy, e.g. Bica et al. (\\cite{Bica2001}), Carraro (\\cite{Carraro2002}), Pavani et al. (\\cite{Pavani2002}, \\cite{Pavani2003}). A fundamental question to dynamical evolution studies is whether any open cluster can be observed right at the disrupting phase, when the remaining low-mass stars in the cluster's halo get dispersed into the background and the corresponding mass function becomes eroded. Depletion of low-MS stars in the central parts of a cluster is a sign of advanced dynamical evolution. This has been detected e.g. in NGC\\,3680 (Anthony-Twarog et al. \\cite{Twa1991}) and M\\,67 (Bonatto \\& Bica \\cite{BB2003}), in which the presence of a corona rich in low-mass stars has been confirmed with 2MASS photometry. The Two Micron All Sky Survey (hereafter 2MASS, Skrutskie et al. \\cite{2mass1997}) has proven to be a powerful tool in the analyses of the structure and stellar content of open clusters (e.g. Bonatto \\& Bica \\cite{BB2003}, Bica et al. \\cite{BBD2003}). Indeed, the uniform and essentially complete sky coverage provided by 2MASS allows one to properly take into account background regions with suitable star count statistics, which is fundamental in order to correctly identify and characterize the stellar content of clusters, since their ages and distances can be determined by fitting isochrones to their colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), with a precision depending on the depth of the photometry and field contamination. In the present study we address the actual dynamical state of NGC\\,3680 analysing a large spatial area in the direction of the cluster, which 2MASS can provide. In particular, we search for the presence of a low-mass star-rich corona. In addition, we discuss NGC\\,2180, an overlooked open cluster. This cluster appears to be in a more advanced dynamical evolutionary stage than NGC\\,3680, and thus might be a missing link between evolved open clusters with a corona and final remnants. In Section~\\ref{targets} we provide available information on NGC\\,2180 and the intermediate-age open cluster NGC\\,3680. In Sect.~\\ref{2massPh} we obtain the 2MASS photometry and introduce the $\\jj\\times\\jh$ CMDs. In Sect.~\\ref{StructAnal} we discuss the radial density distribution of stars and derive structural parameters for the clusters. In Sect.~\\ref{Fund_par} we fit isochrones to the near-infrared CMDs and derive cluster parameters. In Sect.~\\ref{LumFunc} we derive the luminosity and mass functions (hereafter LF and MF) and estimate the stellar masses of each cluster. In Sect.~\\ref{Comp} we compare NGC\\,2180 and NGC\\,3680 with well-known dynamically evolved open clusters and open cluster remnants. Concluding remarks are given in Sect.~\\ref{Conclu}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Conclu} As a consequence of the internal dynamical evolution and the relentless Galactic tidal pull, most open clusters are expected to evaporate completely in less than 1\\,Gyr, leaving behind a remnant with characteristics which depend on the cluster's initial conditions. Only the more massive open clusters may survive to old ages. In this context, the observation of an actually dissolving open cluster becomes very interesting to check existing theories on dynamical evolution of stellar systems, N-body codes in particular, as well as to test stellar evolution theories. In the present work we analyse the physical structure, stellar content and dynamical state of the overlooked open cluster NGC\\,2180. We also examine in detail the intermediate-age open cluster NGC\\,3680, formerly considered to be in the last stages of its dynamical evolution. The present analyses make use mostly of J and H 2MASS All Sky data release photometry. NGC\\,2180 presents a non-uniform radial distribution of stars (Sect.~\\ref{StructAnal}), with significant $1-\\sigma$ Poissonian error bars due to the small number of member stars. Its radial density profile has a central concentration of stars, as well as a corona (Fig.~\\ref{fig4}). From a King law fit we estimate $\\rc=0.7\\pm0.3$\\,pc and a linear limiting diameter of $9.5\\pm1.2$\\,pc. Its $\\mj\\times\\jh$ CMD (Fig.~\\ref{fig5}) is depleted of stars near the turnoff, and can be fitted with 710\\,Myr isochrones of solar and sub-solar metallicity. The $\\zz=0.0$ solution results in $\\mM=10.10\\pm0.20$, $\\ebv=0.0$ and a distance to the Sun $\\ds=1.05\\pm0.08$\\,kpc, while the $\\zz=-0.4$ solution gives $\\mM=9.40\\pm0.20$, $\\ebv=0.18$ and $\\ds=0.76\\pm0.06$\\,kpc. Thus, we adopt as distance to the Sun $\\ds=0.91\\pm0.15$\\,kpc, which puts NGC\\,2180 at a galactocentric distance of $8.8\\pm0.1$\\,kpc. Mass segregation and advanced Galactic tidal stripping on NGC\\,2180 are reflected on the spatial properties of its LFs (Fig.~\\ref{fig6}). Low-mass stars are severely depleted from the MS in each region, from the center to the cluster's limiting radius. In addition, the MS of the corona, although depleted as well, is slightly more populated of low-mass stars than the MS of more internal regions. The observed stellar mass in NGC\\,2180 is $\\sim47\\pm7\\,\\ms$. NGC\\,3680 presents a uniform radial distribution of stars, with a well-defined core and a corona, with $\\rc=0.7\\pm0.1$\\,pc and a linear limiting diameter of $12.8\\pm1.3$\\,pc (Sect.~\\ref{StructAnal}). Its $\\mj\\times\\jh$ CMD (Fig.~\\ref{fig5}) presents a nearly complete MS, including the turnoff and giants. We derive an age of $\\age\\approx1.6$\\,Gyr, $\\mM=10.00\\pm0.20$, $\\ebv=0.00$ and $\\ds=1.00\\pm0.09$\\,kpc, in reasonable agreement with previous works. The LF of the central region of NGC\\,3680 (Fig.~\\ref{fig6}) is depleted of low-mass stars which, contrary to what is observed in NGC\\,2180, are still present in the external region and corona. Thus, Galactic tidal stripping has not yet been effective in severely depleting NGC\\,3680 of stars. For NGC\\,3680, a MF fit $\\phi(m)\\propto m^{-(1+\\chi)}$ resulted in a slope $\\chi=2.06\\pm1.08$, and in an observed stellar mass (MS and giants) of $\\approx130\\pm24\\,\\ms$. Extrapolating the MF fit down to the theoretical low-mass end $m_{low}=0.08\\,\\ms$, the total stellar mass in NGC\\,3680 turns out to be $\\sim(2.4\\pm1.2)\\times10^3\\,\\ms$, which agrees with previous estimates, within uncertainties. Assuming a more representative IMF (Kroupa \\cite{Kroupa2001}), which flattens for masses below $\\sim0.5\\,\\ms$, the total stellar mass in NGC\\,3680 turns out to be $546\\pm206\\,\\ms$. Finally, comparing NGC\\,2180 and NGC\\,3680 with clusters in other dynamical states, {as well as open cluster remnants}, we found that the less-massive nature of NGC\\,2180 put it closer to cluster remnants than NGC\\,3680. The above arguments lead us to conclude that NGC\\,2180 is in a more advanced dynamical state than NGC\\,3680, on its way to become a fossil cluster. Thus, NGC\\,2180 may be the missing link between evolved open clusters and remnants." }, "0404/astro-ph0404322_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This is the second in a series of papers presenting a new calculation of the mass of the Galaxy based on radial velocities and distances for a sample of faint $16100$kpc,\\footnote{In this paper we use the coordinate $r$ to denote Galactocentric distances and the coordinate $R$ to denote heliocentric distances} using surveys for remote halo blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars. The main shortcoming of previous analyses of the mass of the Galaxy is the small size of the sample of objects at large radii, used as dynamical tracers. Wilkinson and Evans (1999, hereafter WE99) calculate the total mass of the Milky Way to be $M_{tot}=1.9^{+3.6}_{-1.7} \\times 10^{12} M_{\\odot}$, using the full set of 27 known satellite galaxies and globular clusters at Galactocentric radii $r>$ 20 kpc (six of which possess measured proper motions). This sample must be nearly complete, so a new population of distant halo objects must be found in order to increase the number of dynamical tracers. Field BHB stars are ideal for this purpose. These A--type stars are luminous, $M_V=0.9$ (\\S5), which ensures that they can be detected to large distances, and have a small spread in absolute magnitude, so their distances may be determined accurately. In a recent paper Sakamoto et al. (2003) added new kinematic data to the dataset used by WE99, and obtained a considerably more precise estimate of the total mass of the Galaxy of $M_{tot}=2.5^{+0.5}_{-1.0} \\times 10^{12} M_{\\odot}$. Primarily, the new kinematic data comprise radial velocities of 412 BHB stars, of which 211 have proper motions, at heliocentric distances $R<10$kpc, with a median distance of $\\sim$ 4.5kpc. Sakamoto et al. adopted the WE99 mass model, where the total mass enclosed within Galactocentric radius $r$ is $M(r)=M_{tot}/(1+a^2/r^2)^{1/2}$. Here $a$ is the scale length, for which the best-fit value of 225kpc was obtained. For $r=20$kpc, i.e. a radius containing all the BHB stars used in the analysis, this gives $M(r)=0.09M_{tot}$. This indicates that most of the improved precision derives from kinematic data within a radius containing only one tenth of the total mass, and therefore relies on extrapolation of a model that is tightly constrained only at small radii. In a review of mass estimates of the Milky Way halo, Zaritsky (1999) emphasises the dangers of such extrapolation (see also Bellazzini, 2004, for a useful discussion). This motivates a new survey for remote BHB stars, at distances that are a substantial fraction of the halo scale length $a$, in order to obtain a direct measure of the enclosed mass at large radii. Although BHB stars are abundant in the Galaxy halo, selection of a clean sample is not straightforward. Samples of field A--type stars in the halo are easily identifiable in UBR (or equivalent e.g. $ugr$) multicolour datasets (e.g. Yanny et al. 2000). Samples selected by broadband colour include not only BHB stars but also stars of main sequence surface gravity that are some 2 magnitudes less luminous, predominantly field blue stragglers (hereafter A/BS), as well as a small proportion of quasars. The reason that no large sample of remote $r>30$kpc BHB stars has yet been compiled, is that the methods developed for separating the two populations of A stars (e.g. Kinman, Suntzeff, and Kraft, 1994) require signal-to-noise ($S/N$) ratios that are unfeasibly high for such faint stars ($B>18$). In the first paper in this series (Clewley et al. 2002, hereafter Paper I), we developed two methods that overcome the difficulties. The methods require relatively modest telescope resources, yet produce samples with high completeness and low contamination. The methods are applicable specifically to the classification of halo stars with strong Balmer lines, defined by EW $H\\gamma>13$\\AA, i.e. A stars in the approximate colour range $0.0<(B-V)_0<0.2$. Both methods employ a Sersic function fit to the H$\\gamma$ and H$\\delta$ absorption lines. The first method, the {\\em $D_{0.15}$--Colour} method, plots the average of the width of the two Balmer lines against $(B-V)_0$ colour. The A/BS stars, having higher surface gravity, separate from the BHB stars because of their broader Balmer lines. The EW of the CaK line is used to filter out a small number of interlopers in the BHB sample. We used Monte Carlo methods to establish that with $(B-V)_0$ colours accurate to $0.03$ magnitudes, and spectra of $S/N=15{\\rm\\AA}^{-1}$, samples of BHB stars selected by this method would be about $87\\%$ complete, with a contamination of $7\\%$ by A/BS stars. Contamination at this level can safely be accounted for in the dynamical analysis. Spectra of this $S/N$ are also suitable for measurement of the radial velocities. The second method, called the {\\em Scale width--Shape} method, plots two parameters of the Sersic fit, the scale width $b$, against the power--law exponent $c$. The method is almost as efficient as the {\\em $D_{0.15}$--Colour} method, with $82\\%$ completeness and $12\\%$ contamination, for the same spectroscopic $S/N$ of $15{\\rm\\AA}^{-1}$. Again, the EW of the CaK line is used to filter out a small number of interlopers. The advantage of the {\\em Scale width--Shape} method is that colours are not needed. For samples of stars with existing accurate $(B-V)_0$ colours, the first method is preferred, as the contamination is lower, and the completeness higher. The gain is small, however, and accurate photometry is time consuming. Where accurate colours are not already available, if telescope resources are limited, the best practical solution will be simply to obtain spectra, and use the {\\em Scale width--Shape} method. In this second paper we describe the compilation of a sample of BHB stars in the magnitude range $160.8$ can be explained by a simple application of the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the interaction of the photosphere with the hydrogen ionization front. We discuss the implications of our results for explaining the behavior of Galactic Cepheid period-colour, and period-luminosity relations at mean light. ", "introduction": "\\citet[][paper I, hereafter KN]{kan04} presented new observational characteristics of fundamental mode Cepheids obtained from an analysis of the Galactic Cepheid data and the OGLE LMC/SMC Cepheid data. These were the period-colour (PC) and the amplitude-colour (AC) relations at maximum, mean and minimum light. KN analyzed these PC and AC diagrams in the context of the work of \\citet[][hereafter SKM]{sim93}, who used the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the fact that radius fluctuations are small in Cepheids, to derive the following equation, valid for optical pulsations of Cepheid variables: \\begin{eqnarray} \\log T_{max} - \\log T_{min} = {1\\over{10}}(V_{min} - V_{max}), \\end{eqnarray} \\ni where $T_{max/min}$ is the photospheric temperature at maximum or minimum light. Consequently, if for some reason the PC relation is flat at maximum light, and the colour used is a good predictor of temperature, then equation (1) predicts a relationship between $V$ band amplitude and $T_{min}$, and thus a correlation between the $V$ band amplitude and the observed colour (after extinction correction) at minimum $V$ band light. \\citet{cod47} found that Galactic Cepheids exhibit a spectral type that is independent of period at maximum light. SKM analyzed existing Galactic Cepheid data to show that higher amplitude Galactic Cepheids are indeed driven to cooler temperatures, and thus redder $(B-V)$ colours, at minimum light in accordance with equation (1) and the observational findings of \\citet{cod47}. The reason why Galactic Cepheids follow a spectral type that is independent of period at maximum light was explained in SKM: it is due to the interaction of the photosphere with the hydrogen ionization front (HIF). At maximum light, the HIF is so far out in the mass distribution that the photosphere, taken to be optical depth 2/3, occurs right at the base of the HIF. Together with the HIF is a sharp rise in opacity. At this point, the mean free path goes to zero. In the absence of any significant driving, even though the surrounding atmosphere has a non-zero inward velocity, this opacity wall prevents the photosphere from going deeper in the star and erases any ``memory'' of global stellar conditions. Thus for a large range of periods, the photosphere occurs at the base of the HIF at maximum light at a temperature which is independent of period. At maximum light, this leads to a flat relation between period \\& temperature, period \\& $(B-V)$ colour and period \\& spectral type, as seen in SKM. At other phases, the HIF lies too far inside the mass distribution to interact with the photosphere. This, together with equation (1), implies a relation between amplitude and $(B-V)$ colour or temperature at minimum light. Equation (1) suggests that if $T_{min}$ obeyed a flat relation with period, then there should be a relation between amplitude and colour at maximum light. Hence PC relations are connected to AC relations, and changes in the PC relations should be reflected in corresponding changes in the AC relations. Because of the extensive data now available, KN analyzed recent Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Cepheid data in terms of PC and AC diagrams at maximum, mean and minimum light. Using $(V-I)$ colours, they performed a more detailed analysis of the Galactic Cepheid data and found that the Galactic PC relation at maximum light displayed a statistically significant break at 10 days, but was consistent with a single line at mean and minimum light. In the LMC, the PC relation displayed this break at all three phases, though the statistical significance at maximum light was marginal. The SMC PC relation displayed similar properties to that in the Galaxy. Analysis of the Galactic Cepheid data in terms of AC diagrams confirmed the work of SKM, and extended it to the case of $(V-I)$ colour: there is a relation between amplitude and $(V-I)$ colour at minimum $V$ band light. For the LMC, short period Cepheids ($\\log (P) < 1.0$) show no relation between $V$ band amplitude and $(V-I)$ colour at minimum light, but long period Cepheids ($\\log (P) > 1.0$) are such that higher amplitude stars are driven to redder $(V-I)$ colours and hence cooler temperatures at minimum light. At maximum light, short period Cepheids are such that higher amplitude stars are driven to bluer $(V-I)$ colours and hence hotter temperatures but long period Cepheids do not show such a relation. An understanding of the PC and AC relations derived by KN are important, not only for stellar pulsation and evolution studies of Cepheids, but also because the Cepheid period-luminosity (PL) relation depends on the PC relation \\citep[see, e.g., ][]{mad91}. The PL relation will reflect significant changes in the PC relation. Hence in studying PC and AC relations in different galaxies, we are studying the universality of the Cepheid PL relation. Recent work by \\citet{tam02,tam03}, \\citet{fou03}, \\citet{kan04}, \\citet{nge04}, \\citet{san04} and \\citet{sto04} have suggested that the PL relation in the Galaxy is significantly different from that in the LMC and, further, that the PL relation in the LMC is non-linear. In contrast, current observations indicate that the Galactic PL relation is linear \\citep{tam03,kan04,nge04}. The purpose of this and subsequent papers is to confront these new observed characteristics of Cepheids with the latest stellar pulsation models and interpret the results in terms of the theory presented in SKM, which has been summarized above. This approach will ultimately yield a qualitatively deeper understanding some of the reasons behind the variation of the Cepheid PL relation from galaxy to galaxy. Our ultimate goal is to use our theoretical models to estimate the effect of this variation quantitatively. For this paper we concentrate on Galactic Cepheid models which we compare with the same Galactic Cepheid data used in KN. The LMC/SMC Cepheid models will be presented in the forthcoming papers in this series. Our models and methods improve upon those in SKM in the following respects: First of all, they contain a formulation to model time dependent turbulent convection \\citep{yec99,kol02}, in contrast to the purely radiative models used in SKM. In addition, we construct more models so that we can examine in greater detail the PC and AC characteristics of Cepheids. Secondly, we investigate the pulsation properties as a function of other phase points. When investigating PC and AC relations at mean light, KN defined mean $(V-I)$ colour as $V_{mean}-I_{phmean}$ where $V_{mean}$ is the $V$ band magnitude closest to the value of $A_0$, the mean magnitude obtained from a Fourier decomposition, and $I_{phmean}$ is the $I$ band magnitude at this same phase. The reason for doing this is because the colour of the star at a certain phase is precisely the $V$ band magnitude minus the $I$ band magnitude at that same phase. In contrast, a definition of mean colour such as $ - $ folds in the phase difference (albeit small) that exists between the $V$ and $I$ band light curves. We adopt the definitions given in KN for colour at maximum, mean and minimum light. However, there are two phases when the $V$ band magnitude is closest to the value of $A_0$: once on the ascending branch and once on the descending branch of the light curve. The colour (or the temperature), in both models and theory, need not necessary be the same at these two phases. In KN's analysis of the observed data, the descending branch mean was adopted as the ``mean''. We pay specific attention to this detail in our results and discussion section. Finally, we look at $(V-I)$ colours whereas SKM studied predominantly $(B-V)$ colours. The $(V-I)$ colour is a good indicator of temperature \\citep{gon96,tam03} and is a crucial colour for the existing calibration of the extra-galactic distance scale (e.g., \\citealt{fre01}). \\begin{table} \\centering \\caption{Input parameters for Galactic Cepheid models with periods obtained from a linear analysis. The periods, $P_0$ and $P_1$, are referred to the fundamental and first overtone periods, respectively. Similarly for the growth rate, $\\eta$. Both of the mass and luminosity are in Solar unit, the temperature is in $K$ and the period is in days.} \\label{tab1} \\begin{tabular}{ccccccc} \\hline M & $\\log(L)$ & $T_{e} $ & $P_0$ & $\\eta_0$ & $P_1$ & $\\eta_1$ \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\multicolumn{7}{c}{ML Relation from \\citet{bon00}} \\\\ \\hline 11.5 & 4.279 & 4830 & 43.3924 & 0.042 & 27.58 & -0.164 \\\\ 11.1 & 4.228 & 4900 & 37.8090 & 0.039 & 24.40 & -0.157 \\\\ 10.8 & 4.188 & 4950 & 34.4156 & 0.037 & 22.25 & -0.133 \\\\ 10.5 & 4.147 & 5000 & 30.8189 & 0.035 & 20.26 & -0.119 \\\\ 9.55 & 4.009 & 5075 & 23.4835 & 0.025 & 15.69 & -0.094 \\\\ 9.45 & 3.994 & 5265 & 20.0414 & 0.028 & 13.55 & -0.051 \\\\ 8.60 & 3.856 & 5300 & 15.8313 & 0.022 & 10.78 & -0.040 \\\\ 7.70 & 3.696 & 5332 & 12.1076 & 0.015 & 8.291 & -0.036 \\\\ 7.30 & 3.618 & 5440 & 10.0124 & 0.014 & 6.886 & -0.017 \\\\ 7.30 & 3.618 & 5490 & 9.69213 & 0.014 & 6.670 & -0.007 \\\\ 7.00 & 3.557 & 5490 & 8.83394 & 0.013 & 6.087 & -0.010 \\\\ 6.80 & 3.515 & 5485 & 8.31328 & 0.011 & 5.733 & -0.014 \\\\ 6.45 & 3.438 & 5545 & 7.12090 & 0.011 & 4.921 & -0.007 \\\\ 6.10 & 3.357 & 5580 & 6.16131 & 0.009 & 4.267 & -0.006 \\\\ 6.00 & 3.333 & 5590 & 5.59661 & 0.006 & 3.884 & -0.007 \\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{7}{c}{ML Relation from \\citet{chi89}} \\\\ \\hline 10.0 & 4.534 & 5150 & 66.9094 & 0.144 & 38.47 & -0.413 \\\\ 8.50 & 4.279 & 5100 & 44.8456 & 0.129 & 27.38 & -0.238 \\\\ 8.00 & 4.184 & 5090 & 38.5673 & 0.116 & 23.98 & -0.196 \\\\ 7.40 & 4.061 & 5050 & 32.4902 & 0.096 & 20.55 & -0.171 \\\\ 7.20 & 4.019 & 5250 & 26.1109 & 0.081 & 16.99 & -0.115 \\\\ 7.00 & 3.975 & 5400 & 21.8715 & 0.060 & 14.45 & -0.077 \\\\ 6.30 & 3.810 & 5390 & 16.9148 & 0.055 & 11.37 & -0.048 \\\\ 5.50 & 3.597 & 5350 & 12.4229 & 0.038 & 8.445 & -0.051 \\\\ 5.10 & 3.478 & 5396 & 10.0049 & 0.030 & 6.851 & -0.041 \\\\ 5.00 & 3.447 & 5420 & 9.37928 & 0.028 & 6.436 & -0.036 \\\\ 4.90 & 3.416 & 5440 & 8.80955 & 0.026 & 6.056 & -0.033 \\\\ 4.80 & 3.383 & 5470 & 8.21323 & 0.025 & 5.657 & -0.027 \\\\ 4.50 & 3.282 & 5460 & 7.06755 & 0.017 & 4.878 & -0.037 \\\\ 4.40 & 3.247 & 5490 & 6.56235 & 0.016 & 4.536 & -0.032 \\\\ 4.20 & 3.174 & 5560 & 5.60322 & 0.015 & 3.887 & -0.022 \\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{7}{c}{Input parameters from SKM} \\\\ \\hline 4.57 & 3.306 & 5707 & 10.5472 & 0.035 & 7.234 & -0.000 \\\\ 5.44 & 3.578 & 5550 & 6.25949 & 0.022 & 4.340 & 0.020 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{table} \\centering \\caption{Temperatures at maximum and minimum light from full-amplitude non-linear model calculations. The periods, luminosity and temperature are in days, $L_{\\odot}$ and $K$, respectively. \\label{tab2}} \\begin{tabular}{ccccc} \\hline $P$ & $L_{max}$ & $T_{max}$ & $L_{min}$ & $T_{min}$ \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\multicolumn{5}{c}{ML Relation from \\citet{bon00}} \\\\ \\hline 43.3924 & 23323.69 & 5301.44 & 15265.45 & 4653.25 \\\\ 37.8090 & 20547.96 & 5355.92 & 13844.78 & 4759.77 \\\\ 34.4156 & 18675.64 & 5399.02 & 12811.00 & 4681.60 \\\\ 30.8189 & 17046.03 & 5446.49 & 11592.02 & 4719.65 \\\\ 23.4835 & 12259.96 & 5456.64 & 8535.450 & 4820.82 \\\\ 20.0414 & 12503.63 & 5720.76 & 7897.603 & 4948.82 \\\\ 15.8313 & 8828.696 & 5664.44 & 6018.911 & 5025.59 \\\\ 12.1076 & 5616.756 & 5525.95 & 4402.925 & 5135.11 \\\\ 10.0124 & 4470.551 & 5531.94 & 3703.182 & 5274.68 \\\\ 9.69213 & 4484.612 & 5585.30 & 3647.089 & 5303.57 \\\\ 8.83394 & 3872.188 & 5619.60 & 3172.488 & 5312.02 \\\\ 8.31328 & 3501.343 & 5612.30 & 2906.126 & 5322.39 \\\\ 7.12090 & 2954.314 & 5673.40 & 2436.595 & 5396.37 \\\\ 6.16131 & 2434.291 & 5700.83 & 2059.419 & 5459.73 \\\\ 5.59661 & 2260.885 & 5691.47 & 2023.329 & 5513.33 \\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{5}{c}{ML Relation from \\citet{chi89}} \\\\ \\hline 66.9094 & 39933.45 & 5468.07 & 25451.85 & 4807.32 \\\\ 44.8456 & 24179.71 & 5738.10 & 12478.80 & 4707.13 \\\\ 38.5673 & 19927.26 & 5762.38 & 9964.144 & 4696.57 \\\\ 32.4902 & 15175.07 & 5724.16 & 7818.562 & 4720.46 \\\\ 26.1109 & 13968.71 & 5886.81 & 7294.068 & 4949.57 \\\\ 21.8715 & 13020.35 & 6056.17 & 7076.027 & 5176.93 \\\\ 16.9148 & 8608.982 & 5999.40 & 4782.056 & 4961.41 \\\\ 12.4229 & 5070.216 & 5846.81 & 3081.266 & 4998.02 \\\\ 10.0049 & 3724.848 & 5785.06 & 2465.684 & 5074.73 \\\\ 9.37928 & 3427.493 & 5770.41 & 2320.390 & 5115.94 \\\\ 8.80955 & 3130.614 & 5748.80 & 2187.659 & 5156.00 \\\\ 8.21323 & 2843.303 & 5729.82 & 2062.474 & 5217.61 \\\\ 7.06755 & 2080.732 & 5572.38 & 1722.053 & 5295.72 \\\\ 6.56235 & 1885.999 & 5565.48 & 1587.056 & 5332.63 \\\\ 5.60322 & 1580.301 & 5697.21 & 1315.624 & 5383.56 \\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{5}{c}{Input parameters from SKM} \\\\ \\hline 10.5472 & 2276.417 & 5894.64 & 1660.255 & 5430.83 \\\\ 6.25949 & 5084.652 & 6068.32 & 2974.031 & 5170.89 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "By looking at the way the Cepheid photosphere, the region where the Cepheid continuum is generated, interacts with the HIF, we have provided a simple qualitative physical explanation for the observed PC properties of fundamental mode Galactic Cepheids with $\\log (P) > 0.8$. This explanation relies on the fact that the opacity in a Cepheid becomes very high when hydrogen starts to ionize. This acts as a wall and prevents the photosphere going any deeper, and leads to a flat relation between period and temperature at the phase when the HIF interacts with the photosphere. For Galactic Cepheids this is observed at maximum light. At other phases, the photosphere is located away from the opacity wall and its temperature is related to the global properties of the star and hence its period. This explains, convincingly, why the Galactic Cepheid period-temperature relation is flat at maximum light and has a non-zero, single slope at mean and minimum light. The qualitative nature of this idea remains true whether the pulsation code is purely radiative (as in SKM), or has a numerical recipe to model time dependent turbulent convection as in this work. The interaction between the photosphere and HIF may also provide some explanation for the suggestion made by \\citet{ker04}, that the region where spectral lines are formed do not necessary move homologously with the region where the K-band continuum is formed. In addition, because we have used two ML relations with a wide range of $L/M$ ratio in our study, and because the same physical effect is present in models constructed with either relation, the qualitative nature of our result is independent of the ML relation used. However, the ML relation used and its variation with metallicity, will dictate how the interaction of the HIF with the photosphere changes with Cepheids in a different metallicity environment. In the next paper in this series, we will investigate how these ideas can be used to explain the PC, AC and PL properties of fundamental mode LMC Cepheids. We have also found evidence that the non-linear nature of the Galactic PC relation at maximum light reported by KN is due to short period fundamental mode Cepheids with $\\log (P) < 0.8$. These short period stars follow distinctly different PC relations and deserve further detailed study. \\subsection{The effect on the PL relation} What bearing do the results of this paper have on the Cepheid PC and PL relations at mean light? It is clear that PC relations at different phases contribute to the PC relation at mean light. If we choose $(V-I)_{i}$ as the extinction corrected colour at phase $i$, then a PC relation at this phase is: \\[ (V-I)_{i} = a_{i} + b_{i}\\log (P), \\] \\ni and taking the average over a pulsation period, $i=1...N$, this becomes: \\begin{eqnarray} - = {1\\over{N}}\\sum_{i=1}^{i=N}a_{i} + {1\\over{N}}\\sum_{i=1}^{i=N}b_{i} \\log (P). \\end{eqnarray} \\ni It is clear that the average intercept and slope will be affected by their values at individual phase points such as maximum or minimum light. \\citet{nge04b} compute PC relations for Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids at all phases between 0 and 1 and show that, for example for Galactic Cepheids, as the phase approaches maximum light, the slope of the PC relation becomes flatter. Since the mean light PC relation affects the mean light PL relation \\citep{mad91}, our aim of understanding the reasons behind changes in the PC and AC relations at different phases has a direct bearing on understanding at least one cause of the possible variation of the mean light Cepheid PL relation from galaxy to galaxy. Below we outline how our results are pertinent to studies of the variability of the Cepheid PL relation from galaxy to galaxy, though we emphasize that much of this discussion is dependent on theoretical model and data analysis currently being undertaken. Hence the following discussion is a road-map of some aspects of our future work. The evidence that shows the slope of the LMC PL relation at mean light is significantly different to the slope of the mean light PL relation in the Galaxy has been provided in \\citet{tam03}, \\citet{nge04} and \\citet{sto04}. Furthermore, the mean light LMC PL relation suffers a change at a period of 10 days whilst the mean light Galactic PL relation data is consistent with a single slope with current data \\citep{tam03,fou03,kan04,nge04,san04,sto04}. To understand the effect of the PC relation on the PL relation, consider the period-luminosity-color (PLC) relation valid at any phase: \\[ M_v = a + b\\log (P) + c(V-I). \\] \\ni If the PC relation is broken, say at a period $P_0$, then we have: \\[ (V-I) = x + y\\log (P), PP_0. \\] \\ni Substituting these two equations into the PLC relation leads to two PL relations: \\[ M_v = a+cx + (b+cy)\\log (P),\\ PP_0. \\] \\ni Hence changes in the slope and intercept of the PC relation have a direct bearing on the slope and intercept of the PL relation. However, the results from this paper and also from KN and \\citet{nge04b} imply that the mean light PC relation is affected by changes in the PC relation at different phases during a pulsation cycle, as given in equation (5). Thus the study of PC relations at various phases impacts on the variability of the mean light PL relation from galaxy to galaxy. In this paper, we have updated and extended the work of SKM to provide an account of a simple physical mechanism, the interaction of the photosphere and HIF, which can change the properties of PC relations for Galactic Cepheids and so affect the PL relation. Specifically, a new result of our work is that for Galactic Cepheids with $\\log (P) > 0.8$, the maximum light PC relation is flat, i.e., the HIF and photosphere are engaged at maximum light. We also study the changes in AC relations because they are linked to PC relations through equation (1). A flat PC relation at maximum light leads to an AC relation at minimum light of slope $\\approx -0.1$ from equation (1), as seen in Figure \\ref{fig3} and Table \\ref{tab5}. However, a Cepheid in the LMC will have a different ML relation, usually in the sense that LMC ML relations have higher $L/M$ ratios. Then in order to compare Galactic and LMC Cepheids of the same period, the LMC Cepheid needs to be hotter (KN). \\citet{kan95} and \\citet{kan96} found that such changes in the $(M,L,T_e)$ triplet describing the model changes the relative location of the HIF and hence the phase and the range of periods at which they interact. Our hypothesis is that for LMC models, it is only after $\\log (P) > 1.0$ that the HIF and photosphere are engaged at phases around maximum light, leading to a flat PC relation. This flat PC relation for long period ($\\log (P) > 1.0$) LMC Cepheids is one cause for the non-linear nature of the mean light LMC PL relation (KN). Empirically, \\citet{nge04b} provide preliminary evidence that the LMC PC relation is flat only for $\\log (P) > 1.0$ whereas this crossover period is $\\log (P) \\approx 0.8$ in the case of the Galaxy. In case of SMC Cepheids, KN also provide evidence that the maximum light PC relation is not flat even for long period Cepheids. Our contention is, using some of the results of this paper, that amplitudes in SMC Cepheids are not high enough to force an interaction between the photosphere and HIF, as the SMC Cepheids have lower amplitudes than the LMC \\citep{pac00}. This again must wait confirmation from a new set of SMC models. The final effect on PL relations at mean light will depend on the behavior at other phases, such as minimum light. For example, preliminary calculations to be presented in a future paper imply that certain changes seen in the PC relation at minimum light (KN) may correspond to the first overtone mode becoming stable. Not surprisingly, a thorough quantitative study of this must await the analysis of LMC and SMC Cepheid models, which are currently under construction. The details of the influence of flat/non-flat PC relations on the mean PC and PL relations, the crossover period of $P_0$ that could vary from galaxy to galaxy, and the comparison of PL relations at maximum and minimum light for different galaxies are beyond the scope of this paper, and will be presented in the future papers. \\citet{gro04} recently reported a metallicity dependence in the zero point of Cepheid PL relation at mean light. They used 34 Galactic Cepheids with individual metallicity measurements and then supplemented this sample with primarily long period Magellanic Cloud Cepheids to show the existence of a quadratic term in $\\log (P)$ in the PL relation. When they used primarily Galactic Cepheids in their sample, they found no evidence of a quadratic term. They interpreted these results as being due to a metallicity dependent zero point in the PL relation. These results are also consistent with the Cepheid LMC PL relation having different slopes for long and short period Cepheids as suggested by KN and \\citet{san04}. \\citet{san04} also plotted amplitude-mean colour relations in luminosity bins. However, KN's AC relations were along the instability strip. It will be interesting to apply the precepts behind equation (1) and multi-phase AC relations in luminosity and/or period bins, that is, across the instability strip." }, "0404/astro-ph0404028_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a catalogue of $R_{\\rm c}I_{\\rm c}Z$ photometry over an area of 0.855 square degrees, centred on the young open cluster NGC 2547. The survey is substantially complete to limits of $R_{c}=21.5$, $I_{\\rm c}=19.5$, $Z=19.5$. We use the catalogue to define a sample of NGC 2547 candidates with model-dependent masses of about 0.05-1.0\\,$M_{\\odot}$. After correcting for incompleteness and estimating contamination by foreground field dwarfs, we investigate the mass function of the cluster, its binary content, and search for evidence of mass segregation among the lower mass stars. There is ample evidence for mass segregation between high ($>3\\,M_{\\odot}$) and lower mass stars, but over the range $0.13\\,M_{\\odot}$ in NGC 2547 are much more centrally concentrated than lower mass objects. Because NGC 2547 is no more than 10 dynamical crossing times old, it seems likely that most of this segregation must be primordial (e.g. Bonnell et al. 2001), rather than due to dynamical evolution. The N02 survey did not cover a sufficiently large area or go to sufficient depths to discover whether the spatial distribution of low-mass ($<1\\,M_{\\odot}$) cluster members was independent of mass. The possibility of differential mass segregation between lower mass stars is important. Some recent theories concerning the formation of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs suggest they are ejected as low-mass fragments from protostellar multiple systems before they have a chance to accrete significant material (e.g. Reipurth \\& Clarke 2001). Such objects may have a greater velocity dispersion than their higher mass siblings and hence be less spatially concentrated in a cluster (Sterzik \\& Durisen 2003). This in turn would mean that a cluster MF measured over a limited volume would understimate the contribution from the lowest mass stars and brown dwarfs. However, alternative simulations of brown dwarf formation (e.g. Bate, Bonnell \\& Bromm 2003) predict that the initial velocity dispersions of low mass stars and brown dwarfs will be similar and little mass segregation or preferential evaporation of very low-mass objects would be expected prior to full dynamical relaxation. In this paper we present a new $R_{\\rm c}I_{\\rm c}Z$ photometric survey of NGC 2547. This survey is deeper than that of N02, extending to just below the substellar boundary, encompassing the ``turnover'' of the observed MF seen in the field and in the Pleiades at $\\sim 0.2\\,M_{\\odot}$ (see Chabrier 2003 and references therein). The new survey also covers a wider area (0.855 square degrees) allowing us to explore the question of mass segregation among lower mass cluster candidates in more detail. The observational data and analysis are presented in section~2. The selection of candidate cluster members and an evaluation of completeness and contamination are addressed in section~3. In section 4 we evaluate the mass segregation, luminosity and mass functions for NGC 2547. We discuss the results and draw our conclusions in sections 5 and 6. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have presented optical/near infrared photometry of NGC 2547 that is both deeper and covers a wider area (0.855 square degrees) than previously published surveys. The survey has been used to collate a catalogue of candidate members and investigate the degree of mass segregation and the mass function (MF) for the cluster. The main conclusions of our work can be summarised as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The cluster shows strong evidence for mass segregation, in that stars with $M>3\\,M_{\\odot}$ are {\\it much} more centrally concentrated than lower mass stars. There is some evidence for mass segregation above and below 1\\,$M_{\\odot}$, but lower mass stars have spatial distributions that are consistent with no further mass segregation for $0.10.06\\,M_{\\odot}$ is $(450\\pm 100)\\,M_{\\odot}$ and about a factor of two smaller than the Pleiades. \\item The binary fraction of M-dwarfs in NGC 2547 is between 20 and 35 per cent for systems with mass ratios greater than 0.35 to 0.65. This fraction is consistent with values determined for populations of low-mass stars found in the field and other young clusters. \\item Finally, we have provided in electronic format both our entire photometric catalogue as well as subsets of photometrically selected cluster candidates. These catalogues contain data with robust and precisely determined photometric and astrometric uncertainties. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404502_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the hydrodynamical evolution of galactic winds in disky dwarf galaxies moving through an intergalactic medium. In agreement with previous investigations, we find that when the ram pressure stripping does not disrupt the ISM, it usually has a negligible effect on the galactic wind dynamics. Only when the IGM ram pressure is comparable to the central ISM thermal pressure the stripping and the superwind influence each other increasing the gas removal rate. In this case several parameters regulate the ISM ejection process, as the original distribution of the ISM and the geometry of the IGM-galaxy interaction. When the ISM is not removed by the ram pressure or the wind, it loses memory of the starburst episode and recovers almost its pre-burst distribution in a timescale of 50-200 Myr. After this time another star formation episode becomes, in principle, possible. Evidently, galactic winds are consistent with a recurrent bursts star formation history. Contrary to the ISM content, the amount of the metal-rich ejecta retained by the galaxy is more sensitive to the ram pressure action. Part of the ejecta is first trapped in a low density, extraplanar gas produced by the IGM-ISM interaction, and then pushed back onto the galactic disc. The amount of trapped metals in a moving galaxy may be up to three times larger than in a galaxy at rest. This prediction may be tested comparing metallicity of dwarf galaxies in nearby poor clusters or groups, such as Virgo or Fornax, with the field counterpart. The sensitivity of the metal entrapment efficiency on the geometry of the interaction may explain part of the observed scatter in the metallicity-luminosity relation for dwarf galaxies. ", "introduction": "Dwarf galaxies are key players in theories of galaxy formation. In the standard cold dark matter picture they are the first forming objects, and larger galaxies are successively built by merging of these small systems (Blumenthal et al. 1984). Given their very low metallicity and small size, these poorly evolved objects are excellent laboratories to investigate the feedback of starbursts on the interstellar medium (ISM) and to study their chemical evolution. In models of dwarf galaxies formation the feedback from supernovae (SNe) and the consequent gas and metals loss is a crucial process (Dekel \\& Silk 1986, Dekel \\& Woo 2003). The impact of starbursts in local dwarf galaxies is well studied observationally (Martin 1998, 1999; see Heckman 2003 for a recent review), but important theoretical questions remain unanswered. A critical open problem is given by the dwarf galaxies chemical evolution. Chemical evolution models of blue compact galaxies (BCGs) (Matteucci \\& Tosi, 1985; Pilyugin 1992; Marconi, Matteucci, \\& Tosi 1994; Bradamante, Matteucci, \\& D'Ercole 1998; Larsen, Sommer-Larsen \\& Pagel 2001) indicate that the gas fraction-metallicity relations of BCGs is not compatible with the closed box scenario, suggesting that (differential) galactic winds carry away a large fraction of the metals produced by the young stars. Numerical simulations (e.g. MacLow \\& Ferrara 1999, D'Ercole \\& Brighenti 1999, Strickland \\& Stevens 2000, Recchi et al. 2001, 2002) and analytic models (De Young \\& Heckman 1994) indeed show that metals are easily ejected in the intergalactic medium (IGM). However, the details of the interaction between the metal rich hot gas and the cold interstellar medium or the IGM are yet not well understood. For instance, the mixing timescale for the metals produced in the starburst with the ISM is poorly known. Chemical evolution models often assume instantaneous mixing but HII regions nearby star formation sites do not appear to be enriched by the young stars which illuminate them (Kobulnicky \\& Skillman 1996, 1997, 1998). This suggests that most of the freshly synthesized heavy elements do not mix right away with the surrounding ISM and instead reside for timescales $> 10^7$ yr in the hot ($\\ge 10^6$ K) phase, where they are indeed observed (Martin, Kobulnicky \\& Heckman 2002). The question is then whether the hot gas leaves the galaxy and enriches the IGM or whether it eventually cools and mixes with the ISM on long timescales. The low but non-negligible metallicity of dwarf galaxies suggests that some form of mixing is effective. Possible mixing mechanisms are molecular diffusion (Roy \\& Kunth 1995, Tenorio-Tagle 1996, Oey 2003), condensation through thermal conduction (McKee \\& Begelman 1990) or turbulent mixing, likely the most important one (Bateman \\& Larson 1993, Roy \\& Kunth 1995). The close correlation between X-ray and $H\\alpha$ emission also indicates some degree of thermal mixing between hot and warm gas (e.g. Lehnert, Heckman \\& Weaver 1999, Strickland et al. 2002). Babul \\& Rees (1992) and Tenorio-Tagle (1996) proposed a scenario in which the metal enriched superbubble powered by the wind is confined by a relatively high-pressure medium and then pushed back into the galaxy. Babul \\& Rees (1992) suggest that the confinment is exerted by the IGM (ICM) of the group (cluster) to which the galaxy belongs. This scenario was successively investigated in more detail by Murakami \\& Babul (1999), who estimate that the time-scale for the superbubble to collapse is of the order of a few $10^7$ yr. In the model proposed by Tenorio-Tagle (1996, see also Silich \\& Tenorio-Tagle 2001), instead, the superbubble is halted by a hypothesized gaseous halo surrounding the galaxy. The hot gas in the bubble then cools and falls back onto the galaxy in a time-scale $\\sim 1$ Gyr, much longer than in the models by Murakami \\& Babul (1999). While in their simple form these scenarios are probably too effective in retaining heavy elements (the low metal content of dwarf galaxies implies significant metal loss), some ``weaker'' version, where only a small but non-negligible fraction of the metal rich gas is able to cool, might help explaining the observed metallicity of dwarf galaxies. A further complication is given by of ram pressure effect if, as expected, the galaxy moves through the IGM. It is difficult to predict the final effect of the interaction of a galactic wind with the IGM. The ram pressure could be synergic to the SN heating in removing the ISM from the galaxy. Gas lifted above the galactic plane by the SN energy may be dragged away by the IGM flow. Ram pressure effects were considered by Murakami \\& Babul (1999) in a number of 2D numerical simulations. These authors find that when the ram pressure of the IGM is larger than its thermal pressure, the expanding shell driven by the galactic wind is deformed, fragmenting into dense clouds eventually dragged away from the galaxy. Analogously, in the model by Tenorio-Tagle (1996) the ram pressure may strip away the hypothesized extended, loosely bound ISM, removing the medium confining the superbubble and the metals contained in it. On the other hand, may also happen that, depending on the inclination angle between the galactic plane and the orbital plane, at least one lobe of the expanding superbubble can be squashed back on the galaxy by the ram pressure. In this case the enrichment process would be more efficient compared to the case where ram pressure stripping is negligible. Motivated by the above arguments, we have studied the interaction of starbursting dwarfs with the surrounding IGM, and how such interaction influences the evolution of the superwind powered by the stellar burst. In a previous paper (Marcolini, Brighenti \\& D'Ercole 2003, hereafter Paper I) we investigated the effect of the ram pressure alone on the ISM of disky dwarf galaxies. Contrary to most of the other papers devoted to this argument, we considered a ram pressure typical of galaxy groups rather than of rich clusters, because most dwarf galaxies are found in the environment of loose groups (Tully 1987). In the present paper we follow for a long timescale (500 Myr) the evolution of a galactic wind originating at the galactic centre. We focus in particular on the ejection of the ISM and of the metals synthesised in the starburst, and how their circulation is influenced by the environment and by the ram pressure. ", "conclusions": "Here we briefly summarise and discuss the behaviour of the ISM and of the SN ejecta in our models. For a better understanding of our results we also simulated the evolution of galactic winds occurring in the usual model galaxies but now assumed at rest relative to the IGM ($\\rho_{\\rm IGM}=2\\times 10^{-28}$ g cm$^{-3}$, $T_{\\rm IGM} = 10^6$ K; REST models), or not surrounded by any IGM (FIELD models). The aim of these models is to obtain a more direct insight of the role played by the ram pressure comparing interesting quantities such as the ISM and ejecta mass content (see Figures 5 and 7) in otherwise identical galaxies. The efficiency of metal ejection is known to be sensitive to the details of numerical simulations (cf. D'Ercole \\& Brighenti 1999 and MacLow \\& Ferrara 1999), and a consistent comparison must be done among similar models. \\subsection{ISM evolution} The ISM of SM galaxies subject to the high ram pressure is quickly dragged away and therefore we did not simulate winds for SM-HI models. The low ram pressure strips only $30-50$ \\% of the original ISM of small galaxies (SM-LO models). However, the starburst powered wind completely removes all the gas in $\\approx 100$ Myr, a result obtained also by the galaxy at rest. Evidently the ram pressure has a negligible influence on the galactic wind evolution for these models. For more massive galaxies the occurrence of a starburst does not influence significantly the ongoing mass loss due to the ram pressure in the MD-LO models and can only anticipate the complete removal of gas (e.g. for model MD-00-HI). For the more massive LG galaxies the situation is complicated by the radiative nature of the gaseous halo which develops around the galactic disk, especially in the edge-on model with the larger ram pressure (LG-00-HI). Cooling of the ablated gas makes $M_{\\rm centr}$ to increase by a factor of few; $M_{\\rm gal}$, instead, is not affected. As for the other models, the occurrence of a starburst in models LG does not influence the time evolution of $M_{\\rm gal}$, which is determined by the ram pressure in both the HI and LO cases. We stress that in these models, as well as in any other model in which the galaxy is not rapidly deprived of gas by the wind, the ISM loses memory of the starburst after a few tens of Myr and recovers a distribution similar to the initial one. At this point the galaxy is in principle ready for another possible starburst episode. \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\psfig{figure=figure9col.ps} \\end{center} \\caption{Evolution of ${\\cal Z}$ (see text) in the central region. The left and right panel refer to MD and LG models, respectively. Solid blue lines: edge-on models; dashed-dotted green lines: $45^{\\circ}$ models; dashed red lines: face-on models. Higher and lower dotted lines in the right panel represent the FIELD and REST models, respectively. Light and heavy lines refer to LO and HI ram pressure models, respectively.} \\end{figure*} In conclusion, our models show that the galactic wind either disrupts the whole ISM or has a negligible effect on the ISM content, which in turn is regulated mainly by the ram pressure. When $\\rho_{\\rm IGM} v^2_{\\rm IGM} \\sim P_0$, where $P_0$ is the central ISM thermal pressure, the ram pressure stripping and the wind act together to increase the ISM removal rate. Many parameters regulate the ISM dynamics in this case (intensity and duration of the ram pressure, wind mechanical luminosity, potential well depth, initial amount of the ISM, value of the inclination angle $\\theta$) and numerical simulations are needed to understand the ISM behaviour of a specific model. \\subsection{Ejecta evolution} For our low mass galaxies (models SM) the wind expels the whole ISM and no ejecta remains trapped into them. The more massive models with the lower ram pressure (MD-LO models) retain 5\\% of the total ejecta mass in the central region, and 10\\% in the whole galaxy. These are essentially the same values obtained by the analogous REST model, while for the analogous FIELD model the trapped quantities are lower by a factor of $\\sim 2$. We thus conclude that for these models the ram pressure has little effect in the entrapment of the SN metals, while the presence of a relatively high pressure ambient gas helps this task. These results are in qualitative agreement with those in Murakami \\& Babul (1999). A quantitative comparison with the models by Murakami \\& Babul however is not possible. In fact, having these authors considered a spherical galaxy, the (metal rich) superbubble preserves a spherical shape when the ram pressure is negligible, and collapses as a whole. Thus, all the metals produced by the starburst are retained by the galaxy. On the other hand, in our flattened galaxies a large fraction of the ejecta is always lost through the superbubble breakout. With the larger ram pressure, the ejecta and the ISM in the edge-on model MD-00-HI (the only model which keeps some ISM at the end of the ram pressure phase) are stripped after $t\\sim 200$ Myr (Figure 8). For $t < 100$ Myr, however, the time evolution of the ejecta masses in both the central and galactic region is remarkably similar to that of model MD-00-LO. If the starburst occurs when the values of $M_{\\rm centr}$ is high (model MDbis) more ejecta gets trapped, peaking at $t \\simeq 30$ Myr with values of 20\\% and 55\\% in the central and galactic region, respectively. Then it decreases to 5\\% and 10\\% in the two regions. The deeper potential well and the larger ISM amount of the LG-LO models are not the direct cause of the larger retention of metals with respect to the MD-LO galaxies, as can be verified comparing the FIELD and REST models for the LG and MD galaxies. Thus, the larger fraction of trapped metals occurring in the moving LG models is due to the presence of the extraplanar gaseous halo which develops in these models (in the edge-on case in particular), especially with the larger ram pressure. For the weaker ram pressure we find that the edge-on model keeps 20\\% of the ejecta in the central region at the end, though goes through a minima at $t$=70 Myr with 5\\%. The rise of $M_{\\rm ej,centr}$ after this time is due to the collapsing halo gas polluted by the metals carried by the wind. The halo is also responsible of the rather high value ($\\sim 70$ \\%) of the mass of the ejecta trapped in the whole galactic region of the LG-00-LO model. For different values of $\\theta$, the halo is less developed, and less metals are trapped: around 10\\% in the central region, and $\\sim 40$ \\% in the galactic region, with little differences for various values of $\\theta$. For LG-HI models the halo is even more influential. Now the ejecta trapped in the central region is substantial: $\\sim 43$\\% for $\\theta=0^{\\circ}$, $\\sim 30$\\% for $\\theta=45^{\\circ}$, and $\\sim 14$\\% for $\\theta=90^{\\circ}$. Very little ejecta is exterior to the central region, so the values of $M_{\\rm ej,gal}$ are very similar to those of $M_{\\rm ej,centr}$. Despite the presence of the more massive gaseous halo, $M_{\\rm ej,gal}$ in the LG-HI models becomes somewhat lower than in the LG-LO models because of the stronger ram pressure which continuously erodes the polluted ISM. We conclude that, contrary to the ISM dynamics, the amount of the SN ejecta trapped into the galaxy results to be more affected by the action of the ram pressure. Part of the ejecta expelled by the superwind is pushed back onto the galaxy by the incoming IGM or remains trapped in the surrounding halo, and the fraction of metals retained by a moving galaxy can be up to 3 times (depending on the value of $\\theta$) larger than that retained by a galaxy at rest. This trend is opposite to that found by Murakami \\& Babul (1999) in their suite of models, where they also investigated the effect of group-like ram pressure on galactic winds. This discrepancy is due to the assumed spherical ISM distribution of their models which allows the complete retention of the metals in the simulations without ram pressure. Overall, the main conclusion by De Young \\& Heckman (1994), D'Ercole \\& Brighenti (1999) and Mac Low \\& Ferrara (1999) are not changed by the ram pressure stripping: for galaxies of size comparable to SM and MD only a very small fraction on the metals (of the order of $\\approx 10$ \\%) remains trapped in the ISM. Only the large models LG can trap much more ejecta, an effect of the relatively large amount of gas located at high $z$. This is conveyed there by the ram pressure and depends on the flare in the ISM distribution (we discuss this point in section 5.4). The (substantial) metal mass not incorporated in the ISM at $t=500$ Myr is definitively lost by the galaxies and enriches the IGM, on spatial scales on the order of $30-50$ kpc. The general trend shown by our models is that the ram pressure increases $M_{\\rm ej,centr}$ and $M_{\\rm ej,gal}$. To characterise the pollution degree we calculate the average ejecta fraction in the central region defined as ${\\cal Z}=M_{\\rm ej,centr}^{\\rm cold}/\\ M_{\\rm centr}$, where we consider only the cold fraction ($T<10^5$ K) of the ejecta which is effectively trapped in the ISM. In order to obtain the abundance of a specific X-element, one has to scale the ${\\cal Z}$ value by a factor $Z_{\\rm X,ej}$ representing the abundance of the X-element in the SN ejecta. Focussing on iron and oxigen, we assume $Z_{\\rm Fe,ej}=4.4 \\times 10^{-3}$ and $Z_{\\rm O,ej}=4.4 \\times 10^{-2}$, and obtain $Z_{\\rm Fe}/Z_{\\rm Fe,\\odot}=3.4 {\\cal Z}$ and $Z_{\\rm O}/Z_{\\rm O,\\odot}=4.6 {\\cal Z}$, respectively (cf. D'Ercole \\& Brighenti 1999 for more details). In Fig. 9 we show the evolution of $\\cal Z$ in our models, and we note that in general larger ram pressures lead to an higher metal enrichment. Thus, the ability to retain metals appears to be sensitive to the parameters regulating the interaction ISM-IGM, and this may explain part of the observed scatter in the metallicity-luminosity relation (e.g. Lee, McCall \\& Richer 2003). We may also expect that dwarf irregulars in relatively high ram pressure environments have systematically larger metallicity than the field counterpart. Marginal evidence for such a trend has been claimed by Vilchez (1995) in his study of Virgo Irregulars. Elevated oxygen abundances for Virgo dwarfs has ben suggested also by Vilchez \\& Iglesias-Paramo (2003). \\subsection{The gaseous halo} As discussed above the gas which accumulates at large $z$ is a result of the ram pressure of the IGM with a flared ISM distribution. Its presence allows us to compare our results to those by Silich \\& Tenorio-Tagle (2001) and Legrand et al. (2001). These authors make a systematic study on the critical superwind luminosity needed for the superbubble to break out. They conclude that star-forming dwarf galaxies must have an extended gaseous halo in order retain their metals and enhance their abundances. A direct comparison between our edge-on models and the models by Silich \\& Tenorio-Tagle is prevented by the fact the galactic models are build following different criteria; the shape of the gaseous halo is also different. However, we consider two models by Silich \\& Tenorio-Tagle, their models M800.100 and M900.100, which have values of $M_{\\rm g}$ and $M_{\\rm h}$ similar to our MD and LG models, respectively. Moreover, the column density of the gaseous halo of these models during the edge-on stripping is also similar to the column density of the halo of the two quoted models by Silich \\& Tenorio-Tagle. Following these latter authors, the wind luminosity of our models is much larger than the critical luminosity needed by the superbubble to break out in the MD models. Thus the wind easily moves far from the galaxy bringing away most of the SNII ejecta. On the contrary, the wind luminosity would be only marginally sufficient to allow the breakout of the superbubble in the LG model. Actually, our simulations show that the superbubble breaks only marginally in this case, and the larger fraction of ejecta trapped in the galaxy (Fig. 7-8) indicates a more substantial role of the extraplanar gaseous halo. \\subsection{Limitations of the models and future work} In evaluating the above results one must bear in mind the two caveats discussed above: $i$) the numerical diffusion, and $ii$) the flared ISM distribution. The numerical diffusion prevents the possibility to give an accurate {\\it quantitative} estimate of the ejecta mixed with the ISM. However, we believe that the {\\it relative} differences among the models are still meaningful, and thus ram pressure may indeed increase the metal enrichment of the ISM due to a starburst. The metal enrichment in our models is also influenced by the ISM flare. This influence is particularly evident for large galaxies moving edge-on through the IGM (LG-00 models), where a gaseous halo form around the galaxy, affecting the superwind expansion. The flare in our models derives from the assumption of isothermal ISM, which requires a rotation curve independent of $z$ in order to assure hydrostatic equilibrium (e.g. Tassoul 1978). The real presence and the effective extension of flares in galaxies is still an open question, although evidence for flares in galaxies is claimed by several authors (e.g. Brinks \\& Burton 1984, Burton 1988, Olling 1996, Matthews \\& Wood 2003). Simulations analogous to those presented here but without flare in the initial ISM distribution would be interesting. We are currently devising non-isothermal models for the ISM to evaluate the real influence of the ISM distribution on the interaction with the IGM distribution." }, "0404/astro-ph0404358_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Following Paper I, we provide extended tables of bolometric corrections, extinction coefficients, stellar isochrones, and integrated magnitudes and colours of single-burst stellar populations, for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) $ugriz$ photometric system. They are tested on comparisons with DR1 data for a few stellar systems, namely the Palomar~5 and NGC~2419 globular clusters and the Draco dSph galaxy. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; see York et al. 2000) is one of the most impressive astronomical campaigns ever carried out. It aims at providing photometry and subsequent spectroscopy for objects covering about one quarter of the entire sky. SDSS photometry is being obtained near-simultaneously in five broad-band filters in drift-scan mode, which results in highly homogeneous data. The effective exposure time for imaging is approximately 54\\,s with a limiting magnitude of $r\\sim22.6$. The primary science goals of the SDSS are at extragalactic and cosmological studies such as galaxy evolution as a function of redshift (e.g., G\\'omez et al.\\ 2003; Eisenstein et al.\\ 2003; Blanton et al.\\ 2001), the search for high-redshift quasars (e.g., Fan et al.\\ 2001, 2003), weak lensing (e.g., Fischer et al.\\ 2000; McKay et al.\\ 2002), and the large-scale structure distribution of galaxies (e.g., Dodelson et al.\\ 2002; Zehavi et al.\\ 2002). However, the SDSS also provides a huge database for various areas of stellar and Galactic astronomy, e.g., the search for rare or special stellar objects (e.g., Margon et al.\\ 2002; Hawley et al.\\ 2002; Helmi et al.\\ 2003), the study of resolved star clusters and nearby Milky Way satellites (e.g., Odenkirchen et al.\\ 2001a,b), and studies of Milky Way substructure (e.g., Chen et al. 2001; Newberg et al. 2002; Yanny et al. 2003). For an overview of SDSS science, see Grebel (2001). Our paper aims at providing tools for the interpretation of SDSS stellar photometry data, i.e., isochrones transformed to the SDSS photometric system. The SDSS began regular operations in 2000 and will run until 2005. The SDSS data products include images in five passbands, photometrically and astrometrically calibrated object catalogs with a wealth of information on the properties of the recorded objects, and wavelength- and flux-calibrated spectra with redshifts. An Early Data Release (EDR) of SDSS commissioning data occurred in July 2001 (Stoughton et al.\\ 2002), and Data Release 1 (DR1) took place in May 2003 (DR1; Abazajian et al. 2003). The currently publicly available SDSS photometry data cover 2099 square degrees, about one fifth of the total anticipated survey area. The subsequent data releases are planned to occur on a yearly basis. The final one is scheduled for 2006. It is estimated that the SDSS will ultimately comprise some $8\\cdot10^7$ stars with high-quality five-band photometry, including Galactic halo and disk field stars, stars in globular clusters, and in nearby resolved dwarf galaxies. The SDSS has designed, defined, and calibrated its own photometric system (Fukugita et al.\\ 1996; Gunn et al.\\ 1998; Smith et al.\\ 2003), which is characterized by the following particularities: (1) the use of a modified Thuan-Gunn broadband filter system called $ugriz$; (2) a zero-point definition in the AB magnitude system; (3) the use of a modified, non-logarithmic, definition of the magnitude scale (Lupton, Gunn, \\& Szalay 1999). As a consequence, SDSS photometry cannot be easily transformed into traditional systems, or at least any transformation is likely to lead to a significant loss of the photometric information contained in SDSS data of fainter sources. This presents a problem not only for users of the SDSS databases, but also for astronomers who obtain new data in the SDSS filters now offered at various observatories. Therefore, in order to fully take advantage of the valuable and growing SDSS database and to enable the quantitative interpretation of data obtained in the SDSS filter system elsewhere, converting stellar models directly into the SDSS system is an obvious requirement. This is the goal of the present paper. This paper is a continuation of a series of papers dedicated to the conversion of theoretical stellar models to a wide variety of photometric systems. In Paper~I (Girardi et al.\\ 2002), we have described the assembly of a large library of stellar spectra, a simple formalism to compute tables of bolometric corrections from this, and the application of these corrections to a large database of theoretical isochrones. The systems there considered were the Johnson-Cousins-Glass, Washington, HST/WFPC2, HST/NICMOS, and ESO Imaging Survey ones (for the WFI, EMMI, and SOFI cameras in use at the European Southern Observatory at La Silla, Chile). The basic procedures and the input stellar data involved in the present work are the same as in Paper~I. Thus, here we will skip most of the description, detailing just the particular aspects that are inherent to the SDSS photometric system. In Section 2, we describe the SDSS AB and asinh magnitude systems and the synthetic photometry required to transform theoretical isochrones into these systems. In Section 3, we apply these isochrones to multi-color DR1 data. Section 4 contains our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_conclu} We have computed bolometric corrections and extinction coefficients specific for the SDSS ABmag photometric system. They have been applied to transform previous Padova isochrones and integrated magnitudes of single-burst stellar populations into SDSS $ugriz$ absolute magnitudes. All data tables mentioned in this paper are available in the web site {\\tt http://pleiadi.pd.astro.it}. They have a structure similar to those already released with Paper~I, and extended descriptions are also included in the form of electronic files. Comparisons between the present isochrone sets and SDSS DR1 data, together with the recent results by Rider et al. (2004), are encouraging. Our hope is that this database will be useful for the analysis of the huge amount of photometric data that has been, and will yet be, released by the SDSS project. Obvious applications go from the derivation of parameters for star clusters and nearby dwarf galaxies (distances, reddenings, ages and metallicities), to the isolation of particular objects in colour-colour diagrams, to the application in analyses of star counts and Galactic structure. The further use of SDSS filters in other observatories, in programs not related to the original survey, may well expand the possible range of use for these tables." }, "0404/astro-ph0404444_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\it XMM-Newton} observations of seven QSOs are presented and the EPIC spectra analysed. Five of the AGN show evidence for Fe K$\\alpha$ emission, with three being slightly better fitted by lines of finite width; at the 99~per~cent level they are consistent with being intrinsically narrow, though. The broad-band spectra can be well modelled by a combination of different temperature blackbodies with a power-law, with temperatures between kT~$\\sim$~100--300~eV. On the whole, these temperatures are too high to be direct thermal emission from the accretion disc, so a Comptonization model was used as a more physical parametrization. The Comptonizing electron population forms the soft excess emission, with an electron temperature of $\\sim$~120--680~eV. Power-law, thermal plasma and disc blackbody models were also fitted to the soft X-ray excess. Of the sample, four of the AGN are radio-quiet and three radio-loud. The radio-quiet QSOs may have slightly stronger soft excesses, although the electron temperatures cover the same range for both groups. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} At energies below $\\sim$~2~keV, the spectra of most AGN show an upturn, away from the extrapolation of the high energy (2--10~keV) power-law. This so-called `soft excess' emission is thought to be common in both Seyfert galaxies and QSOs (Quasi-Stellar Objects). The first such soft excess was identified in Mrk~841 by Arnaud \\etal (1985); Turner \\& Pounds (1989) then found that $\\sim$~50~per~cent of their {\\it EXOSAT} sample showed steeper spectral slopes at low energies. Likewise, Walter \\& Fink (1993) and Schartel \\etal (1996) found that the {\\it ROSAT} PSPC spectral index tends to be significantly steeper than that measured above 2.4~keV (typically $\\sim$~1.9; e.g., Nandra \\& Pounds 1994). More recently, Pounds \\& Reeves (2002) have discussed the frequent presence of soft excesses in {\\it XMM-Newton} data. Many papers have been published about the soft excess, covering both observational results -- with {\\it ROSAT} (e.g., Fiore \\etal 1994; Piro, Matt \\& Ricci 1997), {\\it Ginga}, {\\it EXOSAT} (e.g., Saxton \\etal 1993) and {\\it Einstein} (e.g., Masnou \\etal 1992; Zhou \\& Yu 1992) -- and theoretical work (e.g., Czerny \\& Elvis 1987; Czerny \\& {\\. Z}ycki 1994; Xia \\& Zhang 2001). It is generally thought that the soft excess may be linked to the hot tail-end of the Big Blue Bump (BBB), or is an extension of the UV band. The BBB/UV excess is likely to be due to thermal emission from the accretion disc surrounding the black hole (e.g., Shields 1978; Malkan \\& Sargent 1982). However, this thermal emission is not hot enough to account for the soft X-ray flux as well; hence, Comptonization is often invoked to explain the resultant emission. In this scenario, the direct thermal emission from the accretion disc is observed as the optical and UV spectrum. Some of the disc photons, however, undergo inverse Compton scattering with a population of hot electrons, thus gaining energy and producing a broader spectrum, which appears similar to a power-law over a limited energy range (assuming unsaturated Comptonization). All seven objects in this paper, listed in Table~\\ref{z_wa}, have been previously observed by {\\it ROSAT} (Schartel \\etal 1996) and were each noted to have steep photon indices over the 0.1--2.4~keV {\\it ROSAT} band. The Galactic absorption in the direction of each low-redshift QSO is small and it has been previously found that there is no significant evidence for additional, intrinsic absorption in any of the objects. These QSOs, therefore, represent a useful sample to investigate the soft excess in both radio-quiet and radio-loud AGN. \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\caption{Redshifts and Galactic absorption for the seven objects. Radio data were obtained from NVSS (Condon \\etal 1998). Optical data were taken from the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED), while the UV magnitudes were obtained from the Optical Monitor (OM) onboard {\\it XMM-Newton} where possible (Mason \\etal 2001). The corresponding wavelengths for the different bands are V -- 550~nm; UVW1 -- 291~nm; UVM2 -- 231~nm; UVW2 -- 212~nm} \\label{z_wa} $^{a}$ Radio fluxes from the NVSS. \\begin{tabular}{p{1.8truecm}p{0.9truecm}p{1.8truecm}p{1.0truecm}p{1.8truecm}p{1.0truecm}p{1.0truecm}p{1.0truecm}p{1.0truecm}} \\hline object & RL/RQ & 1.4 GHz &redshift & Gal. abs. & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{Optical and UV magnitudes}\\\\ & & flux (mJy)$^{a}$ & & (10$^{20}$~cm$^{-2}$) & V-band & UVW1 & UVM2 & UVW2\\\\ \\hline Q0056$-$363 & RQ & $<$~2.5 &0.162 & 1.93 & 16.7 & --- & --- & 13.9\\\\ PG 0804+761 & RQ & 3.3~$\\pm$~0.4 & 0.100 & 2.98 & 15.2 & --- & --- & ---\\\\ Mrk 1383 & RQ & 2.7~$\\pm$~0.5 &0.086 & 2.85 & 17.5 & --- & 12.4 & 12.4\\\\ Mrk 876 & RQ & 3.9~$\\pm$~0.5 & 0.129 & 2.87 & 15.2 & 13.7 & 13.7 & 13.7\\\\ B2 1028+31 & RL & 230.5~$\\pm$~8 & 0.178 & 1.96 & 16.7 & --- & --- & ---\\\\ B2 1128+31 & RL & 369.7~$\\pm$~13 & 0.289 & 2.02 & 16.6& 15.3 & 14.4 & 14.3\\\\ B2 1721+34 & RL & 518.3~$\\pm$~19.7 & 0.206 & 3.11 & 16.5 & --- & --- & ---\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} ", "conclusions": "The soft excesses of four radio-quiet and three radio-loud QSOs are analysed. As a simple parametrization, two blackbody components fit the soft excess very well. More physically, Comptonization of the disc photons is invoked to explain the soft X-ray emission; this model also provides good fits. There is little obvious intrinsic difference between the soft excess in the radio-quiet and radio-loud objects, with the electron temperatures covering the same range. Five of the objects also showed evidence for iron emission, with three of them being better fitted with a somewhat broadened emission line. These widths are not very large, however, and are significant only at the 95~per~cent level." }, "0404/astro-ph0404255.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from a series of high-resolution \\nbody\\ simulations that focus on the formation and evolution of eight dark matter halos, each of order a million particles within the virial radius. We follow the time evolution of hundreds of satellite galaxies with unprecedented time resolution, relating their physical properties to the differing halo environmental conditions. The self-consistent cosmological framework in which our analysis was undertaken allows us to explore satellite disruption within live host potentials, a natural complement to earlier work conducted within static potentials. Our host halos were chosen to sample a variety of formation histories, ages, and triaxialities; despite their obvious differences, we find striking similarities within the associated substructure populations. Namely, all satellite orbits follow nearly the same eccentricity distribution with a correlation between eccentricity and pericentre. We also find that the destruction rate of the substructure population is nearly independent of the mass, age, and triaxiality of the host halo. There are, however, subtle differences in the velocity anisotropy of the satellite distribution. We find that the local velocity bias at all radii is greater than unity for all halos and this increases as we move closer to the halo centre, where it varies from 1.1 to 1.4. For the global velocity bias we find a small but slightly positive bias, although when we restrict the global velocity bias calculation to satellites that have had at least one orbit, the bias is essentially removed. ", "introduction": "There is mounting evidence that the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) structure formation scenario provides the most accurate description of our Universe. Observations point towards a ``standard'' \\LCDM\\ Universe comprised of 28\\% dark matter, 68\\% dark energy, and luminous baryonic matter (i.e. galaxies, stars, gas, and dust) at a mere 4\\% (cf. Spergel~\\ea 2003). This so-called ``concordance model'' induces hierarchical structure formation whereby small objects form first and subsequently merge to form progressively larger objects (White \\& Reese 1978; Davis \\ea 1985; Tormen 1997). The outcome of such mergers, however, depends on many factors (e.g. the mass ratio of the merging halos, their relative velocities, etc.), the result of which is a varied mass accretion history for any given host system. While generally successful, the \\LCDM\\ model does face several problems, one such problem being the prediction that one-to-two orders of magnitude more satellite galaxies should be orbiting their host halos than are observed (Klypin~\\ea 1999; Moore~\\ea 1999). The lack of observational evidence for these satellites has led to the suggestion that they are completely (or almost completely) dark, with strongly suppressed star formation due to the removal of gas from the small protogalaxies by the ionising radiation from the first stars and quasars (Bullock et~al. 2000; Tully et~al. 2001; Somerville 2002). Others suggest that perhaps low mass satellites never formed in the predicted numbers in the first place, indicating problems with the \\LCDM\\ model in general, replacing it with Warm Dark Matter instead (Knebe~\\ea 2002; Bode, Ostriker~\\& Turok 2001; Colin~\\ea 2000). Recent results from (strong) lensing statistics suggest that the predicted excess of substructure is in fact required to reconcile some observations with theory (Dahle~\\ea 2003, Dalal~\\& Kochanek 2002), although this conclusion has not been universally accepted (Sand~\\ea 2003; Schechter~\\& Wambsganss 2002; Evans~\\& Witt 2003). If, however, the lensing detection of halo substructure \\textit{is} correct and the overabundant satellite population really does exist, it is imperative to understand the orbital evolution of these objects and their deviation from the background dark matter distribution. The work described here focuses upon a set of numerical simulations of structure formation within the concordance model, analysing in detail the temporal and spatial properties of satellite galaxies residing within host dark matter halos. To date, typical satellite properties such as orbital parameters and mass loss under the influence of the host halo have primarily been investigated using \\textit{static} potentials for the dark matter host halo (e.g. Johnston \\ea 1996; Hayashi \\ea 2003). We stress that each of these studies have provided invaluable insights into the physical processes involved in satellite disruption; our goals was to augment these studies by relaxing the assumption of a static host potential, in deference to the fact that realistic dark matter halos are not necessarily axis-symmetric. Halos constantly grow in mass through slow accretion and violent mergers, possessing rather triaxial shapes (Warren et~al. 1992). While a self-consistent cosmological modeling of both hosts and satellites has long been recognised as optimal, the required mass and force resolution can be difficult to accommodate (hence the use of static host potentials in most previous studies). The first fully self-consistent simulations targeting the subject were performed by Tormen (1997) and Tormen~\\ea (1998). Both studies were landmark efforts, but lacked the temporal, spatial, and mass resolution necessary to explore a wide range of environmental effects. Unable to follow the satellite distribution within the host's virial radius, satellites were instead tracked only up to and including the point of ``accretion''. This allowed an analysis of the infall pattern, rather than the orbital evolution of the satellites. Ghigna \\ea (1998) also investigated the dynamics of satellite galaxies in live dark matter host halos. Although greatly increasing the mass and spatial resolution, they still lacked the temporal resolution to explicitly track the satellite orbits. Instead, the orbits were approximated using a spherical static potential. More recently, Taffoni~\\ea (2003) used \\nbody\\ simulations coupled with semi-analytical tools to explore the evolution of dark matter satellites inside more massive halos. However, they focus their efforts on the interplay between dynamical friction and tidal mass loss in determining the final fate of the satellites. Kravtsov~\\ea (2004) also mainly concentrate on the mass loss history of satellites using fully self-consistent cosmological \\nbody\\ simulations. In this paper we investigate the evolution of substructure and the orbital parameters of satellites using high spatial, mass, {\\it and} temporal resolution. As outlined in Paper~I (Gill, Knebe~\\& Gibson 2004; hereafter \\GKGI), our suite of simulations has the required resolution to follow the satellites even within the very central regions of the host potential ($\\geq$5--10\\% of the virial radius) and the time resolution to resolve the satellite dynamics with excellent accuracy ($\\Delta t \\approx$170~Myrs). The outline of the paper is as follows. Section~\\ref{Computation} provides a description of the cosmological simulations employed. The analysis of the host halo and environment can be found in Section~\\ref{HaloAnalysis}, with the satellite orbital parameters presented in Section~\\ref{SatAnalysis}. We then investigate the kinematic properties of the dark matter halos and satellites in Section~\\ref{velbias}. We finish with our summary and conclusions in Section~\\ref{Conclusions}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Methodology \t\t\t\t\t % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ", "conclusions": "\\label{Conclusions} If the hierarchical model of structure formation is correct then the dynamics of satellite galaxies are an important ingredient to also understanding the formation and the evolution of galaxies. Therefore, in this paper we presented a series of self-consistent cosmological simulations of dark matter halos with the required mass and spatial resolution to follow satellite galaxies orbiting even within the central regions of the host potential. Moreover, the simulations had sufficient time resolution to actually resolve the satellite dynamics with high precision. The first part of this study was dedicated to analysing and describing the differences in the host halos. These host halos were chosen to sample a variety of triaxialities, formation times and mass/satellite accretion, despite being of comparable mass. The halos also had very different formation histories, from quiescent to violent. When investigating the halo environment we quantified a value of ``richness'' which was defined to be the fraction of satellite galaxies that the halo had accreted since its formation. One interesting result from this analysis was the similar rate of satellite disruption seen for all eight halos. Furthermore, over the history of each of our halos on average about 10\\% of its respective mass is locked up in the satellite galaxies. Much of this mass can be attributed to massive satellites rapidly captured by dynamical friction. But even though the eight dark matter host halos were quite different, their respective satellite population showed remarkable similarities. The average orbital eccentricity of the satellites was found to be $e \\approx$ 0.61 with minimal scatter ($\\sigma\\approx0.19$). Moreover, the average pericentre distance of the satellites was $p \\sim$ 35\\% of the virial radius for all halos, again with minimal scatter ($\\sigma\\approx 0.12$). Satellites that were disrupted while orbiting within the host's virial radius were replaced with a mass-less tracer particle and hence we were also able to present their orbital parameters at redshift $z=0$. We found that even though they have smaller eccentricities ($e^d\\approx 0.34$) than the surviving ones, their pericentre distributions are nearly identical. Since the pericentres distributions of both surviving and disrupted satellites were similar, implication is that the disrupted satellites spend more time in the deeper regions of the potential well. As such, they experience stronger tidal forces for longer periods, and are thus being disrupted more readily. We also noticed that satellites with more orbits tend to have smaller eccentricities. Difficult to explain through the application of dynamical friction we attribute this to the satellite's response to the growing host halo. We also found that the local velocity bias at all radii is greater than one and this increases as we move closer to the halo centre. Since this is a characteristic for each of our halos, it strengthens the case that this is a general pattern of the satellite population in dark matter halos. For the global velocity bias we find an average $\\langle b_{v, \\rm global}\\rangle \\sim 1.103 \\pm 0.002$, a slight, but significant, positive bias. Further, if we restrict the global velocity bias calculation to satellites that have had at least one orbit we observe a 7\\% decrease in bias to $\\langle b_{v, \\rm global}\\rangle \\sim 1.021 \\pm 0.002$. Thus when we just consider the ``virialised'' satellites, the bias nearly vanishes. Finally we recovered the $\\sigma_v \\sim M^{1/3}$ relationship between satellite velocity dispersion and halo mass. Surprisingly, all the above stated results appear to be independent of the actual host halo and its history. We were unable to identify any trends with richness, triaxiality and/or formation time (other than the number of orbits). Such similarities are suggestive of potential additional underlying CDM universal laws. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" }, "0404/astro-ph0404567_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Many recent analyses have indicated that large scale WMAP data display anomalies that appear inconsistent with the standard cosmological paradigm. However, the effects of foreground contamination, which require elimination of some fraction of the data, have not been fully investigated due to the complexity in the analysis. Here we develop a general formalism of how to incorporate these effects in any analysis of this type. Our approach is to compute the full multi-dimensional probability distribution function of all possible sky realizations that are consistent with the data and with the allowed level of contamination. Any statistic can be integrated over this probability distribution to assess its significance. As an example we apply this method to compute the joint probability distribution function for the possible realizations of quadrupole and octopole using the WMAP data. This 12 dimensional distribution function is explored using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique. The resulting chains are used to asses the statistical significance of the low quadrupole using frequentist methods, which we find to be 3-4\\%. Octopole is normal and the probability of it being anomalously low or as low as WMAP reported value is very small. We address the quadrupole-octopole alignment using several methods that have been recently used to argue for anomalies, such as angular momentum dispersion, multipole vectors and a new method based on feature matching. While we confirm that the full sky map ILC suggest an alignment, we find that removing the most contaminated part of the data also removes any evidence of alignment: the probability distributions strongly disfavor the alignment. This suggests that most of the evidence for it comes from non-Gaussian features in the part of the data most contaminated by the foregrounds. We also present an example, that of octopole alignment with the ecliptic, where the statistical significance can be enhanced by removing the contamination. ", "introduction": "The large scale structure of the WMAP data \\citep{2003MNRAS.346L..26E} has received a lot of attention since the first data release. Some authors have focused on the seemingly low values of quadrupole and octopole \\cite{2003MNRAS.346L..26E,2004MNRAS.348..885E,2003PhRvD..68l3523T,2004astro.ph..3073S}, and their alignment \\citep{2004PhRvD..69d063516,2004astro.ph..3353S}, while others considered various asymmetries in the data \\citep{2003astro.ph..7507E,2004astro.ph..3098E,2004astro.ph..2396H,2004astro.ph..4206H}. Some of these analyses are performed on one of the available full sky WMAP maps, either the original WMAP Internal Linear Combination Map (ILC) or an alternative map \\cite{2003PhRvD..68l3523T}, which we will refer to as TOH map. The full sky maps have the advantage that the harmonic analysis is unique, which facilitates investigation and assessment of statistical significance. We note that \\cite{2004astro.ph..3098E} prudently warn against the usage of the foreground corrected full-sky maps and use appropriate Monte-Carlo simulations. However, full sky maps are not free of contamination, as was clearly emphasized by the WMAP team warning that their ILC map should not be used for science purposes. These are dominated by galactic foregrounds such as dust, synchrotron or free-free emission. For this reason the power spectrum analysis is done on cut sky, where about 15-25\\% of most contaminated data in the galactic plane is removed. Even outside this region there are residual uncertainties associated with imperfections of the foreground removal. If ignored they may cause spurious alignments or other anomalies that appear statistically significant under the assumption that CMB is a Gaussian random field. In this paper we revisit the statistical significance of these tests using a different approach. Rather than ignoring the effects of foregrounds we try to take them into account explicitly by exploring the uncertainties they induce in the measurements of the multipole moments $a_{\\ell m}$. We assess this uncertainty by determining the joint multi-dimensional probability distribution function for the true sky multipole moments. Once these are determined we can apply them to the statistics of choice to obtain their values in the presence of uncertainties associated with imperfect foreground removal or sky cuts. We do not address the question of the meaning of a given statistic: all of the statistics are a-posteriori and their statistical significance is difficult to assess. Instead, our goal is to compare the values of these statistics with and without the inclusion of foreground uncertainties to see if including the latter changes the conclusions significantly. In this paper we are interested in large scale features, so we focus exclusively on quadrupole and octopole. This allows us to perform several tests. First, we can revisit the question of whether the quadrupole and octopole are low in the presence of additional uncertainties associated with the foregrounds and sky cuts. Secondly, we can test how robust results of methods for measuring the alignment of quadrupole and octopole are, once these uncertainties are taken into account. We do this by applying several of existing statistics, as well as a new one we developed. Finally, we also explore the alignment of the large scale features with specific directions in the sky, such as that of ecliptic plane. ", "conclusions": " from our analysis it appears impossible for the octopole to be anomalously low and the same is true for quadrupole in our Wd analysis. The difference may be a consequence of the noisier estimator used by WMAP. We also discuss recent claims that the quadrupole and octopole are aligned. If one believes the ILC map, then the evidence for the quadrupole and octopole alignment is considerable. All three methods tested here, namely the maximum angular dispersion vectors, the multipole vectors and the feature matching method indicate that the two are suspiciously aligned. However, as soon as foreground uncertainties are included the evidence for this alignment disappears. It is not unexpected that the probability distributions broaden, but what is surprising is how rapidly the evidence vanishes and how strongly perfect or even partial alignment is excluded by the data. This strongly suggests that much of the evidence of the alignment comes from the portion of the data most contaminated by the galactic foregrounds. Plots shown in this paper indicate a considerable difference between Wd and Vdfs cases. It is interesting to explore whether this difference comes from the number of templates being marginalised over or whether they are due to different frequency channels being employed. To investigate this we repeat the analysis using W channel data and marginalise over all three templates. The results are very similar to the Wd case, indicating that the main difference is due to different channel being employed. This suggests there might be additional systematic effects that are not handled properly even by our more conservative treatment. One possibility is that either V or W channel MEM derived foreground maps are contaminated on the largest scales, or that there are systematic contaminations in CMB maps \\cite{2004astro.ph..3353S}. More work is needed to explore these various possibilities. Finally, we also present an example where our method can enhance the statistical significance by removing the contamination which would otherwise mask the evidence. We show that for the alignment of multipole vectors with ecliptic plane the statistical significance is not lowered by the foreground uncertainties. Once again, the statistical significance of this effect is unclear, but at least it seems clear that it is not significantly affected by the foregrounds and may even be enhanced, once the foreground contamination is removed from the data. Our method is statistical and relies on the foreground templates to be faithful representation of all components that contaminate the data. Systematic uncertainties in the foregrounds translate in systematic uncertainties in derived quantities. Although our method provides a statistical framework for assessing the statistical significance of various effects, the real improvement will come from better understanding and modelling of the foregrounds. This goal can be achieved using multi-frequency data combined with a better understanding of physical processes involved. In this case a less conservative treatment of the foregrounds may be possible. We have tried some of these examples in our tests. Analyzing the original V or W maps without sky cuts, but with foreground template marginalization, causes MCMC sampler not to converge, which is indicative of a complex likelihood in this case. Similarly, using sky cuts but with no foreground removal shows clear evidence of contamination and causes the quadrupole and octopole to increase significantly \\cite{2004astro.ph..3073S}. Subtracting the WMAP recommended foregrounds and using $\\lambda=1$ in equation \\ref{eq:lambda} gives results very similar to $\\lambda=\\infty$. Thus we believe our results reflect the current uncertainties in the foreground subtraction and suggest these may be responsible for many of the anomalies seen in the WMAP data on large scales." }, "0404/astro-ph0404084_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyse the rest--frame (U$-$V) colour--magnitude relation for $2$ clusters at redshift $0.7$ and $0.8$, drawn from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey. By comparing with the population of red galaxies in the Coma cluster, we show that the high redshift clusters exhibit a deficit of passive faint red galaxies. Our results show that the red--sequence population cannot be explained in terms of a monolithic and synchronous formation scenario. A large fraction of faint passive galaxies in clusters today has moved onto the red sequence relatively recently as a consequence of the fact that their star formation activity has come to an end at $z<0.8$. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Red cluster galaxies form a tight sequence in the colour--magnitude diagram that, in nearby clusters, extends over a range of at least $5$--$6$ mag from the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG). The existence of a tight colour--magnitude relation (CMR) up to redshift $\\sim 1$, and the evolution of its slope and its zero--point as a function of redshift, are commonly interpreted as the result of a single formation scenario in which cluster ellipticals constitute a passively evolving population formed at high redshift ($z\\gtrsim2$--$3$) in a monolithic collapse (\\cite[Kodama et al. 1998]{K98}). In this model, the slope of the CMR reflects metallicity differences and naturally arises taking into account the effects of supernovae winds. An alternative explanation has been proposed by \\cite{KC} and confirmed recently by \\cite{DLKW}. In this model, elliptical galaxies form through mergers of disk systems and a CMR arises because more massive ellipticals form by mergers of more massive, and hence more metal rich, disk systems. On the other hand, it is clear that red passive galaxies in distant clusters constitute only a subset of the passive galaxy population in clusters today (\\cite[van Dokkum \\& Franx 1996]{DF}). Distant clusters contain significant populations of galaxies with active star formation, that can evolve onto the CMR after their star formation activity is terminated, possibly as a consequence of their infall onto clusters (\\cite[Smail et al. 1998; Poggianti et al. 1999]{S98,P99}). In this work we present the CMR for $2$ clusters at redshifts $0.7$ and $0.8$ from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} The results presented are robust both against the technique adopted for removing non--cluster members and against the photometric errors. The red galaxy deficit is detected also when rejecting non--members using a purely statistical subtraction or a more stringent criterion for membership based solely on photometric redshifts. In fact, a deficit is evident also in the {\\it full} photometric catalogue, when no field correction is attempted. Photometric errors in the EDisCS catalogue are comparable to the errors for the Coma data, therefore the differences observed in the distributions of Fig.~\\ref{fig:histo} cannot be a spurious result arising from photometric errors. A decline in the number of red sequence members at faint magnitudes was first observed in clusters at $z=0.25$ by \\cite{S98}. Evidence for a `truncation' of the CM sequence has been noticed in a cluster at $z=1.2$ by \\cite{K00}, who suggested that faint early--type galaxies might not have been in place until $z \\sim 1.2$. In more recent work \\cite{K04} have come to the same conclusion using deep wide-field optical imaging data of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey. The CMR of the $2$ EDisCS clusters at $z\\sim0.8$ also shows a deficit of red, relatively faint galaxies. Our investigation shows that the evolution of the red--sequence population at these redshifts cannot be explained as the result of a monolithic and synchronous formation scenario. A large fraction of the passive $\\lesssim 0.1$L$_*$ galaxies must have moved onto the CMR at redshifts lower than $0.8$ as a consequence of the fact that their star formation activity has come to an end. Our analysis enlightens the importance of studying the evolution of the cluster population as a whole, trying to understand how galaxies are accreted from the field, how the dense cluster environment affects their star formation rate, and how these galaxies fade and move on to the red sequence. Only this kind of analysis can unveil the full evolutionary paths of galaxies that lie on the red--sequence today and give strong constraints on the relative importance of star formation and metallicity in establishing the the observed red--sequence. We plan to investigate this in more detail in future work." }, "0404/astro-ph0404421_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A survey of diffuse interstellar sight lines observed with the {\\em Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer} has led to the serendipitous discovery of a high-ionization nebula around the hot white dwarf KPD~0005+5106. The nebula has an \\ion{O}{6} $\\lambda$1032 surface brightness of up to 25,000 photons~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$~sr$^{-1}$, making it the brightest region of extended \\ion{O}{6} emission in our survey. Photoionization models using the incident white dwarf continuum successfully reproduce the observed \\ion{O}{6} intensity. The \\ion{O}{6} emission arises in the highly ionized inner region of a planetary nebula around KPD~0005+5106. This newly discovered nebula may be one member of a class of high-ionization planetary nebulae that are difficult to detect in the optical, but which can be easily identified in the ultraviolet. ", "introduction": "Planetary nebulae (PNe) come in a variety of shapes, irregular, bipolar, or spherical, and exhibit emission from forbidden lines such as [\\ion{O}{3}], [\\ion{Ne}{3}], and [\\ion{Ne}{5}] as well as from the H$\\alpha$ recombination line. In addition, numerous high-excitation PNe exhibit most of the other Balmer lines as well as \\ion{He}{2}, \\ion{C}{3}], and other forbidden lines such as [\\ion{Ne}{4}], [\\ion{Ar}{4}], [\\ion{Mg}{5}]. The typical radial extent is a few tenths of a parsec. Only a few PNe have radii exceeding 1.5~pc. Because of their small size and low surface brightness, PNe are notoriously difficult to discover \\citep[e.g.,][]{kw,w97,rau}. We report the discovery of an \\ion{O}{6} emitting nebula around KPD~0005+5106 with the {\\em Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE)} that we identify as a high-ionization PN (HIPN) around this white dwarf (WD). This would make KPD~0005+5106 only the third WD \\citep[out of 162 WDs listed by][]{nap} known to have a PN. Including KPD~0005+5106, only eight of the fifteen stars listed with $T_{\\rm eff}\\geq120,000$~K \\citep{nap} have a known PN. ", "conclusions": "With a surface temperature $T_{\\rm eff}=120,000$~K, KPD~0005+5106 is the hottest known DO (i.e. helium-rich) WD. The stellar spectrum has been observed at X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical wavelengths. Model fits yield stellar parameters of $\\log(g)=7$, $E(B-V)=0.13$, and a distance of about 270~pc (Werner, Heber, \\& Fleming 1994; Werner et al. 1996). The star possesses a soft X-ray corona \\citep{odw}, and appears to undergo mass ejection \\citep{w96,sion}. In the $\\log(g)-\\log(T_{\\rm eff})$ diagram, KPD~0005+5106 lies between the highest-gravity PG~1159 stars known to have PNe and the two DO WD PN candidates PG~0108+101 and PG~0109+111. The discovery of a PN around the DO WD PG~1034+001 \\citep{hew} extends the range of known PNe in the $\\log(g)-\\log(T_{\\rm eff})$ plane along the evolutionary tracks toward lower temperatures and higher surface gravities ($\\log(g)=7.5, T_{\\rm eff}=100,000$~K; Werner, Dreizler, \\& Wolff 1995). KPD~0005+5106 lies well within this extended parameter space. However, previous searches for an optical PN around this WD have been unsuccessful \\citep{w97}. Photoionized \\ion{O}{6} is expected from PN with hot central stars ($T_{\\rm eff}\\geq120,000$~K) and has been detected in a few such objects (Chu, Gruendl, \\& Guerrero 2004). We used the photoionization code CLOUDY to determine whether photoionization of a putative PN around KPD0005+5106 could explain the detected \\ion{O}{6} emission. For the ionizing source, we used a synthetic spectrum of the star calculated with the program TLUSTY \\citep{hl}, using the observed stellar abundances and parameters \\citep{w96}. The stellar model was scaled to the flux observed with {\\em FUSE}. Simple PN expansion models by \\citet{ost} yield densities of a few cm$^{-3}$ at the distances of the LWRS aperture positions for a $\\sim10,000$~yr old PN. We assumed solar abundances and a particle density of unity (i.e., $n({\\rm H})=1$~cm$^{-3}$) in the absorbing cloud. With no other free parameters, our model reproduces the observed \\ion{O}{6} flux to within a factor of a few. Based on this agreement between model predictions and observations, we conclude that the \\ion{O}{6} nebula around KPD~0005+5106 is photoionized. It may be one of a new class of HIPNe that are faint in standard optical lines." }, "0404/astro-ph0404292.txt": { "abstract": "We present a %for the first time a large sample of spectroscopic study of candidate brown dwarf members of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We obtained new $J$-- and/or $K$--band spectra of $\\sim$100 objects within the ONC which are expected to be substellar based on their $K,(H-K)$ magnitudes and colors. Spectral classification in the near-infrared of young low mass objects % using near-infrared spectra is described, including the effects of surface gravity, veiling due to circumstellar material, and reddening. %, about a third of which are determined to be substellar. %From these data From our derived spectral types and existing near-infrared photometry we construct an HR diagram for the %low mass members of the cluster. % and possibly discover a previously unknown population %of apparently older $\\sim$10 Myr old stars which we determine are likely cluster members. Masses are inferred for each object and used to derive the brown dwarf fraction and assess the mass function for the inner 5.'1 $\\times$ 5.'1 of the ONC, down to $\\sim$0.02 M$_\\odot$. The logarithmic mass function rises to a peak at $\\sim$0.2 M$_\\odot$, similar to previous IMF determinations derived from purely photometric methods, but falls off more sharply at the hydrogen-burning limit before leveling through the substellar regime. % and shows some evidence for %a secondary peak, at $\\sim$0.05 M$_\\odot$. We compare the mass function derived here for the inner ONC to those presented in recent literature for the sparsely populated Taurus cloud members and the rich cluster IC 348. % which were also determined using spectroscopic data, We find good agreement between the shapes and peak values of the ONC and IC 348 mass distributions, but little similarity between the ONC and Taurus results. %We argue that comparison of these %studies suggests the IMF is not universal but instead dependent on the %star formation environment within a cluster. ", "introduction": "%Recent photometric and spectroscopic surveys have led to the discovery of %an abundance of substellar objects over a wide mass range, %from just below the hydrogen burning limit ($\\sim$0.08 M$_\\odot$) down to the %planetary mass regime ($<$ 0.02 M$_\\odot$ = 20 M$_{Jup}$). %However, despite the increasing number of brown dwarfs (BDs) known, %details of their formation process and its possible variation %with external conditions remain little understood. %masses formed during a single epoch within a cluster, %also known as the initial mass function (IMF), across %the hydrogren-burning limit. Major questions that arise are: %is the IMF universal? We have no reason a priori to assume the IMF is %a unversal function applicable to %all starburts, however available data are consistent with %the same IMF for imtermediate mass stars (M $\\sim$ 1--few M$_\\odot$) %occuring in very different physical environments. %While one might expect instead that the IMF should vary with %star formation environment, we do not yet have enough evidence %to determine if such a variation exists. This problem can be %most readily examined with the lowest mass objects whose formation %will be most influenced by external environmental factors, e.g., %stellar density and %the content/characterization of the massive star population within %the parental molecular cloud. %Observed The stellar mass and age distributions in young star clusters % of masses and ages of objects found within %a cluster %is crucial to our understanding the formation and early evolution of %stars and brown dwarfs. %With this information we can %will can help answer some of the fundamental questions of cluster formation theory: Do all cluster members form in a single burst or is star formation a lengthy process? %Could star formation be triggered? Is the distribution of stellar masses formed during a single epoch within a cluster, also known as the initial mass function (IMF), universal or does it vary with either star formation environment or time? %Understanding %how low-mass stars form and evolve %remains one of the fundamental challenges of stellar theory. %An important tool for gaining this understanding is %the distribution of stellar %masses formed during a single epoch within a cluster, %also known as the initial mass function (IMF), %remains one of the fundamental challenges of star formation theory. While the stellar mass function has long been studied (e.g., Salpeter 1955), we are only recently beginning to explore the very low mass end of the distribution into the substellar regime. Identification of large, unbiased samples of low mass objects, especially in star-forming regions, is crucial to our understanding of the formation and early evolution of low mass stars and brown dwarfs. %A key issue of this understanding is knowledge of %the distribution of stellar %Knowledge of the shape of the mass function across the hydrogen-burning limit %and its possible variation %with external conditions can provide critical insight into the formation processes %governing low mass stars and brown dwarfs (BDs). %In particular, diagnostic studies of stellar populations in %different locations and at varying stages of evolution %are needed to explore the possibility of a universal mass function. %While one might expect instead that the IMF should vary with %star formation environment, we do not yet have enough evidence %to determine if such a variation exists. This problem can be %most readily examined with the lowest mass objects whose formation %will be most influenced by external environmental factors, e.g., %stellar density and %the content/characterization of the massive star population within %the parental molecular cloud. Young stellar clusters are particularly valuable for examining the shape of the low mass IMF because %they provide %statistically significant samples of %stars with common age and metalicity. %In young clusters where the the lowest mass members have not yet been lost to dynamical evolution. %and populations are relatively complete even at the substellar end. Furthermore, contracting low-mass pre-main sequence stars and brown dwarfs are 2-3.5 orders of magnitude more luminous than their counterparts on the main sequence, and thus can be more readily detected in large numbers. The dense molecular clouds associated with star-forming regions also reduce background field star contamination. %Several photometric studies have been carried out of young clusters in various %environments. Preibisch, Stanke \\& Zinnecker (2003) used deep imaging data to construct a %$J$-band luminosity function (LF) for the young (2 Myr) cluster IC 348. %From this they determined the cluster to have a 'brown dwarf deficit', whereby objects in the %mass range 0.02-0.075 $M_\\odot$ constitute %at most $\\sim$10\\% of the total cluster population. %A similar lack of sub-stellar objects was found through an optical/IR survey combining %imaging and spectroscopy in the Taurus star forming region (1-2 Myr) %(Brice\\~{n}o et al. 2002). %These results are in contrast to %brown dwarf densities found %within the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). Because the ONC is one of the nearest massive star-forming regions to the Sun and the most populous young cluster within $\\sim$2 kpc, it has been observed at virtually all wavelengths over the past several decades. However, only recently have increased sensitivities due to near-IR detectors on larger telescopes allowed us to begin to understand and characterize the extent of the ONC's young stellar and brown dwarf population which, at $\\lesssim$ 1-2 Myr, is just beginning to emerge from its giant molecular cloud. Several recent studies have explored the ONC at substellar masses. Hillenbrand \\& Carpenter (2000) (hereafter HC00) present the results of an $H$ and $K$ imaging survey of the inner ~5'.1 x 5'.1 region of the ONC. % taken with NIRC %on Keck I. Observed magnitudes, colors, and star counts were used to constrain the shape of the ONC mass function across the hydrogen burning limit down to $\\sim$0.03 M$_\\odot$. They find evidence in the log-log mass function for a turnover above the hydrogen-burning limit, then a plateau into the substellar regime. A similar study by Muench et al. (2002; hereafter M02) uses $J,H,K$ imaging of the ONC to derive an IMF which rises to a broad primary peak at the lowest stellar masses between 0.3 M$_\\odot$ and the hydrogen burning limit before turning over and declining into the substellar regime. However, instead of a plateau through the lowest masses, M02 find evidence for a secondary peak between 0.03--0.02 M$_\\odot$. Luhman et al. (2000) use $H$ and $K$ infrared imaging and limited ground-based spectroscopy to constrain the mass function and again find a peak just above the substellar regime, but then a steady decline through the lowest mass objects. %A more complete and sensitive spectroscopic study is needed if we are to %reliably measure the ONC's IMF %across the hydrogen-burning limit. Generally speaking, $J,H,K$ photometry alone is insufficient for deriving stellar/substellar masses, though may be adequate in a statistical sense for estimating mass distributions given the right assumptions. The position of a young star in a near-IR color-magnitude diagram (CMD) is dependent on mass, age, extinction, and the possible presence of a circumstellar disk. These characteristics affect the conversion of a star's infrared magnitude and color into its stellar mass. Unless the distributions of these parameters are known a priori, knowledge of the cluster's luminosity function alone is not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions about its mass function. In addition, cluster membership is often poorly known and statistical estimates concerning the extent and characterization of the field star population must be derived. In the case of the densely populated ONC, it has been suggested that the field star contamination is small but non-negligible toward fainter magnitudes. HC00 used a modified version of the Galactic star count model (Wainscoat et al. 1992) convolved with a local extinction map (derived from a C$^{18}$O molecular line map) to estimate the field star contribution, which they found to constitute $\\sim$5\\% of the stars down to their completeness limit at $K\\sim$17.5. In order to study a cluster's IMF in more than just a statistical sense, %rather than just place statistical constraints on it, spectroscopy is needed to confirm cluster membership of individual stars and uniquely determine location in the HR diagram (and hence mass). We have obtained near-infrared spectra of 97 %85 ONC stars in the ONC. %in the area %surveyed by HC00, including %$\\sim$50\\% of the stars expected to be brown dwarfs based on their $K,H-K$ magnitudes %and colors, down to the completeness limit %of $K\\sim$17.5, and of 14 stars outside the survey region of HC00. This wavelength regime (1-2.5 $\\mu$m) is of extreme interest for very cool stars and brown dwarfs not only because ultracool objects emit the bulk of their energy in the near-infrared, but also because this regime contains temperature-sensitive atomic as well as broad molecular features. In addition, there are several diagnostic lines which can be used as surface gravity indicators. From analysis of these data combined with existing photometry and pre-main sequence evolutionary theory we construct the cluster's IMF across the substellar boundary. We then compare our results to those found from previous studies, both of the ONC and of clusters similar in age to the ONC but which have different star-forming environments. In Section 2 we describe our data acquisition and reduction. In Section 3 we present our spectra and methods for spectral classification. This section includes a discussion of the effects of extinction and veiling due to circumstellar disks. In Section 4 we create an HR diagram for the stellar and substellar objects for which we have new spectral types. Section 5 contains our derivation of the ONC's IMF and Section 6 our analysis and comparison to previous work. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Comparison to previous ONC IMF determinations} The stellar/substellar IMF has been discussed in previous work on the ONC. A determination based on near-infrared photometric data was made by HC00 using $H$ and $K$ magnitudes and colors combined with star count data to constrain the IMF down to $\\sim$0.03 M$_\\odot$. They find a mass function for the inner regions of the ONC which rises to a peak around 0.15 M$_\\odot$ and then declines across the hydrogen burning limit with slope N($\\log M) \\propto$ $M^{0.57}$. M02 transform the inner ONC's $K$-band luminosity function into an IMF and find %They find a mass function which rises with decreasing mass to form a broad peak between 0.3 M$_\\odot$ and the hydrogen-burning limit before turning over and falling off into the substellar regime. This decline is broken between 0.02 and 0.03 M$_\\odot$ where the IMF may contain a secondary peak near the deuterium burning limit of $\\sim$13 M$_{Jup}$. Luhman et. al (2000) combined near-infrared NICMOS photometry of the inner 140\" $\\times$ 140\" of the ONC with limited ground-based spectroscopy of the brightest objects ($K <$ 12) to determine a mass function which follows a power-law slope similar, but slightly steeper than the Salpeter value, until it turns over at $\\sim$0.2 M$_\\odot$ and declines steadily through the brown dwarf regime. %rises slowly through the brown dwarf %regime until $\\sim$0.2 M$_\\odot$ where it rolls over into a power-law slope %similar, but slightly steeper than the Salpeter value. H97 presents the most extensive spectroscopic survey of the ONC, combining optical spectral data with $V$ and $I$-band photometry over a large area ($\\sim$ 2.5 pc$^2$) extending into the outer regions of the cluster. The IMF determination covers a large spectral range and appears to be rising from the high (50 M$_\\odot$) to low (0.1 M$_\\odot$) mass limits of that survey. %In Figure~\\ref{fig:mf1} we compare our IMF of the inner $\\sim$0.5 pc$^2$ of the ONC, %which we derived using a combination of infrared %and optical spectral data, to mass functions derived previously for %the region. The filled circles show the mass function for stars with %A$_V$ $<$ 10 as determined %by HC00 using infrared photometry. %In order to compare the two sets of results %we must also limit %our sample to A$_V$ $<$ 10, thereby creating an equivalent set of data. %The bottom panel of Figure~\\ref{fig:maghist} shows our completeness as a function %of magnitude for all stars with A$_V$ $\\lesssim$ 10 mag. Since we %do not have derived extinction values for the stars without spectra %in the HC00 survey, we used a color cut of %($H-K$) $<$ 1.0 which approximately corresponds to a 1 Myr star reddened by %10 magnitudes of extinction in the absence of infrared excess (see Figure~\\ref{fig:cmd}). %As in the top panel, the open histogram indicates all stars with photometric %data in HC00 and the hatched histogram indicates the subset for %which we have spectra. The dotted line represents the fractional %completeness of the spectroscopic sample with $\\sqrt(N)$ errorbars. %We estimate completeness in this sample to $\\sim$50\\% excepting the %magnitude range $K$ $\\sim$ 12.5-14. We can correct for the underrepresented %bins %as outlined in Section 5.2. % %Solid and dotted hatched histograms in Figure~\\ref{fig:mf1} represent the non-corrected and corrected IMFs for our sample with A$_V$ $<$ 10. %The IMF of HC00 has been scaled to match the total number of stars in our IMF less than 0.4 M$_\\odot$. %The solid squares indicate the IMF derived by Hillenbrand 1997 for the %inner and outer regions of the nebula ($r \\;<$ 2.5 pc). All stars in this sample have A$_V$ $<$ 10. Data have been shifted to match the IMF from the %current work at M = 0.2 M$_\\odot$. All three IMF determinations were made using %the DM97 tracks. The peak in our IMF, $\\sim$0.2 M$_\\odot$, matches remarkably well to those found from both the deep near-infrared imaging IMF studies (HC00 and M02) which cover similar survey areas, and the Luhman et al. (2000) study which covered only the very inner region of the cluster. %The IMF derived by Luhman et al. (2000) peaked at much higher looked at only the inner $\\sim$0.3 pc of the ONC. Hillenbrand %(1997) find the mass spectrum to be biased towards higher masses within %this area which could account for the discrepancy in turnover %mass between Luhman et al. (2000) and other studies which explore %the spatially more extended population. %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HC00 \\& H97 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Our data also show a leveling off in the mass distribution through the substellar regime similar to that found by HC00. A significant secondary peak within the substellar regime has been claimed by M02. While we see some evidence for such a peak in our data, this result is not robust to within the errors. Furthermore, if real, we find the secondary peak to occur at a slightly higher mass than M02 ($\\sim$0.05 M$_\\odot$ vs. $\\sim$0.025 M$_\\odot$). %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HC00 \\& H97 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The primary difference between the observed IMF derived in the current work and those presented in previous studies of the substellar ONC population is the steepness of the primary peak and the sharpness of the fall-off at the hydrogen-burning limit (see for comparison Figure 16 of M02). Most IMF determinations for this region exhibit a gradual turnover in the mass function around $\\sim$0.2 M$_\\odot$ until %and then %a leveling off, or turnover to a secondary peak, at $\\approx \\frac{2}{3}$ the level of the primary peak is reached at which point the IMF levels off or forms a secondary peak. However, we find a sharp fall-off beyond $\\sim$0.1 M$_\\odot$ to $\\approx \\frac{1}{2}$ the primary peak value. %This distinction is lessened somewhat when we considered %our magnitude-corrected IMF (Figure~\\ref{fig:mf2}). %This %discrepancy is likely %due the difference in models used. The M02 work used the \\subsection{Photometric vs. Spectroscopic Mass Functions} As mentioned in Section 1, spectroscopy is needed to study a cluster's IMF in more than a statistical sense. %rather than simply put statistical constraints on it. The fact that many of the fainter objects in our survey expected to be substellar based on their location in the $K$, ($H-K$) diagram are in fact hotter, possibly older objects gives strong evidence in support of this statement. Independent knowledge of an individual star's age, extinction and infrared excess arising from the possible presence of a circumstellar disk is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn about that object's mass. Despite the increasing numbers of brown dwarfs studied, both in the field and in clusters, details of their formation process remain sufficiently poorly understood that knowledge of near-infrared magnitudes and colors alone is not enough to accurately predict these characteristics for young low mass objects. Near-infrared magnitudes alone also cannot distinguish between cluster members and nonmembers, and field star contamination must be modeled rather than accounted for directly. %In addition, work by Walker et al. (2004) suggests that CTTS occulted by a circumstellar %disk show similar optical/near-IR colors to face-on brown dwarf systems, which may lead to an %incorrect, over-identification of substellar objects in photometric surveys. Previous studies of the ONC had spectroscopy available in general only for the stellar population, and relied on photometry alone to determine the mass function at substellar masses. %\\footnote{As mentioned, two other %studies have looked at the ONC spectroscopically, but H97 did not %extend to substellar masses and Luhman et al. (2000) took spectra only %of the brightest objects ($K >$ 12) in their sample.}. This may have caused over-estimates in the number of brown dwarfs for reasons discussed above. %In addition, work by Walker et al. (2004) suggests that CTTS occulted by a circumstellar %disk show similar optical/near-IR colors to face-on brown dwarf systems, which may lead to an %incorrect, over-identification of substellar objects in photometric surveys. %The work by Muench et al. (2001) to look for infrared excess objects %within the ONC note that 21 of their 109 photometrically identified brown dwarf candidates ($\\sim$20\\%) %are coincident with optically resolved proplyds. However, the more significant cause of the shallower peak in previous IMF determinations for the inner ONC as opposed to the sharply peak IMF derived here is likely just the inherent nature of photometric vs. spectroscopic mass functions. Determining masses for stars in a sample from temperatures derived from spectral types necessarily discretizes the data. Conversely, photometric studies are by their nature continuous distributions, and deriving masses from magnitudes and colors or luminosity functions results in a smooth distribution of masses. We emphasize that while neither situation is ideal, mass functions derived for young objects from infrared photometry alone represents only the most statistically probable distribution of underlying masses. Spectroscopy is needed in order to derive cluster membership and masses for individual objects. %\\subSection{Comparison of the ONC IMF to IMF determinations for other star-forming regions} \\subsection{Comparison to Other Star-Forming Regions} Diagnostic studies of stellar populations in different locations and at varying stages of evolution are needed to explore the possibility of a universal mass function. While one might expect that the IMF should vary with star formation environment, we do not yet have enough evidence to determine if such a variation exists. %This problem can be %most readily examined with the lowest mass objects whose formation %may be more heavily influenced by external environmental factors, e.g., %stellar density and %the content/characterization of the massive star population within %the parental molecular cloud. Aside from work already mentioned on the ONC, numerous studies have been carried out to characterize the low mass stellar and substellar mass functions of other young clusters in various environments. Because of the intrinsic faintness of these objects, most surveys are photometric. Authors then use a combination of theoretical models and statistical analysis to transform a cluster's color-magnitude diagram or luminosity function into an IMF which may or may not accurately represent the underlying cluster population (see Section 6.2). However, the substellar populations of two other young star-forming clusters have been studied spectroscopically using techniques similar to those presented here. Luhman (2000), Brice\\~{n}o et al. (2002) and Luhman et al. (2003a) surveyed the sparsely-populated Taurus star-forming region, and Luhman et al. (2003b) studied the rich cluster IC 348. These clusters have ages similar to the ONC (1 and 2 Myr). Therefore, if the IMF is universal, similar mass distributions should be observed for all three clusters. Contrary to this hypothesis, Luhman et al. (2003b) discuss the very different shapes of the substellar mass distributions in Taurus and IC 348. The IMF for Taurus peaks around $\\sim$0.8 M$_\\odot$ and then declines steadily to lower masses through the brown dwarf regime. The IC 348 mass function rises to a peak around 0.15 M$_\\odot$ and then falls off sharply and levels out for substellar objects. While direct comparison of the data requires caution given that different mass tracks were used for the two studies (Luhman et al. (2003b) used Baraffe et al. (1998) tracks whereas we have used DM97 tracks to infer masses), we find our that IMF for the ONC bears remarkable resemblance to that presented for IC 348 in Luhman et al. (2003b) (see for comparison Figure 12 in Luhman et al. 2003b). Both IMFs peak at $\\sim$0.15--0.2 M$_\\odot$ and fall off rather abruptly at the substellar boundary. The fact the IMFs derived for these two dense, young clusters %using spectroscopic techniques bear such close resemblance to each other while exhibiting distinguishable differences from the IMF determined for the much more sparsely- populated Taurus cluster gives strong support to the argument put forth by authors such as Luhman et al. (2003b) that the IMF is not universal, but may instead depend on star formation environment. %It has been suggested that lower density clusters such as Taurus Alternatively, Kroupa et al. (2003) argue through numerical simulation that observed differences in the Taurus and ONC {\\it stellar} mass functions could be due to dynamical effects operating on initially identical IMFs; however, their model does not reproduce the observed differences in {\\it substellar} mass functions without invoking different initial conditions (eg., turbulence; Delgado-Donate et al. 2004). Previous studies such as those mentioned above have found much higher brown dwarf fractions for the ONC in comparison to other clusters such as Taurus and IC 348 (see Luhman et al. 2003b). Brice\\~{n}o et al. (2002) defines the ratio of the numbers of substellar and stellar objects as: \\begin{displaymath} R_{SS} = \\frac{N(0.02 \\leq M/M_\\odot \\leq 0.08)}{N(0.08 < M/M_\\odot \\leq 10)}. \\end{displaymath} We have recomputed these numbers for Taurus and IC 348 using the DM97 models and find values of $R_{SS}$ = 0.11 (Taurus) and $R_{SS}$ = 0.13 (IC 348). These values are very close to those found by Luhman et al. (2003b) using the Baraffe et al. (1998) models: $R_{SS}$ = 0.14 (Taurus) and $R_{SS}$ = 0.12 (IC 348). In contrast, Luhman et al. (2000) find a value of $R_{SS}$ = 0.26 from primarily photometric work on the inner ONC (using Baraffe et al. (1998) models). Considering the spectroscopic IMF presented here (Figure 14), we find a lower value of $R_{SS}$=0.20, indicating that although the ONC may have a higher brown dwarf fraction than Taurus or IC348, it is lower than previously inferred from photometric studies. %Combining our data with masses derived for the higher mass stars in H97, %we find a lower value of $R_{SS}$ = 0.20 indicating that the ONC %may actually have a lower brown dwarf fraction than previously thought. We believe the numbers of substellar objects %in the ONC may have been over estimated in previous photometric surveys for reasons given in Section 6.2. %Preibisch, Stanke \\& Zinnecker (2003) used deep imaging data to construct a %$J$-band luminosity function (LF) for the young (2 Myr) cluster IC 348. %From this they determined the cluster to have a 'brown dwarf deficit', whereby objects in the %mass range 0.02-0.075 $M_\\odot$ constitute %at most $\\sim$10\\% of the total cluster population. %A similar lack of sub-stellar objects was found through an optical/IR survey combining %imaging and spectroscopy in the Taurus star forming region (1-2 Myr) %(Brice\\~{n}o et al. 2002). %These results are in contrast to %brown dwarf densities found %within the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404347_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Broad hydroxyl (OH) absorption-lines in the 1667 MHz and 1665 MHz transition towards the central region of NGC\\,3079 have been observed at high resolution with the European VLBI Network (EVN). Velocity fields of two OH absorption components were resolved across the unresolved nuclear radio continuum of $\\sim$ 10 parsecs. The velocity field of the OH absorption close to the systemic velocity shows rotation in nearly the same sense as the edge-on galactic-scale molecular disk probed by CO(1--0) emission. The velocity field of the blue-shifted OH absorption displays a gradient in almost the opposite direction. The blue-shifted velocity field represents a non-rotational component, which may trace an outflow from the nucleus, or material driven and shocked by the kiloparsec-scale superbubble. This OH absorption component traces a structure that does not support a counter-rotating disk suggested on the basis of the neutral hydrogen absorption. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404171_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present the results of high S/N long-slit spectroscopy with the Multiple Mirror and the SAO 6-m telescopes, optical imaging with the Wise 1-m telescope and \\ion{H}{i} observations with the Nan\\c {c}ay Radio Telescope of the very metal-deficient (12+$\\log$(O/H)=7.64) luminous ($M_{\\rm B}$=--18\\fm1) blue compact galaxy (BCG) HS~0837+4717. The blue bump near $\\lambda$4650, characteristic of WR stars is detected in the central supergiant \\ion{H}{ii} region, as well as the barely seen red bump at $\\lambda$5808. The derived number of WR stars in the region of the current starburst is $\\sim$1000. Evidence for fast motions in this region is also seen as broad, low-contrast components in the H$\\alpha$, H$\\beta$ and strong [\\ion{O}{iii}] lines $\\lambda\\lambda$4959,5007. While the extinction of the narrow emission lines from the supergiant \\ion{H}{ii} region is low, the very large Balmer decrement of the broad components suggests that the part of current starburst is highly obscured by dust. Abundance ratios X/O for X=Ne, Ar, S, Fe and Cl in the supergiant \\ion{H}{ii} region are in good agreement with the mean values of other very metal-deficient BCGs. Nitrogen, however, is overabundant by a factor of $\\sim$6. This implies an unusually efficient N enrichment in HS 0837+4717, and probably, a non-typical evolution scenario. The H$\\alpha$-line Position--Velocity (P--V) diagrams for directions approximately along the major and minor axes reveal disturbed motions of the ionized gas, mainly in peripheral regions. The SW part of the major axis P--V diagram looks like a rotation curve, with the velocity amplitude $V_{\\rm rot} \\sim$50--70~\\kms\\ at $r$=4.3 kpc. Its NE part displays, however, strong deviations, indicating either counter-rotation, or a strong outflow/supershell. If it is considered as indicating a shell-like feature its velocity amplitude of $\\sim$70 \\kms\\ (relative to the extrapolated rotation curve), and the apparent extent of $\\sim$4\\arcsec\\ (3.3 kpc) imply a dynamical age of $\\sim$14 Myr and the full energetic equivalent of $\\sim$2.3$\\times$10$^4$ SNe. The latter indicates continuing starbursts during at least this time interval. The long-slit spectra reveal a complex morphology for this galaxy. It consists of two compact regions at a distance of $\\sim$2 kpc. Their continuum flux differs by a factor of four. The brightest one is related to the current starburst with the age of $\\sim$3.7 Myr. The slightly redder fainter component could be an older starburst ($\\sim$25 Myr). The Wise 1-m telescope $UBVR$ integrated photometry reveals a high optical luminosity for this BCG, and the unusual $(B-V)$ and $(V-R)$ colours. The morphology of HS 0837+4717 is highly disturbed, with two small tails emerging to NNW and SSE. Such a disturbed overall morphology, a \"double-nucleus\" structure, significantly disturbed velocities of ionized gas, together with the very high power of the starburst suggests a possible explanation of the object as a recent merger. We compare the properties of this BCG and of similar objects known in the literature, and conclude that their high nitrogen excess is most probably related to the short phase of a powerful starburst when many WR stars contribute to the enrichment of ISM. ", "introduction": "Most low-mass gas-rich galaxies have low metallicities, with the typical range of 1$Z$\\sunn/15 to $Z$\\sunn/3 (e.g., review of Kunth \\& \\\"Ostlin \\cite{Kunth2000}). Only for a very small fraction of galaxies in the Local Universe is the metallicity extremely low, in the range of $Z$\\sunn/50 to $Z$\\sunn/20. This range is more characteristic of high-redshift damped Ly$\\alpha$ % absorption systems which could be young galaxies. The study of the extremely metal-deficient (XMD) galaxies allows one to test many theoretical ideas on massive star formation and evolution, and models of galaxy evolution in a very low metallicity environment. In particular, the abundance patterns of $\\alpha$-elements and iron, that is, the ratios X/O (with X=Ne, S, Ar, Fe), allow one to check models of stellar nucleosynthesis. For metal-poor galaxies they were found to be remarkably constant over a wide range of O/H (e.g., Izotov \\& Thuan \\cite{IT99}, hereafter IT99). This implies that all these elements are primary and are produced in the same massive stars. The ratio N/O was also found to be fairly constant for XMD BCGs (IT99), implying mainly primary production of nitrogen in very low metallicity environment. Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars -- a specific very short phase of massive star evolution, characterized by strong mass outflow, and enriched mainly in N and C, are often seen in high S/N spectra of starburst galaxies (e.g., Kunth \\& Joubert \\cite{KJ85}; Izotov et al. \\cite{Izotov96}; Guseva et al. \\cite{Guseva2000}). These stars are detected through the broad emission features of the so called ``blue bump'' near $\\lambda$4650~\\AA, and more rarely in the red, near $\\lambda$5808~\\AA. Models of stellar evolution predict that the number of WR stars in a young star cluster is a sensitive function of metallicity, IMF and starburst age (e.g., Schaerer \\& Vacca \\cite{SV98}, hereafter SV98). WR star outflows could produce a significant N overabundance at the locations of young starbursts. However, the analysis of a large sample of \\ion{H}{ii} galaxies by Kobulnicky \\& Skillman (\\cite{KS96}) showed that galaxies, with and without strong WR features in their integrated spectra, show identical N/O ratios. This is probably explained by nitrogen outflow in the hot phase. Therefore, only significantly after its ejection could the nitrogen be cooled and mixed into the optically observed ionized gas. Significant nitrogen overabundance is detected in a few starburst galaxies. The most prominent one is Mkn~996 (Thuan et al. \\cite{Thuan96}), with 12+$\\log$(O/H)=8.0. It is a non-typical BCG due to the large number of WR stars and to a powerful outflow from the compact central SF burst. Its N/O in the region with diameter of 0.6 kpc is 4 to 25 times higher than the typical value for low-metallicity BCGs of $\\sim$1/40. The morphology of Mkn 996 implies that likely it is a remnant of a recent merger. The authors argue that the observed large N/O ratio is directly related to the powerful outflows of numerous WR stars. Another well known case is a factor of three nitrogen overabundance, found in two compact regions ($d \\sim$20 pc) near the central starburst in the nearby ($D\\sim$4~Mpc) dwarf WR galaxy NGC~5253 (e.g., Kobulnicky et al. \\cite{Kobul97}, and the summary of previous results therein). Only three galaxies: UM~420, Mkn ~1089, and UM~448, all luminous and with detected WR lines (Guseva et al. \\cite{Guseva2000}), from the sample of 50 BCGs in IT99, show nitrogen overabundance of a factor of $\\approx$3 relative to the mean N/O value of 1/30 for their range of O/H). Finally, the galaxy Haro 11 from the sample of luminous BCGs (Bergvall \\& \\\"Ostlin \\cite{Bergvall02}), also with strong WR bump, shows an N/O ratio that is 6 times higher than for the main BCG group. In this paper we present the results of a comprehensive study of HS~0837+4717, found in the Hamburg/SAO survey (Pustilnik et al. \\cite{Pustilnik99}). The very low metallicity of HS 0837+4717 ($Z\\approx$$Z$\\sunn/20) was first derived from the observations with the SAO RAS 6-m telescope (BTA) in 1996 (Kniazev et al. \\cite{Kniazev00a}). Classified as an XMD BCG, it is unusually luminous for its metallicity. This galaxy shows WR bumps and broad components of strong emission lines of hydrogen and oxygen. This is the next most nitrogen overabundant galaxy known after Mkn 996. But, in contrast to the latter, its optical spectrum does not look atypical for BCGs, and its very large nitrogen overabundance is seen on an otherwise more or less typical BCG background. In Sect. \\ref{Obs} we describe the observations and their reduction. In Sect. \\ref{Results} all the results from the reduction and preliminary analysis are presented, including the heavy element abundances, the WR and broad components of strong lines, the ionized gas kinematics and the morphology and photometry. In Sect. \\ref{discussion} we discuss the obtained results and derived parameters of this galaxy, compare its properties with those of other luminous and XMD BCGs, and draw conclusions. The adopted distance to the galaxy is 170.5 Mpc; respective scale is 827 pc per arcsecond. ", "conclusions": " \\begin{enumerate} \\item The oxygen abundance in HS~0837+4717 is 12+$\\log$(O/H)=7.64. The abundance ratios X/O for the elements Ne, Ar, S, Cl and Fe are consistent with the average values found for low-metallicity BCGs by Izotov \\& Thuan (\\cite{IT99}), implying the primary origin of these elements along with oxygen. \\item HS~0837+4717 is the most metal-deficient galaxy among the luminous BCGs with $M_{\\rm B}\\le$--18\\fm0. This BCG with its O/H and $M_{\\rm B}$ significantly deviates from the $Z$--$L_{\\rm B}$ relationship derived for the large BCG sample. \\item We detected the broad emission features characteristic of WR stars, and estimated the number of WR stars as $\\sim$1000. Their ratio to the number of O-stars is well compatible with that predicted by the current models. \\item Broad low-contrast components of the H$\\alpha$, H$\\beta$, and [\\ion{O}{iii}]~$\\lambda\\lambda$4959, 5007 emission lines were detected, with FWHMs of $\\sim$1500 \\kms. The flux ratio of the H$\\alpha$ and H$\\beta$ broad components implies very strong obscuration ($\\sim$5 mag in $B$-band) in the emission region or along the line of sight. The extinction-corrected luminosity of the BCG should be higher than that observed, at least, by a factor of 2.5--5. \\item The position-velocity diagrams for the H$\\alpha$ narrow component are not compatible with regular rotation. The major axis P--V diagram indicates either counter-rotation, or the presence of a giant supershell with a diameter of $\\sim$3.5 kpc and an expansion velocity of about 70~\\kms. Half of the P--V diagram can be interpreted as rotation with an amplitude of $\\sim$50--70~\\kms\\ at a radius of $\\sim$4 kpc. \\item We find that this BCG is asymmetric both near the center (the inner structure consisting of two compact regions $\\sim$2 kpc apart) and at the periphery. While the disturbed morphology of HS 0837+4717 could suggest a recent strong interaction, no candidate galaxies are found in its vicinity. Along with the very disturbed gas kinematics this could be evidence for a hypothesis of a recent merging of two gas-rich dwarfs. \\item The nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratio in HS 0837+4717 is six times higher than that of other XMD BCGs. The properties common to HS 0837+4717 and five other non-XMD BCGs with the large nitrogen abundance excesses, suggest that the large nitrogen overabundance could be connected with merger events and with a short phase of the related powerful starburst, when many WR stars contribute to the ISM enrichment. \\item HS 0837+4717 is located in a region with very low density of galaxies (void), the nearest of them with known redshift being situated at $\\sim$6.4 Mpc~h$^{-1}$. The strong isolation of the BCG or its progenitor(s) might be the reason for its slow chemical evolution. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404492_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "INTEGRAL/SPI\\unmarkedfootnote{ corresponding author: schanne@hep.saclay.cea.fr \\\\ $^{2}$ Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, 98 bis Boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France \\\\ $^{3}$ F\\'ed\\'eration de Recherche Astroparticule et Cosmologie, % Coll\\`ege de France, 11 Place Marcellin Berthelot, 75231 Paris, France } has recently observed a strong and extended emission resulting from electron-positron annihilation located in the Galactic center region, consistent with the Galactic bulge geometry, without a high energy gamma-ray counterpart, nor in the 1809 keV $^{26}$Al decay line. In order to explain the rate of positron injection in the Galactic bulge, estimated to more than 10$^{43}$ s$^{-1}$, the most commonly considered positron injection sources are type Ia supernovae. However, SN~Ia rate estimations show that those sources fall short of explaining the observed positron production rate, raising a challenging question about the nature of the Galactic positron source. In this context, a possible source of Galactic positrons could be supernova events of a new type, as the recently observed SN2003dh/GRB030329, an exploding Wolf-Rayet star (type Ic supernova) associated with a hypernova/gamma-ray burst; the question about the rate of this kind of events remains open, but could be problematically low. In this paper, we explore the possibility of positron production and escape by such an event in the framework of an asymmetric model, in which a huge amount of $^{56}$Ni is ejected in a cone with a very high velocity; the ejected material becomes quickly transparent to positrons, which spread out in the interstellar medium. ", "introduction": "The spectrometer SPI \\citep{schanne2002,attie2003,roques2003,vedrenne2003} on ESA's gamma-ray satellite INTEGRAL, in orbit since October 2002, has recently reported its first results on the observation towards the Galactic center region of the 511 keV gamma-ray line emission resulting from e$^{+}$ e$^{-}$ annihilation \\citep{jean2003}. The flux of annihilation detected by SPI is $\\Phi_{511}=$(0.99$^{+0.47}_{-0.21}$) $\\times$ 10$^{-3}$ ph cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, is concentrated in a narrow gamma-ray line at an energy of 511.06$^{+0.17}_{-0.10}$ keV and whose intrinsic line width is evaluated to 2.95$^{+0.45}_{-0.51}$ keV (FWHM), while the instrumental resolution at this energy is 2.16 keV. Furthermore, indications on the spatial shape of the 511 keV emission region have also been published by \\cite{jean2003} and \\cite{knodl2003}. A single point source located in the Galactic center region is excluded. When fitting a spherically symmetric Gaussian distribution to the emission region, the best fit is obtained (with a significance level of 12 $\\sigma$) for a Gaussian centered on the Galactic center, with an width of 10$^\\circ$ (FWHM). With 95\\% C.L. the emission region has an extension in the range between 6$^\\circ$ and 18$^\\circ$ (FWHM). A Richardson-Lucy deconvolution confirms this result. In addition, no significant emission from the Galactic disk has been yet detected by SPI. We know the Galactic center to be located at a distance of $R_{o}=$8.0$\\pm$0.4 kpc with good accuracy, thanks to the precision obtained with a new geometric determination, a Kepler orbit fit to the star S2 orbiting the central black hole, by \\cite{eisen2003}. If we assume that the 511 keV emission takes place near the Galactic center, we can conclude that the spatial size of the emission region is $D=$1.4 kpc in diameter, which coincides roughly with the size of the Galactic bulge. Furthermore, from the 511 keV photon flux observed by SPI we conclude that the 511 keV photon production rate in the Galactic center region is $L_{511}= $7.7$\\times$10$^{42}$ ph s$^{-1}$. The 511 keV gamma-ray line is produced by $e^{+}$ $e^{-}$ annihilation. \tHowever before annihilation with an $e^{-}$ of the interstellar medium is possible, the $e^{+}$ must first cool down to the thermal energy of the medium it propagates through. Direct $e^{+}$ $e^{-}$ annihilation (with the production of two 511 keV photons per annihilating pair) is possible. However if the temperature is not too high (T$<$10$^6$ K), the formation of an intermediate state, the positronium (Ps), before annihilation is more likely. One quarter of the Ps produced are para-prositronium states (with anti-parallel $e^{-}$ and $e^{+}$ spins), their annihilation produces two 511 keV photons, as does the direct $e^{+}$ $e^{-}$ annihilation. Three quarters of the Ps (ortho-positronium states, with parallel $e^{+}$ and $e^{-}$ spins) however annihilate with the production of 3 photons whose energy ranges from 0 to 511 keV. From the ratio of the fluxes measured for the 511 keV peak and the 3$\\gamma$ continuum, the fraction of $e^{+}$ and $e^{-}$ annihilating via the Ps intermediate state can be computed to be $f_{Ps}=8 (6 + 9 \\Phi_{511} / \\Phi_{3 \\gamma})^{-1}$. As a result of observations of the Galactic center region with CGRO/OSSE, \\cite{kinzer2001} measured a positronium fraction $f_{Ps}=$0.93$\\pm$0.04 and a narrow 511 keV line ($<$3 keV FWHM, confirmed by INTEGRAL/SPI). This result leaves not much room for direct $e^{+}$ $e^{-}$ annihilation, and shows that the bulk of the positron annihilation from the Galactic center direction occurs after positronium formation in a warm medium, excluding molecular clouds as in \\cite{guessum1991} and \\cite{ballmoos2003}. From the SPI and OSSE measurements the rate of $e^{+}$ annihilation in the Galactic center region can be computed as $L_{e^+}=L_{511}(2 - 3 f_{Ps}/2)^{-1}$. The result is a huge number: every second near the Galactic center $L_{e^+}=$1.3$\\times$10$^{43}$ $e^+$ annihilate in a region comparable in size with the Galactic bulge. Under the assumption of a steady-state production/annihilation, the same amount of positrons must be produced each second near the Galactic center. This conclusion raises the question of the nature of the source capable of injecting such an amount of positrons near the Galactic center, as well as the question of the medium onto which those positrons annihilate, which does not necessarily coincide with the e$^+$ production region, since e$^+$ are transported out of their production site into the medium where they annihilate and which is what we actually observe. ", "conclusions": "INTEGRAL/SPI has recently detected positron annihilation in the Galactic center region, which is compatible in size with the Galactic bulge, and whose rate is of the order of 1.3$\\times$10$^{43}$ e$^+$ s$^{-1}$. Prompted by the claim that those positrons could be produced by the annihilation of a new kind of light dark matter particles in the Galactic center region, we have studied astrophysical candidate sources which could be capable of injecting the observed amounts of positrons in the Galactic center region. We have ruled out SNe~Ia as the dominant positron injectors, due to their too low explosion rate in the Galactic bulge. We have proposed an alternative solution, namely hypernovae, capable of injecting up to 25 times more positrons than a typical SN~Ia. Hypernovae are likely to occur in the Galactic center region, from which the produced positrons could escape and fill up the entire Galactic bulge. The rate of hypernova events remains uncertain, but first crude estimates show that it might also be too low to be compatible with the steady-state positron production/annihilation hypothesis. The observed positrons could therefore be the remains of a starburst in the Galactic center region, which occurred a few million years ago. Before excluding hypernovae as possible positron injectors in the Galactic center region, more observational constraints are required." }, "0404/astro-ph0404201_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "There is mounting observational evidence that the expansion of our universe is undergoing an acceleration. A dark energy component has usually been invoked as the most feasible mechanism for the acceleration. However, it is desirable to explore alternative possibilities motivated by particle physics before adopting such an untested entity. In this work, we focus our attention on an acceleration mechanism: one arising from gravitational leakage into extra dimensions. We confront this scenario with high-$z$ type Ia supernovae compiled by Tonry et al. (2003) and recent measurements of the X-ray gas mass fractions in clusters of galaxies published by Allen et al. (2002,2003). A combination of the two databases gives at a 99\\% confidence level that $\\Omega_m=0.29^{+0.04}_{-0.02}$, $\\Omega_{rc}=0.21^{+0.08}_{-0.08}$, and $\\Omega_k=-0.36^{+0.31}_{-0.35}$, indicating a closed universe. We then constrain the model using the test of the turnaround redshift, $z_{q=0}$, at which the universe switches from deceleration to acceleration. We show that, in order to explain that acceleration happened earlier than $z_{q=0} = 0.6$ within the framework of gravitational leakage into extra dimensions, a low matter density, $\\Omega_m < 0.27$, or a closed universe is necessary. ", "introduction": "The recent well known distance measurements of distant type Ia supernovae (SNeIa) suggest an accelerating universe at large scales (Riess et al. 1998, Perlmutter et al. 1999, Tonry et al. 2003, Barris et al. 2004, Knop et al. 2003, Riess et al. 2004). The cosmic acceleration has also been confirmed, independently of the SNeIa magnitude-redshift relation, by the observations of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies (WMAP: Bennett et al. 2003) and the large scale structure in the distribution of galaxies (SDSS: Tegmark et al. 2003a,b). It is well known that all known types of matter with positive pressure generate attractive forces and decelerate the expansion of the universe. Given this, a dark energy component with negative pressure was generally suggested to be the invisible fuel that drives the current acceleration of the universe. There are a huge number of candidates for the dark energy component in the literature, such as a cosmological constant $\\Lambda$ (Carroll et al. 1992; Krauss and Turner 1995; Ostriker and Steinhardt 1995; Chiba and Yoshii 1999), a decaying vacuum energy density or a time varying $\\Lambda$-term (Ozer and Taha 1987; Vishwakarma 2001), an evolving scalar field (referred to by some as quintessence: Ratra and Peebles 1988; Caldwell et al. 1998; Wang and Lovelace 2001; Weller and Albrech 2002; Gong 2002; Li et al. 2002a,b; Chen and Ratra 2003; Mukherjee et al. 2003; Gong 2004), the phantom energy, in which the sum of the pressure and energy density is negative (Caldwell 2002; Dabrowski et al. 2003; Wang, Gong and Su 2004), the so-called ``X-matter\" (Turner and White 1997; Zhu 1998; Podariu and Ratra 2001; Zhu, Fujimoto and Tatsumi 2001; Alcaniz, Lima and Cunha 2003; Lima, Cunha and Alcaniz 2003; Feng, Wang and Zhang 2004; Dai, Liang and Xu 2004), the Chaplygin gas (Kamenshchik et al. 2001; Bento et al. 2002; Alam et al. 2003; Alcaniz, Jain and Dev 2003; Dev, Alcaniz and Jain 2003; Silva and Bertolami 2003; Makler et al. 2003), and the Cardassion model (Freese and Lewis 2002; Zhu and Fujimoto 2002, 2003; Sen and Sen 2003; Wang et al. 2003; Frith 2004; Gong and Duan 2004a,b). However, the dark energy has so far no convincing direct laboratory evidence for its existence, so it is desirable to explore alternative possibilities motivated by particle physics before adopting such a component. In this respect the models that make use of the very ideas of branes and extra dimensions to obtain an accelerating universe are particularly interesting (Randall and Sundrum 1999a,b). Within the framework of these braneworld cosmologies, our observable universe is assumed to be a surface or a brane embedded in a higher dimensional bulk spacetime in which gravity could spread, and the bulk gravity sees its own curvature term on the brane which accelerates the universe without dark energy (Randall 2002). Recently, based on the model of Dvali et al. (2000) of brane-induced gravity, Deffayet and coworkers (Deffayet 2001, Deffayet, Dvali and Gabadadze 2002) proposed a scenario in which the observed late time acceleration of the expansion of the universe is caused by gravitational leakage into an extra dimension and the Friedmann equation is modified as follows \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:ansatz} H^2 = H_0^2 \\left[ \\Omega_k(1+z)^2+\\left(\\sqrt{\\Omega_{rc}}+ \\sqrt{\\Omega_{rc}+\\Omega_m (1+z)^3}\\right)^2 \\right] \\end{equation} where $H$ is the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift $z$ ($H_0$ is its value at the present), $\\Omega_k$, $\\Omega_{rc}$ and $\\Omega_m$ represent the fractional contribution of curvature, the bulk-induced term and the matter (both baryonic and nonbaryonic), respectively. $\\Omega_{rc}$ is defined as $\\Omega_{rc} \\equiv 1/4r_c^2H_0^2$, where $r_c$ is the crossover scale beyond which the gravitational force follows the 5-dimensional $1/r^3$ behavior. From a phenomenological standpoint, it is a testable scenario with the same number of parameters as a cosmological constant model, contrasting with models of quintessence that have an additional free function, the equation of state, to be determined (Deffayet et al. 2002). Such a possible mechanism for cosmic acceleration has triggered investigations aiming to constrain this scenario using various cosmological observations, such as SNeIa (Avelino and Martins 2002; Deffayet, Dvali and Gabadadze 2002; Deffayet et al. 2002; Dabrowski et al. 2004), angular size of compact radio sources (Alcaniz 2002), the age measurements of high-$z$ objects (Alcaniz, Jain and Dev 2002), the optical gravitational lensing surveys (Jain et al. 2002) and the large scale structures (Multam\\\"aki et al. 2003). But the results are disperse and somewhat controversial, with most of them claiming good agreement between data and the model while some of them ruling out gravitational leakage into an extra dimension as a feasible mechanism for cosmic acceleration. The purpose of this work is to quantitatively confront the scenario with the updated SNeIa sample compiled by Tonry et al. (2003) and to try to constrain the model parameters more accurately. It is shown that, although the two parameters, $\\Omega_{rc}$ and $\\Omega_m$, are degenerate and there is a range on the parameter plane to be consistent with the SNeIa data, a closed universe is prefered by this scenario. As is well known, the measurement of the X-ray gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters is an efficient way to determine the matter density, $\\Omega_m$, and hence can be used for breaking the degeneracy between $\\Omega_{rc}$ and $\\Omega_m$. When we combine the X-ray database published by Allen et al. (2002, 2003) for analyzing, we obtained a closed universe at a 99\\% confidence level, i.e., for the scenario of gravitational leakage into an extra dimension, a universe with curvature is favored by the combination of the two databases. We also analyze the turnaround redshift, $z_{q=0}$, at which the universe switches from deceleration to acceleration within the framework of the scenario. It is shown that, if the turnaround redshift happened earlier than $z_{q=0} = 0.6$, only a low matter density, $\\Omega_m < 0.27$, or a closed universe can explain this transition epoch. If, however, we consider the recent estimate by Riess et al. (2004), i.e., $z_{q=0} = 0.46 \\pm 0.13$, then a spatially flat scenario with $\\Omega_m =0.3$ (as suggested by clustering estimates) predicts $z_{q=0} = 0.48$, which is surprisingly close to the central value given by Riess et al. (2004). The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we consider the observational constraints on the parameter space of the scenario arising from the updated SNeIa sample compiled by Tonry et al. (2003), as well as the combination with the X-ray gas mass fractions in galaxy clusters published by Allen et al. (2002, 2003). In section~3 we discuss the bounds on the model from the turnaround redshift, $z_{q=0}$. Finally, we present our conclusion and discussion in section~4. ", "conclusions": "The mounting observational evidences for an accelerating universe have stimulated renewed interest for alternative cosmologies. Generally, a dark energy component with negative pressure is invoked to explain the SNeIa results and to reconcile the inflationary flatness prediction ($\\Omega_T = 1$) with the dynamical estimates of the quantity of matter in the universe ($\\Omega_m \\sim 0.3$). In this paper we have focused our attention on another possible acceleration mechanism, one arising from gravitational leakage into extra dimensions. In order to be consistent with the current SNeIa and the X-ray clusters data, one would need a closed universe. Recently Lue et al. (2004) derived dynamical equations for spherical perturbations at subhorizon scales and computed the growth of large-scale structure in the framework of this scenario. A suppression of the growth of density and velocity perturbations was found, e.g., for $\\Omega_m=0.3$, a perturbation of $\\delta_i=3\\times 10^{-3}$ at $z_i=1000$ collapse in the $\\Lambda$CDM case at $z\\approx 0.66$ when its linearly extrapolated density contrast is $\\delta_c=1.689$, while for the model being considered the collapse happens much later at $z\\approx 0.35$ when its $\\delta_c=1.656$. Furthermore, the authors showed that this scenario for cosmic acceleration gave rise to a present day fluctuation power spectrum normalization $\\sigma_8 \\leq 0.8$ at a 2$\\sigma$ level, lower than observed value (Lue et al. 2004). As is shown in Figure~2 of Deffayet, Dvali and Gabadadze (2002), on the assumption of a flat universe, luminosity distance for $\\Lambda$CDM increases with redshift faster than that for the model being considered does (for the same $\\Omega_m$). Therefore it is natural that, if the $\\Lambda$CDM model with ($\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$, $\\Omega_k=0$) is consistent with the SNeIa data, the gravitational leakage model with ($\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_{rc}=0.1225$, $\\Omega_k=0$) will not be as the data are becoming enough to determine the cosmological parameters more precisely. While Deffayet et al. (2002) showed that the gravitational leakage scenario was consistent with the 54 SNeIa of the sample C from Perlmutter et al. (1999) -- see also Alcaniz \\& Pires (2004) -- Avelino and Martins (2002) claimed that this proposal was disfavored by the dataset of 92 SNeIa from Riess et al (1998) and Perlmutter et al. (1999) [combining them via the procedure described in Wang (2000) and Wang \\& Garnavich (2001)]. We, however, think that only with a more general analysis, a joint investigation involving different classes of cosmological tests, it will be possible to delimit the $\\Omega_{\\rm{m}} - \\Omega_{r_c}$ plane more precisely, as well as to test more properly the consistency of these senarios. Such an analysis will appear in a forthcoming communication (Alcaniz \\& Zhu 2004)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404037_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This Letter presents a frequentist analysis of the hot and cold spots of the cosmic microwave background data collected by the \\emph{Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} (WMAP). We compare the WMAP temperature statistics of extrema (number of extrema, mean excursion, variance, skewness and kurtosis of the excursion) to Monte Carlo simulations. We find that on average, the local maxima (high temperatures in the anisotropy) are too cold and the local minima are too warm. In order to quantify this claim we describe a two-sided statistical hypothesis test which we advocate for other investigations of the Gaussianity hypothesis. Using this test we reject the isotropic Gaussian hypothesis at more than 99\\% confidence in a well-defined way. Our claims are based only on regions that are outside the most conservative WMAP foreground mask. We perform our test separately on maxima and minima, and on the north and south ecliptic and Galactic hemispheres and reject Gaussianity at above 95\\% confidence for almost all tests of the mean excursions. The same test also shows the variance of the maxima and minima to be low in the ecliptic north (99\\% confidence) but consistent in the south; this effect is not as pronounced in the Galactic north and south hemispheres. ", "introduction": "The \\emph{Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} (WMAP) data provide the most detailed data on the full sky cosmic microwave background (CMB) to date. This information about the initial density fluctuations in the universe allows us to test the cosmological standard model at unprecedented levels of detail. (Bennett {et~al.} 2003a) A question of fundamental importance to our understanding of the origins of these primordial seed perturbations is whether the CMB radiation is really an isotropic and Gaussian random field, as generic inflationary theories predict (Starobinsky 1982; Guth \\& Pi 1982; Bardeen {et~al.} 1983). A natural way to study the CMB is to look at the local extrema. This was initially suggested because the high signal-to-noise ratio at the hot spots means they would be detected first (Sazhin 1985; Zabotin \\& Naselsky 1985; Vittorio \\& Juszkiewicz 1987; Bond \\& Efstathiou 1987). Heavens \\& Sheth calculate analytically the two-point correlation function of the local extrema (Heavens \\& Sheth 1999). In addition, extrema trace the topological properties of the temperature map; this makes them good candidates for study (Wandelt {et~al.} 1998). We pursue this investigation by simulating Gaussian Monte Carlo CMB skies and comparing the WMAP data to those simulations. We choose several statistics and then check to see if the WMAP statistics lie in the middle of the Monte Carlo distributions of statistics. We present results on the one-point functions of the local extrema: their number, mean excursion, and variance, and skewness and kurtosis of the excursion. The literature contains many other searches for non-Gaussianity, in the WMAP data and other CMB experiments. For example, Vielva et~al.\\ detect non-Gaussianity in the three- and four-point wavelet moments (Vielva et al.\\ 2004), Chiang et~al.\\ detect it in phase correlations between spherical harmonic coefficients (Chiang et al.\\ 2003; see also Chiang et al.\\ 2002, 2004), and Park finds it in the genus Minkowski functional (Park 2004). Eriksen et~al.\\ find anisotropy in the $n$-point functions of the CMB in different patches of the sky (Eriksen et al.\\ 2004). Others discuss possible methods of detecting non-Gaussianity. Aliaga et~al.\\ look at studying non-Gaussianity through spherical wavelets and ``smooth tests of goodness-of-fit'' (Aliaga et al.\\ 2003). Cabella et~al.\\ review three methods of studying non-Gaussianity: through Minkowski functionals, spherical wavelets, and the spherical harmonics (Cabella et al.\\ 2004). They propose a way to combine these methods. Komatsu et~al.\\ discuss a fast way to test the bispectrum for primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB (Komatsu 2003a), and do not detect it (Komatsu et al.\\ 2003b). Finally, Gazta{\\~n}aga et al.\\ find the CMB to be consistent with Gaussianity when considering the two and three-point functions (Gazta{\\~n}aga \\& Wagg 2003; Gazta{\\~n}aga et al.\\ 2003). To this work, we add a strong detection of non-Gaussianity based on generic features: the local extrema. The Letter is laid out as follows. The next section discusses our method for making Monte Carlo simulations of the CMB sky and calculating statistics on both the simulations and the WMAP data. It also explains our statistical tests. Section 3 describes our results. We conclude in section 4. ", "conclusions": "In this Letter we generate simulated CMB skies. We choose several statistics, and calculate them on both the simulations and the WMAP sky. We hypothesize that the WMAP statistics are drawn from the same distribution as the simulations' statistics, since we have attempted to accurately simulate the CMB sky. If the WMAP statistic is higher or lower than most of the simulations' statistics, this indicates that the WMAP statistic's underlying position $p\\in[0,1]$ in the distribution of Monte Carlo statistics is close to $0$ or $1$. If we are 95\\% confident that $p$ is within 0.025 of $0$ or $1$, then we claim the probability of the WMAP statistic happening by chance is sufficiently small to reject the hypothesis. We find the WMAP data to have maxima that are significantly colder and minima that are significantly warmer than predicted by Monte Carlo simulation. For almost all simulations, we have 95\\% confidence that the mean of the WMAP hot spots or cold spots is in a 5\\% tail of the Monte Carlo distribution. In one case, we are 99\\% confident the maxima statistic is in a 1\\% tail. Since we find the same lack of extreme temperature when we use the directly measured WMAP power spectrum, we are not simply restating that the WMAP power spectrum has a lack of power at large angular scales. The effect is independent of the Galactic mask or power spectrum used. We also find some anisotropy between the ecliptic north and south hemispheres. The WMAP data in northern hemisphere have a low variance statistic (95\\% confident that the variance statistic is in a 5\\% tail). In one case, we are 99\\% confident the variance of the maxima is in a 1\\% tail. There is less asymmetry between the north and south Galactic hemispheres. Our results may not be a detection of primordial non-Gaussianity. They could still be an effect of the WMAP instrument or data pipeline not modeled in our simulations or an as yet undiscovered foreground. Our result is still highly significant. We have detected something, whether it is primordial non-Gaussianity or some other effect in the data. Having anomalous mean temperature values for the maxima and minima in both the north and south ecliptic hemispheres is unlikely to occur if the WMAP data were consistent with theoretical expectations. We will present a complete treatment of the one- and two-point extrema statistics for the WMAP data set in a future publication." }, "0404/astro-ph0404509_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "There is now firm evidence that the ICM consists of a mixture of hot plasma, magnetic fields and relativistic particles. The most important evidences for non-thermal phenomena in galaxy clusters comes from the diffuse Mpc-scale synchrotron radio emission (radio halos) observed in a growing number of massive clusters (\\cite{Fer03}) and from hard X-ray (HXR) excess emission (detected in a few cases) which can be explained in terms of IC scattering of relativistic electrons off the cosmic microwave background photons (Fusco-Femiano et al. 2003). There are now growing evidences that giant radio halos may be naturally accounted for by synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons reaccelerated by some kind of turbulence generated in the cluster volume during merger events (\\cite{Bru03}). With the aim to investigate the connection between thermal and non-thermal properties of the ICM, we have developed a statistical magneto-turbulent model which describes the evolution of the thermal and non-thermal emission from clusters. We calculate the energy and spectrum of the magnetosonic waves generated during cluster mergers, the acceleration and evolution of relativistic electrons and thus the resulting synchrotron and inverse Compton spectra. Here we give a brief description of the main results, while a more detailed discussion will be presented in a forthcoming paper (Cassano \\& Brunetti, in preparation). Einstein-De Sitter cosmology, $H_o=50$ km $s^{-1}$$Mpc^{-1}$, $q_o=0.5$, is assumed. ", "introduction": "\\noindent Giovannini, Tordi and Feretti (1999) found that $\\sim$5\\% of clusters from a complete X-ray flux limited sample have a radio halo source. The detection rate of radio halos shows an abrupt increase with increasing the X-ray luminosity and mass of the host clusters: about 30-35\\% of the galaxy clusters with X-ray luminosity larger than 10$^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ show diffuse non-thermal radio emission (\\cite{Fer03}). Recent papers (\\cite{Ensslin03}; \\cite{Kuo03}) have investigated the statistics of the formation of radio halos from a more theoretical point of view. In these works, however, the expected statistics are not derived from formation models of radio halos, but simply from the observed luminosity-mass correlations and mass thresholds.\\\\ We model the formation of radio halos and HXR tails in a self--consistent approach which follows, at the same time, the evolution of the thermal properties of the ICM and the triggering and evolution of the non--thermal phenomena assuming magneto-turbulent re--acceleration of relativistic particles. In particular, we follow the formation and evolution of clusters of galaxies, the generation of merger-driven turbulence and magnetosonic waves in the cluster volume, the acceleration and time--evolution of the relativistic particles, and of the related non--thermal emission. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404023_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The X-ray luminosities of the hot halo gas around simulated, Milky Way like disk galaxies have been determined, as a function of redshift. The X-ray luminosity increases significantly with redshift, in some cases as much as a factor 30 going from $z$=0 to 2. Consequently, the optimal detection redshift can be $\\ga$0.5. Results of fully cosmological simulations of galaxy groups and clusters, incorporating star formation, chemical evolution with non-instantaneous recycling, metal-dependent radiative cooling, galactic super-winds and thermal conduction are presented. X-ray luminosities at $z$=0 are somewhat high and central entropies somewhat low compared to observations. This is likely a combined effect of chemical evolution and metal-dependent, radiative cooling. Central ICM abundance profiles are somewhat steep, and the observed level of ICM enrichment can only be reproduced with IMFs more top-heavy than the Salpeter IMF. In agreement with observations it is found that the iron in the ICM is in place already at $z\\sim$1. The [Si/Fe] of the ICM decreases with time, and increases slightly with radius at a given time. The cluster galaxies match the observed ``red sequence'' very well, and the metallicity of cluster galaxies increases with galaxy mass, as observed. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404215_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Evidence for a large scale flow of low density gas onto the Cepheus A young stellar cluster is presented. Observations of K-band near-infrared and multi-transition CS and \\n2hp\\ millimeter line emission are shown in relation to a sub-millimeter map of the cool dust around the most embedded stars. The near-infrared emission is offset from the dust peak suggesting a shift in the location of star formation over the history of the core. The CS emission is concentrated toward the core center but \\n2hp\\ peaks in two main cores offset from the center, opposite to the chemistry observed in low mass cores. A starless core with strong CS but weak \\n2hp\\ emission is found toward the western edge of the region. The average CS(2--1) spectrum over the cluster forming core is asymmetrically self-absorbed suggesting infall. We analyze the large scale dynamics by applying a one-dimensional radiative transfer code to a model spherical core with constant temperature and linewidth, and a density profile measured from an archival $850~\\mu$m map of the region. The best fit model that matches the three CS profiles requires a low CS abundance in the core and an outer, infalling envelope with a low density and undepleted CS abundance. The integrated intensities of the two \\n2hp\\ lines is well matched with a constant \\n2hp\\ abundance. The envelope infall velocity is tightly constrained by the CS(2--1) asymmetry and is sub-sonic but the size of the infalling region is poorly determined. The picture of a high density center with depleted CS slowly accreting a low density outer envelope with normal CS abundance suggests that core growth occurs at least partially by the dissipation of turbulent support on large scales. ", "introduction": "} Most stars, particularly massive stars, form in groups (e.g. \\cite{carpenter00} 2000). It is therefore essential to study cluster forming regions in order to understand more completely the way in which the majority of stars are formed. Isolated low mass star formation occurs via the nearly isothermal free-fall collapse of a dense molecular cloud core, followed by the evolutionary phases Class 0, I, II and III objects (e.g. \\cite{evans99} 1999). However, the applicability of this paradigm to the formation of massive stars is debated (\\cite{garay+lizano99} 1999): for example, massive stars begin burning hydrogen and reach the main sequence while still accreting matter from the surrounding protostellar envelope and they can also develop strong winds, both of which will strongly affect the physical conditions, structure and chemistry of their surroundings. Due to the shape of the IMF and the fact that they evolve faster, massive protostars are rarer (and therefore more distant on average) than low mass protostars. Consequently fewer Class 0 massive protostar counterparts have been studied in detail. It is only recently that catalogs of high-mass protostellar objects have been made (e.g. \\cite{sridharan02} 2002). The molecular cloud core Cepheus A East (hereafter Cep A) is a nearby site of massive star formation (\\cite{sargent77} 1977) located in the Cepheus OB association at a distance of 725 pc (\\cite{blauuw59} 1959). The far-IR luminosity is 2.4$\\times 10^4~L_\\odot$ (\\cite{evans81} 1981), corresponding to a small cluster of B stars. Cep A harbors one of the first molecular bipolar outflow sources discovered (\\cite{rodriguez80} 1980). Higher spatial resolution CO observations showed the outflow to be extremely complex, and it was termed quadrupolar (\\cite{torrelles93} 1993). The fastest components of this outflow are bipolar and oriented northwest-southeast (\\cite{rodriguez80} 1980), perpendicular to the low velocity CO structure. The slower and more extended component has been interpreted as the diverting and redirecting of the main outflow by the interaction with interstellar high-density gas, seen in NH$_3$ lines by \\cite{torrelles93} (1993). Ultra compact \\ion{H}{ii} regions and a diffuse thermal dust emission source have been identified from 20~$\\mu$m maps and 6 cm low-resolution VLA observations by \\cite{beichman79} (1979). Seven ionized hydrogen complexes lie in ``strings'' that form a ``Y'' tilted to the east (\\cite{hughes+wouterloot84} 1984), the bifurcation point of which is coincident with the exciting source of the molecular outflow. A cluster of compact radio sources have been identified as pre-main-sequence stars by \\cite{hughes88} (1988) due to their variability and the presence of OH and H$_2$O maser emission. From subsequent ammonia VLA observations, \\cite{torrelles93} (1993) proposed that one of these radio sources, HW2, is a $\\sim$10--20~$M_\\odot$ protostar. The larger core surrounding the cluster has temperature 35 K and mass $200-300 M_\\odot$ \\cite{ms91} (1991). On the basis of its protostellar content, high luminosity and low temperature, and following the bolometric temperature definition of \\cite{chen95} (1995), the Cep A core may be considered a high mass Class 0 source. In order to examine the properties of this young, massive cluster forming region, we obtained near-infrared and millimeter wavelength multi-transition CS and \\n2hp\\ data. The observations are discussed in \\S\\ref{data}. We derive the density profile from $850~\\mu$m continuum measurements and fit core-averaged spectra using a 1-D radiative transfer model in \\S\\ref{analysis}. Our results indicate large CS depletion in the central core and an outer undepleted accreting layer. We discuss these results and conclude in \\S \\ref{discussion}. ", "conclusions": "} The line observations reveal a complex chemistry in the core. The CS emission is concentrated toward the center near the peak of the $850~\\mu$m dust emission and the youngest, most embedded protostars. However, the \\n2hp\\ map shows two prominent cores offset on either side of the dust peak. The presence of CS and absence of \\n2hp\\ toward the star forming center of the core is likely due to the fact that neutral molecules released from the dust grains in the hotter region surrounding the protostars preferentially destroy ions such as \\n2hp\\ (\\cite{bergin00} 2000). The maps also reveal a small starless core toward the west of the main core. The relatively strong CS and weak \\n2hp\\ emission toward this core suggests that it has only recently formed (\\cite{bl97} 1997). \\cite{williams+myers99} (1999) found a starless core with similar chemical properties in the Serpens NW cluster Despite the chemical complexities on small scales, the average CS(2--1) spectrum is asymmetrically self-absorbed suggesting large scale collapse. Using the Hogerheijde \\& van der Tak radiative transfer code, we fit the average CS and \\n2hp\\ spectra with a spherical model consisting of an inner region with a Plummer-like density profile measured from archival SCUBA $850~\\mu$m data with constant temperature and linewidth. The best fit model that matches the three CS profiles has a low CS abundance in the inner region and an outer, infalling envelope with a low density and higher CS abundance. The depletion toward the center matches chemical evolution model expectations (\\cite{bl97} 1997) and the envelope CS abundance is similar to that in the extended ridge of Orion (\\cite{vdb98} 1998). The fit also matched the integrated intensities of the two \\n2hp\\ spectra with a constant abundance similar to that found in B68 (\\cite{bergin02} 2002). In practice the maps show that the \\n2hp\\ must deplete toward the core center (see also \\cite{doty02} 2002) but we have not attempted to match the complicated small scale chemistry and our model fit for the \\n2hp\\ abundance should only be considered an average, weighted by column density, over the core. The CS(2--1) self-absorption requires a large scale outside-in collapse. The velocity of the collapse could be accurately measured but the depth of the collapse region could not, due to the absence of self-absorption in the higher transition CS lines. At 0.22~\\kms, the infall velocity is sub-sonic for a gas temperature of 35~K. The mass infall rate of the envelope can be estimated from the ratio of its mass, $M_{\\rm env}=240~M_\\odot$ determined from its size and density, and the time for the outer edge to reach the core center, $$\\dot M_{\\rm in} = {M_{\\rm env}v_{\\rm in}\\over r_{\\rm env}+r_{\\rm core}} = 7\\times 10^{-5}~M_\\odot {\\rm yr}^{-1}.$$ This may only be a lower limit to the total mass infall rate at the center if the inner region is also collapsing. Nevertheless, the envelope mass infall rate alone is more than an order of magnitude higher than typical mass infall rates for solar mass protostars (\\cite{zhou95} 1995). Our data do not rule out inside-out collapse motions around individual protostars at higher densities on smaller size scales since the $\\tau=1$ surface of the CS(2--1) emission occurs at low densities and therefore at large scales. The multitude of sources, powerful outflows, and the complex chemistry would likely make an investigation of the small scale motions around individual protostars quite challenging. On large scales, however, our picture is of a core with a Plummer-like density profile accreting low density gas sub-sonically. The CS abundance in the infalling envelope is similar to undepleted values in the ISM. The dissipation of turbulent support resulting in ``cooling flows'' may lead to core growth in this manner (\\cite{nakano98} 1998 ; \\cite{myers+lazarian98} 1998 ; \\cite{williams+myers00} 2000). The growing availability of dust continuum maps and multi-transition, multi-species line observations will lead to more refined structural and dynamical modeling and comparisons between different star forming environments in the future." }, "0404/astro-ph0404486_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate chemical evolution in Milky Way-like galaxies based on the cold dark matter model in which cosmic structures form via hierarchical merging. We introduce chemical enrichment due to type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) into the Mitaka semi-analytic galaxy formation model developed by Nagashima \\& Yoshii. For the first time we derive distributions of stellar metallicities and their ratios in Milky Way-like galaxies treating chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia in a hierarchical galaxy formation model self-consistently. As a first attempt, we assume all SNe Ia to have the same lifetime, and assume instantaneous recycling for type II supernovae (SNe II). We find that our model reproduces well the metal abundance ratio [O/Fe] against [Fe/H] and the { iron metallicity distribution function} in the solar neighborhood. This means that the so-called G-dwarf problem is resolved by the hierarchical formation of galaxies, and a gas infall term introduced in traditional monolithic collapse models to solve this problem is well explained by the mixture of some physical processes such as hierarchical merging of dark halos, gas cooling, energy feedback and injection of gas and metals into hot gas due to supernovae. Our model predicts more oxygen-enhanced stars in bulges at [Fe/H] $\\simeq 0$ than in disks. This trend seems to be supported by recent observations while they have still uncertainties. More data in number and accuracy will provide independent and important constraints on galaxy formation. For the better understanding of the chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia in hierarchical galaxy formation, we discuss how physical processes affect the metal abundance ratio by varying the lifetime of SNe Ia, the star formation timescale and the strength of supernova feedback. We find that the supernova feedback plays a key role among them and therefore there is no one-to-one correspondence between star formation histories and stellar metallicity-ratio distributions. ", "introduction": "The chemical compositions of stars and gas, as is widely known, provide important clues to understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. In particular the abundance ratio of $\\alpha$-elements such as oxygen to iron is a useful probe of the formation history of galaxies. The main sources of metals are considered to be supernovae (SNe), especially type II SNe (SNe II) and type Ia SNe (SNe Ia). They have different abundance patterns, the former produces $\\alpha$-elements as well as iron and the latter produces hardly any $\\alpha$-elements. Therefore, the measurement of [$\\alpha$/Fe] is closely related to the ratio of SNe II to SNe Ia. While the progenitors of SNe II are massive stars larger than $\\sim 10M_{\\odot}$, those of SNe Ia are considered to be white dwarfs in binary systems. Therefore the explosion rate of SNe II is almost proportional to the star formation rate of their progenitor stars at that time, but there is a time lag between SNe Ia explosions and the formation of their progenitor stars. Since the evolution timescales of those elements are independent and different, we can obtain useful information on galaxy formation and star formation histories from the abundance ratio of those elements. Because SNe II explode almost instantaneously, the chemical evolution process has usually been formulated by assuming that massive stars immediately explode right after their formation (the instantaneous recycling [IR] approximation)\\citep{t80, lf83, lf85}. In those works, galaxies are usually assumed to grow up in monolithic clouds, in which timescales of gas infall and star formation (SF) are typically treated as free parameters. Since it is possible to observe and resolve individual stars in the solar-neighborhood, many studies have focused on evolution of the galactic disk. By adjusting those parameters and by incorporating stellar population synthesis techniques \\citep{ay86, ay87}, detailed galaxy evolution models that reproduce observations have been developed \\citep{ayt92}. In the framework of such traditional galaxy evolution models, several authors explicitly considered chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia \\citep{gr83, mg86, mf89, tnyhyt95, pt95, ytn96}. They included delayed production of metals due to SNe Ia in the galaxy evolution models. By comparing their models with solar neighborhood stars in { the metallicity distribution function (MDF)} and abundance ratio such as [O/Fe] against metallicity, \\citet{pt95} and \\citet{ytn96} inferred a typical lifetime of SNe Ia of 1.3$\\sim$1.5 Gyr. Although \\citet{ktnhk98} has claimed that SNe Ia start to explode at the age of about 0.6 Gyr, \\citet{gm04} recently derived that the lifetime should be longer than about 1 Gyr at the 99 per cent confidence level by comparing the cosmic star formation history with the cosmic SNe Ia rate. Considered from the viewpoint of cosmological structure formation, however, these models are still only phenomenological. Recent theoretical and observational studies of structure formation have revealed that the universe is dominated in mass by cold dark matter (CDM) and that baryonic objects such as galaxies form in virialized objects of dark matter called dark halos. In the CDM model, since smaller-scale density fluctuations in the early universe have larger fluctuation amplitudes, larger halos form through mergers of smaller dark halos (the hierarchical clustering scenario). { This suggests that large galactic gas clouds would have formed at low redshift by mergers of subgalactic clumps which have formed at higher redshift. Therefore} we may have to modify our picture of chemical evolution in galaxies as well as that of galaxies themselves. Recently, based on a semi-analytic (SA) approach, galaxy formation models in the hierarchical clustering scenario have been developed, in which the formation histories of individual dark halos are followed by using a Monte Carlo method and physical processes such as gas cooling and star formation are taken into account in the histories of dark halos. This is a natural consequence of adopting the CDM model because we are not able to freely assume formation histories of dark halos as far as we would like to construct galaxy formation models consistent with the CDM model. Many authors have found that such SA models reproduce well various characteristics of galaxies at the present and at high redshift such as luminosity functions, gas fractions, size distributions, and faint galaxy number counts \\citep[e.g.,][]{kwg93, cafnz94, clbf00, ngs99, ntgy01, nytg02, ny04, sp99, spf01}. In recent SA models, chemical enrichment is considered, but generally only with the IR approximation. \\citet{kc98} and \\citet{ng01} investigated color-magnitude and metallicity-magnitude relations of cluster elliptical galaxies. This is extended to dwarf spheroidals, $M_{B}\\sim -10$, by \\citet{ny04}. \\citet{k96}, \\citet{spf01} and \\citet{ongy04} consider chemical evolution in spiral galaxies, a part of which should be identified as damped Ly-$\\alpha$ systems. Some of them found good agreement with observations. Pioneering work taking into account chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia in a SA model was carried out by \\citet{t99} and \\citet{tk99}. In those papers, they picked out averaged and individual formation histories of dark halos, and then, assuming the closed-box chemical evolution, they followed star formation and chemical enrichment histories. Thus, while they took into account merging histories of galaxies, the outflow of gas caused by SNe or the supernova (SN) feedback that has been realized to be an primarily important process in galaxy formation, was not considered. As shown by \\citet{kc98} and \\citet{ng01}, SN feedback significantly affects chemical enrichment, at least due to SNe II. This suggests that the closed-box model has limitations in analyzing chemical evolution in a realistic situation. As a complementary approach to SA modeling, chemo-dynamical simulations including SNe Ia have been developed \\citep[e.g.,][]{rvn96, b99, k01, lpc02, nm03, k03, oefj05}. Although this approach has an advantage in resolving spatial structure, because of the limitation of numerical resolution and numerical techniques themselves, further improvements are still required \\citep{ojeqf03}. On the other hand, the SA model is free from numerical effects and limitations. This is a great advantage for understanding global properties of galaxy formation because in principle the SA model can investigate from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters simultaneously. In this paper, we construct a fully self-consistent treatment of chemical enrichment with a SA model. The basic model is the Mitaka model presented by \\citet{ny04}, which includes a Monte Carlo realization of the merging histories of dark halos, radiative gas cooling, quiescent star formation and starbursts, mergers of galaxies, chemical enrichment assuming the IR approximation, size estimation of galaxies taking into account the dynamical response to gas removal during starbursts and stellar population synthesis. As a first attempt, we assume that all SNe Ia have the same lifetime. This is, of course, a rather simplified model. In reality the lifetimes of SNe Ia are considered to have a broad distribution, and there is even a claim that low-metallicity environments inhibit SNe Ia \\citep{ktnhk98}. Our model, however, has an essential characteristic of SNe Ia, that is, the time lag between star formation and the explosion. It enables us to see how such a delayed explosion of SNe Ia affects the chemical enrichment and abundance pattern in galaxies. Using this model, we focus on the chemical enrichment in Milky Way (MW)-like galaxies. This has a particularly meaning because there are many non-trivial effects on the chemical enrichment in the hierarchical formation of galaxies. Massive galaxies such as the MW form not only via gas cooling but via mergers of pre-galactic sub-clumps with stronger efficiencies of the SN feedback than those in massive galaxies residing in deeper gravitational potential wells. { Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to compare the SA model with a monolithic collapse model of \\citet{ytn96}. This will enable us to see how the hierarchical formation process affects galactic metal enrichment due to SNe Ia based on the CDM model.} Further comparison to other objects will be done in subsequent papers. This paper is outlined as follows. In \\S2 we describe our SA model. In \\S3 we provide a detailed prescription of the chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia. In \\S4 we show the luminosity function of galaxies that should be compared with that in the Local Group, and properties of MW-like galaxies. In \\S5 we compare our model with observations in the [O/Fe]--[Fe/H] plane and the [Fe/H] distribution in a statistical sense. In \\S6 we briefly discuss individual galaxies. In \\S7 we investigate parameter dependences of the main results. In \\S8 we provide a summary and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We have explored chemical enrichment due to both SNe II and SNe Ia in Milky Way-like galaxies in the semi-analytic galaxy formation model. Our treatment of SNe Ia is fully consistent with the galaxy formation model, that is, we solve for the recycling of each element among stars, cold gas and hot gas based on a $\\Lambda$CDM model. It is important to follow the chemical enrichment in the framework of the hierarchical galaxy formation because there are many non-trivial effects on the chemical enrichment caused not only by mergers of galaxies but by varying efficiencies of the SN feedback dependent on the depth of gravitational potential wells of sub-galactic clumps. As a first attempt at constructing such a consistent model, we have assumed that all SNe Ia have the same lifetime, $t_{\\rm Ia}$, that abundance patterns of metals from SNe Ia and SNe II are always the same, and that massive stars instantaneously explode as SNe II and release metals. This is a natural extension of the work by \\citet{ytn96}, in which they self-consistently modeled the chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia and SNe II. We have picked out galaxies in dark halos with $V_{\\rm circ}=220$ km~s$^{-1}$ and having a similar luminosity to the MW. We have found that when we impose $t_{\\rm Ia}$=1.5 Gyr, the predictions of our model for such MW-like galaxies agree well with observations of the chemical composition of solar-neighborhood stars both in the stellar distribution in the [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] plane and in the { iron MDF}. We would like to stress that the other model parameters such as the star formation timescale and SN feedback are the same as in the fiducial model of \\citet{ny04}, in which they found that the model reproduce well many aspects of observed galaxies, such as luminosity functions, cold gas fractions and sizes of galaxies for local galaxies, and the surface brightnesses, velocity dispersions, mass-to-light ratios and metallicities of local dwarf spheroidals. This work also shows that the classical G-dwarf problem \\citep{v62, s63, pp75} is fully resolved in the framework of hierarchical formation of galaxies, in which the infall term introduced in the infall models to avoid the G-dwarf problem is naturally explained by the mixture of such physical processes as clustering of dark halos, gas cooling and SN feedback. Our model passes the new tests, that is, { the iron MDF} and the abundance pattern of metals, taking into account chemical enrichment due to SNe Ia. As shown in Section \\ref{sec:depend}, the abundance pattern provides an independent constraint on galaxy formation. Therefore our results would support the scenario of hierarchical formation of galaxies. While observational data used in this work have been limited to solar-neighborhood and bulge stars in the Milky Way, future observations of stars in other galaxies will provide statistically better constraints on galaxy formation. In our model, disk and bulge stars are treated separately. While the observations of bulge stars still have uncertainties, our model also reproduces well both the distribution of stars in the [O/Fe]--[Fe/H] plane and the [Fe/H] distribution. In particular, although there are only a few bulge stars whose oxygen abundance is observed, our model predicts oxygen-enhanced stars at [Fe/H]$\\sim 0$, but they are not a dominant fraction. Increasing observational data will provide a strong constraint on bulge formation. As a by-product, we have obtained the luminosity function of galaxies in Local Group-halos. Recent high-resolution $N$-body simulations have predicted many more dwarf scale dark halos than observed satellite galaxies, and this has been considered to be a serious problem \\citep{kkvp99, m99}. Such an overabundance problem has been solved in the framework of the SA models taking into account effects of reionization and incompleteness due to significantly low surface brightness \\citep{s02, bflbc02b}. Our model also shows an ability to solve this problem in a similar manner to those works. The chemical yields we used are the same as those in \\citet{ytn96}, in which an infall model of monolithic collapse was used \\citep{ayt92}. The similarity between our hierarchical model and the monolithic cloud collapse model suggests that spiral galaxies in a hierarchical universe should have a similar formation history to that modeled by the monolithic cloud collapse model, as shown in \\citet{bcf96}. Star formation histories we computed also suggests the similarities. It does, however, not always mean that similar star formation histories provide similar chemical enrichment histories. As shown in Section 6.3 and more directly by equation (\\ref{eqn:Zbeta}), SN feedback plays a critical role in chemical enrichment. In this paper we have concentrated on investigating the [O/Fe] relation and the [Fe/H] distribution. Since recent analyses of solar-neighborhood stars have revealed that the age-metallicity relation has a large scatter, it will be useful as a next step to see whether our model can reproduce this relation as well as the scatter in it \\citep{ia02}. Furthermore, while the analysis in this paper focused only on MW-like galaxies, our SA model has the potential ability to investigate other systems simultaneously. To investigate abundance ratios in such systems as the intracluster medium, the stars composing elliptical galaxies, and damped Ly-$\\alpha$ systems will provide independent, important clues to understanding galaxy formation. The cosmic explosion rate of SNe Ia will also give a new insight into both galaxy formation and observational cosmology. We will pursue these topics in future papers." }, "0404/astro-ph0404353_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "According to the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) hierarchical clustering theory of galaxy and large scale structure formation, there should be numerous low mass dark matter haloes present in the Universe today. If these haloes contain sufficient stars they should be detectable as low luminosity stellar systems or dwarf galaxies. We have previously described a new detection method for faint low surface brightness objects and shown that there are relatively large numbers of very faint dwarf galaxies in the nearby Virgo cluster. In this paper we present results from a similar survey carried out on the Millennium Galaxy strip which runs along the celestial equator and samples a very different galaxy environment. We show that the dwarf-to-giant galaxy number ratio along this strip ranges from 0.7:1 to, at most, 6:1, corresponding to a flat luminosity function ($\\alpha \\approx -0.8$ to $-1.0$). This is very different to our value of 20:1 for the Virgo cluster. There is no population of low surface brightness dwarf galaxies in the field that have gone undetected by the redshift surveys. This result is exactly opposite to what CDM models predict for the environmental dependence of the dark matter mass function which is that there are proportionally more small dark matter haloes in lower density environments. ", "introduction": "Data from the recent large redshift surveys carried out by SLOAN and 2dF have been used to define the global (averaged over all environments) Luminosity Function (LF) of galaxies (Blanton et al. 2001, Norberg et al. 2002). These two surveys produce a consistent result for the faint-end slope of the LF, $\\alpha \\approx -1.2$. This value is somewhat flatter than typically predicted by most Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models of large scale structure and galaxy formation unless some form of dwarf galaxy formation suppression is invoked (Mathis et al. 2002, Cole et al. 2000). A challenge for the numerical modellers is the observed environmental dependence of the relative dwarf galaxy numbers discussed in this paper. Dwarf galaxies have been found in large numbers in a variety of rich, high density environments (Virgo cluster: Binggeli et al. 1984, Coma cluster: Milne $\\&$ Pritchet 2002, Fornax cluster: Kambas et al. 2000) but the evidence is growing that the large number of dwarfs predicted by standard CDM theory \\footnote {By standard CDM we mean a model that does not invoke dwarf galaxy suppression mechanisms, as discussed later in this introduction.} (mass (luminosity ?) function faint-end slope $\\alpha \\approx -2$) fail to appear in lower density environments. According to the standard CDM model, dwarf galaxies form when initial Gaussian density fluctuations in the primeval Universe grow linearly, collapse and virialize to produce what we see as dwarf galaxies. Simulations and semi-analytic models have been looked at to see what predictions CDM theory makes about the local dwarf galaxy population. For example Kauffmann et al.(1993) used semi-analytic models to look at the formation of galaxies within this hierarchical clustering theory (see also Mathis et al. 2002, Cole et al. 2000). Using a standard CDM model they looked at both a dark matter halo with a circular velocity, $V_{circ}$ $\\approx$ 200 km s$^{-1}$ and compared its LF to observations of the Milky Way (MW), and also a dark matter halo with $V_{circ}$ $\\approx$ 1000 km s$^{-1}$ and compared this LF to observations of the Virgo cluster. From their model of the MW sized halo, their calculations predicted 5-10 times more faint, low mass galaxies than observation showed. Moore et al. (1999) have also conducted numerical simulations of CDM hierarchical galaxy formation to compare predictions with observations of the MW and Virgo cluster. The circular velocity (mass) distribution of the haloes they simulated for both the MW and Virgo cluster were very similar, differing only by the scaling factor of the halo mass, though the cluster halo was 2500 times larger than the galaxy halo and formed 5 Gyrs later. They found that their simulations agreed well with Virgo cluster observations - a plot of the abundance of haloes as a function of their circular velocity showed that the simulated and observed Virgo cluster numbers were very similar. However, the simulated galaxy haloes, when compared to that of the Local Group (LG) dwarf galaxies, overpredicted the total number of satellites larger than dSphs by a factor of about 50 (see also Klypin et al. 1999). Although the above papers highlight the discrepancy between simulation and observation we should be careful with this comparison. In the main the simulations are of dark matter haloes and it is these that are overproduced in the simulations. To relate dark matter haloes to observations of luminous galaxies requires some modelling of the way in which baryonic material falls into the dark halo and how it is subsequently converted into stars. These physical processes are not so straightforward to model as those used in a standard CDM simulation. Attempts to make the observations and predictions match up include suppressing the formation of dwarf galaxies with a photoionizing background (Efstathiou 1992, Dijkstra et al. 2004), inhibiting star formation by expelling gas, a 'feedback' mechanism (Dekel \\& Silk, 1986) and merging the fainter galaxies so their number decreased. Kauffmann et al.(1993) concluded that it was very difficult to suppress the formation of so many dwarf galaxies compared to observation - this is often referred to as the sub-structure problem. Other possible solutions to the sub-structure problem that do not fit so well within the standard CDM model are that the initial power spectrum is wrong (Kamionkowski $\\&$ Liddle, 2000), baryonic material does not fall into small haloes - they remain dark (Bullock et al. 2000), baryonic material falls in, but fails to form stars or stars do form, but there are so few they have so far failed to be detected. It is the last of these solutions that we intend to investigate as part of the work described in this paper. Our motivation is that recent determinations of the field galaxy luminosity function (for example 2dF, see Norberg et al. 2002) have relied upon data obtained from photographic plates that are only sensitive to relatively high surface brightness objects (isophotal limit of $\\approx 24.5$ B$\\mu$). In the LG and in nearby clusters there is a well defined surface brightness magnitude relation (Ferguson $\\&$ Binggeli, 1994) such that low luminosity objects also have low surface brightness - they are doubly cursed. Photographic surveys would miss many of these faint low surface brightness (LSB) dwarf galaxies and even if detected, it is then very difficult to obtain redshifts, even with the largest telescopes. Thus potentially there may be many dwarf galaxies missing, due to selection effects, from the data used to derive the LF. This issue has also been discussed extensively by Cross et al. (2001), Cross \\& Driver (2002) and Liske et al. (2003). What we bring new to this discussion is a detection algorithm that is optimised to find LSB dwarf galaxies and a direct comparison with surveys sampling the galaxy population in different environments. So, our second motivation is that there appears to be a strong environmental affect on the relative numbers of dwarf compared to giant galaxies. How can CDM and its associated dwarf galaxy formation suppression mechanisms explain this? A further important point is that the large redshift surveys have only accurately measured the LF for $M_{B}<-17$ (Driver \\& de Propis, 2003). It is not at all clear whether the extrapolation of the LF to fainter magnitudes is valid. The only environment where the LF appears to be well measured fainter than $M_{B}=-17$ is the Local Group (Mateo, 1998, Pritchet \\& van der Bergh, 1999) and this gives a flat faint-end slope ($\\alpha=-1.1$) down to the faint magnitudes ($M_{B}=-10$) we explore in this paper. Various other surveys have previously been carried out to quantify the population of dwarf galaxies in different environments (Trentham $\\&$ Tully 2002, Trentham 1997, Chiboucas $\\&$ Mateo 2001). These studies usually take the form of finding the faint end slope of the LF (described by a Schechter function) for a sample of galaxies in some field, group or cluster environment. Comparing surveys is very difficult because they are often in different bands and have different magnitude and surface brightness limits. For example, Trentham $\\&$ Hodgkin (2002) find the B-band faint-end slope of the LF of the Virgo cluster to be $\\approx$ -1.4 for galaxies fainter than $M_{B} = -18$, and compare it to the value obtained by Phillipps et al (1998) who found a steeper value of -2.2 in the R-band, using a very different method to identify cluster galaxies. In their paper, Trentham $\\&$ Hodgkin also comment on the shallow LF obtained for the Ursa Major cluster (Trentham et al. 2001), but their data for the 2 clusters was obtained using different instruments and different filters. The method of selecting galaxies is also carried out in different ways for different surveys. Of particular concern is deciding which galaxies are cluster members and which are background, redshifts being difficult to obtain for faint LSB objects. Trentham et al. (2001) in their study of the UMa cluster find a condition for membership of the cluster based on measured light concentrations of the galaxies. They use the magnitude vs. central surface brightness relation of Ferguson $\\&$ Binggeli (1994) and say that for a given apparent magnitude, the concentration of light for cluster dwarf galaxies will be less concentrated than for background galaxies of the same apparent magnitude due to the dwarf's lower surface brightness and larger sizes. Trentham et al. state, that any dwarf galaxies which satisfy both these criteria are possible cluster members, although there is some contamination from background objects (see their paper for further details). They give no independent demonstration that their selection method works. Phillipps et al. (1998) use an entirely different method. They subtract galaxy counts obtained from fields outside of the cluster away from those inside the cluster to be left with the residual (small) cluster contribution. These methods have consistently led to luminosity functions much steeper than those derived by other methods. It is not difficult to see why - the 'clumpiness' of the background and the subtraction of one large number from another to leave a small residual. If the background count slope is $0.6m$ and this remains in the residual then the inferred luminosity function faint-end slope would be a very steep -2.5 (see also Valotto et al. 2001). In our previous work (Sabatini et al. 2003) we demonstrate (decreasing number density with distance from the cluster centre) that with the correct selection criteria we are able to preferentially select cluster dwarf galaxies. To be able to make proper comparisons of the LFs in different environments, all variables (e.g. instrument, band, exposure times, selection criteria) should ideally be the same. This is what we have tried to do with the three 'environments' described in this paper. Our 3 surveys were conducted using the same instrument, technique (filter band, exposure time), and selection criteria. We can be confident therefore, that, unlike similar studies, we are comparing 'like with like'. Throughout this paper we use $H_{0}=75$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "As stated above, only 4 (5) of the objects with redshifts lie within 21 Mpc. Roughly accounting for those objects without redshifts we can have no more than 6 (18) objects within 21 Mpc in total. In section 3.1 we described a model of the numbers expected for various LF faint-end slopes. Given the observed numbers per sq deg we would have expected a LF faint-end slope of about -1.4 and so approximately 45\\% of our detections were predicted to lie within 21 Mpc. This corresponds to 23 (50) objects. This discrepency leaves us with a bit of a dilemma. As stated in section 4.1, the volume sampled by the MGS to 21 Mpc is over dense in bright ($M_{B}<-19$) galaxies by a factor of 20, yet it is certainly under dense in dwarfs ($-14 -1$) compared to an extrapolation of the redshift surveys measured faint-end slopes. Within the CDM paradigm the suppression of star formation in field dwarf galaxies has been extremely efficient. The observed environmental effect on both the numbers of dwarf galaxies and their relative number compared to bright galaxies in the field and cluster is completely opposite to that predicted by CDM for dark matter haloes. Lemson and Kauffmann, (1999) specifically consider the environmental influences on dark matter haloes and their associated galaxies. They conclude that the halo mass function (LF ?) '{\\it{is skewed towards high-mass objects in overdense regions of the Universe and towards low-mass objects in underdense regions'}}. Thus the CDM simulations predict that the ratio of low to high mass objects in the field should be higher than in clusters, completely opposite to what is observed. However, we must be careful with this comparison. CDM predicts how many dark haloes there should be - this should not be confused with the number of faint galaxies searched for in our surveys. Nevertheless, if these haloes do contains stars, thus making them visible as dwarf galaxies, then a mechanism must be used to suppress their formation in the field in order to reconcile their predicted numbers with observations - this is often referred to in the simulations as a 'feedback' mechanism. The normal 'feedback' mechanism invoked in most models is to expel gas from small dark matter potentials by the injection of energy by the first supernovae. This suppresses the formation of stars in these haloes and they remain undetected (dark). This should apply equally in all environments (Virgo, UMa and the MGS) suppressing the formation of dwarf galaxies everywhere. A possible solution is that the intra-cluster gas in environments like Virgo prevents the gas escaping (Babul \\& Rees, 1992). This would only apply to galaxies within the cluster core where the gas density is relatively high, but within the core, dwarf galaxies are subject to tidal destruction (resulting in intra-cluster stars, planetary nebulae and inter-galactic light) Sabatini et al. 2004. Ram pressure stripping is again only effective in the cluster core and suppresses rather than enhances star formation. Tully et al. (2002) have proposed that the environmental dependence is due to the time at which larger scale structures form in relation to the epoch of re-ionisation. They propose that the dwarf galaxy population of Virgo formed early, before reionisation, and was able to retain gas and form stars. In the lower density environments (UMa, MGS) the dark matter haloes form later, after re-ionisation, and the gas is too hot to collapse. Tully et al. say that there is only ``qualitative'' agreement between their idea and observations. Their argument is further weakened by the recent result by the WMAP team that places the epoch of re-ionisation at a much more distant redshift of $z \\approx 20$ (Spergel et al. 2003) \\newline A test for the existence of dark haloes (DM haloes with no stellar systems) would be to use gravitational lensing as a probe of substructure. This is an ideal tool to use since light is deflected gravitationally by matter, whether it is light or dark, thus if there were small dark haloes present in the Universe, they could be detected by this means. Such studies have been carried out (Metcalf $\\&$ Zhao, 2002, Bradac et al. 2002) and preliminary results show evidence for the presence of substructure. Dalal $\\&$ Kochanek (2002) studied seven four-image lens systems, six of which had flux anomalies which they commented could be due to the effects of substructure. They also rule out the possibilities of other affects causing the flux anomalies in a further study of their data (Kochanek $\\&$ Dalal, 2003), concluding that '{\\it{low mass haloes remain the best explanation of the phenomenon'}}. However, if these low mass DM haloes do exist in the numbers predicted by CDM, then as they fall through the disk of their parent galaxy, they should heat the disk and cause it to thicken (T{\\'o}th \\& Ostriker, 1992, Moore et al, 1999b). This is contrary to some observations of old thin disk systems or galaxies with no thick disk components, although it is now being argued that the amount of heating and thickening has been overestimated (Font et al., 2001, Vel{\\'a}zquez \\& White, 1999). This is clearly a matter for further investigation. The Virgo cluster cannot have been assembled out of objects like the LG without some additional physical mechanism being involved that increases the ratio of dwarf to giant galaxies. Virgo is a very dense environment where many galaxy-galaxy interactions are likely to have occurred due to its short dynamical crossing time compared with UMa ($\\approx$0.1$H_{0}$ and $\\approx H_{0}$ respectively, Trentham et al, 2001, Trentham $\\&$ Tully, 2002). Virgo is also an X-ray cluster so galaxies in the cluster core move through a relatively dense inter-galactic gas. UMa is also probably in a much earlier stage of formation than Virgo. The question is are these the differences that lead to Virgo being so different? The large dwarf galaxy population found in Virgo seems to lend some credence to the theory of dwarf galaxy formation by galaxy harassment, an idea put forward by Moore et al (1999b). In this scenario, dE galaxies are formed when infalling LSB spiral galaxies are harassed in the cluster by the giant galaxies, and lose their gas resulting in a morphological transformation into a dE. Further evidence to support this theory comes from a study of the Virgo cluster dwarfs, conducted by Conselice et al. (2001). They show that the dwarf ellipticals found in Virgo have a velocity distribution closer to that of the spirals than that of the earlier type galaxies. The dwarf velocity distribution is quite wide, and is non-Gaussian with a total velocity dispersion of 726km s$^{-1}$. This is similar to that of the spirals, which is 776km s$^{-1}$. The dwarf galaxies appear not to be relaxed and are less dynamically evolved than the Virgo cluster core elliptical population. However, in Sabatini et al. (2004) we show that the dwarf galaxies we detect in the Virgo cluster are too small to be the result of the harassment process proposed by Moore et al. (1999). We propose that the dE galaxies are the result of an earlier infalling dI galaxy population. These galaxies may be associated with the faint blue galaxies seen at higher redshift ($0.5 5 \\times 10^6 \\ L_{\\odot}$. The nearby cluster stars have spectral types and inferred absolute magnitudes which confirm the distance (and thus luminosity) estimate for LBV 1806-20. If we drop kinematic measurements of the distance ($15.1 ^{+1.8}_{-1.3}$ kpc), we have a lower limit on the distance of $>9.5$ kpc, and on the luminosity of $>2 \\times 10^6 \\ L_{\\odot}$, based on the cluster stars. If we drop both the kinematic and cluster star indicators for distance, an ammonia absorption feature sets yet another lower limit to the distance of $>5.7$ kpc, with a corresponding luminosity estimate of $>7 \\times 10^5 \\ L_{\\odot}$ for the candidate LBV 1806-20. Furthermore, based on very high angular-resolution speckle images, we determine that LBV 1806-20 is not a cluster of stars, but is rather a single star or binary system. Simple arguments based on the Eddington luminosity lead to an estimate of the total mass of LBV 1806-20 (single or binary) exceeding $190 \\ M_{\\odot}$. We discuss the possible uncertainties in these results, and their implications for the star formation history of this cluster. ", "introduction": "Mounting evidence gathered in recent years indicates that stars may be formed with masses much greater than previously thought possible. The hot luminous ``Pistol Star'' near our Galaxy's center, for instance, has an estimated mass of $>150 \\ M_{\\odot}$ \\citep{Figer98}, and the stars R136a1 and R136a2 in the Large Magellanic Cloud each have masses of $140-155 M_{\\odot}$ \\citep{Massey}. Since the luminosities of such massive stars exceed $10^6 \\ L_{\\odot}$, relatively small populations of these stars can dominate the power output of their host galaxy during their lifetimes. Furthermore, their deaths may spread chemically-enriched material into the galaxy and leave behind black holes as remnants. The death events may be responsible for gamma-ray bursts in the ``collapsar'' scenario (e.g. \\citet{price}; \\citet{hjorth}; \\citet{MWH}), and the relatively large remnant black holes may also explain the so-called ``intermediate-mass'' black holes currently being discovered in nearby galaxies (e.g. \\citet{IMBH} and references therein). Thus, probing the upper limit for stellar mass has an important impact on our understanding of a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, including the chemical evolution of matter in our Galaxy and external galaxies, the history of galaxy and structure formation in the Universe, the formation of black holes in their dying supernova events, and possibly the origin of gamma-ray bursts via collapsars. We report here new observations of a luminous star we identify as LBV 1806-20. This star was first identified as a potential counterpart to the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1806-20 \\citep{Shri}, with high near-infrared brightness ($K = 8.4$ mag) despite significant absorption from interstellar dust in the Galactic Plane. Subsequent moderate-resolution ($R \\sim 700$) infrared spectroscopy revealed it to be a candidate luminous blue variable (LBV) star and one of the most luminous stars in the Galaxy, with $L > 10^6 \\ L_{\\odot}$ (\\citet{vK95} ; \\citet{Corbel}). This star is known to lie at the brightness peak of the radio nebula G10.0-0.3 (\\citet{Shri93}; \\citet{Vasisht}). However, the revised Inter-Planetary Network (IPN) localization of SGR 1806-20 indicated that the SGR was significantly offset from the position of the candidate LBV star and the coincident core of G10.0-0.3 \\citep{Hurley}. Recent {\\it Chandra} and infrared observations confirm that the SGR lies $\\sim 12 \\arcsec$ away from the candidate LBV (\\citet{kaplan}; \\citet{eiken01}). In addition, \\citet{gaensler} show that G10.0-0.3 is not a supernova remnant at all, but is a radio nebula powered by the tremendous wind of the candidate LBV star at its core. The apparent conundrum presented by this scenario -- why we find two such rare objects so close to each other on the sky without any apparent physical connection -- has been resolved by the observations of \\citet{Fuchs} who showed that LBV 1806-20 is a member of a cluster of massive stars, and of \\citet{eiken01} who showed that SGR 1806-20 appears to be a member of the same cluster. Thus, while these two rare objects are not identical, they are related through common cluster membership. Interestingly, \\citet{vrba} show that one of the other SGRs in the Milky Way may also be associated with a massive star cluster. The distance to the candidate LBV, SGR, and their associated cluster has also been a subject of some discussion in the literature. Initial studies of CO emission from molecular clouds towards this line of sight and the detection of $\\rm NH_3$ absorption against the radio continuum indicated an extinction of $A_V = 35 \\pm 5$ mag and a best estimate for the distance of $14.5 \\pm 1.4$ kpc \\citep{Corbel} -- again confirming its status as one of the most luminous stars known. However, \\citet{blum01} present infrared spectra of members of a cluster in the nearby \\hii \\ region G10.2-0.3, which is also part of the (apparent) W31 giant molecular cloud complex containing G10.0-0.3, and find an apparently conflicting distance of $\\sim 3.4 \\pm 0.6$ kpc. This apparent conflict has also been recently resolved by \\citet{CE}, who present higher-resolution millimeter and infrared observations of G10.0-0.3 and G10.2-0.3. They find that W31 is actually resolved into at least 2 components along the line-of-sight, with one component at $d \\sim 4$ kpc and with extinction $A_V \\sim 15$ mag (in excellent agreement with the \\citet{blum01} observations of G10.2-0.3) and another component at a (refined) distance of $d = 15.1^{+1.8}_{-1.3}$ kpc and with $A_V = 37 \\pm 3$ mag. The radial velocity of LBV 1806-20 matches both of these components, but the $NH_3$ absorption towards the core of G10.0-0.3 (and thus LBV 1806-20) due to a cloud at $d = 5.7$ kpc unambiguously places the star in the ``far'' component of W31. In addition, both the infrared extinction towards LBV 1806-20 (\\citet{vK95}; see also below) and the X-ray absorption column towards SGR 1806-20 (\\citet{eiken01}; \\citet{mereghetti}) match the expected extinction towards the ``far'' component of W31 and differ from that of the ``near'' component of \\citet{blum01} by $\\sim 15$ mag, thus confirming the association of the candidate LBV, SGR, and associated star cluster with the ``far'' component of W31. In order to further investigate this intriguing object, we obtained near-infrared images and spectra of LBV 1806-20 and several nearby stars. In Section 2, we describe these observations and their reduction. In Section 3, we describe the analysis of the resulting data, including the spectral types of the candidate LBV and cluster stars, refined analyses of the reddening, confirmation of the distance estimate of \\citet{CE}, and the resulting luminosity estimate for LBV 1806-20. In Section 4, we discuss the uncertainties in these measurements and their implications for our understanding of the formation and evolution of extremely massive stars and the birth environment of SGRs. Finally, in Section 5 we present our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We have presented near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the luminous star LBV 1806-20 and 3 other nearby luminous stars. Based on the results we conclude that LBV 1806-20 has spectral characteristics very similar to those of AG Car, the Pistol Star, and P Cyg -- all luminous blue variables -- and is thus likely to be an LBV itself. The nearby luminous stars B, C, and D are Wolf-Rayet WC9d and possible blue hypergiant stars forming part of a cluster which includes LBV 1806-20. Their absolute magnitudes and bolometric luminosities are consistent with other known stars with similar spectral types, confirming the distance and reddening estimates for LBV 1806-20 ($15.1 ^{+1.8}_{-1.3}$ kpc and $A_V = 29 \\pm 2$ mag). With a surface temperature in the range 18000-32000K, LBV 1806-20 has a bolometric luminosity $>5 \\times 10^6 \\ L_{\\odot}$. If we drop kinematic measurements of the distance ($15.1 ^{+1.8}_{-1.3}$ kpc), we have a lower limit on the distance of $>9.5$ kpc, and on the luminosity of $>2 \\times 10^6 \\ L_{\\odot}$, based on the cluster stars. If we drop both the kinematic and cluster star indicators for distance, an ammonia absorption feature sets yet another lower limit to the distance of $>5.7$ kpc, with a corresponding luminosity estimate of $>7 \\times 10^5 \\ L_{\\odot}$ for the candidate LBV 1806-20. Our speckle imaging shows conclusively that LBV 1806-20 is {\\it not} an unresolved cluster of stars, though it may be a binary/multiple system. If LBV 1806-20 is a single or multiple star, its total mass exceeds $190 M_{\\odot}$ (at the $\\sim 15$ kpc distance). Finally, the presence of LBV 1806-20 with more evolved stars in the same cluster (i.e. the W-R WCL star and SGR 1806-20) implies that star formation may have occurred over multiple epochs in this region of space." }, "0404/astro-ph0404603_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A pointed observation of the low-luminosity galactic source 4U 2206+54 was carried out in November 1998 with {\\it BeppoSAX}. The light curve of 4U 2206+54 shows erratic variability on a timescale of $\\sim$1 hour; neither hardness variations nor time periodicities are detected throughout this 67 ks long observation. Thanks to the wide spectral coverage capabilities of {\\it BeppoSAX} we could observe the source X--ray continuum over three energy decades, from 0.6 to 60 keV. The spectrum could be equally well fitted either with a blackbody plus Comptonization or with a high energy cutoff power law. No iron emission around 6.5 keV was detected, while a tentative detection of a cyclotron resonant feature in absorption is presented. Comparison of the present {\\it BeppoSAX} data with the information available in the literature for this source suggests that 4U 2206+54 is a close binary system in which a (possibly magnetized) NS is accreting from the companion star wind. ", "introduction": "Massive X--ray Binaries (MXRBs) are double systems composed of a compact object, generally a neutron star (NS), orbiting an early-type star and accreting matter from it. In X--rays, MXRBs can be seen as persistently bright, with luminosities greater than 10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$, or present a transient behaviour characterized by quiescent phases, with emissions around 10$^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$ or less, followed by intense (up to $\\sim$10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at peak) outbursts; in several cases, these outbursts show a periodic trend as a result of the orbital motion of the NS along a highly eccentric orbit (see White et al. 1995 and van Paradijs 1995 for a review). Usually, the former group is associated with compact objects steadily accreting from the companion via Roche lobe overflow and/or stellar wind, while in the latter one accretion is discontinuous and occurs when the compact source enters a disk-like envelope around the companion star or, more generally, interacts more closely with the companion as it approaches periastron (e.g., Corbet 1986). There are however MXRBs which do not fit this classification, i.e. the so-called low-luminosity MXRBs, characterized by their relatively low persistent emission in the X--ray domain (10$^{34}$--10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$) compared to those of persistent MXRBs and which do not display outbursts. The X--ray source 4U 2206+54 is one of these objects. It was discovered by {\\it Uhuru} (Giacconi et al. 1972), was monitored with {\\it EXOSAT} between 1983 and 1985 by Saraswat \\& Apparao (1992) who reported aperiodic hard flares from the source lasting a few hundred seconds and producing variations of a factor 3 to 5, and long-term variations of a factor of $\\sim$20 in the 2--10 keV persistent luminosity ($\\approx$0.3--5$\\times$10$^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$). These authors also reported a pulse period of $\\sim$400 s, which however has been recently questioned by Corbet \\& Peele (2001) from a re-analysis of the {\\it EXOSAT} data as well as of archival {\\it RXTE} data. Corbet \\& Peele (2001) further reported, on the basis of ASM observations, a 9.6-d periodicity in the X--ray flux of the source; they also modeled the {\\it RXTE} spectra obtained on two occasions (March 11 and 13, 1997) using a power law modified with an exponential cutoff. They found a flux decrease by a factor of three (from 3.12$\\times$10$^{-10}$ to 1.14$\\times$10$^{-10}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) between the two pointings. Negueruela \\& Reig (2001) reanalyzed the {\\it RXTE} pointing of March 11, 1997 obtaining comparable results; they also confirmed the presence of flares during which they found a positive correlation between source hardness and flux. These authors also did not detect any X--ray pulsation from the object. The X--ray spectral characteristics of this source are typical of accretion onto a NS from a wind coming from the companion star (Negueruela \\& Reig 2001), although the hypotheses of an accreting white dwarf (WD: Saraswat \\& Apparao 1992; Corbet \\& Peele 2001) or black hole (BH: Negueruela \\& Reig 2001) were also considered. The optical counterpart was identified by Steiner at al. (1984) as the early-type star BD +53$^{\\circ}$2790, located at 2.5 kpc from the Earth. This star was subsequently thoroughly studied in its optical-UV spectroscopic properties by Negueruela \\& Reig (2001) who classified it as a peculiar late O-type active star. No radio counterpart has been detected so far (Nelson \\& Spencer 1988). The information available on 4U 2206+54 is therefore not conclusive to understand the nature of the accreting source. In particular, the lack of knowledge of its X--ray spectrum above 30 keV hinders any hypothesis on the presence of a Cyclotron Resonant Feature (CRF) and thus any conjecture on the magnetic field of the accreting source as well as on its nature. Likewise, the poor sampling concerning the soft side of the X--ray spectrum never allowed an accurate estimate of the hydrogen column density $N_{\\rm H}$; also, this did not allow a sensitive search for a soft component in the emission from this source. Moreover, a further independent check of the presence of a periodic variability (or the lack thereof) in X--rays is also needed. Therefore, to explore the timing and spectral behaviour of 4U 2206+54 over a broad spectral range, with particular attention to both soft ($<$2 keV) and hard ($>$20 keV) X--ray domains, we observed this source with {\\it BeppoSAX} (Boella et al. 1997a). The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 will illustrate the observations and the data analysis, while in Sect. 3 the results showing the X--ray spectral and timing behaviours of 4U 2206+54 will be reported; in Sect. 4 a discussion will be given. ", "conclusions": "The {\\it BeppoSAX} observation of 4U 2206+54 reported in this paper allowed us to study the properties of the source in great detail, and for the first time, in the 0.6--60 keV range. The source exhibited an average 2--10 keV unabsorbed luminosity of 3.1$\\times$10$^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$ during this pointing, thus comparable with the ``high-state\" emission observed by Saraswat \\& Apparao (1992) in 1983 and 1985 from {\\it EXOSAT} data, but $\\sim$10 times brighter than that observed by these authors in 1984, and a factor $\\sim$10 fainter than during the 1997 {\\it RXTE} pointing (e.g., Negueruela \\& Reig 2001). Thus the source can vary by about 10 fold, and as much as a factor of $\\sim$100, on year-long timescales. This can also be seen in Fig. 1 of Corbet \\& Peele (2001), where the entire {\\it RXTE}/ASM 1.5--12 keV light curve of 4U 2206+54 between years 1996 and 2001 is shown. The periodogram in Fig. 2 of these authors shows a peak at a frequency of $\\approx$4$\\times$10$^{-3}$ d$^{-1}$: if real, this would indicate the presence of a further (superorbital?) periodicity of $\\approx$250 d in the system. On much shorter time scales, the 2--10 keV light curve shows flares of remarkable (a factor ten) intensity variations lasting about 1 hr, with finer variability down to timescales of 50--100 s. This flaring emission does not appear to imply spectral variation correlated with the intensity. Moreover, the PSD analysis indicates that the variable X--ray emission from the source is due to a stochastic phenomenon. These long- and short-term variability characteristics point to an explanation for this X--ray activity as due to random inhomogeneities in the accretion flow onto a compact object (e.g. van der Klis 1995). The colorless variability result obtained from our {\\it BeppoSAX} data is at odds with that found by Saraswat \\& Apparao (1992) and by Negueruela \\& Reig (2001). The explanation for this is not clear. Concerning the findings by Saraswat \\& Apparao (1992) this discrepancy can be due to slight secular variations of the source hardness ratio in observations separated in time by about two years: indeed, if one considers the 1983 and 1985 {\\it EXOSAT} data in their Fig. 4 separately, no significant hardness-intensity dependence is observed. As regards instead the discrepancy with the data from the {\\it RXTE} pointing in Negueruela \\& Reig (2001) it may be possible that this hardness-intensity dependence becomes more evident at larger source luminosities. Moreover, the PSD of {\\it BeppoSAX} data does not show any periodicity in the 10$^{-3}$--1 Hz range. We thus independently confirm the results by Corbet \\& Peele (2001) and Negueruela \\& Reig (2001) that no $\\approx$400 s X--ray modulation comes from 4U 2206+54. X--ray spectroscopy with {\\it BeppoSAX} can help us in better understanding the accretion dynamics as well as the nature of the accretor. Indeed, we obtained for 4U 2206+54 an unprecedented simultaneous spectral coverage of the 0.6--60 keV range. Our results show that the ``classic\" model generally used to fit the X--ray spectra of MXRBs hosting an accreting NS (White et al. 1983a) works very well, as in the case of the March 1997 {\\it RXTE} data. In these observations the spectral parameters $N_{\\rm H}$, $\\Gamma$, $E_{\\rm cut}$ and $E_{\\rm fold}$ were in the range 1.12--1.71, (2.7--4.6)$\\times$10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$, 5.3--7.3 and 10.5--17.3, respectively, with the values at the lower edge of the interval holding at low source fluxes (Corbet \\& Peele 2001). However, when we compare our best-fit parameters with the {\\it RXTE} spectral findings obtained when the source flux was highest (corresponding to a 2--10 keV luminosity of 2.3$\\times$10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$), we see that in our data (i) the spectral slope $\\Gamma$ is substantially harder; (ii) both characteristic energies of the model, $E_{\\rm cut}$ and $E_{\\rm fold}$, are lower by a factor $\\sim$2; (iii) the hydrogen column density $N_{\\rm H}$ is lower by a factor $\\sim$6. Comparison with the lower-intensity {\\it RXTE} observation (which implies a 2--10 keV luminosity of 8.5$\\times$10$^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$) shows a consistency with the {\\it BeppoSAX} data barring the $N_{\\rm H}$ value, which is still $\\sim$3 times higher in the {\\it RXTE} results. The results of points (i) and (ii) above may reflect an actually different spectral shape due to a different emission level from the source with respect to that observed in the March 1997 {\\it RXTE} data. Indeed, Table 1 of Corbet \\& Peele (2001) shows that $\\Gamma$ (which they indicate as $\\alpha$ in their paper), $E_{\\rm cut}$ and $E_{\\rm fold}$ appear to inversely correlate with the source flux, and a simple computation indicates that the source gets harder as the flux increases. Therefore, it appears that there is a switch to harder source spectra when 4U 2206+54 overcomes a threshold luminosity with a value lying somewhere between 1$\\times$10$^{35}$ and 2$\\times$10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Unfortunately, in the light of the above data, we cannot say if this transition occurs smoothly or in the form of a ``parameter jump\". Instead, we believe that the $N_{\\rm H}$ measurement obtained with {\\it BeppoSAX} is substantially different and more reliable thanks to the better spectral coverage at low energies afforded by the {\\it BeppoSAX} LECS. Indeed, if we consider only our data above 2.5 keV, we obtain that $N_{\\rm H}$ = 2.5$^{+0.9}_{-1.0}$ $\\times$10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$. Thus, in our opinion the $N_{\\rm H}$ value obtained with {\\it BeppoSAX} should be considered as the correct one. We note that the order-of-magnitude difference in flux between the {\\it BeppoSAX} and the {\\it RXTE} 2--10 keV measurements cannot be explained by the different $N_{\\rm H}$ estimate, which at most may account for a flux difference of about 30\\% only. This new value of $N_{\\rm H}$, (0.8--0.9)$\\times$10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$), compares much better with the Galactic value along the 4U 2206+54 line of sight (0.59$\\times$10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$) and with the optical $V$-band reddening value ($A_V$ = 1.6) given by Negueruela \\& Reig (2001): although the empirical relation between $A_V$ and $N_{\\rm H}$ by Predehl \\& Schmitt (1995) implies the presence of further hydrogen local to the source, the difference is now to within a factor of two, and not an order of magnitude as from the previous $N_{\\rm H}$ estimates. This alleviates the conundrum, stressed by Negueruela \\& Reig (2001), of the non-detection of iron emission in presence of very optically thick material around the X--ray source. Concerning this issue, our observation allowed us to put tighter upper limits on the presence of any X--ray Fe emission with respect to the one determined by {\\it EXOSAT} (Gottwald et al. 1995). The spectrum description by means of a more physically sound model, namely a BB+Comptonization, again points to the presence of a very compact object as the accretor: the spectral shape and the temperatures of the BB and the Compton cloud would suggest that the system most likely harbours a NS. Indeed, the presence of a WD in 4U 2206+54 is basically ruled out because of the X--ray spectral shape, which is completely different from that observed by e.g. Kubo et al. (1998) and Owens et al. (1999) in the system $\\gamma$ Cas, which is thought to host a WD. A better comparison between 4U 2206+54 and systems hosting a WD might come if we consider magnetic cataclysmic variables, such as intermediate polars (see e.g. de Martino et al. 2004 and references therein). However, these objects have spectra with a BB temperature $\\approx$30 times lower than found in 4U 2206+54, and practically no emission detectable above 30 keV. Thus, the high BB temperature of 4U 2206+54 is not compatible with that of a WD surface, which is expected to mainly emit in the UV rather than in the soft X--rays; additionally, the detection of X--ray emission up to 60 keV can hardly be explained by assuming a WD as the accretor in this system. The same line of thought applies to disfavour a BH interpretation: the Comptonization component has a temperature and an optical depth unusual for a BH in its low-hard state and hosted in a MXRB (e.g. Frontera et al. 2001). So, all the above points to a NS as the accreting object in this system, even if no pulsations were ever detected. Several observed properties of the source are naturally explained by the accreting NS model. Concerning the X--ray luminosity, accretion onto the NS from a stellar wind emitted by the O9.5V companion star can easily fit the observations: following Frank et al. (1992), if we assume that the companion emits $\\approx$10$^{-6}$ $M_\\odot$ in the form of a wind, one needs to hypothesize an accretion efficiency $\\eta_{\\rm acc} \\approx$ 10$^{-5}$ to produce a luminosity $L \\approx$ 10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$. This value of $\\eta_{\\rm acc}$ may possibly be on the low side of the allowed values for accretion from stellar wind in close systems; however, according to Perna et al. (2003), if corrections to the standard formulae used to estimate the wind accretion rates are introduced, the accretion efficiency drops substantially. Alternatively, as already suggested by Corbet \\& Peele (2001), partial accretion inhibition due to the ``propeller effect\" (Illarionov \\& Sunyaev 1975; Stella et al. 1986), according to which the magnetosphere of the NS acts as a barrier to accretion of matter onto the NS surface, can be at work. A fraction of the wind matter can nonetheless flow along the magnetic field lines and eventually can reach the NS surface. As regards the secular X--ray variability over a timescale of $\\approx$1 year, we suggest that this might be due to modulations in the wind density, such as density waves produced by pulsations of the companion star envelope. In spite of all the above, the NS interpretation rises some problems. In particular, as it evidently appears from Table 2, the BB radius. Clearly, a size of $\\sim$150 m is not acceptable if we assume that the whole NS surface is responsible for the BB X--ray emission. In order to correct for approximations in the BB model application to X--ray data, the hardening factor $f$ (Shimura \\& Takahara 1995), defined as the ratio between the color and the effective BB temperatures, can be introduced. This leads to a corrected BB radius equal to $f^{2} \\cdot R_{\\rm BB}$. However, we should assume that $f \\sim$ 8 to regain the correct BB size for a NS ($\\sim$10 km), while common values for $f$ are around 1.7 (Merloni et al. 2000) and extremes do not exceed $\\sim$3 (Borozdin et al. 1998). A further possible explanation for the small BB emitting area size, assuming isotropic emission from the NS surface, is the following: because of cooling and back-warming effects the spectrum at the NS surface, if fitted with a ``classic\" BB model, can lead to the net result of underestimating the emitting area by as much as 2 orders of magnitude (London et al. 1986). The alternative to solve this shortcoming is to assume that the emission is not isotropic, i.e. that the accreting matter is either forming a disk around the compact object or is funneled onto the NS magnetic polar caps. The first possibility appears unlikely because accretion in this system is most probably occurring via stellar wind emitted from the companion star. This comes from assuming that the 9.6 d periodicity determined by Corbet \\& Peele (2001) is the orbital period of the system and that the masses of the two components are 1.4 $M_\\odot$ for the NS and $M_{\\rm *}$~=~19~$M_\\odot$ (Lang 1992) for the O9.5V companion, as spectroscopically identified by Negueruela \\& Reig (2001). With these values, the Roche lobe radius of the companion is $R_{\\rm L} \\sim$ 32 $R_\\odot$, thus much larger than the radius of a O9.5V star, which is $R_{\\rm *}~\\sim$~7.8 $R_\\odot$ (Lang 1992). Thus, because the wind has very low intrinsic angular momentum, a large accretion disk is unlikely to be formed with this accretion mechanism. As remarked in the previous Section, the use of a DBB model instead of a BB produces more unstable fits to our X--ray dataset. Alternatively, a magnetically-driven accretion scenario can be considered: in this case, one needs the magnetic field of the compact object to be strong enough to form two accretion columns. Indeed, the tentative detection of a CRF indicating the presence of a $\\approx$10$^{12}$ Gauss magnetic field (see Orlandini \\& Dal Fiume 2001) associated with the NS would suggest this possibility. A further indication that the BB emission is indeed anisotropic (i.e., confined on a fraction of the NS surface) comes from the estimate of the size $r_{\\rm seed}$ of the region emitting the Comptonization seed photons. Following the prescription by in 't Zand et al. (1999) for the computation of $r_{\\rm seed}$ and assuming that the Comptonization seed photons in 4U 2206+54 are produced by the BB (therefore $kT_{\\rm seed} \\sim$ 1.6 keV) we obtain that $r_{\\rm seed} \\sim$ 0.12 km. This estimate is in quite good agreement with our independent determination of the BB emission region radius (see Table 2), thus suggesting that indeed the BB emitting area covers only a fraction of the NS surface. However, as no X--ray pulsations are detected from this source, the magnetically-driven accretion interpretation needs at least one of the following possibilities to be tenable: an angle between NS spin and magnetic axes close to zero, or a very low inclination angle for the system. In this latter case, even if we assume a non-zero but small (e.g., few degrees) angle between the NS magnetic field and spin axes, the system geometry is such that we could continuously see X--ray radiation from a single polar cap of the NS. Clearly, the emission will not be modulated by the NS rotation in this case also. This of course means introducing a fine tuning of the system parameters: however, a similar scenario has been proposed to explain the absence of pulsations from 4U 1700$-$37 (White et al. 1983b) and, more recently, from 4U 1700+24 (Masetti et al. 2002), which are believed to host an accreting NS. For 4U 1700+24 Galloway et al. (2002) further supported this description by finding a small amplitude (1 km s$^{-1}$) Doppler periodicity of $\\sim$400 d in their optical spectroscopic data: this period, earlier suggested by Masetti et al. (2002) from timing analysis of {\\it RXTE}/ASM data, is quite likely produced by the orbital motion of the system. A test for the low-inclination hypothesis of 4U 2206+54 can come by determining, or at least by putting tight constraints on, the orbital Doppler shift of the companion star: indeed, assuming the system parameters discussed above, we find that the orbital velocity of the companion is v$_{\\rm orb} \\sim$ 20 km s$^{-1}$; we note that this value is consistent with the scatter of the system radial velocities measured by Abt \\& Bautz (1963) from optical spectra. Thus, summarizing, and despite the problems encountered in the analysis of the observational data on this source, the picture emerging is that 4U 2206+54 is a low-luminosity system composed of a NS and a `normal' blue main-sequence star; the NS is accreting from the wind coming from the companion and is orbiting it in a possibly low-inclination orbit. Tentative evidence of a strong magnetic field from the NS is found, but deep spectroscopic observations, e.g. with {\\it INTEGRAL}, of the hard X--ray tail of this source are needed to confirm (or disprove) this. Long-term variations in the X--ray flux from the source can be explained as due to oscillations in the wind density, possibly induced by slow pulsations of the companion star envelope. This hypothesis can be tested with long-term spectrophotometric monitoring of the optical counterpart." }, "0404/astro-ph0404329_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The pioneering idea of the rotation of the Universe should be attributed to G. Gamow \\cite{Gamow46}, who expressed the opinion that the rotation of galaxies is due to the turbulent motion of masses in the Universe, and ``we can ask ourselves whether it is not possible to assume that {\\it all matter in the visible universe is in a status of general rotation around some centre located far beyond the reach of our telescopes?}\". The idea of turbulence as a source of the rotation of galaxies was afterwards developed by C.F. von Weizsaeker \\cite{Weizsaeker51}, Ozernoy and Chernin \\cite{Ozernoy68}, Ozernoy \\cite{Ozernoy78}, but presently is only of historical value. [If the angular momenta of galaxies had orginated in such a way, their spins should be perpendicular to the main protostructure plane \\cite{Szandarin74}, which is not observed.] The exact solution of the Einstein equation for the model of a homogeneous universe with rotation and spatial expansion was proposed by Goedel \\cite{Goedel49, Goedel52}. The observational evidence of global rotation of the Universe was presented by Birch \\cite{Birch82}. He investigated the position angles and polarisation of classical high-luminosity double radio sources, finding that the difference between the position angle of the source elongation and of the polarisation are correlated with the source position in the sky. Immediately there appeared a paper by Phinney and Webster \\cite{Phinney83} concluding that ``the data are unsufficient to substantiate the claim\" and the statistics are applied incorrectly. Answering, Birch \\cite{Birch83} pointed out the difference in the quantity investigated by him and that by Phinney and Webster, showing that their data exhibit the such effect. At the request ofBirch, Phinney and Webster \\cite{Phinney84} reanalysed the data, introducting new ``indirectional statistics\" and taking into account possible observational uncertainties. They concluded ``that the reported effect ({\\it whatever may be its origin}) is strongly supported by the observations\". Bietenholz and Kronberg \\cite{Bietenholz84} repeated the analysis for a larger sample of objects, finding no effect of the Birch type. New statistical tests were later applied to the data \\cite{Bietenholz86}. Nodland and Ralston \\cite{Nodland97a} studied the correlation between the direction and distance to a galaxy and the angle $\\beta$ between the polarisation direction and the major galaxy axis. They found an effect of a systematic rotation of the plane of polarisation of electromagnetic radiation, which depends on redshifts. As usually, the result was attacked for the point of incorrectly applied statistics \\cite{Carrol97, Loredo97, Eisenstein97} see the reply \\cite{Nodland97b} with a claim that the new, better data do not support the existence of the effect \\cite{Wardle97}. The problem of the rotation of the whole Universe has attracted the attention of several scientists. It was shown that the reported rotation values are too big when compared with the CMB anisotropy. Silk \\cite{Silk70} pointed out that the dynamical effects of a general rotation of the Universe are presently unimportant, contrary to the the early Universe, when angular velocity $\\Omega \\ge 10^{-13} rad/yr$. He stressed that now the period of rotation must be greater than the Hubble time, which is a simple consequence of the CMB isotropy. Barrow, Juszkiewicz and Sonoda \\cite{Barrow85} also addressed this question. They showed that cosmic vorticity depends strongly on the cosmological models and assumptions connected with linearisation of homogeneous, anistropic cosmological models over the isotropic Friedmann Universe. For the flat universe, the value is ${\\omega\\over H_0} \\sim 2 \\cdot 10^{-5}$. Another interesting problem was the discussions on the empirical relation between the angular momentum and mass of celestial bodies $J\\sim M^{5/3}$ \\cite{Brosche86}. Li-Xin Li \\cite{Li98} explained this relation for galaxies as a result of the influence of the global rotation of the Universe on galaxy formation. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404090_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\begin{center} {\\it \\large Abstract\\vspace{-.5em}\\vspace{0pt}} \\end{center}} \\def\\endabstract{\\par} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{verbatim} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\ifPDF \\hypersetup{% pdftoolbar=treu,% pdfmenubar=true} \\else \\usepackage{epsfig} \\usepackage{pslatex} \\fi \\setlength{\\hoffset}{-1cm} \\setlength{\\voffset}{-1cm} \\setlength{\\textheight}{23.6cm} \\setlength{\\textwidth}{18.1cm} \\setlength{\\parindent}{0.7cm} \\setlength{\\parskip}{0ex} \\setlength{\\columnsep}{5.4mm} \\setlength{\\topmargin}{1.3cm} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{0.0cm} \\setlength{\\evensidemargin}{0.0cm} \\renewcommand{\\thesection}{\\rm \\Roman{section}. } \\renewcommand{\\thesubsection}{\\it \\Alph{subsection}. } \\renewcommand{\\thesubsubsection}{\\it \\arabic{subsubsection}) } \\renewcommand{\\thetable}{ \\arabic{table}} \\renewcommand{\\thefigure}{ \\arabic{figure}} \\renewcommand\\floatpagefraction{.9} \\renewcommand\\topfraction{.9} \\renewcommand\\bottomfraction{.9} \\renewcommand\\textfraction{.1} \\newcommand{\\ssection}[1]{% {\\begin{center} {\\it \\large Abstract\\vspace{-.5em}\\vspace{0pt}} \\end{center}} \\def\\endabstract{\\par} \\setcounter{totalnumber}{50} \\setcounter{topnumber}{50} \\setcounter{bottomnumber}{50} \\title { \\vspace{-1cm} \\Large The IceCube Project} \\author{\\large C. Spiering for the IceCube Collaboration \\footnote{a full author list is given at the end of this paper}\\\\ \\\\ \\normalsize DESY Zeuthen, Platanenallee 6, D15739 Zeuthen, Germany\\\\ \\normalsize christian.spiering@desy.de} \\begin{document} \\date{} This talk gives a brief description of goals, design, expected performance and status of the IceCube project. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404573_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present the oxygen abundance determination for 90 \\ion{H}{ii} regions in the inner parts of the grand design galaxy M101. The abundances were derived employing the $P$ method (Pilyugin 2001a). A comparison is made with previous determinations using another calibration and direct measurements of electron temperature to derive the oxygen abundance. The results show agreement with the abundances derived from the electron temperature method and also show that the older calibration is not as accurate as the $P$ method. ", "introduction": "The determination of oxygen abundance is a critical stage prior to deriving the value for the metallicity in galaxies and the equivalent abundances for several other elements, such as sulfur, nitrogen or argon. The preferred method for determining the oxygen abundance in galaxies using H~{\\sc ii} regions is through electron temperature-sensitive lines (the so-called $T_{\\rm e}$ method), such as the [O~{\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$4363 or [\\ion{O}{iii}]$\\lambda$7325 auroral lines (Searle 1971; Rosa 1981; Garnett \\& Kennicutt 1994; Kennicutt et al.\\ 2003). However, these lines are not always available: for oxygen-rich regions, the oxygen line [O~{\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$4363 is weak and difficult to detect, so there are not many direct abundance determinations from the inner parts of galaxies. Other methods are based on ``empirical'' calibrations of metallicity employing strong-line abundance estimators. These methods are based on direct measurements of the electronic temperature of low metallicity regions and in theoretical models for high metallicity regions. One method with widespread acceptance and use is the $R_{23}$-method, suggested by Pagel et al. (1979). It is based in the oxygen line ratio, $R_{23}=([{\\rm O II}]\\lambda\\lambda 3726,29 + [{\\rm O III}]\\lambda\\lambda 4959,5007)/{\\rm H}\\beta$. There are different calibrations using the $R_{23}$ ratio, such as those of Dopita \\& Evans (1986), Edmunds \\& Pagel (1984), McCall et al. (1985), McGaugh (1991) or Zaritsky et al.\\ (1994). However, this indicator presents one great disadvantage: the derived abundances depend strongly on the $R_{23}$-\\ion{O}/\\ion{H} calibration (Kewley \\& Dopita 2002; Cedr\\'es 2003). Moreover, for \\object{M101} Kennicutt et al.\\ (2003) have recently found systematic differences up to a factor 3 between abundances derived from some empirical calibrations and those derived from the direct method, the latter being lower. Smartt et al.\\ (2001) and Trundle et al.\\ (2002) have shown that in the Local Group spiral galaxy M31 oxygen abundances of B supergiant atmospheres are also systematically lower than those obtained by classical $R_{23}$-\\ion{O}/\\ion{H} calibrations. However, Monteverde et al.\\ (2000) found very good agreement between B supergiant abundances (obtained in a similar way as in the aforementioned references) and the abundances derived from the $T_{\\rm e}$ method in the interstellar medium in M33. Thus, it is clear that more comparisons are required. New methods for abundance determinations using strong lines have been developed recently. These methods achieve a better approximation to the results obtained with the $T_{\\rm e}$ method. One of these new calibrations, the $P$ method, is proposed by Pilyugin (2001a, 2001b). In this paper we present an estimate of the oxygen abundance for the inner H~{\\sc ii} regions of M101 using the $P$ method with data from direct imaging observations, which give us a larger number of regions when compared with spectroscopic methods, these allowing better sampling of the disc both spatially and in \\ion{H}{ii} region luminosity, and with less telescope time. ", "conclusions": "We have obtained the oxygen abundance through the $P$ method for 90 H~{\\sc ii} regions of the inner parts of M101. There is very good agreement between our data and the derived abundances from the $T_{\\rm e}$ method for regions with high metallicity. Compared with spectroscopic methods, these results present a larger number of regions than any previous study. The dispersion of the data shows that, even for the larger uncertainties, the data are almost as reliable as those of spectroscopic studies employing the $p$ or the $T_{\\rm e}$ method. Moreover, the direct imaging method is less time-consuming because only two observing nights are required to obtain data for more than a hundred regions from one galaxy. The $P$ method has proved to be a useful tool for determining oxygen abundances in the inner zones of galaxies, where auroral lines are difficult to measure and the metallicity is moderately high. Moreover, direct imaging techniques proved superior when considering observing time and the number of regions observed." }, "0404/astro-ph0404059_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from our optical survey of the position error contours (``error boxes'') of unidentified EGRET sources at mid to high Galactic latitude. It is our intention to search for potential blazars that may have been missed in the original identification process of the three EGRET Catalogues and supplementary publications. We have first searched the error contours of unidentified sources at $b > \\vert 20^\\circ \\vert$ for flat spectrum radio sources using the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED). For each such radio source found we conducted optical searches for counterparts using the Palomar 60-inch telescope, and University of Wyoming's 2.3 and 0.6 m telescopes. Many of the radio sources have plausible optical counterparts, and spectroscopy will be conducted at a later date to determine which of these sources are quasars or active galaxies. Results show thats several sources are optically variable, and/or have flat or inverted radio to millimeter spectra and are thus potential blazars. ", "introduction": "Though the EGRET instrument detected 271 sources, most of these sources remain unidentified with counterparts at any other wavelength \\citep{hartman99}. However, the distribution of these sources on the sky does suggest at least two major populations: Those near the Galactic plane, where 90 \\% of the sources are unidentified, and those above the plane, where 50 \\% are unidentified \\citep{caraveo01}. \\citet{caraveo01} further suggest that those sources above the plane may have at least three subcomponents: extragalactic, Gould Belt, and Galactic halo. Though nearly all of the firmly identified extragalactic sources are blazars, there have been some recent studies suggesting that some sources are related to non-blazar AGN \\citep{mukherjee02} or galaxy clusters \\citep{colafrancesco02}. The task of investigating all of these sources seems daunting. Therefore, several investigators have gone the route of examining several individual sources in depth. An advantage of this approach is that such searches are like to yield abundant information on the several sources they investigate; however, it is more difficult to draw general conclusions from such results. We continue along these lines by searching within the error contours of high Galactic latitude EGRET unidentified sources for new blazars. We will then ascertain whether any such objects found are likely to be the source of the gamma rays. At the time of submission, we became aware of a parallel study by \\citet{sowards03}. Though similar in scope, ours studies differ, and are complimentary, in that we are continuing multi-epoch optical observations with B, V, R photometry and do include some sources at southern declinations. ", "conclusions": "We have searched the ``error boxes'' of EGRET sources, and found several potential blazar counterparts at other wavebands. The most compelling case, newly reported here, is that of 3EG J0038-0949 (matched with NVSS J993906-094247). These counterparts are generally characterized by flat or inverted radio spectra (in some cases up to 37 GHz), and in some cases, long and short term optical variability. We conclude that several of these objects are the source of the gamma rays. This study and others have shown that the EGRET instrument detected a class of dim blazars, in addition to those identified in the Third EGRET Cataloge (\\citep{hartman99}. NASA's upcomming Gamma Ray Large Area Telescope (GLAST) mission should confirm the existence of a relatively dim population of blazars thatare the source of gamma rays for many of the unidentified sources at high Galactic latitude." }, "0404/astro-ph0404234_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\it Chandra} observations of distant ($D\\sim 10$ Mpc) elliptical galaxies have revealed large numbers of Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs) accreting at $\\dot M > 10^{-8} M_\\odot$ yr$^{-1}$. The majority of these LMXBs reside in globular clusters (GCs) and it has been suggested that many of the field LMXBs also originated in GCs. We show here that ultracompact binaries with orbital periods of 8-10 minutes and He or C/O donors of $0.06-0.08M_\\odot$ naturally provide the observed $\\dot M$'s from gravitational radiation losses alone. Such systems are predicted to be formed in the dense GC environment, a hypothesis supported by the 11.4 minute binary 4U 1820-30, the brightest persistent LMXB in a Galactic GC. These binaries have short enough lifetimes ($<3\\times 10^6$ years) while bright ($L>10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$) that we calculate their luminosity function under a steady-state approximation. This yields a luminosity function slope in agreement with that observed for $6\\times 10^{37}{\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}} 10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ from elliptical galaxies with stellar masses of $(1-3)\\times 10^{11}M_\\odot$. This has provided a large sample of very bright LMXBs that is unattainable from the Milky Way or even M31, allowing for a new probe of binary evolution. Gilfanov (2004) showed that the LMXBs of these elliptical and S0 galaxies are consistent with a single luminosity function \\begin{equation} {dN\\over dL}\\propto {1\\over L^{\\alpha}}, \\end{equation} from $10^{37} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ to a break value $L_B=5^{+1.4}_{-0.7}\\times 10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$. with $\\alpha=1.64\\pm 0.22$. Kim and Fabbiano (2004) recently found a similar result for $L>6\\times 10^{37} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ of $\\alpha=1.80\\pm 0.2$ and $L_B=4.8\\pm 1.2 \\times 10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$. For $L>L_B$, the luminosity function steepens to $\\alpha=2.7\\pm 0.5$. The total number of X-ray sources scales with the galactic mass, with $\\approx 20$ sources of $L>10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ per $10^{11}M_\\odot$ (Gilfanov 2004), or a total X-ray luminosity that scales linearly with the $K$ band luminosity as $L({\\rm LMXB})=1.5\\pm 0.6 \\times 10^{40} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ for $L_K=10^{11}L_{K,\\odot}$ (Kim \\& Fabbiano 2004). Starting with the original observation of NGC 4697 (Sarazin et al. 2001), it has become clear that many (20-70\\%) of these LMXBs are residing in globular clusters (Angelini et al. 2001; Kundu et al. 2002; Maccarone, Kundu \\& Zepf 2003; Minnitti et al. 2004). Kundu et al. (2002) showed that there was no difference in $dN/dL$ for LMXBs in and out of GCs (both had $\\alpha=1.55\\pm 0.15$ and $L_B\\approx 3\\times 10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$) in NGC 4472 , supporting the suggestion of White, Sarazin and Kulkarni (2002) that most of the bright LMXBs in ellipticals are made in GCs. Kundu et al. (2002) showed that nearly 4\\% of NGC 4472 GCs host a bright LMXB, with metal rich clusters about 3 times more likely to host an LMXB (confirmed in NGC 4365 and NGC 3115 by Kundu et. al. 2003). Sarazin et al. (2003) studied four galaxies and found that the specific incidence of LMXBs in GCs is about one source with $L>10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ per $10^7 L_{\\odot,I}$, so that a star in a GC is about 1000 times more likely to be a donor than a star in the field. Such a large enhancement of the incidence of LMXBs in GCs was first found in the Milky Way (Katz 1975; Clark 1975) and is indicative of the important role of interactions in creating mass transferring binaries in GCs (see Hut et al. 1992 for an overview). Though numerous LMXBs have been found, the nature of the donor star in this old stellar population remains a mystery. Piro \\& Bildsten (2002) showed that for field LMXBs, the simplest way to reach $10^{38} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$ (or $\\dot M=LR/GM\\approx 10^{-8} M_\\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ for accretion onto a neutron star of $M=1.4M_\\odot$ and $R=10 {\\rm \\ km}$) is to have a red giant branch star fill the Roche lobe with orbital periods of days or longer. They noted that these wide binaries are nearly always transient accretors, and that multiple {\\it Chandra} observations would easily identify them (e.g. Kraft et al. 2001). However, calculating the resulting $dN/dL$ is impossible given our poor state of knowledge of the transient duty cycle. We argue here that the most likely type of mass transferring binary responsible for the bright end of the luminosity function in distant elliptical galaxies (especially those in GCs) are ``ultracompact'' systems consisting of either a He or C/O white dwarf donor of mass $M_c\\approx 0.04-0.08M_\\odot$ which is filling its Roche lobe in a 5-10 minute orbit with a neutron star. In \\S 2, we summarize the observational clues that led us to this conjecture and derive the resulting $dN/dL$, showing that the observed power law is naturally explained. In \\S 3, we use the observed normalizations from {\\it Chandra} to compare to the predicted formation rate of ultracompacts in GCs from dynamical interactions. We also predict the expected number of millisecond radio pulsars (MSPs) assuming that all ultracompacts become MSPs. We close in \\S 4 by noting more observational tests, and discussing future work. ", "conclusions": "Our identification of these distant LMXBs with ultracompact binaries naturally explains the observed luminosity function from {\\it Chandra} observations and yields the LMXB birthrate of one new mass transferring binary every $2\\times 10^6$ years per $10^7M_\\odot$ of GCs. Rather remarkably, this derived birthrate from distant ellipticals agrees with both dynamical calculations (e.g. Ivanova \\& Rasio 2004) and the observed number of MSPs in galactic GCs, especially 47 Tuc. The much lower donor mass ($\\approx 0.06M_\\odot$) has alleviated the ``birthrate'' problem often discussed for LMXBs and MSPs in galactic GCs (e.g. Kulkarni et al. 1990). The simplest way to prove this hypothesis is to find the 5-10 minute orbital periods. If we use 4U~1820-30 as our example, the level of orbital variability in the X-rays could be as low as a few percent, allowing for {\\it Chandra} searches amongst the few bright LMXBs in M31 GCs while {\\it XMM-Newton } could probe much deeper. The source 4U~1820-30 cycles in luminosity by about a factor of 3 over a 171 day cycle for unknown reasons (Chou \\& Grindlay 2001). Such variability is easily detected by {\\it Chandra}, and indeed variability at this level has been reported for bright LMXBs in M31 (e.g. Trudolyubov \\& Priedhorsky 2004). However, attributing such behavior as unique to ultracompacts is much harder. Ultraviolet observations of 4U~1820-30 (King et al 1993; Arons and King 1993) confirmed the 11.4 minute orbit and similar work could be done with {\\it HST} amongst the bright systems in M31. The lower luminosities that are visible in the GC sources in our galaxy and in M31 have yet to be probed by {\\it Chandra} in distant ellipticals. For ultracompact binaries, the expectation is that our derived $dN/dL$ will continue until a $L$ is reached where the systems become transients (presuming no dramatic episode associated with MSP turn-on). DB showed that in the absence of X-ray heating in the outer disk, this would occur at $L\\sim 10^{37} {\\rm erg \\ s^{-1}}$, whereas with X-ray heating, the disks can remain stable down to much lower X-ray luminosities. Unfortunately, the current populations of ultracompacts in our galaxy don't provide a stringent test of which case is correct. {\\it Chandra} may be able to identify this cutoff with deeper observations of nearby ellipticals. There is still much to explain. Clearly, not all bright LMXBs are ultracompact binaries, both because the MSPs in wide binaries with He WDs (orbital periods longer than a day) cannot be made from ultracompacts and because roughly half the galactic GC sources are clearly hydrogen accretors (Kuulkers et al. 2003). However, the strong expectation is that most of the H donors with $L$ large enough to detect at 10 Mpc are transient accretors (e.g. Piro \\& Bildsten 2002), making secure predictions of $dN/dL$ difficult. Observations of the bright LMXBs in M31 (Di Stefano et al. 2002; Trudolyubov \\& Priedhorsky 2004) have motivated a stable mass transfer scenario involving thermal timescale mass transfer from evolved stars (Di Stefano et al. 2002), but $dN/dL$ was not derived. We have also not explained the higher incidence of bright LMXBs in metal-rich GCs (Kundu et al. 2002; Maccarone et al. 2004)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404528_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We describe an analysis of the time-resolved measurements of the surface magnetic field in the roAp star \\equ. We have obtained a high-resolution and high S/N spectroscopic time-series, and the magnetic field was determined using Zeeman resolved profiles of the \\fet\\ 6149.25~\\AA\\ and \\feo\\ 6173.34~\\AA\\ lines. Contrary to recent reports we do not find any evidence of magnetic variability with pulsation phase, and derive an upper limit of 5--10~G for pulsational modulation of the surface magnetic field in \\equ. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} After discovery of the conspicuous radial velocity (RV) pulsational variations in a sample of rapidly oscillating magnetic peculiar (roAp) stars (Kanaan \\& Hatzes \\scite{KH98}, Savanov, Malanushenko \\& Ryabchikova \\scite{SMR99}, Kochukhov \\& Ryabchikova \\scite{KR01a} for \\equ; Baldry et al. \\scite{BBV98}, Baldry \\& Bedding \\scite{BB00}, Kochukhov \\& Ryabchikova \\scite{KR01b} for \\cir\\ and HD~83368), attempts to search for magnetic field variations over the pulsational period have been made. First, Hubrig et al. \\cite{HKB04} tried to measure pulsational variability of the longitudinal magnetic field \\bz\\ in six roAp stars. Their sample included \\equ\\ -- probably one of the most favourable stars for this kind of investigation. \\equ\\ is a bright northern roAp star with a strong magnetic field, and with one of the largest pulsational RV amplitudes which exceeds 1000~\\ms\\ in individual spectral lines. The extremely slow rotation of \\equ, leading to very sharp spectral lines, makes this star the best candidate for any study of the pulsational variability in spectroscopy. Hubrig et al. \\cite{HKB04} used low-resolution Zeeman time-series observations and measured \\bz\\ using hydrogen lines and unresolved blends of metal lines. They failed to detect any variability beyond the formal errors of their measurements which were 40--100~G. According to a coarse theoretical estimate made by Hubrig et al. \\cite{HKB04} there should exist a linear relation between magnetic field variability over the pulsational cycle and the RV amplitudes. In roAp stars the largest RV amplitudes are observed in the lines of first and second ions of rare-earth elements (REE), while they are usually below measurement errors for the lines of iron group elements. Thus, high-resolution spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of selected REE spectral lines is a more promising tool for an investigation of possible rapid magnetic oscillations in roAp stars. Taking this into account Leone \\& Kurtz \\cite{LK03} obtained a high-resolution (R=115\\,000), high S/N time-series of observations of \\equ\\ with a circular polarization analyzer, and measured \\bz\\ using four \\nd\\ lines. They reported the discovery of pulsational variations with amplitudes between 112 to 240~G and, more surprisingly, with discrepant phases of magnetic maximum for different \\nd\\ lines. Leone \\& Kurtz's result was based on only 18 time-resolved spectra. A year later Kochukhov, Ryabchikova \\& Piskunov \\cite{KRP04} obtained a time-series of polarimetric observations of \\equ\\ with a smaller resolving power (R=38\\,000), but acquired more than 200 spectra over 3 nights, more than compensating for lesser quality of individual spectra. Kochukhov et al. \\cite{KRP04} used simultaneously 13 \\nd\\ lines for magnetic measurements which allowed them to achieve a substantial reduction of the error of the \\bz\\ determinations. They did not confirm longitudinal field variability over the pulsational period in \\equ\\ and gave a conservative upper limit of $\\approx$40~G for the amplitude of pulsational modulation of \\bz\\ determined from \\nd\\ lines. Another attempt to search for possible rapid magnetic variability in \\equ\\ was made by Savanov, Musaev \\& Bondar \\cite{SMB03}. They measured the surface magnetic field \\bs\\ variations over the pulsational period using the \\fet\\ 6149.25~\\AA\\ line observed in unpolarized light. Due to a very simple Zeeman pattern (two equally separated $\\pi$- and $\\sigma$-components) this line is ideal for \\bs\\ measurements (see Mathys et al. \\scite{MHL97}). Savanov et al. reported a 1.8$\\sigma$ detection of \\bs\\ variability with an amplitude of 99$\\pm$53~G. At the same time they did not find periodic variations of RV measured for the individual Zeeman resolved components of the \\fet\\ 6149.25~\\AA\\ doublet exceeding their error limit (100--120~\\ms). The authors used high-resolution R=120\\,000 time-series observations, but the S/N of a single spectrum did not exceed 40--60. Clearly, the result of Savanov et al.~\\cite{SMB03} is marginal and needs to be confirmed or rejected with data of better quality. In this paper we present the results of a new search for pulsational variations of \\bs\\ in \\equ\\ using high-resolution and high S/N time-resolved observations of this star. These observational data allowed us to obtain precise measurements of the magnetic field in \\equ, and strongly constrain possible changes of \\bs\\ over the pulsation cycle of the star. \\begin{figure*} \\fifps{14.5cm}{me113_f2.eps} \\caption{Measurements of radial velocity and surface magnetic field obtained for \\equ\\ on 22/07/99. The \\nd\\ 6145.07~\\AA\\ pulsational RV curve (a) is folded with the best-fit oscillation period and is compared (c) with the variation of \\bs\\ measured from the separation of the Zeeman components of the \\fet\\ 6149.25~\\AA\\ (centre-of-gravity line position measurements). Panels (b) and (d) illustrate the amplitude spectra for the RV and \\bs\\ (thick line -- centre-of-gravity measurements, thin line -- multiple fit of gaussians). The vertical dashed lines show the photometric pulsational periods of \\equ\\ (Martinez et al. 1996).} \\label{fig2} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "Our time-resolved magnetic measurements of \\equ\\ have achieved the highest precision for a roAp star, but reveal no evidence of pulsational modulation of the field strength. We constrain possible magnetic variability to be below $\\approx$5~G in Fe lines. These results suggest that the marginal detection of $\\approx$100~G \\bs\\ variability during the pulsation cycle reported in \\equ\\ by Savanov et al. \\cite{SMB03} is spurious, and probably stems from insufficient precision of the \\bs\\ measurements in that study. The null result reported in the present paper complements non-detection of the pulsational variability of \\bz\\ determined from \\nd\\ lines (Kochukhov et al. \\scite{KRP04}). It should be recalled that the Fe lines studied in our paper and the REE lines showing strong pulsational RV modulation are formed at substantially different atmospheric depths due to the extreme stratification of chemical abundances in cool Ap stars and in \\equ\\ in particular. Stratification analysis presented by Ryabchikova et al. \\cite{RPK02} allows us to conclude that \\nd\\ lines sample very high atmospheric layers with optical depths $\\log\\tau_{5000}\\la-7$, while the Fe lines are formed below $\\log\\tau_{5000}\\approx-1$. The striking difference in the RV amplitudes of Fe and \\nd\\ lines is then attributed to an outward increase of pulsational amplitude by roughly a factor of 50--100. This increase is none the less not accompanied by an increase or even the presence of any observable oscillations of the magnetic field structure. Combining the results of this paper with the study of Kochukhov et al. \\cite{KRP04}, and taking into account that for \\equ\\ $B_s\\approx 2.6 B_\\ell$, we find that at all observed atmospheric depths \\bs\\ changes by less than about $0.5$~G per \\ms\\ of corresponding velocity oscillations. Hence, possible magnetic variability is constrained to be below 1\\% of the field strength. We note that \\equ\\ is distinguished among the roAp stars by its strong magnetic field, sharp lines and the exceptionally high amplitude of pulsational line profile changes. Yet this star defies any attempts to detect magnetic variability with pulsation phase. This suggests that rapid magnetic modulation may be even more difficult to detect in other roAp pulsators. The outcome of our monitoring of \\bz\\ and \\bs\\ in \\equ\\ demonstrates that very accurate measurements of the Zeeman resolved lines can yield more precise magnetic time-series compared with the polarimetric \\bz\\ observations. Therefore, the most promising direction for future attempts to detect magnetic oscillations in \\equ\\ (which are in any case unlikely to exceed a few tens of gauss) would be to observe those \\ion{Nd}{ii}, \\nd\\ and \\pr\\ lines which are characterized by large pulsational RV shifts and at the same time show Zeeman resolved profiles. Unfortunately, the extra broadening of the pulsating lines (see Kochukhov \\& Ryabchikova \\scite{KR01a}) strongly smears observed Zeeman structure and makes proposed study of \\bs\\ oscillations extremely difficult." }, "0404/astro-ph0404372_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Near-infrared and optical imaging of BL Lac host galaxies is used to investigate their colour properties. We find that the $R$--$H$ colour and colour gradient distributions of the BL Lac hosts are much wider than those for normal ellipticals, and many objects have very blue hosts and/or steep colour gradients. The blue colours are most likely caused by recent star formation. The lack of obvious signs of interaction may, however, require a significant time delay between the interaction event with associated star formation episodes and the onset of the nuclear activity. ", "introduction": "Optical imaging of low redshift (z $<$ 0.5) BL Lac objects (e.g. Falomo \\& Kotilainen 1999; Urry et al. 2000) has shown that virtually all of them are hosted in luminous ellipticals, with characteristics indistinguishable from those of inactive massive ellipticals. On the other hand, near-infrared (NIR) imaging has only been available for small samples of BL Lacs (Kotilainen et al. 1998 [K98]; Scarpa et al. 2000 [S00]; Cheung et al. 2003 [C03]). We present deep high spatial resolution ($\\sim$0.7 arcsec FWHM) NIR $H$--band (1.65 $\\mu$m) imaging of 23 low redshift (z $<$ 0.3) BL Lacs that were previously investigated in the optical $R$-band (references above). We combine them with previous data to form a sample of 41 BL Lacs with which to investigate the optical-NIR colour properties of the BL Lac hosts and to compare them with radio galaxies (RG) and inactive ellipticals. Full report is given in Kotilainen \\& Falomo (2004). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404144_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A number of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) have recently been detected in the optical/IR wavelengths. We use their inferred brightness to place general constraints on any model for this emission within the magnetar framework. We find that neutron-star surface emission cannot account for the observations and that the emission must be magnetospheric in origin. We propose a model for the optical/IR emission in which a distribution of energetic electrons in the neutron-star magnetosphere emits synchrotron radiation. This model can naturally reproduce the observed brightness and the rising spectra of AXPs as well as the observed pulsations at the stellar spin frequency and the correlation of the IR flux with their bursting activity. ", "introduction": "Magnetars are a class of neutron stars powered by the decay of their ultrastrong magnetic fields (Duncan \\& Thompson 1992). If they are isolated, magnetars are believed to appear as persistent pulsars in the X-rays, with occasional episodes of bursting activity in the hard X-rays/soft $\\gamma$-rays. Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters (SGRs) are thought to be the observational manifestations of magnetars: their steady spin-down, quasi-thermal X-ray spectra, bursts, and the absence of binary companions all lend support to this identification (see, e.g., Kouveliotou et al.\\ 1998; Mereghetti, Israel, \\& Stella 1998; Woods et al.\\ 1999; \\\"Ozel, Psaltis, \\& Kaspi 2001; Gavriil \\& Kaspi 2002; Gavriil, Kaspi, \\& Woods 2003). The absence, until recently, of detectable emission from AXPs and SGRs in longer wavelengths constrained all such studies to the X-rays and $\\gamma$-rays. In the last few years, faint counterparts of four AXPs have been detected in IR and optical wavelengths (Hulleman, van Kerkwijk, \\& Kulkarni 2000, 2004; Hulleman et al.\\ 2001; Israel et al.\\ 2002, 2003; Wang \\& Chakrabarty 2002) but no counterparts have yet been observed for SGRs, due at least in part to the high extinction along the line of sight to these sources (Corbel et al.\\ 1997, 1999; Vrba et al.\\ 2000; Kaplan et al.\\ 2001, 2002; Eikenberry et al.\\ 2001; Wachter et al.\\ 2004). The AXP counterparts were found to be variable, with fluxes possibly correlated with the bursting activity (Kaspi et al.\\ 2003), had rising spectra in $\\nu F_\\nu$ (Hulleman et al.\\ 2004; see Fig.~1 below), and showed pulsations at the stellar spin frequency (Kern \\& Martin 2002). These long-wavelength detections have been used to argue strongly against the presence of accretion disks and companion stars around AXPs (Hulleman et al.\\ 2000; Perna, Hernquist, \\& Narayan 2000). However, no predictions have been made so far for the expected long-wavelength emission from a magnetar, which can be tested against observations (see Eichler, Gedalin, \\& Lyubarsky 2002 for a preliminary discussion). In this {\\it Letter}, we discuss the strong constraints imposed by the observed IR and optical brightness of AXPs on any magnetar emission model. In particular, we argue that the long-wavelength emission cannot originate from the surface of the neutron star. We suggest that synchrotron emission from energetic particles in the magnetosphere at $\\gtrsim 50$ stellar radii is responsible for this emission. ", "conclusions": "In this {\\em Letter}, we described a model of the optical/IR emission of AXPs in which a distribution of energetic electrons in the neutron star magnetosphere emits synchrotron radiation. This model can naturally reproduce the observed brightness and the rising spectra of AXPs. In the calculations reported above, we have made some simplifying assumptions that may affect the quantitative predictions of the model. First, we did not take into account the angular dependence of the magnetic field and of the emitted radiation. Relaxing this assumption will result in a brightness and spectrum that depends on the relative orientation of the magnetic axis and the observer. Moreover, it will naturally give rise to pulsations of the long-wavelength emission at the stellar spin frequency. Second, we have assumed a mono-energetic distribution of electrons throughout the magnetosphere. Allowing for a radial profile of the electron Lorentz factor $\\gamma$ will affect the slope of the optical/IR spectrum and may give rise to spectral breaks at frequencies characteristic of the acceleration and cooling mechanisms in the magnetosphere. The source of energy and the mechanism of particle acceleration in the magnetosphere of a magnetar are open questions. The long-wavelength observations of AXPs may provide within this model clues towards distinguishing between various possibilities. If the source of this radiation is dissipation of the rotational energy of the neutron star, then equation~(2) provides an upper limit on the flux of magnetospheric synchrotron photons (see the dashed line in Fig.~2). This, in return, sets an upper limit on the frequency of synchrotron radiation at $\\simeq 10^{15}$~Hz for the parameters of 4U~0142$+$61. Combining this limit with equation~(6) and the best-fit value of the parameter $B_{\\rm NS} \\gamma^4$ (see Fig.~2) results in a lower limit on the emission radius of $r/R_{\\rm NS} \\gtrsim 80 (B_{\\rm NS}/10^{14}$~G$)^{5/12}$. The observations of 4U~0142$+$61, in this framework, require that either the particles do not radiate at smaller radii or that particle acceleration takes place at large distances from the neutron star surface, possibly due to the formation of bound positronium states (Leinson \\& P\\'erez 2000) at the stronger magnetic fields close to the star. The inferred IR spectrum of 4U~0142$+$61 is flatter than its optical spectrum (Hulleman et al.\\ 2004). This can be achieved for a radial distribution of Lorentz factors that rises locally with increasing radius. Such an energy distribution would strongly suggest that the particles are accelerated at $\\gtrsim 100 R_{\\rm NS}$ and lose energy via synchrotron radiation as they follow field lines back toward the star. If the low-frequency radiation is powered by magnetic energy, such a configuration may naturally arise from the dissipation of Alfv\\'en waves in the magnetospheres of magnetars (Thompson \\& Duncan 1996). Because of the much larger reservoir of magnetic energy, the optical spectrum may extend to higher frequencies than in the case of rotation power. Observations of AXPs and SGRs in UV wavelengths will be important in distinguishing between different mechanisms. Note also that the optical and IR observations of 4U~0142$+$61 were not carried out simultaneously and may point to a change in the magnetic field configuration in time. Simultaneous and/or repeat observations may also provide additional clues to the nature of the emission. This magnetospheric model can also account for a number of other observed properties of the optical/IR emission of AXPs. As mentioned above, the magnetic field geometry and the angular dependence of synchrotron emission gives rise to pulsations at the stellar spin frequency as observed (Kern \\& Martin 2002). The optical/IR flux is also likely to be polarized due to the strong beaming of synchrotron emission but a quantitative prediction for the degree of polarization requires including in the calculations the angle dependences discussed above. Observations that search for polarization of the optical emission may help further constrain the magnetospheric model. In addition, the optical/IR emission will naturally respond to the changes in the magnetic field strength, configuration, or spin-down rate following an SGR-like burst. The timescale for this flux enhancement will be dictated by the rearrangement of magnetic field lines which are anchored in the neutron star crust and thus will proceed at a slower pace than any characteristic timescale in the magnetosphere. Such correlated changes have been observed following the burst of 1E~2259$+$586 (Kaspi et al.\\ 2003). \\begin{figure}[t] \\centerline{ \\psfig{file=Fig3.eps,width=11truecm} } \\figcaption[]{The ratio of the unabsorbed IR flux in the K band to the X-ray flux at $5 \\times 10^{17}$~Hz as a function of the rotational luminosity for four persistent AXPs. Normalizing to the X-ray flux minimizes the differences in distance uncertainties and absorption column between the sources. The positive correlation supports the idea of magnetospheric origin for the long-wavelength emission. \\label{Fig:rot}} \\end{figure} Finally, because of its proposed magnetospheric origin, the low-energy emission of AXPs is expected to correlate with the rate of rotational or magnetic energy losses. The absolute luminosities of AXPs in the IR are very hard to infer observationally because of the unknown distances and the effects of the large interstellar absorption to these sources. To minimize these uncertainties, we have normalized the unabsorbed IR flux in the K band to the unabsorbed persistent X-ray flux at $5 \\times 10^{17}$~Hz. The intrinsic X-ray luminosities of AXPs are expected to be similar between the sources and not to depend strongly on the magnetic field strength. Even though such a luminosity clustering is difficult to infer from the data, their quasi-thermal spectra with similar color temperatures and the fact that the emitting areas should all be comparable to the surface area of a neutron star point to such a theoretical expectation. The inferred flux ratios are plotted against the observed rate of rotational energy loss in Figure~3 (see Israel et al.\\ 2003 and references therein for the data). The overall correlation provides additional support to the model of magnetospheric optical/IR emission of AXPs discussed here." }, "0404/astro-ph0404308_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We selected a sample of eight bright unobscured (at least at the iron line energy) Seyfert Galaxies observed simultaneously by XMM-\\textit{Newton} and BeppoSAX, taking advantage of the complementary characteristics of the two missions. The main results of our analysis can be summarized as follows: narrow neutral iron lines are confirmed to be an ubiquitous component in Seyfert spectra; none of the analyzed sources shows unambiguously a broad relativistic iron line; all the sources of our sample (with a single exception) show the presence of a Compton reflection component; emission lines from ionized iron are observed in some sources; peculiar weak features around 5-6 keV (possibly arising from rotating spots on the accretion disk) are detected in two sources. The scenario emerging from these results strongly requires some corrections for the classical model of reprocessing from the accretion disk. As for materials farther away from the Black Hole, our results represent a positive test for the Unification Model, suggesting the presence of the torus in (almost) all sources, even if unobscured. ", "introduction": "The X-ray spectrum of Seyfert Galaxies consists of several components, whose relative importance changes with energy. It is therefore important to observe them in an energy range as wide as possible. In this respect, simultaneous XMM-\\textit{Newton}/BeppoSAX observations represent a unique opportunity to analyze the relations between different parts of the spectrum. Indeed, the combination of XMM-\\textit{Newton} superior effective area and BeppoSAX broad band coverage makes this kind of observations a powerful tool to disentangle the various components and then put them in the context of the overall spectrum of Seyfert Galaxies. In particular, simultaneous observations are ideally suited for the study of the origin of the iron lines. On one hand, with XMM-\\textit{Newton} one can study in detail the line profile, which provides valuable hints on the distance of the emitting matter from the Black Hole (BH) by dynamic arguments. If the line is produced in the innermost regions of the accretion disk, the resulting profile has a characteristic double-peaked shape, due to Doppler and gravitational effects \\citep[see][for a review]{fab00}. If, instead, the line is produced much farther away from the BH, as for instance in the `torus' invoked in Unification Models \\citep{antonucci93}, a symmetric profile is preserved, broadening by kinetic motion of the emitting gas being likely below spectral resolution of present detectors. Finally, if the line is produced in the Broad Line Region (BLR), its width should be consistent with that of the broad optical/UV lines. On the other hand, BeppoSAX has proven so far to be the best X-ray mission to measure the amount of the Compton reflection component, which can be crucial to discern between an origin of the line from Compton-thick or Compton-thin matter \\citep{mgm03}. Simultaneous XMM-\\textit{Newton}/BeppoSAX observations of Seyfert Galaxies have already been analyzed in the past: NGC~5506 \\citep{matt01,bianchi03}, NGC~7213 \\citep{bianchi03b}, NGC~5548 \\citep{pounds03}, IC~4329A \\citep{gond01}, MKN~841 \\citep{petr02} and MCG-6-30-15 \\citep{fab02}. In this paper, we selected a sample of eight sources with simultaneous observations, with the aim to understand the origin of their iron lines. ", "conclusions": "Conclusions} We selected a sample of eight sources observed simultaneously by XMM-\\textit{Newton} and BeppoSAX, taking advantage of the complementary characteristics of the two satellites, which make them one of the most effective ways to investigate the origin of iron lines. The main results of our analysis can be summarized as follows. \\begin{itemize} \\item \\textbf{Narrow neutral iron lines are confirmed to be an ubiquitous component in Seyfert spectra.} Their width is generally unresolved, both at the EPIC pn and the \\textit{Chandra} gratings resolutions, thus requiring a production in a material much farther from the BH than the accretion disk. Even when marginally resolved, the measured widths are typically consistent either with an origin from the torus or the BLR. This result is in agreement with the analysis of larger XMM-\\textit{Newton} and \\textit{Chandra} samples \\citep[see e.g.][and references therein]{page04,yaq04}. \\item \\textbf{None of the analyzed sources shows a broad relativistic iron line.} However, a very broad and gravitationally shifted iron line (as expected from the inner radii of a rapidly rotating BH) is not formally excluded in any of the sources. \\item \\textbf{All the sources of our sample (with a single exception) show the presence of a Compton reflection component.} It is very appealing to associate the observed Compton reflection with the narrow iron line, since both features are produced by a (mostly) neutral gas and the values of R and the EW are compatible in all sources with a common origin in the same Compton-thick material. Then the most obvious identification for this matter would be the torus, which has all the necessary properties. Moreover, its presence also in unobscured sources is in complete agreement with Unification Models. \\item \\textbf{Our sample includes the only Seyfert Galaxy observed by BeppoSAX without a Compton reflection component.} In this source, namely NGC~7213, the detected iron line must originate in a Compton-thin material, such as the BLR or a Compton-thin torus. \\item \\textbf{Emission lines from ionized iron are detected in three sources: NGC~5506, NGC~7213 and IC~4329A.} These features, at 6.68 and 6.97 keV (only the latter is present in the \\textit{Chandra} spectrum of IC~4329A) and with EWs of a few tens eV, are readily identified with emission from \\ion{Fe}{xxv} and \\ion{Fe}{xxvi}. A possible evidence for a \\ion{Fe}{xxvi} line was found also for MCG-02-58-022. Such lines are often observed with large EWs in Seyfert 2s, produced by an ionized, Compton-thin material. If these emitting regions are also present in the environment of Seyfert 1s, as expected in unification schemes, we should in principle be able to observe these lines as well, although with a much smaller EW due to dilution by the direct nuclear continuum. \\citet{bm02} found that the resulting EWs can be as large as a few tens eV, as observed in our sources. The limited sensitivity and energy resolution of past X-ray missions prevented, until a couple of years ago, the unambiguous detection of these features in unobscured sources. The large sensitivity of XMM-\\textit{Newton} allows now to detect for the first time these lines. \\item \\textbf{Emission lines around 5-6 keV are detected in two sources: ESO198-G024 and NGC~3516.} These lines, even if sometimes detected with modest significance, appear to be variable on short (ESO198-G024) and long timescales (NGC~3516). A similar feature was also possibly found in the \\textit{Chandra} spectrum of IC~4329A. An interpretation for these lines consists of a 6.4 keV (rest-frame) iron line produced in a well-confined region of the accretion disk. If this is the case, the line photons suffer gravitational redshift and (relativistic) Doppler effects, as for the classical relativistic profile, but the observed line width would be in many cases narrow, because only the blue horn can be visible in moderate signal-to-noise ratio data. Such a possibility would arise if the illumination of the disk is provided in some very anisotropic way, differently from the standard corona model. An example would be a very localized `hot spot' just above the disk, possibly produced by a magnetic flare. Thus, the illumination would interest just a small region of the disk, and iron emission would be produced only there. We defer the reader to \\citet{dov04} for details on this model, which, if correctly explains the features, can provide a precise tool for measuring the BH mass. \\end{itemize} The picture emerging from the results presented above strongly requires some corrections for the classical model of reprocessing from the accretion disk. On one hand, the lack of broad, relativistic lines suggests that the physical properties of the disk are likely different from those generally invoked. In particular, it is possible that the disk is truncated at radii larger than the last stable orbit, or has a degree of ionization such as to prevent iron line emission. However, it is also possible that the lines are so broad (as expected, for example, if emitted from the innermost radii of an accretion disk around a rapidly rotating BH) that their profile cannot be easily disentangled from the underlying continuum in data with present statistical quality. On the other hand, the narrow features detected around 5-6 keV, if interpreted in terms of emission from hot orbiting spots above the disk, imply that the disk indeed extends down to the last stable orbit, emitting iron lines. These contradictory results may be telling us that the illuminating properties are very complex, and still not understood. A powerful test for all the scenarios proposed in this paper would probably be represented by high resolution time-resolved analysis, which adds another valuable piece of information to the data. However, this opportunity has to await the next generation of X-ray satellites, such as \\textit{Constellation-X} and \\textit{XEUS}, to be fully exploited. \\acknowledgement We would like to thank the anonymous referee for useful suggestions. This paper is based partly on observations obtained with XMM-\\textit{Newton}, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States and the USA (NASA). SB, GM, IB and GCP acknowledge ASI and MIUR (under grant \\textsc{cofin-03-02-23}) for financial support." }, "0404/astro-ph0404287_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on the first X-ray observations of the neutron star soft X-ray transient (SXT) XTE J2123--058 in quiescence, made by the {\\em Chandra X-ray Observatory} and {\\em BeppoSAX\\/}, as well as contemporaneous optical observations. In 2002, the {\\em Chandra} spectrum of XTE J2123--058 is consistent with a power-law model, or the combination of a blackbody plus a power-law, but it is not well-described by a pure blackbody. Using the interstellar value of $N_{\\rm H}$, the power-law fit gives $\\Gamma = 3.1^{+0.7}_{-0.6}$ and indicates a 0.3--8 keV unabsorbed luminosity of $(9^{+4}_{-3})\\times 10^{31}$ ($d$/8.5 kpc)$^{2}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$ (90\\% confidence errors). Fits with models consisting of thermal plus power-law components indicate that the upper limit on the temperature of a 1.4\\Msun, 10~km radius neutron star with a hydrogen atmosphere is $kT_{\\rm eff} < 66$~eV, and the upper limit on the unabsorbed, bolometric luminosity is $L_{\\infty} < 1.4\\times 10^{32}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$, assuming $d = 8.5$~kpc. Of the neutron star SXTs that exhibit short ($<$1 year) outbursts, including Aql X-1, 4U 1608--522, Cen X-4, and SAX J1810.8--2609, the lowest temperatures and luminosities are found for XTE J2123--058 and SAX J1810.8--2609. From the {\\em BeppoSAX\\/} observation of XTE J2123--058 in 2000, we obtained an upper limit on the 1--10 keV unabsorbed luminosity of $9\\times 10^{32}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$. Although this upper limit allows that the X-ray luminosity may have decreased between 2000 and 2002, that possibility is not supported by our contemporaneous $R$-band observations, which indicate that the optical flux increased significantly. Motivated by the theory of deep crustal heating by Brown and co-workers, we characterize the outburst histories of the five SXTs. The low quiescent luminosity for XTE J2123--058 is consistent with the theory of deep crustal heating without requiring enhanced neutron star cooling if the outburst recurrence time is $\\gsim$70 years. ", "introduction": "Accreting neutron stars can be found in high-mass (HMXB) or low-mass (LMXB) X-ray binary systems. The majority of HMXBs have transient X-ray emission. Their outburst spectra are relatively hard and X-ray pulsations from these highly magnetized ($B\\sim 10^{12}$~G) neutron stars are typically detected. A wide variety of X-ray behaviors are seen for neutron star LMXBs, but, in general, the lack of X-ray pulsations from most (but not all) of these systems, and the emission of type I X-ray bursts from some, suggest that they harbor neutron stars with relatively low magnetic field strengths ($B\\sim 10^{8-9}$~G). During $\\approx 33$ years of X-ray observations, some sources (e.g., Sco X-1, Cyg X-2) have maintained luminosities approaching the Eddington limit of $\\approx 10^{38}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$, while others are able to maintain persistent luminosities several orders of magnitude lower \\citep{wilson03}. In addition, there is a class of transient neutron star LMXBs for which the luminosity varies from a substantial fraction of Eddington to quiescent levels typically near $10^{32-33}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$. In outburst, these systems have relatively soft spectra compared to the HMXBs, and are commonly grouped with black hole transients as soft X-ray transients (SXTs). In quiescence, most neutron star SXTs exhibit X-ray energy spectra with a component that is typically fitted well by a blackbody, suggesting that the origin of this component is thermal emission from the surface of a cooling neutron star. Although a pure blackbody often provides a good fit to the spectrum, unphysical neutron star radii near 1 km are inferred unless an atmosphere is modeled \\citep{rutledge99}. In addition to the thermal component, the energy spectra often contain a second component that has a power-law shape. The brightest and best studied systems in this class, Cen X-4 and Aql X-1, usually display both components \\citep{rutledge01,rutledge02a,cs03,campana04}. However, other systems may be dominated by the thermal component, such as MXB 1659--29 \\citep{wijnands03b} and sources X-5 and X-7 in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae \\citep{heinke03}, or by the power-law component, such as SAX J1808.4--3658 \\citep{campana02} and EXO 1745--248 \\citep{wijnands03a}. Although theories for the thermal component, such as the deep crustal heating model of \\cite{bbr98}, are relatively well-developed and are being tested with observations, the origin of the power-law component is not understood beyond suggestions that it may be related to accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere \\citep{campana98} or a putative pulsar wind colliding with infalling matter from the companion star \\citep{tavani91}. In addition to our lack of understanding of the power-law component, questions remain about the mass accretion rate in quiescence, the origin of rapid (100--10,000~s) variability \\citep{rutledge02a,campana04}, and the origin of variability in the thermal component on longer time scales \\citep{rutledge02a}. Another important question is if quiescent observational properties correlate with other known differences between neutron star SXTs, such as whether they are millisecond X-ray pulsars (during outbursts) or not, whether the systems are in the field or in globular clusters, and whether their X-ray outbursts are long (years to decades) or short (weeks to months). Here, we report on X-ray and optical observations of the field neutron star SXT XTE J2123--058 taken during quiescence. XTE J2123--058 had its only detected X-ray outburst in 1998 June-August \\citep{lss98,tomsick99}, and we focus on observations made with {\\em Chandra}, {\\em BeppoSAX\\/}, and optical telescopes 2--4 years after the outburst. During the outburst, the {\\em Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE\\/)} detected type I X-ray bursts and a pair of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations \\citep{homan99,tomsick99}, indicating that the system contains a rapidly rotating neutron star. However, coherent X-ray pulsations were not found. The 6~hr binary orbital period and the fact that the binary inclination of the system is relatively high were established from optical modulation and the presence of partial eclipses in the optical light curve \\citep{tomsick99,swg99,zurita00,shahbaz03}. The high Galactic latitude ($b = -36^{\\circ}$) and low extinction have allowed for detailed optical studies of XTE J2123--058 in quiescence even though the source is rather faint at its relatively large distance ($8.5\\pm 2.5$ kpc). The optical observations show that XTE J2123--058 consists of a K7~V star on or close to the main sequence and a neutron star for which mass determinations of $1.5\\pm 0.3$~\\Msun~\\citep{tomsick01,casares02,tomsick02} and 1.04--1.56\\Msun~\\citep{shahbaz03} have been obtained. The focus of this paper is the first X-ray study of XTE J2123--058 in quiescence. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404078_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present XMM-{\\it Newton} observations of the young ($\\sim 2-5$ Myr) cluster around the hot (O9.5V) star $\\sigma$~Orionis~AB, aimed at obtaining a high resolution RGS spectrum of the hot star as well as EPIC imaging data for the whole field. We show that the RGS spectrum of $\\sigma$~Ori~AB may be contaminated by weaker nearby sources which required the development of a suitable procedure to extract a clean RGS spectrum and to determine the thermal structure and wind properties of the hot star. We also report on the detection of a flare from the B2Vp star $\\sigma$~Ori~E and we discuss whether the flare originated from the hot star itself or rather from an unseen late-type companion. Other results of this observation include: the detection of 174 X-ray sources in the field of $\\sigma$~Ori of which 75 identified as cluster members, including very low-mass stars down to the substellar limit; the discovery of rotational modulation in a late-type star near $\\sigma$~Ori~AB; no detectable line broadenings and shifts ($\\la 800$~km~s$^{-1}$) in the spectrum of $\\sigma$~Ori~AB together with a remarkable low value of the \\ion{O}{vii} forbidden to intercombination line ratio and unusually high coronal abundances of CNO elements. ", "introduction": "The $\\sigma$~Ori cluster, discovered by {\\it ROSAT} \\citep{wolk96, walter97} around the O9.5V star $\\sigma$~Ori~AB, belongs to the OB1b association and is located at a distance of $352_{-85}^{+166}$ pc \\citep[from {\\it Hipparcos},][]{hippa}. In addition to several hot stars, it is known to contain $\\sim 100$ likely pre-main sequence late-type stars within $30^\\prime$ of $\\sigma$~Ori, as well as some brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects \\citep{bejar99,zapat00,bejar01}. The estimated age of the cluster is $2-5$ Myr. We have obtained an XMM-{\\it Newton} observation of the $\\sigma$~Ori cluster, centered on the hot star $\\sigma$~Ori~AB, with the purpose of obtaining: i) a high-resolution RGS spectrum of the central source; ii) imaging data as well as low-resolution spectra over the whole field, including both a few early-type stars and a large number of late-type stars down to the substellar limit. Given the high sensitivity of XMM-{\\it Newton}, and the good combination of low- and high-resolution spectroscopic instruments on board, these observations were expected to shed light on the coronal and/or wind properties of stars in a very young cluster. X-ray emission from O and B stars is usually explained with the presence of winds. X-ray observations of the hot stars $\\zeta$~Pup (O4If) and $\\zeta$~Ori (O9Ib) have shown the presence of such winds, with velocity widths of the order of $600-1500$~km~s$^{-1}$ and blueshifted centroids \\citep{wald01,cas01,kahn}. However, some conflicting results have also been found, like high-densities close to the stellar surface in $\\zeta$~Ori \\citep{wald01}, where the velocity is too small to produce the shocks required for the X-ray emission, or a temperature structure in the Orion Trapezium hot stars that is similar to that of cool active stars, where the emission originates from magnetically confined coronal structures \\citep{sch03}. This has raised the question of whether coronal loops might be present in some hot stars partially contributing to their X-ray emission. High-resolution spectroscopic observations of the hot star $\\sigma$~Ori with XMM-{\\it Newton} can clarify some of these issues. As it will be described below, there are several X-ray sources, both hot and cool stars, in our XMM-{\\it Newton} field close enough to the central source to potentially contaminate its high-resolution RGS spectrum. Although their X-ray intensity lies well below the level of $\\sigma$~Ori~AB, they produce lines that can contribute significantly at certain wavelengths. These lines are shifted in wavelength with respect to those emitted by $\\sigma$~Ori~AB, because of the different locations of these sources within the RGS field of view (FOV). These spurious lines must be identified in order to correctly analyze the spectrum of the central source. To this aim, the capability of XMM-{\\it Newton} of obtaining simultaneous high-resolution spectra of the central source with RGS and low-resolution spectra of the other sources in the field with EPIC is of great advantage. By using the information derived from the EPIC spectra, it is possible in fact to model the expected contributions of nearby sources to the RGS spectra. This, together with the wavelengths shifts in the RGS spectra caused by the different offsets of the sources in the RGS FOV, allows an accurate correction of the $\\sigma$~Ori~AB spectrum for the contribution of nearby sources. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[clip]{sori_epic_bw.ps}} \\caption{Composite EPIC (MOS1+MOS2+PN) image of the $\\sigma$~Ori cluster} \\label{fig:sori_ima} \\end{figure} This paper is organized as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:observ} we present the analysis of the XMM-{\\it Newton} observation, discussing first the imaging data obtained with the EPIC PN and MOS detectors, and then the high-resolution spectroscopic data obtained with the RGS. Since the observed RGS spectra of the central source might in principle be contaminated by up to three nearby sources in addition to $\\sigma$~Ori~AB itself, we present in this section light curves and low-resolution EPIC spectra of these four sources, showing that one of them (the hot star $\\sigma$~Ori~E) is undergoing a flaring episode, another one (a K star) is showing evidence of rotational modulation, while $\\sigma$~Ori~AB and the fourth source (another K star) are either quiescent or of low variability. With regard to the EPIC spectra also presented in this section, $\\sigma$~Ori~AB appears much softer than the other three sources, consistently with typical X-ray spectra of hot stars. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:results}, we present the results of our analysis, first for $\\sigma$~Ori~AB and then for the flare on $\\sigma$~Ori~E. In particular, we derive, for the former star, the ``cleaned'' differential emission measure distribution, and we put constraints on wind velocities and shifts, chemical abundances and densities. For $\\sigma$~Ori~E we discuss the flare properties and we present evidence for circumstellar absorption. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:disc}, we discuss the implication of our results, both for current models of shocked winds in early-type stars (as in $\\sigma$~Ori~AB), and for the possible occurence of flares in hot stars (as opposite to flares originating from unseen late-type companions). Finally in Sect.~\\ref{sec:conclusions} we summarize our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404552_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "An experimental method to determine the (n,$\\gamma$) cross section of short-living $s$-process branching points using data of the inverse ($\\gamma$,n) reaction is presented. The method was used to observe the branching point nucleus $^{95}$Zr because the elemental abundance patterns corresponding to this branching point cannot be reproduced by full stellar models and a possible error source is the neutron capture cross section of $^{95}$Zr. The analysis of the experiment is still under progress, we will outline the current status in this manuscript. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The nucleosynthesis of the elements heavier than iron is today mainly explained by three processes: $s$-, $r$-, and $p$-process. $s$- and $r$-process are based on neutron-capture reactions with adjacent $\\beta$-decays while the $p$-process is governed by photodisintegration reactions such as ($\\gamma$,n), ($\\gamma$,p), or ($\\gamma$,$\\alpha$). The distinction between $s$- and $r$-process is due to the different neutron densities $n_{\\rm n}$ involved. During $s$-process nucleosynthesis $n_{\\rm n}$ is in the order of $10^8\\ {\\rm neutrons}/{\\rm cm}^3$ while typical $r$-process sites deal with $n_{\\rm n} > 10^{20}\\ {\\rm neutrons}/{\\rm cm}^3$ \\cite{beer00}. Hence, the neutron capture rates $\\lambda_{({\\rm n},\\gamma)}$ are larger than typical $\\beta$-decay rates $\\lambda_\\beta$ during $r$-process nucleosynthesis ($\\lambda_{({\\rm n},\\gamma)} \\gg \\lambda_\\beta$, $r$: rapid). In the $s$-process the situation is the other way round ($\\lambda_{({\\rm n},\\gamma)} \\ll \\lambda_\\beta$, $s$: slow) and the involved nuclei are close to the valley of $\\beta$-stability.% However even in a $s$-prozess scenario, if the half-life $T_{1/2}$ is long enough and the neutron capture cross section high enough another neutron capture might take place and the path ``branches'' out. Therefore, these nuclides are called branching points of the $s$-process. The branching ratio -- i.e. how often each of the paths is taken -- determines the corresponding elemental abundance patterns. Using a model for $s$-process nucleosynthesis and knowing precisely the nuclear physics input (half-life $T_{1/2}$ and Maxwellian averaged capture cross section (MACS) at typical $s$-process temperatures $kT = 30\\ {\\rm keV}$) it is possible to determine the astrophysical parameters temperature $T$ and neutron density $n_{\\rm n}$. In the so-called classical approach temperature $T$ and neutron density $n_{\\rm n}$ are considered to be constant. Thus, three different components produced with different astrophysical parameters are needed to reproduce the observed abundances of $s$-only nuclei: the weak component corresponds to mass numbers $A < 90$ while the strong component only describes the termination of the $s$-process path at lead and bismuth. In between these borders the isotopes belong to the so-called main $s$-process \\cite{kaep99}. The abundances of $s$-only isotopes that are not affected by a branching can be reproduced with a mean square deviation of about 3\\% using this simple model \\cite{kaep90}. A more realistic approach is a full stellar model, e.g. the AGB star model described in Ref.~\\cite{luga03a}. These models need very precise nuclear physics input data to reproduce the $s$-only abundances. Especially the MACS of several branching points hamper the reliability of the predictions: due to the lack of experimental data the theoretical predictions of the MACS sometimes show a broad spread (see \\cite{bao00}). A direct measurement of the MACS of the branching points is only possible if their half-lives are in the order of years (e.g. $^{147}$Pm with $T_{1/2} = 2.62\\ {\\rm yr}$ \\cite{reif03}). In the case of short-living branching points with half-lives of about a dozen days or even less, adequate samples are not available. Thus, direct measurements are possible. To solve this problem we have investigated an experimental method using the data of the inverse ($\\gamma$,n) reaction as described in Section~\\ref{sec:expmeth}. Section~\\ref{sec:prop} presents % $^{95}$Zr focusing on astrophysical aspects as well as on the constraints of our experimental method for this nuclide. The present status of the analysis is summarized in Section~\\ref{subsec:status}. In Section~\\ref{sec:summ} we describe the next step in the data evaluation. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summ} The precise knowledge of the (n,$\\gamma$) cross section of the $s$-process branching point $^{95}$Zr is a crucial input parameter to test the reliability of the AGB star model. Due to the very wide range of the theoretically predicted values a measurement observing the inverse reaction with the photoactivation technique was carried out at the S--DALINAC in June 2002. During the analysis of the data several problems occured: The energy dependence of the ($\\gamma$,n) cross section of $^{96}$Zr extracted from the data differs significantly from the theoretical prediction. In our opinion, the deviation is due to resonances that are not included in the used theory. Therefore, the experimental method described in Section~\\ref{sec:expmeth} determines an energy dependent correction factor $f(E_\\gamma)$ that cannot be used to correct the predicted MACS of $^{95}$Zr without further studies. Hence, the experiment was extended in May 2003 by measuring the ($\\gamma$,n) cross section of $^{96}$Zr closer to the reaction threshold. Therefore, a new calibration standard with lower neutron separation energy was measured during the same beam-time. The analysis of the new standard $^{187}$Re is still under progress, preliminary results like the spectrum shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:cali} are encouraging that it will work as well as our first standard $^{197}$Au. Once a description of the ($\\gamma$,n) cross section of $^{187}$Re near threshold is available the new data point of $^{96}$Zr taken at $E_{\\rm max} = 8100\\ {\\rm keV}$ has to be added to the existing analysis. Therewith, the discrepancy between the experimental result and the theoretical prediction will hopefully disappear or at least become explainable. The outcome of the whole analysis that is the experimentally confirmed MACS of $^{95}$Zr can then be used in the AGB star model and might solve the problems in explaining the observed zirconium abundance patterns in SiC grains. In future, we will take more data points at different energies $E_{\\rm max}$ in order to reduce difficulties due to resonances on top of the cross section. If the distance between two data points $\\Delta E_{\\rm max}$ is smaller, the determination of the location of a resonance is possible with higher precision. \\begin{theacknowledgments} The authors would like to thank R.\\ Gallino (Torino, Italy) and F.\\ K\\\"appeler (Karlsruhe, Germany) for fruitful discussions concerning $s$-process modelling. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (contracts Zi 510/2-2 and SFB 634) and Swiss NSF (grants 2124-055832.98, 2000-061822.00, 2024-067428.01). \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404546_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The basic workings of inflationary models are summarized, along with the arguments that strongly suggest that our universe is the product of inflation. I describe the quantum origin of density perturbations, giving a heuristic derivation of the scale invariance of the spectrum and the leading corrections to scale invariance. The mechanisms that lead to eternal inflation in both new and chaotic models are described. Although the infinity of pocket universes produced by eternal inflation are unobservable, it is argued that eternal inflation has real consequences in terms of the way that predictions are extracted from theoretical models. Although inflation is generically eternal into the future, it is not eternal into the past: it can be proven under reasonable assumptions that the inflating region must be incomplete in past directions, so some physics other than inflation is needed to describe the past boundary of the inflating region. The ambiguities in defining probabilities in eternally inflating spacetimes are reviewed, with emphasis on the youngness paradox that results from a synchronous gauge regularization technique. ", "introduction": "I will begin by summarizing the basics of inflation, including a discussion of how inflation works, and why many of us believe that our universe almost certainly evolved through some form of inflation. This material is mostly not new, although the observational evidence in support of inflation has recently become much stronger. Since observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum have become so important, I will elaborate a bit on how it is determined by inflationary models. Then I will move on to discuss eternal inflation, showing how once inflation starts, it generically continues forever, creating an infinite number of ``pocket'' universes. If inflation is eternal into the future, it is natural to ask if it can also be eternal into the past. I will describe a theorem by Borde, Vilenkin, and me (Borde, Guth, \\& Vilenkin 2003) which shows under mild assumptions that inflation cannot be eternal into the past, and thus some new physics will be necessary to explain the ultimate origin of the universe. ", "conclusions": "In this paper I have summarized the workings of inflation, and the arguments that strongly suggest that our universe is the product of inflation. I argued that inflation can explain the size, the Hubble expansion, the homogeneity, the isotropy, and the flatness of our universe, as well as the absence of magnetic monopoles, and even the characteristics of the nonuniformities. The detailed observations of the cosmic background radiation anisotropies continue to fall in line with inflationary expectations, and the evidence for an accelerating universe fits beautifully with the inflationary preference for a flat universe. Our current picture of the universe seems strange, with 95\\% of the energy in forms of matter that we do not understand, but nonetheless the picture fits together very well. Next I turned to the question of eternal inflation, claiming that essentially all inflationary models are eternal. In my opinion this makes inflation very robust: if it starts anywhere, at any time in all of eternity, it produces an infinite number of pocket universes. Eternal inflation has the very attractive feature, from my point of view, that it offers the possibility of allowing unique (or possibly only constrained) predictions even if the underlying string theory does not have a unique vacuum. I discussed the past of eternally inflating models, concluding that under mild assumptions the inflating region must have a past boundary, and that new physics (other than inflation) is needed to describe what happens at this boundary. I have also described, however, that our picture of eternal inflation is not complete. In particular, we still do not understand how to define probabilities in an eternally inflating spacetime. The bottom line, however, is that observations in the past few years have vastly improved our knowledge of the early universe, and that these new observations have been generally consistent with the simplest inflationary models." }, "0404/astro-ph0404293_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Explosions of type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic) are investigated using a relativistic hydrodynamic code to study roles of their outermost layers of the ejecta in light element nucleosynthesis through spallation reactions as a possible mechanism of the \"primary\" process. We have confirmed that the energy distribution of the outermost layers with a mass fraction of only $0.001$ \\% follows the empirical formula proposed by previous work when the explosion is furious. In such explosions, a significant fraction of the ejecta ( $>$0.1 \\% in mass ) have the energy greater than the threshold energy for spallation reactions. On the other hand, it is found that the outermost layers of ejecta become more energetic than the empirical formula would predict when the explosion energy per unit ejecta mass is smaller than $\\sim 1.3\\times 10^{51}\\mbox{ ergs/}\\Msun$. As a consequence, it is necessary to numerically calculate explosions to estimate light element yields from SNe Ic. The usage of the empirical formula would overestimate the yields by a factor of $\\gtsim 3$ for energetic explosions such as SN 1998bw and underestimate the yields by a similar factor for less energetic explosions like SN 1994I. The yields of light elements Li, Be, and B (LiBeB) from SNe Ic are estimated by solving the transfer equation of cosmic rays originated from ejecta of SNe Ic and compared with observations. The abundance ratios Be/O and B/O produced by each of our SNe Ic models are consistent with those of metal-poor stars. The total amounts of these elements estimated from observations indicate that energetic SNe Ic like SN 1998bw could be candidates for a production site of Be and B in the Galactic halo only when the fraction of this type out of all the SNe was a factor of $>100$ higher than the value estimated from current observational data. This primary mechanism would predict that there are stars significantly deficient in light elements which were formed from the ISM not affected by SNe Ic. Since this has no support from current observations, other primary mechanisms such as the light element formation in superbubbles are needed for other types of SNe. The observed abundance pattern of all elements including heavy elements in metal-poor stars suggests that these two mechanisms should have supplied similar amounts of Be and B. Our calculations show that SNe Ic can not produce an appreciable amount of Li. ", "introduction": "The amounts of the light elements Li, Be, and B (LiBeB) at present are thought to be the sum of the products of the big bang nucleosynthesis and the subsequent cosmic-ray spallation reactions. The contribution from the big bang nucleosynthesis to $^7$Li is thought to be most pronounced among these three elements. Though some fractions of Li have been depleted inside some cool stars, its abundances on the surfaces of metal-poor stars are the only information that we can use to identify the contribution from the big bang nucleosynthesis \\citep[e.g.,][]{Ryan_99}. Thus it is important to know the contribution from the cosmic-ray spallation reactions to Li in the early stages of the Galaxy evolution during which metal-poor stars were formed. With this knowledge, we can constrain the cosmological parameters to synthesize light elements in the big bang nucleosynthesis \\citep{Ryan_00}. In addition, the investigation of the evolution of these elements in the early stages of the Galaxy enables us to understand the origin of cosmic-rays responsible for the light element nucleosynthesis. Recent observations of extremely metal-poor stars apparently suggest that the primary (not secondary) spallation process dominated the light element nucleosynthesis in the early Galaxy \\citep{Duncan_92}. In other words, cosmic-rays composed of C/O interacting with protons and/or He nuclei in the interstellar medium (ISM) have predominantly produced LiBeB. A primary mechanism, in which LiBeB were produced in supernova ejecta-enriched superbubbles, was suggested to explain the Be evolution in the early Galaxy \\citep{Higdon_98}. Since then, two-component models in which light elements are produced by standard Galactic cosmic-rays and metal-enriched particles in superbubbles have been investigated by several authors \\citep{Ramaty_00, Fields_00, Suzuki_01}. These studies concluded that a primary mechanism is needed to explain the observed abundance trends of Be and B with O and Fe. Recently, \\citet{Suzuki_01} investigated the chemical evolution of LiBeB in the early epoch of the Galaxy using an inhomogeneous chemical evolution model developed by \\citet{Tsujimoto_99} in which star formation is assumed to be induced by supernova (SN) explosions. Their model succeeded in reproducing not only the observed metallicity distribution of Galactic halo stars but also the observed abundance correlations of heavy elements. \\citet{Suzuki_01} also considered two origins of Galactic cosmic-rays that synthesize light elements. One is from the ISM accelerated by SN shocks, and the other from SN ejecta accelerated by the SN shock. The authors claimed that $\\sim$2 \\% of Galactic cosmic-rays must be originated from the SN ejecta to reproduce the behavior of the abundance of Be at the metal-poor ends. However, their model suffers from shortage of energy supply from each SN to cosmic-rays. Moreover, the energy distributions of the cosmic-rays from these two origins might be different, though \\citet{Suzuki_01} assumed they are the same. \\citet{Fields_96} found from a numerical model of type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic) \\citep{Nomoto_90} that the outermost C/O layers of an SN could attain energies beyond the threshold value to produce LiBeB ($\\sim$30 MeV per nucleon for O$+$H$\\rightarrow$Be, which corresponds to the Lorentz factor of $\\sim$1.03). Energetic explosions of massive stars with stripped H-rich and He layers might be able to produce cosmic-rays enriched with C/O in the outermost layers of ejecta. In the model of \\citet{Nomoto_90}, the outermost layers of the ejecta do not become so relativistic. It may, however, be attributed to their coarse zoning in the outermost layers, which has to be as accurate as possible for this purpose. Furthermore, their numerical calculations were performed with a hydrodynamic code that does not take into account relativistic effects. Thus it was impossible to accurately estimate the contribution from SNe Ic to the light element nucleosynthesis with their results. The phenomena taking place when the supernova blast wave hits the surface of a relatively compact star were investigated in a more sophisticated fashion by \\citet{Ensman_92} and \\citet{Blinnikov_00} with their radiation-hydrodynamic codes. Their codes allow the radiation and the gas to go out of equilibrium. Both of their codes were non-relativistic except that they included light-travel-time corrections. They were concerned with the shock breakout of SN 1987A, because the most detailed observations immediately after the shock breakout were available for this SN. One of their main objectives was a detailed modelling of the UV burst immediately after the shock emergence. In addition to these numerical approaches, there have been semi-analytic approaches to the shock emergence in the plane-parallel medium in which the flow is assumed to be self-similar \\citep{Gandel'man_56, Sakurai_60}. \\citet{Kazhdan_92} took into account the sphericity of the flow in a neighborhood of the surface. These semi-analytic approaches are also limited to the non-relativistic flow. After the emergence of a very bright type Ic supernova, SN 1998bw, was found to be associated with a $\\gamma$-ray burst GRB 980425 \\citep{Galama_98} and \\citet{Kulkarni_98} inferred from their radio observations that the radio shock front of SN 1998bw was moving at relativistic speeds with the Lorentz factor between 1.6 and 2, the relativistic motion from supernova explosions has been investigated. \\citet{Matzner_99} estimated how much mass of relativistic ejecta could be obtained from the explosion of a massive star and derive an empirical formula giving the mass of relativistic ejecta from explosions of stars with simple polytropic density structures. Later, \\citet{Tan_01} revised the empirical formula using their relativistic hydrodynamic code. Their formula would give $\\sim 10^{-6}\\,M_\\odot$ of relativistic ejecta (Lorentz factor $>2$) from the explosion of a star with a mass of $10\\,M_\\odot$ and an energy of $10^{52}$ ergs. Using the empirical formula of \\citet{Matzner_99} for the energy distribution of SN ejecta, \\citet{Fields_02} concluded that SNe Ic, especially energetic events like SN 1998bw significantly contribute to light element nucleosynthesis through spallation reactions. The energy distribution of particles in SN ejecta used in \\citet{Fields_02} follow a power law with a power index of $-4.6$. This power index is quite different from that of the energy distribution of the ISM accelerated by SN remnant shock \\citep[e.g.][]{Meneguzzi_71}. Then \\citet{Fields_02} adopted a ``thick target'' approximation instead of solving the cosmic-ray transfer equation to derive the yields of LiBeB from the energy distribution of SN ejecta. There still remain some problems to be addressed in their work; the model for stellar structures \\citet{Matzner_99} assumed is so simple that it involves suspicions of inaccurate estimates. In addition, they set the adiabatic index $\\gamma$=constant over the whole stages of explosions, which may vary according to the physical conditions and affect the resultant energy distribution of the ejecta. Our objective is to construct a realistic model for SN ejecta moving at relativistic speeds and to investigate their contribution to light element syntheses. To improve the above situations, we calculate the energy distributions of ejecta as a result of SN explosions using a relativistic hydrodynamic (RHD) code with realistic numerical models for massive stars as the initial conditions. The atmospheres in radiative equilibrium are attached to the original models for massive stars (see references in Table \\ref{tbl-model}). This is essential to investigate the energy distribution of ejecta at highest energies after the shock breakout. We also verify the validity of $\\gamma$=constant by using more realistic equation of states that incorporates radiation and ideal gas in thermodynamic equilibrium. To investigate the change of the energy distribution of relativistic ejecta transferring in the ISM, we solve the transfer equation that takes into account the energy loss due to ionization and spallation reactions. From these calculations, the amounts of synthesized LiBeB through primary spallation reactions are obtained. In the next two sections, we describe our RHD code in Lagrangian coordinates (\\S2) and initial conditions (\\S3). Then, we show the results in \\S4, compare them with that of other authors, and discuss the differences. In \\S5, we estimate the yields of LiBeB using our explosion models together with the leaky box model. ", "conclusions": "We have performed numerical calculations for SNe Ic explosions using a relativistic hydrodynamic code to investigate how much mass of ejecta is accelerated beyond the threshold energy for spallation reactions to synthesize light elements. In our calculations, realistic massive star models are used as the initial conditions of SNe and the EOS takes into account the thermal radiation and ideal gas. We have compared the resultant energy distributions of ejecta with the empirical formula derived in \\citet{Fields_02} for some SN explosions including furious and normal SNe and found that the energy distributions of ejecta from the numerical calculations and the empirical formula agree only in the high energy tail when the explosion energy per unit ejecta mass significantly exceeds $1.3\\times 10^{51}\\mbox{ ergs/}\\Msun$. Otherwise, the empirical formula overestimates or underestimates the ejecta mass at around the threshold energy for spallation reactions. Therefore it is necessary to numerically calculate SN explosions to obtain a correct energy distribution of ejecta for estimations of the yield of light elements. To obtain the yields of light elements from the calculated SN ejecta, we have numerically solved the transfer equation taking into account the energy loss due to ionization of the ISM and spallation reactions with the ISM. The results suggest that light elements synthesized from energetic SNe Ic like SN 1998bw by this mechanism can explain the enrichment of Be and B observed in the Galactic halo stars if the fraction of SN 1998bw like SNe in the early Galaxy was a factor of $>100$ higher than current observational data suggest. This mechanism must not be the only primary mechanism that worked in the Galactic halo. Other primary mechanisms like superbubbles that supply light elements regardless of SN type are required to reproduce the observed abundance ratios such as Be/Fe. These SNe Ic can produce Li with more than one order of magnitude smaller amounts than indicated by observations. However, lack of information on the Li abundances in the metallicity range of $-2\\ltsim$[Fe/H]$\\ltsim -1$ prevents us from deducing a firm conclusion. SNe are suggested to be associated with aspherical explosions. The deviation from spherical symmetry will be able to increase the mass of ejecta with enough energies for spallation reactions for a given $E_{\\rm ex}/M_{\\rm ej}$ because $M(>\\epsilon)$ is proportional to the $\\sim3.4$---3.6 power of this value. To illustrate this effect, a simplified situation will be considered. Suppose the energy injected in the direction with a solid angle of $\\pi$ steradian is enhanced by a factor of two and the energy in the other directions is reduced by a factor of $1.5$, then the empirical formula for the mass $M(>\\epsilon)$ indicates that this mass will increase by a factor of $\\sim 2^{3.4}\\times 1/4 + (2/3)^{3.4}\\times3/4\\sim 2.8$ while the total energy will be unchanged. Applying the empirical formula obtained from the spherically symmetric calculations to this situation might lead to an erroneous result. Thus to further explore SNe Ic as a production site for light elements, we need to perform multi-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic calculations for SNe Ic that can trace the motion of the outermost ejecta with a sufficient accuracy such as the calculations presented here." }, "0404/astro-ph0404400_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We compute the covariance expected between the spherical harmonic coefficients $a_{\\ell m}$ of the cosmic microwave temperature anisotropy if the universe had a compact topology. For fundamental cell size smaller than the distance to the decoupling surface, off-diagonal components carry more information than the diagonal components (the power spectrum). We use a maximum likelihood analysis to compare the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe first-year data to models with a cubic topology. The data are compatible with finite flat topologies with fundamental domain $L > 1.2$ times the distance to the decoupling surface at 95\\% confidence. The WMAP data show reduced power at the quadrupole and octopole, but do not show the correlations expected for a compact topology and are indistinguishable from infinite models. ", "introduction": "The simplest model for the universe is a spatially homogeneous, isotropic spacetime with a Euclidian (flat) geometry. This simple model is consistent with observations, but leaves unaddressed the question of topology or the connectedness of spacetime. Schwartzschild \\citep{schwartzschild:1900} first noted the possiblitity of non-trivial topology for the Universe even before Einstein's discovery of his field equations. Almost immediately after Einstein's discovery, de Sitter \\citep{desitter:1917} pointed out the the field equations did not constrain the topology. Since general relativity provides no theoretical guidance, we turn to observations to constrain topology. Observational tests of topology all rely on multiple imaging of distant objects. If the universe is multiply-connected with cell size smaller than the distance to some object, photons from that object can reach the observer via multiple paths. Simply searching the sky for multiply-imaged point sources, e.g. quasars, is problematic: since the travel time to each image is different, each image shows the same object at a different time. If source evolution is important, the multiple images may no longer be recognizable as such. The ideal source for topological tests would fill the whole sky with a pattern centered on the observer and emitted at a single time. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is an excellent approximation to this ideal source. A number of authors have used the CMB to constrain the topology of the universe. These tests fall into two general categories. A compact topology can not support spatial structure with wavelength longer than the cell size. The CMB temperature anisotropy will thus be suppressed on angular scales larger than the (projected) cell size. The first category tests use the CMB power spectrum (or its Legendre transform, the 2-point correlation function) to test for non-trivial topology. The CMB in fact shows significantly less power in the quadrupole and octopole than would be expected for a model based on higher-order moments. The discrepancy was first detected by the Cosmic Background Explorer \\citep{bennett/etal:1996} and verified at much high signal to noise ratio by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) \\citep{bennett/etal:2003}. Figure \\ref{fig1-powerspectrum} shows the angular power spectrum of the WMAP first-year data compared to the best-fit $\\Lambda$CDM model \\citep{spergel/etal:2003}. Models with compact topology $L \\sim 1$ provide a good match to the observed power spectrum, motivating tests of finite-universe models \\citep{oliveira/smoot:1995, luminet/etal:2003}. The suppression of power on large angular scales is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the existence of a compact topology. The power spectrum is rotationally invariant, averaging over any phase information in the pattern of CMB anisotropy. Such phase information must exist for compact topologies, and forms the basis for a second class of tests. A ``circles on the sky'' search \\citep{cornish/etal:1998} provides a more stringent test for compact topologies. The CMB decoupling surface is a sphere centered on the observer. If the cell size is smaller than the distance to the decoupling surface, the multiple images of this sphere induced by a compact topology will intersect to produce patterns that match along circles. Such circles are not observed, limiting the cell size $L > 1.7$ for a wide class of models \\citep{cornish/etal:2003}. Additional tests are possible. Compact topologies will not produce circles on the sky if the cell size is larger than the distance to the source, since the resulting images will not intersect. Compact topologies with $L > 2$ may still be distinguished using phase information. In this paper, we describe the correlations imposed on the microwave background by the topology. We use this formalism to compare the WMAP first-year data to a model with cubic topology and derive constraints on the cell size $L$. ", "conclusions": "A compact topology imposes a specific pattern of correlations $\\left<{a_{\\ell m}}\\, a_{\\ell' m'}\\right>$ between the spherical harmonic expansion of the CMB temperature. We compute the expected correlations for the simplest non-trivial topology, the cubic torus, and compare a range of cell size $L$ to the WMAP first-year data using a maximum-likelihood algorithm. The covariance matrix explicitly includes the contribution from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect on large angular scales and the acoustic peaks at small scales. We separate the covariance into a piece dependent on the topology and a piece dependent on the cosmology. Although the transfer functions $\\Delta^{(S)}_{T\\ell}(k)$ for the cosmology assume isotropy in $k$-space, which is no longer exact for compact models, the effect is predominantly in the cosmology with negligible effect on the topology. The algorithm is sensitive both to the power spectrum of the data (diagonal elements of the covariance matrix for different ${a_{\\ell m}}$) as well as the phase information contained in the off-diagonal elements. For cell size $L < 2$ the off-diagonal elements are larger than the diagonal elements. A comparison of the data to topological models that utilizes only the power spectrum can produce false positives by ignoring the additional information in the off-diagonal elements. We demonstrate this using Monte Carlo simulations. The power spectrum is rotationally invariant and does not specify orientation. We may thus modify Eq. \\ref{chisq_def} to use the power spectrum $C_\\ell$ and its covariance (Eqs. \\ref{power_spec_def} and \\ref{eq-Cl-covar}) in place of the spherical harmonic coefficients $a_{\\ell m}$. When only considering the power spectrum, the maximum likelihood for the WMAP data occurs at $L=1.1{\\Delta\\tau}$; this is the ``finite'' model power spectrum plotted in Fig. \\ref{fig1-powerspectrum}. Does this imply a positive detection of finite topology? To test this, we generate 1000 Monte Carlo realizations drawn from a parent population with $L=1.1$ and generate the likelihood for each realization using the full covariance matrix (Eqs. \\ref{eq-alm-covar} and \\ref{bcut_matrix_eq}). For such a small topology scale, almost all realizations have their likelihood peak at $L=1.1$. This scale is small enough that the bias from maximizing over orientation is not important. For each realization, we also generate a ``companion'' realization with exactly the same power spectrum, but with completely uncorrelated ${a_{\\ell m}}$'s. The two realizations by construction must give the same results for an analysis based solely on the power spectrum. When we analyze the ``companion'' realizations using the full $a_{\\ell m}$ covariance matrix, we obtain results similar to the infinite models displayed in Fig. \\ref{fig3-maxprob}. A likelihood analysis using the full $a_{\\ell m}$ covariance matrix successfully distinguishes models with compact topology from models with identical power spectra but without the correlations between different $a_{\\ell m}$ required by the topology. Suppression of power in the quadrupole and octopole moments is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a compact topology. The WMAP data show reduced power at $\\ell = 2$ and 3, but do not show the correlations expected for a compact topology and are indistinguishable from infinite models. For cell size comparable to the distance to the decoupling surface, the correlations become weaker. Maximizing the likelihood over orientation then allows chance alignments to introduce a bias in the likelihood estimator. We quantify this using Monte Carlo simulations. The WMAP first-year data are consistent with input models drawn from parent populations with infinite fundamental domain. We establish 95\\% confidence limit $L > 17$ Gps for the cell size of a cubic topology, in agreement with the result of 24 Gpc obtained by \\cite{cornish/etal:2003}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404150_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A parallax method to determine transverse velocity in a gravitationally lensed system is described. Using the annual motion of the Earth around the Sun allows us to probe the local structure of the magnification map that, under certain assumptions, can be used to infer the effective transverse velocity. The method is applied to OGLE data for QSO2237+0305 and the velocity value is estimated to be about $15\\pm 10\\,\\rmn{km}\\,\\rmn{s}^{-1}$ if attributed to the lensing galaxy or about $420\\pm 300\\,\\rmn{km}\\,\\rmn{s}^{-1}$ if attributed to the quasar. We find this estimate unreasonably small and conclude that we have not measured a parallax effect. We give a short list of properties that a system should possess to allow a successful implementation of this method. ", "introduction": "\\label{firstpage} Among the various parameters needed to specify a microlensing model of a lensed system one of the most important is the overall transverse velocity. This is required in order to determine physical parameters from the observed temporal properties. Besides gravitational lensing, measuring the transverse velocities of galaxies is of considerable interest for studies of large-scale structure and kinematics \\citep{dekelreview, bernardeaureview}. There have been a number of successful attempts to use the annual motion of the Earth around the Sun for measuring the transverse velocities of microlenses in our own Galaxy. The microlensing optical depth remains very low within the Local Group and, wherever double lenses are not involved, can be well described by a Schwarzschild lens model. \\citet{gould92} developed a convenient formalism to describe the `annual parallax' effect in this case, that allows one to extract information on physical parameters of the lensing configuration, breaking some of the degeneracies inherent to the classical Paczy\\'nski light curve \\citep{paczynski}. The first microlensing event which showed a strong annual parallax signal was detected by the MACHO collaboration in the first-year data of the group's Galactic bulge program \\citep{alcock95} and six more were found among the longest events over the next seven years; two of these are currently among the best stellar mass black hole candidates \\citep{bennett02}. Events with an annual parallax signal were also found by other collaborations -- EROS/PLANET \\citep{an}, MOA \\citep{bond} and OGLE \\citep{ogle99, ogle01, ogledb}. Perhaps the most spectacular results related to this effect are the detection of the first multi-peaked microlensing event by OGLE collaboration \\citep{oglemultipeak}, and direct observations of a lens based on parameters determined via this method \\citep{alcock01}. Much effort has also been put into determination of the degeneracies present in the annual parallax effect description itself. It has been found that constant acceleration of the lens or the source can sometimes mimic the parallax signal \\citep{smp}, and there also exists a discrete degeneracy between jerk and parallax parameters that becomes a continuous one when the accuracy of observations decreases \\citep{gould04, park}. These degeneracies arise, basically, from the symmetry of the Schwarzschild lens that mixes different kinematic effects into a single geometric parameter -- the distance between the source and the lens expressed in the units of the Einstein-Chwolson radius (e.g., \\citealt{schneiderbook}). Some of these degeneracies are broken when the lens is a double object \\citep{an}, and as lens becomes more complex the above mentioned radius loses its unique status in the description of the lensing event. The single Schwarzschild lens approximation is, however, applicable to most of the microlensing events in the Galaxy due to the low optical depth to microlensing in our neighbourhood. In contrast, microlensing in the images of strongly lensed quasars necessarily takes place in regions of high optical depth where the structure of the magnification map is complex and unknown, effectively rendering it impossible to model the light curve in detail. In addition, the intrinsic variability that quasars are expected to possess may be another contaminant of any microlensing signal present in the images' light curves. For the particular multiply imaged quasar QSO2237+0305 \\citep{huchra} in which the microlensing phenomenon was observed for the first time \\citep{irwin}, a number of attempts have been made to determine the transverse velocity of the system. The small time delay differences between the four images -- less than a day \\citep{schneiderondelays} -- means that the observed fluctuations, uncorrelated between the images, are dominated by microlensing, with negligible intrinsic variations. \\citet{wyithe} introduced a method to determine the transverse velocity based on the statistics of time derivatives of the microlensing-induced flux variations. Although their method seems to be the only one that makes it feasible to take into account proper motion of the microlenses, a number of parameters must be specified in order to make the velocity estimate, including the microlensing mass spectrum, which, in effect, translates temporal quantities into spatial ones. Under the assumptions made in their paper they find the transverse velocity to be less than $500\\,\\rmn{km}\\,\\rmn{s}^{-1}$ (at 95\\% confidence level) favouring, depending on the model, values in the range $60\\,\\rmn{km}\\,\\rmn{s}^{-1}$ to $400\\,\\rmn{km}\\,\\rmn{s}^{-1}$ -- a tighter constraint compared to previously assumed value of $\\sim 600\\,\\rmn{km}\\,\\rmn{s}^{-1}$ \\citep{wittmao}. Another approach to estimating the effective velocity is to compare the spatial extent of `quiescent' regions of the magnification map models with the temporal extent of the periods of steady rise and fall in the actual light curves of the quasar images -- mostly, image D \\citep{quiescent}. However, all these methods are seriously dependent on the assumed microlensing parameters and deal with statistical properties of the light curves, which are difficult to establish with the currently available data. In this paper we implement another, rather simple approach, underlain by a few natural assumptions. The essence of the method is the following: the light curve of an image of the lensed quasar is composed of the values of magnification on the observer's path through the magnification map (observer's plane). When the region of the map considered is small enough and is far from caustic curves, it is natural to expand the magnification as a function of the observer's position into a Taylor series and restrict ourselves to its linear terms. Where this approximation holds, the well-known motion of the Earth around the Sun can be used to obtain the local values of magnitude and direction of the gradient on this magnification map. Combined with the measured time derivative, they can be used to estimate the velocity of the Sun with respect to magnification map. We apply this method to the data available for QSO2237+0305. In this analysis it is hardly possible to incorporate proper motions of the lenses and we will also neglect the intrinsic variability of the quasar; therefore it is unreasonable to expect a full accounting of all the observed features. However, as a (nearly) model-independent estimate of the velocity, this approach seems to be an interesting application of the microlensing phenomenon which could be extended to different microlensed systems if their properties are favourable. In the next section we describe the method we use for probing the structure of the magnification map and obtaining the velocity estimate in greater detail, in section 3 the method is applied to the observational data for QSO2237+0305 obtained by the OGLE collaboration \\citep{oglehuchra} and the results are discussed: the value for transverse velocity obtained seems to us to be too low and we conclude that the method has failed in this case. Discussion of desirable properties of lensed systems, which may permit successful application of this method, concludes this study in section 4. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404199_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of U-band and multi-color photometry during the 2001 superoutburst of WZ Sagittae. Our 10 nights of U-band photometry span the time interval from HJD 2452118 to 2452197 while our multi-color observations range from HJD 2452115 to 2452197. The U-band light curves are generally in agreement with other datasets obtained during the superoutburst showing highly modulated light early on, rebrightenings, and superhumps of similar shape and period (except during the rebrightening peak). One of our multi-color datasets fortuitously covers the first rebrightening and allows determination of the accretion disk color temperature before, during, and after the event. It is seen that the rebrightening is a change from a neutral disk (T$\\sim$7000K) to an ionized disk (T$\\sim$10000K) and back again. We develop a simple limit cycle model for this behavior which approximately predicts the semi-periodic timescale observed for the rebrightenings. We discuss our results in relation to accretion disk structure during superoutburst. ", "introduction": "WZ Sagittae is often considered the quintessential short period dwarf nova, especially for the class of objects called TOADS (Tremendous Outburst Amplitude Dwarf novae) which only have infrequent (yearly to decadal) superoutbursts (see Howell et al., 1995). WZ Sagittae is the brightest TOAD at minimum light (V=15.0), has the longest intra-outburst timescale (20-30 years), is the closest cataclysmic variable at 43.5 pc (Harrison et al., 2004), and has one of the shortest known orbital periods (P=81.6 min). Study of dwarf novae during superoutburst provide astronomers with information ranging from the binary orbital period to a mass estimate for the secondary star via detailed study of the period, shape, and time scale of so-called superhumps visible in the light curves (e.g., Patterson et al., 2002 and references therein). Superhumps are periodic hump-like modulations observed in the photometric signature of the star during superoutburst with periods a few percent different from that of the binary orbital period. Additionally, the morphology of the superoutburst itself, often combined with multi-wavelength observations, can provide a direct measurement of the properties of the accretion disk and its behavior during the outburst (e.g., Howell et al., 1999). Superoutbursts are often observed via world-wide observer networks with the majority of observations being made by small telescopes and amateur astronomers. Their telescopes are generally equipped with CCDs and observations are routinely obtained in ``white light\". These unfiltered CCD images, when convolved with quantum efficiencies typical of the CCDs used, produce ``pink light\" observations. Only one TOAD, WX Cet, has multi-color photometric superoutburst observations (Howell et al., 2002) from which the authors concluded that the superhump period was grey in the optical and the observed period agreed with that determined solely by white light observations. During August 2001, WZ Sagittae erupted in superoutburst 11 years prior to prediction and was observed by essentially every professional telescope available (both on the ground and in orbit) in addition to hundreds of amateurs around the world. A summary of the massive ground-based observational campaign obtaining CCD photometric observations and a detailed interpretation of their meaning is presented in Patterson et al. (2002). During this same time period, we collected multi-color photometric measurements throughout the superoutburst as well as the first set of U-band time series observations for WZ Sagittae during a superoutburst. We present these data and interpret them in relation to other photometric observations of WZ Sagittae during superoutburst as well as relating the observations to accretion disk structure and the formation and cause of the semi-periodic rebrightenings. ", "conclusions": "We find that our U-band time series photometry generally agrees in light curve shape and period (both orbital modulations and superhumps) with the more detailed pink light results presented in Patterson et al. (2002). Our multi-color results show that the superoutburst has a blue nature to it early on (related to the high temperatures produced) and returns to a blue color in U-B and B-V near the end due to the emergence of the hot white dwarf. Additionally, we find that the rebrightenings appear to be a transition in a local disk volume from mostly neutral conditions to fully ionized gas and back. A toy model based on a cooling wave-temperature limit cycle provides a time scale consistent with observations. Our limit cycle model is a subset of the typical dwarf nova accretion disk outburst limit cycle. Perhaps the hydrogen ionization limit cycle operates within accretion disks on various physical scale lengths leading to many different observed phenomena such as the semi-periodic modulations which we call disk rebrightenings. This type of cycle may also be the cause for the observed rapid outbursts in the ER UMa stars and similar type oscillations at late times in classical novae outbursts." }, "0404/astro-ph0404366_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the past few years, small scale anisotropy has become a primary focus in the search for source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs). The Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA) has reported the presence of clusters of event arrival directions in their highest energy data set. The High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) has accumulated an exposure in one of its monocular eyes at energies above $10^{19.5}$~eV comparable to that of AGASA. However, monocular events observed with an air fluorescence detector are characterized by highly asymmetric angular resolution. A method is developed for measuring autocorrelation with asymmetric angular resolution. It is concluded that HiRes-I observations are consistent with no autocorrelation and that the sensitivity to clustering of the HiRes-I detector is comparable to that of the reported AGASA data set. Furthermore, we state with a 90\\% confidence level that no more than 13\\% of the observed HiRes-I events above $10^{19.5}$~eV could be sharing common arrival directions. However, because a measure of autocorrelation makes no assumption of the underlying astrophysical mechanism that results in clustering phenomena, we cannot claim that the HiRes monocular analysis and the AGASA analysis are inconsistent beyond a specified confidence level. ", "introduction": "Over the past decade, the search for sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) has begun to focus upon small scale anisotropy in event arrival directions. This refers to statistically significant excesses occurring at the scale of $\\leq2.5^\\circ$. The interest in this sort of anisotropy has largely been fueled by the observations of the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA). In 1999 \\cite{Takeda:1999sg} and again in 2001 \\cite{Takeda:2001}, the AGASA collaboration reported observing what eventually became seven clusters (six ``doublets'' and one ``triplet'') with estimated energies above $\\sim3.8\\times10^{19}$~eV. Several attempts that have been made to ascertain the significance of these clusters returned chance probabilities of $4\\times10^{-6}$ \\cite{Tinyakov:2001ic} to 0.08 \\cite{Finley:2003on}. By contrast, the monocular (and stereo) analyses that have been presented by the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) demonstrate that the level of autocorrelation observed in our sample is completely consistent with that expected from background coincidences \\cite{bellido,bellido2,apj}. Any analysis of HiRes monocular data needs to take into account that the angular resolution in monocular mode is highly asymmetric. It is very difficult to compare the results of the HiRes monocular and AGASA analyses. They are very different in the way that they measure autocorrelation. Differences in the published energy spectra of the two experiments suggest an energy scale difference of 30\\% \\cite{prl,Takeda:1998ps}. Additionally, the two experiments observe UHECRs in very different ways. The HiRes experiment has an energy-dependent aperture and an exposure with a seasonal variability \\cite{prl}. These differences make it very difficult get an intuitive grasp of what HiRes should see if the AGASA claim of autocorrelation is justified. In order to develop this sort of intuition, we apply the same analysis to both AGASA and HiRes data. ", "conclusions": "We conclude that the HiRes-I monocular detector sees no evidence of clustering in its highest energy events. Furthermore, the HiRes-I monocular data has an intrinsic sensitivity to global autocorrelation such that we can claim at the 90\\% confidence level that there can be no more than 3.5 doublets above that which would be expected by background coincidence in the HiRes-I monocular data set above $10^{19.5}$~eV. From this result, we can then derive, with a 90\\% confidence level, that no more than 13\\% of the observed HiRes-I events could be sharing common arrival directions. This data set is comparable to the sensitivity of the reported AGASA data set if one assumes that there is indeed a 30\\% energy scale difference between the two experiments. It should be emphasized that this conclusion pertains only to point sources of the sort claimed by the AGASA collaboration. Furthermore, because a measure of autocorrelation makes no assumption of the underlying astrophysical mechanism that results in clustering phenomena, we cannot claim that the HiRes monocular analysis and the AGASA analysis are inconsistent beyond a specified confidence level." }, "0404/astro-ph0404016_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Previous studies of young stellar objects (YSOs) have uncovered a number of associated parsec\\,-\\,scale optical outflows, the majority of which are driven by low\\,-\\,mass, embedded Class I sources. Here we examine more evolved Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs), i.e. Class II sources, to determine whether these are also capable of driving parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows. Five such sources are presented here - CW Tau, DG Tau, DO Tau, HV Tau C and RW Aur, all of which show optical evidence for outflows of the order of 1pc (24$'$ at the distance of Taurus\\,-\\,Auriga). These sources were previously known only to drive ``micro\\,-\\,jets'' or small\\,-\\,scale outflows $\\la$ 1\\arcmin\\ in length. A parsec\\,-\\,scale outflow from a less evolved source (DG Tau B) which was noted in the course of this work is also included here. Examination of the five newly discovered large\\,-\\,scale outflows from CTTSs shows that they have comparable morphologies, apparent dynamical timescales and degrees of collimation to those from less evolved sources. There is also strong evidence that these outflows have blown out of their parent molecular clouds. Finally we note that the ``fossil record'' provided by these outflows suggests their sources could have undergone FU Orionis\\,-\\,type outbursts in the past. ", "introduction": "Herbig\\,-\\,Haro (HH) objects are the optically visible tracers of mass outflow from YSOs and are therefore ultimately powered by accretion \\citep{Cabrit90,Hartigan95}. Over the years many bipolar HH outflows have been observed and most were found to be driven by embedded, low\\,-\\,mass sources of $\\la$ 1\\Msun$\\!\\!$. Initially it was assumed that their lengths were only a fraction of a parsec, however the discovery of a $\\sim$ 1.4pc long outflow from RNO\\,43 \\citep{Ray87} hinted that this may not always be the case. In the mid 1990's it was realised that many of these outflows can have projected lengths much greater than 1pc \\citep{Bally96,Eisloffel97,Reipurth97}, reaching up to $\\sim$ 11pc. Some well known examples are the HH\\,34 outflow consisting of HH\\,33, HH\\,40, HH\\,85, HH\\,126, HH\\,34N, HH\\,34, HH\\,34X, HH\\,173, HH\\,86, HH\\,87 and HH\\,88 which is 3pc in projected length \\citep{Bally94}; the 5.9pc long HH\\,401, HH\\,1, HH\\,2 and HH\\,402 outflow \\citep{Ogura95}; and the HH\\,113\\,/\\,HH\\,111\\,/\\,HH\\,311 outflow at 7.7pc in length \\citep{Reipurth97}. It is not surprising that such outflows can attain these lengths when we consider that they have tangential velocities of between 50 -- 200 kms$^{-1}$ \\citep{Devine97,Reipurth97} and the outflow phase, for even (low\\,-\\,mass) Class I sources, lasts at least 10$^5$ years. In reality, it should be {\\em expected} that most will attain parsec\\,-\\,scale lengths. The main observational hindrance in the past to observing them was the relatively small fields of view offered by most CCD cameras. With the advent of large CCD mosaics more and more parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows have been discovered. The morphology of parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows yields valuable information about their driving sources. They are, in effect, a fossil record of the mass\\,-\\,loss history of their source over their dynamical timescales ($\\sim$10$^3$ to $\\sim$10$^5$ yr). They suggest, for example, quiescent phases between periods of violent mass ejection that give rise to the large HH complexes we see today. The morphology of an outflow can also indicate whether it is precessing and, if so, the rate of precession. As mentioned earlier many of the parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows that have been observed to date are driven by young, Class I, low\\,-\\,mass YSOs. The classification scheme used here is based on the shape of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the YSO from 10$\\mu$m to 100$\\mu$m \\citep{Lada84,Lada87}. The SED of a YSO can be modelled as an approximate blackbody with an infrared excess longwards of 2$\\mu$m due to circumstellar dust and gas. The infrared excess is very strong in the young, embedded Class I sources and is almost non\\,-\\,existent in the most evolved Class III sources. Here we observed a number of Class II low\\,-\\,mass sources -- CTTSs. These CTTSs were not previously associated with parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows; in fact many were only known to drive ``micro\\,-\\,jets'' of the order of $\\sim$ 5\\arcsec\\ to 40\\arcsec\\ ($\\la$ 0.03pc at a distance of 140pc to the Taurus\\,-\\,Auriga Cloud). Although outflows from these more evolved sources are not nearly as spectacular as those from Class I YSOs, their sources are no longer surrounded by significant amounts of dust and so their outflows can be traced right back to the origin. These Class II sources are still actively accreting and ejecting matter, albeit at rates 10\\,-\\,100 times smaller than Class I sources \\citep{Hartigan95}. In this paper, we present a number of parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows from CTTSs and we investigate whether these CTTSs show evidence for having undergone FU Orionis-like outbursts, based on the fossil record of their outflows. Details about the observations are given in Section 2. In Section~\\ref{sec-resultsI} we report the discovery of parsec\\,-\\,scale outflows from five CTTSs in the Taurus\\,-\\,Auriga Cloud, at a distance of 140pc \\citep{Elias78,Wichmann98}. We also include serendipitous observations of a parsec\\,-\\,scale outflow from a less evolved Class I source. These results are discussed in Section~\\ref{sec-discussion} and our conclusions are presented in Section~\\ref{sec-conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec-conclusions} We have shown here that a number of (Class II) CTTSs, DG Tau, CW Tau, DO Tau, HV Tau C and RW Aur, which were previously known to drive ``micro\\,-\\,jets'' or short outflows of $\\la$ 1$'$ ($\\la$ 0.04pc at the distance of the Taurus\\,-\\,Auriga cloud) in length, are actually capable of driving outflows with lengths of the order of 1pc. The serendipitous discovery of a 0.5pc long outflow from the Class I source DG Tau B is also reported here. The morphological trends observed in the CTTSs outflows are comparable to those noted in younger sources i.e. increasing distance between successive HH objects coupled with increased size and complexity with distance from the source. In a few cases, small variations in the direction of propagation of the outflow have been found. The high degree of collimation of the five extended outflows from CTTSs compared well with that observed in the case of extended large\\,-\\,scale outflows from less evolved sources, suggesting that outflows remain focussed even as the source evolves from the Class I to the Class II stage. It is clear that the observed parsec\\,-\\,scale lengths of the CTTS outflows are minimum values and in reality they are much larger. These outflows all show evidence for having blown out of the parent cloud. The apparent dynamical timescale of these extended outflows is typically a few times 10$^4$ years. This suggests a linkage between the major accretion events that give rise to the largest HH complexes and the FU Orionis phenomenon. As FU Orionis stars are CTTSs in quiescence, the extended outflows of the latter provide the best ``fossil record'' to test this linkage. \\acknowledgement{ We thank the anonymous referee for helpful comments that clarified the presentation of these results. FMcG and TPR acknowledge support from Enterprise Ireland. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France.}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404246.txt": { "abstract": "{ We report a theoretical study of sulphur chemistry, as applied to hot cores, where S-bearing molecular ratios have been previously proposed and used as chemical clocks. As in previous models, we follow the S-bearing molecular composition after the injection of grain mantle components into the gas phase. For this study, we developed a time-dependent chemical model with up-to-date reaction rate coefficients. We ran several cases, using different realistic chemical compositions for the grain mantles and for the gas prior to mantle evaporation. The modeling shows that S-bearing molecular ratios depend very critically on the gas temperature and density, the abundance of atomic oxygen, and, most importantly, on the form of sulphur injected in the gas phase, which is very poorly known. Consequently, ratios of S-bearing molecules cannot be easily used as chemical clocks. However, detailed observations and careful modeling of both physical and chemical structure can give hints on the source age and constrain the mantle composition (i.e. the form of sulphur in cold molecular clouds) and, thus, help to solve the mystery of the sulphur depletion. We analyse in detail the cases of Orion and IRAS16293-2422. The comparison of the available observations with our model suggests that the majority of sulphur released from the mantles is mainly in, or soon converted into, atomic form. ", "introduction": "It is a long-standing dream to use relative abundances of different molecules as chemical clocks to measure the ages of astronomical objects. Studies of the ages of star formation regions have recently focused on S-bearing molecules. \\citet{1997ApJ...481..396C} and \\citet{1998A&A...338..713H} were the first to propose that the relative abundance ratios of SO, SO$_2$ and H$_2$S could be used to estimate the age of the hot cores of massive protostars. The underlying idea is that the main reservoir of sulphur is H$_2$S on grain mantles, and that when the hot core forms, the mantles evaporate, injecting the hydrogen sulphide into the gas phase. Endothermic reactions in the hot gas convert H$_{2}$S into atomic sulphur and SO from which more SO and, subsequently, SO$_{2}$ are formed, making the SO$_{2}$/SO and SO/H$_2$S ratios nice functions of time. These studies have triggered a variety of work, both observational and theoretical \\citep{1997ApJ...481..396C, 1998A&A...338..713H,2003A&A...399..567B}. This line of research, however, has been challenged by recent ISO observations, which have cast doubt on the basic assumption that sulphur is mainly trapped in grain mantles as H$_2$S. The lack of an appropriate feature in the ISO spectra of high \\citep{2000ApJ...536..347G} and low \\citep{2000A&A...360..683B} mass protostars sets an upper limit on the mantle H$_{2}$S abundance which cannot exceed about $10^{-7}$ with respect to H$_{2}$ \\citep{1998ARA&A..36..317V}. Indeed, the identity of the major reservoir of sulphur in cold molecular clouds is a long standing and unresolved problem, for the sum of the detectable S-bearing molecules is only a very small fraction of the elemental S abundance \\citep{1994A&A...289..579T}. Since sulphur is known not to be depleted in the diffuse medium \\citep[e.g.][]{1994ApJ...430..650S}, it is usually assumed that sulphur in dense clouds is depleted onto the grain mantles rather than in refractory cores \\citep*[e.g. ][]{1994ApJ...421..206C}, but how this happens is a mystery. In a theoretical study, \\citet{1999MNRAS.306..691R} proposed that in collapsing translucent clouds sulphur is efficiently adsorbed onto grain mantles. In fact, in these regions, most of the gas-phase sulphur is in the form of S$^{+}$, while grains are typically negatively charged, so that the collisional cross section for sulphur is enhanced compared with neutral species (e.g. O) and sulphur is removed from the gas phase more rapidly. Another mystery is the form of sulphur on dust grains. The simplest possibility is that it consists of relatively isolated atoms, as would occur in a matrix, or perhaps as isolated pairs of atoms (S$_{2}$). Another possibility is that the sulphur is amorphous (or even crystalline), having formed islands of material from the initially adsorbed atoms. Crystalline sulphur is known to come in two forms - rhombic and monoclinic - both of which consist of S$_{8}$ cyclic molecules. Vaporization leads to a complex mixture of sulfur polymers through S$_{8}$ in complexity. If sulphur is elemental and amorphous, evaporation is also likely to lead to molecules of sulphur through eight atoms in complexity. So far, the only S-bearing species firmly detected on granular surfaces is OCS, but with a relatively low fractional abundance of $10^{-7}$ \\citep{1997ApJ...479..839P}. Recently, \\citet{2002Natur.417..148K} claimed the detection of iron sulphide (FeS) grains in protoplanetary disks, but there is no evidence to suggest that solid FeS is the main form of sulphur in the parent collapsing environment. Actually, if the main form of solid sulphur is FeS, S should follow Fe depletion, which is not observed \\citep{1994ApJ...430..650S}. Even more recently, \\citet{2003MNRAS.341..657S} suggested that hydrated sulphuric acid (H$_{2}$SO$_{4}$ $\\cdot$ H$_{2}$O) is the main sulphur reservoir. In whatever form sulphur resides in the grain mantles, there is the possibility that the species, once evaporated, are very quickly destroyed to give atomic sulphur. In summary, although all the evidence is that sulphur is depleted onto grain mantles in cold clouds, its particular form is very uncertain. Given the need for chemical clock methods, it is timely to reconsider the use of S-bearing molecules in this fashion. In this paper, we present a model with an up-to-date chemical network involving S-bearing molecules. We run several cases to cover a large, realistic parameter space for hot core sources, consistent with present observational constraints. Based on the results we obtain, we conclude that it is tricky to use abundance ratios of S-bearing molecules as chemical clocks in the absence of other constraints, for they depend more on the initial conditions, gas density, temperature, and the initial form of sulphur injected in the gas phase than on the age of the source. The paper is organized as follows: we describe the model in \\S 2, the model results in \\S 3, and in \\S 4 we discuss the practical consequences of those results and apply the model to the specific cases of Orion and IRAS16293-2422. ", "conclusions": "%The fractional abundances and the abundance ratios of S-bearing molecules %have been used by several authors to estimate the age of hot cores % \\citep[e.g. %][]{1997ApJ...481..396C,1998A&A...338..713H,2003A&A...399..567B}, %with models that contain the bulk of mantle sulphur in the form of %H$_2$S. % Contrary to these studies, new ISO observations have shown that %solid H$_2$S is not %the main sulphur reservoir \\citep{1998ARA&A..36..317V}, %and no alternative major forms of sulphur %have been found, making the S--problem even more mysterious. We have studied in detail the influence of the mantle form of sulphur on the post-evaporative gas-phase abundances of S-bearing molecules in hot star-forming regions, with the goal of understanding whether those molecules can be used to estimate ages. We considered four different reasonable mantle mixtures, from which gas-phase H$_2$S, OCS, S and S$_2$ emerge after a process of evaporation and, for the last two species, possible rapid reaction, with different relative abundances, joining other species in the gas-phase prior to evaporation. We then followed the post-evaporative chemical evolution, with an emphasis on the abundance ratios of the main sulphur-bearing species for realistic physical conditions present in hot cores. Our results show that none of the ratios involving the four most abundant S-bearing molecules, namely H$_2$S, OCS, SO and SO$_2$, can be easily used by itself for estimating the age, because the ratios depend at least as strongly on the physical conditions and on the adopted grain mantle composition as on the time. Also, the abundance of atomic oxygen in the gas phase, if not correctly accounted for, can seriously affect the chemistry. The situation, however, is not totally hopeless, because a careful comparison between observations and model predictions can give some useful hints on time estimates, and on the mantle composition. Such a careful analysis has to be done on each single source, however, for both the physical conditions and mantle composition can vary from source to source, so that the abundance ratios are not directly comparable. In practice, a careful derivation of the molecular abundances (which takes into account the source structure) coupled with a careful modeling of the chemistry at the right gas temperature and density is necessary. We applied our model to two well studied hot cores: Orion KL and IRAS16293. For the S-bearing abundances towards Orion KL, we assumed that their emission arises from the hot core region (which is strongly debatable) and is not beam-diluted. We were not able to reproduce all of the observed abundances ratios with any of our models. The agreement with Model 2 is satisfactory if we decrease the initial amout of atomic sulphur by a factor of 10. In that case, we derive a best age of $4\\times 10^3$~yr. However, the predicted abundance of CS is three orders of magnitude lower than the observed one. Contrary to the case of Orion KL, the sulphur-bearing abundances though the low mass hot core of IRAS16293-2422 have been carefully determined through a sophisticated model \\citep{2002A&A...390.1001S}, which takes into account the density and temperature structure of the source, as well as the abundance profile of each studied molecule. Using the standard value of cosmic ray rate, we found that Model 2, in which a large amount of atomic sulphur is initially present in the post-evaporative gas, best reproduces the observed abundance ratios. In that case, we derived an age of $\\sim 2\\times 10^3$~yr from the evaporation era to the current stage of this particular low mass hot core. If we decrease the initial amount of atomic sulphur in Model 2 as for Orion KL, the agreement is still good and gives a similar age. This analysis favors the hypothesis that sulphur is mainly evaporated from the grains in the atomic form or in a form quickly converted into it. On the contrary, if a higher rate is used as suggested by the recent modelling of \\citet{2004doty}, best agreement occurs with Model 1, where no atomic sulphur can be found in the grain mantle and only H$_2$S and OCS are initially present. The strongest prediction of our atomic sulfur-rich model is the presence of large abundances of SO$_2$, derived from this form of sulfur, at late stages of hot cores. A futher systematic study of S-bearing-species towards older hot cores where the physical structure is well known would provide information to test this model. Moreover, the fact that not all of the sulfur need be initially in atomic form, given the reasonable agreement obtained using Model 2', suggests that a signficant portion of the granular elemental sulphur may be tied up in materials such as iron sulphide \\citep{2002Natur.417..148K}. %{\\bf Future investigations in other low mass protostars together with to constrain the cosmic ray ionization rate to" }, "0404/astro-ph0404330_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We divide some of the observed diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) into families which appear to have spectral structures of single species. Three different methods are applied to separate such families, exploring the best approach for future investigations of this type. Starting with statistical treatment of the data, we found that statistical methods by themselves give insufficient results. Two other methods of data analysis (\"Averaging EWs\" and \"Investigating the figures with arranged spectrograms\") were found to be more useful as tools for finding the spectroscopic families of DIBs. On the basis of these methods, we suggest some candidates as \"relatives\" of 5780 and 5797 bands. ", "introduction": "Diffuse interstellar bands (see e.g. Herbig 1995), absorption structures of interstellar origin still await explanation. The identification of the carrier(s) of DIBs is one of the most difficult challenges for spectroscopists. To the present day, huge amounts of observational data on DIBs have been stored by astronomers and published in hundreds of papers. Unfortunately, astronomical data still do not meet sufficient understanding from the point of view of laboratory spectroscopists. One tries, in general, to solve the mystery of the carrier(s) of DIBs on the field of interdisciplinary spectroscopic collaboration between molecular physicists, molecular chemists and astronomers. One expects that some progress on this field will be possible when all known DIBs (about three hundred of them have been discovered in visible light region) are divided into families in such a way that only one carrier is responsible for all bands belonging to a given family. Such families of bands we call 'spectroscopic' ones, to distinguish them from 'characterological' families isolated by the other authors (Chlewicki et.al. 1986, Kre{\\l}owski \\& Walker 1987, Josafatson \\& Snow 1987). All bands belonging to the spectroscopic family are, by definition, caused by the same carrier. Bands belonging to the characterological family have some common characteristics (e.g. all are rather narrow), but they may be produced by different carriers. To isolate spectroscopic families of bands, first of all one has to by-pass in some way the problem of the \"noisy correlation\". In a given spectrogram we have to deal with a complicated mixture of interstellar absorption structures. This is because the medium between the target star and the observer contains various species. For different directions (various target stars) we have to deal with different column densities of interstellar matter giving contributions to the spectra. Intensities of all spectral lines (bands) measured in a spectrogram are well correlated with the column density of relevant matter and therefore also lines originated by different species are mutually correlated. Such correlation we call \"noisy correlation\". Of course not only differences in column densities of relevant interstellar matter may produce noisy correlation between DIBs. Other contribution to correlation of this kind may be given, for example, by mutually dependent astrochemical processes. Noisy correlation tells us nothing about spectroscopic families of bands. The number of recognized DIBs has grown dramatically in recent years, primarily due to better quality of observational material. More and more weak DIBs (WDIBs) seem to appear every time a given spectral region is analysed carefully. One of the authors of this paper (BW) spent a few years analysing spectra for new, very weak DIBs. It turned out to be of great importance to reexamine the problem of DIB families. The aim of this paper is to explore further the properties of DIBs in the context of isolating families of the structures. We first describe observational material which revealed the above mentioned absorption bands. Then we present the results of the measuring procedure and describe DIB searching methods. In the last section of the paper we discuss the problem of some adequate method for separating spectroscopic families of DIBs, and we pick out two probable \"relatives\" for 5780 band and four other ones for 5797 band. ", "conclusions": "As mentioned in the introductory section, the main obstacle to isolating spectroscopic families of DIBs is the noisy correlation. Due to a very high level (as the analysed data reveals) of noisy correlation in the considered data, the ability of statistical method to isolate spectroscopic families are very limited. Tight linear correlation, expected between members of the same spectroscopic family, is efectively hidden by noisy correlation and by measuring errors. This is evident when we study results of statistical analysis described in the previous section. Looking at Table 5 only, we are not able to indicate which WDIB belongs to the same spectroscopic family as, for example, the band 5797. On the other hand, when considering Table 4, we would be inclined to isolate, e.g, the family of strong lines: 6196, 6203, 6270, 6426, 6614, 6699, 5780, 5797; and this would be a mistake, since 5780 and 5797 belong to different families, as mentioned in section 5. Taking into account that statistical analysis requires plenty of usable data and gives insufficient (for solving our problem by itself) results, it is therefore not recommended as an appropriate tool for isolating spectroscopic families. [However, the statistical approach may be useful to distinguish linearly correlated bands from these ones which are correlated non-linearly. Non-linearly correlated DIBs should belong to different spectroscopic families. Also multidimensional statistical analysis could be useful in this case. Further study of this problem will be the subject of a separate paper (God\\l owski \\& Wszo\\l ek, in preparation)]. Methods described in subsections 6.2 and 6.3 are much more appropriate than the formal statistical aproach. They need a fewer number of spectrograms and much less time for making EW (or depth) measurements. These methods seem also to give valuable results. Using these methods we performed preliminary separation of two presumable spectroscopic families: (i) 5780, 5776 and 5795, and (ii) 5793, 5797, 5819, 5829 and 5850. Most probably, designated families are not complete yet. One cannot exclude also the possibility that we made wrong indications. In the case of almost constant ratios between column densities of various DIB carriers in interstellar clouds, we have a chance to get results quite similar those of the case when we have to deal with few spectral lines of the same carrier. Further investigation, based on better data samples and involving other spectral ranges, is necessary to isolate true spectroscopic families of bands." }, "0404/astro-ph0404040_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present a survey of all 3CR sources imaged with ISOCAM onboard the {\\it Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)}. The sample consists mostly of radio--loud active galactic nuclei (AGN). For each source, we present spatially integrated mid--infrared (MIR, $5 - 18\\mu$m) fluxes measured from newly calibrated ISOCAM images. In total, we detected 68 objects of the 3CR catalogue, at redshifts $z \\le 2.5$, and obtained upper limits for 17 objects. In addition, we detected 10 galaxies not listed in the 3CR catalogue. The one with the highest redshift is 4C$+$72.26 at $z = 3.53$. ISOCAM data are combined with other photometric measurements to construct the spectral energy distribution (SED) from optical to radio wavelengths. The MIR emission may include synchrotron radiation of the AGN, stars of the host galaxy or dust. Extrapolation of radio core fluxes to the MIR show that the synchrotron contribution is in most cases negligible. In order to describe dust emission we apply new radiative transfer models. In the models the dust is heated by a central source which emits photons up to energies of 1keV. By varying three parameters, luminosity, effective size and extinction, we obtain a fit to the SED for our objects. Our models contain also dust at large (several kpc) distance from the AGN. Such a cold dust component was neglected in previous computations which therefore underestimated the AGN contribution to the far infrared (FIR). In 53 cases ($\\sim 75$\\,\\% of our detected 3CR sources), the MIR emission can be attributed to dust. The {\\it hot dust} component is mainly due to small grains and PAHs. The modelling demonstrates that an AGN heating suffices to explain the ISO broad band data, starburst activity is not necessary. In the models, a type 1 AGN is represented by a compact dust distribution, the dust is therefore very warm and emission of PAHs is weak because of photo--destruction. In AGNs of type 2, the dust is relatively colder but PAH bands are strong. ", "introduction": "More than 20 years ago Kotanyi \\& Ekers (1979) pointed out that for radio--loud elliptical galaxies, the orientation of the (optical) dust lane appears preferentially perpendicular to the radio axis. In unification theories dust plays an important role. In all of them, a supermassive blackhole accretes gas from a disk and, in radio--loud objects, a jet is ejected parallel to the rotation axis. The blackhole and the disk are surrounded by a torus of interstellar gas and dust which may block light from the central region on the way to the observer. The diversity in the appearance of activity types is then explained foremost as a result of different viewing angles (Barthel 1989). The obscuring dust torus is at the heart of unification theories. It reaches towards the blackhole as close as dust can survive ($T \\simless 1500$\\,K). As the torus is not directly seen on optical images, its dimensions are at most a few hundred parsec. Because of the immense bolometric luminosity emitted from the AGN, the dust in the torus, even at a distance of 100\\,pc, must be very warm ($ > 100$\\,K), and further in even {\\it hot}. Such hot dust will emit preferentially in the mid infrared (MIR), at wavelengths covered by the ISOCAM filters. Dust in radio galaxies is not restricted to the nuclear region, but is ubiquitous in the host galaxy. It absorbs and scatters the light, but also radiates thermally as it is heated either by the nucleus or by stars. Of course, the diffuse and spatially extended dust is much colder than the dust near the AGN. Rapid star formation is also a potential heating source, besides the AGN. A detailed search for dust in the nuclear regions of 120 radio sources of the 3CR catalogue was carried out by de Koff et al.~(2000) using optical HST images at 0.7$\\mu$m center wavelength and of $0.1{''}$ resolution. In one out of three galaxies, they found evidence for dust obscuration, with a large variety of morphologies such as disks, lanes or filaments. Dust distributed smoothly on a large scale of several kpc is difficult to detect in absorption maps but reveals itself by infrared emission. The dust shroud of an AGN is often not transparent and to model the emission spectrum one has to compute the radiative transfer. Models for optically thick dusty nuclei and galaxies have been carried out in various approximations (Pier \\& Krolik 1993, Laor \\& Draine 1993 Kr\\\"ugel \\& Siebenmorgen 1994, Granato \\& Danese 1994, Efstathiou \\& Rowan--Robinson 1995, Siebenmorgen et al. 1997, Nenkova et al. 2002, Popescu et al. 2004). Previous AGN dust models underestimated the FIR as they did not include dust located at large distances from the center and thus missed the cold component. To overcome the deficit emission in the FIR, these authors add an additional component to the models and attribute it to starburst activity (e.g.~Rowan--Robinson 2000). In Section~4, we present AGN dust models where large scale dust emission is incorporated and where the geometry is radically simplified so that they can be described by only three parameters. A cold dust component was discovered in 18 sources of the 3CR catalogue already by IRAS (Heckman et al. 1994) and more recently, in more objects, by ISOPHOT (Fanti et al.~2000, Meisenheimer et al.~2001, Van Bemmel et al.~2001, Andreani et al. 2002, Spinoglio et al.~2002, Haas et al. 2004). These authors detected also a few sources in the MIR. The hot dust responsible for it must be close to the nucleus and its detection serves as a further test for the unified model hypothesis. This motivated us to survey the 3CR galaxies in the MIR by means of ISOCAM images available from the ISO archive. The sensitivity of ISOCAM is $2 - 3$ orders of magnitude greater than IRAS at 12$\\mu$m. In Section~2 and 3, we present the images, pertaining photometric measurements as well as results. The spectral energy distributions (SED) are displayed in Section~4. To interprete them, we apply radiative transfer models. A discussion of generic SED properties in the infrared for different AGN types is given in Section~5. The conclusions are given in Section~6. In Appendix~{\\ref{galnotes.ap} we remark on individual galaxies (previous indications of dust, X-ray properties, jets, presence of high excitation lines, source morphology, companions). In Appendix~\\ref{fits.ap}, we make for each galaxy a note on the radiative transfer models of Section~4. Details of the ISOCAM observational set up is summarised in Tab.~\\ref{tab.obs}. The fully reduced and astrometrically corrected ISOCAM images are shown as overlays on optical images in Fig.~\\ref{images}. \\section {Survey data} We present the data of our survey, describe which ISOCAM fields were extracted from the ISO archive, briefly overview the ISOCAM observing modes, and outline data reduction, source identification and photometric procedures. \\subsection{Source selection} \\label{ident.sec} The parent catalogue for our sample is the third update of the revised third Cambridge catalogue (3CR) by Spinrad et al.~(1985). It contains 298 sources of which 195 are classified as radio galaxies and 53 as radio quasars. Most of the objects in the 3CR catalogue are well observed at optical and near infrared wavelengths. We searched in the ISO archive for ISOCAM (Cesarsky et al. 1996) observations made with the long wavelength array (LW). All ISOCAM images containing, potentially, at least, one 3CR source have been extracted. Altogether, we found 146 such ISOCAM observations. Often the same source was observed in multiple filter band passes. On the fully reduced ISOCAM images, we determined and improved the astrometric pointing by identifying objects with accurate coordinates listed in the SIMBAD Astronomical Database or the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). The images are presented in Fig.~\\ref{images}. We also made 10 serendipitous detections of galaxies which are not members of the 3CR catalogue. They are eye-ball detections at the position of NED coordinates. \\subsection{Observations} Most of the observations were done in the so called mini-raster mode where different ISOCAM detector pixels saw the same part of the sky (see ISO Handbook for a description of observing modes, Leech \\& Pollock, 2001). In addition, there are nine staring and one beam switch observation. Three observations were performed in the circular variable filter (CVF) scan mode and one in the polarimetric mode. Depending on the lens used in the experiment, the pixel scale of the 32 $\\times$ 32 element detector was 1.5$''$, 3$''$ and 6$''$ and the total field of view $48 \\times 48$, $96 \\times 96$ and $180 \\times 180$\\,arcsec$^2$, respectively. The most frequently applied broad band filter was LW10 with a bandwidth from 8--15$\\mu$m and central wavelength at 12$\\mu$m. In addition there are observations with filter: LW1 (4--5, 4.5$\\mu$m), LW2 (5--8.5, 6.7$\\mu$m), LW3 (12--18, 14.3$\\mu$m), LW7 (8.5--11, 9.6$\\mu$m) and CVF scans (5--17$\\mu$m) at spectral resolution of $\\lambda/\\Delta \\lambda \\approx 50$. In a single observing template often more than one filter was selected. \\begin{table} \\caption{ISOCAM photometry of 3CR sources} \\label{tab.flux} \\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \\hline \\hline & & & & \\\\ Name & TDT & Band & Flux & RMS \\\\ & &$\\mu$m & mJy & mJy \\\\ & & & & \\\\ \\hline 1 &2 &3 &4 &5 \\\\ \\hline & & & & \\\\ 3C006.1 & 70101081 & 12.0 & 0.9 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C013 & 80801283 & 12.0 & 0.7 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C017 & 57502102 & 12.0 & 4.0 & 0.4 \\\\ 3C018 & 61901003 & 12.0 & 9.1 & 0.6 \\\\ 3C020 & 59702305 & 12.0 & 5.3 & 0.4 \\\\ 3C022 & 78500882 & 12.0 & 7.1 & 0.4 \\\\ 3C031 & 58703801 & 4.5 &30 & 2 \\\\ & 40201422 & 6.7 &36 & 2 \\\\ & 58703793 & 12.0 &25 & 1 \\\\ & 58703801 & 14.3 &30 & 2 \\\\ 3C033.1 & 59702607 & 12.0 &18 & 1 \\\\ 3C048 & 43901804 & 14.3 &59 & 4 \\\\ 3C061.1 & 56201411 & 12.0 & 4.3 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C66B & 45304902 &4.5 &14 & 1 \\\\ & 43502724 &6.7 &13 & 1 \\\\ & 45304902 & 14.3 & 3.8 & 1.6\\\\ 3C071 \t & 63301602 & 4.5 & 6860 & 340 \\\\ (NGC1068)& 63301902 & 6.8 & 14030 & 700 \\\\ & 63302202 & 14.9 & 50830 & 2540 \\\\ 3C076.1 & 46601603 &4.5 & 5.1 & 1.0 \\\\ & 46601603 &6.7 & 3.0 & 0.8 \\\\ & 46601603 & 14.3 & 1.0 & 1.5 \\\\ 3C079 & 61503807 & 12.0 &21 & 2 \\\\ 3C083.1 & 65901304 &4.5 &31 & 2 \\\\ & 65901032 &6.7 &47 & 3 \\\\ & 65901304 & 14.3 & 9.7 & 1.5\\\\ 3C084 & 61503617 &6.7 & 230 &20 \\\\ & & 9.6 & 400 & 70 \\\\ & &14.3 & 1000 & 100 \\\\ 3C098 & 63302405 &4.5 & 6.5 & 1.0 \\\\ & 63302405 &6.7 & 7.7 & 0.9 \\\\ & 63302405 & 14.3 &24 & 2 \\\\ 3C231 & 12300106 & 6.7 & 25000 & 1250 \\\\ (M82) & 12300106 & 12.0 & 63000 & 3150 \\\\ & 12300106 & 14.9 & 68000 & 3400 \\\\ 3C249.1 & 21305001 & 12.0 & 19 & 1 \\\\ 3C265 & 22400201 &4.5 & 1.3 & 0.5 \\\\ & 22201802 &6.7 & 2.4 & 0.2 \\\\ & 22400303 & 12.0 & 6.0 & 1.6 \\\\ 3C270 & 22801205 &4.5 & 160 & 8 \\\\ & 22801205 &6.7 &95 & 5 \\\\ & 22801205 & 14.3 &38 & 3 \\\\ 3C272.1 & 23502406 &4.5 & 900 & 46 \\\\ & 23100414 &6.7 & 240 & 12 \\\\ & 23100414 &9.6 & 150 & 8 \\\\ & 23100414 & 14.3 &53 & 3 \\\\ 3C273 & 24100504 & 14.3 & 290 & 15 \\\\ & 24100504 & 6.7 & 190 & 10 \\\\ 3C274 & 23800308 &4.5 & 740 & 38 \\\\ (M87) & 23800308 &6.7 & 260 & 13 \\\\ & 23901834 & 12.0 &51& 3 \\\\ 3C277.3 & 24500106 & 6.7 & 3.6 & 0.3 \\\\ & 24500106 & 14.3 & 8.5 & 0.5 \\\\ & & & & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\setcounter{table}{0} \\begin{table} \\caption{ - continued.} \\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \\hline \\hline & & & & \\\\ Name & TDT & Band & Flux & RMS \\\\ & &$\\mu$m & mJy & mJy \\\\ & & & & \\\\ \\hline 1 &2 &3 &4 &5 \\\\ \\hline & & & & \\\\ 3C286\t& 38800808 & 12.0 & 3.6& 0.3 \\\\ 3C288.1 & 24407233 & 12.0 & 2.3 & 0.6 \\\\ 3C293 & 61701307 &4.5 &16 & 1 \\\\ & 61701307 &6.7 &14 & 1 \\\\ & 61701413 & 12.0 &19 & 2 \\\\ & 61701307 & 14.3 &23 & 1 \\\\ 3C295 & 18001405 &6.7 & 1.4 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C296 & 27000606 &4.5 &30 & 2 \\\\ & 27000606 &6.7 &16 & 1 \\\\ & 27000606 & 14.3 &13 & 1 \\\\ 3C303.1 & 52900115 & 12.0 & 1.9 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C305 & 46300408 &4.5 &12 & 1 \\\\ & 12300205 &6.7 & 7.1 & 2.7 \\\\ & 51400760 & 12.0 &21 & 1 \\\\ & 12300205 & 14.3 &27 & 5 \\\\ 3C305.1 & 71702771 & 12.0 & 1.5 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C309.1 & 60001472 & 12.0 & 8.2 & 0.5 \\\\ & 60092200 & 6.7 & 4.4 & 0.5 \\\\ 3C319 & 54100619 & 12.0 & 1.3 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C321\t& 65800208 & 6.7 & 12 & 1 \\\\ & 65800208 & 12.0 & 27 & 1 \\\\ & 65800208 & 14.4 & 51 & 3 \\\\ 3C324 & 30300612 &6.7 & 0.1 & 0.2 \\\\ & 30300413 & 12.0 & 1.7 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C330 & 33600323 &6.7 & 1.3 & 0.2 \\\\ & 60001373 & 12.0 & 1.7 & 0.2 \\\\ & 33600323 & 14.3 & 2.6 & 0.5 \\\\ 3C332 & 60201725 & 12.0 & 9.2 & 0.5 \\\\ 3C336 & 30400442 & 12.0 & 2.4 & 0.5 \\\\ & 30492200 & 6.7 & 0.9 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C338 & 10601408 &4.5 &16 & 1 \\\\ & 10601408 &6.7 & 9.4 & 0.8 \\\\ & 51100561 & 12.0 & 8.8 & 0.5 \\\\ & 10601408 & 14.3 & 7.3 & 1.4 \\\\ 3C341 & 60201626 & 12.0 & 8.0 & 0.5 \\\\ 3C343 & 61900565 & 12.0 & 1.4 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C345 & 51100679 & 12.0 &22 & 1 \\\\ 3C346 & 64001327 & 12.0 & 4.2 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C349 & 52500429 & 12.0 & 3.4 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C351 & 52500130 & 12.0 &32 & 2 \\\\ 3C356 & 52100668 & 12.0 &0.6 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C371 & 52901232 & 12.0 &66 & 4 \\\\ & 55500476 & 14.3 & 91 & 5 \\\\ 3C379.1 & 52901433 & 12.0 & 3.6 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C380 & 54100969 & 12.0 &14 & 1 \\\\ 3C381 & 50304334 & 12.0 &19 & 1 \\\\ 3C382 & 52500562 & 12.0 &85 & 5 \\\\ 3C386 & 47100710 &4.5 &13 & 1 \\\\ & 47100710 &6.7 & 6.3 & 0.8 \\\\ & 51301035 & 12.0 & 5.6 & 0.3 \\\\ & 47100710 & 14.3 & 3.3 & 1.4 \\\\ 3C388 & 54100836 & 12.0 & 1.2 & 0.2 \\\\ 3C390.3 & 52901537 & 12.0 &94 & 5 \\\\ & & & & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\setcounter{table}{0} \\begin{table} \\caption{ - continued.} \\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \\hline \\hline & & & & \\\\ Name & TDT & Band & Flux & RMS \\\\ & &$\\mu$m & mJy & mJy \\\\ & & & & \\\\ \\hline 1 &2 &3 &4 &5 \\\\ \\hline & & & & \\\\ 3C402 & 49604639 & 12.0 & 3.4 & 0.5 \\\\ 3C410 & 53503041 & 12.0 &22 & 1 \\\\ 3C418 & 54101870 & 12.0 & 3.6 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C430 & 54301344 & 12.0 & 1.7 & 0.3 \\\\ 3C433 & 52201845 & 12.0 & 32.0 & 2 \\\\ 3C445 & 54500518 &6.7 &93 &5\\\\ & 54500518 & 14.3 & 210 & 11 \\\\ 3C449 & 54801112 &4.5 &16 & 1 \\\\ & 36701710 & 6.7 &10 & 1 \\\\ & 37403041 & 12.0 & 7.6 & 0.9 \\\\ & 54801252 & 12.0 & 8.7 & 0.5 \\\\ & 36701710 & 14.3 &11 & 2 \\\\ 3C452 & 54801053 & 12.0 &23 & 1 \\\\ 3C456 & 54700854 & 12.0 & 9.1 & 0.6 \\\\ 3C459 & 37500303 & 4.5 & 0.1 & 0.5 \\\\ & & 6.0 & 5.5 & 0.9 \\\\ & & 7.7 & 6.8 & 1.1 \\\\ & & 14.9 & 29.5 & 4.0 \\\\ 3C465 & 39501112 &4.5 &22 & 1 \\\\ & 39501112 &6.7 & 8.1 & 0.8 \\\\ 3C469.1 &56201064 & 12.0 & 1.8 & 0.2 \\\\ & & & & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{table} \\caption{ISOCAM $3\\sigma$ upper limits of 3CR sources} \\label{tab.upper} \\begin{tabular}{lrrr} \\hline \\hline & & & \\\\ Name & TDT & Band & Flux \\\\ & & $\\mu$m& mJy \\\\ & & & \\\\ \\hline 1 &2 &3 &4 \\\\ \\hline & & & \\\\ 3C002 & 41907203 & 12.0 & $<$1.7 \\\\ 3C313 & 08800387 & 12.0 & $<$6.2 \\\\ 3C314.1 & 52900417 & 12.0 & $<$0.6 \\\\ 3C320 & 59501620 & 12.0 & $<$0.5 \\\\ 3C343.1 & 39901248 & 12.0 & $<$3.3 \\\\ 3C352 & 51800667 & 12.0 & $<$0.6 \\\\ 3C357 & 51800831 & 12.0 & $<$0.6 \\\\ 3C368 & 71200283 & 6.7 & $<$1.5 \\\\ & 10200421 & 6.7 & $<$8.1 \\\\ & 71200283 & 14.3 & $<$2.1 \\\\ 3C401 & 53200838 & 12.0 & $<$0.6 \\\\ 3C427.1 & 52902663 & 12.0 & $<$0.6 \\\\ 3C434 & 53503146 & 12.0 & $<$1.0 \\\\ 3C436 & 52201948 & 12.0 & $<$1.0 \\\\ 3C437 & 53503288 & 12.0 & $<$1.4 \\\\ 3C438 & 54000949 & 12.0 & $<$0.5 \\\\ 3C442 & 53702911 & 14.3 & $<$4.5 \\\\ 3C454.1 & 56001074 & 12.0 & $<$0.6 \\\\ 3C460 & 56501357 & 12.0 & $<$0.4 \\\\ & & & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} Parameters of the observing templates are detailed in Tab.~\\ref{tab.obs}: target dedicated time (TDT) by which the observations are identified (column~1), celestial coordinate of the map center (column~2 and 3), observing date (column~4), band pass filter (column~5), lens (column~6), number of raster points $M$ (column~7) and raster lines $N$ (column~8), step between raster points $dM$ (column~9) and raster lines $dN$ (column~10), both in arcsec, and the median number of exposures taken on each raster position (column~11) together with the integration time per read--out (column~12). \\subsection{Data reduction} The data were reduced with the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis (CIA, Ott et al.~1996). We used the default data reduction steps of CIA: dark current subtraction, initial removal of cosmic ray hits (glitches), detector transient fitting, exposure coaddition, flat fielding and flux conversion to astronomical units. Except for staring modes, the coadded images at each raster position were sky projected and corrected for field distortion. The dark current depends on the orbital position of the ISO space-craft and the temperature of the ISOCAM detector. The applied correction is based on a model described by Roman \\& Ott (1998). The deglitching is done by following the temporal signal variation of a pixel using a multi--resolution wavelet transform algorithm (Starck et al.~1997). The response of the detector pixels depends on the previous observations and there may be long term hysteresis effects for each detector element after changes of the photon flux level. We applied the detector flux transient fitting method for ISOCAM data (Coulais \\& Abergel 2000). After application of the default deglitcher some residuals of cosmic ray impacts were still visible in the data. Therefore we applied after the detector flux transient correction a second cosmic ray rejection method which is basically a multi-sigma clipping of the temporal signal (Ott et al.~2000). For raster observations, flat field estimation can be improved by an iterative method exploiting the fact that the same sky area is seen by different detector pixels (Starck et al.~1999). The method works best for highly redundant data where a large number of pixels see the same sky. In case of low redundancy rasters and for staring observations, we flat--fielded according to the standard calibration library. \\subsection{Source photometry} \\label{photo.sec} To determine the source flux, we perform a multi--aperture photometry. For each aperture centered on the brightest pixel of the source we determine the background as the mean flux derived in a 4 pixel wide annulus which is put 2 pixels away from the greatest ($\\sim 18''$) aperture. In this way, we obtain aperture fluxes that flatten with increasing aperture radius and approach an asymptotic value. For point sources the same procedure is repeated on a theoretical and normalised point source image (Okumura 1998) to find the correction factor of the multi--aperture analysis. The correction factor is typically 5\\%. The determination if a source is a point source or not is done by eye. The procedure will introduce an error of less than the correction factor for slightly extended sources misjudged to be a point source. In order to derive the statistical flux uncertainty, for the source aperture we quadratically add the RMS image and the 1$\\sigma$ uncertainty of the background estimate. The systematic error of ISOCAM photometry is typically $\\simless 5\\%$ and color corrections of order 10\\% (see ISOCAM Handbook, Blommaert et al.~2001). ", "conclusions": "ISOCAM detected 80\\% (71 out of 88) 3CR sources. We find evidence of hot dust in 53 radio galaxies or 75\\% of the sources detected in our survey. For each detected source, we compiled photometry from optical to radio wavelengths. The extrapolation of radio core fluxes to ISOCAM wavelengths shows that synchrotron emission from the core is usually negligible in the MIR, exceptions being flat spectrum radio sources. The contribution of the host galaxy to the MIR is also generally small, here exceptions are a few sources of type FRI. Thus for most objects the origin of the MIR can be attributed mainly to dust. This dust is hot and heated by the central engine. The emission comes from large grains with temperatures of a few hundred Kelvin and small grains and PAHs undergoing temperature fluctuations. This picture is supported by simple radiative transfer calculations. Most SEDs can be successfully fit between 1 and 1000$\\mu$m by a three parameter model where AGN luminosity, size of the galaxy and extinction are varied. Our modelling shows that the broad band data are consistent with AGN only heating of the dust. For similar luminosities, we compare AGNs of type 1 and 2. We find that the model parameters depend strongly on the AGN type and a dichotomy of the infrared SEDs is derived. The IR fluxes of BLRGs and QSOs peak around 40$\\mu$m while the maximum of the dust emission for NLRGs is reached at $\\simgreat 100\\mu$m. Therefore, the dust in type 1 AGNs is warmer than in type 2. The models also predict much weaker PAH emission in type 1 AGNs than in type 2, as a result of evaporation. Unfortunately, PAH bands cannot be resolved by the broad--band ISOCAM observations. AGNs and starbursts are accompanied by tremendous IR luminosities. Although the possible coexistence of both energy sources and their relative contributions to the dust heating is difficult to assess, starbursts tend to favour PAH emission and this may serve as a possible discriminator of activity." }, "0404/astro-ph0404276_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of the relative bias between early- and late-type galaxies in the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) -- as defined by the \\etapar\\ parameter of \\citet{Madgwick_2002}, which quantifies the spectral type of galaxies in the survey. Our analysis examines the joint counts in cells between early- and late-type galaxies, using approximately cubical cells with sides ranging from 7$h^{-1}$Mpc to 42$h^{-1}$Mpc. We measure the variance of the counts in cells using the method of Efstathiou et al.~(1990), which we find requires a correction for a finite volume effect equivalent to the integral constraint bias of the autocorrelation function. Using a maximum likelihood technique we fit lognormal models to the one-point density distribution, and develop methods of dealing with biases in the recovered variances resulting from this technique. We use a modified $\\chi^{2}$ technique to determine to what extent the relative bias is consistent with a simple linear bias relation; this analysis results in a significant detection of nonlinearity/stochasticity even on large scales. We directly fit deterministic models for the joint density distribution function, $f(\\delta_{E},\\delta_{L})$, to the joint counts in cells using a maximum likelihood technique. Our results are consistent with a scale invariant relative bias factor on all scales studied. Linear bias is ruled out on scales less than $\\ell=28h^{-1}$Mpc. A power-law bias model is a significantly better fit to the data on all but the largest scales studied; the relative goodness of fit of this model as compared to that of the linear bias model suggests that any nonlinearity is negligible for $\\ell\\gtrsim40h^{-1}$Mpc, consistent with the expectation from theory that the bias should become linear on large scales. ", "introduction": "Measurements of large-scale structure from galaxy redshift surveys obviously measure the distribution of luminous matter only; the total mass distribution will be dominated by dark matter. The question of how the galaxies trace the total matter density field is therefore extremely pertinent, both to the estimation of cosmological parameters, and also as a probe of the physics of galaxy formation. A common assumption is `linear biasing', which can be expressed $\\delta_{g}=b\\delta_{m}$, where $\\delta_{g}$, $\\delta_{m}$ are the fractional overdensities relative to the mean in galaxies and mass respectively. This assumption becomes unphysical when $b > 1$ since, by definition, $\\delta_{g} \\ge -1$, but we can still define a bias parameter, $b(r)$, by e.g. $\\xi_{gg}(r)=b(r)^{2}\\xi_{mm}(r)$. Many of the constraints on cosmological parameters derived from large-scale structure measurements rely on an understanding of galaxy bias. Both the 2dFGRS power spectrum analysis (Percival \\etal~2001) and the constraints obtained for the neutrino mass (Elgar\\o y \\& Lahav 2003) assume scale independent bias. Joint constraints obtained by combining the 2dFGRS results with measurements of the CMB power spectrum (Percival et al.\\ 2002; Efstathiou et al.\\ 2002; Verde et al.\\ 2003) also require a model for galaxy bias. Dekel \\& Lahav (1999) show that nonlinearity and stochasticity in the bias relation can explain discrepancies between different methods of measuring parameters which assume a linear bias factor, such as measurements of $\\beta=\\Omega_{m}^{0.6}/b$ (Peacock et al.\\ 2001; Hawkins et al.\\ 2003). In fact both theoretical approaches (Mo \\& White 1996) and simulations predict that bias may be non-linear and scale dependent, at least on some (small) scales. Kauffmann et al.~(1997) find only weak scale dependence on large scales and a bias relation consistent with linear bias. Benson et al.~(2000) find that semi-analytic galaxies in a LCDM model could reproduce the APM correlation function given a scale dependent bias taking the form of an antibias of galaxies relative to matter on small scales. Somerville et al.~(2001) also use semi-analytic modelling to demonstrate that the physics of galaxy formation introduces a small scatter in the galaxy--mass relation; they find the mean bias to have only a weak dependence on scale for $r\\lesssim 12h^{-1}$Mpc, (where the Hubble constant, $H_{0}=100$\\,$h$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$). In principle the true mass distribution can be directly measured from measurements of galaxy peculiar velocities using e.g.~POTENT reconstruction (Dekel, Bertschinger \\& Faber 1990). In practice accuracy is hard to achieve by such methods; the technique requires heavy smoothing since the error bars per galaxy are large and the volumes surveyed up to the present are relatively local. A useful probe is instead to compare the clustering of different types of galaxy: if these cluster differently, at least one type cannot exactly follow the mass distribution. It has been known for some considerable time that galaxies of different morphological type have different clustering properties. Early-type galaxies, such as ellipticals or S0s, are highly clustered, accounting for almost 90\\% of galaxies in the cores of rich clusters. This fraction drops off steeply, however, with distance from the cluster cores and in the field 70\\% of galaxies are late-type galaxies: spirals and irregulars (Dressler 1980; Postman \\& Geller 1984). The level of fluctuations in each of the early- and late-type density fields can also be compared using the correlation functions or power spectra for the two sub-populations. This kind of study is optimised for small separations ($\\lesssim 10h^{-1}$Mpc) and has generally revealed that the clustering amplitude of ellipticals is greater than that of spirals by a factor of 1.3--1.5 (e.g.~Loveday et al.~1995; Norberg et al.~2002a; Madgwick et al.~2003b). If both density fields were perfectly correlated with the matter density field this factor would be equivalent to the ratio between linear bias parameters $(b_{E}(r)/b_{L}(r))^{2}$. There is also evidence that the relative bias between sub-populations of galaxies is more complex than the global galaxy bias. Measurements of the 2dFGRS bispectrum (Verde \\etal~2002) found no evidence for nonlinearity in the bias for 2dFGRS galaxies. More recently however, Kayo \\etal~(2004) find evidence for relative bias being complex on weakly non-linear to non-linear scales from a measurement of the redshift-space three-point correlation function, as a function of galaxy colour and morphology, in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Wild et al. (2004) have carried out a counts-in-cells analysis using volume limited samples from the 2dFGRS, and find evidence for non-linearity and stochastic effects. A detailed framework for dealing with possible nonlinearities and stochasticity in the bias relation is given by \\citet{Dekel_1999}, based on the joint probability distribution of the galaxy and mass densities $f(\\delta_{g},\\delta_{m})$. In an analogous manner we will consider the joint probability distribution of the early- and late-type galaxy density fields for magnitude limited samples in the 2dFGRS. This approach in large part follows the methods described in Blanton (2000) for the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS), although the geometry of the 2dFGRS is considerably more amenable to this kind of study than that of the LCRS and allows us, for example, to examine a large range of scales. This paper is organised into sections as follows. In Section~\\ref{survey} we summarize details of the 2dFGRS, the PCA-$\\eta$ parameter and the division into cells. We present a measurement of the variances of the counts in cells using the method of Efstathiou et al.~(1990), which we have corrected for integral constraint bias, in Section~\\ref{variances}. In Section~\\ref{dist_fns} we present an analysis of the one-point distribution of the counts in cells based on fits to a lognormal distribution function. In Section~\\ref{rel_bias} we discuss the relative bias. We present the results of applying the `modified $\\chi^{2}$' statistic of \\citet{Tegmark_1999} to the joint counts in cells and then move on to describe the application of the maximum-likelihood technique of \\citet{Blanton_2000} to constrain the relative bias between spectral types. We summarize our conclusions in Section~\\ref{concl}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concl} In this paper we have presented a number of measurements of the relative bias between early- and late-type galaxies in the 2dFGRS derived using the counts in cells and the joint counts in cells for the separate galaxy populations. The behaviour of individual estimators for the linear relative bias parameter as a function of scale, as well as the relationship between different estimators of the linear relative bias parameter as a function of scale both have important implications for the scale dependence, nonlinearity and stochasticity of the relative bias between early- and late-type density fields. We have also used a power-law bias model as the simplest model including non-linear effects and demonstrated the characteristics of the best fit power-law bias model as a function of scale. \\subsection{Variances and the one-point distribution function} We have presented the variance of the counts in cells using the maximum-likelihood technique of Efstathiou et al.~(1990), which we have shown is subject to a significant bias when dividing the data into redshift shells of low volume. We have shown that the method can be corrected for this integral constraint bias using the approximation of Hui \\& Gazta\\~naga (1999). The one-point distribution of the counts in cells for early- and late-type galaxies, and the distribution for all $\\eta$-typed galaxies, has been fit by lognormal models, using a maximum-likelihood technique. The variances found using this technique are significantly biased on small scales when empty cells are included in the analysis, and we have been able to measure reliable variances only by fitting to counts in cells with empty cells removed. We have corrected our results on small scales to compensate for the inevitable bias resulting from the removal of empty cells. We find that the lognormal model is in general an adequate fit to the distribution functions, as measured by a Kolmogorov--Smirnov test. However the values for the variance implied by the best fit model parameters are slightly high in comparison with both predictions from the correlation functions and relative to the direct counts-in-cells variance measurements presented in this paper. The fact that this bias can be corrected by introducing a weighting scheme giving more weight to regions of higher density contrast suggests that the lognormal model is a relatively crude approximation to the true distribution. It is likely that a generalized lognormal model, such as the `skewed' lognormal model (SLNDFk) (Colombi 1994; Ueda \\& Yokoyama 1996), would be a better approximation. Unfortunately, the SLNDFk cannot be used in our maximum likelihood approach since it is not positive definite, and therefore is not strictly speaking a distribution function. \\subsection{Comparison of relative bias parameters} \\label{last_bit} \\begin{table} \\caption{Average bias parameters over all scales from $\\ell>14h^{-1}$Mpc for all of the measurements presented in the paper. Error bars are derived assuming measurements for adjacent bins in $\\ell$ scales are correlated.} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{ccc} \\hline Bias measurement & NGP & SGP \\\\ \\hline $1/b_{\\rm var}$ (from Efstathiou $\\sigma(\\ell)$) & 1.24$\\pm$0.06 & 1.26$\\pm$0.04 \\\\ $1/b_{\\rm var}$ (from $\\sigma_{\\rm LN}$ fits) & 1.28$\\pm$0.05 & 1.27$\\pm$0.04 \\\\ $1/b_{1,{\\rm lin}}$ (maximum likelihood) & 1.27$\\pm$0.04 & 1.17$\\pm$0.04 \\\\ $f\\approx1/b_{1,{\\rm lin}}$ (Tegmark test) & 1.28$\\pm$0.03 & 1.16$\\pm$0.03 \\\\ $1/b_{1,{\\rm PL}}$ & 1.36$\\pm$0.05 & 1.29$\\pm$0.04 \\\\ \\hline \\label{av_bias} \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table} We present in Table~\\ref{av_bias} a comparison of the relative bias parameters from all of the measurements presented in the paper. We have averaged the bias measurements for all scales with $\\ell>14h^{-1}$Mpc which we expect to be unaffected by biases from empty cells. The error bars on each average are obtained assuming that the measurements in adjacent bins in $\\ell$ are perfectly correlated, which is a better approximation than assuming the measurements on separate scales are independent. Where relevant we have also used the more realistic error bars obtained from our Rayleigh-L\\'evy flight models. As previously noted, the results for $1/b_{\\rm var}$ are consistent between regions and also consistent between measurements from direct variance estimation and fitting lognormal models to the one-point distribution. Comparing the two estimates of the linear relative bias parameter $1/b_{1,{\\rm lin}}$, from the maximum likelihood method and from the Tegmark test, we find in both cases a significant discrepancy between NGP and SGP regions. The magnitude of this discrepancy is around 2-$\\sigma$. On the other hand the power-law bias measurements are approximately consistent between regions at a value of $b_{1,{\\rm PL}}$ which is further from unity. As we noted in Section~\\ref{bias} the assumption of linear bias when fitting to joint counts in cells which contain a significant degree of nonlinearity pushes the best fit relative bias closer to unity. This effect was also noted by Wild \\etal\\ (in preparation). It is likely that the apparent discrepancy between NGP and SGP linear bias parameters is also partly an artefact produced when non-linear joint distributions are fit with a linear bias model. \\subsection{Scale dependence of the relative bias} In general, the relative bias is expected to be scale dependent on small scales ($r\\lesssim r_{0}$). The scale at which the bias relation becomes scale independent depends on the scales over which the biasing mechanism(s) operates. Non-local bias models (Bower et al.~1993, Matsubara 1999) are those on which the physical processes acting to produce the bias act on scales larger than those defined by the movement of massive particles, for example those models where radiation from QSOs has a significant effect. Local bias models (e.g.~Narayanan, Berlind \\& Weinberg, 2000) are those which are defined by some property of the local matter field, for example its density. Narayanan, Berlind \\& Weinberg (2000) determine the variation with scale of a number of local and non-local bias models applied to N-body simulations. A general conclusion of this work is that local bias models are generically unable to influence the biasing relation on scales greater than $r=8h^{-1}$Mpc, which corresponds to $\\ell\\approx12h^{-1}$Mpc in this work. Although there does appear to be some variation of the best fit linear bias parameter on scales $\\ell\\gtrsim15h^{-1}$, when we factor in the larger error bars derived from models including selection function variation across cells in a more realistic way, the significance of any variation becomes negligible. Even if the variation in the linear bias parameter were significant it would not necessarily imply scale dependence of the bias since there is no significant scale dependence of the best fit power-law bias parameter. This illustrates the interdependence of non-linear, non-local and stochastic biasing effects. We conclude that any non-local contribution to the relative bias cannot be a dominant effect on large scales. A special case of local relative bias which was considered in detail by Narayanan, Berlind \\& Weinberg (2000) is a local morphology density relation, of the type measured in the local environment of clusters and groups by e.g.~Postman \\& Geller (1984). A general conclusion for the relative bias produced by such a local effect is that the constant bias factor to which the scale dependent bias asymptotes on large scales is not equal to unity; assigning galaxy types based on local density produces a difference in clustering strength of the different galaxy types on all scales. Our results are fully consistent with this picture, which leads on to the question of whether the relatively well studied morphology-density relation can be held solely responsible for the relative bias measured in the 2dFGRS." }, "0404/astro-ph0404510_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The physical limits to computation have been under active scrutiny over the past decade or two, as theoretical investigations of the possible impact of quantum mechanical processes on computing have begun to make contact with realizable experimental configurations. We demonstrate here that the observed acceleration of the Universe can produce a universal limit on the total amount of information that can be stored and processed in the future, putting an ultimate limit on future technology for any civilization, including a time-limit on Moore's Law. The limits we derive are stringent, and include the possibilities that the computing performed is either distributed or local. A careful consideration of the effect of horizons on information processing is necessary for this analysis, which suggests that the total amount of information that can be processed by any observer is significantly less than the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy associated with the existence of an event horizon in an accelerating universe. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404456_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of the minor planet 2003 VB12 (popularly named Sedna), the most distant object ever seen in the solar system. Pre-discovery images from 2001, 2002, and 2003 have allowed us to refine the orbit sufficiently to conclude that 2003 VB12 is on a highly eccentric orbit which permanently resides well beyond the Kuiper belt with a semimajor axis of 480$\\pm$40 AU and a perihelion of 76$\\pm$4AU. Such an orbit is unexpected in our current understanding of the solar system, but could be the result of scattering by a yet-to-be-discovered planet, perturbation by an anomalously close stellar encounter, or formation of the solar system within a cluster of stars. In all of these cases a significant additional population is likely present, and in the two most likely cases 2003 VB12 is best considered a member of the inner Oort cloud, which then extends to much smaller semimajor axes than previously expected. Continued discovery and orbital characterization of objects in this inner Oort cloud will verify the genesis of this unexpected population. ", "introduction": "The planetary region of the solar system, defined as the region that includes nearly circular low inclination orbits, appears to end at a distance of about 50AU from the sun at the edge of the classical Kuiper belt (Allen et al. 2001, Trujillo and Brown 2001). Many high eccentricity bodies from the planetary region -- comets and scattered Kuiper belt objects -- cross this boundary, but all have perihelia well within the planetary region. Far beyond this edge lies the realm of comets, which are hypothesized to be stored at distances of $\\sim 10^4$ AU in the Oort cloud. While many objects presumably reside in this Oort cloud indefinitely, perturbation by passing stars or galactic tides occasionally modifies the orbit of a small number of these Oort cloud objects, causing them to reenter the inner solar system where they are detected as dynamically new comets (Oort 1950, Duncan et al. 1987), allowing a dynamical glimpse into the distant region from which they came. Every known and expected object in the solar system has either a perihelion in the planetary region, an aphelion in the Oort cloud region, or both. Since November 2001 we have been systematically surveying the sky in search of distant slowly moving objects using the Samuel Oschin 48-inch Schmidt Telescope at Palomar Observatory (Trujillo and Brown 2004) and the Palomar-Quest large-area CCD camera (Rabinowitz et al. 2003). This survey is designed to cover the majority of the sky visible from Palomar over the course of approximately 5 years and, when finished, it will be the largest survey for distant moving objects since that of Tombaugh (1961). The major goal of the survey is to discover rare large objects in the Kuiper belt which are missed in the smaller but deeper surveys which find the majority of the fainter Kuiper belt objects (i.e, Millis et al. 2001). In the course of this survey we detected an object with an R magnitude of 20.7 on 14 November 2003 which moved 4.6 arcseconds over the course of 3 images separated by a total of 3.1 hours (Figure 1). Over such short time periods, the motion of an object near opposition in the outer solar system is dominated by the parallax caused by the Earth's motion, so we can estimate that $R \\approx 150/\\Delta$, where $R$ is the heliocentric distance of the object in AU and $\\Delta$ is the speed in arcseconds per hour. From this estimate we can immediately conclude that the detected object is at a distance of $\\sim$100AU, significantly beyond the 50 AU planetary region, and more distant than any object yet seen in the solar system. The object has been temporarily designated minor planet 2003 VB12. Followup observations from the Tenagra IV telescope, the Keck Observatory, and the 1.3-m SMARTS telescope at Cerro Tololo between 20 November 2003 and 31 December 2003 \\footnote{see http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K04/K04E45.html for a table of astrometric positions.} allow us to compute a preliminary orbit for the object using both the method of Bernstein and Khushalani (2000; hereafter BK2000), which is optimized for distant objects in the solar system, and a full least-squares method which makes no a priori assumptions about the orbit\\footnote{see http://www.projectpluto.com/find\\_orb.html}. Both methods suggest a distant eccentric orbit with the object currently near perihelion, but derived values for the semimajor axis and eccentricity are very different, showing the limitations of fitting an orbit for a slowly moving object with such a small orbital arc. For such objects a time baseline of several years is generally required before an accurate orbit can be determined. ", "conclusions": "Each of the plausible scenarios for the origin of the distant object predicts a specific dynamical population beyond the Kuiper belt. With only a single object, though, little dynamical evidence exists for preferring any one scenario. With any new discoveries in this region, however, evidence should quickly mount. We can make a simple order of magnitude estimate of the ease of future discovery of objects in this population. We find a single distant object in our survey while we have found 40 Kuiper belt objects discovered to date in the survey. Assuming the size distribution of the distant population is the same as that of the Kuiper belt, other surveys should find similar proportions, assuming they are equally sensitive to slow motions. As of 15 March 2004, 831 minor planets have been detected beyond Neptune, we thus expect to have seen $\\sim$20 similar objects from other surveys. Even with this rough estimate, the lack of previous detection appears significant, suggesting either than most surveys have not been sensitive to motions as slow as $\\sim$1.5 arcseconds per hour or that there is an overabundance of comparatively bright objects in the distant population. In either case, it appears likely that new objects in this population should be detected reasonably soon. The most plausible scenario for the origin of our object appears to be the dynamical effect of the creation of the solar system within a dense stellar cluster. In this scenario the Oort cloud extends from its expected location at $\\sim$100000 AU all the way in to the location of 2003 VB12. If this scenario is indeed correct the total mass of the Oort cloud must be many times higher than previously suspected. The expected population of large objects like the one discovered here is large. Our survey could only have detected this object during $\\sim$1\\% of its orbit, suggesting a population of $\\sim$100 objects on similar orbits. Moreover, if the population is nearly isotropic, $\\sim$5 more such objects must be observable in the current sky, with a total population of 500. Assuming a size distribution similar to the Kuiper belt, the total mass of this population is $\\sim$5 earth masses. The unseen population with ever more distant perihelia are likely even more numerous. With only the single object known in this population, extrapolation of a precise mass is not possible, nonetheless the existence of a nearby massive previously unsuspected inner Oort cloud appears likely. Even in the other origins scenarios a significant new mass must likely be present. At these distances and, in particular for isotropic distributions, current dynamical methods are unable to rule out any reasonable populations (Hogg et al. 1991). If the distant populations are sufficiently large, however, they may be detectable in future occulatation surveys. While the genesis of 2003 VB12 is currently uncertain, continued discovery and orbital characterization of similar high perihelion objects should allow a unique and straightforward interpretation of this population. Each hypothesized formation mechanism leads to the prediction of a different dynamically distinct population in the outer solar system. Study of these populations will lead to a new knowledge of the earliest history of formation of the solar system." }, "0404/astro-ph0404383_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "When stars form within small groups (with $\\nstar \\approx 100 - 500$ members), their circumstellar disks are exposed to relatively little EUV ($h\\nu > 13.6$ eV) radiation but a great deal of FUV (6 eV $< h\\nu <$ 13.6 eV) radiation ($\\sim10^3$ times the local interstellar FUV field) from the most massive stars in the group. This paper calculates the mass loss rates and evaporation time scales for circumstellar disks exposed to external FUV radiation. Previous work treated large disks and/or intense radiation fields in which the disk radius $r_d$ exceeds the critical radius $r_g$ where the sound speed in the FUV heated surface layer exceeds the escape speed; it has often been assumed that photoevaporation occurs for $r_d > r_g$ and is negligible for $r_d < r_g$. Since $r_g \\gta 100$ AU for FUV heating, this would imply little mass loss from the planet-forming regions of a disk. In this paper, we focus on systems in which photoevaporation is suppressed because $r_d < r_g$ and show that significant mass loss still takes place as long as $r_d/r_g \\gta 0.1 - 0.2$. Some of the gas extends beyond the disk edge (or above the disk surface) to larger distances where the temperature is higher, the escape speed is lower, and an outflow develops. The resulting evaporation rate is a sensitive function of the central stellar mass and disk radius, which determine the escape speed, and the external FUV flux, which determines the temperature structure of the surfaces layers and outflowing gas. Disks around red dwarfs, low mass stars with $M_\\ast \\lta$ 0.5 $M_\\odot$, are evaporated and shrink to disk radii $r_d \\lta 15$ AU on short time scales $t \\lta 10$ Myr when exposed to moderate FUV fields with $G_0$ = 3000 (where $G_0$ = 1.7 for the local interstellar FUV field). The disks around solar type stars are more durable. For intense FUV radiation fields with $G_0$ = 30,000, however, even these disks shrink to $r_d \\lta 15$ AU on time scales $t \\sim10$ Myr. Such fields exist within about 0.7 pc of the center of a cluster with $N_\\star \\approx 4000$ stars. If our solar system formed in the presence of such strong FUV radiation fields, this mechanism could explain why Neptune and Uranus in our solar system are gas poor, whereas Jupiter and Saturn are relatively gas rich. This mechanism for photoevaporation can also limit the production of Kuiper belt objects and can suppress giant planet formation in sufficiently large clusters, such as the Hyades, especially for disks associated with low mass stars. ", "introduction": "The collapse of molecular cloud cores leads to the formation of stars with orbiting accretion disks. The dust in these disks can settle, coagulate, and form solid objects ranging in sizes from pebbles to planetesimals to planets. However, a number of mechanisms act to disperse gas from these disks, either driving the gas back out into the interstellar medium, or spiraling it into the central star. During this dispersal, the gas can, in turn, drag small dust particles (with radii $b \\lta 1$ cm) along in the flow. Gas dispersal thus disrupts planet formation in at least two important ways: (i) If the gas is dispersed before the disk dust particles have coagulated to sizes sufficient to decouple from the gas flow ($b \\gta 1$ cm), then the formation of planetesimals, Kuiper Belt Objects, and rocky planets will be curtailed because all the orbiting solid material in the gas flow region is removed before it has a chance to grow. (ii) If the gas is dispersed before large ($m_P \\gta 5-15$ earth masses) rocky planets are formed, and if giant planets form by the gravitational accretion of gas onto these large rocky cores (Bodenheimer \\& Pollack 1986; Lissauer 1993), then the formation of gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn will be suppressed. The dispersal of gas and small dust particles has other important effects on the formation of planetary systems. The presence of a moderately massive gas disk leads to planetary migration (Lin \\& Papaloizou 1986, Ward 1997). The presence of even small amounts of gas at time scales $t \\sim 10 - 100$ Myr after disk formation influences the dynamics and evolution of orbiting objects in solar systems. For example, such gas can affect the orbital eccentricities of both planets and any remaining planetesimals (e.g., Tanaka \\& Ida 1997; Kominami \\& Ida 2002; Chiang et al. 2002). Reducing the eccentricities can, in turn, alter the time required for the collisional agglomeration of large planets. Observations of disk systems of various ages suggest that the small ($b \\lta 1$ mm) dust particles disappear on time scales of roughly 3 -- 10 Myr (Haisch et al. 2001). Near infrared continuum observations probe dust orbiting in the central regions of disks, $r \\lta 0.1$ AU, whereas submillimeter and millimeter wavelength continuum observations probe dust in the outer disks, $r \\gta 30$ AU. The small dust grains in both regions disappear on roughly the same time scale. Presumably, after the disappearance time scale, some of the small dust particles have coagulated to form pebbles and larger objects that are no longer detectable at IR or millimeter wavelengths. Several authors cite observational evidence for coagulated dust of size $b \\sim 1$ cm in young disks (d'Alessio et al. 1999, Throop et al. 2001). However, the present observations do not specify how much of the small dust has been dispersed, and how much has coagulated into larger objects and disappeared from view. Observations of gas in disks indicate that gas can also be dispersed in a relatively short time of only $t \\lta 10$ Myr (Zuckerman et al. 1995). Generally, the gas is traced by millimeter and submillimeter observations of the trace species $^{12}$CO in the J=1-0, 2-1, or 3-2 transitions, which are sensitive to low masses of gas as long as the gas disk is extended. Because these lines are optically thick, and beam dilution reduces the observed intensity for these small ($\\lta 1\"$) disks, the current surveys are insensitive to gas of any mass at $r \\lta 50$ AU for the nearby ($d \\sim 100$ pc) young star/disk systems. Nevertheless, significant gas masses have been detected via CO observations in disks as old as 10 Myr (cf. Carpenter 2002). In short, from an observational point of view, it appears that the bulk of the gas is dispersed from the outer disks in time scales $t \\lta 10$ Myr, but the evolution of the gas in the inner, planet-forming region of the disk is uncertain. Hollenbach, Yorke, \\& Johnstone (2000) reviewed theoretical models for dispersing the gas and small dust from disks. Observational evidence from our solar system and other planetary systems indicates that more gas and dust is accreted onto the central star and dispersed back into the ISM than forms planets or other solid orbiting objects. This dispersal is dominated by photoevaporation in the outer regions of disks and viscous evolution (accretion onto the star coupled with protostellar outflows) in the inner parts of disks. The boundary between these two regimes -- viscous evolution and photoevaporation -- remains uncertain. We need to develop a better understanding of viscous accretion and develop better photoevaporation models that accurately track mass loss at moderate radii from the central star. This paper addresses the latter problem for the case of external irradiation. Stellar winds may play a significant, but probably not dominant, role in dispersing gas at moderate radii near the boundary of the inner viscosity-dominated region and the outer photoevaporating region. Nearby stellar encounters, even for star/disks born in dense clusters like the Trapezium cluster, only affect the outermost regions ($r\\gta 100$ AU) of the largest disks, and, even there, the photoevaporation of disks in these same clusters is likely to dominate the dispersal of the outer regions (e.g., Scally \\& Clarke 2001, Clarke 2002, Adams \\& Laughlin 2001). Photoevaporation occurs when energetic photons heat the surface of the disk to elevated temperatures. The radiation of interest includes FUV photons in the energy range 6eV -- 13.6eV, EUV photons in the energy range 13.6eV -- 100eV, and X-rays in the energy range 100eV -- 10keV. If EUV photons can penetrate the outward flow and reach the disk surface, they will ionize and heat the surface to $T \\approx 10^4$ K, whereas the FUV and/or X-ray photons tend to heat the neutral gas to lower temperatures, typically in the range 100 K $< T < $3000 K. The thermal pressures in these heated regions drive the gas outward and create a flow into the interstellar medium. An important critical radius $r_g$ can be defined -- this fiducial length scale is the radius where the sound speed of the gas (hydrogen atoms) equals the escape speed from the gravitationally bound system, i.e., \\be r_g = {G M_\\ast \\muc \\over k T} \\approx 100 {\\rm AU} \\, \\Bigl( {T \\over 1000 {\\rm K} } \\Bigr)^{-1} \\, \\Bigl( {M_\\ast \\over 1 M_\\odot } \\Bigr) \\, , \\label{eq:rcrit} \\ee where $M_\\ast$ is the mass of the central star and $\\muc$ is the average mass of the gas particles. Most previous work on photoevaporation (Hollenbach et al. 1994, Johnstone et al. 1998, St\\\"orzer \\& Hollenbach 1999) assumed that photoevaporation flow is only active for $r > r_g$, and that the disk is static (with a warm surface corona held in orbit by the stellar gravity) for $r < r_g$. In this paper, we generalize this picture to include a more proper treatment of the flow hydrodynamics and show that significant photoevaporation can take place for smaller radii, $r \\gta 0.2 r_g$ (see Figure 1). In any event, disk photoevaporation can be considered like a slow ($v \\sim 1-5$ km s$^{-1}$) thermal Parker wind originating from the outer portion of the disk ($r \\sim 3 - 100$ AU). Other authors have discussed the possibility of significant flow from $r r_g$) around low mass stars being photoevaporated by the FUV and EUV fluxes from a nearby OB star. These models were successfully applied to the PROtoPLanetarY DiskS, or ``proplyds'', observed in the cluster of low mass stars around the Trapezium in Orion (e.g., O'Dell 1998, Bally et al. 1998, Churchwell et al. 1987). A complementary set of models (Richling \\& Yorke 1997, 1998, 2000; Yorke \\& Richling 2002) studied the hydrodynamical flow for disks subjected to both radiation from their central stars and external radiation. This previous work produced two results of interest here: (i) In the case of external illumination, the FUV photons often initiate the mass loss and the incident EUV flux is absorbed at an ionization front in the neutral flow which is several disk radii away from the disk surface. (ii) The externally-illuminated disks evaporate from outside in, whereas the bulk of the mass loss for internally-EUV-illuminated disks occurs at $r \\sim r_g$. In other words, in the former (external) case, a disk with outer radius $r_d$ shrinks from $r_d > r_g$ to $r_d \\lta r_g$ as evaporation proceeds. In the latter case, in the absence of turbulent viscosity to drive radial flow and replenish material at $r_g$, the disk evaporates at $r_g$ until a gap is formed there, and then the photoevaporation proceeds from $r_g$ outward to $r_d$. These early models effectively assumed large disks with $r_d > r_g$. This paper presents a more in depth treatment for the case of small disks (with $r_d < r_g$) that are externally illuminated by FUV radiation. However, this work also has important implications for photoevaporation at $r r_g$. This paper presents the corresponding analysis for the case of FUV-induced photoevaporation that occurs for $r_d < r_g$; this latter process often dominates the mass loss for typical disks in typical star formation environments. This paper is organized as follows. In \\S 2, we discuss the physical mechanisms in photoevaporating disks, including heating processes, dust properties and attenuation, cooling mechanisms, thermal balance, and chemistry. We then summarize in more detail (in \\S 3) the previous results for the photoevaporation of ``large'' (supercritical) disks with $r_d > r_g$, since these analytic results will be useful for generalization to the case of smaller disks. In \\S 4, we calculate the photoevaporative mass loss rates and time scales for subcritical disks (with $r_d < r_g$) due to external FUV illumination. In general, photoevaporation takes place on both the disk surface, creating an initially vertical flow, and from the disk edge at $r_d$, creating a radial flow. Although the disk edge has less area, the radial flow tends to dominate the mass loss because the material here is bound more weakly. In a previous paper (Hollenbach \\& Adams 2003), we presented the isothermal case, where we can obtain analytic approximations which provide physical insight; here we develop the more complicated (but more realistic) non-isothermal case where the temperature is determined from the heating and cooling of the gas in the flow. We determine how the mass loss rate depends on the incident FUV flux, the size $r_d$ of the disk, and the mass of the central star. We apply these results to the possible evaporation of the early solar nebula (\\S 5), the formation of Kuiper Belt objects and debris dust (\\S 6), the suppression of giant planet formation in large clusters like the Hyades (\\S 7), and the evaporation of disks around low mass stars (\\S 7). We conclude, in \\S 8, with a summary and discussion of our results. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have studied the photoevaporation of small circumstellar disks ($r_d < r_g \\sim 100$ AU) due to the heating by FUV radiation from the stellar birth environment. Because this work applies to small disk radii, we can determine the effects of photoevaporation on inhibiting planet or planetesimal formation in the disk region where $r = 10 - 100$ AU. This work complements previous studies, which have considered the evaporation of circumstellar disks due to EUV radiation from their parental stars (e.g., Shu et al. 1993) and the evaporation of large disks ($r_d \\gta 100$ AU) due to UV radiation in large clusters like the Trapezium (e.g., SH99). We show that FUV photoevaporation is likely to dominate EUV evaporation both in large clusters (e.g., $N_\\star \\approx 4000$, $G_0 \\approx 30,000$) and in more moderate sized groups (e.g., $N_\\star \\approx 300$, $G_0 \\approx 3000$), until the disks shrink to sizes $r_d \\lta 10$ AU. By the time disks evaporate to such small radii (on time scales $t \\gta 30$ Myr), the major episodes of planet formation are expected to be over, so that EUV photoevaporation does not generally play an important role in affecting planet formation. [1] For solar type stars, with $M_\\ast \\approx 1 M_\\odot$, relatively intense FUV radiation fields are required for significant photoevaporation to take place. In particular, FUV radiation with $G_0$ = 30,000 will efficiently evaporate disks with radii down to $r_d \\sim 20$ AU on time scales of $\\sim10$ Myr. The outer parts of these circumstellar disks can be effectively evaporated through the action of this level of FUV radiation, which is expected to be present in the cores of dense stellar clusters (e.g., $d \\lta 0.7$ pc with $N_\\star \\approx 4000$). [2] In our own solar system, the relative paucity of gas in Neptune and Uranus can be understood if the outer solar nebula ($r \\gta 20$ AU) is stripped of its gas before the planets complete their formation (\\S 5). The action of FUV radiation can remove enough gas on a sufficiently rapid time scale if the early solar system is exposed to FUV radiation fields with intensity $G_0 \\ge 30,000$. We expect such strong FUV radiation fields to be somewhat rare. [3] FUV radiation fields can affect the formation of Kuiper belt objects and other rocky bodies in the outer portion of our solar system, and others. In these systems, dust grains coagulate as they settle and eventually grow too large to be removed from the disks. This process competes against evaporation, which acts to remove gas and dust from the disk. We find that dust coagulation tends to take place more rapidly (than mass loss) for radii less than a cutoff radius $r_c \\approx 100$ AU, even in relatively harsh stellar birth environments (\\S 6). As a result, Kuiper belt objects, and the debris dust that they generate later on, can be formed (out to $r\\sim100$ AU) around most stars. However, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that photoevaporation in the solar nebula could have produced the observed cutoff in Kuiper Belt objects at $r_c \\sim 50$ AU. [4] Relatively large clusters contain B stars (and even O stars) with high probability. Sufficiently rich clusters thus provide a hostile environment for giant planet formation because the FUV radiation from the background cluster is effective at removing gas from nebular disks. Applying this result to known clusters, such as the Hyades (\\S 7), we find that giant planet formation can be compromised in such environments. [5] We have calculated (numerically) mass loss rates $\\dot M$ as a function of stellar mass $M_\\ast$, disk radius $r_d$, and FUV radiation field $G_0$. We also provide a simple analytic solution that approximately shows the scaling of the mass loss rate with these parameters. However, the analytic results are presented in terms of the column density $N_C$ of the heated surface gas, which is assumed to be isothermal with sound speed $a_s$. Comparison to PDR codes is required to determine $N_C$ and $a_s$ for a given radiation field $G_0$. [6] The mass loss rate is significant for disk radii much smaller than the critical radius, in particular for $r_d/r_g \\gta 0.15$. Previous work assumed negligible mass loss for $r_d < r_g$, so this finding increases the range of viable parameter space for mass loss. However, the mass loss rate drops exponentially for $r_d \\lta 0.15 r_g$, scaling roughly as ${\\dot M} \\propto \\exp[-r_g/2r_d]$. [7] If a disk has enough viscosity, then viscous spreading of the outer disk edge can affect photoevaporation. As a disk becomes smaller in radius, its photoevaporation time increases whereas its viscous spreading time decreases. As a result, disks will shrink down to the size at which the two time scales are in balance (see Figure 8). This process tends to enhance the effectiveness of photoevaporation by feeding new material into the outer disk where it can be efficiently removed by the outflow. [8] Photoevaporation is most effective for disks surrounding stars of low mass (\\S 7). For example, a disk around an M dwarf with $M_\\ast$ = 0.25 $M_\\odot$ can be evaporated down to 10 AU in only 12 Myr when exposed to a modest FUV radiation field with $G_0$ = 3000. Such radiation intensities occur readily in moderately sized stellar groups, those with $N_\\star \\sim 300$, which represent a common star forming environment (e.g., Lada \\& Lada 2003, Porras et al. 2003). A intriguing result emerges from this consideration of disk evaporation and the corresponding loss of planet forming potential for stars with varying mass. High mass stars are efficient at evaporating their own circumstellar disks and are thus not expected to harbor planets. At the other end of the mass spectrum, red dwarfs easily lose their disks due to photoevaporation in the presence of modest external FUV radiation fields (e.g., $G_0$ = 3000), which are expected in common star forming units. As a result, solar type stars (loosely speaking, stars with masses within a factor of two of 1.0 $M_\\odot$) are the preferred locations for giant planet formation. \\bigskip \\centerline{\\bf Acknowledgments} \\medskip We would like to thank M. Kaufman and A. Parravano for useful discussions. We also thank an anonymous referee for comments that clarified the paper. This work was supported by a grant from the NASA Origins of the Solar System Program, the NASA Astrophysics Theory Program, and by the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics. \\newpage \\centerline{\\bf APPENDIX: ANALYTIC APPROXIMATION} \\centerline{\\bf FOR THE PHOTOEVAPORATION OF SMALL DISKS ($r_d \\ll r_g$)} \\bigskip In this Appendix, we derive simple analytic results for the scaling of the photoevaporative mass loss rate $\\dot M$ as a function of stellar mass $M_\\ast$, disk radius $r_d$, and (implicitly) the strength of the FUV radiation field $G_0$. Specifically, we make the following simplifying assumptions: [i] The gas is essentially static in the inner region where $r < r_s$, with thermal pressure balancing gravity. This assumption is equivalent to neglecting the $v dv/dr$ term in equation (\\ref{eq:forcezero}) and solving the remaining equation for the density structure $n(r)$. [ii] The outflow velocity $v$ is constant in the outer region where $r > r_s$, with $v=a_s$, the sound speed at the sonic point. This assumption implies that the density profile in the outer region has the form $n(r) = n_s (r_s/r)^2$, where $n_s$ is the number density at $r_s$. [iii] The FUV field $G_0$ heats a column $N_C$ of surface gas to a constant temperature $T_s$ (i.e., the surface layer is isothermal). We thus obtain results that depend on $T_s$ ($a_s$) and $N_C$, but these parameters are actually surrogates for the radiation field $G_0$. We can relate $a_s$ and $N_C$ to $G_0$ using the results from the PDR code as shown in Figure 2. Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the photoevaporation process for subcritical disks. Here, we work in the limit $r_d \\ll r_g$ and assume that the critical radius $r_g$ and the sonic radius $r_s$ are comparable ($r_s \\sim r_g$). With this set of approximations, the density profile for the subsonic region takes the form $$ n(r) = n_d \\exp\\Bigl[ - {r_g \\over 2 r_d} (1 - r_d/r)^2 \\Bigr] \\, , \\eqno({\\rm A}1) $$ where $r_g$ is the critical radius (given by eq. [\\ref{eq:rcrit}]) with $T=T_s$. Assuming that $r_s, r_g \\gg r_d$, we thus obtain $$ n_s \\approx n_d \\exp[-r_g/2r_d] \\, . \\eqno({\\rm A}2) $$ The mass loss rate from the disk edge (at $r_d$) is given by the continuity equation and takes the form $$ {\\dot M} = \\muc n_s a_s {\\cal A}_s \\, , \\eqno({\\rm A}3) $$ where $\\muc$ is the mass per particle and where ${\\cal A}_s$ is the area subtended by the flow at $r_s$. This area can be written $$ {\\cal A}_s = 2 \\pi r_d H_d (r_s/r_d)^2 \\equiv 2 \\pi \\alpha r_g (r_d r_g)^{1/2} \\, . \\eqno({\\rm A}4) $$ In the second equality, we have evaluated the disk scale height $H_d$ = $r_g (r_d/r_g)^{3/2}$ and have defined a dimensionless constant $\\alpha \\equiv (r_s/r_g)^2$, which is of order unity. Finally, we apply the condition that the external FUV flux $G_0$ heats a column density $N_C$ given by the integral $$ N_C = \\int_{r_d}^\\infty n(r) dr \\, . \\eqno({\\rm A}5) $$ In the limit that $r_d \\ll r_g$, most of the support of this integral occurs for small $r$ where equation (A1) applies. This condition (A5) relates the column density $N_C$ to $n_d$, and, to leading order, this relation takes the form $$ n_d \\approx \\Bigl( {2 \\over \\pi} \\Bigr)^{1/2} \\Bigl( {r_g \\over r_d} \\Bigr)^{1/2} {N_C \\over r_d} \\, . \\eqno({\\rm A}6) $$ Collecting all of the results given above, we obtain the following expression for the mass loss rate $$ {\\dot M} = C_0 N_C \\muc a_s r_g \\Bigl( {r_g \\over r_d} \\Bigr) {\\rm e}^{-r_g/2r_d} \\, , \\eqno({\\rm A}7) $$ where $C_0$ is a dimensionless constant of order unity. Although the derivation of equation (A7) applies only in the limit $r_d \\ll r_s \\sim r_g$, the resulting function can be evaluated when $r_d \\approx r_s \\approx r_g$ and implies nearly the same result as the supercritical mass loss rate of \\S 3 (see eq. [\\ref{eq:mdotzero}]). Therefore, we can use equation (A7) as an analytic approximation to the mass loss rate (for a given radiation field $G_0$) as a function of $r_d/r_g$ (for $r_d/r_g \\le 1$). This approximation should match onto the subcritical mass loss rates calculated in \\S 4 (where $r_d/r_g \\approx 0.125$) and should also match onto the supercritical mass loss rates of \\S 3 (for $r_d \\to r_g$). Notice that we are implicitly assuming that $a_s$ and $N_C$ do not change with $r_d/r_g$ for a given radiation field. With these approximations, we can estimate the mass loss rates for systems that are intermediate between the subcritical regime of \\S 4 and the supercritical regime of \\S 3. We can also use the resulting form of $\\dot M$ to understand how the mass loss rate depends on the various parameters in the problem. As $r_d$ becomes comparable to $r_g$, the mass loss rate approach its supercritical value. As $r_d/r_g$ decreases, the mass loss rate decreases, but only slowly at first. The outflow rate $\\dot M$ is half its supercritical value when $r_d/r_g \\approx 0.17$ (significantly below unity). For even smaller values of $r_d/r_g$, however, the decaying exponential behavior wins and the mass loss rates drop dramatically. Finally, we can also make an analytic estimate for the mass loss rate from the disk surface, i.e., for vertical flow off the top and bottom of the disk. This estimate can be compared to that for mass loss from the disk edges (see eq. [A7]). For vertical flow, we treat each increment of disk surface area $2 \\pi r dr$ with the same formulation used above for the disk edges, with one exception: We must replace the radius $r_d$ with $r \\le r_d$ and then integrate over $r$. This procedure takes into account the fact that material at $r < r_d$ lives deeper in the gravitational potential well and is harder to extract from the system. The resulting mass loss rate from the disk surface is $$ {\\dot M}_{sur} = C_1 N_C \\muc a_s r_g \\Bigl( {r_g \\over r_d} \\Bigr)^{1/2} {\\rm e}^{-r_g/2r_d} \\, , \\eqno({\\rm A}8) $$ where all of the dimensionless quantities are collected into the constant $C_1$ (which is comparable to, but not quite the same as, the constant $C_0$ appearing in eq. [A7]). Comparing the mass loss rates from the disk edge and the disk surface, we find that ${\\dot M}_{sur}/{\\dot M} \\approx (r_d/r_g)^{1/2}$. In the limit $r_d/r_g \\ll 1$, the mass loss rate from the disk edge dominates the mass loss rate from the disk surfaces. \\newpage \\bigskip" }, "0404/astro-ph0404397_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a model for the distribution of void sizes and its evolution within the context of hierarchical scenarios of gravitational structure formation. For a proper description of the hierarchical buildup of the system of voids in the matter distribution, not only the {\\it void-in-void} problem should be taken into account, but also that of the {\\it void-in-cloud} issue. Within the context of the excursion set formulation of an evolving void hierarchy is one involving a {\\it two-barrier} excursion problem, unlike the {\\it one-barrier} problem for the dark halo evolution. This leads to voids having a peaked size distribution at any cosmic epoch, centered on a characteristic void size that evolves self-similarly in time, in distinct contrast to the distribution of virialized halo masses in not having a small-scale cut-off. ", "introduction": "\\noindent Hierarchical scenarios of structure formation have been very succesfull in understanding the formation histories of gravitationally bound virialized haloes. Particularly compelling has been the formulation of a formalism in which the collapse and virialization of overdense dark matter halos within the context of hierarchical clustering can be treated on a fully analytical basis. This approach was originally proposed by Press \\& Schechter (1974), which found a particularly useful and versatile formulation and modification in the the {\\it excursion set formalism} (Bond et al.~1991). It is based on the assumption that for a structure to reach a particular nonlinear evolutionary stage, such as complete gravitational collapse, the sole condition is that its {\\em linearly extrapolated primordial density} should attain a certain value. The canonic example is that of a spherical tophat overdensity collapsing once it reaches the collapse barrier $\\delta_c\\approx 1.69$. The successive contributions to the local density by perturbations on a (mass) resolution scale $S_m$ may be represented in terms of a density perturbation random walk, the cumulative of all density fluctuations at a resolution scale smaller than $S_m$. By identifying the largest scale at which the density passes through the barrier $\\delta_c$ it is possible (1) to infer at any cosmic epoch the mass spectrum of collapsed halos and (2) to reconstruct the merging history of each halo (see Fig.~3, lefthand). \\begin{figure} \\vskip -3.0truecm \\mbox{\\hskip -0.5truecm\\includegraphics[width=14.2cm]{weytorfig1.ps}} \\vskip -1.5truecm \\caption{Illustration of the two essential ``void hierarchy modes'': (top) the {\\em void-in-void} process (top), with a void growing through the merging of two or more subvoids; (bottom) the {\\em void-in-cloud} process: a void demolished through the gravitational collapse of embedding region.} \\vskip -0.2truecm \\label{voidproc} \\end{figure} In this study we demonstrate that also the formation and evolution of foamlike patterns as a result of the gravitational growth of primordial density perturbations is liable to a succesfull description by the excursion set analysis. A slight extension and elaboration on the original formulation enables us to frame an analytical theory explaining how the characteristic observed weblike Megaparsec scale galaxy distribution, and the equivalent frothy spatial matter distribution seen to form in computer simulations of cosmic structure formation, are natural products of a hierarchical process of gravitational clustering. This is accomplished by resorting to a complementary view of clustering evolution in which we focus on the evolution of the {\\em voids} in the Megaparsec galaxy and matter distribution, spatially {\\it th\\'e} dominant component (see e.g. Muller \\& Maulbatsch, these proceedings). \\begin{figure} \\vskip 0.5cm \\mbox{\\hskip 0.8truecm\\includegraphics[width=12.0cm]{weytorfig2a.ps}} \\vskip -2.0cm \\mbox{\\hskip 0.0truecm\\includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{weytorfig2b.ps}} \\vskip -6.5cm \\mbox{\\hskip 7.0truecm\\includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{weytorfig2c.ps}} \\vskip 0.0cm \\caption{Identification of void collapse sites: near the boundary of an expanding voids small voids get squashed and sheared. Zoom-in on central lower region of large void (top image) at 2 different timesteps, showing the void compression process.} \\vskip -1.0truecm \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404168_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use high-resolution dissipationless simulations of the concordance flat $\\Lambda$CDM model to make predictions for the galaxy--mass correlations and compare them to the recent SDSS weak lensing measurements of \\cite{sheldon_etal04}. The simulations resolve both isolated galaxy-size host halos and satellite halos (subhalos) within them. We use a simple scheme based on the matching of the circular velocity function of halos to the galaxy luminosity function and on using the observed density-color correlation of the SDSS galaxies to assign luminosities and colors to the halos. This allows us to closely match the selection criteria used to define observational samples. The simulations reproduce the observed galaxy--mass correlation function and the observed dependence of its shape and amplitude on luminosity and color, if a reasonable amount of scatter between galaxy luminosity and circular velocity is assumed. We find that the luminosity dependence of the correlation function is primarily determined by the changing relative contribution of central and satellite galaxies at different luminosities. The color dependence of the galaxy--mass correlations reflects the difference in the typical environments of blue and red galaxies. We compare the cross-bias, $b_x\\equiv b/r$, measured in simulations and observations and find a good agreement at all probed scales. We show that the galaxy--mass correlation coefficient, $r$, is close to unity on scales $\\gtrsim 1 \\hMpc$. This indicates that the cross bias measured in weak lensing observations should measure the actual bias $b$ of galaxy clustering on these scales. In agreement with previous studies, we find that the aperture mass-to-light ratio is independent of galaxy color in the range of luminosities probed by observational samples. The aperture mass scales approximately linearly with luminosity at $L_r> 10^{10}h^{-2}\\ \\rm L_{\\odot}$, while at lower luminosities the scaling is shallower: $M_{\\Delta\\Sigma}\\propto L_r^{0.5}$. We show that most of the luminous galaxies ($M_r<-21$) are near the centers of their halos and their galaxy--mass correlation function at $r\\lesssim 100h^{-1}\\ \\rm kpc$ can therefore be interpreted as the average dark matter density profile of these galaxies. Finally, we find that for galaxies in a given narrow luminosity range, there is a broad and possibly non-gaussian distribution of halo virial masses. Therefore, the average relation between mass and luminosity derived from the weak lensing analyses should be interpreted with caution. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Understanding the processes that shape the clustering of dark matter and galaxies is one of the main goals of observational cosmology. Modern large redshift surveys, such as the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey ~\\citep[2dFGRS,][]{colless_etal01} and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey ~\\citep[SDSS,][]{york_etal00}, allow measurements of galaxy and galaxy--mass correlations and of their dependence on galaxy properties and environment with unprecedented accuracy. Concurrently, cosmological $N$-body simulations have developed into a powerful tool for calculating the gravitational clustering of collisionless dark matter in hierarchical cosmologies with well-specified initial conditions. The main obstacle in direct comparisons between models and data is understanding the dependence of theoretical predictions on both the relatively straightforward physics of gravitational clustering and the more complex physics of galaxy formation. The former determines the distribution of dark matter, while the latter affects the relationship between the distribution of galaxies and mass, the ``bias''. The complexity of processes operating during galaxy formation on a very wide range of scales makes it difficult to include them directly in simulations, although efforts in this direction are ongoing \\citep[e.g.,][]{katz_etal99, white_etal01, yoshikawa_etal01, pearce_etal01, berlind_etal03,weinberg_etal04}. Given the difficulty of large-scale galaxy formation simulations, two simpler approaches have recently been pursued to make theoretical predictions for galaxy properties. In the first, the galaxies are identified with dark matter halos and subhalos in dissipationless cosmological simulations \\citep[e.g.,][]{colin_etal99, kravtsov_klypin99, neyrinck_etal03,kravtsov_etal04}. In the second hybrid approach, collisionless $N$-body simulations are combined with a semi-analytic treatment of galaxy formation \\citep[e.g.,][]{kauffmann_etal97, governato_etal98, kauffmann_etal99a, kauffmann_etal99b, kolatt_etal99, benson_etal00a, benson_etal00b, somerville_etal01, wechsler_etal01, berlind_etal03}. Galaxy-galaxy lensing is a relatively new but important observational probe of the relation between galaxies and dark matter. It directly measures the galaxy--mass cross-correlation function around galaxies of different types and environments \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{brainerd_etal96, fischer_etal00, hoekstra_etal01, hoekstra_etal04, mckay_etal01, sheldon_etal01, sheldon_etal04,smith_etal01,wilson_etal01}. Several theoretical studies of the galaxy--mass correlations in cosmological simulations have been carried out in the last three years \\citep{guzik_seljak01,guzik_seljak02,yang_etal03,weinberg_etal04}. Still, there appear to be several discrepancies between the various model results and observations, which are yet to be properly understood. \\cite{guzik_seljak01} used intermediate-resolution dark matter only simulations combined with a semi-analytic model to identify galaxies and make predictions for the galaxy--mass correlation function. They compared these results to the first weak lensing detection from SDSS \\citep{fischer_etal00}, and found the amplitude of the galaxy--mass correlation in their model to be systematically higher. They attributed this discrepancy to the differences between the luminosity function used in their semi-analytic prescription and the observed luminosity function. \\cite{yang_etal03}, using the same theoretical model (intermediate-resolution dark matter simulations combined with the \\citealt{kauffmann_etal99a} semi-analytic galaxy formation prescription), compared to more extensive observational results from \\cite{mckay_etal01}. They also found that the galaxy--mass correlation function in the simulations was systematically higher than the observational measurements, by about a factor of two. Consequently, they found mass-to-light ratios about a factor of two higher than those observed. The study of \\cite{weinberg_etal04} investigated several of the same statistics, based on galaxies identified in SPH simulations. They found that for systems with small baryonic masses, their dark matter-to-baryon ratios agreed with the mass-to-light ratios, derived from weak lensing data, presented by \\cite{mckay_etal01}. For large masses, however, the baryonic masses of their simulated galaxies were high by a factor of 1.5-2 compared to what is required for agreement with the SDSS data. In each of these studies, discrepancies with the data may have been due to discrepancies of the model luminosity functions with that observed. \\cite{guzik_seljak02} used a more phenomenological approach, and developed a formalism in the context of the halo model to fit the \\cite{mckay_etal01} data. They extracted information on, e.g., the dependence of the virial mass-to-light ratio on luminosity, the typical mass for galaxies, and the fraction of galaxies in groups and clusters. The most recent observational study of galaxy--galaxy lensing by the SDSS collaboration \\citep[][hereafter S04]{sheldon_etal04}, has significantly improved the accuracy of galaxy correlation measurements, and may shed light on many of the previous uncertainties. The spectroscopic sample of 127,001 lensing galaxies was combined with more than $9 \\times 10^{6}$ source galaxies with photometric redshifts, which allowed a detailed study of the relation between mass and light for several luminosity bands, morphological types, and on scales from 20 $\\hkpc$ to 10 $\\hMpc$ (physical). In addition to verifying the findings of previous studies, S04 identified new features in the data, including a scale-dependent luminosity (cross) bias. Besides being a general test of the Cold Dark Matter paradigm, comparisons with cosmological simulations can be used to gain a deeper insight into the interpretation of these new observational results. Furthermore, they can shed light on to what extent weak lensing results can be used to estimate halo masses, or to learn about the average dark matter halo density profiles. In this paper we use high-resolution dissipationless simulations of the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM model to study the galaxy--mass correlation function with specific emphasis on comparing to the observational measurements of S04. Results of several recent studies suggest that gravitational dynamics is the dominant mechanism shaping galaxy clustering, at least in the simple case of galaxies selected above a luminosity or mass threshold \\citep{kravtsov_klypin99, kravtsov_etal04,zentner_etal04}. \\citet{kravtsov_etal04}, using dark-matter only simulations which resolve galactic mass subhalos, matched galaxies of a given luminosity to a population of halos and subhalos of a given circular velocity and the same number density, and found excellent agreement with the galaxy-galaxy correlation functions measured in the SDSS. This study extends that approach to investigate the galaxy--mass correlations, and makes detailed comparisons to the new \\citet{sheldon_etal04} results. The paper is organized as follows. In \\S~\\ref{sec:sim} and \\S~\\ref{sec:haloid} we describe the simulations and the halo identification algorithm. The halo samples used in our analysis are described in \\S~\\ref{sec:samples}. The main results, including a detailed comparison with the most recent SDSS measurements, are presented in \\S~\\ref{sec:results}. In \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} and \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusions} we discuss and summarize our results and conclusions. \\begin{table}[tb] \\label{tab:sim} \\caption{Simulation parameters} \\begin{center} \\small \\begin{tabular}{cccccc} \\tableline\\tableline\\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Name}& \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\sigma_8$}& \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$L_{\\rm box}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$N_{\\rm p}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$m_{\\rm p}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$h_{\\rm peak}$} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{}& \\multicolumn{1}{c}{}& \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$h^{-1}\\rm Mpc$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$h^{-1}\\rm\\ M_{\\odot}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$h^{-1}\\rm\\ kpc$} \\\\ \\\\ \\tableline \\\\ $\\Lambda$CDM$_{\\rm 60a}$ & 1.0 & 60 & $256^3$ & $1.07\\times 10^9$ & $1.9$\\\\ $\\Lambda$CDM$_{\\rm 60b}$ & 0.9 & 60 & $256^3$ & $1.07\\times 10^9$ & $1.9$\\\\ $\\Lambda$CDM$_{\\rm 60c}$ & 0.9 & 60 & $256^3$ & $1.07\\times 10^9$ & $1.9$\\\\ $\\Lambda$CDM$_{\\rm 80a}$ & 0.75 & 80 & $512^3$ & $3.16\\times 10^8$ & $1.2$\\\\ $\\Lambda$CDM$_{\\rm 80b}$ & 0.9 & 80 & $512^3$ & $3.16\\times 10^8$ & $1.2$\\\\ $\\Lambda$CDM$_{\\rm 120}$ & 0.9 & 120 & $512^3$ & $1.07\\times 10^9$ & $1.8$\\\\ \\\\ \\tableline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\label{tab:simparam} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have presented a detailed comparison of galaxy--mass correlation functions measured in high-resolution cosmological simulations of the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology with the most recent weak lensing SDSS observations. We found that the simple recipe of assigning a luminosity to a halo of a certain maximum circular velocity by matching the subhalo velocity function in simulations to the observed luminosity function leads to good agreement with the observed galaxy--mass correlation and its dependence on luminosity, if an observationally-motivated amount of scatter is introduced in the $V_{\\rm max}-L_{r}$ relation. Our main results and conclusions can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item[$\\bullet$] The simulations reproduce the galaxy--mass correlation function measured by \\citet{sheldon_etal04} in SDSS and the observed dependence of its shape and amplitude on luminosity. Interestingly, the agreement for bright samples seems to require some scatter between luminosity and circular velocity. The amount of scatter required is consistent with the observed scatter. \\item[$\\bullet$] The galaxy--mass correlation function for central galaxies is a strong function of the galaxy luminosity (halo velocity), while $\\xi_{\\rm gm}$ for satellite galaxies is only weakly sensitive to luminosity. The luminosity dependence of the correlation function as a whole is thus determined primarily by the increasing contribution of bright central galaxies relative to the satellite galaxies at bright luminosities. Conversely, the correlation function gets shallower with decreasing luminosity because it is increasingly dominated by the contribution from the satellite (non-central) galaxies in halos at intermediate and large scales. \\item[$\\bullet$] We use the color-density correlation observed in the SDSS to assign colors to the galactic halos in simulations and compare the simulation results to observations in other SDSS bands, from $u$ to $z$. In each band the agreement between galaxy--mass correlation function in simulations and observations is remarkably good. The simulations also reproduce the observed trend of the galaxy--mass correlation function with the $g-r$ color. \\item[$\\bullet$] In agreement with previous studies, we find that the aperture mass-to-light ratio, $M_{\\Delta\\Sigma}/L_r$, is independent of galaxy color. For $L_r\\gtrsim 10^{10} h^{-2} L_{\\odot}$, $M_{\\Delta\\Sigma}/L_r$ is approximately independent of luminosity. For both central galaxies and galaxies in low density environments the best fit virial mass $M_{\\rm vir}^{\\Delta \\Sigma}$ correlates tightly with the observed aperture mass. The best fit virial mass lies in between the median and the mean actual virial mass when scatter between $V_{max}$ and luminosity is used. \\item[$\\bullet$] We compare the cross bias, $b_x\\equiv b/r$, measured in simulations and observations and find a good agreement at all probed scales. The correlation coefficient, $r$, obtained for a volume-limited sample similar to that analyzed by S04, is close to unity on scales $\\gtrsim 1 \\hMpc$. This indicates that the cross bias measured in weak lensing observations does measure the actual bias $b$ of galaxy clustering on these scales. \\item[$\\bullet$] We show that for luminous galaxies ($M_r<-21$) the galaxy--mass correlation function at $r\\lesssim 100-200h^{-1}\\ \\rm kpc$ can be interpreted as the average density profile of these galaxies. We also show that the masses obtained by the $\\Delta\\Sigma(R)$ measured in weak lensing observations cannot be interpreted in a straightforward way as the mass for galaxies of a given luminosity. In the presence of scatter between mass and light, the obtained mass-luminosity relations should be quoted and interpreted with caution. \\end{itemize}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404442_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "During the Core Programme, {\\it INTEGRAL} has surveyed a large portion of the sky (around 9000 square degrees); although {\\it INTEGRAL} is not optimized for extra-galactic studies its observations have nevertheless given us the opportunity to explore the sky behind our Galaxy, something which is impossible in some wavebands due to the presence of strong absorption. Preliminary results from this exploration are presented and compared with the pre-launch expectations. In particular, we detail all extragalactic detections obtained so far: 10 active galaxies and one cluster of galaxies. Of these sources, many have previously been studied at energies above 10-20 keV while a few are new hard X-ray discoveries. Since the number of detections is smaller than estimated on the basis of the IBIS/ISGRI sensitivity, it is likely that some of the new ISGRI sources found in this survey are extragalactic objects; a few of these are likely to be AGN and are described in detail. ", "introduction": "The so-called \"Zone of Avoidance\" refers to the area contained within $\\pm$ 10-15$^\\circ$ of the disk plane of the Milky Way. Gas and dust obscure starlight within this region and screen nearly all background extragalactic objects from traditional optical-wavelength surveys; in the optical, as much as 20$\\%$ of the extragalactic sky is obscured by the Galaxy. As a consequence, the Galactic plane historically has been neglected by extragalactic astronomers. Hard X-rays ($\\ge$ 10 keV) are able to penetrate this zone thereby providing a \"window\" that is virtually free of obscuration not only relative to optical wavelengths but also partly in comparison to soft X-ray observations. Unfortunately the hard X-ray band is still poorly explored and the only truly all-sky survey conducted so far dates back to the 1980's (Levine et al. 1984). This pioneering work, made with the {\\it HEAO1}-A4 instrument yielded a catalogue of about 70 sources down to a flux level of typically 1/75 of the Crab (or 2-3 $\\times$ 10$^{-10}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) in the 13-80 keV band. Only 7 extragalactic objects are reported in the A4 survey : none of these objects is within 10$^\\circ$ of the galactic plane and only two (Centaurus A and the Perseus cluster ) are located below 20$^\\circ$ in galactic latitude. Pointed observations by {\\it BeppoSAX}/PDS have unveiled more sources but observations were sometimes limited by the lack of imaging capability of the instrument which is particularly crucial in the galactic plane region. A step forward in the study of the zone of avoidance is possible with the imager on board {\\it INTEGRAL}, which allows detection with a sensitivity up to a few mCrab in the most exposed regions (i.e. the galactic center) and provides an angular resolution of 12' and a point source location accuracy of 2-3'. Here we present a compendium of the extragalactic results obtained so far within the first year of the {\\it INTEGRAL} Core Programme. \\\\ \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*}[t] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.8\\linewidth]{sky.eps} \\caption{Sky coverage so far analysed in the present survey work (-180$^{\\circ}$ $<$l$<$+180$^{\\circ}$, -30$^{\\circ}$$<$b$<$+30$^{\\circ}$). The circles have10$^\\circ$ radius to roughly match the half coded field of view of ISGRI. \\label{fig:single}} \\end{figure*} \\end{small} \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.8\\linewidth]{figure2.eps} \\caption{A typical 20-100 keV ISGRI image showing 2 Seyfert 2s (ESO103-G035 and NGC6300) just above the Galactic Plane.\\label{fig:single}} \\end{figure*} \\end{small} ", "conclusions": "We have presented a compendium of the extragalactic results obtained so far within the first year of the {\\it INTEGRAL} Core Programme. Observations of the galactic plane and center have revealed so far 11 extragalactic objects: 10 are active galaxies and one is a cluster of galaxies. Of the AGN sample, 2 objects are of type 1 and 7 are of type 2. This provides a type 2 over type 1 ratio which is in line with optical spectroscopic data and furthermore agrees with the expectations of the unified theory. Furthermore it implies a torus half opening angle of $\\sim$40$^{\\circ}$. Many of the objects reported in this work are known to emit at high energies while a few are new hard X-ray discoveries. In particular we find PKS 1830-211 a low frequency (i.e. MeV) peaked or red blazar and Oph Cluster the first and only cluster so far reported by {\\it INTEGRAL}. We also argue that a few of the new ISGRI sources discovered during the Core Programme could also be of extragalactic origin and describe two likely cases, IGR J21247+5058 and IGR J18027-1455. \\begin{small} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.8\\linewidth]{igrj1802_H.eps} \\caption{H-band of the field (1' $\\times$ 1') containing IGR J18027-1455 showing the extended 2MASS object at the center nearby the radio source NVSS J180247-145451.\\label{fig:single}} \\end{figure} \\end{small}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404504_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "There is overwhelming evidence for the presence of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the centers of most nearby galaxies. The mass estimates for these remnant black holes from the stellar kinematics of local galaxies and the quasar phenomenon at high redshifts point to the presence of assembled SMBHs. The accretion history of SMBHs can be reconstructed using observations at high and low redshifts as model constraints. Observations of galaxies and quasars in the submillimeter, infrared, optical, and X-ray wavebands are used as constraints, along with data from the demography of local black holes. Theoretical modeling of the growth of black hole mass with cosmic time has been pursued thus far in two distinct directions: a phenomenological approach that utilizes observations in various wavebands, and a semi-analytic approach that starts with a theoretical framework and a set of assumptions with a view to matching observations. Both techniques have been pursued in the context of the standard paradigm for structure formation in a Cold Dark Matter dominated universe. In this chapter, we examine the key issues and uncertainties in the theoretical understanding of the growth of SMBHs. ", "introduction": "The local demography of black holes (Ferrarese, this volume) has established that most galaxies harbor a supermassive black hole (SMBH; Kormendy \\& Richstone 1995; Magorrian et al.\\ 1998; van der Marel 1999), most likely assembled via a combination of accretion and mergers. These nuclear SMBHs are ``dead quasars'', relics of quasar activity that might have occurred in many galaxies over their history (Lynden-Bell 1969; So\\l tan 1982; Rees 1990; Richstone et al.\\ 1998). Early attempts to interlink the properties of these remnant black holes with those of their host galaxy luminosities (Magorrian et al.\\ 1998) yielded a relation between the bulge luminosity and the black hole mass of about 0.5 dex in the ratio of $\\mh/\\mb$. A tighter correlation has since been measured between the velocity dispersion of the bulge and the black hole mass (Ferrarese \\& Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al.\\ 2000), suggesting that the formation and evolution of SMBHs is inextricably linked to that of the stellar component of galactic bulges. Quasar activity is powered by gas accretion onto SMBHs (Lynden-Bell 1969), and hence the build-up of these SMBHs is likely to have commenced at fairly high redshifts. Indeed, optically bright quasars have now been detected at redshifts greater than 6 (e.g., Fan et al.\\ 2001a, 2003). Quasars at these high redshifts provide an efficient tool to investigate the relation between black hole and early spheroid assembly. There are indications that high redshift quasar hosts are often strong sources of dust emission (Omont et al.\\ 2001; Cox et al.\\ 2002; Carilli et al.\\ 2002; Walter et al.\\ 2003), suggesting that quasars were common in massive galaxies at a time when the galaxies were undergoing copious star formation. The growth of black hole mass in the universe can therefore be traced using quasar activity. The phenomenological approach to understanding the assembly of SMBHs involves using observational data from both high and low redshifts as a starting point to construct a viable and consistent picture that is consonant with the larger framework of the growth and evolution of structure in the universe. Another approach that has been pursued is semi-analytic modeling, in which one starts from a set of ab initio assumptions and attempts to explain the observations. Both approaches have proved to be fruitful and, in fact, share many common features. They are both grounded in the framework of the standard paradigm that involves the growth of structure via gravitational amplification of small perturbations in a Cold Dark Matter (hereafter, CDM) universe---a model that has independent validation, most recently from {\\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)} measurements of the anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (Spergel et al.\\ 2003; Page et al.\\ 2003). Structure formation in both modeling schemes is tracked in cosmic time by keeping a census of the number of collapsed dark matter halos of a given mass that form; these provide the sites for harboring black holes. The computation of the mass function of dark matter halos is done using either the Press-Schechter (Press \\& Schechter 1974) or the extended Press-Schechter theory (Lacey \\& Cole 1993), or, in some cases, directly from cosmological N-body simulations (Di Matteo et al.\\ 2003). In this chapter, we present the detailed modeling procedures and key parameters and uncertainties for the phenomenological approach, as discussed by Haehnelt, Natarajan, \\& Rees (1998). We also summarize the results from the semi-analytic modeling. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404262_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ A new method to evaluate the dust-to-gas ratios in the Kepler SNR is presented. Dust emission in the infrared and bremsstrahlung are calculated consistently, considering that dust grains are collisionally heated by the gas throughout the front and downstream of both the expanding and the reverse shocks. The calculated continuum SED is constrained by the observational data. The dust-to-gas ratios are determined by the ratio of the dust emission bump and bremsstrahlung in the infrared. The shell-like morphological similarity of X-ray and radio emission, and of the \\Ha ~and infrared images confirms that both radio and X-ray emissions are created at the front of the expanding shock and that dust and gas are coupled crossing the expanding and reverse shock fronts. The results show that large grains with radius of $\\sim$ 1 \\mum ~with dust-to-gas ratios $<$ 4 10$^{-3}$ survive sputtering and are heated to a maximum temperature of 125 K downstream of the shock expanding outwards with velocity of about 1000 \\kms. The high velocity shocks become radiative for dust-to-gas ratios $>$ 10$^{-3}$. Such shocks do not appear in the NE region, indicating that dust grains are not homogeneously distributed throughout the remnant. Smaller grains with radius of about 0.2\\mum ~and dust-to-gas ratios of $\\sim$ 4 10$^{-4}$ are heated to a maximum temperature of $\\sim$ 50 K downstream of the reverse shock corresponding to velocities of about 50 \\kms. A maximum dust mass $<$ 0.16 \\msol is calculated. ", "introduction": "Since the first identification by Baade (1943) the remnant of the Kepler supernova (SN) which exploded in 1604, has been observed in the different wavelength ranges. van den Bergh \\& Kemper (1977) studied brightness variations and proper motions of the filaments in the supernova remnant (SNR). Spectrophotometry data of the bright-western knots in the spectral range 3700-10,500 \\AA ~were presented by Dennefeld (1982). Observations in the optical range for single bright knots were obtained by Leibowitz \\& Danziger (1983) and by Blair, Long \\& Vancura (1991). Data in the X-ray (e.g. Hughes 1999) and in the radio (e.g. DeLaney et al. 2002) ranges were also recently presented. Morgan et al (2003) provided SCUBA data of the continuum in the far infrared (450 and 850 \\mm), so the information about the infrared (IR) emission is rather complete. The main results obtained from the interpretation of the line spectra (Blair et al) are, in particular, that the emitting gas has high densities ($\\geq$ 1000 \\cm3), that the N/H relative abundance is $\\sim$ 3.5 times higher than solar, and \\Ha ~line profiles display both broad and narrow components. A distance of 5 kpc was consistently determined. The origin of Kepler SNR emitting features is explained by the interaction of the high velocity ejecta with the ambient medium (Decourchelle \\& Pretre 1999) and is very similar to that found for other SNRs , e.g. Cassiopeia A (Chevalier \\& Oishi 2003), namely, \"that the observed shock wave positions and expansions can be interpreted in a model of supernova interaction with a freely expanding stellar wind.\" The collision with ambient matter leads to the formation of two shock fronts : a shock propagating outwards throughout the circumstellar/interstellar medium and one propagating in reverse throughout the ejecta in the direction opposite to the propagation of the blast wave. The gas in the knotty regions of Kepler SNR is ionized and heated to relatively high temperatures ($\\leq$ 3 10$^7$ K) downstream of the shock which expands with velocities of 1000 -1500 \\kms. The reverse shock, on the other hand, propagating with velocities of $\\sim$ 50 \\kms in the opposite direction, leads to lower gas temperatures. The velocities are reduced by the density gradient of the ejected matter. The circumstellar origin of the optical emitting gas suggested that Kepler's SN was actually of Type Ib (Bandiera 1987). Very recently Morgan et al (2003) addressed the problem of dust in Kepler SNR in terms of its total mass and its origin from a massive star. They claim that dust formation in SNe is an important process, but dust in SNRs has been detected in small quantities. In this work we will use the method adopted by e.g. Contini \\& Contini (2003) to calculate the dust-to-gas ratios in the starburst regions of luminous infrared galaxies and by Contini, Viegas \\& Prieto (2004) for Seyfert galaxies. Namely, dust-to-gas ratios are calculated by modeling the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the continuum in the optical-IR frequency range. At the shock front edge of the emitting nebulae, the gas is collisionally heated to relatively high temperatures which depend on the shock velocity. Dust and gas are coupled crossing the shock front, mutually heating and cooling by collisions (Dwek \\& Arendt 1992, Viegas \\& Contini 1994, Contini et al. 2004). The temperature of the grains depends on the temperature of the gas and, therefore, the maximum temperature of dust depends on the shock velocity (Contini et al. 2004). The observational data constrain the model which better explains both the bremsstrahlung and reradiation by dust. Particularly, the ratio between the dust radiation flux in the IR and bremsstrahlung depends on the dust-to-gas ratio. However, the modeling of the continuum SED must be cross-checked by the modeling of the line spectra, which is strongly constraining. In this paper I would like to find out the physical conditions in the different regions of Kepler SNR, as well as the dust-to-gas ratios, by consistent model calculations, which take into account the results of previous investigations. The SUMA code (Viegas \\& Contini 1994, Contini \\& Viegas 2001 and references therein), which is adapted to the calculation of gas and dust spectra emitted downstream of a shock front, is adopted. The general models are presented in Sect. 2. The models specifically calculated for the Kepler SNR appear in Sect. 3.1. The comparison of the spectra with the data is discussed in Sect. 3.2 and cross checked by the fit of the continuum SED in Sect. 3.3. Discussion and concluding remarks follow in Sect. 4. ", "conclusions": "In this work the calculation of dust emission is carried out consistently with emission from gas for both line and continuum spectra, leading to the evaluation of the dust-to-gas ratios in the Kepler SNR. A successful application of this method (Contini et al 2004) was presented for luminous IR galaxies (Contini \\& Contini 2003) and for AGN (e.g. Contini \\& Viegas 2000). The two component emission observed in the FWHM of the \\Ha ~line profiles corresponding to velocities of $\\sim$ 50 \\kms and $\\sim$ 1000 \\kms is confirmed by modeling. They correspond to the reverse and the expanding shocks, respectively, and are explained by the supernova interaction with a stellar wind. A grid of single-cloud models is calculated. The models cover the set of physical conditions in the emitting gas that are revealed by the line ratios and by the FWHM of the line profiles. Multi-cloud models which account for the reverse and expanding shock in each region, are adopted in order to fit the line spectra in the different observed regions and the corresponding continuum SED. The total continuum which results from summing up the contributions of the most luminous regions, is compared with the observed continuum SED. Dust emission in the IR is consistently calculated. The ratio between dust emission and bremsstrahlung in the IR range depends on the dust-to-gas ratios adopted in the models. The high dust-to gas ratios which are found by modeling the IR bump in models corresponding to high velocity shocks, speed up the cooling rate downstream, leading to radiative shocks even in a relatively low density gas. It is found that radiative high velocity shocks are absent in the NE region of the remnant, suggesting that d/g is low and/or the grains are small enough to be destroyed by sputtering. This result may indicate that dust is not homogeneously distributed throughout the remnant. Moreover, Kepler SNR morphological structure in the different wavelengths can be explained by model results. In fact, the X-ray emission has the same shell-like morphology and is qualitatively similar to the radio emission (Blair et al, DeLaney et al.), confirming that both radio and X-ray are created at the shock front of the expanding shock. Indeed, the high temperatures ($>$ 10$^{7}$ K) of the gas in the immediate post-shock region downstream, correspond to the X-ray emission. The \\Ha ~and IR images are also similar (Blair et al.) and are similar to the X-ray image as well. Particularly, the striking similarity between the \\Ha ~and IR images suggests that the 12 \\mm ~thermal dust emission and the optical emission have the same origin (DeLaney et al. 2002) confirming that dust grains are collisionally heated by the gas across the shock fronts and downstream. The regions of dissimilarity could be explained by the inhomogeneous distribution of dust grains. Notice that the modeling of the Kepler SNR through the line and continuum spectrum analysis in the different regions is presented in previous sections with the aim of calculating the dust-to-gas ratios. Actually, this work has been inspired by Morgan et al (2003) who claim that dust formation in supernovae is required to be an important process relative to the age of the Universe. Morgan et al calculate that the maximum dust mass swept up by the SNR is $\\sim$ 10$^{-3}$ \\msol, assuming a maximum density n = 0.1 \\cm3 and a gas to dust ratio of 160. However, adopting a higher n (100 \\cm3) the dust mass swept up is $\\sim$ 1 \\msol. Douvion et al (2001) claim that by using dust grains of 'astronomical silicates' both mid-IR ISOCAM and IRAS data can be fitted by a single grain temperature of 107 K, while previous models required two dust components : a hot dust of 140 K and a cold one of 54 K (Saken et al. 1992). The total mass calculated by them is 10$^{-4}$ \\msol. The model presented in this work shows that two main types of dust lead to a good fit of the IR bump consistently with the bremsstrahlung. Large grains with \\agr=1 \\mum ~ with d/g $<$ 4 10$^{-3}$ survive sputtering downstream of the expanding shock and are collisionally heated to a maximum temperature of 125 K. Smaller grains (\\agr=0.2\\mum) downstream of the reverse shock (Fig. 1) with dust-to-gas ratios of $\\sim$ 4 10$^{-4}$ are heated to a maximum temperature of $\\sim$ 50 K. Adopting a SNR diameter of 3.8 pc, a pre-shock density $\\sim$ 50 \\cm3 by the average of models m7, m8, m9 (Table 1) (Sect. 3.3), we obtain a swept up gas mass of 40 $\\it ff$ \\msol and a maximum dust mass of 0.16 $\\it ff$ \\msol, where $\\it ff \\leq 1$ is the filling factor. Such relatively high pre-shock densities in single clouds are justified by the relatively young age of Kepler SNR. In older SNR (e.g. the Cygnus Loop), \\n0 is less than 10 \\cm3 (Contini et al 1980). Moreover, the clumpy aspect of the remnant suggests that average densities on large scales are not realistic and that $\\it ff$ should be $\\leq$ 0.1. Comparing with other SNR, Douvion et al (2001a) found that a dust mass of 10$^{-4}$ \\msol results from the warm component (140 K as for Kepler SNR) and of 4 10$^{-3}$ \\msol for the cold component (55 K) of Tycho. They claim that the Crab nebula IR emission is dominated by synchrotron radiation and no dust is detected. In Cassiopeia A the dust is made of more components, e.g. quartz and aluminum oxid, besides silicates which have a mass of 7.8 10$^{-9}$ \\msol (Douvion et al 2001b)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404054_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new infrared extinction study of Globule 2, the most opaque molecular cloud core in the Coalsack complex. Using deep near-infrared imaging observations obtained with the ESO NTT we are able to examine the structure of the globule in significantly greater detail than previously possible. We find the most prominent structural feature of this globule to be a strong central ring of dust column density which was not evident in lower resolution studies of this cloud. This ring represents a region of high density and pressure that is likely a transient structure. For a spherical cloud geometry the ring would correspond to a dense inner shell of high pressure that could not be in dynamical equilibrium with its surroundings since there appear to be no sources of pressure in the central regions of the cloud that could support the shell against gravity and prevent its inward implosion. The timescale for the inward collapse of the ring would be less than 2 x 10$^5$ years, suggesting that this globule is in an extremely early stage of evolution, and perhaps caught in the process of forming a centrally condensed dense core or Bok globule. Outside its central regions the globule displays a well-behaved density profile whose shape is very similar to that of a stable Bonnor-Ebert sphere. Using SEST we also obtained a \\ceio spectrum toward the center of the cloud. The CO observation indicates that the globule is a gravitationally bound object. Analysis of the CO line profile reveals significant non-thermal gas motions likely due to turbulence. As a whole the globule may be evolving to a global state of quasi-static dynamical equilibrium in which thermal and turbulent pressure balance gravity. ", "introduction": "Low mass dense cores found within molecular cloud complexes and isolated dark globules (also known as Bok globules) are the simplest configurations of dense molecular gas and dust known to form stars (e.g, Benson \\& Myers 1989; Yun \\& Clemens 1990). They have been long recognized as important laboratories for investigating the physical processes which lead to the formation of stars and planets (e.g., Bok 1948). In recent years deep infrared imaging surveys of such globules have provided an important new tool for detailed examination of their structure. For example, infrared observations of the starless globule B 68 produced an exquisitely detailed measurement of the cloud's radial density distribution (Alves, Lada \\& Lada 2001, hereafter ALL01). This density distribution was shown to match very closely that predicted for a marginally stable, pressure bounded, isothermal sphere in hydrostatic equilibrium (i.e., a Bonnor-Ebert sphere). Similar deep near-infrared observations of the darker globule B 335 enabled a detailed investigation of the radial density profile of a globule containing a central protostar. The profile in this star forming globule was found to be significantly steeper than that of B 68, consistent with expectations for a collapsed or collapsing core (Harvey et al. 2001). These observations suggest that the evolution of dense cores to form stars can be effectively traced and measured by detailed observations of the cloud's density structure, best obtained by infrared extinction observations. Two of the least understood aspects of the star formation process are the initial conditions that describe dense cores that ultimately form stars and the origin of such dense cores from more diffuse atomic and molecular material. Deep infrared and millimeter-wave observations of starless cores or globules offer the best opportunity to investigate these issues. Starless cores account for about 70\\% of optically selected dark cores and globules (Lee \\& Myers 1999). A particularly interesting group of cores in this regard are those associated with the conspicuous Coalsack dark cloud complex in the southern Milky Way (Tapia 1973; Bok, Sim \\& Hawarden 1977; Bok 1977). The entire Coalsack complex subtends an angle of roughly 6$^o$ on the sky corresponding to a linear dimension of nearly 15 pc at the distance of 150 pc estimated for this cloud (e.g., Cambresy 1999, and references therein). A survey of $^{12}$CO emission found the cloud to be characterized by complex, filamentary structure and to be relatively massive containing about 3500 \\msunsp of material (Nyman, Bronfman \\& Thaddeus 1989). However, a survey of emission from the rarer $^{13}$CO isotopic line found the ratio of $^{13}$CO to $^{12}$CO emitting gas in the cloud to be considerably lower (17\\%) than that (50-80\\%) which characterizes nearby star forming molecular clouds (Kato et al. 1999). This observation indicated that the fraction of dense gas in the Coalsack complex is considerably smaller than that which characterizes typical star forming cloud complexes. The paucity of dense gas coupled with the lack of the usual signposts of star formation activity, such as emission-line stars, HH objects, embedded infrared sources, etc. (e.g., Kato et al. 1999) suggests that the Coalsack may be a molecular cloud complex in the earliest stages of evolution. The globules within the Coalsack are apparently all starless and also may be in the early phases of development. Knowledge of the detailed structure of globules in the Coalsack may provide further insight concerning their physical nature and evolutionary status. In particular, it would be interesting to know to what extent the structure of a Coalsack globule resembles that of a starless cloud like B 68 or a star forming globule such as B 335. Tapia's Globule~2 is the most prominent and likely densest globule in the Coalsack (Bok et al. 1977; Kato et al. 1999). Located slightly below ($\\sim$ 1$^o$) the galactic plane, it is projected against a rich star field and is a prime candidate for infrared extinction studies. Jones et al. (1980) obtained JHK photometry of 75 stars located behind the Coalsack cloud and derived individual extinctions to all these stars. Their observations suggested a radial column density distribution that was not highly centrally concentrated. Racca, Gomez and Kenyon (2002) obtained JHK infrared images of the globule that were more sensitive and resulted in the detection of a few thousand stars behind the cloud. They used H-band star counts to construct a low resolution extinction map of the globule and derived an azimuthally averaged radial density profile which confirmed the shallow nature of the radial column density distribution. Moreover, they found that the radial density distribution could be fit by a Bonnor-Ebert configuration with a density profile quite similar to that of B 68 and considerably shallower than that of B 335. In this paper we report new and deeper near-infrared imaging observations of Globule~2 (hereafter G2). We use these observations to determine the individual line-of-sight extinctions to thousands of stars behind the cloud. These measurements enable an examination of the structure of the globule to be made in a degree of detail considerably greater than that obtained by previous studies and comparable to that acheived earlier for B 68. The high angular resolution achieved by our observations reveal the globule to be more structured than suspected previously. Moreover, these observations indicate that the spatial distribution of column density in this globule differs significantly from that of other well studied examples, such as B 68 and B 335. In particular, the radial dust column density profile of G2 is not only found to be shallow, but also to be characterized by a significant central depression that, in turn, is surrounded by a prominent ring of high column density. These characteristics suggest that Globule~2 may represent a very early stage in the evolution of cloudy material to form a centrally condensed dense core. ", "conclusions": "A number of considerations from the analysis of our observations of Tapia's Globule~2 in the Coalsack suggest that the globule is a bound core in a state very close to overall dynamical equilibrium. Perhaps the most compelling of these is the finding that the measured gas motions in the globule, derived from the linewidth of \\ceio emission, indicate that the cloud is gravitationally bound and may even be near virial equilibrium. Moreover, the density gradient of the cloud, beyond the central ring, is consistent with that of a sub-critical BE cloud in which thermal and non-thermal pressure balance self-gravity. This, in turn, is consistent with the fact that the cloud's mass is found to be less than the Jean's mass. In addition the globule's structure is well resolved by our extinction observations and appears to be relatively smooth, though less smooth than B 68, the only other cloud studied in such detail by infrared extinction measurements. However, the G2 core differs from typical bound cloud cores in some significant ways. The peak extinction (A$_V$ $\\approx$ 12 mag.) is relatively low for a dense core. Most importantly, the density structure of the central regions of the G2 cloud departs significantly from that of a typical cloud core and from the predictions for a centrally condensed BE configuration in hydrostatic equilibrium. In particular, the observed column density distribution is characterized by a deep central depression bordered by a well-defined ring of high column density and high pressure. The central ring is likely out of equilibrium with the gas in the very center of the cloud and consequently appears to be a transient feature with an evolutionary time scale of order 10$^5$ years which is less than the expected million year lifetime of a starless core. This would seem to indicate that the central regions of the cloud are in a phase of structural transition and evolving to a new physical configuration. Given that the central column density depression represents a mass deficit between the observed and best-fit BE density profile of only about 1-2\\% the total cloud mass, it seems plausible to assume that the cloud will evolve to a more relaxed, BE-like, configuration. The gradual dissipation of turbulence in the central regions of the cloud may be driving this transition. Thus, G2 appears to be a cloud core in an early stage of formation. The Coalsack complex has long been known to be unusual among molecular clouds in its lack of any significant star forming activity (Nyman et al. 1989). Earlier CO observations have shown that it is also unusual in its relative paucity of dense gas (Kato et al. 1999). These facts are clearly not unrelated since surveys of molecular clouds have demonstrated that stars form exclusively in dense gas (e.g., Lada 1992). The Coalsack complex is plausibly a very young molecular complex. The fact that we find the structure of the most opaque globule in the Coalsack cloud to clearly differ from the steep centrally condensed configurations of star forming cores and globules in other clouds, appears consistent with the idea that this core is also quite young. Exactly how early this core is in its development is difficult to determine. However, many starless cores, for example, B68 (ALL01) and L694-2 (Harvey et al 2004), are known to be characterized by a high degree of central concentration, often similar to star forming cores. If such structure is more typical of starless cores then we would suspect that G2 represents a rare example of an extremely early phase of dense core evolution. Investigation of the detailed structures of a larger sample of starless cores is clearly needed to better quantify this conjecture. However, we note that although starless cores in molecular clouds are relatively common (Lee \\& Myers 1999), cloud complexes without star formation are extremely rare. Together these factors suggest the extreme youth of the Coalsack complex and indicate that this region constitutes an important laboratory for future studies of the poorly understood processes of cloud and core formation." }, "0404/astro-ph0404324_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We briefly discuss a handful of topics in pulsar astrophysics, first some general well-known features, then an overview of the glitch phenomenon and the sort of information gathered about the internal structure and dynamics, and finally the quandary posed by the precession of PSR B1828-11 a very important clue pointing towards a novel paradigm for structure of the core regions. We point out that ``exotic\" solutions for the precession puzzle would force a consideration of exotic {\\it glitch} mechanisms as well. } ", "introduction": "Pulsars are now a ``classical\" subject of modern astrophysics after almost four decades of intense work. Shortly after their discovery in 1967 \\cite{HB}, beautiful theoretical work \\cite{Pac,Gold} convincingly argued that neutron stars (and not, for example, white dwarfs) were responsible for the emission. As a brand new field at that time, several ideas were put forward and contributed to fundament the broad-brush picture of pulsars available today. Thus, concepts such as the charged magnetosphere, light cylinder and so on form now (in spite of the lack of exact solutions for this complicated plasma problem), a body of concepts subject to continuous testing (see Ref.4 for a comprehensive discussion. This is not the appropriate place to recall the spectacular advances in high-resolution instrumentation (see this volume), but the availability of enhanced ground (Keck, Arecibo, etc.) and space (HST, Chandra, XMM, etc.) facilities, coupled with the intensive long-term monitoring (radio) of a handful of objects and targeted searches have now revealed a wealth of phenomena not always fitting into the ``standard\" view. This has in turn enriched our vision of pulsars, and also created puzzles for the models which are being worked out, as is the case of the glitch phenomenon in particular. We may say that pulsar physics is definitely entering its maturity where more detailed models can be constructed and tested. ", "conclusions": "We have given a broad overview of one of the most spectacular dynamical features of pulsars (glitches), repeatedly associated with perhaps the most gigantic quantum fluids found in nature, namely the components of the crusts of neutron stars. Accurate timing for over three decades have provided very good data still waiting for a comprehensive explanation. Strong limits to the idea of heat release in a glitch have been set recently by Helfand et al. \\cite{Helf} and Pavlov et al. \\cite{tocayo} using Chandra data to show that the temperature of the pulsar did not change by more than $0.2 \\%$ one month after the Vela glitch of January 2000. Even though it is not impossible that some mechanism can get rid of the heat very quickly, these observations constrain the thermal models in which a large energy input is needed. An even more serious challenge has been posed by some authors (notably Jones , \\cite{PBJ} and references therein) suggesting that vortices in the crust do {\\it not} pin at all (see also Donati and Pizzochero \\cite{Pizz} for a general analysis). May be the core plays a role \\cite{JM}, but as discussed above, this component surely hides some (big ?) surprises and would require extensive studies. We are far from a thorough understanding of the body of evidence of glitches, whereas additional complications from related observations have enriched the general picture recently. A whole new synthesis is needed soon, and perhaps a change in the paradigm as well to pin down the essentials of pulsar dynamics." }, "0404/astro-ph0404112_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the degree to which ``21 cm tomography'' of the high-redshift Universe can distinguish different ionization histories. Using a new analytic model for the size distribution of \\ion{H}{2} regions that associates these ionized bubbles with large-scale galaxy overdensities, we compute the angular power spectrum and other statistical properties of the 21 cm brightness temperature during reionization. We show that the \\ion{H}{2} regions imprint features on the power spectrum that allow us to separate histories with discrete bubbles from those with partial uniform ionization (by, for example, X-rays). We also show that ``double reionization'' scenarios will modify the morphology of the bubbles in ways that depend on the mechanism through which the first generation of sources shuts off. If, for example, the transition occurs globally at a fixed redshift, the first generation imprints a persistent feature on the 21 cm power spectrum. Finally, we compare our model to one in which voids are ionized first. While the power spectra of these two models are qualitatively similar, we show that the underlying distributions of neutral hydrogen differ dramatically and suggest that other statistical tests can distinguish them. The next generation of low-frequency radio telescopes will have the sensitivity to distinguish all of these models and strongly constrain the history and morphology of reionization. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Recently, a great deal of effort -- both observational and theoretical -- has been focused on understanding the reionization of hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) at $z \\ga 6$. Several independent observational techniques offer complementary views of this landmark event. The most straightforward method is to seek extended troughs of complete Ly$\\alpha$ absorption in the spectra of high-redshift quasars. Evidence for this \\citet{gp} effect has been found near $z \\sim 6.5$ \\citep{becker,white03}. Unfortunately, the optical depth of a fully neutral medium is so high that current measurements only require a mean neutral fraction $\\bxh \\ga 10^{-3}$, and even this limit has been disputed \\citep{songaila04}. Studies of the rapidly growing ionizing background \\citep{fan} and the Str{\\\" o}mgren spheres surrounding the quasars \\citep{wyithe04-prox} suggest larger neutral fractions but depend on detailed modeling. A second constraint arises because free electrons scatter cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons, washing out intrinsic anisotropies and generating a polarization signal \\citep{zal97}. This provides an integral constraint on the reionization history; recent measurements of the CMB imply that $\\bxh$ must have been small at $z \\ga 14$ \\citep{kogut03,spergel03}. Finally, the relatively high temperature of the Ly$\\alpha$ forest at $z \\sim 2$--$4$ suggests an order unity change in $\\bxh$ at $z \\la 10$ \\citep{theuns02-reion,hui03}, although this argument depends on the characteristics of \\ion{He}{2} reionization (e.g., \\citealt{sokasian02}). Taken together, these three sets of observations suggest a complex ionization history extending over a large redshift interval ($\\Delta z \\sim 10$). This is inconsistent with a generic picture of fast reionization (e.g., \\citealt{barkana01}, and references therein). The results seem to indicate strong evolution in the sources responsible for reionization, and a precise measurement of the ionization history would strongly constrain early structure formation \\citep{wyithe03,cen03,haiman03,sokasian03b}. Unfortunately, extracting such detailed information requires new observational techniques. One of the most exciting possibilities is ``21 cm tomography'' of the high-redshift IGM \\citep{scott,kumar,mmr}, in which one maps the distribution of neutral hydrogen on large scales through its hyperfine transition. By probing a specific spectral line, 21 cm surveys measure the time history of reionization, and unlike the Ly$\\alpha$ forest they do not suffer from saturation problems. In fact, the signal is sufficiently weak that foregrounds from the Galaxy and a wide variety of extragalactic objects pose substantial challenges to these experiments \\citep{oh03,dimatteo04}. Fortunately, the known foregrounds all have smooth continuum spectra, which should allow frequency cleaning to high accuracy because the 21 cm signal has spectral structure on small scales (\\citealt{zald04}, hereafter ZFH04; \\citealt{morales03,cooray04}). However, predicting the 21 cm signals from reionization has proven difficult. One method is to use numerical simulations of reionization \\citep{ciardi03,furl-21cmsim,gnedin03}, but computational costs have so far limited the simulations to subtend (at best) a few resolution elements of the 21 cm maps. Analytic models of reionization can extend to larger scales but require some way to describe the complexities of structure formation and radiative transfer. The simplest approach, in which we assign each galaxy its own \\ion{H}{2} region, does a poor job of matching the large ionized bubbles found in simulations \\citep{ciardi03-sim,sokasian03}. We have recently developed a model that associates \\ion{H}{2} regions with large-scale fluctuations in the density field and reproduces the major features seen in simulations (\\citealt{furl04a}, hereafter Paper I). This allows us, for the first time, to make quantitative predictions about the 21 cm signal at reionization. With high signal-to-noise 21 cm maps, we can directly measure the distribution of \\ion{H}{2} regions in order to test our model. However, the signals are sufficiently weak that such maps will be difficult to make; fortunately, statistical measurements of the data also contain a great deal of information about reionization (ZFH04). In this paper, we use the model of Paper I to predict the 21 cm angular power spectrum for several reionization scenarios, with an emphasis on how the measurements help distinguish the crucial features of these different pictures. In \\S \\ref{model} we briefly review our model for reionization. We then show how 21 cm measurements can distinguish different reionization histories in \\S \\ref{complex} and how they can distinguish different models of reionization in \\S \\ref{void}. We conclude in \\S \\ref{disc}. In our numerical calculations, we assume a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology with $\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$, $\\Omega_b=0.046$, $H=100 h \\hunits$ (with $h=0.7$), $n=1$, and $\\sigma_8=0.9$, consistent with the most recent measurements \\citep{spergel03}. ", "conclusions": "21 cm measurements contain an unprecedented wealth of information about the timing and morphology of reionization. Our simple model shows that the qualitative statistical features of the signal can be related to the source and IGM properties. The next generation of low-frequency radio telescopes, such as the Primeval Structure Telescope,\\footnote{ See http://astrophysics.phys.cmu.edu/$\\sim$jbp for details on PAST.} the Low Frequency Array,\\footnote{ See http://www.lofar.org for details on LOFAR.} and the Square Kilometer Array,\\footnote{ See http://www.skatelescope.org for details on the SKA.} should be able to measure these statistical properties (ZFH04) and place strong constraints on the reionization era. This work was supported in part by NSF grants ACI AST 99-00877, AST 00-71019, AST 0098606, and PHY 0116590 and NASA ATP grants NAG5-12140 and NAG5-13292 and by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation Fellowship for Science and Engineering." }, "0404/astro-ph0404438_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of dust-enshrouded galaxies with powerful restframe far-infrared(IR) emission have been constrained by a range of ground-based and space-borne surveys. The {\\it IRAS} catalog provides a reasonably complete picture of the dust emission from nearby galaxies (redshift $z \\simeq 0.1$) that are typically less luminous than about $10^{12}\\,L_\\odot$. However, at higher redshifts, the observational coverage from all existing far-IR and submillimeter surveys is much less complete. Here we investigate the SEDs of a new sample of high-redshift submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs), for which redshifts are known, allowing us to estimate reliable luminosities and characteristic dust temperatures. We demonstrate that a wide range of SEDs is present in the population, and that a substantial number of luminous dusty galaxies with hotter dust temperatures could exist at similar redshifts ($z \\simeq 2-3$), but remain undetected in existing submillimeter surveys. These hotter galaxies could be responsible for about a third of the extragalactic IR background radiation at a wavelength of about 100\\,$\\mu$m. The brightest of these galaxies would have far-IR luminosities of the order of $10^{13}\\,L_\\odot$ and dust temperatures of the order of 60\\,K. Galaxies up to an order of magnitude less luminous with similar SEDs will be easy to detect and identify in the deepest {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} observations of extragalactic fields at 24\\,$\\mu$m. ", "introduction": "Deep submillimeter-wave surveys for distant galaxies offer direct access to high redshifts, because their sensitivity is almost independent of galaxy luminosity for a fixed spectral energy distribution (SED) over the wide redshift range $1 10^{12}\\,L_\\odot$) high-redshift galaxies. It is now reasonably certain that the typical high-redshift SMGs selected at 850-$\\mu$m are systematically cooler than local dusty galaxies of comparable luminosity, and are thus without direct low-redshift analogs. The scatter in their dust temperatures is about 50\\%, sufficient to introduce a $\\sim 30\\%-40$\\% uncertainty in {\\emph any} photometric redshifts derived from far-IR, submillimeter, or radio photometry, no matter how accurate. The true scatter of the dust temperatures in high-redshift dusty galaxies certainly could be still greater, but hotter examples cannot be selected by existing submillimeter surveys. Faint radio galaxies that are undetected in the submillimeter, but whose optical properties are like those of the SMGs hint at the existence of a hotter population, with luminosities $L \\simeq 10^{13}\\,L_\\odot$ and temperatures $T_{\\rm d} \\simeq 60$\\,K. These galaxies would produce a luminosity density comparable to that of the existing populations of SMGs. The deepest forthcoming mid-IR {\\it Spitzer} surveys should soon confirm whether this population exists, while providing a complete inventory of the range of SEDs present in high-redshift dusty galaxies in fields that have excellent supporting long-wavelength data." }, "0404/astro-ph0404180_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ The availability of a number of new interferometric measurements of Main Sequence and subgiant stars makes it possible to calibrate the surface brightness relations of these stars using exclusively direct angular diameter measurements. These empirical laws make it possible to predict the limb darkened angular diameters $\\theta_{\\rm LD}$ of dwarfs and subgiants using their dereddened Johnson magnitudes, or their effective temperature. The smallest intrinsic dispersions of $\\sigma \\le 1\\,\\%$ in $\\theta_{\\rm LD}$ are obtained for the relations based on the $K$ and $L$ magnitudes, for instance $\\log \\theta_{\\rm LD} = 0.0502\\,(B-L) + 0.5133 - 0.2\\,L$ or $\\log \\theta_{\\rm LD} = 0.0755\\,(V-K) + 0.5170 - 0.2\\,K$. Our calibrations are valid between the spectral types A0 and M2 for dwarf stars (with a possible extension to later types when using the effective temperature), and between A0 and K0 for subgiants. Such relations are particularly useful for estimating the angular sizes of calibrators for long-baseline interferometry from readily available broadband photometry. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:int} The surface brightness (hereafter SB) relations link the emerging flux per solid angle unit of a light-emitting body to its color, or effective temperature. These relations are of considerable astrophysical interest, as a well-defined relation between a particular color index and the surface brightness can provide accurate predictions of the stellar angular diameters. Such predictions are essential for the calibration of long-baseline interferometric observations. We propose in the present paper new and accurate calibrations of the SB-color relations of dwarfs and subgiants based on direct interferometric measurements of nearby members of these two luminosity classes. Our primary purpose is to establish reliable relations that can be used to predict the angular sizes of calibrator stars for long-baseline interferometry. After defining the surface brightness relations (Sect.~\\ref{def_relations}), we discuss in Sect.~\\ref{section_sample} the sample of measurements that we selected for our calibrations (interferometric and photometric data). Sect.~\\ref{section_relations} is dedicated to the calibration of the empirical SB relations, relative to the color indices and to the effective temperature, for stars of spectral types A0 to M2. We also derive inverse relations to estimate the effective temperature from broadband photometry and angular diameter measurements. As the established relations are intended to be used primarily to predict angular diameters, we discuss in Sect.~\\ref{estim_errors} their associated errors in this context. In Sect.~\\ref{comparison_section}, we search for a possible instrumental bias linked to one of the five interferometric instruments represented in our sample. Numerous versions of the SB relations have been established in the literature, mostly for giants and supergiants, and we discuss them in Sect.~\\ref{compare_rel}. Main Sequence stars are potentially very good calibrators for long-baseline interferometry, and we discuss this particular application of our SB relations in Sect.~\\ref{calib_interf}. ", "conclusions": "The laws that we established between the angular size and broadband colors (or effective temperature) are strictly empirical. Our best relations present a very small intrinsic dispersion, down to less than 1\\,\\%. They can be used to predict the angular sizes of A0--M2 dwarfs and A0--K0 subgiants from simple, readily available broadband photometry. On the one hand, Gray et al.~(\\cite{gray03}) have recently published an extensive survey of the spectral properties of nearby stars within 40\\,pc, including estimates of their effective temperatures. On the other hand, several large catalogues (2MASS, DENIS,...) provide high precision magnitudes of these stars in the infrared. From the cross-comparison of these sources, the SB relations determined in the present paper make it possible to assemble a catalogue of calibrators for interferometry that will be practically unaffected by interstellar extinction, multiplicity or circumstellar material biases. These resulting angular diameter predictions will provide a reliable basis for the calibration of long-baseline interferometric observations." }, "0404/astro-ph0404149_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on the measurement at 820- and 1400-MHz of orbital modulation of the diffractive scintillation timescale from pulsar A in the double-pulsar system \\psr\\ using the Green Bank Telescope. Fits to this modulation determine the systemic velocity in the plane of the sky to be \\viss\\ $\\simeq$140.9$\\pm$6.2$\\kms$. The parallel and perpendicular components of this velocity with respect to the line of nodes of the pulsar's orbit are \\vplane\\ $\\simeq$96.0$\\pm$3.7$\\kms$ and \\vperp\\ $\\simeq$103.1$\\pm$7.7$\\kms$ respectively. The large \\vperp\\ implies that pulsar B was born with a kick speed of $\\ga$100$\\kms$. Future VLBA determination of the angular proper motion in conjunction with improved \\viss\\ measurements should provide a precise distance to the system. Using high-precision timing data and the \\viss\\ model, we estimate a best-fit orbital inclination of $i=88\\fdg7\\pm0\\fdg9$. ", "introduction": "For over twenty years observers have known that measurements of the decorrelation bandwidth \\nud\\ and scintillation timescale \\td\\ of pulsars undergoing strong Diffractive Interstellar Scintillation (DISS) can be used to estimate their velocity in the plane of the sky \\citep{ls82}. \\citet{cr98} examined DISS-derived pulsar velocities in detail and found that the measurements depend heavily on the observing frequency, the direction and distance to the pulsar, and the detailed distribution of the interstellar material causing the scintillation. This last point makes measurements of pulsar velocities particularly difficult since different models for the electron distribution and its irregularities can cause differences in the ``measured'' scintillation velocities (\\viss) by factors of a few. However, for binary pulsars in compact orbits (orbital periods $P_{\\rm orb} \\la 1$\\,day), the pulsar-timing-derived orbital velocities can be used to calibrate \\viss\\ measurements and remove many model-dependent and/or systematic effects. Unfortunately, suitable binary pulsars are rare and successful measurements of this kind have only been made for two pulsars: PSR~B0655$+$64 by \\citet{lyn84} and PSR~J1141$-$6545 by \\citet*[hereafter OBvS]{obvs02}. \\psrs A \\& B \\citep[hereafter A and B;][]{bdp+03,lbk+04} comprise a fantastic double-pulsar binary (hereafter 0737) consisting of the 22.7-ms pulsar A and the 2.77-s pulsar B. It is nearby ($\\sim$0.6\\,kpc), mildly eccentric ($e\\sim0.088$), compact ($P_{\\rm orb}\\sim2.45$\\,h), highly inclined ($i\\sim87\\degr$), strongly relativistic, and displays eclipses of A and very large but systematic flux variations of B. Its proximity, relatively high measured flux density, and rapidly moving pulsars (orbital velocities $\\sim$300$\\kms$), make it an ideal target for \\viss\\ studies. In this paper we report measurements of the orbital modulation of \\viss\\ from A at 820- and 1400-MHz using data from the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). ", "conclusions": "We have measured the systemic velocity and inclination of 0737 using the ``self-calibrating'' method of binary scintillation velocity measurements. The inferred high velocity \\viss$\\simeq$140$\\kms$ strongly suggests that a substantial ($\\ga$100$\\kms$) kick was imparted to pulsar B at its birth. The large \\viss\\ will impact long-term timing of the system and will allow a precise geometric distance measurement when combined with a VLBA proper motion. Future scintillation observations using the high frequency resolution and wide bandwidth of the GBT$+$SPIGOT will allow substantially improved measurements of \\viss\\ at 1400 and even 2200\\,MHz where we have already detected the orbital modulation of A in BCPM data. These measurements should also allow the removal of the contaminating effects of the Earth's motion and the differential Galactic rotation. Finally, we have already detected scintillation from B during the bright portions of its orbit, but future observations may allow ``snapshot'' calibrations of \\viss\\ based on measurements of \\td\\ from A and B at an instant in time given our knowledge of the relative orbital velocities of the pulsars. Such measurements would demand far less telescope time. {\\em Acknowledgements} We extend special thanks to Karen O'Neil, Rich Lacasse, Glen Langston, and Chris Clark for help with the observations. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. V.M.K. acknowledges support from NSERC Discovery Grant 228738-03, NSERC Steacie Supplement 268264-03, a Canada Foundation for Innovation New Opportunities Grant, FQRNT Team and Centre Grants, and NASA Long-Term Space Astrophysics Grant NAG5-8063." }, "0404/gr-qc0404081_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Kerr--Schild solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations are considered from the viewpoint of integral equations. We show that, for a class of Kerr--Schild fields, the stress-energy tensor can be regarded as a total divergence in Minkowski spacetime. If one assumes that Minkowski coordinates cover the entire manifold (no maximal extension), then Gauss' theorem can be used to reveal the nature of any sources present. For the Schwarzschild and Vaidya solutions the fields are shown to result from a $\\del$-function point source. For the Reissner--Nordstrom solution we find that inclusion of the gravitational fields removes the divergent self-energy familiar from classical electromagnetism. For more general solutions a complex structure is seen to arise in a natural, geometric manner with the role of the unit imaginary fulfilled by the spacetime pseudoscalar. The Kerr solution is analysed leading to a novel picture of its global properties. Gauss' theorem reveals the presence of a disk of tension surrounded by the matter ring singularity. Remarkably, the tension profile over this disk has a simple classical interpretation. It is also shown that the matter in the ring follows a light-like path, as one expects for the endpoint of rotating, collapsing matter. Some implications of these results for physically-realistic black holes are discussed. ", "introduction": "Many of the important solutions to the Einstein field equations can be expressed in Kerr--Schild form (see, for example, the discussion in~\\cite{kra-exact}). These include all black hole solutions, and a range of solutions representing radiation. Here we analyse solutions of Kerr--Schild type from the viewpoint of the gauge theory approach to gravity~\\cite{DGL98-grav,gap,DLkerr03}. In this approach the gravitational fields are gauge fields defined over a flat Minkowski spacetime. These fields ensure that all relations between physical quantities are independent of the position and orientation of the matter fields --- a scheme that ensures that the background spacetime plays no dynamic role in the physics and has no measurable properties. Kerr--Schild metrics are constructed from a null vector field in the background Minkowski spacetime, so are particularly well-suited to analysis via this gauge-theoretic approach. In this paper we show that, for all fields of Kerr--Schild type, the Einstein tensor is a total divergence in the background Minkowski spacetime. Various consequences of this result are explored. Gauss' theorem is used to convert volume integrals of the Einstein tensor to surface integrals, enabling us to probe the nature of the matter singularities generating the gravitational fields. The gauge-theory viewpoint always produces a metric that satisfies the Einstein equations (or their generalisation to include torsion). But working with fields defined over a Minkowski background does place additional restrictions on the form of the solutions. For example, general relativity admits two possibilities when dealing with the Kerr solution~\\cite{isr70} \\begin{enumerate} \\item The complete Kerr manifold can be covered by a single set of Minkowski coordinates. This implies a discontinuity in the fields over the entire disk region bounded by the matter singularity. \\item The fields are smooth everywhere away from the ring, but an observer passing through the ring emerges in a new, asymptotically flat, region. This is achieved by extending the radial coordinate $r$ to negative values, producing the maximally-extended Kerr spacetime. \\end{enumerate} By adopting a flat-spacetime, gauge-theory formulation we restrict ourselves to considering case~1 only. This can be justified on the grounds that the full, maximally-extended Kerr solution is not thought to be a feasible endpoint for any collapse process. Similar comments apply to the maximally-extended Schwarzschild and Reissner--Nordstrom solutions, neither of which are considered here. The first applications we consider are to spherically-symmetric fields, concentrating on the Schwarzschild, Reissner--Nordstrom and Vaidya solutions. In all cases the integrals provide sensible results for the total energy contained in the fields, with the mass contribution to the energy residing in a point-source $\\del$-function. For the Reissner--Nordstrom solution the inclusion of gravitational fields removes the infinite electromagnetic self-energy for a point charge familiar from classical electromagnetism~\\cite{fey-lectII}. This result is achieved without requiring any form of regularisation procedure, and ensures that the total electromagnetic self-energy is zero. We next turn to more general fields following the work of Schiffer \\etal~\\cite{sch73}. These authors showed that stationary Kerr--Schild vacuum solutions are generated by a single, complex generating function. This complex structure underlies the `trick' by which the Kerr solution is obtained from the Schwarzschild solution via a complex `coordinate transformation'~\\cite{new65}. (This is a trick because there is no \\textit{a priori} justification for expecting the complex transformation to result in a new vacuum solution.) The complex structure associated with vacuum Kerr--Schild fields is shown here to have a simple geometric origin, with the role of the unit imaginary fulfilled by the spacetime pseudoscalar --- the same entity that is responsible for duality transformations of the Riemann tensor. The remainder of this paper deals with a detailed analysis of the Kerr solution. For this we require a careful choice of branch cut in the complex square route in the generating function. Once this is made, Gauss' theorem reveals the detailed structure of the singular region, confirming that the matter is concentrated in a ring that circulates on a lightlike trajectory. This is as one would expect, since the Riemann tensor only diverges on a ring, and special relativity alone is sufficient to predict that rotating collapsing matter will fall inwards until its velocity becomes lightlike. A more surprising result is obtained from considering integrals inside the ring, which reveal the presence of a disc of planar tension~\\cite{DGL96-erice}. This tension is isotropic over the disk and has a simple radial dependence, rising to $\\infty$ at the ring. Remarkably, the functional form of the tension has a simple non-gravitational interpretation. In non-relativistic dynamics a membrane holding together a rotating ring of disconnected particles would be under a constant tension. When special-relativistic effects are included the picture is altered by the fact that tension can act as a source of inertia. This introduces a radial dependence into the tension, the functional form of which is precisely that which lies at the heart of the Kerr solution. These conclusions are gauge invariant and are not artifacts of the use of the background spacetime. This is demonstrated by eigen-decompositions of the stress-energy and Riemann tensors, from which we extract the gauge-invariant information. There has been considerable debate over many years surrounding the nature of sources for the Kerr metric. Many physicists have attempted to construct extended sources for which the Kerr metric could represent the external geometry (see Krasinski for an early review~\\cite{kra78}). More recently, a series of authors have constructed disk sources for the Kerr metric~\\cite{bic93,neu93,pic96}. These solutions represent extended sources and do not have horizons present. The present work is of a different nature, dealing solely with the structure of the singular region --- the endpoint of a collapse process. The first authors to consider this were Newman \\& Janis~\\cite{new65} and Isreal~\\cite{isr70}. We disagree with Isreal's result for the energy distribution over the disk, agreeing instead with Hamity's later result~\\cite{ham76}. Our techniques enable us to go some way beyond Hamity's description, both in revealing the physical properties of the disk and in understanding the nature of the singularity around the ring. The simple physics of the disk was first pointed out in~\\cite{DGL96-erice}. Many of the calculations here are simplified by using the language of `spacetime algebra'~\\cite{gap,hes-sta,hes-gc}. This is crucial to understanding the geometric nature of the complex structure at the heart of Kerr--Schild solutions. The algebraic structure of the spacetime algebra is that of the Dirac $\\gam$-matrices. Using this algebraic structure one can develop a mathematical language that is adept at describing many aspects of relativistic physics. This language includes a calculus that is somewhat more powerful than any available in alternative languages. The gauge theory of gravity developed in~\\cite{DGL98-grav} takes on its most natural and compelling form when expressed in the spacetime algebra. We start with an introduction to the spacetime algebra, giving the necessary conventions and notations. Further details can be found in~\\cite{DGL98-grav,gap,hes-gc,DGL95-elphys} and references contained therein. Reference~\\cite{DGL98-grav} includes an appendix describing how to convert between spacetime algebra and more conventional tensor calculus. Natural units ($G=c=\\eps_0=1$) are employed throughout this paper. \\subsection{Spacetime algebra} The basic algebraic structure behind the spacetime algebra will be familiar to most physicists in the guise of the algebra of the Dirac $\\gamma$-matrices. The geometric interpretation the spacetime algebra attaches to this algebra may be less familiar, though it is remarkably well-suited to most problems in relativistic physics~\\cite{gap,hes-sta,DGL95-elphys}. The spacetime algebra is generated by four vectors $\\{\\gamdm\\}$, $\\mu=0\\ldots 3$, equipped with an associative (Clifford) product denoted by juxtaposition. The symmetric and antisymmetric parts of this product define the inner and outer products, and are denoted with a dot and a wedge respectively, so \\begin{equation} \\gamdm \\dt \\gamdn \\eqv \\half (\\gamdm \\gamdn + \\gamdn\\gamdm) = \\eta_{\\mu \\nu} = \\mbox{diag($+$\\ $-$\\ $-$\\ $-$)} \\end{equation} and \\begin{equation} \\gamdm \\wdg \\gamdn \\eqv \\half (\\gamdm \\gamdn - \\gamdn\\gamdm). \\end{equation} The outer product of two vectors defines a bivector --- a directed plane segment representing the plane defined by the two vectors. A full basis for the spacetime algebra is provided by the set \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{ccccc} 1 & \\{\\gamdm\\} & \\{\\bsig_k, I\\bsig_k\\} & \\{I\\gamdm\\} & I \\\\ \\mbox{1 scalar} & \\mbox{4 vectors} & \\mbox{6 bivectors} & \\mbox{4 trivectors} & \\mbox{1 pseudoscalar}, \\\\ \\mbox{grade 0} & \\mbox{grade 1} & \\mbox{grade 2} & \\mbox{grade 3} & \\mbox{grade 4} \\end{array} \\label{basis} \\end{equation} where \\begin{equation} \\bsig_k \\eqv \\gam_k \\go, \\quad k=1\\ldots 3 \\end{equation} and \\begin{equation} I\\eqv\\go\\gi\\gj\\gk=\\bsi\\bsj\\bsk. \\end{equation} The pseudoscalar $I$ squares to $-1$, anticommutes with all odd-grade elements and commutes with even grade elements. Both the $\\{\\bsig_k\\}$ and $\\{\\gamdm\\}$ are algebraic entities with clear geometric significance. They should not be thought of as matrices acting on an internal spin space. (The same symbols as employed in quantum theory are used here simply because the algebraic relations are the same.) An arbitrary real superposition of the basis elements~\\eqref{basis} is called a `multivector' and these inherit the associative Clifford product of the $\\{\\gamdm\\}$ generators. The inner and outer products with a vector $a$ are of particular importance. For these we write \\begin{equation} a \\dt A_r = \\half(a A_r - (-1)^r A_r a), \\qquad a \\wdg A_r = \\half(a A_r + (-1)^r A_r a). \\end{equation} The outer and geometric products are associative, but the inner product is not. We also employ the commutator product, \\begin{equation} A \\crs B \\eqv \\half(AB - BA). \\end{equation} Vectors are usually denoted in lower case Latin, $a=a^\\mu \\gamdm$, or Greek for basis frame vectors. In the absence of brackets the inner, outer and commutator products take precedence over geometric products. An inertial system is picked out by a future-pointing timelike (unit) vector. If this is chosen to be the $\\go$ direction then the $\\go$-vector determines a map between spacetime vectors $a=a^\\mu\\gamdm$ and the even subalgebra of the full spacetime algebra via \\begin{equation} a \\go = a_0 + \\ba, \\label{1sptsplt} \\end{equation} where \\begin{equation} a_0 = a \\dt \\go, \\hs{0.5} \\mbox{and} \\hs{0.5} \\ba = a \\wdg \\go. \\end{equation} The `relative vector' $\\ba$ can be decomposed in the $\\{\\bsig_k\\}$ frame and represents a spatial vector as seen by an observer in the $\\go$-frame. Relative (or spatial) vectors in the $\\go$-system are written in bold type to record the fact that they are in fact spacetime bivectors. This distinguishes them from spacetime vectors, which are left in normal type. The $\\{\\bsig_k\\}$ generate the (Pauli) algebra of three-dimensional space, and we occasionally require that the dot and wedge symbols define the three-dimensional inner and outer products. The convention we adopt is that, if both arguments of a dot or wedge product are written in bold, then the product takes its three-dimensional meaning. For example, $\\ba \\wdg \\bb$ is a relative bivector, and so also a spacetime bivector, and not a spacetime four-vector. The vector derivative, $\\grad$, is defined by \\begin{equation} \\grad \\eqv \\gamum \\deriv{}{x^\\mu} \\end{equation} where the $\\{x^\\mu\\}$ are a set of Cartesian coordinates and the $\\{\\gamum\\}$ are the reciprocal frame to the associated coordinate frame $\\{\\gamdm\\}$, \\textit{i.e.\\/} $\\gamma^\\mu \\dt \\gamma_\\nu = \\delta^\\mu_\\nu$. The spacetime split of the vector derivative $\\grad$ goes through slightly differently, since we require that the $\\bgrad$ symbol agrees with its conventional three-dimensional meaning. This is achieved by writing \\begin{equation} \\go \\grad = \\dift + \\bgrad, \\end{equation} so that $\\bgrad=\\bsig_i\\partial_{x^i}$. The $\\grad$ operator has the algebraic properties of a vector, and often acts on objects to which it is not adjacent. The `overdot' notation is a convenient way to encode this: \\begin{equation} \\dgrad A \\dot{B} \\eqv \\gamum A \\deriv{B}{x^\\mu}. \\end{equation} The $\\grad$ operator acts on the object to its immediate right unless brackets or overdots are present. If brackets are present then $\\grad$ operates on everything in the bracket, so that, for example, $\\grad(AB)= \\grad A B + \\dgrad A \\dot{B}$. The same rules apply to $\\bgrad$. One of the two gravitational gauge fields is the (position-dependent) linear function $\\hu(a)$, which maps vectors to vectors (where $a$ is the vector argument). Linear functions of this type have their action extended to general multivectors via the rule \\begin{equation} \\hu(a \\wdg b \\cdots \\wdg c) \\eqv \\hu(a) \\wdg \\hu(b) \\wdg \\cdots \\wdg \\hu(c), \\end{equation} which defines a grade-preserving linear operation. The pseudoscalar is unique up to a scale factor, and the determinant is defined by \\begin{equation} \\hu(I) = \\det(\\hu) I. \\end{equation} The adjoint is denoted with an overbar, $\\ho(a)$. The function $\\hu(a)$ and its adjoint are related by~\\cite{hes-gc} \\begin{align} A_r \\dt \\ho(B_s) &= \\ho( \\hu(A_r) \\dt B_s) \\qquad r \\leq s \\nn \\\\ \\hu(A_r) \\dt B_s &= \\hu( A_r \\dt \\ho(B_s)) \\qquad r \\geq s . \\end{align} A number of manipulations in linear algebra are simplified by using the vector derivative in place of frame contractions. For example, the trace of $\\hu(a)$ can be written as \\begin{equation} \\mbox{Tr} (\\hu) = \\gamum \\dt \\hu (\\gamdm) = \\da \\dt \\hu (a), \\end{equation} where $\\da$ is the vector derivative with respect to $a$. The following results are also useful: \\begin{align} \\da \\, a \\dt A_r &= r A_r \\\\ \\da \\, a \\wdg A_r &= (n-r) A_r \\\\ \\da A_r a &= (-1)^r (n-2r) A_r , \\end{align} where $A_r$ is a multivector of grade $r$ and $n$ is the dimension of the space. \\subsection{The field equations} The gravitational gauge fields are a linear function $\\ho(a)$ mapping vectors to vectors and a linear function $\\Om(a)$ mapping vectors to bivectors. Both of these gauge fields have an arbitrary position dependence. The gauge-theoretic origin of these fields is described in~\\cite{DGL98-grav,gap}. The gauge fields are related by the equation \\begin{equation} 2\\Om(a) = -\\ho(\\grad \\wdg \\lig(a)) + \\hu^{-1}(\\db) \\wdg (a \\dt \\grad \\ho(b)), \\end{equation} where \\begin{equation} \\lig(a) \\eqv \\ho^{-1} \\hu^{-1} (a). \\end{equation} The argument of the linear function, usually denoted by a vector $a$ or $b$, is always assumed to be independent of position. To recover the more conventional representation of general relativity we introduce an arbitrary set of coordinates $x^\\mu$, with $e_\\mu$ the associated coordinate frame vectors, \\begin{equation} e_\\mu \\eqv \\deriv{x}{x^\\mu}. \\end{equation} With $e^\\mu$ denoting the reciprocal frame vectors we then define the vectors \\begin{equation} g_\\mu = \\hu^{-1}(e_\\mu) , \\qquad g^\\mu = \\ho(e^\\mu). \\end{equation} In terms of these the metric tensor is defined by \\begin{equation} g_{\\mu\\nu} = g_\\mu \\dt g_\\nu. \\end{equation} The $\\ho(a)$ field ensures that one only ever has to make `flat-space' contractions, which is an attractive feature of the gauge-theory approach. The field strength corresponding to the $\\Om(a)$ gauge field is defined by \\begin{equation} \\liR(a\\wdg b) \\eqv a\\dt\\grad \\Om(b) - b \\dt \\grad \\Om(a) + \\Om(a) \\crs \\Om(b) \\end{equation} and is a linear function mapping bivectors to bivectors. From this the covariant Riemann tensor is defined by \\begin{equation} \\clr(a\\wdg b) \\eqv \\liR(\\hu(a \\wdg b)). \\end{equation} We often write this in the form $\\clr(B)$, where $B$ is an arbitrary (constant) bivector argument. The tensor components of the Riemann tensor are recovered by writing \\begin{equation} {R^\\mu}_{\\nu \\rho \\sigma} = (g^\\mu \\wdg g_\\nu) \\dt \\clr(g_\\sigma \\wdg g_\\rho). \\end{equation} The Ricci and Einstein tensors are defined from the Riemann tensor in the obvious way, \\begin{alignat}{2} \\mbox{Ricci Tensor:}& & \\quad \\clr(b)&\\eqv \\da \\dt \\clr(a \\wdg b) \\\\ \\mbox{Ricci Scalar:}& & \\quad \\clr &\\eqv \\da \\dt \\clr(a) \\\\ \\mbox{Einstein Tensor:}& &\\quad \\clg(a)&\\eqv \\clr(a) - \\half a \\clr. \\end{alignat} Again, the tensor components of the Ricci and Einstein tensors are easily recovered. \\subsection{Kerr--Schild fields} We are interested in fields of the form \\begin{equation} \\ho(a) = a + a \\dt l \\, l \\label{ksanz} \\end{equation} where $l$ is a (flat-space) null vector, $l^2=0$. This is the gauge theory analogue of the Kerr--Schild ansatz. The function~\\eqref{ksanz} extends to act on multivectors as \\begin{equation} \\ho(A) = \\hu(A) = A + A \\dt l \\, l, \\end{equation} and we see immediately that $\\det(\\ho)=1$. The following results are also useful: \\begin{gather} \\hu^{-1}(A) = \\ho^{-1}(A) = A - A \\dt l\\, l \\\\ \\lig(A) = A - 2 A \\dt l \\, l \\\\ \\ho(l) = l. \\end{gather} In terms of an orthonormal coordinate frame $\\gamdm$ we can write \\begin{equation} g_\\mu = \\gamdm - l_\\mu l \\end{equation} which confirms that the metric is given by \\begin{equation} g_{\\mu\\nu} = \\eta_{\\mu\\nu} - 2 l_\\mu l_\\nu, \\end{equation} where $\\eta_{\\mu\\nu}$ is the flat Minkowski metric tensor. The $\\Om(a)$ field defined by~\\eqref{ksanz} has the simple form \\begin{align} \\Om(a) &= \\ho\\bigl( \\grad \\wdg (a \\dt l \\, l) \\bigr) \\nn \\\\ &= \\grad \\wdg (a \\dt l \\, l) - a \\dt l \\, v \\wdg l \\label{ksom} \\end{align} where \\begin{equation} v \\eqv l \\dt \\grad l. \\end{equation} It follows from the fact that $l$ is null that \\begin{equation} l \\dt v =0 \\end{equation} and \\begin{equation} \\Om(l) = 0. \\end{equation} Following the route adopted by Chandrasekhar~\\cite[Section 57]{cha83}, we next form the quantity \\begin{align} l \\dt \\clr(l) &= l \\dt (\\da \\dt \\clr(a \\wdg l) ) \\nn \\\\ &= (l \\wdg \\da) \\dt \\liR(a \\wdg l) \\nn \\\\ &= (l \\wdg \\da) \\dt \\bigl(a \\dt \\dgrad \\dot{\\Om}(l) - l \\dt \\grad \\Om(a)\\bigr). \\end{align} Substituting equation~\\eqref{ksom} into the above we find that \\begin{align} l \\dt \\clr (l) &= (l \\wdg \\da) \\dt \\bigl( - \\dgrad((a\\dt \\grad l) \\dt \\ldot) \\wdg l - l \\dt \\grad \\grad \\wdg (a \\dt l \\, l) \\bigr) \\nn \\\\ &= \\da \\dt l \\, (a \\dt \\grad l) \\dt v - l \\dt \\grad (\\grad \\dt l \\, l + v) \\dt l \\nn \\\\ &= v^2 - (l \\dt \\grad v) \\dt l \\nn \\\\ &= 2 v^2. \\end{align} If we are looking solely for vacuum solutions, then we can conclude from this that $v$ must be null. Since $v \\dt l=0$, it follows that $v$ must be parallel to $l$, \\begin{equation} v = \\phi l, \\label{leqn} \\end{equation} where $\\phi$ is a scalar field. We will restrict attention to solutions for which this relation does hold, even if matter is present. (This places a restriction on the form of matter distributions that we can consider.) It follows from equation~\\eqref{leqn} that $\\Om(a)$ reduces to the simpler form \\begin{equation} \\Om(a) = \\grad \\wdg (a \\dt l \\, l). \\label{newOm} \\end{equation} The Riemann tensor now splits into terms that are second-order and fourth-order in $l$. The fourth-order contribution is \\begin{equation} \\clr_4 (a \\wdg b) = - \\Omdot \\bigl(((a \\wdg b) \\dt l \\, l) \\dt \\dgrad \\bigr) + \\Om(a) \\crs \\Om(b). \\label{Riem4} \\end{equation} After some rearrangement this can be brought to the form \\begin{equation} \\clr_4 (B) = \\qrt \\da \\dt \\db \\, (a \\dt \\grad l) lBl (b \\dt \\grad l) - \\qrt (a \\dt \\grad l) \\dt (b \\dt \\grad l) \\, \\da l B l \\db. \\label{clr4} \\end{equation} Both the contraction, $\\da \\cdot \\clr(a \\wedge b)$, and the protraction, $\\da \\wedge \\clr(a \\wedge b)$, of this contribution to the Riemann tensor vanish. This can be seen from the result that \\begin{equation} \\da F_1 a \\wdg b F_2 = \\da F_1 (ab - a \\dt b) F_2 = -b F_1 F_2, \\end{equation} which holds for any two bivectors $F_1$ and $F_2$. The presence of the null vector $l$ in the analogous terms in $\\clr_4(B)$ ensures that \\begin{equation} \\da \\clr_4 (a\\wdg b) = 0, \\end{equation} so that $\\clr_4(B)$ makes no contribution to the Ricci tensor. The only part of $\\clr(B)$ that contributes to the Einstein tensor is therefore the second-order term \\begin{equation} \\clr_2(a \\wdg b) = a \\dt \\grad \\Om(b) - b \\dt \\grad \\Om(a). \\label{KSeq1} \\end{equation} Contracting this and setting the result to zero we find that the vacuum Einstein equations reduce to solving the equation \\begin{equation} \\clr(a) = \\grad \\dt \\Om(a) - a \\dt \\grad \\, \\db \\dt \\Om(b) = 0. \\end{equation} The Ricci scalar and Einstein tensor are now straightforward to calculate: \\begin{equation} \\clr = -2 \\grad \\dt (\\da \\dt \\Om(a)) \\end{equation} and \\begin{equation} \\clg(a) = \\grad \\dt \\bigl( \\Om(a) - a \\wdg (\\db \\dt \\Om(b)) \\bigr). \\label{Einst} \\end{equation} The formulae for $\\Om(a)$~\\eqref{newOm} and $\\clg(a)$ are valid for any Kerr--Schild type solution for which $l\\dt\\grad l=\\phi l$. For such fields the Einstein tensor~\\eqref{Einst} is a total divergence in Minkowski spacetime. In general, the field equations will be satisfied everywhere except for some singular region over which the fields are discontinuous. This singular region contains the source of the fields. In this paper we assume that the entire solution to the Einstein equations is described by fields defined over a single Minkowski spacetime, so that the manifold has not been subjected to maximal extension. In this case we can use Gauss' theorem straightforwardly to convert volume integrals over the source region to surface integrals and so learn how the source matter is distributed. For the case of static fields, Virbhadra~\\cite{vir90} gave a formula which agrees with~\\eqref{Einst} for the timelike component $a=\\go$, but the fact that the expression is a total divergence was not exploited. ", "conclusions": "Many of the significant solutions to the Einstein equations can be represented in Kerr--Schild form and gauge-theoretic approach of~\\cite{DGL98-grav} is well suited to their analysis. For all solutions of Kerr--Schild type where the null vector $l$ satisfies $l\\dt\\grad l =\\phi l$ the Einstein tensor is a total divergence in flat spacetime. The structure of the sources generating the fields can therefore be elucidated by employing Gauss theorem to transform volume integrals to surface integrals. This approach is fully justified within the gauge-theory formulation, since one only ever deals with fields defined over a flat spacetime. For the case of the Schwarzschild, Reissner--Nordstrom and Vaidya solutions the gravitational fields are seen to result from a $\\del$-function point source of mass at the origin. For the Reissner--Nordstrom solution the $\\del$-function point source is surrounded by a Coulomb field. An unexpected bonus of this approach is that the infinite self-energy of the Coulomb field is removed by the gravitational field. Similar techniques can be applied to Kinnersley's and Bonnor's work on accelerating and radiating masses~\\cite{kin69,bon94}, as will be discussed elsewhere. Applied to more general stationary, vacuum solutions we find that the complex structure at the heart of vacuum Kerr--Schild fields is the same as the natural complex structure inherent in the Weyl tensor through its self-duality symmetry. Further algebraic insights are obtained through the use of null vectors as idempotent elements, simplifying many of the derivations of the vacuum equations. Both of these insights highlight the algebraic advantages of the spacetime algebra approach. A further example of this is seen clearly in equation~\\eqref{defriem}, which gives a remarkably simple and compact expression for the Riemann tensor. The application of Gauss' theorem to the Kerr solution reveals some surprising features of the singularity. The ring of matter follows a lightlike trajectory and surrounds a disk of tension. The tension distribution over the disk is precisely that predicted by special relativity. The correct tension distribution was computed by Hamity~\\cite{ham76}, though he did not comment on its origin in terms of classical relativistic physics. We find no evidence of either the negative surface energy density or the superluminal speeds claimed by Isreal~\\cite{isr70}. Both Hamity and Isreal asserted that they used the same results for surface layers in general relativity, but neither gave detailed calculations, so the reason for Isreal's disagreement with our result is hard to pin down. Almost all trajectories in the Kerr geometry finish up on the disk, rather than the ring. Quite what happens when a particle encounters the $\\del$-function tension over the disk is unclear and can only really be understood using a quantum framework to study the effect of the disk on a wavepacket. (A start on such an analysis in made in~\\cite{D00-kerr}.) Assuming that all geodesics do terminate on the disk then any non-causal features of the Kerr solution are removed~\\cite{isr70}, which is a physically attractive feature of the picture presented here. The fact that the tension membrane violates the weak energy condition raises a further interesting question --- how can it be formed from collapsing baryonic matter? Furthermore, if baryonic matter cannot form the membrane, then what is the endpoint of the collapse process? Answers to these questions will only emerge when realistic collapse scenarios are formulated, though these are notoriously difficult computations to perform. The discussion in this paper implicitly rules out considering any extensions to the manifold, such as obtained by converting the Schwarzschild solution to Kruskal coordinates. We therefore do not consider distinct universes connected by Schwarzschild `throat', with separate future and past singularities~\\cite{mis-grav,haw-large}, or the maximum analytic extension of the Reissner--Nordstrom geometry with infinite ladder of possible `universes' connected by wormholes~\\cite{haw-large,kauf-front}. In such scenarios the applications of Gauss' theorem employed in this paper would not be valid. While infinite ladders of connected universes remain popular with science fiction writers, there is no reason to believe they could ever form physically in any collapse process. The descriptions presented here for both the Reissner--Nordstrom and Kerr solutions have a much more plausible physical feel to them, even if the final description of the singular region must ultimately involve quantum gravity. One final speculation concerns the nature of the membrane supporting the Kerr ring singularity. This bears a remarkable similarity to some of the structures encountered in string theory, and it would be of great interest to see if string theory can provide a quantum description of such a source. \\appendix" }, "0404/astro-ph0404239_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss the mass assembly history both on cluster and galaxy scales and their impact on galaxy evolution. On cluster scale, we introduce our on-going PISCES project on Subaru, which plans to target $\\sim$15 clusters at $0.4\\le z\\le 1.3$ using the unique wide-field (30$'$) optical camera Suprime-Cam and the spectrograph both in optical (FOCAS, 6$'$) and near-infrared (FMOS, 30$'$). The main objectives of this project are twofold: (1) Mapping out the large scale structures in and around the clusters on 10--14~Mpc scale to study the hierarchical growth of clusters through assembly of surrounding groups. (2) Investigating the environmental variation of galaxy properties along the structures to study the origin of the morphology-density and star formation-density relations. Some initial results are presented. On galactic scale, we first present the stellar mass growth of cluster galaxies out to $z\\sim1.5$ based on the near-infrared imaging of distant clusters and show that the mass assembly process of galaxies is largely completed by $z\\sim1.5$ and is faster than the current semi-analytic models' predictions. We then focus on the faint end of the luminosity function at $z\\sim1$ based on the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey imaging data. We show the deficit of red galaxies below M$^*$+2 or 10$^{10}$~M$_{\\odot}$, which suggest less massive galaxies are either genuinely young or still vigorously forming stars in sharp contrast to the massive galaxies where mass is assembled and star formation is terminated long time ago. ", "introduction": "\\begin{figure} \\centerline{ \\psfig{file=cl0016_map.ps,angle=0,width=6.5cm} \\psfig{file=rxj0153_map.ps,angle=0,width=6.5cm} } \\caption{ The panoramic maps of CL0016+16 cluster ($z$=0.55; left panel) and RXJ0152.7$-$1357 ($z$=0.83; right panel). 10~arcminutes correspond to physical scales of 3.8 and 4.6~Mpc, respectively. Using photometric redshift technique based on multi-colour data ($BVRi'z'$ and $VRi'z'$, respectively), plotted are the photometric member candidates selected with redshift cuts of 0.50$\\le$$z$$\\le$0.58 and 0.78$\\le$$z$$\\le$0.86, respectively. Contours show local 2-D number density of galaxies at 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 $\\sigma$ above the mean density. Coordinates are shown relative to the centre of the main cluster. Large scale filamentary structures ($>$10Mpc) are seen in both clusters. } \\label{fig:map_photz} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline{ \\psfig{file=cl0016_red.ps,angle=0,width=6.5cm} \\psfig{file=rxj0153_red.ps,angle=0,width=6.5cm} } \\caption{ The same as Fig.~\\ref{fig:map_photz}, but only red galaxies on the colour-magnitude sequence are shown rather than phot-$z$ selected galaxies. The red galaxies are selected on the basis of $VRi'$ colours for CL0016+16 and $Ri'z'$ colours for RXJ0152.7$-$1357, respectively, and some red colour slice cuts are applied to isolate the passively evolving galaxies at cluster redshifts. This technique gives narrower redshift slice ($\\Delta$$z$$\\sim$0.05) hence has less projection effect, but tends to be biased to the systems dominated by red populations. It is therefore complemental to the phot-$z$ slice technique used in Fig.~\\ref{fig:map_photz}. } \\label{fig:map_red} \\end{figure} PISCES is a panoramic imaging survey of distant clusters using the Subaru wide-field optical camera Suprime-Cam which provides 34$'$$\\times$27$'$ field of view corresponding to a physical area of 16$\\times$13~Mpc$^2$ at $z\\sim1$. This long term project has started since 2003, and we aim to target $\\sim$15 X-ray selected distant clusters in total at $0.4\\lsim z\\lsim 1.3$, in good coordination with {\\it ACS/HST}, {\\it XMM}, and {\\it Chandra} observations. This unique project is currently underway and some preliminary results on the large scale structures over the entire Suprime-Cam fields are shown in Figs.~\\ref{fig:map_photz} and \\ref{fig:map_red}. These two rich clusters at $z$=0.55 and 0.83 were imaged in multi optical bands, and photometric redshifts (\\cite{k99}) have been applied to efficiently remove foreground/background contaminations and isolate the cluster member candidates (\\cf \\cite{k01}). Many substructures are then clearly seen around the main body of the clusters which tend to be aligned in filamentary structures extending to $>$10~Mpc scale across. Although these structures should be confirmed spectroscopically later on, these already provide good evidence for cluster scale assembly in the hierarchical Universe. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{ \\psfig{file=cl0939_colden.ps,angle=0,width=6.5cm} } \\caption{ The variation in colour versus local galaxy density, for phot-$z$ selected cluster members brighter than $I=23.4$ in CL0939+47 cluster at $z=0.41$ (\\cite{k01}). The open circles and filled triangles show the galaxies brighter or fainter than $I=21.4$ ($M_V^{\\ast}$+2), respectively. The three red lines represent the loci of the 25, 50, and 75th percentile colours. The local number density is calculated from the 10 nearest galaxies and we correct this for residual field contamination in the photometric members using the blank field data. } \\label{fig:colden} \\end{figure} The large scale structures that we see around the clusters provide us the unique opportunities to look into the environmental effects on galaxies as they assemble to denser regions. Kodama \\etal\\, (2001) have presented the environmental dependence of galaxy colours along the filamentary structures around the CL0939+47 cluster at $z$=0.41. They have shown that the galaxy colours change rather sharply at relatively low density regions such as galaxy groups along the filaments well outside of the cluster core where the galaxies have not yet passed the central region of the clusters yet (see also \\cite{gray04}; \\cite{treu03}). Together with the similar findings in the local Universe (\\cite{lewis02}; \\cite{gomez03}). the environmental effects that truncate star formation are not driven by the cluster specific mechanism such as ram-pressure stripping (\\cite{abadi99}) and but are found to be much wider spread into low density regions. We should therefore pay greater attention to galaxy groups as the key hierarchy for the environmental effects and try to identify what is happening on galaxies in this environment (see below). It is also important to extend this analysis to higher redshifts as the galaxy environment should change dramatically during the course of vigorous assembly, which is probably related to the appearance of morphology-density relation (\\cite{d80}). Obviously, taking as many spectra as possible from the photometrically identified large scale structures is crucial to prove their reality, since our photometric approach may well suffer from the projection effect along the line of site as we go to lower density regions due to the broad phot-$z$ slice cuts that we apply. Importantly, \\oii\\, line and/or the 4000\\AA\\, break feature are detectable for our PISCES targets in the optical spectroscopy (such as FOCAS) and \\halpha\\, line comes to the FMOS window (0.9$\\mu$m$<$$\\lambda$$<$1.8$\\mu$m). Not only definitively removing the foreground/background contamination and identifying the physically associated real groups, spectroscopic redshifts of individual cluster members will also provide us two critical information: (1) Dynamical mass of the systems which can then be compared to lensing mass and the X-ray mass to address the dynamical state of the systems. (2) 3-D velocity structures, providing the recent and/or near future cluster-cluster/cluster-group merger histories (\\eg \\cite{czoske02}). Also, \\oii\\, and \\halpha\\, lines will offer the measures of on-going star formation rate of galaxies. (The latter is preferred since it is much less affected by dust extinction or metallicity variation (\\cite{kenn84})). Therefore we can directly identify when, where and on what timescale the star formation is truncated as the galaxies/groups fall into clusters along the filaments (\\eg \\cite{k04b}). Moreover, we will combine the information from other spectral indices such as Balmer lines and colours in order to resolve the recent star formation histories in galaxies in fine time scales. Different spectral features are sensitive to different stellar ages (\\cite{kenn84}; \\cite{balogh99}; \\cite{bia99}): the emission lines (\\oii\\, \\halpha) will measure the amplitude of on-going star formation (10$^7$ yrs), while the Balmer absorption line give the luminosity (mass) contribution from the stars formed immediately before the truncation (10$^{8-9}$ yrs) (\\cite{d92}; \\cite{couch87}) and the 4000\\AA\\, break and broad-band colours specify the features of longer-lived populations ($>$10$^9$ yrs) (\\cite{kb01}). Resolving the recent star formation histories in galaxies in the transition regions (groups) is the key to understanding the physical processes behind the truncation. In particular, the existence of strong nebular emissions would support the galaxy-galaxy mergers which trigger star-burst, and very strong Balmer absorption line (E+A or k+a) would follow in the post star-burst phase (\\cite{bia99}). If the star formation is more gradually truncated ($\\gsim$1Gyr) due to halo gas stripping (strangulation), we would not see any excess of E+A/k+a features (\\cite{balogh99}). It is also important to investigate the morphologies of the galaxies in these groups. The key question here is whether the transformation of morphologies is driven by the same mechanisms as those responsible for the truncation of star formation (\\cite{bia99}; \\cite{treu03}). Furthermore, stellar mass function of galaxies (see \\S2) in groups compared to other environment will provide information on galaxy-galaxy merger in this hierarchy since the mergers increase the fraction of massive galaxies. On the contrary, strangulation does not change mass, hence can be distinguished by this test. \\vspace{-0.2cm} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404075_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I compare an aggressive ground-based gravitational microlensing survey for terrestrial planets to a space-based survey. The Ground-based survey assumes a global network of very wide field-of-view $\\sim 2$m telescopes that monitor fields in the central Galactic bulge. I find that such a space-based survey is $\\sim 100$ times more effective at detecting terrestrial planets in Earth-like orbits. The poor sensitivity of the ground-based surveys to low-mass planets is primarily due to the fact that the main sequence source stars are unresolved in ground-based images of the Galactic bulge. This gives rise to systematic photometry errors that preclude the detection of most of the planetary light curve deviations for low mass planets. ", "introduction": "Gravitational microlensing can be used to detect extra-solar planets orbiting distant stars \\citep{mao-pac,gould-loeb} with relatively large photometric signals as long as the angular planetary Einstein Ring radius is not much smaller than the angular size of the source star \\citep{bennett-rhie}. For giant source stars in the Galactic bulge, however, the signals of Earth-mass planets are largely washed out by their large angular size, but Galactic bulge main sequence stars are small enough to allow the detection of planets with masses as low as $0.1 M_\\oplus$. This fact has led to suggestions that ground-based microlensing surveys might be able to measure the abundance of Earth-like planets \\citep{tytler-exnps,sackett97}. However, the initial estimates of the sensitivity of such a survey neglected the blending of main sequence source stars in the bulge that is illustrated in Fig.~\\ref{fig-image}. The brightness of the source stars was over-estimated, and it was not realized that the actual source stars were blended with several other stars of similar brightness in ground-based images. More realistic estimates of the sensitivity of the proposed ground-based extra-solar planet searches indicated very poor sensitivity to terrestrial planets \\citep{peale-gnd_v_space}, and suggested that only a space-based survey \\citep{gest-sim} could discover a significant number of Earth-like planets. In this paper, we simulate the most capable ground-based microlensing survey that could reasonably be attempted: a network of three 2-m class wide field-of-view telescopes spanning the Globe in the Southern Hemisphere that are dedicated to the microlensing planet search survey for four years. \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\plotfiddle{space_gnd_imagesC.ps}{2.60in}{0}{53}{53}{-160}{-108} \\caption{The difference between ground and space-based data for microlensing of a bulge main sequence star is illustrated with images of microlensing event MACHO-96-BLG-5. The two top panels are 50 min. R-band exposures with the CTIO 0.9m telescope taken in 1\" seeing at different microlensing magnifications, and the two images on the bottom have been constructed from HST frames. Ground-based photometry suggests that the lensed source star is bulge ``turn-off'' star 1-2 magnitudes brighter than the top of the bulge main sequence, but the HST image reveals that the actual source star is bulge G-dwarf on the main sequence. \\label{fig-image}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "I have carried out detailed simulations of the most capable ground-based microlensing terrestrial planet search program that could plausibly be attempted. The simulated survey employs three 2m class telescopes spanning the Globe in the Southern Hemisphere which observe the Galactic bulge whenever possible for a period of 4 years. Such a network is about 100 times less sensitive than a space-based survey which might only cost 5 times as much. So, without some dramatic improvement in ground-based crowded field photometry, it will not be possible to conduct a microlensing survey to determine the abundance of terrestrial planets in the inner Galaxy. For a gravitational census of terrestrial planets, a space-based survey will be required \\citep{gest-sim,gest-spie}. As Fig.~\\ref{fig-n_vs_sep} indicates, such a mission would complete the survey for terrestrial planets that will be started by the Kepler mission \\citep{kepler} which is sensitive to Earth-like planets at separations $\\la 1\\,$AU using the transit method. A space-based microlensing survey would overlap Kepler with sensitivity at $\\sim 1\\,$AU, and extend sensitivity to terrestrial planets to all separations including free-floating planets, which may have been ejected from their parent stars during the planetary formation process." }, "0404/astro-ph0404596_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The first IBIS galactic plane survey has provided a list of high energy emitting objects above 20 keV; these sources have been detected mostly in the crowded region of the Galactic Centre and partly along the Galactic Plane. In order to validate the detection procedure, to help in the identification process and to study the nature of these IBIS sources, this list has been cross correlated with the data archive of the PDS instrument on BeppoSAX, which operated in a similar energy band and with a similar sensitivity. We discover a number of associations whose detailed analysis will be particularly useful for the survey work. Also, thanks to the imaging capability of IBIS/ISGRI, objects which could not be studied by the PDS due to contamination from nearby sources can now be associated with a definite source or sources. ", "introduction": "The IBIS/ISGRI Survey (Bird et al. 2004) contains 123 high energy emitting objects detected with the unprecedented sensitivity of $\\sim$1 mCrab in the energy range 20-100 keV discovered by mosaicing all core program observations performed in the first year of the mission; this first catalogue contains 23 high mass and 53 low mass binary systems, 5 AGN, a few SNR/X-ray pulsar systems, a few isolated pulsars and a handful of other objects. Around 30 remain at the moment unidentified and are the main targets of follow up observations. Observations of these and other sources in the IBIS survey at X-ray wavelengths are useful in order to assess their nature and overall characteristics; in this sense the BeppoSAX/PDS archive is a powerful tool as it can provide information on any spectral and/or flux variation provided that the PDS observation was not contaminated by nearby sources. To this end, we have started a program to analyse all PDS observations which contain in the field of view a source detected by IBIS: the systematic search of the archive has provided a set of 68 objects which were targets of BeppoSAX observations and so have both MECS/PDS (2-100 keV band) data. In this case it is possible to reconsider the PDS data in the light of the IBIS images in order to exclude or evaluate any contamination present. The PDS field of view is 1.3$^{\\circ}$ (FWHM), hexagonal in shape and with no imaging capability (Frontera et al. 1997). The response matrix of this instrument is triangular in both directions, with a flat top of 3' and a reduction in sensitivity of a factor of 2 at 38' from the centre up to zero response at 78' distance . The MECS has instead a field of view of 30' radius and so covers only about 10\\% of the PDS view. Therefore it is also possible that a source is not seen by the MECS but serendipitously observed by the PDS. In fact, from our search, 21 IBIS survey sources were measured by the PDS in this mode. For the remaining sources there is no BeppoSAX pointing. Herein we present a few interesting cases where IBIS/PDS data can be used together in order to define the high energy characteristics of some of these objects which were serendipitously detected by Beppo/SAX. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have demonstrated that the combination of BeppoSAX/PDS and ISGRI data can produce a clearer understanding of the nature of high energy emitters. Work is continuing on this correlation analysis and will improve as the IBIS survey dataset increases." }, "0404/astro-ph0404243_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{High angular resolution Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of SiO `thermal' millimetre line emission towards the two oxygen-rich, low mass loss rate AGB stars \\object{R Dor} and \\object{L$^2$ Pup} are presented. In both cases the emission is resolved with an overall spherical symmetry. Detailed radiative transfer modelling of the SiO line emission has been performed, and the comparison between observations and models are conducted in the visibility plane, maximizing the sensitivity. The excitation analysis suggests that the abundance of SiO is as high as $4\\times 10^{-5}$ in the inner part of the wind, close to the predicted values from stellar atmosphere models. Beyond a radius of $\\approx 1\\times 10^{15}$ cm the SiO abundance is significantly lower, about $3\\times 10^{-6}$, until it decreases strongly at a radius of about $3\\times 10^{15}$ cm. This is consistent with a scenario where SiO first freezes out onto dust grains, and then eventually becomes photodissociated by the interstellar UV-radiation field. In these low expansion velocity sources the turbulent broadening of the lines plays an important role in the line formation. Micro-turbulent velocity widths in the range $1.1-1.5$ km\\,s$^{-1}$ result in a very good reproduction of the observed line shapes even if the gas expansion velocity is kept constant. This, combined with the fact that the SiO and CO lines are well fitted using the same gas expansion velocity (to within $5-10$\\%), suggest that the envelope acceleration occurs close to the stellar photosphere, within $\\lesssim 20-30$ stellar radii. ", "introduction": "The intense winds that low to intermediate mass stars develop in their final evolutionary stage, as they ascend the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), return enriched stellar material to the interstellar medium. In addition to significantly contributing to the chemical evolution of galaxies, the mass loss will dictate the time scale for the future evolution of the star towards the planetary nebula phase. Considering its importance little is known with certainty about the mechanism(s) behind the mass loss. Partly this is due to a lack of observational constraints, in particular close to the stellar photosphere where the wind is accelerated, and partly due to the complexity of the physical/chemical processes involved. Among other things, the formation of dust grains is thought to play an important role in these radiatively driven winds. Most of the information on this region comes from observations of infrared ro-vibrational molecular lines in absorption, mainly towards the carbon star \\object{IRC+10216} \\citep[e.g.,][]{Keady93,Winters00a}, infrared continuum emission from the circumstellar dust \\citep[e.g.,][]{Danchi94}, and SiO maser radio line emission from excited vibrational states \\citep[e.g.,][]{Cotton04}. Information can also be gained from radio observations of suitable circumstellar molecular species towards stars having low to intermediate mass loss rates. A major survey of CO radio line emission from circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) around oxygen-rich AGB stars of different variability types were done by \\citet{Kerschbaum99} and \\citet{Olofsson02}. These data were modelled in detail to derive stellar mass loss rates and terminal gas expansion velocities \\citep{Olofsson02}. Subsequently, a survey of `thermal' SiO radio line emission, meaning emission from the ground vibrational state rotational lines which are normally not (strongly) masering, was done and the data were interpreted using a detailed numerical radiative transfer modelling presented in \\citet{Delgado03b}. An immediate conclusion from these large surveys is that the SiO and CO radio line profiles are different from each other. The SiO line profiles are narrower in the sense that the main fraction of the emission comes from a velocity range smaller by about $10-20$\\% than twice the expansion velocity determined from the CO data. On the other hand, the SiO line profiles have weak wings, such that the total velocity width of its emission is very similar to that of the CO emission. Furthermore, it appears that the SiO line profiles change character with the mass loss rate, at low mass loss rates they are narrow with weak extended wings, while at high mass loss rates they become distinctly triangular. These `peculiar' SiO line profiles have been interpreted as being due to the influence of gas acceleration in the region which produces most of the SiO line emission \\citep{Bujarrabal86}. However, as illustrated in \\citet{Delgado03b}, the SiO lines are usually strongly self-absorbed also for low mass loss rate objects and this produces narrower lines. There is some controversy in the literature over the scale length of the acceleration region. In the only previously published works where thermal SiO emission have been observed towards AGB stars using interferometry, \\citet{Sahai93} find no need for the slowly varying velocity fields introduced by \\citet{Lucas92}. Other conclusions come from the detailed radiative transfer modelling of the SiO line data. This is in many respects a more difficult enterprise than the CO line modelling. The SiO line emission predominantly comes from a region closer to the star than does the CO line emission, and this is a region where we have fewer observational constraints. The SiO excitation is also normally far from thermal equilibrium with the gas kinetic temperature, and radiative excitation plays a major role. Finally, there exists no detailed chemical model for calculating the radial SiO abundance distribution. \\citet{Delgado03b} adopted the assumption that the gas-phase SiO abundance stays high only very close to the star, since further out the SiO molecules are adsorbed onto the grains. Beyond this the abundance stays low until the molecules are eventually dissociated by the interstellar UV radiation. This photodissociation radius, which is crucial to the modelling, was estimated using both SiO multi-line modelling and existing interferometer data \\citep{Lucas92, Sahai93}, but only for a few sources. The result of the radiative transfer modelling is a circumstellar SiO abundance that is roughly the same as that obtained from stellar atmosphere equilibrium chemistry for low mass loss rate objects, and which declines with mass loss rate reaching an abundance about two orders of magnitude lower for high mass loss rate objects. Thus, there are strong indications that `thermal' SiO radio line emission is a useful probe of the formation and evolution of dust grains in a CSE, as well as of its dynamics. Hence, circumstellar SiO line emission potentially carries information on the properties of the region where the mass loss of AGB stars is initiated. Presented here are results from high spatial resolution imaging of the two M-type semiregular AGB stars \\object{R Dor} and \\object{L$^2$ Pup}. Both sources studied have low mass loss rates ($\\dot{M}\\lesssim 1\\times 10^{-7}$ M$_\\odot$\\,yr$^{-1}$) and low terminal velocities of their winds ($\\lesssim6$ km\\,s$^{-1}$). It has been suggested from hydrodynamical calculations \\citep{Winters00b,Winters02,Winters03} that the main driving mechanism behind these tenuous winds is stellar pulsation and that dust plays only a secondary role. The observations, performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array\\footnote{The Australia Telescope is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO.} (ATCA), are presented in Sect.~2. ATCA is an array of six 22 m dishes operating from $1.4-26$ GHz and with an upgrade to $85-105$ GHz operation in progress. Its location makes it a unique instrument to study molecular-line sources in the southern hemisphere at high angular resolution, and we have recently used it to conduct a study of circumstellar HCN emission from the carbon star R Scl \\citep{Wong04}. The analysis in Sect.~3 and comparison with envelope models in Sect.~4 are carried out in the $uv$-plane in order to maximize the sensitivity and resolution of the data. The modelling is followed by a discussion in Sect.~5 and conclusions are presented in Sect.~6. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=7cm]{fig1.ps}} \\caption{Coverage of the visibility plane for \\object{R Dor} and \\object{L$^2$ Pup} obtained after combining the three ATCA configurations used (EW367, 750B, and H214).} \\label{uvcov} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "High resolution, interferometric, millimetre observations at $\\approx 1\\arcsec$ resolution of SiO $v=0, J=2\\rightarrow 1$ line emission towards the two O-rich AGB stars \\object{L$^2$ Pup} and \\object{R Dor} have been performed. The emission is resolved, very centrally peaked, and suggests an overall spherical symmetry, even though there is an indication of a departure from spherical symmetry in the case of \\object{R Dor} at the arcsecond scale. A detailed excitation analysis was performed suggesting that the SiO abundance is very high ($\\approx 4\\times10^{-5}$) in the inner part ($\\lesssim 1\\times 10^{15}$ cm) of the circumstellar envelopes around both stars, consistent with predictions from LTE stellar atmosphere chemistry. For \\object{R Dor} the interferometer data further suggests that there is an additional, more extended, component with a significantly lower SiO abundance. We interpret this as the result of effective adsorption of SiO onto dust grains. Such a conclusion is less clear in the case of \\object{L$^2$ Pup}. A comparison of model and observed line profiles further suggests that micro-turbulent motions are of the order of $1-1.5$ km\\,s$^{-1}$. This is a significant fraction of the wind velocity in these slowly expanding winds ($\\lesssim 5$ km\\,s$^{-1}$), and it produces strong self absorption of the blue-shifted emission giving the SiO line profiles their characteristic shape. Additionally, the interferometer data provide constraints on the size of the region in which the wind is being accelerated. It is found that a constant velocity over the SiO emitting region can successfully account for the visibility amplitudes obtained at different velocity intervals. Furthermore, it is possible to model the line shapes of both SiO and CO emission using the same expansion velocity (within $5-10$\\%) for both our sources. This constrains the acceleration region to within $\\lesssim 20-30$ stellar radii. We conclude that SiO line emission plays a very important role in the study of circumstellar envelopes, both with respect to its dynamics and the gas and grain chemistry. However, it should be remembered that both sources studied here have very low mass loss rates and expansion velocities and that a more representative sample of O-rich sources needs to be studied in order to solidify the conclusion reached here. This could also be used to investigate the role of chromospheric radiation in photodissociation of SiO molecules. Such an effort is currently underway, and it justifies the development of a more elaborate model to describe the abundance distribution of SiO." }, "0404/astro-ph0404419_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent fits of cosmological parameters by the first year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) measurement seem to favor a primordial scalar spectrum with a large varying index from blue to red. We use the inflationary flow equations to reconstruct large running-index inflaton potentials and comment on current status on the inflationary flow. We find previous negligence of higher order slow rolling contributions when using the flow equations would lead to unprecise results. \\\\ PACS number(s): 98.80.Cq, 11.10.Kk ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404133_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first edition of the \\underline{\\bf S}DSS \\underline{\\bf H}{\\sc ii}-galaxies with \\underline{\\bf O}xygen abundances \\underline{\\bf C}atalog (SHOC), which is a listing of strong emission-line galaxies (ELGs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Oxygen abundances have been obtained with the classic $T_{\\rm e}$-method. We describe the method exploiting the SDSS database to construct this sample. The selection procedures are described and discussed in detail, as well as some problems encountered in the process of deriving reliable emission line parameters. The method was applied to the SDSS Data Release 1 (DR1). We present 612 SDSS emission-line galaxies (624 separate SDSS targets in total), for which the oxygen abundances 12+$\\log$(O/H) have r.m.s. uncertainties $\\le\\,$0.20 dex. The subsample of 263 ELGs (272 separate SDSS targets) have an uncertainty $\\le\\,$0.10 dex, while 459 ELGs (470 separate SDSS targets) have an uncertainty $\\le$0.15 dex. The catalog includes the main parameters of all selected ELGs, the intensities and equivalent widths of hydrogen and oxygen emission lines, as well as oxygen abundances with their uncertainties. The information on the presence of Wolf-Rayet blue and/or red bumps in 109 galaxies is also included. With the use of combined $g,r,i$ SDSS images we performed visual morphological classification of all SHOC galaxies. 461 galaxies ($\\sim$75\\%) are classified as confident or probable blue compact galaxies (BCG/BCG?), 78 as irregular ones, 20 as low surface brightness galaxies (LSBG), 10 as obviously interacting and 43 as spiral galaxies. In creating the catalog, 30 narrow line AGN and 69 LINERs were also identified; these are also presented apart of the main catalog. We outline briefly the content of the catalog, and the prospects of its use for statistical studies of the star formation and chemical evolution issues. Some of these studies will be presented in the forthcoming paper. Finally, we show that the method presented by \\citet{Kniazev03a} for calculating O$^+$/H$^+$ using intensities of the [O\\,{\\sc ii}] $\\lambda$7320,7330 \\AA\\ lines for SDSS emission-line spectra in the absence of [O\\,{\\sc ii}] $\\lambda$3727 \\AA\\ line appears to yield reliable results over a wide range of studied oxygen abundances: $7.10 < 12+\\log$(O/H) $ < 8.5$. ", "introduction": "The heavy element abundances of gas-rich galaxies and their gas-mass fractions are the main parameters characterizing their global evolution \\citep[ e.g.,][]{Pagel97,Matteucci01}. These can be related to both the global properties of galaxies \\citep[e.g.,][]{Dalcanton97,GGH03} and the membership of galaxies in various elements of large-scale structure \\citep[e.g.,][]{Popescu96,Grogin00,Pustilnik02b,Vilchez03,Lee03}. The knowledge of the metallicity for large homogeneously selected galaxy samples would allow us to address various issues of galaxy chemical evolution on a good statistical basis. In particular, the possible difference in the chemical evolution rate in the various types of galaxy environments can be systematically examined. Having metallicities for galaxy samples at redshifts of, e.g., $z \\sim 0.3$ and in the nearby Universe, one can directly probe the chemical evolution of gas-rich galaxies over timescales of several Gyr. In addition, estimates of stellar mass from galaxy photometry and of neutral gas mass from H{\\sc i} measurements bring new opportunities to confront the predictions of modern chemical evolution models with the observed properties of a large sample of galaxies. To address the question of metallicity distributions in gas-rich galaxies and to understand possible relations between metallicity and other galaxy parameters, one can use several large ELG samples such as the results of University of Michigan (UM), Tololo and Calan-Tololo \\citep{Smith76,McAlpine77,Salzer89}, Case \\citep{Pesch82,Salzer95,Ugryumov98}, Second Byurakan Survey \\citep[SBS;][]{Markarian83,Izotov93}, Heidelberg Void \\citep{Popescu96}, KPNO International Spectral Survey \\citep[KISS;][]{Salzer00,Melbourne02}, Hamburg/SAO Survey for Emission-Line Galaxies \\citep[HSS-ELG;][]{Ugryumov99,Pustilnik00} and Hamburg/SAO Survey for Low Metallicity Galaxies \\citep[HSS-LM;][]{Ugryumov03}. Of special interest for such samples are H{\\sc ii} galaxies and their most prominent representatives -- Blue Compact Galaxies (BCGs). BCGs are gas-rich objects with typical total masses lower than 10$^{10}~M$\\sunn, have low metallicities in the range 1/15$ \\leq$ Z/Z\\sunn\\ $\\leq$ 1/3, and form stars at noticeably non-stationary rates. Previously, samples of H{\\sc ii} galaxies with reliably known metallicities (i.e., derived with the $T_{\\rm e}$ method) were obtained through high S/N spectroscopy of strong-line ELGs, selected from the surveys cited above. However, well-selected gas-rich galaxy samples with reliable metallicity determinations are still quite small. Currently, it is possible to estimate that we have no more than $\\sim$200 galaxies selected from the different samples with measured classic $T_{\\rm e}$ method oxygen abundances with an accuracy better than 0.1 dex. This is related to the weakness of the key temperature-sensitive line [O\\,{\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$4363, used in the classic $T_{\\rm e}$ method to derive oxygen abundances with r.m.s. uncertainties of 0.01--0.1 dex. As well, many galaxies from these samples often have poor photometry, and, apart from the KISS survey, selection criteria are not well-defined in terms of apparent magnitude. Nevertheless, the accumulated data on low-mass galaxies give important clues about the metallicity distribution and indicate correlations with other galaxy global parameters. In particular, these surveys have uncovered a significant number of extremely metal-poor galaxies (XMPGs)\\footnote{Another name for these galaxies is extremely metal-deficient galaxies (XMDs).} with $Z \\leq 1/20~Z$\\sunn. Some XMPGs are similar to the well-known I~Zw~18 \\citep{SS72} and SBS 0335--052 \\citep{Izotov90}, which are candidates for young galaxies in the nearby Universe. These are probably the best local analogs of young low-mass galaxies which formed at high redshifts. Despite the paucity of such galaxies their systematic study can advance significantly the understanding of the details of galaxy formation and their early evolution. Therefore, it is important to have an effective means of enlarging substantially the number of XMPGs. Besides the great interest in understanding the details of star formation, massive-star (including Wolf-Rayet stars) evolution and their interaction with the interstellar medium at very low metallicities, there are several other important directions related to the studies of H{\\sc ii}/BCG metallicities in general. For example, with a larger ELG sample with abundances measured by the classic $T_{\\rm e}$ method we can improve the calibration of the empirical methods \\citep[e.g.,][]{Pagel,McGaugh91,Pilyugin01,Pilyugin03,Denicolo}, which provide a broad picture about the range of oxygen abundances for ELGs in general. Therefore, it is natural to look for new opportunities offered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{York2000}. Owing to its homogeneity, area coverage, spectral resolution, and depth, the SDSS provides an excellent means of creating a large flux-limited sample of H{\\sc ii} galaxies with heavy element abundances derived with the classic $T_{\\rm e}$ method. The SDSS consists of an imaging survey in five photometric bands \\citep{SDSS_phot,Gunn98,Hogg01}, as well as a follow-up spectroscopic survey of a magnitude-limited sample of galaxies \\citep[mainly field galaxies brighter than $r = 17\\fm77$;][]{Strauss02} and a color-selected sample of quasars \\citep{QSO02}. An automated image-processing system detects astronomical sources and measures their photometric and astrometric properties \\citep{Lupton01,EDR02,SDSS_phot1,Pier03} and identifies candidate galaxies and quasars for multi-fibre spectroscopy. The samples of galaxy and quasar candidates include a substantial number of emission-line galaxies. The spectra are automatically reduced and wavelength- and flux-calibrated \\citep{EDR02,DR1}. The SDSS spectral data have already been used in a number of galaxy studies \\citep[e.g.,][]{Bernardi03,Eisen02,Goto03,Kauffmann03,Kniazev03a,Stas03}. The paper presented here will extend the possibilities of using SDSS ELG spectra for the statistical studies of galaxy metallicities. In this paper we describe the method used to extract from the SDSS database strong-line ELGs, which are suitable for determining oxygen abundances with the classic $T_{\\rm e}$ method, i.e., the temperature-sensitive [O$\\;${\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$4363~\\AA\\ line. The original galaxy sample is obtained from the SDSS DR1, which is briefly described in Section~\\ref{txt:Selection}. The application of the developed pipeline yields the list of ELGs with H{\\sc ii}-type spectra. In the same section the procedure of the ELG selection is described in detail. The method used to estimate the physical conditions in H{\\sc ii} regions of the galaxies studied and their element abundances is described in Section~\\ref{Method}. In the same section we outline a number of problems encountered while using the SDSS spectral data and the ways to resolve them. In Section~\\ref{Tests_OH} we check the quality of the oxygen abundance determination. The catalog of all selected ELGs along with their main parameters, emission line data, and the derived oxygen abundances is presented in Section~\\ref{Results}. The results are presented in Section~\\ref{Discussion}. We conclude with the key results of this paper in Section~\\ref{Summary}. We adopt here the Hubble constant $H_\\mathrm{0}$ = 75~\\kms~Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": " \\begin{itemize} \\item SDSS spectra permit accurate oxygen abundance determinations over the range $7.1 \\la 12+\\log({\\rm O/H}) \\la 8.5$. \\item The method for calculating O$^+$/H$^+$ using intensities of the [O\\,{\\sc ii}] $\\lambda$7320,7330 \\AA\\ lines appears to yield reliable results over a wide range of oxygen abundances. \\item A large number of strong-line ELGs with measurable oxygen abundances and detectable WR populations is selected from the SDSS DR1 database. \\item A large majority of strong-line ELGs with detected [O~{\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$4363 are H{\\sc ii} galaxies with a broad range of $r$-band luminosities, corresponding to absolute $r$ magnitudes $-22 \\la M_r \\la -12$. \\end{itemize} We plan to produce regular updates of the SHOC catalog of strong-line ELGs with measured oxygen abundances, based on subsequent Data Releases from the SDSS." }, "0404/astro-ph0404305_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this talk I discuss the role of proto-globular clusters as the dominant sources of radiation that reionised hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) at redshift $z \\sim 6$. Observations at lower redshift indicate that only a small fraction, \\fesc, of hydrogen ionising radiation emitted from massive stars can escape unabsorbed by the galaxy into the IGM. High redshift galaxies are expected to be more compact and gas rich than present day galaxies, consequently \\fesc from their disks or spheroids might have been very small. But if the sites of star formation in the galaxies are off-centre and if the star formation efficiency of the proto-clusters is high, then the mean \\fesc calculated for these objects only, is expected to be close to unity. Here I argue that this mode of star formation is consistent with several models for globular clusters formation. Using simple arguments based on the observed number of globular cluster systems in the local universe and assuming that the oldest globular clusters formed before reionisation and had \\fesc$\\sim 1$, I show that they produced enough ionising photons to reionise the IGM at $z \\sim 6$. I also emphasise that globular cluster formation might have been the dominant mode of star formation at redshifts from 6 to 12. ", "introduction": "In this talk, using simple arguments, I emphasise the important cosmological role of globular cluster (GC) formation at high-redshift. I show that the formation of GCs may have been the dominant mode of star formation near the epoch of reionisation and have contributed significantly to it. The material presented in this talk is based on published work by \\cite{RicottiS:00} and \\cite{Ricotti:02}. Observation of Ly$\\alpha$ absorption systems toward high-redshift quasars \\citep{Becker:01} indicate that the redshift of reionisation of the intergalactic medium (IGM) is $z_{\\rm rei} \\sim 6$. The recent result from the WMAP satellite \\citep{Kogut:03} of an early epoch of reionisation will not be addressed in this talk. The reader can refer to \\cite{RicottiOI:03, RicottiO:03} if interested in this topic. A key ingredient in determining the effectiveness by which galaxies photoionise the surrounding IGM is the parameter \\fesc, defined here as the mean fraction of ionising photons escaping from galaxy halos into the IGM. Cosmological simulations and semi-analytical models of IGM reionisation by stellar sources find that, in order to reionise the IGM by $z =6 - 7$, the escape fraction from galaxies must be relatively large: \\fesc$\\simgt 10$\\% assuming a Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) and the standard $\\Lambda$CDM cosmological model. The assumption of a universal star formation efficiency (SFE) is consistent with the observed values of the star formation rate (SFR) at $0 6$, \\fesc$\\simlt 0.1-1$\\% even assuming star formation rates typical of starburst galaxies. The majority of photons that escape the halo come from the most luminous OB associations located in the outermost parts of the galaxy. Indeed \\cite{RicottiS:00} have shown that changing the luminosity function of the OB association and the density distribution of the stars has major effects on \\fesc (see their Figs. 8 and 9). A star formation mode, in which very luminous OB associations form in the outer parts of galaxy halos, may explain the large \\fesc required for reionisation. Globular clusters are possible observable relics of such a star formation mode. Their age is compatible with formation at reionisation or earlier. Because of their large star density they survived tidal destruction and represent the most luminous tail of the luminosity distribution of old OB associations. In \\S~\\ref{sec:mods} I show that several models for the formation of proto-GCs imply an \\fesc$\\sim 1$. I will also show that the total amount of stars in GCs observed today is sufficient to reionise the universe at $z \\sim 6$ if their \\fesc$\\sim 1$. This conclusion is reinforced if the GCs we observe today are only a fraction, $1/f_{di}$, of primordial GCs as a consequence of mass segregation and tidal stripping. In \\S~\\ref{sec:rev} I briefly review a few observational properties and in \\S~\\ref{sec:mods} formation theories of GCs that motivate the assumption of \\fesc$\\sim 1$; in \\S~\\ref{sec:meth} I discuss the model assumptions in light of GC observations and present the results. In \\S~\\ref{sec:disc} I present my conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:disc} The observed Lyman break galaxies at $z \\sim 3$ are probably the most luminous starburst galaxies of a population that produced the bulk of the stars in our universe. Their formation epoch corresponds to the assembly of the bulges of spirals and ellipticals. Nevertheless the observed upper limit on \\fesc from Lyman break galaxies, \\fesc$\\simlt 10$\\%, may be insufficient to reionise the IGM according to numerical simulations. \\cite{Ferguson:02}, using different arguments based on the presence of an older stellar population, also noticed that the radiation emitted from Lyman break galaxies at $z>3$ was insufficient to reionise the IGM assuming a continuous star formation mode. I propose that GCs during their formation may have produced enough ionising photons to reionise the IGM. Assuming $f_{di}=2$ (\\ie, during their evolution GCs have lost half of their original mass), I find a stellar mass fraction in GCs, $\\omega^f_{gc} \\approx 0.1$\\%, small compared to the total stellar budget $\\omega^f_* \\sim 10$\\% at $z=0$. But GCs are about 12-13 Gyr old and, if they formed between $51$, therefore sufficient to reionise the IGM even if we assume $f_{di}=1$. Here, $\\Delta t_{gc} \\sim 0.5-2$ is the period of formation of the bulk of old GCs in Gyrs. Using simple calculations based on Press-Schechter formalism [see Fig.~\\ref{fig:sfr}(right)] I find that, if galaxies have \\fesc$ \\simlt 5$\\%, GC contribution to reionisation is important. If GCs formed by thermal instability in the halo of $T_{vir} \\sim 10^5$ K galaxies (case (iii)), the ionising sources have a large bias (\\ie, they form in rare peaks of the initial density field). Therefore, the mean size of intergalactic \\HII regions before overlap is large and reionisation is inhomogeneous on large scales." }, "0404/hep-th0404168_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Many compactifications of higher--dimensional supersymmetric theories have approximate vacuum degeneracy. The associated moduli fields are stabilized by non--perturbative effects which break supersymmetry. We show that at finite temperature the effective potential of the dilaton acquires a negative linear term. This destabilizes all moduli fields at sufficiently high temperature. We compute the corresponding critical temperature which is determined by the scale of supersymmetry breaking, the $\\beta$--function associated with gaugino condensation and the curvature of the K\\\"ahler potential, $T_{\\rm crit} \\sim \\sqrt{m_{3/2} M_\\mathrm{P}}\\, (3/\\beta)^{3/4}\\,K''^{-1/4}$. For realistic models we find $T_{\\rm crit} \\sim 10^{11}$--$10^{12}\\,$GeV, which provides an upper bound on the temperature of the early universe. In contrast to other cosmological constraints, this upper bound cannot be circumvented by late--time entropy production. } \\clearpage ", "introduction": "Compactifications of higher--dimensional supersymmetric theories generically contain moduli fields, which are related to approximate vacuum degeneracy. In many models these fields acquire masses through condensation of fermion pairs \\cite{Nilles:1982ik}, which breaks supersymmetry. Generically, gaugino condensation models suffer from the dilaton `run--away' problem \\cite{Dine:1985he}, which can be solved, for example, by multiple gaugino condensates \\cite{Krasnikov:jj} or non--perturbative string corrections \\cite{Shenker:1990uf,Banks:1994sg}. Moduli play an important role in the effective low energy theory. Their values determine geometry of the compactified space as well as gauge and Yukawa couplings. Their masses, determined by supersymmetry breaking, are much smaller than the compactification scale. Hence, moduli can have important effects at low energies. Cosmologically, they can cause the `moduli problem' \\cite{cfx83, deCarlos:1993jw}, in particular their oscillations may dominate the energy density during nucleosynthesis, which is in conflict with the successful BBN predictions. For an exponentially steep dilaton potential, like the one generated by gaugino condensation, there is also the problem that during the cosmological evolution the dilaton ($S$) may not settle in the shallow minimum at Re $S\\sim 2$, but rather overshoot and run away to infinity \\cite{Brustein:nk}. These problems can be cured in several ways (cf.~\\cite{Dine:2000ds}). In this paper we shall discuss a new cosmological implication of the dilaton dynamics, the existence of a critical temperature $T_{\\rm crit}$ which represents an upper bound on allowed temperatures in the early universe. If exceeded, the dilaton will run to the minimum at infinity, which corresponds to the unphysical case of vanishing gauge couplings. The existence of a critical temperature is a consequence of a negative linear term in the dilaton effective potential which is generated by finite--temperature effects in gauge theories \\cite{Buchmuller:2003is}. This shifts the dilaton field to larger values and leads to smaller gauge couplings at high temperature. As we shall see, this effect eventually destabilizes the dilaton, and subsequently all moduli, at sufficiently high temperatures. In the following we shall calculate the critical temperature $T_{\\rm crit}$ beyond which the physically required minimum at Re $S\\sim 2$ disappears. There can be additional temperature--dependent contributions to the dilaton effective potential coming from the dilaton coupling to other scalar fields \\cite{Huey:2000jx}. These contributions are model dependent and usually have a destabilizing effect on the dilaton, at least in heterotic string models \\cite{Barreiro:2000pf}. Our results for the critical temperature can therefore be understood as conservative upper bounds on the allowed temperatures in the early universe. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:gathT} we review the dependence of the free energy on the gauge coupling in $\\mathrm{SU}(N)$ gauge theories. As we shall see, one--loop corrections already yield the qualitative behaviour of the full theory. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:Tcrit} we study the dilaton potential at finite temperature and derive the critical temperature $T_{\\rm crit}$ for the most common models of dilaton stabilization. Sec.~\\ref{sec:cosmology} is then devoted to the discussion of cosmological implications, the generality of the obtained results is discussed in Sec.~5, and the appendix gives some details on entropy production in dilaton decays. ", "conclusions": "At finite temperature the effective potential of the dilaton acquires locally a negative linear term. As we have seen, this important fact is established beyond perturbation theory by lattice gauge theory results. As a consequence, at sufficiently high temperatures the dilaton $S$, and subsequently all other moduli fields, are destabilized and the system is driven to the unphysical ground state with vanishing gauge coupling. We have calculated the corresponding critical temperature $T_{\\rm crit}$ which is larger than the scale of supersymmetry breaking, $M_\\mathrm{SUSY} = \\sqrt{M_{\\rm P} m_{3/2}} = \\mathcal{O}(10^{10}\\,{\\rm GeV})$, but significantly smaller than the scale of gaugino condensation, $\\Lambda = [d\\,\\exp(-3S/(2\\beta))]^{1/3} M_\\mathrm{P} = 10^{13}$--$10^{14}\\,\\mathrm{GeV}$. This is the main result of our paper. Our result is based on the well understood thermodynamics of the observable sector. In contrast, the temperature of gaugino condensation can place a bound on the temperature of the early universe only under the additional assumption that the hidden sector is thermalized. The upper bound on the temperature in the radiation dominated phase of the early universe, $T < T_{\\rm crit} \\sim 10^{11}$--$10^{12}\\,$GeV, has important cosmological implications. In particular, it severely constrains baryogenesis mechanisms and inflation scenarios. Models requiring or predicting $T>T_\\mathrm{crit}$ are incompatible with dilaton stabilization. In contrast to other cosmological constraints, this upper bound cannot be circumvented by late--time entropy production. We have also discussed more model dependent cosmological constraints. Even if $T 8.5$. We discuss possible means of identifying the missing stars. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404531_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Interpretation of the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} emission ratios from quasars has a major cosmological motivation. Both Fe and Mg are produced by short-lived massive stars. In addition, Fe is produced by accreting white dwarf supernovae somewhat after star formation begins. Therefore, we expect that the Fe/Mg ratio will gradually decrease with redshift. We have used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to explore the dependence of the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio on redshift and on luminosity in the redshift range of $0.75< z< 2.20$, and we have used predictions from our 830-level model for the \\ion{Fe}{2} atom in photoionization calculations to interpret our findings. We have split the quasars into several groups based upon the value of their \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} emission ratios, and then checked to see how the fraction of quasars in each group varies with the increase of redshift. We next examined the luminosity dependence of the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio, and we found that beyond a threshold of \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2}~=~5, and $M_{2500} < -25\\rm\\ mag$, the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio increases with luminosity, as predicted by our model. We interpret our observed variation of the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio with redshift as a result of the correlation of redshift with luminosity in a magnitude limited quasar sample. ", "introduction": "Recently, the number of observational efforts focused on \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} emission ratio measurements has increased due to the potential use of these ratios to trace star formation history. Both Fe and Mg are produced by short lived massive stars (SN type II), and additional Fe is produced by accreting white dwarf supernovae (SN type Ia) sometime later. Thus, one expects that the Fe/Mg ratio is low at high redshift, and gradually increases with decreasing redshift, with the increase starting at a redshift of about 4, corresponding to an age for the Universe of 1.5 Gyr (Hamann and Ferland 1993; Yoshii et al. 1998), or even as early as a redshift of 6 if star formation in the extreme environment of a quasar central region begins at $z \\ge 10$ (Matteucci \\& Recchi 2001). Although many independent ways to measure \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratios observed in the UV to IR range have been developed and applied to different data sets, the common conclusion is that the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio shows a large scatter at all redshifts, and little evolution with redshift. (Kwan \\& Krolik 1981; Wills et al. 1985; Kinney et al. 1991; Kawara et al. 1996; Thompson et al. 1999; Iwamuro et al. 2002; Dietrich et al. 2002; Freudling et al. 2003; Barth et al. 2003; Dietrich et al. 2003; and Maiolino et al. 2003). Furthermore, it is usually assumed that there is a linear dependence between the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} and Fe/Mg ratios because the ionization potentials of Mg (7.65 eV) and Fe (7.87 eV) are nearly the same. In our previous study, we showed that the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratios are more sensitive to other physical properties of the emitting region than to abundance (Verner et al. 2003; 2004). If the physical conditions are different in the Broad Line Regions (hereafter, BLR) of different quasars, the resulting scatter of \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratios obscures any dependence on abundance. Thus, it is important to explain the origin of the observed scatter before attempting to derive the Fe/Mg relative abundance in quasars. Although the prominent emission lines observed in quasars generally allow us to evaluate the metalicity of galactic nuclei, to link specifically the \\ion{Fe}{2} emission with Fe abundance is not a simple task. Compared to many other ions, the \\ion{Fe}{2} ion has a very rich spectrum due to its half-filled 3d-shell. As a result the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV) band from 2200$-$3000\\AA\\ [hereafter, \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV))] can contain hundreds of strong lines. The \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} emission ratio is therefore heavily affected by many \\ion{Fe}{2} lines but by only the two \\ion{Mg}{2} doublet lines at ~2800\\AA. Nevertheless, in order to measure the Fe/Mg abundance ratio, obtaining the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio is unavoidable. As quasar spectra (line intensities and continuum) are heavily affected by \\ion{Fe}{2} emission, it is possible to learn more about BLRs in quasars by studying how the \\ion{Fe}{2} originates. To achieve such a goal we have constructed an 830-level model for the \\ion{Fe}{2} atom and investigated how \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratios vary with changes in hydrogen density, microturbulence and abundance. The model also predicts that the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio strongly depends upon the ionizing flux of the central source. In this Letter we have investigated if there is any dependence of \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratios with redshift. For the first time our approach combines model predictions with measurements [provided by Iwamuro (2004)] of the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratios of quasars in the extended redshift range, $0.75 < z < 2.20$, for quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (hereafter, SDSS)\\footnote{http ://www.sdss.org/}. ", "conclusions": "While the extensive quantitative comparisons between \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio measurements and model predictions are needed, it is clear that our model predictions are in a general agreement with our observational results. Although it has been suggested to use the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio to trace evolution, the physical processes forming lines in the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV) band means that the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio tells us more about the central ionizing source than about abundances. Thus, we can only convert an \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio into an Fe/Mg ratio when a measurement of the \\ion{Fe}{2}(Opt) band has also been obtained. Our analysis demonstrates that the observed \\ion{Fe}{2} spectra can be produced by a wide range of ionizing flux regimes. The statistical approach applied to physically distinguished \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio groups will provide a more efficient way to improve our understanding of BLR in quasars than the universal template approach. Due to complexity and richness of the \\ion{Fe}{2} spectra in quasars, only the comparison between model predictions and extensive observations make it possible to provide accurate measurements of changes of physical conditions and abundances in quasars with redshift. It is possible that the change we see is due to not only luminosity but to the hydrogen density changes in the BLR with redshift as well. Wide wavelength coverage in the observations is needed for a successful understanding. We find an increase in the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio with redshift, while evolutionary models predict a decrease. The \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio is not sensitive to abundance changes (see Fig. 4, Verner et al. 2003), but it is strongly affected by luminosity. We have found that the relative numbers of quasars with a high \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio increases with luminosity, as predicted by our model. We conclude that the apparent change in the \\ion{Fe}{2}(UV)/\\ion{Mg}{2} ratio with redshift is simply a result of the correlation of redshift with luminosity in the magnitude limited quasar sample, and is not produced by a change in abundance." }, "0404/astro-ph0404194_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We report on a 30\\,ksec {\\em XMM-Newton} observation of the central region of the Cha\\,I star forming cloud. The field includes a substantial fraction of the known pre-main sequence population of Cha\\,I South, including all thirteen known very-low mass H$\\alpha$ emitters. We detect two bona-fide brown dwarfs (spectral types M7.5 and M8) and seven H$\\alpha$ emitting objects near the hydrogen burning mass limit, including six of seven earlier detections by {\\em ROSAT}. Three objects classified as Cha\\,I candidate members according to their NIR photometry are revealed by {\\em XMM-Newton}, providing further evidence for them being truely young stars. A total of $11$ new X-ray sources without known optical/IR counterpart may comprise further as yet unrecognized faint cloud members. Spectral analysis of the X-ray bright stars % shows that previous X-ray studies in Cha\\,I have underestimated the X-ray luminosities, as a result of simplified assumptions on the spectral shape. In particular, the extinction is variable over the field, such that the choice of a uniform value for the column density is inappropriate. We establish that the X-ray saturation level for the late-type stars in Cha\\,I is located near $L_{\\rm x}/L_{\\rm bol} \\sim 10^{-2.5}$, with a possible decline to $L_{\\rm x}/L_{\\rm bol} \\sim 10^{-3}$ for the lowest mass stars. A group of strongly absorbed stars with unusual hard X-ray emission is clustered around HD\\,97048, a HAeBe star and the only confirmed intermediate-mass star in the field. While the X-ray properties of HD\\,97048 are indistinguishable from its lower-mass neighbors, another presumably A-type star (identified as such based on NIR photometry) stands out as the softest X-ray emitter in the whole sample. This suggests that various X-ray emission mechanisms may be at work in intermediate-mass pre-main sequence stars. We find that X-ray luminosity follows a tight correlation with age, effective temperature, and mass. No dramatic changes in these correlations are seen at the substellar boundary, suggesting that the same dynamo mechanism operates in both low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, at least at young ages. The variability of the lowest-mass objects is also similar to that of higher-mass T Tauri stars. X-ray flares are seen on about $1/10$th of the Cha\\,I members in the field. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} The Chamaeleon cloud complex is one of the most nearby star forming complexes, composed of three major clouds. Their isolated position at high galactic latitude ($b \\approx -15^\\circ$), resulting in both low foreground extinction and low contamination with background objects, makes them attractive targets for the study of the formation of low-mass stars. Cha\\,I hosts the largest number of known low-mass pre-main sequence (PMS) stars and is one of the best-studied of these regions (see e.g. \\cite{Schwartz77.1}, \\cite{Gauvin92.1}, \\cite{Prusti92.1}, \\cite{Hartigan93.1}). A substantial number of the Cha\\,I cloud members have first been identified as X-ray sources in pointed {\\em ROSAT} observations (\\cite{Feigelson93.1}; henceforth F93), and later -- with help of optical observations -- been confirmed as PMS stars (\\cite{Lawson96.1}; henceforth LFH96). In contrast to most of the previously known Cha\\,I members, the so-called classical T Tauri stars (cTTS), these latter ones belong to the class of weak-line T Tauri stars (wTTS), i.e. they show only weak H$\\alpha$ emission, presumably because accretion has ceased after the dispersal of the circumstellar disk. LFH96 estimate that the number ratio of wTTS to cTTS in Cha\\,I is $\\geq 2$. Both populations of TTS stars are mixed in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD), indicating a wide range of disk lifetimes. In the last few years a large number of faint new candidate members of Cha\\,I have been proposed based on their near-infrared (NIR) colors (\\cite{Cambresy98.1}, \\cite{Oasa99.1}, \\cite{Persi00.1}, \\cite{Kenyon01.1}, \\cite{Gomez01.1}, \\cite{Carpenter02.1}). Several of these candidates have been confirmed to be low-mass stars on basis of their NIR spectra (\\cite{Gomez03.1}). The masses of the presently known Cha\\,I members reach down into the substellar regime, including 13 very-low mass (VLM) objects at or below the hydrogen burning mass limit discovered in an H$\\alpha$ survey by \\citey{Comeron99.1}. ChaH$\\alpha$\\,1 (spectral type M7.5; \\cite{Comeron00.1}; henceforth CNK00) was the first brown dwarf to be detected in X-rays in a {\\em ROSAT} pointed observation (\\cite{Neuhaeuser98.1}). However, {\\em ROSAT} observations were hampered by low sensitivity and low spatial resolution, and thus unable to constrain the X-ray properties of the VLM H$\\alpha$ sources. The X-ray emission of VLM stars and brown dwarfs is poorly constrained. In lack of sensitive observations it is unclear how far the solar-stellar connection reaches into the VLM regime. In particular the influence of mass, temperature, and age on the activity of the coolest stars and the substellar objects remains obscure. The only bona-fide field brown dwarf detected in X-rays so far, LP\\,944-20, is of intermediate age ($500$\\,Myrs), and was revealed with {\\em Chandra} only during a flare (\\cite{Rutledge00.1}). A subsequent deep {\\em XMM-Newton} observation was not able to recover the source (\\cite{Martin02.1}) suggesting that this object exhibits only episodic outbursts of activity. The X-ray properties of VLM stars and brown dwarfs on the PMS may be different, because at young ages the atmospheres are hotter, such that more ions are present enhancing the coupling between matter and magnetic field (\\cite{Mohanty02.1}). Recent deep {\\em XMM-Newton} and {\\em Chandra} observations centered on nearby regions of star formation such as $\\rho$\\,Oph (\\cite{Imanishi01.1}), IC\\,348 (\\cite{Preibisch02.1}) and the Orion Nebular Cluster (\\cite{Feigelson02.1}) started to open up the X-ray window to the brown dwarf regime. However, these observations provided at most a few dozen counts per source and/or concern a poorly characterized population of VLM objects. Cha\\,I is one of the nearest star forming regions with the best-studied group of young brown dwarfs known to date, providing the highest sensitivity yet for the detection of the lowest mass stars and brown dwarfs at young ages. In this paper we present the {\\em XMM-Newton} observation of the central region of the Cha\\,I South cloud. The observation is described in Sect.~\\ref{sect:obs_and_data}, where we also outline the steps of the data reduction. The nature of the X-ray sources is discussed in Sect.~\\ref{sect:nature}. A detailed spectral analysis is performed for the brighter X-ray sources, and an analysis based on hardness ratios for the fainter X-ray sources (Sect.~\\ref{sect:spec}). In Sect.~\\ref{sect:lcs} we present our variability study. The results on individual stars and groups of stars are summarized in Sect.~\\ref{sect:indiv}. Finally, we provide a comparison with earlier {\\em ROSAT} observations of the same field (Sect.~\\ref{sect:rosat}), and we examine correlations between X-ray emission and stellar parameters (Sect.~\\ref{sect:corr}). A summary of our findings is given in Sect.~\\ref{sect:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:summary} In a 30\\,ksec {\\em XMM-Newton} observation of the Cha\\,I South cloud we detected the intermediate-mass HAeBe star HD\\,97048, all known TTS members except Sz\\,23 (confused with VW\\,Cha) and the IR\\,Nebula, most of the VLM H$\\alpha$ objects near or below the substellar limit, and three photometric Cha\\,I candidates two of which are probably late-type stars and one is likely to be an A-type star. A possibly sub-Jupiter mass object recently proposed as a Cha\\,I candidate by \\citey{Comeron04.2} is in the central part of the {\\em XMM-Newton} field, but not detected. Our X-ray detection of candidate young stars identified by means of NIR photometry is an important indication for them being true members of the star forming region. We argue on basis of their X-ray properties that some additional new cloud members may be among the unidentified X-ray sources. The nature of these objects as well as that of the detected NIR candidate members will be revealed in optical/IR follow-up studies. We performed a detailed spectral analysis of the brighter half of the Cha\\,I members in the {\\em XMM-Newton} field. The spectra are described by thermal emission from a hot, optically thin plasma, and a photo-absorption term taking account of interstellar and/or circumstellar extinction. Absorbing column densities derived from {\\em Chandra} and {\\em XMM-Newton} spectra were used by \\citey{Vuong03.1} to constrain the gas-to-dust extinction relation. Their analysis of X-ray data from various star forming regions showed that in $\\rho$\\,Oph the measured $N_{\\rm H,X}$ are systematically lower than expected from $A_{\\rm J}$ assuming the standard value of $N_{\\rm H}/A_{\\rm V} = (1.8-2.2)\\,10^{21}\\,{\\rm cm^{-2}}$ per magnitude; see references in \\citey{Vuong03.1}. Their sample in Cha\\,I comprised only 4 reasonably X-ray bright stars in the northern cloud observed with {\\em Chandra}, that span a small range in optical extinction. We point out that low absorption is not a general characteristic of the Cha\\,I cloud. In fact, the {\\em XMM-Newton} FOV contains some objects with $A_{\\rm V} > 10$\\,mag. But the statistics in their X-ray spectra are too small to derive a well-constrained $N_{\\rm H}$. We consider the spectral fits with column density fixed on the value expected from the canonical $N_{\\rm H} - A_{\\rm V}$ relation more reliable, and feel that the interpretation of the $N_{\\rm H} - A_{\\rm V}$ relation based on present-day X-ray observations demands caution. The X-ray temperatures of the coronal sources in Cha\\,I are similar to those found by \\citey{Favata03.1} in the Taurus cloud L\\,1551, but lower than those found in recent X-ray observations of IC\\,348 (\\cite{Preibisch02.1}), NGC\\,1333 (\\cite{Getman02.1}), and the Orion Nebula Cloud (\\cite{Feigelson02.1}). This can probably be attributed to the use of different instruments and model assumptions. The latter three studies are based on {\\em Chandra} and adopted a 1-T approach. It is a well-known fact that 1-T models do not represent a valid description of the temperature structure in stellar coronae. Nevertheless, they are often used to describe low-resolution X-ray spectra with low numbers of counts. We find that 1-T models have a tendency to underestimate $L_{\\rm x}$ because they underestimate absorption. For this reason we chose to describe all Cha\\,I members which are bright enough for spectral analysis by a 2-T model. Not surprisingly then our spectral analysis brought forth systematically higher X-ray luminosities as compared to the previous estimates derived from {\\em ROSAT} observations. The X-ray luminosities of the low-mass stars in Cha\\,I have now been re-adjusted, and reveal a saturation level near $10^{-2.5...-3}$ (versus $\\sim 10^{-4}$ suggested by {\\em ROSAT}). On basis of this conclusion is it impractical to engage in a study of long-term variability based on X-ray luminosities. We have, however, no signs for variability exceeding a factor of $\\sim 2$ within the last $11$\\,yrs. The confirmation of X-ray emission from all but one of the {\\em ROSAT} detected VLM ChaH$\\alpha$ objects provides important support for the reliability of the {\\em ROSAT} source detection process. ChaH$\\alpha$\\,7 is the first M8 brown dwarf in Cha\\,I detected in X-rays. In addition, the higher sensitivity and continuous data stream of {\\em XMM-Newton} has allowed for the first time to examine the spectral characteristics and the time variability of the latest type stars and brown dwarfs in Cha\\,I. We find no evidence for a dramatic change in the X-ray properties (such as X-ray temperature and X-ray luminosity) at the substellar limit. The oldest VLM objects are undetected presumably due to the decline of X-ray luminosity with age, and not to an effect of the atmospheric temperature. In terms of variability the lowest mass Cha\\,I members behave similar to higher-mass TTS in the cloud. In particular they are shown to undergo flares." }, "0404/astro-ph0404477_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We explore linear redshift distortions in wide angle surveys from the point of view of symmetries. We show that the redshift space two-point correlation function can be expanded into tripolar spherical harmonics of zero total angular momentum $S_{l_1 l_2 l_3}(\\hat x_1, \\hat x_2, \\hat x)$. The coefficients of the expansion $B_{l_1 l_2 l_3}$ are analogous to the $C_l$'s of the angular power spectrum, and express the anisotropy of the redshift space correlation function. Moreover, only a handful of $B_{l_1 l_2 l_3}$ are non-zero: the resulting formulae reveal a hidden simplicity comparable to distant observer limit. The $B_{l_1 l_2 l_3}$ depend on spherical Bessel moments of the power spectrum and $f = \\Omega^{0.6}/b$. In the plane parallel limit, the results of \\cite{Kaiser1987} and \\cite{Hamilton1993} are recovered. The general formalism is used to derive useful new expressions. We present a particularly simple trigonometric polynomial expansion, which is arguably the most compact expression of wide angle redshift distortions. These formulae are suitable to inversion due to the orthogonality of the basis functions. An alternative Legendre polynomial expansion was obtained as well. This can be shown to be equivalent to the results of \\cite{SzalayEtal1998}. The simplicity of the underlying theory will admit similar calculations for higher order statistics as well. ", "introduction": "It has been known for decades that the two-point correlation function, or power spectrum, measured in redshift surveys is distorted by the peculiar velocities of galaxies. The anisotropy of the correlation function was demonstrated by \\cite{DavisPeebles1983,Peebles1980}. In a seminal work, \\cite{Kaiser1987} demonstrated that in the plane parallel limit there is a simple transformation between the redshift space and real space density contrast. This results in an anisotropic enhancement of the power spectrum by $(1+f\\mu^2)^2$, where $\\mu$ is the cosine of the angle between the line of sight and the wave-vector. This simple formula has become the starting point of many extensions, which have used expansion into Legendre polynomials \\citep[e.g.,][]{Hamilton1993,HamiltonCulhane1996}, or numerical methods \\citep{ZaroubiHoffman1996}. Most analyses assume a small opening angle \\citep{ColeEtal1995}, i.e. they stay essentially in the distant observer limit. Others works used a expansion with formally infinite number of coefficients \\citep{HeavensTaylor1995}. Numerous galaxy redshift surveys have been successfully analyzed with such methods, most notably the PSCz \\cite{TadrosEtal1999}, 2dF \\citep{PeacockEtal2001,HawkinsEtal2003, TegmarkEtal2002}, and SDSS \\citep{ZehaviEtal2002}. For a review of methods in the above spirit and the corresponding applications, see \\cite{Hamilton1998}. To address the needs of wide angle redshift surveys, full treatment of wide angle distortions have been given by \\cite{SzalayEtal1998}, where they identify the coordinates in which the expression of the redshift space two-point correlation function is compact, and most importantly finite. They have also argued, that the power spectrum will necessarily have an infinite expansion, as it arises from the convolution of the density field with a non-compact kernel. They concluded that correlation functions are more convenient for redshift space analyses then power spectra. Their results is suitable and has been used for ``forward'' analyses, such as the Karhunen-Loeve method, in which the correlation function is predicted and contrasted with data. Applications to the SDSS are presented most recently by \\cite{PopeEtal2004}, \\citep[see also][]{TegmarEtal2003a,TegmarEtal2003b}. In this paper we analyze the symmetries of redshift space distortions. The next section shows that zero angular momentum tripolar functions form a natural basis to expand the redshift space correlation function, and that only a surprisingly small set of expansion coefficients are will be non-zero. In section 3 we present the most important properties of the basis functions, and the connection with the Kaiser-Hamilton limit. Section 4 employs the general theory to obtain compact expressions for the redshift distortions using conveniently chosen variables. In the final section we present discussions, and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404157_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ The Universe became fully reionized, and observable optically, at a time corresponding to redshift $z \\sim 6.5$, so it is only by studying the HI and molecular absorption lines against higher-redshift, radio-loud sources that one can hope to make detailed studies of the earliest stages of galaxy formation. At present no targets for such studies are known. In these proceedings we describe a survey which is underway to find radio-loud quasars at $z > 6.5$, and present broad-band SEDs of our most promising candidates. } ", "introduction": "The epoch of reionization has now been discovered as a protracted period reaching from $z \\sim 20 \\rightarrow 6.5$ \\cite{kog,beck}. However, prior to $z \\sim 6.5$ galaxy formation was already well underway (e.g. [3]). It is essentially impossible to study this `grey age' at optical wavelengths, but great progress can be expected if radio and millimetre telescopes can be targeted on quasars observed within the reionization epoch. Radio-loud targets allow absorption studies that can probe the evolving neutral and molecular content of the high-$z$ Universe \\cite{carilli}, and radio HI absorption is the {\\it only} way of probing the neutral gas which goes on to form stars. We could begin these studies with current facilities (e.g.\\ the GBT and GMRT), and with the next generation of large radio telescopes, such as the LOFAR and the SKA, we will easily be able reach depths of lower luminosity radio sources and still detect 21~cm absorption. Unfortunately, there are currently no known $z > 6.5$ radio-loud objects. This is because such objects are rare, $\\ll 1$ per cent of the radio population. Interest in pursuing them was dampened by the claim of a much sharper cut-off in their redshift distribution\\cite{shaver} than earlier work\\cite{dp90} had suggested. Jarvis \\& Rawlings\\cite{jr00} and Jarvis et al.\\cite{Jea01} have re-examined all the evidence concerning this redshift cutoff, obtaining results strongly favouring a fairly gradual decline with redshift. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404361_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the evolution of a system composed by a 1.4~\\msun neutron star and a normal, solar composition star of 2~\\msun in orbit with a period of 1 day. Calculations were performed employing the binary hydro code presented in Benvenuto \\& De Vito (2003) that handle the mass transfer rate in a fully implicit way. Now we included the main standard physical ingredients together with diffusion processes and a proper outer boundary condition. We have assumed fully non~-~conservative mass transfer episodes. In order to study the interplay of mass loss episodes and diffusion we considered evolutionary sequences with and without diffusion in which all Roche lobe overflows (RLOFs) produce mass transfer. Another two sequences in which thermonuclearly-driven RLOFs are not allowed to drive mass transfer have been computed with and without diffusion. To our notice, this study represents the first binary evolution calculations in which diffusion is considered. The system produces a helium white dwarf of $\\sim 0.21$~\\msun in an orbit with a period of $\\sim 4.3$~days for the four cases. We find that mass transfer episodes induced by hydrogen thermonuclear flashes drive a tiny amount of mass transfer. As diffusion produces stronger flashes, the amount of hydrogen - rich matter transferred is slightly higher than in models without diffusion. We find that diffusion is the main agent in determining the evolutionary timescale of low mass white dwarfs even in presence of mass transfer episodes. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} At present, it is a well established fact that low mass white dwarf (WD) stars should be formed during the evolution in close binary systems (CBSs). These objects are expected to have a helium rich interior simply because they have a mass below the threshold for helium ignition of about $0.45~M_\\odot$. If they were formed as consequence of single star evolution, we would have to wait for timescales far in excess of the present age of the Universe to find some of them. Formation of helium WDs in CBSs was first investigated long ago by Kippenhahn, Kohl \\& Weigert (1967) and Kippenhahn, Thomas \\& Weigert (1968). They found that these objects are formed during the evolution of low mass CBSs and that the cooling evolution is suddenly stopped by thermonuclear flashes that are able to swell the star up to produce further Roche lobe overflows (RLOFs). Since sometime ago, low mass WDs have been discovered as companions to millisecond pulsars (MSP). This fact sparkled interest in helium WDs in order to investigate the deep physical links between both members of a given pair. In particular, it represents an attractive possibility to infer characteristics of the neutron star behaving as a MSP by studying the WD in detail. Studies devoted to helium WD properties are those of Alberts, et al. (1996); Althaus \\& Benvenuto (1997); Benvenuto \\& Althaus (1998); Hansen \\& Phinney (1998a); Driebe, et al. (1998); Driebe, et al. (1999); Sch{\\\"o}nberner, Driebe, \\& Bl{\\\"o}cker (2000); Althaus \\& Benvenuto (2000); Althaus, Serenelli, \\& Benvenuto (2001abc); Serenelli, et al. (2001); Rohrmann, et al. (2002); Serenelli, et al. (2002). Sarna, Ergma, \\& Ger{\\v s}kevit{\\v s}-Antipova (2000) considered the problem in the frame of detailed binary evolution calculations. More recently, Podsiadlowski, Rappaport, \\& Pfahl (2002) have also computed the evolution of some CBS configurations that give rise to the formation of helium WDs. Also, Nelson \\& Rappaport (2003) have explored in detail the evolutionary scenarios of binary systems with initial periods shorter than the bifurcation one leading to the formation of ultra-compact binaries with periods shorter than an hour. On the opposite, in this paper we shall deal with a system with an initial period larger than the bifurcation one leading to wider binaries. Remarkably, the first WD found as companion of a MSP in globular clusters has been detected by Edmonds et al. (2001). Among recent observations of low mass WD companion to MSPs we should quote those by van Kerkwijk et al. (2000) who have detect the WD companion of the binary MSP PSR B1855+09, whose mass is know accurately from measurements of the Shapiro delay of the pulsar signal, $M_{WD}= 0.258^{+0.028}_{-0.016}$~\\msun. The orbital period of this binary MSP is 12.3 days. More recently, Bassa, van Kerkwijk \\& Kulkarni (2003) have found a faint bluish counterpart for the binary MSP PSR J02018+4232. The spectra confirm that the companion is a helium WD and, in spite that observations are of insufficient quality to put a strong constrain on the surface gravity, the best fit indicates a low $\\log{g}$ value and hence low mass ($\\approx 0.2$~\\msun). On the other hand, independently, Ferraro et al. (2003) and Bassa et al. (2003) have identified the optical binary companion to the MSP PSR J1911-5958A, located in the halo of the galactic globular cluster NGC 6752. This object turned out to be a blue star whose position in the color-magnitude diagram is consistent with the cooling sequence of a low-mass ($\\approx~0.17-0.20$~\\msun), low metalicity helium WD at the cluster distance. This is the second helium WD with a mass in this range that has been found to orbit a MSP in a galactic globular clusters. Also, Sigurdsson, et al. (2003) have detected two companions for the pulsar B 1620-26, one of stellar mass and one of planetary mass. The color and magnitude of the stellar companion indicate a WD of $0.34\\pm0.04$~\\msun of age $4.8~\\times~10^{8}$~y. For previous detections of this kind of objects we refer the reader to the paper by Hansen \\& Phinney (1998b). From a theoretical point of view, it was soon realized that the key ingredient of WD models is the hydrogen mass fraction in the star. Consequently, this called for a detailed treatment of the outer layers of the star. Iben \\& MacDonald (1985) demonstrated the relevance of diffusion in the evolution of intermediate mass CO WDs while Iben \\& Tutukov (1986) found it to be also important in low mass WDs. More recently, Althaus, et al. (2001abc) revisited the problem of the formation of helium WDs. In doing so, they mimicked binary evolution by abstracting mass to a 1~\\msun object on the RGB. The main goal of these papers was to investigate in detail the role of diffusion during the evolution as a pre-WD object. They allowed gravitational settling, chemical and thermal diffusion to operate. However, they did not considered the possibility of any mass transfer episode after detachment from the RGB. Perhaps the main result of Althaus, et al. (2001abc) was the finding that for models with diffusion there exists a threshold mass value $M_{th}$ above which the object undergoes several thermonuclear flashes in which a large fraction of the hydrogen present in the star is burnt out. Consequently, as the star enters on the final cooling track it evolves fast, reaching very low luminosities on a timescale comparable with the age of the Universe. Quite contrarily, in models without diffusion, evolutionary timescales are much longer, making it difficult to reconcile with observations. For WDs belonging to CBSs in companion with MSP, WD ages should be comparable to the characteristic age of pulsars $\\tau_{PSR}= P/2\\dot{P}$ (for a pulsar of period $P$ with period derivative $\\dot{P}$ that had an initial period $P_0$ such that $P_0 << P$ and braking index $n=3$). This should be so, because it is generally accepted that the MSP is recycled by accretion from its normal companion. However, it was found that the WD was much dimmer than predicted by models without diffusion, which should be interpreted as consequence of a faster evolution. This has been the case of the companion of PSR B1855+09. For objects with masses below $M_{th}$ no thermonuclear flash occurs and the star does not suffer from another RLOF. Consequently, it retains a thick hydrogen layer, able to support nuclear burning, forcing the WD to remain bright for a very long time. This is the case of the companion of PSR J1012+5307. It is the aim of the present paper to revisit the problem of the formation and evolution of helium WDs in CBSs by performing full binary computations considering diffusion starting with models on the main sequence all the way down to stages of evolution of the remnant as a very cool WD. To our notice this is the first time such a study is carried out. In this way we largely generalize the previous studies from our group on this topic. In doing so, we have preferred to concentrate on a particular binary system, deferring a detailed exploration of the huge parameter space (masses, orbital periods, chemical compositions, etc.) to future publications. To be specific, we have chosen to study a CBS composed by a 2~\\msun normal star together with a neutron star with a ``canonical'' mass of 1.4~\\msun on an initial orbit of 1 day of period. We assumed solar chemical composition with $Z=0.02$ for which $M_{th}~\\approx~0.19$~\\msun (Althaus et al. 2001b). In order to explore the role and interplay of mass loss episodes and diffusion we have constructed four complete evolutionary calculation: \\begin{itemize} \\item Case A: Diffusion, all RLOF operate (including flash-induced RLOF) \\item Case B: Diffusion, without flash-induced RLOF \\item Case C: No diffusion, all RLOF operate \\item Case D: No diffusion, without flash-induced RLOF \\end{itemize} Regarding mass transfer episodes we have chosen to study the case of fully non conservative conditions, i.e., those in which all the matter transferred from the primary star is lost from the system carrying away all its intrinsic angular momentum. We do so in order get the strongest possible RLOFs which, in turn, will produce the largest mass transfer episodes. In this sense, we shall get an upper limit to the effects of RLOFs on the whole evolution of the star, in particular regarding the ages of very cool WDs. The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section \\ref{sec:numerical} we describe our code paying special attention to the changes we implemented in the scheme for computing mass transfer episodes. Then, in Section \\ref{sec:calcula} we describe the evolutionary results for the four cases considered here. Finally, in \\ref{sec:discu} we discuss the implicances of our calculations and summarize the main conclusions of this work. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discu} In this work we have computed the evolution of a binary system composed by a neutron star with a ``canonical mass'' of 1.4~\\msun and a normal, population I main sequence star of 2~\\msun in orbit with a 1 day period. We have performed the calculations employing an updated version of the code presented in Benvenuto \\& De Vito (2003) in which we have included the main standard physical ingredients together with diffusion processes. Also a proper outer boundary condition was incorporated following Ritter (1988) (see \\S \\ref{sec:numerical}). In order to explore the role of mass transfer episodes from the primary star and its interplay with diffusion we have considered four situations: diffusion, all RLOF operate (Case A); diffusion, no flash~-~induced RLOF operates (Case B); no diffusion, all RLOF operate (Case C); and no diffusion, no flash~-~induced RLOF operates (Case D). See introduction (\\S~\\ref{sec:intro}) of further details. To our notice, these calculations represent the first detailed study of binary evolution considering diffusion. In this sense, this work represents a natural generalization of the results presented by Althaus, Serenelli \\& Benvenuto (2001a) in which binary evolution processes was mimicked by forcing a 1~\\msun star on the red giant branch to undergo an appropriate mass loss rate. Now the proper inclusion of the specific processes that govern binary evolution offer us a more physically sound description of the formation of low mass, helium white dwarfs (WDs). In particular, now we have the possibility of connecting stellar structure and evolution with the orbital parameters of the systems allowing for a deeper comparison with observations. From the results presented in the previous sections, it is clear that diffusion is far more important in determining the timescale of evolution of the stars than mass transfer episodes during flash~-~induced RLOFs. This is so especially when the object reaches the final cooling track. We found that timescales are almost insensitive to the occurrence of flash~-~induced RLOF episodes (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:lumi}). This constitutes the main result of the present work." }, "0404/astro-ph0404227_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report initial results for spectroscopic observations of candidates of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at $z\\sim5$ in a region centered on the Hubble Deep Field-North by using the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph attached to the Subaru Telescope. Eight objects with $I_C\\leq25.0$ mag, including one AGN, are confirmed to be at $4.52\\sim3$) has been rapidly increasing. The use of photometric redshift selection from deep broad-band images, especially so-called \"Lyman break method\" (e.g., \\citet{Ste92}; Steidel, Pettini \\& Hamilton 1995) gives the largest sample of galaxies at $z\\sim3$ \\citep[Lyman Break Galaxies; LBGs, e.g.,][]{Ste03}. Extensive studies of them have been revealing individual and statistical nature of star-forming galaxies at $z\\sim3$ (e.g., \\citet{Ste99,Ste98,Pet01}; Papovich, Dickinson, \\& Ferguson 2001). At the same time, their optical follow-up spectroscopy has also been made extensively \\citep[e.g.,][]{Ste96a,Ste96b,Ste99}, and revealed rest-frame UV spectral features of LBGs in addition to their redshift information. Using about 800 spectra of LBGs at $z\\sim3$, \\citet{Shap03} found that about three fourth of them show significant Ly$\\alpha$ emission line and the remainders show only Ly$\\alpha$ absorption. The LBGs with weaker Ly$\\alpha$ emission have stronger low-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines and redder UV continua. These trend suggest that the LBGs at $z\\sim3$ with weak Ly$\\alpha$ emission are more metal enriched and dusty, i.e., chemically evolved than those with strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission. How about properties of LBGs at higher redshift? Are there any signs of evolution of LBGs compared with LBGs at $z\\sim3$? To answer the question and obtain clues to understand formation and evolution of galaxies in the early universe, we made a systematic search for LBGs at $z\\sim5$ ($\\sim$1Gyr earlier to $z=3$). We carried out wide (effectively $\\sim600$ arcmin$^2$) and deep broad-band ($V, I_C,$ and $z'$) imaging observations toward an area centered on the Hubble Deep Field-North \\citep[HDF-N;][]{Wil96} with Suprime-Cam \\citep{Miya} attached to the Subaru telescope. Thanks to plenty of redshift information of galaxies in and around the HDF-N, we could set suitable color criteria on the two-color ($V-I_C$ and $I_C-z'$) diagram to effectively select galaxies at $4.5\\lesssim z \\lesssim5.5$ avoiding foreground contamination, and obtained $\\sim300$ LBG candidates at $z\\sim5$ with $23.5$ mag $ 10$\\AA) \\footnote{\\citet{Shap03} measured the equivalent width of Ly$\\alpha$ line by summing up both emission and absorption. In our case, we measured the equivalent width of Ly$\\alpha$ only for the emission part mainly because it is hard to distinguish intrinsic absorption and intergalactic absorption. Thus the value of rest-frame equivalent width of Ly$\\alpha$ by \\citet{Shap03} is the lower limit when it is compared with our equivalent width.}. They also found that LBGs with weaker Ly$\\alpha$ emission have stronger LIS absorption lines, redder UV continuum slopes, and larger $E(B-V)$ values. The weak Ly$\\alpha$ emission, strong LIS absorption lines, the red UV color, and the large $E(B-V)$ are considered to originate in dusty environment. In the LBGs with no or weak Ly$\\alpha$ emission, star formation may occur earlier and may be chemically more evolved than those with strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission. Although Shapley et al. (2001) pointed out a possibility that the LBGs with weak Ly$\\alpha$ emission are younger than those with strong emission from the SED fitting, this might be reconciled with the chemically evolved nature if the ages derived by SED fitting are affected by the most recent star formation occurred in the LBGs. The spectra of our seven LBGs (expect for one AGN) at $z\\sim5$ and thus the composite spectrum of them is significantly different from the composite spectrum of LBGs at $z\\sim3$ as shown in Figure 2. The Ly$\\alpha$ emission is much weaker, and the continuum depression in the wavelength region shorter than the redshifted Ly$\\alpha$ emission is much larger than those at $z\\sim3$. The measured equivalent width of Ly$\\alpha$ emission is $4.5$\\AA\\ at $z\\sim5$ while $15.1$\\AA\\ at $z\\sim3$. The LIS absorption lines are stronger in the spectrum for $z\\sim5$ than in that for $z\\sim3$; measured equivalent widths of \\ion{Si}{2} $\\lambda$1260, \\ion{O}{1}+\\ion{Si}{2} $\\lambda$1303, and \\ion{C}{2} $\\lambda$1334 are $-2.8$\\AA, $-2.3$\\AA, and $-2.4$\\AA, respectively for $z\\sim5$, while $-1.7$\\AA, $-2.3$\\AA, and $-1.5$\\AA, respectively for $z\\sim3$. However, the spectra of the seven LBGs at $z\\sim5$ fairly resemble to subpopulations of LBGs at $z\\sim3$; the composite spectra of LBGs at $z\\sim3$ with no or weak Ly$\\alpha$ emission \\citep[Group 1 and Group 2 by][]{Shap03} are quite similar to the spectra of our LBGs at $z\\sim5$. The average rest-frame equivalent widths of the three LIS absorption lines of the seven LBGs at $z\\sim5$ is $-2.8$\\AA\\, being very close to $-2.5$\\AA\\ for Group 1 (no Ly$\\alpha$ emission). The average value of EW$_{\\rm rest}$(LIS) corresponds to metallicity of 12$+$log(O/H)$\\sim8.0$, if we assume that the relation obtained in the local universe by \\citet{Hek98} can be applied to the high redshift LBGs, which is not certain at this moment. These results suggest that these LBGs at $z\\sim5$ are chemically evolved to some degree. All our LBGs confirmed to be at $z\\sim5$ show no or weak Ly$\\alpha$ emission with relatively strong LIS absorption lines; a fraction of LBGs with strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission is very small, though the sample size is still small. We may be witnessing some sign of evolution of LBGs from $z\\sim5$ to $z\\sim3$. The lack of strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission as well as the presence of strong LIS absorption at $z\\sim5$ are likely to be due to their dusty and chemically evolved environment (though the escape of Ly$\\alpha$ photons may not be related in a simple way to the metallicity of the galaxy \\citep[e.g.,][]{kunth}) and to the presence of more neutral hydrogen in and/or around a galaxy than that at $z\\sim3$. However, it is worth emphasizing that the LBGs we observed are relatively brighter ones among those at $z\\sim5$ ($I_C = 25.0$ mag corresponds to $M^{\\ast}$ of UVLF at $z\\sim5$ \\citep{Iwa03}.). There is a possibility that the strength of Ly$\\alpha$ emission depends on the magnitude (i.e., UV continuum). \\citet{Shap03} found for LBGs at $z\\sim3$ that the average UV magnitude is fainter for the LBGs with stronger Ly$\\alpha$ emission. They also found that the average rest-frame equivalent width of the Ly$\\alpha$ emission line of faint LBGs is larger than that of bright LBGs among the subgroup with strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission of EW$_{\\rm rest} \\geq$ 20\\AA. This trend could also be the case at $z\\sim5$. In fact, \\citet{Lehn02}, who made a similar search for LBGs at $z\\sim5$ using $R$, $I$, and $z$ band deep images, found that all of their spectroscopically confirmed six objects to be at $z\\sim5$ show very strong (EW$_{\\rm rest}>30$\\AA) Ly$\\alpha$ emission lines. The $I$ magnitudes of them are $\\sim1$ magnitude fainter than those of our seven LBGs at $z\\sim5$. In addition, \\citet{Ouchi03a} found that the number density of Ly$\\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) at $z=4.86$ against to LBGs at $z\\sim5$ rapidly decreases with increasing UV continuum light ($i'\\lesssim25$ mag). These observational results suggest that the brighter LBGs tend to show the weaker Ly$\\alpha$ emission also at $z\\sim5$. It is also worth noting here that the LBGs with secure redshifts tend to show rather compact morphology. Thus the weakness of Ly$\\alpha$ emission and the strong LIS absorption lines may also relate to their morphological property, which may also link to an evolutionary stage of galaxies. If we interpret that the weakness of the Ly$\\alpha$ emission is caused by the dusty environment in the LBGs, it might be possible that the brightest LBGs are the most chemically evolved ones at the epoch. It is known that brighter LBGs have a larger correlation length at $z\\sim3$ \\citep{gd01}, suggesting that they are associated with more massive dark halos and star formation may occur with biased manner in the earlier epoch as compared with less clustered fainter LBGs. The similar result has been obtained for LBGs at $z\\sim4$ by \\citet{Ouchi03c}. We also found the same clustering segregation with magnitude in our sample of LBGs at $z\\sim5$ (in preparation). Thus the brighter LBGs at $z\\sim5$ may be associated with even more massive dark halos and have experienced more biased star formation, resulting in more dusty environment as compared with many of LBGs at $z\\sim3$ with a strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission. Another possible reason of the difference of Ly$\\alpha$ appearance is the effect of a strong clustering of LAEs. \\citet{Ouchi03a} and \\citet{Shima} found that there is an overdensity region ($\\sim10^{\\prime}\\times10^{\\prime}$) of LAEs (EW$_{\\rm rest} > 14$\\AA) at $z\\sim4.86$ from their wide-field deep narrow-band observations. The observed field (44 arcmin$^2$) of \\citet{Lehn02} may happen to fall on an overdensity region of Ly $\\alpha$ emitters; their rest-frame equivalent widths of Ly$\\alpha$ emission ($>30-50$\\AA) is larger than the detection threshold of the LAE selection. While our field of view for the spectroscopy (total of $\\sim$85 arcmin$^2$) may happen to point to a low density region of LAEs and we could not observe LBGs with strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission. However, since we selected spectroscopic targets from regions where the surface density of LBG candidates is relatively high, this may be unlikely provided that the distribution of LBGs broadly coincides with that of LAEs at the same epoch. To summarize, the results presented here may show some sign of evolution in spectroscopic feature from $z\\sim5$ to $\\sim3$, or the presence of luminosity dependence of nature. However, our sample size is too small to reach any significant conclusions. Further spectroscopic observations of LBGs at $z\\sim5$ over wider field and magnitude range are necessary to reveal spectroscopic nature and discuss relationship with evolution of LBG population." }, "0404/astro-ph0404541_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the independent discovery of a new extrasolar transiting planet around OGLE-TR-113, a candidate star from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Small radial-velocity variations have been detected based on observations conducted with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan~I (Baade) telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory (Chile) during 2003. We have also carried out a light-curve analysis incorporating new photometry and realistic physical parameters for the star. OGLE-TR-113b has an orbital period of only 1.43 days, a mass of $1.08\\pm0.28$~M$_{\\rm Jup}$, and a radius of $1.09\\pm0.10$~R$_{\\rm Jup}$. Similar parameters have been obtained very recently in an independent study by Bouchy et al., from observations taken a year later. The orbital period of OGLE-TR-113b, and also that of the previously announced planet OGLE-TR-56b ($P_{\\rm orb}=1.21$~days) ---the first two found photometrically--- are much shorter than the apparent cutoff of close-in giant planets at 3-4-day periods found from high-precision radial velocities surveys. Along with a third case reported by Bouchy et al.\\ (OGLE-TR-132b, $P_{\\rm orb} = 1.69$~days), these objects appear to form a new class of ``very hot Jupiters'' that pose very interesting questions for theoretical study. ", "introduction": "In recent years the field of extrasolar planet research has seen significant developments in the ability to discover and measure these objects using a variety of techniques. High-precision Doppler searches \\citep[e.g.,][]{Fischer:03, Naef:04} have yielded the vast majority of the discoveries, and measurements in at least one case have even been made astrometrically \\citep{Benedict:02}. Transit searches had their first success with HD~209458 \\citep{Henry:00, Charbonneau:00}, a bright star ($V = 7.65$) that was known previously to harbor a planet in a 3.5-day period orbit from its radial-velocity signature. Numerous photometric programs are monitoring large samples of stars looking for small dips in the brightness of the central object at the $\\sim$1\\% level \\citep[see][]{Horne:03}, which might indicate a planet-size object crossing in front of the star. These studies are very important for the additional information they bring to bear on the nature of the companion, namely, the inclination angle of the orbit ($\\sim$90\\arcdeg) and the absolute radius of the planet. The inclination angle complements the spectroscopic information and allows a direct determination of the mass. Dozens of transiting planet candidates among faint stars have already been reported by several teams including OGLE \\citep{Udalski:02a}, EXPLORE \\citep{Mallen-Ornelas:03}, MACHO \\citep{Drake:04}, and others. Multiple efforts are underway to follow-up on these candidates, a necessary step given the high incidence of false positive detections, particularly among fainter stars in crowded fields. The first case to be confirmed was that of OGLE-TR-56, a star with $V = 16.6$ located in the direction of the Galactic center \\citep{Udalski:02b, Konacki:03a, Torres:04}. The very short orbital period of this planet (only 1.21~days) makes it extremely interesting, and has provided theorists the opportunity to explore the effects of strong irradiation from the central star as well as evaporation \\citep[e.g.,][]{Burrows:03, Baraffe:03, Baraffe:04}. In this paper we report the detection of a Doppler signature induced by a giant planet orbiting OGLE-TR-113, another faint transit candidate ($I = 14.42$) in the constellation of Carina reported recently by the OGLE project \\citep{Udalski:02c}. This star shows periodic dips in brightness of about 3\\%, and has a photometric period of 1.43~days. OGLE-TR-113 was originally identified as a very promising candidate from our low-res\\-o\\-lu\\-tion spectroscopic observations conducted in 2002 \\citep[see][]{Konacki:03b}. This reconnaissance showed it to be a star of late spectral type with no obvious velocity variations at the level of a few \\kms, which would have otherwise disqualified it for implying a stellar companion. Subsequently it was placed on our program for high-resolution follow-up, and the observatios were carried out in early 2003. As this paper was being prepared we learned of a very recent independent detection of radial velocity variations in OGLE-TR-113 by \\cite{Bouchy:04}, based on observations taken in 2004. That study found yet another case of a very short-period transiting planet (OGLE-TR-132, $P_{\\rm orb} = 1.69$~d), which brings the number of such objects to three. It appears, therefore, that they form a new class of ``very hot Jupiters'' not previously seen in high-precision radial-velocity surveys. ", "conclusions": "From the combination of the spectroscopic and photometric solutions we have derived the key physical parameters of the planet. OGLE-TR-113b has an orbital period of only 1.43 days, a mass of $1.08 \\pm 0.28$~M$_{\\rm Jup}$, and a radius of $1.09 \\pm 0.10$~R$_{\\rm Jup}$ (Table~\\ref{tab:results}). These values are consistent at the 1-$\\sigma$ level with the determinations by \\cite{Bouchy:04}. Perhaps the most interesting parameter in this case is the very short orbital period. OGLE-TR-56b, OGLE-TR-113b, and also the recently announced OGLE-TR-132b \\citep[][$P_{\\rm orb} = 1.69$~days]{Bouchy:04} all have orbital periods much shorter than the apparent cutoff of close-in giant planets at around 3-day periods, determined from the radial velocities surveys. Thus, OGLE-TR-56b (the first of these discoveries) can no longer be considered an oddity among the extrasolar planets, and it appears these new cases point toward an extremely interesting new class of ``very hot'' Jupiters. It is worth pointing out that these three short-period planets are the result of just the first two campaigns conducted by the OGLE team, in relatively small fields toward the Galactic center and Carina. If these or similar surveys were to continue producing candidates at the current rate for a period of operation similar to that of the Doppler surveys, it is not unreasonable to expect that the number of very hot Jupiters could increase significantly and even exceed the number of 3-4-day period planets from the radial velocity searches. The \\emph{frequency} of occurrence of very hot Jupiters, however, appears to be much lower than that of the shortest-period Doppler planets, as discussed by \\cite{Bouchy:04}. Thus, the apparent inconsistency with the lack of any Doppler discoveries having periods as short as those of the OGLE planets may simply be due to a combination of their lower rate of occurrence and the much higher sensitivity to these objects in the photometric surveys. The latter is the result of the relatively short duration of the OGLE photometric campaigns (a few weeks) and the increased probability of transits from geometry, such that the chance of finding longer-period transiting planets actually falls off dramatically beyond $P_{\\rm orb}$ of 3-4 days. The extreme conditions of proximity to the parent stars in these very hot Jupiters opens up the possibility of very interesting theoretical studies into their structure and evolution, as well as migration scenarios." }, "0404/astro-ph0404294_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present a high-resolution millimeter study of the very young Class~0 protostar IRAM~04191+1522 in the Taurus molecular cloud. N$_2$H$^+$(1-0) observations with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer and 30m telescope demonstrate that the molecular ion N$_2$H$^+$ disappears from the gas phase in the inner part of the protostellar envelope ($r < 1600$ AU, $n_{\\mbox{\\tiny {H$_2$}}} > 5 \\times 10^5$ cm$^{-3}$). This result departs from the predictions of current chemical models. It suggests either that N$_2$ is more depleted than the models predict, owing to a higher binding energy on polar ice or an enhanced grain chemistry transforming N$_2$ to less volatile species, or that strong deuterium fractionation enhances N$_2$D$^+$ to the detriment of N$_2$H$^+$. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec_intro} Understanding the onset of gravitational collapse in dense cloud cores requires detailed (sub)millimeter studies of the structure of prestellar condensations and young protostars \\citep*[e.g.][]{Andre00}. However, recent observations have shown that molecules such as CO and CS deplete onto grain surfaces in the inner parts of dense cores \\citep[e.g.][]{Bacmann02,Tafalla02}. Since this depletion phenomenon is thought to affect many other species at high densities, studying the kinematics of pre/protostellar cores with future high-resolution instruments such as ALMA may be difficult and requires the identification of the best tracers of dense gas. N$_2$H$^+$ has been put forward as such a good tracer since it is much less sensitive to depletion effects than other species observed with single-dish telescopes \\citep[e.g.][]{Tafalla02}, even though \\citet{Bergin02} reported a slight decrease of its abundance toward the prestellar core B68. Prime targets for observational studies of protostellar collapse are very young Class~0 objects such as IRAM~04191+1522 -- hereafter IRAM~04191 for short -- in Taurus \\citep[see][ -- hereafter \\citeauthor*{Andre99}]{Andre99}. This protostar features a prominent ($\\sim 0.5-1.5\\, M_\\odot$) envelope and a powerful bipolar outflow, but lacks a sizeable accretion disk. \\citet[][ -- hereafter \\citeauthor*{Belloche02}]{Belloche02} showed that the envelope is undergoing both extended infall motions and fast, differential rotation. They proposed that the rapidly rotating inner envelope ($r <$ 3500 AU) corresponds to a magnetically supercritical core decoupling from an environment still supported by magnetic fields and strongly affected by magnetic braking. Here, we report new observations of IRAM~04191 carried out with the Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI) in the N$_2$H$^+$(1-0) line in an effort to probe the inner structure of the envelope. We discuss the results of these high-resolution observations which show that N$_2$H$^+$ disappears from the gas phase in the inner part of the envelope. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404407_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss physical experiments achievable via the monitoring of stellar dynamics near the massive black hole at the Galactic center with a diffraction-limited, next generation, extremely large telescope (ELT). Given the likely observational capabilities of an ELT and what is currently known about the stellar environment at the Galactic Center, we synthesize plausible samples of stellar orbits around the black hole. We use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to evaluate the constraints that the monitoring of these orbits will place on the matter content within the dynamical sphere of influence of the black hole. We express our results as functions of the number $N$ of stars with detectable orbital motions and the astrometric precision $\\delta \\theta$ and spectroscopic precision $\\delta v$ at which the stellar proper motions and radial velocities are monitored. Our results are easily scaled to different telescope sizes and precisions. For $N=100$, $\\delta \\theta = 0.5 \\trm{ mas}$, and $\\delta v = 10 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$---a conservative estimate of the capabilities of a 30 meter telescope---we find that if the extended matter distribution enclosed by the orbits at 0.01 pc has a mass greater than $\\sim 10^3 M_\\odot$, it will produce measurable deviations from Keplerian motion. Thus, if the concentration of dark matter at the Galactic Center matches theoretical predictions, its influence on the orbits will be detectable. We also estimate the constraints that will be placed on the mass of the black hole and on the distance to the Galactic Center, and find that both will be measured to better than $\\sim 0.1\\%$. We discuss the significance of knowing the distance to within a few parsecs and the importance of this parameter for understanding the structure of the Galaxy. We demonstrate that the lowest-order relativistic effects, such as the prograde precession, will be detectable if $\\delta \\theta \\la 0.5 \\trm{ mas}$. Barring the favorable discovery of a star on a highly compact, eccentric orbit, the higher-order effects, including the frame dragging due to the spin of the black hole, will require $\\delta \\theta \\la 0.05 \\trm{ mas}$. Finally, we calculate the rate at which monitored stars experience detectable nearby encounters with background stars. The encounters probe the mass function of stellar remnants that accumulate near the black hole. We find that $\\sim 30$ such encounters will be detected over a ten year baseline for $\\delta \\theta = 0.5 \\trm{ mas}$. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Observational programs with ten meter class telescopes, including the W.~M.~Keck Observatory and the Very Large Telescope (VLT), have yielded a wealth of information on the stellar content inside the sphere of influence of the massive black hole at the Galactic center (GC; \\citealt{Ghez:98,Gezari:02,Hornstein:02,Figer:03,Genzel:03a,Ghez:03b,Schoedel:03}). The black hole is located at the center of a compact stellar cluster that has been the target of observational surveys for a decade (e.g.,~\\citealt{Krabbe:95,Figer:00,Gezari:02}). Near-infrared monitoring with speckle and adaptive optics techniques has recently enabled complete orbital reconstruction of several stellar sources orbiting the black hole \\citep{Eckart:02,Schoedel:02,Schoedel:03,Ghez:03b}. Sources have been monitored with astrometric errors of a few milli-arcseconds \\citep{Ghez:03a,Schoedel:03}, and radial velocity errors $< 50 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$ \\citep{Eisenhauer:03, Ghez:03a}, allowing the detection of the accelerated proper motions of $\\sim 10$ stars. One of these stars has an orbital period of only $\\sim 15 \\trm{ yr}$ \\citep{Ghez:03b, Schoedel:03}. The presence of a dark mass at the center of the Galaxy could in principle be inferred from the static nature of the radio source \\sgra located at the center of the stellar cluster \\citep{Backer:99,Reid:99}. Nevertheless, it is the stars with the shortest orbital periods that have provided unequivocal proof of the existence of a massive black hole and a measurement of its mass of $\\sim4\\times10^6 M_\\odot$ \\citep{Ghez:03b, Schoedel:03}. Since, for a fixed angular scale, the orbital periods are proportional to $R_0^{3/2} M_{\\rm bh}^{-1/2}$ and the radial velocities are proportional to $R_0^{-1/2}M_{\\rm bh}^{1/2}$ where $R_0$ is the heliocentric distance to the black hole and $M_{\\rm bh}$ is its mass, the two parameters are not degenerate and can be determined independently \\citep{Eisenhauer:03}. In spite of the quality of elementary data available about the black hole and the bright stellar sources, the matter content in the vicinity of the black hole remains unknown. The observed stellar sources may represent only a fraction of the total matter content. Since the radial diffusion time $\\sim 10^{8-9}\\textrm{ yr}$ is shorter than the age of the bulge, a large number of massive compact remnants ($5-10M_\\odot$ black holes) could have segregated into, and may dominate the matter density inside the dynamical sphere of influence of the black hole \\citep{Morris:93,Miralda:00}. Furthermore, adiabatic growth of the massive black hole could have compressed a pre-existing distribution of cold dark matter (CDM) \\citep{Ipser:87,Quinlan:95,Gondolo:99} and stars \\citep{Peebles:72,Young:80} into a dense ``spike'' . A variety of dynamical processes, however, are capable of destroying such a spike \\citep{Ullio:01,Merritt:02,Gnedin:02,Merritt:03}. A sustained CDM spike would have implications for the detection of annihilation radiation for the CDM models in which the CDM consists of weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The most complete catalogue of stars in the central parsecs was compiled by \\citet{Genzel:00} and \\citet{Schoedel:03}. In a survey of the stellar sources, \\citet{Genzel:03a} infer a spatial number density of $n(r)\\propto r^{-1.4}$ over the radial range $0.00413$ and masses $10-15M_\\odot$. The stars outside $0.03$ pc appear to be spectroscopically and kinematically distinct. They span a larger range of magnitudes $K\\gtrsim 10$ and contain $\\sim40$ mass-losing Wolf-Rayet stars (e.g.,~\\citealt{Genzel:03a} and R.~Genzel, private communication). Unlike the Central Cluster, these stars appear to belong to twin, misaligned stellar disks \\citep{Levin:03,Genzel:03a}. The formation of the observed young stars with $\\times100$ larger specific binding energies relative to the black hole than that of the nearest observed accumulation of molecular gas (e.g.,~\\citealt{Jackson:93}) presents a challenge to star formation theories and is a persistent puzzle (e.g.,~\\citealt{Morris:93,Ghez:03a, Genzel:03a}). A number of mechanisms for the formation and migration of stars in the tidal field of the massive black hole have been proposed \\citep{Gerhard:01,Gould:03,Hansen:03,Levin:03,Kim:03,Milosavljevic:04}. While the mechanisms have important implications, they are also each deficient in at least one way. There is a dearth of giants in the GC region \\citep{Eckart:95}. Recently, \\citet{Figer:03} measured the radial velocities of 85 cool, normal giant stars with projected distances from the central region between $0.1-1$ pc. They find nearly complete deficiency of giants with large radial velocities ($V_{\\rm rad}>200\\textrm{ km s}^{-1}$). Since a star in a circular orbit at a distance of $0.1$ pc from the black hole has velocity $\\sim400\\textrm{ km s}^{-1}$, the absence of any such stars with comparable radial velocities indicates that the observed giants are indeed limited to the region outside the central $\\sim 0.5$ pc. While the measured stellar density profile of the Galactic bulge is consistent with that of a singular isothermal sphere \\citep{Becklin:68}, the profile in the central parsec is not well known, especially for the lower-mass stellar populations. Assuming relaxation that is driven by two-body processes, \\citet{Bahcall:76} showed that the equilibrium phase space distribution for a population of equal mass stars is a power law in density $\\rho\\propto r^{-7/4}$. For a multimass distribution the lighter stars are less centrally concentrated, resulting in a power-law profile that ranges from $r^{-3/2}$ for the least massive species to $r^{-7/4}$ for the most \\citep{Bahcall:77,Murphy:91}. A coeval family of stars in the central region has reached equilibrium only if it is older than the relaxation time \\bea t_E & \\sim & \\frac{\\sigma^3}{G^2 m_{\\star} \\rho \\ln \\Lambda} \\nonumber \\\\ & \\approx & 2 \\times 10^8 \\textrm{ yr} \\left(\\frac{r}{1\\textrm{ pc}}\\right)^{1/4} \\left(\\frac{M_{\\rm bh}}{4 \\times 10^6 M_\\odot}\\right)^{3/2} \\nonumber \\\\ & & \\times \\left(\\frac{m_\\star}{10 M_\\odot}\\right)^{-1} \\left(\\frac{\\rho_{\\rm 1 pc}}{2 \\times 10^5 M_\\odot \\textrm{ pc}^{-3}}\\right)^{-1} \\left(\\frac{\\ln \\Lambda}{10}\\right)^{-1} \\eea where $\\sigma$ is the local linear stellar velocity dispersion, $m_\\star$ is the mass of a typical field star, $\\rho$ is the local stellar density, and $\\ln \\Lambda$ is the Coulomb logarithm. Since the main sequence lifetime of stars more massive than $\\sim 2 M_\\odot$ is shorter than $t_E$, young massive stars in the GC are not relaxed; their distribution is primarily a reflection of their formative conditions. While lower mass dwarf stars are sufficiently old to be relaxed in the central potential, their distribution in the innermost region could be affected by an abundance of stellar mass black holes ($5 - 10 M_\\odot$). As products of normal stellar evolution, stellar mass black holes sink in the potential of the massive black hole \\citep{Morris:93,Miralda:00} and displace the less massive stars and remnants. Speckle imaging and more recently adaptive optics with the Keck and VLT have provided several milliarcsecond astrometry, enabling the detection of proper motions within the inner 0.5 pc and accelerated proper motions of $\\sim 10$ stars within the inner 0.05 pc. Radial velocities with spectroscopic precisions of $\\delta v \\sim 30 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$ have also been obtained for the star S0-2, which has been monitored for over 70\\% of its orbit including pericenter passage at $\\sim130\\textrm{ AU}$ from the black hole. These observations have enabled the black hole mass and GC distance to be measured to within $\\sim 10\\%$ \\citep{Ghez:03b, Schoedel:03}. Here we examine the extent to which one can probe the GC potential by monitoring stars with a diffraction-limited, next generation, extremely large telescope (ELT). As compared with current 10 m class telescopes, the finer angular resolution of an ELT enables the orbital motions of many more stars to be detected, each at greater astrometric precision, $\\delta \\theta$, and spectroscopic precision, $\\delta v$. Given the range of possible sizes of future telescope and given the uncertainties in the ultimate capabilities of a specific telescope class (e.g., 30 meter telescopes) we choose to express our results not as functions of the ELT aperture but rather as functions of $\\delta \\theta$, $\\delta v$, and the number $N$ of stars with detectable orbital motions. We take $\\delta \\theta = 0.5 \\trm{ mas}$ and $\\delta v = 10 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$ as our fiducial model, corresponding to a conservative estimate of the capabilities of a telescope with a $D = 30 \\trm{ m}$ aperture. We show that $N$ scales with telescope aperture as $N \\simeq 100 (D /30 \\trm{ m})^2$. We demonstrate that with an ELT one can measure the density profile of a dark matter spike and those general relativistic effects that scale as $(v/c)^2$, where $v$ is the speed of a star and $c$ is the speed of light. Furthermore, we show that the distance to the GC will be measured to remarkable precision. This will help place tight constraints on models of the overall Galactic structure. We also show that with an ELT one can detect the gravitational interactions between monitored stars and the background massive stellar remnants that accumulate near the central black hole. Such interactions may probe the mass function of the stellar mass black holes thought to dominate the matter density in the region. The paper is organized as follows. In \\S~\\ref{sec:observations} we calculate the number of stars with accelerated proper motions that can be monitored with a given ELT based on its astrometric, spectroscopic, and confusion limits. We also describe a realistic monitoring program and demonstrate that confusion with the infrared emission from \\sgra is unlikely to affect an ELT's ability to measure stellar motions. In \\S~\\ref{sec:orbitmodel} we model the orbital data and estimate the magnitude of various non-Keplerian effects including Newtonian retrograde precession due to extended matter, relativistic prograde precession, precession induced by the coupling of orbits to the spin of the black hole, and the Roemer time delay. In \\S~\\ref{sec:scattering} we consider the effect of stellar interactions on the motion of the monitored stars. Specifically, we estimate the rate at which discrete stellar encounters result in detectable changes of orbital motions. In \\S~\\ref{sec:method} we discuss a method for generating mock ELT orbital data and describe a computational technique for estimating uncertainties in the orbital parameters. The results of our calculations are given in \\S~\\ref{sec:results}. Finally, in \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} we discuss astrophysical applications of the proposed observations. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have examined a variety of experiments that can be achieved through the infrared monitoring with an ELT of stars within a few thousand AU of the GC. The astrometric limit of a 30 meter ELT is conservatively 0.5 mas and possibly as high as 0.1 mas. By comparison, the astrometric limit of current observations is $1 - 2 \\trm{ mas}$. The greater point-source sensitivity and spectral resolution of an ELT enables the measurement of radial velocities with errors $\\la 10 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$. At present, of the $\\sim 10$ stars with measured accelerated proper motions, spectral lines have been detected only in S0-2, with radial velocity uncertainties of $\\sim 30 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$. Measuring the radial velocities of stars breaks the degeneracy between mass and distance and thus yields a direct measurement of the distance to the GC. If the spectra of fainter stars can be obtained, the detection of deep molecular lines will improve upon the velocity estimates by an additional factor $\\times10$. The solar type stars that will be detectable with an ELT may therefore yield radial velocity uncertainties considerably smaller than $10 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$. A 30 meter ELT will be able to detect stars down to a $K$-band magnitude of $K \\sim 22$, approximately four magnitudes fainter than currently possible. Due to confusion, it will be difficult to detect still fainter stars. Using measurements of the $K$-band luminosity function within the inner $1\\arcsec$ of the GC, we estimate that such an ELT will detect the accelerated motion of $\\sim 100$ stars with semi-major axes in the range $200 \\la a \\la 3000 \\trm{ AU}$. Current observations are limited to the detection of $\\sim 10$ stars, all with $a \\ga 1000 \\trm{ AU}$. We find that the number of stars with detectable accelerated motion scales with the aperture of an ELT as $N \\simeq 100 (D / 30 \\trm{ m})^2$. Given the observational capabilities of an ELT and the likely, albeit at low masses largely uncertain, stellar environment at the GC, we constructed a plausible sample of stellar orbits. The model includes the dynamical contribution of an extended distribution of dark matter around the black hole that is composed of stellar remnants and CDM. We find that for measurements at the precision obtainable with an ELT the uncertainty in the model parameters scale with the measurement errors $\\sigma$ (i.e., $\\delta \\theta$, $\\delta v$) and the number of monitored stars $N$ as roughly $\\sigma / N^{1/2}$. Thus, while we focus on the capabilities of a diffraction limited 30 meter ELT with $\\delta \\theta = 0.5 \\trm{ mas}$ and $\\delta v = 10 \\trm{ km s}^{-1}$, our results can be used to determine the capabilities of an ELT with different specifications. For example, a 100 meter ELT will detect $\\sim 10 \\times$ as many stars so that if it has astrometric and spectroscopic errors that are smaller by a factor of five, the measurement accuracy in the parameters will improve by a factor of approximately ten. We find that with a 30 meter ELT the parameters $M_{\\rm bh}$ and $R_0$ will be measured to an accuracy better than $0.1\\%$. Determining $R_0$ to within a few parsecs will significantly constrain models of the Galactic structure as it aids the precise measurement of the dark matter halo shape. While current observations of stellar proper motions are compatible with Keplerian motion, a number of dynamical effects produce significant deviations, including the Newtonian retrograde precession, the relativistic prograde precession, frame dragging due to the black hole spin, and interstellar interactions involving nearby encounters. All but the frame dragging effect produce non-Keplerian motions that are detectable with a 30 meter ELT. Unfortunately, the spin of the massive black hole at the GC will probably be out of reach to kinematic studies unless an astrometric precision of $\\sim 0.05 \\trm{ mas}$ is achieved. The presence of an extended distribution of matter results in a Newtonian retrograde precession due to differences in the amount of mass enclosed within an orbit's pericenter and apocenter. We considered extended matter density profiles consistent with current observations of the stellar distribution at the GC. We modeled the distribution as a power-law profile normalized such that $M_{\\rm ext}(r < 0.01 \\trm{ pc}) = 6000 M_\\odot$ and with slope $\\gamma = 1.5$ or 2. Standard models of dark matter clustering about a massive black hole predict similar profiles. An orbit monitoring program with a 30 meter ELT will constrain the mass and slope of such profiles to $\\sim 30\\%$ accuracy. Thus, monitoring orbits with an ELT provides a probe of the extended matter distribution within $\\sim 10^4$ Schwarzschild radii of the massive black hole at the GC. We also calculated the rate at which the monitored stars experience detectable deflections due to stellar gravitational scattering encounters with background compact remnants. We considered a detection threshold set by the minimum detectable change in the velocity of a monitored star. For a density cusp dominated by $\\sim 10 M_\\odot$ black holes, $\\sim 30$ nearby stellar encounters will be detected by a 30 meter ELT over a ten year observing baseline. This will confirm the presence of a cusp of compact remnants at the GC and enable the measurement of the remnants' masses." }, "0404/hep-ph0404132_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the possible signals of a pion string associated with the QCD chiral phase transition in LHC Pb - Pb collision at energy $ \\sqrt{s}=5.5$ TeV. In terms of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism we discuss the production and evolution of the pion string. The pion string is not topologically stable, it decays into neutral pions and sigma mesons which in turn decay into pions. Our results show that all the neutral pions from the pion string are distributed at the low momentum and the ratio of neutral to charged pions from the pion string violates the isospin symmetry. For the momentum spectra of the total pions, the signal from the sigma particle decay which is from the pion string will be affected by the large decay width of the sigma significantly. \\newline PACS number(s): 11.27.+d, 25.75.-q, 98.80Cq ", "introduction": "The formation of topological defects in phase transition is a very generic phenomenon in physics. It can be studied experimentally in different condensed matter systems. It is generally believed that the early evolution of Universe undergoes a sequence of phase transitions, and the produced topological defects in these phase transitions may have observable consequences to the properties of the universe today. For example, the cosmic strings have been suggested as one possible source for the primordial density perturbations that give rise to the large-scale structure of the universe and the temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation\\cite{Rajantie03}\\cite{Villenkin00}. In particular, in Ref.\\cite{Brandenberger99} the effect of the pion string on the primordial magnetic field generation in the early universe has been considered and its cosmological significance is pointed out. However, in this paper, we will turn from cosmology to laboratory experiments and attempt to study the possible signals of the pion string in the heavy ion collision experiments which have many similarities with the nonequilibrium phenomena that also take place in heavy ion collisions experiments\\cite{Rajagopal93}\\cite{Rajagopal95}. It is difficult to make experimental tests of our ideas about the formation and evolution of topological defects in cosmology directly. What we can do is to look for analogous processes in experimentally accessible condensed-matter systems. Fortunately, topological defects are formed at phase transitions in certain condensed matter systems such as super-fluids and superconductors, this phenomenon is theoretically very similar to its cosmological counterpart, and we can use this analogy to do \"cosmology experiments\"\\cite{Zurek85}. On a more fundamental level, these same experiments can be used to test our understanding of non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum field theories\\cite{Volovik03}. In relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, some phenomena which like that happens in the Big Bang have been observed, this is called the Little Bang. Thus as hadron momentum spectra correlations provide strong evidence for the existence of the Little Bang: thermal hadron radiation with T=90-100MeV and strong 3-dimensional (Hubble like) expansion with transverse flow velocities 0.5-0.55c \\cite{Heinz99}. So the study of Little Bang from relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions may construct a bridge between high energy particle physics and the cosmology. On the other hand, we are not yet in a position to give an evidence that quark-gluon plasma(QGP) has really been produced. It turns out to be a difficult task to figure out the theoretical picture of QGP even in equilibrium. Beyond the trivial level of the trees and the non-equilibrium properties of the QGP are essentially unknown. There is no unique signal of QGP in the understanding of nucleus-nucleus collisions so far. As pointed out by Rajantie \\cite {Rajan02}, since the heavy-ion collisions experiments are so complicated that the reliable and accurate theoretical calculations are needed in order to confront the experimental results, but our present understanding of the theory is too rudimentary for that. Then the insight provided by condensed systems experiments is therefore likely to be extremely useful. In particular, it is believed that at a certain value of the beam energy, the QGP which is produced in the collision cools through a second-order transition point. Pion strings as well as other topological and non-topological strings are expected to be produced\\cite{Zhang98}\\cite{Balachandran02}. An early study on the effects of these strings in the case of heavy ion collisions and in the early universe has been performed in Ref.\\cite{Balachandran02}, in their paper, they speculate that formation and subsequent evolution of the network of these string defects can give rise to inhomogeneous distribution of baryons and also the energy density by using the Kibble mechanism. In this paper, we extend their works on the formation and evolution of strings and discuss the possible signal of pion strings during chiral phase transition in the high ion collisions. So far the theoretical scenario what can be applied to study the formation of topological defects in systems with global symmetry is the Kibble-Zurek mechanism\\cite{Zurek85}\\cite{Kibble76}. Moreover, according to Pisarski and Wilczek \\cite{Pisarski84} the chiral phase transition is expected to be of the second order for two massless flavors, it is customary then in this paper to apply the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in order to study the formation and evolution of the pion string during Pb-Pb central collisions at the LHC with energy $\\sqrt{s}=5.5 TeV$. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We give a brief review of the pion string in the linear sigma model in Sec.II. It is shown how to use the Kibble-Zurek mechanism to consider the formation of the pion string at LHC in Sec.III. We discuss the evolution and decay of the pion string and their possible observational consequences at LHC in Sec. IV. Sec. V is reserved for summary and discussion. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated the effects of the pion string in the experiment of the heavy ion collisions. Following the Kibble-Zurek mechanism pion strings are expected to be formed in LHC Pb - Pb collision at energy $\\sqrt{s}=5.5$ TeV, then decay after the freezing out time into pions. These pions are mostly distributed in two separated low momentum regimes. These effects are expected to be observable and differ from predictions of other models\\cite{Zhuan00}\\cite{Stephanov99}. The pion enhancement in a small window around the nonthermal momentum $p_0\\simeq 21.1$MeV for neutral pions. While for other nonthermal pions, the situation is completely different. If we ignore the large decay width of the sigma and take the sigma as a stable particle, there are the pion enhancement in a small window around the nonthermal momentum $p_0\\simeq 143$MeV, but actually the sigma has the large decay width, then the peak will smoothen out and almost tend to disappear. So it is difficult to detect this part of nonthermal pions in experiment. All the resultant pion spectrum depend strongly on how long the pion string can survive below the freeze out time $t_f$. In this paper, we have made the assumption that pion strings can survive after the decoupling time, then both the neutral pions and sigma particles emitted from pion strings do not get chance to be thermalized. On the other hand, we do not exclude the situation in which part (even all) of pion strings will decay into pions and sigma particles when the time is very close to the decoupling time, and such produced pions from pion strings will be thermalized by the final state interactions and the peak in the pion spectra due to the pion string decay will disappear partly (or completely). However, even though this situation is happened, there still have possible signals of the pion string produced. Then pion string decay can lead to experimentally observable anomlies which are very similar to the DCC(Disoriented Chiral Condensate) decay. It is the ratio of neutral to charged pions, $r=\\frac{n_0}{n_0+n_{ch}}$, here $n_0$ is the number of neutral pions while $n_{ch}$ is corresponding to charged pions, which is different from what is naively expected ($\\frac{1}{3}$) if there are pion strings produced during chiral phase transition. Also enhancement of sigma which in turn decay into pions around the decoupling time will also result in nonthermal pions, though thses nonthermal pions is difficult to be detected because of the large decay width of the sigma. Therefore, in order to obtain more reliable conclusions, we need to know more detail of the process of the pion string decay, the sigma decay and behaviors of the fire-ball at freeze out time in heavy ion collisions." }, "0404/hep-ph0404256_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "PeV neutrinos produce particle showers when they interact with the atomic nuclei in ice. We briefly describe characteristics of these showers and the radio Cherenkov signal produced by the showers. We study pulses from electromagnetic (em), hadronic, and combined em-hadronic showers and propose extrapolations to EeV energies. ", "introduction": "Ultrahigh energy (UHE) neutrinos have energies of a PeV and higher. Although these neutrinos have not been observed, a number of models predict their existence. Another reason to believe in UHE neutrinos is the existence of UHE cosmic rays which have been observed by a number of detectors. Any models that account for these cosmic rays also predict existence of UHE neutrinos. Ultrahigh energy neutrino detection will have a great impact on fundamental physics and astrophysics. Because of their ultrahigh energies, they will help us explore fundamental interactions at energies well beyond the reach of man-made accelerators. Also, being neutral and presumably weekly interacting, these neutrinos, unlike charged particles, will bring us directional information about the source. Being weakly interacting they can help us explore regions of astrophysical objects which otherwise are opaque. The electrons and hadrons from the neutrino-nucleon interactions will initiate particle showers as, unlike muons and taus, they dump their energy very quickly in matter through electromagnetic and strong interactions. These showers produce radio and optical radiation which can be detected\\cite{zhs,amz,ketal1,ketal2} in detectors like RICE\\cite{ketal1,ketal2} and ICECUBE\\cite{icecube}. Radio ice Cherenkov experiment (RICE)\\cite{ketal1,ketal2}, located at the south pole, can detect these showers from the radio signal they produce. Here we give a brief introduction to the theory of radio emission from the showers\\cite{retal}. Particle showers in matter, unlike air showers, travel only a few 10's of meters and dump all their energy in the target material. The number of particles and the spacial size of the shower depends on the energy of the primary particle. For ultrahigh energy primaries, the shower, at a given time at shower maximum (which occurs at a few meters from the primary vertex), has millions of particles located in a few cubic centimeters. As these particles are moving faster than the speed of light in the given material, the charged particles will emit Cherenkov radiation at all wavelengths. Whether this radiation will be coherent depends on its wavelength, the net charge in the shower, and the shower size (the volume in which most of the shower particles are contained at a given time). For a typical shower size (a few cubic centimeters) one expects to get a coherent signal at Cherenkov angle due to constructive interference of the radio radiation from different parts of the shower. Hence one gets a strong radio signal from the shower which makes the radio detection of the showers (RICE) a very attractive technique as compared to the optical detection (ICECUBE\\cite{icecube}). For radio detection of the showers, one needs a radio transparent material, with a huge volume (to have detector effective volume large enough, of the order of a cubic kilometer, to detect tiny fluxes of UHE neutrinos), in a region with as low as possible background radio signal. The last requirement makes a cold (to reduce background radio emission from atoms due to their vibrations at finite temperature) and isolated area an ideal environment for radio detection. Cold ice is remarkably transparent to radio transmission, with attenuation length of more than a kilometer. RICE\\cite{ketal1,ketal2}, founded in 1995, is located 100m below surface, above AMANDA\\cite{hundertmark}, at the South pole. The instrumented volume is (200m)$^{3}$ which consists of 20 radio dipole antennas optimized to detect 0.5GHz radio signal. The effective volume depends on signal strength which in turn depends on the energy of the primary. For UHE showers, RICE effective volume is of the order of a km$^{3}$% . RICE expects to upgrade its volume by an order of magnitude in the coming years. ", "conclusions": "Ultrahigh energy neutrinos are a window to explore fundamental physics and astrophysics. They have not been observed/identified yet. However, a number of experiments have observed UHE cosmic rays and almost all the models that account for these cosmic rays also predict the existence of UHE neutrinos. These neutrinos can produce particle showers when they interact with matter. These showers produce coherent radio signal while their optical signal is incoherent. The strength of the radio signal depends on the net charge in the shower which in turn depends on the number of particles in the shower which increases with neutrino energy. This makes radio detection technique very powerful at UHE energies (as the coherent radio signal is much larger than the optical signal at these energies). RICE expects to detect the radio signal from these UHE initiated neutrino showers. So far RICE has produced strict upper bounds on some of the UHE neutrino flux models. Simulation results show that hadronic showers, as compared to EM showers for energies below a PeV, are not as efficient in producing radio signal. However, as one goes to ultrahigh energies, hadronic and EM showers become equally efficient in producing radio signals . The signal rises linearly with energy at ultrahigh energies. UHE neutrino detection situation is promising. AMANDA and RICE are taking data. RICE expects upgrade in the coming years which will increase its volume by an order of magnitude. ICECUBE and ANITA are funded and in development stages. A number of other projects are underway." }, "0404/astro-ph0404139_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Analytic approximations for synchrotron, synchrotron self-Compton (SSC), and external Compton (EC) processes are used to constrain model parameters for knot and hot-spot emission in extended jets of radio galaxies. Equipartition formulas are derived that relate the Doppler factor $\\delta$ and comoving magnetic field $B$ assuming a nonthermal synchrotron origin of the radio emission, and synchrotron, SSC and EC origins of the X-ray emission. Expressions are also derived for $\\delta$ and $B$ that minimize the total jet powers of the emitting region in synchrotron, SSC and EC models for the X-ray emission. The results are applied to knot WK7.8 of PKS 0637-752. Predictions to test two-component synchrotron and EC models are made for {\\it Chandra} and {\\it GLAST}. ", "introduction": "The ability of the {\\it Chandra X-ray Observatory} to resolve knots and hot spots in radio jets has opened a new chapter in jet research \\citep{sta04}. The radio emission in the extended jets on multi-kpc -- Mpc size scales is almost certainly nonthermal synchrotron radiation, but the origin of the X-ray emission is controversial. In many knots and hot spots, the spectral energy distribution (SED) at X-ray energies is a smooth extension of the radio and optical fluxes, so that a synchrotron origin of the X-ray emission is implied. In other cases, the X-ray flux exceeds the level implied by smoothly extending the radio/optical SED. But even in these cases, a one-component synchrotron interpretation may be possible \\citep{da02}, and a two-component synchrotron model can be preferred on energetic and spectral grounds \\citep{ad04}. Besides the synchrotron mechanism, two other nonthermal processes are often considered to account for the X-ray fluxes observed from the knots and hot spots of radio jets, namely the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) and the external Compton (EC) processes \\citep{hk02}. The target photons for the EC model can be CMBR photons \\citep{tav00}, or nuclear jet radiation \\citep{bru01}. The EC model involving CMBR target photons is the currently favored interpretation for quasar X-ray knots and hot spots where the X-ray spectrum is not a smooth extension of the radio/optical spectrum \\citep{cgc01,sam04}. In this model, the X-ray emission from knots such as WK7.8 of PKS 0637-752 is argued to be due to CMB photons that are Compton-upscattered by nonthermal electrons from kpc-scale emitting regions in bulk relativistic motion at distances up to several hundred kpc from the central engine. In a recent paper \\citep{ad04}, we have addressed difficulties of the X-ray EC model to explain the opposite behaviors of the X-ray and radio spatial profiles. This model requires large energies, particularly in debeamed cases where the observer is outside the Doppler beaming cone. Here we concentrate on radiation from the extended X-ray jets, and provide equations suitable for observers to interpret multiwavelength X-ray data of knot and hot-spot emission with synchrotron, EC and SSC models, and evaluate jet powers. Application to knot WK7.8 of PKS 0637-752 is used to illustrate the results. ", "conclusions": "We have derived the minimum jet power $L_{j,min}$ for synchrotron, EC, and SSC models of the knots and hot spot X-ray emission. The two-component synchrotron model does not connect the radio and X-ray fluxes, so that $L_{j,min}$ depends only on the product $\\delta B$. Thus moderate values of $\\delta$ are possible. For the parameters of knot WK7.8 with $\\gamma_1 = 30$ and $k_{pe} = m_p/(\\gamma_1 m_e)$, $\\hat y = 560(1+k_{pe})^{0.26}/(\\gamma_1^{0.16} r_{kpc}^{0.79})$, implying a minimum jet power of $7\\times 10^{46}$ ergs s$^{-1}$. This is also equal to $L_{j,min}$ for the synchrotron/EC model, which however only holds for specific values of $\\delta=27$ and $B=36\\,\\mu$G (see Fig.\\ 2). This is because most of the energy is contained in electrons with $\\gamma \\sim \\gamma_1$, which is restricted to low values in the EC model. Much larger values of $\\gamma_1$ are allowed in the two-component synchrotron model, so that even smaller jet powers are possible in this model. The large value of $\\delta = 27$ for the minimum jet power in the EC model implies small and improbable observing angles $\\theta \\leq \\delta^{-1}\\lesssim 2^\\circ$ with a deprojected length of $\\approx 2$ Mpc of the jet in PKS 0637-752. For larger observing angles corresponding to $\\delta \\lesssim 10$, a jet power exceeding $10^{48}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ is implied (Fig.\\ 2). The jet power could be reduced assuming a jet composed of e$^+$-e$^-$ plasma. The decay of $\\gamma$ rays in the two-component synchrotron model \\citep{ad03,ad04} will produce pairs, but at much higher energies than needed. If the pair plasma were produced in a compact inner jet, then the energy requirements would be hard to explain because of large adiabatic losses in the course of expansion of the blob from sub-parsec to kpc scales (see \\citet{cf93} for other arguments against a pair jet). The SSC model for knot WK7.8 is ruled out. This model formally satisfies the radio and X-ray fluxes with $\\delta_{SSC} = 0.014$ and corresponding magnetic field $B = 0.07$ Gauss when $\\Sigma_{\\rm C} =10$, but requires comoving particle and field energies $\\gg 10^{61}$ ergs. The synchrotron/EC model for knot WK7.8 allows a nonvariable X-ray spectrum that cannot be softer than the radio spectrum, and predicts a $\\gamma$-ray flux at the level of $\\approx 0.3\\times 10^{-8}$ ph$(> 100$ MeV) cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. This is detectable at strong significance with {\\it GLAST} in the scanning mode over one year of observation, but may be difficult to distinguish from the variable inner jet radiation. The two-component synchrotron model allows variability at X-ray energies, though at a low level because of the source size, with nonvarying $\\gamma$-ray flux below the {\\it GLAST} sensitivity (see Fig.\\ 2 in \\citet{ad04}). An interesting study for {\\it GLAST} is to separate a highly variable inner jet component from a stationary emission component to determine maximum fluxes of the extended jet. \\vskip0.5in We thank Dan Schwartz and Andrew Wilson for questions and discussions about these issues, and the referee for helpful comments on a different, earlier approach to this problem. The work of CD is supported by the Office of Naval Research. Research of CD and visits of AA to the NRL High Energy Space Environment Branch are supported by {\\it GLAST} Science Investigation No.\\ DPR-S-1563-Y." }, "0404/astro-ph0404413_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper presents the clustering properties of hard (2-8\\,keV) X-ray selected sources detected in a wide field ($\\approx \\rm 2\\,deg^{2}$) shallow [$f_X(\\rm 2-8\\,keV)\\approx 10^{-14}\\rm \\, erg \\, cm^{-2} \\, s^{-1}$] and contiguous XMM-{\\it Newton} survey. We perform an angular correlation function analysis using a total of 171 sources to the above flux limit. We detect a $\\sim 4\\sigma$ correlation signal out to 300\\,arcsec with $w(\\theta < 300^{''})\\simeq 0.13 \\pm 0.03$. Modeling the two point correlation function as a power law of the form $w(\\theta)=(\\theta_{\\circ}/\\theta)^{\\gamma-1}$ we find: $\\theta_{\\circ}=48.9^{+15.8}_{-24.5}$ arcsec and $\\gamma=2.2\\pm {0.30}$. Fixing the correlation function slope to $\\gamma=1.8$ we obtain $\\theta_{\\circ}=22.2^{+9.4}_{-8.6}$\\,arcsec. Using Limber's intergral equation and a variety of possible luminosity functions of the hard X-ray population, we find a relatively large correlation length, ranging from $r_{\\circ}\\sim 9$ to 19 $h^{-1}$ Mpc (for $\\gamma=1.8$ and the {\\em concordance} cosmological model), with this range reflecting also different evolutionary models for the source luminosities and clustering characteristics. The relatively large correlation length is comparable to that of extremely red objects and luminous radio sources. ", "introduction": "It is well known that the study of the distribution of matter on large scales, using different extragalactic objects provides important constraints on models of cosmic structure formation. Since Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) can be detected up to very high redshifts they provide information on the underlying mass distribution as well as on the evolution of large scale structure (cf. Hartwick \\& Schade 1989; Basilakos 2001 and references therein). The traditional indicator of clustering, the angular two-point correlation function, is a fundamental and simple statistical test for the study of any extragalactic mass tracer and is relatively straightforward to measure from observational data. The overall knowledge of the AGN clustering using X-ray data comes mostly from the soft ($\\le 3$keV) X-ray band (Boyle \\& Mo 1993; Vikhlinin \\& Forman 1995; Carrera et al. 1998; Akylas, Georgantopoulos, Plionis, 2000; Mullis 2002), which is however biased against absorbed AGNs. Hard X-ray surveys ($\\ge 2$keV) play a key role in our understanding of how the whole AGN population, including obscured (type II) AGNs, trace the underlying mass distribution. Furthermore, understanding the spatial distribution of type II AGNs is important since they are among the main contributors of the cosmic X-ray background (Mushotzky et al. 2000; Hasinger et al. 2001; Giacconi et al. 2002). Recently, Yang et al. (2003) performing a counts-in cells analysis of a deep ($f_{2-8 keV} \\sim 3 \\times 10^{-15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$) {\\em Chandra} survey in the Lockman Hole North-West region, found that the hard band sources are highly clustered with $\\sim$ 60$\\%$ of them being distributed in overdense regions. The XMM-{\\em Newton} with $\\sim 5$ times more effective area, especially at hard energies, and $\\sim 3$ times larger field of view (FOV) provides an ideal instrument for clustering studies of X-ray sources. In this paper we estimate for the first time the angular correlation function of the XMM-{\\em Newton} hard X-ray sample. Using Limber's equation and different models of the luminosity funtion for these sources we derive the expected spatial correlation function which we compare with that of a variety of extragalactic populations. Hereafter, all $H_{\\circ}$-dependent quantities will be given in units of $h\\equiv H_{\\circ}/100$ km $s^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we explore the clustering properties of hard (2-8\\,keV) X-ray selected sources using a wide area ($\\rm \\approx 2\\,deg^2$) shallow [$f_X(\\rm 2-8\\,keV)\\approx 10^{-14}\\rm \\, erg \\, cm^{-2} \\, s^{-1}$] XMM-{\\it Newton} survey. Using an angular correlation function analysis we measure a clustering signal at the $\\sim 4\\sigma$ confidence level. Modeling the angular correlation function by a power-law, $w(\\theta)=(\\theta_{\\circ}/\\theta)^{\\gamma-1}$, we estimate $\\theta_{\\circ}=48.9^{+15.8}_{-24.5}$\\,arcsec and $\\gamma=2.2\\pm {0.30}$. Fixing the correlation function slope to $\\gamma=1.8$ we estimate $\\theta_{\\circ}=22.2^{+9.4}_{-8.6}$\\,arcsec. Using a variety of luminosity functions and evolutionary models the Limber's inversion provides correlation lengths which are in the range $r_{\\circ} \\sim 10 -19 \\; h^{-1}$ Mpc, typically larger than those of galaxies and optically selected QSO's but similar to those of strongly clustered populations, like EROs and luminous radio sources." }, "0404/astro-ph0404249_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We compiled and investigated the infrared/sub-mm/mm SED of the new outburst star IRAS~05436$-$0007 in quiescent phase. The star is a flat-spectrum source, with an estimated total luminosity of $L_{\\rm bol}\\,{\\approx}\\,5.6\\,L_{\\sun}$, typical of low-mass T\\,Tauri stars. The derived circumstellar mass of $0.5$\\,$M_{\\sun}$ is rather high among low-mass YSOs. The observed SED differs from the SEDs of typical T\\,Tauri stars and of 4 well-known EXors, and resembles more the SEDs of FU\\,Orionis objects indicating the presence of a circumstellar envelope. IRAS~05436$-$0007 seems to be a Class II source with an age of approximately 4${\\times}10^5$\\,yr. In this evolutionary stage an accretion disk is already fully developed, though a circumstellar envelope may also be present. Observations of the present outburst will provide additional knowledge on the source. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:Intro} On 23 Jan 2004 the amateur astronomer J.W.~McNeil discovered a new nebula towards the Orion\\,B molecular cloud, close to the diffuse nebulosity Messier 78 (McNeil et al.~2004). The object was not visible in either of the two Palomar Surveys (1951, 1990), but a photograph taken in 1966 for the book ``The Messier Album''\\footnote{http://www.seds.org/messier/} (Mallas \\& Kreimer 1978) shows a bright nebulosity very similar to the one of today. Also in the very deep [SII] image of Eisl\\\"offel and Mundt (1997), taken in October 1995, parts of the nebula are clearly visible though fainter than in 1966. The alternation of active and quiescent periods, suggested by these earlier observations, indicates that the event, probably the eruption of a pre-main sequence star, may be similar to the well-known EXor-type outbursts. At infrared and sub-millimetre wavelengths, however, the source was observable also during the quiescent periods (IRAS, 2MASS, Lis et al.~1999, Mitchell et al.~2001). At these wavelengths the emission is due to thermal radiation of circumstellar dust. The infrared/sub-mm/mm data offer a possibility to study the circumstellar matter -- which is likely responsible for the explosion via a sudden rise of the accretion onto the star (Hartmann \\& Kenyon~1996) -- prior to an outburst. In this paper we collect all infrared/sub-mm observations available in the literature and compile a spectral energy distribution (SED) representative of the quiescent phase. The SED will be analysed, and compared with SEDs of pre-main sequence stars, including several known FUORs and EXors. ", "conclusions": "We compiled and investigated the infrared/sub-mm/mm SED of the new outburst star IRAS~05436$-$0007 in quiescent phase. The star is a flat-spectrum source, with an estimated total luminosity of $L_{\\rm bol}\\,{\\approx}\\,5.6\\,L_{\\sun}$, typical of low-mass T\\,Tauri stars. The derived circumstellar mass of $0.5\\,M_{\\sun}$ is rather high among low-mass YSOs. The observed SED differs from the SEDs of typical T\\,Tauri stars and of 4 well-known EXors, and resembles more the SEDs of FU\\,Orionis objects indicating the presence of a circumstellar envelope. IRAS~05436$-$0007 seems to be a Class II source with an age of approximately 4${\\times}10^5$\\,yr. In this evolutionary stage an accretion disk is already fully developed, though a circumstellar envelope may also be present. Observations of the present outburst will provide additional knowledge on the source." }, "0404/astro-ph0404280_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent Deep optical observations of the spectra of 12 Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) and 3 Magellanic Cloud PNe were presented in Paper~I by Tsamis et al. (2003b), who carried out an abundance analysis using the collisionally excited forbidden lines. Here, the relative intensities of faint optical recombination lines (ORLs) from ions of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are analysed in order to derive the abundances of these ions relative to hydrogen. The relative intensities of four high-$l$ C~{\\sc ii} recombination lines with respect to the well-known 3d--4f $\\lambda$4267 line are found to be in excellent agreement with the predictions of recombination theory, removing uncertainties about whether the high C$^{2+}$ abundances derived from the $\\lambda$4267 line could be due to non-recombination enhancements of its intensity. We define an abundance discrepancy factor (ADF) as the ratio of the abundance derived for a heavy element ion from its recombination lines to that derived for the same ion from its ultraviolet, optical or infrared collisionally excited lines (CELs). All of the PNe in our sample are found to have ADF's that exceed unity. Two of the PNe, NGC\\,2022 and LMC~N66, have O$^{2+}$ ADF's of 16 and 11, respectively, while the remaining 13 PNe have a mean O$^{2+}$ ADF of 2.6, with the smallest value being 1.8. Garnett \\& Dinerstein (2001a) found that for a sample of about a dozen PNe the magnitude of the O$^{2+}$ ADF was inversely correlated with the nebular Balmer line surface brightness. We have investigated this for a larger sample of 20 PNe, finding weak correlations with decreasing surface brightness for the ADF's of O$^{2+}$ and C$^{2+}$. The C$^{2+}$ ADF's are well correlated with the absolute radii of the nebulae, though no correlation is present for the O$^{2+}$ ADF's. We also find both the C$^{2+}$ and O$^{2+}$ ADF's to be strongly correlated with the magnitude of the difference between the nebular [O~{\\sc iii}] and Balmer jump electron temperatures ($\\Delta T$), corroborating a result of Liu et al. (2001b) for the O$^{2+}$ ADF. $\\Delta T$ is found to be weakly correlated with decreasing nebular surface brightness and increasing absolute nebular radius. There is no dependence of the magnitude of the ADF upon the excitation energy of the UV, optical or IR CEL transition used, indicating that classical nebular temperature fluctuations---i.e. in a chemically homogeneous medium---are not the cause of the observed abundance discrepancies. Instead, we conclude that the main cause of the discrepancy is enhanced ORL emission from cold ionized gas located in hydrogen-deficient clumps inside the main body of the nebulae, as first postulated by Liu et al. (2000) for the high-ADF PN NGC\\,6153. We have developed a new electron temperature diagnostic, based upon the relative intensities of the O~{\\sc ii} 4f--3d $\\lambda$4089 and 3p--3s $\\lambda$4649 recombination transitions. For six out of eight PNe for which both transitions are detected, we derive O$^{2+}$ ORL electron temperatures of $\\le$300\\,K, very much less than the O$^{2+}$ forbidden-line and H$^+$ Balmer jump temperatures derived for the same nebulae. These results provide direct observational evidence for the presence of cold plasma regions within the nebulae, consistent with gas cooled largely by infrared fine structure and recombination transitions; at such low temperatures recombination transition intensities will be significantly enhanced due to their inverse power-law temperature dependence, while UV and optical CELs will be significantly suppressed. \\noindent {\\bf Key Words:} ISM: abundances -- planetary nebulae: general ", "introduction": "This is the second of two papers devoted to the study of elemental abundances in a sample of Galactic and Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae (PNe). In a companion paper, Tsamis et al. (2003a) have presented a similar analysis of a number of Galactic and Magellanic Cloud {\\hii} regions. The main focus of these papers is on the problem of the optical recombination-line emission from heavy element ions (e.g. {\\cpp}, {\\npp}, {\\opp}) in photoionized nebulae. The main manifestation of this problem is the observed discrepancy between nebular elemental abundances derived from weak, optical recombination lines (ORLs; such as {\\cii} $\\lambda$4267, {\\nii} $\\lambda$4041, {\\oii} $\\lambda\\lambda$4089, 4650) on the one hand and the much brighter collisionally-excited lines (CELs; often collectively referred to as forbidden lines) on the other (Kaler 1981; Peimbert, Storey \\& Torres-Peimbert 1993; Liu et al. 1995, 2000, 2001b; Garnett \\& Dinerstein 2001a; Tsamis 2002; Tsamis et al. 2003a), with ORLs typically being found to yield ionic abundances that are factors of two or more larger than those obtained from CELs emitted by the same ions. A closely linked problem involves the observed disparity between the nebular electron temperatures derived from the traditional {\\foiii} ($\\lambda$4959+$\\lambda$5007)/$\\lambda$4363 CEL ratio and the {\\hi} Balmer discontinuity diagnostic: the latter yields temperatures that are in most cases lower than those derived from the {\\foiii} ratio (Peimbert 1971; Liu \\& Danziger 1993b; Liu et al. 2001b; Tsamis 2002). The ORL analysis of the current paper is based upon deep optical spectra of twelve galactic and three Magellanic Cloud PNe that were acquired by Tsamis et al. (2003b; hereafter Paper~I). Paper~I describes how the observations were obtained and reduced and presents tabulations of observed and dereddened relative intensities for the detected lines. Collisionally excited lines (CELs) in the spectra were used to derive nebular electron temperatures and densities from a variety of diagnostic ratios. They also derived CEL-based abundances for a range of heavy elements, using standard ionization correction factor (icf) techniques to correct for unobserved ion stages. In the current paper we analyze the ORL data that were presented in Paper~I. In Section~2 we derive recombination-line ionic abundances for a number of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen ions. Section~3 presents a comparison between total C, N and O abundances derived from ORLs and from ultraviolet, optical and infrared CELs and derives abundance discrepancy factors (ADF's; the ratio of the abundances derived for the same ion from ORLs and from CELs) for a range of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen ions. In Section~4 we investigate how ORL/CEL ADF's correlate with other nebular parameters, such as the difference between [O~{\\sc iii}] forbidden line and H~{\\sc i} Balmer jump temperatures; the H$\\beta$ nebular surface brightness; and the nebular absolute radius. Section~5 looks at whether the observational evidence provides support for the presence of classical Peimbert-type temperature fluctuations within the nebulae, and whether the observational evidence points to strong density variations within the nebulae. In Section~6 we present evidence for the presence of cold plasma ({\\elt} $\\leq$ 2000~K) in a number of nebulae in our sample, making use of the fact that the strengths of several well observed O~{\\sc ii} and He~{\\sc i} recombination lines have sufficiently different temperature dependences for the relative intensities of two O~{\\sc ii} lines, or two He~{\\sc i} lines, to be used as diagnostics of the electron temperatures prevailing in their emitting regions. Section~7 summarizes our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "In Sections~3 and 5.2 it was demonstrated that there is no dependence of the magnitude of the nebular ORL/CEL abundance discrepancy factors upon the excitation energy of the UV, optical or IR CEL transition used (see Table~9), indicating that classical (i.e. in a chemically homogeneous medium) nebular temperature fluctuations are not the cause of the observed abundance discrepancies. This reinforces the same conclusion that was reached in Paper~I, based there upon the fact that [O~{\\sc iii}] electron temperatures derived from the ratio of the 52 and 88-$\\mu$m FS lines to the 4959 and 5007-\\AA\\ forbidden lines were greater than or comparable to those derived from the ratio of the higher excitation energy 4363-\\AA\\ transition to the 4959 and 5007-\\AA\\ lines---if temperature fluctuations in the ambient nebular material were the cause of the ORL/CEL abundance discrepancies then the IR line-based ratio should yield {\\em lower} temperatures. We conclude instead that the main cause of the abundance discrepancies is enhanced ORL emission from cold ionized gas located in hydrogen-deficient clumps inside the nebulae, as first postulated by Liu et al. (2000) for the high-ADF PN NGC~6153. When nebular heavy element abundances exceed about five times solar, cooling by their collisionally excited infrared fine-structure (IR FS) lines is alone sufficient to balance the photoelectric heating from atomic species. Since cooling by the low-excitation IR FS lines saturates above a few thousand K, nebular electron temperatures in such high-metallicity regions will drop to values of this order, the exact value being determined by the H to heavy element ratios and the input ionizing spectrum. It is therefore physically plausible and self-consistent for the heavy element ORLs that yield enhanced abundances relative to those derived from CELs to also indicate very low electron temperatures for the regions from which they emit. Liu et al. (2000) in their empirical modelling of NGC\\,6153 had postulated the presence of H-deficient ionized clumps within the nebula that would be cool enough to suppress optical forbidden-line emission and even some infrared fine-structure line emission but which would emit strongly in heavy element recombination lines, due to the inverse power-law temperature dependence of ORL emission. P\\'{e}quignot et al. (2002) have constructed photoionization models of NGC\\,6153 and M~1-42 incorporating H-deficient inclusions and found equilibrium {\\elt}'s of $\\sim$~10$^3$\\,K in the H-deficient clumps and $\\sim$~10$^4$\\,K in the ambient gas, with the H-deficient ionized regions being within a factor of two of pressure equilibrium with the ambient nebular gas. In both cases, the H-deficient model components contained only $\\sim$~1\\% of the total ionized mass, so that the overall metallicity of the whole nebula was close to that of the `normal' high-temperature component. Similar, or lower, mass fractions for the postulated H-deficient clumps in the typical PNe studied here, which have lower ADF's than the extreme cases discussed above, should ensure that their integrated IR FS line emission will not represent a significant perturbation to the integrated IR FS emission from the ambient high-temperature nebular material that forms the majority of the nebular mass, particularly if the H-deficient clump electron densities exceed the rather low critical densities of 500 -- 3000~cm$^{-3}$ that correspond to the [O~{\\sc iii}] and [N~{\\sc iii}] IR FS lines that have been investigated in this paper. The strong inverse power-law temperature dependence of ORL emission means that material at a temperature of 500\\,K will emit an ORL such as O~{\\sc ii} $\\lambda$4649 eighteen times more strongly than at 10$^4$~K. If 0.5\\% of the nebular mass was located in 500\\,K clumps having an electron density ten times that of the ambient nebular gas, then the integrated ORL emission from the clumps would exceed that from the ambient gas by a factor of nine. Hydrogen is not expected to be entirely absent in the postulated H-deficient clumps. The steep inverse power-law temperature dependence of its recombination emission from the clumps could be responsible for the strong correlation, discussed in Section~4.1, between the C$^{2+}$ or O$^{2+}$ ADF's and the temperature difference, $\\Delta T$, between the [O~{\\sc iii}] optical forbidden line and H~{\\sc i} Balmer jump electron temperatures (see Fig.\\,~3). The correlation between ionic ADF's and decreasing nebular surface brightness (Fig.\\,~4), or increasing absolute nebular radius (Fig.\\,~5), may indicate that the density contrast between the H-deficient clumps and the ambient nebular material increases as the nebula evolves, i.e. that the clump density decreases less than the ambient nebular density does as the nebula expands. Such a situation might arise if the clump ionized gas originates from photoevaporation of dense neutral cores (cometary knots) of the kind found in the Helix Nebula (Meaburn et al. 1992; O'Dell et al. 2000) and the Eskimo Nebula (NGC\\,2392; O'Dell et al. 2002). Indeed, the location of NGC\\,2392 in the $\\Delta T$ vs. $S$(H$\\beta$) and $\\Delta T$ vs. Radius diagrams (Fig.\\,~6) is consistent with this picture and indicates that NGC\\,2392 is a candidate high-ADF nebula. In confirmation of this, optical and ultraviolet large aperture measurements presented by Barker (1991) for six positions in NGC\\,2392 yielded $\\lambda$4267/$\\lambda$1908 C$^{2+}$ ADF's ranging from 7 to more than 24. We thus show NGC\\,2392 in the ADF(C$^{2+}$) vs. $\\Delta T$ diagram (Fig.\\,~3) and the ADF(C$^{2+}$) versus Radius diagram (Fig.\\,~5) using a mean C$^{2+}$ ADF of 18 derived for the positions observed by Barker. It would be of interest to obtain deep optical spectra of this nebula in order to examine its heavy element ORL spectrum in detail. Available spatial analyses of long-slit PN spectra show that ORL/CEL ADF's peak towards the center of nebulae in the cases of NGC\\,6153 (Liu et al. 2000) and NGC\\,6720 (Ring Nebula; Garnett \\& Dinerstein 2001b). An examination of the results presented by Barker (1991) for NGC\\,2392 shows that the same trend is present in those data too: the inferred ADF(C$^{2+}$) increases towards the centre of the PN (along the aligned positions 4, 2, and 1; cf. Fig.\\,~1 of that paper). In NGC\\,6720 especially, the location of peak O~{\\sc ii} ORL emission does not coincide with the positions of the {\\it HST}-resolved dusty cometary knots, which populate the main shell of the Ring, but is displaced inwards from that of the peak [O~{\\sc iii}] emission (Garnett \\& Dinerstein 2001b). We speculate that such an effect could be due to the advanced photo-processing of knots in the Ring Nebula that were overcome by the main ionization front in the past and whose relic material, rich in heavy elements, is now immersed in the He$^{2+}$ nebular zone, being subjected to the intense radiation field of the central star. The question of the possible relationship between the ORL/CEL abundance discrepancy problem and the cometary knot complexes observed in many PNe warrants further investigation. Ruiz et al. (2003) and Peimbert et al. (2004) have argued against the presence of H-deficient knots in NGC\\,5307 and NGC\\,5315 on the grounds that their 34~km~s$^{-1}$ resolution echelle spectra did not reveal a difference between the radial velocities or line widths of the heavy element ORLs and those of the main nebular lines, of the type exhibited by the high-velocity H-deficient knots in the born-again PNe A30 and A58. We note however that the H-deficient knot model that has been invoked to explain the ORL/CEL ADF's of typical planetary nebulae makes no specific predictions as to whether the knots should exhibit a different kinematic pattern from the bulk of the nebula. Scenarios for the origin of such knots in `normal' PNe include i) the evaporation of primitive material (comets, planetesimals) left over from the formation of the progenitor star (e.g. Liu 2003), which would predict ORL C/O and N/O ratios typical of the unprocessed ISM material out of which the star formed; or ii) that they originated as incompletely mixed material brought to the surface by the 3rd dredge-up and ejected along with the rest of the AGB progenitor star's outer envelope during the PN formation phase. In the latter case, the knots' ORL C/O and N/O ratios should show the same nucleosynthetic signatures as the rest of the ejected envelope. Although the postulated H-deficient clumps may not exhibit different kinematics from the bulk of the nebular material, the low inferred electron temperatures of the clumps and the consequent very low thermal broadening means that heavy element ORL's in high-ADF nebulae should exhibit much narrower line widths than do the strong forbidden lines. For example, a C~{\\sc ii} $\\lambda$4267 line originating from 1000\\,K material should have a FWHM of 2~km~s$^{-1}$ if thermal broadening dominates, i.e. if velocity broadening of the line is minimal, as when the emission comes from the edge of the nebula, where material is moving in the plane of the sky, or comes from well-separated approaching and receding velocity components, e.g. near the centre of the nebula. Thus observations of suitably chosen nebular sub-regions at a resolving power of 1.5$\\times10^5$ may be capable of confirming the presence of the postulated cold plasma clumps." }, "0404/astro-ph0404555_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study both analytically and numerically hydrodynamical effects of two colliding shells, the simplified models of the internal shock in various relativistic outflows such as gamma-ray bursts and blazars. We pay particular attention to three interesting cases: a pair of shells with the same rest mass density (``{\\it equal rest mass density}''), a pair of shells with the same rest mass (``{\\it equal mass}''), and a pair of shells with the same bulk kinetic energy (``{\\it equal energy}'') measured in the intersteller medium (ISM) frame. We find that the density profiles are significantly affected by the propagation of rarefaction waves. A split-feature appears at the contact discontinuity of two shells for the ``equal mass'' case, while no significant split appears for the ``equal energy'' and ``equal rest mass density'' cases. The shell spreading with a few ten percent of the speed of light is also shown as a notable aspect caused by rarefaction waves. The conversion efficiency of the bulk kinetic energy to internal one is numerically evaluated. The time evolutions of the efficiency show deviations from the widely-used inellastic two-point-mass-collision model. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The internal shock scenario proposed by Rees (1978) is one of the most promising models to explain the observational feature of relativistic outflows as in gamma-ray bursts, and blazars (e.g., Rees \\& Meszaros 1992; Spada et al. 2001). In this scenario, the bulk kinetic energy of the outflowing plasma is converted into thermal energy and non-thermal particle energy by the shock dissipation and particle acceleration, respectively, and explain the large power of these objects. Based on this scenario, a lot of authors have attempted to link the observed temporal profiles to multiple internal interactions (e.g., Kobayashi, Piran, \\& Sari 1997 (hereafter KPS97); Panaitescu, Spada \\& Meszaros 1999; Tanihata et al. 2002; Nakar \\& Piran 2002 (hereafter NP02)), looking for crucial hints on the central engine of these relativistic outflows. Most of the previous works focus on the comparison with the observed light curves and model predictions employing a simple inelastic collision of two point masses (KPS97) and little attention has been paid to hydrodynamical processes in the shell collision. However, it is obvious that, in the case of relativistic shocks, the time scales in which shock and rarefaction waves cross the shells are comparable to the dynamical time scale $\\Delta^{'}/c$, where $\\Delta^{'}$ is the shell width measured in the comoving frame of the shell and $c$ is the speed of light. Since the time scales of observations of these relativistic outflows (e.g., Takahashi et al. 2000 for blazar jet; Fishman \\& Meegan 1995 for GRBs) are much longer than the dynamical time scales, the light curves should contain the footprints of these hydrodynamical wave propagations. Thus, it is very interesting to clarify the difference between the simple two-point-mass-collision (hereafter two-mass-collision) model and the hydrodynamical treatment. The recent study by Kobayashi \\& Sari 2001 (hereafter KS01) reports that collided shells are reflected from each other by the thermal expansion. Since they perform a hydrodymamical simulation and show the reflection feature for a single case, the detail of propagations of rarefaction waves for various cases of collisions is not discussed. The aim of this paper is to clarify the hydrodynamical effects including the propagations of rarefaction wave. As the simplest case, we explore the hydrodynamics of two-shell-collisions in the internal shock model. Since we are mainly interested in the hydrodynamical processes themselves, it is beyond the scope of this paper to make a detailed comparison of the observed phenomena with the model results. We consider the time evolution of two colliding shells in relativistic hydrodynamics in \\S 2. In \\S 3, we discuss the application to GRBs and blazars. The summary and discussion are given in \\S 4. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404233_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The idea that the universe we see around us is a member of an ensemble of universes (the multiverse), the remainder of which are beyond our view, is an old one, But it is one under active investigation nowadays. Much of the contemporary motivation comes from rather grandiose theoretical conceptualizations. These include, but are not limited to, string theory ideology, eternal inflation, and even Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics~\\cite{ref:a}. But another motivation comes from the great progress being made in the experimental investigation of the structure and early history of our own universe, as well as the successful establishment of the standard model of particle physics. While the accumulation of these data is no doubt the best stimulant, it nevertheless has led to a mixing of direct information from the experiments with highly speculative material, remote from experimental test. Indeed, there is plenty of skepticism extant as to whether the consideration of universes which are causally disconnected from our own is science at all. The purpose of this note is to make the study of ensembles of universes as data-driven as possible. This will entail, first, a specific definition of a universe as the contents of a comoving spacetime box, large enough to contain essentially everything we can expect to be able to measure (based on the present consensus picture of cosmology and particle physics), but still small compared to the extent of the total spacetime domain envisaged by the majority of cosmologists and other theorists. This allows a credible way of constructing a local ensemble of universes very similar to our own. One simply generalizes the construction of our universe to other spacetime domains causally disconnected from our own, yet near enough to allow reasonable extrapolation of properties of our universe to the remainder of the local ensemble. We envisage this construction of our universe in analogy to the establishment of a homestead in Kansas by a pioneer family. They would see their spatial environment, as we do see our universe, as flatter than a pancake~\\cite{ref:c}, all the way to their property line. And it would be not unreasonable---and in fact even correct---for them to envisage other similar homesteads beyond their horizon. Were the family to contain a theorist, he or she would in fact probably erroneously conclude that Kansas, and hence the number of such homesteads, in fact was infinite in extent~\\cite{ref:d}. However, far beyond Kansas will be found other pieces of fertile terrain, {\\em e.g.} in the Central Valley of California, which also are flatter than a pancake and which bear other similarities to, as well as differences from, the Kansas homesteads. The local, ``Kansas\" ensemble of universes we shall consider will be assumed to possess a spatially flat FRW metric, with similar initial cosmological boundary conditions. This ensemble is already phenomenologically of some use, because it can be considered as the ensemble implicitly used by inflationary cosmologists in making quantum averages of the inflationary perturbation spectra. But more interesting, and the focus of this note, are the analogues of the Central Valley homesteads. We take these to be similar to our universe in the sense of again being described by a spatially flat FRW metric, with perhaps some also being fertile, {\\em i.e.} capable of supporting life as we know it. The features that we assume can vary from universe to universe will include the parameters of the standard model and of cosmology. One can generalize much further than this, at the cost of increasing the level of speculation~\\cite{ref:e}. We will stop at this point, however. The reasons are, first, that obviously this level is already quite speculative, and second, that the data-driven (as well as theoretical!) motivations for considering ensembles of universes can already be expressed with specificity at this level of speculation. The main data-driven consideration is that the values of many standard model parameters seem to be fine-tuned in a way to allow our existence in the universe. The existence of an ensemble of universes with a variety of standard-model parameters allows an ``anthropic\" interpretation of this property of standard-model data~\\cite{ref:a,ref:f}. And the main theoretical consideration comes from string theory, where a variety of string vacuua, with different standard-model properties, may easily be envisaged to occur in various causally disconnected regions of spacetime~\\cite{ref:g}. These issues can all begin to be addressed in the context of the subensemble of universes that we construct, namely those that differ in a rather minimal way from our own. It is already of great interest to try to delineate the existence and properties of these ``nearest-neighbor\" universes. And the possibility of erroneous speculation, while still huge, is clearly going to be less than dealing (in the absence of data) with a more broadly generalized ensemble of universes possessing properties vastly different from our own. Another analogy to the ensemble of universes is the perhaps familiar one of the planets in our own universe. These are already known to come in many varieties, but an especially interesting subset of planets consists of those containing life as we know it. This ``nearest-neighbor\" ensemble might consist of only Planet Earth, or it may contain a large number~\\cite{ref:h}. The question of which alternative is correct is not only irresistible to ask, but is also undeniably a scientific one. In order to address it in a systematic way, one needs to parametrize properties of planets in such a way that one can look at the distribution function of those parameters and find the size and location of the habitable island in parameter space. The output of such a program could be an estimate or bound on the number of planets which can in principle support life as we know it. This is in the case of planets a very daunting task, one that will need to be data-driven to make progress~\\cite{ref:i}. If universes as we have defined them have a similarly complex parametrization, it will be extremely difficult to make progress, simply due to lack of data. It is a serious criticism by those who remain skeptical of the utility of multiverse ideology that this problem presents an insuperable barrier to scientific consideration of this line of thinking. The use of ``anthropic\" reasoning when dealing with ensembles of universes only exacerbates this problem. If the distribution function of standard model parameters, taken over the multiverse ensemble, is broad in each of the parameters, and if there is little correlation between the probability of finding the value of one parameter and that of another, then the program of finding naturalistic explanations for the values of standard model parameters essentially grinds to a halt. The replacement is a statement, unsupported by data, that they are determined by historical accident. To this author, such an option seems not much more scientific in nature than interpreting the values of the standard model parameters via ``intelligent design\". However, we cannot ourselves impose a decision on how things work at this level. If the above option is true, then it may be that the scientific method will never have the power to find out the answers to the Big Questions. But, it is not clear that the problem of characterizing the ensemble of universes is in fact as difficult as characterizing the ensemble of habitable planets. As long as there is an outside chance that the problem is simpler and more tractable, there is no reason not to pursue that possibility. This optimistic position will in fact be our working assumption. We shall assume that many of the standard model parameters are strongly correlated with each other, thereby simplifying the nature of the aforementioned distribution function. While anthropic reasoning will be utilized, the amount will be limited by the above simplistic assumption of the existence of correlations. And the test of whether the assumption makes sense will be whether it delivers insight into any of the unsolved problems facing particle physics and cosmology. We shall argue on the basis of the results that the answer to this is positive. In particular we shall obtain a partial understanding of the nature of the hierarchy problems of particle physics: why the ratios of many of the standard model parameters are such large numbers. We do not claim that the hierarchy problems are thereby solved, but rather that they are recast in a different form, one which in turn appears to be able to be attacked by scientific methods. In the next section, we discuss in detail our definition of a universe, and in Section 3 provide a concise description of its major properties. In Section 4 we review the nature of our assumed correlations of standard model parameters , emphasizing their simplicity and cogency, as well as the consequence that the habitable range of sizes is limited to within a factor two of the size of our universe. In Section 5, we discuss the anthropic implications of this scenario, in particular that if the distribution in sizes is peaked at small sizes, there results some understanding of the hierarchy problems of particle physics. The above material contains the main messages of this paper. The remaining sections are spinoff topics even more speculative. Section 6 explores a possible connection between Bekenstein-Hawking horizon entropy and the vacuum structure of QCD. Section 7 explores whether the inflationary phase of our universe might have its own set of standard model parameters, correlated with the very large value of the Hubble parameter (dark energy) during that epoch. Section 8 raises the question of whether the starting time we have used in our construction of the universe may contain physics, and represent the actual onset of the inflationary epoch. Section 9 is devoted to concluding comments. ", "conclusions": "One of the main purposes of this paper has been to cast multiverse ideology in as bottoms-up, phenomenologically driven a way as possible. This is expedited by the definition, by construction, of a universe which is big enough to contain essentially all of presently conceivable phenomenology, but small enough to exclude most of the commonplace and extravagant theoretical speculations enveloping the subject. The experimental accuracy of the cosmological principle, within the portion of the universe that we have observed, then allows a very credible extrapolation to relatively nearby regions of spacetime, where an ensemble of such universes can be similarly constructed. Going only this far seems to us a quite conservative procedure, at least by contemporary standards of theoretical cosmology. More interesting is the next step, which posits that the ensemble can be generalized to include more distant members, of similar FRW spacetime structure. But these members are assumed to have different standard model parameters, in particular different cosmological constants. In the context of present activity in string theory, this step is also not very radical. However, acceptance of this step then invites introduction of anthropic reasoning, especially with respect to the role of the cosmological constant as an anthropically determined parameter. At this point the level of controversy increases, because as soon as anthropic arguments are introduced, it is hard to determine when to stop. If the cosmological constant is determined only anthropically, what about all the other standard model parameters? Do they not also serve as labels for the gigantic number of vacuua in the string theory landscape? And if they are all anthropically determined, where does that leave, say, the future program of particle physics? The original dreams of a final theory, as visualized two decades ago~\\cite{ref:v}, lay at the opposite extreme, with specific and naturalistic explanations of those parameters expected to be provided by the future theory. Instead they may be only constrained by the fact that we exist in the universe to observe them~\\cite{ref:g}. It is not for us to dictate the answer. Maybe all the parameters are anthropic, in which case the scientific method becomes relatively impotent. Maybe none of them are, despite the evidence of fine-tuning of parameters which has been uncovered and studied by the anthropic community over the last fifty years~\\cite{ref:n}. And maybe the answer lies in between the extremes. It is this latter hypothesis which we have chosen in this paper. It is implemented by the presumption that, within the ensemble of universes we have constructed, at least the principal parameters of the standard model are strongly correlated with the value of the cosmological constant. We have also proposed a specific form of the correlation. This last step has been greeted with much skepticism, most often in a completely dismissive way. Perhaps this occurs because of the lack of any overarching theoretical ideology to motivate the scaling hypothesis. In defense, we argue from experience in searching for alternatives that the scaling hypothesis stands out in its simplicity and robustness~\\cite{ref:yy}. Dreamers of final theories would naturally expect most standard model parameters to be correlated with each other, because a good theory should have very few independent parameters. But it is {\\em a priori} unlikely that the correlations take a simple form, so simple that the right answer can be correctly guessed. We work from a naive sense of optimism at this point, but are rather convinced that if there {\\it is} a simple form of the correlation, the proposed correlation is likely to be, at the least, very similar to the correct one. Support for this point of view comes from the output, which provides some understanding of the hierarchy problems of particle physics. As we discussed, the hierarchy problem is traded in for the problem of understanding certain ``critical exponents\" such as 1/3 for QCD and 1/4 for the electroweak sector. An attempt at understanding the 1/3 of QCD was sketched in Section 6. Here we only point out that that attempt, along with other spinoff ideas in the subsequent two sections, are not at all abstract. They deal with the understanding of very real issues existing within our own universe, such as the structure of the QCD vacuum, and the nature of the big-bang ignition (``reheating\") epoch of our universe. It is evidence that consideration of multiple universes may conceivably help, at a quite phenomenological level, in uncovering the nature of physical processes in our own universe." }, "0404/astro-ph0404005_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss interstellar temperature determinations using the excitation equilibrium of the $^2P$ levels of \\SiII\\ and \\CII. We show how observations of the \\upperfs\\ fine structure levels of \\SiII\\ and \\CII\\ (which have significantly different excitation energies, corresponding to $\\sim413$ and 92 K, respectively) can be used to limit gas kinetic temperatures. We apply this method to the $z=4.224$ damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ system toward the quasar \\pss. The lack of significant absorption out of the \\SiII\\ \\upperfs\\ level and the presence of very strong \\CII\\ \\upperfs\\ provides an upper limit to the temperature of the \\cstar -bearing gas in this system. Assuming a solar Si/C ratio, the observations imply a $2\\sigma$ limit $T<\\maxtemp$ K for this absorber; a super-solar Si/C ratio gives stricter limits, $T<\\alphamaxtemp$ K. The observations suggest the presence of a cold neutral medium; such cold gas may serve as the fuel for star formation in this young galaxy. ", "introduction": "High-redshift damped \\lya\\ systems (\\dla s) are the highest column density class of QSO absorption lines. Defined by $\\log N(\\mbox{\\HI}) \\ge 20.3$ (Wolfe et al. 1986), these systems are thought to trace the interstellar medium (ISM) of high-redshift galaxies. Dedicated surveys over the past two decades have helped trace the global properties of high-redshift DLAs, including their contribution to the cosmological baryon density (Storrie-Lombardi \\& Wolfe 2000; Prochaska \\& Herbert-Fort 2004), their chemical enrichment (e.g., Prochaska et al. 2003), their dust content (e.g., Pettini et al.\\ 1994), and molecular fraction (Ledoux, Petitjean, \\& Srianand 2003). These studies have demonstrated that the DLAs have a baryonic mass density comparable to the mass density of modern galaxy disks, that the metallicity of high-$z$ DLAs is slowly increasing, and that the majority of DLA sight lines have low dust-to-gas ratios and molecular fractions. Understanding the detailed physics of the ISM in DLAs is an important step in understanding high-redshift galaxies in general. Wolfe, Prochaska, \\& Gawiser (2003a) have constructed detailed models for the thermal equilibrium of the ISM in a set of DLAs, calculating the heating rate experienced by the gas due to the ultraviolet emission from young hot stars. They used observations of absorption out of the \\upperfs\\ level of \\CII\\ (hereafter \\cstar) -- a direct indicator of the cooling rate through [\\CII] 158 $\\mu$m emission (Pottasch, Wesselius, van Duinen 1979) -- to infer the actual heating rate experienced by the gas (assuming thermal equilibrium). Their comparison of the inferred and calculated heating rates suggests DLAs harbor significant star formation. The models of Wolfe et al. (2003a,b) required that the observed \\cstar\\ in DLAs arise in a cold neutral medium (CNM), i.e., in gas with temperatures $T\\la1000$ K; their WNM models give SFRs that violate observations of the bolometric background. The detection of \\htwo\\ absorption in some high-\\z\\ DLAs is further evidence that at least some of these systems contain a CNM (Ledoux et al. 2003; Hirashita \\& Ferrara 2005). However, such temperatures are at odds with 21-cm absorption studies; all $z\\ga3$ DLAs searched for 21-cm absorption show $T_S\\ga1400$\\,K ($2\\sigma$) (Kanekar \\& Chengalur 2003). Wolfe et al. (2003b) argue that this discrepancy is likely due to the differing properties of the sight lines probed by the optical background sources and by the more extended radio sources. In this Letter we present a method for determining the kinetic temperature of interstellar matter based solely on basic atomic physics. Our method compares the excitation of the upper \\upperfs\\ fine-structure levels in \\SiII\\ and \\CII, which have excitation energies that differ by a factor of four. We describe our approach in \\S \\ref{sec:method}. We apply this technique to the $z_{abs}\\approx4.224$ DLA toward the quasar \\pss\\ in \\S \\ref{sec:psscnm}, demonstrating that this DLA contains a substantial reservoir of cold gas. Lastly, we discuss the implications of this temperature determination in \\S \\ref{sec:discussion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} We have presented a method for limiting gas temperatures in the ISM of galaxies through measurements and analysis of the \\upperfs\\ fine structure levels of \\SiII\\ and \\CII. We have applied this method to limit the properties of the \\cstar -bearing gas in the $z=4.224$ DLA toward \\pss. We rule out the hypothesis that the \\cstar\\ absorption arises in a WNM. Our conservative temperature limit for this gas is $T \\la \\maxtemp$\\,K; we obtain stricter temperature limits if [Si/C]$\\, > 0$ or [C/Fe]$\\, \\approx 0$: $T\\la \\alphamaxtemp$ K. The detection of a CNM (Wolfire et al. 1995) in a high-redshift \\dla\\ is significant: while the gas seen in this DLA is likely not associated with the dense star-forming clouds, our result demonstrates that the physical conditions of the ISM in this system do not preclude the existence of cold material, including, in principle, the dense clouds from which stars could form. The detection of a CNM in the z=4.224 absorber toward PSS 1443+27 is the first detection at such a large redshift. We stress that our measurements allow a WNM as part of a multiphase medium toward \\pss, but the majority of the \\cstar\\ cannot come from warm material.\\footnote{We have tested the effects of multiphase absorbers on our technique, with as much as half of the ground-state ions arising in a WNM. We find that there is very little impact on the derived maximum temperatures (Howk et al. 2005).} The existence of CNM material may be a feature of many high-\\z\\ DLAs, as suggested by Wolfe et al. (2003a,b). While $z \\la 2$ \\HI\\ 21-cm absorption-line measurements suggest the presence of cold \\HI\\ in DLAs, no 21-cm absorption has been found in DLAs with $z\\ga3$ (Kanekar \\& Chengalur).\\footnote{Only six $z>2.9$ DLAs have been observed; \\pss\\ has not been searched for 21-cm absorption.} We note, however, that at least three $z>2.5$ DLAs show \\htwo\\ absorption (Ledoux et al. 2003), indicating the presence of cold gas (Hirashita \\& Ferrara 2005). Searching for \\htwo\\ toward \\pss\\ might be difficult due to the strength of the \\lya\\ forest at $z\\sim4$. In the future we will apply our method for determining gas kinetic temperatures to DLAs for which 21-cm and \\htwo\\ measurements have been attempted. We note that the DLA toward \\pss\\ may not be typical. It shows a high metallicity ([Si/H]$\\ga -1$), especially compared with other $z>4$ DLAs (Prochaska et al. 2003). Furthermore, we chose this DLA for this experiment because it has very strong \\cstar. It has the highest \\cstar /\\HI\\ ratio measured, some $+0.6$ dex above the next highest (the $z=1.92$ DLA toward Q2206-19; Wolfe et al. 2004). The intensity of radiation in this DLA calculated following Wolfe et al. (2004) is higher than all other systems. Although the fuel for star formation may be present in this DLA, no optical counterpart to this DLA has been identified in deep ground-based and {\\em Hubble Space Telescope} images of \\pss\\ (Prochaska et al.\\ 2002; L. Storrie-Lombardi, private communication). The method presented here will be discussed further, and temperature limits given for a larger number of DLAs, in Howk et al. (2005). We note that the use of the relative populations of the \\upperfs\\ levels of \\SiII\\ and \\CII\\ may also be useful for constraining temperatures in Milky Way gas." }, "0404/astro-ph0404469_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\bigskip There is evidence that the transiting planet HD~209458b has a large exosphere of neutral hydrogen, based on a 15\\% decrement in Lyman-$\\alpha$ flux that was observed by Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ during transits. Here we report upper limits on H$\\alpha$ absorption by the exosphere. The results are based on optical spectra of the parent star obtained with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. Comparison of the spectra taken inside and outside of transit reveals no exospheric H$\\alpha$ signal greater than 0.1\\% within a 5.1~\\AA\\ band (chosen to have the same $\\Delta\\lambda/\\lambda$ as the 15\\% Ly$\\alpha$ absorption). The corresponding limit on the column density of $n=2$ neutral hydrogen is $N_2 \\lsim 10^9$~cm$^{-2}$. This limit constrains proposed models involving a hot ($\\sim$10$^4$~K) and hydrodynamically escaping exosphere. ", "introduction": "A milestone in extrasolar planet research was reached when Charbonneau et al.\\ (2000) and Henry et al.\\ (2000) observed the photometric signal of transits by the low-mass companion of HD~209458. The companion was originally discovered by radial velocity measurements (Mazeh et al.\\ 2000), which specified only the orbital period (3.5 days), orbital eccentricity ($e<0.03$), and minimum mass of the companion ($M\\sin i = 0.69$~$M_{\\rm Jup}$). The transit light curves allowed the measurement of the companion's mass (by breaking the $\\sin i$ degeneracy) and radius (from the depth of the transit), providing an unambiguous case of a planetary-mass companion to a main sequence star, and a demonstration that the companion's density was that of a gas giant planet. Aside from this historic importance, the discovery made possible a number of unique and important follow-up studies, based on more subtle changes in the received starlight that should occur during transits. In this paper we are concerned with changes due to the passage of a small fraction of the starlight through the planetary atmosphere. Selective absorption by atmospheric constituents causes the transit depth to depend upon wavelength, an effect that forms the basis of ``transmission spectroscopy.'' Upper limits on various atmospheric absorption features have been given by Bundy and Marcy (2000), Moutou et al.\\ (2001), Brown, Libbrecht, and Charbonneau (2002), and Moutou et al.\\ (2003). The first successful detection using this technique was by Charbonneau et al.\\ (2002), who observed a $(0.023\\pm 0.006)$\\% increase in transit depth in the yellow light of the sodium resonance doublet. A strong sodium signal had been predicted by Seager and Sasselov (2000), and subsequently by Brown (2001) and Hubbard et al.\\ (2001). More recently, Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ (2003) reported a remarkably large transit depth of $(15\\pm 4)$\\% in the ultraviolet light of the Lyman-$\\alpha$ (Ly$\\alpha$) transition of neutral hydrogen. To produce such a large absorption, a spherical cloud of neutral hydrogen would need a radius of $4.3R_{\\rm Jup}$ or greater (depending on the optical depth), as compared to the planetary radius of $1.3R_{\\rm Jup}$ inferred from broad-band observations, and the Roche lobe radius of $3.6R_{\\rm Jup}$. Such a signal could be produced by an extended envelope of hydrogen atoms that are evaporating from the planet's upper atmosphere. Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ (2003) noted that the apparent blueshift of the absorbing atoms (up to $-130$~km~s$^{-1}$) provided additional evidence for atmospheric escape, and speculated that this evaporation process accounts for the rarity of extrasolar planets with orbital periods smaller than 3 days. Additional data obtained by Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ (2004) were consistent with the previous Ly$\\alpha$ result, and provided evidence (at the 2--3$\\sigma$ level) for exospheric absorption by oxygen (O~{\\sc i}) and carbon (C~{\\sc ii}). Further confirmation of the existence of this ``exosphere,'' and characterization of its temperature, density, and composition are clearly important goals. Unfortunately, theoretical predictions for the properties of the exosphere are not robust, making it difficult to design strategies for observing the exosphere. One approach is to search for additional effects of hydrogen, which has already been implicated by the Ly$\\alpha$ measurement. If a significant fraction of the hydrogen exists in the first excited state ($n=2$), it will produce extra absorption in the Balmer lines of the stellar spectrum, and in particular H$\\alpha$ (6563~\\AA). Thus we were motivated to search for H$\\alpha$ absorption from the exosphere of HD~209458b. A positive detection would confirm the existence of the hydrogen exosphere and constrain its density and temperature, with implications for the long-term evolution of ``hot Jupiter'' extrasolar planets. It would also represent a new and more practical means of searching for exospheres of other extrasolar planets, given the necessity of observing Ly$\\alpha$ absorption above the Earth's atmosphere, and the confusing effects of Ly$\\alpha$ absorption by interstellar hydrogen and emission from the geocorona. Previously, Bundy and Marcy (2000) placed upper limits of 3--4\\% on H$\\beta$ and H$\\gamma$ absorption in a 0.3~\\AA\\ band, although they did not examine H$\\alpha$ due to contamination of that region of the spectrum by I$_2$ lines. Moutou et al.\\ (2001) also searched for exospheric absorption in optical spectra. They did not remark on H$\\alpha$ in particular, but set upper limits of $\\approx$1\\% for any features of width 0.2~\\AA, and noted that the limits could be improved significantly with higher quality spectra taken in better atmospheric conditions. We have been obtaining optical echelle spectra of HD~209458 with the Subaru Telescope, over a wide range of planetary orbital phases, in order to search for reflected light from the planet. Data taken on the night of a planetary transit, described in section 2, are well-suited for the H$\\alpha$ search. The procedure by which we compared the spectra taken at different times is given in section 3, and significantly improved upper limits on exospheric H$\\alpha$ absorption are derived from the data. In section 4 we discuss the physical interpretation and provide a brief summary. ", "conclusions": "Fundamentally, our null result corresponds to a maximum number of neutral hydrogen atoms in the $n=2$ state that are present in the exosphere of HD~209458b. Likewise, the detection of Ly$\\alpha$ absorption by Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ (2003) implies a minimum number of neutral hydrogen atoms in the $n=1$ state. Unfortunately it is difficult to use these results to constrain interesting quantities such as the exospheric temperature and density, because the physical conditions in the exosphere are likely to be quite complex. The column density of neutral hydrogen may vary widely across the surface of the primary star due to evaporation, tidal forces, and radiation pressure (see, e.g., Lecavelier des Etangs et al.\\ 2004). Gas may be present at a variety of temperatures and densities, and may be far from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). [Even in the denser atmosphere, non-LTE effects may be required to explain the unexpectedly weak detection of sodium by Charbonneau et al.\\ (2002), as proposed by Barman et al.\\ (2002) and Fortney et al.\\ (2003).] Obviously the limited empirical information available is not sufficient by itself to determine a realistic physical exosphere models. With these caveats, we can use a simple order-of-magnitude argument to provide an upper limit on the column density of $n=2$ neutral hydrogen that exosphere models will need to obey. In order to translate our upper limit on additional H$\\alpha$ absorption into a corresponding upper limit on the H$\\alpha$ equivalent width, we combined the in-transit spectra to form $S_{\\rm in}(\\lambda)$, and we combined the out-of-transit spectra to form $S_{\\rm out}(\\lambda)$. Then the equivalent width $W_\\lambda$ of any transit absorption feature is \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{eq:eqwid} W_\\lambda \\approx \\displaystyle \\int d\\lambda \\hspace{0.05in} \\left[ \\frac{ S_{\\rm out}(\\lambda) - S_{\\rm in}(\\lambda) } { S_{\\rm out}(\\lambda) } \\right]. \\end{eqnarray} Performing the integral over the 5~\\AA\\ band described in the previous section, we find $W_{{\\rm H}\\alpha} < 1.7$~m\\AA. If we further assume that the fraction of the stellar surface covered by the exosphere is $\\Delta A / A \\approx 0.15$ (as estimated from the Ly$\\alpha$ result), then the null result implies that H$\\alpha$ absorption is weak, and the corresponding limit on the column density of $n=2$ atoms ($N_2$) is determined via \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{eq:halpha-width} \\left( \\frac{\\Delta A}{A} \\right) W_{{\\rm H}\\alpha} = \\frac{\\pi e^2}{m c^2} f_{23} \\lambda_{{\\rm H}\\alpha}^2 N_2, \\end{eqnarray} where $f_{23}\\approx 0.641$ is the oscillator strength of the $n=2\\rightarrow 3$ transition. The resulting limit is $N_2 < 1.0\\times 10^9$~cm$^{-2}$. In principle, $N_1$ could be estimated from the Ly$\\alpha$ decrement observed during transits, and the ratio $N_2/N_1$ could be related to the H~{\\sc i} excitation temperature. In reality, $N_1$ is highly uncertain because the absorption is probably saturated, and the line profile is unobservable due to interstellar absorption and geocoronal emission. However, any exosphere model that specifies $N_1$ is constrained by our results to have a maximum excitation temperature $T_{\\rm ex}$, according to the relation \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{eq:n1n2ratio2} \\frac{N_2}{N_1} = \\frac{g_2}{g_1} \\exp \\left(-\\frac{E_2 - E_1}{kT_{\\rm ex}} \\right) = 4\\hspace{0.03in} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{10.2~{\\rm eV}}{kT_{\\rm ex}}\\right). \\end{eqnarray} This constraint appears to be important in the context of recently proposed models in which the exosphere is very hot and hydrodynamically escaping, as argued below. The temperature of the lower atmosphere of HD~209458b is likely to be near the radiative effective temperature, $T_{\\rm eff} \\approx 10^3$~K, at which the $n=2$ population predicted from equation~(\\ref{eq:n1n2ratio2}) is utterly negligible. But, as argued by Moutou et al.\\ (2001), Lammer et al.\\ (2003), and Lecavelier des Etangs et al.\\ (2004), the exosphere is likely to be significantly hotter than $T_{\\rm eff}$, just as the exosphere of Jupiter is considerably hotter than its lower atmosphere ($\\sim$10$^3$~K vs.\\ 150~K; see, e.g., Atreya 1986). Lammer et al.\\ (2003) found that close-in gas giant planets could have exospheric temperatures up to $10^4$~K due to intense X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) irradiation. Depending on the density of neutral hydrogen and other factors, such a hot exosphere could produce detectable H$\\alpha$ absorption in violation of our constraint. For example, Lecavelier des Etangs et al.\\ (2004) presented 3 models for the thermosphere and exosphere of HD~209458b. In each case they specified the density profile of neutral hydrogen and computed the size and shape of the exosphere as a function of kinetic temperature $T_{\\rm k}$, taking tidal distortion into account. For the specific case of Model A, the density is $n_{\\rm H I}=2\\times 10^9$~cm$^{-3}$ at the base of the thermosphere, and decreases with radius according to the barometric law. We computed the average column density $N_1$ within the annulus reaching from the thermobase to the Roche radius, and then used equation~(\\ref{eq:n1n2ratio2}) to translate our upper limit on $N_2$ into an upper limit on the excitation temperature, finding $T_{\\rm ex} < 8000$~K. By comparison, Lecavelier des Etangs et al.\\ (2004) found that $T_{\\rm k}> 8000$~K in order to produce an escape rate of $10^{10}$~g~s$^{-1}$ [the lower limit inferred by Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ (2003)], and $T_{\\rm k}> 11100$~K through a simulation of EUV heating. Of course, one would not necessarily expect $T_{\\rm ex} \\approx T_{\\rm k}$ in the tenuous thermosphere and exosphere, because of departures from LTE; in general, $T_{\\rm ex}$ is neither an upper bound nor a lower bound on $T_{\\rm k}$. The $n=2$ state may be depopulated when collisions are infrequent, and likewise, whatever process accelerates the gas to $\\sim$100~km~s$^{-1}$ may overpopulate the $n=2$ state via recombination cascades and Ly$\\alpha$ resonant trapping. A full non-LTE exosphere model will need to accommodate the resulting upper limit on the excitation temperature. In summary, we have used high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio Subaru-HDS optical spectra to search for excess Balmer H$\\alpha$ absorption during a transit of the extrasolar planet HD~209458b. No excess absorption was detected. Our upper limit is two orders of magnitude below the Ly$\\alpha$ absorption reported by Vidal-Madjar et al.\\ (2003, 2004). It may be difficult to improve upon this limit with ground-based instruments, given the difficulty of correcting for telluric and instrumental spectral variations. However, there should be no obstacle to improving upon our limit with space-based spectroscopy, and we are aware that such an effort is underway using data from the Hubble Space Telescope (Charbonneau, D., private communication). The current result, and any future refinements, will be useful in the further development of models for the escape of the hot exospheres of close-in gas giant planets. \\bigskip We are very grateful to Yutaka Abe, Dave Charbonneau, Bruce Draine, Bob Kurucz, Avi Loeb, Paul Martini, Dimitar Sasselov, and Motohide Tamura, for helpful consultations. This work is based on data from the Subaru Telescope, which is operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. We wish to recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Mauna Kea has always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. \\bigskip" }, "0404/nucl-th0404089_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of neutron stars (NS). For the hadronic sector, we use a microscopic equation of state (EOS) involving nucleons and hyperons derived within the Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone many-body theory, with realistic two-body and three-body forces. For the description of quark matter, we employ both the MIT bag model with a density dependent bag constant, and the color dielectric model. We calculate the structure of NS interiors with the EOS comprising both phases, and we find that the NS maximum masses are never larger than 1.7 solar masses, no matter the model chosen for describing the pure quark phase. ", "introduction": "The appearence of quark matter in the interior of massive neutron stars (NS) is one of the main issues in the physics of these compact objects. Calculations of NS structure, based on a microscopic nucleonic equation of state (EOS), indicate that for the heaviest NS, close to the maximum mass (about two solar masses), the central particle density reaches values larger than $1/\\rm fm^{3}$. In this density range the nucleon cores (dimension $\\approx 0.5\\;\\rm fm$) start to touch each other, and it is hard to imagine that only nucleonic degrees of freedom can play a role. On the contrary, it can be expected that even before reaching these density values, the nucleons start to loose their identity, and quark degrees of freedom are excited at a macroscopic level. Unfortunately it is not straightforward to predict the relevance of quark degrees of freedom in the interior of NS for the different physical observables, like cooling evolution, glitch characteristics, neutrino emissivity, and so on. In fact, the other NS components can mask the effects coming directly from quark matter. In some cases the properties of quark and nucleonic matter are not very different, and a clear observational signal of the presence of the deconfined phase inside a NS is indeed hard to find. The value of the maximum mass of NS is probably one of the physical quantities that are most sensitive to the presence of quark matter in NS. If the quark matter EOS is quite soft, the quark component is expected to appear in NS and to affect appreciably the maximum mass value. In this case the maximum mass is expected to be slightly larger than the observational limit (1.44 solar masses of the so-called Taylor pulsar \\cite{taylor}). The observation of a large NS mass (larger than 2 solar masses) would imply, on the contrary, that the EOS of NS matter is stiff enough to keep the maximum mass at this large values. Purely nucleonic EOS are able to accomodate masses comparable with these large values \\cite{gle,bbb,akma}. Since the presence of non-nucleonic degrees of freedom, like hyperons and quarks, tends usually to soften considerably the EOS with respect to purely nucleonic matter, thus lowering the mass value, their appearence would be incompatible with observations. The large value of the mass could then be explained only if both hyperonic and quark matter EOS are stiffer than expected. In particular, the quark EOS should be assumed to be stiff enough to render the deconfined phase energetically disfavoured. In this paper we will discuss this issue in detail. Unfortunately, while the microscopic theory of the nucleonic EOS has reached a high degree of sophistication, the quark matter EOS is poorly known at zero temperature and at the high baryonic density appropriate for NS. One has, therefore, to rely on models of quark matter, which contain a high degree of uncertainity. The best one can do is to compare the predictions of different models and to estimate the uncertainty of the results for the NS matter as well as for the NS structure and mass. In this paper we will use a definite nucleonic EOS, which has been developed on the basis of nuclear matter many-body theory, and two different models for the quark EOS, and compare the results. Confrontation with previous calculations shall also be discussed. The paper is organized as follows. In section \\ref{s:bhf} we review the determination of the baryonic EOS comprising nucleons and hyperons in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach. Section \\ref{s:qm} concerns the quark matter EOS according to the MIT bag model and the color dielectric model (CDM). In section \\ref{s:res} we present the results regarding neutron star structure combining the baryonic and quark matter EOS for beta-stable nuclear matter. Section \\ref{s:end} contains our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:end} In this article we determine the structure of neutron stars, combining the most recent microscopic baryonic EOS in the BHF approach involving three-body forces and hyperons with different effective models describing the quark matter phase. Without allowing for the presence of quark matter, the maximum neutron star mass remains below 1.3 solar masses, due to the strong softening effect of the hyperons on the EOS, compensating the repulsive character of nucleonic TBF at high density. The presence of quark matter inside the star is required in order to reach larger maximum masses. We introduced a density dependent bag parameter $B(\\rho)$ in the MIT model in order to explore the maximum NS mass that can be reached in this approach. We compare with calculations using a fixed bag constant and using the color dielectric model. Joining the corresponding EOS with the baryonic one, all three quark models yield maximum masses in the range $(1.5,\\ldots,1.6)\\;M_\\odot$, while predicting slightly different radii. Our results for the maximum masses are in line with other recent calculations of neutron star properties employing various phenomenological relativistic mean field nuclear EOS together with either effective mass bag model \\cite{bag} or Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model \\cite{njl} EOS for quark matter. The value of the maximum mass of neutron stars obtained according to our analysis appears rather robust with respect to the uncertainties of the nuclear and the quark matter EOS. Therefore, the experimental observation of a very heavy ($M \\gtrsim 1.7 M_\\odot$) neutron star, as claimed recently by some groups \\cite{kaaret} ($M \\approx 2.2\\;M_\\odot$), if confirmed, would suggest that either serious problems are present for the current theoretical modelling of the high-density phase of nuclear matter, or that the assumptions about the phase transition between hadron and quark phase are substantially wrong. In both cases, one can expect a well defined hint on the high density nuclear matter EOS." }, "0404/astro-ph0404432_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Neutrino-matter cross sections and interaction rates are central to the core-collapse supernova phenomenon and, very likely, to the viability of the explosion mechanism itself. In this paper, we describe the major neutrino scattering, absorption, and production processes that together influence the outcome of core collapse and the cooling of protoneutron stars. One focus is on energy redistribution and many-body physics, but our major goal is to provide a useful resource for those interested in supernova neutrino microphysics. ", "introduction": "Supernova explosions are one major means by which elements are injected into the interstellar medium and, hence, into subsequent generations of stars. Therefore, supernovae are central to the chemical evolution and progressive enrichment of the universe. Most supernova explosions are the outcome of the dynamical collapse of the core of a massive star as it dies. Collapse creates high temperatures ($> 1$ MeV) and densities ($10^7$ g cm$^{-3} < \\rho < 10^{15}$ g cm$^{-3}$) and produces (``after the dust settles\") either a neutron star or a black hole. Under such extreme thermodynamic conditions, neutrinos are produced in abundance. The mechanism of core-collapse supernovae is thought to depend upon the transfer of energy from the inner core to the outer mantle of the iron core of the massive star. Neutrinos seem to be the mediators of this energy transfer. Therefore, to fully understand core-collapse supernova explosions one must have a firm handle on the physics of neutrino production, absorption, and scattering. In this paper, we summarize the neutrino-matter cross sections and the neutrino production rates in the core-collapse context. Some of this discussion can already be found in Burrows (2001). We do not attempt to explain the hydrodynamics of supernova explosions, but do try to present the relevant neutrino processes that play a role. For the former, the reader is referred to \\cite{nature}, \\cite{bhf_1995}, \\cite{lieben2001}, \\cite{lieben20012}, \\cite{rampp20022}, \\cite{buras2003}, and Thompson, Burrows, \\& Pinto (2003). In \\S\\ref{stimabs}, we present a physical derivation of stimulated absorption and then in \\S\\ref{cross6} we summarize the basic neutrino-matter cross sections. In \\S\\ref{section:inelastic}, we discuss the neutrino-electron scattering kernel, along with a simple treatment of the collision integral. In \\S\\ref{freegas}, we provide the relativisitic formalism for inelastic neutrino-electron and neutrino-nucleon scattering processes and energy redistribution for non-interacting nucleons. This is followed in \\S\\ref{strongandeandm} with a discussion of the alternate, more powerful, formalism for determining differential interaction rates and redistribution in the many-body context, namely that of dynamical structure factors. The role of strong and electromagnetic interactions between nucleons and leptons is explored, as well as collective excitations of the medium. Source terms for electron-positron annihilation (\\S\\ref{eplus}), neutrino-anti-neutrino annihilation (\\S\\ref{paira}), and nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung (\\S\\ref{bremsst}) cap off our review of the major processes of relevance in core-collapse simulations. ", "conclusions": "The processes that have been described in this paper are essential elements of the neutrino-driven supernova explosion mechanism. Coupling these with radiation-hydrodynamics codes, an equation of state, beta-decay and electron capture microphysics, and nuclear rates, one explores the viability of various scenarios for the explosion of the cores of massive stars (Liebend\\\"orfer et al. 2001ab; Rampp \\& Janka 2000,2002). Recently, Thompson, Burrows, \\& Pinto (2003) have incorporated this neutrino microphysics into simulations of 1D (spherical) core collapse and have investigated the effects on the dynamics, luminosities, and emergent spectra of weak magnetism/recoil, nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung, inelastic neutrino-electron scattering, and a host of the cross section corrections described above. The character of the spectra reflect the opacities and sources. In particular, the energy hardness hierarchy from $\\nu_e$ (softer) to $\\nu_{\\mu}$ (harder) neutrinos is clearly manifest, as is the distinction between the $\\nu_e$ pre-breakout and post-breakout spectra. To date, none of the detailed 1D simulations that have been performed explodes and it may be that multi-dimensional effects play a pivotal role in the explosion mechanism (Herant et al.~1994; Burrows, Hayes, \\& Fryxell 1995; Janka \\& M\\\"uller 1996; Fryer et al. 1999; Fryer \\& Warren 2002). Be that as it may, an understanding of neutrino-matter interactions remains central to unraveling one of the key mysteries of the nuclear universe in which we live." }, "0404/astro-ph0404604_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Abell 1758 was classified as a single rich cluster of galaxies by Abell, but a ROSAT observation showed that this system consists of two distinct clusters (A1758N and A1758S) separated by approximately $8\\arcmin$ (a projected separation of 2~Mpc in the rest frame of the clusters). Only a few galaxy redshifts have been published for these two clusters, but the redshift of the Fe lines in the Chandra and XMM-Newton spectra shows that the recessional velocities of A1758N and A1758S are within 2,100~km~s$^{-1}$. Thus, these two clusters most likely form a gravitationally bound system, but our imaging and spectroscopic analyses of the X-ray data do not reveal any sign of interaction between the two clusters. The Chandra and XMM-Newton observations show that A1758N and A1758S are both undergoing major mergers. A1758N is in the late stages of a large impact parameter merger between two 7~keV clusters. The two remnant cores have a projected separation of 800~kpc. Based on the measured pressure jumps preceding the two cores, they are receding from one another at less than 1,600~km~s$^{-1}$. The two cores are surrounded by hotter gas ($\\mathrm{kT}=9$--12~keV) that was probably shock heated during the early stages of the merger. The gas entropy in the two remnant cores is comparable with the central entropy observed in dynamically relaxed clusters, indicating that the merger-induced shocks stalled as they tried to penetrate the high pressure cores of the two merging systems. Each core also has a wake of low entropy gas indicating that this gas was ram pressure stripped without being strongly shocked. A1758S is undergoing a more symmetric (lower impact parameter) merger between two 5 keV clusters. The two remnant cores are nearly coincident as seen in projection on the sky. The two cores are surrounded by hotter gas (9--11 keV) which was probably shock heated during the merger. Based on the pressure jumps preceding the two cores, they must have a relative velocity of less than 1,400~km~s$^{-1}$. Unlike A1758N, there is no evidence for wakes of low entropy gas. ", "introduction": "Chandra observations over the past few years have shown that clusters of galaxies are dynamically complex systems. These observations have shown that the hot gas in clusters is frequently perturbed by cluster mergers and nuclear outbursts and motion of the central dominant galaxy. Cluster mergers generate hydrodynamic shocks, cold fronts (contact discontinuities), and filaments (Markevitch et al.\\ 2000; Vikhlinin, Markevitch, \\& Murray 2001a; Markevitch et al.\\ 2002; Mazzotta et al.\\ 2002; Mazzotta, Fusco-Femiano, \\& Vikhlinin 2002; Kempner, Sarazin, \\& Ricker 2002). Residual motion or ``sloshing'' of the central dominant galaxy in clusters can also produce cold fronts and possibly wakes of stripped or cooled gas (Fabian et al.\\ 2001; Markevitch, Vikhlinin, \\& Mazzotta 2001). These discoveries have helped illuminate the roles of magnetohydrodynamics and transport processes during cluster mergers. The observed sharpness of cold fronts shows that thermal conduction is highly suppressed in these regions (Ettori \\& Fabian 2000; Vikhlinin, Markevitch, \\& Murray 2001a). The robustness of merging cores demonstrates that the growth of hydrodynamic instabilities is also suppressed, possibly by the compression of ambient magnetic fields along cold fronts and the subsequent increase in magnetic surface tension (Vikhlinin, Markevitch, \\& Murray 2001b). A full understanding of recent Chandra observations of clusters provides a significant challenge for future numerical simulations, which must resolve structure on scales of a few kpc and include the effects of magnetic fields. While Abell 1758 was classified as a single cluster by Abell (1958), Rosat images show that there are two distinct clusters (A1758N and A1758S) separated by approximately $8\\arcmin$ (Rizza et al.\\ 1998). Abell 1758N is a hot ($\\rm{kT} \\sim$~9--10~keV; Mushotzky \\& Scharf 1997) and X-ray luminous cluster ($L_{bol}=2.9 \\times 10^{45}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$; David, Jones, \\& Forman 1999). No temperature information is available for A1758S in the literature, but it is only slightly less luminous than A1758N ($L_{bol}=2.0 \\times 10^{45}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$; David, Jones, \\& Forman 1999). The Rosat HRI image shows that both A1758N and A1758S are highly disturbed systems (Rizza et al.\\ 1998). A1758N has two X-ray peaks separated by approximately $3\\arcmin$, while the centroid of A1758S is offset from the centroid of the large scale emission by approximately $1\\arcmin$. A1758N hosts one of the most powerful NAT radio sources known (O'Dea \\& Owen 1985, Rizza et al.\\ 1998). Head-tail and NAT radio galaxies are most common in clusters with perturbed X-ray morphologies and are probably produced as radio galaxies move through cluster atmospheres at high velocities (Burns et al.\\ 1994). One of the X-ray peaks in A1758N is centered on a diffuse radio halo (Kempner \\& Sarazin 2001), which is further evidence for a recent major merger. \\begin{figure*} \\plotone{f1.eps} \\caption{Adaptively smoothed, exposure corrected mosaic of the 3 XMM-Newton EPIC cameras. The image spans $16\\arcmin$ on a side (4.1~Mpc at the redshift of the cluster). }\\label{fig:xmm_mosaic} \\end{figure*} In this paper, we present Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of A1758. By utilizing Chandra's high spatial resolution and XMM-Newton's large throughput, we can search for signs of interaction between A1758N and A1758S and investigate the present status of the mergers in the two systems. This paper is organized in the following manner. In $\\S 2$ we discuss the details of our Chandra and XMM-Newton data analysis. Section 3 contains a discussion about the large scale X-ray properties of A1758 and a search for any interaction between A1758N and A1758S. We discuss the dynamic states of A1758N and A1758S separately in sections 4 and 5. Our proposed merger scenarios for the two clusters are summarized in $\\S 6$. We assume $\\mathrm{H_0}=70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{M}=0.3$, and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$ throughout the paper. At a redshift of 0.279, the luminosity distance to A1758 is 1,430~Mpc, and $1\\arcsec = 4.24$~kpc. ", "conclusions": "The optically rich cluster Abell 1758 is located in a dynamically active region that contains two hot and X-ray luminous clusters (A1758N and A1758S) with recessional velocities within 2,100~km~s$^{-1}$ and within a projected separation of 2~Mpc. These two systems are most likely gravitationally bound, but there is no evidence for any interaction between the two gaseous atmospheres in the X-ray data. The X-ray morphologies of A1758N and A1758S are very complex indicating that both systems are undergoing major mergers. A1758N is in the later stages of a large impact parameter merger between two 7~keV clusters, while A1758S is in the earlier stages of a merger between two 5~keV clusters. A1758N contains two low entropy cores that were not strongly shocked during the merger. The robustness of the two cores in A1758N indicates that the core of the dark matter distribution in the two clusters is smaller than approximately 100 kpc. Each of these cores has a preceding cold front (separating the low entropy cores and shock heated gas) and a wake of low entropy gas. The surface brightness profiles of the gas preceding the two cold fronts in A1758N are well represented by broken power-laws. The slope of the outer power-law is consistent with the slope typically found in the outskirts of rich clusters. The gas temperature preceding the NW subcluster in A1758N increases with increasing distance from the cold front. A different trend would be observed if the break in the surface brightness was produced by a shock. Based on the X-ray morphology of A1758N, we propose that both systems have undergone significant deflections during their merger. Thus, these systems would have propagated through a broad range of ambient gas pressures producing a broad range of shock strengths. The lower temperature gas located directly in front of the NW subcluster may have been shocked as the two cores passed close to one another while the gas pressure was high. As the two systems receded from one another into lower pressure gas, the shock strength would increase producing higher post-shocked temperatures. The chaotic entropy distribution of the gas in A1758N will drive a significant redistribution of the energy deposited by the merger shock via convection. A1758S is undergoing a major merger between two 5 keV clusters. The X-ray morphology of A1758S is very similar to that seen in A2142 (Markevitch et al.\\ 2000). The cores of the two subclusters are nearly coincident on the plane of the sky. The X-ray morphology of A1758S is more symmetric than the morphology in A1758N, suggesting that the merger in A1758S is more nearly head-on. Both subclusters in A1758S are preceded by cold fronts, which in turn are surrounding by hotter gas that was probably shock heated during the merger. The upper limits on the pressure jump across the two cold fronts indicate that the relative velocity between the two subclusters must be less than 1,400~km~s$^{-1}$. The two cores in A1758S have radii of 200 kpc and 350 kpc, compared to 80 and 115 kpc in A1758N, indicating that these cores have not experienced as much ram pressure stripping. This is consistent with A1758S being in the earlier stages of a merger, especially if the merger in A1758S is nearly head-on. There is also no evidence in the XMM-Newton data for low entropy wakes in A1758S, which probably indicates that all of the gas that has been stripped from the two cores was shocked while it was being stripped. This is also reasonable since ram pressure stripping should be the most violent during the early stages of a merger while the outer, lower pressure gas is being stripped. Abell 1758 is a remarkable system with 4 subclusters hotter than 5 keV within a region of 2~Mpc. Using the simulations of Randall, Sarazin, \\& Ricker (2002) as a guide, the final virialized temperature of A1758 should be about 12 keV. We are thus witnessing the formation of a cluster which will rank among the hottest and most massive clusters found in the local universe." }, "0404/astro-ph0404097_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The binary system $\\gamma^2$ Velorum (WC8+O7.5) contains the nearest known Wolf-Rayet star to the Sun, at a distance of 258$_{-31}^{+41}$~pc. Its strong radio emission shows evidence for a partially absorbed nonthermal component, which has been interpreted as synchrotron emission from electrons accelerated in the colliding wind region. Inverse Compton cooling of these electrons in the intense UV radiation field from the O-type companion star could produce a significant hard X-ray and $\\gamma$-ray emission, whose flux depends on the ratio of the energy densities of magnetic to seed photon fields. The Vela region was observed with the {\\it INTEGRAL} satellite in 2003, as part of the Core Programme. No signals from $\\gamma^2$ Vel are detected in the images obtained with the IBIS/ISGRI coded aperture instrument in the energy ranges 20--40 and 40--80 keV. From the derived 3$\\sigma$ upper limits, we show that the average magnetic field near the region of stellar wind collision should be relatively high, $B$$\\gsim$1~G. The high-energy emission of $\\gamma^2$ Vel might be detected with the forthcoming {\\it GLAST} experiment. ", "introduction": "Radio continuum measurements of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars have revealed at least ten sources with nonthermal (NT) emission, which presumably originates from an interaction between the WR stellar wind and the wind from a massive companion star (Chapman et al. 1999, and references therein). The observed NT radio spectra and luminosities are well explained as synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons accelerated at strong shocks in the colliding wind region (Eichler and Usov 1993). Benaglia and Romero (2003) have recently studied the production of $\\gamma$-ray emission in the binary systems WR~140, WR~146 and WR~147. They showed that inverse Compton (IC) scattering of the accelerated electrons in the strong photon fields of the early-type stars could produce $\\gamma$-ray fluxes above the {\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS continuum sensitivity. In the case of WR~140, they also showed that the expected high-energy emission can account for the unidentified EGRET source 3EG J2022+4317. In the present paper, we consider the relatively close (i.e. with short orbital period $P_{orb}$=78.53~days) binary system $\\gamma^2$ Velorum (=WR~11, van der Hucht 2001). With a distance of 258$_{-31}^{+41}$~pc, as determined from {\\it Hipparcos} parallax measurements, this WC8+O7.5 binary contains the nearest WR star to the Sun. Radio and millimetre observations of $\\gamma^2$ Vel essentially revealed the strong thermal emission from the WR ionized wind (e.g. Leitherer et al. 1997). However, Chapman et al. (1999) found a significant steepening of the radio spectral index between 3 and 20~cm, which they interpreted as evidence for a highly attenuated NT component originating in the colliding wind region, well within the radio photosphere of the WR star (Chapman et al. 1999). This contrasts with the wider binary systems studied by Benaglia and Romero (2003), for which the free-free absorption of the NT radio emission by the WR wind is less important. The existence of strong shocks in the colliding wind region of $\\gamma^2$ Vel is also supported by X-ray observations (Skinner et al. 2001, and references therein). In particular, {\\it ROSAT} and {\\it ASCA} data have revealed a hot plasma emission ($kT$$\\gsim$1~keV) with a strong phase-locked variability, which was interpreted as a colliding wind shock emission originating deep within the dense and opaque WR wind, and showing significantly less photoelectric absorption at orbital phases when the cavity around the O-type companion star crosses the line of sight (Rauw et al. 2000, and references therein). The model for the high-energy emission from the stellar wind collisions in $\\gamma^2$ Vel is described in the next section. In Sect.~3, we present the {\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS observations. The results are discussed in Sect.~4. ", "conclusions": "The high-energy IC radiation of $\\gamma^2$ Vel, which should accompany the synchrotron radio emission revealed by the ATCA data, is not detected with IBIS/ISGRI. A possible explanation is that the average magnetic field near the region of stellar wind collision is relatively high. Assuming that the intrinsic NT radio emission does not significantly vary over the orbital cycle, we obtain from the IBIS/ISGRI 3$\\sigma$ upper limits $B$$\\gsim$1~G (see Fig.~2). However, a significant variation of the NT radio emission is observed in the well-studied binary WR~140. From 8 years of monitoring the radio flux of WR~140 with the VLA, White and Becker (1995) have shown that the intrinsic NT component (before attenuation by free-free absorption) seems to become weaker near periastron, which is not expected in the model of spherically symmetric colliding winds. They proposed a new model in which the WR wind is strongly enhanced in the star equatorial disk. Such an effect could exist in the eccentric binary $\\gamma^2$ Vel as well, and radio and $\\gamma$-ray observations at the same orbital phases are required to specify the parameters of stellar wind collisions. The forthcoming $\\gamma$-ray telescope {\\it GLAST} might detect the $\\gsim$20~MeV IC emission of $\\gamma^2$ Vel, provided that the proximity of the very bright Vela pulsar does not induce a contamination problem. For an estimated 3$\\sigma$ sensitivity $S_{ph}$$\\times$$E_{ph}^2$$\\sim$0.4~eV~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ at 100~MeV (for one year of observation and $\\Delta E_{ph}$=$E_{ph}$), the IC counterpart of the NT radio emission could be observed if the average magnetic field near the colliding wind zone is $B$$\\lsim$10~G (see Fig.~2). In the case of a positive detection, it casts no doubt that $\\gamma^2$ Vel would become a key object for understanding the processes of particle acceleration in binaries of early-type stars." }, "0404/astro-ph0404268_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of a new dwarf spheroidal satellite of M31, Andromeda IX, based on resolved stellar photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Using both SDSS and public archival data we have estimated its distance and other physical properties, and compared these to the properties of a previously known dwarf spheroidal companion, Andromeda V, also observed by SDSS. Andromeda IX is the lowest surface brightness galaxy found to date ($\\mu_{V,0} \\sim 26.8\\, {\\rm mag~arcsec}^{-2}$), and at the distance we estimate from the position of the tip of Andromeda IX's red giant branch, $(m - M)_0 \\sim 24.5$ (805 kpc), Andromeda IX would also be the faintest galaxy known ($M_V \\sim -8.3$). ", "introduction": "\\label{txt:intro} Hierarchical cold dark matter (CDM) models, while successful at large scales, predict too many low-mass dark subhalos to be consistent with the observed abundance of dwarf galaxies, by at least 1 -- 2 orders of magnitude \\citep[e.g.,][]{klyp99,moor99,bens02b}. This problem can be at least qualitatively addressed if star formation in low mass subsystems were inhibited, for example by photoionization in the early universe; this could lead to galaxy luminosity functions with shallow faint-end slopes at the present day \\citep[e.g.,][]{some02,bens02a}, with observed satellites embedded in much larger, more massive dark subhalos \\citep{stoe02}. Observational efforts to constrain the form of the luminosity function for faint galaxies are hindered by the extremely low surface brightnesses expected of such galaxies \\citep[$\\mu_{V} \\gtrsim 26\\, {\\rm mag~arcsec}^{-2}$, e.g.,][]{cald99,bens02b}. Conducting a comprehensive ground-based survey for such diffuse objects would be extremely difficult even in nearby galaxy groups. Fortunately, in the case of the Local Group (LG), galaxies can be resolved into stars, allowing one to reach much fainter limits \\citep[e.g.,][]{ferg02} and potentially place strong constraints on both the LG luminosity function and galactic formation models. In this letter, we report the discovery, using resolved stellar data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), of a new dwarf spheroidal companion to M31, one which is the lowest luminosity, lowest surface brightness galaxy found to date. For this work, we have assumed a distance to M31 of 760\\,kpc \\citep[$(m - M)_0 = 24.4$;][]{vand99}. ", "conclusions": "And IX is the lowest surface brightness, lowest luminosity galaxy found to date, with a metallicity comparable to the least chemically-evolved stellar systems in the LG; its distance from the center of M31, $\\sim 45$ kpc, places it well within, e.g., the virial radius (272 kpc) assumed by \\citet{bens02b} in their models, indicating that it is in all likelihood a satellite of that galaxy. At an absolute magnitude of $M_V \\sim -8.3$ ($\\sim 2 \\times 10^5$ L$_{\\odot}$), And IX is comparable in luminosity to many globular clusters, although two orders of magnitude larger ($r \\gtrsim 500 {\\rm pc}$) . Given that current hierarchical CDM models for galaxy formation still generate a satellite galaxy luminosity function which rises at low luminosities (albeit with a shallower slope than some earlier models), the discovery of And IX raises some interesting questions. Is And IX a rarity, one of a small number of such extremely low luminosity galaxies in the LG, with the vast majority of the predicted large numbers of low mass subhalos surviving only as dark matter? Or could And IX be the tip of the iceberg, representative of a large population of low luminosity dwarf satellites that have remained undetected because of their extremely low surface brightnesses \\citep[e.g.,][]{bens02b}? The discovery of And IX \\citep[like that of And NE,][]{zuck04a} also highlights the capabilities of large-scale imaging surveys with uniform photometry, like SDSS, for detecting incredibly diffuse stellar structures in the LG using their resolved stellar components \\citep[see][for a detailed discussion]{will02}. If And IX is but one of a large population of extremely faint M31 satellites, it is quite likely that further analysis of the SDSS data will yield more such objects, bringing the observed galaxy luminosity function into better agreement with model predictions." }, "0404/astro-ph0404024_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of the scattered emission from a hidden broad-line region (BLR) in a Seyfert 2 galaxy, Mrk 573, based on our recent spectropolarimetric observation performed at the Subaru Telescope. This object has been regarded as a type 2 AGN without a hidden BLR by the previous observations. However, our high quality spectrum of the polarized flux of Mrk 573 shows prominent broad ($\\sim$3000 km s$^{-1}$) H$\\alpha$ emission, broad weak H$\\beta$ emission, and subtle Fe {\\sc ii} multiplet emission. Our new detection of these indications for the presence of the hidden BLR in the nucleus of Mrk 573 is thought to be owing to the high signal-to-noise ratio of our data, but the possibility of a time variation of the scattered BLR emission is also mentioned. Some diagnostic quantities such as the $IRAS$ color, the radio power, and the line ratio of the emission from the narrow-line region of Mrk 573 are consistent with the distributions of such quantities of type 2 AGNs with a hidden BLR. Mrk 573 is thought to be an object whose level of the AGN activity is the weakest among the type 2 AGNs with a hidden BLR. In terms of the systematic differences between the type 2 AGNs with and without a hidden BLR, we briefly comment on an interesting Seyfert 2 galaxy, Mrk 266SW, which may possess a hidden BLR but has been treated as a type 2 AGNs without a hidden BLR. ", "introduction": "\\begin{deluxetable}{lcccc} \\tablenum{1} \\tablecaption{Polarization Properties of Stars near the Line-of-Sight of Mrk 573\\tablenotemark{a}} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Star Name} & \\colhead{Separation} & \\colhead{Distance} & \\colhead{Pol. Degree} & \\colhead{Pol. Angle} \\\\ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{(arcmin)} & \\colhead{(parsec)} & \\colhead{(\\%)} & \\colhead{(deg)} } \\startdata HD 9740 & 103 & 436 & 0.33 & 122.5 \\nl HD 10441 & 155 & 316 & 0.30 & 128.4 \\nl adopted &\\nodata&\\nodata& 0.32 & 125 \\enddata \\tablenotetext{a}{Data are taken from Heiles (2000).} \\end{deluxetable} After the discovery of scattered broad permitted lines in the polarized spectra of a Seyfert 2 galaxy (hereafter Sy2) NGC 1068 (Antonucci \\& Miller 1985), many attempts have been made to detect the polarized broad lines in type-2 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) up to now (e.g., Miller \\& Goodrich 1990; Tran, Miller, \\& Kay 1992; Young et al. 1993; Tran, Cohen, \\& Goodrich 1995; Tran 1995; Young et al. 1996; Kay \\& Moran 1998; Barth, Filippenko, \\& Moran 1999a, 1999b; Tran, Cohen, \\& Villar-Martin 2000; Kishimoto et al. 2001; Tran 2001; Lumsden et al. 2001). This is because the presence of scattered broad permitted lines is promising evidence for the AGN unified model, in which both the type-1 and type-2 AGNs possess a broad-line region (BLR) in their nucleus (see Antonucci 1993 for a review). Although the scattered BLR emission has been found in many type-2 AGNs, it is now recognized that Sy2s do not always exhibit broad lines in the polarized spectra (see, e.g., Tran 2001). Does this suggest that not all Sy2s possess a BLR in their nucleus? This is very important issue because the presence of the two distinct populations of Sy2s, i.e., Sy2s with and without a BLR, is inconsistent to the simple AGN unified model. Heisler, Lumsden, \\& Bailey (1997) proposed that this dichotomy can be understood in the framework of the unified model if the scattering region resides very close to the nucleus and its visibility depends on the viewing angle (see also, e.g., Taniguchi \\& Anabuki 1999). On the other hand, Tran (2001) reported that the amount of the obscuration toward the central engine is indistinguishable between the Sy2s with and without polarized BLR emission (see also Alexander 2001). This suggests the presence of AGNs without BLRs (see, e.g., Heckman et al. 1995; Dultzin-Hacyan et al. 1999; Gu, Maiolino, \\& Dultzin-Hacyan 2001), which contradicts the current simple unified model. Investigating this issue further is crucially important not only to examine the AGN unified model but also to understand the nature of AGN phenomena themselves. In order to discuss this issue, we should recognize correctly which Sy2 possesses a hidden BLR and which Sy2 does not. Here we report a clear detection of the hidden BLR in a Sy2, Mrk 573, which has been regarded as a Sy2 {\\it without} a hidden BLR (Tran 2001, 2003; see also Kay 1994). Its heliocentric radial velocity is 5156 $\\pm$ 90 km s$^{-1}$ (Whittle et al. 1988), giving a projected linear scale of 0.33 $h_{75}^{-1}$ kpc for 1 arcsec. ", "conclusions": "To examine the AGN unified model is one of the most interesting issues toward understanding the nature of the AGN phenomena. Thus various comparative studies between Sy2s with and without the polarized BLR emission have been performed up to now (e.g., Heisler et al. 1997; Awaki et al. 2000; Gu et al. 2001; Thean et al. 2001; Lumsden et al. 2001; Tran 2001, 2003; Gu \\& Huang 2002). In such studies, Mrk 573 has been regarded as a Sy2 without a hidden BLR. However it is now evident that Mrk 573 surely possesses a hidden BLR in its nucleus. If this kind of misclassification occurs frequently, the previous comparative studies would become rather senseless. Therefore the reason of the misclassification should be discussed here. Kay (1994) presented the results of the spectropolarimetric observations for Mrk 573 which were performed in November 1987 -- December 1989. Although it was mentioned that the H$\\beta$ and the H$\\gamma$ emission in the polarized flux spectrum of Mrk 573 might be slightly broader than those in the total flux spectrum, it could not be concluded because the observation did not cover the H$\\alpha$ wavelength range. It is therefore crucially important for exploring the hidden BLRs to investigate the profiles of the polarized H$\\alpha$ emission, which is the easiest spectral feature to access the hidden BLR. It should be mentioned that, however, there may be a possibility that the scattered BLR emission is temporary variable. Although there are some reports that the scattered BLR emission of type-1 AGNs varies in a few years (e.g., Young et al. 1999; Smith et al. 2002; Nagao et al. 2004), there is no report of finding a significant temporal variation of the scattered broad BLR emission in Sy2s, so far. This is thought to be partly because the scattered photons cannot be observed due to the obscuration by a dusty tori if the scattering region resides at very close to the nucleus, as for Sy2s. Thus we can see only the polarized light scattered at far from the nucleus with a distance larger than the scale height of dusty tori, $\\sim$1 pc or more (e.g., Taniguchi \\& Murayama 1998). Therefore, we cannot detect the temporal variation of scattered BLR emission of Sy2s unless we monitor the spectropolarimetric data for several years at least. As for Mrk 573, the comparison of the spectropolarimetric data obtained at epochs separated $\\sim$15 years may enable us to access the temporal properties of the scattered BLR emission. If this is the case, most of the polarization of the hidden BLR in Mrk 573 is caused at the region within several pc from the nucleus where the obscuration by the dusty torus is not significant. \\begin{figure*} \\epsscale{1.18} \\plotone{Nagao.fig05.eps} \\caption{ Diagnostic diagram of the ratio of the radio 20cm flux density to the $IRAS$ 60$\\mu$m flux vs. the $IRAS f_{25}/f_{60}$ color. The data are taken from Tran (2003). Filled and open circles denote the data of Sy2s with and without a hidden BLR, respectively. The data of Mrk 573 and Mrk 266SW are shown by a filled square and a thick circle, respectively. \\label{fig5}} \\end{figure*} Then we discuss how our finding of the hidden BLR in Mrk 573 affects the previous studies. It is known that Sy2s with a hidden BLR tend to show hotter MIR colors (i.e., higher $f_{25}/f_{60}$ ratios where $f_{25}$ and $_{60}$ are $IRAS$ 25$\\mu$m and 60$\\mu$m fluxes, respectively) than Sy2s without a hidden BLR (e.g., Heisler et al. 1997; Gu et al. 2001; Tran 2001, 2003). Although Heisler et al. (1997) interpreted this tendency as a difference of viewing angles toward a dusty torus, Alexander (2001) reported that the $f_{25}/f_{60}$ ratio is not a reliable indicator for the viewing angle (see also Murayama, Mouri, \\& Taniguchi 2000); rather it denotes the relative strength of the AGN activity compared to the nuclear star-forming activity. In order to compare the relative strength of the AGN activity between Sy2s with and without a hidden BLR, a diagnostic diagram which consists of the $f_{25}/f_{60}$ ratio and the $S_{20}/f_{60}$ ratio (where $S_{20}$ is a radio 20 cm flux density) has been used since the $S_{20}/f_{60}$ ratio is also expected to be a good indicator for the relative AGN activity strength (e.g., Tran 2001, 2003). In Figure 5, we plot the data of Tran (2003) on the diagnostic diagram of $f_{25}/f_{60}$ and $S_{20}/f_{60}$. This is basically the same as Figure 1 of Tran (2001) (see also Figure 4 of Tran 2003), but the data of Mrk 573 (and Mrk 266SW, which is discussed below) is explicitly exhibited. We can see that the data of Mrk 573 is located the edge of the correlation between the two diagnostic flux ratios for the Sy2s with a hidden BLR. Actually the $f_{25}/f_{60}$ ratio of Mrk 573 is lower than all of the Sy2s with a hidden BLR in the sample of Tran (2003), i.e., $f_{25}/f_{60} = 0.23$. Despite the low ratios of $f_{25}/f_{60}$ and $S_{20}/f_{60}$, Mrk 573 is thought not to be a peculiar object as a Sy2 with a hidden BLR because its data is consistent with the correlation between the two diagnostic flux ratios for the Sy2s with a hidden BLR. The same conclusion can be seen in other diagnostic diagram; in Figure 6, we show the diagnostic diagram of $f_{25}/f_{60}$ and [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$5007/H$\\beta$ in which the data of Tran (2003) are plotted. As reported by Tran (2001), there is a statistically significant difference in the distribution of the [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$5007/H$\\beta$ flux ratio between Sy2s with and without a hidden BLR (see also Tran 2003). Again the data of Mrk 573 is consistent with the data of the Sy2s with a hidden BLR though it is located at the edge of the distribution of the data of Sy2s with a hidden BLR in this diagram. Note that it may be a part of the reason for the undetection of the scattered BLR emission of Mrk 573 by the previous observations that the strength of the AGN activity of Mrk 573 is very weak as inferred by the diagnostic diagrams in Figures 5 and 6. Our study suggests that high-quality spectropolarimetric observations are crucial for dividing Sy2s between those with and without a hidden BLR correctly. In terms of this viewpoint, we briefly comment on an interesting Sy2, Mrk 266SW. This Sy2 has been also treated as a Sy2 without a hidden BLR (e.g., Tran 2001, 2003) but was suspected to possess the hidden BLR by Kay (1994), as well as Mrk 573. Being different from Mrk 573, however, the diagnostic quantities of Mrk 266SW are not similar to those of the Sy2s with a hidden BLR. As seen in Figures 5 and 6, Mrk 266SW shows lower [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$5007/H$\\beta$ flux ratio than all of the Sy2s with a hidden BLR in the sample of Tran (2003), and shows cooler $IRAS$ color than Mrk 573. The data of Mrk 266SW does not follow the correlation for the Sy2s with a hidden BLR seen in Figure 5. Also in the diagnostic diagram of [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$5007/H$\\beta$ vs. $f_{25}/f_{60}$, the data of Mrk 266SW is far from the data distribution of the Sy2s with a hidden BLR but is consistent to the Sy2s without a hidden BLR. Thus we can recognize that the general properties of Mrk 266SW is consistent with so-called ``pure Sy2s'', i.e., Sy2s without a BLR in its nucleus, not with Sy2s with a BLR. In order to understand the nature of the Sy2 populations, performing a high-quality spectropolarimetry for Mrk 266SW seems important to examine whether or not Mrk 266SW possesses a hidden BLR, because Mrk 266SW may be an atypical object if possesses a hidden BLR in its nucleus. \\begin{figure*} \\epsscale{1.18} \\plotone{Nagao.fig06.eps} \\caption{ Same as Figure 5 but for other diagnostics; the [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$5007/H$\\beta$ flux ratio vs. the $IRAS f_{25}/f_{60}$ color. \\label{fig6}} \\end{figure*}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404212_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent results have shown that many of the known extrasolar planetary systems contain regions which are stable for both Earth-mass and Saturn-mass planets. Here we simulate the formation of terrestrial planets in four planetary systems -- 55 Cancri, HD 38529, HD 37124, and HD 74156 -- under the assumption that these systems of giant planets are complete and that their orbits are well-determined. Assuming the giant planets formed and migrated quickly, then terrestrial planets may form from a second generation of planetesimals. In each case, Moon- to Mars-sized planetary embryos are placed in between the giant planets and evolved for 100 Myr. We find that planets form relatively easily in 55 Cnc, with masses up to 0.6 Earth masses and in some cases substantial water contents and orbits in the habitable zone. HD 38529 is likely to support an asteroid belt but no terrestrial planets of significant mass. No terrestrial planets form in HD 37124 and HD 74156, although in some cases 1-2 lone embryos survive for 100 Myr. If migration occurred later, depleting the planetesimal disk, then massive terrestrial planets are unlikely to form in any of these systems. ", "introduction": "Most planets detected to date around main sequence stars are thought to be Jovian (gaseous) in nature. This is known from their large masses, most of which are larger than 30 $\\mearth$ (although smaller planets have been detected -- e.g. Rivera \\etal, 2005), and from transit measurements of the size of HD209458b to be 1.27 Jupiter radii (Charbonneau \\etal 2000). The radial velocity technique, which is sensitive to the reflex motion of a planet's parent star, is unlikely to ever be able to detect Earth-mass planets in the habitable zones of their parent stars. The sensitivity of current surveys is 3-10 $m\\,s^{-1}$ (Butler \\etal 1996; Baranne et al. 1996; Marcy \\& Butler 1998), while the reflex velocity of the Sun due to the Earth is only about 9 $cm \\, s^{-1}$. This signal is not likely to be detected by radial velocity surveys in the near future. ESA's COROT and NASA's Kepler missions, to be launched in 2006 and 2007, respectively, hope to be the first to find Earth-like planets around other stars by looking for transits. NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and ESA's Darwin missions hope to spectroscopically characterize terrestrial planets around main sequence stars. Recent results have shown that several of the known planetary systems contain regions in between the giant planets in which massless test particles remain on stable orbits for long periods of time. Barnes \\& Raymond (2004; hereafter Paper I) mapped out these stable regions in semimajor axis $a$ and eccentricity $e$ space for HD 37124, HD 38529, HD 74156 and 55 Cnc. These regions have been mapped in $a$ space (assuming circular orbits) for $\\upsilon$ And (Rivera \\& Lissauer 2000), GJ876 (Rivera \\& Lissauer 2001) and 55 Cnc (Rivera \\& Haghighipour 2003). Menou \\& Tabachnik (2003) examined the possibility of Earth-sized planets residing in the habitable zones of known extrasolar planetary systems (including single planet systems), again using massless test particles. They find that roughly one fourth of the known systems can support a planet in the habitable zone of its parent star, as defined by Kasting, Whitmire \\& Reynolds (1993). Raymond \\& Barnes (2005; hereafter Paper II) tested the stability of Saturn-mass planets in the regions of four planetary systems in which test particles had been shown in Paper I to be stable: HD 37124, HD 38529, 55 Cnc and HD 74156. They found that for Saturn-mass planets, the stable regions identified in Paper I shrank to a small fraction of the test particle stable region. Barnes \\& Quinn (2004) tested the stability of seven known planetary systems, and found that several are on the edge of stability: a small change in orbital elements can lead to a catastrophic disruption of the system. This idea led to the ``packed planetary systems'' (PPS) hypothesis first suggested by Laskar (1996), and presented in Paper I. The PPS model suggests that all planetary systems contain as many planets as they can support without becoming unstable, and implies that if a stable region exists within a planetary system, then it should contain an additional planet. The systems studied in Paper II are not on the edge of stability, and therefore have enough ``dynamical space'' to harbor additional unseen planets. Papers I and II dealt solely with the dynamic stability of hypothetical additional planets in planetary systems. In this paper we examine the formation process of terrestrial planets in such a system. Giant planets close to their parent stars (e.g., ``hot jupiters'') are thought to form farther out in the protoplanetary disk and migrate inward via torques with the gas disk (e.g., Lin \\etal 1996). In order for a terrestrial planet to co-exist with a close-in giant planet, the terrestrial planet must either (i) form quickly and survive the inward gas giant migration, or (ii) form from material remaining after the giant planet has migrated through. The probability of a planet surviving in the terrestrial region in scenario (i) is small. Mandell \\& Sigurdsson (2003) showed that in some cases terrestrial planets can survive the migration of a Jupiter-like planet through the terrestrial zone. The fraction of planets which survive such a migration is a function of the rate of migration (faster migration implies higher survival rate), and ranges between 15\\% and 40\\%. However, only a small fraction (7-16\\%) of the surviving planets end up with orbits in the habitable zone, meaning that only 1-4\\% of terrestrial planets in the habitable zone are likely to remain on similar orbits after a migration event. A much more likely outcome is that the planet is scattered onto a highly eccentric orbit with a large semimajor axis (Fig. 3 from Mandell \\& Sigurdsson, 2003). Can terrestrial planets form from local material after a giant planet migrates through? Armitage (2003) showed that in many cases the post-migration disk of planetesimals is depleted beyond repair. However, if giant planet migration occurs quickly and early enough in the disk's lifetime, then enough time remains for a second generation of planetesimals to form (Armitage, 2003). Raymond, Quinn, \\& Lunine (2005a) argued that terrestrial accretion can therefore occur in the presence of one or more close-in giant planets via scenario (ii). Indeed, several recent results have shown that giant planets may form in less than 1 Myr via either the bottom-up, core-accretion scenario (Rice \\& Armitage 2003; Alibert, Mordasini \\& Benz, 2004; Hubickyj \\etal 2005) or the top-down, fragmentation scenario (Boss 1997; Mayer \\etal, 2002). Migration begins immediately after (or even during) formation (Lufkin \\etal, 2004) and takes $\\sim 10^5$ years or less for planet larger than 0.1 Jupiter masses (D'Angelo, Kley \\& Henning, 2003, and references therein). Raymond \\etal (2005a) show that potentially habitable, terrestrial planets can form in the presence of a close-in giant planet, assuming a substantial disk remains reforms after migration. The orbit and composition of these planets are strongly affected by the position of the giant planet. Hot/warm jupiters at larger orbital radii (up to 0.5 AU) cause the terrestrial planets to be iron-poor and in some cases drier than for closer-in giant planets, and may reduce the chances of habitable planet formation. Here we simulate the final stages in terrestrial planet formation from disks of planetary embryos in four known systems: HD 37124 (Butler \\etal, 2003), HD 38539 (Fischer \\etal, 2003), 55 Cnc (Marcy \\etal, 2002), and HD 74156 (Naef \\etal, 2004), the same four systems we examined in Paper II. We assume that embryos form via oligarchic growth (e.g., Kokubo \\& Ida 2000), and allow these bodies to accrete under their mutual gravity and the gravity of the known planets for 100-200 Myr. We explore systems in which rapid, early migration has occurred, thus leaving behind a substantial planetesimal disk (Armitage 2003). We also look at cases in which migration has occurred late in the disk lifetime, leaving behind a disk with little mass in planetesimals. In addition, we make simple comparisons with previous simulations (e.g., Raymond \\etal 2004). In $\\S$2 we describe our numerical method and initial conditions. We present the results of our simulations in $\\S$3, and conclude in $\\S$4. ", "conclusions": "Our simulations show that certain systems of giant planets are conducive to forming terrestrial planets, others are likely to contain belts of debris or asteroids, and some are not likely to contain any rocky bodies. Our systems of giant planets are drawn from observations, although we have made the important assumption that these systems are complete and have well-determined orbits. We have used slightly outdated orbital parameters in order to remain consistent with previous work (specifically papers I and II). If, for example, new values of $sin \\, i$ were determined for 55 Cnc and HD 38529, it would narrow the stable zones for additional planets and affect the region in which terrestrial planets could form. Our ``early migration'' simulations follow the reasoning of Raymond \\etal (2005a), who argue that if giant planets form and migrate in less than roughly 1 Myr, then terrestrial planets may form via accretion in the standard way from a second generation of planetesimals (Armitage, 2003). Our simulations therefore start with the gas giant planets already present, although their formation mechanism is unknown, be it core accretion (e.g. Rice \\& Armitage 2003) or gravitational collapse (e.g. Mayer \\etal 2002). In either scenario, it is likely that the giant planets formed farther out in the disk and migrated inward via interactions with the gaseous disk (e.g. Lin \\etal 1996). If giant planet migration occurred late in the evolution of protoplanetary disks, then the planetesimal disk would be severely depleted (Armitage 2003), and it is unlikely that habitable planets could form in any of the systems studied here. The largest mass of planets that form in our ``late migration'' simulations is below the predicted lower limits of 0.2-0.3 $\\mearth$ for a 'tectonic' habitable planet (Williams \\etal 1997; Raymond, Scalo \\& Meadows 2006). Late or slow migration could potentially deplete the disk by an order of magnitude more than we have simulated. Since planet mass scales roughly linearly with surface density (Wetherill 1996; Kokubo \\etal 2006), these very low mass disks aren't capable of forming planets much more massive than the Moon. Our simulations of 55 Cancri suggest that a potentially habitable planet could form {\\it in situ}. Such a planet would have a small enough eccentricity to remain in the habitable zone throughout its orbit, substantial mass and water content. However, as shown in Paper II, a Saturn-mass planet could exist on a stable orbit in the habitable zone of 55 Cnc. Such a planet may preclude the existence of habitable planet, although there remains the possibility of a habitable satellite of the giant planet (Williams \\etal 1997). The systems of terresrtial planets formed in 55 Cnc (and to a lesser extent in HD 38529) do not ressemble planets formed in preivous dynamical simulations (e.g. Agnor \\etal 1999; Chambers 2001; Raymond, Quinn \\& Lunine 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006). Indeed, previous simulations tend to include systems of giant planets similar to Jupiter and Saturn, with relatively low eccentricities. The large masses and higher eccentricities of planets in 55 Cnc and HD 38529 increase the perturbations felt by embryos, causing a much higher rate of dynamical ejection than in previous simulations. The zones in which accretion can occur correspond roughly to the stable zones from Papers I and II, and are much narrower than for systems with only an interior or exterior giant planets. Thus, planets that form in 55 Cnc and HD 38529 are significantly smaller than in previous simulations for the same mass disk. In addition, the distribution of planet masses tends to peak near the center of the stable regions from Papers I and II. Strong perturbations mark the boundaries of the stable regions, so embryos that stray from the edges are quickly ejected. The case of HD 38529 is an interesting one. Several terrestrial bodies survive in our simulations of HD 38529, but do not accrete into large planets. Despite strong giant planet perturbations, growing terrestrial planets do not reach high enough eccentricities to widen their feeding zones sufficiently to form Earth-sized planets. This is likely because the stable region from Papers I and II extends only to eccentricities of 0.15 (0.3 in some areas). Thus, planets which reach these high eccentricities are ejected rather than accreting into large terrestrial planets. We therefore speculate that a well-populated asteroid belt may exist in HD 38529, potentially including several Mars-sized planets but no Earth-sized planets. Paper II found a wide zone ($0.3-18.5$ has post-starburst/post-starforming spectra (Poggianti et al. 2004, hereafter P04). This type of spectrum (``k+a'', or ``E+A'') indicates a galaxy with no current star formation activity which was forming stars at a vigorous rate in the recent past (last 1.5 Gyr). In the $B-R$ color-magnitude diagram, a group of blue and a group of red k+a's can be easily distinguished in Coma. The average EW($\\rm H\\delta$) of the blue group is significantly stronger than that of the red group. The blue, strong k+a's most likely correspond to ``young'' k+a's (observed soon after the termination of star formation, $<$ 300 Myr) and the red, weaker k+a's are ``old'' ones (observed at a later stage of the evolution, 0.5-1.5 Gyr). \\begin{figure}% \\includegraphics{k+asmall.ps} \\caption{{\\it N.B. This plot is best viewed in color, see Poggianti et al. 2004.} Position of k+a galaxies with respect to X-ray substructure and X-ray temperature map. Only the central field of Coma is shown here, see P04 for a full map. Strong-lined k+a's with EW($\\rm H\\delta)>5$ \\AA $\\,$ are shown as light-coloured large dots, while weaker k+a's are plotted as darker large dots. Tiny black dots are dwarf Coma members with velocities $> 7200 \\, \\rm km \\, s^{-1}$. X-ray residuals from Neumann et al. (2003) are plotted as contours and clearly identify two substructures (Western and Eastern substructures), in addition to the NGC4839 peak in the South-West and the excess of emission towards the two central galaxies (NGC4874 and NGC4889). The lowest contour and the step width between two contours are each 5 $\\sigma$. The hardness ratio image (2-5 keV/0.5-2keV, Neumann et al. 2003) is also shown. Darker regions correspond to temperatures below 8 keV, intermediate-grey regions to $kT>8$ keV and light-coloured regions to $kT>10$ keV. The rectangles show the limits of the two fields of our photometric and spectroscopic survey (Coma1 towards the cluster center and Coma3 in the South-West). The rectangle is about 1 by 1.5 Mpc.} \\end{figure} A suggestive clue about the possible physical mechanism responsible for the k+a spectra comes from the recent X-ray mosaic observations of Coma obtained with {\\it XMM-Newton}. Coma has two central dominant galaxies, NGC 4874 (a cD galaxy) and NGC4889 (a very bright elliptical), and another cD galaxy, NGC4839, that dominates a substructure South-West of the center (Fig.~1). Neumann et al. (2003) have identified and discussed X-ray substructure by fitting a smooth profile and subtracting it from the data. The residuals reveal several structures, that are shown as contours in Fig.~1: besides the well known NGC4839 South-West group, Neumann et al. find a large residual to the West of the cluster centre (``Western structure'' in Fig.~1) elongated along the North-South direction, and a filament-like structure South-East of the centre (``Eastern structure'' in Fig.~1), elongated along the East-West direction. The temperature map shown in Fig.~1 sheds further light on the accretion history of Coma. Neumann et al. conclude that the region of high temperature observed between the Western structure and the Coma center is caused by the infall of this structure, either via compression or via shock waves. These authors consider the two maxima in the western structure to be likely the result of the disruption of a galaxy group during its infall, instead of two galaxy groups falling at the same time. In contrast, the South-Eastern structure is cooler than the mean cluster temperature and is associated with a low-mass galaxy group dominated by two large galaxies, NGC4911 and NGC4921. Based on the filamentary form of this structure, the same authors conclude it is observed during the infall process while being affected by ram pressure stripping close to the cluster centre. The coincidence of the position of the strongest k+a galaxies and the X-ray structures is striking. Four k+a's with EW($\\rm H\\delta)>5$ \\AA $\\,$ (light large dots in Fig.~1) trace the edge of the Western structure towards the Coma centre. Another three are associated with the Eastern structure, all at its western boundary. Thus, young post-starbursts are distributed close to the edge of infalling substructures. In the case of the Western substructure this edge is the infalling front, while for the Eastern substructure it is unclear whether the group is moving to the West, as suggested by the appearance of the X-ray residuals, or to the East, as suggested by the positions of NGC4911 and NGC4921 (Neumann et al. 2003). Overall, this strongly suggests that the k+a spectra, i.e. the truncation of the star formation activity in these galaxies and possibly the previous starburst, could be the result of an interaction with the hot intracluster medium (ICM). In contrast, the location of the red k+a galaxies in Fig.~1 does not appear to be correlated with the X-ray residuals. The red k+a phase has a timescale that is comparable to the core crossing time in a cluster like Coma, and any signature of the link between the truncation of star formation and the location within a substructure is thus erased in the older k+a's, while it is still detectable in the youngest subsample of blue k+a's. It is instructive to note that looking for a spatial segregation in the location of galaxies on the sky would not allow to establish a correlation between the star formation history of the k+a galaxies and the substructure: the link with the dynamical history of Coma appears evident only once a detailed X-ray map reveals the complicated structure in the hot intracluster gas. The blue k+a's do show, however, a radial velocity distribution that is significantly different from that of the red k+a's and the global Coma dwarf population. Their mean radial velocity is 8120$\\pm 709$ km $\\rm s^{-1}$, with all but one at $v>7200$ km $\\rm s^{-1}$. In contrast, both the red k+a's and all faint galaxies with passive spectra have much lower mean velocities: 6992$\\pm 761$ and 6854$\\pm 244$ km $\\rm s^{-1}$, respectively. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404162_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present optical light curves for the period 1996-2000, of two of the brightest known EGRET BL Lac objects: PKS 2005-489 and % PKS 2155-304, the latter also one of the few known TeV sources. For both objects, quiescent epochs of low level of variability were followed by active periods, without any indication of periodicity. In PKS 2005-489, several variability events with duration of about 20 days were % observed. In PKS 2155-304 fast drops and subsequent rises in luminosity occurred in time % scales of days. We proposed an explanation in which a region moving along the relativistic jet is eclipsed by broad line region clouds or star clusters in % the host galaxy. We compare our light curves with contemporaneous X-ray observations from All-Sky % Monitor/RXTE. Correlations between optical and X-ray activity were not found in any of the % sources at long time scales. However in PKS 2005-489 possible correlations were observed in 1997 and 1998 at % short time scales, with optical variability preceding X-rays by 30 days in 1997 and succeeding them by about 10 days in 1998. The analysis of the SED, using the optical data presented here and BeppoSAX contemporaneous observations obtained from the literature, shows only % small shifts in the synchrotron peak as the X-ray flux density changes. ", "introduction": "Variability studies are a basic tool to understand the physical processes occurring in AGNs, especially those related to short time % scales and high amplitudes, as observed in BL Lacs. In this paper we made use of the five-year database of bright extragalactic sources obtained with the meridian circle of the Abrah\\~ao de Moraes Observatory (Valinhos, Brazil), between 1996 and 2000, to study light variations of two EGRET BL Lac sources: PKS 2005-489 and PKS 2155-304. Both sources are high-frequency peaked BL Lacs (HBLs), with the synchrotron peak % located between UV and X-ray wavelengths and were also detected by EGRET in the 100 MeV % range (Lin et al. 1999). Moreover, PKS 2155-304 is the only southern hemisphere BL Lac object detected at TeV energies (Chadwick et al. 1999), while PKS 2005-489, also a strong candidate for detection at this energy range with the % available instrumentation (Stecker et al. 1996), has not yet been detected (Chadwick et al. % 2000). The compact nature of PKS 2005-489 at radio frequencies was confirmed by VLBI % observations at 5 GHz (Shen et al. 1998). Piner \\& Edwards (2004) were able to resolve PKS 2155-304 into a core and a jet % component at 15 GHz and obtained an upper limit of 4$c$ for its apparent velocity. Since even lower velocities were found for the other two TeV blazars observed in % that work, the authors concluded that stationary or subluminal velocities seem to be a characteristic of % this kind of sources, in contrast with the majority of blazars, for which parsec scale jet components are detected. The interest in PKS 2005-489 increased after the detection of two strong X-ray % flares in 1998 by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE, Remillard, 1998, Perlman et al. 1998), however few optical data are available for this object. The only published information % about long term variations was presented by Wall et al. (1986), who found a change of % 0.5 magnitudes in the B band in two sets of observations spaced by one year. In time scales of a few days, % observations in 1994 by Heidt \\& Wagner (1996) showed 10\\% amplitude variations in the R band. Similar results were obtained by Rector \\& Perlman (2003) in observations taken some days after a third X-ray flare % in September 2000, while microvariability (variability of minutes to hours) was not detected neither at % that epoch nor in 1997 (Romero et al. 1999). More observations at several wavelengths are available for PKS 2155-304. Using the optical and near infrared data from the literature after 1970, Fan \\& % Lin (2000) suggested the existence of 4 and 7 year periodicity in the light curves. Variability at optical wavelengths in time scales of less than 15 minutes during 1990 was reported by Heidt, Wagner \\& Wilhein-Erkes % (1997) and during 1995 by Paltani et al. (1997). Brightness variations in time scales from few days to % minutes were also observed in two large multiband monitoring campaigns, from radio to % X-rays, during the last years (e.g. Edelson et al. 1995, Pesce et al. 1997, Urry et al. 1997) and the existence of lags between % variability at X-rays and ultraviolet wavelengths verified. However, no microvariability was found by Heidt et al. (1997) in 1994 and by % Romero et al. (1999) in 1997 and 1998, showing the existence of a duty cycle for this kind of variability. In this paper we show that both objects present long time scale variability, % alternating between high and low activity. In Section 2 we describe the main aspects of the instrumentation used in this work and the data reduction procedures. The % resulting differential light curves are shown in Section 3 and an analysis of the % correlation between optical and All-Sky Monitor X-ray data is presented in Section 4. In % Section 5 we propose a scenario to explain observed dips in the 1999 light curve of PKS % 2155-304. The implication of the data in the spectral energy distribution of the sources is % discussed in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7 we summarize our results. ", "conclusions": "This is the first time that a long term optical light curve for PKS 2005-489 is % presented. Moreover, the addition of more optical data to the well studied (and yet poorly understood) % BL Lac PKS 2155-304 allowed us to confirm that the two studied objects show high degree of variability at different time scales. In PKS 2005-489 we could identify several variability events with duration of % about 20 days, although light curves with better time sampling are necessary to verify if in fact they are arising from similar % phenomena. PKS 2155-304 showed a significant activity in short time scales during 1999, with % amplitude variations of almost 1 magnitude in a few days. Of special interest is the presence of at least two sharp dips in the light curve, with duration of about two days each. % We interpreted them as the result of eclipses, caused by BLR clouds or star clusters in the host galaxy. To obtain the right time scales we had to assume that the the % eclipsed region is moving along the jet with relativistic velocities. The detection of a superluminal % component formed at that epoch gives support to our assumption (Piner \\& Edwards 2004). Although our observations cover some months before and after the X and gamma ray activity of 1997, which resulted in % the detection of emission at TeV energies (Chadwick et al. 1999), no unusual behavior in the % optical light curve was detected at those epochs. We searched for correlation between the optical light curves and X-rays in the 1.5 - 12 keV range from the All-Sky Monitor project. We did not find significant correlation for any of the sources in time scales of % years. However, in time scales of days, we found in PKS 2005-489 possible correlations % in the campaigns of 1997 and 1998. In the first year the optical variability preceded the X-rays by approximately 30 days and in 1998 X-rays preceded the optical % variability by about 10 days. Although we believe that the optical emission is always due to the synchrotron process, % the X-ray activity can be explained also as synchrotron radiation by several models (Geoganopoulos % \\& Marscher 1998, Blandford \\& K\\\" onigl 1979, Marscher 1987) only when it precedes the optical variability. Otherwise the same models can be applied, but assuming the the X-ray emission is % due to the inverse Compton process involving synchrotron radio or infrared photons. The 1999 optical and X-ray light curves of PKS 2155-304 seems to be correlated, but it was not possible to determine the presence of time % delays because of the width of the DCF function. We also constructed the SED with our optical data and contemporaneous BeppoSAX % X-ray observations. First we fitted a simple parabola in the ${\\rm log} \\,F_{\\nu} \\times {\\rm log} \\, \\nu$ plane and then constructed the SED, instead of using multi-parametric models, as usually done (eg. Padovani et al. % 2001). Although the observation are only contemporaneous, it seems that the relative amplitude of the optical variability, if any, is much smaller than that of % X-rays. The obtained SEDs confirm that the synchrotron peaks move to higher frequencies % during the occurrence of X-ray flares, although the shifts were much smaller than what was % observed for other blazars (Pian et al. 1998, Giommi et al. 1999)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404354_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an {\\it XMM-Newton} spectrum of diffuse X-ray emission from within the solar system. The spectrum is dominated by probable \\cvi\\ lines at 0.37~keV and 0.46~keV, an \\ovii\\ line at 0.56~keV, \\oviii\\ lines at 0.65~keV and $\\sim0.8$~keV, \\neix\\ lines at $\\sim0.92$~keV, and \\mgxi\\ lines at $\\sim1.35$~keV. This spectrum is consistent with that expected from charge exchange emission between the highly ionized solar wind and either interstellar neutrals in the heliosphere or material from Earth's exosphere. The emission is clearly seen as a low-energy ($E<1.5$~keV) spectral enhancement in one of a series of four observations of the {\\it Hubble} Deep Field North. The X-ray enhancement is concurrent with an enhancement in the solar wind measured by {\\it ACE}, {\\it Wind}, and {\\it SoHO} spacecraft. The solar wind enhancement reaches a flux level an order of magnitude more intense than typical fluxes at 1~AU, and has a significantly enhanced O$^{+7}$/O$^{+6}$ ratio. Besides being of interest in its own right for studies of the solar system, this emission can have significant consequences for observations of cosmological objects. It can provide emission lines at zero redshift which are of particular interest in studies of diffuse thermal emission (e.g., \\ovii\\ and \\oviii), and which can therefore act as contamination in the spectra of objects which cover the entire detector field of view. We propose the use of solar wind monitoring data as a diagnostic to screen for such possibilities. ", "introduction": "Diffuse X-ray emission from the solar system was clearly observed during the {\\it ROSAT} All-Sky Survey (RASS) as a background component with temporal variations on scales from a large fraction of a day to many days. These variations were dubbed Long-Term Enhancements (LTEs, \\citet{sea95}), and provided a significant background particularly at \\oqkev. Although the origin of these LTEs at the time was unknown, the LTEs were associated with solar wind parameters \\citep{frey94}. With the observation of X-rays from comets \\citep{lis96}, emission from solar wind charge exchange (SWCX) between solar wind ions and neutral material within the heliosphere was demonstrated \\citep{cra97}. SWCX emission subsequently was suggested as the origin for LTEs \\citep{cox98,cra00}, and has recently been suggested as being responsible in quiescence for a significant fraction of diffuse X-ray emission at \\oqkev\\ \\citep{lal04,rc03b} previously attributed to the Local Hot Bubble \\citep{sea98}. More recently, evidence for geocoronal emission (SWCX with exospheric material) has been detected in {\\it Chandra} observations of the dark moon \\citep{wea04}. This emission clearly originates in the near-Earth environment, which is consistent with the likely production of X-rays from the terrestrial magnetosheath \\citep{rc03a}. The statistics of the dark moon data are somewhat limited but they clearly show excess \\ovii\\ and \\oviii\\ emission. Analysis of cometary X-ray spectra suggest that solar wind charge state composition and speed affect the X-ray emission \\citep{lea01,kea03,sc00}. Thus through a combination of techniques, including X-ray and neutral atom imaging among others, it may be possible to continuously monitor the solar wind from well inside Earth's magnetosphere. However, the nature of solar system X-ray emission is strongly dependent on the point of view of the observer. While the observation of SWCX X-ray emission samples aspects of the solar system of interest to astronomers, the emission can also provide a contaminating component which strongly impacts observations of extended cosmic X-ray sources. The SWCX emission spectrum is dominated by highly ionized carbon, oxygen, neon, possibly iron, and magnesium lines, which are also of great astrophysical interest. (The oxygen lines are particularly important as they are commonly used for temperature and density diagnostics of thermal emission from diffuse plasmas.) For objects at zero redshift (i.e., emission from the Milky Way and nearby galaxies) where the emission is expected to fill the entire field of view of the detector, SWCX emission is indistinguishable from that of the object, except to the extent that temporal variation can be detected. While there is likely to be SWCX emission at some quiescent level \\citep{rc03b,lal04}, the strongest emission will be associated with flux enhancements of the solar wind. These enhancements are long enough in duration that they can ``contaminate'' an entire observation, but variable enough that if there are multiple observations of a single target they can be identified, at least to some level. This was the basis of the LTE ``cleaning'' of the RASS \\citep{sea95,sea97}, and of {\\it ROSAT} pointed observations which were typically distributed over the period of a few days if not weeks \\citep{sea94}. In this paper we report the detection of SWCX emission during an {\\it XMM-Newton} observation of the {\\it Hubble} Deep Field North. We correlate that detection with a concurrent enhancement in the solar wind density observed by Advanced Composition Explorer ({\\it ACE}), Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ({\\it SoHO}), and {\\it Wind}. In \\S~\\ref{sec:data} we present the data, data reduction, and analysis, in \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} we discuss the results, and in \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusions} we detail our conclusions both in regards to the emission itself and the implications for X-ray observations of more distant objects. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} The data from the {\\it XMM-Newton} observation of the {\\it Hubble} Deep Field North show clear evidence for a time-variable component of the X-ray background that is most reasonably attributed to charge exchange emission between the highly ionized solar wind and exospheric or interplanetary neutrals. The SWCX emission is dominated by the lines from \\cvi, \\ovii, \\oviii, \\neix, and \\mgxi, and possibly lines from highly ionized iron (e.g., \\fexvii). The emission is concurrent with the passage of a strong enhancement in the solar wind observed by the {\\it ACE} satellite, and which is also strongly enhanced in its O$^{+7}$/O$^{+6}$ ratio, and possibly other highly ionized species (although preliminary results for the O$^{+8}$/O$^{+7}$ ratio indicate otherwise). However, the light curve of the X-ray enhancement is relatively constant while the flux of the solar wind enhancement varies considerably. The observation of SWCX emission allows the monitoring of interactions between the solar wind and solar system and/or interstellar neutrals without the need for {\\it in situ} measurements, albeit with the uncertainty of just where along the line of sight the emission arises. However, in certain circumstances the distance ambiguity can be resolved allowing the detailed study of the related phenomena. Two such situations are mentioned above: the case of SWCX emission from comets and exospheric material in the {\\it Chandra} dark moon observation. The ability to remotely sense the solar wind and its interactions can also be used when the emission is expected to have a predictable variation, such as an X-ray scan across the magnetopause sub-solar point \\citep{rc03a}. Also, for example, {\\it ROSAT} data from the All-Sky Survey suggest that the downstream helium focusing cone can be imaged in X-rays (e.g., \\citet{cea03}). The charge exchange line emission can provide a significant contaminating background to observations of more distant objects (by any X-ray observatory with sensitivity at energies less than 1.5~keV) which use those lines for diagnostics. However, the correlation of the X-ray enhancement with the solar wind density enhancement suggests a diagnostic. For those observations at risk because of such contamination, e.g., observations of sources which cover the entire field of view and have thermal spectra, the data from solar wind monitoring observatories such as {\\it ACE}, {\\it Wind}, and {\\it SoHO} should be used for screening. Should the SWCX emission be primarily exospheric in origin (e.g., from the magnetosheath), then the specific geometry of the observation should be examined as well. An observation where the observatory is outside of the magnetosheath and looking away from Earth would clearly have significantly less exospheric SWCX emission than the case of the emission reported in this paper where the observation line of sight may be passing tangentially through the magnetopause near the sub-solar point. While SWCX emission is likely responsible for the LTEs observed during the {\\it ROSAT} All-Sky Survey, the SWCX episode presented here was significantly brighter at \\tqkev\\ than what was typically observed (a factor of two brighter than the most intense \\tqkev\\ RASS LTE). However, one important issue to note is that none of the X-ray emission lines discussed here (or discussed in \\citet{wea04}) contribute significantly to the \\oqkev\\ band, where most of the LTE emission was observed. Also of note is that the geometry of this observation relative to Earth's geomagnetic environment is considerably different from that of the RASS. In this case we may be looking tangentially through the magnetosheath near the sub-solar point while {\\it ROSAT} with its low circular orbit effectively looked radially outward through the flanks of the magnetosheath." }, "0404/astro-ph0404389_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the expected gravitational wave emission from coalescing supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries resulting from mergers of their host galaxies. When galaxies merge, the SMBHs in the host galaxies sink to the center of the new merged galaxy and form a binary system. We employ a semi-analytic model of galaxy and quasar formation based on the hierarchical clustering scenario to estimate the amplitude of the expected stochastic gravitational wave background owing to inspiraling SMBH binaries and bursts owing to the SMBH binary coalescence events. We find that the characteristic strain amplitude of the background radiation is $h_c(f) \\sim 10^{-16} (f/1 \\mu {\\rm Hz})^{-2/3}$ for $f \\lesssim 1 \\mu {\\rm Hz}$ just below the detection limit from measurements of the pulsar timing provided that SMBHs coalesce simultaneously when host galaxies merge. The main contribution to the total strain amplitude of the background radiation comes from SMBH coalescence events at $015-20$, the temperature of the dust is coupled to the temperature of the CMB, which increases like $1+z$. The dust grains are then too warm to allow an important dust route contribution. So even if dust would be present at these redshifts, it would not boost the H$_2$ formation rate until the universe had cooled down considerably through cosmological expansion. In fact, once the presence of dust boosts the H$_2$ formation rate, and hence the star formation rate through the enhanced cooling rate, for redshift higher than $z\\sim 3$, the production of stellar photons will raise the mean dust (and gas) temperature. This constitutes a minor effect when the shielding dust columns are large and the McKee criterium is satisfied (McKee 1989), but might be quite important in the first, metal-poor stages of star formation. In any case, the magnitude of the positive feedback that the presence of dust has on the H$_2$ formation rate requires a careful treatment of the impact that (enhanced) star formation activity has on the dust (and gas) thermal equilibrium. We postpone these matters to a future paper. Finally, recent observations of distant quasars (Bertoldi et al. 2003) at redshifts around z$\\sim$6 showed that these objects possess a metallicity close to solar. These quasars represent large over-densities in the Universe and our study concentrates on the evolution of a typical sub-L* galaxy, that we assume to be more representative of the average galaxy population. In any case, these distant quasars, rich in metals, possess both a high dust grain abundance and the physical conditions to allow efficient \\hm\\ formation on dust surfaces. We would like to thank the anonymous referee for his careful reading of the manuscript and his comments that helped to improve this work." }, "0404/astro-ph0404495_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 images of a prominent externally-ionized molecular globule in the Carina Nebula (NGC~3372), supplemented with ground-based infrared images and visual-wavelength spectra. This molecular globule has a shape resembling a human hand, with an extended finger that points toward its likely source of ionizing radiation. Following an analysis of the spatially-resolved ionization structure and spectrum of the photoevaporative flow from the Finger, we conclude that the dominant ionizing source is either the WNL star WR25 (HD~93162), the adjacent O4~If-type star Tr16-244, or perhaps both. We estimate a mass-loss rate of $\\sim$2$\\times$10$^{-5}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ from the main evaporating surface of the globule, suggesting a remaining lifetime of 10$^{5.3}$ to 10$^6$ years. We find a total mass for the entire globule of more than 6 M$_{\\odot}$, in agreement with previous estimates. The hydrogen column density through the globule derived from extinction measurements is a few times 10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$, so the photodissociation region behind the ionization front should be limited to a thin layer compared to the size of the globule, in agreement with the morphology seen in H$_2$ images. Although a few reddened stars are seen within the boundary of the globule in near-infrared continuum images, these may be background stars. We do not detect a reddened star at the apex of the finger, for example, down to a limiting magnitude of $m_K\\simeq$17. However, considering the physical properties of the globule and the advancing ionization front, it appears that future star formation is likely in the Finger globule, induced by radiation-driven implosion. ", "introduction": "Compact bright-rimmed molecular globules are common in evolved massive star forming regions, and are among the last vestiges of the molecular cloud that gave birth to the OB stars powering the H~{\\sc ii} region (e.g., Bok \\& Reilly 1947). These globules are externally illuminated and are photoevaporated and photoionized by UV radiation. They typically range in size from 0.1 to 1 pc, and appear striking in [S~{\\sc ii}] $\\lambda\\lambda$6717,6731 and H$\\alpha$ emission arising in the limb-brightened surfaces of their thin ionization fronts. Famous examples of this class of objects are Thackeray's globules in IC~2944 (Thackeray 1950; Reipurth et al.\\ 2003), as well as similar features in the Rosette Nebula (Herbig 1974), the Gum Nebula (Hawarden \\& Brand 1976; Reipurth 1983), and the Carina Nebula (Walborn 1975; Cox \\& Bronfman 1995). \\begin{figure*}\\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=nsmith.fig1.eps,width=5.1in}\\end{center} \\caption{Large-scale image of the environment around the Finger, including the Keyhole and the background Carina nebula, $\\eta$ Car, WR25, and other stars. The [S~{\\sc ii}] image shown here was obtained with the MOSAIC camera on the CTIO 4m telescope. The inset shows an enlargement of the Finger in the H$\\alpha$ filter, along with the orientation of the slit apertures used for spectra in Figure 5.} \\end{figure*} Material evaporated from these clumps partly fills the interior of an H~{\\sc ii} region and may help stall the advance of the main ionization front by absorbing incident Lyman continuum radiation and converting it to a recombination front, but perhaps the most pertinent role played by these globules is that they are potential sites of continued star formation. Some globules show clear evidence for embedded star formation, while others do not (Reipurth 1983; Reipurth et al.\\ 2003). If they are sites of star formation, one possibility is that they are simply dense cores that spontaneously collapsed to form stars and were then uncovered by the advancing ionization front. Another more intriguing idea is that pressure from the ionization-shock front at the surface propagates through a globule and helps to overcome the magnetic, turbulent, and thermal pressure that supports it against collapse, thereby inducing a star to form in the globule. This process of radiation-driven implosion is often referred to as {\\it triggered star formation}. However, direct and unambiguous observational evidence for actively triggered star formation remains elusive; the pillars in M16 may be an example of this phenomenon (White et al.\\ 1999; Hester et al.\\ 1996; Williams et al.\\ 2001; McCaughrean \\& Andersen 2002). Numerous investigators have examined theoretical aspects of these evaporating globules, including details of the photoevaporative flows, their effect on the surrounding H~{\\sc ii} region, the globule's shaping, destruction, and acceleration (through the ``rocket effect''), and the possibility of triggered collapse and star formation due to the pressure of the impinging ionization front (Oort \\& Spitzer 1955, Kahn 1969; Dyson 1973; Dyson et al.\\ 1995; Elmegreen 1976; Bertoldi 1989; Bertoldi \\& McKee 1990; Bertoldi \\& Draine 1996; Lizano et al.\\ 1996; Gorti \\& Hollenbach 2002; Williams 1999; Williams et al.\\ 2001). The evolution of these globules depends strongly on the incident UV radiation field, the initial size and density of the globule, and other properties, so observations of them in a wide variety of different environments are useful. \\begin{table*}\\begin{minipage}{6in} \\caption{Observations of the Finger} \\begin{tabular}{@{}lllcl}\\hline\\hline Telescope &Instrument &Filter or &Exp.\\ Time &Comment \\\\ & &Emiss.\\ Lines &(sec) & \\\\ \\hline {\\it HST} &WFPC2 &F502N, [O~{\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$5007 &320 &image \\\\ {\\it HST} &WFPC2 &F656N, H$\\alpha$, [N~{\\sc ii}] &400 &image \\\\ {\\it HST} &WFPC2 &F673N, [S~{\\sc ii}] $\\lambda\\lambda$6717,6731 &800 &image \\\\ CTIO 4m &OSIRIS &J &120 &image \\\\ CTIO 4m &OSIRIS &H &120 &image \\\\ CTIO 4m &OSIRIS &K &120 &image \\\\ CTIO 4m &OSIRIS &He~{\\sc i} $\\lambda$10830 &720 &image \\\\ CTIO 4m &OSIRIS &Pa $\\beta$ &720 &image \\\\ CTIO 4m &OSIRIS &H$_2$ 1-0 S(1) 2.122 $\\micron$ &1080 &image \\\\ CTIO 1.5m &RC Spec &blue; 3600-7100 \\AA &1200 &long-slit, P.A.=69$\\arcdeg$ \\\\ CTIO 1.5m &RC Spec &red; 6250-9700 \\AA &1200 &long-slit, P.A.=69$\\arcdeg$ \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}\\end{minipage} \\end{table*} A rich population of these globules resides in the Carina Nebula (NGC~3372; d=2.3 kpc), with the most notable grouping clustered around the famous Keyhole Nebula. Their emission from ionized, photodissociated, and molecular gas has been documented by several studies (Walborn 1975; Deharveng \\& Maucherat 1975; Cox \\& Bronfman 1995; Brooks et al.\\ 2000; Smith 2002; Rathborne et al.\\ 2002). There are a dozen of these clumps around the Keyhole, with typical masses of order 10 M$_{\\sun}$ (Cox \\& Bronfman 1995). A few of these are seen only in silhouette, but most have bright H$_2$ and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission from their illuminated surfaces (Brooks et al.\\ 2000; Rathborne et al.\\ 2002). In addition, several dozen smaller features with diameters of only $\\sim$5000 AU were recently discovered by Smith et al.\\ (2003a), and additional proplyd candidates are seen in our images (see below, and Barb\\'{a} et al.\\ in prep.). They may be either large photoevaporating circumstellar disks (proplyds) or very small cometary clouds that are remnants of larger globules in more advanced stages of photoevaporation (e.g., Bertoldi \\& McKee 1990). It is not yet known if these smaller proplyd candidates or the larger globules in Carina contain embedded protostars or collapsing cores that may someday form stars. However, one large globule in the southern part of the nebula has recently been shown to harbor a Class~{\\sc i} protostar that drives the HH~666 jet (Smith et al.\\ 2004). In any case, these globules present a rare opportunity to study their associated phenomena in an environment powered by some of the hottest and most massive stars in the Galaxy (Walborn 1995; Walborn et al.\\ 2002), while still being located near to us and suffering little interstellar extinction. In this paper we untertake a detailed analysis of one particularly striking bright-rimmed globule in the Carina Nebula (see Figure 1) that we call the ``Finger'' because of its gesticulatory morphology (it has previously been identified as clump 4; Cox \\& Bronfman 1995). The defiant finger seems to point toward its dominant UV source, and as such, allows for an interesting application of models of photoevaporating globules mentioned above. In \\S 2 we discuss our observations, and in \\S 3 and \\S 4 we briefly discuss the results of our imaging and spectroscopy. In \\S 5 we undertake a detailed analysis of the photoevaporative flow, and in \\S 6 we discuss implications for potential star formation in the globule. \\begin{figure*}\\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=nsmith.fig2.eps,width=6in}\\end{center} \\caption{{\\it HST}/WFPC2 images of the Finger. (a) F502N filter transmitting [O~{\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$5007; grayscale range from 2.4$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (white) to 1.9$\\times$10$^{-13}$ (black) ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. (b) F656N filter transmitting H$\\alpha$; grayscale range from 5.4$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (white) to 3$\\times$10$^{-13}$ (black) ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. (c) F673N filter transmitting [S~{\\sc ii}] $\\lambda\\lambda$6717,6731; grayscale range from 4.2$\\times$10$^{-15}$ (white) to 3.3$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (black) ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. These observed flux levels were not corrected for reddening and extinction. The axes display offset in arcsec from an arbitrary central position in the globule.} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}\\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=nsmith.fig3.eps,width=6in}\\end{center} \\caption{Near-IR images of the Finger. (a) He~{\\sc i} $\\lambda$10830; grayscale range from 1.3$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (white) to 4.8$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (black) ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. (b) Hydrogen Pa$\\beta$; grayscale range from 1.5$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (white) to 5.1$\\times$10$^{-14}$ (black) ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. (c) H$_2$ $v=1-0$ S(1) $\\lambda$21218; grayscale range from 9.3$\\times$10$^{-16}$ (white) to 5.3$\\times$10$^{-15}$ (black) ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ arcsec$^{-2}$. These observed flux levels were not corrected for reddening and extinction.} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}\\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=nsmith.fig4.eps,width=6in}\\end{center} \\caption{Selected flux-ratio images of the Finger. (a) H$\\alpha\\div$[O~{\\sc iii}] (F656N$\\div$F502N) with the grayscale range from 1 (white) to 2.3 (black). (b) [S~{\\sc ii}]$\\div$H$\\alpha$ (F673N$\\div$F656N) with the grayscale range from 0.033 to 0.13. (c) The ground-based Pa$\\beta$ image divided by a smoothed {\\it HST}/WFPC2 H$\\alpha$ image, with the grayscale range from 0.07 to 0.12. Note that the F656N H$\\alpha$ image is partially contaminated by adjacent [N~{\\sc ii}] lines, which affects the value of the flux ratios listed here. These flux ratios have been corrected for reddening and extinction, using $E(B-V)$=0.37 and $R$=4.8 (see text).} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "We have presented optical narrow-band {\\it HST}/WFPC2 images, ground-based optical spectra, and near-IR images of the ``Finger'' -- a photoevaporating molecular globule in the core of the Carina Nebula. The main conclusions of this work are the following: 1. The Finger globule exhibits an interesting morphology, with a thin extended middle finger apparently pointing toward its source of ionizing photons. The spatially-resolved structure of the stratified ionization fronts are consistent with the interpretation of the Finger as an optically-thick photoevaporating molecular globule, similar to structures often seen in {\\it HST} images of H~{\\sc ii} regions. 2. Quantitatively, electron densities and the corresponding flux of ionizing photons incident upon the southward-facing ionization fronts of the Finger indicate that the dominant UV source is either WR25 (a late-type Wolf-Rayet star), Tr16-244 (O4 If), or perhaps both. This is reassuring, since the finger points to within a few degrees of these stars. 3. The mass-loss rate for the main evaporating surface of the globule is of order 2$\\times$10$^{-5}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. 4. From extinction measurements, we estimate an average hydrogen column density of a few times 10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$ through the globule, and a total mass (assuming a gas:dust mass ratio of 100:1) of at least 6 M$_{\\odot}$, in agreement with independent estimates from molecular studies. This is an underestimate if the globule contains clumps that are optically-thick in the near-IR. 5. The remaining lifetime of the globule before it is evaporated away is of order 10$^{5.3}$ to 10$^6$ years. 6. Several reddened stars are seen projected within the boundaries of the Finger globule, but whether or not these sources are newly-formed stars that are physically associated with the globule is uncertain. No reddened star is seen at the apex of the thin protruding finger or immediately behind the main ionization front, down to a limit of $m_K \\simeq 17$. 7. Considering the properties of the advancing ionization front, it appears likely that stars are currently forming or will soon form in the globule, triggered by radiation-driven implosion. At the main ionization front we find an external overpressure of a factor of $\\sim$5, and a smaller overpressure ($\\ga$1) at the end of the thin finger. \\smallskip\\smallskip\\smallskip\\smallskip \\noindent {\\bf ACKNOWLEDGMENTS} \\smallskip \\scriptsize We thank John Bally for supplying the ground-based [S~{\\sc ii}] image used in Figure 1, and we benefitted from helpful discussions with Paul Crowther regarding models of WR25. Support was provided by NASA through grant HF-01166.01A from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS~5-26555. NOAO funded N.S.'s travel to Chile and accommodations while at CTIO. Some travel support was also provided by NASA grant NAG-12279 to the University of Colorado." }, "0404/astro-ph0404206_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We apply the Gabor transform methodology proposed in (Hansen et al. 2002, 2003) to the \\emph{WMAP} data in order to test the statistical properties of the CMB fluctuation field and specifically to evaluate the fundamental assumption of cosmological isotropy. In particular, we apply the transform with several apodisation scales, thus allowing the determination of the positional dependence of the angular power spectrum with either high spatial localisation or high angular resolution (ie. narrow bins in multipole space). Practically, this implies that we estimate the angular power spectrum locally in discs of various sizes positioned in different directions: small discs allow the greatest sensitivity to positional dependence, whereas larger discs allow greater sensitivity to variations over different angular scales. In addition, we determine whether the spatial position of a few outliers in the angular power spectrum could suggest the presence of residual foregrounds or systematic effects. For multipoles close to the first peak, the most deviant local estimates from the best fit \\emph{WMAP} model are associated with a few particular areas close to the Galactic plane. Such deviations also include the ``dent'' in the spectrum just shortward of the first peak which was remarked upon by the \\emph{WMAP} team. Estimating the angular power spectrum excluding these areas gives a slightly higher first Doppler peak amplitude. Finally, we probe the isotropy of the largest angular scales by estimating the power spectrum on hemispheres and reconfirm strong indications of a north-south asymmetry previously reported by other authors. Indeed, there is a remarkable lack of power in a region associated with the north ecliptic pole. With the greater fidelity in $\\ell$-space allowed by this larger sky coverage, we find tentative evidence for residual foregrounds in the range $\\ell=2-4$, which could be associated with the low measured quadrupole amplitudes and other anomalies on these angular scales (eg. planarity and alignment). However, over the range $\\ell=5-40$ the observed asymmetry is much harder to explain in terms of residual foregrounds and known systematic effects. By reorienting the coordinate axes, we partition the sky into different hemispheres and search for the reference frame which maximises the asymmetric distribution of power. The north pole for this coordinate frame is found to intersect the sphere at $(80^\\circ,57^\\circ)$ in Galactic co-latitude and longitude over almost the entire multipole range $\\ell=5-40$. Furthermore, the strong negative outlier at $\\ell=21$ and the strong positive outlier at $\\ell=39$ as determined from the global power spectrum by the \\emph{WMAP} team, are found to be associated with the northern and southern hemispheres respectively (in this frame of maximum asymmetry). Thus, these two outliers follow the general tendency of the multipoles $\\ell=5-40$ to be of systematically lower amplitude in the north and higher in the south. Such asymmetric distributions of power on the sky provide a serious test for the cosmological principle of isotropy. ", "introduction": "One of the fundamental assumptions of cosmology is that the universe is isotropic. Such an assumption necessarily implies therefore that the statistical properties of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) should be the same in all directions on the sky. The FIRAS experiment on the COBE satellite \\cite{cobe1,cobe2} demonstrated that the mean temperature of the CMB is isotropic to high precision, but it is only now with the superior sensitivity of the \\emph{WMAP}\\footnote{\\emph{Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe}} \\cite{WMAP} data that the isotropic nature of the angular fluctuations in the CMB can be tested. In this paper we will consider the variation in the angular power spectrum of the CMB determined from patches sampling different locations on the sky. In an isotropic universe, there should be no preferred direction and these locally determined angular power spectra, after allowing for some sample variance, should demonstrate the same expectation value over all positions. Here, we adopt the Gabor transform method proposed in \\cite{hansen1,hansen2} and estimate the power spectrum in discs with 9.5 and 19 degree radius and then on hemispheres, thus allowing either high spatial localisation or high angular resolution, both of which are used to probe the directional dependence of the anisotropy. The discs on which we estimate the power spectrum are positioned such that they cover as much area as possible without overlapping so much as to introduce strong correlations between the locally estimated spectra. With the smaller discs, we can test the isotropy of the spectrum at a high spatial resolution, but small patches limit the resolution in multipole space. By increasing the size of the discs we test the isotropy of the spectrum at a refined resolution in multipole space but at the cost of a low spatial resolution. We apply different tests of consistency between the spectra in different multipole bins, comparing with a Monte Carlo ensemble generated with the best fit model spectrum obtained by the \\emph{WMAP} team and using the noise and beam properties of \\emph{WMAP}. We have chosen to focus on the co-added W+V map as these are the channels in which the foreground contamination is expected to be lowest. In all cases, only data outside of the \\emph{WMAP} Kp2 sky cut is included in the analysis. With this approach we can also test for the presence of contaminating residual foregrounds or systematic effects. For example, incorrectly subtracted Galactic foregrounds would most likely manifest asymmetry in the Galactic frame of reference, with an increasingly likely level of residual contamination towards the plane. Similarly, systematic effects would plausibly align with the ecliptic frame of reference reflecting the scanning strategy of the satellite. In addition, contamination of the data due to solar system emission would be confined to the ecliptic plane. For these reasons, we compare the statistical distribution of the power spectrum estimates in both the Galactic and ecliptic northern and southern hemispheres, as well as the pole and equatorial regions for these reference frames. We will in particular check the positional dependence of some features in the power spectrum observed by \\emph{WMAP} \\cite{hinshaw}: two at large scales corresponding to bins centered around $\\ell=21$ and $\\ell=39$, one close to the first Doppler peak and one close to the first trough (the latter was not seen in the analysis by \\emph{WMAP}). Moreover we investigate the recent claims of an asymmetry of the large scale structure between the northern and southern Galactic hemispheres \\cite{park,eriksen1,vielva,eriksen2,copi,curvat}. As the asymmetry is reported to be seen at the largest scales, we use the results of the power spectra estimated on hemispheres where the multipole resolution is large enough to resolve different features between $\\ell=2-63$. The outline of the paper is as follows. In section \\ref{sect:gabtrans} we outline the method described in \\cite{hansen1,hansen2} to estimate the power spectrum on a patch on the sky using the so called Gabor transforms. The details of the data set used in the paper is outlined in section \\ref{sect:data}. In section \\ref{sect:small} we show the results of the local \\emph{WMAP} spectra estimated on discs of radius $9.5^\\circ$. We check for consistency between the locally estimated spectra in different multipole bins and different directions. To check the results at a higher multipole resolution, the analysis is repeated in section \\ref{sect:medium} with discs of radius $19^\\circ$. In section \\ref{sect:hemis} we check for an asymmetry in the large scale structure and report results of the \\emph{WMAP} spectra estimated on hemispheres. In particular, we test the robustness of the results using other frequency channels and a variety of sky cuts. Finally, section \\ref{sect:concl} summarise our results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:concl} In this paper, we have applied a method of local power spectrum estimation to small regions of the CMB sky as measured by the \\emph{WMAP} satellite in order to search for evidence of spatial dependence in the computed spectra beyond that due to sampling variance alone. In this way, we are able to confront one of the central tenets of modern cosmology, namely that of cosmological isotropy. As an important consequence of this analysis, we are also able to mitigate against foreground or systematic artefacts in the data. Specifically, we have estimated the angular power spectrum in different spatial directions within discs of radius $9.5^\\circ$ and $19^\\circ$ and on hemispheres. Since by increasing the disc size we increase the resolution of the power spectrum estimation in multipole space but lower the sensitivity to the spatial dependence of the estimate, the combination of these scales allows us to achieve high fidelity in both real and $\\ell$ space. On small angular scales and specifically for two power spectrum bins, $\\ell=164-188$ and $\\ell=264-288$, close to the first Doppler peak, we found that the highest deviations, relative to the best fit model preferred by the \\emph{WMAP} team, was seen in the power spectrum estimates for those medium sized discs close to the Galactic plane. This was also the case for an interval in $\\ell$-space spanning the `dent' in the power spectrum as estimated by the global analysis of the \\emph{WMAP} team. By excluding those discs close to the Galactic plane with a local spectrum deviating by more than $2\\sigma$ from the best fit model, we find a resulting power spectrum with no dent and a slightly higher Doppler peak. We consider this to be a tentative indication of possible residual Galactic foreground contamination. When studying the distribution of large scale power using the small and medium sized discs, we found that the northern Galactic and ecliptic hemispheres seemed to show a remarkable lack of large scale power. In order to further investigate this apparent lack of isotropy, we estimated the power spectrum for the first 60 multipoles on hemispheres centred on various directions on the sky. The multipole range $\\ell=2-4$ was found to be strongly asymmetric with the Galactic north-south axis as the axis of maximum asymmetry. Furthermore we found that the spatial dependence of the variations in amplitude for this multipole range was similar to the morphology seen in the integrated foreground template contribution, suggesting that the low order multipoles may remain compromised by residual Galactic emission (this was also noted by \\cite{oc,eriksen3,schwarz}). The other multipoles between $\\ell=5-40$ however, are asymmetric with the axis pointing in the direction $(80^\\circ,57^\\circ)$ in Galactic co-latitude and longitude, close to the ecliptic axis. In the northern hemisphere of the reference frame of maximum asymmetry, almost the full multipole range between $\\ell=5-40$ is below the average amplitude. The strong negative outlier at $\\ell=21$ found in the \\emph{WMAP} global estimate of the power spectrum, is associated specifically with this hemisphere. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere of maximum asymmetry, almost all multipoles in the range $\\ell=5-40$ are above the average amplitude, and a positive outlier at $\\ell=39$, as seen in the \\emph{WMAP} global spectrum, is found. The asymmetry does not appear to be associated with a particular anomalous region on the sky, but extends over a large area, as evidenced by the small and medium disc results. We have checked the possibility that incorrectly removed foregrounds could cause the observed large scale asymmetry by testing the dependency on Galactic cut and frequency channel. The observed asymmetry is remarkably stable with respect to both frequency and sky coverage, thus arguing against this possibility. Moreover, the results seem unlikely to be compromised by systematics since we find supporting evidence (albeit at reduced statistical significance) for similar features in the \\emph{COBE}-DMR maps, which are susceptible to \\emph{different} parasitic signals. Similar asymmetric structures have been determined by a number of other groups \\cite{park,eriksen1,vielva,eriksen2,copi,curvat} using several alternative analysis techniques. Besides finding asymmetry, non-Gaussian features have also been detected in the northern and/or southern hemispheres. Since some of the non-Gaussian estimators used are power spectrum dependent, the detection of non-Gaussianity on opposite hemispheres may be related to the uneven distribution of large scale power studied in this paper. Given the large number of detections with different methods on different sky cuts and frequency channels, it seems inescapable that the \\emph{WMAP} data does indeed contain unexpected properties on large scales. In the absence of compelling evidence for a Galactic or systematic origin for the asymmetry, the intriguing possibility is raised that the cosmological principle of isotropy is violated and that fundamentally new physics on large scales in the universe is required. Further clarification of this scenario awaits further observations from \\emph{WMAP}, and ultimately the forthcoming Planck satellite mission. \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure1.ps,width=10cm,height=7cm} \\caption{The position and numbering of the $9.5^\\circ$ discs on which the local power spectra have been calculated.} \\label{fig:discnumbers} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure2a.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure2b.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure2c.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\caption{The disc-disc correlation matrix for the multipole bins 0, 3 and 6 centred at $\\ell=33$, $\\ell=189$ and $\\ell=339$ respectively.} \\label{fig:corplot} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure3.ps,width=16cm,height=16cm} \\caption{Slice of the disc correlation matrix for some selected discs at the lowest multipole bin $\\ell=33$ and a bin centred close to the first power spectrum peak $\\ell=189$. We have chosen the discs 0,6 and 60 in order to study the correlations for discs which have many (disc 0) and few (disc 6 and 60) overlapping neighbours. The other discs have been chosen as particular bin values of these discs have been found in the \\emph{WMAP} data. We have chosen particular discs close to the ecliptic poles as some particular features are found in this area (see the text and figure \\ref{fig:plotdisc4_b034})}. \\label{fig:corcut} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure4.ps,width=16cm,height=16cm} \\caption{Slice of the bin to bin correlation matrix for disc 0 taken at bins 1,4,5 and 9.} \\label{fig:binbincor} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure5.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The best fit \\emph{WMAP} running index power spectrum (solid line). The histogram shows the spectrum binned using the same bins as for the disc estimates. The crosses show the binned full sky \\emph{WMAP} spectrum obtained by the \\emph{WMAP} team and the shaded areas show the spread of the \\emph{WMAP} spectrum over 130 discs of radius $9.5^\\circ$, found from the Gabor analysis. The two shaded areas indicate where 67 and 95 percent of the 130 \\emph{WMAP} disc estimates are contained. Note that the shaded areas are NOT error bars for the \\emph{WMAP} estimates, but the spread found by estimating the spectrum in different positions.} \\label{fig:fullspectrum} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure6.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The best fit \\emph{WMAP} running index power spectrum (solid line). The histogram shows the spectrum binned in the same way as the disc estimates. The two shaded areas indicate where 67 and 95 percent of the disc estimates in the simulations are contained. The errorbars at each bin show the same distribution for the \\emph{WMAP} data, the left being the $1\\sigma$ level and the right being the $2\\sigma$ level.} \\label{fig:fulldist} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure7a.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure7b.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure7c.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure7d.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\caption{The best fit \\emph{WMAP} running index power spectrum (solid line). The histogram shows the spectrum binned in the same way as the estimates on $9.5^\\circ$ discs. The two shaded areas indicate where 67 and 95 percent of the disc estimates in the \\emph{WMAP} map are contained. The errorbars at each bin show the same distribution (67 percent level) for a part of the \\emph{WMAP} data. {\\bf Upper left:} north Galactic hemisphere (left bar) / south Galactic hemisphere (right bar), {\\bf upper right:} Galactic polar region (left bar), Galactic equatorial region (right bar), {\\bf lower left:} north ecliptic hemisphere (left bar) / south ecliptic hemisphere (right bar), {\\bf lower right:} ecliptic polar region (left) / ecliptic equatorial region (right).} \\label{fig:partdist} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure8.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The disc estimates of the bin $\\ell=2-63$. The disc numbers correspond to the disc numbers in figure (\\ref{fig:discnumbers}). The shaded zones indicate the 1, 2 and 3 sigma spread of the estimated bin for the given disc as found from Monte Carlo simulations.} \\label{fig:plotdiscs2bin0} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure9.ps,width=15cm,height=18cm} \\caption{The local power in the bin $\\ell=2-63$ (upper left plot), $\\ell=64-113$ (upper right plot), $\\ell=164-213$ (middle left plot), $\\ell=264-313$ (middle right plot) , $\\ell=364-413$ (lower left plot) and the bin $\\ell=414-463$ (lower right plot) estimated on $9.5^\\circ$ discs. The discs with power above the average set by simulations have yellow (below 1 $\\sigma$), red (between 1 and 2 $\\sigma$) and dark red (above 2 $\\sigma$) colour. The discs with power below the average have blue colour: light blue (above 1 $\\sigma$), blue (between 1 and 2 $\\sigma$) and dark blue (below 2 $\\sigma$). The two green discs show the positions of the ecliptic poles.} \\label{fig:plotdisc4_b034} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure10.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The joint likelihood estimation of 130 discs of radius $9.5^\\circ$. The histogram shows the mean and the shaded areas the 1 and 2 sigma levels from 1536 simulated maps with the same input spectrum. The crosses show the result of the same estimation procedure on the \\emph{WMAP} data. } \\label{fig:10degjoint} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure11a.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure11b.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure11c.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure11d.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\caption{Results of the power spectrum analysis in different parts of the sky using a joint analysis of $9.5^\\circ$ discs in the Galactic reference frame (same as figure (\\ref{fig:10degjoint}) on a limited number of discs). The shaded zones indicate the 1 and 2 sigma errorbars calculated in each plot for one of the spectra shown. The errorbars of the other spectrum is very similar and is not shown. {\\bf Upper left plot:} black crosses:polar regions (discs 0-44, 66-110), gray crosses: equatorial regions (discs 29-65, 95-129). {\\bf Upper right plot:} black crosses: polar north (discs 0-44), gray crosses: polar south (discs 66-110). {\\bf Lower left plot:} black crosses: equatorial region north(discs 29-65), gray crosses: equatorial region south (discs 95-129). {\\bf Lower right plot:} black crosses: norther hemisphere (discs 0-65), gray crosses: southern hemisphere (discs 66-129).} \\label{fig:multi_galref} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure12a.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure12b.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure12c.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\psfig {file=figure12d.ps,width=8cm,height=8cm} \\caption{Results of the power spectrum analysis in different parts of the sky using a joint analysis of $9.5^\\circ$ discs in the ecliptic reference frame (same as figure (\\ref{fig:10degjoint}) on a limited number of discs). The shaded zones indicate the 1 and 2 sigma errorbars calculated in each plot for one of the spectra shown. The errorbars of the other spectrum is very similar and is not shown (this is not the case for the ecliptic polar regions versus ecliptic plane, but still the qualitative results are independent of the set of errorbars chosen). {\\bf Upper left plot:} black crosses:polar regions (distance to the poles less than $50^\\circ$), gray crosses: equatorial regions (distance from the poles larger than $50^\\circ$). {\\bf Upper right plot:} black crosses: polar north (distance to the north pole closer than $50^\\circ$), gray crosses: polar south. {\\bf Lower left plot:} black crosses: equatorial region north (distance from the poles larger than $50^\\circ$ but inside the northern hemisphere), gray crosses: equatorial region south. {\\bf Lower right plot:} black crosses: northern hemisphere, gray crosses: southern hemisphere.} \\label{fig:multi_eclref} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure13.ps,width=10cm,height=7cm} \\caption{The position and numbering of the $19^\\circ$ discs on which the local power spectra have been calculated.} \\label{fig:discnumbers2} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure14.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The full sky \\emph{WMAP} power spectrum from a joint likelihood estimation of 34 discs of radius $19^\\circ$. The histogram shows the binned \\emph{WMAP} best fit running index spectrum, the shaded areas the 1 and 2 sigma levels from 512 simulated maps with the same input spectrum. The crosses show the result of the joint disc estimation procedure on the \\emph{WMAP} data. } \\label{fig:20degjoint} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure15.ps,width=15cm,height=18cm} \\caption{The local power in the bin $\\ell=2-63$ (upper left plot), $\\ell=64-113$ (upper right plot), $\\ell=164-188$ (middle left plot), $\\ell=214-238$ (middle right plot) , $\\ell=264-288$ (lower left plot) and the bin $\\ell=414-463$ (lower right plot) estimated on $19^\\circ$ discs. The discs with power above the average set by simulations are red and the discs with power below the average are blue.The intensity of the colour indicates whether the power is within $1\\sigma$ (light), between $1$ and $2\\sigma$ (medium) and outside of $2\\sigma$ (dark). The two green discs show the positions of the ecliptic poles.} \\label{fig:plotdisc4_20deg_b03} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure16.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The full sky \\emph{WMAP} power spectrum from a joint likelihood estimation of 19 discs of radius $19^\\circ$. The histogram shows the binned \\emph{WMAP} best fit running index spectrum, the shaded areas the 1 and 2 sigma levels from 512 simulated maps with the same input spectrum. The crosses show the result of the joint disc estimation procedure on the \\emph{WMAP} data. } \\label{fig:20degjoint_exl} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure17.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The position and amplitude of the first peak. The solid line shows the best fit \\emph{WMAP} power spectrum. The shaded zones show the result of the full sky power spectrum estimation using the joint likelihood estimation procedure of 34 discs with radius $19^\\circ$. The zones indicate the $1$ and $2\\sigma$ spread of the peak position over 512 simulations, and the dark bold cross shows the result of the same procedure applied to the \\emph{WMAP} data. The white bold cross shows the peak position when some discs showing indications of Galactic foreground contamination are excluded. The crosses show the peak positions estimated on individual discs using the \\emph{WMAP} data, and the two circles show the corresponding $1$ and $2\\sigma$ spread over 34 discs in 512 simulations. Note that individual discs may have larger $1$ and $2\\sigma$ contours and are therefore not automatically outside of their individual contours even if they are outside of the circles in the plot.} \\label{fig:peak1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure18.ps,width=7.5cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The peak position (upper plot) and peak amplitude (lower plot) estimated on $19^\\circ$ discs. Red colour indicates that for the given disc, the estimate on \\emph{WMAP} was above the mean of simulations and blue colour shows that the \\emph{WMAP} estimate was below the mean. The significance is indicated by the intensity of the colour: light means within $1\\sigma$, medium means between $1$ and $2\\sigma$ and dark means outside of $2\\sigma$. The two green dots show the position of the ecliptic poles.} \\label{fig:discplot_peak} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure19a.ps,width=7cm,height=7cm} \\psfig {file=figure19b.ps,width=7cm,height=7cm} \\psfig {file=figure19c.ps,width=7cm,height=7cm} \\psfig {file=figure19d.ps,width=7cm,height=7cm} \\psfig {file=figure19e.ps,width=7cm,height=7cm} \\psfig {file=figure19f.ps,width=7cm,height=7cm} \\caption{Results of power spectrum estimation on hemispheres: the left column shows the northern spectra, the right column shows the southern spectra. The first row is taken in the Galactic reference frame, the second row in the ecliptic reference frame and the last row in the reference frame of maximum asymmetry, where the north pole points at $(80^\\circ,57^\\circ)$. The solid line shows the best fit \\emph{WMAP} spectrum, the histogram is the same spectrum binned, the shaded zones show the one and two sigma error bars from simulations of the given hemisphere, grey crosses show the \\emph{WMAP} estimate on the full sky (with the Kp2 mask) and the black crosses show our estimate on the given hemisphere. Please note that the shaded zones show the errorbars for a hemisphere, the errorbars for the \\emph{WMAP} estimates (grey crosses) are smaller by a factor of roughly $\\sqrt{2}$.} \\label{fig:hemispec} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure20.ps,width=7.5cm,height=18cm} \\caption{ The local power in the bin $\\ell=2-4$ (upper plot), $\\ell=20-22$ (middle plot) and $\\ell=38-40$ (lower plot) estimated on hemispheres centred on the positions indicated by the discs. The hemispheres with power above the average set by simulations are indicated by red discs and the hemispheres with power below the average with blue discs. The significance is indicated by the intensity of the colour: light means within $1\\sigma$, medium means between $1$ and $2\\sigma$ and dark means outside of $2\\sigma$. The two green discs show the positions of the ecliptic poles.} \\label{fig:indbin} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure21.ps,width=15cm,height=19cm} \\caption{The discs show the centres of the hemispheres where the power spectrum has been estimated. The colours show the ratio of the power spectrum bin $\\ell=2-4$ (upper left), $\\ell=5-16$ (upper right), $\\ell=17-28$ (middle left), $\\ell=29-40$ (middle left), $\\ell=41-63$ (lower left) and $\\ell=2-63$ (lower right) between the opposite hemispheres.} \\label{fig:allbins} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure22.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The disc estimates of the bin $\\ell=2-63$. The discs are ordered such that the values to the left are close to the north pole of the axis $(80^\\circ,57^\\circ)$ of maximum asymmetry and the values to the right are close to the corresponding south pole. The angular distance from this north pole is shown. The shaded zones indicate the 1, 2 and 3 sigma spread of the estimated bin for the given disc as found from Monte Carlo simulations.} \\label{fig:plotdiscs2max} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure23.ps,width=12cm,height=12cm} \\caption{The percentage of maps with a higher asymmetry than in the \\emph{WMAP} data for a single multipole bin.} \\label{fig:binforbin} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure24.ps,width=10cm,height=7cm} \\caption{The discs show the positions of the hemispheres with the 10 highest (black discs) and 10 lowest (white discs) bin values. The power spectrum bins considered were $\\ell=2-40$ (large discs), $\\ell=8-40$ (second largest discs), $\\ell=5-16$ (second smallest discs) and $\\ell=29-40$ (smallest discs).} \\label{fig:maxasspos} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\psfig {file=figure25.ps,width=7.5cm,height=18cm} \\caption{The discs show the centres of hemisphere on which the power spectrum has been estimated. The colour in each disc represents the ratio between the power in the given hemisphere and the opposite hemisphere in the multipole range $\\ell=5-20$. The upper plot is for the \\emph{WMAP} W+V channel, the middle plot for the COBE data and the lower plot for the foreground template used for \\emph{WMAP}.} \\label{fig:wmap_vs_cobe} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\clearpage" }, "0404/astro-ph0404030_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the international collaboration MINE (Multi-lambda Integral NEtwork) aimed at conducting multi-wavelength observations of X-ray binaries and microquasars simultaneously with the {\\it INTEGRAL} $\\gamma$-ray satellite. We will focus on the 2003 March--April campaign of observations of the peculiar microquasar GRS\\,1915+105 gathering radio, IR and X-ray data. The source was observed 3 times in the plateau state, before and after a major radio and X-ray flare. It showed strong steady optically thick radio emission corresponding to powerful compact jets resolved in the radio images, bright near-infrared emission, a strong QPO at 2.5\\,Hz in the X-rays and a power law dominated spectrum without cutoff in the 3--300\\,keV range. We compare the different observations, their multi-wavelength light curves, including JEM-X, ISGRI and SPI, and the parameters deduced from fitting the spectra obtained with these instruments on board {\\it INTEGRAL}. ", "introduction": "Microquasars are X-ray binaries that produce relativistic jets and thus appear as miniature replicas of distant quasars \\citep{mirabelrodriguez99}. Their emission spectra, variable with time, range from the radio to the $\\gamma$-ray wavelengths. We present here the first multi-wavelength campaign on GRS\\,1915+105 involving the {\\it INTEGRAL} satellite (3\\,keV--10\\,MeV). This campaign was conducted by the MINE (\\mbox{Multi-$\\lambda$} {\\it INTEGRAL} NEtwork, see {\\sf http://elbereth.obspm.fr/$\\sim$fuchs/mine.html}) international collaboration aimed at performing multi-wavelength observations of galactic X-ray binaries simultaneously with {\\it INTEGRAL}. ", "conclusions": "Here for the first time, we observed simultaneously all the properties of the \\emph{plateau} state of GRS\\,1915+105\\,: a powerful compact radio jet, responsible for the strong steady radio emission and probably for a significant part of the bright near-IR emission, as well as a QPO (2.5\\,Hz) in the X-rays and a power law dominated X-ray spectrum with a $\\Gamma$$\\sim$3 photon index up to at least 300\\,keV. Forthcoming works will study detailed fits of the X-ray spectra, to determine for example whether this power law is due to an inverse Compton scattering of soft disc photons on the base of the compact jet or not. In order to better understand the unusual behaviour of GRS\\,1915+105, we need to carry out similar simultaneous broad-band campaigns during the other states, in particular during the sudden changes that correspond to powerful relativistic ejection events." }, "0404/astro-ph0404560_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{This paper reports on computational evidence for the formation of cloud-like dust structures around C-rich AGB stars. This spatio-temporal structure formation process is caused by a radiative/thermal instability of dust forming gases as identified by Woitke\\etal(2000)\\nocite{wsl2000}. Our 2D (axisymmetric) models combine a time-dependent description of the dust formation process according to Gail\\plus Sedlmayr (1988)\\nocite{gs88} with detailed, frequency-dependent continuum radiative transfer by means of a Monte Carlo method (Niccolini\\etal2003)\\nocite{nwl2003} in an otherwise static medium ($\\vec{v}\\!=\\!0$). These models show that the formation of dust behind already condensed regions, which shield the stellar radiation field, is strongly favoured. In the shadow of these clouds, the temperature decreases by several hundred Kelvin which triggers the subsequent formation of dust and ensures its thermal stability. Considering an initially dust-free gas with small density inhomogeneities, we find that finger-like dust structures develop which are cooler than the surroundings and point towards the centre of the radiant emission, similar to the ``cometary knots'' observed in planetary nebulae and star formation regions. Compared to a spherical symmetric reference model, the clumpy dust distribution has little effect on the spectral energy distribution, but dominates the optical appearance in near IR monochromatic images. ", "introduction": "Dusty gases in space are often remarkably inhomogeneous. Numerous observations of various dust forming objects like the circumstellar environments of AGB and post-AGB stars, R~Coronae~Borealis stars, planetary nebulae, the ejecta of novae and supernovae, and even the hot winds generated by Wolf-Rayet stars, have shown that the dust forming medium usually possesses a clumpy internal structure. Reviews of such observations are given by Lopez (1999) and Woitke (2001)\\nocite{woi2001,lop99}. The best-studied object in that respect is probably the infrared carbon star \\object{IRC+10216}. Several infrared speckle observations of its innermost dust formation and wind acceleration zone show direct evidence for an irregular, possibly cloudy dust distribution around this late-type AGB star (Weigelt\\etal1998\\nocite{wbbfow98}, Haniff\\plus Buscher 1998\\nocite{hb98}, Tuthill\\etal2000\\nocite{tmdl2000}). Further evidence can be deduced from long-term $JHKL$ lightcurves. Concerning the carbon star \\object{II Lup}, Feast\\etal(2003)\\nocite{fwm2003} argue for a restricted epoch of dust formation in a limited region along the line of sight, in order to explain a large-amplitude long-term decrease in $J$ whereas no corresponding increase in $K$ and $L$ was detected. Direct IR imaging and multi-wavelength IR lightcurves of the oxygen-rich red giant \\object{L$_2$\\,Pup} point to similar wind asymmetries (Jura\\etal2002)\\nocite{jcp2002}. Additional hints to inhomogeneities in the environments of AGB stars are given by the patchy SiO maser spots observed in oxygen-rich Mira variables (\\eg \\object{TX Cam}, Dia\\-mond\\plus Kemball 2003\\nocite{dk2003}). On a larger scale, CO rotational emission lines provide evidence for local density enhancements in the winds of late-type stars, \\eg concerning the carbon star \\object{TX Psc} (Heske\\etal1989)\\nocite{htm1989} or in high-resolution observations of the detached shell of \\object{TT Cyg} (Olofsson\\etal2000\\nocite{oblegb00}). Observations with higher spatial resolution, using instruments like the {\\sc Vlti, Ngst} or {\\sc Alma}, can be expected to reveal even more details in the near future. Spherically symmetric dynamical models for AGB winds which include a time-dependent treatment of dust formation strongly suggest the formation of radial dust shells in more or less regular time intervals (\\eg Winters\\etal2000, Sandin\\plus H{\\\"o}fner 2003)\\nocite{wljhs2000,sh2003}, even if the pulsation of the star is neglected (e.g. Fleischer\\etal1995)\\nocite{fgs95}. The question arises whether these dust shells remain spherical symmetric (as suggested by the 1D models), or whether they might break apart into clouds due to instabilities. We focus in this paper on the second possibility and study the two-dimensional time-dependent behaviour of the dust/gas mixture just during the formation of a new dust shell. Clumpiness may also play a vital role for the photo-chemistry during the AGB$\\,\\to\\,$PPN$\\,\\to\\,$PN transition phase. Opaque clumps can suppress the photodissociation of certain molecules like Benzene, such that their existence has been proposed to be an indicator for inhomogeneities with large density contrasts (Redman\\etal2003)\\nocite{rvcw2003}. Regarding other classes of objects, numerous opaque structures have been discovered in proto-planetary nebulae (\\eg the Helix nebula \\object{NGC 7293} and the Eskimo nebula \\object{NGC 2392}) as well as in star formation regions (\\eg the \\object{Orion nebula}). These neutral, dense, probably dusty regions, designated as ``cometary knots'', ``globules'' or ``proplyds'', are located at the head of {\\sl radially aligned linear structures} in these nebulae and are particularly well visible in high resolution images of emission line ratios like [OIII]/H$\\alpha$ (O'Dell 2000\\nocite{ode2000}). The physical cause of the observed clumpiness is still puzzling. In Paper~I of this series (Woitke\\etal2000\\nocite{wsl2000}), we have formulated the hypothesis that a radiative/thermal instability in dust forming gases can provoke a self-organisation of the matter, which is possibly involved in the formation of the observed structures. This instability is characterised by a physical control loop between the radiative transfer, which determines the temperature structure of the medium, and the dust formation, which determines its opacity (see Fig.~1 in Paper~I). This paper reports on computational evidence for this hypothesis. In Sect.~2, we outline the concept of our static model for the environment of a C-rich AGB star, which combines a time-dependent treatment of dust formation with two-dimensional radiative transfer. Section~3 shows and discusses the results, including the calculated optical appearance of a clumpy dust distribution in the spectral energy distribution and in monochromatic images. In Sect.~4, our conclusions are drawn. ", "conclusions": "This paper has shown that the formation of dust shells in the circumstellar environments of late-type stars can be unstable. Spontaneous symmetry breaking may occur due to a radiative/thermal instability in the dust forming gas, which leads to the development of cloud-like dust structures close to the star. These results have been obtained on the basis of time-dependent axisymmetric models, which combine a kinetic description of carbon dust formation/evaporation with detailed, frequency-dependent radiative transfer by means of a Monte Carlo method, in the static case. The simulations show that the dust preferentially forms behind already condensed regions, which shield the stellar radiation. In the shadow of these clumps, the temperatures are lower by a few 100\\,K which triggers the subsequent formation and facilitates the survival of the dust close to the star. As final result, numerous finger-like dust structures develop which may have an radial extension as large as $0.5\\,R_\\star$ and point towards the centre of the radiant emission, similar to the ``cometary knots'' observed in planetary nebulae and star formation regions. The cloudy dust distribution has little effect on the calculated spectral energy distribution of the star, in comparison to a spherically symmetric model, but significantly influences the optical appearance of the circumstellar environment in near IR monochromatic images (\\eg at $\\lambda\\!=\\!2.2\\,\\mu$m). In particular, an inhomogeneous dust distribution around the star leads to a likewise non-uniformly bright appearance of the stellar disk. Comparable observations of late-type giants are commonly interpreted in terms of hot/cool spots on the stellar surface. However, our model suggests that a different physical explanation by dust is possible for these observations, even if the dust is barely visible in the image. Due to computational time constraints, we have so far only been able to study the static case where velocity fields are ignored. In this case, the main feature of the model is the formation of a chemical wave which radially propagates outward, driven by dust formation on the outer edge and dust evaporation due to backwarming at the inner edge. The optical depth of this chemical wave reaches about $\\tau_{\\rm 1\\mu m}\\!\\la\\!1\\,...\\,3$ with a density-dependent propagation velocity of $\\approx\\!0.1\\rm\\,km/s\\,...\\,2\\rm\\,km/s$. The wave leaves behind a strongly inhomogeneous dust distribution close to the star, where the medium relaxes towards phase equilibrium. However, this process is unstable and results in the aforementioned simultaneous occurrence of cool dusty (optically thick) segments beside warmer, almost dust-free (optically thin) segments, through which the radiative flux finally escapes preferentially. According to dynamical (but spherically symmetric) models of dust-forming AGB stars (\\eg Winters\\etal\\linebreak 2000, Schirrmacher\\etal2003, H{\\\"o}fner\\etal2003, Sandin \\& H{\\\"o}fner 2003)\\nocite{wljhs2000,sws2003,hgaj2003,sh2003}, the formation of dust mainly occurs in particular phases of the model triggered by the pulsation of the star, which results in radial dust shells. During such a dust shell formation phase, the effect of a re-evaporation from the inside is a typical feature, similar to the behaviour of our chemical wave. According to the present paper, this process should be unstable and might result in departures from spherical symmetry. We believe that this instability can provide a basis for a better understanding of inhomogeneous dust distributions showing up in many observations. However, direct predictions for particular objects are difficult to make, because hydrodynamics is missing in the current model. Since the dust is blown away as soon as it forms, the system has only little time to relax towards phase equilibrium at the inner edge of the dust shell. On the one hand, this time may be too short to produce well-grown spatial dust structures as shown in this paper. On the other hand, even small deviations from spherical symmetry may trigger important dynamical effects, \\eg \\begin{itemize} \\item The radiation pressure on dust grains, which is delivered to the gas via frictional forces, mainly depends on the radiative flux and the degree of condensation. If slightly more condensed regions exist, they might be accelerated outward, whereas less condensed regions stay behind or even fall back.\\vspace*{1.5mm} \\item Optically thick dust clouds will be confined by radiation pressure, because the bolometric radiative flux is larger at the inner edge of the cloud facing the star than at its self-shielded outer edge (this effect does not occur in spherically symmetric models where $r^2 F(r)=\\rm const$ in radiative equilibrium). Driven, pancake-like structures could evolve due to this effect. \\vspace*{1.5mm} \\item The hydrodynamical process of cloud acceleration due to radiation pressure is not well-studied, apart from the special case of spherical symmetry. This process may be dynamically unstable itself (\\eg Rayleigh-Taylor, Kelvin-Helmholtz). Velocity disturbances generated by these instabilities may have an important feedback on the dust forming medium. \\end{itemize} Thus, we propose a new hypothetical scenario for dust-driven AGB star winds: Excited by hydrodynamical, radiative or thermal instabilities, dust clouds are formed from time to time close to the star in temporarily shielded areas, which are accelerated outward by radiation pressure. At the same time, thinner, dust-free matter falls back towards the star at different places. A highly dynamical and turbulent environment close to the star would be created in this way, which can be expected to bear again a strongly inhomogeneous dust distribution. In order to verify this hypothetical scenario, much more elaborate model calculations would be required which may well exceed the present capabilities of parallel super-computers. Various processes must be traced in 3D, using dynamical models with detailed radiative transfer and time-dependent dust-chemistry." }, "0404/astro-ph0404610_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present \\XMM observations of $\\gamma^2$ Velorum (WR\\,11, WC8+O7.5III, $P$\\,=\\,78.53\\,d), a nearby Wolf-Ray binary system, at its \\xray high and low states. At high state, emission from a hot collisional plasma dominates from about 1 to 8 keV. At low state, photons between 1 and 4\\,keV are absorbed. The hot plasma is identified with the shock zone between the winds of the primary Wolf-Rayet star and the secondary O giant. The absorption at low state is interpreted as photoelectric absorption in the Wolf-Rayet wind. This absorption allows us to measure the absorbing column density and to derive a mass loss rate $\\Mdot$\\,=\\,8$\\times$10$^{-6}$\\,M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$ for the WC8 star. This mass loss rate, in conjunction with a previous Wolf-Rayet wind model, provides evidence for a clumped WR wind. A clumping factor of 16 is required. The \\xray spectra below 1 keV (12~\\AA) show no absorption and are essentially similar in both states. There is a rather clear separation in that emission from a plasma hotter than 5\\,MK is heavily absorbed in low state while the cooler plasma is not. This cool plasma must come from a much more extended region than the hot material. The Neon abundance in the \\xray emitting material is 2.5 times the solar value. The unexpected detection of C~\\textsc{v} (25.3~\\AA) and C~\\textsc{vi} (31.6~\\AA) radiative recombination continua at both phases indicates the presence of a cool ($\\sim$\\,40,000~K) recombination region located far out in the binary system. ", "introduction": "} The massive Wolf-Rayet binary system $\\gamma^2$~Velorum (WR\\,11, WC8+O7.5III, $P$\\,=\\,78.53\\,d) is an astrophysical laboratory in which many aspects of mass loss and wind-wind collision phenomena can be studied. The system is relatively nearby, its {\\sl Hipparcos} distance is $d\\,=\\,258\\pm35$\\,pc (van der Hucht et al. 1997; Schaerer et al. 1997). Both stars in the binary have been recently investigated with sophisticated model atmospheres and their stellar parameters are reasonably well known (De Marco \\& Schmutz 1999, De Marco et al. 2000). The binary orbit has been re-determined by Schmutz et al. (1997) who combined recent with earlier observations (Niemela \\& Sahade 1980; Pike et al. 1983; Moffat et al. 1986; Stickland \\& Lloyd 1990). The orbit is mildly eccentric and has an inclination of 63$^\\circ$\\,$\\pm$\\,8$^\\circ$ (De Marco \\& Schmutz 1999). Because of the high orbital inclination, any emitting structures are seen through changing absorption columns as the stars revolve. Since $\\gamma^2$~Vel is the nearest WR star, (see van der Hucht 2001), it is relatively bright and well observable at any wavelength, in particular in the X-ray domain. It has been observed by all previous X-ray observatories, from the {\\sl Einstein} observatory (White \\& Long 1986; Pollock 1987) to {\\sl ASCA} (Stevens et al. 1996; Rauw et al. 2000), and, more recently, by {\\sl Chandra} (Skinner et al. 2001). Its X-ray observational history has been reviewed by van der Hucht (2002) and Corcoran (2003). \\begin{figure} \\hbox{\\hskip-0.2cm\\psfig{figure=35fig1.ps,height=7.7cm,width=8.5cm,clip=}} \\caption{Sketch of the $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel orbital configuration at the phases of our X-ray observations. The Wolf-Rayet star is at the center. Shape and orientation of the wind blown cavities around the O star are schematic only.} \\label{figure1} \\end{figure} With a series of \\ROSAT observations covering the binary orbit of $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel, Willis et al. (1995) discovered that the X-ray emission is a factor of $\\sim$\\,4 enhanced during a brief time span when the O-type component is in front. They also showed that the steep increase takes place only in \\ROSAT's hard \\xrays. They convincingly interpreted the variable \\xray emission to arise from colliding stellar winds. The enhancement is explained by the viewing geometry, when the collision zone can be seen through a rarefied cavity that builds around and behind the O-type component (see Fig.\\,\\ref{figure1}). At other phases the dense WR wind absorbs the X-rays from the collision zone. The wind blown cavity is generally orientated away from the WC component but it is also somewhat warped because of the binary motion of the O star. Here we present \\XMM observations of $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel, taken at two phases. The first phase is at the maximum X-ray flux, a few days after the O-type component passed in front of the WR star. The second phase is intermediate between quadrature and superior conjunction. In this configuration the O star is seen through a large portion of the extended WR atmosphere (Fig.~\\ref{figure1}). After describing the observations and the most interesting spectral features we analyze the data in two different ways. First, we simply take the \\xray emitting zone as a source of light with which the WR wind is irradiated. The observed absorption changes between different orbital phases provide unique information about the structure of the WR wind. Secondly, we interpret the X-ray emission at both phases by a spectral fitting procedure. This reveals new insights into the geometric and thermal structure and the elemental composition of the wind-wind collision zone. ", "conclusions": "High-resolution X-ray spectra obtained at different orbital phases provide a wealth of information about $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel. Modeling the X-ray emission constrains the physical structure of the wind-wind collision zone, whereas the absorption observed at non-maximum phases gives indications about the geometric distribution of the emitting as well as the non-emitting material. Both, emission and absorption are important and reveal different but linked aspects of the $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel system. It is indeed likely that a comprehensive tomographic analysis using \\xray spectra taken at many more orbital phases will allow a detailed mapping of the colliding wind region as well as of the ambient material. In particular, the hypothesis of a constant clumping factor around the orbit could be tested. \\subsection{WR mass loss and wind clumping} Phase dependent \\xray emission from $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel can be used to analyze the Wolf-Rayet wind. In order to quantitatively interpret the absorption at low state, we apply a previously published WR model atmosphere with a smooth density distribution (De\\,Marco et al 2000). This model atmosphere is the result from a fit to the broad WR emission lines. The column density required by the observed \\xray absorption is a factor of 4 lower than what is predicted by this model. The mass loss rate that matches the \\xray absorption is correspondingly smaller. We conclude that the WC8 star in $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel loses mass at a rate of only 8$\\times$10$^{-6}$\\Msolar/yr. The discrepancy between our directly measured mass loss rate and the one required by the model atmosphere can be reconciled if the wind is clumped. In order to still fit the WR emission line spectrum with the reduced mass loss a clumping factor f = 16 is required. \\begin{figure} \\hbox{\\hskip-0.2cm\\psfig{figure=35fig9.ps,height=7.7cm,width=8.5cm,clip=}} \\caption{Sketch of the $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel system (same as Fig.\\,1) with the probable locations of our components 1 to 4. The Wolf-Rayet star is at the center.} \\label{figure9} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Size of line emitting regions} The observed absorption behaviour also constrains the geometry of the \\xray line emitting region. It is very interesting that in our spectra the separation between absorption and no absorption is quite sharp. While the \\Neix lines remain unabsorbed the \\Nex lines are reduced by a factor of 5 (see Tab. 2). In terms of temperature this means that the plasma hotter than 5 MK is heavily absorbed at phase 0.37 while the cooler plasma is not. This is also reflected in our emission model in which the components 1 and 2 with temperatures of 8 and 19 MK are strongly absorbed whereas component 3 with a temperature of 3 MK is only weakly absorbed. We conclude that components 1 and 2 are formed in the central part of the colliding winds which is deeply embedded in the WR wind. The cool (3\\,MK) component is clearly detached from this hot region (see Fig.\\,9). Furthermore, the \\Neix lines that predominantly come from this region are not affected by the UV radiation of the O star. They either are formed far away from the O star or they are shielded from that UV radiation by intervening material. In either case, the O star is not likely to contribute much to them and we conclude that firstly, this component is associated with the colliding winds and secondly that this region must be rather extended for it to still be well detectable at phase 0.37. \\subsection{Neon abundance} A further interesting piece of evidence comes from the neon abundance we derive. Neon is considerably enriched through nuclear processing in WC stars and therefore differs significantly from solar abundance. Neon is in fact the only element that emits copious line radiation from the collisionally ionized region, and that allows to discriminate between WC and solar composition. We find a clear Neon enhancement compared to solar which indicates that Wolf-Rayet material is present at least in components 2 and 3. It is noteworthy that much of what we learn about the collision zone actually comes from the \\Neix and \\Nex lines. Apart from discriminating between WC and solar abundance patterns they also provide a dividing line between absorption and no absorption at phase 0.37. These lines seem to hold the key for further progress and their behaviour at other phases should certainly be very interesting to follow. \\subsection{\\xray emission variability} An interesting feature of our \\xray spectra is the high energy end. The section above 4.5\\,keV is little affected by intrinsic absorption and interestingly there is no observable difference between the two phases. In particular the highest temperatures in the wind-wind collision zone seem to be the same at both phases. This is remarkable because the binary separation has changed from 0.83 AU at phase 0.12 to 1.27 AU at phase 0.37. From a simple 1/D law one would expect a 50\\% flux reduction (see e.g., Stevens et al. 1992). This confirms the result of Rauw et al. (2000) that $\\gamma^2$\\,Vel does not follow a 1/D distance relation. The \\xray flux and temperature from the hottest plasma as detected by \\XMM is not affected by the orbital separation. \\subsection{Recombining plasma} Apart from the shock excited components we also find a recombining plasma. The relation (if any) between this fourth component to the shocked material is not clear. The recombining plasma is highly ionized and is not absorbed at phase 0.37. It therefore comes from far out in the binary system. We also know that it is of very low temperature of about 40\\,000\\,K and that it is of WC composition. Possibly this plasma is due to photoionization through the X-rays from the wind-wind collision region. This radiation propagates through the rarefied and warped cavity behind the O star and irradiates the higher regions of the WR wind. There it may re-ionize some of the material." }, "0404/astro-ph0404426_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Despite many years of effort, observational studies have not found a strong correlation between the presence of any proposed fueling mechanism and low-luminosity AGN. After a discussion of the mass requirements for fueling, I summarize this observational work and provide a number of hypotheses for why the nature of AGN fueling has remained unresolved. In particular, I stress the potential importance of the increasing number of candidate fueling mechanisms with decreasing mass accretion rate, the relevant spatial scales for different fueling mechanisms, and the lifetime of an individual episode of nuclear accretion. The episodic AGN lifetime is a particularly relevant complication if it is comparable to or shorter than the time that the responsible fueling mechanisms are observationally detectable. I conclude with a number of relatively accessible areas for future investigation. ", "introduction": "One of the main, unsolved problems in AGN research is how the AGN fuel is transported to the central, supermassive black hole. For low-luminosity AGN, the likely source of this fuel is the host galaxy itself, and in particular the ISM. As most of this material is distributed in a rotating disk extending out to kiloparsec scales, the problem of AGN fueling is essentially a problem of angular momentum transport: All but approximately one part in $10^7$ of the angular momentum must be removed for material to flow from kiloparsec scales to the event horizon on AU scales. The problem has remained unsolved in part because the most relevant spatial scales for fueling, the central parsec and inward, are only observable in the very nearest galaxies. An angular resolution of $0.1''$ only corresponds to 1~pc or better spatial resolution out to a distance of 2~Mpc. Even the central 10~pc are not readily resolved for large samples of nearby AGN. The present technical limitations on angular resolution have therefore made it impossible to study AGN fueling directly and instead driven investigations to indirect, statistical studies of active and inactive galaxy samples in order to identify the mechanism(s) responsible for fueling accretion. \\subsection{Requirements for Fueling} Before consideration of these investigations, it is valuable to first consider the mass accretion rates estimated to produce the observed population of low-luminosity AGN, which are defined here to be any AGN less luminous than a QSO. The luminosity of an AGN is related to the mass accretion rate by $L = \\epsilon \\dot{M} c^2$, where $\\epsilon$ is the radiative efficiency of the accretion. This accretion is commonly assumed to occur via a Shakura-Sunyaev thin disk (Shakura \\& Sunyaev 1973) with a constant radiative efficiency $\\epsilon = 0.1$. To maintain Eddington accretion onto a supermassive black hole requires a mass accretion rate of \\begin{equation} \\dot{M}_{Edd} = 0.2 \\epsilon^{-1}_{0.1} \\left( \\frac{M}{10^7 {\\rm M}_{\\odot}} \\right) {\\rm M}_{\\odot} {\\rm yr}^{-1} \\end{equation} where $\\epsilon_{0.1} = \\epsilon/0.1$. The mass accretion rate is commonly parametrized in terms of the Eddington rate as the dimensionless accretion rate $\\dot{m} \\equiv \\dot{M}/\\dot{M}_{Edd}$, similarly the bolometric luminosity can be expressed as $l \\equiv L_{bol}/L_{Edd}$. For a standard accretion disk $l = \\dot{m}$, while lower efficiency ADAF models, which likely become important below $\\dot{m} = \\dot{m}_{crit} \\sim 0.01$, predict $l \\propto \\dot{m}^2$ from a scaling of $\\epsilon_{0.1} = \\dot{m}/\\dot{m}_{crit}$ (Narayan, Mahadevan, \\& Quataert 1998). The required mass accretion rates from fueling may be even higher if ADIOS/CDAF models are important, as these models predict that only a small fraction of the supplied mass is actually accreted by the black hole (Blandford \\& Begelman 1999). The key importance of these relations is that the mass accretion rates required for low-luminosity AGN do not decline as rapidly as their luminosity. The most luminous low-luminosity AGN, Seyfert 1s, appear to have central, supermassive black holes with $M_\\bullet = 10^7 {\\rm M}_{\\odot}$ (Ferrarese et al.\\ 2001) and $l = 0.1$, which corresponds to accretion at $\\dot{m} = 0.1$ or $\\dot{M} = 0.02\\,{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$/yr. More typical Seyferts, which constitute a total of approximately 10\\% of the luminous galaxy population (Ho, Filippenko, \\& Sargent 1997) likely accrete with $\\dot{m} = 0.01$, while the 30\\% of the luminous galaxy population that are LINERs likely accrete with $\\dot{m} = 10^{-2} - 10^{-4}$ based on estimates of $l$ (Ho 1999). If all luminous galaxies go through periodic episodes as AGN, then over a time period of $10^8$ years\\footnote{This time period is only adopted to illustrate the potential total fuel requirements of a low-luminosity AGN. The relative numbers of Seyferts and LINERs only constrain the duty cycle of these phases and not the lifetime}, a $10^7 {\\rm M}_{\\odot}$ black hole will appear as a Seyfert galaxy for a total of $10^7$ yr and accrete on order $10^{3} {\\rm M}_{\\odot}$, appear to be a LINER for $3 \\times 10^7$ yr and accrete $10^{3} {\\rm M}_{\\odot}$, and appear to be inactive for $6 \\times 10^7$ yr. Therefore the mass inflow rates and total mass reservoirs required to power low-luminosity AGN are relatively meager. \\subsection{Proposed Fueling Mechanisms} Figure~1 lists the many mechanisms proposed to drive angular momentum transport in the host galaxy and provide fuel to the central parsec. These mechanisms can be divided between gravitational and hydrodynamic mechanisms. Gravitational mechanisms, such as galaxy interactions (Toomre \\& Toomre 1972) and large-scale bars (Simkin, Su, \\& Schwarz 1980), remove angular momentum through torques, while hydrodynamic mechanisms, such as turbulence in the ISM (Elmegreen et al.\\ 1998), remove angular momentum through gas dynamical effects. Many of these mechanisms are discussed in the review by Shlosman, Begelman, \\& Frank (1990) and the more recent review by Wada (2004). The latter in particular provides an excellent overview of recent theoretical work on hydrodynamic fueling mechanisms and places particular emphasis on high resolution simulations of the multiphase ISM in the central kiloparsec. \\begin{figure}% \\includegraphics{martini.f1.eps} \\caption{\\small Mechanisms proposed to fuel accretion onto black holes at the centers of galaxies. The fueling mechanisms are approximately ordered by their expected maximum accretion rate. Progressively larger numbers of progressively more common mechanisms may be responsible for supplying the lowest rates of accretion. This suggests that while the relevant question for luminous AGN may be ``Why are active galaxies active?'' the question should be ``Why are inactive galaxies inactive?'' at the lowest accretion rates. } \\end{figure} While a large number of mechanisms have been proposed for AGN fueling, the vast majority are only likely to provide relatively low mass accretion rates. Mergers between galaxies, particularly major mergers, is the mechanism most commonly invoked to explain the high accretion rates required to power luminous QSOs, while at the somewhat lower mass accretion rates responsible for Seyfert-level luminosities, mechanisms such as bars and minor mergers have also been considered. A progressively larger number of candidate mechanisms could be important at yet lower mass accretion rates. The mechanisms listed in Figure~1 are approximately ordered by their relative {\\it maximum} mass accretion rates. As the mass accretion rate to the nucleus is expected to gradually taper off, rather than stop abruptly, mechanisms invoked to explain high mass accretion rates may also produce low mass accretion rates as the fuel supply is gradually depleted. \\subsection{Observational Searches} As the spatial scales most important for fueling are currently inaccessible in most galaxies, searches have instead employed large samples of AGN and inactive, control galaxies to identify the fueling mechanism(s). Ideally, a candidate fueling mechanism should only be found in the AGN sample. These experiments are challenging in that they require both large samples of galaxies and very careful control of systematic effects in the selection of both the AGN and the control samples. Claims over the years of statistically significant excesses have all diminished after reevaluation of sample sizes and the details of the AGN and control sample selection (e.g.\\ different distance distributions, host galaxy types). Sample selection remains a very important consideration as progressively more AGN are found in progressively more sensitive surveys (e.g.\\ Ho et al.\\ 1997) and few studies of AGN fueling use samples selected with uniform and unbiased criteria, such as hard X-ray luminosity, nor do they have comparably sensitive observations of the inactive, control sample. The two main and most readily observed `large-scale' mechanisms are bars and interactions. Neither of these features is seen in significant excess in AGN samples compared to carefully-matched control samples (Fuentes-Williams \\& Stocke 1988; Mulchaey \\& Regan 1997; Schmitt 2001; see also Schmitt, {\\it these proceedings}). One explanation for these results is that AGN fueling is predominantly mitigated by smaller-scale phenomenon than accessible in these ground-based surveys (e.g.\\ Martini \\& Pogge 1999), a point illustrated in part by Figure~1. While the fueling mechanisms are approximately ordered by accretion rate, the mechanisms proposed to produce lower accretion rates are also progressively smaller-scale phenomena and more difficult to identify observationally. The desire for finer spatial resolution motivated a careful study of the circumnuclear region (on 100 pc scales) with {\\it HST}, but still no significant differences between AGN and control samples were found (Martini et al.\\ 2003a). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/nlin0404016_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider a solvable model of the decay of scalar variance in a single-scale random velocity field. We show that if there is a separation between the flow scale $\\ko^{-1}$ and the box size $\\kbox^{-1}$, the decay rate $\\lambda\\propto(\\kbox/\\ko)^2$ is determined by the turbulent diffusion of the box-scale mode. Exponential decay at the rate $\\lambda$ is preceded by a transient powerlike decay (the total scalar variance $\\sim t^{-5/2}$ if the Corrsin invariant is zero, $t^{-3/2}$ otherwise) that lasts a time $t\\sim1/\\lambda$. Spectra are sharply peaked at $k=\\kbox$. The box-scale peak acts as a slowly decaying source to a secondary peak at the flow scale. The variance spectrum at scales intermediate between the two peaks ($\\kbox\\ll k\\ll\\ko$) is $\\sim k + a k^2 +\\dots$ ($a>0$). The mixing of the flow-scale modes by the random flow produces, for the case of large P\\'eclet number, a $k^{-1+\\delta}$ spectrum at $k\\gg\\ko$, where $\\delta\\propto\\lambda$ is a small correction. Our solution thus elucidates the spectral make up of the ``strange mode,'' combining small-scale structure and a decay law set by the largest scales. ", "introduction": "The problem of the decay of passive-scalar variance has recently been reexamined in the literature following the realization that the decay rates, spectra, and higher-order statistics based on small-scale Lagrangian-stretching theories \\cite{Antonsen_etal,Son,Balkovsky_Fouxon,Falkovich_etal_review} are not consistent with either numerical \\cite{Pierrehumbert_strange_mode,Pierrehumbert_pdfs,Fereday_etal,Sukhatme_Pierrehumbert} or experimental \\cite{Rothstein_etal,Voth_etal} results in the long-time limit. Instead, the scalar decay is dominated by an eigenmodelike solution dubbed ``the strange mode'' \\cite{Pierrehumbert_strange_mode} because it combines intricate small-scale structure with globally determined decay rate and self-similar statistics (self-similarity is also seen in numerical simulations of the related problem of kinematic dynamo \\cite{SCMM_ssd}). There has been a growing understanding \\cite{Voth_etal,Thiffeault_Childress,Chertkov_Lebedev,Fereday_Haynes,Sukhatme_pdf} that the overall decay rate is set by the slowest-decaying system-scale modes. This brings to mind homogenization theory \\cite{Majda_Kramer}, which considers the turbulent diffusion of passive scalar at scales much larger than the flow scale and where it is the largest-scale mode that decays most slowly. In this paper, we use a simple solvable example to demonstrate that the strange-mode decay rate is the rate of turbulent diffusion of the box-scale mode and show how the spectra of scalar variance accommodate both this box-scale diffusion and small-scale structure. Qualitatively, the key idea quantified by our theory is as follows. A scalar field whose variance is at the scale smaller than or equal to the scale of the ambient random flow is mixed at a rate determined by the Lyapunov exponent of the flow --- this is the Lagrangian-stretching approach. However, if the size of the box is larger than the scale of the flow, the scalar field can have variance at the scale of the box. The rate of transfer of this large-scale variance to the flow scale (turbulent diffusion) can be much smaller than the Lagrangian mixing rate, in which case this slow transfer sets the global decay rate. Our model emphasizes scale separation between the box and the flow. Our results are complementary to \\cite{Haynes_Vanneste}, where the decay of a scalar field is studied with more generality (in two dimensions). We consider the advection-diffusion equation \\bea \\label{ADEq} \\dd_t\\theta + \\vu\\cdot\\nabla\\theta = \\eta\\Delta\\theta, \\eea with a random Gaussian white-in-time velocity field $\\la u^i(t,\\vx)u^j(t',\\vx')\\ra = \\delta(t-t')\\kappa^{ij}(\\vx-\\vx')$ known as the Kraichnan model \\cite{Kraichnan1}. The mean scalar concentration has been subtracted --- i.e., $\\la\\theta\\ra=0$. For the Kraichnan velocity, the angle-integrated scalar-variance spectrum in $d$ dimensions $T(k)=\\int\\diff\\Omega_\\vk\\, k^{d-1} \\la|\\theta(\\vk)|^2\\ra$ satisfies an integro-differential equation valid at all~$k$~\\footnote{The derivation is analogous to the standard one in the dynamo theory: see, e.g., \\cite{SBK_review} and references therein. Note that the $x$ space version of \\eq{MCEq} is local, but we stay with the integral equation because we are interested in spectra. For $x$ space calculations, see \\cite{Chertkov_Lebedev,Haynes_Vanneste}.}: \\bea \\nonumber \\dd_t T(t,k) &+& (2\\eta + \\kappa_0) k^2 T(t,k) \\\\ \\label{MCEq} &=& k_i k_j\\int\\diff^d k'\\kappa^{ij}(\\vk-\\vk')\\,T(t,k'), \\eea where $\\kkappa^{ij}(\\vk)=\\kkappa(k)\\bl(\\delta^{ij}-k_i k_j/k^2\\br)$ is the Fourier transform of $\\kappa^{ij}(\\vx-\\vx')$ and $\\kappa_0=(1/d)\\kappa^{ii}(0)$ is the turbulent diffusivity ($d$ is the dimension of space). In \\secref{sec_small_scales}, we review the theory of scalar decay at small scales, which leads to the standard Lagrangian-stretching results. In \\secref{sec_main}, the theory for a finite-scale flow is developed --- this is the main part of the paper. Concluding remarks are in \\secref{sec_disc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_disc} We now have a physical picture of the ``strange mode'': the small-$k$ peak (singularity at the box scale) serves as a slowly decaying source to the flow-scale mode (singularity at $k=1$), which, in turn, is mixed by the random flow and thus excites the nonsingular modes at small [\\eq{FPSln}] and large [\\eq{T_series}] scales. The structure of the spectrum is illustrated in \\figref{fig_strange_mode}. The low-wave-number behavior of the decaying scalar field was previously analyzed in a heuristic way by Kerstein and McMurtry~\\cite{Kerstein_McMurtry} (see also \\cite{Gonzalez} for a treatment based on one of the turbulence closure schemes, which gives mostly similar results). They considered advection by a narrow-band (i.e., single-scale) forced random flow in an unbounded domain --- i.e., in the regime that we call the transient (powerlike-decay) stage. They recognized the defining role of coupling between the large scales ($k\\lesssim\\kpeak$) and the flow scale ($k=\\ko=1$) and derived the $k^4$ scaling at $k\\ll\\kpeak$ with a exponential fall off at $k>\\kpeak$ [\\eq{HomSln_C2}] and the ensuing powerlike-decay laws for the case of $C_2=0$ (see the end of \\secref{sec_C2_zero}). For the intermediate rage $\\kpeak\\ll k\\ll1$, they predicted a $k^2$ spectrum (in 3D) --- in contrast to our $k^1$ result [\\eqsand{Tint_decay_C2}{T_series} and \\secref{sec_C2_zero}]. The reason for the discrepancy is as follows. The analysis of \\cite{Kerstein_McMurtry} is based on Taylor-expanding the flow around $k=1$ --- i.e., in terms of our theory --- setting $T(t,1+q)\\simeq T(t,1)$ in \\eq{HomEq}, which gives $S(t,k)\\simeq k^4 T(t,1)$. If we had used the resulting equation to solve for $T(t,k)$ at $\\kpeak\\ll k\\ll 1$, we would also have obtained $T(t,k)\\sim k^2$. However, as we have seen above, the width of the flow-scale singularity is $\\sim\\kpeak$ [\\eqsand{T1_decay_C2}{T1_decay_zeroC2}], so Taylor expansion cannot be used in \\eq{HomEq} for $k\\gg\\kpeak$. In this intermediate range, the integral in \\eq{HomEq} must instead be replaced by the integral over the entire flow-scale peak, resulting in our $k^1$ scaling. The $k^2$ term enters as a correction due to the interaction between nonsingular modes [\\eq{T_series}]. Finally, let us comment on our modeling assumptions. The white-noise approximation might appear drastic: the correlation time of any realistic flow is comparable to the flow time scale $\\sim(u\\ko)^{-1}\\sim\\kappa_2^{-1}$. However, since the scalar decay time is much longer than the flow time scale (provided $\\kbox\\ll\\ko$), the white-noise model appears reasonable. We believe it also correctly captures the small-scale structure: the key factor here is the statistics of fluid displacements, which are integrals of velocity and are finite-time correlated even for a white-in-time velocity. Our model flow was single scale. Although such flows can be set up in the laboratory \\cite{Rothstein_etal,Voth_etal} \\footnote{It was pointed out to us by Kerstein \\cite{Kerstein_pc} that a single-scale random flow could also be set up by randomly stirring a granular material: studying mixing in such a flow would provide an interesting experimental test.}, the real-world mixing problems usually contain (at sufficiently small scales) a wide (inertial) scale range of three-dimensional turbulent motions. While the variance spectrum in the inertial range should follow the Obukhov-Corrsin $k^{-5/3}$ law \\cite{Obukhov_scalar,Corrsin_spectrum} and there will be another transient powerlike-decay stage \\cite{Corrsin_inv,Chasnov,Eyink_Xin,Chaves_etal,Chertkov_Lebedev}, the long-term decay (after the scalar variance reaches $k<\\ko$) should still be qualitatively described by our theory. Another modification that results from the relaxation of the single-scale assumption concerns the intermediate wave-number range $\\kpeak\\ll k\\ll\\ko$. As noted in \\cite{Kerstein_McMurtry} and confirmed in pipe-flow mixing experiments \\cite{Guilkey_etal_spectra}, the interaction between the $k=\\kpeak$ mode and the low-wave-number tail of the kinetic-energy spectrum ($\\sim k^4$) can change the scaling of the scalar-variance spectrum in this range. In conclusion, we emphasize that, in any laboratory experiment aiming to test our results, the stirring must be done at scales substantially smaller than the system size to ensure that $\\kbox\\ll\\ko$. It was just such a set up (in 2D) that allowed Voth {\\em et al.} \\cite{Voth_etal} to show experimentally that the global mixing rate was much smaller than that predicted by the Lagrangian-stretching theories and consistent with the box-scale turbulent-diffusion rate --- precisely the point the theory presented above is meant to demonstrate." }, "0404/nucl-th0404002_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Two new facilities have recently been proposed to measure low energy neutrino-nucleus cross sections, the $\\nu$-SNS (Spallation Neutron Source) and low energy beta beams. The former produces neutrinos by pion decay at rest, while the latter produces neutrinos from the beta decays of accelerated ions. One of the uses of neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements is for supernova studies, where typical neutrino energies are 10s of MeV. In this energy range there are many different components to the nuclear response and this makes the theoretical interpretation of the results of such an experiment complex. Although even one measurement on a heavy nucleus such as lead is much anticipated, more than one data set would be still better. We suggest that this can be done by breaking the electron spectrum down into the parts produced in coincidence with one or two neutrons, running a beta beam at more than one energy, comparing the spectra produced with pions and a beta beam or any combination of these. ", "introduction": "Neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements are desirable from the point of view of understanding nuclear structure, but they are perhaps even more desirable for astrophysical reasons. The supernova is the best studied astrophysical environment where neutrino scattering reactions have significant impact. Proper inclusion of the reverse process, electron capture on nuclei, has recently been shown to factor significantly in the prospects for obtaining a supernova explosion \\cite{Hix:2003fg}. Furthermore, neutrino-nucleus interactions figure heavily in determining the nucleosynthesis that is produced during the course of a supernova explosion. Neutrino nucleosynthesis, which occurs when neutrinos spall neutrons and protons off of pre-existing nuclei, is driven entirely by neutrino-nucleus interactions \\cite{Woosley:1989bd,Heger:2003mm}. Several papers have suggested that the r-process of nucleosynthesis may be impacted heavily by neutrino-nucleus interactions, e.g. \\cite{McLaughlin:1996eq,Haxton:1996ms}. In fact these reactions may have such a detrimental effect that they are an effective tool in constraining the environment \\cite{Meyer:1998sn}. Thirdly, neutrino-nucleus measurements are needed to calibrate supernova neutrino detectors. For a description of supernova neutrino detection using lead, see \\cite{Boyd:em}. A recent review of different techniques used to calculate neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements is given in \\cite{Kolbe:2003ys}. Traditional neutrino beams are created using pions which produce both muon neutrinos and muon antineutrinos, and either electron neutrinos or electron antineutrinos. This is the case for the proposed $\\nu$-SNS which will produce neutrinos from pions decaying at rest by way of the Spallation Neutron Source at Oakridge National Laboratory \\cite{nuSNS}. This facility will make improvements on existing measurements of nuclei such as carbon and iron \\cite{Krakauer:1991rf,Armbruster:vd,Berge:1989hr} and measure cross sections on new nuclei such as lead. Newly proposed beta beam facilities \\cite{Zucchelli:sa} produce either electron neutrinos or antineutrinos from beta-plus or beta-minus decays of radioactive ions. Feasibility studies for beta beams are underway and a design is discussed in \\cite{Lindroos:2003kp,Bouchez:2003fy}. Beta beams were originally proposed as a way to make high energy neutrinos for use in long-baseline studies to determine the third, and as yet unknown mixing angle in the neutrino mixing matrix, $\\theta_{13}$ and to investigate CP-violation in the lepton sector \\cite{Mezzetto:2003ub,Bouchez:2003fy}. However, lower energy beta beams have been proposed by Volpe \\cite{Volpe:2003fi} and an application for neutrino magnetic moment measurements has been discussed in \\cite{McLaughlin:2003yg}. In this paper we consider neutrino-lead measurements using spectra that would be produced by the $\\nu$-SNS and from a beta beam facility. We consider a target mass of 10 tons, 20 meters away from the pion source and 10 meters away from the end of a straight section of a beta beam ring. We examine the spectra of the electrons that would be produced from charged current interactions. We explore the signals which can be produced if the electrons can be identified as being created in coincidence with zero, one or two spalled neutrons. We also suggest the possibility that low energy beta beams be operated at more than one energy, therefore producing different neutrino energy spectra. ", "conclusions": "We have discussed the electron spectrum produced from a lead target for two different sources of neutrinos. Any future measurements of neutrino-nucleus cross sections are much anticipated. However, if possible it would be desirable to have more than one electron spectrum with which to calibrate theory. We have illustrated the relative nuclear contribution to the electron energy spectra for various beta beam energies and compared this with the pion source. We have also considered the contributions of the one neutron and two neutron spectrum. One could maximize the infomation with which to compare theory calculations by separating the spectra into parts associated with zero, one and two neutrons, by running the beta beam at more than one energy such as at $\\gamma = 5$, $\\gamma=10$ and $\\gamma=15$, or by using the electron spectra produced by both sources." }, "0404/astro-ph0404536_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "For an observer in the Hubble flow (comoving frame) the last scattering surface (LSS) is well approximated by a two-sphere. If a nontrivial topology of space is detectable, then this sphere intersects some of its topological images, giving rise to circles-in-the-sky, i.e., pairs of matching circles of equal radii, centered at different points on the LSS sphere, with the same pattern of temperature variations. Motivated by the fact that our entire galaxy is not exactly in the Hubble flow, we study the geometric effects of our galaxy's peculiar motion on the circles-in-the-sky. We show that the shape of these circles-in-the-sky remains circular, as detected by a local observer with arbitrary peculiar velocity. Explicit expressions for the radius and center position of such an observed circle-in-the-sky, as well as for the angular displacement of points on the circle, are derived. In general, a circle is detected as a circle of different radius, displaced relative to its original position, and centered at a point which does not correspond to its detected center in the comoving frame. Further, there is an angular displacement of points on the circles. These effects all arise from aberration of cosmic microwave background radiation, exhausting the purely geometric effects due to the peculiar motion of our galaxy, and are independent of both the large scale curvature of space and the expansion of the universe, since aberration is a purely local phenomenon. For a Lorentz-boosted observer with the speed of our entire galaxy, the maximum (detectable) changes in the angular radius of a circle, its maximum center displacement, as well as the maximum angular distortion are shown all to be of order $\\beta=(v/c)$ radians. In particular, two back-to-back matching circles in a finite universe will have an upper bound of $2|\\beta| $ in the variation of either their radii, the angular position of their centers, or the angular distribution of points. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Whether the universe is spatially finite and what its size and shape may be are among the fundamental open problems that high precision modern cosmology seeks to resolve. These questions of topological nature have become particularly topical, given the wealth of increasingly accurate cosmological observations, especially the recent results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) experiment~\\cite{WMAP}, which have heightened the interest in the possibility of a finite universe. Indeed, reported non-Gaussianity in cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps~\\cite{CMB+NonGauss}, the small power of large-angle fluctuations~\\cite{WMAP-Spergel-et-al}, and some features in the power spectrum~\\cite{CMB+NonGauss,WMAP-Spergel-et-al} are large-scale anomalies which have been suggested as potential indication of a finite universe~\\cite{Poincare} (for reviews see~\\cite{Revs}). Given the current high quality and resolution of such maps, the most promising search for cosmic topology is based on pattern repetitions of these CMB anisotropies on the last scattering surface (LSS). If a nontrivial topology of space is detectable% \\footnote{The extent to which a nontrivial topology may or may not be detected has been discussed in references~\\cite{TopDetec}.}, then the last scattering sphere intersects some of its topological images giving rise to the so-called circles-in-the-sky. Thus, the CMB temperature anisotropy maps will have matched circles: pairs of equal radii circles (centered at different points on the LSS sphere) that have the same pattern of temperature variations~\\cite{CSS1998}. These matching circles will exist in CMB anisotropy maps of universes with any detectable nontrivial topology, regardless of its geometry. Therefore, pairs of matched circles may be hidden in CMB maps if the universe is finite, and to observationally probe nontrivial topology on the largest scale available, one needs a statistical approach to scan all-sky CMB maps in order to draw the correlated circles out of them. The circles-in-the-sky method, devised by N. Cornish, D. Spergel and G. Starkman~\\cite{CSS1998} to search for a possible nontrivial topology of the universe, looks for such matching circles through a correlation statistic for sign detection (a function whose peaks indicate matched circles). As originally conceived, the circles--in--the--sky method did not take into account the role of our galaxy's peculiar motion. In a recent paper~\\cite{Levin2004}, however, this point has been considered, and it has been argued, in a simplified context (flat spacetime), that, for any observer moving with respect to the CMB, two effects will take place, namely the circles will be deformed into ovals, and these ovals will be displaced with regard to the corresponding circles in the comoving frame. These effects were estimated to be, respectively, of order $\\beta^2$ and $|\\beta|$. We show here that, regardless of any background curvature or expansion, the shape of these circles--in--the--sky, as locally detected by an observer in motion relative to the comoving one, \\emph{remains} circular. We derive explicit expressions for the radius and center position of such an observed circle-in-the-sky, as well as a formula for the angular displacement of points on the circle. In general, a circle is detected as a circle of different radius, displaced relative to its original position, and centered at a point which does not correspond to its detected center in the comoving frame. Further, there is an angular displacement of points on the circles. These effects arise all from aberration of CMBR, and exhaust the purely geometric effects due to our galaxy's peculiar motion on circles-in-the-sky. We also estimate the maximum values of these effects considering the peculiar motion of our galaxy. In particular, for two back-to-back matching circles in a finite universe the upper bounds in the variation of either their radii, the angular position of their center or in the angular distribution of points are all of order $2|\\beta|\\simeq 2.46\\times 10^{-3}$ radians. Although these effects are still below WMAP's angular resolution, we show that they are relevant for future CMB missions like the Planck satellite. ", "conclusions": "\\label{ConRem} Motivated by the fact that our entire galaxy is not in the Hubble flow, we have studied all geometric effects due to our galaxy's peculiar motion on the circles-in-the-sky. As a consequence of Peronse's result~\\cite{Penrose1959} we have shown that circles-in-the-sky as detected by a comoving observer $O$ will also be detected as circles-in-the sky by any observer $O'$ locally coinciding with $O$ at the time they measure the CMBR. In general, a circle for $O$ will be detected by $O'$ as a circle of different radius, displaced relative to its original position, and centered at a point which does not correspond to its detected center in the comoving frame. We have derived closed explicit expressions for the radius, $\\rho'$, the center position, $(\\theta_c', \\phi_c')$, and the angular displacement $\\alpha'$ of points on the circles as detected by the Lorentz-boosted observer $O'$. We have also plotted figures to illustrate several instances of these effects. The maximum displacement in either radius or center or angular position of points on a circle is $\\pm \\beta$. From the value $\\beta=1.23~\\times~10^{-3}$ obtained from the dipole amplitude in the CMB spectrum, we have that the maximum displacement for each of these effects individually is $\\simeq \\pm 0.07^{\\circ}=4.2^{\\prime}$. Thus, two antipodal circles whose center vector positions are parallel (antiparallel) to $\\vec{\\beta}$ will have a difference in radii of $0.14^{\\circ}$, as detected by $O$ and $O'$. This is below the current WMAP resolution (at best $0.25^{\\circ}= 15'$)~\\cite{WMAP}, but close to Planck's (at least $0.16^{\\circ}=10^{\\prime}$)~\\cite{Planck} and other more accurate forthcoming missions' resolution. In Ref.~\\cite{Levin2004}, in a simplified flat spacetime, the spatial positions, relative to a ``moving'' frame, of the events defined by the intersection of the copies of the LSS spheres were determined; of course, these events are simultaneous in the CMB frame and, \\emph{ipso facto}, are non-simultaneous in the ``moving'' one. The specific procedure of collecting the spatial positions of these \\emph{non-simultaneous} events defines, in the ``moving'' frame, an oval figure, whose diameter along the boost direction is \\emph{Lorentz-dilated}, whereas its perpendicular diameter remains unchanged. Briefly, it was shown that a (spatial) circle in the CMB frame, as a geometric figure, is formally transformed into a (spatial) oval in the ''moving'' frame of the underlying flat spacetime. The approach we adopted to the effects of our galaxy's peculiar motion on the circles-in-the-sky is realistic and complete, since it does not rely on such a flat spacetime, and takes into account that a typical observation of the CMBR records simultaneously incoming light rays in an essentially infinitesimal detector used by a local observer, thus implying their projection onto the sky-sphere. We note that the aberration of CMBR might be of a more general interest in the analysis of maps of CMB temperature anisotropies. Indeed, consider the celestial sphere pixelized by a comoving observer $O$ and consider another observer $O'$ coinciding with $O$ and with relative velocity $\\vec{\\beta}$ along the positive $z$ direction. The coordinates $(\\theta_i, \\varphi_i)$ of the $i$--th pixel in the comoving frame are transformed to the moving frame according to~(\\ref{AberEsf}), which, at first order in $\\beta$, simply reads \\begin{equation} \\label{AberEsfNR} \\theta^\\prime_i = \\theta_i - \\beta \\sin \\theta_i \\qquad ; \\qquad \\varphi^\\prime_i = \\varphi_i \\; . \\end{equation} This displacement of the centers of the pixels gives rise to a distortion on the temperature variation pattern in CMB maps, which might be relevant for future missions. Finally, we emphasize that all these effects arise from aberration of the CMBR, and exhaust the purely geometric effects due to the motion of our galaxy (or CMBR detectors). It is again worth noting that, since aberration of light is a purely local phenomenon, the effects considered in this work depend neither on the background curvature of space nor on the expansion of the universe. \\bigskip \\noindent{\\bf Acknowledgments} \\medskip We thank CNPq and FAPESP (contract 02/12328-6) for the grants under which this work was carried out." }, "0404/astro-ph0404193_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present \\xmm and \\cha observations of \\oo , being the first to show evidence for a significant variation in the X-ray luminosity of this Anomalous X--ray Pulsar (AXP). While during the first \\xmm (2000 December) and \\cha (2001 July) observations the source had a flux consistent with that measured on previous occasions ($\\sim$5$\\times$10$^{-12}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$), two more recent observations found it at a considerably higher flux level of 2$\\times$10$^{-11}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (2002 August; \\cha) and 10$^{-11}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (2003 June; \\xmm). All the spectra are fit by the sum of a blackbody with kT$\\sim$0.6 keV and a power law with photon index $\\sim$3. No significant changes were seen in the spectral parameters, while the pulsed fraction in the 0.6-10 keV energy range decreased from $\\sim$90\\% in 2000 to $\\sim$53\\% in 2003. The spectral invariance does not support the presence of two physically distinct components in the AXP emission. The sparse coverage of the data does not permit us to unambiguously relate the observed variations to the two bursts seen from this source in the fall of 2001. ", "introduction": "The Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) are a small group of pulsars with a rotational period of a few seconds, a fairly stable spin-down and a very soft X--ray spectrum (Mereghetti \\& Stella 1995; van Paradijs, Taam \\& van den Heuvel 1995). If they are neutron stars, as their short spin period suggests, the loss of rotational energy inferred from the observed period and period derivative values is too small to power their luminosity of 10$^{34}$-10$^{36}$ erg s$^{-1}$. AXPs are peculiar because of the strong evidence, accumulated over several years of intense observational effort, that they lack a main-sequence or giant mass-donor companion star (see Mereghetti et al. 2002 for a review). This has led to two classes of models involving isolated neutron stars. In the first class, the emission originates from accretion of material supplied by a residual disk (e.g., Ghosh, Angelini \\& White 1997; Chatterjee, Hernquist \\& Narayan 2000; Alpar 2001), while in the ``\\textit{Magnetar}'' model the energy source is the decay of an extremely high (10$^{14}$--10$^{15}$ G) magnetic field (Duncan \\& Thompson 1992; Thompson \\& Duncan 1995, 1996). The latter model can explain the properties of the Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters (SGRs, see Hurley 2000 for a review), a class of bursting hard X--ray sources with quiescent soft X--ray emission quite similar to that of the AXPs. The magnetar interpretation has been supported by the recent discovery of short bursts in two AXPs, \\ee (Kaspi et al. 2003) and \\oo (Gavriil, Kaspi \\& Woods 2002). \\oo was serendipitously diecovered with the \\textit{Einstein Observatory} as a 6.4 s pulsar near the Carina Nebula (Seward, Charles \\& Smale 1986) and is one of the best studied AXPs. Early observations with EXOSAT and GINGA indicated an unusually soft (compared to accreting binary pulsars) power law spectrum and measured a spin-down at a rate of $\\sim$1.5$\\times$10$^{-11}$ s s$^{-1}$ (Seward et al. 1986; Corbet \\& Day 1990). Higher quality spectra, not affected by contamination from bright nearby sources, could be obtained with the imaging instruments on board \\textit{BeppoSAX} (Oosterbroek et al. 1998), \\textit{ASCA} (Paul et al. 2000), and \\xmm (Tiengo et al. 2002). These data showed a two component spectrum, composed of a blackbody with temperature kT$\\sim$0.64 keV plus a power law with photon index $\\alpha_{ph}\\sim$2-3, and a 2-10 keV luminosity of (1--2)$\\times10^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (for an assumed distance d=5 kpc). The source lies at low galactic latitude, resulting in a significant absorption in soft X-rays (N$_H\\sim$10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$). Deviations from a constant spin-down rate were first observed with ROSAT (Mereghetti 1995). Long term monitoring with \\xte carried out since 1996 (Kaspi et al. 2001) has shown that, compared to other AXPs for which phase coherent timing could be obtained over extended time intervals, \\oo is characterized by a relatively high level of timing noise. The \\xte observations were also used to search for long term flux variability. Unfortunately, the presence of other X--ray sources in the field of view\\footnote{in particular the highly variable source $\\eta$ Carinae lies at $\\sim$40 arcmin} and the uncertainties in the subtraction of the time variable background, permitted us to use these data only to measure the pulsed component of the flux. Kaspi et al. (2001) concluded that the pulsed flux did not vary by more than 25\\% in 1996--2000.\\footnote{As noted by the same authors, this does not exclude flux variations, provided that the pulsed fraction was anticorrelated with the phase-averaged flux in order to cancel out variations in the pulsed flux.} On the other hand, \\xte detected two bursts of short duration (about 51 and 2 s respectively) from the direction of \\oo on 2001 October 29 and November 14 (Gavriil et al 2002). Although the possibility that they originated from a different source within the instrument field of view cannot be completely excluded, it is likely that they were due to \\oo, especially in light of the detection of short bursting activity also in another AXP (\\ee, Kaspi et al. 2003). Here we present \\xmm and \\cha observations showing significant long-term variability in the X--ray flux from \\oo . ", "conclusions": "The data reported here provide solid evidence for long term variations in the flux and pulsed fraction of the AXP \\oo . Independently of the model adopted to explain the X--ray emission, the spectral invariance argues against the presence of two physically distinct spectral components. The sparse coverage of the data does not permit us to unambiguously relate the observed variations to the two bursts seen in the fall of 2001. Furthermore, the differences with respect to the behavior of \\ee after the 2002 June outburst suggest that the flux variations in \\oo are not necessarily related to SGR-like activity. Long term flux variations have been reported for the AXP candidate AX J1845.0--0300 (Vasisht et al. 2000) and for the latest discovered member of the AXP class, XTE J1810$-$197 (Ibrahim et al. 2003, Gotthelf et al. 2004). The latter source was first seen in a bright state (F$\\sim6\\times10^{-11}$erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, 2-10 keV) at the beginning of 2003. Its flux then decreased by a factor $\\sim$3 in the first half of 2003. Archival data from ROSAT and ASCA, in which XTE J1810$-$197 was two orders of magnitude fainter, indicate that this source behaves like a transient. Interestingly, XTE J1810$-$197 is quite similar to \\oo also because of its spectral parameters, nearly sinusoidal pulse profile with a large pulsed fraction, spin-down at $\\sim$10$^{-11}$ s s$^{-1}$ with considerable timing noise, and IR counterpart (Israel et al. 2004). These observations suggest that luminosity variations in AXPs are more common than previously thought and not necessarily associated with the emission of energetic flares as in the classical SGRs. This work has been partially supported by the Italian Space Agency. Based on observations with \\xmm, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA member states and USA." }, "0404/astro-ph0404470_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have detected statistically significant correlations between the cosmic microwave background and two tracers of large-scale structure, the HEAO1 A2 full sky hard X-ray map \\citep{Boldt} and the NVSS 1.4 GHz, nearly full sky radio galaxy survey \\citep{Condon}. The level of correlations in these maps is consistent with that predicted for the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect in the context of a $\\Lambda CDM$ cosmological model and, therefore, provides independent evidence for a cosmological constant. A maximum likelihood fit to the amplitude of the ISW effect relative to the predicted value is $1.13 \\pm 0.35$ (statistical error only). ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404316_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I will discuss a few select aspects of the most common and best understood galactic-scale outflow -- starburst-driven superwinds, focusing on winds from nuclear starburst galaxies. I will show that modern observations, in particular in the soft and hard X-ray bands, complement and reinforce the existing paradigm of superwinds as flows collectively driven by multiple SNe. The properties of the diffuse X-ray emission from dwarf starburst galaxies, $L_{\\rm BOL} \\sim L_{\\star}$ starbursts in spiral galaxies, and ULIRGS, are all consistent with superwind activity. Where appropriate, I contrast the physics of starburst-driven winds with poorly collimated winds from AGN, and discuss what we know of the role of LLAGN and Seyfert nuclei in starburst superwind galaxies. ", "introduction": "It has long been appreciated that outflows from galaxies can have a major effect on galaxy formation and evolution, influencing such basic galactic properties such as the mean metal abundance \\citep{larson74,garnett02} or even the survival of low mass galaxies \\citep{dekel86}. More recent discoveries have reinvigorated interest in the role of galactic outflows, e.g.: The presence of metals in the true inter-galactic medium at low and high redshifts \\citep{songaila97,tripp00}; that a sizable fraction of all metals ever created now reside outside galaxies \\citep{pagel02}; and direct observational evidence for ubiquitous outflows from, and 100 kpc-scale cavities around, the Lyman break galaxies \\citep{adelberger03}. By the far the best-studied, best-understood, and arguably most common form of galactic outflow capable of polluting the IGM are superwinds \\citep{ham90,dahlem97}. These are loosely-collimated multi-phase outflows from actively-star forming galaxies, \\ie starburst galaxies. Within the local universe starbursts account for $\\sim 25$\\% of all massive star formation (and hence metal production), and starburst activity becomes progressively more important at higher redshifts \\citep{heckman98}. As all local starburst galaxies appear to have superwinds \\citep{lehnert96a}, it is clear that starburst-driven winds are of major importance. Over the last 5 years new observations of superwinds, in particular satellite-based observations in the EUV and soft and hard X-ray bands, have substantially added to our understanding of the physics behind superwinds. I will discuss how these new observations support the long-standing conceptual picture of how superwinds work, specifically (a) how superwinds are driven by the collective mechanical power of multiple supernovae (SNe) occurring within the disks (in particular the nuclei) of starburst galaxies, and (b) X-ray emission from superwinds. Where appropriate I will contrast superwinds with AGN winds (\\ie loosely collimated outflows, and not large-scale jets). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404120_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present a detailed analysis of the evolution of a simulated isolated disc galaxy. The simulation includes stars, gas, star formation and simple chemical yields. Stellar particles are split in two populations: the old one is present at the beginning of the simulation and is calibrated according to various ages and metallicities; the new population borns in the course of the simulation and inherits the metallicity of the gas particles. The results have been calibrated in four wavebands with the spectro-photometric evolutionary model GISSEL2000 (Bruzual \\&\\ Charlot~\\cite{BC93}). Dust extinction has also been taken into account. A rest-frame morphological and bidimensional photometric analysis has been performed on simulated images, with the same tools as for observations. The effects of the stellar bar formation and the linked star formation episode on the global properties of the galaxy (mass and luminosity distribution, colours, isophotal radii) have been analysed. In particular, we have disentangled the effects of stellar evolution from dynamic evolution to explain the cause of the isophotal radii variations. We show that the dynamic properties (e.g. mass) of the area enclosed by any isophotal radius depends on the waveband and on the level of star formation activity. It is also shown that the bar isophotes remain thinner than mass isodensities a long time ($> 0.7$~Gyr) after the maximum of star formation rate. We show that bar ellipticity is very wavelength dependent as suggested by real observations. Effects of dust extinction on photometric and morphological measurements are systematically quantified. For instance, it is shown that, when the star formation rate is maximum, no more than 20\\%\\ of the B band luminosity can escape from the bar region whereas, without dust extinction, bar B band luminosity accounts for 80\\%\\ of the total B band luminosity. Moreover, the extinction is not uniformly distributed inside the bar. ", "introduction": "Early N-body models of isolated disc galaxies, using only collisionless particles, have clarified how several morphological features such as bars, spiral arms (e.g. Hohl \\cite{H78}) and boxy bulges (Combes \\& Sanders \\cite{CS81}), appear in stellar discs and evolve. Soon afterwards, it was realised that the role of the gas, the dissipative component, cannot be neglected. Collisionless N-body codes were thus coupled with hydrodynamic codes, either for cosmological purposes (Katz \\& Gunn \\cite{KG91}), or for detailed studies of isolated (Friedli \\& Benz \\cite{FB93}) or merging galaxies (Mihos \\& Hernquist \\cite{MH96}). For isolated disc galaxies, this kind of codes has brought clear evidence that the presence of gas can deeply change the morphology on a short timescale (less than 1~Gyr). For instance, the gas can be responsible for the bar within bar phenomenon (Friedli \\& Martinet \\cite{FM93}) or the dissolution of the bar and the formation of a bulge by secular evolution (Pfenniger \\& Norman \\cite{PN90}, Norman et al. \\cite{NSH96}). Studies of the fueling mechanisms at work in central regions (e.g. Friedli \\& Benz \\cite{FB93}, Shlosman \\& Noguchi \\cite{SN93}) have been also studied with such hybrid codes. However, stars and gas are not only bound together by gravitation, but also by the process of star formation and the energy and chemical feedback of supernov\\ae\\ and stellar winds. Since star formation is not well understood even in our own Galaxy, several recipes have been implemented to mimic star formation in hydro+stellar dynamic codes. These recipes have allowed to study for the first time the influence of bars on galactic abundance gradient (Friedli et al. \\cite{FBK94}), the impact of the stellar ultraviolet radiation on star formation (Gerritsen \\& Icke \\cite{GI97}), the nuclear activity (Heller \\& Shlosman \\cite{HS94}), the starbursts induced by mergers (e.g. Mihos \\& Hernquist \\cite{MH96}), the renewal of bars by gas accretion (Bournaud \\& Combes \\cite{BC02}), etc. They also allow to perform self-consistent simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxies (e.g. Katz \\cite{K92}, Steinmetz \\& Muller \\cite{SM95}). Whatever the kind of code used for the study of secular evolution, the morphological analysis of the simulations focuses on the properties of the mass distribution. To compare in details these models with observations it is implicitly assumed that all particles have the same mass-to-light ratio taken to unity for convenience. However, the real galaxies are built of composite stellar populations, then of various mass-to-light ratios and metallicities. Thus, in order to make more straightforward comparisons of simulations with multi-wavelength observations, we have used stellar population synthesis models to photometrically calibrate our self-consistent simulations which include stars, gas and star formation. We also take into account the effect of dust extinction. This approach has been recently used to study the formation and the subsequent evolution of elliptical (e.g. Kawata \\cite{K01}) or disc galaxies in a $\\Lambda$ cold dark matter scenario (e.g. Westera et al. \\cite{WSBG02}, Abadi et al. \\cite{ANSE03}). Our own approach slightly differs from previous ones since we do not simulate the formation of a disc galaxy in a primeval Universe. Indeed, we restrict ourselves to make a detailed study of the short-term evolution of an isolated disc galaxy already formed. All the particles are thus used to simulate the evolution of the galaxy. We describe in Sect.~2 the numerical model and our technique of photometric calibration. The global evolution (i.e. integrated properties) of the model is presented in Sect.~3, and the morphological evolution in Sect.~4. We summarise our findings in Sect.~5. ", "conclusions": "We have carried out a photometric calibration of a self-consistent N-body simulation of an isolated disc galaxy, including stars, gas and star formation. Dust extinction has been taken into account. We have simultaneously study the dynamic and photometric evolution in various wavebands (B, R, H and K). We are able to reproduce observational properties such as \\ml\\ and B$-$H colour indices. A morphological and photometric analysis have also been performed on simulated images in various wavebands, using the same tools as for real observations. Our main results can be summarised as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item a dynamically self-consistent SFR peak produces a large increase in total luminosity in all wavebands whereas the stellar mass of the new population is much lower than the underlying old stellar mass. However, luminosity peaks can be almost completely obscured by dust extinction, since the young stellar population initially seats in gas-rich regions where extinction is maximum. This effect is particularly important on B$-$H colour maps since regions of highest SFR could become unobservable. It could lead to underestimate SFR from photometric or colour measurements. \\item we show how isophotal radii evolve with respect to mass redistribution during the dynamic evolution but also with respect to stellar evolution. Hence, the dynamic properties of the area enclosed by any isophotal radius depends on the waveband and on the star formation activity. Extinction effects do not affect the determination of isophotal radii, even in B band. It is also noteworthy that the luminosity integrated inside the isophotal radius at 20.5~\\magunit\\ in the H band is not a good tracer of mass. \\item the luminosity integrated into the bar length reaches $\\approx 80$\\%\\ of the total B band luminosity at the SFR maximum in absence of dust, and $\\ga 60$\\% when SFR is low, whereas the bar length remains smaller than or equal to half the isophotal radius. \\item when SFR is high ($\\approx 30$~\\sfrunit) less than 20\\%\\ of the B band luminosity of the bar region succeed to escape in the presence of dust because most star formation occurs in gas-rich regions where extinction is the most efficient. \\item as long as star formation is active, mass isodensities of the bar region are rounder than isophotes. Thus, the surface brightness distribution, even in H band, is a good tracer of mass only when SFR is below 1~\\sfrunit. Mass modelling that used surface brightness distribution might give biased results if star formation is active, even at a moderate rate. \\end{enumerate} The use of other morphological classification tools (e.g. concentration and asymmetry, Abraham et al. \\cite{Aetal96}) will be will be reported in a forthcoming paper." }, "0404/astro-ph0404299_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss observational constrains coming from supernovae Ia imposed on the behaviour of the Randall-Sundrum models. In the case of dust matter on the brane, the difference between the best-fit Perlmutter model with a $\\Lambda$-term and the best-fit brane models becomes detectable for redshifts $z > 1.2$. It is interesting that brane models predict brighter galaxies for such redshifts which is in agreement with the measurement of the $z = 1.7$ supernova. We also demonstrate that the fit to supernovae data can also be obtained, if we admit the \"super-negative\" dark energy (phantom matter) $p = - (4/3) \\varrho$ on the brane, where the dark energy in a way mimics the influence of the cosmological constant. It also appears that the dark energy enlarges the age of the universe which is demanded in cosmology. Finally, we propose to check for dark radiation and brane tension by the application of the angular diameter of galaxies minimum value test. We point out the existence of coincidence problem for the brane tension parameter. ", "introduction": "In recent several years a lot of effort has been done on the idea that our Universe is a boundary of a higher-dimensional spase time manifold \\cite{Arkani-Hamed98,Arkani-Hamed99}. Kaluza and Klein first discussed $5-dimensional$ space time to unify a gravity and electromagnetism. Among supersting theories which may unify all interactions M-theory is a strong candidate for the description of real world. In this theory, gravity is a truly higher-dimensional theory, becoming effectively 4-dimensional at lower energies. The standard model matter fields are confined to the 3-brane while gravity can, by its universal character, propagate in all extra dimensions. In the brane world models inspired by string/M theory (\\cite{rs1},\\cite{rs2}, \\cite{hw}) new two parameters which doesn't present in standard cosmology are introduced, namely brane tension $\\lambda$ and dark radiation $U$. One of new approaches was proposed by Randall and Sundrum \\cite{rs1}, \\cite{rs2} where our Minkowski brane is localized in 5dimensional anti-de Sitter space time with metric: \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:1} ds^2=\\exp(-2|y|l)(-dt^2+d\\vec{x}^2)+dy^2. \\end{equation} For $y \\ne 0$, this metric satisfies the 5dimensional Einstein equation with the negative cosmological constant $\\tilde{\\check{\\Lambda_{(5)}}} \\propto -l^{-2}$. The brane is located at $y=0$ and the induced metric on brane is a Minkowski metric. The bulk is a 5-dimensional anti-deSitter metric with $y=0$ as a boundary. We should mention that before the Randall and Sundrum work \\cite{rs2} where they proposed a mechanism to solve the hierarchy problem by a small extra dimension, large extra dimensions were proposed to solve this problem by Arkani-Hamed et.al. \\cite{Arkani-Hamed98,Arkani-Hamed99}. This gives an interesting feature because TeV gravity might be realistic and quantum gravity effects could be observed by a next generation particle collider. The Newtonian gravity potential on the brane is recovered at lowest order $V(r)=\\frac{GM}{r}(1+\\frac{2l^2}{3r^2})$. In this paper we demonstrate that if the brane world is the Randall-Sundrum version is realistic we may find some evidence of higher dimensions. In \\cite{Szydlo02} we gave the formalism to express dynamical equations in terms of dimensionless observational density parameters $\\Omega$. In this notation (see also \\cite{Dabrowski96,AJI+II,AJIII}) the Friedmann equation for brane universes takes the form \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:FriedCCC} \\frac{1}{a^2} \\left( \\frac{da}{dt} \\right)^2 = \\frac{C_{\\gamma}}{a^{3\\gamma}} + \\frac{C_{\\lambda}}{a^{6\\gamma}} - \\frac{k}{a^2} + \\frac{\\Lambda_{(4)}}{3} + \\frac{C_{\\cal U}}{a^4} , \\end{equation} where $a(t)$ is the scale factor, $k=0,\\pm1$ the curvature index, here we use natural system of units in which $8\\pi G=c=1$, $\\Lambda_{(4)}$ is the 4-dimensional cosmological contant, and $\\gamma$ the barotropic index ($p = (\\gamma - 1)\\varrho$, $p$ - the pressure, $\\varrho$ - the energy density), the constants $C_{\\lambda} = 1/6\\lambda \\cdot a^{6\\gamma} \\varrho^2$ and $C_{\\cal U} = 2/ \\lambda \\cdot a^4 {\\cal U}$, $C_{\\lambda}$ comes as a contribution from brane tension $\\lambda$, and $C_{\\cal U}$ as a contribution from dark radiation. Because $\\rho^2$ term and dark radiation term do not appear in the standard cosmology, such terms could provide a smal window to see the extra dimensions. In order to study observational tests we now define dimensionless observational density parameters \\bea \\label{Omegadef} \\Omega_{\\gamma} &=& \\frac{1}{3H^2} \\varrho , \\hspace{15pt} \\Omega_{\\lambda} = \\frac{1}{6H^2\\lambda} \\varrho^2 , \\hspace{15pt} \\Omega_{\\cal U} = \\frac{2}{H^2\\lambda} {\\cal U} ,\\nonumber \\\\ \\Omega_{k} &=& - \\frac{k}{H^2a^2} , \\hspace{15pt} \\Omega_{\\Lambda_{(4)}} = \\frac{\\Lambda_{(4)}}{3H^2} , \\eea where the Hubble parameter $H = \\dot{a}/a$, and the deceleration parameter $q = - \\ddot{a}a/\\dot{a}^2$ , so that the Friedmann equation (\\ref{eq:FriedCCC}) can be written down in the form \\begin{equation} \\label{Om=1} \\Omega_{\\gamma} + \\Omega_{\\lambda} + \\Omega_{k} + \\Omega_{\\Lambda_{(4)}} + \\Omega_{\\cal U} = 1 . \\end{equation} Note that $\\Omega_{\\cal U}$ in (\\ref{Omegadef}), despite standard radiation term, can either be positive or negative. It is useful to rewrite (\\ref{eq:FriedCCC}) to the dimensionless form. Let us consider a standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe (hereafter FRW) filled with mixture of matter with the equation of state $p_i = (\\gamma_i-1) \\rho_i$. Then we obtain the basic equation in the form: \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:10} \\frac{\\dot{x}^{2}}{2} = \\frac{1}{2} \\Omega_{k,0} + \\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{i} \\Omega_{i,0} x^{2-3\\gamma_{i}} =-V(x)\\\\ \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:10a} \\ddot{x} = - \\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{i} \\Omega_{i,0}(2-3\\gamma_{i}) x^{1-3\\gamma_{i}}=-\\frac{\\partial V(x)}{\\partial x} \\end{equation} where $i=(\\gamma,\\lambda,\\Lambda,U)$, and \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:11} x \\equiv \\frac{a}{a_{0}}, \\qquad T \\equiv |H_{0}| t, \\qquad \\dot{}\\equiv \\frac{d}{dT}. \\end{equation} and $t$ is original cosmological time, $V$ is the potential function. Therefore the dynamics of the considered model is equivalent to introducing fictitious fluids which mimic $\\rho^2$ contribution and dark energy term. For dark energy $\\gamma=4/3$ whereas for brane $\\gamma_{\\lambda}= 2\\gamma$. The presented formalism is useful in analysis of observational tests of brane models. Above relations allow to write down an explicit redshift-magnitude relation for the brane models to study their compatibility with astronomical data which is the subject of the present paper. Obviously, the luminosity of galaxies depends on the present densities of the different components of matter content $\\Omega_{i}$ given by (\\ref{Omegadef}) and their equations of state, reflected by the value of the barotropic index $\\gamma_i$. ", "conclusions": "We shown that there exists an effective method of constraining exotic physics coming from superstrings M theory from observation of distant supernovae. We obtain the estimated value the density parameters $\\Omega_{\\lambda,0}$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda,0}$ . Finally, as a result we also obtain that at high redshifts the expected luminosity of supernovae Ia should be brighter then in the Perlmutter model. For the best fit value we obtain $\\Omega_{\\lambda,0} \\simeq 0.01$ which seems to be unrealistic. It is because if we consider pure Randall-Sundrum models, then there is a constraint on the parameter $\\Omega_{\\lambda,0}$ from the requirement of not violating the four-dimensional gravity on sufficiently large spatial scale. This constraint is that value of $\\lambda$ is to be no less than about $(100 \\, GeV)^4$, which means that during the late epoch the $\\rho^2$ term in the model should be small. So, the obtained value of $\\Omega_{\\lambda,0} \\sim 0.01$ is the observational limit which is not based on theoretical model assumptions. The density $\\rho_{m,0}$ at the time relevant for supernovae measurements is about $(10^{-3}eV)^4$. Thus, the size of the parameter $\\Omega_{\\lambda,0}$ is on purely theoretical grounds, at most $10^{-56}$. The fits discussed in the paper innvolve $\\Omega_{\\lambda,0}$ of order $0.01$. Therefore similarly to the cosmological constant problem there is a coincidence problem with brane tension $\\lambda$ (it is treated as a constant) namely: why don't we see the large brane tension expected from the Randall-Sundrum theory which is about $10^{54}$ times larger than the value predicted by the Friedmann equation which fit SNIa data. A phenomenological solution to this problem seems to be dynamically decaying $\\lambda$." }, "0404/astro-ph0404250_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Deep, wide--field, continuum--subtracted, images in the light of the \\ha\\ + \\NII\\ and \\oiii\\ nebular emission lines have been obtained of the environment of the Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) star P~Cygni. A previously discovered, receding, nebulous filament along PA~50\\deg\\ has now been shown to extend up to 12\\arcmin\\ from this star. Furthermore, in the light of \\oiii, a southern counterpart is discovered as well as irregular filaments on the opposite side of P~Cygni. Line profiles from this nebulous complex indicate that this extended nebulosity is similar to that associated with middle--aged supernova remnants. However, there are several indications that it has originated in P~Cygni and is not just a chance superposition along the same sight--line. This possibility is explored here and comparison is made with a new image of the LBV star R~143 in the LMC from which similar filaments appear to project. The dynamical age of the P~Cygni giant lobe of $\\approx$ 5$\\times$10$^{4}$ yr is consistent with both the predicted and observed durations of the LBV phases of 50\\msun\\ stars after they have left the main sequence. Its irregular shape may have been determined by the cavity formed in the ambient gas by the energetic wind of the star, and shaped by a dense torus, when on the main sequence. The proper motion and radial velocity of P~Cygni, with respect to its local environment, could explain the observed angular and kinematical shifts of the star compared with the giant lobe. ", "introduction": "The circumstellar environment of the proto-typical Luminous Blue Variable star (LBV - Conti 1984; Humphreys 1989; Davidson, Moffat \\& Lamers 1989) P~Cygni has been revealed at optical wavelengths in the work presented in six recent papers (Johnson et al. 1992; Barlow et al 1994; Meaburn et al 1996; O'Connor, Meaburn \\& Bryce 1998; Meaburn, L\\'{o}pez \\& O'Connor 1999; Meaburn et al 2000). Two nearly spherical, but complex, circumstellar shells were discovered. The bright \\NII\\ and \\NiII\\ emitting, 22\\arcsec\\ diameter inner shell (IS) was found (Barlow et al 1994) to be surrounded by a fainter \\NII\\ emitting, 1.6\\arcmin\\ diameter, outer shell (OS). The dynamical ages of the IS (Barlow et al 1994) and the OS (Meaburn et al 2000), for a distance to P~Cygni of 1.8~kpc (van Schewick 1968; Lamers, de Groot \\& Cassatella 1983) were derived from their expansion velocities as 880 and 2400 yr respectively. This would place the creation of both of these shells as well before the great outburst of 1600 {\\sc ad} (de Groot 1969). Humphreys and Davidson (1994) emphasise that knowledge of P~Cygni's eruptive `geyser--like' behaviour prior to this date is unknown. Potentially as interesting, is the presence of a filamentary, line emitting, giant lobe (GL), discovered by O'Connor, Meaburn \\& Bryce (1998) which could be a relic of the activity of P~Cygni close, or even prior, to its entry into its LBV phase. In the later work by Meaburn et al (2000) the northern ridge of GL had been traced for 7\\arcmin, along PA $\\approx$ 50\\deg, from P~Cygni and shown to connect morphologically and kinematically with the receding side of the OS. However, the previous observations in Meaburn et al (1999 \\& 2000) of the kinematical behaviour of this northern ridge of GL strengthen, but do not absolutely confirm, the suggestion that it is directly associated with P~Cygni (Meaburn et al 1999) and not a chance superposition along the same sight-line. It is also significant that a morphologically similar feature (Meaburn 2001) to the P~Cygni GL has since been found (see Smith et al 1998 - their figure 2) to be apparently projecting from the LBV star R143 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The original observations by O'Connor et al (1998) of the P~Cygni GL, revealing its north eastern filamentary arc, were made in the light of the \\nii\\ nebular emission line. In the present paper these have been supplemented by deep, wide--field, continuum--subtracted images in the light of \\ha\\ + \\NII\\ and more significantly \\oiii. Although many new, but connected, features are reported in the present paper the designation GL will be used to describe the whole of this extended nebular complex that has now been revealed around P~Cygni. Previously obtained line profiles will also be compared with these most recent images. Similarly, a new deep image of the candidate GL surrounding R~143 in the LMC will be presented and compared to the motions measured by Weis (2003). ", "conclusions": "The GL apparantly projecting from P~Cygni has now been shown to have a southern counterpart on the eastern side of P~Cygni. Also a more complex counterpart has been discovered to the west of the star. The overall apparent extent of this GL is now found to be 9 pc. These structures emit the \\oiii\\ line strongly enhancing their contrast against the confusing emission from the ambient ionized gas along the same sight--lines. These newly discovered structures are now shown to have been detected kinematically in previous spectral observtions. Although receding radial velocities dominate, kinematical association with P~Cygni is strengthened, for the newly discovered southern ridge of the GL, on the eastern side of P~Cygni, has radial velocities on either side of \\vsys\\ of this star. It is proposed that the P~Cygni GL phenomenon was formed by continual activity between the age of the OS (2400 yr) and the dynamical age ($\\approx$ 5~x~10$^{4}$ yr) of the extreme extent of the GL. Within this interpretation sporadic LBV eruptions over this extended period appear to have ocurred. The irregular shape of the GL could then be a consequence of the shape of the cavity formed by the wind of the 50~\\msun\\ star when on the main sequence immediately prior to its LBV phase. Similar GL--like features, with an apparent extent of 5 pc, are shown to project from the LMC, LBV star R~143. Their presence strenghtens the possibility that these and their P~Cygni equivelents are associated intimately with these stars and not just chance alignments of un-related supernova filaments some of whose characteristics they share." }, "0404/astro-ph0404585_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the consequences for the relic neutrino abundance if extra neutrino interactions are allowed, e.g., the coupling of neutrinos to a light (compared to $m_\\nu$) boson. For a wide range of couplings not excluded by other considerations, the relic neutrinos would annihilate to bosons at late times, and thus make a negligible contribution to the matter density today. This mechanism evades the neutrino mass limits arising from large scale structure. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404066_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using a sample of 91 galaxies distributed over 27 Compact Groups of Galaxies (CGs), we define an index that allows us to quantify their level of activity, be it AGN or star formation. By combining the mean activity index with the mean morphological type of the galaxies in a group we are able to quantify the evolutionary state of the groups. We find that they span a sequence in evolution, which is correlated with the spatial configuration of the galaxies making up a CG. We distinguish three main configuration Types, A, B and C. Type~A CGs show predominantly low velocity dispersions and are rich in late-type spirals that are active in terms of star formation or harbor an AGN. Type~B groups have intermediate velocity dispersions and contain a large fraction of interacting or merging galaxies. Type~C is formed by CGs with high velocity dispersions, which are dominated by elliptical galaxies that show no activity. We suggest that the level of evolution increases in the sense A$\\Rightarrow$B$\\Rightarrow$C. Mapping the groups with different evolution levels in a diagram of radius versus velocity dispersion does not reveal the pattern expected based on the conventional fast merger model for CGs, which predicts a direct relation between these two parameters. Instead, we observe a trend that goes contrary to expectation: the level of evolution of a group increases with velocity dispersion. This trend seems to be related to the masses of the structures in which CGs are embedded. In general, the level of evolution of a group increases with the mass of the structure. This suggests either that galaxies evolve more rapidly in massive structures or that the formation of CGs embedded in massive structures predated the formation of CGs associated with lower mass systems. Our observations are consistent with the formation of structures as predicted by the CDM model (or $\\Lambda$CDM), assuming the formation of galaxies is a biased process. ", "introduction": "Although it seems today an inescapable conclusion that the formation and evolution of galaxies is influenced by their environment, the details of how these processes occur in space and time are still largely unknown. One example is that of compact groups of galaxies (CGs). As a result of our studies of the activity in galaxies in CGs, we now have a better understanding of the evolution of galaxies in these systems (Coziol et al. 1998a,b; Coziol, Iovino \\& de Carvalho 2000). Our observations showed emission-line galaxies to be remarkably frequent, representing more than 50\\% of the galaxies in Compact Groups. Non-thermal activity, in the form of Seyfert~2s, LINERs and numerous Low Luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs; see Coziol et al. 1998a for a definition of this activity type in CGs), was found to constitute one important aspect of this activity, whereas nuclear star formation, although mildly enhanced in some groups, was noted to be generally declining. These observations were considered to be consistent with the effects of tidal forces exerted on disk galaxies when they fall into the potential well of a rich cluster or group of galaxies (Coziol, Iovino \\& de Carvalho 2000). Tidal stripping will remove gas from a galaxy, reducing star formation in the disk, whereas tidal triggering will start a short burst of star formation in the nuclear region and fuel an AGN (Merritt 1983, 1984; Byrd \\& Valtonen 1990; Henrikson \\& Byrd 1996; Fujita 1998). The above processes may also produce the density-morphology-activity relation observed in CGs (Coziol et al. 1998a). By losing their gas and forming new stars near their nucleus, increasing their bulge, the morphology of spiral galaxies falling into groups is transformed to an earlier type. Assuming that groups are continuously replenished by spiral galaxies from the field (Governato, Tozzi \\& Cavaliere 1996; Coziol, Iovino \\& de Carvalho 2000), the cores of the groups are naturally expected to be populated by quiescent galaxies and AGNs (LLAGNs included), all having an early-type morphology, and their periphery to be richer in late-type star forming galaxies. What is missing in the above description is a connection between galaxy evolution and the physical processes responsible for the formation and evolution of CGs. Our first interpretation of these systems, based on galaxy-galaxy interaction models, suggested they could not survive mergers over a long period of time (Barnes~ 1989), which seems in conflict with the high number of CGs observed today (for a different point of view, see Aceves \\& Vel\\'azquez 2002). It was then realized that this paradox may be explained, in part, by the fairly simplistic assumptions made about the nature of these systems. For example, if CGs are associated with larger and dynamically more complex structures, as many redshift surveys suggest (Rood \\& Strubble 1994; Ramella et al. 1994; Garcia 1995; Ribeiro et al. 1998; Barton, de Carvalho \\& Geller 1998), their formation and evolution must also be more complicated than previously thought. In this study, we examine further the question of the formation and evolution of CGs, by extending our analysis of the activity to a larger sample of Hickson Compact Groups of galaxies (HCGs: Hickson 1982). ", "conclusions": "We have defined a new spectroscopic index that allows us to quantify the level of activity (AGN and star formation) in galaxies. By taking the mean of this index in a CG and combining it with the mean morphological type of the galaxies it proves possible to quantify the evolutionary state of these systems. Applying our method to a sample of 27 CGs from Hickson's catalog, we have found an evolutionary sequence, which is correlated with the projected spatial configuration of the groups. Mapping the position of CGs with different levels of evolution and group morphology in a diagram of radius versus velocity dispersion, we did not observe the pattern predicted by the conventional fast merger model. Contrary to expectation, we found that the level of evolution of CGs increases with velocity dispersion. This trend was further shown to be possibly connected to the masses of the CGs or to the structures in which they are embedded. Assuming that the velocity dispersion increases with the mass, the trend we observe would thus imply that the most evolved groups are found within the most massive structures. We propose two different hypotheses to explain our results. The first assumes that the evolution of galaxies accelerates with the number of interactions in massive structures. The other assumes that the formation of CGs follows the formation of the large scale structure, and that massive structures develop before less massive ones. Our observations are consistent with the formation of structures as predicted by the CDM model (or $\\Lambda$CDM), assuming the formation of galaxies is a biased process: galaxies developing first in high-density structures." }, "0404/astro-ph0404558_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Ionized gas and stellar kinematics have been measured along the major axes of seventeen nearby spiral galaxies of intermediate to late morphological type. We discuss the properties of each sample galaxy distinguishing between those characterized by regular or peculiar kinematics. In most of the observed galaxies ionized gas rotates more rapidly than stars and have a lower velocity dispersion, as is to be expected if the gas is confined in the disc and supported by rotation while the stars are mostly supported by dynamical pressure. In a few objects, gas and stars show almost the same rotational velocity and low velocity dispersion, suggesting that their motion is dominated by rotation. Incorporating the spiral galaxies studied by Bertola et al. (1996), Corsini et al.\\ (1999, 2003) and Vega Beltr\\'an et al.\\ (2001) we have compiled a sample of 50 S0/a--Scd galaxies, for which the major-axis kinematics of the ionized gas and stars have been obtained with the same spatial ($\\approx1''$) and spectral ($\\approx 50$ \\kms) resolution, and measured with the same analysis techniques. This allowed us to address the frequency of counterrotation in spiral galaxies. It turns out that less than $12\\%$ and less than $8\\%$ (at the $95\\%$ confidence level) of the sample galaxies host a counterrotating gaseous and stellar disc, respectively. The comparison with S0 galaxies suggests that the retrograde acquisition of small amounts of external gas gives rise to counterrotating gaseous discs only in gas-poor S0s, while in gas-rich spirals the newly acquired gas is swept away by the pre-existing gas. Counterrotating gaseous and stellar discs in spirals are formed only from the retrograde acquisition of large amounts of gas exceeding that of pre-existing gas, and subsequent star formation, respectively. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} Studying the interplay between ionized gas and stellar kinematics allows us to address different topics concerning the dynamical structure of disc galaxies and to constrain the processes leading to their formation and evolution. These topics include the study of the mass distribution of luminous and dark matter (see Sofue \\& Rubin 2001 for a review), the ubiquity of supermassive black holes and their relationship with the large-scale properties of the host galaxies (see Merritt \\& Ferrarese 2001 for a review), the discovery of kinematically decoupled components (see Bertola \\& Corsini 1999 for a review), the origin of disc heating (Merrifield, Gerssen \\& Kuijken 2001 and references therein), and the presence of pressure-supported ionized gas in bulges (Bertola et al.\\ 1995; Cinzano et al.\\ 1999). All these issues will greatly benefit from a survey devoted to the comparative measurements of ionized gas and stellar kinematics in S0s and spiral galaxies. Since these are available only for a limited number of objects, in the past years we began a scientific programme aimed at deriving detailed velocity curves and velocity dispersion radial profiles of ionized gas and stars along the major axes of disc galaxies (Bertola et al.\\ 1995, 1996; Corsini et al.\\ 1999, 2003; Vega Beltr\\'an et al.\\ 2001; Funes et al.\\ 2002) to be used for mass modelling (Corsini et al.\\ 1999; Cinzano et al.\\ 1999; Pignatelli et al.\\ 2001). This paper is organized as follows. An overview of the properties of the sample galaxies as well as the spectroscopic observations and data analysis are presented in Section \\ref{sec:observations}. The resulting ionized gas and stellar kinematics are given and interpreted in Section \\ref{sec:kinematics}. In particular, we derived the central velocity dispersion of stars of all the sample galaxies with the aim of studying the relationship between that the disc circular velocity and bulge velocity dispersion (Ferrarese 2002; Baes et al.\\ 2003) in a forthcoming paper (but see also Pizzella et al.\\ 2003). The fraction of spiral galaxies hosting a counterrotating component is estimated in Section \\ref{sec:counterrotation} by analysing the major-axis kinematics of all the spiral galaxies we have observed in recent years. Our conclusions are discussed in Section \\ref{sec:conclusions}. \\begin{table*}[t] \\caption[]{Parameters of the sample galaxies} \\begin{center} \\begin{footnotesize} \\begin{tabular}{lllrrcrrrrrcc} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Object} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Type} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$B_T$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{PA} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$i$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$V_{\\odot}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$D$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Scale} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$R_{25}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$M_{B_T}^0$} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{$R_{\\rm last}/R_{25}$} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[stars]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[gas]} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[name]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[RSA]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[RC3]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[mag]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[\\degr]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[\\degr]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[\\kms]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[Mpc]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[pc$/''$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[$''$]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{[mag]} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{} \\\\ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(1)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(2)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(3)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(4)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(5)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(6)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(7)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(8)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(9)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(10)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(11)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(12)}$} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$^{(13)}$} \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\object{NGC 210} & Sb(rs) & SABb(s) & 11.60 & 165 & 49 & 1650 & 23.2 & 113 & 150 & $-20.5$ & 0.3&0.8 \\\\ \\object{NGC 615} & Sb(r) & SAb(rs) & 12.47 & 155 & 67 & 1849 & 25.7 & 125 & 108 & $-20.3$ & 0.7&0.9 \\\\ \\object{NGC 1620} & --- & SABbc(rs) & 13.08 & 25 & 70 & 3509 & 46.1 & 224 & 86 & $-21.1$ & 0.7&1.2 \\\\ \\object{NGC 2590} & --- & SAbc(s): & 13.94 & 77 & 72 & 4960 & 63.4 & 308 & 67 & $-21.0$ & 0.5&1.0 \\\\ \\object{NGC 2708} & --- & SABb(s)pec? & 12.80 & 25 & 60 & 1984 & 23.5 & 114 & 78 & $-19.4$ & 0.6&0.8 \\\\ \\object{NGC 2815} & Sb(s) & SBb(r): & 12.81 & 10 & 72 & 2535 & 30.0 & 145 & 104 & $-21.0$ & 0.4&1.0 \\\\ \\object{NGC 3054} & SBbc(s) & SABb(r) & 12.35 & 118 & 52 & 2430 & 28.5 & 138 & 114 & $-20.3$ & 0.5&0.9 \\\\ \\object{NGC 3200} & Sb(r) & SABc(rs): & 12.83 & 169 & 73 & 3526 & 43.4 & 211 & 125 & $-21.5$ & 0.5&0.9 \\\\ \\object{NGC 3717} & Sb(s) & SAb:sp & 12.24 & 33 & 81 & 1748 & 19.6 & 95 & 180 & $-20.5$ & 0.4&0.5 \\\\ \\object{NGC 4682} & Sc(s) & SABcd(s) & 13.14 & 83 & 61 & 2344 & 28.8 & 140 & 77 & $-20.0$ & 0.3&0.8 \\\\ \\object{NGC 5530} & Sc(s) & SAbc(rs) & 11.79 & 127 & 62 & 1092 & 11.7 & 57 & 125 & $-19.4$ & 0.6&0.9 \\\\ \\object{NGC 6118} & Sc(s) & SAcd(s) & 12.42 & 58 & 65 & 1580 & 21.4 & 104 & 140 & $-20.4$ & 0.6&0.8 \\\\ \\object{NGC 6878} & Sc(r) & SAb(s) & 13.45 & 125 & 40 & 5821 & 77.3 & 375 & 48 & $-21.3$ & 0.6&1.0 \\\\ \\object{NGC 6925} & Sbc(r) & SAbc(s) & 12.07 & 5 & 75 & 2783 & 37.7 & 183 & 134 & $-21.9$ & 0.6&0.9 \\\\ \\object{NGC 7083} & Sb(s) & SAbc(s) & 11.87 & 5 & 53 & 3093 & 39.7 & 192 & 116 & $-21.5$ & 0.5&1.0 \\\\ \\object{NGC 7412} & Sc(rs) & SBc(s) & 11.88 & 65 & 42 & 1712 & 22.7 & 110 & 116 & $-20.1$ & 0.4&0.8 \\\\ \\object{NGC 7531} & Sbc(r) & SABbc(r) & 12.04 & 15 & 67 & 1591 & 20.9 & 102 & 134 & $-20.2$ & 0.4&0.6 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} \\begin{minipage}{18cm} NOTES -- $^{(2)}$Morphological classification from Sandage \\& Tammann (1981, RSA hereafter). $^{(3)}$Morphological classification from RC3. $^{(4)}$Total observed blue magnitude from RC3 except for NGC~3954, NGC 4682 and NGC 5530 (LEDA). $^{(5)}$Major-axis position angle from RC3. $^{(6)}$Inclination, derived as $\\cos^{2}{i}\\,=\\,(q^2-q_0^2)/(1-q_0^2)$. The observed axial ratio $q$ is taken from RC3 and the intrinsic flattening $q_0=0.11$ has been assumed following Guthrie (1992). $^{(7)}$Heliocentric velocity of the galaxy derived at the centre of symmetry of the rotation curve of the gas. $\\Delta V_\\odot = 10$ \\kms . $^{(8)}$Distance obtained as $V_0/H_0$ with $H_0=75$ \\kms\\ Mpc$^{-1}$ and $V_0$, the systemic velocity derived from $V_\\odot$ corrected for the motion of the Sun with respect to the Local Group, as in RSA. $^{(10)}$Radius of the 25 $B$ mag arcsec$^{-2}$ isophote derived as $R_{25} = D_{25}/2$ with $D_{25}$ from RC3. $^{(11)}$Absolute total blue magnitude corrected for inclination and extinction from RC3. $^{(12)}$Radial extension of the stellar rotation curve in units of $R_{25}$ from this paper. $^{(13)}$Radial extension of the ionized gas rotation curve in units of $R_{25}$ from this paper. \\end{minipage} \\end{footnotesize} \\end{center} \\label{tab:sample_properties} \\end{table*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have measured the ionized gas and stellar kinematics along the major axes of seventeen intermediate- to late-type spiral galaxies. The rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles of ionized gas and star typically extend out to $\\approx0.9\\,R_{25}$ and $\\approx0.5\\,R_{25}$, respectively. In most of cases the different kinematic behaviour of ionized gas and stars can be easily explained if gas is confined in the disc and supported by rotation while the stars belong mostly to the bulge and are supported by dynamical pressure. However, kinematic peculiarities have been observed at least in NGC 3054 and NGC 7531. In addition, we discussed the frequency of counterrotation in disc galaxies. We considered our seventeen spiral galaxies with those studied in previous papers (Bertola et al.\\ 1996; Corsini et al.\\ 1999, 2003; Vega Beltr\\'an et al.\\ 2001) to build a qualified sample of 50 bright and nearby spirals, ranging from S0/a to Scd, for which the ionized gas and stellar kinematics have been measured along the major axis with the same analytical technique. We found that less than $12\\%$ and less than $8\\%$ (at the $95\\%$ confidence level) of these galaxies host a counterrotating gaseous and stellar disc, respectively. For comparison, we found that $\\sim30\\%$ of S0s host a counterrotating gaseous disc, and Kuijken et al.\\ (1996) estimated that less than $10\\%$ (at $95\\%$ confidence level) host a significant fraction of counterrotating stars. To interpret the observed frequencies of the gaseous and stellar counterrotating components of disc galaxies, we suggest a scenario in which S0 and spiral galaxies are subject to external gas acquisition with equal probability. The retrograde acquisition of small amounts of external gas gives rise to counterrotating gaseous discs only in S0 galaxies, since in spiral galaxies the acquired gas is swept away by the pre-existing gas. The formation of counterrotating gaseous discs is favoured in S0 galaxies since they gas-poor systems, while spiral discs host large amounts of gas (Roberts \\& Haynes 1994; Bettoni, Galletta \\& Garc\\`{\\i}a-Burillo 2003), which is corotating with the stellar component. When they acquire external gas in retrograde orbits, the gas clouds of the new retrograde and pre-existing prograde components collide, lose their centrifugal support, and accrete toward the galaxy centre. A counterrotating gaseous disc will be observed only if the mass of the newly supplied gas exceeds that of the pre-existing one (Lovelace \\& Chou 1996; Thakar \\& Ryden 1998). A counterrotating stellar disc is the end-result of star formation in the counterrotating gas disc. For this reason we observe a larger fraction of counterrotating gaseous disks in S0s than in spirals. This also explains why the mass of counterrotating gas in most S0 galaxies is small compared to that of the stellar counterrotating components (Kuijken et al.\\ 1996). The fraction of S0s with a kinematically decoupled gas disc is consistent with the $50\\%$ that we expect if all the gas in S0s is of external origin (Bertola et al.\\ 1992). Counterrotating gaseous and stellar discs in spirals are both the results of retrograde acquisition of large amounts of gas, and they are observed with the same frequency. In this framework stellar counterrotation is the end result of star formation in the a counterrotating gaseous disc." }, "0404/astro-ph0404072_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "By collecting optical and infrared photometry and low resolution spectroscopy, we have identified a large number of low mass stars and brown dwarf candidates belonging to the young cluster ($\\sim$5 Myr) associated with the binary star $\\lambda$ Orionis. The lowest mass object found is a M8.5 with an estimated mass of 0.02 M$_\\odot$ ($\\sim$0.01 M$_\\odot$ for objects without spectroscopic confirmation). For those objects with spectroscopy, the measured strength of the H$\\alpha$ emission line follows a distribution similar to other clusters with the same age range, with larger equivalent widths for cooler spectral types. Three of the brown dwarfs have H$\\alpha$ emission equivalent widths of order 100 \\AA, suggestive that they may have accretion disks and thus are the substellar equivalent of Classical T Tauri stars. We have derived the Initial Mass Function for the cluster. For the substellar regime, the index of the mass spectrum is $\\alpha$=0.60$\\pm$0.06, very similar to other young associations. ", "introduction": "The Lambda Ori OB-T association, located at 400 pc (Murdin \\& Penston 1977) is a young stellar group which has not been studied so far in great depth. It is located inside a fossil giant molecular cloud. The O8 III star $\\lambda$$^1$ Ori, and to a lesser extent the 11 B stars near to it, excite the H{\\sc II} region S\\,264. Making use of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), Zhang et al. (1989) detected a dust ring with a diameter of 9 deg centered around the star $\\lambda$ Ori. This ring is complementary to a shell of neutral hydrogen discovered previously by Wade (1957, 1958). There are two nearby dark clouds within this ring, namely B35 and B30, separated from $\\lambda$ Ori by 2.2 and 2.7 deg, respectively. Based on a H$\\alpha$ emission survey, Duerr, Imhoff \\& Lada (1982), identified three stellar clusters centered around B30, B35 and $\\lambda$$^1$ Ori, respectively. Those clusters were later confirmed from a statistical point of view by G\\'omez \\& Lada (1998). Dolan \\& Mathieu (1999, 2001, 2002) collected moderately deep photometry (VRI filters) in an area about 8 sq.deg. centered on the OB association, discovering a significant population of low mass stellar members, and obtained medium resolution multifiber spectroscopy for those candidates closest to the central star. Their derived distance of 450$\\pm$50 pc is larger than both the distance derived by Murdin \\& Penston (1977) and the value derived by Hipparcos (Perryman et al. 1997) for the five stars in the central area, 380$\\pm$30 pc. According to Dolan and Mathieu (2002), the turn-off age for the massive stars is of order 6 Myr (see also Murdin \\& Penston 1977 for another age determination based on the masive stars, 4 Myr), although the star formation history might be more complex (Dolan \\& Mathieu 2001). In this paper, we present additional, much deeper photometry, well beyond the hydrogen burning limit at 0.072 M$_\\odot$ (Baraffe et al. 1998). For some of the new candidate members, we have also obtained low resolution spectroscopy, which allow us to add additional clues about their membership and their substellar nature. In our study, we will assume: an age of 5 Myr, a distance 400 pc --$(m-M)_0$=8.010-- and a reddening of E$(B-V)$=0.12 (Diplas \\& Savage 1994). Section 2 deals with the optical search and the near infrared counterparts in the 2MASS All Sky Survey. Section 3 presents the analysis of these datasets, whereas the results are summarized in section 4. ", "conclusions": "We have collected deep optical photometry in about 0.3 sq.deg around the binary star $\\lambda$ Orionis, extending to well below the substellar boundary. The combination of this dataset set with near infrared photometry and low resolution spectroscopy --i.e., spectral types-- allow us to cull from the initial membership list the possible and probable low mass members of the cluster, both of stellar and substellar nature. We note, however, that additional work is required, in order to study other youth indicators such as low-gravity features and the detection of lithium. We conclude that the pollution fraction due to interlopers is low (similar to 25 \\% for both the sample with or without spectroscopic information). The faintest object whose membership has been established is a brown dwarf with a mass slightly below 0.020 M$_\\odot$ (based on the Chabrier and Baraffe models) and a M8.5 spectral type. Moreover, H$\\alpha$ equivalent widths have been measured in the spectra. A plot of the H$\\alpha$\\ equivalent widths as a function of spectral type shows a very similar distribution for Lambda Ori and for the similar age Sigma Ori clusters, with an increase on average for cooler spectral types. Some of the Lambda Orionis stars and brown dwarfs have W(H$\\alpha$) larger than the chromospheric saturation limit. By analogy with Classical TTauri stars, they might have an accretion disk. We have also derived the Initial Mass Function in the range 4.7-0.02 M$_\\odot$, which shows different types of behavior when displayed as a mass spectrum. Across the stellar/substellar boundary, the index of a power law fit is $\\alpha$=+0.60$\\pm$0.06, quite similar to values recently derived for other young clusters in the same mass range." }, "0404/astro-ph0404591_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Conditions for accelerated expansion of Friedmann--Robertson--Walker space--time are analyzed. Connection of this scenario with present--day observations are reviewed. It is explained how a scalar field could be responsible for cosmic acceleration observed in present times and predicted for the very early Universe. Ideas aimed at answering whether is that the actual case for our Universe are described. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The Standard Big Bang Model (SBB), based on a Friedmann--Robertson--Walker (FRW) Universe, evolves in time with essentially two phases. In the first one the energy related to relativistic matter (known as radiation) dominates over any other form of energy. During that period phase transitions described by particle physics took place to give rise to hadron formation, baryogenesis, nucleosynthesis and so on. Because in an expanding Universe radiation energy dilutes faster than the energy of pressureless matter, in the second phase the latter becomes dominant. Large scale structures (LSS) like galaxies and galaxy clusters formed during that period. In both phases the Universe expands in a decelerated fashion (for a short review on the SBB see the contribution to this book by J.\\ L.\\ Cervantes--Cota\\cite{Cervantes} and for more details the book \\cite{inflation}). The SBB can easily accommodate phases of accelerated expansion of the Universe. According to cosmological observations, such a phase could correspond to the present state of the observable Universe and seems to be necessary in the very early Universe in order to solve several problems inherent to the SBB, particularly those problems related to the initial conditions. For the Universe to expand acceleratingly, a very special kind of energy density is required to dominate over the remaining contributions to the total energy budget. This kind of energy is related to a negative pressure. One of the outstanding problems in modern cosmology is to find out what exactly this kind of matter is. It could be the case that there are different explanations to what causes the Universe to undergo cosmic acceleration in the present and in the very early phases of its evolution. As to the present era, a dominating vacuum energy is good enough to explain the observations but it introduces other problems which seem to be very difficult to solve. A good candidate is, instead, a single scalar field with dynamics dominated by its potential energy. This is also the favorite candidate to explain an era of cosmic acceleration in the very early Universe. In both cases, the problem is then to determine what the high-energy physics framework is where such scalar fields arise. In the next section the condition for an accelerated FRW Universe will be derived. Then, in Sec.~\\ref{sec:scalfield} a scalar field will be described from the cosmological point of view, along with how it could be used to induce an accelerated expansion. Section \\ref{sec:Obs2} is devoted to explaining some ideas aimed at finding observational signatures in the data, allowing us to distinguish the origin of cosmic acceleration. If scalar fields are responsible for the observed and predicted eras of accelerated expansion, the observations should say something about high-energy physics that is outside the scope of Earth-based laboratories. Finally, conclusions are presented in section \\ref{conclusions}. Throughout this contribution natural units are used, i.e., $c=\\hbar=1$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} Cosmic acceleration is a trivial solution to the Einstein equations for an isotropic and homogeneous Universe, as appears to be the one where we live. An accelerated expansion is typical of Universes filled with a kind of energy yielding a strong enough negative pressure. This is the case when the cosmic energy is dominated by the contribution of the vacuum. Observational evidence strongly suggest that our Universe's evolution includes three well-defined epochs with regards to the increase of the cosmic volume. First, the very early Universe would undergo an accelerated expansion known as inflation. Then, a period of non-accelerated expansion would take place where most of the known kinds of matter and matter structures were formed. Finally, in recent times (with respect to cosmic scales) the Universe would enter a second epoch of accelerated expansion where the corresponding dominated matter-energy content is called dark energy. A real scalar field is a good candidate for inducing cosmic acceleration. It may help to solve problems arising when a constant vacuum energy is used to explain inflation or the nature of the dark energy. For the required negative pressure, the scalar field dynamics must be dominated by its potential energy. A hot question in cosmology is whether the observed (predicted) cosmic acceleration is (was) induced by a scalar field. If this is the case, the relevant question is to determine the origin and nature of the corresponding potential. This will open an important window into high energy physics. Here, an idea was hinted at on how to differentiate between candidates for the dark energy. The proposal is to divide the evolution of the dark energy in periods where the corresponding equation of state could be approximated to be linear. The best--fit values for the corresponding slopes would indicate the favorite candidate. Encouraging results have been obtained in this direction. It was also explained some of the difficulties that arise when deriving the inflationary potential from observations. It seems like the best that can be done is to indicate generic features of the potentials yielding perturbations spectra matching the measured data. It was emphasized that the use of data on the difference of the tensor and scalar indices of perturbations yields information on the scale--dependence of the tensor to scalar ratio of primordial perturbation amplitudes. This information may be very useful in classifying the inflationary potentials. Finally, a warning was issued about the possibility that the features of the inflaton potential drawn from the observational data could be biased by the order of the approximations used to derive the expressions underlying the calculations. \\subsubsection" }, "0404/astro-ph0404244_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The proper exploitation of astronomical observations requires one to deal with several problems to accurately describe the objects and processes under study. In particular, regarding the physics of the interstellar medium (ISM), it should be stressed that spectral emission data depends on the velocity field solely via its component along the line of sight, through Doppler shifts. Furthermore, this information is necessarily integrated along the line of sight, and radiative transfer leads to expressions in which the contributions of the density and velocity fields are mixed in a complex way~\\citep{hegmann2000}. Hence, to describe the physical conditions and processes in the ISM, one has to rely on a single number (e.g. antenna temperature) for any given direction in the plane of the sky and any given velocity along the line of sight. Although the comparison of antenna temperatures for various tracers helps, it is necessary to solve an inverse problem to have access to the three-dimensional properties of the medium, such as density and velocity, and compare them with various models, for instance to assess the roles of gravity, magnetic field or turbulence. Indeed, it is now recognized that the different components of the ISM are subjected to turbulent motion. This has been observed in the ionized gas~\\citep{vanlangevelde92}, in {\\sc Hii} regions~\\citep{odell87} and in the neutral atomic phase~\\citep{spicker88,miville2003}, but molecular cloud studies are by far the most numerous~\\citep[see e.g.][]{kleiner85a,kitamura93,miesch94}. Estimates of Reynolds numbers from molecular viscosity in these clouds are of the order of $10^8$, consistent with turbulent flows~\\citep{chandrasekhar49}. Moreover, molecular lines in this phase exhibit suprathermal widths over a wide range of spatial scales, from a few km~s$^{-1}$ in small dark clouds to a few tens of km~s$^{-1}$ in giant complexes, while the thermal dispersion is only of about 0.3~km~s$^{-1}$ for molecular hydrogen at $T=10~$K. These linewidths scale as a power-law of the cloud's size~\\citep{larson81}, with an exponent close to that predicted by the classical theory of turbulence~\\citep{k41}. Such random motions within molecular clouds may in turn account for a number of other properties of spectral lines~\\citep{baker76}, as well as provide support against gravitational collapse, explaining the fact that the lifetime of molecular clouds is larger than their free-fall time~\\citep{scalo85} and that the star formation rate is therefore much smaller than predicted by gravitationally collapsing cloud models~\\citep{zuckerman74}. Because of this interplay between random motion and many physical processes at work in the ISM in general and in the molecular phase in particular, one needs to accurately describe these turbulent flows~\\citep[see the review by][]{vazquez2000}. As noted earlier, this has to be done using the antenna temperature which represents the emission from a given direction and at a given velocity, and so a number of methods were devised to derive the statistical properties of the three-dimensional fields from those of the observational data. Among these, the velocity channel analysis (VCA) of~\\citet{lp00} is based on an analytical derivation of the properties of channel maps with varying velocity widths. It may however prove difficult to apply to actual observations, as shown by~\\citet{mamd2003}. The modified velocity centroids (MVC) of~\\citet{lazarian2003} are a recent promising attempt to reduce the influence of density fluctuations in the statistical properties of centroids, although it can be argued that they are only defined through their structure function. As a final example of velocity statistics retrieval methods, principal component analysis (PCA), which works on the full position-position-velocity cubes, is meant to decompose data onto an orthogonal basis and derive properties of the velocity field at each scale, as calibrated numerically by~\\citet{bruntetal2003}. The main objective of these works is to relate the scaling behaviour observed in the two-dimensional maps to scaling laws inferred for the three-dimensional fields. For instance,~\\citet{stutzki98} showed that for optically thin media, the spectral index of the integrated emission map is the same as that of the full density field, provided that the depth probed is larger than the transverse scales considered. In a recent work,~\\citet{mamd2003} used numerical simulations to show that the same is true for the normalized velocity centroid with respect to the three-dimensional velocity field. However, this latter result lacks theoretical support, and it is therefore the goal of this paper to present an analytical study aimed at clarifying the relationship between the velocity centroids and the velocity field, within a simple turbulent cloud model. Given the observational data, one may derive moments of the antenna temperature profiles, each of these moments yielding a potentially informative two-dimensional map. For instance, the zeroth moment is the integrated emission, or intensity, while the first moment is the velocity centroid, which can also be normalized to the intensity~\\citep{munch58,kleiner85b,mamd2003}. For an optically thin line and uniform excitation conditions, the non-normalized centroid can be related to the cloud's total momentum, while the normalized centroid is a measure of average velocity within the medium. While density fluctuations may bias the description of the turbulent motion~\\citep{lazarian2003}, it is however commonly believed, and intuitively plausible, that their effects are somewhat compensated by normalization. To properly assess these, and following~\\citet{kleiner85b}~\\citep[see also][]{scalo84,kitamura93,miesch94}, we shall use autocorrelation functions of the moment maps and relate them to correlation functions of the underlying three-dimensional fields. To this end, we first describe the model we shall use and introduce the notations and assumptions in section~\\ref{sec_model}. We then present a brief summary of how moments of the line profile can be related to the density and velocity fields within the medium (section~\\ref{sec_moments}). Section~\\ref{sec_norm} contains a general study of the statistical properties of intensity, normalized and non-normalized velocity centroid maps as functions of the three-dimensional density and velocity fields' statistics. The equations obtained in the lowest order are then applied to the test case of fractional Brownian motion (fBm) density and velocity fields (section~\\ref{sec_fbm}). Section~\\ref{sec_test} presents a discussion of the various results obtained with respect to earlier works. Our concluding remarks are given in section~\\ref{sec_concl} and details on the calculations can be found in the appendix. \\begin{center} \\begin{figure}[htbp] \\begin{picture}(16,7) \\put(0.8,0){\\includegraphics[width=16cm]{0139fig1.eps}} \\put(0.85,2.95){\\footnotesize{$x$}} \\put(2.3,4.7){\\footnotesize{$y$}} \\put(9.05,2.1){\\footnotesize{$z$}} \\put(2,2.1){\\footnotesize{$O$}} \\put(3.8,3.6){\\footnotesize{$\\mathbf{r}$}} \\put(2.4,3.4){\\footnotesize{$\\mathbf{x}_1$}} \\put(3.1,2.5){\\footnotesize{$\\mathbf{x}_2$}} \\put(7.5,3.6){\\footnotesize{$\\mathbf{R}$}} \\put(6.3,3.4){\\footnotesize{$\\mathbf{X}_1$}} \\put(7.8,2.4){\\footnotesize{$\\mathbf{X}_2$}} \\put(16.55,0.1){\\footnotesize{$z$}} \\put(16.55,3.05){\\footnotesize{$z$}} \\put(13.32,0.05){\\footnotesize{$0$}} \\put(11.32,0.05){\\footnotesize{$-D/2$}} \\put(14.8,0.05){\\footnotesize{$D/2$}} \\put(9.7,5.75){\\footnotesize{$\\rho$}} \\put(9.7,2.8){\\footnotesize{$v$}} \\put(15.6,1.65){\\footnotesize{$v_0$}} \\put(15.6,4.6){\\footnotesize{$\\rho_0$}} \\end{picture} \\caption{\\label{fig_1} Notations used in the paper (left) and schematics of the turbulent slab model (right). A lowercase boldface letter stands for a three-dimensional vector, while the corresponding uppercase represents its projection on the plane of the sky ($xOy$). The slab is infinite in the $x$ and $y$ directions and is limited to $I_D=[-D/2,D/2]$ in the $z$ direction. The density $\\rho$ and line-of-sight velocity $v$ distributions along a line of sight are shown on the right. The mean values $\\rho_0$ and $v_0$ are taken over the whole slab. } \\end{figure} \\end{center} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_concl} An analytical study of a simple slightly compressible turbulent cloud model was presented, assuming homogeneity and isotropy of the turbulent flow. From the expressions of the antenna temperature for an optically thin spectral line and of its successive moments with respect to the line of sight velocity component, we computed the autocorrelation functions of the intensity and of both normalized and non-normalized velocity centroids, which involve averages, along the line of sight, of correlation functions of the three-dimensional density and velocity fields. To the lowest order, the autocorrelation functions of the velocity centroids behave, with respect to the velocity field, as the autocorrelation function of the intensity with respect to the density field. This sheds light on the numerical result of~\\citet{mamd2003}, who found that, for fractional Brownian motion density and velocity fields, the spectral index of the normalized centroid is equal to that of the velocity field. We derived this result analytically, for separations across the sky much smaller than the cloud's depth, and in real space, while previous studies such as that of~\\citet{goldman2000} were performed in Fourier space. However, the result of~\\citet{mamd2003} holds for fields outside of the validity domain for our calculation. Comparison of the expansions of the autocorrelation functions of both types of velocity centroids shows that normalization performs a correction of the first order in density fluctuations, although its magnitude remains to be assessed, a task for which numerical simulations are probably necessary. Numerical tests should also provide us with a robust comparison between normalized velocity centroids and the modified velocity centroids of~\\citet{lazarian2003}, which imply corrections of order two in density fluctuations. At present, this comparison has been performed only on simulations of highly compressible and magnetized turbulence, a case beyond the scope of our analytical study, and has shown that, in this particular case, modified velocity centroids provide a more reliable tool than normalized centroids. In a forthcoming paper, we shall therefore present numerical simulations aimed at assessing the validity domain of our calculations and, beyond normalized and modified velocity centroids, pursuing the search for a better correction scheme able to retrieve the underlying velocity statistics from observational data. \\\\ I wish to acknowledge fruitful discussions with Alex Lazarian during his stay at the \\'Ecole normale sup\\'erieure. His suggestions, in the early stages of this work, proved very helpful. I also wish to thank Enrique V\\'azquez-Semadeni for his careful reading of the manuscript and insightful remarks." }, "0404/astro-ph0404134_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Extraction of the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) angular power spectrum is a challenging task for current and future CMB experiments due to the large data sets involved. Here we describe an implementation of MASTER (Monte carlo Apodised Spherical Transform EstimatoR) described in \\citet{HIV02} which exploits the destriping technique as a map-making method. In this method a noise estimate based on destriped noise-only MC (Monte Carlo) simulations is subtracted from the pseudo angular power spectrum. As a working case we use realistic simulations of the {\\it PLANCK} LFI (Low Frequency Instrument). We found that the effect of destriping on a pure sky signal is minimal and requires no correction. Instead we found an effect related to the distribution of detector pointings, which affects the high-$\\ell$ part of the power spectrum. We correct for this by subtracting a ``signal bias'' estimated by MC simulations. We also give analytical estimates for this signal bias. Our method is fast and accurate enough (the estimator is un-biased and errors are close to theoretical expectations for maximal accuracy) to estimate the CMB angular power spectra for current and future CMB space missions. This study is related to {\\it PLANCK} LFI activities. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} In the favoured model of structure formation driven by inflation, primordial fluctuations are expected to be Gaussian distributed. In this case all the statistical information encoded into CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) anisotropies is completely described by their angular power spectrum $C_\\ell$. The main issue in this paper is the extraction of the $C_\\ell$ values starting from an observed CMB map. In recent years a maximum likelihood approach to the problem has been developed \\citep{GOR96} and successfully applied to the {\\it COBE} - DMR data \\citep{BEN96}. This process, however, involves a number of operations scaling as $\\sim N_{\\rm pix}^3$, where $N_{\\rm pix}$ is the number of pixels that cover the sky. Recent ground-based and balloon-borne experiments have improved our knowledge of the CMB anisotropy due to the better angular resolution and higher sensitivity of these experiments. Due to the sizes of their data sets they have already posed challenges in extracting an unbiased estimate of $C_\\ell$. This will become more demanding with current and future satellite experiments like {\\it WMAP} \\citep{BEN03} and {\\it PLANCK} \\citep{TAU00} which produce maps with $N_{\\rm pix} \\simeq {\\rm few}\\times 10^6$. Therefore, brute force maximum likelihood estimation of the CMB angular power spectrum is not feasible without approximations or assumptions specific to particular experimental or observing strategies \\citep{OHS99,WAN03}. New methods are under study and some of them have already produced interesting results. \\citet{HIV02} introduced the MASTER technique used to construct the BOOMERanG angular power spectrum in \\citet{NET02}. An extension of MASTER is being prepared to treat {\\it PLANCK}-like data sets. The core of the MASTER technique is {\\it i)} a high-pass filter applied to the TOD (Time Ordered Data) as part of a naive map-making process in order to reduce instrumental non-white noise, and {\\it ii)} MC (Monte Carlo) simulations of pure signal, pure noise, and signal plus noise to correct for data filtering and instrumental noise, and for estimating the error bars of $C_\\ell$. The approach has been shown to be unbiased and it gives error bars close to theoretical ones when cosmic variance and instrumental noise properties are concerned \\citep{HIV02}. \\citet{BAL02} follow a MASTER-like approach but instead of using a high-pass filter they consider an IGLS (Iterative Generalized Least Square) map-making algorithm already developed to treat {\\it PLANCK} data \\citep{NAT01}. Furthermore, they estimate noise properties needed for proper MC simulations directly from the data \\citep{NAT02}. The extracted $C_\\ell$ are unbiased and have close to optimal error bars. In this paper we present an approach similar to that of \\citet{HIV02} but exploiting the destriping algorithm \\citep{BUR97,DEL98,MAI99a,MAI99b} in the map-making process. Although destriping algorithms are considered approximations of proper IGLS map-making in the sense that they will not necessarily produce the minimum variance map, they are able to provide estimates of various systematic effects, remove drifts from TOD and return cleaned TOD (e.g., see \\citealt{MEN02} for an application with periodic fluctuations). Furthermore, destriping makes no assumptions on the beam shape. It has been demonstrated \\citep{MAI02} that the instrument noise is the driver of the destriping performance regardless of the beam shape (including sidelobes). A generalized maximum likelihood approach to the destriping method has been implemented \\citep{KEI03} which is able to fit different sets of base functions (in addition to the simple constant baseline) and, in principle, could better remove the contributions of different systematic effects from the TODs. All these properties make destriping attractive. Additionally, it is fast and needs no prior information on the instrumental noise. Note, however, that as we combine destriping with the MASTER approach for the $C_\\ell$ estimation, this part utilizes information on noise properties. Both iterative and non-iterative methods to estimate the noise characteristics directly from the data have been proposed \\citep{DOR01,NAT02}. These methods have been applied in the $C_\\ell$ estimation \\citep[e.g.][]{NET02,BAL02}. This paper is organised as follows. In Section~\\ref{sec:destri} we describe the destriping technique. In Section~\\ref{sec:MASTER} we review the MASTER approach for the extraction of $C_\\ell$ from a map. We have then applied our combination of destriping with the MASTER approach to simulations of one {\\it PLANCK} LFI 100 GHz detector. The applied scanning strategy and sky coverages are described in Section~\\ref{sec:scanning_strategy}. In Section~\\ref{sec:filter_function} we explain our findings concerning the filter function and signal bias that are possible means to model the effects caused by our map-making method on the spectrum estimates. The analysis pipeline and the CPU times required to run it are explained in Section~\\ref{sec:times}. Section~\\ref{sec:simul} presents the simulations and the simulation results. We draw our conclusions in Section~\\ref{sec:conclusion}. In Appendix~\\ref{sec:pointing_distribution} we describe in more details the signal bias approach for modelling the effect of the distribution of detector pointings in output map pixels. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} We have demonstrated that the combination of destriping technique and our MASTER approach can tackle the extraction of the CMB angular power spectra. The approach was found to work well yielding accurate estimates of the true power spectrum of the sky. As a practical example, we considered the 100~GHz channels of the LFI instrument of the {\\it PLANCK} satellite. Destriping as a map-making method is general in a sense that it requires no prior information either on the instrument noise properties or on the actual beam shape. We can expect that even in the case of non-stationary noise we are able to recover the baseline magnitudes accurately. The MASTER technique requires knowledge of the noise characteristics. In realistic CMB experiments the noise parameters need to be estimated from the measured data. However, we did not address the noise estimation techniques in this study. Thus the correct instrument noise model was assumed throughout this paper. We found that the effect of the sky signal on destriping does not cause a significant distortion on the power spectrum estimates. Therefore no filter function is needed to compensate for it. Instead we discovered an effect related to the clustering of the detector pointings. Because of the high stability of the motion of the {\\it PLANCK} satellite the centre points of the measurements taken during the 1~h period between satellite spin-axis repointings form tight clusters of 60. In our idealized simulation these were all assumed to fall on a single point, which exaggerates the effect somewhat. This leads to a noticeable effect at high $\\ell$ (for $\\ell > 700$ in our simulations). We were able to account for this effect, and remove it, by introducing the concept of signal bias in the $C_\\ell$ estimate, and determining it by signal-only MC simulations. We also derived a reasonably accurate analytical estimate for the signal bias. It was shown that the signal bias will be reduced when data from several detectors are combined, since that increases the density of detector pointings. In addition, due to satellite spin axis nutation (amplitudes up to 1.5~arcmin, \\citealt{LEE02}) and spin rate variation the detector pointings from successive scan circles will not fall exactly on top of each other, in reality. Therefore, in the case of the real {\\it PLANCK} experiment this signal bias may be small enough to be ignored. An ensemble of angular power spectrum estimates were produced by applying our estimation method to the maps of the signal+noise MC realizations. Our results showed that, after removing the signal and noise biases, any remaining bias was buried under the MC variations; if any bias exists its relative level was not higher than 0.1~per cent. There was a good match between the $\\pm 1\\sigma$ error bars obtained from the MC realizations and derived from the analytical model of the pseudo-$C_\\ell$ estimators \\citep{EFS03}. This indicates that the implementation related performance losses of our method are small." }, "0404/astro-ph0404302_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate environmental effects on evolution of bright cluster galaxies in a $\\Lambda$-dominated cold dark matter universe using a combination of dissipationless $N$-body simulations and a semi-analytic galaxy formation model. We incorporate effects of ram-pressure stripping (RPS) and minor merger-induced small starburst (minor burst) into our model. By considering minor burst, observed morphology-radius relation is successfully reproduced. When we do not consider minor burst, the RPS hardly increases the intermediate B/T population. In addition, the RPS and minor burst are not important for colours or star formation rates of galaxies in the cluster core if star formation time-scale is properly chosen, because the star formation is sufficiently suppressed by consumption of the cold gas. We also find that SF in bulge-dominated galaxies is mainly terminated by starburst induced by major mergers in all environments. ", "introduction": "It has been found that galaxy morphology is a function of environment (Dressler 1980; Whitmore et al. 1993) and redshift (Dressler et al. 1997). Colours and star formation rate (SFRs) of galaxies also show similar dependence on environment and redshift (e.g. Butcher \\& Oemler 1984; Lewis et al. 2002). To account for these observational trends, several mechanisms that may suppress the star formation (SF) and transform one morphological type into another have been proposed. Interaction between galaxies is one possible process to promote morphological transformation. Numerical simulations confirmed that major mergers produce galaxies resembling ellipticals as merger remnants (Barnes 1996) and that accretion of small satellites onto their host spiral lead a host spiral to S0 type (Walker et al. 1996). Because the galaxy merger triggers starburst, the cold gas contained in original galaxies is exhausted in a very short time. The second mechanism is removal of hot reservoir. In denser environment such as clusters, diffuse hot gas reservoir that is originally confined in haloes of non-central galaxies becomes part of intracluster medium. A galaxy whose hot gas reservoir is removed slowly exhausts its cold gas in its SF time-scale (strangulation). Above 2 processes, i.e. major merger-induced starburst and strangulation, has been incorporated in most of semi-analytic (SA) models which have failed to reproduce intermediate $B/T$ population (Okamoto \\& Nagashima 2001; Diaferio et al. 2001). In this paper, we introduce two additional processes in order to solve this problem. One is ram-pressure stripping (RPS) of the cold gas from galactic disks (Gunn \\& Gott 1972). Another is minor merger-induced small starburst. Hydrodynamic simulations showed some fraction of disk gas is fuelled to the galactic centre by a minor merger (Walker et al. 1996). By using a combination of $N$-body simulations with a SA model, we study roles of above 4 processes in evolution of galaxies and what process is responsible for the formation of intermediate $B/T$ galaxies. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated the effects of major mergers, strangulation, RPS of cold disk gas, and minor mergers on the evolution of bright cluster galaxies. We have used a combination of the cosmological $N$-body simulations and the SA galaxy formation model. This method enables us to study above environmental effects in a fully cosmological context. We have determined the model parameters of the reference model to reproduce galaxy properties at $z = 0$. Our results are summarised as follows. \\begin{enumerate} \\item The process that terminates SF in early-type galaxies ($B/T > 0.4$) in all environments is starburst trigger by a major merger. \\item If we adopt appropriate SF time-scale, so as to reproduce the observed cold gas mass fraction in the field, the dominant process that determines colours of galaxies in the cluster core is the strangulation. \\item Since the strangulation sufficiently suppresses SF in cluster cores, the effect of the RPS is hardly observed. \\item Minor burst does not affect galaxy properties except for morphology. \\item Without minor bursts the fraction of intermediate $B/T$ galaxies in clusters becomes too small. The model with the minor burst can reproduce the observed morphology-radius relations. We conclude that the minor burst is essential process to form intermediate $B/T$ galaxies. \\item The RPS hardly increases intermediate population in the cluster without minor bursts. When the minor burst is taken into account, the RPS increases the intermediate galaxy fraction in the cluster cores. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404187_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of the 2--10\\,keV {\\it XMM-Newton}/EPIC-pn spectrum of the Seyfert-1 galaxy NGC~4593. Apart from the presence of two narrow emission lines corresponding to the K$\\alpha$ lines of cold and hydrogen-like iron, this spectrum possesses a power-law form to within $\\sim 3-5\\%$. There is a marked lack of spectral features from the relativistic regions of the black hole accretion disk. We show that the data are, however, consistent with the presence of a radiatively-efficient accretion disk extending right down to the radius of marginal stability if it possesses low iron abundance, an appropriately ionized surface, a very high inclination, or a very centrally concentrated emission pattern (as has been observed during the Deep Minimum State of the Seyfert galaxy MCG--6-30-15). Deeper observations of this source are required in order to validate or reject these models. ", "introduction": "The fluorescent K$\\alpha$ emission line of iron is currently the best probe we have to study strong-field gravitational effects in the vicinity of black holes. This line, together with an associated backscattered continuum, is readily formed when a hard X-ray continuum source irradiates the surface of a relatively cold and optically-thick slab of gas (Basko 1978; Guilbert \\& Rees 1988; Lightman \\& White 1988; George \\& Fabian 1991; Matt et al. 1991). Nowadays, the hard X-ray source is usually identified with thermal Comptonization from an accretion disk corona, and the optically-thick structure as the accretion disk itself (see Reynolds \\& Nowak 2003 for a recent review). The diagnostic power of these spectral features lies in investigations of their Doppler broadening and gravitational redshifting (Fabian et al. 1989; Laor 1991). The best example to date of using these features to probe strong-field gravity is the Seyfert-1.2 galaxy MCG--6-30-15 (Tanaka et al. 1995; Wilms et al. 2001; Fabian et al. 2002; Reynolds et al. 2004). This object displays a highly-broadened and skewed iron line that is strongly suggestive of emission from an accretion disk reaching down to near the radius of marginal stability for a rapidly-rotating black hole. As yet, there is no competing model that can explain, in detail, the iron line feature in MCG--6-30-15. However, it is an open question whether these relativistic spectral features are generic in the spectra of various classes of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Nandra et al. (1997a) used data from the {\\it ASCA} observatory to conclude that relativistically-broadened iron lines are very common features in the X-ray spectra of Seyfert-1 nuclei. On the other hand, {\\it ASCA} found that these emission lines were often weaker and/or narrower in the X-ray spectra of low-luminosity AGN (e.g., Reynolds, Nowak \\& Maloney 2000; Terashima et al. 2002), high-luminosity AGN (Nandra et al. 1997b) and radio-loud AGN (Sambruna, Eracleous \\& Mushotzky 1999). Recent results from the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) on broad the {\\it XMM-Newton} observatory have painted a more complex picture. While {\\it XMM-Newton} has, indeed, found undisputed cases of broad iron lines in the Seyfert galaxies MCG--6-30-15 (Wilms et al. 2001, Fabian et al. 2002), MCG--5-23-16 (Dewangan, Griffiths \\& Schurch 2003), NGC~3516 (Turner et al. 2002), Mrk335 (Gondoin et al. 2002), and Mrk766 (Pounds et al. 2003a), other Seyfert-1 galaxies appear to show an absence of such features, with the best example to date being NGC~5548 (Pounds et al. 2003b). Clearly, the presence or absence of a relativistic iron line depends upon currently unknown factors and is not a simple function of AGN class. Progress must be made by careful analysis of as many AGN X-ray spectra as possible. With this motivation, this {\\it Paper} presents a careful analysis of the hard-band {\\it XMM-Newton} EPIC-pn spectrum of the Seyfert-1 galaxy NGC~4593 ($z=0.009$). Section~2 describes in brief our observation and data reduction techniques. Section~3 presents an analysis of the 2--10\\,keV spectrum of NGC~4593 and demonstrates a marked absence of a ``standard'' relativistic iron line, a result which is discussed in more detail in Section~4. Section~5 summarizes our principal conclusions. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have analyzed the 2--10\\,keV {\\it XMM-Newton} EPIC-pn spectrum of NGC~4593, with particular emphasis on the implications of this spectrum for the nature of the accretion flow in this Seyfert-1 nucleus. Only two spectral features are detected which can be identified with narrow K$\\alpha$ emission lines of cold and hydrogen-like iron at 6.40\\,keV and 6.97\\,keV, respectively. Once these have been modelled, the spectrum has a power-law form (to within a 3-4\\% accuracy) across the 2--10\\,keV band. We fail to detect any X-ray reflection features from a relativistic accretion disk. However, we show that, even if a radiatively-efficient geometrically-thin complete accretion disk exists, its X-ray reflection signatures would be buried in the noise if the accretion disk has either a very centrally concentrated irradiation profile or an appropriately ionized surface. Either of these models can be tested by longer EPIC observations which would be sensitive to the subtle features displayed by a highly blurred or ionized reflection spectrum. If longer observations still fail to detect any accretion disk signatures, we are forced to consider other scenarios. Firstly, the inner disk may be very hot and optically-thin, thereby being incapable of producing any X-ray reflection features. Secondly, the observed X-ray continuum might be highly anisotropic, being strong beamed away from the disk (and towards the observer) thereby rendering any disk features undetectable." }, "0404/astro-ph0404378_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The conceptual difficulties associated with a cosmological constant have led to the investigation of alternative models in which the equation of state parameter, $w=p/\\rho$, of the dark energy evolves with time. We show that combining the supernova type Ia observations {\\it with the constraints from WMAP observations} restricts large variation of $\\rho(z)$ at low redshifts. The combination of these two observational constraints is stronger than either one. The results are completely consistent with the cosmological constant as the source of dark energy. ", "introduction": "Well before the data from the high redshift supernova project became available, several independent constraints indicated the existence of a cosmological constant \\citep{crisis1,crisis2,crisis3}. In the last decade, observational evidence for an accelerating universe has become conclusive with almost all other possibilities being ruled out by observations of high redshift supernovae \\citep{nova_data1,nova_data2,nova_data3} and the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) \\citep{boomerang,wmap_params}. The accelerated expansion of the universe requires either a cosmological constant or some form of dark energy \\citep{review1,review2,review3,review4} to drive the acceleration, with $w\\equiv p/\\rho < -1/3$. Although a cosmological constant is the simplest solution from a phenomenological point of view (requiring just one fine tuned parameter), there is no natural explanation of the small observed value. This has led theorists to develop models in which a field, typically a scalar field, provides the source of dark energy, e.g., quintessence \\citep{quint1,quint2,quint3,quint4,quint5,quint6,quint7,quint8}, k-essence \\citep{k-essence1,k-essence2,k-essence3,k-essence4,k-essence5}, tachyons \\citep{tachyon1,tachyon2,tachyon3,tachyon4,tachyon5,tachyon6,tachyon7,tachyon8,tachyon9,tachyon10,tachyon11,tachyon12}, phantom fields \\citep{phantom1,phantom2,phantom3,phantom4,phantom5,phantom6,phantom7,phantom8,phantom9,phantom10,phantom11}, branes \\citep{brane1,brane2,brane3,brane4,brane5}, etc. In the absence of significant {\\it spatial} variation in the dark energy, the key difference between such models and the one with the cosmological constant is that, in general, $w$ is a function of redshift $z$ in the former. Perturbations in dark energy also lead to observable signatures, though these can easily be confused with other physical effects \\citep{perturb1,perturb2,perturb3}. There have also been a few proposals for unified dark matter and dark energy \\citep{unified_dedm1,unified_dedm2,unified_dedm3} but these models are yet to be developed in sufficient detail to allow direct comparison with observations in a fruitful manner. If the current observations had excluded $w=-1$ then one could have immediately ruled out cosmological constant as a candidate; but since this is not the case, direct exploration of $w(z)$ at different redshifts, in order to check possible dependence of $w$ on $z$, is of importance. Observations constrain the entire suite of parameters that describe cosmological parameters and while it is possible to choose other cosmological parameters so that $\\Lambda$CDM is not allowed, these models have not been ruled out so far. It has been known for some time that supernova observations and constraints from structure formation can be combined to put stringent limits on models for dark energy \\citep{lss_de}. Several attempts have been made in the past to constrain the equation of state for dark energy, along with other cosmological parameters, using the observations of galaxy clustering, temperature anisotropies in the CMBR and the high redshift supernovae \\citep{lss_de,constraints_1,constraints_2,constraints_3,constraints_4,constraints_5,constraints_7,constraints_8,constraints_9,constraints_10}. This work, which is in the same spirit, focuses exclusively on constraining the variation of equation of state for dark energy by using a combination of such observations. We wish to constrain the variation of dark energy while keeping most of the other cosmological parameters fixed around their favoured values. In particular, we study the effect of a varying equation of state on the angular power spectrum of the CMBR fluctuations. Dark energy is not expected to be dynamically significant at the time of decoupling and --- in fact --- models in which this is not true are plagued by slow growth of density perturbations \\citep{quint_growth1,quint_growth2,quint_growth3}. Nevertheless, evolving dark energy will affect the features of temperature anisotropies in the CMBR in at least two ways: (1)~The angular scale of features in temperature anisotropy, like the peaks, will change since the angular diameter distance depends on the form of $w(z)$. (2)~The integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect will also depend on the nature of dark energy and its evolution, this effect is more relevant at small $l$. Thus observations of temperature anisotropies in the CMBR can be used to constrain the {\\it evolution} of dark energy. Combined with the supernova observations, this allows us to put tight constraints on the equation of state of dark energy and its evolution. Our approach here is to use the full WMAP angular power spectrum in order to ensure that both the effects mentioned above are captured in the analysis. For lower multipoles ($l \\leq 20$) signals from the ISW effect, perturbations in dark energy and reionisation need to be disentangled, however the relative importance of this part of the angular power spectrum is limited as we use the full angular power spectrum from WMAP. Our aim is to demonstrate that the combination of WMAP observations and high redshift supernova observations is a very powerful constraint on variations in dark energy, certainly more powerful that either of the observations used in isolation. {\\it As far as we know, most previous attempts to constrain the dark energy sector using WMAP data have not used the full angular power spectrum. } ", "conclusions": "The observations we have considered constrain distances and the main constraint from CMB observations is on a reduced quantity $w_{eff}$ which is the integrated effective value for the angular diameter distance. If $w(0) < w_{eff}$ ($w(0) > w_{eff}$) then $w'(0) > 0$ ($w'(0) < 0$) is expected, indeed this explains the orientation of the allowed region in figure~\\ref{fig:w1w0}. There is a strong degeneracy between $w_{eff}$ and $\\Omega_{nr}$, $\\partial w_{eff}/\\partial \\Omega_{nr} < 0 $ (see Figure \\ref{fig:w0omega}). The cosmological constant itself is ruled out at $99\\%$ confidence level for $\\Omega_{nr} > 0.375$ and only phantom models survive beyond this, thus if other observational constraints were to rule out $\\Omega_{nr} \\leq 0.375$ then we will be forced to work with phantom models. (Note that the Cosmological constant and other non-phantom models are not ruled out by supernova observations for these values of $\\Omega_{nr}$.) But with current observations, such a constraint does not exist and the cosmological constant model is allowed. Hence observations do not {\\it require} varying dark energy or phantom models even though such models are consistent with observations. The detailed dependence on $\\Omega_{nr}$ and other parameters will be explored in detail in a later work \\citep{jbp2}. In our analysis we have not taken into account any perturbations in dark energy. This effect becomes increasingly important as $w$ approaches zero, leading to suppression of perturbations in matter \\citep{quint_growth1,quint_growth2,quint_growth3}. This effect is relevant only at $l \\leq 20$ in most models and hence its relative importance is small as we are using the full WMAP angular power spectrum here. Perturbations in dark energy also have a non-adiabatic component, but this cannot be incorporated in our analysis as it requires a detailed model for dark energy whereas we are working with parameterised variations. We are carrying out a more detailed analysis where we allow parameters like $n$, $h$, $\\Omega_B$, $\\tau$, etc. to vary. Preliminary results suggest that after marginalizing over other parameters the region in the $w(0)-w'(0)$ allowed by CMB observations increases, mainly on the lower side of the region shown in figure~\\ref{fig:w1w0}. Supernova observations then provide stronger constraints for smaller $w'(0)$ while the CMB observations continue to provide much stronger constraints on large $w'(0)$. Adding other observational constraints from structure formation reduces the allowed region significantly as extreme variations of parameters allowed by WMAP data predict too much or too little structure formation \\citep{jbp2}. These observations are not very relevant in the present work as we are keeping most parameters fixed. Our analysis of models and observations shows that the allowed variation of $\\rho^{DE}(z)$ is strongly constrained by a combination of WMAP data and observations of high redshift supernovae. Indeed, given the allowed window as seen in Fig.~\\ref{fig:wenvelope}, the cosmological constant seems to be the most attractive dark energy candidate." }, "0404/astro-ph0404008_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We extend our earlier work on ambipolar diffusion induced formation of protostellar cores in isothermal sheet-like magnetic interstellar clouds, by studying nonaxisymmetric collapse for the physically interesting regime of magnetically critical and supercritical model clouds ($\\mui \\geq 1$, where $\\mui$ is the initial mass-to-magnetic flux ratio in units of the critical value for gravitational collapse). Cores that form in model simulations are effectively triaxial, with shapes that are typically closer to being oblate, rather than prolate. Infall velocities in the critical model ($\\mui = 1$) are subsonic; in contrast, a supercritical model ($\\mui = 2$) has extended supersonic infall that may be excluded by observations. For the magnetically critical model, ambipolar diffusion forms cores that are supercritical ($\\muc > 1$) and embedded within subcritical envelopes ($\\muenv < 1$). Cores in our models have density profiles that eventually merge into a near-uniform background, which is suggestive of observed properties of cloud cores. ", "introduction": "Magnetic fields play an important role in star formation, especially in the early stages of core formation and collapse; measured mass-to-flux ratios of molecular clouds yield an average that is $\\sim 1 - 2$ times greater than the critical value for collapse (Crutcher 1999). However, observational biases tend to push toward higher values of measured mass-to-flux ratio (Crutcher 2003, private communication), so that moderately subcritical cloud regions are not ruled out. Dense cores within molecular clouds are the sites of star formation, with detected infall up to $\\approx 0.5 \\, \\cs \\approx 0.1 \\kms$ on scales $\\lesssim 0.1 \\pc$, (e.g., in L1544, Tafalla et al. 1998; Williams et al. 1999), where $\\cs$ is the isothermal sound speed. Ciolek \\& Basu (2000) have fit the main features of the observed velocity and density profiles in L1544, modeling it as an axisymmetric supercritical core embedded in a moderately subcritical envelope. Axisymmetry is clearly an idealization to real cores. Observations suggest a typical projected axis ratio of 0.5 for cores (Myers et al. 1991), and deprojections of the distribution of shapes imply intrinsically triaxial but nearly oblate cores (Jones, Basu, \\& Dubinski 2001). Polarized emission measurements from dense cores also imply triaxiality (Basu 2000). More generally, detailed submillimeter maps of star-forming regions reveal significant irregular structure and multiple cores (Motte, Andr\\'e, \\& Neri 1998). Theoretical nonaxisymmetric magnetic models of the collapse and fragmentation of a single core were presented by Nakamura \\& Hanawa (1997) and Nakamura \\& Li (2002), without and with ambipolar diffusion, respectively, using the magnetic thin-disk approximation (Ciolek \\& Mouschovias 1993, hereafter CM93). The early stages of core formation in a nonaxisymmetric infinitesimally thin subcritical sheet (including the effects of magnetic tension but ignoring magnetic pressure) were studied by Indebetouw \\& Zweibel (2001). Here, we also study a planar cloud that is perpendicular to the mean magnetic field, focusing on the case of either exactly critical or decidedly supercritical cores; these cases are shown to lead to observationally distinguishable outcomes. We again use the thin-disk approximation, which allows for finite thickness effects, and explicitly includes the effects of both magnetic pressure and tension. \\vspace{-4ex} ", "conclusions": "Ambipolar diffusion leads to a nonuniform distribution of mass-to-flux ratio, in a natural extension of the process described by Mouschovias (1978). Stars form preferentially in the most supercritical regions. Core shapes are somewhat triaxial, and usually more nearly oblate than prolate. The core column density eventually merges into a near-uniform background value. In the critical ($\\mui = 1$) model, a surrounding region is established which is mildly magnetically subcritical (due to flux redistribution) and infall motions both inside and outside cores are subsonic. Conversely, the supercritical ($\\mui = 2$) model exhibits supersonic motions within cores, and extended rapid motions outside them. The critical model requires a significantly longer time to develop gravitational instability; however, we caution that the growth time for both models are likely upper limits due to the possibility of nonlinear perturbations in more realistic situations. We also note that all motions in these models are fundamentally gravitationally driven; the neutral speeds are typically greater than those of the ions." }, "0404/hep-ph0404198_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\PRE{\\vspace*{.3in}} Dark matter may be composed of superWIMPs, superweakly-interacting massive particles produced in the late decays of other particles. We focus on the case of gravitinos produced in the late decays of sleptons or sneutrinos and assume they are produced in sufficient numbers to constitute all of non-baryonic dark matter. At leading order, these late decays are two-body and the accompanying energy is electromagnetic. For natural weak-scale parameters, these decays have been shown to satisfy bounds from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background. However, sleptons and sneutrinos may also decay to three-body final states, producing hadronic energy, which is subject to even more stringent nucleosynthesis bounds. We determine the three-body branching fractions and the resulting hadronic energy release. We find that superWIMP gravitino dark matter is viable and determine the gravitino and slepton/sneutrino masses preferred by this solution to the dark matter problem. In passing, we note that hadronic constraints disfavor the possibility of superWIMPs produced by neutralino decays unless the neutralino is photino-like. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} SuperWIMPs, superweakly interacting massive particles produced in the late decays of weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs), are promising non-baryonic dark matter candidates~\\cite{Feng:2003xh,Feng:2003uy}. Well-motivated superWIMP candidates are the gravitino in supersymmetric models~\\cite{Feng:2003xh,Feng:2003uy,Ellis:1984er,Bolz:1998ek,% Bolz:2000fu,Ellis:2003dn} and the first excited graviton in universal extra dimension models~\\cite{Feng:2003xh,Feng:2003nr}. The supersymmetric possibility is realized naturally in supergravity with a gravitino lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) and a slepton or sneutrino next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP). (Throughout this paper, ``slepton'' denotes a charged slepton.) Both the gravitino and the NLSP have weak-scale masses. The NLSP freezes out as usual with a relic density near the observed value. However, after time $t \\sim 10^4 - 10^8~\\s$, it decays through \\begin{eqnarray} \\tilde{l} &\\to& l \\, \\tilde{G} \\nonumber \\\\ \\tilde{\\nu} &\\to& \\nu \\, \\tilde{G} \\ . \\label{decay} \\end{eqnarray} The gravitino then inherits much of the relic density of the slepton or sneutrino~\\cite{Covi:1999ty}, and its relic density is naturally of the right magnitude without the introduction of new scales. This is in contrast to other gravitino dark matter scenarios, where the gravitino is a thermal relic and the desired density is obtained by an appropriately chosen gravitino mass $m_{\\Gravitino} \\sim \\kev$~\\cite{Pagels:ke}, or the gravitino is produced during reheating~\\cite{Moroi:1993mb,Bolz:2000fu}, where the desired dark matter density is obtained only for a fine-tuned reheat temperature $T_R \\sim 10^{10}~\\gev$. The decays of \\eqref{decay} occur well after Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). An immediate concern, therefore, is that they might destroy the successful light element abundance predictions of BBN. In fact, BBN is not the only worry --- the Planckian spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the diffuse photon background, and bounds on late time entropy production from the coincidence between BBN and CMB baryometry all impose significant constraints. As demonstrated in Refs.~\\cite{Feng:2003xh,Feng:2003uy}, however, these constraints on the electromagnetic (EM) energy released in the decays of \\eqref{decay} exclude some of the weak scale parameter space, but leave much of it intact. Of course, at the border between the excluded and allowed regions, slight deviations from standard cosmological predictions are expected, providing possible signals in future observations. In fact, the existing anomaly in the $^7$Li abundance prediction of standard BBN may already be interpreted as a signal of superWIMP dark matter~\\cite{Feng:2003uy}. Such signals are particularly welcome, since superWIMP dark matter is so weakly interacting that it is impossible to detect through conventional direct and indirect dark matter searches. The previous work, however, neglected hadronic energy produced in WIMP decays. This was natural, as the WIMP decays of \\eqref{decay} contribute only to electromagnetic energy, as we will discuss below. However, the three-body decays \\begin{eqnarray} \\tilde{l} &\\to& l Z \\tilde{G} \\ , \\ \\nu W \\tilde{G} \\nonumber \\\\ \\tilde{\\nu} &\\to& \\nu Z \\tilde{G} \\ , \\ l W \\tilde{G} \\ , \\end{eqnarray} produce hadronic energy when the $Z$ or $W$ decays hadronically. Hadronic energy release is very severely constrained by the observed primordial light element abundances~\\cite{Reno:1987qw,% Dimopoulos:1987fz,Dimopoulos:1988ue,Kohri:2001jx,Kawasaki:2004yh}, and so even subdominant hadronic decays could, in principle, provide stringent constraints. These three-body decays may be kinematically suppressed when $m_{\\tilde{l}, \\tilde{\\nu}} - m_{\\tilde{G}} < m_W, m_Z$, but even in this case, four-body decays, such as $\\tilde{l} \\to l \\gamma^* \\tilde{G} \\to l q\\bar{q} \\tilde{G}$, contribute to hadronic cascades and may be important. In this paper, we determine the hadronic branching fractions and compare them to BBN constraints on hadronic energy release. Although we focus on the supersymmetric case, our results may be extended straightforwardly with minor numerical modifications to the case of graviton superWIMPs in extra dimensions. In evaluating the constraints, there are two possible approaches. As the superWIMP relic abundance is automatically in the right range, a natural assumption is that superWIMP gravitinos make up all of the non-baryonic dark matter, with \\begin{equation} \\OmegaSWIMP \\simeq 0.23 \\ . \\label{omega} \\end{equation} This is the approach taken here. Note that $\\OmegaSWIMP$ need not be identical to $\\Omega_{\\gravitino}$ --- not all relic gravitinos need be produced by NLSP decays. Our assumption therefore requires that the other sources of gravitinos be insignificant. For the supersymmetric case, this typically implies an upper bound on reheat temperatures of $T_R \\alt 10^{10}~\\gev$~\\cite{Moroi:1993mb,Bolz:2000fu}. Higher reheat temperatures may also be allowed~\\cite{Buchmuller:2003is,Kolb:2003ke} and are desirable, for example, to accommodate leptogenesis. For the universal extra dimension case, the requirement of insignificant Kaluza-Klein graviton production during reheating implies $T_R \\alt 1$ to $10^2~\\tev$, depending, in part, on the number of extra dimensions~\\cite{Feng:2003nr}. On the other hand, the Universe has proven to be remarkably baroque, and there is no guarantee that dark matter is composed of only one component. One might therefore relax the constraint of \\eqref{omega} on the superWIMP energy density and assume, for example, that the NLSP freezes out with its thermal relic density $\\Omega_{\\text{NLSP}}^{\\text{th}}$. The superWIMP gravitino density is then $\\OmegaSWIMP = (m_{\\gravitino}/m_{\\text{NLSP}}) \\Omega_{\\text{NLSP}}^{\\text{th}}$. In this approach, the gravitino density may be low and even insignficant cosmologically. {}From a particle physics viewpoint, however, the viability of the gravitino LSP scenario is still worth investigation, as it has strong implications for the superpartner spectrum and collider signatures, independent of its cosmological importance. These approaches differ significantly, not only in the viewpoint taken, but also in their implications. Suppose, for example, that the gravitino and NLSP masses are both parametrized by a mass scale $m_{\\text{SUSY}}$. The NLSP number density then scales as $1/m_{\\text{SUSY}}$ if one assumes \\eqref{omega}, but scales as $m_{\\text{SUSY}}$ if one assumes a thermal relic NLSP density, since $\\Omega_{\\text{NLSP}}^{\\text{th}} \\propto \\langle \\sigma v \\rangle ^{-1} \\propto m_{\\text{SUSY}}^2$, where $\\langle \\sigma v \\rangle$ is the thermally-averaged NLSP annihilation cross section. Low masses are excluded in the former case, while high masses are disfavored in the latter. We consider both approaches to be worthwhile, but defer discussion of the thermal relic density approach, along with its very different consequences for the superpartner spectrum and implications for collider physics, to a separate study~\\cite{Feng:2004}. Assuming a fixed $\\OmegaSWIMP$ here, we find that gravitino superWIMPs provide a viable solution to the dark matter problem. We determine the allowed masses for the NLSP and gravitino. At the same time, we find that the hadronic energy constraint is significant and does in fact provide the leading constraint in natural regions of parameter space. We conclude that the analysis below must be done in any scenario with similar late decays. Given any standard cosmology, a significant thermal relic abundance of NLSPs will be generated, these NLSPs will eventually decay to superWIMPs, and the hadronic constraints we discuss below must be analyzed before the scenario may be considered viable. In passing, we note that another possibility is that the NLSP is the lightest neutralino. For a general neutralino, the decays $\\chi \\to Z \\tilde{G}, h \\tilde{G}$ produce large hadronic energy release. These two-body modes are absent for photino-like neutralinos, where the only two-body decay is $\\tilde{\\gamma}\\to\\gamma \\tilde{G}$. However, even in this case, one cannot avoid hadronic activity from decay through a virtual photon, $\\tilde{\\gamma} \\to \\gamma^* \\tilde{G} \\to q\\bar{q} \\tilde{G}$, with a branching fraction of ${\\cal O} (10^{-2})$. Given the stringency of constraints on hadronic energy release, the neutralino NLSP case is highly constrained. Assuming that $\\OmegaSWIMP$ makes up a significant fraction of the dark matter, natural regions of parameter space are excluded~\\cite{Feng:2004}. In the current paper, we therefore focus on the more promising possibilities of slepton and sneutrino NLSPs. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:bbn}, we summarize what is known about constraints on EM and hadronic energy release in the early Universe. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:swimp}, we give a detailed description of the gravitino superWIMP scenario with a slepton or sneutrino NLSP. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:had}, we determine the hadronic energy release from slepton and sneutrino decays and find the allowed mass regions. We summarize in Sec.~\\ref{sec:conclusion}. The relevant gravitino interactions, decay amplitudes, and three-body hadronic decay width formulae are collected in the Appendix. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} In this paper, we explored the possibility of superWIMPs as candidates for dark matter. Examples of superWIMPs are the gravitino in supersymmetric models and the lightest Kaluza-Klein graviton in universal extra dimension models. SuperWIMPs obtain their relic density through late decays: WIMP $\\to$ superWIMP $+$ SM particles. The decay usually occurs between $10^4$ s and $10^8$ s, which has important cosmological implications. Such late decays release EM and hadronic energy into the Universe, which may affect BBN predictions for the primordial abundance of the light elements. The constraints on EM injection have been studied in detail in Ref.~\\cite{Feng:2003uy}. In this paper, we have analyzed the hadronic BBN constraints. We have taken the lightest gravitino as a concrete example of a superWIMP and have focused on slepton and sneutrino NLSPs as the most promising WIMP candidates. We have determined the hadronic energy release by calculating three-body decay widths in detail. For the cases of $\\tilde{\\tau}_R$ and $\\tilde{\\nu}$ NLSPs, the hadronic decay branching fraction is below the level of $10^{-3}$ when $m_{\\tilde{\\tau}_R} \\alt 1~\\tev$ and $m_{\\tilde{\\nu}} \\alt 300~\\gev$, respectively, or when the decay lifetime is $\\tau \\agt 10^6~\\s$. We identified the allowed and disfavored regions of the $(m_{\\tilde{G}}, \\delta m)$ plane, imposing CMB constraints, EM BBN constraints, and hadronic BBN constraints. For the sneutrino NLSP case, $\\delta m \\alt 60 - 200~\\gev$ is allowed for a large range of $m_{\\tilde{G}}$. For the stau NLSP, the hadronic constraints are weaker: $\\delta m \\alt 200-1200~\\gev$. However, additional constraints from CMB and EM energy injection apply. Combining all the constraints for the right-handed stau NLSP, the allowed window is $300~\\gev \\alt m_{\\tilde{G}} \\alt 1~\\tev$, $200~\\gev \\alt \\delta m \\alt 1200~\\gev$, corresponding to $m_{\\tilde{\\tau}_R} \\agt 500~\\gev$. We have assumed $\\OmegaSWIMP = 0.23$ in our analysis. The constraints would be relaxed if superWIMPs are only part of the present dark matter. In addition, there are still ambiguities in the BBN constraints if the decay time lies in the region where EM and hadronic effects are comparable. In particular, as we discussed, their effects on D might cancel, and the allowed parameter space could be enlarged. Progress in firming up BBN constraints in this region, and for other elements, such as $^3$He and $^6$Li may have crucial implications for the superWIMP dark matter scenario. Although the superWIMP itself would escape all direct and indirect dark matter searches, the slepton/sneutrino NLSP will have rich implications for collider phenomenology. Such metastable sleptons will not decay inside the detector, resulting in signals of highly ionizing tracks for sleptons and missing energy signals for sneutrinos. Discussion of the collider phenomenology, combined with thermal relic density calculations for the NLSP in supergravity models will be presented in Ref.~\\cite{Feng:2004}. Although we have focused on the SUSY scenario in this paper, superWIMPs could in general be any gravitationally interacting particle that obtains its relic density through the late decay of a WIMP. The discussion and results for late decay of a leptonic WIMP in other models will be qualitatively similar to the discussion and results presented here. This scenario also suggests that a particle that appears to play the role of dark matter at late times, even after BBN, could very well be different from the particle that constitutes dark matter now. The very late decay of ``would be'' dark matter particles may have important cosmological implications, for example, affecting small scale structure. This feature may provide qualitatively new possibilities for explaining puzzling cosmological observations~\\cite{Chen:2003gz,Sigurdson:2003vy}. We have assumed $R$-parity conservation in our discussion. In the case of $R$-parity violation (RPV), the gravitino could still constitute dark matter as long as its decay lifetime is comparable to or longer than the age of Universe~\\cite{Takayama:2000uz,Moreau:2001sr}. Gravitino dark matter in an RPV scenario could be distinguished from the superWIMP scenario by both cosmological observations and collider experiments. For example, the decay of even a tiny amount of gravitino dark matter into SM particles in an RPV scenario could be seen in the diffuse photon flux. In addition, if the RPV is not extremely small, the collider signatures could be different from those in the superWIMP scenario. Further work is needed to study how to distinguish these two scenarios." }, "0404/astro-ph0404265_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Five new objects with proper motions between 1.0\\arcsec/yr and 2.6\\arcsec/yr have been discovered via a new RECONS search for high proper motion stars utilizing the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey. The first portion of the search, discussed here, is centered on the south celestial pole and covers declinations $-$90$^\\circ$ to $-$57.5$^\\circ$. Photographic photometry from SuperCOSMOS and $JHKs$ near-infrared photometry from 2MASS for stars nearer than 10 pc are combined to provide a suite of new M$_{Ks}$-color relations useful for estimating distances to main sequence stars. These relations are then used to derive distances to the new proper motion objects as well as previously known stars with $\\mu$ $\\ge$ 1.0\\arcsec/yr (many of which have no trigonometric parallaxes) recovered during this phase of the survey. Four of the five new stars have red dwarf colors, while one is a nearby white dwarf. Two of the red dwarfs are likely to be within the RECONS 10 pc sample, and the white dwarf probably lies between 15 and 25 pc. Among the 23 known stars recovered during the search, there are three additional candidates for the RECONS sample that have no trigonometric parallaxes. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/gr-qc0404014_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using numerical techniques, we study the collapse of a scalar field configuration in the Newtonian limit of the spherically symmetric Einstein--Klein--Gordon (EKG) system, which results in the so called Schr\\\"odinger--Newton (SN) set of equations. We present the numerical code developed to evolve the SN system and topics related, like equilibrium configurations and boundary conditions. Also, we analyze the evolution of different initial configurations and the physical quantities associated to them. In particular, we readdress the issue of the gravitational cooling mechanism for Newtonian systems and find that all systems settle down onto a $0$--node equilibrium configuration. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} In a previous paper of ours\\cite{fsglau}, we studied the formation of a gravitationally bounded object comprised of scalar particles, under the influence of Newtonian gravity. The dynamics of the system is described by the coupled Schr\\\"odinger--Newton (SN) system of equations, which is nothing but the weak field limit of its general relativistic counterpart, the Einstein--Klein--Gordon (EKG) system. As at the moment we have no hints to finding an analytic solution for the evolution, we found necessary to develop numerical techniques to study the formation process of the scalar objects. The study of the dynamical properties of the fully time-dependent SN system has been done before in the literature\\cite{seidel90,seidel94,schmethod,hu}, but more is needed in order to understand the gravitational collapse of a weakly gravitating scalar field. The main aim of this paper is to perform an exhaustive numerical study of the collapse and evolution of a spherically symmetric scalar object in the Newtonian regime. Here, we develop a numerical strategy to evolve the SN system, and study important issues like the stability and the formation process of gravitationally bound scalar systems, a topic that has recently become attractive in Cosmology \\cite{fsglau,schmethod,hu,phi2,dmota,jcerv,fuchs}. A summary of the paper is as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{mathematics}, we present the relativistic EKG and Newtonian SN equations that describe the evolution of a self-gravitating scalar field in the spherically symmetric case. Correspondingly, it is described how the EKG and the SN equations are solved in order to obtain regular and asymptotically flat solutions. These solutions are known as \\textit{boson stars} and \\textit{oscillatons}, respectively, for complex and real scalar fields. However, we focus our attention on their corresponding weak field limit, SN system and its properties. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:numerics}, we present an appropriate numerical code to evolve the SN system, providing details about the algorithms used. The issues concerning the physical boundary conditions imposed on the SN system and the accuracy of the code are of particular importance. The results of the numerical evolutions are given in Sec.~\\ref{results}. We systematically test the boundary conditions, the convergence of the numerical solutions and how the latter reproduces the expected results for the equilibrium configurations of the SN system. Sec.~\\ref{sec:cooling} is devoted to the study of the gravitational cooling mechanism, first described in\\cite{seidel94}. Finally, the conclusions are collected in Sec.~\\ref{conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} In this paper, we have studied the evolution of a self-gravitating scalar field in the Newtonian regime using numerical methods. The latter were systematically tested for their accuracy, convergence and reliability. In all cases, the numerical code gave the expected correct results of the $0$--node equilibrium configurations and its perturbations. Also, the numerical code preserved the scaling invariance of the SN system all along the time of the evolutions. An important point was the boundary condition imposed on the SN system. We found that the implementation of a sponge by adding an imaginary potential is an appropriate boundary condition. It allowed us to maintain under control the amount of scalar matter reflected by the numerical boundary. Our results imply that $0$--node equilibrium configurations are intrinsically stable against radial perturbations, and that they play the important role of final states arbitrary scalar systems settle down onto in the Newtonian regime. On the contrary, excited equilibrium configurations were found to be intrinsically unstable configurations. Even though they are initially virialized, they evolve towards a $0$-node solution. An important point here is that, due to the scaling properties of the SN system, the study of the whole space of possible equilibrium configurations was reduced to the analysis of some properly sized configurations. Moreover, the same was done to study non-equilibrium configurations to give simplified and accurate simulations. Last but not least, we retook the analysis of the gravitational cooling within the Newtonian regime of scalar fields. The main result is that, in the weak field limit, the gravitational cooling is a very efficient mechanism, which allows any initial configurations to decay into a $0$--node Newtonian scalar soliton. So far, we have not found any evidence for systems that disperse away by ejecting all their mass. We expect that the results presented here would provide useful information about structure formation in the universe, not only regarding models of scalar field dark matter as in\\cite{fsglau,sin,hu,arbey,gal}, but also about other models whose dynamics is governed by the SN system beyond spherical symmetry as in\\cite{schmethod}, case about which we expect to report in the near future." }, "0404/astro-ph0404053_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "When the polarimetric sensitivity and the angular resolution exceed a threshold, magnetic fields show up almost everywhere on the solar surface. Here I revise the observational properties of the weakest polarization signals, which appear in the InterNetwork (IN) regions. We already have some information on the magnetic field strengths and inclinations, mass motions, lifetimes, magnetic fluxes, magnetic energies, etc. Since the IN covers a substantial faction of the solar surface, it may account for most of the unsigned magnetic flux and energy existing on the solar surface at any given time. This fact makes IN fields potentially important to understand the global magnetic properties of the Sun (e.g., the structure of the quiet solar corona, an issue briefly addressed here). The spectropolarimeters on board of Solar-B have the resolution and sensitivity to routinely detect these IN fields. ", "introduction": "Most of the solar surface appears non-magnetic when it is observed in routine synoptic magnetograms. However, magnetic fields are detected almost everywhere, also in InterNetwork (IN) regions, when the polarimetric sensitivity and the angular resolution are high enough. These magnetic fields are now accessible to many spectropolarimeters. They cover much of the solar surface and, therefore, they may account for most of the unsigned magnetic flux and energy existing on the solar surface at any given time. The contribution summarizes the main observational properties of the IN fields, as deduced from these recent measurements. In addition, it discusses the origin of the IN magnetism, and why it is a natural target for Solar-B. ", "conclusions": "The quiet Sun is the component of the solar surface magnetism that seems to account for most of the magnetic flux and magnetic energy (\\S~\\ref{energy}). This fact makes it potentially important to understand the global magnetic properties of the Sun (solar dynamo, coronal heating, origin of the solar wind, and so on). However, its influence has been neglected so far. It produces very weak polarization signals which hardly show up in conventional magnetograms. The situation is slowly turning around, and it will dramatically change with the advent of space-borne polarimeters like those of Solar-B. For example, Fe~{\\sc i}~6302~\\AA\\ is expected to produce a circular polarization of the order of $5\\times 10^{-3}$ when the angular resolution reaches 0\\farcs 5 (\\citealt{dom03b}). These signals are well above the noise level in the normal mapping model of the SOT spectropolarimeter (\\citealt{shi04}). In other words, Solar-B is expected to routinely detect the quiet Sun magnetic fields (at least that fraction having kG field strengths, see \\S~\\ref{mfs}). The true role of the quiet Sun magnetism is still unknown. Only preliminary steps to figure it out have been given. Let me point out a recent work by \\citet{sch03b} where they study the influence of the quiet Sun magnetic fields on the extrapolation of the photospheric field to the corona. They conclude that an important modification of the network-rooted field lines is induced by the presence of the IN, implying that a significant part of this disorganized IN photospheric field does indeed reaches the quiet corona." }, "0404/astro-ph0404579_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A simple and general description of the dynamics of a narrow-eccentric ring is presented. We view an eccentric ring which precesses uniformly at a slow rate as exhibiting a global $m=1$ mode, which can be seen as originating from a standing wave superposed on an axisymmetric background. We adopt a continuum description using the language of fluid dynamics which gives equivalent results for the secular dynamics of thin rings as the the well known description in terms of a set of discrete elliptical streamlines formulated by Goldreich and Tremaine (1979). We use this to discuss the non linear mode interactions that appear in the ring through the excitation of higher $m$ modes because of the coupling of the $m=1$ mode with an external satellite potential, showing that they can lead to the excitation of the $m=1$ mode through a feedback process. In addition to the external perturbations by neighboring satellites, our model includes effects due to inelastic inter-particle collisions. Two main conditions for the ring to be able to maintain a steady $m=1$ normal mode are obtained. One can be expressed as an integral condition for the normal mode pattern to precess uniformly, which requires the correct balance between the differential precession induced by the oblateness of the central planet, self-gravity and collisional effects is the continuum form of that obtained from the $N$ streamline model of Goldreich and Tremaine (1979). The other condition, not before examined in detail, is for the steady maintenance of the non-zero radial action that the ring contains because of its finite normal mode. This requires a balance between injection due to eccentric resonances arising from external satellites and additional collisional damping associated with the presence of the $m=1$ mode. We estimate that such a balance can occur in the $\\epsilon-$ring of Uranus, given its currently observed physical and orbital parameters. ", "introduction": "The nature of the dynamical mechanism that maintains the apse alignment of narrow-eccentric planetary rings is one of the most interesting and challenging problems of Celestial Mechanics. According to the leading model (Goldreich and Tremaine 1979) the self-gravity of the ring counter-acts the differential precession induced by the oblateness of the central planet. Using this hypothesis, a prediction of the total mass of the ring can be made, which, in general, is not in good agreement with the inferred mass of the observed eccentric rings in the Uranus system (Tyler\\etal 1986, Graps\\etal 1995, Goldreich and Porco 1987, Porco and Goldreich 1987). This led to the consideration of other factors that might play an important role in the dynamics. In particular, at their narrowest point, the ring particles are `close-packed'. In such a situation particle interaction or pressure effects may affect the precession of particle orbits. A simple model where the {\\it pinch} locks the differential precession, was introduced by Dermott and Murray (1980). A more global picture, including the effect of stresses due to particle interactions and neighboring satellite perturbations, which offered a better agreement with the observations, has been produced by Borderies\\etal (1983). Their dynamical model is described in terms of mutually interacting {\\it streamlines} and the satellite interactions (see Goldreich and Tremaine 1981) are computed using a resonance-continuum approximation. The standard self-gravity model was later revisited by Chiang and Goldreich (2000), who considered the effects of collisions near the edges, proposing that a sharp increase of an order of magnitude in the surface density should be observed within the last few hundred meters of the ring edges. More recently, employing a pressure term that describes close-packing, Mosqueira and Estrada (2002) obtained surface-density solutions that agree well with the currently available mass estimates. However, several questions remain, such as how steady global $m=1$ modes are maintained by intercations with a satellite and mode couplings against dissipative processes. In particular if such modes are associated with particle close packing at certain orbital phases, this is likely to produce enhanced dissipation that has to be made up through the action of satellite torques. Here we consider the issue as to how the torque rate input available from satellites can counteract such collisional dissipation. In this work we build, from first principles, a simple general continuum or fluid like model of a narrow-eccentric ring. The eccentric pattern in the ring can be described as being generated by a normal mode of oscillation of wave-number $m=1$ which may be considered to be a standing wave. Dissipation can be allowed to occur due to inter-particle collisions leading to a viscosity which would lead to damping of the mode. However, this global $m=1$ mode can also be perturbed by neighboring-shepherd satellites which can inject energy and angular momentum through resonances. In this way losses due to particle collisions may be balanced. It is that process that is the focus of this paper. Other possible mechanisms, such as mode excitation through self-excitation through viscous overstability, that could arise with an appropriate dependence of viscosity on physical state variables (see Papaloizou and Lin 1988, Longaretti \\& Rappaport 1995), are beyond the scope of this paper and accordingly not investigated here. To describe the ring perturbations and the $m=1$ mode we use the Lagrangian-displacement of the particle orbits from their unperturbed circular ones (for a similar treatment applied to very diverse problems see for example Lebovitz 1967, Lynden-Bell and Ostriker 1967, Friedman and Schutz 1978, Shu\\etal 1985). In section~\\ref{LD} we set up the equations for the Lagrangian variations starting from the equations of motion in a 2D flat disk approximation. We also compute the Lagrangian variation of the satellite potential as seen by a particle as a consequence of the existence of the $m=1$ mode, and we discuss what non linear couplings appear in the ring as a result including the excitation of the $m=1$ mode through a feedback process. In section~\\ref{m1m} we derive the radial equation of motion for the 2D Lagrangian displacement under the assumption that the ring is primarily in a $m=1$ normal mode. The definition of the radial action in terms of the Lagrangian displacement for small eccentricities is given in section~\\ref{RA}, and its rate of change is obtained. We can then determine a condition for the steady maintenance of the amplitude or eccentricity associated with the $m=1$ mode, which requires the external satellite input to balance the dissipative effects due to collisions. \\noindent In this paper, the application we consider is to the $\\epsilon$ ring of Uranus. As there are no effective corotation resonances in this ring if the eccentricity of the perturbing satellites is neglected as is done here, we shall consider only Lindblad resonances and defer consideration of corotation resonances to future work. The satellite torque is obtained in section~\\ref{SATT}. In section~\\ref{RAST} we show that for the narrow rings considered here, the satellite contribution to the rate of change of the radial action is just a fraction of the corresponding satellite torque dependent only on the relevant azimuthal mode number, $m.$ The additional condition for the existence of the normal mode, i.e. the condition of uniform-precession, is derived in section~\\ref{UP}. The self-gravity term appearing in this condition is computed in section~\\ref{SGterm}. In section~\\ref{vq} we show that the eccentricity gradient is necessarily positive in a narrow-ring which in which uniform precession is mainly maintained by self-gravity and we estimate its value in the linear regime. In section~\\ref{discu} we discuss our results and by considering the total ring radial action using a very simple N-body approach, we illustrate the global functioning of a narrow-eccentric ring. We are able to obtain both ring spreading and the balance of satellite torques and collisional dissipation required to maintain ring eccentricity in various limiting cases of ring evolution. Finally, we apply our results to the $\\epsilon-$ring of Uranus estimating that the balance between the satellite torque input and the dissipative effects necessary to maintain its eccentricity can be established in this case. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404323_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In order to understand the nature of magnetic reconnection in ``free space'' which is free from any influence of external circumstances, I have studied the structure of spontaneous reconnection outflow using a shock tube approximation. The reconnection system of this case continues to expand self-similarly. This work aims 1) to solve the structure of reconnection outflow and 2) to clarify the determination mechanism of reconnection rate of the ``self-similar evolution model'' of fast reconnection. Many cases of reconnection in astrophysical phenomena are characterized by a huge dynamic range of expansion in size ($\\sim 10^7$ for typical solar flares). Although such reconnection is intrinsically time dependent, a specialized model underlying the situation has not been established yet. The theoretical contribution of this paper is in obtaining a solution for outflow structure which is absent in our previous papers proposing the above new model. The outflow has a shock tube-like structure, i.e., forward slow shock, reverse fast shock and contact discontinuity between them. By solving the structure in a sufficiently wide range of plasma-$\\beta$: $0.001 \\leq \\beta \\leq 100$, we obtain an almost constant reconnection rate ($\\sim 0.05$: this value is the maximum for spontaneous reconnection and is consistent with previous models) and a boundary value along the edge of the outflow (good agreement with our simulation result) which is important to solve the inflow region. Note that everything, including the reconnection rate, is spontaneously determined by the reconnection system itself in our model. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:Int} It is widely accepted that magnetic reconnection very commonly plays an important role as a powerful energy converter in astrophysical plasma systems. However, there still remain many open questions, not only regarding the microscopic physics of the anomalous resistivity, but also the macroscopic magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) structure. In this work, our attention is focused on the macroscopic evolutionary properties of magnetic reconnection, especially on the structure of the reconnection outflow. We consider reconnection in an anti-parallel magnetic configuration called a ``current sheet system''. In this system, two similarly uniform magnetized regions are set in contact, divided by a boundary. We assume that the directions of the magnetic field on both sides are anti-parallel to clarify the essence of the problem. In this case, the boundary carries a strong electric current, hence, we call it the current sheet. If resistivity is enhanced in this current sheet, it plays an important role in energy conversion from the magnetic form to others. In resistive plasmas, there are two fundamental processes of magnetic energy conversion. One is magnetic diffusion, and the other is magnetic reconnection. The best known process of energy conversion in resistive plasmas from magnetic to other forms is Ohmic dissipation (magnetic diffusion). We must note, however, that plasmas are highly conductive in most astrophysical problems. Since the resistivity is very small, energy conversion by global magnetic diffusion takes a very long time, and is not applicable to many astrophysical phenomena with very violent energy releases, e.g., solar flares. Even in such a case, the majority believe that magnetic reconnection can convert the magnetic energy very quickly. This is why we must study magnetic reconnection. Such energy conversion in the current sheet system is very important in many astrophysical plasma systems. The most famous example is the relation between solar activity and geomagnetospheric activity, called solar flares and geomagnetospheric substorms. In this case, at least three current sheet systems are included. The first one is in the solar corona. The second and third are on the day-side and the night-side of the geomagnetosphere, respectively. Recent observations and numerical simulations suggest that similar phenomena, seemingly activated by magnetic reconnection, are universal, e.g., flares in accretion disks of young stellar objects (YSOs, see Koyama et al. 1994, Hayashi et al. 1999), galactic ridge X-ray emissions (GRXE, see Koyama et al. 1986, Tanuma et al. 1999). We must note that many cases of actual magnetic reconnection in astrophysical systems usually grow over a huge dynamic range in their spatial dimensions. For example, the initial scale of the reconnection system can be defined by the initial current sheet thickness, but this is too small to be observed in typical solar flares. We do not have any convincing estimate of the scale, but if we estimate it to be of the order of the ion Larmor radius, it is extremely small ($\\sim 10^0$ [m] in the solar corona). Finally, the reconnection system develops to a scale of the order of the initial curvature radius of the magnetic field lines ($\\sim 10^7$ [m] $\\sim$ 1.5\\% of the solar radius for typical solar flares). The dynamic range of the spatial scale is obviously huge ($\\sim 10^7$ for solar flares). For geomagnetospheric substorms, their dynamic range of growth is also large ($\\sim 10^4$ for substorms). Such a very wide dynamic range of growth suggests that the evolution of the magnetic reconnection should be treated as a development in ``free space'', and that external circumstances do not affect the evolutionary process of magnetic reconnection, at least at the expanding stage just after the onset of reconnection. Even if a system is not completely free from the influence of external circumstances, we can approximately treat it as a spontaneously evolving system if the evolution timescale (which is estimated as Alfv\\'{e}n transit time $\\tau_A$ for the final system scale because the spontaneous expansion speed of the reconnection system is equivalent to the fast-mode propagation speed, see Nitta et al. 2001; hereafter paper 1) is much smaller than the timescale imposed by the external circumstances (e.g., convection timescale). For typical substorms, the evolution timescale of the reconnection is of the order of seconds or minutes while the convection timescale to compress the current sheet is of the order of hours. In such cases, the external circumstances simply play the role of triggering the onset of reconnection and the evolution itself is approximately free from the influence of the external circumstances. Though, of course, exceptional cases in which the external circumstances intrinsically influence the evolution can arise in particular situations (e.g., cases in which very fast convection drives the reconnection), the author believes that it is worth establishing a new model applicable to the cases which are free from external influences. However, no reconnection model evolving in a free space has been studied. We should note that most previous theoretical and numerical works on reconnection treated it as a boundary problem strongly influenced by external circumstances. In actual numerical studies, there is a serious and inevitable difficulty: For magnetic reconnection to be properly studied, the thickness of the current sheet must be sufficiently resolved by simulation mesh size. Usually, the thickness of the current sheet is much smaller than the entire system. Hence, in previous works, we have been forced to cut a finite volume out of actual large-scale reconnection systems for numerical studies. Of course, we wish to realize that the boundary conditions of this type of finite simulation box reproduce the evolution in unbounded space. However, we should note that, in actual simulations, the boundary of such a simulation box necessarily affects the evolution inside the box, even if we use so-called ``free'' boundary conditions. This has an adverse influence on the evolutionary process of the numerically simulated magnetic reconnection: When the reconnection proceeds and physical signals propagating from the inner region cross the boundaries of the simulation box, the subsequent evolution is necessarily affected by the boundary conditions. This is because the information propagated through the boundary is completely lost and such an artificially cut-out simulation box will never receive the proper response of the outer regions. Additionally, numerical and unphysical signals emitted from the boundary may disturb the evolution. Such artificially affected evolution is obviously unnatural, and the resultant stationary state should differ from actual reconnection occurring in a free space. Even in previous numerical studies aimed at clarification of the time evolution of reconnection (for example, series of studies originated by Ugai \\& Tsuda 1977 or Sato \\& Hayashi 1979), the evolution could not be followed for a long time. This is mainly owing to restriction of the size of the simulation box, hence, application of the results was limited to spatial scales typically, say, a hundred times the spatial scale of the diffusion region. We are interested here in an evolutionary process in free space without any influence of external circumstances. In such a system, the evolution and resultant structure would be quite different from these previous numerical models. The same problem also appears in previous theoretical works. We must realize that, in many cases, astrophysical magnetic reconnection is essentially a non-stationary process because it grows in a huge spatial dynamic range. Most of these works, however, for mathematical simplicity, treat a stationary state of the reconnection in a finite volume (for example, see Priest \\& Forbes 1986). These are obviously boundary problems and solutions must be influenced by boundary conditions. The problem is that we do not know how we should set the boundary condition in order to simulate external influences. In general, it is impossible to set. Hence, the situations argued in previous works are rather artificial and unnatural in many cases of astrophysical application. As will be discussed later (see section \\ref{sec:stat}), if we cut the central region out from the entire expanding system, the central region tends to be a stationary state and is very similar to the well-known Petschek model, i.e., the system is characterized by the fast-mode rarefaction dominated inflow and the figure-X-shaped slow shock. The author thinks that stationary solutions are meaningful as the interior solution of the entire evolving system in free-space though such stationary models are frequently treated as externally ``driven'' processes by boundary conditions. We demonstrated the above process of self-similar evolution model of fast reconnection by numerical simulation (see paper 1) and semi-analytic study (see Nitta et al. 2002; hereafter paper 2). Let us overview such an evolutionary process in free-space. We suppose a two-dimensional equilibrium state with an anti-parallel magnetic field distribution, as in the Harris solution. When magnetic diffusion takes place in the current sheet by some localized resistivity, magnetic reconnection will occur, and a pair of reconnection jets is ejected along the current sheet. This causes a decrease in total pressure near the reconnection point. Such information propagates outward as a rarefaction wave. In a low-$\\beta$ plasma ($\\beta \\ll 1$ in the region very distant from the current sheet [asymptotic region]; as typically encountered in astrophysical problems), the propagation speed of the fast-magnetosonic wave is isotropic, and is much larger than that of other wave modes. Thus, information about the decreasing total pressure propagates almost isotropically as a fast-mode rarefaction wave (hereafter FRW) with a speed almost equal to the Alfv\\'{e}n speed $V_{A0}$ in the asymptotic region. Hence, the wave front of the FRW (hereafter FRWF) has a cylindrical shape except near the point where the FRWF intersects with the current sheet. When the FRWF sufficiently expands, the initial thickness of the current sheet becomes negligible compared with the system size $V_{A0} t$, where $t$ is the time from the onset of reconnection. In such a case, there is only one characteristic scale, i.e., the radius of the FRWF ($V_{A0} t$), which linearly increases as time proceeds. This is just the condition for self-similar growth. In our semi-analytic work (paper 2), the boundary condition along the edge of the outflow is artificially imposed approximating the result of our numerical simulation in paper 1. We set the boundary condition at $y=0$ for simplicity because the outflow is very thin. This boundary condition denotes the junction condition to the reconnection outflow. Hence, an important question ``how is this boundary condition spontaneously determined by the reconnection system'' still remains. Our motivation of this work is to clarify the mechanism to determine this boundary condition. The boundary condition at $y=0$ determines the inflow region. Hence, the reconnection rate which is usually denoted by the normalized inflow speed toward the diffusion region is also determined. We must note that, in our self-similar evolution model, everything including the reconnection rate is spontaneously determined by the reconnection system itself. We try to clarify how the system regulates the reconnection. This paper is organized as follows. We state a model of reconnection outflow as a kind of shock tube problem in section \\ref{sec:model}. Basic equations for outflow structure and the numerical procedure to solve the equations are listed in section \\ref {sec:b-eqs}. Properties of the result, e.g., the reconnection rate and boundary condition along the slow shock are shown in section \\ref{eq:res}. In section \\ref{sec:sum-dis}, we summarize our study and discuss spontaneous structure formation in the reconnection outflow. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:sum-dis} \\subsection{Summary} \\label{sec:sum} We here briefly summarize the structure of the reconnection system obtained in our numerical simulation in paper 1. The feature of the inner region is very similar to fast reconnection regimes (Priest \\& Forbes 1986) of which the Petschek model is one member, i.e., we can find the fast-mode rarefaction dominated inflow and X-shaped slow shock. However, the entire structure shows properties of time-dependent reconnection as follows. The reconnection outflow has a finite span which is increasing in proportion to the time from the onset. A V-shaped forward slow shock forms in the vicinity of the spearhead of the outflow. In region 3, plasmas are compressed by the reconnection jet (piston effect), and squeezed plasmas are gushing out to make a vertical outflow. These are properly included in evolutionary process. In this paper, the structure of reconnection outflow in the self-similar evolution model has been studied in a shock tube approximation. We have obtained the reconnection rate and the required boundary condition to solve the inflow region from the structure of the reconnection outflow. \\subsection{Self-Similarity of the reconnection outflow} We have solved the structure of the reconnection outflow for the self-similar evolution model of fast magnetic reconnection. The structure is spontaneously determined by the reconnection system itself as approximated by a kind of shock tube problem. The reconnection outflow is divided into several regions by discontinuities, e.g., forward shock, reverse shock, and contact discontinuity. We solved this shock tube problem by an iterative (Newton-Raphson) method. The moving speeds of these discontinuities are constant in time in our result. Thus, as expected from the well-known shock tube problem, the reconnection outflow extends self-similarly. First, we argue for self-similarity of the evolution of the reconnection system in free space. In the discussion of paper 2, we need an {\\it a priori} statement to authorize a self-similar solution for the inflow region so that the reconnection outflow (in other words, the boundary condition along the slow shock) also evolves self-similarly. The validity of this assumption was, however, unclear in previous papers. We must note that because we have found the self-similarly evolving solution for the reconnection outflow, we can ensure self-similar evolution of the entire reconnection system. Comparison of the outflow structure with a shock tube model is also argued in Abe \\& Hoshino (2001). They obtained a similar structure to our result, but there is a critical difference. The V-shaped discontinuity of the forward shock is identified as an intermediate shock in their result instead of as a slow shock in our case. The author cannot explain the reason for the difference, but notes that their attention is focused on a much earlier stage than our case. The scale of the plasmoid is the order of the current sheet thickness in their case, but we are interested in a much larger scale structure at the self-similar stage. Actually, the numerical result of Ugai 1999 (see figure 9 of that paper) shows a similar structure to our result. The later evolution of the simulation of Abe \\& Hoshino (2001) tends also to coincide with our result. \\subsection{$\\beta$-dependence of the reconnection rate} Second, our attention is focused on the $\\beta$-dependence of the reconnection rate $R$. In our result, $R$ is almost constant in the range $0.001 \\leq \\beta \\leq 100$ (see figure \\ref{fig:rec-rate}). We could foresee this behavior of the reconnection rate from the following intuition. We consider the low $\\beta$ limit in the asymptotic region. When the plasma $\\beta$ at the asymptotic region far outside the current sheet becomes smaller, the Petschek type X-slow shock must be stronger. This is explained as follows. The gas pressure in the up-stream region is very small relative to the magnetic pressure for a low-$\\beta$ plasma, while in the down-stream region, the gas pressure should be very high to keep total pressure equilibrium with the up-stream region. Hence, the total pressure equilibrium imposes a large gas pressure jump at the X-slow shock. This leads to a large jump in the mass density. Next we consider the high $\\beta$ limit in the asymptotic region. Both sides of the Petschek type X-slow shock are filled with gas-pressure dominated plasmas in this case, and balanced with each other mainly by gas pressure. This results in a very small density jump at the slow shock ($X \\rightarrow 1$). Note that this does not mean weak shock limit because the jump of the tangential component of velocity is significant ($v_1 \\sim 1$ while $v_{xp}=0$). The $\\beta$-dependence of the compression ratio $X$ of the X-slow shock is shown in figure \\ref{fig:comp} and is consistent with the above discussion. The reconnection rate $R$ is defined as $R \\equiv -v_{yp} B_{xp}$. First we discuss the low $\\beta$ limit. The inflow speed $-v_{yp}$ will increase as the slow shock strengthens ($\\beta$ decreases) for the following reason. The ejection speed of the reconnection jet is almost constant ($\\sim V_{A0}$) while the mass density of the jet increases as the slow shock strengthens (the compression ratio $X$ increases as $\\beta$ decreases). Thus, the inhalation of mass flux toward the slow shock is also strengthened. This results in an increase of $-v_{yp}$ (see figure \\ref{fig:vin-Bin}) as $\\beta$ decreases because the mass density at the pre-slow shock region is almost constant (though weakly rarefied by the fast-mode rarefaction wave). As the inflow speed $-v_{yp}$ increases, bending of the magnetic field line becomes remarkable, and $B_{xp}$ decreases (see figure \\ref{fig:vin-Bin}). We can also understand the result for the high $\\beta$ limit in the same way ({\\it vice versa} for the high $\\beta$ limit). Consequently, the product of $-v_{yp}$ and $B_{xp}$, and hence the reconnection rate $R$ is almost constant independent of $\\beta$. Dependence of the reconnection rate on the plasma-$\\beta$ is also considered in other works, e.g., Ugai \\& Kondoh 2001. Their attention is focused on an implicit contribution of $\\beta$ via a current-driven anomalous resistivity model. The aim of our study is intrinsically different from theirs. Needless to say, anomalous resistivity is very important to confirm the validity of a localization of resistivity which is necessary to establish fast reconnection (see Yokoyama \\& Shibata 1994). We have concentrated on a macroscopic process which can be treated in the ideal MHD regime and paid scant attention to how we should introduce the anomalous resistivity. We should note that we have no definite information on how to make a relevant macroscopic (MHD) model of anomalous resistivity which should be treated in a microscopic regime. \\subsection{Relation with magnetic Reynolds number} \\label{sec:Rey-indep} One may feel that our result is strange, because, while the reconnection needs electric resistivity, we treat only ideal MHD and do not consider the dependence on the magnetic Reynolds number. We here discuss a regulation process of the energy conversion speed. As discussed in section \\ref{sec:model}, we assume the magnetic diffusion speed is fully adjustable with the spontaneous inhalation speed $-v_{yp}$ which is determined by the above shock tube problem. This assumption is valid for the case of sufficiently large electric resistivity (small magnetic Reynolds number) in which the spontaneous inhalation speed is smaller than the maximum diffusion speed. Such a large resistivity may be realized by anomalous resistivity. We need an assumption for the anomalous resistivity because we do not have a convincing model for the mechanism and estimated value of anomalous resistivity (Coppi \\& Friedland 1971, Ji et al. 1998, Shinohara et al. 2001). Note that the diffusion speed is adjustable by a change of the diffusion region thickness even if the resistivity is fixed to be constant, but if there is a lower limit for the thickness (e.g., simulation mesh size or the ion Larmor radius), the diffusion speed is bound by an upper limit. In paper 1, we suppose the Reynolds number to be 24.5. One may think that this is an incredibly large resistivity. We should be careful of what denotes the length in the definition of the magnetic Reynolds number. Usually speaking, the magnetic Reynolds number according to Spitzer resistivity for typical solar flares is extremely large: \\begin{equation} R_m \\sim 10^{13} \\frac{(L/10^7 \\mbox{[m]})(T/10^6 \\mbox{[K]})^{3/2}(B/10^{-3} \\mbox{[T]})}{n/10^{15} [\\mbox{m}^{-3}]} \\end{equation} where $L$, $T$, $B$ and $n$ are the dimension of the entire system, the temperature, the magnetic field strength and the plasma number density, respectively. We must note that ``the effective Reynolds number'' which is based not on the dimension of the entire system but on that of the diffusion region ($L \\sim 10^0 \\mbox{[m]}$: the ion Larmor radius for solar corona) is important. Hence, the effective Reynolds number $R_e$ for Spitzer resistivity is $R_e \\sim 10^6$. If anomalous resistivity which is much larger than the Spitzer resistivity (typically assumed as $\\sim 10^{5-6} \\times $[Spitzer resistivity] in many numerical MHD simulations) takes place, the effective Reynolds number is estimated as $R_e \\sim 10^{0-1}$. The magnetic Reynolds number adopted in paper 1 (which is the effective Reynolds number: $R_e=24.5$) may be relevant for the case of anomalous resistivity. A localized resistivity is assumed as a model of anomalous resistivity at the center of the reconnection system. We put the thickness of the initial current sheet $D$ as in paper 1. Here, $D$ is supposed to be of the order of the ion Larmor radius, hence, it is close to the minimum value of the thickness. The dimension of the resistive region is set larger than $D$ (in paper 1, we set $2 D$) in order to deal with change of the diffusion region size. Thus, the effective thickness of the diffusion region can vary between $D$ and $2 D$. The maximum diffusion speed is achieved when the thickness becomes $D$. The smallest effective magnetic Reynolds number $R_{e min}$ is defined as \\begin{equation} R_{e min} \\equiv \\frac{V_{A0}}{\\eta/D} \\end{equation} where $\\eta$ is the magnetic diffusivity. For the value $R_{emin}=24.5$ in paper 1, the maximum diffusion speed into the diffusion region is determined by the Sweet-Parker model (Sweet 1958, Parker 1963): $v_{dmax} \\sim V_{A0}/\\sqrt{R_{e min}} \\sim 0.2$, while the spontaneous inhalation speed determined by the shock tube approximation is $-v_{yp} \\sim 0.05$. The diffusion speed does not limit the inflow speed because $-v_{yp} < v_{dmax}$. This is why the reconnection rate of our model does not depend on the magnetic Reynolds number. If the Reynolds number is not so small (small resistivity), say, $R_{e min} \\geq 400$, the diffusion speed is smaller than the spontaneous inhalation speed, and may limit the inflow speed. In such cases, the reconnection rate will be suppressed by the small diffusion speed and depends on the magnetic Reynolds number in ways discussed in the previous literature. This problem is very interesting; however, detailed discussion for such cases is beyond the scope of this work. In this meaning, the value of $R$ plotted in figure \\ref{fig:rec-rate} will be the maximum value for spontaneous reconnection as a function of $\\beta$ when the resistivity is sufficiently large ($R_{e min} \\leq 400$). The system cannot exceed this value by spontaneous inhalation of the inflow plasma without an external injection. A similar discussion about spontaneous reconnection was made by Ugai in his series of works (e.g., Ugai \\& Tsuda 1979 and Ugai 1983). He obtained a result supporting Petschek's prediction, i.e., $R \\propto (\\log R_e)^{-1}$. We here compare with the result of Ugai 1983. His interest is focused on the steady state in a finite simulation box (several times the initial current sheet thickness). This is realized in a very late stage from the onset. At that stage, waves emitted from the central region propagate beyond the entire simulation box (Ugai paid attention to a stage later than roughly 7 times the Alfv\\'{e}n transit-time with respect to the entire size of the simulation region). We should note that this is completely different from our case. His resultant reconnection rate logarithmically varies in a range of 0.1-0.3 for $2.5 \\leq R_e \\leq 200$, and the inflow speed varies in a range of 0.1-0.3 $V_{A0}$ while the maximum diffusion speed (defined by the minimum mesh size) varies between $20 \\geq v_{dmax} \\geq 0.3$. The author cannot explain why such a very large inflow speed is attained (e.g., inflow speed $-v_{yp} \\sim 0.05$ in our case), but we can see that their inflow speed is not so small compared with the maximum diffusion speed for $R_e > 10^2$. Thus, the inflow speed might be restricted by the diffusion speed and the reconnection rate might depend on the magnetic Reynolds number in Ugai's result. The author thinks such a situation is unnatural for astrophysical reconnection as discussed our works (e.g., section \\ref{sec:Int} of this paper). Since there is no essential difference between Ugai's numerical procedure and our procedure, if one set a sufficiently wider simulation box than Ugai, he would obtain a similar result to ours. \\subsection{Boundary condition along the slow shock} \\label{sec:bc} Finally, we discuss the boundary condition for the inflow region which remained as an open question in paper 2. We obtain the distribution of magnetic vector potential $A_1'$ for the perturbed magnetic field along the edge of the reconnection outflow (see figure \\ref{fig:bc}). The result is roughly consistent with the result of our numerical simulation, but it cannot explain the numerical result quantitatively. The major difference is in the region $x > x_f$. This is mainly due to the two-dimensional effects of the actual outflow. We here assume a quasi-one-dimensional model for the reconnection outflow for simplicity, but the actual outflow clearly has a two-dimensional structure. For example, the magnetic field lines in this region have a round-shaped upward convexity. If we make a precise model of the reconnection outflow and take account of this two-dimensional shape, such a discrepancy will be reduced. Note that, in our experience, the physical quantities in region 1 or 2 which are important to determine the reconnection rate are insensitive to the model of the slow shock shape, and so we do not need to be too concerned about this problem. Obviously, such further discussion cannot proceed without the help of a computer simulation, and is beyond the scope of this work. \\subsection{Relation to stationary models} \\label{sec:stat} As noted in summary section \\ref{sec:sum}, the central region of the entire expanding system tends to be a stationary state which is similar to the Petschek model. The author thinks that the Petschek-like stationary state is unique as the inner solution of spontaneously evolving reconnection systems in free-space with a locally enhanced resistivity (see paper 1). Even when an external circumstance strongly influences the evolution, such the Petschek-like central structure will hold for a long duration of the order of a hundred times Alfv\\'{e}n transit time with respect to the proper scale of the external circumstance (e.g., diameter of a magnetic flux tube in case of solar flares). This is because the induced inflow speed is of the order of $10^{-2} V_{A0}$ (see paper 1), and it needs a long time to change the inflow region according to the influence from the external circumstance (see paper 1). Other types of stationary states may occur in the following situations: 1) very fast plasma flow ($\\sim V_{A0}$: similar to or faster than the FRW propagation) is injected through the boundary, 2) proper scale of the external circumstance is not much larger than the initial current sheet thickness (e.g., in case of laboratory plasma), 3) resistive region is not so localized, etc. However, our self-similar evolution model may be applicable to many cases in astrophysics. \\\\ The author would like to thank Syuniti Tanuma (Kyoto University), Kazunari Shibata (Kyoto University) and Kiyoshi Maezawa (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), who are collaborators on a series of previous papers, for their fruitful comments; Takahiro Kudoh (University of Western Ontario) who gave me a lot of opportunities for useful discussion at the initial stage of this work even in my dream and successively encouraged me. Discussions with anonymous referee were very helpful to improve this paper to be more persuasive. My thanks are due to Mike Kryshak (SOKENDAI) for valuable advice on technical expression in English. I also thank Naoko Kato (SOKENDAI) for her advice on English usage and successive encouragement. \\appendix" }, "0404/astro-ph0404609_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of two damped Ly$\\alpha$ absorption-line systems (DLAs) near redshift $z=1$ along a single quasar sightline (Q1727+5302) with neutral hydrogen column densities of $N_{HI} = (1.45\\pm0.15)\\times10^{21}$ and $(2.60\\pm0.20)\\times10^{21}$ atoms cm$^{-2}$. Their sightline velocity difference of 13,000 km s$^{-1}$ corresponds to a proper separation of 106$h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc if interpreted as the Hubble flow ($\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$). The random probability of such an occurrence is significantly less than 3\\%. Follow-up spectroscopy reveals neutral gas-phase Zn abundances of [Zn/H] = $-0.58\\pm0.15$ (26.5\\% solar) and $-1.32\\pm0.28$ (4.7\\% solar), respectively. The corresponding Cr abundances are [Cr/H] = $-1.26\\pm0.15$ (5.5\\% solar) and $-1.77\\pm0.28$ (1.7\\% solar), respectively, which is evidence for depletion onto grains. Follow-up IR images show the two most likely DLA galaxy candidates to have impact parameters of $\\approx22h_{70}^{-1}$ kpc and $\\approx32h_{70}^{-1}$ kpc if near $z=1$. They are significantly underluminous relative to the galaxy population at $z=1$. To investigate the possibility of additional high-$N_{HI}$ absorbers we have searched the SDSS database for $z>1$ quasars within 30 arcmin of the original sightline. Five were found, and two show strong \\ion{Mg}{2}-\\ion{Fe}{2} absorption near $z=1$, consistent with classical DLA absorption $\\approx 37$\\% of the time, but almost always $N_{HI} > 10^{19}$ atoms cm$^{-2}$. Consequently, this rare configuration of four high-$N_{HI}$ absorbers with a total sightline velocity extent of 30,600 km s$^{-1}$ may represent a large filament-like structure stretching over a proper distance of 241$h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc along our sightline, and a region in space capable of harboring excessive amounts of neutral gas. Future studies of this region of the sky are encouraged. ", "introduction": "Intervening damped Ly$\\alpha$ absorption-line systems (DLAs) in quasar spectra are very rare, with an incidence of $\\approx 0.17$ per unit redshift at $z=1$ (Rao, Turnshek, \\& Nestor 2004, hereafter RTN2004). Consequently, unless DLAs are correlated, the appearance of two DLAs along any single quasar sightline (``double-damped'') represents a very unlikely event. As such, the discovery of any double-damped absorption warrants a closer investigation. Here we report the discovery of double-damped absorption near $z=1$ in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasar Q1727+5302 during our most recent {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} UV spectroscopic survey for DLAs (RTN2004). The purpose of the present paper is to report initial results pertaining to this discovery, and thereby encourage future studies of this region of the sky. The velocity separation of the absorption is 13,000 km s$^{-1}$, which corresponds to a proper radial distance of $106h^{-1}_{70}$ Mpc if interpreted as due to the Hubble flow.\\footnote{To calculate physical quantities in this paper we adopt a cosmology with $\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$, and $H_0=70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ ($h_{70} = H_0/70$).} We speculate that this configuration may represent a neutral hydrogen gas filament with a large cosmological extent along our sightline. In fact, the comoving size of this putative filament would be larger than anything previously reported. As discussed in earlier contributions (e.g., Rao \\& Turnshek 2000, hereafter RT2000, and references therein), DLAs are excellent tracers of the bulk of the neutral hydrogen gas in the Universe, and the aim of our most recent DLA UV survey has been to improve our knowledge of the incidence and cosmological mass density of DLAs at redshifts $z<1.65$. The new sample which led to the discovery of the double-damped absorption was derived from the SDSS Early Data Release (EDR) (Schneider et al. 2002). We applied a strong \\ion{Mg}{2}-\\ion{Fe}{2} rest equivalent width (REW) selection criterion (RT2000) to optical spectra in order to identify candidate DLA absorption lines ($N_{HI} \\ge 2\\times10^{20}$ atoms cm$^{-2}$), and then we obtained HST STIS UV spectra to confirm or refute their presence. The current overall success rate for identifying DLAs with this method is $\\approx 37$\\%. Since the \\ion{Mg}{2}$\\lambda\\lambda$2796,2803 absorption lines are saturated, the REW of the absorption is most closely tied to kinematic spread, not column density. Recently, Nestor et al. (2003) have discussed evidence for a correlation between kinematic spread and metallicity. The paper is organized as follows. In \\S2 we present the HST discovery spectrum for the double-damped absorption, a follow-up MMT spectrum used to determine neutral-gas-phase metal abundances, and IRTF imaging data used to search for galaxies associated with the double-damped absorbers along the quasar sightline. In \\S3 we summarize evidence that exists for strong \\ion{Mg}{2} absorption systems near $z=1$ in other SDSS quasars in the same region of the sky. A brief summary and discussion of the results is presented in \\S4. ", "conclusions": "Investigations of the possibility of clustering between DLAs and Lyman break galaxies (LBG) have been made at high redshift (e.g., Gawiser et al. 2001, Aldelberger et al. 2003, Bouch\\'e \\& Lowenthal 2003). Gawiser et al. (2001) and Aldelberger et al. (2003) find no significant evidence for clustering at $z\\approx4$ and $z\\approx3.2$, respectively, while Bouch\\'e \\& Lowenthal (2003) present weak evidence ($2.6\\sigma$ significance) for clustering at $z\\approx3$ on a size scale up to $\\approx1.8h^{-1}_{70}$ Mpc ($\\approx7h^{-1}_{70}$ Mpc comoving). Here we have reported the discovery of an apparently non-random (see below) structure on the sky near redshift $z=1$ (\\S2.1) which is much larger than the scales explored in high-redshift DLA-LBG clustering studies and much larger than normal galaxy clustering. The structure consists of two extremely high-$N_{HI}$ (even by DLA standards) DLA absorbers separated by 13,000 km s$^{-1}$ along a single quasar sightline. If interpreted as a cosmological redshift separation, this double-damped structure has a radial proper distance of $106h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc. The incidence of DLAs above a survey threshold of $N_{HI} \\ge 2\\times10^{20}$ atoms cm$^{-2}$ is $\\approx 0.17$ per unit redshift at $z=1$ (RTN2004). Given this incidence, the probability of observing a second DLA within $\\Delta z \\approx \\pm0.09$ of another DLA is $<$3\\%. We quote this probability as an upper limit because the incidence of DLAs is significantly smaller for higher column density systems, and the column densities of the two systems included in the double-damped absorption are factors of $\\approx7$ and $\\approx13$ times larger than the survey threshold.$\\footnote{Of the $\\approx50$ DLAs presently known to us at $z<1.65$, the two which make up the double-damped absorption rank as the 8th and 14th highest $N_{HI}$ systems.}$ Therefore, the double-damped absorption may be the result of correlated DLAs and be caused by a cosmologically extended filament of neutral gas along our sightline. In addition to the identification of this remarkable structure, we have made metal abundance determinations for the two systems which make up the double-damped absorption. We find them to have [Zn/H] = $-0.58\\pm0.15$ (26.5\\% solar) and $-1.29\\pm0.27$ (4.7\\% solar), with evidence for some depletion onto grains in both cases (\\S2.1). Infrared imaging indicates that the two most likely DLA candidate galaxies are relatively faint in relation to the galaxy population at $z=1$, with $K$-band luminosities that are $\\approx0.06L_K^*(z=1)$ and $\\approx0.15L_K^*(z=1)$ (\\S2.2). These add to the list of underluminous galaxies that have been identified as being responsible for DLA absorption (Rao et al. 2003). The results indicate that the presence of luminous galaxies relative to the local population evidently is not a requirement for the presence of large concentrations of neutral gas. We have also identified two new candidate DLA systems in this same region of the sky, separated from the original sightline by 10 arcmin and 25 arcmin (\\S3). The discovery of these two additional systems increases the probability that this is a non-random structure. If the two new redshift systems are included, the structure stretches $30,600$ km s$^{-1}$ along the sightline, corresponding to a radial proper distance of $241h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc. Filaments nearly as large as that implied by the double-damped absorption have been seen in mock redshift surveys and cold dark matter simulations of structure formation. For example, Faltenbacher et al. (2002) report correlations in cluster orientations with respect to one another and find alignments of galaxy clusters' major axes on comoving scales of $\\approx 140h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc, corresponding to a proper distance of $\\approx 70h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc at $z=1$. The large scale structure simulations of Eisenstein, Loeb, \\& Turner (1997) show similar alignments. Recently, Palunas et al. (2004) have reported evidence for a structure with a proper size of $\\approx25h^{-1}_{70}$ Mpc ($\\approx80h^{-1}_{70}$ Mpc comoving), which they found during a search for Ly$\\alpha$-emitting galaxies at $z=2.38$. Miller et al. (2004) have reported evidence for structures on even larger scales based on an analysis of the QSO distribution in the 2dF redshift survey. For this case of double-damped absorption, the size of the putative neutral hydrogen gas filament would be larger than any claimed so far. Therefore, our interpretation should be considered speculative pending future studies. Nevertheless, the properties of the double-damped absorption are of course relevant to studies of DLAs in general. The present-day cosmological model (approximately 73\\% dark energy, 24\\% dark matter and 5\\% ordinary matter, e.g., Spergel et al. 2003) is one in which large-scale structures can form early in time. However, a specific set of cosmological parameters may also indicate that it is highly improbable for certain structures to grow from initial Gaussian perturbations. Thus, surveys to find evidence for extreme large-scale structure at high redshift have the potential to result in important cosmological constraints. Based on the numbers of DLAs discovered at low redshift so far and the DLA column density distribution, the existence of this double-damped absorption along one sightline represents evidence for a non-random distribution of DLAs which should be further investigated. \\bigskip \\centerline{\\bf Acknowledgments} We thank members of the SDSS collaboration who made the SDSS project a success and who made the EDR spectra available. We acknowledge support from NASA-STScI, NASA-LTSA, and NSF. HST-UV spectroscopy made the $N_{HI}$ determinations possible, while follow-up metal abundance measurements (MMT) and imaging (IRTF) were among the aims of our LTSA and NSF programs. Funding for creation and distribution of the SDSS Archive has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Participating Institutions, NASA, NSF, DOE, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, and the Max Planck Society. The SDSS Web site is www.sdss.org. The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions: University of Chicago, Fermilab, Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation Group, Johns Hopkins University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), New Mexico State University, University of Pittsburgh, Princeton University, the United States Naval Observatory, and University of Washington." }, "0404/astro-ph0404359_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have imaged $\\sim$ 1 deg$^{2}$ in the V-band in the direction of the Hercules Cluster (Abell 2151). The data are used to compute for the first time the luminosity function (LF) of galaxies in the cluster down to the dwarf regime (M$_{lim}$ $\\sim$ -13.85 ). The global LF is well described by a Schechter function (\\cite{schechter76}) with best-fit parameters $\\alpha$ = -1.30 $\\pm$ 0.06 and M$_V$$^*$ = -21.25 $\\pm$ 0.25. The radial dependence of the LF has also been studied, finding that it turns out to be almost constant within the errors even further away than the virial radius. Given the presence of significant substructure within the cluster, we have analized the LFs in different regions. While two of the subclusters present LFs consistent with each other and with the global one, the southernmost one exhibits a somewhat steeper faint-end slope. ", "introduction": "The luminosity function of galaxies (LF), that is, the probability density of galaxies in a certain population having a given luminosity, is one of the key observable quantities for galaxy evolution theories. The comparison between the LF of galaxies in clusters and in the field should clarify the role played by the environment in regulating galaxy evolution. Recent results by large surveys (\\cite{depropris03}) point towards the composite LF of cluster galaxies having a steeper faint-end slope than field galaxies, revealing that this influence indeed exists. A2151 is a nearby (z = 0.0367), irregular and spiral-rich cluster ($\\sim$ 50\\%). There are strong evidences (from optical and X-ray studies) suggesting that the cluster is still on the process of collapse: the lack of hydrogen deficiency in the spiral population (\\cite{GH85}), the bumpy distribution of the hot intracluster gas and its low X-ray flux (\\cite{HS96}), and the presence of at least three distinct subclusters (\\cite{BDB95}, BDB hereafter) point towards A2151 being a young and relatively unevolved cluster, thus making it an excellent target for the study of the LF and stablishing comparisons with more evolved systems. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404390_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{The thermal relic abundance of species critically depends on the assumed underlying cosmological model. In the case of neutralinos, freeze-out takes place long before Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, which provides the strongest constraint on the evolution of the Hubble parameter in the Early Universe. We show that non-standard cosmologies, such as models featuring a quintessential scalar field or primordial anisotropies, can lead to large enhancements in the neutralino relic abundance, up to six orders of magnitudes. Within these scenarios, supersymmetric models with large neutralino annihilation cross sections may account for the whole inferred amount of cold dark matter, yielding on the other hand large indirect detection rates.} ", "introduction": "Observational cosmology is accumulating evidences for a picture of the Universe dominated by a {\\em dark sector} made up of a non-luminous and non-baryonic component ({\\em dark matter}) and by a gravitationally non-clustering form of energy with negative pressure ({\\em dark energy})~\\cite{Spergel:2003cb}. While the standard cosmological lore, often dubbed {\\em Concordance} or $\\Lambda$CDM {\\em Model} nicely fits most of the observational features~\\cite{giavalisco}, particle physics and theoretical cosmology face the compelling questions related to the nature and the amount of both dark matter and dark energy. The minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model provides a suitable candidate for cold dark matter, namely the lightest neutralino. The thermal relic abundance of neutralinos $\\Omega_\\chi h^2$ depends both on the particle physics setup, and therefore on the supersymmetric (SUSY) model, and on the underlying cosmological model, which affects the freeze-out of species in the Early Universe. Models where the r\\^ole of dark energy is played by a dynamical scalar field ({\\em Quintessence}), or scenarios where extra energy density components are present at the time of neutralino freeze-out, may yield significant modifications in the relic abundance of neutralinos~\\cite{Profumo:2003hq}. This in turns translates in the intriguing possibility that SUSY models with large neutralino annihilation cross sections, and hence with copious dark matter detection rates, give rise to the required amount of cold dark matter. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404445_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We performed N--body + hydrodynamical simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxy groups and clusters in a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology. The simulations invoke star formation, chemical evolution with non-instantaneous recycling, metal dependent radiative cooling, strong starbursts and (optionally) AGN driven galactic super winds, effects of a meta-galactic UV field and thermal conduction. The properties of the galaxy populations in two clusters, one Virgo-like ($T$$\\sim$ 3 keV) and one (sub) Coma-like ($T$$\\sim$6 keV), are discussed. The global star formation rates of the cluster galaxies are found to decrease very significantly from redshift $z$=2 to 0, in agreement with observations. The total K-band luminosity of the cluster galaxies correlates tightly with total cluster mass, and for models without additional AGN feedback, the zero point of the relation matches the observed one fairly well. Compared to the observed galaxy luminosity function, the simulations nicely match the number of intermediate--mass galaxies {\\mbox{(--20$\\la M_{\\rm{B}} \\la$--17,}} smaller galaxies being affected by resolution limits) but they show a deficiency of bright galaxies in favour of an overgrown central cD. High resolution tests indicate that this deficiency is {\\it not} simply due to numerical ``over--merging''. The redshift evolution of the luminosity functions from $z$=1 to 0 is mainly driven by luminosity evolution, but also by merging of bright galaxies with the cD. The colour--magnitude relation of the cluster galaxies matches the observed ``red sequence'', though with a large scatter, and on average galaxy metallicity increases with luminosity. As the brighter galaxies are essentially coeval, the colour--magnitude relation results from metallicity rather than age effects, as observed. On the whole, a top-heavy IMF appears to be preferably required to reproduce also the observed colours and metallicities of the stellar populations. ", "introduction": "Clusters of galaxies are of great interest both as cosmological probes and as ``laboratories'' for studying galaxy formation. The mass function and number density of galaxy clusters as a function of redshift is a powerful diagnostic for the determination of cosmological parameters (see Voit 2004 for a recent comprehensive review). Besides, clusters represent higher than average concentrations of galaxies, with active interaction and exchange of material between them and their environment, as testified by the non-primordial composition of the hot surrounding gas (e.g.\\ Matteucci \\& Vettolani 1988; Arnaud {\\it et~al.}\\ 1992; Renzini {\\it et~al.}\\ 1993; Finoguenov {\\it et~al.}\\ 2000, 2001; De Grandi {\\it et~al.}\\ 2004; Baumgartner {\\it et~al.}\\ 2005). There are observational and theoretical arguments indicating that clusters are not fair samples of the average global properties of the Universe: the morphological mixture of galaxies in clusters is significantly skewed toward earlier types with respect to the field population, implying star formation histories peaking at higher redshifts than is typical in the field (Dressler 1980; Goto {\\it et~al.}\\ 2003; Kodama \\& Bower 2001; see also Section~3); this is qualitatively in line with the expectation that high density regions such as clusters, in a hierarchical bottom--up cosmological scenario, evolve at an ``accelerated'' pace with respect to the rest of the Universe (Bower 1991; Diaferio {\\it et~al.}\\ 2001; Benson {\\it et~al.}\\ 2001). Although clusters are somewhat biased sites of galaxy formation, they present the advantage of being bound structures with deep potential wells, likely to retain all the matter that falls within their gravitational influence; henceforth, they represent well-defined, self--contained ``pools'', where one can aim at keeping full track of the process of galaxy formation and evolution, and of the global interplay between galaxies and their environment. The physics of clusters of galaxies has thus received increasing attention in the past decade, benefiting from a number of X--ray missions measuring the emission of the hot intra--cluster gas (e.g., {\\it ASCA, ROSAT, XMM, Chandra}) as well as from extensive optical/NIR surveys probing the distribution of galaxies and their properties (e.g.\\ MORPHS, SDSS, 2MASS). Understanding cluster physics is also crucial to reconstruct, from the observed X--ray luminosity function and temperature distribution, the intrinsic mass function of clusters as a function of redshift, which is a quantity of profound cosmological interest (Voit 2004). The baryonic mass in clusters is largely in the form of a hot intra--cluster medium (ICM), which dominates by a factor of 5--10 over the stellar mass (Arnaud {\\it et~al.}\\ 1992; Lin, Mohr \\& Stanford 2003). Consequently, early theoretical work and numerical simulations concentrated on pure gas dynamics when modelling clusters. Recently however, attention has focused also on the role of galaxy and star formation, and related effects. Star formation locks--up low entropy gas, and supplies thermal and kinetic energy to the surrounding medium via supernova explosion and shell expansion; both processes likely contribute to the observed ``entropy floor'' in low--mass clusters, and the corresponding breaking of the scaling relations expected from pure gravitational collapse physics (Voit {\\it et~al.}\\ 2003). Besides, star formation is accompanied by the production of new metals and the chemical enrichment of the environment; the considerable (about 1/3 solar) % metallicity of the ICM indicates that a significant fraction of the metals produced --- comparable or even larger than the fraction remaining within the galaxies --- is dispersed into the intergalactic medium (Renzini 2004), affecting the cooling rates of the intra--cluster gas. It is thus clear that the hydrodynamical evolution of the hot ICM is intimately connected to the formation and evolution of cluster galaxies. Only recently, however, due to advances in computing capabilities as well as in detailed physical modelling, cluster simulations have reached a level of sophistication adequate to trace star formation and related effects in individual galaxies, and the chemical enrichment of the ICM by galactic winds, in a reasonably realistic way (Valdarnini 2003; Tornatore {\\it et~al.}\\ 2004). Indeed so far theoretical predictions of the properties of cluster galaxy populations within a fully cosmological context, have been mainly derived by means of semi--analytical models. High resolution, purely N--body cosmological simulations of the evolution of the collisionless dark matter component, are combined with semi--analytical recipes describing galaxy formation and related physics (such as chemical enrichment, stellar feedback and exchange of gas and metals between galaxies and their environment; see e.g.\\ De Lucia, Kauffmann \\& White 2004 for a recent reference); with such schemes, the evolution of galaxies is ``painted'' on top of that of the simulated dark matter haloes and sub--haloes. The advantage of this technique is that very high resolution can be attained, since pure N--body simulations can handle larger numbers of particles than hydrodynamical simulations; besides, a wide range of parameters can be explored for baryonic physics (e.g.\\ star formation and feedback efficiency, Initial Mass Function, etc.). In this paper, we present for the first time (to our knowledge) an analysis of the properties of the galaxy population of clusters as predicted directly from cosmological simulations including detailed baryonic physics, gas dynamics and galaxy formation and evolution. The resolution for N--body + hydrodynamical simulations cannot reach the level of the purely N--body simulations that constitute the backbone of semi--analytical models, so we cannot resolve galaxies at the faint end of the luminosity function ($M_B$$\\ga$--16). On the other hand, our simulations have the advantage of describing the actual hydrodynamical response of the ICM to star formation, stellar feedback and chemical enrichment. Although some uncertain physical processes still necessarily rely on parameters (like the star formation efficiency and the feedback strength, see Section~2), once these are chosen, the interplay between cluster galaxies and their environment follows in a realistic fashion, as part of the global cosmological evolution of the cluster. Moreover, the intimate relation between stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF), stellar luminosity, chemical enrichment, supernova energy input, returned gas fraction and gas flows out of/into the galaxies is included self--consistently in the simulations (while sometimes these are treated as adjustable, {\\it independent} parameters in semi--analytical models). The properties we obtain for the galaxy populations (notably, global star formation rates, luminosity functions and colour--magnitude relations) are then the end result of {\\it ab--initio} simulations, with a far minor degree of parameter calibration than in semi--analytical schemes. In a standard $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology, we have performed N-body + hydrodynamical (SPH) simulations of the formation and evolution of clusters of different mass, on scales of groups to moderately rich clusters (emission-weighted temperature from 1 to 6~keV). In Paper~I of this series (Romeo {\\it et~al.}\\ 2004, in preparation) we analyze the properties and distribution of the hot ICM in the simulated clusters, and discuss the effects that star formation and related baryonic physics have, on the predicted X--ray properties of the hot gas. Several sets of simulations have been carried out, assuming different IMFs and feedback prescriptions (see Paper~I and Section~2). The chemical and X--ray properties of the ICM are best reproduced assuming a fairly top--heavy IMF and a high, though not extreme, feedback (super-wind) efficiency (the simulations marked, hereafter, as AY-SW; see Paper~I and Table 1). In this Paper~II we focus instead on the properties of the galaxy population in our simulated richer clusters (with temperatures between 3 and 6~keV), where the number of identified galaxies is statistically significant. We will mainly discuss the results from the AY-SW simulations, favoured by the resulting properties of the ICM; results from simulations with different input physics (IMF, wind efficiency, preheating) are also discussed for comparison, where relevant. In Section~2 we briefly introduce the code and the simulations (full details are given in Paper~I), as well as the procedure to identify cluster galaxies in the simulations. In Section~3 we discuss the global star formation histories of cluster galaxies, and in Section~4 we determine global luminosities of the clusters simulated with different prescriptions for baryonic physics. In Section~5 and~6 we discuss luminosity functions and colour--magnitude relations of the galaxy population in our clusters, and, finally, in Section~7 we summarize our results. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have presented for the first time and analyzed the properties of the galaxy population in clusters, as predicted from full {\\it ab initio} cosmological + hydrodynamical simulations. Our results are based on cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters including self-consistently metal-dependent atomic radiative cooling, star formation, supernova and (optionally) AGN driven galactic super-winds, non-instantaneous chemical evolution, effects of a meta-galactic, redshift dependent UV field and thermal conduction. In relation to modelling the properties of cluster galaxies this is an important step forward with respect to previous theoretical works on the subject, e.g. based on semi--analytical recipes super--imposed on N--body only simulations. The global star formation rates of the ``Virgo'' and ``Coma'' cluster galaxies are found to decrease very significantly with time from redshift $z$=2 to 0, in agreement with what is inferred from observations of the inner parts of rich clusters (e.g., Kodama \\& Bower 2001). We have determined galaxy luminosity functions for the ``Virgo'' and ``Coma'' clusters in the $B, V, R, H$ and $K$ bands; the comparison to observed galaxy luminosity functions reveals a deficiency of bright galaxies ($M_{\\rm{B}}$$\\la$--20). We carried out a test simulation of ``Virgo'' at eight times higher mass resolution and two times higher force resolution; the results of this test, still running at the present, indicate that the above mentioned deficiency of bright galaxies is {\\it not} due to ``over--merging''; higher resolution simulations of ``Coma'' clusters are in progress as well to further check this point. From a suite of simulations for the ``Virgo'' cluster with different input physics, we find that the deficiency of bright galaxies becomes less prominent with decreasing super-wind strength, in particular for models invoking a Salpeter IMF and only early feedback; in fact more mass can be accumulated in stars and galaxies, with low feedback. Such models, however, present various drawbacks: the cold fraction is too high and the metal production is too low, as seen in the too blue colours of the galaxies and/or in the low metallicity of the ICM, which can hardly be enriched to the observed level of about 1/3 of solar abundance; the latter point is discussed in detail in Paper~I, but it also follows from more general arguments (Portinari {\\it et~al.} 2004). The bright galaxy deficiency might be explained as a selection effect, in the sense that we have selected cluster haloes for the TreeSPH re-simulations, which are ``too relaxed'' compared to an average cluster halo, so that the brightest galaxies have by now merged into the central cD by dynamical friction; we shall return to this in a forthcoming paper. The redshift evolution of the luminosity functions from redshift $z$=1 to 0 is mainly driven by passive luminosity evolution of the stellar populations, but also by the above mentioned merging of bright galaxies into the cD. The slope of the colour--magnitude relation of the simulated galaxies is in good agreement with the observed one, however the scatter is larger than observed, partly due to poissoinian noise within the fainter galaxies which are formed by small numbers of star particles. Such internal dispersion in stellar ages is also responsible for a luminosity dimming between $z=1$ and $z=0$, faster than indicated by the observed evolution of the Fundamental Plane. The typical average galaxy colours are best matched when adopting a top-heavy IMF (as originally suggested by Arimoto \\& Yoshii 1987), while Salpeter IMF simulations yield too blue colours. Moreover we find that the average metallicity of the simulated galaxies increases with luminosity, and that the brightest galaxies are essentially coeval. Hence, the colour--magnitude relation results from metallicity rather than age effects, as concluded by Kodama \\& Arimoto (1997) on the basis of its observed evolution." }, "0404/astro-ph0404029_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the analysis of the coadded rest-frame UV spectrum ($12007$ \\h1 Mpc for the $K$-selected galaxies at $z\\sim 2$ is confirmed, they seem to be more clustered than the LBGs at z$\\sim 3$. This suggests a different evolutionary path for the two populations. Sawicki \\& Yee (1998) suggested that LBGs are either the progenitors of present-day sub-L* galaxies, or may form luminous galaxies through mergers as they evolve. However, one would expect a stronger clustering in the latter case (Daddi et al. 2001). The signatures of their high metallicity, the confirmation of very high SFRs, together with the evidences for high masses and possibly strong clustering reinforce the suggestion that these $K$-luminous objects at $z\\sim 2$ well qualify as progenitors of local early-type galaxies, caught while still in the act of actively forming stars. Indeed, with their masses being estimated above 10$^{11}$M$_\\odot$ they would most likely become early-type galaxies at $z=0$." }, "0404/astro-ph0404503_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We summarize the detection rates at wavelengths other than optical for $\\sim$99,000 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 1 ``main'' spectroscopic sample. The analysis is based on positional cross-correlation with source catalogs from ROSAT, 2MASS, IRAS, GB6, FIRST, NVSS and WENSS surveys. We find that the rest-frame UV-IR broad-band galaxy SEDs form a remarkably uniform, nearly one parameter, family. As an example, the SDSS $u$ and $r$ band data, supplemented with redshift, can be used to predict $K$ band magnitudes measured by 2MASS with an rms scatter of only 0.2 mag; when measurement uncertainties are taken into account, the astrophysical scatter appears not larger than $\\sim$0.1 mag. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404517_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present CS(3-2) and DCO$^+$(2-1) observations of 94 starless cores and compare the results with previous CS(2-1) and $\\rm N_2H^+$(1-0) observations to study inward motions in starless cores. Eighty-four cores were detected in both CS and DCO$^+$ lines. A significant number of CS(3-2) profiles and a small number of $\\rm DCO^+$(2-1) lines show the classical ``infall asymmetry'' similar to that seen in CS(2-1) observations. The $\\rm DCO^+$(2-1) lines, however, usually show a single Gaussian peak. The integrated intensity of $\\rm N_2H^+$ correlates well with that of $\\rm DCO^+$(2-1), but poorly with that of CS(2-1) and CS(3-2), suggesting that CS suffers significantly more depletion onto grains than do either $\\rm DCO^+$ or $\\rm N_2H^+$. Despite these depletion effects, there is evidently enough optical depth for the CS(3-2) and CS(2-1) spectral lines to exhibit infall asymmetries. The velocity shifts of the CS(3-2) and (2-1) lines with respect to $\\rm N_2H^+$ correlate well with each other and have similar distributions. This implies that, in many cores, systematic inward motions of gaseous material may occur over a range of density of at least a factor $\\sim 4$. We identify 18 infall candidates based on observations of CS(3-2), CS(2-1), $\\rm DCO^+$ (2-1) and $\\rm N_2H^+$ (1-0). The eight best candidates, L1355, L1498, L1521F, L1544, L158, L492, L694-2, and L1155C-1, each show at least four indications of infall asymmetry and no counter-indications. Fits of the spectra to a 2-layer radiative transfer model in ten infall candidates suggest that the median effective line-of-sight speed of the inward-moving gas is $\\sim 0.07$ $\\rm km~s^{-1}$ for CS (3-2) and $\\rm \\sim 0.04~km~s^{-1}$ for CS(2-1). Considering that the optical depth obtained from the fits is usually smaller in CS(3-2) than in (2-1) line, this may imply that CS(3-2) usually traces inner denser gas in higher inward motions than CS(2-1). However, it is also possible that this conclusion is not representative of all starless core infall candidates, due to the statistically small number analyzed here. Further line observations will be useful to test this conclusion. ", "introduction": "Starless cores are dense ($\\rm \\ga 10^4~cm^{-3}$) condensations in molecular clouds without any embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) (e.g., Lee \\& Myers 1999-LM99). They are the best known candidates to possibly form stars (Tafalla et al. 1998; Lee, Myers, \\& Tafalla 1999-LMT99; Jijina, Myers, \\& Adams 1999; Lee, Myers, \\& Tafalla 2001-LMT01) and, therefore, provide an opportunity to study the initial conditions of star formation (Benson \\& Myers 1989; Ward-Thompson et al. 1994; Shirley et al. 2000; Andr\\'e, Ward-Thompson, \\& Barsony 2000). The inward motions in starless cores are one of the essential elements needed to understand the onset of star formation. These motions can be studied by observing two kinds of molecular lines, optically thin and thick tracers, to detect the spectral ``{\\it infall asymmetry}'' : a double peaked profile in which the blue component is brighter than the red one, or a skewed single blue peak in an optically thick tracer (e.g., CS2-1 and $\\rm H_2CO$2-1), and a symmetric single peak in an optically thin tracer (e.g., $\\rm C^{18}O$1-0 and $\\rm N_2H^+$1-0) (Hummer \\& Rybicki 1968; Leung \\& Brown 1977). This method has been used quite successfully to observe some general features of inward motions in starless cores (e.g., LMT99, LMT01). The inward motions in starless cores are found to be slow (typically 0.05 - 0.1 $\\rm km~s^{^-1}$), and spatially extended (typically 0.1 pc) (LMT01) and can be partly explained by ambipolar diffusion in a super-critical core, or by turbulent dissipation (e.g., Nakano 1998; Myers \\& Lazarian 1998; Ciolek \\& Basu 2000). However, the physics of inward motions in starless cores is still not fully understood. Different molecular species and various transitions of specific molecules are sensitive to different chemical and physical conditions and, therefore, can probe different physical regions of the infalling cores. Therefore, observations of many different species and transitions would help to widen our present knowledge of inward motions in starless cores (e.g., Onishi et al. 1999; Caselli et al. 1999; Gregersen \\& Evans 2000; Lee et al. 2003). This study is a continuation of our previous systematic infall studies, which used CS(2-1) and $\\rm N_2H^+$(1-0) by LMT99 and LMT01. In this study we use two $\\it new$ tracers: CS(3-2) and $\\rm DCO^+$(2-1). The CS(3-2) line has higher critical density ($\\rm n_{cr}\\approx 1.3\\times10^{6}~cm^{-3}$) than CS(2-1) by a factor of about 4 (Evans 1999) and so is likely a much better tracer of dense gas. Thus, the CS(3-2) line will be a better probe of the kinematics closer to the nucleus of the core unless the optical depth of the CS(3-2) is larger than CS(2-1). DCO$^+$(2-1) is similar to $\\rm N_2H^+$(1-0); it is also a high density tracer and is usually optically thin. However, the DCO$^+$(2-1) has high enough opacity and is bright enough to make extensive surveys feasible. In this paper we present new survey results with CS(3-2) and DCO$^+$(2-1) toward starless cores and, by combining these with previous CS(2-1) and $\\rm N_2H^+$(1-0) data, discuss how inward motions in starless cores occur. In $\\S$2 we explain details of the observations such as the observational equipment and methods, target selection, frequency determination of observing lines, and data reduction. Detection statistics, spectral features of CS and DCO$^+$, $\\rm \\delta V$ analysis of the observing lines, and selection of infall candidates are described in $\\S$3. Implications of the observational results are discussed in $\\S$4. In $\\S$5 we summarize the main conclusions of this study. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Infall speeds} We derive infall speeds for a sub-sample of cores via fits to their CS spectra using a two-layer model consisting of a cool (2.7 K) absorbing front screen moving away from us and a warm emitting rear layer approaching us with the same speed (see LMT01). Our non-linear least squares fitting routine has 5 free parameters, peak optical depth, infall speed, velocity dispersion, excitation temperature of the rear layer and LSR velocity. In the model, both layers are assumed to have the same velocity dispersion and move with the same speed but in opposite direction. Note that the number of fit parameters is more than the 3 required to fit any line with a Gaussian. However, the two additional parameters are needed to specify the peak optical depth and the infall speed. Thus, this model has the least number of parameters possible to describe a line with infall asymmetry due to self-absorption and internal motion. Indeed, each parameter reflects different aspects of the line profile and so can be well constrained by the fitting procedure. The line width, LSR velocity, and the excitation temperature are very well determined by the width, centroid velocity, and intensity scale of the observed spectrum. The peak optical depth is sensitive to the depth of the self-absorption dip and so fits to spectra with a clear dip or red shoulder can easily constrain the optical depth. In addition, since the first four parameters can be constrained by fits to the spectra, the last parameter - infall speed - can be reliably determined with good precision. This is the main reason that, to derive infall speed, we fit only spectra with clear double peaks, or a blue peak and a clear red shoulder. Fits were conducted for the CS(3-2) profiles of 12 sources showing such infall asymmetry. Fig. 6 shows that our model easily reproduces the observed spectral features. Note that in the figure we did not fit a model profile to the CS(2-1) spectra of two sources (L1355 and L1155C-1) although they do show infall asymmetry. This is because they show neither clear double peaks nor a red shoulder in their spectra and so the fits to their spectra would result in large errors in the derived infall speeds. Typical 1-D infall speeds for the sources modeled are $\\sim$ $\\rm 0.02 - 0.13~km~s^{-1}$. We also obtained the infall speeds for a sub-sample of 8 sources using fits to the CS(2-1) spectra which show similar asymmetry to that of CS(3-2). The resulting infall speeds derived from our model fits to both the CS(3-2) and CS(2-1) observations are compared in Fig. 7. An interesting feature in Fig. 7 is that the CS(3-2) lines generally have higher infall speeds than CS(2-1); typically $\\sim 0.07$ $\\rm km~s^{-1}$ for CS (3-2) and $\\rm \\sim 0.04~km~s^{-1}$ for CS (2-1). We believe that this is not dominated by fitting errors to the infall speeds since the difference between the CS(2-1) and CS(3-2) speeds is much larger than the fitting error. As discussed in LMT01, we tried to estimate the fitting error of the infall speed by taking two best-fit model spectra of CS(2-1) and CS(3-2) for L1521F, adding random noise with the same rms as the observed noise, and re-fitting a model to the spectra. Fig. 8-(a) plots the distribution of infall speeds obtained from the best-fit for twenty synthetic CS(2-1) and (3-2) spectra in L1521F. This figure shows that the two distributions of infall speeds are clearly separated. The estimated 1 sigma uncertainties of the distribution of infall speeds are about $\\sim 0.001 \\rm ~km~s^{-1}$ for the CS(2-1) and $\\sim 0.003 \\rm ~km~s^{-1}$ for the CS(3-2), which are negligibly small compared to the difference ($\\sim 0.03 \\rm ~km~s^{-1}$) between the infall speeds for two lines. Note that most of spectra used in the fitting procedure are as good as the L1521F spectra. Thus, their fit results are thought to be also as good as for L1521F, suggesting that the tendency for CS(3-2) line to trace higher inward speeds than CS(2-1) is real. One might question how the infall speed can be determined with precision as high as indicated here. We note that the infall speed, like the centroid velocity, is sensitive to emission from the entire spectrum, so with sufficient signal to noise ratio one can determine the infall speed to a fraction of a channel width. Note that this precision, due to random uncertainties, is not the same as the accuracy, due to systematic uncertainties. Detailed comparisons show that the accuracy of these estimates of two-layer infall speed, with respect to the values from a more sophisticated Monte Carlo model, is likely to be a few 0.01 $\\rm km~s^{-1}$, for spectra with resolution and signal to noise ratio similar to those considered here (De Vries and Myers 2004, in preparation). Furthermore the infall speed from the two-layer model usually increases monotonically with the infall speed from the detailed models. Thus even if the two-layer infall speed is systematically incorrect by a few 0.01 $\\rm km~s^{-1}$, the sign of its gradient with optical depth, which we derive in this paper, is probably unaffected. Figure 8-(b) and (c) are another test to demonstrate how different infall speeds are required to produce the difference between the CS(2-1) and CS(3-2) line profiles. The solid line in Figure 8-(b) shows the best $\\chi^2$ fit to the CS(2-1) spectrum in L1521F, which produces an infall speed of $0.014 \\rm ~km~s^{-1}$ and a good match to the observed spectral line profile. Similarly, the solid line in Figure 8-(c) shows the best $\\chi^2$ fit to the CS(3-2) spectrum in L1521F, producing an infall speed of $0.045 \\rm ~km~s^{-1}$ and a good fit to the observed spectral line profile. However, the dashed line in Figure 8-(b) shows the spectrum obtained if we attempt to fit the CS(2-1) spectrum with the CS(3-2) velocity (and vice-versa in Figure 8-(c)). Casual inspection of these fits, as well as the $\\chi^2$ values, reveals that small changes in the infall velocity result in poor fits to the spectra. This strongly suggests that the difference between the CS(2-1) and CS(3-2) infall velocities is statistically significant, and that the CS(3-2) line traces higher infall speeds than does the CS(2-1) line. This analysis with the 2-layer model indicates that the CS 3-2 profiles require slightly but distinctly higher speeds than the 2-1 profiles. However it still remains to be determined whether these higher speeds correspond to denser gas in the inner regions of the cores. Higher speeds associated with denser gas if the line formation were dominated by excitation effects, since the centrally condensed structure of the core implies that the excitation temperature decreases outward, and since the 3-2 line has a higher critical density than the 2-1 line by a factor $\\sim 4$ (Evans 1999). But the higher speeds could also correspond to less dense gas, if the line formation were influenced more by optical depth effects, and if the optical depth of the 3-2 line exceeds significantly that of the 2-1 line (e.g. Lucas 1976). The other possible problem in our analysis is resolution difference between CS(2-1) ($\\sim 25''$) and (3-2) data ($\\sim 43''$) which may affect the profile shapes that we observe. To deal with these problems, we use the FCRAO data for CS(2-1) (LMT01) which have similar beam resolution ($\\sim 52''$) to that of CS (3-2) data. Using the same two layers model, we derive the infall speed and optical depths for FCRAO CS(2-1) lines. Table 3 lists the parameters obtained from the fits for all the data, including 12m data (CS 3-2), Haystack and FCRAO data (CS 2-1). The table clearly indicates that, regardless of the different beam resolution of the data, the CS(3-2) line tends to trace higher infall speed than the CS(2-1) line, and that the CS(3-2) lines have lower optical depth than CS(2-1) lines for all sources except for L158 and L1445. We also believe that, as the case for the infall speeds, the optical depth derived from the fits is not dominated by fitting errors. In performing the error analysis for the infall speed in L1521F (see above), the optical depths for each of the twenty CS(2-1) and (3-2) spectra were obtained at the same time. Fig. 9-(a) shows the distribution of such optical depths, indicating that the two distributions of the optical depths are clearly separated. The estimated 1 sigma uncertainties of the distribution are about $\\sim 0.035$ for the CS(2-1) and $\\sim 0.03$ for the CS(3-2), which are very small compared to the difference ($\\sim 0.24$) between the optical depths. Fig. 9-(b) and (c) also confirm that the difference is statistically significant as it was for the infall speeds (Fig. 8-b and c). Fig. 10 visualizes the distribution of the sources in infall speed difference versus optical depth difference between two CS(3-2) and (2-1) lines. The data consist of seven points for FCRAO Data and eight points for Haystack data. Data points from the same core are joined by a line. As shown, nearly all of the data points (11 of 15) and majority of the cores (6 1/2 out of 10) lie in the upper right quadrant, the regime where infall speed increases inward, indicating that the 3-2 line usually traces gas which is closer to the core center and which has faster infall speed than does the 2-1 line. This means that the infall speed generally increases inward for this sample and these lines. Note that this trend is evident in both the FCRAO and Haystack data, and so apparently the change in resolution between these telescopes does not reverse the tendency for points to occupy the upper right quadrant in Fig. 10. In summary the conclusion that CS(3-2) traces faster and inner gas than CS(2-1) seems now reliable at least in infall candidates considered among our sample. However, we are still cautious of whether this is necessarily true of most starless cores, or even of most infall candidates, because of the small number of objects involved in our analysis. Further detailed observations of more infall candidates with the same lines are needed to test whether the conclusion generally apply to starless cores or most infall candidates. Furthermore, our conclusion may depend on many factors such as observing lines and should be further tested. For example infall speeds from these CS observations will be able to be compared with those from high-S/N observations of ``low-depletion'' species like $\\rm N_2H^+$ and DCO$^+$ (see the section 4.3 ) if they show enough infall asymmetry. Further such line observations are necessarily required. \\subsection{Implication of the similar $\\rm \\delta V$ distribution for CS(3-2) and CS(2-1)} Fig. 3 and 4 provide important clues as to how inward motions occur. Given the expectation that CS(3-2) is a better probe of the denser inner region, one might expect a more skewed $\\rm \\delta V$ distribution for CS(3-2) than for CS(2-1). However, the $\\rm \\delta V$ distribution for CS(3-2) is found to be statistically very similar to that for CS(2-1) (Fig. 3). What does this imply about inward motions in cores? We saw in the previous section that CS(3-2) traces faster infalling gas than CS(2-1) by typically $\\rm \\sim 0.03~km~s^{-1}$. The increase in infall velocity would result in a similar increase in line velocity which was used to compute $\\rm \\delta V$. Note, however, that this increase is not that great compared to the $\\rm N_2H^+$ line width, typically 0.3 $\\rm km~s^{-1}$. Therefore the typical increase in $\\rm \\delta V$ is about 0.03/0.3, or 0.1, or only about half of a bin size in the histograms in Fig. 3 which explains why the histograms look similar despite the higher critical density and higher infall speed for CS(3-2) compared to (2-1). The similar $\\rm \\delta V$ distribution between CS(3-2) and CS(2-1) may suggest that, in many cores, inward-moving gas extends over a substantial range of core densities. Furthermore, the good correlation between $\\rm \\delta V_{CS21}$ and $\\rm \\delta V_{CS32}$ (Fig. 4) suggests that the lower density and higher density gas probed by the 2-1 and 3-2 lines respectively move together, in a systematic rather than random fashion. \\subsection{Depletion of CS and $\\rm DCO^+$} The CS molecule is known to easily deplete out of the gas phase by adsorbing onto dust in cold dense cores (e.g., Bergin \\& Langer 1997). Therefore, it can be argued that CS cannot be used to probe the kinematics in the nuclei of infalling cores. $\\rm N_2H^+$, however, does not seem to suffer from the effects of depletion as readily as CS (Tafalla et al. 2002; Bergin \\& Langer 1997). Recent mapping surveys of several starless cores have shown that the $\\rm DCO^+$ emission usually has a similar intensity distribution to that of $\\rm N_2H^+$ (Lee et al. 2004 and Bourke et al. 2004 in prep.), suggesting that $\\rm DCO^+$ also does not readily deplete onto grains. Fig. 11 supports this idea. The figure compares the integrated intensities of $\\rm N_2H^+$, CS(2-1), and CS(3-2) of the sources. Note that, in constructing Fig. 11, we dropped all sources with clear self-absorption features in CS(2-1) (17: number of the dropped sources), CS(3-2) (21) and DCO+(2-1) (14) to minimize any optical depth effects. The middle and bottom panels of Fig. 11 compare the $\\rm N_2H^+$ integrated intensities with that of CS(3-2) and CS(2-1) and show weak to negligible correlations [$r=$0.54 between $\\rm N_2H^+$ and CS(3-2), and $r=$0.40 for $\\rm N_2H^+$ and CS(2-1) ], suggesting the possibility that CS is depleting out onto grains. However, we should note that despite the strong likelihood of CS depletion in the cores we observe, there is evidently still enough optical depth, excitation gradient, and relative motion to give the CS (2-1) and (3-2) spectral lines an infall asymmetry. It will need a more detailed chemical evolution models that self-consistently solve for radiative transfer effects to specify the extent and degree of this depletion. On the other hand, the upper panel of Fig. 11 compares the $\\rm N_2H^+$ and $\\rm DCO^+$ integrated intensities and shows a stronger correlation ($r=$0.75) which suggests that the $\\rm DCO^+$ does not suffer from significant depletion (or, at least, only depletes as much as $\\rm N_2H^+$)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404498_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the preliminary results of 235 MHz, 327 MHz and 610 MHz observations of the galaxy cluster A3562 in the core of the Shapley Concentration. The purpose of these observations, carried out with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT, Pune, India), was to study the radio halo located at the centre of A3562 and determine the shape of its radio spectrum at low frequencies, in order to understand the origin of this source. In the framework of the re--acceleration model, the preliminary analysis of the halo spectrum suggests that we are observing a young source (few $10^8$ yrs) at the beginning of the re--acceleration phase. ", "introduction": "A number of X--ray luminous galaxy clusters show large--scale synchrotron radio emission associated to the intracluster medium. These diffuse sources are know as radio halos, when they are located at the centre of the hosting cluster and show low or negligible polarization, and radio relics, when found in the cluster outskirts and highly polarized. \\noindent Both halos and relics have low surface brightness, large linear size (from $\\sim$0.5 Mpc to more than 1 Mpc) and steep integrated spectra, i.e. $\\alpha >1$ (S $\\propto$ $\\nu^{-\\alpha}$). \\noindent Radio halos and relics represent the most striking evidence for $\\mu$G magnetic fields on cluster scale and relativistic electrons diffused within the whole cluster volume (for a recent review see Giovannini \\& Feretti 2002). \\noindent The existence of this class of radio sources is believed to be connected to cluster mergers, since thus far they have only been found in clusters with significant signs of a current or recent merging event. In particular the leading hypothesis for the origin of the observed radio emission from these objects is a re--acceleration process, probably via turbolence powered by cluster mergers, of a population of relatively low energy ($\\gamma \\sim 10^3$) electrons, initially injected in the intracluster medium (two-phase model, Brunetti et al. 2001). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404451_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Turbulence affects the structure and motions of nearly all temperature and density regimes in the interstellar gas. This two-part review summarizes the observations, theory, and simulations of interstellar turbulence and their implications for many fields of astrophysics. The first part begins with diagnostics for turbulence that have been applied to the cool interstellar medium, and highlights their main results. The energy sources for interstellar turbulence are then summarized along with numerical estimates for their power input. Supernovae and superbubbles dominate the total power, but many other sources spanning a large range of scales, from swing amplified gravitational instabilities to cosmic ray streaming, all contribute in some way. Turbulence theory is considered in detail, including the basic fluid equations, solenoidal and compressible modes, global inviscid quadratic invariants, scaling arguments for the power spectrum, phenomenological models for the scaling of higher order structure functions, the direction and locality of energy transfer and cascade, velocity probability distributions, and turbulent pressure. We emphasize expected differences between incompressible and compressible turbulence. Theories of magnetic turbulence on scales smaller than the collision mean free path are included, as are theories of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and their various proposals for power spectra. Numerical simulations of interstellar turbulence are reviewed. Models have reproduced the basic features of the observed scaling relations, predicted fast decay rates for supersonic MHD turbulence, and derived probability distribution functions for density. Thermal instabilities and thermal phases have a new interpretation in a supersonically turbulent medium. Large-scale models with various combinations of self-gravity, magnetic fields, supernovae, and star formation are beginning to resemble the observed interstellar medium in morphology and statistical properties. The role of self-gravity in turbulent gas evolution is clarified, leading to new paradigms for the formation of star clusters, the stellar mass function, the origin of stellar rotation and binary stars, and the effects of magnetic fields. The review ends with a reflection on the progress that has been made in our understanding of the interstellar medium, and offers a list of outstanding problems. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} In 1951, von Weizs\\\"acker (1951) outlined a theory for interstellar matter (ISM) that is similar to what we believe today: cloudy objects with a hierarchy of structures form in interacting shock waves by supersonic turbulence that is stirred on the largest scale by differential galactic rotation and dissipated on small scales by atomic viscosity. The ``clouds'' disperse quickly because of turbulent motions, and on the largest scales they produce the flocculent spiral structures observed in galaxies. In the same year, von Hoerner (1951) noticed that rms differences in emission-line velocities of the Orion nebula increased with projected separation as a power law with a power $\\alpha$ between 0.25 and 0.5, leading him to suggest that the gas was turbulent with a Kolmogorov energy cascade (for which $\\alpha$ would be $0.33$; Section 4.6). Wilson et al. (1959) later got a steeper function, $\\alpha\\sim0.66$, using better data, and proposed it resulted from compressible turbulence. Correlated motions with a Kolmogorov structure function (Section \\ref{sect:diag}) in optical absorption lines were observed by Kaplan (1958). One of the first statistical models of a continuous and correlated gas distribution was by Chandrasekhar \\& M\\\"unch (1952), who applied it to extinction fluctuations in the Milky Way surface brightness. Minkowski (1955) called the ISM ``an entirely chaotic mass ... of all possible shapes and sizes ... broken up into numerous irregular details.'' These early proposals regarding pervasive turbulence failed to catch on. Interstellar absorption and emission lines looked too smooth to come from an irregular network of structures -- a problem that is still with us today (Section 2). The extinction globules studied by Bok \\& Reilly (1947) looked too uniform and round, suggesting force equilibrium. Oort \\& Spitzer (1955) did not believe von Weizs\\\"acker's model because they thought galactic rotational energy could not cascade down to the scale of cloud linewidths without severe dissipation in individual cloud collisions. Similar concerns about dissipation continue to be discussed (Sections \\ref{sect:heating}, \\ref{sect:decay}). Oort and Spitzer also noted that the ISM morphology appeared wrong for turbulence: ``instead of more or less continuous vortices, we find concentrated clouds that are often separated by much larger spaces of negligible density.'' They expected turbulence to resemble the model of the time, with space-filling vortices in an incompressible fluid, rather than today's model with most of the mass compressed to a small fraction of the volume in shocks fronts. When a reddening survey by Scheffler (1967) used structure functions to infer power-law correlated structures up to 5$^\\circ$ in the sky, the data were characterized by saying only that there were two basic cloud types, large (70 pc) and small (3 pc), the same categories popularized by Spitzer (1968) in his textbook. Most of the interesting physical processes that could be studied theoretically at the time, such as the expansion of ionized nebulae and supernovae (SNe) and the collapse of gas into stars, could be modeled well enough with a uniform isothermal medium. Away from these sources, the ISM was viewed as mostly static, with discrete clouds moving ballistically. The discovery of broad emission lines and narrow absorption lines in {\\it H I} at 21 cm reinforced this picture by suggesting a warm intercloud medium in thermal pressure balance with the cool clouds (Clark 1965). ISM models with approximate force equilibrium allowed an ease of calculation and conceptualization that was not present with turbulence. Supernovae were supposed to account for the energy, but mostly by heating and ionizing the diffuse phases (McCray \\& Snow 1979). Even after the discoveries of the hot intercloud (Bunner et al. 1971, Jenkins \\& Meloy 1974) and cold molecular media (Wilson et al. 1970), the observation of a continuous distribution of neutral hydrogen temperature (Dickey, Salpeter, \\& Terzian 1977), and the attribution of gas motions to supernovae (e.g., McKee \\& Ostriker 1977), there was no compelling reason to dismiss the basic cloud-intercloud model in favor of widespread turbulence. Instead, the list of ISM equilibrium ``phases'' was simply enlarged. Supersonic linewidths, long known from {\\it H I} (e.g., McGee, Milton, \\& Wolfe 1966, Heiles 1970) and optical (e.g., Hobbs 1974) studies and also discovered in molecular regions at this time (see Zuckerman \\& Palmer 1974), were thought to represent magnetic waves in a uniform cloud (Arons \\& Max 1975), even though turbulence was discussed as another possibility in spite of problems with the rapid decay rate (Goldreich \\& Kwan 1974, Zuckerman \\& Evans 1974). A lone study by Baker (1973) found large-scale correlations in {\\it H I} emission and presented them the context of ISM turbulence, deriving the number of ``turbulent cells in the line of sight,'' instead of the number of ``clouds.'' Mebold, Hachenberg \\& Laury-Micoulaut (1974) followed this with another statistical analysis of the {\\it H I} emission. However, there was no theoretical context in which the Baker and Mebold et al. papers could flourish given the pervasive models about discrete clouds and two or three-phase equilibrium. The presence of turbulence was more widely accepted for very small scales. Observations of interstellar scintillation at radio wavelengths implied there were correlated structures (Rickett 1970), possibly related to turbulence (Little \\& Matheson 1973), in the ionized gas at scales down to $10^9$ cm or lower (Salpeter 1969; {\\it Interstellar Turbulence II,} next chapter, this volume). This is the same scale at which cosmic rays ({\\it Interstellar Turbulence II}) were supposed to excite magnetic turbulence by streaming instabilities (Wentzel 1968a). However, there was (and still is) little understanding of the physical connection between these small-scale fluctuations and the larger-scale motions in the cool neutral gas. Dense structures on resolvable scales began to look more like turbulence after Larson (1981) found power-law correlations between molecular cloud sizes and linewidths that were reminiscent of the Kolmogorov scaling law. Larson's work was soon followed by more homogeneous observations that showed similar correlations (Myers 1983, Dame et al. 1986, Solomon et al. 1987). These motions were believed to be turbulent because of their power-law nature, despite continued concern with decay times, but there was little recognition that turbulence on larger scales could also form the same structures in which the linewidths were measured. Several reviews during this time reflect the pending transition (Dickey 1985, Dickman 1985, Scalo 1987, Dickey \\& Lockman 1990). Perhaps the most widespread change in perception came when the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) observed interstellar ``cirrus'' and other clouds in emission at 100 $\\mu$ (Low et al. 1984). The cirrus clouds are mostly transparent at optical wavelengths, so they should be in the diffuse cloud category, but they were seen to be filamentary and criss-crossed, with little resemblance to ``standard'' clouds. Equally complex structures were present even in IRAS maps of ``dark clouds,'' like Taurus, and they were observed in maps of molecular clouds, such as the Orion region (Bally et al. 1987). The wide field of view and good dynamic range of these new surveys finally allowed the diffuse and molecular clouds to reveal their full structural complexity, just as the optical nebulae and dark clouds did two decades earlier. Contributing to this change in perception was the surprising discovery by Crovisier \\& Dickey (1983) of a power spectrum for widespread {\\it H I} emission that was comparable to the Kolmogorov power spectrum for velocity in incompressible turbulence. CO velocities were found to be correlated over a range of scales, too (Scalo 1984, Stenholm 1984). By the late 1980s, compression from interstellar turbulence was considered to be one of the main cloud-formation mechanisms (see review in Elmegreen 1991). Here we summarize observations and theory of interstellar turbulence. This first review discusses the dense cool phases of the ISM, energy sources, turbulence theory, and simulations. {\\it Interstellar Turbulence II} considers the effects of turbulence on element mixing, chemistry, cosmic ray scattering, and radio scintillation. There are many reviews and textbooks on turbulence. A comprehensive review of magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence is in the recent book by Biskamp (2003), and a review of laboratory turbulence is in Sreenivasan \\& Antonia (1997). A review of incompressible MHD turbulence is in Chandran (2003). For the ISM, a collection of papers covering a broad range of topics is in the book edited by Franco \\& Carraminana (1999). Recent reviews of ISM turbulence simulations are in V\\'azquez-Semadeni et al. (2000), Mac Low (2003), and Mac Low \\& Klessen (2004), and a review of observations is in Falgarone, Hily-Blant \\& Levrier (2003). A review of theory related to the ISM is given by V\\'azquez-Semadeni (1999). Earlier work is surveyed by Scalo (1987). General discussions of incompressible turbulence can be found in Tennekes \\& Lumley (1972), Hinze (1975), Lesieur (1990), McComb (1990), Frisch (1995), Mathieu \\& Scott (2000), Pope (2000), and Tsinober (2001). The comprehensive two volumes by Monin \\& Yaglom (1975) remain extremely useful. Work on compressibility effects in turbulence at fairly low Mach numbers is reviewed by Lele (1994). Generally the literature is so large that we can reference only a few specific results on each topic; the reader should consult the most recent papers for citations of earlier work. We have included papers that were available to us as of Dec. 2003. A complete bibliography including paper titles is available at: http://www.as.utexas.edu/astronomy/people/scalo/research/ARAA/ ", "conclusions": "Interstellar turbulence has been studied using power spectra and structure functions of the distributions of radial velocity, emission, and absorption, using statistical properties of line profiles, unsharp masks, and wavelet transforms, one-point probability distribution functions of column densities and velocity centroids, fractal dimensions and multifractal spectra, and various other techniques including the Spectral Correlation Function and Principal Component Analysis, which are applied to spectral line data cubes. The results are often ambiguous and difficult to interpret. The density of the neutral medium seems to possess spatial correlations over a wide range of scales, possibly from the sub-parsec limit of resolution to hundreds of parsecs. Such correlations probably reflect the hierarchical nature of turbulence in a medium with a very large Reynolds number. The power spectrum of the associated intensity fluctuations is a robust power law with a slope between -1.8 and -2.3 for the Milky Way, LMC, and SMC. A steeper slope has been obtained for Galactic CO using Principle Component Analysis. However, no clear power spectrum or autocorrelation function has been found yet for centroid velocities as a function of spatial lag inside individual clouds, even though they might be expected if the clouds are turbulent. Statistical properties of the ISM are difficult to recover with only line-of-sight motions in projected cloud maps that have limited spatial extent and substantial noise. Linewidths often seem correlated with region size in an average sense, but there are large variations between different regions and surveys. At the moment, this relation seems to be dominated by scatter. Because the linewidth-size correlation is analogous to a second order structure function, which is well-defined for incompressible turbulence, the regional variations are difficult to understand in the context of conventional turbulence theory. Certainly a case could be made that ISM turbulence is not conventional: it is not statistically homogeneous, stationary, or isotropic. Considering the difficulty of observing three-dimensional structure and motion in space, the value of statistical descriptors lies primarily in their ability to make detailed comparisons between observations and simulations. Many such comparisons have been made, but a comprehensive simulation of a particular region including many of the descriptors listed above is not yet available. Among the many differences between interstellar turbulence and classical incompressible turbulence is the broad spatial scale for energy input in space. In spite of the wide ranging spatial correlations in emission and absorption maps, there is no analogy with classical turbulence in which energy is injected on the largest scale and then cascades in a self-similar fashion to the very small scale of dissipation. In the ISM, energy is injected over a wide range of scales, from kiloparsec disturbances in spiral density waves, shear instabilities, and superbubbles, to parsec-sized explosions in supernovae, massive-star winds and {\\it H II} regions, to sub-parsec motions in low-mass stellar winds and stellar gravitational wakes, to AU-sized motions powered by cosmic ray streaming instabilities. Estimates of power input indicate that stellar explosions are the largest contributor numerically, but this does not mean that other sources are unimportant on other scales. Energy is also dissipated over a wide range of scales. Shock fronts, ambipolar and Ohmic diffusion, Landau wave damping, and viscosity in vortex tubes should all play a role. The geometrical structures of the dissipating regions are not well constrained by observations. Energy is also dissipated in regions with little density sub-structure, as in the ionized gas that produces scintillation or along perturbed magnetic field lines that scatter some cosmic rays. Viscosity and Landau damping can produce heat from the tiny wave-like motions that occur in these regions (see Interstellar Turbulence, Part II), although the nature of this dissipation below the collision mean free path is not understood yet. Self-gravity makes interstellar turbulence more difficult to understand than terrestrial turbulence. The contribution to ISM motions from self-gravity appears to increase with cloud mass until it dominates above $10^4$--$10^5$ M$_\\odot$. Many selection effects may contribute to this correlation, however. Self-gravity is also important in the smaller clumps that form stars. What happens between these scales remains a mystery. We would like to know how the distribution function of the ratio of virial mass to luminous mass for ISM clouds and clumps varies with the spatial scales of these structures. What fraction of clouds or clumps are self-gravitating for each mass range? Does the apparent trend toward diminished self-gravity on small scales turn around on the scale of individual protostars? The balance between solenoidal and compressible energy density in the ISM varies with time. Compressibility transfers energy between kinetic and thermal modes, short-circuiting the cascade of energy in wavenumber space that occurs in a self-similar fashion for incompressible turbulence. Consequently the ISM turbulent power spectra for kinetic and magnetic energy are not known from terrestrial analogies, and there is not even a theoretical or heuristic justification for expecting self-similar or power-law behavior. Numerical simulations make predictions of these quantities, but these simulations are usually idealized and they are always limited by resolution and other numerical effects. A considerable effort has been put into modelling compressible MHD turbulence under idealized conditions, i.e., without self-gravity and without dispersed and realistic energy sources (e.g., explosions). Some models predict analytically and confirm numerically a Kolmogorov energy spectrum transverse to the mean field when the magnetic energy density is not much larger than the kinetic energy density. These models also predict intermittency properties identical to hydrodynamic turbulence in this trans-field direction. Other models find steeper power spectra, however. One has mostly solenoidal motions on large scales and sheet-like dissipation regions on small scales. Another has more realistic heating and cooling. At very strong fields, the turbulence becomes more restricted to the two transverse dimensions and then the energy spectrum seems to become flatter, as in the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan model. Overall the situation regarding the energy spectrum of MHD ISM turbulence is unsettled. Our understanding of the ISM has benefited greatly from numerical simulations. In the 10 or so years since the first simulations of ISM turbulence, numerical models have reproduced most of the observed correlations and scaling relations. They have demonstrated that supersonic turbulence always decays quickly and concluded that star formation is equally fast, forcing a link between cold clouds and their energy-rich environments. They have also predicted a somewhat universal probability function for density in an isothermal gas, implying that only a small fraction of the gas mass can ever be in a dense enough state to collapse gravitationally -- thereby explaining the low efficiency of star formation. Simulations have demonstrated that magnetism does not support clouds, prevent collapse, systematically align small clumps, or act like an effective pressure. Magnetism can slow collapsing cores and remove angular momentum on large and small scales, and it may contribute to filamentary structures that control the accretion rate of gas onto protostars. Simulations have also shown that thermal instabilities do not lead to bimodal density distributions as previously believed, although they probably enhance the compressibility of the ISM and might contribute to the turbulent motions. The high abundance of atomic gas in what would be the thermally unstable regime of static models is easily explained in a turbulent medium. Simulations have a long way to go before solving some of the most important problems, however. Models are needed that include realistic cooling, ionization balance, chemistry, radiative transfer, ambipolar diffusion, magnetic reconnection, and especially realistic forcing because it is not clear that any of these effects are negligible. Detailed models should be able to form star clusters in a realistic fashion, continuing the progress that has already been made with restricted resolution and input physics. Complete models need to include energy sources from young stellar winds, ionization, and heating, and they should be able to follow the orbital dynamics of binaries. Successful models should eventually explain the stellar initial mass function, mass segregation, the binary fraction and distribution of binary orbital periods, the mean magnetic flux in a star, and the overall star-formation efficiency at the time of cloud disruption. Realistic simulations of galactic-scale processes are also challenging because they should include a large range of scales and fundamentally different physical processes in the radial and vertical directions. Background galactic dynamics and the possibility of energy and mass exchange with a three-dimensional halo are also important. The turbulent model of the ISM also raises substantial new questions. Why is the power spectrum of ISM density structure a power law when direct observation shows the ISM to be a collection of shells, bubbles, comets, spiral wave shocks and other pressurized structures spanning a wide range of scales? Do directed pressures and turbulence combine to produce the observed power spectrum or does one dominate to other? Does the input of energy on one scale prevent the turbulent cascade of energy that is put in on a larger scale? In this respect, is ISM turbulence more similar to turbulent combustion than incompressible turbulence because of the way in which energy is injected? Our current embrace of turbulence theory as an explanation for ISM structures and motions may be partly based on an overly-simplification of available models and a limitation of observational techniques. This state of the field guarantees more surprises in the coming decade. {\\it Acknowledgments:} We are grateful to J. Ballesteros-Paredes, J. Dickey, N. Evans, E. Falgarone, A. Goodman, A. Lazarian, P. Padoan, and E. V\\'azquez-Semadeni for helpful comments on Section 2; to C. Norman for a careful reading of Section 3; to A. Brandenberg, A. Lazarian, P. Padoan, T. Passot, E. V\\'azquez-Semadeni, and E. Vishniac for helpful comments on Section 4; and to A.G. Kritsuk, M-M. Mac Low, E. Ostriker, P. Padoan, and E. V\\'azquez-Semadeni for helpful comments on Section 5. We also thank J. Kormendy for helpful comments on the manuscript." }, "0404/astro-ph0404384_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{In this paper we present a modified version of the CORS method based on a new calibration of the Surface Brightness function in the Str\\\"omgren photometric system. The method has been tested by means of synthetic light and radial velocity curves derived from nonlinear pulsation models. Detailed simulations have been performed to take into account the quality of real observed curves as well as possible shifts between photometric and radial velocity data. The method has been then applied to a sample of Galactic Cepheids with Str\\\"omgren photometry and radial velocity data to derive the radii and a new PR relation. As a result we find $\\log R = (1.19 \\pm 0.09) + (0.74 \\pm 0.11) \\log P$ (r.m.s=0.07). The comparison between our result and previous estimates in the literature is satisfactory. Better results are expected from the adoption of improved model atmosphere grids. ", "introduction": "Classical Cepheids are the cornerstone of the extragalactic distance scale. Thanks to their characteristic Period-Luminosity (PL) and Period-Luminosity-Color (PLC) relations they are traditionally used to derive the distances to Local Group galaxies, and (with the advent of space observations) to external galaxies distant up to about 25 Mpc (targets of a Hubble Space Telescope Key Project, see Freedman et al. 1997, 2001). As primary indicators they are used to calibrate a number of secondary distance indicators (see e.g. Freedman et al. 2001) reaching the region of the so called {\\it Hubble flow} where the Hubble law can be applied and an estimate of the Hubble constant can be derived.\\\\ Moreover, the comparison between Cepheid physical parameters (stellar mass, luminosity, chemical composition) based on evolutionary and pulsation models supplies the unique opportunity to pin point the occurrence of deceptive systematic errors (Bono et al. 2001a; Moskalik 2000) on the Cepheid distance scale.\\\\ In particular radius determinations are important to constrain both the intrinsic luminosity, through the application of the Stefan-Boltzmann law, provided that an effective temperature calibration is available, and the stellar mass, by adopting a Period-Mass-Radius relation (e.g. Bono et al. 2001).\\\\ Many investigations have been devoted during the last decade to the derivation of accurate Period-Radius (PR) relations for Classical Cepheids both from the empirical (see e.g. Laney \\& Stobie 1995; Gieren, Fouqu\\'e, \\& Gomez 1998; Ripepi et al. 1997) and the theoretical (Bono, Caputo, Marconi 1998; Marconi et al. 2003) point of view.\\\\ Empirical Cepheid radii are generally derived either by means of the Baade Wesselink (BW) method (Moffet \\& Barnes 1987, Ripepi et al. 1997; Gieren et al. 1998, just to list a few examples) both in the classical form and in subsequent modified versions, or with interferometric coupled with trigonometric parallaxes techniques (Nordgren, Armstrong \\& German 2000, Lane, Creech-Eakman \\& Nordgren 2002).\\\\ The latter method is more direct and less model dependent but up to now it has been applied only to a limited number of stars. On the other hand, the different versions of the BW technique can be applied to relatively large Cepheid samples but require both accurate photometric and radial velocity data.\\\\ A powerful modification of the BW technique is the so called CORS method (Caccin et al. 1981), which has the advantage of taking into account the whole light curve rather than selecting phase points at the same color (as in the classical BW implementation), but relies on the adoption of an accurate Surface Brightness (SB) calibration.\\\\ Originally Sollazzo et al., (1981) adopted the empirical SB photometric calibration in the Walraven system provided by Pel (1978). More recently Ripepi et al. (1997) modified the method, by adopting the empirical calibration of the reduced surface brightness $F_V$ as a function of $(V-R)$ provided by Barnes, Evans $\\&$ Parson (1976). This modified version of the CORS method was tested, for different colors selections, through the application to synthetic light and radial velocity curves based on nonlinear convective pulsation models (Ripepi et al. 2000).\\\\ The recent release of new Cepheid data in the Str\\\"omgren photometric system (Arellano-Ferro et al. 1998), and the known sensitivity of intermediate band colors to stellar physical parameters (e.g. gravity and effective temperature) suggested us to investigate the possibility of extending the CORS method to the Str\\\"omgren filters.\\\\ To this purpose we have derived, in this system, a SB calibration based on model atmosphere tabulations. In this paper we present a modified version of the CORS method based on this new calibration and the application to a sample of Galactic Cepheids.\\\\ The organization of the paper is the following: in Sect. 2 we summarize the assumptions and the philosophy of the traditional CORS method; in Sect. 3 we introduce the modified CORS method based on the new SB calibration; in Sect. 4 we test the new method by means of pulsation models; in Sect. 5 we apply the method to a sample of Galactic Cepheids and present the comparison with the literature; in Sect. 6 our final results concerning the PR relation for Galactic Cepheids are shown and the theoretical fit of observed light and radial velocity variations for Cepheid Y Oph is used as an additional check. Some final remarks close the paper. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404047_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent {\\it Chandra} and XMM--{\\it Newton} surveys have uncovered a large fraction of the obscured AGN responsible of the hard X--ray background. One of the most intriguing results of extensive programs of follow--up observations concerns the optical and near--infrared properties of the hard X--ray sources counterparts. More specifically, for a significant fraction of hard X--ray obscured sources the AGN responsible of the high X--ray luminosity remains elusive over a wide range of wavelengths from soft X--rays to near--infrared. This very observational result opens the possibility to investigate the host of bright obscured quasars in some detail. Here we briefly report on some preliminar results obtained for a small sample of elusive AGN in the {\\tt HELLAS2XMM} survey. ", "introduction": "Hard X-ray surveys represent an efficient probe to unveil the super-massive black hole ({\\tt SMBH}) accretion activity, which is recorded in the cosmic X-ray background ({\\tt XRB}) spectral intensity. The advent of hard X-ray (i.e., 2--10~keV) imaging instruments, from {\\tt ASCA} to {\\it BeppoSAX} and, more recently, {\\it Chandra} and \\xmm, has provided a dramatic advance in the field of X--ray surveys. The combination of deep/ultra-deep X--ray surveys with {\\it Chandra} (Alexander et al. 2003; Giacconi et al. 2002) and the shallower surveys with \\xmm\\ (Baldi et al. 2002) has allowed to resolve \\hbox{$\\approx$~80\\%} of the {\\tt XRB} in the \\hbox{2--10~keV} band and to unveil classes of cosmic sources which were previously unknown or marginally represented by a few ambiguous and sparse cases. Within this context, the {\\tt HELLAS2XMM} survey plays an important role. Using suitable \\xmm\\ archival observations, this project aims at covering 4 square degrees of sky down to X--ray fluxes of the order of $10^{-14}$ \\cgs, sampling the bright tail of the X--ray luminosity function. The key scientific issue is a solid estimate of the luminosity function and evolution of the obscured AGN responsible for a large fraction of the {\\tt XRB}. In order to fulfill the goals of such an ambitious objective, the spectroscopic identification of a large number of hard X--ray selected sources is mandatory. Unfortunately the identification of a sizable fraction of optically faint obscured AGN is already challenging the capabilities of the 8--10 m class telescopes calling for alternative approaches based on multiband optical photometry, detection of redshifted iron K$\\alpha$ lines, or statistical methods. Some of the results obtained by our group in these regards, based on the multiwavelength observations of the {\\tt HELLAS2XMM} 1 degree field, will be briefly reported. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404271_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The rate coefficient for radiative and dielectronic recombination of berylliumlike magnesium ions was measured with high resolution at the Heidelberg heavy-ion storage ring TSR. In the electron-ion collision energy range 0--207 eV resonances due to $2s \\to 2p$ ($\\Delta N = 0$) and $2s \\to 3l$ ($\\Delta N=1$) core excitations were detected. At low energies below 0.15 eV the recombination rate coefficient is dominated by strong $1s^2\\,(2s\\,2p\\,\\,^3P)\\,7l$ resonances with the strongest one occuring at an energy of only 21 meV. These resonances decisively influence the \\ion{Mg}{ix} recombination rate coefficient in a low temperature plasma. The experimentally derived \\ion{Mg}{ix} dielectronic recombination rate coefficient ($\\pm 15\\%$ systematical uncertainty) is compared with the recommendation by Mazzotta et al.\\ (1998, A\\&AS, 133, 403) and the recent calculations by Gu (2003, ApJ, 590, 1131) and by Colgan et al.\\ (2003, A\\&A, 412, 597). These results deviate from the experimental rate coefficient by 130\\%, 82\\% and 25\\%, respectively, at the temperature where the fractional abundance of \\ion{Mg}{ix} is expected to peak in a photoionized plasma. At this temperature a theoretical uncertainty in the $1s^2\\,(2s\\,2p\\,\\,^3P)\\,7l$ resonance positions of only 100 meV would translate into an uncertainty of the plasma rate coefficient of almost a factor 3. This finding emphasizes that an accurate theoretical calculation of the \\ion{Mg}{ix} recombination rate coefficient from first principles is challenging. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} For the accurate calculation of the ionization equilibrium in astrophysical plasmas, rate coefficients for the population and depopulation of the various ion charge states have to be known precisely. To date most of the required rate coefficients are derived from theoretical calculations, and, hence, experimental benchmarks are required for testing and improving the theoretical methods. This is especially true for recombination in photoionized plasmas, which occurs at relatively low plasma temperatures of only a few electron volts. At such low temperatures the recombination rate coefficient, depending on the ion under consideration, can strongly be influenced by the existence of low-energy dielectronic recombination (DR) resonances that are difficult to theoretically predict with sufficient accuracy. Experimentally derived plasma rate coefficients were previously published for the recombination of \\ion{C}{iv} \\citep{Schippers2001c}, \\ion{O}{vi} \\citep{Boehm2003a}, \\ion{Ti}{v} \\citep{Schippers1998}, \\ion{Ni}{xviii} \\citep{Fogle2003b}, \\ion{Ni}{xxvi} \\citep{Schippers2000b} and \\ion{Fe}{xviii} -- \\ion{Fe}{xxii} \\citep{Savin1997,Savin1999,Savin2002a,Savin2002c,Savin2003a}. Here the \\ion{Mg}{ix} recombination rate coefficient derived from experimental measurements at a heavy ion storage ring is provided. The approximate temperature ranges where berylliumlike magnesium forms in photoionized and in collisionally ionized plasmas can be obtained from the work of \\citet{Kallman2001} who calculated the fractional abundances of ions in plasmas for a variety of physical conditions. For photoionized plasmas they find that the fractional \\ion{Mg} {ix} abundance peaks at an ionization parameter of $\\log\\zeta = 0.9$ corresponding to a temperature of about 2.8 eV. The `photoionized zone' may be defined as the range of temperatures where the fractional abundance of a given ion exceeds 10\\% of its peak value. For \\ion{Mg}{ix} this corresponds to the temperature range 2--13~eV. Using the same criterion and the results of \\citet{Kallman2001} for coronal equilibrium the \\ion{Mg}{ix} `collisionally ionized zone' is estimated to extend over the temperature range 60--170~eV. It should be kept in mind that these temperature ranges are only indicative. In particular, they depend on the accuracy of the atomic data base used by \\citet{Kallman2001} and, in case of the photoionization zone, on the assumed $1/E$ energy dependence of the ionizing radiation. Nevertheless, the above given temperature ranges will be used in the discussion below. From the present measurements it is found that the \\ion{Mg}{ix} recombination rate coefficient in the photoionization zone is decisively influenced by the presence of a strong DR resonance at an electron-ion collision energy of 21 meV. Any theoretical calculation aiming at an accurate \\ion{Mg}{ix} rate coefficient will have to predict this resonance's position with an error of less than a few meV. Presently available atomic-structure computer codes are generally not capable of providing results with such an accuracy ab initio. In the standard theoretical approaches the situation is often improved by using spectroscopically observed target energies for the atomic structure \\citep{Colgan2003a,Gu2003b}. As will be shown below, a 100 meV uncertainty on the theoretical resonance position would translate into an uncertainty of the \\ion{Mg}{ix} DR rate coefficient of a factor 2.7 at the temperature where the \\ion{Mg}{ix} abundance is expected to peak in photoionization equilibrium. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:dis} In Figure \\ref{fig:Mg8plasma} the present experimentally derived DR+TR rate coefficient is compared with the recommendation of \\citet{Mazzotta1998} and with the recent calculations of \\citet{Gu2003b} and \\citet{Colgan2003a}. The recommended \\ion{Mg}{ix} DR rate coefficient of \\citet{Mazzotta1998} deviates by up to 130\\% from the experimental result in the temperature range 2--13~eV where \\ion{Mg}{ix} exists in photoionized plasmas. This rather large discrepancy questions the usefulness of the recommended \\ion{Mg}{ix} DR rate coefficient for the modeling of photoionized plasmas. In the temperature range 60-170~eV (collisionally ionized zone) the recommended \\ion{Mg}{ix} DR rate coefficient of \\citet{Mazzotta1998} agrees within 11\\%, i.\\,e., within the 15\\% experimental uncertainty, with the experimentally derived one. In this temperature range the theoretical rate coefficient of \\citet{Gu2003b} shows very good agreement with the experimentally derived rate coefficient. The difference between the two curves in this range is less than 7\\%. At lower temperatures, however, the discrepancy is up to 99\\% at 2~eV. At these low temperatures where \\ion{Mg}{ix} exists in photoionized plasmas, the theoretical result of \\citet{Colgan2003a} agrees better with the experimental rate coefficient. The deviation is less than 35\\% for $k_BT > 2$~eV, less than 30\\% for $k_BT > 15$~eV, and less than 15\\% for $k_BT > 100$~eV. At the temperature 2.8 eV where the fractional abundance of \\ion{Mg}{ix} is expected to peak in a photoionized plasma \\citep{Kallman2001} the results of \\citet{Gu2003b} and \\citet{Colgan2003a} deviate from the experimental rate coefficient by 82\\% and 25\\%, respectively. The rather large low-temperature deviation of the theoretical rate coefficient of \\citet{Gu2003b} from the experimentally derived curve is most probably due to an inaccurate calculation of the DR resonance energies below 0.15~eV (Figure \\ref{fig:Mg8hires}). At these very low energies the DR rate coefficient is very sensitive to slight variations of resonance positions. This is highlighted in Figure \\ref{fig:Mg8shift} that displays the effect of hypothetical shifts of the low-energy resonance positions by $\\pm 50$ meV and $\\pm 100$~meV with respect to the tabulated values (Table \\ref{tab:fit}) on the \\ion{Mg}{ix} DR rate coefficient. Obviously, a $\\pm 100$~meV uncertainty of the low-energy $1s^2\\,(2s\\,2p\\,\\,^3P)\\,7l$ resonance positions translates into an uncertainty of a factor 2.7 of the plasma rate coefficient in the temperature range where the fractional abundance of \\ion{Mg}{ix} peaks in a photoionized gas. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=\\columnwidth]{0380fig6} \\caption{\\label{fig:Mg8shift}Impact of a shift of the low energy $1s^2\\,(2s\\,2p\\,\\,^3P)\\,7l$ resonances displayed in Figure \\ref{fig:Mg8hires} on the \\ion{Mg}{ix} DR plasma rate-coefficient. The full curve is the experimental result, the long-dashed curves correspond to resonance shifts of $\\Delta E_\\mathrm{res} = \\pm 50$~meV, and the short-dashed curves to a shift of $\\Delta E_\\mathrm{res} = \\pm 100$~meV. Thereby, the lower curves correspond to resonance shifts to lower energies. The vertical dash-dotted line marks the temperature 2.8~eV where the fractional abundance of \\ion{Mg}{ix} peaks in a photoionized gas \\citep{Kallman2001}. The horizontal dash-dotted lines indicate the factor 2.7 uncertainty of the plasma rate coefficient at this temperature that would be introduced by a $\\pm 100$~meV uncertainty of the low energy resonance positions.} \\end{figure} These findings demonstrate that an accurate calculation of DR rates for ions that exhibit DR resonances close to zero energy is challenging. In case of more complex ions this task is certainly beyond the capabilities of present-day atomic structure codes as is exemplified by a recent combined theoretical and experimental DR study of argon-like Sc$^{3+}$ \\citep{Schippers2002a}. Recombination experiments at heavy-ion storage rings are certainly required for guiding the future development of the theoretical methods, especially in the case of low temperature DR rate coefficients for complex ions." }, "0404/astro-ph0404487_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyze the properties of quasar variability using repeated SDSS imaging data in five UV-to-far red photometric bands, accurate to 0.02 mag, for $\\sim$13,000 spectroscopically confirmed quasars. The observed time lags span the range from 3 hours to over 3 years, and constrain the quasar variability for rest-frame time lags of up to two years, and at rest-frame wavelengths from 1000\\AA\\ to 6000\\AA. We demonstrate that $\\sim$66,000 SDSS measurements of magnitude differences can be described within the measurement noise by a simple function of only three free parameters. The addition of POSS data constrains the long-term behavior of quasar variability and provides evidence for a turn-over in the structure function. This turn-over indicates that the characteristic time scale for optical variability of quasars is of the order 1 year. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404164_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Thick disks are faint and extended stellar components found around several disk galaxies including our Milky Way. The Milky Way thick disk, the only one studied in detail, contains mostly old disk stars ($\\approx\\!10$\\,Gyr), so that thick disks are likely to trace the early stages of disk evolution. Previous detections of thick disk stellar light in external galaxies have been originally made for early-type, edge-on galaxies but detailed 2D thick/thin disk decompositions have been reported for only a scant handful of mostly late-type disk galaxies. We present in this paper for the first time explicit 3D thick/thin disk decompositions characterising the presence and properties (\\eg scalelength and scaleheight) for a sample of eight lenticular galaxies by fitting 3D disk models to the data. For six out of the eight galaxies we were able to derive a consistent thin/thick disk model. The mean scaleheight of the thick disk is 3.6 times larger than that of the thin disk. The scalelength of the thick disk is about twice, and its central luminosity density between 3-10\\% of, the thin disk value. Both thin and thick disk are truncated at similar radii. This implies that thick disks extend over fewer scalelengths than thin disks, and turning a thin disk into a thick one requires therefore vertical but little radial heating. All these structural parameters are similar to thick disk parameters for later Hubble-type galaxies previously studied. We discuss our data in respect to present models for the origin of thick disks, either as pre- or post-thin-disk structures, providing new observational constraints. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} {\\normalsize \\begin{tabular}{ l c c l r@{.}l c c c r@{.}l c } \\hline \\rule[+0.4cm]{0mm}{0.0cm} Galaxy &RA &DEC &RC3 &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{T} &Diam. &$v_{\\sun}$ &$v_{\\rm vir}$ &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{D} &$M^{\\scriptscriptstyle 0}_{\\rm B}$ \\\\[+0.1cm] &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{(2000.0)} &type &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} &[\\ \\arcmin\\ ] &[\\ \\kms] &[\\ \\kms] &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{[Mpc]} &[mag]\\\\ \\rule[-3mm]{0mm}{5mm}{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (1)}}} &{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (2)}}} &{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (3)}}} &\\hspace*{0.1cm}{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (4)}}} &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (5)}}}} &{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (6)}}} &{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (7)}}} &{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (8)}}} &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (9)}}}} &{\\scriptsize{\\raisebox{-0.7ex}{\\it (10)}}} \\\\ \\hline\\hline \\\\[-0.2cm] NGC\\,1596 &04 27 38.1&$-$55 01 40 &.LA..*/ &$-$2&0 &3.9 &1510 &1229 &17&1&$-$19.3\\\\ NGC\\,2310 &06 53 54.0&$-$40 51 45 &.L..../ &$-$2&0 &4.1 &1187 & 943 &13&1&$-$18.6\\\\ ESO\\,311-012&07 47 34.1&$-$41 27 08 &.S..0?/ & 0&0 &3.7 &1131 & 893 &12&4&$-$20.0\\\\ NGC\\,3564 &11 10 36.4&$-$37 32 51 &.L...*/ &$-$2&0 &1.7 &2812 &2639 &36&7&$-$20.2\\\\ NGC\\,3957 &11 54 01.5&$-$19 34 08 &.LA.+*/ &$-$1&0 &3.1 &1687 &1607 &22&3&$-$19.0\\\\ NGC\\,4179 &12 12 52.6&$+$01 17 47 &.L..../ &$-$2&0 &4.1 &1248 &1277 &17&7&$-$19.6\\\\ NGC\\,4521 &12 32 47.7&$+$63 56 21 &.S..0.. & 0&0 &2.6 &2500 &2767 &38&4&$-$20.2\\\\ NGC\\,5047 &13 15 48.5&$-$16 31 08 &.L..../ &$-$2&0 &2.7 &6330 &6292 &87&4&$-$21.7\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} } \\caption[]{Global parameters of the observed lenticular galaxies: {\\scriptsize{\\it (1)}} Principal name, {\\scriptsize{\\it (2)}} right ascension, {\\scriptsize{\\it (3)}} declination, {\\scriptsize{\\it(4)}} RC3 coded Hubble-type, and the {\\scriptsize{\\it(5)}} Hubble parameter T are taken from \\cite{rc3}. The {\\scriptsize{\\it(6)}} diameter in arcminutes, the {\\scriptsize{\\it(7)}} heliocentric radial velocities, and the B-Band absolute magnitude {\\scriptsize{\\it(10)}} are taken from LEDA. According to the heliocentric radial velocities corrected for the Local Group infall into the Virgo cluster {\\scriptsize{\\it(8)}} from LEDA, we estimated the {\\scriptsize{\\it (9)}} distances following the Hubble relation with the Hubble constant from the HST key project of $H_{0}\\!=\\!72$ km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$ \\cite[]{hst_h0}. \\label{sample} } \\end{center} \\end{table*} The knowledge of the detailed distribution of stars in galaxies is of fundamental importance to address the formation and evolution of those systems. To a first approximation, a disk galaxy can be described by a set of distinct stellar entities: a disk population, a bulge component, and a stellar halo. Deep surface photometry of external early-type galaxies \\cite[]{bursteinI,bursteinII,bursteinIII,tsikoudi1979,tsikoudi1980} and later elaborate measurements in our own Galaxy \\cite[]{gilmore1983} revealed the need for an additional component of stars. This was called `thick disk' \\cite[]{bursteinIII}, since it exhibiting a disk-like distribution with larger scaleheight compared to the inner, dominating `thin disk'. There are three distinct families of hypotheses for its creation. The first group considers the thick disk as a separate entity produced in an early phase of enhanced star formation during the initial proto-galactic collapse \\cite[i.e.~the ELS scenario,][]{els,gilmore1984,burkert1992}. Another family of models regards the thick disk as an extension (by dynamical heating) of the thin disk. They assume that after the initial collapse all gas settles down into the galactic plane and starts forming stars. On this thin stellar disk a variety of constant or violent heating mechanisms could act: spiral density waves \\cite[]{barbanis1967,carlberg1985}, encounters with giant molecular clouds \\cite[e.g.][]{spitzer1953,lacey1984}, scattering by massive black holes \\cite[]{lacey1985}, energy input by accretion of satellite galaxies \\cite[]{carney1989,quinn1993,velazquez1999, aguerri2001}, or bar bending instabilities \\cite[]{raha1991}. For example, \\cite{gnedin2003} recently used N-body simulations to show that tidal heating in a cluster is sufficient to thicken stellar disks by a factor of 2-3. This kinematic heating and vertical expansion will lead to a significant morphological transformation of a normal spiral galaxy into a lenticular. The third model suggests that thick disks are mostly made of debris material from accreted satellites. Recent cosmological N-body+SPH galaxy formation models of \\cite{abadi2003} locating the thick disk formation before $z\\!\\approx\\!1$ find that more than half of the thick disk stars are actually tidal debris from disrupted satellites. Therefore the thick disk is not a former thin disk thickened by a minor merger. To decide which of these hypotheses could explain the thick disk phenomenon best we need first a more general and complete statistic of thick disk properties. Naturally, these are rather global ones for external galaxies whereas our particular position in the Milky Way makes it possible to determine much finer details. Since the work of Tsikoudi and Burstein \\cite[]{bursteinI,bursteinII, bursteinIII,tsikoudi1979,tsikoudi1980} it appears well known that thick disks are quite common in \\s0 galaxies. However, none of the more recent detections, except for two galaxies in \\cite{degrijs1996} and a short remark in \\cite{degrijs1997}, quantifying detailed parameters such as the ratio of thick to thin disk scaleheight or scalelength, is actually made in \\s0 galaxies. All these galaxies are of later Hubble type. In addition, we have not found a detailed 2D thin/thick disk decomposition for any \\s0 galaxy in the literature. Subsequent numerical decompositions dealing with \\s0 galaxies after the pioneering work in the early 80's treated the thick disk either as an outer flattened but exponential halo \\cite[for NGC\\,4452 and NGC\\,4762:][]{hamabe1989}, or as a spheroidal bulge component \\cite[for NGC\\,1381:][]{decarvalho1987} \\cite[for NGC\\,3115:][]{capaccioli1987,silva1989}. The detections of possible halo or thick disk stellar light in disk galaxies of later Hubble type have been made in a scant handful of mostly nearby edge-on galaxies \\cite[\\eg for ESO\\,342-017, IC\\,5249, NGC\\,891, NGC\\,4565, NGC\\,5907, and NGC\\,6504:][]{vdk81,vdk81b,shaw1989,morrison1994,vandokkum1994,sackett1994, morrison1997,naeslund1997,lequeux1998,zheng1999,neeser2002}. Quite recently, \\cite{dalcanton2002} suggest the detection of extended, ubiquitous thick disks in a large sample of late-type, edge-on galaxies by means of multi-colour imaging. However, their thick disks are solely detected by vertical colour gradients for which dust extinction complicates the interpretation. In addition, their vertical colour profiles, especially $(R-K)$, typically extend out to only very few vertical disk scaleheights. At those z-heights where they attribute the red colour to an additional component the thin disk may still be dominant over a potential thick disk and even determine the measured colour. In this paper, we analyse a set of eight edge-on \\s0 galaxies using the classical approach for the identification of thick disks in external galaxies: the need for an additional disk component when attempting to fit single disk models to the light distribution in a deep image. Thereby we characterise the presence and properties (scalelengths, -heights, and central surface brightnesses) of thick disks by directly measuring their structure. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Discussion} \\subsection{Thick disks: discrete or continuous?} A key question is: {\\sl How to describe a thick disk in general? } With reference to the proposed different formation scenarios described in Sect.~\\ref{introduction} we can assume that the disk component is either characterised as a superposition of two discrete and independent isothermal disk systems (as done here), or built from the contribution of multiple velocity-dispersion components \\cite[e.g.][]{wielen1992,dove1993}. These two approaches on how to treat a thick disk seem to be incompatible. Therefore any derived parameters for the two-disks model appear useless for the multi-component disk. In addition, the latter seems to be superior since it is consistent with the model of continuous disk heating leading to the well known observable age-velocity dispersion relation \\cite[]{wielen1977}. However, \\cite{majewski1993} already states in his review that detailed studies of the spatial and kinematical distribution of stars in the Milky Way do not make it possible to decide if the thick disk is a discrete component or a more continuous sequence of stellar populations. Recently, \\cite{nissen2003} concluded that the latest studies \\citep[e.g.][]{bensby2003} argue for the separate entity picture. This confirms our result that 75\\% of the chosen \\s0 galaxies are well described with a distinct, two-component thin/thick disk system. Note that these results exclude all thick disk formation scenarios based solely on heating. Especially the elemental abundance trends found by \\cite{bensby2003} favour a merger scenario where a satellite galaxy either merges with the parent galaxy or sheds significant amounts of its material to form the thick disk as proposed by \\cite{abadi2003}. However, as already noted by \\cite{jacobi1994} it does not seem possible to distinguish between our simple model and more sophisticated ones. Therefore the very good description with the applied discrete two-component system for our galaxies is only a first step towards studying the luminosity distribution of external galaxies. In addition, one has to keep in mind that our model only fits well in a restricted radial range (only out to $2.2$\\hn$-3.9$\\hn) where most of the inner part is ``hidden'' by the central bulge, bar, or ring components. One key to the nature of the thick disk may lie in studying the outer parts where the breaks in the radial profiles of both thin and thick disk should provide an additional constraint. Any vertical colour gradients could provide additional information but the only available colour map for our sample \\cite[NGC\\,3957 in][]{pohlen2001} suffers from low S/N and is not conclusive. \\subsection{Are thick disks of \\s0s exceptional ?} The fact that the range of thick disk parameters for all known \\s0 galaxies are not too different from those of late-type galaxies, even compared to a low surface brightness Scd galaxy, is especially surprising, since at first glance one expects \\s0 galaxies to posses more prominent thick disks. However, in terms of the thick-to-thin-disk scaleheight ratio our values agree well with those derived for all other galaxies (\\cf Table \\ref{comparison}). Even taking into account the central surface brightness or central luminosity density the comparison yields similar values. Does this point to a general formation process for thick disks independent of bulge-to-disk ratio and Hubble type ? At this stage we are not able to answer this question. Although the numbers of galaxies used for the comparison are the same, all literature values come from different sources, using sometimes very different methods and models to derive their parameters. In the case of NGC\\,4565 it is obvious that depending on the model, one can find an even larger variety of $\\zkdzn$-values than the full range for our six galaxies. In addition, as pointed out by \\cite{knapen1991}, and again discussed in detail by \\cite{pohlen2001}, fitting disk-model components to surface brightness data of edge-on galaxies is a delicate business, and comparing the results of different authors can be misleading. To overcome this problem one has to extend this survey of thick disk parameters also to late-type galaxies. To reduce the inevitable influence of their prominent dust lanes this has to be done in the near-infrared. After applying the same fitting method one is able to address the questions if thick disks are really common around all Hubble-types, and if their parameters are really similar, as suggested here. This would entail a common formation scenario for thick disks independent of their normal evolution along the Hubble sequence. Of our galaxies with successful thick disk models there are only two for which there are rotational velocity measurements in the literature. Therefore any correlation between mass and thick disk parameters could not be derived. Consequently it is still unclear if the mass, as a galaxy characteristic, is related to the thick disk parameters. \\subsection{Thick disk scalelengths} We find significantly larger scalelength ratios ($\\hkdhn\\!=\\!1.9$) for the thick disks of our \\s0 galaxies than in the literature ($\\hkdhn\\!\\ltsim\\!1.4$). Is this a possible distinction in thick disk parameters between late-type and our early-type galaxies ? Again, differences in fitting methods, especially for the scalelength in edge-on galaxies, could be responsible for this apparent disagreement. In particular, fitting profiles with clear breaks using a single disk (with an infinitely sharp truncation or infinite exponential as done here) will entail systematic errors (\\cf \\sec\\ref{breaks}), therefore this question could only be addressed unambiguously applying exactly the same method to late-type galaxies. However, although the exact number is uncertain the scalelength of the thick disk is without doubt systematically larger than that of the thin disk. Except in one case this is also true for all the literature values. Does this larger scalelength imply a different formation process or even restrict the available formation scenarios ? At a first glance the different scalelengths contradict a dynamical heating scenario, since this should only alter the vertical distribution. However, assuming two distinct disk components with radially constant thickness the velocity dispersion scales with radius \\cite[]{vdk86}. It depends therefore on the exact way (radial distribution) the proposed mechanisms (\\cf\\sec\\ref{introduction}) dispenses the energy in the vertical motions of the stars. In the case of heating the disk by satellite accretion, the N-body simulations of \\cite{quinn1993} show that the scalelength of the disk is nearly unchanged (even slightly smaller than the initial scalelength) for the inner parts (out to $3h_{\\rm ini}$). Due to the migration of material outwards in radius, at larger radius (out to $\\approx\\!6h_{\\rm ini}$) the final disk shows a second shallower component (\\cf their Fig.~4). However, \\cite{aguerri2001} find in their N-body simulation a global outward transport of disk material leading to a general increase of the disk scalelength of 10\\% to 60\\%. Although this increase is below our measured scalelength ratios, the latter seems to coincide in general with observations of larger thick disk scalelengths. One has to keep in mind that in the satellite accretion scenario a pre-existing thin disk gets heated. The thin disk to be observed today must be rebuilt out of gas remaining after the merger process. It is not guaranteed that this thin disk will have the same scalelength as its predecessor since we do not have a unique explanation of how the disk scalelength is determined out of an initial (or new) gas distribution \\cite[cf.][]{pohlen2000}. Looking from a slightly different angle, one can also try to apply the larger thick disk scalelength as a general argument against an internal heating scenario. Assuming infinitely exponential disks, the larger scalelength implies a larger angular momentum content of the thick disk. Any valid heating mechanism must therefore add angular momentum, which is not the case for the internal heating scenarios. However, note that the disks are not at all infinitely exponential but show clear breaks in their profiles (\\cf\\sec\\ref{breaks}). The disks exhibit the break at roughly similar radial radius (\\eg\\fig\\ref{n5047}). In this sense the thick disk is truncated ``earlier'' (in respect to its scalelength) than the thin disk. In addition to a probably lower rotational velocity this could add up again to a similar angular momentum content for thick and thin disk, ruling out the whole argument against the heating scenarios. The key point here is again the origin of these breaks in the radial profiles. \\subsection{Residuals} In addition to comparing thick disks across a large range of characteristic parameters of galactic disks, fitting and subtracting a combined disk yields valuable information on the structure and size of galactic bulges. As discussed in Appendix \\ref{individual} the residual images highlight the deviation of the galaxy from the disk model. Structures only faintly indicated in the profiles become obvious. One important result related to this is that for our sample of \\s0 galaxies none of the present bulges could be described as a traditional early-type $R^{1/4}$ bulge in agreement with \\cite{balcells2003}. However, a detailed structural analysis of the remaining central structures has to be done with great care. As discussed in \\sec\\ref{method}, choosing the vertical model is not a unique process and therefore any variation of $f(z)$ for the thick and thin disk could alter the shape of the disk profile in the inner bulge parts. Especially for galaxies where the bulge component along the minor axis extends vertically above the disk (ESO\\,311-012 and NGC\\,3957) this could be even more unconstrained." }, "0404/astro-ph0404352_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "If ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are accelerated at astrophysical point sources, the identification of such sources can be achieved if there is some kind of radiation at observable wavelengths that may be associated with the acceleration and/or propagation processes. No radiation of this type has so far been detected or at least no such connection has been claimed. The process of photopion production during the propagation of UHECRs from the sources to the Earth results in the generation of charged and neutral pions. The neutral (charged) pions in turn decay to gamma quanta and electrons that initiate an electromagnetic cascade in the universal photon background. We calculate the flux of this gamma radiation in the GeV-TeV energy range and find that for source luminosities compatible with those expected from small scale anisotropies in the directions of arrival of UHECRs, the fluxes can be detectable by future Cerenkov gamma ray telescopes, such as VERITAS and HESS, provided the intergalactic magnetic field is not larger than $\\sim 10^{-10}$ Gauss and for source distances comparable with the loss length for photopion production. ", "introduction": "The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) \\cite{penzias} has been a major breakthrough not only for cosmology but for cosmic ray physics as well. Soon after its discovery, it was shown that cosmic rays would suffer severe energy losses due to the inelastic process of photopion production, provided the energy of cosmic rays being higher than the kinematic threshold for this process. This effect was predicted to result in a flux suppression at energies around $10^{20}$~eV \\cite{greisen66,zk66} for a homogeneous distribution of the sources, something which is now known as the GZK feature. Despite the efforts dedicated to the experimental detection of this feature, to date we do not have a definite answer to whether the GZK suppression is there or not. The two largest detectors currently operating, AGASA and HiRes, give results which appear discrepant, although the statistics of events does not allow us to infer a definitive conclusion on this issue \\cite{demarco1}. The detection of the GZK feature in the spectrum of UHECRs would be the clearest proof that UHECRs are generated at extragalactic sources. Despite the efforts in building several large experiments for the detection of particles with the highest energies in the cosmic ray spectrum, the nature of the sources of these particles and the acceleration processes at work are still unknown. No trivial counterpart has been identified by any of the current experiments: there is no significant association with any large scale local structure nor with single sources. The lack of counterparts is particularly puzzling at the highest energies, where the loss length of the detected particles is small enough that only a few sources can be expected to be located within the error box of current experiments. It has been recently proposed that a statistically significant correlation may exist between the arrival directions of UHECRs with energy above $2\\times 10^{19}$ eV and the spatial location of BL Lac objects, with redshifts larger than 0.1 \\cite{tkachev1,tkachev2} (but see also \\cite{efs} for a criticism and \\cite{ttreply} for the reply). Since at these energies the loss length is comparable with the size of the universe, no New Physics would be needed to explain the possible correlation. On the other hand, since no BL Lac is known to be located close to the Earth, the spectrum of UHECRs expected from these sources would have a very pronounced GZK cutoff. The potential for discovery of the sources has recently improved after the identification of a few doublets and triplets of events clustered on angular scales comparable with the experimental angular resolution of AGASA. A recent analysis of the combined results of most UHECR experiments \\cite{uchihori} revealed 8 doublets and two triplets on a total of 92 events above $4\\times 10^{19}$ eV (47 of which are from AGASA). The recent HiRes data do not show evidence for significant small angle clustering, but this might well be the consequence of the smaller statistics of events and of the energy dependent acceptance of this experiment: one should remember that in order to reconstruct the spectrum of cosmic rays, namely to account for the unobserved events, a substantial correction for this energy dependence need to be carried out in HiRes (the acceptance is instead a flat function of energy for AGASA at energies above $10^{19}$ eV). This correction however does not give any information on the distribution of arrival directions of the {\\it missed} events. The statistical significance of these small scale multiplets of events have recently been questioned in \\cite{finley2003}. If the appearance of these multiplets in the data will be confirmed by future experiments as not just the result of a statistical fluctuation or focusing in the galactic magnetic field \\cite{harari}, then the only way to explain their appearance is by assuming that the sources of UHECRs are in fact point sources. This would represent the first true indication in favor of astrophysical sources of UHECRs, since the clustering of events in most top-down scenarios for UHECRs seems unlikely. A clear identification of the GZK feature in the spectrum of UHECRs would make the evidence in favor of astrophysical sources even stronger. In some recent work \\cite{blasi2003,will,tom,dubovsky,fodor} it has been shown that the small scale anisotropies can be used as a powerful tool to measure the number density of sources of UHECRs. In particular, in \\cite{blasi2003} the number density of sources that best fits the observed number of doublets and triplets was found to be of order $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$ $\\rm Mpc^{-3}$, with an average luminosity per source of $2\\times 10^{42}-2\\times 10^{43}\\rm erg~s^{-1}$ at energies in excess of $10^{19}$ eV. The extrapolation of these numbers down to GeV energies are strongly dependent upon the injection spectrum, assumed here in such a way to fit the observed spectrum of cosmic rays above $10^{19}$ eV. Alternative estimates of the density of sources of UHECRs recently appeared in the literature: the number obtained in \\cite{yoshi} is in fair agreement with the result of \\cite{blasi2003}, while more complex is the comparison with the case investigated in \\cite{sigl1,ensslin}. In \\cite{sigl1}, a source density of $\\sim 10^{-4}-10^{-3} \\rm Mpc^{-3}$ was derived, while the large scale isotropy of UHECRs was used to infer a local field strength of $\\sim 0.1 \\mu G$ in the local supercluster. This conclusion was mainly due to the fact that the authors neglected the contribution of distant sources of cosmic rays with energy above $4\\times 10^{19}$ eV. When this effect is accounted for, as in a more recent paper \\cite{ensslin} by the same authors, the revised estimate of the source density appears to be in rough agreement with that of \\cite{blasi2003} for the cases of weak magnetization. The authors of \\cite{ensslin} also investigate the cosmic ray propagation in a magnetized universe, as obtained from numerical simulations of large scale structure formation with passive magnetic fields. In these cases the estimate of the source density becomes more model dependent. It is probably worth stressing however, that the magnetic fields obtained in \\cite{ensslin} do not appear to be compatible with those derived in the numerical MHD simulations of \\cite{grasso}: while the magnetic field obtained inside clusters of galaxies in both numerical approaches appears to have roughly the same strength, the fields outside clusters differ by 2-4 orders of magnitude. Not surprisingly the conclusions that the two groups draw on the propagation of UHECRs are incompatible with each other. It would be auspicable that the two pieces of work can achieve some kind of agreement, so to clarify the situation. The interactions of cosmic ray protons at the highest energies with the photons in the CMBR, responsible for the appearance of the GZK feature in the diffuse spectrum of UHECRs, also generate gamma radiation through the decay of neutral pions and electrons through the decay of charged pions (actually mostly positrons are produced, but hereafter we will refer to both electrons and positrons as {\\it electrons}). The very high energy gamma radiation produced in this way initiates an electromagnetic cascade that results in the appearance of a gamma ray flux in the energy region accessible to Cerenkov detectors. We investigate in detail this process and assess the detectability of this signal from the directions where the sources of UHECRs are located. The paper is organized as follows: in section \\ref{sec:cascade} we present an analytical estimate of the development of the electromagnetic cascade initiated by UHECRs; in section \\ref{sec:background} we detail the background radiation field we used for our calculations; in section \\ref{sec:detailedcascade} we present the detailed calculation of the electromagnetic cascade developement; in section \\ref{sec:results} we present our results for different luminosities of the sources and different values and topologies of the extragalactic magnetic field; in section \\ref{sec:conclusions} we draw our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} The sources of UHECRs are still unknown mainly because we do not know yet whether they are generated in a few very powerful sources or rather in numerous low power sources. This degeneracy has probably been broken after the discovery of small scale anisotropies in the arrival directions of UHECRs in the AGASA experiment, although the statistical significance of this discovery appears to be still controversial \\cite{finley2003}. In \\cite{blasi2003}, the AGASA data were used to infer that the most likely number density of sources of UHECRs is around $10^{-6}-10^{-5}~\\rm Mpc^{-3}$, which corresponds to a source luminosity of $2\\times 10^{43}-2\\times 10^{42}~\\rm erg~s^{-1}$ at energies above $10^{19}$ eV. These estimates, obtained in the absence of intergalactic magnetic fields, remain valid as long as the magnetic field does not exceed $\\sim 10^{-10}$ G over cosmological distances. During their propagation from the sources to the Earth UHECRs suffer photopion production if their energy is above threshold for this process, therefore generating charged and neutral pions. While the former decay mainly into electrons and neutrinos, the latter generate gamma rays. Both gamma rays and electrons initiate an electromagnetic cascade that transfers energy from high energies to lower energies, more easily accessible to gamma ray telescopes. We calculated the development of this electromagnetic cascade with and without the presence of an intergalactic magnetic field, and investigated the detectability of the gamma ray signal with ground based telescopes such as MAGIC, VERITAS and HESS, as well as with space-borne telescopes such as GLAST \\footnote{The fluxes derived in the present paper could be higher by up to a factor of $\\sim 2$ due to the contribution from proton pair production, that was neglected here.}. The cascade radiation appears to be detectable by VERITAS and HESS for a source luminosity around $2\\times 10^{43}~\\rm erg~s^{-1}$ in the form of cosmic rays with energy larger than $10^{19}$ eV, if the magnetic field in the IGM is constant over all the propagation volume and smaller than $10^{-9}$ G (This luminosity corresponds to the lower source density compatible with the small scale anisotropies observed by AGASA). If the magnetic field is patched, stronger fields are allowed close to the Earth without appreciably changing the previous conclusions. If the region with stronger fields is close to the source location, the initial stages of the cascade may be affected if the magnetized region is large enough, so that the energy content of the cascade gets suppressed. A large field close to the Earth does not affect the conclusions in any appreciable way, since the cascade is already fully developed at that point. A magnetic field of 1nG near the source implies slightly lower gamma ray fluxes if it is extended in a region of about 10 Mpc. A stronger field, of say 10 nG, in a 1 Mpc region either around the source or the observer does not change the results in any appreciable way. The main uncertainty involved in our calculations is the luminosity of the sources in the form of UHECRs. The numbers we adopted are derived in \\cite{blasi2003}, on the basis of the appearance of small scale anisotropies in the AGASA data and in the assumption of sources that accelerate UHECRs continuously. For bursting sources, the luminosity per source may be many orders of magnitude larger than that adopted here, but it would be concentrated within a short time interval. The diffuse and time-spread appearance of the observed UHECRs is achieved, within this class of models, by assuming the presence of a small magnetic field in the intergalactic medium, responsible for sizeable time delay that make the burst look like a continuous signal when observed through charged particles. This is the case for the gamma ray burst models \\cite{vietri95,waxman95,daniel3} of UHECRs. A similar time delay is introduced in the development of the electromagnetic cascade. Moreover, an additional time delay is introduced due to the presence of electrons and positrons in the cascade itself. These effects cannot be accounted for within the framework proposed here, and will be considered in a forthcoming publication." }, "0404/astro-ph0404508_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of atomic chlorine emissions in the atmosphere of Io using Hubble Space Telescope observations with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS). The \\ion{Cl}{1} $\\lambda$1349 dipole allowed and \\ion{Cl}{1}] $\\lambda$1386 forbidden transition multiplets are detected at a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 6 and 10, respectively, in a combined GHRS spectrum acquired from 1994 through 1996. Oxygen and sulfur emissions are simultaneously detected with the chlorine which allows for self-consistent abundance ratios of chlorine to these other atmospheric species. The disk averaged ratios are: Cl/O $=$ 0.017 $\\pm$ 0.008, Cl/S $=$ 0.10 $\\pm$ 0.05, and S/O $=$ 0.18 $\\pm$ 0.08. We also derive a geometric albedo of 1.0$\\,\\pm\\,$0.4\\,$\\%$ for Io at 1335\\,\\AA\\ assuming an SO$_2$ atmospheric column density of 1\\,$\\times$10$^{16}$\\,cm$^{-2}$. ", "introduction": "Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. First viewed by Voyager \\citep{mor79}, observable volcanic activity revived the search for an atmosphere around Io. After several years of multi-wavelength studies \\citep{mcg04,lea96,spe96}, it is known that a tenuous atmosphere maintained by sublimation and volcanic outgassing and composed primarily of SO$_2$ \\citep{pea79} and SO \\citep{leb96} exists at Io. This atmosphere is denser in the equatorial regions of the satellite and above active volcanic plumes \\citep{jes04,fel00,mcg00}. Minor atmospheric species including sulfur and oxygen \\citep{bal87}, the atomic by-products of SO$_2$, and sodium \\citep{sch87} have been observed at Io. Recently, emissions from chlorine \\citep{re00a}, and NaCl \\citep{lel03} have also been detected in the atmosphere with inferred abundances lower than those of sulfur and oxygen. Extended clouds of potassium have been reported \\citep{tra75} suggesting potassium local to Io, and \\citet{gei04} identified potassium as the most probable source of IR emission detected in the equatorial glows, but it has not yet been confirmed in the bound atmosphere. Since Io's orbit around Jupiter takes it into and out of the densest regions of the Io plasma torus, electrons in the torus, co-rotating with Jupiter's magnetic field, continually bombard Io's atmosphere, collisionally exciting and ionizing atmospheric species. The excited species de-excite by emitting photons and produce a rich ultraviolet spectrum. The ionized material can be captured by the magnetic field and populates the torus. This and other loss mechanisms account for a supply of $\\sim\\,$10$^{30}$ amu per second from Io to the jovian magnetosphere. As a result, elements observed in the atmosphere are expected to be components of the torus. Likewise, species detected in the torus should be found in some form in Io's atmosphere. \\citet{kup00} reported the discovery of Cl$^+$ in the Io plasma torus in the near infrared. From their measurements, the abundance of chlorine ions was estimated to be 4\\% relative to sulfur ions, indicating a chlorine to total ion mixing ratio of 2\\%. For their abundance calculations, they assumed that S$^+$, S$^{2+}$, O$^+$, and Cl$^+$ ions constitute 85\\% of the torus ion density. In a follow up study by Schneider, Park, \\& K\\\"uppers (2000), Cl$^{2+}$ was detected at comparable levels to Cl$^+$, implying a slightly larger chlorine to total ion mixing ratio for the torus than first estimated. In a more recent study, \\citet{fel01} detected both Cl$^+$ and Cl$^{2+}$ in a far-UV spectrum of the torus and derived a Cl$^{2+}$ abundance of 3\\% relative to S$^{2+}$, implying an abundance ratio of 2\\% for all chlorine ions to all sulfur ions, and a ratio of chlorine to all torus ions of at most 1\\%. In 2001, \\citet{fel04} acquired better signal to noise ratio spectra and confirmed the presence of chlorine ions in the torus, but with a 30\\% lower chlorine to sulfur abundance than previously inferred. This reduction in chlorine abundance observed in data acquired one year later is highly suggestive of a variable source of chlorine. Ionized sodium has also been tentatively detected in the torus with a similar estimated abundance of 1\\% \\citep{hal94}. The presence of chlorine ions in the torus has motivated the search for chlorine in the atmosphere of Io. If the atmospheric abundance is similar to the $\\leq\\,$1\\% torus abundance, then an atmospheric chlorine column density of $\\sim\\,$1\\,$\\times$10$^{14}$\\,cm$^{-2}$ is implied assuming a nominal SO$_{2}$ column density of 1\\,$\\times$10$^{16}$\\,cm$^{-2}$ \\citep{fel00,mcg00,str01,lel03}. This implies that neutral chlorine, like oxygen and sulfur, should be a detectable component of Io's atmosphere. Chlorine is known to be outgassed in terrestrial volcanos and thermochemical models show NaCl as the dominant sodium and chlorine bearing gas in Io's volcanic gases (Fegley \\& Zolotov 2000; Moses, Zolotov, \\& Fegley 2002b). This prompted a search for NaCl, which was successfully detected by \\citet{lel03} on both the orbital leading and trailing hemispheres of Io. They inferred a disk averaged NaCl abundance of 0.3\\% relative to SO$_2$. Some of the observed NaCl emission lines are broader than the SO$_2$ emission lines, implying locally enhanced NaCl or higher NaCl temperatures. Since NaCl is seen on both hemispheres, may be locally enhanced, and has a short lifetime to photolysis, \\citet{lel03} inferred that volcanic activity is the most likely source of the NaCl. A variable volcanic source of chlorine could also explain the change in chlorine torus abundance reported by \\citet{fel04}. As a result of rapid NaCl photolysis in Io's upper atmosphere, atomic chlorine and sodium are more abundant than NaCl \\citep{mo02b}. In an independent study of data acquired on two dates by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), \\citet{ret02} detected two chlorine emission lines in the equatorial spots of Io and calculated a chlorine to oxygen abundance of 0.07--1\\%. Here we present unambiguous detections of two ultraviolet multiplets of atomic chlorine present in three years of archived HST data which provide constraints on the atmospheric chlorine abundance. Although the data show temporal variations over the three years of acquisition, this data set gives the most complete disk and time averaged abundances for the minor species in Io's atmosphere and aids in understanding the nominal atmospheric composition. We first describe the observations and data reduction, then present the analysis of the chlorine detection, giving estimates of the relative chlorine abundances at Io, and finally, discuss the implications of our findings. ", "conclusions": "Utilizing the definition of optical depth, $\\tau\\,=\\,{\\cal N}\\sigma$, where ${\\cal N}$ is the column density and $\\sigma$ is the absorption cross section, and the determination of the \\ion{Cl}{1} $\\lambda$1349 multiplet being optically thick in our data ($\\tau>\\,$1), a lower bound to the disk averaged chlorine column density of 2.3$\\times$10$^{12}$\\,cm$^{-2}$ is implied. The chlorine absorption cross section is calculated with the oscillator strength from \\citet{bie94} at a temperature of 1000 K. In the same manner, the \\ion{S}{1} $\\lambda$1405 multiplet appears to be optically thick in our data giving a lower bound to the disk averaged sulfur column density of 2.4$\\times$10$^{13}$\\,cm$^{-2}$ using an oscillator strength from \\citet{tay98}. This result is consistent with the disk averaged sulfur column density lower bound estimated by \\citet{fea02} for the \\ion{S}{1} $\\lambda$1814 multiplet in IUE and FOS data. This independent estimate of the sulfur column density lends credence to the range of sulfur column densities found by \\citet{fea02}. The S/O results presented here are in agreement with the \\citet{wol01} analysis of HST/STIS data. They find a disk averaged S/O brightness ratio of 1 : 0.81 when comparing the combined \\ion{S}{1} $\\lambda$1479 multiplets to the \\ion{O}{1}] $\\lambda$1356 doublet. Applying the 40\\% : 60\\% contribution of the forbidden and allowed multiplets \\citep{fea02}, respectively, to the \\citet{wol01} analysis and utilizing the rate coefficients from Table 3, their brightness ratio translates to an S/O abundance ratio of 0.10 $\\pm$ 0.06. Combining the S/SO$_2$ ratio of 3--7$\\times$10$^{-3}$ measured at three spatially resolved locations by \\citet{mcg00} with our results, an estimate of the Cl/SO$_2$ ratio can be made, which leads to an approximate Cl/SO$_2$ abundance ratio of 3.0--7.0$\\times$10$^{-4}$ (Table 4). In addition, combining the O/SO$_2$ ratio of 0.05 inferred with Cassini data \\citep{gei04} with our results gives a Cl/SO$_2$ value of 8.5$\\times$10$^{-4}$. Recently, \\citet{lel03} detected a comparable abundance of NaCl with a disk averaged NaCl/SO$_2$ ratio of 7$\\times$10$^{-4}$--0.02 if NaCl is more localized than SO$_2$, with a preferred value of 3.5$\\times$10$^{-3}$ (Table 4). In assessing escape rates of sodium, chlorine, and NaCl from Io, \\citet{mo02b} establish that chlorine and sodium have escape fluxes 10--20 times larger than NaCl. Our estimated atmospheric chlorine abundance and the NaCl abundance of \\citet{lel03} are both 1--2 orders of magnitude lower than the 1\\% torus chlorine mixing ratio \\citep{fel01} indicating that there exists an intricate relationship between the transport of volcanic gases to the upper atmosphere and escape to the torus. There may also be a higher concentration of chlorine compared to sulfur and oxygen near volcanic outflows which are at lower altitudes than we probe and would boost the overall atmospheric chlorine abundance measured in our data. In the Pele-type volcanic atmospheres modeled by \\citet{mo02b} which include chlorine, sodium, and potassium, the initial chlorine abundance is assumed from the high chlorine torus abundance of \\citet{sch00}. They do not check the sensitivity of their models to lower chlorine abundances, so we do not compare our results for chlorine. We do however compare the S/O abundance ratios. \\citet{mo02a} determine an equilibrium ratio of 10 for S/O, $\\sim\\,$50 times larger than our data shows. This suggests that either the initial oxygen abundances in the models are too low or the disk averaged atmosphere we detect at Io is dominated by Prometheus-type (SO$_2$ dominated) outflows rather than Pele-type (sulfur dominated). \\citet{mo02a} do not check the sensitivity of their models to the initial S/O abundance. Lastly, our Cl/S ratio adds plausibility to the identification of solid Cl$_2$SO$_2$ or ClSO$_2$ in NIMS/Galileo spectra near the volcanic center of Marduk as suggested by \\citet{sch03}. Unidentified absorption features are present in the infrared spectra and based on their spectroscopic arguments, Cl$_2$SO$_2$ is the favorite candidate with ClSO$_2$ a potential alternative. \\citet{sch03} estimate that for abundant Cl$_2$SO$_2$ formation, the gaseous [Cl-(Na+K)]/S ratio in a volcanic plume needs to be larger than 0.015, and for ClSO$_2$, the ratio must be even larger. When there is an excess of halogens as compared to alkalis, Cl/(Na+K) $>$ 1, sulfur chlorides and oxychlorides are formed with the surplus chlorine. Since volcanic outgassing is assumed to be the only source of chlorine in Io's atmosphere, plumes should have at least a comparable, most likely higher, abundance of chlorine relative to the disk averaged atmosphere. For comparable Cl and NaCl disk averaged abundances, consistent with our data and that of \\citet{lel03}, an estimated Cl/Na ratio of $\\sim\\,$10 is shown in Figure 3d of \\citet{feg00}, and for our Cl/S ratio of 0.1, a Cl/Na ratio $\\geq\\,$2 can be estimated from Figure 5 of \\citet{feg00}. These ratios imply that gaseous chlorine is at least twice as high in abundance as sodium. Therefore, our disk averaged Cl/S ratio is consistent with the requirements of \\citet{sch03} for the presence of Cl$_2$SO$_2$ or ClSO$_2$." }, "0404/astro-ph0404022_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "This paper is conceived as a pedagogical introduction to the motivations for inflation, to its mathematical settings, and to its implications for the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies.\\footnote{ For the other aspects of CMB physics, we refer to the other contributions of the special issue of {\\it Comptes Rendus Physique} (2003) {\\bf 4}, 8. The full text is available on line at {\\bf http://www.sciencedirect.com}. Notice also that the present text is a slightly expanded version of that published in the above review.} We shall put a special emphasis on justifying the surprising result that quantum mechanical rules must be used to compute the primordial spectrum. For the non-specialist, two remarks should be made from the outset. First, the simplest inflationary model has successfully passed the multiple checks based on recent observational data. Secondly, inflation is a rather conservative hypothesis since it rests, on one hand, on the set of cosmological observations conventionally interpreted, and on the other hand, on Einstein's equations, i.e., on the hypothesis that the action of General Relativity (GR), or a slight generalization thereof, governs the evolution of the space-time properties from cosmological scales, of the order of a thousand megaparsecs ($1$Mpc $ \\simeq 10^{22}$ meters), down to some microscopic scale which is not far from the Planck length ($l_P \\simeq 10^{-35}$ meters), before the threshold of Quantum Gravity. Following these preliminary remarks, one should explain why the search for a causal explanation of the large scale properties of the universe calls for a long period of accelerated expansion (where long is defined with respect to the expansion rate during inflation). This need stems from the fact that the `standard model' of cosmology\\cite{Weinberg,Peebles}, the Hot Big Bang scenario, is {\\it incomplete}: the causal structure from the big bang is such that no processes could have taken place to explain the homogeneity and the isotropy at large scales. (What ``large scales'' means depends on the quantity under consideration. For the density fluctuations on the last scattering surface, at the moment of decoupling, large scales concern distances larger than hundred kiloparsecs. These scales are seen today as solid angles larger than 1 degree). The importance of these considerations can only be appreciated in the light of today's understanding of cosmology. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404214_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "When a white dwarf (WD) is weakly magnetized and its accretion disk is thin, accreted material first reaches the WD's surface at its equator. This matter slows its orbit as it comes into co-rotation with the WD, dissipating kinetic energy into thermal energy and creating a hot band of freshly accreted material around the equator. Radiating in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-rays, this material moves toward the pole as new material piles behind it, eventually becoming part of the WD once it has a temperature and rotational velocity comparable with the surface. We present a set of solutions which describe the properties of this ``spreading layer'' in the steady state limit based on the conservation equations derived by Inogamov \\& Sunyaev (1999) for accreting neutron stars. Our analysis and subsequent solutions show that the case of WDs is qualitatively different. We investigate example solutions of the spreading layer for a WD of mass $M=0.6M_\\odot$ and radius $R=9\\times10^{8}\\textrm{ cm}$. These solutions show that the spreading layer typically extends to an angle of $\\theta_{\\rm SL}\\approx0.01-0.1$ (with respect to the equator), depending on accretion rate and the magnitude of the viscosity. At low accretion rates, $\\dot{M}\\lesssim10^{18}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$, the amount of spreading is negligible and most of the dissipated energy is radiated back into the accretion disk. When the accretion rate is high, such as in dwarf novae, the material may spread to latitudes high enough to be visible above the accretion disk. The effective temperature of the spreading layer is $\\sim(2-5)\\times10^5\\textrm{ K}$ with approximately $T_{\\rm eff}\\propto\\dot{M}^{9/80}$. This power-law dependence on $\\dot{M}$ is weaker than for a fixed radiating area and may help explain extreme ultraviolet observations during dwarf novae. We speculate about other high accretion rate systems ($\\dot{M}\\gtrsim10^{18}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$) which may show evidence for a spreading layer, including symbiotic binaries and supersoft sources. ", "introduction": "In close binaries containing a white dwarf (WD), the companion star can fill its Roche lobe either through stellar evolution or angular momentum loss and begin accreting onto the WD to form a cataclysmic variable (CV; Warner 1995). Before material can reach the WD it must transport angular momentum outward via an accretion disk. Observations and theoretical studies show that when the disk can radiate the internally dissipated energy (Pringle 1981) it will be thin (i.e. the vertical height of the disk is much smaller than the WD radius; Shakura \\& Sunyaev 1973; Meyer \\& Meyer-Hofmeister 1982) and rotating at nearly Keplerian velocity. If the WD is weakly magnetized, the accreted material reaches the surface at the equator and then must pass through a transition region to settle into the WD and become part of the star. When the WD spin is much less breakup, nearly half of the accretion luminosity is released in this region, making it as luminous as the accretion disk and likely crucial to understanding the luminosity from accreting WDs. The transition from the accretion disk to the WD surface is typically treated in a boundary layer (BL) model, which is simply an extension of the accretion disk with additional torques provided by the WD to decelerate disk material to the WD rotational velocity. In BL studies the important coordinate is assumed to be radial and the vertical structure is solved by assuming a vertical pressure scale height (e.g. Popham \\& Narayan 1995). The geometry of the BL is of a fattened disk near the WD surface. Other BL studies solve the two-dimensional problem simultaneously in both radial and latitudinal directions using numerical techniques (e.g. Kley \\& Hensler 1987; Kley 1989a, 1989b). Kippenhanh \\& Thomas (1978) investigated the properties of ``accretion belts'' on WDs by assuming that the accreted material is marginally stable to the Richardson criterion. We now want to understand the state of recently accreted material on much shorter timescales ($\\ll10^{4}\\textrm{ yr}$), and assess the effects of a turbulent viscous stress on the spreading properties. In Inogamov \\& Sunyaev (1999; hereafter IS99), this problem was approached from a new angle to study accreting neutron stars (NSs). Their method follows the latitudinal flow of matter on the compact object which provides information about the spreading area of hot, freshly accreted material which is not captured in BL models. We now apply these same methods to the case of WDs and call this model the spreading layer (SL), to differentiate it from BL studies. We solve the conservation equations derived by IS99 for fluid confined to the WD surface and find that the steady state limit naturally attracts toward solutions where local viscous dissipation is nearly balanced by local radiative cooling. This is qualitatively different than the results of IS99 who found that the SLs of NSs show a great deal of advection of dissipated energy up to higher latitudes where it is radiated. This is mainly due to their high accretion rates near the Eddington limit. For a fiducial WD of mass $M=0.6M_\\odot$ and radius $R=9\\times10^{8}\\textrm{ cm}$, our solutions yield a thin hot band of extent $\\theta_{\\rm SL}\\approx0.01-0.1$ with an effective temperature of $\\sim(2-5)\\times10^5\\textrm{ K}$ over a range of accretion rates from $10^{17}-10^{19}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$, implying that the SL should contribute to accreting WD spectra in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) or soft X-rays. We also find the SL's dependence on accretion rate and viscosity. These solutions show that at low accretion rates ($\\dot{M}\\lesssim10^{18}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$) the SL does not appear above the accretion disk, so that radiation from the SL may be obscured by the accretion disk or its winds. Only when $\\dot{M}\\gtrsim10^{18}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$, such as in dwarf novae, symbiotic binaries, or supersoft sources, will the SL reach high enough latitudes to be directly seen. Perhaps the best chance for testing the SL model are dwarf novae in outburst and superoutburst. Some observations show a fairly constant effective temperature over a large change in luminosity (for example SS Cyg; Mauche, Raymond \\& Mattei 1995) which is consistent with a SL. Direct comparisons between our simple model and observations can be complicated if the SL emission is absorbed and re-radiated by accretion disk winds, as is likely for systems which show that the EUV is not eclipsed by the secondary whereas the WD is (such as for the edge-on OY Car in superoutburst; Mauche \\& Raymond 2000). Nevertheless, the SL may be important for calculating the underlying continuum scattered by these winds. We predict a quick timescale for spreading, $t_{\\rm SL}\\sim50\\textrm{ s}$, which means that the typical mass of the spreading region ($\\lesssim10^{20}\\textrm{ g}$) is much less than the ``accretion belt'' of Kippenhahn \\& Thomas (1978). Most likely, as angular momentum is tranferred between the SL and the underlying WD surface, the underlying surface layers will spin up similar to what Kippenhahn \\& Thomas (1978) calculate. The short spreading timescale also means that following a dwarf nova outburst, when accretion onto the WD has decreased dramatically, the SL will spread over the WD surface too quickly to be observed as a separate hot component. In \\S 2 we solve for the radial structure of the SL using a one-zone model. We derive the differential equations which describe the SL in the steady state limit in \\S 3, using IS99 as a guide. In \\S 4 we discuss the solutions of the spreading equations. We study physically motivated analytic estimates which capture the essential features of the numerical integrations. These provide power law relations which show how the SL changes with accretion rate, viscosity, and the properties of the accreting WD. We then present the results of integrating the equations numerically to undestand the SL in more detail. In \\S 5 we discuss observational tests for the SL and consider the current data in relation to our calculations. We conclude in \\S 6 with a summary of our findings along with a discussion about further work which can be done with this model. ", "conclusions": "The SL model, first conceived by IS99, provides a new way of understanding the properties of newly accreted material and its interaction with the stellar surface. In this model the latitudinal direction is used as the independent variable, as opposed to standard BL models which follow how the disk changes near the star along the radial direction. This allows an investigation of the radiating area of the hot belt which forms near the equator, and it describes the properties of the accreting material when it first comes into hydrostatic balance on the star. We have investigated the solutions of the SL model when applied to WDs, accreting in the range of $\\dot{M}\\sim10^{17}-10^{19}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$. We find that the integrations for the spreading flow naturally attract toward solutions in which initially local radiative cooling balances local viscous dissipation. As the accretion rate gets higher, we find increasingly more advection in the flow, similar to the solutions for NSs investigated by IS99. The spreading angle on WDs is found to typically be $\\theta_{\\rm SL}\\approx0.01-0.1$, depending on both the accretion rate and the viscosity. The SL has an effective temperatures in the range of $(2-5)\\times10^5\\textrm{ K}$ with a pressure scale height of $10^7-10^8\\textrm{ cm}$. To be clearly observed in actively accreting systems, the SL must extend to a large enough angle to be seen above the accretion disk. This requires the accretion rate to be high, $\\dot{M}\\gtrsim10^{18}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$, assuming that the accretion disk is similar to a thin Shakura-Sunyaev disk. The best candidates to show the SL are dwarf novae in outburst, supersoft sources, and symbiotic binaries. Current observations of the dwarf novae may be the best opportunity to see if spreading is actually occurring. The scaling of effective temperature with accretion rate is much weaker in the case of a SL because of the change in radiating area. At lower accretion rates, $\\dot{M}\\lesssim10^{18}\\textrm{ g s}^{-1}$, the SL will not spread far from the equator and most of the dissipated energy will radiate back into the accretion disk. Although this may make comparison between theory and observations difficult, because the SL cannot be seen directly, it may still have important consequences for the accretion disk structure and spectra. The short timescale for spreading, $t_{\\rm SL}\\sim50\\textrm{ s}$, suggests that a hot belt around the WD equator will be difficult to see after an outburst because the hot material should spread over the WD surface quickly. This also means that mixing between freshly accreted material and much deeper layers appears difficult on accreting WDs. Rosner et al. (2001) and Alexakis et al. (2003) have argued that the mixing of recently accreted H/He with the underlying layer of C/O due to rotational shearing explains observations of CNO nuclei in the ejecta of nova. To have $t_{\\rm SL}$ of order the accretion time ($\\sim10^3\\textrm{ yr}$) requires $\\alpha\\lesssim10^{-11}$, so that the viscosity must be even less than what is estimated from microphysics (see Appendix A). This makes it difficult to imagine mixing via this mechanism all the way down to the C/O layers. The initial calculations by IS99 and in this paper describe some of the general features of the SL model, a new area of investigation which will lead to further studies of how accreted material settles onto stars. This may include studying how differential rotation and angular momentum transfer affect the underlying stellar surface or the possibility of nonradial oscillations present in the SL. Spectral modeling of the SL, along comparisons with observations, may also help in identifying if and when spreading is present. We thank Rashid Sunyaev for helpful and enthusiastic discussions about spreading, and Christopher Mauche for answering our questions about cataclysmic variable observations. We have also benifitted from conversations with Phil Arras, Philip Chang, Chris Deloye, Aristotle Socrates, and Dean Townsley. We thank the referee for a careful reading of this paper along with many helpful suggestions. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants PHY99-07949 and AST02-05956 and by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics through NSF grant PHY02-16783. \\begin{appendix}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404091_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We apply an eclipse mapping technique using `genetically modified fire-flies' to the eclipse light curves of HU~Aqr and EP~Dra. The technique makes as few assumptions as possible about the location of accretion stream material, allowing the emission to be located anywhere within the Roche lobe of the white dwarf. We model two consecutive eclipses in the $UBVR_c$-band for HU~Aqr, and four consecutive `white'-light eclipses for EP~Dra, to determine the changing brightness distribution of stream material. We find fire-fly distributions which are consistent with accretion through a curtain of material in both HU Aqr and EP Dra, and show that the previously assumed two part ballistic and magnetic trajectory is a good approximation for polars. Model fits to the colour band data of HU~Aqr indicate that the material confined to the magnetic field lines is brightest, and most of the emission originates from close to the white dwarf. There is evidence for emission from close to a calculated ballistic stream in both HU~Aqr and EP~Dra.We propose that a change in the stream density causes a change in the location of the bright material in the accretion stream in EP~Dra. ", "introduction": "AM Hers, or polars, are a sub-class of the magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV) interacting binaries. A main sequence secondary transfers material to a white dwarf primary through an accretion stream, from mass overflow at the inner Lagrangian point ($L_1$). The primary has a magnetic field of order 10$\\--$200~MG, which prevents the formation of an accretion disk (as found in other types of cataclysmic variables), and instead, at some threading radius from the primary, the material is confined to follow the magnetic field lines to accrete directly onto the white dwarf surface (see Cropper 1990 for a review). A number of these systems have inclinations to the line of sight such that the system is eclipsed by the secondary, and this can be used as a means of isolating the emission from discrete parts of the system. In particular the brightness distribution of material along the accretion stream can be inferred as successive sections of the accretion stream material are eclipsed. Attempts to determine the brightness distribution of the accretion stream material has evolved in complexity from initially one-dimensional streams confined to the orbital plane (Hakala 1995), to three dimensional tubes carrying material far out of the orbital plane (Kube, G\\\"ansicke \\& Beuermann 2000; Vrielmann \\& Schwope 2001). These methods have been applied to both emission line (Kube, G\\\"ansicke \\& Beuermann 2000; Vrielmann \\& Schwope 2001) and continuum observations (Hakala 1995; Harrop-Allin et al. 1999b, 2001; Bridge et al. 2002). The assumption common to all previous model techniques is that of a stream trajectory determined prior to the modelling process, and fixed for the duration of the model. In an attempt to remove as many of the assumptions about the stream location as possible, a technique has been developed by Hakala, Cropper \\& Ramsay (2002), which makes fewer assumptions about the location of bright stream material. In principle, stream material can be located anywhere within the Roche lobe of the primary. The application of the technique to synthetic data sets was demonstrated in Hakala et al. (2002), and here we apply the method to optical light curves of two eclipsing polars: EP~Dra and HU~Aqr. The two systems show variations in the brightness and trajectory of the accretion stream over the timescale of the orbital period (Bridge et al. 2002, 2003), with EP~Dra also showing a variation in brightness over a longer phase range. This variation appears to be related to the brightness of the accretion stream, and is attributed to a combination of cyclotron beaming and absorption in an extended accretion curtain (Bridge et al. 2002, 2003). The eclipse mapping technique based on the model of Harrop-Allin et al. (1999a) was found (by Bridge et al. 2002) to be particularly sensitive to the input parameters and the signal-to-noise ratio of the data used, when applied to the selected light curves of HU~Aqr, and hence restricted the interpretation of the results. We therefore apply this new model technique to the EP~Dra and HU~Aqr light curves in an attempt to circumvent these limitations. ", "conclusions": "We have applied the technique of eclipse mapping using genetically modified fire-flies to the eclipse lights curves of EP~Dra and HU~Aqr. The modelling shows that the technique is applicable to relatively good signal-to-noise ratio light curves of adequate phase range. These distributions of fire-flies show that the previously assumed ballistic free-fall plus magnetically confined streams are a good approximation for the accretion streams in polars. We applied the model to $UBVR_c$-band light curves of HU~Aqr cycles 29994 and 29995, and `white'-light curves of EP~Dra cycle 56962, 56976, 56977 and 56978. We have demonstrated that the technique will distinguish regions of brightness in the different colour bands. This may indicate different temperatures or densities, and hence heating and/or cooling processes in the accretion stream or the location of photoionised material. The fire-flies distributions in both HU~Aqr and EP~Dra show the accretion stream to be brightest near to the white dwarf. A possible threading region is present at which the fire-fly distributions appear to deviate from a calculated purely ballistic trajectory, and this region is seen to be broad, implying accretion along many field lines. Differences in the location and concentration of fire-flies between the three cycles, 56976, 56977 and 56978, of EP~Dra indicate a changing brightness distribution between the cycles. This could be the result of a change in the temperature of the accretion stream material, or a change in the amount of material stripped from the ballistic trajectory and coupled to the magnetic field lines of the primary." }, "0404/astro-ph0404572_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ New empirical calibrations of the Red Giant Branch Tip in the I,J,H and K bands based on two fundamental pillars, namely $\\omega$~Centauri and 47 Tucanae, have been obtained by using a large optical and near infrared photometric database. Our best estimates give $\\mi = -4.05 \\pm 0.12$, $\\mj = -5.20 \\pm 0.16$, $\\mh = -5.94 \\pm 0.18$ and $\\mk = -6.04 \\pm 0.16$ at $[M/H]\\simeq-1.5$ ($\\omega$~Cen) and $\\mi = -3.91 \\pm 0.13$, $\\mj = -5.47 \\pm 0.25$, $\\mh = -6.35 \\pm 0.30$ and $\\mk = -6.56 \\pm 0.20$ at $[M/H]\\simeq-0.6$ (47~Tuc). With these new empirical calibrations we also provide robust relations of the TRGB magnitude in I, J, H and K bands as a function of the global metallicity. It has also been shown that our calibrations self-consistently provide a distance modulus of the Large Magellanic Cloud in good agreement with the standard value ($(m-M)_0\\simeq 18.50$)). ", "introduction": "The use of Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) as a standard candle is now a mature and widely used technique to estimate the distance to galaxies of any morphological type \\cite[see][for a detailed description of the method, recent reviews and applications]{lfm93,mf95,mf98,walk}. The underlying physics is well understood \\citep{mf98,scw} and the observational procedure is operationally well defined \\citep{mf95}. The key observable is the sharp cut-off occurring at the bright end of the RGB Luminosity Function that can be easily detected with the application of an edge-detector filter \\citep[Sobel filter,][]{mf95,smf96} or by fitting the LF with a proper modeling function \\citep{mendez}. The necessary condition for a safe application of the technique is that the observed RGB Luminosity Function should be well populated, with more than $\\sim 100$ stars within 1 mag from the TRGB \\citep{mf95,draco}. The RGB develops to its full extension in stellar populations having age \\gtsima 1-2 Gyr, therefore the natural local systems with which the method may be calibrated are Galactic globular clusters \\citep{da90,f00}. However, any calibration based on globulars must rely on the RR Lyrae (or Horizontal Branch) distance scale, whose zero-point is still quite uncertain \\citep{carla,walk}. Moreover the estimate of the TRGB in globular clusters is plagued by the low number of RGB stars available in each cluster, implying a considerable statistical uncertainty and forcing the adoption of a different operational definition of the observable \\cite[e.g., the brightest non-variable RGB star instead of the LF cut-off, see][and reference therein, for details and discussion]{da90,f00,tip}. To overcome these drawbacks \\citet[][hereafter Pap-I]{tip} used a large photometric database of the globular cluster $\\omega$~Centauri (the most luminous in the whole Galaxy, therefore the one having the largest number of RGB stars) and the distance estimate to this cluster by \\citet[][based on the double-lined detached eclipsing binary OGLE 17]{ogle}, to provide an accurate zero point to the TRGB calibration in the Cousins' I passband, independent of the RR Lyrae distance scale. The detection of the cut-off in the LF of the upper RGB was clean and supported by a large sample comprising more that 180 stars in the brightest 1 mag of the RGB, e.g. fully satisfying all the requirements for a safe estimate of the TRGB magnitude as defined by \\citet{mf95} and \\citet{draco} by means of numerical experiments. Furthermore the use of an essentially geometrical distance estimate to the considered cluster to calibrate the TRGB makes it, in practice, a {\\em primary} standard candle. The calibration has been already applied by several authors in different contexts \\citep{tosi,apella,draco,alves,alves2}. In the present paper we shortly re-discuss the analysis of Pap-I at the light of some new results appeared in the literature and we extend the calibration to the Near Infrared (NIR) passbands with a statistically robust estimate of the absolute magnitude of the TRGB of $\\omega$~Cen in the J,H and K bands based on the large NIR photometric database assembled by \\citet{antonio}, complemented with 2MASS \\citep{cutri} data. While the metallicity dependence of the magnitude of the TRGB is minimized in the Cousins' I band, the most suitable for distance estimates, the calibration of the standard candle in the NIR may prove very useful since (a) it may allow a safe application also in the cases of very high interstellar extinction, and (b) it will provide a natural tool for future studies performed with powerful telescopes optimized for infrared observations, as, for example, the James Webb Telescope that will push the application limit of the TRGB technique to much larger distances. Nevertheless, it has to be recalled that a safe application of the NIR calibrations requires a good estimate of the metallicity of the considered stellar system, because of the strong dependence of the TRGB brightness in these passbands (K and H, in particular). To check our calibration also at different metallicity regimes (with respect to $\\omega$~Cen) we obtained B,V,I photometry of more that 100000 stars in a $\\sim 0.5\\times 0.5$ deg$^2$ field centered on the metal rich globular cluster 47~Tucanae. With this new large sample, complemented with NIR photometry from \\citet{paolo} and 2MASS, we estimate the TRGB magnitude in I,J,H and K bands also in this cluster. The plan of the paper is the following: in Sect.~2 we shortly re-discuss the calibration of Pap-I and we consider the possibility of extension of the calibration to other clusters (i.e. metallicity); in Sect.~3 and 4 we present our new estimates of the absolute magnitude of the TRGB in the various considered passbands for $\\omega$~Cen and 47~Tuc, respectively; in Sect.~5 we present the new calibrations of the TRGB in I, J, H and K bands as a function of the global metallicity ([M/H], see \\citet{scs93}) and we compare our derived distance scale with the ``standard'' distance modulus of the Large Magellanic Cloud \\cite[$(m-M)_0=18.50$, see][]{alves2}. Finally, the main results of the paper are summarized in Sect.~6. ", "conclusions": "We have refined the zero-point of the calibration of the TRGB as a standard candle provided by \\citet[][Pap-I]{tip} adopting a more accurate estimate of the reddening to $\\omega$ Centauri, the fundamental pillar of our distance scale. The calibration of Pap-I has been accordingly revised and extended to NIR (J,H,K) passbands using a new large photometric dataset of $\\omega$ Cen giants taken from S03 and 2MASS. A large optical and NIR photometric database has been assembled for the metal rich globular cluster 47~Tucanae. From this database we obtained the best estimate of the TRGB presently available for this cluster in I, J, H and K, providing a second observational point for our TRGB calibrations, at $[M/H]\\simeq -0.6$. With this new observational material we provide new robust calibrations of the TRGB magnitude in I, J, H and K bands as a function of the global metallicity. The obtained NIR calibrations are in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions by \\citet{sc98}, while the marginal discrepancy in the I band already noted in Pap-I persists and it is probably due to the color transformation applied to theoretical models. It has also been shown that our calibrations self-consistently provide a distance modulus of the Large Magellanic Cloud in good agreement with the ``standard value'' \\cite[see][]{alves2,walk,gisella}. With the present contribution, we think we have provided the ``state of the art'' instrument of stellar astrophysics needed to afford the study of extragalactic distances with the Population II distance scale \\citep{walk,alves2}, e.g. a fundamental complement and consistency test for Cepheid and SNIa distance scales." }, "0404/astro-ph0404058_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results of a binary population synthesis study on the orbital period distribution of wide binary millisecond pulsars forming through four evolutionary channels. In three of the channels, the progenitor of the millisecond pulsar undergoes a common envelope phase prior to the supernova explosion which gives birth to the neutron star. In the fourth channel, the primary avoids the common-envelope phase and forms a neutron star when it ascends the asymptotic giant branch. The four formation channels yield an orbital period distribution which typically shows a short-period peak below 10 days, a long-period peak around 100 days, and a cut-off near 200 days. The agreement with the orbital period distribution of observed binary millisecond pulsars in the Galactic disk is best when the common-envelope ejection is efficient, the mass-transfer phase responsible for spinning up the pulsar is highly non-conservative, and no or moderate supernova kicks are imparted to neutron stars at birth. ", "introduction": "In close binaries containing a neutron star (NS) and a non-compact star, the evolution of the latter and/or the orbit may drive the system into a semi-detached state where the non-compact star transfers mass to the NS. If the NS is able to accrete some of the transferred mass, the associated transfer of angular momentum will spin the NS up until a millisecond pulsar is born. At the end of the mass-transfer phase, the donor star's core is exposed as a white dwarf (WD) and the binary appears as a binary millisecond pulsar (BMSP). If the mass-transfer phase takes place when the donor is on the giant branch, the relation between the core mass and radius of the donor star, and the relation between the Roche-lobe radius and the orbital separation, lead to a correlation between the orbital period of the BMSP and the WD mass (e.g. Joss, Rappaport \\& Lewis 1987). In this paper, we compare the orbital period distribution of simulated wide BMSPs from the BiSEPS ({\\it Bi}nary {\\it S}tellar {\\it E}volution and {\\it P}opulation {\\it S}ynthesis) code with the orbital period distribution of BMSPs observed in the Galactic disk. We particularly investigate whether a set of binary evolution parameters can be found which is able to reproduce the observed distribution without including observational selection effects or detailed pulsar physics. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404602_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an 82 ksec {\\sl Chandra} ACIS-I observation of a large-scale hierarchical complex, which consists of various clusters/groups of galaxies and low-surface brightness X-ray emission at $z = 0.247$. This high-resolution {\\sl Chandra} observation allows us for the first time to separate unambiguously the X-ray contributions from discrete sources and large-scale diffuse hot gas. We detect 99 X-ray sources in a $17^\\prime \\times 17^\\prime$ field. Ten of these sources are identified as members of the complex and are mostly radio-bright. Whereas unresolved X-ray sources tend to be associated with galaxies in intermediate density environments, extended X-ray emission peak at bright radio galaxies in the central cluster. In particular, a distinct X-ray trail appears on one side of the fast-moving galaxy C153, clearly due to ram-pressure stripping. The diffuse X-ray emission from the central cluster can be characterized by a thermal plasma with a characteristic temperature of $3.2_{-0.4}^{+0.5}$ keV and a heavy element abundance of $0.24_{-0.12}^{+0.15}$ solar (90\\% confidence uncertainties). In comparison, a patch of low-surface brightness X-ray emission apparently originates in relatively low density intergalactic gas with a characteristic temperature of $0.98_{-0.27}^{+0.22}$ keV and an abundance of $\\lesssim 0.09$ solar. The {\\sl Chandra} observation, together with extensive multi-wavelength data, indicates that the complex represents a projection of several galaxy sub-structures, which may be undergoing major mergers. We discuss the dynamic states of the complex and its sub-structures as well as properties of X-ray-emitting galaxies and the relationship to their environments. ", "introduction": "The structure of the universe is believed to have formed by clustering hierarchically from small to large scales. The outcome of this hierarchical formation process depends largely on the interplay between galaxies and their environments. But how and where such galaxy-environment interactions primarily occur remain greatly uncertain (e.g., David et al. 1996; Wang \\& Ulmer 1997; Ponman et al. 1999; Fujita 2001; Balogh et al. 2002; Bekki et al. 2002). We have identified a large-scale hierarchical complex (Fig.\\ 1) that is well-suited for investigating the structure formation process and the environmental impact on galaxy properties. Revealed in a survey of 10 Butcher \\& Oemler clusters observed with the \\rosat\\ PSPC (Wang \\& Ulmer 1997), this complex contains various X-ray-emitting features, which are associated with concentrations of optical and radio galaxies (Fig.\\ 1; Wang, Connolly, \\& Brunner 1997a; Owen et al. 1999; Dwarakanath \\& Owen 1999). The overall optical galaxy concentration of the region was originally classified as a cluster Abell 2125 (richness 4). The \\rosat\\ image and follow-up optical observations, however, have shown that the complex contains three well-defined X-ray bright clusters (Wang et al. 1997a). In addition, substantial amounts of unresolved low-surface brightness X-ray emission (LSBXE) are also present. The overall angular size of the entire X-ray-emitting complex seems to extend more than $\\sim 30^\\prime$. But the three main concentrations of galaxies (LSBXE, the central A2125 cluster, and Cluster B) are identified within a smaller projected region of dimension $\\sim 12^\\prime$ ($1^\\prime = 0.23$ Mpc; the cosmological parameters, $H_0 = 71 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}$, $\\Omega_{total} = 1$, and $\\Omega_\\Lambda = 0.73$ are adopted throughout the paper). The complex thus represents an X-ray-bright hierarchical filamentary superstructure, as predicted by numerical simulations of the structure formation (e.g., Cen \\& Ostriker 1996). \\begin{figure}[htb!] \\caption{\\protect\\footnotesize \\rosat\\ PSPC X-ray image of the Abell 2125 complex and its vicinity in the 0.5-2~keV band (Wang et al. 1997a). Point-like X-ray sources detected in the image have been excised. Each contour is 50\\% (2$\\sigma$) above its lower level. Spectroscopically confirmed, radio detected members of the complex (Owen et al. 2004a) are marked by {\\sl pluses}. The box outlines the field covered by our \\chandra\\ ACIS-I observation (Fig. 2). The large cross and circle show the center position and radius used in the Abell catalog.} \\label{fig1} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure*} \\unitlength1.0cm \\centerline{\\vbox{ \\vspace{-2cm} \\vspace{-2.2cm} }} \\caption{\\protect\\footnotesize \\chandra\\ ACIS-I images of the Abell 2125 field in the 0.5-2 keV (upper panel) and 2-8 keV (lower panel) bands. The images are smoothed with a Gaussian of FWHM equal to 3\\as. The small circles represent the regions removed for discrete sources, which are labeled as in Table 1. The two large circles represent the cluster and the LSBXE, while the large ellipse outlines the diffuse emission to the southwest. The two squares outline the off-source background regions, from which spectra are extracted. } \\label{fig2} \\end{figure*} The nomenclature adopted here (e.g., in Fig. 1) follows that used in Wang et al. (1997), based on X-ray identifications. We call the entire elongated diffuse X-ray enhancement as seen in Fig. 1 as the Abell 2125 complex. Historically, however, this congregation of optical galaxies was loosely called a cluster. The centroid listed in the Abell catalog (Abell 1958) is R.A., Dec. (J2000) = $15^h40^m55^s$, 66$^\\circ 19^\\prime15^{\\prime\\prime}$, as marked in Fig. 1. The Abell radius, 9\\farcm2 (2 Mpc), encloses the bulk of the galaxy concentrations in the field of Fig. 1, including Cluster B and much of the LSBXE. The work by Butcher et al. (1983) and Butcher \\& Oemler (1984), however, assumed a cluster center that is close to what is inferred from the X-ray for the central Abell 2125 cluster (Fig. 1). Furthermore, their imaging field of view (FoV $= $ 55 arcmin$^2$) is comparable to the size of the X-ray cluster, but is much smaller than the area enclosed in the Abell radius. The central cluster itself, which is only part of the complex, is not particularly rich. This can, at least partly, explain its relatively large blue galaxy fraction ($f_b \\sim 20\\%$; Butcher \\& Oemler 1984). But, the Abell 2125 complex does seem to contain a distinct population of active galaxies (Owen et al. 2004a). There is an over-abundance of radio galaxies in Abell 2125, $\\sim 9\\%$ compared to a typical 2\\% for rich clusters at similar redshifts (Morrison \\& Owen 2003). We have obtained a deep \\chandra\\ observation that covers part of the Abell 2125 complex (Fig. 1) to characterize its detailed X-ray properties and to study the interplay between galaxies with their environments. The high spatial resolution of \\chandra\\ enables us to examine diffuse X-ray structures down to a scale of $\\sim 3.8$~kpc ($\\sim 1^{\\prime\\prime}$). In this paper, we concentrate on presenting the observation and the results on the detection of discrete sources and on the characterization of large-scale diffuse X-ray emission. Detailed analysis of the X-ray data in conjunction with observations in other wavelength bands will be discussed elsewhere (e.g., Owen et al. 2004a,b), although a few galaxy counterparts will be mentioned in the present work. X-ray sources are labeled with a two-digit number (with a prefix ``X-'' in the text), whereas optical IDs are in five-digits (e.g., 00047). ", "conclusions": "The above results provide a detailed characterization of the diffuse X-ray emission and discrete sources in the Abell 2125 complex. In the following, we try to address several key issues about the complex by incorporating the results with information learned from observations in other wavelength bands. \\subsection{Abell 2125 as a Large-scale Hierarchical Complex} This distinct complex of galaxies and hot gas shows several remarkable characteristics: \\begin{itemize} \\item a large velocity dispersion which appears to be due to two or three major components with a total projected extent of several Mpc (Miller et al 2004); \\item an exceptionally large fraction of radio galaxies, which are located primarily outside the central Abell 2125 cluster (Owen et al. 2004a); \\item the presence of multiple X-ray-emitting clusters and LSBXE features, each with substantially lower luminosity and temperature than expected from the overall galaxy richness and large velocity dispersion of the complex (see also Wang et al. 1997). \\end{itemize} Comparisons with various numerical simulations indicate that the complex represents a projection of multiple components, which might be in a process of merging with each other (Miller et al. 2004; Owen et al. 2004a). Projection effects, together with enhanced activities during this process, may explain the observed characteristics. \\subsection{Nature of the LSBXE} Globally speaking, the prominent southwest patch of the LSBXE characterized here probably represents a local temperature and density enhancement of a large-scale diffuse intergalactic medium (IGM) structure, as indicated first in the \\rosat\\ PSPC image (Fig. 1), which is more sensitive to very soft X-rays ($\\lesssim 0.5$ keV) than the \\chandra\\ observation. The LSBXE is distinctly different from the central cluster. Even the relatively X-ray-bright southwest patch does not seem to be centrally peaked, as may be expected from a more-or-less virialized intracluster medium (ICM). The kinematics (Miller et al. 2004) indicates that the galaxies in this patch are probably loosely bound, although their exact line-of-sight distribution is not clear. Figs. 17c,d show a sub-field of the LSBXE, as sampled by an {\\sl HST} WFPC-2 image. X-14 and X-22 may be associated with two bright ellipticals in the field. But the centroid of X-14 is closer to a faint point-like optical object about 4$^{\\prime\\prime}$ offset from the corresponding elliptical. Therefore, the X-ray source may represent a background AGN. Most of other galaxies in the field appear to be spirals. X-ray emission from such galaxies are typically dominated by X-ray binaries and/or AGNs and is therefore expected to have a relatively hard spectrum. But the diffuse X-ray enhancement associated with the galaxy concentration is soft, indicating an origin in diffuse hot gas around individual galaxies, in groups of galaxies, and/or in the intergroup IGM. The heavy element abundance in the LSBXE appears to be substantially lower than that in the ICM of the central cluster. The abundance may be underestimated in the LSBXE, if it contains multiple temperature components. Although the single temperature thermal plasma gives a satisfactory fit, we also tried a model with two temperature components. This model gives a marginally improved fit to the LSBXE spectrum ($\\chi^2/d.o.f = 18.2/23$, compared with that that in Table 2), but provides no useful constraints on the abundance, because of the limited counting statistics of the data. If the low metallicity obtained from the single temperature plasma fit is real, there may be two possible explanations: 1) Metals (mainly irons) are largely locked in dust grains within or around galaxy groups (e.g., Nollenberg, Williams, \\& Maddox, 2003); 2) The metals are still bounded by individual galaxies (e.g., Tsai \\& Mathews 1996). Dust grains may survive, and may even not mix well with, the X-ray-emitting gas in a quiescent, low density environment. But the mixing should likely to occur during or after the merger of a galaxy or group with a cluster. The dust grains would then be destroyed rapidly by sputtering in the ICM of high density and temperature. This may explain the metal abundance difference in the X-ray-emitting gas between the LSBXE and the central cluster. \\subsection{Dynamical State of the Central Cluster} This central cluster (Abell 2125; Fig. 1) represents the strongest enhancement of the diffuse X-ray emission in the complex. The relative values of our measured temperature and luminosity of the ICM (Table 2) are consistent with those for typical clusters (e.g., Wu et al. 1999). From the mass-temperature relationship (e.g., Shimizu et al. 2003), we may then expect the virial mass of the cluster as $2-5 \\times 10^{14} M_\\odot$. For a virialized system, the temperature would also predict a galaxy velocity dispersion of $\\sim 6.5 \\times 10^{2} {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$. This velocity dispersion is considerably smaller than $\\sim 8.3 \\times 10^{2} {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$ (assuming to be isotropic), inferred from the radial velocity dispersion of $\\sim 4.8 \\times 10^{2} {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$ estimated from the modeling of the velocity field (Miller et al. 2004). Interestingly, the two brightest compact radio galaxies, 00047 and 00057, are moving at high velocities ($\\sim 1.5-1.8 \\times 10^3 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$) relative the mean of the cluster. It is conceivable that these two galaxies might simply represent a background cluster/group projected in the same sky by chance. The projected closeness of the galaxies to the center of the cluster and their enhanced diffuse X-ray emission, however, suggest that the association is physical, consistent with that the cluster is experiencing a major merger probably in a direction close to the line of sight. Indeed, 00047 is a strongly disturbed disk-like galaxy and the associated diffuse X-ray emission forms a trail, as expected from a ram-pressure stripping. 00057 and other two radio galaxies in the core of the cluster are all cD-like ellipticals (Figs. 7c and 15). Furthermore, the 2-D morphology of the cluster in the sky, as shown in \\S 3.2, also suggests that it is far from a relaxed system. The X-ray morphology is strongly elongated and shows the centroid shift with scales, strongly indicating an ongoing merger (e.g., Roettiger et al. 1993). The measured X-ray ellipticity of the cluster is the largest in the Butcher \\& Oemler sample (Wang \\& Ulmer 1997). The X-ray centroid is further offset from the cD galaxies in the cluster core (Fig. 15). A northwest-southeast elongation is also seen in the galaxy distribution, similar to the X-ray morphology (Owen et al 2004b). One separate sub-cluster, at least, can be found in the NW extension of the cluster and is centered on a radio-loud cD-like galaxy (00039) and coincides with the bright soft X-ray source X-65 (Fig. 17a). This galaxy has a similar optical magnitude as those three cDs in the core. Furthermore, the velocity of the galaxy is comparable to those of the north and northeast cDs in the core, suggesting that the merger axis is nearly perpendicular to the line of sight. This northwest-southeast sub-cluster merger provides a natural explanation for the wide-angle tailed radio source attached to one (00106) of the two low-velocity ellipticals in the cluster core (Fig. 15), which suggests a pressure gradient or relative motion of the local gas in the plane of the sky. In short, the central cluster is undergoing a merger, possibly in multiple directions. As clusters are expected to be found at intersections of cosmic webs, such a complicated merger process is probably common for clusters still in early formation stages. What might be the relationship between the LSBXE and the central cluster? The velocity centroids of the associated galaxy concentrations appear to be comparable (Miller et al. 2004). Spatially, the two concentrations are separated by $\\sim 7^\\prime$, or a projected distance $d_p \\sim $ 1.6 Mpc. One possibility is that the cluster and the LSBXE are merging in the plane of the sky. There are galaxies occupying the area between the LSBXE and the central cluster with the similar velocity (as well as a separate higher velocity component; Miller et al. 2004). There is also faint diffuse X-ray emission in the area, although the quality of the data does not allow for a distinction between a projection effect and a true dynamical interaction between these two concentrations. Alternatively, the two concentrations may be physically separated by a turn-around distance $d_{t}$ so that their relative velocity is near zero. Following Sarazin (2003), we estimated $d_{t} \\approx 2(GM)^{1/3} (t_t/\\pi)^{2/3} \\approx (7 {\\rm~Mpc}) (M/10^{15} M_\\odot)^{1/3} (t_t/10^{10} {\\rm yr})^{2/3}$, where $M$ is the total gravitational mass of the two concentrations, and $t_t$ is the age of the Universe at the turn-around time. If the system starts to collapse for the first time at $z = 0.247$, the axis is then oriented relative to the line of sight by an angle $\\sim {\\rm sin}^{-1}(d_p/d_t) \\sim 16^\\circ$ for $M \\sim 5 \\times 10^{14} M_\\odot$ (see above). If the two concentrations have already passed across each other (i.e., the first collapse occurred much earlier) and is about to re-collapse, the angle would then be larger. \\subsection {Galaxy-Environment Interaction} As marked in Table 1 and Fig. 7b, 10 X-ray sources are identified as member galaxies of the Abell 2125 complex. Eight of them are radio galaxies, preferentially in the LSBXE region. Most of these X-ray-loud galaxies are not resolved by {\\sl Chandra} and are probably dominated by AGN activities. Two of the X-ray sources are apparently resolved and are associated with the giant elliptical galaxy 00039 and the disturbed disk-like galaxy 00047 (C153) in the central Abell 2125 cluster (Figs. 15 and 17a,b). As our source detection algorithms are optimized to detect point-like sources, extended sources such as the one associated with 00057 (Fig. 15) is not listed in Table 1. These extended soft X-ray enhancements probably represent hot gas associated with individual massive galaxies or groups of galaxies, which may have entered the cluster for the first time. Outside the central cluster, the ambient density and relative velocity are typically low and the ram-pressure stripping is probably not important, at least for massive galaxies. The intergalactic gas around galaxies may even cool fast enough to replenish the gas consumed for star formation (Bekki et al. 2002). As they are plugging into a cluster, the surrounding gas may then be compressed by the high ram-pressure of the ICM, resulting in enhanced soft X-ray emission. The eventual stripping of the gas and dust may be important in both enriching the ICM and transforming the galaxies (e.g., Bekki et al. 2002. \\begin{figure}[htb!] \\centerline{ } \\caption{\\protect\\footnotesize {\\sl HST} WFPC-2 V-band images of a field near the core of the Abell 2125 cluster (a and b) and a field in the LSBXE (c and d). The overlaid X-ray intensity contours are at 2.50, 2.75, 3.25, 4.00, 5.00, 6.25, 7.75, 9.5, 14.25, 26.75, and 51.75 for the 0.5-2 keV band (a); 2.80, 3.20, 4.00, 5.20, 6.80, 8.80, 11.2, 14 21.6, 41.6, and 81.6 for the 2-8 keV band (b); 1.55, 1.6, 1.7, 1.85, 2.05, 2.3, 2.65, 3.9, 6.4, and 11.4 for the 0.5-2 keV band (c); 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 3.1, 3.6, 4.3, 6.8, 11.8, and 21.8 for the 2-8 keV band (d); all in units of $10^{-3} {\\rm~counts~s^{-1}~arcmin^{-2}}$. X-ray source numbers (Table 1) are labeled. } \\label{fig17} \\end{figure} C153 represents an extreme case of the ram-pressure stripping. This galaxy probably went through the cluster central region quite recently (Fig. 15). The absence of the trail above 1.5 keV (Fig. 15) suggests that the gas in the trail is substantially cooler ($kT \\lesssim 1.5$ keV) than the ambient ICM, assuming collisional ionization equilibrium. (The the gas, if heated from a cool phase, may well be out of the equilibrium.) The emissivity of the hot gas in the ACIS-I 0.5-1.5 keV band (Fig. 15) peaks at $kT \\sim 0.7$ keV, but is within a factor of 2 as long as $kT \\gtrsim 0.35$ keV. We estimate the luminosity of the trail as $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{41} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ in the 0.5-2 keV band, which only weakly depends on the assumed gas temperature. To proceed further, we assume that the entire trail can be approximated as a uniform cylinder of $\\sim 88$ kpc long and 16 kpc diameter (Figs. 15-16; \\S 3.3). The mean electron density can then be estimated as $\\sim 1.0 \\times 10^{-2} {\\rm~cm^{-3}}\\xi^{-0.5} $, where $\\xi$ is the gas metallicity in the solar units. The dependence on $\\xi$ assumes that metal lines dominate the X-ray emission. If the X-ray-emitting gas in the trail is roughly in a pressure balance with the ICM ($p/k \\sim 7.7 \\times 10^4 {\\rm~cm^{-3}~K}$; \\S 3.2), the required gas temperature is then $kT \\sim 0.6 {\\rm~keV} \\xi^{0.5}$. We further estimate the total mass and radiative cooling time scale of the gas in the trail as $\\sim 5 \\times 10^9 \\xi^{-0.5} M_\\odot$ and $ \\sim 1$ Gyr. If the gas is far from uniform in the trail, however, the cooling time could then be much shorter and may be compared to the crossing time scale of the galaxy through the cluster (a few times $10^8$ years). A more thorough multiwavelength investigation of galaxy properties and their relationship to the local and global environment will be presented by Owen et al. (2004a,b). In particular, our X-ray source detection reported here is optimized for point-like sources and the detection threshold is quite conservative, which minimizes the global probability of including spurious sources in our list. With the priori positions of individual galaxies, one can lower the threshold for a positive detection of their X-ray counterparts. Using a threshold of $P = 10^{-3}$, for example, we have tentatively identified another 15 faint X-ray counterparts of the radio members of the Abell 2125 complex (Owen et al. 2004a). These studies suggest that the Abell 2125 complex is in a special phase of the cluster formation, probably triggered by mergers among major components of a large-scale structure (e.g., Owen et al. 2004a). The presence of an unusually large number of active galaxies may be especially important for the heating of the IGM, affecting the subsequent evolution of the complex." }, "0404/astro-ph0404328_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present high resolution spherically symmetric relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the evolution of a pulsar wind nebula inside the free expanding ejecta of the supernova progenitor. The evolution is followed starting from a few years after the supernova explosion and up to an age of the remnant of 1500 years. We consider different values of the pulsar wind magnetization parameter and also different braking indices for the spin-down process. We compare the numerical results with those derived through an approximate semi-analytical approach that allows us to trace the time evolution of the positions of both the pulsar wind termination shock and the contact discontinuity between the nebula and the supernova ejecta. We also discuss, whenever a comparison is possible, to what extent our numerical results agree with former self-similar models, and how these models could be adapted to take into account the temporal evolution of the system. The inferred magnetization of the pulsar wind could be an order of magnitude lower than that derived from time independent analytic models. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Pulsars are rapidly spinning magnetized neutron stars that usually form as the result of the core collapse of massive stars ($8-16\\ M_\\odot$) in supernova events (SN). The typical energy released in a supernova explosion is of order $\\sim10^{53}$ erg. Most of this is carried away by neutrinos, while only a small fraction (about 1\\%) goes into a blast wave that sweeps up the outer layers of the star and produces a strong shock propagating in the surrounding medium. The ejected material is initially heated by the blast wave and set into motion. Then, while the heat is converted into kinetic energy, the ejecta accelerate until the pressure becomes so low as to be dynamically unimportant. When this happens the material finally sets into homologous expansion (\\cite{chevalier89}; \\cite{matzner99}). This phase is usually referred to as free expansion of the ejecta. As a consequence of the electromagnetic torques acting on it, the pulsar supplies a late energy input to the remnant in the form of a relativistic magnetized wind, mainly made of electron-positron pairs and a toroidal magnetic field (\\cite{goldreich69}; \\cite{michel99}). Most of the pulsar rotational energy is carried away by this wind, whose propagation velocity is ultra-relativistic, with typical Lorentz factors that, far enough from the light cylinder, are estimated to be in the range $~10^{4}$--$~10^{7}$. The interaction of the wind with the ejecta expanding at non-relativistic speed produces a reverse shock that propagates toward the pulsar (\\cite{rees74}). In the region bound by the wind termination shock on the inner side, and by the ejecta on the outer side, a bubble of relativistically hot magnetized plasma is created. This shines through synchrotron and Inverse Compton emission in a very broad range of frequencies, from radio wavelengths up to gamma rays: this is what we call a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) or plerion. The evolution of a PWN inside the free expanding ejecta depends on many different parameters such as the pulsar luminosity, the density and velocity distribution in the SN ejecta (\\cite{dwarkadas89}; \\cite{featherstone01}; \\cite{blondin96}), the presence of large and/or small scale inhomogeneities (\\cite{chevalier89}; \\cite{campbel03}). In the case of constant luminosity, and if spherical symmetry is assumed, it is possible to derive a simple evolutionary equation for the radius of the PWN as a function of time, that results in a power law (\\cite{chevalier92}; \\cite{swaluw01}). In the case of SN ejecta with a constant density profile the PWN contact discontinuity evolves as $t^{6/5}$. For a more detailed description of the various phases of the PWN-SNR evolution see, for example, van der Swaluw et al.\\ (2001) and references therein. While many analytic and numerical models exist in the literature for the evolution of SNRs, until recently only two classes of analytic models in the proper relativistic magnetohydrodynamical regime have been presented for PWNe: the steady state solution by \\cite{kennel84} (KC hereafter), and the self-similar solution by \\cite{emmering87} (EC hereafter), which allows for a non zero velocity of the termination shock. Only lately the evolution of PWN-SNR systems has began being investigated through numerical simulations. These have been performed mainly in the classical hydrodynamical (HD) (\\cite{blondin01}; \\cite{swaluw01}), or classical MHD (\\cite{swaluw03}) regime. However the recent development of codes for relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) allows one to investigate such systems in a proper regime and to quantify the accuracy of approximate analytic solutions (\\cite{bucciantini03}). Both KC and EC models rely on two strong assumptions: a constant pulsar spin-down luminosity, and a constant velocity at the outer boundary of the nebula, neither of which applies to a real case nor is consistent with the PWN evolution inside free expanding ejecta. While both assumptions are known to be unrealistic, the most crucial one, as far as the long-term evolution of the system is concerned, is probably that of constant pulsar energy input. As we have already mentioned, the PWN is powered by the rotational energy lost by the star due to electromagnetic braking, and this loss translates into an increase with time of the pulsar rotation period (\\cite{lyne98}). In the case of a dipolar magnetic field the torque exerted on the star results in the following relation between the spin-down rate and the pulsar frequency $\\Omega$ (e.g. \\cite{michel99}): \\be \\dot \\Omega \\propto -\\Omega^{3}; \\label{eq:omegadot} \\ee while the power supplied to the wind changes with time $t$ as: \\be -I \\Omega \\dot \\Omega = L(t) = \\frac{L_{o}}{(1+t/\\tau)^{2}}, \\label{eq:ltomega} \\ee where $I$ is the momentum of inertia of the pulsar, $\\tau$ is the characteristic spin-down time, and $L_o$ is the initial pulsar luminosity. More generally, if the field is not exactly dipolar one can write the pulsar (or wind) luminosity as: \\be L(t) = \\frac{L_{o}}{(1+t/\\tau)^{n}}, \\label{eq:lt} \\ee where $n=(\\beta+1)/(\\beta-1)$, with $\\beta$ the braking index. Estimated values of $L_{o}$ may be up to $10^{38}$--$10^{40}$~erg/s. Determining the braking index from observations is extremely complicated, as it requires detailed and precise pulsar timing over long time-spans. A measure of $n$ is presently available for four pulsars only (\\cite{camilo00}). Among these, one, the Vela pulsar, has $n=6$, while all the others have $2 200$ mJy in an equal-area projection. The Galactic plane and Galactic latitudes $\\pm 5^\\circ$ are also plotted; sources within this region are masked from our large-scale structure analysis as many are Galactic in origin.} \\label{fignvss} \\end{figure*} Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) mapped in radio waves are an interesting probe of large-scale structure. They can be routinely detected out to very large redshift ($z \\sim 4$) over wide areas of the sky and hence delineate the largest structures and their evolution over cosmic epoch. Radio emission is insensitive to dust obscuration and radio AGN are effective tracers of mass: they are uniformly hosted by massive elliptical galaxies and have been shown to trace both clusters (Hill \\& Lilly 1991) and superclusters (Brand et al. 2003). The current generation of wide-area radio surveys such as Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimetres (FIRST; Becker, White \\& Helfand 1995) and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998) contain radio galaxies in very large numbers ($\\sim 10^6$) and have allowed accurate measurements of the imprint of radio galaxy angular clustering. These patterns are considerably harder to detect in radio waves than in optical light due to the huge redshift range that is probed. Whilst this provides access to clustering on the largest scales, it also washes out much of the angular clustering signal through the superposition of unrelated redshift slices. The angular correlation function was measured for FIRST by Cress et al. (1996) and Magliocchetti et al. (1998) and for NVSS by Blake \\& Wall (2002a) and Overzier et al. (2003). The NVSS radio survey, covering $\\sim 80$ per cent of the sky, permits the measurement of fluctuations over very large angles. Blake \\& Wall (2002b) detected the imprint of the cosmological velocity dipole in the NVSS surface density, in a direction consistent with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) dipole. In this study we measure the angular power spectrum, $C_\\ell$, of the radio galaxy distribution (Baleisis et al. 1998). This statistic represents the source surface-density field as a sum of sinusoidal angular density fluctuations of different wavelengths, using the spherical harmonic functions. The angular power spectrum is sensitive to large-angle fluctuations and hence complements the measurement of the angular correlation function, $w(\\theta)$, at small angles. Measurement of the $C_\\ell$ spectrum has some advantages in comparison with $w(\\theta)$. Firstly, the error matrix describing correlations between multipoles $\\ell$ has a very simple structure, becoming diagonal for a complete sky. This is not the case for the separation bins in a measurement of $w(\\theta)$: even for a full sky, an individual galaxy appears in many separation bins, automatically inducing correlations between those bins. Secondly, there is a natural relation between the angular power spectrum and the spatial power spectrum of density fluctuations, $P(k)$. This latter quantity provides a very convenient means of describing structure in the Universe for a number of reasons. Firstly its primordial form is produced by models of inflation, which prescribe the initial pattern of density fluctuations $\\delta\\rho/\\rho$. Furthermore, in linear theory for the growth of perturbations, fluctuations described by different wavenumbers $k$ evolve independently, enabling the model power spectrum to be easily scaled with redshift. The physics of linear perturbations are hence more naturally described in Fourier space. In contrast, the angular correlation function is more easily related to the spatial correlation function $\\xi(r)$, the Fourier transform of $P(k)$. Correlation functions more naturally serve to describe the real-space profile of collapsing structures evolving out of the linear regime. We emphasize that although the two functions $C_\\ell$ and $w(\\theta)$ are {\\it theoretically} equivalent -- linked by a Legendre transform -- this is not true in an {\\it observational} sense. For example, $w(\\theta)$ can only be successfully measured for angles up to a few degrees, but $C_\\ell$ depends on $w(\\theta)$ at {\\it all} angles. We derive the angular power spectrum using two independent methods. Firstly we apply a direct spherical harmonic estimator following Peebles (1973). Secondly, we use maximum likelihood estimation, commonly employed for deriving the angular power spectra of the CMB temperature and polarization maps. These two methods are described in Section \\ref{secmeth}. We find that these two approaches yield very similar results (Section \\ref{secres}), which is unsurprising given the wide sky coverage of the NVSS. In Section \\ref{secpk} we interpret the NVSS angular power spectrum in terms of the underlying spatial power spectrum of mass fluctuations and the radial distribution of radio sources. Finally in Section \\ref{secbias} we employ these models to derive the linear bias factor of NVSS radio galaxies by marginalizing over the other model parameters. ", "conclusions": "This investigation has measured the angular power spectrum of radio galaxies for the first time, yielding consistent results through the application of two independent methods: direct spherical harmonic analysis and maximum likelihood estimation. The NVSS covers a sufficient fraction of sky ($\\sim 80$ per cent) that spherical harmonic analysis is very effective, with minimal correlations amongst different multipoles. The form of the $C_\\ell$ spectrum can be reproduced by standard models for the present-day spatial power spectrum and for the radial distribution of NVSS sources -- provided that this latter is modified at low redshift through comparison with optical galaxy redshift surveys. The results strongly indicate that radio galaxies possess high bias with respect to matter fluctuations. A constant linear bias $b_0 \\approx 1.7$ permits a good fit, and by marginalizing over the other parameters of the model we deduce a $68\\%$ confidence interval $b_0 \\, \\sigma_8 = 1.53 \\rightarrow 1.87$ where $\\sigma_8$ describes the normalization of the matter power spectrum. We find that the majority of the angular power spectrum signal is generated at low redshifts, $z \\la 0.1$. Therefore, in order to exploit the potential of radio galaxies to probe spatial fluctuations on the largest scales, we require individual redshifts for the NVSS sources." }, "0404/astro-ph0404200_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a method to correct the chromatic and airmass dependent extinction for N-band spectra taken with the TIMMI2 instrument at the ESO\\,/\\,La~Silla observatory. Usually, the target and calibrator star have to be observed at similar airmass in order to obtain reliable spectrophotometric fluxes. Our method allows to correct the atmospheric extinction and substantially improves the spectrophotometric flux calibration, when the standard stars were observed at a very different airmass than the targets. Hundreds of standard star measurements in several passbands (N1, N8.9, N10.4, N11.9) were used to derive mid-IR extinction coefficients. We demonstrate that applying our correction of the differential extinction to test data results in a spectrophotometric accuracy up to 2\\% within the literature flux. ", "introduction": "For spectroscopy the target stars and calibrators should generally be observed at a comparable airmass to avoid a varying extinction between the two objects. Different to near-IR observations, in the mid-IR a good calibrator at the same airmass is often difficult to find and the theoretical behaviour of the extinction with airmass and wavelength is not really known up to now. Some authors claim there would be no clear dependence and thus for photometry no airmass correction needs to be applied. However these authors used dozens of standard star observations, while we apply several hundred measurements. In mid-IR spectroscopy the influence of extinction is more evident than for photometry. No good spectral flux calibrations are possible unless the target and calibrator star are observed close in time and very close in airmass ($\\leq$~0.1 airmass distance). Therefore, some observers often use additional photometric measurements to correct the spectral fluxes. Since the extinction as a function of wavelength varies significantly within the N-band, also the spectral slope needs to be corrected, if the target and calibrator had been taken at different airmass. Our goal is to explain the extinction in the mid-IR as a function of airmass. We further demonstrate that the extinction has a non-linear wavelength dependence within the N-band. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404346_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have imaged the circumstellar envelope around the binary protostar L1551 IRS 5 in CS ($J$=7--6) and 343 GHz continuum emission at $\\sim$ 3$\\arcsec$ resolution using the Submillimeter Array. The continuum emission shows an elongated structure ($\\sim220 \\times 100$ AU) around the binary perpendicular to the axis of the associated radio jet. The CS emission extends over $\\sim400$~AU, appears approximately circularly symmetric, and shows a velocity gradient from southeast (blueshifted) to northwest (redshifted). The direction of the velocity gradient is different from that observed in C$^{18}$O ($J$=1--0). This may be because rotation is more dominant in the CS envelope than the C$^{18}$O envelope, in which both infall and rotation exist. The CS emission may be divided into two velocity components: (1) a ``high\" velocity disk-like structure surrounding the protostar, $\\pm1.0-1.5$~km~s$^{-1}$ from the systemic velocity, and (2) a ``low\" velocity structure, located southwest of the protostar, $<1.0$~km~s$^{-1}$ from the systemic velocity. The high-velocity component traces warm and dense gas with kinematics consistent with rotation around the protostar. The low-velocity component may arise from dense gas entrained in the outflow. Alternatively, this component may trace infalling and rotating gas in an envelope with a vertical structure. ", "introduction": "It is widely accepted that low-mass stars are formed through mass accretion in protostellar envelopes \\cite{and00,mye00}. The dense and warm innermost part of low-mass protostellar envelopes (radius $<$ 200 AU) are likely sites of formation of protoplanetary disks \\cite{spa95,bec96}. However, we have very little knowledge about this region because previous mm-wave observations could not separate the warm and dense regions from the overlying low-density ($\\sim10^{4-5}$ cm$^{-3}$) and cold ($\\sim$10 K) gas along the line of sight. On the other hand, submillimeter molecular lines such as CS ($J$=7--6) trace higher densities ($>$ 10$^{\\rm 7}$ cm$^{\\rm -3}$) and temperatures ($>$ 60 K) \\cite{gms95,spa95}, and submillimeter dust continuum emission is an excellent tracer of disks around protostars \\cite{oso03}. In this $Letter$, we describe results of CS ($J$=7--6) and 343 GHz continuum observations of L1551 IRS 5 with the Submillimeter Array (SMA)\\footnote{The Submillimeter Array (SMA) is a joint project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the Academia Sinica.}. L1551 IRS 5 is the brightest protostar ($L_{bol}$ $\\sim30 L_{\\odot}$; Keene \\& Masson 1990) in Taurus ($D \\sim140$ pc; Elias 1978). After the first discovery of the bipolar molecular outflow by Snell, Loren \\& Plambeck (1980), Kaifu et~al.\\ (1984) discovered a 0.1 pc scale rotating gas structure around L1551 IRS 5 with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope. The elongated rotating protostellar envelope around L1551 IRS 5 was first imaged by Sargent et~al.\\ (1988) in C$^{18}$O ($J$=1--0) with the OVRO mm-array. Ohashi et~al.\\ (1996), Saito et~al.\\ (1996), and Momose et~al.\\ (1998) have found evidence of infalling motion in the protostellar envelope with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array (NMA). Millimeter interferometric observations of dust continuum emission from L1551 IRS 5 revealed that L1551 IRS 5 is a close ($\\sim0\\farcs3$) binary \\cite{loo97,rod98}. Lay et~al.\\ (1994) made the first submillimeter interferometric observations of dust continuum emission from L1551 IRS 5 with the JCMT-CSO interferometer. Single-dish observations of L1551 IRS 5 in submillimeter molecular lines have revealed warm ($\\geq$ 40 K) and dense ($\\geq$ 10$^{6}$ cm$^{-3}$) gas in the inner part of the envelope \\cite{ful95,gms95,hog97,hog98}. Our SMA observations provide us with new information of the innermost part of the protostellar envelope. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Physical Conditions of the CS Emitting Region} Our CS ($J$=7--6) observations have revealed a rather compact ($\\sim400$ AU) structure in the inner part of the elongated ($\\sim2000$ AU) protostellar envelope detected by mm-wave observations \\cite{oh96b,sai96,mom98} around L1551 IRS 5. The critical gas density traced by the CS line is expected to be $\\geq$ 10$^{\\rm 7}$ cm$^{\\rm -3}$, and the equivalent temperature of the $J$=7 energy level is 66 K. This gas density and temperature are much higher than those traced by the millimeter-wave tracers, such as C$^{\\rm 18}$O ($J$=1--0) ($\\sim10^{4}$ cm$^{\\rm -3}$; 5 K) \\cite{sar88,mom98} or H$^{\\rm 13}$CO$^{\\rm +}$ ($J$=1--0) ($\\sim10^{5}$ cm$^{-3}$; 4 K) \\cite{sai96}. Indeed, Moriarty-Schieven et~al.\\ (1995) estimated gas density and temperature at the center of the envelope in L1551 IRS 5 to be $\\sim10^{7}$ cm$^{-3}$ and $\\sim40$ K from their multi-transitional CS ($J$=3--2, 5--4, 7--6) observations with JCMT and CSO. Part of the difference in the distribution between the CS ($J$=7--6) and C$^{\\rm 18}$O ($J$=1--0) emission shown in Figure 1 is likely to be due to the different physical conditions traced by these two molecular lines. The CS emission line better traces the inner, denser and warmer part of the protostellar envelope. The compact shape of the CS ($J$=7--6) emission without elongation could be due to the missing flux (only $\\sim$ 11$\\%$ recovered). However, our simple simulation indicated that, if the distribution of the CS ($J$=7--6) emission were the same as that of the C$^{18}$O ($J$=1--0) emission, then the present SMA observations would not detect any of the CS emission. This suggests that there should be a compact structure of the CS emission as well as an extended CS component with $\\geq$ 11$\\arcsec$ = 1500 AU in size. We note that it is still a puzzle why the CS ($J$=7--6) emission which traces denser and warmer gas can be so extended. It seems to be difficult to make gas temperature high enough only by the heating from the central stars (e.g., Lay et~al.\\ 1994). There might be some external heating sources such as shocks due to infalling and/or outflowing gas \\cite{nak00,ave96}. \\placefigure{f4} \\subsection{Origin of the High- and Low-Velocity Components} As described in $\\S$3, the CS ($J$=7--6) emission in L1551 IRS 5 consists of a high-velocity disk-like component and a low-velocity component whose peak locates at the southwest of the protostar. In order to investigate the origin of these velocity components in more detail, in Figure 4 we show the position-velocity (P-V) diagram of the CS emission along the cut perpendicular to the axis of the radio jet (see Figure 3). The velocity structure appears to be symmetric with respect to the velocity of 6.8 km s$^{-1}$, and we adopt this velocity as a systemic velocity in this paper (Note that this is significantly different from the systemic velocity of C$^{\\rm 18}$O ($J$=1--0) of 6.2 km s$^{-1}$; Momose et~al.\\ 1998). Solid color curves in Figure 4 indicate the Keplerian rotation velocity ($\\propto$ $r^{-0.5}$) for a disk with an inclination angle of 65$^{\\circ}$ \\cite{mom98} and with a central stellar mass of 0.15 M$_{\\odot}$ (red), 0.5 M$_{\\odot}$ (green), and 1.2 M$_{\\odot}$ (blue). The central stellar mass of 0.15 M$_{\\odot}$ was estimated by Momose et~al.\\ (1998) from their detailed kinematic analyses of the C$^{\\rm 18}$O infalling envelope, and that of 1.2 M$_{\\odot}$ by Rodr\\'{\\i}guez et~al.\\ (2003a) from the proper motion analyses of the binary. Dashed curves in Figure 4 show rotation with angular momentum conserved, that is, $V_{rot} = 0.24(r/700{\\rm AU})^{-1}~~{\\rm km\\ s^{-1}}$. Momose et~al.\\ (1998) argued that this rotation law can explain the observed P-V diagram of the C$^{\\rm 18}$O infalling envelope. The high-velocity component, with relative velocities of $\\pm$ 1.0--1.5 km s$^{-1}$ in Figure 4, seems to be consistent with the Keplerian rotation with a central stellar mass of 0.15 M$_{\\odot}$ or the rotation with the constant angular momentum, and is likely to be the rotating circumbinary disk at the innermost of the envelope. Unfortunately, it is difficult for us to distinguish these two rotation curves to explain the kinematics of the high-velocity component with the current sensitivity. Keplerian rotation curves with higher ($>$ 1.0 M$_{\\odot}$) stellar masses show too high velocities as compared to the CS P-V diagram. In contrast, the low-velocity component ($\\pm$0.5 km s$^{-1}$ from the systemic velocity) seems not to follow these rotation curves. The spatial offset of the low-velocity component from the dust disk and the possible coincidence with the radio jet (Figure 3) may suggest that the origin of the low-velocity component is outflow-related. Interestingly, at the south-western tip of the radio jet where the peaks of the low-velocity component locate, Bally, Feigelson, \\& Reipurth (2003) have detected X-ray emission with $Chandra$, which they attribute to shocks caused by the jet. One interpretation therefore is that the low-velocity component is the shocked warm and dense molecular material pushed by the radio jet. However, one difficulty of this interpretation may be its ``low velocity''. The projected separation between the peaks of the low-velocity component and the continuum peak is $\\sim$ 100 AU, and the line of sight velocities of the low-velocity component is only $\\sim$ a few $\\times$ 0.1 km s$^{-1}$. In order for the low-velocity component to escape from the gravitational potential of the central star with a mass of 0.15 M$_{\\odot}$ \\cite{mom98}, the angle between the flow and the plane of sky must be less than 10$^{\\circ}$, while Uchida et~al.\\ (1987) estimated the inclination angle of 15$^{\\circ}$ from their large-scale CO outflow map. It is important to compare our P-V diagram with those calculated using a model envelope with a vertical structure, because models of flared envelopes having infall as well as rotation yield peaks at lower velocity near the central star in their P-V diagrams cut along the major axis \\cite{mom98,hog01}. The reason why these peaks at lower velocity appear near the central star is because infalling motions in the near- and far-side of the envelope are observed together with rotation in the same line of sight. These peaks cannot be explained with rotation curves calculated using spatially thin disk models, which is very similar to our case shown in Figure 4. It is therefore possible that a model envelope having vertical structures with infall and rotation motions may explain the lower velocity component. The effect of the missing flux prevents us from arriving at a clear interpretation. The lower-velocity component could be part of spatially extended component, which can often be seen at lower velocities. Further observations with shorter spacings using the SMA should provide us with the more obvious view and interpretation of these velocity structures of warm and dense gas in the innermost part of the protostellar envelope." }, "0404/astro-ph0404170_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We point out novel consequences of general relativity involving tidal dynamics of ultrarelativistic relative motion. Specifically, we use the generalized Jacobi equation and its extension to study the force-free dynamics of relativistic flows near a massive rotating source. We show that along the rotation axis of the gravitational source, relativistic tidal effects strongly \\emph{decelerate} an initially ultrarelativistic flow with respect to the ambient medium, contrary to Newtonian expectations. Moreover, an initially ultrarelativistic flow perpendicular to the axis of rotation is strongly \\emph{accelerated} by the relativistic tidal forces. The astrophysical implications of these results for jets and ultrahigh energy cosmic rays are briefly mentioned. ", "introduction": "\\label{s1} This paper is about the motion of free test particles in the background gravitational field of a Kerr black hole. The geodesics of Kerr spacetime are well known and have been extensively studied in standard systems of coordinates such as the Boyer-Lindquist coordinate system. The Boyer-Lindquist coordinates are adapted to the stationary and axisymmetric nature of the source and are Minkowskian (expressed in spherical polar coordinates) infinitely far from the black hole. We are interested however in the \\emph{relative} motion of free nearby particles; as explained in detail in~\\cite{1}, from the standpoint of relativity theory the study of relative motion is certainly preferred, since it is in keeping with the spirit of the theory. Moreover, relative motion has direct observational significance. Thus theoretical results obtained in the study of relative motion can be directly compared with suitable experimental data~\\cite{1,2}. To study the relative motion of free particles, we need a reference particle whose motion is well known. For the purposes of the present work, we select the free motion of particles on radial escape trajectories along the rotation axis of the Kerr black hole. Thus at a given initial position along a radial direction in Schwarzschild spacetime or the rotation axis in Kerr spacetime, the reference particle has an escape velocity such that the particle eventually reaches infinity with zero kinetic energy. We then study the relative motion of the relativistic particles that start from the same location as the reference particle and travel in different directions. The origin of these relativistic particles on the axis of rotation will not be discussed in this paper. We will simply assume that such particles exist near the poles of the Kerr black hole. The nature of the central engine and the details of the accretion phenomena that could generate such relativistic particles are beyond the scope of this work. Instead, we concentrate on the gravitational dynamics of these particles relative to the reference particle. Moreover, it turns out that the existence of event horizons has no bearing on our main results; therefore, our treatment applies equally well to test particles in the exterior of a gravitational source whose field is adequately described by the exterior Kerr spacetime. However, our results are in general observationally significant only in the case of highly collapsed gravitational sources such as neutron stars and black holes. To characterize the relative motion, we establish a quasi-inertial coordinate system along the worldline of the reference particle. This Fermi normal coordinate system~\\cite{3} is valid in a cylindrical region of radius $\\mathcal{R}$ along the worldline of the reference particle. Here $\\mathcal{R}$ is the radius of curvature of the spacetime manifold. The geodesic equations of motion for the free particles are then integrated in this Fermi coordinate system subject to the limitation that the relative distance must remain well within the admissible range of Fermi coordinates. The results of such an investigation of the relative motion of free particles would naturally depend on the choice of the reference particle. For instance, a separate investigation would be necessary if the reference trajectory is an orbit in the equatorial plane of the Kerr black hole. In fact, a judicious choice of the reference particle would be essential to explain a particular observational result. Moreover the relative distance in our approach should be less than $\\mathcal{R}$. We find that ultrarelativistic flows in the gravitational field of collapsed configurations can exhibit purely non-Newtonian behavior due to general relativistic tidal effects. These include the phenomenon of the tidal deceleration along the axis of rotation and the phenomenon of tidal acceleration perpendicular to the axis of rotation, which follow from the integration of the generalized Jacobi equation \\cite{1,2}. We study this equation and its extension in this paper and compare our results with the corresponding nonrelativistic tidal effects. In the following we use units such that $c=1$. The signature of the spacetime metric is assumed to be $+2$. Imagine a geodesic worldline in the gravitational field of an external source. Let $u^\\mu=dx^\\mu /d\\tau$ be the four-velocity vector of this {\\it reference} geodesic and $\\tau$ be its proper time. A neighboring geodesic with an arbitrary velocity relative to the reference geodesic is connected to it by the deviation vector $\\xi ^\\mu (\\tau )$ such that $\\xi^\\mu u_\\mu=0$. The generalized Jacobi equation \\cite{1} is given by the geodesic deviation equation to first order in $\\xi^\\mu$, namely, \\begin{eqnarray}\\label{eq1} \\nonumber &&\\frac{D^2\\xi^\\mu}{D\\tau^2}+R^\\mu _{\\;\\; \\rho \\nu \\sigma} u^\\rho \\xi^\\nu u^\\sigma \\\\ \\nonumber &&{} +\\Big(u^\\mu +\\frac{D\\xi^\\mu}{D\\tau }\\Big) \\Big( 2R_{\\zeta \\rho \\nu \\sigma}u^\\zeta \\frac{D\\xi^\\rho}{D\\tau }\\xi ^\\nu u^\\sigma +\\frac{2}{3} R_{\\zeta \\rho \\nu \\sigma}u^\\zeta \\frac{D\\xi ^\\rho}{D\\tau}\\xi^\\nu \\frac{D\\xi^\\sigma}{D\\tau} \\Big)\\\\ &&{}+2R^\\mu _{\\;\\; \\rho \\nu \\sigma} \\frac{D\\xi^\\rho}{D\\tau }\\xi^\\nu u^\\sigma +\\frac{2}{3}R^\\mu_{\\;\\; \\rho \\nu \\sigma}\\frac{D\\xi^\\rho}{D\\tau}\\xi^\\nu \\frac{D\\xi^\\sigma}{D\\tau}=0. \\end{eqnarray} Here $D\\xi^\\mu /D\\tau =\\xi^\\mu_{\\;\\; ;\\nu}u^\\nu$ is the covariant derivative of $\\xi^\\mu$ along the reference worldline. Let $\\lambda^\\mu _{\\;\\;(\\alpha)}$ be an orthonormal tetrad frame that is parallel propagated along the reference trajectory such that $\\lambda^\\mu_{\\;\\;(0)}=u^\\mu$. Then, $\\xi^\\mu =X^i\\lambda^\\mu_{\\;\\; (i)}$ and equation \\eqref{eq1} may be written in terms of Fermi coordinates $(T,{\\bf X})$, where $T=\\tau$ along the reference geodesic, as \\cite{1,2} \\begin{eqnarray}\\label{eq2} \\nonumber &&\\frac{d^2X^i}{dT^2}+\\fr_{0i0j}X^j+2\\,\\fr_{ikj0}V^kX^j\\\\ && +(2\\,\\fr_{0kj0}V^iV^k+\\frac{2}{3}\\,\\fr_{ikj\\ell}V^kV^\\ell +\\frac{2}{3}\\,\\fr_{0kj\\ell}V^iV^kV^\\ell )X^j=0. \\end{eqnarray} Here $V^i=dX^i/dT$, $|\\mathbf{V}|< 1$ along the reference geodesic and \\begin{equation}\\label{eq3} \\fr_{\\alpha \\beta \\gamma \\delta }(T)=R_{\\mu \\nu \\rho \\sigma }\\lambda^\\mu_{\\;\\; (\\alpha )}\\lambda^\\nu _{\\;\\;(\\beta)} \\lambda^\\rho _{\\;\\; (\\gamma )}\\lambda^\\sigma _{\\;\\;(\\delta )} \\end{equation} is the projection of the Riemann curvature tensor on the orthonormal tetrad of the reference observer along its worldline. If the relative velocity is much smaller than the speed of light, $|\\mathbf{ V}|\\ll 1$, the velocity-dependent terms in \\eqref{eq1} and \\eqref{eq2} may be neglected and the generalized Jacobi equation reduces to the standard Jacobi equation that expresses the linear evolution of the deviation between two neighboring geodesics that have negligible relative motion. This relative motion generally evolves slowly on the scale of the radius of curvature $\\mathcal{R}$, which is defined such that $\\mathcal{R}^{-2}$ is the supremum of $|\\fr_{\\alpha \\beta \\gamma \\delta} |$; therefore, $|{\\bf X}|\\ll \\mathcal{R}$ in \\eqref{eq2}, since higher-order terms in the deviation equation have been neglected. In the generalized Jacobi equation, the relative velocity could approach the speed of light; therefore, the relative motion could evolve rapidly thus further restricting the temporal domain of validity of equation \\eqref{eq2}. Equation~\\eqref{eq2} can be derived in a straightforward manner using the reduced geodesic equation in Fermi coordinates. That is, starting from the geodesic equation for a free particle in arbitrary coordinates $\\hat x^\\mu=(\\hat t, \\hat x^i)$, \\begin{equation}\\label{mu:4} \\frac{d^2\\hat{x}^\\mu}{ds^2} +\\hat{\\Gamma}^\\mu_{\\alpha\\beta} \\frac{d\\hat{x}^\\alpha}{ds}\\frac{d\\hat{x}^\\beta}{ds}=0, \\end{equation} where $ds^2=\\hat{g}_{\\mu\\nu}d\\hat x^\\mu d\\hat x^\\nu$, one can simply derive the reduced geodesic equation~\\cite{1} \\begin{equation} \\frac{d^2\\hat{x}^i}{d\\hat{t}^2} -(\\hat\\Gamma^0_{\\alpha\\beta}\\frac{d\\hat{x}^\\alpha}{d\\hat{t}}\\frac{d\\hat{x}^\\beta}{d\\hat{t}})\\frac{d\\hat{x}^i}{d\\hat{t}} +\\hat\\Gamma^i_{\\alpha\\beta}\\frac{d\\hat{x}^\\alpha}{d\\hat{t}}\\frac{d\\hat{x}^\\beta}{d\\hat{t}}=0. \\end{equation} Specializing this equation now to the Fermi coordinates established along the reference trajectory, i.e. $(\\hat t, \\hat x^i)\\mapsto (T,X^i)$, and using \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{metrict} \\nonumber g_{00}&=&-1-\\fr_{0i0j}(T)\\,X^iX^j+\\cdots,\\\\ \\nonumber g_{0i}&=&-\\frac{2}{3}\\,\\fr_{0jik}(T)\\, X^jX^k+\\cdots,\\\\ g_{ij}&=&\\delta_{ij}-\\frac{1}{3}\\,\\fr_{ikj\\ell}(T)\\, X^kX^\\ell+\\cdots, \\end{eqnarray} one arrives at the tidal equation for the \\emph{relative} motion, since in these coordinates the reference particle remains fixed at $\\mathbf{X}=0$. Restricting our attention to the terms given explicitly in~\\eqref{metrict} and thus neglecting higher-order terms of the metric in the spatial Fermi coordinates, the tidal equation reduces to the generalized Jacobi equation~\\eqref{eq2}. We study the main physical consequences of this equation in the field of a Kerr black hole (see also~\\ref{appen:A}). Higher-order tidal accelerations are discussed in~\\ref{appen:B}. Tidal deceleration along the rotation axis is discussed in the next section. The non-Newtonian character of our results is emphasized in section~\\ref{s3}. The analysis of the generalized Jacobi equation is extended to the three-dimensional case in section~\\ref{s5}. Tidal acceleration normal to the rotation axis is discussed in section~\\ref{s6}. Finally, section~\\ref{s7} contains a brief discussion of our results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s7} In this paper, we are interested in some of the observable consequences of general relativity involving ultrarelativistic flows near a gravitationally collapsed configuration. The measurement problem in general relativity is rather subtle. Suppose, for instance, that in the background of Kerr spacetime one succeeds in solving certain covariant equations of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. Though possibly interesting, this result per se may have little to do with understanding the \\emph{observable} consequences of general relativistic MHD in this case. As a first step, we therefore concentrate on an \\emph{invariant} characterization of the dynamics of free particles in the exterior Kerr spacetime; in particular, we study \\emph{relative} motion in the simplest possible situation, namely, the motion of free particles relative to a certain fiducial class of particles moving freely on escape trajectories along the rotation axis of the Kerr source. The relative motion of two nearby free particles is then determined by the generalized Jacobi equation. The generalized Jacobi equation has been known for three decades~\\cite{5}, but its physical consequences for relativistic relative motion have only recently received attention~\\cite{1,2}. An important issue regarding the generalized Jacobi equation is that for ultrarelativistic relative motion, the duration of validity of this equation is rather short. However, we have shown that even within this limit, for ultrarelativistic outward motion along the rotation axis of a Kerr black hole, there is a remarkably strong initial tidal deceleration relative to the ambient medium regardless of the value of $\\Gamma _0\\gg 1$. To go beyond this initial deceleration, let us note that a significant feature of our basic equations~\\eqref{eq4}--\\eqref{eq6} is that they do not explicitly depend on the reference trajectory corresponding to a ``fixed\" marker in the ambient medium. One can therefore imagine a number of such markers along the path of the jet such that from one marker to the next, the integration of equation \\eqref{eq8} describes the force-free jet deceleration to a good approximation. In this way, one may approach the terminal speed of the jet by referring the jet motion to different markers. So long as the jet speed relative to any nearby ambient marker is significantly greater than $1/\\sqrt{2}$, it tends to decrease toward this terminal speed. It is possible to view the terminal speed in another way. Along a radial direction far from a massive source, its tidal influence on two neighboring test particles is a tidal {\\it acceleration} if the relative speed of the particles is significantly below $1/\\sqrt{2}$. However, this influence turns to a tidal {\\it deceleration} if the relative speed is significantly above $1/\\sqrt{2}$. We have neglected plasma effects in this paper; in fact, our treatment is valid for a force-free plasma. If the plasma is not force-free, the inclusion of its effects would enormously complicate matters \\cite{2,8}. In any case, tidal deceleration is most effective very close to the central source, where the jet originates. Moreover, it is expected to be more significant for microquasars, since tidal effects near a black hole generally decrease as the inverse square of the mass of the source. Thus the results of this paper may well play a significant role in the dynamics of jets, especially in microquasars~\\cite{4}. More generally, this work may be of interest in connection with the astrophysics of energetic particles such as the ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. Let us now turn to the motion of a particle normal to the rotation axis of the black hole. Relative to the reference particle, the particle accelerates if its initial speed exceeds the critical speed $1/\\sqrt{2}$. For ultrarelativistic relative motion, this tidal acceleration can lead to ultrahigh energy particles according to the generalized Jacobi equation; more generally, particle acceleration occurs outside a cone of angle $\\theta$, where the polar angle $\\theta$ is measured from the $Z$-axis and $\\tan \\theta \\approx \\sqrt{2}$. As the particle accelerates beyond the Fermi system, one can in principle use other overlapping coordinate systems to describe the motion over an extended period of time. On the other hand, the tidal effects of the black hole diminish rapidly with increasing distance and hence the influence of the black hole can be neglected once the particle has moved sufficiently far away. The rotation of the source leads to a preferred radial direction, i.e. the axis of rotation, but is otherwise of little importance for the tidal dynamics presented in this paper. This remark applies equally well to the exact nature of the source, except that our results become physically significant near gravitationally collapsed objects, where tidal accelerations can be substantial. The nature of the accretion mechanisms that create ultrarelativistic particles near black holes is beyond the scope of our investigation. The analysis presented in this paper based on the generalized Jacobi equation indicates that once such particles are created near the poles of the black hole, those propagating mainly along the rotation axis of the black hole decelerate with respect to the ambient medium, while those propagating mainly normal to this axis can accelerate to almost the speed of light. The loss of kinetic energy for the motion of an initially ultrarelativistic particle along the rotation axis and the gain in kinetic energy for motion normal to this axis may be attributed, in analogy with Newtonian gravitation, to the change in the gravitational potential energy, which is the tidal energy in the case under consideration in this paper. The underlying assumption here is that the perturbation of the background geometry caused by the motion of the test particle may be neglected. This breaks down, however, when the particle is accelerated to almost the speed of light; therefore, the back-reaction on the motion is expected to moderate this singularity leading to an ultrahigh energy particle. More generally, the gravitational and electromagnetic (in case of charged particles) radiations emitted by the decelerating/accelerating particles should be taken into account as well. The tidal acceleration mechanism may provide the key to the explanation of recent \\emph{Chandra} X-ray observations of the Crab Nebula. It is well known that primary ultrahigh energy cosmic ray protons with energies above $10^{20}$ eV from extragalactic sources are expected to interact with the cosmic microwave background photons resulting in photopion production and pair creation~\\cite{13,14}. Therefore, it may be reasonable to assume that the most energetic particles that reach the solar system originate within our galaxy (see~\\cite{15} for a recent review of cosmic ray astrophysics). In view of the foregoing results, it would be interesting to determine whether the directional distribution of the ultrahigh energy cosmic rays is correlated with the known microquasars, taking due account of the directionality of the acceleration zones normal to the jet directions. \\appendix \\newcounter{saveeqn}% \\newcommand{\\alpheqn}{\\setcounter{saveeqn}{\\value{equation}}% \\stepcounter{saveeqn}\\setcounter{equation}{0}% \\renewcommand{\\theequation} {\\mbox{\\Alph{section}\\arabic{equation}}}}% \\alpheqn \\renewcommand{\\thesection}{Appendix \\Alph{section}}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404493_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We have studied an ultra-luminous X-ray source (ULX) in the dwarf galaxy NGC\\,5408 with a series of {\\it XMM-Newton} observations, between 2001 July and 2003 January. We find that its X-ray spectrum is best fitted with a power law of photon index $\\Gamma \\approx 2.6$--$2.9$ and a thermal component with blackbody temperature $kT_{\\rm bb} \\approx 0.12$--$0.14$ keV. These spectral features, and the inferred luminosity $\\approx 10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in the $0.3$--$12$ keV band, are typical of bright ULXs in nearby dwarf galaxies. The blackbody plus power-law model is a significantly better fit than either a simple power law or a broken power law (although the latter model is also acceptable at some epochs). Doppler-boosted emission from a relativistic jet is not required, although we cannot rule out this scenario. Our preliminary timing analysis shows flaring behaviour which we interpret as variability in the power-law component, on timescales of $\\sim 10^2$ s. The hard component is suppressed during the dips, while the soft thermal component is consistent with being constant. The power density spectrum is flat at low frequencies, has a break at $\\nu_{\\rm b} \\approx 2.5$ mHz, and has a slope $\\approx -1$ at higher frequencies. A comparison with the power spectra of Cyg X-1 and of a sample of other BH candidates and AGN suggests a mass of $\\sim 10^2 M_{\\odot}$. It is also possible that the BH is at the upper end of the stellar-mass class ($M \\sim 50 M_{\\odot}$), in a phase of moderately super-Eddington accretion. The formation of such a massive BH via normal stellar evolution may have been favoured by the very metal-poor environment of NGC\\,5408. ", "introduction": "Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are point-like sources, not including galactic nuclei and young supernova remnants, with apparent luminositites higher than the Eddington limit for a stellar-mass accreting black hole (BH), ie, with $L_{X}\\ga 3 \\times 10^{39}$\\,erg s$^{-1}$ (Fabbiano 1992; Colbert \\& Mushotzky 1999; Roberts \\& Warwick 2000). The true nature of these objects is still open to debate. The fundamental issue is whether the emission is isotropic or beamed along our line-of-sight; in the latter case, the total luminosity would of course be lower than the isotropic value. A possible scenario for geometrical beaming is a super-Eddington mass inflow during phases of thermal-timescale mass transfer (King 2002). Relativistic beaming, associated with Doppler boosting, would instead be the effect of our looking into the jet of a microquasar (K\\\"{o}rding et al.~2002). Alternatively, if the emission is isotropic and the Eddington limit is not violated, ULXs must be fuelled by accretion onto intermediate-mass BHs, with masses $\\sim 10^{2}\\,M_{\\odot}$. Possible mechanisms of formation of such massive remnants include the collapse of massive population {\\rm III} stars (Madau \\& Rees 2001), or runaway stellar mergers in young clusters (Portegies Zwart et al.~2004). A ULX in the starburst dwarf irregular galaxy NGC\\,5408 could help discriminate between these two alternatives. Radio observations of this galaxy (Stevens et al.~2002) showed four main emission regions, mostly coincident with massive young star clusters and H$\\alpha$ emission. The X-ray emission is dominated by a single point source, with a luminosity $>10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (Fabian \\& Ward 1993; Kaaret et al.~2003), located outside the H{\\footnotesize II} regions, but apparently coincident with a weak, steep-spectrum radio source. On the basis of the X-ray, radio, and optical fluxes, Kaaret et al.~(2003) concluded that the most likely explanation for the ULX was beamed relativistic jet emission from a stellar-mass BH. However, they could not rule out an intermediate-mass BH model. In this paper we present the first results of our {\\it XMM-Newton} study of the ULX in NGC\\,5408, providing new insights into the nature of this source. ", "conclusions": "Our spectral analysis, based on five {\\it XMM-Newton}/EPIC observations between 2001 July and 2003 January, shows a thermal component with $kT_{\\rm bb} \\approx 0.12$--$0.14$ keV, significantly detected at all epochs, in addition to a soft power-law ($\\Gamma \\approx 2.6$--$2.9$). A broken power-law model, as suggested in Kaaret et al.~(2003), is acceptable at some epochs, but is not consistent with the full series of observations, and is generally worse than a blackbody plus power-law model or a Comptonised blackbody model. Ruling out a simple broken power-law model does not rule out the possibility that the X-ray emission is due to inverse-Compton emission from a jet, enhanced by relativistic Doppler boosting (Kaaret et al.~2003). It was suggested in Georganopoulos (2002), and Georganopoulos \\& Kazanas (2003), that a more realistic jet spectrum would have a curvature around the break energy, thus mimicking a soft thermal component. Spectral analysis over a larger energy range is required to test this possibility. In any case, the X-ray spectrum is consistent with a more massive accreting BH in a high/soft or very high state. Given its inferred isotropic luminosity of $\\approx 10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in the $0.3$--$12$ keV band, a mass $\\ga 100 M_{\\odot}$ is required to satisfy the Eddington limit. Thus, the ULX in NGC\\,5408 appears very similar to a group of ``canonical'' ULXs in nearby dwarf and spiral galaxies, with a low-temperature thermal component at $kT_{\\rm bb} \\sim 0.1$ keV and emitted luminosity $\\sim (1$--$2) \\times 10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$. In all these systems, if the soft thermal component is interpreted as the emission from the inner part of a standard accretion disk (Shakura \\& Sunyaev 1973), its temperature would imply masses $> 10^5 M_{\\odot}$, unphysically high for a non-nuclear BH. However, it was also suggested (King 2003) that these ULXs may be accreting BHs during a super-Eddington accretion phase: they could have a luminosity close or even a factor of a few above the Eddington limit, accompanied by a radiatively-driven, Compton-thick outflow from the accretion disk. In this scenario, the soft thermal component would come from the photosphere of the outflow. Hence, the BH mass would not need to be higher than $\\sim 20$--$50 M_{\\odot}$, still consistent with a stellar origin. We note that this ULX is located in a very metal-poor dwarf galaxy ($Z \\approx 0.07 Z_{\\odot}$). An association between ULXs and metal-poor environments was suggested by Pakull \\& Mirioni (2002). Low metal abundance implies a reduced mass-loss rates in the radiatively-driven wind from the O-star progenitor ($\\dot{M}_{\\rm w} \\sim Z^{0.85}$: Vink et al.~2001; see also Bouret et al.~2003); this leads to a more massive stellar core, which may then collapse into a more massive BH, via normal stellar evolution. Hence, low abundances may explain the formation of isolated BHs with masses up to $\\approx 50 M_{\\odot}$ (ie, up to $\\approx$ half of the mass of the progenitor star). We found a moderate long-term spectral variability between the various epochs of the {\\it XMM-Newton} observations, with a ratio between the maximum and minimum fluxes of $\\approx 1.4$. This is consistent with the long-term behaviour of the source from previous {\\it Einstein}, {\\it ROSAT}, {\\it ASCA} and {\\it Chandra} observations (Kaaret et al.~2003). Our preliminary timing analysis shows rapid variability and flaring-like behaviour, particularly in the 2003 Jan observation. The variability is larger in the hard band ($E > 1.5$ keV), where the flux is consistent with zero during the dips. The {\\tt {bb+po}} spectral model offers a clean, simple interpretation of the flaring behaviour. In this scenario, we have interpreted the lightcurves as the combination of a rapidly variable power-law component, plus an additional, non-variable thermal component below 1.5 keV, consistent with our spectral analysis. The power-law flux appears to be suppressed during the dips, when the X-ray spectrum becomes softer; this is supported by flux-dependent spectral analysis. The power-law X-ray emission in accreting BH binaries is generally explained as inverse-Compton scattering of soft disk photons in a hot corona or Compton cloud, located either above the inner part of the accretion disk, or as a quasi-spherical region inside the truncation radius of the disk. A flaring behaviour with soft dips or transitions has also been observed in Galactic microquasars such as GRS 1915$+$105 (Naik et al.~2001) and, in one case, XTE J1550$-$564 (Rodriguez et al.~2003). It was interpreted (Vadawale et al.~2003) as evidence that the matter responsible for the Comptonised component is recurrently ejected from the inner regions; the ejected matter may be responsible for the optically-thin synchrotron radio emission in those systems. A more detailed discussion of this hypothesis, and of whether it may explain the steep-spectrum radio emission detected by the Australia Telescope Compact Array at the position of the ULX (Kaaret et al.~2003; Stevens et al.~2002), will be addressed in further work. The power density spectrum for this ULX is flat below $\\approx 2.5$ mHz, and has a slope of $\\approx -1$ at higher frequencies. This is similar to what is found in ``canonical'' Galactic BH candidates and AGN: it is believed that the break frequency is inversely proportional to the mass of the accreting BH (eg, Belloni \\& Hasinger 1990; Nowak et al.~1999; Uttley et al.~2002; Markowitz et al.~2003; Cropper et al.~2004). For example, the break in the power density spectrum of Cyg X-1 occurs at $\\nu \\sim 0.4$--$0.04$ Hz in different accretion states (Nowak et al.~1999). This suggests that the mass of the BH powering the ULX in NGC\\,5408 is $\\sim 10^2 M_{\\odot}$. This is also in good agreement with the inferred luminosity, if we require that it does not exceed the Eddington limit. Such a high mass would rule out (cf.~Fig.~3 of Kaaret et al.~2004) an association of this ULX with the young star clusters in the starburst region of NGC\\,5408, located $\\approx 300$ pc to the north-west. However, we are aware that the relation between break frequency and BH mass is very uncertain, and the power-density spectra are often more complicated than a simple broken power law (see, eg, the case of GRS 1915$+$105: Morgan et al.~1997). In conclusion, we argue that both the spectral and timing results from our {\\it XMM-Newton} study are consistent with the possibility that this ULX is at the upper end of the mass range for BHs of stellar origin, a few times more massive than ``standard'' BH candidates such as Cyg X-1. In that case, its luminosity would be very close or, more likely, slightly higher than its Eddington limit, and a strong outflow would be expected from its accretion disk. Doppler boosting in a relativistic jet is not required to explain the observed properties, although we cannot rule it out." }, "0404/astro-ph0404391.txt": { "abstract": "We present new measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect from clusters of galaxies using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Infrared Experiment (SuZIE~II). We combine these new measurements with previous cluster observations with the SuZIE instrument to form a sample of 15 clusters of galaxies. For this sample we calculate the central Comptonization, $y_0$, and the integrated SZ flux decrement, $S$, for each of our clusters. We find that the integrated SZ flux is a more robust observable derived from our measurements than the central Comptonization due to inadequacies in the spatial modelling of the intra-cluster gas with a standard Beta model. This is highlighted by comparing our central Comptonization results with values calculated from measurements using the BIMA and OVRO interferometers. On average, the SuZIE calculated central Comptonizations are $\\sim60\\%$ higher in the cooling flow clusters than the interferometric values, compared to only $\\sim12\\%$ higher in the non-cooling flow clusters. We believe this discrepancy to be in large part due to the spatial modelling of the intra-cluster gas. From our cluster sample we construct $y_0$--$T$ and $S$--$T$ scaling relations. The $y_0$--$T$ scaling relation is inconsistent with what we would expect for self-similar clusters; however this result is questionable because of the large systematic uncertainty in $y_0$. The $S$--$T$ scaling relation has a slope and redshift evolution consistent with what we expect for self-similar clusters with a characteristic density that scales with the mean density of the universe. We rule out zero redshift evolution of the $S$--$T$ relation at $\\sim90$\\% confidence. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound objects in the Universe, and formed at relatively early times over a critical redshift range ($00.5kpc scales in the composite spectrum of Figure~\\ref{gs} can be partly explained by the fact that the different parts of the spectrum apply to different Galactic regions. As discussed in \\S~3, our portion of the spectrum was obtained from a magnetic energy average over about one third of the inner Galactic disk, while that of \\citet{ms96b} was obtained from a small high-latitude region in the outer Galaxy, where the fields are presumably much weaker than in the inner disk. However, if the 2D-turbulence portion of the spectrum is as flat as $k^{-2/3}$, the observed discontinuity is so severe that it suggests a genuine excess in the Galactic magnetic energy spectrum at large scales. This excess compared to the amount expected from the inverse cascade alone could indicate that most of the energy input to the large-scale magnetic field occurs directly at large scales. This interpretation would be consistent with the standard Galactic dynamo theory, in which the large-scale magnetic field is amplified or maintained through the combined action of small-scale helical turbulence, presumably via the inverse cascade leading to the so-called alpha-effect, and large-scale shear, typically associated with the Galactic differential rotation \\citep[e.g.,][]{par71,vr71}. It is widely believed that the large-scale shear acts much more efficiently than the helical turbulence \\citep[e.g.,][]{par71,rss88,bdm+92,fs00,bla00}, especially when the spiral structure of the Galaxy and the streaming motions along spiral arms are taken into account \\citep[e.g.,][]{rre99,eovu00}. A more extreme point of view would be to consider that the large-scale magnetic field is not affected at all by the small-scale turbulent field and that all the energy contained in the large-scale field is directly injected at large scales. Various scenarios have been proposed in this spirit, such as protogalactic collapse and subsequent shearing by the Galactic differential rotation with rapid ambipolar diffusion \\citep{kul86b} or protogalactic collapse and subsequent excitation of spiral arms and bars resulting in nonaxisymmetric, not-perfectly-azimuthal motions \\citep{lc97}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404151_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The strongest spectroscopic dust extinction feature in the Milky Way, the broad absorption bump at 2175~\\AA, is generally believed to be caused by aromatic carbonaceous materials -- very likely a mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules, the most abundant and widespread organic molecules in the Milky Way galaxy. In this paper we report identifications of this absorption feature in three galaxies at $1.4 \\lesssim z \\lesssim 1.5$ which produce intervening \\mgii\\ absorption toward quasars discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The observed spectra can be fit using Galactic-type extinction laws, characterized by parameters [$R_V$, $E(B-V)$] $\\simeq$ [0.7, 0.14], [1.9, 0.13], and [5.5, 0.23], respectively, where $R_V\\equiv A_V/E(B-V)$ is the total-to-selective extinction ratio, $E(B-V)\\equiv A_B-A_V$ is the color-excess. These discoveries imply that the dust in these distant quasar absorption systems is similar in composition to that of Milky Way, but with a range of different grain size distributions. The presence of complex aromatic hydrocarbon molecules in such distant galaxies is important for both astrophysical and astrobiological investigations. ", "introduction": "The space between the stars of the Galaxy and external galaxies is filled with gaseous ions, atoms, molecules and tiny dust grains. These interstellar grains, spanning a wide range of sizes from a few angstroms to a few micrometers, are important for the evolution of galaxies, the formation of stars and planetary systems. So far, one of the most best-studied properties of interstellar dust is its obscuration of starlight. The size and composition of interstellar dust are mainly inferred from, respectively, the extinction curve and its spectral features. The strongest spectroscopic interstellar extinction feature in the Galaxy is the broad \\bump\\ absorption bump. This feature was first detected by the Aerobee rocket observations \\citep{St65}. In this work we report the detection of the 2175~\\AA\\ dust exinction bump from individual intervening absorption systems in the spectra of three Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{York00} quasars. The review of \\citet{dr03} provides an excellent summary of the properties of the 2175~\\AA\\ dust extinction bump and theoretical constraints on its carrier. This feature is seen in extinction curves along lines of sight in the Milky Way (MW), the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and some regions of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Extinction curves in the SMC bar region lack the 2175~\\AA\\ feature. The central wavelength of the feature varies by only $\\pm0.46\\%~(2\\sigma)$ around 2175~\\AA, while its FWHM varies by $\\pm12\\%~(2\\sigma)$ around 469~\\AA. Given its substantial band strength, the carrier responsible for the feature must contain at least one of the most abundant elements C, O, Mg, Si or Fe. Although the exact carrier is unknown, Draine (2003) states that ``it now seems likely that some form of graphitic carbon is responsible'', most likely polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; Joblin, Leger, \\& Martin 1992; Li \\& Draine 2001; Draine 2003 and references within). Several previous detections have been reported of the observed \\bump\\ feature in distant galaxies using quasar spectra. \\citet{Pit00} presented a good summary of the state of the field as of three years ago, and ruled out several reported detections, which will not be discussed here. The highest redshift \\bump\\ bump observation to date is that of \\citet{Vernet01}, who claimed a probable detection in a composite spectrum of radio galaxies at $z\\sim2.5$, although they acknowledged that the detection is difficult to confirm due to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and blending with \\feii\\ emission at $\\lambda>2300$~\\AA. Additionally, the dust responsible for the feature does not appear to be located in the host galaxies proper, but rather in the narrow emisson-line regions of these radio galaxies where the physical conditions may be quite different, perhaps leading to different carriers for the bump. The only previous detection of this feature from an individual intervening absorption system was that of \\citet{Cohen99}, who detected the \\bump\\ feature in a damped Ly$\\alpha$ absorber at redshift $z=0.524$ toward the BL Lac object AO~0235+164 at $z=0.94$. They found a lower dust-to-gas ratio than in the Galaxy and mentioned that the \\bump\\ feature ``suggests there are differences from the average Galactic curve.''\\footnote{The average Galactic curve is parameterized by $R_V=3.1$, where $R_V\\equiv A_V/E(B-V)$ is the ratio of total to selective extinction and $E(B-V)\\equiv A(B)-A(V)$ is the color excess.} Such differences appear to be rather common when the \\bump\\ feature is detected with data of sufficient quality to model the extinction curve involved. \\citet{Ma97} detected the \\bump\\ feature in the composite absorption spectrum of 96 intervening \\mgii\\ absorption systems at redshifts $0.2 < z < 2.2$. The strength of the feature was roughly consistent with a standard Galactic dust-to-gas ratio. \\citet{Falco99} reported detections in several $z \\lesssim 1$ galaxies responsible for the gravitational lensing of background quasars. Many of the estimated extinction curves do not match the standard $R_V=3.1$ Galactic curve (e.g., $R_V=7.2\\pm 0.1$ was found for a $z_l=0.68$ spiral galaxy). \\citet{Toft00} detected the \\bump\\ feature from the lensing galaxy of B~1152+199 at $z=0.44$ and fitted its extinction curve by a Galactic-type extinction law with $1.3\\lesssim R_V \\lesssim 2.1$ and $0.9 \\lesssim E(B-V) \\lesssim 1.1$. \\citet{Motta02} detected a strong \\bump\\ bump in a lensing galaxy at $z=0.83$. Their data are well fitted by a standard $R_V=2.1\\pm 0.9$ Galactic extinction curve, leading them to suggest that the lens galaxy of SBS 0909+532 contains dust like that of the Galaxy. \\citet{Wuck03} may have marginally detected the \\bump\\ feature in a lensing galaxy (later identified with a damped Ly$\\alpha$ absorber) at $z=0.93$. They found that using extinction curves with a significant 2175~\\AA\\ bump reproduces the data better than curves without this feature. Recently \\citet{mu04} reported that the dust in the $z_l=0.68$ lens galaxy of B~0218+357 shows the \\bump\\ bump but produces a very flat ultraviolet extinction curve with $R_V=12\\pm 2$. Given the range of extinction curves found in these extragalactic systems, large and well-selected samples extending to higher redshifts are needed to characterize the diversity and evolution of dust properties in the early universe. As a step towards this goal, we present the \\bump\\ feature identified in three individual intervening absorption systems in the spectra of three SDSS quasars. ", "conclusions": "We report three direct spectroscopic detections of the \\bump\\ dust absorption feature in quasar absorption systems at redshifts $1.4 \\lesssim z \\lesssim 1.5$. These are the first detections of this feature in individual \\mgii\\ absorption systems. From fitting the composite SDSS quasar spectra reddened by a CCM Galactic extinction law to the observed spectra, we derive best-fit reddening parameters $E(B-V) \\approx 0.14$, $R_V \\approx 0.7$ for SDSS J1446+0351, $E(B-V) \\approx 0.13$, $R_V \\approx 1.9$ for SDSS J1459+0024 and $E(B-V) \\approx 0.23$, $R_V \\approx 5.5$ for SDSS J0121+0027. The various $R_V$ values in these systems compared to the average Galactic value of $R_V = 3.1$ indicates a wide range of dominant grain sizes among intervening absorption systems. We found that although the intrinsic slope of the quasar continuum in each system is unknown, we can still meaningfully constrain the $R_V$ value in each system. If the presently favored PAH model for the \\bump\\ feature carrier is correct, we have detected complex organic molecules in the young universe, about 9 billion years ago. The presence of PAHs at such large lookback times may be of astrobiological interest." }, "0404/astro-ph0404198_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In cold molecular clouds submillimetre emission lines are excited by the ambient radiation field. The pumping is dominated by the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It is usual in molecular line radiative transfer modelling to simply assume that this is the only incident radiation field. In this paper, a molecular line transport code and a dust radiative transfer code are used to explore the effects of the inclusion of a full interstellar radiation field (ISRF) on a simple test molecular cloud. It is found that in many galactic situations, the shape and strength of the line profiles that result are robust to variations in the ISRF and thus that in most cases, it is safe to adopt the CMB radiation field for the molecular line transport calculations. However, we show that in two examples, the inclusion of a plausible radiation field can have a significant effect on the the line profiles. Firstly, in the vicinity of an embedded massive star, there will be an enhanced far infared component to the radiation field. Secondly, for molecular clouds at large redshift, the CMB temperature increases and this of course also alters the radiation field. In both of these cases, the line profiles are weakened significantly compared to a cloud exposed to a standard radiation field. Therefore this effect should be accounted for when investigating prestellar cores in massive star forming regions and when searching for molecular clouds at high redshift. ", "introduction": "Molecular line profiles from prestellar and protostellar objects can potentially yield dynamical information about the collapse process that leads to the formation of stars. In the last decade or so, the common practice has been to obtain line profiles from an infall candidate and then to use a radiative transfer code, together with a dynamical model to interpret the data. Inferences are then made about the validity of one or other of the competing star formation models. However, it is becoming clear that the interpretation of these line profiles can be fraught with difficulty. \\citet{rawlings&yates01} used a self-consistent chemical and dynamical model of collapsing star-forming cores to explore the effects of abundance variations. They showed that the line profiles are very sensitive to the assumed values of the free parameters in the chemical models. \\citet{ward-thompson&buckley01} have presented a sensitivity analysis of the line profiles to various free parameters, in the context of modelling the Class 0 sources, NGC1333-IRAS2 and Serpens SMM4. The {\\sc stenholm} radiative transfer code (see, e.\\@g.\\@~\\citealt{heaton.et.al93}) was used, adopting analytical fits to the \\citet{shu77} collapse model for the velocity and density profiles, and an optically thin thermal balance model for the dust temperature. The following free parameters were investigated: the impact parameter, or beam offset from the central position, the beam size (or assumed source distance), the infall velocity, the fractional abundances of the tracer species (assumed not to vary with position), the turbulent velocity and the systemic rotational velocity. One of the most important (general) findings was that the qualitative shape of the line profiles - in particular the velocity separation between the red- and blue-shifted peaks in the self-reversed line profiles is highly sensitive to the turbulent velocity. This results from the broadening of the absorption profiles of the foreground envelope, whilst the total integrated flux increases with the turbulent velocity dispersion as the effective optical depth of the emitting gas is reduced. In this paper, the results of numerical experiments to investigate the sensitivity of molecular line profiles to the radiation field incident on a realistic test globule are reported. Firstly, the effects on molecular line profiles of changing this field from the CMB to a more realistic ISRF is investigated. Secondly, the ISRF is modified to simulate the radiation field in the vicinity of embedded massive stars. Finally the ISRF is modified by increasing the CMB temperature, to simulate the radiation field in which molecular clouds at high-redshift will be found. Our study lacks the more self-consistent approach of the combined hydrodynamical/chemical/radiative transfer models of Rawlings and Yates (2001), but serves to show the sensitivities and hence to highlight the diagnostic strengths (and weaknesses) of line profile analyses. The discussion is limited to two well known molecular tracers used to diagnose collapsing cores: HCO$^+$ (J=3$\\to$2) and $^{13}$CO (J=2$\\to$1, 3$\\to2$). This allows direct comparison with other work; previous studies (eg. Rawlings and Yates, 2001) have shown that the HCO$^+$ transition is particularly likely to be strongly self-reversed and asymmetric, whilst the effects on the CO lines has implications for high-redshift molecular observations. The discussion is also limited to zero beam offset positions so as to allow a simple comparison of the effects discussed in this paper. ", "conclusions": "It has been argued that the intensity and shape of submillimetre molecular line profiles as modelled by radiative transfer codes of prestellar and protostellar cores are sensitive to the long-wavelength ambient radiation field illuminating the exterior of the cloud. Some caution is therefore suggested in the modelling of observational results - the ambient environment must somehow be constrained before fitting profiles and making conclusions about the dynamics and chemical composition of the system. It should be noted that the effect described here is not unknown to workers in computational radiative transfer (it was discussed at the benchmarking exercise that led to the paper by Van Zadelhoff et al 2002), in preparation). However, this is the first time that the astrophysical consequences of this effect have been explored in any detail. In future papers on star-formation, we will - following the preliminary study of \\citealt{ward-thompson&buckley01}) - address the issue of how the velocity structure in general, and the microturbulent velocity in particular, affects the line profiles. It is important to realise that it is essential to characterise correctly the microphysics of potential infall sources. This will eventually allow more robust inferences to be made from line profile data than is currently possible." }, "0404/astro-ph0404367_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We observed seven central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with the \\emph{Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer} (FUSE), and performed a model-based analysis of these spectra in conjunction with \\emph{Hubble Space Telescope} (HST) spectra in the UV and optical range to determine the stellar and nebular parameters. Most of the objects show wind features, and they have effective temperatures ranging from 38 to 60~kK with mass-loss rates of $\\simeq 5\\E{-8}$~\\Msunyr. Five of the objects have typical LMC abundances. One object (SMP LMC~61) is a [WC4] star, and we fit its spectra with He/C/O-rich abundances typical of the [WC] class, and find its atmosphere to be iron-deficient. Most objects have very hot ($T \\gtrsim 2000$~K) molecular hydrogen (\\Htwo) in their nebulae, which may indicate a shocked environment. One of these (SMP LMC~62) also displays \\OVI\\ 1032-38 nebular emission lines, rarely observed in PN. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} With respect to the study of planetary nebulae (PN) systems, those in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are important for two primary reasons. Attempts to describe the evolution of Galactic PN are hindered by large relative uncertainties in their distances, which carry over into physical parameters such as the stellar luminosity and radius of the central star of the PN (CSPN), and the size and ionized mass of the PN itself. This obstruction is removed for the PN of the LMC, all of which lie at essentially at the same distance, allowing the physical parameters to be scaled to absolute values. Additionally, the lower metallicity of the LMC relative to the Milky Way allows the role of metallicity in low/intermediate-mass stellar evolution to be assessed. The largest impact a higher metallicity is expected to have on a star's evolution is a more efficient radiative driving during its windy phases: the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase, the post-AGB phase, and/or perhaps a Wolf-Rayet phase [WR]. This would increase the star's mass-loss rate, and thus slow its evolution during these periods. Such an effect would manifest itself in the form of different relative population ratios in galaxies of varying metallicities. These implications carry over into galaxy evolution, through chemical evolution and the dynamic interactions between the star's ejected material and the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). Although these effects are not as dramatic on an individual basis as those of a massive star, the large fraction of stars that evolve through the CSPN phase make their contribution to the Galactic chemical evolution significant (see, \\eg, \\citealp{marigo:01} for a discussion). Characterization of an individual PN system requires an understanding of both the PN and its central star. Several non-LTE (NLTE) spectroscopic studies of Galactic CSPN in the optical range have been carried out, both of CSPN without winds using plane-parallel analyses (\\eg, \\citealp{mendez:85,herrero:90}) and of CSPN with winds using spherical codes (\\eg, \\citealp{leuenhagen:98,koesterke:97,demarco:98}). The sample of known LMC PN for which HST spectroscopy exists includes only the brightest and rather compact objects. The nebular continuum of compact (high density) PN typically masks the light of the central star for wavelengths longwards of $\\sim$1215~\\AA\\ \\citep{bianchi:97}, complicating the task of characterizing the two components if relying solely on UV and optical data. Characteristics of a large sample of LMC CSPN have been inferred from photoionization models of their nebular spectra (\\eg, \\citealp{dopita:91a,vassiliadis:96s,vassiliadis:98s}). A handful have been analyzed using nebular continuum models in conjunction with modeling of the central star in the UV (\\eg, \\citealp{bianchi:97,dopita:97}). With the \\emph{Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer} (FUSE) , it is now possible to observe LMC CSPN at far-UV wavelengths where the spectrum is unaffected by nebular contamination. Far-UV/UV analyses of Galactic CSPN with winds have been carried out by \\citet{koesterke:98b} and \\citet{herald:04b}. The far-UV is where these hot stars emit most of their observable flux and often exhibit their strongest photospheric and/or wind features. \\citet{herald:04c} performed an analysis of the far-UV spectra of the Galactic CSPN K1-26, and derived a significantly higher temperature (120 vs. 65~kK) than had resulted from analysis of optical spectra \\citep{mendez:85}, illustrating the value of far-UV-based analyses. Motivated by the above considerations, we observed a sample of seven CSPN with FUSE as part of Bianchi's cycle 2 program B001. The FUSE spectra allow us to separate the nebular and central star components and to characterize the physical parameters of each through modeling. The FUSE range also includes strong absorption due to molecular hydrogen (\\Htwo), which is also modeled concurrently. This paper is arranged as follows. The observations and data reduction are described in \\S~\\ref{sec:obs}. A comparison of the spectra of the objects is presented in \\S~\\ref{sec:description}. Our models and parameter determinations are described in \\S~\\ref{sec:modeling}. The implications of our results are discussed in \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} and our conclusions in \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have analyzed FUSE observations of seven central stars of bright, compact planetary nebulae in the LMC. Most objects display definite wind features, and we determined their stellar parameters using the stellar atmosphere code CMFGEN to analyze their FUSE far-UV and HST UV spectra. We also modeled the nebular continua (which contributes to the UV flux) and the atomic and molecular hydrogen absorption along the sight-line (which severely affects the far-UV spectra). By virtue of their membership of the LMC, the uncertainties in the distances is small. This is a great advantage over Galactic CSPN, where the distance is the largest source of uncertainty in the analysis. The objects have a spread of effective temperatures between 35 and 70~kK, with mass-loss rates of $\\Mdot \\sim 5\\E{-8}$~\\Msunyr\\ (the one [WC] star has a mass-loss rate an order of a magnitude larger). Terminal wind velocities generally increase with increasing effective temperatures, and range between 700---1300~\\kms, a factor of two lower than Milky Way counterparts. Radii decrease with increasing temperature, as expected. Their luminosities are similar ($L \\sim 4000$~\\Lsun), and the parameters of the CSPN fall on the He-burning evolutionary tracks of \\citet{vassiliadis:94}, from which we infer post-AGB ages in good agreement with the estimated dynamical ages. We modeled five of the objects with typical LMC abundances ($z = 0.4$~\\Zsun). For these, we investigated the effects of the lower LMC metallicity on the wind acceleration by calculating the modified wind momentum. Contrary to what is expected based on radiative driven wind theory, we did not find any substantial deviation from the wind momentum-luminosity relation that holds for Galactic O and B stars, and roughly holds for Galactic CSPN stars, but the scatter is comparable to the expected difference. Whether this is because the wind momentum does not as simply depend on the luminosity for CSPN as for O and B stars (as suggested by \\citealp{tinkler:02}) or because of some other effect is unclear. The one [WC] star of our sample, SMP LMC~61, was modeled using typical He/C/O enriched abundances (products of He-burning). We also determined a sub-LMC iron abundance (also found by \\citealp{stasinska:04}), perhaps a product of $s$-process nucleosynthesis during a thermally pulsating AGB or post-AGB phase \\citep{lugaro:03,herwig:03}. This is particularly interesting, as iron opacity is thought to play a key role in the driving of WC winds \\citep{lamers:02,crowther:02}. SMP LMC~61 has a wind terminal velocity about half that of Galactic [WC4] stars from the sample of \\citet{acker:03}. Our analysis of the far-UV and UV spectra also provided insight into the circumstellar environment of these objects. Our measured \\HI\\ column densities are higher than those predicted by typical interstellar gas-to-dust relations using our derived reddenings, which implies a significant amount of circumstellar \\HI, presumed to have once been a part of the progenitor object. We calculated some simple shell models which implied most of this material lies outside the ionized radius of the nebula of these stars, with the exception of SMP LMC~62, for which it seems to lie within. This object also displays nebular \\OVI\\ \\doublet 1032-38, (such features have been observed in the Galactic CSPN NGC~2371 by \\citealp{herald:04b}). The high resolution FUSE spectra revealed that these objects have very hot ($T \\gtrsim 2000$~K) molecular hydrogen in the circumstellar environment. These temperatures may be due to the proximity of the nebular gas to the star, or perhaps to shocks. In summary, our FUSE observations have allowed us to derive a set of stellar and wind parameters for young CSPN in the LMC that are unhampered by the distance uncertainties that plague Galactic studies. In addition to revealing the flux of the hot star (which is obscured at longer wavelengths by the nebular flux), the far-UV observations also revealed hot molecular hydrogen surrounding these young CSPN." }, "0404/astro-ph0404373_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present in this paper a detailed study of a new sample of large angular size FR I and FR II radio galaxies and compare the properties of the two classes. As expected, a pure morphology based distinction of FR Is and FR IIs corresponds to a break in total radio power. The radio cores in FR Is are also weaker than in FR IIs, although there is not a well defined break power. We find that asymmetry in the structure of the sample members must be the consequence of anisotropies in the medium where the lobes expand, with orientation playing a minor role. Moreover, literature data and our observations at kiloparsec scales suggest that the large differences between the structures of FR I and FR II radio galaxies must arise from the poorly known central kiloparsec region of their host galaxies. We analyze the sub-sample of giant radio galaxies, and do not find evidence that these large objects require higher core powers. Our results are consistent with giant radio galaxies being the older population of normal FR I and FR II objects evolving in low density environments. Comparing results from our sample with predictions from the radio luminosity function we find no evidence of a possible FR II to FR I evolution. Moreover, we conclude that at $z\\sim 0.1$, one out of four FR II radio sources has a linear size above 500 kpc, thus being in an advanced stage of evolution (for example, older than $\\sim 10$ Myr assuming a jet-head velocity of 0.1c). Radio activity seems to be a short-lived process in active galaxies, although in some cases recurrent: five objects in our sample present signs of reactivation in their radio structures. ", "introduction": "Radio galaxies, with linear sizes reaching up to several megaparsecs, are possibly the largest individual objects in the Universe. It is widely accepted that they originate from highly energetic non-thermal processes occurring in the nucleus of the so-called active galaxies (Blandford \\& Rees \\cite{blandford}; Rees \\cite{rees1}). According to the standard model of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), a super-massive black hole with a mass between $10^6$ and $10^9 M\\odot$, resides in the center of the active galaxy, powered by an accretion disk surrounded by a torus formed by gas and dust. In about 10\\% of these AGNs, there is intense synchrotron radio emission produced in a bipolar outflow of relativistic particles expelled perpendicularly to the plane of the disk and extending to distances reaching the megaparsec scales. The reason why an AGN presents or not powerful radio emission is matter of strong debate. While there is increasing evidence about the existence of super-massive black holes in the center of AGNs, and even at the nuclei of non active galaxies (Macchetto \\cite{macchetto}; Kormendy \\& Gebhardt \\cite{kormendy}), it has been argued that the presence or not of intense radio emission might be due to the rotation velocity of the black hole (e.g. Wilson \\& Colbert \\cite{wilson}; Cavaliere \\& D'Elia \\cite{cavaliere}), or to its total mass and the efficiency of accretion (McLure \\& Dunlop \\cite{mclure}; Dunlop et al. \\cite{dunlop2}). Considering a natural evolutionary sequence of radio galaxies, jets emanating from the center of activity start boring their way through the interstellar medium first, reaching the galactic halo and in some large cases the intergalactic medium. Finally, the lobes of radio galaxies which have ceased their central activity expand and disappear in the external medium. Radio sources representing these different phases of evolution are currently known adding support to this scenario: compact symmetric objects (CSOs; Wilkinson et al. \\cite{wilkinson}) are thought to be young radio galaxies (e.g. Owsianik \\& Conway \\cite{owsianik}), while the giant radio galaxies (GRGs; defined as those with a projected linear size\\footnote{We assume that H$_{0}=50$km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and q$_{0}=0.5$} $\\ge$ 1 Mpc) are probably old objects at the latter stages of evolution (Ishwara-Chandra \\& Saikia \\cite{ishwara}). Relic radio sources found in clusters of galaxies might correspond to the last detectable emission from ``dead'' radio galaxies (e.g. Komissarov \\& Gubanov \\cite{komissarov}; Slee et al. \\cite{slee}). However, the degree of influence of parameters other than the age (e.g. source power, conditions of the external medium) in the evolution of radio galaxies is not clear . For example, although there is observational evidence supporting the young source scenario for CSOs, it has also been argued that CSOs are short lived objects which never reach the size of their big relatives (Readhead et al. \\cite{readhead}). At the other extreme, GRGs could be the result of normal radio galaxies expanding in very low density environments permitting them to reach their overwhelming sizes. But they could also result from very powerful core activity, or both conditions must apply for a radio galaxy to become a giant. Complicating the previously outlined evolutionary sequence, some radio galaxies seem to wake up after a dormant phase of absence or much lower activity (e.g. Lara et al. \\cite{lara}). Moreover, the presence of super-massive objects in many non--active galaxies argue in favor of activity as a short transition period in most, if not all, (elliptical) galaxies, and that the ``menace\" for future activity is present at the center of every galaxy. This paper is the last of a series of three devoted to the study of a sample of large angular size radio galaxies which try to address some of these open questions. Definition of the sample and radio maps in one side, and images and spectroscopic data on the other, were presented by Lara et al. (\\cite{paperI}, hereafter Paper I) and (\\cite{paperII}, Paper II), respectively. The sample, covering a sky area of 0.842 steradians\\footnote{Papers I and II erroneously mention a sky area of $\\pi$ steradians. However, results and discussion in those papers are not affected by this value.} and spectroscopically complete at the 80\\%, consists of 84 radio galaxies selected from the NRAO\\footnote{National Radio Astronomy Observatory} VLA\\footnote{Very Large Array, operated by the NRAO} Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. \\cite{nvss}) under the following selection criteria (see Paper I for details): declination above $+60^{\\circ}$, total flux density at 1.4 GHz greater than 100 mJy and angular size larger than 4$\\arcmin$. All sources in the sample have redshift below 0.75. In this paper we present the general results of the study of the sample, with distinction between Fanaroff-Riley type I (FR I; Fanaroff \\& Riley \\cite{fanaroff}) and II (FR II) radio galaxies. Special attention is devoted to show the properties of GRGs, of which this sample contains 37 members. ", "conclusions": "We present in this paper, the last of a series of three, the general properties of a sample of 84 radio galaxies selected from the NVSS, with total flux density at 1.4 GHz $\\ge 100$ mJy, declination above $+60^{\\circ}$ and angular size larger than $4'$. This study is based on radio (Paper I) and optical (Paper II) observations of the sample members. The main conclusions of our work can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item From a pure morphological distinction of the sample members according to its FR I or FR II type morphology, we confirm that both groups are separated by a break in the total radio luminosity, at $\\log P_{t}$(1.4 GHz)$= 25.2$ (W/Hz). \\item There is a small population of radio sources (7\\% in our sample) which show simultaneously properties of FR I and FR II radio galaxies, with a mean total radio power in the region of transition between the FR I and FR II families. \\item We find that asymmetry in the structure of FR I and FR II radio galaxies can be explained as due to anisotropies in the medium through which the jet propagates. Arguments based on orientation effects would require too high jet-head advance velocities. \\item FR I radio galaxies have in general lower power cores than FR II radio galaxies, although the distinction is not as clear as in the total radio power. There is a correlation, independent of the FR I - FR II dichotomy, between the core and the total radio power, consistent with that derived by Giovannini et al. (\\cite{giov88}, \\cite{giov01}). The prominence of the radio cores in our sample (evidenced through the $P_{CN}$ orientation indicator) can be explained as a result of the evolution of extended radio galaxies. The evolution of extended radio galaxies implies a total power decrease in GRGs of a factor 10--100, in agreement with Kaiser et al.(\\cite{kaiser}). \\item Considering the known properties of FR I and FR II radio galaxies at parsec, subkiloparsec and megaparsec scales, and the properties of their optical spectra, we suggest that the central kiloparsec region plays a crucial role in explaining the FR I - FR II dichotomy, where differences in the radio structure between the two families seem to appear and whose properties might determine the presence or not of emission lines. We note however that the properties of this region are surely linked with the properties of the accretion disk which ultimately determines the source of ionization and the different core radio power in FR I and FR II sources, but apparently not the jet production mechanism. \\item The luminosity tracks predicted by the model of Kaiser et al. (\\cite{kaiser}) explains well the dearth of high luminosity and large size radio galaxies. Our study and other recent searches of GRGs, even if much more sensitive and systematic than previous works on large size radio galaxies, do not find high luminosity giant sources. \\item We do not find evidence of the GRG phenomenon as being due to stronger core radio power. Our observations are consistent with GRGs as the older population of normal FR I and FR II radio galaxies expanding in low density environments. \\item A compact radio core is detected in 100\\% of the sample members, indicating that core activity is present in all objects. However, we find in our sample 5 objects with signs at kpc scales of having passed through different phases of activity. Nearby galaxies are found in two of these ``reactivated'' objects, but more detailed observations are required to study the role of galaxy merging in triggering different cycles of activity. \\item Comparing the FR I and FR II abundances as a function of redshift with the predictions of the RLF, we do not find evidence of a possible FR II to FR I evolution of radio galaxies. \\item From the RLF and our sample, we find that about one out of four FR II type radio galaxies with $z\\sim 0.1$ have linear sizes larger than 500 kpc, thus being in an advanced stage of evolution. \\end{itemize}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404145_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an update on the results of our monitoring observations of the X-ray remnant of supernova (SN) 1987A with the {\\it Chandra X-Ray Observatory}. As of 2002 December, we have performed a total of seven observations of SN 1987A, which allows us to monitor the details of the earliest stage of the supernova remnant evolution in X-rays. The high angular resolution images from the latest data reveal developments of new X-ray bright spots in the northwestern and the southwestern portions of the remnant as well as changes on the eastern side. The observed soft X-ray flux is increasing more rapidly than ever, and the latest 0.5$-$2 keV band flux ($f_X$ $\\sim$ 6 $\\times$ 10$^{-13}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) is four times brighter than three years earlier when this monitoring began. The overall X-ray emission is primarily from the blast wave shock with $kT$ $\\sim$ 2.4 keV. As the blast wave approaches the dense circumstellar material, the contribution from the decelerated slow shock ($kT$ $\\sim$ 0.22 keV) to the observed X-ray emission is becoming significant. The increase of this slow shock contribution over the last two years is particularly noticeable in the western half of the remnant. These results indicate that the shock front is now reaching the main body of the inner circumstellar ring and that SN 1987A will be a complete ring with dramatic brightening in coming years. Based on the best-fit two-shock spectral model, we derive approximate densities of the X-ray-emitting regions ($n_e$ $\\sim$ 235 cm$^{-3}$ for the fast shock and $n_e$ $\\sim$ 7500 cm$^{-3}$ for the slow shock). There is no direct observational evidence to date for a neutron star associated with supernova remnant 1987A. We obtain an upper limit on the observed X-ray luminosity of any embedded point source ($L_X$ $\\le$ 1.5 $\\times$ 10$^{34}$ ergs s$^{-1}$) in the 2$-$10 keV band. The X-ray remnant continues to expand linearly at a rate of 4167 km s$^{-1}$. ", "introduction": "OBSERVATIONS \\& DATA REDUCTION} The seven {\\it Chandra} observations of SNR 1987A are presented in Table~\\ref{tbl:tab1}. We first screened all data sets with the flight timeline filter and turned off the pixel randomization for the highest possible angular resolution. We then corrected the spatial and spectral degradation of the ACIS data caused by radiation damage, known as the charge transfer inefficiency (CTI; Townsley et al. 2000), with the methods developed by Townsley et al. (2002a), before further standard data screening by status, grade, and energy selections. The expected effects of the CTI correction include an increase of the number of detected events and improved event energies and energy resolution \\citep{town00,town02a}. ``Flaring'' pixels were removed and {\\it ASCA} grades (02346) were selected. Photons between 0.3 keV and 8.0 keV were extracted for the data analysis. Lightcurves around the source region were examined for possible contamination from variable background emission and no severe variability was found. The pileup fraction was relatively small ($<$10\\%) and thus was ignored in the analysis. We then applied the ``sub-pixel resolution'' method \\citep{tsunemi01} to improve the angular resolution of the images to better than the CCD pixel size. A typical improvement in the angular resolution by $\\sim$10\\% is expected from this method \\citep{mori01}. The angular size of SNR 1987A is small (the inner ring is only about 1$\\farcs$6 across; e.g., Burrows et al. 1995; Jakobsen et al. 1991), and the ACIS detector pixel size (0$\\farcs$492) is not adequate to fully resolve the remnant. In order to further improve the effective angular resolution of the ACIS images, we deconvolved the images using a maximum likelihood algorithm \\citep{rich72,lucy74} as described in our previous works \\citep{bur00,park02}. For the image deconvolution, we used 0$\\farcs$125 sky pixels for the data sets with low photon statistics ($\\la$1000 source counts) and 0$\\farcs$0625 pixel size for the high statistics data sets ($\\ga$1000 source counts). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/gr-qc0404102_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Understanding quantum theory in terms of a geometric picture sounds great. There are different approaches to this idea. Here we shall present a geometric picture of quantum theory using the de-Broglie--Bohm causal interpretation of quantum mechanics. We shall show that it is possible to understand the key character of de-Broglie--Bohm theory, the quantum potential, as the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric. In this way, gravity should give the causal structure of the space--time, while quantum phenomena determines the scale. Some toy models in terms of tensor and scalar--tensor theories will be presented. Then a few essential physical aspects of the idea including the effect on the black holes, the initial Big--Bang singularity and non locality are investigated. We shall formulate a quantum equivalence principle according to which gravitational effects can be removed by going to a freely falling frame while quantum effects can be eliminated by choosing an appropriate scale. And we shall see that the best framework for both quantum and gravity is Weyl geometry. Then we shall show how one can get the de-Broglie--Bohm quantum theory out of a Weyl covariant theory. Extension to the case of many particle systems and spinning particles is discussed at the end. ", "introduction": "In this century, physicists have been departed from 19th century physics, in two ways. The first was the generalization and bringing the old idea of \\textit{frame independence} or \\textit{general covariance}, in a manifest form. The result of this effort was the pioneer general relativity theory, in which the gravitational effects of matter are identified with the geometry of the space--time. The enigmatic character of this theory is just the above-mentioned property, i.e. the interconnection of gravity and general covariance. When one tries to make a general covariant theory, one is forced to include gravity. The main root of this interconnection is the \\textit{equivalence principle}. According to the equivalance principle, it is possible to go to a frame in which gravity is locally absent, and thus the special theory of relativity is applicable locally. Now using the general covariance and writing down anything in a general frame, we will get the general relativity theory\\cite{weinberg}. The second was the investigation of the quantal behavior of matter, that leads to the \\textit{quantum theory}, according to which a great revolution appeared in physics. In order to explain the atomic world, the quantum theory threw out two essensial classical concepts, the \\textit{principle of causality} and \\textit{the dogma of formulation of physics in terms of motion in space--time} (motion dogma). The first one is violated during a measurement process, while the second does not exist at any time. After the appearance of quantum mechanics, it was proven that not only do the ordinary particles show quantal behavior but mediators of the fundamental forces also do so. In this way quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics and quantum flavor dynamics were born. But the construction of quantum gravitodynamics or quantum gravity, and its application to cosmology, is considerably very problematic\\cite{ash}. These difficulties may be mainly divided into two categories. Some of them are related to the conceptual problems of the standard quantum mechanics, while others are specific to gravity, and are in fact related to the classical features of gravity theory. The first category includes the measurement problem and the meaning of the wave function of the universe, while the vanishing of the hamiltonian which leads to the time independence of the wave function and nonrenormalizability, belong to the second category. From a fundamental physical viewpoint, in contrast to the general theory of relativity which is the best theory for gravity, standard quantum mechanics is not the only satisfactory way of understanding the quantal behavior of matter. One of the best theories explaining the quantal behavior of matter but remaining faithful to the principle of causality and the motion dogma, is the de Broglie--Bohm quantum theory.\\cite{bohm} According to this theory, all the enigmatic quantal behavior of the matter results from a self-interaction of the particle. In fact, any particle which exerts a \\textit{quantum force} on itself can be expressed in terms of a \\textit{quantum potential} and which is derived from the particle wave function. The celebrated property of the de Broglie--Bohm quantum theory is the following property. \\textit{At anytime, even when a measurement is done, the particle is on the trajectory given by Newton's law of motion, including the quantum force}. During a measurement, the system is in fact a many-body system (including the particle itself, the probe particle, and the registrating system particles). When one writes down the appropriate equation of motion of all the particles,\\footnote{There is a consistent de Broglie--Bohm quantum theory for a many particle system} and when one considers the very fact that we know nothing about the initial conditions of the registerating system particles, one sees how the projection postulate of quantum mechanics came about\\cite{bohm}. Accordingly the result of any measurement is one of the eigenvalues of the operator related to the measured quantity with some calculable probability distribution. The de-Broglie--Bohm quantum theory of motion, is a causal theory which although behaves as the Copenhagen quantum mechanics at the statistical level, it has non of the conceptual difficulties of the standard quantum mechanics. It is well proved that the causal theory reproduces all the results of the orthodox quantum theory\\cite{bohm}, as well as predicting some new results (such as time of tunneling through a barrier\\cite{cush}) which in principle lets the experiment to choose between the orthodox and the causal quantum theories. Perhaps the most important point about the causal theory is that it presents a causal deterministic description of the reality. So it looks very natural to make a quantum theory of gravity in the spirit of the de-Broglie--Bohm quantum theory of motion. In the standard form of this theory, the classical gravity should be viewed as a field. Then it is possible to construct Bohmian metric trajectories . This is what is essentially done in \\cite{gil}. A way of struggling with quantum gravity is to use the \\textit{minisuperspace} of the conformal degree of freedom of the space-time metric\\cite{nar}. This approach has several fruitfull results. It admits non-perturbative calculations, and it is very useful for studying quantum cosmology. Because the isotropic and homogeneous space-time used in cosmology is conformally flat. In addition, by including the effects of the back--reactions of the quantum variable (i.e. the conformal factor) on the background metric, one arrives at some extended form of Einstein's equations. These semi-classical equations lead to non--singular cosmological solutions and they have the correct classical limit. In this approach, by merely quantizing one degree of freedom of the space-time metric, and by considering the back--reaction effects, the time independence problem is solved. This is achieved because of the extension of Einstein's equations. But it must be noted that the physical meaning of the quantum variable, i.e. the conformal factor, is not clear in this approach. The non-singularity of the results of the above approach rests on the theorem\\cite{kem} which states that \\textit{for any singular metric , there is some appropriate conformal factor, in such a way that conformal metric is non-singular}. The present work tries to combine the de-Broglie--Bohm quantum theory of motion and gravity in a very different way. The foundation of this approach is the de-Broglie remark\\cite{deb} that \\textit{the quantum theory of motion for relativistic spinless particles is very similar to the classical theory of motion in a conformally flat space-time}. The conformal factor is related to the Bohm's quantum potential. We shall present a generalization and an appropriate formulation of this remark. That is to say, we geometrize Bohmian mechanics according to the de-Broglie remark. Then, it can be seen that the effects of gravity on geometry and the quantum effects on the geometry of the space-time are highly coupled. In fact there are two contributions to the background metric the gravitational quantal effects of matter which constitute the energy--momentum tensor. Since in the evaluation of the quantal part the background metric is used, the gravitational and quantal contributions to the background metric are so highly coupled that no one without the other has any physical significance. It must be pointed out here that as aresult the conformal factor is meaningless as the enesemble density goes to zero and the geometry looses its meaning at this limit. This is a desired property, because it is in accord with Mach's principle, which states that for an empty universe the space--time should be meaningless. In subsection(\\ref{s1})\\cite{geo} the authors, as a first step towards the formulation of the above conclusion, introduced the quantum conformal degree of freedom via the method of Lagrange multipliers. In this way there are a set of equations of motion describing the background metric, the conformal degree of freedom and the particle trajectory. A corollary of this theory is that one can always work in a gauge (classic gauge) in which no quantum effect be present or in a gauge (quantum gauge) in which the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric is identified with the quantum effect This, in its turn, leads to dramatic departures from the classical prediction, when both the effects of gravity and quantum on geometry are considerable, i.e. around those areas of the space-time which are singular according to the classical theory. As a different approach in ref \\cite{mot} the authors symmetrized the Brans--Dicke theory by a conformal transformation. And arrive to a particle interpretation suggesting that the quantum aspect of matter can be geometrized. In \\cite{conf}, the conformal transformation was applied only to the space--time metric. Other quantities like mass, density and so on were assumed to posses no transformation. This is because the above conformal transformation which incorporates the quantum effects of matter into a specific conformal factor, is in fact a scale transformation. As the conformal transformation is more general than scale transformation which is used in \\cite{geo}, it seems preferable to make a conformal transformation, in which all physical quantities are transformed, instead of making only a scale transformation. In reference \\cite{conf}, it is shown that by the conformal transformation the equation of motion would be transformed to an equation in which there is no quantum effects. As a result, the geodesic equation would be changed to the one without the quantum force. This means that it is possible to have two identical pictures for investigating the quantal effects of matter in the curved space--time background. According to the first picture, the space--time metric contains only the gravitational effects of matter. The quantum effects affect the path of the particles via the quantum force. In the second picture, the space--time metric is related to the previous by a conformal factor and contains the gravitational and quantal effects of matter. This shows that the quantum as well as the gravitational effects of matter have geometrical nature. The second picture mentioned above provides a unified geometrical framework for understanding the gravitational and quantum forces. Accordingly, we call the conformal metric as the physical metric (containing both gravity and quantum) and the other metric is the background metric (including only gravity). The above-mentioned theory,\\cite{geo} has a problem. In this theory, it is assumed that one deals with an ensemble of similar particles with density. In Bohm's theory, the quantum potential exists for a single particle as well as for an ensemble. In the case of a single particle, the interpretation of the quantum potential is in terms of an hypothetical ensemble. Note that in the above theories, the ensemble is a real one, not an hypothetical one, because, the energy--momentum tensor of the ensemble is appeared and has physical effects. As we shall show in subsection (\\ref{s2})\\cite{qgg}, we have solved this problem and the theory would work both for a single particle and for an ensemble. In subsection (\\ref{s2}) we shall show that it is possible to make a pure tensor theory for quantum gravity. As a result we shall show that the correct quantum conformal degree of freedom would be achieved, and that the theory works for a particle as well as for a real ensemble of the particle under consideration and that it includes the pure quantum gravity effects. We shall do all of these by trying to write the quantum potential terms in terms of geometrical parameters, not in terms of ensemble properties. The important point about both references\\cite{geo} and \\cite{conf} is that in order to fix the relation of the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric and the quantum potential, the method of lagrange multiplier is used and in this way they are a little artificial. In subsection (\\ref{s3}) we shall show\\cite{st} that in the framework of the scalar--tensor theories, it is possible to write an action principle, in which both gravitational and quantum contributions to the geometry are included and that the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric is fixed at the level of the equations of motion not needing the method of lagrange multiplier. Next in subsection (\\ref{s4})\\cite{ss} we attend to the double scalar case because in some theories such as superstring and Kaluza--Klein, it is more useful\\cite{bar}. In both of these theories the gravitational interaction includes two other fields in addition to the metric field. In string frame(or Jordan frame)one of them is coupled nonminimally to gravity as in the Brans--Dicke theory and the other is coupled minimally to gravity, but has a nontrivial coupling with the first scalar field. Note that, in these theories one can couple both the scalar fields minimally to gravity by a conformal transformation (Einstein frame). As a result, the question that the physical interpretation must be presented in which frame, is an open problem\\cite{far}. On the other hand we shall show that using two scalar fields, one can relax this preassumption and on the equations of motion, the correct form of quantum potential will be achieved. In subsections (\\ref{s5}), (\\ref{s6}) and (\\ref{s7}) some general solutions are obtained. using these, the important question that if this quantum gravity theory leads to some new results, is investigated. That solusions are used for black holes and bigbang in subsections (\\ref{s8}) and (\\ref{s9})\\cite{qgg}. In subsection (\\ref{s10})\\cite{clu} we are interested in investigating whether this theory has anything to do with the cluster formation or clustering of the initial uniform distribution of matter in the universe. The problem of cluster formation is an important problem of cosmology and there are several ways to tackle with it\\cite{bor}. Here we don't want to discuss those theories, and our claim is not that the present work is a good one. Here we only state that \\textit{the cluster formation can also be understood in this way}. It is a further task to decide if this work is in complete agreement with experiment or not. A special aspect of the quantum force is that it is highly nonlocal. This property, is an experimental matter of fact \\cite{bell}. Since the mass field represents the conformal degree of freedom of the physical metric, quantum gravity is expected to be highly nonlocal. In the subsection (\\ref{s11})\\cite{non} this is shown explicitley for a specific problem. From a different point of view it has been believed for a long time that the long range forces (i.e. electromagnetism and gravity) are different aspects of a unique phenomena. So they must be unified. Usually it is proposed that one must generalize Einstein's general relativity theory to have a geometrical description of electromagnetic fields. This means to change the properties of the manifold of general relativity. Using higher dimensional manifolds\\cite{wes}, changing the compatibility relation between the metric and the affine connection\\cite{we} and using a non-symmetric metric\\cite{ein} are some examples of the attempts towards this idea. In all the above approaches, the additional degrees of freedom correspond to the components of the electromagnetic potential. The second idea leads to the Weyl's gauge invariant geometry. Apart from the electromagnetic aspects of Weyl geometry, it has some other applications. Some authors believe that Weyl geometry is a suitable framework for quantum gravity. E.g. in a series of papers \\cite{odin} a succesful approach to Weyl quantum gravity and conformal sector in quantum gravity is presented. The authors have used an effective theory based on integrated conformal anomaly dynamics, in the infrared region. They also have considered a sigma model action which is the most general version of a renormalizable theory in four dimmensions. They have investigated the phase structure and the infrared properties of conformal quantum gravity and then extend its results to higher derivative quantum gravity. Also in ref\\cite{whe} a new quantum theory is proposed on the basis of Weyl picture which is purely geometric. The observables are introduced as zero Weyl weight quantities. Moreover any weightful field has a Weyl conjugate such as complex conjugate of the state vector in quantum mechanics. By these dual fields, the probability can be defined. These are the elements of a consistent quantum theory which is equivalent to the standard quantum mechanics. Moreover it is shown that the quantum measurement and the related uncertainty would emerged from Weyl geometry naturally. In this theory when the curl of Weyl vector is zero, we arrive at the classical limit. By noting the transformation relation of Weyl vector, it is concluded that the change of length scale is only a quantum effect. One more approach to geometrize quantum mechanics can be found in \\cite{wood}. Here a modified Weyl--Dirac theory is used to join the particle aspects of matter and Weyl symmetry breaking. This is also a geometrization of quantum mechanics. Also one can find the relation of quantum potential, the basic character of Bohm's theory, to the fundamental geometric properties, especially to the curvature of the space-time using Weyl geometry in \\cite{san}. Furthermore in \\cite{sid} Sidharth considers the geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics from the point of view of non-commutative non-integrable geometry. In the present work we shall look at the conformal invariance at the quantum level. Does the quantum theory lead us to any characteristic length scale and thus break the conformal symmetry? Or conversely the quantum effects lead us to a conformal invariant geometry? In section (\\ref{s12}) we shall discuss these questions in the context of the causal quantum theory proposed by Bohm\\cite{bohm} and use our new way of geometrization of quantum mechanics introduced in here. We emphasize that what we shall show that our specific geomerization of quantum mechanics procedure (based on Bohmian quantum mechanics) can be better understood in the Weyl framework. This is different from Weyl quantum gravity approaches like those of \\cite{odin}. We shall show that the Weyl vector and the quantum effects of matter are connected. We shall see how the conformal symmetry emerges naturally by considering quantum effects of matter. Finally in section (\\ref{s13}) we show that the Weyl--Dirac theory is a suitable framwork for identification of the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time with the Bohm's quantum mass. From a similar perspective, Quiros and et all\\cite{quir} discuss the space--time singularity by the geometrical dual representation in general relativity. On this basis they emphasis on the Weyl integrable geometry as a consistent framework to describe the gravitational field. Finally in section (\\ref{s20}) we shall investigate possible extension of our results in two ways. First analyzing the case of many--particle systems and second, inclusion of spin. ", "conclusions": "We have used an approach which is different from other existing ones, which try to combine the gravitational and quantal effects. By the investigation of the quantum effects of matter in the framework of Bohmian mechanics, we have shown that the motion of a particle with quantum effects is equivalent to its motion in a curved space-time. We have investigated the coupling of purely gravitational effects and purely quantal effects of the particle, by considering a general background space-time metric. The use of the de-Broglie--Bohm quantum theory of motion, instead of the standard Copenhagen quantum mechanics, has at least three advantages. First, that the inherent problems of the standard quantum mechanics are not present. Second, that the conceptual problems of the standard quantum gravity like the meaning of the wave-function, are circled. Finally, the equivalence of quantum effects of matter and a curved space-time, which is our most important result, is achieved through this point of view. This leads directly to the minisuperspace of conformal degree of freedom, in which, the conformal factor has now a clear physical meaning. Other problems like, time- dependence which is necessary to understand the evolution of the universe, consideration of the back--reaction effects, and so on, are also handled in the present theory. An important property of this theory is that the conservation laws are the same as those of the classical theory. As it is shown, if one applies this theory to the case of quantum cosmology, it is possible to solve the equations of motion nonperturbatively (i.e. exactly). One sees that there is no singularity at small times (provided one assumes that the quantum coupling constant of radiation is negative). It is smeared out by the quantum effects. Two remarks are in order here. First, in principle, the above model can be applied to the non flat Friedmann universes and similar results would emerge. Second, in the present theory, the quantum effects are only those of matter. The effect of these quantal behaviours on the background space-time is achieved via the modified Einstein equations, i.e. via the back--reaction effects. This means that if one removes the matter, the quantum effects of the background geometry would disappear. In order to generalize the present theory to a fully theory of quantum gravity, the quantum effects of gravity must be included. As explained before the keystone of Bohm's theory is the \\textit{quantum potential}. Any particle is acted upon by a quantum force derived from the quantum potential. The quantum potential is itself resulted from some self-field of the particle, the wave function. Since the quantum potential is related only to the norm of the wave function and because of Born's postulate asserting that the ensemble density of the particle under consideration is given by the square of the norm of the wave function, the quantum potential is obtained resulted from the ensemble density. The non understandable point of Bohm's theory is just this. How does a particle know about its hypothetical ensemble? When the hypothetical ensemble is a real one, i.e.~when there are is large number of similar particles just like the particle under consideration, quantum potential can be understood. It is a kind of interaction between the particles in the real ensemble. But when one deals with only one particle the quantum potential is interaction with the other hypothetical particles!!! On the other hand, quantum potential is highly related to the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric. In fact, the presence of the quantum force is just like having a curved space--time which is conformally flat and the conformal factor is expressed in terms of the quantum potential. In this way one sees that quantum effects are in fact geometric effects. Geometrization of the quantum theory can be done successfully, but still, there is the problem of the ensemble noted above. Here we have shown that if one tries to geometrize the quantum effects in a purely metric way, the ensemble problem would be overcome. In addition it provides the framework for bringing in the purely quantum gravity effects. A point about the geodesic equation must be noted here. In the background metric, this equation resembles the geodesic equation in Brans--Dicke theory. Consideration of the matter quantum effects, leads to the physical metric in which a particle moves on the geodesic of Branse--Dicke theory written in Einstein gauge. This point supports the suggestion that the discussion of quantum gravity requires a scalar--tensor theory. Previously this was suggested when discussing Bohmian quantum gravity \\cite{cov}. Next it is shown that it is possible to write a scalar--tensor theory which automatically leads to the correct equations of motion. This has the advantage that the conformal factor would be fixed by the equations of motion, and not by introducing a lagrangian multiplier by hand. We see that the matter distribution determines the local curvature of the space--time (in confirmity with Mach's principle). Furthermore, from the matter equation of motion one can see that the cosmological constant (a large scale structure constant) and the quantum potential\\footnote{In Bohmian quantum mechanics, observable effects of quantum potential may appear at both large and small scales, depending on the shape of the ensemble density\\cite{bohm}.} are coupled together. This is another manifestation of the Mach's principle. Also we have constructed a scalar--tensor theory with two scalar fields, for which the equations of motion lead to the correct form of quantum potential. We have not only shown that quantum effects are geometrical in nature, but also \\textit{derive} the form of quantum potential. This specific form for quantum potential is a result of the equations of motion. It must be noted that in this theory both the scalar fields interact with the cosmological constant. Hence, the presence of the cosmological constant (even very small) is essential in order the theory works. Note that the interaction between the cosmological constant and quantum potential represents a connection between the large and small scale structures. We presented a toy model, and investigated its solutions. Also it is shown that the initial singularity is removed by quantum effects. Finally we saw that one can formulate a \\textit{generalized equivalence principle} which states that gravitation can be removed locally via an appropriate coordinate transformation, while quantum force can be removed either locally or globally via an appropriate scale transformation. So the natural framework of quantum and gravity is Weyl geometry. The most simplest Weyl invariant action functional is written out. It surprisingly leads to the correct Bohm's equations of motion. When it applied to cosmology it leads to time decreasing cosmological and gravitational constants. A phenomena which is good for describing their small values." }, "0404/astro-ph0404235_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present near-IR spectra of $\\Ha$ emission from 13 galaxies at $z\\sim2$ in the GOODS-N field. The galaxies were selected primarily because they appear to have elongated morphologies, and slits were aligned with the major axes (as determined from the rest-frame UV emission) of 11 of the 13. If the galaxies are elongated because they are highly inclined, alignment of the slit and major axis should maximize the observed velocity and reveal velocity shear, if present. In spite of this alignment, we see spatially resolved velocity shear in only two galaxies. We show that the seeing makes a large difference in the observed velocity spread of a tilted emission line, and use this information to place limits on the velocity spread of the ionized gas of the galaxies in the sample: we find that all 13 have $v_{0.5} \\leq 110$ \\kms, where $v_{0.5}$ is the velocity shear (half of the velocity range of a tilted emission line) that would be observed under our best seeing conditions of $\\sim0\\farcs5$. When combined with previous work, our data also indicate that aligning the slit along the major axis does not increase the probability of observing a tilted emission line. We then focus on the one-dimensional velocity dispersion $\\sigma$, which is much less affected by the seeing, and see that the elongated subsample exhibits a significantly {\\it lower} velocity dispersion than galaxies selected at random from our total $\\Ha$ sample, not higher as one might have expected. We also see some evidence that the elongated galaxies are less reddened than those randomly selected using only UV colors. Both of these results are counter to what would be expected if the elongated galaxies were highly inclined disks. It is at least as likely that the galaxies' elongated morphologies are due to merging subunits. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404003_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present velocity dispersion measurements of 14 globular clusters in NGC~5128 (Centarus~A) obtained with the MIKE echelle spectrograph on the 6.5m Magellan Clay telescope. These clusters are among the most luminous globular clusters in \\cena\\ and have velocity dispersions comparable to the most massive clusters known in the Local Group, ranging from 10 -- 30 \\kms. We describe in detail our cross-correlation measurements, as well as simulations to quantify the uncertainties. These 14 globular clusters are the brightest \\cena\\ globular clusters with surface photometry and structural parameters measured from the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope}. We have used these measurements to derive masses and mass-to-light ratios for all of these clusters and establish that the fundamental plane relations for globular clusters extend to an order of magnitude higher mass than in the Local Group. The mean mass-to-light ratio for the \\cena\\ clusters is $\\sim 3 \\pm 1$, higher than measurements for all but the most massive Local Group clusters. These massive clusters begin to bridge the mass gap between the most massive star clusters and the lowest-mass galaxies. We find that the properties of \\cena\\ globular clusters overlap quite well with the central properties of nucleated dwarf galaxies and ultracompact dwarf galaxies. As six of these clusters also show evidence for extratidal light, we hypothesize that at least some of these massive clusters are the nuclei of tidally stripped dwarfs. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Globular clusters provide valuable snapshots of the formation history of galaxies and their large sizes and luminosities make them the most readily observable sub-galactic constituents. In addition, globular clusters exhibit surprisingly uniform properties that suggests a common formation mechanism. They are well-fit by single-mass, isotropic King models \\citep{king66}, which describe clusters in terms of scale radii, central surface brightness, and core velocity dispersion. Detailed studies of globular clusters in our Galaxy have shown that in fact they only inhabit a narrow range of the parameter space available to King models \\citep{djorgovski95,mclaughlin00} and other globular cluster systems in the Local Group also appear to approximately follow the same relations \\citep{djorgovski97,dubath97a,dubath97b,barmby02,larsen02}. These parameter correlations trace a globular cluster fundamental plane that is analogous to, but distinct from, the fundamental plane for elliptical galaxies \\citep{dressler87,djorgovski87,bender92,burstein97}. Globular cluster studies that include internal kinematics have been confined to the Local Group due to the faint apparent magnitudes of more distant extragalactic globular clusters. These studies have therefore only included the globular cluster systems of spiral and dwarf galaxies and not the globular cluster systems of large ellipticals. Yet the globular cluster systems of ellipticals are a particularly interesting regime as they probe both a new morphological type and one likely to have exhibited a different and more complex formation history. The globular cluster systems of elliptical galaxies, as well as many spirals such as our own, have bimodal color distributions suggestive of multiple episodes of formation \\citep[\\eg][]{kundu01,larsen01a}. Models for the formation of these globular cluster systems posit that one of these populations may be the intrinsic population of the galaxy and subsequent mergers resulted in the second population either as the result of a new episode of globular cluster formation \\citep*{schweizer87,ashman92,forbes97} or accretion of globular cluster systems from other galaxies, including accretion of globular clusters by tidal stripping from other members of a cluster of galaxies \\citep*{cote98}. NGC~5128 (Centarus~A), as the nearest large elliptical galaxy, is arguably the best source for extending detailed globular cluster studies outside of the Local Group. While \\cena\\ is the central galaxy of a large group, rather than a giant elliptical in a cluster, it likely had a similar formation history to its larger cousins. The most relevant similarity is the strong evidence for a recent, gas-rich merger \\citep[for a recent review of \\cena\\ see][]{israel98}. Estimates of the size of the \\cena\\ globular cluster population suggest that it has a total of $\\sim 2000$ clusters, approximately a factor of 3 more than the entire Local Group \\citep{harris84}. Simple scaling arguments suggest that \\cena\\ should possess a number of extremely massive globular clusters and therefore is not only a good target for study of the globular cluster system of an elliptical galaxy, but also for study of how well the fundamental plane relations established locally apply to more massive globular clusters. A recent photometric and spectroscopic study of \\cena\\ by \\citet*{peng04a,peng04b} concluded that the metal-rich globular clusters may have a mean age of $5^{+3}_{-2}$ Gyr, while an analysis of their photometric data yields a metallicity range of $-2.0$ through $+0.3$ \\citep{yi04} The most massive globular clusters can also be used to explore connections between the formation processes for star clusters and galaxies. While fundamental plane studies \\citep[\\eg][]{burstein97} clearly illustrate a significant mass gap between the most massive Galactic globular clusters and the least massive dwarf galaxies, there have been encroachments into this gap from both sides. For many years, studies have speculated that at least some globular clusters may be the remains of tidally-stripped dwarf galaxy nuclei \\citep{zinnecker88,freeman93,bassino94}. Two of the most massive globular clusters in the Local Group, $\\omega$Cen in our Galaxy and G1 in M31, have been interpreted as the nuclei of tidally stripped dwarfs \\citep{meylan01,gnedin02,bekki03b}. From the galaxy side, recent studies of nucleated dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster \\citep*{geha02} and ultracompact dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster \\citep{drinkwater03} show some similarities between these least-massive galaxies and the most massive globular clusters. This mass gap may thus reflect the scarcity of the most massive globular clusters and the difficulty of kinematic measurements for the least massive, lowest surface-brightness dwarf galaxies, rather than a physical separation. In this paper we present velocity dispersion measurements for 14 globular clusters in \\cena. These globular clusters were selected from the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} (\\hst) study of \\citet{harris02} and therefore have well-measured structural parameters. These data are combined to estimate masses for these clusters, masses that are among the largest known for any star clusters and comparable to the nuclei of the lowest-mass galaxies. In the next sections we describe the observations, data processing, and velocity dispersion measurements. Analysis of these measurements is described in \\S5 and the potential link between star clusters and galaxies is explored in \\S6. Our results are summarized in the final section. Throughout this paper we adopt the distance of $3.84 \\pm 0.35$ Mpc for \\cena\\ determined by \\citet{rejkuba04} from the brightness of the tip of the red giant branch and the Mira period-luminosity relation. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discuss} The strong dynamical and photometric similarities of these massive globular clusters to the nuclei of dwarf galaxies has interesting implications for models which posit stripped dwarf galaxy nuclei as the origin of the most massive globular clusters. The most massive Local Group clusters, such as $\\omega$Cen in our own Galaxy and G1 in M31, have both been discussed and modeled as stripped dwarf nuclei \\citep{freeman93,meylan01, gnedin02,bekki03b}. The position of $\\omega$Cen and G1 in Figures~\\ref{fig:fp} and \\ref{fig:kappa} show that the \\cena\\ clusters occupy a similar region of the fundamental plane and $\\kappa-$space. All of these massive clusters have comparable masses, mass-to-light ratios, and central surface brightnesses. Support of the interpretation of these clusters as tidally-stripped galaxy nuclei is provided by the tentative detection of extratidal light by \\citet{harris02} for six of the globular clusters (marked with an $x$ in Table~\\ref{tbl:params} and \\ref{tbl:mass}, {\\it partly filled circles} in the figures). In the context of the stripped-dwarf model, it is tempting to view this extratidal light as the last vestiges of the extended dwarf envelope around these nuclei, although extratidal light may also be present due to the evaporation of cluster stars by two-body relaxation. Deeper observations of these and other massive clusters would be extremely valuable to confirm and quantify this extratidal light. Such observations would also better quantify the ellipticities of these globular clusters, which are comparable to those of $\\omega$Cen and G1 but greater than those of dwarf nuclei. These globular clusters may also simply represent the upper end of the globular cluster mass function in \\cena. The similarities between these globular clusters and the most massive globular clusters in the Local Group are more established than the interpretation of the better-studied Local Group clusters as tidally-stripped dwarf nuclei. In addition, there is evidence for yet more massive young star clusters that demonstrate that there is overlap between the masses of the most massive star clusters and the least massive dwarf galaxies. The most massive star cluster known is W3, a cluster with $\\sigma = 45$ \\kms\\ in the merger remnant NGC~7252 \\citep{maraston04}. The inferred mass of this cluster is nearly $10^8$ \\msun, even more massive than the nuclei of the dwarf galaxies studied by \\citet{geha02}. Even if we were to make the extreme suggestion that all of the \\cena\\ globular clusters are in fact relic dwarf nuclei, the existence of W3 demonstrates there is overlap between the masses of galaxies and star clusters. On the other side of the mass gap, the ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster \\citep{drinkwater03} are actually {\\it less} massive than W3 and overlap with the most massive \\cena\\ clusters. These dwarfs have velocity dispersions of $\\sigma = 24 - 37$ \\kms, effective radii of 10 -- 30 pc, masses in the range $10^{7-8}$ \\msun, and mass-to-light ratios of 2 -- 4 in solar units \\citep{drinkwater03}. They are thus very comparable to the larger and more massive of the \\cena\\ globular clusters. Numerical models for these ultra-compact dwarfs have shown that they can form from nucleated dwarfs that have been stripped of their envelopes by tidal forces in a cluster \\citep{bekki03a}. This stripping process can explain the ultra-compact dwarfs in Fornax, although it will operate over approximately a factor of 2 smaller radius in a smaller group like \\cena\\ due to decreased tidal shear. The radius for the tidal stripping of \\cena\\ globular cluster progenitors is likely to be on order 10~kpc \\citep[][see their Figure~7]{bekki03a}, comparable to the projected distances of 5 -- 23~kpc for some of the \\cena\\ globular clusters in this study. It is therefore plausible that tidal stripping could have transformed at least some nucleated dwarf galaxies into these \\cena\\ globular clusters. Another aspect of the tidally-stripped dwarf model is that their dark matter halos cannot be too cuspy as otherwise the relatively concentrated dark matter core will be too effective at retaining the stellar envelope. In their study, \\citet{bekki03a} used the dark matter profile of \\citet{salucci00} (originally proposed by \\citet{burkert95} for dwarf galaxies), rather than the more commonly adopted profile of \\citet*{navarro96}, because it has a flatter core. However, this requirement for a relatively flat dark matter core may remove one possible explanation for the higher mass-to-light ratio of these massive globular clusters. While a residual dark matter halo from their dwarf galaxy past is a possible explanation for the larger mass-to-light ratios of these \\cena\\ clusters, a dark matter profile with a flat, low-density core will also be more efficiently stripped away \\citep{bekki03a}. An alternative explanation for the high mass-to-light ratios of these massive globular clusters is if they formed in a starburst with a truncated stellar initial mass function \\citep{charlot93}. A mass function with relatively more low-mass stars would produce a higher mass-to-light ratio. The detailed shapes and kinematics of the nuclei of nucleated dwarfs and the most massive globular clusters may provide one way to further investigate the potential connection between these two populations. The most massive globular clusters have significant ellipticities \\citep{harris02}, while this does not appear to be the case for the nuclei of nucleated dwarfs \\citep{geha02}. However, the same tidal forces that strip a dwarf envelope may also induce significant ellipticities. The importance of rotational flattening and anisotropies in the velocity distribution may also serve to distinguish between dwarf nuclei and globular clusters. The hypothesis that some of the most massive globular clusters are the nuclei of galaxies offers an appealing explanation for recent evidence of an intermediate-mass black hole in G1 \\citep*{gebhardt02}. The mass of this black hole falls on the same $M_{BH} - \\sigma$ relationship for galaxies and suggests that the formation mechanisms for black holes in star clusters and galaxy spheroids are similar. If G1 is instead simply a tidally-stripped, nucleated dwarf galaxy, the problem is reduced in complexity and only one physical mechanism for black hole growth is required to explain the $M_{BH} - \\sigma$ relation. An alternate interpretation of the similarity between the most massive globular clusters and the nuclei of nucleated dwarfs is that the later are simply star clusters that have migrated to or formed at the centers of these dwarfs. The properties of these objects would then be probes of massive star clusters in different environments, rather than of actual overlap between the properties of the most massive star clusters and the least massive galaxies. This interpretation also explains their similar location in $\\kappa-$space, although stands in contrast to the simple explanation for the intermediate-mass black hole in G1." }, "0404/astro-ph0404529_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a cosmic ray (CR) experiment that will operate on the International Space Station (ISS) for three years, measuring the particle spectra in the rigidity range from 0.2 GV to 2 TV. The first version of the detector, called AMS-01, was flown on board of the space shuttle Discovery in 1998, from June 2 to 12. The second version of the detector, called AMS-02, will operate on the ISS starting from year 2007. AMS-01 collected more than hundred million events, and the results were published about the CR protons and antiprotons, helium, electrons and positrons, and the upper limit on the antimatter ratio (for a review, see Ref.~\\cite{ams01}). The physics goals of the AMS experiment are: (1) the search for antinuclei among the CR, that would be a smoking gun in favor of the existence of cosmic antimatter in form of anti-stars (figure~\\ref{fig1}, left panel, shows the upper limits on the antihelium to helium ratio); (2) the search for signatures of the supersymmetric dark matter candidates, looking at the antiproton and positron spectra (figure~\\ref{fig1}, right panel, shows the expected distortion of the positron to electron ratio that would be produced by the annihilation of 65 GeV/$c^2$ neutralinos \\cite{lamanna03}); (3) the high-statistics study of the CR particle spectra up to 1--2 TV rigidity. \\begin{figure}[t] \\includegraphics[width=0.44\\textwidth]{antiHe-fraction.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[width=0.48\\textwidth]{e+e-bump.eps} \\caption{Upper limits on the CR antihelium to helium ratio (left panel), and a possible signature of the neutralino annihilation in the ratio between CR positrons and electrons (right panel).}\\label{fig1} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[t!] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.4\\textwidth]{ams-02-3d.eps} \\caption{The AMS-02 detector.}\\label{fig2} \\end{figure} The AMS-02 detector (figure~\\ref{fig2}) is able to make multiple measurements of the energy lost by the particles traversing it, of their track and of their velocity \\cite{ams02}. The basic technique for particle recognition lays on the measurement of the energy loss, giving the particle charge absolute value, of the track curvature, giving the particle rigidity, and of the velocity value and direction, that gives the charge sign together with the curvature measurement. The anticoincidence system (ACC) vetoes tracks crossing the magnet, hence all particles must traverse the transition radiation detector (TRD), the time of flight system (TOF), the silicon tracker and the proximity focusing \\v{C}erenkov detector (RICH). About half of them will also produce a shower in the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), placed below the RICH. RICH and TOF are used to distinguish electrons and positrons from antiprotons and protons down to 0.2 GeV, whereas TRD and ECAL allow for the e/p separation up to 300 GeV, that is the upper energy limit for the antiproton and positron measurements. Nuclei can be separated from antinuclei up to the maximum detectable rigidity, i.e.~up to 2 TV. Finally, gamma rays can be detected in the largely unexplored energy range above few tens of GeV. This paper focuses on the ``ordinary'' CR astrophysics items that can be studied with the help of the AMS-02 detector. They are necessary steps before anyone will trust the possible exotic results of the measurement, but they are also important for the understanding of our Galactic environment. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404286_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present the results of stellar photometry of the polar-ring galaxy \\object{NGC~660} using the Hubble Space Telescope's archival data obtained with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. The final list of the resolved stars contains 550 objects, a considerable part of which are blue and red supergiants belonging to the polar ring. The analysis of the Colour Magnitude Diagram for polar ring stars shows that it is best represented by the isochrones with metallicity Z = 0.008. The process of star formation in the polar ring was continuous and the age of the youngest detected stars is about 7~Myr. ", "introduction": "NGC~660, known for a long time as a peculiar galaxy containing two inclined dust lanes \\citep{benv76}, was included by \\citet{whit90} in their catalogue of Polar-Ring Galaxies (PRGs), candidates and related objects as a possible candidate (C\\,-\\,13). The existence of two different kinematic systems was established from radio H{\\sc i} \\citep{gott90} and CO \\citep{comb92} observations, and the galaxy was classified as a kinematically confirmed PRG \\citep{arnab93}. An extensive study of NGC~660 was performed by \\citet{vanDr95}. The authors give a detailed description of the host galaxy (which is spiral, while host galaxies in PRGs are usually lenticular or elliptical) and its ring, which is not polar but is inclined to the disc of the host galaxy by $55\\degr$. The authors notice that the ring is very massive and may be stable \\citep{sparke86}. Multicolour optical observations made with Schmidt telescope with low resolution ($5\\farcs5$) show that the ring is blue ($V-I_{\\rm c}~=1\\fm0$). From comparison with models of single burst star formation, the authors claim that the age of the ring is about 2~Gyr. However, many H{\\sc ii} regions \\citep{young88, armus} observed in the ring and the high mass of molecular gas sufficient for active star formation \\citep{comb92} may point to more recent star formation. Detecting blue supergiants in the ring may confirm this suggestion. The galaxy is one of the nearest PRGs (D$\\sim13$~ Mpc, H$_{\\rm 0}$~=75~km/s/Mpc) and resolving its ring into stars probably may be achieved using HST images. Our study of PRGs NGC~2685 and NGC~4650A whose distances are further than NGC~660 confirms this possibility (Karataeva et al.,\\,2004, Paper I). The HST archive contains several images of NGC~660, unfortunately not very deep. These images form the observational basis for our work devoted to resolving the ring of the galaxy into stars. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\vbox{\\special{psfile=\"0080fig1.ps\" hscale=70 vscale=70 hoffset=-30 voffset=-290 angle=0}% \\vspace{9.5cm} } \\caption{DSS2 $8\\arcmin \\times 11\\arcmin$ image of NGC~660 with WFPC2 footprint overlaid. \\label{f:N660_ima} } \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We have resolved the ring of NGC~660 into stars. Some blue and red supergiants were found with ages of about 7$\\div$9~Myr. The relatively low metallicity of these stars is in accordance with the data for polar rings in other PRGs. It is very important to reach the region of red giants in CMDs. This might give not only the information about ring age but also assist in choosing the model of ring formation because the merging scenario \\citep{bourncomb03} predicts the existence around the galaxy of a halo from old/intermediate age stars. Longer exposures with HST may allow us to construct such CMDs." }, "0404/astro-ph0404079_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{The influence of neutrino trapping (NT) on the early cooling evolution of hot proto quark stars (PQS) with initial temperatures in the range $T\\sim 40~$ MeV is studied. Within a simplified model for the neutrino transport it is shown that the time for reaching neutrino opacity temperature of $T_{opac}\\sim 1$ MeV is about 10 sec. This is an order of magnitude larger than without NT and of the same order as the duration long gamma ray bursts. } ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are among the most intriguing phenomena in the Universe, see \\cite{Piran} and references therein. If the energy is emitted isotropically, the measured energy release is of the order of $10^{53}\\div 10^{54}$~erg and it is a puzzle to explain the engine of a GRB. However, there is now a compelling evidence that the gamma ray emission is not isotropic, but displays a jet-like geometry. When the emission is collimated within a narrow beam a smaller energy, of the order of $10^{52}$~erg, would be sufficient for the GRBs \\cite{Frayl} but their sources are not yet understood. There is growing evidence for a connection of GRBs to supernovae now from emission features in some GRB afterglows, e.g. GRB 990707 \\cite{Amati}, GRB 991216 \\cite{Piro}, GRB 000214 \\cite{Antonelli} and, most recently GRB 030329 \\cite{Fynbo}. As in the realm of a supernova explosion a compact star is likely to be born, it has been conjectured (see \\cite{Berezhiani} and references therein) that a phase transition from hadronic to deconfined quark matter might power the GRB. However, although the energy release might be in the right order of magnitude, the collapse timescale is too short ($\\sim $ several ms) to explain long GRBs with a duration of several tens of seconds. Recently, it has been suggested \\cite{Berezhiani} that the deconfinement transition in a compact star might be an example for a nucleation process of quark matter droplets which is a quantum tunneling process between metastable states, with a sufficient delay, depending on the surface tension of the quark matter droplet. This approach has been criticized \\cite{DNV} since during the supernova collapse the protoneutron star can be heated up to temperatures of the order of the Fermi energy $T\\sim \\varepsilon_F \\approx 30 \\div 40$ MeV so that the thermal fluctuations would dominate over quantum ones and make the phase transition sufficiently fast without the delay claimed in Ref. \\cite{Berezhiani}. In the present contribution we consider the cooling evolution of a hot protoneutron star above the neutrino opacity temperature $T_{opac}\\sim 1$ MeV \\cite{Reddy}, so that the neutrino mean free path is by orders of magnitude smaller than the size of the star. As it has recently been estimated \\cite{Aguilera} and also reported at this conference \\cite{Agui_Korea}, the neutrino untrapping transition occuring when the star cools below $T_{opac}$ might serve as an engine of a GRB. The question to be considered here is whether the energy release by neutrino emission can be sufficiently delayed due to neutrino trapping so that the typical duration of a long GRB could be explained. \\begin{figure}[th] \\psfig{figure=Graph15e.eps,width=\\textwidth,angle=0} \\caption{Schematic representation of the evolution of the composition of compact star matter with increasing density. $Y_i=n_i/n_B$ is the fraction of particles of species i per baryon and $n_B/n_0$ is the baryon density in units of the nuclear saturation density $(n_0 = 0.16~ {\\rm fm}^{-3})$. \\label{Graph15e}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404553_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We have calculated the \\submm spectral indices of 26 Herbig Ae/Be stars, for which we can determine the infrared spectral energy distribution (SED). We find a clear correlation between the strength of the ratio of the near- to mid-infrared excess of these sources, and the slope of the \\submm energy distribution. Based on earlier multi-dimensional modeling of disks around Herbig Ae stars, we interpret this as a correlation between the geometry of the disk (flared or self-shadowed) and the size of the grains: self-shadowed disks have, on average, larger grains than their flared counterparts. These data suggest that the geometry of a young stellar disk evolves from flared to self-shadowed. ", "introduction": "Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stars are the somewhat more massive analogues of the T Tauri stars, which are low-mass young-stellar objects. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of HAEBE stars is characterized by the presence of an infrared (IR) flux excess, due to circumstellar dust and gas. The geometry of this circumstellar matter is believed to be disk-like (e.g. Mannings \\& Sargent 1997, 2000; Fuente et al. 2003). Meeus et al. 2001 (henceforth M01) classified 14 isolated HAEBE sample stars into two groups, based on the shape of the SED. \\textit{Group I} contains the sources in which a rising mid-IR (20--100~$\\mu$m) flux excess is observed; these sources have an SED that can be fitted with a power-law and a black-body continuum. \\textit{Group II} sources have more modest mid-IR excesses; their IR SEDs can be reconstructed by a power-law only. M01 suggested phenomologically that the difference between the two groups is related to the disk geometry. Dullemond 2002 (henceforth D02) and Dullemond \\& Dominik 2004 (henceforth DD04) have modelled young stellar disks with a self-consistent model based on 2-D radiative transfer coupled to the equation of vertical hydrostatics. The model consists of a disk with an inner hole ($\\sim$0.5 AU), a puffed-up inner rim and an outer part. The outer part of the disk can be flared (as in Chiang \\& Goldreich 1997), but can also lie entirely in the shade of the inner rim. The SEDs of flared disks display a strong mid-IR flux excess, while self-shadowed disks have a much steeper slope towards long wavelengths. D02 can explain the difference in SED shape in HAEBEs (as expressed by the classification of M01) as the result of a different disk geometry; flared-disks systems have group I SEDs, sources with self-shadowed disks can be linked to group II objects. In this paper we calculate the spectral index of the \\submm (350--2700~$\\mu$m) SED for a sample of 26 HAEBE stars. We look for a connection between this index and the geometry of the circumstellar disk. In Section~\\ref{OandA} we classify the sample sources and present the computed \\submm spectral indices. Interpretations of the results obtained in the latter section are given in Section~\\ref{interp}. We summarize our conclusions in the final Section~\\ref{concl}. ", "conclusions": "} We showed in this paper that there is a significant difference between the \\submm spectral indices of HAEBE stars with different IR SEDs. This could very well mean that the grain size distribution of the cold grains in a HAEBE star depends on the disk geometry. The HAEBE systems with large IR excesses (group I, i.e. flaring-disk objects) have smaller cold grains than systems with more moderate IR excesses (group II, i.e. self-shadowed-disk sources). In other words, it appears that \\textit{the flaring geometry of a circumstellar disk can only persist when a sufficiently large population of small grains exists in the disk}. The circumstellar-disk models of DD04 agree qualitatively with the results presented here. Disks in which the vast majority of the grains have grown to larger sizes, lead automatically to self-shadowed geometries. Models with small grains result in a mid-infrared SED akin to group I sources. Models with grain sizes larger than $\\sim$1 mm not only display mid-infrared SEDs more resembling those of group II sources, but also change their \\submm slope from larger values of $n$ to a black-body character ($n=3$). DD04 note that the \\submm slope changes with somewhat smaller grain sizes than are required to alter the mid-IR SED from group I to group II. Therefore, according to the models, the spectral index can have all values larger than 3 in group I sources, and all group II sources should have a black-body \\submm slope. This is consistent with the observed trend in which group I sources are observed to have $3.17 3$) to the optically thin black-body value ($n=3$) occurs before the disk becomes self-shadowed. However the DD04 models do not model the dynamical processes leading to grain growth. At present the time scale of this transition from larger $n$ to $n=3$ is unknown, so we are unable to estimate the fraction of group I sources that should have $n=3$. Therefore we have no reason to assume a priori that our distribution of (sub-)mm-spectral-index values is incompatible with the interpretation outlined in Section~\\ref{gg}. In the present paper, we report a clear correlation between the shape of the mid-IR SED and the \\submm slope in our sample. Previous authors have shown that variations in \\submm slope within systems with proto-planetary disks are caused by variations in dust particle size. D02 have shown that the shape of the mid-IR SED is a proxy for disk geometry (flared versus self-shadowed). In accordance with these results, we interpret our find as a correlation between disk geometry and grain size. If one assumes that in the course of disk evolution grains will grow, this offers the first observational indications to the idea that flaring disks evolve into self-shadowed disks." }, "0404/astro-ph0404309_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present observations of the unusual microlensing event OGLE~2003--BLG--235/MOA~2003--BLG--53. In this event a short duration ($\\sim$7 days) low amplitude deviation in the light curve due a single lens profile was observed in both the MOA and OGLE survey observations. We find that the observed features of the light curve can only be reproduced using a binary microlensing model with an extreme (planetary) mass ratio of $0.0039^{+11}_{-07}$ for the lensing system. If the lens system comprises a main sequence primary, we infer that the secondary is a planet of about 1.5 Jupiter masses with an orbital radius of $\\sim3$ AU. ", "introduction": "Gravitational microlensing occurs when a foreground object passes through or very near the line of sight of a background source star generating a well known symmetric light curve profile. If the foreground lens object is a star with an orbiting planet, then the presence of the planet may be detectable via a brief disturbance in the single lens light curve \\citep{mp, gl}. This effect can potentially be utilized to detect planets with masses ranging from those of gas giants right down to terrestrial planets \\citep{br}. The short timescales of these deviations, ranging from a few days for giant planets to hours for terrestrial planets, and their unpredictability, present considerable challenges in any observational program. While some encouraging results have been obtained \\citep{benn99, alb00, rhie, bond02, jp}, no firm detections of planets by microlensing have previously been obtained. In this Letter we report observations, obtained by OGLE and MOA, of the event OGLE~2003--BLG--235/MOA~2003--BLG--53 (hereafter O235/M53) that was independently detected in both survey programs. We observed a 7 day deviation that was strongly detected in both surveys. We show that an extreme mass ratio binary microlensing model best reproduces the observed features in the light curve. ", "conclusions": "In Section~3 we concluded that the observed light curve of O235/M53 is best described by a binary lensing model with an planetary mass ratio of $q=0.0039$. Our definition of the planetary nature of the secondary lens by means of the mass ratio is optimal when the mass ratio can be measured, but it is useful to consider other possible definitions. Another potential dividing line between planets and brown dwarfs is the Solar metalicity threshold for sustained Deuterium burning at 13.6 M$_\\mathrm{J}$, although Deuterium burning itself has little relevance for planet formation. The situation in the case of O235/M53 was helped by the measurement of finite source effects. If the lens is a main sequence star, then as shown in the previous section, it must be an M dwarf with a $\\sim 1.5\\,$M$_\\mathrm{J}$ planetary companion\\footnote{The only other M dwarf star known to have planetary companions is Gliese 876 \\citep{marcy}.}. There is a non-negligible chance that the lens is a white dwarf and a much smaller chance that it is a neutron star, but in both cases, a planetary companion below the nominal 13.6 M$_\\mathrm{J}$ threshold is required. Only in the unlikely case of a massive black hole primary, could the secondary be outside the range traditionally associated with a planet. There are some prospects for follow-up observations of this event. Our measurements of the finite source effects imply a proper motion of the lens with respect to the source of $\\mu = \\theta_\\mathrm{E}/t_\\mathrm{E} = 3.1 \\pm 0.4~\\mathrm{mas/yr}$. High resolution imaging carried out $\\sim 10\\,$years from now with JWST or adaptive optics systems should be able to resolve the lens and source stars providing direct measurements \\citep{han,alcock01} of the color and brightness of the lens, as well as confirmation of the proper motion measurement. We present these observations as a demonstration of the planetary microlensing phenomenon. The power of microlensing is in its ability to acquire statistics on many systems \\citep{gest}. These include planets in wide orbits, very low mass planets, and even planets in other galaxies \\citep{covone, bond02}. The challenge now to the microlensing community is to develop effective strategies to find more planetary microlensing events. Numerical photometry of OGLE~2003--BLG--235/MOA~2003--BLG--53 is available from the websites for OGLE \\url{http://ogle.astrouw.edu.pl} and MOA \\url{http://www.physics.auckland.ac.nz/moa}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404415_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We provide the first direct lifting of the mass/anisotropy degeneracy for a cluster of galaxies, by jointly fitting the line of sight velocity dispersion and kurtosis profiles of the Coma cluster, assuming an NFW tracer density profile, a generalized-NFW dark matter profile and a constant anisotropy profile. We find that the orbits in Coma must be quasi-isotropic, and find a mass consistent with previous analyses, but a concentration parameter 50\\% higher than expected in cosmological $N$-body simulations. We then test the accuracy of our method on realistic non-spherical systems with substructure and streaming motions, by applying it to the ten most massive structures in a cosmological $N$-body simulation. We find that our method yields fairly accurate results on average (within 20\\%), although with a wide variation (factor 1.7 at 1$\\,\\sigma$) for the concentration parameter, with decreased accuracy and efficiency when the projected mean velocity is not constant with radius. ", "introduction": "The kinematical (``Jeans'') analyses of near-spherical structures using the spherical Jeans equation for stationary systems: \\[ \\frac{\\rm d}{{\\rm d} r} (\\nu \\sigma_r^2) + \\frac{2 \\beta}{r} \\nu \\sigma_r^2 = - \\nu \\frac{G\\,M}{r^2} \\ , \\] where $\\nu$ is the 3D density distribution of the tracer population, suffer from the fact that this one equation involves two unknowns: the mass distribution $M(r)$ and the velocity anisotropy $\\beta = 1 - \\sigma_\\theta^2/\\sigma_r^2$ (we make use of the symmetry of spherical systems yielding $\\sigma_\\phi = \\sigma_\\theta$). In some cases of simple anisotropy profiles $\\beta(r)$, the Jeans equation can be inverted to yield the radial dispersion as a single integral over radii of $\\nu M$ times some kernel, and one can insert this solution into the equation that links the line-of-sight velocity dispersion to the radial one, to obtain after some algebra, the line-of-sight dispersion as a single integral over $\\nu M$ and some other kernel. In what follows, we attempt to lift the mass/anisotropy degeneracy by adding a second equation, namely the 4th order Jeans equation for constant anisotropy ({\\L}okas 2002) \\[ \\frac{\\rm d}{{\\rm d} r} (\\nu \\overline{v_r^4}) + \\frac{2 \\beta}{r} \\nu \\overline{v_r^4} + 3 \\nu \\sigma_r^2 \\frac{{\\rm d} \\Phi}{{\\rm d} r} =0 \\ , \\] where we express the line of sight \\emph{kurtosis} as a double integral over $\\nu M$ and $M$ and a third kernel (the details are given in {\\L}okas \\& Mamon 2003). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404505_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have performed a systematic analysis of the dynamics of different galaxy populations in galaxy groups from the 2dFGRS. For this purpose we have combined all the groups into a single system, where velocities $v$ and radius $r$ are expressed adimensionally. We have used several methods to compare the distributions of relative velocities of galaxies with respect to the group centre for samples selected according to their spectral type (as defined by Madgwick et al., 2002), $b_j$ band luminosity and $B\\!-\\!R$ colour index. We have found strong segregation effects: spectral type I objects show a statistically narrower velocity distribution than that of galaxies with a substantial star formation activity (type II-IV). Similarly, the same behavior is observed for galaxies with colour index $B\\!-\\!R\\!>\\!1$ compared to galaxies with $B\\!-\\!R\\!<\\!1$. Bright ($M_{b}<-19$) and faint ($M_{b}>-19$) galaxies show the same segregation. It is not important once the sample is restricted to a given spectral type. These effects are particularly important in the central region ($R_p<0.5\\;R_{vir}$) and do not have a strong dependence on the mass of the parent group. These trends show a strong correlation between the dynamics of galaxies in groups and star formation rate reflected both by spectral type and by colour index. ", "introduction": "Galaxy properties can be affected by several mechanisms in groups or clusters. The fact that different galaxies can be modified to a different extent, could give rise to observable segregational effects. By studying these effects, we may obtain valuable information on the way in which these mechanisms act on galaxies and drive their evolution. The morphology density relation \\citep{oelmer,dress80,andreon} is the best known segregational effect. Early type galaxies are more concentrated in denser regions, and lie closer to the centres of the clusters than late type galaxies. More recently, the clustering properties of galaxies have been found to be dependent on the characteristics of spectral features \\citep{julian,mardom,biviano,madg03c}, and luminosity \\citep{benoist,norberg01,norberg02,stein,adami,girardi}. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain galaxy transformations. Their relevance are quite different according to the environmental conditions \\citep{balogh} and so, their importance depends on the mass of the clusters, and perhaps on the history of galaxy clustering \\citep{gnedin.b}. Some effects are more effective in dense regions like rich clusters, whereas in groups of galaxies other mechanisms play the most important role. Ram pressure \\citep{gunn-gott} can inhibit star formation by exhausting the gas present in galaxies that move fast in the intergalactic medium of rich clusters. Similarly, galaxy harassment \\citep{moore} can produce significant changes in the star formation rate of a galaxy. These effects are not expected to be important in poor clusters or groups, where the velocity dispersion is lower, instead, effects such as mergers or tidal interactions can be dominant in these environments \\citep{gnedin.a}. Besides affecting galaxy properties, such as star formation, luminosity and colour index, some of the physical processes listed above may also produce changes on the dynamics of the galaxy with respect to the cluster centre. In turn, the efficiency of some of these mechanisms to produce significant changes on a galaxy, depends on its dynamical behavior. For example, the effects of galaxy interactions are stronger for galaxies moving slowly with respect to the cluster centre. This suggests that the dynamical properties of galaxies in groups and clusters may be related with the star formation efficiency, colours or luminosities of galaxies\\citep{menciff,moore2}. Segregation effects of galaxy velocities in clusters are predicted theoretically \\citep{menciff,gnedin.b}, in semi--analytical models \\citep{menci}, and has been reported in rich clusters \\citep{sodre}. The relation between the dynamical properties and the luminosity of a galaxy has been observed in rich clusters, by e.g. \\citet{whitmore,adami} and \\citet{stein}, who find evidence for velocity segregation. In agreement with these findings, theoretical studies \\citep{fyf} and numerical simulations \\citep{yepes} show similar trends. However, it is not clear how to interpret these results. Some authors propose different orbit shapes for galaxies with different morphologies or luminosities. In this scheme, early--type galaxies have quasi--isotropic orbits, while late--type galaxies move in nearly radial orbits \\citep{biviano77,adami}. However, other models have been proposed that contradict this statement \\citep{amelia}. Theoretical works predict virialized systems with a Maxwellian velocity distribution \\citep{saslaw,ueda} so it has been proposed that early and late-type galaxies have Gaussian velocity distributions. However, observations in rich clusters do not support these hypothesis (e.g. Colles \\& Dunn, 1996) The purpose of this paper is to explore for a possible difference in the dynamical behavior of galaxies with different spectral types, luminosities and colour indexes. The outline of this paper is as follows. In section 2 we describe the data sample used in our work, and in section 3, the method used in our analysis. Section 4 presents the results of our search for velocity segregation in spectral type, luminosity and colour. Finally, in section 5 we present a discussion of our results and future perspectives. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[width=\\columnwidth]{fig8.eps} \\label{smooth} \\caption{Normalized velocity distributions convolved with a Gaussian of width $85\\;Km\\,s^{-1}$. Inside box shows the binned case for comparison.} \\end{figure}% We find a statistically significant difference of the distributions of group centric line of sight velocities, normalized to the group mean velocity dispersion, for samples of galaxies selected by spectral type, luminosity or colour index. Given the large data set analysed, we have been able to investigate the dependence of this velocity segregation on group properties and galaxy--group centric distance. Spectral type I objects, corresponding to passively star forming galaxies, show a statistically narrower velocity distribution than that of galaxies with a substantial star formation activity (types III-IV). Similarly, samples of galaxies with greater colour index ($B\\!-\\!R\\!>\\!1$) have a larger fraction of small velocities ($v<1$) compared to galaxies with $B\\!-\\!R\\!<\\!1$. These two trends show a strong correlation between galaxy dynamics in groups and star formation, reflected both by spectral type and by colour index. The velocity distribution of luminous galaxies (typically brighter than $M_b=-19$) also show a larger fraction of small velocities, although we notice that once the galaxies are restricted to a given spectral type, there is a less significant segregation. Thus, luminosity is not likely to be a primary parameter determining galaxy dynamics in groups. Our results suggest that the observed luminosity segregation might be related to the fact that the slowest objects, of early spectral type, are on average more luminous than star forming galaxies. There are several mechanisms that may produce dynamical segregations of galaxies in groups and clusters. Ram pressure can effectively remove the existing gas in the galaxies and transform star forming into passively star forming objects. This mechanism affects most strongly those galaxies with large velocities with respect to the intra--cluster medium, and then it should produce a dynamical segregation with opposite trends to the observed one. Moreover, since our analysis concerns groups and small clusters of galaxies, ram pressure is not expected to be significant. Our results indicates that the velocity segregation effects are nearly independent of group virial mass. This fact also suggests that ram pressure is not important since its effects are stronger in more massive systems, and with higher velocity dispersion. Thus, it is unlikely that ram pressure may explain the observed correlations. Mergers on the other hand, are effective to generate spheroidal objects with a low star formation rate. Galaxy encounters are expected to lower the original cluster-centric relative velocities of each galaxy, with respect to the velocities of the galaxies prior to the merger event, so that they can act effectively in generating the observed trends. In a similar fashion, tidal interactions may effectively remove a substantial amount of gas from disks of galaxies, and then, are also effective in truncating star formation. Early type objects generated through this mechanism, would be biased to smaller velocities since interactions are expected to be more effective in slow encounters. Furthermore, these are generally brighter and redder objects. It has been suggested that morphological transformation of galaxies takes place in systems which have a density threshold larger than the density of groups and poor clusters of galaxies \\citep{moore, gray}. Our results indicate that dynamical segregation of passively star forming galaxies is a generic feature of systems of galaxies, irrespective of global properties. However, the fact that segregation effectively occurs in the inner regions of groups indicates that density might be an important parameter in determining the observed effects." }, "0404/astro-ph0404396_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The high eccentricities of the known extrasolar planets remain largely unexplained. We explore the possibility that eccentricities are excited in the outer parts of an extended planetary disk by encounters with stars passing at a few hundreds of AU. After the encounter, eccentricity disturbances propagate inward due to secular interactions in the disks, eventually exciting the innermost planets. We study how the inward propagation of eccentricity in planetary disks depends on the number and masses of the planets and spacing between them and on the overall surface-density distribution in the disk. The main governing factors are the large-scale surface-density distribution and the total size of the system. If the smeared-out surface density is approximated by a power-law $\\Sigma(r)\\propto r^{-q}$, then eccentricity disturbances propagate inward efficiently for flat density distributions with $q\\la 1$. If this condition is satisfied and the size of the planetary system is 50 AU or larger, the typical eccentricities excited by this mechanism by field star encounters in the solar neighborhood over 5 Gyr are in the range 0.01-0.1. Higher eccentricities ($>$0.1) may be excited in planetary systems around stars that are formed in relatively dense, long-lived open clusters. Therefore, this mechanism may provide a natural way to excite the eccentricities of extrasolar planets. ", "introduction": "One of the remarkable features of the $\\sim 120$ known extrasolar planets is their relatively high eccentricities\\footnote{A catalog of extrasolar planets is maintained by Paris Observatory (http://www.obspm.fr/planets)}, most far larger than seen in the giant planets of the solar system. Many mechanisms to produce these high-eccentricity orbits have been offered. The most popular involve planet-planet gravitational scattering \\citep{rasi96,weid96,lin97,ford01,yu01,chia02, terq02}, either through close encounters, physical collisions, secular interactions or resonant interactions. Other eccentricity excitation mechanisms include interactions with the gaseous protoplanetary disk \\citep{gold80,papa01,gold03,ogil03}, or interactions with the planetesimal disk \\citep{murr98}. All of these proposed mechanisms have shortcomings. Planet-planet scattering through close encounters appears to create the wrong eccentricity distribution---there may be too many planets on low-eccentricity orbits, formed by physical collisions or tidal captures during the scattering process (\\citealt{ford01,gold03}, but see \\citealt{ford03}). Discussions of eccentricity excitation through mean-motion resonances assume that planet-disk interactions induce evolution of semimajor axes leading to resonant capture, but neglect the effects of these interactions on eccentricity. Interactions with the gaseous planetesimal disk can either damp or excite eccentricity, depending sensitively on the formation of gaps at Lindblad resonances, nonlinear saturation of corotation resonances \\citep{ogil03}, and the rate of viscous diffusion across resonances \\citep{gold03}, all of which are difficult to calculate reliably. Excitation through interactions with the planetesimal disk may require more massive disks than are indicated by observations and may only be efficient for companions with masses much higher than those of most extrasolar planets \\citep{papa01}. There is strong and growing evidence that most forming stars are surrounded by extended disks, with radii of hundreds of AU. This evidence includes CO observations of massive gas disks around young stars, disks detected in Orion and other star-forming regions by optical emission from their photoionized surfaces, the infrared excess at wavelengths of 25--100$\\mu$ discovered by IRAS around bright nearby stars such as Vega, dust disks found optically around nearby stars such as $\\beta$ Pictoris, and imaging by the NICMOS camera on the Hubble Space Telescope of near-infrared radiation scattered by dusty disks around stars such as HR 4796 (see \\citealt{koer01} and \\citealt{zuck01} for reviews). It may well be that the dust around older stars such as Vega and $\\beta$ Pictoris is ``second-generation'' dust, released in collisions between larger objects (planetesimals or comets) that were formed by the accretion of primordial or first-generation dust particles. Thus the absence of dust around older stars may arise either because the dust has been dispersed or destroyed or because it has been incorporated into larger bodies such as planets. Indirect evidence for planets at large distances from the host stars comes from the morphologies of the dust debris disks of Vega and $\\varepsilon$ Eri. Disk asymmetries and dust concentrations are often interpreted as resulting from the dynamical influence of an unseen massive planet. Modeling suggests that the planetary companion has a semimajor axis $a>30$ AU in the Vega system \\citep{wiln02} and about 55--65 AU in the $\\varepsilon$ Eri system \\citep{ozer00}. Formation of giant planets by core accretion is difficult at these distances, and it has been suggested that planets can migrate outward to distances of up to tens of AU through interactions with the gas disk in young systems \\citep{vera04}. We propose to explore the possibility that the eccentricities of the extrasolar planets arise because of secular interactions in a long-lived extended planetary or protoplanetary disk. We suggest that eccentricities are excited in the outer part of the disk by a passing star and propagate inward through the disk, somewhat like a wave. We explore how the inward propagation of eccentricity in disks depends on the overall surface-density distribution. In Section \\ref{sec_secular} we review the definitions and the approach of secular perturbation theory. In Section \\ref{sec_excit} we describe the initial excitation of the eccentricity and in Section \\ref{sec_prop} we study the propagation of eccentricities via secular interactions. We discuss typical eccentricities produced by this mechanism in Section \\ref{sec_disc} and conclude in Section \\ref{sec_conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_conc} The eccentricities of most extrasolar planets are much larger than those of giant planets in the Solar System. This observation requires explanation because planets that form from a protoplanetary disk are expected to have nearly circular orbits. In this paper we explore the possibility that close stellar encounters can excite planetary eccentricities. Encounters with nearby stars can be dynamically important for the outer parts of circumstellar disks and planetary systems. \\citet{koba01} studied pumping up of eccentricities and inclinations of planetesimals in a close stellar encounter. \\citet{kala01} and \\citet{larw01} suggested that encounters with nearby stars can be responsible for asymmetries in the $\\beta$ Pictoris disk. \\citet{hurl02} found that most planets are stripped from their host stars by encounters with neighbor stars in the dense centers of globular clusters. In the solar neighborhood or an in open cluster the eccentricities of short-period planets cannot be excited directly by perturbations from nearby stars to any significant values because such planets are tightly bound to their host star. We suggest here that if there are other planets or a significant mass in smaller bodies in the same system on larger orbits, the outer planets can be excited to high eccentricities and then transfer this excitation to inner planets through secular perturbations. The extent to which the eccentricity of the innermost planets can be excited depends on the total size of the planetary system and on its smeared-out surface density distribution. If the smeared-out surface density distribution is parametrized by a power law, $\\Sigma(r)\\propto r^{-q}$, then the proposed mechanism is important for systems with $q\\la 1$ and with total size $a_N\\ga 50$ AU. At least some gas disks around young stars show flat density distributions with $q\\simeq 1$ \\citep{dutr96,wiln00} and extend out to tens or hundreds of AU. Theoretical models of steady-state protoplanetary disks also suggest flat surface density distributions \\citep{bell97}. It appears that the maximum lifetime of such gas disks is $10^6-10^7$ years \\citep{hais01}; some of this material may dissipate, but much or most of it may survive as planets or large planetesimals. Outward migration of planets can also yield massive planets at a few tens of AU \\citep{vera04}. It has been suggested that the asymmetries in the dust debris disks in some systems may be due to unseen planets at radii $30-60$ AU \\citep{ozer00, wiln02}. If the mass distribution is flat and the planetary system is large, the inner planets can be excited to high eccentricities (0.1$-$1, eq. \\ref{eps_open}) due to encounters in rich birth clusters. The typical eccentricities that can be excited by the described mechanism from field star encounters in the solar neighborhood are smaller (0.01$-$0.1, eq. \\ref{eps_solar}). A small fraction of stars (10\\%) experience very close encounters with field stars (within 200 AU) in which excited eccentricities can be much higher. All the calculations were done under a simplifying assumption that the perturber is moving in the same plane as the planets. \\citet{koba01} argued that the eccentricities excited by a passing star are insensitive to the inclination of the perturber relative to the planetary disk and lie in the range determined by coplanar prograde and retrograde encounters. Therefore, our conclusions about the eccentricity excitation and propagation are likely to be independent of the inclination of the perturber. In the case when the trajectory of the perturber is inclined relative to the plane of the planetary system, inclinations of the outer planets in the system can be excited and then propagate inward, similarly to propagation of eccentricities that we discussed in this paper. Warps in circumstellar disks like those seen in $\\beta$ Pictoris \\citep{kala95, wahh03} may be signatures of inclination waves propagating through the system after the initial perturbation. In this work our focus was to find the conditions for efficient propagation of eccentricity disturbances. In our simulations, the masses and semimajor axes of successive planets follow geometric progressions. Clearly, these special configurations do not represent the full range of properties of real systems. Therefore, we do not discuss the distribution of eccentricities resulting from our simulations in relation to the observed distribution. \\bigskip We would like to thank Marc Kuchner and Roman Rafikov for useful discussions and the referee for helpful comments on the manuscript. ST acknowledges the support of NASA grants NAG5-10456 and NNG04GH44G. \\newpage" }, "0404/astro-ph0404169_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\citet[LBK]{Lynden-Bell.Kalnajs:72} presented a useful formula for computing the long-range torque between spiral arms and the disk at large. The derivation uses second-order perturbation theory and assumes that the perturbation slowly grows over a very long time (the {\\em time-asymptotic limit}). This formula has been widely used to predict the angular momentum transport between spiral arms and stellar bars between disks and dark-matter halos. However, this paper shows that the LBK time-asymptotic limit is {\\em not} appropriate because the characteristic evolution time for galaxies is too close to the relevant dynamical times. We demonstrate that transients, not present in the time-asymptotic formula, can play a major role in the evolution for realistic astronomical time scales. A generalisation for arbitrary time dependence is presented and illustrated by the bar--halo and satellite--halo interaction. The natural time dependence in bar-driven halo evolution causes quantitative differences in the overall torque and qualitative differences in the physical- and phase-space location of angular momentum transfer. The time-dependent theory predicts that four principal resonances dominate the torque at different times and accurately predicts the results of an N-body simulation. In addition, we show that the Inner Lindblad Resonance (ILR) is responsible for the peak angular momentum exchange but, due to the time dependence, the changes occur over a broad range of energies, radii and frequencies. We describe the implication of these findings for the satellite--halo interaction using a simple model and end with a discussion of possible impact on other aspects secular galaxy evolution. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} A near-equilibrium galaxy only evolves through the excitation of some non-axisymmetric structure such as spiral arms, bars, infalling satellites, etc. The resulting ``waves'' are likely actors in triggering star formation, mediating inward gas flow thereby fueling AGN, heating the stellar disk, among other observable phenomena. In addition, the overall evolution of near equilibrium galaxies is caused by the collective transport of energy and angular momentum from these same structures. An accurate theory of secular evolution is essential for developing our understanding of these interrelated dynamics. The first step is predicting the evolution of the non-axisymmetric distortions. The underlying dynamical mechanism for the stellar and dark matter components is understood. At the level of individual orbits, an excitation such as a bar, a spiral pattern, or orbiting satellite produces a periodic distortion on all orbits, much like a driven harmonic oscillator. Although the torque distorts a typical orbit, this distortion averages to zero over many orbital periods for most orbits. However, for nearly closed orbits\\footnote{A closed orbit is one with integral commensurabilities between the orbital frequencies and the pattern frequency.}, the net torque does not vanish. An adiabatic invariant is broken by the vanishing precession frequency of the closed orbit; clearly, there is no adiabatic invariant for a degree of freedom with no motion. The perturbation then couples to the oscillatory distortion for these orbits and net torque is transferred to or from these orbits. This coupling between the forced oscillation and the perturbation will be second order in the perturbation strength. In time, the perturbation itself and the underlying equilibrium is slowly changed by this torque. This leads to a finite measure of orbits that transfer angular momentum to and from the pattern \\citep[for additional discussion, see][hereafter Paper 2]{Weinberg.Katz:04}. Although the first-order perturbation may dominate the instantaneous changes to phase space, the second-order changes describe the net changes that will persist after many dynamical times. This process was described mathematically by \\citet[hereafter LBK]{Lynden-Bell.Kalnajs:72} in the limit that the change in the perturbation is very slow but still fast enough that the orbital perturbations remain linear. LBK derived a formula describing the exchange of angular momentum between a spiral pattern and the rest of the disk assuming that the perturbation began infinitely long in the past, the time-asymptotic limit. In this limit, any vestigial response from the formation of the pattern is gone. The LBK approach has been widely applied to estimate secular evolution \\citep[e.g.][]{Goldreich.Tremaine:79b,Weinberg:85,Zhang:98,Athanassoula:03}. \\cite{Carlberg.Sellwood:85} took the first step towards a time-dependent generalisation of the LBK formalism for studying secular disk evolution. They included time-dependent transients but evaluated the secular changes in the infinite time limit. This is appropriate for studying the cumulative effect of short-lived transients. However, the perturbation theory may be fully generalised to treat arbitrary time-dependent perturbations over arbitrary intervals of time. This allows us to treat the long-lived bar and satellite interactions over the full age of a galaxy with some surprising results. In attempting a detailed description of the angular momentum exchange between a rotating bar and a dark halo in an N-body simulation (see Paper 2), I found a significant discrepancy between the predictions of the second-order LBK perturbation theory and the N-body simulation. This discrepancy persisted for perturbations over a wide range of bar amplitudes and scaled with time and perturbation amplitude as expected from second-order linear theory, implying that its source is not a break down in linearity. Rather, the problem is due to the assumption of an infinitely slow growth of the perturbation. Not only is the number of characteristic dynamical times in a galactic age modest, the growth of a bar, arms and of course satellites is most likely a small fraction of the galactic age. Because patterns often appear over several orbital periods and the total number of orbital periods available are small, transients may be significant and the time-asymptotic limit does not apply. I will show in this paper that a finite-time-limit generalisation of the LBK formula gives quantitatively and qualitatively different results. Quantitatively, we will see that the overall torque is smaller than that computed from the LBK formula for a rotating bar. Qualitatively, different commensurabilities are important at different epochs of the evolution. Because the location of the resonances in physical space are important for the long-term evolution of galaxy, including the finite-time response is important for understanding this evolution. In this limit, the time dependence is more than simply a transient but embodies the galaxy's evolutionary history. I will present a new, generalised secular evolution formula and describe the important details of the dynamics in \\S\\ref{sec:method}. The new torque formula replaces the delta function in the LBK formula by an integral over the time-dependent perturbation and is similarly straightforward to apply. Two specific applications are presented in \\S\\ref{sec:examples}: bar--dark halo coupling and satellite--dark halo coupling. N-body simulations will demonstrate the importance of the finite-time response to the net torque and illustrate the discrepancy with the LBK formula. In \\S\\ref{sec:barslow}, we will see that the ILR dominates the bar evolution and use this new formalism to explicitly predict the location of the angular momentum deposited. The same dynamics is then applied to sinking satellites in \\S\\ref{sec:sinksat}. We will conclude with \\S\\ref{sec:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} This paper shows the \\citet[LBK]{Lynden-Bell.Kalnajs:72} secular torque formula is not a quantitatively accurate description of secular evolution in galaxies. The LBK formula assumes that the growth time of a perturbation driving secular evolution is infinitely long compared the characteristic dynamical time. However, not only is the number of characteristic dynamical times in a galactic age modest, the growth of a spiral arms, a bar or the decay of a large dwarf satellite has evolutionary time scales of order 100 Myr to 1 Gyr, uncomfortably close to the equilibrium galaxy lifetime of 10 Gyr or smaller. We have seen that the finite time effects yield a different distribution of angular momentum in the halo and a different total torque than for a time-asymptotic system assumed by LBK. Similarly, it is unlikely that time-dependent effects will affect time-asymptotic perturbation theory predictions in planetary systems \\cite{Goldreich.Tremaine:79b, Goldreich.Tremaine:80} where the secular evolution time scale is much larger than the dynamical time scale. In \\S\\ref{sec:method}, I presented generalised the LBK formula for perturbations of finite duration. The new formula shares many of the features of the LBK formula; the main difference is that the Dirac delta function $\\delta(\\ldo - m\\Omega_p)$ is replaced with a time integral (see eq. \\ref{eq:LBK1}). Over astronomically-relevant time scales, the finite-time generalisation shows that transients from the formation history of the system play an important role in the overall dynamical evolution. For example, Figures \\ref{fig:pattern} and \\ref{fig:lbk} illustrate the total torque and differential contributions of the principal resonances during slow down of a bar in dark matter halo. The correct result is the net contribution for approximately 8 resonances (not all shown in Fig. \\ref{fig:lbk}) and therefore these resonances must be accurately represented in an N-body simulation to obtain the correct result (see Paper 2). The most important general finding is that the history of galaxy evolution can not be ignored in understanding and predicting a particular galaxy's evolution. These dynamics are illustrated in two cases: the bar--halo interaction and the satellite--halo interaction. The details of the bar--halo interaction have been recently described in Paper 2 and explored in a self-consistent simulation in Paper 3 \\citep{Holley-Bockelmann.etal:04}. Both papers demonstrate that bar--halo coupling through the ILR agrees with the predictions presented here. Both the LBK formula and the time-dependent formula predict that the ILR resonance dominates the overall angular momentum transfer. However, the time-dependent evolution spreads the resonant interaction over a broader range of lower energies that are more populated in phase space and therefore have a larger overall evolutionary consequence. The time-asymptotic ILR is located at smaller energies and radii and would be inaccessible to most N-body simulations. The time-asymptotic approximation is especially poor for the ILR resonance in a cuspy halo where the time-dependent spread in frequency corresponds to a large region in radius and energy. This is strong encouragement to attempt an understanding of the dynamical interactions prior to simulation. One expects a similar halo response in the satellite--halo interaction because the quadrupole perturbation from a rotating bar shares much in common with the quadrupole perturbation from an orbiting satellite. Indeed, we show that this is the case. However, because the symmetries, the radial profile, and the distribution of frequencies for the two perturbations are different, the ILR no longer dominates in the satellite interaction. Nonetheless, the ILR does play a role during the early stages of orbital evolution and this has been verified in N-body simulation \\citep[see][]{Choi.etal:04}. The aggregate effect of this mechanism from a population of substructure will be the subject of a later investigation. The wakes excited by interactions between satellites, disks and dark matter halos give rise to a variety of observable consequences. For example, large-scale transport of angular momentum throughout the disk and to the halo may will tend to decrease the disk scale length. The response of the galaxy halo to the surrounding group environment can propagate features to the inner galaxy, exciting disk waves and subsequent star formation. In addition, the interaction between the satellite and disk will drive bending modes and the energy in these modes will heat the disk. Detailed simulations for these processes of disparate scales are difficult. Time-asymptotic secular perturbation theory has often been used to estimate evolution and compare with simulation. However, we have found that the difference in amplitude and significance between the time-dependent and time-asymptotic responses for the bar--halo interaction (Fig. \\ref{fig:lbk}) is dramatic. If these differences are representative of the difference in these other processes, our current picture of secular evolution must be revisited by considering the time-dependent evolution of these ``waves'' in the context of a galaxy's environmental history." }, "0404/astro-ph0404443_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present 2D Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations of prestellar cores. We consider two types of asymmetry: {\\it disk-like} asymmetry, in which the core is denser towards the equatorial plane than towards the poles; and {\\it axial} asymmetry, in which the core is denser towards the south pole than the north pole. In both cases the degree of asymmetry is characterized by the ratio $e$ between the maximum optical depth from the centre of the core to its surface and the minimum optical depth from the centre of the core to its surface. We limit our treatment here to mild asymmetries with $e = 1.5\\,$ and $2.5\\,$. We consider both cores which are exposed directly to the interstellar radiation field and cores which are embedded inside molecular clouds. \\hspace{0.3cm} The SED of a core is essentially independent of the viewing angle, as long as the core is optically thin. However, the isophotal maps depend strongly on the viewing angle. Maps at wavelengths longer than the peak of the SED (e.g. 850 $\\mu$m) essentially trace the column-density. This is because at long wavelengths the emissivity is only weakly dependent on temperature, and the range of temperature in a core is small (typically $T_{\\rm max}/T_{\\rm min} \\la 2$). Thus, for instance, cores with disk-like asymmetry appear elongated when mapped at 850 $\\mu$m from close to the equatorial plane. However, at wavelengths near the peak of the SED (e.g. 200 $\\mu$m), the emissivity is more strongly dependent on the temperature, and therefore, at particular viewing angles, there are characteristic features which reflect a more complicated convolution of the density and temperature fields within the core. \\hspace{0.3cm} These characteristic features are on scales $1/5$ to $1/3$ of the overall core size, and so high resolution observations are needed to observe them. They are also weaker if the core is embedded in a molecular cloud (because the range of temperature within the core is then smaller), and so high sensitivity is needed to detect them. {\\it Herschel}, to be launched in 2007, will in principle provide the necessary resolution and sensitivity at 170 to 250 $\\mu$m. ", "introduction": "\\hspace{1.2em} Prestellar cores are condensations in molecular clouds that are either on the verge of collapse or already collapsing (e.g. Myers \\& Benson 1983; Ward-Thompson, Andr\\'e \\& Kirk 2002). They represent the initial stage of star formation and their study is important because theoretical models of protostellar collapse suggest that the outcome is very sensitive to the initial conditions. Prestellar cores have been observed both in isolation and in protoclusters. Isolated prestellar cores (e.g. L1544, L43 and L63; Ward-Thompson, Motte \\& Andr\\'e 1999) have extents $\\ga 1.5\\times 10^4$ AU and masses $0.5-35~{\\rm M}_{\\sun}$ (see also Andr\\'{e}, Ward-Thompson, \\& Barsony 2000). On the other hand, prestellar cores in protoclusters (e.g. in $\\rho$ Oph and NGC2068/2071) are generally smaller, with extents $\\sim 2-4 \\times 10^3$ AU and masses $\\sim 0.05-3~{\\rm M}_{\\sun}$ (Motte, Andr\\'e \\& Neri 1998, Motte et al. 2001). Many authors have modelled prestellar cores with Bonnor-Ebert (BE) spheres, i.e. equilibrium isothermal spheres in which self-gravity is balanced by gas pressure (Ebert 1955, Bonnor 1956). For example, Barnard 68 has been modelled in this way by Alves, Lada \\& Lada (2001). However, it is evident from 850 $\\mu$m continuum maps of prestellar cores, which essentially trace the column-density through a core, that prestellar cores are not usually spherically symmetric (e.g. Motte et al., 1998; Ward-Thompson et al., 1999; Kirk et al., 2004). Indeed, statistical analyses of the projected shapes of a large sample of cores (Jijina, Myers \\& Adams, 1999) suggest that prestellar cores do not even have spheroidal symmetry and are better represented by triaxial ellipsoids (Jones, Basu \\& Dubinski, 2001; Goodwin, Ward-Thompson \\& Whitworth, 2002). This is not surprising, given the highly turbulent nature of star-forming molecular clouds, and the short time-scale on which star formation occurs (e.g. Elmegreen, 2000). Normally, prestellar cores are formed -- and then either collapse or disperse -- so rapidly that they do not have time to relax towards equilibrium structures. Even in more quiescent environments where cores can evolve quasi-statically, the combination of magnetic and rotational stresses is likely to produce significant departures from spherical symmetry. For instance, SPH simulations of isothermal, turbulent, molecular clouds by Ballesteros-Paredes, Klessen \\& Vazquez-Semadeni (2003) show (a) that most of the cores that form are transient and non-spherical; and (b) that, despite this fact, the column density can, more often than not, be adequately fitted with the Bonnor-Ebert profile, although the parameters of the fit depend on the observer's viewing angle. Likewise, the FD simulations of magnetic, isothermal, turbulent, molecular clouds reported by Gammie et al. (2003) produce transient, triaxial cores. Similarly, evolutionary models of individual prestellar cores predict the formation of flattened (oblate spheroidal) structures, either due to rotation (e.g. Matsumoto, Hanawa \\& Nakamura 1997), or due to flattening along the lines of a bipolar magnetic field (e.g. Ciolek \\& Mouschovias, 1994). Other models invoke a toroidal magnetic field to create prolate equilibrium cores (e.g. Fiege \\& Pudritz, 2000). Triaxial structures can be generated with a suitable combination of rotation and magnetic field. It is therefore important to investigate, by means of radiative transfer modelling, how the intrinsic asymmetries inherent in the formation and evolution of a core might translate into observable asymmetries on continuum maps of cores. Previous continuum radiative transfer modelling of prestellar cores has examined non-embedded BE spheres (Evans et al., 2001, Young et al., 2003) and embedded BE spheres (Stamatellos \\& Whitworth, 2003a), using 1D (spherically-symmetric) codes. Zucconi, Walmsley \\& Galli (2001) have used an approximate, semi-analytic method to model non-embedded, magnetically flattened prestellar cores, in 2D. We have recently developed a Monte Carlo code for modelling continuum radiative transfer in arbitrary geometry, and with arbitrary accuracy. Preliminary results have been presented in Stamatellos \\& Whitworth (2003b,c). In this paper we develop continuum radiative transfer models of non-spherical cores. Since these models are intended to be exploratory, rather than definitive, we consider here only 2D models (i.e. we impose azimuthal symmetry so that in spherical polar co-ordinates $(r,\\theta,\\phi)$ there is no dependence on $\\phi$). Since star formation is a chaotic process, it is not sensible to appeal to numerical simulations for the detailed density field in a prestellar core. From both observations (e.g. Kirk et al., 2004) and simulations (e.g. Goodwin et al., 2004), it is clear that each core has a unique distribution of gas in its outer envelope, and a unique radiation field incident on its boundary. Even if existing simulations are a good representation of the real dynamics of star formation, they are not presently able to reproduce particular sources, and therefore they can only be compared realistically with observations in a statistical sense. We will be presenting SEDs and isophotal maps for prestellar cores formed in SPH simulations of star formation in turbulent molecular clouds in a subsequent paper (Stamatellos, Goodwin \\& Whitworth, in preparation). However, for interpreting observations of individual cores, it is more appropriate to generate SEDs and isophotal maps using simply parametrized models which capture generically the different features we might hope to detect. In this regard, we have been guided by the observations, which indicate that prestellar cores have approximately uniform density in their central regions, and the density then falls off in the envelope. If the density in the envelope is fitted with a power law, $n(r) \\propto r^{-\\eta}\\,$, then $\\eta \\sim 2\\,-\\,4 \\,$. Here $\\eta \\sim 2$ is characteristic of more extended prestellar cores in dispersed star formation regions (e.g. L1544, L63 and L43), whereas $\\eta \\sim 4$ is characteristic of more compact cores in protoclusters (e.g. $\\rho$ Oph and NGC2068/2071). These features are conveniently represented by a Plummer-like density profile (Plummer, 1915), \\begin{equation} n(r) = n_0\\,\\frac{1}{ \\left[ 1 + \\left( \\frac{r}{r_0} \\right)^2 \\right]^{\\eta/2} } \\,, \\end{equation} where $n_0$ is the density at the centre of the core, and $r_0$ is the extent of the region in which the density is approximately uniform. The Plummer-like density profile is ad hoc, but given the transient, non-hydrostatic nature of prestellar cores, and the coarseness of the observational constraints, this is unavoidable. It has the advantage of being simple, with only three free parameters. Uniquely amongst analytic models, it predicts lifetimes, accretion rates, collapse velocity fields, SEDs and isophotal maps which agree well with observation (Whitworth \\& Ward-Thompson, 2001; Young et al., 2003). It also reproduces approximately the BE density profile, and the density profiles predicted by the ambipolar diffusion models of Ciolek \\& Mouschovias (1994) and Ciolek \\& Basu (2000). Tafalla et al. (2004) use a similar density profile to model the starless cores L1498 and L1517B in Taurus-Auriga. Furthermore, the Plummer-like profile can be modified easily \tto include azimuthally symmetric departures from spherical symmetry. We treat two types of asymmetry. In the first type (disk-like asymmetry), we construct flattened cores, using density profiles of the form \\begin{equation} n(r,\\theta) = n_0\\,\\frac{1 + A \\left( \\frac{r}{r_0} \\right)^2 {\\rm sin}^p(\\theta) }{ \\left[ 1 + \\left( \\frac{r}{r_0} \\right)^2 \\right]^{(\\eta+2)/2} } \\,. \\end{equation} The parameter $A$ determines the equatorial-to-polar optical depth ratio $e\\,$, i.e. the maximum optical depth from the centre to the surface of the core (which occurs at $\\theta = 90\\degr$), divided by the minimum optical depth from the centre to the surface of the core (which occurs at $\\theta = 0\\degr$ and $\\theta = 180\\degr$). The parameter $p$ determines how rapidly the optical depth from the centre to the surface rises with increasing $\\theta$, i.e. going from the north pole at $\\theta = 0\\degr$ to the equator at $\\theta = 90\\degr$. In the second type (axial asymmetry), we construct cores which are denser towards the south pole ($\\theta = 180\\degr$) than the north pole ($\\theta = 0\\degr$), using density profiles of the form \\begin{equation} n(r,\\theta) = n_0\\,\\frac{1 + A \\left( \\frac{r}{r_0} \\right)^2 {\\rm sin}^p(\\theta/2) }{ \\left[ 1 + \\left( \\frac{r}{r_0} \\right)^2 \\right]^{(\\eta+2)/2} } \\,. \\end{equation} Here the parameter $A$ determines the south-to-north pole optical depth ratio $e\\,$, i.e. the maximum optical depth from the centre to the surface of the core (which now occurs at $\\theta = 180\\degr$), divided by the minimum optical depth from the centre to the surface of the core (which still occurs at $\\theta = 0\\degr$). The parameter $p$ again determines how rapidly the optical depth from the centre to the surface rises with increasing $\\theta$, but now going from the north pole at $\\theta = 0\\degr$ all the way round to the south pole at $\\theta = 180\\degr$. In all models the core has a spherical boundary at radius $R_{\\rm core}$. For the purpose of this paper, and in order to isolate a manageable parameter space, we fix $n_0 = 10^6\\, {\\rm cm}^{-3}$, $r_0 = 2 \\times 10^3\\,{\\rm AU}$, $\\eta = 2$, and $R_{\\rm core} = 2 \\times 10^4\\,{\\rm AU}$. These are typical values for isolated cores. We can then explore the effect of varying $A$ and $p$, or equivalently $e$ and $p$. In Section 2, we outline the basic principles underlying our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. In Section 3, we present results obtained for cores having disk-like asymmetry; we treat both non-embedded cores and cores embedded in molecular clouds. In Section 4, we present results for cores having axial asymmetry. In Section 5, we summarize our results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:asym.discussion} We have performed accurate two dimensional continuum radiative transfer calculations for non-spherical prestellar cores. We argue that such non-spherical models are needed because observed cores are clearly not spherically symmetric, and are not expected to be spherically symmetric. Our models illustrate the characteristic features on isophotal maps which can help to constrain the intrinsic density and temperature fields within observed non-spherical cores. They demonstrate the importance of observing cores at wavelengths around the peak of the SED and with high resolution. Our main results are: \\begin{itemize} \\item For the cores treated here, which are optically thin at the long wavelengths where most of the emission occurs, the SED is essentially the same at any viewing angle. For example, in the case of cores having disk-like asymmetry, the SED does not distinguish between cores viewed from different angles. \\item Isophotal maps at submm wavelengths (e.g. at 850~$\\micron$) are essentially column density tracers, whereas maps at far infrared wavelengths around the peak of the core emission (e.g. 200~$\\micron$) reflect both the column density and the temperature field along the line of sight. Therefore, sensitive, high-resolution observations at 170-250~$\\micron$ ({\\it Herschel}) combined with long-wavelength observations (e.g. 850~$\\micron$ or $1.3~{\\rm mm}$) can in principle be used to constrain the orientation of a core and the temperature field within it. \\item If we assume a universal ISRF, then cores embedded in ambient molecular clouds are colder than cores directly exposed to the ISRF and have lower temperature gradients within them. As a result, the characteristic features on 200~$\\micron$ isophotal maps are weaker for cores embedded in ambient clouds with visual extinction less than $A_{\\rm V}~\\sim~10$, and may even disappear completely for more deeply embedded cores ($A_{\\rm V}>20$). \\item If the ISRF incident on the ambient molecular cloud is enhanced in the UV region (for example, by nearby luminous stars) but still isotropic, then the embedded cores are hotter and the temperature gradients inside them may be sufficient to produce detectable characteristic features, even in deeply embedded cores. \\item The shapes of asymmetric cores depend strongly on the observer's viewing angle. For example, cores with disk-like asymmetry appear more flattened when viewed edge-on. Our models also indicate that such cores should be easier to detect when viewed from near the equatorial plane. This may introduce a selection effect that should be taken into account when studying the statistics of the shapes of cores, using solely optically thin continuum, or optically thin molecular-line, observations. \\item If the ambient ISRF is isotropic, the characteristic features on 200~$\\micron$ maps are symmetric with respect to two axes for cores with disk-like asymmetry, and with respect to one axis for cores with axial asymmetry. Thus, just the symmetry of these features, could be indicative of the core's internal density structure. Lack of symmetry in the features could indicate triaxiality, but it could also simply indicate that the radiation field incident on the core is anisotropic, due to discrete local sources. \\end{itemize} Recently Gon\\c{c}alves, Galli, \\& Walmsley (2004) have presented radiative transfer models of axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric toroidal cores, and also models of cores heated by an additional external stellar source. In their approach, they use a similar but independent Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. Their models focus on the effect of different core density profiles and anisotropic heating of cores, whereas we focus on the effect of observing mildly asymmetric cores at different viewing angles. Both studies are in general agreement for similar core models, and are helpful for the study of non-spherical realistic prestellar cores. We are now extending our study by treating the effect of an anisotropic illuminating radiation field. We are also studying the triaxial molecular cores that result from 3-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations." }, "0404/astro-ph0404325_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\hh\\ is an extremely hot hydrogen-deficient white dwarf with an effective temperature close to 200\\,000\\,K. We present new FUV and soft X-ray spectra obtained with FUSE and Chandra, which confirm that \\hh\\ has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon and oxygen. The Chandra LETG spectrum (60\\,--\\,160\\AA) shows a wealth of photospheric absorption lines from highly ionized oxygen, neon, and -- for the first time identified in this star -- magnesium and suggests relatively high Ne and Mg abundances. This corroborates an earlier suggestion that \\hh\\ represents a naked C/O stellar core or even the C/O envelope of an O-Ne-Mg white dwarf. ", "introduction": "\\hh\\ is a faint blue star that has been identified as the counterpart of a bright soft X-ray source (Nousek \\etal 1986) discovered by an early X-ray survey (Nugent \\etal 1983). Spectroscopically, the star is a member of the PG1159 class which comprises hot hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarf stars ($T_{\\rm eff}$=75\\,000\\,K--180\\,000\\,K, $\\log g$=5.5--8 [cgs]; Werner 2001). The PG1159 stars are probably the outcome of a late helium-shell flash, a phenomenon that drives the currently observed fast evolutionary rates of three well-known objects (FG~Sge, Sakurai's object, V605 Aql). A late helium-shell flash may occur in a post-AGB star or a white dwarf. Flash induced envelope mixing generates a H-deficient surface layer. The surface chemistry then essentially reflects that of the region between the H-and He-burning shells of the precursor AGB star. The He-shell flash transforms the star back to an AGB star and the subsequent, second post-AGB evolution explains the existence of Wolf-Rayet central stars of planetary nebulae and their successors, the PG1159 stars. Within the PG1159 group \\hh\\ is an extraordinary object, as it has been shown that it is not only hydrogen-deficient but also helium-deficient. From optical spectra it was concluded that the atmosphere is primarily composed of carbon and oxygen, by equal amounts (Werner 1991, {\\small W91}). Strong neon lines were detected in soft X-ray spectra taken with the EUVE satellite and in an optical-UV Keck spectrum and an abundance of Ne=2--5\\% (all abundances in this paper are given as mass fractions) was derived (Werner \\& Wolff 1999, {\\small WW99}). The origin of this exotic surface chemistry is unclear. Here we present new results of observations performed with FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, whose spectroscopic resolution is more than an order of magnitude better than that of previous FUV and EUV missions (HUT and EUVE). We will show that the Chandra spectrum contains a wealth of photospheric absorption lines from highly ionized metals. Ionization balances of O, Ne, and Mg lines provide new constraints on the effective temperature and, for the first time, allow an estimation of the Mg abundance. We also analyze the spectra with respect to other metals, namely Al, Na, and the iron group. In the following sections we will first describe the model atmosphere calculations. Then we will present in detail the compilation of atomic data and design of the model atoms. After a coarse characterization of the FUSE and Chandra spectra we turn to the detailed comparison between synthetic and observed spectra. Finally we discuss the results and their implications on the evolutionary history of \\hh. \\begin{figure}[tbp] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{154fig01.ps}} \\caption[]{ Chandra observation (thin line) compared to two model spectra (thick lines). From one of the models we have omitted the bound-free cross-section of the level \\ion{Mg}{v} 2p$^5$\\,$^3$P$^{\\rm o}$ in order to demonstrate that a strong autoionization feature in the cross-section (dashed line) can result in a line-like absorption feature in the calculated spectrum (marked by the arrow, \\Teff=175\\,000\\,K). } \\label{autoionplot} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Let us summarize the properties of \\hh: \\begin{eqnarray*} \\Teff &=& 200\\,000\\,{\\rm K} \\pm 20\\,000\\,{\\rm K}\\\\ \\logg &=& 8.0 \\pm 0.5 {\\rm \\ \\ [cgs]} \\end{eqnarray*} Element abundances in \\% mass fraction: \\begin{eqnarray*} {\\rm C}&=&48 \\\\ {\\rm O}&=&48 \\\\ {\\rm Ne}&=&2 \\\\ {\\rm Mg}&=&2 \\\\ {\\rm Fe-group}&=&0.14\\ \\ {\\rm (solar)} \\\\ {\\rm He}&<&1 \\\\ {\\rm Na}&<&0.1 \\\\ {\\rm Al}&<&0.1 \\end{eqnarray*} The value of \\logg\\ and abundances for C, O, and Ne were taken from previous work ({\\small W91, WW99}). Estimated errors for abundances are: $\\pm$20\\% for mass fraction of C and O, and a factor of 3 for Ne, Mg, and Fe-group. Stellar mass and luminosity can be derived by comparing the position of \\hh\\ in the $g$-\\Teff\\ diagram with theoretical evolutionary tracks. We use the post-AGB tracks of Bl\\\"ocker (1995) and derive: \\begin{eqnarray*} M/{\\rm M}_\\odot&=&0.836^{+0.13}_{-0.10}\\\\ \\log L/{\\rm L}_\\odot&=&2.45^{+0.6}_{-0.4}\\\\ d/{\\rm kpc}&=&0.67^{+0.3}_{-0.53} \\end{eqnarray*} Note that the mass of \\hh\\ is considerably higher than the mean mass of the PG1159 stars (0.6\\,M$_\\odot$). The spectroscopic distance was obtained by comparing the measured visual flux (V=16.24, Nousek \\etal 1986) with the flux of the final model (\\Teff=200\\,000\\,K, \\logg\\,=\\,8): H$_\\nu$[5400\\AA]=$3.42 \\cdot 10^{-3}$ erg/cm$^2$/s/Hz). Interstellar reddening was neglected for this determination, because it is very low. In fact, the best model fit to the continuum shape of the UV/FUV spectrum taken with HUT provided E(B-V)=0 (Kruk \\& Werner 1998). \\begin{figure*}[tbp] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{154fig10.ps}} \\caption[]{ Synthetic spectra (\\Teff=200\\,000\\,K) with \\ion{Fe}{ix} lines (top panel) and \\ion{Ni}{ix} lines (bottom panel) compared to the Chandra spectrum. The POS line lists are used here to enable line identifications. Identifying individual lines is impossible, probably due to strong line blending by other heavy metal lines, as demonstrated in Fig.\\,\\ref{chandra_fe_group_a}. Observed count spectrum and model spectra (relative flux) are convolved with Gaussians with FWHM=0.02\\AA\\ and 0.03\\AA, respectively. } \\label{chandra_fe_group_b} \\end{figure*} We have analyzed new FUV and soft X-ray spectra of the unique object \\hh. We confirm its exotic chemical composition, which is dominated by C and O. We confirm the high Ne abundance and find a similarly high abundance of Mg. This chemistry either reflects that of the core of a C/O white dwarf or the C/O envelope of a white dwarf with a O-Ne-Mg core. It therefore remains unclear if \\hh\\ has gone beyond 3$\\alpha$ burning through a subsequent C burning phase or not. In any case, the origin of the He-deficiency remains obscure. \\hh\\ could be an extreme PG1159 star which -- in contrast to the other stars of this group -- has for some unknown reason burned up its helium completely. Alternatively, \\hh\\ could have burned carbon, now being a O-Ne-Mg white dwarf. Some unidentified mechanism (C shell flashes?) may be responsible for the loss of helium by ingestion and burning in deep hot layers. Interestingly, Iben and collaborators have predicted that such C-burning stars in the super-AGB phase could loose their H- and He-rich envelopes by a radiation driven superwind (Ritossa \\etal 1996). \\hh\\ might resemble the result of such a scenario. A surprisingly rich photospheric absorption line spectrum in the soft X-ray regime has been revealed by our Chandra observation. Although the overall flux distribution cannot be explained by a single model with a particular temperature, the ionization equilibria of O, Ne, and Mg suggest that \\Teff\\ is slightly higher than determined in previous analyses (200\\,000\\,K$\\pm$20\\,000\\,K). This makes \\hh\\ the hottest known post-AGB star and white dwarf ever analyzed in detail with model atmosphere techniques." }, "0404/astro-ph0404113_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on continued monitoring of the Anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) \\tfe\\ using the \\textit{Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer}. We confirm that this pulsar has exhibited significant pulsed flux variability. The principal features of this variability are two pulsed X-ray flares. Both flares lasted several months and had well-resolved few-week--long rises. The long rise times of the flares are a phenomenon not previously reported for this class of object. The epochs of the flare peaks were MJD $52,218.8 \\pm 4.5$ and $52,444.4 \\pm 7.0$. Both flares had shorter rise than fall times. The flares had peak fluxes of $2.21 \\pm 0.16$ and $3.00 \\pm 0.13$ times the quiescent value. We estimate a total 2--10~keV energy release of $\\sim 2.7\\times 10^{40}$~ergs and $\\sim 2.8\\times 10^{41}$ ergs for the flares, assuming a distance of 5 kpc. We also report large (factor of $\\sim$12) changes to the pulsar's spin-down rate on time scales of weeks to months, shorter than has been reported previously. We find marginal evidence for correlation between the flux and spin-down rate variability, with probability of nonrandom correlation 6\\%. We discuss the implications of our findings for AXP models. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) are an exotic manifestation of young neutron stars. AXPs are known for their steady, soft X-ray pulsations in the period range of 6--12~s. The detection of X-ray bursts from two AXPs has confirmed the common nature of these objects with that of soft gamma repeaters \\citep{SGRs; gkw02,kgw+03}, another exotic type of young neutron star. Both classes of objects are believed to be magnetars, i.e., powered by the decay of an ultrahigh magnetic field that has a magnitude of $10^{14}$--$10^{15}$ G on the stellar surface. For recent AXP reviews, see \\citet{kg04a} and \\citet{kas04}. One issue in AXP research has been flux stability. Historically, two AXPs have been reported to be highly flux variable. \\citet{opmi98} collected all published flux measurements for AXP \\tfe\\ and concluded that its total flux varies by as much as a factor of 10 between observations spaced by typically 1--2 yr over $\\sim$20 yr. Those data were from a diverse set of instruments, including imaging and nonimaging telescopes. Similarly, flux variability by a factor of greater than 4 was reported for AXP \\tfn\\ by \\citet{bs96}, using data also from a variety of instruments. However, long-term {\\it Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE)} monitoring of the pulsed flux of \\tfe\\ by \\citet{kgc+01} and of \\tfn\\ by \\citet{gk02} using a single instrument and set of analysis software showed no evidence to support such large variability.\\footnote{Total flux measurements with \\rxte\\ were difficult given the large field of view of the PCA and the low count rates for the AXPs relative to the background.} Also, \\citet{tgsm02}, following a short {\\it XMM-Newton} observation of \\tfe, compared the observed flux with those measured by two other imaging instruments, {\\it ASCA} and {\\it BeppoSAX}. They found that in the three observations, the total flux was steady to within $\\sim$30\\%--50\\%. They argued that the nonimaging detections included in the \\citet{opmi98} analysis may have been contaminated by other sources in the instruments' fields of view; in particular, the bright and variable X-ray source $\\eta$ Carina lies only 38$'$ away. A possible solution to this puzzle came with the discovery of a large (greater than 10 times) long-lived flux enhancement from \\tfn\\ at the time of a major outburst in 2002 June 18. This event was accompanied by many other radiative changes as well as by a large rotational spin-up \\citep{kgw+03,wkt+04}. This suggests that past flux variability reported in AXPs could be attributed to similar outbursts that went undetected. We report here, using data from our continuing {\\it RXTE} monitoring program, the discovery of significant pulsed flux variability in \\tfe. This variability is mainly characterized by two long-lived pulsed flux flares, having well-resolved rises a few weeks long. These are unlike any previously seen flux enhancements in AXPs and SGRs and thus likely represent a distinct physical phenomenon. We find no evidence for any major associated bursting behavior. We also report large variations in the spin-down torque on timescales of a few weeks/months. We find only a marginal correlation between the flux and torque variations. We argue that this poses another significant challenge to any disk-accretion model for AXPs, but is not inconsistent with the magnetar model. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} The long-lived flux enhancements with well-resolved rises that we have observed in \\tfe\\ are very different from previously detected X-ray flux variations in AXPs and SGRs, which show very abrupt rises associated with major outbursts \\citep[e.g.][]{kgw+03,wkt+04}. The long-lived flux decay in those sources has been attributed to burst afterglow, which is a cooling of the crust following an impulsive heat injection from magnetospheric bursts \\citep{let02}. The much more gradual flux rises that we have observed in \\tfe\\ comprise a new phenomenon not yet observed in any other AXP, despite several years of careful and frequent {\\it RXTE} monitoring. These flux variations may provide a new diagnostic of the physical origin of the persistent nonthermal emission in SGRs and AXPs, since they are not contaminated by burst afterglow. Also interesting are the large variations in spin-down rate or torque. Torque variations by nearly a factor of 5 were already reported from {\\it RXTE} observations \\citep{kgc+01}, on timescales of years. Here we have shown that the torque can change by at least a factor of $\\sim$2 more, and on much shorter timescales, namely, a few weeks to months. In considering the observed pulsed flux and torque variations, whether they are correlated is an important issue. Our weekly monitoring of the source unfortunately commenced only after most of the first flare decayed. Prior to that, the monthly observations, taken in the form of brief snapshots, did not allow anything about the rotational behavior of the source to be determined when phase-coherent timing was not possible. This was the case during the first flare. During the second flare, the spin frequency was, interestingly, {\\it most} stable during the rise and peak of the flare. Furthermore, the stable spin-down rate was at a lower magnitude than the long-term average. Subsequently, $\\sim 60$ days after the flux began to decay, the rate of spin-down began to increase. Given timing observations during only one flare, it is unclear whether these features are coincidences or not. However, there is no strong evidence to support otherwise; similar torque variations were seen in the past and were not accompanied by any flaring (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:spin flux spectra}). Significant torque variations unaccompanied by severe flux variability have been noted for \\tfe\\ prior to our \\rxte\\ monitoring \\citep[e.g.][]{pkdn00}. Nevertheless, statistically, the probability that they are uncorrelated is only 4\\%; studying Figure~\\ref{fig:fit} suggests that if anything, slope transitions are correlated, if not the slopes between transitions. Continued \\rxte\\ monitoring will help identify any true correlations, particularly if the source exhibits more variability. Can the magnetar model explain such behavior? The persistent emission in magnetars has a spectrum that is well described by a two-component model, consisting of a blackbody plus a hard power-law tail. The thermal component is thought to arise from heat resulting from the active decay of a high internal magnetic field \\citep{td96a}; however, thermal X-ray flux changes are not expected on as short a time scale as we have measured in the absence of major bursts. \\citet{tlk02} put forth a model in which the nonthermal component arises from resonant Compton scattering of thermal photons by currents in the magnetosphere. In magnetars, these currents are maintained by magnetic stresses acting deep inside its highly conducting interior, where it is assumed that the magnetic field lines are highly twisted. These magnetospheric currents in turn twist the external dipolar field in the lesser conducting magnetosphere. These magnetic stresses can lead to sudden outbursts or more gradual plastic deformations of the rigid crust, thereby twisting the footpoints of the external magnetic field and inducing X-ray luminosity changes. The persistent non-thermal emission of AXPs is explained in this model as being generated by these currents through magnetospheric Comptonization and surface back-heating \\citep{td96a,tlk02}. Changes in X-ray luminosity, spectral hardness, and torque have a common physical origin in this model and some correlations are expected. Larger twists correspond to harder persistent X-ray spectra, as is observed, at least when comparing the harder SGR spectra to those of the softer AXPs. As noted by \\citet{kgc+01}, \\tfe's hard photon spectral index ($\\Gamma = 2.9$) suggests that it is a transition object between the AXPs ($\\Gamma \\simeq$3--4) and the SGRs ($\\Gamma = $2.2--2.4). Hence, if during the flares \\tfe's magnetosphere was twisted to the SGR regime, we expect spectral index variations of $\\sim 0.5$. Spectral measurements of such precision are not feasible with our short \\rxte\\ monitoring observations. Decoupling between the torque and the luminosity can be accounted for in the magnetar model. According to \\citet{tlk02} the torque is most sensitive to the current flowing on a relatively narrow bundle of field lines that are anchored close to the magnetic pole, and so only a broad correlation in spin-down rate and X-ray luminosity is predicted, and in fact is observed for the combined population of SGRs and AXPs \\citep{mw01,tlk02}. However, for a single source, whether an X-ray luminosity change will be accompanied by a torque change depends on where in relation to the magnetic pole the source of the enhanced X-rays sits. Similarly, large torque variations, as we have observed, may occur in the absence of luminosity changes if the former are a result of changes in the currents flowing only in the small polar cap region. Note that energetically, the total release in these flares is comparable to, although somewhat less than, that in the afterglows seen in SGRs and in AXP \\tfn\\ \\citep[see][for a summary]{wkt+04}. It easily can be accounted for given the inferred magnetic energy of the star. Although the magnetar model for AXPs has been spectacularly successful in explaining their most important phenomenology, the anomalous behavior noted for \\tfe\\ raises the possibility that perhaps it has a physical nature different from other AXPs. It has also been suggested that AXPs might be powered by accretion from fossil disks \\citep{chn00, alp01}. An increase in luminosity $L_X$ can easily be explained in accretion models by an increase in the mass accretion rate $\\dot{M}$, given that $L_X \\propto \\dot{M}$. Transient changes in $\\dot{M}$ are perhaps not unreasonable to expect in fossil disk models, given the huge variations seen in $\\dot{M}$ of conventional accreting sources. However, in an accretion scenario, we expect correlations between luminosity and torque. In conventional disk-fed accreting pulsars undergoing spin-up, one expects $\\dot{\\nu} \\propto L_X^{6/7}$. Such a correlation is seen approximately in accreting pulsars, with discrepancies possibly attributable to changed beaming or improper measurement of bolometric luminosities, the former due to pulse profile changes, and the latter due to finite bandpasses \\citep{bcc+97}. As discussed by \\citet{kgc+01}, for a source undergoing regular {\\it spin-down} as in \\tfe, the prediction is less clear; the form of the correlation depends on the unknown functional form of the torque. For the propeller torque prescription of \\citet{chn00}, we find that $L_X\\propto \\dot{\\nu}^{7/3}$, a much stronger correlation than in the conventional spin-up sources. For a change in $L_X$ by a factor of $\\sim$3 as we have seen in the rise of the second flare, we would expect a simultaneous change in $\\dot{\\nu}$ by greater than $50\\%$, clearly ruled out by our data. Conversely, for the abrupt change of $\\dot{\\nu}$ by a factor of $\\sim$2 (near MJD 52740), we expect a change in $L_X$ by a factor of $\\sim$5, definitely not seen. This appears to pose a significant challenge to fossil-disk accretion models for \\tfe. Two infrared observations taken on MJD 52,324 \\citep{ics+02} and MJD 52372 \\citep{wc02} have shown that the IR counterpart of this source is variable. However, the pulsed X-ray flux at both those epochs was consistent with the quiescent value. Furthermore, even though the X-ray flux has not yet returned to its quiescent value, recent observations show that the source's proposed IR counterpart is consistent with the fainter of the two previous observations \\citep{dk04}. This decoupling between the IR and the X-ray flux contrasts with what was observed in AXP \\tfn, whose IR flux increased then decayed in concert with the X-ray flux at the time of its 2002 outburst \\citep[][Tam et al. 2004, in preparation]{kgw+03}. This is puzzling and suggestive of more than one mechanism for producing IR emission in AXPs." }, "0404/astro-ph0404439_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present results from an ISOCAM survey in the two broad band filters LW2 (5-8.5 $\\mu$m) and LW3 (12-18 $\\mu$m) of a 0.13 square degree coverage of the Serpens Main Cloud Core. A total of 392 sources were detected in the 6.7 $\\mu$m band and 139 in the 14.3 $\\mu$m band to a limiting sensitivity of $\\sim$ 2 mJy. We identified 58 Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) with mid-IR excess from the single colour index $[14.3/6.7]$, and 8 additional YSOs from the $H-K/K-m_{6.7}$ diagram. Only 32 of these 66 sources were previously known to be YSO candidates. Only about 50\\% of the mid-IR excess sources show excesses in the near-IR $J-H/H-K$ diagram. In the 48 square arc minute field covering the central Cloud Core the Class\\,I/Class\\,II number ratio is 19/18, i.e. about 10 times larger than in other young embedded clusters such as $\\rho$ Ophiuchi or Chamaeleon. The mid-IR fluxes of the Class\\,I and flat-spectrum sources are found to be on the average larger than those of Class\\,II sources. Stellar luminosities are estimated for the Class\\,II sample, and its luminosity function is compatible with a coeval population of about 2 Myr which follows a three segment power-law IMF. For this age about 20\\% of the Class\\,IIs are found to be young brown dwarf candidates. The YSOs are in general strongly clustered, the Class\\,I sources more than the Class\\,II sources, and there is an indication of sub-clustering. The sub-clustering of the protostar candidates has a spatial scale of 0.12 pc. These sub-clusters are found along the NW-SE oriented ridge and in very good agreement with the location of dense cores traced by millimeter data. The smallest clustering scale for the Class\\,II sources is about 0.25 pc, similar to what was found for $\\rho$ Ophiuchi. Our data show evidence that star formation in Serpens has proceeded in several phases, and that a ``microburst'' of star formation has taken place very recently, probably within the last 10$^5$ yrs. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The youngest stellar clusters are found deeply embedded in the molecular clouds from which they form. There are several reasons why very young clusters are particularly interesting for statistical studies such as mass functions and spatial distributions. Because mass segregation and loss of low mass members due to dynamical evolution has not had time to develop significantly for ages $\\la 10^8$ yrs \\citep{sca98}, the stellar IMF can in principle be found for the complete sample, at least for sufficiently rich clusters. For ages $\\la 10^5$ yrs the spatial distribution should in gross reflect the distribution at birth, which gives important input to the studies of cloud fragmentation and cluster formation. Only in the youngest regions of low mass star formation do we find the co-existence of newly born stars and pre-stellar clumps, which allows one to compare the mass functions of the different evolutionary stages. Low mass stars are more luminous when they are young, being either in their protostellar phase or contracting down the Hayashi track, which permits probing lower limiting masses. Severe cloud extinction, however, requires sensitive IR mapping at high spatial resolution to sample the stellar population of embedded clusters. ISOCAM, the camera aboard the ISO satellite \\citep{kes96}, provided sensitivity and relatively high spatial resolution in the mid-IR \\citep{ces96}. The two broad band filters LW2 (5-8.5 $\\mu$m) and LW3 (12-18 $\\mu$m), designed to avoid the silicate features at 10 and 20 $\\mu$m, were selected to sample the mid-IR Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in different evolutionary phases. According to the current empirical picture for the early evolution of low mass stars \\citep{ada87,lad87,and93,and94}, newborn YSOs can be observationally classified into 4 main evolutionary classes. Class\\,0 objects are in the deeply embedded main accretion phase ($\\ga$ 10$^4$ yrs), and have measured circumstellar envelope masses larger than their estimated central stellar masses, with overall SEDs resembling cold blackbodies and peaking in the far-IR. Class\\,I sources ($\\sim 10^5$ yrs) are observationally characterised by a broad SED with a rising spectral index\\footnote{The spectral index is defined as $\\alpha_{\\rm IR} = d \\log (\\lambda F_{\\lambda})/(d \\log \\lambda)$ and is usually calculated between 2.2 $\\mu$m and 10 or 25 $\\mu$m.} towards longer wavelengths ($\\alpha_{\\rm IR} > 0$) in the mid-IR. The Class\\,II sources spend some 10$^6$ yrs in a phase where most of the circumstellar matter is distributed in an optically thick disk, displaying broad SEDs with $-1.6 < \\alpha_{\\rm IR} < 0$. At $\\alpha_{\\rm IR} \\approx -1.6$ the disk turns optically thin, and the sources evolve into the ($\\sim 10^7$ yrs) Class\\,III stage where the mid-IR imprints of a disk eventually disappear. A normal stellar photosphere has $\\alpha_{\\rm IR} = -3$. Thus, while Class\\,0 objects are not favourably traced by mid-IR photometry, they are expected to be rare. At the other extreme, Class\\,III sources cannot generally be distinguished using mid-IR photometry since most of them have SEDs similar to normal stellar photospheres. But mid-IR photometry from two broad bands, as obtained in this study with ISOCAM, is highly efficient when it comes to detection and classification of Class\\,I and Class\\,II sources. Thus, considering the fact that these latter objects constitute the major fraction of the youngest YSOs, the ISOCAM surveys provide a better defined sample for statistical studies than e.g. near-IR surveys for regions with very recent star formation \\citep[see][]{pru99}. This paper presents the results from an ISOCAM survey of $\\sim $ 0.13 square degrees around the Serpens Cloud Core in two broad bands centred at 6.7 and 14.3 $\\mu$m. This cloud, located at $b^{\\rm II} = 5^{\\circ}$ and $l^{\\rm II} = 32^{\\circ}$ at a distance of $259 \\pm 37$ pc \\citep{str96,fes98}, comprises a deeply embedded, very young cluster with large and spatially inhomogeneous cloud extinction, exceeding 50 magnitudes of visual extinction. Only a few sources are detected in the optical \\citep{har85,gom88,gio98}. Serpens contains one of the richest known collection of Class\\,0 objects \\citep{cas93,hur96,wol98,dav99}, an indication that this cluster is young and active. On-going star formation is also evident from the presence of several molecular outflows \\citep{bal83,whi95,hua97,her97,dav99}, pre-stellar condensations seen as sub-mm sources \\citep{cas93,mcm94,tes98,wil00}, a far-IR source (FIRS1) possibly associated with a non-thermal triple radio continuum source \\citep{rod89,eir89,cur93}, a FUor-like object \\citep{hod96}, and jets and knots in the 2.1 $\\mu$m H$_2$ line \\citep{eir97,her97}. Investigations of the stellar content have been made with near-IR surveys \\citep{str76,chu86,eir92,sog97,gio98,kaa99a}, identifying YSOs using different criteria, such as e.g. near-IR excesses, association with nebulosities, and variability. In this paper we identify new cluster members, characterize the YSOs into Class\\,I, flat-spectrum, and Class\\,II sources, estimate a stellar luminosity function for the Class\\,II sample and search for a compatible IMF and age, and finally describe the spatial distribution of both the protostars and the pre-main sequence population in this cluster. {\\small \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Observational parameters, detection statistics and photometric results for each of the 6 ISOCAM rasters CE, CW, CS, D1, D2, D3. See Fig.~\\ref{figmap} and text. \\label{tbl-1}} \\[ \\begin{tabular}{lcccrrcrrrrrr} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} & $\\alpha$(2000) & $\\delta$(2000) & Size$^1$ & T$_{\\rm int}$ & pfov & $<$n$_{\\rm ro}>$ & N$_{\\rm det}$ & N$_{\\rm 6.7}$ & N$_{\\rm 14.3}$ & N$_{\\rm both}$ & 1$\\sigma_{6.7}$ & 1$\\sigma_{14.3}$ \\\\ & & & (\\arcmin $\\times$ \\arcmin) & (sec) & (\\arcsec) & & & & & & (mJy) & (mJy) \\\\ (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) & (8) & (9) & (10) & (11) & (12) & (13) \\\\ \\hline CE & 18 29 48.3 & 01 16 04.5 &13$\\times$13 & 0.28& 3/6 &4$\\times$13& 133 & 113 & 56 & 51 & 2 &3 \\\\ CW & 18 29 06.3 & 01 16 01.4 &13$\\times$13 & 2.1 & 6 &7 & 152 & 139 & 43 & 38 &0.8&2 \\\\ CS & 18 29 52.5 & 01 02 37.9 &13$\\times$16.5& 0.28& 6 &4$\\times$13& 165 & 152 & 41 & 34 &1.2&4 \\\\ D1 & 18 29 48.7 & 01 15 20.5 &1.8$\\times$4.6& 2.1 & 3 &44 & 20 & 15 & 9 & 9 & 1 &2 \\\\ D2 & 18 29 52.3 & 01 15 20.8 &1.8$\\times$4.6& 2.1 & 3 &44 & 24 & 19 & 11 & 10 & 1 &4.5 \\\\ D3 & 18 29 57.8 & 01 12 55.4 &4.6$\\times$1.8& 2.1 & 3 &44 & 30 & 21 & 15 & 13 & 1 &3 \\\\ Tot$^2$ & & & & & & & 421 & 392 &140 &124 & & \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\end{tabular} \\] $^1$ Approximate size since each raster has tagged edges. \\\\ $^2$ The total number is corrected for multiply observed sources in overlapped regions. \\\\ \\end{table*} } ", "conclusions": "We have used ISOCAM to survey 0.13 square degrees of the Serpens Cloud Core in two broad bands centred at 6.7 and 14.3 $\\mu$m. In combination with our ground based deep $JHK$ imaging of the 48 square arcminute central region as well as additional $K$ band imaging of about 30 square arcminutes to the NW, and a 1.3 mm IRAM map of the central dense filament, we have investigated the mid-IR properties of the young stellar population. The following results are found: \\begin{itemize} \\item The number of point sources with reliable flux measurements are 392 at 6.7 $\\mu$m and 139 at 14.3 $\\mu$m. Of these, 124 are detected in both bands. \\item On the basis of one single colour index, $[14.3/6.7]$, we found that 53 of the 124 objects possess strong mid-IR excesses. Only 28 of these were previously suggested YSO candidates. The large scale spatial distribution of these mid-IR excess sources is strongly concentrated towards the Cloud Core, where it is elongated along NW-SE. \\item The near-IR $J-H/H-K$ diagram is found to have an efficiency of less than 50\\% in detecting IR excess sources. This efficieny is comparable to that one found in star formation regions in general from ISOCAM data \\citep{kaa00} and $\\rho$ Ophiuchi in particular \\citep{bon01} and should be kept in mind when interpreting $JHK$ based data in terms of disk fractions. \\item The $H-K/K-m_7$ diagram separates well intrinsic IR excess from the effects of reddening. From this diagram we were able to increase the number of mid-IR excess sources to 70. This means a fractional increase in the investigated region by 25\\%. \\item Combination of near-IR and mid-IR photometry for reddened stars without IR excesses enables us to estimate the extinction at 6.7 and 14.3 $\\mu$m relative to that in the $K$ band in the Serpens direction. We find A$_{7}$ = 0.41 A$_K$ and A$_{14}$ = 0.36 A$_K$. Our results agree with the extinction law measured towards the Galactic centre by \\citet{lut96}, as well as with the results from the ISOGAL survey \\citep{jia03}. \\item Classification of the Serpens YSOs in terms of the SED indices gives 20 Class\\,I sources, 13 flat-spectrum sources, and 43 Class\\,II sources. The number of Class\\,I sources appears to be exceptionally large along the NW-SE oriented ridge, and the number fraction Class\\,I/Class\\,II is almost 10 times higher than normal, an indication that this part of the cluster is extremely young and active. \\item The mid-IR luminosities of the Class\\,I sources are on the average larger than those of the Class\\,II sources. Since Class\\,II sources are expected to have SEDs which peak approximately in the near and mid-IR, in contrast to Class\\,Is which radiate most of their luminosity in the far-IR, we conclude that there is a weak indication of luminosity evolution in the Serpens Cloud Core. \\item We have estimated extinction and stellar luminosities for the 43 Class\\,II sources found in our survey. The Class\\,II luminosity function is found to be compatible with co-eval formation about 2 Myrs ago and an underlying IMF of the three-segment power-law type \\citep{kro93,sca98}, similar to the mass function found in $\\rho$ Ophiuchi \\citep{bon01}. With this assumption on age, every fifth Class\\,II is a young brown dwarf. \\item Except for one case, the Class\\,I sources are exclusively found in sub-clusters of sizes $\\sim$ 0.12 pc distributed along the NW-SE oriented ridge. The sub-clusters also contain several flat-spectrum sources. In total, each core has formed between 6 and 12 protostars (lower limit) within a very short time. The spatial distribution of the Class\\,II sources, on the other hand, is in general much more dispersed. \\item On the assumption that the protostar candidates follow roughly the same IMF as the Class\\,IIs, we derive a SFR of 6.1 $\\times$ 10$^{-5}$ M$_{\\odot}$/yr and a local SFE of 9\\% in the recent microburst of star formation forming the dense sub-clusters of protostars. \\end{itemize} The results presented in this study show evidence that the sub-clusters in the central part of the Serpens Cloud Core were formed by a recent microburst of star formation. The extreme youth of this burst, deduced from the compact clusters of protostar candidates, is supported by independent investigations, such as the rich collection of Class\\,0 sources found by \\citet{cas93} and \\citet{hur96} in the same regions. In addition to the clustered protostar population, we also find a more distributed population of Class\\,II sources, for which we have deduced an age more or less typical of Class\\,IIs found in other regions (2 Myr). In addition to these YSO generations, there is probably also a population of Class\\,III sources, which is undistinguishable from the field star population in our study, but which should be looked for with proper search tools, such as e.g. X-ray mapping \\citep{gro00}. \\citet{cas93} suggested that their submm sources without near-IR counterparts represented a second phase of active star formation in Serpens. Here we show the co-existence of sources in the various evolutionary stages from Class\\,II and flat-spectrum to Class\\,I and Class\\,0 sources. While we find an age estimate of 2 Myr for the Class\\,II population, it is highly unlikely that the clustered Class\\,I and flat-spectrum sources are older than a few 10$^5$ yrs. Our results therefore support the conclusions of \\citet{cas93} that star formation has proceeded in several phases in Serpens." }, "0404/astro-ph0404263_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a \\xmm~observation of Markarian 304, a Seyfert 1 galaxy at $z$ = 0.066. The \\epic~data show that MKN~304 is affected by heavy (\\nh~$\\approx$ 10$^{23}$ \\cm2) obscuration due to ionized gas. A two--phase warm absorber provides an adequate parameterization of this gas. The ionization parameter of the two components is $\\xi \\approx$ 6 \\cgs~and $\\xi \\approx$ 90 \\cgs, respectively. The observed continuum photon index ($\\Gamma \\approx$ 1.9) is typical for Seyfert 1 galaxies. Two significant emission lines are detected at 0.57 keV and 6.4 keV, respectively. The former is mostly likely due to He--like oxygen triplet emission arising from an ionized plasma (maybe the warm absorber itself). The latter is due to fluorescent emission of K--shell iron in a low--ionization state (FeI--XV). The upper limit for the line width of $\\sigma_{K\\alpha} <$ 0.18 keV most likely rules out an origin in the inner parts of the accretion disk. Interestingly, the strength of such line is consistent with the possibility that the emission is produced in the warm absorber itself. However, a substantial contribution from the torus is plausible too. We have also found a weak (4\\% of the primary continuum) soft excess emission component. The presence of this excess could be explained by either emission/scattering from a warm gas or partial covering, or a combination of them. ", "introduction": "The bulk of the X--ray emission in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is produced via Comptonization of UV photons in the inner parts of the accretion flow close to the central supermassive black hole. The resulting power law spectrum is modified by a number absorption and emission spectral features due to the reprocessing of this primary continuum (Mushotzky, Done \\& Pounds 1993). They are clear signatures of the presence of large amounts of gas characterized by different physical properties in the circumnuclear region. One of the most common spectral features is the so--called {\\it warm} (i.e. partially ionized) {\\it absorber} (Halpern 1984; Pan et al. 1990, Turner et al. 1993). Such a component has been found to contribute significantly to the opacity of the X--ray primary emission in $\\approx$ 50\\% of the Seyfert 1 galaxies with column densities up to \\simgt~10$^{23}$ \\cm2 (Reynolds 1997). In particular, OVII (0.739 keV) and OVIII (0.871 keV) absorption edges resulted to be the most prominent absorption signatures of the ionized gas in low--resolution {\\em ASCA} observations. The advent of grating spectrometers on--board \\xmm~and \\chandra~has dramatically enriched our knowledge in this field. High--resolution soft X--ray spectra of bright Type 1 AGNs present a wealth of absorption lines (e.g. Collinge et al. 2001; Kaspi et al. 2001; Kaastra et al. 2002), which allow to infer a few remarkable", "conclusions": "The spectrum of MKN~304 unveiled by the \\xmm~observation discussed in this paper is complex both in the soft and in the hard energy band (Fig.~1). Our analysis fully confirms previous results on narrower energy ranges which reported a very flat continuum for this source, and suggested the existence of heavy obscuration. However, due to the limited bandpass and the poor sensitivity of the previous observations, it was impossible to accurately investigate the properties of the absorption, and discriminate between a cold (neutral) or warm (ionized) medium. This \\xmm~observation of MKN~304 has clearly revealed that the strong obscuration (\\nh~$\\approx$ 10$^{23}$ \\cm2) occurs in an ionized gas. We have indeed found that the best fit model to the \\epic~data consists of a two--phase warm absorber with a high-- and a low--ionized component, a faint soft excess component and two emission lines at $\\sim$ 0.57 keV and $\\sim$ 6.4 keV, respectively (see Model E in Table~1). \\subsection{Warm absorber} \\label{sect:warm} We fixed {\\it a priori} the temperature values at T = 1.5 $\\times$ 10$^{5}$ K and T = 3.0 $\\times$ 10$^{4}$ K for the two ``phases'' of the ionized plasma since they represent typical values observed in sources with a multi--phase warm absorber (Netzer et al. 2003; Kaastra et al. 2002). From the spectral analysis we derived $\\xi^{T5}$ = 89.3$^{+13.9}_{-12.0}$ \\cgs~and $\\xi^{T4}$ = 5.9$^{+2.4}_{-0.9}$ \\cgs~for the hot and the cold component, respectively (see model E in Table 1). Our findings for MKN~304 appear to be in agreement with a ``multi--zone'' structure for the ionized absorber in Seyfert galaxies as discovered by high resolution spectroscopic observations recently performed with grating spectrometers on--board of \\xmm~and \\chandra. They indeed resolved the complex structure of the AGN circumnuclear absorbing material into a multi--phase plasma with several orders of magnitude spread in $\\xi$ and systematic blueshifts (Blustin et al. 2003; Kaastra et al. 2002). This observational evidence leads to interpret the warm absorber phenomenon essentially in terms of a photoionized outflowing wind consisting of different inhomogeneous co--existing regions (or shells) characterized by a broad distribution in $\\xi$, temperature and density (Krolik 2002; Behar et al. 2003; Elvis 2000). Interestingly, while our best--fit values for ionization parameters of the two absorbing components are similar to those found in other Seyfert 1 galaxies (Kaastra et al. 2002; Blustin et al. 2003), the corresponding column densities (\\nhh~$\\approx$ 9 $\\times$ 10$^{22}$ \\cm2~and \\nhc~$\\approx$ 2 $\\times$ 10$^{22}$ \\cm2) are amongst the highest seen by \\chandra~and \\xmm~so far. Given these high values of \\nh, photoionization edges are expected to dominate the absorption features in MKN~304. In fact, at high column densities the UTA absorption lines saturate. Edges (alongside with $2p-nd$ (with $n >3$) absorption lines) provide the major contribution to the absorption spectrum (Behar, Sako \\& Kahn 2001). Furthermore as shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:ext2soft}, the absorption feature in MKN~304 is remarkably broad and deep and, hence, hard to reconcile with what simply expected from UTA\\footnote{Nonetheless, it is also worth noting that the colder ionized component has values of \\nh, $\\xi$ and $T$ approximately consistent with the production of UTA features around 0.75 keV. Unfortunately, the lack of an adequate energy resolution does not allow us to further test this hypothesis.}. Besides absorption, also emission lines are expected to arise from the warm medium. Due to the underlying illuminating bright continuum and the forest of absorption lines such emission features are however difficult to detect in low--resolution data. In particular He--like triplets of O and Ne are usually expected. The OVII line detected at 0.57 keV in the spectrum of MKN~304 is therefore consistent with reprocessing in the warm gas. However, in sources showing both absorption and emission lines the former usually appear to have different velocities respect to the latter (and in many cases consistent with the galaxy rest--frame, e.g. Collinge et al. 2001), so it is not clear if emitter and absorber systems are intrinsically the same. For instance, Kaastra et al. (2002) found the optical Narrow Line Region as the most likely origin of OVII and Ne IX emission lines observed in NGC~5548. Unfortunately, \\epic~data do not have enough resolution to shed light on this issue. We used CLOUDY (Ferland 2001) to further test the idea of a possible origin of the oxygen emission line from the same {\\it warm} medium responsible of the absorption in MKN~304. We employed the table ``AGN'' ionizing continuum, with an X--ray photon index fixed to 1.88, a hydrogen column density set to 9 $\\times$ 10$^{22}$ \\cm2, and an ionization parameter equivalent to the highest one obtained from XSPEC. For this high ionization state of the gas, the transmitted X-ray spectrum is only marginally dependent on the gas density, the EUV continuum and the UV/X-ray flux ratio. Following the results of the XSPEC fits, the total output spectrum from CLOUDY has been computed as the sum of the incident and transmitted spectra with relative contributions of 5 and 95\\%, respectively. In this composite spectrum the most prominent emission feature is due to OVII, whose EW ($\\sim$ 110 eV) is in excellent agreement with that inferred by our fit, i.e. EW = 105$\\pm$18 eV. Other emission features in the model (i.e. NeIX, NVI, MgXI) are several times weaker, except for the Fe K$\\alpha$ line, whose EW is similar to that of OVII (see Sect. 4.3.). Therefore, we conclude that although this result does not ultimately proof the origin of the He--like oxygen line in the warm absorber, it clearly supports such a scenario. Finally, the combination of an unreddened continuum in the optical band (H$\\alpha/$H$\\beta \\sim$ 3; e.g. Osterbrock 1977) and a column density of \\nh~$\\sim$ 10$^{23}$ \\cm2~suggests a dust--free X--ray absorbing medium in MKN~304, maybe located within the dust sublimation radius (see Crenshaw, Kramer \\& George 2003 and references therein). \\subsection{Soft excess} The soft excess component (whose normalization is $\\approx$ 4\\% of the primary emission) detected in MKN~304 appears similar to that observed in many X--ray obscured objects (Turner et al. 1997). There are two possibilities to explain the origin of such excess, i.e: scattered$/$reflected emission from the photoionized gas in the warm absorber and ``partial--covering''. We discuss in turn these hypothesis in the following. \\xmm~and \\chandra~results on Seyfert 2 galaxies (Sako et al. 2002 and reference therein) suggest that the soft X--ray emission in these objects is the result of primary continuum scattering underlying a blend of strong emission lines, mostly from H-- and He--ions of C, N, O, Ne, and Fe. Since warm absorber regions show physical properties (i.e. $\\xi$, column densities, temperatures) similar to those observed in the X--ray photoionized emitting plasma in Seyfert 2 galaxies, it is likely that they are different manifestations of the same phenomenon (Kinkhabwala et al. 2002) simply seen at different inclination angles. Within this scenario the soft excess found in MKN~304 would be therefore due to scattered$/$reflected emission from the ionized outflowing plasma. Interestingly, Ogle et al. (2000), Bianchi et al. (2003) and Iwasawa et al. (2003) detected indeed an extended soft X--ray emission dominated by narrow emission lines overlapping the optical Narrow Line Region in NGC~4151, NGC~5506 and NGC~4388, respectively. According to this hypothesis, a significant contribution from this extended soft X--ray component to the OVII emission line would be also expected (see Sect.~4.1). An alternative explanation of this ``soft excess'' could also be some fraction of the primary continuum leaking through the clumpy obscuring material (i.e. along the line of sight the absorber does not completely cover the nuclear source): the so--called ``partial-covering'' scenario. Furthermore, as mentioned in Sect.~\\ref{sect:warm}, clumpiness in the ionized absorbing gas appears to be very likely. Unfortunately, the present data do not allow to discriminate these hypothesis. The unabsorbed power law in model E (with a slope identical to the primary continuum one) can be therefore considered as a good approximation of the real (more complex) spectrum. However, given the energy resolution of \\epic~CCD cameras and the relatively faintness of MKN~304, a description of this soft X--ray component in terms of many discrete emission features, as observed in the high resolution spectra of some bright AGNs (see Kinkhabwala et al. 2002), cannot be ruled out. Finally we rule out the hypothesis of an origin of the soft excess from reprocessing (i.e. reflection) by an ionized disk since this interpretation is inconsistent with the observed centroid of the iron line. In fact, assuming that the line arises from such an ionized disk (as expected if a strong relection component is present; Ross, Fabian \\& Young 1999), it should be emitted at energy higher than 6.4 keV from iron at high ionization states. On the contrary, we found an energy of the Fe K$\\alpha$ emission line strictly consistent only with ``neutral iron'' (see below). \\subsection{Iron line} We report the first clear evidence of an iron fluorescence emission line around 6.4 keV in the spectrum of MKN~304. The detection of a Fe K$\\alpha$ line at E = 6.34$\\pm$0.06 keV constrains the ionization parameter of the emitting medium to be $\\xi$ \\simlt~100 \\cgs, higher values of $\\xi$ would indeed produce a feature peaked at higher energies (Kallman \\& McCray 1982) excluded by the present data. Interestingly, both cold and hot warm absorber components that resulted in our best fit (model E) to the \\epic~spectrum have values of $\\xi$ which match well with this constraint. This suggests that a significant component of the iron emission line may be originated in the warm medium. We have run the same CLOUDY model as in Sect.~4.1 to predict the strength of the Fe K$\\alpha$ emission line. The expected value ($\\approx$ 110 eV) falls in the range we measured from the \\xmm~spectrum (i.e. EW = 79$\\pm$35 eV). So, interestingly, the iron line detected in MKN~304 is consistent with an origin in the warm absorber observed in this source. We have also tried to fit the data with a model including a neutral reflection Compton component ({\\bf pexrav} model in XSPEC) in order to test a possible origin of the iron line from the optically--thick accretion disk. This spectral parametrization yielded a good fit with a \\xnu~= 335(357): however, there is no statistical improvement respect to Model E. Although the detection of cold reflection results therefore only marginal, we cannot rule out its presence. The observed spectral range (0.3--12 keV) of this \\epic~observation is not adequate to constrain the strength of this ``bump--like'' reprocessed emission feature peaked at $\\approx$ 30--40 keV (Lightman \\& White 1988). The resulting upper limit for the covering factor of the material irradiated by the X--ray source is $R\\equiv$$\\Omega/2\\pi <$ 0.7. Both the value of the equivalent width of the line and $R$ suggest that the reflector -- if existing -- subtends a solid angle of \\simlt~$\\pi$ steradian to the X--ray source, i.e. intercepts \\simlt~50\\% of the primary continuum once a slab geometry for the reflecting medium is assumed (George \\& Fabian 1991). Furthermore the narrow profile of the Fe K$\\alpha$ line ($\\sigma_{K\\alpha} <$0.18 keV corresponding to $\\Delta$$v$(FWHM) \\simlt~8000 km/s for the line velocity width) implies that even if the reprocessing medium is the accretion disk, the fluorescence does not take place from its innermost (relativistic) regions. A substantial contribution to the Fe K$\\alpha$ emission could be provided from the putative molecular torus located at 1--10 pc from the central X--ray source as invoked in the Unification model of AGNs (Antonucci 1993). In this case the material is assumed to be Compton--thick (i.e. with \\nh~\\simgt~1.5 $\\times$ 10$^{24}$ \\cm2, see Matt, Guainazzi \\& Maiolino 2003), and the emission is due to the reflection of the primary continuum off the inner walls of the torus into our line--of--sight (Ghisellini et al. 1994). The observed properties of the Fe K$\\alpha$ line in MKN~304 appear to be very similar to the results obtained by the spectral analysis of the brightest Seyfert 1 galaxies using \\xmm~(Pounds \\& Reeves 2002) and \\chandra~(Padmanabhan \\& Yaqoob 2002) data. These works indeed shows the ``ubiquitous'' presence of a narrow iron line component centered at 6.4 keV with an EW $\\approx$ 50--100 eV and $\\sigma_{K\\alpha} <$120 eV in the X--ray spectra of the low--luminosity (i.e. with \\lum~$<$ 10$^{45}$ \\ergs) AGNs." }, "0404/astro-ph0404055_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In a 1996 JRO Fellowship Research Proposal (Los Alamos), the author suggested that neutrino oscillations may provide a powerful indirect energy transport mechanism to supernovae explosions. The principal aim of this addendum is to present the relevant \\textit{unedited} text of Section 1 of that proposal. We then briefly remind, (a) of an early suggestion of Mazurek on vacuum neutrino oscillations and their relevance to supernovae explosion, and (b) Wolfenstein's result on suppression of the effect by matter effects. We conclude that whether or not neutrino oscillations play a significant role in supernovae explosions shall depend if there are shells/regions of space in stellar collapse where matter effects play no essential role. Should such regions exist in actual astrophysical situations, the final outcome of neutrino oscillations on supernovae explosions shall depend, in part, on whether or not the LNSD signal is confirmed. Importantly, the reader is reminded that neutrino oscillations form a set of flavor-oscillation clocks and these clock suffer gravitational redshift which can be as large as 20 percent. This effect must be incorporated fully into any calculation of supernova explosion. ", "introduction": "The following is an unedited text of Section 1 of author's 1996 J Robert Oppenheimer Fellowship Research Proposal:\\footnote{ The reader is reminded that such proposals are written for a very broad readership, as the evaluators come not only from physics, but fields as far as biology, and other sciences. The proposal was submitted by M. B. Johnson in July 1996 in his ``Nomination of Dharam Ahluwalia for Oppenheimer Fellowship.'' The addendum title coincides with the title of Section 1 of the proposal.} Neutrinos were introduced in physics by Pauli to save conservation of energy and momentum in the $\\beta$-decay: Neutron $\\rightarrow$ Proton + Electron + Anti-electron Neutrino. All the planets and galaxies are embedded in a sea of neutrinos with a number density of roughly 100 neutrinos/cm$^3$. Our own Sun shines via thermonuclear processes that emit neutrinos in enormous number. Because of their weak interactions, neutrinos, unlike photons, can pass through extremely dense matter very efficiently. This fact makes neutrinos primary agents for energy transport in the dense matter associated with supernovae and neutron stars. Since their initial experimental observation by Frederick Reines and C. L. Cowan, neutrinos are now known to exist in three types. These types are called ``electron,'' ``muon,'' and ``tau'' and are generically written as $\\nu_e$, $\\nu_\\mu$, and $\\nu_\\tau$. A series of empirical anomalies indicates that neutrinos may not have a definite mass but, instead, be in a linear superposition of three different mass eigenstates. The mass differences in the underlying mass eigenstates would cause a neutrino of one type to ``oscillate'' to a neutrino of another type as may have been seen recently at the LSND neutrino oscillation experiment at LANL. The phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, if experimentally confirmed, will have profound consequences not only for nuclear and particle physics but also for astrophysics and cosmology. I have already noted the neutrinos to be prime drivers of supernova explosions. The phenomenon of neutrino oscillations will alter the evolution of supernova explosion. The basic problem that still stands unsolved is a robust theory of supernova explosions. In the context of supernova explosions, and the problem of obtaining successful explosions, I now follow Colgate \\textit{et al.} [S. A. Colgate, M. Herant, and W. Benz, Phys. Rep. {\\bf 227}, 157 (1993)] and assume that the matter next to the neutron star is heated by neutrinos from the cooling neutron star. They note that in some models ``this result in strong, large scale convective flows in the gravitational field of the neutron star that can drive successful, albeit weak, explosions.'' I emphasize that all authors find that without ``fine tuning'' the explosions are weak and lack about five percent of the energy needed for an explosion. Qualitatively, this missing energy needed for a robust model of explosion may be provided if the length scales over which neutrino oscillations take place are of the same order of magnitude as the spatial extent of a neutron star and neutrino-sphere, because while \\begin{quote} the energy flux in each of the electron neutrinos and antineutrinos is about $L_{\\nu_e}\\approx L_{\\overline{\\nu}_e}\\approx$ few$\\times$ $10^{52}$ ergs s$^{-1}$, with comparable fluxes of $\\nu_\\mu$, $\\overline{\\nu}_\\mu$, $\\nu_\\tau$, and $\\overline{\\nu}_\\tau$, \\end{quote} the \\begin{quote} average energy of $\\nu_e$ is about 10 MeV, the average energy of other neutrinos is \\textit{higher} by a factor of 2 for $\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\overline{\\nu}_\\mu$, and by a factor of 3 for $\\nu_\\tau$, and $\\overline{\\nu}_\\tau$. \\end{quote} Any oscillation between neutrinos of different flavors is, therefore, an indirect energy transport mechanism towards the actively interacting $\\nu_e$ and $\\overline{\\nu}_e$. Qualitatively this contributes in the direction of the robustness of the explosion. My resent work, with C. Burgard, on the solution of terrestrial neutrino anomalies provides precisely the neutrino oscillation parameters that yield the oscillation length scales of just the right order of magnitude for supernova physics (and in addition predict the observed solar neutrino deficit). In order to make these qualitative arguments quantitative two additional physical processes affecting the above indicated \\textit{vacuum} neutrino oscillations must be incorporated: (a) The presence of large electron densities in astrophysical environment makes it necessary that relevant matter induced effects, suggested by Mikheyev, Smirnov and Wolfenstein, be considered, and (b) My work, with C. Burgard, on gravitationally induced neutrino oscillation phases also indicates that strong gravitational fields associated with neutron stars may introduce important modifications to neutrino oscillations, and hence to the suggested energy transport mechanism via neutrino oscillations. As part of my JRO studies I propose to implement the above outlined program quantitatively. My quantitative and qualitative studies so far give reasons to claim that there is every physical reason to believe that the ``missing energy'' in the non-robust models for supernova explosion, the anomaly in the observed deficit in the solar neutrino flux, the excess $\\overline{\\nu}_e$ events seen at LSND at Los Alamos, and the anomaly associated with atmospheric neutrinos, \\textit{all} arise from the same underlying new physics \\textemdash the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations from one type to another. It is of profound physical importance to place these suspected physical connections on firm quantitative foundations. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/hep-ph0404083_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ In the 3-flavour framework we derive a simple approximate analytic expression for the day-night difference of the flux of solar $\\nu_e$ at terrestrial detectors which is valid for an arbitrary Earth density profile. Our formula has the accuracy of a few per cent and reproduces all the known analytic expressions for the Earth matter effects on the solar neutrino oscillations obtained under simplifying assumptions about the Earth's density profile (matter of constant density, 3 layers of constant densities, and adiabatic approximation). It can also be used for studying the Earth matter effects on the oscillations of supernova neutrinos. We also discuss the possibility of probing the leptonic mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$ through day--night asymmetry measurements at future water Cherenkov solar neutrino detectors. We show that, depending on the measured value of the asymmetry, the current upper bound on $\\theta_{13}$ may be improved, or even a lower bound on this mixing parameter may be obtained. } ", "introduction": "Solar neutrinos coming to terrestrial detectors at night travel some distances inside the Earth and so their oscillations are affected by the Earth's matter. This leads to a difference between the day-time and night-time solar neutrino signals -- the day-night, or ``regeneration'' effect \\cite{MS,Bouchez:1986kb,Cribier:1986ak,Carlson:1986ui,Baltz:1987hn,Dar:1987pj, Gonzalez-Garcia:2000dj}. Solar neutrino oscillations~\\footnote{The presence of non-oscillation phenomena is now strongly constrained by a combination of KamLAND and solar neutrino data, see, e.~g. Ref.~\\cite{pakvasa:2003zv} and references therein.} depend mainly on two parameters, the mixing angle $\\theta_{12}$ and the mass squared difference $\\Delta m_{21}^2$. For example, the recent three--neutrino global fit of solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator neutrino data of Ref.~\\cite{Maltoni:2003da} gives for the solar neutrino oscillation parameters the $3\\sigma$ allowed ranges $\\theta_{12}=(28.6\\div 38.6)^\\circ$ and $\\Delta m_{21}^2=(5.4\\div 9.5)\\times 10^{-5}$ eV$^2$, with the best-fit values $\\theta_{12}=33.2^\\circ$ and $\\Delta m_{21}^2=6.9\\times 10^{-5}$ eV$^2$. In the three-flavour framework there is an additional dependence on the mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$ which determines the component of the electron neutrino in the third mass eigenstate $\\nu_3$ separated by a large mass gap from the other two mass eigenstates. This mixing parameter is mainly constrained by the data of the CHOOZ reactor experiment \\cite{apollonio:1999ae} and is known to be small, \\begin{equation} \\theta_{13} \\lesssim 9.8^\\circ~(13.4)^\\circ\\,, \\quad\\mbox{or}\\quad \\sin \\theta_{13} \\lesssim 0.17~(0.23) \\label{eq:th13bound} \\end{equation} at 90\\% C.L. (3$\\sigma$) \\cite{Maltoni:2003da}. The smallness of $\\theta_{13}$ implies that its effect on the solar neutrino oscillations is rather mild; however, with increasing accuracy of the data even relatively small effects have to be taken into account. Three-flavour analyses of the solar neutrino data, including the day-night effect, have been performed in a number of recent studies \\cite{Maltoni:2003da,Bandyopadhyay:2003pk,deHolanda:2003nj, Gonzalez-Garcia:2003qf,Fogli:2002au,Blennow:2003xw}. In particular, in Ref.~\\cite{Blennow:2003xw} a simplified analytic treatment of the day-night effect in the three--flavour framework was given, and it was shown that the day-night $\\nu_e$ flux difference scales essentially as $\\cos^6\\theta_{13}$ rather than $\\cos^4\\theta_{13}$, which is the expected scaling law for the day-time flux. The authors of \\cite{Blennow:2003xw} considered the Earth matter effect on the solar neutrino oscillations under the assumption of constant matter density of the Earth. The purpose of the present paper is to extend their analysis beyond the constant density approximation, and to scrutinize to what extent day--night asymmetry measurements may become a significant way to probe for the mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$. Using the relative smallness of the matter-induced potential of neutrinos inside the Earth, we derive a simple and accurate analytic formula for the day-night flux difference in the case of an arbitrary Earth's density profile. We compare our result with the known analytic formulas obtained under simplifying assumptions about the density profile of the Earth as well as with the results of the exact numerical calculations. The paper is organized as follows. In sec. \\ref{sec:day-night-effect} a general consideration of the day-night effect in the 3-flavour framework is given. In sec. \\ref{sec:an-analyt-expr} we present our main result -- the derivation of an approximate 3-flavour analytic formula for the day-night $\\nu_e$ flux difference in the case of an arbitrary Earth density profile. We also discuss a number of special cases for which the day-night flux difference can be found analytically. These include approximating the matter density profile of the Earth by one layer or three layers of constant densities, and also the adiabatic approximation to neutrino evolution inside the Earth. In sec. \\ref{sec:comp-with-numer} the comparison of our formulas with the results of the exact numerical calculations is performed. In sec.~\\ref{sec:future} we make a quantitative study of the simple correlation between the day--night asymmetry in the solar neutrino flux and the magnitude of the mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$ characterizing leptonic CP violation in neutrino oscillations~\\footnote{There are additional CP violating phases but they do not affect neutrino oscillations, only lepton-number changing processes, like neutrino-less double beta decay~\\cite{schechter:1980gr,schechter:1981gk,bilenky:1980cx,doi:1981yb}.}. We use this correlation in order to forecast the degree to which the mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$ can be probed at future solar neutrino measurements of the day--night asymmetry. We discuss our results in sec.~\\ref{sec:disc-outlook}. In the Appendix, we present the derivation of an improved perturbation-theoretic formula for the Earth regeneration factor. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:disc-outlook} We have derived a simple and accurate analytic expression for the day-night difference of the flux of solar $\\nu_e$ coming to terrestrial detectors, with 3-flavour effects fully taken into account. Our approach was based on a simple perturbation theory in the matter-induced potential of neutrinos inside the Earth, without any assumptions regarding the Earth's density profile. Our results are therefore valid for an arbitrary density profile. We have checked our analytic formula by comparing it with the results of the exact numerical calculations with the 3-flavour evolution equation, and found that the accuracy of the analytic approach is typically about a few per cent when the neutrino path length inside the Earth is small, or when the integration over the zenith angles or averaging over neutrino energies are performed. On the other hand, when both the neutrino energy and zenith angle are fixed, the formula in Eq.~(\\ref{P2e7}) does not provide a sufficient accuracy. For this case we have derived an improved perturbation-theoretic formula [Eq.~(\\ref{eq:adiab})]. Compared to the expression in Eq.~(\\ref{P2e7}) it contains the adiabatic oscillation phase in the integrand instead of the in-vacuum one. The improved formula gives a perfect agreement with the exact numerical results even when no averaging over the zenith angles or neutrino energy (i.e., over the oscillation phase) is performed. We have studied the dependence of our results on the leptonic mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$ which is of great interest for many reasons, most importantly because it governs CP violation in neutrino oscillations. We have found that for an arbitrary Earth density profile the day-night difference of the solar neutrino flux at the detector scales mainly as $c_{13}^6$, as previously found for the constant density profile in \\cite{Blennow:2003xw}. The remaining (milder) dependence stems primarily from the $\\theta_{13}$-dependence of the neutrino mixing angle in matter at the production point inside the Sun. Although the smallness of $\\theta_{13}$ implies that the solar neutrino data, including the day-night asymmetry, should depend rather weakly on this parameter, this dependence may not be negligible. For example, the current $3\\sigma$ limit $\\sin^2\\theta_{13}<0.054$ \\cite{Maltoni:2003da} means that the day-night difference of the solar neutrino signal can be suppressed by up to 15\\% compared to the 2-flavour (i.e. $\\theta_{13}=0$) case. If one fixes $\\Delta m_{31}^2=2\\times 10^{-3}$ eV$^2$ (which is the best-fit value coming from the analysis of the atmospheric neutrino oscillations performed by the \\mbox{Super-K} collaboration~\\cite{SKatm04}), then the $3\\sigma$ upper bound is $\\sin^2\\theta_{13}<0.066$ \\cite{Maltoni:2003da}, and the day-night difference of the solar neutrino signal can be suppressed by as much as 20\\% compared to the 2-flavour case. While the accuracy with which the solar neutrino day-night effect is measured by the current experiments is insufficient for probing the value of $\\theta_{13}$, future very large water Cherenkov detectors, such as UNO or Hyper-Kamiokande, may be able to provide a significant information on it. Depending on the measured value of $A_{ND}$, the current upper bound on $\\theta_{13}$ may be improved, or even a lower bound on this mixing parameter may be obtained. An advantage of the day-night asymmetry as opposed to the day-time signal is that $A_{ND}$ is independent of the overall normalization of the solar neutrino flux, which is currently not known with sufficient accuracy. It should be noted that the Earth matter effects on the oscillations of the supernova neutrinos inside the Earth are governed by the same quantity, $P_{2e}^\\oplus-P_{2e}^{(0)}$, which determines the Earth matter effects on the solar neutrino oscillations (see, e.g., \\cite{Dighe:1999bi}). Therefore our results, Eqs.~(\\ref{P2e7}) and (\\ref{eq:adiab}), can also be used for studying the supernova neutrino oscillations inside the Earth. Note, however, that the typical energies of supernova neutrinos $(E\\sim 30$ MeV) are higher than those of solar neutrinos, and so the expected accuracy of our approximation for supernova neutrinos is $\\sim$ (10 -- 15)\\%." }, "0404/astro-ph0404041_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In many nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies (dE,Ns), the nucleus is offset by a significant fraction of the scale radius with respect to the center of the outer isophotes. Using a high-resolution $N$-body simulation, we demonstrate that the nucleus can be driven off-center by the $m=1$ counter-streaming instability, which is strong in flattened stellar systems with zero rotation. The model develops a nuclear offset of the order of one third of the exponential scale-length. We compare our numerical results with photometry and kinematics of FCC046, a Fornax cluster dE,N with a nucleus offset by 1\\farcs2; we find good agreement between the model and FCC046. We also discuss mechanisms that may cause counter-rotation in dE,Ns and conclude that the destruction of box orbits in an initially triaxial galaxy is the most promising. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs), faint, low-surface brightness galaxies with smooth elliptical isophotes, are the most common type of galaxy in clusters and groups of galaxies (see \\citet{bf94}). In hierarchical models of cosmological structure formation, dwarf galaxies form first and subsequently merge to form larger galaxies. Understanding their formation and evolution is therefore vital to a complete picture of structure formation. There is evidence that dEs constitute a heterogenous class of objects, kinematically (rotating versus unrotating, \\citet{ggv03}), chemically \\citep{mddzh03} and morphologically \\citep{bbj02}. About half of the dEs harbor a central bright nucleus and are called nucleated dEs (dE,Ns). dE,Ns appear to be significantly older than normal ellipticals and non-nucleated dEs \\citep{rs03}; upon tidal stripping, their nuclei have been suggested as sources of both the recently discovered ultra compact dwarfs \\citep{p01} and massive globular clusters like $\\omega$Cen \\citep{g02}. In $\\sim 20\\%$ of Virgo dE,Ns, the nucleus is significantly displaced with respect to the center of the outer isophotes, typically by $\\sim 1''$ ($\\sim 100$~pc) \\citep{bbj00}. There is a tendency for the displacement to increase with decreasing surface brightness but no relation between nuclear displacement and any other structural or environmental parameter has been found. Various models have been proposed to explain these offset nuclei. In this Letter, we investigate whether the lopsided ($m=1$) counter-streaming instability can reproduce a dE,N with an off-center nucleus. This instability has been known since \\citet{zh78}, and been studied analytically \\citep{s88,pp90} and with $N$-body simulations \\citep{ms90,lds90,sm94,sv97}. \\citet{sv97} do not detect it in systems rounder than E6, which is mainly due to their rounder models being stabilized by a higher radial pressure. On the other hand, \\citet{ms90} find lopsidedness developing in systems as round as E1 but with negligible radial pressure. Partial rotation only introduces a pattern speed in an otherwise purely growing instability; simulations find that the lopsidedness produced by the instability is long-lived. We use a realistic multi-component $N$-body model to generate a lopsided system which we then compare with observations. In Section \\ref{sec:theo}, we present the $N$-body model and in Section \\ref{sec:obs} we compare it with photometry and kinematics of FCC046, an example of such a dE,N with an offset nucleus. In Section \\ref{sec:disc}, we discuss ways in which counter-rotation may arise in dE,Ns. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:disc} If the counter-streaming instability is indeed working in a sizable fraction of the dE,Ns to drive nuclei off-center, it is natural to ask why these dEs have counter-rotation in the first place. The first detections of counter-rotation in galaxy disks \\citep{4550,7217} lead to the hypothesis that the capture of gas with retrograde rotation and subsequent star-formation produced two counter-rotating stellar disks. This hypothesis predicts stellar populations of different ages and metallicities. Generally, the two disks will not have identical masses, so some net rotation is expected; this is, therefore, an unlikely explanation for FCC046. \\citet{tr00} suggested that counter-rotation is produced when a triaxial halo with an initially retrograde pattern speed slowly changes to a prograde pattern speed. However, this situation probably does not occur very often. Moreover, this mechanism requires evolution on long timescales $\\sim 10^{10}$~yr and hence requires dE,Ns to be old and unperturbed. A more likely mechanism is the destruction of box-orbits, which are the backbone of any slowly rotating triaxial mass-distribution, by a growing nucleus. Stars on box orbits come very close to the nucleus and thus can be scattered into loop-orbits; conservation of angular momentum then requires that direct and retrograde loop orbits be equally populated \\citep{ec94,mq98}. If the nucleus has a mass larger than $2\\%$ of the total mass of the galaxy, evolution towards an axisymmetric shape requires a few crossing times ($\\approx 10^7 - 10^8$~yr), while our simulations show that the counter-streaming instability develops on similar timescales. Late infall of gas \\citep{co03} (perhaps as a result of harassment \\citep{mo96,ma01}) or globular clusters \\citep{lo01} may be responsible for growing the nucleus. If this explanation holds, then the two counter-rotating stellar populations should have equal scale-lengths and chemical properties and nearly equal mass. Additionally, the nucleus may retain some of its initial angular momentum; we note that the nucleus of FCC046 is indeed rotating. To summarize:~using $N$-body simulations, we have shown that the counter-streaming instability is a viable explanation for at least the dE,N galaxy FCC046. The models can produce offsets as large as observed and successfully reproduce distinctive features in the surface photometry of FCC046, such as the oscillation of isophote centers. Although at the limit of what can reliably be extracted from the spectra, we find a tantalizing hint of counter-streaming in the major-axis spectra of this galaxy, which, however, needs to be corroborated at higher spectral resolution." }, "0404/astro-ph0404088_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Recent Chandra and XMM X-ray observations of rich clusters of galaxies have shown that the amount of hot gas which is cooling below $\\sim$~1 keV is generally more modest than previous estimates. Yet, the real level of the {\\it cooling flows}, if any, remains to be clarified by making observations sensitive to different temperature ranges. As a follow-up of the {\\sl FUSE} observations reporting a positive detection of the O{\\sc vi} doublet at 1032, 1038\\AA\\ in the cluster of galaxies Abell~2597, which provided the first direct evidence for $\\sim 3\\ 10^5$~K gas in a cluster of galaxies, we have carried out sensitive spectroscopy of two rich clusters, Abell~2029 and Abell~3112 ($z \\sim 0.07$) located behind low HI columns. In neither of these clusters could we detect the O{\\sc vi} doublet, yielding fairly stringent limits of $\\sim$27~M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$ (Abell~2029) and $\\sim$25~M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$ (Abell~3112) to the cooling flow rates using the 10$^5$--10$^6$~K gas as a tracer. The non-detections support the emerging picture that the cooling-flow rates are much more modest than deduced from earlier X-ray observations. ", "introduction": "The concept of cooling flows, arising from simple physical considerations applied to the X-ray data, has provided an important input to the models of galaxy formation ({\\it e.g.,} Fabian 1994; Mathews \\& Brighenti 2003). On the other hand, the expected outcome, often amounting to $\\geq 10^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$ of cooled gas inside the cores of many rich clusters, has been rather elusive, despite sensitive searches made in multiple wavebands ({\\it e.g.,} Donahue \\& Voit, 2003 and references therein). Evidence does exist for some such cooler gas in the form of highly extended optical nebulosities seen in the cores of several cooling-flow clusters ({\\it e.g.,} Hu et al. 1985; Heckman 1985), or CO emission (Edge \\& Frayer 2003; Salom\\'e \\& Combes 2003). However, the masses involved are tiny in comparison with the simple predictions of the cooling-flow rates. The most recent addition to this intrigue comes from the high resolution spectroscopic observations of several cooling flows with XMM-Newton and Chandra which have revealed a clear deficit of gas at $\\leq$1 keV in comparison with the prediction of simple cooling-flow models ({\\it e.g.,} Peterson et al. 2001, 2003; Kaastra et al. 2001; Tamura et al. 2001). In this context, spectroscopic observations to search for the UV resonance lines of O\\,{\\sc vi} 1032,1038\\,\\AA\\ emission doublet, a reliable tracer of gas in the temperature range $10^5 - 10^6$K, can play an important role. In fact, using the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ({\\sl FUSE}), Oegerle et al. (2001) have reported a convincing detection of O\\,{\\sc vi} $\\lambda$1032\\AA\\ line emission from the core of the rich cluster Abell~2597, and have thus estimated a rate of $\\sim$40\\,M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$ of intra-cluster medium (ICM) in this cluster cooling through $\\sim$10$^6$\\,K. This rate is only a third of the value inferred from the analysis of ROSAT data (Sarazin et al. 1995). For the other strong cooling-flow candidate, Abell~1795, the ({\\sl FUSE}) observations by Oegerle et al. (2001) placed an upper limit of 28\\,M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$ within the central 28~kpc region. It may be noted that the cD galaxies in the cores of both these clusters host twin-jet radio sources extending on a 100~kpc scale and having radio luminosities typical of cluster radio sources in the nearby universe. Also, no O\\,{\\sc vi} has been detected by {\\sl FUSE} in the Virgo and Coma clusters (Dixon et al. 2001a). Motivated by the above, partly successful attempt using {\\sl FUSE}, we have carried out fairly sensitive {\\sl FUSE} spectroscopy of another two nearby (z$\\sim$0.07) BM type~I clusters of richness class~2, namely, Abell~2029 and Abell~3112. For both clusters, the then available estimates of the cooling-flow rates were mostly in excess of 300\\,M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$, based on ROSAT and/or ASCA data (Peres et al. 1998; Sarazin et al. 1998). A crucial advantage with these two clusters is the exceptionally low H\\,{\\sc i} foreground columns (Table~1), which is an essential pre-requisite for undertaking a sensitive search in the far ultraviolet. In the meanwhile, based on progressively new X-ray observations, the derived properties of these clusters (like many others), such as cooling-flow rates and the radial profile of the ICM temperature, have undergone a sharp ``evolution'' (Sect.~2), making it desirable to employ independent observational probes for addressing this issue. We report here one such attempt, based on {\\sl FUSE} observations of the two clusters. ", "conclusions": "The UV lines of the O\\,{\\sc vi} $\\lambda\\lambda$1032-1038\\AA\\ doublet and/or of the C\\,{\\sc iii} $\\lambda$977\\AA\\ line offer a new tool and independent method to place constraints on the cooling-flow rates in clusters of galaxies. The upper limits for the cooling flow rates in Abell 2029 and Abell 3112, derived here from the UV resonance lines of O\\,{\\sc vi} $\\lambda\\lambda$1032-1038\\AA\\ are 10 to 20 times lower than those estimated earlier from ROSAT observations (Peres et al. 1998). The discrepancy may actually be somewhat smaller in view of the possibility that the cooling flow regions may have been covered only partially within the FUSE aperture. Moreover, the O\\,{\\sc vi} lines may well be weakened due to scattering by dust within the cluster cores (see Oegerle et al. 2001). In any case, our upper limits are fully consistent with those derived recently for the mass deposition rates of the keV gas, using the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of these clusters (Lewis et al. 2002; Takizawa et al. 2003; see Sect. 2). Thus, the present results indicate a general consistency for two separate temperature regimes of the cooling ICM in these clusters. Begelman \\& Fabian (1990) have discussed the possibility that the $(1-3)\\times 10^5$\\,K gas could be rapidly generated by turbulent mixing of the hot ($10^7$\\,K) and warm ($10^4$\\,K) phases. Thus, provided the intracluster magnetic fields do not effectively suppress the mixing process, the cooling may proceed too rapidly for a strong emission of the Fe\\,{\\sc xvii} X-ray line. UV and X-ray observations therefore provide complementary information on the radiative processes within the intracluster medium. It may also be noted that the upper limits deduced here for the O\\,{\\sc vi} $\\lambda$1032\\AA\\ line intensities from the two clusters are nearly half the intensity reported for Abell~2597 (Oegerle et al. 1991). Since the redshift of Abell~2597 is slightly larger than those of Abell~2029 and Abell~3112, and Galactic extinction is similar, it is clear that the O\\,{\\sc vi} emission from these two clusters and their corresponding cooling rates through $\\sim 3\\times 10^5$\\,K are intrinsically lower as compared to Abell~2597. The non-detection of the O\\,{\\sc vi} $\\lambda\\lambda$1032-1038\\AA\\ and C\\,{\\sc iii} $\\lambda$977\\AA\\ lines from the clusters Abell~2029 and Abell~3112, previously believed to have strong cooling-flow rates of several hundred M$_\\odot$yr$^{-1}$ adds to the growing independent evidence that the magnitude of cooling flows in the cores of clusters has been overestimated by at least an order of magnitude. On a cautionary note we highlight the apparent detection of the O\\,{\\sc vi} doublet at about zero radial velocity in the spectrum taken towards Abell~3112. The apparent emission almost perfectly mimics emission from the Galactic warm gas, similar to that already detected towards a few directions (e.g., Shelton et al. 2001). However, we argue that the O\\,{\\sc vi} emission seen in the spectrum of Abell~3112, in fact, arises from Solar contamination." }, "0404/astro-ph0404277_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec-conclusion} This review of astrophysics at the bottom of the world has encompassed almost a century of human endeavour, beginning with the discovery of the Adelie Land Meteorite in 1912, during the `heroic' age of Antarctic exploration, a period when humans first began to appreciate the vastness and remoteness of the last continent. It was to be nearly fifty years before the next advances in astronomy were made there, and it is little more than two decades % since Antarctic astrophysics began in earnest. The 1990's have seen an avalanche of activities, spanning the continent and in particular focussing on the high inland plateau, where the conditions are particularly appealing for a wide range of astronomical observations. This review has paid particular attention to the development of ``photon'' astronomy in Antarctica, but equally ambitious have been some of the developments in high energy astrophysics, seeking to measure the incident particle fluxes from space. The scope of this article does not allow for a description of all the projects that have taken place, and a selection of which to portray has had to be made by the authors. A comprehensive compilation of astronomical experiments that have been conducted in Antarctica is, however, given in Table 1. This provides some further detail on experiments described here, as well as information on a number of experiments not mentioned in the text. Antarctica has already produced a range of stunning astronomical results despite the relative infancy of most of the facilities that have been operating. This is particularly so for the cosmic microwave background experiments, where the stable conditions have facilitated producing results that compare very favourably to those later obtained by satellites, as well as extending the range over which the anisotropies can be probed. There is no doubt that the summits of the plateau provide superlative conditions for the conduct of a wide range of observational astronomy. It will be a fascinating story to follow the development of new facilities on the high plateau in the third millennium, and to wonder about the scientific problems they will be able to tackle." }, "0404/astro-ph0404107_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using measured X-ray luminosities to 17 Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) during the afterglow phase and accounting for radiative losses, we calculate the kinetic energy of these bursts and investigate its relation to other GRB properties. We then use the observed radiated energy during the prompt phase to determine the radiative efficiency of these bursts, and explore how the efficiency relates to other GRB observables. We find that the kinetic energy in the afterglow phase is directly correlated with the radiated energy, total energy as well as possibly the jet opening angle and spectral peak energy. More importantly, we find the intriguing fact that the efficiency is correlated with the radiated energy, and mildly with the total energy, jet opening angle and spectral peak energy. XRF020903 also seems to follow the trends we find for our GRB sample. We discuss the implications of these results for the GRB radiation and jet models. ", "introduction": "In the past several years, there has been a significant increase in our understanding of the energetics of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). By measuring the fluence during the prompt phase (usually when most of the energy is emitted), and determining the burst redshift and degree to which the outflow is beamed from afterglow, one can make an estimate of the radiated energy of the burst. Frail et al. (2001) showed that in fact most GRBs with measured redshifts have radiated energies distributed very narrowly around the value $5 \\times 10^{50}$ erg. This conclusion is confirmed by Bloom, Frail \\& Kulkarni (2003) with a larger jet data sample. Understanding this energy output is of course crucial in helping constrain progenitor models. However, an often overlooked point in discussing GRB energetics is that the radiated energy is not necessarily the {\\em total} energy of the burst. The radiated energy is some unknown fraction of the initial kinetic energy of the outflow - i.e. the kinetic energy is converted to radiation via some shock (or other) interaction(s) in the burst ejecta. It is this kinetic energy or, more precisely, the {\\em efficiency} of converting kinetic energy to radiation that must be considered when discussing GRB energetics. This efficiency may help us better understand by what mechanism the kinetic energy becomes radiation. It may also play an important role in understanding so-called ``X-ray Flashes'' (XRFs; GRBs with lower spectral peak energy and flux) - i.e. XRFs may well be GRBs with much smaller emission efficiency. To assess the kinetic energy, the most adequate method is through broadband afterglow fits (e.g. Panaitescu \\& Kumar 2001), while another convenient method is to study the X-ray afterglow data alone (Freedman \\& Waxman 2001). Using both methods, it has been found that the kinetic energy - corrected for the degree of beaming of the outflow - is also narrowly distributed (Panaitescu \\& Kumar 2001; Piran et al. 2001, under the assumption that there is a correlation between X-ray luminosity and beaming corrections ). The result (as well as the validity of the Piran assumption) is confirmed by Berger, Kulkarni \\& Frail (2003) with a larger X-ray afterglow data sample. { Although these works are the first to present calculations of burst kinetic energies, to our knowledge there are no detailed studies of correlations between kinetic energy or GRB efficiency with other burst properties.} With these points in mind, we derive the absolute values of GRB kinetic energy for a large data sample, and investigate the behavior of the kinetic energy and efficiency of GRBs, in relation to other burst properties (such as radiated energy, total energy, characteristic jet angle, and spectral peak energy). The paper is organized as follows: In \\S 2, we describe how to compute the kinetic energy and efficiency of GRBs from the observed { X-ray} afterglow data. We also discuss the basic assumptions and caveats with our method. In \\S 3, we present our results, including the correlation of kinetic energy and efficiency with other burst properties. Our main results shown that both kinetic energy and efficiency are correlated with radiated energy and to some extent, total energy. There are also suggestions of relations with the jet opening (or viewing) angle and the spectral peak energy, although additional data are needed to confirm this. In \\S 4, we discuss the physical implications of these results, and in \\S 5, present our summary and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We have computed the kinetic energy and radiative efficiency of a sample of 17 GRBs { and 1 XRF, accounting for radiative losses during the initial afterglow phase.} We have found that both of these GRB properties are related to a number of other GRB observables such as radiated energy, total energy, jet characteristic angle, and spectral peak energy. We have shown that kinetic energy is directly proportional to the radiated energy of the burst, as well as the total energy and spectral peak energy. The kinetic energy also decreases with increasing jet characteristic (opening or viewing) angle. { More importantly,} we have also found that the efficiency is correlated with the radiated energy of the burst, which appears to be consistent with an internal shock picture for the GRB prompt phase. The efficiency also appears to increase with increasing total energy and spectral peak energy, and decreases with increasing jet angle. XRF 020903 (the only XRF for which we are able to compute the kinetic energy and efficiency) seems to follow all of the trends we find for the 17 GRBs. The relation between kinetic energy and radiated energy, efficiency and radiated energy, combined with the previously known Frail and Amati relations can explain the additional correlations we find in our sample. { The results are compatiable with the quasi-universal model, although a large data sample for the GRB kinetic energy derived at an earlier epoch (attainable from the Swift obseratory) is essential to fully test this hypothesis. The results also strongly disfavor a ``narrow beam'' interpretation of GRBs.} The relationship between efficiency and other GRB parameters is an important one in elucidating GRB physics - we can further explore these and other relations (such as efficiency and variability) and potentially distinguish between various GRB { radiation and jet} models with the launch of the Swift satellite in September, 2004." }, "0404/astro-ph0404331_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{We have mapped the AGN luminosity function and its evolution between $z=1$ and $z=5$ down to apparent magnitudes of $R<24$. Within the GEMS project we have analysed HST-ACS images of many AGN in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South, enabling us to assess the evolution of AGN host galaxy properties with cosmic time. } ", "introduction": "This article is a report on recent progress in the study of optically faint Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Most of the content has recently been published elsewhere; on the following pages we provide a concise summary and present some of the key figures. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404457_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have revised the calculation of the flux of atmospheric neutrinos based on a 3-dimensional scheme with the realistic IGRF geomagnetic model. The primary flux model has been revised, based on the AMS and BESS observations, and the interaction model updated to DPMJET-III. With a fast simulation code and computer system, the statistical errors in the Monte Carlo study are negligible. We estimate the total uncertainty of the atmospheric neutrino flux prediction is reduced to $\\lesssim$~10~\\% below 10~GeV. The `3-dimensional effects' are found to be almost the same as the study with the dipole magnetic field, but the muon curvature effect remains up to a few tens of GeV for horizontal directions. The uncertainty of the absolute normalization of the atmospheric neutrino is still large above 10~GeV due to the uncertainty of the primary cosmic ray flux above 100~GeV. However, the zenith angle variation is not affected by these uncertainties. ", "introduction": "Introduction} The discovery of the neutrino oscillation from the study of atmospheric neutrinos is a one of the most important results in recent physical research~\\cite{sk} (see also Refs.~\\cite{fukuda,imb,soudan2,macro}, and Ref.~\\cite{KT} for a review). The study is carried out by the comparison of theoretical calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux and experimental data. Therefore, it is desirable that both theoretical and experimental studies are improved. The SuperKamiokande is improving the statistics and the accuracy steadily for experimental data. It is important to improve the theoretical prediction of the atmospheric neutrino flux also. There have been some improvements in the theoretical prediction of the atmospheric neutrino flux\\cite{hkkm95,gaisser-new,fluka-battis, engel-hamburg, hkkm-hamburg, hkkm-tsukuba} (see Ref.~\\cite{gaisser-honda} for a review). These studies were useful to determine the flux ratios between different types of neutrinos and the variation over zenith angle with good accuracy, and establish neutrino oscillations and the existence of neutrino masses. We now wish to improve the accuracy of the absolute normalization as well as the ratio and directionality of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes for further studies. In the time since our last comprehensive study of the atmospheric neutrino flux~\\cite{hkkm95}, knowledge of the primary cosmic ray has been improved by observations such as BESS~\\cite{bess} and AMS~\\cite{ams} below 100~GeV. There have also been theoretical developments in hadronic interaction models such as Fritiof 7.02~\\cite{fritiof7.02}, FLUKA97~\\cite{fluka} and DPMJET-III~\\cite{dpmjet3}. Here, we adopt these revised primary flux and hadronic interaction models. It has also been pointed out that the atmospheric neutrino flux calculated in a 3-dimensional scheme is significantly different from that calculated in a 1-dimensional scheme at low energies for near horizontal directions~\\cite{fluka-battis,lipari-ge,lipari-ew,hkkm-dipole,wentz,liu,bartol-3d}. The 1-dimensional approximation has been widely used in the past, and was used in our previous calculation and others~\\cite{hkkm95,gaisser-new}. This approximation is justified by the nature of hadronic interactions for calculations of high energy ($\\gtrsim$~10~GeV) atmospheric neutrino fluxes, but not at lower energies. With the computer resources then available, however, it was difficult to complete the calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxes in a full 3-dimensional scheme within a tolerable length of the time. Some of 3-dimensional calculations employ approximations based on symmetry to circumvent the impact of limited computer resources. In Ref.~\\cite{fluka-battis}, spherical symmetry is assumed, ignoring the magnetic field in the atmosphere, and in our previous 3-dimensional calculation~\\cite{hkkm-dipole} we assumed an axial symmetry and used a dipole geomagnetic field model. Thus, a detailed calculation in a full 3-dimensional scheme without symmetry remains a challenging job. We have developed a new and fast simulation code for the propagation of cosmic rays in the atmosphere to calculate the atmospheric neutrino flux in a full 3-dimensional scheme without having to assume symmetry. This fast simulation code and a fast computation system allow us to calculate the atmospheric neutrino flux with good accuracy over a wide energy region from 0.1 to a few tens of GeV, as is shown in this paper. The differences between 3-dimensional and 1-dimensional calculation schemes are similar to that we found in the study with a dipole geomagnetic field~\\cite{hkkm-dipole}, and are small above a few GeV. The neutrino flux calculated in the 3-dimensional scheme is smoothly connected to the one calculated in the 1-dimensional scheme at a few tens of GeV. We are therefore able to discuss the atmospheric neutrino flux up to 10~TeV in this paper. Although progress in our theoretical study of the atmospheric neutrinos flux has been reported partly elsewhere~\\cite{hkkm-hamburg,hkkm-tsukuba}, this is the first comprehensive report since 1995~\\cite{hkkm95}. ", "conclusions": "\\end{table} \\subsection{\\label{sec:general}Zenith angle dependence of the neutrino flux} The most prominent difference between 3-dimensional and 1-dimensional atmospheric neutrino flux calculations is the horizontal enhancement at low energies. (For the origin of the horizontal enhancement, see Refs.\\cite{gaisser-honda,lipari-ge,hkkm-dipole}) We compare the zenith angle dependences of atmospheric neutrino fluxes calculated in the 3D, 1D, FLUKA, and DIPOLE cases for Kamioka (Fig.~\\ref{fig:kam-zdep}) and North America (Fig.~\\ref{fig:sno-zdep}), integrating over several energy bins and averaging over azimuth angles. \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{kam-zdep.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:kam-zdep} Zenith angle dependence of the atmospheric neutrino flux at Kamioka in 3 energy bins. For the azimuthal directions, averages are taken. The thick solid lines are for 3D, dotted lines for 1D, dashed lines for FLUKA, and thin solid lines for DIPOLE. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{sno-zdep.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:sno-zdep} Zenith angle dependence of the atmospheric neutrino flux at North America in 3 energy bins. For the azimuthal directions, averages are taken. The notation for lines is the same as Fig.~\\ref{fig:kam-zdep}. } \\end{figure} In these figures, we see the horizontal enhancements in 0.1--0.32~GeV and 0.32--1~GeV energy bins for all the 3-dimensional calculations. On the other hand, the flux near horizontal directions is rather smaller than neighboring directions in the 1D case due to the high cutoff rigidities. In the 1--3.2~GeV energy bin, the differences between the calculations are small. To study the difference of zenith angle dependences of neutrino fluxes due to the calculation scheme, we normalize each flux by the omni-directional flux average and depict the ratio to the 3D case in Figs~\\ref{fig:kam-zratio} and \\ref{fig:sno-zratio} as a function of zenith angle. \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{kam-zratio.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:kam-zratio} The normalized ratio of each flux to the 3D case as a function of zenith angle, for Kamioka. Dotted lines are for 1D, dashed lines for FLUKA, and thin solid lines for DIPOLE. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{sno-zratio.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:sno-zratio} The ratio of atmospheric neutrino fluxes calculated by 1D, FLUKA, and DIPOLE for North America to that from the 3D case. The notations are the same as for Fig.~\\ref{fig:kam-zratio}. } \\end{figure} In these figures, we find that the horizontal enhancement still exists in the 1--3.2~GeV energy bin, but that it decreases rapidly with neutrino energy. The difference at near horizontal directions is more than 50~\\% in 0.1--0.32~GeV bin, but it reduces to $\\lesssim$~10\\% in 1--3.2~GeV bin, for all kinds of neutrino. The differences among the 3-dimensional calculations (3D, FLUKA, DIPOLE) are small, especially that between 3D and DIPOLE. However, the amplitude of the horizontal enhancement in DIPOLE is clearly slightly smaller than that in the 3D calculation. This is thought to be due to the difference of interaction model, especially to the average transverse momentum of secondary mesons. Note, the $$ of pions is 0.289~GeV$/$c in DPMJET-III, while it is 0.256~GeV$/$c in Fritiof~1.6 for P~+~Air interactions at $E_{lab}=$10~GeV. The difference between 3D and FLUKA is asymmetric below and above the horizontal direction ($\\cos\\theta = 0$). It is difficult to deduce differences in the interaction model in this comparison. \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=10cm]{kam-2dir.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:kam2dir} Atmospheric neutrino fluxes at Kamioka for 3D and 1D, averaged over azimuth angles. The left panel shows the comparison for vertical directions, and the right panel for horizontal directions. The solid lines show the 3D results and the dashed lines the 1D results. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=10cm]{sno-2dir.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:sno2dir} Atmospheric neutrino fluxes at North America for 3D and 1D, averaged over azimuth angles. The left panel shows the comparison for vertical directions, and the right panel for horizontal directions. The solid lines show the 3D results and the dashed lines the 1D results. } \\end{figure} To see the energy dependence of the horizontal enhancement more clearly, we compared the 3D and 1D energy spectra for vertical and horizontal directions averaging over azimuth angles in Figs.~\\ref{fig:kam2dir} (Kamioka) and \\ref{fig:sno2dir} (North America). We find the differences disappear at $\\sim$1~GeV for vertical directions, and $\\sim$3~GeV for horizontal directions, for all neutrinos. Moreover, we find the fluxes averaged over all directions for 3D and 1D cases are very close to each other, even at low energies. Averaging the neutrino fluxes in Figs ~\\ref{fig:kam-zdep} and \\ref{fig:sno-zdep} over zenith angles, the 3D/1D ratios are tabulated in table~\\ref{tab:alldirratio}. They agree with each other to within a few \\% in all cases. \\begin{table}[!htb] \\caption{3D/1D ratio for the all-direction average of atmospheric neutrino flux.} \\vspace*{2truemm} \\begin{tabular}{|c| l l l l |}% \\toprule \\hspace{7mm}E$_\\nu$(GeV)\\hspace{7mm} &\\hspace{7mm}$\\nu_\\mu$\\hspace{7mm}&\\hspace{7mm}$\\bar\\nu_\\mu$\\hspace{7mm}&\\hspace{7mm}$\\nu_e$\\hspace{7mm}&\\hspace{7mm}$\\bar\\nu_e$\\\\ % \\hline \\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Kamioka} \\\\ \\hline 0.1 -- .32 & 0.979 & 0.980 & 0.970 & 0.978 \\\\ .32 -- 1.0 & 0.997 & 1.000 & 0.999 & 0.992 \\\\ 1.0 -- 3.2 & 0.983 & 0.984 & 0.982 & 0.975 \\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{North America} \\\\ \\hline 0.1 -- .32 & 1.036 & 1.035 & 1.028 & 1.025 \\\\ .32 -- 1.0 & 1.019 & 1.020 & 1.021 & 1.014 \\\\ 1.0 -- 3.2 & 0.992 & 0.990 & 0.989 & 0.985 \\\\ \\botrule \\end{tabular} \\label{tab:alldirratio} \\end{table} \\subsection{\\label{sec:eastwest}East--West effect} Here, we use the 3D and 1D fluxes only, since they are calculated under the same conditions (except for the 1- or 3-dimensional calculation scheme). Contrary to the quantitative agreements between 3D and 1D above a few GeV in the azimuthally averaged fluxes, they are quite different when the azimuth angles are limited to East or West directions, even at higher energies ($\\sim$~10~GeV). We depict the 3D and 1D atmospheric neutrino fluxes arriving horizontally ($0. < \\cos\\theta < 0.1$) from the East ($60^\\circ <\\phi <120^\\circ$), and West ($240^\\circ <\\phi <300^\\circ$) for Kamioka (Fig.~\\ref{fig:kam-horizontal}) and North America (Fig.~\\ref{fig:sno-horizontal}), where we measure the azimuth angle from South ($\\phi=0$), and $\\phi =90^\\circ, 180^\\circ, 270^\\circ$ are East, North, and West directions respectively. \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=10cm]{kam-horizontal.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:kam-horizontal} The flux of horizontal ($0. < \\cos\\theta < 0.1$) atmospheric neutrinos arriving from the East ($60^\\circ <\\phi<120^\\circ$, Left), and West ($240^\\circ <\\phi<300^\\circ$, Right) directions at Kamioka. The solid lines show the result of the 3D calculation and the dashed line the 1D case. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=10cm]{sno-horizontal.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:sno-horizontal} The flux of horizontal ($0. < \\cos\\theta < 0.1$) atmospheric neutrinos arriving from the East ($60^\\circ <\\phi<120^\\circ$, Left), and West ($240^\\circ <\\phi<300^\\circ$, Right) directions at North America. The solid lines show the result of the 3D calculation and the dashed line the 1D case. } \\end{figure} The differences in the fluxes from the 3D and 1D calculations for different kinds of neutrinos may be classified into two groups, $\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\bar\\nu_e$, and $\\bar\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\nu_e$. The former group are the decay products of $\\mu^-$, and the latter are the decay products of $\\mu^+$. The geomagnetic field deflects $\\mu^+$'s toward the same direction as for primary cosmic rays. Therefore, it enhances the East and West differences of the $\\bar\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\nu_e$ fluxes caused by the rigidity cutoff. On the other hand, the geomagnetic field works on the $\\mu^-$'s in the opposite direction to that for primary cosmic rays. Therefore, it reduces the East and West differences for the $\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\bar\\nu_e$ fluxes caused by the rigidity cutoff~\\cite{lipari-ew}. In the Figs.~\\ref{fig:kam-horizontal} and \\ref{fig:sno-horizontal}, we mainly see the horizontal enhancement in the neutrino energies $\\lesssim$~1~GeV in the difference of 3D and 1D. For $\\gtrsim$ 1~GeV, however, the muon curvature in the geomagnetic field is a larger effect than the horizontal enhancement, and this extends to several tens of GeV for near horizontal directions. \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{kam-adep.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:kam-adep} Azimuth angle dependence of the atmospheric neutrino flux at Kamioka, averaged over the zenith angle range $-0.5 < \\cos\\theta < 0.5$. The solid lines show the 3D result and the dashed lines the 1D result. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tbh] \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{sno-adep.eps}% \\caption{\\label{fig:sno-adep} Azimuth angle dependence of the atmospheric neutrino flux at North America, averaged over the zenith angle range $-0.5 < \\cos\\theta < 0.5$. The solid lines show the 3D result and the dashed lines the 1D result. } \\end{figure} \\begin{table}[!htb] \\caption{Max/Min ratio in Figs.~\\ref{fig:kam-adep} and ~\\ref{fig:sno-adep} as the amplitude of the azimuthal angle variation.} \\vspace*{2truemm} \\begin{tabular}{|c| l l l l | l l l l |}% \\toprule E$_\\nu$(GeV) &$\\nu_\\mu$&$\\bar\\nu_\\mu$&$\\nu_e$&$\\bar\\nu_e$ &$\\nu_\\mu$&$\\bar\\nu_\\mu$&$\\nu_e$&$\\bar\\nu_e$ \\\\ % \\hline &\\multicolumn{4}{c|}{Kamioka, 3D}&\\multicolumn{4}{c|}{Kamioka, 1D} \\\\ \\hline 0.1 -- .32 & 2.27 & 2.51 & 2.75 & 2.03 & 4.13 & 4.13 & 4.36 & 3.85\\\\ .32 -- 1.0 & 2.27 & 2.82 & 3.22 & 1.98 & 2.73 & 2.76 & 2.98 & 2.65\\\\ 1.0 -- 3.2 & 1.58 & 2.00 & 2.42 & 1.42 & 1.61 & 1.63 & 1.80 & 1.61\\\\ \\hline &\\multicolumn{4}{c|}{North America, 3D}&\\multicolumn{4}{c|}{North America, 1D} \\\\ \\hline 0.1 -- .32 & 1.26 & 1.33 & 1.40 & 1.19 & 1.47 & 1.48 & 1.54 & 1.41\\\\ .32 -- 1.0 & 1.20 & 1.39 & 1.49 & 1.11 & 1.27 & 1.28 & 1.31 & 1.26\\\\ 1.0 -- 3.2 & 1.07 & 1.25 & 1.35 & 1.07 & 1.08 & 1.09 & 1.12 & 1.09\\\\ \\botrule \\end{tabular} \\label{tab:adep-amplitude} \\end{table} The muon curvature effect should be seen in the azimuthal variation of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes. We show the integrated azimuthal angle dependence in the same energy bins as in Sec.~\\ref{sec:general} for Kamioka (Fig.~\\ref{fig:kam-adep}) and North America (Fig.~\\ref{fig:sno-adep}). Also we tabulated the ratio of maximum to minimum fluxes in the figures in Table~\\ref{tab:adep-amplitude}, to see the variation amplitude. In the 1D case, the amplitudes are similar to each other for all kinds of neutrinos in each energy bin. This is because the 1D azimuthal variation is caused by the rigidity cutoff of the primary cosmic rays. In the 3D case, the amplitudes are different among the different kinds of neutrino even in the same energy bin. The amplitudes of $\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\bar\\nu_e$ are suppressed, while those of $\\bar\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\nu_e$ are enhanced, except for the lowest energy bin of 0.1--0.32~GeV. In the lowest energy bins, smearing suppresses the 3D azimuth angle dependence. Note that $\\nu_e$ has the largest amplitude among all $\\nu$'s in 3D. This is because about $1/2$ of the $\\bar\\nu_\\mu$'s are created by pion decay directly, while all the $\\nu_e$'s are created by $\\mu$-decay at these energies. It is noteworthy that the amplitude of $\\nu_e$ in the 1--3.2~GeV energy bin is still large. This is important for the experimental confirmation of the effect of muon curvature, because the determination of the arrival direction is better for higher energy neutrinos. Generally speaking, the azimuthal angle dependence of atmospheric neutrinos at high magnetic latitude sites such as North America is smaller than that at low magnetic latitude sites such as Kamioka because the rigidity cutoff is too low. However, we find in Fig.~\\ref{fig:sno-adep} and Table~\\ref{tab:adep-amplitude} that the difference in the azimuthal angle dependence of atmospheric neutrinos between 3D and 1D due to the muon curvature is similar to that for the low magnetic latitude site. Summary and discussion} We have revised the calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux, according to recent developments in primary cosmic ray observations and hadronic interaction models. We have also updated the calculations from a 1-dimensional scheme to a 3-dimensional one. For the interaction model, we compared the available interaction models with the secondary cosmic rays observed at balloon altitudes, and selected DPMJET-III as the preferred model for this study. We have constructed an inclusive hadronic interaction code based on DPMJET-III for speed. The computation speed is very important in the 3-dimensional calculation. We have processed 307,618,204,971 cosmic rays with $E_k/A > 1$~GeV for lower energy neutrino fluxes, and 415,711,823,606 cosmic rays with $E_k/A > 10$~GeV for neutrino fluxes above 10~GeV. Combining both simulations, the statistical error due to the Monte Carlo method is negligibly small for neutrino energies below a few tens of GeV. With the primary fluxes accurately determined by BESS and AMS below 100~GeV, the DPMJET-III interaction model, and the fast 3-dimensional simulation code for the cosmic ray propagation, we consider we have reduced the uncertainty to $\\sim$~10~\\% in the calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux at energies below 10~GeV, since we could reproduce the muon fluxes at various altitude with good accuracy from 1 to a few 10~GeV~\\cite{abe2,sanuki-mu} in this calculation scheme. However, for the atmospheric neutrino flux above 10~GeV, the uncertainties in the atmospheric neutrino fluxes are still large due to the uncertainties of the primary cosmic ray flux and interaction model above 100~GeV. The differences we find between the 1- and 3-dimensional calculation schemes are similar to those we found in the previous study with a dipole geomagnetic field. When we average the atmospheric neutrino flux over azimuthal angles, the fluxes calculated in the 3-dimensional scheme quickly converge with those calculated in the 1-dimensional scheme at a few GeV. With the larger statistics, however, it becomes clear that muon curvature affects the horizontal neutrino flux even at energies $\\gtrsim$~10~GeV, while most other `3-dimensional effects' disappear at a few GeV. In comparison with other calculations of atmospheric neutrino flux, we find the zenith angle dependences of different calculations are very similar, although there are differences in the absolute values. The remaining differences of the zenith angle dependence at higher energies ($\\gtrsim$ 10~GeV) are consistent with the uncertainty of kaon production in the hadronic interaction~\\cite{noon2003}. Therefore, we may conclude that the main reason for the remaining difference of the zenith angle dependence is in the kaon production of hadronic interaction model used by different calculations. Note, there are large differences in the interaction model used by the different calculations, as is known from the large $\\nu_e/\\bar\\nu_e$ and $\\nu_\\mu/\\bar\\nu_mu$ differences at higher energies. The production height distributions in the 1- and 3-dimensional calculation schemes are different depending on the arrival direction. When they are averaged over azimuthal directions, they agree with each other well above a few GeV, except for a small distortion at the lower tail for the vertical directions. This situation is similar to that of the flux value. There are azimuthal variations of the production height due to the muon curvature, however it is difficult to study them in detail with the statistics of this work. However, for the experimental study of atmospheric neutrinos for neutrino oscillations, the azimuthal variations are not important. It is interesting that the effect of albedo particles observed by AMS at satellite altitudes is seen in the neutrino production time distribution. The contribution of such particles to the atmospheric neutrino flux is a little higher for the low magnetic latitude site (Kamioka) than the high magnetic latitude site (North America), but small ($ \\ll 1$~\\%) for both sites. We expect that the validity of the calculation scheme and the effect of the muon curvature will be confirmed by the observation of the azimuthal variation of the neutrino events. Although the statistics are still insufficient, the SuperKamiokande experiment observed a larger amplitude of the azimuthal variation for the e-like events than that for the $\\mu$-like events~\\cite{futagami,moriyama} as is predicted in Sec.~\\ref{sec:eastwest}. We would like to note that the muon curvature effect has been confirmed by the azimuthal variation of the muon flux with an amplitude almost the same as the value predicted in our calculation scheme~\\cite{hanoi-mu}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404511_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have computed the higher-order Balmer absorption line indices \\Hg\\ and \\Hd\\ \\citep{WO97} for stellar population models with variable element ratios. The response of these indices to abundance ratio variations is taken from detailed line formation and model atmosphere calculations. We find that \\Hg\\ and \\Hd, unlike \\Hb, are very sensitive to \\aFe\\ ratio changes at super-solar metallicities. Both line indices increase significantly with increasing \\aFe\\ ratio. This effect cannot be neglected when these line indices are used to derive the ages of metal-rich, unresolved stellar populations like early-type galaxies. We re-analyze the elliptical galaxy sample of \\citet{Kun00}, and show that consistent age estimates from \\Hb\\ and \\Hg\\ are obtained, only if the effect of \\aFe\\ enhancement on \\Hg\\ is taken into account in the models. This result rectifies a problem currently present in the literature, namely that \\Hg\\ and \\Hd\\ have up to now led to significantly younger ages for early-type galaxies than \\Hb. Our work particularly impacts on the interpretation of intermediate to high-redshift data, for which only the higher-order Balmer lines are accessible observationally. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Absorption line indices in the visual as defined by the Lick group (e.g., \\Hb, \\Mgtwo, Fe5270, Fe5335, etc., \\citealt{Buretal84,Fabetal85}) have proven to be a useful tool for the derivation of ages and metallicities of unresolved stellar populations. One of the largest merits of the Lick indices is to have signaled the presence of non-solar Mg/Fe abundance ratios in the stars of early-type galaxies \\citep*{WFG92,DSP93,CD94,FFI95,SB95,WPM95,Greggio97}. This interpretation is confirmed empirically by the similarity between the Lick indices of early-type galaxies and those of Bulge globular clusters \\citep{Maretal03}, which are known from spectroscopy of individual stars to be Mg/Fe enhanced. Indeed the indices \\Mgtwo/\\Mgb\\ and Fe5270/Fe5335 are dominated by absorption lines from the elements Mg and Fe, and model atmosphere calculations by \\citet{Bar94} and \\citet{TB95} have theoretically demonstrated that these indices are sensitive to Mg/Fe abundance ratios. Following an extension of the method introduced by \\citet{Traetal00a}, we have used the calculations of \\citet{TB95} to produce stellar population models with variable element abundance ratios (\\citealt*{TMB03a}, hereafter TMB03). These models are now able to match simultaneously the Mg and Fe line indices of globular clusters and early-type galaxies. The Balmer line index \\Hb, which is used as age indicator because it measures the presence of warm A-type stars, is only moderately contaminated by metallic lines and therefore relatively insensitive to abundance ratio variations \\citep[][TMB03]{TB95,Traetal00a}. Does this convenient attribute of \\Hb\\ apply also to the higher-order Balmer line indices \\Hg\\ and \\Hd\\ defined in \\citet{WO97}? The comparison of the predictions from solar-scaled stellar population models with galactic globular cluster data shows that the effect from \\aFe-enhancement must be small in a metallicity range up to solar \\citep{Maretal03}. There are several good reasons for serious doubts, however, that this is the case also at super-solar metallicities. 1) From data in the literature (\\citealt{KD98}; \\citealt{Teretal99}; \\citealt{Pogetal01a}; \\citealt{Kunetal02a}; \\citealt*{TFD04}) it can be seen that the higher-order Balmer line indices and \\Hb\\ lead to very inconsistent age estimates. 2) The \\Hd\\ measurements of early-type galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey cannot be reproduced by current solar-scaled stellar population models \\citep{Eisetal03}. 3) Both \\Hg\\ and \\Hd\\ have very prominent Fe absorption features in their pseudo-continua. \\citet{TB95} have not included \\Hg\\ and \\Hd, however, so that a quantitative assessment of the sensitivity of these line indices to abundance ratios in stellar population models was not possible until now. Since these line indices are already being widely used and will certainly supersede \\Hb\\ as age indicators in future studies at intermediate and high-redshifts, it is urgent to clarify this issue. To this aim in Korn et al.\\ (in preparation) we have extended the \\citet{TB95} approach and computed model atmosphere calculations with variable abundance ratios including the wavelengths of the higher-order Balmer lines ($\\lambda\\sim 4000\\, {\\rm \\AA}$). In this paper we present the resulting stellar population models of \\Hg\\ and \\Hd\\ with different \\aFe\\ ratios, which are computed following the recipe of TMB03. The paper is organised as follows. In Section~2 we will briefly introduce the stellar population model, and calibrate it with galactic globular clusters. In Section~3 we shall confront the new models with data of elliptical galaxies focusing on the issues outlined above. We will conclude with Section~4. ", "conclusions": "We have extended our models of absorption line indices of stellar populations with variable abundance ratios (TMB03) to the higher-order Balmer line indices \\HgA, \\HgF, \\HdA, and \\HdF. We show that the model predictions are well consistent with data of galactic globular clusters. The key result of this work is that, unlike \\Hb, all four indices show a marked dependence on the \\aFe\\ ratio. The significance of this effect increases with increasing metallicity, and therefore impacts on the age derivation for elliptical galaxies. Re-analyzing the elliptical galaxy sample of \\citet{Kun00}, we show that \\Hb\\ and \\HgF\\ (and a bit less convincingly also \\HgA) yield consistent age estimates if (and only if) the effect of \\aFe\\ enhancement is taken into account. \\medskip A posteriori, it is not surprising that blue absorption line indices are more affected by abundance ratio effects, because of the presence of more metallic lines in the bluer parts of the spectrum. This fact certainly diminishes the advantage of the higher-order Balmer line indices over \\Hb\\ as age indicators, in spite of their lower sensitivity to emission line filling. The consequence for the age derivation by means of \\Hg\\ and \\Hd\\ is twofold: 1) The element ratio effect on the Balmer line indices needs to be taken into account in the models. 2) The additional knowledge of the \\aFe\\ ratio is necessary, which requires the simultaneous measurement of \\Mgb\\ and Fe5270/Fe5335. If these wavelengths are not accessible, as typically the case for intermediate and high-redshift data, \\aFe\\ ratios may be best estimated from the indices Fe4383 and \\CNone\\ or \\CNtwo. \\medskip Model tables are listed in the Appendix and are available electronically under http://www.mpe.mpg.de/$\\sim$dthomas." }, "0404/astro-ph0404393.txt": { "abstract": "We present an extensive new time-series of spectroscopic data of the peculiar SN~1999aa in NGC 2595. Our data set includes 25 optical spectra between $-$11 and +58 days with respect to B-band maximum light, providing an unusually complete time history. The early spectra resemble those of a SN~1991T-like object but with a relatively strong Ca H\\&K absorption feature. The first clear sign of Si~{\\sc ii}~$\\lambda6355$, characteristic of Type Ia supernovae, is found at day $-$7 and its velocity remains constant up to at least the first month after B-band maximum light. The transition to normal-looking spectra is found to occur earlier than in SN~1991T suggesting SN~1999aa as a possible link between SN~1991T-like and Branch-normal supernovae. Comparing the observations with synthetic spectra, doubly ionized Fe, Si and Ni are identified at early epochs. These are characteristic of SN~1991T-like objects. Furthermore, in the day $-$11 spectrum, evidence is found for an absorption feature which could be identified as high velocity C~{\\sc ii}~$\\lambda$6580 or H$\\alpha$. At the same epoch C~{\\sc iii}~$\\lambda$4648.8 at photospheric velocity is probably responsible for the absorption feature at 4500~\\AA. High velocity Ca is found around maximum light together with Si~{\\sc ii} and Fe~{\\sc ii} confined in a narrow velocity window. Implied constraints on supernovae progenitor systems and explosion hydrodynamical models are briefly discussed. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec_intro} The observed homogeneity and brightness of Type Ia supernovae (SNe~Ia) make them excellent tools for distance estimates over extremely large distances and hence for measurements of cosmological parameters (see e.g. \\markcite{1998Natur.391...51P,1998ApJ...493L..53G,1998ApJ...507...46S,1998AJ....116.1009R,1999ApJ...517..565P,2003ApJ...598..102K,2003ApJ...594....1T}{Perlmutter} {et~al.} (1998); {Garnavich} {et~al.} (1998); {Schmidt} {et~al.} (1998); {Riess} {et~al.} (1998); {Perlmutter} {et~al.} (1999); {Knop} {et~al.} (2003); {Tonry} {et~al.} (2003)). However, cosmological results derived from supernovae rely on the evidence that distant explosions are similar to well-studied nearby ones and that they can be calibrated with the same techniques, e.g. the luminosity-light curve-timescale relation \\markcite{1993ApJ...413L.105P}({Phillips} 1993). The Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP) coordinated an extensive campaign to study a large number of z $<$ 0.1 SNe~Ia in the spring of 1999 in order to better understand the intrinsic properties of SNe Ia and thereby improve cosmological measurements using them \\markcite{2000coex.conf...75A,2000sgrb.conf...47N}({Aldering} 2000; {Nugent}, {Aldering}, \\& {The Nearby Campaign} 2000). The subject of this work, SN~1999aa, was one of the SCP targets in that campaign. At this time, several fundamental questions about Type Ia supernova physics remain. The nature of the progenitor system is still poorly constrained as are the details of the explosion and thus the origin of many of the differences observed among Type Ia supernovae. Normal SNe~Ia (sometimes called Branch-normal, \\markcite{1983ApJ...270..123B,1993AJ....106.2383B}{Branch} {et~al.} (1983); {Branch}, {Fisher}, \\& {Nugent} (1993)) present early spectra dominated by intermediate mass elements (IMEs), such as Mg, Si, S, and Ca, which are replaced by features due to iron-peak ions (such as Fe, Co, and Ni) as the spectrum evolves with time. However, peculiar events such as SN~1991T, SN~1997br and SN~2000cx \\markcite{1992ApJ...384L..15F,1992ApJ...397..304J,1992AJ....103.1632P,1992ApJ...387L..33R}({Filippenko} {et~al.} 1992; {Jeffery} {et~al.} 1992; {Phillips} {et~al.} 1992; {Ruiz-Lapuente} {et~al.} 1992) show different characteristics. Their early spectra have weak IME lines and strong doubly ionized iron lines while spectra after maximum light look almost completely normal. Moreover, their light curves are generally characterized by a slow post maximum decline rate, and thus, SN~1991T-like supernovae are sometimes called peculiar slow decliners. These characteristics have been regarded as possible signs of different classes of progenitors. SN~1999aa exhibited spectral characteristics common both to Branch-normal and peculiar slow decliner SNe~Ia, and thus has been proposed as a key object which may help in understanding the physical origin of the observed diversity \\markcite{Branch:2000zm,Branch:2001jf,2001ApJ...546..734L}(Branch 2000; Branch, Baron, \\& Jeffery 2001; {Li} {et~al.} 2001b). Hydrodynamical models predict atmospheric compositions of supernovae in good agreement with what is found in observed spectra. None of the currently available models, though, produces an exhaustive description of the whole spectral time evolution and none is able to reproduce the complete range of observed differences among SNe~Ia. For extensive reviews of the theoretical models and observations see \\markcite{1997ARA&A..35..309F,2000ARA&A..38..191H,2000A&ARv..10..179L,Livio:2000cx,Branch:2001jf}{Filippenko} (1997); {Hillebrandt} \\& {Niemeyer} (2000); {Leibundgut} (2000); Livio (2000); Branch {et~al.} (2001). The most widely accepted model for Type Ia supernovae involves the thermonuclear disruption of a C+O white dwarf star (WD) accreting material from a companion star \\markcite{1973ApJ...186.1007W,1982ApJ...257..780N,1984ApJS...54..335I,1985cvlm.proc....1P}({Whelan} \\& {Iben} 1973; {Nomoto} 1982; {Iben} \\& {Tutukov} 1984; {Paczynski} 1985). From an observational point of view this conclusion is supported by the amount of energy released, the absence of hydrogen lines (but see \\markcite{2000ApJS..128..615M}{Marietta}, {Burrows}, \\& {Fryxell} (2000)) and the occurrence of SNe~Ia in elliptical galaxies exclusive of other types. A more controversial issue is whether SNe~Ia are the result of explosions at Chandrasekhar mass \\markcite{1969Ap&SS...5..180A,1969Ap&SS...3..464H,1976Ap&SS..39L..37N,1991A&A...245..114K,1994ApJ...423..371W}({Arnett} 1969; {Hansen} \\& {Wheeler} 1969; {Nomoto}, {Sugimoto}, \\& {Neo} 1976; {Khokhlov} 1991; {Woosley} \\& {Weaver} 1994) or at sub-Chandrasekhar mass \\markcite{1990ApJ...354L..53L,1991ApJ...370..272L,1994ApJ...423..371W}({Livne} 1990; {Livne} \\& {Glasner} 1991; {Woosley} \\& {Weaver} 1994). In the former, thermonuclear burning of carbon occurs in proximity to the center of the star and the burning front proceeds outward. In the latter, helium accreting in the external layer of the supernova, ignites. A detonation then propagates outward through the He layer and another inward compressing the C+O nucleus that ignites off-center. While Chandrasekhar mass models have been successful in reproducing many of the observed characteristics of Branch-normal and SN~1991T-like supernovae \\markcite{1997ApJ...485..812N,1999MNRAS.304...67F}({Nugent} {et~al.} 1997; {Fisher} {et~al.} 1999), sub-Chandrasekhar models are in good agreement with fainter explosions such as SN~1991bg-like objects \\markcite{1997ApJ...485..812N}({Nugent} {et~al.} 1997). Pre-maximum spectra can discriminate among these two scenarios since sub-Chandrasekhar models have external layers dominated by He and Ni and do not leave any unburned carbon or produce IMEs at expansion velocities above 14000 km~s$^{-1}$. The identification of C, or strong Ca or Si lines in pre-maximum spectra would then rule out this possibility. Most of the supernovae observed seem to show characteristics in agreement with carbon ignition occurring at the center of the WD. However, this condition can be the result of both a single degenerate C+O WD accreting hydrogen from a companion or a merging double degenerate C+O WD, as sometimes suggested for SN~1991T-like supernovae \\markcite{1999MNRAS.304...67F}({Fisher} {et~al.} 1999). The detection of narrow hydrogen lines in supernova spectra \\markcite{2003Natur.424..651H}({Hamuy} {et~al.} 2003) (see also a discussion in \\markcite{2003ApJ...594L..93L}{Livio} \\& {Riess} (2003)) would favor the single degenerate scenario but a non-detection cannot rule out these models. A substantial amount of hydrogen can be removed from the companion star and get mixed into the exploding WD \\markcite{2000ApJS..128..615M}({Marietta} {et~al.} 2000). In this case the detection of H lines is expected even in low resolution spectra \\markcite{2002ApJ...580..374L}({Lentz} {et~al.} 2002) and would then exclude a double degenerate progenitor system. While single degenerate models are currently considered the most promising, other questions remain open. The hydrodynamics of the explosion and the details of the flame propagation pose many numerical and conceptual problems currently under investigation, e.g. computational resolution in 3D simulations, and details of flame instabilities, for extensive discussion see e.g. \\markcite{Blinnikov:2002gu,2000ARA&A..38..191H}{Hillebrandt} \\& {Niemeyer} (2000) and {Blinnikov} \\& {Sorokina} (2002). Several models have been proposed to describe the explosion mechanism. Next, we highlight the possible spectroscopic observables that could help in constraining the parameters of the models. Pure one-dimensional (1D) deflagration models (such as W7, \\markcite{1984ApJ...286..644N}{Nomoto}, {Thielemann}, \\& {Yokoi} (1984)) have carbon present down to v~$>$~14900~km~s$^{-1}$ while 1D delayed-detonation (DD) models \\markcite{1991A&A...245..114K,1992ApJ...393L..55Y,1994ApJ...423..371W}({Khokhlov} 1991; {Yamaoka} {et~al.} 1992; {Woosley} \\& {Weaver} 1994) burn C almost completely up to v~$\\sim$~30000~km~s$^{-1}$. Thus, the identification of carbon lines at low velocity would disfavor published DD models. Delayed-detonation models can also produce an unusually high Doppler blue shift of IMEs by tuning the deflagration to detonation transition density \\markcite{2001ApJ...547..402L}({Lentz} {et~al.} 2001). Thus, IME lines confined at higher than normal velocities could be more naturally described by DD models. Lines of stable Fe and Ni at high velocity in the spectra prior to maximum are also consistent with the prediction of a deflagration to detonation transition \\markcite{1999ApJS..125..439I}({Iwamoto} {et~al.} 1999). The complexity of explosion models has advanced to the level where deflagration in 3D can be explored \\markcite{Khokhlov:2000gj,2003Sci...299...77G}(Khokhlov 2000; {Gamezo} {et~al.} 2003). These results motivated a few attempts to investigate the spectral outcome of these models by means of parametrized synthetic spectra codes \\markcite{2002ApJ...567.1037T,2003ApJ...588L..29B,2003ApJ...593..788K}({Thomas} {et~al.} 2002; {Baron}, {Lentz}, \\& {Hauschildt} 2003; {Kasen} {et~al.} 2003). In 3D deflagration, due to the highly convoluted turbulent flame propagation, heavy mixing of freshly synthesized and unburned material can occur \\markcite{2003Sci...299...77G}({Gamezo} {et~al.} 2003). Evidence for C and O lines at low velocities, as well as clumps of burned material (e.g: IME or Fe) in the external layers (high velocity), would confirm the plausibility of, and the need for, such a degree of complexity. The same mechanism that mixes carbon and oxygen with IME in 3D calculations could probably also work for hydrogen. Polarization measurements in SNe~Ia spectra \\markcite{1996AAS...189.4510W,2001ApJ...556..302H,2003ApJ...593..788K,2003ApJ...591.1110W}({Wang}, {Wheeler}, \\& {Hoeflich} 1996; {Howell} {et~al.} 2001; {Kasen} {et~al.} 2003; {Wang} {et~al.} 2003) have strengthened the conviction that some degree of asymmetry can be found in supernova atmospheres. In particular, the high velocity (HV) component of the Ca~{\\sc ii} IR triplet found in some supernovae (e.g: SN~2000cx, SN~2001el) required 3D simulations to be fully reproduced \\markcite{Thomas:2003ip,2003ApJ...593..788K}(Thomas {et~al.} 2003; {Kasen} {et~al.} 2003). To explore the results of 3D explosion models, full three-dimensional radiative transfer calculations of supernova spectra would be required. However, these are not yet available and 1D parametrized radiative transfer calculations are still in their infancy. Thus, direct analysis by means of parametrized codes -- both in 1D and in 3D -- remains the fastest and most versatile way of testing models predictions and guiding new developments. In the present work we present a new, comprehensive spectroscopic timeseries for SN~1999aa. We use the direct analysis code SYNOW \\markcite{1990sjws.conf..149J,1997ApJ...481L..89F,1999MNRAS.304...67F}({Jeffery} \\& {Branch} 1990; {Fisher} {et~al.} 1997, 1999) as a tool to describe the data and to identify potentially interesting features. This, together with the measurements of the velocities inferred from the minima of the spectral features, is used to investigate the structure of the expanding atmosphere. In particular, we have looked for evidence of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen lines in early spectra as well as the velocity ranges of iron, nickel and intermediate mass element lines, in order to try to answer some of the open questions outlined above. This paper is organized as follows. The spectroscopic data of SN 1999aa, and a short description of the data reduction scheme are presented in section \\ref{sec_data}. The analysis methodology is introduced in section \\ref{modeling}. In section \\ref{sec_comparison} our SN~1999aa spectra are compared with those of spectroscopically peculiar and normal supernovae taken from the literature. The synthetic spectra for days $-$11, $-$1, +5, +14 and +40, produced with the highly parametrized SYNOW code, are discussed in the same section outlining the spectral peculiarities of this object. Velocities inferred from several spectral features are analyzed in section \\ref{sec_velocities}. A discussion about possible implications for supernova models is presented in section \\ref{sec_summary} and our conclusions are given in section \\ref{sec_conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_conclusion} We have presented new high signal to noise optical spectroscopic data of SN~1999aa with good temporal coverage between $-$11 and +58 days with respect to B-band maximum light. The overall evolution of the spectral features suggests an object with characteristics common to both SN~1991T-like and Branch-normal supernovae. By means of SYNOW synthetic spectra we have attempted to identify the absorption features in the spectra at days $-$11, $-$1, +5, +14 and +40 with respect to B-band maximum light. Highlights of this modeling include the presence of \\begin{itemize} \\item C~{\\sc iii} at the photospheric velocity, \\item Possible C~{\\sc ii} or H at high velocity \\item Ca~{\\sc ii}~IR triplet at high velocity, \\item doubly ionized Si, Ni and Fe, \\item confined IMEs and Fe~{\\sc ii}, \\item probable iron peak core at 10000 km~s$^{-1}$. \\end{itemize} A schematic view of the resulting composition (in the velocity regime) is presented in Fig. \\ref{onion} . The line identification for the earliest spectrum shows the presence of doubly ionized Si, Fe and Ni suggesting that the temperature in the outermost layer of SN~1999aa is higher than in normal SNe. After day 5, doubly ionized elements no longer form visible absorption features, highlighting the cooling of the supernova atmosphere. The presence of IME above 14000 km~s$^{-1}$ excludes the possibility that SN~1999aa was the result of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass explosion. The broad absorption feature around 6150~\\AA\\ in the spectrum at day $-$11 can be matched comparably well by a weak component of Si~{\\sc ii}~$\\lambda$6355 plus HV C~{\\sc ii}~$\\lambda$6580 or H$\\alpha$. The contribution of either C~{\\sc ii} or H$\\alpha$ helps in reproducing the velocity time evolution of the absorption feature at 6150~\\AA\\ that otherwise (i.e. considering only Si~{\\sc ii}~$\\lambda$6355) would remain unexplained. Definitive identification is not possible due to the lack of other absorption features produced either by C~{\\sc ii} or H at the input optical depths. However, both the possibilities impose constraints either on the nature of the progenitor system or the hydrodynamics of the explosion. A hydrogen component would imply that SN~1999aa is the result of a single degenerate WD explosion; a complete 3D calculation would be necessary to model it. Alternatively, a C~{\\sc ii} component can be reproduced by a pure 1D deflagration model, but would not be consistent with delayed-detonation models. C~{\\sc iii}~$\\lambda$4648.8 at photosphere velocity was able to reproduce the absorption around 4500~\\AA, and no good alternatives were found for that feature. If this identification is confirmed by detailed radiative transfer models, the use of three dimensional simulations of the explosion would be necessary to describe the presence of unburned material down to the inner layers of the WD atmosphere. At day $-$11 and at day $-$1, the profile of the absorption at 3800~\\AA\\ requires a HV component of Ca to be reproduced in addition to the photosphere component. The HV component at day $-$1 also reproduces the observed minima on the blue side of the usual Ca~IR triplet. For an accurate description of this feature, multi-dimensional simulations would be required. The spectral evolution of SN~1999aa in the photospheric phase shows that Fe~{\\sc ii} is confined below 15000 km~s$^{-1}$. IMEs populate a narrow velocity window above 10000 km~s$^{-1}$. Similar evidence is found in other well known supernovae (SN~1991T, SN~1997br and SN~2000cx) by studying the time evolution of the expansion velocity as computed from fits to the minima of Si~{\\sc ii}~$\\lambda$6355. The comparison with other SN~1991T-like objects suggests that the transition between IME to iron-peak dominant composition can occur at slightly different phases. Tuning of the deflagration to detonation transition density might reproduce this sequence. The analysis of the spectrum of day +40 indicates that the iron-peak core limit should be set to 10000 km~s$^{-1}$, similar to that of SN~1991T \\markcite{1999MNRAS.304...67F}({Fisher} {et~al.} 1999). The origin of the differences between normal supernovae and SN~1991T-like or SN~1999aa-like objects depends on several factors. Our analysis of the optical spectra of SN~1999aa reveals that, among the present explosion models, none is able to reproduce each one of our findings. Higher temperature could account for some of the peculiarities \\markcite{1995ApJ...455L.147N}({Nugent} {et~al.} 1995), but the evidence for high velocity components and unburned material at all velocities probably requires the development of full NLTE 3D explosion models. SN~1999aa was spectroscopically less extreme than other genuine SN~1991T-like SNe, suggesting that perhaps a single model could eventually explain both normals and SN~1991T-like SNe as a continuous sequence." }, "0404/astro-ph0404256_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have modeled the time-variable profiles of the H$\\alpha$ emission line from the non-axisymmetric disk and debris tail created in the tidal disruption of a solar-type star by a $10^{6}\\Msun$ black hole. Two tidal disruption event simulations were carried out using a three dimensional relativistic smooth-particle hydrodynamic code, to describe the early evolution of the debris during the first fifty to ninety days. We have calculated the physical conditions and radiative processes in the debris using the photoionization code CLOUDY. We model the emission line profiles in the period immediately after the accretion rate onto the black hole became significant. We find that the line profiles at these very early stages of the evolution of the post-disruption debris do not resemble the double peaked profiles expected from a rotating disk since the debris has not yet settled into such a stable structure. As a result of the uneven distribution of the debris and the existence of a ``tidal tail'' (the stream of returning debris), the line profiles depend sensitively on the orientation of the tail relative to the line of sight. Moreover, the predicted line profiles vary on fairly short time scales (of order hours to days). Given the accretion rate onto the black hole we also model the H$\\alpha$ light curve from the debris and the evolution of the H$\\alpha$ line profiles in time. ", "introduction": "\\subsection{Tidal Disruption of a Star by a Black Hole and Related Issues} A star in an orbit around a massive black hole can get tidally disrupted during its close passage by the black hole. After several orbital periods the debris from the disrupted star settles into an accretion disk and gradually falls into the black hole \\citep*{Rees,CLG,SC,LU}. As material gets swallowed by the black hole intense UV or soft-X ray radiation is expected to emerge from the innermost rings of the accretion disk \\citep{FR,LS,Frank,Phinney,SW,MT,SU}. For black hole masses $M_{bh} < 10^{7}\\Msun$, tidal disruption theory predicts flares with luminosities of the order of the Eddington luminosity with durations of the order of months, and with spectra that peak in the UV/X-ray domain band \\citep{Rees,EK,Ulmer,KPL,Gezari02}. High-energy flares from the central source illuminate the debris, the photons get absorbed, and some are re-emitted in the optical part of the spectrum (i.e. the light is ``reprocessed''). One of the spectral lines in which this phenomenon can be observed is the Balmer series H$\\alpha$ line ($\\lambda_{rest}=6563$~\\AA). The disruption of a star begins when the star approaches the tidal radius, $r_{t}\\simeq r_{\\star}(M_{bh}/M_{\\star})^{1/3}$, the point where the surface gravity of the star equals the tidal acceleration from the black hole across the diameter of the star ($r_{\\star}$ and $M_{\\star}$ are the radius and mass of the star and $M_{bh}$ is the mass of the black hole). A $10^{6}\\Msun$ black hole is often used as a prototypical example in tidal disruption calculations. This choice is motivated by the criterion for a solar-type star to be disrupted before it crosses the black hole horizon (i.e. the Schwarzchild radius, $r_{s}$) in order for emission to be observable. For supermassive black holes with $M_{bh} > 10^{8}\\Msun$, $r_{s}>r_{t}$ and the star falls into the black hole before it gets disrupted. The tidal disruption process has been the subject of many simulations \\citep*{CL82,CL83,BG,EK,KNP,Laguna,Frolov,MLB,Deiner,ALP,IN,ICN}. It has been shown that tidal processes in the vicinity of a massive black hole could lead to tidal capture, tidal heating and tidal spin-up of a star \\citep*{NPP,AK,AH,AM}, and in some cases ultimately to the explosion of the star. Such explosions, as well as accretion of post-disruption debris, should manifest themselves as luminous flares from the centers of galaxies \\citep{CL82,Rees}. Stars close to a black hole may experience mixing or may eject some of their mass \\citep{Alexander}. As a consequence, stellar populations in nuclear clusters are expected to be somewhat unusual in comparison with populations whose evolution was not affected by a massive black hole \\citep{AL,DiStefano}. This has important implications for observations of stellar cluster in the center of our Galaxy \\citep*{Ghez,Schoedl,EOG,Figer,Gezari} where high concentration of otherwise rare blue He supergiants has been observed \\citep{Krabbe,Najarro}. The tidal disruption and accretion of stars can fuel black holes in the centers of galaxies \\citep{Hills,DS,DDCa,DDCb,MCD,FB,Yu} and its contribution to nuclear activity in galaxies and the growth of the black hole mass depends on the rate of disruption events in a galaxy. The predicted tidal disruption rate in a typical inactive galaxy is $10^{-4}$--$10^{-5}~{\\rm yr}^{-1}$ \\citep{MT,Alexander}. This value is consistent with the rate of UV/X-ray outbursts observed with {\\it ROSAT} from inactive nuclei selected as tidal disruption candidates \\citep{Donley}. The rate of tidal disruptions in active and more luminous nuclei is estimated to be lower, with the lowest value of $10^{-9}\\,{\\rm yr}^{-1}$, for galaxies with the most massive black holes. This may occur partly because massive central black holes ($M_{bh} >10^{8}\\Msun$) swallow stars promptly, without disruption, and partly because stars are less centrally concentrated in these galaxies \\citep{MT}. The observed UV/X-ray flaring rate in these galaxies is about $9\\times10^{-4}\\,{\\rm galaxy}^{-1}\\,{\\rm yr}^{-1}$ \\citep{Donley} suggesting that in such nuclei, outbursts may be due to another mechanism, such as accretion-disk instabilities \\citep*{SCK,BKS}. The tidal encounter of a compact star with a black hole can also result in emission of gravitational waves, which may be observable with upcoming instruments. More specifically, compact stars (helium stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and stellar-mass black holes) which can withstand large tidal forces without being disrupted, may get captured in relativistic orbits around a supermassive black hole. Due to the in-spiral and decay of the orbit those objects are expected to emit the peak of their gravitational wave power in the LISA frequency band \\citep{HB,SR,Freitag01}. It has been recently suggested by \\citet{Freitag03} that very-low mass main sequence stars (MSSs; $M\\ll 1~{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$) may contribute to events detected by LISA, which was not previously expected for capture of these objects by a supermassive black hole. Although MSSs produce a relatively weak gravitational signal during the in-spiral, compared to compact objects, their detection in the Galactic center is more likely because such stars have a predicted close-encounter rate that is an order of magnitude higher than that of white dwarfs (WDs), and about two or more orders of magnitude higher than that of neutron stars (NSs) and stellar-mass black holes (BHs). These compact MSSs are expected to produce a strong enough signal to allow for 0.5--2 detections from our Galactic center, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 or higher, for a LISA mission duration of one year \\citep{Freitag03}. Moreover, MSSs are expected to be disrupted relatively early during the in-spiral, giving rise to possibly detectable electromagnetic flares. The sudden appearance of an electromagnetic counterpart to a transient gravitational wave source, expected in the case of MSSs and helium stars, could allow identification of the progenitor. In the case of a tidal disruption event in another galaxy, the coincidence of an electromagnetic flare and a gravitational wave signal would provide an indication that the event occurred at the very nucleus of the galaxy, and possibly allow the measurement of the redshift. More compact objects which can spiral in without being disrupted (such as WDs, NSs, and BHs) are expected to produce stronger gravitational wave signatures and weaker or no electromagnetic flares, with the exception of white dwarfs in which tidal interaction may trigger thermonuclear explosion \\citep*{GBW}. \\subsection{Observational Motivation: Transient Emission Lines in Inactive Galaxies and LINERs} In view of the above theoretical considerations, it is necessary to make predictions of the likely observational signatures of a tidal disruption event. The prompt UV/soft-X-ray flash that is expected to accompany the disruption does provide strong evidence for such an event and has in fact been detected in a number of galaxies with {\\it ROSAT} and {\\it HST} \\citep*{BPF,Grupea,Grupeb,Donley,BKD,KG,Greiner,GTL,Renzini,LNM}. However, the duration of this flash is short enough that it can easily be missed. Aftereffects with a longer duration, such as line emission from the debris, have a better chance of being detected. If the appearance of emission lines just after an X-ray flare could be detected from the same object it could be used to identify the tidal disruption in the early phase and would provide strong support for the overall picture, but such cases are rare \\citep*[see][]{Cappellari,Gezari}. A set of tantalizing observations in the past decade show that several LINERs \\citep[low-ionization nuclear emission regions;][]{Heckman} have transient Balmer emission lines, which are often double-peaked; examples include NGC~1097 \\citep*{SBBW}, M81 \\citep{Bower}, NGC~4450 \\citep{Ho}, NGC~4203 \\citep{Shields} and NGC~3065 \\citep{EH2001}. Such line profiles are characteristic of rotating disks and resemble the persistent double-peaked Balmer lines found in about 10--20\\% of broad-line radio galaxies and about 3\\% of all active galaxies \\citep[e.g.,][]{EH1994,EH2003,strateva03}. Their abrupt appearance in LINERs led to suggestions that this transient event was related to the tidal disruption of a star by a supermassive, nuclear black hole \\citep{ELHS,SB95} or a change in the structure of the accretion disk associated with a change in accretion rate \\citep{SB97}. To investigate the possibility of line emission from the post-disruption debris and to evaluate the suggestion that the transient double-peaked lines of LINERs are related to tidal disruption events, we have undertaken a calculation of the strength and profile of the H$\\alpha$ line emitted from the debris. In \\S2, We describe two SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) simulations of tidal disruption on which we base our further calculation of the line properties. Our line profile calculation follows the method used for line profiles emitted by relativistic, Keplerian disks and is described in \\S3. In \\S4 we present the resulting line profiles and in \\S5 we discuss the physical conditions in the debris and the approximations used. In \\S6 we summarize our conclusions and consider future prospects. ", "conclusions": "We modeled the emission-line luminosity and profile from the debris released by the tidal disruption of a star by a black hole in the early phase of evolution. Our model predicts prompt optical evolution of post-disruption debris and profile shapes different from circular and elliptical disk model profiles. Since line profiles observed so far in LINERS look more disk-like and evolve slowly, the observations are likely to have caught the event at late times ($\\ge$ 6 months after the initial disruption), after the debris has settled into a quasi-stable configuration. The line profiles can take a variety of shapes for different orientations of the debris tail relative to the observer. Due to the very diverse morphology of the debris, it is almost impossible to uniquely match the multi-peaked profile with the exact emission geometry. Nevertheless, the profile widths and shifts are strongly indicative of the velocity distribution and the location of matter emitting the bulk of the H$\\alpha$ light. Profile shapes do not depend sensitively on the shape of the light curve of the X-rays illuminating the debris. They strongly depend on the distance of the emitting material from the central ionizing source, which is a consequence of the finite propagation time of the ionization front and the redistribution of the debris in phase space. It may be possible to distinguish between the two effects observationally, based on their different characteristic time scales. The onset of the optically thick spheroidal halo should cause the disappearance of the broad H$\\alpha$ emission line on the time scale of months, and give rise to the emission of narrower, strong, blueshifted or redshifted emission line, arising from the portion of the tidal tail unobscured by the halo. If X-ray flares and the predicted variable profiles could be observed from the same object they could be used to identify the tidal disruption event in its early phase. The X-ray flares can be promptly detected by all-sky synoptic X-ray surveys and high energy burst alert missions such as {\\it Swift}. The evolution of the tidal event may then be followed with optical telescopes from the ground on longer time scales and give an insight in the next stage of development of the debris. Thus, simulations of the tidal disruption process on longer time scales (of order several months to a few years) are sorely needed. Calculations of the long-term evolution of a tidal disruption event can predict the type of structure that the debris finally settles into and whether its emission-line signature resembles the transient double-peaked lines observed in LINERs. This study would provide an important insight into the evolution of LINERs. Finally, the observed rate of tidally disrupted solar type stars can constrain the rate of captured compact objects (which are important gravitational wave sources), and the capture rate of main sequence stars in our Galaxy, which are expected to emit the peak of the gravitational radiation in the LISA frequency band and can be detected in the local universe." }, "0404/astro-ph0404060_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The crisis of the standard cooling flow model brought about by {\\it Chandra} and {\\it XMM-Newton} observations of galaxy clusters, has led to the development of several models which explore different heating processes in order to assess if they can quench the cooling flow. Among the most appealing mechanisms are thermal conduction and heating through buoyant gas deposited in the ICM by AGNs. We combine Virgo/M87 observations of three satellites ({\\it Chandra}, {\\it XMM-Newton} and {\\it Beppo-SAX}) to inspect the dynamics of the ICM in the center of the cluster. Using the spectral deprojection technique, we derive the physical quantities describing the ICM and determine the extra-heating needed to balance the cooling flow assuming that thermal conduction operates at a fixed fraction of the Spitzer value. We assume that the extra-heating is due to buoyant gas and we fit the data using the model developed by Ruszkowski and Begelman (2002). We derive a scale radius for the model of $\\sim 5$ kpc, which is comparable with the M87 AGN jet extension, and a required luminosity of the AGN of a $few \\times 10^{42} {\\rm erg \\, s^{-1}}$, which is comparable to the observed AGN luminosity. We discuss a scenario where the buoyant bubbles are filled of relativistic particles and magnetic field responsible for the radio emission in M87. The AGN is supposed to be intermittent and to inject populations of buoyant bubbles through a succession of outbursts. We also study the X--ray cool component detected in the radio lobes and suggest that it is structured in blobs which are tied to the radio buoyant bubbles. ", "introduction": "The hot diffuse X-ray emitting gas (intracluster medium, ICM for short) provides a powerful tool to inspect the internal dynamics of galaxy clusters. For the typical density and temperature of the intracluster gas, the main emission mechanism is the bremsstrahlung and, for a large amount of clusters, the radiative cooling time in the central regions is significantly shorter than the Hubble time. As a consequence, if no additional heating mechanism is present, the gas cools and is expected to flow inwards, forming a {\\it cooling flow}. The standard model of cooling flows \\citep[see][for a review]{fa94} predicted the gas to be a multiphase medium in which there is a broad range of temperatures and densities present at all radii. Mass deposition rates were estimated to be as large as hundreds of solar masses per year \\citep{Allen01}. This model was strengthened by the general thought that in presence of magnetic fields the thermal conduction must be highly suppressed \\citep{BC81,fa94,CC98, Mal01}, which is a necessary condition for the multiphase cooling to operate. In fact, no heating exchange between the different phases must occur in order that they may coexist. There is some observational evidence that modest magnetic fields are present throughout the intracluster medium. The current measurements of intracluster magnetic fields are based on Faraday rotation measure (RM) in radio sources seen through clusters \\citep[e.g.][]{kim91,CKB,Fer99,Tay01}; direct evidence also comes from measurements of extended regions of radio synchrotron emission in clusters \\citep[see e.g.][]{GF00,fusco,OMV,F99}. Both the excess RM values and the radio halo data suggest modest magnetic fields, at a few microgauss levels, throughout the cluster. Recent \\XMM\\, and {\\it Chandra} observations have shown that in the central regions, the temperature drops to about one third of its overall mean value and there is no evidence of temperatures smaller than $\\sim 1-2$ keV \\citep{Pet01,Kaa01,Tam01,Allen01}, suggesting that the gas does not cool below these cutoff temperatures. Moreover, the new estimated mass deposition rates are significantly smaller than those evaluated by using previous X-ray satellites data \\citep{McN01,Pet01}. Lastly, the new data show that clusters spectra are better represented by a single (or double) temperature model rather than the standard multiphase (multi-temperature) cooling flow model \\citep{MP01,Bohr01,Fab01,matsu}. These new results clearly show that the standard cooling flow model is not a satisfying description of the internal dynamics of the ICM. Some source of heat which stops the cooling flow and balances radiative losses must be sought. The nature of this source and the origin of the heat mechanism is still unclear. One possible candidate is thermal conduction. Recent works by \\citet{NM01} and \\citet{gruz02} show that in the presence of turbulent magnetic fields, the conductivity can be as large as a fraction of the Spitzer value and thus can play a significant role in balancing cooling flows. As a consequence, thermal conduction has been recently re-introduced as a possible heat source to balance the energy losses \\citep[see e.g.][]{Voigt,VF04,Fab02, Mal01,ZN02}. However, as we will discuss more in detail in \\S \\ref{sub:cond}, thermal conduction fails in supplying the needed heat in the central regions \\citep[see also][]{Voigt,VF04, ZN02}. Heating from a central active galactic nucleus is another possibility. The idea is supported by the fact that most of ``cooling clusters'' host a central active galactic nucleus with strong radio activity \\citep{Burns,BM02}. Several models in the literature explore AGN heating processes to assess if they can balance the radiative losses. One of the most appealing mechanisms involves buoyant gas bubbles, inflated by the AGN, that subsequently rise through the cluster ICM heating it up \\citep{ch02,Bohr02,BKa,BKb,Brug02}. However, all the models predicting that radiative cooling is balanced only by energy input from the central AGN fail \\citep{McN02,ZN02,BM02}. In particular, \\citet{BM02} analyzed several heating mechanisms induced by the central AGN and concluded that no simple mechanism is able to quench the cooling flow. Moreover, the required mechanism needs a finely tuned heating source. Indeed, the heat source must provide sufficient energy to stop the cooling flow, but not enough to trigger strong convection or the metallicity gradients observed in all cooling flow clusters \\citep{DM01} would be destroyed. As a consequence, an AGN can be an efficient mechanism in the very center of the cluster but it is unlikely to be strong enough to provide energy to the outer parts of the ``cooling region''. So, it may be viewed as complementary to thermal conduction which fails in quenching the cooling flow in the innermost regions. Recently, \\citet{RB02} and \\citet{ZN02} concluded that both thermal conduction and heating from a central AGN can play an important role in balancing the cooling. In particular, \\citeauthor{RB02} (RB02 hereafter) developed a model where both thermal conduction and heating from a central AGN co-operate in balancing the radiative losses. One of the main advantages of this model is that it reaches a stable final equilibrium state and it is able to reproduce the main observed quantities, such as the temperature profile (with a minimum temperature $T \\sim 1$ keV). In this paper, we use M87/Virgo observations of three satellites (namely \\XMM, {\\it Chandra} and {\\it Beppo-SAX}) to test various heating models on this cluster. To this end, we apply to the M87 data the deprojection technique to recover some physical quantities of the ICM such as the gravitational mass, the entropy and the heating required to balance the cooling flow. The paper is organized as follows: in \\S \\ref{sec:sp2d} we report details about the analysis of the three ({\\it Chandra}, \\XMM\\, and {\\it Beppo-SAX}) M87 datasets; in \\S \\ref{sec:depro}, we revise briefly the spectral deprojection technique that we adopt for our analysis; in \\S \\ref{sec:m87}, we deproject the M87 data, we test that the spherical symmetry hypothesis holds and we derive the gravitational mass for M87; in \\S \\ref{sec:heat}, we determine the amount of extra-heating needed to balance the cooling flow when thermal conductivity is assumed to operate at a fraction of the Spitzer value. Lastly, in \\S \\ref{sec:concl} we summarize our results. ", "conclusions": "Starting from the results inferred in the previous section, we can try to draw a more general picture, using also informations coming from radio observations of M87. We can suppose that the buoyant bubbles are radio bubbles filled with magnetic field and relativistic particles \\citep{GN73,ch00,ch01,BK01,ch02} responsible for the synchrotron emission in M87. As already outlined by OEK, the radio structures are highly filamented. This suggests that the dimensions of the bubbles are small. \\citet{EH02} discussed the dynamics of the rise of buoyant light bubbles within the cluster atmosphere \\citep[see also][]{ch01,Kai03}. The buoyant bubble rapidly reaches a terminal velocity $v_b$. In the limit of small bubbles, $v_b$ can be estimated by balancing the buoyancy force with the ram pressure (drag force) of the cluster gas. The buoyancy force is \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:fbuoy} F_b = V g (\\rho - \\rho_b) \\, = V g \\rho \\Delta \\, , \\end{equation} \\noindent where $V = 4/3 \\pi r_b^3$ is the volume of the bubble, $r_b$ is the bubble radius, $g=G M(3$ (roughly corresponding to a flux limit of 16 {\\rm mJy}). Extensive simulations indicate that the sample is almost complete at $S_{95 \\mu m} \\geq 100$ {\\rm mJy}, while the incompleteness can be quantified down to $\\sim$30 {\\rm mJy}. The 95 {\\rm $\\mu$m} galaxy counts reveal a steep slope at $S_{95 \\mu m} \\le 100$ {\\rm mJy} ($\\alpha\\simeq 1.6$), in excess of that expected for a non-evolving source population. In agreement with counts data from ISO at 15 and 175 {\\rm $\\mu$m}, this favours a model where the IR populations evolve both in number and luminosity densities. We finally comment on some differences found with other ISO results in this area. ", "introduction": "The infrared sky observed from space is providing tight constraints on the evolution of cosmological source populations. The IRAS extragalactic number counts (Oliver et al. 1992, Bertin et al. 1997) showed some marginally significant excess of galaxies compared to non-evolutionary predictions. More recently, ISOPHOT (Lemke et al. 1996) found some evidence of evolution for the IR population at 170{\\rm $\\mu$m} (e.g. Puget et al. 1999, Dole et al. 2001), but source confusion at these wavelengths limits the observations to moderately faint fluxes ($S_{175\\mu m}>135$ {\\rm mJy}). At shorter wavelengths, ISOCAM (Cesarsky et al. 1996) detected a number of faint sources consistent with strong evolution in the mid-IR (e.g. Elbaz et al. 1999), a factor $\\sim$10 in excess with respect to non-evolution predictions. The ISO deep counts, together with those in the submillimeter (e.g. Scott et al. 2002) are used as constraints on models of galaxy formation and evolution (e.g. Lacey et al. 1994, Franceschini et al. 2001, Lagache et al. 2003). These studies are also needed to estimate the confusion noise for future IR and submillimeter telescopes (Xu et al. 2001, Lagache et al. 2003). In this paper we present a new analysis of ISOPHOT 95 $\\mu$m data in the direction of the Lockman Hole, extending our previous study (Rodighiero et al. 2003, hereafter Paper I) and significantly improving the source statistics. The Spitzer Space Observatory (Fazio et al., 1999) will soon observe the same region of the Lockman Hole in complementary wavebands at 24, 70 and 160 {\\rm $\\mu$m} with MIPS and in the near-IR with IRAC. This will provide additional extensive information on the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of ISO sources. The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we introduce the dataset and in Section 3 we summarize features of the adopted reduction procedure. The infrared maps and the new catalogue are presented in Section 4. The source counts and a discussion of the effects of confusion and cosmic variance are reported in Section 5. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404126_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "On January 6$^{th}$ 2004, the IBAS burst alert system triggered the 8$^{th}$ gamma--ray burst (GRB) to be detected by the \\textit{INTEGRAL} satellite. The position was determined and publicly distributed within 12\\,s, enabling ESA's \\textit{XMM--Newton} to take advantage of a ToO observation just 5\\,hours later during which the X--ray afterglow was detected. Observations at optical wavelengths also revealed the existence of a fading optical source. The GRB is $\\sim$\\,52\\,s long with 2 distinct peaks separated by $\\sim$\\,24\\,s. At gamma--ray energies the burst was the weakest detected by \\textit{INTEGRAL} up to that time with a flux in the 20\\,-\\,200\\,keV band of 0.57\\,photons\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,s$^{-1}$. Nevertheless, it was possible to determine its position and extract spectra and fluxes. Here we present light curves and the results of imaging, spectral and temporal analyses of the prompt emission and the onset of the afterglow from \\textit{INTEGRAL} data. ", "introduction": "Gamma--ray bursts are an amazingly energetic phenomenon, capable of an isotropic output of order 10$^{52}$-10$^{54}$\\,erg in a few seconds. Although first detected in the late 1960s, significant progress has mostly been achieved in the last dozen years. That GRBs are extra--galactic in origin was suggested by the isotropic distribution of GRBs observed by BATSE on board the Compton Gamma--Ray Observatory \\citep{mee1992,fish1994}. The discovery by BeppoSAX of afterglows in the X--ray \\citep{costa:1997} and subsequent discoveries at optical \\citep{vanp:1997} and radio \\citep{frail:1997} wavelengths have led to redshift measurements \\citep{metz:1997} for $\\sim$\\,40 bursts ranging from $z = 0.168-4.5$. A theory of gamma--ray bursts must provide a mechanism capable of releasing enormous quantities of non--thermal energy by compact sources at cosmological distances. Although not built as a GRB oriented mission, \\textit{INTEGRAL} has a burst alert system (IBAS) and the two main instruments on board have coded masks, a wide field of view (FoV), cover a wide energy range (15\\,keV\\,-\\,8\\,MeV) and offer high resolution capabilities in imaging (IBIS) and spectroscopy (SPI). IBAS carries out rapid localisations for GRBs incident on the IBIS detector with precision of a few arcminutes \\citep{vonk2003}. The public distribution of these co--ordinates enables multi--wavelength searches for afterglows at lower energies. \\textit{INTEGRAL} data of the prompt emission in combination with the early multi--wavelength studies offers the best currently available probe of the origin of these transient phenomena. In \\S 2 observations and imaging analysis of GRB\\,040106 are presented. \\S 3 describes the spectral analysis methods utilised and the results obtained from analysis of SPI data. A brief account of the temporal analysis is presented in \\S 4. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.9\\linewidth]{lightcurve1.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.9\\linewidth]{lightcurve2.eps} \\caption{ISGRI light curves of GRB\\,040106 in 2 energy ranges (upper panel) 15\\,-\\,40\\,keV and (lower panel) 40\\,-\\,200\\,keV}\\label{ibis_lc} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "On December 19$^{th}$ 2003, SPI's detector \\#2 was confirmed dead after several attempts to revive it met with no success. As yet a new redistribution matrix has not been released to take account of this change in SPI's response. GRB\\,040106 was incident on detector \\#2 and the surrounding detectors, so an improvement in the fit is expected when the new matrix is issued. The results of spectral analysis of GRB\\,040106 confirm that the second peak is harder than the first and that it is well fit by a single power--law model of photon index $\\alpha \\sim$ -1.3. It is unlikely that this is an X--ray rich GRB with a peak energy at or below the low end of the SPI detector sensitivity (i.e. $\\sim$\\,20\\,keV) since the spectral index would correspond to an unusually hard value for the high--energy index above the spectral turnover \\citep{pree2000}. It is more likely that the weakness of this GRB washes out evidence for a spectral break at more typical energies of a few hundred keV. There is no evidence in the IBIS/ISGRI light curve for soft extended or delayed emission such as that observed by, for example, SIGMA/GRANAT in GRB\\,920723 \\citep{buren1999} or by HETE--II in GRB\\,021211 \\citep{crew2003}. The temporal decay of the 2$^{\\rm nd}$ peak is consistent with a power--law of slope $\\beta = -0.3\\pm 0.7$ which may indicate the presence of a high--energy afterglow, due to external shocks, during the burst itself. However, the data are not sufficiently constrained to indicate fast or slow, or radiative or adiabatic, cooling in the synchrotron shock model \\citep{gib2002,piro2004}. Further analysis and comparison with XMM--Newton results are on--going \\citep{moran2004}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404191.txt": { "abstract": "{Since the 1990's, protoplanetary disks and planetary disks have been intensively observed from the optical to the millimetre wavelength and many models have been developed to investigate their gas and dust properties and dynamics. These studies remain empirical and rely on poor statistics with only a few well known objects. However, the late phases of the stellar formation are among the most critical for the formation of planetary systems. Therefore, we believe it is timely to tentatively summarize {\\it the observed properties of circumstellar disks around young stars from the protoplanetary to the planetary phases}. Our main concern is to present the physical properties considered as observationally robust and to show their main physical differences associated to an evolutionary scheme. We also describe areas still poorly understood such as how protoplanetary disks disappear to lead to planetary disks and eventually planets.} ", "introduction": "% Before the 1980's, the existence of protoplanetary disks of gas and dust around stars similar to the young Sun (4.5 billion years ago) was inferred from the theory of stellar formation (e.g. Shakura \\& Suynaev 1973), the knowledge of our own planetary system and dedicated models of the Proto-Solar Nebula. The discovery of the first bipolar outflow in L1551 in 1980 drastically changed the view of the stellar formation. In the meantime, optical polarimetric observations by Elsasser \\& Staude (1978) revealed the existence of elongated and flattened circumstellar dust material around some Pre-Main-Sequence (PMS) stars such as the low-mass TTauri stars. The TTauri are understood to be analogs to the Sun when it was about $10^6$ years old. A few years later, observations from the InfraRed Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) found significant infrared (IR) excesses around many TTauri stars, showing the existence of cold circumstellar dust (Rucinski 1985). More surprisingly, IRAS also show the existence of weak IR excess around Main-Sequence (MS) stars such as Vega, $\\epsilon$ Eridani or $\\beta$ Pictoris (Aumann \\etal 1984). These exciting discoveries motivated several groups to model the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of TTauri stars (e.g. Adams \\etal 1987) and Vega-like stars (Harper \\etal 1984). On one hand, for PMS stars, the emerging scenario was the confirmation of the existence circumstellar disks orbiting the TTauri stars, the gas and dust being residual from the molecular cloud which formed the central star (Shu \\etal 1987). Since such disks contain enough gas (H$_2$) to allow, in theory, formation of giant planets, they are often called ``protoplanetary'' disks. During this phase, the dust emission is optically thick in the Near-IR (NIR) and the central young star still accretes from its disk. Such disks are also naturally called accretion disks. On the other hand, images of $\\beta$ Pictoris by Smith \\& Terrile (1984) demonstrated that Vega-type stars or old PMS stars can also be surrounded by optically thin dusty disks. These disks were called ``debris'' disks or later ``planetary'' disks because planetesimals should be present and indirect evidence of planets was found in some of them ($\\beta$~Pic). In this chapter, we review the current observational knowledge of circumstellar disks from the domain of the UV to the millimeter (mm). We discuss in Sections \\ref{ttauri} and \\ref{herbigae} the properties of protoplanetary disks found around young low-mass (TTauri) and intermediate-mass (Herbig AeBe) stars. In section \\ref{transition}, we summarize the properties of {\\it transition disks} which have still some gas component but also have almost optically thin dust emission in the NIR, objects which are thought to be in the phase of dissipating their primary gas and dust. We present the properties of optically thin dust disks orbiting old PMS, Zero-Age-Main-Sequence (ZAMS) or Vega-type stars, such as the $\\beta$ Pic {\\it debris disk} in Section \\ref{planeto}. We conclude by reviewing future instruments and their interest for studying such objects. \\label{intro} %AD - 1 page % ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404195_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the results of a cosmic shear survey using the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma, to a depth of $R=25.8$ ($z\\approx0.8$), over 4 square degrees. The shear correlation functions are measured on scales from $1'$ to $15'$, and are used to constrain cosmological parameters. We ensure that our measurements are free from instrumental systematics \\com{by performing a series of tests, including a decomposition of the signal into $E$- and $B$-modes. We also reanalyse the data independently, using the shear measurement pipeline developed for the COMBO-17 survey. This confirms our results and also highlights various effects introduced by different implementations of the basic ``KSB'' shear measurement method.} We find that the normalisation of the matter power spectrum on 8 $h^{-1}$Mpc scales is $\\sigma_8=(1.02\\pm 0.15)(0.3/\\Omega_m)^{0.5}$, where the 68\\%CL error includes noise, sample variance, covariance between angular scales, systematic effects, redshift uncertainty and marginalisation over other parameters. We compare these results with other cosmic shear surveys and with recent constraints from the WMAP experiment. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Weak gravitational lensing by large-scale structure, or ``cosmic shear'', has emerged as a powerful cosmological probe, as it is directly sensitive to foreground mass \\citep[for reviews, see][]{bs,bern99,melrev,refrev,witrev}. A measurement of cosmic shear is therefore closely tied to cosmological theories, which are principally concerned with the distribution of dark matter. In particular, the systematic biases of this technique are not limited by unknown physics such as biasing \\citep{oferbias,meg901,hoebias,smithbias,weinbias} or the mass-temperature relation for X-ray selected galaxy clusters \\citep{hutw,pier,vlnew}. Cosmic shear surveys are rapidly growing in size and precision \\citep{bmer,browncs,hamanacs,hoecs,jarviscs,ref02,rrgmeas,vw02}. Cosmological parameter constraints from these surveys are now approaching the precision of other methods. However, cosmic shear surveys can be subject to several systematic biases of their own. Imperfect telescope tracking, telescope flexure or optical misalignment within the camera, even at a level that is acceptable for most purposes, can artificially distort images and align the shapes of distant galaxies in a way that mimics cosmic shear. The survey described in this paper represents a culmination of effort at the William Herschel Telescope. We have combined the experience of instrumentalists with detailed image simulations and careful data analysis to control the various sources of systematic error. Our first cosmic shear paper \\citep{bre} reported an initial detection of cosmic shear using a 0.5 square degree survey with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). The second paper \\citep{bmer} compared the WHT shear signal with an independent measurement using the Keck~II telescope, and examined systematics from these two very different instruments. In this paper, we extend our WHT survey to cover 4 square degrees to constrain cosmological parameters, while paying great care in monitoring and correcting systematic effects. \\com{We also now test our entire pipeline for shear measurement and cosmological parameter estimation by comparing it to external code, developed independently for the COMBO-17 survey by \\citet{browncs}.} This paper is organised as follows. In \\S\\ref{observations} we describe our survey strategy and observational parameters. In \\S\\ref{results} we present our results and draw constraints upon cosmological parameters. In \\S\\ref{systematics} we test for the absence of any systematic errors. \\com{In \\S\\ref{mlb}, we present a second set of results obtined via an independent shear measurement pipeline}. We conclude in \\S\\ref{conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} We have measured the weak lensing shear-shear correlation functions in four square degrees of deep $R$-band imaging data from the William Herschel Telescope. Our measurements constrain the amplitude of the mass power spectrum, $\\sigma_8(\\Omega_{m}/0.3)^{0.52}=1.02\\pm 0.15$, including all contributions to the total 68\\%CL error budget: statistical noise, sample variance, an additional estimated error due to binning instabilities from non-Gaussian outliers, covariance between different angular scales, systematic measurement and detection biases, source redshift uncertainty, and marginalisation with priors over other parameters. We have examined our data for contamination by systematic effects using a variety of tests including an $E$-$B$ decomposition. These demonstrate a well-understood and modest contribution to our uncertainties from systematic errors. Using the pipeline developed for earlier WHT studies, we find our measurement of the normalization of the dark matter power spectrum lies at the relatively high end of the distribution of published values. However, it is still consistent with those from equivalently deep surveys by \\citet{ref02} and \\citep{jr_stis}. Our results are also consistent at the 1$\\sigma$ level with CMB results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) \\citep{wmap1yr}. The wide distribution of $\\sigma_8$ constraints from recent cosmic shear surveys understandably casts some aspersion upon their precision. For example, it might be argued that the dispersion largely arises from unknown or poorly-understood systematic effects. For the first time we analyze our dataset with an independent pipeline -- that developed for the COMBO-17 data (\\citet{browncs}). This provides a valuable check on the extent to which dispersion in the published cosmological results, as well as our apparently high normalization, might arise from different techniques, both in constructing shear catalogues and in analysing the shear-shear correlation functions. Reassuringly, we find remarkable concordance between the two pipelines for the same dataset. However, the various differences we have explored, for example in the selection thresholds, seem to be insufficient to reconcile the spread in observed $\\sigma_8$ values, suggesting that significant differences remain at some level in the actual data themselves. Uncertainties in the redshift distribution of source galaxies in deep data clearly contribute. It is difficult to determine the precise redshift distribution of galaxies after excluding those smaller than a fixed apparent size. We have been conservative in this analysis and, as seen in equation~(\\ref{eq:con_full_errors}), source redshift uncertainty is already a major component of our total error budget. The resolution of such issues will require extensive spectroscopic follow-up and more complete image simulations. Such advances are essential if the potential of the next generation of cosmic shear surveys is to be fully realised. Finally, we note that most recent cosmic shear results remain discrepant at the $3\\sigma$ level with measurements derived from the abundance of X-ray selected cluster samples based on an observational rather than theoretical mass-temperature relation \\citep{bor,selclus,rei,vlnew}. These suggest $\\sigma_8\\approx 0.75$. \\citet{adamgauss} concluded that even extreme non-Gaussianity in the mass distribution would be insufficient to explain this discrepancy, because the two techniques probe similar mass scales. Further studies are therefore needed in both the cluster method, to understand the difference between the observed mass-temperature relation and that found in numerical simulations; and in the weak lensing method, to construct more reliable and better calibrated shear measurement methods. Such consistency checks will represent a crucial verification of the standard $\\Lambda$CDM paradigm, so resolving this issue is of paramount importance." }, "0404/astro-ph0404476_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Multipole expansion of spatial three-point statistics is introduced as a tool for investigating and displaying configuration dependence. The novel parametrization renders the relation between bi-spectrum and three-point correlation function especially transparent as a set of two-dimensional Hankel transforms. It is expected on theoretical grounds, that three-point statistics can be described accurately with only a few multipoles. In particular, we show that in the weakly non-linear regime, the multipoles of the reduced bispectrum, $Q_l$, are significant only up to quadrupole. Moreover, the non-linear bias in the weakly non-linear regime only affects the monopole order of these statistics. As a consequence, a simple, novel set of estimators can be constructed to constrain galaxy bias. In addition, the quadrupole to dipole ratio is independent of the bias, thus it becomes a novel diagnostic of the underlying theoretical assumptions: weakly non-linear gravity and perturbative local bias. To illustrate the use of our approach, we present predictions based on both power law, and CDM models. We show that the presently favoured SDSS-WMAP concordance model displays strong ``baryon bumps'' in the $Q_l$'s. Finally, we sketch out three practical techniques estimate these novel quantities: they amount to new, and for the first time edge corrected, estimators for the bispectrum. ", "introduction": "Three-point statistics are on track to become main stream tools in astronomy. They have been used by several authors with considerable success to constrain the statistical bias between the distribution of galaxies and dark matter \\citep[e.g.][]{Fry1994,JingBoerner1998,FriemanGaztanaga1999, SzapudiEtal2000,ScoccimarroEtal2001,VerdeEtal2002}, as well as to constrain primordial non-Gaussianity of the Cosmic Microwave Background \\citep{KomatsuEtal2003}. Nevertheless, the three-point correlation function and its Fourier-transform pair, the bispectrum, are complicated objects. In their most general form, they depend on three vectors, i.e. nine variables. Even after translational and rotational symmetries are taken into account, three-point functions depend on the size and shape of a triangle, i.e. still three parameters are needed. Exploration and visualization of the full configuration space becomes a surprizingly daunting task, and most previous studies have been forced to restrict their investigation to a few hand-picked triangle shapes and sizes, which are not necessarily representative. In the past essentially three distinct parametrizations have been proposed. \\cite{peebles1980} used the parameters $r,u,v$, where the three sides of the triangles are $r=r_1\\le r_2\\le r_3$, and $u=r_2/r_1$, and $v=(r_3-r_2)/r_1$. Alternatively, \\cite{SutoMatsubara1994,deeprange01} have used logarithmic bins for the three sides of a triangle. Then shapes can be uniquely described by a pair of integers $(b_1-b_3,b_2-b_3)$ formed from the bin numbers $b_1 \\le b_2 \\le b_3$. Finally, several authors parametrized triangles with two sides and the angle between then, $r_1,r_2,\\theta$ \\citep[e.g.][]{Fry1994}. Systematic exploration of the full configuration space, and comparison of results are somewhat tedious using any of the above parametrizations. Moreover, the connection between real and transform space representations (three-point function and bispectrum) is somewhat obscure, whichever description one uses. Hoping to alleviate these shortcomings, we introduce the multipole expansion of three-point statistics, which arguably expresses the rotational symmetries in the most natural way. The next section presents the definition of the three-point multipoles and the relationship between the multipoles in real and Fourier space. Section 3 applies these results in the weakly non-linear regime, bias, and presents predictions for power law and CDM models. The final section contains summary and discussion of the results, including measurement techniques for the proposed quantities. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404530_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent findings indicate that the Monogem Ring and the associated pulsar PSR B0656+14 may be the `Single Source' responsible for the formation of the sharp knee in the cosmic ray energy spectrum at $\\sim$3PeV. The energy spectum of cosmic rays expected for the Monogem Ring supernova remnant (~SNR~) from our SNR acceleration model \\cite{EW9} has been published by us elsewhere \\cite{EW7}. In this paper we go on to estimate the contribution of the pulsar B0656+14 to the cosmic rays in the PeV region. We conclude that although the pulsar can contribute to the formation of the knee, it cannot be the dominant source of it and an SNR is still needed. We also examine the possibility of the pulsar giving the peak of the extensive air shower (~EAS~) intensity observed from the region inside the Monogem Ring \\cite{Chil1}. The estimates of the gamma-ray flux produced by cosmic ray particles from this pulsar indicate that it can be the source of the observed peak, if the particles were confined within the SNR during a considerable fraction of its total age. The flux of gamma quanta at PeV energies has a high sensitivity to the duration of the confinement. The estimates of this time and of the following diffusion of cosmic rays from the confinement volume turn out to be in remarkable agreement with the time needed for these cosmic rays to propagate to the solar system and to form the observed knee in the cosmic ray energy spectrum. Other possible mechanisms for the production of particles which could give rise to the observed narrow peak in the EAS intensity were also examined. Electrons scattered on the microwave background or on X-rays, emitted by SNR, can not be responsible for the gamma-quanta in the peak. Neutrons produced in PP - collisions or released from the disintegration of accelerated nuclei seem to be also unable to create the peak since they cannot give the observed flux. If the experimental EAS results concerning a point-like source are confirmed, they can be important, since\\\\ (i) they will give evidence for the acceleration of protons or heavier nuclei by the pulsar; \\\\ (ii) they will give evidence for the existence of a confinement mechanism in SNR ;\\\\ (iii) they will confirm that cosmic rays produced by the Monogem Ring SNR and associated pulsar B0656+14 were released recently giving rise to the formation of the sharp knee and the observed narrow peak in the EAS intensity~;\\\\ (iv) they will give strong support for the Monogem Ring SNR and the associated pulsar B0656+14 being identified as the Single Source proposed in our Single Source Model of the knee. A number of predictions of the examined mechanism are made. ", "introduction": "A few years ago we suggested the `Single Source Model' to explain the remarkable sharpness of the knee in the cosmic ray energy spectrum at $\\sim$3 PeV \\cite{EW1,EW2}, a feature noticed even in the first publication on this subject, 46 years ago \\cite{Kulik}. The model is based on the assumption that a single, relatively recent and nearby supernova remnant contributes significantly to the cosmic ray intensity at PeV energies. The sharpness is due to the cutoff in the energy spectrum of cosmic rays accelerated by SNR. According to the theoretical model of the SNR acceleration mechanism developed by Berezhko et al. \\cite{Berez} the cutoff for the acceleration in the hot and low density interstellar medium (~ISM~) is at a rigidity of $\\sim$0.4 PV. To match the position of the knee at an energy of $\\sim$3 PeV and to explain the second peak of the intensity at $\\sim$10-15 PeV, observed in most of the experiments, the model assumes that the Single Source emits predominantly medium (~oxygen~) and heavy (~iron~) nuclei with an admixture of sub-iron nuclei. This assumption is reasonable, in view of the ISM, which provides the nuclei, having been seeded by a previous supernova (~see the next paragraph~). Comparing the shape of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays from the Single Source and its total energy content with the model of SNR acceleration and the propagation of cosmic rays through the ISM we derived a likely interval of distance (~230-350 pc~) and age (~84-100 kyear~) for the Single Source \\cite{EW3}. On the basis of our estimates of distance and age we calculated the possible flux of high energy gamma rays from the Single Source and found that it is unlikely to be observed at sub-GeV and TeV gamma rays with gamma telescopes of the present sensitivity \\cite{EW7}. The reason is that being nearby the Single Source is in our Local Superbubble with its low (~$\\sim 3\\cdot 10^{-3} cm^{-3}$~) density of target gas and the SNR should not be a discrete source , but extended with an angular radius of $\\sim$20$^\\circ$. It is difficult to detect an excess intensity from such an extended source since the estimates of the background are very unreliable. Among the sources which would satisfy these limits of distance and age we indicated the Monogem Ring and Loop I \\cite{EW4}. The same sources were also discussed in connection with their possible contribution to the flux of high energy electrons \\cite{Koba1,EW5,Koba2} Recently, Thorsett et al. \\cite{Thors}, using the triangulation technique found the distance of the pulsar PSR 0656+14 associated with the SNR Monogem Ring. It is 288$\\pm$30 pc and its spin-down age is $\\sim$110 kyears, both of which are in remarkable agreement with our estimates for the Single Source \\cite{EW7}. Such determinations had not previously been possible from observations of the SNR itself. Thorsett et al. themselves claimed that the SNR Monogem Ring and its associated pulsar PSR 0656+14 can be the Single Source responsible for the formation of the knee. Armenian physicists have studied the sky near the Monogem Ring in the sub-PeV and PeV range using the EAS technique and found a 6$\\sigma$ excess of the EAS intensity in one of their angular bins \\cite{Chil1}; we refer to this interesting result as the `Armenian peak'. Since their bin of $3^\\circ \\times 3^\\circ$ is narrower than the size of the SNR it is thought that the excess is not due to the extended source, but to a discrete source, viz. the pulsar. Bhadra \\cite{Bhadr} analysed theoretically the possibility for a pulsar to be the Single Source, and concluded that the most likely pulsar candidates are Geminga and Vela. In this paper we analyse the possibility of the pulsar PSR B0656+14, associated with the SNR Monogem Ring, being the Single Source responsible for the knee and also see to what extent the `Armenian peak' could come from the same object. Independently, we search for other evidence which might confirm the reasonableness of the peak. ", "conclusions": "We conclude that the pulsar B0656+14 can contribute to the intensity of cosmic rays in the knee region, but cannot be the dominant source responsible for its formation. Its contribution to the intensity of the Single Source, needed to form the sharp knee, appears not to exceed 15\\%. The SNR associated with the Monogem Ring, rather than the pulsar, still remains the most likely Single Source which gives the dominant contribution to the formation of the cosmic ray energy spectrum in the vicinity of the knee. We have also examined the possibility of the pulsar B0656+14 giving the peak (~the`Armenian peak'~) of the EAS intensity, observed from the region inside the Monogem Ring. The estimates of the gamma-ray flux produced by cosmic ray protons from this pulsar evidence that it can be the source of the observed peak, if the protons were confined within the SNR during a considerable fraction (~$\\sim$90\\%~)of its total age. The flux of gamma quanta at PeV energies has a high sensitivity to the duration of the confinement. The estimate of this time and the following diffusion of cosmic rays from the confinement volume turns out to be in remarkable agreement with the time needed for these cosmic rays to propagate to the solar system and to form the observed knee in the cosmic ray energy spectrum. Other possible mechanisms for the production of particles which could give rise to the Armenian peak were also examined. Electrons scattered on the microwave background or on X-rays, emitted by SNR, could not be responsible for the gamma-quanta in the peak. Neutrons produced in PP - collisions or released from the spallation of accelerated nuclei also seem to be improbable mechanisms since they cannot give the observed flux. If the EAS results are confirmed, they will be important, since\\\\ (i) they give evidence for the possibility of the acceleration of protons by the pulsar; \\\\ (ii) they give evidence for the existence of a confinement mechanism in SNR ;\\\\ (iii) they confirm that cosmic rays produced by the Monogem Ring SNR and associated pulsar B0656+14 were released recently giving rise to the formation of the sharp knee and the observed narrow peak in the EAS intensity ;\\\\ (iv) they give strong support for the Monogem Ring being identified as the source proposed in our Single Source Model of the knee. \\vspace{0.5cm} {\\large{\\bf Acknowledgements}} Authors thank A.A.Chilingarian for useful discussions and an unknown referee for the remarks. One of the authors (ADE) thanks The Royal Society for financial support." }, "0404/astro-ph0404524_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "Though X-rays dominate the energetic output from X-ray binaries, the optical emission is a potentially powerful diagnostic of the accretion flow, in particular in combination with the X-ray signal. Reprocessing of X-rays into optical light by the accretion disk provides information on the geometry (thickness as a function of distance) and state of ionization of the disk surface. Reprocessing signals of this kind have been seen in a few neutron star accreters, where the optical `echos' formed by reprocessing of X-rays from type I X-ray bursts on the neutron star surface by the disk have been observed (Matsuoka et al. 1984, Turner et al. 1985, van Paradijs et al. 1990, Kong et al. 2000). Optical emission of an entirely different kind has been observed in three black hole candidates. In a brief (90s) segment of simultaneous X-ray+optical data of GX 339-4 by Motch et al. (1981,1983) the optical emission was observed to show {\\it dips} some seconds before X-ray peaks. In simultaneous HST+XTE data on GRO 1655-40, Hynes et al. (1998) found the optical emission to correlate positively with the X-rays, with a delay of some seconds. The most detailed observations of this kind were obtained by Kanbach et al. (2001), on the black hole transient XTE J1118+480 (=KV UMa). These observations showed a strong correlation between X-rays and optical emission, with a cross correlation function showing both a dip preceding X-ray maximum and a following sharp peak. The shape of the cross correlation function was found to be highly variable, on time scales as short as 25s (Spruit and Kanbach 2003). One of the most curious properties of this variability is a variation of time scale: in different segments of data, the cross correlation function tends to have the same shape, except for expansion/contractraction of the time axis. The physical interpretation of these observations is still very uncertain. The short time scales observed in the optical emission in KV UMa (down to 30ms) and the large optical luminosity are both suggestive of an origin close to the black hole. The only radiation process with sufficient emissivity in the optical is then synchrotron or thermal (cyclo-) synchrotron emission, for which a strong magnetic field would then be required. Such strong magnetic fields, in turn, are the ingredient of choice for current models for the production of the relativistic outflows seen from several black hole transients (Mirabel and Rodr{\\'{\\i}}guez 1999). These outflows appear to occur in particular when the sources are in X-ray `hard' states, when the energetic output is dominated by photons around 100keV (Corbel et al. 2000). In contrast with the `soft' state, understood as evidence of the theoretically predicted of accretion disk structure, the nature of the plasma producing the hard X-ray emission, and the geometry of the accretion flow in which it occurs is still unclear. In the few cases where fast correlated X-ray/optical emission has been found so far, the sources were in such hard states. Correlated X-ray/optical observations thus provide a potentially powerful new diagnostic on the uncertain accretion physics close to the hole. A difficulty in exploiting this diagnostic is the fact that most black hole candidates are transients whose outbursts are infrequent and of relatively short duration. Other difficulties are the tendency for the sources to lie in optically obscured regions near the galactic center, and the lack of suitably fast photometric instrumentation on most modern telescopes. The sources selected for the observations reported here are Cir X-1 and the black hole transient XTE J1746-321 (=IGR 17464-3213 =H1743-322), which happened to be in outburst at the time of the observations. Cir X-1 is a microquasar (Stewart et al. 1993, Fender et al. 2004) in which the accreter is believed to be a neutron star (the other binary of this type being Sco X-1, Fomalont et al. 2001). Comparison of this object with black hole candidates would answer the question whether fast optical emission is connected with the presence of a black hole, or more generically with the presence of relativistic outflows. Since it is also a persistent X-ray source, it was the primary target of the observations. The second planned target was GX 339-4, the black hole candidate where correlated X-ray/optical variability was detected for the first time (Motch et al. 1981,1983). Unlike most black hole candidates, GX 339-4 has frequent outbursts of varying strength, often several per year. It was active when our observations were planned, but it turned into an `off' state about 1 month before the observations (as it did in two previous attempts). However, another X-ray transient and possible black hole candidate, XTE J1746-321, happened to be active during the observations. Though rather obscured, it was still marginally bright enough to attempt optical observations. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404238_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have modeled the time-variable profiles of the H$\\alpha$ emission line from the non-axisymmetric disk and debris tail created in the tidal disruption of a solar-type star by a $10^{6}\\,M_{\\odot}$ black hole. We find that the line profiles at these very early stages of the evolution of the post-disruption debris do not resemble the double peaked profiles expected from a rotating disk since the debris has not yet settled into such a stable structure. The predicted line profiles vary on fairly short time scales (of order hours to days). As a result of the uneven distribution of the debris and the existence of a ``tidal tail'' (the stream of returning debris), the line profiles depend sensitively on the orientation of the tail relative to the line of sight. Given the illuminating UV/X-ray light curve, we also model the H$\\alpha$ light curve from the debris. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404462_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present the first results of a project aiming to derive the physical properties of high-redshift lensed galaxies, intrinsically fainter than the Lyman break galaxies currently observed in the field. From FORS and ISAAC spectroscopy on the VLT, we use the full rest-frame UV-to-optical range to derive the physical properties (SFR, extinction, chemical abundances, dynamics, mass, etc) of low-luminosity $z \\sim 2$ star-forming galaxies. Although the sample is still too small for statistical studies, these results give an insight into the nature and evolutionary status of distant star-forming objects and their link with present-day galaxies. Such a project will serve as a basis for the scientific analysis of the EMIR/GOYA survey on the GTC.} \\addkeyword{galaxies: evolution} \\addkeyword{galaxies: starburst} \\addkeyword{galaxies: abundances} \\addkeyword{galaxies: infrared} \\addkeyword{galaxies: kinematics and dynamics} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404181_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss four recycled pulsars found in Arecibo drift-scan searches. PSR~J1944+0907 has a spin period of 5.2 ms and is isolated. The 5.8-ms pulsar J1453+19 may have a low-mass companion. The isolated 56-ms pulsar J0609+2130 is possibly the remnant of a disrupted double neutron star binary. The 41-ms pulsar J1829+2456 is in a relativistic orbit. Its companion is most likely another neutron star. ", "introduction": "Recycled pulsars are believed to be formed when an old neutron star is spun up through the accretion of matter from a binary companion (Bisnovatyi-Kogan \\& Komberg 1974). For those companions massive enough to explode as a supernova, the binary lifetime is relatively short ($\\sim 10^{6-7}$ yrs) and the most likely outcome is the disruption of the binary. Those systems which survive the explosion are the double neutron star (DNS) binaries. For less massive companions, where the period of spin-up is longer ($\\sim 10^8$ yr), the collapse leaves a white dwarf star in orbit around a rapidly spinning millisecond pulsar (MSP). Of the roughly 1700 known radio pulsars, only 100 are MSPs and less than 10 are in DNS systems. In order to understand the population of recycled pulsars in detail, a larger sample is required. Here we describe the implications for four recycled pulsars recently detected in Arecibo drift-scan searches. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404148_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have obtained high resolution Echelle spectra (R = 30,000 - 50,000) of the Na D absorption doublet ($\\lambda\\lambda$5890, 5896) for six dwarf starburst galaxies and two more luminous starbursts: M82 and NGC 1614. The absorption features were separated into multiple components and separated into stellar and interstellar parts based on kinematics. We find that three of the dwarfs show outflows, with an average blueshift of 27 km s$^{-1}$. This is small compared to the highest velocity components in NGC 1614 and M82 (blueshifted by 150 km s$^{-1}$ and 91 km s$^{-1}$, respectively); these two brighter galaxies also show more complex absorption profiles than the dwarfs. None of the outflow speeds clearly exceed the escape velocity of the host galaxy. Sightlines in NGC 2363 and NGC4214 apparently intersect expanding shells. We compare the shocked gas velocity (v$_{NaD}$) to the ionized gas velocity (v$_{H\\alpha}$) and interpret the velocity difference as either a trapped ionization front (NGC 4214) or a leaky \\ion{H}{2} region (NGC 2363). The dwarfs show N$_{NaD}$ = 10$^{11.8-13.7}$ cm$^{-2}$, while the Na D columns in M82 and NGC 1614 are 10$^{13.7}$ cm$^{-2}$ and 10$^{14.0}$ cm$^{-2}$, respectively. The mass of expelled gas is highly sensitive to outflow geometry, dust depletion, and ionization fraction, but with a simple shell model we estimate neutral outflow gas masses from $\\sim$10$^6$ M$_\\odot$ to $\\sim$10$^{10}$ M$_\\odot$. ", "introduction": "Galactic winds are driven by supernovae and stellar winds in starburst galaxies. They drive outflows of metals and dust from the interstellar medium (ISM) into the galactic halo and even into the intergalactic medium (IGM). These outflows may also heat the intracluster medium and enrich it with metals, although the amount of matter permanently escaping the galaxy is still debated. The amount of interstellar gas expelled into the IGM by a starburst in a ``blowout'' is thought to depend on the star formation rate within the galaxy, the escape velocity of the galaxy, and the presence of an extended, low-density gaseous halo (Silich \\& Tenorio-Tagle 1998; Legrand et al. 2001). In dwarf starbursts, the mass-loss measurements have focused on the ionized components of this multi-phase flow. In this paper, we explore the kinematics of the cold, neutral clouds in dwarf starburst outflows. Due to their low gravitational potential, dwarf starburst galaxies have small binding energies and may be particularly vulnerable to large mass loss via superwinds. Previous works have studied X-ray emission from hot gas within the starbursts (Dahlem, Weaver, \\& Heckman 1998; Martin, Kobulnicky, \\& Heckman 2002), and optical line emission (e.g. Lehnert \\& Heckman 1996) and absorption (Martin \\& Armus 2004; Rupke, Vielleux, \\& Sanders 2002; Heckman et al. 2000 - hereafter HLSA) from larger, more luminous galaxies. Other studies have observed dwarf galaxies in emission (Marlowe et al. 1995; Martin 1999), but ours is among the first to study dwarf starbursts in neutral absorption lines at optical wavelengths. We present a small sample of dwarf starburst galaxies and attempt to quantify mass flux in the cold neutral medium (CNM). The advantage of looking at absorption lines is that we can eliminate all ambiguity in the direction of the radial flow of gas. Using the starburst itself as a background continuum source, it is known absolutely whether the gas we see in absorption is falling in (redshifted) or expanding outward (blueshifted). Moreover, unlike emission lines, whose strength scales as density squared, the strength of spectral lines seen in absorption are directly proportional to the column density of the neutral gas along the line of sight. Several previous studies (Phillips 1993; Lequeux et al. 1995; Gonzalez-Delgado et al. 1998; HLSA; Martin \\& Armus 2004) have detected interstellar absorption lines in starburst galaxies of various sizes and morphologies, finding blueshifted neutral gas and related large-scale outflows of metals. HLSA find an average outflow speed of $\\sim$100 km s$^{-1}$ for luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and more recently, Martin \\& Armus (2004) and Rupke et al. (2002) find outflow speeds of up to 700 km s$^{-1}$ for two samples of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). We focus our observations on the \\ion{Na}{1} absorption doublet (5889.95~\\AA\\, and 5895.92~\\AA, also called the Na D doublet) because it is stronger than any other optical resonance line (e.g. \\ion{K}{1}, \\ion{Ca}{2}); most other cosmically abundant resonance lines are produced in the UV and therefore cannot be observed in nearby galaxies with ground-based telescopes. Na D is a good tracer of cold neutral gas because its ionization potential (5.14 eV) is less than that of hydrogen, so we can be sure any \\ion{Na}{1} absorption is occuring in a cold region of the ISM. It is also important to note that sodium is not as strongly depleted in diffuse, low-velocity clouds as \\ion{K}{1} or \\ion{Ca}{2} (Spitzer 1968; Savage \\& Sembach 1996). By using high resolution spectroscopy we can resolve individual, kinematically distinct doublet components within the absorption profiles. At lower resolution, deconvolving the absorption components of disparate origins is a more difficult task (see, e.g., HLSA). It is our goal to observationally determine the kinematics of the CNM in our sample of starburst galaxies. In the second section of this paper, we discuss the observations, data reduction, and basic data analysis. In \\S3 we detail our method of separating stellar and interstellar sodium, discuss the kinematics and widths of the absorption features, and then use the interstellar sodium to determine a column density. In \\S4 we present our interpretation of the data, including simple models for outflow scenarios in the individual galaxies. The final section summarizes our major results. ", "conclusions": "We have obtained high-resolution Echelle spectra of six dwarf starburst galaxies, NGC 1614, and M82 in order to study the cold interstellar gas in dwarf starbursts. Interstellar neutral sodium column densities were obtained by measuring the equivalent width of the Na D absorption doublet. We find that out of the eight galaxies, NGC 1569, NGC 1614, NGC 4214-2, NGC 4449, and M82 unambiguously show interstellar sodium absorption, while NGC 2363, NGC 4214-1, NGC 5253, and I Zw 18 do not. The dwarf galaxies NGC 1569, NGC 4214, and NGC 4449 exhibit single-component outflows of neutral gas. NGC 1614 and M82 have multiple interstellar components, some outflowing and some infalling, and both galaxies show more absorption from outflowing gas than any dwarf galaxy. The dwarf galaxies show trends similar to brighter, larger galaxies, but on a smaller scale. While samples of LIRGs and ULIRGs are shown to have average outflow speeds of $\\sim$100 km s$^{-1}$ (HLSA) and $\\sim$700 km s$^{-1}$ (Rupke et al. 2002; Martin \\& Armus 2004), respectively, the three dwarfs show an average outflow speed of only $\\sim$30 km s$^{-1}$. Additionally, most ULIRGs (e.g. 73\\% in Rupke et al. 2002) show an outflow, whereas only half of the galaxies in our sample have an outflow region. Spectral lines in dwarf galaxies also have smaller velocity spreads. It is particularly interesting to see how complex the absorption line spectra become at high resolution. M82 is an excellent example of an absorption line system previously believed to be a single pair of lines, but within each member of the doublet we find a wealth of structure. We resolve at least five line pairs, showing the incredibly complicated nature of the CNM in this galaxy. This is a very intriguing result and prompts us to wonder how many of the galaxies in previous samples could be resolved into complex systems of multiple components. NGC 1614 shows complex absorption as well, though it has a far smoother profile in Na D (and \\ion{K}{1}) than M82. The three dwarfs with outflows do not seem to exhibit this behavior, showing far simpler spectra. For the first time we are able to combine measurements of the kinematics of the warm, ionized gas in emission with absorption spectra of the cold, neutral gas. For sightlines intersecting a single shell, we can determine whether the ionization front is trapped inside the shock front. This works extremely well for NGC 2363, which is a simple expanding bubble with an ionization front that has expanded beyond the shock front. NGC 4214-2 also presents a relatively simple shell, and this galaxy also shows Na D absorption. From the kinematics we postulate that the ionization front is expanding faster than the shock front, though it has clearly not ``caught up'' yet, as there is still a concentric, outer expanding bubble of cold, neutral gas. In other words, the ionization front is still trapped in the shell. The kinematics of Na D and H$\\alpha$ are very different in other galaxies, and cannot be easily explained by this straightforward picture. Combining our measurements of \\ion{Na}{1} column density with previous observations of superbubbles and supershells in the sample galaxies, we have parameterized the mass of neutral gas (or a limiting case thereof) flowing out of the starbursting region. Using a simple spherical shell model, we find the total neutral gas outflow masses to be roughly 10$^6$ to 10$^{10}$ M$_\\odot$. NGC 4449 shows far more outflowing cold gas than any other dwarf galaxy. Compared to the measurements of outflowing warm and hot gas from these galaxies (Martin 1998), it is likely that the bulk of the energy in the outflow is carried by the warm and hot gas, rather than cold gas." }, "0404/astro-ph0404418_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We studied the X-ray variability of sources detected in the {\\it Chandra} Deep Field South \\citep{G02}, nearly all of which are low to moderate $z$ AGN \\citep{Tozzi01}. We find that 45\\% of the sources with $>100$ counts exhibit significant variability on timescales ranging from a day up to a year. The fraction of sources found to be variable increases with observed flux, suggesting that $>90\\%$ of all AGNs possess intrinsic variability. We also find that the fraction of variable sources appears to decrease with increasing intrinsic absorption; a lack of variability in hard, absorbed AGNs could be due to an increased contribution of reflected X-rays to the total flux. We do not detect significant {\\it spectral} variability ($\\Delta \\Gamma>0.2$) in the majority ($\\sim 70\\%$) of our sources. In half of the remaining $30\\%$, the hardness ratio is anti-correlated with flux, mimicking the high/soft--low/hard states of galactic sources. The X-ray variability appears anti-correlated with the luminosity of the sources, in agreement with previous studies. High redshift sources, however, have larger variability amplitudes than expected from extrapolations of their low-z counterparts, suggesting a possible evolution in the accretion rate and/or size of the X-ray emitting region. Finally, we discuss some effects that may produce the observed decrease in the fraction of variable sources from $z=0.5$ out to $z=2$. ", "introduction": "Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are found to vary on timescales ranging from minutes to years. Variability studies have proven to be an important tool to investigate the innermost regions of AGNs, which cannot be resolved with the current generation of astronomical instruments. The timescale of the variability, its spectral dependence and the correlation between different line and continuum components provide fundamental clues on the nature of the physical processes which occur near to the central Black Hole (BH) and on the size and relation between the different regions producing the observed emission \\cite[see][for a comprehensive review]{Ulrich97}. In the X-ray band, AGNs show faster variability than in any other band, consistent with the X-ray emission originating from a small region very close to the central BH \\citep[see][]{Mushotzky93}. Several promising models have been proposed to explain the fast intrinsic variability and its characteristics: a single coherent oscillator \\cite[e.g.][]{Almaini00}, variable decay shot-noise due to a superposition of individual flares \\cite[e.g.][]{Lehto89}, and bright rotating spots spiraling around the BH \\citep{Abramowicz91}. All these models predict a dependence on the BH mass, accretion rate and the size of the X-ray emitting region which may in turn explain the observed dependence of variability on the AGN luminosity \\citep[e.g.][]{Law93,GML93,Nandra97} and spectral properties \\citep{Nandra97,Turner99,Fio98}. Most variability studies in the X-ray band are based on samples of bright and nearby AGNs for which good quality data are available from past X-ray missions. Moreover they usually sample short timescales from hours to days. Only for the nearest sources have long monitoring campaigns allowed a detailed study of long-term variability up to several years. The {\\it Chandra} Deep Field South \\cite[hereafter CDFS]{G01} represents one of the deepest observations of the Universe in the X-ray band (the only deeper sample is in the Northern {\\it Chandra} Deep Field). \\cite{Rosati02} detected 346 sources in the CDFS, resolving $>90\\%$ of the hard X-ray background. The X-ray luminosities and spectral properties of the sources revealed that $\\sim 80\\%$ of them are AGNs \\citep{G01,Tozzi01}. Optical follow-up studies showed that they are equally divided among moderate redshift ($z<1.6$) Type II AGNs with large intrinsic absorption ($\\log N_H>21.5$ cm$^{-2}$), and unabsorbed Type I AGNs covering a large range of redshifts up to $z\\sim 3.6$, both hosted by a broad range of galaxy types \\citep{Schreier01,Koekemoer02,Rosati02}. The remaining $20\\%$ of the sample is composed of a mixture of normal galaxies, starburst galaxies, galaxy clusters \\citep{G01,Koekemoer02} and individual off-nuclear X-ray sources \\citep{Horn04}. Being composed of several concentric exposures obtained over a period of $\\sim 1$ year, the CDFS represent an ideal dataset to study the X-ray variability of faint and distant AGNs, on timescales ranging from a day up to several months. In the current study we measure the variability properties of the AGN sample and correlate the variability with other X-ray properties (flux, luminosity, hardness ratio, etc.), compare the properties of these moderate-$z$ AGN to those of the well studied nearby AGN population and study their evolution with look-back time. The paper is organized as follows: in $\\S$ 2 we describe the dataset, in $\\S$ 3 we illustrate the variability analysis, in $\\S$ 4 and 5 we present and discuss our results and in $\\S$ 6 we draw the conclusions. Throughout the paper we assume a cosmological model with $H_0=70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_m=0.3$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$. ", "conclusions": "We exploited the deep (1 Ms) and high-resolution data of the {\\it Chandra} Deep Field South to study the temporal variability of AGNs on timescales ranging from a fraction of a day up to one year. While similar studies have been performed on samples of nearby AGNs, our sample primarily contains moderate luminosity AGNs out to $z\\simeq 3.5$. We detect significant variability in $>50\\%$ of the AGN population in the 0.5-7 keV band and suggest that as many as $90\\%$ of all AGN in our sample may be variable. The variability exists on all timescales that we can observe, but our sources are twice as variable on timescales of $>100$ days than within a few ($<10$) days. All sources show some variability on the shortest timescales indicating that part of the flux variations are produced on spatial scales $<2\\times 10^{-3}$ pc, corresponding to the inner part of the accretion disk and of the Broad Emission Line region. We also find that unabsorbed sources ($\\log N_H<22.5$ cm$^{-2}$) appear intrinsically more variable than absorbed ones at the $2\\sigma$ significance level, suggesting that the lack of variability in hard, absorbed sources is due to an increased contribution of reflected X-rays to the total flux. On the other hand we do not find strong ($\\Delta\\Gamma >0.2$) spectral changes associated with the flux variations in the majority of our sources. Our data are consistent with an anti-correlation between X-ray luminosity and variability, similar to that found in local AGNs. However, this relation seems to evolve with redshift, with X-ray sources having been more variable in the past. This trend may reflect an evolution in the accretion rate and/or size of the X-ray emitting region with look-back time. Finally we find a possible decrease in the fraction of variable sources with redshift for $0.5\\lesssim z<2$. This result could be explained by assuming that AGN variability has not evolved since $z\\sim 2$. Alternatively, environmental effects triggering X-ray variability or an evolution in the Type I/Type II AGN ratio could produce the observed trend. Future work using spectrosopic redshift and an enlarged sample may be able to address this issue. \\clearpage \\appendix \\centerline{\\bf\\large Appendix}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404132_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Spatially-resolved gas pressure maps of the Coma galaxy cluster are obtained from a mosaic of XMM-Newton observations in the scale range between a resolution of 20\\,kpc and an extent of 2.8\\,Mpc. A Fourier analysis of the data reveals the presence of a scale-invariant pressure fluctuation spectrum in the range between 40 and 90\\,kpc and is found to be well described by a projected Kolmogorov/Oboukhov-type turbulence spectrum. Deprojection and integration of the spectrum yields the lower limit of $\\sim 10$ percent of the total intracluster medium pressure in turbulent form. The results also provide observational constraints on the viscosity of the gas. ", "introduction": "In hierarchical structure formation scenarios clusters grow via accretion and merging of smaller subclumps. Gas accreting onto clusters of galaxies has bulk velocities of about $v=1900\\,(T/6.7\\,{\\rm keV})^{0.52}\\,{\\rm km}\\,{\\rm s}^{-1}$ at 1\\,Mpc (e.g. Miniati et al. 2000), where $T$ is the mean X-ray temperature of the intracluster medium (ICM). This velocity is comparable to the expected sound speed of 1000-1500\\,km/s of the ICM. Accretion flows through filaments and sheets are highly asymmetric and produce complex patterns which can survive for long time-scales in the ICM (Miniati et al. 2000). Simulations by Norman \\& Bryan (1999) predict that the turbulent pressure in the ICM can account for up to 20\\% of the thermal pressure. We thus expect some measurable effects of turbulence in the ICM of clusters of galaxies. Concerning X-ray data, Inogamov \\& Sunyaev (2003) propose a study of spectral line profiles as a useful diagnostic tool of turbulent flows in the ICM which could be measured with the future ASTRO-E2 satellite. Vogt \\& En{\\ss}lin (2003) propose the application of Faraday Rotation measures to test turbulence in the ICM, and claim that for a few clusters a Kolmogorov spectrum seems to be plausible. In the present investigation we show that turbulence in the ICM can be probed directly with pressure maps provided by the XMM-Newton satellite as a result of its high sensitivity and excellent spectral capabilities. Section\\,\\ref{PHENOMEN} summarizes the basic phenomena related to turbulent flows. In Sect.\\,\\ref{EFFECTS} we give a simple analytic treatment of projection effects introduced through observation. In Sect.\\,\\ref{MAPS} we present the observational data and describe how our X-ray temperature and pressure maps are constructed. Based on the direct comparsion of local temperature and density measurements, we give in Sect.\\,\\ref{GENERAL} some arguments that their observed fluctuations appear to be almost adiabatic. The same statistical analysis also suggests the absence of pronounced contact discontinuities and strong shocks. These observations provide a baseline consistent with the presence of a turbulent flow. Therefore, we study in detail in Sect.\\,\\ref{STRUCT} the measured pressure spectrum in Fourier-transformed $k$ space and discuss its interpretation in Sect.\\,\\ref{DISCUSS}. For all computations a flat geometry and a Hubble constant of $H_0=50\\,{\\rm km}\\,{\\rm s}^{-1}\\,{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ are used. We assume a distance of $139$\\,Mpc to the Coma cluster so that 1\\,arcmin corresponds to about 40\\,kpc. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{-0.2cm} \\centerline{\\hspace{-0.5cm} \\psfig{figure=1039fg1a.ps,height=6.0cm,width=8.0cm}} \\vspace{0.0cm} \\centerline{\\hspace{-0.5cm} \\psfig{figure=1039fg1b.ps,height=6.0cm,width=8.0cm}} \\vspace{-0.0cm} \\caption{\\small Angular profile of the weight function ($\\beta$ profile squared) integrated along the $z$ direction for various integration lengths. The lowest/highest contours indicate 10/100\\% contributions, and the intermediate lines the contributions in steps of 10\\%. The upper panel shows the contributions on cluster scales and the lower panel the contributions on the maximum scales of the observed turbulence structures (see Sect.\\,\\ref{DISCUSS}). For the brightness distribution we assume a $\\beta$ profile with the parameter values $\\beta=0.75$ and $r_{\\rm c}=420$\\,kpc.} \\label{FIG_PROF} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\vspace{-0.5cm} \\centerline{\\hspace{0.0cm} \\psfig{figure=1039fig2.ps,height=8.5cm,width=8.5cm}} \\vspace{-0.45cm} \\caption{\\small Pressure power spectra with an intrinsic slope of $n=-7/3$ as expected for a Kolmogorov/Oboukhov turbulence ($r_{\\rm c}=0$), and its projection (420\\,kpc), as seen along the $z$ direction through the central plane of a cluster with a core radius ($r_{\\rm c}=420$\\,kpc) and slope parameter ($\\beta=0.75$) as measured for the Coma cluster. In order to illustrate the projection effects over a large scale range, we did not introduce any characteristic scale which limits the spectra at large and small scales.} \\label{FIG_MODEL} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{DISCUSS} The present investigation aims to detect turbulence in the ICM of the Coma cluster using the pressure spectrum. Under certain approximations, one also expects a scale-invariant spectrum of temperature fluctuations to be a probe of ICM turbulence (e.g. Lesieur 1997). However, this relies on the assumption that temperature behaves as a passive scalar. Once this has been verified empirically, the almost uniform distribution of the temperature over scales $\\gg r_{\\rm c}$ allows a cleaner distinction between small-scale turbulent substructures and the large-scale cluster profile. However, in reality temperature maps are affected by cold fronts and other contact discontinuities which contaminate the diagnostic maps. On the other hand, pressure maps have a clear relation to velocity ($P=\\rho v^2$) and are not significantly contaminated by contact discontinuities. Therefore, we regard pressure as a more direct probe of ICM turbulence. The mosaic of XMM-Newton observations is well-suited for the detection of turbulence in the Coma cluster because it allows a better geometric discrimination between pressure variations originating from the overall cluster profile, and substructure superimposed onto it. This transition occurs at about 150\\,kpc. The measured temperature and density gradients (Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_GAMMA}) suggest that the substructures have an adiabatic exponent of $\\gamma\\,\\approx\\,4/3$, which is close to the adiabatic case of an ideal monoatomic gas. On the other hand, contact discontinuities and strong shocks seem to be less likely in the core region, consistent with hydrodynamical simulations (Miniati et al. 2000, Miniati 2003). In addition, the statistics of the residual pressure fluctuations appear quite Gaussian (Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_HISTO}) emphasising their random nature. Their Fourier power spectrum thus completely summarizes the fluctuating pressure field and can be used to obtain observational evidence for the presence of turbulent flows which are characterized by a Kolmogorov/Oboukhov-like spectrum. Figure\\,\\ref{FIG_PKFALL} shows the combined power spectrum of the Coma cluster on scales between 40 and 90\\,kpc. A scale-invariant range of the spectrum is indicated and suggests the detection of an inertial range of a turbulent ICM. Theoretical three-dimensional power spectra, \\begin{eqnarray}\\label{FIT} {\\cal P}_{\\rm 3D}(k)\\,&=&\\,2\\pi^2\\,k^{-2}\\,E_{\\rm 3D}(k)\\,=\\, 2\\pi^2\\,C_{\\rm P}\\,\\epsilon^{4/3}\\,k^{n-2}\\,\\\\ &=&\\,2\\,\\pi^2\\,C\\,k^{n-2}\\,, \\end{eqnarray} are transformed with Eq.\\,(\\ref{E30}) into their two-dimensional counterparts (dashed lines in Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_PKFALL}). From the comparison of observed and theoretical spectra we see that on scales between 40 and 60\\,kpc, the observed power spectrum has a slope between $n=-7/3$ and $-5/3$. This slope corresponds to the spectral slope of the Fourier-transformed Kolmogorov/Oboukhov structure function (Eq.\\,\\ref{OB1}). On scales between 60 and 90\\,kpc the spectrum bends towards smaller slopes between $n=-5/3$ and $-1/3$. The normalization constants range from $C=C_{\\rm P}\\epsilon^{4/3}=0.0063\\,{\\rm kpc}^{-4/3}$ for $n=-7/3$, to $C=0.470\\,{\\rm kpc}^{2/3}$ for $n=-1/3$. An absolute calibration of the pressure used in our analyses is in preparation and will give a direct estimate of $\\epsilon$. In this respect it would be interesting to compare this rate of kinetic energy transport with the observed X-ray luminosity. \\begin{figure} \\vspace{-0.0cm} \\centerline{\\hspace{-0.3cm} \\psfig{figure=1039fg13.ps,width=9.0cm}} \\vspace{-0.00cm} \\caption{\\small Contribution of the turbulent pressure to the total thermal pressure (contour lines of equal percentage) for a Kolmogorov/Oboukhov spectrum with the slope $n=-7/3$ and the amplitude $C=C_{\\rm P}\\epsilon^{4/3}=0.0063\\,{\\rm kpc}^{-4/3}$. The power spectrum is integrated between the injection and the dissipation scale.} \\label{FIG_CONTRI} \\end{figure} The power spectrum shown in Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_PKF10} allows a first estimation of the location of the characteristic scale where the spectrum sharply drops towards larger scales. This scale is at approximately $\\lambda_{\\rm i}\\,\\approx\\,100\\,{\\rm kpc}$ and should be regarded as a lower limit because of possible contaminations by the global cluster profile. This scale should also roughly correspond to the injection scale (e.g., Lesieur 1997), and it is similar to estimates for the impact parameter of merging clusters based on kinematics and tidal torque-based arguments (e.g., Sarazin 2002). The integral of the power spectrum (Eq.\\,\\ref{E50}) is expected to give important information about the energy deposited in turbulent motion. For the scale range between 40 and 90\\,kpc, the slope and amplitude parameters derived above yield relative contributions of the turbulent pressure to the thermal pressure between 7.4 percent for $n=-7/3$, and 6.6 percent for $n=-1/3$. The largest possible contributions are obtained with the $n=-7/3$ spectrum. Therefore, we computed for this spectrum the relative contribution for different minimum scales, i.e., lower integration limits of the inertial range (dissipation scale), and maximum scales, i.e., upper integration limits (injection scale). Figure\\,\\ref{FIG_CONTRI} shows that for a fixed turbulence spectrum the relative contribution is mainly determined by the value of the injection scale $\\lambda_{\\rm i}$. We do not see any turbulent eddies of the size of the core radius of 420\\,pc in Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_PWLZ} which could have erroneously been subtracted by the Fourier low-pass filter -- although they still might be present, but are difficult to discriminate from the global cluster profile. Therefore, the relative contribution of the turbulent pressure to the thermal pressure should be smaller than 25 percent. If we take the indication for a turnover in the power spectrum shown in Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_PKF10} at $\\lambda_{\\rm i}=100\\,{\\rm kpc}$ as the injection scale, then we would get a lower limit of about 10 percent. The simulations of Norman \\& Bryan (1999) suggest additional support by turbulent pressure of about 20 percent, averaged over the cluster (5 to 35 percent between core and virial radius), which is apparently of the same order as the present observational limit. However, further study is definitely required in order to establish how the observational quantities relate to the simulation results. For the observed turbulent ICM we can now estimate the kinematic viscosity by assuming that magnetic fields have a negligible effect (see below). For a turbulent flow the Reynolds number of the global fluid $\\Re$ measured at the injection scale $\\lambda_{\\rm i}$, and the Reynolds number $\\Re_{\\rm d}$ measured at the dissipation scale $\\lambda_{\\rm d}$ are related by $\\Re/\\Re_{\\rm d}=(\\lambda_{\\rm i}/\\lambda_{\\rm d})^{4/3}$. The power spectra do not show any tendency to decrease at $\\lambda=30$\\,kpc (Fig.\\,\\ref{FIG_PKF5}). Therefore, $\\lambda_{\\rm d}$ is smaller than 30\\,kpc. In the following we assume a fiducial value of $\\lambda_{\\rm d}=10$\\,kpc. The turbulent flow in the central region of Coma can thus be characterized by $\\Re/\\Re_{\\rm d}\\,>\\,20$. Reynolds numbers at dissipation scales are expected to be above unity so that $\\Re$ will have values in excess of 20. Although this estimate is rather conservative, this is the best that can be obtained by direct observations at the moment. For the viscosity we further need the velocity at the injection scale. This number can be obtained from hydrodynamical simulations (Miniati et al., in preparation), which typically give for an 8\\,keV cluster a dispersion turbulent velocity of $v_{\\lambda_{\\rm i}}=250\\,{\\rm km}\\,{\\rm s}^{-1}$ on scales of $\\lambda_{\\rm i}\\approx 100$\\,kpc. This provides a quite reliable upper limit to the kinematic viscosity of \\begin{equation}\\label{NU} \\nu<3\\cdot 10^{29}\\left(\\frac{v_{\\lambda_{\\rm i}}}{250\\,{\\rm km}{\\rm s}^{-1}}\\right)\\left(\\frac{\\lambda_{\\rm i}}{100\\,{\\rm kpc}}\\right) \\left(\\frac{\\Re}{20}\\right)^{-1}\\, \\left[\\frac{{\\rm cm}^2}{s}\\right]\\,. \\end{equation} Note that the coherence lengths of magnetic fields in the cores of galaxy clusters as obtained from Faraday Rotation measurements are about 5-10\\,kpc (e.g., Taylor \\& Perley 1993) and thus below the scale range covered by the present data. Therefore, we regard the upper limit (Eq.\\,\\ref{NU}) as not significantly affected by magnetic fields. Fabian et al. (2003, see also Reynolds et al. 2004) assume laminar flow of the ICM around the radio galaxy NGC\\,1275 with $v_\\lambda=700\\,{\\rm km}\\,{\\rm s}^{-1}$ in the centre of the Perseus cluster on $\\lambda=14\\,{\\rm kpc}$ scales. From the laminar appearance of the filaments they assume that the effective Reynolds number is less than 1000 so that they estimate the lower limit $\\nu>4\\cdot 10^{27}[\\frac{{\\rm cm}^2}{s}]$. The upper limit obtained from a turbulent regime and the lower limit obtained from a laminar regime can be used to estimate the range 10--30\\,kpc where the transition from a turbulent to a laminar flow could occur. This corresponds to a dissipation scale of the ICM in the same range. A remark of caution is, however, necessary here, because we compare two different situations (merger driven turbulence versus AGN driven turbulence, and a bulk ICM in Coma versus condensed warm HII-gas in the NGC\\,1275 halo), and it is not fully clear in how far they are comparable. Shibata et al. (2001) determined the 2-point angular correlation function of hardness ratios as a measure of the temperature fluctuations detected with ASCA over an area of 19 square degrees in the Virgo cluster. A significant excess of the correlation amplitude is found at 300\\,kpc. They interpreted the random temperature fluctuations in Virgo-North as local heating of infalling galaxy groups. Future investigations should measure the pressure spectrum of the Coma cluster more accurately down to 5\\,kpc so that the combination with the present measurements would give information about the ICM in the Coma cluster from 5--2800\\,kpc. This could give us tight constraints on the type of gas turbulence, its energy content, the importance of magnetic fields, and on the viscosity of the ICM." }, "0404/astro-ph0404304_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study in detail the properties of clusters of ultra high energy cosmic ray events, looking in particular to their angular correlation function, to the relative frequency of clusters with different multiplicities (e.g. doublets vs. triplets or quadruplets), as well as the way in which these quantities should evolve for different ultra high energy cosmic rays source scenarios as a function of the experimental exposure achieved. We identify some useful tools which can help to characterise the nature of the cosmic ray sources in a more precise way after a modest increase in statistics will be achieved in the very near future, even before strong signals from individual sources become eventually observable. ", "introduction": "In spite of the big effort done over the last decades to unravel the origin and nature of the cosmic rays (CRs) at ultra high energies (UHE), most of the relevant questions related to them remain still unanswered \\cite{cr04}. Certainly the main obstacle has been the scarcity of data, which is due to the smallness of the fluxes at the highest energies (e.g. $\\sim 1/{\\rm km}^2$yr for $E>10^{19}$~eV). The observed isotropy of CRs above the ankle (i.e. for $E>5\\times 10^{18}$~eV), suggests that at these energies CRs are of extragalactic origin, but the nature of these particles (whether they are protons, heavier nuclei, photons or even neutrinos with stronger interactions), the nature of their sources (e.g. steady ones like active galactic nuclei jets, transient ones like gamma ray burst (GRBs) or diffuse ones like decaying topological defects) and the mechanism responsible for their acceleration in bottom-up scenarios or production in top-down ones (and hence the original source spectra) are all under strong debate. All these questions are further challenged by the (lack of) observation of the theoretically expected GZK suppression above $\\sim 6\\times 10^{19}$~eV, due to the attenuation that CR protons coming from far away sources should suffer due to their interactions with CMB photons (or similarly due to the photodisintegration processes that would affect the propagation of heavier nuclei). Clearly a big boost in our understanding of these issues could be obtained if individual CR sources were identified, and this search is indeed the main purpose of the next generation of observatories, like the Pierre Auger one now under completion. There has been a lot of discussion during the last years about possible hints in the existing data of an excess of clustering in the highest energy range ($E>4\\times 10^{19}$~eV), that could be already indicating the possible emergence of the first strong CR sources out of a more diffuse background of unresolved sources. This excess clustering (with respect to the expectations from chance coincidences of an isotropic distribution) has been observed by the AGASA group \\cite{agasa}(which detected 4 doublets and one triplet within 2.5$^\\circ$, out of a total of 57 events\\footnote{We are not including in our discussion one event with energy slightly below $4\\times 10^{19}$~eV, included by AGASA because it lead to an extra doublet.}) and also in a combined analysis of data from several experiments \\cite{uc00} (Yakutsk, Haverah Park, AGASA and Volcano Ranch, which obtained 8 doublets and 2 triplets within $4^\\circ$ out of a total of 92 events), although it does not seem to be present in Fly's Eye or Hi Res data \\cite{hires}. In this work we will study in detail the properties of the event clusters expected in different scenarios of UHECR sources, with the aim of devising the most appropriate tools to discriminate among them. The results we obtain suggest that a modest increase in the present statistics (as could be achieved after one year of AUGER observations) will allow to clarify significantly the existing debate, even before any strong (and hence unambiguous) signal from an individual CR source is observed. ", "conclusions": "We have seen that the statistics of clusters of events with different multiplicities is a very useful tool that may help characterise the nature of UHECR sources. We have analysed the way in which the relative number of clusters with different multiplicities, their change with increasing exposure, and their distribution with declination can help discriminate among alternative source scenarios. In particular, one of the most striking differences between the individual sources and chance coincidences scenarios for clustering is the expected hierarchy of the number of clusters with different multiplicities. For example, the ratio between the number of triplets or higher multiplets and doublets is $\\sim 1/3$ for the steady source model (or 0.6 for the bursting one), while it is only $\\sim n/3N$ for the chance coincidences, where $N\\sim 10^3(2.5^\\circ/\\theta)^2$. In case the clusters are dominated by individual sources, we see that with significant statistics this may even give a handle to discriminate between bursting and steady source scenarios. Moreover, the evolution of this ratio (which is proportional to the exposure for chance coincidences, while independent of it for individual sources) will give a further tool to discriminate among scenarios. On the other hand, the relative fraction of events in clusters (with respect to the unclustered ones) is only $\\sim n/2N$ for the chance coincidences of an isotropic distribution, but could be significantly enhanced if the distribution of sources is anisotropic. This should be however testable by studying the overall event distribution once larger statistics are achieved. In the case of clusters produced by individual sources, this fraction depends instead sensitively on the amount of very faint sources present. We have applied our analysis to the published set of 57 AGASA events above $4\\times 10^{19}$ eV just for illustrative purposes, since it is clearly insufficient to draw definitive conclusions. Nevertheless, our results indicate that a modest increase in the number of events may already give much stronger hints about the source properties. In this respect, even the release of the latest AGASA data, which represents a 50\\% increase with respect to the published data, could have some impact. For instance, it would be natural to expect that the triplet becomes a quadruplet, and some doublets become triplets, if they are due to individual sources, while this would be very unlikely if they arose from chance coincidences. We have also applied an alternative statistical tool to analyse UHECR clustering: the nearest neighbour distribution. It has the advantage over the pair autocorrelation method of being less sensitive to binning, and that it depends not just on the pair correlations but on correlations to all orders \\cite{wh79}. Applied to AGASA data, it gives an alternative measure of the small angular scale clustering, and also points out to an excess of clustering with respect to random expectations which persists up to $15^\\circ$, that manifests in the second neighbours cumulative distribution (Figure~\\ref{nn}), and which is also hinted by the defect of doublets and excess of triplets at scales up to $15^\\circ$ in Figure~\\ref{pdt}. Angular spread of events in a cluster due to deflections by magnetic fields, and structure in the spatial distribution of sources, are among conceivable causes of such signal, which should be looked upon with better statistics." }, "0404/astro-ph0404074_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We address some current theoretical issues around ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We recall that scenarios producing more $\\gamma-$rays than cosmic rays up to high redshift can in general only provide a sub-dominant contribution to the ultra-high energy cosmic ray flux. This includes extra-galactic top-down and the Z-burst scenarios. Finally we discuss the influence of large scale cosmic magnetic fields on ultra-high energy cosmic ray propagation which is currently hard to quantify. The views presented here represent the authors perspective. ", "introduction": "High energy cosmic ray (CR) particles are shielded by Earth's atmosphere and reveal their existence on the ground only by indirect effects such as ionization and showers of secondary charged particles covering areas up to many km$^2$ for the highest energy particles. In fact, in 1912 Victor Hess discovered CRs by measuring ionization from a balloon~\\cite{hess}, and in 1938 Pierre Auger proved the existence of extensive air showers (EAS) caused by primary particles with energies above $10^{15}\\,$eV by simultaneously observing the arrival of secondary particles in Geiger counters many meters apart~\\cite{auger_disc}. After almost 90 years of research, the origin of cosmic rays is still an open question, with a degree of uncertainty increasing with energy~\\cite{crbook}: Only below 100 MeV kinetic energy, where the solar wind shields protons coming from outside the solar system, the sun must give rise to the observed proton flux. Above that energy the CR spectrum exhibits little structure and is approximated by broken power laws $\\propto E^{-\\gamma}$: At the energy $E\\simeq4\\times 10^{15}\\,$eV called the ``knee'', the flux of particles per area, time, solid angle, and energy steepens from a power law index $\\gamma\\simeq2.7$ to one of index $\\simeq3.0$. The bulk of the CRs up to at least that energy is believed to originate within the Milky Way Galaxy, typically by shock acceleration in supernova remnants. The spectrum continues with a further steepening to $\\gamma\\simeq3.3$ at $E\\simeq4\\times 10^{17}\\,$eV, sometimes called the ``second knee''. There are experimental indications that the chemical composition changes from light, mostly protons, at the knee to domination by iron and even heavier nuclei at the second knee~\\cite{kascade}. This is in fact expected in any scenario where acceleration and propagation is due to magnetic fields whose effects only depend on rigidity, the ratio of charge to rest mass, $Z/A$. This is true as long as energy losses and interaction effects, which in general depend on $Z$ and $A$ separately, are small, as is the case in the Galaxy, in contrast to extra-galactic cosmic ray propagation at ultra-high energy. Above the so called ``ankle'' or ``dip'' at $E\\simeq5\\times10^{18}\\,$eV, the spectrum flattens again to a power law of index $\\gamma\\simeq2.8$. This latter feature is often interpreted as a cross over from a steeper Galactic component, which above the ankle cannot be confined by the Galactic magnetic field, to a harder component of extragalactic origin. The dip at $E\\simeq5\\times10^{18}\\,$eV could also be partially due to pair production by extra-galactic protons, especially if the extra-galactic component already starts to dominate below the ankle, for example, around the second-knee~\\cite{bgh}. This latter possibility appears, however, less likely in light of a rather heavy composition up to the ankle suggested by several experiments~\\cite{kascade}. In any case, an eventual cross over to an extra-galactic component is also in line with experimental indications for a chemical composition becoming again lighter above the ankle, although a significant heavy component is not excluded and the inferred chemical composition above $\\sim10^{18}\\,$eV is sensitive to the model of air shower interactions and consequently uncertain presently~\\cite{watson}. In the following we will restrict our discussion on ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) above the ankle. Although statistically meaningful information about the UHECR energy spectrum and arrival direction distribution has been accumulated, no conclusive picture for the nature and distribution of the sources emerges naturally from the data. There is on the one hand the approximate isotropic arrival direction distribution~\\cite{bm} which indicates that we are observing a large number of weak or distant sources. On the other hand, there are also indications which point more towards a small number of local and therefore bright sources, especially at the highest energies: First, the AGASA ground array claims statistically significant multi-plets of events from the same directions within a few degrees~\\cite{teshima1,bm}, although this is controversial~\\cite{fw} and has not been seen so far by the fluorescence experiment HiRes~\\cite{finley}. The spectrum of this clustered component is $\\propto E^{-1.8}$ and thus much harder than the total spectrum~\\cite{teshima1}. Second, nucleons above $\\simeq70\\,$EeV suffer heavy energy losses due to photo-pion production on the cosmic microwave background --- the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) effect~\\cite{gzk} --- which limits the distance to possible sources to less than $\\simeq100\\,$Mpc~\\cite{stecker}. For a uniform source distribution this would predict a ``GZK cutoff'', a drop in the spectrum. However, the existence of this ``cutoff'' is not established yet from the observations~\\cite{bergman} and may even depend on the part of the sky one is looking at: The ``cutoff' could be mitigated in the northern hemisphere where more nearby accelerators related to the local supercluster can be expected. Apart from the SUGAR array which was active from 1968 until 1979 in Australia, all UHECR detectors completed up to the present were situated in the northern hemisphere. Nevertheless the situation is unclear even there: Whereas a cut-off seems consistent with the few events above $10^{20}\\,$eV recorded by the fluorescence detector HiRes~\\cite{hires}, it is not compatible with the 8 events above $10^{20}\\,$eV measured by the AGASA ground array~\\cite{agasa}. It can be remarked, however, that analysis of data based on a single fluorescence telescope, the so-called monocular mode in which most of the HiRes data were obtained, is complicated due to atmospheric conditions varying from event to event~\\cite{cronin}. The solution of this problem may have to await more analysis and, in particular, the completion of the Pierre Auger project~\\cite{auger} which will combine the two complementary detection techniques adopted by the aforementioned experiments and whose southern site is currently in construction in Argentina. This currently unclear experimental situation could easily be solved if it would be possible to follow the UHECR trajectories backwards to their sources. However, this may be complicated by the possible presence of extragalactic magnetic fields, which would deflect the particles during their travel. Furthermore, since the GZK-energy losses are of stochastic nature, even a detailed knowledge of the extragalactic magnetic fields would not necessarily allow to follow a UHECR trajectory backwards to its source since the energy and therefor the Larmor radius of the particles have changed in an unknown way. Therefore it is not clear if charged particle astronomy with UHECRs is possible in principle or not. And even if possible, it remains unclear to which degree the angular resolution would be limited by magnetic deflection. This topic will be discussed in Sect.~3. The physics and astrophysics of UHECRs are also intimately linked with the emerging field of neutrino astronomy (for reviews see Refs.~\\cite{nu_review}) as well as with the already established field of $\\gamma-$ray astronomy (for reviews see, e.g., Ref.~\\cite{gammarev}). Indeed, all scenarios of UHECR origin, including the top-down models, are severely constrained by neutrino and $\\gamma-$ray observations and limits. In turn, this linkage has important consequences for theoretical predictions of fluxes of extragalactic neutrinos above about a TeV whose detection is a major goal of next-generation neutrino telescopes: If these neutrinos are produced as secondaries of protons accelerated in astrophysical sources and if these protons are not absorbed in the sources, but rather contribute to the UHECR flux observed, then the energy content in the neutrino flux can not be higher than the one in UHECRs, leading to the so called Waxman-Bahcall bound for transparent sources with soft acceleration spectra~\\cite{wb-bound,mpr}. If one of these assumptions does not apply, such as for acceleration sources with injection spectra harder than $E^{-2}$ and/or opaque to nucleons, or in the top-down scenarios where X particle decays produce much fewer nucleons than $\\gamma-$rays and neutrinos, the Waxman-Bahcall bound does not apply, but the neutrino flux is still constrained by the observed diffuse $\\gamma-$ray flux in the GeV range. This will be discussed in the following section. ", "conclusions": "We have reviewed two current issues in theoretical ultra-high energy cosmic ray research. The first one concerns constraints on scenarios attempting to explain highest energy cosmic rays by extra-galactic sources producing not only cosmic rays but also photons: Improved data analysis and, in the future, improved data for example from GLAST can considerably reduce estimates of the true extra-galactic GeV $\\gamma-$ray background which acts as a calorimeter of electromagnetic energy injected above $\\sim10^{15}/(1+z)\\,$eV. Already current estimates imply that scenarios producing considerably more photons than hadrons, such as extra-galactic top-down scenarios and the Z-burst mechanism, can not explain all of the highest energy cosmic ray flux. A further reduced diffuse GeV $\\gamma-$ray background will start to constrain even normal acceleration scenarios. As for the second issue we pointed out that the influence of large scale cosmic magnetic fields on ultra-high energy cosmic ray propagation is currently hard to quantify and may not allow to do ``particle astronomy'' along most lines of sight, especially if a significant heavy nucleus component is present above $10^{19}\\,$eV. In this case extensive Monte Carlo simulations including nuclei and based on constrained large scale structure simulations will be necessary to fully exploit data from future instruments such as the Pierre Auger~\\cite{auger} and EUSO projects~\\cite{euso}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404597_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Central regions of superclusters are the ideal places where to study cluster merging phenomena: in fact the accretion activity is enhanced, as predicted by the cosmological simulations. In this paper I review the case-study of the Shapley Concentration, aimed to understand the effect of major mergings on the intracluster medium and the galaxy population of the involved clusters. ", "introduction": "Cluster mergings are known to be among the most energetic phenomena in the Universe, but until now studies at all wavelengths have not been extensively carried on: therefore it is still unclear how the collision energy is dissipated and which is the effect of merging on the emission properties of the galaxies and on the physics of the intracluster medium. In cosmological N-body simulations the cluster accretion happens along specific directions defined by the density caustics and richer clusters form preferentially where the environment density is higher. Superclusters can be considered as the observational counterparts of these caustics and it is expected that at their centers the cluster accretion is still strongly active. Therefore, superclusters are the ideal places where to study merging phenomena, because the cross-section for cluster collisions is enhanced. The best place for these studies is the central region of the Shapley Concentration supercluster, a huge concentration of clusters at $z\\sim 0.05$ (\\cite{ray89}, \\cite{plionis91}, \\cite[Raychaudhury et al. 1991]{raychaudhury91}, \\cite[Zucca et al. 1993]{zucca93}). This region is anomalously rich in clusters, considering that it has 25 members while the Great Attractor (with a similar mass overdensity) contains only 6 clusters (see Table 3 of \\cite[Zucca et al. 1993]{zucca93}): for some reasons, in this region the cluster formation efficiency has been enhanced also with respect to similar regions. Moreover, as noted by \\cite{raychaudhury91}, the fraction of clusters with substructures in this supercluster is higher than elsewhere, meaning that the process of cluster formation is still strongly active, suggesting that this region could be considered a ``nursery\" of rich clusters. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\caption{Central region of the Shapley Concentration supercluster (figure from \\cite[Drinkwater et al. 2004]{drinkwater04}; reproduced by permission of CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia; copyright Astronomical Society of Australia). Note the two structures (cluster complexes) at $\\alpha=13^h 30^m$ and $12^h 55^m$, connected by a bridge of galaxies resembling the Great Wall. Circles indicate the position of clusters. } \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Central regions of superclusters give the possibility to find cluster mergings at different phases and strengths and to study the consequences of cluster collisions on the intracluster medium and the galaxy population. The case study of the Shapley Concentration which I presented here shows that the multiwavelength approach is the best way to analyse merging clusters." }, "0404/astro-ph0404242_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present observational results from studying the quasi-periodicities in global solar radio flux during periods of enhanced noise storm activity, over durations of $\\sim4$~hrs a day ( \"intra-day\" variations ), observed at 77.5 MHz with the newly commissioned log-periodic array tracking system at the Gauribidanur radio observatory. Positional information on the storm centers were obtained with the radio imaging data from the Nan\\c cay RadioHeliograph ( NRH ), while their active region ( AR ) counterparts on the photosphere ( and the overlying chromosphere ) were located from the $H{\\alpha}$ images of the Big Bear Solar Observatory ( BBSO ). The quasi-periodicity in flux was found to be 110 minutes, with the fluctuation in flux being $3 (\\pm 1.5)$ solar flux units ( sfu ). The results of such pulsations are interpreted qualitatively as evidence for coronal seismology. ", "introduction": "Type I solar noise storms, ever since their discovery in the year 1946 \\cite{hey46}, have proved to be amongst the most profilic of events to occur at metric wavelengths. They comprise of the bursts that are radio flux enhanced, narrowband ( df/f $\\approxeq$ 3 \\% ), spiked ( 0.1 - 1 s ) events, with the broadband ( df/f $\\approxeq$~100\\% ) continuum, lasting from several hours to a few days, serving as their diffuse background radio emission, on the dynamic spectral records. According to \\cite{hey46},~\\cite{mcd47}, noise storms have their origins in the outer corona, and appear proximal to the sites of active regions in the photosphere and the chromosphere.\\\\ \\\\ In this paper, we present results from investigations on the variations of global radio flux, during periods of prolonged noise storm activity, with attributes to quasi-periodicities on short time scales, from observing the Sun continuously for about 6 hrs each day. Details on the time-delay control enabled, broadband operable antenna array system used for the study are provided, followed by a note on the observation schedule adopted. Interpretation of the imaging data from complementary observations on the noise storms and the associated underlying ARs constitute part of the latter section. The scheme deployed to analyse and determine the extent of global radio flux variations is described in \\S 4. The results of this study are presented in the Discussion \\& Conclusion section, along with qualitative remarks on the plausible origin for the observed flux oscillations at metric wavelengths, and their likely coronal implications. ", "conclusions": "The general consensus on the radiation mechanism of noise storms is one of plasma emission. New emergence of magnetic flux, and the changes in the topography of the magnetic field arising out of the reconnection~\\cite{bewen81} of ruptured, preexisting flux lines with the newly sprouting flux, about the sites of bipolar sunspot activity, leads to the formation of recurrent shock waves~\\cite{spbeh81},~\\cite{wen81}. The electrons of the ambient plasma within the reconnection loop, at the outer coronal layers, become unstable as a result of this realignment of magnetic lines of force, and generate the Langmuir (L) waves or the Upper hybrid (UH) waves. Such L-waves and UH-waves coalesce in turn with the ion acoustic waves, at the sites of density inhomogeneities, to emit the type I continuum noise storm radiation. On the other hand, bursts of type I are produced when the UH-waves, produced by the electrons trapped in magnetic flux loops, are scattered on the Lower hybrid (LH) waves generated at their shock wavefront.\\\\ \\\\ The determination of quasi-periodicity is subject to a lower cut-off, defined by the beam dwell-time. The adjacent beam positions are $9^{o}$ apart, and the dwell-time varies as a function of the apparent declination of the Sun, in a manner defined by Equation~(\\ref{spe1}), where $t_{e}$ is 36 minutes, and ($\\delta$) varied from $13.^{o}2$~N to $23^{o}$~N. Hence, $t_{d}$ is the minimum value for quasi-periodicity that can be realised by the tracking system in its current scheme of observation. The quasi-periodic distribution, for the 32 cases of absolute deviation from mean, is shown in the histogram of Figure~\\ref{spf6}. The peak in the distribution occurs at 110 minutes, which also is tantamount to the periodicity in global solar radio flux variation at 77.5 MHz. In addition, more than half ($\\approx 60 \\% $)~of the distribution occurs in the range of periodicities from 100-150 minutes.\\\\ \\\\ Regarding the spline interpolation method employed for determination of the absolute deviation from mean ( shown in the four sub-plots of Figure~\\ref{spf5} ), it needs to be duly emphasised that vast deviations, occuring on either side of the mean and at consecutive beam position observations, are bound to yield quasi half-periodicity values lesser than the minimum achieveable \"cadence\" between the two adjacent observations on the same day - a case of so-called \"super-resolution\", that needs to be cautiously approached, especially when the distribution were to peak at those values. In Figure~\\ref{spf6}, the first couple of values in the vicinity of 50 min are the case in point, corresponding to the first negative going half-waveforms on the upper-right and the lower-left sub-plots of Figure~\\ref{spf5}; they have values for quasi-periodicity less than the $t_{d}$ defined by Equation~(\\ref{spe1}) for the particular days.\\\\ \\\\ Quasi-periodic fluctuations in solar coronal emission, observed at the operating frequencies of the antennas on-board the Prognoz 1 high-apogee satellites~\\cite{gps77} equipped with kilometric radiation detectors, have estimated periods ranging from 6 sec to 2 hours. A specific quasi-periodicity value of 118 ($ \\pm 20$)~minutes has been quoted among many other values detected, for fluctuations in radio emission by 10-15 dB from the mean solar flux. In the present study done at 77.5 MHz, the quasi-periodic fluctuations have an absolute deviation from the intra-day mean ranging from 1.5 to 4 sfu.\\\\ \\\\ The absolute deviation from mean flux, for each of the 17 days of enhanced activity, is taken as a measure of the intra-day quasi-periodicity in solar radio flux, and found to be 110 minutes, with the fluctuations in flux being $3 (\\pm 1.5)$ sfu. Positional information from the Nan\\c cay RadioHeliograph data, and features of the causative ARs of the underlying photospheric disk from the full disk $H{\\alpha}$ images of the BBSO, along with the radio spectral data published in the SGD reports, lead to the conclusion that heightened flux emission, with global ramifications, are a result of type I noise storms.\\\\ \\\\ The occurrence of the noise storm source regions, and their contribution to enhanced radio emission on a global scale, has been corroborated from complementary evidence based on active region data obtained from the BBSO full disk $H{\\alpha}$ images, the NRH's 164 MHz imaging data on noise storms and the metric noise storm spectral observations as reported in the SGD reports. Quasi-periodic pulsations in global solar radio flux were observed, and their origin has been attributed to modulation of the plasma radiation by magnetohydrodynamic ( MHD ) disturbances in the corona, at sites above large ARs threaded by complex magnetic flux tubes. MHD disturbances are generated by the weak shocks associated with magnetic reconnection events, as MHD oscillations or resonance of MHD waves, and fluctuations ( pulsations ) in the plasma radio emission ensue at the source region for noise storms. MHD waves on all scales, ranging in wavelength from the coronal loop-size (fraction of $R_{\\odot}$) down to the gyroradii (a few meters) of coronal ions, are believed to play a key role in the transport of mechanical energy, from the denser regions of the chromosphere to the Sun's corona and further as a steady stream called the solar wind; by means of dissipation of the wave energy, the corona is heated and sustained at elevated temperatures. The emissivity of trapped epithermal particles in coronal magnetic arches is modulated by a propagating MHD wave~\\cite{asc87}. In the case of noise storms, the plasma waves get converted to transverse electromagnetic ( TEM ) waves at sites of trapped density inhomogeneities and magnetic reconnections. Theoretical interpretation of the oscillatory phenomena, observed in the outer solar corona, based on the MHD wave theory, along with supportive information, regarding the plasma parameters, from investigation of high spatial and temporal imaging data on the coronal magnetic structures above the active region complexes, would significantly demystify the underlying mechanisms involved in the plasma dynamics of the outer corona, coronal-seismology and coronal-heating." }, "0404/astro-ph0404205_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\singleandabitspaced Two ground-based experiments have recently independently detected TeV $\\gamma$-rays from the direction of the Galactic center. The observations made by the VERITAS and CANGAROO collaborations are unexpected, although not impossible to interpret in terms of astrophysical sources. Here we examine in detail whether the observed $\\gamma$-rays may arise from the more exotic alternative of annihilations of dark matter particles clustered in the center of the Galaxy. ", "introduction": "Recently, the VERITAS \\cite{Kosack:2004ri} and CANGAROO \\cite{Tsuchiya:2004wv} collaborations, using the Whipple 10 meter and CANGAROO-II Atmospheric \\u{C}erenkov Telescopes (ACTs), respectively, have made significant detections of TeV $\\gamma$-rays from the Galactic center region. Although the origin of this emission is not yet known, there are several possible, although unlikely, astrophysical sources in the field of view. Alternatively, this may be a signature of annihilating dark matter particles. The Galactic center is a complex and rich region. Its most notable inhabitant is a $2.6 \\times 10^{6} M_{\\odot}$ black hole, coincident with the radio source Sgr A$^*$, which also demonstrates variable emission at infra-red \\cite{Ghez:2003hb}, soft X-ray \\cite{xray} and hard X-ray \\cite{Belanger:2003se} wavelengths. Additionally, the region may contain massive X-ray binaries emitting relativistic plasma jets (microquasars) capable of producing high-energy $\\gamma$-rays \\cite{microquasar_gamma} by either hadronic ($\\pi^0$ production) \\cite{microquasar_proton} or leptonic (inverse Compton) \\cite{microquasar_lepton} processes. The region could also contain Supernova Remnants (SNRs) which are widely believed to be the source of Galactic cosmic rays. TeV $\\gamma$-rays have indeed been observed from several nearby supernova remnants such as the Crab \\cite{snr_crab} and Cas A \\cite{snr_casa}. The responsible mechanism remains unclear, but again could be either leptonic or hadronic (see Ref.~\\cite{Volk_snr} for a discussion of TeV $\\gamma$-ray production in SNRs). The SNR Sgr A East lies only a few parsecs away from Sgr A$^*$, but is not a likely TeV source in itself \\cite{SgrA_East_SNR}. Interactions of its expanding shell with molecular clouds in its environment could, in principle, produce high-energy $\\gamma$-rays \\cite{Aharonian94_SNRMOLECULAR}. Alternatively, strong winds from massive O and B type stars could lead to hadronic interactions that may result in the emission of high-energy $\\gamma$-rays \\cite{TeVOBObservations,TeVOBTheory}. Two massive, compact, young star clusters which contain such stars (Arches and Quintuplet) are located roughly 10 arcminutes away from the Galactic center. Chandra observations of the Arches cluster have revealed non-thermal emission attributed to relativistic electrons accelerated in colliding wind shocks from binary systems within the cluster or in the winds from single stars with the collective winds from the other stars in the cluster \\cite{YusefArches1,YusefArches2}. It is argued that the existence of non-thermal particles could result in X-ray/$\\gamma$-ray emission by inverse Compton scattering of ambient photons. Observations by INTEGRAL \\cite{INTEGRAL_SOURCES} and EGRET \\cite{dingus} have revealed $\\gamma$-ray emission from the Galactic center region, although thus far no corresponding sources have been identified. X-ray surveys of the region have revealed a new population of discrete sources, many of which resemble X-ray binaries (see Ref.~\\cite{Galactic_XRAY} and references therein). For more information on the Galactic center region, see Refs.~\\cite{Galactic_XRAY,YusefZadeh00,LaRosa00}. Despite the extensive body of evidence in favor of cold, non-baryonic, dark matter \\cite{cdm}, its identity remains elusive. Searches for particle dark matter have been carried out using a variety of methods. Direct searches attempt to observe the recoil energy as Galactic dark matter particles orbiting through the Solar system scatter elastically off nuclear targets \\cite{direct}. Indirect searches attempt to observe the products of dark matter annihilations such as neutrinos \\cite{indirectneutrino}, positrons \\cite{positrons}, anti-protons \\cite{antiprotons} and, in particular, high-energy $\\gamma$-rays \\cite{indirectgamma,Bergstrom:1997fj,Bergstrom:2001jj}. The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In section 2, we summarize the observations of high-energy $\\gamma$-ray emission from the Galactic Center region. In sections 3, 4 and 5, we discuss the spectral and spatial features of these observations and assess whether annihilating dark matter could be responsible for these observations. In section 6, we consider particle dark matter candidates suggested by new physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular supersymmetry, in the light of these recent observations. We present our conclusions in section 7. In Refs.~\\cite{Kosack:2004ri} and \\cite{Tsuchiya:2004wv}, this possibility was briefly discussed. Our intention here is to explore this scenario in considerably more detail. ", "conclusions": "In this article, we have discussed the possibility that annihilating dark matter in the Galactic center has produced the flux of $\\gamma$-rays observed by the CANGAROO and VERITAS collaborations. Although it is possible that these $\\gamma$-rays are the result of astrophysical processes, we summarize here the characteristics required of a dark matter particle, if its annihilations are responsible for the observed $\\gamma$-ray emission. \\subsection{The Spectrum} It is difficult to reconcile the spectra observed by the CANGAROO-II and Whipple experiments. The spectrum measured by CANGAROO-II is consistent with an annihilating particle of mass in the range of 1--3 TeV. On the other hand, Whipple has observed a substantial flux above its rather high threshold of 2.8 TeV, requiring a much heavier dark matter particle. Future observations will be needed to conclusively determine the spectrum of $\\gamma$-rays from the Galactic center in the GeV-TeV range. \\subsection{The Halo Profile and Annihilation Cross Section} For annihilating dark matter to produce the flux measured by either the CANGAROO or VERITAS collaborations, very high annihilation rates are required. This, in turn, requires a very large annihilation cross-section {\\it and} a very concentrated dark matter distribution in the innermost region of our Galaxy. Even if we consider a particle with a rather large annihilation cross-section, say $\\sim 10^{-26} \\, \\rm{cm}^3/\\rm{s}$, extremely cusped halo models, such as a Moore {\\it et al.} with adiabatic compression would be required. Alternatively, halo profiles with a density spike most plausibly associated with the central SMBH or a nearby VMBH could provide the observed flux. \\subsection{Future Prospects} With the current data, it is very difficult to determine whether the $\\gamma$-rays observed from the Galactic center region by CANGAROO-II and Whipple are the product of dark matter annihilations rather than other, less exotic, astrophysics. This state of affairs may change with improved data in the future. As the angular resolution of ACTs (as well as space-based $\\gamma$-ray experiments, such as GLAST) improves, it will become clear whether the observed TeV emission comes from our Galaxy's dynamical center rather than from nearby star clusters, X-ray binaries or other objects. This information will be crucial for confidently identifying TeV emission as the product of dark matter annihilations. Moreover, as the $\\gamma$-ray spectrum in the GeV to multi-TeV range becomes more refined, it may become possible to ascertain whether the observed emission is the result of annihilating dark matter. In particular, evidence of line emission would provide a ``smoking gun'' signal for anihilations. Presently, we are eagerly awaiting results from the HESS collaboration, which has also been observing the Galactic center. HESS should be more sensitive in the direction of the Galactic center than either CANGAROO-II or Whipple. Also, with four telescopes, HESS's angular resolution should be superior to single-telescope ACTs." }, "0404/astro-ph0404343_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present $R$-band photometry of the X-ray transient and candidate black hole binary XTE J1650-500 obtained between 2003 May and August with the 6.5m Clay Telescope. A timing analysis of these data reveals a photometric period of $0.3205\\pm 0.0007$ days (i.e.\\ 7.63 hr) with a possible alias at 0.3785 days (9.12 hr). Our photometry completely rules out the previously published spectroscopic period of 0.212 days (5.09 hr). Consequently, we reanalyzed the 15 archival ESO/VLT spectra (obtained 2002 June by Sanchez-Fernandez et al.) that were the basis of the previously published spectroscopic period. We used a ``restframe search'' technique that is well suited for cases when the signal-to-noise ratio of individual spectra is low. For each of roughly 1.1 million binary ephemerides, we summed all of the spectra in a trial restframe of the secondary star, and each restframe spectrum was cross-correlated against a template spectrum. We then searched for the set of orbital parameters that produced the strongest cross-correlation value. The results confirmed the photometric period of 0.3205 days, and rule out the alias period near 0.38 days. The best value for the velocity semiamplitude of the companion star is $K_2 = 435 \\pm 30$ km s$^{-1}$, and the corresponding optical mass function is $f(M)=2.73 \\pm 0.56\\,M_{\\odot}$. The spectral type of the companion star is not well constrained because we only have six template spectra available to us. The K4V template provides the best match; next best matches are provided by the G5V and K2III templates. We also find that the accretion disk dominates the light in the $R$-band where the disk fraction is 80\\% or higher, although this value should be treated with caution owing to the poor signal-noise-ratio and the limited number of templates. The amplitude of the phased $R$-band light curve is 0.2 magnitudes, which gives a lower limit to the inclination of $50\\pm 3^{\\circ}$ in the limiting case of no contribution to the $R$-band light curve from the accretion disk. If the mass ratio of XTE J1650-500 is similar to the mass ratios of other black hole binaries like A0620-00 or GRS 1124-683 (e.g.\\ $Q\\gtrsim 10$), then our lower limit to the inclination gives an upper limit to the mass of the black hole in XTE J1650-500 of $M_1 \\lesssim 7.3\\,M_{\\odot}$. However, the mass can be considerably lower if the $R$-band flux is dominated by the accretion disk. For example, if the accretion disk does contribute 80\\% of the flux, as our preliminary results suggest, then the black hole mass would be only about $4\\,M_{\\odot}$. ", "introduction": "X-ray novae (XN) provide the strongest evidence for the existence of stellar mass black holes. XN are interacting binaries where a neutron star or a black hole accretes matter from a companion (usually a dwarf-like K or M star). The accretion rate on to the black hole increases substantially during the outburst phase, and hence the X-ray luminosity can vary by large amounts (e.g.\\ factors of $10^6$ or more). The majority of XN spend most of their time in a ``quiescent'' state where the X-ray luminosity is on the order of the optical luminosity of the companion star. It is in quiescence where the companion star can be best studied in the optical, where the observed radial velocity and light curves of the companion lead to dynamical mass measurements for the compact primary. There are 18 X-ray binaries (15 of them XN) where the mass of the primary has been shown to exceed the maximum mass of a stable neutron star ($\\approx 3\\,M_{\\odot}$, Kalogera \\& Baym 1996), confirming the presence of black holes in these systems: GRO J0422+32 (Orosz \\& Bailyn 1995, Filippenko, Matheson, \\& Ho 1995); A0620-00 (McClintock \\& Remillard 1986); GRS 1009-45 (Filippenko et al.\\ 1999); XTE J1118+480 (McClintock et al.\\ 2001, Wagner et al.\\ 2001); GS 1124-683 (Remillard, McClintock, \\& Bailyn 1992); 4U 1543-47 (Orosz et al.\\ 1998); XTE J1550-564 (Orosz et al.\\ 2002); GRO J1655-40 (Bailyn et al.\\ 1995); GX 339-4 (Hynes et al.\\ 2003); H1705-250 (Remillard et al.\\ 1996); SAX J1819.3-2525 (Orosz et al.\\ 2001); XTE J1859+226 (Filippenko \\& Chornock 2001); GRS 1915+105 (Greiner, Cuby, \\& McCaughrean 2001); GS 2000+25 (Casares, Charles, \\& Marsh 1995); GS 2023+338 (Casares, Charles, \\& Naylor 1992); Cyg X-1 (Gies \\& Bolton 1986); LMC X-3 (Cowley et al.\\ 1983); LMC X-1 (Hutchings et al.\\ 1987). These sources open up the possibility of studying general relativity in the strong field regime. For example, the study of high frequency quasiperiodic oscillations in the X-ray light curves of certain XN may lead to a measurement of black hole spin (e.g.\\ McClintock \\& Remillard 2004 and cited references). We must press hard to obtain further observations of black hole masses in order to fully pursue these opportunities. XTE J1650-500 (hereafter J1650) was discovered by RXTE on 2001 September 5 (Remillard 2001) and subsequently reached a peak X-ray intensity of 0.5 Crab. Based on subsequent observations, J1650 was established as a strong black hole candidate based on its X-ray spectrum and variability in the X-ray light curve (Markwardt, Swank, \\& Smith 2001; Revnivtsev \\& Sunyaev 2001; Wijnands, Miller, \\& Lewin 2001). The radio counterpart was discovered with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) by Groot et al.\\ (2001). Further radio observations sampled the behavior of XTE J1650-500 along all its X-ray states (Corbel et al.\\ in preparation). We highlight two key results obtained during its outburst phase. First, RXTE observations during the third and fourth weeks of the outburst yielded a strong X-ray QPO with an rms amplitude of $5.0 \\pm 0.4\\%$ at a frequency of $\\nu=250\\pm 5$ Hz (Homan et al.\\ 2003b). Second, {\\em XMM-Newton} observed a broad, skewed emission line due to Fe K$\\alpha$ (Miller et al.\\ 2002). Those authors argue that their results imply the primary is a nearly maximal Kerr black hole that is delivering its spin-down energy to the accretion flow. The first significant observational program in the optical was that of Sanchez-Fernandez et al.\\ (2002, hereafter SF2002). They observed J1650 on the night of 2002 June 10 with the fourth 8.2m telescope at the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, and reported the following orbital elements: an orbital period of $P=0.212\\pm 0.001$ days and a velocity semiamplitude of $K_2=309\\pm 4$ km s$^{-1}$, resulting in an optical mass function of $f(M)=0.64\\pm 0.03\\,M_{\\odot}$. The results in this paper contradict these findings. In this paper we report the results of our photometric study of J1650. A time series analysis of our photometry rules out the orbital period reported by SF2002. Consequently we also report herein our reanalysis of the SF2002 data obtained from the ESO archives. We show that the spectroscopic period we derive from these data is consistent with our photometric period $P=0.3205$ days, and we go on to determine the orbital elements of the system. We outline below our observations and reductions, and our analysis techniques. We end with a brief discussion of the implications of our results regarding the fast QPO observed for J1650. ", "conclusions": "Is general relativity (GR) the correct theory of gravity in the strong fields found near a black hole? One promising approach to answering this fundamental question is offered by the key discovery of the {\\em Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer} (RXTE) that seven Galactic black holes (including J1650) display quasiperiodic (QPO) X-ray oscillations in the range of $100-450$ Hz (McClintock \\& Remillard 2004 and cited references). These fast QPOs must be produced near the event horizon since the X-rays originate there and since such high frequencies are comparable to the Kepler frequency of the innermost stable circular orbit around a black hole ($\\nu_K=2199-16150\\,(M/M_{\\odot})^{-1}\\,{\\rm Hz}$ depending on the dimensionless spin parameter $a_*$, where the full range of $a_*$ is 0 to 1 e.g.\\ Kato, Fukue, \\& Mineshige 1998). RXTE has made a further important discovery: four of these seven black holes produce pairs of stationary, fast QPOs that have frequencies in a 3:2 ratio (McClintock \\& Remillard 2004; Homan et al.\\ 2003a). Such commensurate frequencies are a hallmark of non-linear resonance phenomena. Thus, this discovery has promoted a ``resonance model'' that invokes enhanced emissivity at the radius in the accretion disk where two of the three spatial coordinate frequencies (e.g.\\ Keplerian and radial) are commensurate (Abramowicz \\& Kluzniak 2001; Abramowicz et al.\\ 2003). For the three black holes with the QPO pairs {\\em and} measured masses (e.g.\\ GRO J1655-40, XTE J1550-564, and GRS 1915+105), the QPO frequency is correlated with the black hole mass, where $\\nu\\propto M^{-1}$ (e.g.\\ McClintock \\& Remillard 2004). This scaling is expected for GR oscillations, but different sources can lie on the same curve only if they have similar values of the dimensionless spin parameter $a_*$. Schnittman \\& Bertschinger (2004) performed ray tracing calculations in the Kerr metric for emitting blobs orbiting a black hole at a radius where there is a 3:1 resonance between the azimuthal ($\\Omega$) and radial coordinate frequencies. It was shown that general relativistic effects may impart a QPO at $\\Omega$ and a beat oscillation at $\\slantfrac{2}{3}\\, \\Omega$ with a relative strength that depends on the angular width of the emitting blob of material. This interpretation, when combined with accurate mass measurements, yields values for the dimensionless spin parameter: $0.40 \\le a_*\\le 0.55$ for GRO J1655-40 and $0.3 \\le a_* \\le 0.6$ for XTE J1550-564 (Remillard et al.\\ 2002). This illustrates the potential diagnostic power of fast QPOs, if we can specify the correct oscillation mechanism. Furthermore, measurements of black hole mass and QPO frequency allow {\\em model-independent} comparisons of spin differences between black hole subclasses as distinguished, for example, by relativistic jets or binary period. With our measurement of the orbital period and optical mass function of J1650, we have taken the first steps need to fully exploit the potential of this system. If the QPO at $\\nu=250\\pm 5$ Hz observed by Homan et al.\\ (2003b) represents the $2\\nu_0$ oscillation, then the predicted mass of the black hole would be about $7.5\\,M_{\\odot}$, if J1650 lies on the same $\\nu:M$ curve on which GRO J1655-40, XTE J1550-564, and GRS 1915+105 lie (i.e.\\ if the black holes all have similar values of the dimensionless spin parameter $a_*$). Although there are substantial uncertainties in both our measured value for the optical mass function and in our inclination estimate, it appears that the black hole mass might be less than $7.5\\,M_{\\odot}$, which in the context of the orbital resonance model would imply that the value $a_*$ in J1650 is much smaller than it is for the other three sources (e.g.\\ Abramowicz et al.\\ 2004). On the other hand, on the basis of X-ray spectroscopy, Miller et al.\\ (2002) have argued that J1650 contains a maximal Kerr black hole. Thus J1650 may be a challenging case for the orbital resonance model of the high frequency QPOs, although we again point out that our mass estimate has large uncertainties. Recent models for black hole formation (e.g.\\ Fryer \\& Kalogera 2001) predict a continuous and roughly exponential distribution of masses for black holes in binary systems, where the number of black holes formed falls off as the mass increases. Depending on their model assumptions, these authors predict the number of black holes with masses in the range $3-5\\,M_{\\odot}$ should be roughly two to three times the number of black holes with masses in the range $8-10\\,M_{\\odot}$. Bailyn et al.\\ (1998) performed a statistical analysis of seven black holes with dynamical mass estimates and found strong evidence for a peak in the mass distribution centered near $7\\,M_{\\odot}$ and a ``gap'' in the distribution between the neutron star masses and the peak near $7\\,M_{\\odot}$. Since that time, the sample of objects has more than doubled, and it now appears that the evidence for a peak in the distribution near $7 \\, M_{\\odot}$ is weak (see the references cited in \\S1 and Orosz 2003). However, black holes with masses in the $3-5\\,M_{\\odot}$ range still seem to be rare, with GRO J0422+32 being the only good candidate (Gelino \\& Harrison 2003). In this regard, J1650 is an interesting system because of its probable low mass. Clearly additional data will be required to make more definitive statements about the mass of the compact object in J1650. It should not be unduly difficult to obtain higher quality spectra. In hindsight, we now know that the companion star is a K-star, and as such it should have relatively strong absorption features near 5170\\AA. This region was not included in the VLT spectra owing to the relatively high resolving power of the 1200R grism. It should be easier to measure radial velocities in spectra with more wavelength coverage (at the expense of resolving power). Also, spectral observations obtained in good to excellent seeing conditions ($\\lesssim 0.6$ arcseconds) obviously will have better signal-to-noise than the current spectra do (the seeing varied between 1 and about 1.4 arcseconds). Additional photometry should be obtained, and it would be helpful if two or more bandpasses could be used, since the amount of contaminating light from the disk should vary with color." }, "0404/astro-ph0404496_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The physics of the ``hot spots\" on stellar surfaces and the associated variability of accreting magnetized rotating stars is investigated for the first time using fully three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The magnetic moment of the star $\\rvecmu$ is inclined relative to its rotation axis $\\bf{\\Omega}$ by an angle $\\Theta$ (we will call this angle the ``misalignment angle\") while the disk's rotation axis is parallel to $\\bf{\\Omega}$. A sequence of misalignment angles was investigated, between $\\Theta=0^\\circ$ and $90^\\circ$. Typically at small $\\Theta$ the spots are observed to have the shape of a bow which is curved around the magnetic axis, while at largest $\\Theta$ the spots have a shape of a bar, crossing the magnetic pole. The physical parameters (density, velocity, temperature, matter and energy fluxes, etc.) increase toward the central regions of the spots, thus the size of the spots is different at different values of these parameters. At relatively low density and temperature, the spots occupy approximately $10-20\\%$ of the stellar surface, while at the highest values of these parameters this area may be less than $1\\%$ of the area of the star. The size of the spots increases with the accretion rate. The light curves were calculated for different $\\Theta$ and inclination angles of the disk $i$. They show a range of variability patterns, including one maximum-per-period curves (at most of angles $\\Theta$ and $i$), and two maximum-per-period curves (at large $\\Theta$ and $i$). At small $\\Theta$, the funnel streams may rotate faster/slower than the star, and this may lead to quasi-periodic variability of the star. The results are of interest for understanding the variability and quasi-variability of Classical T Tauri Stars, millisecond pulsars and cataclysmic variables. ", "introduction": "In accreting magnetized stars the inflowing matter is channelled to regions near the magnetic poles of the star, forming ``hot spots\" on the star's surface (e.g., Ghosh \\& Lamb 1979; Uchida \\& Shibata 1985; Camenzind 1990; K\\\"onigl 1991; Shu et al. 1994; Hartmann et al. 1994). The hot spots form under conditions in which the star's magnetic field is strong enough to form a magnetosphere. Examples include classical T Tauri stars (e.g., Herbst et al. 1986; Bouvier \\& Bertout 1989; Johns \\& Basri 1995; 1998; Petrov, et al. 2001a,b; Alencar \\& Batalha 2002), cataclysmic variables (e.g., Wickramasinghe, Wu, \\& Ferrario 1991; Livio \\& Pringle 1992; Warner 1995; Warner 2000), X-ray pulsars (e.g., Ghosh \\& Lamb 1979; Tr\\\"umper et al. 1985; Bildsten et al. 1997) and millisecond pulsars (e.g., Chakrabarty, et al. 2003). These objects have different dimensions and magnetic field strengths, but the underlying physics of the magnetospheric accretion and hot spots' properties are expected to be similar. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\epsscale{2.} \\plotone{f1.eps} \\caption{Matter flow near the star and hot spots for the case of a relatively warm disk ($T_d=0.03$). The square panels show the surfaces of the density in the magnetospheric flows (green color corresponds to $\\rho=0.3-0.4$, while yellow-green color to $\\rho=0.6$). Red lines are sample magnetic field lines; the dark-green lines show the sample streamlines of matter flow. The circular panels show density distribution in the hot spots for different misalignment angles $\\Theta$. For $\\Theta=15^\\circ, 30^\\circ$ and $45^\\circ$, the magnetic axis is directed towards the observer, while for $\\Theta=60^\\circ, 75^\\circ$ and $90^\\circ$, it is directed at an angle $45^\\circ$ relative to the observer. It is shown by the crosses in the circular panels. The direction of the rotation axis is shown with the open circles.} \\label{Figure 1} \\end{figure*} The observed variability/quasi-variability of these objects can be due to a number of possible phenomena in the magnetosphere (see, e.g., Bouvier 2003; Petrov 2003). One of the time-scales may be associated with the hot spots. In spite of the large volume of the observational data on variability of these stars, relatively little is known about the properties of the hot spots. For example, in classical T Tauri stars (CTTS), hot spots radiation is associated with veiling of the continuum radiation and was analyzed for a number of CTTS. Herbst \\& Koret (1988) and Bouvier et al. (1986, 1993) estimated parameters of the hot spots assuming a model with black body radiation, while Lamzin (1995), Calvet \\& Gullbring (1998), Gullbring et al. (2000), and Ardila \\& Basri (2000) used models of radiation from a shock wave. They concluded that the area of the star covered with the hot spots in different CTTS varies from $0.3\\%$ to $20\\%$ depending on the accretion rate and other factors. In all models, however, the hot spots were considered to be homogeneous, that is, of the same density and temperature. Further, some of the models did not take into account the effect of limb-darkening. Additionally, the shape and location of the hot spots were not known because they can be derived only from a three-dimensional analysis. Similar problems and questions appear during analysis of X-ray pulsars and cataclysmic variables. Thus, it is important to study the properties of the hot spots in greater detail. For analysis of the hot spots we use results of our previous three-dimensional simulations (Romanova et al. 2003, hereafter - R03), and also perform new simulations at a lower temperature in the disk and at a variety of parameters of the star and the accretion flow. The main questions which can be answered are: (1) What are the shapes of the hot spots? (2) What is the distribution of physical parameters (density, temperature) in the spots? (3) What is the area covered by the spots at different physical parameters? (4) What are the observed light curves at different misalignment angles $\\Theta$ and different inclination angles of the disk $i$? In \\S 2 of the paper we describe the underlying model and dimensional examples for CTTS and millisecond pulsars. In \\S 3 we discuss the expected physical properties of the hot spots. In \\S 4 we calculate the intensity of radiation from the hot spots and the associated light curves. In \\S 5 we discuss dependence of results on different parameters, limitations of the model and future work. \\S 6 gives the summary of our work. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\epsscale{2.} \\plotone{f2.eps} \\caption{Same as Figure 1 but for cooler disk ($T_d=0.01$).} \\label{Figure 2} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "In this paper we fixed parameters of the star and the flow. Below we discuss dependence of the results on $\\Omega_*$ and on the accretion rate $\\dot M$. In \\S 5.2 we discuss the limitations of the model and future work. \\subsection{Dependence of Results on Parameters of the Star and the Disk} \\noindent{\\it $\\Omega$--Dependence:} For the results given here we have taken a relatively low angular velocity, $\\Omega_*=0.19$. This corresponds to CTTS with a period $P=9.4~{\\rm days}$. We did additional simulations for an intermediate angular velocity, $\\Omega_*=0.35$ ($P=3.3~{\\rm days}$), and a rapidly rotating star, $\\Omega_*=1.0$ ($P=1.8~{\\rm days}$). We observed that the hot spot shapes are similar for slowly and for rapidly rotating stars. For the intermediate angular velocity, the bow shape is less prominent. The bow shape of the hot spots reflects the typical shape of the funnel streams which have a thickness that is small compared with their width. This is typical for relatively small inclination angles, $\\Theta\\lesssim 30^\\circ$, where the stream should ``climb\" an appreciable distance above the equatorial plane before accreting to the vicinity of the magnetic pole. At small inclination angles, the bow shape is natural, because it may be considered as a part of the narrow cylindrical ring which occurs for $\\Theta=0$. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\epsscale{1.7} \\plotone{f13.eps} \\caption {The fraction of the star covered by the hot spots at the density levels: $\\rho=0.4$, $\\rho=1$, and $\\rho=2$ as a function of the accretion rate $\\dot M$. Squares show separate runs at different $\\alpha$ parameters of the disk viscosity.} \\label{Figure 13} \\end{figure*} \\smallskip \\noindent{\\it {$\\dot M$--Dependence}}: We studied the dependence of the size of the spots on the accretion rate $\\dot M$. We introduced an alpha-type viscosity analogous to one used in R02 and performed a set of runs at different values of accretion rate $\\dot M$ (different $\\alpha$). Figure 13 shows that the fraction ${\\it f}$ of the star covered by the hot spots increases with the accretion rate for a range of density levels, $\\rho=0.4, 1, 2$. Thus, the size of the spots increases as the accretion rate increases. This is in accord with recent results of Ardila and Basri (2000), who analyzed the UV variability of the CTTS BP Tau and have shown significant correlation between the accretion rate and the filling factor of the shocks. In R03 we noticed that at a larger accretion rate, the streams become wider and cover a larger area of the magnetosphere. This may possibly explain the observed variation of the shapes of magnetospheric lines with the accretion rate (Muzerolle et al. 2001). \\subsection{Limitations of the Model and Future Work} Variability in different spectral lines in the accreting magnetized stars may be associated with different regions: inner regions of the disk, magnetospheric streams, hot spots, or outflows. In this paper we analyze only the variability due to the rotation of the hot spots, while the variability associated with {\\it other regions} will be investigated in the future work. The light from the hot spots may be also {\\it obscured} by magnetospheric streams or by the warped inner regions of the disk if the star is approximately edge-on (e.g., Bouvier, et al. 1999, 2003). This paper does not include the effect of obscuration. The warping of the inner regions of the disk (Aly 1980, Lipunov \\& Shakura 1980, Lai 1999) was not observed in the simulations, but a special set of simulations will be done for investigation of this possible phenomenon. The magnetic field of the CTTS or millisecond pulsars may not be {\\it a pure dipole} field (Safier 1998; Smirnov et al. 2003). This can lead to more complicated geometry of the hot spots and more complicated variability patterns. However, the detailed analysis of the photometric and spectral variability of a number of CCTS have shown that most of the observed features can be explained by models with a dipole magnetic field (e.g., Muzerolle, Hartmann, \\& Calvet 1998; Petrov, et al. 2001a,b; Alencar, Johns-Krull, \\& Basri 2001; Bouvier et al. 2003). This paper considers only the case where the star's field is a dipole field. Non-dipolar field geometries will be investigated separately. We observed that the hot spots may rotate more rapidly or more slowly than the star, which will lead to quasi-periodic oscillations in the light curves and may explain QPOs observed in CTTS (see Smith, Bonnell, \\& Lewis 1995) and millisecond pulsars (see, e.g., Chakrabarty et al. 2003). QPO variability in the disk-magnetized star systems may also be associated with oscillations of the inner radius of the disk (e.g., Goodson, Winglee \\& B\\\"ohm 1997). We plan to further investigate the quasi-variability associated with such phenomena." }, "0404/astro-ph0404339_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The CAIRNS (Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey) project is a large spectroscopic survey of the infall regions surrounding nine nearby rich clusters of galaxies. I describe the survey and use the kinematics of galaxies in the infall regions to estimate the cluster mass profiles. At small radii, these mass profiles are consistent with independent mass estimates from X-ray observations and Jeans analysis. I demonstrate the dependence of mass-to-light ratios on environment by combining these mass profiles with Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry. Near-infrared light is more extended than mass in these clusters, suggesting that dense cluster cores are less efficient at forming galaxies and/or more efficient at disrupting them. At large radii, galaxy populations in cluster infall regions closely resemble those in the field. The mass-to-light ratio at these radii should therefore be a good probe of the global mass-to-light ratio. The mass-to-light ratio in the infall region yields a surprisingly low estimate of $\\Omega_m \\sim 0.1$. ", "introduction": "The relative distribution of matter and light in the universe is one of the outstanding problems in astrophysics. Clusters of galaxies, the largest gravitationally relaxed objects in the universe, are important probes of the distribution of mass and light. \\cite{zwicky1933} first computed the mass-to-light ratio of the Coma cluster using the virial theorem and found that dark matter dominates the cluster mass. Recent determinations using the virial theorem yield mass-to-light ratios of $M/L_{B_j}\\sim 250 \\mlsun$ (Girardi et al.~2000 and references therein). Equating the mass-to-light ratio in clusters to the global value provides an estimate of the mass density of the universe; this estimate is subject to significant systematic error introduced by differences in galaxy populations between cluster cores and lower density regions (\\cite{cye97,g2000}). Indeed, some numerical simulations suggest that cluster mass-to-light ratios exceed the universal value (\\cite{diaferio1999,kk1999,bahcall2000}). Determining the global matter density from cluster mass-to-light ratios therefore requires knowledge of the dependence of mass-to-light ratios on environment. Bahcall et al.~(1995) show that mass-to-light ratios increase with scale from galaxies to groups to clusters. Ellipticals have larger overall values of $M/L_B$ than spirals, presumably a result of younger, bluer stellar populations in spirals. At the scale of cluster virial radii, mass-to-light ratios appear to reach a maximum value. Some estimates of the mass-to-light ratio on very large scales ($>$10$\\Mpc$) are available (\\cite{bld95}), but the systematic uncertainties are large. There are few estimates of mass-to-light ratios on scales between cluster virial radii and scales of 10$\\Mpc$ (Rines et al.~2000, Rines et al.~2001a, Biviano \\& Girardi 2003, Katgert et al.~2003, Kneib et al.~2003, Rines et al.~2004, Tully 2004 and references therein). On these scales, many galaxies near clusters are bound to the cluster but not yet in equilibrium (\\cite{gunngott}). These cluster infall regions have received relatively little scrutiny because they are mildly nonlinear, making their properties very difficult to predict analytically. However, these scales are exactly the ones in which galaxy properties change dramatically (e.g., Ellingson et al.~2001, Lewis et al.~2002, Gomez et al.~2003, Treu et al.~2003, Balogh et al.~2004, Gray et al.~2004). Variations in the mass-to-light ratio with environment could have important physical implications; they could be produced either by a varying dark matter fraction or by variations in the efficiency of star formation with environment. In blue light, however, higher star formation rates in field galaxies could produce lower mass-to-light ratios outside cluster cores resulting only from the different contributions of young and old stars to the total luminosity (\\cite{bahcall2000,tully}). Galaxies in cluster infall regions produce sharp features in redshift surveys. Early investigations of this infall pattern focused on its use as a direct indicator of the global matter density $\\Omega_m$. Unfortunately, random motions caused by galaxy-galaxy interactions and substructure within the infall region smear out this cosmological signal (Diaferio \\& Geller 1997, Vedel \\& Hartwick 1998). Instead of sharp peaks in redshift space, infall regions around real clusters typically display a well-defined envelope in redshift space which is significantly denser than the surrounding environment (\\cite{cairnsi}, hereafter Paper I, and references therein). Diaferio \\& Geller (1997) and Diaferio (1999) analyzed the dynamics of infall regions with numerical simulations and found that in the outskirts of clusters, random motions due to substructure and non-radial motions make a substantial contribution to the amplitude of the caustics which delineate the infall regions. Diaferio \\& Geller (1997) showed that the amplitude of the caustics is a measure of the escape velocity from the cluster; identification of the caustics therefore allows a determination of the mass profile of the cluster on scales $\\lesssim 10\\Mpc$. Diaferio \\& Geller (1997) and Diaferio (1999) show that nonparametric measurements of caustics yield cluster mass profiles accurate to $\\sim$50\\% on scales of up to 10 $h^{-1}$ Mpc. This method assumes only that galaxies trace the velocity field. Indeed, simulations suggest that little or no velocity bias exists on linear and mildly non-linear scales (\\cite{kauffmann1999a,kauffmann1999b}). The caustic method has been applied to systems as large as the Shapley Supercluster (\\cite{rqcm}) and as small as the Fornax cluster (\\cite{drink}) as well as to many nearby clusters (Paper I). Biviano \\& Girardi (2003) applied the caustic technique to an ensemble cluster created by stacking redshifts around 43 clusters from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Rines et al.~(2000) found an enclosed mass-to-light ratio of $M/L_R \\sim 300 h$ within 4$~\\Mpc$ of A576. Rines et al.~(2001) used 2MASS photometry and the mass profile from Geller et al.~(1999) to compute the mass-to-light profile of Coma in the K-band. They found a roughly flat profile with a possible decrease in $M/L_K$ with radius by no more than a factor of 3. Biviano \\& Girardi (2003) find a decreasing ratio of mass density to total galaxy number density. For early-type galaxies only, the number density profile is consistent with a constant mass-to-light (actually mass-to-number) ratio. Here, we calculate the infrared mass-to-light profile within the turnaround radius for the CAIRNS clusters (Paper I), a sample of nine nearby rich, X-ray luminous clusters. We use photometry from 2MASS, the Two Micron All Sky Survey (\\cite{twomass}) and add several new redshifts to obtain complete or nearly complete surveys of galaxies up to 1-2 magnitudes fainter than $M^*_{K_s}$ (as determined by Cole et al.~2001 and Kochanek et al.~2001). Infrared light is a better tracer of stellar mass than optical light; it is relatively insensitive to dust extinction and recent star formation. Despite these advantages, there are very few measurements of infrared mass-to-light ratios in clusters (\\cite{tustin,rines01a,lin03,cairnsii}). \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=combocaustics3.ps,angle=0,width=12.5cm}} \\caption{Redshift versus projected radius for the combined CAIRNS cluster. The solid lines indicate the caustics and the errorbars show 1-$\\sigma$ uncertainties.} \\label{fig:caustics} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} Cluster infall regions contain more galaxies than their virial regions. If currently popular cosmological models are correct, the mass in infall regions will eventually accrete onto the parent clusters, and their final masses will increase by a factor of about 2. Near-infrared luminosity functions depend only weakly on environment, at least at the bright end. We show that near-infrared light is more extended than mass in cluster infall regions, suggesting environmental dependence of the efficiency of galaxy formation and/or disruption. If more efficient galaxy disruption is responsible, intracluster stars might be a significant component of stellar mass in clusters. The mass-to-light ratios in infall regions suggest a low $\\Omega_m\\sim 0.1$. Future work is needed to determine the significance of the conflict of this result with the currently favored $\\Omega_m\\sim 0.3$." }, "0404/astro-ph0404080_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Reference systems and frames are crucial for high precision {\\it absolute} astrometric work, and their foundations must be well-defined. The current frame, the International Celestial Reference Frame, will be discussed: its history, the use of the group delay as the measured quantity, the positional accuracy of 0.3 mas, and possible future improvements. On the other hand, for the determination of the motion of celestial objects, accuracies approaching 0.01 mas can be obtained by measuring the differential position between the target object and nearby stationary sources. This {\\it relative} astrometric technique uses phase referencing, and the current techniques and limitations are discussed, using the results from four experiments. Brief comments are included on the interpretation of the Jupiter gravity deflection experiment of September 2002. ", "introduction": "This paper is based on a talk at the JENAM2003 meeting in Budapest, Hungary in August 2003, and will cover several topics. In \\S 2, reference systems are defined and a brief historical sketch is given. In \\S 3, the fundamental synthesis formula used for the determination of radio sources positions, and two basic observed quantities, the phase and the group delay, are discussed. The International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) is described in some detail in \\S 4. The measurement of relative positions to obtain the motion of radio sources, and calibrator choice concerns are then given in \\S 5, and in \\S 6, the description of four experiments highlight current techniques. A brief conclusion is given in \\S 7, and an appendix concerning the controversy of the speed of gravity ends the paper. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404049_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present a systematic search for new neighbourhood stars among the Liverpool-Edinburgh high proper motion survey which we cross-identified with the DENIS survey. Their high proper motions ensure that they are not giant stars. The distances are estimated using DENIS photometry and we found that 100 stars probably lie within 25 parsecs from the Sun. They are mostly M-dwarfs, and 10 are probably white dwarfs. This is the first distance estimate for 84 stars among them. 10 stars, L 170-14A, DENIS J0146291-533931, DENIS J0235219-240038, LP 942-107, DENIS J0320518-635148, LTT 1732, DENIS J0428054-620929, DENIS J2210200-701005, DENIS J2230096-534445, and NLTT 166-3 are estimated to be closer than 15 parsecs. In addition, one star, DENIS J2343155-241047, could also lie within 15~pc if it belongs to the halo. ", "introduction": "Whereas most stars more luminous than $M_V = 7$ have been detected in the solar neighbourhood \\citep{jahreiss1994}, intrinsically low luminosity objects such as white dwarfs, M dwarfs and brown dwarfs may have escaped our telescopes. Yet M stars are the dominant stellar constituent of the Milky Way, and the number density of brown dwarfs may be comparable to that of stars \\citep{reid1999}. From a nearby-star inventory, \\cite{henry1997} estimated that so far 130 systems are missing from the solar neighbourhood sample within 10~pc. Within 25~pc, the distance limit of the Catalogue of Nearby Stars \\citep[CNS3,][]{gliese1991}, the missing fraction could be twice, that is $\\sim$70\\% \\citep{henry2002}. These numbers were obtained on the assumption that the census is complete within 5~pc. However, recent discoveries of a M5.5 star at trigonometric distance $d = 3.7$ pc \\citep{henry1997}, a M9 dwarf at spectroscopic distance $d \\sim 4$ pc \\citep{delfosse2001} and a M6.5 star at spectroscopic distance $d \\sim 3$ pc \\citep{teegarden2003} suggest that even members of the immediate solar neighbourhood remain undetected. Projected on the sky, the apparent velocity of closer stars is greater that of farther stars. Thus, most of our known neighbours have high proper motions. From the NASA NStars database, we see that almost all of the known stars within 10~pc have a proper motion larger than 0.2$''$yr$^{-1}$ (see http://nstars.arc.nasa.gov). For many stars in high proper motion catalogues no distance has been determined yet. As part of the Research Consortium on Nearby Stars (RECONS) effort to discover new nearby stars, \\cite{henry2002} obtained spectral types for high proper motion stars and candidate nearby stars and found that six of them were closer than 25~pc. Furthermore, the new surveys in the near-infrared DENIS and 2MASS provide unprecedented data for a systematic search for low luminosity cool dwarfs and brown dwarfs. The use of these data together with existing or new high proper motion catalogues is a powerful tool for discovering our neighbours. Hundreds of stars closer than 25~pc have been discovered this way \\citep{phanbao2001,phanbao2003,reid2002a,reid2002b,reyle2002,scholz2002,cruz2002,cruz2003}. Nearby stars have also been found in high proper motion catalogues from spectroscopic follow-up observations \\citep{lepine2003a,rojo2003}. In a previous paper \\citep{reyle2002}, we presented the determination of the photometric distances of stars taken from the \\cite{scholz2000} high proper motion catalogue and cross-identified with the DENIS survey. Near-infrared photometry was used to determine the distances. 15 new stars were found to fall within the 25~pc CNS3 limit. Spectroscopic distances should soon be obtained for selected nearby candidates from low-resolution spectroscopic observations on the New Technologies Telescope at La Silla observatory in Chile. Recently, \\cite{pokorny2003} published a large catalogue of high proper motion stars, the Liverpool-Edinburgh high proper motion survey. One of the purposes of this catalogue is to identify nearby objects. We have determined the photometric distance of the stars cross-identified with the DENIS survey. This high proper motion catalogue is briefly described in Sect.~\\ref{lehpms}. Sect.~\\ref{denis} gives the result of the cross-identification with DENIS, presents the determination of photometric distances, and gives a list of the stars closer than 25~pc. The accuracy of our distance estimates is discussed in Sect.~\\ref{discuss}. ", "conclusions": "We made a systematic search for nearby stars by cross-identifying the Liverpool-Edinburgh high proper motion survey with the DEep Near-Infrared Survey DENIS. The photometric distance is determined using DENIS photometry. 100 stars are found to be closer than the 25~pc limit of the CNS3. 10 are white dwarfs, 3 may be halo subdwarfs, the remainder are disc M dwarfs, mainly from spectral type M3 to M6. It is the first distance determination for 83 among them. 20 stars are found to be closer than 15~pc, of which for 10 stars there was no previously known distance: L 170-14A, DENIS J0146291-533931, DENIS J0235219-240038, LP 942-107, DENIS J0320518-635148, LTT 1732, DENIS J0428054-620929, DENIS J2210200-701005, DENIS J2230096-534445, and NLTT 166-3. If it is a halo subdwarf, DENIS J2343155-241047 may also be closer than 15~pc. Given the large uncertainties in the photometric distances (up to 45\\% in some cases), follow-up observations of these candidates are needed. Low-resolution spectroscopy would assess the spectral type and provide more accurate determinations. This work should help in increasing the solar neighbourhood census. The nearest stars provide accurate data on fundamental parameters of stellar physics, such as luminosity, temperature, and mass. In particular, our understanding of low-mass stars relies upon the nearby stars, as they provide the only sample of intrinsically faint stars. They also are interesting targets for the future missions Terrestrial Planet Finder and DARWIN that will concentrate on very nearby stars to search for Earth-like exoplanets." }, "0404/astro-ph0404094_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{% I investigate the self-irradiation of intensively accreting circumstellar discs (backwarmed discs). It is modelled using the two-layer disc approach by \\citet{Lachaume03b} that includes heating by viscous dissipation and by an external source of radiation. The disc is made of a surface layer directly heated by the viscous luminosity of the central parts of the disc, and of an interior heated by viscosity as well as by reprocessed radiation from the surface. This model convincingly accounts for the infrared excess of some FU Orionis objects in the range 1--200\\,{\\micron} and supports the backwarmed disc hypothesis sometimes invoked to explain the mid- and far-infrared excesses whose origins are still under debate. Detailed simulation of the vertical radiative transfert in the presence of backwarming is still needed to corroborate these results and spectroscopically constrain the properties of intensively accreting discs. } ", "introduction": "It is now widely accepted that circumstellar discs accompany the process of star formation, all the more as such discs have already been imaged in the millimetre \\citep[ex. DG~Tau,][]{Dutrey94} and in the infrared \\citep[ex. HK~Tau,][]{Stapelfeldt98}. Matter accreting from the disc onto the star is supposed to build up solar-mass stars in the timescale of a \\Myr; yet recent studies of star forming regions indicate way too low accretion rates among T~Tauri stars (TTS) ---in the range $10^{-10}$--$10^{-7}\\,\\Msun/\\yr$, as shown by \\citet{Gullbring98} in the Taurus region and \\citet{Robberto03} in the Trapezium. Part of the matter is supposed to be accreted in earlier phases of high accretion but young stellar objects (YSOs) are then so embedded that their disc cannot be optically observed \\citep[see][for the stages of evolution]{Andre94}. The other part might also be accreted during brief, periodic phases of intense accretion of otherwise quiescent TTS \\citep{Hartmann96}: FU~Orionis objects (FUors), which feature accretion rates up to $10^{-4}\\,\\Msun/\\yr$ and which are seen to undergo an increase in luminosity of more than 4 visual magnitudes in a few years \\citep{Herbig66,Herbig77}, may represent such a phase. FUors are convincingly modelled by a self-heated viscous accretion disc (active disc) that overwhelms the stellar light and the properties of FUor outbursts are also well-studied \\citep{Hartmann85,Bell95}. Yet active disc models fail to explain the mid- and far-infrared excess \\citep[eg.][]{Simon88} as well as weak silicate feature at $10\\,\\micron$ sometimes present in emission \\citep{Hanner98}; these properties seem more typical of an irradiated disc. Alternative models have tackled this problem: \\citet{Lodato01} showed that the self-gravity of the disc can trigger an instability that produces additional warming and were able to reproduce the SED. However, this model cannot account for the silicate feature, which requires a temperature inversion at the surface of the disc. A more pleasing approach is the presence of a circumstellar envelope proposed by \\citet{Adams87}: on one (observational) hand, \\citet{Kenyon91} successfully fit the spectra of two FUors with such an envelope. On the other (theoretical) hand, the envelope could serve as a reservoir of infalling material, replenishing the disc between outbursts. On the third hand, the envelope can account for a part of the extinction observed in these objects. \\citet{Kenyon91,Bell99} also proposed that the inner hot parts of the disc are bright enough to heat up the outer ones (backwarming) and produce an irradiated disc-like SED. Their simulation uses a black-body disc model, ie. without vertical temperature profile, and convincingly explains the order of the excess at 30--100\\,\\micron, yet it fails to reproduce the SED at 10--30\\,{\\micron} and does not predict a silicate feature in emission. \\citet{Malbet91,Calvet91,Chiang97} showed that irradiation can produce a hot disc surface radiating at shorter wavelengths and account for emission features (CO bands, silicates). Using their results, \\citet{Lachaume03b} developed a two-layer disc model in which irradiation by a central star and viscosity are taken into account. In this paper, I shall use this model with the disc itself as a source of radiation and investigate the backwarming in FUors. ", "conclusions": "Using the viscous and irradiated disc model by \\citet{Lachaume03b}, it is possible to account for the strength of the mid- and far-IR excess among a few FUors using the viscous luminosity of the inner parts of the disc as an irradiation source. Yet the model makes several approximations in the determination of the structure: the temperature profile is assimilated to two isothermal layers, a surface and an interior, which should not prove critical in the SED diagnostic; the flaring of the disc has been left as a free parameter, but it proves no less relevant than full numerical simulations, that assume the unknown amount of material in accretion discs at a scale $\\lesssim 100\\,AU$; more critical is my leaving aside the self-gravity of the disc, which could ``unflare'' the disc and prevent irradiation, but the simulation of self-gravity in the presence of irradiation has not yet been performed, so its influence still remains speculation. This work can be seen as a feasibility study for a future vertical structure simulation of irradiated discs that I am developping using the radiative transfer formalism presented in \\citet{Malbet01}. Such a simulation is needed to issue a spectral diagnostic of irradiation (eg. silicate feature in emission), that forthcoming IR long-baseline insterferometers will ease with their AU-scale resolution for the closest FUors. In particular, MIDI on the VLTI will be able to measure the silicate feature while disentangling the contribution of an envelope from that from an irradiated disc, which an SED diagnostic cannot do \\citep{Vinkovic03}. One also expects to obtain constraints on the flaring with IR closure phases (AMBER on the VLTI) and on the disc mass with ALMA; their determination is not model-independent and also requires a reliable model. \\begin{acknowledgement} This work has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System Bibliographic Services and of CDS's Vizier Catalogue Database. Computations and graphics have been done with free software, in particular Yorick by D.~Munro. I also wish to thank C.~P.~Dullemond for helpful comments that improved the quality of the paper. Language corrections have been suggested by K.~Smith. \\end{acknowledgement}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404577_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The pulsating white dwarf star \\gone\\ (G~185-32) exhibits pulsation modes with peculiar properties that set it apart from other variable stars in the ZZ Ceti (DAV) class. These peculiarities include a low total pulsation amplitude, a mode with bizarre amplitudes in the ultraviolet, and a mode harmonic that exceeds the amplitude of its fundamental. Here, we present optical, time series spectroscopy of \\gone\\ acquired with the Keck II LRIS spectrograph. Our analysis has revealed that the mode with unusual UV amplitudes also has distinguishing characteristics in the optical. Comparison of its line profile variations to models suggests that this mode has a spherical degree of four. We show that all the other peculiarities in this star are accounted for by a dominant pulsation mode of \\el=4, and propose this hypothesis as a solution to the mysteries of \\gone. ", "introduction": "While each member of the variable DA white dwarfs (DAVs) shows its own unique set of pulsations, this group of pulsators share many similar characteristics. They all have a pure hydrogen atmosphere and reside in a narrow temperature strip near 11,500~K, making them the coolest known class of white dwarf pulsators. The multi-periodic brightness variations of these stars are due to non-radial, g-mode pulsations \\citep{RKN} with periods between 100~s and 1000~s and amplitudes less than a few percent. Those pulsators near the blue end of the instability strip tend to show fewer modes with shorter periods and smaller amplitudes than the pulsators near the red edge \\citep{WF82}. Understanding the characteristics of the pulsations of individual DAVs provides the opportunity to model their interiors. The ability to model the pulsations is limited by our ability to identify the modes. Pulsations are described by the spherical degree (\\el), azimuthal order ($m$), and radial order ($n$). Unfortunately, the paucity of observed modes in DAVs creates an obstacle to using period spacings for mode identification. Yet, some successful mode identification has been performed on DAVs. Long data sets from a single site, or using the Whole Earth Telescope (WET) has resolved azimuthal splittings, yielding the identification of \\el\\ and $m$ for a few DAVs. Time-resolved spectroscopy in both the UV and optical wavelengths, has been applied to the brighter DAVs \\citep[see][]{R95,VK00,Ke00,K02b,K02,T03,K03}. This method identifies the spherical degree by measuring how the amplitude of the mode changes with wavelength. Here, we apply the technique of optical, time-resolved spectroscopy to the bright DAV, \\gone\\ and attempt to decipher its prominent pulsation modes. \\paragraph{About \\gone} One of the brightest known DAVs (V$=12.97$ mag) with some of the smallest amplitude ($<0.3\\%$) pulsations is \\gone\\ (G~185-32, WD~1935+276). Since its discovery as a pulsator \\citep{M81}, it was noted as having a curious pulsation spectrum. Atypical of small amplitude pulsators, \\gone\\ displays a wide range of periods, including prominent modes near 370~s, 300~s, 215~s, 142~s, 72~s and 71~s \\citep{M81, Ke00, WET}. Given the star's shorter periods, low amplitudes, relatively stable modes, and temperature, this star is grouped with the pulsators near the blue edge of the instability strip. The pulsation amplitudes on \\gone\\ are much lower than expected for DAVs of similar periods. DAVs follow a distinct trend: those with larger amplitude modes have larger mean periods \\citep{C94}. The trend created by these stars (see Figure~\\ref{davs}) reflects their similarities and follows the expectations of mode driving mechanisms \\citep{wg99,B92,Wi82}. \\gone\\ remains the exception to this trend. Both its average mode amplitude and the amplitude of its largest mode are approximately a factor of ten smaller than the other DAVs. Suggested explanations for the low amplitudes have included nonlinear pulsation modes with a relatively large number of surface nodes \\citep{M81}, a large magnetic field limiting the growth of its modes \\citep{C94}, and a large inclination causing cancellation of the modes \\citep{TC03}. The mode at 71~s, the harmonic of the 142~s mode, is a curious feature of \\gone. First, the presence of large harmonic modes is normally reserved for the large amplitude pulsators. Second, the amplitude of this harmonic has an amplitude similar to the 142~s mode and has been observed to occasionally exceed the parent mode \\citep[see][]{M81}; all other DAVs show harmonics consistently smaller than the parent mode. The non-linear effects in the outer layers of DAVs, believed to be responsible for the presence of harmonics, should be small for low amplitude pulsations \\citep{B92, Wu01, IK}. Some possible explanations for why a low amplitude pulsator might display harmonics were discussed in general by \\citet{IK} in their study of nonlinear effects on pulsations. Nonlinear effects could appear with small amplitude pulsations if the star has an unusual surface convection zone, the star has a large inclination, or the mode has a large spherical degree (\\el). The most recent addition to the mysteries of the pulsations of \\gone\\ came from time-resolved UV spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) \\citep{Ke00}. They observed that each of the modes' relative amplitudes increased in the UV as an \\el\\ $= 1$ or $2$ mode except for the 142~s mode. It shows no appreciable increase in amplitude while its harmonic at 71~s still resembles a mode of \\el $\\le 2$. \\citet{Ke00} suggests that the 142~s mode is a result of nonlinear mixing while the other modes, including the 71~s mode, are real pulsations. \\paragraph{The scope of this paper} In this paper, we add our analysis of optical time-resolved spectroscopy which offers an appealing explanation for all the mysterious observations of \\gone's modes. Our analysis of variations in the \\Hb\\ and \\Hg\\ lines show that the 142~s mode behaves like \\el=4. We therefore propose that this mode is the dominant mode in the star and that it has a spherical degree of four. This hypothesis can also account for the low amplitudes, the UV characteristics of the 142~s mode, and the presence of its large harmonic mode. We begin in \\S\\ref{data} by presenting time series spectra and discussing the variations of both the flux and velocity variations measured from the spectra. We then measure the pulsation amplitudes at each wavelength across the spectra, present a new method to perform this analysis, and compare the results with the models. In \\S3 we propose that this star is dominated by a mode with \\el=4 and show how this hypothesis is consistent with the observations. We discuss other explanations for the modes of \\gone\\ in \\S4 and finally, we summarize our conclusions in \\S5. ", "conclusions": "The DAV star \\gone\\ has a perplexing pulsation spectrum that has challenged attempts to understand the star. We have analyzed line profile variations that suggest the 142~s pulsation mode in \\gone\\ has a spherical degree of four. If this mode is the star's dominant pulsation mode, then we can explain the star's overall low pulsation amplitude by geometric cancellation without the need to invoke improbable inclinations. Furthermore, because the pulse shape harmonic of an \\el=4 mode has lower \\el\\ characteristics, it cancels less effectively, explaining the unusually large amplitude of the mode's harmonic. Finally, an \\el=4 character of the 142~s mode and the consequent \\el=0,2 character of its harmonic are the very values most consistent with the UV amplitudes measured by the Hubble Space Telescope, although problems with pulsation phases remain. Together, these results yield a satisfying and unified picture of the star's pulsations, and the only one consistent with all the data. If our assignment of \\el=4 to the 142~s mode is correct, then it is a surprise since we have never before seen even \\el=3 and only seldom \\el=2. Interestingly, the assignment of \\el=1 to most of the modes in hot DAVs by \\citet{C94} does not apply to the 142~s region of \\gone, which was one of two stars thought to have \\el$>$1. Based on period spacings alone, \\citet{C94} recognized that the 142~s or its nearby 148~s mode must be higher \\el\\ but had suspected \\el=2, not 4. If we are forced to consider higher \\el\\ during mode identification, then it will make that process difficult because the high \\el\\ modes are closely space in period. Fortunately, it appears that high \\el\\ modes advertise that fact by having large harmonics which may assist in their identification. Finally, we have developed a new analysis technique for time series spectroscopy that appears to work for relatively poor signal-to-noise. The other DAVs studied by time series spectroscopy \\citep{VK00,K02,K02b,K03} might benefit from re-analysis by this technqiue, which we intend to do. Also, we expect that by using this technique we will be able to extend mode identification with time-series spectroscopy to fainter stars, increasing the number of stars for which secure mode identification is possible." }, "0404/astro-ph0404607_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Parker's interface dynamo is generalized to the case when a homogeneous flow is present in the high-diffusivity (upper) layer in the lateral direction (i.e.\\ perpendicular to the shear flow in the lower layer). This is probably a realistic first representation of the situation near the bottom of the solar convective zone, as the strongly subadiabatic stratification of the tachocline (lower layer in the interface dynamo) imposes a strong upper limit on the speed of any meridional flow there. Analytic solutions to the eigenvalue problem are presented for the cases of vanishing diffusivity contrast and infinite diffusivity contrast, respectively. Unlike the trivial case of a homogeneous system, the ability of the meridional flow to reverse the propagation of the dynamo wave is strongly reduced in the interface dynamo. In particular, in the limit of high diffusivity contrast relevant to the solar case it is found that a meridional flow of realistic amplitude cannot reverse the direction of propagation of the dynamo wave. The implications of this result for the solar dynamo problem are discussed. ", "introduction": "While the operation of the solar dynamo is still far from understood (\\citenp{Weiss:CUPrev}, \\citenp{Petrovay:SOLSPA}), it is now generally believed that the strong toroidal magnetic field responsible for solar activity is generated and stored in the tachocline layer. This transitional layer between the differentially rotating convective zone (CZ) and the rigidly rotating solar interior is characterized by a strong radial shear, and is thus an ideal candidate for the production of the toroidal field. The site and physical nature of the toroidal$\\rightarrow$poloidal flux conversion ($\\alpha$-effect), needed to close the cycle, is much less clear. One popular possibility is the interface dynamo (\\citenp{Parker:interface}---hereafter P93,\\citenp{Tobias:nonlin.interface}, \\citenp{Charbonneau+McGregor:IFdynamo}, \\citenp{Markiel+Thomas}, \\citenp{Mason+:competition}) where $\\alpha$ is concentrated in the deepest part of the CZ, immediately above the layer of strong shear. Helioseismic inversions (\\citenp{Kosovichev:tachocline}; \\citenp{Basu+Antia:tachovar}) indicate that at low latitudes the solar tachocline lies immediately below the adiabatically stratified CZ. This implies that the turbulent diffusivity in the tachocline is significantly suppressed in comparison to the layers immediately above it, resembling the situation envisaged in interface dynamo models. An attractive feature of these models is that the sharp diffusivity contrast between the two layers gives rise to quite strong toroidal magnetic fields, in agreement with the requirements of flux emergence calculations. If the sign of $\\alpha$ is negative on the northern hemisphere, as expected near the bottom of the CZ, then the Parker--Yoshimura sign rule predicts an equatorward propagating dynamo wave at low latitudes and a poleward propagating wave at high latitudes, with the two belts departing at the corotation latitude of $\\sim35^{\\circ}$. It is tempting to identify these waves with the two well known branches of the extended butterfly diagram (e.g.\\ \\citenp{Makarov+Sivaraman}; cf. also \\citenp{Petrovay+Szakaly:2d.pol}). The presence of a meridional circulation, however, significantly complicates the picture. As a poleward meridional flow of amplitude $\\sim 10$--$20\\,$m/s is clearly detected in the shallower layers of the CZ (\\citenp{Hathaway:merid.flow}), continuity seems to require a counterflow in the deep CZ (though a two-cell pattern is at present also not excluded). As this velocity amplitude is comparable to the speed of migration of the activity belts, the question arises whether the meridional flow can invalidate the Parker--Yoshimura sign rule, reversing the propagation of a dynamo wave. Indeed, in flux transport models of the solar dynamo (\\citenp{Wang+:1.5D}; \\citenp{Choudhuri+:mixed.transp}), a deep equatorward meridional flow is responsible for the migration of sunspot-forming latitudes during the solar cycle. As the effect of a homogeneous flow can obviously be described by a Galilean transformation of the solution with no flow, it is indeed to be expected that an equatorward meridional flow pervading the whole dynamo region near the bottom of the CZ (as assumed in flux transport models) will reverse the poleward propagation of the dynamo wave if its speed is higher than the phase velocity. (In these models, $\\alpha$ is concentrated near the surface and is positive in the northern hemisphere, leading to poleward propagation at low latitudes ---hence the need for a reversal.) The actual situation is, however, more complex, as a meridional flow of significant amplitude cannot be expected to penetrate below the adiabatically stratified CZ. The strong subadiabatic stratification of the tachocline represents a serious obstacle in the way of meridional circulation. The timescale of any meridional flow here cannot be shorter than the (turbulent) heat diffusion timescale, allowing downmoving fluid elements to get rid of their strong buoyancy. Heat diffusivity in the subadiabatic layer is clearly much lower than above, so the same must be true for the amplitude of the poloidal flow. A more realistic representation of the meridional flow pattern in the dynamo layer, then, is an interface-type model with no meridional flow in the strongly sheared, low-diffusivity lower layer, and a homogeneous meridional flow in the highly diffusive upper layer. This paper addresses the problem of how a meridional flow influences the properties of the dynamo wave by considering the arguably simplest nontrivial case: the effect of a homogeneous meridional flow in the top layer of Parker's interface dynamo. Section 2 describes the analytic model, Section 3 presents some solutions for important special cases. Finally, in Section 4 the implications of our findings are discussed for the problems outlined above. ", "conclusions": "We have studied by analytical methods how a meridional flow limited to the upper (i.e.~unsheared) layer affects kinematic interface dynamos. We found that the growth rate and period of the dynamo wave have a nontrivial dependence on the flow amplitude. In the case of strongly reduced diffusivity in the lower layer, relevant for the Sun, a flow parallel to the direction of propagation of the dynamo wave reduces the growth rate until, at a finite critical flow speed, it completely suppresses dynamo action. An antiparallel flow, in contrast, first increases the growth rate; then, after reaching a maximum, the growth rate tends to zero as $u_0\\rightarrow-\\infty$. Contrary to intuition, an antiparallel flow can neither suppress nor revert the direction of propagation of the dynamo wave. This conclusion is apparently at odds with flux transport models (\\citenp{Choudhuri+:mixed.transp}, \\citenp{Dikpati+Charbonneau}) where an equatorward flow near the bottom of the CZ can turn the direction of propagation of the dynamo wave towards the equator at low latitudes. There is, however, no real contradiction here, as in those models the flow is assumed to penetrate quite deep into the layer of strong shear. In terms of the simple Cartesian model studied here, a closer counterpart of the flux transport models would be a case with $u_0=$const. throughout the region: then an antiparallel flow exceeding the phase speed can trivially turn around a dynamo wave. In Section~1 we argued that it is more realistic to assume that the meridional flow is limited to the adiabatic upper layer. In fact, the more recent flux transport model of \\citet{Dikpati+:polar.fields} admits that the circulation must be limited to the adiabatic layer. Therefore, in order to make the model work, they need to assume that a significant fraction of the tachocline overlaps the adiabatic SCZ. This may indeed hold at high latitudes, but at low latitudes, where a meridional transport of toroidal fields is most needed, it does not seem to be supported by helioseismic data (\\citenp{Basu+Antia:tachovar}). These arguments indicate that our simplified models may have more relevance to the solar dynamo than many complex nonlinear spherical models where the assumed geometrical distribution of the flows and transport coefficient does not reflect the situation in the solar interior. Nevertheless, owing to the simplified 2D Cartesian geometry and the kinematical nature of our models our conclusions should be taken with proper reservation. In this context it may be mentioned that that details of the physical structure, such as the precise form of the rotation law, were shown to have a profound effect on the behaviour of dynamo models (\\citenp{Moss+:towards}, \\citenp{Phillips+:dyn.structure}). Extensions of this work to spherical geometry and to the 3D nonlinear domain are clearly needed to tell whether the present results remain valid in more realistic situations." }, "0404/hep-ph0404042_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Solar neutrino physics enters a stage of precision measurements. In this connection we present a precise analytic description of the neutrino conversion in the context of LMA MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem. Using the adiabatic perturbation theory we derive an analytic formula for the $\\nu_e$ survival probability which takes into account the non-adiabatic corrections and the regeneration effect inside the Earth. The probability is averaged over the neutrino production region. We find that the non-adiabatic corrections are of the order $10^{-9}-10^{-7}$. Using the formula for the Earth regeneration effect we discuss features of the zenith angle dependence of the $\\nu_e$ flux. In particular, we show that effects of small structures at the surface of the Earth can be important. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec1} The LMA MSW solution~\\cite{w,ms} has been identified ~\\cite{sno1}$-$\\cite{ped03} as the correct solution of the solar neutrino problem. The $2 \\nu $ conversion probability of this solution gives a very good description of all available data: no statistically significant deviation has been found so far. New physics effects beyond LMA, if exist, are below few per cent. The program of future solar neutrino studies includes 1). further tests of the LMA solution, in particular, searches for signatures of this solution such as the Day-Night asymmetry and the distortion (``upturn\") of the boron $\\nu_e$ spectrum at low energies; 2). precise determination of the oscillation parameters, especially the 1-2 mixing angle; 3). searches for the sub-leading effects which originate from - 1-3 mixing, - sterile neutrino mixing, - non-standard neutrino interactions, - spin-flavor flip in the magnetic fields of the Sun, - violation of the fundamental symmetries (CPT, equivalence principle, {\\it etc}.).\\\\ Already the present solar neutrino measurements have sensitivity at the level of few per cent. For instance, the predicted day-night asymmetry of the SuperKamiokande signal is about $2\\%$ which is comparable with the existing $1\\sigma$ experimental error~\\cite{sk-dn}. At SNO one expects the $2-4\\%$ asymmetry, consistent with the experimental result~\\cite{sno1} at the $1\\sigma$ level. Future experiments will have substantially higher sensitivity~\\cite{BahPen,UNO,hyper-K,FREJUS}. The solar neutrino studies enter a phase of precision measurements. \\\\ In this connection it is important \\begin{itemize} \\item to give precise description of the LMA conversion, both in the Sun and in the Earth, taking into account various corrections; \\item to estimate accuracy of the approximations made; \\item to find the precise {\\it analytic} expressions for probabilities and observables as functions of the oscillation parameters ($\\Delta m^2$, $\\sin^2 \\theta_{12}$). This will help to test the LMA solution and to search for physics beyond LMA. \\end{itemize} We address these issues in the present paper. In section \\ref{sec2} we consider the non-adiabatic corrections to the LMA conversion probability. We calculate these corrections for propagation inside the Sun and the Earth. In section \\ref{sec3} we obtain the analytical formula for the probability averaged over the distribution of neutrino sources. In section \\ref{sec4} we derive the analytic formula for the $\\nu_e$ regeneration effect in the Earth. We present our conclusions in Section \\ref{sec5}. In the appendices A and B, alternative derivations of formulas for the regeneration factor are given. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec5} We have performed detailed analytic study of the LMA MSW conversion of the solar neutrinos. Our main result is the precise analytic formula for the survival probability which includes non-adiabatic corrections, averaging over the neutrino production region and the Earth regeneration effect. For the $K$ component of the solar neutrino spectrum ($K = pp, pep, Be, N, O, F, B, hep$) it can be written as \\bea P_K = \\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{1}{2}(1-\\delta_K) \\cos 2\\theta_m({\\bar V}_K) \\cos 2\\theta -(1-\\delta_K) \\cos 2\\theta_m({\\bar V}_K) f_{reg}. \\eea Here the correction due to averaging effect, $\\delta_K$, is given in Eq. (\\ref{deltaN}); the average values of matter potential in the production regions of $K$ components, ${\\bar V}_K$, are defined in (\\ref{avepot}) and their numerical values are presented in the Table 1. The regeneration factor $f_{reg}$ is given in (\\ref{regnew}) for the symmetric density profile and in (\\ref{regasy}) for general asymmetric density profile. Effect of averaging over the neutrino production region in the Sun is reduced to specific value of the initial mixing angle in matter which should be taken for the average value of the potential, $\\theta^0_m=\\theta_m({\\bar V}_K)$, and to the appearance of the correction $\\delta_K$. We have compared the analytic results with the results of numerical computation and found that maximal deviation $\\sim 1.8 \\%$ happens for the $hep$ neutrinos. For the boron neutrinos the precision is better than 0.2\\%. We have obtained precise analytic formula for the regeneration effect in the Earth using the realistic density profile. We present simple derivation of this formula which uses the adiabatic perturbation theory. Performing also explicit calculations of the evolution in sequent layers we show that this derivation is correct. The analytic formula reproduces results of numerical computations with accuracy determined by $\\eta \\sim 1-2 \\%$. Essentially the regeneration effect is the sum of contributions from different shells which are determined by jumps of the potential at the borders and by the adiabatic phase acquired inside the outer borders of the corresponding shells. The dependence of regeneration factor on the zenith angle can be understood in terms of interference of contributions from different borders. The derived analytical formula allows us to understand the effect of averaging over the neutrino energy. Using the analytical formula we have considered effects of small scale structures ($\\sim 10$ km) of the Earth profile. These effects can be important for small values of $\\cos \\theta_Z$. We stress that local ``perturbations'' of the density profile can produce sizable uncertainties in $f_{reg}$.\\\\ \\noindent {\\Large \\bf Acknowledgment} One of the authors (P.C.H.) would like to thank FAPESP for financial support. A.Y.S. thanks Tokyo Metropolitan University where this work has been accomplished for hospitality." }, "0404/astro-ph0404188.txt": { "abstract": "During long-term observations of the Galactic Centre region in hard X-rays (10-300 keV) in space experiments made on board Prognoz-9 satellite and \"Mir\" orbital station (GRIF experiment) some periodic sources were revealed. They include periodicities of hour and day range of period: 152 h, 98 h, 82 h (4U1700-37), 69 h, 62 h, 13.3 h, 9.36 h, 8.03h, 8.15 h (Cen X-4), 4.38 h, 4.35 h (4U1755-33) and 3.45 h. For all the observed periodic processes the mean phase profiles (light curves) in the different energy ranges were obtained. The mean phase profiles of most of the observed periodic sources differ from both sine and purely eclipse form. Among six sources with day ranges of period at least three were identified with X-ray Novas - black hole candidates: 152 h (H1705-25, Nov.Oph., 1977), 62 h (GRO J 1655-40, Nov. Sco., 1994), 13.3 h (4U1543-47). The results of the GRO J 1655-40 and 4U1543-47 observations in the Prognoz-9 and GRIF \"Mir\" experiments were compared with the observational data obtained in space observatories CGRO, RXTE, BeppoSax. It should be noted that the orbital periodicity is revealed in the hard emission of the X-ray transient - black hole candidates GRO J 1655-40 and 4U1543-47 even in the epochs between outbursts. Periodic processes with day ranges of periods can be typical for the transient source like X-ray Nova - black- hole candidate. Such periodicity is orbital but its origin is not connected with eclipses of the compact companion of a binary system. Periodic processes in soft and hard X-rays can be associated with orbital motion of binary system companions, but the physical mechanisms and the regions of generation of soft and hard X-rays can be quite different. ", "introduction": "The enigma of black holes is one of the most intriguing problems of modern astrophysics. It is well known that black holes (BH) as well as neutron stars (NS) are associated with hard X-ray sources, which are characterized by great energy release as the result of accretion. The temporal behavior of such sources was always a problem of great interest for high-energy astrophysicists. Modern observations are usually made in a wide range of wavelengths from radio waves to gamma rays. While optical observations are in some aspects more accurate, the observation of X-ray emitting objects in hard radiation allows us to study the processes in the region of great energy release. Moreover, the information on temporal features is necessary for the exact identification of a hard source. Various instabilities in the accretion process lead to the flaring activity of many hard X- ray sources. The properties of matter and fields surrounding a compact object determine quasi- periodic variations, while the rotation of binary system components produce orbital and super- orbital periodic changes in X-ray source luminosity. These factors are significantly different in dependence on characteristic time. The short-term variability is caused, particularly by quasi- periodic oscillations (QPO), the properties of which in some cases are different for two classes of objects - X-ray binaries with neutron star (NSXB) and with Black Hole (BHXB). Only NS can produce QPO with frequency up to 1 kHz \\citep{sun00}. Long-term variability of most of BHXB-s is caused by their flaring activity. It is known that most of soft X-ray transients (X-ray nova) manifest recurrent flares. The typical duration of an X-ray flare is about 50-100 days and the time interval between flares varies around 1.5 years. However, a number of X-ray nova flared only once during all the period of observations. It is not yet clear, whether there are any soft X-ray transient objects with no recurrent flares. The shape of X-ray flares strongly varies from source to source and even from one flare to another in the same source. Most of them have standard shape with a \"fast rise and an exponential decay\" but other forms are more complicated with several maximums. An outstanding example is the 1994-1997 activity of BHXB GRO J1655-40, which demonstrated a large series of quasi-periodic flares, separated from one another by several months \\citep{zha94,tav96,zha97,hyn98}. Variations with minute's, hour's and day's characteristic time scales can occur when X-rays are produced or absorbed in some large structures surrounding the compact object as well as in the compact object itself. Accretion instabilities or the motion of binary system components may cause them. Sometimes they can appear as regular variations of spectra or dips observed at the determined orbital phases. The study of such medium-scale temporal phenomena is of great importance. Monitoring observations are the traditional way of studying temporal phenomena in hard X-rays and soft gamma rays such as periodic processes, outbursts and transients. Periodic variations of the hard emission from some galactic sources were discovered long ago. The first observations were made on the UHURU space observatory \\citep{gia71,for78}, and then studied in details during several missions (see for example, \\citep{cor86,nag89,pre87} and others). Nevertheless, to the present time not so many objects manifesting as periodic sources specifically in the hard range of electromagnetic spectrum are known. This is caused by some methodical problems, in particular, the necessity of long-term continuous observations of each source, which is rather difficult even in the case of monitoring observations particularly for long- period processes of the orbital and accretion disk precession type. Extensive data on periodicity in hard emissions from galactic sources were obtained during the BATSE experiment onboard the Compton Orbital observatory (CGRO) \\citep{rob97}. A study of temporal phenomena in hard X-rays and soft gamma rays was also made in the OSSE CGRO experiment \\citep{joh93}. More or less regular observation of the Galactic Centre region (in the limits of $\\sim10^o$x$10^o$) were carried out for over 5 years by means of the \"SIGMA\" telescope on-board the \"GRANAT\" observatory. This experiment allowed to detect new sources at energies of about 50-100 keV and to give the notion about the temporal properties of these and previously known objects \\citep{gol94}. Currently monitoring observations of high-energy properties of X-ray sources are being conducted on the BeppoSAX mission \\citep{fro98}. The most complete catalogue of the orbital periodicities observed in the X-ray range as well as the transient sources was obtained as the result of observations during the Rossi XTE (RXTE) mission \\citep{lev99,bra00a,bra00b}. Although a large amount of observational data have been obtained by the present time, it seems that the experimental studies of periodicity as well as the other temporal phenomena (primarily outbursts) in X-ray sources have not yet exhausted their potential. One of the main problems is that not all of the observed periodicities can be unambiguously interpreted. In particular, what is the nature of the so-called non-eclipsing periodicities in the orbital range of periods? Several sources are known, which manifested periodic variations in the X-ray flux during which the X-ray luminosity does not fall to zero. Such a periodicity (8.2 h) was discovered in the emission from Cen X-4 during the well-known outburst of 1978, May \\citep{kal80} observed in the Ariel-5 mission. The dip-type periodicity was detected during the EXOSAT observations. It was observed in the X-rays from several low-mass binaries including MXB1759-29 (7.1 h), 4U1822-37 (5.6 h), 4U1755-33 (4.4 h), X1323-62 (3.8 h), XB1254-69 (2.4 h), etc \\citep{com84,mas81,whi84,par89,cou86}. Although periodic dips are not full eclipsing the common view is that all these periodicities are orbital. The 62-h periodicity in hard emission of GRO J1655-40 source also is not full eclipsing. Moreover in soft X-rays 62-h periodicity reveals itself as a number of deep drops in the intensity occurring between orbital phases 0.7 and 0.9 \\citep{kuu98}. The light curve corresponding to this periodicity looks like a dip-type one with minima dislocated from the optical occultation. Thus, simple mechanisms such as a total or partial eclipse of the emitting hot region by the optical component do not give a complete explanation of the temporal behavior of the tight binary system's hard emission. Another problem, which still remain is the lack of data concerning the observation of periodic processes in the high-energy part of the electromagnetic spectrum. For most of the known tight binaries their orbital period values and corresponding light curves were obtained as the result of optical observations. On the contrary, only complete data from both optical and high-energy observations can give us the necessary possibility, which allows to determine the orbital parameters as well as the mass of binary system components. Thus, it seems important to find the manifestation of orbital periodicity in hard emission for the larger number of tight binaries. Search for periodicity in the emission from objects with great irregular (noise-type) flux variations or sporadic flux rises (transients) can also bring us closer to the understanding of the nature of such sources. The interest to the latter has increased in connection with the observations on the CGRO of the so-called transient pulsars \\citep{fin96,zha96,wil97} and sources with periodically recurring transient rises in the X-ray flux \\citep{bay93,dek93}. Study of temporal and spectral properties of sources known as X- ray transients can clarify the nature of such objects and give us important information about high energy processes responsible for hard emission generation. From this point of view the search for periodic processes in hard emission during outbursts of sources known as X-ray novas is of particular interest. Most of X-ray binaries - black-hole candidates are just X-ray novas or transient sources \\citep{sun91,cher97,van98}. Thus the study of temporal behavior of such objects can give us independent criteria which permit to identify black holes. For example, identification or, on the contrary, non-identification of pulsation-type periodic process during the outburst can clarify the nature of a compact companion, because the presence of pulsation excludes the black-hole variant. On the other hand, the spectral information, such as the presence of absorption lines at cyclotron frequencies, can also indicate the presence of a magnetic neutron star. On the contrary, the presence of an annihilation line is a strong indication of a black hole as the compact companion \\citep{sun91}. To the present time the information on transient X-ray sources was obtained primarily during their outbursts \\citep{chen97}. However, the observations of such sources between outbursts can also be rather fruitful. There are some predictions that X-ray fluxes from transient sources even in quiescent state are non-zero. In particular, according to \\citep{las00} the X-ray luminosity of quiescent black hole low-mass X-ray binary transients should be correlated with their orbital period. It is very unlikely that X-rays from such systems are emitted by coronae of companion stars. More convincing models associate their X-ray luminosity with accreting mechanisms, providing the flux generation at the observation level of such missions as Chandra or XMM. The measurements by Chandra showed that typical quiescent intensity of BH X-ray nova is about 10-6 Crab in 0.5-7 keV energy range. There are some indications that quiescent X-ray flux from BH X-ray nova is significantly lower than from NS ones and this fact can be caused by the existence of event horizon \\citep{gar00}. Thus, the observations of X-ray transients in quiescent state can give unique information clarifying the nature of such objects. Below we will discuss the results of the search and study of periodic processes in hard X- rays from some Galactic sources including the black hole candidates during the observations which were carried out on the Prognoz-9 and \"Mir\" orbital station (OS) missions. ", "conclusions": "Most of the periodic sources of hard emission, which were observed in Prognoz 9 and GRIF \"Mir\" experiments, are characterized by non-eclipsing mean light curves. An exception is the well- known X-ray eclipsing binary 4U1700-37. Nevertheless there is no doubt that most of these periodicities have an orbital origin. From this point of view, it is of particular interest that except 4U1700-37 and 4U1755-33 all identified sources of hour and day periodicity (H1705-22, GRO J1655-40, 4U1543- 47, Cen X-4) appear to belong to transient objects. Because sources of 98-h and 67-h periodicities were not observed in the GRIF experiment, we can assume that they were not active in 1995-1997, which could be the consequence of strong variability of their hard emission and, hence, the transient character also. We can also see that among the periodic sources with periods in day range there are three X- ray novae (Ophiuchis 1977; Scorpius, 1994, 4U1543-47), which are known as black-hole candidates. However, there were no direct indications of overall activity of X-ray nova Ophiuchis 1977 and Scorpius, 1994 as well as 4U1543-47 in 1983-1984. Detection of the above mentioned periodicities was made when their activity was not very large. Thus, we can conclude that some X- ray transients - black hole candidates between outbursts can be active at the level $\\sim 100$ mCrab, sufficient to detect their hard emission by sensitive detectors. Moreover, some kind of orbital, but non-eclipsing periodicity could be observed in high-energy emission in the time of \"intermediate\" activity of these objects, i.e. such X-ray transients could be not quite quiescent between outbursts. It is very likely that this periodicity can be caused by features of the accretion disk surrounding the black hole and may be inherent to other sources of X-ray transient - black hole candidate. To the present time there were no clear observations of the development of an orbital periodicity in hard emission. Our observations of non-eclipsing orbital periodicity in hard X-rays from black-hole candidates just when they were not outburst-like active could be connected with some features of the zones of the X-ray formation in these objects. This can be discussed in some details using the example of GRO J 1655-40. The Prognoz 9 and GRIF \"Mir\" observations allow to conclude that there is a strict periodicity in the hard emission from GRO J 1655-40, which is traceable during difference cycles of the source's activity separated by a long time interval ($\\sim 12$ years). This periodicity is apparently attributable to the orbital motion of the binary's components. The energy spectrum of the 62-h periodicity in the emission from GRO J 1655-40 \\citep{kud01} agrees with various spectral measurements of the total hard flux from this source. Thus, it is consistent with the model of a two-component spectrum typical of compact binaries, black-hole candidates \\citep{sha73}. The observation of the 62-h periodicity in the hard emission from GRO J 1655-40 during different epochs suggests that even between its X-ray outbursts, the source was not completely quiescent in the hard energy range. In particular, it was active between the X-ray outbursts in August 1995 and February 1996. This gives some indications that it could be possible to reduce the typical recurrence time, which is important for estimating the mean rate mass transfer from the binary's optical companion tip to its compact object $\\dot M_T$ \\citep{esi00} by at least half. The GRIF data also suggest, that taking the source's distance of $\\sim 3.5$ kpc \\citep{hje95}, its luminosity between X-ray outbursts in the periodicity of hard emission at energies $E \\geq 25$ keV is $\\sim 4 \\cdot 10^{35}$ erg/s, which is more than three orders of magnitude higher than the luminosity that has been believed to be typical of the quiescent state of such objects \\citep{esi00}. The intensity of the periodic component of GRO J1655-40 in soft X-rays obtained from ASM RXTE observations increases with the increase of the full intensity. It reaches a $3\\%$ level of the full flux in the whole range of its values. On the other hand, there are some indications on that during the time, when the source brightness decreasing after outbursts, in particular, between outbursts of 1996 and 1997 years the periodic component in hard X-rays was not low, but on the contrary was becoming more contrast. The results of GRIF \"Mir\" observations indicate that orbital periodicity revealed in the GRO J1655-40 hard emission even in the interval between time of its high X-ray activity. In this case the emission of GRO J1655-40 in the phase of minimum intensity has not fallen to zero. It should be noted that high flux variability during epochs of the source high activity makes it difficult to reveal the periodic component with high significance. The source's variability is associated not only with periodic variations because the rms deviations of the instrument's outputs in all the intervals of observations are several times higher than the amplitude of periodic component, which can be revealed only due to averaging over many periods. The BATSE CGRO data revealed no manifestations of the periodicity in the hard emission from GRO J1655-40 \\citep{zha96}. This could be because the amplitude of the 62-h periodicity in the hard energy range weakly depends on the total flux. In this case, the periodicity would show up most clearly when the source's activity is relatively low (to all appearances, the Prognoz 9 and GRIF \"Mir\" observations occurred precisely at such epochs). However, during outbursts, the total flux can increase by more than an order of magnitude. This severely hampers the observation of the periodicity, because it proves to be strongly noised by fluctuations in the total flux. Thus, we can conclude, that although the time profiles of mean light curves, which characterize the periodic component in GRO J1655-40 emission are similar in soft and hard X-rays, 62-h periodicity manifests quite different behaviour in these energy ranges. This could be caused not only by different physical mechanisms of generation of soft and hard X-rays in the source, but even by emission of hard and soft X-rays by different regions of the accretion disk. This assumption does not contradict the spectral features of GRO J1655-40 hard emission, which consists of, at least, two or more components. The soft thermal component, which is dominant at energies less than 10 keV and hard non-thermal \"comptonisation\" component, which becomes dominant at higher energies, were revealed clearly. It also should be noted that the minimum on the mean phase dependence as in soft as in hard X-rays is displaced relatively to the phase zero of the optical light curve. Such non- coincidence of optical and X-ray light curves for emission periodic components caused by the orbital motion could be typical not only for GRO J1655-40. For example, we saw before, the periodic component of 4U1543-47 emission also demonstrates different behaviour in optical and X- ray ranges. The optical light curve gives the orbital period, which is twice larger than the period observed in X-rays. The quasi-ellipsoidal form of the star-companion of a binary system can explain the non-coincidence of these periods. In any event, the features mentioned above as well as the complicated form of mean light curves of periodic component in hard X-rays give no opportunity to explain the observed periodicity in X-ray binaries - black-hole candidates using the simple eclipsing geometry in orbital motion of binary system companions. It indicates that processes, which provide such periodicity, depend also on the accretion disk dynamics, and they may reflect the accretion disk structure non-uniformity. Thus, the main conclusions drawn from observations of periodic processes in hard emission of X-ray binaries - black-hole candidates, which were made on Prognoz 9 and GRIF \"Mir\" experiments with the use of data of CGRO and RXTE observations are: - periodic processes of days range of periods are inherent to the transient source like a X- ray Nova - black-hole candidate; - such periodicity is orbital but its origin is not connected with eclipses of the compact companion of a binary system; - periodic processes in soft and hard X-rays are associated with orbital motion of binary system companions, but the physical mechanisms and the regions of generation of soft and hard X-rays are quite different." }, "0404/astro-ph0404482_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "For the first time in literature, we provide an exact analytical scheme for calculating the analogous Hawking temperature and surface gravity for general relativistic accretion onto astrophysical black holes. Our calculation may bridge the gap between the theory of transonic astrophysical accretion and the theory of analogous Hawking radiation, and may allow one to compare the properties of the two types of horizons, electromagnetic and acoustic, in connection to the black hole physics. We show that the domination of the analogous Hawking radiation over the actual Hawking radiation may be a real astrophysical phenomena. We also discuss the possibilities of the emergence of analogous white holes around astrophysical black holes. Our calculation is general enough to accommodate accreting black holes with any mass. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404161_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A high-accuracy multisite campaign was carried out from 2002 January to May with a photometric coverage of 398 hours at five observatories. The concentration on a few selected sites gives better consistency and accuracy than collecting smaller amounts from a larger number of sites. 23 frequencies were detected with a high statistical significance. 6 of these are new. The 17 frequencies found in common with the 1992--1995 data are the modes with highest amplitudes. This indicates that the pulsation spectrum of FG~Vir is relatively stable over the ten-year period. Two frequencies have variable amplitudes and phases from year to year as well as during 2002. These were both found to be double modes with close frequencies. For the mode at 12.15 c/d this leads to an apparent modulation with a time scale of $\\sim$129d. The close frequencies at 12.15 c/d are composed of a radial and a nonradial mode, suggesting a similarity with the Blazhko Effect seen in RR Lyrae stars. ", "introduction": "Asteroseismology of $\\delta$~Scuti stars has reached a stage where the choice between different models of stellar structure and evolution requires a large number of known pulsation frequencies. While the discovery of many new frequencies cannot be accompanied by successful pulsation mode identifications, the latter is important to refine the stellar pulsation models. So far, the observations could not yet be matched with perfect models due, in part, to lack of enough observational constraints. Consequently, the Delta Scuti Network (DSN) specializes in the intensive study of a few selected pulsating stars. One of these objects is the star FG~Vir, which was observed for several months during 2002. The motivation for additional photometry was: (i) Successful mode identification relies on both photometric and spectroscopic techniques. While the first method is used to determine the pulsational $\\ell$ values through phase differences and to a lesser extent, amplitude ratios, the line-profile technique allows accurate determinations of the $m$ values and determines the rotational velocity as well as the aspect of the rotation axis, $i$. In 2002, for the first time the photometric campaign has been paired with an intensive multisite spectroscopic campaign. (ii) A comparison of the photometric amplitudes with those obtained during previous campaigns from 1992--1995 would yield valuable information on the long-term stability of the pulsation spectrum. (iii) Furthermore, a long campaign would lead to a high frequency resolution within the year of observation. This would permit the search for close frequency pairs, such as those that have been reported for several other $\\delta$~Scuti variables. (iv) The mode selection mechanism operating in $\\delta$~Scuti stars is still unknown. Theoretical pulsation models predict considerably more modes than are observed. Consequently, it is important to study the stars in more detail to search for modes with small amplitudes and to increase the number of known frequencies. The star FG~Vir (=~HD~106384) has been observed before: its variability was originally discovered by Eggen (1971) in one night of observation. During 1992, Mantegazza et al. (1994) measured FG~Vir photometrically for 8 nights. They were able to identify six frequencies of pulsation, while a seventh mode of pulsation was also suggested. Two multisite photometric campaigns were organized by the Delta Scuti Network during 1993 (170 hours, Breger et al. 1995) and 1995 (435 hours, Breger et al. 1998). The multisite campaigns led to the discovery of 24 frequencies of pulsation, of which 21 were independent pulsation modes. A reasonable agreement between different attempts towards mode identifications was found (Guzik et al. 1998, Viskum et al. 1998, Breger et al. 1999, Mantegazza \\& Poretti 2002). The Delta Scuti Network is engaged in a long-term study of FG~Vir, using both photometric and spectroscopic techniques. Consequently, even larger and better analyses are expected in the future. These will include photometric frequency determinations, photometric and spectroscopic mode identifications as well as stellar modelling. The purpose of the present paper is to report the 2002 photometry and its implications for our understanding of FG~Vir. ", "conclusions": "16 out of the 17 frequencies found to be statistically significant in both the 1992--1995 and 2002 data are the modes with the largest photometric amplitudes. While this is hardly surprising, it also provides an argument in favor of the stability of the pulsation spectrum of FG~Vir. In this regard the star differs from some other $\\delta$~Scuti stars such as 4~CVn (see Breger 2000), in which measurements taken ten years apart may even provide a first impression of belonging to two different stars! Actually, in 4~CVn, the 'disappeared' modes have been shown to be still present, but with much smaller amplitudes. The 'missing' modes in FG~Vir all had $V$ amplitudes between 0.4 and 0.8 mmag during 1995 with a statistical uncertainty of $\\pm$ of 0.11 mmag. The 2002 data show that most may still be present with the peaks at the correct frequencies, but with amplitudes less than 0.5 mmag. This is below the significance limit. We conclude that the differences can be explained by observational uncertainties in most cases." }, "0404/astro-ph0404357_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The properties of stellar populations in the centers of nearby lenticular galaxies are investigated by means of 2D spectroscopy. All the galaxies are divided into 4 groups depending on the environment type; every subsample contains more than 10 galaxies. Clear distinctions between the mean stellar ages and abundance ratios both for the nuclei and for the bulges of the S0s in the different environments are found. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404211_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent results have shown that many of the known extrasolar planetary systems contain regions which are stable for massless test particles. We examine the possibility that Saturn-mass planets exist in these systems, just below the detection threshold, and attempt to predict likely orbital parameters for such unseen planets. To do this, we insert a Saturn-mass planet into the stable regions of these systems and integrate its orbit for 100 million years. We conduct 200-600 of these experiments to test parameter space in HD37124, HD38529, 55Cnc, and HD74156. In HD37124 the global maximum of the survival rate of Saturns in parameter space is at semimajor axis $a$ = 1.03 AU, eccentricity $e \\sim$ 0.1. In HD38529, only 5\\% of Saturns are unstable, and the region in which a Saturn could survive is very broad, centered on $0.5$ 0.35 AU.\\footnote{Data from http://www.exoplanets.org} Paper 1 found that no test particles survived in HD74156 for longer than a few Myr. However, Dvorak \\etal (2003) found orbits stable for test particles between 0.9 and 1.4 AU. We therefore include HD74156 in our sample. Table 1 shows the orbital parameters for the four extrasolar planetary systems we investigate. Note that the best fit orbital elements for some systems, especially HD74156c, have changed many times. We therefore adopt elements as of a given date, with the knowledge that they may fluctuate. In $\\S$2 we describe our initial conditions and numerical method. We present the results for each planetary system in $\\S$3, and compare these with other work in $\\S$4. We present our conclusions in $\\S$5. ", "conclusions": "We have found specific locations in four known extrasolar planetary systems in which Saturn-mass planets could exist on stable orbits. Such a planet would lie just below the detection threshold of current radial velocity surveys, and may be detected in the near future. Table 3 summarizes our results, detailing the location in ($a,e$) space of each maximum in the survival rate for each of our four candidate systems. If an additional planet is discovered in the stable region of one of these systems, it would mark the first successful prediction of a planet since John Couch Adams predicted the existence of Neptune in 1845 based on perturbations to Uranus' orbit. Does the presence of a stable region imply the presence of a planet? Must all systems contain as many planets as they can? Laskar (1996) speculated that ``a planetary system will always be in this state of marginal stability, as a result of its gravitational interactions.'' The ``packed planetary systems'' (PPS) hypothesis, presented in Paper 1 (see also Barnes \\& Quinn, 2004), extends this idea by suggesting that all systems contain as many planets as they can dynamically support without self-disrupting. All systems may be on the edge of stability, but observational constraints prevent the detection of smaller or more distant bodies which push apparently stable systems to this edge. The formation scenario of a planet of any size in between two gas giant planets is of great interest. In the Solar System no stable regions exist between the orbits of the gas giants. The detailed formation scenario of a smaller giant planet between two others is unclear, be it through gravitational instability (e.g. Mayer \\etal 2002) or core-accretion (Pollack \\etal 1996). Gas giant planets at small orbital radii may have formed farther out in the protoplanetary disk and migrated inward, which further complicates this formation scenario. Certain stable regions in HD37124, 55Cnc and HD74156 are located in the habitable zones of their parent stars (see Table 3). Clearly, the discovery of a planet of any size in these regions is of great astrobiological importance, as any giant planet would likely have one or more large moons. Understanding the formation of terrestrial planets in these systems is vital. In the upcoming third paper of the ``predicting planets'' series (Raymond \\& Barnes 2004) we present results of simulations of terrestrial planet formation in between the known giant planets in the same four systems examined here." }, "0404/astro-ph0404283_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ New radio data at 330 MHz are presented for the rich clusters Abell 665 and Abell 2163, whose radio emission is characterized by the presence of a radio halo. These images allowed us to derive the spectral properties of the two clusters under study. The integrated spectra of these halos between 0.3 GHz and 1.4 GHz are moderately steep: $\\alpha^{1.4}_{0.3}$ = 1.04 and $\\alpha^{1.4}_{0.3}$ = 1.18, for A665 and A2163, respectively. The spectral index maps, produced with an angular resolution of the order of $\\sim$ 1\\arcmin, show features of the spectral index (flattening and patches), which are indication of a complex shape of the radiating electron spectrum, and are therefore in support of electron reacceleration models. Regions of flatter spectrum are found to be related to the recent merger activity in these clusters. This is the first strong confirmation that the cluster merger supplies energy to the radio halo. In the undisturbed cluster regions, the spectrum steepens with the distance from the cluster center. This is interpreted as the result of the combination of the magnetic field profile with the spatial distribution of the reacceleration efficiency, thus allowing us to set constraints on the radial profile of the cluster magnetic field. ", "introduction": "Recent observations of clusters of galaxies have revealed a new and complex scenario in the structure of the intergalactic medium. The clusters are not simple relaxed structures, but are still forming at the present epoch. Substructures, commonly observed in the X-ray distribution of a high number of rich clusters (Henry \\& Briel 1993, Burns \\etal 1994), are evidence of the hierarchic growth of clusters from the merger of poorer subclusters. \\begin{table*} \\caption{Observed clusters of galaxies} \\begin{flushleft} \\begin{tabular}{lllllllllll} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} Name & z & RA (J2000) & DEC & T & L$_X$ (bol) & r$_c$ & r$_c$ & $\\beta$ & P$_{1.4}$ & LS \\\\ & & h~~ m~~ s & \\degrees~~~~ \\arcmin~~~~ \\arcsec~~ & keV & erg s$^{-1}$ & \\arcsec & kpc & & W Hz$^{-1}$ & Mpc\\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} A~665 & 0.1818 & 08 30 57.4 & +65 51 14.4 & 9.03 & 4.17 10$^{45}$ & 96 & 379 & 0.66 & 6.6 10$^{24}$ & 1.8 \\\\ A~2163 & 0.203 & 16 15 49.4 & --06 09 00.0 & 13.83 & 1.33 10$^{46}$ & 72 & 305 & 0.62 & 3.0 10$^{25}$ & 2.9 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\label{olog} \\end{tabular} \\end{flushleft} \\par\\noindent Caption. Col. 1: cluster name; Col. 2: redshift; Cols. 3 and 4: coordinates of the X-ray cluster center from Ebeling et al. (1996); Col. 5: temperature from Allen \\& Fabian (1995); Col. 6: bolometric X-ray luminosity from Wu et al. (1999); Cols. 7, 8 and 9: cluster core radius (angular and linear) and $\\beta$ from Birkinshaw et al. (1991) for A665 and Elbaz et al. (1995) form A2163 ; Cols. 10 and 11: Total radio power and maximum linear size at 1.4 GHz from Giovannini \\& Feretti (2000) for A665 and Feretti et al. (2001) for A2163. \\end{table*} An important problem in cluster phenomenology involves cluster-wide radio halos, whose prototype is Coma C (Giovannini \\etal 1993, and references therein). These are extended diffuse radio sources located at the cluster centers, with typical sizes of \\gtsim 1 $h_{50}^{-1}$ Mpc, regular shape, steep radio spectra and no significant polarization. According to recent suggestions, the cluster merger process may play a crucial role in the formation and energetics of these sources (see Giovannini \\& Feretti 2002, and references therein). The origin and evolution of halos is still a matter of debate. Several suggestions for the mechanism transferring energy into the relativistic electron population and for the origin of relativistic electrons themselves have been made: in-situ reacceleration of relativistic electrons by plasma and by shock waves, particle injection from radio galaxies, acceleration out of the thermal pool, secondary electrons resulting from hadronic collisions of relativistic protons with the ICM gas protons, and combinations of these processes (see e.g. Brunetti 2003, Blasi 2003, Petrosian 2003). It is therefore important to carry out new observations aimed at discriminating between these theoretical models. An important observable in a radio halo is the spectral index distribution. It could allow us to test predictions of these different models, since it reflects the shape of the electron energy distribution. Spectral index maps represent a powerful tool to study the properties of the relativistic electrons and of the magnetic field in which they emit, and to investigate the connection between the electron energy distribution and the ICM. By combining high resolution spectral information and X--ray images it is possible to study the thermal--relativistic plasma connection both on small scales (e.g. spectral index variations vs. clumps in the ICM distribution) and on the large scale (e.g. radial spectral index trends). The prototypical example of cluster radio halos is the diffuse source Coma C in the Coma cluster (Willson 1970). Nowadays Coma C is the only radio halo for which a high resolution spectral index image has been presented in the literature (Giovannini et al., 1993). The spectral index trend in Coma C shows a flat spectrum\\footnote {$S_{\\nu}\\propto \\nu ^{-\\alpha}$ through this paper} in the center ($\\alpha\\simeq$ 0.8) and a progressive steepening with increasing distance from the center (up to $\\alpha\\simeq$ 1.8). Since the diffusion velocity of relativistic particles is low in relation to their radiative lifetime, the radial spectral steepening cannot be simply due to ageing of radioemitting electrons. Therefore the spectral steepening must be related to the intrinsic evolution of the local electron spectrum and to the radial profile of the cluster magnetic field. It has been shown (Brunetti et al. 2001) that a relatively general expectation of models invoking reacceleration of relic particles is a radial spectral steepening in the synchrotron emission from radio halos. The steepening, that is difficult to reproduce by other models such as those invoking secondary electron populations, is due to the combined effect of a radial decrease of the cluster magnetic field strength and of the presence of a high energy break in the energy distribution of the reaccelerated electron population. In the framework of reacceleration models the radio spectral index map can be used to derive the physical conditions prevailing in the clusters, i.e. reacceleration efficiency and magnetic field strength. This method has been successfully applied to the case of Coma C by Brunetti et al. (2001) who applied a {\\it two phase} reacceleration model and obtained large scale reacceleration efficiencies of the order of $\\sim 10^{8}$ yr$^{-1}$ and magnetic field strengths ranging from 1--3 $\\mu$G in the central regions down to 0.05--0.1 $\\mu$G in the cluster periphery. In this paper we present the radio images at 90 cm of Abell 665 and Abell 2163. These clusters host powerful and giant radio halos studied at 20 cm with the VLA (Giovannini \\& Feretti 2000, Feretti et al. 2001). From the comparison between the 20 and 90 cm data, we derive the spectral index maps of these radio halos and discuss their implications. We adopt H$_0$=50 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and q$_0$ = 0.5. With these values, 1 arcsec corresponds to 3.94 kpc at the distance of A665 and to 4.27 kpc at the distance of A2163. \\begin{table} \\caption{Observing log} \\begin{flushleft} \\begin{tabular}{llllllll} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} Name & $\\nu$ & $\\Delta \\nu$ & Conf & Date & Dur \\\\ & MHz & MHz & & & h \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} A665 & 321.5/327.5 & 3.125 & B & 4/2001 & 3 \\\\ & `` & `` & C & 9/2001 & 6 \\\\ & `` & `` & D & 12/2001 & 1.5 \\\\ A2163 & 321.5/327.5 & 3.125 & B & 4/2001 & 3.5 \\\\ & `` & `` & C & 8/2001 & 6 \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\end{tabular} \\end{flushleft} Caption. Col. 1: cluster name; Col. 2: observing frequencies; Cols. 3: bandwidth; Col. 4: VLA configuration; Col. 5: month and year of observation; Col. 6: observing time duration. \\end{table} \\begin{figure*} \\special{psfile=fig1.ps hoffset=-70 voffset=-600 hscale=100 vscale=100 } \\vspace{14 cm} \\caption{ Radio map at 90 cm of A665. The beam FWHM is 68\\arcsec $\\times$ 59\\arcsec~ in PA= 25\\degrees. Contour levels are -2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 30, 50 mJy/beam.} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\special{psfile=fig2.ps hoffset=30 voffset=-500 hscale=80 vscale=80} \\vspace{14 cm} \\caption{ Radio map at 90 cm of A2163. The beam FWHM is 57\\arcsec $\\times$ 51\\arcsec~ in PA= 2\\degrees. Contour levels are -1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 25, 50 mJy/beam.} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have presented new images at 0.3 GHz of the radio halos in the clusters A665 and A2163 and we have derived the spectral index maps between 0.3 and 1.4 GHz, using maps already published at 1.4 GHz. Our results show that the integrated radio spectra of these halos are moderately steep in this frequency range: $\\alpha^{1.4}_{0.3}$ = 1.04 and $\\alpha^{1.4}_{0.3}$ = 1.18, for A665 and A2163, respectively. The spectral index maps, produced with an angular resolution of the order of $\\sim$ 1\\arcmin, show a clumpy distribution with significant variations, which are indication of a complex shape of the radiating electron spectrum, and are therefore in support of halo models invoking the reacceleration of relativistic particles. We find that the regions of flatter spectrum appear to trace the geometry of recent merger activity as suggested by X-ray maps. These results prove that the radio spectral index can be a powerful tracer of both the current physical properties and past history of clusters. We find no evidence of spectral flattening at the location of the hot shock detected in A665 (Markevitch \\& Vikhlinin 2001). This favours the scenario that cluster turbulence might be the major responsible for the electron reacceleration. In the undisturbed cluster regions, the spectrum steepens with the distance from the cluster center. Brunetti et al. (2001) explain the spectral steepening in the framework of electron reacceleration models, as due to the combined effect of a radial decrease of the cluster magnetic field strength and of the presence of a high energy break in the energy distribution of the reaccelerated electron population. This is more difficult to reproduce by other models, such as those requiring secondary electron populations. The spectral steepening detected in A665 and A2163 in the direction not presently affected by the merging processes allowed us to constrain the profile of the product between the cluster magnetic field and the reacceleration efficiency, $B \\chi^2$, under simple assumptions. The magnetic field profile in both clusters is flatter than predicted in the case of a constant reacceleration and magnetic field frozen to the cluster thermal gas. The ongoing violent mergers may play a crucial role in determining the conditions of the radiating particles and of the magnetic fields in clusters." }, "0404/astro-ph0404556_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from a set of high ($512^3$ effective resolution), and ultra-high ($1024^3)$ SPH adiabatic cosmological simulations of cluster formation aimed at studying the internal structure of the intracluster medium (ICM). We discuss the radial structure and scaling relations expected from purely gravitational collapse, and show that the choice of a particular halo model can have important consequences on the interpretation of observational data. The validity of the approximations of hydrostatic equilibrium and a polytropic equation of state are checked against results of our simulations. We also show the first results from an unprecedented large-scale simulation of 500 $h^{-1}$ Mpc and $2\\times 512^3$ gas and dark matter particles. This experiment will make possible a detailed study of the large-scale distribution of clusters as a function of their X-ray properties. ", "introduction": "Galaxy clusters are a unique laboratory to test the hierarchical paradigm of structure formation. They are the best probes of the large scale structure of the Universe and have often been used as a diagnostic of the cosmological parameters. The intrinsic non-linear nature of gravitational collapse and gas dynamics makes numerical simulations the most useful tool to study in detail the process of cluster formation and evolution. Simple analytical models for the structure of the ICM can be derived from the hypotheses of hydrostatic equilibrium and polytropic equation of state, $P\\propto\\rhogas^\\gamma$. But real clusters might not be well described by these two hypothesis. For instance, kinetic energy makes a significant contribution to the energy budget of merging systems, and therefore thermally-supported hydrostatic equilibrium ceases to be a valid approximation. Even in relaxed systems, this assumption is not very accurate in the outermost parts, where gas motions become more important. Departures from spherical symmetry can also play a role in the final structure of the ICM \\citep{LeeSuto03} and, last but not least, there is no obvious physical reason for the gas to follow a polytropic relation. From our numerical experiments, we showed (see \\citet{Ascasibar03}) that hydrostatic equilibrium is fulfilled within $\\sim20$ per cent accuracy by all simulated clusters, as long as they are not heavily disturbed. A polytropic equation of state seems to be a good approximation as well, although its reliability near the centre is still a matter of debate \\citep[see e.g.][]{Rasia_03}. From our data we derive a polytropic index of $\\gamma\\sim 1.18$. We compared four different analytical halo models with our simulations. The first two models assume that haloes are well described by \\citet{NFW97} and \\citet{Moore99} fitting formulae, while the other two assume that the gas follows a \\bm \\citep{CavaliereFusco76}. We consider a 'canonical' version of the \\BM, in which the gas is isothermal ($\\gamma=1$) and $\\beta=2/3$, and a polytropic version with $\\gamma=1.18$ and $\\beta=1$. The same value of the polytropic index has been used for the first two models as well. Hereafter we will use the abbreviations NFW, MQGSL, BM and PBM to refer to these models. For a detailed description, the reader is referred to \\citet{Ascasibar03}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/hep-th0404161_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Braneworld inflation is a phenomenology related to string theory that describes high-energy modifications to general relativistic inflation. The observable universe is a braneworld embedded in 5-dimensional anti de Sitter spacetime. When the 5-dimensional action is Einstein-Hilbert, we have a Randall-Sundrum type braneworld. The amplitude of tensor and scalar perturbations from inflation is strongly increased relative to the standard results, although the ratio of tensor to scalar amplitudes still obeys the standard consistency relation. If a Gauss-Bonnet term is included in the action, as a high-energy correction motivated by string theory, we show that there are important changes to the Randall-Sundrum case. We give an exact analysis of the tensor perturbations. They satisfy the same wave equation and have the same spectrum as in the Randall-Sundrum case, but the Gauss-Bonnet change to the junction conditions leads to a modified amplitude of gravitational waves. The amplitude is no longer monotonically increasing with energy scale, but decreases asymptotically after an initial rise above the standard level. Using an approximation that neglects bulk effects, we show that the amplitude of scalar perturbations has a qualitatively similar behaviour to the tensor amplitude. In addition, the tensor to scalar ratio breaks the standard consistency relation. ", "introduction": "In recent years, there has been considerable interest in the possibility that our observable four-dimensional (4D) universe may be viewed as a brane hypersurface embedded in a higher-dimensional bulk space. Of particular importance is the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model, where a single, positive-tension brane is embedded in a five-dimensional (5D) anti de Sitter $({\\rm AdS}_5)$ spacetime~\\cite{RSII}. (For recent reviews, see Ref.~\\cite{royreview}.) Although the fifth dimension may be infinite in extent, the zero-mode of the 5D graviton, corresponding to 4D gravitational waves, is localized at low energies on the brane due to the warped geometry of the bulk. This property can also be understood within the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence~\\cite{adscft}, where the RS model is viewed as 4D gravity coupled to a conformal field theory (CFT)~\\cite{hrr}. A natural extension of the RS model that is motivated by string/M~theory considerations, is to include higher-order curvature invariants in the bulk action. Such terms arise in the AdS/CFT correspondence as next-to-leading order corrections to the CFT~\\cite{largeN}. The Gauss-Bonnet (GB) combination of curvature invariants is of particular relevance in five dimensions, since it represents the unique combination that leads to second-order gravitational field equations in the bulk metric and since the field equations contain only linear second derivatives~\\cite{d86}. A GB term may also arise as the next-to-leading order correction in the heterotic string effective action, and it is ghost-free about flat spacetime~\\cite{stringGB}. Moreover, the graviton zero mode remains localized in the GB braneworld~\\cite{onlylocal} and deviations from Newton's law at low energies are less pronounced than in the RS model~\\cite{milder}. From an observational perspective, there is now strong evidence that the very early universe underwent an epoch of accelerated (inflationary) expansion~\\cite{wmap}. During inflation, light fields such as the graviton are quantum-mechanically excited and acquire nearly scale-invariant fluctuations~\\cite{gw}. The resulting spectrum of primordial gravitational waves could be detectable from its imprint on the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)~\\cite{Bmode}. Such a detection would open a unique window into the physics of the very early universe. The evolution of gravitational waves during slow-roll inflation has been determined in the RS scenario~\\cite{lmw}. At high energies, the amplitude is enhanced relative to the standard result in 4D Einstein gravity. In view of the above developments, therefore, it is important to determine the properties of tensor perturbations generated during inflation in the GB braneworld. We show that significant changes to the RS case are introduced by the GB term, even when the GB corrections are very small relative to the Einstein-Hilbert terms. ", "conclusions": "Brane inflation offers a phenomenology that allows us to explore some of the cosmological implications of ideas arising from string and M~theory. The effects on inflationary perturbations from the extra dimensional nature of gravity introduce new features that need to be computed and then subjected to the constraints from high-precision cosmological data. Here we have concentrated on computing the corrections to the standard results for tensor and scalar perturbations that are generated during slow-roll inflation at energies where brane effects become dominant. This has previously been done for the Randall-Sundrum braneworld, based on 5-dimensional Einstein gravity. We have introduced a Gauss-Bonnet term, since string theory arguments indicate that this term is a high-energy perturbative correction to the gravitational action. This correction leads to significant qualitative changes, even in the perturbative regime $\\beta\\equiv 4\\alpha\\mu^2 \\ll 1$. For the tensor perturbations, we have given an exact analysis, including the 5D modes. The wave equation and its fundamental solutions are not changed by the GB term. The spectrum contains a normalizable zero-mode and a continuous tower of massive modes after a mass gap, $m>{3\\over 2}H$, as in the RS case. The massive modes are not excited during inflation, as in the RS case. However, the GB term changes the boundary conditions at the brane, and therefore changes the normalization of the zero-mode, as shown by Eq.~(\\ref{F}): \\[ {A_T^2 \\over [A_T^2]_{4\\rm D}}= \\left[\\sqrt{1+x^2} -\\left(\\!\\frac{1-\\beta} {1+\\beta}\\!\\right) x^2\\sinh^{-1}{1\\over x}\\right]^{-2}\\!. \\] This leads in the GB regime to a suppression of tensor perturbations relative to the standard result, unlike the enhancement that arises in the RS case $\\beta=0$. For the scalar perturbations, we used an approximation where bulk perturbations decouple from the density perturbations. We showed that the GB modifications to the Friedman equation lead to a significant change from the RS case, as given by Eq.~(\\ref{gg}): \\begin{eqnarray*} {A_S^2 \\over [A_S^2]_{4\\rm D}}= \\left[{3(1+\\beta) x^2 \\over 2\\sqrt{1+x^2}(3-\\beta +2\\beta x^2)+2(\\beta-3)}\\right]^{3}\\!. \\end{eqnarray*} These perturbations are again suppressed in the GB regime relative to the standard result, unlike the RS enhancement. Because the scalar suppression is stronger than the tensor suppression in the GB regime, the relative tensor contribution, as a fraction of the scalar amplitude, $R=A_T^2/A_S^2$, is enhanced in the GB regime, in comparison with the standard result. This is shown by Eq.~(\\ref{ratio}): \\begin{eqnarray*} &&{R \\over R_{4\\rm D}}= \\\\&&{}{[2\\sqrt{1+x^2}(3-\\beta +2\\beta x^2)+2(\\beta-3)]^3\\over 27(1+\\beta)^2x^6[(1+\\beta)\\! \\sqrt{1+x^2}-(1-\\beta) x^2\\sinh^{-\\!1}x^{-\\!1}]}\\!. \\end{eqnarray*} By contrast, in the RS case the relative tensor contribution is suppressed. Furthermore, the consistency relation between the tensor/ scalar ratio and the tensor spectral tilt is different in the GB case, i.e., \\[ R=-\\left({ 1+\\beta + 2\\beta x^2 \\over 1+\\beta + \\beta x^2} \\right){n_T \\over 2}\\,, \\] by Eq.~(\\ref{Qx}). The RS model by contrast has the same consistency relation as the standard case, $R=-{1\\over2}n_T$. Our results provide a basis on which to confront the GB braneworld with observational constraints, and this is under investigation. \\[ \\] {\\bf Acknowledgements:} We thank Pierre Binetruy, Christos Charmousis, Naresh Dadhich, Stephen Davis, Lev Kofman, David Langlois, Jihad Mourad, Sergei Odintsov, Renaud Parentani, Danielle Steer and David Wands for helpful discussions. The work of RM is supported by PPARC." }, "0404/astro-ph0404360.txt": { "abstract": "We report 3 - 13 $\\mu$m spectroscopy of 4 comets observed between August 2002 and February 2003: C/2002 O4 (H\\\"{o}nig) on August 1, 2002, C/2002 V1 (NEAT) on Jan. 9 and 10, 2003, C/2002 X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa) on Jan. 9 and 10, 2003, and C/2002 Y1 (Juels-Holvorcem) on Feb. 20, 2003. In addition, we include data obtained much earlier on 69P/Taylor (February 9, 1998) but not previously published. For Comets Taylor, H\\\"{o}nig, NEAT, and Kudo-Fujikawa, the silicate emission band was detected, being approximately 23\\%, 12\\%, 15\\%, and 10\\%, respectively, above the continuum. The data for Comet Juels-Holvorcem were of insufficient quality to detect the presence of a silicate band of comparable strength to the other three objects, and we place an upper limit of 24\\% on this feature. The silicate features in both NEAT and Kudo-Fujikawa contained structure indicating the presence of crystalline material. The shape of the silicate feature at a projected distance of 1900 km from the nucleus of Kudo-Fujukawa was nearly identical to that centered on the nucleus, indicating that the grain size population had not been measurable modified by the time it had reached that distance. Combining these data with those of other comets, we confirm the correlation between silicate band strength and grain temperature of Gehrz \\& Ney (1992) and Williams et al. (1997) for dynamically new and long period comets, but the majority of Jupiter family objects may deviate from this relation. Despite the weakness of the silicate band in Kudo-Fujikawa, its structure resembles the bands seen in dynamically new and long period objects with substantially stronger features. The limited data available on Jupiter family objects suggest that they may have silicate bands that are slightly different from the former objects. Finally, when compared to the silicate emission bands observed in pre-main sequence stars, the dynamically new and long period comets most closely resemble the more evolved stellar systems, while the limited data (in quantity and quality) on Jupiter family objects seem to suggest that these have spectra more like the less-evolved stars. Higher quality data on a larger number of Jupiter family objects are needed to confirm (or reject) this trend. ", "introduction": "One of the major goals of astronomy today is to understand the origin and evolution of solar systems, including our own. In the same way that stellar astrophysics is tied to our detailed understanding of the Sun for guidance, our ability to understand the evolution of extrasolar planetary systems in anything more than a general and tentative way will require detailed knowledge of how the most easily accessed system has developed. One of the key pieces of information that is required to model the formation and evolution of the solar system is the \u00d2boundary condition\u00d3 of its initial state. And while understanding the specific details of the initial collapse of the protosolar cloud may remain an unreachable goal at the present time, much of the physical and chemical nature of our solar system during its first $10^{6}$ years, when it was only 0.02\\% of its present age, remains in the form of solids stored beyond the orbit of Neptune where the equilibrium temperature drops below 50 K. These materials, true interstellar material that survived intact, material that condensed out of the early nebular gas, and material processed during the earliest stages of nebular development, are accessible in the form of comets. The presence of silicate material in comets was first confirmed by \\citet{maas70}, who unambiguously detected the emission band of silicates in the spectrum of Comet C/1969 Y1 Bennett using filter photometry with a spectral resolution R = $\\lambda$/$\\Delta\\lambda\\sim 10$. Since then, numerous bright comets have been observed using broad-band and intermediate-band photometry \\citep{ney74a,ney74b,gn92,att86a,att86b,msh87}, and this technique continues to be used to this day. While it lacks the mineralogical diagnostic power obtainable with higher spectral resolution, its broad wavelength coverage (2-23 $\\mu$m and often extending to 0.7 $\\mu$m) has made it a powerful tool for understanding the nature of cometary dust grains. Two important discoveries made with this technique are that the strength of the silicate band varies from object to object, and that most bright comets have grains that radiate at temperatures in excess of that of a blackbody at the expected equilibrium temperature for their heliocentric distance. Both effects are expected for a grain population that includes a significant fraction of the grains having sizes smaller that the wavelength of light being radiated, in this case from 3-20 $\\mu$m, and the two have been found to be correlated in the emission from bright comets \\citep{gn92,wil97}. The data relevant to the population of grain sizes may be dependent on the position within the coma where the observations are made, and therefore also dependent on the beam size used in the measurement. The grain size distribution measured in the coma of 1P/Halley by the Giotto and Vega spacecraft varied noticeably as a function of distance from the nucleus and between pre- and post-encounter tracks \\citep{mcd87,mcd91}. This is not surprising, as the entrainment of dust by subliming volatiles will tend to sort grains by mass (or the ratio of mass to surface area for highly porous grains), and fragmentation of grains during outflow will tend to produce small grains from large ones. Ground-based photometry of C/1973 E1 Kohoutek indicated that the grains in the anti-tail were considerably larger than those in the central coma and tail \\citep{ney74a}. Such behavior is expected in comets due to the sorting by radiation pressure (see, for example, \\citet{gj90}). To properly characterize the grain sizes, thermal properties, and mineralogical composition of relic solar system grains, spectroscopic data of a large number of comets are required. Objects ranging from short-period comets to dynamically new ones need to be included. Comets that have entered the inner solar system for the first time will have surfaces that have been exposed for billions of years to processing by cosmic rays, and may not necessarily be shedding the more pristine materials to be found deeper in their interiors. Short-period objects that have endured thousands of years (or more) of surface activity will have had this outer layer removed. However, because smaller grains are more easily entrained by sublimating volatiles from the nucleus than larger ones, their population of observable grain sizes will tend to be skewed toward larger values than what they were born with. Hence, data on a large number of objects at various stages of their evolution will be required to disentangle the various factors affecting their grain properties. In this paper we report our observations of 5 comets, and analyze the data for these and 14 others for which data at comparable spectral resolution and wavelength coverage exist. ", "conclusions": "We have reported previously unpublished mid-IR spectra of 5 comets: C/2002 O4 (H\\\"{o}nig), C/2002 X1 (NEAT), C/2002 X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa), C/2002 Y1 (Juels-Holvorcem), and 69P/Taylor. In 4 of these object (H\\\"{o}nig, NEAT, Kudo-Fujikawa, and Taylor) we detected the presence of the emission band due to silicates. In the other (Juels-Holvorcem) the band was weak or absent, but the quality of the data was low. Four objects (H\\\"{o}nig, NEAT, Taylor, and Juels-Holvorcem) contained grains radiating at temperatures generally above those expected of a blackbody at the heliocentric distance of the comet, although for any individual object the results are within 2 standard deviations of the blackbody temperature. In the one object where we obtained data both on and offset from the nucleus of Comet Kudo-Fujikawa, the dust emission characteristics seemed unchanged. The timing of the observations were such that they were sampling the same grains if all were traveling at a constant velocity equal to that observed in Comet Hale-Bopp. At least in this one object, any possible evidence for significant modification of the grain size by grain size sorting or disintegration was not evident. The near lack of excess temperature and weakness of the silicate band indicated that the grains ejected in Kudo-Fujikawa were not dominated by small silicate grains seen in most ``young'' comets. However, the shape of the silicate band itself requires it be produced by whatever population of small grains that were present. Merging this sample with objects observed earlier at similar spectral resolutions and wavelength coverage, a few notable characteristics emerge. The strong correlation between excess temperature and silicate band strength previously reported is confirmed here for the majority of the dynamically new objects in our sample. However, there is a tendency for Jupiter family objects to deviate from this correlation in the sense that they tend to have temperature characteristics close to the middle of the range exhibited by the sample as a whole, but silicate bands that are consistently weaker than the average. If this trend is confirmed with a larger sample, then it would suggest that our solar system possessed a radial gradient in the size distribution of its silicate grains, similar to that observed in $\\beta$ Pic today. It is apparent that the spectra of solar system comets possess many features in common. Most well-observed objects exhibit temperatures in excess of that expected from a blackbody at the equilibrium temperature expected for their heliocentric distances. Most show a silicate emission feature, although the strength can be quite different from object to object, or even from epoch to epoch for a single object. When strong enough to measure reliably, the silicate band usually has a trapezoidal shape above the continuum, usually with a rather distinct peak at 11.2 $\\mu$m feature attributed to crystalline olivine. However, it would be a mistake to say that they are all alike (Figure 12). We also find that in some cases, most notably that of Comet Kudo-Fujikawa, even though its silicate band is weak, the shape and structure after subtracting the continuum is similar to that of other dynamically new and long period comets. It also resembles the emission of more evolved pre-main sequence stars, such as HD 35187. For the same band strength at 11.2 $\\mu$m, the 9-10 $\\mu$m fluxes of the JF comets tend to be slightly larger than that of Kudo-Fujikawa (and other dynamically new and long period comets), and are more similar to pre-main sequence stars that are less evolved than HD 35187. It would seem that the dynamically new and long period comets, which come from the Oort Cloud but whose origins were probably inside the orbit of Neptune, were endowed with grains of a somewhat different nature than the Jupiter family objects, which probably originated from the Kuiper-Edgeworth Belt beyond the orbit of Neptune. During the first tens of millions of years of the evolution of the solar system, these two regions of comet formation would have been processed over time to various degrees with solar wind exposure, silicate grain annealing, small grain expulsion, grain coagulation, and settling of grains in the protosolar disk. Alien observers (if they existed) might, at various times, have seen a system that progressively evolved from one that looked like UX Ori to HD 31648 to HD 35187." }, "0404/astro-ph0404376_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We investigate the bright cut-off of the \\oiiiline\\ planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), that has been suggested as a powerful extragalactic distance indicator in virtue of its observed invariance against populations effects. Theoretical PNLFs are constructed via Monte-Carlo simulations of populations of PNe, whose individual properties are described with the aid of recent PN synthetic models (Marigo et al. 2001), coupled to a detailed photoionisation code (CLOUDY). The basic dependences of the cut-off magnitude $M^*$ are then discussed. We find that : (i) In galaxies with recent or ongoing star formation, the modelled PNLF present $M^*$ values between $-4$ and $-5$, depending on model details. These are very close to the observationally-calibrated value for the LMC. (ii) In these galaxies, the PNLF cut-off is produced by PNe with progenitor masses of about 2.5 \\Msun, while less massive stars give origin to fainter PNe. As a consequence $M^*$ is expected to depend strongly on the age of the last burst of star formation, dimming by as much as 5 magnitudes as we go from young to 10-Gyr old populations. (iii) Rather than on the initial metallicity of a stellar population, $M^*$ depends on the actual [O/H] of the observed PNe, a quantity that may differ significantly from the initial value (due to dredge-up episodes), especially in young and intermediate-age PN populations. (iv) Also the transition time from the end of AGB to the PN phase, and the nuclear-burning properties (i.e. H- or He-burning) of the central stars introduce non-negligible effects on $M^*$. The strongest indication derived from the present calculations is a serious difficulty to explain the age-invariance of the cut-off brightness over an extended interval, say from 1 to 13 Gyr, that observations of PNLFs in galaxies of late-to-early type seem to suggest. We discuss the implications of our findings, also in relation to other interpretative pictures proposed in the past literature. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec_intro} The Planetary Nebula luminosity function (PNLF) constitutes one of the most attractive indicators to set out the extragalactic distance scale. {From} the observational side, PNe can be identified in galaxies from the LMC to as far as the Virgo cluster, and are numerous in some of the key galaxies that link the ``local'' distance scale given by Cepheids, with the more distant scale given by the surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) method, the Tully-Fisher relation, and SNe Ia. The PNLF is suitable for determining distances as far as 20--25~Mpc, beyond which exposure times for reasonable S/N-ratios become prohibitively long. The importance of the PNLF for the cosmological distance ladder is fully described by e.g. Ciardullo (2003), Ciardullo \\& Jacoby (1999) and Jacoby, Ciardullo \\& Feldmeier (1999), Jacoby (1997), to whom we refer for all details. In practice, the PNLF as a candle works in the following way: Once the flux in the \\oiiiline\\ emission line, $F_{5007}$ (in cgs units), is measured for a sample of PNe in an external galaxy, it is converted to \\moiii\\ magnitude, \\beq \\moiii = -2.5\\,\\log F_{5007} - 13.74 \\label{eq_moiii} \\eeq (Jacoby 1989). The number of objects at any given \\moiii\\ bin constitutes the PNLF, $N(\\moiii)$, which can be fitted over the brightest magnitudes by the function \\beq N(\\moiii) = e^{0.307\\,m_{5007}} \\left[ 1-e^{3(m^*-m_{5007})} \\right] \\label{eq_cutoff} \\eeq (see Ciardullo et al.~1989). The key quantity is the cut-off magnitude $m^*$. According to several arguments (see below), its corresponding absolute value, $M^*$, appears to be constant in most galaxies, hence providing an excellent (secondary) standard candle. Therefore, a measure of $m^*$ gives a distance estimate in a single step, provided that interstellar reddening is suitably taken into account. The present-day calibration of $M^*$, based on a sample of galaxies with SBF and Cepheid distances, and correcting for a small metallicity dependence, is $M^* = -4.47$ (Ciardullo et al. 2002). The possibility of systematic variations in the value of $M^*$ among galaxies has been investigated in several different ways. From the observational side, the evidences for a nearly constant maximum luminosity for PNe are numerous, as reviewed by e.g.\\ Ciardullo (2003) and Jacoby (1997). The main points are: (1) $m^*$ does not significantly change with galactocentric radius in the galaxies M31, M81, NGC\\,4494 and NGC\\,5128, where significant population gradients should be present. (2) There is no hint of large systematic variations in $m^*$ among galaxies of different types in the galaxy clusters/groups of M81, NGC\\,1023, NGC\\,5128, Fornax, Leo~I, and Virgo. Overall, this is indicating that age and metallicity variations have little effect on $M^*$. On the other hand, comparison with Cepheid distances reveals a small non-monotonic dependence on metallicity, expressed by the system's oxygen abundance, which can be compensated for by a relation quadratic in [O/H] (Ciardullo et al.\\ 2002). Although these observational arguments seem compelling, they are not accompanied by a solid, unique theoretical framework. In other words, different authors do not agree on the reasons why $M^*$ should be constant, reaching seemingly contradictory conclusions over the years. First, early theoretical arguments by Jacoby (1989) and PN modelling by Dopita et al.\\ (1992) explain why the \\oiiiline\\ flux depends little on the PN metallicity. At the same time, the PNLF simulations by M\\'endez et al. (1993) indicate that a substantial dependence on population age might be present, as indicated by the differences in the best fits of the LMC and Milky Way PNLFs. Dopita et al. (1992) also suggest that a dependence on age should be present. While M\\'endez et al.\\ (1993) claim that the bright end of the PNLF is populated by optically-thin objects, Dopita et al.\\ (1992) model optically-thick objects only and, after metallicity and population corrections, succeed in reproducing the PNLF and the constant cutoff brightness. Similar open questions concern the importance of hydrogen- (M\\'endez et al.\\ 1993) vs.\\ helium-burning (Ciardullo et al.\\ 1989; Jacoby 1989) central stars. More recently, the apparent lack of predicted population age effects is explained by Ciardullo \\& Jacoby (1999) by compensating circumstellar extinction. Young and massive central stars should be very luminous and result in over-luminous PNe (i.e. beyond the standard $M^*$), which is not observed. The proposed solution by Ciardullo \\& Jacoby (1999) is that, since the most massive asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars likely become dust-enshrouded because of heavy mass loss, the related circumstellar extinction would reduce the \\oiiiline\\ emission from these objects, always to at least $M^*$ or below. Provided that PNe with lower-mass progenitors are present, then the observed cut-off magnitude would be $M^*$. If this is the case, one has yet to understand which is the typical age of the PNe that contribute to the cut-off, and explore the metallicity effects in the relevant age intervals. The theoretical investigations of the PNLF, quoted above, have different levels of sophistication in the models. Because of the complexity of the problem, simplifications and severe assumptions about the properties of PNe and their progenitor stars have always been introduced, like for instance: an initial--final mass relation (hereinafter also IFMR) independent of metallicity (e.g. M\\'endez et al.\\ 1993), either optically-thin or thick PNe (Dopita et al.\\ 1992; M\\'endez et al.\\ 1993; Stanghellini 1995; M\\'endez \\& Soffner 1997), a narrow mass range being responsible for the bright end of the PNLF (Jacoby 1989; Dopita et al.\\ 1992), and the restriction to either H- or He-burner central stars only. All these assumptions can be improved in some way, by using the full results of stellar evolution and the population synthesis theory. In the present paper, we elaborate on the theoretical framework for the PNLF predictions, based on our own simulations. The starting point for such a project has been the construction of an updated synthetic code, that follows the PN evolution as a function of basic stellar parameters, such as progenitor mass, metallicity, type of post-AGB evolution, etc. The complete code is described in Marigo et al. (2001; hereafter Paper~I), together with basic comparisons with the available data for Galactic PNe. Note that this code is much more complex than those previously used to investigate the PNLF, as it takes into account the chemical composition and wind velocity of the ejected material as predicted by AGB models, the interaction of the multiple winds as the PN expands, the effect of shell thickening due to ionisation, etc. Moreover, there is no artificial assumption about the conditions of optical thickness of the nebulae. The underlying model used to produce theoretical PNLFs is therefore more realistic and much less dependent on explicit or hidden assumptions than previous approaches. We will recapitulate the key features of our theoretical model in Section~\\ref{sec_overview}. Despite all improvements, the Marigo et al.\\ (2001) models still treated some characteristics of the ionized nebulae in a simplified way. For instance, the electronic temperature \\Te\\ was introduced as a parameter and kept constant during the complete PN evolution. The emission line fluxes were then derived by simple formulas based on this temperature, on element abundances, and on the estimated sizes of the Str\\\"omgren spheres for different ions. Since the flux of the optical forbidden lines -- and in particular the \\oiiiline\\ one -- depends strongly on \\Te\\ and the actual amount of ionized material, this simplification is clearly inadequate for an investigation of the PNLF. Hence, in this paper (Section~\\ref{ssec_cloudy}) we relax the above-mentioned approximations by incorporating the photoionisation code CLOUDY (Ferland 2001) into our PN models, thereby improving them further, and particularly towards the direction of accurate predictions of spectral features. Then, in Sect.~\\ref{sec_samples} we describe the generation of simulated PN samples in galaxies, firstly performing some basic comparisons with the empirical data of Galactic PNe. We show how present models can reproduce, to a large extent, some well-known properties of observed PNe, such as the correlations between the ionized mass and nebular density with the radius, and those between particular emission line ratios. In Sect.~\\ref{sec_pnlf} we move to analyse the predicted synthetic PNLF, with the aim to discuss the expected behaviour of the bright cut-off, $M^*$. We will in particular focus on the nature of the objects responsible for the bright cut-off, analysing the dependence of $M^*$ on physical and technical factors. Finally, Sects.~\\ref{sec_discussion} and \\ref{sec_conclusion} summarise the results of present models in terms of basic dependences of the cut-off, and draw a few conclusions about the PNLF method, at the same time highlighting the main points of discrepancy between our findings and the picture used so far to interpret the PNLF results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_conclusion} In Paper~I we had developed a theoretical model for synthetic PNe. In the present paper we use this model to predict properties of synthetic samples of PNe. In particular we investigated the PNLF of synthetic PN populations with regard to its shape, maximum \\oiiiline\\ brightness, and how it depends on age and composition of the population as well as on assumptions necessarily entering our model. With respect to Paper~I and in view of the importance of a reliable prediction of the emission properties of PNe, we extended our model by including the photoionisation program CLOUDY, thereby eliminating one of the free parameters, the electron temperature \\Te\\ in the nebulae. The detailed radiation transfer treatment confirms that the assumption of an approximately constant \\Te\\ of about $10000\\,\\rm{K}$ in the dynamical part of the model is justified, at least within the accuracy required at this stage. Apart from free assumptions about age and composition of the population causing PNe, and about the SFH and IMF, the transition time remains the sole physical parameter for which we have only rough indications, and for which we would need additional theoretical calculations of the superwind phase of AGB stars, and their transition to the post-AGB phase. We are also forced to assume spherical symmetry of the circumstellar matter. With this improved model for PNe populations we have simulated galactic PNe and compared the results with observations. We concentrated on emission lines and ionisation states, and find excellent agreement without the necessity to vary any model parameters. Based on these successful comparisons, we then concentrated on the luminosity function. The main results concerning the PNLF are: \\begin{itemize} \\item Our models predict a PNLF shape towards the cut-off very similar to those observed in spiral and irregular galaxies. \\item In galaxies with recent star formation (either continued up to now, or with a burst occurred $\\sim 1$ Gyr ago), the cut-off is expected at $-5 \\le \\Moiii \\le -4$, depending on model parameters. This is consistent with the observed values at about $-4.5$ (e.g. for the LMC). \\item In galaxies without recent star formation, the cut-off is predicted much fainter than observed. This is due to the lack of stars with $M>2$ \\Msun, responsible for the brightest PNe ($\\Moiii\\le-3.0$). \\item From the two previous points it follows that we can hardly explain the constancy of the cut-off observed in some ellipticals (dominated by old populations) in terms of the claimed age-invariance. Rather, a possible way to explain the bright PNLF cut-off observed in some late-type galaxies is just to invoke a recent burst of star formation. \\item One main parameter determining the PNLF cut-off is the transition time, to be constrained on the base of observed PN properties (e.g. $N_{\\rm e}$, $T_{\\rm e}$, ionized masses, radii, expansion velocities, etc). Our simulations indicate that, in order to recover the observed brightness of the cut-off, the CSPNe populating it (with masses around $0.70-0.75$ \\Msun) should have a \\ttr\\ of the order of few hundred years (typically $500-1000$ yr). On galaxies without recent SFR, the cut-off position becomes little sensitive to \\ttr. \\item The predicted dependence of the PNLF on metallicity is the result of a number of factors, as we need to know (i) how the evolutionary properties of the stellar progenitors (i.e. the efficiency of mass loss on the AGB, the details of the initial--final mass relation) vary as a function of the initial chemical composition, (ii) the initial main-sequence abundance of oxygen, and iii) the actual oxygen abundance in PNe since it may differ significantly from the initial value due to dredge-up episodes during the TP-AGB phase. \\end{itemize} Overall, {\\em our results explain in a very natural way the successful calibration of the PNLF using Cepheid distances} (Feldmeier et al.\\ 1997; Jacoby 1996). In the list given by Jacoby (1996), 7 out of 8 galaxies in the sample are classified as spiral or irregular galaxies, only NGC5253 is of E/S0 type. However, it is well documented that this galaxy has undergone a recent starbust (see, e.g.\\ Verma et al.\\ 2003) and thus, as for all the other objects star formation has taken place during the last billion year, and all PNLFs reach $M^*$. In fact, the argument can be made even stronger and more general: in case there is a Cepheid distance to a galaxy, there must be a young population and thus the PNLF will reach the canonical cutoff brightness. Furthermore, {\\em our models do not support the idea of a population-invariant PNLF cut-off}. Indeed, the suggestions for an age-invariant cut-off poses a serious problem to the theory. In order to explain it, {we may need to explore the properties of very low-$Z$ PNe, or to invoke} a very different and difficult-to-imagine scenario for the evolution of PNe and their progenitor stars than here considered. Considering all these aspects, we find it worth questioning if the indications for the cut-off invariance are really as solid as claimed. Until definitive evidence is not brought, and until there is not a solid theoretical framework supporting such evidence, we suggest that the PNLF should still be considered as a potentially useful probe of stellar populations in galaxies, rather than a standard candle." }, "0404/astro-ph0404140_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Evidence suggests that gamma-ray burst (GRB) ejecta are likely magnetized, although the degree of magnetization is unknown. When such magnetized ejecta are decelerated by the ambient medium, the characteristics of the reverse shock emission are strongly influenced by the degree of magnetization. We derive a rigorous analytical solution for the relativistic 90$^{\\rm o}$ shocks under the ideal MHD condition. The solution is reduced to the Blandford-McKee hydrodynamical solution when the magnetization parameter $\\sigma$ approaches zero, and to the Kennel-Coroniti solution (which depends on $\\sigma$ only) when the shock upstream and downstream are ultra-relativistic with each other. Our generalized solution can be used to treat the more general cases, e.g. when the shock upstream and downstream are mildly relativistic with each other. We find that the suppression factor of the shock in the strong magnetic field regime is only mild as long as the shock upstream is relativistic with respect to the downstream, and it saturates in the high-$\\sigma$ regime. This indicates that generally strong relativistic shocks still exist in the high-$\\sigma$ limit. This can effectively convert kinetic energy into heat. The overall efficiency of converting ejecta energy into heat, however, decreases with increasing $\\sigma$, mainly because the fraction of the kinetic energy in the total energy decreases. We use the theory to study the reverse shock emission properties of arbitrarily magnetized ejecta in the GRB problem assuming a constant density of the circumburst medium. We study the shell-medium interaction in detail and categorize various critical radii for shell evolution. With typical GRB parameters, a reverse shock exists when $\\sigma$ is less than a few tens or a few hundreds. The shell evolution can be still categorized into the thick and thin shell regimes, but the separation between the two regimes now depends on the $\\sigma$ parameter and the thick shell regime greatly shrinks at high-$\\sigma$. The thin shell regime can be also categorized into two sub-regions depending on whether the shell starts to spread during the first shock crossing. The early optical afterglow lightcurves are calculated for GRBs with a wide range of $\\sigma$ value, with the main focus on the reverse shock component. We find that as $\\sigma$ increases from below the reverse shock emission level increases steadily until reaching a peak at $\\sigma \\siml 1$, then it decreases steadily when $\\sigma > 1$. At large $\\sigma$ values, the reverse shock peak is broadened in the thin shell regime because of the separation of the shock crossing radius and the deceleration radius. This novel feature can be regarded as a signature of high $\\sigma$. The early afterglow data of GRB 990123 and GRB 021211 could be understood within the theoretical framework developed in this paper, with the inferred $\\sigma$ value $\\simg 0.1$. The case of GRB 021004 and GRB 030418 may be also interpreted with higher $\\sigma$ values, although more detailed modeling is needed. Early tight optical upper limits could be interpreted as very high $\\sigma$ cases, in which a reverse shock does not exist or very weak. Our model predictions could be further tested against future abundant early afterglow data collected by the Swift UV-optical telescope, so that the magnetic content of GRB fireballs can be diagnosed. ", "introduction": "Extensive broad-band observational campaigns and theoretical modeling of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows have greatly advanced our understanding of these mysterious cosmic explosions. Yet, the origin of the GRB prompt emission itself and the nature of the relativistic flow (which are directly connected to the function of the central engine) is still unknown (e.g. \\Mesz~2002; Zhang \\& \\Mesz~2004). In particular, it is unclear how important the role of magnetic fields is in producing GRBs. Recently two independent pieces of evidence suggest that the GRB central engine is likely strongly magnetized. First, the claimed detection of the very high degree of linear polarization of gamma-ray emission in GRB 021206 (Coburn \\& Boggs 2003, see however Rutledge \\& Fox 2004), if true, could be readily interpreted by assuming that the magnetic field involved in the synchrotron radiation is globally ordered (e.g. Waxman 2003; Granot 2003), although some alternative explanations remain (e.g. Waxman 2003). Second, recently we (Zhang, Kobayashi \\& \\Mesz~2003, hereafter ZKM03) developed a method to perform combined reverse and forward shock emission study for GRB early optical afterglows, and revealed that a stronger magnetic field in the reverse shock region than in the forward shock region is needed to interpret the early afterglow data of GRB 990123 and GRB 021211. This claim was confirmed by independent detailed case studies for both bursts (Fan et al. 2002; Kumar \\& Panaitescu 2003). These findings suggest that magnetic fields may play a significant role in the GRB physics, as has been suggested by various authors previously (e.g. Usov 1994; Thompson 1994; \\Mesz~\\& Rees 1997b; Wheeler et al. 2000; Spruit, Daigne \\& Drenkhahn 2001; Blandford 2002). Within the framework of the currently favored collapsar progenitor model for GRBs (MacFadyen \\& Woosley 1999), the ejecta are found to be magnetized when MHD simulations are performed (Proga et al. 2003). The degree of magnetization of the ejecta, however, is unknown. This is usually quantified by the parameter $\\sigma$ (see eq.[\\ref{sigma}] for a precise definition), the ratio of the electromagnetic energy flux to the kinetic energy flux. Current GRB models are focused on two extreme regimes. In the first regime, it is essentially assumed that the GRB fireball is purely hydrodynamical. Magnetic fields are introduced only through an equipartition parameter $\\epsilon_B$ (which is of the order of 0.001-0.1) for the purpose of calculating synchrotron radiation. This is the $\\sigma \\rightarrow 0$ regime. In this picture, the GRB prompt emission is produced from internal shocks (Rees \\& \\Mesz~1994) or sometimes from external shocks (\\Mesz~\\& Rees 1993; Dermer \\& Mitman 1999). This is currently the standard scenario of GRB emission. The second is the $\\sigma \\rightarrow \\infty$ regime. This is the regime where a Poynting-flux dominates the flow, and GRB prompt emission is envisaged to be due to some less familiar magnetic dissipation processes (e.g. Usov 1994; Spruit et al. 2001; Blandford 2002; Lyutikov \\& Blandford 2003). In principle, a GRB event could include both a ``hot component'' as invoked in the $\\sigma=0$ model (e.g. due to neutrino annihilation) and a ``cold component'' as invoked in the $\\sigma=\\infty$ model, the interplay between both components may result in a $\\sigma$ value varying in a wide range (Zhang \\& \\Mesz~2002). It is an important but difficult task to pin down the degree of magnetization of GRB ejecta. GRB early afterglow data (especially in the optical band) potentially contain essential information to diagnose the magnetic content of the fireball. The reason is that an early optical afterglow lightcurve is believed to include contributions from both the forward shock (which propagates into the ambient medium) and the reverse shock (which propagates into the ejecta itself). Since the magnetization degree of the ejecta influences the emission level of the reverse shock (or maybe even the level of the forward shock), by studying the interplay between the reverse shock and the forward shock emission components, one could potentially infer the degree of magnetization of the ejecta. In all the current analyses, the reverse shock emission is treated purely hydrodynamically (e.g. \\Mesz~\\& Rees 1997a; Sari \\& Piran 1999; Kobayashi 2000; Kobayashi \\& Zhang 2003a; ZKM03). When confronted with the available early afterglow data (four cases so far: GRB 990123, Akerlof et al. 1999; GRB 021004, Fox et al. 2003a; GRB 021211, Fox et al. 2003b, Li et al. 2003a; and GRB 030418, Rykoff et al. 2004), the model works reasonably well for two of them (GRB 990123 and GRB 021211), although a good fit requires that the magnetic field in the reverse shock region is much stronger than that in the forward shock region (ZKM03). For the other two, the lightcurves are not easy to explain with the simplest reverse shock model. On the other hand, GRB ejecta could in principle have an arbitrary $\\sigma$ value. When $\\sigma$ is large, the conventional hydrodynamical treatment is no longer a good approximation, and a full treatment involving MHD shock jump condition is desirable. It is generally believed that a GRB involves a rapidly-rotating central engine. If the magnetic dissipation processes are not significant, field lines are essentially frozen in the expanding shells. The radial component of the magnetic field decays with radius as $\\propto R^{-2}$, while the toroidal magnetic field decays as $\\sim R^{-1}$. At the external shock radius, magnetic field lines are essentially frozen in the plane perpendicular to the moving direction. The MHD shock Rankine-Hugoniot relations are greatly simplified in such a 90$^{\\rm o}$ shock. Such relations have been studied extensively before both analytically and numerically. Kennel \\& Coroniti (1984) derived some simplified analytical expressions applicable for strong 90$^{\\rm o}$ degree shocks whose upstream and downstream are ultra-relativistic with each other. The model was used to treat the pulsar-wind nebula problem. In this regime, the strength of the shock is essentially characterized by only one parameter, i.e. the $\\sigma$ parameter. The conclusion was confirmed later by numerical simulations (e.g. Gallant et al. 1992) Within the context of GRBs, since a GRB invokes a transient release of energy, the ejecta shell has a finite width (in contrast to the long-standing pulsar wind). Under some conditions, the reverse shock upstream and downstream could never become relativistic with each other when the reverse shock crosses the ejecta shell. In the $\\sigma=0$ limit, whether the reverse shock becomes relativistic depends on the comparison between the time scale ($T$) of the central engine activity (essentially the duration of the burst) and the time scale ($t_\\gamma$) when the mass of the ambient medium collected by the fireball reaches $1/\\gamma_0$ times the mass of the ejecta (e.g. Sari \\& Piran 1995; Kobayashi, Piran \\& Sari 1999). Both times are measured by the observer. The case of $T>t_\\gamma$ is called the thick shell regime, and the reverse shock is relativistic. In many cases, however, one has $T140$. Therefore, emphasis has to be put on improving the prediction of nuclear cross sections and astrophysical reaction rates in that mass region." }, "0404/astro-ph0404006_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The observed infall of galaxies into the Virgo Cluster puts strong constraints on the mass of the cluster. A non-parametric fully non-linear description of the infall can be made with orbit reconstructions based on Numerical Action Methods. The mass of the cluster is determined to be $1.2 \\times 10^{15} M_{\\odot}$. The mass-to-light ratio for the cluster is found to be seven times higher than the mean ratio found across the region within $V=3000$ km/s. ", "introduction": "The general problem we will consider is the reconstruction of orbits that galaxies might have followed to arrive at their currently observed positions on the sky and in redshift. On this occasion we will focus on the particularly interesting circumstances associated with infall into the Virgo Cluster. The program involves three distinct components. First, we require as complete a map as possible of the angular positions and velocities of galaxies. It will be assumed that there is some correlation between the distribution of galaxies in the catalog and the actual distribution of mass, which is the parameter that really interests us. However it is to be anticipated from the outset that the relationship between what we see -- galaxies of various types -- and the distribution of mass may be complex (Tully 2003, 2004). It is also to be appreciated that large scale tides may be dynamically significant so one needs a map of the distribution of galaxies that extends well beyond the region of immediate focus. In the present instance, our interest is in the environs of the Virgo Cluster at a distance of 16.8 Mpc. Our map of the distribution of galaxies is based on a sample of 3151 galaxies within $\\sim 40$ Mpc. The sample is complete to $0.1 L^{\\star}$ within 25 Mpc at high galactic latitudes. Selection function corrections are made as a function of distance and `fake' sources are added at low latitudes to account for missing sources in the zone of obscuration. The second critical component is a catalog of accurate distances to galaxies. Distance measures, $d$, allow a separation of observed velocities, $V_{\\rm obs}$, and peculiar velocities, $V_{\\rm pec}$, since $V_{\\rm pec}=V_{\\rm obs}-{\\rm H}_0 d$. Here, H$_0$ is the Hubble Constant which is taken to be 80 km/s/Mpc. For purposes of separating $V_{\\rm pec}$ from $V_{\\rm obs}$ it is only required that distances and the Hubble Constant be on the same scale; that is, with averaging that takes into account large scale flows: H$_0=$. If distances are, say, systematically measured too large then a self-consistent value of H$_0$ will be too low. Derived values of $V_{\\rm pec}$ are independent of the distance scale zero-point. Another factor with regard to distances to appreciate is that errors are a percentage of the distance, 10\\% to 20\\% depending on the methodology, with the consequence that errors in the derived $V_{\\rm pec}$ grow linearly with distance. At the Virgo Cluster a 10\\% error corresponds to $\\pm140$ km/s in $V_{\\rm pec}$. This uncertainty is tolerable for the Virgo infall problem but for more distant clusters the situation would be unsatisfactory. The distance catalog itself is a synthesis of our own observations (Pierce and Tully, in preparation) that exploit the luminosity--linewidth method (Tully and Fisher 1977) and material from the literature. That literature material provides distances from a variety of methodologies: luminosity--linewidth (Mathewson et al. 1992, Lu et al. 1993, Tully and Pierce 2000), Cepheid (Freedman et al. 2001), Tip of the Giant Branch (Karachentsev et al. 2003), Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function (Jacoby et al. 1990), and Surface Brightness Fluctuation (Tonry et al. 2001). This latter important source is distinguished separately in the ensuing discussion. In total we have distances to almost 900 galaxies from the luminosity--linewidth and other assorted methods and 292 distances from the Surface Brightness Fluctuation method. The third ingredient is the theoretical machinery to convert information on the amplitude of the peculiar velocities of galaxies into a map of the mass distribution. In linear theory there is a direct relation between $V_{\\rm pec}$ and matter density fluctuations. The relationship is more complex in the vicinity of collapsed structures, such as the Virgo Cluster. We make use of Numerical Action Methods which we have referred to as `Least Action'. The numerical techniques have been discussed by Peebles (1989,1995), Shaya et al. (1995), and Phelps (2002). The procedure allows for orbit reconstructions in highly nonlinear regimes, though ambiguity arises if the orbits are complex, especially if dynamical friction or orbital energy exchange is important. These are not serious issues for the Virgo infall problem. ", "conclusions": "Similar analyses can be made of dozens of other lines-of-sight through the infall domain around the Virgo Cluster. If there is a distance measurement that confirms that a target is inside the zero-velocity surface around the cluster then the line-of-sight component of its velocity puts a constraint on the cluster mass. In each case, the cluster mass must be at least enough to provide an Action infall solution. We determine that a minimum but sufficient Virgo Cluster mass for the models is $1.2 \\times 10^{15} M_{\\odot}$. This mass is $~50\\%$ larger than the mass determined from application of the Virial theorem (Tully and Shaya 1984). However, the Virial radius for the cluster is $\\sim 0.8$ Mpc while the mass measured by infall is on a scale $\\ge 1.8$ Mpc. The infall analysis, which is based on very simple physics, gives an estimate of the {\\it global} mass of the cluster. It can be anticipated that this mass will exceed the masses determined over more limited scales by gravitational lensing, X-ray, or Virial studies. Unfortunately, the analysis is not easily duplicated on other clusters, at least not so cleanly. The Virgo Cluster is the only environment {\\it near} enough that distance measurements distinguish between infall and expansion regimes, and {\\it massive} enough to have an extensive, well populated infall domain. It provides a single good case. What we find, though, is that whereas overall the Action models find preference for $M/L \\sim 125 M_{\\odot}/L_{\\odot}$ and $\\Omega_m \\sim 0.2$, in the Virgo Cluster we need $M/L \\sim 900 M_{\\odot}/L_{\\odot}$." }, "0404/astro-ph0404012_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a sequence of I-band images obtained at the Venezuela 1m Schmidt telescope during the outburst of the nebula recently discovered by J.W. McNeil in the Orion L1630 molecular cloud. We derive photometry spanning the pre-outburst state and the brightening itself, a unique record including 14 epochs and spanning a time scale of $\\sim 5$ years. We constrain the beginning of the outburst at some time between Oct. 28 and Nov. 15, 2003. The light curve of the object at the vertex of the nebula, the likely exciting source of the outburst, reveals that it has brightened $\\sim 5$ magnitudes in about 4 months. The time scale for the nebula to develop is consistent with the light travel time, indicating that we are observing light from the central source scattered by the ambient cloud into the line of sight. We also show recent FLWO optical spectroscopy of the exciting source and of the nearby HH 22. The spectrum of the source is highly reddened; in contrast, the spectrum of HH 22 shows a shock spectrum superimposed on a continuum, most likely due to reflected light from the exciting source reaching the HH object through a much less reddened path. The blue portion of this spectrum is consistent with an early B spectral type, similar to the early outburst spectrum of the FU Ori variable V1057 Cyg; we estimate a luminosity of ${\\rm L \\sim 219 L_\\sun}$. The eruptive behavior of the McNeil nebula source, its spectroscopic characteristics and luminosity, suggest we may be witnessing an FU Ori event on its way to maximum. Further monitoring of this object will decide whether it qualifies as a member of this rare class of objects. ", "introduction": "Last February 9, 2004, the discovery of a new nebula, roughly 12' south of the reflection nebula NGC 2068 (M78) in the L1630 molecular cloud of the Orion star-forming complex was announced by \\cite{mcn04}. The region surrounding the newly revealed object contains a number of pre-main sequence stars, as well as Herbig-Haro objects HH 22 and HH 23 \\citep{eim97}. The IRAS source 05436-0007 \\citep{cla91} is located at the vertex of the new nebula, but was not identified by him as a young object. The 2MASS images show an extremely red source at this position (J05461313-0006048), but no object is visible at optical wavelengths in Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. More recently, dust continuum imaging of this region by \\citet{lmz99} revealed several sources at 350 and $1300\\mu$m. They suggest that their source LMZ 12, spatially coincident with IRAS 05436-0007, is a Class 0 source with $L_{bol}\\simeq 2.7 L_\\sun$, and the probable exciting source of HH 23, located $\\sim 2\\farcm 5$ north of the new nebula. This new nebula was made widely known by B. Reipurth's announcement in the Star Formation Newsletter No. 136\\footnote{http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/$\\sim$reipurth/newsletter.htm}. In a follow up study \\citet{rea04} indicate that the object brightened by $\\sim 3$ magnitudes in the near infrared, and that its optical and K-band spectra show a certain resemblance with EXors. On the other hand, the object may be undergoing an FU Ori type eruption, which would imply a larger variation in brightness and a longer period at maximum light (Herbig 1977). To discriminate between these possibilities both pre-outburst and post-outburst observations are needed. We report here optical images, photometry and spectroscopy of the McNeil Nebula, previous to its brightening, and during the outburst itself. These observations span $\\sim$ 5 years, with a particularly good coverage of the time when the outburst started. The observations were obtained during a sensitive optical variability study spanning most of the Orion OB1 Association (Brice\\~no et al. 2001). ", "conclusions": "The behavior of the McNeil nebula is reminiscent of the early evolution of the outbursts of FU Ori and V1057 Cyg (Herbig 1977). The optical (red) rise of McNeil, $\\sim 5$ mag in about a third of a year, is not much different than the early rise of these two objects, prototypical of the FUor class; moreover, the rise time of another FUor, V1515 Cyg, was much longer, indicating that the rate of brightening is not a universal quality among these objects. Like the McNeil object, V1057 Cyg initially showed a P Cygni profile on strong H$\\alpha$ emission (see inset in Figure 4), evolving into stronger (blue-shifted) absorption later on. Strong absorption in the upper Balmer lines was also present in spectra of V1057 Cyg, classified as B3 by \\citep{wel71}. However, the lack of He I lines lead Herbig to assign an approximate type of early A (Herbig 1977). Herbig also noted the presence of wide emission at the Ca II resonance lines, which lead to a very weak Ca II 3933 {\\AA} absorption; this is also consistent with our optical spectra. The eruptive behavior suggests that this may be an FU Ori object on its way to maximum, or possibly a member of the so-called class of EXors (Herbig 1977), which exhibit similar or smaller increases in optical brightness but last shorter periods of time. Continued monitoring should better help distinguish between these possibilities. Given the small number of objects in the FUor and EXor classes, it may be that there exists a continuum of outburst behavior which will be filled in by the discovery of additional objects. We note that at its recent brightness of ${\\rm I_c} = 14.4$, assuming ${\\rm A_I} = 7.2$, a distance of 400 pc, and adopting an A0 spectral type as a compromise between the range of spectral types we inferred before, the system luminosity is $L \\sim 219 {\\rm L_\\sun}$ (and would be higher if the intrinsic spectrum is earlier); this large luminosity is more similar to FUors than EXors. The eruptive mechanism of FUors, and likely also that of EXors, is thought to be rapid outbursts in disk accretion (Hartmann \\& Kenyon 1996), possibly driven by the pile up of material in a disk due to rapid protostellar envelope infall (Kenyon \\& Hartmann 1991). The estimated bolometric luminosity $L_{bol}\\simeq 2.7 L_\\sun$ and a SED like that of a Class 0 source \\citep{lmz99} is consistent with the pre-outburst object being a low-mass protostar. This object looks more similar to FU Oris, which are often highly embedded (Hartmann \\& Kenyon 1996) than EXors, which seem to be much less extincted. This very interesting source warrants further monitoring to help determine its true nature." }, "0404/astro-ph0404538_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The combination of ever more precise radio timing data and serendipitous {\\it HST} data has confirmed that the outer companion to PSR B1620$-$26 is a planet. Here we summarize the observational situation, including preliminary new timing solutions and the implications of the measured system parameters. We detail the proposed formation scenarios, discussing the advantages and problems of each for explaining the origin of the triple, and we speculate on some of the implications for planet formation in the early universe. Future data on this system will provide additional constraints on fundamental modes of planet formation. We predict that many more exchanged planets will be discovered orbiting recycled pulsars in globular clusters as the sensitivity and duration of radio timing increases. Strong observational tests of some of the alternative formation models should be possible with additional data. ", "introduction": "The long series of radio timing data of the triple pulsar PSR~B1620$-$26 (Lyne et al.\\ 1988) has now confirmed that the second companion (Backer et al.\\ 1993), is a $1-3 \\, M_J$ substellar object---a planet---in a low eccentricity, wide circumbinary orbit about the inner pulsar--white dwarf binary. The outer orbit is significantly inclined to the inner orbital plane, and HST photometric data confirms that the white dwarf is young, and is a proper motion member of the cluster (Thorsett et al.\\ 1999; Sigurdsson et al.\\ 2003). The mass of the object is very well constrained. The timing data puts a firm {\\it lower} mass limit of a jupiter mass; as more data has come in, the {\\it upper bound} on the mass has steadily shrunk. When timing first hinted at the presence of the third object in the system, the mass was only weakly constrained (c.f.\\ Michel 1995), although various arguments suggested that a low mass solution might be preferred (c.f.\\ Thorsett et al.\\ 1993, Sigurdsson 1993, Phinney 1993, Rasio 1994, Joshi and Rasio 1997). By 1999 Thorsett et al., using measurements of the precession of the inner orbit produced by the tidal field of the outer object, had effectively excluded stellar mass companions, and the main issue was whether the object was properly a brown dwarf, formed through star formation processes, or whether it was a planet. When the assumption is made that the pulsar spin-period derivative is negligibly small (which is true if the magnetic field of the pulsar is a typical $3\\times10^8$~G, Thorsett et al.\\ 1993, 1999), then preliminary analysis of the most recent timing data finds a unique Keplerian solution, with $m_3\\sin i\\sim1.7M_J$, $e\\sim0.13$, and orbital period $P_b\\sim68$~yrs. (A detailed analysis, relaxing the assumption on the spin-period derivative and including orbital perturbation measurements to constrain $\\sin i$ is in preparation.) The serendipitous observations of the white dwarf companion in deep multi-epoch HST imaging of M4 (Sigurdsson et al.\\ 2003, Richer et al.\\ 2002, 2003, Bassa et al.\\ 2003) provide constraints on the white dwarf mass and hence the inner binary inclination. These results, which confirm the prediction from the radio data, strongly favor a $1-3 \\, M_J$ mass second companion. We must ask ``is it really a planet?'' By definition, an object of this mass, orbiting a star, would be a jovian planet if observed in the solar neighbourhood. By inference, it is a gas giant. It seems very unlikely that a rocky or icy planet of such mass could form in M4 in any circumstances. A serious issue raised by the existence of this object is whether it formed through the canonical ``bottom-up'' core accretion process, or whether it formed through ``top-down'' collapse of cold gas that had become secularly unstable under its own gravity (c.f.\\ Boss 2002, 1997). The former process would imply the existence of lower-mass planets that had failed to grow to the point where nebular gas accretes to the planet, and hence we would predict the presence or rocky or icy terrestrial planets in M4 specifically and in globular clusters more generally. In view of the observed correlation between the incidence rate of observable ``hot'' and ``warm'' jovians and host star metallicity in the solar neighbourhood (c.f.\\ Fischer and Valenti 2003), the possible prevalence of ``normal'' jovians around pop II stars would be of particular interest, independent of the formation mechanism. Clearly the possibility of low mass planet formation around pop II stars has significant anthropic implications and for considerations of the prospect for extraterrestrial life. Conversely, if the planet formed through top down collapse, we can further ask whether it formed in a cold protoplanetary disk, or as an independent quasi-spheroidal collapse---essentially as a low mass or failed brown dwarf. In principle, the different scenarios are testable. The possibility that the difficult of growing a massive icy core in low metallicity protoplanetary disks might be partially offset by the onset of gas accretion at a lower core mass is particularly intriguing (c.f.\\ Rice and Armitage 2003). In addition to the very precise radio timing measurements of the spin frequency and its various derivatives and the observed time variation of some of the orbital parameters, a number of other observables of the system combine to provide key hints as to the formation and dynamical history of the system. These almost completely constrain its possible past. The data allow us to invert the dynamical history of the system with remarkable confidence to recover the initial conditions with relatively little ambiguity: \\begin{itemize} \\item{} Almost as soon as the system was detected, the white dwarf orbital eccentricity was noted to be anomalously large (McKenna and Lyne 1988). If the pulsar were spun-up through conservative mass transfer from the progenitor of the white dwarf (c.f.\\ Rappaport et al.\\ 1995, Phinney and Kulkarni 1994), we would expect the white dwarf eccentricity to have been several orders of magnitude smaller after the white dwarf detached. It is generally agreed that the current eccentricity was dynamically induced after mass-transfer was complete. The process by which this occurred has been somewhat contentious, with a number of less than satisfactory processes proposed. The cause of the white dwarf orbital eccentricity is now almost certainly confirmed to be the Kozai mechanism (Ford et al.\\ 2000), in which angular momentum is exchanged from the inclination of the planet's orbit to the eccentricity of the white dwarf's orbit. The current orbits are known to be significantly non-coplanar (relative inclination of about $40^{\\circ}$), and the inclination must have been significantly larger still before angular momentum exchange took place ($\\sim 70-80^{\\circ}$), for the Kozai mechanism to have induced the observed white dwarf orbital eccentricity. \\item{} The inferred current and original high relative inclination between the inner binary plane and the orbital plane of the planet is highly significant and a major clue to the possible formation paths for this system. \\item{} The planet orbit is now thought to have relatively {\\it low} orbital eccentricity. This is a major constraint on formation scenarios, since most mechanisms that lead to high orbital inclination naturally also lead to high orbital eccentricity. Exchange processes that leave a planet in a stable circumbinary orbit tend to naturally lead to moderate eccentricities and high inclination, since high eccentricity post-exchange orbits are generally dynamically unstable, and low eccentricity orbits are improbable due to the small available phase space at low eccentricity. The current low planet orbital eccentricity may then be due to circularization of the initially moderately eccentric planet orbit during adiabatic mass loss of the white dwarf progenitor envelope, during which the system mass went from an initial $\\sim 2.3 \\msun$ to the current $\\sim 1.8 \\msun$. The planet's semi-major axis increased in proportion at that time. This sequence requires the planet be in place before the white dwarf progenitor evolved off the main-sequence. To a good approximation, during the RGB evolution of the white dwarf progenitor, we can treat the planet as a test particle in a Keplerian orbit about a point mass potential with a central mass equal to the total mass of the neutron star and its companion. The loss of the envelope mass is slow, and the planet orbital evolution is adiabatic; its energy changes in response to the loss of mass from the center, but the other integrals of motion are invariant. Eccentricity in general is an orbital parameter, not an invariant, however, for a Keplerian orbit, $1 - e^{2}_{p} \\propto E_p J^2_p$; the eccentricity is a function of the integrals only, and is invariant to isotropic slow mass loss. The current eccentricity, $e_{fin} = 0.2 \\pm 0.1$, from current fits to the timing data, is somewhat lower than expected from exchange models (which predict $e \\sim 0.3-0.7$). It is possible this system had an unusually low initial post-exchange eccentricity, but this then raises the same fine tuning problems present in other scenarios. Alternatively we can postulate a post-exchange planet eccentricity of about $0.5$ and ask whether circularization could have taken place without substantial decrease in inclination. Given a current semi-major axis of $\\sim 20 AU$, the post-exchange, pre-RGB phase, semi-major axis must have been $\\sim 16 AU$, with a corresponding periastron of $\\sim 8 AU$, assuming a median post-exchange eccentricity of $0.5$. As the white dwarf progenitor evolved, its orbit initially circularized, and then expanded as conservative mass transfer took place, until it reached its current orbit; the time scale for such a mass transfer phase and spin-up is $\\gtorder 10^8$ years. With a periastron of $\\sim 8 AU$, compared with a white dwarf progenitor final orbit of $1 AU$, we find that substantial tidal circularization of the planets orbit could have occurred at late stages of the mass transfer phase, yet the time scales are long enough that complete circularization is precluded. Following Verbunt and Phinney (1995), we estimate $\\ln \\Delta e \\sim -1$, or $\\delta e \\sim 0.3$, consistent with an initial post-exchange orbital eccentricity of $\\sim 0.3-0.5$, in the range predicted, and consistent with the currently observed eccentricity. Inclination changes during this phase should have been negligible; unless there was significant planar outflow during mass transfer, in which case coupling of the planet to the excretion ring during plane crossings could in principle be a concern. The system here of course is a triple, not a point mass secondary interacting with an extended massive central star, but the additional lever arm of the giant rotating about the inner system center-of-mass will in general somewhat enhance the tidal torque, making this scenarios more plausible. The inferred eccentricity of the planet's orbit, before the evolution of the pulsar companion to white dwarf, is then about $0.5$, exactly in the range predicted for an exchange scenario; and is not sensitive to the exact value of the current eccentricity. Allowing the neutron star to accrete $\\sim 0.1 \\msun$ during mass transfer, with a correspondingly larger final total central mass, does not significantly change the predicted initial eccentricity; if there was slow isotropic mass loss, some additional circularization due to tidal interaction with the wind is conceivable. Mass accretion by the planet is negligible for all scenarios; mass loss due to LMXB ablation of the planet is also negligble for plausible LMXB phase luminosities. If the planet eccentricity was initially low, negligible tidal circularisation took place, if the planet eccentricity was initially substantially higher, then there was opportunity for significant tidal circularisation during the mass transfer phase; if the mass transfer phase was extended. Since this is a long period, low mass binary pulsar, we expect sub-Eddington mass transfer with mass transfer time scales of $O(10^8)$ yrs or longer, depending on the core mass of the main sequence progenitor post-exchange and the eccentricity of the main sequence progenitor orbit before circularization of the inner orbit and onset of mass transfer (cf Burderi et al 1996, Webbink et al 1983). \\item{} The HST data reveals the white dwarf is young. The main sequence progenitor was presumably as old as the cluster, 12.7 Gyrs, but the white dwarf emerged from the mass transfer phase just under 0.5 Gyrs ago. This is consistent with a single exchange, where the white dwarf progenitor was acquired by the neutron star some 1--2~Gyr ago, and the recoil induced by the super-elastic exchange ejected the system to the outer parts of the cluster, where stellar densities are low and interaction time scales are long. Therefore the system has probably been mostly dynamically isolated since the exchange. \\item{} The projected pulsar position is somewhat outside cluster core. The true position of the pulsar is of course probably somewhat further from the core than we see in projection. Since the system is significantly more massive than the main sequence turnoff, or indeed any likely other stellar component in M4, it tends to sink to the core through dynamical friction. The current characteristic time-scale for the orbit of the triple to sink back into the cluster core through dynamical friction is about a Gyr, and its current position is consistent with an initial orbit with an apocenter beyond the half mass radius and total dynamical lifetime of 2-3 Gyrs, which is consistent with a single exchange origin, combined with ejection from the core. \\end{itemize} Given these data, and the current pulsar kinematics, we can construct a canonical formation scenario for the system. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404362_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present surface brightness fluctuations (SBFs) in the near--IR for 191 Magellanic star clusters available in the Second Incremental and All Sky Data releases of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), and compare them with SBFs of Fornax Cluster galaxies and with predictions from stellar population models as well. We also construct color--magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for these clusters using the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC). Our goals are twofold. First, to provide an empirical calibration of near--IR SBFs, given that existing stellar population synthesis models are particularly discrepant in the near--IR. Second, whereas most previous SBF studies have focused on old, metal rich populations, this is the first application to a system with such a wide range of ages ($\\sim$ 10$^6$ to more than 10$^{10}$ yr, i.e., 4 orders of magnitude), at the same time that the clusters have a very narrow range of metallicities (Z $\\sim$ 0.0006 -- 0.01, ie., 1 order of magnitude only). Since stellar population synthesis models predict a more complex sensitivity of SBFs to metallicity and age in the near--IR than in the optical, this analysis offers a unique way of disentangling the effects of age and metallicity. We find a satisfactory agreement between models and data. We also confirm that near--IR fluctuations and fluctuation colors are mostly driven by age in the Magellanic cluster populations, and that in this respect they constitute a sequence in which the Fornax Cluster galaxies fit adequately. Fluctuations are powered by red supergiants with high--mass precursors in young populations, and by intermediate--mass stars populating the asymptotic giant branch in intermediate--age populations. For old populations, the trend with age of both fluctuation magnitudes and colors can be explained straightforwardly by evolution in the structure and morphology of the red giant branch. Moreover, fluctuation colors display a tendency to redden with age that can be fit by a straight line. For the star clusters only, (\\barH\\ - \\barKs) = (0.21$\\pm$0.03)Log(age/yr) $-$ (1.29$\\pm$0.21); once galaxies are included, (\\barH\\ - \\barKs) = (0.20$\\pm$0.02)Log(age/yr) $-$ (1.25$\\pm$0.16). Finally, we use for the first time % a Poissonian approach to establish the error bars of fluctuation measurements, instead of the customary Monte Carlo simulations. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} While the mean surface brightness of a galaxy is independent of distance, the variance about the mean decreases with distance --- i.e., given the same angular resolution, more distant galaxies appear smoother. This is the principle behind surface brightness fluctuation measurements \\citep[SBFs;][]{tonr88,blak01}, one of the most powerful methods to determine cosmological distances \\citep[e.g.,][]{tonr97,liu01,jens03}. SBFs arise from Poisson fluctuations in the number of stars within a resolution element, and they are measured through the observed ratio of the variance to the mean surface brightness of a galaxy; that is, the ratio (denoted \\barL) of the second to the first moment of the stellar luminosity function, scaled by the inverse of 4$\\pi d^2$, where $d$ is the distance. SBF measurements are expressed in \\barm\\ and \\barM, which are, respectively, the apparent and absolute magnitudes of \\barL. SBF magnitudes, however, depend not only on galaxy distances, but also on the age and metallicity of stars. Therefore, SBFs also offer a unique possibility to investigate unresolved stellar populations. For example, as a luminosity--weighted mean, \\barM\\ is much more sensitive to giant stars than integrated colors \\citep{wort93a,ajha94}. For the same reason, \\barM\\ is relatively insensitive to differences in the IMF for intermediate--age and old systems. We engaged in this work with the aim of providing an empirical calibration of near--IR SBFs, specifically for the study of unresolved stellar populations. The near--IR is very favorable for SBF measurements, from the point of view of improved signal (the light of intermediate and old populations is dominated by the asymptotic giant branch, AGB, and the red giant branch, RGB), reduced dust extinction and, last but not least, the model prediction that near--IR SBFs might help break the age--metallicity degeneracy \\citep{wort93b}. However, there is the very important disadvantage that existing stellar population synthesis models are particularly discrepant in the near--IR spectral region \\citep{char96,liu00,blak01}. The disagreement is as high as $\\sim$ 0.2 mag in $(V\\!-\\!K)$, compared to $\\sim$ 0.05 mag in $(B\\!-\\!V)$. The ill--determined contribution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to the integrated light may be the most important source of this problem \\citep{ferr95}. Such an uncertainty is bound to compromise the calibration of \\barM. {\\it An empirical calibration of near--IR SBFs is therefore essential}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{disc} This study has shown that in MC star clusters, most of which have roughly the same relatively low metallicity, near--IR fluctuation magnitudes and colors are driven by age. Our result is not unexpected. In their classical study, \\citet{sear80} demonstrated that the properties of the MC clusters' integrated light {\\it in the optical wavelengths} are determined by their red giants. They also inferred that the sequence from class I to class III is one of age, and insensitive to abundance. Regarding the sequence of the older clusters, classes IV through VII, \\citet{sear80} posited that it was both sensitive to increasing age {\\it and} decreasing metallicity. Given that (a) both near--IR wavelengths and SBFs are more sensitive than integrated optical light to the red giant stars in these clusters, and (b) the star cluster metallicity stays nearly the same for classes Pre through V, it is not surprising that we have also found a sequence of age, slightly modulated by abundance in the case of the two oldest SWB classes. It is true that the MC star clusters are mostly either too young (7 out of the 8 MC superclusters are younger than most of the Fornax galaxies) and/or too metal--poor to be relevant to the galaxies. However they seem to outline a trend with age that includes the galaxies, as is shown most clearly by Figure \\ref{flvslage}. For this reason, even if star cluster populations might be of limited direct value for the modelling of old ellipticals and spheroids, they are important for the calibration of stellar population synthesis models. Regarding the agreement between the data and the models in their present state, we find that it is very good qualitatively, but that it could be improved in the details. For example, in principle, we could have read off the metallicity of the superclusters from Figures \\ref{flvslage} and \\ref{flcolvslage}, given their ages. However, the metallicities we would have inferred are not consistent in all cases with the ones that correspond to their SWB class. Also, the models, and in particular those with the highest metallicity, cannot reproduce the very red fluctuation colors exhibited by a few of the Fornax galaxies. Conversely, models predict redder fluctuation colors than those of intermediate--age clusters, and they underestimate the contribution of bright stars to the integrated luminosity in these same clusters. Arguably, the models work best for old, metal poor populations. This is probably not a coincidence, but is due to the fact that models have tried to match their features for the longest time. Moreover, old populations evolve more slowly. On the MC supercluster data side, the oldest clusters are also the most massive, and therefore have the smallest stochastic errors. The rapidly evolving young populations are harder to match, as are the intermediate--age ones, with their poorly, albeit increasingly better, understood asymptotic giant branches. We plan to continue this work in various directions, e.g., improve the calibration of the models with the SBF data, compare to other models, and compute SBFs of the highest metallicity clusters in our Galaxy and in M~31. We will also investigate the relationship between \\barM$_{K_s}$ and ($V - I$) color in the MC star clusters. \\citet{liu02} discovered a linear dependence of \\barM$_{K_s}$ with ($V - I$) in a sample of 26 ellipticals, S0s, and spiral bulges, which might be tracing late bursts of star formation in these systems; a study of the MC star clusters, which probe a range twice as large in \\barM$_{K_s}$ and three times larger in color, is likely to throw light into the origin of this trend." }, "0404/cond-mat0404480_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Condensed matter analogs of the cosmological environment have raised the hope that laboratory experiments can be done to test theoretical ideas in cosmology. I will describe Unruh's sonic analog of a black hole (``dumbhole'') that can be used to test Hawking radiation, and some recent proposals on how one might be able to create a dumbhole in the lab. In this context, I also discuss an experiment already done on the Helium-3 AB system by the Lancaster group. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404404_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Although variations in elemental abundance ratios in the Milky Way Galaxy certainly exist, details remain uncertain, particularly in the inner Galaxy, where stars and \\ion{H}{2} regions in the Galactic plane are obscured optically. In this paper we revisit two previously studied, inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions: G333.6$-$0.2 and W43. We observed three new positions in G333.6$-$0.2 with the Kuiper Airborne Observatory and reobserved the central position with the Infrared Space Observatory's Long Wavelength Spectrometer in far-infrared lines of S$^{++}$, N$^{++}$, N$^{+}$, and O$^{++}$. We also added the N$^+$ lines at 122 and 205 \\micron\\ to the suite of lines measured in W43 by Simpson et al. (1995). The measured electron densities range from $\\sim 40$ to over 4000 cm$^{-3}$ in a single \\ion{H}{2} region, indicating that abundance analyses must consider density variations, since the critical densities of the observed lines range from 40 to 9000 cm$^{-3}$. We propose a method to handle density variations and make new estimates of the S/H and N/H abundance ratios. We find that our sulfur abundance estimates for G333.6$-$0.2 and W43 agree with the S/H abundance ratios expected for the S/H abundance gradient previously reported by Simpson et al., with the S/H values revised to be smaller owing to changes in collisional excitation cross sections. The estimated N/H, S/H, and N/S ratios are the most reliable because of their small corrections for unseen ionization states ($\\lesssim 10$\\%). The estimated N/S ratios for the two sources are smaller than what would be calculated from the N/H and S/H ratios in our previous paper. We compute models of the two \\ion{H}{2} regions to estimate corrections for the other unseen ionization states. We find, with large uncertainties, that oxygen does not have a high abundance, with the result that the N/O ratio is as high ($\\sim~0.35$) as previously reported. The reasons for the uncertainty in the ionization corrections for oxygen are both the non-uniqueness of the \\ion{H}{2} region models and the sensitivity of these models to different input atomic data and stellar atmosphere models. We discuss these predictions and conclude that only a few of the latest models adequately reproduce \\ion{H}{2} region observations, including the well-known, relatively-large observed Ne$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ ratios in low- and moderate-excitation \\ion{H}{2} regions. ", "introduction": "The presence of radial abundance gradients in the plane of the Milky Way is now an established fact and is seen in both stars and gaseous nebulae (see, e.g., Henry \\& Worthey 1999; Rolleston et al. 2000; and references in both papers). The cause is generally thought to be due to the formation history and subsequent evolution of the Galaxy; thus the observed gradients are a major tool for understanding this history (see, e.g., Hou, Prantzos, \\& Boissier 2000; Chiappini, Matteucci, \\& Romano 2001; Chiappini, Romano, \\& Matteucci 2003, and references therein). The basic idea is that the inner Galaxy formed before the outer Galaxy and the higher molecular gas density in the inner Galaxy produces a higher star formation rate. The result is a greater return to the interstellar medium (ISM) in the inner Galaxy of both ``primary'' alpha elements from massive star supernovae and ``secondary'' elements like nitrogen. Secondary nitrogen is produced by CNO burning of already existing carbon and oxygen in intermediate-mass stars and subsequently returned to the ISM through mass loss. However, both the wide range of uncertain input parameters to chemical evolution models (Pagel 2001) and the uncertain details of the abundance variation of each element, primary and secondary, contribute to our less-than-complete understanding of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. In this paper we try to improve our knowledge of the abundances in inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions and also test the methods that have been used to date to determine the abundance ratios from low-excitation, optically obscured \\ion{H}{2} regions that are needed for abundance gradient calculations. \\ion{H}{2} regions in the inner Galaxy (galactocentric radius $R_G \\lesssim 6$ kpc, where $R_\\odot = 8$ kpc) are not accessible to optical observers because of interstellar extinction. Consequently, the abundances must be determined from far-infrared (FIR) lines, such as those of N$^{+}$ at 122 and 205 \\micron, N$^{++}$ at 57 \\micron, O$^{++}$ at 52 and 88 \\micron, Ne$^{+}$ at 12.8 \\micron, Ne$^{++}$ at 15.5 and 36 \\micron, S$^{++}$ at 18.7 and 33.5 \\micron, and S$^{3+}$ at 10.5 \\micron. Large surveys include those of Simpson et al. (1995a, hereafter SCREH) and Afflerbach et al. (1997), who observed the FIR lines (wavelengths $>$ 17 \\micron) with the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) in 18 inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions, and Mart\\'{\\i}n-Hern\\'{a}ndez et al. (2002a; 2003), who observed 13 inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). The KAO observations included FIR measurements of the lines with wavelength $> 18$ \\micron, whereas the ISO observations included the mid-infrared lines, measured with ISO's Short Wavelength Spectrometer, SWS, but not the [\\ion{N}{2}] 205 \\micron\\ line. Two of the abundance gradients that are most needed for galactic chemical evolution studies are the O/H and N/H ratios, representing primary and secondary elements, respectively. In optically obscured \\ion{H}{2} regions the only ionization state of oxygen available for study is O$^{++}$, which means that corrections are required for the unseen O$^+$ ions. The situation is better for nitrogen, as there are [\\ion{N}{2}] lines as well as [\\ion{N}{3}] lines in the FIR wavelength range. Unfortunately, the [\\ion{N}{2}] 122 \\micron\\ line is difficult to measure for airborne observations because of atmospheric absorption, and the [\\ion{N}{2}] 205 \\micron\\ line is difficult because of poor detector sensitivity. In addition, the [\\ion{N}{2}] lines are difficult to interpret because they are collisionally de-excited at much lower densities than the lines from the other ions. Consequently, the papers to date have used only the [\\ion{N}{3}] and [\\ion{O}{3}] lines to estimate N/O and the secondary/primary abundance ratio in optically obscured \\ion{H}{2} regions (SCREH; Afflerbach et al. 1997; Mart\\'{\\i}n-Hern\\'{a}ndez et al. 2002a). This is particularly troubling since a majority of the nitrogen and an even larger fraction of the oxygen are singly ionized in the high-metallicity \\ion{H}{2} regions of the inner Galaxy (note that in the outer Galaxy, the lower metallicity \\ion{H}{2} regions can be much more highly excited and thus the N$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ ratio is often a good approximation to N/O, Rudolph et al. 1997). On the other hand, a majority of the primary element sulfur is doubly ionized in \\ion{H}{2} regions. Here we devise a method of analyzing the density-sensitive [\\ion{N}{2}] lines to more accurately estimate nitrogen abundances with respect to sulfur without the need for large corrections for unseen ionization states. Using the observed N$^{++}$/N$^{+}$ ratio and calculated \\ion{H}{2} region models, we then estimate the ionization correction factors (ICFs) for oxygen. Two of the most luminous \\ion{H}{2} regions in the Galaxy are G333.6$-$0.2 at $R_G \\sim 5.5$ kpc (Wilson et al. 1970) or 5.6 kpc (Caswell \\& Haynes 1987) and W43 (G30.8$-$0.0) at $R_G \\sim 4.2$ kpc (Reifenstein et al. 1970) for $R_\\odot = 8.0$~kpc. The radio fluxes from these objects require ionizing stellar luminosities of $10^{50}$ and $2.9\\times10^{50}$ photons s$^{-1}$, respectively (see Rubin 1968b). Both \\ion{H}{2} regions are located in the Scutum-Crux spiral arm (see Vallee 2002) in the Milky Way molecular ring. Both are excited by clusters of massive stars, observed at near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. The cluster exciting G333.6$-$0.2 contains stars that are very young, embedded in dust (Blum et al. 2002), in keeping with the youthful appearance of this extremely dense, compact \\ion{H}{2} region. On the other hand, the cluster exciting W43 must be older and more evolved because it contains a Wolf-Rayet star in addition to O giants or supergiants (Blum, Damineli, \\& Conti 1999; Cotera \\& Simpson 1997), although there are still numerous stars forming in the associated molecular clouds (Motte, Schilke, \\& Lis 2003). This is also consistent with the more mature appearance of W43, where the ionized gas is well separated from the exciting star cluster. In this study, we report measurements of the [\\ion{N}{2}] lines in the three positions observed in W43 by SCREH and numerous lines in three additional positions in G333.6$-$0.2 north of the center position observed by Colgan et al. (1993) with the KAO; we also report measurements of the central position in G333.6$-$0.2 with ISO's Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS). In Section 2 we describe the observations, in Section 3 we discuss analysis techniques that are used to determine abundances in both low- and high-density \\ion{H}{2} regions, in Section 4 we model the two \\ion{H}{2} regions to determine the ICFs needed for those elements without measured abundances of the singly ionized atoms, and in Section 5 we discuss models in general and give our conclusions. By measuring both N$^{+}$ and N$^{++}$, we hope to avoid the need for large (and uncertain) ICFs for nitrogen and thus improve the reliability of the secondary/primary abundance ratio measurement in the Milky Way molecular-ring \\ion{H}{2} regions. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Stellar Atmosphere Models} As was discussed above, many of the ionization correction factors are critically dependent on the choice of stellar atmosphere model. This can be demonstrated either by plotting ratios of the numbers of photons able to ionize various ions as a function of \\teff\\ or by plotting ionization fractions or ICFs calculated from models; here we do the latter because ICFs are more readily applicable to abundance computation. This is illustrated in Figure 5, where we plot the ICF ratios $<$N$^{++}$/N$>$/$<$O$^{++}$/O$>$, $<$O$^{++}$/O$>$/$<$S$^{++}$/S$>$, and $<$O$^{++}$/O$>$ versus the $<$N$^{++}$/N$>$/$<$N$^{+}$/N$>$ ratio, which indicates excitation without the necessity for any abundance assumption. The models from Rubin (1985) that are plotted in Fig. 5 all have total nucleon density $= 10^3$ cm$^{-3}$, ionizing luminosities of $10^{49}$ to $10^{50}$ photons s$^{-1}$, and Orion Nebula metallicities; the models from SCREH had similar densities and ionizing luminosities but metallicities ranging from 1 to 2 times Orion nebula metallicities. The models from both Rubin (1985) and SCREH were computed with the versions of NEBULA available at the time and both used LTE stellar atmosphere models from Kurucz (1979). In addition to the models described in \\S 4, constant nucleon density ($ = 10^3$ cm$^{-3}$) spherical models with ionizing luminosities of $10^{49}$ photons s$^{-1}$ were computed and plotted. These recent NEBULA models used stellar atmosphere models from either Pauldrach et al. (2001), Lanz \\& Hubeny (2003), or contemporary\\footnote{\\url{http://kurucz.harvard.edu/}} LTE stellar atmosphere models described by Kurucz (1992). The stellar atmosphere models had ``Solar'' abundances and the nebular models had 1.5 times Orion Nebula abundances (Simpson et al. 1998) such that the model abundance ratios (all times $10^{-4}$) are C/H = 3.75, N/H = 1.02, O/H = 6.0, Ne/H = 1.5, S/H = 0.11, and Ar/H = 0.04. Because they are widely used, we also plot ICFs from the models of Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer (1997). For these models both the stellar and nebular abundances were ``Solar''. We note that some of the elemental abundances considered to be ``Solar'' are changing with time; for example the ``Solar'' O/H ratio used by Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer (1997) was O/H$ = 8.51 \\times 10^{-4}$ (Anders \\& Grevesse 1989), whereas currently, the ``Solar'' O/H ratio is thought to be $5.45 \\times 10^{-4}$ (Holweger 2001). Mart\\'{\\i}n-Hern\\'andez et al. (2002b), Smith et al. (2002), and Morisset (2004) discuss the effects of stellar abundances on \\ion{H}{2} ionization. Details of the physics used, though, are much more important than the exact ``Solar'' abundances, as we will see. Unless an \\ion{H}{2} region can be observed at both optical and infrared wavelengths, observers cannot measure the abundances of N, O, Ne, S, and Ar without making corrections for unseen ionization states for some elements. For optically obscured \\ion{H}{2} regions like W43 and G333.6$-$0.2, the most significant missing ion is O$^+$, since oxygen is the most abundant heavy element and since these low excitation \\ion{H}{2} regions are believed to have most of their oxygen as O$^+$. Rubin et al. (1994) and SCREH assumed that they knew the O/S ratio and used the observed O$^{++}$/S$^{++}$ ratio to estimate the ICF for their measured N$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ ratios, since they did not have any other line pair that could be used to indicate excitation. In this paper we use our observed N$^{++}$/N$^{+}$ ratios to estimate \\teff; however, we see from Fig. 5a how dependent the N$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ ICF is on the stellar atmosphere model. Mart\\'{\\i}n-Hern\\'{a}ndez et al. (2002a) took advantage of their ISO SWS measurements of the Ne$^{++}$/Ne$^{+}$ ratios to estimate ICFs without the need for assuming {\\it a priori} some abundance ratio; unfortunately, the large beam size difference between the SWS and LWS instruments means that their observed Ne$^{++}$/Ne$^{+}$ ratios may not always be appropriate for estimating the excitation of O$^{++}$ and N$^{++}$. Moreover, Ne$^{++}$ requires ionizing photons $> 41$ eV, and it is at these high energies that the stellar atmosphere models are especially divergent, as we now discuss. An important test of the validity of stellar atmosphere models of hot stars is whether \\ion{H}{2} region models produced with these atmospheres predict line fluxes that agree with observations. Except for a few rare instances, this is the only way that the EUV fluxes of the models can be tested, since interstellar absorption by hydrogen predominantly prevents the EUV fluxes from hot O stars from reaching the Earth. Here we discuss the stellar fluxes that can doubly ionize neon (photon energy $ > 41$ eV). This has been called the [\\ion{Ne}{3}] problem (e.g., Sellmaier et al. 1996) because it has been observed that the Ne$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ ratio is relatively constant over a large range of \\ion{H}{2} region excitation (SCREH; Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer 1997 and references therein; Kennicutt et al. 2003), contrary to predictions of models that used LTE stellar atmospheres (e.g., SCREH). Proposed solutions have involved using non-LTE stellar atmospheres, usually with winds (Rubin, Kunze, \\& Yamamoto 1995; Sellmaier et al. 1996; Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer 1997). Figure 6 shows the observations of SCREH along with the predictions of the models used in Fig. 5 and the G333.6$-$0.2 and W43 models described in \\S4. Models calculated with black bodies for the stellar atmosphere spectrum are also plotted since Morisset et al. (2004) found that such models give a reasonable fit to the mid-IR ISO observations. Like the new nebular models plotted in Fig. 5, these models also have spherical geometry, constant nucleon density of $10^3$~cm$^{-3}$, $10^{49}$ ionizing photons, and 1.5 times the Orion Nebula abundances listed in Table 3. Surprisingly, in Fig. 6 only the models of Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer (1997) reproduce the observations over the total range of observed O$^{++}$/S$^{++}$, although if Ne/O is as large as 0.25 in all \\ion{H}{2} regions as it is in the Orion Nebula (Simpson et al. 1998; Table~3), these \\ion{H}{2} region models produce too high a Ne$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ ratio because of the very large EUV fluxes in Schaerer \\& de Koter's (1997) stellar atmosphere models. Moreover, Schaerer \\& de Koter's models have too much EUV flux for reproducing other observations (e.g., Smith et al. 2002). Earlier, Sellmaier et al. (1996) had demonstrated that the [\\ion{Ne}{3}] problem was supposedly solved when they obtained a good fit to the data by using non-LTE atmospheres with winds computed with Pauldrach's code as it then existed. However, our \\ion{H}{2} region models with non-LTE stellar atmospheres with winds from Pauldrach et al. (2001) taken from both A. Pauldrach's web site and from the stellar atmosphere models produced by Smith et al. (2002) using Pauldrach's WM-basic code predict much lower Ne$^{++}$/O$^{++}$ than observed for Dwarf atmospheres with \\teff\\ $< 40$ kK and for Supergiant atmospheres with \\teff\\ $< 35$ kK. Our \\ion{H}{2} region model produced with a 35~kK supergiant atmosphere from F. Sellmaier (private communication in 1995) lies above the Pauldrach et al. Supergiant line but not as high as the model with the 35~kK supergiant atmosphere in Sellmaier et al.'s (1996) Figure 2, even though we are now assuming Ne/O = 0.25 (Simpson et al. 1998) instead of 0.2025. Part of the difference of the current nebular model predictions with previous models is the higher O$^{++}$ ionization relative to Ne$^{++}$ and S$^{++}$ obtained with the Opacity Project cross sections described in Section 4. The model computed with Sellmaier's (1995) atmosphere has higher ionization than the model computed with Pauldrach et al.'s (2001) S-35 atmosphere because it used Orion Nebula abundances (as in Sellmaier et al. 1996) instead of the higher metallicity (1.5 times the Orion Nebula abundances of Table 3) used for the rest of the models plotted here. The result, though, is a return of the mismatch between the stellar atmosphere models and the EUV fluxes of real stars, with possible additional discrepancies for the ionization, recombination, and collisional excitation cross sections for oxygen, neon, and sulfur. Moreover, we see that all the models computed without winds do a poorer job of reproducing the observations than both the models computed with non-LTE atmospheres with winds and the models computed with simple black bodies for stellar atmospheres (for this reason we give low weight to the T model for W43 in Table 5). This probably means that the codes producing the stellar atmosphere models used for computation of \\ion{H}{2} region models should include the effects of stellar winds. \\subsection{Abundance Ratios} At the low excitations seen in inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions, the predicted flux of the O$^{++}$ lines is extremely sensitive to the stellar atmosphere, but if the models are accurate, the O/H ratio of both G333.6$-$0.2 and W43 could be as low as $3 - 5 \\times 10^{-4}$, substantially lower than would be predicted from the observed Orion Nebula abundance and an O/H abundance gradient of $-0.06$ dex kpc$^{-1}$ (Henry \\& Worthey 1999). This low O/H ratio is hard to understand because of the low $T_e$ measured in inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions from radio recombination lines. There would need to be some source of systematic error for the O/H ratio to be higher than these estimates: i.e., what would be required is that the excitation of oxygen in the two \\ion{H}{2} regions is lower than estimated in this paper from He$^+$/H$^+$ recombination lines and N$^+$ and N$^{++}$ forbidden lines. Possible reasons that the G333.6$-$0.2 and W43 excitation might be overestimated are as follows: (1) The abundance of N$^+$ is underestimated because the [\\ion{N}{2}] line fluxes are undermeasured owing to telluric absorption at 122 \\micron\\ or diffraction at 205 \\micron. This is a particular problem for W43, where the two measurements of the [\\ion{N}{2}] 122 \\micron\\ line in different apertures can be used to produce very different electron densities and N$^{++}$/N$^{+}$ abundance ratios (0.6 to 3.2 in Table 5). (2) The estimated N$^{++}$/N$^{+}$ ratio is too high because some of the estimated N$^+$ is missing owing to inadequate correction for density variations. (3) The estimated N$^{++}$/N$^{+}$ ratio is too high because of incorrect collisional excitation cross sections for the pertinent energy levels. (4) The models predict too much O$^{++}$/O versus N$^{++}$/N$^{+}$. The spread of O$^{++}$/O ratios in Fig. 5c shows that any excessive O$^{++}$/O is due to model atmospheres and not due to the $\\sim 30$\\% higher oxygen ionization resulting from the Opacity Project cross sections. (5) The ionization of helium might be overestimated if the He/H abundance ratio is actually greater than the assumed 0.10. We conclude that determinations of the O/H abundance ratio in low excitation \\ion{H}{2} regions from FIR data have large uncertainties at this time, with the largest contributor to the uncertainty being the choice of stellar atmosphere models, with some possible contribution from the atomic data used in the nebular models. We have demonstrated that the abundances of nitrogen and sulfur can be obtained from FIR observations and the ratio of N/S can be obtained when both ionization states of N$^{+}$ and N$^{++}$ are measured. (Simpson et al. 1998, Mart\\'{\\i}n-Hern\\'{a}ndez et al. 2002a and 2003, and Giveon et al. 2002 also show that the abundances of Ne/H and Ar/H, as well as S/H, can be determined from mid-IR observations with little bias owing to excitation or abundance.) Compared to SCREH, the S/H abundance ratio is higher in G333.6$-$0.2, owing to the new data at the additional North positions, but lower in W43 because of the higher collisional excitation cross sections for sulfur. The N/H ratio is about 50\\% larger in G333.6$-$0.2, owing to the new data at the North positions, but a factor of 2 smaller in W43, owing to the smaller ICF for N$^+$. However, since the estimated O/H ratio is also much smaller in W43, now that we are estimating the ionization from N$^{++}$/N$^+$ and not from O$^{++}$/S$^{++}$ with the assumption of a constant O/S ratio as SCREH did, the estimated N/O ratios agree with SCREH for both G333.6$-$0.2 and W43. With this new analysis, the S/H and N/O ratios are also consistent with SCREH's measurements. \\subsection{Conclusions Regarding Systematic Errors} There are several possible sources of systematic error that must be considered when measuring abundances in obscured, low-excitation \\ion{H}{2} regions, that is, all the \\ion{H}{2} regions in the inner Galaxy. The impact of these systematic errors is that there is a very large uncertainty in the total metallicity and important abundance ratios like N/O. These sources of systematic error are the following: (1) The most abundant heavy element ion in low-excitation \\ion{H}{2} regions, O$^+$, has no bright infrared lines. The consequence is that the abundance of this critically important element must be estimated from the abundance of an ionization state with fractional abundance $< 0.5$. (2) Nitrogen, the secondary element which one needs for studies of galaxy chemical evolution, has two important ionization states: N$^+$ as well as N$^{++}$. Fortunately, both species have measurable FIR lines, but {\\it both} must be measured to determine the excitation. (3) Moreover, both FIR N$^+$ lines have greatly different values of $N_{crit}$ from those of S$^{++}$ or N$^{++}$. Thus one needs to be aware of and compensate for the ever-present density variations. (4) The average density could be quite different in the various ionization zones, as shown by the different electron densities derived from $N_e$-diagnostic line pairs: low ionization (N$^+$), intermediate ionization (S$^{++}$), and high ionization (O$^{++}$). (5) ICFs estimated from models have major uncertainties owing to uncertainties in the stellar atmosphere models and possibly the atomic data used in the \\ion{H}{2} region models. It is clear that the abundances of primary (oxygen, neon, or sulfur) and secondary (nitrogen) elements will need to be measured in many more inner Galaxy \\ion{H}{2} regions before we understand the chemical evolution of the Milky Way. In the near future, measurements of N$^{++}$, N$^+$, O$^{++}$, Ne$^{++}$, and S$^{++}$ will be possible from the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA. We recommend that future observers measure excitation-sensitive lines, such as Ne$^+$ and Ne$^{++}$, as well as both N$^+$ and N$^{++}$ to determine the \\ion{H}{2} region ionization state needed to estimate the ICF for O$^+$. It is important that a sufficient number of lines be measured in each \\ion{H}{2} region (and extended \\ion{H}{2} regions mapped) so that detailed models of the \\ion{H}{2} region can be made. Discrepancies between the predicted line fluxes from the models and the observations can then be used to indicate EUV energy regions where the stellar atmosphere models may need revision." }, "0404/astro-ph0404318_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use numerical simulations of a cosmological volume to study the X-ray ionisation and heating of the intergalactic medium by an early population of accreting black holes. By considering theoretical limits on the accretion rate and observational constraints from the X-ray background and faint X-ray source counts, we find that the maximum value of the optical depth to Thompson scattering that can be produced using these models is \\taue$\\simeq 0.17$, in agreement with previous semianalytic results. The redshifted soft X-ray background produced by these early sources is important in producing a fully ionised atomic hydrogen in the low density intergalactic medium before stellar reionisation at redshift $z \\sim 6-7$. As a result stellar reionisation is characterised by an almost instantaneous ``overlap phase'' of \\HII regions. The background also produces a second \\GII reionisation at about redshift three and maintains the temperature of the intergalactic medium at about 10,000 K even at low redshifts. If the spectral energy distribution of these sources has a non-negligible high energy power-law component, the luminosity in the soft X-ray band of the ``typical'' galaxies hosting intermediate-mass accreting black holes is maximum at $z \\sim 15$ and is about one or two orders of magnitude below the sensitivity limit of the Chandra deep field. We find that about a thousand of these sources may be present per square arcmin of the sky, producing potentially detectable fluctuations. We also estimate that a few rare objects, not present in our small simulated volume, could be luminous enough to be visible in the Chandra deep field. XEUS and Constellation-X satellites will be able to detect more of these sources that, if radio loud, could be used to study the 21 cm forest in absorption. A signature of an early X-ray preionisation is the production of secondary CMB anisotropies on small angular scales ($<1$ arcmin). We find that in these models the power spectrum of temperature fluctuations increases with decreasing angular scale ($\\Delta T \\sim 16 \\mu$K at $\\sim 1$ arcsec scales), while for stellar reionisation scenarios the power decreases on smaller scales. We also show that the redshifted 21 cm radiation from neutral hydrogen can be marginally detected in emission at redshifts $7z_{\\rm rei} \\simeq 6-7$. Therefore, the 21cm signal from the IGM at $z<12$ can be detected even though it is rather weak. Note that, in stellar reionisation scenarios that can produce the optical depth to Thompson scattering observed by WMAP, the expected 21cm signal is instead undetectable. Finally we estimate the additional high energy background due to the postulated population of high redshift X-ray sources and its subsequent signatures [$(10 \\pm 5)$\\% in the 2-50 keV bands]. This paper is organised as follows: in \\S~\\ref{sec:res_cs} we show the results of cosmological simulations of X-ray preionisation by mass accretion on seed BHs. In \\S~\\ref{sec:lum} we estimate the number of detectable X-ray point sources at high redshift. In \\S~\\ref{sec:21cm} we calculate the redshifted 21cm signal for one of our simulations in absorption/emission against the CMB. In \\S~\\ref{sec:cmb} we compute the amplitude of the power spectrum of CMB secondary anisotropies on scales of a few arcmin produced by X-ray preionisation and stellar reionisation scenarios. We summarise the results in \\S~\\ref{sec:conc} and we discuss the observational signatures of the X-ray preionisation scenario when compared to stellar reionisation scenarios. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} The present paper is the third in a series (see paper~I and paper~IIa) devoted to the study of physically plausible reionisation scenarios. The models have optical depths to Thompson scattering \\taue$\\sim 0.17$, as measured by WMAP \\citep{Kogut:03}, and are consistent with observations of the IGM optical depth to \\lya and \\lyb photons toward high redshift quasars \\citep{Fan:03, Songaila:04}. We have studied models of reionisation by stars (paper I) or mini-quasars (paper IIa) considering realistic physical scenarios and observational constraints. Our main conclusion is that it is very difficult for any of these models to produce optical depths in excess of 0.17. If this large optical depth is produced by ultraviolet radiation from stellar sources (\\ie, \\pop3 stars with a top-heavy IMF), we find that zero-metallicity stars must be the dominant mode of star formation up to redshift $z\\sim 10$. If this scenario is correct, we need to understand the reasons for the very inefficient mixing of metal enriched gas from SNe with the gas in which star formation takes place. At the moment this inefficient mixing is not reproduced by numerical simulations. A feasible alternative scenario requires that most \\pop3 stars must implode into black holes without exploding as SNe or have subluminous SN explosions with a large amount of metal fall-back onto the compact remnant in order to reduce their metal yields. A scenario in which a large fraction of \\pop3 stars end their lives as pair-instability supernovae is not compatible with the large optical depth to Thompson scattering measured by WMAP. In this paper we use cosmological simulations to study a reionisation scenario in which standard reionisation by \\popII stars is preceded by partial ionisation and reheating at early times by an X-ray background (\\ie, ``X-ray preionisation'' models studied in paper~IIa using semianalytic simulations). In these models the ionisation rate from the secondary radiation produced by accretion on compact remnants from the first stars dominates over the primary ultraviolet radiation emitted by the stars during their lifetime. The most appealing aspect of these models is their insensitivity to the duration of the epoch of \\pop3 stars domination. In fact, the relative importance of \\pop3 stars with respect to \\popII stars in practice has to be treated as a free parameter due to the large uncertainties in modelling the complex physical processes that regulate metal production and mixing. In order to reproduce WMAP results we find that a fraction of about $10^{-4}$ of all the baryons in the Universe needs to be accreted by compact objects before redshift 10. This fraction is comparable in mass to the observed mass density of supermassive BHs in the galactic nuclei today. This does not pose a strong constraint on the models because a sizeable fraction of these early intermediate-mass BHs is expected to be removed from the galaxies during the last phases of the merger or to reside in the interstellar medium of galaxies, being hardly detectable \\cite{MadauR:01}. Perhaps a small fraction of these intermediate-mass BHs may be accreting and contribute to the observed population of ULX \\citep{Agol:02,Krolik:04}. The stronger constraint on the model is posed by the observed soft X-ray background. Assuming that the early mini-quasars population produces an optical depth to Thompson scattering \\taue$\\sim 0.17$, their contribution to the background in the 5-50 keV bands is 5-20\\%. Future X-ray missions may be able to detect these sources if they exist. The predicted fluxes of the most rare objects is at the limit of the detection of the Chandra deep fields and about 1000 objects with flux $10^{-18}$ erg cm\\mm s\\m should be present per 5.3 arcmin$^2$. Note that these calculations assume a spectral energy distribution of the sources that has a non-negligible high energy power-law component (\\cf, \\fig~4 in paper~IIa), in agreement with observations of QSOs and ULX in the local universe. If the source spectra are dominated by a multicolour disk thermal component their contribution to both the X-ray background in the 2-50 keV bands and the faint source counts would be negligible. The redshifted X-ray background also has interesting consequences for the reionisation history of He and the thermal history of the IGM at redshift $z \\sim 3$, independently of the assumed spectra of the sources. In this paper we confirm the results of paper~IIa in which we found that \\GII is almost fully reionised for the first time at redshift $z \\sim 17$ and afterwards slowly recombines before experiencing a second reionisation at redshift $z \\sim 3$ produced by the redshifted X-ray background. The heating rate from the background radiation keeps the temperature of the IGM at about 10,000 K, in rough agreement with observations of the line widths of the \\lya forest at $z \\sim 3-4$. We also emphasise that the redshifted X-ray background is important in producing a fully ionised atomic hydrogen in the low density intergalactic medium before stellar reionisation at redshift $z \\sim 6-7$. As a result stellar reionisation is characterised by an almost instantaneous ``overlap phase'' of \\HII regions. The patchy topology of reionisation produced by stellar sources contrast with the spatially homogeneous partial ionisation by X-rays. This produces distinctive signatures on temperature/polarisation CMB anisotropies and on the redshifted 21cm emission/absorption from neutral hydrogen at high redshift. \\begin{enumerate} \\item The power spectrum of the EE polarisation is sensitive to the visibility function $g(z)$, defined in \\eq~(\\ref{eq:vis}). The Plank satellite should be able to distinguish between the visibility function produced by an early X-ray partial ionisation (\\cf, \\fig~\\ref{fig:srei5} and \\fig~8 in paper~IIa) or the one expected for reionisation by stellar sources (\\cf, \\fig~4 in paper~I). \\item On small angular scales ($< 1 arcmin$ or $l>10^4$) the secondary anisotropies produced by non-linear structures during the early reionisation epochs dominate over other contributions, offering a unique opportunity to study the first episode of structure formation. A remarkable feature can be observed: while in a model without early episode of X-ray emission the power spectrum falls off at small angular scales approximately as $l^{-3/4}$, in X-ray preionisation models the power instead grows roughly as $l^{3/4}$. The temperature anisotropies are of the order of $\\Delta T \\sim 16 \\mu$K at $\\sim 1$ arcsec scales. But it is extremely difficult to detect anisotropies on these scales, partly because of foreground sources contamination \\citep{Fomalont:93,Church:97}. In models in which reionisation is produced by UV from stellar sources the secondary anisotropies produced by the nonlinear Ostriker-Vishniac effect (\\ie, assuming uniform ionisation fraction) have less power than in the full calculation that includes the ``patchy reionisation'' signal (the signals are correlated). In X-ray preionisation models the nonlinear Ostriker-Vishniac effect and ``patchy reionisation'' signals are instead slightly anti-correlated. \\item The redshifted 21cm emission/absorption from neutral hydrogen is another powerful probe of the ionisation state of the IGM at high redshift. In X-ray preionisation models a sharp absorption feature at $z\\sim 25-30$ falls just outside the broadcast TV bands. This feature will appear as a roughly 100 mK ``absorption line'' in the spectrum of the Galactic foreground, and may be observable with LOFAR. The partial ionisation of the IGM in the X-ray preionisation scenarios offers better opportunities to observe the fluctuations of the redshifted 21cm line in emission at redshifts lower than 10, where the signal is easier to measure. \\end{enumerate} Finally indirect signatures of X-ray preionisation are related to the discovery of massive BHs in the nuclei of dwarf galaxies and/or the identification of intermediate mass BHs in the ISM of galaxies (\\eg, ULX). If \\pop3 stars are instead responsible for the large optical depth measured by WMAP future observations with JWST and ground based near-infrared \\lya surveys using gravitational lenses may soon be able to observe these objects \\citep{Pello:04, RicottiH:04} and probe the ionisation state of the IGM. \\subsection*{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS} MR is supported by a PPARC theory grant. NG was partially supported by by NSF grant AST-0134373 and by National Computational Science Alliance under grant MCA03S023 and utilised IBM P690 array at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Research conducted in cooperation with Silicon Graphics/Cray Research utilising the Origin 3800 supercomputer (COSMOS) at DAMTP, Cambridge. COSMOS is a UK-CCC facility which is supported by HEFCE and PPARC. MR thanks Martin Haehnelt and the European Community Research and Training Network ``The Physics of the Intergalactic Medium'' for support. The authors would like to thank Andrea Ferrara, Martin Haehnelt, Piero Madau and Martin Rees for stimulating discussions." }, "0404/astro-ph0404068_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present theoretical models of black hole (BH) populations in young stellar environments, such as starbursts and young star clusters. Using a population synthesis approach we compute the formation rates and characteristic properties of single and binary BHs for various representative ages and choices of parameters. We find that most of the BHs (typically $80\\%$ for an initial 50\\% binary fraction) are single, but with many originating from primordial binaries (which either merged into a single massive star or were disrupted following a supernova explosion). A smaller but significant fraction (typically $20\\%$) of the BHs remain in binary systems. Main-sequence stars are the most frequent BH companions, but massive BH--BH binaries are the next most numerous group. The most massive BHs found in our simulations reach $\\sim 80\\,M_\\odot$, and are formed through mergers of massive binary components. If formed in a dense star cluster such a massive stellar BH may become the seed for growth to a more massive (``intermediate-mass'') BH. Although we do not include dynamical interactions, our results provide realistic initial conditions for $N$-body simulations of dense star clusters (e.g., globular clusters) including primordial BHs. ", "introduction": "Until recently it was believed that BHs existed in two separate mass ranges: stellar-mass BHs, with masses $\\sim 10\\,M_\\odot$, and supermassive BHs, with masses $\\sim 10^6 - 10^9\\,M_\\odot$ (see, e.g., Fryer \\& Kalogera 2001; Peterson 2003; Tegmark 2002). However, over the last few years, evidence has been mounting for the existence of {\\em intermediate-mass\\/} BHs (Miller \\& Colbert 2004). Although the observations remain controversial a variety of plausible formation scenarios for intermediate-mass BHs (IMBHs) have been proposed (e.g., van der Marel 2003). Primordial formation of massive BHs in the early universe has been discussed for many years (e.g., Carr 1993; Khlopov, Rubin \\& Sakharov 2002). Later on, when the first very massive metal-free (Pop~III) stars form, one naturally expects that, given the lack of significant wind mass loss, these stars may collapse to form IMBH remnants with masses up to $\\sim 10^2 - 10^3\\, M_\\odot$ (e.g., Heger et al.\\ 2003). Some of these IMBHs may be in binaries either formed through captures in dense environments (Wyithe \\& Loeb 2003) or remaining from primordial Pop~III binaries (Belczynski, Bulik \\& Rudak 2004a). Dynamical formation processes for IMBHs in Pop~II and Pop~I star clusters have also been the subject of many recent studies. The two most promising scenarios involve runaway collisions and mergers of massive main-sequence stars (Portegies Zwart \\& McMillan 2002; G{\\\"u}rkan, Freitag, \\& Rasio 2004) and successive mergers of stellar-mass BH (Miller \\& Hamilton 2002). In this paper, we focus on the populations of stellar BHs forming out of the most massive stars in Pop~II or Pop~I young stellar environments. Stellar BHs form through core collapse of massive stars with masses $\\ga 20\\,M_\\odot$. If $N$ stars form with a standard Kroupa (Kroupa \\& Weidner 2003) initial mass function (IMF) between $M_{\\rm min} = 0.08\\, M_\\odot$ and $M_{\\rm max} = 150\\, M_\\odot$, we expect $N_{\\rm BH} \\simeq 5 \\times 10^{-4}\\, N$ black holes to have formed after $\\sim 10^7\\,$yr, when all stars massive enough to produce a BH have evolved. The goal of this paper is to characterize this initial population of BHs. For a population of {\\em single stars\\/}, this is merely a question of characterizing the metallicity-dependent relation between progenitor mass and final BH mass (Fryer \\& Kalogera 2001; Heger et al.\\ 2003). However, most stars, and, especially, most massive stars are expected to form in binary systems (Duquennoy \\& Mayor 1991). The BH formation processes can be affected significantly by the evolution of the progenitor star in a binary, especially if the initial orbital separation is $\\la 500\\,R_\\odot$ and the star can overflow its Roche lobe as it evolves. In addition, many BHs will retain binary companions, which can drastically affect their later evolution, their detectability as X-ray or gravitational-wave sources, and the way they interact with their environment. The study we present in this paper is based on a population synthesis approach, in which a large number of single and binary stars are evolved according to parametrized evolutionary prescriptions. Stellar evolution is followed starting from a population of zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) stars with specified metallicity. Given enough time the stars evolve to form remnants, either white dwarfs (not relevant for the massive stars considered here), neutron stars, or BHs. Both observations and more detailed theoretical calculations are used to constrain and parametrize the uncertain stages of evolution (e.g., supernova explosions and common envelope phases). A number of population synthesis codes of varying levels of sophistication are currently being used to study many astrophysical problems (e.g., Fryer, Woosley, \\& Hartmann 1999; Nelemans, Yungelson \\& Portegies-Zwart 2001; Hurley, Tout \\& Pols 2002; Pfahl, Rappaport, \\& Podsiadlowski 2003; Belczynski, Kalogera \\& Bulik 2002, hereinafter BKB02). Here we use the most recent version of the {\\tt StarTrack} population synthesis code (BKB02; Belczynski et al. 2004b) to study BH formation in young metal-rich (Pop~I) and metal-poor (Pop~II) populations. This work is complementary to the previous study of the oldest binary BHs, descendants of metal-free Pop~III stars, by Belczynski et al.\\ (2004a). Our results can be applied directly to the modeling of young starburst populations, with ages $\\sim 10^7-10^8\\,$yr. For those systems, we have derived complete synthetic sample catalogues of all BHs, single and in binaries, that have evolved from the initial burst of star formation. Our results can also be applied to the modeling of young star clusters (such as the super star clusters so prevalent in starbursts; see, e.g., de Grijs et al. 2003), although we do not take into account the effects of dynamical interactions in dense cluster cores (cf.\\ G\\\"urkan, Freitag \\& Rasio 2003; Ivanova et al.\\ 2004). Characterizing the properties of a primordial BH population is also very important for many theoretical studies of old star clusters. Indeed many of these studies attempt to bypass the first $\\sim 10^7$yr of massive star evolution and use initial conditions that already contain BHs. For example, $N$-body simulations of globular clusters containing primordial BHs have been performed starting with a small number of identical single BHs of mass $10\\,M_\\odot$ (e.g., Fregeau et al.\\ 2002; Portegies Zwart \\& McMillan 2000). One goal of our work is to provide more realistic initial conditions for those studies. The further dynamical evolution of BHs in dense star clusters could play a key role in many problems of great current interest, such as understanding the formation of IMBHs and ultra-luminous X-ray sources (Miller \\& Hamilton 2002) and predicting the merger rate of BH binaries detectable by gravitational-wave detectors (Portegies Zwart \\& McMillan 2000). Our paper is organized as follows. In \\S\\,2 we describe the evolutionary model used in the population synthesis calculations, including details about BH formation. In \\S\\,3 we present the results of our calculations. First we present the results for our reference model, then we follow with the description of a number of alternative models. Finally, in \\S\\,4 we summarize our main results. ", "conclusions": "We have calculated the evolution of the massive stars found in young stellar environments, such as starbursts. The final products of massive star evolution, single and binary BHs, were then studied. All our results were discussed taking into account the many model uncertainties. A number of alternative calculations with varied initial conditions and evolutionary parameters were performed and presented. We also supplied the necessary data to normalize our results to any given total mass of a starburst galaxy or star cluster, with arbitrary choice of initial binary fraction. The calibrated results may then be used as part of initial conditions for realistic $N$-body simulations of dense stellar clusters that include primordial BHs. Soon after the initial star formation burst, most BHs are found as single objects, although a significant fraction of BHs are also found in binaries. A number of single BHs are formed as the end product of binary evolution, either through binary disruption following a SN explosion or through a merger following a dynamically unstable RLOF episode. The most common binary BHs are BH--MS and BH--BH systems. The period distribution of binaries containing BHs is usually bimodal, with a majority of systems in the long period peak ($P \\sim 10^4 - 10^6$\\ days). These wide binaries would be ``soft'' if placed in a dense stellar environment (e.g., a globular cluster) and they would then be disrupted following any strong interaction with another passing star or binary, thereby further enhancing the population of single BHs. The remaining, short-period BH binaries ($P \\sim 1-100$\\ days) would instead undergo hardening and evolve, over many relaxation times, to produce a population of very compact binaries that could eventually merge through GR emission. The typical BH masses are found to be within the range $7-25\\,\\msun$, both for single and binary BHs. However, the single BHs formed through binary mergers can reach masses as high as $\\sim 80 \\msun$. Since most mergers are assumed in our models to be accompanied by significant mass loss, BHs formed through binary evolution (without any dynamical interactions) could in principle reach even higher masses, up to $\\sim 100 \\msun$ (in the absence of significant merger-induced mass loss). This result has many important implications. First, some ultra-luminous X-ray sources might be explained by a $\\sim 100 \\msun$ {\\em stellar\\/} BH accreting from a lower-mass companion. This would require the capture of a new companion (most likely through an exchange interaction with another binary), but no dynamics would be involved in the BH formation (cf.\\ Kalogera, King, \\& Rasio 2004). Second, these most massive stellar BHs may act as seeds for the formation of true IMBHs (with masses $\\gtrsim 1000 \\msun$) that could reside at the centers of some dense star clusters (Gebhardt, Rich, \\& Ho 2002; Gerssen et al.\\ 2002; Miller \\& Hamilton 2002). Third, a broader mass range for the tightest BH--BH binaries (possibly undergoing further hardening through dynamical interactions in a dense star cluster) will modify predictions for the gravitational-wave signals detectable by laser-interferometer instruments such as LIGO and VIRGO (Flanagan \\& Hughes 1998)." }, "0404/astro-ph0404542_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on X-ray spectroscopic observations with {\\it XMM/Newton} of the ultracompact, double white dwarf binary, GP Com. With the Reflection Grating Spectrometers (RGS) we detect the L$\\alpha$ and L$\\beta$ lines of hydrogen-like nitrogen (N VII) and neon (Ne X), as well as the helium-like triplets (N VI and Ne IX) of these same elements. All the emission lines are unresolved. These are the first detections of X-ray emission lines from a double-degenerate, AM CVn system. We detect the resonance (r) and intercombination (i) lines of the N VI triplet, but not the forbidden (f) line. The implied line ratios for N VI, $R = f/i < 0.3$, and $G = (f + i)/r \\approx 1$, combined with the strong resonance line are consistent with formation in a dense, collision-dominated plasma. Both the RGS and EPIC/MOS spectra are well fit by emission from an optically thin thermal plasma with an emission measure (EM) $\\propto ( kT / 6.5 \\; {\\rm keV})^{0.8}$ (model {\\it cevmkl} in XSPEC). Helium, nitrogen, oxygen and neon are required to adequately model the spectrum, however, the inclusion of sulphur and iron further improves the fit, suggesting these elements may also be present at low abundance. We confirm in the X-rays the underabundance of both carbon and oxygen relative to nitrogen, first deduced from optical spectroscopy by Marsh et al. The average X-ray luminosity of $\\approx 3 \\times 10^{30}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ implies a mass accretion rate $\\dot m \\approx 9 \\times 10^{-13} \\; M_{\\odot}\\; {\\rm yr}^{-1}$. The implied temperature and density of the emitting plasma, combined with the presence of narrow emission lines and the low $\\dot m$ value, are consistent with production of the X-ray emission in an optically thin boundary layer just above the surface of the white dwarf. ", "introduction": "The AM CVn stars are among the most compact binary systems known. Their optical spectra are dominated by broad helium emission lines originating in an accretion disk formed by mass transfer from a degenerate helium dwarf onto the primary white dwarf. Their orbital periods range from about 10 minutes to 1 hour. They are natural laboratories for the study of poorly understood binary evolution processes, such as common envelope evolution. Moreover, the absence of hydrogen allows for the study of accretion disks dominated by helium. They may also be a significant channel for the production of Type Ia supernovae and neutron stars via accretion induced collapse (for a review see Warner 1995). GP Com is one of the better studied, nearby AM CVn systems. It has a 46.5 minute orbital period (Nather Robinson \\& Stover 1981), resides at a distance of $\\approx 70$ pc (Thorstensen 2003), and has been studied extensively in the optical and UV. Recent studies by Marsh (1999) and Morales-Rueda et al.(2003) have used optical and UV+optical spectroscopy to probe the dynamics of the system in great detail. In addition to helium, nitrogen emission lines have been seen in the UV (Lambert \\& Slovak 1981; Marsh et al. 1995), and optical (Marsh, Horne \\& Rosen 1991). These observations identified a nitrogen overabundance, relative to carbon and oxygen, as well as an underabundance of heavy elements (for example, Ca, Si and Fe). The low metallicity may be consistent with its suggested halo origin (see Giclas, Burnham \\& Thomas 1961). The evolution scenario favored by Marsh et al. (1991) posits an initially low metallicity for the progenitor stars. The CNO elements are subsequently produced within the primary star and then mixed throughout the secondary during a common envelope phase. The nitrogen abundance is then increased by CNO-cycle hydrogen burning within the secondary (ie. the mass donor). Finally, a number of ultracompact systems with neutron star primaries also show apparent neon enrichment (see Juett \\& Chakrabarty 2003; Schulz et al. 2001). Accretion should make such systems soft X-ray sources, and indeed, several have been detected in the X-ray band, including the prototype AM CVn, CR Boo, and GP Com (van Teeseling \\& Verbunt 1994; Ulla 1995; and Eracleous, Halpern \\& Patterson 1991). The X-ray flux from accreting, non-magnetic white dwarfs is thought to originate in a boundary layer that shocks and decelerates the Keplerian flow, allowing it to eventually settle on the white dwarf. Early work suggested that the boundary layer should be optically thick--radiating in the soft X-ray band and extreme UV--at mass accretion rates above $\\dot m \\approx 1.6 \\times 10^{-10} M_{\\odot} \\; {\\rm yr}^{-1}$ (Pringle \\& Savonije 1979). At lower rates the boundary layer should become more radially extended and optically thin, producing a harder X-ray spectrum. Aspects of this basic scenario have been confirmed by more recent calculations (see, for example, Patterson \\& Raymond 1985; Narayan \\& Popham 1993; Popham \\& Narayan 1995). To date, X-ray observations of most AM CVn systems have been made at relatively low signal to noise levels and with modest spectral resolution. For example, ROSAT observations of GP Com found the source at a flux level $\\approx 1.2 \\times 10^{-11}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ in the 0.2 - 2 keV band, and confirmed that it is variable. These observations also found that the 0.2 - 2 keV spectrum cannot be described by a single temperature component (van Teeseling \\& Verbunt 1994), but detailed modelling was problematic due to the relatively poor statistics and restricted bandpass. In this Letter we summarize results of recent, high signal to noise X-ray spectral measurements of GP Com with {\\it XMM/Newton}. These data represent perhaps the best X-ray spectral measurements of an AM CVn system to date, and also show the first X-ray emission lines from such a system. ", "conclusions": "The nitrogen lines in the X-ray band provide additional confirmation of the overabundance of nitrogen relative to carbon and oxygen deduced from the optical (Marsh et al. 1991). The high nitrogen abundance likely reflects the operation of CNO-cycle thermonuclear processing in the secondary (Marsh et al. 1991). We find a nitrogen to helium ratio, by number, of $\\approx 4.8 \\times 10^{-3}$, which is moderately higher than the value derived by Marsh et al. (1991) of $2.7 \\times 10^{-3}$ (see their Table 4). Our derived oxygen to helium number ratio is, however, about a factor of 10 higher than that deduced from the optical. Although systematic modelling effects could be present, these results suggest that the X-ray emitting gas may have higher oxygen abundance than the accretion disk (which produces the optical emission lines). If the accretor were an oxygen-rich white dwarf, and some of its matter is mixed with the accreted material in the turbulent boundary layer, then this could perhaps increase the oxygen abundance relative to the donor material. The neon lines provide the first definitive detection of an element heavier than oxygen in GP Com. Our derived neon mass fraction ($\\approx 0.0037$) is a factor of 2 larger than the solar value. Moreover, modelling of the optical spectra also suggests a neon enrichment of about 1.3 compared to solar abundances (Marsh et al. 1991). Neon is a by-product of helium burning under a wide range of conditions (see, for example, Clayton 1983; Iben \\& Truran 1983), however, the low carbon abundance is likely incompatible with helium burning having ocurred in the secondary. Therefore, this avenue for the neon production appears to be a dead-end. Again, mixing of neon from the accretor (which likely has undergone helium burning) into the donor material in the boundary layer could perhaps increase the neon abundance. It appears that gravitational settling and fractionation of neon (in the form of $^{22}Ne$) are also not relevant, since nitrogen is depleted in the production of this isotope, and we clearly measure a large nitrogen abundance (see, for example, Bildsten \\& Hall 2001). Neon enhancements have been suggested for several ultracompact neutron star binaries; 4U 1543-624 and 2S 0918-549 (Juett \\& Chakrabarty 2003), and 4U 1627-67 (Schulz et al. 2001). For 4U 1543-624, Juett \\& Chakrabarty (2003) deduced Ne/O $\\approx 1.5$, by number, from studies of absorption edges in {\\it Chandra} high resolution spectra, however, we note that these measurements can be influenced by the unknown ionization structure in the circumbinary material. We find a similar value of Ne/O = 1.4 (by number) for GP Com. Yungelson, Nelemans \\& van den Heuvel (2002) suggest fractionation of neon in the white dwarf donor as a possible explanation for the neon enhancements in the neutron star systems. This scenario again requires a helium burning donor and thus seems not to work in the case of GP Com. The X-ray measurements provide a means to estimate the mass accretion rate, $\\dot m$, onto the white dwarf primary in GP Com. Assuming matter falls from the inner Lagrange point onto the primary, and that half the gravitational potential energy is dissipated in the accretion disk, the X-ray luminosity, $L_x$ can be approximated as (see, for example, Nelemans, Yungelson \\& Portegies Zwart 2004), \\begin{equation} L_x = \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{G M_1 \\dot m}{R} \\left (1 - \\frac{R}{R_{L_1}} \\right ) \\; , \\end{equation} where $M_1$, $R$, $R_{L_1}$, and $\\dot m$ are the primary mass, primary radius, the distance from the inner Lagrange point to the center of the accretor, and the mass accretion rate, respectively. Solving for $\\dot m$, and inserting the measured X-ray luminosity for $L_x$ gives, \\begin{equation} \\dot m = 3.48 \\times 10^{-13} \\frac{R_9}{(M_1/M_{\\odot})} \\left ( 1 - \\frac{R}{R_{L_1}} \\right )^{-1} \\; \\; M_{\\odot} \\; {\\rm yr}^{-1} \\; , \\end{equation} where $R_9$ is the radius of the primary in units of $10^9$ cm, and $R/R_{L_1} \\approx 0.2$ for a system like GP Com. For a primary mass, $M_1 = 0.5 M_{\\odot}$ (Morales-Rueda et al. 2003) and $R_9 = 1$ (Zapolsky \\& Salpeter (1969) we obtain $\\dot m \\approx 8.7 \\times 10^{-13} \\; M_{\\odot} \\; {\\rm yr}^{-1}$. If the accretor is a massive O/Ne/Mg white dwarf (suggested by the possibility of oxygen and neon mixing in the boundary layer), then the derived accretion rate drops by about a factor of 6. This rate is substantially lower than the critical rate above which one expects an optically thick boundary layer (Pringle \\& Savonije 1979; Narayan \\& Popham 1993). In this regime the plasma should have a maximum temperature of $\\approx 10^8$ K, which is similar to the peak temperature of $6.5$ keV ($7.5 \\times 10^7$ K) deduced from our spectral modelling. The presence of {\\it narrow} emission lines also supports spectral formation in a boundary layer. From the width of the N VII Ly$\\alpha$ line, we obtain an upper limit on the velocity dispersion of the emitting gas of $\\approx 250$ km s$^{-1}$ ($3\\sigma$) (This includes bulk and thermal motions). This indicates an origin close to the white dwarf and not, for example, further out in the accretion disk, which would have much higher Keplerian velocities. If the white dwarf accretor was synchronized with the orbit, then its rotational velocity would be $\\approx 23$ km s$^{-1}$. To have a rotational speed equal to our 250 km s$^{-1}$ limit, a $10^{4}$ km white dwarf would require a spin period of $\\approx 250$ seconds. Indeed, an upper limit to the Doppler (ie. thermal motion) width for the nitrogen line indicates a value close to t250 km s$^{-1}$, which supports a slowly rotating, or synchronized white dwarf. The narrowness of the X-ray lines also appears consistent with the narrow ``central spike'' component of the helium lines (Marsh 1999; Morales-Rueda et al. 2003), which almost certainly originate on the accreting white dwarf. The XMM/Newton measurements provide a detailed look at the physics of the boundary layer in GP Com. Detailed comparisons with theoretical boundary layer models could provide interesting constraints on their temperature, density and rotational profiles. Deeper X-ray spectra would provide better temperature and density constraints from the helium-like triplets, and likely more lines of less abundant species could be detected." }, "0404/astro-ph0404297_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using adaptive optics on Keck and the VLT in the H- and K-bands, we have begun a project to probe the dynamics and star formation around AGN on scales of 0.1\\arcsec. The stellar content of the nucleus is traced through the 2.29\\micron\\ CO\\,2-0 and 1.62\\micron\\ CO\\,6-3 absorption bandheads. These features are directly spatially resolved, allowing us to measure the extent and distribution of the nuclear star forming region. The dynamics are traced through the 2.12\\micron\\ H$_2$ 1-0\\,S(1) and 1.64\\micron\\ [Fe{\\sc ii}] emission lines, as well as stellar absorption features. Matching disk models to the rotation curves at various position angles allows us to determine the mass of the stellar and gas components, and constrain the mass of the central black hole. In this contribution we summarise results for the two type~1 AGN Mkn\\,231 and NGC\\,7469. ", "introduction": "The ultraluminous infrared galaxy Mkn\\,231, which at 170\\,Mpc distance has $L_{\\rm bol}\\sim3\\times10^{12}$\\,L$_\\odot$, hosts an AGN that, with $M_{\\rm B} = -21.7$, is often classed as a QSO. However, it is now clear that a significant fraction of its luminosity infact originates in star formation, making Mkn\\,231 a key object for investigations into whether or not ULIRGs evolve into QSOs. The structural and kinematic properties of this and other late stage ULIRG mergers have been studied by \\cite{gen01} to investigate whether they might evolve later into (intermediate mass, $L_*$) ellipticals; and by \\cite{tac02} to test if, once rid of their gas and dust shells, they might be the progenitors of QSOs. As a sample, the ULIRGs appear to have elliptical-like properties: relaxed stellar populations with $r^{1/4}$ radial luminosity profiles, and velocity dispersions of $\\sim$180\\kms\\ with only moderate rotation. Based on numerical simulations of mergers between gas rich spirals, this is what one might expect since most ULIRGs, including Mkn\\,231, exhibit the huge tidal tails typical of such mergers. However, Mkn\\,231 presents a puzzle since its stellar velocity dispersion of 115\\kms\\ is rather small, yielding both a low bulge mass and a low M$_{\\rm BH}$, which results in a highly super-Eddington AGN luminosity. Adaptive optics observations on the Keck~II telescope, which are summarised here and described fully in \\cite{dav04b}, have resolved this problem. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=mkn231.eps,width=13.5cm}} \\caption{Mkn\\,231. Left: spatial profiles of the continuum (upper) and CO absorption `flux' (lower) showing that the nuclear star forming region is resolved. Overplotted in the lower panel are $r^{1/4}$ (dotted) and exponential (dashed) profiles. Right: logarithm of the CO profile as a function of $r^{1/4}$, showing that the exponential (dashed) profile is a better match than the $r^{1/4}$ (dotted), and hence that the stars reside in a disk rather than a spheroid.} \\label{fig:mkn231} \\end{figure} If the mean stellar type dominating the nuclear stellar H-band continuum does not vary too much, the 1.63\\micron\\ CO\\,6-3 bandhead absorption `flux' traces the spatial extent of the stars. Fig.~\\ref{fig:mkn231} (left) shows that this profile is different to the continuum, which has a strong narrow core originating in dust heated by the AGN. Distinguishing between the de~Vaucouleurs $r^{1/4}$ and exponential fits to the stellar profile is crucial for our understanding of the geometry of the star forming region. Hence in Fig~\\ref{fig:mkn231} (right) we plot the logarithm of the profiles as functions of $r^{1/4}$, on which scaling the de~Vaucouleurs profile appears as a straight line. It is then clear that an $r^{1/4}$ law does not match the data at larger radii, and that its $r_e$ is inconsistent with the scales on which the star formation is seen. On the other hand, an exponential profile with $r_e\\sim0.2$\\arcsec\\ does match the data, indicating that the stars lie in a disk rather than a spheroid. A nearly face-on ($i$=$10^\\circ$) molecular disk is already known to exist in Mkn\\,231. We need to consider whether our result that the stars lie in the same disk is consistent with the stellar kinematics of \\cite{tac02}, who found $\\sigma=115$\\kms\\ and $V_{\\rm rot}/\\sigma=0.2$. Using the properties of the molecular disk at $r=0.6$\\arcsec\\ ($V_{\\rm rot}\\sin{i}=60\\kms$, M$_{\\rm dyn}=12.7\\times10^9$\\,M$_\\odot$, scale height 23\\,pc; \\cite[Downes \\& Solomon 1998]{dow98}) gives a mean velocity dispersion perpendicular to the disk plane of 80\\kms. Putting in also an exponential profile as above, accounting for seeing, and repeating the observations of \\cite{tac02} yields $\\sigma=107$\\kms\\ and an apparent $V_{\\rm rot}/\\sigma=0.3$. This means that a nearly face-on stellar disk can -- in the right circumstances -- masquerade as a spheroid. The fraction of H-band light due to stars is found from the equivalent width of the CO\\,6-3 bandhead, $W_{\\rm CO}$. The stellar luminosity one derives can then be used in starburst models, yielding a minimum mass (occuring when late type supergiants dominate the continuum, at an age of $\\sim$10\\,Myr) of $1.3\\times10^9$\\,M$_\\odot$ out to $r=0.6$\\arcsec. The upper limit to the age and mass is set by M$_{\\rm dyn}$. At 0.6\\arcsec, we find M$_{\\rm dyn}=6.7\\times10^9$\\,M$_\\odot$ (half of that derived by \\cite{dow98}, since we measure $V_{\\rm rot}\\sin{i}=40\\kms$). Accounting for the gas mass leaves at most $4.3\\times10^9$\\,M$_\\odot$ of stars. Hence, from starburst models, the maximum age of the stars is 120\\,Myr. This remarkably young age is supported by other observations of PAH features (\\cite[Rigopoulou \\etal\\ 1999]{rig99}), mid infrared emission lines (\\cite[Genzel \\etal\\ 1998]{gen98}), the infrared spectral energy distribution (\\cite[Verma 1999]{ver99}), and the radio continuum (\\cite[Carilli \\etal\\ 1998]{car98}). Our results show that the stars we see lie in a disk rather than a spheroid, and so $\\sigma$ cannot be used to estimate M$_{\\rm BH}$. Being so young, it is likely that the stars formed {\\em in situ} in the nearly face-on gas disk, which is itself a product of the merger that created Mkn\\,231. ", "conclusions": "We have presented H- and K-band adaptive optics observations which clearly resolve the nuclear star forming regions in the centres of 2 type~1 AGN. Constraining starburst models using the fraction of stellar light determined from $W_{\\rm CO}$ and the dynamics measured from the H$_2$ 1-0\\,S(1) line (and, where possible, stellar features), indicates that the nuclear star forming regions are extremely young and constitute a significant fraction of the total mass on these scales. In Mkn\\,231 it is likely that the stars have formed in the molecular disk of effective radius 160--200\\,pc which has resulted from the merger of gas rich spirals; in NGC\\,7469 the star cluster lies inside a molecular ring of radius 65\\,pc." }, "0404/astro-ph0404178_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Seyfert narrow line regions (NLR) have emission line ratios which are remarkably uniform, displaying only $\\sim$0.5 dex variation between different galaxies. Existing models have been unable to explain these observations without the introduction of ad hoc assumptions, geometrical restrictions or new parameters. Here we introduce a new model: dusty radiation pressure dominated photoionization, which provides a natural self-regulating characteristic leading to an invariance of the spectrum over a very wide range ($>100$) of ionization parameter. The dusty model is able to reproduce both the range and the absolute value of the observational line ratios not only in the standard optical diagnostic diagrams but also in UV diagnostic plots, providing an explanation to the problem in NLR observations. ", "introduction": "The emission lines of active galaxies have often been used in conjunction with models to constrain the physical and ionizati on structure of the emitting regions. In particular ratio diagrams or line diagnostic diagrams prove to be an excellent visual aid in interpreting the emission line data. For example, the line diagnostic diagrams by \\cite{VO87} are capable of distinguishing three different groups of emission line galaxies: those excited by starbursts and two excited by an active nucleus - the Seyfert narrow line regions (NLRs) and the low ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs). These diagrams are additionally interesting in that they show that the emission from Narrow Line Regions (NLR) is remarkably uniform, with only $\\sim$0.5 dex variation between Seyferts and less within individual galaxies. This uniformity of the spectral properties has since been confirmed in much larger samples (eg.\\ \\cite{VeronCetty2000}). The standard paradigm proposes that the NLR are excited by photons originating at or near a compact nuclear source (see, eg.\\ \\cite{Ost89}) having a smooth featureless power-law, or broken power-law EUV ionizing spectrum. Within this model, the clustering of the observed line ratios within such a restricted domain of parameter space presents a problem, as it requires an approximately constant ionization parameter\\footnote{The ionization parameter is a measure of the number of ionizing photons against the hydrogen density ($U = S_{\\star}/\\mathrm{n}_{\\mathrm{H}}c$).} of $U\\sim10^{-2}$, whereas $U$ should be free to take on any value. Modellers have been therefore forced to make the arbitrary (and possibly unphysical) assumption that the gas density in the ionized clouds must fall exactly as the inverse square of the distance from the nucleus. In order to account for this failings of the previous standard models we have proposed a new paradigm for the photoionization of the NLR clouds, that of dusty, radiation pressure dominated photoionization (\\cite{DG02}). ", "conclusions": "First introduced in \\cite{DG02}, the dusty, radiation pressure dominated photoionization model, through the stagnation of the ionization parameter at large values, provides a simple explanation for the small variation of observed Seyfert NLR ratios. This stagnation is due to the effects of dust opacity and radiation pressure upon dust and is characteristic to these models. The significant point is that the dusty model is able to do this over both optical and UV ratios, without depending upon large variations in other parameters such as density or metallicity. These results not only provide an explanation for what has not been a fully understood observation for years but also provide ways in which to understand further the processes involved in the NLR and extended NLR of AGN." }, "0404/astro-ph0404452_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Interstellar turbulence has implications for the dispersal and mixing of the elements, cloud chemistry, cosmic ray scattering, and radio wave propagation through the ionized medium. This review discusses the observations and theory of these effects. Metallicity fluctuations are summarized, and the theory of turbulent transport of passive tracers is reviewed. Modeling methods, turbulent concentration of dust grains, and the turbulent washout of radial abundance gradients are discussed. Interstellar chemistry is affected by turbulent transport of various species between environments with different physical properties and by turbulent heating in shocks, vortical dissipation regions, and local regions of enhanced ambipolar diffusion. Cosmic rays are scattered and accelerated in turbulent magnetic waves and shocks, and they generate turbulence on the scale of their gyroradii. Radio wave scintillation is an important diagnostic for small scale turbulence in the ionized medium, giving information about the power spectrum and amplitude of fluctuations. The theory of diffraction and refraction is reviewed, as are the main observations and scintillation regions. ", "introduction": "One of the most important developments in the field of interstellar gas dynamics during the last half-century was the renewed perception that most processes and structures are strongly affected by turbulence. This is a paradigm shift unparalleled in many other fields of astronomy, comparable perhaps to the discovery of extrasolar planets and cosmological structure at high redshift. Interstellar turbulence and its implications were commonly discussed in the 1950s, but without the range of observations that are available today, the theory of the interstellar medium (ISM) drifted toward increasingly detailed models based largely on a preference for thermal and dynamical equilibria. Standing apart were two subfields that continued to include turbulence as the primary driver of all observations: radio scintillation and cosmic ray transport. The connections between these subfields and the prevailing picture of the ISM were mostly ignored because of the large discrepancy in scales. Consequently, two other small-scale processes got lost in the equilibrium paradigm of the large-scale models: mixing of the elements and molecular chemistry. In this review, we discuss these four subfields in some detail. All have a well-established observational base going back several decades, but because of the complexity of turbulence and the infancy of the relevant theory, all of them are now in a state of rapid evolution. Our previous review {\\it Interstellar Turbulence I} (this volume), emphasized observations in the dense neutral ISM and discussed in detail the various theoretical approaches to this field. ", "conclusions": "The turbulence that is observed directly on resolvable scales in the ISM also has important effects on very small scales, down to the level of atomic diffusion, mixing, and viscosity, and continuing far below to the thermal ion gyroradius. The resolvable turbulence in the neutral medium was reviewed in the first part of this series ({\\it Interstellar Turbulence I}), along with general theory and simulations. The smaller scale implications were reviewed here. Turbulence helps to disperse the elements made in supernovae and other stellar sources by stretching and folding the contaminated gas until the gradient length approaches the collision mean free path. Then atomic diffusion does the final step of interatomic mixing. This mixing and homogenization may occur partly at the source, in the shock fronts and contact discontinuities around the expanding flow following dynamical instabilities, and it may occur partly in the ambient ISM after the expansion subsides. Observations suggest that the dispersion in elemental abundances among stars inside clusters and field stars of the same age, and the abundance differences between HII regions and diffuse clouds, are only a few percent up to perhaps 30\\%. Observations of clusters also suggest that most of the mixing occurs within several times $10^8$ years. This homogenization has to occur between the injection scale of supernovae and superbubble explosions and the star formation scale containing on the order of a solar mass. The corresponding range of spatial scales is $\\sim100$ for gas at the ambient density. Homogenization cannot be significant on scales much larger than a superbubble, because then it would diminish the galactic radial abundance gradient over a Hubble time. These gradients enter the problem in another way too because turbulence mixes the gas over galactic radius to increase the elemental dispersion locally at the same time as it mixes this gas locally and leads to homogenization. While the distribution of elemental abundances appears to be fairly narrow, with a dispersion on the order of 10\\%, it may also have a fat tail caused by occasional odd stars and diffuse clouds with very different abundances. This tail is reminiscent of other fat tails in the distribution functions for turbulent media, and these other tails seem to originate with intermittency. In the case of elemental dispersion, this means that the homogenization process is spotty so some regions survive for long periods of time with very little mixing. Several methods for studying turbulent mixing have been employed. Because of the wide range of scales involved, these studies often employ simplifying assumptions that appear to capture the essential physics. They include artificial stochastic velocity fields and closure methods using moment equations. Direct numerical simulations of ISM elemental dispersion have only just begun. The theory suggests that a turbulent medium mixes passive scalars like elemental abundances faster than a Gaussian velocity field because of the long-range correlations that are associated with turbulence. Turbulence affects interstellar chemistry by mixing regions with different properties, heating the gas intermittently on the viscous scale, and enhancing ion-neutral collisions in regions with strong magnetic field gradients. Turbulent mixing is more far-reaching than diffusive mixing because of long-range correlated motions in a turbulent flow. Such mixing spreads out each chemical species over a large radial range inside a cloud. Turbulent heating promotes temperature-sensitive reactions inside otherwise cold clouds. Applications to the formation of CH$^+$ and OH in diffuse clouds look promising. Chemical reaction networks that include these turbulent processes are only beginning to understand some of the implications, and direct simulations of chemistry in a turbulent medium are limited to only a few studies so far. The scattering and acceleration of cosmic rays depends strongly on the presence of turbulence in the ISM. The scale for this turbulence is the gyroradius, which is less than the collisional mean free path for most cosmic rays, which have energies less than 1 GeV. Thus, scattering relies entirely on magnetic irregularities in collisionless plasma turbulence. Cosmic ray acceleration is by two processes, both of which involve turbulence: The first-order Fermi mechanism accelerates cosmic rays by cycling them through shock fronts where they pick up a relative velocity kick comparable to the shock speed at each passage. This cycling occurs because magnetic irregularities on each side of the front scatter the out-streaming cosmic rays back into the front. The second-order Fermi mechanism accelerates cosmic rays through turbulent diffusion. Each collision with a randomly moving magnetic irregularity turns the cosmic ray around with a reflection speed in the moving frame that is comparable to the incident speed. Over time, the result is a transfer of energy from the turbulence to the cosmic rays. Cosmic ray scattering occurs in several ways. Fast moving particles can interact weakly but resonantly with numerous magnetic irregularities, and successive interactions of this type can randomly change the pitch angles of their helical motions along the field. This eventually leads to a complete reversal in the direction of motion. Cosmic rays can also interact strongly with large magnetic irregularities, as would occur in shock fronts and at the edges of dense cloud complexes. These interactions change the particle directions significantly each time. The nature of cosmic ray diffusion in both momentum and space is not understood well because the structure and strength of the important magnetic irregularities are not observed directly. If MHD turbulence is highly anisotropic on the scale of cosmic ray scattering, with transverse irregularities much stronger than parallel as suggested by theory, then resonant scattering processes during motions along the mean field can be very weak. The structure of magnetic waves below the mean free path is also unclear, as the usual fast and slow magnetosonic modes do not exist. Cosmic rays can also generate turbulence by streaming instabilities following particle-wave resonances or by fire-hose and mirror instabilities that operate even without resonances. The expected anisotropy of Alfv\\'en wave turbulence diminishes the first of these mechanisms significantly, however. The others are problematic because they require strong cosmic ray pressure anisotropies. As a result, the impact of cosmic rays on turbulence is currently not understood. Radio wave scintillation is indirect evidence for interstellar plasma turbulence. These radio observations span a very wide range of spatial scales through a combination of diffraction and refraction effects. The scales are mostly below the collision mean free path, and they are far below the limits of angular resolution. The first of these limits makes it difficult to understand the origin of the density irregularities. Unlike the turbulence that scatters cosmic rays, which requires only magnetic irregularities and no density structure, the turbulence that causes scintillation requires small-scale density irregularities in the ionized medium. The associated magnetic irregularities are not observed, and the connection to cosmic ray scattering is unclear, even though the length scales are about the same. The origin of density structures below the collision mean free path is unknown. Atomic diffusion should smooth them out on a sound crossing time unless magnetic field irregularities hold them in place. In that case they could be the result of slight temperature variations, with the cooler regions having higher electron densities, all divided up and mixed together by transverse magnetic motions. The nature of these motions below the mean free path is unclear, because, as mentioned above, the usual fast and slow compressional modes do not exist, nor do the usual thermal and pressure-regulated processes. The second of the two limits on spatial scale imply that the geometrical properties of scintillation turbulence are difficult to observe. The scintillation is clearly anisotropic, but whether it is in sheets or filaments, for example, is unknown. The importance of scintillation observations for studies of ISM turbulence is that they give the power spectrum of electron density fluctuations fairly accurately. This is usually close to the Kolmogorov spectrum of incompressible turbulence. Rarely are the spectra so steep that the medium can be interpreted as a superposition of sharp edges, like shock fronts. One recent observation with fairly high precision obtained the relatively shallow Iroshnikov-Kraichnan power spectrum, leading to the conjecture that the slope varies from region to region. As discussed in {\\it Interstellar Turbulence I}, this variation may arise from a variation in the relative strength of the magnetic field compared to the turbulent motions, with the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan spectrum present in regions of relatively strong fields. Observations suggest that scintillation arises in a distributed fashion from the ambient ionized medium and also from discrete high-density places like the edges of local bubbles, ionized molecular clouds, and HII regions. These discrete regions are likely to be highly turbulent and they also have a juxtaposition of hot and cool gas, which is necessary for isentropic mixing and electron density structure. There are evidently many uncertainties in the nature of ISM turbulence on small scales, even though the evidence for this turbulence is pervasive. Part of the problem is that none of the features of this turbulence have been observed directly: not the densities, magnetic fields, temperatures, or motions. Still, the density irregularities are revealed indirectly through scintillation, the magnetic field irregularities through cosmic ray scattering, the temperature fluctuations through chemistry, and the motions through elemental and chemical mixing. An additional problem is that many small scale effects of ISM turbulence rely on details of the theory that are independent of the usual scaling relations, such as viscous heating and elemental diffusion, which arise at the bottom of the cascade in the neutral medium. Turbulence in the ionized medium is also below the collisional mean free path, where pressure and thermal effects are relatively unimportant. Moreover, the small scale ISM processes are often strongly dependent on the large scale processes, such as turbulent shock formation, energy and metal injection, and galactic-scale gradients. This means that direct simulations of small scale turbulence are impossible without simplifying assumptions about the large-scale medium -- assumptions that require more knowledge about ISM turbulence on the large scale than is presently available. While the observations and theory of ISM turbulence have come a long way from the first efforts in the 1950s, the details of this new information have led to a growing awareness that the complete problem is far too large to solve any time soon. We rely on future generations of astronomers and physicists to continue this work, and hope that they find this field as intriguing and challenging as we do today." }, "0404/astro-ph0404514_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an updated set of constraints for the progenitor of PSR\\,J0737-3039 and for the natal kicks imparted to pulsar~B taking into account both the evolutionary and kinematic history of the double neutron star. For this purpose, we use recently reported scintillation velocity measurements to trace the motion of the system in the Galaxy backwards in time as a function of the unknown orientation $\\Omega$ of the systemic velocity projected on plane of the sky as well as the unknown radial velocity $V_r$. The absolute limits on the orbital separation and the mass of pulsar~B's helium star progenitor just before its supernova explosion are $1.2\\,R_\\odot \\la A_0 \\la 1.7\\,R_\\odot$ and $2.1\\,M_\\odot \\la M_0 \\la 4.7\\,M_\\odot$. The kick velocity is constrained to be between 60\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ and 1660\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ and to be misaligned from the pre-SN orbital angular axis (which could be associated with pulsar~B's spin axis) by least $25^\\circ$ . We also derive probability distribution functions for the kick velocity imparted to pulsar~B and for the misalignment angle between pulsar~A's spin and the post-supernova orbital angular momentum for both isotropic and polar kicks. The most probable values of both quantities depend sensitively on the unknown radial velocity. In particular, tilt angles lower than $30^\\circ$--$50^\\circ$ tend to be favored for current radial velocities of less than $\\simeq 500$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ in absolute value, while tilt angles higher than $120^\\circ$ tend to be associated with radial velocities in excess of $\\simeq 1000$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ in absolute value. ", "introduction": "The recent discovery of the strongly relativistic binary pulsar (Burgay et al. 2003) which is also the first eclipsing double pulsar system found in our Galaxy (Lyne et al. 2004) has resparked the interest in the evolutionary history and formation of double neutron star (DNS) systems (Willems \\& Kalogera 2004; Dewi \\& van den Heuvel 2004; Willems, Kalogera \\& Henninger 2004). According to the standard formation channel for DNS binaries (e.g. Bhattacharya \\& van den Heuvel 1991), their progenitors evolve through a high-mass X-ray binary phase where the first-formed NS accretes matter from the wind of a high-mass companion. When the latter fills its Roche lobe, the extreme mass ratio triggers the formation of a common envelope which extracts orbital energy and angular momentum and causes the NS and donor core to spiral-in towards each other. If the inspiral can be stopped before the components coalesce, a tight binary is formed consisting of the first-formed NS and a helium star companion. After it exhausts its central helium supply, the helium star expands and a second, this time stable, mass-transfer phase is initiated which spins the NS up to millisecond periods. At the end of the mass-transfer phase the helium star's core explodes and forms the second NS. In this paper, we present constraints on the properties of the progenitor of PSR\\,J0737-3039 just before the supernova (SN) explosion that gives birth to pulsar~B. In view of the recent scintillation velocity measurements, which were first presented at the meeting (Ransom et al., these proceedings) and updated shortly thereafter (Ransom et al. 2004), we update our results presented at the conference and account for the system's full kinematic history since the time of its formation. We furthermore present probability distribution functions (PDFs) for the kick velocity imparted to pulsar~B and, in reply to the call for theorists' predictions on PSR\\,J0737-3039, we predict the most likely misalignment angle between pulsar~A's spin and the post-SN orbital angular momentum as a function of $V_r$. ", "conclusions": "We have used the scintillation velocity measurements of Ransom et al. (2004) to derive the most up-to-date constraints on the progenitor of PSR\\,J0737-3039 and on the kick imparted to pulsar~B at birth as a function of the unknown orientation $\\Omega$ of the systemic velocity projected on plane of the sky and the unknown radial velocity $V_r$. We also derived the most probable pulsar kick velocity and spin tilt for both isotropic and polar kicks as a function of $V_r$. Once $\\Omega$ is measured in the coming year, it will be straightforward to use the results presented here to further constrain the natal kicks and the spin-tilt predictions." }, "0404/astro-ph0404208_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{BL Lac objects are an elusive and rare class of active galactic nuclei. For years their evolutionary behavior has appeared inconsistent with the trend observed in the population of AGN at large. The so-called ``negative'' evolution implies that BL Lacs were either less or fainter in the past. This effect is stronger for BL Lacs selected in X-ray surveys. We have investigated if one of the selection criteria, namely the flat-radio spectrum (imposed on the Radio-selected but not on the X-ray-selected samples), might explain the different evolutionary trend. } ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/hep-th0404253_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study particle production in the tachyon condensation process as described by different effective actions for the tachyon. By making use of invariant operators, we are able to obtain exact results for the density of produced particles, which is shown to depend strongly on the specific action. In particular, the rate of particle production remains finite only for one of the actions considered, hence confirming results previously appeared in the literature. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} One of the most intriguing features of String Theory is the tachyon condensation process and its possible description in terms of a tachyon effective theory. Finding an effective action for the tachyon field is a difficult task. Nevertheless, in certain situations (like the decay of non-BPS D-branes) some aspects of the string dynamics can be described by an effective field theory action involving only the tachyon and massless modes (see for example Refs.~\\cite{Lambert:2002hk,Lambert:2001fa}). \\par The form of the effective action for the tachyon depends on the choice of the region in field space where it can be valid. One such a region corresponds to the neighbourhood of the perturbative string vacuum (in which the tachyon $T=0$) where one can reconstruct the tachyon effective action from string $S$-matrix. In this case, we expect the effective action to be of the form \\be \\label{Tperturb} S=-\\int \\d t\\,\\d^p x\\, \\left( {1\\over 2}\\,\\eta^{\\mu\\nu}\\,\\partial_{\\mu}T\\,\\partial_{\\nu}T -{\\mu^2\\over 2}\\,T^2+g\\,T^4+\\ldots\\right) \\ . \\ee where $\\eta_{\\mu\\nu}$ is the Minkowski metric (Greek indices run from $0$ to $p$), $\\mu$ and $g$ are constants and the dots represent higher order terms. \\par A second possibility is trying to reconstruct the effective action near some exact conformal points. One such a conformal point is a time-dependent background that represents an exact boundary conformal field theory~\\cite{Sen:2002an,Sen:2002in,Sen:2002nu,Gutperle:2003xf}, \\be T=f_0\\,e^{\\mu\\,x^0}+{\\bar f}_0\\,e^{-\\mu\\,x^0} \\ . \\ee A special case is then the ``rolling tachyon'' background \\be \\label{rol} T=f_0\\,e^{\\mu\\,x^0} \\ , \\ee where $\\mu^2=1$ or $1/2$ in the bosonic and supersymmetric case respectively, which would be described by the homogeneous Lagrangian~\\cite{Kutasov:2003er} \\be \\label{kutt} L=-\\frac{1}{1+\\frac{T^2}{2}}\\, \\sqrt{1+\\frac{T^2}{2}-\\left(\\partial_0 T\\right)^2} \\ . \\ee If the above admits a straightforward covariant generalization, one obtains \\be \\label{tachDBIx} S=-\\int \\d t\\, \\d^p x\\, {1\\over 1+{T^2 \\over 2}}\\, \\sqrt{1+{T^2 \\over 2} +\\eta^{\\mu\\nu}\\,\\partial_{\\mu}T\\,\\partial_{\\nu}T} \\ , \\ee which has just the form of a ``DBI'' (Dirac-Born-Infeld) action \\be \\label{tachDBI} S=-\\int \\d t\\,\\d^p x\\, V(\\tilde{T})\\, \\sqrt{1+\\eta^{\\mu\\nu}\\,\\partial_{\\mu}\\tilde{T}\\, \\partial_{\\nu}\\tilde{T}} \\ , \\ee where $\\tilde T=\\sqrt{2}\\,\\sinh\\left(T/\\sqrt{2}\\right)$ and the potential is given by \\be V(\\tilde T)=\\left(\\cosh\\frac{\\tilde T}{\\sqrt{2}}\\right)^{-1} \\ . \\label{Vp} \\ee Even if the rolling tachyon (\\ref{rol}) is an exact solution of the equation of motion that arises from the action (\\ref{tachDBIx}), it is not completely clear whether such an action should be used for the description of field theory space around the perturbative vacuum $T=0$. In particular, in Refs.~\\cite{Berkooz:2002je,Felder:2002sv,Frolov:2002rr}, the stability of the the classical time-dependent solution of Eq.~(\\ref{tachDBIx}) was analyzed, showing that fluctuations become large in a very short time interval and hence they might significantly change the classical evolution. One can also interpret the huge growth of fluctuations as the creation of a large number of fluctuation modes in the time-dependent background of the classical solution \\cite{Kluson:2003rd}. We can then expect that at some time near the beginning of the tachyon condensation the density of the number of particles created reaches the string density and the linearized approximation, in which fluctuations are assumed small, breaks down. \\par Finally, one can also consider as a starting point a tachyon effective action of the form \\be \\label{Tbos} S=-\\int \\d t\\,\\d^p x\\, \\frac{1}{1+T}\\sqrt{1+T+ \\frac{\\eta^{\\mu\\nu}\\,\\partial_{\\mu}T\\,\\partial_{\\nu}T}{T}} \\ , \\ee which arises when one considers the tachyon of a D-brane in bosonic String Theory and was derived in Ref.~\\cite{Kluson2003} following the proposal of Ref.~\\cite{Kutasov:2003er}. \\par We will analyze the production of particles for the three actions reviewed above by making use of Lewis' invariant operators~\\cite{Lewis}. This technique yields exact results and will allow us to go beyond the usual linear approximation in all the cases under consideration. Our analysis follows the same line as that of Ref.~\\cite{Klusonlast}. In particular, we shall restrict our study of particle production to the fluctuation modes with initial momentum $k^2>\\mu^2$ at infinite past. Modes with $k^2<\\mu^2$ exponentially grow even at the beginning of the tachyon condensation and this may significantly change the classical evolution. The analysis of these modes is a challenging task beyond the scope of this paper and even for the modes with a positive frequency $\\Omega_k ^2=k^2-\\mu^2$ at far past we will get some interesting results. ", "conclusions": "\\setcounter{equation}{0} We have computed the density of particles produced in the early stages of the tachyon condensation. The use of invariant operators allows us to obtain exact results and to show that the production rate strongly depends on the form of the action. The DBI action~(\\ref{tachDBIx}) and the Bosonic Action~(\\ref{Tbos}) produce divergent densities in the early stages of the tachyon condensation, whereas the Perturbative Effective Action~(\\ref{Tperturb}) seems to yield a regular behavior when the linearized approximation is satisfied. This suggests that such an action should be regarded as the most suitable candidate to describe the process of tachyon condensation. On the other hand one should note that backreaction effects have been neglected in our approach. Any conclusions therefore need to be confirmed by an analysis that takes into account the backreaction, and our results must be considered as preliminary until a more thorough (and very likely numerical) analysis is performed. This is left for future research beyond the scope of this paper. \\label{conc}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404044_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The spectroscopic analysis of 117 serendipitous sources in the HELLAS2XMM 1df (1 degree field) survey is described. Of these, 106 sources, of which 86\\% have a spectroscopic redshift, are used to evaluate the fraction of X-ray absorbed (log N$_H$$>$22) Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the 2--10 keV flux range 0.8--20$\\times$10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. This fraction turns out lower than what is predicted by two well known Cosmic X-Ray Background synthesis models, and the discrepancy is significant at the 99.999\\% level. This result consolidates the findings recently obtained by other authors. In the flux interval explored, the data are consistent with an intrinsic distribution of the absorbing columns (flat per decade above log$N_H>$21) independent of luminosity and redshift, together with an AGN luminosity function evolving purely in luminosity. It is shown that, on the other hand, extrapolation to lower fluxes fails to reproduce the results inferred from the Chandra Deep Field North survey. It is found that about 40\\% of the high luminosity sources in our sample have best fit logN$_H$$>$22, and the surface density of these X--ray obscured QSOs can then be estimated at about 48 per square degree, at the flux limit of $\\sim10^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ of the HELLAS2XMM 1df survey. As a side issue, 5 or 6 out of 60 sources, that is about 10\\%, identified with broad line AGN, turn out to be affected by logN$_H$$>$22 absorption. ", "introduction": "After the success of ROSAT (Hasinger et al. 1998) in resolving about 75\\% of the X-ray background (XRB) in the 0.5--2 keV band into sources largely associated with Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), the satellites Chandra and XMM-Newton achieved a similar result, up to at least 85\\% of the XRB, in the 2-10 keV band (Mushotzky et al. 2000, Giacconi et al. 2001, 2002, Hasinger et al. 2001; Alexander et al. 2003; see also Moretti et al. 2003 and references therein). The combination of the results in the two bands provides also the observational support for the intuition by Setti \\& Woltjer (1989) that the XRB could be explained by a dominant contribution of AGN, affected by photoelectric obscuration in different proportions over a wide range of gas columns N$_H$. This suggestion led to several attempts, all formally successful, to synthesize the XRB starting from somewhat different assumptions about the AGN Luminosity Function (LF) and its cosmological evolution, and N$_H$ distributions (e.g. Comastri et al. 1995, Gilli et al. 2001, Wilman \\& Fabian 1999, Miyaji et al. 2000, Ueda et al. 2003). In this context, an important issue, which is being explored with increasingly more detailed X--ray spectral analysis and spectroscopic identification of the optical counterparts, is the fraction of sources with different intrinsic N$_H$ as a function of their flux. This approach provides very strong constraints, especially when accompanied by the study of the LF performed using the same data (e.g. Ueda et al. 2003). The present limits are set by progressively poorer statistics in the X-ray spectra and in the optical spectroscopic identification as one goes to fainter sources. Thus, while a treatment as just outlined, based on the full ensemble of sources utilized by Fiore et al. (2003, hereafter Paper IV), is deferred to La Franca et al. (in prep.), this paper aims to exclusively present the information on the fraction of sources affected by different levels of X-ray obscuration, down to a limit in F(2-10 keV) of about 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (corresponding to about 35\\% of the XRB), extracted from the HELLAS2XMM 1df sample. This sample comprises 117 sources, 93 of them (80\\%) with a spectroscopic redshift available. The spectral counts extraction is described in Sect. 2, their best fit analysis in Sect. 3, the synthesis of the results in Sect. 4. Sect. 5 is devoted to a discussion of the results compared to XRB synthesis models, Sect. 6 to the conclusions. ", "conclusions": "Starting from 117 sources from the HELLAS2XMM 1df survey (Paper IV), after the exclusion of 1 source with N$_H$ unconstrained and 9 sources with unknown z and R$<$23, the spectroscopic analysis of the remaining 107 X-ray spectra (86\\% with spectroscopic redshift) led to the following main result. The fraction of the 106 sources with logN$_H$$>$22 in the flux interval 0.8--20$\\times$10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ is inconsistent, at the 99.999\\% confidence level, with the predictions of two well known XRB synthesis models, one by Comastri et al. (1995), the other by Gilli et al. (2001, their model B). This result consolidates the discrepancy also found by other authors in this flux interval, as mentioned in the previous section. As an exercise for the Comastri et al. (1995) model, leaving unchanged all other assumptions, the adoption of a simple and different intrinsic distribution of the source percentage per decade of N$_H$, from log$N_H$=20 to 25 (which is consistent with the results from the present sample, see Fig. 4), leads to a much better agreement down to 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, but fails to reproduce the much larger percentage of absorbed sources, derived from the CDFN survey, in the 10$^{-15}$ to 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ flux interval. A study encompassing a much wider flux range, with a sufficiently large sample of objects (such as the one used in Paper IV), that should tackle simultaneously the problems of the shape and evolution of the LF, of the N$_H$ distribution as a function of luminosity and cosmic epoch and eventually the XRB synthesis (with an approach akin to that followed by Ueda et al. 2003), goes beyond the scope of the present paper, and will be the subject of La Franca et al. (in prep.). An important result, which basically confirms what was found in Paper IV, is that in our sample at least 28\\%, most likely about 40\\% of AGN with logL$_{2-10keV}>44$ (that is of the QSO) are obscured in X-rays (log$N_H>22$). This fraction can be translated, taking into account the sky coverage, into a surface density of highly obscured QSO of $\\sim48$ deg$^{-2}$, at the flux limit of $\\sim10^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ of the HELLAS2XMM 1df survey. As a side issue, note that in the sample studied, while a value of the parameter log(X/O) much greater than unity confirms itself to be strongly indicative of high obscuration in high luminosity AGN, as shown in Paper IV, there are 5 or 6 out of 60, that is about 10\\% of sources, with logN$_H$$>$22, that are optically classified as AGN1, in agreement with a previous finding by Page et al. (2003; see also Brusa et al. 2003, Akiyama et al. 2003). Notably they are all concentrated at logL$_{2-10keV}>44$. Among various possibilities, it is pointed out that variability may be one of the causes of this inconsistency." }, "0404/astro-ph0404014.txt": { "abstract": "{We report on two photometric monitoring campaigns of Very Low Mass (VLM) objects in the young open cluster around $\\sigma$\\,Orionis. Our targets were pre-selected with multi-filter photometry in a field of 0.36\\,sqdeg. For 23 of these objects, spanning a mass range from 0.03 to 0.7\\,$M_{\\odot}$, we detect periodic variability. Of these, 16 exhibit low-level variability, with amplitudes of less than 0.2\\,mag in the I-band, which is mostly well-approximated by a sine wave. These periodicities are probably caused by photospheric spots co-rotating with the objects. In contrast, the remaining variable targets show high-level variability with amplitudes ranging from 0.25 to 1.1\\,mag, consisting of a periodic light variation onto which short-term fluctuations are superimposed. This variability pattern is very similar to the photometric behaviour of solar-mass, classical T Tauri stars. Low-resolution spectra of a few of these objects reveal strong H$\\alpha$ and Ca-triplet emission, indicative of ongoing accretion processes. This suggests that 5-7\\% of our targets still possess a circumstellar disk. In combination with previous results for younger objects, this translates into a disk lifetime of 3-4\\,Myr, significantly shorter than for solar mass stars. The highly variable objects rotate on average slower than the low-amplitude variables, which is expected in terms of a disk-locking scenario. There is a trend towards faster rotation with decreasing mass, which might be caused by shortening of the disk lifetimes or attenuation of magnetic fields. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Open clusters are ideal environments to study stellar properties and evolution, because they contain a homogeneous population of objects with known distance, metallicity, and age. Recent deep surveys have unveiled the population of several open clusters far down into the substellar regime. Examples are the surveys by Moraux et al. (\\cite{mbs03}), Pinfield et al. (\\cite{phj00}) and Zapatero Osorio et al. (\\cite{zrm99}, \\cite{zrm97}) in the \\object{Pleiades}, and the work of Barrado y Navascu\\'es et al. in \\object{IC2391} (\\cite{bsb01}) and \\object{$\\alpha$\\,Per} (\\cite{bbs02}). In two cases, namely in the clusters around \\object{$\\sigma$\\,Ori} (Zapatero Osorio et al. \\cite{zbm00}) and the Orion \\object{Trapezium Cluster} (Lucas \\& Roche \\cite{lr00}), even isolated planetary mass objects were found. Thanks to these surveys, large samples of Very Low Mass (VLM) objects are known today, among which we conveniently will subsume all objects with masses below $0.4\\,M_\\odot$, including very low mass stars, brown dwarfs and free-floating planetary mass objects. All objects with masses below this $0.4\\,M_\\odot$ limit are thought to be fully convective (Chabrier \\& Baraffe \\cite{cb00}), giving a physical motivation for this definition of VLM objects. Wide-field photometric monitoring is a powerful tool to investigate properties of large object samples: If an object exhibits asymmetrically distributed surface features, e.g. magnetically induced star spots, its flux will be modulated with the rotation period. Hence, period search in the lightcurve allows the determination of the (projection-free) rotation period. The amplitude of the periodicity, in turn, depends on the properties of the star spots, allowing conclusions about surface activity processes. Pointing to dense open cluster fields, such monitoring campaigns become very efficient, as one can register many objects contemporaneously within one field of view. Compared to solar-mass stars, there is a significant lack of known rotation periods for VLM objects. Photometric monitoring studies delivered a small number of periods for evolved VLM stars and Brown Dwarfs (Bailer-Jones \\& Mundt \\cite{bm99}, \\cite{bm01}, Tinney \\& Tolley \\cite{tt99}, Mart\\'{\\i}n et al. \\cite{mzl01}, Clarke et al. \\cite{ctc02}, Gelino et al. \\cite{gmh02}). Only three periods are known for VLM objects with ages between 50 and 100\\,Myr (Mart\\'{\\i}n \\& Zapatero Osorio \\cite{mz97}, Terndrup et al. \\cite{tkp99}). Two periods for VLM members of $\\sigma$\\,Ori were published by Bailer-Jones \\& Mundt (\\cite{bm01}). Recently, Joergens et al. (\\cite{jfc03}) report on 5 measured periods for Brown Dwarfs and VLM stars in the very young ChaI star forming region. Our own study in the young open cluster IC4665 (age 36\\,Myr) delivered several rotation periods for VLM objects (Eisl{\\\"o}ffel \\& Scholz \\cite{es02}). Observations of very young VLM objects are of special interest, because they can deliver clues about their formation process. Recent results suggest that objects in the substellar regime form similar to stars. Several authors detected typical T Tauri star phenomena on VLM objects, e.g. outflow processes (Fern\\'andez \\& Comer\\'on \\cite{fc01}) and mid-infrared excesses attributed to the presence of a circumstellar disk (Natta \\& Testi \\cite{nt01}, Apai et al. \\cite{aph02}, Jayawardhana et al. \\cite{jas03}). Moreover, L\\'opez Mart\\'{\\i} et al. (\\cite{les03}) and Liu et al. (\\cite{lnt03}) demonstrate a correlation between H$\\alpha$ emission and mid-infrared excess for Brown Dwarfs down to $0.02\\,M_\\odot$, which they interpret as an indication for ongoing accretion. Solar-mass T Tauri stars show various types of photometric variability. Active accretion processes often manifest themselves by large amplitude variations showing several possible periods (e.g., Fern\\'andez \\& Eiroa \\cite{fe96}, Bouvier et al. \\cite{bck95}, Herbst et al. \\cite{hmw00}). If VLM objects undergo a T Tauri phase as well, they should exhibit a similar photometric behaviour. Hence, photometric monitoring can deliver an independent contribution to the ongoing debate about VLM object formation. The $\\sigma$\\,Ori cluster is an appropriate target for such a study, because it is relatively nearby (350\\,pc, B\\'ejar et al. \\cite{bzr99}), has negligible extinction ($E_\\mathrm{B-V}=0.05$, B\\'ejar et al. \\cite{bzr99}) and an age of 3\\,Myr (Zapatero Osorio et al. \\cite{zbp02}). The extended work by B\\'ejar et al. and Zapatero Osorio et al. revealed a rich VLM population. We monitored this cluster in two photometric time series. Complementary observations, presented in Sect.\\,\\ref{sel}, identified the cluster members in the time series field. We report on the monitoring campaigns in Sect.\\,\\ref{mon} and the time series analysis in Sect.\\,\\ref{tsa}. The following sections describe the results of out lightcurve analysis: We first establish two origins for the observed variability (Sect.\\,\\ref{inter}). In Sect.\\,\\ref{rot}, we then concentrate on the investigation of the rotation periods. Section\\,\\ref{accr} contains the discussion of low-resolution spectra for highly variable objects. Finally, in Sect.\\,\\ref{conc}, we present our conclusions. %__________________________________________________________________ ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} We present the first photometric variability study for VLM members of the young $\\sigma$\\,Ori cluster. With multi-filter photometry, 135 cluster member candidates were identified, including 90\\% VLM objects ($M<0.4\\,M_{\\odot}$). This preliminary member list still contains about 30\\% contaminating field stars and thus needs spectroscopic verification. We monitored these targets in two I-band time series in January and December 2001. The first campaign, using the 2-m Tautenburg Schmidt telescope, covered 110 candidates, spanning masses from 0.02 to 0.5\\,$M_{\\odot}$. The second time series, obtained with the 1.23-m telescope on Calar Alto, registered 52 targets spanning a mass range from 0.02 to 1.4\\,$M_{\\odot}$. 27 Objects were observed in both runs. After reduction and relative calibration, we obtained differential lightcurves for all targets. We found that the difference image analysis package from G{\\\"o}ssl et al. (\\cite{gr02}) improves the precision of the Calar Alto lightcurves by several mmag. Time series analysis was focused on the period search, but we included a test to detect irregular variations as well. We examined the variability of the targets based on the scattering of the lightcurves and found that the very young targets contain significantly more variable objects than field stars. The fraction of variable objects as well as the variability amplitude does not significantly change over the entire mass range. We detected periodic variability for 14 CA and 13 TLS targets, with periods spanning from 4 to 240 hours. Four targets show a periodicity in both campaigns. The periodically variable candidates clearly fall into two groups: 16 of them show low-level variability which is in most cases well-approximated by a sine wave. We argue that this type of variability is most probably caused by magnetically induced photospheric spots co-rotating with the objects. We see evidence for the spot evolution on VLM objects, since most of these targets show the periodicity in only one campaign. The lightcurves of the remaining objects have amplitudes $>$0.25\\,mag and show obvious deviations from the sine shape. Their photometric behaviour is very similar to those of classical T Tauri stars. The quasi-periodic oscillation is therefore most probably caused by hot spots formed by matter flow from an accretion disk. Thus, our results imply the existence of accretion disks around VLM stars and Brown Dwarfs. The fact that most of the highly variable objects show a near-infrared colour excess confirms this finding. Low-resolution spectroscopy of a subsample of these targets assures their cluster membership and their youth. We find strong emission features, in particular a dominating H$\\alpha$ emission line, characteristic for accreting objects. The extension of T Tauri behaviour to VLM stars and Brown Dwarfs strongly supports star-like formation scenarios for these objects. Highly variable and thus accreting objects rotate on average more slowly than low-level variable targets. This is expected in terms of a disk-locking scenario, where magnetic coupling between star and disk removes angular momentum during the T Tauri phase. In agreement with previous publications, we find that strong accretors are rare in the $\\sigma$\\,Ori cluster, but they certainly exist among VLM stars as well as Brown Dwarfs. Comparison with studies of younger clusters and more massive stars give evidence that disk dissipation timescales are significantly decreased with decreasing object mass. In agreement with previous publications, we find a tendency of faster rotation towards decreasing object masses, possibly caused by decreasing effectiveness of angular momentum removal. This could either be explained with shorter disk lifetimes or with weaker magnetic fields, as inferred from the low activity level of our targets." }, "0404/astro-ph0404102_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Orbital period changes are an important diagnostic for understanding low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) accretion-induced angular momentum exchange and overall system evolution. We present our most recent results for the eclipse timing of the LMXB \\exo. Since its discovery in 1985 it has apparently undergone three distinct orbital period ``epochs\", each characterized by a different orbital period than the previous epoch. We outline the orbital period behavior for \\exo\\ over the past 18 years and discuss the implications of this behavior in light of current theoretical ideas for LMXB evolution. ", "introduction": "There are eight currently known low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) systems that undergo full or partial eclipses. Such systems are important for the study of evolution in LMXBs because the eclipse edges provide timing markers that make possible the systematic observation of orbital period changes. The best studied orbit in this group is that of \\exo\\ which has been X-ray active since 1985 \\citep{pwgg86}. This long timeline has allowed an unprecedented look at its orbital dynamics \\citep[see][and references therein]{whw+02}. The emerging picture for the orbital period behavior, however, is anything but the expected smooth variations in \\Porb\\ and \\Porbdot\\ based on theoretical calculations done to date \\citep[e.g., see][and references therein]{prp02}. Rather, the observed period changes are discontinuous across multiple distinct epochs, and large apparent changes in \\Porb\\ of the order seconds can be observed on timescales as short as one orbit. The magnitude of the observed changes in orbital period are much larger than expected from LMXB evolutionary theory. This is likely an indication that the observed variations in \\Porb\\ are short timescale effects of angular momentum redistribution in the system and are masking the underlying long term orbit evolution. The Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite has allowed us to monitor systematically the orbit of \\exo\\ in an effort to delineate and understand the process of angular momentum exchange and its effects on the \\exo\\ orbit. In this conference paper we report our recent progress. ", "conclusions": "The X-ray eclipse timings for \\exo\\ appear to show three distinct orbital periods in three successive epochs along with significant intrinsic period jitter in these epochs. Furthermore, inspection of Figure~\\ref{fig-exorxteusaomc} shows that during the early part of the RXTE epoch (until approximately March 2000) the period jitter is especially prominent. After this date the orbit period changes again by $\\sim$-6.7 ms nearly returning to the value characteristic of the EXOSAT$-$GINGA epoch. Such abruptly changing orbit periods are observed in a number of Algol binaries [see the discussion in \\citep{simo99} and references found therein] although with larger amplitude in ${\\Delta \\Porb}/{\\Porb}$. For Algol systems ${\\Delta \\Porb}/{\\Porb} \\sim 10^{-5}$ whereas in \\exo\\ we find ${\\Delta \\Porb}/{\\Porb} \\sim 10^{-6}$. \\citep{hall91} attributed the abrupt period changes in Algol systems to magnetic activity in a convective secondary star inducing changes in its quadrupole moment and altering the orbital angular momentum. If this explanation is applicable to the period changes in \\exo\\ \\citep[see also][]{hwc97} then around the March 2000 magnetic activity in the secondary was altered in some manner changing the secondary's influence on the system orbital angular momentum distribution. Before this date the orbit period jittered around a mean value but the jitter is reduced after this date. This may imply that magnetic activity in the secondary also was reduced, perhaps as a result of magnetic cycling similar to the 11-year cycle in the Sun. Small changes in radius of the secondary are predicted by the magnetic activity explanation of Algol orbit period changes put forward by \\citet{ap87} due to the changing magnetic pressure support for the outer layers of the secondary star. The data in Figure~\\ref{fig-exoecldurvsomc} \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[height=4.5in,angle=270.0]{f3.ps} \\caption{ The durations of all RXTE observed eclipses plotted as a function of observed \\OMC\\ residual for \\exo. The points at increasing negative \\OMC\\ values are the same eclipses observed after the dramatic change in period near MJD 51710 in Figure~\\ref{fig-exorxteusaomc}. \\label{fig-exoecldurvsomc}} \\end{figure} suggest that the radius of the occulting star decreased across the MJD 51710 boundary. Totality duration is $\\sim$7 seconds shorter after MJD 51710 than before MJD 51710. However, a spherically symmetric decrease of 1-2\\% in the radius of the secondary star is unlikely and other non-spherical changes in the radius of the secondary must be considered as well. The measurements shown in Figures~\\ref{fig-exoallomc},~\\ref{fig-exorxteusaomc}, and~\\ref{fig-exoecldurvsomc} give a magnitude and direction for the abrupt orbital period changes and the magnitude and direction of the abrupt change in the duration of X-ray totality. Any attempt to understand these data will have to pose some sort of almost instantaneous change in the binary system parameters with an accompanying redistribution of the orbital and spin angular momenta rather than a slow change in the system because of the effects of mass exchange. \\begin{theacknowledgments} This research is supported by the Office of Naval Research, the NASA Astrophysical Data Program, and the NASA RXTE Guest Observer Program. \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404428_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have observed the persistent but optically unidentified X-ray source X1908+075 with the PCA and HEXTE instruments on {\\it RXTE}. The binary nature of this source was established by \\citet{WRB} who found a 4.4-day orbital period in results from the {\\it RXTE} ASM. We report the discovery of 605 s pulsations in the X-ray flux. The Doppler delay curve is measured and provides a mass function of 6.1 $M_\\sun$ which is a lower limit to the mass of the binary companion of the neutron star. The degree of attenuation of the low-energy end of the spectrum is found to be a strong function of orbital phase. A simple model of absorption in a stellar wind from the companion star fits the orbital phase dependence reasonably well and limits the orbital inclination angle to the range $38\\arcdeg - 72\\arcdeg$. These measured parameters lead to an orbital separation of $\\sim60 - 80$ lt-s, a mass for the companion star in the range 9-31 $M_\\sun$, and an upper limit to the size of the companion of $\\sim 22~R_\\sun$. From our analysis we also infer a wind mass loss rate from the companion star of $\\gtrsim 1.3 \\times 10^{-6}~M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$ and, when the properties of the companion star and the effects of photoionization are considered, likely $\\gtrsim 4 \\times 10^{-6}~M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$. Such a high rate is inconsistent with the allowed masses and radii that we find for a main sequence or modestly evolved star unless the mass loss rate is enhanced in the binary system relative to that of an isolated star. We discuss the possibility that the companion might be a Wolf-Rayet star that could evolve to become a black hole in $10^4$ to $10^5$ yr. If so, this would be the first identified progenitor of a neutron star--black hole binary. ", "introduction": "X1908+075 is an optically unidentified, highly absorbed, and relatively faint X-ray source that appeared in surveys carried out with instruments on the {\\em Uhuru}, {\\em OSO 7}, {\\em Ariel 5}, {\\em HEAO-1}, and {\\em EXOSAT} satellites. The early detections and position determinations are summarized by \\citet[hereafter WRB]{WRB}. They conclude that the position of X1908+075 is likely to be within the overlapping region of the error box of a source detected in an {\\em Einstein} IPC image and one of an array of {\\em HEAO 1} A-3 position ``diamonds'', and is thus known with an accuracy of $\\sim 1'$. Inspection of the POSS plates within the source error box reveals no optical counterpart down to magnitude 20. This is consistent with the heavy optical extinction implied by the interstellar hydrogen column density of $\\sim 4 \\times 10^{22}$ atoms cm$^{-2}$ measured on the basis of the low-energy absorption in the X-ray spectrum \\citep[see][]{ss85}. The intensity of X1908+075 has been monitored for the past eight years using the All-Sky Monitor (ASM) aboard the {\\it Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer} ({\\it RXTE}), and has typically been in the range 2-12 mCrab in the 2-12 keV energy band. WRB analyzed data from the first three years of operation of the ASM, and thereby discovered a 4.4 day periodicity in the X-ray intensity. The periodic component of the intensity variations is clearly energy dependent in both strength and detailed form. At most orbital phases, the variation is roughly sinusoidal while a relatively sharp dip forms the minimum in the 5-12 keV band. These characteristics suggest that the modulation is produced by a varying amount of absorption along the line of sight as the source moves through the stellar wind of a massive companion star. The hard X-ray spectrum led WRB to also suggest that this source could be an X-ray pulsar. The possibility that X1908+075 might be an X-ray pulsar led us to carry out a set of pointed observations with the PCA and HEXTE instruments on {\\it RXTE} in late 2000 and early 2001. The data revealed the presence of strong X-ray pulsations at a period of 605 seconds. We were also able to detect Doppler delays in the pulse arrival times. However, because the number of independent high-quality pulse arrival times obtained from this data set was small, it proved difficult to unambiguously disentangle orbital effects from intrinsic changes in the pulse period. The latter could, in principle, be quite large for a neutron star rotating with a period as long as 600~s \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{bild97,del01}. Therefore, we obtained additional observations of the source with {\\it RXTE} during late 2002 and early 2003. In this paper we report the results of our analysis of the {\\it RXTE} observations of X1908+075. The pointed observations are described in \\S 2. A pulse timing analysis is described in \\S 3. We present an accurate pulse period and a determination of the spin-down of the neutron star due to accretion and magnetic torques. The orbital Doppler delay curve is measured, thereby confirming the 4.4-day period found in the ASM X-ray light curve. The resultant mass function is $6.1~M_\\sun$, indicating that the pulsar does indeed orbit a massive companion star. The results of an orbital-phase-dependent spectral analysis are presented in \\S 4. We detect a very pronounced modulation of the low energy attenuation as a function of orbital phase. In \\S 5 we model this modulation by absorption in a spherically symmetric stellar wind, whereby we obtain constraints on the orbital inclination, on the properties of the companion star, and on the stellar wind. We discuss the implications of our results in \\S 6, including the possibility that this system may be the progenitor of a neutron star--black hole binary. ", "conclusions": "We have found 605 s pulsations in the X-ray intensity of X1908+075. Doppler shifts of the pulse frequency, and changes in the intensity and low-energy attenuation that cyclically recur at the previously known orbital period of 4.4 days allow us to measure orbital parameters and to conclude that the system contains a highly magnetized neutron star orbiting in the wind of a massive companion star. The observed variations in the shape of the spectrum and in the overall intensity indicate that the X radiation from the neutron star is both absorbed and scattered in the wind. We have estimated the absorption on the basis of a crude spectral model that assumes that any attenuation is caused by photoelectric absorption in neutral (unionized) gas with solar element abundances. In this model, we did not include the effects of the photoionization of the wind by the X-rays. We can now use our estimates of the wind column density and the X-ray luminosity to roughly estimate the ionization parameter $\\xi = L_X/n r^2$ \\citep*{tts69} at a typical location in the binary system, where $n$ is the number density of atoms in the wind and $r$ is the distance from the X-ray source. If we take the orbital radius $a$ as a characteristic distance within the binary system, i.e., we set $r = a$, and for a density use $n \\sim N_{H_{\\rm wind}}(\\phi = 0)/a$, we obtain $\\xi = L_X/(N_H a) \\sim$ 20--60 ergs cm s$^{-1}$. Under these conditions we would expect that most atoms would lose their outer electrons, but atoms of carbon, oxygen, etc. would retain at least their K-shell electrons \\citep{tts69,km82}. \\citet{kk84} have estimated the equilibrium conditions of gases photoionized by continuum X-ray spectra. They consider the condition of the gas as a function of a modified ionization parameter $\\Xi = L_X/(4\\pi c n r^2 kT)$ where $c$ is the speed of light, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant and $T$ is the gas temperature. For a characteristic location in the X1908+075 system, we have $\\Xi \\sim 8 (T/10^5 {\\rm K})^{-1}$. For each of the two spectral shapes that \\citet{kk84} consider in detail, one can roughly sketch the parameters of a self-consistent solution taking into account that the actual density will be higher than that estimated on the basis of the neutral matter absorption cross section. The parameters of the solutions in the two cases are roughly the same: $T \\sim 4 \\times 10^4$ K, $\\Xi \\sim 10$, the X-ray opacity in the $\\sim$2--6 keV band is reduced by a factor of $\\sim 2$ from the value expected for cold neutral gas of cosmic abundances, and $N_{H_{\\rm wind}}(\\phi = 0) \\sim 1 \\times 10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$. Since, in this regime, the temperature is a steep function of $\\Xi$, it is likely to vary over a wide range at different places in the system. A more realistic estimate of the physical properties of the wind would need to self-consistently consider the actual source X-ray spectrum, the wind velocity, the possibility of non-solar abundances, the position-dependent degree of ionization in the wind, the effects of the ionization upon the wind acceleration, and the transfer of radiation in the system including both the effects of scattering and absorption. This is beyond the scope of this paper. Using our fitted column densities and wind speeds estimated from the formula of \\citet{vink00}, we find the mass loss rate in the wind from the companion star to be $\\gtrsim 1.3 \\times 10^{-6} M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$ for all the cases with acceptable values of $\\chi^2$ and with companion star radii in the range expected for main sequence stars. For those cases where the estimated mass loss rate is not more than a factor of order 3 greater than an empirical prediction based on the stellar mass, temperature, and luminosity, we find the rate must be $\\gtrsim 2 \\times 10^{-6} M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$. The depression of the X-ray opacity of the gas from ionization implies that the wind mass loss rate must be higher than this latter rate, likely, as discussed above, by a factor of two and possibly by a larger factor. As noted in \\S 5, over the allowed region of the $M_c - R_c$ plane that we have identified, such mass loss rates are significantly higher than those predicted using the empirically-based mass loss rate prescriptions of Vink et al. However, one should note that these prescriptions do not take into account any of the effects of the star being in a binary system, including the presence of a critical potential lobe. Furthermore, we used the effective temperatures computed by Podsiadlowski for stars that evolve without mass loss and without being affected by any of the phenomena that occur in a binary system. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that the companion star is on the main sequence. Another possibility is that the companion is a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star. A WR star could well have a mass that is consistent with the value that we find for the companion, but its radius would be much smaller than that of a main-sequence star of comparable mass. It would have a prodigious wind \\citep{nug00} that could reach or surpass the mass loss rate that we infer (with assumptions) for X1908+075. According to \\citet{nug00}, WR stars of either type WN or WC and mass in the range $\\sim 9$--15 M$_\\sun$ have wind mass loss rates between 4 and $20 \\times 10^{-6}$ M$_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$. Of course, the winds of WR stars, which have little or no hydrogen, would have significantly larger X-ray absorption cross sections per unit mass than winds from unevolved stars. If there is little hydrogen in the wind, we may have {\\em overestimated} the wind mass loss rate, but such a composition would nonetheless clearly indicate the WR nature of the companion. If the companion star is indeed a WR star, then the X1908+075 system has potentially important implications, in general, for binary stellar evolution, and for the formation, in particular, of neutron star--black hole (NS-BH) systems. If it is a WR star, then it is likely the He or CO remnant core of a star that was originally much more massive, possibly of mass $\\sim 23-35~M_\\sun$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{hurl00}. In this case we expect the companion to undergo core collapse in $10^4$ to $10^5$ years and leave behind a stellar-mass black hole \\citep{brwn01}. Thus, there is a possibility that the X1908+075 system is the progenitor of a neutron star--black hole binary where the neutron star formed first. This would be significant in at least two ways. First, in spite of the fact that six NS-NS binaries have been discovered \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{bur03,chmp04}, no NS-BH binaries have yet been found. There are theoretical arguments \\citep{spn04,ppr04} which suggest that the latter binaries should be at least a factor of 10 less populous than their NS-NS cousins \\citep[but see][]{vt03}. An identified progenitor would help theorists better estimate the current population of NS-BH binaries. Second, if NS-BH binaries are formed, the issue of which collapsed star forms first is also important to our understanding of binary stellar evolution. The most direct way of producing these systems is for the BH to form first \\citep[from the more massive component of the system; see, e.g.,][]{pzve97,blwb00,fry01,nele01,lbw02,prh02}, but there are also channels where the NS forms first, as discussed above \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{vt03}. Since this paper was originally written, \\citet{MG04} have reported the results of near-infrared observations of stars in or close to the error box of X1908+075, and have found a star whose JHK magnitudes and colors, and H and K band spectra, suggest an O or B supergiant at $d \\sim 7$ kpc. They believe that this star is likely to be the counterpart of X1908+075. If confirmed, this identification would rule against a WR companion star. We expect to obtain observations of X1908+075 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and to thereby obtain an X-ray position sufficiently accurate to secure the optical identification." }, "0404/astro-ph0404334_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The SDSS has opened a new era for the study of AGN spectroscopic properties and how these depend on luminosity and time. In this presentation we review some of the current issues and problems in studies of high-redshift quasars and Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Investigations employing SDSS will, in some situations, still have to pay attention to selection biases and other fundamental limitations of the data. ", "introduction": "The existing literature and pre-Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data pertaining to the emission line properties of AGNs have numerous limitations in terms of sample selection criteria and homogeneity. These issues are particularly evident in studies of high redshift quasars, where the focus is on $z > 4$. In this contribution we discuss some of the outstanding questions in this area and how these connect to our understanding of other AGNs, including Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies. SDSS will lead to significant improvements in several ways relevant to these topics, but it is important to recognize some of the concerns and potential problems that we will still encounter in using SDSS in studies of this type. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404116_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the early days of methanol maser discoveries the $9_{2}-10_{1}\\ \\rm{A}^{+}$ transition at 23.1~GHz was found to exhibit maser characteristics in the northern star-forming region W3(OH), and probable maser emission in two other sources. Attention subsequently turned to the 6.6-GHz $5_{1}-6_{0}\\ \\rm{A}^{+}$ methanol maser transition, which has proved a valuable tracer of early high-mass star formation. We have undertaken a new search for 23.1-GHz methanol masers in 50 southern star formation regions using the Parkes radiotelescope. The target sources all exhibit class~II methanol maser emission at 6.6~GHz, with 20 sources also displaying maser features in the 107.0-GHz $3_{1}-4_{0}\\ \\rm{A}^{+}$ methanol line. Strong emission at 23.1~GHz in NGC~6334F was confirmed, but no emission was detected in the remaining sources. Thus the 23.1-GHz methanol masers are rare. A maser model in which methanol molecules are pumped to the second torsionally excited state by radiation from warm dust can account for class~II maser activity in all the transitions in which it is observed. According to this model the 23.1-GHz maser is favoured by conditions representing low gas temperature, high external dust temperature, low gas density, and high column density of methanol; the scarcity of this maser indicates that such combinations of conditions are uncommon. We have undertaken new model calculations to examine the range of parameters compatible with the upper limits on 23.1-GHz emission from our survey. Further constraints apply in sources with upper limits to maser emission at 107.0~GHz, and the combination of data for the two transitions delineates a narrow range of gas density and methanol abundance if the dust temperature is 175~K or greater. While the results are subject to the uncertainties of the chosen model, they may be applicable to the majority of methanol maser sites in the vicinity of newborn high-mass stars, in which methanol masers other than the 6.6- and 12.1-GHz transitions are not detected. ", "introduction": "Methanol masers at 6.6 and 12.1~GHz have been detected in several hundred star-forming regions (e.g. Caswell \\etal\\ 1995a, 1995b), where they are often closely accompanied by OH maser emission and continuum emission from a nearby ultra-compact \\HII\\ region. These two exceptionally strong maser lines are the archetypal class~II methanol masers. Known only in star-forming regions, they probe the early stages in the development of a massive star, which is otherwise shielded from view by the enveloping cloud of dust and gas. In some sources the strong 6.6-GHz $5_{1}-6_{0}\\ \\rm{A}^{+}$ and 12.1-GHz $2_{0}-3_{-1}\\ \\rm{E}$ masers are accompanied by class~II maser emission in up to 20 additional methanol transitions. The latter are considerably weaker but otherwise display similar characteristics to the strong maser transitions: narrow lines at the same velocity, often displaying multiple components, sometimes variable, with small source size implying high brightness temperature where this has been investigated. The class~I methanol masers, in contrast, are observed in a different set of methanol lines, and are found offset from other indicators of recent massive star formation. The $9_{2}-10_{1}\\ \\rm{A}^{+}$ line at 23.1~GHz was the first methanol maser identified outside the class~I source Orion~KL (Wilson \\etal\\ 1984), and was the first discovered maser of what later became known as the class~II variety. The maser nature of the emission towards W3(OH) was confirmed by VLA measurements (Menten \\etal\\ 1985, 1988a), in which several velocity components were identified as emanating from regions with small angular size, with brightness temperature $>10^7$~K for the strongest feature of intensity 10~Jy and velocity -43.2~\\kms. Emission spectra with similar narrow features in single-dish observations of NGC~7538 at 0.5~Jy (Wilson \\etal\\ 1984) and NGC~6334F at 52~Jy (Menten \\& Batrla 1989) were also identified as probable masers. Many class~II methanol maser sources were subsequently identified at 6.6~GHz, but no widespread surveys for the 23.1-GHz transition have been published to date, although preliminary results of a VLA survey were presented by Vargas \\etal\\ (2000). We report here a new search for 23.1-GHz class~II methanol masers in southern star formation regions. There is considerable evidence that class~II methanol masers at different frequencies may be spatially coincident. VLBI observations of W3(OH) show that the strongest 6.6- and 12.1-GHz features coincide within a maser spot size (0.001~arcsec) and also coincide in velocity (Menten \\etal\\ 1992). Furthermore, Menten \\etal\\ (1988b) found that individual 12.1-GHz maser components in W3(OH) are concentrated towards the most intense 23.1-GHz emission centres (observed with lower resolution). Such observations suggest that the various maser transitions are excited simultaneously, and so provide constraints on maser pumping models. To date, only three maser sources have been identified at 23.1~GHz, all of which also exhibit maser emission in the 107.0-GHz $3_{1}-4_{0}\\ \\rm{A}^{+}$ transition. The high resolution observations of W3(OH) show correspondence between the emission regions at these two frequencies (Menten \\etal\\ 1988a, Sutton \\etal\\ 2001); however, the peak emission at 107.0~GHz stems from the northern edge of the ultra-compact \\HII\\ region where the corresponding 23.1-GHz maser spot is weak, while the southern edge produces the 23.1-GHz peak together with weaker emission at 107.0~GHz. This means that the 23.1-GHz line carries new information on the conditions in maser sources, consistent with the two transitions exhibiting different sensitivities to physical conditions in the models. The 23.1-GHz transition stems from levels which are higher in energy than those involved in most other methanol maser lines, and so weak maser emission is unlikely to be confused by overlapping thermal emission, as can happen for some millimetre methanol maser transitions. The class~II methanol masers are pumped by infrared radiation from warm dust in the model of Sobolev \\& Deguchi (1994). The pumping proceeds via the \\vt=2 and \\vt=1 torsionally excited states. This model successfully accounts for the predominance of the 6.6- and 12.1-GHz masers (Sobolev, Cragg \\& Godfrey 1997a), and the existence of many other weaker class~II maser transitions, including the 23.1 and 107.0-GHz lines (Sobolev, Cragg \\& Godfrey 1997b). The weaker maser transitions can be very sensitive to the model conditions, with calculated brightness temperatures changing by many orders of magnitude as the model parameters are varied. Many transitions become masers simultaneously in the model. This provides a probe of the physical conditions in the maser region. On the one hand it permits best-fitting model conditions to be estimated via multi-transition analysis, when masers at several frequencies are observed in the same source. Such studies have been undertaken for three sources in which data for many transitions are available (Cragg \\etal\\ 2001, Sutton \\etal\\ 2001). On the other hand, upper limits on nondetected maser lines can also set constraints on the model parameters. Surveys at different frequencies have detected the weaker maser transitions in only a few of the class~II methanol maser sources; for example, the 107.0-GHz maser is the most common of the weaker maser lines, but is detected in only 25 sources of more than 175 surveyed (Val'tts \\etal\\ 1995, Val'tts \\etal\\ 1999, Caswell \\etal\\ 2000, Minier \\& Booth 2002). Thus the absence of the weaker methanol maser transitions in the majority of class~II methanol maser sources can be used to define the range of conditions under which the 6.6-GHz masers usually develop. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\epsfxsize=8.5cm\\epsfbox{fig1.eps}} \\caption{23.1-GHz methanol maser spectrum detected in 351.417+0.645 (NGC~6334F), with three Gaussians fitted (dotted trace).} \\label{fig:ngc_2} \\end{figure} \\begin{table} \\caption{Gaussian components fitted to detected 23.1-GHz maser in 351.417+0.645 (NGC~6334F)} \\label{tab:gfit} \\centerline{ \\begin{tabular}{ccc} \\hline Flux Density & Velocity & FWHM \\\\ (Jy) & (\\kms) & (\\kms) \\\\ \\hline \\\\ 32.77 & --10.39 & 0.24\\\\ 6.35 & --10.55 & 0.36\\\\ 3.85 & --11.01 & 0.20\\\\ \\end{tabular}} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "A new search for 23.1-GHz methanol masers in 50 southern star formation regions has confirmed the previously detected maser emission in NGC~6334F, but found no new masers at this frequency. The scarcity of 23.1~GHz masers in the target sources, which all exhibit class~II methanol maser emission at 6.6~GHz, provides new constraints for models of the maser pumping. Further constraints apply in sources with upper limits to maser emission at 107.0~GHz. Combining data for the two transitions sets limits on the physical conditions in sources representative of the majority of methanol maser sites in the vicinity of newborn high-mass stars, subject to the uncertainties of the applied model. Conditions are likely to be near the limits of 6.6~GHz maser activity, with gas density $10^{6.5}-10^{8.5}$~\\cc\\ near the upper threshold, and/or dust temperature $100-150$~K near the lower threshold." }, "0404/astro-ph0404266_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Asteroseismology is found to be a excellent tool for detecting diffusion-induced helium gradients inside main-sequence A stars. Models have been computed for 1.6 and 2.0 M$_{\\odot}$ stars with pure helium diffusion, at different ages, so that the helium gradient lies at different depths inside the star. The adiabatic oscillation frequencies have been analysed and compared with those of a model without diffusion. Clear signatures of the diffusion-induced helium gradient are found in the so-called ``second differences\" : these frequency differences present modulations due to the partial reflexion of the sound waves on the layer where the helium gradient occurs. A tentative application to the roAp star HD60435, which presents enough detected oscillation frequencies for the test to be possible, is very encouraging. The results suggest the presence of a helium gradient inside the star, which is consistent with the idea that the triggering of the oscillations is due to the hydrogen $\\kappa$-mechanism. ", "introduction": "It is now widely recognized that the abundance anomalies observed in peculiar A stars are basically due to element diffusion. Those for which the radiative acceleration is larger than gravity (like most of the metals) are pushed upwards while the others,such as helium, diffuse downwards (Michaud \\cite{michaud70}, Vauclair {\\&} Vauclair \\cite{vauclair82}). The resulting atmospheric abundances depend on the competition between element diffusion and macroscopic motions like convection, mass loss, rotation-induced mixing and other kinds of mixing processes. Among the peculiar A stars, those which have large organized magnetic fields (the so-called Ap stars) are more complex than the others (like Hg-Mn stars) : they show evidence of abundance spots or rings modulated by the magnetic structure. Among the coolest Ap stars (effective temperatures between 6700K and 8700K) some oscillate with periods of a few minutes (the roAp stars) while the others seem stable (noAp stars). In roAp stars, the amplitudes of the oscillation modes are modulated according to the rotation period, which is explained in the framework of the oblique pulsator model (Kurtz \\cite{kurtz90}). The helium $\\kappa$-mechanism was invoked in the past as a possible way to trigger the oscillations : a well-adjusted competition between helium settling and mass loss could increase the helium abundance in stellar atmospheres as observed in helium-rich stars (Vauclair \\cite{vauclair75}, Vauclair, Dolez {\\&} Gough \\cite{vauclair91}). However, recent papers (Dziembowski {\\&} Goode \\cite{dziembowski96}, Balmforth et al. \\cite{balmforth01}) show that, even in this case, helium is not able to destabilize the star. On the other hand they find that, in some cases, the oscillations in A stars can be triggered by the hydrogen $\\kappa$-mechanism. Such a process may be enhanced by the settling of helium, which diffuses downwards in the absence of strong mass loss. In the present paper we study the asteroseismic signature of a helium gradient inside main-sequence A-type stars. As mentioned by Gough (\\cite{gough90}), rapid variations of the sound velocity inside a star lead to partial reflections of the sound waves, which may clearly appear as frequency modulations in the so-called ``second differences\" : \\begin{equation} \\delta_2\\nu_{n, l} = \\nu_{(n+1), l}+\\nu_{(n-1), l}-2\\nu_{n, l} \\end{equation} which are computed for the same value of the azimutal number $l$. The modulation period of the oscillations is twice the ``acoustic depth\" of the region where the feature occurs (i.e. the time needed for the sound waves to travel between this region and the stellar surface). Such an effect has been extensively studied in the literature for stellar models in which helium settling is neglected. In this case, the modulations in the frequencies are mostly due to the HeII ionisation zone and to the edge between the convective and radiative zones (Monteiro {\\&} Thompson \\cite {monteiro98}, Roxburgh {\\&} Vorontsov \\cite {roxburgh01}, Mazumdar {\\&} Antia \\cite {mazumdar01}, Miglio et al. \\cite {miglio03}) We show here that the presence of a diffusion-induced helium gradient leads to a kink in the sound velocity with a very clear signature in the oscillation frequencies : asteroseismic observations of A-type stars can test helium diffusion and lead to a precise value of the acoustic depth corresponding to the position of the helium gradient inside the star. For the present study, we neglect the effects of magnetic fields (the stars are assumed spherically symetric) and we do not compute the diffusion of heavy elements. Complete computation of element diffusion including the radiative acceleration on metals is a demanding work, especially for these stars where heavy element diffusion occurs in the atmosphere, so that radiative transfer should be solved in detail in the optically thin regions. This is out of the scope of the present paper, where we are interested in the structural changes induced by helium settling below the stellar surface and its influence on the oscillation frequencies. It has recently been shown (e.g. Richard, Michaud {\\&} Richer \\cite{richard01}) that in case of pure diffusion iron should accumulate deeper inside the stars, at temperatures around 200 000 K, where it can create a small convective zone. As the results we obtain here are very encouraging, new computations including heavy element diffusion should be done in the near future to see whether such a feature may be checked with asteroseismology. We apply this test to the only roAp star in which enough modes have been observed, namely HD 60435 (Matthews et al. \\cite{matthews87}). The results are extremely encouraging and show the importance of detecting as many modes as possible in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Seismic signatures of helium gradients} Stellar acoustic $p$ modes with low $l$ values can propagate deeply inside the stars. For this reason, they may be used to obtain information on the deep stellar structure. However, in the case of strong gradients in the sound velocity, which may be due to the boundary of a convective zone, to the helium ionization region, or to helium gradients, the waves are partly reflected : this creates modulations in the frequency values which may be clearly visible in the second differences. The modulation periods are equal to $ 2 t_s$ where $t_s$ is the time needed for the acoustic waves to travel between the surface and the considered region (acoustic depth), i.e. : \\begin{equation} t_{s}=\\int_{r_s}^{R}\\frac{dr}{c(r)} \\end{equation} where $c(r)$ is the sound velocity at radius $r$, and $r_s$ the radius of the considered region. As the $l$ dependence of the oscillatory signal is small for high frequency modes of low degrees (Monteiro, Christensen-Dalsgaard {\\&} Thompson \\cite{monteiro94}), computational results for modes of different low $l$ values can be treated together. Here we show that the presence of diffusion-induced helium gradients lead to very clear signatures in the modulation of the second differences. \\subsection{Models with helium diffusion} We have chosen to study the evolution of 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ and 2.0 M$_{\\odot}$ stellar models, with pure helium settling. The stellar evolution code we use is the ``Toulouse-Geneva code'' which has been described many times in the literature (e.g. Richard et al. \\cite{richard96}, Th\\'eado {\\&} Vauclair \\cite{theado03}). The physical input and parameters are those described in Richard, Th\\'eado {\\&} Vauclair (\\cite{richard04}): they include the most recent studies available for the equation of state, opacities and nuclear reaction rates. Helium diffusion is treated as described in these papers (see also Vauclair \\cite{vauclair03}). Metal diffusion is not included here and no mixing process or mass loss is taken into account. In real stars, there must be some mixing which prevents element diffusion from producing extreme abundance anomalies. Computations including mixing as well as metal diffusion will be done in the near future. The aim of the present paper is to study the precise signature on the oscillation frequencies of helium gradients inside stars. \\begin{table}[t] \\catcode `\\*=\\active \\def*{\\phantom{0}} \\baselineskip12pt \\pagestyle{empty} \\centerline{TABLE 1} \\medskip \\centerline{Model parameters} \\bigskip \\halign{# & # & # & # & # & # & # & # \\cr \\noalign{\\hrule} \\noalign{\\kern2pt} \\noalign{\\hrule} \\noalign{\\bigskip} & mass (M$_{\\odot}$) & age (Myrs) & *log($L/L_{\\odot}$) & ***$T_{eff}$ & *****$t_{x}$(sec) & ****$t_{s}$(sec) & ****$r_{s}/R$ \\cr \\noalign{\\medskip} \\noalign{\\hrule} \\noalign{\\bigskip} & 1.6* & **95 & ***0.84 & ***7936 & *******5400 & ******1480 & *****0.93 \\cr \\noalign{\\medskip} & 1.6* & *591 & ***0.88 & ***7585 & *******6920 & ******2700 & *****0.86 \\cr \\noalign{\\medskip} & 1.6* & 1600 & ***1.05 & ***7071 & ******11240 & ******5160 & *****0.80 \\cr \\noalign{\\medskip} & 1.6h & 1600 & ***1.06 & ***7352 & ******10227 & ********** & ********* \\cr \\noalign{\\medskip} & 2.0* & **63 & ***1.22 & ***9521 & *******5917 & ******1470 & *****0.94 \\cr \\noalign{\\medskip} & 2.0* & *649 & ***1.31 & ***8293 & ******10150 & ******4100 & *****0.85 \\cr \\noalign{\\bigskip} \\noalign{\\hrule} } \\smallskip Note.- $t_{x}$ represents the total acoustic radius of the models, $t_{s}$ the acoustic depth at the location of the helium gradients and $r_{s}/R$ the corresponding fractional radii ; all the models presented in this table include helium diffusion, except the model labelled 1.6h which is homogeneous in its outer layers. \\end{table} We have computed the oscillation frequencies and their second differences in five models : 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ with ages 95 Myrs and 591 Myrs, and 1.6 Gyrs and 2.0 M$_{\\odot}$ with ages 63 Myrs and 649 Myrs (Table 1). The results are given in Figs. 1 to 5. Only modes of degrees $l=0,1,2$ and $3$ have been taken into account so that they could be treated together for the study of the second differences. The oscillation frequencies have been limited to the range 0.5 to 2 mHz to take into account the asymptotic approximation validity and the stellar cut-off. In this range 80 to 100 second differences are computed, according to the model. In each figure six graphs are displayed : a) the helium profile inside the star ; b) the sound velocity, which shows a clear kink at the place of the helium gradient ; c) the first derivative of the sound velocity in which the kink is still clearer ; d) the second differences which show periodical oscillations ; e) the Fourier transform of these oscillations, in which clear peaks are found for precise time values ; f) the time needed for the acoustic waves to travel between the surface and the considered radius, or ``acoustic depth\". We obtain clear signatures in the second differences of the frequencies of the diffusion-induced helium gradients inside stars. It can be checked that the periods corresponding to the peaks in the Fourier transforms (graphs e) are exactly twice the acoustic depths of the helium gradients (graphs f), as expected. In these figures, the scales are all the same except for graphs d) and f). In particular the Fourier transforms (graphs e) are presented at the same scale in each figure to show how the peak amplitudes decrease for deeper layers (larger times). As shown by Mazumdar {\\&} Antia (\\cite {mazumdar01}), the amplitude of the oscillatory signal in the second differences contains an amplification factor of $4 $sin$^2(\\pi t_s/t_*)$ where $t_*$ is the total acoustic radius of the star and $t_s$ the acoustic depth of the partial reflection region. Here this factor increases from about 2 to about 4 as the models evolve. The amplitude decrease by a factor $\\simeq10$ obtained in the present computations must be due to a competing process. It may be due partly to the fact that the energy in $p$ waves decreases towards the center and partly to the fact that the helium gradient becomes smoother with age, so that the reflected part (oscillations) is smaller for deeper discontinuities. With these figures we can clearly follow the signatures of the helium gradients as they sink into the stars. The corresponding ages are obtained with the assumption of pure diffusion. In real stars macroscopic effects may change the time scales for helium settling. Comparisons with observed frequencies will give the positions of helium gradients inside the star, but we must keep in mind that the time needed for these gradients to develop depends on the physics. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{f1.eps}} \\vspace*{1cm} \\caption{Helium diffusion and its consequences for the stellar structure and oscillation frequencies for a 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ at 95 Myrs ; a) helium profile as a function of the fractional radius ; b) sound velocity : a kink is clearly visible at the place of the helium gradient ; c) first derivative of the sound velocity : the kink is still more visible ; d) the second differences of the oscillation frequencies plotted as a function of the frequencies; e) the Fourier transform of graph (d) plotted as a function of time (in thousands of seconds) ; the vertical dashed line corresponds to twice the total acoustic depth of the star (see Table 1) ; f) the ``acoustic depth\", or time needed for the acoustic waves to travel from the surface to the considered radius : it can be checked that the peak of graph (e) corresponds to a time scale which is twice the ``acoustic depth\" of the helium gradient.} \\label{fig1} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{f2.eps}} \\vspace*{1cm} \\caption{Same as Fig. 1, for a 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ model at 591 Myrs.} \\label{fig2} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{f3.eps}} \\vspace*{1cm} \\caption{Same as Fig. 1, for a 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ model at 1.6 Gyrs.} \\label{fig3} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{f4.eps}} \\vspace*{1cm} \\caption{Same as Fig. 1, for a 2.0 M$_{\\odot}$ model at 63 Myrs.} \\label{fig4} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{f5.eps}} \\vspace*{1cm} \\caption{Same as Fig. 1, for a 2.0 M$_{\\odot}$ model at 649 Myrs.} \\label{fig5} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Models without element diffusion} Similar computations have been done for evolution models in which helium diffusion is suppressed. In this case no helium gradient exists in the stellar outer layers and the oscillatory signal described in the previous section is not present. However, helium ionization induces a typical variation of the $\\Gamma_1$ coefficient which gives rise to another type of oscillatory signal in the frequencies. Computational results are shown in Fig. 6 for the case of the 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ model at 1.6 Gyrs. In this case graph a) displays the $\\Gamma_1$ coefficient in the stellar outer layers. As already studied by several authors (e.g. Miglio et al. \\cite {miglio03}), this coefficient is strongly influenced by the helium ionisation gradients. We can see the corresponding kinks in the sound velocity and its first derivative. This oscillatory signal does not appear when diffusion is effective as helium is then depleted in the region considered. Note that in the graphs of Fig. 6 the scales are quite different from those of Figs. 1 to 5. The effect due to the helium ionization gradients is much smaller than the effect due to the overall helium gradient in the case of diffusion. Here the amplification factor $4 $sin$^2(\\pi t_s/t_*)$ is about 10 times smaller for the homogeneous model than for the model of the same age which includes helium diffusion. The large difference between the signal amplitudes in the two cases may be due to this effect. The right-hand graphs display the second differences, their Fourier transform and the travel time of the waves, as in Figs. 1 to 5. The features are very different from those obtained in case of diffusion, where the signature of the helium gradient is dominant. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{f6.eps}} \\vspace*{1cm} \\caption{This figure is similar to Fig. 1 when element diffusion is suppressed, in a 1.6 M$_{\\odot}$ at 95 Myrs ; here graph a) represents the $\\Gamma_1$ coefficient which shows a clear feature at the place of the HeII ionisation region ; the other graphs are similar to those of Fig. 1 ; we can clearly see the influence of the helium ionisation regions on the frequencies. Note that the effect is much smaller than that of a helium gradient when diffusion is taken into account.} \\label{fig6} \\end{figure}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404050_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{XMM--$Newton$ and $Chandra$/HETG spectra of the Compton--thin ($N_{\\rm H}\\sim4\\times10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$) Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC~4507, are analyzed and discussed. The main results are: a) the soft X--ray emission is rich in emission lines; an (at least) two--zone photoionization region is required to explain the large range of ionization states. b) The 6.4 keV iron line is likely emitted from Compton--thick matter, implying the presence of two circumnuclear cold regions, one Compton--thick (the emitter), one Compton--thin (the cold absorber). c) Evidence of an Fe {\\sc xxv} absorption line is found in the $Chandra$/HETG spectrum. The column density of the ionized absorber is estimated to be a few$\\times10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$. ", "introduction": "NGC~4507 is a nearby ($z$=0.0118) spiral galaxy and one of the X--ray brightest Compton--thin Seyfert 2s, despite the heavy obscuration (N$_{\\rm H}\\sim4\\times10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$). {\\sl ASCA} clearly detected, in addition to the absorbed power and the iron K$\\alpha$ line already observed by {\\sl GINGA} (Awaki et al. 1991), a strong soft X--ray excess and an intense emission line at $\\sim$0.9 keV (Comastri et al. 1997; Turner et al. 1997), identified as the Ne {\\sc ix} recombination line. $Beppo$SAX observed the source three times (Risaliti 2002); in the third observation the flux was about half that of the previous two observations. A Compton reflection component was also clearly detected; interestingly, its relative normalization about doubled in the third observation. This suggests a constant reflection flux in spite of the primary flux variations, and therefore an origin in distant matter. In this paper we present results from XMM--$Newton$ and $Chandra$/HETG observations of NGC~4507. In Secs.~2 and 3 data reduction and analysis are described, while the results are summarized and discussed in Sec.~4. In the following, we will assume $H_0$=70 km/s/Mpc. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Soft X--ray continuum and line emission.} The soft X--ray emission is well fitted by a steep ($\\Gamma\\sim$3) power law plus several emission lines from oxygen, neon, magnesium and silicon. The ionization state implied by the observed lines is too wide for a single photoionized region, or for collisionally ionized matter. At least two photoionized reflecting regions (or perhaps a region with a range of ionization parameters, as in NGC~1068, see Kinkhabwala et al. 2002) is therefore required. If the soft X--ray emission is indeed due to reflection of the nuclear radiation by ionized matter, this implies a significant steepening of the intrinsic emission at low energies, not unusual in Seyfert galaxies (see e.g. Vaughan et al., 2004, and references therein). The He--like to H--like K$\\alpha$ lines ratio for both oxygen and neon is very large, i.e. at least a factor of 10 (see Table~\\ref{fit_lines}). The He--like line is actually a triplet, consisting of resonance, intercombination and forbidden lines, while the H--like line is a doublet of resonance lines. The resonance lines can easily be optically thick, with consequent reduction of their equivalent width due to resonant trapping (Matt et al. 1996). This is not true for the intercombination and, especially, forbidden lines which have much lower oscillator strengths: for low densities the forbidden line may indeed dominate the triplet, as shown by Porquet \\& Dubau (2000). The line energies are consistent with rest frame values: no strong outflow is required by the data. The geometry of the reflecting regions is hard to derive with the present data. These regions must lie outside the cold, Compton--thin absorber in order to be observable. The lack of any extended emission seen by $Chandra$ implies a not very constraining upper limit to the size of the reflecting regions of about 800 pc. \\subsection{The cold reprocessor} The iron 6.4 keV emission line is clearly detected, along with its Compton shoulder. The shoulder--to--core ratio clearly points toward Compton--thick matter (Matt 2002), as did the earlier $Beppo$SAX detection of a Compton reflection continuum (Risaliti 2002). The constancy of the reflection component flux despite significant primary flux variations and the narrowness of the iron line as measured by $Chandra$ suggest that the Compton--thick matter is rather distant from the black hole, and likely to be identified with the molecular torus. This in turn implies the presence of two different cold circumnuclear regions, one Compton--thick (the reflector) the other Compton--thin (the absorber), as it is now often found in Seyfert 2s (Matt et al. 2003, and references therein). The Compton--thin region should have a rather low covering factor (as seen by the nucleus) so as not to overproduce the iron line. \\subsection{The ionized Fe {\\sc xxv} absorption line} In the $Chandra$/HETG spectrum, evidence for a Fe {\\sc xxv} absorption line was found. The line is significant at about a 99\\% confidence level. The ionization state of the absorbing matter is much higher than that of the photoionized regions responsible for the soft X--ray lines. Ionized iron absorption lines have been already observed in several sources. In some cases the line energies are significantly blueshifted, implying large velocity and very massive outflows (e.g. Pounds et al. 2003; Reeves et al. 2003, and references therein). In other cases (Reeves et al. 2004; Vaughan \\& Fabian 2004), iron absorption occurs in matter with no detectable motion, as in our case. It is very likely that the two absorbing regions are completely different, the first probably being much closer to the black hole and possibly due to a disk wind (e.g. King \\& Pounds 2003; Proga et al. 2000), the second likely related to the `hot' scattering regions often observed (via reflected continuum and ionized iron emission lines) in Seyfert 2 galaxies (the best studied case is NGC~1068, Matt et al. 2004 and references therein). Recently, such lines have also been found in unobscured Seyferts, thanks to the improved sensitivity of XMM--$Newton$ (Matt et al. 2001; Bianchi et al. 2003a). The matter responsible for these lines is possibly located much further away than the outflowing matter, and indeed in one case, NGC~5506 (where highly ionized iron emission lines were observed), it is likely extended over several hundreds of parsecs (Bianchi et al. 2003b); however, in the case of NGC~3783 the variability of the line depth argues in favour of a much smaller (less than 0.1 pc) size (Reeves et al. 2004). The line EW in NGC~4507 corresponds (assuming solar iron abundance, an ionization state peaked on He--like iron and moderate turbulence to ensure the matter is optically thin in the line; see Nicastro, Fiore \\& Matt, 1999, for the relevant formulae and graphs) to an absorbing hydrogen equivalent column density of a few $\\times10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$, i.e. of the same order as the one estimated by Bianchi \\& Matt (2002) for NGC~5506." }, "0404/astro-ph0404099_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Instabilities driven by thermal and lepton diffusion (doubly diffusive instabilities) in a Ledoux stable fluid will, if present below the neutrinosphere of the collapsed core of a supernova progenitor (proto-supernova), induce convective-like fluid motions there. These fluid motions may enhance the neutrino emission by advecting neutrinos outward toward the neutrinosphere, and may thus play an important role in the supernova mechanism. ``Neutron fingers,'' in particular, have been suggested as being critical for producing explosions in the sophisticated spherically symmetric supernova simulations by the Livermore group \\citep[e.g.,]{wilsonm93}. These have been argued to arise in an extensive region below the neutrinosphere of a proto-supernova where entropy and lepton gradients are stabilizing and destabilizing, respectively, if, as they assert, the rate of neutrino-mediated thermal equilibration greatly exceeds that of neutrino-mediated lepton equilibration. Application of the Livermore group's criteria to models derived from core collapse simulations using both their equation of state and the Lattimer-Swesty equation of state do indeed show a large region below the neutrinosphere unstable to neutron fingers. Because of the potential importance of fluid instabilities for the supernova mechanism, and the desire to understand the origin of convective-like fluid motions that may arise in upcoming multi-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of core collapse, we develop a methodology introduced by \\citet{bruennd96} for analyzing the stability of a fluid in the presence of neutrinos of all flavors and in the presence of a gravitational field. Neutrino-mediated thermal and lepton equilibration between a fluid element and its surroundings (background) is modeled as a linear system characterized by four response functions (i.e., thermal and lepton equilibration driven by entropy and lepton fraction differences between a fluid element and the background), the latter evaluated for a given thermodynamic state and fluid element radius by detailed neutrino transport simulations. These transport simulations employ both traditional and improved neutrino physics. When applied to an extensive two-dimensional grid of core radii and fluid element sizes for each of several time slices of a number of proto-supernovae, we find no evidence for the neutron finger instability as described by the Livermore group. We find, instead, that the rate of lepton equilibration always exceeds that of thermal equilibration. Furthermore, we find that neither of the ``cross'' response functions, that is, entropy equilibration driven by a lepton fraction difference, and lepton equilibration driven by an entropy difference, is zero and that the first of these tends to be the largest of the four response functions in magnitude. These cross response functions play a critical role in the dynamics of the equilibration of a fluid element with the background. An important consequence of this is the presence of a doubly diffusive instability, which we refer to as ``lepto-entropy fingers,'' in an extensive region below the neutrinosphere where the lepton number, $Y_{\\ell}$, is small. This instability is driven by a mechanism very different from that giving rise to neutron fingers, and may play an important role in enhancing the neutrino emission. Deep in the core where the entropy is low and the lepton number higher, our analysis indicates a region unstable to another instability, also involving the cross response functions, which we refer to as ``lepto-entropy semiconvection.'' These instabilities, particularly lepto-entropy fingers, may have already been seen in some multi-dimensional core collapse simulations described in the literature. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:DDInstabilities} It has long been recognized that fluid instabilities may play an important role in the supernova mechanism. It is generally agreed that entropy driven convection between the neutrinosphere and the shock during the postbounce phase of the collapsed core of a supernova progenitor (hereafter \"proto-supernova\") will contribute turbulent pressure and increase the neutrino energy-deposition efficiency \\citep{bethe90, millerwm93, herantbhfc94, burrowshf95, jankam96, mezzacappacbbgsu98b, fryer99, fryerw02, burasrjk02}, but this may not be enough to produce explosions. More controversial is the nature and the role of fluid instabilities below the neutrinosphere. Here matter and neutrinos are tightly coupled, and convective-like motions induced by instabilities can advect neutrinos. If these convective-like motions occur between the deeper interior and the neutrinosphere, \\nue's could be advected from the lepton rich deeper interior to the neutrinosphere, thus adding to the rate of \\nue\\ diffusion and enhancing the \\nue\\ luminosity. The analysis of fluid instabilities below the neutrinosphere must take into account the possibilities of thermal and lepton transfer by neutrinos. For example, a displaced fluid element in the presence of an entropy and/or lepton fraction gradient will find that its entropy and/or lepton fraction will differ from that of its surroundings or background. This will induce neutrino mediated thermal and lepton transfer which can modify the hydrodynamic buoyancy forces felt by the fluid element. This in turn can modify the subsequent growth rate of an instability, or the very existence of an instability. In particular, instabilities can arise in a gravitating fluid because of thermal and lepton transport that would otherwise be stable in their absence. These instabilities, involving the transport of two quantities (e.g., energy and leptons), are referred to as doubly diffusive instabilities. To introduce the phenomenon, let us consider several classic examples of doubly diffusive instabilities. A doubly diffusive instability will arise if there are two differing ``substances,'' say heat and leptons, with gradients that can act oppositely in their stabilizing effects. For the sake of a concrete model, consider the case of heat and salt in water. Let us first imagine the case in which a region of hot salty water overlies a region of cold fresh water \\citep{stern60}. Normally the diffusion of heat occurs more rapidly than the diffusion of salt, and we will assume this to be the case here. Let us also assume that the magnitudes of the gradients in heat and salt are such that the fluid is stably stratified gravitationally (i.e., Ledoux stable). Imagine a parcel of hot salty water to be depressed slightly, as shown in Figure 1. The rapid diffusion of heat will thermally equilibrate this parcel of water with the background, but the slower diffusion of salt will result in the water remaining salty. We thus end up with a pocket of cold salty water in a background cold fresh water, and this pocket, being denser than the background, will continue to sink. The result is that ``fingers'' of salty water will poenetrate the fresh water on a thermal diffusion time scale. Note that what creates the instability in this otherwise stable situation is the presence of diffusion, and thus its description as a ``diffusive instability.'' The above described instability is referred to as salt fingers, and is an example of the kind of doubly diffusive instability that occurs if a slowly diffusing substance with a destabilizing gradient is stabilized in the absence of diffusion by the gradient of a rapidly diffusing substance. \\begin{figure}[h!] \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1cm} {\\includegraphics[width=\\columnwidth]{Neutron_Fingers.eps}} \\caption{\\label{fig:Neutron_Fingers} Simple model of the salt-finger instability.} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[h!] \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1cm} {\\includegraphics[width=\\columnwidth]{Semi_Convection.eps}} \\caption{\\label{fig:Semi_Convection} Simple model of the semiconvective instability.} \\end{figure} Now imagine that the spatial configuration described above is reversed, namely, that a region of cold fresh water overlies a region of hot salty water, so that the gradient of salt is now stabilizing, the gradient of heat dstabilizing, and the magnitudes of the gradients such that the fluid is Ledoux stable \\citep{veronis65}. Imagine further that a parcel of cold fresh water is depressed slightly into the hot salty water, as shown in Figure 2. Again the rapid diffusion of heat will thermally equilibrate the parcel with the background, but the slower diffusion of salt will result in the parcel remaining fresh. We thus end up with a parcel of hot fresh water in a background of hot salty water, and the parcel, being less dense than originally from the background, will accelerate upwards faster than would have been the case with no diffusion. This can result in an overstable situation, driven by the phase lag between the temperature and velocities of the fluid element which causes net work to be done over each cycle \\citep{spiegel72}. In this case the parcel will oscillate with growing amplitude. This instability is referred to as ``semiconvection,'' and is an example of the kind of doubly diffusive instability that occurs if a rapidly diffusing substance with a destabilizing gradient is stabilized in the absence of diffusion by a slowly diffusing substance with a stabilizing gradient. Doubly diffusive instabilities such as described above can occur in the collapsed core of a supernova progenitor \\citep{smarrwbb81}. Neutron rich (low \\ye, where \\ye\\ is the proton fraction) matter tends to be denser than neutron poor (high \\ye) matter at the same temperature and pressure because the latter contains more light particles (electrons and electron neutrinos) that contribute to the pressure. Thus neutron richness in stellar cores can be thought of as playing a role analogous to that of salt in the discussion above. The ramp-up of the bounce shock on core rebound results in an outwardly positive (stabilizing) entropy gradient throughout much of the inner core. On the other hand, a negative lepton gradient formed at and initially confined to the vicinity of the \\nuesph\\ immediately after shock breakout is advected deeper into the core with time because of the inward matter flow and outward diffusion of \\nue's. A destabilizing negative \\ye\\ gradient stabilized by the outwardly positive entropy gradient can set the stage for a doubly diffusive instability analogous to salt fingers if lepton transport is slower than thermal transport. This instability is referred to as ``neutron fingers.'' The Livermore group has reported successful explosions in their spherically symmetric supernova simulations employing sophisticated multi-energy neutrino transport, and have emphasized the importance of the neutron-finger instability in powering these explosions \\citep{wilsonmww86, wilsonm88, wilsonm93}. The issue of whether or not this instability is operative, and if so whether or not it will power an explosion is important, as no other supernova simulations employing neutrino transport of comparable sophistication but without invoking neutron fingers has produced an explosion \\citep{bruenn93, mezzacappalmhtb01, liebendorfermtmhb01, burasrjk02}. The Livermore group argue that thermal equilibration between a fluid element and the background is driven by the total neutrino number density (i.e., \\nue's, \\num's, and \\nut's and their antiparticles), whereas equilibration in composition (i.e., lepton fraction, \\yl) is driven only by the difference in the number densities of \\nue's and \\nuebar's. The ratio, $R$, of the two equilibration rates is thus given approximately by \\begin{equation} R = \\frac{ | n_{\\nue} - n_{\\nuebar} | }{ n_{\\nue} + n_{\\nuebar} + n_{\\num} + n_{\\numbar} + n_{\\nut} + n_{\\nutbar} } \\label{eq:DDI1} \\end{equation} \\noindent where $n_{i}$ is the number density of neutrinos of type $i$. From their simulations they typically find that $R < 0.1$. Based on the magnitude of this inequality the Livermore group tests for the neutron-finger instability by displacing a fluid element at constant composition but equilibrated with the background material in pressure and temperature. If the density of the fluid element relative to its surroundings after displacement is such as to drive the displacement further, the fluid is taken to be neutron-finger unstable. Mathematically, their criterion for neutron-finger instability is given by \\begin{equation} \\left( \\pderiv{\\rho}{Y_{\\rm e} } \\right)_{T,P} \\frac{d Y_{\\rm e} }{dr} > 0 \\label{eq:DDI2} \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\frac{d Y_{\\rm e} }{dr}$ is the $Y_{\\rm e}$ gradient of the background. If a region was established to be neutron-finger unstable, a mixing length algorithm was then employed to simulate the convective fluid motions and mixing. The Livermore group found that the result of the convective-like motions due to the neutron-finger instability in their supernova simulations was the production of a larger \\nue\\ luminosity, as neutrinos and electrons previously trapped in the core were brought to the vicinity of the neutrinosphere. This increase in \\nue\\ luminosity was found to be sufficient to power an explosion. In several papers, \\citet{bruennmd95} and \\citet{bruennd96} questioned the assumption that the ratio, $R$, of the rates of composition to thermal equilibration is given by equation (\\ref{eq:DDI1}). Situations were envisioned in which a fluid element perturbed with respect to the background could drive counter flows of \\nue's and \\nuebar's so that the numerator of equation (\\ref{eq:DDI1}) would be additive in $n_{\\nue}$ and $n_{\\nuebar}$ and the denominator subtractive. Detailed simulations, performed by \\citet{bruennd96}, of the equilibration of fluid elements perturbed with respect to the background showed that in many cases counter flows of \\nue's and \\nuebar's did indeed occur. Furthermore, it was found that lepton transport proceeded quickly by the rapid transport of low energy \\nue's and \\nuebar's, as the opacity for these was relatively small. On the other hand, thermal equilibration, being more efficiently accomplished by high energy neutrinos, was slowed by the relatively large opacities encountered by these neutrinos. Finally, the \\num's, \\nut's, and their antiparticles were less effective at mediating thermal equilibration because of there weak thermal coupling with the matter. The result was that the ratio of composition to thermal equilibration depended on how the fluid element was perturbed with respect to the background, and in many cases this ratio was greater than unity. Given its potential role in the core collapse supernova mechanism, there is clearly a need to clarify the issue of the neutron-finger instability in a proto-supernova. Additionally there has been the advent during the past decade of multi-dimensional core collapse supernova modeling \\citep{millerwm93, herantbhfc94, burrowshf95, jankam96, mezzacappacbbgsu98a, mezzacappacbbgsu98b, fryer99, fryerw02, burasrjk02}, with more simulations of greater sophistication to come. The extant simulations show the presence of fluid instabilities both above and below the neutrinosphere. The fluid instabilities above the neutrinosphere are driven by neutrino heating immediately above the gain radius, which is the surface above the neutrinosphere where neutrino cooling and heating balance. This instability is analogous to that of a fluid in a pot heated from below. The fluid instabilities below the neutrinosphere are more complicated to characterize, as neutrino transport drives both thermal and composition changes and the fluid instabilities can be doubly diffusive. \\citet{bruennd96} developed a procedure for characterizing the stability/instability of a fluid element as a function of the entropy and composition gradient of the background and found that for typical conditions inside the collapsed stellar core of a supernova progenitor the fluid was either unstable to semiconvection or stable. However, they sampled only a small region of the run of thermodynamic conditions inside a supernova progenitor. In this paper we will further develop the methodology of \\citet{bruennd96} and use it to examine the stability of proto-supernovae for the entire run of thermodynamic conditions from the center of the core to the neutrinosphere. Futhermore, for each set of thermodynamic conditions we will consider the stability as a function of the size of the fluid element. The latter is important in that it governs the rate of thermal and composition equilibration. In Section \\ref{sec:SPA} we begin our discussion of fluid stability in the ambience of neutrino mediated thermal and lepton transport by presenting the equations of motion of a fluid element that we will use to analyze stability. These equations involve four response functions that describe how thermal and lepton diffusion is driven by an entropy or a lepton fraction difference between a fluid element and the background. In Section \\ref{sec:SA} we describe how the solutions of these equations of motion are used to define various types of instability. We also examine the stability of a fluid element as a function of the entropy and lepton gradients of the background for various representative sets of the ``response functions.'' These examples illustrate the different kinds of instabilities that can arise in a proto-supernova. In particular, we find that neutron fingers is unlikely to occur anywhere below the neutrinosphere. However, we discover and describe several new and potentially important modes of doubly diffusive instabilities which we refer to as ``lepto-entropy fingers'' and ``lepto-entropy semiconvection.'' Both of the instabilities involve the cross response functions in essential ways. In Section \\ref{sec:Response} we describe how the response functions are computed for a given thermodynamic state and fluid element size. In Section \\ref{sec:CCModels} we begin the application of our stability analysis to core collapse models by describing these models, and in Section \\ref{sec:Results} we present the results of an extensive set of calculations giving the stability or type of instability and its growth rate as a function both the fluid element size and its location in the core. In Section \\ref{sec:Comp} we compare our analyses and results with prior work, and in in Section \\ref{sec:Cncl} we present our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:Cncl} The fluid below the neutrinosphere of the collapsed core of a supernova progenitor can be driven unstable by thermal and lepton diffusion as well as by a gravitationally unstable stratification of the fluid. We have developed the methodology introduced by \\citet{bruennd96} for analyzing fluid instabilities in the presence of neutrino mediated thermal and lepton transfer. In this analysis four ``response functions'' are introduced to model the thermal and lepton equilibration of a fluid element perturbed in entropy and lepton fraction from that of the background. These response functions depend on the thermodynamic state of the background and the size of the fluid element, and are obtained by detailed neutrino transport simulations. Given values of the response functions and the ambient gravitational field at the position of the fluid element, a cubic equation can be derived whose roots characterize the response of the fluid element to a perturbation in either its motion or thermodynamic state. From a determination of these roots, the stability or mode of instability of the fluid can be ascertained as a function of the gradients in entropy and lepton fraction. This methodology is applied both to resolve a long standing controversy regarding the presence of the neutron finger instability below the neutrinosphere, and to perform an extensive analysis of the fluid instabilities that do occur below the neutrinosphere for a number of representative post bounce supernova progenitors. The Livermore group \\citep{wilsonmww86, wilsonm88, wilsonm93} have argued that thermal equilibration proceeds much more rapidly than lepton equilibration in the fluid below the neutrinosphere. As a consequence, given the gradients in entropy and lepton fraction that arise in their supernova models subsequent to the initial collapse of the core and bounce they found that the neutron finger instability will arise in an extensive region below the neutrinosphere. Modeling by a mixing length algorithm the fluid motions that are expected to result from this instability, they found an enhancement of the \\nue\\ luminosity that helped to produce successful explosions in their sophisticated spherically symmetric supernova simulations. Their work is very important as it has emphasized the potential role of fluid instabilities below the neutrinosphere in the supernova mechanism. We have performed core collapse simulations using the Livermore \\citep{wilson03} equation of state. Applying their criteria for the neutron finger instability, we do find an extensive region below the neutrinosphere, on either side of a Ledoux unstable region, that is neutron finger unstable. A similar exercise for core collapse simulations computed with the \\citet{lattimers91} equation of state shows a similar region of neutron finger instability, although not quite as extensive. Applying our methodology to the region below the neutrinosphere of these models we always find that lepton equilibration proceeds much more rapidly than thermal equilibration, and therefore that the neutron finger instability never occurs. On the other hand, we have also found that the cross response functions, viz., the tendency for a perturbation in entropy of the fluid element relative to the background to drive a net lepton flow between them, and the tendency of a lepton fraction perturbation to drive a net energy flow, have substantial positive magnitudes for all thermodynamic states, and that the ratio of the second to the first of these response functions is large. These cross response functions cause a difference in lepton fraction between the fluid element and the background to develop primarily in response to an entropy difference. This is in contradistinction to the case without diffusion (the Ledoux case) in which a lepton fraction difference develops from a displacement of the fluid element through a gradient in the background lepton fraction. As a result of this, several new doubly diffusive instabilities appear which we have referred to as lepton-entropy fingers and lepton-entropy semiconvection. These instabilities are expected to present in significant regions below the neutrinospheres of post collapsed stellar cores, may play an important role in the supernova mechanism. We have analyzed these instabilities in detail. For each of a number of post bounce core collapse supernova models we have performed an extensive survey of fluid instabilities on a two-dimensional grid of fluid element size and radial location in the core. Our results show a common pattern of unstable regions in these core collapse models. Outside of a Ledoux unstable region is a region where the lepton fraction is small, due to prior shock dissociation and deleptonization, and the entropy gradient is positive, due to the powering up of the shock. The fluid is leptom-entropy finger unstable in this region, with maximum growth rates for fluid element scales approximately 1/20 the distance of the fluid element from the core center. This unstable region can extend up almost to the neutrinosphere, and may therefore be important for the same reason adduced by the Livermore group for their neutron fingers. Below the Ledoux unstable region is region of unshocked material of relatively high lepton fraction. This region is unstable to lepto-entropy semiconvection with growth rates favoring small scales. Reviewing the multidimensional core collapse simulations that have been reported in the literature we conclude that the lepto-entropy finger instability may have already been seen." }, "0404/astro-ph0404500_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The propagation of cellularly stabilized thermonuclear flames is investigated by means of numerical simulations. In Type Ia supernova explosions the corresponding burning regime establishes at scales below the Gibson length. The cellular flame stabilization---which is a result of an interplay between the Landau-Darrieus instability and a nonlinear stabilization mechanism---is studied for the case of propagation into quiescent fuel as well as interaction with vortical fuel flows. Our simulations indicate that in thermonuclear supernova explosions stable cellular flames develop around the Gibson scale and that a deflagration-to-detonation transition is unlikely to be triggered from flame evolution effects here. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:1} The standard model of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) describes these astrophysical events as thermonuclear explosions of white dwarf (WD) stars \\cite{hoyle1960a}. In our study, we refer to the specific scenario (for a review on SN Ia explosion models see \\cite{hillebrandt2000a}), where the WD consists of carbon and oxygen and the thermonuclear reaction propagates in form of a flame that starts out in the so-called \\emph{deflagration mode}. That is, the flame is mediated by microphysical transport processes and its burning velocity is subsonic. One key ingredient in such a SN Ia model is the determination of the effective propagation velocity of the deflagration flame. The so-called laminar burning speed $s_l$, i.e.~the propagation velocity of a \\emph{planar} deflagration flame, is much too low (a few percent of the sound speed in the unburnt material) to explain powerful SN Ia explosions. The solution to this problem is provided by the concept of turbulent combustion. Instabilities on large scales result in the formation of a \\emph{turbulent cascade}, where large-scale eddies decay into smaller ones thereby transporting kinetic energy from large to small scales. Interaction of the flame with those eddies wrinkles the flame front and enlarges its surface. This is equivalent to an increase in the net fuel consumption rate and hence causes an acceleration of the flame. Recent SN Ia explosion models on scales of the WD could show that in this way enough energy can be released to gravitationally unbind the star \\cite{reinecke2002d,gamezo2003a}. However, these models cannot resolve all relevant length scales down to the flame width and therefore have to rely on assumptions on the physics on unresolved small scales. The goal of our small-scale simulations of the propagation of the thermonuclear flame is to test those assumptions and eventually to reveal new physics that additionally needs to be included in the SN Ia models. The most significant assumptions of the large scale models by Reinecke et al.~ (e.g.~\\cite{reinecke2002d}) are that the energy input into the turbulent cascade originate solely from large scales and the flame be stable on unresolved scales. A fundamental feature of the turbulent cascade is that in a certain intermediate scale range, the turbulent velocity fluctuations decrease monotonically with smaller length scales of the eddies. This is captured by the corresponding scaling law. From that effect it is obvious, that there must exist a cutoff scale, below which flame propagation is not affected by the turbulent cascade anymore. Below this \\emph{Gibson scale}, the velocity fluctuations are so small, that the flame burns faster through the eddies than they can deform it. Thus the flame here propagates through ``frozen turbulence''. Our simulations aim on the study of effects around and below the Gibson scale. Except for the very late stages of the SN Ia explosion, the Gibson scale is well-separated from the width of the flame and the flame may safely be regarded as a discontinuity between burnt and unburnt material. ", "conclusions": "The presented simulations of flame propagation into quiescent fuel are in good agreement with theoretical expectations. The linear stage of flame evolution is consistent with Landau's dispersion relation \\cite{roepke2003a, landau1944a} and in the nonlinear regime the flame stabilizes in a cellular pattern. Thus, our hydrodynamical model of flame evolution shows that the cellular burning regime exists for SN Ia explosions. Interaction of the flame with vortical flow fields may lead to a break-down of cellular stabilization if the velocity fluctuations are sufficiently large. In this case, however, the flame shows the tendency to adapt to the imprinted flow field. Thus, we observe a moderate increase in the effective flame propagation velocity but no drastic effects. No indication of active turbulent combustion could be found. Therefore, it seems unlikely that effects around the Gibson scale account for a DDT at late stages of the SN Ia explosion as has been anticipated by \\cite{niemeyer1997b}. More detailed discussions of flame propagation into quiescent fuel at different fuel densities and interaction with vortical flow fields of varying strengths are currently in preparation \\cite{roepke2003b,roepke2003c}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404446_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The interplay between stellar populations and gas in local starburst galaxies is analyzed using images from the Hubble Space Telescope to map the ages of the young stellar components and to isolate the contribution of shocks on spatial scales ranging from a few tens of pc to $\\sim$1~kpc. The shocked gas represents a small fraction of the total ionized gas in these objects, yet it can have profound effects on the long--term evolution of the starburst, which may include the triggering of new star formation. ", "introduction": "The evolution of galaxies and of the intergalactic/intracluster medium (IGM/ICM) are closely connected, via the continuous interchange between the ISM and the IGM/ICM. The heating and metal enrichment of the IGM/ICM, and the enrichment of galaxies' ISM with pristine gas via infall from the IGM are manifestations of this close connection. Evidence for gas outflows from galaxies has been found at redshift as high as $\\sim$3 (\\cite{pettini00}), and may have contributed to the early pollution of the IGM (\\cite{ellison00}). The driving mechanism for the energy and metal pollution of the IGM/ICM is the feedback from star formation. In the basic scenario, the combined effects of ejecta and energy release from supernovae and massive stars in regions of intense star formation form superbubbles that sweep up the surrounding medium and produce cavities containing hot, shocked gas (\\cite[Weaver et al. 1977]{weaver77}). If the bubble has enough energy to expand to a size of a few times the scale height of the ambient medium, the swept-up shell may break out and the wind internal to the bubble may expand into the IGM (\\cite[Chevalier \\& Clegg 1985]{chevalier85}). Many theoretical and observational studies have investigated the mechanical feedback from star formation and its efficiency in transfering energy and material to regions far removed from the site of star formation (\\cite[e.g., De Young \\& Heckman 1994]{deyoung94}; \\cite[Suchkov et al. 1994]{suchkov94}; \\cite[Mac Low \\& Ferrara 1999]{maclow99}; \\cite[Strickland \\& Stevens 2000]{strickland00}; \\cite[Heckman, Armus \\& Miley 1990]{heckman90}; \\cite[Dahlem 1997]{dahlem97}; \\cite[Ferrara \\& Tolstoy 2000]{ferrara00}; \\cite[Cecil, Bland-Hawthorn \\& Veilleux 2002]{cecil02}), as well as in triggering renewed star formation (\\cite[e.g., Wada \\& Norman 2001]{wada01}). Yet many questions remain to be fully answered. Among these, progressing from small to large scales: the impact of the spatial distribution, history, and duration of the star--forming event (\\cite[Clarke \\& Oey 2002]{clarke02}); the coupling of the feedback from star formation with the surrounding ISM; the dependence of the feedback efficiency on the conditions of the ISM (e.g. porosity; \\cite[Clarke \\& Oey 2002]{clarke02}); and the role of the global galaxy parameters (mass, metallicity, environment; \\cite[Dahlem 1997]{dahlem97}; \\cite[Strickland et al. 2004]{strickland04}). A review of some of these issues is given by D. Strickland (2004, these proceedings). One of the complicating factors in tackling the various facets of feedback is the vast range of physical scales that needs to be probed. While the relevant scales for charting star formation are those of the stars and star clusters (a few pc), a study of the structure and conditions of the ISM needs to sample scales of tens to hundreds of pc. Moving on to larger scales, superwinds are best investigated on kpc scales, while probing the influence of global parameters involves scales of tens of kpc (galactic sizes) to Mpc (interactions). Even for the closest galaxies, the small--to--intermediate scales relevant for the interaction feedback--ISM are accessible only via high angular resolution observations (e.g., with the Hubble Space Telescope), as 10~pc=0.4$^{\\prime\\prime}$ for a galaxy at 5~Mpc distance. The study reviewed here involves four local starburst galaxies observed with the Wide Field Planetary Camera~2 on the HST. Because of their intense-to-extreme star formation rates, starburst galaxies are the sites where stellar feedback can have its most dramatic influence on the structure and evolution of the ISM (and surrounding IGM; \\cite{heckman90}), and are, therefore, optimal laboratories to investigate mechanical feedback. The four galaxies in the present study cover a range in luminosity, metallicity, star formation rate, and environment, but they are all closer than 5~Mpc (Table~\\ref{tab1}). This investigation attempts at addressing the issue of the coupling feedback--ISM, and its relation to the duration of the star forming event. The problem is tackled from two fronts: stellar populations and ISM conditions. The ages of the young ($\\lesssim$300~Myr) stellar clusters are used to set a minimum value to the duration of the current starburst event, while measurements of the shocked gas provide a constraint on the fraction of starburst mechanical output that is recovered in the ISM within a small distance ($\\lesssim$1~kpc) of the site of star formation. \\begin{table} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrr} Galaxy & $D$ & $d$ & $M_B$ & $(O/H)$ & $SFR(H\\alpha)$ & $ L(H\\alpha)_{nph}/L(H\\alpha)$ & $ L(H\\alpha)^{pred}_{nph}/L(H\\alpha)_{nph}$\\\\ Name & (Mpc) & (kpc) & & & (M$_{\\odot}$~yr$^{-1}$) & & \\\\[3pt] NGC3077&3.85&1.4&$-17.5$&8.9&0.076&0.043&0.51--1.40\\\\ NGC4214&2.94&2.0&$-17.2$&8.2&0.089&0.041&0.29--1.24\\\\ NGC5236&4.5&0.75&$-20.3$&9.2&0.308&0.030&1.27--2.90\\\\ NGC5253&4.0&1.5&$-17.5$&8.2&0.270&0.032&0.38--1.19\\\\ \\end{tabular} \\caption{Properties of the observed galaxies. Columns are as follows; $D$: distance; $d$: physical size of the region observed; $M_B$: absolute B magnitude; $(O/H)$: oxygen abundance, 12$+$log(O/H); $SFR(H\\alpha)$: star formation rate derived from the extinction corrected H$\\alpha$ luminosity; $L(H\\alpha)_{nph}/L(H\\alpha)$: fraction of the H$\\alpha$ luminosity associated with shocks; $L(H\\alpha)^{pred}_{nph}/L(H\\alpha)_{nph}$: ratio of the predicted-to-observed H$\\alpha$ luminosity associated to shocks. NGC3077 is in the M81 group, in close interaction with M81 itself; NGC4214 is an isolated galaxy, while NGC5236 and NGC5253 form a loose pair.} \\label{tab1} \\end{center} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} The characteristics of the stellar populations and ISM in the starbursts of four nearby galaxies suggest a strong coupling between the starbursts and the surrounding ISM. This is particularly true for the three dwarf galaxies in the sample. Here the amount of observed H$\\alpha$ luminosity associated with shocks corresponds to about 70\\%--100\\% of the total mechanical output from the starbursts, and places a lower limit of about 30~Myr to the duration of the starbursts (i.e., these cannot be `bursts'). Such large fractions of mechanical energy available in the immediate surroundings of starbursts may suggest triggered star formation as a mechanism to explain the long duration timescales inferred from stellar population studies ($\\approx$100--300~Myr), in the absence of direct, recent triggers." }, "0404/hep-ph0404128_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We construct a phenomenological model of electroweak-scale inflation that is in accordance with recent cosmic microwave background observations by WMAP, while setting the stage for a zero-temperature electroweak transition as assumed in recent models of baryogenesis. We find that the scalar spectral index especially poses tight constraints for low-scale inflation models. The inflaton--Higgs coupling leads to substantial mixing of the scalar degrees of freedom. Two types of scalar particles emerge with decay widths similar to that of the Standard Model Higgs particle. ", "introduction": "With the results from the WMAP mission \\cite{WMAPparam,WMAPweb} it has become relevant to critically review models of inflation, especially with regard to the scalar spectral index. While clearly still susceptible to improvement, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations are accurate enough to rule out certain (classes of) models, see e.g.\\ \\cite{WMAPinfl,Kinneyetal,LeachLiddle}. In this paper we consider electroweak-scale inflation, which turns out to be indeed tightly constrained by the spectral index. The motivation for looking at electroweak-scale (i.e.\\ of order 100~GeV) inflation is twofold. Firstly, it is interesting to see if one can construct a working model of inflation with just minimal extensions of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, and to derive what kind of additional constraints such a coupling to the SM puts on an inflation model. The second (main) motivation has to do with baryogenesis, the production of the observed baryon asymmetry in the universe. As reviewed in \\cite{RubakovShaposhnikov}, all necessary ingredients for baryogenesis (baryon number violation, C and CP violation, and non-equilibrium) are present in the SM. This provides a strong motivation for trying to construct a working model of electroweak baryogenesis. However, the current lore is that in a standard finite-temperature electroweak transition both the CP-violating and the non-equilibrium effects are too small to be able to account for the observed baryon asymmetry. These problems may be resolved in the context of tachyonic preheating at the electroweak scale after low-scale inflation \\cite{KraussTrodden,GarciaBellidoetal,Felderetal, Copelandetal,GarciaBellido,TranbergSmit}. A tachyonic electroweak transition is strongly out of equilibrium, and the fact that the process takes place at zero temperature at the end of inflation may maximize the effectiveness of CP violation \\cite{TalkSmit}. In addition, the low reheating temperature prevents sphaleron wash-out of the baryon number produced \\cite{RubakovShaposhnikov}. In this context it becomes important to check that the models that combine low-scale inflation with tachyonic electroweak preheating satisfy all the new observational constraints from WMAP. Low-scale inflation has been considered in many papers (see for instance \\cite{Knox,Kinney,Copelandetal,Germanetal,Lythrecent}). In this paper we build in particular on \\cite{Copelandetal}, which was also motivated by the problem of electroweak baryogenesis. The main idea is that we have a kind of hybrid inflation model \\cite{ShafiVilenkin,Lindehybr}, in which inflation is driven by a nearly constant potential energy of order (100~GeV)$^4$ \\cite{KraussTrodden,GarciaBellidoetal}, while one field (the inflaton) slowly rolls down its potential and the other field (the Higgs) is in a local minimum at zero. Once the inflaton passes a critical value, the local minimum for the Higgs field develops into a local maximum and both fields roll down rapidly to the absolute minimum at a non-zero value of the Higgs field, thus breaking the electroweak symmetry. As was shown in \\cite{Copelandetal}, ordinary hybrid inflation models in which the inflaton rolls from large field values towards zero are not viable at low scales because of large quantum loop corrections. This problem can be avoided in inverted hybrid inflation models, in which the inflaton rolls away from zero and inflation takes place at very small field values. Note that unlike standard hybrid inflation, slow-roll inflation ends in this case before the critical value is reached, instead of the end being caused by the phase transition, so that the slow-roll inflation stage and the phase transition can be considered as two separate processes. The paper \\cite{Copelandetal} was written before WMAP, and the authors did not study the spectral index. As we will show in this paper, their model gives a spectral index that is too low according to WMAP. In \\cite{Germanetal} somewhat more general low-scale inflation models were considered, although not from the point of view of electroweak baryogenesis, but these models still appear to be incompatible with WMAP. We shall show that one can improve these models to obtain a spectral index that lies comfortably within the WMAP confidence levels. At first sight it may seem that one can always fine-tune a model with sufficient parameters to satisfy the constraints, but this is not necessarily the case within a set of reasonable rules. To formulate these rules we start from the point of view that we are constructing a purely phenomenological model, a minimal extension of the SM that introduces only one extra inflaton field in order to describe the history of the universe during and after inflation. We stress that there is nothing wrong with fine-tuned parameters in a phenomenological model, as the phenomenologically very successful SM shows. In incorporating a slow-roll inflationary regime compatible with the CMB measurements, one is led to an inflaton potential with non-renormalizable couplings. To constrain this potential we assume a polynomial approximation, such that there is only a limited number of terms to be parametrized. This leads to a tight fit when we also incorporate the scenario of tachyonic electroweak baryogenesis, which requires that the inflaton field ends up far from the slow-roll regime with a vacuum expectation value similar to that of the Higgs field. The inflaton is a gauge singlet and it couples only to the radial (gauge-invariant) mode of the Higgs field. This coupling should induce a sufficiently fast tachyonic electroweak transition to make baryogenesis possible, without being unrealistically large. It implies a considerable mixing between the inflaton and Higgs modes, and the model predicts the existence of (only) {\\em two} scalar particle species with electroweak-scale masses. Up to mixing-angle factors, their decay widths are similar to that of a SM Higgs with the same mass. The model should therefore be falsifiable by accelerator experiments, in particular with the LHC. An important issue with any slow-roll inflation model is the question whether the assumed flatness of the effective potential is consistent with basic properties of quantum fields, with `quantum corrections'. We investigate this by calculating one-loop corrections to the effective potential. This exercise also led us to a rough estimate of the scale at which the model may be expected to break down because of its non-renormalizable and strong couplings. The outline of the paper is as follows. In section~\\ref{Nk} we first address the number of e-folds of inflation between horizon crossing of a WMAP-observable scale and the end of inflation, which number is crucial for the computation of CMB observables. Contrary to the generic situation, there is little uncertainty here because the (p)reheating of the universe and the onset of the radiation-dominated era are reasonably well understood in this model. Next, in section~\\ref{model1}, we review the model of \\cite{Copelandetal} and show that its spectral index disagrees with WMAP. The implied inflaton--Higgs mixing is studied in section~\\ref{mixing}. We then show in the following section (plus appendix~A) that, by adding two additional terms to the potential and tuning the coupling parameters to a certain extent, values for the scalar spectral index in agreement with WMAP can be obtained. In section~\\ref{loop} (plus appendix~B) we calculate one-loop quantum corrections to the effective potential and study the implications. Finally, section~\\ref{concl} summarizes our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concl} In this paper we investigated the implications of the WMAP results for low-scale inflation and found that there are severe constraints. This is essentially because the proximity of the observed scalar spectral index $\\tn\\equiv n-1$ to zero is hard to reconcile with the small number of e-folds between horizon crossing of the observable scales and the end of inflation in these models. Working in the context of a phenomenological electroweak-scale inflation model that allows for tachyonic electroweak baryogenesis and consists of one additional scalar field $\\gs$ coupled to the Standard Model Higgs, we were led to further constraints on the inflaton--Higgs potential. However, we found that there is a range of parameters compatible with a spectral index close to (and even larger than) zero in this model. The polynomial approximation together with all the constraints led to the conclusion that we need a $\\gs^5$ term in the potential during inflation (as in \\cite{Copelandetal}). In addition $\\gs^2$ and $\\gs^4$ terms are needed, and (or instead of the $\\gs^4$) there might be a $\\gs^3$ term, but no powers higher than 5 can be present during inflation. The appearance of an odd power ($\\gs^5$) implies a local minimum at small negative values of the inflaton field ($\\gs=0$ being the value where the potential has a local maximum). A universe with initial conditions in this negative region would classically never stop inflating, which is why we assumed a small positive initial condition for the inflaton field. However, quantum tunnelling might very well make the case of a negative initial condition viable as well. The use of a polynomial approximation is quite natural for the inflationary region of the potential where the inflaton field is small, but it seems somewhat artificial in the large field region where the Higgs field comes into play. The odd and non-renormalizable power $\\gs^5$ in the potential appears to be the price we have to pay for keeping the number of parameters limited. It is not excluded of course that the model with its non-symmetric potential and non-renormalizable couplings can be embedded satisfactorily in a model with more symmetry that is also renormalizable, e.g.\\ a supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. In the one-loop calculation we found that the very different renormalization conditions in the inflationary and electroweak regimes did not lead to unresolvable conflicts. In our results quantum corrections do not disrupt the required flatness of the potential in the inflationary region. The non-renormalizable couplings and also the relatively strong inflaton self-coupling suggest a breakdown of the model already occurring at a fairly low scale, perhaps below 1 TeV, depending on the choice of parameters. We conclude with the important remark that the phenomenological model arrived at here can be falsified experimentally through its conspicuous generic feature: the existence of two (and only two) particle species with zero spin and masses around the electroweak scale, and couplings to the rest of the SM equal to that of the Higgs up to factors related to the mixing angle. \\ack This work is supported by FOM/NWO and by PPARC Astronomy Rolling Grant PPA/G/O/2001/00476. \\appendix" }, "0404/astro-ph0404137_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) experiment is an air fluorescence detector which, operating in stereo mode, has a typical angular resolution of $0.6^{\\circ}$ and is sensitive to cosmic rays with energies above $10^{18}$\\,eV. HiRes is thus an excellent instrument for the study of the arrival directions of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. We present the results of a search for anisotropies in the distribution of arrival directions on small scales ($<5^{\\circ}$) and at the highest energies ($>10^{19}$~eV). The search is based on data recorded between 1999 December and 2004 January, with a total of 271 events above $10^{19}$\\,eV. No small-scale anisotropy is found, and the strongest clustering found in the HiRes stereo data is consistent at the 52\\,\\% level with the null hypothesis of isotropically distributed arrival directions. ", "introduction": "Identifying the sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays remains one of the central challenges in astrophysics. After three decades of systematic searches for the origin of these particles, source identification still remains elusive. Sky maps of cosmic ray arrival directions at all energies are generally isotropic, with no obvious source or source region standing out. A direct way to search for sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays is to analyze the distribution of their arrival directions for small-scale clustering. Any significant clustering in arrival directions could be evidence of nearby, compact sources, whereas the lack of clustering is consistent with models in which ultrahigh energy cosmic ray sources are distributed at large distances from our Galaxy. Arrival directions do not necessarily point back to sources, as charged cosmic ray primaries suffer deflections traveling through Galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields. The strength and orientation of these fields is not well established, so the size and direction of the deflection is difficult to ascertain. However, since the Larmor radius increases with energy, the possibility of observing small-scale anisotropy associated with cosmic rays pointing back to their origins is expected to grow. Indeed, small-scale clustering of cosmic ray arrival directions at the highest energies has been previously claimed. The AGASA (Akeno Giant Air Shower Array) experiment reported possible clustering in their sample of events with energies above $4\\cdot10^{19}$\\,eV \\citep{agasa1996}. The analysis has been updated several times \\citep{agasa1999, agasa2001, agasa2003}, most recently reporting six clusters (five doublets and one triplet) in a sample of 59 events, where a cluster is defined as a set of events with angular separation less than $2.5^{\\circ}$. The chance probability of this signal was reported to be less than $10^{-4}$ \\citep{agasa2003}. Given the potential importance of this result for our understanding of the origin of cosmic rays, it is crucial to test the claim that clustering is a feature of cosmic ray arrival directions with independent experimental data. Since 1999, the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) air fluorescence experiment has been operating in stereo mode, collecting data of unprecedented quality on the arrival direction, energy, and composition of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. In this Letter, we report results of a search for small-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays observed by the HiRes stereo detector between 1999 December and 2004 January. ", "conclusions": "We perform the scan on the HiRes stereo sample of 271 events above $10^{19}$\\,eV. Because we start well below the $4\\cdot 10^{19}$\\,eV energy associated with the AGASA clustering signal, our search should safely encompass the energy region of interest even in the presence of a systematic energy shift of 30\\% between the two experiments, as suggested by \\citet{demarco2003}. Starting at this energy does not appreciably dilute the significance of a clustering signal if one is found at higher energy, since the scan involves repeated searching with successively higher energy thresholds. An additional motivation for starting at $10^{19}$\\,eV is the fact that the HiRes angular resolution ($0.6^{\\circ}$) is much sharper at this energy than AGASA's ($2.8^{\\circ}$) \\citep{agasa1999}. The results of the scan are shown in Figure\\,\\ref{scan}. The strongest clustering signal ($P_{min}=1.9\\%$) is observed using the energy threshold $E_c = 1.69\\cdot 10^{19}$\\,eV where we observe $n_p=10$ pairs separated by less than $\\theta_c=2.2^{\\circ}$ within a set of $N_c=120$ events. The statistical significance of this result corresponds to $P_{ch}=52\\%$. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{.95} \\plotone{f3.eps} \\caption{Autocorrelation scan of the HiRes data set above $10^{19}$\\,eV. $P(N,\\theta)$ is the probability of obtaining the same or greater number of pairs as is actually observed in the data using a maximum separation angle $\\theta$ and searching among the $N$ highest-energy events. These probabilities do not include the statistical penalty due to scanning. \\label{scan}} \\end{figure} The HiRes stereo data above $10^{19}$\\,eV is therefore consistent with the null hypothesis of isotropic arrival directions. Comparison with the AGASA clustering result is not straightforward. The HiRes stereo event sample above $4\\cdot 10^{19}$\\,eV is still smaller than AGASA's, though how much smaller depends critically on the level of agreement in absolute energy scale for the two experiments. The possibility of a systematic energy shift of 30\\% would imply that above the rescaled energy threshold, $(0.7)\\cdot 4\\cdot 10^{19}\\,{\\rm eV} = 2.8 \\cdot 10^{19}\\,{\\rm eV}$, HiRes has seen 47, rather than 27, events. More importantly, there is the question of how many pairs an independent data set might be expected to contain, given the lack of an obvious source model and the widely varying estimates of the strength of the AGASA clustering. Without assuming a model and source strength, there is no natural way to translate the AGASA observation of five doublets and one triplet separated by less than $2.5^{\\circ}$ into a meaningful prediction for HiRes. However, what can be tested using a statistically independent data set is the claim that significant small-scale clustering is a general feature of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray arrival directions. The HiRes stereo data set does not support such a claim. We observe no statistically significant evidence for clustering on any angular scale up to $5^{\\circ}$ at any energy threshold above $10^{19}$\\,eV. Comparing the observed value of $P_{ch}$ with the values obtained from simulations in Section 4 (shown in Table\\,\\ref{simtable}), we note that if the current HiRes data above $4\\cdot 10^{19}$\\,eV contained two or more pairs of events contributed by compact sources at the angular resolution limit of the detector, then the typical value of $P_{ch}$ would be 0.018 or less, and more than 90\\% of the time the value of $P_{ch}$ would be much smaller than the observed value of 0.52. Results of searches for correlations with known astrophysical source classes will be published in a separate paper." }, "0404/astro-ph0404301_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We investigate the role of dust in star formation activity of extremely metal-poor blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs). Observations suggest that star formation in BCDs occurs in two different regimes: ``active'' and ``passive''. The ``active'' BCDs host super star clusters (SSCs), and are characterised by compact size, rich \\H2 content, large dust optical depth, and high dust temperature; the ``passive'' BCDs are more diffuse with cooler dust, and lack SSCs and large amounts of \\H2. By treating physical processes concerning formation of stars and dust, we are able to simultaneously reproduce all the above properties of both modes of star formation (active and passive). We find that the difference between the two regimes can be understood through the variation of the ``compactness'' of the star-forming region: an ``active'' mode emerges if the region is compact (with radius $\\la 50$ pc) and dense (with gas number density $\\ga 500$ cm$^{-3}$). The dust, supplied from Type II supernovae in a compact star-forming region, effectively reprocesses the heating photons into the infrared and induces a rapid \\H2 formation over a period of several Myr. This explains the high infrared luminosity, high dust temperature, and large \\H2 content of active BCDs. Moreover, the gas in ``active'' galaxies cools ($\\la 300$ K) on a few dynamical timescales, producing a ``run-away'' star formation episode because of the favourable (cool) conditions. The mild extinction and relatively low molecular content of passive BCDs can also be explained by the same model if we assume a diffuse region (with radius $\\ga 100$ pc and gas number density $\\la 100$ cm$^{-3}$). We finally discuss primordial star formation in high-redshift galaxies in the context of the ``active'' and ``passive'' star formation scenario. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The surfaces of interstellar dust grains are known to be sites where efficient formation of hydrogen molecules (\\H2) takes place. Without dust grains, \\H2 forms only in the gas phase with a production rate much lower than the dust surface reaction (e.g., Peebles \\& Dicke \\cite{peebles68}; Matsuda et al.\\ \\cite{matsuda69}). The shielding of \\H2 dissociating photons by dust grains also enhances molecule formation. In general, dust also absorbs a part of the radiation from stars and reemits it in the infrared (IR)\\footnote{In this paper, IR indicates the wavelength range where the emission from dust dominates the radiative energy (roughly 8--1000 $\\mu$m).}, thereby modifying the spectral energy distribution (SED) of galaxies (e.g., Silva et al.\\ \\cite{silva98}). Therefore, dust plays an important role in both chemical and radiative properties of galaxies. Recently Hirashita \\& Ferrara (\\cite{hirashita02}, hereafter HF02) have proposed that the dust enrichment in extremely metal-poor primeval objects is essential for the enhancement of star formation activity. Their scenario suggests the following cycle between dust production and star formation: {\\it (i)}~massive stars end their lives as Type II supernovae (SNe II), which supply dust grains into the interstellar medium (ISM) (Kozasa et al.\\ \\cite{kozasa89}; Todini \\& Ferrara \\cite{todini01}; Nozawa et al.\\ \\cite{nozawa03}; Schneider et al.\\ \\cite{raffa04}); {\\it (ii)}~those grains enhance the formation of molecular clouds in which stars form; {\\it (iii)}~some of those stars are massive and the dust supply described in {\\it (i)} occurs again. This cycle {\\it (i)}--{\\it (iii)} effectively enhances the star formation rate as shown by HF02. In fact, a large amount of dust has been suggested to exist at high redshift (high $z$) (e.g., Smail et al.\\ \\cite{smail97}). However, it is not easy to explore the first dust enrichment in primeval galaxies at high $z$ ($z\\ga 5$) with the present observational facilities. Therefore, nearby templates for primeval galaxies are useful to test galaxy formation scenarios. The best candidates for such a template are metal-poor blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs), since they are at the initial stage of metal enrichment and their current star formation activity is generally young (Searle \\& Sargent \\cite{searle72}; Kunth \\& \\\"{O}stlin \\cite{kunth00}). In other words, BCDs can be used as laboratories in which to study high-$z$ primeval galaxies. Two classes of star formation activity have recently emerged observationally, as proposed for a BCD sample by Hunt et al.\\ (\\cite{hunt-cozumel}, hereafter HHTIV; \\cite{hunt-active}). They argue that the star-formation activity in the two most metal-poor galaxies, \\sbs\\ and \\izw, shows very different properties, in spite of their similar metallicities (1/41 and 1/50 $Z_\\odot$, respectively; Skillman \\& Kennicutt \\cite{skillman93}; Izotov et al.\\ \\cite{izotovetal99}). The major star-forming region of \\sbs\\ is compact and dense (radius $r_{\\rm SF}\\la 40$ pc, number density $n\\ga 600$ cm$^{-3}$; Dale et al.\\ \\cite{dale01}; Izotov \\& Thuan \\cite{izotov99}). Moreover, \\sbs\\ hosts several super star clusters (SSCs), detectable \\H2 emission lines in the near-infrared (Vanzi et al.\\ \\cite{vanzi00}), a large dust extinction ($A_V\\sim 16$ mag; Thuan et al.\\ \\cite{thuan99}; Hunt et al.\\ \\cite{hunt01}; Plante \\& Sauvage \\cite{plante02}), and high dust temperature (Hunt et al.\\ \\cite{hunt01}; Dale et al.\\ \\cite{dale01}; Takeuchi et al.\\ \\cite{takeuchi03}). On the contrary, the star-forming regions in \\izw\\ are diffuse ($r_{\\rm SF}\\ga 100$ pc, $n\\la 100$ cm$^{-3}$), and contain no SSCs. Near-infrared \\H2 emission has not been detected (Hunt et al., private communication), and the dust extinction is moderate ($A_V\\sim 0.2$ mag; Cannon et al.\\ \\cite{cannon02}). We call a region with such properties ``passive'' following HHTIV. The similar metallicities of \\sbs\\ (active) and \\izw\\ (passive) imply that the chemical abundance is not a primary factor in determining the star-forming properties. We argue that the compactness of star-forming regions, which affect gas density, gas dynamics, and so on, is important in the dichotomy of active and passive modes. Hirashita et al.\\ \\cite{hhf02} (hereafter HHF02) show that the IR luminosity, the dust mass, and the rich \\H2 content of \\sbs\\ can be explained through dust accumulation by successive SNe II in a compact ($r_{\\rm SF}\\la 100$ pc) region. Moreover, \\sbs\\ is not unique among BCDs; the BCDs with dense compact star-forming regions similar to \\sbs\\ were dubbed ``active'', and tend to be characterized by high surface brightness (see Figure 1 of HHTIV). The physical state of ISM is also similar among ``active'' BCDs. They always have large dust extinction, and a significant fraction of stellar radiation is reprocessed into IR; the dust temperature is also high and there is a ``hot'' component with 600--1000 K (Hunt et al.\\ \\cite{hunt02}). Dust properties can be further constrained by future IR observations for a large sample of BCDs (e.g., Takeuchi et al.\\ \\cite{takeuchi03}). HHTIV also demonstrate that there are BCDs with converse properties, namely ``passive'' ones, which are more diffuse, less dense, and of lower surface brightness. A representative of this category is \\izw. Contrary to ``active'' BCDs, IR dust emission has not been detected so far in ``passive'' BCDs. Although their star formation rate is lower than ``active'' BCDs, ``passive'' BCDs are actually forming stars, and are completely different from passively evolving galaxies such as ellipticals. The above clear difference in dust properties implies that in addition to the compactness, dust should be considered as a key to understand the ``active'' and ``passive'' modes, and hence to understanding how star formation occurs in extremely low-metallicity environments. We consider the role of dust in various compactness of regions by using our theoretical framework. This paper is organised as follows. First, in Section \\ref{sec:model} we explain the model that describes the evolution of dust content and gas state in a star-forming region. Then, in Section \\ref{sec:result}, we present our results concerning the differences between ``active'' and ``passive'' star-forming regions. In Section \\ref{sec:bcds}, we discuss the interpretation of observational properties of active and passive BCDs in the context of our model, and consider in particular the two prototypes, \\izw\\ and \\sbs. Implications for high-redshift star formation are described in Section \\ref{sec:highz}, and our conclusions are presented in Section \\ref{sec:conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} In this paper, we have theoretically modeled the ``active'' and ``passive'' star formation modes observed in metal-poor BCDs. The ``active'' mode is characterised by dense and compact ($n\\ga 500~{\\rm cm}^{-3}$ and $r_{\\rm SF}\\la 50$ pc) star-forming regions. On the contrary, the ``passive'' mode takes place in diffuse ($n\\la 100~{\\rm cm}^{-3}$ and $r_{\\rm SF}\\ga 100$ pc) star-forming regions. In the dense regions observed in ``active'' BCDs, the gas free-fall time is typically shorter than $\\sim 5$ Myr. Such a short free-fall time can enhance star formation activity and generate an efficient supply of dust from SNe II. An accumulation of dust in such a compact region leads to a large dust optical depth, and the region consequently becomes luminous in the IR. Even in the environment of active star formation, the gas retains the physical conditions favourable for the gas collapse: cool ($\\la 1000$ K) and highly molecular ($\\fH2\\ga 10^{-2}$). The above characteristics explain the properties of star-forming regions in the BCDs categorised as ``active'' in HHTIV, especially SBS 0335$-$052 (i.e., IR luminous, containing hot dust, rich in molecules, compact, and dense). In ``passive'' BCDs, the dynamical time of diffuse regions is longer than $10^7$ yr, and the star formation rate can be as low as $\\la 0.1~M_\\odot$. The increase of dust optical depth is milder and therefore ``passive'' star-forming regions become IR luminous much later in their evolution, $> \\ 10^7$ yr. Such a passive region has a low $\\la 10^{-4}$ molecular content, and it would be difficult to detect \\H2 in passive BCDs. However, the physical state of gas is strongly affected by the size and spatial distribution of grains. With a fixed total dust mass, if the grain radius is large, the optical depth of dust against the UV light is small. This means for large grains ($\\sim$0.01~$\\mu$m), the gas temperature and ionisation degree tend to be high, and the molecular fraction tends to be low. As for the spatial distribution of grains, efficient shielding of UV light takes place in a screen geometry, which leads to efficient cooling and molecule formation. On the contrary, in the mixed geometry, because of inefficient shielding, the gas is heated to nearly $10^4$ K, and the molecules are efficiently dissociated. We also discussed the evolution of dust-to-gas ratio and metallicity. In particular, our model is consistent with the observations of \\izw\\ and \\sbs, but future observations of dust in metal-poor (${\\rm [O/H]}\\la -1$) BCDs are needed for further constraints. The consistency also implies that around 10--20 \\% of metals supplied from SNe are in the dust phase. We have shown how differences in two physical parameters of a star-forming region, its size and density, can lead to substantially different evolution over time. The distinction has been made between ``active'' and ``passive'' modes, but such a dichotomy is perhaps misleading, since they are rather extremes on a continuum. Pressure must also drive evolution of a star-forming region, and may determine a region's initial size and density. However, after the onset of star formation, dust shielding of UV photons determines the fate of star-forming regions, which finally bifurcates into active and passive regimes." }, "0404/astro-ph0404071_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ In this paper we show normalized differential source counts n(S) at 408~MHz and 1.4~GHz of radio sources separately for FRI and FRII classes with extended and compact morphologies. The maps from the FIRST, NVSS, and WENSS surveys are used to define the source morphology and flux density. The counts provide a basis for a direct test as well as constraining the cosmological evolution of powerful extragalactic radio sources in terms of the dual-population model (Jackson \\& Wall 1999), where radio sources of Fanaroff-Riley (1974) types I and II are regarded as two physically separate types of active galactic nuclei (AGN). The predicted count values are compared with the observational data to find the best fits for the evolution and beaming parameters, and to further refine the model. ", "introduction": "Galaxies (and/or quasars) hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN) are powerful extragalactic radio sources which produce jets and extended radio emitting regions (lobes) of plasma (Scheuer 1974). Most of these sources can be easily separated into two distinct classes: (i) the edge-brightened FRII sources with well-collimated jets, radio lobes and prominent hot spots, and (ii) edge-dimmed FRI sources with bending jets and peaked radio emission near the nucleus. There is a clear division in the luminosity between FRI and FRII, which lie, respectively, below and above $\\rm L_{178}\\approx 2\\times10^{25}$ $\\rm W Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}$ (Fanaroff \\& Riley 1974). Owen \\& Ledlow (1994) demonstrated that this separation is reproduced in the two-dimensional radio-optical luminosity plane in an unambiguous way. Furthermore, it is now quite clear that FRII and FRI sources differ radically their cosmological evolution (Wall 1980), i.e. the density and/or luminosity evolution rate of FRII is high, while that of FRI seems to be rather low. Radio source counts n(S) involving distributions of the other observational parameters (i.e. luminosity, spectral index, redshift) were used to constrain a number of numerical models of cosmological evolution of extragalactic radio sources (e.g. Wall et al. 1980; Peacock \\& Gull 1981; Condon 1984; Peacock 1985; Dunlop \\& Peacock 1990). All these models assumed two distinct populations of sources: steep-spectrum and flat-spectrum ones, which in principle were selected based on their spectral characteristics only. Since the late 70s, however, there have been efforts to find a common scheme for some types of extragalactic radio sources (Rowan-Robinson 1977; Scheuer \\& Readhead 1979). These unification attempts aimed to explain the diversity of observational properties of extragalactic radio sources in terms of one simple model. The starting point for such models is the intrinsic structure of a radio source. Because they are not spherically symmetric, their observed form depends on the angle of view. The realization that orientation angle in AGN is of great importance for unification came with the discovery of observational superluminal motion in some compact radio sources (Cohen et al. 1971; Moffet et al. 1972) and its interpretation in terms of bulk relativistic movements of the jet's plasma (de Young 1972). It is obvious that when some emitting body moves in a relativistic manner, the radiation received by an observer is a function of the angle between the line of sight and the direction of motion. The small fraction of objects with compact morphologies are those viewed with their axes inclined at small angles to the line of sight. Furthermore, the beamed sources should be linked to an unbeamed parent population. The unified scheme of AGN has been quite successful in explaining differences between various classes of radio galaxies on the basis of the jet luminosity, its speed, relativistic beaming effect, orientation towards the observer, and environmental effects (for a review, see Urry \\& Padovani 1995). Recently, Wall and Jackson (Wall \\& Jackson 1997; Jackson \\& Wall 1999) [hereafter WJ] introduced the {\\it dual-population unified scheme}. Their model consists of two parent populations of powerful extragalactic radio sources, FRI and FRII, which appear (dependent on the viewing angle) as lobe-dominated (LD) steep-spectrum sources, or core-dominated (CD) flat-spectrum sources. Our main goal is to test the dual-population model of FRI and FRII radio source cosmological evolution and to refine its parameters with new well-defined samples of sources at two radio frequencies and within a wide range of radio flux density. The recent radio surveys with sufficient sensitivity, spatial resolution and flux-density limit, i.e. FIRST (Becker et al. 1995), NVSS (Condon et al. 1998) and WENSS (Rengelink et al. 1997), allowed us to determine morphologies, flux densities, and spectral indices for a large enough number of objects and thereby proved to be suitable for constructing such samples. In the following section the complete source samples used in this analysis and the counts of extragalactic radio sources n(S) based on data at 1.4~GHz and 408~MHz are described (Sect. 2). In Sect. 3 the application of the dual-population numerical model of radio source evolution is shown. In Sect. 4 the results of modelling of the counts n(S) compared to the observational data and discussion are given. Finally, Sect. 5 contains the summary. Throughout the paper we assume $\\rm H_{0}=50$ $\\rm km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}$ and the Einstein-de Sitter cosmological model ($\\rm \\Omega=\\Omega_{m}=1$). ", "conclusions": "Following the procedure given in the preceding section we derive the normalized differential counts and the source fractions. The set of parameter values originally proposed by WJ is called `model A' (see Table 3). It is necessary to modify these values to fit the observational data. The best-modeled fit to the source counts at 1.4~GHz and 0.408~GHz is called `model B' and its parameter values are given also in Table 3. The values are determined using statistical methods, by minimizing $\\chi^{2}$ evaluated between the observed and modeled source distributions, both at 1.4 and 0.408~GHz. The value of $\\chi^{2}$ is evaluated as: \\[\\rm \\chi^{2}= \\sum^{N}_{i=1}(\\frac{n_{data_{i}} - n_{model_{i}}}{err_{data_{i}}})^{2},\\] \\noindent where $\\rm n_{data_{i}}$ is the value of the data in the ith bin, similarly $\\rm n_{model_{i}}$ and $\\rm err_{data_{i}}$ are the model value and data error in the ith bin, respectively. These all are determined in the logarithm space and the sum is taken over the N bins.\\\\ The observed and calculated n(S) distributions for 1.4 and 0.408~GHz are presented in Fig.~1 and Fig.~2, respectively. Fig. 3 shows the expected and observed source fraction. The best-fitted parameters of cosmological evolution and relativistic beaming that we estimate are slightly different from those obtained by WJ on the basis of the 5~GHz data. However, it is important to note that our calculations do not strictly follow all the steps proposed by Jackson \\& Wall (1999). For example, we do not demand the evolution function E(L, z) to peak at $\\rm z_{c}$/2. Furthermore, our approach does not involve any dependence of the intrinsic core-to-extended flux ratio $\\rm R_{c}$ on radio power. We estimate that the transition between evolving and non-evolving FRII sources appears for luminosities $\\rm L_{151} = 10^{24.5}$ $\\rm (W Hz^{-1} sr^{-1})$, whereas objects with $\\rm L_{151} > 10^{27.95}$ $\\rm (W Hz^{-1} sr^{-1})$ show maximal evolution with the rate of $\\rm M_{max}$=12.2.\\\\ To fit the FRI observational data, it is necessary to introduce some luminosity evolution for these type of sources. However, Urry \\& Padovani (1995) report that the behavior of FRI radio galaxies is consistent with no evolution. Also, in the WJ scheme, the cosmological evolution of FRI does not explicitly appear, however, there are no fundamental aspects in their model forbidding the evolution of FRI sources in general. The idea that FRI should evolve is confirmed by the recent work of Snellen \\& Best (2001), who on inspecting Hubble Deep Field images came across two sources of FRI morphology. This could mean that this kind of source is significantly more abundant at high redshifts than at the present epoch. They suggest also that cosmological evolution of FRI sources could be similar to that of FRII (i.e. is radio luminosity dependent). We propose that the evolution of FRI sources is similar to that of FRII, (Sect. 3.1, eq. 4). The evolution rate M, which depends on luminosity, has the form: \\vspace{3mm} \\noindent $\\rm M(L)=0$ \\hspace{16.8mm} for $\\rm L < L_{1}$,\\\\ $\\rm M(L)=M_{max}$ \\hspace{10mm} for $\\rm L \\geq L_{1}.$ \\vspace{3mm} \\noindent We estimate that the small fraction of FRI with luminosities $\\rm L_{151}\\geq 10^{26.5}$ $\\rm (W Hz^{-1} sr^{-1})$ evolve with cosmic time. This is supported by the fact that at $\\rm L_{151}\\approx 10^{26.5}$ $\\rm (W Hz^{-1} sr^{-1})$ in the low-frequency samples the fraction of objects with observed broad-line nuclei changes radically from $\\sim 0.4$ at higher radio luminosities to $\\sim 0.1$ at lower luminosities (Willott et al. 2000).\\\\ The best-fit relativistic beaming parameters ($\\rm R_{c}(\\nu)$ and $\\rm \\gamma$) obtained are similar to those estimated by Wall \\& Jackson (1997). They are also in agreement with those derived from observations. The observed core-to-extended flux ratio of individual sources spans a wide range of values from $\\sim10^{-5}$ for the lobe-dominated sources (Morganti et al. 1993) to $\\sim10^{3}$ for the core-dominated sources (Murphy et al. 1993). The observations show also that there is a large spread of Lorentz factor $\\gamma$ values from 2 to 20 (Vermulen \\& Cohen 1994), while some numerical simulations give $4\\leq\\gamma\\leq40$ (Urry \\& Padovani 1995). However, the Lorentz factor value of FRII sources should be greater from those of FRI (Urry \\& Padovani 1995).\\\\ Some recent papers (e.g. Caccianiga et al. 2002) suggest the existence of another class of sources with compact morphologies that do not originate from FRI or FRII populations. Our investigation shows that there is no explicit need to introduce any additional population of compact powerful radio sources, apart from the beaming version of FRI and FRII parent populations. However, if the values of beaming parameters given here are overestimated, then the model predictions for compact sources will be too small when compared to the data. \\begin{table}[] \\begin{center} \\caption{Values of beaming and evolution parameters for models A and B.} \\vspace{1mm} \\begin{tabular}{lrrrr} {\\bf Parameter} &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\bf FRI} &\\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\bf FRII}\\\\ &\\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\bf A}&\\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\bf B} &\\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\bf A} &\\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\bf B} \\\\ {\\bf $\\rm \\gamma$} & 10.3 ($\\dagger$) & 10.3 & 20.0 ($\\dagger$) & 20.0 \\\\ {\\bf $\\rm R_{c}(\\nu)(*)$} & 0.010 ($\\dagger$) & 0.010 & 0.004 ($\\dagger$) & 0.006 \\\\ {\\bf $\\rm \\log(L_{1} (**))$}& -- & 26.50 & 25.44 ($\\ddagger$) & 24.50 \\\\ {\\bf $\\rm \\log(L_{2} (**))$}& -- & -- & 27.34 ($\\ddagger$) & 27.95 \\\\ {\\bf $\\rm M_{max}$} & -- & 5.0 & 10.93 ($\\ddagger$) & 12.20 \\\\ {\\bf $\\rm z_{max}$} & 5.0 ($\\ddagger$) & 5.0 & 5.62 ($\\ddagger$) & 5.62 \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} $\\dagger$ the value is taken from Wall \\& Jackson (1997), and\\\\ $\\ddagger$ the value is taken from Jackson \\& Wall (1999),\\\\ (*) $\\rm \\nu=5~GHz$, (**) $\\rm W Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}$ \\end{table} \\begin{figure*}[] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{130mm}{\\includegraphics{mjf1.ps}} \\caption{Normalized differential counts of sources of different morphological types at {\\bf 1.4~GHz}. Abscissa: log flux-density (Jy). Ordinate: log differential number of sources multiplied by $\\rm S^{2.5}[sr^{-1}Jy^{1.5}]$. Observational data are provided in the form of stepped curve with vertical error bars. The solid curve shows the counts predicted from model B and the dotted solid one -- counts from model A. The respective panels give the counts for {\\bf a)} all sources in the sample, {\\bf b)} compact FRI and compact FRII sources, {\\bf c)} FRI lobe-dominated sources, and {\\bf d)} FRII lobe-dominated and CSS sources, (for details, see the text).} \\label{counts14} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}[] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{130mm}{\\includegraphics{mjf2.ps}} \\caption{Normalized differential counts of sources of different morphological types at {\\bf 408~MHz}. Abscissa: log flux-density (Jy). Ordinate: log differential number of sources multiplied by $\\rm S^{2.5}[sr^{-1}Jy^{1.5}]$. Observational data are provided in the form of stepped curve with vertical error bars. The solid curve shows the counts predicted from model B and the dotted solid one -- counts from model A. The respective panels give the counts for {\\bf a)} all sources in the sample, {\\bf b)} compact FRI and compact FRII sources, {\\bf c)} FRI lobe-dominated sources, and {\\bf d)} FRII lobe-dominated and CSS sources, (for details, see the text).} \\label{counts400} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}[] \\vspace{50mm} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{80mm}{\\includegraphics{mjf3a.ps} \\includegraphics{mjf3b.ps}} \\caption{Fraction of {\\bf a)} compact flat-spectrum sources, {\\bf b)} FRI lobe-dominated sources, and {\\bf c)} FRII lobe-dominated together with CSS sources in the sample at 1.4~GHz -- {\\bf left panels}, and at 408~MHz -- {\\bf right panels}. The solid curve shows the source ratio predicted from model B.} \\end{figure*}" }, "0404/astro-ph0404592_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A major uncertainty in the spectroscopic dating of extragalactic globular clusters concerns the degenerate effect that age and horizontal branch morphology have on the strength of Balmer lines. In this {\\it Letter} we show that the ratio between the equivalent widths of \\hdf\\ and \\hb\\ is far more sensitive to horizontal branch morphology than to age, thus making it possible to break the degeneracy. We show that it is possible to distinguish intermediate-age globular clusters from those whose Balmer lines are strengthened by the presence of blue horizontal branch stars, {\\it purely on the basis of the clusters' integrated spectra}. The degeneracy between age and horizontal branch morphology can be lifted with \\hb\\ and \\hdf\\ line strengths from spectra with S/N $\\simgreat$ 30/${\\rm\\AA}$, which is typical of current studies of integrated spectroscopy of extragalactic globular clusters. ", "introduction": "In the last decade, the use of equivalent widths (EWs) of Balmer absorption lines in the integrated spectra of old stellar populations (SPs) has become a standard procedure for estimating their light-weighted mean ages (Worthey 1994). The rationale of the method is to utilize the sensitivity of Balmer lines to the temperature and luminosity of turn-off stars, which depend strongly on the age of a SP. However, a well known caveat is the existence of old hot stars that may be sufficiently bright and numerous to boost the EWs of Balmer lines, mimicking the signature of young stars in the integrated spectra of old SPs. That is the case of blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars, which are present in such old systems as Galactic globular clusters (GCs) with a range of metallicities (see Moehler 2001 for a review), the halo and bulge fields (e.g. Kinman et al.\\ 2000), the cores of Local Group galaxies (Brown et al.\\ 1998; Brown et al.\\ 2000; Brown 2003), and old Galactic clusters like NGC~6791 (e.g. Peterson \\& Green 1998). So far the only way of unequivocally distinguishing between an old SP that hosts BHB stars from a truly young SP is by construction of color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), which of course can only be achieved for nearby systems, within the Local Group. Theoretical studies (Freitas Pacheco \\& Barbuy 1995; Lee et al.\\ 2000; Maraston \\& Thomas 2000) have shown that the impact of BHB stars on the integrated spectra of old SPs can be significant, and in particular it may affect the ages inferred from the EWs of Balmer lines. However, in view of the lingering theoretical uncertainties regarding the morphology of the horizontal branch (HB) and its connection with mass loss on the red giant branch (Catelan 2000), an accurate assessment of the contribution of BHB stars to the integrated optical light of old SPs still depends on the availability of CMDs. In this {\\it Letter} we present the first results of an ongoing project to calibrate our SP synthesis models with high quality integrated spectra of star clusters. While this has already been attempted by a number of groups (Beasley et al.\\ 2002; Schiavon et al. 2002a,b; Puzia et al.\\ 2002; Maraston et al.\\ 2003; Leonardi \\& Rose 2003), our work benefits from the combination of a homogeneous set of high S/N integrated GC spectra newly collected by our group, with the HST CMDs of several tens of Galactic GCs, most of them reaching the GC turn-off, by Piotto et al.\\ (2002). We demonstrate the ability of well-calibrated models, combined with high S/N spectra, to single out the contribution of BHB stars to the integrated light of GCs. We use a combination of an Fe-sensitive index and an index comprised of the ratio of two Balmer line EWs to uniquely constrain the BHB contribution to the integrated light. This enables us to distinguish, {\\it purely on the basis of their integrated spectra}, truly intermediate-age or young clusters from those which are old, but whose Balmer lines are strengthened by the contaminating light of BHB stars. We envisage a direct application of our method to studies of extragalactic GC systems, where the determination of GC ages and metal abundances can yield insight into the star formation and merger histories of the host galaxies (e.g. Cohen, Blakeslee \\& C\\^ot\\'e 2003; Larsen et al. 2003; Hempel et al.\\ 2003). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404247_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of photometric measurements from images of the LMC globular clusters NGC 1928, 1939 and Reticulum taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the {\\em Hubble Space Telescope}. Exposures through the F555W and F814W filters result in high accuracy colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for these three clusters. This is the first time that CMDs for NGC 1928 and 1939 have been published. All three clusters possess CMDs with features indicating them to be $> 10$ Gyr old, including main sequence turn-offs at $V\\sim 23$ and well populated horizontal branches (HBs). We use the CMDs to obtain metallicity and reddening estimates for each cluster. NGC 1939 is a metal-poor cluster, with $[{\\rm Fe}/{\\rm H}] = -2.10 \\pm 0.19$, while NGC 1928 is significantly more metal-rich, with $[{\\rm Fe}/{\\rm H}] = -1.27 \\pm 0.14$. The abundance of Reticulum is intermediate between the two, with $[{\\rm Fe}/{\\rm H}] = -1.66 \\pm 0.12$ -- a measurement which matches well with previous estimates. All three clusters are moderately reddened, with values ranging from $E(V-I) = 0.07 \\pm 0.02$ for Reticulum and $E(V-I) = 0.08 \\pm 0.02$ for NGC 1928, to $E(V-I) = 0.16 \\pm 0.03$ for NGC 1939. After correcting the CMDs for extinction we estimate the HB morphology of each cluster. NGC 1928 and 1939 possess HBs consisting almost exclusively of stars to the blue of the instability strip, with NGC 1928 in addition showing evidence for an extended blue HB. In contrast, Reticulum has an intermediate HB morphology, with stars across the instability strip. Using a variety of dating techniques we show that these three clusters are coeval with each other and the oldest Galactic and LMC globular clusters, to within $\\sim 2$ Gyr. The census of known old LMC globular clusters therefore now numbers $15$ plus the unique, somewhat younger cluster ESO121-SC03. The NGC 1939 field contains another cluster in the line-of-sight, NGC 1938. A CMD for this object shows it to be less than $\\sim 400$ Myr old, and it is therefore unlikely to be physically associated with NGC 1939. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC/SMC) possess extensive systems of rich stellar clusters. These objects exhibit a much wider variety in age, structure, environment and mass than do Galactic clusters, and this, combined with their relatively close proximity, has rendered them central to a surprising number of fields of modern astrophysics -- from star and cluster formation, and stellar evolution, to gravitational dynamics, galactic evolution, and distance scale measurements. They are also vital probes and tracers of the chemical and dynamical evolution of the LMC and SMC themselves. It is therefore important to understand how their properties, and in particular their ages and abundances, are distributed. It has long been known that the LMC, which contains the more numerous cluster system of the two Clouds, houses a small sub-population of extremely ancient objects. Although early studies revealed half a dozen LMC clusters to possess colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with features similar to those of the Galactic globular clusters, it has only been since the advent of the {\\em Hubble Space Telescope} ({\\em HST}) that imaging resolution and sensitivity has been sufficiently high as to allow accurate colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) suitable for relative age dating. A number of relatively recent studies have demonstrated that the number of LMC clusters coeval with each other and the oldest Galactic globular clusters is somewhat more than a dozen -- NGC 1466, NGC 2257, and Hodge 11 (e.g., Johnson et al. \\shortcite{johnson:99}); NGC 1754, 1835, 1898, 1916, 2005, and 2019 (e.g., Olsen et al. \\shortcite{olsen}); and NGC 1786, 1841 and 2210 (e.g., Brocato et al. \\shortcite{brocato}). Several published CMDs show the remote outer cluster Reticulum to be very old \\cite{johnson:99,marconi,monelli}; however a full age analysis is yet to be published for this cluster. In addition there are two more clusters located in the LMC bar region -- NGC 1928 and 1939 -- which integrated spectroscopy suggests could be old \\cite{dutra}, but which are so compact and lie against such highly crowded LMC fields that it has not previously been possible to obtain accurate CMDs for them (see for example, the search for old LMC clusters conducted by Geisler et al. \\shortcite{geisler}). The census of old LMC clusters is therefore still incomplete. We have used the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on {\\em HST} to obtain images of NGC 1928, 1939, and Reticulum as part of program 9891 -- a snapshot survey of $40$ LMC and $40$ SMC clusters. This program is primarily designed to extend the detailed investigation of Mackey \\& Gilmore \\shortcite{sbp1,sbp2} concerning the structural evolution of Magellanic Cloud clusters. However, the ACS observations are of sufficient quality and resolution as to allow colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) to be constructed for NGC 1928 and NGC 1939 for the first time, as well as a high quality CMD for Reticulum. In this paper, we present the results of these observations (Section \\ref{s:obsred}) and the measured colour-magnitude diagrams (Section \\ref{s:colourmag}). Abundances and reddenings are derived for each cluster, and it is demonstrated that NGC 1928 and 1939, along with Reticulum, are coeval with both well studied Galactic globular clusters (such as M92, M3 and M5) and other old LMC objects (such as NGC 2257 and Hodge 11) (Section \\ref{s:clusterprop}). ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:summary} We have used ACS/WFC snapshot observations to obtain colour-magnitude diagrams for the LMC clusters NGC 1928, 1939 and Reticulum. This is the first time that CMDs for NGC 1928 and 1939 have been published. These two CMDs suffer from very dense field star contamination requiring a thorough subtraction algorithm. Using the final CMDs we obtained photometric reddening and metallicity measurements for all three clusters. NGC 1939 is one of the most metal-poor LMC bar clusters, with $[{\\rm Fe}/{\\rm H}] = -2.10 \\pm 0.19$, while NGC 1928 is significantly more metal-rich, with $[{\\rm Fe}/{\\rm H}] = -1.27 \\pm 0.14$. Reticulum is of a more intermediate abundance, with $[{\\rm Fe}/{\\rm H}] = -1.66 \\pm 0.12$. This measurement matches well the previous estimates for this cluster. All three clusters possess CMDs with features characteristic of the oldest Galactic globular clusters -- main sequence turn-offs at $V\\sim 23$, and well populated horizontal branches. Both NGC 1928 and 1939 possess very blue HB morphologies, with little or no population stretching to the red of the blue edge of the instability strip. In contrast, Reticulum has a HB populated right across the instability region. To quantify the ages of the three clusters we employed a variety of differential dating techniques, comparing their CMDs to a set of three of the oldest Galactic globular clusters, and three of the oldest LMC globular clusters. We conclude that the entire set of clusters is coeval to within approximately $2$ Gyr. This work firmly establishes NGC 1928 and 1939 as members of the LMC globular cluster population, confirming the conclusion obtained by Dutra et al. \\shortcite{dutra} from integrated spectroscopy. The LMC globular cluster census therefore now numbers $15$, in two distinct groups -- the outer clusters NGC 1466, 1841, 2210, 2257, Hodge 11, and Reticulum; and the inner (bar) clusters NGC 1754, 1786, 1835, 1898, 1916, 1928, 1939, 2005, and 2019. The only other LMC cluster older than the lower end of the age gap is ESO121-SC03, at $\\sim 9$ Gyr." }, "0404/astro-ph0404467_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The SC and CS stars are thermal-pulsing AGB stars with C/O ratio close to unity. Within this small group, the Mira variable BH Cru recently evolved from spectral type SC (showing ZrO bands) to CS (showing weak C$_2$). Wavelet analysis shows that the spectral evolution was accompanied by a dramatic period increase, from 420 to 540 days, indicating an expanding radius. The pulsation amplitude also increased. Old photographic plates are used to establish that the period before 1940 was around 490 days. Chemical models indicate that the spectral changes were caused by a decrease in stellar temperature, related to the increasing radius. There is no evidence for a change in C/O ratio. The evolution in BH Cru is unlikely to be related to an on-going thermal pulse. Periods of the other SC and CS stars, including nine new periods, are determined. A second SC star, LX Cyg, also shows evidence for a large increase in period, and one further star shows a period inconsistent with a previous determination. Mira periods may be intrinsically unstable for C/O$\\,\\approx 1$; possibly because of a feedback between the molecular opacities, pulsation amplitude, and period. LRS spectra of 6 SC stars suggest a feature at $\\lambda>15\\mu$m, which resembles one recently attributed to the iron-sulfide troilite. Chemical models predict a large abundance of FeS in SC stars, in agreement with the proposed association. ", "introduction": "The observed properties of stars on the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) are largely determined by the ratio of carbon to oxygen in their atmospheres. Carbon abundances in AGB stars increase due to dredge-up following their regular thermal pulses. After a series of these events, which happen every $10^4$--$10^5$\\,yr, the enhanced carbon may cause a transition from an oxygen-rich star to a carbon-rich star, via the intermediate S-stars \\citep[e.g.,][]{LE84}. The SC stars \\citep{KB80} form a continuous spectral sequence intermediate between the S and C stars \\citep{CF71}. They show very strong sodium D-lines, and strong CN bands \\citep{S73}, and either weak ZrO bands (SC stars) or C$_2$ bands (CS stars). The molecular abundances indicate a C/O number ratio very close to unity, so that CO formation leaves little C or O for the other molecules. The SC star BH~Crucis has simultaneously been found to show a unique combination of a lengthening period \\citep*{BMV88, WM91, WIW95}, and evolution in spectral type from SC to CS \\citep{LE85}, with ZrO bands \\citep{CF71} disappearing and C$_2$ band appearing. The spectral evolution has been interpreted as due to an increase in C/O ratio \\citep{Whi99}. Both the period and abundance changes have been suggested to be caused by a recent thermal pulse \\citep{Whi99,WZ81}. BH Cru could therefore present a unique case of real-time AGB evolution. \\begin{figure*} \\includegraphics[width=0.8\\textwidth, clip=true]{bhcru-visual-bin20.0125.wwz.ps} \\caption{\\label{bhcru.ps} The wavelet analysis for BH~Cru, 1970--2002, based on visual observations. Shown are: the light curve, the frequency, the semi-amplitude of the main frequency component and its period.} \\end{figure*} In this paper we present an analysis of the light curve of BH~Cru, to quantify the period and amplitude variation. Chemical modelling is used to investigate whether the change in relative molecular abundances can be explained as due to a decrease in effective temperature, at constant C/O ratio. We also present new periods for other SC stars, including two stars which may show period changes similar to BH Cru. ", "conclusions": "Our investigation of the evolving variable BH~Cru shows an increase in its period of 25\\%\\ within 25\\,yr. The period has stabilized at about 540 days. The visual semi-amplitude has increased simultaneous with the period increase, up to a value of 1.25\\,mag. The changing period shows that the radius of the star has increased, and the temperature decreased, the latter confirmed by a slow reddening. The spectral type of BH Cru changed simultaneously from SC to CS. Chemical equilibrium modelling, both for the potosphere and a hydrostatic atmosphere, explains this as due to the decrease in the effective temperature. The lower temperature favours formation of C$_2$ and causes the fractional abundances of ZrO and YO to decrease. Our calculations explore a range of C/O$>1$, for which oxides are still found although at reduced abundances. The distinction between SC and CS stars does not require an evolution from C/O$<1 \\longrightarrow >1$, as sometimes is suggested, although this can also play a role. Infrared spectra suggest the possible presence of the iron-sulfide troilite in SC stars. Chemical calculations show that FeS is abundant in the photosphere, and in the absence of silicates or carbon grains, may be an important dust component. We determined new periods for a number of SC/CS stars, including three for stars with no previously known period. One star, LX~Cyg, shows a much longer period than previously determined, and is confirmed as undergoing period evolution similar to BH~Cru. VX Aql also shows an inconsistency between the present period and one previously reported. Among the few Miras known with evolving periods, BH~Cru was unique in showing an {\\it increasing} period. Its time scale for the evolution is ten times faster than that of the well-studied case of R Hya. With LX~Cyg, a second case of rapid period increase is now known. Period changes in Miras are commonly attributed to thermal pulses. This appears unlikely in BH Cru, because other SC stars show the same type of changes. As an alternative model we suggest the possiblity that a feedback between molecular opacities, pulsation amplitude and periods cause unstable periods among the long-period SC stars." }, "0404/astro-ph0404184_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It appears that the dynamical status of clusters and groups of galaxies is related to the large-scale structure of the Universe. A few interesting trends have been established: \\noindent (1) {\\em The Cluster Substructure - Alignment Connection} by which clusters show a strong correlation between their tendency to be aligned with their neighbors and their dynamical state (as indicated by the existence of significant substructres). \\noindent (2) {\\em The Cluster Dynamics -Cluster Clustering Connection} by which dynamically young clusters are more clustered than the overall cluster population. \\noindent (3) {\\em The Cluster- Supercluster Alignment Connection} by which clusters of galaxies show a statistical significant tendency to be aligned with the projected major axis orientation of their parent supercluster. \\noindent (4) {\\em The Galaxy Alignment - Cluster Dynamics Connection} by which red-sequence cluster bright galaxies show a significant trend to be aligned with their parent cluster major axis, especially in dynamically young clusters. \\noindent (5) {\\em The Group Richness - Shape Connection} by which groups of galaxies are flatter the poorer they are. These are strong indications that clusters develop in a hierarchical fashion by anisotropic merging of smaller units along the large-scale filamentary structures within which they are embedded. ", "introduction": "In the framework of the hierarchical model for the formation of cosmic structures, galaxy clusters are supposed to form by accretion of smaller units (galaxies, groups etc). After the epoch of mass aggregation (which depend on the cosmological model), violent relaxation processes will tend to alter the cluster phase-space configuration producing `regular', quasi-spherical, having smooth density profile clusters. In the last decade due to the increased spatial resolution in X-ray imaging ({\\sc Rosat}, {\\sc Xmm}-{\\em Newton}, {\\sc Chandra}) and to the availability of wide-field cameras, many of the previously thought ``regular'' clusters have shown to be clumpy to some level, a fact that could have important consequences for structure formation theories, since the present fraction of dynamically young clusters, as well as the rate of cluster evolution (as measured for example by their luminosity and temperature functions and their morphology), are cosmology dependent (eg., Richstone, Loeb \\& Turner 1992, Evrard et al. 1993, Lacey \\& Cole 1996). Detailed optical and X-ray studies have yielded evidence for significant amounts of subclustering within local and distant clusters (eg. Buote \\& Tsai 1996; Plionis \\& Basilakos 2002; Jeltema et al. 2004) indicating that possibly a large fraction is still forming at the present time. Hints do exist for a very recent (within the last Gyr) dynamical evolution of the cluster population (Melott et al. 2001; Plionis 2002, see however Floor et al. 2003). Note however that the existence of substructure does not necessarily mean that the corresponding cluster is dynamically young due to the ambiguity of cluster post-merging relaxation times (see discussion in Plionis 2001). Furthermore, the dynamical evolution of member galaxies and of the ICM gas is also an open issue. Star formation seems to be active in clusters showing substantial substructure and velocity gradients, as expected if a recent merger has taken place. For example, the fraction of blue galaxies is strongly correlated with cluster ellipticity (Wang \\& Ulmer 1997), while ellipticity is strongly correlated with the dynamical state of the cluster (eg. Kolokotronis et al. 2001). It appears that the violent merging events trigger star-formation, possibly through a multitude of different mechanisms; for example, the excess number of galaxy-galaxy interactions, the rapid variation of the cluster gravitational field (Bekki 1999), etc. An interesting observable that may be related to the dynamics of clusters is their tendency to be aligned with their nearest neighbor as well as with other clusters that reside in the same supercluster (eg. Bingelli 1982; Plionis 1994). Analytical (Bond 1986) and numerical work (eg. West et al. 1991, van Haarlem \\& van de Weygaert 1993, Splinter et al. 1999, Onuora \\& Thomas 2000; Faltenbacher et al. 2002; Knebe et al. 2004) have shown that such alignments occur in many hierarchical clustering models and are probably the result of an interesting property of Gaussian random fields which is the \"cross-talk\" between density fluctuations on different scales (eg. West 1994). ", "conclusions": "We have presented evidence, based on the {\\sc Apm} and Abell cluster samples as well as the {\\sc Uzc-Sssrs2} and {\\sc 2dfgrs} group samples, that there is a strong link between the dynamical state of clusters/groups of galaxies and their large-scale environment. Dynamically young clusters are significantly more aligned with their nearest neighbors and they are also much more spatially clustered. Clusters belonging in dense superclusters are preferentially aligned with their parent supercluster projected orientation and bright galaxies, in dynamically young clusters, are also orientated along their parent cluster major axis. These coherent orientation effects, from the scale of galaxies to that of superclusters support the hierarchical formation scenario in which clusters form by anisotropic merging along the large-scale filamentary structures within which they are embedded." }, "0404/astro-ph0404190_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In a composite system of gravitationally coupled stellar and gaseous discs, we perform linear stability analysis for axisymmetric coplanar perturbations using the two-fluid formalism. The background stellar and gaseous discs are taken to be scale-free with all physical variables varying as powers of cylindrical radius $r$ with compatible exponents. The unstable modes set in as neutral modes or stationary perturbation configurations with angular frequency $\\omega=0$. The axisymmetrically stable range is bounded by two marginal stability curves derived for stationary perturbation configurations. By the gravitational coupling between the stellar and the gaseous disc components, one only needs to consider the parameter regime of the stellar disc. There exist two unstable regimes in general: the collapse regime corresponding to large-scale perturbations and the ring-fragmentation regime corresponding to short-wavelength perturbations. The composite system will collapse if it rotates too slowly and will succumb to ring-fragmentation instabilities if it rotates sufficiently fast. The overall stable range for axisymmetric perturbations is determined by a necessary $D-$criterion involving of the effective Mach number squared $D_s^2$ (i.e., the square ratio of the stellar disc rotation speed to the stellar velocity dispersion but scaled by a numerical factor). Different mass ratio $\\delta$ and sound speed ratio $\\eta$ of the gaseous and stellar disc components will alter the overall stability. For spiral galaxies or circumnuclear discs, we further include the dynamical effect of a massive dark matter halo. As examples, astrophysical applications to disc galaxies, proto-stellar discs and circumnuclear discs are discussed. ", "introduction": "% \\label{sect:intro} Axisymmetric instabilities in models of disc galaxies have been investigated extensively in the last century (e.g., Safronov 1960; Toomre 1964; Binney \\& Tremaine 1987; Bertin \\& Lin 1996). For a single disc of either gaseous or stellar content, Safronov (1960) and Toomre (1964) originally introduced a dimensionless $Q$ parameter to determine the local stability condition (i.e. $Q>1$) against axisymmetric ring-like disturbances in the usual Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin-Jeffreys (WKBJ) or tight-winding approximation. A more realistic model of a disc galaxy would involve both gas and stars as well as an unseen massive dark matter halo, all interacting among themselves through the mutual gravitation.\\footnote{Magnetic field and cosmic-ray gas component are dynamically important on large scales (Fan \\& Lou 1996; Lou \\& Fan 1998a, 2003; Lou \\& Zou 2004 and references therein) in the galactic gas disc of interstellar medium (ISM) but are not considered here for simplicity.} Many theoretical investigations have been conducted along this track for a composite system of two coupled discs (Lin \\& Shu 1966; Kato 1972; Jog \\& Solomon 1984a, b; Bertin \\& Romeo 1988; Romeo 1992; Elmegreen 1995; Jog 1996; Lou \\& Fan 1998b). In these earlier treatments, either an approach of combined distribution function and fluid or the formalism of two fluids have been adopted in a WKBJ modal analysis. While these model results were initially derived in various galactic contexts, they can be applied or adapted also to, with proper qualifications, relevant self-gravitating disc systems including accretion discs in general, circumnuclear discs, protostellar discs, planetary discs and so forth. The local WKBJ or tight-winding approximation has been proven to be a powerful technique in analysing disc wave dynamics. Meanwhile, theorists have long been keenly interested in a class of relatively simple disc models referred to as scale-free discs (Mestel 1963; Zang 1976; Lemos et al. 1991; Lynden-Bell \\& Lemos 1993; Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Evans \\& Read 1998; Goodman \\& Evans 1999; Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Fan 2002; Lou \\& Shen 2003; Shen \\& Lou 2003; Lou \\& Zou 2004; Lou \\& Wu 2004). Scale-free discs, where all pertinent physical variables (e.g., disc rotation speed, surface mass density, angular speed etc.) scale as powers of cylindrical radius $r$, have become one effective and simple vehicle to explore disc dynamics. Perhaps, the most familiar case is the so-called singular isothermal discs (SIDs) or Mestel discs with an isothermal equation of state and flat rotation curves (Mestel 1963; Zang 1976; Goodman \\& Evans 1999; Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Shen 2003; Lou \\& Zou 2004). In contrast to the usual WKBJ approximation for perturbations, perturbations in axisymmetric scale-free discs can be treated, in some cases, globally and exactly without the local restriction (i.e., valid only in the short-wavelength regime). It is therefore possible to derive global properties of perturbations. Using scale-free disc models, Lemos et al. (1991) and Syer \\& Tremaine (1996) both studied the axisymmetric stability problem for a single disc and found that instabilities first set in as neutral modes or stationary configurations with angular frequency $\\omega=0$. The main motivation of this paper is to examine the global axisymmetric stability problem in a composite system of two gravitationally coupled scale-free discs. As a more general extension to the previous two-SID analysis (Lou \\& Shen 2003; Shen \\& Lou 2003), we further consider a much broader class of rotation curves as well as the equation of state. This contribution gives an explicit proof that stationary configurations ($\\omega=0$) do mark the marginal stability in the two-fluid system, a cogent supplement to our recent investigation on stationary perturbation configurations (Shen \\& Lou 2004). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:summary} The main thrust of this investigation is to model linear coplanar perturbations of axisymmetry ($m=0$) in a composite system of two-fluid scale-free discs with one intended for a stellar disc and the other intended for a gaseous disc. The two discs are dynamically coupled through the mutual gravitational interaction. In order to include the dynamical effect of a massive dark matter halo with axisymmetry, we further describe a composite system of two coupled partial discs (e.g. Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Shen 2003; Lou \\& Zou 2004; Lou \\& Wu 2004). In a global perturbation analysis, we show that axisymmetric instabilities set in as stationary perturbation configurations with $\\omega=0$. The marginal $D_s^2$ stability curves (characterized by the stationary configurations) delineate two different unstable regimes, namely, the collapse regime for large-scale perturbations and the ring-fragmentation regime for short-wavelength perturbations. Apparently, the composite disc system becomes less stable than a single-disc system and can be unstable with the two discs being stable separately (Lou \\& Fan 1998b). In our analysis, stationary perturbation configurations turn out to be more than just an alternative equilibrium state, especially in view of the stability properties. The basic results of this paper are generally applicable to self-gravitating disc systems with or without axisymmetric dark matter halos. The two-fluid treatment contains more realistic elements than a single-disc formulation in the context of disc galaxies. In addition to astrophysical applications to disc galaxies, the studies presented here can be valuable for exploring the dynamical evolution of protostellar discs and circumnuclear discs. In the context of a proto-stellar disc, it is the usual case to ignore the self-gravity effect. By considering the self-gravity of a composite disc system, our analysis indicates several qualitative yet interesting results. For example, if the initial disc system rotates sufficiently fast, the ring fragmentation (see the upper-right part of Fig. 1) can occur at relatively small radial scales. By further non-axisymmetric fragmentations, these condensed rings of materials may eventually become birthplaces of planets. On the other hand, if the initial disc system rotates sufficiently slow, then gravitational collapse can be induced by perturbations of relatively large radial scales (see the lower left corner of Fig. 1). Once such a perturbation develops in the background equilibrium disc, it grows rapidly and destabilizes the disc. Subsequently, the system undergoes global Jeans collapse to form a central young stellar object. Finally, if the initial disc system rotates in a regime stable against all axisymmetric perturbations (see Fig. 1), there might be two possibilities: (1) the composite disc system might become unstable caused by non-axisymmetric perturbations (not analyzed here) and (2) the disc rotation may be gradually slowed down by some braking mechanisms (e.g. magnetic field not included here and outflows or winds) and the disc eventually succumbs to a central collapse induced by large-scale perturbations. Likewise, in the context of a circumnuclear disc around the center of a galaxy, we can readily conceive similar physical processes in parallel. One important distinction is that a dark-matter halo should play an important dynamical role so that a formulation of a partial composite disc system would be more appropriate. Here, the ring fragmentation can be induced by relatively small-scale perturbations in a disc system of sufficiently fast rotation. Such a ring of relatively dense materials around the galactic center would be a natural birthplace for circumnuclear starburst activities (e.g. Lou et al. 2001). Depending on the evolution history of a circumnuclear disc system, it may be stable initially and gradually lose angular momentum by generating and damping spiral magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) density waves (Lou et al. 2001). When the disc rotation becomes sufficiently slow, Jeans collapse induced by large-scale perturbations can set in to form a bulge or a supermassive black hole. In summary, our global analysis shows the possible presence of an evolution stage for a composite disc system against all axisymmetric coplanar perturbations. More importantly, we reveal the parameter regime of ring fragmentation and the parameter regime of large-scale collapse. Astrophysical applications are discussed in the contexts of disc galaxies, proto-stellar discs and circumnuclear disks." }, "0404/astro-ph0404473_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new SCUBA image of the cluster \\ms, which exhibits strong, extended sub-mm flux at 850\\mum. The most striking feature in the map is an elongated region of bright sub-mm emission, with a flux density of ${\\sim}\\,10\\,$mJy over several beam-sizes. This region is apparently coincident with a previously known optical arc (which turns out to be a strongly lensed Lyman Break Galaxy at $z=2.911$), as well as with a newly identified multiply imaged ERO (Extremely Red Object) pair predicted to be at a similar, if not identical redshift. By combing a detailed lensing model with deep images from \\hst, \\chandra, CFHT, JCMT, and spectra from the VLT, we conclude that both the strongly lensed optical arc and ERO systems have properties consistent with known sub-mm emitters. Using a simple model for the two sources, we estimate that the multiply lensed EROs contribute the majority of the flux in the SCUBA lensed arc. Correcting for the lensing amplification, we estimate that the inherent 850\\mum\\ fluxes for both objects are \\lsim0.4\\,mJy. If the LBG and ERO pair are truly at the same redshift, then they are separated by only $\\sim10\\,$kpc in the source plane, and hence constitute an interacting system at $z\\sim2.9$. Higher angular resolution observations in sub-mm/mm will permit us to more accurately separate the contribution from each candidate, and better understand the nature of this system. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Since the installation of the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA; Holland et al.~1999) at the JCMT telescope, hundreds of luminous dusty galaxies have been detected (see Blain et al.~2002 for a review). Such observations are still far from routine, however, with the detection rate in random fields being typically one or two sources of modest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per shift of telescope time. Bright sources, which are easier to obtain detailed sub-mm/mm follow-up observations for using heterodyne receivers or bolometers tuned to other wavelengths, are correspondingly rarer. This, coupled with the fact that the dust responsible for the sub-mm luminosity absorbs radiation at other wavelengths, means that SCUBA detected galaxies are often extremely faint in the optical. Hence, redshifts, morphologies and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) have proven elusive for most sources. One technique which can help, pioneered by Smail, Ivison \\& Blain (1997), is to use the lensing amplification of rich galaxy clusters to boost the detectability of background sub-mm galaxies. The rate at which sources are detected is increased by a factor ${\\sim}\\,3$, with an improved prospect of discovering the occasional bright object at relatively high SNR. Here we present detailed observations of just such a source in the field of the massive cluster \\ms, which we discovered in an earlier survey of 9 rich cluster fields (Chapman et al.~2002a, hereafter C02). This paper uses new SCUBA data, as well as rigorous chop deconvolution, in order to produce a map free from the chopping artifacts common in sub-mm observations. The sub-mm emission in this image is extended along a giant optical arc discovered in this cluster by Luppino et al.~(1999, hereafter L99), and thus there is little doubt that the SCUBA emission is lensed as well. In this paper, we combine deep optical, near-IR (NIR), and X-ray data with a detailed lensing model in order to interpret the sub-mm emission in this remarkable SCUBA field. ", "conclusions": "We have presented broad-band sub-mm and near-IR images of the cluster \\ms\\ and attempted to understand the nature of the highly extended sub-mm emission. The only other case of a multiply lensed sub-mm detection in a cluster field has recently been reported in Abell 2218 (Kneib et al.~2004). They identified the source of the triple sub-mm image as a LBG galaxy (showing a complex structure, indicative of a close merger) in a $z\\sim2.5$ group. In the case of \\ms, the evidence suggests that the sub-mm emission is coming from at least two components: a blue arc at $z=2.911$ and a multiply imaged ERO pair predicted from the lens model to be at $z\\sim2.85$. Using a simple model for the 2 sources, we estimate that the multiply lensed EROs contribute $\\sim$2/3 of the observed flux in the sub-mm arc. Correcting for the lensing amplification, we estimate that the unlensed fluxes at 850\\mum\\ are 0.1\\,mJy for the LBG and 0.4\\,mJy for the ERO pair. The uncertainty in the redshift for the ERO keeps the possibility open that the ERO pair and LBG are at identical redshifts. This would place them only $\\sim$10 kpc apart at $z\\sim2.9$, and implies that the objects are interacting and their interaction is likely to be the origin of a violent star-burst revealed by the strong sub-mm emission. To confirm that the LBG is effectively spatially connected with the ERO pair can only be determined by measuring the redshift of the EROs using NIR spectroscopy or via millimeter CO line search; Given the constraints on the redshifts of either candidate, sub-mm CO observations can be used to detect the CO(3-2) transition line that falls within the observation window of several ground-based heterodyne receivers. To verify these conclusions, and to accurately separate the contributions from each component will require sub-mm/mm interferometry. The SCUBA flux is bright enough that it should be detectable using the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer. The SMA and ultimately ALMA will also have the power to resolve the components in great detail. With such further study, and using the lensing amplification of nature's telescope, we should be able to provide a full accounting of the source of sub-mm emission in this intriguing system." }, "0404/astro-ph0404159_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We propose synchrotron absorption in a magnetosheath forming a cocoon around the magnetosphere of pulsar \\B to be the origin of the eclipse phenomena seen in the recently discovered double pulsar system PSRJ07370-3039 \\A \\& \\Bn. The magnetosheath enfolds the magnetosphere of pulsar \\Bn, where the relativistic wind from \\A collides with \\Bn's magentic field. If this model is correct, it predicts the eclipses will clear at frequencies higher than those of the observations reported to date (nominally, above $\\nu \\sim 5$ GHz.) The model also predicts synchrotron emission at the level of a few to 10 $\\mu$Jy, peaking at $\\nu \\sim 2-5$ GHz with possible orbital modulation. We use simplified semi-analytic models to elucidate the structure of the \\B magnetosphere, showing that the \\A wind's dynamic pressure confines \\Bn's magnetic field to within a radius less than 50,000 km from \\Bn, smaller than \\Bn's light cylinder radius, on the ``daytime'' side (the side facing \\An). Downstream of \\B (``nightime''), \\B forms a magnetotail. We use particle-in-cell simulations to include the effects of magnetospheric rotation, showing that the magnetosheath has an asymmetric density distribution which may be responsible for the observed eclipse asymmetries. We use simple estimates based upon the magnetic reconnection observed in the simulations to derive a ``propellor'' spindown torque on \\Bn, which is the dominant mode of angular mementum extraction from this star. Application of this torque to \\Bn's observed spindown yields a polar dipole field $\\sim 7 \\times 10^{11}$ Gauss (magnetic moment $\\mu_B \\sim 3.5 \\times 10^{29}$ cgs). This torque has a braking index of unity. We show that the model can explain the known eclipses only if the \\A wind's density is at least 4 orders of magnitude greater than is expected from existing popular models of pair creation in pulsars. We discuss the implications of this result for our general understanding of pulsar physics. Our proposal was qualitatively outlined in Kaspi {\\it et al.} (2004) and Demorest {\\it et al.} (2004). Since those papers' appearance, a similar proposal has been made by Lyutikov (2004). ", "introduction": "} Rotation Powered Pulsars (RPPs) lose their rotational energy becuase of electromagnetic torques. While this fact has been known since the earliest days of pulsar research (Gold 1968, Goldreich and Julian 1969, Ostriker and Gunn 1969), and indeed was predicted before pulsars' discovery (Pacini 1967), 1) the physics of the processes through which the extraction works, 2) the physics of how the rotational energy is transmitted to the surounding world, and 3) the physics of how that energy transforms into the observed synchrotron radiation from the nebulae around pulsars have all remained open questions. Answers to all three questions are of significance not only to the understanding of RPPs themselves, but also to the physics of Active Galactic Nuclei and to the workings of Gamma Ray Burst sources, especially if these outflows are driven by large scale Poynting fluxes from systematically magnetized disks (or perhaps magnetars, in the GRB case.) Modern pulsar theory suggests that a RPP throws off its rotational energy in the form of a relatively dense, magnetized relativistic plasma wind, largely composed of electron-positron pairs with an embedded wound up magnetic field. Particle acceleration in electrostatic ``gaps'' (polar cap gaps, outer gaps or slot gaps) is thought to be the origin of the $e^\\pm$ plasma, through emission and conversion of gamma rays from accelerated particles within a RPP's magnetosphere ({\\it e.g.} Hibschman and Arons 2001, Harding and Muslimov 1998, Muslimov and Harding 2003, Hirotani {\\it et al.} 2003.) The outflow densities suggested by these models justify the use of relativistic MHD in modeling the winds ({\\it e.g.} Beskin, Kuznetsova and Rafikov 1998, Bogovalov 1999, Contopoulos, Kazanas and Fendt 1999, Vlahakis 2004.) Theoretical models of MHD winds exhibit negligible radiative emission (by construction), and indeed, there has been no positive observational identification of the winds themselves - observational study of the winds' properties has depended on detection of the winds' consequences. The winds are like a river flowing on dark nights - invisible until the water strikes a dam, or rocks in the stream, when the glimmer of starlight from the spray thrown by the obstacles allows one to infer the river's presence and properties. To date, the main useful probe of RPPs' energy flow has been the winds' collisions with the ``dams'' created by interstellar and circumstellar media surrounding RPPs. These collisions create prominent Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) around the young pulsars with large rates of rotational energy loss $\\dot{E}_R = c \\Phi^2$ ($\\Phi$ is the electric potential drop across the magnetopsheric open field lines.) The radiative emissions from these nebulae allow inferences of the plasma content and magnetization at the winds' termination working surfaces (shock waves, in most interpretations.) See Arons (1998, 2002, 2004), Slane (2002), Chevalier (2002, 2004), Reynolds (2003), Komissarov and Lyubarsky (2003), Spitkovsky and Arons (2004), Del Zanna {\\it et al.} (2004) for recent reviews and results on this class of interactions. Rocks in the relativistic stream provide another window into relativistic wind behavior. Examples of such interactions are the collision between the wind and the ``excretion'' disk around the Be star in PSR 1263-59 (e.g., Kaspi {\\it et al.} 1995, Johnston {\\it et al.} 1996, 2001, Tavani and Arons 1997), and the collision of the wind from the millisecond pulsar PSR 1957+20 with the non-relativistic wind from its companion star (Fruchter {\\it et al.} 1988, Ruderman {\\it et al.} 1989, Arons and Tavani 1993.) As with the PWNe, most of what has been gleaned about the wind properties has come from interpretations of the X-ray detections. The recent discovery of the double pulsar system PSR J07370-3039 \\A \\& \\B (Burgay {\\it et al.} 2003, Lyne {\\it et al.} 2004) offers a new window into studying a relativistic wind, in this case through the tools of radio astronomy. The binary has an orbital period $P_b$ of 2.4 hours, an orbital eccentricity $e = 0.08$ and an inclination angle $87 \\pm 3$ degrees. Pulsar \\A has a spin period $P_{A}$ of 22.7 ms, a rotational energy loss rate $\\dot{E}_{A}$ of $0.6 \\times 10^{34} \\; {\\rm erg~s}^{-1}$, and a light cylinder radius $R_{\\rm LA} =cP_A /2\\pi = $1,084 km, which is small compared to the orbit semi-major axis $a = (4.25 \\mp 0.05) \\times 10^{5}$ km. Pulsar \\B has a pulse period $P_B$ of 2.77 s, spin down rate $\\dot{P}_B$ of $0.8 \\times 10^{-15}$ s s$^{-1}$ which leads to a rotational energy loss rate $\\dot{E}_B$ of $2 \\times 10^{30}$ ergs s$^{-1}$, and a light cylinder radius $R_{\\rm LB}= 1.32 \\times 10^{5}$ km. Pulsar \\A shows a brief eclipse that lasts approximately 30 seconds when \\A passes behind \\B along the line of sight, at {\\it inferior conjunction}\\footnote{This is standard terminology assuming that \\A is the {\\it primary} star and \\B the {\\it secondary}. Likely binary evolution scenarios suggest that this is the appropriate nomenclature for the two evolved remnants of the original main sequence system. {\\it Superior conjunction} occurs a half orbit later when \\B passes behind \\A along the sight line.}. This eclipse shows substantially slower ingress (7 s) than egress (4 s), and the full eclipse profile is nearly achromatic (Kaspi {\\it et al.} 2004). The flux density and emission profile of pulsar \\B vary around the orbit in nearly achromatic manner over the range 430 MHz to 3.2 GHz (Lyne {\\it et al.} 2004, Demorest {\\it et al.} 2004, Ramachandran {\\it et al.} 2004). The strongest emission episodes of \\B are during two orbital longitude ranges about $70^\\circ$ apart and asymmetrically spaced by $\\sim30^\\circ$ with respect to inferior conjunction. Two weak \\B emission episodes are located $\\sim 115^\\circ$ before inferior conjunction (lasting $\\sim40^\\circ$) and $90^\\circ$ after inferior conjunction (lasting $\\sim60^\\circ$). Pulsar \\B is not detected, or perhaps is seen with pulsed flux at the level of $ \\sim 0.4 $\\% of its maximum flux, during a range of orbital longitude that starts $\\sim 60^\\circ$ before superior conjunction, and ends $\\sim 30^\\circ$ after this epoch - effectively, this episode is an eclipse of \\Bn. These eclipses and emission episodes of \\B offer an opportunity to probe the wind around \\A much closer to the energizing pulsar than has been possible using PWNe in higher voltage systems. Furthermore, the radio observations are sensitive to low energy relativistic electrons and positrons, providing a look into the instantaneous state of this component of a relativistic wind's plasma - PWNe observations only constrain their winds' low energy particle content averaged over the lives of the nebulae. We propose that \\Bn's magnetosphere has a structure more similar to that of the Earth's magnetosphere than to the magnetospheres of pulsars not interacting with a companion. In contrast, \\An's magnetospheric properties are decoupled from the binary. Thus, the collision of \\An's wind with \\Bn's magnetosphere causes the formation of a bow shock. The pressure of the post-shock particles and fields confines the \\B magnetopshere on the side that instantaneously faces \\An, with a magnetotail extending behind \\Bn. Magnetic reconnection allows the shocked wind to create a tangential stress on \\Bn's magnetopshere, which creates the dominant spin-down torque on \\B (a variant of the propellor effect). There is also a less significant relativistic wind component to the torque on \\Bn, created by wind from \\B flowing out the magnetotail, whose transverse size is comparable to $R_{\\rm LB}$. We speculate that the propellor torque also includes components that align \\Bn's rotation axis with the orbital angular momentum. If so, \\B must be an orthogonal rotator, with its magnetic axis perpendicular to its spin axis. Polarization observations obtained by Demorest {\\it et al.} (2004) show that \\A is almost an aligned rotator (angle bewteen \\An's magnetic and rotation axes $\\sim 5^\\circ$), with its spin axis substantially misaligned with the orbital angular momentum, $\\angle ({\\boldsymbol \\Omega}_A , {\\boldsymbol \\Omega}_{\\rm orbit}) \\sim 50^\\circ $. Then the equatorial current sheet in \\An's wind is likely to have thickness $ \\sim 10^\\circ $ around the wind's equator, with the result that for $340^\\circ$ of orbital phase, \\B is immersed in the high latitude, possibly slow and dense $e^\\pm$ wind. We suggest that latitudinal variation in the confining pressure exerted by the wind causes variation of \\Bn's beaming morphology, which may be in part responsible for the orbit dependent variations of \\Bn's pulse morphology. The bow shock creates a magnetosheath of relativistically hot, magnetized plasma which enfolds the confined \\B magnetosphere. We show that synchrotron absorption in the magnetosheath can explain the eclipse of \\A at inferior conjunction and of \\B at superior conjunction. The model, which requires surprisingly high density in the \\A wind, predicts eclipse clearing at frequencies higher than observed to date - nominally, above 5 GHz - and also predicts observable, orbitally modulated synchrotron emission, at the level of 10 $\\mu$Jy at $\\nu \\sim 5$ GHz. In the context of this model the eclipses of \\A and \\B and the other emission phenomenology of \\B provide the first significant constraint on the properties of a relativistic wind near its source - \\B forms a magnetospheric rock in the relativistic stream from \\A only 785 light cylinder radii outside the fast pulsar's magnetosphere. The model suggests that $\\sigma$, the ratio of Poynting flux to kinetic energy flux, in \\An's wind just upstream of the bow shock is certainly less than 2.5 and probably $\\sim 0.2$, much less than what is expected from existing ideal MHD theories of relativistic wind outflow. Thus, the interaction of \\An's wind with \\B suggests magnetic dissipation in the wind begins quite close to the source. ", "conclusions": "Our results show that if synchrotron absorption in the magnetosheath is the cause of eclipse phenomena in this fascinating system, the wind from \\A at latitudes outside the equatorial current sheet ($|\\lambda | > 5^\\circ $) is dense ($\\kappa \\sim 10^6$), slow ($\\gamma_{wind} \\sim 75$) and weakly magnetized at $r \\approx 850,000 $ km from \\An. The magnetosheath synchrotron absorption model predicts the eclipses will clear at higher frequencies (nominally, $\\nu > 5$ GHz), and that synchrotron emission (probably with some orbital modulation) will be detectable at the level of 5-10 $\\mu$Jy at $\\nu \\sim 5$ GHz. If this is the correct interpretation of the eclipse phenomena, the eclipses are the first (semi-)direct detection of a RPP's wind outside of the equatorial current sheet. Essentially all the phenomena in the young PWNe can be ascribed to the equatorial winds (Kennel and Coroniti 1984a,b, Coroniti 1990, Gallant and Arons 1994, Bogovalov and Khangoulian 2002, Lyubarsky 2002, Komissarov and Lyubarsky 2003, 2004, Spitkovsky and Arons 2004, Del Zanna {\\it et al.} 2004) as they interact with the plasma of the surrounding PWNe. The density paramater $\\kappa$ is very high compared to expectations derived from current models of magnetospheric pair creation. These have been reasonably successful in accounting for the plasma fluxes inferred to be in the equatorial winds, where we see the results of a very high $\\gamma_{wind} $ outflow. They have not been successful in accounting for the larger populations of lower energy particles which produce the radio synhrotron emission from the young PWNe. The low energy particle injection rates averaged over the history of these systems are factors of 50, and more, larger than derived from standard pair creation models (polar cap, outer gap, slot gap,...). Our results, and analogous results found by Lyutikov (2004), are even more radical - standard pair creation models applied to \\A yield pair injection rates at least 4 orders of magnitude smaller ($\\kappa < 100$) than are required by the magnetosheath synchrotron absorption model. One solution to the excess low energy plasma problem in young PWNe has been unusual evolutionary spindown history. If the energizing pulsars had much larger spin rates (or magnetic fields) early in their lives than one derives from a constant braking index, constant magnetic moment model, the pair production rates at earlier times might have been much larger, and the equatorial winds much slower, than they are at present. This is a possible (if perhaps unlikely) resolution of the problem, since radio emitting electrons and positrons in the PWNe live ``forever'', with synchrotron lifetimes much in excess of the PWNe ages. Such an evolutionary solution cannot explain the plasma overdensity inferred here for \\An's wind - plasma striking \\Bn's magnetosphere emerged from \\A only 3 seconds before it enters the magnetosheath, and flows out of the magnetosheath even more quickly, after absorbing pulsed radiation both from \\A and from \\Bn. The most efficient explanation of the discrepancy is that the standard pair creation theories are inadequate (i.e., {\\it wrong}), as applied to field lines which feed the non-equatorial wind. We point out that where pair creation models have worked reasonably well, they apply to the feeding of the equatorial wind, and to the origin of pulsed gamma rays - both phenomena occur on field lines connected to the stars near the boundary between the closed and open field lines of their magnetospheres. Following Ruderman and Sutherland's (1975) vacuum gap model of polar cap pair creation, all subsequent theories have assumed an electrostatic gap structure (strictly steady in the co-rotating frame), with pair plasma taking on the role of poisoning the gap accelerator as fast as the density builds up. The spatial rate of such build up varies, depending on gap geometry and dominant gamma ray emission and pair creation processes, but in all cases, the production rates required by radio observations are not achieved. In the case of pulsar \\A, one can readily show that if one gives up the concept of gap poisoning and simply asssumes that particle acceleration along the magnetopsheric magnetic field continues uninihibited by pair creation, as in Tademaru's (1973) early cascade model, pair outflows from \\A as large as we have infered from the magnetosheath absorption model are possible. The physics behind such behavior remains to be elucidated. The PSRJ07370-3039 \\A \\& \\B system clearly has promise for helping us to unravel the mysteries of relativistic outflows from compact objects, as well as providing fascinating phenomenological food for thought and further study. The details of the model described here, along with a number of aspects not touched on in this brief report, will be reported elsewhere." }, "0404/gr-qc0404058_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We calculate the response functions of a freely falling Unruh detector in de Sitter space coupled to scalar fields of different coupling to the curvature, including the minimally coupled massless case. Although the responses differ strongly in the infrared as a consequence of the amplification of superhorizon modes, the energy levels of the detector are thermally populated. ", "introduction": "It is expected that an observer, corresponding to an Unruh detector~\\cite{Unruh:1976,BirrellDavies:1984} coupled to a scalar field, when freely falling in de Sitter space, will perceive radiation with a thermal spectrum of the de Sitter temperature $T_H = H/(2\\pi)$~\\cite{GibbonsHawking:1977,BirrellDavies:1984}, where $H$ denotes the Hubble parameter. It is the purpose of this article, to clarify in what sense this result is universal to scalar fields of different couplings to the de Sitter background and how the detector apprehends the differences. Let us therefore refine what is meant by the observation of thermal radiation: At first order in perturbation theory, the detector response function is proportional to the Fourier transform of the scalar propagator {\\it w.r.t.} the proper time of the detector, and it describes how many particles are absorbed and emitted per unit time. When being in equilibrium with the de Sitter background, the energy levels of the detector are thermally populated according to the temperature $T_H$. The easiest way to derive this is to note that the propagator for nonminimally coupled scalars has in the imaginary direction of its proper time $t$ the periodicity $t\\rightarrow t+2\\pi i/ T_H$~\\cite{GibbonsHawking:1977,BoussoMaloneyStrominger:2001,SpradlinStromingerVolovich:2001}. As we will point out, this however does not completely characterize the response function of the detector, which describes the number of particles detected per unit time. The rate turns out to depend on the scalar mass and on its coupling to the curvature, as was first shown in Ref.~\\cite{Higuchi:1986}, circumventing the use of the scalar propagator. The fact that in de Sitter space the invariance of the quantum vacuum becomes manifest when the scalar propagator only depends on the proper time seperation along a geodesic has led to the practice of defining the de Sitter vacua through this quantity~\\cite{ChernikovTagirov:1968,BunchDavies:1978,Mottola:1984,Allen:1985,AllenFolacci:1987}. However, in the case of a massless scalar, which is minimally coupled to the curvature, this leads to a problem since the propagator is infrared divergent~\\cite{Allen:1985}. We argue that, when regulated by a cutoff, this divergence gives rise to a contribution which is irrelevant to the total detector response. In addition, we compare with the response functions of a detector immersed in a thermal bath in Minkowski space and discuss the situation in de Sitter space-times with dimension other than four. ", "conclusions": "We found the response functions for different scalar fields to differ strongly in the infrared, where $\\Delta E< H$. Moreover, they do not in general coincide with the response to an equilibrum state in flat space. A disagreement with the thermal response does not yet imply that the detector does not equilibrate with the de Sitter background. In fact, the energy levels of the detector are thermally populated. Similar deviations from a Minkowski-space thermal response are also known for accelerated detectors~\\cite{BroutMassarParentaniSpindel:1995,GabrielSpindelMassarParentani:1997}. The disagreement of the response functions should be attributed to the fact, that for the conformally and the minimally coupled scalar field the density of modes per frequency is different. However, for fields which are massive or nonconformally coupled to the metric, the infrared enhancement is a consequence of the amplification of superhorizon modes leading to cosmological density perturbations, an effect which is absent in the conformally coupled massless case. This makes the different fields clearly distinguishable by observables. The fact that physically distinct situations such as thermally populated flat space and the different types of de Sitter-invariant vacua result in the same thermal distribution function for the energy levels of the detector is due to the insensitivity of this quantity to whether there is a mixed (thermal) state or a pure (de Sitter-invariant) state and to how often the detector responds per unit time \\footnote{ An example for the interpretation of the de Sitter invariant states as thermal can be found in Ref.~\\cite{Higuchi:1986}, where scalar field quantization is performed in static coordinates. The mode functions are chosen to vanish beyond the horizon, where the static coordinates exhibit a coordinate singularity. Since the horizon distance is singled out, the mode functions in static coordinates violate spatial homogeneity. An Unruh detector placed at the origin of the static vacuum measures no particles. On the other hand, when the static vacuum is thermally populated, the response function is the same as for the de Sitter-invariant vacuum, and it is given by~(\\ref{Higuchi:4dim}). Note first that a thermally populated state in static coordinate does not correspond to a usual thermal equilibrium state, since spatial homogeneity is broken. In addition, the mode functions in the static and the de Sitter-invariant vacuum have different support. Indeed, the static mode functions vanish beyond the de Sitter horizon, while the de Sitter-invariant mode functions exhibit superhorizon correlations. }. Finally, we want to point out that de Sitter invariance of the stress-energy tensor of the conformal vacuum implies that the stress-energy tensor must be proportional to the metric, such that $p_{\\rm conf} = -\\rho_{\\rm conf}$~\\cite{Brandenberger:1983}. This is inconsistent with a thermal equation of state and leads us to the investigation, whether the energy density is captured at higher orders in perturbation theory~\\cite{GarbrechtProkopec:2004}, allowing for the pair creation operators of the scalar field Hamiltonian, which are not captured by the first order perturbation expansion used here. While we argued in this paper that the thermal state of the detector does not contain the full information about the quantum field, it is yet remarkable, that at first order in perturbation theory the detector is insensitive to the (regulated) stress-energy tensor, which is clearly nonthermal." }, "0404/gr-qc0404091_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In case of spacetimes with single horizon, there exist several well-established procedures for relating the surface gravity of the horizon to a thermodynamic temperature. Such procedures, however, cannot be extended in a straightforward manner when a spacetime has multiple horizons. In particular, it is not clear whether there exists a notion of global temperature characterizing the multi-horizon spacetimes. We examine the conditions under which a global temperature can exist for a spacetime with two horizons using the example of Schwarzschild-De Sitter (SDS) spacetime. We systematically extend different procedures (like the expectation value of stress tensor, response of particle detectors, periodicity in the Euclidean time etc.) for identifying a temperature in the case of spacetimes with single horizon to the SDS spacetime. This analysis is facilitated by using a global coordinate chart which covers the entire SDS manifold. We find that all the procedures lead to a consistent picture characterized by the following features: (a) In general, SDS spacetime behaves like a non-equilibrium system characterized by two temperatures. (b) It is not possible to associate a global temperature with SDS spacetime except when the ratio of the two surface gravities is rational (c) Even when the ratio of the two surface gravities is rational, the thermal nature depends on the coordinate chart used. There exists a global coordinate chart in which there is global equilibrium temperature while there exist other charts in which SDS behaves as though it has two different temperatures. The coordinate dependence of the thermal nature is reminiscent of the flat spacetime in Minkowski and Rindler coordinate charts. The implications are discussed. ", "introduction": "It is possible to associate a notion of a thermodynamic temperature with metrics having a single horizon. For example, the general class of spacetimes described by spherically symmetric metrics of the form \\be ds^2 = f(r) dt^2 - [f(r)]^{-1} dr^2 - r^2 [d\\theta^2 + \\sin^2\\theta d\\phi^2] \\label{eq:genmet} \\e with $f(r)$ having a, single, simple zero at $r=r_0$ [i.e., $f(r) \\simeq f'(r_0) (r - r_0)$ near $r=r_0$], have a fairly straightforward thermodynamic interpretation. In fact, it can be shown that the Einstein's equations can be expressed in the form of a thermodynamic relation $T dS=dE - P dV$ for such spacetimes \\cite{paddy-horizons,padmanabhan03c}, with the temperature being determined by the surface gravity of the horizon: \\be \\kappa = \\f{1}{2} |f'(r_0)| \\label{eq:kappa} \\e The most familiar metric amongst the above class is, of course, the Schwarzschild metric with a black hole event horizon, with the temperature being directly related to the mass of the black hole. The De Sitter metric can also be analysed in a similar manner and one can again identify a unique temperature for the metric \\cite{gh77}. However, since (i) De Sitter spacetime is not asymptotically flat and (ii) the De Sitter horizon is observer dependent, certain new difficulties arise in this case. In particular, concept like ``evaporation'' of the cosmological horizon is not very obvious unlike in the case of ordinary black holes (Some of these issues are discussed in e.g., \\cite{paddy-horizons,padmanabhan03c}). But these issues have nothing to do with the existence of {\\it multiple} horizons in spacetimes and hence are beyond the scope of this paper. A completely different class of conceptual and mathematical difficulties arise while dealing with spacetimes having multiple horizons which we shall analyse in this paper. The simplest spacetime with multiple horizons is that of a black hole in a spacetime with a cosmological constant, described by the Schwarzschild-De Sitter (SDS) metric \\cite{complex-path,tadaki,mu91,sds,mkni98}. The metric is characterized by the presence of a black hole event horizon and a cosmological horizon. In recent times, studying such a spacetime has acquired further significance because of the cosmological observations suggesting the existence of a non-zero positive cosmological constant (\\cite{pag++99}; for reviews, see \\cite{lambdareviews}). While the observations can be explained by a wide class of models (see, e.g \\cite{pc-sn}), including those in which the cosmic equation of state can depend on spatial scale (see e.g., \\cite{pc-tachyon}), virtually all these models approach the De Sitter (DS) spacetime at late times and at large scales. Thus any black hole which forms in the real universe with a cosmological constant provides an idealization of a SDS spacetime. The SDS metric has the same form (in one coordinate chart) as the metric in (\\ref{eq:genmet}) but with a $f(r)$ that has two simple zeros at $r=r_\\pm$ and two surface gravities $\\kappa_\\pm = (1/2) |f'(r_\\pm)| $. Naively, one could associate two different temperatures to the black hole and cosmological horizon using the two different surface gravities. Since the surface gravities are (generically) different, the spacetime behaves like a system with two temperatures --- somewhat like a solid with its edges kept at two thermal baths of two temperatures. In that case, there will be no well-defined notion of global temperature associated with the spacetime \\cite{mkni98,medved02}. While this sounds plausible, one must bear in mind that the notion of a temperature in spacetimes with horizon is neither local nor coordinate independent. Hence it is not clear whether one can associate two separate temperatures with the two horizons. On the other hand, there are also some indications that one can associate a single, effective temperature with the SDS spacetime at least in some special cases and possibly in specific coordinate charts \\cite{tadaki,mkni98,complex-path}. This suggests that both the viewpoints could be correct but in different coordinate charts. It should be stressed that the temperature is not a property of the spacetime geometry in general but depends on the coordinate chart used by a class of observers \\cite{paddy-horizons,padmanabhan03c}. [The best known example is the flat spacetime itself which acquires an observer dependent horizon and temperature in the Rindler coordinate chart.] In view of these complications, we feel it is worth analysing the temperature of SDS spacetime in some detail, which we attempt to do in this paper. Our approach will be as follows. We will simplify mathematical complexities by working with 1+1 spacetimes since it is well known that the issues we are attempting to address exist even in two dimensions. We shall then use the standard procedures which lead to the concept of a temperature in the case of single horizon metrics to the SDS metric. This analysis shows that the naive notion of associating two different temperatures with the two horizons is indeed justifiable at least in some approximate sense. One of the approaches, based on periodicity of Euclidean time indicates that there could exist a notion of global temperature in SDS when the ratio of surface gravities is a rational number. To investigate this issue carefully, we use a global coordinate chart which covers the entire SDS manifold and show that \\emph{in this coordinate chart} there does exist a global notion of temperature for the SDS metric when the ratio of surface gravities is rational. However, even in this case, the spacetime behaves as though it has two different temperatures in certain coordinate charts while it has one equilibrium temperature in another global coordinate chart. This is reminiscent of flat spacetime which exhibits different thermal characteristics in different coordinate chart. The implications of this result are discussed in the last section. ", "conclusions": "Our analysis shows that SDS spacetime possesses a dual thermal interpretation in a manner similar to flat spacetime in Minkowski and Rindler coordinate charts, if the surface gravities satisfy the condition $\\kappa_+/\\kappa_- = n_+/n_-$. In this case, there is a global coordinate chart in which the metric can be described as having a temperature $\\beta^{-1}=\\kappa_-/(2 \\pi n_-) = \\kappa_+/(2 \\pi n_+)$. More conventional coordinate charts lead to the interpretation of SDS having two different temperatures. We stress that while this result is quite interesting (and new, as far as the authors are aware of), such coordinate dependence is well known in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. The only difference between the SDS situation and the Minkowski/Rindler situation is that in the latter the global temperature is zero while in SDS the global temperature is non-zero. The rational numbers are infinitely dense in the space of real numbers and in practical sense the condition on the surface gravities may {\\it not} impose any condition on $M$ and $H$ at all -- however the very fact that demanding equilibrium in a spacetime imposes a restriction on the surface gravities is an interesting point just as a matter of principle. It would be interesting to examine the possibility of whether any semiclassical calculations can lead to such quantization of surface gravities. It has been suggested from two different classes of semiclassical gravity calculations that the areas of the horizons might be quantized [in units of (Planck length)$^2$] (for reviews, see \\cite{rovelli98,padmanabhan03c}). In that case we have $r_+^2/r_-^2 = N_+/N_-$, where $N_{\\pm}$ are (relatively prime) positive integers. The condition on the ratio of surface gravities is then \\be \\f{\\kappa_+}{\\kappa_-} = \\f{N_- + 2 \\sqrt{N_+ N_-}}{N_+ + 2 \\sqrt{N_+ N_-}} \\e The ratio $\\kappa_+/\\kappa_-$ can still be an irrational number, hence the quantization of areas does {\\it not} necessarily imply the existence of thermal equilibrium. It is clear from the above expression that $\\kappa_+/\\kappa_-$ will be rational only when $\\sqrt{N_+/N_-}$ is rational, i.e., $N_+/N_- = N_1^2/N_2^2$, where $N_1$ and $N_2$ form another set of relatively prime integers. Hence, for the existence of a global temperature one requires that $r_+/r_- = N_1/N_2$. This means that the quantization of areas is not sufficient, there must be further restrictions on the horizon radii. {\\it In particular, it is adequate if the radii of horizons are quantized in the units of Planck length which, of course, is consistent with the notion of area quantization.} In such case, the condition on $MH$ will be \\be M H = \\f{N_2}{2} \\f{N_1 N_2 (N_1 + N_2)} {(N_1^2 + N_1 N_2 + N_2^2)^{3/2}} \\label{cond} \\e The implications of this result are under investigation. The situation is more unclear when the ratio of surface gravities is not a rational number. The global coordinate system, defined in Appendix B, still exists covering the whole manifold but the metric in this coordinate system does not lead to any thermal interpretation. The other, singular coordinate charts, of course, lead to the conventional view of two different temperatures for the SDS. The somewhat disturbing feature in this case is that, the Euclidean metric, obtained by the analytic continuation in $t$ will necessarily have a conical singularity. Hence, a non-singular Euclidean quantum field theory does not exist in this case. It is, however, unclear whether one should {\\it demand} the existence of the non-singular Euclidean field theory while working on a given curved spacetime. After all, an arbitrary, time dependent background spacetime may not even have a Euclidean continuation, let alone a non-singular one. But if we make such a demand then we obtain certain bizarre conclusions. For example, if the universe has a cosmological constant, then any black hole that forms in it must have a mass which satisfies the quantization condition in equation (\\ref{cond}). Finally, we mention that the thermal behaviour of horizons is closely related to the quasi-normal modes (QNM) as pointed out in recent analyses of QNM's using Born approximation \\cite{pc-qnm}. This investigation shows that the QNM's of the SDS spacetime arises essentially from those of the Schwarzschild metric. In the study performed in this paper, however, both the horizons contribute in equal footing. It will be, therefore, interesting to analyse the semiclassical wave modes in the global coordinate system and compare them with the results in the singular coordinate charts. This, and related issues, are under study. \\appendix" }, "0404/astro-ph0404535_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss the contribution of proton photoproduction interactions on the isotropic infrared/optical background to the cosmic neutrino fluxes. This contribution has a strong dependence on the proton injection energy spectrum, and is essential at high redshifts. It is thus closely correlated with the cosmological evolution of the ultra high energy proton sources and of the inrared background itself. These interactions may also contribute to the source fluxes of neutrinos if the proton sources are located in regious of high infrared emission and magnetic fields. \\vspace{1pc} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404253_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the angular power spectrum estimate in order to search for large scale ani\\-so\\-tro\\-pies in the arrival directions distribution of the highest-energy cosmic rays. We show that this estimate can be performed even in the case of partial sky coverage and validated over the full sky under the assumption that the observed fluctuations are statistically spatial stationary. If this hypothesis - which can be tested directly on the data - is not satisfied, it would prove, of course, that the cosmic ray sky is non isotropic but also that the power spectrum is not an appropriate tool to represent its anisotropies, whatever the sky coverage available. We apply the method to simulations of the Pierre Auger Observatory, reconstructing an input power spectrum with the Southern site only and with both Northern and Southern ones. Finally, we show the improvement that a full-sky observatory brings to test an isotropic distribution, and we discuss the sensitivity of the Pierre Auger Observatory to large scale anisotropies. ", "introduction": "The origin of the highest energy cosmic rays is a theoretical challenge of modern astrophysics, and is subject of much experimental efforts. Above $10^{20}$ eV, the current data are too scarce for one to make any definitive statement about the existence or the lack of the GZK cutoff, as well as a statistically meaningful information about the arrival direction distribution. Whereas the AGASA experiment ~\\cite{agasa} is over since January 2004, a new generation of experiments especially dedicated to the highest energies is emerging, and the first of them is the Pierre Auger Observatory currently under construction~\\cite{auger}. For a recent review on the state of the art of the highest-energy cosmic rays, we refer the reader to \\cite{cronin} for instance. The distribution of the arrival directions is certainly one of the most crucial observable in order to yield some evidences about the sources of the highest-energy cosmic rays~\\cite{isola,sigl2,sigl}. When trying to point out large scale anisotropies, one is naturally led to work with the angular power spectrum of the arrival direction distribution. The detection of large scale anisotropy could probe certain classes of sources and/or test certain propagation models in presence of magnetic fields to be associated with such large scale celestial patterns. In addition, the evidence for large scale anisotropy around 1~EeV\\footnote{1 EeV$\\equiv 10^{18}$ eV} claimed by the AGASA collaboration~\\cite{anisagasa2,anisagasa} motivates even more this kind of studies. From the PeV energy range, the flux of cosmic rays is so low that we need ground based experiments with large collecting areas measuring the secondary products of the interaction of the cosmic ray in the upper atmosphere. As any ground based experiment has only at one's disposal a limited field of view in declination distribution, anisotropy analysis are generally done owing to the nearly uniform exposure in right ascension by using a 1-dimensional coordinate system instead of the natural 2-dimensional one over the sphere. This is the case for example of the Rayleigh formalism~\\cite{linsley} which necessarily corrupts the sensitivity to tiny anisotropies. In order to exploit the angular power spectrum analysis methods, it is assumed within the cosmic rays community that a full exposure of the sky is required \\cite{sommers,anchordoqui}. The aim of this paper is to show that this conclusion arises only because of the choice of the spherical harmonic coefficients estimate, and to show that with another choice of estimate, standard anisotropy analysis methods can be used even with a partial and non-uniform coverage of the celestial sphere. By denoting $\\vec{n}_i$ each cosmic ray arrival direction, the standard estimate of the spherical harmonic coefficients is computed through \\[ a_{\\ell m} = \\frac{1}{\\mathcal{A}}\\sum_{i=1}^N \\frac{Y_{\\ell m}(\\vec{n}_i)}{\\omega(\\vec{n}_i)} \\] where $N$ is the total number of events, $\\omega(\\vec{n})$ is the relative exposure function of the considered experiment, and $\\mathcal{A}$ a normalization constant taken as $\\sum_{i=1}^N 1/\\omega(\\vec{n}_i)$. As well known, the use of $1/\\omega$ allows for decoupling the modes when working with a variable exposure over the whole celestial sphere, but breaks down in case of partial exposure of the sky, because it is no longer possible to perform the full sky integrations that are required to measure the multi-poles of the celestial cosmic ray intensity \\cite{sommers}. In this paper, we choose to introduce and adapt the quadratic estimator method that is widely used in the Cosmic Microwave Background analysis (see e.g.~\\cite{hivon}) where effects of a partial exposure can be deconvoluted from the observations in order to recover the true underlying power spectrum. We show that the application of this method allows for the standard anisotropy analysis with an exposure possibly going to zero in some parts of the sky. This point is of major interest for most cosmic rays experiments, as the Southern site of the Auger Observatory for instance. Another approach to power spectrum estimation is through maximum likelihood (see ~\\cite{bjk,borrill} and~\\cite{cras_jch} for a review) which has the advantage of solving exactly the problem. It however requires an explicit representation of the sky covariance and is computationally very time consuming and numerically hard to achieve on large datasets. The quadratic estimate proposed here avoids this difficulty using a Monte-Carlo simulation (this is why it is often refered to as a ``frequentist approach''). This paper is organized as follows~: in the next section, we describe our method and compute all the statistical properties of our choice of angular power spectrum estimates. From section 3 and on we apply it to the forthcoming Auger observatory. In section 3, we present the relevant informations about this experiment that we need in the context of angular power spectrum estimation. In section 4, we discuss the constraints that the Auger Observatory can put on isotropic distribution of cosmic rays at ultra-high energy. At last, in section 5, we extend the analysis to the case of a large scale anisotropic distribution. ", "conclusions": "We showed that in the general case of a varying and incomplete exposure on the sky, the true power spectrum of the cosmic ray sources distribution can be recovered. This result is not new in itself as it was introduced a few years ago in the framework of CMB data analysis~\\cite{hivon}. Its application to cosmic ray data is however new and might open new possibilities as the general feeling up to now was that no $C_\\ell$ power spectrum can be reconstructed without a complete sky coverage. The power spectrum that our procedure allows to recover is equivalent to the full sky one if the anisotropies in the arrival directions of the cosmic rays are well modeled by a spatially stationary random field on the sphere. If this is not the case, the recovered power spectrum is still valid, but only for the region that was used to determine it. Anyway in the non spatially stationary case, different power spectra are required in different regions of the sky and our approach is still relevant. Additionally, we have analytically solved the calculation of the bias and of the variance introduced by the finite sampling of the sky in the general case of a varying and eventually incomplete exposure. Using the deconvolution proposed here, any cosmic ray dataset will be usable for anisotropy determination purpose, provided the fact that the arrival directions and coverage map are known within reasonable precision." }, "0404/astro-ph0404586_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present the results of the ongoing {\\em XMM-Newton} Survey of nearby spiral galaxy M31. 17 X-ray sources detected in the survey have bright radio counterparts, and 15 X-ray sources coincide with supernova remnant (SNR) candidates from optical and radio surveys. 15 out of 17 sources with radio counterparts, not SNR candidates, have spectral properties similar to that observed for background radio galaxies/quasars or Crab-like supernova remnants located in M31. The remaining two sources, XMMU J004046.8+405525 and XMMU J004249.1+412407, have soft X-ray spectra, and are associated with spatially resolved H-alpha emission regions, which makes them two new SNR candidates in M31. The observed absorbed X-ray luminosities of SNR candidates in our sample range from $\\sim 10^{35}$ to $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{36}$ ergs s$^{-1}$, assuming the distance of 760 kpc. Most of the SNR candidates detected in our survey have soft X-ray spectra. The spectra of the brightest sources show presence of emission lines and can be fit by thermal plasma models with $kT \\sim 0.1 - 0.4$ keV. The results of spectral fitting of SNR candidates suggest that most of them should be located in a relatively low density regions. We show that X-ray color-color diagrams can be useful tool for distinguishing between intrinsically hard background radio sources and Crab-like SNR and thermal SNR in M31 with soft spectra. } ", "introduction": "The Andromeda Galaxy (M31), the closest giant spiral galaxy to our own, is a unique object for the study of optical and X-ray astronomy. Its proximity and favorable orientation allow to observe stellar populations over the full extent of the galaxy at a nearly uniform distance, and with less severe effects of line-of-sight contamination from interstellar gas and dust. Due to similarities between the two galaxies, the results from the study of M31 provide an important benchmark for comparison with the results from the study of our own Milky Way Galaxy. M31 was observed extensively in X-rays with {\\em Einstein}, {\\em ROSAT}, {\\em Chandra} and {\\em XMM} missions, detected hundreds of sources, with some bright X-ray sources coincident with radio-emitting sources and SNR candidates from optical surveys. In the extensive {\\em ROSAT}/PSPC survey of M31 (Supper et al. 2001), 16 X-ray emitting SNR were identified. Recently, Kong et al. (2003) identified two new SNRs using the data of {\\em Chandra} and {\\em VLA} observations. Trudolyubov et al. (2004) used {\\em XMM-Newton} observations to study X-ray spectral properties of the 3 bright thermal SNR in the northern disk of M31. ", "conclusions": "Nearly 600 X-ray sources were detected in the ongoing {\\em XMM-Newton} survey of M31. 17 of them have bright radio counterparts not identified with SNR candidates, and 15 sources coincide with SNR candidates from radio and optical surveys. 15 out of 17 sources with radio counterparts, not known to be SNR candidates from optical surveys, have spectral properties similar to that observed for background radio galaxies/quasars or Crab-like supernova remnants located in M31. The energy spectra of the brightest objects are well represented by absorbed power law with photon indices between $\\sim 1.6$ and $\\sim 2.2$, and low-energy absorption in excess of the Galactic foreground value in the direction of M31. The remaining two sources, XMMU J004046.8+405525 and XMMU J004249.1+412407, have soft X-ray spectra, and are associated with spatially resolved H-alpha emission regions, which makes them two new SNR candidates in M31. Most of the SNR candidates detected in our survey have soft X-ray spectra. The spectra of the brightest sources show presence of emission lines and can be fit by thermal plasma models with $kT \\sim 0.1 - 0.4$ keV. The observed absorbed X-ray luminosities of our SNR candidates range from $\\sim 10^{35}$ to $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{36}$ ergs s$^{-1}$, assuming the distance of 760 kpc. The results of spectral fitting suggest that most of the bright SNR candidates in our sample may be located in the low density regions. We show that X-ray color-color diagrams can be useful tool for distinguishing between intrinsically hard background radio sources and Crab-like SNR and thermal SNR in M31." }, "0404/astro-ph0404065_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of optical HST/STIS and HST/FOS spectroscopy of 6 blue stragglers found in the globular clusters M~3, NGC~6752 and NGC~6397. These stars are a subsample of a set of $\\sim$50 blue stragglers and stars above the main sequence turn-off in four globular clusters which will be presented in an forthcoming paper. All but the 6 stars presented here can be well fitted with non-LTE model atmospheres. The 6 misfits, on the other hand, possess Balmer jumps which are too large for the effective temperatures implied by their Paschen continua. We find that our data for these stars are consistent with models {\\it only} if we account for {\\it extra} absorption of stellar Balmer photons by an ionized circumstellar disk. Column densities of H~{\\sc i} and Ca~{\\sc ii} are derived as are the the disks' thicknesses. This is the first time that a circumstellar disk is detected around blue stragglers. The presence of magnetically-locked disks attached to the stars has been suggested as a mechanism to lose the large angular momentum imparted by the collision event at the birth of these stars. The disks implied by our study might not be massive enough to constitute such an angular momentum sink, but they could be the leftovers of once larger disks. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} In the color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) of open and globular clusters (GCs), some stars appear brighter and bluer than the main sequence turn-off, yet not as bright as stars on the horizontal branch (HB; Sandage 1953; Paresce et al. 1991). Their brightnesses and colors are consistent with main-sequence evolutionary models for stars more massive than the cluster turnoff (e.g., Saffer et~al. 2002). Blue stragglers are likely to form through a mass-acquisition episode such as a binary merger or a stellar collision (for an overview of stellar collisions, see Shara 2002). In the dense environments of GCs such collision mergers should in fact be common (Hills~\\& Day 1976). If the stragglers originate in stellar collisions, the rotation rate of the product star should be high (Sills et~al. 2002). After an initial phase when the collision product is bloated, a contracting phase should follow. In the absence of angular momentum sinks, the star should spin up to faster than break-up speed and tear itself apart. A magnetically-locked circumstellar disk has been proposed as an efficient angular momentum reducer (Leonard \\& Livio 1995). Sills et~al. (2002) do not find evidence for the formation of a {\\it substantial} circumstellar disk from Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, including up to $10^6$ SPH particles, with the lightest particles having masses of $3 \\times 10^{-10}$~\\msun. In this Letter we present the first observational evidence consistent with thin disks around six GC stragglers. Our conclusion follows a careful analysis that excludes other systematic effects as potential explanations of the data. Whether these disks are the remnants of once more massive, dynamically important disks, or have always been thin disks unable to serve as angular momentum sinks, this finding is likely to provide an important window into the formation and evolution of blue stragglers. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} From the Boltzmann equation, the disk electron temperatures must typically be larger than 9000~K in order to populate the first excited level of hydrogen. The derived column densities depend moderatly on the disk temperatures, which were assumed to be the same as the stellar effective temperatures. From the Saha equation, the hydrogen ionization fraction is 10$^{-3}$ - 10$^{-4}$, implying a collisionally-ionized disk. The ratio of the \\ion{Ca}{2} to \\ion{H}{1} column densities is typically 1$\\times$10$^{-4}$, which is consistent with the stellar Ca/H abundance ratio when we account for the hydrogen ionization fraction and assume no dust depletion of calcium. With a {\\it total} H column density of 10$^{25}$\\,cm$^{-2}$ (Table~1), assuming a disk radius of 0.1~AU (larger disk radii should be rare in the crowded environments of GC centers), and a thickness of 0.03~AU derived from a covering factor of 20\\% and a stellar radius of 2.0~\\rsun , from simple geomentry we obtain a total H density of 1$\\times$10$^{-11}$~g~cm$^{-3}$ and a total mass of 2$\\times$10$^{-8}$~\\msun . An increase of the disk radius increases the disk mass proportionally. We suggest that {\\it most} stragglers might have circumstellar disks. The disk pushes data points in the color-color diagram down (Fig.~1). Only those data points that shift outside the locus covered by the models will be recognized as stars with disks. For those stars whose disks do not change their colors enough to displace them outside the locus covered by the models, an alternative model (cooler and with lower gravity) will be found that fits the data. A method of detecting these disks might be by UV spectroscopy of low ionization metal line. The disks implied by our analysis are irrevocably non-massive. Although typical SPH simulations could not be used to predict disks as light as these, the one-million-particle simulation of Sills et al. has particle masses as small as $\\sim$10$^{-10}$~\\msun\\ and might have forecast the presence of disks as light as $\\sim$10$^{-8}$~\\msun. On the other hand, magneto-hydrodynamical transport of angular momentum, not included in the SPH code of Sills et al., might be important. More work is needed both observationally and theoretically to understand the presence and role of disks in blue straggler formation." }, "0404/astro-ph0404315_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the Final Analysis of the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) 15 $\\mu$m observations, carried out with the ISOCAM instrument on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). The data reduction method, known as LARI method, is based on a mathematical model of the detector's behaviour and was specifically designed for the detection of faint sources in ISO-CAM/PHOT data. The method is fully interactive and leads to very reliable and complete source lists. The resulting catalogue includes 1923 sources detected with $S/N > 5$ in the \\mbox{0.5 -- 100 mJy} flux range and over an area of 10.85 \\mbox{deg$^2$} split into four fields, making it the largest non-serendipitous extragalactic source catalogue obtained to date from ISO data. This paper presents the concepts underlying the data reduction method together with its latest enhancements. The data reduction process, the production and basic properties of the resulting catalogue are then discussed. ", "introduction": "The Infrared Astronomical Satellite \\citep[IRAS,][]{Neugebauer_et_al_1984,Soifer_et_al_1987} was extremely successful in characterizing for the first time the global properties of the mid- and far-infrared sky, carrying out an all-sky survey at wavelengths of 12, 25, 60 and 100 $\\mu$m and leading to discoveries such as those of Luminous, Ultraluminous and Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs, ULIRG and HLIRGs, respectively), a substantial population of evolving starbursts and the detection of large-scale structure in the galaxy distribution \\citep{Saunders_et_al_1991}. Unfortunately, the IRAS view was typically limited to the very local Universe ($z \\stackrel{<}{_\\sim} 0.2$), thus hampering statistical studies of infrared-luminous galaxies at cosmological redshifts. Only few sources were detected by IRAS at higher redshifts, typically ULIRGs magnified by gravitational lenses, like F10214+4724 \\citep[$z=2.28$,][]{Rowan-Robinson_et_al_1991}. In particular only about 1\\,000 galaxies were detected all over the sky in IRAS 12 \\mbox{$\\mu$m} band. Infrared source counts based on IRAS data \\citep{Rowan-Robinson_et_al_1984,Soifer_et_al_1984} showed some marginally significant excess of faint sources with respect to no evolution models \\citep{Hacking_et_al_1987,Franceschini_et_al_1988,Lonsdale_et_al_1990,Gregorich_et_al_1995,Bertin_et_al_1997}, but not enough statistics and dynamic range in flux to discriminate between evolutionary scenarios were available. Although conceived as an observatory-type mission, the Infrared Space Observatory \\citep[ISO,][]{Kessler_et_al_1996} was in many ways the natural successor to IRAS, bringing a gain of a factor $\\sim 1000$ in sensitivity and $\\sim 10$ in angular resolution in the mid-infrared. A substantial amount of ISO observing time was therefore devoted to field surveys aimed at detecting faint infrared galaxies down to cosmological distances. Such surveys were conceived as complementary in flux depth and areal coverage, allowing a systematic investigation of the extragalactic sky down to so far unattainable flux densities at both mid and far infrared wavelengths, whose results are summarized by \\citet{Genzel_and_Cesarsky_2000}. In particular, extragalactic 15 \\mbox{$\\mu$m} source counts determined with ISOCAM \\citep{Elbaz_et_al_1999,Gruppioni_et_al_2002} have revealed a significant departure from Euclidean slope within the 1 - 5 mJy flux range, which has been interpreted as evidence for a strongly evolving population of starburst galaxies. The European Large Area ISO Survey \\citep[ELAIS,][]{Oliver_et_al_2000,Rowan-Robinson_et_al_2003} was the most ambitious non-serendipitous survey and the largest Open Time project carried out with ISO, aimed at bridging the flux gap between IRAS all-sky survey and ISO deeper surveys. ELAIS observations mapped areas of about 12 \\mbox{deg$^2$} at 15 and 90 $\\mu$m and smaller areas at 7 and 175 $\\mu$m with the ISOCAM \\citep[7 and 15 $\\mu$m]{Cesarsky_et_al_1996} and ISOPHOT \\citep[90 and 175 $\\mu$m]{Lemke_et_al_1996} cameras. Most importantly, ELAIS 15 $\\mu$m observations are the only ones allowing to sample the 1 - 5 mJy flux range, where most of the source evolution appears to take place. Since the project approval, the ELAIS consortium, grown in time to a total of 76 collaborators from 30 European institutes, has undertaken an extensive program of ground-based optical and near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy. Thanks to such an extensive multi-wavelength coverage, the ELAIS fields have now become among the best studied sky areas of their size, and natural targets of on-going or planned large-area surveys with the most powerful ground- and space-based facilities. Further details on ELAIS multi-wavelength observations and catalogues are presented in \\citet{Rowan-Robinson_et_al_2003}. After the loss of the WIRE satellite, notwithstanding the observations at several infrared wavelengths soon to come from Spitzer and later from SOFIA and Herschel, ISO observations will remain a valuable database for many years to come. In particular, until the advent of JWST, ELAIS 15 \\mbox{$\\mu$m} observations will provide a complementary view on three areas (S1, N1 and N2) which will be covered at different wavelengths as part of the Spitzer Wide-Area Extragalactic Survey \\citep[SWIRE,][]{Lonsdale_et_al_2003}. Thus the need of reducing such data with the uttermost care and provide the community with an agreed-upon legacy from the ELAIS project. This paper presents the Final Analysis of ELAIS 15 \\mbox{$\\mu$m} observations, and is structured as follows. In Section~\\ref{elais15.sec} a brief description of the most relevant aspects of ELAIS 15 $\\mu$m dataset is given. Section~\\ref{datared.sec} describes the data reduction method and its improvements. In Section~\\ref{autosim.sec} the technique employed for flux determination and its results are presented. Section~\\ref{simulations.sec} details the results of the simulations that were carried out in order to assess the performance of the data reduction method and thus the quality of the resulting catalogue. In Sections~\\ref{astroacc.sec} and \\ref{photoacc.sec}, respectively, estimates of the achieved astrometric and photometric accuracy are given. Section~\\ref{optids.sec} summarizes the identification of 15 $\\mu$m sources in optical and near-infrared images, while Section~\\ref{photocal.sec} describes the procedure adopted to establish the catalogue photometric calibration. Finally, Section~\\ref{catalogue.sec} describes gives a basic description of the catalogue contents. ", "conclusions": "A technique for ISO-CAM/PHOT data reduction, the LARI method, was variously refined and applied to ELAIS 15 $\\mu$m observations. The mathematical model for the detector's behaviour is the same as originally presented in \\citet{Lari_et_al_2001}, but thanks to various improvements, and particularly to a new Graphical User Interface, the method is now more robust and, most importantly, quicker and easier to apply to large datasets. Its application, in the new form, to the four fields composing the dataset (including a re-reduction of S1 observations already presented in \\citet{Lari_et_al_2001}) has produced a catalogue of 1923 sources spanning the 0.5 -- 100 mJy range, detected with a $S/N$ greater than 5 over a total area of $10.85~\\mathrm{deg}^2$. Optical identification of 15 $\\mu$m sources has been carried out on heterogeneous optical and near-infrared imaging material, allowing to determine a robust association for about 85\\,\\% of the sources and identify 22\\,\\% of them as bona fide stars, furtherly demonstrating the reliability of our data reduction process. The evaluation of the catalogue's quality has been carried out through both accurate simulations and multi-wavelength identification. The astrometric accuracy is of order 1 arcsec in both RA and Dec for $S/N > 10$, while it increases up to about 2 arcsec in both RA and Dec for $S/N \\sim 5$, and somewhat better for sources detected in higher-redundancy sky regions. The photometric accuracy is estimated to be below 25\\,\\% over the whole range of fluxes and redundancy levels probed by our catalogue, and better than 15\\,\\% for $S/N > 10$ sources. The comparison of measured stellar fluxes with fluxes estimated on the basis of stellar atmospehere models calibrated on IRAS data and on near-infrared photometry allowed to achieve an IRAS/ISO relative photometric calibration. An IRAS/ISO relative calibration factor of $1.0974 \\pm 0.0121$ was determined, shedding doubts on the goodness of the two independently determined calibrations at the 10\\,\\% level. For lack of a simple way to identify error sources in IRAS and/or ISO calibratioon process, it was decided to put our catalogue on the more commonly used IRAS flux scale. In a forthcoming paper \\citep{Lari_et_al_2004} completeness estimates and extragalactic source counts from this catalogue will be presented, covering the crucial flux range 0.5 -- 100 mJy between ISOCAM 15 $\\mu$m Deep Surveys and IRAS All Sky Survey." }, "0404/astro-ph0404409_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "For the past 10 years there has been an active debate over whether fast shocks play an important role in ionizing emission line regions in Seyfert galaxies. To investigate this claim, we have studied the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mkn 78, using HST UV/optical images and spectroscopy. Since Mkn 78 provides the archetypal jet-driven bipolar velocity field, if shocks are important anywhere they should be important in this object. Having mapped the emission line fluxes and velocity field, we first compare the ionization conditions to standard photoionization and shock models. We find coherent variations of ionization consistent with photoionization model sequences which combine optically thick and thin gas, but are inconsistent with either autoionizing shock models or photoionization models of just optically thick gas. Furthermore, we find absolutely no link between the ionization of the gas and its kinematic state, while we do find a simple decline of ionization degree with radius. We feel this object provides the strongest case to date against the importance of shock related ionization in Seyferts. ", "introduction": "Ionization studies of Seyferts have a long history. Early work led to the establishment of nuclear photoionization as the favored NLR ionizing mechanism. But in the past decade or so, standard models have been called into question because, among other reasons, they strongly underestimate the strengths of many of the weaker high-ionization and high-excitation lines (see \\cite{binette96,robinson00} for a more complete discussion). This led to the development of alternative models, as well as refinements to standard nuclear photoionization. In particular, photoionizing shocks, driven by AGN jets and outflows, have emerged as a viable ionizing source, following work by \\cite{viegas89} and \\cite{dopita96}. We try to resolve this debate by taking the following approach: we choose a Seyfert with strong, NLR-wide jet-gas interactions. If shocks are important in providing the ionizing power in Seyferts, we should expect to see unambiguous signs of their presence in this object's spectrum. If not, current refinements to nuclear photoionization can be tested. \\section {Mkn 78 : A Jet-Gas Interaction Archetype} The Seyfert 2 Mkn 78 was selected as a target because it lies well off the virial correlation for Seyferts (\\cite[Whittle 1992]{whittle92}), indicating the presence of widespread non-gravitational motions in the ionized gas. This makes it one of the best candidates for a strong radio jet/ISM interaction among the sample of nearby Seyferts. \\cite{paper1} discuss the structural aspects of the interaction in detail. We use a extensive dataset consisting of HST-STIS longslit spectra from four slits sampling all the major emission line features in the NLR at high spatial resolution ($\\sim 0.05$ arcsec). Our spectra give us almost complete FUV and optical wavelength coverage, allowing the measurement of many lines of different ionization state and excitation level. In addition, medium resolution ($\\sim 30$ km/s) spectra allow us to accurately estimate the kinematics of the line emitting gas. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404123_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present echelle spectrophotometry of the Galactic \\ion{H}{2} region NGC 3576. The data have been taken with the VLT UVES echelle spectrograph in the 3100 to 10400 \\AA\\ range. We have measured the intensities of 458 emission lines, 344 are permitted lines of H$^0$, He$^0$, C$^{+}$, N$^{0}$, N$^{+}$, N$^{++}$, O$^{0}$, O$^{+}$, Ne$^{+}$, S$^{++}$, Si$^{0}$, Si$^{+}$, Ar$^{0}$ and Ar$^{+}$; some of them are produced by recombination and others mainly by fluorescence. Electron temperatures and densities have been determined using different continuum and line intensity ratios. We have derived He$^{+}$, C$^{++}$, O$^{+}$, O$^{++}$ and Ne$^{++}$ ionic abundances from pure recombination lines. We have also derived abundances from collisionally excited lines for a large number of ions of different elements. Remarkably consistent estimations of \\emph{ $t^2$} have been obtained by comparing Balmer and Paschen to [\\ion{O}{3}] temperatures, and O$^{++}$ and Ne$^{++}$ ionic abundances obtained from collisionally excited and recombination lines. The chemical composition of NGC 3576 is compared with those of other Galactic \\ion{H}{2} regions and with the one from the Sun. A first approach to the gas-phase Galactic radial abundance gradient of C as well as of the C/O ratio has been made. ", "introduction": "} NGC 3576 ---also known as Gum38a--- comprises the western part of the RCW 57 complex \\citep{rodg60} and corresponds to a bright knot embedded in a large system of diffuse emission gas filaments \\citep{girardi97}. This knot is one of the most luminous Galactic \\ion{H}{2} regions in the infrared \\citep{figue02}. It was thought that most of the ionization of NGC 3576 is due to two O stars (HD 97319 and HD 97484) and two B stars (HD 974999 and CPD--60$^{\\circ}$2641) which are the main visual components of the OB association \\citep{hum78}; but recent infrared observations suggest that the main ionizing sources of this \\ion{H}{2} region are behind heavily obscuring clouds \\citep{bor97, figue02}. It is located in Carina at a distance of 2.7 kpc \\citep{russ03} and at a Galactocentric distance of 7.4 kpc (assuming a Galactocentric solar distance of 8.0 kpc). Previous abundance determinations for NGC 3576 are those by \\citet{girardi97}, based on the analysis of collisionally excited lines (hereafter CELs); \\citet{tsa03} based on CELs and some recombination lines (hereafter RLs) of C$^{++}$ and O$^{++}$; and \\citet{simpson95} based on far-infrared data and photoionization models. The temperature fluctuations problem \\citep{peim67} is, nowadays, a much-discussed topic in astrophysics of gaseous nebulae \\citep{liu02, liu03, este02, tor03}. Traditionally, the abundance studies for \\ion{H}{2} regions have been based on determinations from CELs, which are strongly dependent on the temperature variations over the observed volume of the nebula. Alternatively, RLs are almost independent of such variations and are, in principle, more precise indicators of the true chemical abundances of the nebula. Several authors have obtained O$^{++}$/H$^+$ from \\ion{O}{2} recombination line intensities for the brightest \\ion{H}{2} regions of the Galaxy (Peimbert, Storey \\& Torres-Peimbert 1993; Esteban et al. 1998, hereafter EPTE; Esteban et al. 1999a, hereafter EPTGR; Esteban et al. 1999b; Tsamis et al. 2003), for extragalactic \\ion{H}{2} regions \\citep{este02b, peim03, tsa03} and for planetary nebulae \\citep{liu00, liu01, ruiz03, peim04}, and all of them have found that the abundance determinations from RLs are systematically larger than those obtained using CELs. The CEL abundances depend strongly on the adopted temperature while the RL abundances are almost independent of it. In the presence of temperature inhomogeneities the temperature derived from the [\\ion{O}{3}] diagnostic lines, $T_e$(\\ion{O}{3}), is considerably higher than the average one and than those temperatures derived from the Balmer and Pashen continua. For \\ion{H}{2} regions the differences in both the abundances derived from CELs and RLs and the temperatures derived from CELs and recombination processes, can be consistently accounted for by assuming a \\te\\ (mean square temperature variation over the observed volume) in the range 0.020--0.044. \\citet[][ see also Rubin et al. 2003]{odell03} have used a different method to show that there are temperature inhomogeneities in \\ion{H}{2} regions: these authors have determined the columnar temperature along $1.5 \\times 10^6$ lines of sight in the Orion nebula, the distribution of temperatures of their sample supports the $t^2$ values derived from other methods. The origin of temperature fluctuations is still controversial and a serious challenge to our knowledge of the physics and structure of ionized nebulae. We have taken long-exposure high-spectral-resolution spectra with the VLT UVES echelle spectrograph to obtain accurate measurements of very faint permitted lines of heavy element ions in NGC 3576. We have determined the physical conditions and the chemical abundances of NGC 3576 with high accuracy, including important improvements over previous determinations. We have considered C$^{++}$ and O$^{++}$ abundances obtained from several permitted lines of \\ion{C}{2} and \\ion{O}{2}, avoiding the problems of line blending, including several 3d-4f transitions which are very useful for abundance determinations because they are free of optical depth effects (Liu et al. 1995 and references therein). We have also derived O$^+$ and Ne$^{++}$ abundances from RLs for the first time in this nebula. We have computed $t^2$ values from the determination of the Balmer and Paschen temperatures, which coincide with the \\te\\ that produces the agreement between the ionic abundances obtained from CELs and RLs. Finally, we have determined helium abundances taking into account a large number of singlet lines of \\ion{He}{1}. In \\S\\S~\\ref{obsred} and~\\ref{lin} we describe the observations and the data reduction procedure. In \\S~\\ref{phiscond} we obtain temperatures and densities using several diagnostic ratios; also, in this section, we determine \\te\\ from different line intensity ratios and temperature determinations. In \\S~\\ref{helioabund} we briefly analyze the recombination spectra of \\ion{He}{1} and derive the He$^{+}$/H$^{+}$ ratio. In \\S~\\ref{ionic} ionic abundances are determined based on RLs, as well as on CELs. In \\S~\\ref{abuntot} the total abundances are determined. In \\S\\S~\\ref{discus} and ~\\ref{conclu} we present the discussion and the conclusions, respectively. ", "conclusions": "} We present echelle spectroscopy in the 3100-10400 \\AA\\ range for the \\ion{H}{2} region NGC 3576 (Gum38a). We have measured the intensities of 461 emission lines; 170 of them are permitted lines of heavy elements. This is the most complete list of emission lines obtained for this object and one of the largest collections ever taken for a Galactic \\ion{H}{2} region. We have derived physical conditions of the nebula making use of many different line intensities and continuum ratios. The chemical abundances have been derived for a large number of ions and different elements. We find excellent agreement between the C$^{++}$/H$^+$ ratio obtained from the brightest \\ion{C}{2} RL, $\\lambda$4267 \\AA\\ and others corresponding to 3d-4f transitions of this ion. All these transitions are ---in principle--- excited by pure recombination and give a precise determination of the C$^{++}$ abundance. We find also a good agreement between the O$^{++}$/H$^+$ ratios derived from RLs of multiplets 1, 4, 10, 20 and 3d-4f, which are case-independent transitions and produced largely by recombination. Alternatively, abundances derived for N$^{++}$ for different multiplets show differences as high as a factor of 3. These differences probably are due to fluorescence effects. Finally, we have also determined abundances of O$^+$ and Ne$^{++}$ from RLs for the first time in this object. We have obtained an average $t^2$=0.038$\\pm$0.009 both by comparing the O$^{++}$ and Ne$^{++}$ ionic abundances derived from CELs to those derived from RLs, and by comparing the electron temperatures determined from ratios of CELs to those obtained from the Balmer and Paschen continua. It is remarkable that the four individual values obtained are almost coincident. The adopted average value of $t^2$ has been used to correct the ionic abundances determined from CELs. We have estimated the C/H, O/H, and C/O Galactic radial abundance gradients making only use of determinations based on RLs of \\ion{H}{2} regions, obtaining values of -0.090, -0.061, and -0.029, respectively. These estimation is based in four objects covering a rather narrow interval of galactocentric distances (from 6 to 9 kpc). We would like to thank R. Kisielius and P. J. Storey for providing us with their latest calculations of effective recombination coefficients for Ne, D.P. Smits for providing us unpublished atomic calculations for He, and L. Carigi for testing our results with her chemical evolution models. We would also like to thank an anonymous referee for his/her valuable comments. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog\\'{\\i}a (MCyT) under project AYA2001-0436. MP received partial support from DGAPA UNAM (grant IN 114601). MTR received partial support from FONDAP(15010003), a Guggenheim Fellowship and Fondecyt(1010404). MR acknowledges support from Mexican CONACYT project J37680-E." }, "0404/astro-ph0404236_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Using the Gaussian+Schechter composite luminosity functions measured from the ESO-Sculptor Survey \\citep{lapparent03aI}, and assuming that these functions do not evolve with redshift out to $z\\sim1$, we obtain evidence for evolution in the late spectral class containing late-type Spiral (Sc+Sd) and dwarf Irregular (dI) galaxies. There are indications that the Sc+Sd galaxies are the evolving population, but we cannot exclude that the dI galaxies also undergo some evolution. This evolution is detected as an increase of the Sc+Sd+Im galaxy density which can be modeled as either $n(z)\\propto1+3(z-0.15)$ or $n(z)\\propto(1+z)^2$ using the currently favored cosmological parameters $\\Omega_m=0.3$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$; the uncertainty in the linear and power-law evolution rates is of order of unity. For $\\Omega_m=1.0$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.0$, the linear and power-law evolution rates are $\\sim4\\pm1$ and $\\sim2.5\\pm1$ respectively. Both models yield a good match to the ESS $BVR_\\mathrm{c}$ redshift distributions to $21-22$\\mag~and to the number-counts to $23-23.5$\\mag, which probe the galaxy distribution to redshifts $z\\sim0.5$ and $z\\sim1.0$ respectively. \\hspace{0.5cm} The present analysis shows the usefulness of the joint use of the magnitude and redshift distributions for studying galaxy evolution. It also illustrates how Gaussian+Schechter composite luminosity functions provide more robust constraints on the evolution rate than pure Schechter luminosity functions, thus emphasizing the importance of performing realistic parameterizations of the luminosity functions for studying galaxy evolution. \\hspace{0.5cm} The detected density evolution indicates that mergers could play a significant role in the evolution of late-type Spiral and dwarf Irregular galaxies. However, the ESO-Sculptor density increase with redshift could also be caused by a $\\sim1$\\mag~brightening of the Sc+Sd+dI galaxies at $z\\sim0.5$ and a $\\sim1.5-2.0$\\mag~brightening at $z\\sim1$, which is compatible with the expected passive brightening of Sc galaxies at these redshifts. Distinguishing between luminosity and density evolution is a major difficulty as these produce the same effect on the redshift and magnitude distributions. The detected evolution rate of the ESO-Sculptor Sc+Sd+dI galaxies is nevertheless among the range of measured values from the other existing analyses, whether they provide evidence for density or luminosity evolution. ", "introduction": "} Since the availability of the deep optical numbers counts, the excess at faint magnitudes has provided the major evidence for galaxy evolution at increasing redshifts \\citep{tyson88,lilly93,metcalfe95}. Using models of the spectro-photometric evolution of galaxies \\citep{guiderdoni90,bruzual93}, either passive luminosity evolution or more complex effects have been suggested to explain the faint number-count excess \\citep{guiderdoni91,broadhurst92,metcalfe95}. Although the excess objects where initially envisioned as bright early-type galaxies at high redshift, the lack of a corresponding high redshift tail in the redshift distribution \\citep{lilly93b} consolidated the interpretation in terms of evolution of later type galaxies, namely Spiral and/or Irregular/Peculiar galaxies \\citep{campos97b}. Here, we report on yet another evidence for evolution of the late-type galaxies, derived from the ESO-Sculptor Survey (ESS hereafter). The ESS provides a nearly complete redshift survey of galaxies at $z\\la0.5$ over a contiguous area of the sky. A reliable description of galaxy evolution require proper identification of the evolving galaxy populations and detailed knowledge of their luminosity functions. In this context, the ESS sample has the advantage to be split into 3 galaxy classes which are based on a template-free spectral classification \\citep{galaz98}, and which are dominated by the giant morphological types E+S0+Sa, Sb+Sc, and Sc+Sd+Sm respectively \\citep[][Paper~I hereafter]{lapparent03aI}. In Paper~I, we have performed a detailed measurement of the shape of the luminosity functions (LF hereafter) for the 3 ESS spectral classes. The spectral-type LFs show marked differences among the classes, which are common to the $B$, $V$, $R_\\mathrm{c}$ bands, and thus indicate that they measure physical properties of the underlying galaxy populations. The analysis of the ESS LFs in Paper~I also provides a revival of the view advocated by \\citet{binggeli88}: a galaxy LF is the weighted sum of the \\emph{intrinsic} LFs for each morphological type contained in the considered galaxy sample; in this picture, differences in LFs mark variations in the galaxy mix rather than variations in the intrinsic LFs \\citep{dressler80,postman84,binggeli90,ferguson91,trentham02a,trentham02b}. Local measures show that giant galaxies (Elliptical, Lenticular, and Spiral) have Gaussian LFs, which are thus bounded at both bright and faint magnitudes, with the Elliptical LF skewed towards faint magnitudes \\citep{sandage85b,jerjen97b}. In contrast, the LF for dwarf Spheroidal galaxies may be ever increasing at faint magnitudes to the limit of the existing surveys \\citep{sandage85b,ferguson91,jerjen00,flint01a,flint01b,conselice02}, whereas the LF for dwarf Irregular galaxies is flatter \\citep{pritchet99} and may even be bounded at faint magnitudes \\citep{ferguson89b,jerjen97b,jerjen00}. In Paper~I, by fitting the ESS spectral-type LFs with composite functions based on the Gaussian and Schechter LFs measured for each morphological type in local galaxy groups and clusters \\citep{sandage85b,jerjen97b}, we confirm the morphological content in giant galaxies of the ESS classes, and we detect an additional contribution from dwarf Spheroidal (dE) and dwarf Irregular galaxies (dI) in the intermediate-type and late-type classes respectively. We then suggest that by providing a good match to the ESS spectral-type LFs, the local intrinsic LFs may extend to $z\\sim0.5$ with only small variations. In the following, we report on the measurement of the amplitude of the LFs for the 3 ESS spectral-type LFs, and on the detection and measurement of redshift evolution for the late-type galaxies. \\sct~\\ref{ess} lists the main characteristics of the ESS spectroscopic survey. \\sct~\\ref{sp_kcor} recalls the definition of the ESS spectral classes and the technique for deriving the corresponding K-corrections and absolute magnitudes. \\sct~\\ref{shape} shows the measured composite fits of the ESS LFs for the 3 spectral classes. In \\sct~\\ref{phistar}, we describe the various techniques for measuring the amplitude of the LF (\\sct~\\ref{phistar_equat}) and the associated errors (\\sct~\\ref{errors}); we then apply these techniques to the ESS and show the detected evolution in the late-type galaxies (\\sct~\\ref{evol}). In \\sct~\\ref{counts}, we use the ESS magnitude number-counts to derive improved estimate of the late-type galaxy evolution rate in the $B$, $V$, and $R_\\mathrm{c}$ bands. We then examine in \\sct~\\ref{nz} the redshift distributions for the 3 spectral classes in the 3 filters, and we verify that the measured evolution rates for the late-type galaxies match the ESS expected redshift distributions. Then, in \\sct~\\ref{evol_comp}, we compare the detected evolution in the ESS LF with those derived from other existing redshift surveys which detect either number density evolution (\\sct~\\ref{dens_comp}) or luminosity evolution (\\sct~\\ref{lum_comp}). Finally, \\sct~\\ref{concl} summarizes the results, discusses them in view of the other analyses which detect evolution in the late-type galaxies, and raises some of the prospects. ", "conclusions": "} Using the Gaussian+Schechter composite LFs measured for the ESO-Sculptor Survey, we obtain evidence for evolution in the late spectral-type population containing late-type Spiral (Sc+Sd) and dwarf Irregular galaxies. This evolution is detected as an increase of the galaxy density $n(z)$ which can be modeled as $n(z)\\propto1+P_{0.15}(z-0.15)$ with $P_{0.15}\\sim3\\pm1$ or as $n(z)\\propto(1+z)^\\gamma$ with $\\gamma\\sim2\\pm1$ using the currently favored cosmological parameters ($\\Omega_m$,$\\Omega_\\Lambda$)=(0.3,0.7); for ($\\Omega_m$,$\\Omega_\\Lambda$)=(1.0,0.0), $P_{0.15}\\sim4\\pm1$ and $\\gamma\\sim2.5\\pm1$. Both models yield a good match of the ESS $BVR_\\mathrm{c}$ redshift distributions to $21-22$\\mag~and the number-counts to $23-23.5$\\mag, which probe the galaxy distribution to redshifts $z\\sim0.5$ and $z\\sim1.0$ respectively. Using \\emph{both} the redshift distributions and the number-counts allows us to lift part of the degeneracies affecting faint galaxy number counts: the redshift distributions allow to isolate the evolving populations, whereas the faint number counts provide better constraints on the evolution rate. These results are based on the hypothesis that the shape of the LF for the ESS late-type class does not evolve with redshift out to $z\\sim1$. Examination of the other existing redshift surveys to $z\\sim0.5-1.0$ indicates that a wide range of number-density evolution rates have been obtained. The evolution rate of the Sc+Sd+dI galaxies detected in the ESS is among the range of measured values, with some surveys having weaker of higher evolution rates. The most similar survey to the ESS, the CNOC2, yields a twice larger increase in the number density of late-type Spiral and Irregular galaxies at $z\\sim1$. A priori, density evolution indicates that mergers could play a significant role in the evolution of late-type Spiral and Irregular galaxies. \\citet{lefevre00} detect a $\\sim20$\\% increase in the fraction of galaxy mergers from $z\\sim0$ to $z\\sim1$, which can be modeled as $\\propto(1+z)^{3.2}$; interestingly, examination of their \\fg 1 indicates that a significant fraction of the merger galaxies have a Spiral or Irregular structure. The ESS density increase for the Sc+Sd+dI galaxies could also be caused by a $\\sim1$\\mag~brightening of these galaxy populations at $z\\sim0.5$ and a $\\sim1.5-2.0$\\mag~brightening at $z\\sim1$ (depending on the filter and cosmological parameters). This luminosity evolution is compatible with the expected passive brightening of Sc galaxies at increasing redshifts \\citep{poggianti97}. \\citet{driver01} also shows that the Hubble Deep Field \\citep{williams96} bi-variate brightness distributions for Elliptical, Spiral, and Irregular galaxies are all consistent with passive luminosity evolution in the 3 redshift bins $0.3-0.6$, $0.6-0.8$, $0.8-1.0$. The ESS brightening at $z\\sim1$ agrees with the value measured from the CFRS blue galaxies \\citep{lilly95}, but is twice smaller than that measured by \\citet{cohen02} for emission-line dominated galaxies. In all analyses of the redshift and magnitude distributions, the major difficulty is to distinguish between luminosity and density evolution, as these produce the same net effect on the redshift and magnitude distributions. Interpretation of density and luminosity evolution of a galaxy population is also complicated by possible variations in the star formation rate with cosmic time: \\citet{lilly98} evaluate an increase in the star formation rate of galaxies with large disks by a factor of $\\sim3$ at $z\\sim0.7$, which shows as an increase of the luminosity density at bluer wavelengths. Using PEGASE \\citep{fioc97}, \\citet{rocca99} also show that the Sa-Sbc galaxies have a star formation rate which varies more rapidly in the interval $0\\la z\\la 1$ than for the E/S0 or Sc-Im galaxies. The ESS suggests that the Sc+Sd galaxies are an evolving population, but evolution in the dI galaxies cannot be excluded. Whether the Spiral galaxies, or the Irregular galaxies, or both populations contribute significantly to the excess number-counts is still unclear from the various existing analyses: using photometric redshifts, \\citet{liu98} detected a significant amplitude increase and brightening of the $U$ LF of Sbc and bluer galaxies in the redshift interval $0\\la z \\la0.5$, together with an excess population of starburst galaxies at $z\\ga0.3$ which are absent at $z\\la0.3$; galaxy number counts in the near infrared \\citep{martini01,totani01}, which are less sensitive to current star formation, also allow some moderate number evolution of the Spiral galaxies and/or Irregular galaxies (with $\\gamma\\sim1$, see above). Evolutionary effects are also detected at higher redshifts: \\citet{driver98} show that at $1\\la z \\la3$, the redshift distributions of Sabc galaxies to $I>25$ and of Sd/Irr galaxies to $I>24$ require some number and luminosity evolution \\citep[but see][]{driver01}. This could be consistent with the recent deep optical and infrared observations which favor mild luminosity evolution of the overall galaxy population \\citep{pozzetti03,kashikawa03}. Nevertheless, none of these surveys allow one to isolate one evolving population among the Spiral and Irregular/Peculiar galaxies. In contrast, some surveys favor Irregular/Peculiar galaxies as a major contributor to the excess count: an excess population of Irregular/Peculiar galaxies was directly identified as the cause for a strong deviation from no-evolution in the $I$ and $K$ number-counts per morphological type \\citep{glazebrook95,huang98}; a population of gently-evolving starbursting dwarves was also invoked to explain these excess objects \\citep{campos97a}. Using morphology of galaxies obtained from Hubble Space Telescope images, \\citet{im99} provide further evidence for a marked increase in the relative abundance of Irregular and Peculiar galaxies which they interpret as starbursting sub-$L^*$ E/S0 and Spiral galaxies. \\citet{totani98} also detect such an excess population at $z\\ga0.5$. Using again Hubble Space Telescope imaging for galaxy morphology, \\citet{brinchmann98} estimate a $\\sim 30$\\% increase in the proportion of galaxies with an irregular morphology at $0.7\\la z\\la0.9$ \\citep[see also][]{abraham96,volonteri00}. Other surveys identify Spiral galaxies as the evolving population: morphological number counts based on Hubble Space Telescope images indicate that the Spiral counts rise more steeply than the no-evolution model \\citep{abraham96}. By complementing space-based images with ground-based spectroscopic redshifts, \\citet{brinchmann98} detect a $\\sim1$\\mag~brightening of the Spiral galaxies by $z\\sim1$. \\citet{schade96} also measure a $\\sim1.6$\\mag~brightening of the central surface brightness of galaxy disks at $0.5\\la z \\la1.1$. We emphasize that measuring a reliable evolution rate requires a realistic parameterization of the intrinsic LFs of each galaxy population. We show here that the ESS Gaussian+Schechter composite LFs provide more robust constraints on the evolution rate than pure Schechter LFs, as a small change in the faint-end slope has a large incidence onto the number-counts. In contrast, variations in the faint-end slope of the dE and dI galaxies, the only populations for which the Schechter faint-end is poorly determined have a smaller impact on the adjustment on the number counts. \\citet{totani01} also show that separating the E and dE galaxies into a Gaussian+Schechter LF does yield a better agreement of the $K$ number-counts at $K\\ga22.5$ than a pure Schechter function for the joint class of E+dE. By using better measures of the intrinsic LFs for the various galaxy types, one should be able to obtain improved measurements of the galaxy evolution rates, and eventually to use the faint number counts to probe the cosmological parameters. \\citet{koo93} and \\citet{gronwall95} had already suggested that passive luminosity evolution is sufficient to match the $B$ number counts, thus implying that the number counts could be used to probe the curvature of space. \\citet{pozzetti96} and \\citet{metcalfe01} then showed that passive luminosity evolution with a low value of $\\Omega_m$ provide good fits to UV-optical-near-infrared galaxy counts. The recent adjustments of very deep optical and near-infrared galaxy counts \\citep{totani00,nagashima01,totani01,nagashima02} which probe the galaxy distribution to $z\\sim3$ further confirm that the Einstein-de Sitter cosmology with ($\\Omega_m$,$\\Omega_\\Lambda$)=(1.0,0.0) is excluded at a high confidence level \\citep[see also][]{totani97,he00}; whereas by using the currently favored values of $\\Omega_m=0.3$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$, these fits constrain the evolution rate of galaxies in the hierarchical clustering picture, with only some mild number evolution of Sbc/Sdm galaxies allowed \\citep{totani01}. Under-going deep redshift surveys to $z\\ga1$ raise new prospects along this line. The present ESS analysis shows the usefulness of using both the magnitude \\emph{and} redshift distributions for studying galaxy evolution. By obtaining the redshift distributions per galaxy type to $z\\ga1$ over large volumes which average out the large-scale structure, spectroscopic redshift survey such as the VIRMOS \\citep{lefevre03b} and DEEP2 \\citep{davis03} projects should provide improved clues on the evolving galaxy populations at $z\\sim1$ and better constrain the nature of this evolution. If these surveys confirm that all galaxy types only experience mild luminosity/density evolution, complementing the deep infrared galaxy counts with morphological information might allow one to lift the degeneracy in the faint infrared number-counts and to confirm whether a low matter-density universe is favored. This will however require a detailed knowledge (i) of the luminosity-size relation for distant galaxies of various morphological type (used to model the selection effects caused by the cosmological dimming in surface brightness, see \\citealt{totani00}), and (ii) of the interstellar and intergalactic extinction." }, "0404/gr-qc0404101_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We give a surface integral derivation of post-1-Newtonian translational equations of motion for a system of arbitrarily structured bodies, including the coupling to all the bodies' mass and current multipole moments. The derivation requires only that the post-1-Newtonian vacuum field equations are satisfied in weak-field regions between the bodies; the bodies' internal gravity can be arbitrarily strong. In particular black holes are not excluded. The derivation extends previous results due to Damour, Soffel and Xu (DSX) for weakly self-gravitating bodies in which the post-1-Newtonian field equations are satisfied everywhere. The derivation consists of a number of steps: (i) The definition of each body's current and mass multipole moments and center-of-mass worldline in terms of the behavior of the metric in a weak-field region surrounding the body. (ii) The definition for each body of a set of gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic tidal moments that act on that body, again in terms of the behavior of the metric in a weak-field region surrounding the body. For the special case of weakly self-gravitating bodies, our definitions of these multipole and tidal moments agree with definitions given previously by DSX. (iii) The derivation of a formula, for any given body, of the second time derivative of its mass dipole moment in terms of its other multipole and tidal moments and their time derivatives. This formula was obtained previously by DSX for weakly self-gravitating bodies. (iv) A derivation of the relation between the tidal moments acting on each body and the multipole moments and center-of-mass worldlines of all the other bodies. A formalism to compute this relation was developed by DSX; we simplify their formalism and compute the relation explicitly. (v) The deduction from the previous steps of the explicit translational equations of motion, whose form has not been previously derived. ", "introduction": "\\subsection{Background and motivation} For slow motion sources in weak gravitational fields, general relativity can be accurately described in terms of a post-Newtonian approximation scheme. This approximation scheme is extremely useful in applications and is very well developed. Reviews of post-Newtonian theory can be found in Refs.\\ \\cite{damour,dsxI,blanchet} and in the textbook by Will \\cite{Will}. There are several different types of equations that arise in post-Newtonian theory. First, one has continuum field equations, which are usually specialized to gravity coupled to perfect or imperfect fluids. These have been derived up to post-2.5-Newtonian order \\cite{chandrasekhar}. At post-1-Newtonian order, they have been extended beyond general relativity to encompass the class of theories of gravity described by the parameterized post-Newtonian framework \\cite{Will}. A second type of equation of motion applies to systems consisting of $N$ interacting, extended bodies moving under their mutual gravitational interactions, in the limit where the bodies' sizes are small compared to their mutual separations. For such systems one has ``point particle'' equations of motion. Such equations were first derived \\cite{damour} at post-1-Newtonian order by Lorentz and Droste \\cite{ld}, and later independently by Einstein, Infeld and Hoffmann (EIH) \\cite{eih}. They were also independently derived by Petrova \\cite{petrova} using a method devised by Fock \\cite{fock}. These equations are usually called the EIH equations. In recent years the advent of gravitational wave astronomy \\cite{detectors,CutlerThorne} has spurred renewed interest in such equations of motion. For coalescing binary systems, the waveforms of the emitted gravitational waves are expected to carry a great deal of information, and full exploitation of the expected observations will require accurate theoretical models of the waveforms \\cite{CutlerThorne}. This requirement has prompted the computation of point-particle equations of motion (as well as radiation reaction effects) to higher and higher post-Newtonian orders. Most recently the coalescence waveform's phase has been computed up to post-3.5-Newtonian order \\cite{frenchgw}; see also Refs.\\ \\cite{americangw,japanesegw}. At post-5-Newtonian order and higher, the concept of point-particle equations of motion will break down due to effects related to the finite sizes of the bodies \\cite{Damour83}. However an argument due to Damour \\cite{Damour83} indicates that the point-particle equations should be well defined at lower orders, up to and including post-4.5-Newtonian. A third type of equation of motion applies to systems of $N$ interacting bodies whose sizes cannot be neglected. These equations consist of the point particle equations of motion supplemented by tidal interaction terms. In principle, if one included tidal interactions to all multipole orders, and in addition coupled the equations of motion to a dynamical description of the internal degrees of freedom in each body, one would obtain a complete description of the system, equivalent to that provided by the continuum equations of motion (up to radiative effects). For a system of bodies of typical size $\\sim R$, of typical mass $\\sim M$, and with typical separations $\\sim D$, the force $F$ that acts on one of the bodies can be written schematically as\\footnote{These scalings apply to generic bodies; if the bodies are spherically symmetric the scalings are of course altered.} \\begin{eqnarray} F &\\sim& \\frac{M^2}{D^2} \\bigg\\{ 1 + O \\left( \\frac{M}{D} \\right) + O\\left( \\frac{M^2}{D^2} \\right) + \\ldots \\nn \\\\ \\mbox{} && + O\\left[ \\left( \\frac{R}{D} \\right)^l \\right] + O\\left[ \\frac{M}{D} \\left( \\frac{R}{D} \\right)^l \\right] + \\ldots \\bigg\\}. \\label{eq:eom_schematic} \\end{eqnarray} Here we use geometric units with $G = c=1$. The terms inside the curly brackets are as follows. On the first line, the 1 is the usual Newtonian force between two point particles and the second and third terms are the post-1-Newtonian and post-2-Newtonian point-particle corrections. On the second line, the first term is the correction due to Newtonian tidal couplings; the minimum value of $l$ allowed is $l=2$ corresponding to quadrupolar coupling. The second term describes the post-1-Newtonian tidal couplings. Here the minimum allowed value $l$ is lower than in the Newtonian case due to gravitomagnetic interactions which have no Newtonian analogs. This minimum value is $l=1/2$, corresponding to spin-orbit couplings (assuming that the bodies internal velocities are maximal, $v \\sim \\sqrt{M/R}$). The purpose of this paper is to compute in detail the post-1-Newtonian tidal interaction terms in Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:eom_schematic}), for all values of $l$, for a system of $N$ bodies. The explicit form of these terms has not been derived before, although there is a substantial literature on this topic \\cite{dsxI,dsxII,dsxIII,dsxIV,dsxV,skpw,Futamasenew,Kopeikin0,Brumberg1989,Brumberg1991,Klioner,KlionerII}. There are a number of motivations for this computation. First, as described in Refs.\\ \\cite{dsxI,skpw}, in the area of celestial mechanics future experiments and observations in the solar system will provide very high precision data. For example, there are current plans to increase the accuracy of lunar laser ranging from the current centimeter level to the millimeter level \\cite{lunar}. The future astrometric missions SIM (Space Interferometry Mission) and GAIA (Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics) are expected to measure angles to an accuracy of a few microarcseconds, as compared to the current accuracy of milliarcseconds. In the radio, VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) observations currently can yield precisions of order 10 microarcseconds \\cite{vlbi}. Also, the proposed future laser astrometric test of relativity (LATOR) mission \\cite{LATOR} would be sensitive to post-2-Newtonian effects, and therefore would likely require detailed modeling of post-1-Newtonian tidal effects. Second, gravitational wave measurements of coalescing binary compact stars will likely have some ability to detect finite size effects for sufficiently strong signals \\cite{Rasio}. Although post-Newtonian tidal effects will in many cases be small compared to Newtonian tidal effects, there are some situations where the post-1-Newtonian effects dominate. An example is the gravitomagnetic resonant excitation of Rossby modes in neutron stars that are spinning at $\\sim 100 \\, {\\rm Hz}$, which could be detectable with LIGO for moderately strong detected inspirals \\cite{Racine1}. \\subsection{Tidal coupling in post-Newtonian theory} The textbook treatment of post-1-Newtonian gravity \\cite{Will} is inadequate for the treatment of tidal interactions for several reasons, as explained by Damour et. al. \\cite{dsxI}. First, the standard treatment uses a single global coordinate system. Although one can write down the continuum equations of motion for a given body in that coordinate system, it is very difficult to separate out the gravitational influences of the other bodies from the self-field of the body, since the fractional distortions of the coordinate system produced by the other bodies can be large even when the tidal distortion of the star is negligible. The development of approximation schemes such as linear perturbations about an equilibrium state is hindered by the fact that the equilibrium state is not described in the usual way in the global coordinates. This difficulty has been comprehensively addressed in a series of papers by Brumberg and Kopeikin (BK) \\cite{Kopeikin0,Brumberg1989,Brumberg1991} and by Damour, Soffel and Xu (DSX) \\cite{dsxI,dsxII,dsxIII,dsxIV}. These authors developed a detailed theory of post-1-Newtonian reference frames, in which each body has associated with it a coordinate system naturally adapted to that body. DSX also developed a formalism to compute translational equations of motion including the coupling to all the mass and current multipole moments of each body\\footnote{The BK and DSX formalisms have recently been generalized to the parameterized post-Newtonian framework for scalar-tensor theories of gravity by Kopeikin and Vlasov\\protect{\\cite{Kopeikin}}.}. They applied their formalism to compute equations of motion including spin and quadrupole couplings. In this paper, we extend the DSX results in two ways. First, by simplifying their formalism we are able to compute the explicit form of the translational equations of motion, including all the multipole couplings. Second, we give a derivation that is valid for strongly self-gravitating objects as well as weakly self-gravitating objects\\footnote{That is, we show that the dominant fractional errors scale as $O(M^2/D^2)$; global post-Newtonian methods \\protect{\\cite{dsxI,dsxII,dsxIII}} show only that these errors are $O(M^2/R^2)$ or smaller.}. We need only assume that the post-1-Newtonian field equations are satisfied in a weak field region surrounding each body. The bodies' internal gravitational fields can be arbitrarily strong; in particular our assumptions do not exclude black holes. By contrast, DSX assumed the global validity of the post-1-Newtonian continuum field equations, and so their derivation applies only to weakly self-gravitating objects. Our result also generalizes existing derivations of the Newtonian \\cite{Futamasenew} and post-1-Newtonian \\cite{ifa,thornehartle} equations of motion for strongly self-gravitating objects that incorporate only a few low order multipoles. Similar derivations to higher post-Newtonian orders including monopole terms only can be found in Refs.\\ \\cite{damourprl,ifa1}. One of the key ideas underlying our derivation is that the equations of motion are determined entirely by the local field equations in weak field regions between the bodies. This was originally pointed out by Weyl and by Einstein and Grommer; see Thorne and Hartle \\cite{thornehartle} and references therein. Each body is surrounded by a vacuum, weak field region called a ``buffer region'' \\cite{thornehartle}, and the quantities entering into the equations of motion are defined in terms of the behavior of the metric in those buffer regions (see Fig.\\ \\ref{fig1}). In particular, our multipole moments are defined in terms of the behavior of the metric in the buffer regions. Our definition of multipole moments is thus more general than the definition in terms of integrals over sources used by DSX. However, our multipole moments do coincide with those of DSX in the case of weakly self-gravitating bodies. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=fig1.eps,width=8.5cm} \\caption{An illustration of our assumptions for a system of $N$ bodies. Each body is surrounded by a strong field region which is excluded from our analysis. Surrounding these strong field regions are weak field buffer regions. Each body's center of mass worldline and mass and current multipole moments are defined in terms of the behavior of the metric in that body's buffer region. We assume that the vacuum post-1-Newtonian field equations are satisfied in all the buffer regions and in the regions of space between the buffer regions.} \\label{fig1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Our derivation consists of a number of steps: (i) The definition of each body's current and mass multipole moments and center-of-mass worldline in terms of the behavior of the metric in that bodies' buffer region. (ii) The definition for each body of a set of gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic tidal moments that act on that body, again in terms of the behavior of the metric in that bodies' buffer region. For the special case of weakly self-gravitating bodies, our definitions of these multipole and tidal moments agree with definitions given previously by DSX. (iii) The derivation of a formula, for any given body, of the second time derivative of its mass dipole moment in terms of its other multipole and tidal moments and their time derivatives. This formula was obtained previously by DSX for weakly self-gravitating bodies. (iv) A derivation of the relation between the tidal moments acting on each body and the multipole moments and center-of-mass worldlines of all the other bodies. A formalism to compute this relation was developed by DSX; we simplify their formalism and compute the relation explicitly. (v) The deduction from the previous steps of the explicit translational equations of motion, whose form has not been previously derived. \\subsection{Results for equations of motion}\\label{sec:resultseom} We next describe our results for the equations of motion. We label each body by an integer $A$, with $1 \\le A \\le N$. We use a harmonic coordinate system $(t,x^i)$ that covers all of spacetime except for the strong field regions near each body. The position of body $A$ in this coordinate system is parameterized by a function $x^i = \\cmz^A_i(t)$ called the ``center of mass worldline''. This function is defined precisely in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:configvars} below. It does not correspond to an actual worldline in spacetime; rather it parameterizes the location of the local asymptotic rest frame (see below) attached to the $A$th body. That is, it is encoded in the behavior of the metric in a weak field region surrounding body $A$ in the same way that the actual center-of-mass worldline of a weakly self-gravitating body would be encoded. Associated with each body $A$ is a coordinate system $(s_A, y_A^i)$ which is defined only in that body's buffer region, and which is adapted to the body in the sense that it minimizes the coordinate effects of the external gravitational field due to the other bodies as much as possible. This coordinate system is discussed in detail in Secs.\\ \\ref{sec:bodyadapted} and \\ref{sec:assumptions} below. We will call the corresponding reference frame the ``body frame'' or, following Thorne and Hartle \\cite{thornehartle}, the body's ``local asymptotic rest frame''. The details of the transformation between the body-adapted coordinates $(s_A,y_A^i)$ and the global coordinates $(t,x^i)$ are important for the purpose of deriving the translational equations of motion. However, for the purpose of using the equations of motion, one only needs to know the following. First, the time coordinate $s_A$ is a ``proper time'' associated with body $A$. It corresponds to the proper time that would be measured by an observer in the local asymptotic rest frame of body $A$. In that local asymptotic rest frame it is related to the global frame time coordinate $t$ by \\begin{equation} s_A = s_A(t), \\end{equation} where the function $s_A(t)$ is determined by a differential equation [Eqs.\\ (\\ref{eq:eomtime}) and (\\ref{eq:eomtimeexplicit}) below]. Second, the leading order relation between the spatial coordinates $y_A^i$ and $x^i$ is just a translation together with a time-dependent rotation [cf.\\ Eqs.\\ (\\ref{coordinatetransformationII}), (\\ref{eq:com3}) and (\\ref{eq:rotUdef}) below]: \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:dragging} x^i = \\cmz^A_i(t) + U^{A\\,j}_i(t) y_A^j. \\end{equation} The rotation matrix $U^{A\\,j}_i(t)$ describes dragging of inertial frames\\footnote{The time derivative of this rotation matrix is actually of post-1-Newtonian order, so to Newtonian order this is a constant matrix. In the body of the paper we assumed that this constant, Newtonian order rotation matrix is the unit matrix. The description of our results given here allows this constant matrix to be arbitrary; this slight generalization would be useful to describe systems that evolve for a time long enough that the accumulated rotation due to frame dragging is of order unity.}; a differential equation for its evolution is given below. The body-adapted coordinates $(s_A,y_A^i)$ rotate with respect to distant stars, while the global coordinates $(t,x^i)$ do not. Each body $A$ has associated with it a unique set of mass multipole moments \\begin{equation} M^A_L(s_A) = M^A_{a_1 \\ldots a_l}(s_A), \\end{equation} for $l=0,1,2 \\ldots$ which are symmetric, tracefree, spatial tensors with $l$ indices, of which mass dipole $M^A_i(s_A)$ vanishes identically. It also has a unique set of current multipole moments \\begin{equation} S^A_L(s_A) = S^A_{a_1 \\ldots a_l}(s_A), \\end{equation} for $l=1,2, \\ldots$. These quantities are functions of the body's proper time $s_A$. In the absence of interactions with other bodies the mass monopole $M^A$ and the spin $S^A_i$ are conserved. We will obtain below coupled equations of motion for the center of mass worldlines of all the bodies. Appearing in these equations as unknowns will be the mass multipole moments $M^A_L(s_A)$ for $l\\ge2$, and the current multipole moments $S^A_L(s_A)$ for $l\\ge2$. In order to obtain a closed system of equations, one would need to supplement the equations of this paper with equations determining the evolution of these multipole moments. We discuss further below various circumstances and approximations in which the evolution of the multipoles can be computed. Next, we define the moments $\\bodyM^A_L(t)$ and $\\bodyS^A_L(t)$ to be the body's mass and current multipole moments, transformed to the non-rotating frame, and expressed as functions of the global time $t$. These moments are given by the equations [cf.\\ Eqs.\\ (\\ref{eq:calMdef}) and (\\ref{eq:calSdef}) below] \\begin{subequations} \\begin{eqnarray}\\nn \\bodyM^A_{a_1 \\ldots a_l}(t) &=& U_{a_1}^{A\\,a'_1}(t) \\ldots U_{a_l}^{A\\,a'_l}(t) M^A_{a'_1 \\ldots a'_l}[s_A(t)], \\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\, \\\\ \\label{eq:calMdef0} \\\\ \\mbox{} \\bodyS^A_{a_1 \\ldots a_l}(t) &=& U_{a_1}^{A\\,a'_1}(t) \\ldots U_{a_l}^{A\\,a'_l}(t) S^A_{a'_1 \\ldots a'_l}[s_A(t)].\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\, \\label{eq:calSdef0} \\end{eqnarray} \\end{subequations} We can now write down the schematic form of the equations of motion. They can be written as \\begin{subequations} \\begin{eqnarray} \\cmddotz^A_i(t) &=& {\\cal F}^A_i[ \\cmz^B_i, \\cmdotz^B_i, \\bodyM^B_L, {\\dot \\bodyM}^B_L, {\\ddot \\bodyM}^B_L, \\bodyS^B_L, {\\dot \\bodyS}^B_L ] \\nn \\\\ \\label{eq:eomschematic} \\\\ {\\dot \\bodyM}^A(t) &=& {\\cal F}^A[ \\cmz^B_i, \\cmdotz^B_i, \\bodyM^B_L, {\\dot \\bodyM}^B_L] \\label{eq:eomenergy} \\\\ {\\dot \\bodyS}^A_i(t) &=& {\\bar {\\cal F}}^A_i[ \\cmz^B_i, \\bodyM^B_L ] \\label{eq:eomspin} \\\\ \\frac{ds_A}{dt} &=& {\\bar {\\cal F}}^A[ \\cmz^B_i, \\cmdotz^B_i,\\bodyM^B_L],\\label{eq:eomtime} \\end{eqnarray} and \\begin{eqnarray} \\left[{\\dot {\\bf U}}^A \\cdot \\left({\\bf U}^A\\right)^{-1}\\right]_{ij} &=& {\\cal F}^A_{ij}[\\cmz^B_i, \\cmdotz^B_i, \\bodyM^B_L, {\\dot \\bodyM}^B_L, \\bodyS^B_L ]. \\nn \\\\ \\label{eq:Uevol} \\end{eqnarray} \\end{subequations} Here ${\\cal F}^A_i$, ${\\cal F}^A$, ${\\bar {\\cal F}}^A_i$, ${\\bar {\\cal F}}^A$ and ${\\cal F}_{ij}^A$ are functions of their argument whose specific forms are discussed below. In these equations the dependencies on the time derivatives ${\\dot \\bodyM}^B_L$, ${\\ddot \\bodyM}^B_L$ and ${\\dot \\bodyS}^B_L$ only occur for $l\\ge 2$. Also the mass dipoles $\\bodyM^B_i$ vanish identically. Therefore, if we assume that the moments $M^A_L(s_A)$ and $S^A_L(s_A)$ are known for $l \\ge 2$, Eqs.\\ (\\ref{eq:calMdef0}) -- (\\ref{eq:Uevol}) form a closed set of evolution equations which can be solved to obtain the center of mass worldlines as well as the rotation matrices ${\\bf U}^A$ and time functions $s_A(t)$. We remark that the three equations (\\ref{eq:eomschematic}) -- (\\ref{eq:eomspin}) by themselves form a closed set of evolution equations for the variables $\\cmz^A_i(t), \\bodyM^A(t)$, and $\\bodyS^A_i(t)$, if we assume that the moments $\\bodyM^A_L(t)$ and $\\bodyS^A_L(t)$ are known for $l \\ge 2$. However, approximation schemes for computing the multipole moments for $l\\ge2$ usually yield the variables $M^A_L(s_A)$, $S^A_L(s_A)$ rather than the variables $\\bodyM^A_L(t)$, $\\bodyS^A_L(t)$. This is because the moments $M^A_L(s_A)$ and $S^A_L(s_A)$ are the physical moments that would be measured by an observer in the the local asymptotic rest frame of body $A$. In such cases we must enlarge the set of variables $\\cmz^A_i(t), \\bodyM^A(t), \\bodyS^A_i(t)$ to include the rotation matrices ${\\bf U}^A(t)$ and time functions $s_A(t)$ in order to obtain a closed set of equations. We also note that it is formally consistent to post-1-Newtonian accuracy to replace Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:calSdef0}) with the simpler relation $\\bodyS^A_L(t) = S^A_L(t)$. Nevertheless it can be useful in some circumstances to use the more accurate relation (\\ref{eq:calSdef0}), for example for systems which evolve for sufficiently long times that the rotation matrices $U_a^{A\\,a'}$ become significantly different from unity. We now discuss the functions ${\\cal F}^A_i$, ${\\cal F}^A$, ${\\bar {\\cal F}}^A_i$, ${\\bar {\\cal F}}^A$ and ${\\cal F}_{ij}^A$ that appear in Eqs.\\ (\\ref{eq:eomschematic}) -- (\\ref{eq:Uevol}). The functional form of ${\\cal F}^A_i$ is one of our key results. It is given by Eq.\\ (\\ref{fulleom}) below, with the coefficients modified according to the substitutions given in Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:monopolesub}) and in Appendix \\ref{sec:newcoeffs}. These modified coefficients are obtained by combining the results of this paper with those of the second paper in this series \\cite{Racine}, which we will call paper II. The functions ${\\cal F}^A$ and ${\\bar {\\cal F}}^A_i$ are standard functions that can be derived from Newtonian stress-energy conservation for weakly self-gravitating bodies, and their explicit functional forms are respectively given in section IV of paper II \\cite{Racine} and in Eq.\\ (\\ref{spinev}) below. The validity of Eqs.\\ (\\ref{eq:eomenergy}) and (\\ref{eq:eomspin}) for strongly self-gravitating bodies is derived in paper II \\cite{Racine}. The function ${\\bar {\\cal F}}^A$ is given by [cf.\\ Eqs.\\ (\\ref{coordinatetransformationII}), (\\ref{eq:alphacans}), (\\ref{globaltidalnG}), and (\\ref{eq:calTKdef0}) below] \\begin{eqnarray} {\\bar {\\cal F}}^A &=& 1 - \\frac{1}{2} \\cmdotz^A_i \\cmdotz^A_i \\nn \\\\ \\mbox{} && - \\sum_{B\\ne A} \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\frac{(2k-1)!!}{k!} \\frac{ \\bodyM^B_K}{r_{BA}^{k+1}} n^{BA}_K. \\label{eq:eomtimeexplicit} \\end{eqnarray} Here $K$ is the multi-index $b_1 \\ldots b_k$, $r_{BA} = | \\cmbmz^B - \\cmbmz^A|$, ${\\bm n}^{BA} = (\\cmbmz^B - \\cmbmz^A)/ r_{BA}$, and $n^{BA}_K = n^{BA}_{b_1} \\ldots n^{BA}_{b_k}$. Finally, the function ${\\cal F}^A_{ij}$ is given by Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:Uevol1}) below. We next discuss various approximation schemes in which the equations of motion (\\ref{eq:eomschematic}) -- (\\ref{eq:Uevol}) can be supplemented by methods for obtaining the evolution of the mass and current multipole moments $\\bodyM^A_L(t)$ and $\\bodyS^A_L(t)$ for $l\\ge2$ in order to obtain a complete, closed set of equations. Some examples of such approximations are as follows. (i) The simplest case is when the effect of all the $l\\ge2$ multipoles is negligible, and one can set $\\bodyM^A_L = \\bodyS^A_L =0$ for all $l \\ge 2$. This yields the monopole-spin truncated equations of motion discussed in Refs.\\ \\cite{thornehartle,dsxII}. (ii) Another simple case is when the evolution of the multipoles of each body is dominated by dynamics internal to that body, and is negligibly influenced by the tidal fields of the other bodies. In this case, one can solve for the evolution of the multipoles $M^A_L(s_A)$, $S^A_L(s_A)$ of each body separately, and then insert those multipoles into the equations of motion (\\ref{eq:calMdef0}) -- (\\ref{eq:Uevol}). This application will be valid only if the timescale over which the bodies' multipoles evolve is sufficiently long \\cite{thorne}; see Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:domain_of_validity} below for further discussion of this point. (iii) Another useful case to consider is that of rigid bodies. As noted by Thorne and G\\\"ursel \\cite{thornegursel}, in general relativity a body's rotation can be rigid only if its angular velocity (with respect to its local asymptotic rest frame) is constant. If the angular velocity is changing, for example due to precession, then the body cannot be rigid due to Lorentz contraction effects. However, to linear order in the body's angular velocity the motion is rigid \\cite{thornegursel}. The analysis of Thorne and G\\\"ursel can be adapted to the present context, if the bodies' rotations are slow enough that they can be idealized as rigid. In this case, the time dependence of the mass multipole moments $M^A_L(s_A)$ for $l\\ge2$ can be parameterized in terms of a time-dependent rotation matrix ${\\cal U}_a^{A\\, {\\bar a}}(s_A)$: \\begin{eqnarray} \\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\; M^A_{a_1 \\ldots a_l}(s_A) &=& {\\cal U}_{a_1}^{A\\,{\\bar a}_1}(s_A) \\ldots {\\cal U}_{a_l}^{A\\,{\\bar a}_l}(s_A) M^A_{{\\bar a}_1 \\ldots {\\bar a}_l}. \\nn \\end{eqnarray} Here the moments $M^A_{{\\bar a}_1 \\ldots {\\bar a}_l}$ are constant; these are the moments in the co-rotating frame which rotates with the body. We define the angular velocity $\\Omega^A_a(s_A)$ in the usual way as ${\\dot {\\cal U}}_a^{A\\,{\\bar b}} {\\cal U}_b^{A\\,{\\bar b}} = \\epsilon_{acb} \\Omega^A_c$. Then, the co-rotating frame spin $S^A_{\\bar a} = {\\cal U}_a^{A\\,{\\bar a}} S^A_a$ is related to the co-rotating frame angular velocity $\\Omega^A_{\\bar a} = {\\cal U}_a^{A\\,{\\bar a}} \\Omega^A_a$ via \\cite{thornegursel,rigidbody} $$ S^A_{\\bar a}(s_A) = I^A_{{\\bar a}{\\bar b}} \\Omega^A_{\\bar b}(s_A), $$ where $I^A_{{\\bar a}{\\bar b}}$ is the (constant) moment of inertia tensor\\footnote{Thorne and G\\\"ursel \\protect{\\cite{thornegursel}} have shown that for fully relativistic stars, as for Newtonian stars, the moment of inertia tensor is constant, independent of the angular velocity, up to linear order in the angular velocity.}. Similarly the higher order current multipole moments are given by $$ S^A_{{\\bar a}_1 \\ldots {\\bar a}_l}(s_A) = I^A_{{\\bar a}_1 \\ldots {\\bar a}_l{\\bar b}} \\Omega^A_{\\bar b}(s_A), $$ where $I^A_{{\\bar a}_1 \\ldots {\\bar a}_l{\\bar b}}$ is a higher order generalization of the moment of inertia tensor \\cite{thornegursel}. Combining these relations with the equations of motion (\\ref{eq:calMdef0}) -- (\\ref{eq:Uevol}) yields a closed system of equations which can be solved for the center of mass worldlines, the rotation ${\\cal U}_a^{A\\,{\\bar a}}(s_A)$ of each body with respect to its local asymptotic rest frame $(s_A,y_A^i)$, and the rotation ${\\bf U}^A(t)$ of that local asymptotic rest frame with respect to distant stars. These equations describe torqued precession of relativistic objects, generalizing the free precession equations of Thorne and G\\\"ursel \\cite{thornegursel}. (iv) For weakly self-gravitating bodies one can use the formalism developed by DSX \\cite{dsxI,dsxII,dsxIII} to obtain a post-1-Newtonian description of the internal dynamics of each body, for example by using post-1-Newtonian stellar perturbation theory. Coupling such a description to the equations of motion yields a closed system of equations. (v) Lastly, for fully relativistic, spherical stars, one can compute the leading order effects of tidal interactions by combining the results of this paper with linear relativistic stellar perturbation theory using matched asymptotic expansions; see, for example, Refs.\\ \\cite{death,damour2,thorne1,flanagan}. For example, if one is interested only in the mass quadrupoles, and one restricts attention to the dominant, fundamental $l=2$ modes with no radial nodes, then one has a relation of the form $$ M^A_{ij}(s_A) = \\int ds_A^\\prime K(s_A - s_A^\\prime) G^A_{ij}(s_A^\\prime). $$ Here $K(s_A - s_A^\\prime)$ is a Green's function which can be computed from stellar perturbation theory, and $G^A_{ij}$ is the body-frame gravitoelectric tidal moment that acts on body $A$, which is defined in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:body_frame_moments} below and which can be computed in terms of the worldlines and multipole moments of the other bodies. Combining this relation with the equations of motion (\\ref{eq:eomschematic}) -- (\\ref{eq:Uevol}) again yields a closed system of equations, if one neglects the mass multipoles for $l \\ge 3$ and the current multipoles. \\subsection{Domain of validity of our results} \\label{sec:domain_of_validity} As mentioned above, the key assumption which we make in deriving our results is that the post-1-Newtonian vacuum field equations are satisfied in a weak field region between the bodies; see Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:assumptions} below for more details. We are unable to give a derivation of this assumption from first principles. However, in this subsection we discuss various physical effects which can cause our assumption to break down, and we make estimates of the sizes of these effects. We believe that the assumption should be generally valid aside from the effects discussed in this subsection. The first type of correction are post-2-Newtonian corrections to the metric in the weak field, vacuum region between the bodies. These will give rise to fractional corrections of order $M^2/D^2$, where $M$ is a typical mass and $D$ a typical separation of the bodies, cf. the third term on the first line of Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:eom_schematic}). We can estimate as follows when these corrections will be larger than the tidal coupling terms which we retain. The estimate given in the last term of Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:eom_schematic}) can be refined by multiplying it by the dimensionless measure $\\varepsilon_l = \\bodyM_L / (M R^l)$ of the $l$th mass multipole. Demanding that this quantity be larger than the post-2-Newtonian, point particle term in Eq.\\ (\\ref{eq:eom_schematic}) yields the criterion \\begin{equation} D \\alt \\varepsilon_l^{\\frac{1}{l-1}} \\left( \\frac{R}{M} \\right)^{\\frac{1}{l-1}} \\, R. \\end{equation} Thus, the post-2-Newtonian terms will always dominate at sufficiently large separations $D$, but for any given $l\\ge2$ there will be a range of values of $D$ for which the post-1-Newtonian tidal terms dominate, as long as $\\varepsilon_l \\agt M/R$. In particular this will be true for generic (non-symmetric) bodies for which $\\varepsilon_l \\sim 1$. Similar estimates apply to current multipole couplings for $l\\ge2$. Thus, there is a nonempty regime in which the post-1-Newtonian tidal couplings computed here dominate over post-2-Newtonian, point-particle effects. Note, however, that this range of values of $D$ gets smaller as the strength of internal gravity $\\sim M/R$ increases. In the limit of $M \\sim R$ of a black hole, the post-2-Newtonian terms are always comparable to or larger than the post-1-Newtonian tidal terms. Therefore, our results cannot be applied consistently to black holes without including post-2-Newtonian and higher terms in the equations of motion. Another type of correction, which is also formally of post-2-Newtonian order, is that due to the time dependence of the mass and current multipole moments of the individual bodies \\cite{thorne}. The post-1-Newtonian solutions [Eqs.\\ (\\ref{basicmodelA}) -- (\\ref{reducedzeta}) below] do not exhibit the correct retarded dependence on these moments, that is, they are functions of $M_L(t)$ and $S_L(t)$ rather than $M_L(t-r)$ and $S_L(t-r)$. If these moments vary on a timescale $\\tau$, then the corresponding fractional corrections to the mass moments $M^A_L$ scale as $D^4/\\tau^4$, and the fractional corrections to the current moments $S^A_L$ scale as $D^2/\\tau^2$. Demanding that these corrections be smaller than the post-1-Newtonian accuracies of these quantities ($\\sim M/D$ and $\\sim 1$ respectively) yields the criterion $\\tau \\gg D$ for the current moments, and the more stringent criterion \\begin{equation} \\tau \\gg D \\left( \\frac{D}{M} \\right)^{1/4} \\label{eq:criterion} \\end{equation} for the mass moments. Fractional corrections to the post-1-Newtonian tidal interactions will be of order unity for $\\tau \\sim D (D/M)^{1/4}$. The criterion $\\tau \\gg D$ essentially says that all of the bodies lie in the near zone of the gravitational radiation produced by any one body, and not in the wave zone \\cite{thorne}, and the criterion (\\ref{eq:criterion}) is a somewhat stronger requirement than this. To illustrate the criterion (\\ref{eq:criterion}) it is useful to consider some examples. First, if the time evolution of a body's moments is driven by tidal interactions with other bodies, then the timescale is of order $\\tau \\sim D (D/M)^{1/2}$, and the criterion is satisfied. Second, suppose that we have a 3-body system consisting of two black holes in a tight binary, together with a third body in orbit around the binary. We can model such a system as a 2 body system using the formalism of this paper, treating the black hole binary as a single body\\footnote{Although our formalism cannot be consistently applied to individual black holes unless supplemented with post-2-Newtonian and higher order point particle terms, our formalism can be applied to black hole binaries treated as a single body. This is because binaries are less compact than black holes.} whose mass and current multipole moments are evolving with time due to internal dynamics. Then, early in the gravitational-wave driven inspiral of the black hole binary, the criterion (\\ref{eq:criterion}) will be satisfied and our results for the equation of motion will be valid. As the black hole binary gets tighter however, eventually the orbital period will become shorter than (\\ref{eq:criterion}) and our results will no longer be applicable. This second example illustrates that the post-1-Newtonian approximation can sometimes completely break down, even in the supposed weak-field region between the bodies. During the final coalescence of the black holes the gravitational radiation metric perturbation will become temporarily as large as the Newtonian potential in the region between the binary and the loosely bound companion. Our results are not applicable to such systems, in which one of the bodies emits a strong burst of gravitational radiation. Further work is required to deduce the form of the translational equations of motion in this type of situation. There are two other assumptions made in our derivation which slightly restrict the domain of validity of our results. First, we assume that a coordinate system which covers the weak field region between the bodies can be smoothly extended to cover the bodies' interiors (see Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:pnsolns} below). This assumption essentially restricts the spatial topology of the bodies' interiors, and excludes objects like eternal black holes, wormhole mouths and naked singularities. It does not exclude realistic, astrophysical black holes for the reason explained in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:pnsolns} \\cite{thornegw}. Second, in order for a body's multipole moments to be definable, it is necessary that there exist two concentric coordinate spheres surrounding the object, such that the region between the two spheres is vacuum, in a particular coordinate system centered on the body (see Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:pnsolns} below). This assumption might break down when two bodies get within one or two radii of one another, slightly before they actually touch. \\subsection{Organization of this paper} The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec. \\ref{sec:cfe} we introduce our notations for the post-1-Newtonian continuum field equations, and following DSX we define a class of gauges (conformally Cartesian harmonic gauges) that we use throughout the paper. Section \\ref{sec:gaugefreedom} presents a simplified version of the theory of post-1-Newtonian reference systems of Refs.\\ \\cite{dsxI,dsxII,dsxIII,Kopeikin0,Brumberg1989,Brumberg1991,Klioner}. The key result of this section is the explicit parameterization (\\ref{eq:generalcoordtransform}) of the residual gauge freedom within conformally Cartesian harmonic gauge in terms of a number of freely specifiable functions of time and one harmonic function of time and space. Section \\ref{singlesys} is devoted to the definitions of the mass multipole moments $M_L(t)$, current multipole moments $S_L(t)$, gravitoelectric tidal moments $G_L(t)$ and gravitomagnetic tidal moments $H_L(t)$ associated with a given object and a given conformally Cartesian, harmonic coordinate system. These definitions are given in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:pnsolns} in terms of the general solution (\\ref{basicmodelA}) -- (\\ref{reducedzeta}) of the post-1-Newtonian field equations in a vacuum region between two concentric coordinate spheres that surround the object (the object's ``buffer region''). Section \\ref{sec:momentsgaugetransformation} analyzes how all of these moments transform under the class of allowed gauge transformations discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:gaugefreedom}. In Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:bodyadapted} we describe gauge specializations that fix the gauge freedom completely and accordingly determine the multipole and tidal moments uniquely. We call the resulting coordinate system a body-adapted coordinate system. Section \\ref{sec:moments1} gives a definition of multipole moments and tidal moments associated with a given object, a given worldline and a given coordinate system. These moments arise only in intermediate steps in the derivations of this paper and not in our final results. Finally, in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:comparison} we compare the moment definitions used here with other definitions in the literature. Section \\ref{eom} derives the law of motion for a single body, that is, the relation between the second time derivative of its mass dipole moment and its other multipole and tidal moments and their time derivatives. The assumptions and result are described in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:eomoverview}. A general description of the surface-integral method of derivation which we use is given in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:method_of_derivation}. In Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:post2} we give some of the post-2-Newtonian vacuum field equations which are needed for the derivation. Section \\ref{sec:nod} derives the single body law of motion to Newtonian order, as a warm-up exercise. Finally, the post-1-Newtonian derivation is given in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:pnderiv}. This derivation uses an idea due to Thorne and Hartle \\cite{thornehartle} to deduce the value of a complicated surface integral from previous weak-field computations of DSX \\cite{dsxI,dsxII}. Section \\ref{manybody} lays the foundations for treating a system of $N$ interacting, finite-sized bodies. Our assumptions are described and discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:assumptions}. In Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:body_frame_moments} we define, for each body, a set of body-frame multipole and tidal moments associated with that bodies' adapted coordinate system. These are the moments that would be measured by an observer in that bodies local asymptotic rest frame. Section \\ref{sec:configvars} defines the configuration variables that specify the location, orientation etc.\\ within the global coordinate system of the local asymptotic rest frame which is attached to that body. These variables include the center of mass worldline and also the time functions and rotation matrices discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:resultseom} above. In Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:globalcoords} we define for each body multipole and tidal moments associated with the global coordinate system. These quantities appear only in intermediate steps in our computations and not in our final results. The relation between the global-frame multipole and tidal moments and the body-frame multipole and tidal moments is computed in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:cbf}. Section \\ref{sec:mdefs1} defines the modified versions $\\bodyM_L$ and $\\bodyS_L$ of the body-frame multipole moments, discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{sec:resultseom} above, which are defined with respect to a frame that is non-rotating with respect to distant stars, and which are expressed as functions of the global time coordinate. These are the moments that appear in the final equations of motion. Finally, Sec.\\ \\ref{explicit} gives the derivation of the complete, explicit translational equations of motion for the $N$ body system. \\subsection{Notations and conventions} \\label{sec:notation} Throughout this paper we use geometric units in which $G=c=1$. We use the sign conventions of Misner, Thorne and Wheeler \\cite{mtw}; in particular we use the metric signature $(-,+,+,+)$. Greek indices ($\\mu$,$\\nu$ etc...) run from 0 to 3 and denote spacetime indices, while Roman indices ($a$, $b$, $i$,$j$, etc...) run from 1 to 3 and denote spatial indices. The spacetime coordinates will generically be denoted by $(x^0,x^i) = (t,x^i)$. Spatial indices are raised and lowered using $\\delta_{ij}$, and repeated spatial indices are contracted regardless of whether they are covariant or contravariant indices. We denote by $n^i$ the unit vector $x^i/r$, where $r = |{\\bm{x}}| = \\sqrt{\\delta_{ij} x^i x^j}$. When dealing with sequences of spatial indices, we use the multi-index notation introduced by Thorne \\cite{thorne} as modified slightly by Damour, Soffel and Xu \\cite{dsxI}. We use $L$ to denote the sequence of $l$ indices $a_1 a_2 \\ldots a_l$, so that for any $l$-index tensor\\footnote{ Here by ``tensor'' we mean an object which transforms as a tensor under the symmetry group SO(3) of the zeroth order spatial metric $\\delta_{ij}$, not a spacetime tensor.} $T$ we have \\begin{equation} T_L \\equiv T_{a_1a_2... \\,a_l} . \\end{equation} If $l=0$, it is understood that $T_L$ is a scalar. If $l<0$ then $T_L\\equiv 0$. We define $L-1$ to be the sequence of $l-1$ indices $a_1 a_2 \\ldots a_{l-1}$, so that \\begin{equation} T_{L-1} \\equiv T_{a_1a_2... \\,a_{l-1}}. \\end{equation} If $l=0$, then by convention $T_{L-1} \\equiv 0$. We also define $N$ to be the sequence of $n$ indices $a_1 a_2 \\ldots a_n$, and $L-N$ to be the sequence of $l-n$ indices $a_{n+1} a_{n+2} \\ldots a_l$, so that we can write a relation like \\begin{equation} G_{a_1 ... a_l} = S_{a_1... \\, a_n} T_{a_{n+1} ... \\,a_l} \\end{equation} as $G_L = S_N T_{L-N}$, for any tensors $G$, $S$ and $T$. We define $K$, $P$ and $Q$ to be the sequences of spatial indices $b_1 b_2 \\ldots b_k$, $c_1 c_2 \\ldots c_p$, and $d_1 d_2 \\ldots d_q$, respectively. Repeated multi-indices are subject to the Einstein summation convention, as in $S_L T_L$. We also use the notations \\begin{equation} x^L \\equiv x^{a_1a_2...\\,a_l} \\equiv x^{a_1}x^{a_2}...\\,x^{a_l} \\end{equation} and \\begin{equation} \\partial_L \\equiv \\partial_{a_1a_2...\\,a_l} \\equiv \\partial_{a_1}\\partial_{a_2} ...\\,\\partial_{a_l}. \\end{equation} We use angular brackets to denote the operation of taking the symmetric trace-free (STF) part of a tensor. Thus for any tensor $T_L$, we define \\begin{equation} T_{} \\equiv \\text{STF}_L(T_L). \\end{equation} where $\\text{STF}_L$ means taking the symmetric trace-free projection on the indices $L$. For example, if $l=2$, we have \\begin{eqnarray}\\nn T_{} &=& T_{} \\\\\\nn &=& \\frac{1}{2}\\left(T_{a_1a_2} + T_{a_2a_1}\\right) - \\frac{1}{3}\\delta_{a_1a_2}T_{jj}. \\end{eqnarray} See Appendix \\ref{stf} for the general definition of STF projection, and for a collection of useful relations involving STF tensors. Throughout this paper, symbols will generally denote functions (as is common in mathematics) rather than physical quantities (as is common in physics). For example, in Sec.\\ \\ref{manybody} we define a mass multipole moment $M^A_L(s_A)$ which is a function of a time coordinate $s_A$. In that section we also use a different time coordinate $t$. Then, the notation $M^A_L(t)$ will always mean $M_L(s_A)$ evaluated at $s_a=t$, rather than $M^A_L[s_a(t)]$. Finally, for the aid of the reader an index of symbols is provided in Table \\ref{table:symbols}. \\bigskip ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have given a surface integral derivation of the full post-1-Newtonian DSX laws of motion (\\ref{mainresult}). We have shown that these laws of motion apply to a wide class of strongly self-gravitating objects, provided that the mass and current moments are appropriately defined in terms of the asymptotic weak field metric in the buffer regions around each body. We have given an explicit form for the coupled equations of motion of the bodies' center of mass worldlines including the effects of \\textit{all} the post-Newtonian mass and current multipole couplings. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time these equations of motion have been written out explicitly. The second paper in this series will include a surface integral derivations of the evolution laws (\\protect{\\ref{eq:mainresult0}}) and (\\protect{\\ref{eq:spinresult}}) for the energy (mass monopole) and the spin $S^A_i$ \\cite{Racine}." }, "0404/astro-ph0404146_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Cosmic acceleration may be the result of unknown physical processes involving either new fields in high energy physics or modifications of gravitation theory. In the latter case, such modifications are usually related to the existence of extra dimensions (which is also required by unification theories), giving rise to the so-called brane cosmology. In this paper we investigate the phenomenon of the acceleration of the Universe in a particular class of brane scenarios in which a large scale modification of gravity arises due to a gravitational \\emph{leakage} into extra dimensions. By using the most recent supernova observations we study the transition (deceleration/acceleration) epoch as well as the constraints imposed on the parameters characterizing the model. We show that these models provide a good description for the current supernova data, which may be indicating that the existence of extra dimensions play an important role not only in fundamental physics but also in cosmology. ", "introduction": "The current idea of a \\emph{negative-pressure} dominated universe seems to be inevitable in light of the impressive convergence of the recent observational results (see, e.g., \\cite{revde} for a review). This in turn has led cosmologists to hipothesize on the possible existence of an exotic dark component that not only would explain these experimental data but also would reconcile them with the inflationary flatness prediction ($\\Omega_{\\rm{Total}} = 1$). This extra component, or rather, its gravitational effects is thought of as the first observational piece of evidence for new physics beyond the domain of the standard model of particle physics, a conclusion that has given rise to many speculations on its fundamental origin \\cite{alcaniz}. Alternatively, another possible route to deal with this dark pressure problem could be a modification in gravity instead of any adjustment to the energy content of the Universe. This idea naturally brings to light another important question at the interface of fundamental physics and cosmology: extra dimensions. As is well known the existence of extra dimensions is required in various theories beyond the standard model of particle physics, especially in theories for unifying gravity and the other fundamental forces, such as superstring or M theories. As suggested in Ref. \\cite{add}, extra dimensions may also provide a possible explanation for the huge difference between the two fundamental energy scales in nature, namely, the electroweak and Planck scales [$M_{Pl}/m_{EW} \\sim 10^{16}$] (see also \\cite{randall}). In the cosmological context, the role of extra spatial dimensions as source of the dark pressure is translated into the so-called brane world (BW) cosmologies \\cite{braneS}. The general principle behind such models is that our 4-dimensional Universe would be a surface or a brane embedded into a higher dimensional bulk space-time on which gravity and only gravity could propagate. Brane world scenarios has been a topic of much interest recently. In \\cite{ss}, for instance, a class of BW models which admit a wider range of possibilities for the dark pressure than do the usual dark energy scenarios was investigated. An interesting feature of this class of models is that the acceleration of the Universe can be a transient phenomena, which could help reconcile the supernova evidence for an accelerating universe with the requirements of string/M-theory \\cite{fis}. Another particularly interesting scenario is the one proposed by Dvali {\\it{et al.}} \\cite{dgp}, which we will refer to it as DGP model. It describes a self-accelerating 5-dimensional BW model with a noncompact, infinite-volume extra dimension in which the whole dynamics of gravity is governed by a competition between a 4-dimensional Ricci scalar term, induced on the brane, and an ordinary 5-dimensional Einstein-Hilbert action. For scales below a crossover radius $r_c$ (where the induced 4-dimensional Ricci scalar dominates), the gravitational force experienced by two punctual sources is the usual 4-dimensional $1/r^{2}$ force whereas for distance scales larger than $r_c$ the gravitational force follows the 5-dimensional $1/r^{3}$ behavior. The theoretical consistency of the model, and in particular of its self-accelerating solution, is still a matter of debate in the current literature (see, e.g., \\cite{luty}). From the observational viewpoint, however, DGP models have been sucessufully tested in many of their predictions, ranging from local gravity to cosmological observations \\cite{deff1,alc1,alc2,lue}. In this paper we are particularly interested in testing the viability of DGP scenarios in light of the latest supernova (SNe Ia) data, as provided recently by Riess {\\it et al.} \\cite{rnew}. The sample used, which consists of 157 \\emph{gold} events distributed over the redshift interval $0.01 \\lesssim z \\lesssim 1.7$, is the compilation of the best observations made so far by the two supernova search teams plus 16 new events observed by \\emph{HST}. In agreement with other independent analyses, it is shown that these models constitute a good explanation for the current SNe Ia observations and, hence, that the presence of extra dimensions may provide a viable alternative for the dark pressure problem. ", "conclusions": "The results of observational cosmology in the past years have opened up an unprecedented opportunity to establish a more solid connection between Fundamental Physics and Cosmology. Surely, the most remarkable finding among these results comes from SNe Ia observations which suggest that the cosmic expansion is undergoing a late time acceleration. Such a phenomenon has been often explained from two different ways, i.e., either by considering the presence of a negative-pressure dark component, the so-called dark energy, or by assuming the existence of extra spatial dimensions, as motivated by recent developments in particle physics. In this paper we have followed the second route. We have studied the transition (deceleration/acceleration) epoch in the context of DGP models and shown that these scenarios based on a large scale modification of gravity are in good agreement with the current SNe Ia data for values of $\\Omega_{\\rm{m}} = 0.33^{+0.10}_{-0.09}$ and $\\Omega_{r_{c}} = 0.24^{+0.05}_{-0.07}$ (95.4\\% c.l.). By assuming a SNe Ia-independent constraint on the matter density parameter, we have found $\\Omega_{\\rm{r_c}} = 0.21$, leading to an estimate of the crossover scale $r_c \\simeq 1.09 H_o^{-1}$. If flatness is imposed, then we find $\\Omega_{\\rm{m}} = 0.23$ ($\\Omega_{\\rm{r_c}} = 0.148$), which corresponds to a acceleration universe with $q_o \\simeq -0.65$ and a total expanding age of $t_o \\simeq 9.5h^{-1}$ Gyr. In summary, what we have shown is that at least at the level of background tests (like tests involving SNe Ia measurements), DGP models constitute a viable alternative for the dark energy or dark pressure problem. This may be understood as an indication that the existence of extra dimensions play an important role not only in fundamental physics but also in cosmology." }, "0404/astro-ph0404416_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on the methodology and first results from the Deep Lens Survey (DLS) transient search. We utilize image subtraction on survey data to yield all sources of optical variability down to 24$^{th}$ magnitude. Images are analyzed immediately after acquisition, at the telescope and in near--real time, to allow for followup in the case of time--critical events. All classes of transients are posted to the web upon detection. Our observing strategy allows sensitivity to variability over several decades in timescale. The DLS is the first survey to classify and report all types of photometric and astrometric variability detected, including solar system objects, variable stars, supernovae, and short timescale phenomena. Three unusual optical transient events were detected, flaring on thousand--second timescales. All three events were seen in the $B$ passband, suggesting blue color indices for the phenomena. One event (OT 20020115) is determined to be from a flaring Galactic dwarf star of spectral type dM4. From the remaining two events, we find an overall rate of $\\rate = 1.4~ {\\rm events}~ {\\rm deg}^{-2}~{\\rm day}^{-1}$ on thousand--second timescales, with a $95\\%$ confidence limit of $\\rate < 4.3$. One of these events (OT 20010326) originated from a compact precursor in the field of galaxy cluster Abell 1836, and its nature is uncertain. For the second (OT 20030305) we find strong evidence for an extended extragalactic host. A dearth of such events in the $R$ passband yields an upper $95\\%$ confidence limit on short timescale astronomical variability between $19.5 < \\mathcal{M}_R < 23.4$ of $\\rate_R < 5.2~ {\\rm events}~ {\\rm deg}^{-2}~{\\rm day}^{-1}$. We report also on our ensemble of astrometrically variable objects, as well as an example of photometric variability with an undetected precursor. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec-intro} Characterization of the variable optical sky is one of the new observational frontiers in astrophysics, with vast regions of parameter space remaining unexplored. At the faint flux levels reached by this optical transient search, previous surveys were only able to probe down to timescales of hours. An increase in observational sensitivity at short timescale and low peak flux holds the promise of detection and characterization of rare, violent events, as well as new astrophysics. The detection of transient optical emission provides a window into a range of known astrophysical events, from stellar variability and explosions to the mergers of compact stellar remnants. Known types of catastrophic stellar explosions, such as supernovae and gamma--ray bursts (GRBs), produce prompt optical transients decaying with timescales of hours to months. Some classes of GRBs result from the explosion of massive stars -- these hypernovae are known to produce bright optical flashes decaying with hour--long timescales due to emission from a reverse shock plowing into ejecta from the explosion. In addition, GRBs produce optical afterglows, decaying on day to week timescales, resulting from jet--like relativistic shocks expanding into a circumstellar medium. Even more interesting are explosive events yet to be discovered, such as mergers among neutron stars and black holes. These may have little or no high-energy emission, and hence may be discoverable only at longer wavelengths \\citep{li-pac}. Finally, there is the opportunity to find rare examples of variability, as well as the potential for discovering new, unanticipated phenomena. One of the primary science goals of this transient search is the rate and distribution of short timescale astronomical variability. However, we catalogue and report all classes of photometric or astrometric variability with equal consideration. A weakness in many surveys with targeted science is that serendipitous information is discarded as background -- a counterexample is the wealth of stellar variability information being gleaned from microlensing survey data. The DLS survey geometry and observation cadence are not optimal for maximizing the overall number of detected transients (e.g. \\mycite{nemiroff-03}), being driven instead by weak lensing science requirements. However, given the current lack of constraints at short timescales and to significant depth, the potential remains for the discovery of new types of astronomical variability. The search for variability without population bias is one of the primary goals of the Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST, \\mycite{tyson-lsst02}). Efforts such as the DLS transient search are a useful and necessary testing ground for the software design and implementation needed to reduce, in real--time, LSST's expected data flow of 20 TB nightly. ", "conclusions": "We have reported on the structure of and first results from our wide--field image subtraction pipeline. An important characterization of our transient survey is the exposure $\\exposure$ at a given timescale and to a given depth. The DLS transient search is primarily sensitive to $\\sim 1000s$ variability from $19^{th}$ to deeper than $23^{rd}$ magnitudes in $B$, $V$, and $R$. Within this envelope of sensitivity, we have detected three short timescale optical transient events. OT 20010326 occurred in the field of galaxy cluster Abell 1836. One archival HST image of the cluster includes this region, and the transient precursor is present and unresolved. This indicates a compact precursor, stellar in nature if it resides in our Galaxy. The colors of this object are consistent at the $1 \\sigma$ level with those expected of Galactic dwarf stars (Figure~\\ref{fig-cmds}), whose flaring activity presents a known background. However, the object would be too far out of the Galactic plane to belong to the disk population of dwarf stars, and halo subdwarfs are not known to flare. It is also possible the precursor resides in, or behind, the Abell cluster, but overall its nature remains uncertain. OT 20020115 is identified as a Galactic M dwarf of spectral type dM4, exhibiting classical flare star activity. Finally, the host for OT 20030305 appears consistently elliptical in the $R$ and $I$ passbands, and inconsistent with the $R$--band stellar PSF, which we consider a strong argument for a resolved host, extragalactic in nature. We find OT 20030305 the strongest candidate so far for optically detected, short timescale cosmological variability. The precursor or host objects for OTs 20010326 and 20030305 are definitively redder than galaxies that are known to host GRBs and XRFs. If our events are cosmological in nature, this suggests that optical and high energy events arise from different mechanisms, or, given the dearth of GRBs from dusty star--forming galaxies, a stronger bias against GRBs and XRFs from a dusty environment. If our lightcurves evolve analogous to the prompt stage of GRBs emission, the rapid decline coupled with their intrinsic faintness would make them difficult to monitor beyond several hours. Finally, we emphasize the diversity of variable objects in the stellar menagerie, and thus it is not straightforward to rule out Galactic stars as the sources for our OTs. Spectroscopic information will ultimately help to clarify their nature, and such followup observations are planned. Our search has also yielded SN--like events that appear to have no host galaxy to significant ($> 27$) limiting magnitude -- OT 20020112 is one such example. In addition, our catalog of SN candidates, classified as supernovae primarily due to their proximity to a host galaxy, might also contain sources with unusual temporal evolution. Overall, the DLS transient search is well suited to explore the parameter space of OTs with small energy budgets, a population that could plausibly have escaped detection by gamma--ray and X--ray satellite missions. This raises the possibility that the phenomena detected represent a new class of astronomical variability. Coordinated photometric followup of future optical transients is absolutely necessary to reveal fully the diversity of variability at faint optical magnitudes. A primary goal of future variability surveys must be to enable the photometric and spectroscopic followup of detected events through timely release of information and ease of access to available data. The wealth of information that can be gleaned from real--time synoptic transient science, only a subset of which is covered in this paper, strengthens the science case for the expansion of deep, wide astronomical surveys into the short timescale regime. Expected future surveys like the LSST and PAN--STARRS \\citep{pan-starrs} will survey thousands of square degrees per night, and will benefit greatly from modern development in this field." }, "0404/astro-ph0404285_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results from an analysis of Hubble Space Telescope High Resolution Camera data for the Large Magellanic Cloud microlensing event MACHO-LMC-5. By determining the parallax and proper motion of this object we find that the lens is an M dwarf star at a distance of $578^{+65}_{-53}$pc with a proper motion of $21.39 \\pm 0.04 $ mas/yr. Based on the kinematics and location of this star it more likely to be part of the Galactic thick disk than thin disk population. We confirm that the microlensing event LMC-5 is a jerk-parallax event. ", "introduction": "For over a decade astronomers have been observing the Magellanic Clouds in order to determine the fraction of the dark matter in our Galaxy that may be in the form of Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs). The discovery of a significant number of microlensing events in the first two years of the MACHO project lead to an uncertain initial estimate that approximately half of the halo was composed of MACHOs (Alcock et al.~1997). With 3.7 years of additional data this estimate decreased to $\\sim 20\\%$ of the halo (Alcock et al.~2000). While it appears these objects make up a significant fraction of the mass in the Galactic halo, little is known about their nature other than that their most probable masses lie in the range of 0.15 and 0.9$M_\\sun$ In order to obtain the most accurate information which can be gained from a microlensing event, it is useful to accurately determine the flux of the star that was lensed. This is made difficult for sources in crowded fields such as LMC because they are usually blended with neighboring stars. In many cases each ``object'' identified in ground-based observations consists of the blend of a number of stars (Alcock et al.~2000). The exact location of the source star is also poorly known because of blending. To determine the locations of the sources Alcock et al.~(2001a, 2001b) analyzed the MACHO project images using Difference Image Analysis (Alcock et al.~1999, 2001a). With these positions they were able to subsequently identify and photometer the microlensing source stars in observations taken with {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} (hereafter HST) Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). Among the events discovered by the MACHO project toward the Magellanic clouds was event LMC-5. This event had a high magnification ($\\sim$50) and was detected in the light curve of Macho object 6.5845.1091 which is located at $\\alpha= 05^{\\rm h}\\!16^{\\rm m}\\!41\\fs 1$, $\\delta =-70\\arcdeg\\! 29\\arcmin\\! 18\\arcsec$ (J2000). Gould, Bachall \\& Flynn (1997) suggested that the baseline color of this event was not consistent with an LMC source star and they proposed that the anomalous color could be attributed to the source being blended with a M dwarf in the Galactic disk. As the likelihood of finding and M dwarf within the seeing disk is small they proposed an M dwarf could be the lens in the foreground. Alcock et al.~(1997) found that the color of the source was in agreement with the colors and magnitudes of LMC stars, but the event was indeed blended with a red object. Most of the LMC microlensing events found by Alcock et al.~(1997) were blended to some extent. When the source star in this microlensing event was identified in HST observations it was discovered that there was a faint red star nearby. The probability of finding an unrelated foreground M dwarf near the microlensing source star is $\\sim 1$ in 10000 (Alcock et al.~2001b). With this in mind, it was thought very likely that this object was the lens. The LMC-5 event shows the clear sign of microlensing parallax. In these events, the motion of the Earth during the event changes the shape of the microlensing light curve from the classical Paczy\\'nski form (Gould 1992, Alcock et al.~1995). The presence of parallax enables limits to be placed on the mass and location of the microlens. The parallax fit for this event yielded a lens motion direction that was consistent with the red star having been the lens. However, the solution also suggested that the lens was likely to be a sub-stellar object of 0.036M$_\\odot$ ($\\leq$ 0.097M$_\\odot$ at 3-$\\sigma$ significance) at a distance of $\\sim 200$pc. Alcock et al.~(2001b) derived a separate distance estimate for the lens using the objects color and spectral type. First a spectrum of the lens-source combination was obtained and it was found that the prospective lens was an M4V or M5V type star. The V-I color of the object was determined from HST WFPC2 photometry. This color was converted into an absolute magnitude using the $M_{V}$ vs $V-I$ relation of Reid (1991) for M dwarfs. The distance was then obtained from the observed and absolute magnitudes while the errors in distance were estimated from the dispersion in M dwarf magnitudes $V-I\\sim3$. The result was that the object was at $650 \\pm 190$pc, in stark contrast to the microlensing parallax solution. If the red object is indeed the lens, a measurement of the parallax should confirm the distance inferred from the color of the object in the HST images. In addition, a measurement of the magnitude and direction of the proper motion should agree with the initial estimate which assumed the red object was the lens, and that the relative separations of the two objects represented its proper motion. To resolve the nature of the candidate lens we undertook a program of observations with HST's Advanced Camera System High Resolution Camera (hereafter ACS and HRC, respectively). In the meantime, a new solution to the LMC-5 puzzle was proposed by Gould (2004) based on the recent work of Smith, Mao and Paczy\\'nski (2003). By exploring the phase space of ``vector microlens parallax'' in a geocentric reference frame, Gould (2004) discovered a second solution to the microlensing parallax which varied from the original solution of Alcock et al.~(2001b) by less than 0.1 in fit $\\chi^2$. The microlens vector parallax of this second solution differs from that of the first solution by the so called \"jerk parallax\", a vector whose direction lies perpendicular to the direction of the Earth's acceleration and whose magnitude (for LMC events) is about $(4/3) ({\\rm yr/2\\pi t_{\\rm e}}) \\sim 2.4$. Events exhibiting these so-called \"jerk-parallax degeneracies\" are expected to be rare for microlensing toward the LMC, unless the lens resides in the Galactic disk. In the case of the LMC-5 microlensing event, Gould (2004)'s jerk-parallax solution is in agreement with the lens distance and direction estimated from the HST photometry. The solution of Gould (2004) does not rule out the possibility that the initial solution to the microlensing fit was the correct one, since both are equally good fits to the lensing light curve. However, when this solution is considered in combination with the other evidence from the HST data it is much more likely that the lens is a sub-stellar object not detected in the HST data. In this paper we will show with certainty that Gould (2004)'s solution is the correct one. ", "conclusions": "We have analyzed HRC data for LMC microlensing event LMC-5 and we find that the lens in this microlensing event is an M dwarf star. Based on our analysis we can confirm that the jerk-parallax solution to the microlensing light curve discovered by Gould (2004) is correct. The kinematics of this star suggest that it is most likely a part of the Galactic thick disk population rather than part of the dark halo. This is the first time that any microlens has been identified with such certainty. However, this discovery does not affect the current estimates of the mass fraction of the Galactic dark halo in the form of MACHOs, since some microlensing events due to foreground disk stars are expected in all LMC microlensing models. We would like to thank an anonymous referee for his many helpful suggestions. We would also like to thank Jay Anderson who generously made his results and analysis programs available to us prior to their release. Support for this publication was provided by NASA through proposal numbers GO-9394 and from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, under NASA contract NAS5-26555. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S.~Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract W-7405-Eng-48. The work done by A.~J.~D. is supported by Chilean FONDECYT grant 1030955." }, "0404/astro-ph0404599_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\baselineskip 14pt We discuss the constraints that future photometric and spectroscopic redshift surveys can put on dark energy through the baryon oscillations of the power spectrum. We model the dark energy either with a perfect fluid or a scalar field and take into account the information contained in the linear growth function. We show that the growth function helps to break the degeneracy in the dark energy parameters and reduce the errors on $w_{0},w_{1}$ roughly by 30\\% making more appealing multicolor surveys based on photometric redshifts. We find that a 200 $\\deg ^{2}$ spectroscopic survey reaching $z\\approx 3$ can constrain $w_{0},w_{1}$ to within $\\Delta w_{0}=0.21,\\Delta w_{1}=0.26$ and to $\\Delta w_{0}=0.39,\\Delta w_{1}=0.54$ using photometric redshifts with absolute uncertainty of 0.02. In the scalar field case we show that the slope $n$ of the inverse power-law potential for dark energy can be constrained to $\\Delta n=0.26$ (spectroscopic redshifts) or $\\Delta n=0.40$ (photometric redshifts), i.e. better than with future ground-based supernovae surveys or CMB data. ", "introduction": "Dark energy is the most elusive component of the universe: it is dark, it does not cluster and, in most models, it is subdominant in cosmic history until recently. On the other hand, it is also the most pervasive component, in that it affects background expansion, linear dynamics and possibly non-linear as well. The characterization of DE has been so far based almost uniquely on background tests at rather low redshifts ($z<1$: Riess et al. 1998, Perlmutter et al. 1999, Tonry et al. 2003, Riess et al. 2004) or very large redshifts ($z\\approx 1000$: e.g. Netterfield et al. 2002, Halverson et al. 2002, Lee et al. 2002, Bennett et al. 2003), although tests at intermediate redshifts based on strong lensing have also appeared (Soucail, Kneib \\& Golse 2004). These tests are based essentially on estimations of luminosity $D_{L}$ or angular-diameter distances $D(z)$, i.e. on integrals of the Hubble function $H(z)$ which, in turn, contains an integral of the equation of state . If we aim at making real progress it is then necessary to cross this information with probes at intermediate $z$ and with other observables such as the linear growth function $G(z)$. The goal of this paper is to show how future observations of large scale structure (LSS) at $z$ up to 3 can set interesting limits on models of DE taking advantage of the complementarity between $H,D$ and $G$. The method we use is based on recent proposals (Linder 2003, Blake \\& Glazebrook 2003, Seo \\& Eisenstein 2003) to exploit the baryon oscillations in the power spectrum as a standard ruler calibrated through CMB acoustic peaks. In particular, Blake \\& Glazebrook (2003) and Seo \\& Eisenstein (2003; hereinafter SE) have shown the feasibility of large (100 to 1000 square degrees) spectroscopic surveys at $z\\approx 1$ and $z\\approx 3$ to put stringent limits to the equation of state $w(z)$ and its derivative. SE have also shown that the redshift error introduced by a photometric survey (with a relative error on $1+z$ of $1\\%$) could be compensated only by a 20-fold increase of the sampled volume. This paper has a threefold motivation. First, we extend the Fisher matrix method by taking into account the information on the DE evolution contained in the growth factor $G$ at various redshifts. While SE marginalized over $G$, we find that its marked dependence on the cosmological parameters, especially on $\\Omega _{m}$, associated with its different direction of degeneracy, are helpful in narrowing down the constraints. Secondly, we extend the analysis to a scalar field model of DE with inverse power-law potential (Ratra \\& Peebles 1988), based on the inverse power-law potential: this allows us to evaluate the growth function without further assumptions and to exploit the properties of tracking solutions (Steinhardt et al. 1999). Third, we pay special attention to the possibility of testing DE with a photometric redshift survey. Indeed the effect of the growth factor in reducing the confidence regions of the cosmological parameters makes more appealing the use of photometric redshift surveys to show any possible redshift evolution of the DE. We explore the constraints derived on the cosmological parameters from relatively wide multicolor surveys where the absolute redshift uncertainty keeps almost constant around $\\delta z=0.02-0.04$ in the redshift range $z=0-3.5$. Such surveys can be realized with the current wide field imagers on 4-8m class telescopes. Finally, it is interesting to speculate on another aspect of the method. The baryon oscillation scale measures the angular-diameter distance $D(z)$ while the SNIa method observes the luminosity distance. As remarked recently by Bassett \\& Kunz (2003) the two quantities are related in a trivial way only in standard cosmologies: new physics like photon decay can lead to an observable breaking of their {}``reciprocity'' relation. A photometric survey can be adapted to the scope since the degradation of the error in $D(z)$ due to the redshift smearing is relatively reduced (with respect to the error in $H(z)$), as it will shown below. ", "conclusions": "Future deep and wide redshift surveys will have the chance to explore the little known landscape at $z\\approx 1-3$ between the recent and early universe. This is the epoch at which dark energy begins to impel its thrust to the expansion: it is therefore of extreme interest for cosmology in order to gain hold of reliable data on its evolution. As it has been shown by the recent releases of high redshift SN data (Tonry et al. 2003, Riess et al. 2004) the use of standard candles will have much to improve before it will be able to set stringent limits on the dark energy equation of state evolution. Moreover, there are still no solid proposals for standard candles visible at redshifts significantly higher than $z\\approx 1.5$. Other probes of the expansion dynamics at larger distances (gamma-ray bursts, lensing) might be promising but depend on unknown physics and modeling. The use of the baryon oscillations in the matter power spectrum is on the contrary based on well-known phenomena that have already seen a spectacular validation in CMB observations. Moreover, it can provide a tomography of the universe expansion from $z=0$ down to $z\\approx 3.5$, virtually without loss of precision. An intrinsic advantage of this method is the combined use of $H,D$ and $G$ to reduce the degeneracies of each of these quantity. We have shown that the inclusion of $G$ reduce the errors by 30\\% roughly. We found that a 200$^{2}$ survey with absolute redshift error of $\\delta z=0.02$ can limit $w_{0},w_{1}$ by 0.39 and 0.54, respectively, assuming $w_{0}=-1,w_{1}=0$ as reference values. A spectrocopic survey can reduce the uncertainties to 0.21 and 0.26. If the dark energy is modeled as a scalar field with inverse power-law potential $n$, the limits are $n<0.26$ (spectroscopic redshift) and $n<0.40$ (redshift error $\\delta z=0.02$), along with an estimation of $\\Omega _{m0}$ to better than 3\\%. Inclusion of supernovae data further reduce the errorbars due to the different direction of degeneracy. The reduction is found to be particularly efficient in the case of photometric redshift measurements." }, "0404/astro-ph0404550_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results based on an XMM-Newton observation of the high luminosity narrow-line QSO PHL~1092 performed in 2003 January. The $0.3-10$ keV spectrum is well described by a model which includes a power-law ($\\Gamma\\sim2.1$) and two blackbody components ($kT \\sim 130$ eV and $kT \\sim 50 $ eV). The soft X-ray excess emission is featureless and contributes $\\sim 80\\%$ to the total X-ray emission in the $0.3-10$ keV band. The most remarkable feature of the present observation is the detection of X-ray variability at very short time scale: the X-ray emission varied by 35\\% in about 5000 s. We find that this variability can be explained by assuming that only the overall normalization varied during the observation. There was no evidence for any short term spectral variability and the spectral shape was similar even during the {\\it ASCA} observation carried out in 1997. Considering the high intrinsic luminosity ($\\sim$ 2 $\\times$ 10$^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and the large inferred mass of the putative black hole ($\\sim1.6\\times10^8 M_{\\sun}$), the observed time scale of variability indicates emission at close to Eddington luminosity arising from very close to the black hole. We suggest that PHL~1092 in particular (and narrow line Seyfert galaxies in general) is a fast rotating black hole emitting close to its Eddington luminosity and the X-ray emission corresponds to the high-soft state seen in Galactic black hole sources. ", "introduction": "\\par Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies were first classified as a subclass of Seyfert 1 by \\citet{op85} on the basis that the FWHM of H$_\\beta$ line is less than 2000 km s$^{-1}$, the ratio of [O~III]$\\lambda 5007$ to H$_\\beta$ is less than 3, and they often show strong Fe~II emission in $4500 - 4680$ {\\rm \\AA} and $5105 - 5395$ {\\rm \\AA} regions. Though NLS1s are identified by their optical properties they have even more remarkable properties in the X-ray band as compared to other Seyfert galaxies. They show evidence for strong excess of soft X-rays (dominant below $\\sim$ 2 keV) above the hard X-ray continuum extrapolation and rapid X-ray variability (doubling times of minutes to hours). \\par Soft X-ray excess emission above a power-law continuum is usually identified as the steepening of the X-ray continuum below $\\sim 2$ keV. This soft excess emission was first observed by {\\it HEAO-1} \\citep{pnnjwb81} and {\\it EXOSAT} \\citep{arn85,sgn85}. \\citet{bbf96} showed that AGN with steepest soft X-ray spectra in the {\\it ROSAT} band tend to lie at the lower end of the H$_\\beta$ line width distribution and hence AGNs with soft excess emission are predominantly NLS1 galaxies. Detailed X-ray study of NLS1s was carried out with {\\it ASCA} which confirmed the soft X-ray emission and, in addition, showed that the $2-10$ keV continuum slope too is steeper and anti-correlated with the FWHM of the H$_\\beta$ line \\citep{bme97,lei99b,vrwe99}. {\\it ASCA} observations also showed that many NLS1s have Fe~K$_\\alpha$ line arising from highly ionized iron, and hence the accretion disks of NLS1s must be ionized \\citep{dew02,prob04,bif01}. NLS1s are the most extreme X-ray variable objects among the radio-quiet AGNs. NLS1s frequently exhibit rapid (doubling time scale of a few hundred seconds) and/or large (up to a factor of 100) amplitude X-ray variability \\citep{bbf96,dsjmmn01,dbsl02}. The excess variance for NLS1s is typically an order of magnitude higher than that observed for Broad Line Seyfert 1's (BLS1). \\par There are high-luminosity analogs of this class, the prototype of which is I~Zw~1 \\citep{phi76}. I~Zw~1 also has weak forbidden lines, narrow permitted lines, and strong Fe~II lines. One of the most extreme narrow line Fe~II QSO is PHL~1092 (B=16.7, z=0.396) \\citep{bk80,bk84,kcfzg95}. Its Fe~II$\\lambda4570/H_\\beta$ ratio is 5.3, and its H$_\\beta$ line width is 1800~km s$^{-1}$ \\citep{bk84}. PHL~1092 was rapidly variable during a {\\it ROSAT} observation, and its soft X-ray spectrum was extremely steep, modeled by a power-law with photon index more than 4 \\citep{fh96,bbfr99}. From an {\\it ASCA} observation \\citet{lei99b} found a huge soft excess (which can be described as a black body) in the PHL~1092 spectrum which is 80\\% of the total flux. An evidence for a line at around 7 keV has also been found and this line could not be explained as an ionized iron line. \\par Recently \\citet{dg04} made a detailed study of the XMM-Newton observations of I~Zw~1 and they showed that during the X-ray variability the power-law component varied without any change in the soft X-ray excess component. In contrast to this, PHL~1092 shows large variability and it has more than 80\\% soft X-ray excess component. To understand the X-ray spectral variability of this high luminosity object we have analyzed an {\\it XMM-Newton} observation on this source. We present results based on this observation, including flux selected spectroscopy of high and low flux states. \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[angle=-90,scale=0.35]{f1.eps} \\caption{PN light curves of PHL~1092 in the 0.3 -- 0.5 keV (top panel), 0.5 -- 1 keV (middle panel) and 1 -- 10 keV (bottom panel) bands with a bin size of 512 s. The high and low flux states used for flux selected spectroscopy are shown by dotted vertical lines in the top panel of the figure. \\label{f1}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0404/astro-ph0404544_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the first detection of X-ray emission from the Quintuplet star cluster and compare its X-ray emission to that of the Arches star cluster. Four point sources are significantly detected near the core of the Quintuplet cluster with a total, absorption-corrected luminosity of $\\sim1\\times10^{33}$ ergs s$^{-1}$. Diffuse, thermal emission is also detected near the core of the Quintuplet cluster with an absorption-corrected luminosity of $\\sim1\\times10^{34}$ ergs s$^{-1}$. We analyze the diffuse and point-like emission from the Arches and Quintuplet and discuss the possibility that they are host to cluster wind outflows. We also present the results of our search for X-ray emission from candidate star clusters in the Galactic center (GC) region. We use extinction estimated by near-IR colors and X-ray spectral fits, as well as other IR properties, to determine if the candidate clusters are new, GC star clusters. We find that three of the six candidate clusters found toward the GC are likely foreground clusters, two of the candidate clusters are not detected in the X-ray data, but have near-IR extinctions consistent with a GC location, and one of the candidate clusters has X-ray and near-IR extinctions consistent with being in the GC. The X-ray and IR emission from the candidate clusters is compared to the known, massive, GC star clusters. ", "introduction": "The Galactic center (GC) region is host to some spectacular stellar clusters. The Arches, Quintuplet, and central clusters are all young and among the densest in the galaxy. The distribution of these clusters within 30 pc (12\\damin5 assuming a distance of 8.5 kpc) of Sgr A* may not be coincidental. The ambient conditions of the GC region are known to be extreme (e.g., high gas and stellar densities, intense ionizing flux; Morris \\& Serabyn 1996) and should have a significant effect on the process of star formation. The currently known massive, GC star clusters (i.e. the Arches, Quintuplet, and IRS 16 clusters) were discovered in surveys in the near-IR (Becklin \\& Neugebauer 1975; Nagata et al.\\ 1990; Cotera et al.\\ 1996), where interstellar extinction is much less than at visible wavelengths. Although the near-IR is an excellent regime in which to search for extincted stellar emission, the GC is particularly challenging region to survey because of confusion with stars lying along the line of sight, as well as the nonuniform distribution of extinction found there. The Arches cluster was recently detected at X-ray wavelengths (Yusef-Zadeh et al.\\ 2002, hereafter Y02), where the emission is thought to originate from the shocked gas in the collision between individual stellar winds, as had been modeled specifically for the Arches (Cant\\'{o} et al.\\ 2000; Raga et al.\\ 2001). These studies suggest that cluster wind emission may provide a new window into the physics of dense star clusters, although it can be difficult to separate putative cluster wind emission from unresolved stellar cluster members. The Quintuplet cluster is another of these unusual, massive, GC star clusters. The Quintuplet, named after its brightest five stars (Nagata et al.\\ 1990), is unusually dense and is host to several massive, windy, Wolf-Rayet stars. However, the Quintuplet is somewhat less massive and dense than the Arches cluster, suggesting that it has been more dissolved by GC tidal forces (Kim et al.\\ 1999; Portegeis-Zwart et al.\\ 2001). Recent theoretical and observational studies have suggested that there may be many more undiscovered massive star clusters in the GC region. \\emph{N}-body simulations of these dense, young clusters have suggested that star clusters such as the Arches dynamically evolve rapidly, dissolving into the stellar background within 10--20 Myr (Portegeis-Zwart et al.\\ 2001; Kim et al.\\ 1999; Kim \\& Morris 2003). Thus it was suggested that there may be another 10--50 massive clusters distributed within the central 150 pc at various stages of dissolving into the background stellar field. On the observational side, Dutra \\& Bica (2000, 2001; hereafter DB00, DB01) and Dutra et al.\\ (2003) searched Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) images for Arches-like objects to make a list of candidate GC clusters. Their results were consistent with rough estimates of the number of clusters predicted by Portegeis-Zwart et al.\\ (2001). This paper discusses the use of X-ray and IR properties of the Arches and Quintuplet clusters to examine whether the cluster candidates identified by DB00 \\& DB01 are in the Galactic center region. In \\S \\ref{known}, we extend our previous analysis of the emission from the Arches cluster and present the first detection of X-ray emission from the Quintuplet cluster. Section \\ref{candidate} presents our analysis of the candidate star clusters found by Dutra \\& Bica; in particular, X-ray and near-IR extinction are used to determine whether the candidate clusters are in the Galactic center. We conclude by comparing the candidate clusters to the known GC clusters and commenting on the population of massive star clusters in the GC. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} \\subsection{X-Ray Sources: The Arches and Quintuplet Clusters} The nature of many of the X-ray point sources in the Arches and Quintuplet clusters is made clear by the compelling correlation with near-IR and radio continuum point sources. The X-ray emission is considered to be produced in shocks formed in the winds of massive stars (O and WR type); the more luminous of these sources are most likely to be colliding-wind binaries (Stevens \\& Hartwell 2003). Alternatively, for mass-segregated clusters such as the Arches cluster, it is possible that X-ray emission may also arise from accretion onto an intermediate mass black hole, as recent theoretical work suggests (G\\\"{u}rkan, Freitag, \\& Rasio 2003). The collision of winds in a binary system can greatly enhance the X-ray luminosity, depending on the type of stars in the binary and the phase of the orbit (Pollock 1987). It has been suggested that the collective effect of these wind collisions has recently been observed in the Arches cluster, host of the more luminous X-ray sources in the GC region. Yusef-Zadeh et al.\\ (2003) have recently found diffuse nonthermal radio emission from the core of the Arches cluster, coincident with the A1N/S X-ray source. Although some stellar wind sources can have nonthermal radio emission, this emission is not pointlike; the source is extended to approximately the size of the cluster core, $9\\arcsec$. This extended nonthermal radio emission is thought to be produced by diffuse shock acceleration (e.g., Bell 1978) in the colliding winds of the cluster. These energetic electrons may be able to Compton upscatter stellar IR radiation into the X-ray regime. X-ray spectra from the Arches core (A1N, A1S, and A2 sources) can be adequately fitted with a one-temperature/power-law model; in this model, the fraction of flux attributed to the power law ($\\sim1/6$) is consistent with that expected from inverse Compton scattering. The scaling of X-ray flux with intrinsic cluster properties can give us another view of the X-ray emission mechanisms. IR observations have shown that the ratio of mass as well as luminosity between the Arches and Quintuplet is roughly $3\\colon1$ (FMM99). In this study, the ratio of background-subtracted, X-ray flux (0.5--8 keV) from the Arches and Quintuplet is found to be roughly $11\\colon1$ ($8\\times10^{-5}\\colon7\\times10^{-6}$ counts cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-2}$); if only the point source emission is considered, the ratio rises to $18\\colon1$. Correcting this observed flux for absorption is difficult considering the poorly constrained \\nh measurement toward the Quintuplet. From near-IR observations (FMM99; Figer et al.\\ 2002), extinctions toward these clusters have been measured as \\ak$^{\\rm{Arches}}=3.1$ mag and \\ak$^{\\rm{Quint}}=3.28\\pm0.5$ mag (also \\ak$^{\\rm{QPM}}=2.7$ mag for the ``Quintuplet proper members''). The near-IR extinctions toward the Arches and Quintuplet are similar within the uncertainties (which are somewhat higher, but still within the errors of the near-IR extinction expected from the best-fit \\nh value), so the absorption-corrected X-ray luminosities should scale similarly to the observed X-ray fluxes. The bulk of the difference in X-ray flux between the Arches and Quituplet is caused by the presence of luminous point sources in the Arches. Theoretical studies have shown how massive star clusters are subject to processes which are more likely to create X-ray luminous sources. For example, in N-body simulations, massive stars are found to congregate near the center of their host clusters, where collisions (forming tight binaries or even mergers) are more likely (Portegies Zwart et al.\\ 1999). Massive clusters are much more prone to these ``core collapses,'' making them more likely to be host to massive, X-ray luminous, binary systems and intermediate-mass black holes (G\\\"{u}rkan, Freitag, \\& Rasio 2003). It may be the proliferation of such systems in the Arches that makes it so much more X-ray luminous than the Quintuplet. As shown in \\S \\ref{quint} and Figure \\ref{quintbig}, the Quintuplet cluster has diffuse emission and a clear peak in the gas temperature near the cluster core. In contrast to the Arches diffuse emission, the Quintuplet diffuse emission is clearly thermal, with thermal line emission evident from highly ionized species of S, Si, Ar, Ca, and Fe. The peak in gas temperature coincident with the cluster core may be due to any or all of the following: (1) an increase in the temperature of truly diffuse emission, (2) an enhancement of nonthermal emission in the cluster core, and (3) the presence of unresolved, discrete sources. If the emission is truly diffuse, the high temperature in the cluster core suggests that the Quintuplet could be the source of gas heating. This would be consistent with the model of a cluster wind flow, in which the wind adiabatically cools as it escapes from the Quintuplet cluster (Raga et al.\\ 2001). However, a nonthermal (powerlaw) spectrum has a shape similar a high temperature thermal continuum; the peak in gas temperature may indicate a larger contribution of nonthermal emission in that region. A third alternative is that the peak in gas temperature at the cluster core could be due to unresolved cluster members. In this case, hot stellar emission may cause the increase in gas temperature while the outer cooler gas is the genuinely diffuse, ambient gas seen throughout the GC region. The best-fit temperature in the Quintuplet core is hotter than that expected from single O or WR stars ($<\\sim1$ keV; Chlebowski, Harnden, \\& Sciortino 1989); this is also true of the temperature of the emission from the detected X-ray sources in the cluster core. If this emission is due to unresolved stellar systems, a significant portion of these systems should be colliding wind binaries, which tend to be hotter and/or may emit nonthermal radiation (Pollock 1987). While young O stars such as $\\Theta^{1}$ Ori A can exhibit hard X-ray flares (Schulz et al.\\ 2003), such hard X-rays are less common in older, less magnetically active stars such as those found in the Quintuplet cluster (with an age of $3-5$ Myr, as compared to $\\sim0.3$ Myr for $\\Theta^{1}$ Ori A). Finally, the luminosity of this nonpoint-source emission from the Quintuplet core is within a factor of two of that of the Arches A3 source (L$_{\\rm{x}}^{Q diff}\\sim1\\times10^{34}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ compared to L$_{\\rm{x}}^{A3}\\sim1.6\\times10^{34}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ according to Y02, or L$_{\\rm{x}}^{A3}\\sim6\\times10^{33}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ if we reanalyze assuming the canonical GC \\nh value). \\subsection{X-ray Sources and Extinctions of Candidate Clusters} \\label{canddisc} Any X-ray source detected in candidate clusters that lie in or beyond the GC would most likely be shocked-wind emission observed from O and WR stars or wind-accreting neutron stars (Muno et al.\\ 2003, and references therein). For example, a limiting flux of $2.2\\times10^{-6}$ counts cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (typical of our observations of the candidate clusters) could detect a 1 keV thermal source in the GC with a luminosity, L$_{\\rm{x}}\\sim5\\times10^{33}$ ergs s$^{-1}$; this temperature and luminosity is similar to that of colliding wind binary systems (e.g., Portegies Zwart, Pooley, \\& Lewin 2002). Nonthermal sources tend to be spectrally hard, and thus are more likely to be detected in the GC. A $\\Gamma=2$ powerlaw would be detectable at our typical flux limit, if it had a luminosity, L$_{\\rm{x}}\\sim5\\times10^{32}$ ergs s$^{-1}$. Candidate DB01-42 has an \\nh that is consistent with a GC location, so its X-ray sources have an origin in one of the above mechanisms. Of the two X-ray sources in DB01-42, one has a counterpart with $K_{s}\\sim13$ mag and another has no counterpart detected by 2MASS, down to the local detection limit of $K_{s}\\sim13$; this is consistent with Pfahl, Rappaport, \\& Podsiadlowski (2002), which finds that most neutron star companions should have intrinsic magnitudes of $K>11$ mag, or $K>13$ mag for a typical GC-like extinction. The flux limit of this survey is adequate to detect the more luminous colliding-wind binary systems in the GC (Pollock 1987). These systems tend to consist of early-O or WR type stars, which would have $K$-band magnitudes brighter than 13th magnitude, with the GC extinction and distance. Spectrally soft sources in the GC would need to be dramatically more luminous (L$_{\\rm{x}}>10^{34}$ ergs s$^{-1}$) to be detected in this survey; sources at our detection limit which are nearer than the GC will be much less luminous and are more likely to be CVs, main sequence stars, or young stellar objects. Measuring the extinction toward these clusters can help us determine where they are with respect to the GC. As shown in \\S \\ref{candidate}, candidate DB01-42 has associated X-ray emission and possible X-ray/IR correlated sources, which allows a comparison of two independent measurements of the cluster's extinction. The X-ray extinction for this candidate is found to be consistent with typical GC values; the IR reddening of the X-ray/IR source is somewhat less, but consistent within the errors to a GC reddening. Figure \\ref{jhhkfig} and Table \\ref{properties} reinforce this point by showing that the majority of the IR sources near this cluster candidate are also reddened like the GC. DB00-1 and DB00-55 have no X-ray emission with which to measure an X-ray extinction. Interestingly, the reddening estimated from near-IR point sources show that the candidates are extincted as if they were in the GC. Color-color diagrams from regions near these candidates do not show the same density of highly extincted sources, validating the idea that these candidates are distinct associations and are located in the GC. Two of the candidates with X-ray emission (DB00-6 and DB00-58) have X-ray absorbing columns inconsistent with typical GC values. A third candidate, undetected in X-rays (DB00-5), is located in the same {\\small{H II}} region as a low-absorption candidate (DB00-6), suggesting that it too is not in the GC. Figure \\ref{jhhkfig} shows that the X-ray/IR sources for these clusters have near-IR extinctions that are relatively small (\\av$<20$). We can also see this by comparing the number of sources with and without GC-like reddening (Col. [6] of Table \\ref{properties}); Candidates DB00-5, DB00-6, and DB00-58 all have the highest fraction of sources with non-GC-like $H-K_s$ colors. \\subsection{New GC clusters?} \\label{newgcc} The known GC clusters are similar in four of the diagnostics presented in Table \\ref{properties}: density, size, reddening, and mid-IR emission. No candidate cluster has all these characteristics to the degree seen in the known clusters. Using the simplest of these tests, extinction, three candidate clusters were found unlikely to be in the GC, either directly (DB00-6, DB00-58), or by association with other non-GC candiates (DB00-5). Only one of the candidates with X-ray emission is likely located in the GC: DB01-42. With an observed flux of $\\sim5\\times10^{-6}$ counts cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, highly extincted X-ray and near-IR emission, this candidate resembles the Quintuplet cluster (although they are much different in angular size: $12\\arcsec$ as compared to $40\\arcsec$). The coincidence of DB01-42 inside the bow-shaped {\\small{H II}} region, G359.3--0.3, suggests that the candidate cluster may be the source of the ionization and dust heating seen in radio and mid-IR images. Although the X-ray and near-IR emission clearly originate in the GC, the velocity of the {\\small{H II}} region is unusually small for the GC, suggesting that G359.3--0.3 may not be in the GC. Regardless of the possible correlation with G359.3--0.3, X-ray and near-IR emission indicate that DB01-42 is likely to be a new GC cluster. Future X-ray observations could search for diffuse emission, a tell-tale signature of young and/or massive stars. Finally, candidates DB00-1 and DB00-55 have no X-ray emission, but their near-IR sources have GC-like reddening; this suggests that these clusters are likely to be near the GC, but X-ray data are not sensitive enough to detect them. The Arches and Quintuplet clusters have background-subtracted fluxes, $F_{X}(0.5$--$8$keV$)=9\\times10^{-5}$ and $7\\times10^{-6}$ counts cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, respectively; these fluxes are larger than the X-ray flux limits of both undetected candidate clusters (see Table \\ref{properties}). If the candidate clusters were as luminous and extincted as the Arches and Quintuplet, then the candidates should have been detected by these observations. However, it may be possible that the candidates have X-ray luminosities like the Quintuplet (the fainter of the known clusters), but are more extincted. Simple spectral simulations show that if candidate DB00-1 had a luminosity like the Quintuplet, but an \\nh $>1.5$ times greater, then the cluster would not be detected by current observations. By the same analysis, DB00-55 could have the Quintuplet's flux and not be detected if \\nh was $>$3 times higher than the Quintuplet's. It is more likely that the undetected candidate clusters are intrinsically less luminous than the Quintuplet, and thus they are probably less massive or are not host to any of the massive stars found in the Quintuplet. These candidates are also the only two clusters not found to have any mid-IR emission, suggesting that they are somewhat older than the other clusters in this study; in fact, Dutra et al.\\ (2003) suggested this for candidate DB00-1, but not DB00-55. One possibility is that DB00-1 and DB00-55 are stellar clusters in the process of being dissolved by the GC's strong tidal gravitational field. However, all we can conclusively say is that these clusters seem to be significantly less luminous than the known, massive, GC clusters. Portegies Zwart et al.\\ (2002) predicted 10--50 clusters similar to the known, massive clusters in the central 200 pc ($\\pm1$\\sdeg), at varying stages of dissolving into the stellar background. The near-IR searches of DB00 and DB01 found many candidates and Dutra et al.\\ (2003) confirmed that most of them are stellar clusters, if not necessarily in the GC. Of the six of these candidates which lie in the central 2\\sdeg$\\times0\\ddeg8$, we have found that: three are \\emph{not} located in the GC, two \\emph{are} in the GC but are much less luminous than known GC clusters, and one is a reasonable candidate for a Quintuplet-like GC cluster or association. Further X-ray and spectroscopic near-IR observations are necessary to solidify the association of these candidates with the GC and to search for the unusual stellar signatures seen in known GC clusters. We also note that the simple model of Portegies Zwart et al.\\ (2002) predicts several more clusters within the central 200 pc; further searches of 2MASS and DENIS data archives may prove fruitful." }, "0404/astro-ph0404258_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We describe our new \"\\mlapm-halo-finder\" (\\mhf) which is based on the adaptive grid structure of the \\nbody\\ code \\mlapm. We then extend the \\mhf\\ code in order to track the orbital evolution of gravitationally bound objects through any given cosmological \\nbody-simulation - our so-called \"\\mlapm-halo-tracker\" (\\mht). The mode of operation of \\mht\\ is demonstrated using a series of eight high-resolution \\nbody\\ simulations of galaxy clusters. Each of these halos hosts more than one million particles within their virial radii \\rvir. We use \\mht\\ as well as \\mhf\\ to follow the temporal evolution of hundreds of individual satellites, and show that the radial distribution of these substructure satellites follows a ``universal'' radial distribution irrespective of the host halo's environment and formation history. This in fact might pose another problem for simulations of CDM structure formation as there are recent findings by Taylor~\\ea (2003) that the Milky Way satellites are found preferentially closer to the galactic centre and simulations underestimate the amount of central substructure, respectively. Further, this universal substructure profile is anti-biased with respect to the underlying dark matter profile. Both the halo finder \\mhf\\ and the halo tracker \\mht\\ will become part of the open source \\mlapm\\ distribution. ", "introduction": "Over the last 30 years great progress has been made in the development of \\nbody\\ codes that model the distribution of dissipationless dark matter. Algorithms have advanced considerably since the first $N^2$ particle-particle codes (Aarseth 1963; Peebles 1970; Groth \\ea 1977); we have seen the development of the tree-based gravity solvers (Barnes~\\& Hut 1986), mesh-based solvers (Klypin~\\& Shandarin 1983), then the two combined (Efstathiou \\ea 1985) and multiple strands of adaptive and deforming grid codes (Villumsen 1989; Suisalu~\\& Saar 1995; Kravtsov, Klypin~\\& Khokhlov 1997; Bryan~\\& Norman 1998; Knebe, Green \\& Binney 2001). While they all push the limits of efficiency in computational resources, each code has its individual advantages and limitations. The result of such research has been highly reliable, cost effective codes. However, producing the data is only one step in the process; the ensembles of millions of (dissipationless) dark matter particles generated still require interpreting and then comparison to the real Universe. This necessitates access to analysis tools to map the phase-space which is being sampled by the particles onto ``real'' objects in the Universe; traditionally this has been accomplished through the use of ``halo finders''. Halo finders mine \\nbody\\ data to find locally over-dense gravitationally bound systems, which are then attributed to the dark halos we currently believe surround galaxies. Such tools have lead to critical insights into our understanding of the origin and evolution of structure and galaxies. To take advantage of sophisticated \\nbody\\ codes and to optimise their predictive power one needs an equally sophisticated halo finder. Over the years, halo-finding algorithms have paralleled the development of their partner \\nbody\\ codes. We briefly outline the major halo finders currently in use: The Friends-of-Friends (FOF) (Davis \\ea 1985; Frenk \\ea 1988) algorithm uses spatial information to locate halos. Specifying a linking length \\llink\\ the finder links all pairs of particles with separation equal to or less than \\llink\\ and calls these pairs ``friends''. Halos are defined by groups of friends (friends-of-friends) that have at least one of these friendship connections. Two such advantages of this algorithm are its ease of interpretation and its avoidance of assumption concerning the halo shape. The greatest disadvantage is its simple choice of linking length which can lead to a connection of two separate objects via so-called linking ``bridges''. Moreover, as structure formation is hierarchical, each halo contains substructure and thus the need for different linking lengths to identify ``halos-within-halos''. There have been many variants to this scheme which attempt to overcome some of these limitations (Suto, Cen \\& Ostriker 1992; Suginohara \\& Suto 1992; van Kampen 1995; Okamoto \\& Habe 1999; Klypin \\ea 1999). DENMAX (Bertschinger \\& Gelb 1991; Gelb \\& Bertschinger 1994a) and SKID (Weinberg, Hernquist \\& Katz 1997) are similar methods in that they both calculate a density field from the particle distribution, then gradually move the particles in the direction of the local density gradient ending with small groups of particles around each local density maximum. The FOF method is then used to associate these small groups with individual halos. A further check is employed to ensure that the grouped particles are gravitationally bound. The two methods differ through their calculation of the density field. DENMAX uses a grid while SKID applies an adaptive smoothing kernel similar to that employed in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics techniques (Lucy 1977; Gingold~\\& Monaghan 1977; Monaghan 1992). The effectiveness of these methods is limited by the method used to determine the density field (G\\\"otz, Huchra \\& Brandenberger 1998). A similar technique to the above is the Bound Density Maxima (BDM) method (Klypin \\& Holtzman 1997; Klypin \\ea 1999). In this scheme a smoothed density is derived by smearing out the particle distribution on a scale \\rsmooth\\ of order the force resolution of the \\nbody\\ code used to generate the data. Randomly placed ``seed spheres'' with radius \\rsmooth\\ are then shifted to their local centre-of-mass in an iterative procedure until convergence is reached. Hence, as with DENMAX and SKID, this process finds local maxima in the density field. Bullock \\ea (2001) further refined the BDM technique by first generating a set of possible centres, ranking the particles with respect to their local density and then implementing modifications which allow for credible identification of halos-within-halos. The Bullock~\\ea (2001) adaptation to BDM excels at finding halo substructure. When one is primarily concerned with distinct halos, all the mentioned methods perform exceedingly well. All efforts to refine and enhance those halo finding algorithms are due to the fact that \\nbody\\ codes overcame overmerging only recently (Klypin~\\ea 1999) and are capable of finding satellites galaxies within dark matter host halos. It is therefore crucial to reliably identify ``halos-within-halos''. In fact, one of the remaining problems for simulations of CDM structure formation is that high-resolution simulations nowadays predict far greater substructure (in total) than observed (Klypin~\\ea 1999; Moore~\\ea 1999). Results from gravitational microlensing suggest that the majority of substructure which does exist has to be close to the inner regions (Dalal \\& Kochanel 2002) which thus far has not been confirmed by such simulations. There are recent claims that although the overmerging problem has disappeared in the outer regions of the halo, the inner regions might still suffer from it (Taylor, Silk~\\& Babul 2003). As these latter semi-analytic models do not suffer from such numerical problems, they find that such substructure does exist in the inner regions. The question though arises as to whether there still remains an overmerging problem in the simulations or if current halo finding algorithms actually do break down at those scales. As we will discuss later, it becomes more difficult to locate peaks in the central region (if at all present) of the host halo due to a simple lack of contrast. In this paper we present a new method for identifying gravitationally bound objects in \\nbody\\ code output that uses the adaptive meshes of \\mlapm\\ (Knebe et~al. 2001). This new code excelled at finding ``halos-within-halos'' revealing more substructure in the inner regions of the host halo. In its native form, our new algorithm works naturally ``on-the-fly'', but it has also been constructed with the flexibility necessary to handle a single temporal output from any \\nbody\\ code. Our analysis software will become part of the publicly available \\mlapm\\ distribution\\footnote{\\texttt{http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/MLAPM/}}. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section~\\ref{Computation} we introduce the cosmological models used to frame our discussion of the mode of operation of the new halo finder and tracker. A more detailed scientific analysis of this data set can be found in Paper~II of this series (Gill et~al. 2004a; hereafter, \\GKGD). In \\Sec{mhf} we introduce the new halo finder ``\\mlapm-halo-finder'' (\\mhf), describing its function, advantages, and limitations. \\Sec{analmhf} provides a brief analysis of the satellites found by \\mhf. In Section~\\ref{mht} we introduce the ``\\mlapm-halo-tracker'' (\\mht) which augments the halo finder by incorporating the ability to track the temporal evolution of satellites. Analysis of the halos tracked with \\mht\\ is described in \\Sec{analmht}. We next compare the two methods with other publicly available halo finding algorithms, such as FOF and SKID, in Section~\\ref{compare}. We conclude with a summary and our conclusions in \\Sec{conclusions}. This paper is the first in a series of three based upon the suite of simulations described herein. Paper~II (\\GKGD) investigates the satellite environments and their dynamical properties, while Paper~III (Gill et~al. 2004b) will investigate the tidal streams and debris from the disrupting satellites. \\begin{table*} \\label{HaloDetails} \\caption{Summary of the eight host dark matter halos. Distances are measured in \\hMpc, velocities in \\kms, masses in 10$^{14}$\\hMsun, and the age in Gyrs.} \\begin{tabular}{ccccccc}\\hline Halo & \\Rvir & $V_{\\rm circ}^{\\rm max}$ & \\Mvir & \\zform & age & $N_{\\rm sat}(