{ "0410/astro-ph0410421_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We show that the shape of the observed distribution of Milky Way (MW) satellites is inconsistent with being drawn from a cosmological sub-structure population with a confidence of 99.5 per cent. Most of the MW satellites therefore cannot be related to dark-matter dominated satellites. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Calculations of structure formation within the framework of cold dark matter (CDM) cosmology show that Milky Way (MW) type systems have the same scaled theoretical distribution of sub-haloes as rich galaxy clusters, and within 500~kpc they should contain about 500 sub-haloes with masses $M\\simgreat 10^8\\,M_\\odot$ (Moore et al.\\ \\cite{moore99}; Klypin et al.\\ \\cite{klypin99}; Governato et al. 2004). However, only 13~dwarves have been found within a distance of 500~kpc around the MW. The observed dwarves may only sample a sub-set of the actually present CDM sub-structures (Stoehr et al. 2002; Hayashi et al. 2003; Bullock et al. 2000; Susa \\& Umemura 2004; Kravtsov, Gnedin \\& Klypin 2004). Such biasing could be the result of complex early baryonic physics that cannot, at present, be treated theoretically in sufficient detail, but Kazantzidis et al. (2004) point out that this cannot be the entire solution. An additional path to testing predictions of CDM cosmology is to compare the shape of the observed satellite distribution to the theoretical shapes (Zaritsky \\& Gonzalez 1999; Hartwick 2000; Sales \\& Lambas 2004). The sub-structures fall inwards from filaments that are thicker than the virialised regions of the hosts. However, within its virialised region, the number distribution of sub-structure in a theoretical host halo follows that of its dark-matter (DM) distribution. CDM models predict the host DM haloes to be oblate with flattening increasing with increasing mass and radius (Combes 2002; Merrifield 2002). The ratio of minor to major axis of the DM density distribution has the value $q_{\\rm d}=0.7\\pm0.17$ for MW-sized haloes within the virial radius. The intermediate to major axis ratio is $q_{\\rm d}'\\simgreat 0.7$ (Bullock 2002). When dissipational baryonic physics is taken into account the haloes become more axis-symmetric (larger $q_{\\rm d}'$) and more flattened, $q_{\\rm d}=0.5\\pm0.15$ within the virial radius. The minor axis is co-linear to the angular momentum of the baryonic disk (Dubinski 1994). Prolate haloes do not emerge. The empirical evidence is that the MW dark halo is somewhat flattened (oblate) with $q_{\\rm d}\\simgreat 0.8$ within $R\\simless 60$~kpc (Olling \\& Merrifield 2000, 2001; Ibata et al. 2001; Majewski et al. 2003; Mart{\\'{\\i}}nez-Delgado et al. 2004). Beyond this distance the shape is likely to be more oblate (Bullock 2002), but invoking continuity the axis ratio $q_{\\rm d}$ cannot change drastically. The theoretical sub-structure distribution of MW-type hosts must therefore be essentially isotropic (Ghigna et al. 1998; Zentner \\& Bullock \\cite{zentner03}; Diemand, Moore \\& Stadel 2004; Kravtsov et al. 2004; Aubert et al.\\ \\cite{aubert04}). If the MW dwarves do indeed constitute the shining fraction of DM sub-structures, then their number-density distribution should be consistent with an isotropic (i.e. spherical) or oblate power-law radial parent distribution. This is assumed to be the case by most researchers, given the relatively small number of satellites. With this contribution we show that, despite its smallness, the MW satellite sample is inconsistent with a cosmological sub-structure population. We do this by concentrating on the most elementary facts, namely purely on the positions of the satellites. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concs} Cosmological models can be tested among other ways by comparing the theoretical sub-structure distribution with observed satellite distributions. The theoretical distribution contains about 500 sub-haloes within approximately 500~kpc of a MW-type galaxy and follows an approximately power-law radial distribution with $p\\simless 2$ and is essentially isotropic. The well-known MW distribution contains only a dozen dwarves, is indeed consistent with the theoretical radial distribution but is highly anisotropic. The anisotropy is such that the MW dwarves form a disk-like structure with a root-mean-square height of $10-30$~kpc which lies nearly perpendicularly to the plane of the MW. The pole of this great disk lies close to the orbital poles of the LMC, the SMC, Draco and Ursa Minor. The distance of closest approach of the plane to the Galactic centre, $D_{\\rm P}\\la 2$~kpc, is much smaller than the radial extent of the Galactic disk ($\\approx 20$~kpc) or even the root-mean square height, $\\Delta$, of the disk of satellites ($D_{\\rm P}\\ll \\Delta$). This is a strong indication that the sample of dwarves within about 250~kpc is relaxed in the Galactic potential. Their orbits must be confined within the great disk because the likelihood of obtaining such a disk-like dwarf distribution given a true underlying isotropic distribution (that ought to match the sphericity of the MW DM halo) is less than 0.5~per cent. This result persists even after removing the kinematically related SMC and UMi from the analysis. A distribution of polar orbits with arbitrary eccentricities and orientation of orbital planes is also excluded with the same confidence because it leads to an isotropic distribution of dwarves. An oblate MW dark matter halo would yield an even larger discrepancy with the disk of satellites. An alternative approach is taken by Hartwick (2000) who argues that the 10~satellites within 400~kpc (the LMC and SMC are combined to one satellite) map the MW DM halo shape and form a highly inclined and highly prolate system with minor/major axis ratio $q_{\\rm d}\\approx 0.03-0.05$. However, the extreme triaxiality derived in this way is completely inconsistent with the observational and theoretical shapes of CDM host-haloes and sub-structure distributions (\\S~\\ref{sec:intro}). The approach taken here differs by noting the very significant mismatch between (i)~the disk-like satellite distribution, (ii)~the {\\it independent}\\, empirical constraints on the shape of the MW dark matter halo, and (iii)~the theoretical shapes of CDM host haloes (\\S~\\ref{sec:intro}). In the view presented here, the mismatch between the number {\\it and}\\, spatial distribution of MW dwarves compared to the theoretical distribution challenges the claim that the MW dwarves are cosmological sub-structures that ought to populate the MW halo. A more natural and more conservative (by not resorting to exotic physics) explanation for the MW dwarf distribution in a great disk with a ratio of height to radius of~0.1--0.2 would appear to be in terms of a causal connection between most of them. This could be the case if most of the dwarves stem from one initial gas-rich parent satellite on an eccentric near-polar orbit that interacted with the young MW, perhaps a number of times, forming tidal arms semi-periodically as its orbit shrank. The early gas-rich tidal arms may have condensed in regions to tidal dwarf galaxies, as is observed in present-day interacting gas-rich galaxies (e.g. Knierman et al. 2003; Weilbacher, Duc \\& Fritze-v.~Alvensleben 2003). The LMC may be the most massive remnant of this larger satellite, while the lesser dwarves may be its old children (Lynden-Bell \\cite{lyndenbell76}). The Magellanic Stream may be just such a newly formed but meagre tidal feature (Kunkel \\cite{kunkel79}), and the alignment of the disk of satellites with the surrounding matter distribution (Hartwick 2000) may simply result from the gas-rich parent satellite coming-in from that direction. The different chemical enrichment and star-formation histories of the various dwarves (e.g.\\ Ikuta \\& Arimoto \\cite{ikuta02}; Grebel et al.\\ \\cite{grebel03}) may in this case be a result of their different initial masses that will have been significantly larger than their present-day baryonic masses (Kroupa \\cite{kroupa97}) and the complex interplay between stellar evolution, tides, gaseous stripping and gas accretion during the orbits within the MW halo, none of which are presently understood in much detail. The simulations of Kroupa have shown that ancient tidal-dwarf galaxies may appear similar to some of the observed dSph satellites. The sub-structure under-abundance problem extends to fossil galaxy groups where early photo-evaporation could not have removed baryons from the sub-structures (D'Onghia \\& Lake 2004), and a sub-structure-overabundance is evident for rich clusters (Diemand et al. 2004). CDM cosmology thus faces a sub-structure challenge on all mass scales." }, "0410/astro-ph0410617_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present here a new calculation of the gamma-ray spectrum from $pp \\rightarrow \\pi^0$ in the Galactic ridge environment. The calculation includes the diffractive $p$-$p$ interaction and incorporates the Feynman scaling violation for the first time. Galactic diffuse gamma-rays come, predominantly, from $\\pi^0 \\rightarrow \\gamma \\gamma$ in the sub-GeV to multi-GeV range. Hunter et al. found, however, an excess in the GeV range (``GeV Excess'') in the EGRET Galactic diffuse spectrum above the prediction based on experimental $pp \\rightarrow \\pi^0$ cross-sections and the Feynman scaling hypothesis. We show, in this work, that the diffractive process makes the gamma-ray spectrum harder than the incident proton spectrum by $\\sim 0.05$ in power-law index, and, that the scaling violation produces 30$-$80\\% more $\\pi^0$ than the scaling model for incident proton energies above 100~GeV. Combination of the two can explain about a half of the ``GeV Excess'' with the local cosmic proton (power-law index $\\sim 2.7$). The excess can be fully explained if the proton spectral index in the Galactic ridge is a little harder ($\\sim 0.2$ in power-law index) than the local spectrum. Given also in the paper is that the diffractive process enhances $e^+$ over $e^-$ and the scaling violation gives $50-100$\\% higher $\\bar{p}$ yield than without the violation, both in the multi-GeV range. ", "introduction": "Gamma-rays from neutral pions produced by cosmic-ray proton interactions with ISM have been predicted to dominate the diffuse Galactic emission in the sub-GeV to GeV band since 1960's. Early pioneers including \\citet{Ginzburg67} and \\citet{Hayakawa69} have estimated the gamma-ray flux from $\\pi^0$ together with other important mechanisms around that time. First quantitative observation-based studies of the diffuse gamma-ray spectrum covering the sub-GeV and GeV band were made, eg. by \\citet{Strong78}, \\citet{SB81}, \\citet{Dermer86}, and \\citet{Stecker89}. They compared the data from COS-B \\citep{COS-B} with their models based on experimental $pp \\rightarrow \\pi^0$ data from accelerators, their extension to higher energies on the Feynman scaling hypothesis \\citep{Feynman69}, estimations on cosmic ray proton and electron fluxes, and the ISM distribution obtained by radio surveys. Within the uncertainties in the data and modeling, the studies cited above concluded that gamma-rays from $\\pi^0$ are a dominant component in the Galactic ridge spectrum above 100 MeV. The bremsstrahlung emission by $e^+/e^-$ off ISM atoms and the inverse-Compton scattering of infra-red and optical photons by $e^+/e^-$ are also expected to contribute significantly in the sub-GeV to GeV energy range \\citep{Hayakawa69,MurthyWolfendale93,Schoenfelder01} The limited statistics and energy coverage of the COS-B gamma-ray data permitted only a crude consistency check of the $pp \\rightarrow \\pi^0 \\rightarrow \\gamma$ hypothesis within a factor $\\sim 2$ and left large ambiguity on the mix of emission mechanisms \\citep{SB81}. The spatial distribution of the energy-integrated gamma-ray intensity, on the other hand, gave a higher statistical accuracy on which \\citet{Hasselwander82}, \\citet{Strong82}, \\citet{Bloemen84}, \\citet{Bloemen85}, and others set the path to the Galactic gamma-ray astronomy. We refer to \\citet{MurthyWolfendale93}, \\citet{Schoenfelder01}, and \\citet{Schlickeiser02} for general references on the topics of this work. When the much improved data obtained with EGRET \\citep{EGRET} were studied by \\citet{Bertsch93} and \\citet{Hunter97}, an excess of about $\\times (1.5-2)$ became apparent in the data in the GeV band relative to the Galactic gamma-ray emission models cited above. This excess is visible along the entire Galactic plane ($-105$ deg). \\citet{Buesching01} have also noted that the EGRET spectrum is incompatible with the locally measured cosmic proton spectrum. The GeV Excess has led to new optimizations of the Galactic gamma-ray emission models and speculations on possible new gamma-ray sources in the Galaxy. One choice is to assume a harder proton spectrum in the Galactic ridge region as has been noted by \\citet{Mori97}. Another choice is to assume a much higher electron flux with a broken power-law spectrum in the Galactic ridge \\citep{SMR04}. \\citet{Buesching01} has proposed to introduce a mix of spectral indices for protons which leads to a convex gamma-ray spectrum similar to that observed by EGRET. Possible contributions of unidentified pulsars \\citep{Pohl97} and dark-matter particle annihilation \\citep{deBoer03, Cesarini04} have also been studied. We came to note that all calculations of the Galactic gamma-ray emission cited above have not included an important component of inelastic $p$-$p$ interaction, the diffractive interaction, nor incorporated the Feynman scaling violation in the non-diffractive inelastic interaction. Another important finding was that these calculations assume an obsolete $p$-$p$ non-diffractive inelastic cross-section model taking a constant value of $\\sim 24$~mb for $T_p \\gg 10$~GeV. Updating these shortfalls and inaccuracy can change the gamma-ray spectrum from the proton ISM interaction at high energies in the following ways: the diffractive process will add gamma-rays in the highest end of the spectrum; the scaling violation and the up-to-date non-diffractive inelastic cross-section will increase the gamma-ray yield in the GeV to multi-GeV range. We built a model (model A) representing the latest knowledge on the $p$-$p$ inelastic interaction, and calculated the gamma-ray spectrum due to $\\pi^0$ produced in the cosmic-ray proton interaction with ISM. The $p$-$p$ interaction is simulated separately for the non-diffractive inelastic and for the diffractive processes. The non-diffractive process is calculated by two computer programs: Pythia 6.2 by \\citet{Pythia62} for the proton kinetic energy ($T_p$) range $512$~TeV $\\ge T_{p} \\ge 52.6$~GeV and the model by \\citet{SB81} with the parametrization of \\citet{Blattnig00} for $52.6$~GeV $\\ge T_{p} > 0.488$~GeV. The diffractive process is simulated by a program written for this study \\footnote{Simulation Program DiffDissocSimulNew.py for model A is available upon request from author.}: it is based on the formulae given in \\citet{Goulianos83}, \\citet{Goulianos95}, and \\citet{Goulianos99}. The non-diffractive and diffractive gamma-ray spectra are added according to the cross-section model for model A shown in Columns 2 and 3 of Table 1 and Fig.1a\\footnote{The first 2 data sets in Figure 1 are from \\citet{Hagiwara02} and the last from the Spires database (see http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires).}. \\begin{small} \\begin{table} \\caption{$p$-$p$ Model Cross-Sections and Galactic Proton Spectral Models} \\begin{tabular}{rrrrrrr} \\hline\\hline $T_p$ & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\\sigma$(model A)} & $\\sigma$(model B) & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{Factors for Proton Spectra} \\\\ \\hline (GeV) & $\\sigma$(NonDiff) & $\\sigma$(Diff) & $\\sigma$(NonDiff) & Ind=2.0 & LIS & Trial4GR \\\\ \\hline 4.88E-01 & 5 & 0 & 5 & 2.05E+03 & 5.54E+04 & 3.05E+04\\\\ 6.90E-01 & 20 & 0 & 20 & 1.45E+03 & 4.58E+04 & 2.01E+04\\\\ 9.80E-01 & 23.4 & 0 & 23.4 & 1.02E+03 & 3.72E+04 & 1.32E+04\\\\ 1.38E+00 & 25 & 0 & 24 & 7.25E+02 & 2.91E+04 & 8.75E+03\\\\ 1.95E+00 & 27.57 & 0 & 24.6 & 5.13E+02 & 2.13E+04 & 5.78E+03\\\\ 2.76E+00 & 28.57 & 0 & 24.4 & 3.62E+02 & 1.49E+04 & 3.81E+03\\\\ 3.91E+00 & 29.27 & 0 & 24.1 & 2.56E+02 & 9.54E+03 & 2.51E+03\\\\ 5.52E+00 & 29.76 & 0 & 23.8 & 1.81E+02 & 5.85E+03 & 1.66E+03\\\\ 7.81E+00 & 23.96 & 6.13 & 23.4 & 1.28E+02 & 3.51E+03 & 1.09E+03\\\\ 1.11E+01 & 23.65 & 6.68 & 23 & 9.05E+01 & 2.04E+03 & 7.21E+02\\\\ 1.56E+01 & 23.29 & 7.22 & 22.6 & 6.40E+01 & 1.18E+03 & 4.75E+02\\\\ 2.21E+01 & 22.91 & 7.76 & 22 & 4.53E+01 & 6.52E+02 & 3.04E+02\\\\ 3.13E+01 & 22.53 & 8.29 & 21.6 & 3.20E+01 & 3.62E+02 & 1.81E+02\\\\ 4.42E+01 & 22.27 & 8.72 & 21.6 & 2.26E+01 & 2.01E+02 & 1.08E+02\\\\ 6.25E+01 & 22.23 & 8.96 & 21.6 & 1.60E+01 & 1.11E+02 & 6.40E+01\\\\ 8.84E+01 & 22.2 & 9.19 & 21.6 & 1.13E+01 & 6.18E+01 & 3.81E+01\\\\ 1.25E+02 & 22.14 & 9.43 & 21.6 & 8.00E+00 & 3.43E+01 & 2.26E+01\\\\ 1.77E+02 & 22.14 & 9.67 & 21.6 & 5.66E+00 & 1.90E+01 & 1.35E+01\\\\ 2.50E+02 & 22.22 & 9.91 & 21.6 & 4.00E+00 & 1.06E+01 & 8.00E+00\\\\ 3.54E+02 & 22.36 & 10.15 & 21.6 & 2.83E+00 & 5.86E+00 & 4.76E+00\\\\ 5.00E+02 & 22.58 & 10.39 & 21.6 & 2.00E+00 & 3.25E+00 & 2.83E+00\\\\ 7.07E+02 & 22.88 & 10.64 & 21.6 & 1.41E+00 & 1.80E+00 & 1.68E+00\\\\ \\hline 1.00E+03 & 23.24 & 10.88 & 21.6 & 1.00E+00 & 1.00E+00 & 1.00E+00\\\\ \\hline 1.41E+03 & 23.67 & 11.12 & 21.6 & 7.09E-01 & 5.58E-01 & 5.97E-01\\\\ 2.00E+03 & 24.18 & 11.36 & 21.6 & 5.00E-01 & 3.08E-01 & 3.54E-01\\\\ 2.80E+03 & 24.75 & 11.6 & 21.6 & 3.57E-01 & 1.74E-01 & 2.13E-01\\\\ 4.00E+03 & 25.4 & 11.85 & 21.6 & 2.50E-01 & 9.47E-02 & 1.25E-01\\\\ 5.66E+03 & 26.1 & 12.09 & 21.6 & 1.77E-01 & 5.25E-02 & 7.43E-02\\\\ 8.00E+03 & 26.88 & 12.33 & 21.6 & 1.25E-01 & 2.92E-02 & 4.42E-02\\\\ 1.13E+04 & 27.72 & 12.57 & 21.6 & 8.85E-02 & 1.62E-02 & 2.63E-02\\\\ 1.60E+04 & 28.63 & 12.82 & 21.6 & 6.25E-02 & 8.97E-03 & 1.56E-02\\\\ 2.26E+04 & 29.6 & 13.06 & 21.6 & 4.42E-02 & 4.98E-03 & 9.29E-03\\\\ 3.20E+04 & 30.64 & 13.3 & 21.6 & 3.13E-02 & 2.76E-03 & 5.52E-03\\\\ 4.53E+04 & 31.74 & 13.54 & 21.6 & 2.21E-02 & 1.53E-03 & 3.29E-03\\\\ 6.40E+04 & 32.9 & 13.79 & 21.6 & 1.56E-02 & 8.50E-04 & 1.95E-03\\\\ 9.05E+04 & 34.12 & 14.03 & 21.6 & 1.11E-02 & 4.72E-04 & 1.16E-03\\\\ 1.28E+05 & 35.41 & 14.27 & 21.6 & 7.81E-03 & 2.62E-04 & 6.91E-04\\\\ 1.81E+05 & 36.76 & 14.51 & 21.6 & 5.53E-03 & 1.45E-04 & 4.11E-04\\\\ 2.56E+05 & 38.18 & 14.76 & 21.6 & 3.91E-03 & 8.05E-05 & 2.44E-04\\\\ 3.62E+05 & 39.65 & 15 & 21.6 & 2.76E-03 & 4.47E-05 & 1.45E-04\\\\ 5.12E+05 & 41.19 & 15.24 & 21.6 & 1.95E-03 & 2.48E-05 & 8.63E-05\\\\ \\hline\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\end{small} \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{.80} \\plotone{f1.eps} \\caption{The $p$-$p$ cross-section models: (a) for model A and (b) for model B. Curves are for the total ({\\it{upper solid}}), non-diffractive inelastic ({\\it{dot-dashed}}), elastic ({\\it{dashed}}), all diffractive ({\\it{lower solid}}), and single diffractive ({\\it{dotted}}) processes. Note that model B is made only of non-diffractive inelastic process. Data are for the total ({\\it{circles}}), elastic ({\\it{triangles}}), and single diffraction ({\\it{crosses}}). \\label{fig1}} \\end{figure} The gamma-ray spectrum from $pp \\rightarrow \\pi^0$ will be presented for 3 cosmic proton spectra: power-law spectrum of index 2.0 representing the acceleration site (see, eg., \\citet{Ellison04}); the local interstellar spectrum (referred to as LIS) obtained from the recent primary cosmic proton measurements (see eg. \\citet{MSOP02}); and a trial broken power-law spectrum for the Galactic ridge region (index=2.5 and 2.2 for above and below $T_p=20$ GeV, respectively). We also built a reference model, model B, consisting only of the non-diffractive process as all previous models have assumed \\citep{Strong78,SB81,Dermer86,Stecker89}. The non-diffractive cross-section assumed in model B approaches a constant value (see Column 4 of Table 1 and Fig.1b) similar to that assumed in the above references. The computer programs for the model A non-diffractive process are used to calculate the model B non-diffractive process except for the Pythia parameters as will be described later in Sec.5. In the following sections, we will describe how the total inelastic cross-section is broken down in our model A; relate the Feynman scaling hypothesis and numerical simulation codes in a historic perspective; describe how the scaling violation is incorporated in Pythia; introduce our simulation code of the diffractive interaction; and present the gamma-ray spectra obtained with models A and B. We then compare the predictions of model A, \\citet{SB81}, \\citet{SMR04} and model B with the EGRET gamma-ray spectrum (EGRET Archive) \\footnote{See EGRET archived data at ftp://cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/compton/data/egret/high\\_level/combined\\_data/\\\\ galactic/counts.g1234\\_30.g001. We have subtracted all point sources listed in the EGRET 3rd Catalog from the data above to make the diffuse gamma-ray spectrum in the Galactic ridge. This point-source subtracted data will be made available in the publication in preparation.} Finally discussion on the results, our conclusions, and possible implications on $\\bar{p}$, neutrino, $e^+$, and $e^-$ spectra produced by $p$-$p$ interactions will be given. Technical details on models A and B will be given in Appendix. ", "conclusions": "We conclude on the analyses presented here that an accurate modeling of the $p$-$p$ interaction (model A) with the diffractive process and the Feynman scaling violation makes the gamma-ray spectrum harder and produces 30$-$80\\% more gamma-rays (Figs.6, 7, and 8) than previous predictions \\citep{Strong78,SB81,Dermer86,Stecker89,Mori97} for incident protons with $T_p>100$~GeV. Combination of the two can explain $\\sim 50$~\\% of the ``GeV Excess'' in the EGRET Galactic ridge spectrum within the conventional cosmic proton and electron spectra as shown in Fig.8. The above statement is only relative to other $pp \\rightarrow \\pi^0$ production models: the absolute prediction of the Galactic ridge gamma-ray spectrum is contingent on the absolute normalization, or the absolute cosmic ray fluxes, the absolute ISM density, and the absolute radiation field density. As far as the gamma-ray spectral shape is concerned, the remaining discrepancy (50\\%) requires some modification to the conventional cosmic ray spectra: one possibility is to assume the proton spectrum in the Galactic ridge to be a little harder than that of the solar neighborhood, eg. $\\sim 2.5$ in power-law index as Trail4GR in Fig.8. We have compared model A critically with data from accelerator experiments (Figs.1a, 3, 4, and 5) and confirmed that important aspects of experimental data are reproduced much better by model A than model B which crudely reflects the Feynman scaling hypothesis. We believe that all future cosmic $p$-$p$ interaction models must include the diffractive process and incorporate the scaling violation. Model A with LIS predicts the $\\bar{p}$ flux to be higher by a factor of $\\sim 1.5-2$ relative to model B. We will compare the above prediction with the recent measurements on the $\\bar{p}$ flux \\citep{Orito00, Asaoka02, Basini99, Boezio01} and the prediction by \\citet{MSOP02} in a separate publication (T. Kamae et al. 2005, in preparation). In this work, we have neglected contributions of $\\alpha$ particles and helium atoms/ions to the gamma-ray spectrum. We note that the abundance of helium atoms/ions is about 7\\% of hydgrogen atoms/ions and so is the $\\alpha$ to $p$ ratio. The spectral index of $\\alpha$ particles is known to be lower by about $0.1$ (see eg., \\citet{Mori97,Schlickeiser02}). Since there are no measurement on the $\\pi^0$ inclusive cross-section for $pHe$, $\\alpha p$, and $\\alpha He$ interactions at high energies, we refer to an estimate on possible deviation from that of $p$-$p$. We take the results obtained on $pd$ and $p$-$p$ interactions by \\citet{DiffDissoc6}. From the reference, we learn that: the $(\\sigma_T(pd)/\\sigma_T(pp))^2$ remains constant over the incident momentum range of the experiment; and the coherent factor in the diffractive process is less than 10\\%. Since the coherent factor decreases rapidly as the momentum transfer increases, we expect it to be much smaller than 10~\\% for the non-diffractive process. By inference we conclude that the gamma-ray spectra produced by $pHe$, $\\alpha p$, and $\\alpha He$ interactions can safely be represented by those by $p$-$p$ interactions as has been done in this work. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{.80} \\plotone{f10.eps} \\caption{Spectra of electrons ({\\it{dashed curve}}) and positrons ({\\it{solid curve}}) produced in 6400 diffractive interactions by protons with $T_p=512$~TeV.} \\end{figure} The findings of this work make the following interesting predictions on the spectra of other cosmic ray particles (T. Kamae et al. 2005, in preparation): \\begin{itemize} \\item The diffractive interaction and scaling violation (model A) nearly double the TeV gamma-ray yield from interaction of power-law protons with index=2.0, compared to that predicted with model B or our approximation to the scaling model (see Fig.6a). We also expect all decay products of charged pions ($e^+$, $e^-$, $\\nu_e$, $\\bar{\\nu_e}$, $\\nu_\\mu$, and $\\bar{\\nu_\\mu}$) to increase by a similar proportion near the highest end of their spectra. \\item Combination of the inherently low multiplicity of the diffractive process and the charge conservation predicts $\\sim 1.5$ times as many $\\pi^+$ as $\\pi^-$ for $T_p=512$~TeV protons as shown in Fig.10. We hence expect $e^+/e^-$ and $\\nu_e/\\bar{\\nu_e}$ to increase near the highest end of their spectra where the diffractive process contributes most. We note that possible increase of $e^+$ relative to $e^-$ has been reported in the cosmic $e^+$ spectrum above 5~GeV. \\citep{Coutu99}. \\end{itemize}" }, "0410/astro-ph0410567_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper explores three different strategies for the inversion of spectral lines (and their Stokes profiles) using artificial neural networks. It is shown that a straightforward approach in which the network is trained with synthetic spectra from a simplified model leads to considerable errors in the inversion of real observations. This problem can be overcome in at least two different ways that are studied here in detail. The first method makes use of an additional pre-processing auto-associative neural network to project the observed profile into the theoretical model subspace. The second method considers a suitable regularization of the neural network used for the inversion. These new techniques are shown to be robust and reliable when applied to the inversion of both synthetic and observed data, with errors typically below $\\sim$100~G. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The analysis of the spectral properties of the light intensity and its polarization state is the basis of modern solar physics. For over two decades, least-squares profile fitting has been the method of choice (see \\citeNP{SN01a}; \\citeNP{dTI03} and references therein). Many different inversion codes, based on a variety of physical models, have been developed and used extensively for the determination of magnetic and thermodynamic conditions in the atmosphere. While the use of least-squares fitting has important benefits, there is an increasing demand for alternative procedures that are faster and more robust. By robust I mean capable of operating reliably without human intervention on a routine basis. This demand is driven by the development of a new generation of spectro-polarimeters, which will deliver enormous data flows (SOLIS, \\citeNP{K98}; Solar-B, \\citeNP{LES01}; Sunrise, \\citeNP{SBK+03}; DLSP, \\citeNP{SEL+03}). The attention of solar physicist has turned in recent years towards a new breed of diagnostic techniques based on pattern recognition and machine learning. A considerable number of papers has been devoted to the investigation of these techniques (\\citeNP{RLAT+00}; \\citeNP{SNLAL01}; \\citeNP{CS01}; \\citeNP{SLA02}; \\citeNP{SN03}; \\citeNP{dTILA03}; \\citeNP{SN04d}). Most of those works deal with the Principal Component Analysis, which is a series expansion of the spectra. Another line of research explores the use artificial neural networks (ANNs), which show considerable promise for the inversion of spectral observations (\\citeNP{CS01}; \\citeNP{SN03}). The work presented here demonstrates the applicability of ANNs to actual observed data in typical working conditions. The radiative transfer computations that are needed to synthesize training profiles have been carried out using the Milne-Eddington approximation. This is helpful to simplify the problem and to allow for the synthesis of thousands of profiles in a reasonable computing time. All the calculations done for this work, and the CPU times quoted below, were obtained using a Pentium~IV processor running at 1.2~GHz. The ANN inversions require very little computational resolurces both in terms of processor speed and memory storage. The training algorithm, on the other hand, can be very demanding. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} This paper shows that ANNs are a viable alternative to least-squares fitting for the routine analysis of large amounts of data. While their accuracy is somewhat lower, the ability to process much larger datasets will probably present advantages for some application. The CPU times required for the ANN inversions presented here are $\\sim$10~seconds, compared to $\\sim$5~hours for the original Milne-Eddington inversion. Furthermore, one does not have to be concerned with the algorithm finding secondary minima or not converging. Strictly speaking, the ANN inversion is not an inverse problem. It is rather a case of interpolating a multidimensional function that maps a set of gridpoints from the space of spectra into the space of models. It is important to emphasize that pattern recognition techniques are not meant to replace traditional least-squares fitting algorithms, but to complement them. For detailed studies of a smaller data subset or individual profiles, or if one needs to consider more realistic model atmospheres (with line-of-sight gradients, Non-LTE effects, etc), it is still necessary to use a least-squares inversion." }, "0410/astro-ph0410084_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The purpose of this letter is to check the quality of different methods for estimating stellar masses of galaxies. We compare the results of (a) fitting stellar population synthesis models to broad band colors from SDSS and 2MASS, (b) the analysis of spectroscopic features of SDSS galaxies \\citep{Kauffmannetal03a}, and, (c) a simple dynamical mass estimate based on SDSS velocity dispersions and effective radii. Knowing that all three methods can have significant biases, a comparison can help to establish their (relative) reliability. In this way, one can also probe the quality of the observationally cheap broadband color mass estimators for galaxies at higher redshift. Generally, masses based on broad-band colors and spectroscopic features agree reasonably well, with a rms scatter of only $\\sim 0.2$~dex over almost 4 decades in mass. However, as may be expected, systematic differences do exist and have an amplitude of $\\sim 0.15$~dex, corrleting with \\Ha\\ emission strength. Interestingly, masses from broad-band color fitting are in better agreement with dynamical masses than masses based on the analysis of spectroscopic features. In addition, the differences between the latter and the dynamical masses correlate with \\Ha\\ equivalent width, while this much less the case for the broad-band masses. We conclude that broad band color mass estimators, provided they are based on a large enough wavelength coverage and use an appropriate range of ages, metallicities and dust extinctions, can yield fairly reliable stellar masses for galaxies. This is a very encouraging result as such mass estimates are very likely the only ones available at significant redshifts for some time to come. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} The stellar mass of galaxies at the present epoch and the build-up of stellar mass over cosmic time has become the focus of intense research in the past few years. In the local universe, results on the stellar mass function of galaxies were published using the new generation of wide-angle surveys in the optical (Sloan Digital Sky Survey; SDSS, \\citealp{SDSS}; 2dF, e.g.~\\citealp{2dF99}) and near-infrared (Two Micron All Sky Survey; 2MASS, \\citealp{TwoMASS}). \\citet{2dF01} combined data from 2MASS and 2dF to derive the local stellar mass function, \\citet{BMKW03} used the SDSS and 2MASS to the same end. At $z > 0$, a number of authors studied the stellar mass density as a function of redshift \\citep{BE00,MUNICS3,Cohen02,DPFB03,Fontanaetal03,Rudnicketal03} reaching $z \\sim 3$, while others, using wider field surveys, investigated the evolution of the mass function of galaxies \\citep{MUNICS6,K20-04} to $z \\sim 1.5$. Generally, the high-redshift work relies on fits of multi-color photometry to a grid of composite stellar population (CSP) models to determine a stellar mass-to-light ratio, since large and complete spectroscopic samples of galaxies are not yet available. A similar approach was chosen by \\citet{2dF01} and \\citet{BMKW03}, too, at $z \\sim 0$. Taking advantage of the availability of photometry and spectroscopy for galaxies in the SDSS, \\citet[][K03 hereafter]{Kauffmannetal03a} utilized spectroscopic diagnostics (4000\\AA~Break, \\D, and the \\Hd\\ Balmer absorption line index ) to estimate the mean stellar age and the fraction of stars formed in recent bursts in each galaxy. By comparison of the colors predicted by their best-fit model to the object's broad-band photometry they determine the amount of extinction by dust and hence the stellar mass-to-light ratio. The purpose of this letter is to compare the stellar masses determined by this spectroscopic technique to masses obtained from multi-passband photometry and to compare both methods to a simple dynamical estimate of mass. Knowing that none of these methods yields a fiducial (stellar) mass, a comparison helps to establish the (relative) reliability of each method and makes us aware of potential differences between these estimators. Moreover, it can show us whether one can use observationally cheaper estimators as surrogates for more expensive (or unobtainable) ones, which is particularly important when dealing with high-redshift datasets. Specifically, we want to know how the two estimators compare to each other, if using K-band \\ML\\ yields better masses than using the g-band \\ML\\ which is accessible at high $z$, and how these compare to a simple dynamical mass estimator, $M \\sim \\sigma^2 R_e / G$. \\begin{figure*}[t] \\centering \\epsscale{0.8} \\plotone{f1a.eps}\\hspace*{0.5cm} \\plotone{f1b.eps} \\caption{\\label{fig:loglik}% Illustration of the model-fitting technique used to estimate stellar masses. The lower panels show the comparison of the best fitting model to the photometric data. The red and blue lines represent the main and burst component, respectively. The green line represents the combined SED. The left hand side shows a young object with a burst component, the right side an older object. The upper panels show projections of the likelihood function onto four planes, age vs.\\ dust in the main component, burst fraction vs.\\ burst extinction, age of the main component vs.\\ burst fraction, and star formation timescale, $\\tau$, vs.\\ burst fraction. The resulting likelihood distributions of \\ML\\ are shown in the upper right panel on each side ($M/L_g$ blue; $M/L_i$ green; $M/L_K$ red). The \\ML\\ of the best fitting model is indicated by vertical lines.} \\end{figure*} This letter is laid out as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:galaxy-sample} we describe the sample of galaxies we use in this work. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:deriving-masses} we give a brief overview of how we derive stellar masses by fitting CSP models to multi-band photometry. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:stellmass} we compare these masses to the values in K03 and in Sect.~\\ref{sec:dynmass} to a simple dynamical estimate of mass based on the SDSS velocity dispersions. We also discuss the implications of these comparisons. We assume $\\Omega_{\\mathrm{M}} = 0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda} = 0.7$, and $H_0 = 70~\\mathrm{km\\ s^{-1}\\ Mpc^{-1}}$ throughout this work. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/hep-ph0410114_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "For some time it has been apparent that the inferred values of the cosmological baryon and dark matter densities are strikingly similar. For example, the latest WMAP-determined range for the dark matter density, $0.129 > \\Omega_{\\rm{CDM}} h^2 > 0.095$, is within a factor of a few of the combined WMAP and big-bang nucleosynthesis determined value of the baryon density, $0.025 > \\Omega_{\\rm{b}} h^2 > 0.012$ \\cite{WMAP,BBN}. In the vast majority of models of the early universe, the cosmological baryon and dark matter densities are independently determined. The surviving baryon density is set by a baryon asymmetry generated during baryogenesis, and thus depends upon unknown, and {\\it a priori} unknown and possibly small CP-violating phases, as well as unknown baryon-number violating dynamics. In contrast, the dark matter density is set by the `freeze-out' of the interactions that keep the dark matter in equilibrium, and is independent of the dynamics of baryogenesis. In particular, although weakly-interacting massive particles at the TeV-scale naturally have a relic density of $\\cal{O}$(1) times the critical density, this is not at all the case for baryons. The Boltzmann equations show the size of the baryon relic density in the absence of an asymmetry is ${\\cal O}(10^{-11})$. Thus the comparative closeness of the baryon and dark matter densities poses a puzzle. One possible approach to this problem is to more closely integrate the dynamics of baryogenesis with that of the origin of dark matter. In particular, it is natural to consider models where the dark matter and baryon sectors share a quantum number, either continuous or discrete, which provides a relation between their surviving number densities and thus energy densities.\\footnote{An alternate approach is to invoke a form of the Anthropic Principle, see, for example, Ref. \\cite{wilczek}. Other ideas are explored in Refs. \\cite{Kus,Enq,Oak2,Oak,farrar}.} Specifically, in this letter we consider models of dark matter possessing a particle-antiparticle asymmetry where this asymmetry strongly effects the dark matter density, and through the electroweak (EW) anomaly, determines the baryon asymmetry, thus naturally linking $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm CDM}$. (A noteworthy early attempt along these lines which shares some features with our model is contained in Ref.~\\cite{kaplan}.) The shared quantum number clearly requires that the dark matter particle not be it's own antiparticle, so the putative dark matter candidate cannot be the standard LSP neutralino of the broken Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). In fact, we will show in sections~3 and 4 that sneutrinos can play the role of such dark matter in a previously studied variant of the MSSM in which the light neutrino masses result from higher-dimensional supersymmetry-breaking terms~\\cite{ahhmsw,borz,sw, mrw,hmrw}. This model preserves all the successes of the MSSM, such as stability of the weak scale and unification of gauge couplings, while being, at least in part, testable at the LHC. Before we proceed to the calculation of the relic dark matter and baryon densities and the details of our model, it is useful to consider some aspects of the idea of a shared quantum number determining the ratio of baryon to dark matter. First, consider the simplified case in which, to a very good approximation, the dark matter and baryon sectors cannot exchange their conserved quantum number after its first production. As an example, consider the situation in which the asymptotic baryon number $B=1$ states of the Standard Model (SM) have global charge, $q$, while the lightest asymptotic states (with mass $m_{\\rm dm}$) in a hidden sector carry charge, $Q$. Then conservation of global charge implies that $q\\left(n_{\\rm b} - n_{\\rm \\bar{b}}\\right) =-Q\\left( n_{\\rm dm} - n_{\\rm \\bar{dm}} \\right)$, where the $n$'s are the number densities of the indicated (anti)particles. Further assume that interactions in both sectors are strong enough such that almost all antiparticles are eliminated by annihilation with their particles (assuming $Q/q<0$ for simplicity). This implies \\beq n_{\\rm b} = c n_{\\rm dm} ~~{\\rm with}~~ c = |Q/q| , \\label{naive} \\eeq which in turn leads to \\beq \\frac{\\Omega_{\\rm b}}{\\Omega_{\\rm dm}} = \\frac{m_{\\rm b}}{m_{\\rm dm}} \\frac{n_{\\rm b}}{n_{\\rm dm}} = c \\frac{m_{\\rm b}}{m_{\\rm dm}} . \\label{naive2} \\eeq Thus the energy densities are indeed related, but the ratio is only naturally ${\\cal O}(1)$ if the ratio of the baryon to dark matter masses is not too small. It is important to note that this disfavours models of the above type where the dark matter candidate is a `hidden sector' particle and favours a particular class of models where the dark matter candidate has weak scale mass, its mass arising either from electroweak symmetry breaking, or from the dynamics which drives electroweak breaking, such as supersymmetry softly broken at the weak-scale.\\footnote{ In extensions of the SM such as the MSSM where many gauge-non-neutral fermionic and scalar states also gain mass at this scale, the beta-function coefficient for $SU(3)_{\\rm QCD}$ sharply increases as energies are reduced below the weak scale, and the confinement scale and thus baryon mass is naturally not very much smaller than $m_{\\rm weak}$.} As a consequence, the naive statement of Eq.(\\ref{naive}) also requires modification as the approximation of negligible interactions between the two sectors, and thus negligible exchange of the shared conserved quantum number, does not hold in realistic models. In this situation, the ratio of the conserved quantum number stored in the two sectors, $c$, is not simply given by $Q/q$, but is determined by the `chemical' equilibrium conditions between the two sectors just before the freeze-out of the relevant interactions. We will further discuss this point in section 2. Moreover, two other alterations to the naive relation Eq.(\\ref{naive2}) can be present. First, the shared quantum number may only be conserved modulo $n$, in which case `self' annihilations may occur, and second, it is not always the case that dark matter interactions are efficient enough such that $n_{\\rm \\bar{dm}} \\ll n_{\\rm dm}$. Nevertheless, as we argue in the next section, a careful consideration of such models shows that a version of the naive statement Eq.(\\ref{naive2}) can indeed hold. ", "conclusions": "In the standard freeze-out calculation for a weakly interacting dark matter relic, there is little reason to expect a density of dark matter which is similar to the density of baryons, short of anthropic arguments. In this letter, however, we have presented an explanation for the similarity between these two quantities. Our solution introduces an asymmetry between dark matter particles and anti-particles which is related to the baryon-antibaryon asymmetry. This leads to a natural dark matter relic density of the same order of magnitude as the baryon density. As an example, we considered a mixed sneutrino dark matter candidate which transfers its particle-antiparticle asymmetry to the baryons through the electroweak anomaly. We carry out the relic density calculation for such a candidate and find substantial regions of parameter space in which the observations of WMAP can be satisfied. With no asymmetry, only a narrow strip of parameter space can provide the observed relic density. \\vskip 0.05in \\begin{center} {\\bf Acknowledgments} \\end{center} \\vskip0.05in We wish to thank Yuval Grossman for a useful correspondence. SW is supported by PPARC Studentship Award PPA/S/S/2002/03530." }, "0410/astro-ph0410037_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Wide-field imaging from space should not forget the dispersive dimension. We consider the capability of space-based imaging with a slitless grism: because of the low near-infrared background in space and the high sky-density of high redshift emission line galaxies this makes for a very powerful redshift machine with no moving parts. A small 1m space telescope with a 0.5 degree field of view could measure redshifts for $10^7$ galaxies at $0.51$ \\Ha\\ emission line galaxies \\cite{Mc99}. The strong evolution of the cosmological star-formation rate out to $z=1$ means that their are many more bright emission line galaxies than would otherwise be the case\\cite{Hop00}. The space background peaks at 0.6\\micron\\ and so as one follows \\Ha\\ to high-redshift both the strong evolution in the source population and the diminishing background act to counteract the cosmological dimming for the S/N. Going from $z=0.2$ to $z=2$ these effects work to give us a S/N boost of a factor of 30 and make the high-redshift regime accessible to small space telescopes. ", "conclusions": "We have outlined a concept (BOP) for a near-infrared space mission using slitless spectroscopy to do wide area redshift surveys an order of magnitude larger than existing ground based surveys such as SDSS and 2dFGRS in both number and volume and probing high-redshift ($0.57$. We have presented in detail BOP's ability to constrain dark energy using baryon oscillation measurements. It would deliver precision on the equation of state comparable to the SNAP mission but via a completely independent technique. The BOP concept is generalizable to any wide-field space mission as long as a grism could be inserted in to the imaging system. We argue that in any such space mission the science-to-cost ratio of adding such a grism is enormous, and should be considered. \\begin{ack} We would like to thank Chris Blake for assistance in producing Figures~\\ref{fig:pk} and \\ref{fig:wz} and Bob Woodruff from Lockheed Martin for useful design discussions. KG acknowledges generous funding from the David and Lucille Packard foundation. \\end{ack}" }, "0410/astro-ph0410201_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "FUSE observations have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the physical properties and behavior of active binary systems, including cataclysmic variables (CVs) and X-ray binaries (XRBs). FUSE data have allowed observers to study: accretion disks, magnetically-channeled accretion flow, and white dwarf accretors, and how these respond to accretion fluctuations and disk outbursts; the role of binary evolution in determining system properties; the vertical and azimuthal structure in disks and disk winds; and what the variations in active binary properties reveal about accretion physics in compact systems. Results of FUSE observations of active binaries are reviewed here. ", "introduction": "Active binaries are interacting binary systems ($P_{orb} \\simeq 1$ -- 20~hr) in which a donor star transfers mass to a compact object. In cataclysmic variables (CVs), the compact object is a white dwarf (WD), while in X-ray binaries (XRBs), the compact object is a neutron star or a stellar-mass black hole. In CVs and low-mass XRBs, mass is transferred via Roche lobe overflow of the donor star and in most cases is accreted onto the compact object through an accretion disk. Active binaries are excellent test beds for the study of binary evolution, SN Type Ia progenitors, and accretion and relativistic physics in nearby, unembedded objects. In the FUV, active binaries show emission from the WD, the channeled accretion flow (in magnetic systems), the inner accretion disk ($\\leq20 R_{WD}$), and accretion disk winds. The dominant FUV sources and the system morphologies and behaviors vary dramatically in active binaries as a function of compact object type, orbital period, evolutionary history, mass accretion rate, and viewing inclination. To date, more than 90 active binaries have been observed by FUSE: 24 dwarf novae, 25 non-magnetic novalikes, 12 intermediate polars, 17 polars, 4 super-soft XRBs, 5 high-mass XRBs, 2 low-mass XRBs, and 3 unclassified systems. Below, we summarize some of the scientific results obtained from these observations and discuss future work. ", "conclusions": "After five years, FUSE has observed most of the bright CVs and all of the bright XRBs available to the telescope. In doing so, it has revealed much about the properties and behavior of active binaries: the response of disks and WDs to accretion events; the role of binary evolution in setting system abundances; the importance of vertical structure in disks and disk outflows; and the strengths and limitations in our picture of the launching mechanism for disk winds. Future work will concentrate on utilizing the large FUSE database to probe the general properties of active binaries and on expanding our understanding of accretion physics through intensive studies and modeling of single systems. A survey of the FUV properties of CVs as a function of mass accretion rate, orbital period, evolutionary history, and binary viewing inclination is ongoing \\citep{froning2003}. Also ongoing are large programs devoted to observations of single systems that will undertake detailed analysis and modeling of time variability to determine the structure and properties of the WDs, disk and magnetic accretion regions, and outflows in active binaries. FUSE has opened a new window into the study of active binaries and will continue to provide cutting-edge scientific observations of these systems for some time to come." }, "0410/astro-ph0410171_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present simultaneous $UBV$ polarimetric and photometric observations of the pre-main-sequence binary AK~Sco, obtained over 12 nights, slightly less than the orbital period of 13.6 days. The polarization is a sum of interstellar and intrinsic polarization, with a significant intrinsic polarization of 1\\% at 5250\\AA, indicating the presence of circumstellar matter distributed in an asymmetric geometry. The polarization and its position angle are clearly variable on time scales of hours and nights, in all 3 wavelengths, with a behavior related to the orbital motion. The variations have the highest amplitudes seen so far for pre-main-sequence binaries ($\\approx$1\\%, $\\approx30$\\arcdeg) and are sinusoidal with periods similar to the orbital period and half of it. The polarization variations are generally correlated with the photometric ones: when the star gets fainter, it also gets redder and its polarization increases. The color-magnitude diagram $B-V$, $V$ exhibits a ratio of total to selective absorption $R=4.3$ higher than in normal interstellar clouds ($R=3.1$). The interpretation of the simultaneous photometric and polarimetric observations is that a cloud of circumstellar matter passes in front of the star, decreasing the amount of direct, unpolarized light, and hence increasing the contribution of scattered (blue) light. We show that the large amplitude of the polarization variations can not be reproduced with a single scattering model and axially symmetric circumbinary or circumstellar disks. ", "introduction": "AK~Sco (HD~152404 = IRAS~16514-3648 = HBC~271 = HIP~82747) is a double-lined spectroscopic binary with a period of 13.6093~d, an eccentricity of 0.469 (Mathieu 1994), and a projected separation of 0.143 AU (Jensen et al. 1996a). At a distance of $145^{+39}_{-25}$~pc (Bertout, Robichon, \\& Arenou 1999), it might be an outlying member of the Upper Scorpio subgroup of the Sco-Cen association (Andersen et al. 1989). AK~Sco is estimated to be $6\\times10^6$ yr old (Andersen et al. 1989) and has strong Li absorption lines (Herbig \\& Rao 1972). However, its classification is unclear. The NIR excess and large irregular light variations are more typical of a classical T~Tauri star (CTTS), but the weak emission lines make it a weak-line T~Tauri star (WTTS) (Andersen et al. 1989). The spectral type is F5 V (Herbig \\& Rao 1972, Hamann \\& Persson 1992) which puts it in a group intermediate between T~Tauris stars and F-type stars according to Th\\'e, de Winter, \\& P\\'erez (1994). AK~Sco has been known for decades to be highly variable at optical and IR wavelengths. Periods of roughly constant optical brightness at an average level are interrupted at irregular intervals by rapid variations (Bibo \\& Th\\'e 1991), with no correlation (at least permanent) with orbital period (see Jensen \\& Mathieu 1997). The large photometric variations are attributed to variable obscuration by circumstellar (CS) dust condensations (Andersen et al. 1989, Hutchinson et al. 1994). The submm continuum emission must arise outside the binary orbit, in a circumbinary (CB) disk (Jensen \\& Mathieu 1997) with a predicted dynamically-cleared gap between 0.032 and 0.48~AU. This gap can reproduce the observations if it is filled with optically thin material to reproduce a strong 10 \\micron\\ silicate feature. However, since there is no evidence for a NIR deficit of emission, this gap is not absolutely necessary (Jensen \\& Mathieu 1997). Numerical simulations of the evolution of circumbinary disks by G\\\"unther \\& Kley (2002) show that in the dynamically-cleared gap in the CB disk, spiral arms bring CS matter from the CB disk to the CS disks around each star, in agreement with Jensen \\& Mathieu's (1997) interpretation of the SED with a gap filled with optically thin material. Accretion is predicted to be synchronized with apastron, but AK~Sco does not exhibit clear periodic excesses of luminosity at those phases. A model matching spectroscopic and photometric observations includes two identical stars ($M = 1.5M_{\\odot}$, $R = 2.2R_{\\odot}$, $L = 0.9L_{\\odot}$) with an orbital inclination of $\\sim$63\\arcdeg, embedded in a dense cloud with fine structure near the stars and grains larger than those of standard interstellar clouds. No uncertainty is given for the orbital inclination, but eclipses, which have not been observed so far, would be expected if $i \\ga 70$\\arcdeg. The cloud has a dimension similar to the size of the orbit and was determined to be the cause of the irregular variations. A cooler dust component also exists at a larger distance at $\\approx 10$~AU (Andersen et al. 1989). AK~Sco's SED was also fit by Gregorio-Hetem \\& Hetem (2002) to give stellar radii of 1.69$R_{\\odot}$, a disk radius of 10~AU and an envelope radius of 1600~AU. The optical depth was $\\tau=0.38$ and the inclination 61\\arcdeg. The authors also classify AK~Sco as a young main sequence star. Alencar et al. (2003) have also used photometric and spectroscopic observations to find the physical parameters for the two near-identical stars: $M = 1.35\\pm0.07M_{\\odot}$, $R = 1.59 \\pm 0.35 R_{\\odot}$, with an orbital inclination 65\\arcdeg $< i < $ 70\\arcdeg. The dust obscuration was also computed and reveals the existence of substructure at a scale of a stellar diameter. One side of the orbit would also be more obscured than the other. Polarimetry of binaries, spectroscopic or visual, can be very useful to learn about the geometry of their systems (see the recent review by Manset 2004, in preparation). In a recent series of papers (Manset \\& Bastien 2000, 2001; hereafter Papers I and II), we have studied numerically the polarization variations produced by electrons and dusty envelopes surrounding binary stars, and we have also developed tools to compare observations of pre-main sequence (PMS) binaries with analytical and numerical models and applied them to about two dozens PMS binaries (Manset \\& Bastien 2001b, 2002, 2003; hereafter Papers III, IV, and V). In this paper, we present simultaneous polarimetric and photometric observations of AK Sco (Sec. 2), use the tools developed earlier to analyze these data (Sec. 3), and compare with the photometric data (Sec. 4). Finally, we compare our results with those of other PMS binaries (Sec. 5) and with numerical simulations (Sec. 6). ", "conclusions": "We have presented simultaneous photometric and polarimetric observations of a PMS spectroscopic binary, AK~Sco. The mean observed polarization ($N$=27) is 0.70\\% at 132\\arcdeg\\ at 3550\\AA, 0.84\\% at 132\\arcdeg\\ at 4300\\AA, and 1.0\\% at 133\\arcdeg\\ at 5250\\AA. If an estimate of the interstellar polarization is removed, the intrinsic polarization for AK~Sco is still significant, 0.70\\% at 108\\arcdeg\\ at 3550\\AA, 0.83\\% at 109\\arcdeg\\ at 4300\\AA, and 0.94\\% at 112\\arcdeg\\ at 5250\\AA. This indicates the presence of circumstellar matter distributed in an asymmetric geometry (like a flattened envelope or disk). AK~Sco's polarization cannot be of interstellar origin only because (1) the position angles for the interstellar and observed polarizations are different, (2) AK~Sco's polarization $P$ is variable, (3) its position angle also varies, as a function of time and wavelength. The polarization is clearly variable at all wavelengths, on time scales of hours, days, months, and years, which is a typical behavior for PMS stars. The data were obtained on 12 consecutive nights, almost covering the 13.6 day period. Regular variations are seen and have amplitudes of $\\Delta P \\approx 1.0$\\%, $\\Delta \\theta \\approx 30^\\circ$, the highest seen so far for PMS binaries. Those variations are more apparent in the blue (3550$-$4300\\AA) than in the yellow part of the spectrum (5250\\AA) and are compatible with the presence of circumstellar matter located close to the stars. The variations are not simply double-periodic (as produced by a simple model of 2 equal mass stars in a circular orbit, at the center of an axisymmetric circumbinary envelope made of electrons), but include single-periodic variations. The presence of single-periodic variations could be due to non equal mass stars, the presence of dust grains, an asymmetric configuration of the circumstellar or circumbinary material, or the eccentricity of the orbit ($e=0.469$). The polarimetric data show some scatter but less than for many of the other PMS binaries that were observed over longer periods of time (Papers~IV and V). We believe this indicates that observations of binaries gathered over a small interval of time compared to the time scale characteristic of modifications in the CS environment will suffer less from epoch-to-epoch variations in the average polarization, and therefore show less scatter and clearer periodic variations. The polarization varies as a function of wavelength, and is almost always lower in the blue and higher in the red. The position angle also varies as a function of the wavelength, with different dependencies on the wavelength. Both AK~Sco's polarization level and position angle vary as a function of time and wavelength. Large amplitude variations are also seen in photometry, with typical amplitudes of 0.5~mag in $V$, 0.12~mag in $B-V$ and 0.20~mag in $U-B$. These photometric variations are also correlated to the polarimetric ones: usually, when the star is bright, its polarization is small, and when the polarization is large, the star is fainter and redder. These photometric and polarimetric variations are compatible with occultation by a CS dust cloud in orbit in a dusty circumbinary envelope. The color-magnitude diagram $B-V$, $V$ exhibits a ratio of total to selective absorption of $R=4.3$, higher than in normal interstellar clouds where $R=3.1$, and characteristic of circumstellar (as opposed to interstellar) matter. There is no evidence for eclipses of one component of the binary by the other, in both the photometric and the polarimetric data. Since numerical simulations produce high-amplitude variations for circumstellar disks rather than for circumbinary disks, this suggests the presence of CS (and maybe also CB) disks, although the short period does not allow large CS disks. Alternatively, this indicates that there is matter close to the stars, for example in a CB disk whose central cavity is not completely evacuated, or in a stream from the CB disk to the star. A detailed analysis of the polarimetric data shows that the BME formalism, which could be used to find the orbital inclination, is not able to recover that information. Even though an inclination higher than 63\\arcdeg would help explain the anticorrelation between the star's brightness and its polarization if a cloud of dust passes in the line of sight, the BME inclination between 80 and 90\\arcdeg cannot be regarded as a meaningful result. Therefore, we cannot confirm the orbital inclinations found by Andersen et al. (1989) or Alencar et al. (2003), 63\\arcdeg, and 65\\arcdeg\\ $< i <$ 70\\arcdeg\\ respectively. The BME results concerning the moments of the distribution are interesting. AK~Sco has values of $\\tau_0 G$ and $\\tau_0 H$ a factor 10 higher than for other binaries. There are many free parameters, and even with the known inclination and eccentricity, our numerical simulations could not reproduce the observations. The maximum polarization amplitude we can obtain with a single scattering model assuming an axially symmetric density distribution of scatterers around the center of mass (CB envelope) or around a single star (CS disk), is 0.20\\%. Two avenues to explore further are: take into account multiple scattering, and include non-axisymmetric density distributions such as a stream of material falling onto a component of the binary (or both)." }, "0410/astro-ph0410492_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have obtained time series optical spectra of the cataclysmic variable PQ And in quiescence. The spectra show a white dwarf continuum with narrow Balmer emission superimposed over strong Balmer absorption. The emission lines have blue and red components whose strength changes with time. An analysis of the H$\\alpha$ emission line implies a short orbital period below the period gap. Given its lack of accretion disk features, its large and infrequent outbursts, and an orbital period below the period gap, PQ And is probably a low accretion rate object similar to WZ Sge. In addition, white dwarf model fits imply that PQ And is an excellent ZZ Cet candidate. ", "introduction": "PQ And was discovered by McAdam on 21 March 1988 \\citep{iauc4570} at a visual magnitude of 10. Examination of the Palomar Sky Survey plates showed a precursor object with a blue magnitude between 18-19 and a red magnitude of about 20 \\citep{iauc4577,iauc4579}. Within 19 days the light curve had declined by 2 magnitudes. The large outburst amplitude and rapid decline led to the initial classification of a classical nova but spectra taken 3.5 months after the outburst by \\citet{iauc4629} lacked the nebular features typically observed in classical novae. Instead, the spectra had strong Balmer emission surrounded by broad absorption similar to the quiesent spectra of the dwarf nova WZ Sge. The strong absorption indicated that the energy distribution was primarily from the white dwarf (WD) and implied an extremely low accretion rate. Recently, it has been shown that systems with this type of spectra are good candidates for containing non-radially pulsating DA WDs or ZZ Cet stars \\citep{WW04a,WW04b}. WZ Sge is a dwarf nova whose outbursts occur on timescales of tens of years and with amplitudes of 7-8 magnitudes. Cataclysmic variables (CVs) of this type are also known as TOADS or Tremendous Outburst Amplitude Dwarf novae \\citep{HSC95}. These characteristics are thought to be due to the very close binary separation and the extremely low accretion rate in these systems. TOAD orbital periods are all below the period gap and are typically of order 90 minutes. The mass transfer rates implied by the models are only 10$^{-11}$M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ \\citep{HSC95}. Given PQ And's similarities to a dwarf nova, \\citet{richter90} searched archival plates for evidence of previous outbursts. Two other outbursts with maximum magnitudes of $\\sim$ 11 were found on 23 August 1938 and 7 March 1967. With decades long superoutburst timescales, an outburst amplitude of $\\sim$ 9 mag, and a WZ Sge like quiescent spectrum, PQ And clearly has TOAD characteristics. In this paper we show that the orbital period {\\em appears to be} below the period gap and that the system likely contains a WD in the instability strip. ", "conclusions": "PQ And has characteristics similar to WZ Sge type variable stars. Its quiescent spectra show little indication of an accretion disk implying a low mass transfer rate. PQ And had three known superoutbursts of amplitude $\\sim$ 9 magnitudes in the 50 years prior to 1988. Fits to spectra give P$_{orb}$ = 1.7 hours while the period derived from photometry is slightly longer at 2.1 hours. More observations are required to confirm the true period but the available evidence strongly supports an orbital period below the orbital gap. The best fit WD model gives T$_{eff}$ = 12,000 K, log(g) = 7.7, and a distance of 330 pc. The WD parameters place it within the ZZ Cet instability strip. With a quiescent magnitude of $V$ = 19, non-radial pulsations could be detected in PQ And with a mid-sized telescope." }, "0410/hep-ph0410358_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a study of the multiplicities, of the lateral distributions and of the ratio of the electromagnetic to the hadronic components in the air showers, generated by the collision in the atmosphere of an incoming high energy cosmic ray and mediated by the formation of a mini black hole, predicted in TeV scale gravity models with large extra dimensions. The analysis is performed via a large scale simulation of the resulting cascades over the entire range ($10^{15}-10^{19}$eV) of ultra high initial energies, for several values of the number of large extra dimensions, for a variety of altitudes of the initial interaction and with the energy losses in the bulk taken into account. The results are compared with a representative of the standard events, namely the shower due to the collision of a primary proton with a nucleon in the atmosphere. Both the multiplicities and the lateral distribution of the showers show important differences between the two cases and, consequently, may be useful for the observational characterization of the events. The electromagnetic/hadronic ratio is strongly fluctuating and, thus, less decisive for the altitudes considered. ", "introduction": "In the almost structureless fast falling with energy inclusive cosmic ray spectrum, two kinematic regions have drawn considerable attention for a long time \\cite{explanations}. These regions are the only ones in which the spectral index of the cosmic ray flux shows a sharper variation as a function of energy, probably signaling some ``new physics'', according to many. These two regions, termed the {\\em knee} and the {\\em ankle} \\cite{uhecr} have been puzzling theorists and experimentalists alike and no clear and widely accepted explanation of this unusual behaviour in the propagation of the primaries - prior to their impact with the earth atmosphere - exists yet. A large experimental effort \\cite{auger,euso} in the next several years will hopefully clarify several of the issues related to this behaviour. While the {\\em ankle} is mentioned in the debate regarding the possible existence of the so called Greisen, Zatsepin and Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff \\cite{gzk}, due to the interaction of the primaries with the cosmic background radiation, the proposed resolutions of this puzzle are several, ranging from a resonant Z-burst mechanism \\cite{zburst} to string relics and other exotic particle decays \\cite{berez, ben, sb, cfp}. The existence of data beyond the cutoff has also been critically discussed \\cite{BW}. Given the large energy involved in the first stage of the formation of the air showers, the study of the properties of the cascade should be sensitive to any new physics between the electroweak scale and the original collision scale. Especially in the highest energy region of the spectrum, the energy available in the interaction of the primaries with the atmospheric nuclei is far above any conceivable energy scale attainable at future ground-based accelerators. Therefore, the possibility of detecting supersymmetry, for instance, in cosmic ray showers has also been contemplated \\cite{fragfun}. Thus, it is not surprising, that most of the attempts to explain these features of the cosmic ray spectrum typically assume some form of new physics at those energies. With the advent of theories with a low fundamental scale of gravity \\cite{ED} and large compact or non-compact extra dimensions, the possibility of copiously producing mini black holes (based on Thorne's hoop conjecture \\cite{Thorne}) in collisions involving hadronic factorization scales above 1 TeV has received considerable attention \\cite{DL} \\cite{Sarcevic} and these ideas, naturally, have found their way also in the literature of high energy cosmic rays \\cite{Anchordoqui,pp4} and astrophysics \\cite{DR}. For instance, it was recently suggested that the long known {\\em Centauro} events might be understood as evaporating mini black holes, produced by the collision of a very energetic primary (maybe a neutrino) with a nucleon (quark) in the atmosphere \\cite{Theodore}. Other proposals \\cite{Ewa} also either involve new forms of matter (for example strangelets) or speculate about major changes in the strong interaction dynamics \\cite{White}. While estimates for the frequencies of these types of processes both in cosmic rays \\cite{Cavaglia,Anchordoqui,Theodore} and at colliders \\cite{Sarcevic} have been presented, detailed studies of the multiplicities of the particles collected at the detectors, generated by the extensive atmospheric air showers following the first impact of the primary rays, are far from covering all the main features of the cascade \\cite{refhtml}. These studies will be useful in order to eventually disentangle new physics starting from an analysis of the geometry of the shower, of the multiplicity distributions of its main sub-components \\cite{CCF} and of its directionality from deep space. For instance, the study of the location of the maxima of the showers at positions which can be detected by fluorescence mirrors \\cite{review_Anchordoqui}, generated as they go across the atmosphere, and their variations as a function of the parameters of the underlying physical theory, may help in this effort \\cite{Cavaglia}; other observables which also contain potential new information are the multiplicities of the various particle sub-components and the opening of the showers as they are detected on the ground \\cite{CCF}. We will focus on this last type of observables. To summarize: in the context of the TeV scale gravity with large extra dimensions it is reasonable to assume that mini black holes, black holes with mass of a few TeV, can form at the first impact of ultra high energy primary cosmic rays with nucleons in the atmosphere. The black hole will evaporate into all types of particles of the Standard Model and gravity. The initial partons will hadronize and all resulting particles as they propagate in the atmosphere will develop into a shower(s), which eventually will reach the detectors. The nature and basic characteristics of these showers is the question that is the main subject of the present work. What is the signature on the detector of the showers arising from the decay of such mini black holes and how it compares with a normal (not black hole mediated) cosmic ray event, due, for instance, to a primary proton with the same energy colliding with an atmospheric nucleon (the \"benchmark\" event used here). The comparison will be based on appropriate observables of the type mentioned above. Our incomplete control of the quantum gravity/string theory effects, of the physics of low energy non-perturbative QCD and of the nature of the quark-gluon plasma phase in QCD, makes a fully general analysis of the above phenomena impossible at this stage. To proceed, we made the following simplifying assumptions and approximations. (1) The brane tension was assumed much smaller than the fundamental gravity scale, so it does not modify the flat background metric. It is not clear at this point how severe this assumption is, since it is related to the ``cosmological constant problem'' and to the concrete realization of the Brane-World scenario. (2) The black hole was assumed to evaporate instantly, leading to initial ``partons'', whose number and distributions are obtained semiclassically. No virtual holes were discussed and no back reaction was taken into account. (3) The initial decay products were assumed to fly away and hadronize, with no intermediate formation of a quark-gluon plasma or of a disoriented chiral condensate (DCC). (4) We used standard simulation programs for the investigation of the extensive air showers produced in the cases of interest. To this purpose, we have decided to use the Monte Carlo program CORSIKA \\cite{CORSIKA} with the hadronic interaction implemented in SIBYLL \\cite{SIBYLL} in order to perform this comparison, selecting a benchmark process which can be realistically simulated by this Monte Carlo, though other hadronization models are also available \\cite{QGSJET}. Finally, (5) a comment is in order about our selection of benchmark process and choice of interesting events. In contrast to the case of a hadronic primary, the mini black hole production cross section due to the collision of a $\\geq 10^3$ TeV neutrino with a parton is of the order of the weak interaction neutrino-parton cross section \\cite{Theodore}. It would, thus, be interesting to compare the atmospheric showers of a normal neutrino-induced cosmic ray event to one with a black hole intermediate state. Unfortunately, at present neutrinos are not available as primaries in CORSIKA, a fact which sets a limitation on our benchmark study. However, it has to be mentioned that neutrino scattering off protons is not treated coherently at very high energy, since effects of parton saturation have not yet been implemented in the existing codes \\cite{CCF}. As shown in \\cite{KK} these effects tend to lower the cross section in the neutrino case. For a proton-proton impact, the distribution of momenta among the partons and the presence of a lower factorization scale should render this effect less pronounced. For these reasons we have selected as benchmark process a proton-to-air collision at the same depth ($X_0$) and with the same energy as the corresponding ``signal event''. In order to reduce the large statistical fluctuations in the formation of the extensive air showers after the collisions, we have chosen at a first stage, in the bulk of our work, to simulate collisions taking place in the lower part of the atmosphere, up to 1 km above the detector, in order to see whether any deviation from a standard scattering scenario can be identified. Another motivation for the analysis of such deeply penetrating events is their relevance in the study of the possibility to interpret the Centauro events as evaporating mini black holes \\cite{Theodore}. A second group of simulations have been performed at a higher altitude, for comparison. The present paper consists of seven sections, of which this Introduction is the first. In Section 2 we briefly describe the D-brane world scenario, in order to make clear the fundamental theoretical assumptions in our study. A brief review of the properties of black holes and black hole evaporation is offered here, together with all basic semiclassical formulas used in the analysis, with the dependence on the large extra dimensions shown explicitly. In Section 3 a detailed phenomenological description of the modeling of the decay of the black hole is presented, which is complementary to the previous literature and provides an independent characterization of the structure of the decay. Incidentally, a Monte Carlo code for black hole decay has also been presented recently \\cite{Webber}. We recall that this description -as done in all the previous works on the subject- is limited to the {\\em Schwarzschild phase} of the lifetime of the mini black hole. The modeling of the radiation emission from the black hole - as obtained in the semiclassical picture - (see \\cite{kanti2} for an overview) is performed here independently, using semi-analytical methods, and has been included in the computer code that we have written and used, and which is interfaced with CORSIKA. Recent computations of the greybody factors for bulk/brane emissions \\cite{kanti2}, which match well with the analytical approach of \\cite{kanti1} valid in the low energy limit of particle emission by the black hole, have also been taken into account. Section 4 contains our modeling of the hadronization process. The hadronization of the partons emitted by the black hole is treated analytically in the black hole rest frame, by solving the evolution equations for the parton fragmentation functions, making use of a special algorithm \\cite{CC} and of a specific set of initial conditions for these functions \\cite{kkp}. After a brief discussion in Section 5 of the transformation of the kinematics of the black hole decay event from the black hole frame to the laboratory frame, we proceed in Section 6 with a Monte Carlo simulation of the extensive air showers of the particles produced by taking these particles as primaries. The simulations are quite intensive and have been performed on a small computer cluster. As we have already mentioned, in this work we focus on the multiplicities, on the lateral distributions of the events and on the ratio of electromagnetic to hadronic energies and multiplicities and scan the entire ultra high energy part of the cosmic ray spectrum. Our results are summarized in a series of plots and are commented upon in the final discussion Section 7. ", "conclusions": "A rather detailed analysis was presented of some of the main observables which characterize the air showers formed, when a high energy collision in the atmosphere leads to the formation of a mini black hole. We have decided to focus our attention on the particle multiplicities of these events, on the geometrical opening of the showers produced, and on the ratio of their electromagnetic to hadronic components, as functions of the entire ultra high energy spectrum of the incoming primary source. We have shown that in a double logarithmic scale the energy vs multiplicity as well as the energy vs shower-size plots are linear, characterized by slopes which depend on the number of extra dimensions. We have compared these predictions with standard (benchmark) simulations and corrected for the energy which escaped in the bulk, or emitted by the black holes at stages prior to the Schwarzschild phase. Black hole events are characterized by faster growing multiplicities for impacts taking place close to the detector; impacts at higher altitudes share a similar trend, but less pronounced. The multiplicities from the black hole are larger in the lower part of the energy range, while they become bigger for higher energies. We should also mention that, given the choice made for our benchmark simulations, here we have been considering the worst scenario: in a simulation with an impacting neutrino it should be possible to discern between the two underlying events, whether they are standard or black hole mediated. The lateral distributions appear to be the most striking signature of a black hole event. Due to the higher $p_T$s involved, they are much larger than in the benchmark standard simulations. Our analysis can be easily generalized to more complex geometrical situations, where a slanted entry of the original primary is considered and, in particular, to horizontal air showers, which are relevant for the detection of neutrino induced showers, on which we hope to return in a future work. To address issues related to the Centauros, one has to concentrate on black holes produced closer to the detectors, since the main interaction in these events is believed to have taken place somewhere between 0 and 500 m above the detectors \\cite{CCT2}. The multiplicities in the showers will of course decrease and are expected, based on the above graphs, to get very close to the values observed, while the ratio of $N_{{\\rm em}}/N_{{\\rm hadron}}$ will also approach the observed values, since the kaons produced by the black hole's \"democratic\" evaporation will not have enough time to decay and will be counted as hadrons. Another crucial question in connection with the mini black hole interpretation of the Centauro events is whether the partonic decay products of the black hole passed through a high temperature quark-gluon plasma phase and whether a Disoriented Chiral Condensate (DCC) was formed, before it finally turned into hadrons. In the present analysis it was implicitly assumed that no such phase was developed. However, if a DCC forms, the prediction for the ratio of the electromagnetic to hadronic component will be drastically different. Needless to say, the subject of black hole production and evaporation touches upon several different subfields of theoretical and experimental high energy physics and astrophysics. The fields of Cosmic ray physics and of the air shower formation in the atmosphere; of quantum gravity/string theory, of non-perturbative low energy QCD and of the quark-gluon plasma phase, just to mention a few, and this may not even be a complete list. Given our incomplete understanding of all of these, it is clear that a lot more has to be done, before one can safely compare the theory to the observational data. The analysis of diffractive interactions at those energies, in particular, will require considerable attention. Nevertheless, in our view, the issues involved are very important and deserve every effort. \\vspace{2cm} \\centerline{\\bf Acknowledgments} \\vspace{0.5cm} We thank Raf Guedens, Dominic Clancy, Andrei Mironov, Alexey Morozov and Greg Landsberg for helpful discussions. The work of T.N.T. is partially supported by the grant HRPN-CT-2000-00122 from the EU, as well by the Hellenic Ministry of Education grants ``O.P.Education - Pythagoras'' and ``O.P.Education - Heraklitos''. The work of C.C. and A.C. is supported by INFN of Italy (BA21). The simulations have been performed at the INFN-Lecce computer cluster. C.C. thanks the Theory Group at the University of Crete and in particular E. Kiritsis for hospitality, and the Theory Division at the Max Planck Institute in Munich for hospitality while completing this work. \\vspace{1.5cm} \\centerline{\\bf POSTSCRIPT} After completing these studies we have been informed by D. Heck that a new version of CORSIKA has been released, which is able to deal with neutrino primaries. As we have discussed in our work, the use of a more realistic benchmark based on neutrino primaries does not invalidate the results of our simulations, but should actually render the differences between mini black hole mediated and standard events even more pronounced. \\clearpage" }, "0410/astro-ph0410353_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present radio observations of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1720$-$318, which was discovered in 2003 January as it entered an outburst. We analyse the radio data in the context of the X-ray outburst and the broad-band spectrum. An unresolved radio source was detected during the rising phase, reaching a peak of nearly 5 mJy approximately coincident with the peak of the X-ray lightcurve. Study of the spectral indices suggests that at least two ejection events took place, the radio-emitting material expanding and becoming optically thin as it faded. The broad-band spectra suggested that the accretion disc dominated the emission, as expected for a source in the high/soft state. The radio emission decayed to below the sensitivity of the telescopes for $\\sim 6$ weeks but switched on again during the transition of the X-ray source to the low/hard state. At least one ``glitch'' was superimposed on the otherwise exponential decay of the X-ray lightcurve, which was reminiscent of the multiple jet ejections of XTE J1859+226. We also present a $K_s$-band image of XTE J1720$-$318 and its surrounding field taken with the VLT. ", "introduction": "\\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\psfig{file=ir-image.ps,angle=0,width=7cm} \\vspace*{0cm} \\caption{VLT/ISSAC image of the field of XTE J1720$-$318 in the $K_s$-band. The position of the infrared source is marked with a cross.} \\label{ir-image} \\end{center} \\end{figure} X-ray transient sources are X-ray binary systems, typically with a low mass companion star and a black hole for the compact object (although sometimes a neutron star). They are well-known for dramatic outbursts caused by some form of instability within the accretion flow. There are now $\\sim 40$ observed sources, some of which are recurrent although the majority have still only been observed in outburst once. The canonical ``soft'' X-ray transient outburst is one which displays a soft blackbody spectrum in low energy X-rays and a ``Fast Rise Exponential Decay'' lightcurve morphology (e.g. Chen, Shrader \\& Livio 1997). With modern X-ray telescopes it has been possible to obtain the spectral and temporal coverage to show that the behaviour is more complicated than this. X-ray transients appear to enter the outburst from an initially hard spectral state (the low/hard state; see e.g. van der Klis 1995). On a timescale of $\\sim$ days--weeks the X-ray source then softens in most cases (e.g. Brocksopp et al. 2002). Some X-ray transients, however, do not soften but remain in the low/hard state throughout the outburst (e.g. Brocksopp et al. 2004, 2001). All black hole X-ray transient sources which have been observed at radio frequencies have been detected at some point during their outburst\\footnote{The one exception to this is XTE J1755$-$324 but only a single upper limit was obtained and the observation took place during the decay, $\\sim 1$ month after the onset of the outburst (Ogley et al. 1997)} (Brocksopp et al. 2002), although the relationship between the X-ray and radio lightcurves is not a simple correlation. In most of these a jet origin can be inferred, either from synthesis imaging or from study of the spectral index of the radio emission. Low/hard X-ray states are associated with a flat-spectrum compact jet whereas the high/soft (now also known as thermal-dominant) state is not (Fender 2003, 2001; McClintock \\& Remillard 2003). Short-lived discrete ejections are also observed and appear to take place during the transition from the hard to the very high state (or steep power-law state). In particular XTE J1859+226 was observed to make a series of 5--6 radio ejections, each of which was associated with a temporary epoch of X-ray hardening superimposed on a general softening during the decay (Brocksopp et al. 2002). \\subsection{XTE J1720$-$318} XTE J1720$-$318 was detected for the first time in 2003 January by the All Sky Monitor on-board the Rossi Timing X-ray Explorer ({\\sl RXTE}/ASM; Remillard et al. 2003). The average 2--12 keV flux was $\\sim130$ mCrab initially, later rising to $\\sim430$ mCrab. The source was hard at first but was later observed by the {\\sl RXTE}/PCA to have a soft spectrum and a low level of high-frequency variability, consistent with the high/soft state (Markwardt \\& Swank 2003; see also e.g. van der Klis 1995). A later {\\sl RXTE}/PCA observation revealed an iron line at 6.2 keV with a FWHM of 2.5 keV and equivalent width of 95 eV (Markwardt 2003). The radio counterpart was discovered by Rupen et al. (2003) and was found to display variability on a timescale of $\\sim$days; the flux density peaked at 4.9 mJy at 4.9 GHz. The infrared counterpart was discovered by Kato et al. (2003) with $J$, $H$ and $K_s$ band magnitudes in the range 15--17. O'Brien et al. (2003) confirmed the $K_s$ band detection with VLT observations and also refined the radio position of the source to RA=17:19:58.994, DEC=$-$31:45:01.25. Further infared monitoring by Nagata et al. (2003) revealed a decaying lightcurve, superimposed by a secondary maximum $\\sim40$ days after the outburst; the infrared light was interpreted as emission from an irradiated accretion disc. Finally, XTE J1720$-$318 was observed towards the end of its decay from outburst by {\\sl INTEGRAL} (during pointed observations of H1743$-$322) and was found to be in the low/hard state (Cadolle Bel et al. 2004). ", "conclusions": "We have presented radio observations of the 2003 outburst of the X-ray transient XTE J1720$-$318. The radio source was unresolved and reached a peak of $\\sim 5$ mJy. Study of the spectral index showed that, while the source was optically thin throughout, there was some significant variability which we interpret as partially self-absorbed emission at the onset of two discrete ejection events. Following a period of non-detection, the radio source switched on again contemporaneously with the transition to the low/hard state. The broadband spectrum showed that the infrared emission was significantly brighter than the radio synchrotron spectrum; we suggest that the infrared emission was dominated by the accretion disc and/or irradiation of the companion star as expected for a ``soft'' X-ray transient event. The variability during the decay was reminiscent of that of XTE J1859+226; in the case of XTE J1859+226 this variability was interpreted as a sequence of jet ejections. This emphasizes the need for high S/N X-ray hardness and radio monitoring during the ``glitches'' which are often observed superimposed on the decay of the X-ray source." }, "0410/astro-ph0410679_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The outflows from comets in orbit around G-type main-sequence stars can be detected when they produce transient OH absorption lines in the spectrum near 3100 {\\AA} of the host star. There is only about a 3 ${\\times}$ 10$^{-8}$ probability of detecting an analog to comet Hale-Bopp orbiting an analog to the Sun. However, for young solar-type stars with very large numbers of comets, possibly delivering water to terrestrial planets, there is as much as a 1\\% chance that any sufficiently sensitive, randomly-timed observation may detect such transient absorption. ", "introduction": "A fundamental goal in modern astronomy is to learn more about the origin and evolution of the solar system and other planetary environments where life may exist. Circumstellar dust around main sequence stars was discovered with IRAS (Aumann et al. 1984) and has been studied extensively to learn indirectly about the origin and evolution of larger parent bodies which might resemble asteroids or comets (Lagrange, Backman \\& Artymowicz 2000; Zuckerman 2001). To date, however, very little is directly known about these parent bodies. The goal of this paper is to describe an observational strategy to identify and characterize individual extrasolar comets. Water-rich asteroids and comets are probably responsible for delivering to the Earth most of its water (Morbidelli et al. 2000). By studying comets and related objects around young stars, it may be possible to learn more about this process which is fundamental for the development of life as we know it. There have been a number of previous discussions about possible observational signatures of comets around other stars. Alcock, Fristrom \\& Siegelman (1986) suggested that the presence of metals in the atmospheres of white dwarfs could be explained by the collision of comets with the star, but this hypothesis is not yet supported by additional evidence (see Zuckerman et al. 2003). Melnick et al. (2001) detected gas-phase H$_{2}$O in the outflow from IRC+10216, a carbon-rich mass-losing red giant, which they interpreted as being produced by the sublimation of comets (Stern, Shull \\& Brandt 1990, Ford \\& Neufeld 2001). However, the observed water might result from chemical reactions in the dense outflow (Willacy 2004). Jura (2004) has argued that the lack of excess 25 ${\\mu}$m radiation in IRAS data for first ascent red giants means that these stars typically have less than 0.1 M$_{\\oplus}$ of comet-like Kuiper Belt Objects in orbits at ${\\sim}$ 45 AU. There is compelling evidence for Falling Evaporating Bodies (FEB's) around ${\\beta}$ Pic, a 12 Myr-old star (Barrado y Navascues et al. 1999, Zuckerman et al. 2001) with a substantial amount of circumstellar dust (Artymowicz 1997, Vidal-Madjar, Lecavelier des Etangs \\& Ferlet 1998). Transient absorption lines which can be attributed to infalling planetesimal also have been detected around other young A-type stars (see, for example, Grady et al. 1996, Roberge et al. 2002). Although Lecavelier des Etangs, Vidal-Madjar \\& Ferlet (1996) and Li \\& Greenberg (1998) have proposed that much of the dust around ${\\beta}$ Pic arises from comets, the observed FEB's contain a substantial amount of refractory material, and their degree of resemblance to ice-rich comets in the solar system is uncertain (Karmann, Beust \\& Klinger 2001, 2003, Thebault, Augereau \\& Beust 2003). There are very substantial uncertainties regarding the Oort belt comets in the solar system. Estimates of the total mass in this region range from 0.6 M$_{\\oplus}$ (Stern \\& Weissman 2001) to 40 M$_{\\oplus}$ Weissman (1996), while there are a factor of 100 fewer observed ``dormant\" comets than predicted with the simplest models (Levison et al. 2002). Given the major unknowns, in this paper we describe schematic rather than detailed models. We consider the production of gas-phase absorptions in the observed spectra of main sequence stars caused by transiting comets which are warm enough that water-ice sublimates (see Beust, Karmann \\& Lagrange 2001). Previously, the effects of the photometric variations by cometary dust have been computed by Lamers, Lecavelier des Etangs \\& Ferlet (1997) and Lecavelier des Etangs, Vidal-Madjar \\& Ferlet (1999); here, we consider the possibility of detecting comets by their spectral line absorptions (see also Smith, Black \\& Oppenheimer 1981). We show results for OH because it is abundantly produced in comets and because it can be detected from the ground. ", "conclusions": "We have considered the transient OH absorption signature of comets similar to those found in the solar system. Such events are very rare for stars like the Sun. For young solar-type stars with a substantial 24 ${\\mu}$m excess where there may be comets delivering water to terrestrial planets, a single, sensitive, randomly-timed observation may have a 1\\% chance of detecting OH flowing away from a large comet. This work has been partly supported by NASA." }, "0410/astro-ph0410486_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We present a simple way to calculate non-Gaussianity in inflation using fully non-linear equations on long wavelengths with stochastic sources to take into account the short-wavelength quantum fluctuations. Our formalism includes both scalar metric and matter perturbations, combining them into variables which are invariant under changes of time slicing in the long-wavelength limit. We illustrate this method with a perturbative calculation in the single-field slow-roll case. We also introduce a convenient choice of variables to graphically present the full momentum dependence of the three-point correlator. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410165_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyzed the spatial distribution of $28500$ photometrically selected galaxies with magnitude $23.5<{\\cal R}_{\\rm AB}<25.5$ and redshift $1.410^{11.5}M_\\odot$. The median mass of this subset is $M=10^{11.86}M_\\odot$ in the GIF-LCDM simulation at $z=2.97$. Halo subsets can be defined with schemes more elaborate than our simple mass threshold (e.g., Kauffmann et al. 1999, Bullock, Wechsler, \\& Somerville 2002), but the differences between the possible schemes are too small to affect our analysis when the subsets they produce are constrained to have the same clustering on large scales.} Equation~\\ref{eq:mass_scales} gives rough $1\\sigma$ limits on the halos' total masses. Similar masses for Lyman-break galaxies have been derived with the same approach by Jing \\& Suto (1998), Adelberger et al. (1998), Giavalisco \\& Dickinson (2000), Porciani \\& Giavalisco (2002), and others. Although the estimated masses were derived solely from the galaxy clustering, they seem reasonable on other grounds. They cannot be much higher. The number density of halos would be lower than the number density of LBGs, for example, if the halo mass were greater than $10^{11.8}M_\\odot$. Such large halo masses would be possible only if significantly more than one LBG resided in the typical halo, and that is something that our observations rule out (\\S~\\ref{sec:correspondence}). Nor can they be much lower. The halos that contain LBGs would not have enough baryons to form the median LBG stellar mass of roughly $10^{10}M_\\odot$ (Shapley et al. 2001\\footnote{ This mass is for a Baldry-Glazebrook (2003; eq. 3) IMF, and is therefore $1.82$ times lower than the value Shapley et al. calculated for an IMF with a Salpeter slope between $0.1$ and $100M_\\odot$. Their assumed Salpeter IMF is probably unrealistic since the IMF in the solar neighborhood is known to flatten near $\\sim 1M_\\odot$ and eventually turn over at lower masses. See Leitherer (1998) or Renzini (2004) for further discussion.}) unless their total mass were greater than about $10^{11}M_\\odot$. We should mention in passing that our best-fit halo masses seem to imply that only a small fraction of the baryons in the halos are associated with the observed galaxies. For example, the best-fit mass threshold of $10^{11.5}M_\\odot$ for LBGs corresponds to a median total mass of $10^{11.86}M_\\odot$ and median baryonic mass of $1.2\\times 10^{11}M_\\odot$ (for $\\Omega_b/\\Omega_M\\simeq 0.17$, Spergel et al. 2003), roughly ten times larger than the observed stellar masses of LBGs. Since the $10^8$ supernovae that explode during the assembly of the typical LBG's stellar mass will eject roughly $10^8 M_\\odot$ of metals (e.g., Woosley \\& Weaver 1995), enough to enrich at most $1.3\\times 10^{10} M_\\odot$ of gas to LBGs' typical metallicities of $0.4Z_\\odot$ (Pettini et al. 2002), their observed interstellar gas cannot contain a large fraction of the remaining baryons. These baryons need not be associated with other objects in the halo, however. They may be locked in dim stars that formed in previous episodes of star-formation (e.g., Papovich, Dickinson, \\& Ferguson 2001), or may have been heated by various processes to undetectably high temperatures. The latter is presumably the case for nearby galaxies, whose ratios of mass in stars and gas to total mass are usually also smaller than the WMAP value $\\Omega_b/\\Omega_M\\simeq 0.17$. The Milky Way, for example, has a total mass of $10^{12}M_\\odot$ (Zaritsky 1999; Wilkinson \\& Evans 1999) and a mass in gas and stars of only $\\sim 8\\times 10^{10} M_\\odot$ (K. Freeman 2004, private communication), yet few would assert that its missing baryons belong to another galaxy in its halo. After establishing plausible total masses for the halos associated with the galaxies, we considered some of the implications. Our arguments were not new (see, e.g., Moustakas \\& Somerville 2002, Martini \\& Weinberg 2001, Adelberger et al. 1998). They seemed worth revisiting only because our knowledge of the cosmogony, of the local universe, and of high-redshift galaxies has improved so much in the last few years. We began by estimating the completeness of our surveys from a comparison of the galaxies' number densities to the number densities of halos with similar clustering strength (figure~\\ref{fig:nhalo}). Similar number densities would imply that almost all of the most massive halos contained a galaxy that satisfied our selection criteria; a much lower galaxy number density would imply that most of the galaxies in massive halos are missed by our survey. Defining $\\eta$ as the ratio of galaxy to halo number density, we found rough $1\\sigma$ limits of $0.2<\\eta_{\\rm LBG}<1$, $0.6<\\eta_{\\rm BX}<3$, and $0.5<\\eta_{\\rm BM}<2.5$. These limits were derived from the clustering at radii $r\\simgt 1h^{-1}$ comoving Mpc. The clustering on smaller scales, sensitive to the possible presence of more than one galaxy in a halo, implies that the upper limits on $\\eta_{\\rm BX}$ and $\\eta_{\\rm BM}$ should be revised downwards to $\\sim 1.25$. The data appear consistent with the claim of Franx et al. (2003) that our selection criteria find roughly half of the most massive galaxies at $z\\sim 2$. A completeness of order $50$\\% seems plausible to us for other reasons as well. Shapley et al. (2001) estimate a lifetime for the typical LBG of $\\sim 3\\times 10^8$ yr, for example, which implies that the typical LBG will be bright enough for us to detect for only about half of the time that elapsed between the survey selection limits of $z\\sim 3.4$ and $z\\sim 2.6$. We considered next the way the clustering of the galaxies would evolve (figure~\\ref{fig:r0_vs_z}). Analysis of the GIF-LCDM simulation suggested that the correlation length of LBG descendants would be similar by $z\\sim 2.2$ to the correlation length of galaxies in the BX sample and by $z\\sim 1.7$ to the correlation length of galaxies in the BM sample. The spatial clustering is therefore consistent with the idea that we are seeing the same population at all three redshifts, though the selection criteria's $\\sim 50$\\% incompleteness leaves room for the populations to be distinct and the difference in stellar masses between the LBG ($10^{10}M_\\odot$) and BX ($2\\times 10^{10} M_\\odot$; Steidel et al. 2005, in preparation) samples may not be consistent with continuous star-formation at observed rates through the elapsed time. Turning our attention to lower redshifts, we found that at $z\\sim 1$ our descendants' clustering would most closely match the observed clustering of galaxies that are red and bright and have early-type spectra (figure~\\ref{fig:z1gals}). By $z\\sim 0.2$ the estimated clustering of the descendants suggested elliptical galaxies as the most likely counterparts (figure~\\ref{fig:z0gals}). The correspondence is especially hard to dispute for the descendants of the brightest and most strongly clustered galaxies in the high-redshift samples. One conclusion seems difficult to escape: the descendants of the galaxies in our samples must have significantly larger stellar masses than their high-redshift forebears. Only $\\sim 25$\\% of the total stellar mass in the local universe is found in galaxies with stellar masses smaller than $2\\times 10^{10}M_\\odot$ (Kauffmann et al. 2003), similar to the values in our high-redshift samples, and these faint galaxies are too weakly clustered to have descended from the galaxies we find at $1.49 h^{-1}$ Mpc, Daddi et al. 2004) and stellar masses ($2\\times 10^{11}M_\\odot$; van Dokkum et al. 2004) are extraordinary, far larger than the corresponding values for typical galaxies in our samples.\\footnote{These values are not larger, however, than those for galaxies in our samples with similar $K$ magnitudes. See, e.g., Shapley et al. 2004 and Adelberger et al. 2005} Galaxies with similarly extreme properties are not a negligible component of the high redshift universe. The shape of the $850\\mu$m background implies that up to a third (Cowie, Barger, \\& Kneib 2002) of all stars could have formed in objects with star-formation rates greater than $\\sim 200 M_\\odot$; halos at $z\\sim 3$ with the large masses $M\\simgt 10^{12.7}M_\\odot$ implied by $r_0\\sim 8$--$9h^{-1}$ Mpc contain in total almost $20$\\% as many baryons as the more numerous and smaller halos with $M\\sim 10^{11.5} M_\\odot$ that contain LBGs; objects with stellar masses $M_\\ast>2\\times 10^{11}M_\\odot$ contain nearly $5$\\% of all stars in the local universe (Kauffmann et al. 2003) and $20$\\% of the stars in local elliptical galaxies (Padmanabhan et al. 2004). No treatment will be entirely complete if it neglects galaxies similar to those found in near-IR surveys. The galaxies we studied are neither the most massive, nor the most rapidly star-forming, nor the most clustered galaxies in the high redshift universe, but it is precisely this that makes them plausible progenitors for the early-type galaxies that surround us today. \\bigskip \\bigskip We are grateful to the Virgo consortium for its public release of the GIF simulation data and to G. Kauffmann for bringing the data to our attention. A. Coil and T. Budav\\'ari responded helpfully to our questions about their data. M. Giavalisco, the referee, gave us an insightful report. KLA, AES, and NAR were supported by fellowships from the Carnegie Institute of Washington, the Miller Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. DKE and CCS were supported by grant AST 03-07263 from the National Science Foundation." }, "0410/astro-ph0410215_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Although galactic dark matter halos are basically Newtonian structures, the study of their interplay with large scale cosmic evolution and with relativistic effects, such as gravitational lenses, quintessence sources or gravitational waves, makes it necessary to obtain adequate relativistic descriptions for these self--gravitating systems. With this purpose in mind, we construct a post--Newtonian fluid framework for the ``Navarro--Frenk--White'' (NFW) models of galactic halos that follow from N--body numerical simulations. Since these simulations are unable to resolve regions very near the halo center, the extrapolation of the fitting formula leads to a spherically averaged ``universal'' density profile that diverges at the origin. We remove this inconvenient feature by replacing a small central region of the NFW halo with an interior Schwarzschild solution with constant density, continuously matched to the remaining NFW spacetime. A model of a single halo, as an isolated object with finite mass, follows by smoothly matching the NFW spacetime to a Schwarzschild vacuum exterior along the virial radius, the physical ``cut--off'' customarily imposed, as the mass associated with NFW profiles diverges asymptotically. Numerical simulations assume weakly interacting collisionless particles, hence we suggest that NFW halos approximately satisfy an ``ideal gas'' type of equation of state, where mass--density is the dominant rest--mass contribution to matter--energy, with the internal energy contribution associated with an anisotropic kinetic pressure. We show that, outside the central core, this pressure and the mass density roughly satisfy a polytropic relation. Since stellar polytropes are the equilibrium configurations in Tsallis' non--extensive formalism of Statistical Mechanics, we argue that NFW halos might provide a rough empirical estimate of the free parameter $q$ of Tsallis' formalism. ", "introduction": "A large amount of compelling evidence based on direct and indirect observations: rotation velocity profiles, microlensing and tidal effects affecting satellite galaxies and galaxies within galaxy clusters, reveals that most of the matter content of galactic systems is made up of dark matter (DM). Since the physical nature of DM so far remains uncertain, this issue has become one of the most interesting open problems in astrophysics and cosmology \\cite{KoTu,Padma1,Peac,Ellis,Fornengo}. Among a wide variety of proposed explanations we have: thermal sources, meaning a colissionless gas of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP's), which can be very massive ($m\\sim 100-200$ GeV) and supersymmetric~\\cite{Ellis} (``cold dark matter'' CDM) or self--interacting less massive ($m\\sim$ KeV) particles~\\cite{scdm,wdm} (``warm'' DM). The DM contribution dispersed in galactic halos is about 90--95 \\% of the matter content of galactic systems, while visible baryonic matter (stars and gas) is clustered in galactic disks. It is then a good approximation to consider the gravitational field of a galaxy as that of its DM halo (for whatever assumptions we might make on its physical nature), while visible matter can be thought of as ``test particles'' in this field~\\cite{HGDM, Lake}. Assuming the CDM paradigm, we can distinguish two types of halo models: idealized models obtained from a Kinetic Theory approach, whether based on specific theoretical considerations or on convenient ansatzes that fix a distribution function satisfying Vlassov's equation~\\cite{BT}, or models based on ``universal'' mass density profiles obtained empirically from the outcome of N--body numerical simulations~\\cite{nbody_1,nbody_2,nbody_3}. In this paper we will study the equilibrium configurations that emerge from the latter approach, based on the well known numerical simulations of Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW)~\\cite{nbody_1,LoMa}. It is important to mention that these simulations yield virialized equilibrium structures that reasonably fit CDM structures at a cosmological scale ($\\agt 100$ Mpc), though some of their predictions in smaller scales (``cuspy'' density profiles and excess substructure) seem to be at odds with observations~\\cite{cdm_problems_1,cdm_problems_2}, especially those based on galaxies with low surface brightness (LSB), which are supposed to be overwhelmingly dominated by DM and so well suited to examine the predictions of various DM models~\\cite{vera,LSB}. We consider in this paper that DM halos are spherically symmetric equilibrium configurations, a reasonable approximation since their global rotation is not dynamically significant~\\cite{urc}. Galactic halos in virialized equilibrium are also Newtonian systems characterized by typical velocities, ranging from a few km/sec for dwarf galaxies up to about $1000-3000$ km/sec for rich clusters. So, why bother with a general relativistic treatment? First, there is a purely theoretical interest in incorporating these important self--gravitating systems into General Relativity, the best available gravitational theory. In fact, important experimental tests of General Relativity are currently and customarily carried on (within a weak field post--Newtonian approach) in Solar System bound Newtonian systems. Secondly, a post--Newtonian description of galactic halos can be, not only useful and interesting, but essential for studying their interaction with physical effects that lack a Newtonian equivalent, such as gravitational lenses or gravitational waves. In fact, the post--Newtonian halo models that we present in this paper can be readily used in lensing studies, or can provide the unperturbed zero order configuration in the examination of the perturbative effect of gravitational waves on galactic halos. Also, a post--Newtonian description is necessary in the study of the interplay between galactic structures and large scale ($> 100\\,$ Mpc) cosmological evolution dominated by a repulsive ``dark energy'', modeled by sources like quintessence and/or a cosmological constant, whose Newtonian description might be inadequate. Finaly, since galactic halos are customarily examined as Newtonian structures, we feel it is important to show the readership of General Relativity journals how to construct spacetimes, in a post--Newtonian approximation, that are suitable for the description and study of these important self--gravitating systems. Given the NFW mass density profile, we show in section II how all dynamical variables of the Newtonian NFW halo can be derived. In section III we construct a post--Newtonian fluid relativistic generalization of a NFW halo, under the assumption that the gas of collisionless WIMPs should satisfy an ``ideal gas'' type of equation of state~\\cite{RKT,Padma2,Padma3}. For isotropic velocity distributions, this assumption allows us to determine the internal energy density by means of the hydrostatic equations themselves. For the case with anisotropic velocities we follow the same procedure with regards to the ``radial'' component of the stress tensor, determining the ``tangential'' stress by a suitable empirical ansatz (section VI--B). The fact that the NFW spherically averaged mass density profile diverges at the halo center follows from interpolating a fitting formula associated with numerical simulations that have a finite resolution limit at the halo center~\\cite{NSres}. Although this behavior of the density profile does not imply that simulations predict an infinite central density, it is none--the--less an undesirable feature, which we ammend in section IV by replacing a small region around the center of the NFW halo with a spherical section of a spacetime with constant matter--energy density, {\\it i.e.} a section of the ``interior'' Schwarzschild solution, that is continuously matched to the remaining of the NFW post--Newtonian spacetime. Galactic halos are hierarchical structures: small halos lie within galaxy clusters, which might be part of superclusters, etc, the asymptotic field of a typical NFW halo should somehow merge with a mean field of a larger substructure, or with a mean cosmological field. However, the dynamical input from a suitable cosmological background is well imprinted in the theoretical design of NFW simulations~\\cite{nbody_1,nbody_2,nbody_3}, while the effect of a cosmological constant on the equilibrium of virialized halo structures is know to be negligible (see \\cite{SussHdez} and references quoted therein). Hence, at galactic scales the empiric NFW profiles are assumed to be valid only up to the ``virial radius'', a physical ``cut--off'' scale associated with a virialization process~\\cite{Padma1,Peac,BT,Padma2,Padma3}, ignoring altogether their transition to background fields associated with larger structures or to a cosmological background. While a post--Newtonian approach also allows one to impose this virial cut--off scale and to ignore its asymptotic behavior, we show in section IV how well behaved asymptotically flat NFW configurations can be constructed. Also, since any localized self--gravitating system (even if belonging to large substructures) can be approximately described as an isolated system, we also examine an alternative cut--off by matching generic NFW halos to a Schwarzschild vacuum exterior at the virial radius. In section V we provide the equilibrium equations given in terms of suitable dimensionless variables for the post--Newtonian NFW halos, using the matching with the ``interior'' and ``exterior'' Schwarzschild solutions defined in section IV. Analytic solutions of these equations are obtained in section VI, for isotropic velocities (subsection A) and for a well defined case with anisotropic velocities (subsection B). We show in both cases that (outside the central region) the radial pressure and mass density satisfy approximately a polytropic relation characteristic of stellar polytropes~\\cite{BT}. Even if NFW halos exhibit (in general) deviations from an isotropic velocity distribution, while velocities in polytropes are strictly isotropic, we argue in section VII that the resemblance of outer regions of NFW halos to stellar polytropes might be significant, since virialized self--gravitating systems exhibit non--extensive forms of energy and entropy, and stelar polytropes are the equilibrium states in the application to astrophysical systems of the non--extensive Statistical Mechanics formalism developed by Tsallis~\\cite{Tsallis,PL,TS1,TS2} (see \\cite{Chavanis} for a critical approach to this formalism). ", "conclusions": "In the previous sections we have constructed adequate post--Newtonian generalizations for the galactic halo models that emerge from the well known NFW numerical simulations. We have shown how the issues of lack of a regular center (because of interpolating an empiric density profile) and an unbounded halo mass can be resolved by suitable matchings with a section of an interior Schwarzschild solution with constant density, and with a vacuum Schwarzschild exterior. Even if galactic halos are essentially Newtonian systems, we feel it is important for relativists to see how they can also be described and studied in General Relativity within the framework of a post--Newtonian weak field regime. Such a description can be very valuable in studying their interaction with physical effects (gravitational lenses and gravitational waves) and dark energy sources, all of which lack an adequate Newtonian description. Following our proposal that NFW halos satisfy the ideal gas type of equation of state (\\ref{NRIGES}), we have shown empiricaly (see figure 3) that outside their central core region these halos approximately satisfy the polytropic relation (\\ref{isotpoly}) with $n\\approx 10$. This might be quite significant, since virialized self--gravitating systems are characterized by non--extensive forms of energy and entropy~\\cite{Padma2,Padma3}, and as mentioned before, stellar polytropes are the equilibrium state associated with the non--extensive entropy functional in Tsallis' formalism~\\cite{Tsallis,PL,TS1, TS2} (see~\\cite{Chavanis} for a critical appraisal). However, the consequences of this rough polytropic relation should be looked carefully, since stellar polytropes are solutions of Vlassov equation with an isotropic velocity distribution~\\cite{BT}, while NFW halos follow from numerical simulations and exhibit (in general) anisotropic velocity distributions (even if these anisotropies are not too large~\\cite{LoMa}). In the application of Tsallis formalism to self--gravitating collisionless systems~\\cite{TS1, TS2}, the free parameter $q=(2n-1)/(2n-3)$ denotes the departure from the extensive Boltzmann--Gibbs entropy associated with the isothermal sphere (which follows as the limiting case $n\\to\\infty$, or equivalently, as $q\\to 1$). Assuming Tsallis theory to be correct, the empiric verification provided by figure 3 might indicate that in the region outside the central core NFW numerical simulations yield self--gravitating configurations that approach an equilibrium state characterized by the Tsallis parameter $q\\approx 1.1$. While the central cusps in the density profile predicted by NFW simulations seem to be at odds with observations~\\cite{cdm_problems_1,cdm_problems_2,vera,LSB}, there is no conflict between these observations and the $1/x^3$ scaling of the NFW density profile outside the core region. Although the issue of the cuspy cores is still controversial, if it turns out that galactic halos do exhibit flat density cores, their density profiles could adjusted to stellar polytropes and this might be helpful in providing a better empirical verification of Tsallis' formalism. However, this idea must be handled with due case, since stellar polytropes are very idealized configurations. Although we have only dealt with NFW halos, the methodology that we have followed here can be applied, in principle, to any Newtonian model of galactic halos. For a deeper study of galactic halo models (NFW, as well as other empiric or theoretical models), it is important to consider a wider theoretical framework, not only using a post--Newtonian approach, but including also the usual thermodynamics of self--gravitation systems~\\cite{Padma2,Padma3}, as well as alternative approaches such as Tsallis' formalism~\\cite{Tsallis,PL,TS1,TS2}. This study might provide interesting theoretical clues for understanding the Statistical Mechanics associated with numerical simulations and/or gravitational clustering. An improvement and extension of the present study of NFW halos are being pursued elsewhere~\\cite{enproceso}." }, "0410/astro-ph0410023_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "During the low optical brightness states of AM Herculis systems (polars) when accretion has declined to a very low value, the underlying magnetic white dwarf photosphere can be modelled without the complication of thermal bremstrahlung and cyclotron emission from the luminous accretion column. The far ultraviolet spectra can be modelled with high gravity solar composition photospheres. In this way, I present new temperatures and the first chemical abundance estimates for the white dwarfs in three selected polars from the IUE NEWSIPS archive. For the white dwarf in V834 Cen with T$_{eff} = 16,000$K, Si/H = 0.1 solar, C/H = 0.5 solar, for BY Cam, T$_{eff} = 17,000$K, Si/H = 0.1, C/H = 5 solar and for RX J1313-32, T$_{eff} = 22,000$K, Si/H = 0.1 solar, C/H = 0.1 solar. The temperature distribution of 24 white dwarfs in polars with known temperatures above and below the period gap is compared with the distribution of the white dwarf temperatures in dwarf novae during quiescence. In both cases, the magnetic white dwarfs in polars are significantly cooler than the non-magnetics. For all CV white dwarfs, magnetic and non-magnetic with T$_{eff} < 12,500$K, 91\\% of the objects (10 out of 11) are magnetics in polars. This suggests that long term accretion heating and cooling of white dwarfs in polars differs from the effects of long term accretion in non-magnetic disk accretors. ", "introduction": "The physics of magnetic accretion at the highly magnetic white dwarf surface in polars is poorly known. We do not yet understand the lateral spread (sideways diffusion) and downward diffusion of accreted matter, and the long term heating of the magnetic white dwarf (compared with the heating due to disk accretion). Yet it is these very systems which offer us tantalizing possibilities for increasing our understanding through studies during their low optical brightness states. This is because, for reasons which remain unexplained, accretion declines to an extremely low rate during these low states and hence the emission contribution from thermal bremstrahlung and cyclotron sources from the accretion column is no longer evident in their far ultraviolet spectra. All that is left to observe is the bare magnetic white dwarf with relatively rapidly cooling polar accretion regions. By using white dwarf model atmospheres to analyze far UV spectra obtained with IUE and HST during low states, new insights are possible on all of the above questions. In this talk, I present the first results on the chemical abundances of the accreted atmospheres of the white dwarfs in polars starting with the prototype AM Herculis itself, V834 Cen, BY Cam and RX J1313-32. For comparison, the metal abundance derived by Sion et al. (1998) for the magnetic white dwarf in the pre-CV (pre-IP?) V471 Tauri will also be compared. Next, I present the latest information on the low state temperature distribution of the magnetic white dwarfs in polars and compare their temperature distribution with the white dwarf temperatures in dwarf novae. I do this in two ways: number versus T$_{eff}$ distribution histograms and by using the distribution function of magnetic and non-magnetic white dwarf temperatures versus orbital period. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410509_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "For the first time we have directly detected magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae by means of spectro-polarimetry with FORS1 at the VLT. In all four objects of our sample we found kilogauss magnetic fields, in NGC\\,1360 and LSS\\,1362 with very high significance, while in Abell\\,36 and EGB\\,5 the existence of a magnetic field is probable but with less certainty. This discovery supports the hypothesis that the non-spherical symmetry of most planetary nebulae is caused by magnetic fields in AGB stars. Our high discovery rate demands mechanisms to prevent full conservation of magnetic flux during the transition to white dwarfs. ", "introduction": "The reason why more than 80\\%\\ of the known planetary nebulae (PNe) are mostly bipolar and not spherically symmetric (Zuckerman \\&\\ Aller 1986, Stanghellini et al. 1993) is barely understood. A review on observational and theoretical studies of the shaping of planetary nebulae is given by Balick \\&\\ Frank (2002). It is possible that magnetic fields from the stellar surface are wrapped up by differential rotation so that the later post-AGB wind will be collimated into two lobes Garc{\\'i}a-Segura et al.\\ (1999). Another scenario says that magnetic pressure at the stellar surface plays an important role driving the stellar wind on the AGB (Pascoli 1997). The idea that magnetic fields are important has been supported by the detection of polarization in radio data of circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars (Kemball \\&\\ Diamond 1997, Szymczak \\&\\ Cohen 1997, Vlemmings et al. 2002). However, until now no magnetic fields have ever directly been detected in central stars of PNe. ", "conclusions": "We have detected magnetic fields in 50\\%-100\\%\\ of our small survey for magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae, depending on how conservatively the criteria for statistical significance are set. This provides very strong support for theories which explain the non-spherical symmetry (bipolarity) of the majority of planetary nebulae by magnetic fields. In this first survey we have not performed a cross check with any spherically-symmetric nebulae, although we have submitted a proposal for follow-up observations. Although based on only four objects, our extremely high discovery rate demands that magnetic flux must be lost during the transition phase between central stars and white dwarfs: if the magnetic flux was fully conserved, our four central stars will have fields between 0.35 and 2\\,MG when they become white dwarfs, deduced from the atmospheric parameters and the mass-radius relation of Wood (1994). Although the number of white dwarfs with magnetic fields is still a matter of debate, with a range between about 3 and 30\\%, even the latter value, which includes objects with kG field strengths (Aznar Cuadrado et al. 2004), is far off our high number. Liebert et al. (2003) quantified the incidence of magnetism at the level of $\\sim$ 2\\,MG or greater to be of the order of $\\sim$10\\%. This argument would not change by much if we consider that we have so far only looked at central stars with non-spherical symmetric nebulae. An almost 100\\%\\ probability of magnetic fields larger that 100\\,kG can be excluded by the data from the SPY survey (Napiwotzki et al. 2003) as well as the sample from Aznar Cuadrado et al. 2004). It is also worth mentioning that our central stars have typical white dwarf masses (0.48-0.65\\mbox{\\,$\\rm M_{\\odot}$}) and are not particularly massive. White dwarfs with MG fields tend to be more massive than non-magnetic objects (Liebert 1988). If the magnetic field is located deep in the degenerate core of the central star, it is very difficult to imagine a mechanism to destroy the ordered magnetic fields. Therefore, it would be more plausible to argue that the magnetic field in the central stars is present mostly in the envelope where it can be affected by convection and mass-loss. For central stars hotter than 100\\,000\\,K we do, however, not expect convection; only in the central star of EGB\\,5 we cannot exclude such a mechanism. If we assume that the magnetic fields are fossil and magnetic flux was conserved until the central-star phase, we estimate that the field strengths on the main sequence were 9-50\\,G, which are not directly detectable. Therefore, our measurement may indirectly provide evidence for such low magnetic fields on the main sequence. Polarimetry with the VLT has led to discovery of magnetic fields in a large number of objects in the final stage of stellar evolution: white dwarfs (Aznar Cuadrado et al. 2004), hot subdwarf stars O'Toole et al. (these proceedings), and now in central stars of planetary nebulae. Although we have now provided a good basis for the theoretical explanation of the planetary nebula morphology -- which can more quantitatively be correlated with additional observations in the future -- new questions about the number statistics of magnetic fields in the late stages of stellar evolution have been raised. The full details of our analysis can be found in Jordan et al. (2005)." }, "0410/hep-th0410234_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the context of brane world scenario, cosmic superstrings can be formed in D-brane annihilation at the end of the brane inflationary era. The cosmic superstring network has a scaling solution and the characteristic scale of the network is proportional to the square root of the reconnection probability. ", "introduction": "Cosmic superstrings have recently gained a lot of interest. They are expected to be formed in the context of a brane world scenario and it was advertised that they lead to observational predictions which might distinguish them from the gauge theory solitons, we are most familiar with. Cosmic strings are formed in a large number of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) phase transitions. Suppose we have the symmetry breaking of a group $G$ down to a sub-group $H$ of $G$. The formation of cosmic strings is related to the first homotopy group $\\pi_1(G/H)$ of the vacuum manifold ${\\cal M}={G/ H}$, i.e., if ${\\cal M}$ is not simply connected then cosmic strings form. In an exhaustive study of symmetry breaking schemes from a large gauge group down to the standard model gauge group, Jeannerot \\etal~\\cite{jrs} have shown that in the context of supersymmetric grand unified theories, cosmic strings generically appear at the end of a hybrid inflationary era. However, the measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies impose severe constraints on the cosmic strings contribution to the CMB data, as it was shown by Bouchet \\etal~\\cite{bouchet}, and more recently by Pogosian \\etal~\\cite{p1,p2}. Thus, CMB measurements can impose upper limits to the value of the dimensionless parameter $G\\mu\\sim \\eta^2/m_{\\rm Pl}^2$, where the SSB scale $\\eta$ determines the critical temperature $T_{\\rm cr}$ for the phase transition leading to string formation, and $G=1/m_{\\rm Pl}^2$ is Newton's constant. Recently, Rocher and Sakellariadou~\\cite{jm1,jm2} have shown that F-term as well as D-term supersymmetric hybrid inflation, accompanied by cosmic string formation at the end of the inflationary era, are still compatible with CMB measurements, provided the couplings and the mass scales are tuned within acceptable limits. As the string network evolves, a number of string intersections take place, and this, with a given probability, can lead to an exchange of partners. String intercommutations lead to the creation of kinks along the long strings, which implies that long strings are not straight but they develop wiggles, and thus they emit gravitational radiation, as it was calculated by Sakellariadou~\\cite{ms1}. In addition, the loops which are chopped off from certain string intersections and self-string intercommutations also emit gravitational waves. Gravitational radiation is conventionally believed to be the most efficient mechanism for string decay. This issue is not settled since Vincent \\etal~\\cite{v1,v2} have shown that the string network looses energy directly into scalar and gauge radiation. Numerical studies by Vincent \\etal~\\cite{v1} have for the first time shown that particle production, and not gravitational radiation, is the dominant energy loss mechanism for cosmic string networks. Whether or not gravitational radiation is the most efficient mechanism for cosmic string decay is a very important issue, which however we will not address here and we will come to this question later, in Ringeval and Sakellariadou~\\cite{rs}. In the context of brane world scenario one naturally expects an era of brane inflation, as proposed by Dvali and Tye~\\cite{dt}. The end of brane inflation is taken place when, either a brane and an anti-brane, or a pair of branes oriented at angles, collide. The inter-brane separation, which is an open string mode, plays the r\\^{o}le of the inflaton field, while the inflaton potential emerges from the exchange of closed string modes between the branes. As the inter-brane separation becomes smaller than some critical value, an open string mode stretching between the branes becomes tachyonic and the rolling of the tachyon field describes the decay of the pair of branes. This leads to heating of the universe and the beginning of the big bang. Brane annihilation can lead to the formation of lower dimensional D-branes\\footnote{Due to brane intersections leading to reconnection and unwinding, Durrer \\etal~\\cite{rmm} argue that all D$p$-branes of dimension $p>3$ disappear and that one of the stable 3-dimensional branes plays the r\\^ole of our Universe.} which are seen as topological defects by brane observers. As it was shown by Sarangi and Tye~\\cite{st}, cosmic superstrings are copiously produced during brane collisions. These cosmic superstrings are D$p$-branes with $(p-1)$ dimensions compactified. It is important that neither monopoles, nor domain walls, nor textures, are produced during this process. Cosmic superstrings share a number of properties in common with the familiar cosmic strings. It is however important to identify their differences which may lead to distinctive observational signatures. In what follows we examine the behavior of the characteristic scale of the string network with respect to the string reconnection probability. We reach conclusions which differ from results by Dvali and Vilenkin~\\cite{dv} and Jones \\etal~\\cite{jst}. This may lead to important consequences regarding the observational signatures of cosmic superstrings and their differences with respect to their solitonic analogues. ", "conclusions": "Cosmic superstrings are expected to be the outcome of brane inflation in the context of a brane world scenario. These objects are quite similar to their solitonic analogues, even though they have some distinguishable features which may lead to different observable signatures. The main difference between cosmic superstrings and cosmic strings is the fact that the former live in extra dimensions. This results to a smaller reconnection probability, which will alter the subsequent evolution of a superstring network as compared to the most familiar string network evolution. We have studied numerically the evolution of a cosmic superstring network in a Minkowski space. We have found that the network reaches a scaling solution, which means that the characteristic length scale of the string network, which gives the typical curvature radius of long strings and the characteristic distance between long strings, grow both proportional to the Hubble radius $1/H$, or the age of the universe $t$. In addition, we found that the evolution rate $\\zeta$ is proportional to the square root of the reconnection probability. This will effect the string energy density and may lead to distinguishable observational signatures." }, "0410/astro-ph0410059_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% We present a deep optical survey of Uranus' Hill sphere for small satellites. The Subaru 8-m telescope was used to survey about 3.5 square degrees with a $50 \\%$ detection efficiency at limiting red magnitude $m_R$ = 26.1 mag. This magnitude corresponds to objects that are about 7 km in radius (assuming an albedo of 0.04). We detected (without prior knowledge of their positions) all previously known outer satellites and discovered two new irregular satellites (S/2001 U2 and S/2003 U3). The two inner satellites Titania and Oberon were also detected. One of the newly discovered satellites (S/2003 U3) is the first known irregular prograde of the planet. The population, size distribution and orbital parameters of Uranus' irregular satellites are remarkably similar to the irregular satellites of gas giant Jupiter. Both have shallow size distributions (power law indices $q \\sim 2$ for radii $> 7$ km) with no correlation between the sizes of the satellites and their orbital parameters. However, unlike those of Jupiter, Uranus' irregular satellites do not appear to occupy tight distinct dynamical groups in semi-major axis versus inclination phase space. Two groupings in semi-major axis versus eccentricity phase space appear to be statistically significant. ", "introduction": "Planetary satellites are confined to the space in which the planet's gravitational force dominates over the Sun's. This region is known as the Hill sphere, the radius of which, $r_{H}$, is given by \\begin{equation} r_H = a_p \\left[\\frac{m_p}{3M_{\\odot}}\\right]^{1/3} \\label{eq:hill} \\end{equation} \\noindent where $a_p$ and $m_p$ are the semi-major axis and mass of the planet and $M_{\\odot}$ is the mass of the Sun. Table 1 lists the Hill sphere radii and projected areas for each of the giant planets. The giant planets possess two distinct types of satellite (Peale 1999). Regular satellites are found within about $0.05 r_{H}$ and are tightly bound to their planet. They have nearly circular, prograde orbits with low inclinations. Regular satellites likely formed within a circumplanetary disk of gas and dust around the giant planets as part of the planetary formation process itself. In contrast, irregular satellites are found up to $0.65 r_{H}$ from their host planets and have moderate to high eccentricities and inclinations with prograde or retrograde orbits. Irregular satellites can not have formed in their present orbits and are likely products of early capture from heliocentric orbit (Kuiper 1956; Pollack, Burns \\& Tauber 1979). Table 1 lists the currently known populations of irregular satellites for each giant planet as of August 1, 2004. Burns (1986) offered a definition of irregular satellites as those satellites which are far enough from their parent planet that the precession of their orbital plane is primarily controlled by the Sun instead of the planet's oblateness. In other words, the satellite's inclination is fixed relative to the planet's orbit plane instead of the planet's equator. By this definition, any satellite with a semi-major axis larger than the critical value, $a_{\\mbox{crit}} \\sim (2 J_{2} r_{p}^{2} a_{p}^{3} m_{p} / M_{\\odot} )^{1/5}$, is an irregular satellite (Burns 1986; see Table 1). Here $J_{2}$ is the planet's second gravitational harmonic coefficient and $r_{p}$ is the planet's equatorial radius. Because of the reversibility of Newton's equations of motion some sort of energy dissipation is required for permanent satellite capture. The giant planets currently have no efficient mechanism of energy dissipation for satellite capture. During the planet formation epoch several mechanisms may have operated to capture satellites: 1) gas drag in an extended, primordial planetary atmosphere (Pollack, Burns \\& Tauber 1979) 2) pull-down capture caused by the mass growth of the planet and consequent expansion of the Hill sphere (Heppenheimer \\& Porco 1977) and 3) orbital energy dissipation from collisions or collisionless interactions between asteroids and/or satellites passing near the planet (Colombo \\& Franklin 1971; Tsui 2000). Study of the irregular satellites is important for the insight these objects might provide into the planet formation process. Core accretion models of planet formation struggle to form Uranus and Neptune within the age of the solar system (Lissauer et al. 1995; Pollack et al. 1996; Boss 2001). Disk instability models do not readily provide the hydrogen- and helium- depleted compositions of the two ice giants (Boss 2001). The massive hydrogen and helium gas giants Jupiter and Saturn likely formed quickly in the protoplanetary disk ($\\le 10^{6}$ years). The less massive, deficient in hydrogen and helium, more distant ice giants Uranus and Neptune appear to have taken much longer or an altogether different route of formation (Thommes et al. 2002; Boss 2002). Uranus is noteworthy in the sense that its obliquity exceeds 90 degrees. This compares to the modest obliquities of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune at 3, 27 and 30 degrees respectively. A possible cause is that a protoplanet of about one Earth mass collided with Uranus near the end of its growth phase (Korycansky et al. 1990; Slattery et al. 1992). Greenberg (1974) argued that the current regular satellites must have formed after Uranus' obliquity reached 98 degrees because their low inclination prograde orbits would not have adjusted to their current configurations with Uranus. Recently Brunini et al. (2002) suggested that if Uranus' tilt was created by a giant impact any satellites beyond about $2 \\times 10^{6}$ km (i.e. all known irregular satellites of Uranus) would have likely been lost owing to the orbital impulse imparted to Uranus by the impactor. In addition, Beauge et al. (2002) show that any significant migration by Uranus through a residual planetary disk would have caused its outer satellites to become unstable. By virtue of its proximity, Jupiter has the best-studied irregular satellite system (Figure \\ref{fig:distance26uranus}), with 55 irregular satellites currently known (Sheppard \\& Jewitt 2003). In this paper we ask the question ``does the ice-giant Uranus have a population of irregular satellites similar to that of gas-giant Jupiter?''. The greater distance of Uranus requires the use of very deep surveys in order to meaningfully probe the smaller Uranian satellites. Previous surveys near Uranus were conducted using 4-meter class telescopes, including a search of $\\sim$5 deg$^2$ to limiting red magnitude $m_R \\sim$ 24.3 by Gladman et al. (2000) and of $\\sim$1 deg$^2$ to limiting magnitudes in the $m_R \\sim$ 25.0 to $m_R \\sim$ 25.4 range by Kavelaars et al. (2004). In the present work, we used the 8-meter Subaru telescope and its prime-focus survey camera to survey most of the Hill sphere to a limiting red magnitude $m_R$ = 26.1. Our primary goal was to cover the dynamically stable inner Hill sphere of the planet (radial extent $\\sim 0.7 r_{H}$; see Hamilton \\& Krivov 1997) in an unbiassed, deep and uniform survey. ", "conclusions": "Our survey detected, without prior knowledge of their positions, all of the then-known six irregular satellites of Uranus as well as the two outer-most regular satellites Titania and Oberon. We also discovered the two new Uranian satellites S/2001 U2 and S/2003 U3 (Sheppard et al. 2003). S/2001 U2 has a 2001 designation because it had been detected but not confirmed as a Uranian satellite in 2001 (Holman et al. 2003). S/2001 U3 was confirmed as a Uranian irregular satellite after our survey (Marsden et al. 2003). This object went undetected in our Subaru data because it fell on a bright star during observations. In addition, six other objects near Uranus which turned out to be Centaurs, as well as hundreds of Kuiper Belt objects, were discovered. A detailed report about the discovery of these other objects will be given in a future paper. To determine the size limit of satellites detectable by the survey and the approximate sizes of the new satellites we relate the apparent red magnitude, $m_{R}$, to the radius, $r$, through \\begin{equation} r = \\left[ \\frac{2.25\\times 10^{16}R^{2}\\Delta ^{2}}{p_{R}\\phi (\\alpha)} \\right]^{1/2} 10^{0.2(m_{\\odot} - m_{R})} \\label{eq:appmaguranus} \\end{equation} \\noindent in which $r$ is in km, $R$ is the heliocentric distance in AU, $\\Delta$ is the geocentric distance in AU, $m_{\\odot}$ is the apparent red magnitude of the sun ($-27.1$), $p_{R}$ is the geometric red albedo, $\\phi (\\alpha)$ is the phase function and $\\alpha$ is the phase angle ($\\alpha=0$ deg at opposition). For linear phase functions we use the notation $\\phi (\\alpha) = 10^{-0.4 \\beta \\alpha}$, where $\\beta$ is the ``linear'' phase coefficient. Using data from Table~2 and an albedo of 0.04 we find that 26.1 magnitudes corresponds to a satellite with radius of about 7 km. \\subsection{Size and Population Distribution} The Cumulative Luminosity Function (CLF) describes the sky-plane number density of objects brighter than a given magnitude. The CLF is conveniently described by \\begin{equation} \\mbox{log}[\\Sigma (m_{R})]=\\alpha (m_{R}-m_{o}) \\label{eq:slope} \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\Sigma (m_{R})$ is the number of objects brighter than $m_{R}$, $m_{o}$ is the magnitude zero point, and $\\alpha$ describes the slope of the luminosity function. The CLF for Uranus' irregular satellites is shown in Figure~\\ref{fig:cumuran}. Our survey is complete to $m_R$ = 26.1 mag ($r > 7$ km). For Uranus we find the best fit to the CLF for $m_{R} < 26$ mag is $\\alpha = 0.20 \\pm 0.04$ and $m_{o} = 20.73 \\pm 0.2$ (Figure \\ref{fig:cumuran}). The points in a CLF are heavily correlated with one another, tending to give excess weight to the faint end of the distribution. The Differential Luminosity Function (DLF) does not suffer from this problem. We plot the DLF using a bin size of 2 mag for all Uranian irregular satellites in Figure \\ref{fig:diffuran}. We find that the DLF has a slope of $\\alpha = 0.16 \\pm 0.05$ with $m_{o} = 21.0 \\pm 0.4$. Bin sizes of 1 mag and 1.5 mag give similar results. The uncertainty of the fit for the 2 mag bin size is estimated from the fits of these other bin sizes which were larger than the uncertainty of the least square fit for the 2 mag bin size alone. The luminosity functions represent the combined effects of the albedos, heliocentric distances and size distributions of the objects. If we assume that all Uranian satellites are at the same heliocentric distance and that their albedos are similar, the DLF and CLF simply reflect the size distribution of the satellites. The objects appear to follow a single power-law size distribution for $r > 7$ km. In order to model the irregular satellite size distribution we use a differential power-law radius distribution of the form $n(r)dr=\\Gamma r^{-q}dr$, where $\\Gamma$ and $q$ are constants, $r$ is the radius of the satellite, and $n(r)dr$ is the number of satellites with radii in the range $r$ to $r+dr$. The slope of the DLF ($\\alpha$) and exponent of the size distribution ($q$) are simply related as $q = 5 \\alpha + 1$ when assuming similar heliocentric distance and albedos for all satellites (Irwin et al. 1995). Using $\\alpha = 0.16 \\pm 0.05$ for Uranus' irregular satellites we find $q = 1.8 \\pm 0.3$. This is similar to the value found by Kavelaars et al. (2004) and identical to $q = 1.9 \\pm 0.3$ found for the irregular satellites of Jupiter in the same size range (Sheppard \\& Jewitt 2003). In comparison, collisional equilibrium gives $q \\sim 3.5$ (Dohnanyi 1969), nonfamily small asteroids have $q \\sim 2.0$ to $2.5$ (Cellino et al. 1991), while large Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) have $q=4.2\\pm 0.5$, $\\alpha = 0.64 \\pm 0.1$, $m_{o} = 23.23 \\pm 0.15$ (Trujillo et al. 2001) and Centaurs have KBO-like slope with $m_{o} = 24.6 \\pm 0.3$ (Sheppard et al. 2000). The small Jovian Trojans ($r<30$ km) have $q=3.0 \\pm 0.3$ while the larger Trojans show a steeper slope of $q=5.5 \\pm 0.9$ (Jewitt, Trujillo \\& Luu 2000). Large members of asteroid families have been found to usually have $q \\ge 4$ (Tanga et al. 1999) while the smaller members ($r < 5$ km) may have shallower distributions (Morbidelli et al. 2003). If $q>3$, most of the collisional cross-section lies in the smallest objects while for $q>4$ most of the mass lies in small bodies. The mass and cross-section of Uranus' irregular satellites are both dominated by the few largest objects. \\subsection{Comparison of the Uranian and Jovian Systems} The Jovian and Uranus satellite DLFs are compared in Figure \\ref{fig:diffuran}. Fitting the Jovian DLF (which is complete to around $r \\sim 3$ km; Sheppard \\& Jewitt 2003) over the same size range as that used previously for Uranus ($r > 7$ km) we find a slope of $\\alpha = 0.18 \\pm 0.05$ with a zero point magnitude $m_{o} = 14.0 \\pm 0.4$. The measured slope is compatible with $\\alpha = 0.16 \\pm 0.05$, as found for the Uranian satellites, within the statistical uncertainties. We conclude that the size distribution indices of the irregular satellites at Uranus and Jupiter are remarkably similar for $r > 7$ km, and both are quite different from the (steeper) distribution that would be measured, for example, amongst the main-belt asteroids. Jupiter's irregular satellites appear depleted in the 4 to 10 km size range relative to an extrapolation of a power-law fitted at larger sizes (Sheppard and Jewitt 2003). We would need deeper survey observations to $m_R \\sim$ 27.2 mag to determine whether the Uranian population shows a similar depletion. The difference between the Jovian and Uranian DLF magnitude zero points is $\\Delta m_0$ = 7.0$\\pm$0.6 mag. This is to be compared with the magnitude difference expected from the inverse square law and the different distances to the two planets. The expected magnitude difference is $\\Delta m$ = 5 $log_{10}\\left[\\frac{R_U(R_U - 1)}{R_J(R_J - 1)}\\right]$, where $R_J$ = 5.3 AU and $R_U$ = 20.0 AU, are the heliocentric distances to the two planets and opposition geometry is assumed. Substituting, we obtain $\\Delta m$ = 6.1 mag., which is different from $\\Delta m_0$ by only about 1.5$\\sigma$. In this sense, the smaller number of known irregular satellites at Uranus seems to be an artifact of the greater distance. To emphasize these points, we show the cumulative size distributions of the Jovian and Uranian irregular satellites in Figure \\ref{fig:cumuransize}. Uranus has nine satellites with r$ \\geq$ 7 km (about the completeness level) while Jupiter has eight. In terms of the size distributions and total populations, the irregular satellite systems of Uranus and Jupiter are very similar. If we assume the size distribution of Uranus' irregular satellites extends down to radii of about 1 km, we would expect about $75 \\pm 30$ irregular satellites of this size or larger. Several competing processes could influence the size distribution of the satellites. The larger objects may retain some memory of the production function, as is apparently the case with the nearby Jovian Trojans, in which the size distribution is steeper below $r \\sim$ 30 km than above it (Jewitt et al. 2000). Small satellites could be lost to gas drag, leading to a flattening of the size distribution. This is more likely at gas-giant Jupiter than at ice-giant Uranus, where much less gas is thought to have been available during the accretion epoch. Collisions between satellites and with interplanetary projectiles would lead to the production of many small fragments. Given that fragment velocity and size are inversely related, it is natural to expect that the smaller objects produced collisionally would be lost (the escape velocity from Uranus at the semi-major axis of S/2001 U2 is only 0.8 km s$^{-1}$), again leading to a flattened size distribution. Collisional scenarios, in general, require higher collision rates than now prevail in the solar system. Perhaps the irregular satellites were originally much more numerous than now. Separately, we know that the flux of planet-crossing projectiles was much higher between the epochs of planet formation and the end of the terminal bombardment phase at about 3.9 Gyr. \\subsection{Orbital Element Distribution} Table 3 lists some of the properties of the known irregular satellites of Uranus. Figures \\ref{fig:irrsatsuranusecc} and \\ref{fig:irrsatsuranus} compare the semi-major axes with inclinations and eccentricities, respectively, for all known irregular satellites of the planets. The figures show that the ice giants Uranus and Neptune have the smallest known irregular satellite systems, in units of Hill radii. In the case of Uranus, one contributing factor may be that its regular satellite system is much less massive and does not extend as far from the planet as those of the gas giant planets of Jupiter and Saturn. Thus, interactions between Uranus' regular and irregular satellites are less important as a clearing mechanism. We also note that Uranus has the smallest $a_{\\mbox{crit}}$ of any of the giant planets (Table 1). Neptune's satellite system may have been severely disrupted by the unusually large retrograde satellite Triton (Goldreich et al. 1989). Figure \\ref{fig:irrsatsuranusecc} suggests that the Uranian irregular satellites may be grouped in semi-major axis vs. eccentricity phase space. The four retrograde irregular satellites closest to Uranus (S/2001 U3, Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo; semi-major axes of $a < 0.15 r_{H}$) have eccentricities $e \\sim$0.2 while the four retrograde irregular satellites (Sycorax, Prospero, Setebos and S/2001 U2) with $a > 0.15 r_{H}$ have $e \\sim$0.5. To judge the significance of these two retrograde groups we performed several statistical tests. The retrograde low eccentricity, low semi-major axis group (the Caliban group) has a mean eccentricity of $0.19 \\pm 0.02$ and mean semi-major axis of $7.0\\pm 0.9 \\times 10^{6}$ km while the retrograde high semi-major axis and eccentricity group (the Sycorax group) has $0.52 \\pm 0.05$ and $16.7 \\pm 1.8 \\times 10^{6}$ km, respectively. The Student's t-test (with 7 degrees of freedom) gave a t-statistic of 6.0 with a significance of 99.8\\% for the difference in their mean eccentricities and a t-statistic of 4.8 with a significance of 99.4\\% for the difference in their mean semi-major axes. The student's t-test suggests that the two groups are significant but makes the unjustified assumption that the eccentricity and semi-major axes are normally distributed. Therefore, we used the more stringent nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test and a permutation test (see Siegel \\& Castellan 1988) to assess the significance of the two groups. Both found that the groupings of the eccentricity were statistically significant at or above the $\\geq 3\\sigma$ (99.7\\%) level of confidence. Figure \\ref{fig:ecccorruran} shows the two retrograde groups in semi-major axis vs. eccentricity space. It is clearly seen that the more distant satellites have larger eccentricities as was also noted by Kavelaars et al. (2004). The significance of a linear fit to the data is only at the $\\sim$97 \\% ($< 3 \\sigma$) level and thus less significant than the two groupings. Possible reasons for higher eccentricities more distant from the planet is that the closer satellites would be unstable to perturbations by the much larger regular satellites of Uranus if they had large eccentricities or that the more distant satellites are susceptible to solar and planetary perturbations. In Figure \\ref{fig:ecccorruran} we plot several lines of constant periapse from Uranus. The orbital velocities of the irregular satellites around Uranus range from 300 to 1100 m/s (Kessler 1981). The relative velocities amongst the satellites are typically much smaller. Velocity differences among Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo are comparable to Caliban's escape velocity $\\sim$40 m/s. The retrograde high eccentricity objects have relative velocities comparable to Sycorax's escape velocity of $\\sim$80 m/s. For comparison, Jupiter's irregular satellites were found to be grouped in semi-major axis and inclination phase space with their relative velocities within a group about 30 m/s while group velocities relative to each other were over 200 m/s (Sheppard \\& Jewitt 2003). As at Jupiter, Uranus' possible two retrograde groups have relative velocities of over 100 m/s while members within a group have velocities comparable to the largest members escape velocity. As at Jupiter, the dynamical groupings suggest formation from parent objects which were collisionally shattered. A simple particle in a box calculation shows that collisions between the currently known or predicted outer satellite population of Uranus would occur on timescales ($\\sim 10^{10}$ years) longer than the age of the solar system. Fragmentation could have occurred from collisions with objects in heliocentric orbits (principally comets around the heavy bombardment period (Sheppard \\& Jewitt 2003)) or other now defunct satellites of the planet (Nesvorny et al. 2004). Jupiter's irregular satellite orbital velocities ($> 2200$ m/s) are much greater than Uranus' and thus any collisional processing would have been much more violent compared to collisions around Uranus. Except for the distinct prograde irregular S/2003 U3 with an orbital inclination of 57 degrees to the ecliptic compared to the eight irregulars between 140 and 170 degrees there are no obvious tight groupings in semi-major axis vs. inclination phase space as was found around Jupiter (Figure \\ref{fig:irrsatsuranus}). We do note that the majority of the low eccentricity retrograde satellites have inclinations near 142 degrees while the retrograde high eccentricity satellites are closer to 156 degrees in inclination (Table 3). The intermediate inclinations $60 < i < 140$ degrees are devoid of known satellites, consistent with instabilities caused by the Kozai instability (Kozai 1962; Carruba et al. 2002; Nesvorny et al. 2003). In this instability, solar perturbations at apoapse cause the satellites at high inclinations to acquire large eccentricities which eventually lead to collisions with the planet, or a regular satellite or loss from the Hill sphere in $10^{7} - 10^{9}$ years (Carruba et al. 2002; Nesvorny et al. 2003). We find no clear size vs. semi-major axis, inclination or eccentricity correlations for Uranus' irregular satellites, as may be expected if significant gas drag was present in the past. Of the two largest irregular satellites around Uranus one of each is in the two possible eccentricity groups. Caliban is relatively close to the planet with a low eccentricity while Sycorax is with the distant, higher eccentricity irregular satellites (Table 3). At Uranus there are many more known retrograde (8) than prograde (1) outer satellites. Jupiter also has an over abundance of known retrograde outer satellites (48 retrograde versus 7 prograde). These asymmetries are greatly diminished if we compare numbers of satellite groups ($\\sim 3-4$ retrograde versus 3 prograde groups at Jupiter and possibly 1 or 2 retrograde and 1 prograde group at Uranus). Given this, and the fact that the statistics of the groups remain poor (especially at Uranus), we cannot currently use the relative numbers of retrograde and prograde objects to constrain the mode of capture." }, "0410/astro-ph0410090_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "High velocity outflows from supermassive black holes have been invoked to explain the recent identification of strong absorption features in the hard X-ray spectra of several quasars. Here, Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations are performed to synthesise X-ray spectra from models of such flows. It is found that simple, parametric bi-conical outflow models with plausible choices for the wind parameters predict spectra that are in good qualitative agreement with observations in the 2 -- 10~keV band. The influence on the spectrum of both the mass-loss rate and opening angle of the flow are considered: the latter is important since photon leakage plays a significant role in establishing an ionization gradient within the flow, a useful discriminant between spherical and conical outflow for this and other applications. Particular attention is given to the bright quasar PG1211+143 for which constraints on the outflow geometry and mass-loss rate are discussed subject to the limitations of the currently available observational data. ", "introduction": "There is a growing body of evidence for high-velocity, blueshifted absorption features in the hard (2 -- 10~keV) X-ray spectra of quasars. Chartas et al. (2002) first identified a pair of absorption features in the X-ray spectrum of the relatively high redshift quasar APM08279+5255 ($z=3.91$) and proposed that they were due to highly ionized iron. They were unable, however, to identify the ionization stage with certainty. More recently, Pounds et al. (2003a) have identified narrow absorption features in the spectrum of the nearby quasar PG1211+143. In this case, the identification of an X-ray line at $\\sim 7.5$~keV with the significantly blueshifted ($v \\sim 0.1c$) K~$\\alpha$ transition of Fe~{\\sc xxv} or {\\sc xxvi} was supported by the identification of other, weaker features at softer energies. Similar narrow absorption features have also now been reported in a second high-redshift quasar (PG1115+080, Chartas, Brandt \\& Gallagher 2003) and a second low-redshift quasar (PG0844+349, Pounds et al. 2003b). In addition, high velocity absorption has been reported in yet another quasar (PDS456) by Reeves, O'Brien \\& Ward (2003), although in this case the absorption is broader and the authors favour an interpretation involving absorption edges of Fe~{\\sc xvii}-{\\sc xxiv} rather than lines of more highly ionized material. It has been suggested that these absorption features form in a fast, massive outflow from the accreting supermassive black hole in the quasar nucleus (Chartas et al. 2002, Pounds et al. 2003a, King \\& Pounds 2003). To account for the observed absorption features requires such flows to be both more highly ionized and have significantly greater column densities than necessary for the outflows detected via blueshifted ultraviolet absorption lines in broad absorption line (BAL) quasars (Pounds et al. 2003b). It is not yet established whether highly ionized fast outflows might be common in the quasar population, but it is clear that when present, they may carry sufficient energy to be important in the energy budget of accretion by the nuclear black hole. In addition, King \\& Pounds (2003) have presented simple arguments to show that outflows from black holes accreting at around the Eddington limit are likely to be optically thick giving rise to an XUV photosphere, emission from which may be responsible for the ``big blue bump'' (BBB) seen in quasar spectra. This interpretation, however, is not firmly established: in some instances (e.g. APM08279+5255; Chartas et al. 2002) there remains ambiguity in the line identification while in others (PG1211+143, PDS456; McKernan, Yaqoob \\& Reynolds 2004) it has been suggested that some portion of the absorption features is due to gas in the vicinity of our Galaxy, rather than material intrinsic to the quasar. In addition, Kaspi (2004) has shown that many of the features in the spectrum of PG1211+143 can be explained by an alternative model involving a relatively small outflow velocity ($\\sim 3000$~km~s$^{-1}$). It is noted, however, that the preliminary study presented by Kaspi (2004) addresses only the {\\it XMM-Newton} Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) data and not the European Imaging Camera (EPIC) data: it is not clear that a low-velocity outflow could explain the absorption features in the EPIC spectrum identified by Pounds et al. (2003a). To better understand the hard X-ray absorption features and the potentially important outflows with which they may be associated requires synthesis of the X-ray spectrum predicted by plausible physical models. The primary goal of this paper is to perform realistic radiative transfer calculations and synthesise spectra in order to determine whether simple physical outflow models, as discussed by Pounds et al. (2003a) and King \\& Pounds (2003), readily predict strong, narrow absorption features as required by the observations. A secondary objective is to use model spectra to constrain the plausible range of flow parameters by comparison with the data for a particular quasar. This investigation is focused on the narrow emission line quasar PG1211+143. Of the two nearby quasars in which narrow hard X-ray absorption lines have been detected by Pounds et al. (2003a,b), this object has been chosen over the other candidate (PG0844+349) since the observational data is of higher quality and a wider variety of absorption features have been identified. PG1211+143 is bright, nearby ($z = 0.0809$, Marziani et al. 1996) and known to be radiating at around the Eddington luminosity (Boroson 2002, Gierli\\'{n}ski \\& Done 2004). Based on simple ionized absorber fits to the data, Pounds et al. (2003a) suggest the high-velocity outflow in PG1211+143 has a mass-loss rate $\\sim 3$~M$_{\\odot}$~yr$^{-1}$, and they suggest that the outflow is likely to subtend a wide opening angle as viewed from the central black hole. This work is also of general interest for the study of radiative transfer in non-spherical outflows. It will be shown that calculations for conical geometries are significantly different from spherical outflow, primarily owing to the influence of photon leakage through the conical boundary. During the refereeing of this article, Everett \\& Ballantyne (2004) presented a related study on radiatively driven outflows from black holes. They investigated continuum driven flows and conclude that, while such flows are possible, they are likely to be too highly ionized to produce absorption line features. They did not, however, investigate line or MHD driven outflows nor consider multi-dimensional radiative transfer effects. In Section 2, the outflow model that will be considered is discussed. The calculations presented in this paper have been performed with a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code which has been adapted from the code written by Sim (2004). The code uses the Macro Atom formalism developed by Lucy (2002, 2003) and is discussed in Section 3. Section 4 identifies the atomic data used in the Monte Carlo simulations. The spectra computed from various models are discussed in Section 5 and conclusions drawn in Section 6. ", "conclusions": "It has been shown that realistic radiative transfer calculations support the proposal that the recently identified X-ray absorption features in PG1211+143 (in particular the strong absorption line observed at $\\sim 7$~keV) can be explained in terms of a simply parameterised bi-conical outflow model. Spectra have been computed for outflows with a range of both mass-loss rate and opening angle. The opening angle determines the extent of photon leakage from the flow which plays an important role in establishing a gradient of ionization in the wind. This affects the strengths of the spectral features providing a useful discriminant between spherical and conical outflow. The calculations presented here favour models in which the flow has a moderately small opening angle $\\leq 30$\\textdegree~($b \\leq 0.13$) and mass-loss rate a little larger than that suggested by Pounds et al. (2003a)~($\\Phi/b \\sim $ 6~M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ is proposed here). A narrow opening angle suggests interpretation in terms of a collimated disk wind or jet originating from the accretion disk. Such outflows are certainly favoured as elementary components of the structure of quasars and a relatively narrow opening angle bi-conical outflow is consistent with existing models for quasars (e.g. Antonucci \\& Miller 1985; Elvis 2000, 2004). In particular, in the context of the Elvis (2000) model, one may speculate that the highly ionized outflow modelled here lies in some portion of the polar region bounded by the WHIM. Alternatively the X-ray features may form in the most extremely ionized parts of the WHIM itself. Given that high velocity outflows may be important for understanding the processes which operate in the cores of quasars, there is a real need for higher quality observational data (such as may be provided by the next generation of X-ray observatories as discussed by Chartas et al. 2003). In particular, it is to be hoped that an increase in spectral resolution such as will be provided by the forthcoming {\\it Astro-E2} mission, will allow the study of line profiles in much greater detail than is currently feasible. As better observational data becomes available, future theoretical work will include a detailed investigation of the various absorption and emission features observed at softer energies. Although the O~{\\sc viii} Lyman~$\\alpha$ line has been discussed here, several of the lower ionization features that are observed (e.g. those of O~{\\sc vii}) are not predicted by the models at present. An important step in modelling these features is likely to be self-consistent calculation of the temperature in the models since variation of the temperature through the flow may lead to quantitative changes in the ionization balance owing to its effect on recombination rates. Temperature calculations will also provide insight into the formation of a photosphere in the outflow, which might explain the BBB (Pounds et al. 2003a, King \\& Pounds), and help constrain the launching radius of the wind ($R_c$). Such calculations go beyond the scope of the simple modelling presented here but the influence of the choice of temperature on the hard X-ray spectrum is briefly discussed in the Appendix. It may also become necessary to consider angular ($\\theta$) variation of the ionization fractions in the flow, departures from ionization equilibrium, rotation and the influence of viewing angle if the basic bi-conical geometry stands up to tighter observational constraints. This paper has not addressed the important issue of how high velocity flows may be accelerated. It has been suggested that radiation pressure may be primarily responsible (King \\& Pounds 2003, Pounds et al. 2003a). Since the source here has been assumed to radiate at the Eddington luminosity it is, by definition, the case that radiation pressure is sufficient to overcome gravity but details of how the flow is accelerated over and above gravity to the terminal velocity warrant investigation. Everett \\& Ballantyne (2004) have concluded that continuum driving alone cannot account for outflows such as have been proposed by Pounds et al. (2003a). However, the part played by spectral lines in driving an outflow has yet to be quantified. If the flow is radiatively driven by lines and bound-free continua then understanding the driving is closely coupled to modelling the softer parts of the spectrum than have been considered here: the X-ray region is relatively sparse of spectral lines and very preliminary indications from the models presented here suggest that the lines in this region are unlikely to provide a significant fraction of the required outward force. In conclusion, the spectral synthesis presented in this paper suggests that simple flow models can reproduce the absorption features observed in the hard X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143. However, significant further study, both observational and theoretical, is needed in order that these high velocity outflows and their relationship to the black hole accretion process which lies at the heart of the quasar phenomenon can be understood." }, "0410/astro-ph0410573_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent The collapse of a rotating 3-axis ellipsoid is approximated by a system of ordinary differential equations. Violent relaxation, mass and angular momentum losses are taken into account phenomenologically. The formation of the equilibrium configuration and different types of instability are investigated.\\\\ \\noindent {\\bf Keywords:} dark matter - large-scale structure - instability ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410329_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The MIGALE project provides databases and data analysis tools to study the evolution of galaxies from z=1 to z=0. It develops and maintain a general database, HyperLeda, to give a homogenized parameterization for 3 million objects, and several archives or specialized databases. It also develops tools to analyse on-the-fly data extracted from the database or obtained through the Virtual Observatory (Virtual Instruments). The package made for this project, Pleinpot, is distributed as open source. ", "introduction": "The goal of the Virtual Observatory (VO, see http://www.ivoa.net/) is to enhance the scientific efficiency by providing a transparent access to the archive data stored throughout the world, so that the end user will have the filling that all these resources are located on its own computer. To make this enormous quantity of data useful (volumes are counted in Pbytes), high performance discovery tools are needed, and a condition is to provide an accurate description of any individual dataset. A precise description also enables to change the strategy for the data analysis. For example, it will not be required anymore to tell to the analysis program what is the spectral resolution and how it changes with wavelength: This information will come with the data, as part of the so-called {\\it meta-data} or more familiarly FITS keywords. It will be possible soon to push one step forward the automation of the data analysis. Why is it desirable to automate analysis pipelines? Naturally, the main reason is that it is expected to be faster, and possibly more reliable since it eliminates some risks of errors during the preparation of the reduction procedure. The complexity of data analysis also increases as it allows to put finer constraints to the details of the physical mechanisms. So, astronomers interested in a specific phenomenon and using multi-wavelength data can hardly be experts in all the aspects of the data analysis; more automatic procedures are simpler to use and enable non-specialists to interpret the data. There is obviously the risk to miss-use a procedure, as for example give a wrong combination of parameters to a model, but astronomers are highly aware of this danger which anyway already exists when we are using the present software. The VO does certainly not worsen the situation. Actually, not only it is desirable to automate processing, but it is necessary. Some spectrographs produce millions of spectra over their lifetime, and it is absolutely impossible to make a detailed interactive analysis of each of them (see for example the analysis of SDSS data in Mathis et al. 2004). Analysis pipelines, to compare models to observations, will be developed either as client packages to be run on the user's machine or as online services run on a remote server fed by data provided by the user or extracted from the VO and returning results in the formats defined by the VO so they can be used by other VO tools. Such services already exist. For example, a VO implementation of sextractor was used at the 2004 AVO science demo (Padovani et al. 2004). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410603_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use a sample of 69726 galaxies from the SDSS to study the variation of the bimodal color-magnitude (CM) distribution with environment. Dividing the galaxy population by environment ($\\Sigma_5$) and luminosity ($-230$, the SFR declines exponentially with a timescale $\\tau=2$\\,Gyr. This decline is still faster than that prior to $\\Delta t=0$, but is long enough that the system is observed with intermediate colors $1.41.5$ \\citep{somerville04} and by morphology-color relations, which imply a more violent origin because of bulge formation. \\clearpage \\begin{theacknowledgments} The results presented here made use of the CMU-PITT SDSS Value Added Catalog\\footnote{\\url{http://astrophysics.phys.cmu.edu/dr2_value_added/}} created and maintained by K.~Simon Krughoff and Christopher J.~Miller. I.\\,K.\\,B.\\ and K.\\,G.\\ acknowledge generous funding from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation. Funding for the creation and distribution of the SDSS Archive has been provided by the Alfred P.\\ Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the U.S.\\ Department of Energy, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, and the Max Planck Society. \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0410/astro-ph0410435_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present metallicities for 487 red giants in the Carina dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy that were obtained from FLAMES low-resolution Ca triplet (CaT) spectroscopy. We find a mean [Fe/H] of $-1.91$\\,dex with an intrinsic dispersion of 0.25\\,dex, whereas the full spread in metallicities is at least one dex. The analysis of the radial distribution of metallicities reveals that an excess of metal poor stars resides in a region of larger axis distances. These results can constrain evolutionary models and are discussed in the context of chemical evolution in the Carina dSph. ", "introduction": "Analyses of the faint Carina dSph have revealed that it contains a % variety of stellar populations (e.g.,~[4]), exhibiting prominent old ($>$11\\,Gyr) and intermediate-age (5--6 and 3\\,Gyr) populations. This implies that Carina must have undergone several star forming (SF) episodes with at least three significant pulses. Despite this wide spread in ages, its colour-magnitude diagram features a remarkably narrow RGB. The reason for that can be an age counteracting spread in metallicities, where metal rich, young stars have colours comparable to the older, more metal poor ones. Such a possible age-metallicity degeneracy can be overcome if accurate and independent [Fe/H] measurements are obtained so that the remaining parameter of age can be estimated from isochrones. Moreover, the overall shape and spatial variations of the metallicity distribution function (MDF) itself contain valuable implications for analysing Carina's unusual SF history. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410144_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have started a systematic study of the field topologies of magnetic single and accreting white dwarfs using Zeeman tomography. Here we report on our analysis of phase-resolved flux and circular polarization spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic variables BL\\,Hyi and MR\\,Ser obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT. For both systems we find that the field topologies are more complex than a dipole or an offset dipole and require at least multipole expansions up to order $l = 3$ to adequately describe the observed Zeeman features and their variations with rotational phase. Overall our model fits are in excellent agreement with observations. Remaining residuals indicate that the field topologies might even be more complex. It is, however, assuring that the global characteristics of our solutions are consistent with the average effective field strengths and the halo field strengths derived from intensity spectra in the past. ", "introduction": "Magnetism at a detectable level is a common phenomenon among white dwarfs. According to recent studies the incidence of objects with surface field strengths exceeding 2\\,MG is at least $\\sim$10\\% of all single white dwarfs, and could even be higher (Liebert et al. 2003). A similar fraction of $\\sim$20\\% magnetic systems has been found among accreting white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables (G\\\"ansicke, this volume). Observed field strengths range from $\\sim$\\,1\\,kG--1000\\,MG with a peak around 16\\,MG in single white dwarfs (Wickramasinghe \\& Ferrario 2000, G\\\"ansicke et al. 2002, Schmidt et al. 2003) and 7--230 MG in magnetic CVs (Beuermann 1998). The frequency distributions of field strengths for both populations are compared in Fig.\\,1. The origin of the magnetic fields is not well understood. While it is reasonable to assume that the white dwarfs with the highest magnetic fields evolve from main-sequence Ap and Bp stars, low- and moderate-field magnetic white dwarfs appear to imply another origin. The decay times of the lowest multipole components are predicted to be long compared to the evolutionary ages of the white dwarfs. The magnetic field topologies, at least of isolated white dwarfs, are, therefore, likely to be relics of previous evolutionary phases. In accreting systems, the field structure in the outer layers of the white dwarf, however, may have been significantly changed if the accretion rate is high enough that accretion occurs more rapidly than ohmic diffusion (Cumming 2002) and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities (Romani 1990). \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\plotone{reinsch_fig01.eps} \\caption{Frequency distributions of the field strengths of accreting {\\it (top)} and single {\\it (bottom)} white dwarfs. For the former, average field strengths in the main accretion region have been used of all 53 polars for which reliable measurements are available (cf. Beuermann 1998). The statistics for single white dwarfs include data from the compilation by Wickramasinghe \\& Ferrario (2000) and white dwarfs from the SDSS (Schmidt et al. 2003). The distribution for magnetic CVs is biased by the omission of low-field systems (intermediate polars) for which only field strength estimates exist and probably also by selection effects which hamper the discovery of high-field polars. } \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "The Zeeman tomographical analysis of phase-resolved spectropolarimetry provides for the first time detailed information about the range of field strengths and the field topology of accreting white dwarfs. For both systems discussed here we find that at least multipole expansions up to order $l = 3$ are required to describe the field topologies. Remaining residuals indicate that the field topologies might even be more complex." }, "0410/astro-ph0410658_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We construct analytically stationary global configurations for both aligned and logarithmic spiral coplanar magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) perturbations in an axisymmetric background MHD disc with a power-law surface mass density $\\Sigma_0\\propto r^{-\\alpha}$, a coplanar azimuthal magnetic field $B_0\\propto r^{-\\gamma}$, a consistent self-gravity and a power-law rotation curve $v_0\\propto r^{-\\beta}$ where $v_0$ is the linear azimuthal gas rotation speed. The barotropic equation of state $\\Pi\\propto\\Sigma^{n}$ is adopted for both MHD background equilibrium and coplanar MHD perturbations where $\\Pi$ is the vertically integrated pressure and $n$ is the barotropic index. For a scale-free background MHD equilibrium, a relation exists among $\\alpha$, $\\beta$, $\\gamma$ and $n$ such that only one parameter (e.g., $\\beta$) is independent. For a linear axisymmetric stability analysis, we provide global criteria in various parameter regimes. For nonaxisymmetric aligned and logarithmic spiral cases, two branches of perturbation modes (i.e., fast and slow MHD density waves) can be derived once $\\beta$ is specified. To complement the magnetized singular isothermal disc (MSID) analysis of Lou, we extend the analysis to a wider range of $-1/4<\\beta<1/2$. As an example of illustration, we discuss specifically the $\\beta=1/4$ case when the background magnetic field is force-free. Angular momentum conservation for coplanar MHD perturbations and other relevant aspects of our approach are discussed. ", "introduction": "Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in diverse astrophysical settings on various scales ranging from proto-stellar discs, young stellar objects (YSOs), microquasars, quasars, galaxies and grandiose astrophysical jets to clusters of galaxies. In some cases, magnetic fields are relatively weak so that dynamical processes are almost unaffected by their presence. However, there do exist numerous cases where magnetic fields are necessary and important for both dynamics and diagnostics, especially in spiral galaxies and accretion disc systems (e.g., Sofue et al. 1986; Beck et al. 1996; Balbus \\& Hawley 1998; Tagger \\& Pellat 1999; Widrow 2002). In general, it is challenging to model magnetic fields realistically because of their complexities (Sofue et al. 1986; Kronberg 1994; Caunt \\& Tagger 2001; Widrow 2002). In the problems involving protostar formation and disc galaxies, Shu \\& Li (1997) presumed the so-called `isopedic' magnetic field configuration where the mass-to-magnetic flux ratio in a razor thin disc remains constant. Using a singular isothermal disc (SID) model (Mestel 1963) that is isopedically magnetized, Shu et al. (2000) studied stationary coplanar perturbations and proposed that these global modes are bifurcations to either secularly or dynamically unstable configurations. Along a separate yet complementary line, Lou (2002) studied an azimuthally magnetized singular isothermal disc (MSID) and derived two different global stationary magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) perturbation modes. Based on the MSID model, Lou (2002) explored the manifestation of interlaced optical and magnetic field spiral arms in the outer portion of a disc with a nearly flat rotation curve such as the case of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 (Beck \\& Hoernes 1996; Fan \\& Lou 1996; Lou \\& Fan 1998a, 2002; Frick et al. 2000, 2001; Lou et al. 2002). In contexts of spiral galaxies, it is natural and important to consider a composite disc system consisting of gravitationally coupled gaseous and stellar discs. This is because various physical processes on different scales occur in the gaseous disc yet large-scale gas dynamics and environment are significantly affected by large-scale structures in the stellar disc (Lou \\& Fan 1998b). To construct global coplanar perturbation structures in a systematic manner, we started with a composite SID system of two fluid discs without magnetic field (Lou \\& Shen 2003) to generalize the work of Shu et al. (2000) for a single SID. In terms of the global axisymmetric stability for such a composite SID system, we provided a more straightforward $D-$criterion (Shen \\& Lou 2003) in contrast to the axisymmetric stability criteria of Elmegreen (1995) and Jog (1996). To be more general than a background SID profile, we recently constructed global stationary perturbation patterns in a composite system of two fluid scale-free discs without magnetic field (Shen \\& Lou 2004a, b) to further generalize the work of Syer \\& Tremaine (1996). With proper adaptations, these global stationary perturbation solutions may be utilized to model large-scale structures spiral galaxies. While a scale-free disc has no characteristic scales, one may impose boundary conditions to describe a modified scale-free disc, e.g., by cutting a central hole in a disc (e.g., Zang 1976; Evans \\& Read 1998a, b). With such boundary conditions, discrete eigenfunctions for perturbations may be constructed as growing normal modes. On the other hand, by specifying a phase relation for a postulated reflection of spiral waves from the origin $r=0$, Goodman \\& Evans (1999) could also define discrete normal modes even for an unmodified gaseous SID. Shu et al. (2000) speculated that the swing amplification process (e.g., Goldreich \\& Lynden-Bell 1965; Julian \\& Toomre 1966; Toomre 1977; Fan \\& Lou 1997) across corotation allows a continuum of normal modes (Lynden-Bell \\& Lemos 1993) while proper `boundary conditions' may select from this continuum a discrete spectrum of unstable normal modes; they also suggested that zero-frequency (stationary) disturbances do signal the onset of instability. On the basis of the work of Shu et al. (2000) for a single isopedically magnetized SID and of Lou \\& Shen (2003) for a composite SID system without magnetic field, Lou \\& Wu (2004) analyzed coplanar MHD perturbation structures in a composite SID system with one of the disc being isopedically magnetized (Shu \\& Li 1997). As X-ray emitting hot gases can freely flow along open magnetic field lines anchored at the gaseous disc, global stationary solutions constructed by Lou \\& Wu (2004) set an important preliminary stage for modelling spiral galactic MHD winds. In particular, if activities of star formation, starbursts and supernovae etc. are mainly responsible for producing X-ray emitting hot gases streaming out of the galactic plane from both sides, we would expect stronger winds from the circumnuclear starburst region (e.g. Lou et al. 2001) and along spiral arms than those winds from the remainder of the galactic disc plane. Both SID and MSID models offer valuable physical insight for disc dynamics and belong to a wider family of scale-free discs (Syer \\& Tremaine 1996) where physical variables in the axisymmetric background equilibrium scale as powers of radius $r$ (e.g., the rotation curve $\\propto r^{-\\beta}$). It turns out that coplanar perturbations in such scale-free discs in a proper range of $\\beta$ can be treated globally and analytically (Lemos et al. 1991; Syer \\& Tremaine 1996) without invoking the usual WKBJ or tight-winding approximation to solve the Poisson equation for density wave perturbations\\footnote{By numerically solving the perturbed Poisson equation using the Fourier-Bessel transform, R\\\"udiger \\& Kitchatinov (2000) approached the linear stability of the disc in terms of an eigenvalue problem and could also treat the density wave problem globally. Their formulation differs from ours in two major aspects. Firstly, they include a central mass that mainly determines the rotation curve (i.e., an approximate Keplerian disc rotation for a disk mass being much less than the central mass). In our model, the disc rotation curve is completely controlled by the disc self-gravity and our approach is semi-analytical. Secondly, for axisymmetric instabilities, they only revealed ring fragmentation instabilities when the rotational Mach number becomes sufficiently high (which is similar to our result). However, our model analysis further indicates another type of collapse instabilities (i.e., magneto-rotational Jeans instability) in the perturbation regime of large radial spatial scales (see Section 3.2.1 for more details).} (Lin \\& Shu 1964; Binney \\& Tremaine 1987; Bertin \\& Lin 1996). In other words, it becomes feasible to include azimuthal magnetic fields in a scale-free disc and to construct global coplanar MHD perturbation configurations that are stationary in an inertial frame of reference. Such analytical solutions, still idealized and limited, are making important further steps and are extremely valuable for bench-marking numerical codes and for initializing numerical MHD simulations. For an azimuthally magnetized scale-free disc with an infinitesimal thickness, the axisymmetric background equilibrium without radial flow is characterized by following features: a surface mass density $\\Sigma_0\\propto r^{-\\alpha}$, a rotation curve $v_0\\propto r^{-\\beta}$, an azimuthal magnetic field $B_0\\propto r^{-\\gamma}$ and a barotropic equation of state $\\Pi=K\\Sigma^n$ where $\\Pi$ is the vertically integrated gas pressure with constant $K>0$ for a warm disc and $n>0$ as the barotropic index. To maintain a radial force balance at all radii, there exists an explicit relationship among $\\alpha$, $\\beta$, $\\gamma$ and $n$ such that only one parameter is independent. As will be seen in Section 2, it is convenient to use $\\beta$ as this independent parameter (Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Shen \\& Lou 2004b). In order to satisfy relevant constraints, the prescribed range of $\\beta$ turns out to be $-1/4<\\beta<1/2$ that includes the previous special case of $\\beta=0$ (i.e., the MSID case) studied by Lou (2002), Lou \\& Zou (2004a) and Lou \\& Wu (2004). In Section 2, we introduce coplanar MHD perturbations and present the linearized perturbation equations. We construct and analyze global stationary aligned and logarithmic spiral perturbation configurations in Section 3 and as an example of illustration, we discuss specifically the case of $\\beta=1/4$ with the background azimuthal magnetic field being force-free. In Section 4, we derive phase relationships between perturbation enhancements of surface mass density and magnetic field for both aligned and logarithmic spiral cases, and discuss the problem of angular momentum conservation. Finally, we summarize our results in Section 5. For the convenience of reference, relevant technical details are collected in the Appendices. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have explored and analyzed stationary perturbation structures in coplanarly magnetized razor-thin scale-free discs in a more general manner. To be specific, we start from a rotational and magnetized background equilibrium of axisymmetry that is dynamically self-consistent with a surface mass density $\\Sigma_0\\propto r^{-\\alpha}$, a rotation curve $v_0\\propto r^{-\\beta}$, a purely azimuthal (ring) magnetic field $B_0\\propto r^{-\\gamma}$ with a vertically integrated barotropic equation of state in the form of $\\Pi=K\\Sigma^n$. The radial force balance at all radii in an MHD disc implies several simple relationships among these power indices $\\alpha$, $\\beta$, $\\gamma$ and $n$, as stated explicitly in equation (\\ref{ParaRelation}). Without loss of generality, we can simply use $\\beta$ as an independent parameter to specify properties of an important class of radial variations for rotational MHD background equilibria. The allowed range of $\\beta$ falls within the interval $(-1/4,1/2)$ (Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Shen \\& Lou 2004a, b) with the special case of $\\beta=0$ corresponding to a magnetized singular isothermal disc (MSID) system (Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Fan 2002; Lou \\& Zou 2004a, b; Lou \\& Wu 2004). For clarity and convenience of our analysis, we introduced several dimensionless parameters. The first parameter is the partial disc parameter $F\\equiv\\phi/\\phi_T$ for the ratio of the gravitational potential ($\\phi$) arising from the disc to that ($\\phi_T$) arising from the entire system (Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002) including an axisymmetric halo mass distribution that is involved in the background equilibrium but is presumed to be unresponsive to coplanar MHD disc disturbances (a massive dark matter halo is an example in mind); for a partial disc system, we have $0<{F}<1$, while for a full disc system, we have ${F}=1$ by conventional definitions. The second parameter is an effective rotational Mach number $D$ defined as the ratio of the disc rotation speed to the sound speed yet with an additional scaling factor $(1+2\\beta)^{-1/2}$; $D$ is constant at all radii. The third parameter $q$ is a measure for the background ring magnetic field strength defined as the ratio of the azimuthal Alfv\\'en speed to the sound speed; and $q$ remains constant at all radii. For $1/4<\\beta<1/2$, there is no constraint on $q$ and the net Lorentz force of the background azimuthal magnetic field is radially outward (the magnetic pressure force is stronger than the magnetic tension force) to resist the self-gravitation; for $\\beta=1/4$, the background azimuthal magnetic field is force-free (the magnetic pressure and tension forces cancel each other exactly); for $-1/4<\\beta<1/4$, the net Lorentz force of the background azimuthal magnetic field points radially inward (the magnetic pressure force is weaker than the magnetic tension force) to aggravate the self-gravity and thus a restriction [i.e., inequality (\\ref{restrt})] is imposed on the magnetic field strength in order to guarantee that the surface mass density be positive in equation (\\ref{PropEquilib}). Inequality (\\ref{restrt}) provides a necessary physical criterion for plausible $D^2$ solutions. With such a rotational MHD background equilibrium chosen, we introduce coplanar MHD disturbances to construct global stationary perturbation structures as viewed in an inertial frame of reference. Perturbation variables are expressed in terms of Fourier components for either aligned or logarithmic spiral pattern forms (Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Shen 2003; Shen \\& Lou 2003; Lou \\& Zou 2004a). We derive analytical solutions for stationary coplanar MHD perturbation configurations in both aligned and logarithmic spiral cases. We now summarize key results below. \\begin{enumerate} \\item[(i)]{Cases of Aligned Coplanar MHD Perturbations} \\vskip 0.2cm For aligned cases, we choose perturbation variables that bear the same power-law dependence in radius $r$ as the background MHD equilibrium does. For the special aligned case of $m=0$, the stationary coplanar MHD perturbations actually describe alternative equilibria to the axisymmetric background equilibrium with proper rescaling factors (Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Zou 2004a) and are therefore somewhat trivial. For aligned cases of $m\\ge 1$, we derive a quadratic equation (\\ref{aligned}) in terms of $y\\equiv D^2$. The resulting positive $D^2$ is the rotational parameter required for sustaining a stationary nonaxisymmetric MHD perturbation configuration. Other parameters involved in quadratic equation (\\ref{aligned}) include $\\beta$, $m$, ${F}$ and $q$. For a general combination of $\\beta$, $m$, ${F}$ and $q$, the determinant $\\Delta$ of quadratic equation (\\ref{aligned}) may not be always positive definite. On the other hand, for specific values of $\\beta$, equation (\\ref{aligned}) always gives two different real solutions (see Appendix A). Once we prescribe parameters $\\beta$, $m$, ${F}$ and $q$, the two solutions of $D^2$ can be readily determined. For physical solutions, $D^2$ must be positive and satisfy inequality (\\ref{restrt}) simultaneously. As a specific case study, we examined the case of $\\beta=1/4$. Here the background azimuthal magnetic field remains force-free and the $D^2$ solution is free from constraint (\\ref{restrt}). It has been further shown in Appendix A that for this $\\beta=1/4$ case, equation (\\ref{aligned}) always has two distinct real solutions, the plus-signed solution $y_1$ and the minus-signed solution $y_2$, as contained in equation (\\ref{Solalign}). All these aspects contribute to a significant simplification of the relevant computational procedures. We derive two branches of $D^2$ solutions and need to require only $D^2\\ge 0$. There is yet a qualitative difference between the $m=1$ case and the $m\\ge 2$ cases. For $m=1$, there exists one critical value ${F}_c\\simeq 0.6842$; for ${F}$ below ${F}_c$, $y_1$ and $y_2$ are negative and positive, respectively, while ${F}$ above ${F}_c$, both branches of $D^2$ solutions are positive and thus physical. For $m\\ge 2$ in comparison, both branches of $D^2$ solutions remain always positive and thus physical. Moreover, $y_1$ remains always to be the upper branch for azimuthal stationary fast MHD density waves and represents the hydrodynamic counterpart of the unmagnetized single disc case; complementarily, $y_2$ remains always to be the lower branch for azimuthal stationary slow MHD density waves (Fan \\& Lou 1996; Lou \\& Fan 1998a) and is caused by the very presence of the azimuthal magnetic field (detailed computations reveal that $y_2$ must be smaller than $2/3$ which seems to be too small for galactic applications). When a disc rotates sufficiently fast, it could only support the upper $y_1$ stationary MHD configurations. An increase of magnetic field parameter $q$ will raise both physical branches of $D^2$ solutions as displayed in Fig. 1. The variation trend of the upper $y_1$ branch appears to be more sensitive. Therefore for a much stronger magnetic field, a sufficiently rapidly rotating disc may sustain stationary coplanar MHD configurations in terms of the upper $y_1=D^2$ branch. \\vskip 0.2cm \\item[(ii)]{Cases of Logarithmic Spiral Configurations for Coplanar MHD Perturbations } \\vskip 0.2cm For cases of stationary spiral perturbation structures, we choose coplanar MHD perturbations in terms of Kalnajs logarithmic spirals (Kalnajs 1971; Lemos et al. 1991; Shu et al. 2000; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Fan 2002; Lou \\& Shen 2003; Lou \\& Zou 2004a; Lou \\& Wu 2004). For the special $m=0$ case with radial propagations, it happens that inequality (\\ref{restrt}) is automatically satisfied and the stationary coplanar MHD configurations with $y\\equiv D^2>0$ obtained here represent marginal stability curves (Syer \\& Tremaine 1996; Shu et al. 2000; Shen \\& Lou 2003, 2004b; Lou \\& Zou 2004b). Only when the rotational parameter $D^2$ falls within a specific finite range can the magnetized disc be stable against axisymmetric disturbances at all wavelengths. A disc with too slow a rotation speed will succumb to Jeans' instability in the collapse regime corresponding to long wavelength perturbations, while a disc with too fast a rotation speed will suffer the ring-fragmentation instability corresponding to relatively short wavelength perturbations (Safronov 1960; Toomre 1964; Lemos et al. 1991; Lou \\& Fan 1998a, 2000; Shu et al. 2000; Shen \\& Lou 2003, 2004a; Lou \\& Zou 2004b). In comparison to a hydrodynamics disc system, the enhancement of azimuthal magnetic field tends to suppress ring-fragmentation instabilities as expected from the perspective of the MHD $Q$ parameter (Lou \\& Fan 1998a; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Zou 2004a, b), while an enhancement of azimuthal magnetic field tends to suppress Jeans' collapse instabilities for $-1/4<\\beta<1/4$, to aggravate Jeans' collapse instabilities for $1/4<\\beta<1/2$ and to bear no effect on Jeans' collapse instabilities when $\\beta=1/4$. We have provided intuitive interpretations for the roles of magnetic field earlier. In parallel with the aligned cases, we derive quadratic equation (\\ref{spiral}) in terms of $y\\equiv D^2$ for logarithmic spiral cases of $m\\ge 1$. In addition to the four parameters $\\beta$, $m$, ${F}$ and $q$, we now have one more parameter $\\xi$ for the radial wavenumber. While the determinant $\\Delta$ of quadratic equation (\\ref{spiral}) may not be always positive in general, we prove in Appendix A that $\\Delta>0$ for the specific $\\beta=1/4$ case. Once the five parameters $\\beta$, $m$, ${F}$, $q$ and $\\xi$ are specified, the $D^2$ solutions can be readily obtained. For physical solutions, $D^2$ must be non-negative and also satisfy inequality (\\ref{restrt}). As an example of illustration, we study the specific $\\beta=1/4$ case inequality (\\ref{restrt}) being satisfied automatically. Not surprisingly, the aligned cases and the logarithmic spiral cases parallel with each other very well, because of a mere change of wave propagation direction. For the special spiral case of $m=1$, there again exists the same critical ${F}_c\\simeq 0.6842$ for ${F}$ value as in the aligned $m=1$ case; for ${F} <{F}_c$, there is one critical point of $\\xi_c$ where $D^2\\equiv y_1$ diverges. More specifically, we have unphysical $y_1<0$ for $0<\\xi<\\xi_c$, while we have physical $y_1>0$ for $\\xi>\\xi_c$. There is no divergent point for $D^2$ solution branch and we always have $y_2\\ge 0$ ($y_2\\equiv 0$ when $q=0$). The solution structures become simpler for $m\\ge 2$ cases when both $D^2$ branches of solutions are non-negative and there is no divergent point of $D^2\\equiv y_1$. Moreover, $y_1$ remains always to be the upper branch for stationary spiral fast MHD density waves and is the hydrodynamic counterpart for those in the unmagnetized single disc case, while $y_2$ remains always to be the lower branch for stationary spiral slow MHD density waves (Fan \\& Lou 1996) and is caused by the very presence of the magnetic field (detailed computations reveal $y_2$ must be smaller than $2/3$). \\vskip 0.2cm \\item[(iii)]{Phase Relationships among Coplanar MHD Perturbation Variables} \\vskip 0.2cm So far, we have constructed global stationary coplanar MHD configurations for both aligned and logarithmic spiral cases in magnetized discs with a range of rotation curves. As expected, the inclusion of azimuthal magnetic field gives rise to one additional distinct physical solution for stationary slow MHD density waves to the problem (Fan \\& Lou 1996; Lou \\& Fan 1998a; Lou 2002; Lou \\& Zou 2004a); the Alfv\\'enic modes are excluded by our restricted consideration for coplanar MHD perturbations. The two $D^2$ branches of solutions are at least mathematically reasonable and may both have applications to astrophysical disc systems such as magnetized disc galaxies and so forth. These devised MHD disc problems are highly idealized with yet precious global analytical perturbation solutions, and conceptually still belong to a subclass of more general time-dependent MHD perturbation solutions. For applications to magnetized spiral galaxies, it would be of considerable interest to discuss pertinent physical aspects and identify relevant observational diagnostics. For physical solutions of $D^2>0$, the $y_1$ branch would be applicable to MHD discs with relatively fast rotation while the $y_2$ branch would be applicable to MHD discs with relatively slow rotation in general. For spatial phase relationships, the two branches of $D^2>0$ solutions give different results. We take the specific $\\beta=1/4$ case as an example of illustration. For corresponding aligned cases, the plus-solution $y_1$ will lead to $\\hbox{i}R/S>0$ and the minus-solution $y_2$ will lead to $\\hbox{i}R/S<0$; there are no azimuthal magnetic field perturbations for aligned $\\beta=1/4$ cases. For tightly wound logarithmic spiral cases, perturbations of both radial and azimuthal magnetic field are approximately in phase with the perturbation enhancement of the surface mass density for the $y_1$ branch, while they are approximately out of phase for the $y_2$ branch. For open logarithmic spirals, the radial and azimuthal magnetic field perturbations are either ahead of or lagging behind the enhancement of the surface mass by a significant phase difference. These phase relationships together with those associated with flow perturbations (Visser 1980a, b) are valuable to interpret the spatial phase shifts between optical arms and magnetic arms in lopsided, barred or other spiral galaxies (Mathewson et al. 1972; Neininger 1992; Beck \\& Hoernes 1996; Beck et al. 1996; Fan \\& Lou 1996; Lou \\& Fan 1998, 2000, 2002; Frick et al. 2000, 2001; Lou et al. 2002). \\vskip 0.2cm \\item[(iv)]{Angular Momentum Transfer in Steady Logarithmic Spirals for Coplanar MHD Perturbation Configurations} \\vskip 0.2cm Stationary logarithmic spiral configurations of MHD density waves carry constant angular momentum flux either outward or inward associated with the advective transport, the gravity torque and the magnetic torque (Lynden-Bell \\& Kalnajs 1972; Goldreich \\& Tremaine 1978; Fan \\& Lou 1999). Therefore, the net angular momentum flux in the entire disc system is conserved and there must be either a source or a sink at the disc center. For the $y_1$ branch with $D^2>0$, we find that the total angular momentum flux is inward for leading (i.e., $\\xi>0$) spiral MHD density waves and is outward for trailing (i.e., $\\xi<0$) spiral MHD density waves. For the $y_2$ branch in comparison, the total angular momentum flux is outward for leading (i.e., $\\xi>0$) spiral MHD density waves and is inward for trailing (i.e., $\\xi<0$) spiral MHD density waves. As a real MHD disc system typically rotates at a relatively large $D^2$ and inequality (\\ref{restrt}) can also rule out small $D^2$ for $\\beta\\neq1/4$, the lower $y_2$ branch might be rarely useful in galactic applications. In either case, however, the net mass accretion rate is zero since if we focus on materials between two concentric circles, at any time the influent angular momentum from the inner ring is equal to the effluent angular momentum from the outer ring such that materials inside this belt neither gain nor lose any angular momentum and therefore no net mass accretion occurs. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0410/astro-ph0410691_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present high-resolution VLT spectra of a new DO white dwarf and a new PG1159 star, which we identified in the ESO SPY survey. The PG1159 star is a low-gravity, extremely hot ($T_\\mathrm{eff}=160\\,000$\\,K, $\\log g=6$) star, having a C/He dominated atmosphere with considerable amounts of O and Ne (He=38\\%, C=54\\%, O=6\\%, Ne=2\\% by mass). It is located within the planetary nebula nuclei instability strip and pulsations have been discovered. The DO is a unique object. From \\ion{He}{i}/\\ion{He}{ii} line strengths we found \\mbox{$T_\\mathrm{eff}$}$\\approx$60\\,000\\,K, however, the \\ion{He}{ii} lines are extraordinarily strong and cannot be fitted by any model. ", "introduction": "The ESO Supernovae Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY) is aimed at finding binary WDs to test the double-degenerate scenario for SN~Ia progenitors (Napiwotzki et\\,al.\\ 2001). Here we report on the identification and spectrum analysis of a PG1159 star and a DO WD. HE1314+0018 (B=15.6\\,mag) and HE1429$-$1209 (B=15.8\\,mag) were identified in the Hamburg ESO survey (HES; Wisotzki et\\,al.\\ 2000, Christlieb et\\,al.\\ 2001) as WD candidates and were therefore included in the SPY project. The spectra presented here were taken between April 2000 and July 2002. Their resolution is about $R=18\\,500$. Data reduction was performed with the ESO MIDAS software package. Line blanketed non-LTE model atmospheres were computed using our {\\sc PRO2} code. The models assume plane-parallel geometry and hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410372_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ RX J0852.0-4622 is a supernova remnant discovered in the {\\it{ROSAT}} all-sky survey. Spatially coincident 1.157 MeV $\\gamma$-ray line emission was detected with the {\\it{COMPTEL}} instrument on-board of the CGRO. The analysis combining the X-ray and $\\gamma$-ray data suggests that RX J0852.0-4622 is a close-by and young supernova remnant. Follow-up observations with {\\it{ASCA}} show that the two brightest sections of the limb have non-thermal spectra, which make an independent assessment of the age and distance using the Sedov equations for the evolution of the remnant almost impossible. We have observed three rim sections of RX J0852.0-4622 with {\\it{XMM-Newton}} and confirm the power law type spectra measured with {\\it{ASCA}}. We also confirm the presence of an emission line like feature at 4.45 $\\pm$ 0.05 keV, which we suggest to be emission from Ti and Sc excited by atom/ion or ion/ion high velocity collisions. The high velocity is in agreement with the width of the 1.157 MeV $\\gamma$-ray line. The X-ray line flux expected from such an interaction is consistent with the 1.157 MeV $\\gamma$-ray line flux measured by {\\it{COMPTEL}}. This consistency of the X-ray line flux and the $\\gamma$-ray line flux lends further support to the existence and amounts of Ti in RX J0852.0-4622 claimed by Iyudin et al. (1998) and to the suggestion that RX J0852.0-4622 is young and nearby (Aschenbach et al. 1999). Iyudin et al. (1998) quote a very large broadening of the 1.157 MeV $\\gamma$-ray line which would indicate a large velocity of the emitting matter of about 15.000 km/s. Such high ejecta velocity for Ti is found only in explosion models of sub-Chandrasekhar type Ia supernovae (Woosley \\& Weaver 1994, Livne \\& Arnett 1995). In this case no compact remnant is expected. The obvious questions remaining are what the nature and the origin of the central compact source CXOU J085201.4-461753 are and why the absorption column density apparently associated with RX J0852.0-4622 is much greater than the typical column for the Vela SNR. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "{\\it{XMM-Newton}} observations of three sections on the rim of RX J0852.0-4622 have been carried out. The north-western rim has been resolved in two clearly separated filament-like structures. The high energy section of the spectra of both the north-western rim and the southern rim are consistent with a power law shape and a power law which shows a roll-off towards high energies. Interestingly, the roll-off energy of about 1 keV is fairly high and it remains an open question what the spectrum looks like towards lower energies. The difficulty here is the contribution from the Vela SNR, which is fairly bright at energies below 1 keV. The various models seem to verify an absorbing column density towards RX J0852.0-4622 which is significantly higher than typical for the Vela SNR. Whether this implies a greater distance is not clear. The spectral slope measured with {\\it{XMM-Newton}} is basically the same as what has been measured with {\\it{ASCA}}. The western part of the remnant is different as it shows only a small contribution by a power law and if present at all the spectrum is much steeper. The {\\it{ASCA}} measurements indicated the presence of an emission line like feature at around 4.1 - 4.2 keV. The {\\it{XMM-Newton}} data confirm such a feature, and it seems to be present everywhere on the remnant's rim. The line energy averaged over the three observational fields is 4.45 $\\pm$ 0.05 keV. We attribute this line or lines to the emission of Ti and Sc which might be excited by atom/ion or ion/ion collisions. The X-ray line flux expected from such an interaction is consistent with the 1.157 MeV $\\gamma$-ray line flux measured by {\\it{COMPTEL}}. This consistency of the X-ray line flux and the $\\gamma$-ray line flux lends further support to the existence and amounts of Ti in RX J0852.0-4622 claimed by Iyudin et al. (1998) and to the suggestion that RX J0852.0-4622 is young and nearby (Aschenbach et al. 1999). Iyudin et al. (1998) quote a very large broadening of the 1.157 MeV $\\gamma$-ray line which would indicate a large velocity of the emitting matter of about 15.000 km/s. Such a high ejecta velocity for Ti is found only in explosion models of sub-Chandrasekhar type Ia supernovae (Woosley \\& Weaver 1994, Livne \\& Arnett 1995). In this case no compact remnant is expected. The obvious questions remaining are what the nature and the origin of the central compact source CXOU J085201.4-461753 are and why the absorption column density apparently associated with RX J0852.0-4622 is much greater than typical for Vela." }, "0410/astro-ph0410528_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The extent to which the ISM in galaxies is well mixed is not yet settled. Measured metal abundances in the diffuse neutral gas of star--forming gas--rich dwarf galaxies are deficient with respect to that of the ionized gas. The reasons, if real, are not clear and need to be based on firm grounds. Far-UV spectroscopy of giant H\\2\\ regions such as NGC604 in the spiral galaxy M33 using \\textit{FUSE} allows us to investigate possible systematic errors in the metallicity derivation. We still find underabundances of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and iron in the neutral phase by a factor of~$\\sim$6. This could either be explained by the presence of less chemically evolved gas pockets in the sightlines or by dense clouds out of which H\\2\\ regions form. Those could be more metallic than the diffuse medium. ", "introduction": "The \\textit{FUSE} observations (LWRS and MDRS apertures) allow us to determine the chemical composition while the HST/\\textit{STIS} spectrum gives the possibility to map the neutral gas inhomogeneities and investigate possible multiple line of sight effects. \\subsection{Data analysis} Data analysis has been performed using the profile fitting procedure \\texttt{Owens} developed at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris by Martin Lemoine and the \\textit{FUSE} French Team. This program returns most likely values of many free parameters such as heliocentric velocities, turbulent velocities, or column densities by a $\\chi^2$ minimization of absorption lines profiles. Errors on parameters include uncertainties on all the free parameters, in particular the position and shape of the continuum. We checked the shape of the adopted continuum by comparing the observed spectrum with a theoretical model of young stellar populations. No significant difference is found between the model and the continuum we adopted for the profile fitting. Moreover, by comparing the data with the model, we find no significant contamination of neutral interstellar lines by stellar atmospheres. By investigating the two \\textit{FUSE} observations, we show that an additional broadening of the lines can account for the spatial distribution of the bright sources within the slit. The column densities we derive account for this extension. For the first time, we could check saturation effects for O\\1\\ and Fe\\2\\ lines by analyzing lines independently. We find no correlation between column densities derived from each line with the oscillator strength, implying that saturated O\\1\\ and Fe\\2\\ lines in those spectra do not give systematic errors. \\subsection{Neutral gas inhomogeneities} The high spatial resolution of the HST/\\textit{STIS} spectrum of NGC604 gives the possibility to extract spectra towards individual stars of the ionizing cluster (Bruhweiler et al. 2003). So far, we have analyzed three sightlines from which we have measured H\\1\\ column density using the Lyman $\\alpha$ line. We find spatial variations (up to 0.4 dex) suggesting inhomogeneities of the diffuse neutral gas. This could be a source of systematic errors when determining global column densities from a spectrum of a whole cluster. We built the global spectrum (i.e. the mean spectrum of all sightlines, weighted by star magnitudes) of the HST/\\textit{STIS} observation to mimic the spectrum of a cluster in order to compare the real mean column density we want to determine with the weighted mean we actually measure. Preliminary results show that we could tend to underestimate the actual column density when analyzing a global spectrum of several sightlines towards clouds having different physical properties. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410002_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The problem of the late accretion phase of the evolution of an axisymmetric, isothermal magnetic disk surrounding a forming star has been formulated in a companion paper. The ``central sink approximation'' is used to circumvent the problem of describing the evolution inside the opaque central region for densities greater than $10^{11}$ $\\rm{cm}^{-3}$ and radii smaller than a few AUs. Only the electrons are assumed to be attached to the magnetic field lines, and the effects of both negatively and positively charged grains are accounted for. After a mass of $0.1$ $M_{\\odot}$ accumulates in the central cell (forming star), a series of magnetically driven outflows and associated outward propagating shocks form in a quasi-periodic fashion. As a result, mass accretion onto the protostar occurs in magnetically controlled bursts. We refer to this process as spasmodic accretion. The shocks propagate outward with supermagnetosonic speeds. The period of dissipation and revival of the outflow decreases in time, as the mass accumulated in the central sink increases. We evaluate the contribution of ambipolar diffusion to the resolution of the magnetic flux problem of star formation during the accretion phase, and we find it to be very significant although not sufficient to resolve the entire problem yet. Ohmic dissipation is completely negligible in the disk during this phase of the evolution. The protostellar disk is found to be stable against interchange-like instabilities, despite the fact that the mass-to-flux ratio has temporary local maxima. ", "introduction": "In an accompanying paper (Tassis \\& Mouschovias 2004, hereafter Paper I) we formulated the problem of the formation and evolution of a nonrotating protostellar fragment in a manner that allows accurate modeling of the physics of the protostellar disk without the complication introduced by radiative transfer when the central protostar becomes opaque. In the present paper we follow the evolution until the mass of the central protostar grows to $1$ $M_{\\odot}$. The importance and relevance of this problem as well as previous work on the subject were summarized in \\S 1 of Paper I. The evolution of the system is described by the six-fluid MHD equations, in which neutral molecules, ions, electrons, neutral grains, positively and negatively charged grains are treated as distinct but interacting fluids. We use the ``central sink'' method to study the structure and evolution of the isothermal disk surrounding the forming protostar. The effects of the mass and magnetic flux accumulating in the central, opaque protostar on the isothermal disk are accounted for. We include important physics ignored by previous calculations: (1) the decoupling of the ions from the magnetic field lines, which occurs at densities above $10^8 \\, {\\rm cm ^{-3}}$ (Desch \\& Mouschovias 2001) and which leaves the magnetic field frozen only in the much less massive and much more tenuous electron fluid; (2) the chemical and dynamical effects of the positively-charged grains, the abundance of which becomes significant in the same density regime. Phenomena that arise due to this new physics are discovered, such as the formation and dissipation of a series of shocks in a quasi-periodic fashion. In \\S 2 we summarize the most important results of the contraction phase prior to the introduction of the central sink. The evolution at later times, in the presence of a central sink, is described in \\S 3. Specifically, we discuss: the evolution of the system until the first electron outflow occurs (\\S 3.1); the establishment of a quasi-periodic magnetic cycle (\\S 3.2) and the properties of one typical such cycle (\\S 3.3) ; the time evolution of the mass, magnetic flux, and mass-to-flux ratio in the central protostar (\\S 3.4); the properties of the shock in the neutral fluid (\\S 3.5); and the evolution of the period of the magnetic cycle (\\S 3.6). Finally, we investigate the stability of the supercritical core against a magnetic interchange instability (\\S 3.7). The most important conclusions are summarized in \\S 4. ", "conclusions": "We have studied the structure of the magnetic accretion disk surrounding a forming star, using the central-sink approximation to make the problem tractable numerically. The differences in the formulation of the problem compared to previous work (Ciolek \\& K\\\"{o}nigl 1998) have been discussed in detail in Paper I. Multiple shocks develop and propagate in the neutral fluid, associated with a quasi-periodic magnetic cycle. Flux accumulation close to the central sink leads to the formation of a region of enhanced magnetic field strength, a {\\em ``magnetic wall''}, where magnetic forces exceed the gravitational forces. The magnetic wall drives outflows in the neutrals and associated shocks. In time, the magnetic wall disperses, and the neutrals are reaccelerated inward behind the shock (at smaller radii), dragging with them the electrons and, consequently, magnetic flux (since the field is frozen in the electrons). Flux can then reaccumulate, and the magnetic wall gets recreated, which causes the magnetic cycle to repeat. The shocks in the neutrals propagate outward with supermagnetosonic speeds in the rest frame of the central sink. This is in contrast to the slow accretion shock expected by Li \\& McKee (1996) and found numerically by Ciolek \\& K\\\"{o}nigl (1998) because they assumed that the magnetic flux is frozen in the ion fluid. The infall velocities of the neutrals in the rest frame {\\em of the shock} vary between 2 and 6 times the magnetosonic speed. The development and propagation of multiple outflows and shocks result in mass accretion onto the forming star that occurs in {\\em magnetically controlled bursts}. We refer to this phenomenon as {\\em spasmodic accretion}. During the outflow of the neutrals, the inner part of the disk is almost ``emptied'' of matter (its column density decreases significantly) and the mass accretion rate drops almost by two orders of magnitude below its maximum value. It is only when the neutrals get reaccelerated inward by the mass of the forming star that the inner part of the disk is refilled with matter and the mass accretion rate increases again. The time required for 1 ${\\rm M_\\odot}$ to accumulate in the central sink is $2.55 \\times 10^5 \\, {\\rm yr}$, characteristic of the relatively inefficient accretion process due to the magnetically-driven, repeated outflows in the neutrals. The radial extent of the region which is affected by the magnetic cycle (in which the velocity of the neutrals exhibits the quasi-periodic oscillation characteristic of the magnetic cycle) includes almost the entire magnetically supercritical core. The magnetically supported envelope, as expected, is not affected by the magnetic flux redistribution in the core. The period of the magnetic cycle decreases in time, and is well represented by the local flux-loss (ambipolar-diffusion) timescale. This is expected because the bottleneck in the chain of events comprising the magnetic cycle is the rebuilding of the magnetic wall behind the outward propagating shock in the neutrals. This reaccumulation of flux does indeed occur on the ambipolar-diffusion timescale, and it becomes faster as time progresses, since the gravitational field (dominated by the central point mass) monotonically increases with time, thereby increasing the maximum infall velocity of the neutrals (which in turn drag the electrons inward). We found that the magnetically supercritical core is stable against interchange-type instabilities. This result is in contrast to the predictions by Li \\& McKee (1996) and Ciolek \\& K\\\"{onigl} (1998). The reason for this difference with the results of Ciolek \\& K\\\"{o}nigl is the fact that they assumed flux-freezing in the ions, which is not valid above $\\sim 10^8$ ${\\rm cm^{-3}}$ and which leads to much better coupling between the neutrals and the magnetic field in their calculation. Ambipolar diffusion by itself during the accretion phase significantly contributes to the resolution of the magnetic flux problem of star formation by increasing the mass-to-flux ratio of the protostar by more than two orders of magnitude above its critical value. However, this is not sufficient to resolve the entire magnetic flux problem yet." }, "0410/nucl-th0410066_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The roles of isospin asymmetry in nuclei and neutron stars are investigated using a range of potential and field-theoretical models of nucleonic matter. The parameters of these models are fixed by fitting the properties of homogeneous bulk matter and closed-shell nuclei. We discuss and unravel the causes of correlations among the neutron skin thickness in heavy nuclei, the pressure of beta-equilibrated matter at a density of 0.1 fm$^{-3}$, the derivative of the nuclear symmetry energy at the same density and the radii of moderate mass neutron stars. Constraints on the symmetry properties of nuclear matter from the binding energies of nuclei are examined. The extent to which forthcoming neutron skin measurements will further delimit the symmetry properties is investigated. The impact of symmetry energy constraints for the mass and moment of inertia contained within neutron star crusts and the threshold density for the nucleon direct Urca process, all of which are potentially measurable, is explored. We also comment on the minimum neutron star radius, assuming that only nucleonic matter exists within the star. ", "introduction": "Strongly interacting matter in which more neutrons than protons exist is encountered in both heavy nuclei and neutron stars. In stable nuclei the net asymmetry $I=(N-Z)/(N+Z)$ ranges up to about 0.24, but the neutron-to-proton asymmetry, $\\delta = (n_n-n_p)/n$ where $n_n$ and $n_p$ are the number densities of neutrons and protons and $n=n_n+n_p$, approaches unity in the nuclear surface. In the future, rare-isotope accelerator experiments will extend the range of $I$ to values well in excess of 0.2. In contrast, $I$ could be as large as 0.95 in the interiors of neutron stars. The physical properties of nuclei, such as their masses, neutron and proton density distributions (including their mean radii), collective excitations, fission properties, matter and momentum flows in high energy heavy-ion collisions, etc. all depend on the isospin structure of the strong interactions between nucleons (i.e., $nn$ and $pp$ interactions versus $np$ interactions). The energetics associated with the $n-p$ asymmetry can be characterized by the so-called symmetry energy, $E_{sym}$, which is the leading coefficient of an expansion of the total energy with respect to asymmetry: $E(n,\\delta)\\approx E_0(n)+E_{sym}\\delta^2\\cdots$. The energy $\\hat{\\mu} = \\mu_n - \\mu_p \\cong 4 E_{sym}\\delta$, where $\\mu_n$ and $\\mu_p$ are the neutron and proton chemical potentials, respectively, is crucial in determining reaction rates involving electrons and neutrinos, particle abundances, etc., in astrophysical contexts such as supernova dynamics, proto-neutron star evolution, the $r-$process, the long-term cooling of neutron stars, and the structure of cold-catalyzed neutron stars (i.e. their masses, radii and crustal extent), etc. The pervasive role of the isospin dependence of strong interactions in nuclear processes in the laboratory and the cosmos is sketched in Fig. 1. In this work some of these connections will be discussed. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[scale=0.65,angle=0]{steiner_fig1.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{The multifaceted influence of the nuclear symmetry energy.} \\label{figinfluence} \\end{figure} Recently, several empirical relationships have been discovered that underscore the role of isospin interactions in nuclei and neutron stars. These include correlations between: \\begin{enumerate} \\item {\\em The neutron star radius $R$ and the pressure $P$ of neutron-star matter}: Lattimer and Prakash \\cite{Lattimer00,Lattimer01} found that the quantity $RP^{-1/4}$ is approximately constant, for a given neutron star mass, for a wide variety of equations of state when the pressure $P$ of beta-equilibrated neutron-star matter is evaluated at a density in the range $n_0$ to $2n_0$, where $n_0$ denotes equilibrium nuclear matter density. Since the pressure of nearly pure neutron matter (a good approximation to neutron star matter) near $n_0$ is approximately given by $n^2\\partial E_{sym}/\\partial n$, the density dependence of the symmetry energy just above $n_0$ will be a critical factor in determining the neutron star radius. \\item {\\em The neutron skin thickness in nuclei and the pressure of pure neutron matter at sub-nuclear density:} Typel and Brown \\cite{Brown00,Typel01} have noted that model calculations of the difference between neutron and proton rms radii $\\delta R ={\\langle r_n^2\\rangle}^{1/2} - {\\langle r_p^2\\rangle}^{1/2}$ are linearly correlated with the pressure of pure neutron matter at a density below $n_0$ characteristic of the mean density in the nuclear surface (e.g., 0.1 fm$^{-3})$. The density dependence of the symmetry energy controls $\\delta R$ (we will call this the neutron skin thickness) in a heavy, neutron-rich nucleus. Explicitly, $\\delta R$ is proportional to a specific average of $[1-E_{sym}(n_0)/E_{sym}(n)]$ in the nuclear surface, see Refs.~\\cite{Krivine84,Lattimer96} and Eq. (\\ref{eq:newt}) below. \\item {\\em The neutron skin thickness in nuclei and the neutron star radius:} Horowitz and Piekarewicz \\cite{Horowitz01} have pointed out that models that yield smaller neutron skins in heavy nuclei tend to yield smaller neutron star radii. These authors, along with others \\cite{Horowitz01b,Michaels00}, have also pointed out the need for an accurate measurement of the neutron skin. \\end{enumerate} Unlike proton distributions, neutron distributions in nuclei have remained uncertain to this date. Recent studies of neutron densities from a global analysis of medium-energy proton scattering on $^{208}$Pb indicate that $0.07 < \\delta R < 0.16$ fm \\cite{Clark03}. Related information is also available from an analysis of antiprotonic atom data that gives $\\delta R = 0.15\\pm 0.02$ fm~\\cite{Trzcinska01}. In the latter work, nucleon density distributions are parameterized by Fermi functions and it is found that the half-density radii for neutrons and protons in heavy nuclei are the same, but the diffuseness parameter for the neutrons is larger than that for the protons. Skin thicknesses as large as 0.2 fm were obtained in earlier analyses; see the discussion of Karataglidis et al. \\cite{Karataglidis02}. Since these studies involve strongly interacting probes, even to this date the value of $\\delta R$ for a nucleus such as $^{208}$Pb is not accurately known. This situation should improve as it is expected that the neutron rms radius will be determined to about 1\\% accuracy by measuring the parity-violating electroweak asymmetry in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons from $^{208}$Pb \\cite{Horowitz01b}, an experiment planned at the Jefferson Laboratory \\cite{Michaels00}. A common theme in the evaluation of the neutron skin thickness and the pressure of neutron star matter below and above the saturation density $n_0$ is the density dependence of the isospin asymmetric part of the nuclear interaction. To highlight this dependence, we examine theoretical predictions of $\\delta R$ and the neutron star radius for an extensive set of potential and field-theoretical models. For the former we employ Skyrme-like potential model interactions, including a parameterization~\\cite{Akmal98} of the microscopic calculations of Akmal and Pandharipande~\\cite{Akmal97}. For the latter field-theoretical models we use Walecka-type models~\\cite{Serot86} in which nucleons interact through the exchange of $\\sigma$, $\\omega$ and $\\rho$ mesons augmented with additional mesonic couplings (see, for example, Horowitz and Piekarewicz~\\cite{Horowitz01}) to better describe the properties of nuclei and explore the properties of neutron stars. In order to provide baseline calculations, our investigations will be restricted to the case in which the high density phase of neutron stars contains nucleons (and enough electrons and muons to neutralize the matter) only. Our goals in this work are to identify the causes of the correlations mentioned above through a semi-analytic analysis of detailed calculations and to uncover other possible correlations. Toward these goals, we investigate an assortment of potential and field-theoretical models that cover a range of symmetry properties and incompressibilites, but which are constrained by the empirical properties of isospin symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter, and the binding energies and radii of closed shell nuclei. The properties of nuclei are investigated through Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations for potential models and Hartree calculations for field theoretical models. In both categories, our calculations include models that match the Akmal and Pandharipande~\\cite{Akmal97} equation of state (EOS) as results for nuclei with this model are not available in the literature. Additional insights are provided through analytical and numerical analyses of isospin asymmetric semi-infinite matter in the potential and field theoretical approaches. The results of these calculations are utilized in understanding several correlations in conjunction with inferences from nuclear masses. The neutron skin-pressure and neutron star radius-pressure correlations are reexamined to provide improved relations. Our calculations also provide an estimate of the smallest neutron star radii that ensue from these models. The presentation is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the Hamiltonian (Lagrangian) densities of the potential (field-theoretical) models used in this work are described. The variational approach to determine the bulk and surface properties of isospin asymmetric semi-infinite nucleonic matter in these models is developed in Sec. III. This section also contains a discussion of how these properties enter in the liquid droplet model description of nuclei. Our results and discussion of the various correlations, and their origins are presented in Sec. IV. Section V contains a brief description of other related correlations. Discussion and conclusions are contained in Sec. VI. Appendix A lists the properties of the models used in this work. The coupling strengths of some newly-constructed models are given in Appendix B. ", "conclusions": "In this work, we have investigated the relationship between the symmetry energy of nucleonic matter and the neutron skin thicknesses of neutron-rich nuclei as well as the radii of neutron stars. Precision measurements of neutron skins and neutron star radii are due to become available in the near future. We have studied how these measurements can constrain the dependence of the symmetry energy on baryon density, $E_{sym}(n)$, in the vicinity of the nuclear saturation density $n_0$. This knowledge is crucial to understanding many astrophysical phenomena, including neutron star evolution, supernova explosions and nucleosynthesis, and binary mergers involving neutron stars. Simulations of these phenomena involve extrapolations of the symmetry energy to supranuclear densities. A crucial aspect of our presentation is that care was taken to ensure that the nuclear force parameterizations, whether for potential or field-theoretical models, were constrained by fits to closed-shell nuclei. In addition, all models were constrained to yield a maximum neutron star mass of at least 1.44M$_\\odot$, the larger of the accurately measured neutron star masses in the binary pulsar 1913+16. Without such constraints, much weaker correlations relating the neutron skin thickness to astrophysical quantities such as neutron star radii would have resulted. Analytical representations of the relation between the symmetry energy and the neutron skin were developed for semi-infinite surfaces calculated in potential and field-theoretical models. To lowest order, the neutron skin thickness $\\delta R ={\\langle r_n^2\\rangle}^{1/2} - {\\langle r_p^2\\rangle}^{1/2}$ is proportional to $\\delta_L S_s/S_v$ where $\\delta_L$ is the neutron excess in the nuclear center and $S_v [\\equiv E_{sym}(n_0)]$ and $S_s$ are related to the expansion parameters of the volume and surface symmetry energies, respectively, in the liquid drop or droplet models of nuclei. This representation is validated by comparisons with results of finite nucleus calculations performed in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (for potential models) and Hartree (for field-theoretical models) approximations. For the first time, results for nuclei are presented for the Akmal-Pandharipande-Ravenhall EOS parameterized according to both potential and field-theoretical models. The semi-infinite surface representation predicts that the ratio $S_s/S_v$, or equivalently, the skin thickness $\\delta R$, is a particular average of the density-dependent symmetry energy in the surface. In addition, phenomenological comparisons indicate that there is a relatively tight correlation between $\\delta R$ and the pressure of neutron star matter at a typical average surface density of $5n_0/8$. These results are not independent, but together imply that the determination of $\\delta R$ offers a valuable constraint on the density dependence of the symmetry energy. It was explicitly shown that the $\\delta R$ -- pressure correlation is a consequence of a more general correlation between $\\delta R$ and the derivative of the symmetry energy at the same density. In contrast to most, but not all, previous results, we have also demonstrated that field theoretical models can yield a neutron skin thickness in $^{208}$Pb of less than 0.2 fm. Since a measurement of the neutron radius to about 1\\% accuracy implies an error of about 0.05 fm, the uncertainty in the neutron skin thickness will probably range from 10\\% to 30\\%, depending upon the magnitude of $\\delta R$. On this basis, it is expected that the pressure at 5/8 $n_0$ could be determined to 20--50\\%. An independent method of constraining $S_s/S_v$ is from a least squares fit of nuclear models to nuclear binding energies. However, this fitting can only reliably establish a correlation between $S_s/S_v$ and $S_v$. We have examined this in the liquid droplet approach using two plausible models. The surface tension was parameterized either in terms of $\\mu_n$, implying a neutron skin, or in terms of $\\mu_n-\\mu_p$ which allowed for the Coulomb interaction of protons. While these models gave fits to the data of similar accuracy, the valley in $\\chi^2$ differed in the two cases. The behavior of the `$\\mu_n$' model was shown to be more consistent with the systematic correlation derived from parameter optimization of both potential and field-theoretical models of laboratory nuclei. The density dependence of the symmetry energy has a number of astrophysical consequences. One of the most important is its role in determining the composition of matter. In beta equilibrium, the proton fraction is proportional to $E_{sym}(n)^3$ for small proton fractions. The charge fraction of matter plays an essential role in establishing the threshold densities of hyperons and the quark-hadron phase transition. If any of these threshold densities are exceeded in a neutron star, the possibility of enhanced neutrino emission by a direct Urca process exists. The threshold for the direct Urca process involving nucleons alone is also determined by the charge fraction (for example, it is 1/9 in the absence of muons). We have shown that the determination of $\\delta R$ to have a value greater than approximately 0.2 fm would imply that at least the nucleon direct Urca process exists in 1.4 M$_\\odot$ neutron stars. An additional astrophysical application is the relation we established between $\\delta R$ and the radii $R$ of neutron stars. Although Lattimer and Prakash established a phenomenological relation between $R$ for a given mass star and the pressure of neutron star matter above, but near, the nuclear saturation density, there exists additional uncertainty in relating this algebraically to the $\\delta R - P$ correlation. However, as shown in this work, a useful relation directly relating $\\delta R$ and, for example, the radius of a 1.4M$_\\odot$ star, $R_{1.4}$, can be established. The fact that the neutron skin thickness, which measures symmetry properties below nuclear density, and the astrophysical quantities involving the neutron star radius and the Urca threshold density, can be correlated is a consequence of a generic trend in the overall density dependence of the symmetry energy. This trend was specifically demonstrated by displaying the linear relationship which exists between the density derivatives of the symmetry energy at $5n_0/8$ and $3n_0/2$. This relationship is independent of the parameterization of the nuclear force. Observation of neutron star radii may provide qualitative information on the stellar composition. Using the parametric freedom of the EOS's considered, while satisfying the aforementioned constraints, we concluded that the minimum radius achievable for a star composed of just nucleons and leptons is about 9 km. Observation of a significantly smaller radius would likely imply that some softening component (bose condensates, hyperons, quarks, etc.) is present in dense matter, although it could also indicate that the EOS's given by potential and field-theoretical models is qualitatively incorrect. We have also explored the influence of the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy on the transition pressure marking the boundary between the core and the crust in a neutron star. This transition pressure is closely approximated by the phase boundary separating uniform matter from matter in which nuclei exist. It was found that the transition pressure was not correlated with the neutron skin thickness, although the transition density did show some rather weak correlation. More interesting is the fraction of the star's moment of inertia residing in the crust which is measurable and which depends on the transition pressure, mass and radius. Here there was some correlation with larger values of this fraction tending to imply larger values of the neutron skin thickness, but the correlation was not very robust. Probably the neutron skin and the transition pressure should be viewed as independent quantities whose measurement would provide separate constraints on the EOS." }, "0410/astro-ph0410552_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new measurement of atmospheric muons made during an ascent of the High Energy Antimatter Telescope balloon experiment. The muon charge ratio $\\mu^{+}/\\mu^{-}$ as a function of atmospheric depth in the momentum interval 0.3--0.9 GeV/c is presented. The differential $\\mu^{-}$ intensities in the 0.3--50 GeV/c range and for atmospheric depths between 4--960 g/cm$^{2}$ are also presented. We compare these results with other measurements and model predictions. We find that our charge ratio is $\\sim$1.1 for all atmospheric depths and is consistent, within errors, with other measurements and the model predictions. We find that our measured $\\mu^{-}$ intensities are also consistent with other measurements, and with the model predictions, except at shallow atmospheric depths. ", "introduction": "Measurements and theoretical calculations of atmospheric neutrino fluxes have consistently disagreed, and this disagreement was interpreted in terms of neutrino oscillations. However, this interpretation requires an accurate understanding of neutrino fluxes in the atmosphere. Simulations of the absolute fluxes have been conducted (\\cite{barr:muons, wentz:muons, gaisser:muons}, and references therein) but suffer from systematic uncertainty in the normalization of the atmospheric neutrino spectrum. These simulations also predict the spectrum of other atmospheric secondaries, specifically muons. Indeed, the production of neutrinos in the atmosphere is closely coupled with that of muons, as they are produced together in pion and kaon decays, and as some muons themselves decay and contribute to the neutrino flux. Therefore, measurements of atmospheric muons by ascending high altitude balloon borne instruments can be used to reduce the neutrino model uncertainties. It should be pointed out that other experimentally accessible quantities can also be used to that end, such as the absolute primary cosmic ray flux impinging on the atmosphere, or other atmospheric secondaries such as gamma rays or secondary nucleons. The atmospheric muon flux is therefore an important element in any comprehensive strategy to improve our understanding of neutrino production in the atmosphere. An earlier version of the High Energy Antimatter Telescope (HEAT-e$^\\pm$) instrument had been used to measure air-shower muons during atmospheric ascent~\\cite{coutu:muons}. The HEAT instrument is described elsewhere~\\cite{barwick:heat, beach:heat}. In its present configuration, HEAT-pbar is optimized to study antiprotons. It combines a superconducting magnet spectrometer using a drift-tube hodoscope (DTH), a time-of-flight system (TOF), and two stacks of multiwire proportional chambers (dE/dx). We report here a new measurement of the muon charge ratio $\\mu^{+}/\\mu^{-}$ as a function of atmospheric depth in the momentum interval 0.3--0.9 GeV/c, and differential $\\mu^{-}$ intensities in the 0.3--50 GeV/c range and for atmospheric depths between 4--960 g/cm$^{2}$ for a balloon flight from Fort Sumner, NM, USA on June 3, 2000. ", "conclusions": "We have measured with good statistics the muon charge ratio $\\mu^{+}/\\mu^{-}$ as a function of atmospheric depth in the momentum interval 0.3--0.9 GeV/c and the differential $\\mu^{-}$ intensities in the 0.3--50 GeV/c range and for atmospheric depths between 4--960 g/cm$^{2}$. We have found that our charge ratio is $\\sim$1.1 for all atmospheric depths and is consistent, within errors, with other measurements and the model predictions. We have found that our measured $\\mu^{-}$ intensities are also largely consistent with other measurements, and with the model predictions, despite varying solar epochs and geomagnetic rigidity cutoffs. This reinforces the conclusion of \\cite{coutu:muons} that model calculations are adequate to the task of predicting neutrino fluxes. The discrepancy between our measurements and the model predictions at shallow atmospheric depths is of little import to our understanding of neutrino fluxes, as the bulk of the neutrinos come from decay processes much deeper in the atmosphere." }, "0410/astro-ph0410287_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It has been suggested that many hot subdwarfs lurk in the pile of rejected UV-excess candidate stars from the Palomar-Green (PG) survey. This suggestion is not supported by available photometric data. ", "introduction": "During the PG survey for ultraviolet excess (UVX) objects, candidate UVX objects were those with (transformed) $U-B < -0.46$. It was recognized that the large error in $U-B$, $\\sigma\\approx 0.38$, meant that color selection should be supplemented by spectroscopy for classification, since more accurate temperature information was likely available from the spectra than from $U-B$. Many {\\em candidate} UVX targets were indeed culled from the final PG catalog (Green et al. 1986: GSL86), because their classification spectra showed the Ca II K line in absorption. These K-line stars were thought not to be genuinely hot, but rather to be metal-poor subdwarf F or G stars that crept into the candidate list owing to a combination of low metal-line blanketing and photometric errors. Hot subdwarf stars (especially sdB stars, but including some sdO stars) are understood to belong to the Extended Horizontal Branch (EHB), and as such are core-helium burning objects with very thin hydrogen envelopes. Recently, there has been renewed interest in scenarios of the origin of hot subdwarf stars that involve binary star processes (Roche-lobe overflow, common-envelope evolution) to strip the hydrogen-rich envelope away from the helium core, near the time of He-core ignition (Han et al.\\ 2002, 2003). In comparing their population synthesis models with observations, Han et al.\\ (2003) drew attention to the K-line stars rejected from the PG catalog, as possibly representing a ``missing'' group of hot subdwarfs, hidden by their cooler and (somewhat) brighter binary companions. Owing to dilution of the hot star's energy distribution by the companion, the $U-B$ color could be marginal for the PG color criterion, while the cool star would contribute a K line, much as a metal-poor subdwarf would show. In this interpretation, therefore, these ``PG--rejects'' actually belong in the PG catalog, and moreover would constitute important evidence in favor of binary formation channels for sdB. Han et al.\\ have put forward a hypothesis that can be tested. The list of PG--rejects exists in a card file (with finding charts) kept by RFG. Here we report our investigation to date of the PG--rejects. ", "conclusions": "A very few objects in our sample of PG--reject stars may plausibly be binary systems with a hot subdwarf star component. Also, a few objects seem to have entered the PG--reject list by accident. The vast majority of the PG--reject stars, however, are sufficiently modeled as single stars consistent with their being the metal-poor sdF/sdG contaminants that GSL86 were guarding against. The color-color sequences of sdB + cool star binaries (with $M_V$ for main sequence companions!) are well separated from the observed colors of the PG--reject stars. There is at present no compelling evidence for large numbers of additional hot subdwarf stars hiding in binaries that were rejected from the PG catalog." }, "0410/astro-ph0410414_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Active galaxies are often associated with starbursts, which are possible sources of fuelling for the nuclear black holes. By means of optical ($3500-7500$ \\AA) spectroscopic and narrow-band photometric data (H$\\alpha$ + [NII]$\\lambda$6548,6583 and [OIII]$\\lambda$5007) it is possible to detect starburst features in active nuclei and to study the correlation with Seyfert type and the surrounding environment. Here we present evidences of young stellar populations (HI high order Balmer lines) and extended H$\\alpha$ emission (indicative of HII regions) in 6 nearby Seyfert galaxies ($z < 0.02$). These very preliminary results seem to suggest that the nuclear starburst presence does not depend on the Seyfert type, favouring the hypothesis of the AGN Unified Model. By estimating the present SFR ($< 10^6$ years) and recent SFR ($< 10^9$ years) we observe that these objects have experienced most of star formation episodes in past epochs. This supports the hypothesis of a starburst-AGN connection, favouring an evolutionary scenario in which the AGN survives to the starburst. } \\authorrunning{A. Romano et al.} \\titlerunning{} ", "introduction": "One of the most important questions concerning the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) phenomenon is the connection between starburst and nuclear activity. The role of starbursts in AGNs has been extensively discussed in the past and several theoretical scenarios have been proposed, from those in which the two phenomena are indirectly connected because both are triggered by and live on gas fuelling (e.g., mergers, interactions between galaxies, bars, etc.) to those in which the starbursts are directly bound with the AGNs as possible sources of fuelling for the nuclear black holes. The study of the extended circum- and extra-nuclear regions of ionized gas in active galaxies can shed more light on the interaction between the active nucleus and its environment, because the gas is a convenient tracer of massive star-formation (HII regions), ionization by non thermal processes (e.g., power-law continua), and/or shocks. Evidences of starburst features have been detected in numerous Seyfert 2 \\citep{cid}, but rarely in Seyfert 1 galaxies \\citep{rodriguez}. On the contrary, if the AGNs Unified Model \\citep{antonucci} is valid and a connection exists between AGN and starburst, one would expect to observe a similar distribution of circumnuclear star-forming regions among the different types of AGNs. In this poster we present preliminary results of an investigation of the nuclear and circumnuclear regions of 6 nearby Seyfert galaxies. Narrow-band images isolating the emission lines of H$\\alpha$+ [NII]$\\lambda$6548,6583 and [OIII]$\\lambda$5007 were used to search for spatially extended circumnuclear emission regions. These observations were followed up with long-slit, medium resolution spectrophotometry to probe further the ionization state of the gas. The studied galaxies involve all Seyfert types (three Seyfert 2, one Seyfert 1, one Seyfert 1.5 and one Seyfert 1.8) in order to check a possible correlation between the presence of starburst and the Seyfert type. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\resizebox{10.0cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig1a_bw.eps}} \\vskip 20pt \\resizebox{10.0cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig1b_bw.eps}} \\caption{Upper panel: The $H\\alpha$ (left) and $[OIII]\\lambda 5007$ (right) emission-line images of ESO018-G09. Bottom panel: Section of the nuclear spectrum of ESO018-G09 (Seyfert 2), where we see the absorption lines of young stars.} \\label{Fig1} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\resizebox{10.0cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig2a_bw.eps}} \\vskip 20pt \\resizebox{10.0cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig2b_bw.eps}} \\caption{Upper panel: The $H\\alpha$ (left) and $[OIII]\\lambda 5007$ (right) emission-line images of ESO362-G18 (Seyfert 1.8). Bottom panel: The nuclear spectrum of ESO362-G18, where the absorption lines of young stars are detectable.} \\label{fit1} \\end{figure} \\section {The observations} The photometric observations were carried out in October 2001 and January 2002 at the Siding Spring Observatory (Australia) with 2.3m telescope. A 1kx1k CCD camera (pixel size = 24 $\\mu m$, scale = 0.6\\arcsec/px) was used in combination with H$\\alpha$+ [NII]$\\lambda$6548,6583 and [OIII]$\\lambda$5007 filters (FWHM $\\sim 75$ \\AA). Long-slit spectra of 4 out of 6 galaxies (ESO018-G09, ESO362-G18, ESO377-G24, ESO428-G14) were obtained at the same telescope with the Dual Beam Spectrograph (pixel size = 15 $\\mu m$, scale = 0.89\\arcsec/px), which allowed to obtain simultaneously the blue (3640-5550 \\AA) and the red (5540-7450 \\AA) parts of the optical wavelength range at medium resolution ($\\sim 2$ \\AA). The spectra of the other 2 galaxies were obtained in December 1990 and March 1991 at ESO-La Silla (Chile) at the 1.52m telescope with the B\\&C Spectrograph (pixel size = 15 $\\mu m$, scale = 0.82\\arcsec/px) at lower resolution. The covered spectral range was 4620-7470 \\AA\\ for NGC 3081 and 3730-6780 \\AA\\ for NGC 1365. The data were reduced and analyzed with the IRAF software. All the observations were bias subtracted, flat field corrected, cleaned from cosmic rays and sky subtracted. The emission-line images were calibrated in flux using a planetary nebula observed in the same runs with the same instrumental configuration. The two-dimensional spectra were calibrated in wavelength using a Ne-Ar lamp for SSO spectra and He-Ar lamp for ESO spectra, then calibrated in flux using a spectrophotometric standard star. For each galaxy we extracted spectra of the nucleus and several circum- and/or extra-nuclear regions, whose sizes were determined by means of both the H$\\alpha$ line profile along the slit and the extension of the emission in the H$\\alpha$ images. We identified the stellar absorption lines and bands in each spectrum. Then, the template of a S0 galaxy was subtracted to remove the underlying stellar population contribution. After this step, we identified the emission lines in the spectra of each object: their profiles were decomposed into multiple Gaussians using the IRAF task FITPROF. In particular, we measured the redshift, width and flux of each identified line. Then, the line fluxes were corrected for internal reddening using the observed Balmer decrement H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$ chosen equal to 3.1 for the active nuclei and 2.85 for the starburst regions \\citep{osterbrock}, and applying the extinction curve by \\citet{cardelli}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410622_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using an artificial \\ion{H}{1} Ly$\\alpha$ spectrum we simulate the corresponding \\ion{He}{2} forest with fixed values of $\\eta$ and a Doppler parameter consisting of a thermal and a turbulent part. In addition metal lines with line strengths and line density as expected in the case of HS~1700+6416 are superimposed. FUSE-like noise is added. The analysis of the simulated spectra in terms of Doppler profiles recovers the input $\\eta = N($\\ion{He}{2}$)/N($\\ion{H}{1}$)$ with a scatter by a factor of 10. About 10\\,\\% have significantly lower $\\eta$-values for various reasons. The majority of the extremely high $\\eta$-values (up to 1000) are evidently caused by metal lines. We conclude that part of the scatter in $\\eta$ of previous analyses of the \\ion{He}{2} forest in HE~2347-4342 can be regarded as an artifact. However, we confirm that the correlation between small column densities (in voids) and high $\\eta$-values is not a methodical artifact and appears to be a true phenomenon. ", "introduction": "Using the column density ratio $\\eta = N($\\ion{He}{2}$)/N($\\ion{H}{1}$)$ the sources and fluctuations of the intergalactic ionizing continuum can be examined observing the \\ion{He}{2} Ly$\\alpha$ forest. Following theoretical predictions $\\eta$ is expected to be in the range of $\\sim 50 - 100$ \\citep{HM96, FGS98} assuming the diffuse background radiation of quasars. Recent analyses of the resolved \\ion{He}{2} Ly$\\alpha$ forest towards the QSO HE~2347-4342 reveal values of $\\eta$ ranging from 1 to $ >1000$ \\citep{krissetal01, shulletal04, zhengetal04}. Therefore, the authors suggest that the intergalactical UV background radiation is strongly variable on very small scales requiring the dominance of local sources. However, the scatter can only be explained partly by the different spectral indices of QSOs \\citep{telferetal02}, since the observed scales are much smaller than the typical distances between AGN. Another finding is that absorbers in \\ion{H}{1} voids show higher $\\eta$-values, a phenomenon that is not yet understood. On the basis of simulated spectra we investigate, whether the typical quality of the present data is sufficient to recover a constant $\\eta$, and which effects are produced artificially by the analysis technique. Furthermore, we examine the impact of additional metal line absorption on the results. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410308_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\vspace*{-0.4cm} We have completed a survey of 30 Virgo cluster galaxies in the \\ha\\ emission-line using Fabry-Perot interferometry. The goal of the survey is to obtain a high angular resolution sample of velocity fields of spirals and to study the environmental effects on their kinematics and dynamics. \\vspace*{-0.4cm} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410636_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using a set of compilations of measurements for extragalactic radio sources we construct all-sky maps of the Faraday Rotation produced by the Galactic magnetic field. In order to generate the maps we treat the radio source positions as a kind of \"mask\" and construct combinations of spherical harmonic modes that are orthogonal on the masked sky. As long as relatively small multipoles are used the resulting maps are quite stable to changes in selection criteria for the sources, and show clearly the structure of the local Galactic magnetic field. We also suggest the use of these maps as templates for CMB foreground analysis, illustrating the idea with a cross-correlation analysis between the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data and our maps. We find a significant cross-correlation, indicating the presence of significant residual contamination. ", "introduction": "The origin of large-scale magnetic fields observed on galactic and cluster scales is unknown. The magnetic fields, with observed strengths of $\\sim\\!10^{-6}$G, could be the consequence of an amplification of a tiny seed ($\\la\\!10^{-20}$G) by a dynamo mechanism. Alternatively, the compression of a primordial seed ($\\sim\\!10^{-9}$G) by protogalactic collapse could lead to the fields we see today. Both scenarios require an initial primordial field. Furthermore, the two mechanisms need to explain the high redshift magnetic fields observed in galaxies \\cite{kpz92} and damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ clouds \\cite{wlo92}. Magnetic fields play a crucial role in star formation as well as possibly playing an active role in galaxy formation as a whole \\cite{w78,w02}. Thus, one of the most significant tasks in cosmology is unravelling the mystery behind magnetic fields; from the primordial field to our own Galactic field. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides us with the most distant and extensive probe of the early universe. A primordial magnetic field will leave an imprint in this radiation. Various methods have been developed that seek these signatures. Barrow, Ferreira and Silk (1997) use the anisotropic expansion caused by the presence of a homogeneous primordial field to place limits on its size from large-angle CMB measurements. Others have sought correlation between different scales in the temperature anisotropies \\cite{cmkr04,ncov04} or computed the effects the field has on the polarisation-temperature cross-correlation \\cite{sf97,l04}. The existence of a magnetic field at last-scattering also leads to a possible measurable Faraday rotation of the polarised CMB light \\cite{kl96}. At the other end of the scale, investigation of our own Galaxy's magnetic field has led to the development of a number of different techniques; Han (2004) provides a concise review of the subject. Techniques include observing Zeeman splitting, polarised starlight, synchrotron radiation, Faraday rotated light and polarised dust emission. However, even with all these methods, there are still outstanding problems. This has led to a lack of consensus on key issues: from the number of spiral arms; how the arms are connected; to the direction the field takes along the arms \\cite{v97,h04}. To fully understand magnetic fields, we need a coherent picture throughout different epochs. Theories and models can then be tested against this observational picture. A rotation measure (RM) map of the full sky has the potential to fulfil such a goal. RM values probe the integral of the magnetic field from the radiation source to the observer. Obviously, the information encoded in such a map depends on the location of the radiation that is rotated. Faraday rotated polarised CMB radiation will offer both a picture of the primordial field (at the surface of last scattering) and that of our Galaxy. The recent detection of CMB polarisation by DASI \\cite{klpc02} and confirmation of this via the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP; Kogut et al. 2003), have opened up a new avenue in CMB research. Future results from WMAP and Planck satellites will offer polarised data covering the full-sky over a range of frequencies (seven in the case of Planck). By forming a RM map with the data and looking at differing scales, we should be able to untangle the information in the data; on the largest scales the local magnetic field can be studied, whereas the primordial field can be studied on the smaller scales. On the other hand, one of the main tools for probing local magnetic fields (such as our Galaxy's) involves utilising RM values from extragalactic sources. Catalogues containing RM values of extragalactic sources have been used to map the Galactic field (eg. Frick et al. 2001). Combining this data with rotation measures from pulsars that are located within our Galaxy, it is conceivable that a 3-dimensional image of the Galactic magnetic field can be built. However, current RM catalogues are both sparsely populated and unevenly sampled. Thus, astute methods are required to produce a RM map with the data at hand. So, what do we intend to do? We attempt to map the RM values as a function of angular position giving ${\\cal R}(\\Omega)$, where we use ${\\cal R}$ to denote the Faraday rotation measure and $\\Omega$ for the angular position. Catalogues containing RM values of extragalactic sources are used to construct the function. The observed spatial distribution of the RM values can be expanded over a set of orthogonal basis functions. For analysis of data distributed on the sky, expansion over spherical harmonics seems natural \\begin{equation} {\\cal R}(\\Omega)=\\sum _{l=1}^{\\infty }\\sum _ {m=-l}^{m=+l}a_{l,m}Y_{l,m}(\\Omega ), \\end{equation} where the $a_{l,m}$ are the spherical harmonic coefficients and the $Y_{l,m}$ are the spherical harmonics. The properties of the spherical harmonics are well understood and the calculation of the $a_{l,m}$ will allow us to utilise routines within the HEALPix\\footnote{http://www.eso.org/science/healpix/} package \\cite{healpix} for visualisation purposes and further analysis. However, a non-uniform distribution of data points compromises spherical harmonic analysis due to the loss of orthogonality \\cite{g94}. It is more fruitful to analyse a system using orthogonal functions: the statistical properties of the coefficients are simplified. If nonorthogonal functions are used, the properties of the system and the basis are confused. Therefore, we would like to construct an orthonormal basis with functions closely related to those of the spherical harmonics. The spherical harmonic coefficients can then be obtained from the resultant coefficients of the orthonormal basis. Spherical harmonic analysis of extragalactic sources has been previously performed by Seymour (1966,1984). However, the analysis was carried out using a different form of orthogonalisation and only on a set of 65 sources. The RM map resulting from our method will be a useful tool for probing Galactic magnetic structure. The map will also be a valuable point of reference when investigating mechanisms that involve the Galactic magnetic field. For example, CMB foregrounds (synchrotron, dust, free-free emission) are correlated with rotation measures \\cite{dc04}. There is evidence of another foreground component \\cite{dtdg04}, labelled foreground X, that is spatially correlated with $100\\mu$m dust emission. Spinning dust grains \\cite{dl98} are the most popular candidates for causing this anomalous emission. A RM map can provide insight into the role of these grains as they may align with the local magnetic field. Foreground removal will be particularly challenging in CMB polarisation studies as foregrounds are more dominant than in the temperature anisotropies. Also, single frequency polarisation measurements will not be able to remove the effects of Faraday rotation through the Galactic magnetic field. Thus, the extent to which the results have been effected by the $E$-mode signal rotating into the $B$-mode signal (and vice versa) is unknown. The layout of the paper is as follows. In the next section we describe the three rotation measure catalogues used in our analysis. In describing the data we clarify the meaning of extragalactic rotation measures. In Section \\ref{sec:basis} we illustrate a method to generate orthonormal basis functions for each catalogue. From the coefficients of the new basis, the spherical harmonic coefficients are calculated. In Section \\ref{sec:results} we present the resulting RM maps and discuss the observed features. In Section \\ref{sec:correlations} we give a brief application of the maps. Correlations are sought between the RM maps and cleaned CMB-only maps. The conclusions are presented and discussed in Section \\ref{sec:conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} In this paper, we have presented a new method to generate all-sky RM maps from uneven and sparsely populated data samples. The method calculates a set of functions orthonormal to the data set. With these basis functions, the spherical harmonic coefficients are calculated and converted into sky maps using the HEALPix package. The method was applied to three catalogues; S81, B88 and F01 catalogues. Maps from each catalogue showed evidence of the magnetic field in our local Orion spur, the North-South asymmetry attributed to radio Loop I and a maxima/minima pair close to the Galactic centre that possibly corresponds to the magnetic field of two inner Galactic arms. A RM map constructed from the S81 catalogue also had a prominent maxima at $l^{\\mathrm{II}}\\!\\sim\\!50^{\\mathrm{o}}$ in the northern hemisphere. In Section \\ref{sec:correlations}, we showed the benefits a RM map has to CMB foreground analysis. Phase correlations were sought between RM maps and those of CMB-only maps derived from the WMAP data. For both the WMAP team's ILC map and the Wiener-filtered map of TOH, phases corresponding to $l$=11 were found to be highly correlated. Naselsky, Doroshkevich \\& Verkhodanov (2003) found the same scale to display phase correlations when carrying out a similar analysis on the ILC map and foreground maps. Their detection of correlations at the same scale as our analysis, reaffirms that the RM catalogues are valuable independent tracers of CMB foregrounds \\cite{dc04}. Modelling foregrounds will play a crucial role in CMB polarisation studies. Foreground contamination is expected to be more severe than in the temperature measurements \\cite{k99}. Consequently, superior templates for the individual foreground components are required. RM maps will help trace these components. Besides this, extrapolation of low frequency measurement of synchrotron polarisation to CMB frequencies has been shown to be complicated by Faraday rotation \\cite{dtok03}. Again, this underlines the importance of developing templates of the Faraday rotation of the Galactic sky. Efforts to map the RM sky will be greatly enhanced by increased source catalogues for both extragalactic sources and pulsars within our Galaxy. This may enable the formation of a 3-dimensional image of the Galactic magnetic field. Furthermore, attempts to map the RM sky will be enhanced by upcoming satellite CMB polarisation experiments which present unprecedented sky-coverage and resolution." }, "0410/astro-ph0410293_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We explore the X-ray properties of a subset of the optically selected SDSS cluster sample of Goto et al. (2002), by analysing seven public XMM-{\\em Newton} pointings, with exposure times ranging from $\\sim$ 4 to 46 ksec. There are in total 17 SDSS clusters out of which only eight are detected at X-ray wavelengths with $\\rm f_{0.5-2keV}\\magcir 1.2 \\times 10^{-14}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. For the remaining 9 SDSS clusters we estimate their 3$\\sigma$ luminosity upper limits (corresponding to $L_x\\mincir 5\\times 10^{42}$ ergs/sec in the 0.5-2 keV band). This relatively low luminosity suggests that if real structures, these galaxy aggregations correspond to poor groups of galaxies. Using the SDSS photometric catalogue we also derive the cluster optical $r$-band luminosities. The resulting scaling relations ($L_{\\rm opt}-L_x$, $L_{\\rm opt}-T_x$) are consistent with those of other recent studies. ", "introduction": "The intense recent interest on galaxy cluster studies is based on the tight cosmological constraints that they can provide, not only from their large-scale distribution, baryon fraction, clustering and dynamics, but lately also from their internal dynamics, its evolution and non-linear physical processes, that give rise in a variety of phenomena related to their formation processes (eg. Peebles et al. 1989; Borgani \\& Guzzo 2001; Rosati, Borgani \\& Norman 2002). However, in order for such studies to provide the tight constraints on cosmological parameters, that we have recently seen from the amazing CMB experiments (cf. {\\sc Boomerang, Arceops, Wmap} etc) it is essential to understand and eliminate all possible systematic biases that enter in the construction and identification procedures of cluster samples (eg. Nichol 2002). To this end a large effort has recently been put forward to construct large, bias-free, samples of clusters of galaxies spanning a wide redshift range (eg. Postman et al. 1996; Olsen et al. 1999; Gladders \\& Yee 2000; Goto et al. 2002; Bahcall et al. 2003). A striking result emerging from such studies is that the identified clusters strongly depend not only on the detection algorithm but also on the wavelength used. Optical selection methods, based on galaxy overdensities in two-dimensions are biased due to projection effects, although more sophisticated methods, using color information and/or structural cluster features, provide a more uniform selection of clusters (cf. Postman et al 1996). However, even such algorithms may suffer from projection effects and biases towards more evolved galaxy populations. Alternatively, X-ray selected cluster samples are less prone to biases due to the centrally peaked X-ray emitting cluster core which can be seen even at large ($z\\sim 1$) distances (eg. Stocke et al. 1991; Castander et al. 1995; Ebeling et al. 1996a, 1996b; Scharf et al. 1997; Ebeling et al. 2000; B\\\"{o}hringer et al. 2001; Gioia et al. 2001; Rosati, Borgani \\& Norman 2002). Nevertheless even such identification procedure could be biased towards the most virialized (and hence more X-ray luminous) clusters. A novel cluster detection approach has recently been proposed using simultaneous multiwavelength data with the use of Virtual Observatory data (Schuecker et al. 2004). A generic problem, however, arises from our ignorance of the cluster formation and evolution details which further complicates the characterization of clusters found at high redshifts and their use as cosmological probes. Attempts to understand the systematic biases that enter in cluster selection procedures have been recently presented in the literature (cf. Donahue et al 2002; Basilakos et al 2004 and references therein). This letter further contributes to this issue by investigating the X-ray properties of a subsample of the Goto et al (2002) clusters detected in the {\\sc Sloan Digital Sky Survey} (SDSS) with the Cut and Enhance method (CE), which is based on galaxy colors\\footnote{The CE catalogue is available from T.Goto, but it can also be found in http://www.astro.noa.gr/xray/data/catalogues.html}. We correlate the positions of these CE cluster candidates with the extended X-ray source position, in order to investigate which of the clusters show significant X-ray emission, and thus have a larger probability of being true aggregations of galaxies. Throughout this paper we adopt the concordance cosmological model ($\\Omega_{\\rm m}=1-\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.3$), although all relevant quantities are partametrized according to $H_{\\circ}=100 \\;h$ km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$, in order to facilitate comparisons with other studies. ", "conclusions": "In order to investigate the X-ray emission of the Goto et al. (2002) SDSS clusters, we have analysed seven public XMM-{\\em Newton} pointings with exposure times ranging from 4 to 46 ksecs. Out of the 17 such SDSS clusters, found in the regions covered by these XMM-{\\em Newton} pointings, only eight ($\\sim 47\\%$) are found to have extended X-ray emission with limiting flux $f_x \\sim 1.2 \\times 10^{-14}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. Note that two of these eight SDSS clusters, which are also the most X-ray luminous ones, were the prime targets of two of the XMM-{\\em Newton} observations analysed. The remaining 9 clusters are probably either very poor and/or dynamically young clusters with weak X-ray emission or the results of projection effects. The derived $L_{\\rm opt}-L_x$ and $L_{\\rm opt}-T_x$ relations, using the clusters with detected X-ray emission, are consistent with those of other recent determinations. The present work provides a first glimpse of the observations that the future {\\sc Duo} X-ray mission will perform. It will survey a wide angle (6000 sq. deg) in the 0.3-10 keV energy band with the aim of using $\\sim$ 10000 clusters to map the geometry of the Universe and determine with high precision its Dark Energy component. {\\sc Duo} will target areas covered by the SDSS in order to facilitate the cluster redshift determination. Our work helps to determine the X-ray flux depth required to identify a significant fraction of the optically selected cluster population." }, "0410/astro-ph0410546_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a new general mechanism to generate curvature perturbations after the end of the slow-roll phase of inflation. Our model is based on the simple assumption that the potential driving inflation is characterized by an underlying global symmetry which is slightly broken. ", "introduction": "} One of the most successful predictions of the inflationary theory, the current paradigm for understanding the evolution of the early universe \\cite{guth81}, is the redshifting of quantum fluctuations of the field driving inflation -- the \\textit{inflaton} -- beyond the Hubble radius, leading to an imprint on the background scalar (density) and tensor (gravitational waves) metric perturbations \\cite{lrreview,muk81,hawking82,starobinsky82,guth82,bardeen83, Hu:2004xd,Mukhanov:1990me,Durrer:2004fx,Langlois:2004de,Brandenberger:2003vk} that subsequently seeds structure formation. For simplicity, most inflation models assume that there is only one scalar field involved in the dynamics of inflation. This is also the case when the mechanism of converting the energy driving inflation into radiation is considered. In this work we point out a qualitatively new effect that might arise if one relaxes the assumption of a single dynamical field. In a multi-field scenario in which the inflationary potential is characterized by a broken symmetry, the quantum fluctuations generated during the inflationary stage represent fluctuations in the initial conditions for the dynamics of the inflaton in the subsequent stage, thus implying that the background dynamics after the slow-roll phase has ended will differ in different regions of the universe. Since the background fields are coupled to the other fields into which they decay, the fluctuations generated during the slow-roll phase will affect the subsequent decay process. The present work, assuming that the inflaton decay into other fields through the non-perturbative process of \\textit{preheating} \\cite{Kofman:1997yn,Felder:1998vq}, is then aimed to understand whether isocurvature inflaton fluctuations, generated during the slow-roll stage, can lead to perturbations of the background metric through variations of the preheating efficiency. While the generation of curvature perturbations during the stages following the slow-roll phase has already been considered in some works \\cite{Dvali:2003em,Dvali:2003ar,Matarrese:2003tk,Lyth:2001nq,Liddle:1999hq, Wands:2000dp,Malik:2002jb,Gupta:2003jc}, the present work is the first one to show that in a multi-field scenario a global broken symmetry of the potential is sufficient to yield curvature perturbations. Curvature perturbations produced through this mechanism can even represent the main source of perturbations to the background metric if the inflationary potential is such that the mass required to produce quantum fluctuations along the field trajectory is large, so that the latter result exponentially suppressed. The structure of the present work is the following. In Sec.\\ \\ref{sect:GI} we obtain a general formula for the curvature perturbations generated from an inhomogeneous preheating efficiency related to the quantum fluctuations produced during inflation. Sec.\\ \\ref{sect:Application} presents an application of the general result obtained in Sec.\\ \\ref{sect:GI} to the case of a broken $U(1)$ symmetry. The conclusions are contained in Sec.\\ \\ref{sect:Discussion}. ", "conclusions": "} The analysis of this paper suggests that the production of curvature perturbations due to a broken symmetry of the inflationary potential and the resulting inhomogeneous efficiency of the preheating stage may be a rather common phenomenon. It is, in fact, appropriate to stress that while the magnitude of the curvature perturbations produced through this mechanism will depend on the details chosen for the specific model (potentials, coupling constants, interaction Lagrangians, preheating mechanism, and so forth), the mere fact that the inflationary potential has a minimum characterized by a broken symmetry is sufficient to guarantee the generation of curvature perturbations during the preheating phase. This is because perturbations in a direction orthogonal to the field trajectory yield evolutions of the background that are not just time translations of one other (as would be the case with perturbations along the direction of the trajectory) but that might differ substantially. Such different background evolutions then necessarily lead to different preheating efficiencies, thus resulting in perturbations in the comoving particle number and energy densities. As it has been shown in Sec.\\ \\ref{sect:Application}, choosing a specific preheating model allows one to quantify the magnitude of the curvature perturbations produced by this mechanism and to assess whether these may or may not represent a dominant component with respect to the adiabatic perturbation produced during the slow-roll phase by fluctuations along the radial direction. In the present context, the choice of the \\textit{instant preheating} model of Felder {\\it et al.}\\ \\cite{Felder:1998vq} has been made because it seems plausible that the preheat field $\\chi$ may be coupled to some other fields. Moreover, the nature of such process allows one to obtain convenient analytic estimates of the comoving number density of particles produced that are not affected by the stochasticity, related to the build up of preheat particles, usually present in the standard preheating models \\cite{Kofman:1997yn}. Nonetheless, it seems important to stress that the main conclusions of this work do not depend on the choice of the preheating process, but only on the fact that $n_{\\chi}$ depends on the background history, which in turn depends on the initial conditions. Finally, it seems important to note that if the preheat field is coupled to, and decays into, one single field, then the effect of a broken symmetry of the inflationary potential is to convert isocurvature perturbations into adiabatic perturbations \\cite{Gordon:2000hv}. In this sense, the above model resembles in spirit the curvaton model of Lyth and Wands \\cite{Lyth:2001nq}, but does not require the assumption of an external field." }, "0410/astro-ph0410220_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present {\\it Hubble Space Telescope\\/} blue spectra at intermediate spectral resolution for the nuclei of 23 nearby disk galaxies. These objects were selected to have nebular emission in their nuclei, and span a range of emission-line classifications as well as Hubble types. In this paper we focus on the stellar population as revealed by the continuum spectral energy distribution measured within the central $0\\farcs13$ ($\\sim 8$ pc) of these galaxies. The data were modeled with linear combinations of single-age stellar population synthesis models. The large majority ($\\sim 80$\\%) of the surveyed nuclei have spectra whose features are consistent with a predominantly old ($\\gtrsim 5 \\times 10^9$ yr) stellar population. Approximately 25\\% of these nuclei show evidence of a component with age younger than 1 Gyr, with the incidence of these stars related to the nebular classification. Successful model fits imply an average reddening corresponding to $A_V \\approx 0.4$ mag and a stellar metallicity of (1--2.5)$Z_\\odot$. We discuss the implications of these results for the understanding of the star formation history in the environment of quiescent and active supermassive black holes. Our findings reinforce the picture wherein Seyfert nuclei and the majority of low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs) are predominantly accretion-powered, and suggest that much of the central star formation in \\ion{H}{2} nuclei is actually circumnuclear. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:Pops_intro} The centers of galaxies hold special interest as the locations of unusual energetic phenomena. It is now commonly accepted that most galaxies harbor central supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that in the past may have shone as powerful active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The fueling of luminous AGNs requires substantial gas concentrations that might also be favorable sites for star formation, and the formation of a dense star cluster is in fact one means of spawning a SMBH \\citep[e.g.,][]{Ree84}. In the present Universe, many galactic nuclei exhibit emission-line activity at low levels that apparently derives from a variable mix of accretion power and star formation \\citep[e.g.,][]{Ho97}. Emission-line ratios provide a basis for classifying objects into standard categories that, to varying degrees of confidence, are identified with specific power sources. While classification as a Seyfert or \\ion{H}{2} nucleus is routinely associated with nonstellar accretion and O stars as dominant energy sources, respectively, many galaxies are classified as low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions \\citep[LINERs]{Heck80} or LINER/\\ion{H}{2} ``transition nuclei'' \\citep[e.g.,][]{Fil92,Ho93} which are more ambiguous in their interpretation. Evidence increasingly suggests that LINERs are primarily accretion-powered \\citep[e.g.,][]{Ho03,Fil03}, but the situation is less clear for the transition sources. The direct detection of young stellar populations in galactic nuclei is an important means of quantifying star formation in these environments and possible connections to emission-line activity. Nearby examples suggest that recent star formation is not unusual. The Milky Way, IC~342, and NGC~4449 all have central young stellar clusters \\citep{Kra95,Boe01,Boe99}, and our neighbors M33 and M31 also have blue nuclei that are most likely consistent with the presence of young stars \\citep{Lau98}. Moreover, imaging surveys with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope\\/} ({\\it HST\\/}) have shown that a compact star cluster is often present in the center of spiral galaxies \\citep{Phi96,Caro98,Mat99}, in particular in the latest Hubble types \\citep{Boe02}. If proved young, such clusters may help account for the high frequency (41\\%) of \\ion{H}{2} nuclei in nearby galaxies \\citep{Ho97}, and may also have bearing on transition nuclei. Most existing studies of stellar populations and nebular emission in galaxy centers have been carried out from the ground, and in probing ``nuclei'' are thus limited to studying regions that may actually be several hundreds of parsecs in scale. Considerable structure may exist on smaller scales, and the spatial distribution of star formation within such a region is of particular interest. A number of ultraviolet (UV) {\\it HST\\/} surveys have shown that star formation in galactic nuclei often takes place in circumnuclear rings \\citep[e.g.,][]{Mao96}. If all bulges harbor a SMBH, there are reasons to believe that it may be difficult to form stars in their very central regions. In particular, the tidal field induced by a SMBH may suffice to disrupt molecular clouds before they can gravitationally collapse. Observationally, however, a number of studies have shown that SMBHs and young stellar clusters can coexist on very small scales, at least in some Seyfert~2 and LINER nuclei \\citep{Heck97,Gonz98,Col02} and in the Milky Way \\citep[e.g.,][]{Gen03}. Probing galaxy centers with the highest possible spatial resolution is thus of great value for understanding what powers ``nuclear'' activity, and how star formation proceeds in these zones. The recent {\\it HST\\/} surveys of \\citet{Pel99} and \\citet{Caro01,Caro02} represent excellent examples of how high-resolution images have already helped in making steps in this direction. The observed visual to near-infrared colors indicate that the vast majority of disk galaxy centers are very red, consistent with intermediate to very old stellar populations that are substantially obscured by interstellar material. Yet, with only broad-band colors it is difficult to disentangle the effects of an old stellar population from those of reddening by dust, super-solar metallicity, or an active nucleus. For this reason we undertook a survey of nearby nuclei with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on board {\\it HST\\/} (the SUNNS survey), acquiring moderate-resolution blue and red spectra for 23 galaxies to study both their nuclear stellar populations and emission-line kinematics, and to detect in particular the presence of very young stars or SMBHs. In this paper we present a study of the nuclear stellar populations of the SUNNS sample galaxies, based on the fitting of synthetic stellar population models to the observed blue spectra. After we submitted this paper for publication, we learned of related work by \\citet{Gonz04} which reaches broadly similar conclusions. The paper is organized as follows. In \\S 2 we show the nuclear spectra for our sample objects, in \\S 3 we describe our analysis method, and in \\S 4 we present our results. Our analysis includes models based on single-age stellar populations (\\S 4.1) or with extended star formation histories (\\S 4.2) and addresses the effect of super-solar metallicities (\\S 4.3). From the model fitting we derive conservative upper limits on the presence of very young stars and constraints on the need for absorption-line dilution by a featureless continuum (\\S 4.4). We discuss these results in \\S 5 and draw our conclusions in \\S 6. ", "conclusions": "We have fitted stellar population templates to interpret the spectra for the inner $\\sim 10$ pc of a sample of galaxies with a variety of Hubble types and nuclear emission classifications. The primary result of our analysis is that the large majority of nuclei have spectral energy distributions consistent with simply old stellar populations. Only one object out of 23 is dominated by a young cluster of stars less than 1 Gyr old, which is also photometrically distinct. When using multi-age population fits to reflect more complex formation histories, we find a distribution of luminosity-weighted mean ages across the sample that is strongly peaked around 10 Gyr. This result persists if we account for dust reddening and super-solar metallicities as contributors to or possible alternative explanations for the quite red observed spectra. For most sample galaxies, only negligible amounts of stars can have formed in the central 10 pc during the second half of the Universe's life. There is, however, a significant fraction of galactic nuclei that show modest amounts of young stars: evidence for stars younger than 1 Gyr is found in $\\sim25$\\% of the cases. Very young stars, $\\sim1$ Myr, are not required by the spectral template fits for any object, and their possible contribution to the flux at the blue end of our spectra ($\\sim 3100$~\\AA) is limited to less than 6\\% on average. With these upper limits, the production of ionizing photons by very young stars falls short of the requirements for powering the nebular emission in the central 10 pc of the Seyfert nuclei and most of the LINERs in our sample. Furthermore, none of these 23 galactic nuclei contain enough very young stars to explain the nebular luminosity observed over $\\sim 100$ pc scales, as typically observed from the ground. This shortfall of stellar UV photons holds true regardless of internal dust extinction. The presence of a young population ($\\lesssim$1 Gyr) appears, however, correlated with the classification of the emission-line ratios. In Seyferts and most LINERs our findings are naturally explained, if ionization comes largely from AGN accretion, not stars. For \\ion{H}{2} nuclei, our results imply that much of the central star formation is actually circumnuclear --- it occurs in the range of a few 10 pc to a few 100 pc. We note in closing that even for nearby galaxies at {\\it HST} resolution, the contamination from stars in the central portion of the surrounding bulge is an important limiting factor. We could not have detected a quantity of young stars as small as found at the center of the Milky Way." }, "0410/astro-ph0410016_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The impact of $FUSE$ upon the fundamental parameters of OB stars and Wolf-Rayet stars is reviewed. The stellar wind signatures available in the far-UV provide us with important additional diagnostics of effective temperature. Together with improved non-LTE stellar atmosphere models allowing for line blanketing and stellar winds, this has led to a downward revision in the spectral type-temperature calibration for O stars versus Vacca et al. (1996) In addition, the Lyman continuum ionizing fluxes from O dwarfs are compared with previous calibrations of Panagia (1973) and Vacca et al. We also discuss mass-loss rates in OB stars, such that agreement between recent theoretical predictions (Vink et al. 2000, 2001) and observations of O supergiants is possible, solely if winds are clumped in the far-UV and H$\\alpha$ line forming regions, as favoured by line profile comparisons for P\\,{\\sc v} 1118-28 (early to mid O) or S\\,{\\sc iv} 1062-1073 (late O to early B) in $FUSE$ datasets. In contrast, B supergiant wind strengths are predicted to be much higher than observations indicates, especially if their winds are also clumped. Finally, significant upward revisions in wind velocities of very late WN stars are indicated by N\\,{\\sc ii} 1085 resonance line observations, plus elemental abundances in OB and WR stars are briefly discussed. ", "introduction": "Massive stars ($\\geq 10 M_{\\odot}$) play an important role in the ecology of their host galaxies, which belies their rarity. O stars are generally the dominant source of Lyman continuum photons in galaxies, whilst their fast, dense winds are the principal source of kinetic energy in young bursts of star formation. Wolf-Rayet stars, the chemically evolved descendants of OB stars, also contribute to chemical and kinetic enrichment of galaxies via their very dense stellar winds, plus Lyman continuum photons and ultimately as core-collapse Supernova, which further dynamically and chemically modify their environment. Although the majority of our understanding about luminous, hot stars originates from ground-based optical spectroscopy, their energy distributions peak in the far- or extreme-UV. The first rocket UV observations revealed the characteristic P~Cygni signatures of mass-loss from massive stars (e.g. Morton 1967). Longward of Ly$\\alpha$, primarily $IUE$ has provided observations of a very large database of OB stars, within the Milky Way, plus Magellanic Cloud supergiants (Walborn et al. 1985), supplemented by $HST$ datasets of fainter Magellanic Cloud stars (Walborn et al. 1995a; Walborn et al. 2000; Evans et al. 2004b) whilst only a few early-type stars have been observed in the far-UV prior to $FUSE$, with $Copernicus$ (Snow \\& Morton 1976) and more recently HUT (Walborn et al. 1995b; Schulte-Ladbeck et al. 1995). Far-UV $FUSE$ atlases have been presented by Walborn et al. (2002) for Magellanic Cloud OB stars, by Pellerin et al. (2002) for Milky Way OB stars and by Willis et al. (2004) for Wolf-Rayet stars. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410366_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "DG Leo is a spectroscopic triple system composed by 3 stars of late-A spectral type, one of which was suggested to be a $\\delta$ Scuti star. Seven nights of observations at high spectral and high time resolution at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence with the ELODIE spectrograph were used to obtain the component spectra by applying a Fourier transform spectral disentangling technique. Comparing these with synthetic spectra, the stellar fundamental parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, projected rotation velocity and chemical composition) are derived. The inner binary consists of two Am components, at least one of which is not yet rotating synchronously at the orbital period though the orbit is a circular one. The distant third component is confirmed to be a $\\delta$ Scuti star with normal chemical composition. ", "introduction": "Different reasons can be invoked to illustrate the fact that main-sequence A-type stars occupy a very interesting region of the H-R diagram: \\begin{itemize} \\item[--] the transition from radiative to convective energy transport occurs at effective temperatures between 8500 and 6000 K (from A5 to F5), a range which encompasses the late A-type stars; \\item[--] the classical Cepheid instability strip, when extended downward, intersects the ZAMS \\citep[cf. Fig.~8 in][]{2001A&A...366..178R} at effective temperatures of 8800 K (blue edge) and 7500 K (red edge) (spectral types from A3 to F0); \\item[--] the presence of magnetism is clearly demonstrated from the mid-B to early-F spectral types; \\item[--] metal-line abundance anomalies are also frequently detected among the (non-magnetic) late A-type stars. \\end{itemize} The variety of (atmospheric) phenomena which may affect the stars located in that part of the H-R diagram in one or the other way is extremely rich: these include several possible pulsation driving mechanisms (acting in the $\\delta$ Scuti and SX Phe, $\\gamma$ Dor or roAp variable stars) and different processes of magnetism, diffusion, rotation and convection which are thought to boost or inhibit the presence of chemical peculiarities in the stellar atmospheres (Ap, Am, $\\rho$ Pup and $\\lambda$ Boo stars). Among the pulsators there exist: the $\\delta$ Scuti stars which are main-sequence or giant low-amplitude variable stars pulsating in radial and non-radial acoustic modes (p modes) with typical periods of 0.02--0.25 days; the SX Phe stars which are high-amplitude $\\delta$ Scuti stars of the old disk population \\citep{2000dsrs.conf....3B}; the $\\gamma$ Dor stars which are cooler and pulsate in non-radial gravity modes (g modes) with typical periods of 1--2 days \\citep{2000dsrs.conf....3B}; rapidly oscillating cooler magnetic Ap (roAp) stars that exhibit very high-overtone non-radial acoustic pulsations aligned with the magnetic axis, inclined relatively to the rotation axis (`oblique pulsator' model) and with typical variability periods of 5--16 min \\citep{2000dsrs.conf..287K}. Among the chemically peculiar (CP) stars of interest, we have the magnetic Ap stars that are generally variable owing to surface inhomogeneities coupled to rotation (model known as the `oblique rotator'); the non-magnetic metallic-lined stars such as the classical Am stars which have K-line and metal-line spectral types differing by at least 5 spectral subclasses, and the evolved Am stars of luminosity class IV and III called $\\rho$ Puppis \\citep[also $\\delta$ Delphini stars,][]{2000dsrs.conf..287K}; and the $\\lambda$ Bootis stars which show weak metal lines owing to underabundances of the Fe-peak elements \\citep{2000dsrs.conf..287K}. Some of these phenomena may or may not be mutually exclusive. For example, enhanced metallicity and pulsation can theoretically occur together in the cooler and/or evolved part of the instability strip while there is mutual exclusion for the hotter A-stars of the main--sequence \\citep{2000A&A...360..603T}. The role of multiplicity is an additional aspect that has to be considered, as the majority of the Am stars are binaries with orbital periods between 1 and 10 days \\citep{1996A&A...313..523B,1997A&A...326..655B}. Most of these binaries are tidally locked systems with synchronized orbital and rotational periods. Their projected equatorial velocities are generally below 100 \\kps~\\citep{2000dsrs.conf..287K}. Because of this tidal braking mechanism, the process of diffusion can act more efficiently. In the case of the (magnetic) Ap stars, the braking mechanism is magnetic. Their projected equatorial velocities are usually well below 100 \\kps~\\citep{2000dsrs.conf..287K}. Thus rotation is relevant for explaining the presence of chemical peculiarities. An unknown multiplicity status is further expected to be the cause of some continuum veiling in several $\\lambda$ Bootis stars leading to an underestimation of the abundance of the Fe-peak elements as was recently suggested in \\citet{2003A&A...412..447G} and \\citet{2003A&A...398..697F}. It also appears that about 50\\% of these exhibit pulsations of $\\delta$ Scuti type \\citep{2000dsrs.conf..410W}. Thus complex interactions between all of these processes exist which are not easily disentangled. For all these reasons the analysis of the chemical composition of multiple systems having at least one pulsating component is an ideal tool to explore in an empirical way the interactions that may or may not exist between pulsation, diffusion, rotation and multiplicity. In the present paper, we are therefore dealing with the chemical analysis of DG Leo (HD~85040, HR~3889, HIP~48218, Kui~44), a known multiple system with a pulsating component that we describe in Sect.~\\ref{sec:dgleo}. Details about the spectroscopic observations we performed are given in Sect.\\ref{sec:observations} while the Fourier-transform technique that was adopted to disentangle the component spectra from the combined ones is described in Sect.~\\ref{sec:korel}. Orbital parameters of both spectroscopic and visual orbits are discussed in Sect.~\\ref{sec:aorb}. Fundamental parameters and chemical composition of all three components are derived in Sect.~\\ref{sec:fundpar} and Sect.~\\ref{sec:abundance analysis} respectively. \\begin{figure} \\center \\begin{minipage}{8cm} \\center \\includegraphics[width=7cm,angle=0,clip=]{fcc.eps} \\caption{Two hours-averaged cross correlation function observed from JD2452651.6036 to JD2452651.6954 (i.e.: orbital phase~$\\sim$~0.98), when all three components are resolved. Each correlation peak belongs to one component of DG Leo (Aa, Ab or B).} \\label{fig:crossc} \\end{minipage} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "The Fourier Transform spectral disentangling technique developed by \\citet{1995A&AS..114..393H} was successfully applied to the study of the pulsating triple system DG Leo. It allowed to confirm the previously derived parameters of the spectroscopic orbit by \\citet{1977PASP...89..216F} and to increase the accuracy. Combining astrometric measurements with our new radial-velocity measurements, we were further able to compute for the first time the relative orbit of the visual system AB. However, we stress the fact that speckle and RV measurements at periastron would be invaluable. We would like therefore to be informed about such data, if existing, as these measurements should greatly increase the precision of the present solution and it could further enable the determination of the stellar masses of all 3 components in an independent way. A detailed chemical analysis was performed on the disentangled spectra of the components {with} the Kurucz LTE model atmospheres combined with the {\\sc synspec} computer codes. All three components appear to have the same fundamental parameters (effective temperature and surface gravity) but DG Leo B was found to have a solar-like chemical composition, while the two components belonging to the close spectroscopic binary show an abundance pattern typical of Am stars. A different level of underabundance for scandium and more strongly for calcium is noted between the two close components (Aa and Ab). These differences probably reflect the sensitivity of the diffusion processes to issues such as rotation, mass loss and evolution. We further noticed that, while the spectroscopic orbit is circularized, the apparent rotation of both A components is {not yet} synchronized with the orbital motion. DG Leo is therefore a very interesting clue for understanding issues such as rotation synchronization and orbital circularization. Our high--time--resolution spectroscopic data confirm the existence of line--profile variations (LPVs) caused by pulsation in component B with time scales very close to those recently detected by photometric studies \\citep{phot1}. The analysis and the mode identification of these LPVs will be combined with the multicolour photometric observations, with the goal to provide a better understanding of the non-trivial link existing between chemical composition, multiplicity and pulsation." }, "0410/astro-ph0410685_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We review the current state and future prospect of ultra high energy cosmic ray physics and the relationship between cosmic rays and gamma-ray astrophysics. ", "introduction": "Cosmic rays have been known to have a {\\it cosmic} origin since Victor Hess took electroscopes in balloons above 5000 m in 1912. A few decades later, Pierre Auger showed that cosmic ray primaries reach energies in excess of $10^{15}$ eV with the detection of extensive air-showers in 1938 \\cite{auger38}. Since then, cosmic rays have been observed from energies of $\\sim$ MeV to above $\\sim 10^{20}$ eV. Figure 1 shows a compilation of direct and indirect (via air showers) cosmic ray observations unified into a single spectrum. The spectrum is well fit by power-laws with spectral index $\\gamma \\simeq 2.7$ for energies below $\\sim 10^{15}$ eV and $\\gamma \\simeq 3$ for energies above $\\sim 10^{15}$ eV, with a varying low energy cutoff due to solar magnetic fields. The origin of cosmic rays is still a mystery soon to become a century old (see, e.g., \\cite{bhatsigl,reviews} for recent reviews). The leading theory for the origin of cosmic rays below $\\sim 10^{15}$ eV is Fermi acceleration in Galactic supernova remnant shocks, but direct evidence for this model is still lacking. The best direct test of this hypothesis is likely to come from gamma-ray astronomy. If supernovae shocks are sites of cosmic ray acceleration, the emission of gamma-rays from neutral pion decay around the accelerations site should be observed. As announced by the Hess collaboration, the detection of gamma-rays from RX J1713 \\cite{hess1713} and around the Galactic Center \\cite{hessGC} may be the long sought after smoking guns of Galactic cosmic ray acceleration. Detailed spectral and spatial studies of the recently discovered sites and others yet to be discovered should resolve the mystery of lower energy cosmic rays within the next decades. Cosmic rays at the highest energies give another opportunity to resolve the mysterious origin of cosmic rays. At energies above $\\sim 10^{19} eV$ magnetic bending of cosmic rays paths are likely to ease and cosmic ray astronomy should become feasible. These highest energy messengers are likely to bring information of extra-galactic sources of cosmic rays that may or may nor correlate to the highest energy gamma-ray emitters. While cosmic background radiations limit the arrival of gamma-rays above $\\sim 10^{13} eV$ from distant galaxies a similar limitation may only occurs for cosmic rays above $\\sim 10^{20} eV$. Combined studies of gamma-rays and cosmic rays at the highest energies available to each type of messenger will reveal the workings of the extremely energetic universe. \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[height=.55\\textheight]{crspectrum.eps} \\caption{Spectrum of cosmic rays \\cite{bhatsigl}.} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "After decades of attempts to discover the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, present results are still inconclusive. The results from past experiments show the need to understand and control systematic effects within each technique and to cross-calibrate the two techniques presently available for UHECR studies (ground arrays and fluorescence). In addition, the lack of sufficient statistics limits the discussion of an excess flux or a drop in flux around the GZK feature. Next generation experiments are gearing up to accumulate the necessary statistics while having a better handle on the systematics. In the following decade, we may see the growth of a new astronomy with ultra-high energy charged particles and finally resolve the almost century old puzzle of the origin of cosmic rays. \\begin{theacknowledgments} This work was supported in part by the KICP under NSF PHY-0114422 , by the NSF through grant AST-0071235, and the DOE grant DE-FG0291-ER40606. \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0410/astro-ph0410199_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have applied the method of Zeeman tomography to analyze the surface magnetic field structures of the white dwarfs PG\\,1015+014 and HE\\,1045$-$0908 from spin-phase resolved flux and circular polarization spectra obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT. We find for both objects field topologies that deviate significantly from centred dipoles. For HE\\,1045$-$0908, the frequency distribution of magnetic field strengths is sharply peaked at 16\\,MG for all rotational phases covered by our data but extends to field strengths at least five times this value. In the case of PG\\,1015+014 there are significant contributions to the frequency distribution in the range from 50 to 90\\,MG with the maximum near 70\\,MG. The detailed shape of the frequency distribution is strongly variable with respect to the rotational phase. ", "introduction": "The optical spectra of magnetic DA white dwarfs are dominated by broad Balmer absorption patterns which are characteristic for the magnetic field structure in the visible part of the photosphere. Our evolution-strategy based Zeeman tomography code allows the determination of the surface magnetic field geometry from a set of rotation-phase resolved flux and circular polarization spectra by fitting theoretical model spectra from a precomputed database on a grid of temperature $T$, field strength $B$, and the angle $\\psi$ between the field direction and the line of sight. The method's ability to reconstruct field geometries from synthetic data has been demonstrated by Euchner~et~al.\\ (2002). For the present study, the magnetic field geometry has been parametrized using a truncated multipole expansion up to order $l=3$. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410553.txt": { "abstract": "Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) contain enigmatic sub-micron components called GEMS (Glass with Embedded Metal and Sulfides). The compositions and structures of GEMS indicate that they have been processed by exposure to ionizing radiation but details of the actual irradiation environment(s) have remained elusive. Here we propose a mechanism and astrophysical site for GEMS formation that explains for the first time the following key properties of GEMS; they are stoichiometrically enriched in oxygen and systematically depleted in S, Mg, Ca and Fe (relative to solar abundances), most have normal (solar) oxygen isotopic compositions, they exhibit a strikingly narrow size distribution (0.1-0.5 $\\mu$m diameter), and some of them contain ``relict'' crystals within their silicate glass matrices. We show that the compositions, size distribution, and survival of relict crystals are inconsistent with amorphization by particles accelerated by diffusive shock acceleration. Instead, we propose that GEMS are formed from crystalline grains that condense in stellar outflows from massive stars in OB associations, are accelerated in encounters with frequent supernova shocks inside the associated superbubble, and are implanted with atoms from the hot gas in the SB interior. We thus reverse the usual roles of target and projectile. Rather than being bombarded at rest by energetic ions, grains are accelerated and bombarded by a nearly monovelocity beam of atoms as viewed in their rest frame. Meyer, Drury and Ellison have proposed that galactic cosmic rays originate from ions sputtered from such accelerated dust grains. We suggest that GEMS are surviving members of a population of fast grains that constitute the long-sought source material for galactic cosmic rays. Thus, representatives of the GCR source material may have been awaiting discovery in cosmic dust labs for the last thirty years. ", "introduction": "% % %\tInterplanetary dust particles (IDPs) contain enigmatic sub-micron components called GEMS (Glass Embedded with Metals and Sulfides). GEMS consist of amorphous silicate glass grains with non-stoichiometric concentrations of oxygen, and depletions of Mg, S, Ca, and Fe, relative to Si, compared to solar system abundances. They also contain nanometer-scale inclusions of kamacite (Fe-Ni metal) and pyrrhotite ($\\sim$FeS with up to 2\\% Ni). GEMS are found in a strikingly narrow size range (100-500nm); specifically, small GEMS ($<100$nm) are conspicuously absent from IDPs. GEMS are often pseudo-euhedral despite the fact that they are structurally amorphous (Fig. 1). This property suggests that GEMS were originally individual crystalline mineral grains that were amorphized by a large fluence of ionizing radiation before they were incorporated into the solar nebula. Some GEMS contain internal relict grains that mimic the external shape and orientation of the euhedral structure of the entire grain. In other words, these GEMS are pseudomorphs (Fig. 1). \\begin{figure}[h!] \\begin{center} \\rotatebox{0}{\\resizebox{!}{8cm}{\\includegraphics*{f1.eps}}} \\caption{(a) Darkfield micrograph of GEMS with an embedded relict pyrrhotite (FeS) crystal.\u00ca (b) Same GEMS as in (a) with dotted lines highlighting the approximate outlines of the relict pyrrhotite crystal and the GEMS itself.\u00ca Comparison of the lines indicates that the GEMS is a pseudomorph of the relict pyrrhotite crystal. (See also \\protect\\citet{bradley-dai04} and \\protect\\citet{bradley99}.)} \\label{gemsimage} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Here we propose a mechanism for the formation of GEMS from shock-accelerated mineral grains in the hot, low-density ISM. The organization of the paper is as follows. In section \\ref{bombardment} we review the phenomenology of atomic bombardment of submicron grains. In section \\ref{isolated-supernova} we consider and reject a model in which GEMS are produced by encounters with isolated supernova shocks. In section \\ref{shock-acceleration} we review the theory of dust acceleration by astrophysical shocks. In section \\ref{superbubbles} we propose an astrophysical site --- the hot, low-density cavities blown by OB associations, called superbubbles --- in which GEMS are synthesized. In section \\ref{connection} we discuss the connection between GEMS and galactic cosmic rays. Finally, in section \\ref{discussion} we conclude, and suggest new measurements that would test our hypothesis. % % ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} \\subsection{Restricted size range of GEMS} In Fig. \\ref{survival}, we have shown in our model that only grains in the size range $100-500$ nm survive in the SB interior. In this model, we neglected the possibility of complete penetration of grains by high-velocity atoms, which will further accelerate the destruction of small grains. In grains that are large compared to the range of bombarding ions, implantation can dominate over sputtering since bombarding atoms stop inside the grain, and sputtering occurs only on entry. Such grains can grow with time. In contrast, grains that are small compared to the range of bombarding ions are quickly eroded because bombarding atoms do not stop inside the grain, and sputtering occurs both on entry and on exit, so that sputtering dominates over implantation. Further, since the ions leaving the grain are slower, they will generally be more effective at sputtering (Fig. \\ref{sputtering}), so the effective sputtering rate will be more than twice that of a large grain. We have confirmed this effect using SRIM. \\begin{figure}[h!] \\begin{center} %\\resizebox{!}{4cm}{\\includegraphics*{/export/users/domi/aerogels/calor-papers/Fig.s/tileofshotswtext.eps}} \\resizebox{!}{10cm}{\\includegraphics*{f10.eps}} \\caption{For grains that are large compared to the range of bombarding ions (top), implantation can dominate over sputtering since bombarding atoms stop inside the grain, and sputtering occurs only on entry. Such grains can grow with time. In contrast, grains that are small compared to the range of bombarding ions (bottom) can be quickly eroded because bombarding atoms do not stop inside the grain, and sputtering occurs both on entry and on exit, so that sputtering dominates over implantation.} \\label{small-sputtering} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Are GEMS typical IS grains?} Astronomical observations have shown that the vast majority of interstellar silicates are amorphous \\citep{kemper}. The fact that GEMS are also amorphous together with the similarity between the 10$\\mu$m feature of IDPs and that of interstellar dust has led to the suggestion that GEMS are typical representatives of the interstellar dust \\citep{bradley94, bradley99}. The fact that some GEMS exhibit isotopic anomalies indicative of a circumstellar origin support this idea. \\citet{keller-messenger} have recently pointed out, however, that the bulk chemistry of GEMS is inconsistent with the typical elemental composition of interstellar dust as derived from gas phase depletions\\citep{gas-depletions}. They propose that GEMS formed by multiple mechanisms in multiple environments (in the solar system, in presolar environments, and in the interstellar medium, for example). Based on the bulk compositions of GEMS-rich IDPs, they conclude that most GEMS formed in the solar system. However, the bulk compositions of GEMS and the IDPs that contain them are equally inconsistent with a solar system origin \\citep{schramm, bradley-ireland,bradley94}. Moreover, the presence of relict { crystals} and the restricted size range of GEMS are not easily understood in terms of a solar system origin. Our model is also consistent with the observation that while some GEMS have non-solar O isotopic compositions most have normal (solar) compositions (Keller and Messenger, 2004). The model predicts that most of the O atoms in most GEMS were deposited from the gas phase leading inevitably to a highly averaged (solar) O isotopic composition. Nevertheless, nothing in the model that we propose requires that GEMS be representative of average interstellar dust. The absence of average interstellar dust --- amorphous silicates with bulk chemistry consistent with ISM gas phase depletions --- in IDPs is unexplained. This paper implies that it is appropriate to revisit the topic of abundances of the major solid-forming elements, particularly Si, as derived from gas-phase depletions in the ISM. We have proposed a mechanism by which GEMS may be formed from shock-accelerated fast dust in superbubbles, and which explains for the first time the basic properties of of GEMS, their restricted size range, their compositions, and the presence of surviving internal relict { crystals} in some GEMS. Our model is tied intimately to the acceleration of galactic cosmic rays; indeed, parameters in our model are determined from direct observations of galactic cosmic rays in the solar system. The agreement between the predicted and observed GEMS rim thicknesses is particularly striking when we consider that this model includes only one unconstrained parameter --- the sputtering correction factor for SRIM. All other parameters are fixed either theoretically (e.g., the size of the SB core) or experimentally (e.g., the maximum cutoff rigidity is fixed by the observed GCR energy spectrum). We have made a number of assumptions in our model, which we list here: $\\bullet$ We made the {\\em ad hoc} assumption that sputtering yields are substantially smaller ($\\sim{1\\over6}$) than the values predicted for silicates by \\citet{tielens}. Although the uncertainties in sputtering yields are subject to uncertainties of a factor of two, we require a more substantial suppression of sputtering rates for GEMS. It is expected that many interstellar grains acquire a thin carbonaceous mantle\\citep{tielens} that should suppress sputtering yields substantially. Indeed, the non-thermal sputtering yield of graphite due to He bombardment for velocities $> 700$ km sec$^{-1}$ is less than 40\\% of the yield of silicates \\citet[Fig. 11]{tielens}. If such a carbonaceous layer does indeed protect GEMS from sputtering, it must be thin if the external shape of relict { crystals} is to reflect that of the glassy rims. If this is the case, it may lead to an instability in sputtering: reaccelerated grains that slow to velocities near the peak of the sputtering yield may first lose their protective carbonaceous mantle, then are rapidly eroded because of the enhanced sputtering rate of the bare silicate surface. The preponderance of { relict crystalline FeS} ($\\sim$20\\% of GEMS) remains to be explained, as does the comparative rarity of relict silicates. We speculate that silicate minerals may sputter more readily than FeS. $\\bullet$ We assumed that the magnetic field in the SB interior scales, at worst, with the ambient gas density, so is no smaller than 10 nG. In fact, the measured GCR spectrum strongly suggests that the magnetic field is orders of magnitude larger than this. There is a long-standing problem in GCR astrophysics: isolated SN shocks should not be capable of accelerating particles much beyond 10$^{14}$eV, and yet the GCR spectrum extends continuously, without steps, from 100 MeV through the knee to the ankle at $\\sim 3\\times10^{18}$ eV. The continuity and smoothness of the spectrum strongly suggests that all GCRs over this energy range must be accelerated by the same mechanism. \\citet{bykov-toptygin} have recently suggested that GCRs below the knee at $10^{15}$ eV have been accelerated by individual SN, but GCRs above the knee, up to the ``ankle'' in the GCR spectrum at $\\sim 3\\times10^{18}$ eV, have been accelerated by multiple SN encounters. Acceleration through the collaborative effects of multiple SN in an association is a compelling picture, but it requires a magnetic field of 30$\\mu$G in the SB interior --- more than four orders of magnitude larger than the minimum field strength required to confine fast grains to the metal-rich core. $\\bullet$ We assumed that the metal-rich SB core near the OB association mixes inefficiently with material evaporated from the cold SB shell, and that cloud poisoning is negligible. The extent of mixing is not well-constrained observationally. $\\bullet$ Finally, and crucially, we assumed that the $10^6$K gas in the metal-rich SB core has the same composition as the IMF-averaged LC02 core-collapse SN ejecta, that is, that the amount of material depleted by grain condensation is negligible. Dust condenses quickly in rapidly-cooling SN ejecta, as observed in SN 1987A. However, we assume that even highly refractory elements from dust destroyed in the hot SB interior does not recondense, and that {\\em most} dust in SN ejecta is destroyed. This assumption is consistent with our picture, since small ($<100$ nm) grains, which contain most of the dust mass, are readily destroyed in the SB interior. Our model makes specific predictions for future observations. First, $^{22}$Ne/$^{20}$Ne should be much larger ($\\sim 5\\times$) than the solar value in GEMS, just as it is in GCRs. We would expect systematic compositional differences between grains originating as pyrrhotite as compared with the more rare grains that originate in other types, because of the presence of residual material from the original grain. For example, GEMS containing pyrrhotite relict { crystals} should have larger bulk S than those containing forsterite or enstatite. The decay products of $^{26}$Al and $^{60}$Fe may be present, but may not be detectable, unless there is substantial inhomogeneity in Mg/Al or Fe/Ni ratio in the SB interior that would allow the fossil radioactivities to be detected through positive correlations between, e.g., $^{26}$Mg/$^{24}$Mg and $^{27}$Al/$^{24}$Mg. Similarly, although there is no evidence of $^{59}$Ni in the ``bulk'' GCRs, it is possible that relict $^{59}$Ni could be found in GEMS if there is substantial inhomogeneity in Ni/Co in the SB interior. Our model also predicts that GEMS exhibit a $^{58}$Fe excess if the GCR $^{58}$Fe excess originates from core-collapse (type II/Ibc) SN ejecta in superbubbles. So far as we know, no study has yet been made of the distribution of amorphous rim thicknesses as a function of grain size. Our model predicts that relict { crystals} will preferentially be found in large ($>200$nm) grains." }, "0410/astro-ph0410276_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Dynamo activity caused by waves in a rotating magneto-plasma is investigated. In astrophysical environments such as accretion disks and at sufficiently small spatial scales, the Hall effect is likely to play an important role. It is shown that a combination of the Coriolis force and Hall effect can produce a finite $\\alpha$-effect by generating net helicity in the small scales. The shear/ion-cyclotron normal mode of the Hall plasma is the dominant contributor to the dynamo action for short scale motions. ", "introduction": "In astrophysical objects, large scale magnetic fields are thought to be generated by helical turbulence (the so-called $\\alpha$-effect) and differential rotation (the $\\Omega$-effect) (see \\citet{Meneguzzi,Brandenburg}). However, note that a large scale magnetic field can in some cases be generated without fully helical turbulence or a net $\\alpha$-effect. Within the mean field approximation, there are physical effects which contribute to the mean electromotive force even when the $\\alpha$ coefficient is zero. A shear turbulent flow \\citep{Urpin}, the $\\omega\\times j$ term \\citep{Radler69, Geppert}, or magnetic instabilities in a stably stratified atmosphere \\citep{Spruit}, are some of the examples reported in the literature. Helicity is naturally imparted to a rotating fluid by the Coriolis force \\citep{Moffat1,Moffat2,Moffat3,Moffat4}. However, at sufficiently small scales, where the Rossby number \\begin{equation} R_S = \\frac{U_0}{2 L_0 \\Omega} \\label{Rossby} \\end{equation} is larger than unity ($ U_0 $ and $ L_0 $ are characteristic velocities and lengths, and $ \\Omega $ is the rotation rate), the Coriolis force and the resulting induced helicity might become negligibly small. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that in helical turbulent flows, the kinetic helicity develops a direct cascade along with the energy \\citep{Eyink,Gom2004}. Therefore, some small scale turbulent flows can still be helical, even though the source of helicity remains at much larger spatial scales. The Hall effect introduces a definite handedness or helicity on small scale fluid motions (\\citet{Wardle}, \\citet{Balbus}), since the mirror symmetry in the induction equation is broken (see Eqn~(\\ref{induc}) below). Therefore, one should expect a net $\\alpha$-effect in a Hall plasma. The Hall effect becomes relevant whenever the Hall length scale \\begin{equation} \\lambda = \\frac{c}{\\omega_{pi}}\\ \\frac{U_A}{U_0} \\; . \\label{LHall} \\end{equation} is larger than the dissipation scale, a category to which several objects of astrophysical interest belong \\citep{MGM1,MGM3}. Here, $ U_A $ is the characteristic Alfv\\'enic speed, $c$ is the speed of light, and $\\omega_{pi}$ is the ion plasma frequency. In \\S 2 we write down the Hall MHD equations. The normal modes sustained in this system are derived and listed in \\S 3. In \\S 4 we briefly summarize the role of normal mode fluctuations on MHD dynamos, and in \\S 5 this concept is extended to Hall MHD. In \\S 6 we show the effect of rotation on the $\\alpha$-effect. The main results of the present work are summarized in \\S 7. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that the Hall effect in conjunction with fluid rotation can generate helicity at small scales (i.e. produce small scale helical motions) leading to a net $\\alpha$-effect through the agency of the shear/ion-cyclotron normal mode of the plasma. This finding can be of considerable importance to the existence of large scale dynamo action in a variety of astrophysical objects. Our results are quite consistent with previous results obtained in the study of instabilities in accretion disks. \\citet{Wardle}, \\citet{Balbus}, and \\citet{Sano} showed that the magneto-rotational instability can be either enhanced or quenched by the Hall effect depending on the orientation of $ \\vOmega $ and $ \\vB_0 $, which is just a manifestation of the handedness introduced by the Hall effect. In a future work the detailed investigation of this mode of dynamo action will be carried out through direct numerical simulations." }, "0410/astro-ph0410089_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Building upon a previous analysis of P~{\\sc v} wind lines in LMC O stars, we analyze the P~{\\sc v} wind lines in a sample of Galactic O stars which have empirical mass loss rates determined from either their radio fluxes or H$\\alpha$\\/ profiles. Since the wind analysis provides a measure of $\\dot{M} q$ where $q$ is the ionization fraction of the ion, we determine $q($P~{\\sc v}$)$ observationally. In spite of model predictions that $q \\sim 1$ for mid-O stars, we find $q($P~{\\sc v}$) \\leq 0.15$ throughout the O stars. We discuss the origin of this discrepancy. ", "introduction": "$} Three approaches are normally used to determine stellar mass loss rates, $\\dot{M}$s. All assume that the wind is homogeneous and spherically symmetric (SS) with a single, monotonic velocity law, and all {\\em should} agree. The three approaches are:\\\\ \\noindent {\\it 1. Continuum excess from free-free emission.} This samples the outer wind (the exact radius depends on wavelength), where it becomes optically thick to free-free emission. It is only detectable for massive winds in nearby stars. The radio wavelengths are considered ``cleanest'', because, in contrast to the IR/FIR, massive winds become optically thick at large radii ($\\geq 10 R_*$), where $v = v_\\infty$, a constant. This makes $\\rho_{wind}\\sim \\dot{M}/(r^2 v_\\infty)$, independent of $v(r)$. Furthermore, no photospheric correction is needed. However, the radio flux can be non-thermal, so observations at multiple wavelengths are required to determine the spectral index of the emission.\\\\ \\noindent {\\it 2. H$\\alpha$\\/ emission.} This samples the inner wind and is easily observed. For massive winds, H$\\alpha$\\/ emission is related to $\\dot{M}$. However, the exact form of the observed H$\\alpha$\\/ profile depends upon the $N=3$ departure coefficient for H in the wind and this, in turn, depends upon: the photospheric radiation field; the diffuse radiation field of the wind; and the wind velocity law in the acceleration region. The shape of the ``photospheric'' H$\\alpha$\\/ profile is also required, and the observed $W_\\lambda (H\\alpha)$ can be strongly variable. Nevertheless, relatively sophisticated models for H$\\alpha$\\/ formation exist (e.g., Repolust et al.\\ 2004), and can provide reasonable agreement between available radio and H$\\alpha$\\/ $\\dot{M}$s when H$\\alpha$ emission is strong. \\noindent {\\it 3. UV resonance lines.} These sample the entire wind. Their shapes are determined by the radial optical depth of the wind, $\\tau_{rad} \\sim \\dot{M} q_i A_E$, where $A_E$ and $q_i$ are the abundance of element $E$ and its ionization fraction for stage $i$. However observations of a dominant ion ($q_i \\sim1$), of known abundance are required to estimate $\\dot{M}$\\/ directly, and the wind lines of abundant, dominant ions are saturated in winds massive enough to be detected in the radio or to have reliable H$\\alpha$\\/ $\\dot{M}$s. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{itemize} \\vspace{-0.1in} \\item An erroneous P abundance is not the cause of the small LMC $q(P\\;V)$s. \\vspace{-0.1in} \\item Strong clumping/porosity must be the root of the problem. \\vspace{-0.1in} \\item Large scale clumping can also strongly affect the radio and H$\\alpha$\\/ $\\dot{M}$s, so these should be re-evaluated. \\vspace{-0.1in} \\item \\underline{The good news:} the different measures of $\\dot{M}$\\/ are sensitive to different aspects of the wind flow, so bringing them all into agreement (together with the X-ray and O~{\\sc vi} wind line observations) will provide powerful constraints on models of how the winds are structured. \\end{itemize} \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\plotfiddle{figure1_massa.eps}{2.4in}{0}{55}{55}{-170}{-210} \\caption{Mean P~{\\sc v} ionization fractions as a function of temperature for LMC O stars analyzed by Massa et al.\\ (2003). Open, half filled and filled symbols denote stellar luminosities in the ranges $\\log L/L_{\\odot} > 6.0$, $6.0 \\geq \\log L/L_{\\odot} > 5.6$ and $5.6 \\geq \\log L/L_{\\odot}$, respectively.} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\plotfiddle{figure2_massa.eps}{2.25in}{0}{55}{55}{-170}{-210} \\caption{Mean P~{\\sc v} ionization fractions versus temperature for Galactic O stars with radio or H$\\alpha$\\/ $\\dot{M}$s. Filled symbols: radio $\\dot{M}$s, open circles: H$\\alpha$\\/ $\\dot{M}$s from Repolust et al.\\ (2004), open triangles: H$\\alpha$\\/ $\\dot{M}$s from Lamers \\& Leitherer (1993).} \\end{figure}" }, "0410/astro-ph0410040_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have developed a large CdTe pixel detector with dimensions of 23.7 $\\times$ 13.0 mm${}^{2}$ and a pixel size of 448 $\\times$ 448 $\\mu$m$^{2}$. The detector is based on recent technologies of an uniform CdTe single crystal, a two-dimensional ASIC, and stud bump-bonding to connect pixel electrodes on the CdTe surface to the ASIC. Good spectra are obtained from 1051 pixels out of total 1056 pixels. When we operate the detector at --50 $^{\\circ}$C, the energy resolution is 0.67 keV and 0.99 keV at 14 keV and 60 keV, respectively. Week-long stability of the detector is confirmed at operating temperatures of both --50$^{\\circ}$C and --20 $^{\\circ}$C. The detector also shows high uniformity: the peak positions for all pixels agree to within 0.82 \\%, and the average of the energy resolution is 1.04 keV at a temperature of --50 $^{\\circ}$C. When we normalized the peak area by the total counts detected by each pixel, a variation of 2.1 \\% is obtained. ", "introduction": "One of the primary fields of high energy astro-physics in the near future is the hard X-ray universe, where non-thermal processes such as particle acceleration and nucleo-systhesis become dominant. The combination of the two new technologies of hard X-ray focusing mirror optics \\cite{Ref:Yamashita} and hard X-ray imaging spectrometers\\cite{Ref:Takahashi_NeXT} at the focal plane will provide two orders of magnitude improvement in both detection sensitivity and imaging resolution \\cite{Ref:Kunieda,Ref:Fiona_ConX,Ref:NuSTAR}. For example, the NeXT mission\\cite{Ref:Kunieda,Ref:Proposal} proposed in Japan has mirrors with a focal length of 12 m and an angular resolution up to 15 arcsec\\cite{Ref:Ogasaka}. The detector is required to have an energy coverage from 5 keV to 80 keV, with an energy resolution better than 1.0 keV (FWHM) for 60 keV line $\\gamma$-rays\\cite{Ref:Takahashi_SPIE2004}. An aperture size of 20--30 mm in diameter with a spacial resolution of 200 -- 250 $\\mu$m is needed to take advantage of the performance of the mirror. The detector should have a good timing resolution in the range 10 -- 100 $\\mu$s on an event by event basis to reduce the intrinsic background in the detector by the anti-coincidence technique. Good uniformity in both the detection efficiency and the spectroscopic properties is necessary not only to obtain high quality image and spectra, but also to perform proper background subtraction. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) are promising devices as the focal plane detector since they have a high detection efficiency comparable to NaI scintilators, a good energy resolution comparable to Ge detectors, and can be operated at room temperature. Thanks to significant progress on technologies of crystal growth, large area detectors based on CdTe and CZT are now available. Recently, Harrison et al. has developed a large area CZT pixel detector with a newly developed low-noise ASIC for the front end\\cite{Ref:Fiona_HEFT}. The detector shows a good energy resolution of $<$ 1 keV. However, the present high pressure Bridgeman method, which is often used to grow CZT crystal, only yields polycrystals and therefore the yield of obtaining large ($>$ 1 cm$^{2}$) and uniform portions of single CZT crystals is low. To control the mobility and carrier lifetime within the whole wafer seems to be difficult\\cite{Ref:GSato,Ref:MSuzuki}. This non-uniformity is the issue of the current CZT pixel detectors. On the other hand, CdTe crystal grown by the Traveling Heater Method (THM-CdTe) can provide a single crystal as large as 40 mm $\\times$ 40 mm \\cite{Ref:Funaki}. Based on the THM-CdTe wafers, we have been working on high performance CdTe detectors for both planar and pixel configuration\\cite{Ref:Takahashi_IEEE2002,Ref:KN-NIM2003,Ref:Mitani,Ref:Tanaka}. In order to improve the current hard X-ray imaging detector by utilizing the recent CdTe technology, we have developed a pixel detector under the collaboration of ISAS and Caltech. In this collaboration, a two-dimensional large area analog ASIC and the read out system is prepared by Caltech. A large size CdTe crystal with pixel electrodes and the bump bonding technologies are prepared by ISAS. In this paper, uniformity of the pixel detector as well as basic performance of the CdTe pixel detector is presented. ", "conclusions": "We have developed a large CdTe pixel detector by utilizing recent technologies of an uniform CdTe single crystal, the two-dimensional ASIC, and the In/Au stud bump bonding. When the detector is operated at a temperature of --50 $^{\\circ}$C, the energy resolution (FWHM) for the 14 keV and 60 keV $\\gamma$-rays is 0.67 keV and 0.89 keV, respectively. The voltage scanning measurement shows that 10 \\% of the total event become multi-pixel events, which contributes to the tail structure in thespectra obtained. The detector shows high uniformity as well as the spectral and imaging performances. The location of the peak agrees to within 0.82 \\% after the analog gain is calibrated by pulser data, and the average energy resolution is 1.04 keV. The variation of the 60 keV peak counts is found to be 8.9 \\%, which is inconsistent with the result for the planar CdTe detector. Although the reason for this variation is still under investigation, if we assume a ``normalized'' area, the resultant variation is 2.1 \\%. In the demonstration of imaging spectroscopy, the detector resolves a 0.5 mm wide line, which is the same as the positional resolution." }, "0410/gr-qc0410007_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We place direct upper limits on the amplitude of gravitational waves from 28 isolated radio pulsars by a coherent multi-detector analysis of the data collected during the second science run of the LIGO interferometric detectors. These are the first {\\it direct} upper limits for 26 of the 28 pulsars. We use coordinated radio observations for the first time to build radio-guided phase templates for the expected gravitational wave signals. The unprecedented sensitivity of the detectors allow us to set strain upper limits as low as a few times $10^{-24}$. These strain limits translate into limits on the equatorial ellipticities of the pulsars, which are smaller than $10^{-5}$ for the four closest pulsars. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410330_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present 2D results of simulations of the magnetorotational core collapsed supernova. For the first time we obtain strong explosion for the core collapsed supernova. In 2D approximation we show that amplification of the toroidal magnetic field due to the differential rotation leads to the formation of MHD shockwave, which produces supernova explosion. The amounts of the ejected mass $0.1M_\\odot$ and energy $\\sim 0.5\\div0.6 \\cdot 10^{51}$ergs can explain the energy output for supernova type II or type Ib/c explosions. The shape of the explosion is qualitatively depends on the initial configuration of the magnetic field, and may form strong ejection neat the equatorial plane, or produce mildly collimated jets. Our simulation show that during the evolution of the magnetic field the magnetorotational instability appears and leads to exponential growth of the magnetic field strength. ", "introduction": "The reliable explanation of the mechanism of core collapsed supernova is still open question for the modern astrophysics. We describe the results of 2D numerical simulation of magnetorotational mechanism for core collapsed supernova. The main idea of the magnetorotational mechanism for the core collapsed supernova was suggested by \\citet{bk1970}. After the core collapse central parts of the star rotate differentially. In the presence of initial poloidal magnetic field toroidal component of the magnetic field appears and amplifies with time. When the pressure of the magnetic field becomes comparable with the gas pressure the compression wave arise and moves along steeply decreasing density profile. In a short time this compression wave transforms to the MHD fast shock wave and produces supernova explosion. First 2D simulations of the magnetorotational mechanism were made by \\citet{lw1970} with unrealistically large initial magnetic field. 2D simulations of the similar problem were given in the papers of \\citet{ohnishi} and \\citet{symbalisty}. The magnetorotational processes with very large initial magnetic fields (typical for magnetars) were recently simulated numerically in the papers of \\citet{kotake} and \\citet{yamada}. The 1D simulations of the magnetorotational supernova were presented in the papers by \\citet{bk76}, \\citet{abkp}. In the last paper the simulations were performed for a wide range of the initial values of magnetic field. 2D simulations of the collapse of the magnetized rotating protostellar cloud are presented in the paper by \\citet{abkm}. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\includegraphics{moiseenko_fig1.eps},\\includegraphics{moiseenko_fig2.eps}} \\caption{Velocity field for $t=1.06$s after beginning the evolution of the toroidal magnetic field component for the {\\it dipole}-like initial magnetic field (left plot), velocity field for $t=0.2$s after beginning the evolution of the toroidal magnetic field component for the {\\it quadrupole}-like initial magnetic field (right plot).} \\label{veldipquad} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\includegraphics{moiseenko_fig3.eps}\\includegraphics{moiseenko_fig4.eps}} \\caption{Time evolution for of the ejected mass (in relation to $M_\\odot$) and energy for the {\\it quadrupole}-like initial magnetic field, $\\alpha=10^{-6}$.} \\label{masenq} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\includegraphics{moiseenko_fig5.eps}\\includegraphics{moiseenko_fig6.eps}} \\caption{Time evolution of the ejected mass (in relation to $M_\\odot$) and energy for the {\\it dipole}-like initial magnetic field, $\\alpha=10^{-6}$.} \\label{masend} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410106_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present the results of a near-infrared adaptive optics survey with the aim to detect close companions to {\\it Hipparcos} members in the three subgroups of the nearby OB~association Sco~OB2: Upper Scorpius (US), Upper Centaurus Lupus (UCL) and Lower Centaurus Crux (LCC). We have targeted 199 A-type and late B-type stars in the $K_S$ band, and a subset also in the $J$ and $H$ band. We find 151 stellar components other than the target stars. A brightness criterion is used to separate these components into 77 background stars and 74 candidate physical companion stars. Out of these 74 candidate companions, 41 have not been reported before (14 in US; 13 in UCL; 14 in LCC). The angular separation between primaries and observed companion stars ranges from $0.22''$ to $12.4''$. At the mean distance of Sco~OB2 (130~pc) this corresponds to a projected separation of $28.6$~AU to $1612$~AU. Absolute magnitudes are derived for all primaries and observed companions using the parallax and interstellar extinction for each star individually. For each object we derive the mass from $K_S$, assuming an age of 5~Myr for the US subgroup, and 20~Myr for the UCL and LCC subgroups. Companion star masses range from $0.10~{\\rm M}_\\odot$ to $3.0~{\\rm M}_\\odot$. The mass ratio distribution follows $f(q) = q^{-\\Gamma}$ with $\\Gamma=0.33$, which excludes random pairing. No close ($\\rho \\leq 3.75''$) companion stars or background stars are found in the magnitude range $12~{\\rm mag}\\leq K_S \\leq 14~{\\rm mag}$. The lack of stars with these properties cannot be explained by low-number statistics, and may imply a lower limit on the companion mass of $\\sim 0.1~{\\rm M}_\\odot$. Close stellar components with $K_S>14~{\\rm mag}$ are observed. If these components are very low-mass companion stars, a gap in the companion mass distribution might be present. The small number of close low-mass companion stars could support the embryo-ejection formation scenario for brown dwarfs. Our findings are compared with and complementary to visual, spectroscopic, and astrometric data on binarity in Sco~OB2. We find an overall companion star fraction of 0.52 in this association. This is a lower limit since the data from the observations and from literature are hampered by observational biases and selection effects. This paper is the first step toward our goal to derive the primordial binary population in Sco~OB2. ", "introduction": "Duplicity and multiplicity properties of newly born stars are among the most important clues to understanding the process of star formation \\citep{blaauw1991}. Observations of star forming regions over the past two decades have revealed two important facts: (1) practically all (70--90\\%) stars form in clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{LL2003} and, (2) within these clusters most stars are formed in binaries \\citep{mathieu1994}. Consequently, the star formation community has shifted its attention toward understanding the formation of multiple systems --- from binaries to star clusters --- by means of both observations and theory. The observational progress in studies of very young embedded as well as exposed star clusters is extensively summarized in the review by \\cite{LL2003}. On the theoretical side the numerical simulations of cluster formation have become increasingly sophisticated, covering the very earliest phases of the development of massive dense cores in giant molecular clouds \\citep[e.g.,][]{klessen2000}, the subsequent clustered formation of stars and binaries \\citep[e.g.,][]{bate2003}, as well as the early evolution of the binary population during the phase of gas expulsion from the newly formed cluster \\citep{kroupa2001}. At the same time numerical simulations of older exposed clusters have become more realistic by incorporating detailed stellar and binary evolution effects in N-body simulations \\citep[e.g.,][]{spz2001}. This has led to the creation of a number of research networks that aim at synthesizing the modeling and observing efforts into a single framework which covers all the stages from the formation of a star cluster to its eventual dissolution into the Galactic field, an example of which is the MODEST collaboration \\citep{hut2003,sills2003}. Such detailed models require stringent observational constraints in the form of a precise characterization of the stellar content of young clusters. Investigations of the stellar population in young clusters have mostly focused on single stars. However, as pointed out by \\cite{larson2001}, single stars only retain their mass from the time of formation whereas binaries retain three additional parameters, their mass ratio, angular momentum and eccentricity. Thus, the properties of the binary population can place much stronger constraints on the physical mechanisms underlying the star and cluster formation process. Ideally, one would like an accurate description of the `primordial' binary population. This population was defined by \\cite{brown2001} as ``the population of binaries as established just after the formation process itself has finished, i.e., after the stars have stopped accreting gas from their surroundings, but before stellar or dynamical evolution have had a chance to alter the distribution of binary parameters''. This definition is not entirely satisfactory as stellar and dynamical evolution will take place already during the gas-accretion phase. Here we revise this definition to: {\\em``the population of binaries as established just after the gas has been removed from the forming system, i.e., when the stars can no longer accrete gas from their surroundings''}. This refers to the same point in time, but the interpretation of the `primordial binary population' is somewhat different. The term now refers to the point in time beyond which the freshly formed binary population is affected by {\\em stellar/binary evolution and stellar dynamical effects only}. Interactions with a surrounding gaseous medium no longer take place. From the point of view of theoretical/numerical models of star cluster formation and evolution the primordial binary population takes on the following meaning. It is the final population predicted by simulations of the formation of binaries and star clusters, and it is the initial population for simulations that follow the evolution of star clusters and take into account the details of stellar dynamics and star and binary evolution. The primordial binary population as defined in this paper can be identified with the initial binary population, defined by \\cite{kroupa1995b} as the binary population at the instant in time when the pre-main-sequence eigenevolution has ceased, and when dynamical evolution of the stellar cluster becomes effective. \\cite{kroupa1995a,kroupa1995c} infers the initial binary population by the so-called inverse dynamical population synthesis technique. This method involves the evolution of simulated stellar clusters forward in time for different initial binary populations, where the simulations are repeated until a satisfactory fit with the present day binary population is found. Our aim is to obtain a detailed observational characterization of the primordial binary population as a function of stellar mass, binary parameters, and (star forming) environment. The most likely sites where this population can be found are very young (i.e., freshly exposed), low density stellar groupings containing a wide spectrum of stellar masses. The youth of such a stellar grouping implies that stellar evolution will have affected the binary parameters of only a handful of the most massive systems. The low stellar densities guarantee that little dynamical evolution has taken place after the gas has been removed from the forming system. These constraints naturally lead to the study of the local ensemble of OB associations. Star clusters are older and have a higher density than OB associations and are therefore less favorable. For example, in the Hyades and Pleiades, the binary population has significantly changed due to dynamical and stellar evolution \\citep{kroupa1995c}. Note that OB associations may start out as dense clusters \\citep{kroupa2001,kroupaboily2002}. However, they rapidly expel their gas and evolve to low-density systems. This halts any further dynamical evolution of the binary population. \\cite{brown1999} define OB associations as ``young ($\\la$\\,50~Myr) stellar groupings of low density ($\\lesssim 0.1 {\\rm M}_\\odot {\\rm pc}^{-3}$) ---~such that they are likely to be unbound~--- containing a significant population of B stars.'' Their projected dimensions range from $\\sim$\\,10 to $\\sim$\\,100~pc and their mass spectra cover the mass range from O~stars all the way down to brown dwarfs. For reviews on OB associations we refer to \\cite{blaauw1991} and \\cite{brown1999}. Thanks to the {\\it Hipparcos} Catalogue (ESA 1997) the stellar content of the nearby OB associations has been established with unprecedented accuracy to a completeness limit of $V\\,\\sim\\,10.5~{\\rm mag}$, or about 1~M$_\\odot$ for the stars in the nearest associations \\citep[][]{dezeeuw1999, hoogerwerf2000}. Beyond this limit the population of low-mass pre-main-sequence stars has been intensively studied in, e.g., the Sco~OB2 association \\citep[][]{preibisch2002,mamajek2002}. The latter is also the closest and best studied of the OB associations in the solar vicinity and has been the most extensively surveyed for binaries. The association consists of three subgroups: Upper Scorpius (US, near the Ophiuchus star forming region, at a distance of 145\\,pc), Upper Centaurus Lupus (UCL, 140\\,pc) and Lower Centaurus Crux (LCC, 118\\,pc). The ages of the subgroups range from 5 to $\\sim20$\\,Myr and their stellar content has been established from OB stars down to brown dwarfs. \\citep[for details see][]{degeus1989, dezeeuw1999, debruijne1999, hoogerwerf2000, mamajek2002, preibisch2002}. Surveys targeting the binary population of Sco~OB2 include the radial-velocity study by \\cite{levato1987}, the speckle interferometry study by \\cite{koehler2000}, and the adaptive optics study by \\cite{shatsky2002}. Because of their brightness many of the B-star members of Sco OB2 have been included in numerous binary star surveys, in which a variety of techniques have been employed. The literature data on the binary population in Sco~OB2 is discussed by \\cite{brown2001} and reveals that between 30 and 40 per cent of the {\\it Hipparcos} members of Sco~OB2 are known to be binary or multiple systems. However, these data are incomplete and suffer from severe selection effects, which, if not properly understood, will prevent a meaningful interpretation of the multiplicity data for this association in terms of the primordial binary population. The first problem can be addressed by additional multiplicity surveys of Sco~OB2. In this paper we report on our adaptive optics survey of Sco~OB2 which was aimed at surveying all the {\\it Hipparcos} members of spectral type A and late B, using the ADONIS instrument on the 3.6m telescope at ESO, La Silla. We begin by describing in Sect.~\\ref{sec:theaosurvey} our observations, the data reduction procedures and how stellar components other than the target stars were detected in our images. These components have to be separated into background stars and candidate physical companions. We describe how this was done in Sect.~\\ref{sec: backgroundstars}. The properties of the physical companions are described in Sect.~\\ref{sec: properties}. In Sect.~\\ref{sec: literaturedata} we discuss which of the physical companions are new by comparing our observations to data in the literature and we provide updated statistics of the binary population in Sco~OB2. We summarize this work in Sect.~\\ref{sec:conclusions} and outline the next steps of this study which are aimed at addressing in detail the problem of selection biases associated with multiplicity surveys and subsequently characterizing the primordial binary population. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We carried out a near-infrared adaptive optics search for companions around 199 (mainly) A and late-B stars in the nearby OB association Sco~OB2. Our sample is a selection of the {\\it Hipparcos} membership list of Sco~OB2 in \\cite{dezeeuw1999}. We find a total of 151 stellar components around the target stars. We use a simple brightness criterion to separate candidate companion stars ($K_S < 12~{\\rm mag}$) and probable background stars ($K_S > 12~{\\rm mag}$). The validity of this criterion is verified in several ways (\\S~\\ref{sec: backgroundstars}). Of the detected components, 77 are likely background stars, and 74 are candidate companion stars. The 74 candidate companions occupy the full range in $K_S$ magnitude, down to $K_S=12~{\\rm mag}$. At the distance of Sco~OB2, an M5 main sequence star has a $K_S$ magnitude of approximately $12~{\\rm mag}$. The angular separation between primary and companion ranges from $0.22''$ to $12.4''$. These values correspond to orbital periods of several decades to several thousands of years. The $J$, $H$, and $K_S$ magnitudes for all observed objects are corrected for distance and interstellar extinction to find the absolute magnitudes $M_J$, $M_H$, and $M_{K_S}$. The subset of the components with multi-color observations are plotted in a color-magnitude diagram. All (except one) candidate companion stars are positioned close to the 5~Myr (for US) and 20~Myr (for UCL and LCC) isochrones. The background stars are positioned far away from the isochrones. For all observed primaries and companion stars the mass is derived from the absolute magnitude $M_{K_S}$. The mass of the A and late-B primaries ranges between $1.4~{\\rm M}_\\odot$ and $7.7~{\\rm M}_\\odot$ and the mass of their secondaries between $0.1~{\\rm M}_\\odot$ and $3.0~{\\rm M}_\\odot$. Most observed companion stars are less massive than their primaries. Most of the systems with previously undocumented companion stars have a mass ratio smaller than 0.25. The mass ratio distribution for the observed objects peaks around $q=0.1$ and decreases for higher mass ratios. The minimum and maximum value for the mass ratio of the companion stars that we observed are $q=0.022 \\pm 0.008$ and $1.0 \\pm 0.34$. For systems with mass ratio $q \\approx 1$ we cannot say with absolute certainty which is the most massive and therefore the primary star. The mass ratio distribution for binaries with late-B and A type primaries follows the distribution $f(q)=q^{-\\Gamma}$, with $\\Gamma=0.33$. This is similar to the mass ratio distribution observed by \\cite{shatsky2002} for systems with B type primaries. Relatively few systems with low mass ratio are found, excluding random pairing between primaries and companion stars. The uncertainty in the age of the UCL and LCC subgroups does not effect the mass ratio distribution significantly. A cross-check with visual, astrometric and spectroscopic binaries in literature shows that 41 of the candidate companion stars are new: 14 in US; 13 in UCL and 14 in LCC. The other 33 candidate companions are already documented in literature. We analyze the presently known data on binarity and multiplicity in Sco~OB2, including the 41 new companions that are found in our survey. We conclude that at least 41\\% of all {\\it Hipparcos} member stars of Sco~OB2 are either double or multiple, and we find a companion star fraction $F_{\\rm C} = 0.52$. These values are lower limits since the dataset is affected by observational and selection biases. Our AO observations are close to completeness in the angular separation range $1'' \\lesssim \\rho \\lesssim 9''$. Next to the 199 target stars we find 50 companion stars in this angular separation range. This corresponds to an $F_{\\rm C}$ of 0.25 in this range of angular separation for A and late-B type stars in Sco~OB2. This value (not corrected for incompleteness) is slightly higher than the values for B type stars in Sco~OB2 \\citep[$F_{\\rm C}=0.20$ per decade of $\\rho$;][]{shatsky2002} and pre-main sequence stars in Sco~OB2 \\citep[$F_{\\rm C}=0.21$ per decade of $\\rho$;][]{koehler2000}. At small angular separation ($\\rho \\leq 3.75''$) no components other than the target stars are detected for magnitudes $12~{\\rm mag}\\lesssim K_S\\lesssim 14~{\\rm mag}$. This `gap' cannot be explained by observational biases or low-number statistics. A fully populated mass spectrum for the companions (assuming random pairing of binary components from the same underlying IMF) is also incompatible with this gap. This implies a lower limit on the companion masses of $\\sim 0.1$~M$_\\odot$. This is consistent with our finding that the mass ratio distribution points to a deficit of low-mass companions compared to the random pairing case. On the other hand, if we assume that the sources fainter than $K_S\\approx14~{\\rm mag}$ are actually physical companions, a gap may be present in the companion mass distribution. We will carry out follow-up multi-color AO observations to further investigate this issue. The gap described above might indicate a {\\it brown dwarf desert}, such as observed for solar-type stars in the solar neighbourhood \\citep{duquennoy1991}. The presence of this gap could support the embryo-ejection formation scenario for brown dwarfs \\citep[e.g.][]{reipurth2001,bate2003,kroupa2004}. This is further supported by the detection of 28 candidate free-floating brown dwarf members of Sco~OB2 by \\cite{martin2004}. The observed $F_{\\rm M}$ decreases with decreasing primary mass. Part of this trend was ascribed by \\cite{brown2001} to observational and selection biases. We lend support to this conclusion with our new AO observations. In particular, the multiplicity fraction for A-type {\\it Hipparcos} members of US is doubled. Nevertheless our knowledge of the present day binary population in Sco~OB2 is still rather fragmentary. None of the multiplicity surveys of Sco~OB2 so far has been complete due to practical and time constraints, but also because of a lack of full knowledge of the membership of the association. In addition, each observational technique used in these surveys has its own biases. For example, visual binaries are only detected if the angular separation between the components is large enough with respect to the luminosity contrast, which means that with this technique one cannot find the very short-period (spectroscopic) binaries. Moreover the observational biases depend on the way in which a particular survey was carried out (including how background stars were weeded out). We therefore intend to follow up this observational study by a careful investigation of the effect of selection biases on the interpretation of the results. This will be done through a detailed modeling of evolving OB associations using state-of-the-art N-body techniques coupled with a stellar and binary evolution code. The synthetic OB association will subsequently be `observed' by simulating in detail the various binary surveys that have been carried out. This modeling includes simulated photometry, adaptive optics imaging and {\\it Hipparcos} data, as well as synthetic radial velocity surveys. Examples of this type of approach can be found in \\citet{spz2001} (for photometric data) and \\citet{quist2000} (for {\\it Hipparcos} data), where the latter study very clearly demonstrates that an understanding of the observational selection biases much enhances the interpretation of binarity data. Finally, the time dependence of the modeling will also allow us to investigate to what extent stellar/binary evolution and stellar dynamical effects have altered the binary population over the lifetime of the association. This combination of the data on the binary population in Sco OB2 and a comprehensive modeling of both the association and the observations should result in the most detailed description of the characteristics of the primordial binary population to date." }, "0410/astro-ph0410383_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Starbursts are a significant component of the present-day universe, and offer unique laboratories for studying the processes that have regulated the formation and evolution of galaxies and the intergalactic medium. The combination of large aperture size, medium-to-high spectral resolution, and access to the feature-rich far-ultraviolet band make FUSE a uniquely valuable tool for studying starbursts. In this paper, I summarize several of FUSE's ``greatest hits'' for starbursts. FUSE observations of the strong interstellar absorption lines show that powerful starbursts drive bulk outflows of the neutral, warm, and coronal phases of the ISM with velocities of several hundred km/s. These are similar to the outflows seen in Lyman Break Galaxies at high redshift. The weakness of OVI emission associated with these flows implies that radiative cooling by coronal gas is not energetically significant. This increases the likelihood that the flows can eventually escape the galaxies and heat and enrich the intergalactic medium. FUSE observations show that local starburst galaxies are quite opaque below the Lyman edge, with typically no more than $\\sim$6\\% of the ionizing photons escaping (even in starbursts with strong galactic winds). This has potentially important implications for the role of star forming galaxies in the early reionization of the universe. FUSE observations of molecular hydrogen in starbursts show very low molecular gas fractions in the translucent ISM (even in starbursts where mm-wave data show that the ISM is primarily molecular). This implies that the molecular gas is all in dense clouds that are completely opaque in the far-UV. The high far-UV intensity in starbursts photodissociates molecular hydrogen in the diffuse ISM. Finally, FUSE observations of chemical abundances in the neutral ISM in dwarf starburst galaxies suggest that the metallicity in the HI (which dominates the baryonic mass budget) may be systematically lower than in the HII regions. This would have important implications for galactic chemical evolution. ", "introduction": "Starbursts are intense episodes of star formation that dominate their ``host'' galaxy. Classically, they been defined in terms of their short duration. That is, given the observed star formation rate, the time it would take to consume the presently available reservoir of interstellar gas and/or the time it would take to produce the present-day stellar mass is much less than the age of the universe. An alternative definition is that a starburst has a high intensity: the star formation rate per unit area is very large compared to normal galaxies. As shown by Kennicutt (1998), these two definitions are functionally equivalent: the gas consumption time is a systematically decreasing function of the star formation rate per unit area. Extreme starbursts have gas consumption times of only $\\sim10^8$ years and star formation rates per unit area thousands of times larger than the disk of the Milky Way. Starbursts are an important source of light, metals, and high-mass star-formation in the local universe (e.g. Heckman 1998). Their cosmological relevance has been highlighted by their many similarities to star forming galaxies at high-redshift. In particular, local UV-bright starbursts appear to be good analogs to the Lyman Break Galaxies (Meurer et al. 1997; Shapley et al. 2003; Heckman et al. 2005) and so can be used as a ``training set'' to provide a thorough understanding of rest-frame UV spectral diagnostics that are critical for studying star-formation in the early universe. Starbursts can contain millions of OB stars, and hence they also offer a unique opportunity to test theories of the evolution of massive stars. The far ultraviolet spectral window is a key one for understanding starbursts. This is where the intrinsic spectral energy distribution of a starburst stellar population peaks. These hot massive stars have photospheric and wind spectral features in the far-UV that provide key information about the starburst age, metallicity, and initial mass function (Robert et al. 2003; Pellerin, this conference). The far-UV region provides powerful (and in some cases, unique) diagnostics of the physical, chemical, and dynamical properties of the interstellar medium from cold molecular through hot coronal phases. Finally, FUSE is well suited to the problem: its LWRS aperture is an excellent match to the angular sizes of the brightest starbursts, and its spectral resolution allows the interstellar lines to be resolved in almost all cases. In the following, I will describe what we have learned from FUSE about the interstellar medium in starbursts. ", "conclusions": "Starbursts are important components of the present day universe, and wonderful laboratories for studying galaxy evolution, massive stars, and the ISM. The far-UV band is rich with spectral features that provide unique diagnostics of the physical, chemical, and dynamical state of the ISM from its molecular to its coronal phases. The combination of relatively high spectral resolution and a large spectroscopic aperture make FUSE very well suited to the investigation of starbursts. In this review I have summarized some of the highlights of these investigations: \\begin{itemize} \\item Powerful starbursts drive bulk outflows of the ISM into their galaxy halo at velocities of several hundred km/s. Similar outflows are seen in Lyman Break Galaxies at high-redshift. \\item Radiative cooling/quenching of these outflows by coronal gas is not dynamically significant. This supports the idea that they are the mechanism by which metals were ejected from low mass galaxies and the IGM was metal-enriched. \\item Present-day starbursts are quite opaque to their Lyman continuum radiation. This has interesting implications for the possible reionization of the universe by early starbursts. \\item The translucent ISM in starbursts has a very low molecular gas fraction (most likely due to a high ambient UV intensity in the ISM). \\item The neutral ISM in dwarf starbursts appears to be significantly less metal-enriched than the HII regions. If confirmed, this would have important implications for the chemical evolution of galaxies, since the neutral phase of the ISM dominates the baryonic mass-budget in dwarf galaxies like these. \\end{itemize} The future prospects are very bright. The All-sky Imaging Survey of the GALEX mission (Martin et al. 2005) can provide a large sample of starbursts in the local universe that are bright enough for FUSE to obtain very high quality spectra with moderate exposures times. This offers us the opportunity to attack the problems summarized above for a sample large enough to draw statistically robust conclusions across the broad range of fundamental starburst properties (mass, metallicity, star formation rate, etc)." }, "0410/astro-ph0410456_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the deepest yet radio image of the Galactic jet source, SS\\,433, which reveals over two full precession cycles ($> 2 \\times 163$\\,days) of the jet axis. Systematic and identifiable deviations from the traditional kinematical model for the jets are found: variations in jet speed, lasting for as long as tens of days, are necessary to match the detailed structure of each jet. It is remarkable that these variations are equal and opposite, matching the two jets simultaneously. This explains certain features of the correlated redshift residuals found in fits to the kinematic model of SS\\,433 reported in the literature. Asymmetries in the image caused by light travel time enabled us to measure the jet speeds of particular points to be within a range from $0.24\\,c$ to $0.28\\,c$, consistent with, yet determined independently from, the speeds derived from the famous moving optical emission lines. Taken together with the angular periodicity of the zigzag/corkscrew structure projected on the plane of the sky (produced by the precession of the jet axis), these measurements determine beyond all reasonable doubt the distance to SS\\,433 to be $5.5 \\pm 0.2$\\,kpc, significantly different from the distance most recently inferred using neutral hydrogen measurements together with the current rotation model for the Galaxy. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} SS\\,433 is famous as the first known relativistic jet source in the Galaxy. Red- and blue-shifted optical lines, indicating velocities of $0.26c$, were discovered by \\citet{Mar79a,Mar79b} and interpreted as being from gas accelerated in oppositely-directed jets \\citep{Fab79,Mil79}. \\citet{Mar84} successfully fitted a kinematic precessing jet model, finding an intrinsic jet speed of $\\approx0.26c$, a precession period of $\\sim 163\\rm\\,days$, a cone opening angle of $\\sim20^\\circ$, and an inclination to the line-of-sight of the precession axis of $\\sim80^\\circ$. Subsequent radio imaging was consistent with this model \\citep[e.g.,][]{Hje81,Ver87,Ver93}, with the images of \\cite{Hje81} resolving ambiguities in the parameters from optical studies. While optical spectroscopic data observed over many precession cycles \\citep[e.g.][]{Mar84,Eik01} have confirmed the basic parameter values of what has come to be known as the kinematic model, a detailed analysis of any deviations of the data from this model is hindered by inherent degeneracies in the parameters to be fitted, since the measurement is that of line-of-sight Doppler shifts. Detailed analyses from quasi-daily milli-arcsec scale monitoring are similarly afflicted by such degeneracies since, for example, a variation in observed proper motion can in principle arise from changes in jet velocity projected on the plane of the sky, or changes in the angle the jet axis makes with our line-of-sight, perhaps caused by a change in precession rate. Moreover, in milli-arcsec scale monitoring only a limited fraction of the precession period of 162 days has been sampled to date. However, the extended and spatially resolved jet output observed over several arcseconds, while not time-resolved in the conventional sense, is an historical record of the geometry of the jet ejection over two complete precession periods. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have presented the deepest yet radio image of SS\\,433 on arcsecond scales, from which we have derived its distance from us to be 5.5\\,kpc, independently of any assumptions from optical data. We have identified deviations from the simple kinematic model in our image, which last over timescales of 10s of days. These may be formally fitted in either of two extreme scenarios: by small oscillations purely in jet velocity about a mean of $0.26\\,c$ (which are perfectly symmetric in both jets) or by large oscillations purely in the rate of precession about a mean of 162 days (which are perfectly symmetric in both jets). Additional information from redshift residual data \\citep{Eik01} strongly suggests that variations in velocity and in phase are both occurring. We speculate that the phase (precession rate) variations might arise because of a varying effective moment of inertia of the nozzle (which in turn might arise because of variations in the mass transfer rate). We suggest that these same changes in mass distribution might cause variation in the inner radius of the accretion disc which may determine the speed of jet bolide ejection \\citep{Mei01}." }, "0410/astro-ph0410726_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "Red giant stars, both in the field and in globular clusters, present abundance anomalies that can not be explained by standard stellar evolution models. Some of these peculiarities, such as the decline of $^{12}{\\rm C}/^{13}{\\rm C}$, and that of Li and $^{12}{\\rm C}$ surface abundances for stars more luminous than the \\emph{bump}, clearly point towards the existence of extra-mixing processes at play inside the stars, the nature of which remains unclear. Rotation has often been invoked as a possible source for mixing inside Red Giant Branch (RGB) stars (\\cite{SM79},\\cite{CC95},\\cite{DT00}). In this framework, we present the first fully consistent computations of rotating low mass and low metallicity stars from the Zero Age Main Sequence (ZAMS) to the upper RGB. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410510_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent In the present paper we report on first results of a project in Brussels where we study the effects of stellar dynamics on the evolution of young dense stellar systems using the 3 decades expertise in massive star evolution and our population (number and spectral) synthesis code. We highlight an unconventionally formed object scenario ({\\it UFO-scenario}) for Wolf Rayet binaries and study the effects of a luminous blue variable-type instability wind mass loss formalism on the formation of intermediate mass black holes. ", "introduction": "A population synthesis code calculates the temporal evolution of a population of single stars and of close binaries, in regions where star formation is continuous or in starbursts. Population number synthesis (PNS) predicts the number of stars of a certain type whereas population spectral synthesis (PSS) computes the effects on the integrated spectrum of a population of a certain class of stars. The latter is very useful in the case of young starbursts. Notice that to make realistic PNS/PSS predictions of massive stars it is essential to use evolutionary tracks calculated with the most up to date wind rates, where we distinguish those during the core hydrogen burning (CHB) phase, the luminous blue variable (LBV) phase, the red supergiant (RSG) phase and the core helium burning (CHeB) phase when the star is classified as a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star. A description of our PNS and PSS code that follows the evolution of young starbursts can be found in Van Bever and Vanbeveren (2000, 2003), and references therein. The effects of N-body stellar dynamics may be very important in dense stellar systems (Portegies Zwart et al., 2004 and references therein) and we therefore started recently with the implementation of this process in our codes. In the present paper we report first results (more details will be presented by Belkus et al., 2005). In section 2 we describe our model. In section 3 we further discuss the unconventionally formed object scenario ({\\it UFO-scenario}) introduced by Dany Vanbeveren, these proceedings and section 4 illustrates the effect of an LBV-type instability in the most massive stars on the formation of intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410732_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A sample of spectroscopic binaries and a sample of single planetary systems, both having main-sequence solar-type primary components, are selected in order to compare their eccentricities. The positions of the objects in the ($P.(1-e^2)^{3/2}$, $e$) plane is used to determine parts in the period--eccentricity diagram that are not affected by tidal circularization. The original eccentricities of binaries and planets are derived and compared. They seem to be weakly or not at all correlated with period in both samples, but two major differences are found : \\noindent (1) The tidal circularization of planetary orbits is almost complete for periods shorter than 5 days, but it is not visible when $P.(1-e^2)^{3/2}$ is longer than this limit. This suggests that the circularization occurs rapidly after the end of the migration process and is probably simultaneous with the end of the formation of the planet. By contrast, we confirm that the circularization of the binary orbits is a process still progressing a long time after the formation of the systems. \\noindent (2) Beyond the circularization limit, the eccentricities of the orbits of the planets are significantly smaller than those of binary orbits, and this discrepancy cannot be due to a selection effect. Moreover, the eccentricities of binaries with small mass ratios are quite similar to those of all binaries with $q<0.8$. This suggests that the low eccentricities of exoplanet orbits are not a consequence of low-mass secondaries in a universal process. These remarks are in favor of the idea that binaries and exoplanets are two different classes of object from the point of view of their formation. ", "introduction": "It is well known that the orbits of the exoplanets with periods larger than 5 or 6 days have eccentricities significantly larger than those of the giant planets of the solar system. Several mechanisms were proposed to explain this feature, but, up to now, none is fully convincing. It was proposed that eccentric orbits could be a consequence of the dynamic evolution of systems initially involving several planets (Rasio \\& Ford \\cite{RaFo96}, Lin \\& Ida \\cite{LinI97}, Ford et al. \\cite{Ford01}, Papaloizou \\& Terquem \\cite{PapaTer01}, Rice et al. \\cite{Rice03}), but these models fail to produce the frequency of giant planets with semi-major axes smaller than about 1 AU. The giant planets close to their harboring stars are often assumed to be produced by migration within a disk (Ward \\cite{Ward97}, Masset \\& Papaloizou \\cite{MaPa03} and references therein), but this process hardly produces eccentric orbits (Papaloizou et al. \\cite{PaNeMa01}, Thommes \\& Lissauer \\cite{ThoLi03}), although Goldreich \\& Sari (\\cite{GolRei03}) and Woolfson (\\cite{Woolf03}) leave some room for hope. Therefore, it is tempting to consider that the exoplanets are generated by the same process as binary stars (Stepinski \\& Black \\cite{SteBla00}). This implies that giant exoplanets were not formed by gas accretion onto a heavy rocky core, as usually assumed, but by an alternative process. They could come from disk instabilities (Mayer et al. \\cite{Mayer02}, Boss \\cite{Boss02}, \\cite{Boss03}), but inward migration in a disk is then invoked again to explain the short-period orbits; alternatively, planets could be generated by fragmentation of a collapsing protostellar cloud, {\\it via} filament condensation and capture (Oxley \\& Woolfson \\cite{OxWoo04}), or even exactly as stellar components in binary systems (see discussion in Bodenheimer et al. \\cite{BoHuLi} and references therein). However, these models may be efficient in forming massive planets or brown dwarfs, but not planets around 1 Jupiter mass or less. Note that the binary formation models are not very satisfactory either (see the review by Tohline \\cite{Toh02}). The large eccentricities of binaries are explained by fragmentation of collapsing cores and subsequent interactions between the forming stars (Bate et al. \\cite{BaBoBro02}, Goodwin et al. \\cite{GoWhiWa04}), but, as for exoplanets, the simulations do not provide the high frequency of close systems. Moreover, statistical investigations on main sequence binaries (Halbwachs et al. \\cite{Halb03}, Paper I hereafter) have shown that the close binaries (i.e. with semi-major axes less than a few AU) consist in two populations~: one with large eccentricities and mass ratios less than 0.8 (``non-twins'' hereafter), and one with moderate eccentricities and nearly identical components (``twins''). Additionally, the twins are more frequent among short-period binaries than among the others. At first, these properties were derived from binaries with F7--K primary components, but they are also valid for M-type dwarfs (Marchal et al. \\cite{MaDel03}). In the present paper, the period--eccentricity diagram is used to compare the exoplanets with the binary stars~: our main purpose is to investigate if the properties of exoplanets may be considered as an extrapolation of the properties of binaries in the range of very low mass ratios. This would indicate whether the formation processes of these objects are similar. In the course of the paper, a few other points are also treated~: (1) the correlation between the eccentricity and the period or the angular momentum, (2) the relation between the eccentricity and the metallicity of planets, (3) the original distributions of eccentricities for planets and for binaries, considering the twins separately. Comparisons between planets and binaries in the period--eccentricity diagram were already presented by Mayor et al. (\\cite{Mayor01}), Mazeh \\& Zucker (\\cite{MaZu01}), and Udry (\\cite{Udry01}), who concluded that planets and binaries are very similar when periods longer than 50 days are considered. However, their samples contained around 30 or 40 planets, and a many others have been discovered since. The question needs to be re-considered. The interpretation of the period--eccentricity diagram is rather complex, and our investigations are based on the method presented in Sect.~\\ref{method}. Sect.~\\ref{binaries} is dedicated to the binaries; we investigate if, additionally to the twins, other classes of mass ratio have specific distributions of eccentricities. A similar treatment is applied to exoplanets in Sect.~\\ref{planets}. Binaries and exoplanets are compared in Sect.~\\ref{comparison}, in which we pay attention to the difference in the selection effects of both samples. The consequences of our results are discussed in Sect.~\\ref{conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} We have found some relevant features in comparing the eccentricities of the SB to those of the exoplanets~: \\begin{itemize} \\item The ($P_{\\rm sr}$ -- $e$) diagram, based on $P_{\\rm sr}$ defined in Eq.~(\\ref{Pcirc}), is a powerful tool for determining the limit between the circularized orbits and the others. The contrast between the two areas in the diagram suggests that the tidal effects are efficient only when the semilatus rectum of the orbit is less than a fixed limit. \\item The transition from the circularization to the part not affected by tidal effects looks sharper for the exoplanets than for the SB. For the SB, it corresponds to $P_{\\rm sr}$ between around 5 and 10 days, in agreement with Mathieu \\& Mazeh (\\cite{MaMa88}), Duquennoy et al. (\\cite{DMM92}), Mathieu et al. (\\cite{MaDuLaM92}) and Witte \\& Savonije (\\cite{WiSa02}), who consider that circularization is not restricted to the time of binary formation, but is still progressing during the whole lifetime of the main sequence components. For the exoplanets, the fast transition observed for planets with different ages is consistent with the idea that the tides were efficient only during the formation of the system. The inefficiency of tides for a formed planet is in agreement with the circularization time derived by Zahn (\\cite{Zahn77}), which is a function of $(1+q)/q$. If the planets were brought closer to their host stars by migration, that means that migration occurred when the formation of the planets or of the host stars was not completed. Tidal circularization was then dominated by the tidal bulge on the planet, which was hotter, and therefore larger than it is today. \\item Before tidal effects had modified them, the eccentricities of planets or binaries were not strongly related to the periods, or to the angular momenta. It is even quite possible that they were not correlated at all with these parameters, since the absence of correlation is not clearly rejected by statistical tests, and also because our assumption that tides did not affect at all the orbits with $P_{\\rm sr} > P_{\\rm cutoff}$ is possibly a bit too simple. Since the planets in the sample are supposed to have migrated, this suggests that migration did not alter the eccentricities significantly; alternatively, it is possible that the eccentricities were modified, but almost independently of the final periods. \\item The exoplanets have orbits with eccentricities significantly smaller than those of the SB with the same period and with mass ratios larger than 0.8 (the non-twin binaries). A similar feature has already been pointed out for $P<50$~days (Udry \\cite{Udry01}), but neglecting the difference between the distributions of periods of binaries and of planets. Moreover, it is now certain that the low eccentricities of planets are not an effect of the selection of the observed sample. Additionally, it seems that the distributions of the eccentricities are not related to the masses of the companions, neither among the non-twin binaries, nor among the planets. Therefore, this discrepancy is probably not an effect of the low masses of planets in a formation/evolution process common to planets and binaries~: this would imply a process depending on the secondary mass, but only around the transition between stellar and planetary companions. In fact, the SB most similar to the planets are the twins, perhaps because these systems were also interacting with a disk at the time of their formation, as Tokovinin (\\cite{Toko00}) suggested. \\end{itemize} Our most relevant conclusion is that the eccentricities of the exoplanet orbits are rather in favor of the hypothesis that exoplanets and binary stars are not the products of the same physical process. After the ``brown dwarf desert'' (Halbwachs et al. \\cite{Halb00}) separating the stellar components from the planets in the distribution of the secondary masses, it is another argument in that sense which was derived from statistical investigations." }, "0410/astro-ph0410218_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It has long been known that X-ray and optical/UV variability in active X-ray binaries is sometimes correlated. The expectation has been that this arises from rapid reprocessing of X-rays into longer wavelength photons, and hence that the lags between the bandpasses can be used to reconstruct an echo-map of the binary, revealing the geometry and spatial scale of reprocessing sites. I will review how this can be done, what can be learned, and what progress has been made with real data. In addition, an interesting twist to the story has emerged in the form of correlated variability that does not seem associated with reprocessing. This extends to very short timescales, includes quasi-periodic behavior, and may be associated with optical synchrotron emission from a jet. Finally, contrary to expectations we have recently discovered that similar correlations are seen even in an ostensibly `quiescent' object allowing similar analyses of reprocessing effects. ", "introduction": "X-ray binaries, and more specifically the Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs) that are the focus of this review, are variable objects. This is a universal characteristic seen from the radio through optical to X-rays and $\\gamma$-rays. The X-ray variability is usually dominated by instabilities in the accretion flow. X-rays irradiate the outer accretion disk and companion star, resulting in reprocessed optical and UV radiation which is expected to be imprinted with the same variability as the X-ray signal is. An important difference, however, is that the optical and X-rays originate from a volume of significant spatial extent, resulting in light travel time delays between the X-rays and the reprocessed emission. It is then possible to infer information about the geometry and scale of the reprocessing region from the lags measured between X-ray and optical/UV variability; this technique is known as reverberation or echo-mapping, as the reprocessed light behaves as an echo. In this work we will review the concepts underlying the echo-mapping technique and the successes achieved in applying it to LMXBs to date. Surprisingly the technique is applicable not only in the most X-ray luminous systems but in at least one {\\em quiescent} black hole as well. In attempting to apply the technique it has also emerged that not all optical/UV correlations arise in reprocessing at all. We will briefly consider an alternative kind of correlations that may originate in optical/UV synchrotron emission from a jet. ", "conclusions": "Correlated X-ray and optical/UV variability has now been widely, if not commonly, detected in X-ray binaries. The detections span the lowest luminosities to the highests and suggest a more complex origin than the simple reprocessing originally envisioned. Reprocessing does appear to be responsible for reprocessed type I X-ray bursts, and for correlated flickering in luminous X-ray binaries. Typically these studies have shown that the disk appears to dominate the response, although in some cases the lags appear to lag for light travel times alone. Where a reprocessed spectrum has been obtained it is consistent with predominantly optically thick thermal reprocessing. The full potential of this technique has yet to be exploited, either through phase-resolved echo-tomography or through kinematically resolved emission line echo-mapping. On the other hand, correlated variations in X-ray binaries in the low/hard state do not have the characteristics of reprocessed variability, and instead appear to originate in optical synchrotron emission, likely from a jet. Understanding the variability properties in the context of a jet model remains a topic of ongoing research, but this may prove a very valuable diagnostic of the disk-jet connection. At the lowest luminosities, there is evidence that emission line variability in V404~Cyg in quiescence is dominated by reprocessing within the disk. The origin of continuum variability is less clear, and this might either be reprocessing, or synchrotron. For these systems the low X-ray brightnesses are a challenge that Chandra and XMM are barely adequate for, and full exploitation of echo-mapping in quiescence will likely require a larger throughput mission such as Constellation-X." }, "0410/astro-ph0410442_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Analyzing IUE ultraviolet spectra of $\\beta$ Cep pulsating stars we have noticed that multiperiodic variables have a larger mean metal abundance in the photosphere, [m/H], than monoperiodic ones. We apply statistical tests to verify this dichotomy. We obtain that, with a large probability, the multiperiodic $\\beta$ Cep stars have greater values of [m/H]. This result is consistent with the linear non-adiabatic theory of pulsation of early B-type stars. ", "introduction": "The $\\beta$ Cephei pulsators are a well-known and well studied group of early-type pulsating stars. Oscillations in these stars are strictly connected with the metal abundance $Z$, as they are driven by the classical $\\kappa$-mechanism operating in the layer of the metal opacity bump $(T\\approx 2\\cdot 10^5~{\\rm K})$ caused by the lines of Fe-group elements (Moskalik \\& Dziembowski 1992, Dziembowski \\& Pamyatnykh 1993, Kiriakidis et al. 1992 and Gautschy \\& Saio 1993). The size of the instability domain of $\\beta$ Cep stars is very sensitive to the heavy element abundance $Z$, and is smaller for lower values of $Z$ (Dziembowski \\& Pamyatnykh 1993, Pamyatnykh 1999). Therefore, the information about the metal abundance in $\\beta$ Cep stars is of special importance. In previous works (Daszy\\'nska 2001, Daszy\\'nska et al. 2003) we derived the metallicity parameter in the atmosphere, [m/H], and the mean stellar parameters for all $\\beta$ Cephei stars monitored by the {\\it International Ultraviolet Explorer}. We showed that the metallicity values obtained are independent of effective temperature and surface gravity. Additionally, they are not correlated with the stellar rotation and any of the pulsational parameters, like a dominant period or amplitudes of the light and the radial velocity variations. In the scope of her PhD thesis, Daszy\\'nska (2001) suggested that, in general, the multiperiodic $\\beta$ Cep stars have higher values of [m/H] than the monoperiodic ones. We mentioned this result in Daszy\\'nska et al. (2003), and we confirmed it in Niemczura \\& Daszy\\'nska-Daszkiewicz 2004 (Paper I), where we applied a more accurate method of determination of stellar parameters. Using the results of Paper I, we verify here this hypothesis by means of statistical tests. The paper is composed as follows. In Sect. 2 we remind derived values of [m/H]. Sect. 3 contains the test of statistical hypotheses about equality of two means. In Sect. 4 we discuss the dichotomy of $\\beta$ Cep variables with regard to the metallicity. Conclusions are given in Sect. 5. ", "conclusions": "Using statistical tests, we have shown that with a very high probability the multiperiodic $\\beta$ Cephei stars have a higher mean metallicity in their atmospheres than the monoperiodic ones. The statistical analysis was based on our last determinations of the metallicity parameter [m/H] (Paper I). Getting a normal distribution of [m/H] for the mono- and multiperiodic stars, we applied the test about equality of variances of these two samples, represented by X and Y random variables. The test based on the $F$ statistic allowed clearly to accept the null hypothesis $H_0:~\\sigma^2_Y=\\sigma^2_Y$. Then we could test the hypothesis about the mean values of metallicity for the mono- and multiperiodic variables. We used the $T$ statistic to define the critical regions for a small size of random samples. The null hypothesis $H_0:~\\mu_X=\\mu_Y$ was rejected in favor of $H_1:~\\mu_X\\neq\\mu_Y$, as well as in favor of $H_2:~\\mu_X<\\mu_Y$. The higher value of the mean metal abundance in the case of multiperiodic $\\beta$ Cep stars is understandable in the framework of the linear non-adiabatic theory, which predicts more unstable frequencies for higher metal abundance $Z$. Therefore, we tried to find a dependence between the range of observed frequencies and the metal abundance. We can not make a statement about any correlation between these two parameters, because the value of the weighted correlation coefficient $\\tilde\\rho$ amounts to -0.45. In fact, we should not expect more, as a number of detected modes is much lower than theory predicts. We have to remember also that the values of [m/H] give information mainly about photospheric metal abundances. Moreover, we do not take into account phenomena like diffusion, element mixing etc. To improve this analysis, a few things must be done. Firstly, we need determinations of the [m/H] parameter for a larger sample of $\\beta$ Cep stars. Secondly, a high accuracy in the period search analysis is needed to estimate better the range of the excited modes in a given star. Here put our hope on next multi-site and multi technique campaigns, as well as on space missions. Finally, the analysis of the chemical composition of $\\beta$ Cep variables from high resolution spectra would be very helpful. These results require further studies and must be treated with caution. Firstly, they were obtained for small samples of stars, and secondly, we do not know how many modes from the excited ones have been already identified. Our aim was only to show some properties which could be extracted from such determinations of the metal abundance parameter [m/H] for $\\beta$ Cep variables. Having in mind that from a theoretical point of view all $\\beta$ Cep stars should be multiperiodic ones, the metallicity dichotomy we obtained is rather a qualitative confirmation of the dependence of the pulsation instability in these stars on the heavy element abundance." }, "0410/astro-ph0410674_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The \\emph{Hubble Space Telescope} is uniquely able to study planets that are observed to transit their parent stars. The extremely stable platform afforded by an orbiting spacecraft, free from the contaminating effects of the Earth's atmosphere, enables \\emph{HST} to conduct ultra-high precision photometry and spectroscopy of known transiting extrasolar planet systems. Among \\emph{HST}'s list of successful observations of the first such system, HD~209458, are (1) the first detection of the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet, (2) the determination that gas is escaping from the planet, and (3) a search for Earth-sized satellites and circumplanetary rings. Numerous wide-field, ground-based transit surveys are poised to uncover a gaggle of new worlds for which \\emph{HST} may undertake similar studies, such as the newly-discovered planet TrES-1. With regard to the future of \\emph{Hubble}, it must be noted that it is the only observatory in existence capable of confirming transits of Earth-like planets that may be detected by NASA's \\emph{Kepler} mission. \\emph{Kepler} could reveal Earth-like transits by the year 2010, but without a servicing mission it is very unlikely that \\emph{HST} would still be in operation. ", "introduction": "When both the photometric transits and radial velocity variations due to an extrasolar planet are observed, we are granted access to key quantities of the object that Doppler monitoring alone cannot provide. In particular, precise measurements of the planetary mass and radius allow us to calculate the average density, and infer a composition. Such estimates enable a meaningful evaluation of structural models of these objects, including whether or not they possess a core of rocky material. These inferences, in turn, enable direct tests of competing scenarios of planet formation and evolution. Moreover, the transiting configuration permits numerous interesting follow-up studies, such as searches for planetary satellites and circumplanetary rings, and studies of the planetary atmosphere. In this review presented at the Space Telescope Science Institute's 2004 May Symposium \\emph{``From Planets to Cosmology: Essential Science in Hubble's Final Years''}, I discuss the status of work in the field with a focus on the key contributions, both past and near-future, enabled by the \\emph{Hubble Space Telescope}. I begin by reviewing the properties of the transiting planets discovered to date, as well as the the numerous ground-based efforts to detect more of these objects. I then consider the various follow-up studies of these gas-giant planets that are enabled by \\emph{HST}, as well as \\emph{HST}'s potentially unique role in following-up Earth-sized objects detected by NASA's \\emph{Kepler} mission. I finish by discussing two \\emph{HST}-based searches for transiting gas-giant planets. Throughout this contribution, I restrict my attention to studies of \\emph{transiting} planets; for an introduction to the broader range of \\emph{HST}-based studies of extrasolar planets, see Charbonneau (2004). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0410/astro-ph0410397_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The central engine that drives gamma ray burst (GRB) explosions may derive from the ability of electrons/positrons and nucleons to tap into the momentum and energy from the large neutrino luminosity emitted by an accretion disk surrounding a black hole. This transfer of momentum and energy occurs due to neutrino absorption, scattering, and annihilation and the non-spherical geometry of the source both increases the annihilation efficiency and, close to the black hole, directs the momentum transfer towards the disk axis. We present annihilation efficiencies and the momentum/energy transfers for a number of accretion disk models and compute the critical densities of infalling material below which the transfer of neutrino momentum/energy will lead to an explosion. Models in which the neutrinos and antineutrinos become trapped within the disk have noticeably different momentum and energy deposition structure compared to thin disk models that may lead to significant differences in the explosion dynamics. ", "introduction": "Gamma ray bursts were first observed forty years ago, but only recently has significant progress been made in understanding their origin. Evidence is mounting that at least the `long duration' bursts are associated with a rare type of supernova event such as a `failed supernova' or `collapsar' \\citep{woo93,pac98,mac99,mac01,prog03}, with neutron-star mergers as a candidate for the shorter bursts \\citep{pac91,ruf99,ros02}. In either case, it is likely that an accretion disk surrounding a black hole forms that cannot cool efficiently by photon emission because of the high densities and temperatures. But with their much smaller cross sections the neutrinos, if any are produced, may escape and cool the disk. The electron neutrinos and antineutrinos emitted from the disk are produced from electron capture by protons or positron capture by neutrons respectively. Both reactions modify the make-up of the disk with electron capture initially predominating as material moves inward toward the black hole. The frequency of these reactions (and their inverse) are strong functions of the thermal properties of the disk and grow considerably as material moves towards the black hole where the temperatures and densities are highest. In turn, the density and temperature are functions of the mass, $M_{BH}$, and spin, $a$, of the black hole, the viscosity, $\\alpha$, of the disk and the accretion rate, $\\dot{m}$ since these four parameters determine the potential and the rate at which material flows radially inward. In particular, as either $\\dot{m}$ or $a$ increase so does the density of the disk (particularly in the hottest region close to the black hole) leading to greater neutrino luminosity. The neutrino scattering length within the disk is similarly affected by the thermal properties. If sufficiently high temperatures are reached the neutrinos and/or antineutrinos become trapped and, consequently, their spectrum is altered. Due to the change in nucleon composition as material flows inward, neutrinos and antineutrinos will have different optical depths and will not become trapped at the same radius. For the lower accretion rate disks, $\\dot{m} \\la 0.1 \\,\\rmn{M_{\\sun} \\,s^{-1}}$, the density of the disk is never sufficient to trap the neutrinos and so they immediately escape. But for the higher accretion rates the neutrinos \\emph{do} become trapped. Once trapped the neutrinos thermalize and the neutrinos emitted from these regions have temperatures of a few MeV, the exact value depends on the model, and are functions of the radius. In addition, neutrino trapping also has the effect of restricting neutrino emission to that portion of the disk beyond a `neutrinosurface' which, given the cylindrical symmetry, are roughly toroid in shape. Descriptions of disks with low accretion rates are given in \\citet{pwf99} while models which do include neutrino trapping are given in \\citet{dim02}. Additional calculations of neutrino emission from accretion disks are given in \\citet{set04}. After escaping the disk the neutrinos and antineutrinos do not propagate unimpeded but may interact with material above the disk transferring energy and momentum. The extent to which their energy and momentum is tapped is the primary interest of this paper since the imparted energy may\\footnote{Though some of the required energy may come by electromagnetic extraction of energy from the rotating black hole, e.g. through the mechanism of \\citet{Bla77}} power the burst. The transfer of momentum and energy occurs by a number of processes that we shall discuss in \\S \\ref{sec:nuinn}. We take calculations of the neutrino flux emitted from every point on the disk from previous work in \\citet{sur04}. Our results are presented in \\S \\ref{sec:results} and to investigate the effects of each of the four parameters needed to describe the disk we compute the energy/momentum transferred in a number of models. The parameters for each are listed in Table \\ref{table:models}. ", "conclusions": "The accretion disk model of the central engine of GRBs is an attractive one whose ultimate success will rely on the efficient extraction of the energy and momentum of the neutrinos emitted from the disk. The non-spherical geometry of the source makes this easier to achieve than in the context of a spherical source such as in a Type II supernova. The neutrinos are essentially emitted from a ring: a configuration that allows neutrinos to approach one another at larger interaction angles, $\\gamma$, with the concomitant increase in center of mass energy. The bulk of neutrino annihilation occurs in an oblate spheroidal region, extending upwards to $z \\sim 40 \\;\\rmn{km}$ and outward to $r \\sim 90 \\;\\rmn{km}$ for our model \\modonedpn, with the highest deposited power in the vicinity of the inner edge of the disk. In comparison with other azimuths, the power deposited along the z axis is a minimum. The electron/positron pairs would locally thermalize so one should expect a large pressure gradient directed toward the disk axis. In addition neutrino absorption and scattering creates a region, close to the black hole, in which the momentum transfer is also directed towards the disk axis. Trapping of neutrinos and antineutrinos within the disk leads to significant differences in the energy and momentum deposition structure particularly in the region close to the black hole. This may lead to noticeable changes in the explosion dynamics. These results suggest a scenario whereby the electron/positron pairs created due to neutrino annihilation would, at least in part, move initially `inward and upward' facing little resistance from the $e^{+}/e^{-}$ pairs created along the z axis and accelerated by neutrino scattering from behind. At the disk axis the converging $e^{+}/e^{-}$ gas would collide, further increasing the internal energy, and then the hot, lepton rich gas flowing rapidly along the z axis. The movement of the $e^{+}/e^{-}$ gas created by neutrino annihilation would have consequences for an explosion. The results in table \\ref{table:densities} used only the power deposited along the disk axis to calculate the density of material that could be ejected but the movement of the $e^{+}/e^{-}$ pairs from the `hot spots' around the inner disk would suggest that these densities may be too small. The collision at the disk axis of the $e^{+}/e^{-}$ gas from around the torus from would raise the internal energy and, furthermore, the increase in the number density would also increase the neutrino opacity leading to a greater transfer of their momentum. Larger critical densities would also imply the more prompt formation of a jet." }, "0410/astro-ph0410180.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present results of a detailed chemical analysis performed on 23 main-sequence turnoff stars having $-3.4\\leq$[Fe/H]$\\leq-2.2$, a sample selected to be highly homogeneous in T$_{\\rm eff}$ and log($g$). We investigate the efficiency of mixing in the early Galaxy by means of the [Mg/Fe] ratio, and find that all values lie within a total range of 0.2 dex, with a standard deviation about the mean of 0.06 dex, consistent with measurement errors. This implies there is {\\it little or no intrinsic scatter} in the early ISM, as suggested also by the most recent results from high-quality VLT observations. These results are in contrast with inhomogeneous Galactic chemical evolution (iGCE) models adopting present supernova (SN) II yields, which predict a peak-to-peak scatter in [Mg/Fe] as high as 1 dex at very low metallicity, with a corresponding standard deviation of about 0.4 dex. We propose that cooling and mixing timescales should be investigated in iGCE models to account for the apparent disagreement with present observations. The contrast between the constancy and small dispersion of [Mg/Fe] reported here and the quite different behaviour of [Ba/Fe] indicates, according to this interpretation, that Mg and Ba are predominantly synthesised in different progenitor mass ranges. ", "introduction": "The chemical evolution of the Milky Way arises from the continuous exchange of material between stars and the interstellar medium (ISM). The surfaces of long-lived, low-mass stars retain the composition of the ISM from their formation, so the early phases of the ISM are recorded in metal-poor stars. Metal-poor stars exhibit enhancements of oxygen and other $\\alpha$-elements relative to iron, which are explained by the differing yields of supernovae (SN) of type II and type Ia. The O comes from SN II (Thielemann {\\it et al.} \\cite{Thielemann90})), whereas Fe is produced by both SN Ia and SN II (Nomoto {\\it et al.} \\cite{Nomoto84})). It is usually inferred that the early Galaxy must have been enriched only by SN II; only more recently have SN Ia started to pollute the ISM, reducing the $\\alpha$-enhancement at higher metallicities (Tinsley \\cite{Tinsley1979}). This implies that the chemical composition of metal-poor halo stars is determined exclusively by SN II events and subsequent ISM mixing in the early Galaxy. Trends of the abundances of different elements with metallicity are not the only tracers of the enrichment of the Galaxy. The scatter in the relative abundances of low-metallicity stars indicate the level of mixing of the early ISM. Whether all of the observed scatter is an intrinsic property of the ISM, and thus due to incomplete mixing in the early Galaxy, or is possibly due to errors that exceed the formal estimates of uncertainties, is still unclear. Nucleosynthesis models invoke various sources to explain the observed abundances of heavy elements (e.g. Travaglio {\\it et al.} \\cite{Travaglio04}), rising the level of uncertainty in their nucleosynthesis production. However, for some lighter elements, such as the $\\alpha$-elements O and Mg, their expected modes of synthesis do not predict differences in the ejected yields for stars of similar mass. Any scatter observed in the abundances of these elements should thus reflect more directly the effects of enrichment and mixing events in the early Galaxy. SN II progenitors evolve on timescales of a few to tens of Myrs. In the earliest phase of the Galaxy there may have been a period of star formation during which the zones enriched by SN II have not yet mixed prior to the formation of the next stars. In this case, the newly forming stars will have different chemical compositions. Audouze \\& Silk (\\cite{AS95}) proposed that, at very low metallicity, clouds in the ISM could have been polluted by a maximum of three SN II, consistent with the suggestion by Ryan {\\it et al.} (\\cite{RNB91}b) that single SN were sufficient for the enrichment of the gas that formed stars at [Fe/H] $\\sim - 3.5$. If the early ISM was dominated by local inhomogeneities, as predicted by inhomogeneous Galactic chemical evolution (iGCE) models (e.g. Ishimaru \\& Wanajo \\cite{IW99}; Tsujimoto \\& Shigeyama \\cite{Tsujimoto99}; Argast {\\it et al.} \\cite{Argast00}; Travaglio {\\it et al.} \\cite{Travaglio01}), and the [O/Fe] and [Mg/Fe] ratios depend on SN-progenitor mass or metallicity, then [O/Fe] and [Mg/Fe] should show a scatter in the abundances trend versus metallicity, the surface abundances of these stars reflecting the local enrichment of the ISM. Argast finds, for example, that although the ISM is well mixed at [Fe/H] $> -2.0$, there is essentially no mixing at [Fe/H] $< -3.0$. This gives rise to progressively more star-to-star scatter as [Fe/H] decreases below $-2.0$. Although there have been a large number of observational studies, the usually required agglomeration of results from different authors introduces the possibility that the reported scatter of the $\\alpha$-element abundance may be due to a lack of internal consistency, as discussed by Norris {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Norris01}). Underscoring this possibility, Magain (\\cite{Magain87}) found that an homogeneous re-analysis of literature data comprising 21 stars over the range $-3.6 \\leq $[Fe/H]$ \\leq -0.9$ gave a mean Mg abundance [Mg/Fe]=0.45 and a standard deviation, as a measure of the scatter, of 0.1 dex (scatters of the order 0.15 dex were reported for [Ca/Fe] and [Si/Fe]). Ten of the stars studied by Magain fell in the interval $-3.4 \\leq $[Fe/H]$ \\leq -2.2$ which we study in the present paper. A similar result was found by Nissen {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Nissen94}) for higher metallicities: [Mg/Fe]=0.41 and standard deviation 0.07 dex, over the range $-2.0 \\leq $[Fe/H]$ \\leq -1.0$. Recently, Carretta {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Carretta02}) found that the scatter in their estimate of intermediate mass elemental abundances was compatible with their estimated observational uncertainties. The most recent study of Cayrel {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Cayrel03}), based on extremely high-quality VLT/UVES observations of giant stars from the HK survey, exhibit a low scatter in the abundances of most elements, down to metallicities as low as [Fe/H]=$-4.2$. These authors report a standard deviation about their mean [Mg/Fe] value of 0.13 dex, and as low as 0.05 dex for [Cr/Fe]. This indeed supports the hypothesis that there is no large scatter in the early ISM. Other studies, e.g., Fuhrmann {\\it et al.} (\\cite{FAG95}) and Mashonkina {\\it et al.} (\\cite{MGTB03}) have reported higher scatters in the alpha-element ratios. Even though these studies suggest the existence of stars with a different enrichment history (see e.g., Shiegeyama \\& Tsujimoto (\\cite{ST03}) for a possible origin of metal-poor stars with low [$\\alpha$/Fe]), their average standard deviation is still of the order $\\sim 0.1$ dex, far below what is expected in the case of an early inhomogeneous ISM. However, among the eight extremely metal-poor stars ([Fe/H]$<-3.5$) considered in the review by Norris (\\cite{Norris04}), two objects show [Mg/Fe]$>1.0$. This indicates the existence of some real differences, but only for metallicity much lower than previously thought. Clearly, studies of the mixing efficiency in the early Galaxy are fundamental for testing inhomogeneous GCE models. This can be accomplished by a detailed analysis of [Mg/Fe] in halo stars, and is the main purpose of this work. We concentrate on [Mg/Fe] because of the suitability of Mg measurements in stars at very low metallicity, and to avoid the still debated uncertainties on measurements of O. Studies of the scatter vs. metallicity for different stellar populations could also allow one to constrain the yields from SN II. Attempts to do this have so far been unsuccessful for individual stars (Chieffi \\& Limongi \\cite{CL02}) because of the difficulty of computing SN yields that match the composition of metal-poor stars. Fran\\c{c}ois {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Francois04}) analyse how SN II yields can be constrained by the observations on the basis of their homogeneous GCE model, suggesting that major revisions of SN II yields are required to match the elemental abundances observed at very low metallicities. Iron yields are particularly difficult to predict, because Fe production depends on the uncertainties in the mass cuts adopted for SN II models as well as the degree of mixing prior to fallback (Nomoto {\\it et al.} \\cite{Nomoto97}), whereas Mg is produced in hydrostatic burning much farther out in the star, and hence is subject to fewer uncertainties. As a result, Mg could also be a better chemical chronometer compared to Fe; its study would aid our understanding of the age-metallicity relation, a key constraint on studies of chemical evolution and nucleosynthesis. The primary motivation for this study is to produce an independent estimate of the level of elemental scatter in the early Galactic ISM, as unaffected as possible by uncertainties. Unlike the most recent study of Cayrel {\\it et al.} (2003), whose S/N ratio is higher ( $\\ge 200/1$, compared to our 100/1-150/1), and who thus obtain better precision on a single measurement, here we focus on the homogeneity of the sample, and demonstrate how our homogeneous chemical analysis leads to a better constraint on the observed scatter of our derived abundances. The aim is to avoid the introduction of star-to-star differences that may lead to increased and misleading errors. We thus concentrate on halo stars that are in the same evolutionary stage, have only small differences in stellar parameters, and make use of the same Mg absorption lines for all objects. It is of fundamental importance to understand whether the scatter we observe is intrinsic to the sample or due to deficiencies in the analysis. We present the results of the chemical analysis of a sample of main-sequence turnoff halo stars, focusing on [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe]. We describe the definition of the sample and the observational data in \\S \\ref{sample}. Particular importance has been given to the use of techniques that produce the highest homogeneity of analysis. The methods adopted and the chemical analysis are presented in \\S \\ref{analysis}. Section \\ref{abundances} reports our results and the determination of their uncertainties. In \\S \\ref{discussion} we analyse the results and focus on their possible implications. ", "conclusions": "the ISM from which stars formed at [Fe/H] $>-3.5$ was on the whole already well-mixed, {\\it and} it was enriched by a sufficient number of SN II to show an IMF averaged pattern at [Fe/H]$<-3.0$, in spite of the expectations to the contrary from iGCE current models. Furthermore, the hypothesis by Cayrel {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Cayrel03}) of the existence of a plateau in the [el/Fe] ratios at very low metallicity is clearly supported by our [Mg/Fe] ratio. We are left to puzzle over how this IMF average is achieved ove much of the halo on the short timescales ($\\leq$ 30 Myr) for the ejection of the full range of SN II progenitor masses (M $\\geq$ 10M$_{\\odot}$). This could imply that we are observing the primordial abundances from the first stars below [Fe/H]=$-3.0$, as Cayrel et al. suggested. \\subsubsection{Mixing and cooling timescales} Enrichment timescales are not well constrained. Prantzos (\\cite{Prantzos03}) shows that an early phase of infall and relaxing the instantaneous recycling approximation causes his halo outflow model to reproduce better the metallicity distribution of stars in the halo. Enrichment occurs much quicker in his model than in iGCE models, but the introduction of an early infall phase in his model slows the metallicity enrichment again, as a result of which the time needed to reach [Fe/H]=$-3.0$ increases from 35 Myr to 100 Myr. A similar delay in the enrichment could occur in iGCE models for a strong early infall phase. However, a slower enrichment of the Galaxy does not affect the predicted scatter in [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H], but rather the age-metallicity relation. De Avillez \\& Mac Low (\\cite{AM02}) studied the mixing timescale in a SNe-driven ISM, and show that inhomogeneities due to single SN II explosions take up to 350 Myr to be erased (for the present Galactic SN II rate). Even when mixing scales as small as a few kpc are considered, efficient mixing requires of order 120 Myr. Increasing the SN rate by a factor 10, they find that inhomogeneities take only some tens of Myr to disappear. If increasing the SN II rate reduces the time needed for efficient mixing, then for a short time ($\\sim$ 30Myr) it favours the explosion of higher mass progenitors (because of their shorter lifetimes) and a higher average [Mg/Fe] ratio. This effect could also be achieved with a top-heavy IMF (discussed above). This would avoid the ISM having regions with low [Mg/Fe] values, but would still require a progenitor upper mass limit of 20 M$_{\\odot}$ to avoid the production of [Mg/Fe] $>$ 0.4 except for at the very lowest metallicities (Norris (\\cite{Norris04})). We asked above how an IMF-averaged [Mg/Fe] value could be achieved on the very short evolutionary timescales of stars at [Fe/H]$<-3.0$. This may be the wrong question to ask if {\\it cooling} timescales crucial to star formation, rather than {\\it mixing} timescales, are the critical factor. iGCE models lack reliable treatments of the cooling of hot SN II ejecta in a metal-poor environment. If the cooling time exceeds the evolutionary time of the lowest mass SN~II progenitors of 10 M$_{\\odot}$, i.e. 30 Myr, then a complete IMF-average of the [Mg/Fe] ratio will be achieved, not on the evolutionary time of the SN II, but on the cooling timescale of the ISM, and therefore on the formation timescale of the next stellar generation. Oey (\\cite{Oey03}) investigates mixing and cooling processes in the ISM by means of her simple inhomogeneous model (SIM) of Galactic chemical evolution, which explicitly incorporates interstellar mixing and mass transport. As previously found by De Avillez \\& Mac Low (\\cite{AM02}), diffusion is inefficient compared to turbulent mixing. Even though ``turbulent processes are extremely difficult to constrain'', turbulent mixing is found to be extremely efficient in the case of a hot ionized medium (HIM). Thus, in a phase of HIM-dominated ISM, efficient mixing could indeed occur. Furthermore, a hot ISM has a low cooling efficiency, thus a two-phase ISM could experience a delay due to the cooling time between the SN II events and the incorporation of their ejecta in star forming regions. Once new stars could form from SN-enriched gas, they would form out of a well- mixed ISM. By a comparison with the observed metallicity distribution function and the lowest metallicity observed in stars ([Fe/H]=--4.0 at the time of Oey's analysis), Oey's points out that an inhomogeneous phase could have been extremely short lived and that the ISM would have then mixed efficiently. Furthermore, Recchi {\\it et al.} (\\cite{Recchi01}) find that, in the case of dwarf galaxies, a single sturbust leads to the development of galactic winds and to a quick mixing. However, dwarf galaxies evolve in a low gravitational potential and thus dynamical processes (such as galactic wind) may have larger influences on the mixing than in the case of the Galaxy. % This would thus % explain the far better agreement of GCE models than iGCE models with our % results in the metallicity range considered. % Oey warns of the possibility that superwinds could be generated in % a HIM, possibly causing the loss of metals through Galactic outflows. We believe further investigations of mixing and cooling timescales in relation to iGCE models are advisable, since there is no clear theoretical expectation that the problem of the missing inhomogeneities will be solved by adjustments of the SN II yields, the SN II progenitor mass range, or modification of the IMF." }, "0410/astro-ph0410438_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ A calibration of H$\\alpha$ as both a chromospheric diagnostic and an age indicator is presented, complementing the works previously done on this subject (\\cite{herbig}, \\cite{luca1}). The chromospheric diagnostic was built with a statistically significant sample, covering nine years of observations, and including 175 solar neighborhood stars. Regarding the age indicator, the presence of stars for which very accurate ages are determined, such as those belonging to clusters and kinematic groups, lends confidence to our analysis. We also investigate the possibility that stars of the same age might have gone through different tracks of chromospheric decay, identifying - within the same age range - effects of metallicity and mass. These parameters, however, as well as age, seem to be significant only for dwarf stars, losing their meaning when we analyze stars in the subgiant branch. This result suggests that, in these evolved stars, the emission mechanism cannot be magnetohydrodynamical in nature, in agreement with recent models (Fawzy et al. 2002c, and references therein). The Sun is found to be a typical star in its H$\\alpha$ chromospheric flux, for its age, mass and metallicity. As a byproduct of this work, we developed an automatic method to determine temperatures from the wings of H$\\alpha$, which means the suppression of the error inherent to the visual procedure used in the literature. ", "introduction": "Losing angular momentum through magnetized stellar winds, cool main sequence dwarfs have their rotation continuously braked, reducing the efficiency of their dynamos and, consequently, their degree of chromospheric activity. Because of this, the chromospheric filling observed in high opacity spectral lines can be translated into a potential indicator of age, a quantity which is still one of the most uncertain parameters in stellar astrophysics. Although this scenario has a remarkable simplicity, it is a subject which has remained largely unexplored in a quantitative way. Among the works which have been published, most tend to focus on the H and K lines of Ca\\,{\\small {II}} (e.g. \\cite{skumanich}, \\cite{linsky}), in which the chromospheric emission is more obvious, but also more affected by transient phenomena and phase modulation. The H$\\alpha$ line, although widely used to measure chromospheric activity in solar physics, has received less attention in relation to this particular problem, and the lack of a good calibration of H$\\alpha$ is a drawback for several reasons. First, the line is less sensitive to transient phenomena like flares, coronal mass ejections and localized magnetic explosions; extremely energetic phenomena that flood the X-ray and ultraviolet spectra with energy, but barely affect the visible. Second, it has the property of characterizing the mean chromospheric flux in a better way than Ca\\,{\\small {II}} H and K because, showing less chromospheric filling, phase modulations within an activity cycle are greatly reduced: the errors in computing the flux -- due, for instance, to normalization and determination of effective temperatures --, largely overcome the intrinsic modulation. Third, the modern solid state detectors have higher quantum efficiency in the red, behaving inversely to the old photographic plates. Also, the studied stars --- solar type ones --- have their maximum flux in the visible region, favoring better accuracy in narrow band photometry centered on H$\\alpha$. Nevertheless, even if H$\\alpha$ did not present any advantage, the need for another diagnostic is crucial. As said before, the majority of works which attacked the problem until the 80s analyzed only the calcium lines, considering them representative of the radiative losses in the chromosphere. The core of H$\\alpha$, however, is formed in different regions (Schoolman 1972), thus responding differently to changes in the physical conditions of the chromosphere. In this sense, calibrating H$\\alpha$ will help not just to better determine the energy budget, but also to better discern the structure of upper stellar atmospheres. With this goal, Herbig (1985, hereafter H85) and Pasquini \\& Pallavicini (1991, hereafter P$^2$91) presented the only works measuring the net chromospheric fluxes in H$\\alpha$, finding consistent results using two different photometric wavebands to calibrate the spectra into absolute flux. Of these two attempts, one (H85) went so far as to develop an age indicator; however, the small sample of 43 stars used, in which all but two are field stars, did not allow for a sufficiently accurate analysis. \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\caption[]{Parameters of the three analyses of chromospheric activity on H$\\alpha$ to date} \\label{param} \\begin{tabular}{c c c c}\\hline & Herbig & Pasquini \\& Pallavicini & This work \\\\ & 1985 & 1991 & 2004 \\\\ \\hline Resolution in the center of H$\\alpha$ ({\\AA}) & 0.74 & 0.11 & 0.30 \\\\ N$^{\\d{o}}$ of stars & 43 & 87 & 175 \\\\ Range of Temperature Classes & F8-G3 & F8-K5 & F5-K0 \\\\ Luminosity Classes & V & IV \\& V & IV \\& V \\\\ Photometric Waveband & Johnson's V & Willstrop's $\\lambda\\lambda$\\,6650-6600\\,{\\AA} & Willstrop's $\\lambda\\lambda$\\,6650-6600\\,{\\AA}\\\\ Age Indicator & Yes & No & Yes \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} In this work, we intend to fill this gap, calibrating H$\\alpha$ as an absolute diagnostic of chromospheric activity, using a statistically significant sample of 175 solar neighborhood stars, and building an age indicator based on this diagnostic, calibrated with stars belonging to open clusters and stellar kinematic groups (SKG). We also use a large sample of field stars with accurate ages derived from theoretical isochrones. This large sample is unique in the literature, and allows for a better statistical analysis. For comparison, the parameters of the three analyses on the H$\\alpha$ chromospheric flux are shown in Table~\\ref{param}. This paper is divided as follows: in section 2 we describe the observations and reduction procedures. In the 3$^{\\rm rd}$ we build the chromospheric diagnostic with the purpose of, in section 4, calibrating the age indicator. In section 5 we investigate the influence of other parameters in the degree of chromospheric activity, outlining the results and proceeding to the conclusion in the 6$^{\\rm th}$ section. ", "conclusions": "With high quality data, we developed an accurate chromospheric diagnostic based on the radiative losses in H$\\alpha$ using the Barnes-Evans relation (\\cite{barnes}) and the photometric waveband $\\lambda\\lambda$\\,6550-6600\\,{\\AA} defined by Willstrop (1965), using the procedure established by P$^{\\rm 2}$91. The precision achieved, with an uncertainty of 0.45 (in units of 10$^{\\rm 5}$\\, erg\\,cm$^{\\rm -2}$\\,s$^{\\rm -1}$) is one of the best in the H$\\alpha$ literature. This is due to many reasons, including that the size of the sample used reduced the error inherent to the photospheric subtraction; also, the broader coverage of our spectra, compared to those used by P$^2$91, allowed for a reliable normalization; finally, the sample was observed exclusively with solid state detectors. We also found evidence that the chromospheric emission, as measured in H$\\alpha$, is insensitive to the activity cycle and rotational modulation, hence characterizing the mean chromospheric flux in a more adequate way than the Ca\\,{\\small {II}} K line. As a byproduct of the analysis, we developed an elegant automated method to determine effective temperatures using the wings of H$\\alpha$, structured on the classical K-S test. Tests show that the two methods, visual and automatic, agree to within one standard deviation, which supports its efficiency. The automation of the procedure means, mainly, the suppression of the personal error in the visual procedure, as well as a great economy of time when analyzing several spectra. With this diagnostic, we calibrated the age-activity relation using stars belonging to open clusters, as well as to SKGs, finding a well defined relation until $\\sim$2 Gyr. By inserting field stars with good age solutions, it is found that a significant numer of subgiants do not follow the relation, hence one should not expect their emission mechanism to be magnetohydrodynamical in nature. This result agrees with recent models that credit them as powered by acoustic wave heating, generating basal flux in the low chromosphere. Regarding the dwarfs, we find that mass and metallicity differences seem to be needed to explain their emission, which is consistent with the dynamo model. It is also verified that the age-activity relation loses sensitivity after 2\\,Gyr, flattening beyond this value. The method is then complementary to the isochrones. For future work, we intend to refine the calibration, inserting more clusters and kinematical groups, and to investigate the spread within the clusters as an effect of mass. Our present data do not allow for this analysis because the individual samples, with a maximum of 6 stars (Hyades and Ursae Majoris) are not statistically significant. In the immediate future, we shall compare the results presented here, with the ones of another work (in preparation), using the Ca\\,{\\small {II}} H \\& K lines. Such a study should contribute both to refining our knowledge of the detailed structure of the chromospheric activity vs. age relationship, and its stratification with stellar parameters, and to provide additional observational constraints to the study of upper stellar atmospheres." }, "0410/astro-ph0410112_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present the first results from simulations of processes leading to planet formation in protoplanetary disks with different metallicities. For a given metallicity, we construct a two-dimensional grid of disk models with different initial masses and radii ($M_0$, $R_0$). For each disk, we follow the evolution of gas and solids from an early evolutionary stage, when all solids are in the form of small dust grains, to the stage when most solids have condensed into planetesimals. Then, based on the core accretion - gas capture scenario, we estimate the planet-bearing capability of the environment defined by the final planetesimal swarm and the still evolving gaseous component of the disk. We define the probability of planet-formation, $P_p$, as the normalized fractional area in the ($M_0$, $\\log R_0$) plane populated by disks that have formed planets inside 5~AU. With such a definition, and under the assumption that the population of planets discovered at $R$ $<$ 5~AU is not significantly contaminated by planets that have migrated from $R$ $>$ 5~AU, our results agree fairly well with the observed dependence between the probability that a star harbors a planet and the star's metal content. The agreement holds for the disk viscosity parameter $\\alpha$ ranging from $10^{-3}$ to $10^{-2}$, and it becomes much poorer when the redistribution of solids relative to the gas is not allowed for during the evolution of model disks.} ", "introduction": "Well over a hundred extrasolar planets have already been catalogued. It is very likely that radial velocity surveys performed in the solar neighbourhood have discovered a significant fraction of all Jupiter-like planets with periods shorter than $\\sim$10 yr (or, equivalently, with orbital radii smaller than $\\sim$5~AU), whose parent stars exhibit periodic radial velocity variations with amplitudes $\\geq 10$~m~s$^{-1}$ Such a collection of planets provides a good data set with which predictions of different theories of planet formation can be compared \\citep[e.g.][]{ida04}. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fe_bargraph_bw.eps}} \\caption{The probability of planet occurrence as a function of the star's iron abundance (on the standard logarithmic scale with zero representing the solar value). Reproduced with permission from \\cite{debra03}} \\label{f:fe_bar} \\end{figure} Current observations strongly suggest that planet-bearing stars tend to have higher metallicities than field stars (Fig. \\ref{f:fe_bar}). This correlation was reported for the first time by \\cite{santos00}, and later confirmed by \\cite{debra03}. The effect finds a natural explanation in the core accretion - gas capture (CAGC) model for giant planet formation. The model predicts a slow accretion of planetesimals onto a protoplanetary core until the mass of the core reaches a few $M_\\oplus$. Then, gas accretion becomes significant, and around the core an extended envelope is formed, whose mass increases faster than that of the core. Eventually, the envelope becomes more massive than the core, and a runaway accretion of gas ensues, which terminates when tidal effects become important or the protoplanetary disk is dissipated. The length of the core accretion phase decreases with increasing surface density of the planetesimal swarm \\citep{pollack96}, which, in turn, is an increasing function of the original metal content of the protoplanetary disk and its central star. Consequently, the giant planets are expected to form more easily in disks with higher metallicities. However, dust evolves due to different physical processes than the gaseous component of the disk \\citep{weiden93} As a result, a significant redistribution of solids takes place with respect to the gas, and, locally, the surface density of solids can be considerably enhanced compared to the initial one \\citep{weiden03,SV97}. Thus, statistical tests of the CAGC scenario must be based on evolving models of protoplanetary disks rather than static configurations which only serve as mass supply to planetary cores and envelopes. Such models must include the global evolution of solids. An extensive survey of such models was reported by \\cite{kac1}, and applied to the problem of extrasolar planets formation by \\cite{kac2}. In the latter paper it was found that effects of dust evolution allow for \\textit{in situ} formation of giant planets as close as 2 AU from the star. Here we obtain a much larger sample of disk models with different primordial metallicities, estimate how many of them could form planets, and compare the estimates to the observed correlation between stellar iron abundance and the probability of planet occurrence. In \\S 2 we briefly explain our approach to the evolution of a protoplanetary disk and planet formation. The results are presented in \\S 3, while in \\S 4 we summarize them and critically assess the simplifications on which our method is based. ", "conclusions": "Based on a simple approach to the evolution of solids in protoplanetary disks we calculated rates of giant planet occurrence on orbits smaller than 5~AU. We find that in more metal-rich disks the planets form more easily, and we qualitatively reproduce the observed correlation between the probability that a giant planet would be found at a star and the metal content of that star. We are able to match this correlation quantitatively for disk models with the viscosity parameter $\\alpha$ ranging from $\\sim 10^{-3}$ to $\\sim10^{-2}$. We also show that in the low-metallicity regime the calculated occurrence rates agree with the observed ones only if the redistribution of solids is included in the models. In such models the surface density of solids locked in the final planetesimal swarm can be locally much higher than the initial surface density of the dust. This effect is particularly important if we want to match the observed value of limiting stellar metallicity $Z_{min}$ below which no planets have been detected. Again, only models which allow for the redistribution of solids are successful, while models which do not include this effect produce $Z_{min}$ which is significantly too high. This finding supports our approach to the evolution of protoplanetary disks, whose key ingredient is the radial drift of solids due to the gas drag. The above conclusions are based on the assumption that our grid of models is a representative sample of the real distribution ${\\cal P}(M_0,R_0)$ of initial masses and radii of protoplanetary disks, which is not known. Such an assumption is acceptable provided that the real disks are uniformly (or almost uniformly) distributed on the $[M_0,\\lg R_0]$ plane. Adopting it we demand that very large disks be relatively rare, which seems to be an entirely reasonable requirement (note that ${\\cal P}(M_0,R_0)$ {\\it must} approach 0 for $R_0\\rightarrow\\infty$). We tested the sensitivity of our results to the way the initial parameters are sampled by repeating the calculations with initial models uniformly distributed on the $[M_0,\\lg j_0]$ plane. The results, normalized to the observational data the same way as before, are shown in Fig. \\ref{f:j_sc}. The agreement is poorer, but the same general trend is still well visible. Moreover, we see that $Z_{min}$ does not depend on the sampling procedure (this conclusion is restricted to samples which do not include extremely massive disks with $M_0>0.2~M_\\odot$; note however that such disks would most likely be gravitationally unstable). \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=-90]{j_in_sc_new.ps}} \\caption{Same as Fig. \\ref{f:rout_sc}, but based on disk models with initial parameters uniformly distributed on the $[M_0, \\lg j_0]$ plane.} \\label{f:j_sc} \\end{figure} Our results are based on a highly simplified scenario of the evolution of solids in protoplanetary disks. The assumption concerning the size distribution of solid particles, according to which at each distance from the star all particles have the same diameter, seems to be particularly radical. However, detailed work by \\cite{morfill85},\\cite{mizuno88} and \\cite{weiden97} showed that the distribution of solids quickly converges to a stage in which most of the mass is concentrated in a narrow range of sizes at the momentary maximum size. Their conclusion has recently been corroborated by the behaviour of solids in the two-dimensional disk model by \\cite{weiden03}. Thus, despite its simplicity, our our approach to the size disitribution function can be regarded as a reasonable approximation. Our next radical assumption is the 100\\% efficiency of coagulation In reality, one hardly expects that collisions between solid particles always lead to sticking without fragmentation. However, calculations reported by \\cite{kac4} show that if the main process responsible for particle growth is collisional coagulation, then its efficiency {\\it must} be high - otherwise the disk would rapidly lose most of its solid material, disabling planet formation or severely diminishing its possibility. Note also that recent observations by \\cite{chakrab04} indicate that asteroid-sized bodies can exist in disks as young as 0.1 Myr. Again, if they have grown due to coagulation, the sticking efficiency must have been very high. Migration of planets due to gravitational interactions with the disk is not included in our approach. Obviously, we do not claim that the process of migration does not operate. On the contrary, we have to assume some form of redistribution of planets in order to explain the origin of \"hot Jupiters\", whose orbits are much tighter than the tightest orbits allowed by our models ($\\sim 1$~AU). However, as long as we are interested only in global rates of planet occurrence, and not in the distribution of orbital parameters, our results remain valid provided that the number of planets which migrate to $r<5$~AU from larger orbits is negligible compared to the number of planets which are born there. The fact that such a simple model can reproduce the available data has two possible interpretations. According to the pessimistic one we observe a mere coincidence which does not have any physical meaning. According to the optimistic one we identify the most important process governing the evolution of solids in a protoplanetary disk (radial drift, induced by the gas drag, and associated with collisional coagulation), and we provide support for the core accretion - envelope capture scenario of giant planet formation. More sophisticated disk models based on fewer assumptions, which we are presently working on, should help us decide which of the two is true. Acknowledgments. KK and MR were supported by the grant No. 1 PO3D 026 26 from the Polish Ministry of Science. They gratefully acknowledge benefits from the activities of the RTN network \"PLANETS\" supported by the European Commission under the agreement No HPRN-CT-2002-00308. This work was supported in part by the NASA Origins of Solar Systems program through grant NAG 5-13285 to the University of California, Santa Cruz. KK was also supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Emmy Noether grant WO 857/2-1. TS was supported by the LPI, which is operated by USRA under contract CAN-NCC5-679 with NASA. This is LPI contribution No. 1214." }, "0410/astro-ph0410054_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have conducted spectropolarimetry of 12 type II (obscured) quasar candidates selected from the spectroscopic database of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey based on their emission line properties. Polarization was detected in all objects, with nine being highly polarized ($>3\\%$) and with polarization reaching as high as 17\\% in two objects. Broad lines were detected in the polarized spectra of five objects. These observations prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the objects in our sample are indeed type II quasars, in that they harbor luminous UV-excess AGNs in their centers and that the direct view to the AGN is highly obscured. For three of the objects in this paper, we have obtained HST images in three bands. The HST observations, combined with the spectropolarimetry data, imply that scattering off material outside the obscuration plane is the dominant polarization mechanism. In all three objects the sizes of scattering regions are a few kpc. For one object, the extent of the scattering region, coupled with the characteristics of the polarized spectrum, argue strongly that dust scattering rather than electron scattering dominates the polarized light. Our observations are well-described by the basic orientation-based unification model of toroidal obscuration and off-plane scattering, implying that the model can be extended to include at least some high-luminosity AGNs. ", "introduction": "Unification models of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) aim to explain the differences in observed AGN properties as orientation effects due to the non-isotropic nature of obscuring material \\citep{anto93}. In these models, the observer's view to the central engine can be blocked along some lines of sight by very optically thick, toroidally concentrated dusty material, making UV, optical and soft X-ray emission from AGNs highly anisotropic. A strong UV continuum and broad permitted emission lines that originate very close to the central engine are typical of sight-lines without significant obscuration (type I AGNs). These features are not observed in unpolarized optical/UV light in sources with large amounts of obscuration along the line of sight (type II AGNs). Unification models are well established for low-luminosity, nearby AGNs (Seyfert galaxies); whether they can be extended to the luminosity and redshift range of genuine quasars has long been controversial. Type II quasars are the luminous analogs of Seyfert 2 galaxies, but despite their high intrinsic luminosities they have been very hard to find, and only a handful of candidates have been described in the literature \\citep{klei88,mcca93,hine95,daws01,djor01,norm02,schm02,ster02,dell03,smit03}. We have identified about 150 type II quasar candidates in the redshift range $0.3