{ "0606/astro-ph0606664_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present numerical simulations investigating the interaction of AGN jets with galaxy clusters, for the first time taking into account the dynamic nature of the cluster gas and detailed cluster physics. The simulations successfully reproduce the observed morphologies of radio sources in clusters. We find that cluster inhomogeneities and large scale flows have significant impact on the morphology of the radio source and cannot be ignored a-priori when investigating radio source dynamics. Morphological comparison suggests that the gas in the centres of clusters like Virgo and Abell 4059 show significant shear and/or rotation. We find that shear and rotation in the intra-cluster medium move large amounts of cold material back into the path of the jet, ensuring that subsequent jet outbursts encounter a sufficient column density of gas to couple with the inner cluster gas, thus alleviating the problem of evacuated channels discussed in the recent literature. The same effects redistribute the excess energy $\\Delta E$ deposited the jet, making the distribution of $\\Delta E$ at late times consistent with being isotropic. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Recent observations show a multitude of physical effects that occur when active galactic nuclei (AGN) interact with the ambient intracluster medium (ICM). While these effects are widely believed to be crucial for the formation of structure in the universe, they are still poorly understood. The central galaxy in almost every strong cooling core contains an active nucleus and a jet--driven radio galaxy. The radio power of these cooling cores is somewhat correlated with the X-ray luminosity, although the range of the radio power is much greater than the range of the X-ray core power. This is supported by a recently discovered correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the jet power in nearby, X-ray luminous elliptical galaxies \\citep{allen:06}. These results show that the AGN at the centres of large elliptical galaxies feed back enough energy to quench cooling and star formation, thus providing a possible explanation for the observed cut-off at the bright end of the galaxy luminosity function \\citep{benson:03, croton:05, bower:06}. The study of AGN-ICM interactions is of great interest in a much broader context. Given the Magorrian relation \\citep{magorrian:98}, clusters hosting a giant cD galaxy should have a massive black hole in their centre. The growth of these black holes is an integral part of feedback--regulated cooling of the ICM. Radio-loud AGN inflate kpc-sized bubbles of relativistic, underdense plasma (a.k.a. radio lobes) that displace the hot intra-cluster medium and thus appear as depressions in the X-ray surface brightness. High-resolution X-ray observations of cooling flow clusters with {\\em Chandra} have revealed a multitude of X-ray holes often coincident with patches of radio emission, a compiled list of which is presented by \\citet{birzan:04}. Numerical simulations of hot, underdense bubbles in clusters of galaxies have been performed by a number of authors \\citep[e.g.][]{churazov:01, bruggen:02, bruggen:02a, reynolds:01, ruszkowski:04, dallavecchia:04,omma:04,omma:04b}. Common to all of these simulations is that they use a spherically symmetric, analytical profile for the ICM. \\cite{quilis:01} simulated AGN feedback in a cosmologically evolved cluster but did not model the jets. Most recently, \\citep{vernaleo:05} performed three-dimensional simulations of a jet in a hydrostatic, spherically symmetric cluster model. In their simulation, the jet power was modulated by the mass accretion rate across the inner boundary. In all of their models, jet heating failed to prevent the catastrophic cooling of gas at the centre because the jet preferentially heated gas lying along the jet axis but failed to heat matter in the equatorial plane. However, in reality the dynamics of the jet may be strongly affected by the ambient medium. Bulk velocities may advect and distort the jet and the radio lobe. Density inhomogeneities can affect both the jet propagation and the deposition of entropy in the ICM by the jet. For the purpose of studying the extent of cluster heating by AGN, the crucial question is {\\em exactly where and how much} energy is deposited by the jet in the ICM. The primary aim of this work is therefore to study the dynamics of the jet and the extent of ICM heating subject to the motions and inhomogeneities of the ICM. In this letter, we present first results from hydrodynamical simulations of AGN heating in a realistic galaxy cluster. The primary objectives of this work is to study the interaction of the jet with a dynamic, inhomogeneous ICM. The letter is organised as follows: \\S\\ref{sec:code} describes the technical setup of the simulations, \\S\\ref{sec:discussion} presents the results and discusses the implications for cluster physics, and \\S\\ref{sec:summary} summarised and concludes. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Cluster and Radio Source Morphology} While the jet is active, the jet-inflated cocoon and the surrounding swept up shell generally follow the morphological evolution discussed previously in the literature: The jets inflate two oblong cocoons, which push thermal gas aside. The early expansion is supersonic, shocking the surrounding gas directly, while at later times the expansion slows down and eventually becomes sub-sonic. Fig.~\\ref{fig:maps1} shows a time series of density and entropy cuts as well as simulated X-ray maps (using the Chandra ACIS-I response and assuming an APEC thermal model) and low-frequency radio maps (assuming equipartition and neglecting radiative cooling). The aspect ratio of the lobes is roughly 3 and decreases with time, indicating the lateral spreading and shear of the radio plasma. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\columnwidth}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig1.eps}}\\ \\caption{Top-to-bottom: Time series of snapshots at 0Myrs, 5Myrs, 10Myrs, 20Myrs, 40Myrs, 80Myrs, and 160Myrs after jet onset. Left-to-right: (a) density cut through cluster centre, (b) entropy cut through cluster centre. The images are 450 kpc in width and 335 kpc in height.\\label{fig:maps1}} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\columnwidth}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig2.eps}} \\caption{Time series of snapshots (0Myrs, 5Myrs, 10Myrs, 20Myrs, 40Myrs, 80Myrs, and 160Myrs after jet). Left-to-right: (a) Top panel: velocity map through cluster center; below: low-frequency radio synchrotron map, (b) X-ray maps (red: 0.3-2\\,keV, green: 2-5\\,keV, blue:\\,5-10 keV).\\label{fig:maps2}} \\end{figure} During the active source evolution, while the jet is on, the source closely resembles the best studied example of a source of comparable power: Cyg A. The fact that aspect ratio and X-ray and radio morphology of the simulated source so closely resemble Cyg A indicates that we properly modeled the effect of the dentist drill effect (which can, in fact, be directly observed in Cyg A, where the jet axis is clearly mis-aligned with the radio and X-ray hot spots). We verified this by running a test case with half the opening angle of the jitter cone ($10^{\\circ}$ instead of $20^{\\circ}$) which produced too narrow a cocoon (with an aspect ratio of around 7). The X-ray maps show a clear increase in the surface brightness in the outgoing shock/compression wave and a wispy, turbulent wake behind the wave (Fig.~\\ref{fig:maps2}). This is best demonstrated by un-sharp masking of the images. An unsharp masked movie of the X-ray images can be viewed at {\\tt http://space.mit.edu/$\\sim$heinzs/jetpower/}, showing a network of roughly spherical outgoing sound waves that are excited behind the major initial shock wave, consistent with the complex network of sound waves seen in Perseus \\citep{fabian:03}. They also show bud-like bubbles appear at the edges of the main shell when the jet axis moves due to ``denstist-drill'', reminiscent of the budding bubbles in M87 \\citep{forman:05}. Two distinctions to previously published results are important to point out regarding the morphological evolution of the source: First, it is clear from the series of snapshots shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:maps1} that the non-sphericity of the atmosphere induces significant asymmetries in the two sides of the cocoon. Given that the difference is so strong, it is clear that the impact on the morphology as a whole must be significant. This justifies our initial motivation for this study: In order to investigate the evolution of radio sources and their impact on galaxy cluster atmospheres, one cannot neglect the dynamic nature of the atmospheres prior to jet injection. Second, the dynamic nature of the cluster atmosphere significantly alters the late stage evolution, after the jet switches off (between the fourth and the fifth frame at $3.3\\times 10^{6}\\,{\\rm yrs}$) and the source evolution becomes sub-sonic. During the sub-sonic stage, the impact of the pressure and density of the surrounding gas become more and more important. In particular, the rotation that is present in the cluster (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:maps2}) has clearly sheared the plasma away from the jet axis. We will quantify these results below. It is already clear, however, that this effect can solve the dilemma of launching multiple jet episodes into the same cluster: Any evacuated channel created by previous outbursts will have been buffeted around sufficiently to move enough cluster gas back into the path of the new jet to provide a sufficient cross section for interaction and to couple the jet to the inner cluster gas. The spiral-like morphology of the radio source at late stages is very reminiscent of the large scale ($>30\\,{\\rm kpc}$) morphology of M87 and Abell 4059 \\citep{heinz:02}, where the large scale radio bubbles are clearly mis-aligned with the inner jet. This leads us to suggest that there might be significant rotation or shear present in the gas of these clusters. Before proceeding to a more quantitative analysis, it is worth pointing out that the episode of jet activity {\\em does not} disrupt the cluster or blow the central region apart, despite the fact that we are simulating a powerful source (certainly at the upper end of the power range expected from central cluster radio sources). Contrary to what might be expected naively, the expansion shock weakens and does not super-heat the central atmosphere beyond convective stability. This does not mean, however, that the jet does not induce significant turbulent motion in the central cluster. \\subsection{Quantitative results} As found in earlier investigations of jet-cluster interactions, the impact of the jet on the cluster leads to an increase in the central entropy and a decrease in density, i.e, a net heat input. This is qualitatively apparent form the entropy panels in Fig.~\\ref{fig:maps1}. Figures \\ref{fig:massprofiles} and \\ref{fig:lagrangian} quantify this result. The bottom panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig:massprofiles} shows the cumulative radial mass, i.e., the mass $M(160 Myrs), the inner cluster has been sufficiently rearranged to essentially erase the low density channel blasted out by the jet and move enough material into the way of subsequent jet outbursts to couple efficiently with the inner cluster. This solves the problem of low efficiency feedback found in simulations of spherically symmetric, static atmospheres \\citep{vernaleo:05}. \\thanks{We thank Volker Springel for providing us with a set of Gadget simulated clusters. We thank Mateusz Ruszkowski, Chris Reynolds, Mitch Begelman, and Paul Nulsen for helpful discussions. SH acknowledges support by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through Chandra Postdoctoral Fellowship Award Number PF3-40026 issued by the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center, which is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for and on behalf of the National Aeronautics Space Administration under contract NAS8-39073. MB acknowledges support by DFG grant BR 2026/2 and the supercomputing grant NIC 1658 at the John von-Neumann centre for computing at the Forschungszentrum J\\\"ulich. The software used in this work was in part developed by the DOE-supported ASCI/Alliance Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes at the University of Chicago.}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606387_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have analyzed \\chandra\\ calibration observations of \\bet\\ ($\\alpha$~Ori, M2\\,Iab, m$_V=0.58$, 131~pc) obtained at the aimpoint locations of the HRC-I (8 ks), HRC-S (8 ks), and ACIS-I (5 ks). \\bet\\ is undetected in all the individual observations as well as cumulatively. We derive upper limits to the X-ray count rates and compute the corresponding X-ray flux and luminosity upper limits for coronal plasma that may potentially exist in the atmosphere of \\bet\\ over a range of temperatures, $T=0.3-10$~MK. We place a flux limit at the telescope of $\\fx\\approx4\\times10^{-15}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ at $T=1$~MK. The upper limit is lowered by a factor of $\\approx3$ at higher temperatures, roughly an order of magnitude lower than that obtained previously. Assuming that the entire stellar surface is active, these fluxes correspond to a surface flux limit that ranges from $30-7000$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ at $T=1$~MK, to $\\approx 1$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ at higher temperatures, five orders of magnitude below the quiet Sun X-ray surface flux. We discuss the implications of our analysis in the context of models of a buried corona and a pervasive magnetic carpet. We rule out the existence of a solar-like corona on \\bet, but cannot rule out the presence of low-level emission on the scale of coronal holes. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} \\begin{deluxetable}{lll} \\tablecolumns{2} \\tabletypesize{\\small} \\tablecaption{Stellar parameters for \\bet\\ \\label{t:stelpar}} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\startdata \\hline \\hline Other Names & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{$\\alpha$~Ori / 58 Ori / HD~39801 / HR~2061 / SAO 113271 / HIP 27989 } \\\\ (R.A., Dec) & (05:55:10.3053,~+07:24:25.426) & ICRS 2000.0 \\\\ ($l_{\\rm II}, b_{\\rm II}$) & ($199^{\\circ}.79, -8^{\\circ}.96$) & SIMBAD \\\\ Spectral Type & M2~Iab & SIMBAD \\\\ $m_{V}$ & 0$^m$.58 & SIMBAD \\\\ $B - V$ & 1$^m$.77 & SIMBAD \\\\ T$_{\\rm eff}$ & 3650~K & Levesque et al.\\ (2005) \\\\ $B.C.$ & -1.6 & Levesque et al.\\ (2005) \\\\ Distance & $131 \\pm 28$ pc & Hipparcos (Perryman et al.\\ 1997) \\\\ $\\lbol$ & $1.2~\\times~10^{38}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$ & \\hfil \\\\ Angular Diameter & $44.6 \\pm 0.2$ mas & CHARM (Richichi \\& Percheron 2002) \\\\ Radius & $631 \\pm 134$ R$_{\\odot}$ & \\hfil \\\\ Mass & $14$ M$_{\\odot}$ & Figure~\\ref{f:evoltrack} \\\\ Age & $10$ Myr & Figure~\\ref{f:evoltrack} \\\\ Gravity & $1\\pm0.4$~cm~s$^{-2}$ & \\hfil \\\\ Circumstellar Column & $6.2 \\times 10^{21}$~cm$^{-2}$ & Hagen (1978) \\\\ \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} \\bet\\ (see Table~\\ref{t:stelpar}) is a nearby (131~pc), bright ($V=0.58^m$) evolved red supergiant star (M2\\,Iab, $B-V=1.77$). It has been monitored extensively in the optical (e.g., Wilson et al. 1997, Burns et al. 1997), and displays irregular brightness variations ($V=0.3-0.8$, Gray 2000) that have been interpreted as large-scale surface structures or activity (e.g., Lim et al.\\ 1998 and Gray 2000). A definitive estimate of its age does not exist since it cannot be identified with nearby Orion associations (Lesh 1968), and estimates of its mass vary from $5$~M$_{\\odot}$ (Dorch 2004) to $10-30$~M$_{\\odot}$ (Gray 2000; also Lambert et al.\\ 1984 and references therein). However, reasonable estimates can be obtained by comparing the evolutionary tracks of high-mass stars with the location of \\bet\\ on a color-magnitude diagram. We show such a comparison using the Geneva stellar evolutionary tracks (Lejeune \\& Schaerer 2001) in Figure~\\ref{f:evoltrack}. The stellar models vary in initial mass, metallicity, and mass-loss rates, and no rotation effects are included. While the systematic model uncertainties prevent a definitive assessment of the evolutionary history of \\bet, note nevertheless that most of the models predict similar values of age and mass for the star, and therefore an approximate estimate of the gross properties of \\bet\\ is possible. Based on Figure~\\ref{f:evoltrack}, we adopt a current mass of $\\approx14$~M$_{\\odot}$ and an age of $\\approx10$~Myr for \\bet. The uncertainty in these parameters do not affect our conclusions. \\begin{figure}[htb!] \\begin{center} {\\includegraphics{f1.eps}} \\caption{Evolutionary state of \\bet. The tracks from the Geneva stellar evolutionary models (Lejeune \\& Schaerer 2001) are overlaid on a color-magnitude diagram, with the position of \\bet\\ represented by an asterisk. The lines are solid until their closest approach to \\bet\\ in their evolutionary history, after which they are depicted as dotted lines (note that the magnitude range is different for the two axes). The lines are labeled by the model used (the models differ in their masses, mass-loss, and metallicities; see Lejeune \\& Schaerer for a detailed description). The mass (in M$_{\\odot}$) and age (in Myr) of the star at the point of closest approach is also shown for each model. Inspection of the figure shows that while definitive measurements of the mass and age of \\bet\\ are not feasible due to the large systematic model uncertainties (e.g., masses ranging from 10 to 15 M$_{\\odot}$ are plausible) but the majority of the models correspond to a mass of $\\approx14$~M$_{\\odot}$ and an age of $\\approx10$~Myr, which we then adopt as the nominal mass and age of \\bet\\ throughout this paper. \\label{f:evoltrack} } \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\bet\\ has never been detected in X-rays, and is in a region of the H-R diagram where a stable corona is not expected to exist (Ayres et al.\\ 1981, Linsky \\& Haisch 1979, Haisch, Schmitt, \\& Rosso 1991, Rosner et al.\\ 1995, H\\\"{u}nsch \\& Schr\\\"{o}der 1996, H\\\"{u}nsch et al.\\ 1998). Nevertheless, there is evidence from numerical MHD simulations that dynamo action which can produce large scale magnetic fields can exist on such stars (Dorch 2004). Furthermore, chromospheric activity suggesting the presence of coronae has been detected in numerous late-type giant stars: coronal proxy lines such as Si\\,IV and C\\,IV have been detected in ostensibly non-coronal giants such as Arcturus and Aldebaran (Ayres et al.\\ 2003); and forbidden coronal lines have been reported in \\fuse\\ observations of $\\beta$ Cet by Redfield et al.\\ (2003). Thus, while unlikely, it is plausible that hot coronal plasma may exist on supergiants like \\bet. Here we present an analysis of X-ray observations of \\bet\\ obtained as part of the science instrument calibration program of the \\chandra\\ X-Ray Observatory (\\chandra). The data are described in \\S\\ref{s:data}. \\bet\\ is not detected in X-rays in any of our individual observations or in co-added data, and in \\S\\ref{s:ul} we set the most stringent upper limits to the X-ray flux determined thus far, improving upon limits obtained from the \\rosat\\ All-Sky Survey (RASS) by two orders of magnitude. In \\S\\ref{s:discuss}, we discuss our results in the context of models of coronae on late-type stars. We summarize in \\S\\ref{s:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:discuss} \\subsection{Magnetic Fields} \\label{s:magnetic_fields} If any coronal plasma exists on the surface of \\bet, it is likely confined in place by magnetic fields. From numerical studies (see \\S\\ref{s:magnetic_carpet} below), we expect fields of strength approaching 500~G. How does it compare to the observational limit? Here we estimate the magnetic field strength required to confine plasma, assuming that there does exist coronal plasma emitting at a level just below the derived flux upper limit (\\S\\ref{s:fluxul}), and further assuming equipartition of thermal and magnetic energy densities in the corona, i.e., $\\frac{B^2}{8\\pi} = 2 n_e k_B T$, and hence \\begin{equation} B = \\left( \\frac {16 \\pi \\mu^2 k_B^2 T^2 \\lx} {h R_*^2 f \\Lambda(T)} \\right)^{1/4} \\end{equation} where $T$ is the assumed plasma temperature, $\\Lambda(T)$ is the power emitted from a unit volume of the plasma, $\\mu$ is the effective mass of an average particle ($\\mu\\approx\\frac{1}{2}$ for fully ionized plasma), $R_*$ is the stellar radius, $k_B$ is Boltzmann's constant, $f$ is the filling fraction of the X-ray active region on the surface of the star, and $h$ is the height of the corona. Note that $B~\\propto~(\\lx/f)^{1/4}$, i.e., it is only weakly dependent on the X-ray luminosity and the filling fraction. \\begin{figure}[htb!] \\begin{center} {\\includegraphics{f4.eps}} \\caption{Magnetic field strength $B$ required to confine coronal plasma on \\bet, as a function of the plasma temperature. The shaded regions represent the variation expected due to a patchy coverage of the surface by the magnetic field, with the lower edges corresponding to a filling fraction $f=1$ and the upper edges to $f=0.01$. The lower shaded regions represent a corona with the same height as the scale height of the chromosphere, and for comparison, the upper shaded regions represent a corona with a similar height as that of the solar corona. The two plots are calculated assuming different column densities of absorption: $N_H=6.2\\times10^{21}$ (left) and $10^{22}$~cm$^{-2}$ (right). \\label{f:BTf} } \\end{center} \\end{figure} In Figure~\\ref{f:BTf}, we show the required field strength $B$, for a range of filling fraction $f$, for different estimates of the height of the corona. We obtain estimates both for a corona that is approximately the same height as the solar corona ($h=10^{10}$~cm) and for one that extends as high as the chromospheric scale height ($h={kT_{\\rm chrom}R_{*}^2}/{\\mu~m_{\\rm H}GM_{*}}\\approx2\\times10^{12}$~cm). The latter is relevant in the context of a ``buried corona'' scenario expounded by Ayres et al.\\ (2003). We find that the required $B$ ranges from $\\lesssim0.1$~G up to $\\approx5$~G, considerably less than the field strength expected from modeling (Dorch 2004). Weaker fields are sufficient for lower levels of X-ray emission. (Note that our calculation of $B$ is not a limit, and we cannot rule out the presence of a stronger magnetic field. However, we can say that a stronger magnetic field is {\\sl not required}.) We thus conclude that sustaining a weak corona on \\bet\\ is feasible, and such coronae cannot yet be ruled out based on the X-ray flux limits. \\subsection{Magnetic Carpet} \\label{s:magnetic_carpet} Numerical MHD simulations of stars such as \\bet\\ have shown that a highly structured magnetic dynamo may operate on them (Dorch 2004, Freytag et al.\\ 2002), with field strength as high as $B_*\\approx500$~G. The energy spectra of the magnetic energy density peaks cascade to small scales, with a preponderately high contribution at scales $\\sim \\frac{1}{10}R_*$. This is very similar to the magnetic activity in the quiet Sun, where for comparison, field strengths reach up to $\\sim2000$~G (Cerde\\~{n}a et al.\\ 2006), and the magnetic structures of mixed polarity emerge uniformly over the surface on timescales approximately the same as the convective cells. This is the so-called `magnetic carpet' (Schrijver et al.\\ 1997, Title 2000) which pervades the surface of the Sun away from active regions. If red supergiants are magnetically active in a similar manner, the total energy dumped into the corona, and the resulting plasma temperatures and X-ray luminosities, are similar in scope to that seen in the quiet Sun and in coronal holes, scaled only by the energy densities and volumes involved. We assess the feasibility of this scenario by computing the expected surface flux upper limit $\\surffx$ for \\bet. Figure~\\ref{f:bet_ul_nH_err} shows bands corresponding to the surface flux limits, calculated assuming a variety of plausible absorbing column densities, $N_H=(4,6.2,10)\\times10^{21}$~cm$^{-2}$ (see \\S\\ref{s:fluxul}). Here we assume that the entire surface is covered by magnetic structures that contribute to the X-ray emission, i.e., that the filling fraction $f=1$. However, supergiant stars like \\bet\\ possess very large convection cells (Lim et al. 1998) which suggests that $f << 1$. Smaller values of $f$ imply that the surface flux upper limit will be correspondingly higher. We show the effects of smaller filling fractions in Figure~\\ref{f:BTf}. The X-ray luminosity of the quiet Sun is $\\approx10^{27}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$ (Golub \\& Pasachoff 1997) corresponding to a surface flux of $1.64\\times10^{4}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$. If similar processes to those on the Sun operate on \\bet, it is reasonable to expect that the energy flux deposited into the corona will be similar, scaled by the available magnetic energy density. Thus, we expect a surface X-ray flux of $\\approx10^3$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ on \\bet. Note however that the surface flux on \\bet\\ could be lower if it were dominated by features similar to the solar coronal holes. The X-ray flux from coronal holes on the Sun is much lower, $\\approx3\\times10^{3}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ (Vernazza \\& Smith 1977, Schrijver et al., 2004), and again scaling it to the expected magnetic field energy density present on \\bet, we obtain a possible X-ray surface flux of $\\approx200$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ (see Figure~\\ref{f:bet_ul_nH_err}). The upper limit on $\\surffx$ is strongly dependent on the temperature of the plasma because of the sensitive dependence of the observable spectrum on the absorption column. We find that the limit is as low as $1$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ ($\\lx/\\lbol \\approx 10^{-10}$) at high temperatures, but cannot be reduced below $\\approx10^2-10^3$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ for $T<1$~MK ($\\lx/\\lbol \\approx 10^{-8}-10^{-7}$) for the sensitivity achieved thus far with \\chandra. While the upper limit at low temperatures still lies above the flux expected from the solar analogy, this calculation does rule out the existence of pervasive quiet Sun type emission at high temperatures, since a surface flux of $\\approx10^2-10^3$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ from plasma at $T>2$~MK would have been easily detected. Note however that this does not preclude patchy and highly localized regions of magnetic activity that produces high temperature plasma, or more pervasive low-temperature plasma emission arising from this mechanism: plasma at $T\\lesssim1$~MK will remain undetected at the sensitivity limit of our observations. Since the quiet Sun and coronal hole plasma is at $T\\gtrsim1$~MK, this further suggests that even if hot plasma at lower temperatures is present on \\bet, it will bear little resemblance to the solar case. \\subsection{Coronal Proxies} \\label{s:coronal_proxies} Numerous UV and FUV chromospheric lines have been identified as proxies for coronal activity in normal and giant stars. Note that the physical relationship between the mechanisms that generate coronal and chromospheric line emission is poorly understood, and the proxy lines are often formed at temperatures very different from those that characterize coronae. However, assuming that similar processes occur on \\bet\\ as on coronally active giants and main sequence stars, we investigate whether our derived flux upper limits (see \\S\\ref{s:fluxul}) are consistent with observations of coronal proxy lines on \\bet. Based on known correlations between X-ray flux and proxy lines such as C\\,IV, Si\\,IV, etc., we can estimate the X-ray luminosity that can be expected from \\bet. For main sequence stars, Redfield et al.\\ (2003) find a strong correlation between the soft X-ray flux and the Fe\\,XVIII\\,$\\lambda974$ flux (see their Figure 7) from \\fuse\\ (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) spectra of main sequence and late-type stars. Fe\\,XVIII\\, forms above $T=2$~MK, and has a peak response at $T=6$~MK, and is thus sensitive to plasma temperatures similar to that on active binaries such as Capella. Redfield et al.\\ place an upper limit of $8\\times10^{-13}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ on the Fe\\,XVIII flux from \\bet\\ ($L_{\\rm FeXVIII}/\\lbol=7.5\\times10^{-11}$) which implies a value for the unabsorbed X-ray luminosity $\\lx/\\lbol < 10^{-7}$ if supergiants such as \\bet\\ follow the correlation seen in their Figure 7. The flux upper limit we calculate (\\S\\ref{s:fluxul}, Figure~\\ref{f:bet_ul_nH_err}) corresponds to $\\lx/\\lbol<10^{-9}$ for $T>1$~MK, well below the value predicted by the main sequence correlation. Conversely, assuming that the correlation is valid for supergiants, our X-ray upper limit implies a stronger constraint on the Fe\\,XVIII emission, $L_{\\rm FeXVIII}<7.5\\times10^{-13}~\\lbol$. Similarly, there exists a clear correlation between C\\,IV and X-ray luminosities for giant stars (see, e.g., Ayres et al.\\ 1997, especially their Figure 2). Even though there is evidence for considerable scatter for different types of stars, one can establish a general correspondence that is valid to within an order of magnitude. Based on \\textit{IUE} ultraviolet spectra, Basri et al.\\ (1981) place a $3\\sigma$ upper limit of $1.5\\times10^{-13}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ on the C\\,IV\\,$\\lambda1549$ flux from \\bet, and this translates to an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity limit of $\\lx/\\lbol \\lesssim 10^{-9}$. In the temperature range $T=1-10$~MK (which matches the sensitivity range of X-ray measurements from {\\sl Einstein} and \\rosat, on which this correlation is based), this limit is comparable to our observational limit determined above. Lastly, from \\fuse\\ spectra of \\bet\\ published by Dupree et al.\\ (2005; see their Figure 4), we estimate an upper limit of $3\\times10^{-14}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ on its Si\\,IV flux. If the correlation found by Ayres et al. (2003, see their Figure 4) for giant stars applies to supergiants like \\bet, then the limit of $f_{\\rm Si\\,IV} / f_{\\rm bol} < 5\\times10^{-10}$ corresponds to an expected X-ray unabsorbed flux of $\\fx / f_{\\rm bol} \\lesssim 10^{-9}$ which is again comparable to the observed limit we obtain. Note that previous studies of \\bet\\ in the optical and UV have seen no evidence for chromospheric temperatures above 6000 K (e.g. Lobel et al. 2000 \\& 2001 and Carpenter et al. 1994) and our observations are consistent with those findings. From the comparisons above, we conclude that we have now achieved a sensitivity in the X-ray regime that is comparable to the sensitivity achieved in the far UV with coronal proxy lines, especially at temperatures $T>3$~MK. In combination with the surface flux limit arguments made above (\\S\\ref{s:magnetic_carpet}) and the stringent upper limit on $\\lx/\\lbol$ obtained here, we conclude that any high-temperature plasma will have to arise from a mechanism other than that which normally operates on the Sun. Finally, note also that if the hot plasma is ``buried'' in the highly extended chromospheric material (as suggested by Ayres et al.\\ 2003), then both the chromospheric proxies and the coronal X-ray flux will be subject to significant absorption, and our placement of \\bet\\ on these flux-flux correlation diagrams will be systematically low. In such a case, the limit on $\\lx/\\lbol$ will be less restrictive, but will not affect our conclusions. We have carefully analyzed over 20~ks of \\chandra\\ observations of \\bet\\ in an effort to detect X-ray emission from the massive red supergiant. However, \\bet\\ remains undetected, and we derive an upper limit to the X-ray count rate by calculating the rate that would have resulted in a detection given the extant background. We have converted this count rate limit to a flux limit at the telescope by computing the response of \\rosat\\ and \\chandra\\ instruments to isothermal plasma producing optically-thin thermal emission, and thereby derive the most stringent upper limits to the X-ray flux from \\bet\\ obtained thus far. We find a limit for the flux from \\bet\\ at the telescope of $\\fx < 4\\times10^{-15}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ for temperatures $T>1$~MK. At lower temperatures, we place a limit of $\\fx < 3\\times10^{-14}$~ergs~s$^{-1}$~cm$^{-2}$ on the flux. The flux limit at Earth can be converted to a stellar surface flux upper limit and to an $\\lx/\\lbol$ limit using the known distance and size of \\bet. We compare the surface flux limits with the flux expected from a solar like emission mechanism, where a pervasive magnetic field maintains a low-level corona, as in the quiet Sun or solar coronal holes. We rule out such emission at temperatures $>1$~MK, but such emission is still feasible at lower temperatures. The minimum magnetic field necessary to maintain such a corona is $<10$~G, well within theoretical expectations. We compare the $\\lx/\\lbol$ upper limit we derive with the limits obtained from non-detections of coronal tracer lines such as C\\,IV, Si\\,IV, and Fe\\,XVIII\\,$\\lambda974$ and find that we achieve sensitivities in the X-ray comparable to that in the coronal proxies. These limits reinforce the conclusions arrived at above, that high-temperature plasma, even at levels expected in the presence of stellar coronal holes, is absent on \\bet, but the existence of low-temperature plasma cannot be ruled out." }, "0606/astro-ph0606452_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The new three year WMAP data seem to confirm the presence of non-standard large scale features in the cosmic microwave anisotropy power spectrum. While these features may hint at uncorrected experimental systematics, it is also possible to generate, in a cosmological way, oscillations on large angular scales by introducing a sharp step in the inflaton potential. Using current cosmological data, we derive constraints on the position, magnitude and gradient of a possible step. We show that a step in the inflaton potential, while strongly constrained by current data, is still allowed and may provide an interesting explanation to the currently measured deviations from the standard featureless spectrum. Moreover, we show that inflationary oscillations in the primordial power spectrum can significantly bias parameter estimates from standard ruler methods involving measurements of baryon oscillations. ", "introduction": "The recent three year results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite \\cite{wmap3cosm,wmap3pol,wmap3temp,wmap3beam} have further confirmed with an extraordinary precision the inflationary paradigm of structure formation in which primordial fluctuations are created from quantum fluctuations during an early period of superluminal expansion of the universe \\cite{Starobinsky:1979ty,muk81,bardeen83}. Indeed, soon after the WMAP data release, a number of authors investigated the possibility to discriminate between several single-field inflationary models using this new, high quality, dataset \\cite{alabidi,PeirisEasther,Lewis:2006ma,Seljak:2006bg,Magueijo:2006we, Liddle06,kinney06,Martin:2006rs}. One of the main conclusions of these works is that some inflationary models, such as quartic chaotic models of the form $V(\\phi)\\sim \\lambda \\phi^4$, may be considered ruled out by the current data, while others, such as chaotic inflation with a quadratic potential $V(\\phi) \\sim m^2 \\phi^2$, are consistent with all data sets. One important assumption in these analyses (apart for \\cite{Martin:2006rs}) is that the inflaton's potential is featureless, i.e., there is no preferred scale during inflation and the primordial power spectrum of density perturbations in Fourier $k$-space can be well approximated by a power law $k^n$, where the spectral index $n$ is almost scale independent. The main prediction of these models is that the anisotropy angular power spectrum should be ``smooth'' and not show features in addition to those provided by the baryon-photon plasma oscillations at decoupling within the framework of the standard $\\Lambda$CDM model of structure formation. The current WMAP data is in very good agreement with this hypothesis: several non-standard features in the anisotropy angular power spectrum detected in the first year data have now disappeared thanks to the longer integration time of the observations and better control of systematics (see \\cite{wmap3cosm}). However, features in the large scale anisotropy spectrum are still present in the new release. Moreover, some of the cosmological parameters derived from the new WMAP data, like, for instance, the low value of the variance of fluctuations $\\sigma_8$, appear in tension with those derived by complementary data sets. It is therefore timely to investigate a larger set of inflationary models and to consider a cosmological origin of these unexpected features. A departure from power law behavior of the primordial power spectrum could be caused by a change of the initial conditions, due to trans-planckian physics \\cite{Martin:2003kp,Easther:2002xe} or unusual initial field dynamics \\cite{Burgess:2002ub, Contaldi:2003zv} or by some brief violation of the slow roll conditions during inflation~\\cite{Kofman:1989ed,Starobinsky:1992ts}. We will investigate a model of the second type where features in the temperature and density power spectra arise due to a step-like change in the potential parameters, as proposed by~\\cite{ace}. A sharp step in the inflaton mass, caused, e.g., by a symmetry breaking phase transition, generates indeed $k$-dependent oscillations in the spectrum of primordial density perturbations. The goal of our paper is to make use of the recent three year WMAP data (WMAP3) and other datasets to constrain the possibility of a step feature in the inflaton potential. For this purpose we adopt the phenomenological model proposed by Adams et al. \\cite{ace}, where a step feature is added to the chaotic inflationary potential in the following way: \\begin{equation} V(\\phi) = {1\\over 2} m^2 \\phi^2 \\, \\left( 1 + c \\tanh \\left( \\frac{\\phi-b}{d} \\right) \\right), \\label{tan-potential} \\end{equation} where $m$ is an overall normalization factor, $c$ determines the height of the step, $d$ its gradient and $b$ is the field value on which the step is centered. Previous phenomenological studies of the same~\\cite{Peiris:2003ff} or other oscillatory features~\\cite{Martin:2004yi,Kawasaki:2004pi} have been limited to the first year WMAP data, and in general a full analysis varying also all cosmological parameters is still missing and is the major result of this work. The paper is organized as follows: In Sec.\\ II we briefly review step-inflation models. In Sec.\\ III we describe our analysis method. In Sec.\\ IV we present our results and, finally, in Sec.\\ V we derive our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "The new three year WMAP data seem to confirm the presence of non-standard large scale features on the cosmic microwave anisotropy power spectrum. While these features may hint at uncorrected experimental systematics, a possible cosmological way to generate large angular scale oscillations is to introduce a sharp step in the inflaton potential. By making use of current cosmological data we derive constraints on the position, magnitude and gradient of a possible step in the inflaton potential. Our conclusion is that such a step, while strongly constrained by current data, is still allowed and may provide an interesting explanation to the current measured deviations from the standard featureless spectrum at low $\\ell$. Surprisingly though, the combination of all CMB data sets with the SDSS data seems to prefer a feature at small scales, which could mimic the effect of baryonic oscillations and reduces the best fit value of $\\Omega_b$. Note that for this it is sufficient to have a minute change, of order $0.1\\%$, in the inflaton mass parameter, but a relatively fast one. It is an open question if such a sharp step can be realized in realistic inflationary models and if the effect is physical. In general we can exclude the presence of strong features with $c \\geq 0.003 $ in the observable range. Future experiments like PLANCK will provide better measurements of the polarization and cross temperature-polarization spectra, providing an important check for possible non-standard features." }, "0606/astro-ph0606178_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Soon after launch, the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS), one of the focal plane instruments on the Chandra X-ray Observatory, suffered radiation damage from exposure to soft protons during passages through the Earth's radiation belts. The primary effect of the damage was to increase the charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) of the eight front illuminated CCDs by more than two orders of magnitude. The ACIS instrument team is continuing to study the properties of the damage with an emphasis on developing techniques to mitigate CTI and spectral resolution degradation. We present the initial temperature dependence of ACIS CTI from --120 to --60 degrees Celsius and the current temperature dependence after more than six years of continuing slow radiation damage. We use the change of shape of the temperature dependence to speculate on the nature of the damaging particles. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} The Chandra X-ray Observatory, the third of NASA's great observatories in space, was launched just past midnight on July 23, 1999, aboard the space shuttle {\\it Columbia}\\cite{cha2}. After a series of orbital maneuvers Chandra reached its final, highly elliptical, orbit. Chandra's orbit, with a perigee of 10,000~km, an apogee of 140,000~km and an initial inclination of 28.5$^\\circ$, transits a wide range of particle environments, from the radiation belts at closest approach through the magnetosphere and magnetopause and past the bow shock into the solar wind. The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS), one of two focal plane science instruments on Chandra, utilizes frame-transfer charge-coupled devices (CCDs) of two types, front- and back-illuminated (FI and BI). Soon after launch it was discovered that the FI CCDs had suffered radiation damage from exposure to soft protons scattered off the Observatory's grazing-incidence optics during passages through the Earth's radiation belts\\cite{gyp00,odell}. Since mid-September 1999, ACIS has been protected during radiation belt passages and there is an ongoing effort to prevent further damage and to develop hardware and software strategies to mitigate the effects of charge transfer inefficiency on data analysis\\cite{cticorr}. One symptom of radiation damage in CCDs is an increase in the number of charge traps. When charge is transfered across the CCD to the readout, some portion can be captured by the traps and gradually re-emitted. If the original charge packet has been transfered away before the traps re-emit, the captured charge is ``lost'' to the charge packet. The pulseheight read out from the instrument which corresponds to a given energy decreases with increasing transfer distance. This process is quantified as charge transfer inefficiency (CTI), the fractional charge loss per pixel and is calculated from a linear fit to the pulseheight versus row number; CTI = (slope/intercept). Damage can exist in the imaging or framestore array, causing parallel CTI in the column direction, or in the serial register, causing serial CTI along rows. The ACIS CCDs come in two flavors, front- and back-illuminated, which have different manifestations of CTI. The distribution of re-emission time constants of the electron traps which cause CTI vary depending on the type of damage. In addition, the pixel to pixel transfer time in the imaging, framestore and serial arrays differs so that the same species of electron trap can produce different CTI results in different locations. The eight front-illuminated CCDs had essentially no CTI before launch, but are strongly sensitive to radiation damage from low energy protons ($\\sim$100~keV) which preferentially create traps in the buried transfer channel. The framestore covers are thick enough to stop this radiation, so the initial damage was limited to the imaging area of the FI CCDs. Radiation damage from low-energy protons is now minimized by moving the ACIS detector away from the aimpoint of the observatory during passages through the Earth's particle belts. Continuing exposure to both low and high energy particles over the lifetime of the mission slowly degrades the CTI further.\\cite{odell,ctitrend} As of January 2000, the parallel CTI at 5.9~keV of the ACIS FI CCDs varied across the focal plane from $1 - 2 \\times 10^{-4}$ at the nominal operating temperature of --120$^\\circ$~C with a rate of increase of roughly $3 \\times 10^{-6}$/year. Parallel CTI in the framestore array and serial CTI were not affected by the initial radiation damage and remain negligible with upper limits of $< 10^{-6}$ (framestore array) and $< 2 \\times 10^{-5}$ (serial array). The two back-illuminated CCDs (ACIS-S1,S3) suffered damage during the manufacturing process and exhibit CTI in both the imaging and framestore areas and the serial transfer array, but are less sensitive to the low energy particles which damage the FI CCDs because they cannot reach the transfer channel. The parallel CTI at 5.9~keV of the S3 BI CCD was $\\sim 1.6 \\times 10^{-5}$ at a temperature of --120$^\\circ$~C at the beginning of the mission with a strong non-linear flattening of pulseheight at low row numbers due to CTI in the framestore array. The serial CTI is much larger, $\\sim 8 \\times 10^{-5}$. BI CCD parallel CTI has been increasing at a rate of $1 \\times 10^{-6}$. Measured CTI is a function of temperature. Detrapping time constants decrease as the temperature increases so that different populations of traps can become more or less important. If the detrapping time constant drops below the pixel transfer time or becomes much longer than the typical distance between charge packets, charge is no longer lost to the trap. The distribution of trap time constants at a particular temperature determines the CTI, so temperature can positively or negatively correlate with CTI. Conversely, the temperature dependence of CTI reflects the particular blend of electron traps. The temperature dependence of ACIS CTI was first measured in 1999 \\cite{gyp00} and again in 2005. In this paper, we present a comparison of the CTI temperature dependence in both time periods and use this to speculate as to the nature of the intervening particle damage. This paper begins by describing the calibration data taken during the temperature tests in Section~\\ref{sect:data} and the CTI data reduction in Section~\\ref{sect:reduc}. The CTI-temperature dependence for both time periods is presented and discussed in Section~\\ref{sect:results}. ", "conclusions": "The CTI-temperature dependence of the Chandra ACIS CCDs has been measured twice in orbit; soon after launch in 1999 and again in 2005. We presented analysis of this data for back-illuminated and front-illuminated CCDs and discussed the differences between the two CCDs and between the two sets of observations. The temperature dependence can be used to characterize the particular electron trap distribution. In the case of ACIS, the initial temperature dependence of the FI and BI CCDs in 1999 was very different, due to the different causes of the damage. The change in the temperature dependence between 1999 and 2005 was similar for both the FI and BI CCDs indicating that the spectrum of particle energies must be hard enough to reach the BI CCD buried channel. Small differences between the change in temperature dependence in 1999 and 2005 and the initial FI CCD temperature dependence may indicate that the traps induced by the low energy protons in the radiation belts are slightly different than the traps created by the harder continuing particle damage." }, "0606/astro-ph0606722_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We report the results of XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observations of the radio and X--ray emitting star \\src, likely associated with the gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01 and recently detected also at TeV energies. The data include a long XMM-Newton pointing carried out in January 2005, which provides the deepest look ever obtained for this object in the 0.3--12 keV range. During this observation the source flux decreased from a high level of $\\sim$13$\\times$10$^{-12}$~erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ to 4$\\times$10$^{-12}$~erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ within 2-3 hours. This flux range is the same seen in shorter and less sensitive observations carried out in the past, but the new data show for the first time that transitions between the two levels can occur on short time scales. The flux decrease was accompanied by a significant softening of the spectrum, which is well described by a power law with photon index changing from 1.62$\\pm{0.01}$ to 1.83$\\pm{0.01}$. A correlation between hardness and intensity is also found when comparing different short observations spanning almost 10 years and covering various orbital phases. \\src\\ was detected in the 15--70 keV range with the PDS instrument in one of the BeppoSAX observations, providing evidence for variability also in the hard X--ray range. The X--ray spectra, discussed in the context of multiwavelength observations, place some interesting constraints on the properties and location of the high-energy emitting region. ", "introduction": "The peculiar radio source GT 0236+610, unambiguously associated with the B0 Ve star \\src, is unique in its high variability and periodic radio emission (Gregory \\& Taylor 1978). The radio outbursts show a periodicity of about 26.5 days (Taylor \\& Gregory 1982; Gregory et al., 1999) and a further modulation of both the outburst phase and outburst peak flux with a period of $\\sim$1600 days (Gregory et al. 1999), also displayed in the H$_{\\alpha}$ emission line (Zamanovet al. 1999). A faint X--ray counterpart (F$_{\\rm 2-10 keV}$, 6$\\times$10$^{-12}$~erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$) was identified by Bignami et al. (1981) with the Einstein satellite, and later observed with ROSAT (Goldoni \\& Mereghetti 1995; Taylor et al. 1996), ASCA (Leahy et al. 1997), RXTE (Harrison et al. 2000; Greiner \\& Rau 2001). The hard power law X-ray spectrum extending up to 10~keV without breaks (photon index of $\\sim$1.7, absorbing column density, N$_{H}$, of $\\sim$5$\\times$10$^{21}$~cm$^{-2}$) is clearly inconsistent with low temperature plasma emission, thus excluding the Be-star as a main contribution to the X-ray emission. The 26.5 days periodicity, reflecting the orbital motion of the system (Gregory \\& Taylor 1978, Taylor \\& Gregory 1982), has also been observed in the optical band (Hutchings \\& Crampton 1981; Mendelson \\& Mazeh 1989), in the infrared (Paredes et al. 1994), in soft X-rays (Paredes et al. 1997) and in the H$_{\\alpha}$ emission line (Zamanov et al. 1999). Spectral line observations of the radio source give a distance of 2.0$\\pm{0.2}$~kpc (Frail \\& Hjellming 1991), implying an X--ray luminosity of 10$^{33}$~erg~s$^{-1}$. No periodic pulsations have been detected in its X--ray and radio emission. The low X-ray luminosity and the lack of iron line emission indicate that \\src\\ is not a classical accreting X-ray pulsar. Although this is not surprising in view of the strong radio emission (never seen from an X--ray pulsar, see e.g. Fender 2001), the low X-ray luminosity is remarkable in a source that can only be explained with the presence of a compact object. \\src\\ is very likely associated with one of the most interesting unidentified gamma-ray sources near the plane of the Galaxy, the COS-B source 2CG~135+01 (Hermsen etal. 1977). Although the association between 2CG 135+01 and \\src\\ was initially weakened by the presence of another plausible counterpart in the COS-B error region (the quasar QSO 0241+622), the reduced error box determined by EGRET (Kniffen et al. 1997) is compatible only with the position of \\src. A recent detection of variable and likely periodic very high energy gamma-ray emission above 100~GeV has been reported by the MAGIC collaboration (Albert et al. 2006). The strong radio outbursts suggest the presence of a compact star, although there is no direct evidence for the existence of a neutron star (no pulsations nor X-ray bursts). Two main classes of models have been proposed for \\src, involving a highly eccentric binary system with an orbital period of 26.5 days, composed of a compact star and the Be companion. The first class of models suggests that the radio outbursts are produced by streams of relativistic particles originating in episodes of super-Eddington accretion onto the compact object (e.g., Taylor et al., 1992). The X--ray luminosity of \\src\\ is orders of magnitude lower than the Eddington limit. The association with the gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01 suggests that the bulk of the energy output is shifted from X--ray to $\\gamma$--ray wavelengths, but the actual mechanism responsible for this is not well understood in the context of the supercritical accretion model. The second class of models assumes that \\src\\ contains a non-accreting young rapidly rotating neutron star (e.g., Maraschi \\& Treves, 1981; Tavani, 1994). The radio outbursts are produced by energetic electrons accelerated in the shock boundary between the relativistic wind of the young pulsar and the wind of the Be star. This scenario is supported by the shock-powered emission observed by ASCA and CGRO near the periastron in a possibly similar system, the binary PSR B1259-63 (Tavani et al., 1995), which is composed by a radio pulsar (with a period of 47~ms) orbiting a Be star (orbital period of 3.4~yr). In this case,the high-energy emission allows a sensible diagnostics of the shock emission region where the pulsar wind interacts with the circumstellar material originating from the surface of the massive star (Tavani, 1994). The modulation of the radio emission might be due to the time variable geometry of a `pulsar cavity' as a function of the orbital phase. A third way of producing X-rays has been suggested by Campana et al. (1995), as accretion onto the pulsar magnetosphere when the stellar wind ram pressure exceeds the pulsar wind pressure, but is not large enough to penetrate the pulsar magnetospheric boundary. This situation can occur in \\src\\ for reasonable values of the neutron star magnetic field and spin period. An object similar to \\src\\ has been discovered, the microquasar LS~5039 (Paredes et al. 2000, 2005) which is subluminous in the X--ray range (even more than \\src) and, if the proposed association with the EGRET source 3EG J1824-1514 is correct, also shows the same puzzling behavior,having L$_{\\gamma}$ $>$ L$_{\\rm X}$. Therefore, \\src\\ and LS~5039 could be the first two examples of a new class of X--ray binaries with powerful ${\\gamma}$-ray emission (see also Aharonian et al. 2005 for a HESS detection of LS~5039 at energies above 250~GeV). In the case of LS~5039, an ejection process, probably fed by an accretion disk, is clearly proved by a VLBA map which shows bipolar jets emerging from a central core. Its high L$_{\\gamma}$ is tentatively explained by inverse Compton scattering. In \\src, VLBI observations (at 5~GHz) show a possible jet-like elongation at milliarcseconds scales, suggesting the presence of a one-sided collimated radio jet, as found in several other X--ray binaries. A lower limit of 0.4~c for the intrinsic velocity of the radio jet has been derived (Massi et al. 2001). We report here the results of a deep XMM-Newton observation performed in January 2005, together with spectral analysis of archival \\sax\\ observations never reported in literature, and for completeness we studied also other five short archival \\xmm\\ observations recently analysed by Chernyakova et al. (2006). ", "conclusions": "We have reported here the deepest X--ray observation of \\src\\ ever carried out. A systematic analysis of other five \\xmm\\ and two \\sax\\ observations has also been performed, in order to investigate possible changes of the spectral parameters along the orbital phase (see Figs.~\\ref{fig:sum1} and ~\\ref{fig:sum2}) and to get a global picture at X-rays. During the longest \\xmm\\ observation for the first time we found evidence for a rapid (on timescales of few hours) change in flux and hardness ratio: the source flux decreased by a factor of $\\sim$3, together with a drop in hardness ratio (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:lc}) within about 1000~s. This kind of variability (the source is harder when is brighter) is also visible when comparing different observations performed in different times and with different satellites (Fig~\\ref{fig:sum2}). Another interesting variability feature is the presence of a sort of ``flaring'' behaviour at the beginning of one of the \\sax\\ observations, but with no evidence for simultaneous hardness variations, mainly because of the low statistics. The evolution of the source X--ray flux with the orbital phase shows X--ray emission along all the phases, although with a difference of a factor 3 in the flux level between two states, with a ``high'' state preferentially found in the phase range 0.4-1.0. We found no obvious correlation of any of the X--ray spectral parameters with the superorbital period. The analysis of archival \\sax\\ observations allowed the first detection of the source with the PDS instrument (in the energy range 15--70 keV), with evidence for a change in flux between a high and low state also in the hard energy band. The observations reported here demonstrate that the source is variable both at soft and hard X--rays, also at short timescales. Thus, a detailed study of the overall spectrum should be in principle performed with simultaneous observations at all wavelengths. We try here to discuss the broad band energy spectrum distinguishing at least two source states, a high and a low state, in order to get informations on the source energetics. Figure~\\ref{fig:sed} shows our \\xmm\\ and \\sax\\ results in the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of \\src. For radio, \\xmm\\ and \\sax\\ data we show both high and low state spectra. CGRO and MAGIC observations show low significance flux variations (peaking in the phase interval 0.4-0.7) correlated with those at X-ray energies. For these instruments we plot only average measurements of the datasets with positive detections. During the high state, the keV-MeV spectrum can be fit with a hardening power law ($\\Gamma$=1.6-1.5) up to the break in the COMPTEL energy range ($\\sim$1-10 MeV). Then the spectrum shows a shallow roll-off (EGRET: $\\Gamma$=2.1; MAGIC: $\\Gamma$=2.6) extending up to TeV energies. Two main models to account for the SED of \\src\\ have been proposed. The ``micro-quasar'' model involves streams of relativistic particles originating in episodes of super-Eddington accretion onto a compact star embedded in the mass outflow of the B-star (Taylor \\& Gregory 1984; Massi et al. 2004a, Massi 2004b). Alternatively \\src\\ might contain a non-accreting young pulsar in orbit around the mass-losing B-star (Maraschi \\& Treves 1981; Dubus 2006). In both cases, the high energy emission offers a diagnostics of the shock emission parameters in the jet or in the region where the hypothetical pulsar wind would interact with the circumstellar material. The spectral index and break of the keV-MeV emission is consistent with that of diffusive shock acceleration models in the ``slow cooling\" regime (i.e. far from energetic equilibrium between particle injection and cooling, see e.g. Chevalier 2000). The shallow roll-off in the MeV-TeV energy range requires further model components in addition to the synchtrotron emission from shock-accelerated particles. However, the large error bars of the observations in this energy range can hardly constrain the several possibile contributions based both on leptonic mechanisms as Compton-scattered stellar radiation, synchrotron self-Compton, pair cascades (Dubus 2006; Dermer \\& B\\\"{o}ttcher 2006; Bosch-Ramon et al. 2006; Bednarek 2006), and on hadronic mechanisms as proton interactions, producing gamma-rays via neutral pion decay (Romero et al. 2003, 2005). A clear signature of the SED is instead the spectral break in the 1-10 MeV range, possibly related to the maximum energy achievable from electrons in the shock acceleration accounting for synchrotron and Compton-scattered stellar radiation energy losses, the two major electron cooling mechanisms in the dense \\src\\ environment. The maximum Lorentz factor of shocked particle is obtained by solving the equation: \\begin{equation} \\frac{1}{t_{\\rm acc}}=\\frac{1}{t_{\\rm synch}}+\\frac{1}{t_{\\rm comp}} \\end{equation} where $t_{\\rm acc}=\\xi t_{\\rm gyr}=m_{\\rm e} c \\gamma \\xi / e B $ is the electron acceleration time to reach a Lorentz factor $\\gamma$ in a magnetic field with mean intensity $B$, and $\\xi \\goe 1$ because the acceleration time in Fermi processes cannot be smaller than the gyration time, i.e. an electron gains at most a fraction of its energy when executing a single gyration in first-order shock or second-order stochastic Fermi processes (see e.g. Dermer \\& B\\\"{o}ttcher 2006). $t_{\\rm synch}=6 \\pi m_{\\rm e} c / \\sigma_{\\rm T} B^{2} \\gamma $ is the synchrotron cooling time for an electron with Lorentz factor $\\gamma$, and $t_{\\rm comp}$ accounts for inverse Compton energy losses. The solution of equation (1) is: \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{rll} \\gamma_{\\rm max}=\\sqrt{\\frac{6 \\pi e}{\\sigma_{\\rm T} \\xi B (1+ {t_{\\rm synch}}/{t_{\\rm comp}})}} \\\\ \\\\ =\\frac{1.2 \\times 10^{8}}{\\sqrt{\\xi B[{\\rm G}] (1+ {t_{\\rm synch}}/{t_{\\rm comp}})}} \\end{array} \\end{equation} If $t_{\\rm synch} \\ll t_{\\rm comp}$ then the maximum synchrotron photon energy does not depend on the magnetic field B: $h \\nu_{\\rm max}=\\hbar e B \\delta \\gamma_{\\rm max}^{2} / m_{\\rm e} c \\simeq 167 \\delta / \\xi$ MeV, where $\\delta$ is the Doppler factor to be included for jet scenarios ($1<\\delta<2$, Chernyakova et al., 2006). Thus, neglecting inverse Compton losses, the spectral break frequency would be more than one order of magnitude higher than that observed. Since photons from the Be star have a mean energy of $2.7k_{\\rm B}T \\simeq 6.5$ eV ($T_{\\rm s}=2.8 \\times 10^{4}$ K), the turning point between Thompson and Klein-Nishina inverse Compton regime is for $\\gamma_{\\rm KN}=m_{\\rm e}c^{2}/h \\nu \\simeq 8 \\times 10^{4}$. Even in case of severe inverse Compton energy losses, eq. 2 shows that $\\gamma_{\\rm max}$ cannot be lower than $\\gamma_{\\rm KN}$ for typical magnetic fields values expected in microquasar jets or pulsar-stellar winds shocks (up to several Gauss). Thus $t_{\\rm comp}=t_{\\rm KN}$ and considering electrons with Lorentz factor $\\gamma$ interacting with a blackbody surface radiation field (Blumenthal \\& Gould 1970): \\begin{equation} \\begin{array}{rll} t_{\\rm KN}=\\gamma \\left(\\frac{r}{R_{\\rm s}}\\right)^{2} \\frac{64 \\lambda_{\\rm C}^{3}}{8 \\pi^{3} c \\sigma_{\\rm T} \\Delta^{2}} \\left(\\frac{m_{\\rm e} c^{2}}{k_{\\rm B}T_{\\rm s}}\\right)^{2} \\left[\\ln\\left(0.552 \\Delta \\gamma \\frac{k_{\\rm B}T_{\\rm s}}{m_{\\rm e} c^{2}}\\right)\\right]^{-1} \\\\ \\\\ \\approx 10^{-30} \\gamma r[cm]^{2} ~~{\\rm s} \\end{array} \\end{equation} where $R_{\\rm s}=13.4R_{\\odot}$ is the Be star radius, $r$ is the distance between the star and the shock region and $\\Delta\\loe1$ accounts for the Lorentz boosting of the stellar radiation field into the co-moving frame of the emission region (in the microquasar scenario). Substituting eq. 3 in eq.2 we obtain a general expression for the maximum Lorentz factor of the electrons accounting both for synchrotron and inverse Compton losses in the KN regime: \\begin{equation} \\gamma_{\\rm max} \\simeq \\sqrt{\\frac{1.44 \\times 10^{16} B[{\\rm G}] - 8 \\times 10^{38} \\xi r[{\\rm cm}]^{-2}}{\\xi B[{\\rm G}]^{2}}} \\end{equation} which corresponds to a break energy of \\begin{equation} h\\nu_{\\rm max}=\\delta \\left(\\frac{167}{\\xi}-\\frac{10^{25}}{B[{\\rm G}]r[{\\rm cm}]^{2}}\\right) ~~{\\rm MeV} \\end{equation} The observed break energy at 1-10 MeV constrains the value of $Br^{2} \\approx 10^{23}$ G cm$^{2}$. Shock models associated to pulsar wind interacting with the circumstellar environments predict a standoff distance of the order of $r \\approx 10^{11}$ cm and magnetic fields of a few Gauss (Dubus 2006) in good agreement with the above constraint. On the other hand, in accreting models, a shock originated in an extended jet ($r \\approx 10^{14}-10^{15}$ cm; Massi et al. 2001, 2004a) would imply unrealistic low values for the magnetic fields, unless other cooling processes apart from inverse Compton on stellar radiation could play a major role (e.g. SSC, Gupta \\& B\\\"{o}ttcher 2006). Shocks originating in the inner jet at a distance comparable with the compact object-star separation ($r \\approx 10^{12}$ cm) would imply more realistic values for the magnetic fields. Future deeper and simultaneous observations in the MeV--GeV energy range with AGILE and GLAST satellites and in VHE gamma-rays with MAGIC and HESS telescopes will better assess the IC parameters (and/or hadronic mechanisms) and thus the actual emission region properties. \\begin{figure*} \\hbox{\\hspace{-0.2cm} \\includegraphics[height=6.5cm,angle=0]{5933fig5a.ps} \\hspace{.0cm} \\includegraphics[height=6.5cm,angle=0]{5933fig5b.ps}} \\vspace{-0.2cm} \\caption[]{Summary of the dependence with the orbital phase of the X--ray spectral parameters of all the observations analysed here (six \\xmm\\ and two \\sax\\ observations) together with the ASCA results (published by Leahy et al. 1997) for completeness. The meaning of the symbols is as follows: {\\em thick circles} represent the longest \\xmm\\ observation, splitted into two (the ``first'' and the ``second'' spectra, with significantly different hardness ratio and flux); the other 5 \\xmm\\ observations are marked with {\\em thick stars}, the 2 \\sax\\ observations are indicated with {\\em thick triangles} and the 2 ASCA observations (from Leahy et al. 1997) with {\\em thin crosses}. Fluxes are corrected for the absorption and in units of 10$^{-12}$~erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$. } \\label{fig:sum1} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=0,height=6.5cm]{5933fig6.ps} \\caption{Unabsorbed flux (2--10 keV; in units of 10$^{-12}$~erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$) versus power-law photon index, collecting all X--ray observations analysed here, together with the ASCA results (published by Leahy et al. 1997). The meaning of the symbols is the same as in Fig.~\\ref{fig:sum1}. The source appears to be softer when it is fainter. } \\label{fig:sum2} \\end{figure*} \\vspace{2cm} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=90,height=12.5cm]{5933fig7.ps} \\caption{Broad band \\src\\ spectrum from radio wavelengths to TeV energies. Radio data for high and low states (open triangles), IR data (open stars) and OSSE data (filled triangles) are from Strickman et al. 1998. XMM-EPIC data (crosses) and SAX-PDS data (filled circles) both high and low states are from this work. COMPTEL data (filled squares) are from van Dijk et al. 1996. EGRET data (upside-down filled triangles) are from Kniffen et al. 1997. MAGIC data (filled stars) are from Albert et al. 2006. } \\label{fig:sed} \\end{figure*} \\vspace{2cm}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606208_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I discuss the prospects of detecting the smallest dark matter bound structures present in the Milky Way by searching for the proper motion of $\\gamma$-ray sources in the upcoming GLAST all sky map. I show that for dark matter particle candidates that couple to photons the detection of at least one $\\gamma$-ray microhalo source with proper motion places a constraint on the couplings and mass of the dark matter particle. For SUSY dark matter, proper motion detection implies that the mass of the particle is less than 500 GeV and the kinetic decoupling temperature is in the range of [4-100] MeV. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606514_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the measurement results and compensation of the antenna elevation angle dependences of the Sub-millimeter Array (SMA) antenna characteristics. Without optimizing the subreflector (focus) positions as a function of the antenna elevation angle, antenna beam patterns show lopsided sidelobes, and antenna efficiencies show degradations. The sidelobe level increases and the antenna efficiencies decrease about $1\\%$ and a few \\%, respectively, for every $10^{\\circ}$ change in the elevation angle at the measured frequency of 237~GHz. We therefore obtained the optimized subreflector positions for X (azimuth), Y (elevation), and Z (radio optics) focus axes at various elevation angles for all the eight SMA antennas. The X axis position does not depend on the elevation angle. The Y and Z axes positions depend on the elevation angles, and are well fitted with a simple function for each axis with including a gravity term (cosine and sine of elevation, respectively). In the optimized subreflector positions, the antenna beam patterns show low level symmetric sidelobe of at most a few\\%, and the antenna efficiencies stay constant at any antenna elevation angles. Using one set of fitted functions for all antennas, the SMA is now operating with real-time focusing, and showing constant antenna characteristics at any given elevation angle. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} % The Submillimeter Array (SMA; left figure of Fig.~\\ref{fig:sma}) is the world's first dedicated submillimeter interferometer, and consists of eight 6~m antennas. It will cover the frequency range of 180--900~GHz with a 2~GHz bandwidth in both upper and lower side bands. An SMA antenna (right figure of Fig.~\\ref{fig:sma}) has a 6~m diameter main reflector, and its surface consists of 72 machined cast aluminum panels. These panels are supported by an open backup structure consists of carbon fiber tubes and steel nodes \\cite{ho04}. The secondary reflector (subreflector) is supported by a quadrupod. The main reflector and the quadrupod are deformed by gravity as the elevation angle of the telescope change \\cite{raf91}. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{c} \\includegraphics[height=7cm]{sma2-1crop.eps} \\includegraphics[height=7cm]{sma1-2.eps} \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\caption[sma] {\\label{fig:sma} Pictures of the Submillimeter Array (SMA; left) and an SMA antenna (right). The SMA consists of eight 6~m diameter antennas. The main reflector consists of 72 aluminum panels supported by carbon fiber tubes and steel nodes. The backup structure is usually covered, but in this figure, the bottom part is not covered yet, so that the backup structure is visible. The subreflector is supported by a quadrupod.} \\end{figure} The gravitational deformation of the main reflector and the position change of the subreflector cause changes of the antenna beam shapes (beam patterns) and the focus positions, and affect the quality of the observational data, especially high frequency observations, extended object imagings, and mosaicing. It is therefore important to figure out the effect of the gravity on the SMA antenna reflectors, and to find out the ways to avoid or compensate these effects. We performed antenna beam pattern and efficiency measurements along various telescope elevation angles (Sect.~\\ref{sect:measfix}). We then measured the optimized focus positions at various telescope elevation angles, and modeled the focus curves with a simple function (Sect.~\\ref{sect:opt}). The optimized focus positions are verified with the measurements of beam pattern and efficiencies using the derived focus curves (Sect.~\\ref{sect:measopt}). Finally, we apply these results to the real-time subreflector position optimization (Sect.~\\ref{sect:real}). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606272_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The galactic superluminal microquasar GRO~J1655-40 started a new outburst in February 2005, after seven years in quiescence, rising to a high/soft state in March 2005. In this paper we study the X-ray spectra during this rise. We observed GRO~J1655-40 with XMM-Newton, on 27 February 2005, in the low/hard state, and on three consecutive days in March 2005, during the rise of the source to its high/soft state. The EPIC-pn camera was used in the fast-read Burst mode to avoid photon pile-up. First, we contributed to the improvement of the calibration of the EPIC-pn, since the high flux received from the source required some refinements in the correction of the Charge Transfer Efficiency of the camera. Second, we find that the X-ray spectrum of GRO~J1655-40 is dominated in the high/soft state by the thermal emission from the accretion disk, with an inner radius of 13--14$\\left[\\rm{D}/3.2~\\rm{kpc}\\right]$~km and a maximum temperature of 1.3~keV. Two absorption lines are detected in the EPIC-pn spectra, at 6.7--6.8 and 7.8--8.0~keV, which can be identified either as blended Fe~XXV and Fe~XXVI K$\\alpha$ and K$\\beta$ lines, or as blueshifted Fe~XXV. We find no orbital dependence on the X-ray properties, which provides an upper limit for the inclination of the system of 73$\\degr$. The RGS spectrometers reveal interstellar absorption features at 17.2~$\\rm\\AA$, 17.5~$\\rm\\AA$ (Fe L edges) and 23.54~$\\rm\\AA$ (OI K$\\alpha$). Finally, while checking the interstellar origin of the OI line,\twe find a general correlation of the OI K$\\alpha$ line equivalent width with the hydrogen column density using several sources available in the literature. ", "introduction": "Galactic microquasars are accreting binary systems ejecting jets at relativistic velocities. Both black holes as well as neutron stars have been identified as the compact, accreting object. The analogy of these systems to extragalactic quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) make them excellent laboratories for the study of the physics involved in accretion disks and ejection of relativistic jets associated with accreting black holes (Mirabel~et~al.~\\cite{mir92}). The physics ruling black hole systems is essentially the same in galactic microquasars, hosting stellar black holes, and in AGN, with supermassive black holes, but the differences in time scales makes the study of some aspects in microquasars easier than in AGN. The characteristic timescale for the flow of matter onto a black hole is proportional to its mass, being of order of minutes in a microquasar of a few solar masses, but of thousands of years in a massive black hole of $10^{9}\\rm M_{\\odot}$. In addition, thanks to their proximity, microquasar jets have proper motions in the plane of sky with velocities about a thousand times faster than AGN, and two-sided jets can be observed. The microquasar GRO\\,J1655-40 (X-ray nova Sco\\,1994, Zhang~et~al.~\\cite{zha94}) was the second superluminal source discovered in our Galaxy, after GRS\\,1915+105 (Mirabel~\\&~Rodriguez~\\cite{mir94}). The two sources may also be peculiar in the sense that they show evidence suggesting that both systems contain a maximally spinning black hole (Zhang~et~al.~\\cite{zha97}). Radio images of GRO\\,J1655-40 showed twin jets with apparent superluminal motion (Tingay~et~al.~\\cite{tin95}) moving in opposite directions at 0.92c, and the distance was determined to be 3.2$\\pm$0.2~kpc (Hjellming~\\&~Rupen~\\cite{hje95}). Using the dust scattering halo observed by ROSAT, Greiner~et~al.~(\\cite{gre95}) determined a distance of 3~kpc, compatible with the previous determination. Optical observations in 1996 provided an inclination angle of 69.5$\\pm$0.08$\\degr$, a radial velocity semiamplitude of 228.2$\\pm$2.2~km~s$^{-1}$ and a dynamical mass of the primary component of 7.02$\\pm$0.22~M$_{\\odot}$ (Orosz~\\&~Bailyn~\\cite{oro97}), indicating that it is a black hole. Hubble Space Telescope observations showed that the system moves in an eccentric orbit with a runaway space velocity (i.e., with respect to the Galactic rotation corresponding to its position in the Galactic plane) of 112$\\pm$18~km~s$^{-1}$ (Mirabel~et~al.~\\cite{mir02}), which together with abundance anomalies found in the atmosphere of the donor star (Israelian~et~al.~\\cite{isr99}) provide evidence for a supernova origin of the black hole in GRO~J1655-40. ASCA observations of GRO~J1655-40 in August 1994 and August 1995 provided the first detection of absorption lines in an accretion powered source (Ueda~et~al.~\\cite{ued98}). The energy of the lines was found to depend on the X-ray intensity, being 6.95~keV (Fe~XXVI K$\\alpha$) at 2.2 Crab, and 6.63 and 7.66~keV (Fe~XXV K$\\alpha$ and K$\\beta$) at 0.27--0.57 Crab, revealing the presence of a highly ionized absorber. Similar absorption features were also detected for GRS 1915+105 (Kotani~et~al.~\\cite{kot00}). During the outburst in 1997, ASCA observed GRO~J1655-40 between 25 and 28 February, when it was at 1.1~Crab, and revealed an absorption feature at 6.8~keV, interpreted as the blend of the two resonance K$\\alpha$ lines of Fe~XXVI and Fe~XXV (Yamaoka~et~al.~\\cite{yam01}). Simultaneously, RXTE observations performed on 26 February 1997 showed emission lines at 5.85 and 7.32~keV, interpreted as the first red- and blueshifted Fe~K$\\alpha$ disk line in a Galactic source (Balucinska-Church~\\&~Church~\\cite{bal00}), indicating the presence of significantly ionized material in a region of the disk at $\\sim10$ Schwarzschild radii. The first observed X-ray outbursts of GRO~J1655-40 occurred in 1994--1995 (Zhang~et~al.~\\cite{zha94}, Harmon~et~al.~\\cite{har95}), and a 16-month-long outburst began on 25 April 1996 (Sobczak~et~al.~\\cite{sob99}). After 7 years of inactivity, GRO~J1655-40 left quiescence again on 17 February 2005 (Markwardt~\\&~Swank~\\cite{mar05}). The X-ray evolution was followed with RXTE/ASM (Homan~et~al.~\\cite{hometal05}) and Swift (Brocksopp~et~al.~\\cite{bro06}). GRO~J1655-40 entered in February a low/hard state (Homan~\\cite{hom05}) until it experienced a first outburst in March, moving into a high/soft state and reaching $\\sim2$ Crab (Fig.~\\ref{fig_lc}). The decay of the first outburst was followed by a month and a half of increasing X-ray flux and finally a strong outburst in very high state in May 2005, when the source reached more than 4 Crab. Here we present XMM-Newton observations performed in February-March 2005, aimed at obtaining detailed spectroscopy during the rise to the high/soft state. We use the canonical distance of 3.2~kpc throughout (see note added in proof, however). \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig1_xte_lc.eps}} \\caption{RXTE/ASM light curve of GRO~J1655-40, with dates of our XMM-Newton observations, and ASM hardness ratios: HR1, ratio of the ASM count rates (3--5~keV)/(1.5--3~keV), and HR2, (5--12~keV)/(3--5~keV). Data from the quick-look results provided by the ASM/RXTE team. \\label{fig_lc}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{The dust halo} The effect of the scattering dust halo is clearly detected in the soft X-ray spectra. The scattering fraction at 1~keV is changing during the three March observations, decreasing from 18.6($\\pm$0.2)\\% to 16.9($\\pm$0.3)\\% in the first 24 hours, and then increasing again to 18.4($\\pm$0.3)\\% during the next day. This temporal variation is consistent with a constant dust halo but a variable X-ray source flux: the time needed for the soft photons originating on the disk to travel to the scattering site far away from the source causes a delay in the flux variations of the dust halo with respect to the variations of the source. As a result, just after an increase of the disk temperature and thus of the source soft spectrum, the fraction of scattered photons with respect to the source is temporally smaller (during the second March observation) until the increasing source photons reach the outer part of the halo and their scattered photons also reach the observer, increasing again the scattering fraction (third March observation). This effect has been known for some time. It was also observed by ROSAT and used to estimate the distance to GRO~J1655-40 (Greiner~et~al.~\\cite{gre95}). \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig3_pn_new.eps}} \\caption{EPIC pn residuals of GRO~J1655-40 spectra of our three March 2005 observations at zero velocity, after fitting an absorbed multi-temperature disk model.} \\label{fig_pn} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Continuum} The maximum disk temperature observed in the March observations, increasing from 1.25 to 1.35~keV, is consistent with the values commonly observed in black hole binaries in high/soft state (see for instance McClintock~\\&~Remillard~\\cite{mcc06}), and with the Swift observations of the same period (Brocksopp~et~al.~\\cite{bro06}). The inner radius, \\mbox{$\\rm R_{in}\\sim13-14\\left[\\rm{D}/3.2\\rm{kpc}\\right]$~km}, is only a little larger than the gravitational radius of the black hole, R$_{\\rm g}=\\rm G\\rm M/ \\rm c^2=10$~km, consistent with a rapidly spinning black hole (Zhang et al. \\cite{zha97}). From the fit parameters of the MCD model the luminosity of the disk can be calculated as $\\rm L_x=4\\pi \\rm R_{in}^2\\sigma \\rm T_{in}^ 4$ (Makishima~et~al.~\\cite{mak86}). With our values, the accretion disk luminosity is \\mbox{$6-7\\times10^{37}\\left[\\rm{D}/3.2\\rm{kpc}\\right]^2$~erg~$\\rm s^{-1}$}. With the accretion disk luminosity, the accretion rate can be calculated as $2\\rm L_x \\rm R_{in}/\\rm G \\rm M \\rm g^2$ (Makishima~et~al.~\\cite{mak86}), where $\\rm g=(1-\\rm R_{g}/\\rm R_{in})^{1/2}$ is a correction for the general relativity, R$_{\\rm g}$ is the gravitational radius and M is the mass of the black hole. From the accretion disk luminosity, the disk inner radius and the black hole mass of GRO~J1655-40, we obtain an accretion rate during the high/soft state of $\\sim10^{-8}~\\rm M_{\\odot}~\\rm{yr}^{-1}$. The rise of the disk blackbody component during the high/soft state in March is reflected in the power law index of the corona, which increases from 1.48$\\pm$0.01 in February 27 to values higher than 2 in the March observations. With the rise of the thermal disk emission, the soft luminosity increases and the electrons in the corona are cooled more efficiently, resulting in a softer spectrum of the comptonized photons, i.e., a steeper power law. \\subsection{Interstellar absorption} The interstellar OI~K$\\alpha$ line is clearly detected at 23.5~$\\rm \\AA$ in our three March 2005 RGS spectra. This line was also found in the RGS spectra of other sources, and distinguished from the instrumental components around the interstellar oxygen edge, at 23.05 and 23.35 $\\rm \\AA$ (de Vries~et~al.~\\cite{cor03}). Juett~et~al.~(\\cite{jue04}) detected the same line in the high resolution spectra of seven X-ray binaries using the Chandra/HETGS, as part of their study of the structure of the oxygen absorption edge caused by the interstellar medium. More recently, it has also been detected in the Cyg~X-2 spectrum (Costantini~et~al.~\\cite{cos05}), in the observations that have allowed the first spatially resolved spectroscopic study of a scattering dust halo, as well as in the absorption towards LMC~X-3 (Wang~et~al.~\\cite{wan05}) and the recently discovered black hole candidate XTE~J1817-330 (Sala~\\&~Greiner~\\cite{sal06}). To check the interstellar origin of the OI~K$\\alpha$ line observed in the RGS spectra of GRO~J1655-40, we have looked for a correlation of the equivalent width of the line and the hydrogen column density, using the above mentioned works (Fig.~\\ref{fig_oh}). We find that the equivalent width of the OI~K$\\alpha$ line, EW, is indeed correlated with the column density, N$_{\\rm H}$, as EW(eV)=$0.5(\\pm0.1)+2.8(\\pm0.3)\\times10^{22}\\rm N_{\\rm H}(\\rm{cm}^{-2})$. The values observed for GRO~J1655-40 fall well within this correlation for the ISM. We find that an alternative correlation with zero regression constant could be EW(eV)=$3.6(\\pm1.6)\\times10^{22}\\rm N_{\\rm H}(\\rm{cm}^{-2})$, but this would underestimate the equivalent width for the sources with hydrogen column density less than $5\\times10^{21}\\rm{cm}^{-2}$. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=-90]{fig5_new.eps}} \\caption{RGS1 (black) and RGS2 (grey, contributing only below 20$\\rm \\AA$ and above 24$\\rm \\AA$.) around the oxygen edge in the first order spectra of the 14th March 2005 observation, fitted with the new TBabs model.} \\label{fig_oxygen} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=-90]{fig4_new.eps}} \\caption{First and second order (with lower count rate) spectra of GRO~J1655-40 in the range 16--19$\\rm \\AA$, obtained with RGS1 (black) and RGS2 (grey) on 14 March 2005, showing the ISM Fe L edges fitted with the new TBabs model.} \\label{fig_rgs} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Orbital dependence and inclination of the binary system} Since the orbital period of GRO~J1655-40 is $\\sim2.6$ days and our three March observations were taken with one day intervals, we are covering approximately one whole orbital cycle. We can extrapolate the Orosz~\\&~Bailyn~(\\cite{oro97}) ephemeris, to obtain the orbital phase of our observations (error is 0.08 in all cases): 0.31--0.40 (27 February), 0.17--0.24 (14 March), 0.55--0.62 (15 March) and 0.93--0.00 (16 March). Given the inclination of the system (between $\\sim70\\degr$, Orosz~\\&~Bailyn~\\cite{oro97}, van~der~Hooft~et~al.~\\cite{van98}; and $\\sim85\\degr$, Hjellming~\\&~Rupen~\\cite{hje95}), an orbital phase close to zero corresponds to having the donor star situated closer to the observer, while in phase 0.5 the disk would be in front of the secondary star. This means that if any of the observed spectral features were arising from the illuminated face of the secondary star, it would have its maximum at phase 0.5 and would not be present at phase zero. This is not the case in our observations. Another possible orbital effect would be that the disk emission were absorbed by the stellar wind of the secondary star, which would produce increased absorptions close to phase zero, i.e. on 16 March, which is also not the case. Finally, neither dips nor eclipses were observed in the disk thermal emission at any of the phases. Given the size of the donor star, $\\sim5\\rm{R}_{\\odot}$ (Orosz~\\&~Bailyn~\\cite{oro97}), the binary separation ($1.17\\times10^{12}$cm), and assuming that the soft X-ray emission originates in the central 200\\,000 km of the disk (see below, section~\\ref{sect_fexxv}), the duration of a possible eclipse of the soft X-ray emission by the donor star would last more than 2.5 hours (i.e., a change in the orbital phase of 0.04) close to phase zero. This should have been clearly visible during our 16 March observation. The fact that no orbital modulation is observed in the X-ray spectra, provides an upper limit for the inclination of the system. With the parameters mentioned above for the sizes of the system, the inclination must be smaller than 73$\\degr$ (for the innermost 200\\,000~km of the disk surface to be visible in all orbital phases). This limit is in agreement with the inclination determined from the optical light-curve by Orosz~\\&~Bailyn~(\\cite{oro97}), $69.\\!\\!^\\circ5\\pm0.\\!\\!^\\circ8$, and by van~der~Hooft~et~al.~(\\cite{van98}), $67.\\!\\!^\\circ2\\pm3.\\!\\!^\\circ5$, but incompatible with the inclination inferred from the radio jets, $\\sim84\\degr$ (Hjellming~\\&~Rupen~\\cite{hje95}). This points, as suggested by Orosz~\\&~Bailyn~(\\cite{oro97}), to an inclination of the jet axis of about 15$\\degr$ with respect to the normal to the orbital plane. Alternatively, non-symmetric jet ejections could have lead to a wrong inclination inference (Hjellming~\\&~Rupen~\\cite{hje95}). \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=0]{fig6_oh.eps}} \\caption{OI K-$\\alpha$ line equivalent width versus hydrogen column density for several galactic sources. The dashed line indicates an approximate linear correlation, EW(eV)=$0.5+2.8\\times10^{-22}\\rm N_{\\rm H}(\\rm{cm}^{-2})$.} \\label{fig_oh} \\end{figure} \\subsection{\\label{sect_fexxv}The Fe~XXV/Fe~XXVI absorber} Clear highly ionized Fe absorption lines are detected in the EPIC-pn spectra of the three March observations in the high/soft state. It is worth noting that Ueda~et~al.~(\\cite{ued98}) found simultaneously Fe~XXV absorption features and an iron edge, while they detected no edge when absorption in the iron K band corresponded to Fe~XXVI. Assuming that the absorbing plasma is photoionized, the ionization state of the observed elements provides information on the conditions and location of the absorber. The presence of He-like Fe ions indicates an ionization parameter $\\xi=$L/nr$^{2}\\sim10^{3}$~erg~cm~s$^{-1}$ (Kallman~et~al.~\\cite{kal96}). The lack of lower ionization absorption implies that the absorber cannot have a large extent. The equivalent width of the Fe lines is increasing between the first and the last March observations. This may be pointing out either an increase in the total column density, or in the ionization state of the gas. Ueda~et~al.~(\\cite{ued98}) determined the iron column density of the plasma to be $10^{19}-10^{20}$~cm$^{-2}$ from the observed equivalent width and the curve of growth of the Fe~XXV~K$\\alpha$ line, which relates the expected equivalent width to the iron column density. Using their curve of growth and assuming the detected features are only Fe~XXV, our equivalent width of the Fe~XXV~K$\\alpha$ line (between 50 and 160~eV) corresponds to a column density of $10^{19}$ and $5\\times10^{20}$~cm$^{-2}$, which is similar to the values found by Ueda~et~al.~(\\cite{ued98}). Assuming cosmic abundances, this corresponds to a hydrogen column density in the range $2\\times10^{23}-10^{25}$ cm$^{-2}$. Since the observed absorption lines may be a blend of Fe~XXV and Fe~XXVI, these must be taken as upper limits. In addition, for a hydrogen column density larger than 10$^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$, the line absorber would be optically thick to Thomson scattering (Ueda~et~al. 1998). We consider this to be unlikely and, taking into account the errors in the equivalent widths, the column density could be then in the range $2\\times10^{23}- 10^{24}$~cm$^{-2}$ in all three observations. With the photoionization parameter, $\\xi\\sim10^{3}$~cm~s$^{-1}$, and the flux detected above $\\sim9$~keV (X-rays photoionizing He-like iron ions), $\\rm L_{\\ge 9\\rm{keV}}\\sim5\\times10^{36}$~erg~s$^{-1}$ (for a distance of 3.2~kpc), the column density indicates a distance to the central source between 50\\,000 and 200\\,000~km. Assuming that the disk radius is 70\\% of the Roche lobe radius, i.e., $4\\times10^{6}$~km, the Fe~XXV absorber extends to less than 5\\% of the disk surface. In the case that the features correspond to blueshifted Fe~XXV lines, the error in the energy determination is too large as to reach any strong conclusion about its blueshift. Nevertheless, assuming the wind velocity is constant, the common range of blueshifts of the three March observations is reduced to 2600--4500~km~s$^{-1}$. From the parameters derived above for the Fe~XXV absorber, and assuming constant density and spherical symmetry for the expanding wind, the mass loss rate $4\\pi \\rm r^2 \\rho\\rm v \\rm b$ would be in the range $(2-13)\\times10^{-7}\\rm b ~\\rm M_{\\odot} \\rm {yr}^{-1}$, with b being the filling factor. This upper limit is a factor 20--130 larger than the accretion rate, which would indicate a highly non-stationary situation. However, there is considerable uncertainty in the wind mass loss, since both the wind density and wind velocity are likely a function of radius and the wind may be conical rather than spherically symmetric. Exploring these effects goes beyond the scope of this paper." }, "0606/astro-ph0606334_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent surveys have detected Ly$\\alpha$ emission from $z=4.5-6.5$ at luminosities as low as $10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$. There is good evidence that low numbers of AGN are among observed faint Ly$\\alpha$ emitters. Combining these observations with an empirical relation between the intrinsic Ly$\\alpha$ and B-band luminosities of AGN, we obtain an upper limit on the number density of AGN with absolute magnitudes $M_B \\in [-16,-19]$ at $z=4.5-6.5$. These AGN are up to two orders of magnitude fainter than those discovered in the Chandra Deep Field, resulting in the faintest observational constraints to date at these redshifts. At $z=4.5$, the powerlaw slope of the very faint end of the luminosity function of AGN is shallower than the slope observed at lower redshifts, $\\beta_l <1.6$, at the 98\\% confidence level. In fact, we find marginal evidence that the luminosity function rises with luminosity, corresponding to a powerlaw slope $\\beta_l <0 $, at magnitudes fainter than $M_B\\sim -20$ (75\\% confidence level). These results suggest either that accretion onto lower mass black holes is less efficient than onto their more massive counterparts, or that the number of black holes powering AGN with $M_B\\gsim-20$ is lower than expected from the $M_{\\rm BH}-\\sigma$ relation by one-two orders of magnitude. Extrapolating from reverberation-mapping studies suggests that these black holes would have $M_{\\rm BH}=10^6-10^7 M_{\\odot}$. To facilitate the identification of AGN among observed Ly$\\alpha$ emitters, we derive observational properties of faint AGN in the Ly$\\alpha$ line, as well as in the X-ray and optical bands. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The quasar luminosity function (QLF) describes the space density of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) as a function of luminosity and redshift. The QLF encodes information on quantities like the black hole number density per unit mass, and the gas accretion efficiency. It therefore constrains physical models of AGN and of super massive black hole formation. The optical (B-band) QLF at $z \\lsim 4$ has been determined accurately for luminosities\\footnote{One solar B-Band luminosity, denoted by $L_{B,\\odot}$, corresponds to $4 \\times 10^{32}$ ergs s$^{-1}$.} exceeding $L_B \\gsim 10^{11}L_{B,\\odot}$ from the 2dF quasar survey (which corresponds to absolute magnitudes $M_B<-22$, Boyle et al. 2000; Croom et al. 2004). At higher redshifts the optical luminosity function of luminous quasars has been determined from quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep{Fan01} at $M_B\\sim-27$. In addition, deep {\\it Chandra} and {\\it XMM} imaging has constrained the X-ray QLF at X-Ray luminosities as low as $L_X=10^{42}-10^{44}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ \\citep{Barger03,Cowie03,Hasinger05}. Following \\citet{Haiman98}, \\citet{Wyithe03} have used the X-Ray QLF to constrain the B-band QLF down to fainter optical luminosities ($M_B \\sim -22$) at $z \\gsim 4$. At these redshifts, no observational constraints exist on the optical QLF at fainter luminosities. However, the details of the existence and evolution of low luminosity AGN is crucial for our understanding of the growth of low mass black holes, and of their role in the formation of super massive black holes. In this paper we demonstrate how existing Ly$\\alpha$ surveys may be used to constrain the B-Band QLF at absolute magnitudes as low as $M_B =-16$. Existing wide-field narrow-band surveys \\citep[e.g.][]{Rhoads00} are optimised to detect Ly$\\alpha$ line emission from high-redshift galaxies, and in order to maximise their detection rate, deeply image fields as large as 1 deg$^{2}$ on the sky \\citep[e.g.][]{Taniguchi05}. The combination of wide field and deep images, together with concentration on a strong emission line, rather than continuum, allows these wide-field narrow-band surveys to put stringent constraints on the number density of AGN with $M_B\\sim -19$. Constraints on even fainter AGN are derived from deep spectroscopic surveys of regions around intermediate redshift clusters of galaxies, which offer an ultra-deep view into the high redshift universe (z=4.5-6.7) through strong gravitational lensing (with magnification factors of 10-1000, Santos et al, 2004). Throughout this paper, the terms AGN and quasar are interchangeable and refer to broad lined active galactic nuclei, also known as 'Type I' AGN. The outline of this paper is as follows: In \\S~\\ref{sec:lum} we relate the Ly$\\alpha$ luminosity of a quasar to its B-band luminosity. In \\S~\\ref{sec:lya} we summarise constraints on the number density of Ly$\\alpha$ emitters at high redshift, and discuss the abundance of quasars among these sources. We show how this existing data constrains the faint end of the quasar luminosity function. In \\S~\\ref{sec:phys} we calculate the observable Ly$\\alpha$ properties of AGN and use these to physically interpret our results. We also model the appearance of faint AGN in the optical and X-ray bands. Finally, in \\S~\\ref{sec:discuss} we discuss the possible cosmological implications of our work, before presenting our conclusions in \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusion}. We use the {\\it WMAP} cosmological parameters: $(\\Omega_m, \\Omega_{\\Lambda}, \\Omega_b, h, Y_{\\rm He})$ =$(0.3,0.7,0.044,0.7,0.24)$ \\citep{Spergel03} throughout the paper. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} Recent Ly$\\alpha$ surveys have detected Ly$\\alpha$ emitting objects from redshifts as high as $z=6.5$, and at luminosities as low as $10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$ \\citep[e.g.][]{Santos04lens}. No evidence of AGN activity exists among these several hundred Ly$\\alpha$ emitters \\citep{Dawson04,Wang04,Taniguchi05}. Wide field Ly$\\alpha$ surveys are designed to deeply image wide fields on the sky, yielding survey volumes in a narrow shell of redshift space as large as $10^5-10^6$ Mpc$^3$, while deep spectroscopic surveys of gravitationally lensed regions probe deeper into smaller volumes. The absence of AGN within these fields can place a tight upper limit on the number density of AGN with Ly$\\alpha$ luminosities exceeding the surveys detection thresholds, $L_{{\\rm Ly}\\alpha,{\\rm c}}$. In \\S~\\ref{sec:lum} we have shown empirically that the Ly$\\alpha$ luminosities of AGN equal their B-band luminosities to within a factor of a few (Eq.~\\ref{eq:key}). As a result, deep Ly$\\alpha$ surveys can be used to obtain upper limits on the number density of AGN with B-Band luminosities exceeding $L_{\\rm B,min}\\sim 1.4 L_{{\\rm Ly}\\alpha,{\\rm c}}$. When expressed in B-band solar luminosities, $L_{\\rm B,min}$ is $\\sim10^{8.5}L_{\\rm B,\\odot}$ (which corresponds to an absolute magnitude of $M_B=-16$). In \\S~\\ref{sec:lyaagn} we demonstrated that such AGN are expected to be powered by black holes with masses in the range $M_{\\rm BH}=10^4-10^7 M_{\\odot}$ at $z=4.5-6.5$. We derive upper limits on AGN number densities and constrain the quasar B-band luminosity function $\\Psi(L_{\\rm B,min},z)$ at a luminosity $L_{\\rm B,min}$. The non-detection of AGN among $z=4.5-6.5$ LAEs rules out the model predictions by Wyithe \\& Loeb (2003), which succesfully reproduce the brighter end of the observed quasar luminosity function at $z=2-6$, at $\\geq 95\\%$ confidence levels at all redshifts. At $z=4.5$, we find that $\\partial$log$\\Psi/\\partial$log$L_B \\geq -1.6$, the value observed at lower redshifts, for log$[L_B/L_{B,\\odot}] \\lsim 11$ at the $98\\%$ confidence level (Fig~\\ref{fig:dPdB}). We find marginal evidence that at these luminosities, the luminosity function rises with luminosity, corresponding to a powerlaw slope $>0$ (75\\% confidence level). In other words, the QLF may increase with $L_B$ at these faint luminosities, in contrast to observations of more luminous AGN. These results represent the faintest observational constraints on the quasar luminosity function at these redshifts to date. We have found that models of the quasar luminosity function which are successful in reproducing the bright end of the quasar luminosity function predict more AGN to be present than are observed, by up to two orders of magnitude (Fig.~\\ref{fig:lumfunc}) at $z\\sim4.5$. These results imply either that accretion onto lower mass black holes is less efficient than onto their more massive counterparts, or that the number of black holes powering AGN with $M_B\\gsim-20$ is lower than expected from the $M_{\\rm BH}-\\sigma$ relation by one-two orders of magnitude. Extrapolating from reverberation-mapping studies suggests that these black holes would have $M_{\\rm BH}=10^6-10^7 M_{\\odot}$. Our work has demonstrated the effectiveness of Ly$\\alpha$ surveys in constraining the faint end of the quasar B-band luminosity function. Deeper and larger surveys will allow for a better determination of its slope, and whether indeed the quasar luminosity function rises with luminosity for $M_B\\gsim-20$ at $z=4.5$, and at other redshifts. These constraints will offer new insights on the growth of low mass black holes and their relation to the known super massive black holes. To help identify AGN among observed Ly$\\alpha$ emitters, we have modeled the observable properties of the Ly$\\alpha$ line for high redshift, faint AGN. Using the empirical Kaspi-relations, we estimate that the observable Ly$\\alpha$ line widths (Half Width at Half Maximum) of faint AGN will be $\\sim 1500$ km s$^{-1}$. For AGN embedded in a neutral medium the peak of the Ly$\\alpha$ line is redshifted up to $2000$ km s$^{-1}$ relative to the true line center (\\S~\\ref{sec:lyaagn}). To facilitate the identification of these faint AGN, we have estimated their observable properties in the visible (\\S~\\ref{sec:broadagn}, Fig~\\ref{fig:mab}) and X-Ray bands (\\S~\\ref{sec:Xray}). We caution that selection criteria used in Ly$\\alpha$ surveys to select candidate high redshift Ly$\\alpha$ emitters currently introduce a bias against detecting AGN with log$[L_B/L_{B,\\odot}] \\gsim 11.3$ (\\S~\\ref{sec:broadagn}), corresponding to the faintest AGN identified in the Chandra Deep Fields. {\\bf Acknowledgments} Our research is supported by the Australian Research Council. The authors would like to thank Colin Norman for helpful discussions and Zolt\\'an Haiman for useful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. \\newcommand{\\noopsort}[1]{}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606428_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A variability study of the young cluster IC 348 at Van Vleck Observatory has been extended to a total of seven years. Twelve new periodic stars have been found in the last two years, bringing the total discovered by this program to 40. In addition, we confirm 16 of the periods reported by others and resolve some discrepancies. The total number of known rotation periods in the cluster, from all studies has now reached 70. This is sufficient to demonstrate that the parent population of K5-M2 stars is rotationally indistinguishable from that in the Orion Nebula Cluster even though their radii are 20\\% smaller and they would be expected to spin about twice as fast if angular momentum were conserved. The median radius and, therefore, inferred age of the IC 348 stars actually closely matches that of NGC 2264, but the stars spin significantly more slowly. This suggests that another factor besides mass and age plays a role in establishing the rotation properties within a cluster and we suggest that it is environment. If disk locking were to persist for longer times in less harsh environments, because the disks themselves persist for longer times, it could explain the generally slower rotation rates observed for stars in this cluster, whose earliest type star is of class B5. We have also obtained radial velocities, the first for PMS stars in IC348, and \\emph{v} sin \\emph{i} measurements for 30 cluster stars to assist in the study of rotation and as an independent check on stellar radii. Several unusual variable stars are discussed; in some or all cases their behavior may be linked to occultations by circumstellar material. A strong correlation exists between the range of photometric variability and the slope of the spectral energy distribution in the infrared. Nineteen of the 21 stars with I ranges exceeding 0.4 mag show infrared evidence for circumstellar disks. ", "introduction": "IC 348 is a compact, young cluster in the Perseus clouds at a distance of about 300 pc \\citep{c93}. It contains $\\sim 200$ members, with spectral types ranging from B5 to late M and about two dozen probable brown dwarfs that are also likely to be cluster members \\citep{l03,llme05}. It is especially important to star formation studies because it is relatively close to us, compact on the sky, well studied by a variety of methods, and has a nearly complete census of members. It is also intermediate in nature between the denser, more massive clusters, such as the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), and the looser associations, such as the Taurus T association. For a recent summary of work on the cluster, see the article by \\citet{h06} in {\\it The Handbook of Low Mass Star Forming Regions}. Photometric monitoring of young clusters has led to the determination of accurate rotation periods for about 2,000 pre-main sequence stars (see, for example, the review by \\citet{hems06}). The best-studied cases are the ONC and NGC 2264. \\citet{hm05} have recently reviewed the data and shown that the evolution of rotation for stars in the 0.4-1.2 solar mass range may be understood in terms of two phenomena. About half of the stars of Orion age (the half which are already the more rapid rotators) spin up with essentially no loss of angular momentum all the way to the ZAMS. The other half continue to be slowed by interaction with circumstellar disks for times of up to 5 Myr and end up as very slow rotators on the ZAMS. This picture is based on only five clusters, two containing pre-main sequence stars and three containing ZAMS stars. Obviously it will be important to test it by obtaining data for more clusters and, in particular, clusters with different properties (such as stellar density and environment). IC 348 is a particularly useful cluster in this regard for the reasons discussed in the first paragraph. The cluster has been photometrically monitored at Van Vleck Observatory (VVO) on the campus of Wesleyan University for seven years. Two previous papers in this series have reported on the progress of this program after one and five years, respectively \\citep{hmw00, chw04}. \\citet{lit05} have recently published results from a short (17 day) but intensive photometric monitoring program done with a larger telescope and going deeper than our work, and \\citet{kkb05} have even more recently published the results of a six month monitoring program designed to search for variability in stars with X-ray counterparts. In this paper, we present data from an additional two years of photometric monitoring at VVO as well as a complementary study of radial velocities and \\emph{v} sin \\emph{i} measurements for 30 cluster members. We combine the results of all of the studies to discuss the rotation period distribution in the cluster and its significance for our understanding of angular momentum evolution in solar-like stars. A very recent infrared study of the cluster with {\\it Spitzer} by \\citet{lm06} allows us to correlate rotation and variability properties with the presence or absence of evidence for a disk. In addition, we discuss some unusual variable stars. ", "conclusions": "This study has confirmed several beliefs about T Tauri star variability and rotation based on other clusters, identified some interesting stars worthy of continued observation and provided a challenge to the simplest picture of rotational evolution of low mass stars. In particular, the new data confirm that WTTS variability arises primarily from the rotation of a spotted photosphere and that the large amplitude (greater than 0.4-0.5 mag in I) irregular variability of CTTS is linked to the presence of an accretion disk. This study also verifies the accuracy, reliability and remarkable consistency of periods of pre-main sequence stars over time scales of many years and confirms the link between rotation and photometric period through comparison with $v \\sin i$ data. The most unusual variable in IC 348 is HMW 15 and it is the subject of a separate, forthcoming contribution. Also notable is HMW 73, the only star to show large amplitude periodic behavior. This may be the result of rotation of a stable accretion hot spot or more unusual variable behavior. Finally, we have shown here that the rotation period distribution of stars in the 0.4-1.2 solar mass range in IC 348 matches that of the ONC but contains a higher proportion of slow rotators than is seen in NGC 2264. Since the age of IC 348 is closer to NGC 2264 than the ONC, this suggests that age and mass alone are not sufficient to predict the rotation properties of stars in an extremely young cluster. We suggest that environment may also be a factor, as \\citet{sw05} have also proposed based on their v sin i study of h and $\\chi$ Persei. If disk-locking controls rotational evolution for stars in this mass and age range then the longer accretion disks can persist, the longer the stars can continue to resist spin-up due to contraction with conservation of angular momentum. Perhaps in the less harsh environment of IC 348, whose earliest type star is of B5 and not a prodigious source of ultraviolet photons, the disks can persist longer than in NGC 2264. If so, the stars may continue to reflect an ONC-like distribution for times scales of order 2 My. Continued study of this, and similar clusters, will be needed to ascertain whether this environment argument has merit. Because the rotation period distribution is so broad (and mass dependent) for young clusters, one requires a large number of stars to determine it and to distinguish significant differences among clusters. Obviously, it will continue to be of interest to monitor the variations of peculiar young stars such as HMW 15 and HMW 73 since they undoubtedly have much to tell us about the processes of accretion and disk evolution in solar-like stars." }, "0606/astro-ph0606116_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have exploited the large area coverage of the combined UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) and Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) to search for bright Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at $z\\geq5$. Using the available optical+near-infrared photometry to efficiently exclude low-redshift contaminants, we identify nine $z\\geq5$ LBG candidates brighter than \\zp$_{AB}=25$ within the 0.6 square~degree overlap region between the UDS early data release (EDR) and the optical coverage of the SXDS. Accounting for selection incompleteness, we estimate the corresponding surface density of $z\\geq5$ LBGs with \\zp$_{AB}\\leq25$ to be $0.005\\pm0.002$ per square~arcmin. Modelling of the optical+near-infrared photometry constrains the candidates' redshifts to lie in the range $5.11.5$. However, Ota et al. were only able to strongly constrain the surface density of LBG candidates at $z^{\\prime}\\geq25$, because at brighter magnitudes their lack of near-infrared data made it impossible to exclude significant contamination from low-redshift interlopers, and cool galactic stars in particular. Finally, it should be noted that there is already evidence for a large population of $z\\simeq6$ galaxies at fainter $z^{\\prime}-$band magnitudes within the SXDS/UDS field. Using a combination of the broad $i^{\\prime}-$band SXDS imaging and a narrow band filter ($\\lambda_c=8150$\\AA), Ouchi et al. (2005) identified 515 potential Ly$\\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) within the redshift interval $5.650$ and $b_{g}V_{1}>2V_{2}$, \\, Sec.IVC. In this case the power law inflation monotonically transforms to the late time inflation asymptotically governed by the cosmological constant $\\Lambda_1$. Qualitatively the same results are also obtained in the cases a) and b) if $\\delta\\neq 0$. c) $V_{2}0$ is that the cosmological constant $\\Lambda$, Eq.(\\ref{lambda}), is a ratio of quantities constructed from pre-potentials $V_{1}$, $V_{2}$ and the dimensionless parameter $b_{g}$. Such structure of $\\Lambda$ allows to propose two ways (see Sec.VI) for resolution of the problem of the smallness of $\\Lambda$ that should be $\\Lambda\\sim (10^{-3}eV)^{4}$: \\quad a) The first way is a kind of a {\\it seesaw} mechanism\\cite{seesaw}. For instance, if $V_{1}\\sim (10^{3}GeV)^{4}$ and $V_{2} \\sim (10^{18}GeV)^{4}$ then $\\Lambda_1\\sim (10^{-3}eV)^{4}$. \\quad b) The second way is realized if the dimensionless parameters $b_{g}$, $b_\\phi$ and $V_2/V_1$ of the action (\\ref{totaction}) are huge numbers of the close orders of magnitude. For example, if $V_{1}\\sim (10^{3}GeV)^{4}$ then for getting $\\Lambda\\sim (10^{-3}eV)^{4}$ one should assume that $b_{g}\\sim 10^{60}$. Possibility of this idea means that the resolution of the new cosmological constant problem may have a certain relation to {\\it the correspondence principle} between TMT and conventional field theories (see details in Sec.VIA2). \\subsubsection{Super-acceleration phase of the Universe. } If no fine tuning of the parameters is made in the fundamental action, namely if $b_g\\neq b_{\\phi}$, then our TMT model has big enough regions in the parameter space where the super-acceleration phase in the late time universe becomes possible. The appropriate phantom dark energy asymptotically approaches a cosmological constant. However it is impossible to obtain {\\it a pure classical solution} which connects the early universe power law inflation with the late time super-acceleration. This problem is apparently related with the toy character of the scenario where the role of the matter creation has been ignored: in TMT the fermionic matter generically contributes to the constraint equation for the scalar field $\\zeta$ and so can effect the field $\\phi$ dynamics as well. \\subsection{What can we expect from quantization} In this paper we have studied only classical TMT and its possible effects in the context of cosmology. However quantization of TMT as well as influence of quantum effects on the processes explored in this paper may have a crucial role. We summarize here some ideas and speculations which gives us a hope that quantum effects can keep the main results of this paper. Recall first two fundamental facts of TMT as a classical field theory: (a) The measure degrees of freedom appear in the equations of motion only via the scalar $\\zeta$, Eq.(\\ref{zeta}); (b) The scalar $\\zeta$ is determined (as a function of matter fields, in our toy model - as a function of $\\phi$) by the constraint which is nothing but a consistency condition of the equations of motion (see Eqs.(\\ref{app1})-(\\ref{app3}) in Appendix A and Eq.(\\ref{constraint2})). Therefore the constraint plays a key role in TMT. Note however that if we were ignore the gravity from the very beginning in the action (\\ref{totaction}) then instead of the constraint (\\ref{app3}) we would obtain Eq.(\\ref{app1}) (where one has to put zero the scalar curvature). In such a case we would deal with a different theory. This notion shows that the gravity and matter intertwined in TMT in a much more complicated manner than in GR. Hence introducing the new measure of integration $\\Phi$ we have to expect that the quantization of TMT may be a complicated enough problem. Nevertheless we would like here to point out that in the light of the recently proposed idea of Ref.\\cite{Giddings}, the incorporation of four scalar fields $\\varphi_a$ together with the scalar density $\\Phi$, Eq.(\\ref{Phi}), (which in our case are the measure fields and the new measure of integration respectively), is a possible way to define local observables in the local quantum field theory approach to quantum gravity. We regard this result as an indication that the effective gravity $+$ matter field theory has to contain the new measure of integration $\\Phi$ as it is in TMT. The assumption formulated in item 2 in Sec.IIA, that the measure fields $\\varphi_a$ (or $A_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma}$) appear in the action (\\ref{S}) {\\it only} via the measure of integration $\\Phi$, has a key role in the TMT results and in particular for the resolution of the old cosmological constant problem. In principle one can think of breakdown of such a structure by quantum corrections. However, TMT possesses an infinite dimensional symmetry mentioned in item 2 of Sec.II which, as we hope, is able to protect the postulated structure of the action from a deformation caused by quantum corrections. Another effect of quantum corrections is the possible appearance of a nonminimal coupling of the dilaton field $\\phi$ to gravity in the form like for example $\\xi R\\phi^2$. Proceeding in the first order formalism of TMT one can show that the nonminimal coupling can affect the k-essence dynamics but the mechanism for resolution of the old CC problem exhibited in this paper remains unchanged. This conclusion together with expected effect of quantum corrections on the scale invariance (see our discussion in the paragraph after Eq.(\\ref{Veff=0})) allows us to hope that the exhibited resolution of the old CC problem holds in the quantized TMT as well. Quantization of TMT being a constrained system requires developing the Hamiltonian formulation of TMT. Preliminary consideration shows that the Einstein frame appears in the canonical formalism in a very natural manner. A systematic exploration of TMT in the canonical formalism will be a subject of forthcoming research." }, "0606/astro-ph0606266_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The recent three-year WMAP data have confirmed the anomaly concerning the low quadrupole amplitude compared to the best-fit $\\Lambda$CDM prediction. We show that, allowing the large-scale spatial geometry of our universe to be plane-symmetric with eccentricity at decoupling or order $10^{-2}$, the quadrupole amplitude can be drastically reduced without affecting higher multipoles of the angular power spectrum of the temperature anisotropy. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606500_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We examine the practice of deriving interstellar medium (ISM) abundances from low-resolution spectroscopy of GRB afterglows. We argue that the multi-ion single-component curve-of-growth analysis technique systematically underestimates the column densities of the metal-line profiles commonly observed for GRB. This systematic underestimate is accentuated by the fact that many GRB line-profiles (e.g.\\ GRB~050730, GRB~050820, GRB~051111) are comprised of `clouds' with a bi-modal distribution of column density. Such line-profiles may be characteristic of a sightline which penetrates both a high density star-forming region and more distant, ambient ISM material. Our analysis suggests that the majority of abundances reported in the literature are systematically underestimates and that the reported errors are frequently over-optimistic. Further, we demonstrate that one cannot even report relative abundances with confidence. The implications are profound for our current understanding on the metallicity, dust-to-gas ratio, and chemical abundances of the ISM in GRB host galaxies. For example, we argue that all but a few sightlines allow for the gas to have at least solar metallicity. Finally, we suggests new approaches for constraining the abundances. ", "introduction": "With the launch of the {\\it Swift} satellite \\citep{gcg+04}, the rate of GRB detections has increased by more than an order of magnitude \\citep{gehrels06}. In turn, one has seen roughly the same increase in the detection of bright afterglows. Though a few high-resolution spectra were obtained pre-Swift \\citep{cgh+03,fdl+05}, Swift has enabled the nearly routine acquisition of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), high-resolution spectra \\citep{cpb+05,pro_finegrb06}. In addition, there are now over a dozen low-resolution observations from pre-Swift GRB \\citep[e.g.][]{kdo+99,bsc+03} and the first year of Swift operation \\citep[e.g.][]{foley06,bpck+05,fynbo060206}. Observers are now progressing toward the examination of distributions of gas properties in the interstellar medium (ISM) of GRB host galaxies. Because of the apparent faintness of many GRB afterglows and also instrument availability, the majority of GRB spectra are acquired with low-resolution spectrometers (FWHM$>1$\\AA) and at moderate to poor SNR ($<50$ per resolution element). In these cases, abundance analysis must be performed on the equivalent width measurements of unresolved metal-line transitions. To date, the standard practice has been to perform a multi-ion single-component curve-of-growth (MISC-COG) analysis \\citep[e.g.][]{sff03} or single-component profile fits to unresolved data \\citep[e.g.][]{sf04,watson050401} which is fundamentally the same analysis. In this analysis, one derives an effective Doppler parameter $b_{eff}$ which principally characterizes the velocity width of strong, heavily saturated transitions. The column density is then constrained with weaker, yet still potentially saturated transitions. In contrast, the \\ion{H}{1} column density can be determined from fits to the damping wings of the \\lya\\ profile even with low-resolution data \\citep[e.g.][]{phw05}. The curve-of-growth technique dates far back \\cite[e.g.][]{unsold30,wilson39} and was primarily introduced to perform abundance analysis on lower spectral resolution data. The literature on the pitfalls of MISC-COG analysis is extensive \\citep{nh73,cru75,spitzer75}. These include systematic differences in the results for ions of differing ionization state \\citep[e.g.\\ \\ion{Mg}{1} vs.\\ \\ion{Fe}{2};][]{spitzer75}, `hidden' saturation due to significant variations in the Doppler parameter of overlapping components \\citep{nh73}, and the dangers of mixing refractory and non-refractory elements \\citep{jss86}. The Galactic ISM community is well aware of these issues; it has taken every effort to obtain high resolution spectroscopy and when limited to low resolution data, very cautiously interpret the observations. In short, few of the problems discussed in this paper are unique to GRB research, but we note that the discussion may translate to other abundance analyses with large, modern datasets of low resolution spectroscopy \\citep[e.g.][]{sga+04,trn+05}. \\cite{jenkins86} examined the accuracy of a single-component COG analysis on multi-component line-profiles for a range of reasonable distributions of column density and Doppler parameter. He showed that the COG results typically give results accurate to within 20\\% (i.e.\\ $<0.2$\\,dex) of the correct column density provided the $N$ and $b$ distributions of the individual components are well-behaved and so long as the peak optical depth $\\tau_0 < 5$. Jenkins also emphasized, however, that the results would likely significantly underestimate the column densities if the $N$ or $b$ values were bi-modally distributed \\citep[see also][]{nh73}. We will find that this is frequently the case for GRB line-profiles. In this paper, we will examine the main issues related to the ISM abundance analysis of GRB host galaxies as derived from low-resolution spectroscopy, i.e.\\ equivalent width analysis. We begin with an analysis of the GRB~051111 sightline where Keck/HIRES observations permit one to directly test the MISC-COG technique ($\\S$~\\ref{sec:051111}). The discouraging results are enlightening, namely the COG analysis systematically underestimates the column density measurements. We consider an additional example from the literature (GRB~020813) and raise similar concerns ($\\S$~\\ref{sec:020813}). Finally, we offer a set of guidelines to consider when analyzing low-resolution GRB spectra ($\\S$~\\ref{sec:proc}). In a future paper \\citep{pro_dataI06}, we will apply these guidelines to our datasets and previously published results with the intent of providing a uniform, database of measurements with realistic error estimates. \\begin{figure}[ht] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=3.5in]{f1.eps} \\caption{\\ion{Fe}{2} profiles from the ISM foreground to GRB~051111 in the original data (LHS) and smoothed to lower resolution (RHS; FWHM~$\\approx 5$\\AA) to mimic the line-profiles frequently observed. The velocity $v=0$ corresponds to $z=1.54948$. The rest equivalent width values labeled on the Figure correspond to the full line-profile. } \\label{fig:fe051111} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Before concluding, we wish to briefly comment on the abundance measurements for the ISM of GRB presented in the literature. Table~\\ref{tab:summ} summarizes the results to date. The last two columns give the minimum and maximum metallicity values allowed by the data as reported in the literature\\footnote{We will ignore (for the time being) the fact that Zn is a trace element and that a large Zn/H ratio does not require a high gas metallicity.}. One notes that solar (and even super-solar) abundances are allowed in nearly every case. It is evident from Table~\\ref{tab:summ} that the principal conclusion of \\cite{sff03} -- GRB sightlines have extreme metal column densities -- may be a remarkable understatement. We also caution that the common conclusion that GRB occur in a metal-poor ISM ([M/H]~$\\leq -1$) may need serious revision. It is unfortunate that there are few transitions for mild or non-refractory elements that are weak enough to place meaningful upper limits to the abundances; the Zn and Si abundances, for example, are compromised by their relatively strong transitions. We expect, however, that an analysis of the lines listed in Table~\\ref{tab:wklin} may improve the constraints \\citep{pro_dataI06} and provide more realistic metallicity measurements for the gas within GRB host galaxies." }, "0606/astro-ph0606736_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of both the 67.9 and 78.4\\un{keV} \\ti{Sc} \\gammaray lines in Cassiopeia~A with the \\integ \\ibisgri instrument. Besides the robustness provided by spectro-imaging observations, the main improvements compared to previous measurements are a clear separation of the two \\ti{Sc} lines together with an improved significance of the detection of the hard \\xray continuum up to 100\\un{keV}. These allow us to refine the determination of the \\ti{Ti} yield and to constrain the nature of the nonthermal continuum emission. By combining COMPTEL, \\sax/PDS and \\isgri measurements, we find a line flux of (2.5 $\\pm$ 0.3) $\\times$ 10$^{-5}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ leading to a synthesized \\ti{Ti} mass of 1.6 $^{+0.6}_{-0.3}$ $\\times$ 10$^{-4}$ M$_{\\odot}$. This high value suggests that Cas~A is peculiar in comparison to other young supernova remnants, from which so far no line emission from \\ti{Ti} decay has been unambiguously detected. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} Cassiopeia~A (hereafter, Cas~A) is the youngest known supernova remnant (SNR) in the Milky Way, located at a distance of 3.4$^{+0.3}_{-0.1}$\\un{kpc} \\cite{c:reed95}. The estimate of the supernova is A.D.~1671.3$\\pm$0.9, based on the proper motion of several ejecta knots \\cite{c:thorstensen01}. However, an event observed by Flamsteed (A.D.~1680) could be at the origin of the Cas~A remnant \\cite{c:ashworth80,c:stephenson02}. The large collection of data from observations in the radio, infra-red, optical, \\xray (see \\eg Hwang \\etal 2004) up to TeV \\gammarays \\cite{c:aharonian01} allows us to study its morphology, composition, cosmic-ray acceleration efficiency and secular evolution in details. Young SNRs are thought to be efficient particle accelerators and represent the main galactic production sites of heavy nuclei, some of them being radioactives. Soft \\gammaray observations, beyond the thermal \\xray emission ($\\geq$ 10\\un{keV}), can therefore provide invaluable information in both of these areas by studying the nonthermal continuum and the \\gammaray line emission. Cas~A then appears to be the best case for such investigations. Few radioactive isotopes are accessible to \\gammaray astronomy for probing cosmic nucleosynthesis \\cite{c:diehl98}. Amongst them, \\ti{Ti} is a key isotope for the investigation of the inner regions of core-collapse SNe and their young remnants. This nucleus is thought to be exclusively created in SNe but with a large variation of yields depending on their type. Recent accurate measurements by several independent groups give a weighted-average \\ti{Ti} lifetime of 86.0 $\\pm$ 0.5 years \\cite{c:ahmad98,c:gorres98,c:norman98,c:wietfeldt99,c:hashimoto01}. The discovery of the 1157\\un{keV} \\ti{Ca} $\\gamma$-ray line emission from the decay chain of \\ti{Ti} ($^{44}$Ti$\\longrightarrow$$^{44}$Sc$\\longrightarrow$$^{44}$Ca) with \\gro/COMPTEL \\cite{c:iyudin94} was the first direct proof that this short-lived isotope is indeed produced in SNe. This has been strengthened by the \\sax/PDS detection of the two blended low energy \\ti{Sc} lines at 67.9\\un{keV} and 78.4\\un{keV} \\cite{c:vink01}. By combining both observations, Vink \\etal (2001) deduced a \\ti{Ti} yield of (1.5$\\pm$1.0) $\\times$ 10$^{-4}$ M$_{\\odot}$. This high value compared to those predicted by \"standard\" models (\\eg Woosley \\& Weaver 1995b, WW95; Thielemann, Nomoto, \\& Hashimoto 1996, TNH96) as well as improved ones \\cite{c:rauscher02,c:limongi03} could be due to several effects. First of all, the explosion of Cas~A seems to have been intrinsically asymmetric since such asymmetries have recently been observed in the ejecta \\cite{c:vink04,c:hwang04}, and there are indications that its explosion energy was $\\sim$ 2 $\\times$ 10$^{51}$ erg \\cite{c:laming03}, higher than the canonical value of 10$^{51}$ erg. The sensitivity of the \\ti{Ti} production to the explosion energy and asymmetries may explain the high \\ti{Ti} yield compared to explosion models \\cite{c:nagataki98}. It is generally accepted that Cas~A was formed by the explosion of a massive progenitor, from a 16 M$_{\\odot}$ single star \\cite{c:chevalier03} to a Wolf-Rayet (WR) remnant of a very massive ($<$ 60 M$_{\\odot}$) precursor \\cite{c:fesen91}. Type Ib explosions, originating from progenitors which have experienced strong mass loss (see Vink 2004, Vink 2005), should on average produce more \\ti{Ti} due to the lower fall back of material on the compact stellar remnant \\cite{c:wlw95a}. However, there is some debate on the detailed stellar evolution scenario that may have accounted for the low mass of the star prior to the explosion. The amount of oxygen present (1-2 M$_{\\odot}$, Vink \\etal 1996) suggests a main sequence mass of 20 M$_{\\odot}$. This may be too low to form a Type Ib progenitor by mass loss in a WR phase. Moreover, the high surrounding density is better explained if the shock wave is moving through the dense wind of a red supergiant rather than the more tenuous wind of a WR. Therefore, it has been recently suggested that the low mass of the progenitor is the result of a common envelope evolutionary phase in a binary system \\cite{c:young06}. The authors demonstrated that such a scenario of a 15-25 M$_{\\odot}$ progenitor which lost its hydrogen envelope due to a binary interaction can match the main observational constraints. In any case, the \\ti{Ti} production is highly sensitive to details of the explosion as well as nuclear reaction rates. It is of interest to point out that the major \\ti{Ti} production reaction \\ca{Ca}($\\alpha$,$\\gamma$)\\ti{Ti} has been revised \\cite{c:nassar06}, implying an increase of the \\ti{Ti} production by a factor of $\\sim$ 2. In addition to the \\ti{Sc} \\gammaray lines, the hard \\xray spectrum is also of interest for its nonthermal continuum emission and because this underlying continuum is critical to properly measure the \\ti{Sc} line flux. Nevertheless, its nature is still under debate. The nonthermal hard \\xray continuum could be due to either synchrotron radiation of TeV electrons \\cite{c:allen97} or nonthermal bremsstrahlung from supra-thermal electrons which have been accelerated by internal shocks (Laming 2001a,b; Vink \\& Laming 2003). Both cases predict a gradual steepening at high energies and then, reliable continuum flux measurements beyond the two low energy \\ti{Sc} lines ($>$ 80\\un{keV}) are necessary, as initiated with \\gro/OSSE \\cite{c:the96}. Soft \\gammaray observations are therefore critical to better understand the nucleosynthesis and the particle acceleration processes in young SNRs such as Cas~A. \\ibis \\cite{c:ubertini03}, one of the two main coded mask aperture instruments onboard the \\integ satellite \\cite{c:winkler03}, is best suited to study both the hard \\xray continuum and the line emission thanks to its low energy (15\\un{keV} -- 1\\un{MeV}) camera \\isgri \\cite{c:lebrun03}. \\ibisgri provides spectro-imaging (13\\m~FWHM, 6\\un{keV} FWHM at 70\\un{keV}) over a large field of view (400 deg$^{2}$) in the energy range 15\\un{keV}-1\\un{MeV} with a milliCrab sensitivity at 70 keV (3 $\\sigma$, $\\Delta$E/E = 2, 10$^{6}$ s). The large field of view allows for long exposures devoted to the simultaneous observation of several sources. In this letter, we report the results of the spectro-imaging analysis of Cas~A based on \\ibisgri observations. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:discuss} The \\ibisgri observations confirm the presence of the two low energy \\ti{Sc} \\gammaray lines in Cas~A. By performing a weighted average of the three independent measurements of COMPTEL, \\sax/PDS \\cite{c:vink01} and \\isgri, we find a line flux of (2.5 $\\pm$ 0.3) $\\times$ 10$^{-5}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. Taking into account uncertainties on its age \\cite{c:thorstensen01}, distance \\cite{c:reed95} and \\ti{Ti} lifetime \\cite{c:vink05}, this is translated into an initial synthesized \\ti{Ti} mass of (1.6$^{+0.6}_{-0.3}$) $\\times$ 10$^{-4}$ M$_{\\odot}$. This mass of ejected \\ti{Ti} is generally thought to be unusually large (or for few specific cases, marginally consistent) in comparison with spherical explosion models of WW95 and TNH96 \\cite{c:timmes96}. Moreover, in the standard frame where \\ti{Ti} and \\fe{Ni} are co-produced during the first stages of the explosion, Cas~A should have been a very bright, \\fe{Ni}-rich SN, in contrast with its non detection or with the Flamsteed's historical record. However, the large \\ti{Ti}/\\fe{Ni} ratio could be explained by the high degree of asymmetries \\cite{c:nagataki98}.The high \\ti{Ti} yield thus supports the idea that Cas~A is the result of an asymmetric and/or a relatively more energetic explosion, consistent with other observational evidence \\cite{c:vink04,c:hwang04}. Anyway, the \\ti{Ti} production in core-collapse SNe is highly sensitive to the network used to compute nuclear reactions. With the recent revised \\ca{Ca}($\\alpha$,$\\gamma$)\\ti{Ti} reaction rate \\cite{c:nassar06}, theoretical models become more compatible with the \\ti{Ti} yield deduced from \\ibisgri and previous observations. However, this would make the lack of other Galactic \\ti{Ti} sources an even more serious problem: several \\gammaray line surveys \\cite{c:dupraz97,c:renaud04,c:the06} have highlighted the problem of the \"young, missing, and hidden\" Galactic SNe, those that should have occurred since Cas~A and are still not detected through the line emission from \\ti{Ti} decay. This would strengthen the idea that Cas~A is peculiar \\cite{c:young06}. On the other hand, the high \\ti{Ti} yield of both Cas~A and SN~1987A \\cite{c:fransson01} is more in accordance with the solar \\ti{Ca}/\\fe{Fe} ratio, whereas this ratio is underpredicted by current spherically symmetric explosive nucleosynthesis models \\cite{c:prantzos04,c:young06}. Besides the robustness provided by these \\ibisgri spectro-imaging observations, the main improvements compared to previous observations \\cite{c:vink01,c:rothschild03} are the improved spectral resolution and the improved significance of the detection of the hard \\xray nonthermal continuum up to 100\\un{keV} well fitted by a single power-law. The latter gives more stringent constraints on both the line intensities and the underlying continuum. Therefore, the scenario of a synchrotron radiation by TeV electrons \\cite{c:allen97} as modeled by Reynolds \\& Keohane (1999) seems not appropriate in the case of Cas~A. On the other hand, the model developed by Laming (2001a,b) implying a nonthermal bremsstrahlung emission of supra-thermal electrons could be an alternative scenario. Based on this firm detection of the \\ti{Sc} lines with IBIS/ISGRI, the expected results with SPI, thanks to its fine spectral resolution ($\\Delta$E $\\sim$ 2\\un{keV} FWHM at 1\\un{MeV}), should help us for the first time to constrain the kinematics of the innermost layers of the explosion (Vink \\etal 2006, in preparation)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606446_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This study investigates the expansion properties of nickel (Ni) bubbles in Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) due to radioactive heating from the $\\Ni \\rightarrow\\ \\co \\rightarrow\\ \\fe$ decay sequence, under the spherically symmetric approximation. An exponentially-declining medium is considered as the ejecta substrate, allowing for the density gradient expected in a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia). The heating gives rise to an inflated Ni bubble, which induces a forward shock that compresses the outer ambient gas into a shell. As the heating saturates, the flow tends toward a freely-expanding state with the structure frozen into the ejecta. The thickness of the shell is $\\sim 1\\%$ of the radius of the bubble, and the density contrast across the shell reaches $\\chi \\ga 100$ in a narrow region that is limited by numerical resolution. In the adiabatic case (in which no radiative energy diffuses across the shell) the structure of the shell can be approximately described by a self-similar solution that is determined by the expansion rate and ambient density gradient of the shell. In the radiative case, the shell expansion weakens but remains comparable to the adiabatic solution. The density contrast of the inferred ejecta clumps (shell components) is greater than that given by the model that uses a uniform ejecta substrate, while the interaction of the clumps with the remnant is delayed to a more advanced evolutionary stage. The explosion parameters of the SN are varied to examine whether the created clump characteristics are consistent with those of the ejecta knots that are present at the edges of Tycho's remnant. Explosion conditions similar to those of successful explosion models are found, including the deflagration W7 and the delayed detonation yield with sufficient ejection velocities as well as timely initiations for the clump-remnant interaction, whereas the luminous helium (He) detonations and the low-energy Chandrasekhar-mass explosions are unfavorable. The clump speed can be increased as the initial density contrast of $\\Ni$, $0.5 \\la \\omega < 1$, is reduced, as determined by a realistic elemental distribution. In all cases, the occurrence of the reverse shock (RS) impact of the clump with the remnant is expected in under 2000 yrs after the supernova explodes. ", "introduction": "Observations of SN 1987A have shown that the distribution of Fe in the ejecta is not what would be expected in the simplest models; it has higher velocities than expected and a large filling factor for its mass of $0.07\\Msun$, as determined from the supernova light curve (McCray 1993; Li {\\it et al.} 1993). A plausible mechanism for the large filling factor is the Ni bubble effect, in which the radioactive progenitors of the Fe expand relative to their surroundings because of the deposition of radioactive power (Woosley 1988; Li {\\it et al.} 1993; Basko 1994). This effect is important during the first $\\sim$ ten days after the supernova is formed, when the radioactive power is significant and the diffusion of energy has not yet become important. An expected effect of the Ni bubble expansion is to create clumps in the nonradioactive gas of intermediate elements. Widespread evidence indicates the ejecta of core-collapse supernovae are clumpy. The oxygen line profiles in the nearby Type II supernovae SN 1987A (Stathakis {\\it et al.} 1991) and SN 1993J (Spyromilio 1994; Matheson {\\it et al.} 2000) showed evidence of the structure, implying that the gas is clumped. The velocity range of the emission extends to $1,500\\kms$ in SN 1987A and $4,000\\kms$ in SN 1993J. Clumping was also evident in the prototypes of the oxygen-rich supernova remnants (SNRs) Cassiopeia A (Cas A) (Hughes {\\it et al.} 2000; Hwang {\\it et al.} 2000) and Puppis A (Winkler {\\it et al.} 1988), and in the Type Ib SN 1985F (Filippenko \\& Sargent 1989). As for SNe Ia, observations of SN1006 suggested that Si freely expands in the velocity range 5,600 - 7,000 $\\kms$, while its Fe mass is only estimated as $0.075-0.16 \\Msun$ (Hamilton {\\it et al.} 1997). Moreover, in Tycho's SNR (SN 1572), X-ray observations revealed two knots, one enriched in Si and the other in Fe, % protruding non-deceleratingly from the SE edge of the remnant at a velocity of $8,300 (D/2.5\\ \\rm kpc) \\kms$, % where $D$ is the distance (Vancura {\\it et al.} 1995; Hwang \\& Gotthelf 1997; Hughes 1997). X-ray spectra of Tycho's remnant % further suggested that the Fe line emitting gas is in general at a higher temperature and lower density than than the Si line emitting gas (Hwang {\\it et al.} 1998); % this result is also expected from the Ni bubble effect. Wang \\& Chevalier (2001 and 2002, hereafter WC01 and WC02) studied the role of ejecta clumps in the evolution of SNRs. The ejecta knots associated with Tycho's remnant require a free expansion velocity $v \\sim 7,000 \\kms$ and a density contrast $\\chi\\ga 100$ relative to the surrounding ejecta, to survive crushing and remain distinct features in the remnant in the present epoch (WC01). The remarkable protrusions (Aschenbach {\\it et al.} 1995) on the periphery of the Vela SNR are also likely to be caused by ejecta clumps, and we estimated that $\\chi \\sim 1000$ and $v \\sim 3,000$ are needed to create the structure (WC02). My previous work (Wang 2005, hereafter W05) further examined the process of $\\Ni$ radioactive heating % as a plausible mechanism for forming such ejecta clumps, taking into account the effect of radiative diffusion. In the case of SNe Ia, the created clump properties seem compatible with those needed by Tycho's knots. This result nevertheless contrasts with the case of core-collapse SNe like Vela's bullets, whose required high compression is not anticipated in the simplest Ni bubble scenario. Evidence may exist that for SNe Ia, ejecta clumping occurs around one large central Ni bubble. In radio observations of Tycho's remnant, Reynoso {\\it et al.} (1997) and Velazquez {\\it et al.} (1998) found a wide and regularly-spaced emission in the NW edge of the remnant, which extends very close to the blast wave. The large radius of the structure is not attributable to the intershock instabilities that grow from small perturbations, but is effectively explained by the expansion of a spherical shell of clumpy ejecta into the intershock region of the remnant (WC01). In fact, compared with various extensively observed Galactic Type II SNRs which in general exhibit quite complex abundance structures (such as in Hughes {\\it et al.} 2000 and Hwang, {\\it et al.} 2000 for Cas A; and Park {\\it et al.} 2002 for G292.0+1.8), both observations and modeling of X-ray emissions of Type Ia SNRs revealed a simple and stratified composition % (Badenes {\\it et al.} 2003, 2005; Decourchelle {\\it et al.} 2001 for Tycho; and Lewis {\\it et al.} 2003 for N103B). The stratification of ejecta of SNe Ia seems to be a natural consequence of the lack of neutrino-driven convection (Kifonidis {\\it et al.} 2000) and pulsar winds (Blondin {\\it et al.} 2001b) in them, which two mechanisms can mix elements and enhance compression. Conversely, the disturbance that is expected in core-collapse SNe may greatly complicate the evolution of the Ni bubble on a large scale. Dwarkadas \\& Chevalier (1998, hereafter DC98) reviewed the solutions for the density structure of SNe Ia obtained by various 1-D explosion models; they found that an exponential profile, which effectively evolves from a steep power law profile to a flatter one, is the best overall approximation to the density profile that is obtained by summing over individual chemical elements. However, in W05, a uniform density distribution (comparable to the inner flat component of an $n=8$ power-law ejecta density model with the density $\\rho \\propto r^{-n}$ in the outer parts) was assumed, so the results may not be suitable for SNe Ia. Furthermore, the W05 models of SNe Ia show that the propagation of the Ni bubble is only slightly faster than the free motion of the ejecta, suggesting that the case of SNe Ia is more susceptible than the case of core-collapse SNe to the ejecta substrate structure. However, how the actual exponential decline in density affects the solution is unclear. The aim of this work is to determine the properties of the Ni bubble-driven shell as ejecta clumps associated with SNe Ia, using a realistic ejecta structure. A simple, adiabatic and spherically symmetric scenario is first considered to determine how an evolving exponential density gradient influences the predicted clump properties. Radiative-transport radiation hydrodynamics (RHD) are then adopted to include the effect of the diffusion of radiative energy across the Ni bubble structure to show how the radiative solution differs. The explosion parameters used in our calculations are similar to those of the 1-D explosion models of Hoflich \\& Khokhlov (1996, hereafter HK96) and Hoflich {\\it et al.} (1998, hereafter HWK98). We note that the radiative transport process due the $\\Ni$ radioactive decay has not before been incorporated in the hydrodynamic (HD) phase of the explosion models, and such a proper treatment is particularly difficult for numerical convergence in the case of SNe Ia . \\S~2 elucidates our computational setup and methods. \\S~3 presents the evolutionary properties of the $\\nni$ bubble shell. \\S~4 draws on the self-similar solution for a pulsar bubble, to provide insight into the shell structure. \\S~5 compares the inferred ejecta clump properties of various exponential models. \\S~6 draws conclusions. \\section {DENSITY STRUCTURE IN TYPE Ia SUPERNOVAE} SNe Ia are widely regarded as being thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen (C-O) white dwarfs (WDs). Soon after the explosion, the ejecta freely expand so that each gas element moves with a constant velocity $v=r/t$ and its density drops to $t^{-3}$, as in a spherical expansion. DC98 showed that, in this phase, the density distribution of valid SN Ia explosion models can generally be described by an exponential profile, \\begin{equation} \\rho_{SN} = A \\exp(-v/v_e) \\ t^{-3}, \\end{equation} where $A$ is a constant and $v_e$ is another constant called the velocity scale height, which are determined by the total mass $M$ and kinetic energy $E$ of the ejecta. The two constants can be obtained by integrating the mass density and the kinetic energy density over space: $M = 8 \\pi A v_e^3$ and $E=48 \\pi A v_e^5$, or \\begin{equation} v_e = (E/6M)^{1/2} = 2.44 \\times 10^8 \\ {M_{1.4}^{-1/2}} \\ {E_{51}^{1/2}} \\ \\ \\rm{cm} \\ \\rm{s^{-1}}, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} A = {6^{3/2}\\over 8\\pi} {M^{5/2}\\over E^{3/2}} = 7.67 \\times 10^6 \\ {M_{1.4}^{5/2}} \\ E_{51}^{- {3/2}} \\ \\ \\rm{g} \\ \\rm{s^3}\\ \\rm{cm^{-3}}, \\end{equation} where $M_{1.4}$ is the explosion mass in terms of the Chandrasekhar mass, $1.4 \\msun$, and $E_{51}$ is the explosion energy in units of $10^{51} \\erg$. A comparison with the power-law model $\\rho \\propto v^{-n}t^{-3}$ (Chevalier \\& Liang, 1989) yield the approximate power index of the density, $n = - d ln \\rho/ d ln r = v/v_{e} = r/v_{e}t$. Hence, models with higher velocity scale (increasing with the $E/M$ ratio) yield a flatter density distribution at a given flow velocity, and the gradient of the density increases with radius and decreases over time. The creation of an exponential profile for SNe Ia is probably related to the fact that the explosion energy is steadily released behind a burning front, unlike in the case of pure shock acceleration in core-collapse SNe. Three progenitor scenarios have been proposed to distinguish SNe Ia (HK96; HWK98; for summary see Hoflich {\\it et al.} 2003). The most favored is the explosion of a near-Chandrasekhar mass C-O WD that has accreted mass through Roche-lobe overflow from an evolved companion star, triggered by compressional heating near the WD center. In this scenario, ignition is initiated in the central high-density region of the WD. In the deflagration model, the burning front propagates subsonically through the white dwarf; a popular example is the W7 model of Nomoto {\\it et al.} (1984). In the other class of models, which includes delayed detonation (DD) (Khokhlov 1991) and pulsating delayed detonation (PDD), the initial subsonic burning front gradually makes a transition to a supersonic burning front (detonation). In the DD models, the detonation front erases the chemical structure that is left behind by the deflagration and creates a layered chemical structure, as observed. With a particularly narrow range of energy variation, the DD models reproduce the optical and infrared light curves of typical SNe Ia quite accurately. In current 3-D pure deflagration models, however, a significant fraction of the C/O WD remains unburned and mixes with the burned material at all velocities, in disagreement with observations. In the second scenario, or DET2env models, combustion occurs in a rotating low-density WD that is surrounded by an extended C-O envelope. The configuration forms during the merger of two low-mass binary WDs which lose angular momentum to gravitational radiation. The combined mass of the system may exceed the Chandrasekhar limit, but neither WD is above the limit. The third scenario is a double detonation of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass C-O WD, or the He detonation (HeD). The explosion starts with the detonation of a helium layer that has accreted from a close companion, which subsequently triggers the detonation of the inner C-O core. The exponential model is a good simplification of the density structure obtained from various 1-D explosion models, as presented in Fig.1 of DC98. Both the W7 model and the delay detonation model DD200c yield a perfectly exponential decline in density distribution, and they predict similar properties (HKW98). The PDD and the HeD (PDD3 and PDD1c; HeD10 and HeD6) also exhibit more of an exponential than a power-law density distribution, although the gradient appears to drop in the innermost regions. DC98 commented that the flattening may have been exaggerated by the numerical effect of inadequate zoning near the center. In the PDD and some of the HeD models, the explosion energy is below $10^{51} \\erg$. As low-energy models tend to be associated with a high density gradient, the density evolution of lower-energy models is more sensitive to numerical resolution. The merger scenario is believed to be responsible for only a small fraction of the SNe Ia population because the predicted large amount of unburned C/O at the outer layers is inconsistent with the IR spectra. Though not considered in DC98, this scenario may likewise bear an exponential density decrease, since a pure thermonuclear runaway reaction (as opposed to a subsonic burning) would incinerate almost all of the WD to form $\\Ni$, which process would be inconsistent with the observations of SNe Ia that only $\\sim 0.6 \\msun$ of $\\Ni$ is generated (Hoflich 2003). The chemical structure of SNe Ia varies with the explosion mechanism (HK96; DC98; HWK98; Hoflich 2003). In the accretion scenario, thermonuclear runaway takes place near the center, such that neutron-rich isotopes such as Fe, rather than $\\Ni$, are synthesized in the core. However, for a model such as DD200c (HWK98), the central void of $\\Ni$ amounts to only $\\sim 10\\%$ of the total synthesized mass. The W7 model, whose density structure can be used as a prototype for an exponential model, shows that the amount of Si substantially exceeds that of Fe in the denser parts of the shocked interaction region, while the Fe dominates close to the reverse shock, for the age and ambient density of Tycho's remnant (DC98). A similar composition is produced in delayed detonation or pulsating delayed detonation models for Tycho's remnant, except that the densest parts of the shocked ejecta appear to consist mainly of C and/or O. In the merger scenario, by contrast, burning occurs in the low-density regions, causing little neutronization; therefore, $\\Ni$ is synthesized in the innermost region. In the HeD scenario, two separate layers of $\\Ni$ are generated, The outer one is formed by burning in the He envelope above the velocity range 11,000-14,000 $\\kms$. The mass of the inner $\\Ni$ can be as little as that of the outer $\\Ni$, or it can be considerable and hence represent a bright SN Ia such as, for example, model HeD10 of HK96. In the models HeD6 and HeD10, the outermost dense regions of the shocked gas comprise mainly Fe, with O dominating in a dense shell inside Fe. The HeD scenario was advocated in view of the large population of low-mass stellar progenitors. However, Hoflich \\& Khokhlov (1997) maintained that its spectra are generally too blue to reproduce the observed light curves and late time spectra. Subluminous models giving acceptable fits to the observed SNe Ia; for example, those in HK96 using a sample of 26 SNe Ia tend to eject similar amounts of Fe along with the $\\Ni$. In such models, the initial mass of $\\Ni$ ranges from 0.1 to 0.18 $\\msun$, while in normal models, it ranges from 0.49 to 0.83 $\\msun$. The properties of the Ni bubble expansion are dominated by the initial velocity distribution of $\\Ni$ and the effect of thermal pressure is negligible (\\S~3). Therefore, including a realistic ejecta elemental distribution in our models equivalently reduces the initial density contrast of $\\Ni$, which is assumed to be distributed over the whole SN interior, with a mass fraction equal to $\\omega$ everywhere within the bubble, such that $\\omega < 1$. The range $0.5 \\la \\omega < 1$ is presumed. Such a simple parameterization of the $\\Ni$ distribution may sufficiently reproduce results based on a more detailed $\\Ni$ distribution (\\S~3.4). Figure~1 of DC98 shows that the explosion models significantly diverge from the exponential models as the velocity exceeds $\\ga 10,000 \\kms$, which transition presumably marks the burning interface between the core and the unburned envelope. Yet, inside the interface, the drop in density appears very smooth, and the results suggest that the Ni bubble is not capable of expanding close to this region. To describe the evolution of an SNR in an exponential model, a set of scaling parameters, $R'$, $V'$ and $T'$, are used following DC98 and W01: \\begin{equation} R' = \\left( {3M \\over 4 \\pi \\rho_{am}}\\right)^{1/3} \\approx 2.19 \\ \\left({M\\over M_{ch}}\\right)^{1/3} \\ n_{am} ^{-1/3} \\ \\ {\\rm pc}, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} V' = \\left({2E\\over M}\\right)^{1/2} \\approx 8.45 \\times 10^3 \\ \\left({E_ {51} \\over {M/M_{ch}}}\\right)^{1/2} \\ \\ {\\rm km \\ s^{-1}}, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} T' = {R' \\over V'} \\approx 248 \\ E_{51}^{-1/2} \\ \\left({M\\over M_{ch}}\\right )^{5/6} \\ n_{am}^{-1/3} \\ \\ {\\rm yr}, \\end{equation} where $\\rho_{am}$ is the ambient ISM density of the SNR and $n_{am} = \\rho_{am}/(2.34 \\times 10^{-24})$ gm cm$^{-3}$, suitable for an ISM with an H/He ratio of 10/1 by number. The dimensional variables $r$, $v$ and $t$ can be expressed in terms of the non-dimensional quantities $r'=r/R'$, $t'=t/T'$ and $v'=v/V'$. Since the deceleration of the SNR is caused by the ambient ISM, a higher surrounding density is responsible for a later evolutionary phase of the remnant (larger $T'$). Once the non-dimensional solutions are obtained, they can be re-scaled to the dimensional solutions for a different set of $M$, $E$ and $\\rho_{am}$. Thus, one evolutionary sequence in the non-dimensional variables represents virtually all possible dimensional solutions. Figure~1 plots the evolution of the characteristic velocities of an SNR that arises from the interaction of an exponential ejecta with a constant ambient medium, corresponding to Fig.~1 of WC01. As the ejecta density profile becomes flatter, the reverse shock, initially moving outward in the stellar frame, begins to turn inward at $t' \\approx 2.5 $. It reaches the stellar center at $t' \\approx 8$. Unlike in the power-law model in which the evolution is self-similar (Chevalier {\\it et al.} 1992), the exponential model gives rise to different deceleration rates as the remnant evolves. Nevertheless, the flow velocities immediately below the reverse shock front do not substantially deviate from those in the power-law model (Fig.~12 of W05) within the epoch $t' \\approx 0.1-2'$, when the clump-remnant interaction is likely to begin. \\section {NICKEL BUBBLE SHELL STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION} \\label{sec:evo} \\subsection {Methods} \\label{subsec:met} The computational methods used in this paper are similar to those adopted in the author's previous study W05. HD and RHD simulations were performed based on the two-dimensional finite-difference code ZEUS2D (Stone \\& Norman 1992; Stone {\\it et al.} 1992). Heating due to a central core of $\\Ni$ that has a density contrast $\\omega=1$ relative to the ambient ejecta was considered. The ejecta were initially freely expanding with an exponential density profile that is characterized by an explosion mass $M$ and energy $E$. The radioactive energy was deposited continually to the gas thermal energy (HD case) within the bubble as the bubble-shell interface was tracked in a uniformly-expanding grid in spherical polar coordinates, starting at $t_{0}=100 \\seco$ after the explosion. The inner boundary of the grid had a simple reflecting condition. At the outer boundary, a non-zero gradient outflow condition was applied to preserve the ambient exponential profile and eliminate spurious shocks that were caused by the grid expansion. Basko (1994) and W05 described the radioactive power input. Since the estimated mean life of $\\Ni$ is larger than that suggested in Firestone (1996), $\\la 2\\%$ less radioactive energy than indicated by Firestone was accumulated in the radiation-streaming epoch $\\sim 10^6 \\seco$. A $\\Ni$ abundance of $0.5 \\msun$ yields an effective energy input of $\\sim 6\\times10^{49} \\ \\rm erg$, or 6\\% of the initial kinetic energy. Therefore, the increase in the velocity from local free expansion is typically only around $\\la 3\\%$. The initial ejecta velocity at the bubble edge was determined from the initial $\\Ni$ density contrast and age: $U_{0} = {R_{0} / t_{0}} \\sim \\omega^{-1/3}$. The background thermal pressure was distributed according to $p=\\kappa \\rho^\\gamma$, where $\\gamma = 4/3$ in the HD case, and $\\kappa = 6.1 \\times 10^{14}$ (cgs units) (derived from the change in entropy during nuclear burning of C-O to $\\Ni$, W05). The late-time radioactive power input prior to radiation streaming dominated the pressure in the bubble. In the RHD simulations, the radioactive power was deposited into the radiative energy % and $\\gamma=5/3$ for matter. In supernovae, since the dynamic time required for the ejecta to become freely-expanding is much longer than that required for the radiation field to be thermalized with electrons and for collisions between electrons and ions to occur, a black-body radiation field is well established (Shigeyama \\& Nomoto 1990). To ensure proper evolution of the flow toward the optically-thin regime, full radiative-transport RHD is invoked, under the assumptions of local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and gray opacity. The opacity of the ejecta is dominated by electron scattering; absorption is negligible (Shigeyama \\& Nomoto 1990). A Thomson scattering cross section of $0.2 \\ \\rm cm^2/gm$ was used to calculate the scattering opacity, which is suitable for a gas of completely ionized heavy elements. The time for radiative energy to diffuse out of the bubble depends on the extent of electron scattering and the column density of the shell. Notably, full-power radioactive heating can not be achieved in the radiative case because radiative diffusion limits shell expansion. \\subsection {Hydrodynamic Simulations} \\label{subsec:hd} Figure~2 and 3 show the ejecta structure and the evolution of the dynamic properties of the Ni bubble shell in the adiabatic case, with parameters $M=1.4 \\Msun$, $E=10^{51} \\erg$, $M_{Ni}=0.5\\Msun$ and $\\omega=1$, in what is referred to herein as the standard model. At the commencement of the simulation $t_{0} = 100 \\seco$, the bubble has the radius $R_0=5.18 \\times 10^{10} \\rm \\ cm$, velocity $U_{0} = 5.18 \\times 10^{8} \\cms$ and ambient density $0.92 \\gcm$ at its edge. The initial background thermal energy density is $2.77 \\times 10^{16} \\ergcc$ in the center. By this stage, a total radioactive energy of $4.85 \\times 10^{45} \\erg$ has been deposited since the explosion, % yielding an averaged radioactive energy density of $6.89 \\times 10^{19} \\ergcc$ in the bubble. % % % % % % % % The inflation of the bubble induces a strong forward shock behind which the ambient gas is compressed into a dense shell (Fig.~2). A notable feature of the structure is the drop in density in the ejecta substrate. The density contrast across the shock front is seven, as for a radiation dominated ($\\gamma=4/3$) strong shock. The inner edge of the shell is a contact discontinuity % where the gas has been shocked and cooled for the longest time and so has the highest density. To describe the shell acceleration, the shock radius is approximated as a power-law function of time, $R_{sh} \\propto t^a$, where $a$ is the expansion rate at the shock front, which is equivalent to the velocity contrast between the shock and the ambient freely-expanding ejecta, $(dR_{sh}/dt)/(R_{sh}/t)$. The expansion rate rises to the maximum $a \\la 1.05$ around $10^{7} \\seco$ and then falls to 1.0. That is, the shock front first accelerates and then freezes in the local free expansion of the flow (Figs.~3(a) and (b)). The shell cannot be slower than the free expansion. The shell is very thin; at $10^{7} \\seco$ it reaches a maximum thickness ratio of $\\beta \\equiv h_{sh}/R_{sh} \\la 0.004$, where $h_{sh}$ is the thickness of the shell (Fig.~3(c)). A linear relationship holds between the thickness ratio and the expansion rate, $\\beta \\approx (a-1)/10$, because the expansion rate is low. The Mach number of the shock, $ {\\cal M}=\\left({dR_{sh}/ dt} -{R_{sh}/ t}\\right) \\left(\\rho_0 / \\gamma p_0\\right)^{1/2} = \\ (a-1){R_{sh}/ t} \\left(\\rho_0 / \\gamma p_0\\right)^{1/2} $, is $\\cal{M}$$\\sim 87$ at $10^6 \\seco$, where $\\rho_0$ and $p_{0}$ are the preshock density and pressure, respectively. The expansion proceeds until pressure equilibrium is reached, or in the radiative case until the shell becomes transparent to the $\\gamma$-rays. The shell's compression ratio to the preshock ejecta is $\\chi \\ga 10$ (Fig.~3(d)), and is limited by numerical resolution. The compression in the bubble interior does not drop with time, as it does in the uniform-density model; rather it increases to $\\sim 0.9$ (Fig.~3(d)). % % At $\\sim 10^6 \\seco$, the shell has a thickness ratio $\\beta \\ga 0.002$, a velocity $\\vf \\sim 6,000\\kms$, and a swept-up mass $\\Ms \\sim 0.09 \\Msun$. At this time, the surface density of the shell begins to drop below the mean free path for the $\\sim 1 MeV$ $\\gamma$-ray photons, $\\sim \\ 33 \\rm \\ g/cm^2$, determined by Monte Carlo simulations of X-ray transfer in SNe Ia (corresponding to an effective opacity of $0.03 \\cmsg$; Sutherland \\& Wheeler 1984, Shigeyama \\& Nomoto 1990). The gas is then transparent to the radiation. Although $75\\%$ of the total radioactive energy is yet to be released (Fig.1 of W05), further deposition of the radioactive energy does not affect the dynamics of the flow, and the flow evolves to a free expansion. \\subsection{Variation of Initial Parameters - Adiabatic Cases} The effect of explosion parameters and other initial conditions on the solutions is now examined. A wide range of explosion parameters, such as those used in the 1-D explosion models of HK96 and HWK98, have been studied, under both luminous and underluminous conditions (Tab. 1). The clump strength is conservatively evaluated by approximating the shell's frozen-in velocity by the flow velocity of the contact discontinuity when the shell's surface density starts to drop below $\\sim 33 \\ \\rm \\cmsg$. A comparison with the uniform-density model (model 'flat') indicates that in the standard exponential model (model 'std'), the initial amount of $\\Ni$ was distributed at lower velocities, such that radioactive pressure within the bubble is larger. The shell reaches a higher expansion rate, and the density contrast and thickness ratio are therefore greater. Nevertheless, the expansion velocity and swept-up mass of the shell are lower (Figs.~3(e) and (f)). In the adiabatic uniform model, the frozen-in velocity is $\\vf \\sim 7,500 \\kms$ and the swept-up mass is $M_{s} \\sim 0.12 \\Msun$, while in the exponential model, $\\vf \\sim 5,800\\kms$ and $M_{s} \\sim 0.09 \\Msun$. The difference between the velocities of the radiative counterparts of the above two models should not exceed the difference between their maximum velocities, $\\sim 8,800 \\kms$ and $\\sim 7,500\\kms$. For a lower initial $\\Ni$ density contrast $\\omega=0.5$, the frozen-in age is slightly advanced, with a lower expansion rate, a lesser shell mass $\\Ms \\sim 0.03 \\Msun$ and a higher frozen-in velocity $\\vf \\sim 9,300 \\kms$. The drop in the expansion rate and the swept-up mass follow from the lower radioactive pressure within the bubble. The frozen-in velocity is higher because the $\\Ni$ initially extends to higher velocities. In the exponential model, the radioactive pressure dominated the thermal pressure since the initial stage of heating; the thermal pressure thus has a negligible impact. In the uniform model, reducing $\\omega$ results in a greater swept-up mass (Fig.~3(f)), because our assumed thermal pressure equilibrium across the bubble causes the initial thermal energy in the bubble to be higher when $\\omega$ is lower. Notably, the $\\omega=0.5$ standard model yields a higher shell velocity than its uniform-density counterpart, because of the initially higher velocities of $\\Ni$. Comparisons of various models show that models with a higher velocity scale height $v_e$, or a flatter density distribution, tend to yield a higher shell velocity, a lower expansion rate and a lower swept-up mass. For example, the HeD10 model (in which the density decline is the least among all of the models) yields a shell velocity that extends to $\\vf \\la 13,000 \\kms$ and a swept-up mass of $\\Ms \\la 0.02 \\msun$, whereas the PDD1c model (which has the greatest density gradient) gives $\\vf \\sim 2,500\\kms$ (or $\\sim 3,500\\kms$ at maximum) and $\\Ms \\sim 0.16 \\msun$. The shell velocity is correlated with the initial velocity distribution of $\\Ni$, or the velocity scale height, because the shell expansion rate barely exceeds the free expansion of the local ejecta. The expansion rate is generally expected to be under $a \\la 1.07$. The momentum of freely expanding ejecta that were swept up into the shell, obtained by integrating the momentum density over the velocity space from the initial fo final shell location, is found similar to the final momentum imparted to the shell. Thus, only a small fraction of the final shell momentum results from the bubble acceleration. Figure~2 shows that the density profile of the bubble interior deviates from an exponential model mostly in the regions that are close to the contact discontinuity, also because the expansion is weak and can be contrasted with that in the case of core-collapse SNe (Fig.~2 of W05). Figure~3(h) plots the time evolution of the approximate power index, $n \\equiv v/v_{e}$, at the contact discontinuity. The frozen-in shell velocity does not exceed about three times the velocity scale height of the model - except for the luminous HeD10 and low-$\\omega$ models. The swept-up mass of the shell is not very sensitive to the initial abundance of $\\Ni$. In a Chandrasekhar-mass, low-energy model using $E_{51}=0.7$ and $M_{Ni}=0.49$, for example, the swept-up mass is comparable to that of a similar model with half the amount of $\\Ni$. It also is approximately the same across several models with intermediate explosion conditions, with a typical $M_{s}$ of $\\sim 0.1 \\msun$. Solutions to the underluminous models are not sensitive to variations of the initial parameters including the initial $\\Ni$ density contrast, because their steep density distribution and low $\\Ni$ abundance allow little corresponding variations in velocity and radioactive pressure. A unique feature of the exponential models except for PDD1c is that the density contrast at the bubble interior increases over time, because of continual flattening of the exponential density distribution and a relatively low expansion rate. In the HeD scenario, the outer layer of $\\Ni$ is present at high velocities of above 11,000-14,000 $\\kms$ (HK96). An off-center heating scenario was considered using the HeD6 model (model 'HeD6*'), in which the radioactive power from a half of the outer $\\Ni$ mass was gradually deposited in the space between the velocities $12,000 \\kms$ and $\\la 13,400 \\kms$, while the inner grid boundary continues to move at a fixed velocity of $12,000 \\kms$. A dense shell as in the central-heating model is swept up, but it exhibits very weak acceleration relative to the local fast ejecta. The onset of the optically-thin stage thus advances to $\\sim 10^5 \\seco$, leading to a 'low' frozen-in velocity at $\\la 14,000 \\kms$. A flatter distribution of the thermal pressure, $p \\sim \\rho$, was assumed with a constant temperature, $kT \\sim 0.6 \\ MeV$ (derived from the nuclear burning process, W05). As the central background pressure is enhanced by a factor of $\\sim 500$, the radioactive pressure still dominates the thermal pressure, so the evolution of the Ni bubble remains largely unchanged. To account for the central $\\Ni$ void as in the accretion scenario, $\\Ni$ in model DD200c was redistributed to higher velocities, corresponding to a void mass of 1/10 of the synthesized mass. The result is indistinguishable from that of the central-heating model. Lastly, the simulated solutions that began at the age $t_0=1000 \\seco$ rapidly converged with those that began at $100 \\seco$. Thus, as long as $t_0 \\la 1000 \\seco$, the final solutions do not depend on the commencing ages of the simulations. \\subsection {$\\Ni$ Mass Fraction in the W7 Model} In our $\\omega = 1$ exponential W7 model, the shell velocities, 7558 $\\kms$, is actually lower than the minimum velocity $\\sim 10,000 \\kms$ of the Si-dominant layer, obtained using the W7 model of Nomoto {\\it et al.} (1984). In their original calculations, the velocity of the radioactive Ni was as high as 8300 km/s, and its fractional mass fell to 0.5 at 8800 km/s. To justify that a simple parametrization of the initial $\\Ni$ distribution in terms of $0.5 \\la \\omega < 1$ approximates the results that consider a realistic ejecta elemental distribution, the $\\Ni$ mass fraction given by the model of Nomoto {\\it et al.} ($M_{Ni}=0.58 \\msun$) was incorporated into the exponential model. As the $\\Ni$ mass fraction falls steeply above $8,800 \\kms$, the initial $\\Ni$ distribution was cut off at this velocity but the same radioactive power, proportional to the mass density within it, was deposited. Spatial variations in the background thermal pressure caused by the nonuniform elemental distribution were neglected. This modified model gives a similar initial outbound speed to that obtained in our $\\omega=0.7$ W7 model (Fig.~4). (The integrated density over all elements should follow an exponential profile as illustrated in DC98.) In both models, the final shell velocity reaches $\\sim 9000 \\kms$. In the modified model the swept-up mass is lower but does not differ significantly from that in the $\\omega=0.7$ case. The reason why the use of $\\omega=0.7$ adequately reproduces % the result based on a more detailed $\\Ni$ distribution in the W7 model is that it places the outer boundary of $\\Ni$ in the 8300-8800 velocity range, beyond which whose mass fraction drops down rapidly. However, in view of a finite sound speed propagation within the bubble and the presence of nonradioactive material in the ejecta, this result strongly depends on the assumed value of $\\omega$ and is merely an approximation. On the other hand, the clump speeds in our $\\omega=1$ cases stand only as the lower limits in more realistic Ni bubble heating scenarios. \\subsection {Radiation-Hydrodynamic Solutions} \\label{subsec:rhd} Here we present full-radiative transport RHD simulations to illustrate the effect of the diffusion of radiative energy across the bubble structure on the shell properties. % In Figs.~2, 4 and 5, the density structures of the radiative models are plotted over their adiabatic counterparts. The shock has a widely extending radiative precursor, lowering the overall compression of the shell. When the radiative precursor is considered, the shell mass reaches $\\sim 90\\%$ of the adiabatic value (0.1 $\\msun$). Excluding the radiative precursor reduces the mass to $\\ga 0.04 \\msun$ (radiative case) in the standard model. The drop is typically $\\la 50\\%$. Since the acceleration of the shell is weak, the shell formation processes can be regarded as perturbations to the initial free expansion, such that the final radius and velocity of the shell are only slightly reduced. The final shell velocity differs from the adiabatic solution by $\\la3\\%$ (Fig.~6). As the final shell velocity may not be an adequate measure of the radiative effects, the difference between the final shell velocity and the velocity of the initial free expansion at the bubble's edge is used to assess the importance of radiation diffusion effects. A $\\sim 25\\%$ difference is found between the adiabatic and radiative solutions. However, in the $\\omega=0.7$ W7 model, it is only 12\\%. Hence, the radiative effects are expected to be mild in a more realistic scenario. The mass and number of clumps should drop as the acceleration and compression of the shell are decreased. Since the RHD simulations are affected by inadequate spatial resolution, the shell's density contrast is crudely estimated, based on the assumption that that the shell mass is 50\\% less and the shell thickness is double the size of that in the adiabatic solutions; a compression ratio of $\\sim 25\\%$ of the adiabatic value, or $\\chi \\sim 25$, is expected. Nonetheless, since ejecta clumps (shell fragments) most likely arise from the densest part of the CD, the true compression ratio may be higher. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclu} We have investigated the structure and expansion properties of the Ni bubble shell in SNe Ia due to radioactive heating caused by $\\Ni \\rightarrow\\ \\co \\rightarrow\\ \\fe$ decay sequence, assuming an exponentially-declining density profile of the ejecta substrate. Based on the indication that ejecta clumps arise from the breakup of components of the Ni bubble shell, whether the inferred shell properties are compatible with those revealed for the ejecta knots in Tycho's remnant was studied. Adiabatic solutions were first obtained, and then radiative solutions, including the radiation diffusion process across the Ni bubble shell, up to the approximate frozen-in age $\\sim 10^6 \\seco$, were applied to estimate the clump properties. Since a realistic elemental distribution of $\\Ni$ results in a higher expansion velocity than a centralized distribution of $\\Ni$ used in our model, which effect is equivalent to the use of a lower initial $\\Ni$ density contrast in the range of $0.5 \\la \\omega < 1$, our $\\omega=1$ cases may only hint at the lower limit on the clump speeds. We believe that our inferred clump strength is at least not overestimated. The expansion of the Ni bubble sweeps up a dense thin shell of $\\sim 0.1 \\Msun$ shocked gas in a typical Type Ia SNR. The density of the shell increases inwardly toward the bubble-shell interface, such that the highest computed density is limited by numerical resolution. Since the exponential profile is close to power-law profile that evolves from a steep power law to a flatter one, the adiabatic solutions of the shell were approximated as self-similar solutions for a pulsar bubble shell in power-law ejecta of power index $n$ with the shock propagated at an expansion rate $a$, which in our intermediate-class models falls in the range $n=2-3$ and $a\\la 1.07$. The shell is thicker than given by the flat ejecta model, representing $\\la 1\\%$ of the forward shock radius and the mean density contrast is enhanced by $50\\%$. In the radiative case, the shell is broader and less dense; the total swept-up mass of the shell is $\\sim 50\\%$ less without the radiative precursor, but the shell's expansion velocity is only $< 3\\%$ lower close to the frozen-in age. The radiative diffusion process does not substantially affect the clump speed or the initiative age of the clump-remnant interaction. A wide range of explosion parameters that are similar to those used in valid 1-D explosion models was explored. The exponential model gives a higher shell expansion rate and thickness ratio than the uniform model, and a lower shell velocity and swept-up mass. The expansion of the shell is only slightly faster than the free expansion of the ambient ejecta substrate. Consequently, the frozen-in velocity of the shell often rises with the velocity scale height $v_e$ of the exponential profile -- which characterizes the free motion of the ejecta substrate -- or drops with the ambient ejecta density gradient. The velocity and swept-up mass of the shell appear to be inversely correlated: steeper models (with smaller velocity scale heights) tend to acquire a lower expansion velocity and a higher swept-up mass. Under intermediate explosion conditions with an ambient ISM density in the range of $n_{am}=0.5-1\\cmc$, the clump-remnant impact is anticipated to occur at $\\sim 300$ yrs after the supernova is formed. Although the impact precedes Tycho's present state, the clump speed ($\\sim 6000 \\kms$ for $\\omega=1$) may not be sufficient. A higher clump speed and an earlier clump-remnant impact is expected when the model incorporates a more realistic elemental distribution. The explosion parameters obtained from the successful explosion models such as the deflagration W7 and the delay detonation DD200 yield the most favorable result for Tycho's knots. A sub-Chandrasekhar-mass, low-energy scenario such as the He detonation HeD6 may also satisfy Tycho's condition. A Chandrasekhar-mass and low-energy model such as the PDD is unfeasible, indicating that if Tycho's SN was intrinsically underluminous, then a near-Chandrasekhar-mass progenitor could not arise. Likewise, SN 1006 could not originate in a W7-like scenario since the currently-expected clump-forward shock impact is not observed. Recent studies nonetheless identified both Tycho's SN and SN 1006 as normal Type Ia supernovae. The global approximations of Type Ia models with exponential models may not be sufficiently accurate enough close to the contact discontinuity, particularly for the PDD1c model, where the ejecta appears to diverge from the exponential model at low velocities. If the ejecta density profile deviates from the exponential or power-law models, a higher clump speed and an earlier clump-remnant impact is expected for a flatter ejecta substrate, and vice versa. However, significant deviations from the exponential model are not anticipated for the W7 and DD200c models. The clump-remnant impact is estimated to occur within $\\sim 2000$ yrs under all plausible explosion conditions of SNe Ia. As clumps are expected to be present only in a thin shell at the boundary of the Ni bubble, not throughout the bulk of the ejecta, the small clump size and a flat bubble density contrast should not induce vigorous mixing in the ensuing clump/bubble-remnant interactions, which such characteristic distinguishes the remnants of SNe Ia from those of the core-collapse SNe. The author would like to thank Roger Chevalier, Dietrich Baade and Vikram Dwarkadas for useful discussions and correspondence, and the anonymous referee for valuable comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the National Science Council of the Republic of China, Taiwan, and the National Center of High-Performance Computing of Taiwan. Ted Knoy is appreciated for his editorial assistance." }, "0606/astro-ph0606670_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{% }{% We present a $8^\\circ\\times6^\\circ$, high resolution extinction map of the Pipe nebula using 4.5 million stars from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) point source catalog. }{% The use of \\textsc{Nicer} (Lombardi \\& Alves 2001), a robust and optimal technique to map the dust column density, allows us to detect a $A_V = 0.5 \\mbox{ mag}$ extinction at a 3-$\\sigma$ level with a $1 \\mbox{ arcmin}$ resolution. }{% (\\textit{i\\/}) We find for the Pipe nebula a \\textit{normal\\/} reddening law, $E(J - H) = (1.85 \\pm 0.15) E(H - K)$. (\\textit{ii\\/}) We measure the cloud distance using Hipparchos and Tycho parallaxes, and obtain $130^{+24}_{-58} \\mbox{ pc}$. This, together with the total estimated mass, $10^4 \\mbox{ M}_\\odot$, makes the Pipe the closest massive cloud complex to Earth. (\\textit{iii\\/}) We compare the \\textsc{Nicer} extinction map to the NANTEN ${}^{12}$CO observations and derive with unprecedented accuracy the relationship between the near-infrared extinction and the $^{12}$CO column density and hence (indirectly) the $^{12}$CO X-factor, that we estimate to be $2.91 \\times 10^{20} \\mbox{ cm}^{-2} \\mbox{ K}^{-1} \\mbox{ km}^{-1} \\mbox{ s}$ in the range $A_V \\in [0.9, 5.4] \\mbox{ mag}$. (\\textit{iv\\/}) We identify approximately $1\\,500$ OH/IR stars located within the Galactic bulge in the direction of the Pipe field. This represents a significant increase of the known numbers of such stars in the Galaxy. }{% Our analysis confirms the power and simplicity of the color excess technique to study molecular clouds. The comparison with the NANTEN ${}^{12}$CO data corroborates the insensitivity of CO observations to low column densities (up to approximately $2 \\mbox{ mag}$ in $A_V$), and shows also an irreducible uncertainty in the dust-CO correlation of about $1 \\mbox{ mag}$ of visual extinction. } ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} Nearby Galactic molecular clouds complexes represent our best chance to understand cloud formation and evolution and hence to learn how stars come to be. But progress on the study of these objects has been slow. Not only are molecular clouds the coldest objects known in the Universe, their main mass component ($\\mathrm{H}_2$) cannot be detected directly. Most of all we know today about their physical properties has been derived through radio spectroscopy of $\\mathrm{H}_2$ surrogate molecules (CO, CS, $\\mathrm{NH}_3$; e.g., \\citealp{1999osps.conf....3B, 1999osps.conf...67M}) and more recently through thermal emission of the dust grains inside these clouds \\citep{2000prpl.conf...59A, 2000ApJ...545..327J}. The results obtained using these techniques, especially the estimate of column densities, are not always straightforward to interpret and are plagued by several poorly constrained effects. Moreover, although large scale maps of entire molecular cloud complexes are now available \\citep{1998ApJS..115..241H, 2001ApJ...551..747S}, maps with sufficient resolution and dynamic range to identify not only dense molecular cores but also their extended environment are still not existent. This wide view on molecular clouds is at present an obvious gap in our understanding of the relation between the dense Interstellar Medium (ISM) and star formation. A straightforward and powerful technique to study molecular cloud structures, pioneered by \\citet{1994ApJ...429..694L} and known as the Near-Infrared Color Excess method (\\textsc{Nice}, \\citealp{1998ApJ...506..292A}) makes use of the most reliable tracer of $\\mathrm{H}_2$ in these clouds: extinction by pervasive dust grains in the gas. The \\textsc{Nice} method relies on near-infrared (NIR) measurements of extinguished background starlight to derive accurate line-of-sight estimates of dust column densities. Depending on the stellar richness and color properties of the background field this technique can produce column density maps with spatial resolutions down to $5 \\mbox{ arcsec}$ \\citep[e.g.][]{2001Natur.409..159A, 2002osp..conf...37A} and with dynamic ranges more then an order of magnitude larger than classical optical star count techniques. This novel view on molecular clouds is providing not only new information on the physical structure of these object \\citep{2001Natur.409..159A} but also an insight into their chemical structure and the physical properties of the dust grains, when combined to molecular line and dust emission data \\citep{1998A&A...329L..33K, 1999A&A...342..257K, 1999ApJ...515..265A, 2001ApJ...557..209B, 2003ApJ...586..286L, 2003A&A...399L..43B, 2003A&A...399.1073K}. In part to make use of the wealth of NIR data provided by the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS; \\citealp{1994ExA.....3...65K}) the \\textsc{Nice} method was further developed into an optimized multi-band technique dubbed Near-Infrared Color Excess Revisited (\\textsc{Nicer}, \\citealp{2001A&A...377.1023L}, hereafter Paper~I). This generalization of \\textsc{Nice} can, nevertheless, be applied to any multi-band survey of molecular clouds. Through use of optimal combinations of colors, \\textsc{Nicer} improves the noise variance of a map by a factor of two when compared to \\textsc{Nice}. This unique property of \\textsc{Nicer} makes it the ideal tool to trace large scale distributions of low column density molecular cloud material. When applied to 2MASS data, \\textsc{Nicer} dust extinction maps trace not only the low column density regions ($A_V \\simeq 0.5 \\mbox{ mag}$) but have the dynamic range to identify dense molecular cores by reaching cloud depths of $\\sim 30 \\mbox{ mag}$ of extinction, corresponding to $8 \\times 10^{22} \\mbox{ protons} \\mbox{ cm}^{-2}$ \\citep{L05}. In this paper we present an extinction map of the Pipe nebula covering $48 \\mbox{ sq deg}$, computed by applying the \\textsc{Nicer} technique on 4.5 millions JHK photometric measurements of stars from the 2MASS database. The Pipe nebula is a poorly studied nearby complex of molecular clouds. The only systematic analysis of this region is the one of \\citet{1999PASJ...51..871O} who present a $\\sim 27 \\mbox{ sq deg}$ map in the $J = 1-0$ line of $^{12}$CO observed on a $4 \\mbox{ arcmin}$ grid, and smaller maps of selected regions in the $J = 1-0$ lines of $^{13}$CO and C$^{18}$O. They estimate the total $^{12}$CO mass to be $\\sim 10^4 \\mbox{ M}_\\odot$ (for a cloud distance of $160 \\mbox{ pc}$) and point out that star formation is only occurring on Barnard~59, where the C$^{18}$O column density is the highest and where they find a CO outflow. Barnard~59 was also observed at $1300\\ \\mu\\mbox{m}$ by \\citet{1996A&A...314..258R} and a protostellar candidate B59-MMS1 was found. Two pre-main sequence stars associated with Barnard~59 appear in the young binaries survey of \\citet{1993A&A...278...81R} and more recently in \\citet{2002AJ....124.1082K}. This paper is organized as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:nicer-absorpt-map} we describe the technique used to map the dust in the Pipe nebula and we present the main results obtained. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:distance} we address the determination of the cloud distance using Hipparcos data. A statistical analysis and a discussion of the bias introduced by foreground stars is presented in Sect.~\\ref{sec:statistical-analysis}. We compare the CO observations from \\citet{1999PASJ...51..871O} with our outcome in Sect.~\\ref{sec:comparison-with-co}. Section~\\ref{sec:mass-estimate} is devoted to the mass estimate of the cloud complex. Finally, we summarize the conclusions of this paper in Sect.~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. In the following we will normally express column densities in terms of the 2MASS $K_\\mathrm{s}$ band extinction $A_K$. When converting this quantity into the widely used visual extinction $A_V$, we will use the \\citet{1985ApJ...288..618R} reddening law converted into the 2MASS photometric system \\citep[see][]{2001AJ....121.2851C}, $A_K / A_V = 0.112$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item We used 4.5 million stars from the 2MASS point source catalog to construct a $8^\\circ \\times 6^\\circ$ extinction map of the poorly studied Pipe nebula, a molecular cloud complex seen in projection towards the galactic bulge. The map has a resolution of 1~arcmin and has a $3 \\sigma$ detection level of $0.5$ visual magnitudes. \\item We combined the 2MASS data with Tycho and Hipparcos parallaxes to obtain a distance of $130 \\pm 15 \\mbox{ pc}$ to this molecular complex. We estimated, for this distance, a total mass of $\\sim 10^4 \\mbox{ M}_\\odot$ for the Pipe complex. This makes the Pipe nebula one the closest star forming region to the Earth of its type, closer than the Ophiuchus and the Taurus complexes. \\item We studied in details the statistical properties of the extinction map obtained through the \\textsc{Nicer} method. We also confirmed the relation originally observed by \\citet{1994ApJ...429..694L} for IC~5146, suggesting that there is unresolved structure at the highest extinctions in our map. \\item We compared our near-infrared study with the CO observations of \\citet{1999PASJ...51..871O}, and derived fitting formulae to relate the $^{12}$CO column density with the $A_K$ extinction. We also derived the dust-to-$^{12}$CO ratio, and showed that if a normal infrared reddening law is assumed, then the derived X-factor is as large as $2.91 \\times 10^{20} \\mbox{ cm}^{-2} \\mbox{ K}^{-1} \\mbox{ km}^{-1} \\mbox{ s}$ in the range $A_K \\in [0.1, 0.6] \\mbox{ mag}$. \\item We found that $^{12}$CO is only sensitive to about 65\\% of the total dust mass. About half of the missing mass is not traced by CO at column densities below $A_K < 0.25 \\mbox{ mag}$, and half is not traced at column densities above $A_K > 0.6 \\mbox{ mag}$, where the line begins to saturate. There is an apparently irreducible uncertainty in the dust-CO correlation of about 1 magnitude of visual extinction. This uncertainty seems to be independent of the cloud or the interstellar radiation field. \\item We took advantage of the large number of background sources to accurately measure the NIR reddening law for this cloud, and obtained $E(J - H) = (1.85 \\pm 0.15) E(H - K)$, in very good agreement with the standard \\citet{1985ApJ...288..618R} reddening law. \\item Finally from analysis of the JHK color-color diagram for the Pipe region we identify a large population of red stars whose colors are distinct from those of typical reddened background giants. These stars are spatially distributed over the entire observed field, preferentially located at lower Galactic latitudes and are not associated with the molecular cloud. These stars are the brightest stars detected in the field and have a very narrow distribution in magnitude space. These properties are similar to those of Galactic OH/IR stars. Our observations thus appear to have provided one of the largest samples of such stars yet discovered. \\end{itemize}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606301_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Extended gas haloes around galaxies are a ubiquitous prediction of galaxy formation scenarios. However, the density profiles of this hot halo gas is virtually unknown, although various profiles have been suggested on theoretical grounds. In order to quantitatively address the gas profile, we compare galaxies from direct cosmological simulations with analytical solutions of the underlying gas equations. We find remarkable agreement between simulations and theoretical predictions. We present an expression for this gas profile with a non-trivial dependence on the total mass profile. This expression is useful when setting up equilibrium galaxy models for numerical experiments.\\\\ ", "introduction": "Standard galaxy formation scenarios predict that the galaxies have an extended halo of hot gas. This hot gas is gravitationally trapped by the dark matter potential and cools slowly due to thermal emission~\\citep{white91}. These haloes of hot gas have been observed around massive elliptical galaxies through their X-ray emission (e.g. Matsushita 2001), and recently around normal quiescent spiral galaxies~\\citep{pedersen2006}. These observations provide strong support for the standard galaxy formation scenario. One missing aspect is the qualitative understanding of the density profile of these hot haloes. We therefore investigate the density profiles extracted from virialized galaxies in cosmological simulations, as well as theoretical predictions based on the fundamental gas equations. We find remarkable agreement between simulations and theory. We present an analytical expression for the gas-profile, which depends non-trivially on the total mass distribution of both baryons and dark matter. ", "conclusions": "Standard galaxy formation scenarios predict that the central cold gas-disk and stars are surrounded by an extended halo of hot gas. We investigate quantitatively the density profile of this gas-halo. We find that results of cosmological $\\Lambda$CDM N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxies, and analytical solutions to the fundamental gas equations are in remarkable agreement. We find that the gas density slope (the logarithmic derivative) is a non-trivial function of the slope of the total matter, expressed through eq.~(\\ref{eq:betagas}). This equation is useful when constructing realistic galaxies for controlled numerical experiments." }, "0606/astro-ph0606137_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "AAOmega is the new spectrograph for the 2dF fibre-positioning system on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. It is a bench-mounted, double-beamed design, using volume phase holographic (VPH) gratings and articulating cameras. It is fed by 392 fibres from either of the two 2dF field plates, or by the 512 fibre SPIRAL integral field unit (IFU) at Cassegrain focus. Wavelength coverage is 370 to 950nm and spectral resolution 1,000-8,000 in multi-Object mode, or 1,500-10,000 in IFU mode. Multi-object mode was commissioned in January 2006 and the IFU system will be commissioned in June 2006. The spectrograph is located off the telescope in a thermally isolated room and the 2dF fibres have been replaced by new 38m broadband fibres. Despite the increased fibre length, we have achieved a large increase in throughput by use of VPH gratings, more efficient coatings and new detectors - amounting to a factor of at least 2 in the red. The number of spectral resolution elements and the maximum resolution are both more than doubled, and the stability is an order of magnitude better. The spectrograph comprises: an f/3.15 Schmidt collimator, incorporating a dichroic beam-splitter; interchangeable VPH gratings; and articulating red and blue f/1.3 Schmidt cameras. Pupil size is 190mm, determined by the competing demands of cost, obstruction losses, and maximum resolution. A full suite of VPH gratings has been provided to cover resolutions 1,000 to 7,500, and up to 10,000 at particular wavelengths. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} % The two degree field facility (2dF$^{\\rm{[1,2]}}$) of the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), had its original spectrographs mounted on the telescope top end ring. This was mandated by the capabilities of fibres at that time, and the spectrographs were designed for the primary science goal - a large redshift survey of moderate brightness galaxies. However, they were of limited utility in obtaining spectra of fainter objects, or at higher signal-to-noise or resolution. The reasons for this were: \\begin{itemize} \\item Restricted size and weight, with implications for instrument stability and format \\item Flexure and temperature variations, compromising both spectral and spatial stability of the system \\item Imperfect optics giving variable point spread function (PSF), leading to systematic error in skyline subtraction that could not be reduced by increased integration. \\item Significant scattered light and halation problems, limiting the dynamic range within and between spectra. \\end{itemize} Despite these limitations, both spectrographs performed admirably resulting in a multitude of high quality scientific results over their 10 year careers. In August 2005 spectrographs 1 and 2 were retired from service to make way for installation of the next generation AAT multi-purpose optical spectrograph, \\aaomega. The mechanical$^{\\rm{[3]}}$ and optical$^{\\rm{[4]}}$ design of \\aaomega\\ has been presented previously elsewhere. In what follows we briefly describe the \\emph{as commissioned} capabilities of \\aaomega. The commissioning program is outlined in table \\ref{tab:time line}. \\begin{table}[h] \\caption{\\aaomega\\ was commissioned November 2005 - January 2006 following the project time line outlined below.} \\label{tab:time line} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \\hline \\textbf{Date} & \\textbf{Status}\\\\ \\hline \\hline August 2005 & Decommission 2dF spectrographs\\\\ & Remove 2dF fibre retractors to install \\aaomega\\ fibres\\\\ \\hline November 2005 & First on sky commissioning (6 nights)\\\\ & 2dF positioner upgrade and new field plates\\\\ & Instrument and telescope control software integration\\\\ & AAOmega guide fibres\\\\ & Limited AAOmega slit units\\\\ & (2 Plates $\\times$ 3 Bundles $\\times$ 10 fibres)\\\\ & Blue camera only\\\\ \\hline December 2005 & Second commissioning run (7 nights)\\\\ & Red and Blue cameras\\\\ & Fully populated slit units\\\\ \\hline January 2006 & Final commissioning run (5 nights)\\\\ & Full system integration\\\\ \\hline \\hline January 2006 & Science verification (8 nights)\\\\ & 9 programs substantially completed\\\\ & Testing the full range of \\aaomega\\ capabilities.\\\\ \\hline February 2006 & Commence routine science operations\\\\ - May 2006 & 10 scheduled programs, 41 nights\\\\ & Active service program\\\\ \\hline \\hline June 2006 & SPIRAL IFU Scheduled for commissioning\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table} \\subsection{Improvements over the original 2dF system} While maintaining the high multiplex (392 fibres) and low observational overhead (via configuration of one field plate during observation of the other) of 2dF, the key design goals for \\aaomega\\ have been to overcome many of the problems experienced with the original 2dF system: \\begin{itemize} \\item Improved sensitivity at all wavelengths, even with the increased fibre run length. \\item Spectroscopic stability - removal of thermal and flexure effects \\item PSF uniformity - dramatically improved sky subtraction and higher velocity accuracy \\item Higher maximum resolution \\item Greater wavelength coverage at a given resolution \\item Minimisation of systematic effects, such as scattered light and light leaks \\item Improved support for \\emph{Nod-and-Shuffle} observations$^{\\rm{[5]}}$. \\end{itemize} As an alternate to the 2dF MOS fibre feed, the SPIRAL Integral Field Unit (IFU) mounted at the Cassegrain focus, will also be available to \\aaomega. SPIRAL will be commissioned in June 2006 and hence we defer discussion of the IFU feed until a later time. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606247_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A commonly used measure to summarize the nature of a photon spectrum is the so-called Hardness Ratio, which compares the number of counts observed in different passbands. The hardness ratio is especially useful to distinguish between and categorize weak sources as a proxy for detailed spectral fitting. However, in this regime classical methods of error propagation fail, and the estimates of spectral hardness become unreliable. Here we develop a rigorous statistical treatment of hardness ratios that properly deals with detected photons as independent Poisson random variables and correctly deals with the non-Gaussian nature of the error propagation. The method is Bayesian in nature, and thus can be generalized to carry out a multitude of source-population--based analyses. We verify our method with simulation studies, and compare it with the classical method. We apply this method to real world examples, such as the identification of candidate quiescent Low-mass X-ray binaries in globular clusters, and tracking the time evolution of a flare on a low-mass star. ", "introduction": "\\label{park:sec:intro} The shape of the spectrum of an astronomical source is highly informative as to the physical processes at the source. But often detailed spectral fitting is not feasible due to various constraints, such as the need to analyze a large and homogeneous sample for population studies, or there being insufficient counts to carry out a useful fit, etc. In such cases, a hardness ratio, which requires the measurement of accumulated counts in two or more broad passbands, becomes a useful measure to quantify and characterize the source spectrum.\\footnote{ In the context of \\chandra\\ data, the passbands often used are called {\\sl soft} (0.3-0.9~keV), {\\sl medium} (0.9-2.5~keV), and {\\sl hard} (2.5-8.0~keV) bands. Sometimes the {\\sl soft} and {\\sl medium} bands are merged into a single band, also called the {\\sl soft} band (e.g., 0.5-2~keV). In all cases, note that the energies refer to the nominal detector PHA or PI channel boundaries and not to the intrinsic photon energies. The choice of energy or PI channel range is flexible and situational. } A hardness ratio is defined as either the ratio of the counts in two bands called the {\\sl soft} and {\\sl hard} bands, or a monotonic function of this ratio. We consider three types of hardness ratios, \\begin{eqnarray} \\nonumber {\\rm Simple~Ratio,}~~&~\\R \\equiv& \\frac{S}{H} \\\\ \\nonumber {\\rm Color,}~~&~\\C \\equiv& \\log_{10}\\left(\\frac{S}{H}\\right) \\\\ {\\rm Fractional~Difference,}~~&\\HR \\equiv& \\frac{H-S}{H+S} \\label{e:RCHR} \\end{eqnarray} where $S$ and $H$ are the source counts in the two bands, called the {\\sl soft} and {\\sl hard} passbands. The simple formulae above are modified for the existence of background counts and instrumental effective areas. Spectral colors in optical astronomy, defined by the standard optical filters (e.g., UBVRIJK, U-B, R-I, etc), are well known and constitute the main observables in astronomy. They have been widely applied to characterize populations of sources and their evolution. The hardness ratio concept was adopted in X-ray astronomy for early X-ray detectors (mainly proportional counter detectors) which had only a limited energy resolution. The first application of the X-ray hardness ratio was presented in the X-ray variability studies with SAS-3 observations by Bradt et al.\\ (1976). Zamorani et al.\\ (1981) investigated the X-ray hardness ratio for a sample of quasars observed with the {\\it Einstein} X-ray Observatory. They calculated each source intensity in two energy bands (1.2-3~keV and 0.5-1.2~keV) and discussed a possible evolution of the hardness ratio (the ratio of both intensities) with redshift for their X-ray sample of 27 quasars. Similar ratios have been used in surveys of stars (Vaiana et al.\\ 1981), galaxies (e.g., Kim, Fabbiano, \\& Trinchieri 1992) and X-ray binaries (Tuohy et al.\\ 1978) studied with the {\\it Einstein} and earlier observatories. In the case of X-ray binaries in particular, they were used to define two different classes of sources (Z-track and atoll sources; Hasinger \\& van der Klis, 1989) depending on their time evolution on $\\HR$ v/s $\\HR$ diagrams. Since then the concept of X-ray hardness ratio has been developed and broadly applied in a number of cases, most recently in the analysis of large data samples from the \\chandra\\ X-ray Observatory (Weisskopf et al.\\ 2000) and XMM-{\\sl Newton} (Jansen et al.\\ 2001). Advanced X-ray missions such as \\chandra\\ and XMM-{\\sl Newton} allow for the detection of many very faint sources in deep X-ray surveys (see review by Brandt \\& Hasinger 2005). For example, in a typical observation of a galaxy, several tens and in some cases even hundreds of sources are detected, most of which have fewer than 50 counts, and many have only a few counts. Similar types of sources are detected in the ChaMP serendipitous survey (Kim et al.\\ 2005). They provide the best quality data to date for studying source populations and their evolution. The most interesting sources are the sources with the smallest number of detected counts, because they have never been observed before. Further, the number of faint sources increases with improved sensitivity limits, i.e., there are more faint sources in deeper observations. Because these faint sources have only a few counts, hardness ratios are commonly used to study properties of their X-ray emission and absorption (e.g., Alexander et al.\\ 2001, Brandt et al.\\ 2001a, Brandt et al.\\ 2001b, Giacconi et al.\\ 2001, Silverman et al.\\ 2005). With long observations the background counts increase, so the background contribution becomes significant and background subtraction fails to work. Still the background contribution must be taken into account to evaluate the source counts. The sensitivity of X-ray telescopes is usually energy dependent, and thus the classical hardness ratio method can only be applied to observations made with the same instrument. Usually the measurements carry both detection errors and background contamination. In a typical hardness ratio calculation the background is subtracted from the data and only net counts are used. This background subtraction is not a good solution, especially in the low counts regime (see van Dyk et al.\\ 2001). In general the Gaussian assumption present in the classical method (see \\S\\S~\\ref{park:sec:classic}~and~\\ref{park:sec:verify}) is not appropriate for faint sources in the presence of a significant background. Therefore, the classical approach to calculating the hardness ratio and the errors is inappropriate for low counts. Instead, adopting a Poisson distribution as we do here (see below), hardness ratios can be reliably computed for both low and high counts cases. The Bayesian approach allows us to include the information about the background, difference in collecting area, effective areas and exposure times between the source and background regions. Our Bayesian model-based approach follows a pattern of ever more sophisticated statistical methods that are being developed and applied to solve outstanding quantitative challenges in empirical Astronomy and Astrophysics. Bayesian model-based methods for high-energy high-resolution spectral analysis can be found for example in Kashyap \\& Drake (1998), van Dyk et al. (2001), van Dyk and Hans (2002), Protassov et al.\\ (2002), van Dyk and Kang (2004), Gillessen \\& Harney (2005), and Park et al.\\ (2006, in preparation). More generally, the monographs on Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy (Feigelson and Babu, 1992, 2003, Babu and Feigelson, 1997) and the special issue of {\\it Statistical Science} devoted to Astronomy (May 2004) illustrate the wide breadth of statistical methods applied to an equal diversity of problems in astronomy and astrophysics. Here, we discuss the classical method and present the fully Bayesian method for calculating the hardness ratio for counts data.\\footnote{ A Fortran and C-based program which calculates the hardness ratios following the methods described in this paper is available for download from \\url{{\\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/AstroStat/BEHR/}} } \\subsection{The Classical Method} \\label{park:sec:classic} A conventional hardness ratio is calculated as set out in Equations~\\ref{e:RCHR}, where $S$ and $H$ are the ``soft'' and ``hard'' counts accumulated in two non-overlapping passbands. In general, an observation will be contaminated by background counts, and this must be accounted for in the estimate of the hardness ratios. The background is usually estimated from an annular region surrounding the source of interest, or from a suitable representative region on the detector that is reliably devoid of sources. The difference in the exposure time and aperture area of source and background observations are summarized by a known constant $r$ for which the expected background counts in the source exposure area are adjusted. With the background counts in the soft band ($B_S$) and the hard band ($B_H$) collected in an area of $r$ times the source region, the hardness ratio is generalized to \\begin{eqnarray} \\nonumber \\R &=& \\frac{S-B_S/{r}}{H-B_H/{r}} \\\\ \\nonumber \\C &=& \\log_{10}\\left(\\frac{S-B_S/{r}}{H-B_H/{r}}\\right) \\\\ \\HR &=& \\frac{(H-B_H/{r})-(S-B_S/{r})}{(H-B_H/{r})+(S-B_S/{r})} \\label{e:bgRCHR} \\end{eqnarray} The adjusted counts in the background exposure area are directly subtracted from those in the source exposure area. The above equations can be further modified to account for variations of the detector effective areas by including them in the constant $r$, in which case the constants for the two bands will be different.\\footnote{ Gross differences in detector sensitivity, e.g., between different observations, or for sources at different off-axis angles, can be accounted for with additional multiplicative factors modifying the background-subtracted counts. This is however not statistically meaningful and can lead to unreliable estimates and error bars in the small counts regime. Instead, we apply such scaling factors directly to the source intensities (see Equation~\\ref{park:eq:SH}). } Errors are propagated assuming a Gaussian regime, i.e., \\begin{eqnarray} \\nonumber \\sig_{{\\R}} &=& \\ds\\frac{S-B_S/{r}}{H-B_H/{r}} \\sqrt{\\:\\frac{\\sig_{S}^2+\\sig_{B_S}^2/{r}^2}{(S-B_S/r)^2} + \\frac{\\sig_{H}^2+\\sig_{B_H}^2/{r}^2}{(H-B_H/r)^2}} \\\\ \\nonumber \\sig_{{\\C}} &=& \\ds\\frac{1}{\\ln(10)} \\ \\sqrt{\\:\\frac{\\sig_{S}^2+\\sig_{B_S}^2/{r}^2}{(S-B_S/r)^2} + \\frac{\\sig_{H}^2+\\sig_{B_H}^2/{r}^2}{(H-B_H/r)^2}} \\\\ \\sig_{{\\HR}} &=& \\ds\\frac{2\\: \\sqrt{(H-B_H/r)^2\\big(\\sig_{S}^2 +\\sig_{B_S}^2/{r}^2\\big) + (S-B_S/r)^2\\big(\\sig_{H}^2 +\\sig_{B_H}^2/{r}^2\\big)}}{\\big[(H - B_H/r)+(S - B_S/r)\\big]^2} \\label{e:sigbgRCHR} \\end{eqnarray} where $\\sig_{X_S}$, $\\sig_{X_H}$, $\\sig_{B_S}$, and $\\sig_{B_H}$ are typically approximated with the Gehrels prescription (Gehrels 1986) \\begin{equation} \\sig_{X} \\approx \\sqrt{X+0.75}+1 \\,, \\label{park:eq:sig2} \\end{equation} where $X$ are the observed counts, and the deviation from $\\sqrt{X}$ is due to identifying the 68\\% Gaussian (1$\\sigma$) deviation with the $16^{\\rm th}-84^{\\rm th}$ percentile range of the Poisson distribution. In addition to the approximation of a Poisson with a faux Gaussian distribution, classical error-propagation also fails on a fundamental level to properly describe the variance in the hardness ratios. Because $\\R$ is strictly positive, its probability distribution is skewed and its width cannot be described simply by $\\sig_{{\\R}}$. The fractional difference $\\HR$ is better behaved, but the range limits of $[-1,+1]$ cause the coverage rates (see \\S\\ref{park:sec:verify}) to be incorrect. The color $\\C$ is the best behaved, but the error range will be asymmetrical when the errors are large. Moreover, it has been demonstrated (van Dyk et al.\\ 2001) that using background subtracted source counts (which is the case in the method outlined above) gives a biased estimate of the source intensity, especially for very faint sources. Furthermore, although we can account for gross differences in the detector sensitivity between observations, this is not done in a statistically correct manner, but instead simply by rescaling the background-subtracted counts in each band using additional pre-computed correction factors. Finally, the classical hardness ratio method cannot be applied when a source is not detected in one of the two bands (which is quite common since CCD detectors are more sensitive in the soft band). An alternative method based on the median (or some quantile) of the distribution of the energies of the detected counts in a source was suggested by Hong et al.\\ (2004). This method can be very powerful for classifying faint sources, but is not suited for comparisons of spectral properties between observations with different instruments. In this method, because the spectral parameter grids are highly non-linear and multi-valued in quantile-quantile space, it is also necessary that the spectral shape of the source being analyzed be known in order to interpret the numerical values. We have therefore developed fully Bayesian approaches to appropriately compute hardness ratios and their errors, by properly accounting for the Poissonian nature of the observations. The value of our method is heightened in several astrophysically meaningful cases. In \\S\\ref{park:sec:model}, we describe the model structure we adopt. In \\S\\ref{park:sec:verify}, we carry out simulations to compare our method with the classical method. In \\S\\ref{park:sec:apply}, we outline various applications of our method; we demonstrate its use in identifying candidate quiescent Low-mass X-ray binary % sources in a globular cluster and in studying the evolution of a stellar X-ray flare. In \\S\\ref{park:sec:discuss}, we discuss some nuances of our method such as the adopted prior distributions, as well as the advantages and limitations. A summary of the method and its advantages is presented in \\S\\ref{park:sec:conclusion}. A detailed mathematical derivation of the posterior probability distributions of the hardness ratios and the computational methods we use to calculate them are described in Appendix~\\ref{sec:appA}, and a detailed comparison of the effects of priors is described in Appendix~\\ref{sec:appB}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{park:sec:discuss} \\subsection{Informative and Non-informative Prior Distributions} \\label{park:sec:priors} A major component of Bayesian analysis is the specification of a prior distribution, the probability distribution assigned {\\sl a priori} to the parameters defining the model. This is often deemed controversial because of the apparent subjectivity in the assignment: if different people assign different priors and obtain different results, how is it possible to evaluate them? The answer to this conundrum is to realize that all problems always include a bias brought to the analysis by the researcher, either in the choice of statistic, or even in the choice of analysis method, and the specification of a prior distribution codifies and makes explicit this bias. Furthermore, if indeed prior information about the value or the range of the parameter is available, the prior allows a simple and principled method by which this information can be included in the analysis. If no prior information is available, a so-called {\\sl non-informative} prior distribution must be chosen in order to not bias the result. In our case, if there is a strong belief as to the value or range of the hardness ratio, we can incorporate this via an informative prior distribution, encoded as a $\\gamma$-distribution (see van Dyk et al.\\ 2001). In addition, the analysis of previously acquired data will produce a posterior probability distribution that can be used as an informative prior on future observations of the same source. When no prior information is available, we normally use a non-informative prior distribution. Since a Poisson intensity is necessarily positive, three types of non-informative prior distributions immediately present themselves: when $X|\\th\\sim\\Pois(\\th)$, \\begin{mathletters} \\begin{enumerate} \\item a non-informative prior distribution on the original scale, \\begin{equation} p(\\th)\\propto1 \\,, \\label{e:prior_standard} \\end{equation} \\item a Jeffrey's non-informative prior distribution, \\begin{equation} p(\\th)\\propto I_\\th^{1/2} \\,, ~{\\rm and} \\label{e:prior_jeffrey} \\end{equation} \\item a non-informative prior distribution under a log transformation, \\begin{equation} p(\\log\\th)\\propto1 ~{\\rm or~equivalently}~p(\\th)\\propto \\frac{1}{\\th} \\,, \\label{e:prior_log} \\end{equation} \\end{enumerate} \\end{mathletters} where $I_\\th=\\E[-\\partial^2\\log p(X|\\th)/\\partial\\th^2|\\th]$ is the expected Fisher information (Casella \\& Berger 2002). The first non-informative prior distribution (Equation~\\ref{e:prior_standard}) is flat from 0 to $\\infty$; the second (Equation~\\ref{e:prior_jeffrey}) is proportional to the square root of the Fisher information; and the third (Equation~\\ref{e:prior_log}) is flat on the whole real line under a log transformation. The functional forms of these prior distributions can be generalized into $p(\\th)\\propto\\th^{\\phi-1}$, i.e., $\\th\\sim\\gamma(\\phi,0)$ where $\\phi$ is an index that varies from $0$ to $1$: the first corresponds to $\\phi=1$, the second to $\\phi=1/2$; and the third to $\\phi=0^+$ (where this notation indicates that $\\phi>0$, but arbitrarily close to zero, for reasons described below). We note that these non-informative prior distributions are {\\sl improper}, i.e., are not integrable. If an improper prior distribution causes a posterior distribution to be improper as well, then no inferences can be made using such non-integrable distributions. In our case, as long as $\\phi$ is strictly positive, a posterior distribution remains {\\sl proper}, i.e., integrable. Hence, in the third case, we adopt values of $\\phi$ that are strictly positive but close in value to $0$, e.g., $\\phi=0.01$ or $\\phi=0.1$. Note that while these prior distributions are non-informative, in the sense that in most cases they do not affect the calculated values of the hardness ratios (see Appendix~\\ref{sec:appB}), they do codify some specific assumptions regarding the range of values that it is believed possible. For instance, if a large dynamic range is expected in the observations, a flat prior distribution in the log scale is more appropriate than a flat prior distribution in the original scale. The choice of the prior distribution is dictated by the analysis and must be reported along with the results. \\subsection{$\\R$ versus $\\C$ versus $\\HR$} \\label{park:sec:HR} At low counts, the posterior distribution of the counts ratio, $\\R$, tends to be skewed because of the Poissonian nature of data; $\\R$ only takes positive values. The color, $\\C=\\log_{10}\\R$, is a log transformation of $\\R$, which makes the skewed distribution more symmetric. The fractional difference hardness ratio, $\\HR=(1-\\R)/(1+\\R)$, is a monotonically decreasing transformation of $\\R$, such that $\\HR\\rightarrow+1$ as $\\R\\rightarrow0$ (i.e., a source gets harder) and $\\HR\\rightarrow-1$ as $\\R\\rightarrow\\infty$ (i.e., a source gets softer). The monotonic transformation results in a bounded range of $[-1,+1]$ for $\\HR$, thereby reducing the asymmetry of the skewed posterior distribution. $\\R$ and $\\HR$ are bounded on one side or two sides, while $\\C$ is unbounded due to the log transformation. The posterior distribution of any hardness ratio becomes more symmetric as both soft and hard source intensities increase. Regardless of the size of the intensities, however, the color has the most symmetric posterior distribution among the popular definitions of a hardness ratio. Figure~\\ref{park:fig:dens} illustrates the effect of the magnitude of the source intensities on the symmetry of the posterior distribution of each hardness ratio; the posterior distribution of $\\C$ is confirmed to have the most symmetric posterior distribution. In the figure, we fix $\\R=2$ and the soft and hard intensities are determined by beginning with $\\lam_S=2$ and $\\lam_H=1$ (in units of counts~(source~area)$^{-1}$) and increasing the intensities by a factor of 5 in each subsequent column. We assume no background contamination in each simulation. \\begin{figure}[htb!] \\centerline{ \\includegraphics[width=5.8in,angle=270]{f8.eps}} \\caption{The posterior distributions of hardness ratios calculated for $\\R$ (top row), $\\C$ (middle row), and $\\HR$ (bottom row), with different source intensities (low at left and high at right) and prior distributions. The different curves in each figure represent the posterior probability distributions computed with different non-informative prior distribution indices, i.e., $\\phi=0^+$ (solid), $\\phi=1/2$ (dashed), and $\\phi=1$ (dotted). At higher counts (large Poisson intensities; right column of figures), the posterior distributions tends to be symmetric and the effect of the prior distributions is minimal, i.e., the posterior distributions with different indices are nearly the same. At small counts (small Poisson intensities; the left column of figures), the non-symmetric shape of the posterior distribution for each hardness ratio becomes clear as does the effect of the choice of a non-informative prior distribution.} \\label{park:fig:dens} \\end{figure} Figure~\\ref{park:fig:dens} also illustrates the effect of the use of different indices for the non-informative prior distribution on the resulting posterior distribution of each hardness ratio. In the case of $\\R$, the posterior distribution becomes diffuse and more skewed toward $0$ as the value of $\\phi$ decreases; as expected, this is also the case for $\\C$. And in the case of $\\HR$, the posterior distribution has more mass near the boundaries (i.e., $\\pm1$) as the value of $\\phi$ decreases, thereby exhibiting a U-shaped density in the case of very faint sources. As the intensities increase, however, the choice of a prior distribution has less effect on the posterior distribution of any of the hardness ratios. Finally, as pointed out in \\S\\ref{park:sec:verify}, for $\\R$ and $\\C$, the mode of the posterior probability distribution is a robust estimator, whereas for $\\HR$, the mean of the distribution is a better choice. (Notice that the posterior mode of $\\HR$ in the low count scenario is $-1$ when $\\phi=0^+$ in Figure~\\ref{park:fig:dens}.) \\subsection{Advantages} \\label{park:sec:advan} A significant improvement that our method provides over the classical way of computing hardness ratios is that we use the correct Poisson distribution throughout and do not make any limiting (high counts) Gaussian assumptions. Thus, while the classical method works well only with high counts data and fails to give reliable results with low counts, our method is valid in all regimes. Indeed, because the observed counts are non-negative integers, it is not appropriate to model low counts with Gaussian distributions which are defined on all the real numbers. Because our methods are based on Poisson assumptions in a fully model based statistical approach, we need not rely on plug-in estimates of the hardness ratio. Instead we can evaluate the full posterior probability distribution of the hardness ratio, which provides reliable estimates and correct confidence limits even when either or both soft and hard counts are very low. In particular, our method is not limited to ``detectable'' counts, and can properly calculate upper and lower bounds in cases where the source is detected in only one passband. For high counts, our method gives more precise error bars for the hardness ratios than the classical method (as defined by the coverage; see Table~\\ref{park:tbl:coverage} and Appendix~\\ref{sec:appA}), although both methods yield similar results. Further, {\\sl a priori} information can be embedded into our model and can be updated by data, thereby producing more accurate results as we collect more data. \\subsection{Limitations} \\label{park:sec:limit} Unlike the quantile-width method (Hong et al.\\ 2004), the calculation of hardness ratios is limited by necessity to pre-selected non-overlapping passbands. In general, we must use different band definitions in order to achieve the maximum discriminating power for soft and hard sources. {\\sl A priori}, with no knowledge of the character of the source populations, there is no way to ensure that the chosen passbands are the most efficient for splitting the spectrum and obtaining maximum leverage to distinguish spectral model parameters. However, this restriction allows for a more uniform analysis and comparison of results across different instruments and telescopes. Because the Bayesian method does not allow for a simple analytic solution similar to standard error propagation in the Gaussian case, the computational methods used to determine the probability distributions become important. We have implemented a Monte Carlo integration method (the Gibbs sampler, see Appendix~\\ref{park:sec:gibbs}) and a method based on numerical integration (quadrature, see Appendix~\\ref{park:sec:quad}). The Gibbs sampler is based on Monte Carlo simulation and hence causes our estimates to have simulation errors in addition to their true variability; to reduce the levels of simulation errors, the Markov chain must be run with large enough iterations. On the other hand, the quadrature precisely computes the posterior distribution as long as the number of bins is large enough; however, its computation becomes expensive as the counts become large because of the binomial expansion in Equation~\\ref{park:eq:binom-expan}. In general, the Gibbs sampler is much faster than the method based on quadrature, but care must be taken to ensure that the number of iterations is sufficient to determine the posterior mode and the required posterior interval with good precision. We recommend using the Gibbs sampler for high counts and the quadrature for low counts." }, "0606/astro-ph0606592_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Particle acceleration at astrophysical shocks may be very efficient if magnetic scattering is self-generated by the same particles. This nonlinear process adds to the nonlinear modification of the shock due to the dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles on the shock. Building on a previous general solution of the problem of particle acceleration with arbitrary diffusion coefficients (\\cite{amato1}), we present here the first semi-analytical calculation of particle acceleration with both effects taken into account at the same time: charged particles are accelerated in the background of Alfv\\'en waves that they generate due to the streaming instability, and modify the dynamics of the plasma in the shock vicinity. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Soon after the pioneering papers by \\cite{krymskii,bo78,bell78a,bell78b}, introducing the test particle theory of particle acceleration at collisionless shocks, it became clear that the dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles on the plasmas involved in the shock formation may not be negligible. It is now clear that such reaction may in fact make shocks efficient accelerators and change quite drastically the predictions of the test particle theory. The main consequences of the shock modification induced by the accelerated particles can be summarized as follows: 1) a precursor, consisting in a gradual braking of the upstream fluid, is created; 2) particles with different momenta {\\it feel} different effective compression factors, which reflects in the fact that the spectrum of accelerated particles is no longer a power law, but rather a concave spectrum, as hard as $p^{-3.2}$ at high momenta; 3) the shock becomes less efficient in heating the background plasma, so that the temperature of the downstream gas is expected to be lower than predicted through the usual Rankine-Hugoniot relations at an unmodified shock front (see \\cite{drury83,be87,je91,maldru2001} for reviews on different aspects of the subject). The reaction of the accelerated particles has been calculated within different approaches: the so-called two-fluid models (\\cite{dr_v80,dr_v81}), kinetic models (\\cite{malkov1,malkov2,blasi1,blasi2}) and numerical approaches, both Monte Carlo and other simulation procedures (\\cite{je91,bell87,elli90,ebj95,ebj96,kj97,kj05,jones02}). In most of these calculations, the diffusion properties of the plasma upstream and downstream are provided as an input to the problem. This also results in fixing the value of the maximum momentum of the accelerated particles. However, one of the well known and most disturbing problems associated with the mechanism of particle acceleration at shock fronts is that a substantial amount of magnetic scattering of the particles is required (e.g. \\cite{lc83a,lc83b}). In the absence of it, the maximum energy of the accelerated particles is exceedingly low and uninteresting for astrophysical applications (e.g. \\cite{blasirev}). \\cite{bell78a} proposed that the streaming instability of cosmic rays could be responsible for the generation of perturbations in the magnetic field of an amplitude necessary to provide pitch angle scattering (and therefore spatial diffusion) of the accelerated particles. \\cite{lc83b} used this argument to estimate the maximum energy of particles accelerated at shocks in supernova remnants. In all previous works either the shock was considered unmodified, or the diffusion coefficients were fixed {\\it a priori}, because a comprehensive theory of particle acceleration was missing. Recently, \\cite{amato1} have found a general exact solution of the system of equations describing the diffusion-convection of accelerated particles, and the dynamics and thermodynamics of plasmas in the shock region, for an arbitrary choice of the spatial and momentum dependence of the diffusion coefficient. In the present paper we use the formalism proposed by \\cite{amato1} and combine it with calculations of the perturbations created through streaming instability, so that the diffusion coefficient, as a function of spatial location and momentum, is determined from the spectrum and spatial distribution of the accelerated particles. This provides the first combined description of the process of particle acceleration at collisionless shocks in the presence of particle reaction and wave generation. In this approach, the spectrum of accelerated particles, their distribution in the upstream plasma and the diffusion coefficient are outputs of the problem. The paper is organized as follows: in Sec.~\\ref{sec:solution} we summarize the findings of \\cite{amato1}. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:diff} we illustrate our treatment of the streaming instability and determine a relation between the power spectrum of magnetic fluctuations and the diffusion coefficient upstream. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:full} we describe the results of our calculations. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:heating} we shortly discuss how the results presented in the previous section change when the effects of turbulent heating are taken into account. We conclude in Sec.~\\ref{sec:concl}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} We described the mathematical theory of particle acceleration at non-relativistic shock fronts with dynamical reaction of accelerated particles and self-generated scattering waves. The diffusion coefficient itself is an output of the calculations, though within the limitations imposed by the usage of quasi-linear theory applied to the case of potentially strong magnetic field amplification. The scattering in the upstream plasma is generated through streaming instability, as discussed extensively in previous literature. We determined the spectra of accelerated particles, their spatial distribution and the space dependence of the fluid velocity, pressure and temperature. The diffusion coefficient and the strength of the self-generated magnetic perturbations are also calculated, as a function of the distance from the shock front in the precursor. We confirm the general finding that the spectra of accelerated particles are concave, an effect which is particularly evident for strongly modified shocks, namely for large Mach numbers of the moving fluid. However, the shape of the concavity is somewhat affected by the self-determined diffusion coefficient, as visible in Fig. \\ref{fig:modspec}. Having in mind the comparison between the predicted spectra at the sources and the observed cosmic ray spectrum at the Earth, it is worth reminding the reader that what can actually be measured is the combination of the diffusion time, the gas density along the trajectory (responsible for the spallation) and the injection spectrum. In order to infer some conclusions about the spectrum at the source, one has to make assumptions on the diffusion coefficient in the interstellar medium. In alternative it would be a precious step forward if we could measure unambiguously the spectrum of gamma rays generated by $\\pi^0$ decays close to the source itself, an evidence that unfortunately is still missing. The asymptotic slope of the spectra for $p\\to p_{max}$ may be as flat as $\\sim 3.1-3.2$, but this conclusion is not strongly affected by the fact that the diffusion coefficient is calculated self-consistently. The most striking new result of our calculations is the energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient and the strength of the amplified turbulent magnetic field. As could be expected, the diffusion coefficient is not Bohm-like, and the turbulent component of the magnetic field is amplified so efficiently that the diffusion coefficient is much smaller than the Bohm coefficient in the background magnetic field. This is especially true at the highest momenta, which leads to think that a full non-linear theory might predict higher values of the maximum momentum than expected on naive grounds. Unfortunately a full, self-consistent calculation of $p_{max}$ for a strongly modified shock has never been carried out, the main difficulty being in accounting for the spatial dependence of all the quantities involved. When compared with the Bohm diffusion coefficient as calculated in the amplified magnetic field, our diffusion coefficient remains always larger, with the possible exception of a narrow momentum region close to $p_{max}$. While the calculation presented here is fully self-consistent in the determination of the shock modification due to the reaction of the accelerated particles, the part related to the amplification of the background field suffers from all the limitations related to the usage of quasi-linear theory for the streaming instability. This approach, initially developed for weakly amplified magnetic fields, is widely applied in the literature to situations that violate this condition. Unfortunately at the present time this is the only way we have to achieve a (at least partially) self-consistent picture of the process of particle acceleration at cosmic ray modified shocks with self-generated turbulence. This problem is in fact even more serious for those approaches that predict levels of magnetic field amplification which are much higher than those found here (e.g. \\cite{lb01,bell04}). The high acceleration efficiencies obtained in the context of all approaches to particle acceleration at shocks are known to be reduced by the effect of turbulent heating. Any non-adiabatic heating of the gas in the precursor leads to reducing the energy channelled into non-thermal particles at the shock. This is a serious problem, because the effect of turbulent heating depends dramatically on the type of mechanism that is responsible for the heating: Alfv\\'en heating, often used in the literature, is only one of these mechanisms, and not necessarily the most efficient. For instance, the instability induced by the propagation of acoustic waves in the precursor was shown to lead to the formation of weak shocks in the precursor, which in turn heat the upstream plasma (e.g. \\cite{drury}). These non-linear effects can hardly be taken into account in a credible way. Most notably, the phenomenological expressions proposed in the literature and used also in the present paper, have originally been proposed as mechanisms to reduce the amount of magnetic field amplification and remain in the context of small perturbations of the background magnetic field. However, as shown in Fig. 5, even with the Alfv\\'en heating taken into account, the magnetic field can be amplified by a factor in excess of $\\sim 10$ with respect to the background field. This means that a fully non-linear theory of the turbulent heating is required in order to make fully reliable predictions. From the phenomenological point of view, the best evidences for both magnetic field amplification and efficient particle acceleration come from observations of supernova remnants (see the reviews of \\cite{hillas} and \\cite{blasirev} and references therein). In fact, it has been argued that the amount of field amplification required to explain the thickness of the X-ray bright rims in several remnants is of the order of $\\sim 200-300\\mu G$ (\\cite{voelk05}). An important role in explaining this level of amplification could be played by different versions of the streaming instability (\\cite{lb01,bell04,bell05}), not requiring resonant interactions of particles and waves. A full non-linear theory including these effects will be described elsewhere (Amato and Blasi, in preparation)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606071_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The interstellar medium is highly dynamic and turbulent. However, little or no attention has been paid in the literature to the implications that this fact has on the validity of at least six common assumptions on the Virial Theorem (VT), which are: (i) the only role of turbulent motions within a cloud is to provide support against collapse, (ii) the surface terms are negligible compared to the volumetric ones, (iii) the gravitational term is a binding source for the clouds since it can be approximated by the gravitational energy, (iv) the sign of the second-time derivative of the moment of inertia determines whether the cloud is contracting ($\\ddot{I}<0$) or expanding ($\\ddot{I}>0$), (v) interstellar clouds are in Virial Equilibrium (VE), and (vi) Larson's (1981) relations (mean density-size and velocity dispersion-size) are the observational proof that clouds are in VE. Turbulent, supersonic interstellar clouds cannot fulfill these assumptions, however, because turbulent fragmentation will induce flux of mass, moment and energy between the clouds and their environment, and will favor local collapse while may disrupt the clouds within a dynamical timescale. It is argued that, although the observational and numerical evidence suggests that interstellar clouds are not in VE, the so-called ``Virial Mass'' estimations, which actually should be called ``energy-equipartition mass'' estimations, are good order-of magnitude estimations of the actual mass of the clouds just because observational surveys will tend to detect interstellar clouds appearing to be close to energy equipartition. Similarly, order of magnitude estimations of the energy content of the clouds are reasonable. However, since clouds are actually out of VE, as suggested by asymmetrical line profiles, they should be transient entities. These results are compatible with observationally-based estimations for rapid star formation, and call into question the models for the star formation efficiency based on clouds being in VE. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Interstellar clouds are thought to be turbulent and supersonic. Their Mach numbers range from a 1 ($T \\sim$ 7000--8000~K, H~I clouds) through 10 ($T\\sim$~10~K, molecular clouds forming low-mass stars) to 50 ($T\\sim$~10--50~K, molecular clouds forming high-mass stars). Since supersonic turbulent motions carry mass and produce large-amplitude density fluctuations, turbulent fragmentation\\footnote{Turbulent fragmentation is defined as the process through which a chaotic velocity field produces a clumpy density structure in the gas within a few dynamical timescales \\cite[see e.g.,][]{VonWeiczacker51, Sasao73, Scalo88, Padoan95, BVS99, KHM00, HMK01, BP04M}.} is expected to occur in the interstellar medium. A useful tool for describing the overall structure of interstellar clouds is the scalar Virial Theorem (VT). It is obtained by dotting the momentum equation by the position vector and integrating over the volume of interest (\\S\\ref{sec:VT}). Being directly derived from the momentum equation, the VT always holds for any parcel of fluid. Virial Equilibrium (VE) is a restrictive condition of the VT, and it is defined by the condition that the parcel of fluid under study has a second time derivative of the moment of inertia equal to zero. It has been invoked extensively to analyze the stability of interstellar clouds. However, since in a trans- or super-sonic turbulent interstellar medium, clouds should be redistributing their mass as a consequence of their own turbulent motions, it already seems difficult to achieve VE in a supersonic, turbulent cloud. Other simplifications, such as the assumption that the cloud is isolated, or that the surface terms in the VT are negligible, are frequently made in many (if not in most) astrophysical studies of the VT. Those simplifications have been thought to be applicable to molecular clouds and their substructure for nearly three decades \\cite[e.g., the textbooks by][ and references therein]{Spitzer78, Shu91, Stahler_Palla05, Lequeux05}, maybe as a consequence of the old idea that in the ISM, ``all forces are in balance and the medium is motionless, with no net acceleration'' \\cite[][ Chap. 11]{Spitzer78}, in which ``the observational evidence'' seemed to be consistent with the expectation that interstellar ``clouds tend toward pressure equilibrium'' \\cite[][]{Spitzer78}. The possible inapplicability of these assumptions has been mentioned in passing in some previous papers \\cite[e.g., ][]{BVS99, Shadmehri_etal02, BP04P} but no attention has been paid in general to its implications. Thus, in the present paper I discuss in detail the applicability of those assumptions for molecular clouds and their cores. In \\S\\ref{sec:VT} I write explicitly the VT for fluids in its Lagrangian and Eulerian forms. In \\S\\ref{sec:myths} I discuss the six more common assumptions of the VT and their validity in a turbulent environment. In \\S\\ref{sec:reloading} I explain why even though clouds are not in VE, they appear to be in energy equipartition, and argue that asymmetries in the line profiles are the evidence for clouds out of VE. Finally, in \\S\\ref{sec:conclusions} I draw the main conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} The present contribution has discussed the applicability of the six more common assumptions on the Virial Theorem. Specifically, \\begin{enumerate} \\item{} It was shown that a decomposition of the velocity field into its vortical and compressible modes is necessary, since only modes satisfying the condition $\\nabla\\cdot u > 0$ provide support, while modes satisfying $\\nabla\\cdot u < 0$ foment collapse. \\item{} It was argued that for a supersonic, turbulent ISM, surface terms should not be neglected. \\item{} It was shown that the gravitational term can be decomposed into a contribution from the cloud itself, and a contribution from the outside. The first part is the well-known gravitational energy. The second part is the sum of three terms: The gravitational pressure evaluated at the surface of the cloud plus three times the work done against the external mass to assemble the density distribution of the cloud, plus a term that depends on the gradient of the density distribution of the cloud. These represent the tidal forces due to an external potential, as could be the case of a dense core within a giant molecular cloud, or a giant molecular cloud close to a spiral arm. It is argued that this contribution can be as important as the self-gravitational energy. \\item{} Using a simple counter-example, it was shown that the sign of the second-time derivative of the moment of inertia does not determine whether the cloud is contracting or expanding. An expanding cloud may very well satisfy the condition $\\ddot{I}<0$, and a contracting one may satisfy $\\ddot{I}>0$, contrary to the common belief. In other words, $\\ddot{I}$ has been treated in the literature as if it were $\\dot{I}$. \\item{} It was argued that interstellar clouds are not likely to satisfy the Virial Equilibrium (VE) condition $\\ddot{I}=0$. \\item{} It was shown that Larson's (1981) relations are not observational proof for clouds being in VE. \\item{} Clouds seem to be in energy equipartition because of either observational limitations, as well as because of the intrinsic definition of a cloud. \\end{enumerate} Turbulent fragmentation plays a crucial role for the inapplicability of the VT to interstellar clouds, since it will induce a flux of mass, moment and energy between the clouds and their environment, and will favor local collapse while disrupting the clouds within a dynamical timescale. The common assumptions discussed in the present contribution drive our understanding of the dynamical state of the interstellar clouds toward a picture that favors a static ISM. However, they are highly difficult to fulfill if the ISM is highly turbulent, as it was found to be many years ago \\cite[e.g., ][]{McCray_Snow79}. Inferences of the star formation efficiency for supersonic (Mach numbers $\\sim 20-40$) clouds in virial equilibrium living several dynamical timescales \\citep[e.g., ][]{Krumholz_McKee05, Tan_etal06} should be taken with caution. The lack of observational evidence for clouds being in VE, and the identificaion of asymmetrical line profiles observed toward interstellar clouds using different tracers are the best evidence of clouds being out-of-equilibrium systems. These facts lead us to the conclusion that clouds should be transient structures, which exchange mass, momentum and energy with their environment. This is precisely the opposite point of view to the old one in which clouds should be at rest, which still is present in textbooks and papers, but it is consistent with recent observationally-based works that favor a scenario of rapid cloud and star formation \\cite[see, e.g., the reviews by ][ and references therein.]{MK04, BKMV06}." }, "0606/hep-ph0606014_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ Axions solve the Strong CP Problem and are a cold dark matter candidate. The combined constraints from accelerator searches, stellar evolution limits and cosmology suggest that the axion mass is in the range $3 \\cdot 10^{-3} > m_a > 10^{-6}$ eV. The lower bound can, however, be relaxed in a number of ways. I discuss the constraint on axion models from the absence of isocurvature perturbations. Dark matter axions can be searched for on Earth by stimulating their conversion to microwave photons in an electromagnetic cavity permeated by a magnetic field. Using this technique, limits on the local halo density have been obtained by the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment.} ", "introduction": "The standard model of elementary particles has been an extraordinary breakthrough in our description of the physical world. It agrees with experiment and observation disconcertingly well and surely provides the foundation for all further progress in our field. It does however present us with a puzzle. Indeed the action density includes, in general, a term \\begin{equation} {\\cal L}_{\\rm stand~mod} = ... ~+~{\\theta g^2\\over 32\\pi^2} G^a_{\\mu\\nu} \\tilde G^{a\\mu\\nu} \\label{ggdual} \\end{equation} where $G^a_{\\mu\\nu}$ are the QCD field strengths, $g$ is the QCD coupling constant and $\\theta$ is a parameter. The dots represent all the other terms in the action density, i.e. the terms that lead to the numerous successes of the standard model. Eq.~(\\ref{ggdual}) perversely shows the one term that isn't a success. Using the statement of the chiral anomaly \\cite{abj}, one can show three things about that term. First, that QCD physics depends on the value of the parameter $\\theta$ because in the absence of such dependence QCD would have a $U_A(1)$ symmetry in the chiral limit, and we know QCD has no such $U_A(1)$ symmetry \\cite{SW}. Second, that $\\theta$ is cyclic, that is to say that physics at $\\theta$ is indistinguishable from physics at $\\theta + 2\\pi$. Third, that an overall phase in the quark mass matrix $m_q$ can be removed by a redefinition of the quark fields only if, at the same time, $\\theta$ is shifted to $\\theta - \\arg\\det m_q$. The combination of standard model parameters $\\bar{\\theta} \\equiv \\theta - \\arg \\det m_q$ is independent of quark field redefinitions. Physics therefore depends on $\\theta$ solely through $\\bar{\\theta}$. Since physics depends on $\\bar{\\theta}$, the value of $\\bar{\\theta}$ is determined by experiment. The term shown in Eq.~(\\ref{ggdual}) violates P and CP. This source of P and CP violation is incompatible with the experimental upper bound on the neutron electic dipole moment unless $|\\bar{\\theta}| < 10^{-10}$. A new improved upper limit on the neutron electric dipole moment ($|d_n| < 3.0 \\cdot 10^{-26}~e~$cm) was reported at this conference by P. Geltenbort \\cite{ned}. The puzzle aforementioned is why the value of $\\bar{\\theta}$ is so small. It is usually referred to as the ``Strong CP Problem\". If there were only strong interactions, a zero value of $\\bar{\\theta}$ could simply be a consequence of P and CP conservation. That would not be much of a puzzle. But there are also weak interactions and they, and therefore the standard model as a whole, violate P and CP. So these symmetries can not be invoked to set $\\bar{\\theta} = 0$. More pointedly, P and CP violation are introduced in the standard model by letting the elements of the quark mass matrix $m_q$ be arbitrary complex numbers \\cite{KM}. In that case, one expects $\\arg \\det m_q$, and hence $\\bar{\\theta}$, to be a random angle. The puzzle is removed if the action density is instead \\begin{equation} {\\cal L}_{\\rm stand~mod~+~axion} =~... ~+~{1 \\over 2}\\partial_\\mu a \\partial^\\mu a ~+~{g^2\\over 32\\pi^2}~{a(x) \\over f_a}~G^a_{\\mu\\nu} \\tilde G^{a\\mu\\nu} \\label{ax} \\end{equation} where $a(x)$ is a new scalar field, and the dots represent the other terms of the standard model. $f_a$ is a constant with dimension of energy. The $a G \\cdot \\tilde G$ interaction in Eq.~(\\ref{ax}) is not renormalizable. However, there is a recipe for constructing renormalizable theories whose low energy effective action density is of the form of Eq.~(\\ref{ax}). The recipe is as follows: construct the theory in such a way that it has a $U(1)$ symmetry which (1) is a global symmetry of the classical action density, (2) is broken by the color anomaly, and (3) is spontaneously broken. Such a symmetry is called Peccei-Quinn symmetry after its inventors \\cite{PQ}. Weinberg and Wilczek \\cite{WW} pointed out that a theory with a $U_{\\rm PQ}(1)$ symmetry has a light pseudo-scalar particle, called the axion. The axion field is $a(x)$. $f_a$ is of order the expectation value that breaks $U_{\\rm PQ}(1)$, and is called the ``axion decay constant\". In the theory defined by Eq.~(\\ref{ax}), $\\bar{\\theta} = {a(x) \\over f_a} - \\det\\arg m_q$ depends on the expectation value of $a(x)$. That expectation value minimizes the effective potential. The Strong CP Problem is then solved because the minimum of the QCD effective potential $V(\\bar{\\theta})$ occurs at $\\bar{\\theta} = 0$ \\cite{VW}. The weak interactions induce a small value for $\\bar{\\theta}$ \\cite{EG,GR}, of order $10^{-17}$, but this is consistent with experiment. The notion of Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry may seem contrived. Why should there be a $U(1)$ symmetry which is broken at the quantum level but which is exact at the classical level? However, the reason for PQ symmetry may be deeper than we know at present. String theory contains many examples of symmetries which are exact classically but which are broken by quantum anomalies, including PQ symmetry \\cite{Wit,Kiw,Svr}. Within field theory, there are examples of theories with {\\it automatic} PQ symmetry, i.e. where PQ symmetry is a consequence of just the particle content of the theory without adjustment of parameters to special values. The first axion models had $f_a$ of order the weak interaction scale and it was thought that this was an unavoidable property of axion models. However, it was soon pointed out \\cite{KSVZ,DFSZ} that the value of $f_a$ is really arbitrary, that it is possible to construct axion models with any value of $f_a$. A value of $f_a$ far from any previously known scale need not lead to a hierarchy problem because PQ symmetry can be broken by the condensates of a new technicolor-like interaction \\cite{Kim}. The properties of the axion can be derived using the methods of current algebra \\cite{curr}. The axion mass is given in terms of $f_a$ by \\begin{equation} m_a\\simeq 6~eV~{10^6 GeV\\over f_a}\\, . \\label{ma} \\end{equation} All the axion couplings are inversely proportional to $f_a$. For example, the axion coupling to two photons is: \\begin{equation} {\\cal L}_{a\\gamma\\gamma} = -g_\\gamma {\\alpha\\over \\pi} {a(x)\\over f_a} \\vec E \\cdot\\vec B~~~\\ . \\label{aEB} \\end{equation} Here $\\vec E$ and $\\vec B$ are the electric and magnetic fields, $\\alpha$ is the fine structure constant, and $g_\\gamma$ is a model-dependent coefficient of order one. $g_\\gamma=0.36$ in the DFSZ model \\cite{DFSZ} whereas $g_\\gamma=-0.97$ in the KSVZ model \\cite{KSVZ}. The coupling of the axion to a spin 1/2 fermion $f$ has the form: \\begin{equation} {\\cal L}_{a \\overline f f} = i g_f {m_f \\over f_a} a \\overline f \\gamma_5 f \\label{cf} \\end{equation} where $g_f$ is a model-dependent coefficient of order one. In the KSVZ model the coupling to electrons is zero at tree level. Models with this property are called 'hadronic'. The axion has been searched for in many places but not found \\cite{arev}. The resulting constraints may be summarized as follows. Axion masses larger than about 50 keV are ruled out by particle physics experiments (beam dumps and rare decays) and nuclear physics experiments. The next range of axion masses, in decreasing order, is ruled out by stellar evolution arguments. The longevity of red giants rules out 200 keV $> m_a >$ 0.5 eV \\cite{astro,Raff87} in the case of hadronic axions, and 200 keV $> m_a > 10^{-2}$ eV \\cite{Schramm} in the case of axions with a large coupling to electrons [$g_e = 0(1)$ in Eq. \\ref{cf}]. The duration of the neutrino pulse from Supernova 1987a rules out 2 eV $> m_a > 3 \\cdot 10^{-3}$ eV \\cite{1987a}. Finally, there is a lower limit, $m_a \\gtwid 10^{-6}$ eV, from cosmology which will be discussed in detail in the next section. This leaves open an ``axion window\": $3 \\cdot 10^{-3} > m_a \\gtwid 10^{-6}$ eV. We will see, however, that the lower edge of this window ($10^{-6}$ eV) is much softer than its upper edge. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606717_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Physical and wind properties of Galactic B supergiants are presented based upon non-LTE line blanketed model atmospheres, including Sher~25 toward the NGC~3603 cluster. We compare H$\\alpha$ derived wind densities with recent results for SMC B supergiants and generally confirm theoretical expectations for stronger winds amongst Galactic supergiants. Mid B supergiant winds are substantially weaker than predictions from current radiatively driven wind theory, a problem which is exacerbated if winds are already clumped in the H$\\alpha$ line forming region. We find that the so-called `bistability jump' at B1 (\\teff\\ $\\sim$ 21kK) from Lamers et al. is rather a more gradual downward trend. CNO elemental abundances, including Sher~25, reveal partially processed material at their surfaces. In general, these are in good agreement with evolutionary predictions for blue supergiants evolving redward accounting for rotational mixing. A few cases, including HD~152236 ($\\zeta^{1}$ Sco), exhibit strongly processed material which is more typical of Luminous Blue Variables. Our derived photospheric [N/O] ratio for Sher~25 agrees with that for its ring nebula, although a higher degree of CNO processing would be expected if the nebula originated during a red supergiant phase, as is suspected for the ring nebula ejected by the B supergiant progenitor of SN~1987A, Sk--69$^{\\circ}$ 202. Sher~25 has an inferred age of $\\sim$5Myr in contrast with $\\sim$2Myr for HD~97950, the ionizing cluster of NGC~3603, so it may be a foreground object or close binary evolution may be responsible for its unusual location in the H-R diagram. ", "introduction": "O stars dominate the energetics of young starbursts since their ionizing output is a very steep function of effective temperature (Leitherer et al. 1992). As such, numerous intensive studies of O stars in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds have been undertaken, with regard to determining their fundamental parameters and the empirical dependence of their wind strengths on metallicity (e.g. Mokiem et al. 2006ab). Unfortunately, O dwarfs are visually faint in external galaxies due to their large bolometric corrections and small radii, with typically $M_{\\rm V}$ = -5.0 mag. O star abundances of CNO elements are difficult to derive (Crowther et al. 2002), yet these are sensitive to early rotational mixing (e.g. Meynet \\& Maeder 2000). In contrast, B supergiants have received rather less attention since they are less relevant for energetics of young starbursts. Nevertheless, they are visually bright, typically $M_{\\rm V} = -7.0$ mag, possess larger radii and so are easy to observe individually in nearby galaxies, permitting robust tests of the metallicity dependence of radiatively driven wind theory, which is predicted to increase from early to mid B supergiants (Vink et al. 2000). In addition, CNO abundances are readily obtained from optical spectroscopy, for comparison to evolutionary model predictions. Notably, Trundle et al. (2004) and Trundle \\& Lennon (2005) have studied a large sample of SMC B supergiants using the line blanketed version of FASTWIND (Puls et al. 2005). To date, the most extensive study of Galactic B supergiants is by Kudritzki et al. (1999), who adopted the \\teff\\ scale from the plane-parallel unblanketed study of McErlean et al. (1999), plus mass-loss rates from the unblanketed version of FASTWIND. Our present study of Galactic B supergiants employs CMFGEN (e.g. Hillier et al. 2003) which also incorporates line blanketing and spherical geometry, and so permits a direct comparison with recent SMC results, plus CNO abundance determinations. Do the abundances of normal B supergiants match those of stars evolving towards red supergiants (RSG) or returning from RSG following convective dredge-up? Comparisons with Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) are also made, since they exhibit spectral characteristics of early B supergiants at visual minimum and A supergiants at visual maximum (Crowther 1997). Notably, $\\zeta^{1}$ Sco (HD~152236) is an early B hypergiant and lies above the empirical Humphreys-Davidson limit (Humphreys \\& Davidson 1979). We also include new stellar and nebular studies of Sher~25 (Hendry et al. 2006), an apparently normal B supergiant in the giant HII region NGC~3603 yet possessing an ejecta nebula reminiscent of that associated with SN~1987A (Brandner et al. 1997b). Finally, we consider the empirical bistability jump amongst early B supergiants, which was originally developed for the LBV P~Cygni by Pauldrach \\& Puls (1990), in the sense that slight variations in its effective temperature resulted in hydrogen being ionized or neutral in its outer stellar wind (Najarro et al. 1997). Lamers et al. (1995) studied wind velocities of OB stars, and established a discontinuity in the ratio of \\vinf\\ to \\vesc\\ for B0.5 and B1 supergiants, which is assumed in current stellar wind models of Vink et al. (2000). \\begin{figure}[ht!] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=0.6\\columnwidth,clip,angle=-90]{t.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Temperature scale of B supergiants from this Milky Way study (CMFGEN, circles) plus Trundle et al. (2004) and Trundle \\& Lennon (2005) for the SMC (FASTWIND, triangles) versus the McErlean et al. (1998, solid line) calibration.\\label{teff}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606521_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We examine the origins of the bimodality observed in the global properties of galaxies around a stellar mass of \\mbox{$3\\!\\times\\!10^{10}{\\rm M}_{\\sun}$} by comparing the environmental dependencies of star-formation for the giant and dwarf galaxy populations. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR4 spectroscopic dataset is used to produce a sample of galaxies in the vicinity of the supercluster centered on the cluster A2199 at $z=0.03$ that is \\mbox{$\\ga\\!9$0\\%} complete to a magnitude limit of \\mbox{${\\rm M}_{r}^{*}+3.3$}. From these we measure global trends with environment for both giant \\mbox{(M$_{r}\\!<\\!-20$ mag)} and dwarf \\mbox{($-19<{\\rm M}_{r}\\!<\\!-17.8$ mag)} subsamples using the luminosity-weighted mean stellar age and H$\\alpha$ emission as independent measures of star-formation history. The fraction of giant galaxies classed as old (\\mbox{$t>\\!7$\\,Gyr}) or passive (\\mbox{EW$[{\\rm H}\\alpha]\\le4$\\,\\AA}) falls gradually from $\\ga\\!8$0\\% in the cluster cores to \\mbox{$\\sim\\!4$0\\%} in field regions beyond \\mbox{3--4\\,$R_{vir}$}, as found in previous studies. In contrast, we find that the dwarf galaxy population shows a sharp transition at \\mbox{$\\sim\\!1\\,R_{\\rm vir}$}, from being predominantly old/passive within the cluster, to outside where virtually all galaxies are forming stars and old/passive galaxies are {\\em only} found as satellites to more massive galaxies. These results imply fundamental differences in the evolution of giant and dwarf galaxies: whereas the star-formation histories of giant galaxies are determined primarily by their merger history, star-formation in dwarf galaxies is much more resilient to the effects of major mergers. Instead dwarf galaxies become passive only once they become satellites within a more massive halo, by losing their halo gas reservoir to the host halo, or through other environment-related processes such as galaxy harassment and/or ram-pressure stripping. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The star-formation histories, masses and structural properties of galaxies, are strongly dependent on their environment: massive, passively-evolving spheroids dominate cluster cores, whereas in field regions galaxies are typically low-mass, star-forming and disk-dominated \\citep[e.g.][hereafter K04]{blanton05,k04}. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has allowed these environmental dependences to be studied in detail \\citep[e.g.][]{gomez,tanaka04}, showing that for massive galaxies at least \\mbox{($\\la\\!{\\rm M}^{*}+1$ mag)}, star-formation is most closely dependent on local density, independent of the richness of the nearest cluster or group, and is still systematically suppressed for regions as far as 3--4 virial radii \\mbox{(${\\rm R}_{vir}$)} from the nearest cluster. Hence the evolution of massive galaxies is not primarily driven by mechanisms related to the cluster environment, and instead they are most likely to become passive {\\em before} encountering the cluster environment through galaxy mergers, which are most frequent in galaxy groups or cluster infall regions. The environmental trends of fainter galaxies \\mbox{(M$_{r}\\!\\ga\\!{\\rm M}^{*}+1$} mag) have generally been examined using galaxy colors as a measure of their star-formation history. Whereas the color of massive galaxies becomes steadily redder with increasing density, a sharp break in the mean color of faint galaxies is observed at a critical density corresponding to $\\sim\\!{\\rm R}_{vir}$ \\citep{gray,tanaka}. In addition, the relative fraction of red and blue galaxies and the shape of the luminosity function of red galaxies over \\mbox{${\\rm M}^{*}\\!+1\\!\\la\\!{\\rm M}_{r}\\!\\la\\!{\\rm M}^{*}\\!+6$ mag} change dramatically with density {\\em inside} the virial radius \\citep{mercurio}. These results imply that the evolution of dwarf galaxies is primarily driven by mechanisms directly related to the structure to which the galaxy is bound, such as suffocation (whereby galaxies lose their halo gas reservoir to the host halo), galaxy harassment and/or ram-pressure stripping. These differences in the environmental trends and evolution of high- and low-mass galaxies are most likely related to the observed strong bimodality in the properties of galaxies around a stellar mass of \\mbox{$\\sim\\!3\\times10^{10}{\\rm M}_{\\sun}$} \\mbox{($\\sim\\!{\\rm M}^{*}+1$\\,mag)}, with more massive galaxies predominately passive red spheroids, and less massive galaxies tending to be blue star-forming disks \\citep[][hereafter K03a,K03b]{k03a,k03b}. This implies fundamental differences in the formation and evolution of giant and dwarf galaxies, and it has been proposed \\citep[e.g.][]{dekel} that this is related to the way that gas from the halo cools and flows onto the galaxy, which affects its ability to maintain star-formation over many Gyr. We examine the origins of this bimodality by comparing the environmental dependences of star-formation in giant and dwarf galaxies. The SDSS Data Release 4 \\citep[DR4;][]{sdssdr4} is used to construct a sample of galaxies over a \\mbox{$26\\times26\\,{\\rm Mpc}^{2}$} region containing the supercluster centered on the rich cluster A2199 at \\mbox{$z=0.0309$} \\citep{rines} that is \\mbox{$\\ga\\!9$0\\%} complete to \\mbox{M$^*+3.3$}, and for which we estimate the mean stellar ages and current star-formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies through their spectral indices. We adopt a cosmology with \\mbox{$\\Omega_{M}=0.27$}, \\mbox{$\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.73$} and \\mbox{H$_{0}=73$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$} \\citep{spergel}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} Using two independent indicators of the past and present star-formation in galaxies, we present a clear demonstration of the quite different relationships between star-formation and environment for giant \\mbox{($\\sim\\!L^*$)} and dwarf \\mbox{($\\la\\!0.1L^*$)} galaxies. As found in previous studies, giant galaxies \\mbox{(M$_{r}\\!<\\!-20$ mag)} show a gradual transition from \\mbox{$\\ga\\!8$0\\%} being classed as old \\mbox{($t\\!>\\!7$\\,Gyr)} or passive \\mbox{(EW$[{\\rm H}\\alpha]\\le4$\\,\\AA)} in the cluster cores, to field regions beyond \\mbox{3--4\\,$R_{vir}$} where still \\mbox{$\\sim\\!4$0\\%} are classed as passive. These results can be understood in the context of massive galaxies becoming passive through galaxy-galaxy interactions: the finding of both passive and star-forming galaxies in all environments reflects its stochastic nature and its independence from large-scale structure. The gradual overall trend reflects the increasing probability with density for a galaxy to have undergone a major merger in its lifetime. In contrast the dwarf galaxy population (\\mbox{$-19\\!<\\!{\\rm M}_{r}\\!<\\!-17.8$} mag) shows a sharp transition at \\mbox{$\\sim\\!R_{\\rm vir}$}, from being predominantly old and passive within the cluster, to outside where virtually all galaxies are young and forming stars, and passive galaxies are {\\em only} found as satellites to more massive galaxies. These findings are supported by the observed dependencies of galaxy clustering on luminosity and color, in which the galaxies associated with the most overdense regions on $\\la\\!1$\\,Mpc scales are found to be both the bright \\mbox{(${\\rm M}_{r}\\!<\\!-22$ mag)} and faint \\mbox{(${\\rm M}_{r}\\!>\\!-19$ mag)} red galaxies \\citep{hogg,zehavi}. These dependencies were successfully reproduced by the smoothed particle hydrodynamics cosmological simulations of \\citet{berlind}, who identify the passive low-mass galaxies as satellites within more massive halos. The observation that no passive dwarf galaxies are found in isolated (with respect to \\mbox{$\\ga\\!L^{*}$} galaxies) low-density regions implies that galaxy merging cannot be effective in completely terminating star-formation in low-mass galaxies, particularly as in this study these regions represent the infall regions of the supercluster where low-velocity encounters should be most frequent. Low-mass galaxies become passive only when they become satellites within a more massive DM halo and their halo gas reservoir is lost to that of the host, ``suffocating'' the galaxy \\citep{larson,bekki}, or through directly cluster-related mechanisms such as galaxy harassment and/or ram-pressure stripping. These differences can be understood in the context of the hot and cold gas infall \\citep{dekel,keres} or AGN feedback \\citep[e.g.][]{croton,hopkins} models of galaxy evolution. When gas-rich galaxies merge, tidal forces trigger a starburst and fuel the rapid growth of the central black hole, until outflows from the AGN drive out the remaining cold gas from the galaxy, rapidly terminating the starburst. In massive galaxies, the gas in the halo is also heated by stable virial shocks, and is prevented from cooling by feedback from quiescent accretion of the hot gas onto the black hole, effectively shutting down star-formation \\citep{croton}. Because black hole growth is strongly dependent on galaxy mass, AGN feedback in low-mass galaxies is much less efficient at expelling cold gas or affecting star-formation \\citep{springel}. In addition, low-mass galaxies self-regulate their star-formation through supernova feedback, preventing starbursts that exhaust the cold gas, which in turn is constantly replenished by cold streams, so that their ability to maintain star-formation over many Gyr is much less affected by their merger history." }, "0606/astro-ph0606698_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The luminosity distance - redshift relation is analytically given for generalized Randall-Sundrum type II brane-world models containing Weyl fluid either as dark radiation or as a radiation field from the brane. The derived expressions contain both elementary functions and elliptic integrals of the first and second kind. First we derive the relation for models with the Randall-Sundrum fine-tuning. Then we generalize the method for models with cosmological constant. The most interesting models contain small amounts of Weyl fluid, expected to be in good accordance with supernova data. The derived analytical results are suitable for testing brane-world models with Weyl fluid when future supernova data at higher redshifts will be available. ", "introduction": "At present the Universe is considered a general relativistic Friedmann space-time with flat spatial sections, containing more than $70\\%$ dark energy and at about $25\\%$ of dark matter. Dark energy could be simply a cosmological constant $\\Lambda$, or quintessence or something entirely different. There is no widely accepted explanations for the nature of any of the dark matter or dark energy (even the existence of the cosmological constant remains unexplained). An alternative to introducing dark matter would be to modify the law of gravitation, like in MOND \\cite{MOND} and its relativistic generalization \\cite{MONDrel}. These theories are compatible with the Large scale structure of the Universe \\cite{MOND2}. However in spite of the successes, certain problems were signaled on smaller scales \\cite{MOND3}. Quite remarkably, supernova data, which in the traditional interpretation yield to the existence of dark energy, can be explained by certain f(R) \\cite{fR} or inverse curvature gravity models \\cite {modgrav}. However the parameter range, in which the latter is in goood agrement with the supernova data, also presents stability problems \\cite{excmodgrav}. Modifications of the gravitational interaction could also occur by enriching the space-time with extra dimensions. Originally pioneered by Kaluza and Klein, such theories contained compact extra dimensions. The so-called brane-world models, motivated by string / M-theory, containing our observable 4-dimensional universe (the brane) as a hypersurface, were introduced in \\cite{ADD}, \\cite{RS1} and \\cite{RS2}, the latter model allowing for a non-compact extra dimension. The curved generalizations of the model presented in \\cite{RS2} have evolved into a 5-dimensional alternative to general relativity, in which gravity has more degrees of freedom. In contrast with standard model fields, these evolve in the whole 5-dimensional bulk. In this generalized Randall-Sundrum type II (RS) theory, the brane has a tension $\\lambda $ and gravitational dynamics is governed by the 5-dimensional Einstein equation. Its projections to our observable 4-dimensional universe (the brane) are the twice contracted Gauss equation, the Codazzi equation and an effective Einstein equation, the latter being obtained by employing the junction conditions across the brane \\cite{Decomp}. The effective Einstein equation (for the case of symmetric embedding and no other contribution to the bulk-energy-momentum than a bulk cosmological constant) was first given in a covariant form in \\cite{SMS}. Supplementing this by the pull-back to the brane of the bulk energy momentum tensor $\\widetilde{\\Pi }_{ab}$, which is \\begin{equation} \\mathcal{P}_{ab}=\\frac{2\\widetilde{\\kappa }^{2}}{3}\\left( g_{a}^{c}g_{b}^{d} \\widetilde{\\Pi }_{cd}\\right) ^{TF} \\end{equation} (with $\\widetilde{\\kappa }^{2}$ the bulk coupling constant and $g_{ab}$ the induced metric on the brane) the effective Einstein equation reads \\cite{Decomp}: \\begin{equation} G_{ab}=-\\Lambda g_{ab}+\\kappa ^{2}T_{ab}+\\widetilde{\\kappa }^{4}S_{ab}- \\mathcal{E}_{ab}+\\mathcal{P}_{ab}\\ . \\label{modE} \\end{equation} Here $\\kappa ^{2}$ is the brane coupling constant, related to the bulk coupling constant and the brane tension $\\lambda $ as $6\\kappa ^{2}=\\widetilde{\\kappa }^{4}\\lambda $, and \\begin{equation} \\Lambda =\\frac{\\kappa^{2}}{2} \\lambda -\\frac{\\widetilde{\\kappa }^{2}}{2} n^{c}n^{d} \\widetilde{\\Pi }_{cd} \\end{equation} represents a cosmological \"constant\" which possibly varies due to the normal projection of the bulk energy-momentum tensor (this includes the contribution $-\\widetilde{\\Lambda }g_{ab}$ due to the bulk cosmological constant $\\widetilde{\\Lambda }$). The source term $S_{ab}$ is quadratic in the brane energy-momentum tensor $T_{ab}$: \\begin{equation} S_{ab}=\\frac{1}{4}\\Biggl[-T_{ac}^{\\ }T_{b}^{c}+\\frac{1}{3}TT_{ab}-\\frac{ g_{ab}}{2}\\left( -T_{cd}^{\\ }T^{cd}+\\frac{1}{3}T^{2}\\right) \\Biggr]\\ , \\label{S} \\end{equation} and $\\mathcal{E}_{ab}$ is the electric part of the bulk Weyl tensor $ \\widetilde{C}_{abcd}$, given as \\begin{equation} \\mathcal{E}_{ac}=\\widetilde{C}_{abcd}n^{b}n^{d}\\ . \\label{calE} \\end{equation} In a cosmological context and suppressing any energy exchange between the brane and the bulk, this latter term generates the so-called dark radiation. Otherwise it can be called a Weyl fluid. A review of many aspects related to the theories described by the effective Einstein equation (\\ref{modE}) can be found in \\cite{MaartensLR}. Both early cosmology \\cite{BDEL} and gravitational collapse \\cite{BGM}-\\cite{Pal} are essentially modified in these theories. There is also possible to replace dark matter with geometric effects in the interpretation of galactic rotation curves, weak lensing and galaxy cluster dynamics \\cite{Harko}. The possible modifications of gravitational dynamics are even more versatile in the so-called induced gravity models. These can be regarded as brane-world models enhanced with the first quantum-correction arising from the interaction of the brane matter with bulk gravity. The induced gravity correction couples to the 5-dimensional Einstein-Hilbert action with the coupling constant $\\gamma \\widetilde{\\kappa }^{2}/\\kappa ^{2}$. The simplest of such models, the DGP model was introduced in \\cite{DGP}. This model however suffers from linear instabilities (ghost modes in the perturbations), as shown for de Sitter branes \\cite{ghost}. The ghost modes withstand even the introduction of a second brane \\cite{ghost2}. Generalizations of the DGP model are discussed covariantly in \\cite{SS} and \\cite{MMT} when the embedding is symmetric, and in \\cite{Induced} when it is asymmetric. In these models the role of the effective Einstein equation (\\ref{modE}) is taken by a more complicated equation (see for example Eq. (29) of \\cite{Induced}), which contains the square of the Einstein tensor $G_{ab}$. This implies that in certain sense the degree of nonlinearity of the theory is squared. In a cosmological setup the square root of this equation can be taken, leading to a set of modified Friedmann and Raychaudhuri equations, which however contain a sign ambiguity $\\varepsilon =\\pm 1$ due to the involved square root. These are called the BRANE1 [DGP(-)] branch for $\\varepsilon =-1$ and BRANE2 [DGP(+)] for $\\varepsilon =1$ in the terminology of \\cite{SS} [or \\cite{LMM}, respectively]. Both the original Randall-Sundrum type II model and the DGP model are contained as special subcases. Notably, the BRANE2 branch contains cosmological models which self-accelerate at late-times. We give in Fig \\ref{Fig1} a diagram containing a classification of these theories and how they emerge as different limits from each other. \\begin{figure}[tbp] \\includegraphics[height=8cm]{Fig1.eps} \\caption{(Color online) A diagram presenting various brane-world models and their inter-relations. LWRS is the generalized Randall-Sundrum model with cosmological constant and a Weyl fluid reflecting a brane radiating into the bulk during nowadays or at least until recent cosmological times.} \\label{Fig1} \\end{figure} In this paper we discuss analytically the luminosity distance - redshift relation in various generalized Randall-Sundrum type II brane-world models described by Eq. (\\ref{modE}). Our analytical approach can enhance the confrontation of these models with current and most notably, with future supernova observations. We note that recently analytical results have been given in Ref. \\cite{DabrowskiS} for a wide class of phantom Friedmann cosmologies too, in terms of elementary and Weierstrass elliptic functions. In section 2 we review the notion of luminosity distance, its relation with the redshift and how these can be measured independently. This section was included mainly for didactical purposes. In section 3 we review the modification of this relation in the Randall-Sundrum type II brane-world scenario. These include the introduction of the parameters $\\Omega _{\\lambda }$ and $\\Omega _{d}$ which can be traced back to the source terms $S_{ab}$ and $\\mathcal{E}_{ab}$ of the modified Einstein equation (\\ref{modE}). The other cosmological parameters are $\\Omega _{\\rho }$, representing (baryonic and dark) matter and $\\Omega _{\\Lambda }$. We do not include bulk sources in the analysis, with the notable exception of a bulk cosmological constant. Section 4 contains the derivation of the analytic expression for the luminosity distance - redshift relation for the brane-worlds which are closest to the original Randall-Sundrum scenario \\cite{RS2}, thus with no cosmological constant (Randall-Sundrum fine-tuning). The generic expression (\\ref{solution1}) of the luminosity distance derived here is given in terms of elementary functions and elliptic integrals of the first and second kind. From this most generic case we take the subsequent limits: $\\Omega _{d}=0$ (subsection 4.2), $\\Omega _{\\lambda }=0$ (subsection 4.3); and both $\\Omega _{d}=\\Omega _{\\lambda }=0$, this being the general relativistic Einstein-de Sitter case (subsection 4.4). Such models however could not allow for late-time acceleration, therefore in section 5 we discuss the luminosity distance - redshift relation for brane-worlds with $\\Lambda $. First we present in subsection 5.1 a class of models, for which the luminosity distance can be given in terms of elementary functions alone. These models are characterized by an extremely low value of the brane tension, thus are in conflict with various constraints on brane-world models. Next, in subsection 5.2 we discuss brane-worlds for which the brane-characteristic contributions $\\Omega _{\\lambda }$ and $\\Omega _{d}$ represent small perturbations. This is a good assumption as observational evidences suggest that general relativity is a sufficiently accurate theory of the universe, and as such the deviations from it could not be very high, at least at late-times. We give analytical expressions in terms of both elementary functions and elliptic integrals of the first and second kind for the luminosity distance, to first order accuracy in the chosen small parameters of the model. Some of the most lengthy computations needed in order to achieve the result are presented in the Appendix. Section 6 contains the concluding remarks. Throughout the paper $c=1$ was employed. ", "conclusions": "The main purpose of this paper was to present the analytical formulation of the luminosity distance - redshift relation in the generalized Randall-Sundrum type II brane-world models containing a Weyl fluid either in the form of dark radiation or as radiation leaving the brane and feeding the bulk black holes. We have given the luminosity distance in terms of elementary functions and elliptical integrals of first and second type and we have also shown how the different limits arise from the generic result. Our results hold for: (a) Models with Randall-Sundrum fine-tuning ($\\Lambda =0$), with or without dark radiation from the bulk and with or without considerable contribution from the energy-momentum squared source terms, discussed in section 4. (b) The models discussed in subsection 5.1, obeying $\\Lambda =\\kappa ^{2}\\lambda /2$, integrable in terms of elementary functions and (c) Models with a brane cosmological constant, discussed to first order accuracy in both the Weyl fluid and energy-momentum squared sources. This last class of models, presented in subsection 5.2 in the latest times of the cosmological evolution are only slightly different from the $\\Lambda $ CDM model, as they have $\\Omega _{d}\\ll 1$ and $\\Omega _{\\lambda }\\ll 1.$ The derived modifications in the luminosity distance - redshift formula then represent corrections to the corresponding formula of the $\\Lambda $CDM model. While the focus of the present paper is the integrability of the luminosity distance - redshift relation in various brane-world models, in a forthcoming paper \\cite{BraneLuminosityDistance2} we will discuss how well the presently available supernova data support the brane-world models with a small amount of Weyl fluid. \\ack This work was supported by OTKA grants no. T046939, 69036 and T042509. L \\'{A}G and GyMSz were further supported by the J\\'{a}nos Bolyai Grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and GyMSz by the Magyary Zolt\\'{a}n Higher Educational Public Foundation. \\appendix" }, "0606/astro-ph0606651_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Neutrino emission caused by singlet Cooper pairing of baryons in neutron stars is recalculated by accurately taking into account for conservation of the vector weak currents. The neutrino emissivity via the vector weak currents is found to be several orders of magnitude smaller than that obtained before by different authors. This makes unimportant the neutrino radiation from singlet pairing of protons or hyperons. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606184_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a systematic investigation of X-ray thermal coronae in 157 early-type galaxies and 22 late-type galaxies from a survey of 25 hot ($kT >$ 3 keV), nearby ($z <$ 0.05) clusters, based on \\chandra\\ archival data. Cool galactic coronae ($kT$ = 0.5 - 1.1 keV generally) have been found to be very common, $>$ 60\\% in NIR selected galaxies that are more luminous than 2 \\Ls, and $>$ 40\\% in \\Ls\\ $< L_{\\rm Ks} <$ 2 \\Ls\\ galaxies. These embedded coronae in hot clusters are generally smaller (1.5-4 kpc radii), less luminous ($\\lsim 10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$), and less massive (10$^{6.5}$-10$^{8}$ M$_{\\odot}$) than coronae in poor environments, demonstrating the negative effects of hot cluster environments on galactic coronae. Nevertheless, these coronae still manage to survive ICM stripping, evaporation, rapid cooling, and powerful AGN outflows, making them a rich source of information about gas stripping, microscopic transport, and feedback processes in the cluster environment. Heat conduction across the boundary of the coronae has to be suppressed by a factor of $\\gsim$ 100, which implies the X-ray gas in early-type galaxies is magnetized and the magnetic field plays an important role in energy transfer. Stripping through transport processes (viscosity or turbulence) also needs to be suppressed by at least a factor of ten at the coronal boundary. The stellar mass loss inside the corona is key to maintaining the gas balance in coronae. The luminous, embedded coronae, with high central density (0.1 - 0.4 cm$^{-3}$), are mini-versions of group and cluster cooling cores. As the prevalence of coronae of massive galaxies implies a long lifetime ($\\gsim$ several Gyr), there must be a heat source inside coronae to offset cooling. While we argue that AGN heating may not generally be the heat source, we conclude that SN heating can be enough as long as the kinetic energy of SNe can be efficiently dissipated. We have also observed a connection between radiative cooling and the SMBH activity of their host galaxies as many coronae are associated with powerful radio galaxies. Cooling of the coronal gas may provide fuel for the central SMBH and nuclear star formation in environments where the amount of galactic cold gas is otherwise at a minimum. Diffuse thermal coronae have also been detected in at least 8 of 22 late-type (Sb or later) galaxies in our sample. Evidence for enhanced star formation triggered by the ICM pressure has been found in four late-type galaxies. The fraction of luminous X-ray AGN ($> 10^{41}$ ergs s$^{-1}$) is not small ($\\sim$ 5\\%) in our sample. ", "introduction": "One of the most important discoveries by the \\einstein\\ observatory was the ubiquity of X-ray coronae of early-type galaxies in the field and poor environments (Forman, Jones \\& Tucker 1985). This discovery changed our view of early-type galaxies: they are gas-rich instead of gas-poor, but the gas is in the X-ray phase with a temperature of $\\sim 10^{7}$ K. The consensus is that the X-ray gas of early-type galaxies originates as the stellar mass lost from evolved stars and planetary nebulae, accumulating in the galaxy without much escaping via galactic winds (e.g., Mathews 1990). Their origin is different from that of the cluster ICM, which should be mostly primordial. The gas ejected from evolved stars collides and passes through shocks. The gas temperature has been raised to the stellar kinetic temperature determined by the stellar velocity dispersion, and may further be raised by heating from supernovae (SNe). However, it has been known that the kinetic energy of SNe is not efficiently dissipated into the hot ISM gas, especially for less massive galaxies with shallow potentials, so galactic winds can form in less massive galaxies and make them X-ray faint (Mathews \\& Baker 1971; David, Forman \\& Jones 1991; Brown \\& Bregman 1998). Galactic cooling cores have generally formed in massive galaxies with deep potentials. Cooling of the X-ray coronal gas indeed happens in at least some galaxies (e.g., the O VI detections by {\\em FUSE}, Bregman et al. 2005). It has been long known that the X-ray luminosities ($L_{\\rm X}$) of coronae correlates with the optical $B$ band luminosities ($L_{\\rm B}$) of their host galaxies, but the dispersion is large (Forman et al. 1985; Canizares, Fabbiano \\& Trinchieri 1987; Brown \\& Bregman 1998; O'Sullivan et al. 2001). The large dispersion has been a puzzle for almost two decades. The narrow color-magnitude relation and the narrow fundamental plane of early-type galaxies imply that local early-type galaxies are a homogeneous group. Nevertheless, early-type galaxies are not a one-parameter class, and the X-ray luminosity of coronae is also affected by properties besides the optical luminosity of the galaxy. Various factors have been proposed to explain the dispersion of the $L_{\\rm X}$ - $L_{\\rm B}$ relation for the X-ray coronae of early-type galaxies, including SN rate, galactic rotation, metallicity, dark matter halo and environments (see a review by Mathews \\& Brighenti 2003 and the references therein). However, no extra parameter has been found to significantly tighten the correlation, and no single scenario seems to be able to explain the large dispersion. It is likely that both internal effects (e.g., SN rate \\& dark matter halo) and external effects (environment) contribute to the dispersion. Limited by its angular resolution (30$''$), the X-ray coronae detected by \\rosat\\ are almost all in the field, or poor environments, or cool clusters (e.g., Virgo). There were some attempts to study X-ray coronae of galaxies in hot clusters with the \\einstein\\ and \\rosat\\ data (e.g., Canizares \\& Blizzard 1991 for Coma; Dow \\& White 1995 for Coma; Sakelliou \\& Merrifield 1998 for A2634), but the results were generally non-detections or inconclusive. Furthermore, the \\rosat\\ results on galaxy coronae suffer greatly from the contamination by AGN, X-ray binaries and ICM emission. Prior to the launch of \\chandra, no 10$^{7}$ K galaxy coronae (not including cluster cooling cores) were firmly detected in hot ($T \\sim$ 10$^{8}$ K) clusters, nor were they expected, since evaporation and ram-pressure stripping by the hot, dense ICM should very efficiently remove gas from galaxies. The first direct evidence for the survival of galaxy coronae in hot clusters came from the \\chandra\\ observations of the Coma cluster. Vikhlinin et al. (2001, V01 hereafter) found small, but extended ($\\sim$ 2 kpc in radius), X-ray coronae ($kT \\sim$ 1-2 keV) in the cores of the two dominant Coma galaxies, NGC 4874 and NGC 4889, where the surrounding ICM has a temperature of 8 - 9 keV. More and more similar embedded coronae have been found since then. At present, eight more coronae, small but spatially resolved, were unambiguously revealed by \\chandra\\ in hot clusters ($>$ 3 keV) and investigated in detail: two lie in the 3.2 keV cluster A1060 (Yamasaki et al. 2002), four in a 5-6 keV region of A1367 (Sun et al. 2005, hereafter S05), one in a 6-7 keV region of Perseus (Sun, Jerius \\& Jones 2005, hereafter SJJ05), and one associated with the cD galaxy of the 4 keV cluster A2670 (Fujita, Sarazin \\& Sivakoff 2006). Thermal emission from cluster galaxies was also detected in several other cases (e.g., Smith 2003; Hardcastle, Sakelliou \\& Worrall 2005), although detailed analysis was not done because the X-ray sources are either unresolved or faint. Among all these detections, the corona associated with NGC~1265, the prototype of narrow-angle tail (NAT) radio galaxies in Perseus, is the most interesting one, as its corona survives gas stripping despite motion with a Mach number of $\\sim$ 3, ICM evaporation ($T_{\\rm ICM}/T_{\\rm ISM} \\sim$ 10), fast cooling ($t_{\\rm cooling} \\sim$ 30 Myr at the center) and powerful AGN outbursts. These galaxy coronae ($kT \\sim$ 1 keV) in rich environments (high ambient pressure) are pressure confined and small (1.5 - 4.5 kpc, or 3 - 10$''$ in radius at the distance of the Coma cluster) and require the superior \\chandra\\ angular resolution to resolve them. These small coronae should form before their host galaxies began to evolve in hot clusters. If they were once destroyed in hot clusters, the hot ICM should have filled the interstellar space. It is then difficult for galactic cooling cores to re-form against strong stripping and evaporation. These embedded galaxy coronae are perfect targets to study the gas physics and microscopic transport processes involved in the ICM-corona interaction. Gas stripping and evaporation by the surrounding hot dense ICM should be very efficient to destroy coronae. However, V01 pointed out that the survival of two cool coronae in Coma requires that heat conduction must be suppressed by a factor of 30 - 100 at the ISM-ICM boundary. S05 and SJJ05 derived similar conclusions and the results also require viscosity to be suppressed. The galactic magnetic field should be responsible for the suppression, and so a better understanding of the galactic magnetic field evolution in rich environments is required. We shall emphasize that these embedded coronae in hot clusters are generally smaller than the mean free path of particles in the ICM without magnetic field, which is: \\begin{eqnarray} \\lambda &=& 7.8 (\\frac{kT_{\\rm ICM}}{\\rm 5 keV})^{2} (\\frac{n_{\\rm e, ICM}}{10^{-3} {\\rm cm}^{-3}})^{-1} {\\rm kpc} \\end{eqnarray} Therefore, it is questionable whether we can apply hydrodynamics to the ICM flow around the embedded coronae. The distribution function may not be Maxwellian so ideally kinetic theory or at least rarefied gas dynamics should be applied. This situation is different from coronae in cool groups (e.g., NGC~1404 in Fornax, Machacek et al. 2005), where $\\lambda$ is generally smaller than 1 kpc while coronae are larger (e.g., $\\sim$ 9 kpc for NGC~1404). The inclusion of magnetic field in the ICM may further complicates the problem, by making transport processes anisotropic. The details are certainly complicated, largely depending on the magnetic field configuration and evolution. We notice that simulations of the evolution of X-ray coronae in clusters and groups all use hydrodynamics (e.g., Toniazzo \\& Schindler 2001), while the detailed transport processes involving in the corona-ICM interaction were not incorporated. S05 and SJJ05 also showed that many host galaxies of coronae are active in radio and sometimes are luminous (e.g., NGC~1265). The radio emission generally ``turns on'' after traversing the dense coronae (i.e. morphologically anti-correlated, e.g., NGC~3842, NGC~4874 and NGC~1265). In NGC~1265, since the jet power is so strong ($>$ 1000 times the thermal energy of the corona), the narrow jets must carry nearly all their energy away from the central SMBH and release the energy outside the corona to preserve the small corona. Thus, this fact implies that AGN heating may not always be able to heat the central few kiloparsecs of a cooling core significantly. For NGC~1265, we also found that the Bondi accretion luminosity of the detected coronal gas is similar to the jet power. As the inner $\\sim$ 2 kpc dense core of the corona can survive both high-speed stripping and powerful AGN feedback, the cooling of coronae can fuel the central SMBH in rich environments where the amount of cold galactic gas is at a minimum. These embedded coronae are also ideal targets to examine the effects of hot cluster environments on the properties of coronae (e.g., the $L_{\\rm X} - L_{\\rm B}$ relation, the size and X-ray gas mass of coronae), especially through a comparison with a sample of coronae in the field or poor environments. These cool coronae may also be seeds for future cluster cooling cores. Motl et al. (2004) presented a scenario for the formation of cluster cooling cores via hierarchical mergers. Although the cool cores in their simulations are larger than what we observed, it is interesting to explore the evolution of these coronae and their frequency in clusters, and to further compare with simulations. In principle, the properties of the coronae also shed light on the evolution of their early-type host galaxies, as the evolution processes (e.g., mergers) can easily impact the small coronae. Compared to the X-ray coronae of early-type galaxies, we know even less about the X-ray coronae of late-type galaxies in hot clusters. One of the first detailed studies with \\chandra\\ or \\xmm\\ is UGC~6697 in A1367 (Sun \\& Vikhlinin 2005). We suggested that the starburst in UGC~6697 was triggered by the interaction with the ICM. During the course of this project, we have found a spectacular X-ray tail behind a small starburst galaxy ESO~137-001 (SFR $\\sim$ 10 M$_{\\odot}$ / yr) near the center of a massive cluster A3627 (Sun et al. 2006). The X-ray tail is long (70 kpc) with a length-to-width ratio of $\\sim$ 10. We interpret this tail as the stripped ISM of ESO 137-001 mixed with the hot cluster medium, with this blue galaxy being converted into a gas-poor galaxy. These remarkable examples of coronae in early-type and late-type galaxies are important to understand the galactic ISM in hot clusters. However, the results based on just a few detections can be biased. We do not know how common the embedded coronae are. We know nothing about the properties of the whole population (e.g., luminosity, temperature, size and gas mass). What are the environmental effects on the properties of embedded coronae? What processes mediate the energy balance and transfer inside coronae? What is the general connection between coronae and the AGN activity of their host galaxies. Only a systematic analysis based on a well-selected sample can answer these questions and characterize the general properties of the whole population. Only with the knowledge of the whole population, can we better understand the results from detailed investigations of individual coronae. In this paper, we present the first systematic study of X-ray coronae of cluster galaxies, in 25 nearby ($z <$ 0.05), hot ($kT >$ 3 keV) clusters using archival \\chandra\\ data. The cluster and galaxy samples are defined in $\\S$2. The data analysis is summarized in $\\S$3. The properties of the corona population are present in $\\S$4 (for early-type galaxies) and $\\S$5 (for late-type galaxies). We summarize the fraction of luminous X-ray AGN in our sample in $\\S$6. $\\S$7 is the discussion, while $\\S$8 is the conclusions. Notes of interesting coronae and galaxies in the sample are present in the appendix. ", "conclusions": "We have systematically searched for and investigated thermal coronae of 179 galaxies (both early and late types) in 25 nearby ($z <$ 0.05), hot ($kT >$ 3 keV) clusters, based on 68 \\chandra\\ archival pointings with a total exposure of 2.77 Msec and a sky coverage of 3.3 deg$^{2}$. The galaxy sample is complete for all NIR luminous ($>$ 0.74 \\Ls\\ in the $K_{\\rm s}$ band) or radio luminous ($L_{\\rm 1.4 GHz} > 10^{22.8}$ W Hz$^{-1}$) galaxies in the \\chandra\\ field. This work represents the first systematic study of X-ray thermal emission of galaxies in rich environments. The main observational results and conclusions of our study are: 1) We find a new population of embedded X-ray coronae of early-type galaxies in hot clusters. Despite the effects of ICM stripping, evaporation, rapid cooling, and powerful SMBH bursts, X-ray coronae of massive early-type galaxies (excluding cDs in cluster cooling cores) are very common ($>$ 60\\% of $>$ 2 \\Ls\\ galaxies in the $K_{\\rm s}$ band) in hot clusters, although their properties have been significantly modified by the dense ICM. Significant number of coronae have also been found in less massive galaxies ($>$ 40\\% of \\Ls\\ $<$ $L_{\\rm Ks} <$ 2 \\Ls\\ galaxies; $>$ 15\\% of $<$ \\Ls\\ galaxies), although the \\chandra\\ data of most clusters are not deep enough to unambiguously identify faint coronae ($L_{\\rm 0.5 - 2 keV} \\lsim 10^{40}$ ergs s$^{-1}$). These embedded coronae are smaller (generally 1.5 - 4 kpc in radius) and contain less gas (10$^{6.5} - 10^{8}$ M$_{\\odot}$) than their counterparts in poor environments. The negative effect on the coronal luminosity is also suggested by the data. These embedded coronae may correspond to the dense cores of coronae in poor environments. Therefore, our work has demonstrated the negative environmental effects of rich environments on galaxy coronae. The ubiquity of embedded coronae in massive galaxies implies a lifetime comparable to that of clusters (or at least several Gyr). 2) The temperatures of embedded coronae range from 0.3 to 1.7 keV. The gas temperature is generally higher than the stellar kinetic temperature of the galaxy ($\\beta_{\\rm spec}$ = 0.2 - 1.1, Fig. 8). Internal temperature profiles of embedded coronae generally show a decrease of gas temperature towards the center. The abundance of the coronal gas, constrained from the joint data of 20 coronae with best statistics, is $\\sim$ 0.8 solar, which implies a stellar origin of the coronal gas. 3) For the cool coronae of early-type galaxies to survive in the hot ICM, heat conduction across the boundary of the coronae has to be suppressed by a factor of $\\gsim$ 100. We argue that this fact implies the X-ray gas in early-type galaxies is magnetized. Magnetic field plays an important role in energy transfer. However, it is unclear how the galactic magnetic field can remain disconnected from the field in the ICM for the lifetime of embedded coronae. 4) The embedded coronae of early-type galaxies are subject to ICM stripping. The internal thermal pressure of coronae is generally high enough to overcome the ram pressure. However, the stripping through transport processes (viscosity or turbulence) at the coronal boundary is too strong and has to be suppressed by at least a factor of ten. The stellar mass loss in the boundary layer can balance the mass lost from the suppressed stripping and the balance is stable. 5) The embedded coronae of early-type galaxies have high gas densities ($\\sim$ 0.3 cm$^{-3}$ at the center of luminous coronae) so they are the mini version of big cluster cooling cores, with a boundary. As the prevalence of the coronae of massive galaxies implies a long lifetime ($\\gsim$ several Gyr), there must be a heat source inside these embedded mini cooling cores. While we argue that both AGN and the stellar ejecta cannot be the major heat source, SN heating inside coronae is a good candidate if its kinetic energy can be efficiently (20\\% - 100\\%) couple into the coronal gas. 6) We have observed a connection between these mini-cooling-cores and the radio activity of their host galaxies. Radiative cooling of the coronal gas may provide fuel for the central SMBH in environments where the amount of galactic cold gas is at a minimum. We have also found a general morphological anti-correlation of the radio jet emission and the X-ray coronae. The radio jets generally ``turn on'' after traversing the dense coronae. The embedded dense coronae may also provide cold gas for nuclear star formation, while the star formation in ``naked'' galaxies exposed to the hot ICM may have been truncated. 7) We have observed a variety of X-ray components associated with or centered on the cD galaxies in our sample, ranging from no cool component, to small cool coronae, to large X-ray cool cores, to big cluster cores. Most clusters in our sample either have a small cool corona associated with the cD galaxy, or a big cluster cooling core centered on the cD galaxy. 8) We also detected thermal coronae of at least 8 late-type galaxies (Sb or later) from 22 galaxies in our sample. Late-type galaxies with luminous X-ray thermal emission usually have substantial star formation activity. In four galaxies with the most X-ray luminous coronae in the sample, evidence for enhanced star formation triggered by the ICM pressure has been found. 9) Nine luminous X-ray AGN ($L_{0.3 - 8 keV} > 10^{41}$ ergs s$^{-1}$) are found from 163 galaxies (both early-types and late-types) brighter than 0.74 \\Ls\\ (in the $K_{s}$ band), which indicates a not small fraction ($\\sim$ 5\\%) of X-ray luminous AGN in local cluster galaxies. Fainter nuclear hard sources are also found in at least 20\\% of galaxies in our sample." }, "0606/astro-ph0606467_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We derive the constraints on the mass ratio for a binary system to merge in a violent process. We find that the secondary to primary stellar mass ratio should be $0.003 \\la (M_2/M_1) \\la 0.15$. A more massive secondary star will keep the primary stellar envelope in synchronized rotation with the orbital motion until merger occurs. This implies a very small relative velocity between the secondary star and the primary stellar envelope at the moment of merger, and therefore very weak shock waves, and low flash luminosity. A too low mass secondary will release small amount of energy, and will expel small amount of mass, which is unable to form an inflated envelope. It can however produce a quite luminous but short flash when colliding with a low mass main sequence star. Violent and luminous mergers, which we term {\\it mergebursts,} can be observed as V838 Monocerotis type events, where a star undergoes a fast brightening lasting days to months, with a peak luminosity of up to $\\sim 10^6 L_\\odot$ followed by a slow decline at very low effective temperatures. ", "introduction": "Stellar mergers have been recognized for a long time as events which can be important for evolution of binary systems. In discussions of globular clusters stellar mergers are usually considered as the most probable source of blue stragglers, e.g. De Marco et al. (2005, and earlier references therein; Sills et al. 2005). In some cases three or more stars might be involved (Knigge et al. 2006). However, the main interest in these cases has been directed toward understanding the nature of the final product of a merger in terms of its mass, chemical structure and farther evolution. Little attention, if any, has usually been paid to direct observational appearances of these events. This was obviously due to the common belief that the stellar mergers are very rare events and that, consequently, there is very little chance to observe them. However, the discovery of the eruption of V838~Mon in 2002 (Brown 2002) and subsequent studies of its observed evolution (Munari et~al. 2002; Kimeswenger et~al. 2002; Crause et~al. 2003; Kipper et~al. 2004; Tylenda 2005), as well as, of other similar objects, i.e. V4332 Sgr (Martini et~al. 1999; Tylenda et~al., 2005) and M31~RV (Mould et~al. 1990) have led to suggestions that these observed events were likely to be due to stellar mergers (Soker \\& Tylenda 2003, Tylenda \\& Soker 2006, hereafter TS06). Likewise an analysis done by Bally \\& Zinnecker (2005) shows that stellar mergers in cores of young clusters, which might be one of channels for producing very massive stars, can be source of luminous and spectacular observational events. Different reasons can lead to stellar mergers. In dense stellar systems, as globular clusters or cores of young clusters, direct collisions of two stars or interactions of binaries with other cluster members can quite easily happen, often leading to a merger (for recent papers and more references see, e.g., Lombardi et al. 2003; Fregeau et al. 2004; Mapelli et al. 2004; Dale \\& Davies 2006; for a review of these merger possibilities see Bailyn 1995). In multiple star systems dynamical interactions between the components or encounters between the system and other stars can destabilize stellar trajectories so that two components collide and merge. A binary stellar system can lose angular momentum during its evolution, e.g. due to mass loss, so the separation of the components decreases, which may finally lead to a merger. In the latter case, the merger is probably often relatively gentle and does not lead to spectacular events. This happens when the system reaches and keeps synchronization until the very merger. The relative velocity between the matter elements from different components is then very low, there is no violent shock heating and the orbital energy is released on a very long time scale. However when the binary component mass ratio is low the secondary is unable to maintain the primary in synchronization so the so-called Darwin instability sets in and the merger takes place with a large difference between the orbital velocity of the secondary and the rotational velocity of the primary. In this case the merger is expected to be violent, at least in the initial phase when the large velocity differences are dissipated in shocks. In this paper we analyze this possibility in more detail and discuss observational appearances of violent mergers triggered by the Darwin instability in binaries. We can schematically distinguish between three basic types of merger events. Of course, there is a continuous variation between the three types, but it is instructive to make these three ideal classes. (1) The secondary is disrupted during the collision, and contributes most of the mass in the inflated envelope. This is likely to happen in a close to grazing collision with a not too-compact companion in a very eccentric orbit. We suggest this type of merger as explanation for V838 Mon (TS06). (2) Merger in a binary system which reaches merger in an unsynchronized rotation (the spin of the primary star is not synchronized with the orbital angular frequency), and where the secondary survives the initial merger stages. The secondary then spirals-in inside the primary envelope. The inflated envelope comes mainly from the primary mass. The conditions for the occurrence the type of merger are studied in this paper. The above two merger types are expected to be violent. The third type is a non-violent merger: \\newline (3) Merger between two stars having a synchronized rotation. The secondary is massive enough to maintain synchronized orbital motion until merger occurs. The secondary survives, and the 2 stars form a massive star in a relatively gentle process. {{{Although this process is termed non-violent by us, it might still evolve on a dynamical time scale at some phases, and it has many interesting properties. The spiraling-in process of the secondary deep inside the envelope will release a huge amount of orbital energy, which might result in highly distorted mass loss event (Morris \\& Podsiadlowski 2006). On a later time, the process can alter the evolution of the star on the HR diagram (e.g., Podsiadlowski et al. 1990). However, we don't expect a bright flash in these cases. }}} The gravitational and kinetic energy of the merging binary system can result in the following observational events: \\begin{enumerate} \\item Flash of light. This flash is formed by emission from a strongly shocked gas, in the primary and/or secondary envelope, and will be observed as a flash lasting as long as the secondary is violently slowed-down in the outer regions of the primary star. This can be from few times the dynamical time of the system up to a very long time, depending on the condition of the merging system. For the flash to be bright, the duration should be short, which implies a large relative velocity between the secondary and rotating primary envelope. \\item Gravitational and kinetic energy of matter expelled to large distances, and even leaving the system. The matter that does not leave the system, falls back on a dynamical time scale at its maximum distance, and when it becomes optically thick it contracts on its Kelvin-Helmholtz time scale. The Kelvin-Helmholtz time scale of the inflated envelope is much shorter than the Kelvin-Helmholtz time scale of the primary star, due to the very high luminosity and very low mass of the inflated envelope. The large energy in the inflated envelope and its relatively short contraction time implies that the energy deposited in the inflated envelope results in a bright phase of the merging system, lasting much longer than the initial flash. \\item Gravitational energy of the expanding inner layers of the primary and/or secondary (even destroying the secondary). This will be largely so when the secondary penetrate the deep layers of the primary star. When the inner layers of the primary finally relax to equilibrium it will be on a very long Kelvin-Helmholtz time scale. \\end{enumerate} To form a bright transient event only the first two energy channels are relevant. These two channels require violent interaction between the secondary and primary star. In the present paper we study the conditions for a violent merger triggered by the Darwin instability in a binary system. ", "conclusions": "In Section 1 we distinguish between three basic types of merger events: (1) A violent event where the secondary is disrupted and supplies most of the ejected and inflated envelope mass. This occurs when the secondary star is loosely bound, e.g., a pre-main-sequence star, and there is a grazing (rather than a head-on) collision from an eccentric orbit. (2) A violent merger where the secondary survives to a deeper depth in the primary envelope, and most of the inflated envelope originates in the very outer layers of the primary stellar envelope. Such a merger is likely to occur in a binary system when the secondary cannot maintain the primary envelope in synchronization (corotation) with the orbital motion. (3) A non-violent merger, occurring when the secondary maintains synchronization until merger occurs. The basic results of the paper is that the type-2 merger defined above can cause a very bright event when the primary is a main sequence star. The peak luminosity can reach $L_{\\rm peak} \\ga 10^5 L_\\odot$, and last up to a few months. Our claim might seem somewhat contrary to intuition, as one might expect the merger event to become more violent as the secondary mass increases. However, as the secondary stellar mass increases, the relative velocity between the secondary star and the primary stellar envelope at the moment of merger decreases, implying weaker shock waves in the very outer layers of the envelope. Interestingly, we find that the type-2 merger can lead to a merger event similar to that observed in V838 Mon, although type-1 event seems to fit observations a little better (TS06; Soker \\& Tylenda 2007). The hugely inflated envelope in the type-1 merger event discussed by TS06 for V838 Mon, must have both a grazing collision and a pre-main-sequence secondary star. These ingredients are not required in the type-2 merger scenario. However, the type-2 merger scenario cannot lead to a massive inflated envelope. The total mass in the expelled shell and in the inflated envelope of V838 Mon is $M \\simeq 0.1-0.3 M_\\odot$ (Tylenda 2005; Soker \\& Tylenda 2007). This mass favors the type-1 merger for V838 Mon. However, if this mass will turn out to be $M \\la 0.05 M_\\odot$ the type-2 merger model might work as well. One of the important observational aspects of the merger events is the decline phase. Mass loss from a merger is always much smaller than the mass disturbed in the event. Most of this disturbed matter will form a more or less inflated envelope of the primary. When the merger processes dissipating energy are over the only source of luminosity in the envelope is the gravitational energy released in its contraction. However, the thermal time scale of the envelope is comparable to or lower than its dynamical time scale, especially if the envelope outer radius is much larger than the thermal equilibrium radius of the primary. Therefore the envelope contraction phase will be proceeded by a rapid cooling of the envelope outer layers. This cooling can go down to the Hayashi limit. Therefore the merger remnant is expected to decline as a very cool star. This is the main observational aspect allowing to distinguish the merger events from thermonuclear runaway events, e.g. nova-type outbursts. In the latter case, as it is well known from theoretical models and observations, the object has to evolve to very high effective temperatures ($\\ga 10^5$\\,K) before the final decline. {{{ The exact evolution of the merger remnant as it re-establishes equilibrium requires numerical calculations. Podsiadlowski (2003) has considered an instantaneous removal of mass from a subgiant, together with an instantaneous addition of energy to its remaining envelope. When the heating is sufficiently high, in a short time the star reaches high luminosity, and then it contracts more or less along the Hayashi line. However, when a mass is removed and the heating (energy addition) is not sufficient, the star becomes very underluminous (Podsiadlowski 2003). The less-heated star starts its life to the left of the Hayashi line on the HR diagram, and then contracts and fades, but as a less luminous and smaller star than a star of the same parameters on the Hayashi line. The reason is that after mass is instantaneously removed from the outer layers of the envelope deep layers have to expand outward. This requires a lot of energy. In the merger process mass is added and lots of orbital energy is released. Thus there is no need for the inner envelope's layers to expand. On the contrary, after the short outburst which makes the star luminous and inflates an envelope, layers in the extended envelope have to contract. We therefore expect the merger remnant to decline along the Hayashi line. A behavior like this was observed during the eruption and subsequent decline of V838 Mon (Tylenda 2005). }}} Soker \\& Tylenda (2007) suggest to call the violent merger events {\\it mergeburst.} As it is clear from our present study these events can be easily observable not only in our Galaxy but also beyond it. What is the galactic {\\it mergeburst} rate? We can crudely estimate it as follows. We use the estimated formation rate of blue stragglers as done by Ciardullo et al. (2005) to explain bright planetary nebulae in elliptical galaxies. Ciardullo et al. (2005) argue that blue stragglers can account for the formation of bright planetary nebulae in elliptical galaxies with an old stellar population, and estimate the blue stragglers formation rate per solar luminosity in galaxies. Their estimates yields a galactic blue stragglers formation rate of $\\sim 0.1 \\yr^{-1}$. The blue stragglers in their scenario requires that the secondary mass be close to that of the primary, $0.7 M_1 \\la M_2 10^4$ K that cool via atomic hydrogen lines leading to the formation of a fat, gas disc. They argue that an episode of super-Eddington accretion assembles black holes with masses of $10^6\\,M_{\\odot}$ at $z \\sim 15 - 20$. There are alternative models that predict the direct formation of more massive seeds with masses of about $10^5\\,M_{\\odot}$. These range from scenarios based on the formation of supermassive objects formed directly out of the collapse of dense gas \\citep{haehnelt93,umemura93,loeb94,eisenstein95,bromm03,koushiappas04,begelman06}. The key limiting factor for these models is the disposal of the angular momentum. One approach taken by \\citet{eisenstein95} and \\citet{koushiappas04} is to argue that it is preferentially either low spin halos with consequently low angular momentum gas or the low spin tail of the gas distribution in halos that can cool efficiently that form these seeds. Significant transfer of angular momentum is still required to go from the central massive object to the final collapsed hole that is expected to occur via the post-Newtonian instability. Non-axisymmetric structures like bars have been proposed \\citep{shlosman90} to efficiently transfer angular momentum at these late stages. In a recent paper, \\citet{begelman06} have pursued this picture and argue that a low specific entropy `quasi-star' is produced as a result of the cascade of the bars-within-bars instability leading to the formation of a black hole of a few solar masses. In this paper, we argue for the formation of more massive black hole seeds ($\\sim 10^5\\,M_{\\odot}$) from gas cooling in primordial halos via the growth of gravitational instabilities. We offer a picture wherein accretion processes and fragmentation criteria are addressed in a coupled fashion. The outline of our paper is as follows: in Section~2, we outline the scenario for pre-galactic disc formation in dark matter halos and discuss their accretion properties, the fragmentation criteria which determine the fate of the gas are discussed in Section~3 and the implied mass distribution of central concentrations is derived in Section~4. Detailed time-dependent models that confirm the analytic calculations in the previous sections are presented in Section~5, the resultant luminosity and potential observability of these sources is discussed in Section~6 followed by a discussion and implications of our work. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we demonstrate that massive central concentrations can form naturally from pre-galactic discs that assemble in dark matter halos at high redshift. The masses of these concentrations depend on key properties of the host halo, mass, spin and gas cooling in the halo. In particular, low spin halos and massive halos are most efficient in concentrating gas in their centers. However, not all halos will be able to accrete gas into their centers. Taking into account the possibility of fragmentation furthers restricts the formation of eventual seed black holes. Using simple stability criteria, we predict that fragmentation and subsequent star formation are the fate for gas in some fraction of haloes. We derive 3 interesting regimes that are determined by the ratio of $T_{\\rm vir}/T_{\\rm gas}$, (i) if this ratio is greater than 2.9, haloes will form discs that will fragment and form stars and not directly form black holes; (ii) if this ratio lies between 1.8 - 2.9, haloes with low spin will lead to central mass concentrations; however, the lowest spin cases might be affected by fragmentation; (iii) if this ratio is lower than 1.8 the haloes will not produce fragmenting discs but will successfully accrete gas in their centers. Calculating the accretion rates for the fate of the accumulated gas we find super-Eddington rates leading to eventual black holes of masses up to $10^5 M_{\\odot}$. The model proposed here has two important predecessors in the work of \\citet{eisenstein95} and in that of \\citet{koushiappas04}, but also presents significant differences with respect to both of them. Primordial gas acquires angular momentum through tidal interaction with the surrounding \\citep{peebles69}. This is generally measured through the parameter $\\lambda$, the distribution of which can be determined from numerical simulations \\citep{warren92}. Thus, the centrifugal barrier is the main obstacle to the formation of any compact object in the center of primordial galaxies. It is therefore not surprising that all models (including our own) predict that the most favourable sites for black hole formation are haloes with low spin. It is also not surprising that any black hole formation model has to deal with the problem of angular momentum removal. This issue was tackled in the work of \\citet{eisenstein95}, who calculated the viscous time-scale for primordial thin discs and assumed that black hole formation would only occur when the discs are so compact that their viscous time-scale is less than the typical time-scale for star formation. They found that only very rare haloes, with $\\lambda$ smaller by at least a factor 30 with respect to the average spin, would be able to produce black holes. This is substantially different from what we find here. Indeed, we find that even haloes with $\\lambda$ as large as 0.02-0.03 do produce large central mass concentrations. There are two main aspects with respect to which our model differs substantially from \\citet{eisenstein95}. The first one is the nature of the viscosity mechanism. \\citet{eisenstein95} explicitly neglect the contribution of gravitational instabilities and assume that viscosity is driven by ``turbulence''. In standard accretion discs, turbulence is thought to arise from MHD instabilities \\citep{balbusreview}. However, for such primordial discs, where the primordial magnetic field is very weak and the gas is predominantly atomic or molecular, it is unlikely that MHD instabilities would be dynamically important. The second, and most important, difference is that \\citet{eisenstein95} considered relatively thin discs, with $H/R\\approx 0.03$, whereas our discs are substantially thicker. Since the viscous timescale is proportional to $(H/R)^{-2}$, this means that the viscous timescale as estimated by \\citet{eisenstein95} is much larger than in our case. This in turn, is what leads to their more pessimistic estimate of the rarity of black hole forming haloes. Finally, a significant difference between our model and that of \\citet{eisenstein95} is that our model naturally leads to a robust determination of the seed black hole mass function. \\citet{koushiappas04} propose that black hole seeds with masses of the order of $10^5M_{\\odot}$ (i.e. very similar to those obtained here) can form out of low angular momentum material in massive haloes. They assume that the lowest angular momentum material within the halo forms a compact disc which is gravitationally unstable and accretes onto the center due to the effect of an effective viscosity driven by the instability, in a way similar to what we propose here. However, they do not consider self-consistently the evolution of the surface density profile induced by the assumed viscosity mechanism. In their picture, the disc surface density simply grows linearly with time (at the same rate, independent of the radius) and at any given time it reflects the original angular momentum distribution of the gaseous component of the halo. On the contrary, what determines the surface density profile is actually the viscosity mechanism (which, being related to gravitational instabilities, in turn only depends on $Q$). As we have shown in Section \\ref{sec:time} (Figs. \\ref{fig:time1} and \\ref{fig:time2}), where we numerically follow the evolution of such discs, the final $\\Sigma$ profile (and the total accreted mass $m_{\\rm a}$) is the same whether we add mass to the disc with an exponential profile or with a $\\delta$-function, representing two extreme cases in the original angular momentum distribution within the halo. As a consequence of this, the estimates of black hole masses and their distribution given by \\citet{koushiappas04} artificially depend on the initial angular momentum distribution and also on the assumed viscosity law. On the other hand, we have also clearly shown that, as long as viscosity is driven by gravitational instabilities, the black hole mass distribution is independent of viscosity. In the present paper, for illustrative purposes, we have taken the simplifying assumption that these primordial discs live in the potential well of a simple isothermal sphere, with a given circular velocity $V_{\\rm h}$. For a more realistic density profile, the NFW profile \\citep{nfw}, in its innermost parts, the disc mass might dominate the potential well and become radially unstable, giving rise to bar-like instabilities. This, however, will leave our results and conclusions unaffected. Firstly, the instability criterion for such global instabilities \\citep{christo95} is rather similar to our adopted criterion based on $Q$, and marginal stability is found to occur for equivalent values of $Q_{\\rm c}\\approx 2-3$, as adopted here. Secondly, since the disc mass is only a small fraction of the halo mass, only the innermost parts of the disc will be subject to bar-like instabilities, at radii much smaller than the typical disc radius $R_{\\rm d}$. The development of such instabilities might in fact enhance the accretion rate in the inner disc, but will not change the estimates of the total accreted mass obtained here. The important and interesting consequence of our model is that black hole masses of $10^9 M_{\\odot}$ powering the luminous SDSS quasars at $z = 6$ can form comfortably within the available time of 1 Gyr in the concordance cosmology from our seed masses of $10^5 M_{\\odot}$ at $z \\sim 10$." }, "0606/astro-ph0606190_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the cosmological effects of a neutrino interaction with cold dark matter. We postulate a neutrino that interacts with a ``neutrino interacting dark matter'' (NIDM) particle with an elastic-scattering cross section that either decreases with temperature as $T^2$ or remains constant with temperature. The neutrino--dark-matter interaction results in a neutrino--dark-matter fluid with pressure, and this pressure results in diffusion-damped oscillations in the matter power spectrum, analogous to the acoustic oscillations in the baryon-photon fluid. We discuss the bounds from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey on the NIDM opacity (ratio of cross section to NIDM-particle mass) and compare with the constraint from observation of neutrinos from supernova 1987A. If only a fraction of the dark matter interacts with neutrinos, then NIDM oscillations may affect current cosmological constraints from measurements of galaxy clustering. We discuss how detection of NIDM oscillations would suggest a particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the dark-matter sector. ", "introduction": "Flat cosmological models with baryons (about $5\\%$ of the total energy content of the universe), cold dark matter (CDM, $25\\%$), cosmological constant (or dark energy, $70\\%$) and an adiabatic, nearly scale-invariant spectrum of density fluctuations explain most cosmological observations. However, we still lack a satisfactory understanding of both dark matter and dark energy, a puzzle for both particle physics and cosmology. The most favored candidates for dark matter are cold, collisionless massive particles, which are non-relativistic for most of the history of the Universe and so can cluster gravitationally during matter domination. Candidates for these dark-matter particles can be found in supersymmetric extensions of the standard electroweak model---namely neutralinos with mass on the order of 100 GeV \\cite{Jungman:1995df}---or in other theories (e.g., the axion, which may arise in the Peccei-Quinn mechanism \\cite{axion}). These cold-dark-matter models account well for cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations on the largest scales as well as measurements of the large-scale distribution of galaxies. However, observations on galactic and sub-galactic scales may conflict with the predictions, from numerical simulations and analytic calculations, of CDM models. Indeed, cold and collisionless dark-matter models seem to predict an excess of small-scale structures \\cite{silk1}, and numerical simulations \\cite{prada} predict far more satellite galaxies in the Milky Way halo than are observed. Several solutions have been proposed to explain these discrepancies, for example, inflationary models with broken scale invariance \\cite{marcandrew}. However, most other explanations invoke modifications to the properties of dark-matter particles. For example, a warm-dark-matter candidate, like a sterile neutrino, has been suggested because it suffers free streaming and suppresses the matter power spectrum on small scales~\\cite{silk2}. A dark-matter particle that results from decay of a short-lived charged particle can also suppress small-scale power \\cite{kris}. Other possibilities include a dark-matter particle that interacts with others particles such as photons \\cite{bom1,xuelei,dipole} or neutrinos \\cite{bom2,stefano} or self-interacting dark matter \\cite{spergel}. For a review of different alternative scenarios to standard collisionless cold dark matter, see Ref.~\\cite{tesina}. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of a neutrino interacting dark matter (NIDM) component. If dark matter and neutrinos interact, there was an epoch in the very early universe in which they were strongly coupled. Dark-matter perturbations that entered the horizon during this period would then be erased because of diffusion damping, and the suppression scale will depend on the dark-matter--neutrino interaction. Even if only a fraction of the dark matter interacts with neutrinos, a pattern of oscillations in the matter power spectrum arises, much like the oscillations in the baryon-photon fluid. In the following, we limit our study of DM-neutrino couplings to effects on cosmological scales in the frequency range smaller than $k < 0.2\\,h$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$---i.e., on scales where linear perturbation theory is viable. We consider flat cosmological models with an adiabatic and nearly scale invariant spectrum $P(k)\\sim k^n$ of density perturbations where $n=0.97$. Unless explicitly stated, the energy content of the Universe corresponds to the standard $\\Lambda$CDM model with baryons contributing as $\\Omega_b=0.05$ and a cold-dark-matter energy density $\\Omega_{dm}=0.25$. We also choose a Hubble parameter $h=0.73$, a standard value $3.04$ for the effective number of (massless) neutrinos \\cite{Mangano:2005cc}, and dark energy in the form of a cosmological constant with equation-of-state parameter $w=-1$. The interaction between dark matter and neutrinos is given in terms of the opacity $Q=\\langle \\sigma_{dm-\\nu}|v| \\rangle /m_{dm}$, the ratio of the thermal averaged dark-matter--neutrino cross section to the mass of the dark-matter particle. The paper is organized as follows. In the next Section, we discuss a class of models of neutrino--dark-matter interaction for both scalar and spinor dark-matter candidates and obtain an estimate for the opacity $Q$. In Section III, we outline the cosmological consequences of a NIDM component, and we compare those predictions with the latest data on galaxy clustering from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In Section IV, we consider astrophysical constraints, particularly those from observation of neutrinos from supernova 1987A. Finally, in the last Section, we report our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have studied the cosmological consequences of a possible coupling between neutrinos and light dark matter with mass in the MeV range. We considered two possible behaviors for the thermally-averaged neutrino-DM elastic-scattering cross section, either decreasing with temperature as $T^2$ or constant. We compared the NIDM scenario with the large-scale galaxy distribution and obtained upper limits on the opacity (ratio of the DM-neutrino cross section to the dark-matter mass) of $Q_2 < 10^{-42}\\, {\\rm cm}^2$~MeV$^{-1}$ and $Q_0 < 10^{-34} {\\rm cm}^2$~MeV$^{-1}$ at the $95 \\%$ C.L. These limits may be relaxed if one consider the possibility that only a fraction of the dark matter is made of NIDM. The main cosmological observable for NIDM consists in diffusion-damped oscillations in the matter power spectrum. Those NIDM oscillations may affect current cosmological constraints on neutrinos masses and dark energy from galaxy clustering. We have stressed that strongly-coupled DM particles would have a non-negligible relic abundance today only if an asymmetry between DM particle and antiparticle is produced at some early stage in the evolution of the Universe, since their density would vanish today because of effective annihilation processes into neutrinos down to temperatures much smaller than the DM mass. Detection of NIDM-induced oscillations in the LSS power spectrum would be a hint for such a non-standard scenario." }, "0606/astro-ph0606645_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Hostile tidal forces may inhibit the formation of Jovian planets in binaries with semimajor axes of $\\la$$50\\au$, binaries that might be called ``close'' in this context. As an alternative to in situ planet formation, a binary can acquire a giant planet when one of its original members is replaced in a dynamical interaction with another star that hosts a planet. Simple scaling relations for the structure and evolution of star clusters, coupled with analytic arguments regarding binary-single and binary-binary scattering, indicate that dynamical processes can deposit Jovian planets in $<$1\\% of close binaries. If ongoing and future exoplanet surveys measure a much larger fraction, it may be that giant planets do somehow form frequently in such systems. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Surveys using the Doppler technique have identified over 150 extrasolar planets in the last decade. The available data reveal important clues to the formation of giant planets around {\\em single} stars \\citep[e.g.,][]{Marcy2005}. Comparatively little is known about the population of {\\em binary} star systems that harbor planets. Past planet searches have largely excluded known binaries with angular separations of $\\la$$1\\arcsec$, where blending of the two stellar spectra decreases the sensitivity to small velocity shifts. Roughly 30 planets have been detected around stars in binaries \\citep{Raghavan2006}. Most of these binaries are very wide, although several have separations of $\\la$20\\,AU, small enough to challenge standard ideas on Jovian planet formation. Many more of these compact systems must be found before we can draw robust conclusions. In an ongoing targeted search for planets in close, double-lined, spectroscopic binaries, \\citet{Konacki2005} discovered a ``hot Jupiter'' orbiting the outlying member of the hierarchical triple star HD 188753. The inner binary is sufficiently compact that its influence on the third star is essentially that of a point mass. What is intriguing about this system is that a disk around the planetary host star would be tidally truncated at a radius of only $\\simeq$1\\,AU, perhaps leaving insufficient material to produce a Jovian-mass planet \\citep[][]{Jang-Condell2005}. Broader questions of how a binary companion impacts planet formation have been explored in the literature. If a protoplanetary disk is tidally truncated at $\\la$10\\,AU, stirring by the tidal field may prevent the growth of icy grains and planetesimals, as well as stabilize the disk against fragmentation \\citep[][]{Nelson2000,Thebault2004,Thebault2006}. In this case, neither the core-accretion scenario \\citep[e.g.,][]{Lissauer1993} nor gravitational instability \\citep[e.g.,][]{Boss2000} are accessible modes of giant planet formation. However, the tidal field might also trigger fragmentation of a marginally stable disk \\citep{Boss2006}. Whether or not giant planet formation is inhibited in close binaries remains an open problem. These uncertainties are circumvented if one member of a close binary is divorced from its original companion and acquires a new partner star with a planet in tow. An example of such an event is an exchange interaction between a binary and a single star in a cluster environment. \\citet{Pfahl2005} and \\citet{PortegiesZwart2005} proposed a form of this idea as a solution to the puzzle of HD~188753. Here we present a more general account of dynamical processes that deposit giant planets in binaries hostile to planet formation. We focus exclusively on encounters that mix a binary and a single star or two binaries. Higher order multiples are neglected here, but deserve further attention in light of HD~188753. We define ``close binary'' in \\S~\\ref{sec:closebin}. An overview of binary scattering dynamics is given in \\S~ \\ref{sec:scatter}. Various aspects of star clusters are summarized in \\S~\\ref{sec:clusstat}. Ingredients from \\S\\S~\\ref{sec:scatter} and \\ref{sec:clusstat} are combined in \\S~\\ref{sec:binplanfrac} to estimate the frequency of giant planets in close binaries. In \\S~\\ref{sec:observations}, our results are discussed in the context of current exoplanet surveys. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/quant-ph0606117_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on a study of complementarity in a two-terminal $closed$-$loop$ Aharonov-Bohm interferometer. In this interferometer, the simple picture of two-path interference cannot be applied. We introduce a nearby quantum point contact to detect the electron in a quantum dot inserted in the interferometer. We found that charge detection reduces but does not completely suppress the interference even in the limit of perfect detection. We attribute this phenomenon to the unique nature of the closed-loop interferometer. That is, the closed-loop interferometer cannot be simply regarded as a two-path interferometer because of multiple reflections of electrons. As a result, there exist indistinguishable paths of the electron in the interferometer and the interference survives even in the limit of perfect charge detection. This implies that charge detection is not equivalent to path detection in a closed-loop interferometer. We also discuss the phase rigidity of the transmission probability for a two-terminal conductor in the presence of a detector. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/gr-qc0606091_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We examine the transition of a particle across the singularity of the compactified Milne (CM) space. Quantization of the phase space of a particle and testing the quantum stability of its dynamics are consistent to one another. One type of transition of a quantum particle is described by a quantum state that is continuous at the singularity. It indicates the existence of a deterministic link between the propagation of a particle before and after crossing the singularity. Regularization of the CM space leads to the dynamics similar to the dynamics in the de Sitter space. The CM space is a promising model to describe the cosmological singularity deserving further investigation by making use of strings and membranes. ", "introduction": "Presently available cosmological data indicate that known forms of energy and matter comprise only $4\\%$ of the makeup of the Universe. The remaining $96\\%$ is unknown, called `dark', but its existence is needed to explain the evolution of the Universe \\cite{Spergel:2003cb,Bahcall:1999xn}. The dark matter, DM, contributes $22\\%$ of the mean density. It is introduced to explain the observed dynamics of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The dark energy, DE, comprises $74\\%$ of the density and is responsible for the observed accelerating expansion. These data mean that we know almost nothing about the dominant components of the Universe! Understanding the nature and the abundance of the DE and DM within the standard model of cosmology has difficulties \\cite{NGT,GDS}. These difficulties have led many physicists to seek anthropic explanations which, unfortunately, have little predictive power. An alternative model has been proposed by Steinhardt and Turok (ST) \\cite{Steinhardt:2001vw,Steinhardt:2001st,Steinhardt:2004gk}. It is based on the idea of a cyclic evolution, CE, of the Universe. The ST model has been inspired by string/M theories \\cite{Khoury:2001bz}. In its simplest version it assumes that the spacetime can be modelled by the higher dimensional compactified Milne, CM, space. The attraction of the ST model is that it potentially provides a complete scenario of the evolution of the universe, one in which the DE and DM play a key role in both the past and the future. The ST model \\textit{requires} DE for its consistency, whereas in the standard model, DE is introduced in a totally \\textit{ad hoc} manner. Demerits of the ST model are extensively discussed in \\cite{Linde:2002ws}. Response to the criticisms of \\cite{Linde:2002ws} can be found in \\cite{NGT}. The mathematical structure and self-consistency of the ST model has yet not been fully tested and understood. Such task presents a serious mathematical challenge. It is the subject of our research programme. The CE model has in each of its cycles a quantum phase including the cosmological singularity, CS. The CS plays key role because it joins each two consecutive classical phases. Understanding the nature of the CS has primary importance for the CE model. Each CS consists of contraction and expansion phases. A physically correct model of the CS, within the framework of string/M theory, should be able to describe propagation of a p-brane, i.e. an elementary object like a particle, string and membrane, from the pre-singularity to post-singularity epoch. This is the most elementary, and fundamental, criterion that should be satisfied. It presents a new criterion for testing the CE model. Hitherto, most research has focussed on the evolution of scalar perturbations through the CS. Successful quantization of the dynamics of p-brane will mean that the CM space is a promising candidate to model the evolution of the Universe at the cosmological singularity. Thus, it could be further used in advanced numerical calculations to explain the data of observational cosmology. Failure in quantization may mean that the CS should be modelled by a spacetime more sophisticated than the CM space. Preliminary insight into the problem has already been achieved by studying classical and quantum dynamics of a test particle in the two-dimensional CM space \\cite{Malkiewicz:2005ii}. The present paper is a continuation of \\cite{Malkiewicz:2005ii} and it addresses the two issues: the Cauchy problem at the CS and the stability problem in the propagation of a particle across the CS. Both issues concern the nature of the CS. In Sec. II we define and make comparison of the two models of the universe: the CM space and the regularized CM space. The classical dynamics of a particle in both spaces is presented in Sec. III. The quantization of the phase space of a particle is carried out in Sec. IV. In Sec. V we examine the stability problem of particle's dynamics both at classical and quantum levels. We summarize our results, conclude and suggest next steps in Sec. VI. ", "conclusions": "The Cauchy problem at the cosmological singularity of the geodesic equations may be `resolved' by the regularization, which replaces the double conical vertex of the CM space by a space with the vertex of the big-bounce type, i.e. with non-vanishing space dimension at the singularity. We have presented a specific example of such regularization of the CM space. Both classical and quantum dynamics of a particle in the regularized CM space are deterministic and stable. We have examined these aspects of the dynamics at the phase space and Hamiltonian levels. The classical and quantum dynamics of a particle in the regularized CM space is similar to the dynamics in the de Sitter space \\cite{WP,Piechocki:2003hh}. We are conscious that our regularization of the singularity is rather {\\it ad hoc}. Our arguing (presented at the beginning of Sec. IIB) that taking into account the interaction of a physical particle with the singularity may lead effectively to changing of the latter into a big-bounce type singularity should be replaced by analyzes. However, examination of this problem is beyond the scope of the present paper, but will be considered elsewhere. The classical dynamics in the CM space is unstable (apart from the one class of geodesics). However, the quantum dynamics is well defined. The Cauchy problem of the geodesics is not an obstacle to the quantization. The examination of the quantum stability has revealed surprising result that in one case a quantum particle propagates deterministically in the sense that it can be described by a quantum state that is continuous at the singularity. This case is very interesting as it says that there can exist deterministic link between the data of the pre-singularity and post-singularity epochs. All other states have discontinuity at the singularity of the CM space, but they can be used successfully to construct a Hilbert space. This way we have proved the stability of the dynamics of a {\\it quantum} particle. At the quantum level the stability condition requiring the boundedness from below of the Hamiltonian operator means the imposition of the first-class constraint onto the space of quantum states to get the space of {\\it physical} quantum states. The resulting equation depends on all spacetime coordinates. In the pre-singularity and post-singularity epochs the CM space is locally isometric to the Minkowski space \\cite{Malkiewicz:2005ii}. Owing to this isometry, the stability condition is in fact the Klein-Gordon, KG, equation. The space of solutions to the KG equation in these two epochs and the corresponding Hilbert space are fortunately non-trivial ones, otherwise our quantum theory of a particle would be empty. Quantization of the phase space carried out in Sec. IV (and in our previous paper \\cite{Malkiewicz:2005ii}), corresponds to some extent to the method of quantization in which one first solves constraints at the classical level and then quantize the resulting theory. Quantization that we call here examination of the stability at the quantum level, is effectively the method in which we impose the constraint, but at the quantum level. The results we have obtained within both methods of quantization are consistent. It means that the quantum theory of a particle in the compactified Milne space does exist. The CM space seems to model the cosmological singularity in a satisfactory way\\footnote{Our result should be further confirmed by the examination of the dynamics of a particle in a higher dimensional CM space.}. It turns out that the time-like geodesics of our CM space may have interpretation in terms of cosmological solutions of some sophisticated higher dimensional field theories \\cite{Russo:2004am,Bergshoeff:2005cp,Bergshoeff:2005bt}. We have already discussed some aspects of this connection in our previous paper (see Sec. 5 of \\cite{Malkiewicz:2005ii}). Presently, we can say that in one case (see Sec. 4 of \\cite{Russo:2004am} and Sec. V.B.1 of this paper) this analogy extends to the quantum level: transition of a particle through the cosmological singularity in both models is mathematically well defined. In both cases the operator constraint is used to select quantum physical states. Elaboration of this analogy needs an extension of our results to the Misner space (that consists of the Milne and Rindler spaces) because it is the spacetime used in \\cite{Russo:2004am}. Another subtlety is connected with the fact that we carry out analysis in the compactified space, whereas the authors of \\cite{Russo:2004am} use the covering space. There exists another model to describe the evolution of the universe based on string/M theory. It is called the pre-big-bang model \\cite{Gasperini:2002bn}. However, the ST model is more self-consistent and complete. Other sophisticated model called loop quantum cosmology, LQC, is based on non-perturbative formulation of quantum gravity called the loop quantum gravity, LQG \\cite{TT,CR}. It is claimed that the CS is resolved in this approach \\cite{Bojowald:2006da}. However, this issue seems to be still open due to the assumptions made in the process of truncating the infinite number degrees of freedom of the LQG to the finite number used in the LQC \\cite{Brunnemann:2005in,Brunnemann:2005ip}. This model has also problems in obtaining an unique semi-classical approximations \\cite{Nicolai:2005mc}, which are required to link the quantum phase with the nearby classical phase in the evolution of the Universe. For response to \\cite{Nicolai:2005mc} we recommend \\cite{Thiemann:2006cf}. Quantization of dynamics of {\\it extended} objects in the CM space is our next step. There exist promising results on propagation of a string and membrane \\cite{Turok:2004gb,Niz:2006ef}. However, these results concern extended objects in the low energy states called the zero-mode states and quantum evolution is approximated by a semi-classical model. Recently, we have quantized the dynamics of a string in the CM space rigorously \\cite{Malkiewicz:2006bw}, but our results concern only the zero-mode state of a string. For drawing firm conclusions about the physics of the problem, one should also examine the non-zero modes. Work is in progress." }, "0606/astro-ph0606703_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "In recent years the exploration of the universe has provided detailed information about the distance-redshift relationship of many sources at very small redshifts as well as at redshifts of order unity. These observations, {\\it if} interpreted within the framework of a homogeneous Friedmann-Lema\\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric indicate that the universe is presently undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion \\cite{review}. Such an accelerated expansion is most commonly interpreted as evidence for the presence of a negative pressure component (``Dark Energy'') in the mass-energy density of the universe. This has given rise to the so-called ``concordance'' flat $\\Lambda CDM$ model, where dark energy constitutes $70\\%$ of the present energy budget in the form of a cosmological constant along with $30\\%$ of matter. A second fact lending credence to the $\\Lambda CDM$ model is the observation that CMB excludes, with high precision, the presence of spatial curvature. Applying this to the late time universe in an FLRW model leads to a mismatch between the observed matter density and the FLRW critical density. This mismatch can also be cured by the presence of a Dark Energy component. However, from the point of view of fundamental physics the presence of such a tiny cosmological constant is almost absurd: first, the scale is extremely low compared to any possible fundamental scale, and second it is tuned in such a way that it shows up just at $z\\simeq 1$, where we live. This is so baffling\\footnote{There have been some ideas/efforts to address these issues. For instance, see string-gas inspired coupled quintessence models \\cite{string} by one of the authors. However, it is fair to say that there is not yet a completely satisfactory way of solving both the ``smallness'' and the ``coincidence'' problems.} that before concluding that we are indeed facing this huge puzzle, it is worth making efforts to explore if the correct equations are being used to fit the data. The homogeneous FLRW metric certainly offers the simplest paradigm to interpret cosmological observations. Indeed, the FLRW model is a very good approximation in the Early Universe as probed by the homogeneity of the CMB (density contrasts in photons and dark matter are of the order $10^{-5}$ and $10^{-3}$ respectively). However at low redshifts, the density contrast in matter grows up to values of ${\\cal O}(1)$ and beyond: small scales become nonlinear first, and then more and more scales enter this regime. Today, scales of order of $60/h \\, {\\rm Mpc}$ (which is $2\\%$ of the size of the horizon) have an average density contrast of order 1. Structures observed with density contrast larger than $0.1$ (so, already in a mildly nonlinear regime) extend to few hundreds of Mpc (around $10\\%$ of the size of the horizon). It is thus not clear or obvious that one can keep using FLRW metric to interpret the large amount of high precision experimental data collected in recent times in a regime where most of the mass in the Universe is clumped into structures or it is forming structures. Three are three main physical effects that we could be missing while using the FLRW model: \\begin{description} \\item[I.\\ \\ ] The ``overall'' dynamics of a Universe with these inhomogeneities could be significantly different from the FLRW dynamics. \\item[II.\\ ] Even if the dynamics is approximatively the same, one has to wonder about the light propagation in a clumpy Universe: since all our conclusions about the dynamics are based on observations of light, this is of crucial importance. \\item[III.] The fact that we have just one observer could influence significantly the observations: we could live in an especially underdense or overdense region, which may induce large corrections on the observations. \\end{description} In recent times there has been an on-going debate as to whether some of these effects may be large enough to give rise to an ``apparent acceleration'' leading us to believe in dark energy when there is none. The aim of this paper is to construct an {\\it exact model of non-linear structure formation} where we can systematically study these effects. We wanted a model where one can study (possibly also {\\it analytically}) the effects that inhomogeneities can cause on quantities like the {\\it redshift} and the {\\it angular distance}, thereby hopefully providing us with valuable insights to resolve the issue. The full problem of solving Einstein equations and light propagation for a realistic mass distribution is beyond present human possibilities, so some simplification is needed. Our simplification is to assume spherical symmetry and in particular our model is based on Lema\\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metrics which are exact spherically symmetric solutions of general relativity with only dust. This approach has the obvious advantage of being exact: it does not use perturbation theory (as most of previous literature did to address {\\bf I}), it allows to study light propagation without any FLRW assumptions (as opposed to literature addressing point {\\bf II}), studying the corrections on the distance and also on the redshift of light (which has been ignored by most previous literature). The challenge however, is to make these kind of models as realistic as possible, or at least be able to extrapolate from them the information that is relevant for our Universe. So far such models have been used mostly to understand what happens to observations if we are living in a special position, a void for example~\\cite{celerier,pm84,kl92,Tomita00,Tomita01,wiltshire05,moffat,alnes,abtt06,m05,ps06}, and therefore can at best be thought of as describing the local universe. It is interesting to go beyond this approach. Firstly, we may be missing some important effects (such as light propagating through several structures) by looking just at the local universe. Secondly, although these models show interesting effects capable of mimicking dark energy, it is not clear how realistic are these setups~\\cite{bolejko,garfinkle} (also, some of these results have been questioned by~\\cite{Flanagan}). On the other hand, we note that a different approach (aimed at solving question {\\bf I}), based on back reaction of inhomogeneities on the overall dynamics of the Universe, suggests a much smaller correction at the first nontrivial order~\\cite{Huiseljak,rasanen,KMNR,frysiegel}, although even in this framework some authors have argued in favour of a much larger effect~\\cite{rasanen,Notari,KMR}. Thus it is imperative that we understand the origin of the large effects and in the process hopefully also bridge the gap between the perturbative back-reaction effects and the exact toy model approach. It is clear that to address these issues we have to go beyond a ``local'' or a ``perturbative'' description. Thus, although we work with the simplifying assumption of spherical symmetry, we try to make our model realistic in the following sense. The universe looks like an onion (and we frequently refer to it as the ``Onion model''): there is a homogeneous background density and on top of it density fluctuations as a function of the radial coordinate. Our model preserves large-scale homogeneity and the shells are also distributed in a homogeneous way, making the picture a lot closer to the real world. One may wonder, nonetheless, that the centre is still a special point. In fact, we find that the centre has some special properties. For instance typically, the curvature tends to become large at the centre. In this case if we find significant corrections to, say, the redshift-luminosity distance relation near the centre, it is hard to distinguish whether the correction originates from the non-linear structure formation, or the ``excess curvature''. This therefore can jeopardise what we are trying to avoid, that of violating the cosmological principle. We deal with this problem by considering an observer who sits in a generic position and looks at sources in the radial direction, along which we have periodic inhomogeneities. To our knowledge, the luminosity-redshift relation in LTB models has always been analyzed putting the observer at the centre of the coordinates\\footnote{Except for an analysis at small $z$ in \\cite{humphreys}.}. For the first time we derive an exact expression for the luminosity distance of an object as seen by an off-centre observer\\footnote{In this respect we note that~\\cite{Flanagan} has shown that locally around the centre in the LTB model the deceleration parameter cannot be negative. However, this result is only local and so the universe may accelerate slightly far away from the observer.}. At early times (at last scattering for example) we assume the density fluctuations to have an amplitude of the order of the fluctuations observed in the CMB. Then we are able to follow exactly the evolution of density fluctuations. At redshifts of $z \\gtrsim {\\cal O}(10)$ the density contrast grows exactly as in a perturbed FLRW. Then, when the density contrast becomes of ${\\cal O}(1)$ nonlinear clustering appears. So at low redshift the density does what is expected: overdense regions start contracting and they become thin shells (mimicking structures), while underdense regions become larger (mimicking voids) and eventually they occupy most of the volume. One can see this completely analytically upto high density contrasts (we have checked that the analytical solution is good even with $\\de \\rho/\\rho\\sim {\\cal O}(100)$), which already makes it an interesting model for the theory of structure formation. However, the really nice feature of the Onion model is that one can even calculate how the redshift and the various distances get corrected when we are in this non-linear regime. In this model we can solve for the radial geodesics, therefore determining exactly what happens to the redshift of light. We place the observer in a generic location and measure the redshift as a function of the source coordinate. Then we trace a beam of light that starts from the source with some initial angle, and in particular we are able to compute the area seen by the observer. This provides us with the angular distance ($D_A$) or equivalently the luminosity distance ($D_L$) for a generic source. In this way we provide the $D_L-z$ relationship (or the $D_A-z$ relationship) exactly. Thus we are able to study the three possible effects ({\\bf I},{\\bf II}, and {\\bf III}) both numerically and analytically. We now discuss our findings briefly. The first issue ({\\bf I}) of whether there is an overall effect in expansion due to inhomogeneities has been investigated only recently. Buchert~\\cite{buchert} has defined an average volume expansion and has developed a formalism to take into account of the backreaction of the inhomogeneities, although the problem of computing the size and the effect of the corrections is left unanswered. Rasanen~\\cite{rasanen} has tried to estimate the effect of inhomogeneities (extending the formalism developed in~\\cite{brand}, albeit in a different context) using perturbation theory, finding an effect of order $10^{-5}$ (in agreement with~\\cite{Huiseljak}) and speculating about nonlinear effects. A complete second order calculation has been done in~\\cite{KMNR}, and in a subsequent work one of us has shown~\\cite{Notari} that the perturbative series is likely to diverge at small $z$ due to the fact that all the perturbative corrections become of the same size (each one is $10^{-5}$), and one may hope that these corrections give rise to acceleration (which it is shown to be in principle possible~\\cite{nambu,Notari}). The fact that this may lead to acceleration has been explored in subsequent papers~\\cite{KMR} and criticized in others (\\cite{frysiegel} for example have argued the effect to be too small). Unfortunately a perturbative approach seem inadequate to answer this question as the phenomenon is intrinsically nonlinear. On the other hand, since our model is an exact solution of Einstein equations, we can expect to get faithful results. Based on our analysis we do not find any significant overall effect\\footnote{In agreement with the similar findings of~\\cite{bolejko,Sugiura}}. Quantities, such as the matter density, on an average, still behave as in the homogeneous Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) universe (\\ie a matter dominated flat Universe). We remind the reader that if the universe starts to accelerate the matter density should dilute faster than EdS models. The second issue ({\\bf II}) has been investigated in the past already in the '60s. The main point here is that the light that travels to us in a realistic Universe is not redshifted in the same way as in a FLRW metric, nor the angles and luminosities evolve in the same manner: it is more likely that a photon travels through almost empty space rather than meeting structures which are clumped in small sizes. However, typically work in the past has focused on what happens to the angles (or equivalently on luminosities), almost ignoring the problem of the redshift. Early pioneering work on this subject was due to Zeldovich~\\cite{zeldovichL} that estimated the effect on the angular distance ($D_A$) on light travelling through an empty cone embedded in an FLRW metric. A similar treatment based on~\\cite{dyerroeder} has been used recently to analyze data by the Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration (see~\\cite{Perlmutter}, fig.8). While giving a quite relevant correction (for large matter fraction $\\Omega_m$), the effect does not allow to get rid of the cosmological constant. Therefore the collaboration~\\cite{Perlmutter} estimates to have control on the inhomogeneities. However such calculations are incomplete: the dynamics is completely ignored, and more importantly the redshift experienced by a light ray is assumed to be the usual FLRW result. Instead in the Onion model we could keep track of the corrections to both the redshift and the luminosity distance and in fact we found both of them to be significant, once the inhomogeneities become large. We found that the correction in the redshift with respect to a homogeneous model is of the same order, and even larger, than the correction in luminosity distance. Qualitatively one can understand where such corrections come from: in the underdense regions the expansion is faster and the photons suffer a larger redshift than it would in the corresponding EdS model, while in the overdensities the expansion is balanced by the gravitational collapse and the photons experience milder redshift (or even a blue shift!). Here comes however one of the shortcomings of the Onion model: a radial light ray in the Onion model unavoidably meets underdense and overdense structures and they tend to average out the corrections. In the real Universe, instead, where the light hardly encounters any structure, one does not expect such cancellations to occur. Nonetheless, based on these considerations, we can try to go beyond the Onion model: since the photon in the real world is mostly passing through voids it gets redshifted faster as the non-linearities increase with time, thereby potentially producing the effect of apparent acceleration. In this paper we only present an estimate of such an effect leaving a more detailed study for future work. Next we come to the third issue ({\\bf III}) of whether the position of the observer can have any important consequences. In general, in our analysis, we found that the corrections to redshift or luminosity distance is controlled by two quantities (in fact it is the product of the two): the amplitude of density fluctuations, $\\de\\rho/\\rho$ and the ratio $L/r_{\\mt{hor}}$, where $L$ is the wavelength of density fluctuations and $r_{\\mt{hor}}$ is the horizon distance. As we mentioned earlier, the length scale at which the density fluctuations become non-linear, \\ie $\\de\\rho/\\rho\\sim {\\cal O}(1)$, the latter ratio is only around a few percent. Therefore naively one may expect these corrections to be too small to be relevant for supernova cosmology (as argued in several literature). However the issue is more subtle: near the observer when the redshift and distances are themselves small these corrections become significant as they do not proportionately decrease. Instead of the ratio $L/r_{\\mt{hor}}$, the relative correction is now governed by the ratio $L/\\de r$, where $\\de r$ is just the distance between the source and the observer. Thus in the first few oscillations, especially the first one, when $\\de r\\sim L$ we obtain significant corrections. In our analysis we find that, if we want to explain the Hubble diagram solely by the effect coming from the first oscillation, then the location of the observer is of crucial importance\\footnote{This situation can change drastically if we are also able to account for the second effect, that of light mostly propagating through voids.}. Basically, what one needs to explain is the mismatch in the measurement of the local Hubble parameter (between redshifts $0.0310^{32}$ ergs s$^{-1}$, the largest number yet seen in any globular cluster. In addition to the quiescent low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB, identified by Wijnands et al.), another 12 relatively soft sources may be quiescent LMXBs. We compare the X-ray colors of the harder sources in Terzan 5 to the Galactic Center sources studied by Muno and collaborators, and find the Galactic Center sources to have harder X-ray colors, indicating a possible difference in the populations. We cannot clearly identify a metallicity dependence in the production of low-luminosity X-ray binaries in Galactic globular clusters, but a metallicity dependence of the form suggested by Jord\\'{a}n et al. for extragalactic LMXBs is consistent with our data. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} Globular clusters are highly efficient at producing X-ray binaries through dynamical interactions \\citep{Ivanova04}. For luminous low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs; for the purposes of this paper, all discussion of LMXBs refers to those containing accreting neutron stars), this has been known for many years, as their production rate per unit mass is $>100$ times that of the rest of the Galaxy \\citep{Clark75}. Only in the past few years has it been possible to study the populations of faint X-ray sources in the densest globular clusters in depth, due to the high spatial resolution of the \\Chandra\\ {\\it X-ray Observatory} and optical identifications by the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} \\citep[see][ for a review]{Verbunt04}. These low-luminosity X-ray sources include quiescent LMXBs (qLMXBs), identified by their previous outbursts or soft blackbody-like X-ray spectra \\citep{intZand01,Rutledge02a}, cataclysmic variables (CVs) generally identified by their blue, variable optical counterparts \\citep{Cool95}, chromospherically active main-sequence binaries (ABs) identified by their main- (or binary-) sequence, variable optical counterparts \\citep{Edmonds03a}, and millisecond pulsars (MSPs) identified by their spatial coincidence with radio timing positions \\citep{Grindlay01a}. These lower-luminosity X-ray sources are also produced through dynamical interactions, as demonstrated by the correlation between the number of X-ray sources in a cluster and its ``collision number'' \\citep{Pooley03}, a measure of the cluster's stellar interaction rate. One of the clusters with the highest collision numbers is Terzan 5, a dense cluster located 8.7 kpc away, near the Galactic center \\citep{Cohn02,Heinke03b}. This cluster hosts a transiently luminous LMXB, EXO 1745-248, first detected through X-ray bursts in 1980 \\citep{Makishima81} and irregularly active since then \\citep{Wijnands05a}. Terzan 5 also hosts at least 30 MSPs, including the fastest known \\citep{Ransom05, Hessels06}, the largest number yet discovered in any globular cluster. Terzan 5 also has a high metallicity of [Fe/H]=-0.21 \\citep{Origlia04}. The incidence of bright LMXBs in globular clusters has been clearly associated with increasing metallicity, but to date the effects of metallicity on faint X-ray binaries in globular clusters have not been studied. \\citet{Grindlay87} identified an apparent trend for LMXBs to be more common in metal-rich globular clusters in the Milky Way, confirmed for the Milky Way and M31 by \\citet{Bellazzini95}. \\citet{Kundu02} demonstrated that metal-rich clusters are 3 times more likely than metal-poor clusters to possess LMXBs in the elliptical NGC 4472. This result has been confirmed for various early-type galaxies by \\citet{Maccarone03, Kundu03, Sarazin03} and \\citet{Jordan04}, the last offering a scaling for the likelihood of a cluster in M87 hosting an LMXB of $(Z/Z_{\\odot})^{0.33\\pm0.1}$. Suggested explanations for this effect are a dependence of the cluster initial mass function on the metallicity \\citep{Grindlay87}, a change in the rate of tidal captures \\citep{Bellazzini95}, a change in the strength of stellar winds \\citep{Maccarone04a}, and a change in magnetic braking rates due to differences in convective zone depths \\citep{Ivanova06}. Terzan 5 has been observed by \\Chandra\\ in 2000 (two closely spaced observations) and 2002. The 2000 observations caught EXO 1745-248 during a bright outburst \\citep{Heinke03b}. The high resolution of \\Chandra\\ allowed the detection of nine additional low-luminosity sources within the cluster, and some useful spectral information of the transient was recovered from the readout streak. In the 2002 observation, EXO 1745-248 was observed at a typical X-ray luminosity for a qLMXB ($L_X=2\\times10^{33}$ ergs s$^{-1}$), but with an unusually hard X-ray spectrum \\citep{Wijnands05a}. \\citet{Wijnands05a} also detected a large number of faint X-ray sources in Terzan 5, which are the focus of this paper. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:concl} Terzan 5 contains 28 X-ray sources above $L_X=10^{32}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ (0.5-2.5 keV), the richest population of X-ray sources so far observed in a globular cluster in this $L_X$ range. Twelve sources show soft X-ray colors suggesting a qLMXB nature. However, these sources are not generally well-fit by a simple hydrogen-atmosphere model, indicating that if these sources are qLMXBs, they have a substantial flux from harder nonthermal spectral components \\citep[as seen in non-cluster systems, e.g. ][]{Rutledge01a}. Several faint X-ray sources have demonstrated substantial variability, up to a factor of five, between the 2000 and 2003 \\Chandra\\ observations. We constructed an X-ray color-color diagram for the sources in Terzan 5, for comparison with X-ray sources of similar luminosity at the Galactic center. We find that the X-ray colors of the Galactic center sources are substantially harder than the relatively hard X-ray sources in Terzan 5, including controlling for the differences in photoelectric absorption. This suggests an intrinsic difference between the sources in Terzan 5 and the Galactic center. Our study of the distribution of X-ray sources among globular clusters finds that likely qLMXBs, and hard X-ray sources with $L_X>10^{32}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ (which may be dominated by bright CVs) show consistency with the parametrizations by density, core radius, and metallicity of \\citet{Verbunt87} and \\citet{Jordan04}. However, the hard X-ray sources with $10^{31}10^{19}$\\, eV) are characterized by large systematic errors and poor statistics. In addition, the experimental results of the two experiments with the largest published data sets, AGASA and HiRes, appear to be inconsistent with each other, with AGASA seeing an unabated continuation of the energy spectrum even at energies beyond the GZK cutoff energy at $10^{19.6}$\\,eV. Given the importance of the related astrophysical questions regarding the unknown origin of these highly energetic particles, it is crucial that the extent to which these measurements disagree be well understood. Here we evaluate the consistency of the two measurements for the first time with a model-independent method that accounts for the large statistical and systematic errors of current measurements. We further compare the AGASA and HiRes spectra with the recently presented Auger spectrum. The method directly compares two measurements, bypassing the introduction of theoretical models for the shape of the energy spectrum. The inconsistency between the observations is expressed in terms of a Bayes Factor, a standard statistic defined as the ratio of a separate parent source hypothesis to a single parent source hypothesis. Application to the data shows that the two-parent hypothesis is disfavored. We expand the method to allow comparisons between an experimental flux and that predicted by any model. ", "introduction": "By measuring the energy spectrum of cosmic rays above $10^{19}$\\,eV we hope to shed some light on the yet unknown sites and acceleration mechanisms that can produce a particle of such energies. These measurements are intrinsically difficult, as the cosmic ray flux at ultra-high energies is low and we rely on earthbound detectors which cannot directly detect the primary particle. Rather, its properties are reconstructed by measuring the secondary particles of the extensive air shower produced when the primary enters Earth's atmosphere. Low statistics and large systematic errors in the energy determination are typical for these measurements, which should consequently be treated with care. The existing measurements of the energy spectrum above $10^{19}$\\,eV have received much attention. A longstanding hypothesis predicts that the flux of the highest energy cosmic rays should be suppressed above $10^{19.6}$\\,eV as cosmic rays from distant sources will interact with the cosmic microwave background via photopion production until their energy drops below this threshold energy \\cite{greisen,zatsepin}. This so-called GZK suppression is in itself not a controversial prediction, but it has not been detected unambiguously, and several cosmic rays with substantially higher energies have been observed with various detectors over the years. The most recent results disfavoring the GZK hypothesis come from the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA) collaboration, whose published energy spectrum shows no indication of a high-energy suppression \\cite{sasaki,agasa}. In contrast, the monocular-mode energy spectra measured by the High Resolution Fly's Eye detectors (HiRes 1 and HiRes 2) support the existence of a GZK feature \\cite{hiresI,hiresII}. The current world data set is still small. The AGASA claim that the GZK supression is not observed is based on only 11 events above $10^{20}$\\,eV. In the near future, the Pierre Auger Observatory, currently under construction in Malargue, Argentina, will dramatically increase the world data set. The Auger collaboration has published a first energy spectrum based on 1.5 years of data taken during construction \\cite{auger1}. A second problem is that although typically not shown in plots of the energy spectrum, the errors on the energy determination are also large: 30\\,\\% at $3\\times 10^{19}$\\,eV and 25\\,\\% above $10^{20}$\\,eV in AGASA \\cite{agasa}, 30\\,\\% in HiRes \\cite{hiresI,hiresII} and 50\\,\\% in Auger \\cite{auger1}. Furthermore, a correct evaluation of the systematic errors is difficult. It should for example be noted that the systematic uncertainty for the AGASA energy scale includes a 10\\,\\% systematic uncertainty due to the hadronic model. This uncertainty is calculated by comparing different hadronic event generators and defining the systematic uncertainty by their difference. This may not be a reliable estimate of this uncertainty, which could potentially be much larger and is, in any case, unknown at this point. Since the AGASA and HiRes experiments use radically different techniques to determine the primary energy -- AGASA is a ground array and HiRes an air fluorescence detector -- the errors have fundamentally different sources. \\footnote{It should be noted that the published Auger spectrum has an energy scale that is calibrated with its fluorescence detector. If simulations are used to determine the shower energies from surface detector data alone, the energies are systematically higher by at least 25% \\cite{auger1}.} The large statistical and systematic errors quoted by the experiments raise the question how much significance should be attached to the discrepancy between the HiRes and AGASA spectra. Several authors have addressed this question. In \\cite{demarco1,demarco2}, the experimental results are compared individually to model predictions of the shape of the energy spectrum at GZK energies. Such an analysis requires assumptions on the nature of the cosmic ray sources, as the shape of the GZK suppression will of course depend on the source distribution. Before one asks if any of the current measurements can be used as evidence for or against a specific model for the origin of cosmic rays, one needs to answer the question of whether or not the two experiments actually disagree at all, given their uncertainties. This requires a method to compare the two spectra that is both model-independent and considers the uncertainties quoted by the experiments by accounting for the probability of any systematic shift in energy scale applied to the data. This paper presents a general spectrum comparison technique that for the first time addresses these points. The technique naturally incorporates the Poisson errors in the observed fluxes, and can probabilistically treat systematic errors in the absolute energy scale. The technique is developed in Section 2 and applied to the energy spectra of AGASA \\cite{agasa}, HiRes 1 and HiRes 2 in monocular mode \\cite{hiresI,hiresII} and Auger \\cite{auger2} in Section 3. Section 4 summarizes the results and describes how the method can be expanded for testing all experimental measurements against a theoretical prediction. \\begin{figure}[t] \\includegraphics[width=0.7\\textwidth]{Plot_0.eps} \\caption{\\label{fig:plot_0} The AGASA \\cite{agasa}, Auger \\cite{auger2} and HiRes monocular spectra \\cite{hiresI,hiresII}. } \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} This result is similar to those obtained for the AGASA and HiRes spectra in \\cite{demarco1,demarco2} by a rather different method. Our method directly compares two experimental results rather than comparing each to a theoretical prediction. It also treats systematic errors correctly by weighting possible systematic shifts in the energy distribution by the probability of that shift. This result does not say anything about what the specific (in)consistencies would be of either experiment given a theory. However, our results indicate that there is room for a theory that agrees with each pair of spectra. As the statistical power of the world data improves, the methods discussed here will provide a convenient framework to compare experimental results with one another and with theoretical models. The Auger experiment is currently the only operating ultrahigh energy cosmic ray detector. The Auger data set will increase dramatically over the next years. Figure\\,\\ref{fig:projected} shows the projected value of the $BF$ between Auger and the other experiments as a function of the fraction of the current Auger exposure. The $BF$ is calculated assuming the current spectra, the existing 30\\,\\% energy uncertainties in AGASA and HiRes and the projected 15\\,\\% energy uncertainties in the Auger spectrum. In the limit where the exposure for Auger becomes large, the $BF$ decreases (increasing support for the one-source hypothesis). That is, the statistical and energy scale uncertainties in HiRes and AGASA are so large that, barring a significant change in the Auger spectrum, one will never be able to tell whether or not the Auger and AGASA (HiRes) spectra are derived from different parent distributions provided that we limit our analysis to events above $10^{19.6}$\\,eV. \\begin{figure}[t] \\includegraphics[width=0.7\\textwidth]{projected.eps} \\caption{\\label{fig:projected} The projected $BF$ between the current Auger spectrum and the AGASA and HiRes spectra as a function of the fraction of the current Auger exposure. The calculations assume 30\\,\\% energy uncertainties in AGASA and HiRes and the projected 15\\,\\% energy uncertainties in the Auger spectrum. } \\end{figure} Note, however, that if one fits a model to one of the experimental spectra, our result does not imply consistency of the model with the other experiment. \\footnote{In order to compare a model with both experiments, one must compare the model to both data sets simultaneously. The above method can be modified to provide a statistic analogous to a $\\chi ^2$ probability that could measure the consistency of theory given all experimental results. In this case, Bayes' theorem is used to obtain \\begin{equation} P(\\hat{t}|A,H)=\\frac{P(A,H|\\hat{t})q(\\hat{t})}{\\sum_{All~theories} P(A,H|t)q(t)}. \\end{equation} where, because of the definition of $f$ ($f^\\prime$), each $\\hat{t}_i$ is the total number of events expected in the $i^{th}$ bin for both experiments, and, likewise, each $t_i$ is the number of events expected from any physically meaningful theory. Using the experimental Poisson and Gaussian errors, \\begin{align} P(\\hat{t}|A,H)= \\frac{\\int \\int \\left[ \\prod_{i=1}^{N} \\frac{f_i^{A_i}(1-f_i)^{H_i}\\hat{t}_i^{A_i+H_i}e^{-\\hat{t}_i}}{A_i!H_i!} \\right] N(s_A;0,\\sigma_A)N(s_H;0,\\sigma_H) ds_A ds_H} {\\int \\int \\left[ \\prod_{i=1}^{N} \\frac{1}{A_i+H_i+1} \\right] N(s_A;0,\\sigma_A)N(s_H;0,\\sigma_H) ds_A ds_H} \\notag \\\\ \\end{align} where all theories are effectively marginalized by integrating $t_i$ within the product. To obtain a $\\chi ^2$-like probability, one would calculate $P(\\hat{t}|A,H)$, and then calculate many $P(t^\\prime|A,H)$'s where each $t^\\prime_i$ is the Poisson fluctuated $\\hat{t}_i$. The fraction of events where $P(t^\\prime_i|A,H)=15$\\,\\% and $\\sigma_{\\chi}=6^{\\circ}$, was observed during the first four observing days. From the total flux density variations at the synchrotron turnover frequency ($\\sim 86\\,\\rm{GHz}$) we compute an apparent brightness temperature $T_{\\rm{B}}^{\\rm{app}} > 1.4 \\times {10}^{14}$\\,K at a redshift of 0.3, which exceeds by two orders of magnitude the inverse-Compton limit. A relativistic correction for $T_{\\rm{B}}^{\\rm{ app}}$ with a Doppler factor $\\delta > 7.8$ brings the observed brightness temperature down to the inverse Compton limit. A more accurate lower limit of $\\delta > \\rm{ 14.0}$, consistent with previous estimates from VLBI observations, is obtained from the comparison of the 86\\,GHz synchrotron flux density and the upper limits for the synchrotron self-Compton flux density obtained from the INTEGRAL observations. The relativistic beaming of the emission by this high Doppler factor explains the non-detection of ``catastrophic\" inverse-Compton avalanches by INTEGRAL. ", "introduction": "\\label{int} The effect of intra-day variability (IDV) of radio loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the radio bands was discovered in 1986 (Witzel et al.~\\cite{Wit86}; Heeschen et al.~\\cite{Hee87}) and since then led to controversial discussions about its physical origin. Most of the objects presenting radio IDV appear compact -when are observed in the radio and optical bands-, their relativistic jets are highly core-dominated on VLBI scales and exhibit high brightness temperatures (e.g. Wagner \\& Witzel~\\cite{Wag95}). IDV is a common phenomenon in extragalactic flat spectrum radio sources and is observed, at centimetre wavelengths, in about 10\\% to 25\\% of all objects of this class (Quirrenbach et al.~\\cite{Qui92}; Kedziora-Chudczer et al.~\\cite{Ked01}; Lovell et al.~\\cite{Lov03}). The ``classical IDV\" (of type II, as defined in Heeschen et al. \\cite{Hee87}) is characterised by variability amplitudes $\\aplt 20$\\,\\% and variability time-scales between 0.5\\,days and 2\\,days. In parallel to the variability of the total flux density, similar or even faster variations of the linear polarization (Quirrenbach et al.~\\cite{Qui89}; Kraus et al. \\cite{Kra99a},~\\cite{Kra99b},~\\cite{Kra03}) and of the circular polarization (Macquart et al.~\\cite{Mac00}) are observed. Intensity and polarization variations can be correlated or anti-correlated (e.g. Wagner et al.~\\cite{Wag96}; Macquart et al.~\\cite{Mac00}; Qian et al.~\\cite{Qia02}). Observations of IDV sources in the radio and millimetre bands are particularly important, since they reveal the highest apparent brightness temperatures ($T_{\\rm{B}} \\propto \\nu^{-2}$; e.g. Readhead~\\cite{Rea94}). However, the observed radio emission might also be severely affected by interstellar scintillation (ISS), which is unavoidable because of the small intrinsic sizes of IDV sources (Rickett \\cite{Ric90}). It is known that, for high Galactic latitude blazars, the amplitude of IDV due to the effect of interstellar scintillation rapidly decreases with frequency for $\\nu \\apgt 5$\\,GHz (e.g. Rickett~\\cite{Ric90}; Rickett et al.~\\cite{Ric95}; Beckert et al.~\\cite{Bec02}). In such case and for a source whose size is constant with frequency, the ISS-induced variability amplitude scales as $\\propto \\nu^{-2}$ (e.g. Beckert et al.~\\cite{Bec02}). Hence, any rapid and large amplitude source variability seen at millimetre (or shorter) wavelengths should not be strongly affected by ISS. Therefore, monitoring of IDV sources at mm-bands is particularly important to determine whether the observed IDV is mainly source extrinsic (scintillation), due to source intrinsic processes, or a mixture of both. \\object{S5\\,0716+71} (hereafter \\object{0716+714}) is an extremely active BL~Lac object which varies on time scales from less than one hour to months, from radio to X-rays (e.g. Wagner et al.~\\cite{Wag96}, Kraus et al.~\\cite{Kra03}, Raiteri et al.~\\cite{Rai03}). Although the optical spectrum of \\object{0716+714} appears featureless, even with 4\\,m class telescopes, the absence of any signature of a host galaxy (in deep images) sets a lower limit to its redshift of $z>0.3$ (Wagner et al.~\\cite{Wag96}). Therefore, only lower limits to the brightness temperature of the source can be derived. The strongest constraint on the brightness temperature of this source comes from the observed short variability time-scales at radio wavelengths, which sets, via the causality argument, an upper limit to the source size of a few tens of micro-arcseconds. During the last decade the source has been observed repeatedly in simultaneous centimetre wavelength campaigns (Wagner et al. \\cite{Wag90},~\\cite{Wag96}; Otterbein et al.~\\cite{Ott99}; Kraus et al.~\\cite{Kra03}; Raiteri et al.~\\cite{Rai03}), during which it typically showed IDV. \\object{0716+714} is the only IDV source which has shown simultaneous variability-time-scale transitions in the radio and optical bands, which have been interpreted as evidence for source intrinsic variability (Quirrenbach et al.~\\cite{Qui91}; Wagner \\& Witzel~\\cite{Wag95}; Qian et al.~\\cite{Qia96}). The correlation between the radio spectral index and the optical flux suggested that the radiation was produced by the same particle population (Qian et al.~\\cite{Qia96}). Additional arguments for the relevance of the intrinsic origin of the IDV in \\object{0716+714} come from the variability amplitude, which increases from radio to optical, and the recently detected IDV at a wavelength of 9\\,mm (Kraus et al.~\\cite{Kra03}). Both effects contradict expectation for the frequency dependence of ISS. If IDV is produced by the intrinsic properties of AGN, very small angular sizes of the emitting regions (of a few micro-arcseconds) are inferred from their short variability time-scales. This usually implies apparent brightness temperatures several orders of magnitude larger than the inverse-Compton (IC) limit ($\\aplt 10^{12}$\\,K, Kellermann \\& Pauliny-Toth~\\cite{Kel69}; Readhead~\\cite{Rea94}; Kellermann~\\cite{Kel03}). For incoherent synchrotron sources of radiation, this limit could be violated only during short time ranges, because the high energy photon densities at the IC-limit should lead to the rapid cooling of the emitting region through the IC scattering of the synchrotron radiation. This process is known as the \\emph{inverse-Compton catastrophe}. The relativistic beaming of the radiation coming from the emitting region (Rees~\\cite{Ree66}) has been proposed as a likely cause to explain the systematic violation of the IC-limit (e.g. Wagner \\& Witzel~\\cite{Wag95}). Other scenarios, as coherent synchrotron radiation, which is an unconventional but not impossible process in AGN, have been proposed (e.g. Benford~\\cite{Ben92}). However, the inverse-Compton catastrophe scenario can not still be ruled out (Wagner \\& Witzel~\\cite{Wag95}). A coordinated broad-band observing campaign -centred around a 500\\,ksec INTEGRAL\\footnote{INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory} observation during November 10 to 16, 2003- was performed to search for signatures of inverse-Compton catastrophes on a flaring state of \\object{0716+714} through the correlation of the broad-band variability of the source. The ground-based observations were performed with the VLBA, the Effelsberg 100\\,m, the Mets\\\"ahovi 13.7\\,m, the IRAM 30\\,m, the JCMT, the HHT, and the Kitt Peak 12\\,m telescopes and the optical-IR telescopes of the WEBT\\footnote{Whole Earth Blazar Telescope} collaboration. The first analysis of the broad-band (from radio to soft $\\gamma$-rays) observations (Ostorero et al.~\\cite{Ost06}) do not show obvious correlation between the intra-day optical variability and the inter-day radio variability displayed by the source. Although the apparent brightness temperatures of \\object{0716+714} largely exceeded the IC-limit at radio wavelengths, no evidence of IC avalanches was seen in the INTEGRAL data. In this paper we report on the results and implications of the first polarimetric millimetre wavelength IDV observations of \\object{0716+714}, which were performed (within the above-mentioned campaign) with the IRAM 30\\,m radio telescope during the period November 10 to 18, 2003. A combined discussion of the radio, millimetre and sub-millimetre single dish data set will be presented by Fuhrmann et al.~(\\cite{Fuh06}). Forthcoming papers will describe more detailed analysis of the optical observations and more sophisticated theoretical modelling of the broad-band data set. ", "conclusions": "We have presented the results from millimetre observations of \\object{0716+714}, which were performed on 2003 November 10 to 18 with the IRAM 30\\,m telescope. Our observation strategy, based on the rapid time sampling of both the target source and the calibrators, enabled us to reach a relative calibration { accuracy} of $1.2$\\,\\% at 86\\,GHz, which demonstrates the good performance of this telescope and its ability for future accurate IDV studies in the millimetre range. { During our first four observing days, the source displayed large amplitude ($Y=34$\\,\\%) and monotonous inter-day variability at 86\\,GHz. As such large amplitude variability is not expected to be produced by standard ISS at mm wavelengths (Rickett et al. \\cite{Ric95}), this variation should be considered as intrinsic to the source and not due to the influence of the interstellar medium. The similar 32\\,GHz and 37\\,GHz behaviour reported by Ostorero et al.~(\\cite{Ost06}) during the same observing time range could hence be explained by intrinsic causes also. Ostorero et al.~(\\cite{Ost06}) also report clear evidence of IDV in the optical range, which is not matched either in the mm or in the cm bands (see also Fuhrmann et al.~\\cite{Fuh06}). This indicates that the radio-mm emitting region was located in a different region than the optical one or that their radiation behaviours were driven by different physical processes during our observations.} We have reported { an unusually large linear polarization degree $

=\\rm{(}15.0\\pm1.8\\rm{)}\\,\\%$ of \\object{0716+714} at 86\\,GHz, which suggests a large level of magnetic field alignment. { At such frequency, linear polarization inter-day variability, with significance level $\\apgt 95\\,\\%$; $\\sigma_{P}/

=15$\\,\\% and $\\sigma_{\\chi}=6^{\\circ}$, was observed during the first four observing days.} We have also shown} $2 \\sigma$ evidence of { simultaneous} polarization flux density and polarization angle IDV within a time $\\aplt 24$\\,h. If such rapid polarization variations that are uncorrelated with the total flux density variability are confirmed by future observations, then equally rapid changes of the magnetic field configuration of the source or changes of opacity around $\\nu_{m}$ would be required to explain the phenomenon. In both cases, inhomogeneous models would probably have to be invoked. The synchrotron spectrum of \\object{0716+714} peaked at $\\nu_{m} \\approx 86$\\,GHz during 2003 November 10 to 15 { (Ostorero et al.~\\cite{Ost06})}, and { showed} an optically thin spectral index $\\bar{\\alpha}_{86-229}=-0.23 \\pm 0.10$ between 86\\,GHz and 229\\,GHz. The apparent brightness temperature derived from our 86\\,GHz light curve, $T_{\\rm{B}}^{\\rm{app}}>1.4 \\times {10}^{14}$\\,K for a redshift $z=0.3$, exceeds, at least by two orders of magnitude, the IC-limit of $3\\times {10}^{11}$\\,K (Kellemann \\& Pauliny-Toth~\\cite{Kel69}; Readhead~\\cite{Rea94}; Kellermann~\\cite{Kel03}). This mismatch can be explained by the relativistic motion or expansion of the source with a minimum Doppler factor $\\delta > 7.8$. The upper limits from the soft $\\gamma$-ray simultaneous INTEGRAL observations in the 3\\,keV to 200\\,keV energy range enabled us to compute { an } independent and more { robust} limit for the source Doppler factor, $\\delta_{\\rm{IC}} \\apgt \\rm{{ 14}}$. This limit is consistent with previous estimates { of} the Doppler factor of \\object{0716+714} measured from the kinematics of VLBI-scale jet features (Bach et al.~\\cite{Bac05}), which ranged from $\\delta_{\\rm{VLBI}}=20$ to $\\delta_{\\rm{VLBI}}=30$. Such high Doppler factors have also been measured with 43\\,GHz-VLBI by Jorstad et al.~(\\cite{Jor05}), who detected $\\delta_{\\rm{VLBI}}>20$ in 9 of the 13 monitored blazars. { As} no soft-$\\gamma$-ray IC-avalanches were detected by INTEGRAL during our observations and the reported large amplitude 86\\,GHz variability can not be ascribed to the ISS, the relativistic beaming of the radiation coming from the emitting region in \\object{0716+714} { offers} a robust explanation of the { apparent} violation of the IC-limit { of the brightness temperature in the mm range}. Note, however, that (total or partial) coherent synchrotron-emission scenarios can not be ruled out. Finally, we should stress that we have proven that \\object{0716+714}, in particular, and blazars, in general, can display apparent brightness temperatures two orders of magnitude larger than the theoretical limits { in the millimetre range} and that the influence of the interstellar medium is not always necessary to explain the mismatch between observations and theory. Following the above arguments, we are rather confident that, apart from inaccuracies in our assumptions, the estimates and limits for the physical parameters of \\object{0716+714} reported in the previous sections correspond to those governing the observed source behaviour." }, "0606/astro-ph0606080_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have studied the face-on, barred spiral NGC\\,7424 (site of the rare Type IIb SN\\,2001ig) with {\\it Chandra}, {\\it Gemini} and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. After giving revised X-ray colours and luminosity of the supernova, here we focus on some other interesting sources in the galaxy: in particular, our serendipitous discovery of two ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). The brighter one ($\\sim 10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$) has a power-law-like spectrum with photon index $\\Gamma \\approx 1.8$. The other ULX shows a spectral state transition or outburst between the two {\\it Chandra} observations, 20 days apart. Optical data show that this ULX is located in a young (age $\\approx 7$--$10$ Myr), bright complex rich with OB stars and clusters. An exceptionally bright, unresolved radio source ($0.14$ mJy at $4.79$ GHz, implying a radio luminosity twice as high as Cas A) is found slightly offset from the ULX ($\\approx 80$ pc). Its radio spectral index $\\alpha \\approx -0.7$ suggests optically-thin synchrotron emission, either from a young supernova remnant or from a radio lobe powered by a ULX jet. An even brighter, unresolved radio source ($0.22$ mJy at $4.79$ GHz) is found in another young, massive stellar complex, not associated with any X-ray sources: based on its flatter radio spectral index ($\\alpha \\approx -0.3$), we suggest that it is a young pulsar wind nebula, a factor of $10$ more radio luminous than the Crab. ", "introduction": "The physical interpretation of ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) remains a fervently debated and unsolved problem (for recent reviews, see King 2006; Fabbiano \\& White 2006; Colbert \\& Miller 2004). They could be scaled-up equivalents of Galactic black hole (BH) X-ray binaries, with a higher-mass accretor (up to $\\sim$ a few $10^2 M_{\\odot}$ for the brightest sources, if the accretion is isotropic and Eddington-limited). Alternatively, they could be beamed sources---either mild geometrical beaming or relativistic Doppler boosting have been suggested (King et al.~2001; K\\\"{o}rding, Falcke \\& Markoff~2002; Fabrika \\& Mescheryakov 2001). A direct comparison with Galactic BH X-ray binaries is hampered by at least two problems. Firstly, the mass and evolutionary state of the donor star is unknown in almost all cases: some ULXs appear to be associated with OB associations or young star clusters; others, however, do not have optical counterparts down to typical detection limits $M_V \\sim -5$ mag. Secondly, most ULXs have been observed in the X-rays only once or few times over the last decade; thus, it is still unclear whether they follow the same patterns of spectral evolution and state transitions as daily-monitored Galactic BH X-ray binaries, and over what time-scale. In this paper, we report the serendipitous discovery of two ULXs in the face-on SABcd galaxy NGC\\,7424. Henceforth, we adopt a distance $d = 11.5$ Mpc (Tully 1988); a slightly lower distance of $10.9$ Mpc was estimated by B\\\"oker et al. (2002). The galaxy was observed twice with {\\it Chandra}, on 2002 May 21--22 and 2002 June 11, to study the X-ray supernova SN\\,2001ig (Evans, White \\& Bembrick 2001; Schlegel \\& Ryder 2002). For the same reason, it was monitored on a regular basis for three years with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) (Ryder et al.~2004). We studied the X-ray spectral state of the two ULXs found near SN\\,2001ig, and their variability between the two observations. We then searched for their radio and optical counterparts, using the ATCA dataset, together with archival {\\it HST}/WFPC2 and new {\\it Gemini} images (Ryder, Murrowood \\& Stathakis~2006)\\footnote{High-resolution colour images of NGC\\,7424 from the {\\it Gemini} observations are available at http://www.gemini.edu/2001igpr}. Finally, we determined the X-ray luminosity and colours of the other bright X-ray sources detected in the field of this galaxy. ", "conclusions": "We studied the brightest X-ray sources and their optical and radio counterparts and environments in the face-on spiral galaxy NGC\\,7424. The galaxy was originally monitored in various energy bands to study the evolution of SN\\,2001ig. In particular, we studied it with {\\it Gemini} in the $u'$, $g'$ and $r'$ optical bands, in 2004; with the ATCA in four radio bands, over many observations between 2001 and 2004; and with {\\it Chandra}, twice, on 2002 May 21--22 and June 11. Optical and radio results on SN\\,2001ig are reported elsewhere (Ryder et al.~2004, 2006); here we only revise its X-ray colours and luminosity, $\\approx 6 \\times 10^{37}$ erg s$^{-1}$ on 2002 May 21--22, declining to $\\approx 3 \\times 10^{37}$ erg s$^{-1}$ on 2002 June 11, for a $0.5$ keV thermal plasma. Our monitoring of NGC\\,7424 has led us to the serendipitous discovery of two ULXs with interesting multi-band properties. ULX\\,1 shows a $75\\%$ increase in flux between the two observations, reaching an emitted luminosity $\\approx 9 \\times 10^{39}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in the second one. It may have been even brighter when observed by {\\it ROSAT}, in 1990. Its X-ray spectrum is well fitted with a power-law of photon index $\\Gamma = 1.8\\pm0.1$. This is significantly flatter (harder) than the typical values found in Galactic BHs when they are bright ($L_{\\rm X} \\sim L_{\\rm Edd}$) {\\it and} power-law dominated. Various other bright ULXs have shown this feature, which is yet to be properly understood: we have briefly discussed some possible explanations. ULX\\,1 is in a relatively empty interarm region, far from any bright clusters or star-forming complexes; the brightest optical source in the {\\it Chandra} error box has an absolute magnitude $M_V \\sim -4.5$ mag, consistent with a main-sequence B star. ULX\\,2 is more peculiar for at least three reasons. Firstly, it showed some kind of outburst or state transition between the two {\\it Chandra} observations, increasing its brightness by an order of magnitude. Thermal plasma emission is also detected in its high state. Secondly, unlike ULX\\,1, it is located in an exceptionally bright, young stellar complex (age $\\approx 7$--$10$ Myr depending on the assumed metal abundance), which also includes a few compact clusters. It is still unclear why some ULXs are in low-density, probably older environments while others are associated with OB associations and young star clusters. A similar dichotomy is sometimes found within the same galaxy. For example, the late-type spiral galaxy NGC\\,4559 also contains two bright ULXs (Cropper et al.~2004), one of them located in an interarm region relatively devoid of bright stars, the other in a bright star-forming complex a few hundred pc in size (Soria et al.~2005). In the case of ULX\\,2 in NGC\\,7424, the biggest star cluster in its environment has a mass $\\sim$ a few $10^4 M_{\\odot}$. In general, ULXs seem to be associated with young medium-size clusters much more often than with super star-clusters ($M \\sim 10^6 M_{\\odot}$). This may give us a clue to the most likely formation process for the accreting BHs. In fact, the observed X-ray luminosities only require BH masses up to $\\sim 150 M_{\\odot}$. The necessary (but not sufficient) condition to end up with such a BH is to have a massive stellar progenitor, perhaps up to $\\sim 300 M_{\\odot}$, preferebly with low metal abundance. We speculate that the most efficient process to create such a massive progenitor could be an externally-triggered, dynamical gas collapse in a medium-size protocluster, together with a few Class-0 protostellar mergers, rather than runaway mergers of main-sequence O stars in a super star-cluster. The third reason why ULX\\,2 is remarkable is the presence of an exceptionally bright (twice as luminous as Cas A), unresolved radio source slightly offset from the ULX ($\\approx 80$ pc). Its radio spectral index ($\\alpha \\approx -0.7$) is consistent with optically-thin synchrotron emission. Two alternative interpretations for the radio source are either lobe emission, powered by a ULX jet, or a young, bright SNR (or perhaps hypernova remnant) associated with the young stellar complex or maybe even the progenitor of the ULX itself. Compact radio sources of similar brightness and spectral index have been found associated with a handful of other ULXs, in some cases implying energies up to $\\sim 10^{52}$ erg. In almost all cases, it is impossible to rule out either of those two scenarios altogether. It may even be possible that jet lobes and an underlying SNR coexist, like in the Galactic microquasar SS\\,433. Another bright (in fact, even brighter), unresolved radio source was found in the southern spiral arm, also associated with a young, massive stellar complex. In that case, however, there are no X-ray sources nearby. Moreover, its radio spectral index is flatter ($\\alpha \\approx -0.25$). We speculate that it is most likely to be a very young pulsar-wind nebula, $\\sim 10$ times more luminous than the Crab Nebula. However, further radio and X-ray observations of this peculiar source will be necessary to test this hypothesis and rule out other scenarios, for example beamed radio core emission from a microblazar. This year, {\\it Chandra} is carrying out a complete snapshot survey of ULXs in about 150 galaxies within 15 Mpc, to pinpoint their locations (PI: D. Swartz). A systematic optical survey of the same galaxies is also being carried out or planned, to classify and study the ULX optical counterparts. However, much more work remains to be done to plan and implement a correspondingly deep, complete radio survey, which would determine what fraction of ULXs are associated with optically-thin synchrotron sources, whether those sources are statistically different from normal SNRs, and perhaps also help distinguishing between SNR and radio lobe scenarios. The long-term goal of combined radio/X-ray studies is to determine the balance of power in accreting BHs, between radiative (X-rays) and mechanical luminosity (jet power) in different spectral states." }, "0606/astro-ph0606741_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of a numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulation that demonstrates a mechanism by which magnetic fields tap rotational energy of a stellar core and expel the envelope. Our numerical setup, designed to focus on the basic physics of the outflow mechanism, consists of a solid, gravitating sphere, which may represent the compact core of a star, surrounded by an initially hydrostatic envelope of ionized gas. The core is threaded by a dipolar magnetic field that also permeates the envelope. At the start of the simulation, the core begins to rotate at 10\\% of the escape speed. The magnetic field is sufficiently strong to drive a magneto-rotational explosion, whereby the entire envelope is expelled, confirming the expectation of analytical models. Furthermore, the dipolar nature of the field results in an explosion that is enhanced simultaneously along the rotation axis (a jet) and along the magnetic equator. While the initial condition is simplified, the simulation approximates circumstances that may arise in astrophysical objects such as Type II supernovae, gamma ray bursts, and proto-planetary nebulae. ", "introduction": "} Over the last two decades magnetic fields have been identified as the principle, universal agent for creating collimated astrophysical outflows. When a magnetic field is anchored in a rapidly rotating object near the bottom of a gravitational potential, the field can act as a drive-belt, tapping rotational kinetic energy and launching plasma back up the potential well. This magneto-rotational (MR) scenario for jet launching has been explored by numerous authors, both analytically \\citep{blandfordpayne82, pelletierpudritz92} and numerically \\citep*{ouyed3ea97, krasnopolsky3ea99}. These authors showed this mechanism can produce steady flows of matter, in a sense that the outflow engine still operates while the flow is observable---as in jets from young stellar objects \\citep{reipurthbally01} and active galactic nuclei \\citep[][]{begelman3ea84}. On the other hand, this mechanism can also operate in a transient event, linked to a rapid evolution of the source and driving an explosion. In this case, the engine loses a significant fraction of its power by the time the outflow (or its interaction with the environment) is detected. The proposed mechanism for gamma ray bursts \\citep[GRBs;][]{piran05} and supernovae (SNe), lie in the explosive regime. There is also growing evidence \\citep{bujarrabalea01} that collimated outflows from planetary nebulae (PNs) are explosive. Transient MR explosions have not been explored in as much detail as the steady-state models. In a collapsing star, differential rotation near the core may amplify the field linearly \\citep[when turbulence is unimportant;][]{kluzniakruderman98, wheeler3ea02} or exponentially \\citep[when turbulence is important;][]{akiyamaea03, blackman3ea06}. When differential rotation twists a poloidal magnetic field, generating toroidal field $B_\\phi$, enough rotational energy may be tapped to power a supernova explosion. The role of toroidal field pressure in then driving an outflow has been highlighted by \\citet{lyndenbell96}, who explored magneto-static ``magnetic towers'' to understand jet properties \\citep[see also][]{liea01}, and \\citet{uzdenskymacfadyen06} has extended this work to exploding stars. Numerical simulations by \\citet{leblancwilson70} and more recently by \\citet*{ardeljan3ea05} support the idea that MR explosions can be important for driving SNe and GRBs. However, the inherent time-dependence and general complexity of the system presents a significant challenge to our understanding of the basic mechanism and identification of key parameters. It is clear that a MR explosion is ultimately driven by the rotational kinetic energy extracted from the material that is left behind (the stellar remnant). But, notably, there is still some uncertainty as to whether an accretion disk must form inside the star \\citep[as in][]{uzdenskymacfadyen06} or whether the rotation of the stellar core \\citep[e.g., a protopulsar;][]{wheeler3ea02} alone will drive a MR explosion. In this Letter, we present a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of a MR explosion. While our setup is simple, similar to the analytical ``protopulsar jet'' model described by \\citet{wheeler3ea02}, our simulation captures the nonlinear dynamics, as the magnetic field is twisted at the shear layer between the core and envelope. This heuristic approach enables a better understanding of the basic MR physics and complements the more phenomenological approach of previous, more complex, numerical studies. ", "conclusions": "} Our numerical setup is simple, which allows us to understand the basic physical principles at work. The requirements for the mechanism to operate are a) a shear layer in which the inner region is rotating at a fraction of breakup speed and b) a magnetic field that results in an Alfv\\'en speed comparable to the escape speed. Because we focus on the MR mechanism, and ignore other physics (e.g., neutrino heating), we can scale our results to various astrophysical systems. This is instructive, as it determines what conditions would be necessary for a MR explosion alone to drive off the envelope. Here, we briefly apply our results to the progenitor stars of SNe and PNs. A simple model of a core-collapse SN suggests that core material conserves magnetic flux and angular momentum during collapse and naturally forms a rapidly-rotating, highly-magnetized proto-neutron star. We adopt a neutron star (``core'') mass of 1.4 $M_\\odot$ and a core radius of $R_{\\rm c} = 10^6$ cm. If the overlying envelope contains 1 $M_\\odot$ between $r = R_{\\rm c}$ and $1 R_\\odot$, our simulation corresponds to a dipole field strength at the core surface equal to $B = 3 \\times 10^{15}$ G. Note that the envelope mass is comparable to the core mass, but the self-gravity of the envelope near the core should not be important, and so the simulation still applies. In our simulation, we find that the core loses rotational energy at a constant rate of $B^2 R_{\\rm c}^3 / 3 = 3 \\times 10^{48}$ ergs per rotation, which should extract most of the rotational energy of the core ($\\sim 10^{51}$ ergs) in 1 second. These numbers are consistent with previous work and should be sufficient to eject the envelope \\citep[e.g.,][]{wheeler3ea02, ardeljan3ea05, blackman3ea06}. The evolutionary phase preceding PN formation is marked by high mass loss rates, leading to an expansion of the stellar envelope, which overlies a proto-white dwarf. A shear layer at the core-envelope boundary is expected \\citep{blackmanea01}, and as the envelope density decreases, the Alfv\\'en speed should rise. There may be a threshold density, below which the remaining envelope may be expelled via a MR explosion. We adopt a white dwarf (``core'') mass of 0.5 $M_\\odot$, and $R_{\\rm c} = 10^9$ cm. At this time the envelope is essentially an extension of the massive outflow, and if it contains 0.05 $M_\\odot$ between $r = R_{\\rm c}$ and $10^4$ AU, our simulation corresponds to $B = 9 \\times 10^6$ G. Most of the rotational energy of the core ($\\sim 10^{48}$ ergs) should be transferred to the envelope in a few hundred years. The linear momentum of the swept up shell will be $\\sim 10^{39}$ g cm s$^{-1}$, which is consistent with the observations of proto-PNs by \\citet{bujarrabalea01}. Finally, we note that the large-scale field in our simulations is strong enough to suppress turbulence due to shear instabilities near the core, and the field therefore is neither subject to decay nor the exponential growth that is important in some other models. We have instead focused on the physics of how the field actually drives the outflow." }, "0606/astro-ph0606577_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the hypothesis that the 5.4m binary \\rxj\\, consists of a low mass helium white dwarf (donor) transferring mass towards its more massive white dwarf companion (primary), we consider as possible donors white dwarfs which are the result of common envelope evolution occurring when the helium core mass of the progenitor giant was still very small ($\\simlt 0.2$\\msun), so that they are surrounded by a quite massive hydrogen envelope ($\\simeq$1/100\\msun or larger), and live for a very long time supported by proton--proton burning. Mass transfer from such low mass white dwarfs very probably starts during the hydrogen burning stage, and the donor structure will remain dominated by the burning shell until it loses all the hydrogen envelope and begins transferring helium. We model mass transfer from these low mass white dwarfs, and show that the radius of the donor decreases while they shed the hydrogen envelope. This radius behavior, which is due to the fact that the white dwarf is not fully degenerate, has two important consequences on the evolution of the binary: 1) the orbital period decreases, with a timescale consistent with the period decrease of the binary \\rxj ; 2) the mass transfer rate is a factor of about 10 smaller than from a fully degenerate white dwarf, easing the problem connected with the small X--ray luminosity of this object. The possibility that such evolution describes the system \\rxj\\, is also consistent with the possible presence of hydrogen in the optical spectrum of the star, whose confirmation would become a test of the model. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The X ray source RX~J0806.3+1527, discovered by ROSAT in 1990 \\citep{beuermann1999}, is variable with a period of 321.5s \\citep{israel1999}, which resulted to be also the only variability period in the optical and infrared light curves \\citep{ramsay2002,israel2002}. This promoted the interpretation of the 321.5s as an orbital period \\citep{burwitz2001}, in a system similar to V407~Vul (RX~J1914.4+2456, P=570s), for which \\cite{cropper1998} had proposed a ``double degenerate polar\" model. In this interpretation, the two systems RXJ0806.3+1527 and V407~Vul would be the shortest period double degenerate white dwarf (DDWD) systems, progenitors of the class dubbed AM CVn, having helium dominated spectra and \\Porb\\ from 10 to 65m. The DDWD systems (both interacting and detached) might be a dominant source of low frequency gravitational waves in the Galaxy \\citep{hils1990, nelemans2001gr} and a fraction of them could even be progenitors of Type I supernovae. The nature of the soft X-ray emission detected from RX J0806.3+1527 and RX J1914.4+2456 is still debated. Several models have been proposed (see Cropper et al. 2003 and reference therein). In addition to the polar--like model, in which the accreting WD is magnetic, a ``direct--impact\" accretion model on a non magnetic WD has been proposed \\citep{marsh-steeghs2002}. One problem with the mass transfer interpretation of both RXJ0806.3+1527 and RX J1914.4+2456 is their period derivative, which is negative in both cases, while it is to be expected that stable mass transfer between WDs will produce increasing orbital periods. \\cite{han-webbink1999} notice that indeed finite- temperature white dwarfs depart significantly from zero temperature white dwarfs only in their partially or non degenerate outer envelopes: as soon as these layers are stripped away by mass loss, the interiors behave practically indistinguishably from fully degenerate white dwarfs, and their adiabatic mass radius exponent is then negative. If the radius increases when the mass decreases due to mass loss, the orbital period must indeed increase, unless the mass transfer is unstable. The problem of the decreasing period of this system has been a motivation to fully develop alternative models, such as the unipolar inductor model \\citep{wu2002,dall'osso2006} or the intermediate polar model \\citep[e.g.][]{norton2004}, in which the 5.4m period is suggested to be the WD spin period. Notice that direct accretion --no disk-- models (which probably apply to this case) worsen the problem of the period derivative, and indeed act to destabilize the mass transfer. The unipolar inductor model has also been criticized by \\cite{marsh-nelemans2005}, who also propose that the negative period derivative can be explained if the mass transfer rate can be pushed away from its equilibrium value. There are two other problems for the interpretation of RXJ0806.3+1527 as a DDWD:\\par {\\it i)} the X-ray luminosity of the source is quite low: in the range 0.5--2.5keV it is only $\\simeq 2 \\times 10^{33} (\\rm d/1kpc)^2$ erg s$^{-1}$, that is $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{32}$erg s$^{-1}$ for a distance of 500pc \\citep{israel2003}, while the value predicted in the case of mass transfer driven by gravitational radiation (GR) is $\\sim 10^{35}$erg s$^{-1}$ \\citep{israel2002}. This value can be reduced to $\\sim 2 \\times 10^{33}$erg s$^{-1}$ in the case of highly non conservative mass transfer and very low mass ($\\simlt 0.35$\\msun) accreting WD primary \\citep{willems-kalogera2005}. Another possible caveat to this problem is that the primary WD may be affected by compressional heating, which could bring it at an absolute M$_v \\sim 4.7$ and $T_{\\rm eff} \\sim 140000$K according to \\cite{bildsten2006}. In this case the distance would be much larger, $\\sim$20kps, 8kpc above the galactic plane, and the X-ray luminosity would be consistent with that predicted by a GR driven mass transfer rate.\\par {\\it ii)} There is some evidence that the optical spectrum of \\rxj\\ shows the presence of hydrogen \\citep{norton2004}, with a non negligible abundance \\citep{steiper2005}: also this feature, if confirmed, {\\it apparently} argues against the DDWD scenario.\\par In this paper we study the evolution of DDWDs by following the mass transfer phases with a complete stellar evolution code, and assuming a quasi--evolutionary structure for the donor WD. One or two common envelope phases must have occurred in the binary story before the present phase of mass transfer, so it is not possible to model consistently the whole evolution of the binary with hydrostatic codes. Nevertheless, we provide insight about which are possible starting conditions for the mass loss from a degenerate dwarf. We propose that RXJ0806.3+1527, and possibly also V407~Vul, are indeed DDWDs, but that we see them during those phases of mass transfer, during which the structure of the external layers of the donor WD is dominated by the p-p hydrogen shell burning, so that the stellar radius contracts in response to mass loss. Thus we obtain both a period derivative correct in sign and order of magnitude, and the solution of the conundrum of the optical spectrum and of the low X--ray emission. ", "conclusions": "The optical spectrum of of the V $\\simeq$ 21~mag counterpart of \\rxj, obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT, shows a blue continuum with faint emission lines of HeI and HeII which are taken as strong evidence for a hydrogen depleted binary (Israel et al. 2002). \\cite{norton2004}, examining this spectrum, notice that the fluxes of the emission lines corresponding to the odd terms of the He II Pickering series are at least a factor of 1.5-3 less than the fluxes of the neighboring even term transitions, indicating that the even terms may be blended by emission lines from the H Balmer series. First results of a detailed modeling of the spectrum \\citep{steiper2005} yield a He/H abundance number ratio 0.1 $<$(He/H) $<$ 0.3. \\cite{reinsch2004} suggest that such a ratio is not consistent with a helium WD donor but rather that we see emission from a hot hydrogen-rich plasma and that the dominance of He II emission is just a consequence of the high plasma temperature. Figure 4 shows the variation of helium abundance Y (mass fraction) at the surface of Seq.~2 as a function of the stellar mass. As in this run we include helium diffusion, the helium abundance is initially zero, but it increases as soon as the layers in which helium depletion is not complete are exposed. We see that Y$\\sim$0.35 when P=5.4m, corresponding to a number ratio He/H$\\sim$0.12, consistent with \\cite{steiper2005} analysis. Of course, the spectral evidence is not so pregnant, and modeling of the physical conditions of this system is difficult. Nevertheless, we urge new observations, as our new models {\\it require} the presence of hydrogen in the spectrum! The CNO abundances in the spectrum might also become a constraint of the evolutionary status of this intriguing binary (D'Antona et al., in preparation). The novelty of the present models for the shortest periods DDWDs is that we have assumed that the donor white dwarf has a very small initial mass, so that it is a helium white dwarf with a massive hydrogen envelope which is not subject to diffusion induced hydrogen shell flashes. Due to the long phase of p-p burning, prolonged by helium diffusion, the donor may be still in this burning phase when it begins mass transfer to the primary WD. Until the whole hydrogen envelope is lost, the donor WD {\\it contracts} in response to mass loss, the orbital period decreases, and the mass transfer rate is smaller by a factor up to $\\sim 10$ than in the case of mass transfer from a fully degenerate helium white dwarf. This model is able to explain the decreasing orbital period of \\rxj, its low X ray luminosity, and the possible presence of hydrogen in the spectrum. This latter feature becomes a requirement of the model, so that it is necessary to confirm it by new spectroscopic observations and its careful model analysis. The lifetime of a system like RXJ0806.3+1527 in this phase is not more than a factor two shorter than the lifetime at the same orbital period, but when the period is increasing. This model suggests that a fraction of the double degenerate systems could be formed from common envelope evolution, ending up in the formation of a quite low mass WD with a massive hydrogen envelope. There is an important observational evidence for the existence of very low mass and long-lived hydrogen burning WDs, namely the optical companions of a few millisecond pulsars in Globular Clusters (e.g. Ferraro 2006) and the system PSR J1012+5307, in which the spin down age of the MSP is compatible with the companion WD cooling age only if this is stably burning hydrogen. Lack of a population of luminous low mass WD remnants of common envelope evolution does not necessary mean that this evolution is rare, but it may be telling us that the duration of the non interacting phase, which depends on the distribution of orbital periods following the common envelope, is short. Further exploration of the modalities of formation of these systems is necessary, if we wish to understand the consequences of this model for the background of gravitational waves emission by compact objects in the Galaxy." }, "0606/astro-ph0606094_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We examine the predictions of the core accretion - gas capture model concerning the efficiency of planet formation around stars with various masses. First, we follow the evolution of gas and solids from the moment when all solids are in the form of small grains to the stage when most of them are in the form of planetesimals. We show that the surface density of the planetesimal swarm tends to be higher around less massive stars. Then, we derive the minimum surface density of the planetesimal swarm required for the formation of a giant planet both in a numerical and in an approximate analytical approach. We combine these results by calculating a set of representative disk models characterized by different masses, sizes, and metallicities, and by estimating their capability of forming giant planets. Our results show that the set of protoplanetary disks capable of giant planet formation is larger for less massive stars. Provided that the distribution of initial disk parameters does not depend too strongly on the mass of the central star, we predict that the percentage of stars with giant planets should increase with decreasing stellar mass. Furthermore, we identify the radial redistribution of solids during the formation of planetesimal swarms as the key element in explaining these effects.} ", "introduction": "Radial velocity surveys led to the discovery of over 150 extrasolar planets around main sequence stars. Published descriptions of most of them can be found in the references given by \\citet{marcy05} and \\citet{mayor04}. Those surveys have been the most successful in the case of G dwarf stars, because such stars have well-defined spectroscopic features and show only a little photospheric activity. Consequently, most of the known extrasolar planets orbit stars similar to our Sun. Due to the constant progress in the detection techniques, the observational programs recently started to also include stars with lower masses on a larger scale, namely M dwarfs. Moreover, some of these surveys are now particularly dedicated to lower-mass stars \\citep[e.q.][]{Endl03,Bonfils04}. So far, these efforts have led to the discovery of three planets around two M dwarf stars: Gliese 876b,c \\citep{marcy98,marcy01} and GJ436b \\citep{butler04}. From the theoretical point of view, the problem of giant planet formation around M dwarfs was studied recently by \\citet{laughlin04}. They addressed it within the core accretion - gas capture model (CAGCM) that provides the most widely accepted scenario explaining the formation of giant planets in both the Solar System and extrasolar planetary systems. This model predicts that first a solid planetary core is formed by collisional accumulation of planetesimals. When the core reaches a mass of a few Earth masses, it starts to accrete gas, and an extended hydrostatic envelope is built around it. As the accretion rate of gas is greater than the accretion rate of solids at this time, the envelope eventually becomes more massive than the core. When this happens, a runaway accretion of gas ensues, which is terminated either by tidal interactions of the planet with the protoplanetary disk or by the dissipation of the disk. CAGCM has found supporting evidence in the discovery that stars with planets have higher metallicities than field stars \\citep{santos00,debra03}. This is because the formation time of giant planets decreases with increasing surface density of the planetesimal swarm \\citep{pollack96}, which in turn increases with the primordial metallicity of the protoplanetary disk. Thus, giant planets are expected to form more easily in disks with higher metallicity. \\citet{laughlin04} conclude that M dwarfs have a limited ability to form Jupiter-mass planets. This is a direct consequence of their assumption that the surface density of the planetesimal swarm out of which planetary cores are formed scales linearly with the mass of the central star. However, the solid component of the protoplanetary disk evolves in a different way than the gaseous component \\citep{weiden93}. Due to the gas drag, a significant redistribution of solids takes place, and in the inner disk their surface density can be substantially enhanced compared to the initial one \\citep{weiden03,SV97}. In general, the efficiency of the processes responsible for the redistribution of dust depends on the mass of the central star. An obvious conclusion is that analysis of the formation of giant planets around stars with various masses should include the global evolution of solids in protoplanetary disks. A simple model of the evolution of solids was proposed by \\citet{kac2,kac05}. Applying it to solar-like central stars, these authors reproduced the observed correlation between stellar metallicity and the probability of a planet occurring \\citep[a similar result was independently obtained by][]{ida04b}. The rapid progress in observational techniques opens up the possibility of testing the correctness and predictive power of the model proposed by \\citet{kac05}. To that end, we extend their analysis and calculate probabilities of planet occurrence around stars with different masses (both smaller and larger than $1 M_\\odot$), which may be compared to future observational data. In Sect. \\ref{s:methods} we explain our approach to the evolution of protoplanetary disks and planet formation. The results of our calculations are presented in Sect. \\ref{s:res} and discussed in Sect. \\ref{s:conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:conc} Based on a simple approach to the evolution of solids in protoplanetary disks, we investigated the influence of the mass of the central star on the formation of giant planets. We showed that due to the more efficient redistribution of solids the planetesimal swarms around less massive stars tend to have higher surface densities. Next, we derived the minimum surface density of the planetesimal swarm needed to enable formation of a giant planet within the lifetime of the protoplanetary disk, and we found that at distances from the star smaller than $\\sim\\!10$~AU it increases with the stellar mass. Farther away from the star the minimum density becomes anticorrelated with the mass of the star. However this effect is offset by the anticorrelation mentioned already between the mass of the star and the surface density of the planetesimals. These two effects determine the set of initial parameters characterising protoplanetary disks that are capable of giant planet formation within the core accretion - gas capture scenario. We showed that this set is larger for less massive stars. This means that the percentage of stars with massive planets should increase with decreasing stellar mass (at least in the range 0.5 $M_\\odot$ -- 4 $M_\\odot$). However, as discussed below, in the currently accessible range of orbital radii ($<$ 5 AU), the situation is not all that clear. Based on the sets obtained for different metallicities, we determined the occurrence rate of planets with orbits smaller than $5$~AU as a function of the mass and metallicity of the star. We took into account the fact that the outer region of the disk is gravitationally unstable in some models. Such regions are located farther than $5$~AU from the central star, and planets formed there by disk fragmentation are not included in our occurrence rate. However, their presence reduces the amount of solid material available for the formation of planetesimals. For less massive stars this effect is so strong that it overcomes factors promoting planet formation, so that for metal-poor disks the rate of planet occurrence decreases with the mass of the central star. As a result, the minimum metallicity at which giant planets can form at orbits smaller than $5\\ \\mathrm{AU}$ decreases from $\\sim 0.6$ for stars with masses of $0.5 M_\\odot$ to $\\sim 0.2$ for $4 M_\\odot$. In the metal-rich regime the percentage of entirely stable disks in which formation of giant planets is possible is larger, and stable regions of partly unstable disks contain enough solids to produce planetesimal swarms capable of giant planet formation. Consequently, both factors promoting planet formation around less massive stars are in play, and a clear anticorrelation between the stellar mass and planet occurrence rate is observed. At the same time, our model does not account for the presence of giant planets around metal-poor stars. This may be due to the fact that we do not include planets that have formed beyond 5 AU and later migrated inward. Such an assumption is valid as long as the number of these planets is small compared to the number of planets that have formed within 5 AU. However, as we move to lower metallicities, the percentage of giant planets with silicate cores decreases (the silicates simply become too scarce), while the percentage of planets forming from ice grains increases. Thus, in metal-poor systems the number of planets with ice cores that migrated from large orbits can become a large fraction of planets at orbits smaller than 5 AU. Obviously, our description of the evolution of solids is very simplified. The basic underlying assumptions like the single-size distribution of solid grains or the neglect of planet migration already have been discussed by \\citet{kac4} and \\citet{kac05}. The main additional assumption introduced in the present paper is the independence of the initial parameters of protoplanetary disks on the mass of the central star. While admittedly {\\it ad hoc}, it seems to be better than the one adopted by \\citet{laughlin04}, who scaled their initial surface density of planetesimals linearly with the mass of the star. They did not take into account the antecedent evolution of solids leading to the formation of planetesimal swarms, and concluded that the formation of giant planets around low-mass stars is difficult. Recent observations suggest that masses of protoplanetary disks do not strongly depend on masses of the central stars \\citep{guilloteau}. Nevertheless, to investigate the influence of our assumption, we performed additional set of calculations with a mass of the central star of $0.5 M_\\odot$ and with the initial masses of disks scaled by factor of $0.5$. The results are shown in Fig. \\ref{f:rout_sc_t}. In this case the probability of finding a planet does not seem to depend strongly on the mass of the central star, which is true for the whole range of metallicities we have considered. Still, our models show that the evolution of solids leading to the formation of planetesimal swarms is a vital factor facilitating the formation of giant planets, whose role should be particularly clear for low-mass stars. Our models of gaseous disks do not reproduce recent observations by \\citep{muzerolle}, which show that the accretion rate in protoplanetary disks increases with the mass of the central star. However, in the mass range considered here this dependence is very weak, and for a given value of stellar mass the spread in accretion rates reaches two orders of magnitude. In our opinion these data do not invalidate our basic assumption that initial disk parameters do not depend on the mass of the star. We also assumed that heating by stellar radiation is negligible, whereas at least in some cases it can be a dominant source of energy in the outer regions of the disk (more efficient than the turbulent dissipation). As such, it may substantially change the structure of the disk and the radial velocities of solids. Currently we are working on models that will take these effects into account. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=-90]{P_p_scale.ps}} \\caption{The rate of planet occurrence as a function of the primordial metallicity of protoplanetary disks. Disks around stars with masses of $1 M_\\odot$ are represented by a solid line. Disks around stars with masses of $0.5 M_\\odot$ are represented by dotted and dashed lines. In the first case the range of initial masses of the disks is the same as in the case of solar type stars, while in the second it was scaled according to the mass of the central star.} \\label{f:rout_sc_t} \\end{figure}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606607_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We perform one-zone simulations of the infall epoch of a pre-supernova stellar core in the presence of neutrino flavor changing scattering interactions. Our calculations give a self-consistent assessment of the relationship between flavor changing rates and the reduction in electron fraction and re-distribution of initial electron lepton number among the neutrino flavors. We discuss and include in our calculations sub-nuclear density medium corrections for flavor changing scattering coherence factors. We find that flavor changing couplings $\\epsilon > 3\\times10^{-4}$ in either the $\\nu_e\\leftrightarrow\\nu_{\\mu}$ or $\\nu_e\\leftrightarrow\\nu_{\\tau}$ channels result in a dynamically significant reduction in core electron fraction relatively soon after neutrino trapping and well before the core reaches nuclear matter density. ", "introduction": "Core collapse supernovae are exquisitely sensitive to lepton number violating processes. This is because the infall (collapse) epoch of the pre-supernova core is characterized by low entropy\\cite{bbal} and large lepton (electron and electron neutrino) degeneracy. Nearly all of the pressure support stems from these degenerate leptons. The effects of including neutrino flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) interactions in the infall stage of a core collapse supernova have recently been investigated in Ref. \\cite{afg}. It was noted there that neutrinos in the core of a collapsing star could undergo large numbers of scatterings due to the coherent amplification of the neutrino-quark flavor changing neutral current cross section for elastic scattering on heavy nuclei. Such interactions could cause significant numbers of electron neutrinos in the core to be converted to mu and tau neutrinos. In turn, this would open phase space for further electron capture and thereby significantly impact the pressure, homologous core mass, and the initial shock energy. The explosion of core collapse (Type II, Ib, and Ic) supernovae is believed to be the result of gravitational collapse, subsequent hydrodynamic bounce of the star's core, and release of gravitational binding energy into neutrinos which ultimately provide the energy to revive and sustain the shock \\cite{c&w,wilson,b&w,bethe,b&y,m&b,jkr}. One important feature of the model is that the entropy of the core is low ($s/k\\sim 1$) and nucleons remain bound in nuclei during most of the collapse. The number of electrons in the core (hence, the pressure and homologous core mass) is governed by the electron capture reaction $e^- + p \\leftrightarrow \\nu_e + n$. When the neutrino mean free path becomes smaller than the size of the core (because of scattering on heavy nuclei) the neutrinos become trapped. They thermalize quickly and comprise a degenerate Fermi-Dirac sea. When the $\\nu_e$ Fermi level becomes high enough, electron capture is blocked and \\emph{net} reduction in $Y_e$ (where $Y_f\\equiv (n_f-n_{\\bar{f}})/n_b$) no longer occurs on dynamical time scales. However, re-distribution of electron lepton number between $\\nu_e$'s and electrons will still occur as the density rises and the nuclear composition changes. Any further changes in the core's electron fraction during the collapse could result in a change in the collapse dynamics and explosion mechanism\\cite{hix}. Including neutrino FCNC interactions in the collapse model causes greater reduction in $Y_e$ during infall. This is because when electron neutrinos change flavor by scattering, holes open in the $\\nu_e$ sea and the electron capture reaction can procede. Neutrino-quark FCNCs of the form \\begin{equation} \\mathcal{L}=\\frac{G_F}{\\sqrt 2}\\bar{\\nu}^j\\gamma^\\mu\\nu^i\\bar{q}\\gamma_\\mu(\\epsilon^q_{V_{ij}}+\\epsilon^q_{A_{ij}}\\gamma^5)q \\label{fcnclag} \\end{equation} were considered in Ref. \\cite{afg}. Here, the parameters $\\epsilon^q_{V_{ij}}$ and $\\epsilon^q_{A_{ij}}$ quantify the strength of the FCNC relative to the Fermi constant $G_F$. Current experimental constraints\\cite{davidson} on the FCNC couplings are $\\epsilon^q_{V_{e\\mu}} < 10^{-3}$ for the channel $\\nu_e\\leftrightarrow\\nu_\\mu$ and $\\epsilon^q_{V_{e\\tau}} < 5\\times 10^{-1}$ for the channel $\\nu_e\\leftrightarrow\\nu_\\tau$. (Similar, and in some cases better, constraints on these interactions may be possible from solar and atmospheric neutrinos\\cite{f&l}.) The cross section for neutrino flavor changing elastic scattering on heavy nuclei, mediated by the FCNCs of Eq. (\\ref{fcnclag}), was calculated in Ref. \\cite{afg} and a coherent amplification was found. Using this cross section, and employing values of the coupling constant up to and beyond current experimental constraints, Ref. \\cite{afg} gave estimates for the number of neutrino flavor changing scattering events which could occur in the core. The resulting reduction in $Y_e$ and implications for the stellar collapse model were then discussed in a qualitative sense. In this paper we present results of a one-zone calculation of the infall epoch of a pre-supernova star with neutrino-quark FCNCs included. Our code gives a more accurate accounting of scattering rates and the change in $Y_e$ than do the estimates of Ref. \\cite{afg} and we are able to account for some of the feedback in the system. We model neutrino scattering with nuclei in the core medium and account for sub-nuclear matter density structure effects. By contrast, Ref. \\cite{afg} employed neutrino-nucleus vacuum cross sections with no accounting for medium effects. Reference \\cite{afg} estimated which values of $\\epsilon$ would give a fast enough FCNC scattering rate such that reduction in $Y_e$ would be possible. Here we actually compute what the reduction in $Y_e$ is for various values of $\\epsilon$, including values below the best experimental bounds. We have discovered that maximal reduction in $Y_e$ is possible for values of $\\epsilon$ smaller than the best experimental bound in the $\\nu_e\\leftrightarrow\\nu_{\\tau}$ channel, and that dynamically significant reduction in $Y_e$ is possible for values of $\\epsilon$ smaller than the best experimental bound in the $\\nu_e\\leftrightarrow\\nu_{\\mu}$ channel. In section II we describe our code and method of computing the change in electron fraction. In section III we discuss our results and their meaning for the stellar collapse model. In section IV we list the key approximations in our calculation and give an assessment of the possible impact of the potential uncertainties introduced by these. In section V we give conclusions. ", "conclusions": "We have used a one-zone core collapse simulation to investigate some effects of including neutrino flavor changing interactions in the supernova model. We have calculated the reduction in $Y_e$ as a function of the coupling constant $\\epsilon$ for collapse simulations that run up to density $\\rho= 3.8\\times 10^{13} {\\rm g} / {\\rm cm}^3$. For values of the interaction coupling constant $\\epsilon \\gtrsim 5\\times 10^{-4}$ in either the $\\nu_e \\leftrightarrow \\nu_\\mu$ or $\\nu_e \\leftrightarrow \\nu_\\tau$ channel we have found that maximal reduction in the core's electron fraction can occur. (See Fig. \\ref{epcon}.) This work gives a more accurate and quantitative calculation of the effects of FCNCs than do the qualitative estimates given in Ref. \\cite{afg}. Here, we are able to account for the FCNC rate's dependence on density, and the feedback on the rates as the core becomes more neutron-rich as a result of increased net electron capture. However, a more accurate treatment of these interactions is possible and is warranted. Some of our approximations were made for ease of calculation, while others were made to handle physics that is not yet well understood. Even with our conservative treatment (e.g., not following FCNCs beyond a density $\\rho = 3.8\\times 10^{13} {\\rm g} / {\\rm cm}^3$), we were able to demonstrate how strong the effect of neutrino flavor changing interactions can be on the infall epoch physics. At very high densities near core bounce, we expect FCNCs still to be appreciable and to continue to cause net reduction in $Y_e$. If a full simulation was preformed which included FCNCs and ran all the way to bounce density, properly accounting for neutrino scattering with nuclear matter, our results lead us to believe that significant reduction in $Y_e$ would occur for values of $\\epsilon$ even smaller than we have found here. The EOS and neutrino scattering cross sections in nuclear matter in the core are open areas of research. Some current simulations have more accurate treatments of these issues than we have used here. However, obtaining reliable cross sections for neutrino scattering with nuclear matter via Standard Model interactions remains problematic, in part because of the difficulty inherent in modeling nuclear matter. The standard neutrino interactions are treated with approximations, just as we have treated non-standard interactions with approximations. Our approximations are not a result of mysterious properties of FCNCs, but rather stem from uncertainties in matter at high density. The biggest uncertainty in our calculation does not come from the computational approximations in our model, but rather from this lack of knowledge. We point out these issues to differentiate {\\em physical} approximations from {\\em computational} approximations. When accurate and reliable EOS and compositions in nuclear matter in the core are available, standard and non-standard types of neutrino scattering can be correctly accounted for. A full supernova simulation, with neutrino transport and hydrodynamics, is needed to properly show all the effects of neutrino FCNCs. There are many pieces of known physics that are being tested for relevance in explaining supernova explosions \\cite{open}. The supernova model cannot be used as a means of discovering or constraining new physics until known physics has been included and tested in simulations. Such simulations can treat neutrino trapping more realistically than we have done. By keeping track of neutrino distributions, such a simulation could handle the issue, discussed in Sec. \\ref{dyefcnc}, of mu and tau neutrinos changing flavor and filling holes in the $\\nu_e$ sea before electron captures can occur. There is also a neutrino FCNC interaction with electrons \\cite{afg}. This additional opacity source for neutrino flavor changing could be modeled easily in a full simulation. For all of these reasons, a better result for the reduction in $Y_e$ could be obtained. More sophisticated simulations also may reveal the fate of the shock, as well as changes to the thermodynamic profile of the core. We used a constant collapse rate in our simulation, but in fact the pressure changes resulting from a continually decreasing $Y_e$ would cause a non-uniform collapse rate. A full simulation would be able to follow the actual rate of collapse, and any consequences of a non-uniform collapse rate. Finally, a full simulation would provide neutrino specta which could reveal some signature of FCNCs in a supernova signal. The work presented in this paper will serve as a guide to preparing such a full simulation. Our results cannot be construed as either favoring or eliminating the existence of FCNCs. However, they do show that including FCNCs in the current supernova model could cause major changes to the model and its predictions. It is possible that data from a supernova signal could be used to constrain new physics such as FCNCs. On the other hand, new physics, such as what may be discovered at the LHC, might be required for successful explanation of supernovae." }, "0606/hep-th0606006_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We look for spherically symmetric star or black hole solutions on a Randall-Sundrum brane from the perspective of the bulk. We take a known bulk solution, and analyse possible braneworld trajectories within it that correspond, from the braneworld point of view, to solutions of the brane Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations. Our solutions are therefore embedded consistently into a full bulk solution. We find the full set of static gravitating matter sources on a brane in a range of bulk spacetimes, analyzing which can correspond to physically sensible sources. Finally, we look at time-dependent trajectories in a Schwarzschild--anti de Sitter spacetime as possible descriptions of time-dependent braneworld black holes, highlighting some of the general features one might expect, as well as some of the difficulties involved in getting a full solution to the question. } ", "introduction": "The idea that spacetime may not be simply four-dimensional, but have extra dimensions as yet undetected by experiment, has become essentially accepted as fact over the past two decades, largely as a consequence of string or M-theory, but also as a result of earlier work on supergravity. Over the past few years, a new alternative has emerged in our understanding of how extra dimensions can be compactified -- braneworlds and warped compactifications. Rather than the old Kaluza-Klein (KK) idea of wrapping up extra dimensions so small we only see them through extra massless fields, the braneworld idea allows us to have relatively large extra dimensions, possibly even up to the microscale, with standard particle physics confined to the ``brane'' and thereby unable to detect the extra dimensions at ordinary energy scales \\cite{EBW,ADD,RS}. Gravity however can sample these extra dimensions, and one of the most alluring aspects of warped compactifications is the possibility of unusual gravitational phenomenology not only at small scales (akin to the KK picture) but at large scales, too \\cite{oxmill,GRS,DGP}. The braneworld paradigm views our universe as a slice of some higher dimensional spacetime, in which we have standard four-dimensional physics confined to the brane, and only gravity (plus possibly a small number of other fields) propagating in the bulk. Confinement to the brane, while at first sounding counter-intuitive, is in fact a common occurrence. The first braneworld scenarios \\cite{EBW} used topological defects to model the braneworld, and zero-modes on the defects to produce confinement, and in string theory, D-branes have `confined' gauge theories on their worldvolumes. The new phenomenology of braneworld scenarios is then primarily located in the gravitational sector, with a particularly nice possible resolution of the hierarchy problem being its primary motivation. Clearly however, the scenario has far outgrown these initial particle phenomenology motivations, and has proved a fertile testbed for new possibilities in cosmology, astrophysics, and quantum gravity. One of the most popular models to explore, and the one which we will be using, has been the Randall-Sundrum scenario, \\cite{RS}, which consists of a domain wall universe living in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter (adS) spacetime. This model can be loosely motivated by the Horava-Witten compactification of M-theory \\cite{HW}, and many of the ideas tested and developed in this simple, calculationally explicit model underly more recent string theory motivated compactifications \\cite{KKLT}. The Randall-Sundrum model has one (or two) domain walls situated as minimal submanifolds in adS spacetime. In its usual form, the metric of the braneworld is \\be ds^2 = e^{-2k|z|} \\left [ -dt^2 + d{\\bf x}^2 \\right ] + dz^2\\,. \\label{rsmet} \\ee Here, the spacetime is constructed so that there are four-dimensional flat slices stacked along the fifth $z$-dimension, which have a $z$-dependent conformal pre-factor known as the warp factor. Since this warp factor has a cusp at $z=0$, this indicates the presence of a domain wall -- the braneworld -- which represents an exactly flat Minkowski universe. The reason for choosing this particular slicing of adS spacetime was to have a flat Minkowski metric on the brane -- i.e.\\ to choose the ``standard vacuum''. Randall and Sundrum showed that although gravity was inherently five-dimen\\-sio\\-nal, and the spacetime was strongly warped, as far as a four-dimensional brane-world observer was concerned, the gravitational potential of a particle on the brane was the Newtonian $1/r$ potential to leading order. A complete analysis shows that the graviton propagator has the correct tensor structure, and that the effect of the KK modes is to introduce a $1/r^3$ correction to the gravitational potential \\cite{GT}. In astrophysics and cosmology we are not so much interested in the perturbative graviton propagator as in issues such as cosmological models or black holes, which are questions of non-perturbative, or strong gravity. The braneworld generalization of the FRW universe has been well explored and understood \\cite{GCOS}; the high degree of symmetry present renders the full five-dimensional problem fully integrable \\cite{BCG}, and the general cosmological braneworld is fully understood in terms of a slice of a five-dimensional adS black hole \\cite{BCOS}. The mass of this bulk black hole then generates a radiation-style source for the Friedman equation. Interestingly, this understanding feeds in to the second question: {\\it What is the metric of a braneworld black hole?} At first sight it might seem that this question should be very similar to answer; as both reduce to a two-dimensional problem, however, the symmetry groups of the two spacetimes are crucially different. For cosmology, the metric splits into two parts -- the two dimensions on which it depends, and the spatial part of the universe, which has constant curvature. This problem is equivalent to a two-dimensional field theory which turns out to be totally integrable. For the black hole however, the metric splits into three parts -- the two dimensions on which it depends, the time coordinate and the remaining spatial part in which the horizon resides. Thus there are two fields in the two-dimensional theory, and there is no longer a simple solution \\cite{CG}. The first attempt, \\cite{CHR}, to find a black hole solution replaced the Minkowski metric in (\\ref{rsmet}) by the Schwarzschild metric, thus creating a black string sticking out of the brane. Unfortunately, as suspected by the authors, this string is unstable to classical linear perturbations \\cite{BSINS}. Chamblin et.\\ al.\\ realised that the true static localised black hole would actually be a slice of a five-dimensional accelerating black hole metric (known as the C-metric, \\cite{CMET}, in four dimensions), however no such metric has as yet been found. A lower dimensional version of a black hole living on a $2+1$-dimensional braneworld was however presented by Emparan, Horowitz and Myers \\cite{EHM}, using this four-dimensional C-metric. Since then, several authors have attempted to find the full metric using numerical techniques \\cite{BHNUM}, although the main drawback seems to be that it is a very sensitive numerical system. Nonetheless, the results of \\cite{KU} for small black holes are encouraging. Analytically, progress has mostly (though see \\cite{bulkbh}) been limited to considering the brane metric equations of motion, with the only bulk input coming from the projection of the Weyl tensor, the ``{\\it Weyl term}'' \\cite{SMS}, onto the brane. Since this system contains an unknown bulk dependent term, assumptions have to be made either in the form of the metric or the Weyl term \\cite{BBH,GWBD}. There is no clear consensus on what the brane black hole metric is, however, some interesting features which do occur are wormholes and singular horizons \\cite{IFeat,GWBD}. One of the reasons this braneworld black hole metric is so interesting is that it is believed to correspond to a quantum corrected black hole. In string theory, it has been realized for some time that there is a correspondence between string theory on adS space, and a CFT on the boundary of that adS space \\cite{MAL}. In other words, all of the information contained in the five-dimensional gravitational spacetime is encoded in a pure quantum field theory living on a four-dimensional spacetime. In the braneworld picture, the brane is not at the adS boundary, but at a finite distance, and the theory on this brane now contains gravity, as well as a conformal energy-momentum tensor -- the Weyl term. The effect of the brane on the adS/CFT correspondence therefore is that the bulk theory of gravity in five dimensions corresponds to the four dimensional brane theory of a CFT, with a UV cutoff, interacting with gravity \\cite{DL}. Since the brane theory is a quantum theory, the holographic correspondence suggests that the classical bulk solution projects to a quantum corrected solution on the brane \\cite{EFK}. Indeed, it was this type of argument that led Tanaka \\cite{TAN} to argue that the braneworld black hole metric would be time-dependent, corresponding to the back-reaction of Hawking radiation on the black hole metric. For cosmological solutions, this holographic interpretation works very well; the presence of a black hole horizon in the bulk (which is the only allowed class of bulk solution \\cite{BCG}) induces a corresponding source in the Friedman equation which has the form of a radiation source. This source can be interpreted as a CFT in a thermal state corresponding to the Hawking temperature of the bulk black hole. The brane cosmological metric has a constant curvature spatial part, and its symmetries demand that only a radiation energy Weyl term is allowed. From the bulk perspective, this means that every point on the brane is at the same distance from the bulk black hole. Thus a flat universe corresponds to a `flat' bulk black hole, a closed universe to a conventional spherical bulk black hole. Transporting this intuition over to the brane black hole situation, one can imagine that the black hole becomes displaced from the ``center of gravity'' of the spherical wall, causing an anisotropy in the brane Weyl term, ${\\cal E}_{\\mu\\nu}$. As the black hole gets closer to the brane, this anisotropy increases, possibly becoming more important than the radiation term. This reasoning argues for a near-horizon equation of state for ${\\cal E}_{\\mu\\nu}$ which leads to a singular `event horizon' \\cite{GWBD}, which possibly corresponds to a Boulware choice of vacuum in the quantum corrected black hole \\cite{EFK}. However, there is another holographic interpretation possible, and one which is far more intriguing and experimentally relevant -- one which incorporates black hole evaporation. Instead of imagining a quasi-static transport of the bulk black hole towards the brane, consider a bulk geodesic. From the point of view of the brane, these trajectories have constant acceleration away from the brane, so a particle in the bulk moving along a geodesic initially moves towards the brane, can touch the brane, but then moves back into the bulk accelerating away (see section \\ref{sec:tdep}). Thus a black hole would move towards the brane, hit the brane, then recoil away back off to infinity. From the brane point of view, this would correspond to collapse of conformal matter, localized around the lightcone, formation of an horizon, and subsequent evaporation of the black hole, again localized around the lightcone. This picture was indeed obtained in perturbation theory in \\cite{grs}, where the metric of a particle leaving the brane was obtained to leading order. Such a picture should be a reasonable approximation for small mass black holes, which, coincidentally, are precisely the type of black holes that are believed to be important in LHC and cosmic ray phenomenology (for some early works, see \\cite{BHC,CRS}; for a more complete list of references, see \\cite{Kanti}). Such small black holes are thought to be produced after brane-localized particles scatter at high energies and undergo gravitational collapse. A horizon is then formed engulfing the two particles, which can never escape their mutual gravitational attraction. Due to their small mass, these black holes quickly evaporate through the emission of Hawking radiation \\cite{Kanti}: for a black hole with mass $M_{BH} \\simeq 5$ TeV, and fundamental gravity scale $M_*=1$ TeV, their lifetime is only $\\tau_{BH} \\simeq 10^{-26}$ sec, and therefore exist on our brane only momentarily. Even for a higher mass, that would result in a longer lifetime, the corresponding black hole may still `disappear' from our brane due to the so-called recoil effect \\cite{Frolov-recoil, RECOIL, Stojkovic}. Due to the absence of an analytic solution describing a black hole localized on a brane with a non-vanishing self-energy, all studies of the evaporation of brane-world black holes have been restricted to the case where the black hole mass is assumed to be significantly larger than the brane self-energy. In addition, by assuming that the black hole horizon is much smaller than the inverse adS radius, the bulk warping has also been ignored. As a result, all studies up to now have failed to consider the complete bulk-brane-black-hole gravitational system. In the present work, we study the aforementioned gravitational system in full. Our analysis will be complementary to work on probe branes \\cite{Flachi}, and develops the work on specific brane trajectories in black hole backgrounds \\cite{Seahra,Galfard}. We restrict our study to the case of a 5-dimensional spacetime in which a 3-brane with a non-negligible energy-momentum tensor is embedded. By using the Israel's junction conditions \\cite{Israel}, we derive a set of equations corresponding to a spherically symmetric brane with additional matter content corresponding to a homogeneous and isotropic fluid, in other words the brane equivalent of the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations. The main difference between this work and the brane based work of \\cite{BBH} is that we have not only a complete brane solution to the TOV equations, but also the full bulk solution. In other words a genuine brane star. Clearly the general brane-bulk system has infinitely many degrees of freedom, so our approach here is to restrict to a spherically symmetric bulk solution, and a variety of bulk backgrounds are considered with the final objective being the consistent embedding of a 3-brane into a Schwarzschild--anti de Sitter spacetime. The outline of the paper is as follows: In the next section we derive the brane equations of motion for a brane with a general isotropic fluid source living in a (general) spherically symmetric bulk. We then consider the static system in section \\ref{sec:genstat}, and show how the static brane is completely integrable. In section \\ref{sec:star} we specialize to the physically relevant case of a Schwarzschild--anti de Sitter bulk, exploring possible black hole and stellar solutions. We then briefly consider time dependent solutions in section \\ref{sec:tdep} before concluding. ", "conclusions": "In this work, we have analyzed spherically symmetric brane solutions in a known bulk spacetime with the aim of finding a consistent black hole solution for the brane. We found that the problem of a static braneworld slicing a known spherically symmetric bulk was completely integrable, with the solution being given in terms of an implicit function of the bulk radial variable. Thus, we have found all possible complete brane and bulk solutions for a brane with a perfect fluid matter source living on it -- in other words complete brane TOV solutions. These solutions have the interpretation of braneworld stars, and correspond to static slicings of a Sch-adS bulk spacetime, with the bulk solution corresponding to the part of the Sch-adS spacetime {\\it not} containing the event horizon of the black hole. Thus our solutions are completely nonsingular. We have also found solutions in which the event horizon of a bulk black hole impinges upon the brane, but these typically have divergent pressure on the brane, reminiscent of the singularity in the TOV system when we try to solve for too big or compact a star. All of our solutions contain excess pressure at large radii, this seems to be a feature of the slicing of the pure adS bulk, and it is related to the fact that the Randall-Sundrum solution, a pure Minkowski brane, is in fact not a static slicing of adS in global coordinates. The only possibility for having a well-behaved asymptopia is to have a subcritical Karch-Randall brane. These however, cannot be extended into positive mass sources. We have therefore been unable to find a solution which has all the features we would desire in a braneworld star, however, we have made crucial progress by first demonstrating how to find exact and complete solutions to the brane TOV problem, as well as classifying these according to their energy-momentum. Probe brane calculations of the interaction of a wall with a black hole indicate the possibility of brane excision, that is, that as the black hole leaves the brane, the brane is distorted so much that it self-intersects and part of the brane is excised, falling into the black hole, with the remainder moving away towards infinity. Among our various solutions are closed bubbles as well as open branes, and it is tempting to try to model this process using a quasi-static approach -- taking a sequence of the static solutions we have found as approximate solutions (such as in \\cite{CritVe}). Unfortunately however, positivity of energy requires that the interior of the bubbles be kept, and for the branes extending to infinity, the bulk does not contain a black hole, therefore these solutions are not suitable for such an approximation. If we wished to keep the exterior of the bubble and the black hole inside the bulk spacetime, we would need negative energy branes. It would appear that time-dependence is key to finding consistent solutions, as in those cases, the black hole is actually retained in the bulk. We have also explored the time dependent brane trajectories, using the RS brane as a starting point, to try to model the process of gravitational collapse, and to explore the issues involved in black hole evaporation. We found that the effect of a bulk black hole on the RS brane was to induce a negative energy source, however, by bending the RS brane by a small amount, we could restore the brane-DEC, although these solutions had anisotropic pressure. Provided we allow matter on the brane, we can form trajectories which now have black holes in the bulk, and which can intersect with the brane, although in this case the DEC is violated. Finally, an important point to note is that in all our results, we have made the simplifying assumption of $\\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetry around the brane. The RS model is $\\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetric, and many of the investigations into gravitational braneworld solutions are also $\\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetric. However, it is obviously important to check and explore if any of our conclusions change significantly if we drop this restriction. In particular, for black hole recoil off the brane, we would expect the black hole to recoil on one side only of the brane, and hence for $\\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetry to be broken. It may be that many of the restrictions we have found with our solutions can be evaded if we remove $\\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetry. This is currently under investigation." }, "0606/astro-ph0606161_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In 2005 and 2006, the MAGIC telescope has observed very high energy gamma-ray emission from the distant BL~Lac object PG 1553+113. The overall significance of the signal is $8.8~ \\sigma$ for 18.8~h observation time. The light curve shows no significant flux variations on a daily time-scale, the flux level during 2005 was, however, significantly higher compared to 2006. The differential energy spectrum between $\\sim 90$~GeV and 500~GeV is well described by a power law with photon index $\\Gamma = 4.2 \\pm 0.3$. The combined 2005 and 2006 energy spectrum provides an upper limit of $z=0.74$ on the redshift of the object. ", "introduction": "\\subsection{The BL~Lac object PG 1553+113} The Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) PG 1553+113 was first reported in the Palomar-Green catalogue of UV bright objects \\citep{green}. It was the only new BL~Lac object found in the survey and the first BL Lac object found in an optical survey. Its spectrum is, typical for BL~Lac objects, featureless \\citep{miller83} and the optical variability strong ($m_p = 13.2-15.0$; \\cite{miller88}). The spectral characteristics are close to those of X-ray selected BL~Lacs \\citep{falomo90} and it is classified in the literature as intermediate BL~Lac \\citep{laurent99, nieppola06} or high-frequency peaked BL~Lac \\citep{giommi95}, as its synchrotron peak frequency lies on the borderline of these two groups. Despite several attempts, no emission or absorption lines have been found in the spectrum of PG 1553+113 \\citep{falomo90}. Thus only indirect methods can be used to determine the redshift $z$ (e.g. \\cite{sbarufatti05, sbarufatti06}). The host galaxy was not resolved in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images \\citep{urry00}, it is therefore safe to assume $z>0.25$. The observation of very high energy (VHE, defined here as $E \\gtrsim 100$ GeV) $\\gamma$-ray emission, on the other hand, may permit to set an upper limit on $z$. The $\\gamma$-ray absorption in the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) by means of $e^+\\ e^-$ pair production \\citep{stecker92, hessebl} can significantly affect the shape of the observed energy spectrum depending on the source redshift. Based on present-day EBL models and the observed $\\gamma$-ray spectrum, one can derive the intrinsic spectrum as a function of $z$. Physical constraints on e.g. the slope of the intrinsic spectrum may then permit to set upper limits on the possible redshift \\citep{hess1553}. PG 1553+113 belongs to a catalog of X-ray bright objects \\citep{donato05} and, based on its Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) properties, was one of the most promising candidates from a list of VHE $\\gamma$-ray emitting candidates proposed by \\cite{costamante02}. So far, upper limits on the $\\gamma$-ray emission have been reported by the Whipple collaboration (19\\% Crab flux above 390 GeV, \\cite{deperez03}) and Milagro \\citep{williams04}. Recently the H.E.S.S. collaboration has presented evidence for a $\\gamma$-ray signal at the $4\\sigma$ level (up to $5.3\\ \\sigma$ using a low energy threshold analysis) above 200 GeV corresponding to about 2\\% of the Crab flux \\citep{hess1553}. The energy spectrum was found to have a steep slope with $\\Gamma = 4.0\\pm0.6_{stat}$ and an upper limit on the redshift of $z<0.74$ was derived. \\subsection{The MAGIC telescope} The MAGIC telescope is located on the Canary Island of La Palma ($28.75^{\\circ}$~N, $17.86^{\\circ}$~W, at 2225~m asl.). The telescope comprises a 17~m diameter tessellated, parabolic mirror with a total surface of 234~m$^2$, a light-weight space-frame made from carbon fiber-epoxy tubes, and a camera with 576 hemispherical photo-multiplier tubes (PMT) with enhanced quantum efficiency ~\\citep{lacquer}. The field of view of the camera is 3.5$^\\circ$ while the trigger area covers about 2.0$^\\circ$ in diameter. The fast PMT analog signals are routed via optical fibers to the DAQ-system electronics in the counting house 80~m away. The signals are digitized by dual range 300~MHz FADCs. MAGIC can explore $\\gamma$-rays at energies down to 50~GeV (trigger threshold, depending on the zenith angle), critical for the observation of medium redshift VHE sources with steeply falling spectra like PG 1553+113. The MAGIC telescope parameters and performance are described in more detail in \\cite{magiccomm} and \\cite{magictech}.\\\\ Simultaneous with MAGIC, optical observations were performed with the KVA telescope on La Palma, operated remotely from Tuorla Observatory. The main instrument is a 60~cm (f/15) Cassegrain telescope equipped with a CCD capable of polarimetric measurements. A 35~cm auxiliary telescope (f/11) is mounted on the same RA axis. This telescope is used for BVRI CCD photometry. ", "conclusions": "Discussion} The BL~Lac object PG 1553+113 has been detected at $8.8~ \\sigma$ with the MAGIC telescope in 18.8 hours of observation during 2005 and 2006. This confirms the tentative signal seen by H.E.S.S. at a higher energy threshold with data taken at about the same time as MAGIC in the 2005 period \\citep{hess1553}. The source, therefore, can now be considered as firmly detected.\\\\ The agreement between the measured H.E.S.S. and MAGIC energy spectra of PG 1553+113 in 2005 is reasonably good. While the spectral slope is consistent within errors, the absolute flux above 200~GeV in 2005 is by a factor 4 larger compared to H.E.S.S. This difference may in part be explained by the systematic errors of both measurements but also by variations in the flux level of the source (the observations with H.E.S.S. were commenced after MAGIC). The observed energy spectrum is steeper than that of any other known BL~Lac object. This may be an indication of a large redshift ($z \\gtrsim 0.3$), but can as well be attributed to intrinsic absorption at the AGN or, more naturally, to an inverse Compton peak position at lower energies. The spectrum can, however, be used to derive an upper limit on the source redshift from physical constrains on the intrinsic photon index ($\\Gamma_{int} > 1.5$) as discussed in \\cite{hess1553}. Using the lower limit on the evolving EBL density from \\cite{kneiske04} we derived a $2 \\sigma$ upper limit on the redshift of $z < 0.74$. The same value was reported by \\cite{hess1553} where a slightly different EBL model was used. The Broad band SED of PG 1553+113 together with the results from a model calculation are shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:spectrum_2}.The VHE data points correspond to the intrinsic spectrum of PG 1553+113 as derived for a redshift of $z = 0.3$. The black points at low energies denote the average optical and X-ray flux taken at the same time as the MAGIC observations. The gray hatched radio, optical and X-ray non-simultaneous data were taken from \\cite{giommi02}. The solid line shows the result of a model fit to the simultaneously recorded data (black points) using a homogeneous, one-zone Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) model as provided by \\cite{krawczynski04}. As can be seen from Fig.~\\ref{fig:spectrum_2}, the $\\gamma$-ray, X-ray and optical data are well described by the model. This is not the case for the radio data where intrinsic absorption requires a much larger emitting volume compared to X-rays and $\\gamma$-rays. Except for a somewhat smaller radius of the emitting region, identical model parameters as in \\cite{costamante02} have been used: Doppler factor $D=21$, magnetic field strength $B=0.7\\ \\mathrm{G}$, radius of the emitting region $R=1.16^{+0.62}_{-0.21} \\cdot 10^{16}\\ \\mathrm{cm}$, electron energy density $\\rho_e = 0.11^{+0.18}_{-0.06} \\ \\mathrm{erg / cm^3}$ slope of the electron distribution $\\alpha_e=-2.6$ for $8.2 < \\log \\left( E / \\mathrm{eV} \\right) < 9.8^{+0.2}_{-0.05}$ and $\\alpha_e=-3.6$ for $9.8^{+0.2}_{-0.05} < \\log \\left( E / \\mathrm{eV} \\right) <10.6^{+1.6}_{-0.0}$. The limits on some of these parameters indicate the change of the SED model parameters when varying the assumed redshift from z=0.2 up to z=0.7 (parameters without limits were kept constant for all fits). In the case of $z \\ge 0.56$ the SED model can not accurately describe the data and, based on the obtained $\\chi^2$ value, a redshift of 0.56 is excluded on the $4.5\\sigma$ level. For a comparison of the model parameters with those from other BL Lacs we refer to \\cite{costamante02}.\\\\ PG 1553+113 was in a high state in the optical in both years showing a strong flare at the end of March 2006. The high linear polarization of the optical emission ($8.3 \\pm 0.2 \\%$) indicates that a sizeable fraction of the optical flux is indeed synchrotron radiation. In $\\gamma$-rays only a significant change in the flux level from 2005 to 2006 is found while there is no evidence for variability in X-rays. As a result, a possible correlation between the different energy bands can not be established. A possible connection between the $\\gamma$-ray detection and the optical high state can, however, not be excluded. The optical flare without X-ray or $\\gamma$-ray counterpart may still be explained by external-inverse-Compton (EIC) models which predict a time lag of the X-rays and $\\gamma$-rays with respect to the optical emission." }, "0606/astro-ph0606482_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We derive the evolution of the energy deposition in the intergalactic medium (IGM) by dark matter (DM) decays/annihilations for both sterile neutrinos and light dark matter (LDM) particles. At $z > 200$ sterile neutrinos transfer a fraction $f_{\\rm abs}\\sim{} 0.5$ of their rest mass energy into the IGM; at lower redshifts this fraction becomes $\\lesssim{} 0.3$ depending on the particle mass. The LDM particles can decay or annihilate. In both cases $f_{\\rm abs}\\sim{} 0.4-0.9$ at high ($> 300$) redshift, dropping to $\\approx 0.1$ below $z=100$. These results indicate that the impact of DM decays/annihilations on the IGM thermal and ionization history is less important than previously thought. We find that sterile neutrinos (LDM) decays are able to increase the IGM temperature by $z=5$ at most up to $4$~K ($100$~K), about 50-200 times less than predicted by estimates based on the assumption of complete energy transfer to the gas. ", "introduction": "According to 3-yr WMAP ({\\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe}) results (Spergel \\etal 2006), the dark matter (DM) constitutes about 20\\% of the cosmic energy density. However, the nature of such elusive component remains unclear. As proposed DM candidates might induce drastically different evolutionary effects depending on their properties (\\eg velocity dispersion), one hopes to be able to select suitable DM candidates from the comparison between their predicted effects and observations. Potentially important cosmological effects might be induced if DM particles either decay or annihilate, as predicted by fundamental physics theories. For example, sufficiently light DM particles (mass $\\simlt{}100$ MeV; Boehm \\etal 2004; Ascasibar \\etal 2006) can annihilate, or decay into lighter particles (Hooper \\& Wang 2004; Picciotto \\& Pospelov 2005; Ascasibar \\etal 2006) remaining good DM candidates. The products of DM decays/annihilations can be photons, neutrinos, electron-positron pairs, and/or more massive particles, depending on the mass of the progenitor. The decay/annihilation of DM particles into $e^+-e^-$ pairs has been recently invoked to explain the observation, by the SPI spectrometer aboard ESA's INTEGRAL satellite, of an excess in the 511-keV line emission from the Galactic bulge (Kn\\\"odlseder \\etal 2005). Although exotic, this idea has triggered many theoretical studies (Boehm \\etal 2004; Hooper \\& Wang 2004; Picciotto \\& Pospelov 2005; Kawasaki \\& Yanagida 2005; Kasuya \\& Takahashi 2005; Cass\\'e \\& Fayet 2006; Ascasibar \\etal 2006), aimed at constraining DM properties through SPI/INTEGRAL observations. The products of decays and/or annihilations are expected to interact with the intergalactic medium (IGM), transferring part of their energy. If so, DM decays and annihilations might change the IGM thermal/ionization history in a sensible and detectable way. Various flavors of this mechanism have been investigated in a considerable number of studies (Hansen \\& Haiman 2004; Chen \\& Kamionkowski 2004; Pierpaoli 2004; Padmanabhan \\& Finkbeiner 2005; Mapelli \\& Ferrara 2005; Biermann \\& Kusenko 2006; Mapelli, Ferrara \\& Pierpaoli 2006, hereafter MFP06; Zhang \\etal 2006). The above studies, though, made the simplifying assumptions that either (i) the energy injected by DM decays/annihilation is {\\it entirely} absorbed by the IGM (Hansen \\& Haiman 2004; Pierpaoli 2004; Biermann \\& Kusenko 2006; MFP06), or (ii) leave the absorption efficiency as a free parameter (Padmanabhan \\& Finkbeiner 2005; Zhang \\etal 2006), or (iii) make a partial treatment of the physical processes responsible for the energy redistribution (Chen \\& Kamionkowski 2004; Mapelli \\& Ferrara 2005). In this paper we model in detail, for the first time, the physical processes governing the interaction between the IGM and the decay/annihilation products, and we derive the fraction of energy actually absorbed (Section \\ref{section method}). We restrict our analysis to the case in which the decay/annihilation products are photons, electron-positron pairs, or neutrinos (which are assumed to have negligible interactions with matter), because of the uncertainties in modeling the cascade associated with more massive product particles. For photons (Section \\ref{photon subsection}) we include the effects of Compton scattering and photo-ionization; for pairs, the relevant processes are inverse Compton scattering, collisional ionizations, and positron annihilations (Section \\ref{pair subsection}). Our model exhaustively describes the behavior of relatively light DM candidates (i.e. warm and cold DM particles with mass lower than $\\sim{}100$ MeV), whose only decay/annihilation products are photons, pairs and neutrinos. As an application, we explore the effects of sterile neutrinos (mass 2-50 keV) and of viable light dark matter particles (LDM; mass 1-10 MeV) on the IGM thermal and ionization history (Section \\ref{section applications}). We adopt the best-fit cosmological parameters after the 3-yr WMAP results (Spergel \\etal 2006), i.e. $\\Omega{}_{\\rm b}=0.042$, $\\Omega{}_{\\rm M}=0.24$, $\\Omega{}_{\\rm DM}\\equiv{}\\Omega{}_{\\rm M}-\\Omega{}_{\\rm b}=0.198$, $\\Omega{}_\\Lambda{}=0.76$, $h=0.73$, $H_0=100\\,{}h$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "We have modelled the absorption rate of the energy released in the IGM by DM decays/annihilations producing photons, electron-positron pairs and neutrinos. Our model suitably describes the energy deposition of a wide class of DM candidates, such as sterile neutrinos and LDM. Useful fits to the absorbed energy fraction as a function of redshift for the various particles are given in Appendix B. In the case of radiatively decaying sterile neutrinos (mass 2-50 keV), at $z > 200$ a fraction $f_{\\rm abs}\\simeq{}0.5$ of the particle energy is transferred to the IGM, predominantly via ionizations; at lower redshifts $f_{\\rm abs}$ decreases rapidly to values of 0.0005-0.3 depending on the neutrino mass. LDM particles can decay or annihilate. In both cases $f_{\\rm abs}\\approx 1$ at high ($> 300$) redshift, due to positron annihilation and inverse Compton scattering, and it drops to values around 0.1 below $z=100$. Our determination of $f_{\\rm abs}$ has a dramatic impact on the results of previous studies (which adopted naive assumptions for this parameter) concerned with the IGM heating by DM. To illustrate this point, we have re-calculated the IGM thermal and ionization history induced by either sterile neutrinos or LDM particles, using the previous findings. We find that sterile neutrino (LDM) decays are able to increase the IGM temperature by $z=5$ at most up to $4$~K ($100$~K). Both these values are 50-200 times lower than the estimates based on the assumption of complete energy transfer to the gas. In addition, significant departures from the adiabatic temperature evolution induced by the Hubble expansion occur only below $z \\approx 30$, at an epoch when heating and ionization by conventional sources (stars or accretion-powered objects) are likely to swamp the DM signal. LDM annihilations instead produce a very extended ($5 < z < 800$) electron fraction plateau, at a level of 5-10 times the relic one. The main effect of these extra electrons is to extend the cosmic time interval during which the IGM kinetic temperature is coupled to the CMB one down to $z\\approx 100$. Although the electron scattering optical depth in this case is large (0.08-0.10), its effects on the CMB temperature/polarization spectra are hardly appreciable. The detailed computation of the $f_{\\rm abs}$ presented in this paper and summarized by the fits given in the Appendix B, might be useful for a large number of future applications in which the cosmological role of the DM is investigated. Among these are the effects of DM decays/annihilations on the 21 cm emission (Shchekinov \\& Vasiliev 2006) and on the structure formation history (Shchekinov \\& Vasiliev 2004; Biermann \\& Kusenko 2006; Ripamonti, Mapelli \\& Ferrara 2006)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606211_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first data release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE), an ambitious spectroscopic survey to measure radial velocities and stellar atmosphere parameters (temperature, metallicity, surface gravity) of up to one million stars using the 6dF multi-object spectrograph on the 1.2-m UK Schmidt Telescope of the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO). The RAVE program started in 2003, obtaining medium resolution spectra (median R=7,500) in the Ca-triplet region ($\\lambda\\lambda$ 8,410--8,795 \\AA) for southern hemisphere stars drawn from the Tycho-2 and SuperCOSMOS catalogs, in the magnitude range $9\\!\\!<\\!\\!I\\!\\!<\\!\\!12$. The first data release is described in this paper and contains radial velocities for 24,748 individual stars (25,274 measurements when including re-observations). Those data were obtained on 67 nights between 11 April 2003 to 03 April 2004. The total sky coverage within this data release is $\\sim$4,760 square degrees. The average signal to noise ratio of the observed spectra is 29.5, and 80\\% of the radial velocities have uncertainties better than 3.4~km/s. Combining internal errors and zero-point errors, the mode is found to be 2~km/s. Repeat observations are used to assess the stability of our radial velocity solution, resulting in a variance of 2.8~km/s. We demonstrate that the radial velocities derived for the first data set do not show any systematic trend with color or signal to noise. The RAVE radial velocities are complemented in the data release with proper motions from Starnet 2.0, Tycho-2 and SuperCOSMOS, in addition to photometric data from the major optical and infrared catalogs (Tycho-2, USNO-B, DENIS and 2MASS). The data release can be accessed via the RAVE webpage: http://www.rave-survey.org. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:introduction} Within the past decade it is being increasingly recognised that many of the clues to the fundamental problem of galaxy formation in the early Universe are contained in the motions and chemical composition of long-lived stars in our Milky Way galaxy (see e.g. Freeman \\& Bland-Hawthorn 2002). The recent discovery of several instances of tidal debris in our Galaxy challenges the view laid down in the seminal paper by \\citet{els}, who envision the Galaxy to be formed in one major monolithic collapse at an early epoch, followed by a period of relative quiescence, lasting many Gyr. These examples include the discovery of the tidally distorted/disrupted Sagittarius dwarf galaxy \\citep{sgr}, the photometrically identified low-latitude Monoceros structure in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citet{monoceros} and the multitude of features in higher latitude fields \\citep{belokurov}. \\clearpage \\begin{figure*}[hbtp] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=8.7cm,angle=270]{f1.eps} \\caption{The RAVE spectrum of a typical field star, HD~154837 (K0~III), illustrating the properties of the chosen wavelength interval around the Ca~II IR triplet. The strongest other absorption lines are identified. } \\label{f:nicespectrum} \\end{figure*} \\clearpage Furthermore, within the context of the concordance LCDM scenario, sophisticated computer simulations of structure growth within a CDM universe have now begun to shed light on how the galaxy formation process may have taken place in a hierarchical framework (see e.g. Steinmetz \\& Navarro 2002, Abadi et al.~2003, Brook et al.~2005, Governato et al.~2004, Sommer-Larsen et al.~2003). These analyses lead to a reinterpretation of structures such as the Eggen moving groups \\citep{navarro04} or the Omega Cen globular cluster \\citep{meza05} in terms of merger remnants. In fact, in the extreme case, structures, and old stars, in even the thin Galactic disk are attributed to accretion events \\citep{abadi03,meza05}. In addition, strong evidence for accretion and assimilation of satellite galaxies can also be seen for other galaxies in the Local Group, in particular the `great stream' in M31 \\citep{sgrstream}. However, whether the Galaxy can indeed be formed by a sequence of merging events as predicted by current cosmological models of galaxy formation, or whether the few well-established accretion and merging remnants -- which account for only a small fraction of the stellar mass of the Galaxy -- are all there is, is still a largely unanswered question. Large kinematic surveys are needed, as are large surveys that derive chemical abundances, since both kinematics signatures and elemental abundance signatures persist longer than do spatial over-densities. It is still unclear (Wyse \\& Gilmore 2006), whether the observed chemical properties of the stars in the thick disk (Gilmore, Wyse \\& Jones 1995) can be brought into agreement with a scenario that sees the thick disk primarily as the result of accretion events \\citep{abadi03}. A similar question arises owing to the distinct age distribution (Unavane, Wyse \\& Gilmore 1996, see however Abadi et al.~2003) and chemical elemental abundance distributions of stars in the stellar halo and in low-mass dwarf galaxies of the Local Group (Tolstoy et al.~2003; see however, Robertson et al.~2005, Bullock \\& Johnston 2005). Stellar clusters, spiral arms, and the Galactic bar leave an imprint in the chemical and stellar velocity distribution in the solar neighborhood (Dehnen 2000; Quillen \\& Minchev 2005; de Simone et al.~2004) as well. Multidimensional databases are required to investigate and differentiate between these processes and structure caused by satellite accretion. The growing awareness of the importance of the `fossil record' in the Milky Way Galaxy in constraining galaxy formation theory is reflected by the increasing number of missions designed to unravel the formation history of the Galaxy. Stellar spectroscopy plays a crucial role in these studies, not only providing radial velocities as a key component of the 6-dimensional phase space of stellar positions and velocities, but also providing much-needed information on the gravity and chemical composition of individual stars. An example of the power of such multidimensional stellar datasets have recently been shown by \\citet{helmi06} who, by using a combination of proper motions and distances from the Hipparcos catalog \\citep{hip} and spectra from the Geneva-Copenhagen Survey (Nordstr\\\"om et al.~ 2005, hereafter GCS) were able to identify several accretion candidates within the immediate neighborhood of the Sun. However, despite the importance of stellar spectroscopy, the past decades have seen only limited progress. Soon after \\citet{vogel1873} measured the radial velocities of Sirus and Procyon, \\citet{oldgeorge}\\footnote{The great-great-grandfather of G. Seabroke, co-author of this paper.} performed one of the first surveys, measuring 68 radial velocities for 29 stars, followed by 699 observations of 40 stars \\citep{oldgeorge2} and 866 observations of 49 stars \\citep{oldgeorge3}. Since then, over the next 125 years, radial velocities for some 50,000 stars have become available in the public databases of the Centre de Donn\\'ees astronomiques de Strasbourg (hereafter CDS). This is surprisingly few, compared to the more than one million galaxy redshifts measured within the past decade. This sample of stellar radial velocities has recently been increased substantially by the GCS, containing radial velocities for 16,682 nearby dwarf stars, and by \\citet{famay} publishing 6,691 radial velocities for apparently bright giant stars. Both catalogs were part of the Hipparcos follow-up campaign. With the advent of wide field multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) fiber systems in the 1990's, pioneered particularly at the AAO with FOCAP, AUTOFIB and most recently with the 2dF and 6dF instruments on the AAT and UKST respectively (e.g. Lewis et al.~ 2002 and Watson et al.~2000), the possibility of undertaking wide-area surveys with hemispheric coverage became feasible. Initially, such projects were more concerned with large-scale galaxy and quasar redshift surveys (e.g. Colless et al.~2001 for 2dF and Jones et al.~2004 for 6dF). Apart from the samples of several hundred to a few thousand stars obtained prior to the commissioning of AAOmega at the AAT (see for example Kuijken \\& Gilmore 1989a, b, c; Gilmore, Wyse \\& Jones 1995; Wyse \\& Gilmore 1995; Gilmore, Wyse \\& Norris 2002) no large-scale, wide area stellar spectroscopy projects had been undertaken in our own galaxy. This has now changed with new surveys like SDSSII/SEGUE already under way, with a planned delivery of 240,000 spectra by mid 2008 \\citep{segue}, and the capabilities of AAOmega on the AAT. Over a slightly longer time frame, the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE), the survey we describe in this paper, is expected to provide spectra for up to 1 Million stars by 2011. This trend for large stellar surveys will culminate with the ESA cornerstone mission Gaia, which, in addition to astrometric information, will provide multi-epoch radial velocities for up to one hundred million stars, by 2018. Each of these surveys has its own unique aspect, and they are largely complementary in capabilities and target sample. With a radial velocity error of about 2~km/s and 80\\% of measurements better than 3.4~km/s, the RAVE velocities are accurate enough for almost any Galactic kinematical study. Radial velocities are however just one of the necessary stellar parameters: proper motions, distances and chemical abundances are also needed. Proper motions of varying accuracy are available for most of the RAVE stars, via Starnet2.0, Tycho-2 or SSS. Already, some of the cooler dwarfs ($J-K>0.5$) with more accurate proper motions can be identified as dwarfs from their reduced proper motions. For these stars, it is possible to estimate all six phase space coordinates using their photometric parallaxes. For most of these stars, there is no previous spectroscopic information, so the RAVE sample provides many scientific opportunities. Some of the science programs in progress by RAVE team members include: \\begin{itemize} \\item Discovery of extreme velocity stars and estimates of the local escape velocity and total mass of the Galaxy \\item The 3D velocity distribution function of the local Galactic disk \\item Kinematics of the main stellar components of the Galaxy \\item Characterization of the local Galactic disk potential and the structure of the disk components \\item Substructure in the disk and halo of the Galaxy, including the Arcturus, Sagittarius and other star streams \\item Elemental abundances of high velocity stars \\item Calibration of stellar atmospheric parameters and correspondence with the MK scheme through the HR diagram \\item Searches for spectroscopic binaries and cataclysmic variables \\item The $\\lambda8,620$\\AA~diffuse interstellar band as an estimator of interstellar reddening. \\end{itemize} In this paper we describe the first data release of the RAVE survey which contains radial velocities obtained from RAVE spectra (the spectra, stellar parameters and additional information will be part of the further releases as the first year spectra are contaminated by second order light). Photometric and proper motion data from other surveys are also provided for ease of use. The structure of the paper is as follows: In Section 2 we describe the survey layout, technical equipment and input catalog. Section 3 is devoted to the actual observations, followed by a section detailing the data reduction. Section 5 discusses the data quality and compares RAVE data with independent data taken with other telescopes. Finally, Section 6 provides a detailed description of the data product of the first data release (henceforth DR1) and concludes with longer term perspectives. ", "conclusions": "This first data release presents radial velocities for 24,748 individual stars in the range $9\\simlt I_{DENIS}\\simlt 12.5$, obtained from spectra in the infrared Calcium-triplet region at a median resolution of 7,500. The total sky coverage of this catalog is $\\sim$4,760 square degrees. We demonstrated that the radial velocities are not affected by any trend in color or SNR using both external data and RAVE repeat observations. The resulting variance for each set of validation data is consistent with our estimated errors. DR1 does not include information about chemical abundances and other atmospheric parameters, for reasons described above. The quality of the currently acquired spectra is good enough for derivation of $T_{\\rm eff}$, gravity, [M/H], [$\\alpha$/Fe], $V_{\\rm rot}\\sin i$, and micro-turbulence \\citep{fiorucci}, and we expect to include chemical and atmospheric data in subsequent data releases. RAVE is planned to observe until 2010 and will acquire up to 1,000,000 spectra. Incremental releases, containing radial velocities, stellar parameters as well as spectra, are now planned on an approximately yearly basis, providing an unprecedented sample of stellar kinematics and chemical abundances in the range of magnitudes probing scales between the very local (Hipparcos based) radial velocity surveys (GCS and Famaye et al.~ 2005) and the more distant SDSSII/SEGUE and surveys with AAOmega, therefore completing our picture of the Milky Way." }, "0606/astro-ph0606027_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We identify ``red clump stars'' -- core helium-burning giants -- among 2MASS stars and use them to measure the run of reddening with distance in the direction of each of the Galactic Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXP). We combine this with extinction estimates from X-ray spectroscopy to infer distances and find that the locations of all AXP are consistent with being in Galactic spiral arms. We also find that the 2--10\\,keV luminosities implied by our distances are remarkably similar for all AXP, being all around $\\sim\\!1.3\\times10^{35}{\\rm\\,erg\\,s^{-1}}$. Furthermore, using our distances to estimate effective black-body emitting radii, we find that the radii are tightly anti-correlated with pulsed fraction, and somewhat less tightly anti-correlated with black-body temperature. We find no obvious relationship of any property with the dipole magnetic field strength inferred from the spin-down rate. ", "introduction": "The Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) are young, energetic, X-ray bright isolated neutron stars, with spin periods of the order 10\\,s. They are called {\\em anomalous} since their luminosity far exceeds the energy available from spin-down, and no binary companions are seen. AXPs (along with the related Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters or SGRs) are now believed to be {\\em magnetars} (Thompson \\& Duncan, 1996). Magnetars have huge external magnetic fields ($\\sim 10^{14}$G) and even larger internal fields. It is the decay of the magnetic flux which provides the luminosity seen, and is responsible for a whole array of observational effects such as bursting and giant flares. See Woods \\& Thompson (2004) for a summary of recent observational data on magnetars, and how they are modeled. Since they are young remnants of massive, short-lived progenitors, all of the AXPs are found in the Galactic plane (except for CXOU~J010043.1$-$721134 which is in the Small Magallanic Cloud). This causes a major obstacle to observations: high interstellar extinction, manifested as photo-electric edges from different elements in the soft X-ray band, and as continuum extinction from dust in the optical and near-infrared. Since the amount of extinction has been difficult to estimate accurately, the spectral energy distributions of AXP have been subject to large uncertainties (Hulleman et al.\\ 2004; Durant \\& van Kerkwijk 2005, 2006). Furthermore, even if the interstellar absorption is well-characterized, distances and therefore absolute fluxes are difficult to determine. The simplest distance estimate is made by requiring that the black-body component typically inferred from the X-ray spectrum arises from a neutron-star sized area. We do not, however, expect the surfaces of AXPs to be homogeneous, both on observational grounds (they pulsate) and from theoretical considerations (the magnetic field, which affects the heat conduction, will vary across the surface). For AXPs that are associated with supernova remnants or other interstellar structure, a more direct distance estimate can be made using 21\\,cm \\ion{H}{1} measurements and the Galactic rotation curve. Convincing cases for associations with supernova remnants have been made for two AXPs: 1E~2259+589 with CTB~109 (Gregory \\& Fahlman, 1980), and 1E~1841$-$045 with Kes~73 (Sanbonmatsu \\& Helfand 1992). Furthermore, Gaensler et al. (2005) found an \\ion{H}{1} bubble coincident with the direction of AXP 1E~1048.1$-$5937, which they suggest was created by the winds of the massive progenitor of the AXP (see Muno et al. 2006 for a discussion of possible massive progenitors to AXPs). Even for these systems, however, distance estimates can be rather uncertain, with different authors finding inconsistent results (we discuss this further in \\S4 and~5). For sources in the Galactic plane, a different clue to the distance is available if one has a good measure of the interstellar extinction, and the run of extinction with distance can be determined independently. This works because the extinction increases with distance, more so towards star-forming regions and molecular clouds. The so-called red clump method provides a means for deriving the function of reddening versus distance in any given line of sight, based on field stars over a relatively small area. L\\'opez-Corredoira et al.\\ (2002) noted that in an infrared color-magnitude diagramme of a stellar cluster ($J-K$ versus $K$ for example), core helium-burning giants, or red clump stars, form a well-defined and easily-identified concentration of stars redward of the main sequence. Stars spend up to 10\\% of their lifetime in this phase, and are much more luminous than typical main sequence stars. Because their helium cores all have roughly the same mass, their luminosities are largely independent of the total stellar mass. Furthermore, their infrared colours are insensitive to metallicity. As a result, they are good infrared standard candles and if the red clump can be identified at each of a range of distances, then the reddening at each distance can be calculated. The method has been used not only by Lopez-Corredoira et al.\\ (2002) to measure the density distribution of stars in the Galaxy, but also by, e.g., Drimmel et al.\\ (2003) to map the distribution of dust. Here, we apply the red-clump method to measure distances to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars. In section \\S2, we first describe how we applied the red-clump method, focussing on the AXP for which the method was most tricky, and in section \\S3 we use this field to test the reliability of the method, and to estimate uncertainties in the derived values. In \\S4, we present the results of the red clump method applied to each of the Galactic AXPs, and we discuss the implications in terms of distance. In \\S5, we compare our new distances with those in the literature, in particular for the controversial case of 1E~2259+589 and the associated supernova remnant CTB~109. In \\S6, we use our results to infer luminosities and emitting radii, and discuss how these depend on other AXP properties. We draw conclusions in \\S7. ", "conclusions": "We have applied the ``red-clump'' method to 2MASS data to construct the run of reddening versus distance in the directions of each of the Galactic AXPs. Combined with estimates of the reddenings to the AXPs, half of which are from our recent, model-independent determinations from photo-electric absorption edges in high-resolution X-ray spectra, we inferred distances. We found that two of these estimated distances are inconsistent with ones in the literature, but found likely reasons for the discrepancy in both cases and concluded that our results were reliable. From the reddening versus distance diagrammes, we find that the AXPs tend to fall in regions of rapidly rising reddening that are associated with spiral arms. This is not surprising, since they are the young remnants of short-lived massive stars. In particular, 4U~0142+61 has a position consistent with the Perseus Arm, 1E~1048.1$-$5937 lies on the far side of the Carina Arm, and 1XTE~J1810$-$197 and 1RXS~J170849.0$-$400910 fall along the Crux-Scutum arm. 1E~1841$-$045 could either lie in the Scutum arm or in the Molecular Ring, which dominates the gas and dust density at galactocentric distances of about 4\\,kpc (Dame et al.\\ 2001). 1E~2258+586 falls near the end of the Outer Arm, known to exist in this direction beyond the Perseus arm (e.g., Kimeswenger \\& Weinberger 1989). From our distances, we infer 2--10\\,keV luminosities and we find that these cluster tightly around $1.3\\times10^{35}{\\rm\\,erg\\,s^{-1}}$, consistent with the prediction in the context of the magnetar model that a saturating luminosity must exist above which rapid internal neutrino cooling is effective. Furthermore, we calculated effective emitting radii for the thermal components in the X-ray spectra, and find that these are inversely correlated with temperature, while the corresponding areas are inversely proportional to the pulsed fraction. This suggests the internal heating is released predominantly through one or more hot polar caps, with sizes that differ between the different AXPs. The red-clump method can be applied to any line of sight in the Galactic plane, and is particularly useful combined with reddening estimates from X-ray spectroscopy. More accurate results may be obtained using deeper infrared imaging of selected fields, although, unfortunately, it may not be possible to extend the method to regions with very high reddening, since the red clump stars may well become confused with highly reddened main-sequence stars. As a result of the latter limitation, the method may not be generally useful for the other class of magnetars, the soft gamma-ray repeaters, which generally suffer very high extinction. It should be useful, however, for point sources such as the Compact Central Objects. Generally, for further analysis of distances and structure within the Milky Way, it would be useful to cross-calibrate results from the red-clump method with those from X-ray absorption studies, X-ray dust scattering haloes, and \\ion{H}{1} and CO measurements. \\medskip\\noindent{\\bf Acknowledgments:} We would like to acknowledge the thoroughness and many useful suggestions and comments of the anonymous referee. We thank David Kaplan for pointing out the paper describing the red-clump method to us, and Martin L\\'opez-Corredoira for information on the applicability of the red-clump method. We also thank Bryan Gaensler for help with interpreting CO and \\ion{H}{1} data and for discussions about 1E~1048.1$-$5937, Manami Sasaki and Terrance Gaetz for discussing the case of CTB~109, and Tom Dame and Peter Martin for general discussions of Galactic gas and dust. This publication makes use of the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by NASA and NSF. We acknowledge financial support from NSERC." }, "0606/astro-ph0606556_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We address the question of to what accuracy remote sensing images of the surface of planets can be matched, so that the possible displacement of features on the surface can be accurately measured. This is relevant in the context of the libration experiment aboard the European Space Agency's BepiColombo mission to Mercury. We focus here only on the algorithmic aspects of the problem, and disregard all other sources of error (spacecraft position, calibration uncertainties, \\textit{etc.}) that would have to be taken into account. We conclude that for a wide range of illumination conditions, translations between images can be recovered to about one tenth of a pixel \\textit{r.m.s.} ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} One of the goals of the European Space Agency's BepiColombo mission to Mercury is the measurement of the amplitude of the libration of Mercury. In order to do this images of the same surface areas will be taken at different times during the libration cycle and compared. When all other effects---spacecraft position, Mercury's rotation, spacecraft attitude, \\textit{etc.}---are taken into account, any remaining discrepancy between the positions of features on the surface must be due to the libration of the crust of the planet. Here we address the question of to what accuracy images can be matched, and we focus only on the algorithmic aspects of the problem, disregarding all other sources of error that would have to be taken into account to solve the scientific problem. We shall show that by using a shape-based matching algorithm images taken under a wide range of illumination conditions can be matched to one tenth of a pixel root-mean-square. Based on this we conclude that the accuracy of the pattern matching algorithm is not the limiting factor in the ultimate accuracy that can be achieved by the libration experiment on BepiColombo. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have performed a study of the accuracy with which a shape-based pattern matching algorithm can identify translations between remote sensing images of the same planetary features. We have applied the algorithms in a Monte Carlo fashion to digital elevation models (both real and synthetic) in order to investigate the statistical performance of the procedure. We find that for a broad range of illumination conditions translations between images can be recovered with an accuracy of 0.1\\,pixel \\textit{r.m.s}. The algorithm performs best for translations along the projected direction to the Sun on the image plane. This study shows that translations along both image axes at the same time can be recovered with the same accuracy of 0.1\\,pixel as long as the projected direction to the Sun lies more than $\\approx 20^\\circ$ away from the same image axes. Finally, this study demonstrates that the images to be compared need not be taken under the very same illumination conditions in order to be effectively matched. For a given Sun azimuth, any pair of images taken with Sun elevation angles larger than $10^\\circ$ can be used; images taken when the Sun is at the zenith must also be avoided. The range of useful illumination conditions is further broadened because this study concludes that differences in Sun azimuth of at least $30^\\circ$ do not affect the accuracy of the matching algorithm. The error contributed by the matching algorithm is but one of the several error contributions to be taken into account during the analysis of the data pertaining to the measurement of the possible libration of the surface of Mercury. This study shows that the accuracy of the pattern matching algorithm is not a limiting factor in the ultimate accuracy of the libration experiment aboard the BepiColombo mission to Mercury." }, "0606/astro-ph0606283_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a combined analysis of the X-ray emission of the Capella corona obtained with \\textit{XMM-Newton} RGS, \\textit{Chandra} HETGS, and LETGS. An improved atomic line database and a new differential emission measure (DEM) deconvolution method are developed for this purpose. Our new atomic database is based on the Astrophysical Plasma Emission Database and incorporates improved calculations of ionization equilibrium and line emissivities for L-shell ions of abundant elements using the Flexible Atomic Code. The new DEM deconvolution method uses a Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) technique which differs from existing MCMC or $\\chi^2$-fitting based methods. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each individual instrument in determining the DEM and elemental abundances. We conclude that results from either RGS or HETGS data alone are not robust enough due to their failure to constrain DEM in some temperature region or the lack of significant continuum emission in the wavelength band of the spectrometers, and that the combination of HETGS and RGS gives more stringent constraints on the DEM and abundance determinations. Using the LETGS data, we show that the recently discovered inconsistencies between the EUV and X-ray lines of Fe XVIII and XIX also exist in more highly charged iron ions, up to Fe XXIII, and that enhanced interstellar absorption due to partially ionized plasma along the Capella line of sight may explain some, but not all, of these discrepancies. ", "introduction": "The Capella system is one of the strongest X-ray emitting coronal sources, and has been observed numerous times with the past and current X-ray observatories, including both High and Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometers (HETGS, LETGS) on board \\chandra and the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) of \\xmm. Capella is a close spectroscopic binary with an orbital period of 104 days and a distance of 12.9~pc \\citep{hummel94}. The general features of the temperature distribution of the Capella coronal plasma were reasonably well determined, even with the previous generation X-ray and EUV observatories, equipped with limited spectral resolutions. Observations with the \\euve spacecraft have shown a continuous differential emission measure (DEM) distribution over a temperature range of $10^5$ to $10^7$~K \\citep{dupree93}. \\citet{brickhouse00} analyzed the simultaneous observations of \\euve and \\asca, and concluded that the DEM is sharply peaked near $10^{6.8}$~K. The abundances of Mg, Si, S, and Fe were found to be consistent with solar photospheric values, and Ne was found to be underabundant by a factor of $\\sim 3$ to 4 in that analysis. Since the launch of \\chandra and \\xmm, high resolution X-ray spectra have become available, and numerous analyses of the Capella coronal X-ray emission have appeared using all three grating instruments. The first light observations were presented by \\citet{canizares00} for HETGS, \\citet{brinkman00} for LETGS, and \\citet{audard01} for RGS, which gave an overview of the spectral data using relatively simple analysis methods. \\citet{behar01} investigated in detail the Fe L-shell line emission using the HETGS data and theoretical calculations of the Hebrew University Lawrence Livermore Atomic Code (HULLAC). \\citet{phillips01} made detailed comparisons between the HETGS X-ray spectra and extreme-ultraviolet emission from \\euve. \\citet{mewe01} presented temperature, density and abundance diagnostics using the LETGS observation and a line ratio based analysis method. \\citet{argiroffi03} studied the structure and variability of the X-ray corona using multiple LETGS observations and a Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) method for the DEM deconvolution developed by \\citet{kashyap98}. The x-ray emission are found to be constant to within a few percent on both short and long time scales. \\citet{audard03} studied the coronal abundances and the first ionization potential (FIP) effects of several RS CVn binaries, including Capella, using the \\xmm observations. All previously mentioned analyses have relied on a single grating instrument in the X-ray band. \\citet{desai05} combined multiple HETGS and LETGS observations and investigated various line ratios of Fe XVIII and XIX. Large discrepancies of a factor of two were found between the observed and theoretical ratios involving $3\\to 2$ X-ray transitions and $2\\to 2$ EUV resonance lines. It was assumed that such discrepancies reflect the uncertainties of theoretical atomic data. However, this combined analysis was not aimed at deriving coronal properties of Capella. Because of the different spectral coverage of the three grating instruments, it is conceivable that a joint analysis of all instruments may yield more stringent constraints on the DEM distribution and elemental abundances of the capella corona than that of individual instruments. Although observations with three gratings are generally not simultaneous, a joint analysis is possible due to the lack of variability of X-ray emission as indicated by multiple observations with individual instruments. In this paper, we present such a combined analysis of observations with HETGS (ObsID 5040, 28 ks), LETGS (ObsID 1248, 84 ks), and RGS (ObsID 0121920101, 51 ks). Many more similar observations exist for all instruments. The three are chosen more or less randomly. The primary goal of the present work is to introduce our analysis method and discuss the complementary nature of the three instruments. The statistical quality of these individual observations are sufficient for this purpose. We leave a systematic investigation of all available data for future work. In the course of this work, we have developed an improved atomic line database and a new DEM deconvolution method. The new atomic line database is based on the line list of astrophysical plasma emission code (APEC) of \\citet{smith01} with the L-shell emission lines from Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni replaced with calculations using the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC) developed by \\citet{gu03a}. Our new MCMC DEM deconvolution method is an adaptation of the spatial-spectral analysis procedure of \\citet{peterson06} to the analysis of pure spectral data, and is different from the MCMC method of \\citet{kashyap98} in technical details. In \\S\\ref{sec:atomic}, we describe our improvements to the atomic line database of APEC; in \\S\\ref{sec:dem}, the details of the MCMC method for DEM deconvolution are discussed; \\S\\ref{sec:rgs} and \\S\\ref{sec:hetg} present the analysis of the \\xmm RGS and \\chandra HETGS observations respectively; \\S\\ref{sec:rhetg} presents the joint analysis of RGS and HETGS data; In \\S\\ref{sec:letg}, the additional constraints on the physical properties of the interstellar medium along the Capella sight line imposed by LETGS data are analyzed; we conclude with brief discussions of the results in \\S\\ref{sec:discussion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} During this reanalysis of Capella data, we developed a new atomic line list based on APED/APEC. The improvements include better ionization balance calculations for all L-shell ions, more level population mechanisms for Fe L-shell ions such as resonance excitation, recombination, and ionization processes, better wavelengths based on either accurate many-body perturbation theory or laboratory measurements for L-shell lines of S, Ar, Fe, and Ni. We have tested the new line database on many other coronal sources, and found it to always perform better than APED/APEC. However, there are still some serious deficiencies in the atomic data. For example, the L-shell lines of elements other than Fe only include direct excitation as the level population mechanism; the line emissivities are calculated in the low density limit; and the wavelengths of high-$n$ transitions of Fe L-shell ions have not been well determined as those of $3\\to 2$ transitions. Some of these problems are being addressed with the ongoing laboratory and theoretical work. We expect to further improve the database in the near future. We also developed a new MCMC based DEM deconvolution method. It is different from existing methods in several aspects, including the parameterization of DEM and the utilization of the raw spectra instead of line fluxes. We demonstrated that the HETGS data alone often cannot constrain the total emission measure and the absolute abundances independently due to the lack of significant continuum emission. The DEM derived from RGS alone often has a high temperature tail which may bias the abundance measurements. The combination of HETGS and RGS data were shown to give the most robust results. The abundances derived from the joint analysis of HETGS and RGS indicate the presence of solar-like FIP effect. We investigated the problem of intensity ratios of $2\\to 2$ EUV lines to $3\\to 2$ X-ray lines of Fe L-shell ions using the LETGS data. The overestimation of $2\\to 2$ lines are shown to exist not only for Fe XVIII and XIX, but also for higher charge ions up to Fe XXIII. The discrepancy appears to grow larger for lines at longer wavelengths. We proposed a partial explanation by assuming that the interstellar medium along the Capella line sight is partially ionized, and therefore has a larger effective absorption column density than if the medium is neutral. However, constraints on the ionization fraction of H II dictate that it can only account for about half of the discrepancy. It is plausible that the remaining discrepancy is due to either the LETGS calibration uncertainties or systematic errors in theoretical line ratios." }, "0606/astro-ph0606410_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present matched-resolution maps of HI and CO emission in the Virgo Cluster spiral NGC~4647. The galaxy shows a mild kinematic disturbance in which one side of the rotation curve flattens but the other side continues to rise. This kinematic asymmetry is coupled with a dramatic asymmetry in the molecular gas distribution but not in the atomic gas. An analysis of the gas column densities and the interstellar pressure suggests that the \\htoo/HI surface density ratio on the east side of the galaxy is three times higher than expected from the hydrostatic pressure contributed by the mass of the stellar disk. We discuss the probable effects of ram pressure, gravitational interactions, and asymmetric potentials on the interstellar medium and suggest it is likely that a $m=1$ perturbation in the gravitational potential could be responsible for all of the galaxy's features. Kinematic disturbances of the type seen here are common, but the curious thing about NGC 4647 is that the molecular distribution appears more disturbed than the HI distribution. Thus it is the combination of the two gas phases that provides such interesting insight into the galaxy's history and into models of the interstellar medium. ", "introduction": "Galaxies that are rich in cold gas tend to have roughly equal amounts of gas in the atomic and in the molecular phase. But, to the best of our knowledge, star formation only occurs in the molecular phase. Therefore, the global balance between atomic and molecular gas is crucial to the long-term evolution of galaxies and their stellar populations. What determines the balance between atomic and molecular gas in a galaxy, and how does that balance evolve as the environment of the galaxy changes? On theoretical grounds we would expect that the density and temperature of the gas, the strength of the dissociating UV field, and the metallicity all affect the relative amounts of molecular and atomic gas \\citep{hidaka2002,elmegreen93}. The gas should also be in hydrostatic equilibrium with a pressure that is mostly determined by the stellar distribution, since stars contribute the bulk of the mass in the inner parts of galaxies where the \\htoo---HI transition occurs. If a galaxy is disturbed by gravitational interactions or by falling into an intracluster medium, the balance between atomic and molecular gas may be altered. Indeed, \\citet{miller03a} and \\citet{miller03b} observe increased star formation activity in the members of a galaxy group or subcluster that recently merged into a larger cluster. In a bottom-up (cold dark matter) cosmology such disturbances should be common, and they may be important both to the star formation histories and the morphological evolution of galaxies. In turn, the disturbances and asymmetries in galaxies can inform our understanding of cosmology as they allow us to place constraints on the merger/interaction rate. The semi-analytic simulations of galaxy formation (e.g.\\ \\citet{somerville99,kauffmann93} and successors) are attempts to understand the observed properties of galaxies by predicting their star formation histories in a cosmological context. To this end the semi-analytic simulations typically assume that the star formation rate can be calculated from empirically motivated recipes involving the gas content and the recent merger history. However, these empirical recipes may not capture important phases of galaxy evolution. Thus it is desirable to have a more physically motivated understanding of the interstellar medium (ISM) and star formation that can be applied to both semi-empirical studies and future detailed N-body/hydrodynamic simulations. \\citet{krumholz05} have recently put together a detailed model for the star formation rate in galaxies. They begin with the molecular cloud microphysics, in which fractal turbulence drives a small fraction of the gas to high enough density that it collapses to form stars. They extend the physics to galaxy-wide scales by then considering the molecular clouds as gravitationally bound entities formed in a disk that is marginally stable against gravitational collapse using the Toomre criterion \\citep{Toomre64,BT}. We note that this model still depends critically on knowing how much of the gas disk is in molecular form and how much is atomic. In the absence of observations, that information must be obtained from a hypothesis such as that of \\citet{br04}, which predicts atomic and molecular column density ratios as a function of the midplane hydrostatic pressure in a disk. Future work on simulations of galaxy evolution could be made more realistic by incorporation of such physically-based models of a multiple-phase ISM and its effects on the star formation rate. Our current contribution to this effort is an observational study that begins to test such physical models on a gently disturbed galaxy. We present an analysis of the kinematics of the neutral interstellar medium in the Virgo Cluster spiral NGC 4647, along with an analysis of the relationships between atomic gas, molecular gas, and star formation in the galaxy. We investigate whether the observed molecular/atomic balance and the disturbed kinematics can be understood in the context of the galaxy's environment. The form and magnitude of the kinematic disturbance in NGC 4647 are common, so the processes affecting this galaxy might be applicable to many spirals. However, few mildly disturbed spiral galaxies have been mapped at matching resolutions in both atomic and molecular gas, so opportunities for this type of analysis are rare. ", "conclusions": "In a $\\Lambda$CDM universe galaxy-galaxy mergers and encounters are recognized as major processes that have determined the spectrum of galaxy properties. From an observational perspective, galaxy asymmetries can serve as indicators of the merger/interaction rate. One may measure the incidence of asymmetries and then make the leap to the merger/interaction rate via several important assumptions such as the timescale over which asymmetries will remain detectable. That timescale depends crucially on an understanding of the processes responsible for the asymmetries and how they affect the gas, stars, and star formation activity. In this context our observations of the mildly disturbed galaxy NGC 4647 raise several questions. NGC 4647 shows two kinds of lopsidedness, in its kinematics and in its gas distribution. More specifically, the gas distribution is asymmetric in two ways: the total gas surface density is significantly higher on the east side than on the west, and the gas disk is also more highly molecular on the east side than on the west. How common are these types of asymmetries, and what causes them? We address the problems in two stages. In section \\ref{lopsided}, a comparison to other mildly lopsided galaxies suggests processes that may create the kinematic asymmetry and enhanced gas surface densities on the east side of the galaxy (or the depressed surface densities on the west side). Section \\ref{press-asym} discusses local pressure enhancements that may drive the ISM into a more highly molecular state on the east side of the galaxy. In section \\ref{leftoverQ} we list some remaining questions and propose tests that would give greater insight into NGC 4647 in particular and spirals in general. \\subsection{Lopsided Galaxies}\\label{lopsided} It has been known for some time that many spirals are asymmetric or lopsided. For example, \\citet{rz95} and \\citet{zr97} find that some 30\\% of field spirals have lopsided stellar distributions. \\citet{baldwin80} show asymmetries in the HI distributions of spirals, and \\citet{rs94} find that 50\\% of field spirals show asymmetric global HI profiles that are probably attributable to lopsided gas distributions. \\citet{rubin99} studied \\halpha\\ rotation curves for Virgo spirals, and they find that half show significant kinematic disturbances. In many of these, the disturbance takes the form of an asymmetry in which the velocity field is different on the two sides of the galaxy. From studies of HI position-velocity diagrams and velocity fields \\citet{swaters99} estimate that the incidence of kinematic lopsidedness is 15\\%--30\\% among non-interacting field spirals. The relatively high incidence of asymmetries (even among field spirals) is significant, since it implies that the responsible mechanisms must either be frequent or long-lasting. Typical dynamical timescales in spiral disks are only on the order of $10^8$ yr. In this context, four general processes have been proposed as sources of kinematic and/or morphological lopsidedness: ram pressure in a cluster environment, gravitational interactions between galaxies, asymmetric accretion of gas from the cosmic web or from satellites, and asymmetric or off-center gravitational potentials. NGC 4647 is undoubtedly experiencing some ram pressure in its passage through the Virgo intracluster medium. Section \\ref{press-asym} makes quantitative estimates of the ram pressure. At a purely qualitative level, the sharp HI edge on the northeast side and the shallow dropoff in the HI column density on the southwest (Section \\ref{HIdist}) are suggestive of gentle stripping. The kinematic asymmetry in NGC 4647 may also be evidence of the non-circular velocities induced by significant ram pressure \\citep{hidaka2002}. Finally, the form of the CO asymmetry in NGC 4647 is very like that in NGC~4419, which was attributed to ram pressure by \\citet{kenney1990}. However, it is not at all obvious that ram pressure by itself is a convincing explanation for the ensemble of properties displayed in NGC 4647. The east side of the galaxy appears strongly disturbed, with its enhanced CO emission and rising rotation curve. At 40\\asec\\ radius the total gas density is twice as high on the east side as on the west side. In contrast, the west side appears very gently (if at all) disturbed. Its rotation curve is well behaved out to at least 70\\asec. Unless the galaxy is proceeding exactly edge-on through the intracluster medium, so that the west side is shielded by the east side, we might expect that the effects of ram pressure would be more noticeable on the low density side of the galaxy than on the high density side. In this respect the ram-pressure stripped galaxy NGC~4419 is actually quite different from NGC~4647; both have asymmetric molecular distributions, but in NGC~4419 the atomic gas is very severely stripped as well \\citep{kenney04,chung06}. Asymmetric gravitational potentials can also produce kinematic features like those observed in NGC 4647 and other spirals. For example, \\citet{schoenmakers97} add a perturbation of the form $\\cos(m\\theta)$ to the potential of an axisymmetric galaxy and calculate the effects on its velocity field. Based on that work \\citet{swaters99} have shown that a $m=1$ perturbation in the potential, where the axis of the perturbation is aligned with the kinematic major axis of the galaxy, can produce a velocity field that flattens on one side but continues to rise on the other. A 5\\%--10\\% perturbation in the potential can induce 10\\%--20\\% amplitude differences in the rotation curves of the two sides of the galaxy. This kind of a lopsided potential is the explanation favored by \\citet{swaters99} to explain the HI velocity fields of DDO~9 and NGC~4395, which are similar in character to NGC 4647. \\citet{noordemeer01} have also shown that the lopsided kinematics of NGC~4395 (and, by analogy, NGC~4647) could be explained by setting the galaxy disk off-center with respect to the dark matter halo. \\citet{battaglia06} also propose that the halo of NGC~5055 is offset from the center of its disk. A lopsided gravitational potential would affect the stellar distribution in NGC~4647 in addition to the gas distribution. There are subtle hints of a $m=1$ asymmetry in the stellar distribution of the galaxy; for example, in the broadband red image of Figure \\ref{tilefig} the outermost contours are compressed on the southern side of the galaxy and extended on the northwest. The galaxy nucleus is therefore not quite centered in the middle of the outer contours. NGC 4649 has been modeled and subtracted, but more careful analysis should be done to quantify any degree of asymmetry in the stellar distribution of NGC 4647. NGC~4647, of course, is also an obvious candidate for a gravitational interaction with NGC~4649. \\citet{bournaud05} have modelled distant, high velocity encounters of similar-mass galaxies, and they find that for impact parameters 130--450 kpc and velocities 160--450 \\kms, the retrograde in-plane encounters can make $m=1$ asymmetries in which the ratio of the perturbed to the unperturbed gravitational force is greater than 0.1 for several Gyr. These amplitudes are similar to those required by \\citet{swaters99}. A statistical analysis of the distribution of galaxy lopsidednesses leads \\citet{bournaud05} to propose that asymmetric accretion of gas from the cosmic web must be a significant contributor to lopsidedness in general. The mechanism simply requires that the incoming gas have a nonzero impact parameter. They find that if accretion rates are fairly high --- several \\solmass~\\peryr, or enough to double the galaxy masses over a Hubble time --- a galaxy may develop an $m = 1$ asymmetry with an amplitude of 10\\% to 20\\%. The asymmetries in the gas and stellar distributions can persist even for several Gyr after accretion stops. As NGC~4647 is embedded in the Virgo cluster's hot ICM it is unclear how this process might apply to NGC~4647, what the phase of the accreted gas would be, or whether the effect on galaxy kinematics would match the observations. We suspect that the process that is responsible for the kinematic asymmetry also enhances the gas densities on the eastern side of the galaxy. But the opposite perspective is also interesting: the pile-up in gas surface density may contribute to the kinematic asymmetry. We estimate the dynamical mass of the galaxy taking a rotation speed of 115 \\kms\\ at a radius of 70\\asec\\ on the approaching (flatter, probably less disturbed) side of the rotation curve; these values give 1.8\\e{10} \\solmass\\ within 5.8 kpc. Some 7.7\\% of this dynamical mass is attributable to molecular gas plus helium. Since most of the molecular gas is found on the east side of the galaxy, that gas distribution may well contribute to a few percent perturbation in the gravitational potential. The gas density asymmetry is also a $m=1$ perturbation whose axis is roughly aligned with the kinematic major axis, so it has the correct form to explain the kinematic asymmetry according to the models of \\citet{swaters99}. Therefore, even if the original cause produced both the kinematic and the gas density asymmetries together, the resulting density asymmetry may help to maintain the kinematic asymmetry over timescales longer than a dynamical time. \\subsection{Producing the Pressure Asymmetry}\\label{press-asym} If pressure regulates the chemical state of the ISM, as suggested by \\citet{br06}, then the asymmetry in molecular gas fraction is produced by an asymmetry in ISM pressure in the disk. Pressure, by itself, cannot explain the enhanced gas column density on the east side of the galaxy. However, once the gas is piled up on one side, pressure could explain the amount of the ISM that is molecular. The analysis of section \\ref{pressure-sec} finds that the observed asymmetry in the molecular gas fraction would imply an excess pressure of $P/k=2.4\\times 10^{4}~\\mbox{K cm}^{-3}$ beyond that required for the hydrostatic support of the disk of NGC 4647. Thus, we consider again the effects of the intracluster medium, the proximity of NGC 4649, and asymmetric gravitational potentials as possible sources of extra pressure on the east side of NGC 4647. At the $\\sim 1$ Mpc separation between M87 and NGC 4647, the intercluster medium (ICM) of Virgo has a density of $n\\sim 10^{-4}~\\mbox{ cm}^{-3}$ and a temperature of $\\sim 2$ keV \\citep{kenney89}. The isotropic pressure in the ICM is significant: $P_{ICM}/k\\sim 2\\times 10^{3}\\mbox{ cm}^{-3}\\mbox{K}$, on the order of 10\\% of the midplane hydrostatic pressure in the outer parts of NGC 4647's disk. If NGC 4647 is moving with respect to the ICM, it suffers additional ram pressure \\begin{equation} P_{ram} = \\frac{1}{2}\\mu m_{\\mathrm{H}} n v^2 = 1.3\\times 10^{4}~ \\mbox{cm}^{-3}\\mbox{ K} \\left(\\frac{v}{800 \\mbox{ km s}^{-1}}\\right)^2. \\end{equation} The equation has been normalized to the one-dimensional velocity dispersion of the Virgo Cluster \\citep{huc85}. NGC 4647 has a line-of-sight motion relative to M87 of only 100 km s$^{-1}$, but if its tangential velocity carries it eastward on the sky at 1000 \\kms\\ or so then the ram pressure could be strong enough to effect the inferred pressure difference. It remains to be seen whether the extra pressure could be applied delicately enough to avoid major disruptions in the kinematics of the downstream side of the galaxy. Provided that NGC 4647 is physically close to NGC 4649, the hot gas in NGC 4649 can increase the pressure on the eastern side of NGC 4647 through two mechanisms. The first is ram pressure between NGC 4647 and the halo of NGC 4649. Indeed, the diffuse X-ray emission from NGC 4649 extends out to the projected distance of NGC 4647 with a suggestion of a bow shock between the two \\citep{randall04}. If the galaxies are approaching each other, a lower limit on the relative velocities of the gas systems is $V_{4647}+V_{rot}\\cos i-V_{4649}$=400 km s$^{-1}$. An enhancement in the plasma density of 0.002 particles cm$^{-3}$ on the eastern side of NGC 4647 would produce the necessary pressure to account for the observed asymmetry. Using the density profile of the X-ray halo of NGC 4649 \\citep{bri97}, we estimate that this particle density occurs at roughly 12 kpc from the center of NGC 4649. The ISM of NGC 4647 may also be compressed by the isotropic pressure of the hot halo gas; again, the thermal pressure of NGC 4649 is $2.4\\times 10^4\\:\\mbox{cm}^{-3}$ at a distance of $\\sim 12$ kpc from the center of the galaxy \\citep{bri97}. The two galaxies would have to be no farther apart than their current projected separation for these mechanisms to drive the molecular asymmetry. The difficulty with appealing to a close approach of NGC 4647 and NGC 4649 to explain the kinematic and pressure asymmetries is, again, it seems unlikely that the disk of NGC 4647 could survive the tidal forces and remain unscathed. We take the mass of NGC 4649 to be at least $10^{12}$ \\solmass\\ based on the total $V$ magnitude and a $V$-band mass-to-light ratio of 9.5--16 \\citep{debruyne01}. Strictly speaking, the dynamical analysis of \\citet{debruyne01} measures the mass-to-light ratio within the effective radius so that this dynamical mass of $10^{12}$ \\solmass\\ is probably an underestimate. For galaxy separations as small as 30 kpc, the tidal acceleration at the edge of NGC 4647's HI disk is two-thirds as large as the spiral's own centripetal acceleration. We therefore consider it extremely unlikely that NGC 4647 and NGC 4649 are presently receding from a past encounter at a few tens of kpc. It may be possible that they are still approaching each other. Alternatively, if something (NGC 4649, or an off-center dark matter halo) generates a mild $m=1$ mode in the potential of NGC 4647 as described in section \\ref{lopsided}, the gas must speed up and slow down as it executes its nearly circular orbit. The ram pressure of gas flowing down into the trough in the potential may be sufficient to account for the expected asymmetry in pressure. This possibility is especially appealing since it naturally connects the asymmetries in the velocities, the gas surface density, and the molecular fraction. The ram pressure of such a flow is \\begin{equation} P_{ram} = \\frac{1}{2}\\mu m_{\\mathrm{H}} n v^2 = 3\\times 10^{4}~ \\mbox{cm}^{-3}\\mbox{ K} \\left(\\frac{n_{\\mathrm{H2}}}{\\mbox{ cm}^{-3}}\\right) \\left(\\frac{v_{flow}}{10 \\mbox{ km s}^{-1}}\\right)^2 \\end{equation} where $v_{flow}$ is the relative velocity at which gas approaches the potential minimum. For flow velocities comparable to the observed velocity differences on the two sides of the galaxy, the combination of the ram pressure with the ICM and the pressure of the gas accumulating in the $m=1$ potential could explain the observed gas distributions. Finally, since the implied hydrostatic pressure scales linearly with the gas velocity dispersion, we note that the molecular asymmetry could be explained without recourse to an additional source of pressure if the gas velocity dispersion is higher on the east side of the galaxy than on the west. However, to account for the molecular asymmetry entirely, the velocity dispersion would have to be $>20$ \\kms\\ on the east side. Such high dispersions are ruled out by our observations (section \\ref{veldisp}). \\subsection{Remaining Questions}\\label{leftoverQ} How long the asymmetries in the kinematics and the gas distribution of NGC 4647 will last depends critically on their causes. If the disturbance is temporary, such as a fly-by of NGC 4649, then the spiral can be expected to settle back to a more symmetric state eventually. Alternatively, an offset dark matter halo might produce a long-lasting asymmetric state. The discussions above do not provide a definitive answer to the source of the asymmetries in NGC 4647, but a variety of observational and simulation-based tests can help confirm or rule out various processes. Part of the difficulty with understanding NGC 4647 is that the separation between NGC 4647 and NGC 4649 is still unknown (as is the true relative velocity of the two). However, if the asymmetries of NGC 4647 are due to a galaxy-galaxy interaction then we would expect the stellar kinematics of NGC 4649 to reflect that interaction. N-body simulations could be used to predict the character and the magnitude of those interaction signatures. We have also discussed whether hydrodynamic processes such as ram pressure stripping or off-center gas accretion could be responsible for the kinematic and gas distribution features of NGC 4647, but we do not know the history of NGC 4647's interaction with the ICM. The importance of hydrodynamic processes could be assessed by comparing the gas kinematics to the kinematics of the old stellar populations. If the stellar kinematics are symmetric, then the asymmetries in the gas can probably be attributed to temporary hydrodynamic effects. In addition, hydrodynamic simulations could be used to test whether the ensemble of properties displayed by NGC~4647 implies the presence of both ram pressure and gravitational disturbances (as \\citet{vollmer03} has suggested for NGC 4654). A comparison of the $m=1$ asymmetry in the gas surface density to the models of \\citet{swaters99} suggested that the lopsided gas distribution might contribute to the observed kinematic asymmetry in the gas. That idea could be tested with appropriate hydrodynamic simulations. In addition, simulations that can follow heating, cooling, and formation and dissociation of molecules could investigate whether the conversion from HI into \\htoo\\ follows naturally from the differences in the gas velocity from one side to the other. H$\\alpha$ images of NGC 4647 are noticeably asymmetric (Figure \\ref{tilefig}), and we have shown that the H$\\alpha$ surface brightness roughly traces the CO surface brightness. If the \\htooco\\ conversion factor is roughly constant throughout the galaxy, the star formation efficiency is constant as well. Yet the epicyclic frequency, an important component of a local gravitational stability analysis, may be significantly different on the two sides of the galaxy. More detailed analyses of the stability of this asymmetric disk could give valuable insight into large-scale star formation processes. The pressure model of \\citet{br04} is consistent with our observations of NGC 4647, to the extent that there are several viable candidate sources for the implied extra pressure on the east side of the galaxy. Further progress in testing the model could be stimulated by a better knowledge of how many spirals show relatively symmetric atomic gas but strongly asymmetric molecular gas. We note that NGC 4647 is actually classified as kinematically regular (non-disturbed) by \\citet{rubin99}. Its kinematic asymmetries are indeed milder than those of many Virgo spirals, as one can see by perusing the rotation curves presented by those authors. But the asymmetries of NGC 4647 are more obvious in two-dimensional velocity field data than in one-dimensional longslit data. The properties of NGC 4647 therefore suggest that the true incidence of disturbances among Virgo spirals is higher than the 50\\% measured by \\citet{rubin99}. Furthermore, NGC 4647 would probably not have been identified as asymmetric on the basis of its global HI profile alone (Figure \\ref{spectra}). The galaxy therefore suggests that the incidence of asymmetric gas distributions may be higher than the 50\\% rate inferred by \\citet{rs94}. It is only the combination of the HI and the CO data that revealed the true peculiarities in its gas distribution. Likewise, it is the combination of these two gas phases that will give the tightest constraints on the galaxy's history. Additional matched resolution HI and CO maps of Virgo spirals would be very helpful for understanding the evolution of the ISM in mildly disturbed galaxies." }, "0606/astro-ph0606626_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent detections of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect through the correlation of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy with traces of large scale structure provided independent evidence for the expansion of the universe being dominated by something other than matter. Even with perfect data, statistical errors will limit the accuracy of such measurements to worse than $10$\\%. On the other hand, the extraordinary sensitivity of the ISW effect to the details of structure formation should help to make up for the lack of precision. In these conference proceedings I discuss the extent to which future ISW measurements can help in testing the physics responsible for the observed cosmic acceleration. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606189_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Past years have brought an increasingly wider recognition of the ubiquity of relativistic outflows (jets) in galactic nuclei, which has turned jets into an effective tool for investigating the physics of nuclear regions in galaxies. A brief summary is given here of recent results from studies of jets and nuclear regions in several active galaxies with prominent outflows. ", "introduction": "\\label{lobanov2:sec1} Substantial progress achieved during the past decade in studies of active galactic nuclei (see~\\cite{lobanov2006} for a review of recent results) has brought an increasingly wider recognition of the ubiquity of relativistic outflows (jets) in galactic nuclei~\\cite{falcke2001,zensus1997} turning them into an effective probe of nuclear regions in galaxies~\\cite{lobanov2005}. Emission properties, dynamics, and evolution of an extragalactic jet are intimately connected to the characteristics of the supermassive black hole, accretion disk and broad-line region in the nucleus of the host galaxy~\\cite{lobanov2006}. The jet continuum emission is dominated by non-thermal synchrotron and inverse-Compton radiation~\\cite{unwin1997}. The synchrotron mechanism plays a more prominent role in the radio domain, and the properties of the emitting material can be assessed using the turnover point in the synchrotron spectrum~\\cite{lobanov1998b}, synchrotron self-absorption~\\cite{lobanov1998a}, and free-free absorption in the plasma~\\cite{kadler2004,walker2000}. High-resolution radio observations access directly the regions where the jets are formed~\\cite{junor1999}, and trace their evolution and interaction with the nuclear environment~\\cite{mundell2003}. Evolution of compact radio emission from several hundreds of extragalactic relativistic jets is now systematically studied with dedicated monitoring programs and large surveys using very long baseline interferometry (such as the 15\\,GHz VLBA\\footnote{Very Long Baseline Array of National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA} survey~\\cite{kellermann2004} and MOJAVE~\\cite{lister2005}). These studies, combined with optical and X-ray studies, yield arguably the most detailed picture of the galactic nuclei. Presented below is a brief summary of recent results from studies outlining the relation between jets, supermassive black holes, accretion disks and broad-line regions in prominent active galactic nuclei (AGN). \\begin{table}[t] \\caption{Characteristic scales in the nuclear regions in active galaxies} \\label{lobanov2:tb1} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{rccccc}\\hline\\hline & $l$ & $l_8$ & $\\theta_\\mathrm{Gpc}$ & $\\tau_c$ & $\\tau_\\mathrm{orb}$ \\\\ & [$R_\\mathrm{g}$] & [pc] & [mas]& [yr] & [yr] \\\\ \\hline Event horizon: &1--2 &$10^{-5}$ &$5\\times 10^{-6}$ &0.0001 & 0.001 \\\\ Ergosphere: &1--2 &$10^{-5}$ &$5\\times 10^{-6}$ &0.0001 & 0.001 \\\\ Accretion disk: &10$^1$--10$^3$&$10^{-4}$--$10^{-2}$&$0.005$ &0.001--0.1 & 0.2--15 \\\\ Corona: &10$^2$--10$^3$&$10^{-3}$--$10^{-2}$&$5\\times 10^{-3}$ &0.01--0.1& 0.5--15 \\\\ Broad line region: &10$^2$--10$^5$&$10^{-3}$--1 &$0.05$ &0.01--10 & 0.5--15000 \\\\ Molecular torus: &$>$10$^5$ &$>$1 &$>$$0.5$ &$>$10 & $>$15000 \\\\ Narrow line region: &$>$10$^6$ &$>$10 &$>$5 &$>$100 & $>$500000 \\\\ Jet formation: &$>$10$^2$ &$>$$10^{-3}$ &$>$$5\\times 10^{-4}$ &$>$0.01 & $>$0.5 \\\\ Jet visible in the radio:&$>$10$^3$ &$>$$10^{-2}$ &$>$$0.005$ &$>$0.1 & $>$15 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\bf Column designation:} $l$ -- dimensionless scale in units of the gravitational radius, $G\\,M/c^2$; $l_8$ -- corresponding linear scale, for a black hole with a mass of $5\\times 10^8\\,$M$_{\\odot}$; $\\theta_\\mathrm{Gpc}$ -- corresponding largest angular scale at 1\\,Gpc distance; $\\tau_c$ -- rest frame light crossing time; $\\tau_\\mathrm{orb}$ -- rest frame orbital period, for a circular Keplerian orbit. Table is reproduced from~\\cite{lobanov2006} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "Extragalactic jets are an excellent laboratory for studying physics of relativistic outflows and probing conditions in the central regions of active galaxies. Recent studies of extragalactic jets show that they are formed in the immediate vicinity of central black holes in galaxies and carry away a substantial fraction of the angular momentum and energy stored in the accretion flow and rotation of the black hole. The jets are most likely collimated and accelerated by electromagnetic fields. Relativistic shocks are present in the flows on small scales, but dissipate on scales of $\\lesssim 100$\\,pc. Plasma instabilities dominate the flows on larger scales. Convincing observational evidence exists connecting ejections of material into the flow with instabilities in the inner accretion disks. In radio-loud objects, continuum emission from the jets may also drive broad emission lines generated in sub-relativistic outflows surrounding the jets. Magnetically confined outflows may preserve information about the dynamics state of the central region, allowing detailed investigations of jet precession and binary black hole evolution to be made. This makes studies of extragalactic jets a powerful tool for addressing the general questions of physics and evolution of nuclear activity in galaxies." }, "0606/astro-ph0606140_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study influence of a galactic central supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary on gas dynamics and star formation activity in a nuclear gas disk by making three-dimensional Tree+SPH simulations. Due to orbital motions of SMBHs, there are various resonances between gas motion and the SMBH binary motion. We have shown that these resonances create some characteristic structures of gas in the nuclear gas disk, for examples, gas elongated or filament structures, formation of gaseous spiral arms, and small gas disks around SMBHs. In these gaseous dense regions, active star formations are induced. As the result, many star burst regions are formed in the nuclear region. ", "introduction": "In the recent high-resolution observations (e.g., $Chandra$ $X-ray$ $Observatory$), the evidence of supermassive black hole (here after we use SMBH for them) binaries are shown in several galaxies, e.g., in NGC 6240 \\citep{kom03}, Arp 220 \\citep{cle02}, M83 \\citep{sak03, mas05}, and 3C 66B \\citep{sud03}. Particularly, NGC 6240 has been well observed in the wide range of wave length \\citep{tac99,kom03}. In the high-resolution X-ray observation by $Chandra$ $X-ray$ $Observatory$, strong two peaks of hard X-ray are detected in the galactic center and this is the strong evidence of a SMBH binary \\citep{kom03}. By the radio continuum, the near-infrared, and the soft X-ray observations of this galaxy, nuclear star burst has been indicated \\citep{lir02, pas04}. Nuclear gas rich disks have been observed around the SMBH binary in NGC 6240 \\citep{tac99} and Arp 220 \\citep{sco97, sak99}. The SMBH binaries in galactic central regions are expected to be formed in merging process of galaxies each of which has a SMBH in its galactic center. After galaxies merge, SMBHs sink into the center of the merging galaxy by dynamical friction between SMBHs and field stars \\citep{ebi01, esc04, esc05}. These SMBHs will form a SMBH binary and finally merge due to emission of gravitational wave \\citep{mat04, eno04, esc04, esc05}. In the process, \\citet{esc04, esc05} have shown an important role of dynamical interaction between SMBHs and gas, especially in very gas rich regions. \\citet{kaz05} have made simulations of the merging process of two disk galaxies with SMBHs at each galactic center. Their results indicate that much gas flows into the center of merging galaxy and star burst is triggered. They also show that in the process, a SMBH binary is formed in the center of merging galaxy and a nuclear gas disk with radius of $1-2$ kpc is formed at the galactic center. In the gas disk, effects of the SMBH binary on a nuclear gas disk are not studied yet and it may be very important for star formation in the galactic center. Since the gravitational potential of a SMBH binary has non-axisymmetric component, we expect that gas motion in a nuclear gas disk is strongly influenced by a SMBH binary. Change of gravitational potential due to orbital motions of SMBHs may induce resonance phenomena in the disk as in barred galaxies. In barred galaxies, gas motion is influenced by resonances \\citep{ath92}. It was indicated that these resonances trigger nuclear star burst in the barred galaxies \\citep{fuk91,wad92,elm94,wad95,fuk98}. In a SMBH binary case, similar resonances may trigger active star formation in the nuclear gas disk. Moreover, it is interesting that the SMBH binary may yield some peculiar gaseous features in the nuclear disk which can be used as an evidence of a SMBH binary. In this paper, we study the influence of a galactic central SMBH binary on gas motion in a nuclear gas disk by hydrodynamic simulations by using 3-dimensional Tree+SPH code. We show that the resonances due to a SMBH binary trigger formation of gas concentrations in the disk and as the results star formation rate increases. In section 2, we present our simulation model. In section 3, we present the results of our simulations. In section 4, we summarize our results and give some discussions. ", "conclusions": "We study influence of the galactic central SMBH binary on gas dynamics in the nuclear gas disk by numerical simulations. We calculate various cases for initial SMBH orbits which are the circular orbit case and the elliptical orbit cases. We have shown that in the all cases, the SMBH binary has large influence on gas motion in the gas disk. The SMBH binary induces some resonances on gas motion in a nuclear gas disk. Due to these resonances, various dense gas structures are formed in the nuclear gas disk and gaseous spiral arms are formed near the vicinity of Outer Lindblad Resonance. In these dense gas regions, star formation becomes very active. In the high eccentric orbit cases of the SMBH binary, gaseous narrow filaments and dense clump structures are developed well, and active star formation occurs in these regions. These features can be strong evidence of existence of a SMBH binary. It is very interesting to compare these features with very high-resolution observations of galaxies which are proposed to have a SMBH binary. Dense gas structures and distribution of star formation cites will inform us dynamical state of the SMBH binary. It should be noticed that these features are not appeared in the case of which the SMBH mass is smaller than about $1\\times 10^8$ $M_{\\odot}$ in our model. We note that when we compare whole SFR of ultra luminous infrared galaxies, the SFRs induced by the SMBH binary are not high. However, the SFR is as high as nuclear star bursts in nearby star burst galaxies. In our simulations, gaseous ridges are formed by shocks. In the elliptical cases of SMBHs, there are the collisions between gas clumps in the galactic center. Shocks are exited by these collisions of gas clumps. H$_2$ emission line is expected to be excited in the shocks. \\citet{van93} and \\citet{sug97} have observed bright H$_2$ emission line in the galactic central region of NGC 6240 and they conclude that the H$_2$ emission is excited by shock. From our numerical simulations, small gas disks are formed around SMBHs in the elliptical orbit cases. Such gas disks around SMBHs have been observed in Arp 220 which has the double nuclei in the galactic center \\citep{sak99}. In our simulations, star formation is very active in the small gas disks around SMBHs. The active star formation in the gas disks around SMBHs may correspond to radio continuum sources observed around SMBHs in NGC6240 \\citep{tac99}. $Chandra$ $X-ray$ $Observatory$ observed hard X-ray from double nuclei in NGC 6240. It is possible to excite AGN activity by gas accretion onto SMBHs in the small gas disks. If AGN activities are highly excited and AGN feedback becomes very strong, active star formation will be quenched \\citep{mat05}. Since active star formation occurs in very compact regions in the highly eccentric elliptical orbit cases, we expect that these newly formed stars concentrate in compact massive star clusters. If these star clusters interact gravitationally with the SMBH binary, the interaction may induce losing of orbital angular momentum of SMBHs due to the unstableness of three body problem in which SMBHs and the star cluster interact with each other and ejection of the star cluster occurs. If these star clusters are massive enough, this process may be very effective and the binary can evolve to a more tightly binding state. This process may have an important role in merging process of SMBHs. \\citet{esc05} studied the effect of hydrodynamic drag force by dense gas on evolution of a SMBH binary by numerical simulations. They have shown that after SMBHs gradually fall into the galactic central dense gas region by the dynamical friction, effect of hydrodynamical drag becomes very effective in the central region. They suggested that finally SMBHs can be close enough to merge by the hydrodynamic effect. In their simulations, they don't consider effects of radiative cooling and star formations on gas. By the effect of radiative cooling, many dense clump structures will be formed and those distribution is more complicated. The dense clumps may interact with SMBHs and play an important role in the coalesce of SMBHs. Moreover, active star formation will occur in the clumps and gas mass will decrease in the galactic central region. After the active star formation, it is not clear that in the galactic center gas remains enough for hydrodynamic interaction with SMBHs or not. It is needed to make simulations of evolution of a SMBH binary in more realistic model. In our simulations, we didn't consider the dynamical friction between field stars and SMBHs. The dynamical friction induces decay of orbital radius of SMBHs. If timescale of dynamical friction is larger than timescale of rotation motion of SMBHs, the resonances between SMBH motions and gas motion will be effective. In this case, similar process appeared in our simulations will occur. On the other hand, if the dynamical friction timescale is smaller than the rotation timescale, orbits of SMBHs shrink very rapidly and the resonance phenomena are not important. We have assumed that initially gas disk is a circularly rotating. However, since a galaxy with a SMBH binary is expected to be formed due to merging of galaxies with SMBHs, gas motion is more complex in merging galaxies. To simulate more realistic evolution of a galaxy with a SMBH binary, we will study merging process of galaxies with SMBHs. In this process, radiation drag \\citep{kaw05} and the influence of AGN feedback \\citep{spr05} should be considered." }, "0606/astro-ph0606695_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A new sample of hard X-ray sources in the Galactic Plane is being revealed by the regular observations performed by the {\\it INTEGRAL} satellite. The full characterization of these sources is mandatory to understand the hard X-ray sky. Here we report new multifrequency radio, infrared and optical observations of the source \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}, as well as a multi-wavelength study from radio to hard X-rays. The radio counterpart of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} is not resolved at any observing frequency. The radio flux density is well fitted by a simple power law with a spectral index $\\alpha=-0.75\\pm0.02$. This value is typical of optically thin non-thermal synchrotron emission originated in a jet. The NIR and optical spectra show redshifted emission lines with $z=0.034$, and a broad H$\\alpha$ line profile with FWHM $\\sim$3400~km~s$^{-1}$. This suggests an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) of type~1 as the optical counterpart of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}. We confirm the Seyfert~1 nature of the source, which is intrinsically bright at high energies both in absolute terms and when scaled to a normalized 6~cm luminosity. Finally, comparing its X-ray luminosity with isotropic indicators, we find that the source is Compton thin and AGN dominated. This indicates that {\\it INTEGRAL} might have just seen the tip of the iceberg, and several tens of such sources should be unveiled during the course of its lifetime. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} Unidentified high energy sources have been a subject of interest from the early days of the {\\it COS-B} era. In the 1990s, with the advent of X-ray/$\\gamma$-ray satellites like {\\it ASCA} and {\\it CGRO} the number of sources with unidentified counterparts at other frequencies increased considerably. During the first year of observations, the IBIS/ISGRI instrument on board the {\\it INTEGRAL} satellite \\citep{winkler03} detected 123 hard X-ray/$\\gamma$-ray point sources, 28 of which had no clear identification with known objects in other ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum \\citep{bird04}. These X-ray/$\\gamma$-ray emitters could be high or low mass X-ray binaries, radio quiet pulsars, clusters of galaxies, or a significant fraction of any class of AGNs heavily obscured, at few keV, by the absorbing material of the galactic plane. The possibility that several unidentified IBIS sources were of extragalactic nature was early suggested by some authors (\\citealt{ribo04}; \\citealt{combi04}; \\citealt{masetti04a}; \\citealt{masetti04b}; \\citealt{bassani04}; \\citealt{combi05}). The source \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} is one of such sources. It was discovered in the energy range from 20 to 100~keV during 769~ks of observations. Looking for possible counterparts \\cite{combi04} found two weak point-like radio sources from the 20~cm NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS, \\citealt{condon98}) inside its 2 arcmin-radius position error circle (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:nvss}). One of them, \\object{NVSS~J180247$-$145451}, lies inside and near the edge of the 2$\\sigma$ position error circle of the faint {\\it ROSAT} X-ray source \\object{1RXS~J180245.5$-$145432} \\citep{voges00}, which is the only soft X-ray source well within the IBIS/ISGRI error circle. In addition, inside the 2$\\sigma$ position error ellipse of this radio source, it is located an extended near infrared (NIR) source, \\object{2MASS~J18024737$-$1454547} \\citep{cutri03,skrutskie06}, with standard aperture magnitudes $J=12.78\\pm0.01$, $H=11.52\\pm0.01$, and $K_s=10.72\\pm0.01$. Its optical counterpart has average magnitudes $B=19.3\\pm1.0$, $R=14.9\\pm0.8$ and $I=13.8\\pm0.5$ in the USNO-B1.0 catalog \\citep{monet03}. The photometry of the NIR/optical counterpart is not consistent with a stellar spectrum \\citep{combi04}. On the basis of spectroscopic optical observations \\cite{masetti04b} have tentatively classified this source as a Seyfert~1 galaxy at redshift $z=0.035\\pm0.001$. \\begin{figure}[t!] % \\center \\resizebox{1.0\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=0]{f1.eps}} \\caption{Image of the NVSS data obtained with the VLA at 20~cm on 1997 October 13 around \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}. The image size is 7\\farcm2$\\times$5\\farcm5. Contours represent $-$3, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 18, and 22 times the rms noise level of 0.5~mJy~beam$^{-1}$. The circle in the bottom left corner represents the 45 arcsec of Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the convolving beam. Two NVSS sources fall inside the 90\\% error circle in position of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}, and one of them is within the 2$\\sigma$ uncertainty error circle of a {\\it ROSAT} source.} \\label{fig:nvss} \\end{figure} An important characteristic of AGNs is that they radiate over a wide range of frequencies, from radio to gamma-rays. For this reason, multi-wavelength observations are an important tool to discriminate between objects of different classes. Here we report multi-wavelength observations of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} and discuss the obtained results. The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{observations} we describe our radio continuum, NIR and optical observations and present the results. In Sect.~\\ref{discussion} we discuss the nature of all the detected multi-wavelength emissions and we summarize our conclusions in Sect.~\\ref{summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} The position agreement between the \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}, \\object{1RXS~J180245.5$-$145432} and \\object{NVSS~J180247$-$145451} indicates that these are the multi-wavelength manifestations of the same source radiating at different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Moreover, the recently published second IBIS/ISGRI catalog \\citep{bird06} lists a position and error circle for \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} that clearly exclude the other radio source, namely \\object{NVSS~J180239$-$145453}, as a possible counterpart (even at the 90\\% confidence level). The NIR source \\object{2MASS~J18024737$-$1454547} has a position in agreement within errors with our new precise radio position of \\object{NVSS~J180247$-$145451}. Its optical counterpart is \\object{USNO-B1.0~0750-0506536}. Both the NIR and optical objects are clearly extended (this work and \\citealt{masetti04b}, respectively). In addition, the redshifted emission lines seen in the NIR and optical spectra reveal an extragalactic object at a redshift of $z=0.034\\pm0.001$, with a broad H$\\alpha$ emission line with FWHM~$\\simeq3400\\pm300$~km~s$^{-1}$ (these values are compatible with those of \\citealt{masetti04b}, although they reported a slightly narrower emission line with FWHM~$\\sim$2700~km~s$^{-1}$). We are therefore seeing the broad line region (BLR), and the object is classified as a type~1 AGN. \\begin{figure}[t!] % \\center \\resizebox{1.0\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=0]{f5.eps}} \\caption{Averaged optical spectrum of the optical counterpart of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} acquired with CAFOS on the 2.2m telescope at CAHA on 2004 July 19. The spectrum has been smoothed with a Gaussian filter. The identified emission lines are indicated. A broad H$\\alpha$ line dominates the spectrum. A redshift of $z=0.034\\pm0.001$ is obtained.} \\label{fig:caha} \\end{figure} The steep radio spectral index ($\\alpha=-075\\pm0.02$) strongly supports a non-thermal emission mechanism of synchrotron nature. This is clearly compatible with optically thin extended jet emission from an extragalactic source. On the other hand, the NVSS flux density of the source at 1.4~GHz is $10.5\\pm0.6$~mJy, to be compared with our measurement of $7.5\\pm0.3$~mJy. Both values are only marginally consistent at the 3$\\sigma$ level, suggesting that the source is variable at radio wavelengths. We note that 0.61~GHz (49~cm wavelength) observations conducted 3 months later provided a detection at a level of $5.0\\pm0.35$~mJy \\citep{pandey06}, either supporting the variability of the source or indicating that there is a low frequency turnover. The NIR spectrum is very similar to other well studied Seyfert~1 galaxies such as \\object{NGC~863} or \\object{Mrk~335} \\citep{rodriguez02}, although the poor signal-to-noise ratio of our NIR observations is not enough to discriminate weak lines as in these cases. It is interesting to note that the permitted \\ion{O}{i} $\\lambda$11287 line is a feature completely associated with the BLR of Seyfert galaxies. In our case this line is marginally detected, as in \\object{NGC~863} \\citep{rodriguez02}. The non-detection of the Br$\\gamma$ line seems to suggest that thermal UV heating is not important, as it also happens in the case of \\object{NGC~1097} \\citep{reunanen02}. The multiwavelength properties of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} strongly support an AGN nature and more specifically a type~1 Seyfert galaxy. In order to compare the broadband emission of the object with that one of the mean for type~1 Seyfert galaxies, we have determined the nuclear spectral energy distribution (SED), from the radio to the gamma-ray band. The observations used to build the SED have been discussed in Sect.~\\ref{observations}. The observed magnitudes in the NIR and optical bands were corrected for reddening from Galactic extinction based on the estimated hydrogen column density $N_{\\rm H}=(5.0\\pm1.0) \\times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ \\citep{dickey90} and the \\cite{predehl95} relationship $A_V = (5.59\\pm0.10) \\times 10^{-22}~N_{\\rm H}$, which gives $A_V=2.8\\pm0.6$ magnitudes. The transformation between the absorption in the optical $A_V$ and that at other wavelengths was computed according to the \\cite{rieke85} interstellar extinction law. At soft X-ray energies, between 0.1--2.4~keV, the flux was obtained using the {\\it ROSAT}/PSPC count rate of $(3.25\\pm1.39)\\times10^{-2}$~count~s$^{-1}$ \\citep{voges00} and a photon index of $\\Gamma=+1.9\\pm01$, typical of Seyfert~1 galaxies \\citep{malizia03}. We used the web based tool PIMMS~v3.7a\\footnote{\\tt http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Tools/w3pimms.html} and the $N_{\\rm H}$ value given above to obtain an unabsorbed flux of $2.4^{+2.0}_{-1.3}\\times10^{-12}$~erg~cm$^2$~s$^{-1}$ (propagating all possible uncertainties). In addition, extrapolation of the {\\it ROSAT}/PSPC count rate with the same photon index and absorption, considering all possible uncertainties, provides a flux of $1.5^{+1.4}_{-0.9}\\times10^{-12}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ in the 2--10~keV energy range. The average fluxes detected by {\\it INTEGRAL} in the 20--40 and 40--100~keV energy ranges are $3.0\\pm0.2$ and $3.3\\pm0.3$~mCrab, respectively \\citep{bird06}. These can be converted to the cgs fluxes (assuming a Crab-like spectrum and the values in \\citealt{bird06}) $(2.3\\pm0.2)\\times10^{-11}$~erg~cm$^2$~s$^{-1}$ and $(3.1\\pm0.3)\\times10^{-11}$~erg~cm$^2$~s$^{-1}$, respectively, which provide a total flux in the 20--100~keV range of $(5.4\\pm0.4)\\times10^{-11}$~erg~cm$^2$~s$^{-1}$. We note that an analysis with more {\\it INTEGRAL} data reveals the following values in the 20--100~keV range \\citep{bassani06}: $2.6\\pm0.1$~mCrab and $(4.4\\pm0.2)\\times10^{-11}$~erg~cm$^2$~s$^{-1}$. As can be seen there are hints of variability in the hard X-ray/gamma-ray flux of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}, and the average of $(4.9\\pm0.5)\\times10^{-11}$~erg~cm$^2$~s$^{-1}$ will be used when plotting the SED. To compute the monochromatic luminosities we have adopted the cosmological parameters from \\cite{spergel03}: $H_{0}=71$~km~s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.73$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm m}=0.27$. Using our measured redshift of $z=0.034\\pm0.001$ we obtain\\footnote{\\tt http://www.astro.ucla.edu/$\\sim$wright/CosmoCalc.html} a luminosity distance of $147\\pm5$~Mpc for \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455}, leading to a hard X-ray luminosity of $(1.3\\pm0.1)\\times10^{44}$~erg~s$^{-1}$. The source is one of brightest Seyfert~1 galaxies detected so far: it is brighter than any of the Seyfert~1 galaxies detected with {\\it BeppoSAX} \\citep{panessa04t}, and the 4th brightest one among the 14 detected with {\\it INTEGRAL} \\citep{bassani06}. We show in Fig.~\\ref{fig:sed} the overall nuclear SED of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} in a $\\log(\\nu)$--$\\log(\\nu L_{\\nu})$ representation, but normalized at 6~cm for comparison with the mean SEDs of Seyfert galaxies \\citep{panessa04t,panessa04}. The real luminosities of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} are 1.21 dex lower than those shown. Although in the NIR domain we have used nuclear magnitudes, the optical magnitudes ($I$ and $B$ from USNO-B1.0 and $R=16.55\\pm0.01$ from \\citealt{masetti04b}) could be strongly contaminated by the host galaxy due to a limited angular resolution of $\\sim$1\\arcsec~pixel~$^{-1}$. We have not plotted the extrapolated 2--10~keV flux. Although the archival {\\it IRAS} data does not allow us to detect the far infrared bump, the NIR/{\\it ROSAT} data clearly show a SED typical of Seyfert~1 galaxies. However, the {\\it INTEGRAL} data show that the source is clearly high-energy bright. Therefore, \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} is not only among the brightest type~1 Seyfert galaxies at high energies in absolute terms, but also when normalized to the 6~cm luminosity. \\begin{figure}[t!] % \\center \\resizebox{1.0\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=0]{f6.eps}} \\caption{Overall nuclear spectral energy distribution of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} (filled symbols) from the radio to the hard X-ray/gamma-ray band. Optical stands for the $I$ and $B$ USNO-B1.0 and $R$ magnitude from \\cite{masetti04b}. The SED has been normalized at 6~cm (assuming $\\log(\\nu L_{\\nu}[{\\rm erg~s}^{-1}])=39.75$) in order to compare between type 1 and type~2 Seyfert galaxies (open symbols; adapted from \\citealt{panessa04t}; vertical bars are errors of the averages, not the standard deviation of the samples). The real luminosities of our target source are 1.21 dex lower than those shown. The SED of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} resembles the average one for Seyfert~1 galaxies, although it is brighter in the hard X-ray domain. Optical data is probably contaminated by the host galaxy.} \\label{fig:sed} \\end{figure} In the basic scheme for unification of AGNs, Seyfert galaxies are divided in two class. Those that have narrow forbidden lines and a BLR in their optical spectrum (Seyfert~1) and those that only have narrow lines (Seyfert~2). While the broad lines originate near the central massive black hole located at $\\leq0.1$~pc, narrow lines arise far from the nuclear engine at a distance $\\leq100$~pc. Specifically they are the same type of object but, according to the standard model, in Seyfert~2 galaxies the BLR is obscured by a molecular torus \\citep{antonucci93}. For this reason, the majority of these objects are Compton thick, that is, the medium is thick to Compton scattering so that the transmitted component is dramatically suppressed below 10~keV down to the NIR domain. We can thus further check the Seyfert~1 nature of \\object{IGR~J18027$-$1455} and its agreement with unification schemes by comparing its soft X-ray luminosity with isotropic indicators. This allows us to discriminate if starburst or AGN is the dominant component, and at the same time to assess if the source is Compton thin or Compton thick. If the presence of a molecular torus around the central region is important, the X-ray emission coming from the central engine will be negligible and it should be coming from a more extended zone like the NLR or a starburst region. In this case, the column density could be obtained indirectly from the flux ratio between the X-ray flux and isotropic emission measurements like the [\\ion{O}{iii}]$\\lambda$5007 and far-infrared fluxes. Both are good isotropic indicators, while [\\ion{O}{iii}]$\\lambda$5007 emission is produced by photons originated in the central nucleus, infrared emission is mainly associated to star-forming activity, and therefore produced in a larger region than that of the molecular torus. To compute the [\\ion{O}{iii}]$\\lambda$5007 flux we have used our normalized optical spectrum and the average optical spectrum of \\cite{masetti04b}. The line is clearly detected at $\\lambda$=5175~\\AA. Smoothing our spectrum with a Gaussian function, its equivalent width is $10\\pm2$~\\AA\\ and the [\\ion{O}{iii}]$\\lambda$5007 flux is 7.1 $\\times$ 10$^{-16}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$. This flux has been corrected for extinction using the equation given by \\cite{bassani99}. Using a H$\\alpha \\cong$ 8.5 $\\times$ 10$^{-16}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$~\\AA$^{-1}$ and a H$\\beta \\leq$ 0.5 $\\times$ 10$^{-16}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$~\\AA$^{-1}$, the observed flux ratio H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$ $\\geq$ 17 and $F_{\\rm [OIII],~cor} \\geq$ 1.2 $\\times$ 10$^{-13}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$. Since the $F_{\\rm X}$, between 2--10~keV, is 0.6--2.9 $\\times$ 10$^{-12}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ the $F_{\\rm X}/F_{\\rm [OIII]}$ ratio is between 5 and 24. According to the flux diagnostic diagrams introduced by \\cite{panessa04t} for type 1 and 2 Seyferts, the source is Compton thin. To calculate the far-infrared flux we have adopted the equation of \\cite{mulchaey94}. As a result the infrared flux is $F_{\\rm IR} \\leq$ 8 $\\times$ 10$^{-11}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$. Therefore, the flux ratio $F_{\\rm [OIII]}/F_{\\rm IR} \\geq$ 1.5 $\\times$ 10$^{-3}$. According to \\cite{panessa04t}, this shows that AGN contribution, not starburst, is the dominant component." }, "0606/gr-qc0606041_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The braneworld model of Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) provides an interesting alternative to a positive cosmological constant by modifying gravity at large distances. We investigate the asymptotic behavior of homogeneous and anisotropic cosmologies on the DGP brane. It is shown that all Bianchi models except type IX isotropize, as in general relativity, if the so called $E_{\\mu\\nu}$ term satisfies some energy condition. Isotropization can proceed slower in DGP gravity than in general relativity. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/gr-qc0606088_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We develop a general formalism for the parameter-space metric of the multi-detector $\\F$-statistic, which is a matched-filtering detection statistic for continuous gravitational waves. We find that there exists a whole \\emph{family} of $\\F$-statistic metrics, parametrized by the (unknown) amplitude parameters of the gravitational wave. The multi-detector metric is shown to be expressible in terms of noise-weighted \\emph{averages} of single-detector contributions, which implies that the number of templates required to cover the parameter space does \\emph{not} scale with the number of detectors. Contrary to using a longer observation time, combining detectors of similar sensitivity is therefore the computationally cheapest way to improve the sensitivity of coherent wide-parameter searches for continuous gravitational waves. We explicitly compute the $\\F$-statistic metric family for signals from isolated spinning neutron stars, and we numerically evaluate the quality of different metric approximations in a Monte-Carlo study. The metric predictions are tested against the measured mismatches and we identify regimes in which the local metric is no longer a good description of the parameter-space structure. ", "introduction": "Continuous gravitational waves (GWs), which would be emitted, for example, by spinning non-axisymmetric neutron stars, or by solar-mass binary systems, are generally expected to be so weak that they will be buried several orders of magnitude below the noise of even the most sensitive detectors. The detection of such signals therefore requires the exact knowledge of their waveform, in order to be able to coherently correlate the data with the expected signal by \\emph{matched filtering}. In a wide-parameter search for unknown sources, however, we typically only know the family of possible waveforms (or an approximation thereof), parametrized by unknown signal parameters (such as the frequency or sky position of the source). The corresponding parameter space needs to be covered by a finite number of ``templates'' for which a search will be performed. These templates must be placed densely enough, so that for any possible signal, no more than a certain fraction of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is lost at the closest template. On the other hand, coherently correlating the data with every templates is computationally expensive and increases the number of statistical false-alarm candidates. Therefore an \\emph{optimal} covering is desirable, which minimizes the number of templates but guarantees the required ``minimal match''. In order to solve this \\emph{covering problem}, it is essential to understand the underlying parameter-space structure. Most studies on the construction of optimal template banks have been performed in the context of binary-inspiral searches. It was realized early on that a geometric approach to this problem is the most natural, in particular the introduction of a \\emph{metric} on the parameter space by \\citet{bala96:_gravit_binaries_metric} and \\citet{owen96:_search_templates}, building on the earlier concept of the ``fitting factor'' introduced by \\citet{apostolatos95:_search_templates}. Note, however, that this definition of the metric differs subtly from the ``canonical'' definition used in the present work (and also in \\cite{krolak04:_optim_lisa}), which is derived directly from the detection statistic (see appendix~\\ref{sec:altern-proj-onto} for more details). The canonical definition of the metric assigns the relative loss of SNR due to an offset in signal parameters as an invariant ``distance'' measure, which can locally be expressed as a metric tensor. The metric is closely related to the well-known concept of the ``Fisher information matrix'', which quantifies the statistical errors in the parameter estimation of signals: the (canonical) metric is identical to the \\emph{normalized} Fisher matrix, even though it describes conceptually rather different aspects of the detection statistic. A somewhat related question is the \\emph{global} parameter-space structure, which was studied in \\cite{prix05:_circles_sky} for the case of isolated neutron-star signals. This study found that the global structure (the ``circles in the sky'') deviates significantly from the local metric picture. The global structure is relevant, for example, for deciding whether different detection candidates are consistent with the same signal, i.e. whether they are ``coincident candidates''. Obviously, the metric description is the local approximation to this global parameter-space structure. In this paper we consider gravitational-wave signals that are nearly monochromatic and sinusoidal in the frame of the GW source, and which are of long duration (i.e. typically longer than the observation time $T$). This class of signals is usually referred to as ``continuous waves'', and the prime examples are GWs from non-axisymmetric spinning neutron stars (e.g. see \\cite{prix06:_cw_review} for a review) and stellar-mass binary systems in the LISA frequency band (e.g. see \\cite{krolak04:_optim_lisa}). The phase of the signal received at the detector is Doppler modulated by the rotation and orbital motion of the detector. The observed phase therefore depends not only on the intrinsic frequency evolution of the signal, but also on its sky position. In addition to the phase modulation, there is a time-varying amplitude modulation, due to the rotating antenna pattern of the detector. This amplitude modulation depends on the polarization angle $\\psi$ and the polarization amplitudes $A_+$ and $A_\\times$ of the GW. However, as shown by \\citet{jks98:_data}, these unknown parameters (together with the initial phase $\\phi_0$), can be eliminated by analytically maximizing the detection statistic. The resulting reduced parameter space includes only the parameters affecting the time evolution of the signal phase, which we will refer to as the ``Doppler parameters''. This amplitude-maximized detection statistic is generally known as the ``$\\F$-statistic'', which has been used in several searches for continuous GWs from spinning neutron stars (e.g. \\cite{lsc04:_psr_j1939,lsc06:_coher_scorp_x,2005CQGra..22S1243A}). After two earlier (partly successful) attempts to generalize the $\\F$-statistic to a coherent network of detectors \\cite{jks98:_data,krolak04:_optim_lisa}, this problem was fully solved more recently by \\citet{cutler05:_gen_fstat}. Somewhat surprisingly, however, there has not been much work on the metric of the $\\F$-statistic, neither in the single- nor the multi-detector case: the single-detector $\\F$-statistic metric was derived on a formal level by \\citet{krolak04:_optim_lisa}, but was not evaluated explicitly or studied further. A single-detector $\\F$-statistic metric was used (without giving any details) in \\cite{cornish05:_detec_lisa} to numerically estimate the number of templates in galactic-binary searches with LISA. An earlier study by \\citet{brady98:_search_ligo_periodic} of the metric for isolated neutron-star signals introduced a metric approximation based only on the phase modulation of the signal and neglecting the amplitude modulation. We will refer to this approximation as the ``phase metric''. This metric has a simpler structure than the full $\\F$-metric, and it can be computed analytically \\cite{jones05:_ptole_metric} if one assumes a circular orbital motion. This is the only type of continuous GW metric that is currently implemented in LAL/LALApps~\\cite{lalapps}. As we will see in this study, the amplitude modulation cannot always be neglected, but ``on average'' the phase metric seems to be a good approximation, and its quality improves with longer observation times and with the number of detectors. With the recent multi-detector generalization of the $\\F$-statistic formalism~\\cite{cutler05:_gen_fstat} and its subsequent implementation into LAL/LALApps, the need to understand the \\emph{multi-detector} $\\F$-statistic metric has become more urgent. The most important question in this context is whether the metric resolution increases with the number of detectors, i.e. whether a denser covering of the parameter space is required, which would increase the computational cost. The main result of this work is to show that the metric resolution does \\emph{not} scale with the number of detectors. Therefore, sensitivity can be gained at the cost of only a linear increase in the required computing power (as the signal has to be correlated with the data stream from each detector). This has to be contrasted with the (at least) $\\O(T^5)$ scaling \\eqref{eq:113} of the number of templates with observation time $T$, in the case isolated neutron-star signals with one spindown. In order to improve the sensitivity of a coherent search for continuous gravitational waves, increasing the number of similar-sensitivity detectors is therefore computationally much cheaper than to increase the observation time. The plan of this paper is as follows: in Sect.~\\ref{sec:multi-detector-f} we introduce the formalism and notation of the multi-detector $\\F$-statistic, following \\cite{cutler05:_gen_fstat} and \\cite{krolak04:_optim_lisa}. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:f-metric} we derive the $\\F$-statistic metric family for high-frequency signals (relevant for ground-based detector networks). We compute the extremal range of this metric family, its average metric, and the long-duration limit, in which the $\\F$-metric family reduces to a simple ``orbital metric''. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:appl-isol-puls} we apply this framework to the special case of GWs from isolated spinning neutron stars, and we evaluate the quality of the metric predictions (and different approximations) by comparing them against measured mismatches in a Monte-Carlo study. The main results are summarized in Sect.~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. Appendix~\\ref{sec:altern-proj-onto} presents an alternative, more elegant derivation of the $\\F$-statistic metric, and Appendix~\\ref{sec:keep-ampl-funct} gives the general expressions for the $\\F$-metric, which would be valid also for low-frequency signals relevant for LISA. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have derived a formalism for the general parameter-space metric of the multi-detector $\\F$-statistic, and we have explicitly computed the metric for signals from isolated spinning neutron stars. We have shown that there exists a family of $\\F$-metrics, parametrized by the two (unknown) amplitude parameters $\\psi$ and $\\cos\\iota$. We explicitly derived the extremal ``mismatch bounds'' (i.e. the maximum and minimum possible mismatches) of the $\\F$-metric family, and we introduced an average $\\F$-metric, which is independent of the unknown amplitude parameters. We have shown that the multi-detector $\\F$-metric does not scale with the number of detectors. Combining detectors coherently therefore does not increase the required number of templates. In the long-duration limit ($T\\gtrsim 1$~month), we found that the $\\F$-metric family converges towards a simple orbital metric $g^\\orb_{ij}$, which neglects both the amplitude modulation and the phase modulation caused by the diurnal rotation of the Earth. Both the orbital and the closely related phase metric provide relatively good mismatch approximations in practice, and the quality of these approximations improves with longer observation times and with the number of coherently-combined detectors. The orbital metric, however, while virtually identical to the phase metric for almost all directions in parameter space, was found to be substantially more degenerate for observation times shorter than a month. This has important consequences for the covering problem of the parameter space and requires further study. Finally, we have identified two regimes in which the local metric approximation itself is not very reliable: namely, for observation times $T\\lesssim 1$~day, and for large angular offsets $\\dOm \\gtrsim 5$ (in natural units). \\appendix" }, "0606/astro-ph0606006_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We investigate how ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures separately affect the ability of galaxy clusters to produce strong lensing events, i.e. gravitational arcs, and how they influence the arc morphologies and fluxes. This is important for those studies aiming, for example, at constraining cosmological parameters from statistical lensing, or at determining the inner structure of galaxy clusters through gravitational arcs.} {We do so by creating two-dimensional smoothed, differently elliptical and asymmetric versions of some numerical models. By subtracting these smoothed mass distributions from the corresponding numerical maps and by gradually smoothing the residuals before re-adding them to the clusters, we are able to see how the lensing properties of the clusters react to even small modification of the cluster morphology. We study in particular by how much ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures contribute to the strong lensing cross sections of clusters. We also investigate how cluster substructures affect the morphological properties of gravitational arcs, their positions and fluxes.} {On average, we find that the contributions of ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures amount to $\\sim 40\\%$, $\\sim 10\\%$ and $\\sim 30\\%$ of the total strong lensing cross section, respectively. However, our analysis shows that substructures play a more important role in less elliptical and asymmetric clusters, even if located at large distances from the cluster centres ($\\sim 1h^{-1}$Mpc). Conversely, their effect is less important in highly asymmetric lenses. The morphology, position and flux of individual arcs are strongly affected by the presence of substructures in the clusters. Removing substructures on spatial scales $\\lesssim 50h^{-1}$kpc, roughly corresponding to mass scales $\\lesssim 5 \\times 10^{10}h^{-1}\\,M_\\odot$, alters the image multiplicity of $\\sim 35\\%$ of the sources used in the simulations and causes position shifts larger than $5''$ for $\\sim 40\\%$ of the arcs longer than $5''$.} {We conclude that any model for cluster lens cannot neglect the effects of ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures. On the other hand, the high sensitivity of gravitational arcs to deviations from regular, smooth and symmetric mass distributions suggests that strong gravitational lensing is potentially a powerful tool to measure the level of substructures and asymmetries in clusters.} ", "introduction": "Thanks to the improvements in the quality and in the depth of astronomical observations, in particular from space, an increasing number of gravitational arcs has recently been discovered near the centres of many galaxy clusters \\citep[see e.g.][]{BR05.1}. Since the appearance of these images reflects the shape of the gravitational potential which is responsible for their large distortions, strong lensing is, in principle, a very powerful tool for investigating how the matter, in particular the dark component, is distributed in the inner regions of cluster lenses. Determining the inner structure of galaxy clusters is one of the major goals in cosmology, because it should allow us to set important constraints on the growth of the cosmic structures in the Universe. Moreover, constraining the mass distribution in the centre of dark matter halos has become increasingly important in the recent years, since observations of the dynamics of stars in galaxy-sized systems revealed the presence of a potential problem within the Cold-Dark-Matter (CDM) scenario. While numerical simulations in this cosmological framework predict that dark matter halos in a large range of masses should develop density profiles characterised by an inner cusp, observations of the rotation curves of dwarf and low-surface-brightness galaxies suggest that these objects rather have flat density profiles \\citep{FL94.1,MO94.1,BU95.1,BU97.1,MG98.1,DA00.1,FI01.1}. While the centres of galaxies are dominated by stars, which renders it extremely complicated to derive constraints on the distribution of their dark matter, galaxy clusters are an alternative and, in many respects, preferable class of objects for testing the predictions of the CDM model. In fact, several authors already tried to investigate the inner structure of these large systems, using and often combining several kinds of observations. Apart from lensing, the gravitational potential of galaxy clusters can be traced with several other methods, for example through the emission in the X-ray band by the hot intra-cluster gas. However, while gravitational lensing directly probes the matter content of these objects, the other techniques usually rely on some strong assumptions about their dynamical state and the interaction between their baryonic and dark matter. For example, it must be often assumed that the gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium within the dark matter potential well and that the system is spherically symmetric. Some ambiguous results were found when comparing the constraints on the inner structure of clusters as obtained from X-ray and lensing observations. First, masses estimated from strong lensing are usually larger by a factor of 2-3 than the masses obtained from X-ray observations \\citep{CH03.1,OT04.1}. Deviations from axial symmetry and substructures are known to be important factors in strong lensing mass estimates \\citep[see e.g.][]{BA95.2,BA96.2,ME03.1,OG05.1,GA05.1}. Second, the constraints on the inner slope of the density profiles seem to be compatible with a wide range of inner slopes \\citep{ET02.1,LE03.1,AR02.1,SA03.1,BA04.1,GA05.1}. Apart from the above-mentioned uncertainties affecting the X-ray measurements, strong lensing observations also have several potential weaknesses. First of all, arcs are relatively rare events. Frequently, all the constraints which can be set on the inner structure of clusters via strong lensing depend on a single or on a small number of arcs and arclets observed near the cluster core. Second, arcs are the result of highly non-linear effects. This implies that their occurrence and their morphological properties are very sensitive to ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures of the cluster matter distribution. Reversing the problem, this means that, in order to reliably describe the strong lensing properties of galaxy clusters, all of these effects must be taken into account. Fitting the positions and the morphology of gravitational arcs to derive the underlying mass distributions of the lensing clusters, usually requires to build models with multiple mass components, each of which is characterised by its ellipticity and orientation \\citep[see e.g.][]{KN93.1,CO05.1,BR05.1}. Even describing the cluster lens population in a statistical way requires to use realistic cluster models \\citep{ME00.1,ME03.1,ME03.2,OG02.1,OG03.1,DA04.1,HE05.1}. Despite the fact that the importance of ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures for strong lensing appears clearly in many previous studies, many questions still remain. For example, what is the typical scale of substructures which contribute significantly to the strong lensing ability of a cluster? Where are they located within the clusters? What is the relative importance of asymmetries compared to ellipticity? Moreover, how do substructures influence the appearance of giant arcs? All of these open problems are important for those studies aiming at constraining cosmological parameters from statistical lensing, or at determining the inner structure of galaxy clusters through gravitational arcs. This paper aims at answering to these questions. To do so, we quantify the impact of ellipticity, asymmetries and substructures by creating differently smoothed models of the projected mass distributions of some numerical clusters. We gradually move from one smoothed model to another through a sequence of intermediate steps. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{sect:nummod}, we discuss the characteristics of the numerically simulated clusters that we use in this study; in Sect.~\\ref{sect:raytr}, we explain how ray-tracing simulations are carried out; Sect.~\\ref{sect:smooth} illustrates how we obtain smoothed versions of the numerical clusters; in Sect.~\\ref{sect:power}, we suggest a method to quantify the amount of substructures, asymmetry and ellipticity of the cluster lenses, based on multipole expansions of their surface density fields; Sect.~\\ref{sect:resu} is dedicated to the discussion of the results of our analysis. Finally, we summarise our conclusions in Sect.\\ref{sect:conclu}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclu} In this paper we have quantified the impact of several properties of realistic cluster lenses on their strong lensing ability. In particular, our goal was to separate the effects of substructures, asymmetries and ellipticity. For doing that, we analysed the lensing properties of one numerical cluster simulated with very high mass resolution. In addition, we studied four other clusters obtained from N-body simulation with a lower mass resolution. Each cluster was projected along three independent directions. For each projection, we constructed three completely smoothed versions. Each of them conserves the mean surface density profile of the mass distribution of the cluster. However, the first reproduces the variations of the ellipticity and of the position angle of the isodensity contours as functions of the distance from the centre; the second has elliptical isodensity contours with fixed ellipticity and orientation; the third is an axially symmetric model. The lensing properties of the numerical clusters, of their smoothed analogues and of several intermediate versions were investigated using standard ray-tracing techniques. Our main results can be summarised as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Substructures, asymmetries and ellipticity contribute to increase the ability of clusters to produce strong lensing events. Substructured, asymmetric and highly elliptical clusters produce more extended high magnification regions in the lens plane where long and thin arcs can form. Indeed, substructures, asymmetries and ellipticity determine the location and the shape of the lens caustics around which sources must be located in order to be strongly lensed by the clusters. \\item The impact of substructures, asymmetries and ellipticity on the lensing cross section for producing giant arcs is different for different lenses. The lensing properties of the most symmetric clusters appear to be particularly influenced by the substructures. On the contrary, substructures are less important in asymmetric lenses. \\item On average, we quantify that substructures account for $\\sim 30\\%$ of the total cluster cross section, asymmetries for $\\sim 10\\%$ and ellipticity for $\\sim 40\\%$. \\item The substructures that typically contribute to lensing are on scales $\\lesssim 150 - 200 \\,h^{-1}$kpc. Assuming a virial overdensity of $\\sim 123$ for $z=0.3$, this corresponds to mass scales of the order of $\\sim 10^{12} h^{-1}\\,M_\\odot$. Substructures on larger scales are not as frequent in our cluster sample, but, if present, they can boost significantly the lensing cross section \\citep[see e.g.][]{TO04.1,ME05.1}. \\item Substructures play a more important role when they are located close to the cluster centre. However, the lensing cross section for giant arcs is sensitive to substructures within a wide region around the cluster core. In particular, our simulations show that the sensitivity to substructures far from the centre is particularly high in those clusters whose inner regions are unperturbed. In these cases, the loss of strong lensing efficiency due to removing the substructures from the clusters is correlated with substructures within a region of $\\sim 1 \\, h^{-1}$Mpc in radius; on the contrary, clusters containing substructures in the inner regions are ``screened'' against external perturbers. \\item Even small substructures ($l\\lesssim 50$kpc, $M\\lesssim 5\\times 10^{10}h^{-1}\\,M_\\odot$) influence the appearance and the location of gravitational arcs. The perturbations to the projected gravitational potential of the cluster induced by the substructures alter the multiplicity of the images of individual sources. Moreover, they change the morphology and the flux of the images themselves. Finally, they can shift the position of arcs with significant length to width ratios by several arcseconds on the sky. \\end{itemize} These results highlight several important aspects of strong lensing by clusters. First, any model for cluster lenses cannot neglect the effects of asymmetries, ellipticity and substructures. Clusters which may appear as relaxed and symmetric, for example in the X-rays, are potentially those which are most sensitive to the smallest substructures, located even at large distances from the inner cluster regions, critical for strong lensing. Even subhalos on the scales of galaxies can influence the strong lensing properties of their hosts and alter the shape and the fluxes of gravitational arcs. Therefore, if the lens modelling is not carried out at a very high level of detail, it may result in being totally incorrect. Second, the high sensitivity of gravitational arcs to deviations from regular, smooth and symmetric mass distributions suggests that strong gravitational lensing is potentially a powerful tool to measure the level of substructures and asymmetries in clusters. Since, as we said, the sensitivity to substructures is higher in the case of more symmetric lenses, we conclude that dynamically active clusters, like those undergoing major merger events, should be quite insensitive to ``corrugations'' in the projected mass distribution but highly sensitive to asymmetries. Arcs could then be used to diagnose mergers in clusters. Conversely, substructures should become increasingly important for the arc morphology as clusters relax. Then the level of substructures in clusters should be quantified by measuring their effect on the arc morphology. This is particularly intriguing since measuring the fine structures of gravitational arcs has become feasible thanks to the high spatial resolution reached in observations from space. Third, the strong impact of asymmetries and substructures on the lensing properties of clusters and the wide region in the cluster where these last can be located in order to produce a significant effect further support the picture that mergers might have a huge impact on the cluster optical depth for strong lensing, as suggested in several previous studies \\citep{TO04.1,ME04.1,FE05.1}." }, "0606/astro-ph0606538_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using a set of multifrequency cross-spectra computed from the three year \\WMAP\\ sky maps, we fit for the unresolved point source contribution. For a white noise power spectrum, we find a Q-band amplitude of $A = 0.011 \\pm 0.001$ $\\mu$K$^2$ sr (antenna temperature), significantly smaller than the value of $0.017 \\pm 0.002$ $\\mu$K$^2$ sr used to correct the spectra in the \\WMAP\\ release. Modifying the point source correction in this way largely resolves the discrepancy \\citet{eriksen:2006} found between the \\WMAP\\ V- and W-band power spectra. Correcting the co-added \\WMAP\\ spectrum for both the low-$\\ell$ power excess due to a sub-optimal likelihood approximation---also reported by \\citet{eriksen:2006}---and the high-$\\ell$ power deficit due to over-subtracted point sources---presented in this letter---we find that the net effect in terms of cosmological parameters is a $\\sim0.7\\sigma$ shift in $n_{\\textrm{s}}$ to larger values: For the combination of \\emph{WMAP}, BOOMERanG and Acbar data, we find $n_{\\textrm{s}} = 0.969 \\pm 0.016$, lowering the significance of $n_{\\textrm{s}} \\ne 1$ from $\\sim2.7\\sigma$ to $\\sim 2.0\\sigma$. ", "introduction": "The results of \\emph{Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} have made an inestimable impact on the science of cosmology, highlighted by the very recent release of the three year data: maps, power spectra, and consequent cosmological analysis \\citep{\\jarosik,\\page,\\hinshaw,\\spergel}. Precisely because these results play so prominent a role, it is important to check and recheck their consistency. Recently \\cite{eriksen:2006} reanalyzed the \\WMAP\\ three year temperature sky maps, and noted two discrepancies in the \\WMAP\\ power spectrum analysis. On large angular scales there is a small power excess in the \\emph{WMAP} spectrum (5--10\\% at $\\ell \\lesssim 50$), primarily due to a problem with the % likelihood approximation used by the \\emph{WMAP} team. On small angular scales, an unexplained systematic difference between the V- and W-band spectra (few percent at $\\ell \\gtrsim 300$) was found. In this Letter, we suggest this second discrepancy is at least partially due to an excessive point source correction in the \\WMAP\\ power spectrum. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} Using a combination of cross-spectra of maps from the Q-, V-, and W-bands of \\WMAP\\ three year data, we fit for the amplitude of the power spectrum of unresolved point sources in Q-band, finding $A = 0.011 \\pm 0.001$ $\\mu$K$^2$ sr. This fit has significantly less power than the fit used to correct the \\WMAP\\ final co-added power spectrum used for cosmological analysis. We compute and apply the proper point source correction, noting the corrected V- and W-bands are more consistent than before. The improper point source correction conspires with a low-$\\ell$ estimator bias to impart a spurious tilt to the \\WMAP\\ temperature power spectrum. With the revised corrections, we find evidence for spectral index $n_\\textrm{s} \\neq 1$ at only $\\sim 2\\sigma$, while other parameters remain largely unchanged." }, "0606/astro-ph0606012_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have undertaken the simulation of hydrodynamic flows with bulk Lorentz factors in the range 10$^2$--10$^6$. We discuss the application of an existing relativistic, hydrodynamic primitive-variable recovery algorithm to a study of pulsar winds, and, in particular, the refinement made to admit such ultra-relativistic flows. We show that an iterative quartic root finder breaks down for Lorentz factors above 10$^2$ and employ an analytic root finder as a solution. We find that the former, which is known to be robust for Lorentz factors up to at least 50, offers a 24\\% speed advantage. We demonstrate the existence of a simple diagnostic allowing for a hybrid primitives recovery algorithm that includes an automatic, real-time toggle between the iterative and analytical methods. We further determine the accuracy of the iterative and hybrid algorithms for a comprehensive selection of input parameters and demonstrate the latter's capability to elucidate the internal structure of ultra-relativistic plasmas. In particular, we discuss simulations showing that the interaction of a light, ultra-relativistic pulsar wind with a slow, dense ambient medium can give rise to asymmetry reminiscent of the Guitar nebula leading to the formation of a relativistic backflow harboring a series of internal shockwaves. The shockwaves provide thermalized energy that is available for the continued inflation of the PWN bubble. In turn, the bubble enhances the asymmetry, thereby providing positive feedback to the backflow. ", "introduction": "\\label{solver} Using the method above we created a SRHD primitive algorithm called ``REST\\_ FRAME''. Given the speed advantage of the iterative root finder (see $\\S$\\ref{timing}), it a desirable choice over the analytical method within its regime of applicability, i.e. for low Lorentz factors. As Fig.~\\ref{nr_acc} shows, the iterative root finder is accurate to order 10$^{-4}$ (see $\\S$\\ref{solacc}) for a sizable region of parameter space including all $R/E$ above the diagonal line between the points (0, $-7$) \\& (9, 0) in the $\\log(R/E)$ vs. $-\\log(1-M/E)$ plane (i.e. for $\\log(R/E) \\ge -(7/9)\\times\\log(1-M/E)-7$). Therefore, for a given $M/E$ and $R/E$, we check if this inequality is true; if (not) so, we call the (analytical) iterative root finder (see $\\S$\\ref{pcode}). \\subsection{Pseudo-code}\\label{pcode} REST\\_FRAME calculates the primitive variables given the conservative variables and the adiabatic index as represented in the following pseudo-code (note this is a 2D example): \\hspace*{8mm}PROCEDURE REST\\_FRAME\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}RECEIVED FROM PARENT PROGRAM: $Y$, $Z$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}RETURNED TO PARENT PROGRAM: $\\gamma$, $v$, $C$\\\\ Comment: recall $Y\\equiv M/E$ and $Z\\equiv R/E$\\\\ Comment: $C$ is returned $< 0$ for code failures\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}GLOBAL VARIABLE: $\\Gamma$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}SET VALUE OF $m_{underflow}$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}SET VALUE OF $v_{tol}$\\\\ Comment: determines iterative method velocity accuracy\\\\ Comment: we set $v_{tol}$ = 10$^{-8}$, 10$^{-10}$, 10$^{-12}$, 10$^{-14}$\\\\ Comment: for $-\\log(1-Y) < 8.3$, $< 10.3$, $< 12.3$, otherwise, respectively\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}SET $M$ = $\\sqrt{M_x^2+M_y^2}$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}IF $M < m_{underflow}$ THEN\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}$v$ = 0, $\\gamma$ = 1\\\\ Comment: avoids code failure if $v$ is numerically zero\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}ELSE\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}TEST FOR UNPHYSICAL PARAMETERS\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}IF PASSED, SET $C$ NEGATIVE AND RETURN\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}IF $\\log(Z) \\ge -(7/9)\\times\\log(1-Y)-7$, THEN\\\\ Comment: check to see if input parameters are within the acceptable\\\\ Comment: accuracy region of the iterative routine\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}CALL ITERATIVE\\_QUARTIC($Y,Z,v_{tol},v$,$C$)\\\\ Comment: updates $v_{n-1}$ to $v_{n}$ using $n$ cycles of Newton-Raphson iteration\\\\ Comment: returns $v$ = $v_{n}$ when $|v_{n}-v_{n-1}|$ $\\le$ $v_{tol}$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}IF $C < 0$, THEN\\\\ Comment: this means the iteration failed to converge\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}RETURN\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}ELSE \\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}$\\gamma$ = $\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{1-v^2}}$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}END IF\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}ELSE\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}CALL ANALYTICAL\\_QUARTIC($Y,Z,\\gamma$)\\\\ Comment: calculates $\\gamma$ using analytical solution -- see below\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}$v$ = $\\sqrt{1-\\frac{1}{\\gamma^2}}$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}END IF\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}END IF\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}END PROCEDURE REST\\_FRAME\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}PROCEDURE ANALYTICAL\\_QUARTIC\\\\ Comment: see $\\S$\\ref{solveqe} for equations\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}RECEIVED FROM PARENT PROGRAM: $Y,Z$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}RETURNED TO PARENT PROGRAM: $\\gamma$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}GLOBAL VARIABLE: $\\Gamma$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}$\\tilde{a}_3$ = $2\\Gamma(\\Gamma-1)Z(Y^{-2}+1)$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}$\\tilde{a}_2$ = $(\\Gamma^2-2\\Gamma(\\Gamma-1)Y^2-(\\Gamma-1)^2Z^2)(Y^{-2}+1)$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}$\\tilde{a}_1$ = $-a_3$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}$\\tilde{a}_0$ = $(\\Gamma-1)^2(Y^2+Z^2)(Y^{-2}+1)$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}$\\tilde{a}_4$ = $1+Y^2-a_0-a_2$\\\\ Comment: coefficients recast to counter subtractive cancellation -- see $\\S$\\ref{solacc}\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}NORMALIZE COEFFICIENTS TO $a_4$\\\\ Comment: e.g., $a_{3N}$ = $a_3/a_4$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}CALCULATE CUBIC RESOLVENT COEFFICIENTS \\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}CALCULATE DISCRIMINANT, $D$\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}IF $D\\le$0 THEN\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm}WRITE ERROR MESSAGE AND STOP\\\\ Comment: exploration suggests $D\\le 0$ is unphysical but formal proof is elusive\\\\ Comment: thus, we leave $D\\le 0$ uncoded with a error flag just in case\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}ELSE\\\\ Comment: $D>0$ $\\Rightarrow$ $Q(\\gamma)$ has 2 real roots (see Tab.~\\ref{charqsolns} \\& \\ref{charcsolns})\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm} CALCULATE ROOTS OF CUBIC RESOLVENT\\\\ Comment: the cubic has one real root and a pair of complex conjugate roots\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm} IF REAL ROOT $< 0$, SET REAL ROOT = 0\\\\ Comment: the real root cannot be less than zero analytically\\\\ Comment: numerically, however, it can have a very small negative value\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm} CALCULATE THE TWO REAL ROOTS OF THE QUARTIC\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm} TEST FOR TWO OR NO PHYSICAL ROOTS\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm} IF PASSED, WRITE ERROR MESSAGE, AND RETURN\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}\\hspace*{8mm} IF FAILED, SET $\\gamma$ = PHYSICAL ROOT\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}END IF\\\\ \\hspace*{8mm}END PROCEDURE ANALYTICAL\\_QUARTIC\\\\ \\subsection{Code timing}\\label{timing} Using the Intel Fortran library function CPU\\_TIME, we calculated the CPU time required to execute 5$\\times$10$^7$ calls to REST\\_FRAME for $Y$ = 0.9975 \\& $Z$ = 1$\\times 10^{-4}$ ($\\gamma \\sim$10) using the Newton-Raphson iterative method with $Q(v)$ and 8-byte arithmetic, and the analytical method with $Q(\\gamma)$ and both 8-byte \\& 16-byte arithmetic (we investigated the use of 16-byte arithmetic due to an issue with subtractive cancellation -- see $\\S$\\ref{solacc}). The CPU time for each of these scenarios was 29.5, 36.5 (averaged over ten runs and rounded to the nearest half second), and $\\sim$11650 seconds (one run only), respectively. This indicates that while using the 8-byte analytical method is satisfactory, it is advantageous to use the iterative method when Lorentz factors are sufficiently low, and that the use of 16-byte arithmetic is a nonviable option. This result is not surprising as the accuracy of Newton-Raphson iteration improves by approximately one decimal place per iterative step \\citep{dun94} and the relative inefficiency of 16-byte arithmetic is a known issue \\citep[e.g.][]{per06}. \\subsection{Solver Accuracy}\\label{solacc} The input parameters for our primitives algorithm are the ratios of the laboratory-frame momentum and mass densities to the laboratory-frame energy density (recall $Y \\equiv M/E$ and $Z \\equiv R/E$) both of which must be less than unity in order for solutions of Eqn.~\\ref{lt} to exist. In addition, the condition $Y^2 + Z^2 < 1$ must be met. Along with the fact that $Y$ and $Z$ must also be positive, this defines the comprehensive and physical input parameter space to be $0 < Y,Z < 1$ such that $Y^2 + Z^2 < 1$ (we identify a particular region of parameter space applicable to pulsar winds in the next section). We tested the accuracy of our iterative and hybrid primitives algorithms within this space as follows. First, as we are most interested in light, highly relativistic flows (i.e. $Z$ small and $Y$ close to unity), to define the accuracy-search space we elected to use the quantities $-\\log(1-Y)$, which for values greater than unity gives $0.9 < Y < 1$, and $\\log(Z)$, which for values less than negative unity gives $Z \\ll 1$. We selected $0 < -\\log(1-Y) < 13$ and $-13 < \\log(Z) < 0$ corresponding to Lorentz factors ($\\gamma$) between 1 and $2\\times10^6$. We chose a range with a maximal $\\gamma$ slightly above $1\\times10^6$ in order to completely bound the pulsar wind nebula parameter space defined in the next section. Choosing a relativistic equation of state $\\Gamma$= 4/3 and using 1300 points for both $-\\log(1-Y)$ and $\\log(Z)$, we tested the accuracy of REST\\_FRAME by passing it $Y$ and $Z$, choosing $E = 1$, and using the returned primitive quantities to derive the calculated energy density $Ec$, and calculating the difference $|1-Ec/E| \\equiv \\delta E/E$. We chose this estimate of the error because $\\delta E/E \\sim \\delta\\gamma/\\gamma$ and $\\delta\\gamma/\\gamma$ is tied to the accuracy of the numerical, hydrodynamic technique (see the final paragraph in this section). \\begin{figure}[hb] \\caption{The accuracy (estimated as $\\delta E/E$) of the Newton-Raphson (N-R) iterative primitives algorithm where white, light grey, medium grey, dark grey, and hatched regions correspond, respectively, to an accuracy of order at least 10$^{-4}$, at least 10$^{-3}$, worse than 10$^{-3}$, failure, and unphysical input ($R^2/E^2 \\ge 1-M^2/E^2$). Note that the Lorentz factor varies from order 1 at the far left to order 10$^6$ at the far right. There is a sizable white region representing $M/E < 0.999999$ ($\\gamma < 500$) and $R/E > 5\\times 10^{-8}$ within which accuracy is generally significantly better than 10$^{-4}$. N-R iteration is unreliable due to sporadic failures for all $M/E$ and $R/E$ such that $R/E < 5\\times 10^{-8}$ and for an ever increasing fraction of $R/E > 5\\times 10^{-8}$ as $M/E$ increases until accuracy becomes unacceptable or the code fails outright for $M/E$ and $R/E$ such that $M/E > 0.999999$. Failures are due to divide by zero (see \\S\\ref{sfix}) or nonconvergence within a reasonable number of iterations.} \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=4in]{fig2.ps}} \\label{nr_acc} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[hb] \\caption{The accuracy (estimated as $\\delta E/E$) of the hybrid primitives algorithm where white, light grey, and hatched regions correspond, respectively, to an accuracy of order at least 10$^{-4}$, at least 10$^{-3}$, and nonphysical input ($R^2/E^2 \\ge 1-M^2/E^2$). Note that the Lorentz factor varies from order 1 at the far left to order 10$^6$ at the far right. The space between the parallel lines represents PWNe input parameter space. The accuracy degradation at the extreme right is due to subtractive cancellation in the 4$^{th}$-order coefficient of the Lorentz-factor quartic as $M/E\\rightarrow$1.} \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=4in]{fig3.ps}} \\label{hy_acc} \\end{figure} Our results for the Newton-Raphson (N-R) and hybrid methods are given in Figs.~\\ref{nr_acc} \\& \\ref{hy_acc} which show where the accuracy is of order at least 10$^{-4}$, at least 10$^{-3}$, worse than 10$^{-3}$, failure, and unphysical input ($Z^2 \\ge 1-Y^2$), respectively. We chose an accuracy of order 10$^{-4}$ as the upper cutoff because N-R iteration returns accuracies on this order for $\\gamma < 50$ and relativistic, hydrodynamic simulations of galactic jets by \\cite{dun94} produced robust results for Lorentz factors of at least 50 using N-R iteration. An additional result of interest is that the ultra-relativistic approximation for $v$ (i.e. taking $R = 0$ thereby reducing $Q(v) = 0$ to a quadratic equation) manages an accuracy of at least 10$^{-4}$ for a large portion of the physical $Y-Z$ plane (see Fig.~\\ref{ur_acc}). \\begin{figure}[hb] \\caption{The accuracy (estimated as $\\delta E/E$) of the ultra-relativistic approximation of the flow velocity where white, light grey, medium grey, and hatched regions correspond to an accuracy of order at least 10$^{-4}$, at least 10$^{-3}$, worse than 10$^{-3}$, and unphysical input ($R^2/E^2 \\ge 1-M^2/E^2$), respectively. Note that the Lorentz factor varies from order 1 at the far left to order 10$^6$ at the far right. The accuracy degradation at the extreme right is due to the fact that the fractional error in the Lorentz factor is proportional to the fractional error in the velocity divided by $1-v^2$ which diverges as $v\\rightarrow$1.} \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=4in]{fig4.ps}} \\label{ur_acc} \\end{figure} Fig.~\\ref{nr_acc} shows the accuracy of the N-R iterative method. There are several noteworthy features. First is the presence of a sizable region corresponding to $\\gamma < 500$ within which accuracy is generally significantly better than 10$^{-4}$. Second is that N-R iteration is unreliable due to sporadic failures for increasing Lorentz factors until accuracy becomes unacceptable or the code fails outright due to divide by zero (see \\S\\ref{sfix}) or non-convergence within a reasonable number of iterations. In addition, though N-R iteration has been widely established as the primitives recovery method of choice for flows with Lorentz factors less than order 10$^2$, we found that for a subset of parameters, corresponding to $\\gamma < 2$, our N-R algorithm suffered an unacceptable degradation in accuracy. The key to this problem lies in the how the flow velocity ($v$) is initially estimated for the first iterative cycle as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The established approach \\citep{dun94,sch93} is to bracket $v$ with \\ber v_{max} &=& min(1,Y+\\delta)\\rm,\\nonumber\\\\ v_{min} &=& \\frac{\\Gamma - \\sqrt{\\Gamma^2-4(\\Gamma-1)Y^2}}{2Y(\\Gamma-1)}\\rm, \\eer where $\\delta \\sim 10^{-6}$ and $v_{min}$ is derived by taking the ultra-relativistic limit (i.e. $R = 0$) \\item The initial velocity is then $v_i = (v_{min}+v_{max})/2+\\eta$, where $\\eta = (1-Z)(v_{min}-v_{max})$ for $v_{max} > \\epsilon$ and $\\eta = 0$ otherwise ($\\epsilon$ order 10$^{-9}$) \\item This method fails due to selection of the incorrect root when the roots converge. \\item Thus, we make a simpler initial estimate of $v_i = v_{max}$, which guarantees that $v_i$ is ``uphill'' from $v$ for all physical $Y-Z$ space and that N-R iteration converges on $v$. \\end{enumerate} Fig.~\\ref{hy_acc} shows that our hybrid algorithm REST\\_FRAME is accurate to at least 10$^{-4}$ for all but a smattering of the highest Lorentz factors. In fact, it is significantly more accurate over the majority of the physical portion of the $Y-Z$ plane. The space between the parallel lines represents the PWN input parameters discussed in the next section. We find that multiplying $Q(\\gamma)$ by $(Y^2-Y^{-2})$ and rewriting the new $a_4$ ($\\tilde{a}_4$) in terms of the new $a_2$ ($\\tilde{a}_2$) and new $a_0$ ($\\tilde{a}_0$), e.g. $\\tilde{a}_4 = 1+Y^2-\\tilde{a}_0-\\tilde{a}_2$, improves the accuracy somewhat, but does not entirely mitigate the problem. The issue of accuracy loss at large Lorentz factors in 8-byte primitives algorithms is a known issue \\citep[e.g.][]{nob03} for which we know of no complete 8-byte solution. Employing 16-byte arithmetic provides spectacular accuracy, but introduces an unacceptable increase in run time (see $\\S$\\ref{timing}). The issue of what constitutes an acceptable error in the calculated Lorentz factor is decided by the fact that a fractional error in $\\gamma$ translates to the same fractional error in $p$ and $n$ which are needed to calculate the wave speeds that form the basis of the numerical, hydrodynamic technique, a Godunov scheme \\citep{god59} which approximates the solution to the local Riemann problem by employing an estimate of the wave speeds. We do not know a priori how accurate this estimate needs to be, and so procede with 8-byte simulations of pulsar winds with the expectation of using shock-tube tests \\citep{tho86} to validate the accuracy of the computation of well-defined flow structures as we approach the highest Lorentz factors. It is also noteworthy that while $\\gamma$ = 10$^6$ is the canonical bulk Lorentz factor for pulsar winds, $\\gamma$ = 10$^4$ and 10$^5$ are still in the ultra-relativistic regime, and it may very well prove to be that these Lorentz factors are high enough to elucidate the general ultra-relativistic, hydrodynamic features of such a system. The hybrid algorithm achieves accuracies of at least 10$^{-6}$ for $\\gamma \\sim 10^5$, which is safely in the acceptable accuracy regime. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We discussed the application of an existing special relativistic, hydrodynamic (SRHD) primitive-variable recovery algorithm to ultra-relativistic flows (Lorentz factor, $\\gamma$, of 10$^2$--10$^6$) and the refinement necessary for the numerical velocity root finder to work in this domain. We found that the velocity quartic, $Q(v)$, exhibits dual roots in the physical velocity range that move progressively closer together for larger $\\gamma$ leading to a divide by zero and the failure of the Newton-Raphson iteration method employed by the existing primitives algorithm. Our solution was to recast the quartic to be a function, $Q(\\gamma)$, of $\\gamma$. We demonstrated that $Q(\\gamma)$ exhibits only one physical root. However, Newton-Raphson iteration also failed in this case at high $\\gamma$, due to the extreme slope of the quartic near the root, necessitating the use there of an analytical numerical root finder. Our timing analysis indicated that using $Q(\\gamma)$ with the 8-byte analytical root finder increased run time by only 24\\% compared to using $Q(v)$ with the 8-byte iterative root finder (based on 10 trial runs), while using $Q(\\gamma)$ with the 16-byte analytical root finder ballooned run time by a factor of approximately 400. The iterative root finder is accurate to order 10$^{-4}$ for a sizable region of parameter space corresponding to Lorentz factors on the order of 10$^2$ and smaller. Therefore, we implemented a computational switch that checks the values of $M/E$ and $R/E$ and calls the iterative or analytical root finder accordingly thereby creating a hybrid primitives recovery algorithm called REST\\_FRAME. In addition, our exploration of parameter space suggests that the discriminant of the cubic resolvent (as defined by Eqn.~\\ref{disc} in $\\S$\\ref{solveqe}) will always be positive for physical flows. Therefore, we did not include code for negative discriminants in our routine. Formal proof remains elusive, however, leaving potential for future work. We have shown that REST\\_FRAME is capable of calculating the primitive variables from the conserved variables to an accuracy of at least $O(10^{-4})$ for Lorentz factors up to 10$^6$ with significantly better accuracy for Lorentz factors $\\leq 10^5$, and slightly worse (order 10$^{-3}$) for a small portion of the space corresponding to the highest Lorentz factors. We traced the degradation in accuracy for larger Lorentz factors to the effect of subtractive cancellation. Past studies have shown that an accuracy of order 10$^{-4}$ is capable of robustly capturing hydrodynamic structures. We have applied the refined solver to an ultra-relativistic problem and have shown that it is capable of reproducing observed structures and is well-suited to our study of the internal structure of diffuse pulsar wind nebulae. Our main conclusions are as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Relativistic, hydrodynamic simulations have shown that the relatively slow, dense ISM flow resulting from the space motion of a pulsar can set up an interaction with the \\textit{extremely} light, ultra-relativistic pulsar wind leading to an asymmetric nebula with a morphology reminiscent of the Guitar nebula. \\item Simulations have validated the interpretation that a relativistic backflow behind PSR1929+10 is responsible for the X-ray morphology. Results further show that the backflow can harbor a series of internal shockwaves that inflates a nebular bubble, and that the bubble provides positive feedback to the backflow, explaining how the Guitar bubble persists. \\item The evolution of the bubble/backflow structure is sensitive to the choice of input parameters justifying a future series of simulation runs that will determine what pulsar velocities and wind/ISM density ratios are required for the bubble/backflow feedback loop to arise. \\end{itemize}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606154_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The complexity and accuracy of current and future ``precision cosmology'' observational campaigns has made it essential to develop an efficient technique for directly combining simulation and observational datasets to determine cosmological and model parameters; a procedure we term {\\em calibration}. Once a satisfactory calibration of the underlying cosmological model is achieved, independent predictions for new observations become possible. For this procedure to be effective, robust characterization of the uncertainty in the calibration process is highly desirable. In this {\\em Letter}, we describe a statistical methodology which can achieve both of these goals. An application example based around dark matter structure formation simulations and a synthetic mass power spectrum dataset is used to demonstrate the approach. ", "introduction": "It is widely recognized that, beginning in the last decade, a transition to an era of ``precision cosmology'' is well underway. Ongoing and upcoming surveys such as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP, Sper\\-gel et al. 2006), the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2006), Planck, the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM), the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), and Pan-STARRS constitute superb sources of cosmological statistics. These sources include (galaxy, cluster, and mass) power spectra and cluster mass functions, from which roughly 25 cosmological parameters have to be constrained (see, e.g., Spergel et al. 2006, Tegmark et al. 2003, Abazajian et al. 2005). The promised accuracy from future observations is remarkable, as some parameters can be measured at the 1\\% level or better, posing a major challenge to cosmological theory. Predictions and analysis methods must at least match -- and preferably substantially exceed -- the observational accuracy. For many observables, this can only be achieved by simulations incorporating physical effects beyond the reach of analytic modeling. Cosmological simulations already play a key role in the design and interpretation of observations. Controlling systematics is a necessary first step, followed by combining simulations with observations to extract cosmological and model parameters. This cannot be accomplished by brute force. For example, if every parameter is sampled only ten times in a twenty-dimensional parameter space, it would require $10^{20}$ large-scale simulations, which is currently -- and in the near-term -- quite impossible. Even the variation of only a subset of the parameters over a sufficient range is infeasible. The need to develop and employ reliable statistical methods to determine and constrain parameters robustly is therefore manifest. In this {\\em Letter} we describe a statistical framework to determine cosmological and model parameters and associated uncertainties from simulations and observational data (for an overview of the basic ideas see, e.g., Kennedy \\& O'Hagan 2001 and Goldstein \\& Rougier 2004). The framework integrates a set of interlocking procedures: (i) simulation design -- the determination of the parameter settings at which to carry out the simulations; (ii) emulation -- given simulation output at the input parameter settings, how to estimate the output at new, untried settings; (iii) uncertainty and sensitivity analysis -- determining the variations in simulation output due to uncertainty or changes in the input parameters; (iv) calibration -- combining observations (with known errors) and simulations to estimate parameter values consistent with the observations, including the associated uncertainty; (v) prediction -- using the calibrated simulator to predict new cosmological results with a set of uncertainty bounds. For concreteness, we discuss the framework methodology in terms of a simple example application: Estimation of five parameters from dark matter structure formation simulations and a synthetic set of ``WMAP + SDSS'' measurements of the matter power spectrum. A detailed description will be provided elsewhere~(S.~Habib et al. in preparation). ", "conclusions": "We have introduced a new, very powerful method for determining cosmological and model parameters from simulations and observations. The key idea is to extract maximum utility from a necessarily finite set of expensive simulations. The implementation of this idea includes several valuable features: (i) a design to optimally sample the simulation parameter space; (ii) an accurate emulator capable of generating the required outputs in between the sampled simulation points; (iii) an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis; (iv) the parameter constraints themselves, with associated uncertainty bounds. In order to demonstrate the basic approach, we used a set of 128 dark matter structure formation simulations and a homogeneous synthetic ``observational'' dataset to determine five cosmological parameters. The next step is to use the framework for analyses of real data, especially of combined datasets such as the CMB and large scale structure observations. There are many ways to enhance the method and improve its performance. One is the melding of information from codes with different degrees of resolution and input physics, such as in the extraction of information about the mass distribution from the Lyman-$\\alpha$ forest. Here, complex hydrodynamics simulations are certainly desirable, but much faster approximate methods such as hydro-particle mesh (HPM) are available. Thus, a first analysis based on HPM can be performed, narrowing the parameter range of interest sufficiently to make hydro runs feasible. Interesting offshoots of the methodology include the exploitation of certain intermediate results. For instance, a large set of N-body simulations can be performed with several input parameters such as the equation of state for dark energy. An emulator can then be constructed from these and publicly released. This emulator can then be conveniently used instead of real simulations for planning observations and data analysis." }, "0606/hep-th0606033_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "\\hspace*{15pt}\\par The role of rolling homogeneous scalar field has been widely discussed in the various epoch for a variety of purposes[1]. Recently, with the surprising discovery of an accelerating expansive and spatially flat universe, the scalar field has gained another newly discussion as a candidate for dark energy. It can drive current accelerating expansion while its energy density can fill in the universe as \"missing matter density\". The most popular models with scalar field may be the linear scalar field model( a canonical scalar field described by the lagrangian $L=\\frac{1}{2}\\dot{\\phi}^2-V(\\phi)$)[2-6], the K-essence model( a scalar field with a non-canonical kinetic energy terms)[7-22] and the \"phantom\" model(a scalar field with the negative kinetic energy terms)[23-52]. The potentials in these models are chosen non-negative to avoid negative potential energy density. It is shown that the expanding universe with non-negative potentials have a common property that they will expand for ever, though the evolutional behavior of future universe has significant differences corresponding to different potentials. However, research shows that negative potentials can also lead to a viable cosmology[53-56]. Moreover, the universes with negative potentials are entirely different with the universes with non-negative potentials. They can trigger our flat universe from expansion($H>0$) to contraction ($H<0$), which will never occur in standard FRW model( previous oscillatory model only appears in a close universe in standard FRW model). Hence negative potentials are used to propose the \"cyclic universe\" model. In this cyclic scenario, when the scalar field rolls to a minimum of its effective potential with $V(\\phi)<0$, the universe will stop expanding and contract to a singularity eventually. Additionally, negative potentials also appeared in supergravity theory and in brane cosmology. It is theoretically important to continue investigating the cosmological features in other models where the effective potential $V(\\phi)$ may become negative for some values of the field $\\phi$. \\par Nonlinear Born-Infeld scalar field theory is firstly proposed by W.Heisenberg in order to describe the process of meson multiple production connected with strong field regime[57-59] and then is discussed in cosmology[60-64]. It shows that the lagrangian density of this NLBI scalar field posses some interesting characteristics[65-66]. In Ref[65], the author showed that a singular horizon exists for a large class of solution in which the scalar field is finite. Naked singularities with everywhere well-behaved scalar field in another class of solution have also been found in Ref[65]. Lately the quantum cosmology with the NLBI scalar field has been considered[67]. In the extreme limits of small and large cosmological scale factor the wave function of the universe was found by applying the methods developed by Vilenkin, Hartle and Hawking. The result has suggested a non-zero positive cosmological constant with largest probability, which is consistent with current observational data. The classical wormhole solution and wormhole wavefunction with the NLBI scalar filed has been obtained in Ref[68]. The phantom cosmology based on NLBI scalar field with a special potential had been considered in Ref[69-70]. The results show that the universe will evolve to a de-sitter like attractor regime in the future and the phantom NLBI scalar field can survive till today without interfering with the nucleosynthesis of the standard model. Very recently, with the analysis to Gold supernova data, we show that maybe the NLBI scalar field model is superior to conventional quintessence model[71]. Furthermore it is showed that in another analogous NLBI theories with the lagrangian $p(\\phi,X)=\\alpha^2(\\sqrt{(1+\\frac{2X}{\\alpha^2}}-1)-\\frac{1}{2}m^2\\phi^2$(where $X=\\frac{1}{2}\\dot\\phi^2$) the contribution of the gravitational waves to the CMB fluctuations can be substantially larger than that naively expected in simple inflationary models, which make the prospects for future detection much more promising[72-73]. It is also showed that with the same lagrangian, one can send information from inside a black hole[74]. In Ref[75-76], authors consider a non-Abelian Einstein-Born-Infeld-dilaton theory, where they concern a non-abelian vector field which couples to the dilaton and then describe a dark energy mechanism in a cosmological framework. \\par The key idea of NLBI scalar field theory is that the conventional quintessence scalar field can not describe the reality correctly in the case of strong field. The lagrangian of conventional quintessence model(here we also call it linear scalar field):\\begin{equation}L=\\frac{1}{2}{\\dot\\phi}^2-V(\\phi)\\end{equation} should be substituted by the lagrangian of NLBI scalar field \\begin{equation}L_{NLBI}=\\frac{1}{\\eta}[1-\\sqrt{1-\\eta{\\dot\\phi}^2}]-V(\\phi)\\end{equation} which can recover to conventional case when $\\dot\\phi\\rightarrow 0$. In fact, the lagrangian of NLBI scalar field(Eq.2) implies that there exists a maximum constant value $\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\eta}}$ for field velocity $\\dot\\phi$, which is very analogous to the universal constant velocity $c$. It means that $\\dot\\phi$ never reaches infinity while in linear scalar field model there are no such constraint. \\par In this paper, we combine the two ideas(negative potentials and NLBI scalar field theory) and consider the cosmology based on the NLBI scalar field with negative potentials. We think it may be very interesting and meaningful to see what will happen in this case. The paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we will describe theoretical model in NLBI scalar field theory and consider several basic regimes which are possible to happen in NLBI scalar field: the potential energy dominated regime, the kinetic energy dominated regime and the transient regime that the universe switches from expansion to contraction. In section 3, we investigate the different cosmological evolution in different cases and plot corresponding evolutive behaviors in detail. For the potential $V(\\phi)=\\frac{1}{2}m^2\\phi^2+V_0(V_0<0)$ We consider the universe evolution with different slope $m$ and different potential well $V_0$. the cases that $V_0>0$ and $V_0=0$ are also presented to compare with the case $V_0<0$, moreover we compare the different evolution between NLBI scalar field and linear scalar field. in section 4 we mention the cyclic model and consensus model. Conclusion and summary is also presented in section 4. ", "conclusions": "The main goal of this paper is to perform a general investigation of the NLBI scalar field cosmology with negative potentials. The cosmological solutions in different regime have obtained through some approximate approach. The results obtained in NLBI scalar field theory are quite different with that obtained in linear scalar field theory. A notable characteristic is that NLBI scalar field behaves as ordinary matter nearly the singularity while the linear scalar field behaviors as \"stiff\" matter. We also find that, due to the nonlinear effect, the oscillatory motion of $\\phi$ in the vicinity when the universe evolve to contraction from expansion is different to linear scalar field. Moreover, the value of Hubble parameter $H_i$ at time $i$ in NLBI scalar field theory is large than the one in linear scalar field theory. With the investigation of evolution with different value of $m$ and $V_0$, we find that in order to accommodate an accelerating expansive universe in which the large scale structure had formed, the value of $m$ and $|V_0|$ must have a {\\it upper bound}. Finally we review the negative potentials and the new cyclic model." }, "0606/astro-ph0606632_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Hydrodynamical simulations played an important role in understanding the dynamics and shaping of planetary nebulae in the past century. However, hydrodynamical simulations were just a first order approach. The new millennium arrived with the generalized understanding that the effects of magnetic fields were necessary to study the dynamics of planetary nebulae. Thus, B-fields introduced a whole new number of physical possibilities for the modeling. In this paper, we review observational works done in the last 5 years and several works on magnetohydrodynamics about proto-planetary nebulae, since all the effort has been focused on that stage, and discuss different scenarios for the origin of magnetized winds, and the relation binary-bipolararity. ", "introduction": "The origin and evolution of proto-planetary nebulae (PPNs) and planetary nebula (PNs) represent one of the key questions in our understanding of stellar physics. Modeling the fascinating features displayed by these objects requires not only a better knowledge of stellar structure at the AGB stage (and beyond) but also a proper consideration of the driving mechanisms for mass ejection. The transition from AGB to Post-AGB to PN central stars involves drastically different conditions at every stage. Whereas radiation pressure on dust grains is the most likely mechanism at the AGB phase, as are line-driven winds in the case of PN central stars, for Post-AGB stars the details of the driving force has been relatively unexplored. To begin this review, it is interesting to mention the increasing number of articles related to magnetic fields in PNs during the last years. Before the IAU Symp. 180 (Groningen 1996), the average number of paper per year was 0.41 (base line of 39 years). For the next 5 years until the IAU Symp. 209 (Canberra 2001), this number increased up to 6.2. In the last 5 years, this numbers growths up to 11.8 at the present IAU Symp. 234 (Hawaii 2006). What is even more interesting is that, in the last five years, 75 \\% of all the papers were observations. Finally, {\\bf measurements of magnetic field intensities and their orientations have been observed !!}. This fact will be important in the next five years, since theoretical models have something robust to start with. All the theoretical work done in PNs up to 2001 were focus on the line-driven wind theory including weak or moderate magnetic fields frozen in the winds (see review by Garc\\'{\\i}a-Segura 2003). However, since the paper by Bujarrabal et al. (2001), in which it is stated that PPNs could not be explained by radiation forces on the winds, most of the work done in the last five years is foccus on PPNs and the winds from post-AGBs stars. In this paper, we first make a short review of the observations done in the last five years, and then proceed with the MHD work. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606318_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We develop a series expansion of the plasma screening length away from the classical limit in powers of $\\hbar^{2}$. It is shown that the leading order quantum correction increases the screening length in solar conditions by approximately $2\\%$ while it decreases the fusion rate by approximately $ 0.34\\%$. We also calculate the next higher order quantum correction which turns out to be approximately $0.05\\%$. ", "introduction": "Salpeter\\cite{salpeter54} wrote a seminal paper more than half a century ago, concerning screening effects on thermonuclear reaction rates. He made the basic point that screening effects are small at the center of the sun. There has been renewed interest more recently in utilizing the sun as a source of neutrinos to test the standard model of unification of electro-weak forces. The measured neutrino flux deviates from predictions of the standard model by a factor of two\\cite{bethe90}. The measurement uncertainty is\\cite{bethe90,gruzinov98} $\\sim 1\\%$. Therefore it would be meaningful to quantify the theoretical estimate with equal precision. The structure and dynamics of the sun are complex\\cite{bahcall94}. Various phenomena need to be identified and estimated correctly. Screening of Coulomb repulsion between nuclei at extremely short distances is one of them. Many calculations of screening have been made since Salpeter's original paper, attempting to refine the degree of screening\\cite{brown97,brown06,fiorentini04}, dynamic effects\\cite{carraro88}, quantum fluctuations\\cite{gruzinov98,gervino05}, etc\\cite{bahcall02}. Here we shall focus on quantum corrections to screening. The most sophisticated calculation of this effect is that of Gruzinov and Bahcall\\cite{gruzinov98}. In this paper, the electronic density matrix was evaluated accurately using Feynman's formulation in terms of a Schroedinger equation with the inverse temperature playing the role of imaginary time. Fermion statistics are ignored due to the high solar temperature. They sustain Salpeter's original conclusion that quantum corrections are minor. These calculations are essentially correct, but cannot estimate in a systematic fashion the next higher order quantum correction. We shall correct that deficiency in this paper. This paper was written for the sake of completeness, since the super-Kamiokande experiment has been successful in obtaining evidence for neutrino mass (see Hosaka et al\\cite{kam1} for recent results). Nevertheless, the results of this paper may yet prove useful for more precise quantitative interpretation of stellar experimental data\\cite{pinsonn06}. ", "conclusions": "Systematic quantum corrections to screening in thermonuclear fusion were derived in powers of $\\hbar^{2}$, and estimated for solar conditions. Leading order corrections were shown to be less than $0.34\\%$ under solar conditions, while the next leading order term is $\\sim 0.05\\%$. Our corrections are consistent with those previously obtained by Gruzinov and Bahcall\\cite{gruzinov98}. They complement the results of Brown et al\\cite{brown06} who show that classical, non-linear effects on screening are small." }, "0606/astro-ph0606404_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{}{We aim to study the geometry and kinematics of the disk around the Be star $\\alpha$ Arae as a function of wavelength, especially across the Br$\\gamma$ emission line. The main purpose of this paper is to answer the question about the nature of the disk rotation around Be stars.}{We use the VLTI/AMBER instrument operating in the K band which provides a gain by a factor 5 in spatial resolution compared to previous VLTI/MIDI observations. Moreover, it is possible to combine the high angular resolution provided with the (medium) spectral resolution of AMBER to study the kinematics of the inner part of the disk and to infer its rotation law. }{We obtain for the first time the direct evidence that the disk is in keplerian rotation, answering a question that occurs since the discovery of the first Be star $\\gamma$ Cas by father Secchi in 1866. We also present the global geometry of the disk showing that it is compatible with a thin disk + polar enhanced winds modeled with the SIMECA code. We found that the disk around $\\alpha$ Arae is compatible with a dense equatorial matter confined in the central region whereas a polar wind is contributing along the rotational axis of the central star. Between these two regions the density must be low enough to reproduce the large visibility modulus (small extension) obtained for two of the four VLTI baselines. Moreover, we obtain that $\\alpha$ Arae is rotating very close to its critical rotation. This scenario is also compatible with the previous MIDI measurements.}{} ", "introduction": "The star $\\alpha$ Arae (HD\\,158\\,427, HR\\,6510, B3\\,Ve), one of the closest (d=74 pc, Hipparcos, Perryman et al. \\cite{perryman}) Be stars, was observed with the VLTI/MIDI instrument at 10 $\\mu$m in June 2003 and its circumstellar environment was unresolved even with the 102m baseline (Chesneau et al. \\cite{chesneau}, hereafter paper I). $\\alpha$ Arae was a natural choice as first target due to its proximity but also its large mid-IR flux and its high infrared excess among other Be stars, e.g. E(V-L)$\\sim$1.8 and E(V-12$\\mu$m)$\\sim$2.23. These first IR interferometric measurements indicated that the size of the circumstellar environment was smaller than predicted by Stee \\cite{Stee4} for the K band. The fact that $\\alpha$~Arae remain unresolved, but at the same time had strong Balmer emission, have put very strong constraints on the parameters of its circumstellar disk. Independently of the model, they have obtained an upper limit of the envelope size in the N band of $\\phi_{max}$= 4 mas, i.e. 14 R$_{\\star}$ if the star is at 74 pc according to Hipparcos parallax or 20 R$_{\\star}$ if the star is at 105 pc as suggested by the model presented in paper I. \\\\ They finally propose a scenario where the circumstellar environment remains unresolved due to an outer truncation of the disc by an unseen companion. Nevertheless, this companion would be too small and too far away to have any influence on the Be phenomenon itself.\\\\ In order to study the inner part of this circumstellar truncated disk we have taken advantage of the higher spatial resolution by observing at 2 $\\mu$m with the VLTI/AMBER instrument in February 2005. It provides a gain by a factor 5 in spatial resolution compared to VLTI/MIDI observations. We present in this paper these measurements showing, for the first time, a fully resolved circumstellar envelope in the Br$\\gamma$ emission line and a clear signature of a Keplerian rotating disk around $\\alpha$ Arae. We also discuss the challenging question on the nature of the geometry of the Be disks and particularly their opening angle since it is still an active debate.\\\\ Following the Wind Compressed Disk model (WCD) by Bjorkman \\& Cassinelli \\cite{Bjorkman93}, most authors have considered geometrically thin disks (half opening angle of 2-5 degrees) even if Owocki et al. (1996) have found that the equatorial wind compression effects are suppressed in any radiatively driven wind models for which the driving forces include a significant part from optically thick lines. Moreover, they found that gravity darkening effects can lead to a reduced mass loss, and thus a lower density in the equatorial regions. A wind compression effect is, however, not required to produce small opening angle of the disk. The investigation of accretion disks has shown that discs in hydrodynamical equilibrium and Keplerian rotation will not have much larger opening angles, since their scale height is governed by the vertical gas pressure only. For a disk to be thicker, either additional mechanisms have to be assumed, or it might not be in equilibrium at the radii in question (Bjorkman \\& Carciofi 2004).\\\\ On the other side, Stee et al. (1995; 1998) claimed that Be disks must be more ellipsoidal in order to reproduce the strong IR excess observed and interpret the possibility for a Be star to change its spectral type from Be to B, and more rarely Be to Be-Shell type, i.e. where the disk is dense enough to produce a strong \"shell\" absorption.\\\\ In the following we adopt, as a starting point, the same parameters for the modeling of $\\alpha$ Arae, e.g. the central star and its circumstellar envelope used in paper I and summarized in Table 1. Following the polarization measurements Pl$\\approx$0.6\\% and Position Angle (PA) of 172$^\\circ$ by McLean\\&Clarke \\citealp{mclean} and Yudin \\citealp{yudin2} the disk major-axis orientation is expected to be at about PA$\\approx82^\\circ$ (Wood et al. \\citealp{wood96a}, \\citealp{wood96b}, Quirrenbach et al. \\citealp{quirrenbach2}). Assuming a stellar radius of 4.8~R$_{\\sun}$ and an effective temperature $T_{\\rm eff}=18\\,000$\\,K, the photospheric angular diameter is estimated to be 0.7~mas (Cohen et al. \\citealp{cohen}, Chauville et al. \\citealp{chauville}). For the distance of 74~pc and a baseline of 60m at 2~$\\mu$m, Stee \\cite{Stee4} predicts the visibility of $\\alpha$~Arae to be lower than 0.2, i.e. fully resolved.\\\\ The paper is organized as follows. In Section~\\ref{secobs} and \\ref{datared} we present the interferometric AMBER observations and the data reduction. In Section~\\ref{toymodels} we try to obtain a first estimate of $\\alpha$ Arae's envelope geometry using very simple \"toy\" models. Section~\\ref{secsimeca} describes briefly the SIMECA code. In Section \\ref{bestmodel} we present the best model we obtain with SIMECA that fits both the Br$\\gamma$ line and the visibility modulus and phase as a function of wavelength which allows us to infer the disk kinematics and its rotational velocity. Finally, Section \\ref{conclusion} draws the conclusions from these first spectrally resolved interferometric measurements of a Be star at 2 $\\mu$m. \\vspace{0.3cm} { \\begin{table} {\\centering \\begin{tabular}{cc} \\hline parameter/result & value \\\\ \\hline Spectral type& B3Ve\\\\ $T_{\\rm eff}$& 18\\,000\\,K\\\\ Mass& 9.6 M\\( _{\\sun } \\)\\\\ Radius& 4.8 R\\( _{\\sun } \\)\\\\ Luminosity& 5.8 10\\( ^{3} \\)L\\( _{\\sun } \\)\\\\ Inclination angle i & 45$\\degr$\\\\ Photospheric density ($\\rho_{phot}$)&1.2 10\\( ^{-12} \\)g cm\\( ^{-3} \\)\\\\ Photospheric expansion velocity& 0.07 km s\\( ^{-1} \\) \\\\ Equatorial rotation velocity & 300 km s\\( ^{-1} \\) \\\\ Equatorial terminal velocity & 170 km s\\( ^{-1} \\) \\\\ Polar terminal velocity & 2000 km s\\( ^{-1} \\) \\\\ Polar mass flux & 1.7 10\\( ^{-9} \\)M\\( _{\\sun } \\) year\\( ^{-1} \\) sr\\( ^{-1} \\) \\\\ m1 & 0.3 \\\\ m2 & 0.45 \\\\ C1 & 30\\\\ Mass of the disk & 2.3 10\\( ^{-10} \\)M\\( _{\\sun } \\) \\\\ Mass loss & 6.0 10\\( ^{-7} \\)M\\( _{\\sun } \\) year\\( ^{-1} \\)\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}\\par} \\caption{Model parameters for the $\\alpha$ Arae central star and its circumstellar environment obtained from paper I} \\label{midi_model} \\end{table} \\par} \\vspace{0.3cm} ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} \\begin{enumerate} \\item Thanks to these first spectrally resolved interferometric measurements of a Be star at 2 $\\mu$m we are able to propose a possible scenario for the Be star $\\alpha$ Arae's circumstellar environment which consist in a thin disk + polar enhanced winds that is successfully modeled with the SIMECA code. \\item We found that the disk around $\\alpha$ Arae is compatible with a dense equatorial matter confined in the central region whereas a polar wind is contributing along the rotational axis of the central star. Between these two regions the density must be low enough to reproduce the large visibility modulus (small extension) obtained for two of the four VLTI baselines. This new scenario is also compatible with the previous MIDI measurements and the fact that the outer part of the disk may be truncated by a unseen companion at 32~R$_\\star$. \\item We obtain for the first time the clear evidence that the disk is in Keplerian rotation, closing a debate that occurs since the discovery of the first Be star $\\gamma$ Cas by father Secchi in 1866. \\item We found that that $\\alpha$ Arae must be rotating very close to its critical velocity. \\item These observations were done using the medium (1500) spectral resolution of the VLTI/AMBER instrument and are very promising for the forthcoming AMBER high spectral resolution observational mode (10000) and the coupling of the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) on the VLTI array. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606297_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present deep radio observations of the most distant complete quasar sample drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Combining our new data with those from literature we obtain a sample which is $\\sim 100$ per cent complete down to $\\rm S_{1.4GHz} = 60\\mu Jy$ over the redshift range $3.8 \\le z \\le 5$. The fraction of radio detections is relatively high ($\\sim 43$ per cent), similar to what observed locally in bright optical surveys. Even though the combined radio and optical properties of quasars remain overall unchanged from $z \\sim 5$ to the local Universe, there is some evidence for a slight over-abundance of radio-loud sources at the highest redshifts when compared with the lower-z regime. Exploiting the deep radio VLA observations we present the first attempt to directly derive the radio luminosity function of bright quasars at $z \\simgt 4$. The unique depth -- both in radio and optical -- allows us to thoroughly explore the population of optically bright FR~II quasars up to $z \\sim 5$ and opens a window on the behaviour of the brightest FR~I sources. A close investigation of the space density of radio loud quasars also suggests a differential evolution, with the more luminous sources showing a less pronounced cut-off at high z when compared with the less luminous ones. ", "introduction": "During the past years, studies of the properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and in particular of their cosmological evolution have become of major relevance within the more general field of galaxy evolution. In fact, it has been found that the properties of the central black hole (BH) are tightly related to those of the host galaxy (e.g. Magorrian et al. 1998; Ferrarese \\& Merritt 2000; Tremaine et al. 2002; McLure \\& Dunlop 2004), so that the energetic feedback that AGN activity can release is now a fundamental ingredient in many theoretical models of galaxy formation (Silk \\& Rees 1998; Fabian 1999; Granato et al. 2001, 2004; Cavaliere \\& Vittorini 2002; Di Matteo et al. 2005; Cirasuolo et al. 2005b). Previous studies in the optical and X-rays -- bands which are thought to trace the accretion processes onto the central BH -- have established quasar and powerful AGN activity to peak at $z \\sim 2$, with a rapid decline at lower redshifts (e.g. Boyle et al. 2000; Ueda et al. 2003; Croom et al. 2004); on the other hand, the less powerful sources have their major shining phase at $z \\simlt 1$ (e.g. Ueda et al. 2003; Hasinger et al. 2005). The behaviour of the AGN evolution at higher redshifts has been very uncertain for a long time as the relevant observations were biased by selection effects and only considered very small numbers of objects. The advent of the recent Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; Fan et al. 1999, York et al. 2000) has allowed to properly explore the high redshift Universe up to $z \\sim 6$ (Fan et al. 2001a,b; 2004). These studies have confirmed the presence of a cut off in the space density of quasars at $z\\sim 2$. Even though AGNs that show radio emission are only a small fraction of the total population (Sramek \\& Weedman 1980; Condon et al. 1981; Marshall 1987; Miller, Peacock \\& Mead 1990; Kellermann et al. 1989), they represent an important subsample as the radiation at centimetre wavelengths is unaffected by dust obscuration and reddening. Therefore, studies of the evolution of radio-active AGNs provide a less biased view of the behaviour of massive BHs and accretion processes onto them as a function of cosmic time. Several studies have addressed the evolutionary trend of radio loud sources from the local Universe up to high z (Dunlop \\& Peacock 1990; Toffolatti et al. 1998; Jackson \\& Wall 1999; De Zotti et al. 2005). Shaver et al. (1996, 1999) argued for a drop in the space density of flat spectrum radio quasars by more than a factor 10 between $z\\sim 2.5$ and $z\\sim 6$. However, a re-analysis of such sources (Jarvis \\& Rawlings 2000) suggests a more gradual (factor $\\sim 4$) decline, decline which is backed up by the work of Jarvis et al. (2001) on steep spectrum sources in the same redshift interval. A luminosity dependent cut-off, with a decrease in space density less dramatic for the most luminous radio sources, has been claimed by Dunlop (1998) and confirmed by other recent studies (i.e. Vigotti et al. 2003; Cirasuolo et al. 2005a). Unfortunately, the process(es) responsible for the formation of radio jets that mark the class of radio loud objects are still poorly understood. The mass of the central BH could play an important role in shaping the transition between the population of radio loud (RL) and radio quiet (RQ) AGNs. As recently pointed out by many studies, RL sources seem to have the BHs confined to the upper end of the BH mass function, whereas the BHs in RQ quasars appears to span the full range in BH mass (Laor 2000; McLure \\& Dunlop 2002; Dunlop et al. 2003; Marziani et al. 2003; McLure \\& Jarvis 2004; Metcalf \\& Magliocchetti 2006). Furthermore, the analysis of a large sample of local low luminosity AGNs drawn from SDSS showed the fraction of galaxies hosting a radio-loud AGN to be a strong function of BH and stellar mass (Best et al. 2005). However, the point is still controversial, and some authors claim no evidence for any relation between radio power and mass of the central BH (Oshlack et al. 2002; Ho 2002; Woo \\& Urry 2002a,b; but see the dissenting view of Jarvis \\& Mclure 2002 and McLure \\& Jarvis 2004, who ascribe the lack of correlation reported by these latter authors as due to selection effects such as Doppler Beaming and orientation). In the light of the above discussion, the present work is aimed at exploring the radio properties of the highest redshift quasars. The main goal is to investigate if the physical conditions in the early stages of galaxy formation can favour or prevent the formation of relativistic jets and also to test if the radio loudness in quasars exhibits some dependence on cosmic epoch. For this purpose, we performed deep radio observations of a sample of high redshift quasars selected from SDSS. The optical sample is presented in Section 2, while radio observations and the radio properties of the sample are respectively described in Sections 3 and 4. By exploiting this unique sample we derive the radio luminosity function in Section 5 and investigate the behaviour of the space density of high redshift QSOs as a function of redshift in Section 6. Our discussion and conclusions are presented in Section 7. Throughout this paper we adopt the ``concordance'' cosmology, consistent with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data (Bennett et al. 2003), i.e.: $\\Omega_{\\rm M}=0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$ and $H_0=70~{\\rm km~s^{-1}}$. ", "conclusions": "We have presented deep radio observations of the most distant complete quasar sample drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Combining our deep VLA observations with the ones performed by Carilli et al. (2001) and also with the 5 detections from FIRST, we obtained $\\sim 100$ per cent completeness down to $S_{\\rm 1.4 GHz} = 60 \\; {\\rm \\mu Jy}$ over the redshift range $3.8 \\le z \\le 5$. The fraction of radio detections is relatively high ($\\sim 43$ per cent), similar to what observed locally for bright optical surveys such as the Palomar Bright Quasar Survey (Kellermann et al. 1989) and the LBQS (Hewett et al. 2001). A comparison between the $R^*_{1.4}$ distribution of these high redshift radio quasars with the one derived at $z \\simlt 2$ by Cirasuolo et al. (2003b) suggests that the combined radio and optical properties of quasars might remain overall unchanged from $z \\sim 5$ to the local Universe. However, even though the shape of the $R^*_{1.4}$ distribution is roughly preserved over cosmic time, there is some marginal evidence for a slight over-abundance of radio loud sources at high z when compared with the low redshift samples (see Figure \\ref{histor}), even though not statistically significant due to the small number of sources. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the adoption of a flatter $\\alpha_{\\rm R}$ for high z objects would reduce their radio power and shift them towards lower values of $R^*_{1.4}$, therefore somehow reducing the fraction of purely RL ($R^*_{1.4}$) sources. An interesting hint to shed some light on the above issue comes from comparisons with the parent optical population. The space density of bright optical quasars ($M_B < -26.5$) at $z\\sim 2$ and $z \\sim 4.4$ is $\\rho_O \\sim 2 \\times 10^{-7} \\rm Mpc^{-3}$ and $\\rho_O \\sim 1.5 \\times 10^{-8} \\rm Mpc^{-3}$, respectively (see Fan et al. 2001b, 2004). The ratio between the space densities of radio sources with \\lpow $\\ge 24.4$ \\whs (as plotted in Figure \\ref{cumul}) and the $\\rho_O$ of the total optical population is therefore $0.025 \\pm 0.01$ at $z \\sim 2$ and $0.15 \\pm 0.1$ at $z \\sim 4.4$. These figures have been obtained for a radio spectral index $\\alpha_R=0.5$ but, as shown in section 6, the results are not expected to exhibit great variations by adopting a flatter slope. Again, this suggests that at high redshifts the probability of having RL sources is enhanced with respect to that at lower redshifts. However, we stress once more that the statistics we dealt with in this work is very poor and further data and larger samples are needed in order to have a more robust answer. \\\\ Even though a detailed investigation of this phenomenon is outside the possibility of the present data, in a very qualitative way we can relate the suggested excess of RL sources at high $z$ as compared with the lower redshift regime with changes in the accretion rates with cosmic time. The physical conditions of the primordial massive galaxies hosting quasars and the availability of a larger amount of gas in these early stages could in fact allow super-Eddington accretions and eventually favour the formation of powerful radio jets. We also attempted the first direct estimate of the radio luminosity function of bright quasars at $z \\simgt 4$. Exploiting the deep radio flux limits obtained through VLA observations, we were able to trace the RLF down to \\lpow $\\sim 23.6$ \\whs. It is worth noticing that the transition region between the FR~I and FR~II population occurs at \\lpow $\\sim 24.4$ \\whs. Therefore, the unique depth -- both in radio and optical -- of this high redshift quasar sample allows us to completely explore the population of optically bright FR~II quasars up to $z\\sim 5$ and furthermore opens a window on the behaviour of the brightest FR~I sources. Finally, close investigation of the RL quasar space density at different redshifts is suggestive of a differential evolution for the two populations of optically faint and bright objects. The more luminous sources in fact show a less pronounced cut-off at high z -- with a drop in their space density of only a factor $\\sim 2$ between $z \\sim 2$ and $z \\sim 4.4$ -- when compared with the less luminous ones. Even though the lack of information on the behaviour of optically faint quasars at $z \\simgt 2.2$ does not allow any definitive conclusion, our results indicate the cosmological evolution of radio activity in quasars to be a function of their optical power." }, "0606/astro-ph0606068_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The observation of high-energy extraterrestrial neutrinos is one of the most promising future options to increase our knowledge on non-thermal processes in the universe. Neutrinos are e.g.\\ unavoidably produced in environments where high-energy hadrons collide; in particular this almost certainly must be true in the astrophysical accelerators of cosmic rays, which thus could be identified unambiguously by sky observations in ``neutrino light''. To establish neutrino astronomy beyond the detection of single events, neutrino telescopes of km$^3$ scale are needed. In order to obtain full sky coverage, a corresponding detector in the Mediterranean Sea is required to complement the IceCube experiment currently under construction at the South Pole. The groups pursuing the current neutrino telescope projects in the Mediterranean Sea, ANTARES, NEMO and NESTOR, have joined to prepare this future installation in a 3-year, EU-funded Design Study named KM3NeT (in the following, this name will also denote the future detector). This report will highlight some of the physics issues to be addressed with KM3NeT and will outline the path towards its realisation, with a focus on the upcoming Design Study. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec-phy} The energy range accessible to neutrino telescopes is intrinsically limited by the detection method to some $10\\gev$ at its lower end, while at energies beyond roughly $10^{17}\\ev$ the neutrino flux is expected to fade below detection thresholds even for future km$^3$-scale detectors. The lower-energy region is dominated by the flux of {\\it atmospheric neutrinos} (cf.\\ Fig.~\\ref{fig-difl}), produced in reactions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere. There are three approaches to identify cosmic muon signals on top of this background: \\begin{enumerate} \\item Neutrinos from specific astrophysical objects ({\\it point sources}) produce excess signals associated to particular celestial coordinates. \\item Neutrinos not associated to specific point sources ({\\it diffuse flux}) are expected to have a much harder energy spectrum than the atmospheric neutrinos and to dominate the neutrino flux above $10^{14}\\rnge10^{15}\\ev$. \\item Exploitation of coincidences in time and/or direction of neutrino events with observations by telescopes (e.g.\\ in the radio, visible, X-ray or gamma regimes) and possibly also by cosmic ray detectors ({\\it multimessenger method}). \\end{enumerate} The various astro- and particle physics questions to be addressed with the resulting data have been summarised e.g.\\ in \\cite{astro-ph-0503122} and references therein. Here, we will focus on a few central topics, including a recent development: \\subsection{Neutrinos from galactic shell-type supernova remnants} \\label{sec-phy-snr} \\begin{figure}[b] \\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=plots/FoV.eps,width=\\columnwidth} \\end{center} \\caption{Field of view of a neutrino telescope at the South Pole (top) and in the Mediterranean (bottom), given in galactic coordinates. A $2\\pi$-downward sensitivity is assumed; the gray regions are then invisible. Indicated are the positions of some candidate neutrino sources.} \\label{fig-fov} \\end{figure} The shock waves developing when supernova ejecta hit the interstellar medium are prime candidates for hadron acceleration through the Fermi mechanism. Recent observations of gamma rays up to energies of about $40\\tev$ from two shell-type supernova remnants in the Galactic plane (RX\\,J1713.7-3946 and RX\\,J0852.0-4622) \\cite{astro-ph-0511678,aa:437:l7} with the H.E.S.S.\\ \\v Cerenkov telescope support this hypothesis and disfavour explanations of the gamma flux by purely electromagnetic processes. The detection of neutrinos from these sources would, for the first time, identify unambiguously specific cosmic accelerators. Note that this is only possible with Northern-hemisphere neutrino telescopes which, in contrast to the South Pole detectors, cover the relevant part of the Galactic plane in their field of view (see Fig.~\\ref{fig-fov}). The expected event rates can be estimated using the rough assumptions that the gamma flux follows a power-law spectrum without high-energy cut-off and the muon neutrino and gamma fluxes are in relation $\\phi_{\\nu_\\mu}/\\phi_\\gamma=1/2$, taking into account the relative production probabilities of charged and neutral pions, their decay chains and neutrino oscillations. Preliminary calculations indicate that the first-generation Mediterranean neutrino telescopes may have a chance to observe a few events, whereas a significantly larger signal is expected in a future cubic-kilometre set-up; a tentative estimate of the neutrino sky map of RX\\,J0852.0-4622 after 5~years of data taking with KM3NeT is shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig-km3hess}. \\begin{figure}[hbt] \\epsfig{file=plots/km3net_skymap.eps,width=\\columnwidth,% bblly=24,bbllx=19,bbury=552,bburx=570,clip=} \\caption{\\protect\\raggedright A skymap of the simulated neutrino signal from RX\\,J0852.0-4622 as seen by a km$^3$-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea after 5 years of data taking. In the simulation, a power-law gamma spectrum without energy cut-off and the relation $\\phi_{\\nu_\\mu}/\\phi_\\gamma=1/2$ have been assumed. The background of atmospheric neutrinos, not included in the plot, can be efficiently reduced by adjusting the lower energy cut without affecting significantly the signal. The circle in the lower left corner indicates the average angular resolution (point spread function).} \\label{fig-km3hess} \\end{figure} \\subsection{The diffuse neutrino flux} \\label{sec-phy-dif} The sensitivity of current and future experiments is compared to various predictions of diffuse neutrino fluxes in Fig.~\\ref{fig-difl} (following \\cite{jp:g29:843,arevns:g29:843}). Whereas some of the models are already now severely constrained by the data, others require km$^3$-size neutrino telescopes for experimental assessment and potential discoveries. The measurement of the diffuse neutrino flux would allow for important clues on the properties of the sources, on their cosmic distribution, and on more exotic scenarios such as neutrinos from decays of topological defects or superheavy particles ({\\it top-down scenarios}). \\begin{figure}[htb] \\epsfig{file=plots/diff_fluxes.eps,width=\\columnwidth,% bblly=24,bbllx=19,bbury=428,bburx=572,clip=} \\caption{Experimental sensitivity to the diffuse neutrino flux for various current and future experiments (red lines), compared to different models for contributions to the diffuse flux (numbered lines). See \\pcite{arevns:g29:843} for detailed explanations. The flux of atmospheric neutrinos is indicated as blue band. Plot provided by courtesy of C.~Spiering. \\label{fig-difl}} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Search for dark matter annihilation} \\label{sec-phy-dms} The major part of the matter content of the universe is nowadays thought to be formed by {\\it dark matter}, i.e.\\ non-baryonic, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs); an attractive WIMP candidate is the lightest supersymmetric particle, the neutralino. Complementary to direct searches for WIMPs, indirect WIMP observations could be possible by measuring neutrinos produced in WIMP annihilation reactions in regions with enhanced WIMP density. Such accumulations may in particular occur due to gravitational trapping, e.g.\\ in the Sun or the Galactic Centre. The WIMP signal would be an enhanced neutrino flux from these directions, with a characteristic upper cut-off in the energy spectrum below the WIMP mass, $M_\\text{WIMP}$. Although there is no generic upper constraint on $M_\\text{WIMP}$, supersymmetric theories prefer values below $1\\tev$. Substantial detection efficiency down to order $100\\gev$ is therefore essential for indirect WIMP searches through neutrinos. The expected sensitivity depends strongly on assumptions on the WIMP density profile, on $M_\\text{WIMP}$ and on the energy spectrum of neutrinos from WIMP annihilations. At least for some supersymmetric scenarios this sensitivity is compatible or even better than for direct searches \\cite{astro-ph-0503122}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec-con} Neutrino astronomy is an emerging field in astroparticle physics offering exciting prospects for gaining new insights into the high-energy, non-thermal processes in our universe. The current neutrino telescope projects in the Mediterranean Sea are approaching installation and promise exciting first data. They have reached a level of technical maturity allowing for the preparation of the next-generation cubic-kilometre detector to complement the IceCube telescope currently being installed at the South Pole. The interest in this project has been further enhanced by the recent H.E.S.S.\\ observations of high-energy gamma rays from shell-type supernova remnants in the Galactic plane, indicating that these objects could well be intense neutrino sources, which would, however, be invisible to IceCube. The technical design of the future Mediterranean km$^3$ neutrino telescope will be worked out in the 3-year EU-funded KM3NeT Design Study starting in February 2006. The construction of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope during the first years of the next decade thus appears to be possible. \\vspace*{3.mm} \\noindent {\\bf Acknowledgement:} The author wishes to thank the organisers of the VLVnT2 Workshop in Catania for their overwhelming hospitality and a very intense, productive and perfectly organised workshop. {" }, "0606/hep-th0606110_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "Recent works have indicated that in brane inflation models cosmic strings are copiously produced during the brane collision \\cite{tye1,tye2}. This has led to a renewed interest in the physics of cosmic strings and to consider the exciting possibility that there could be long-lived fundamental strings of cosmic size (for reviews, see \\cite{kibble1,polchinski,tye3,kibble2} and references therein). Finding such objects could constitute a test of string theory. The dynamics of cosmic strings could lead to interesting astrophysical events such as gravitational waves or black hole formation. Some aspects of the dynamics of cosmic string interactions were studied in \\cite{myers,copeland} (for Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen strings, see recently \\cite{achucarro}). Here we will develop in full detail the classical formalism of string splitting, joining and intercommutation. Our formulas (Appendix) provide explicit expressions for the outgoing string solution starting with an arbitrary initial string configuration before interaction. Understanding the dynamics and the different features of splitting and joining processes is of interest, since these processes are the basis of the interaction rules in string theory. As an application, we will study the process of possible gravitational collapse as a result of the collision of cosmic fundamental strings. Surprisingly, we will find that gravitational collapse is a quite common phenomenon ensuing the encounter of strings of equal and opposite maximal angular momentum, which classically are rotating straight strings, and folded in the case of the closed string. If the initial strings just touch at the end points, then they can join forming one single string. If they meet at some intermediate point, then they can interconnect giving rise to two new strings. We then study the evolution of the resulting strings by the standard flat spacetime dynamics. We find that they typically contract in a finite time to a minimum size, which sometimes is smaller than the gravitational radius $R_s$. If the strings meet with zero relative transverse momentum, we find that, for generic values of the intersecting positions and angle, a finite fraction of the mass of the resulting interconnected strings collapses into a mathematical point. In any of these situations, gravitational forces become very strong when the string size approach $R_s$ and should enhance the evolution towards the collapse, ensuing in the formation of a horizon and hence a black hole \\cite{hawking,polmarev,vilenkin} (other discussions can be found e.g. in \\cite{DV,matsuda}). In our computation the mass (proportional to the length) of the strings appear as an overall scale, therefore this phenomenon can occur for arbitrarily large values of the mass. If the transverse momentum is not zero, then the resulting strings will be stretched in the transverse direction. The size is of the order of the length times the relative transverse velocity $v$. For non-relativistic relative motions with $v$ much less than the product of the gravitational constant times the string tension, this size will be much smaller than the gravitational radius. We conclude that also in this case, the interconnection of our strings generically leads to the formation of a black hole. We also consider a long-lived version of the string with maximum angular momentum. This is a closed string with some component in extra dimensions, whose motion in $3+1$ dimensions is the same as the open (or folded) string with maximum angular momentum. We discuss for which range of the parameters and for which magnitudes of cross sections black hole formation is to be expected. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606657_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recently using Particle-In-Cell simulations i.e. in the kinetic plasma description Tsiklauri et al. and G\\'enot et al. reported on a discovery of a new mechanism of parallel electric field generation, which results in electron acceleration. In this work we show that the parallel (to the uniform unperturbed magnetic field) electric field generation can be obtained in much simpler framework using ideal Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) description, i.e. without resorting to complicated wave particle interaction effects such as ion polarisation drift and resulting space charge separation which seems to be an ultimate cause of the electron acceleration. In the ideal MHD the parallel (to the uniform unperturbed magnetic field) electric field appears due to fast magnetosonic waves which are generated by the interaction of weakly non-linear Alfv\\'en waves with the transverse density inhomogeneity. Further, in the context of the coronal heating problem a new {\\it two stage mechanism} of the plasma heating is presented by putting emphasis, first, on the generation of parallel electric fields within {\\it ideal MHD} description directly, rather than focusing on the enhanced dissipation mechanisms of the Alfv\\'en waves and, second, dissipation of these parallel electric fields via {\\it kinetic} effects. It is shown that a single Alfv\\'en wave harmonic with frequency ($\\nu = 7$ Hz), (which has longitudinal wavelength $\\lambda_A = 0.63$ Mm for putative Alfv\\'en speed of 4328 km s$^{-1}$) the generated parallel electric field could account for the 10\\% of the necessary coronal heating requirement. We conjecture that wide spectrum (10$^{-4}-10^3$ Hz) Alfv\\'en waves, based on observationally constrained spectrum, could provide necessary coronal heating requirement. It is also shown that the amplitude of generated parallel electric field exceeds the Dreicer electric field by about four orders of magnitude, which implies realisation of the run-away regime with the associated electron acceleration. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606182_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "During the last two years we have used the Palomar Testbed Interferometer to observe several explosive variable stars, including V838 Monocerotis, V1663 Aquilae and recently RS Ophiuchi. We observed V838 Monocerotis approximately 34 months after its eruption, and were able to resolve the ejecta. Observations of V1663 Aql were obtained starting 9 days after peak brightness and continued for 10 days. We were able to resolve the milliarcsecond-scale emission and follow the expansion of the nova photosphere. When combined with radial-velocity information, these observations can be used to infer the distance to the nova. Finally we have resolved the recurrent nova RS Oph and can draw some preliminary conclusions regarding the emission morphology. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} % With the improving sensitivity limits of ground-based optical interferometers it is over time becoming more likely that eruptive transients such as novae will be bright enough to be observed. The high angular resolution measurements that can be made with such systems should allow observers to directly probe some of the aspects of these explosions. Here we discuss three cases where such observations have been made. V838 Monocerotis is an explosive variable star that underwent a nova-like event in early 2002 \\cite{b02,mun02}, with a peak magnitude of $m_V \\sim 6.8$ (Fig. \\ref{fig:vband}). However, the eruption was unlike classical novae in that the effective temperature of the object dropped and the spectral type evolved into a very late M and L type \\cite{evans03}. The eruption mechanism of V838 Mon is not well understood, but is probably a new type of explosive variable. There have been many models proposed: the merger of a main-sequence binary star \\cite{sk03}, a He-flash on a post-AGB star\\cite{vl04}, or even the accretion of several planets \\cite{rm03}. Classical novae are energetic stellar explosions that occur in systems containing a white dwarf (WD) accreting mass from a late-type stellar companion \\cite{hernanz05}. When the amount of accreted material on the surface of the white dwarf reaches some critical value a thermonuclear-runaway is ignited, giving rise to the observed nova outburst in which material enriched in heavy elements is ejected into the surrounding medium at high velocities. Nova Aquilae 2005 (ASAS190512+0514.2, V1663 Aql) was discovered on 9 June 2005 by G. Pojmanski \\& A. Oksanen\\cite{iauc8540}. At the time of discovery the magnitude was $m_V$ = 11.05; the source reached $m_V \\sim 10.8$ the following day, and declined in brightness thereafter. The time to decay 2 magnitudes ($t_2$) was $\\sim16$ days, making V1663 Aql a ``fast'' nova\\cite{payne57}. Soon after discovery M. Dennefeld \\& F. Ricquebourg\\cite{iauc8544} obtained an optical spectrum with features indicating a heavily reddened nova. The H-$\\alpha$ emission lines exhibited P Cygni line profiles and indicated an expansion velocity in the range of $700$ km s$^{-1}$ (Dennefeld, personal communication) to $1000$ km s$^{-1}$ \\cite{iauc8640}. Direct observations of the expansion of the nova shell provide an opportunity to accurately determine the distance to the nova. Such observations are usually only possible many years after the outburst, when the expanding shell can be resolved. We have used the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) to resolve the $2.2 \\mu$m emission from V1663 Aql and measure its apparent angular diameter as a function of time. We were able to follow the expansion starting $\\sim 9$ days after the initial explosion; when combined with radial velocities derived from spectroscopy we are able to infer a distance and luminosity of the object. Recurrent novae are thought to consist of massive white dwarfs orbiting late-type giants; material is pulled from the giant and accreted onto the WD. As in the case of classical novae, a thermonuclear runaway reaction will on occasion blow off large amounts of matter in a bright, rapid explosion. There are a small number of systems which have been observed through multiple such outbursts, including RS Oph, which showed outbursts in 1898, 1933, 1958, 1967, 1985 and 2006. It has been argued\\cite{hk01} that recurrent novae systems are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae, as the short duration of the explosions indicate that the WD should be very close to the Chandrasekhar limit. The Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) was built by NASA/JPL as a testbed for developing ground-based interferometry and is located on Palomar Mountain near San Diego, CA \\cite{colavita99}. It combines starlight from two out of three available 40-cm apertures and measures the resulting interference fringes (See Fig. \\ref{fig:uv} for representative $uv$-plane coverage). The high angular resolution provided by this long-baseline (85-110 m), near infrared ($2.2 \\mu$m) interferometer is sufficient to resolve emission on the milli-arcsecond scale. ", "conclusions": "In the past two years we have used the Palomar Testbed Interferometer to observe three eruptive variable stars: V838 Mon (peculiar variable), V1663 Aql (classical nova) and RS Oph (recurrent nova). In each case we were able to resolve the emission and measure its angular size. In the case of V1663 Aql we were able to follow the expansion and derive a geometric distance. These observations of V1663 Aql are only the second time a classical nova has been resolved by optical interferometry." }, "0606/astro-ph0606461_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Unification Model for active galactic nuclei posits that Seyfert 2s are intrinsically like Seyfert 1s, but that their broad-line regions (BLRs) are hidden from our view. A Seyfert 2 nucleus that truly lacked a BLR, instead of simply having it hidden, would be a so-called ``true'' Seyfert 2. No object has as yet been conclusively proven to be one. We present a detailed analysis of four of the best ``true'' Seyfert 2 candidates discovered to date: IC 3639, NGC 3982, NGC 5283, and NGC 5427. None of the four has a broad H$\\alpha$ emission line, either in direct or polarized light. All four have rich, high-excitation spectra, blue continua, and \\textit{Hubble Space Telescope} (\\textit{HST}) images showing them to be unresolved sources with no host-galaxy obscuration. To check for possible obscuration on scales smaller than that resolvable by \\textit{HST}, we obtained X-ray observations using the \\textit{Chandra X-ray Observatory}. All four objects show evidence of obscuration and therefore could have hidden BLRs. The picture that emerges is of moderate to high, but not necessarily Compton-thick, obscuration of the nucleus, with extra-nuclear soft emission extended on the hundreds-of-parsecs scale that may originate in the narrow-line region. Since the extended soft emission compensates, in part, for the nuclear soft emission lost to absorption, both absorption and luminosity are likely to be severely underestimated unless the X-ray spectrum is of sufficient quality to distinguish the two components. This is of special concern where the source is too faint to produce a large number of counts, or where the source is too far away to resolve the extended soft X-ray emitting region. ", "introduction": "Seyfert Galaxies are relatively low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) that are traditionally divided into two types, 1 and 2, following an empirical optical spectroscopic classification scheme proposed over 30 years ago by \\citet{kh74}. Seyfert 1s are characterized by strong, broad (widths of several thousand km\\,s$^{-1}$) permitted emission lines of Hydrogen, Helium, and \\ion{Fe}{2} and narrow (typical widths of $500-1000$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$) forbidden lines such as [\\ion{O}{3}], [\\ion{N}{2}], and [\\ion{S}{2}]. Seyfert 2s have only narrow permitted and forbidden lines of comparable width and are characterized by a very high [\\ion{O}{3}]$\\lambda5007$/H$\\beta$ line ratio. Both classes also often exhibit a blue featureless continuum, often manifested as an ``ultraviolet excess,'' though this is not a necessary criterion. The leading explanation for the spectral differences between the two classes of Seyferts is the Unification Model originally motivated by observations of polarized broad emission lines in a number of Seyfert 2 galaxies \\citep[and references therein]{ski93}. Unification posits that all Seyfert galaxies have the same underlying structure: a central continuum source arising from an accretion disk around a central supermassive black hole, a dense broad-line region (BLR) comprised of high-velocity gas located on light-day scales, and a low-density narrow-line region (NLR) on parsec scales. The BLR is nestled inside a torus of dusty obscuring material surrounding the nucleus, and whether we see a Type 1 or 2 spectrum depends on the orientation of this torus with respect to our line of sight \\citep[see][Fig 7.1]{peterson97}. In Seyfert 1s we are looking down the opening of the torus and see the BLR and central continuum source, while in Seyfert 2s the torus blocks the central regions from view and we only see the narrow-line spectrum of the NLR. In some Seyfert 2s a circumnuclear cloud of gas in a favorable location outside the torus opening acts as a polarizing ``mirror'' that affords an oblique view down the unobscured axis of the torus, and we see the BLR and underlying continuum in polarized light. A large fraction of the Seyfert 2s observed with spectropolarimetry to date have polarized broad lines \\citep{moran00,tran01,l01,lah04}. Additional support for the Unification scenario comes from X-ray studies that have demonstrated that many Seyfert 2s are highly absorbed at soft X-rays by very large column densities \\citep[$\\log N_H> 23$, e.g.,][]{mea94,maiolino98,g01}. Indeed, this idea has become so compelling that many obscured AGNs, especially those that are X-ray bright but have no or only very weak optical counterparts, are called ``Type 2 AGN'', often regardless of whether or not their optical spectra satisfy the original \\citeauthor*{kh74} criteria. While there is little doubt that a large fraction of Seyfert 2s are indeed obscured Seyfert 1s, there is still no good answer to the question of whether or not there exists a subset of spectroscopically-classified Seyfert 2s that intrinsically lack a BLR. Such BLR-free Seyfert 2s have variously been called ``true Seyfert 2s'' \\citep[e.g.,][]{bd86} or ``pure Seyfert 2s'' \\citep[e.g.,][]{h95} to distinguish them from the Seyfert 2s that are hidden Seyfert 1s in the Unification picture. We shall adopt the term ``true Seyfert 2s'' in this investigation. Our motivation in taking up this question is not to attempt to disprove the Unification picture, but rather to try to find the interesting exceptions to it. Identifying and studying objects that lie at the extremes of the parameter space for the accretion process are critical for informing us about the important physical details of that process. Why might there be no BLR in some AGN? Recent observations and theoretical work have suggested that the gas responsible for the BLR is related, at least in part, to the accretion process \\citep[e.g., a high-velocity outflow from the disk,][]{mc98}. One possibility is that as an AGN becomes active, there is a brief period where conditions conducive to formation of a BLR have not yet been established. Similarly, when an AGN turns off there might come a time during the shutdown when the BLR can no longer be sustained. The high densities and small scale (few light days) of the BLR means it responds very rapidly to changes in the ionizing continuum, whereas the low-density, extended scale (10s to 100s of parsecs) of the NLR leads to a slower response by many orders of magnitude: the BLR sees the central continuum as it was days ago, whereas the NLR would see it as it was decades to centuries ago. Historically, at least a few Seyfert 1s have been observed during extremely low continuum states in which the broad components of the Balmer lines have practically vanished for a brief time, e.g., NGC\\,4151 \\citep{pp84}, NGC\\,1566 \\citep{a85}, and Mrk\\,1018 \\citep{c86}. Another possibility is that there are natural limits to the existence of a BLR. \\citet[also \\citealt{n03}]{n00} has proposed a scenario in which the broad lines arise in a disk wind that requires a minimum accretion rate, and the BLR naturally vanishes in low-luminosity objects that fall below the minimum accretion-rate threshold. \\citet{laor03} has likewise proposed that the BLR may vanish in low-luminosity AGNs, based on extrapolations of empirical scaling relations for luminosity, BLR size scale, and line widths that have been discovered in studies of AGN spectral variability \\citep[see][]{peterson04}. Whatever the root cause, at first sight a true Seyfert 2 would be virtually indistinguishable from a Seyfert 2 with a hidden BLR and thus hard to identify without a fair amount of supplementary data. If the picture that they are related to low accretion-rate objects is correct, they would be expected to be relatively rare and primarily identifiable only among nearby AGN. Thus far, really convincing true Seyfert 2s have proven elusive. This paper presents an attempt to confirm true Seyfert 2 candidates from the local, spectroscopically-identified Seyfert 2 population by using X-ray measurements to determine if an obscuring medium is present. This paper is organized as follows: \\S\\ref{sec:sampsel} describes how the \\textit{Chandra} targets were selected; \\S\\ref{sec:datan} describes the observations and analysis of the data, with individual targets discussed in \\S\\ref{sec:ic3}--\\ref{sec:n54}; the results are discussed in \\S\\ref{sec:discus}; a summary is presented in \\S\\ref{sec:sum}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discus} Although targeted as candidate true Seyfert 2s, or AGNs without BLRs, the four objects studied here --- IC\\,3639, NGC\\,3982, NGC\\,5283, and NGC\\,5427 --- all show evidence of obscuration when observed in X-rays. They are therefore not good ``true'' Seyfert 2 candidates, though of course the presence of obscuration does not imply the existence of a BLR behind the obscuration. The picture that emerges is of moderate to high, but not necessarily Compton-thick, obscuration of the nucleus, $N_H \\sim $ few $\\times 10^{21}$ -- $10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$, and extended soft emission on hundreds-of-parsecs scales that may possibly originate in the NLR. The spectrum of IC\\,3639 shows moderate absorbing column densities and possibly a reflection component, with an Fe K$\\alpha$ line detected with low significance. The spectrum of NGC\\,5283 clearly shows a power law which is strongly absorbed below $\\sim 4$ keV. The spectra of both objects require a separate component to fit the soft emission. This component is probably a result of the blending of multiple emission lines from a photoionized gas \\citep{bgc05}; however, the CCD spectra analyzed here are not of high enough quality to constrain a multi-parameter model like APEC or MEKAL, and the soft emission was equally well fit by a thermal bremsstrahlung model and a pure blackbody spectrum. In either case the characteristic temperature turns out to be a few tenths of a keV. That the soft and hard components originate in physically distinct regions is suggested by the hardness ratio maps themselves (Figs.~\\ref{fig:ic3post} and \\ref{fig:n52post}), which show harder emission surrounded by extended softer emission. In the case of NGC\\,5283, which has sufficient counts, this was shown more definitively by fitting the spectra of the nucleus and the surrounding emission separately. The harder, power law component clearly is stronger closer to the nucleus, while the extended emission is dominated by the soft component. The extended, soft component also has a lower obscuring column than the nuclear emission. The two fainter objects, NGC\\,3982 and NGC\\,5427, while too faint to make spectral fitting possible, appear to be consistent with the above picture. The observed emission is soft: NGC\\,3982 has a hardness ratio of $-0.7$ and NGC\\,5427 does not even have a statistically significant detection in the hard band. The faintness is not due to distance --- these two objects are in fact nearer than the two brighter ones. All four nuclei observed here have comparable [\\ion{O}{3}] luminosities \\citep{w92a,nw95} and thus are expected to have comparable $L_X$ \\citep{hphk05}. These two fainter objects may therefore be even more heavily obscured and we are primarily detecting soft X-ray emission from hot, extra-nuclear gas. Is this gas itself responsible for part of the absorption of the nucleus? While not clear in IC\\,3639, in NGC\\,5283 the gas spectrum is consistent with only Galactic absorption, whereas the nuclear spectrum requires an additional column density of $N_H \\sim 10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$. In the \\citet{laor03} model, the innermost part of an NLR would become a warm absorber, with the effect getting stronger for lower-luminosity AGN. The gas emitting soft X-rays has the right physical scale (few hundred parsecs) to be the gas that constitutes the NLR, and \\citet{bgc05} find that in their sample of Seyfert 2s the morphology of the X-ray gas matches that of the NLR as determined by [\\ion{O}{3}] $\\lambda 5007$ imaging. Figures~\\ref{fig:ic3hstxcont} and \\ref{fig:n52hstxcont} show structure maps \\citep{pm02} made from wide-band (F606W) \\textit{HST} images of IC 3639 and NGC 5283, respectively, with X-ray contours overlaid. The NLRs are identifiable as bright regions near the centers of the images, and the contours show that the X-ray emission is extended in the same orientation as the NLRs. NGC\\,3982 and NGC\\,5427, which do not show prominent, extended X-ray emission, also do not show extended NLR emission in structure maps \\citep{pm02}. If the soft X-ray-emitting gas is really the NLR, then the source of ionizing radiation is presumably the central engine, and not a starburst. The soft X-ray (0.5--2 keV) luminosity of IC\\,3639 inferred from the spectral fit, $L_{0.5-2\\mathrm{keV}} \\sim 10^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$, would imply a star formation rate (SFR) of $\\sim 100$ $M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$ \\citep{hhptc05}. This is an order of magnitude higher than the known SFR of IC\\,3639 derived from its infrared luminosity \\cite[$\\sim\\! 9\\, M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$,][]{dpkc02} and favors the central engine as the ionizing source. For NGC\\,5283, $L_{0.5-2\\mathrm{keV}} \\sim 10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$, requiring an SFR of only a few $M_\\sun$ yr$^{-1}$, which is consistent with what is known based on its infrared luminosity \\citep{k98,pgre01}, and star formation cannot be ruled out, but the AGN luminosity of $\\sim 10^{42}$ \\es\\ could explain the ionized gas without star formation. For IC\\,3639, the [\\ion{O}{3}] to soft X-ray flux ratio $F_{\\lambda 5007}/F_{0.5-2\\mathrm{keV}} \\approx 5-6$, while the ratio for NGC\\,5283 is $F_{\\lambda 5007} / F_{0.5-2\\mathrm{keV}} \\approx 0.6$, a range similar to that seen in the \\cite{bgc05} sample. Higher quality spectra of similar, absorbed Seyferts indicate that the soft X-ray emission consists of blended emission lines from a photoionized gas \\citep[e.g.][]{bgc05,lhkwz06}. Thus, morphology, energetics, and spectra all suggest that the NLR is the source of the soft X-ray emission seen in at least some Seyfert 2s. Though obscuration prevents any deductions about the presence or absence of BLRs in these objects, we apply the \\citet{laor03} model to our objects to determine if the unobscured luminosities are still consistent with his model. This model predicts a minimum bolometric luminosity (as a function of black hole mass) needed to sustain a BLR. We obtained published stellar velocity dispersions from \\citet{w92a}, \\citet{nw95} and \\citet{grea05}, [\\ion{O}{3}] fluxes from \\citet{w92a} and \\citet{nw95}, and used the conversion from \\citet{hea04} to change [\\ion{O}{3}] luminosities to bolometric luminosities. A comparison with Fig.~1 of \\citet{laor03} shows that all four of our nuclei have luminosities ($\\log (L_\\mathrm{bol}/\\mathrm{erg}\\,\\mathrm{s}^{-1}) \\sim 44,43,44,43$ for IC\\,3639, NGC\\,3982, NGC\\,5283, NGC\\,5427, respectively) well above the minimum needed to have a BLR. In the case of NGC\\,5283, the absorption-corrected 2--10 keV luminosity that we obtain from the X-ray spectral fit would be by itself greater than the minimum required. Therefore none of the four is a true Seyfert 2 according to the \\citet{laor03} model. Observations of these four objects show that it can be misleading if we depend only on the hardness ratio to estimate absorption for sources with a small number of counts. For example, NGC\\,3982 has an HR = $-0.7$, which is the HR expected with ACIS-S for a canonical unabsorbed AGN spectrum. What is being measured, however, is the HR of the NLR, with some hard-band contamination from the partially-obscured nuclear source. This is of special concern in cases where very few counts are detected and the hardness ratio is the only quantity that can be determined with any certainty. If any extended soft emission is not taken into account, the true absorption will be underestimated, and the calculated X-ray luminosity will be too low. Even when spectral fitting is possible, if the spectrum is not of sufficient quality to distinguish the two components, an absorbed AGN may mimic an unobscured AGN of lower luminosity. Several, or all, of the apparently unobscured Seyfert 2s that have been discovered so far \\citep[e.g. ][]{pgsz01,pb02,bcc03,ghkgl03,gz03} are probably examples of exactly this kind of mistaken identity. None of these objects has observations with the angular resolution and high signal-to-noise spectrum necessary to rule out the scenario we propose for our sample. Faint AGN at moderate redshift, such as those being found in the deep X-ray surveys, are particularly susceptible to such misclassification. These sources are extremely important because some intrinsically high-luminosity AGN may be masquerading as apparently low-luminosity Seyfert 1s. These obscured AGN are exactly the sources invoked to explain the spectrum of the cosmic X-ray background \\citep{bh05}. Also affected is the estimation of the AGN luminosity function." }, "0606/astro-ph0606711_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present $VI$ photometry of the metal-poor inner halo globular clusters NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 using the planetary camera of the WFPC2 on board {\\em Hubble Space Telescope} (HST). Our color-magnitude diagrams of the clusters show well-defined blue horizontal branch (BHB) populations, consistent with their low metallicities and old ages. NGC~6293 appears to have blue straggler stars in the cluster's central region. We discuss the interstellar reddening and the distance modulus of NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 and obtain $E(B-V)$ = 0.40 and $(m-M)_0$ = 14.61 for NGC~6293 and $E(B-V)$ = 0.14 and $(m-M)_0$ = 14.19 for NGC~6541. Our results confirm that NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 are clearly located in the Galaxy's central regions ($R_{GC} \\leq$ 3 kpc). We also discuss the differential reddening across NGC~6293. The interstellar reddening value of NGC~6293 appears to vary by $\\Delta E(B-V)$ $\\approx$ 0.02 -- 0.04 mag within our small field of view. The most notable result of our study is that the inner halo clusters NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 essentially have the same ages as M92, confirming the previous result from the HST NIC3 observations of NGC~6287. ", "introduction": "Understanding the formation of our Galaxy has always been one of the key quests in modern astrophysics for decades. During the last decade, a tremendous amount of observational data have accumulated regarding the formation of our Galaxy, in particular due to the advent of HST. However, questions associated with the formation and early evolution of our Galaxy remain unanswered. One of the earliest models for the formation of the Galaxy was that of Eggen, Lynden-Bell, \\& Sandage (1962), who postulated a rapid, monolithic ``collapse\" of a proto-Galaxy. Using similar data, Isobe (1974) and Saio \\& Yoshii (1979) suggested the formation process could have been much longer than a free-fall timescale, occurring over several billion years. An alternate view of the halo formation process was presented by Searle \\& Zinn (1979). Under the assumption that variations in the numbers of blue and red horizontal branch stars in globular clusters is an age indicator, they argued for somewhat more youthful clusters at larger Galactocentric distances. If true, they argued that the Galactic halo may have formed from accretion of ``proto-Galactic fragments\", implying a more chaotic view of the halo's formation. Carrying the argument further, Zinn (1993) argued that the bulk of the old halo globular clusters formed during a monolithic dissipative collapse while the young halo globular clusters formed independently of the Galaxy and later accreted into our Galaxy. The longer timescale of a monolithic formation process and the fragmentary accretion model both suggest a variation in the ages of globular clusters, and a natural assumption is that the Galactic halo may have formed ``inside-out\", with star formation beginning earlier in center due to the smaller free collapse time scale ($\\tau \\propto \\rho^{-1/2}$). The discoveries that the Universe's expansion and self-gravity are dominated by dark energy and dark matter have led to the basic ``$\\Lambda$CDM\" model, and the formation of galaxies within this model is a much more elaborate yet tractable variant of the original Searle \\& Zinn (1978) hypothesis, and that of White \\& Rees (1978). Numerous sub-galactic mass concentrations form rapidly in the early Universe, and undergo mergers to form the larger galaxies we see today (see Navarro, Frenk, \\& White 1997). Mergers are still going on in the current epoch, in our own Milky Way Galaxy, and in many others as well. Qualitatively, this ``hierarchical assembly\" model implies an ``inside-out\" formation of our Galaxy, and detailed calculations show this to be the case for the dark matter (Helmi et al.\\ 2003) and the stars as well (Robertson et al.\\ 2005; Font et al.\\ 2006). What do we know about how when star formation began and how rapidly it proceeded in these fragments and the young Galaxy? Two techniques are available to answer these questions. Element-to-iron (or other elemental) ratios provide valuable clues due to different elements' different nucleosynthesis sites. For example, light elements such as magnesium, calcium, and silicon are manufactured more readily in short-lived stars that explode as Type II supernovae, whereas iron is more readily synthesized in Type Ia supernovae, which are thought to arise from mass transfer or mergers of white dwarfs, a process which is thought to require a longer period of time, perhaps $10^{9}$ years or more. Thus in a closed system of stars and gas, stars with high [$\\alpha$/Fe] abundance ratios were likely born prior to significant contributions from Type Ia supernovae. The discovery that the Galaxy's dwarf spheroidal galaxy neighbors have unusually low [$\\alpha$/Fe] ratios, even at very low [Fe/H] values (Shetrone et al.\\ 2001, 2003; Venn et al.\\ 2004) thereby presented a challenge to the idea that the Galaxy's halo was assembled from proto-Galactic fragments, since, apparently, some of the surviving fragments have not shared the same chemical enrichment history as the Galactic halo. The difficulty with relying on element-to-iron ratios is that they do not monitor ages directly. Small galaxies producing stars very slowly will experience enrichment from Type Ia supernovae before the overall [Fe/H] value has risen significantly. Further, incorporation of supernovae ejecta in subsequent generations of stars depends on the host galaxy's ability to retain gas. Font et al.\\ (2006) have shown that the $\\Lambda$CDM model is able to explain the differences in [$\\alpha$/Fe] vs.\\ [Fe/H] patterns in the local dwarf spheroidal galaxies vs.\\ the Galactic halo due to the different rates of star formation in the systems that were absorbed by the Galaxy compared to the survivors. The second method of age dating is the most direct: comparisons of main sequence turn-offs with stellar model isochrones. While the derived ages do not depend on the history of nucleosynthesis, the method is difficult to apply with the same level of precision. For example, if the timescale for significant contributions of Type Ia supernovae to manifest their presence in subsequent generations of stars, a change in [$\\alpha$/Fe] can be expected to be revealed in stars whose ages differ by less than $10^{9}$ years {\\em in a closed system}\\footnote{It is even more problematical in ensembles constructed from merger fragments, each that may have experienced a different star formation history.}. Measurement of even relative ages with such precision using main sequence data is very challenging. Nonetheless, much careful work has already been done in this area. We are interested in the particular question of how rapidly did star formation begin throughout the Galaxy and its then more numerous proto-Galactic fragment. The HST observations of one of the most remote metal-poor halo clusters NGC~2419 ($R_{GC}$ $\\approx$ 90 kpc) of Harris et al. (1997) have shown that NGC~2419 and M92 ($R_{GC}$ = 9.6 kpc) essentially have the same age within $\\pm$2 Gyr, suggesting that globular-cluster formation must have started at everywhere at about the same time in our Galaxy (Richer et al. 1996; see also the counterargument of Chaboyer, Demarque, \\& Sarajedini 1996). Moreover, the local dwarf galaxies Carina (Mighell 1997), Draco (Grillmair et al. 1998), Leo I \\& II (Held et al. 2000; Mighell \\& Rich 1996), and Ursa Minor (Mighell \\& Burke 1999) and the globular clusters in the Fornax dwarf galaxy (Buonanno et al. 1998), LMC (Johnson et al. 1999), and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Montegriffo et al. 1998; Layden \\& Sarajedini 2000) appear to be coeval with typical globular clusters of similar metallicity in our Galaxy. These similar ages suggest that globular cluster formation may have begun everywhere at the same time not only in our Galaxy but also in the local dwarf galaxies, despite the differences in the initial physical environments. The ``inside-out\" model led van den Bergh (1993) to suggest that the most metal-poor globular cluster near the Galactic center NGC~6287 ([Fe/H] = $-$2.01, Lee \\& Carney 2002; $R_{GC}$ = 1.6 kpc, Lee et al.\\ 2001) may be the oldest globular cluster in our Galaxy, based on its metallicity, horizontal branch (HB) population, and its spatial location in our Galaxy. The recent HST NIC3 observations of the cluster (Lee et al.\\ 2001) have shown that NGC~6287 and M92 essentially have the same age within $\\pm$2 Gyr, suggesting that the metal-poor globular cluster formation must have been triggered roughly everywhere at the same time in our Galaxy. It should be noted that, however, HST NIC3 photometry can be vulnerable to the variation in the intrapixel sensitivity (Lauer 1999) and the temperature dependence of the interstellar reddening law in the HST NICMOS F110W/F160W photometric system (Lee et al.\\ 2001). Therefore, a photometric study with an expanded sample, preferably employing detector plus filter systems not suffering such effects as can be seen in HST NIC3, is necessary to rank the formation epoch of metal-poor inner halo globular clusters in comparison to the intermediate or the outer halo globular clusters. NGC~6293 ($\\alpha$ = 17:10:10.42; $\\delta$ = $-26$:34:54.2; $\\ell$ = 357.62; $b$ = +7.83) and NGC~6541 ($\\alpha$ = 18:08:02.20; $\\delta$ = $-43$:42:19.7; $\\ell$ = 349.29; $b$ = $-11.18$) are the second and the third most metal-poor globular clusters within 3 kpc from the Galactic center. NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 are located $\\approx$ 1.4 kpc and 2.2 kpc from the Galactic center and $\\approx$ 1.2 kpc and $-$1.4 kpc from the Galactic plane, suffering interstellar reddening of $E(B-V)$ = 0.41 and 0.14, respectively (Harris 1996). In Table~\\ref{tab1}, we list clusters' properties. Since both clusters are thought to be post core-collapsed, as can be more frequently found in the inner halo region than other parts of our Galaxy (Barbuy, Bica, \\& Ortolani 1998), ground-based photometric study of these two clusters has been limited. Janes \\& Heasley (1991) presented $BV$ photometry of NGC~6293. Their color-magnitude diagram (CMD) showed that the red-giant branch (RGB) and the BHB morphologies of NGC~6293 are similar to those of M92, indicating that the cluster is both old and metal-poor. By comparing with M92, they suggested that $E(B-V)$ = 0.46 and $(m-M)_0 \\approx$ 16.0. Since their observations reached just to the main-sequence turnoff (MSTO), however, they were not able to address the age of the cluster. They also made an interesting point that the RGB-tip magnitude of NGC~6293 appears to be a full magnitude fainter than that of M92. They suggested that this may reflect that the cluster has undergone core collapse. Trager et al.\\ (1995) found that the cluster has indeed undergone core collapse, as may NGC~6541. More recent work by Noyola \\& Gebhardt (2006), relying on HST WFPC2 data, confirms that both clusters show sharply rising surface brightness levels into the innermost regions. Alcaino (1971, 1979) obtained $BV$ photographic photometry and Alcaino et al.\\ (1997) presented multi-color CCD photometry of NGC~6541. Alcaino (1979) noted that NGC~6541 has BHB stars and its CMD appears to be similar to that of M13. He also noted that NGC~6541 appears to be deficient in bright RGB stars. With deeper CCD photometry, Alcaino et al.\\ (1997) claimed that the CMD of NGC~6541 is similar to those of M13 and M79, finding $E(B-V)$ = 0.15 and [Fe/H] $\\approx$ $-$1.8 for NGC~6541. They noted a discrepancy in the position of NGC~6541 BHB stars in $U - (B - V)$ and $(U - B) - (B - V)$ diagrams, in the sense that $U$ magnitude of BHB stars in NGC~6541 appear to be $\\approx$ 0.3 -- 0.4 mag brighter than those in M79. Using an isochrone fitting method, they claimed that NGC~6541 is very old, one of the oldest clusters they had studied. Lee \\& Carney (2002) presented high-resolution echelle spectroscopy of both clusters. They noted that both clusters appear to be silicon enhanced and titanium depleted compared to the intermediate halo clusters. In particular, they suggested that [Si/Ti] ratios appear to be related to Galactocentric distances, in the sense that [Si/Ti] ratios decrease with Galactocentric distance, and they proposed that these [Si/Ti] gradients with Galactocentric distance may be due to the different masses of the SNe II progenitors. The high [Si/Ti] ratios toward the Galactic center may be due to higher-mass SNe II contributions. This is an additional hint that both clusters may have formed particularly early. Lee \\& Carney (2002) also derived the radial velocity of the clusters (see also Table~\\ref{tab1}). Their results suggest that the radial velocities of NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 are small enough that they are most likely genuine inner halo clusters unless their tangential motions are extremely large. Unfortunately, neither cluster has a measured proper motion as yet. In this paper, we explore the relative ages of inner halo clusters NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 using HST PC2 photometry. As mentioned earlier, both clusters have high central concentrations so that only HST can provide the necessary high angular resolution to study main-sequence photometry of these clusters. In section 2, data acquisition and data reduction are discussed. We present the CMDs of the clusters and discuss the main sequence fittings of the clusters to M92 and NGC~2419 in section 3. The interstellar reddening and the distance modulus are also discussed in this section. Finally, we discuss the formation epoch of the metal-poor inner halo clusters in section 4. ", "conclusions": "We have presented HST PC2 photometry for the inner halo globular clusters NGC~6293 and NGC~6541. Our CMD for NGC~6293 shows a strong BHB population, consistent with its low metallicity and old age. It also appears to have blue straggler stars and a future study related to these objects is desirable. We could not investigate the RGB-tip luminosity, which was claimed by Janes \\& Heasley (1991) to be abnormally faint, since the bright RGB stars were saturated in our images. Our magnitudes and colors for the NGC~6541 main-sequence TO are in good agreement with the ground-based $VI$ photometry of Alcaino (1997). Our CMD for NGC~6541 appears to be deficient in bright RGB stars, confirming the finding of Alcaino (1997). We have discussed the interstellar reddening and the distance modulus of NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 with respect to those of M92. For NGC~6293, our interstellar reddening estimate is consistent with previous results, while our distance modulus is $\\approx$ 0.1 mag smaller than the previous estimate by Harris (1996). We also discussed the differential reddening across NGC~6293. It appears that the interstellar reddening value of NGC~6293 varies by $\\Delta E(B-V)$ $\\approx$ 0.02 -- 0.04 mag. For NGC~6541, our age-dating method, which makes use of M92 as a template, appears to suffer from modest metallicity difference effects. Our interstellar reddening and distance modulus of NGC~6541 are $E(B-V)$ = 0.17 and $(m-M)_0$ = 14.24 without the correction for the metallicity effect, and $E(B-V)$ = 0.14 and $(m-M)_0$ = 14.19 with such a correction. Nevertheless, NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 are clearly located in the Galaxy's central regions ($R_{GC} \\leq$ 3 kpc). The most interesting result of our study is that the inner halo clusters NGC~6293 and NGC~6541 essentially have ages that are indistinguishably different from one of the oldest globular clusters in our Galaxy M92, consistent with the previous result of NGC~6287 by Lee et al.\\ (2001), and the large study of De~Angeli et al.\\ (2005). Furthermore, they appear to have the same ages as the most remote metal-poor globular cluster NGC~2419 ($R_{GC} \\approx$ 90 kpc). Our results strongly support the idea that the globular cluster formation must have begun everywhere at the same time to within $\\approx$ 0.5 -- 1 Gyr in our Galaxy." }, "0606/astro-ph0606527_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using the near-infrared integral-field spectrograph SPIFFI on the VLT, we have studied the spatially-resolved dynamics in the $z=3.2$ strongly lensed galaxy 1E0657-56 ``arc$+$core'' by observing the rest-frame optical emission lines [OIII]$\\lambda$5007 and H$\\beta$. The lensing configuration suggests that the high surface brightness ``core'' is the ${\\cal M}\\sim 20$ magnified central $\\sim 1$ kpc of the galaxy, whereas the fainter ``arc'' is the more strongly magnified peripheral region of the same galaxy at about a half-light radius, which otherwise appears to be a typical $z\\sim 3$ Lyman break galaxy. The overall shape of the position-velocity diagram resembles the ``rotation curves'' of the inner few kpcs of nearby $\\sim{\\cal L}^*$ spiral galaxies. For ${\\cal M}=20$, our data have a spatial resolution of $\\sim$200 pc in the source plane. The projected velocities $v_{rot,proj}$ rise rapidly to $\\sim 75$ \\kms\\ within radii $\\sim 0.5$ kpc from the center, and asymptotically reach a velocity of $\\sim 190$ \\kms\\ within the arc, at a projected radius of a few kpc radius. The rotation curve implies a dynamical mass of $\\log{M_{dyn}/M_{\\odot}}\\sim 9.3$ within the central kpc, and suggests that in this system the equivalent of the mass of a present-day $\\sim{\\cal L}^*$ bulge at the same radius was already in place by $z\\gtrsim 3$. Approximating the circular velocity of the halo by the measured asymptotic velocity of the rotation curve, we estimate a dark matter halo mass of $\\log{M_{halo}/M_{\\odot}}\\sim 11.7\\pm 0.3$, in good agreement with large-scale clustering studies of Lyman break galaxies. The baryonic collapse fraction is low compared to $z\\sim 2$ actively star-forming ``BX'' and low-redshift galaxies, perhaps implying comparatively less gas infall to small radii or efficient feedback. Even more speculatively, the high central mass density might indicate highly dissipative gas collapse in very early stages of galaxy evolution, in approximate agreement with what is expected for ``inside-out'' galaxy formation models. ", "introduction": "Dynamical mass estimates of high redshift galaxies are now starting to play a significant role in our developing understanding of galaxy assembly in the early universe, a trend that will likely become even more important in the near future. Directly measuring the dynamical masses from the spatially-resolved spectra of high-redshift galaxies is observationally very challenging, but dynamical masses are less prone to degeneracies and evolutionary bias than mass estimates based solely on photometry. Fascinatingly, they may also allow us to directly probe the baryonic and dark matter content and concentration of galaxies in the early universe, and to measure their angular momenta \\citep{NMFS06}. Ultimately, they will enable us, for example, to directly compare the growth of galaxy mass and angular momentum with model predictions as a function of redshift. Accurately measuring the kinematics of high-redshift galaxies is therefore a major step forward. To realize these goals, we must show convincingly that the kinematics we measure in a high redshift galaxy have a simple proportionality to the mass distribution and rule out that they are dominated by the orbit or angular momentum loss of mergers or by hydrodynamical processes like, e.g., starburst-driven ``superwinds'' \\citep{lehnert96a}. The Lyman-break technique has led to the largest sample of spectroscopically confirmed galaxies from z$\\sim$2.7 to 6.4. Despite our rapidly growing understanding of their ensemble properties, such as their luminosity function, clustering, and star-formation history \\citep[e.g.,][]{steidel96, adelberger98}, our knowledge of their detailed intrinsic properties remains rather rudimentary. LBGs at z$\\sim$3 have typical radii of $r_{e} \\sim 0.3\\arcsec$ \\citep{giavalisco96} so that the spatially resolved kinematics are often difficult to obtain. Thus, dynamical mass estimates for individual LBGs at z$\\sim$3 \\citep[e.g.,][]{pettini01} are based mostly on line widths and only in a handful of cases have velocity gradients been observed. Spatially resolved LBGs are large compared to the overall population, and might be biased towards the strongest line emitting galaxies (e.g., vigorous starbursts) or early-stage mergers and perhaps are not representative for the overall population. The only way to properly address these issues is to resolve the dynamics of an LBG on fine scale. Strongly gravitationally lensed LBGs are a promising way to probe small physical scales even with seeing-limited data. The ideal target would be a strongly-lensed, highly inclined LBG, where the kinematic major axis is roughly along a caustic. Such a configuration would allow several patches of the same galaxy, but at different radii, to be highly magnified to include the intrinsically low surface-brightness periphery. Probing non-lensed LBGs in this way is impossible given their generally small radii, faint magnitudes, and low surface brightnesses. Unfortunately, strongly lensed LBGs with a favorable lensing geometry are exceedingly rare. Two cases at z$>$1 have been studied in detail so far, MS1512-cB58 at z=2.8 \\citep[e.g.,][]{teplitz00, pettini02, baker04} and AC114-S2 at z=1.9 \\citep{L-B03}. However, the underlying dynamical mechanism is not conclusively revealed in either case. MS1512-cB58 is magnified by a factor $\\sim 30$, but it is compact and has no apparent velocity gradient \\citep{teplitz00} -- most likely because of an unfavourable lensing geometry. From the mm CO emission line width, \\citet{baker04} measure $M_{dyn} \\sim 10^{10}$ \\msun, not corrected for inclination. AC114-S2 has a velocity gradient \\citep{L-B03}, but is a merger with complex morphology, and its nature is not well constrained. That spatially-resolved spectroscopy of giant arcs can provide valuable constraints on the internal dynamics of the lensed galaxies has recently been shown by \\citet{swinbank06} for a sample of 6 giant arcs at lower redshift, z$\\sim$1. \\citeauthor{swinbank06} found regular kinematics in 4 of the 6 galaxies, consistent with quiescently rotating disks, while in 2 galaxies, they observed complex line profiles of varying widths and irregular velocity structure suggestive of either mergers or outflows. The strongly lensed z=3.24\\footnote{We adopt a flat concordance cosmology with $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$=0.7 and H$_0$=70 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, in which D$_L$=27.9 Gpc and D$_A$=1.5 Gpc at $z=3.24$. The size scale is 7.5 kpc/\\arcsec. The age of the universe at this redshift and cosmological model is 1.9~Gyrs.} ``arc$+$core'' galaxy behind the z=0.3 X-ray cluster 1E0657-56 \\citep{tucker98} appears to be different from these well-studied high-redshift gravitational arcs. Its lensing configuration suggests the simultaneous magnification of a high surface brightness region at the south-eastern tip of the source that may be associated with the ``core'' of the galaxy as well as a more highly magnified, lower surface brightness region outside the core \\citep[``arc'';][]{mehlert01}. The total extent of the arc is $\\sim$14\\arcsec, and it has a complex substructure: \\citet{mehlert01} identify 3 faint knots of similar surface brightness within the arc, each separated by a few arcseconds. They propose that the central highest surface brightness region of the lensed galaxy, lying near, but outside the cusp-caustic, is seen as the bright core, whereas a fainter outer region on one side of the same galaxy, which touches the cusp-caustic and is split into three merging images, constitutes the full extent of the arc. Thus the asymmetric magnified image comprising the near-nuclear region and peripheral patches originating on one side of the galaxy. The high magnification (${\\cal M}\\ga20$) presents an excellent opportunity to investigate the properties of a z$\\sim$3 galaxy at different radii with high physical and spatial resolution. The paper is organized as follows: After presenting observations and data reduction in \\S\\ref{sec:obsred}, we turn in \\S\\ref{sec:acs} to the rest-frame UV and optical properties, highlighting the high-resolution ACS morphology. We discuss the spatially-resolved rest-frame emission line kinematics extracted from three--dimensional data cubes obtained with the integral-field spectrograph SPIFFI in \\S\\ref{sec:results}. This includes a detailed discussion of the 146 km s$^{-1}$ velocity gradient in the core and its continuation in the arc. In \\S\\ref{sec:spiral}, we present a detailed comparison with the internal dynamics of low-redshift spiral galaxies. In \\S\\ref{sec:evolution}, we estimate the evolution and angular momentum of the arc$+$core, before investigating the halo mass and the baryonic ``collapse fraction'' in \\S\\ref{sec:dmhalo}. We summarize our results in \\S\\ref{sec:summary} and draw a likely evolutionary scenario for LBGs. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} We presented an analysis of the strongly lensed (${\\cal M} = 20$) Lyman break galaxy 1E0657-56 arc$+$core galaxy at redshift $z=3.24$, based on SPIFFI integral-field rest-frame optical spectroscopy, complemented with rest-frame UV imaging and spectroscopy. This galaxy is an excellent target for studying the fine spatial details of a $z\\sim 3$ Lyman break galaxy. We extracted the rest-frame UV colors of the arc$+$core from the deep FORS spectroscopy of \\citet{mehlert01}, and measured directly that the galaxy fulfills the Lyman break criterion, including the $R=25.5$ mag limit, imposed on spectroscopically identified sources, for an unlensed source. The arc$+$core is near the peak of the LBG redshift distribution, and its unmagnified size, optical emission line properties, mass-to-light ratio, and stellar age are within the range estimated for the overall population. Therefore, it is particularly well suited for a detailed analysis of its small-scale properties. We find a slightly lower star-formation rate than average, most likely due to our uncertain extinction estimate, likely underlying \\hb\\ absorption, or missing flux by not accounting for unlensed or multiply lensed regions of the galaxy. Through studying magnified high surface brightness regions of an LBG at $z\\sim 3$, we can investigate the structure and nature of LBGs at high physical resolution. The dynamical mass within 500 pc is about $2\\times 10^9$ \\msun, while at about 2 kpc radius \\citep[approximately the half-light radius of a typical $z\\sim 3$ LBG, e.g.,][]{giavalisco96}, the mass is similar to the average stellar mass $\\sim 10^{10}$ \\msun of LBGs. Stellar masses derived from SED modelling include light at larger radii and make assumptions about the initial mass function that may be unwarranted and generally lead to higher masses \\citep{NMFS06}, so any discrepancy is not totally unexpected. However, our estimated mass of the core is also typical for the bulges of local $\\sim {\\cal L}^{\\star}$ spiral galaxies. In addition, the arc$+$core has a specific angular momentum similar to that of local spiral galaxies. The combination of mass surface density, metallicity and the dynamical time perhaps suggests an interesting evolutionary picture for the 1E0657-56 arc$+$core. Since the properties of the 1E0657-56 arc$+$core are well within the typical range of LBGs, this outline of the evolution of the 1E0657-56 arc$+$core might, with some caution, be applicable to $z\\sim 3$ LBGs generally. Compared to local spirals, most of the mass within 500 pc for the 1E0657-56 core appears to be already in place. However, the metallicity in the nuclei of low-redshift spirals is approximately solar, while we have found that the 1E0657-56 arc$+$core has at most about half solar gas-phase abundances, and this estimate is clearly dominated by the emission from the core. We do not know the gas fraction of the 1E0657-56 arc$+$core, however, CO observations of the lensed z$=$2.7 LBG MS1512-cB58 by \\citet{baker04} suggest that LBGs might be gas rich, with gas fractions of possibly up to 50\\%. For a simple closed box model with such high gas fractions, the metallicity will double within several 10 to 100~Myrs. This time estimate likely increases by factors of a few if including outflows or inflows with the metallicity of the intergalactic medium at $z\\sim 3$. Our orbital time estimate suggests that the intense star-formation is likely to last long enough to increase the metallicity to about solar. Because $z \\sim 3$ LBGs have similar co-moving densities as local luminous (${\\cal L}\\gtrsim {\\cal L}^{\\star}$) galaxies, \\cite{steidel96} suggested that they represent the formation of the spheroidal component of massive galaxies. Our analysis suggests that this hypothesis is plausible since we measure a mass and mass surface density similar to local $\\sim{\\cal L}^{\\star}$ spiral galaxies, and also fulfill the metallicity constraint, after allowing for further evolution in the on-going episode of intense star-formation. Moreover, the low baryon collapse fraction within $\\sim r_e$ might hint that a substantial amount of gas resides on larger scales within the halo (maybe gas blown out during intense star-formation or pre-enriched material from the IGM). However, we also find $v_c/\\sigma\\lesssim 3$, significantly larger than the $v_c/\\sigma \\sim 0-1.2$ of bulges \\citep[][and references therein]{kormendy04}. Thus, if the arc$+$core is representative of the overall population, LBGs will have to lose factors of a few in their circular velocities to have $v_c/\\sigma$ ratios consistent with local bulges, and certainly substantially more angular momentum to evolve into massive ellipticals. Currently, very few models address the evolution of individual disk galaxies within the context of the hierarchical model in detail, which makes a quantitative comparison rather difficult. Overall, models of the formation of large scale structure and the evolution of galaxies within a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology favour ``inside-out'' galaxy evolution, where the inner regions of galaxies form earlier than the peripheries \\citep[e.g.,][]{samland03, abadi03}. Such a scenario quite naturally explains observations at low redshift, such as metallicity and stellar population (age) gradients observed in local galaxies. Although these models produce inner regions of galaxies that collapse relatively early, unfortunately they also predict that only a relatively small amount of mass will be in place by $z\\sim 3$ compared to the final mass of the galaxy. Most of the mass at small radii is acquired rather late, more likely around redshifts of-order $z=1$ \\citep{samland03}. However, as emphasized by \\citet{immeli04}, the timing and spatial distribution of the star-formation ``history'' depends crucially on the infall history and on how efficiently the kinetic energy gained from dynamical and mechanical heating during collapse is dissipated. They show that the gas in galaxies with large dissipation efficiency will strongly fragment, and interactions between individual subclumps and dynamical friction will make the fragments coalesce to the central regions more rapidly. In other words, the efficiency of dissipation and fragmentation may essentially be a free parameter which could be constrained observationally. In comparison to local ${\\cal L}^*$ spiral galaxies, we find in the arc$+$core at $z=3.2$ a significant and comparable mass surface density, while the overall relative mass is rather low. In light of the models already discussed, this might indicate highly dissipative gas collapse during the earliest phases of galaxy evolution. The later evolution and perhaps the formation of the disk might either be driven by infall of material \\citep[e.g.,][]{samland03} or by the merger of gas rich galaxies supported by strong feedback to prevent the baryons from collapsing into the central regions \\citep[e.g.,][]{robertson05}. The latter of these hypotheses might explain the apparent inefficiency of the baryon collapse of the z$\\sim$3 LBGs compared to galaxies at lower redshift." }, "0606/astro-ph0606241_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ Galaxy clusters furnish extremely rich information on the contents and structure of our universe. The potential of galaxy cluster studies to constrain dark energy, for example, motivates a number of ambitious cluster surveys. Among these, surveys based on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect are particularly powerful for their ability to cleanly select clusters out to redshifts $z>1$. Now poised to begin surveying substantial areas of sky, dedicated interferometers, bolometer cameras and the Planck satellite will soon produce large cluster catalogs that will provide a precise measure of the cosmic expansion rate over a range of redshifts and precipitate a new understanding of structure and galaxy formation. I review the science potential of these surveys and examine some issues of SZ cluster catalog construction. } ", "introduction": "Detailed observations of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies \\cite{cmb_gen}, distant SNIa \\cite{snIa_gen} and of the galaxy distribution \\cite{lss_gen} have driven the tremendous advance in recent years leading to the development of a standard cosmological model. Ongoing research aims to test the model's coherence and to answer outstanding fundamental questions: What is the nature of dark matter and of the mysterious dark energy accelerating the present expansion of the universe? What is the physics of the early universe, in particular of the inflation epoch? How can we use detailed cosmological observations to probe fundamental physics, such as the neutrino sector? And how do galaxies form and evolve in the cosmic web of large--scale structure. These exciting questions inspire large observational programs centered on the CMB, SNIa searches and wide--field multiband surveys. Galaxy clusters offer a unique avenue of attack on several of these key questions: \\begin{enumerate} \\item Their abundance and evolution with redshift are highly sensitive to the statistics and growth rate of the density perturbations, which in turn depends on the cosmological parameters; \\item They are ideal tracers of the largest scale structures. With a mean separation of $\\sim 50$~Mpc, they efficiently sample structures of wavelength $\\sim 100$~Mpc and larger, such as the baryon acoustic peaks in the matter power spectrum (see Figure~\\ref{fig:Veff}) \\cite{bao}; \\item They provide a well--defined, quasi--closed environment for galaxy formation studies. In the cluster environment we directly observe the stellar, diffuse gas and dark matter components of the cosmic fluid; \\item Combined X--ray and millimeter cluster observations (the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect; see below) permit distance measurements and hence the construction of a Hubble diagram with which to measure the matter density and dark energy abundance and equation--of--state (like SNIa distance measurements). \\end{enumerate} ", "conclusions": "Future galaxy cluster surveys will provide a wealth of information on dark energy, dark matter and structure and galaxy formation. Among these surveys, those based on the SZ signal will profit from its intrinsic ability to find clusters at high redshift and its expected tight correlation to halo mass. Over the next 5 years, these surveys will provide large, well--defined (in terms of mass) catalogs containing hundreds to thousands of clusters at redshifts beyond unity or, in other words, multiplying by 10--100 the number of known clusters at these redshifts\\footnote{The new WMAP3 results were published at the time of writing. The lower value of $\\sigma_8$ favored by the new release can lower the predicted cluster counts by up to a factor $\\sim 2$. We are evaluating the changes for each experiment in detail.}. This will give us a new view of galaxy formation in dense environments and a measure of the expansion rate at this crucial epoch marking the transition between matter and dark energy domination. Many of the surveys will begin this year (2006), and a number of important surveying issues require further study. These include accurate evaluation of survey selection functions and observational errors. I have shown two results from our studies based on a matched filter detection algorithm and simulations of different surveys. We find that high resolution ground--based surveys select clusters not simply on flux, but on a combination of flux and angular size, and that this must be properly accounted for when modeling cluster counts. We also find that observational scatter on measured cluster flux $Y$ (e.g., $\\sim 40\\%$ in the case of SPT) largely exceeds the intrinsic scatter predicted by numerical simulations~\\cite{motl_etal05}. Furthermore, confusion with primary CMB anisotropy severely compromises photometry in single frequency observations; follow--up at a second frequency (or in X--rays) will therefore be necessary for these surveys." }, "0606/astro-ph0606288_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "To detect Earth-like planets in the visible with a coronagraphic telescope, two major noise sources have to be overcome: the photon noise of the diffracted star light, and the speckle noise due to the star light scattered by instrumental defects. Coronagraphs tackle only the photon noise contribution. In order to decrease the speckle noise below the planet level, an active control of the wave front is required. We have developed analytical methods to measure and correct the speckle noise behind a coronagraph with a deformable mirror. In this paper, we summarize these methods, present numerical simulations, and discuss preliminary experimental results obtained with the High-Contrast Imaging Testbed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} In coronagraphs like any other optical system, aberrations give rise to scattered light in the form of speckles in the focal plane, thus preventing very high-contrast imaging. A wave front sensing and control system can remedy this, and make the detection of faint objects possible\\cite{Malbet95}. Such a system is absolutely critical to the success of NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph (TPF-C)\\cite{Coulter04} that aims not only at the detection, but also at the spectroscopy of terrestrial planets in the visible range. This is a very challenging task as the contrast\\footnote{The contrast is defined here as ratio of the luminosity of the star to that of the planet at the wavelength of interest.} between a terrestrial planet and its Sun-like star amounts to $\\sim 10^{10}$ in the visible. With that goal in mind, we have devised a theory\\cite{Borde06} to measure and correct wave front aberrations, so as to clear out of speckles an area of the focal plane, referred to as dark hole (DH). This area is then suitable for very faint object detection. In the following, we first summarized the theory (\\S\\ref{sec:theory}), then we present simulations (\\S\\ref{sec:simulations}), and finally we discuss preliminary experimental results (\\S\\ref{sec:experiments}). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} Although our first experimental results are modest, they prove that our approach is sound and should be pursued. Future work will include an experimental demonstration of the energy minimization approach in monochromatic light, as well as a generalization of the theory to polychromatic light with corresponding experiments. Our wave front sensing and control theory is general and can be applied to other types of coronagraph, as demonstrated in Ref.~\\citenum{Giveon06} for shaped-pupil coronagraphs. Note that these experiments are by no means representative of the best result achieved to date with the HCIT. For these, we refer the reader to Ref.~\\citenum{Trauger04} and to the paper by Trauger et al. in these proceedings." }, "0606/astro-ph0606594_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We consider the excitation of radial and non-radial oscillations in low-mass B stars by the iron-bump opacity mechanism. The results are significant for the interpretation of pulsations in subdwarf B stars, helium-rich subdwarfs and extreme helium stars, including the EC14026 and PG1716 variables. We demonstrate that, for radial oscillations, the driving mechanism becomes effective by increasing the contrast between the iron-bump opacity and the opacity from other sources. This can be achieved either by increasing the iron abundance or by decreasing the hydrogen abundance. The location of the iron-bump instability boundary is found to depend on the mean molecular weight in the envelope and also on the radial order of the oscillation. A bluer instability boundary is provided by increasing the iron abundance alone, rather than the entire metal component, and is required to explain the observed EC14026 variables. A bluer instability boundary is also provided by higher radial order oscillations. Using data for observed and theoretical period ranges, we show that the coolest EC14026 variables may vary in the fundamental radial mode, but the hottest variables {\\it must} vary in modes of higher radial order. In considering non-radial oscillations, we demonstrate that g-modes of high radial order and low spherical degree ($l<4$) may be excited in some blue horizontal branch stars with near-normal composition ($Z=0.02$). Additional iron enhancement extends the g-mode instability zone to higher effective temperatures and also creates a p-mode instability zone. The latter is essentially contiguous with the radial instability zone. With sufficient iron, the p-mode and g-mode instability zones overlap, allowing a small region where the EC14026 and PG1716-type variability can be excited simultaneously. The overlap zone is principally a function of effective temperature and only weakly a function of luminosity. However its location is roughly 5000{\\rm K} too low compared with the observed boundary between EC14026 and PG1716 variables. The discrepancy cannot be resolved by simply increasing the iron abundance. ", "introduction": "% \\label{intro} The discovery of a significant contribution to stellar opacity from iron-group elements at temperatures around 200\\,000\\,K \\citep{OPAL92, OP95} had major consequences for studies of pulsation in stars. First, it solved the long-standing Cepheid mass problem \\citep{Mos92,Kan94}. Second, it provided a natural explanation for hitherto unexplained stellar variability, notably with respect to the $\\beta$ Cepheids \\citep{Dzi93} and some extreme helium stars \\citep{Sai93}. Third, it initiated searches for variability (predicted and observed) in stars hitherto thought to be stable. There are now known to be several classes of variable in which pulsations are driven by the opacity (or $\\kappa-$) mechanism excited by the Fe- or Z- opacity bump. It is one goal of this paper to explore some of the connections between these groups and hence to understand better the nature of Fe-bump driven pulsations. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsfig{file=sdbv_obs.ps,width=8cm,angle=0} \\caption[Fe-bump variables] {The loci of low-mass variable stars believed to pulsate due to Fe-bump instability, including EC14026 variables (upright triangles), PG1716 variables (inverted triangles) and helium-rich variables (squares). A selection are labeled. HS0702+6843 and Balloon 090100001 exhibit both EC14026 and PG1716-type behaviour \\citep{Sch06,Ore05}. Straight diagonal lines represent $\\log g=6.0$ (below) and 4.0 (above). These features are reproduced in Figs.~\\ref{Z-stable} to \\ref{Fe-modes}. } \\label{sdbv_obs} \\end{center} \\end{figure} An early success was the explanation of radial pulsations in the extreme helium star V652\\,Her \\citep{Sai93}, together with the prediction \\citep{Sai94} and subsequent discovery of radial pulsations in a second helium star, BX\\,Cir \\citep{Kil95}. In these stars, both with periods of $\\sim 9\\,300$s and with masses 0.59 and 0.47 \\Msolar\\ respectively \\citep{Jef01,Woo02} (Fig.~\\ref{sdbv_obs}), the cause of pulsation instability is clearly the Fe- opacity bump, exaggerated by a reduction of the background opacity due to hydrogen at these temperatures. The failure to detect any variability in a third helium star, HD144941, of similar temperature and luminosity but very low metallicity \\citep{Jef96,Jef97}, confirmed the r\\^ole of the Fe-opacity in driving pulsations in these low-mass early-type stars. Another notable success has been the prediction and discovery of short-period pulsations in subluminous B (sdB) stars \\citep{Cha96, Cha97, Kil97, Bil97}. Briefly, multi-periodic oscillations with periods between 90 and 600 seconds are observed in approximately 10\\% of hot subdwarf B stars; such stars are variously known as EC14026 variables (after the class prototype EC\\,14026--2647) or sdBVs. These pulsations are successfully explained if the stars are ``extreme horizontal branch stars'', that is they consist of a helium-burning core of some 0.5\\Msolar\\ overlaid by a very thin layer of hydrogen. Because of the high effective temperature and the high surface gravity, theoretical models have shown that radiative forces on the ions in the stellar envelope act differentially such that substantial chemical gradients are established over a diffusion time scale $\\sim 10^5$y \\citep{Mic89}. The consequent levitation and accumulation of iron in layers at around 200\\,000\\,K \\citep{Cha95} enhances the Fe-opacity bump sufficiently that radial and non-radial p-mode oscillations are excited. The theory successfully explained the observed distribution (Fig.~\\ref{sdbv_obs}) of pulsating and non-pulsating sdB stars in effective temperature and surface gravity \\citep{Cha01}. Although consequential more on frequency eigenvalues than stability criteria, the theory is also sufficiently well developed that it has been possible to compare predicted and observed pulsation frequencies in some pulsating sdB stars \\citep{Bra01, Cha05a, Cha05b}. The unexpected discovery of oscillations with periods of a few hours in many sdB stars lying red-ward of the EC14026 instability domain presented a new challenge \\citep{Gre03}. While radiative levitation of iron is still operative in these stars, sometimes known as PG1716 variables (after the prototype PG\\,1716+426), p-modes are reported to be stable in the chemically stratified models \\citep{Cha01}. On the other hand, non-radial g-modes of high radial order ($k\\geq10$) and high spherical degree ($l\\geq3$) were found to be unstable, but only in models of stars cooler than those in which variability had been detected \\citep{Fon03}. While the observed periods imply a g-mode origin, modes of such high degree are not generally thought to be observable as variations in total flux due to geometric cancellation. The challenge is therefore to shift the g-mode blue edge to higher effective temperatures and to excite modes of lower spherical degree. A further challenge has been provided by the detection of variability in the helium-rich sdB star LS\\,IV$-14^{\\circ}116$ with periods of $\\sim1800 - 3000$s \\citep{Ahm05}. While the canonical sdB stars mostly have surface helium abundances one tenth of the solar value ($\\sim10\\%$ by number), the much rarer He-rich sdB stars comprise a spectroscopically distinct and highly inhomogeneous group with surface helium abundances ranging from some 30\\% to nearly 100\\% by number, and surface gravities over a much broader range than seen in normal sdB stars \\citep{Ahm03}. The natural response to the discovery of pulsations in LS\\,IV$-14^{\\circ}116$ was to try to explain them in terms of Fe-bump instability in either a helium star like V652\\,Her, or in some sort of mutant sdB star. With $T_{\\rm eff}$ similar to the EC14026 stars, but with a lower surface gravity (higher $L/M$ ratio), the pulsation periods were too long to be explained by Fe-bump driven p-modes \\citep{Ahm05}. One question is whether g-modes might be excited in such a star. This challenge is important because a viable picture of the star that explains both the $L/M$ ratio and the high surface abundance of helium has yet to be established. Any model that successfully reproduced the observed oscillations would assist this process. In order to address these questions, we need to develop our understanding of instability in low-mass stars. By gaining a general insight into what affects the type of pulsation that can be driven, it should be possible to determine what model properties need to be modified in order to reproduce observed oscillations. The important theme is clearly Fe-bump instability. We have already investigated the r\\^ole of envelope hydrogen abundance in the excitation of Fe-bump pulsations \\citep{Jef98}. We recall that pulsational instability exists in all stars of sufficiently high $L/M$ ratio due to the presence of strange-mode instability \\citep{Gau90}. Fe-bump instability sets in for lower $L/M$ stars with $T_{\\rm eff}\\sim 20 - 30\\,000$K when either the iron-abundance is raised sufficiently or the hydrogen abundance is reduced sufficiently. The second occurs because reducing the hydrogen opacity increases the contrast between the iron opacity and the background opacity due to other sources, effectively increasing the opacity gradients $\\kappa_T = (\\partial\\ln\\kappa/\\partial\\ln T)_\\rho, \\kappa_{\\rho}=(\\partial\\ln\\kappa/\\partial\\ln\\rho)_T$ in the driving zone. Therefore there should be a physical connection between, for example, the radial pulsations seen in the extreme helium star V652\\,Her (essentially normal iron, reduced hydrogen) and the p-mode oscillations in EC14026 variables (normal hydrogen, enhanced iron). Note that radial modes are special cases of p-modes with spherical degree $l=0$; such modes are generally present in EC14026 stars alongside modes of higher spherical degree. However, the EC14026 instability region reported by \\citet{Cha01} lies considerably blue-ward of the Fe-bump instability finger described by \\citet{Jef98}. Understanding this paradox represents an important step towards understanding Fe-bump instability in general. Our initial goal is therefore to explore Fe-bump instability for radial modes in comparatively simple (i.e. homogeneous) stellar envelopes as a function of composition (section II). With success here, it becomes possible to restrict the volume of model space required to explore the stability of modes of higher degree, in particular g-modes (section III), and also to identify what is required in more detailed models in order to reproduce the observations accurately. ", "conclusions": "% \\label{conclusion} Our original goals were to understand oscillations observed in the helium-rich subdwarf LS\\,IV$-14^{\\circ}116$, and in the PG1716 variables. We therefore carried out a broad review of Fe-bump driven pulsational instability in low-mass stars\\footnote{Oscillations in main-sequence stars were deliberately excluded from our study.}. By first considering radial modes, we have demonstrated the essential r\\^ole of chemical composition such that instability increases with the contrast between the iron-bump opacity and other opacity sources. This increased contrast may be achieved either by increasing the iron abundance, confirming earlier work by \\citet{Cha01} or by reducing the hydrogen abundance \\citep{Jef98}. At least one of these is necessary to excite oscillations in all of the {\\it low-mass} Fe-bump pulsators discovered to date. We have further demonstrated that the blue-edge for radial instability is affected by the mean molecular weight in the stellar envelope, so that increasing the iron abundance alone provides a bluer instability region than increasing the iron abundance in concert with all elements heavier than helium. The former is required to explain the locus of the EC14026 instability region, making the general assumption that the properties of non-radial p-modes modes are closely linked to the corresponding radial mode of the same radial order. Furthermore, the blue-edge also depends on the radial order of the oscillations, so that higher-order modes may be found in hotter stars. By comparing theoretical and observed periods for EC14026 stars, we have shown that low-order or fundamental mode radial oscillations are only likely to be seen in the coolest EC14026 stars and that the hottest stars must oscillate in higher-order modes. However, we have been unable to explain the oscillations in the helium-rich star LS\\,IV$-14^{\\circ}116$; the observed periods are simply too long compared with the $L/M$ ratio obtained from spectroscopy. A lower surface gravity would definitely help. Considering non-radial pulsations, we have focused on g-mode instability and in particular on instability in modes with spherical degree $l<4$. We have discovered a small g-mode instability island on the blue horizontal branch which does not require iron enhancement or hydrogen depletion. However, since it requires $Z=0.02$ and a partial reflection of the wave at the interface between the hydrogen-rich envelope and the helium core, it will take some observational effort to verify whether there are any real pulsating horizontal-branch stars which correspond with these models. Effective temperatures are expected to be between 16\\,000 and 20\\,000 K, and pulsation periods between 1 and 4 hours. With a factor of 10 enhancement of iron on a background metallicity $Z=0.02$, a large instability region develops, even for $l=1$, which extends from $<13\\,000$ to $\\sim 24\\,000$ K ($l=3$). With such iron enhancement there is always an overlap between p- and g-mode instability regions so that stars near the boundary would be expected to exhibit both modes simultaneously. Depleting the envelope hydrogen abundance tends to shift both the g-mode blue edge and the radial/p-mode red edge to lower temperatures. Many of these results have been demonstrated individually \\citep{Sai93,Jef98,Cha96,Fon03}; this investigation has placed them in a more general context, as well as delivering some new results. Of these, the r\\^ole that mean molecular weight plays in determining the instability boundaries for radial and p-mode oscillations has implications for understanding the oscillations in EC14026 variables. We have made no effort to justify the adopted abundances on physical grounds, we have simply sought parametric solutions which satisfy the observations. Radiative levitation \\citep{Cha95} is known to operate in extreme horizontal-branch stars and provides a natural explanation for the required iron enhancements. The fact that it operates selectively accords well with our deduction that only iron should be enhanced. Our discovery that g-mode oscillations may be excited in blue horizontal branch stars with envelopes of ``normal'' composition has two-fold consequences. In addition to the observational question already posed, it may be less hard to excite g-mode pulsations in PG1716 stars than hitherto supposed; maybe we don't have to work so hard to find the necessary chemical structure in the stellar envelope as we do in the case of EC14026 variables. Nonetheless, we have been unable to resolve the problem of why the observed boundary between the EC14026 and PG1716 stars occurs at $\\sim 29\\,000$ K. The theoretical p-mode/g-mode boundary remains persistently at $\\sim 24\\,000$ K over a wide range of envelope compositions. It is possible that a sharp discontinuity in composition immediately below the iron bump could help; this and other experiments with stratified envelopes remain to be investigated." }, "0606/astro-ph0606077_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Estimates of the bulk metal abundance of the Sun derived from the latest generation of model atmospheres are significantly lower than the earlier standard values. In Paper I we demonstrated that a low solar metallicity is inconsistent with helioseismology if the quoted errors in the atmospheres models (of order 0.05 dex) are correct. In this paper we undertake a critical analysis of the solar metallicity and its uncertainty from a model atmospheres perspective, focusing on CNO. We argue that the non-LTE corrections for abundances derived from atomic features are overestimated in the recent abundance studies, while systematic errors in the absolute abundances are underestimated. If we adopt the internal consistency between different indicators as a measure of goodness of fit, we obtain intermediate abundances [C/H] = 8.44 +/- 0.06, [N/H] = 7.96 +/- 0.10 and [O/H] = 8.75 +/- 0.08. The errors are too large to conclude that there is a solar abundance problem, and permit both the high and low scales. However, the center-to-limb continuum flux variations predicted in the simulations appear to be inconsistent with solar data, which would favor the traditional thermal structure and lead to high CNO abundances of (8.52, 7.96, 8.80) close to the seismic scale. We argue that further empirical tests of non-LTE corrections and the thermal structure are required for precise absolute abundances. The implications for beryllium depletion and possible sources of error in the numerical simulations are discussed. ", "introduction": "The uncertainty in the absolute chemical composition of stars is the limiting factor in our ability to do high precision stellar astrophysics. Traditionally, we have had to rely on a small database of fundamental stellar parameters such as mass, distance, and radius. However, current and upcoming space missions promise a wealth of astrometric and photometric data. Large surveys undertaken primarily for other purposes (microlensing, planet searches and cosmology) have discovered thousands of eclipsing binaries, yielding numerous precise mass estimates. The rapidly developing field of optical interferometry has also permitted a growing number of direct radius estimates. Asteroseismology is also growing in importance, and missions such as COROT promise a wealth of detailed information on the pulsational properties of solar-like stars. Our stellar interiors models have become highly sophisticated and successful when compared with observational diagnostics. In particular, the resolution of the solar neutrino problem in favor of the solar model predictions and the agreement between theoretical predictions and helioseismic data are both encouraging signs. The combination of better observations and theory has opened the prospect of a new era of precision stellar astrophysics, which could have broad consequences for diverse subfields of astronomy. Stellar atmospheres theory has traditionally employed a series of approximations when deriving abundances. Classical models assume an ad hoc turbulent velocity field adjusted to yield abundances independent of excitation potential and line strength. Convection is usually treated in an approximate fashion, with the mixing length theory. Horizontal temperature fluctuations (granulation) are not included. The models also typically assume that the molecular and atomic levels are described by local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), e.g. by the local temperature alone. The compilations of solar abundances used for theoretical solar models \\citep{ag1989,gn1993,gs1998} employed model atmospheres with approximations at the level described above. The mean thermal structure employed was semi-empirical \\citep[hereafter HM74]{hm1974}. When these approximations are relaxed, different conclusions about the abundances are obtained. Departures from LTE are expected at a modest level for solar conditions, and have been investigated by a number of authors \\citep[for example][]{c1986,sh1990,k1993,stb2001,w2001}. Numerical simulations of convection have matured to the level where they can be used to predict velocity fields, temperature fluctuations, and changes in the mean thermal structure of the upper atmosphere \\citep{sn1998}. Abundances derived from these simulations yield a very different pattern, which has been developed in a series of papers \\citep{pla2001,pla2002,asplund2000a,asplund2000b,agsak2004,agsak2005}; papers by Lodders (2003) and \\citet{ags2005} summarize the revised abundance scale. The net effect is in the sense of systematically lower metal abundances. The downward revisions for the heavier elements (e.g. Fe and Si) are small, while the claimed reduction in the abundances of lighter species (especially CNO) is more dramatic. Models employing different treatments of granulation and non-LTE corrections \\citep{h2001,sh2002} predict smaller abundance reductions. The central temperature predicted by interiors models is sensitive to the abundances of the heavier elements, but not the lighter ones. As a result, the new abundance scale does not disturb the agreement between interiors models and observational data for purposes such as the mass-luminosity relationship and solar neutrino fluxes. However, the inferred solar sound speed profile, and the radii of interiors models, is sensitive to the bulk metallicity. Serious problems have emerged when comparing interiors models with the revised abundance scale. These discrepancies are evidence for problems in our understanding of stellar interiors, stellar atmospheres, or both. In Paper I \\citep{dp2006} we investigated the errors in solar abundances predicted by the combination of stellar interiors models and helioseismic data. In this paper we examine the uncertainties in the abundance predictions from stellar atmospheres theory. We begin with a brief summary of the results from Paper I, and follow with a discussion of the motivation and main results from the revised stellar atmospheres models. In Section 2, we perform a critical analysis of the precision of the solar CNO abundances and discuss the implications for Be. We demonstrate in that section that the errors in the abundances are larger than previously estimated, and that there is evidence that the ``best'' current solar CNO abundances are intermediate between the new and old scales, with errors permitting both. We discuss the implications of our finding and future tests in Section 3. In particular, we argue that inconsistencies between the solar thermal structure and that predicted by the simulations would favor a higher abundance scale closer to the seismic value and discuss uncertainties in the numerical convection simulations. \\subsection{Constraints from Helioseismology} Helioseismology provides two powerful constraints on the solar composition: diagnostics of the internal solar temperature gradient and diagnostics of the equation of state. Inversions of the observed solar pulsation frequencies yield accurate measures of the sound speed as a function of depth. In turn, the gradient in the sound speed can be directly tied to the temperature gradient. Since the temperature gradient is related to the opacity, and thus the composition, information on the solar abundances is encoded in the seismic data for the radiative interior. One can even obtain meaningful constraints on the solar age from the helium abundance profile deduced in the deep interior. In addition to the vector information on the sound speed profile, there are also precise scalar quantities that can be extracted. The thermal structure at the base of the solar convection zone is nearly adiabatic, while the temperature gradient in the interior is radiative. As discussed in Paper I, Section 2.2 the resulting discontinuity in $\\nabla$ generates a distinct signal that can be used to precisely localize the base of the solar convection zone \\citep[$R_{cz}= 0.7133 \\pm 0.0005 R_{sun}$][]{ba2004}. Seismology also sets strict limits on convective overshooting \\citep[$< 0.05 H_P$,][]{cdmt1995}. The depth of the solar convection zone is sensitive to the light metal abundances in the Sun but insensitive to most of the other uncertainties in solar interiors models (see Paper I for a detailed error budget). Ionization also induces a depression in the adiabatic temperature gradient, and the absolute abundances of the species in question can be inferred from the magnitude of the perturbation in the surface convection zone. An extremely precise surface helium abundance can be deduced from this effect ($Y_{surf}=0.2483 \\pm 0.0046$, see Paper I, Section 2.3 for the sources used in this estimate). More recently, \\citet{ab2006} have demonstrated that the ionization signal of metals in the convection zone can be detected in the seismic data, leading to a bulk metallicity $Z=0.017 \\pm 0.002$. Because the majority of the solar metals are in the form of CNO, this is primarily a constraint on their abundance. In principle one might be able to use this technique to solve for individual heavy element abundances by fitting the strength of distinct ionization stages. However, it is not yet clear that there is sufficient spatial resolution in the seismic data to permit such a detailed analysis. In Paper I we demonstrated that the combination of the surface convection zone depth and surface helium abundance constraints was a powerful diagnostic of the solar heavy element abundances. The surface helium abundance is tied to the initial solar helium abundance with a correction for gravitational settling. The initial helium is sensitive to the central opacity and the abundances of the heavier metals (especially iron). The convection zone depth is sensitive to the opacity at temperatures ~ 2 million K, where bound-free opacity from light metals (CNONe) is an important contributor. The most significant new finding in Paper I was that the combination of the two scalar constraints could be used to rule out some abundance combinations with high statistical significance. The detailed sound speed profile adds additional information; we found that models consistent with the scalar constraints could be constructed with low oxygen and very high neon, but such models exhibited substantial sound speed deviations relative to solar data in the deep interior. The inferred solar oxygen and iron abundances ($[O/H]=8.86 \\pm 0.05, [Fe/H]= 7.50 \\pm 0.05$) are consistent with the \\citet{gs1998} absolute abundances, but strongly inconsistent with the new abundance scale within its quoted errors \\citep{l2003,ags2005}. Although there are potentially positive chemical evolution consequences for the revised abundance scale \\citep{turck2004}, it is not easy to generate interiors models that are consistent with both seismology and the low abundance scale. The most commonly cited possible explanations on the interiors side (high neon, enhanced gravitational settling, and errors in the high temperature radiative opacities) are all strongly disfavored. As previously mentioned, solutions with high neon degrade agreement with the sound speed profile, and are also problematic from a stellar atmospheres perspective \\citep{s2005}. An increase in the degree of gravitational settling increases the convection zone depth but decreases surface helium, trading improved agreement with one diagnostic for worse agreement in another. Enhanced differential settling of metals with respect to helium is inconsistent with the underlying physics and would have to be extreme \\citep{gwc2005}. Three independent quantum mechanical calculations yield extremely similar Rosseland mean opacities at the temperatures of interest for the base of the solar convection zone. As discussed in Paper I, both the atomic physics and equation of state are relatively simple in this regime, and the concordance between different calculations is thus not a surprise. Physical processes neglected in classical stellar models (such as rotational mixing and radiative acceleration) can be independently constrained by other data, and in any case they would tend to induce higher rather than lower surface abundances. The scalar constraints are insensitive to the other theoretical ingredients in standard solar models (e.g. convection theory, surface boundary conditions, low temperature opacities, equation of state, and nuclear reaction rates). The considerations above indicate that it is extremely challenging to reconcile a low solar metal abundance with current stellar interiors models and seismic data. This does not imply that a metal-poor Sun is impossible, but it certainly motivates an investigation of the uncertainty in the atmospheres models used to derive the abundances. \\subsection{Model Atmosphere Ingredients} The new solar abundance estimates are derived from a variety of changes in the model atmospheres. Changes in oscillator strengths and equivalent widths of spectral lines contribute for some diagnostics, and as discussed below we largely concur with the revised values. The magnitude of non-LTE corrections depends on the atomic model and the relative importance of photo-excitation and collisions on the level populations in the model atmosphere. The comprehensive re-examinations of the solar oxygen \\citep[hereafter AGSAK04]{agsak2004} and carbon \\citep[hereafter AGSAB05]{agsab2005} adopted a particular model for NLTE corrections, and we assess its accuracy and uncertainties by comparison with limb darkening data and other published calculations. In \\citet{pla2001,pla2002} the abundances derived from forbidden lines have been reduced by the application of blending corrections; AGSAK04 and AGSAB05 used the revised equivalent widths for C and O abundance studies. Both the uncertainty in these corrections and their central value is incorporated in our error analysis. Three other coupled changes in the atmosphere models are the treatment of convective velocity fields (``macro/microturbulence''), horizontal temperature fluctuations (granulation), and the impact of convective overshooting on the mean thermal stratification. All of these features are derived from numerical convection simulations; a good discussion can be found in \\citet{sn1998}. Their combined impact can be deduced by the comparison of the results in the 3D case in the published studies with the results from the semi-empirical 1D HM74 thermal structure and the theoretical 1D MARCS models. Since the initial 3D model atmosphere is derived with physics similar to that in the MARCS code, the impact of the convection treatment can be indirectly inferred by comparing MARCS and 3D abundances. A comparison of HM74 with MARCS and 3D is a measure of the impact of different choices of the thermal structure. The numerical convection simulations predict line profiles in excellent agreement with the data for iron and silicon lines \\citep{asplund2000a,asplund2000b}. There are some trends with excitation potential that may be related to NLTE corrections \\citep{stb2001} and issues with the initial generation of simulations when compared with line profiles in the outer solar photosphere \\citep{scott2006}. The concordance of the predicted amplitude of horizontal temperature fluctuations with the solar granulation pattern is encouraging \\citep{sn1998, asplund2000a}. The validity of the steep solar temperature gradient in the simulations is not as clear; there is an apparent conflict between the simulations and the mean thermal structure of the solar atmosphere, as well as the degree of convective penetration for the upper atmospheric layers \\citep{ay2006}. Since these effects are all tied together in the abundance studies, we focus on the agreement between different diagnostics of abundance as a valuable test of the precision of the results obtained from different atmospheric models. ", "conclusions": "Our basic conclusion is simple: the difference between the solar CNO abundances as derived from model atmospheres and model interiors considerations is not statistically significant. The systematic errors in photospheric abundance indicators will have to be reduced before a ``solar abundance problem'' can be established (or ruled out) with confidence. However, the disagreement between the solar thermal structure and that of the simulations would favor the higher abundance scale, and there is some recently published evidence to that effect. If this is confirmed, it switches the nature of the problem from being a question of the correct abundance scale to a question of the uncertainties in numerical convection simulations. We begin with a synthesis and explanation of our findings. We then divide our conclusions into two parts. We recommend steps to more firmly establish the photospheric abundance scale, and contend that accurate solar abundances require tests of the thermal structure of the models and the magnitude of non-LTE abundance corrections. In our final subsection we then gather together evidence that the atmospheric abundance scale problem may be tied to the limited resolution in the convection simulations or errors in the underlying model atmosphere treatment. The consequences for the solar beryllium abundance, which is a useful diagnostic of internal mixing, are also explored. The two main justifications for the superiority of the 3D hydro atmospheres are the treatment of line broadening and the inclusion of granulation. Both of these represent genuine improvements in the atmospheric physics. However, neither of these effects is actually primarily responsible for the difference in the solar abundance scale. Many of the abundance indicators are insensitive to the effective microturbulence. If temperature fluctuations are imposed on a semi-empirical Holweger-Mueller atmosphere, the resulting granulation corrections are usually smaller than the 3D convection effects reported by Asplund and collaborators, and frequently opposite in sign \\citep{h2001}. The main driver behind the systematic reductions in abundance derived from the 3D models is a theoretically predicted change in the thermal structure, coupled with large assumed non-LTE corrections for atomic features. Neither of these changes is directly supported by observational tests. Instead, the argument for the superiority of the abundances derived from the newer model atmospheres is an indirect one, focused on the concordance of abundances derived from different indicators. A consistent chain of logic emerges from the comprehensive studies of oxygen (AGSAK04) and carbon (AGSAB05). Classical LTE model atmospheres tend to yield internally consistent, and high, carbon and oxygen abundances for atomic and molecular indicators. The application of a different thermal structure in the 3D hydro atmospheres drastically reduces the abundances inferred from highly temperature sensitive molecular indicators, but has a smaller effect on atomic features. Large NLTE corrections are then applied to the abundances derived from permitted atomic features for both 1D and 3D models. The net result is that the abundance estimates from 1D models become internally inconsistent (atomic indicators yield lower abundances than molecular ones), while abundances derived from the 3D models are internally consistent. The abundances derived from forbidden lines are insensitive to NLTE effects, but they are reduced in the newer generation of models by the inclusion of blending features. As a secondary argument, the fits to individual indicators are argued to be superior in the 3D models when compared to the fits to individual indicators in the 1D models. This approach is appealing on the surface, but when examined in detail the picture is decidedly more ambiguous. If anything, the hints from the data would lean towards the opposite conclusion. The abundances derived from forbidden lines have the smallest systematic errors, but errors in both the theoretical oscillator strengths and the treatment of blending features result in non-negligible random errors. More to the point, the internal consistency of abundances derived from forbidden and molecular lines is actually similar in the 3D and 1D cases. From Table 1, the forbidden and molecular oxygen abundances are (8.71, 8.64) for 3D and (8.77, 8.84) for the HM; the differences are identical. Given the errors, neither discrepancy is statistically significant with high confidence. The abundances reported for permitted atomic features in AGSAK04 and AGSAB05 are significantly lower for 1D models than the corresponding molecular abundances, while the reported 3D results are in agreement. In the case of oxygen, this rests completely on the assignment of large NLTE corrections. These corrections were obtained under the assumption that hydrogen collisions were unimportant. Detailed studies of the response of the triplet to limb-darkening indicate that models including hydrogen collisions are favored, and the inferred NLTE corrections decrease. As a result, the internal consistency of the oxygen indicators is comparable for the different classes of atmospheres. Nitrogen is consistent for HM74 models and inconsistent (but at less than $2 \\sigma$) for the 3D case. In the case of carbon, the situation is made more complex by significant zero-point offsets between earlier studies of carbon abundances that are not explained. Again, the assignment of larger NLTE corrections is uncertain (and, unlike the case of oxygen, not directly tested against limb-darkening data). A clean distinction between models on the basis of consistency is not obtained. However, the 3D models do yield different molecular and atomic abundances for both N and O, and might also do so for C. One might then hope to find distinct differences in the quality of the fits to different molecular indicators. The usual patterns, unfortunately, manifest themselves as simple zero-point shifts. For every case where there are issues with the 1D models (e.g. small trends with excitation potential in the [O/H] derived from (v,r) OH transitions in the HM model) there are comparable or larger effects for the 3D models (e.g. substantial trends in the [O/H] derived from (r,r) OH transitions). In a recent preprint, \\citet{scott2006} examined CO indicators, and the resulting pattern is illustrative. The 3D models yielded similar results for two of the three features studied, while the 1D models performed better in a different pair of indicators. The $C^{12}/C^{13}$ ratio from the 1D models ranges from 69 to 84, while the same ratio for the 3D models ranges from 83 to 108. These values should be contrasted with the expected terrestrial ratio of 89. Scott et al. (2006) choose comparisons that favor the 3D models, while an advocate of the traditional models might reasonably stress the other cases. In our view, the best choice of models is not clearly distinguishable from the CNO abundance studies. We recommend caution when extrapolating these model results to other stars, where the differential effects can be even more drastic. \\subsection{Establishing the Absolute Photospheric Abundance Scale} The single most important test that is required for atmospheres theory is a discriminant between the different proposed thermal structures of the solar atmosphere. The recent paper by Ayres et al. (2006) makes an important contribution by making direct comparisons of solar data with the thermal properties of the simulations. They present evidence that the solar center-to-limb variations in continuum flux are inconsistent with the predictions of the 3D hydro simulations. They also note that the predicted magnitude of fluctuations in the upper atmosphere from the simulations appears to be larger than the observed pattern. Ayres et al. then construct an empirical model of the atmosphere and derive a high oxygen abundance (8.85) from CO molecular features under the assumption of a fixed C/O ratio. In retrospect this conclusion is not surprising. The HM model is not a purely theoretical exercise; it was constructed to reproduce the mapping of the source function as a function of optical depth inferred from limb darkening studies of continuum flux and strong lines \\citep[see also][]{arg1998}. The relative trends we have inferred from atomic and molecular abundance indicators support the conclusions of Ayres et al., but the current errors make our evidence in this matter suggestive but not conclusive. It would also be highly beneficial to repeat the HM exercise with the full 3D models as opposed to the restricted form of them that Ayres et al. (2006) had available to them. Ultimately, the absolute accuracy of photospheric abundances is directly tied to the absolute accuracy of the thermal structure. This suggests that an approach similar to that of \\citet{sh2002} may be the optimal one. In their paper they examined the impact of temperature fluctuations around an assumed mean empirical thermal structure, which in their case was the HM74 model. Interestingly, the abundance corrections that they derive would act in the sense of increasing the concordance between abundance indicators. Oxygen abundances from atomic indicators would be slightly increased; although they did not consider molecular features directly, the net effect would certainly have the same sign as that obtained from 3D hydro models, namely a decrease in the inferred abundance. In such a differential approach, deviations between the mean structure of the simulations and the empirical data would be used as guidance concerning the underlying physics. In contrast, the 3D model abundances assume that the ab initio profile is correct. A similar approach could be employed for the velocity field that replaces the microturbulence and macroturbulence in traditional 1D atmospheres. A second ingredient that must be tested empirically, rather than by theoretical assertion, is the magnitude of NLTE corrections. The available evidence suggests that NLTE corrections are in general small for the Sun, but for the level of precision required in the absolute abundance scale these small corrections are significant. Studies of different spectral features yield different conclusions about the physical model employed in NLTE studies. This implies that there are significant uncertainties in absolute theoretical calculations. Fortunately, NLTE corrections can be constrained by the response of line strength to limb darkening in the Sun. It should be possible to develop improved theoretical models with a sufficient database of information developed in this fashion. One other stringent test of NLTE effects may be to focus on the species whose relative abundances can be reliably inferred from meteoritic data. For example, NLTE effects may be significant for iron \\citep{stb2001} but less so for Si \\citep{w2001}. \\citet{h2001} noted that there may be a conflict between the photospheric and meteoritic Fe/Si ratio, albeit one of marginal significance. A similar situation may exist for Na \\citep{ags2005}. Another tractable problem is the absolute error for the forbidden C and O lines. In these cases, uncertainties in the line profiles and continuum levels should be included. Better atomic data (such as oscillator strengths for both the lines and the blending features) would also be useful. The accuracy of the theoretically predicted turbulent velocity field as a function of optical depth should also be subjected to a more rigorous analysis. \\citet{scott2006} present evidence that the generation of simulations used for the abundance analysis yielded poor fits to the line bisectors of CO lines. Higher resolution simulations gave better line profile fits, but for (unspecified) unrealistically high C/O abundances. The higher resolution simulations were not employed in the CO abundance analysis in that paper. It is worth keeping in mind that line profiles are integral quantities, and as a result the uniqueness of the solutions is not established by individual cases of good fits. This is particularly true when the abundance itself is treated as a free parameter. It would be extremely useful if future papers on abundances derived using numerical simulations illustrated individual line fits, as well as quantifying the actual impact of the ``effective microturbulence'' on the abundance estimates. It is useful to separate out the impact of velocity broadening from the effect of granulation and temperature gradient changes. This can be done by using the mean thermal structure and temperature fluctuations from the simulations and a more traditional micro/macroturbulence model to infer abundances, and comparing the results with the full 3D models. \\citet{scott2006} constructed such a test case (their 1DAV model), and found only small abundance offsets, of order 0.04 dex for oxygen derived from IR OH lines. They also inferred carbon abundances from CO; in this case O was held fixed and the carbon was adjusted to fit different molecular indicators. The deviations in the derived carbon abundances relative to the 3D case ranged from small (0.01 dex for the LE lines) to modest (0.06 dex for the weak $\\Delta \\nu = 1$ lines) to large (0.14 dex for the $\\Delta \\nu = 2$ lines). These deviations may explain the changes in excitation potential that \\citet{ay2006} needed to obtain consistent abundances within a 1D framework. This exercise implies that the impact of the improved microphysics varies substantially for different indicators, and is worth quantifying across the board. An alternate exercise (using the revised velocity field and relative temperature fluctuations while adopting a HM74 mean thermal structure) might also be illuminating. \\subsection{Uncertainties in Numerical Convection Simulations} First-principles theoretical model atmosphere calculations have undeniable strengths. The ability to naturally reproduce line widths and include granulation is a powerful addition to our ability to reliably interpret stellar and solar spectra. The principal difficulty with such models is that errors in the input physics generate absolute errors in the inferred atmospheric structure that cannot be calibrated away in the absence of explicit free parameters. This phenomenon is the major reason why numerical convection simulations have not replaced the simple mixing length theory in stellar interiors calculations. Interiors models that can reproduce observed stellar radii are simply more useful for most purposes than models with a better physical treatment of convection that fail to do so. Before the results from such models are adopted as the new abundance standard, it will be necessary to perform an extensive theoretical error analysis and to compare the models with the strongest observational constraints. We believe that accurate solar abundance calculations must reproduce the observed solar thermal structure, and from the Ayres et al. (2006) paper the Asplund models employing numerical convection simulations appear to yield a temperature gradient steeper than the real Sun. This could be caused by errors in the background (1D) stellar atmospheres treatment; for example, uncertainties in the equation of state and continuous opacities will induce absolute errors in the thermal structure. An approach similar to that employed in interiors models would be useful for assessing the uncertainties in the thermal structure and abundance predictions, and this should be included in the error budget for abundances. It is more likely, however, that the major error source in 3D hydro model atmospheres is related to uncertainties in the numerical convection simulations. The approximations in hydro simulations of giant planet atmospheres are have been demonstrated to be strongly affected by the quality of the assumed physics \\citep{eg2004}. \\citet{zs2006} also provides a good summary of the uncertainties in the related problem of terrestrial and solar dynamo models. Another phenomenon that could be related is the issue of convective overshooting below surface convection zones. Numerical simulations have tended to favor extensive overshooting, and the early models had a substantial nearly adiabatic overshoot region, in conflict with the stringent limits set by seismology (less than $ 0.05 H_p$). More recent 3D \\citet{bct2002} and 2D \\citep{rg2005,rg2006} calculations found that the filling factor for plumes is smaller than previously thought, which led to an overestimate in earlier models of the changes induced by overshooting in the thermal structure. The newer simulations predict strongly subadiabatic overshooting (effectively, overmixing without changing the thermal structure), which is consistent with the seismic limits. However, they still produce a substantial mixed region below the surface convection zone of order $0.4 H_p$. Since even a small overmixing of $0.05 H_p$ drastically increases pre-MS lithium depletion \\citep{mhp1997}, which is already too efficient relative to stellar data \\citep{ptc2002}, it is likely that even this reduced overshooting is too large to be compatible with stellar constraints. We argue that there is a common pattern in both \"undershooting\" and \"overshooting\" above and below convective regions. In both cases, the numerical simulations may be overestimating the degree of mixing and the impact on the thermal structure of convection outside the formal bounds set by the Schwartzschild criterion. There are two plausible error sources that should be investigated. The treatment of heat transfer in the atmosphere convection simulations is necessarily simplified, and this may be leading to an artificial inhibition in energy transport between turbulent cells projected into the radiative atmosphere and their surroundings. Resolution effects, however, may be even more important. Even the highest resolution simulations available today are many orders of magnitude away from being able to reproduce the characteristic Reynolds numbers in the Sun. Scott et al. (2006) found significant changes in line bisectors for the outer layers of their solar model when they increased their resolution, and these changes were in the sense of reducing the temperature contrast in the upper atmosphere and improving the shape of the bisectors relative to data. Numerical tests with substantially increased resolution may shed some interesting light on the sensitivity of the predictions to the underlying numerics; 2D convection simulations may be useful in this regard. We are optimistic that the net effect of such testing will be a greatly improved understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of theoretical atmospheres models, just as we are confident that the net result of the solar abundance controversy will be a far more secure knowledge of stellar abundances." }, "0606/astro-ph0606307_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We report on the results of an EPIC XMM-Newton observation of the faint source SAX~J1748.2$-$2808 and the surrounding field. This source was discovered during the BeppoSAX Galactic center survey performed in 1997-1998. A spatial analysis resulted in the detection of 31 sources within the EPIC field of view. SAX J1748.2$-$2808 is clearly resolved into 2 sources in EPIC images with the brighter contributing almost 80\\% of the 2--10~keV flux. Spectral fits to this main source are consistent with an absorbed power-law with a photon index of $1.4\\pm 0.5$ and absorption equivalent to $14 ^{+6} _{-4}\\times 10^{22}$~cm$^{-2}$ together with an iron line at $6.6 ^{+0.2} _{-0.2}$~keV with an equivalent width of $780 ^{+620}_{-380}$~eV. The significantly better statistics of the \\xmm\\ observation, compared with \\sax, allows to exclude a thermal nature for the X--ray emission. A comparison with other observations of SAXJ1748.2$-$2808 does not reveal any evidence for spectral or intensity long-term variability. Based on these properties we propose that the source is a low-luminosity high-mass X-ray binary located in the Galactic center region. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} \\src\\ is an X--ray source discovered with the Narrow Field Instruments on-board \\sax\\ during a survey of the Galactic Center region (hereafter GC) performed in September 1997 (Sidoli~\\cite{s:00}, Sidoli et al.~\\cite{s:01}). The \\sax\\ spectrum was severely absorbed and displayed an intense Fe~K emission line. The spectrum was poorly constrained, making both thermal and non-thermal nature for the X--ray emission possible. The source, unresolved at the angular resolution of the MECS instrument (FWHM~$\\sim$1$'$), is located in the direction of the giant molecular cloud Sgr~D. At the time of its discovery, the nature of {\\mbox \\src} was uncertain and its intense Fe~K line emission, together with its highly absorbed spectrum, made it a unique object in the GC region which could well represent the bright tail of a distribution of similar unresolved objects significantly contributing to the diffuse Fe line emission (at 6.7~keV) from the galactic ridge (Koyama et al.~\\cite{k:89}; Ebisawa et al.~\\cite{e:01}). Interestingly, \\src\\ displays properties very similar to a class of sources subsequently discovered with the INTEGRAL satellite (see e.g., Walter et al.~\\cite{w:04}, and references therein): these objects show strong photoelectric absorption, hard 2--10 keV spectra, and often display intense Fe line emission. Most of them also show X--ray pulsations, thus indicating that they are likely high mass X--ray binaries embedded in a local absorbing gas. Here we report the results of an \\xmm\\ observation the region of sky around \\src, performed with the main goal of unveiling the nature of this intriguing source. \\begin{figure*}[ht!] \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=0,height=8cm]{5418fig1.ps} \\caption{{\\em Left panel:} Combined (pn+MOS1+MOS2) EPIC image (2--10 keV) centered on \\src. Contours (at 5, 10, 20 and 30 counts/pixel) mark the two sources (the ``main'' and the ``faint'') resolved with \\xmm. {\\em Right panel:} Optical image of the source field, from the ``Second Epoch Survey\" of the southern sky made by the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO) with the UK Schmidt Telescope (digitized plates available from STScI at {\\em http://archive.stsci.edu/}). The star positionally coincident with the faint source is 0600-28834001 in the USNO-A2.0 catalog.} \\label{fig:resolved} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:discussion} In Sidoli et al. (\\cite{s:01}) we reported the discovery of a new X--ray source in the direction of the Sgr~D region, \\src. Our new \\xmm\\ observation allows to resolve it into two sources (sources 3 and 12 in Table~\\ref{tab:cat}), with a brighter ``main'' source contributing almost 80\\% of the source flux in the 2--10~keV energy range. The fainter source is harder (detected only above 5~keV) than the ``main'' one. A possible optical counterpart is the star 0600-28834001 of the USNO-A2.0 catalog (B=18.1, R=13.4), which is listed as [RHI84]10-672 in the Raharto et al. (1984) catalog of M-type stars. The derivation of log(f$_{X}$/f$_{V}$) is highly uncertain, but assuming, e.g., a blackbody emission at kT$\\sim$1~keV, absorbed with a column density of 10$^{24}$~cm$^{-2}$, the 5--10 keV flux translates into a 0.3-3.5 keV flux $\\sim$4$\\times$10$^{-11}$~erg~cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ (corrected for the absorption), and to a log(f$_{X}$/f$_{V}$)$\\sim$1.8, clearly not stellar. Thus, the hardness of the X--ray emission excludes a coronal emission for the fainter source. The refined sky position of the brighter source allows to reject all the possible associations discussed in Sidoli et al. (\\cite{s:01}). The \\sax\\ spectrum was affected by a high interstellar absorption, $N_{\\rm H}$$\\sim$$10^{23}$~cm$^{-2}$, suggesting that the source is probably located at the GC distance (in this case the luminosity in the 2--10 keV energy band is $\\sim$10$^{34}$~erg~s$^{-1}$). A strong Fe~K line was present (with a line centroid of $6.62\\pm0.30$~keV), and a good fit was obtained both with a power-law plus a Gaussian line, and with a hot thermal plasma model with a temperature, kT, of $6^{+35} _{-4}$~keV. Thus, the \\sax\\ spectrum was consistent with both thermal and non-thermal models. The significantly better statistics of the \\xmm\\ spectrum and the smaller uncertainties in the spectral slope, favor a non-thermal nature for the X--ray emission of the ``main'' source. A hard power-law ($\\Gamma \\sim$ 1.4) is a good fit to the data, with an iron line and a high photoelectric absorption (\\nh = 10--20~$\\times$10$^{22}$~cm$^{-2}$). The absorption is probably not intrinsic, since the source is located within about 1~degree from the direction of the Galactic center. Thermal models do not fit the X--ray spectrum as well, and result in very high temperatures (for example, a thermal plasma should be hotter than 15~keV). Among the thermal models tried, the blackbody is the best in fitting the spectrum, but results in a high temperature ($\\sim$2~keV) and in an emitting region of less then 0.1~km at the galactic center distance. Thus, the X--ray spectral shape favors a non-thermal nature for the X--ray emission. The X--ray emission appears to be stable; the ``main'' source has been detected at large off-axis angle during two previous \\xmm\\ observations performed in September 2000 and March 2003 (both pointed at the SNR G0.9+0.1). In both occasions, \\src\\ did not show evidence for any strong flux variability. Moreover, the total emission from ``main'' plus ``faint'' source, is compatible with that observed with \\sax\\ in 1997 (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:sax}). These properties are suggestive of three possibilities: a binary system containing a compact object, a background AGN, or reflection from a molecular cloud core (e.g., similar to the X--rays emission and fluorescent iron line produced from the molecular cloud Sgr~B2; Revnivtsev et al.~\\cite{r:04}). This third possibility, already discussed in Sidoli et al.~\\cite{s:01}, seems now unlikely, based on the high spatial resolution of the \\xmm\\ observation. The compact cores contained in the giant molecular cloud Sgr~B2, for example, are about 1~pc in size (Lis \\& Goldsmith~\\cite{lg:91}), while the \\xmm\\ spatial resolution (FWHM$\\sim$6$''$) allows us to exclude a source with a size larger than $\\sim$0.25~pc at a distance of 8.5~kpc. The shape of the X--ray spectrum and the parameters of the iron line are consistent with a background AGN. It should be a nearby object, since the Fe line is not red-shifted. Assuming a distance of 5~Mpc, the 2--10~keV unabsorbed flux corresponds to a luminosity of $\\sim$3.4$\\times$10$^{39}$~erg~s$^{-1}$, which is quite low, but still compatible with a low-luminosity Seyfert galaxy (Terashima et al.~\\cite{t:02}). Note that no radio counterpart is present in the NED catalogue within 30$''$ of the X--ray position, and \\src\\ does not show evidence for X--ray variability on timescales of years, while X--ray temporal variability and presence of radio emission are typical properties of AGNs. The X--ray spectral properties of \\src\\ are reminiscent of the soft gamma-ray sources discovered with the INTEGRAL satellite (see e.g., Kuulkers~\\cite{k:05} for a review). Several of their X--ray counterparts display hard and heavily absorbed spectra, together with intense fluorescent Fe line emission, indicative of dense gaseous envelopes around the compact object, illuminated by the central source. In few of them, the association with OB optical counterparts and the detection of X--ray pulsations, suggest that they are highly absorbed HMXRBs, not detected in previous surveys at soft X--rays. The derived luminosity of these INTEGRAL sources is around 10$^{36}$~erg~s$^{-1}$, although there is a large uncertainty in the distance estimates, and the true luminosity could be much less than this. \\src\\ lies in the direction of SgrD molecular cloud, near to SgrB2, which is an important site of star formation, so it is not unlikely that \\src\\ is indeed a HMXRB. The low X--ray luminosity suggests that it belongs to a class of massive X--ray binaries with low persistent emission (in the range 10$^{34}$--10$^{35}$~erg~s$^{-1}$), wind-accreting and with no outbursts (e.g., 4U~2206+54, Masetti et al.~\\cite{m:04}). On the other hand, these sources typically show temporal variability on different timescales (sometimes with flares), which has not been observed in \\src\\ (perhaps because of the poor coverage). However, wind-fed HMXRBs are usually quite stable X--ray emitters on long timescales (months or years). Low luminosity wind-accreting neutron stars has been predicted by Pfahl et al. (2002), who proposed that most of the faint sources detected in the $Chandra$ survey of the GC (Wang et al. 2002) could be of this kind. A search for hard unidentified sources from ROSAT PSPC observations seems to confirm that a new class of fainter wind-fed X--ray binaries exists in our Galaxy (Suchkov \\& Hanisch 2004). Other kinds of galactic X--ray binaries, containing neutron stars or black-holes, seem to be unlikely; the luminosity ($\\sim$10$^{34}$~erg~s$^{-1}$) suggests an object in quiescence: but low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXRBs) in quiescence (soft X--ray transients) typically have much softer spectra (blackbody temperatures $\\sim$0.1--0.3~keV; e.g., Verbunt \\& Lewin~\\cite{vl:04}), while black-hole X--ray novae in quiescence have much lower luminosities (Kong et al.~\\cite{k:02}). In conclusion, among the different hypotheses discussed above, the spectral shape (hard, non--thermal), X--ray luminosity, the presence of Fe line emission, seem to favor a low luminosity HMXRB." }, "0606/physics0606083_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A first detailed study of the ground state of the H$_3^+$ molecular ion in linear configuration, parallel to a magnetic field direction, and its low-lying $\\Si,\\Pi,\\De$ states is carried out for magnetic fields $B=0-4.414 \\times 10^{13}\\,$G in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The variational method is employed with a single trial function which includes electronic correlation in the form $\\exp{(\\ga r_{12})}$, where $\\ga$ is a variational parameter. It is shown that the quantum numbers of the state of the lowest total energy (ground state) depend on the magnetic field strength. The ground state evolves from the spin-singlet ${}^1\\Si_g$ state for weak magnetic fields $B \\lesssim 5 \\times 10^{8}\\,$G to a weakly-bound spin-triplet ${}^3\\Si_u$ state for intermediate fields and, eventually, to a spin-triplet $^3\\Pi_u$ state for $5 \\times 10^{10}\\,\\lesssim B \\lesssim 4.414 \\times 10^{13}\\,$G. Local stability of the linear parallel configuration with respect to possible small deviations is checked. ", "introduction": "The behavior of atoms, molecules and ions placed in a strong magnetic field has attracted a significant attention during the last two decades (see, in particular, review papers \\cite{Liberman:1995,Lai:2001,Turbiner:2006}). It is motivated by both pure theoretical interest and by possible practical applications in astrophysics and solid state physics. In particular, the knowledge of the energy levels can be important for interpretation of the spectra of white dwarfs (where a surface magnetic field ranges in $B\\approx 10^{6}-10^{9}$\\,G) and neutron stars where a surface magnetic field varies in $B\\approx 10^{12}-10^{13}$\\,G, and even can be $B\\approx 10^{14}-10^{16}$\\,G for the case of magnetars. Recently, it was announced that in a sufficiently strong magnetic field $B \\gtrsim 10^{11}$\\,G the exotic molecular ion H$_3^{2+}$ can exist in linear configuration with protons situated along the magnetic line \\cite{Turbiner:1999} (for discussion see a review \\cite{Turbiner:2006}). In general, it is a metastable long-living system which decays to H$_2^+ + p$. However, at $B \\gtrsim 10^{13}$\\,G the ion H$_3^{2+}$ becomes stable. This system does not exist without or for weak magnetic fields. The ion H$_3^{2+}$ constitutes the simplest one-electron polyatomic molecular ion in a strong magnetic field. The H$_3^{2+}$ ion has been proposed as being the most abundant chemical compound in the atmosphere of the isolated neutron star 1E1207.4-5209 \\cite{Turbiner:2004m}. A detailed review of the current status of one-electron molecular systems, both traditional and exotic, that might exist in a magnetic field $B \\geq 10^{9}$\\,G can be found in \\cite{Turbiner:2006}. The molecular ion $H_3^+$ is the simplest stable two-electron polyatomic molecular ion. It has a long history since its discovery by J.J.~Thomson \\cite{thomson}. Its exceptional importance in astrophysics related to interstellar media explains the great interest in this ion from astronomy, astrophysics and chemistry communities (for a detailed review, see, \\cite{tennyson}). For all these reasons, there have been extensive theoretical and experimental works on this molecular ion since the pioneering (semi-quantitative) work by Coulson \\cite{coulson}. The first variational calculations \\cite{Hirschfelder} of the total energy of the molecular ion H$_3^+$ showed that the equilibrium configuration might be either linear or equilateral triangular. However, this was not well-established until 1964 \\cite{Christoffersen} when it was shown that the equilibrium configuration for the state of the lowest total energy is an equilateral triangular configuration, while the linear configuration of the H$_3^+$ ion may occur in excited state(s). Since that time a large number of excited states has been studied \\cite{schaad} (for a general review, see \\cite{tennyson}). In particular, it has been found that there exists a single spin-triplet state which appears in a linear configuration ${}^3\\Si_u$. This is also the unique known state of H$_3^+$ in the linear configuration. No spin-triplet states have been found for a triangular (spacial) configurations so far. Although the molecular ion H$_3^+$ is characterized by the equilateral triangular configuration as being the optimal in field-free case, it is expected that in a magnetic field $B \\approx 0.2$\\,a.u. (see below) a linear configuration, parallel to a magnetic field direction, gives the lower total energy and becomes the optimal configuration. Somehow, a similar phenomenon already happened for the one-electron exotic molecular ion H$_3^{2+}$ \\cite{Turbiner:2002} where the optimal configuration is triangular at $10^8 \\lesssim B \\lesssim 10^{11}\\,$G and becomes linear parallel at $B \\approx 10^{11}\\,$G. It is worth noting that for H$_3^+$ in field-free case the difference between the total energy of the ground state (triangular configuration) and of the lowest linear configuration is very small, $\\approx 0.13$\\,Ry, in comparison to characteristic energies in a magnetic field. To the best of our knowledge there exists a single attempt to explore the molecular ion H$_3^+$ in a magnetic field \\cite{warke}. We repeated all numerical calculations of this work following its guidelines with use of its formulas (see below, Tables~I, V, VI) - in fact, no single number from \\cite{warke} was confirmed. However, in \\cite{warke} it was made a qualitative statement that with a magnetic field increase the transition from equilateral stable equilibrium configuration to linear equilibrium configuration may occur. This statement we confirm. We predict that this transition takes place at a magnetic field $\\approx 0.2\\,$a.u. A detailed study of a triangular configuration and of this transition will be published elsewhere \\cite{tg}. Atomic units are used throughout ($\\hbar$=$m_e$=$e$=1), although energies are expressed in Rydbergs (Ry). The magnetic field $B$ is given in a.u. with a conversion factor $B_0 = 2.35 \\times 10^9$\\,G. ", "conclusions": "We study the low-lying energy states of H$_3^+$ molecular ion in linear configuration parallel to a magnetic field from 0 up to $4.414 \\times 10^{13}\\,$G using the variational method in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The total energy curves display a well pronounced minimum at finite internuclear distances at $R_+=R_-$ for the lowest states with magnetic quantum numbers $m=0,-1,-2$, total spins $S=0,1(m_s=-1)$ and parity $p=\\pm 1$. A level distribution for several magnetic field strengths is shown on Fig.~6. If in field-free case there exist only two eigenstates in a linear configuration, but many more states in linear parallel configuration can appear when a magnetic field is imposed. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics*[height=9.5in,width=7.in,angle=0]{Elevels.ps} \\vskip -70pt \\caption{Total energy of the low-lying levels for $B=0, 1, 10, 100\\ \\mbox{and}\\ 1000\\,$ a.u. (energy scale is kept the same for all presented magnetic fields but the reference points depend on them)} \\end{center} \\label{fig:levels} \\end{figure} In general, for all studied states, as the magnetic field increases the equilibrium internuclear distances $R_{eq}$ decreases and the system becomes more compact, while the total energies of spin-singlet states increase whereas that of spin-triplet states decrease. The state of the lowest total energy in linear parallel configuration depends on the magnetic field strength. It evolves from spin-singlet (unstable towards a deviation from linearity) $^1\\Si_g$ for weak magnetic fields $B\\lesssim 0.2\\,$a.u. to spin-triplet (stable towards a deviation from linearity) ${}^3\\Si_u$ for intermediate fields and eventually to spin-triplet ${}^3\\Pi_u$ state for $B \\gtrsim 20 $\\,a.u. which remains the ground state until the Schwinger limit $B = 4.414 \\times 10^{13}\\,$G. It is worth emphasizing that for weak magnetic fields, $B\\lesssim 0.2\\,$a.u., the global ground state is given by a triangular configuration \\cite{tg} and then, for larger magnetic fields, the global stable ground state corresponds to a linear parallel configuration \\footnote{In order to make such a claim that the state of the lowest energy corresponds by a linear parallel configuration we make a very natural physically assumption that there are no any other spacial configuration which may provide a lower total energy. But in order to be rigorous we must investigate the total energy surface for all possible spacial configurations.}. The H$_3^+$ ion in the ${}^3\\Si_u$ state is weakly bound. For all studied magnetic fields the total energy surface well corresponding to the ground state contains at least one longitudinal vibrational state. It is interesting to compare the evolution of the ground state for H$_3^+$ with magnetic field change with that of other two-electron systems (see \\cite{Turbiner:2006London} and references therein). For atomic type H$^-$ and He systems there is no domain of magnetic field where the spin-triplet, $m=0$ state is the ground state: for weak fields the ground state is the spin-singlet, $m=0$ state and then it becomes the spin-triplet, $m=-1$ state for large fields. For the hydrogen molecule the ${}^3\\Si_u$ state is unbound for all magnetic fields unlike the case of H$_3^+$. It implies that the H$_2$ molecule does not exist as a bound system for $0.18 \\lesssim B \\lesssim 15.6$\\,a.u., where the unbound state ${}^3\\Si_u$ has the lowest total energy at infinitely-large distance between protons. A similar situation occurs for the He$_2^{2+}$-ion: it does not exist as a bound system for $0.85 \\lesssim B \\lesssim 1100$\\,a.u. \\cite{Turbiner:2006He2}. What is the lowest-lying excited state for weak magnetic fields $B\\lesssim 0.2\\,$a.u. is not clear yet. This question, and also the whole domain $B\\lesssim 0.2\\,$a.u., will be studied elsewhere. In the domain of magnetic fields $0.2~\\le~B~\\le~5\\,$a.u. the lowest-lying excited state is ${}^3\\Si_g$, then for $B \\gtrsim 5\\,$a.u. the lowest-lying excited state is ${}^3\\Pi_u$. For $B \\gtrsim 20 \\,$a.u., where the ${}^3\\Pi_u$ state becomes the ground state, the lowest-lying excited state is ${}^3\\Si_u$. However, at $B \\gtrsim 1000 \\,$a.u. until the Schwinger limit the lowest-lying excited state is ${}^3\\De_g$. It is interesting to note that at $B = 1000\\,$a.u. the H$_3^+$ ion exists with ${}^3\\Pi_u$ as the ground state ($E_T=-44.54\\,$a.u.) with two possible excited states: ${}^3\\De_g$ ($E_T=-40.38\\,$a.u.) and ${}^3\\Si_u$ ($E_T=-35.99\\,$a.u.) with energies below the threshold of dissociation to H$_2({}^3\\Pi_u) + p$ ($E_T=-35.44\\,$a.u.). For larger magnetic fields the situation becomes different. For instance, at $B = 10000 \\,$a.u. for the H$_3^+$ ion ($E_T=-95.21\\,$a.u.) only one excited state, ${}^3\\De_g$ ($E_T=-87.45\\,$a.u.), exists with energy below the dissociation threshold to H$_2({}^3\\Pi_u) + p$ ($E_T=-71.39\\,$a.u.). Similar situation holds up to the Schwinger limit $B=4.414 \\times 10^{13}\\,$G: a single excited state ${}^3\\De_g$ lies below the dissociation threshold. It is found that many states in linear configuration which do not exist for $B=0\\,$ begin to be bound at relatively small magnetic field $B \\approx 0.2\\,$a.u. A study of the existence of the bound states which might appear in a spacial configuration is our goal for a future study. Another goal is related to a study of transition amplitudes for different electronic states. Present consideration is based on the use of a simple variational trial function (\\ref{psi}). This function can be easily generalized and extended in the same way as was done in a variational study of various one-electron systems in a strong magnetic field (see \\cite{Turbiner:2006}). This will allow to improve the present results and might be done in future. However, we are not sure that such a study is crucially important. It is related to a fact that typical accuracies in astronomical observations of neutron star radiation would not be higher $10^{-3} - 10^{-4}$ unlike to spectroscopical accuracies in laboratory where they can be by several orders of magnitude higher." }, "0606/astro-ph0606131_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Clio is an adaptive-optics camera mounted on the 6.5 meter MMT optimized for diffraction-limited L' and M-band imaging over a $\\sim15''$ field. The instrument was designed from the ground up with a large well-depth, fast readout thermal infrared ($\\sim 3-5\\:\\mu m$) 320 by 256 pixel InSb detector, cooled optics, and associated focal plane and pupil masks (with the option for a coronograph) to minimize the thermal background and maximize throughput. When coupled with the MMT's adaptive secondary AO (two warm reflections) system's low thermal background, this instrument is in a unique position to image nearby warm planets, which are the brightest in the L' and M-band atmospheric windows. We present the current status of this recently commissioned instrument that performed exceptionally during first light. Our instrument sensitivities are impressive and are sky background limited: for an hour of integration, we obtain an L'-band 5 $\\sigma$ detection limit of of 17.0 magnitudes (Strehl $\\sim 80\\%$) and an M-band limit of 14.5 (Strehl $\\sim 90\\%$). Our M-band sensitivity is lower due to the increase in thermal sky background. These sensitivities translate to finding relatively young planets five times Jupiter mass (M$_{Jup}$) at 10 pc within a few AU of a star. Presently, a large Clio survey of nearby stellar systems is underway including a search for planets around solar-type stars, M dwarfs, and white dwarfs. Even with a null result, we can place strong constraints on planet distribution models. ", "introduction": "Despite the exhaustive search for extrasolar planets, only one confirmed exoplanet orbiting around the brown dwarf 2M1207 has been imaged through VLT/NACO observations~\\cite{2005A&A...438L..25C}. The first detection of exoplanet photons resulted from Spitzer observations of a secondary eclipse in a known planetary system; however, the system was not resolved~\\cite{2005ApJ...626..523C}. The contrast levels needed to discern Jupiter-sized planets visibly (or even in the near-IR) from their bright stars typically require next generation hardware. Thus, the $>100$ \\emph{indirect} planet discoveries have resulted mostly from high-precision radial velocity (RV) surveys where some have been followed up with transit studies to determine the physical properties of a planetary system~\\cite{2005PThPS.158...24M}. A handful, including Jupiter-sized planet TrES-1~\\cite{2004ApJ...613L.153A}, have turned up in transit studies (e.g. TrES, OGLE) and been confirmed. However, RV and transit surveys are inherently biased towards large, close-in planets, leaving lower-mass planets on orbits with wider semi-major axes largely unexplored and their distributions unknown. Direct imaging is well-poised to uncover planets at greater separations from stars and therefore complements current RV techniques. At present, direct imaging can uncover the distribution and properties of extrasolar giant planets (EGP) and place strong constraints on current evolutionary models. The $3-5\\:\\mu m$ imaging offers a new window for tackling these scientific questions. ", "conclusions": "The instrument is in a state where it can be used for routine observations and is able to set very interesting new limits in planet detection. We are finally able to do a systematic survey of a wide variety of nearby systems and place mass constraints down to 5 M$_{Jup}$ even for moderate age systems. In the future, we hope to extend the capabilities of our instrument through the addition of L' and M-band PSF shaping phase plates and a grism for crude spectroscopy of our objects. We plan to investigate other coronographic techniques to improve 3-5 micron contrasts." }, "0606/astro-ph0606125_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Hollerbach and R\\\"udiger have reported a new type of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in magnetized Taylor-Couette flow in the presence of combined axial and azimuthal magnetic fields. The salient advantage of this ``helical'' MRI (HMRI) is that marginal instability occurs at arbitrarily low magnetic Reynolds and Lundquist numbers, suggesting that HMRI might be easier to realize than standard MRI (axial field only). We confirm their results, calculate HMRI growth rates, and show that in the resistive limit, HMRI is a weakly destabilized inertial oscillation propagating in a unique direction along the axis. But we report other features of HMRI that make it less attractive for experiments and for resistive astrophysical disks. Growth rates are small and require large axial currents. More fundamentally, instability of highly resistive flow is peculiar to infinitely long or periodic cylinders: finite cylinders with insulating endcaps are shown to be stable in this limit. Also, keplerian rotation profiles are stable in the resistive limit regardless of axial boundary conditions. Nevertheless, the addition of toroidal field lowers thresholds for instability even in finite cylinders. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is probably the main source of turbulence and accretion in sufficiently ionized astrophysical disks \\cite{bh98}. MRI was first discovered theoretically \\cite{ve59,chan60,bh91}, then later supported numerically \\cite{hgb95,bnst95,mt95}, but has never been directly observed in astronomy. No laboratory study of MRI has been completed except for that of \\citet{sisan04}, whose experiment proceeded from a background state that was not in MHD equilibrium. We and others therefore have proposed experimental demonstrations of MRI \\cite{jgk01,gj02,npc02}. The experimental geometry planned by most groups is a magnetized Taylor-Couette flow: an incompressible liquid metal confined between concentric rotating cylinders, with an imposed background magnetic field sustained by currents external to the fluid. The challenge for experimentation, however, is that liquid-metal flows are very far from ideal on laboratory scales. While the fluid Reynolds number $Re\\equiv \\Omega_{1}r_{1}(r_{2}-r_{1})/\\nu$ can be large, the corresponding \\emph{magnetic} Reynolds number $\\Rm\\equiv\\Omega_{1}r_{1}(r_{2}-r_{1})/\\eta$ is modest or small, because the magnetic Prandtl number $Pr_{\\rm m}\\equiv\\nu/\\eta\\sim 10^{-5}-10^{-6}$ in liquid metals; here $\\nu\\lesssim 10^{-2}\\cm^2\\s^{-1}$ is the kinematic viscosity and $\\eta$ is the magnetic diffusivity. Standard MRI modes will not grow unless both the rotation period and the Alfv\\'en crossing time are shorter than the timescale for magnetic diffusion. This requires both $\\Rm\\gtrsim 1$ and $S\\gtrsim 1$, where $S\\equiv V_{A}(r_{2}-r_{1})/\\eta$ is the Lundquist number, and $V_{A}=B/\\sqrt{\\mu_0\\rho}$ is the Alfv\\'en speed. Therefore, $Re\\gtrsim 10^6$ and fields of several kilogauss must typically be achieved. Recently, Hollerbach and collaborators have discovered that MRI-like modes may grow at much reduced $\\Rm$ and $S$ in the presence of a helical background field, a current-free combination of axial and toroidal field \\citep{hr05,rhss05}. \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:backgroundfield} \\b{B}^{(0)}=B_z^{(0)}\\left(\\b{e}_z+\\beta\\frac{r_1}{r}\\b{e}_\\theta\\right) \\end{equation} in cylindrical coordinates $(r,\\theta,z)$, where $B_z^{(0)}$ and $\\beta$ are constants. (When it will not cause ambiguity, we will omit the superscript $(0)$ from $\\b{B}$ and $B_z$ hereafter.) Henceforth, ``standard MRI'' (SMRI) will refer to cases where the $\\beta=0$, and ``helical MRI'' (HMRI) to modes that require $\\beta\\ne0$. In centrifugally stable flows---meaning that $d(r^2\\Omega)^2/dr>0$, where $\\Omega=V_\\theta^{(0)}/r$ is the background angular velocity---SMRI exists only when $\\Rm$ and $S$ exceed thresholds of order unity \\cite{jgk01,gj02}. Remarkably, however, HMRI may persist in such flows even as both parameters tend to zero, though not independently: more precisely, the thresholds are $\\ll 1$ and would vanish if the fluid were inviscid ($\\nu=0$). In a fixed geometry and flow profile, the resistive limit may be approached theoretically by increasing $\\eta$ with all other parameters held constant. The growth rate of inviscid HMRI is then $\\propto\\eta^{-1}$ so that the hydrodynamic case is approached continuously. The special case of toroidal-only magnetic field ($\\beta =\\infty$) is stable \\cite{hs06}. A novel feature of the background state for HMRI is that there is a uniform axial flux of angular momentum carried by the field, $rT_{\\varphi z}^{(\\rm mag)}=-rB_\\theta B_z/\\mu_0$ and an associated axial Poynting flux $\\Omega$ times this. In an infinite or periodic cylinder, the question of the sources and sinks of these axial fluxes need not arise, but in an experimental device, a torque is exerted by the axial field on the radial sections of the coil that complete the circuit containing the axial current. Related to this perhaps, the dispersion relation for linear modes is sensitive to the sign of the axial wavenumber ($k_z$), and the instabilities of axially infinite or periodic cylinders are travelling rather than standing waves, as noted by Knobloch \\citep{ke92,ke96}. This begs the question what should happen to the modes in finite cylinders, a question that has motivated much of our analysis. Even the analysis for periodic cylinders implies two practical difficulties for an HMRI experiment. First, as will be seen, the typical growth rates tend to be smaller than those of SMRI except in regimes where SMRI would also be unstable. Secondly, the axial current needed for the required toroidal fields tend to be quite large: $I[\\unit{kA}]=5 B_\\theta r[\\mbox{kG-cm}]$. In Section \\ref{sec:theory} we analyze the linear stability of HMRI using complementary approximations, some for infinite/periodic cylinders and others for finite ones. The results are compared with one another and with fully nonlinear axisymmetric simulations. Our conclusions are summarized in Section \\ref{sec:dis}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:dis} We have analyzed the linear development of helical magnetorotational instability in a non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic Taylor-Couette flow, paying particular attention to the effects of the axial boundary conditions. A number of complementary approximations and numerical methods have been used. For infinitely long or periodic cylinders, we confirm that there is an axisymmetric MHD instability that persists to smaller magnetic Reynolds number and Lundquist number in the presence of \\emph{both} axial and toroidal background magnetic field than the standard MRI that exists for axial field alone. The new mode is an overstability and propagates axially in the direction of the background Poynting flux $-r\\Omega B_\\theta B_z/\\mu_0$. In highly resistive flows, the new mode is a weakly destabilized hydrodynamic inertial oscillation. Growth depends also on the ratio of shear to rotation, \\emph{i.e.} Rossby number: for all aspect ratios $r_2/r_1$ that we have explored, and certainly for narrow gaps, the keplerian Rossby number is stable. Even for those profiles that permit growth, the rate tends to be rather small, except in flows that are sufficiently ideal to permit growth of standard MRI (axial field only). We have also considered finite cylinders with insulating endcaps, which are closer to experimental reality but which do not permit traveling modes that propagate indefinitely along the axis. Astrophysical disks also, of course, have limited vertical thickness. These boundary conditions reduce the growth rate of the helical mode, and stabilize highly resistive flows entirely. The small growth rate may make it difficult to detect the instability in the face of Ekman circulation and other experimental imperfections. In addition, the new mode requires toroidal fields at least as large as the axial field, and therefore large axial currents, which introduces additional engineering challenges. For all of these reasons, the experimental advantage of helical MRI over standard MRI is open to question, as is the relevance of HMRI to astrophysical disks, although it may be relevant to stellar interiors and jets, where the magnetic geometry and the Rossby number may be more favorable. Also, HMRI may have theoretical significance that goes beyond its direct applications. It is not understood why linearly and axisymmetrically stable rotating flows are often also nonlinearly and nonaxisymmetrically unstable, especially since subcritical transition does occur at some Rossby numbers \\citep{ll05}. The fact that even a very poorly coupled magnetic field can sometimes linearly destabilize such flows hints that it might also affect nonlinear transition." }, "0606/astro-ph0606639_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "With the excellent angular resolution of the {\\em Chandra X-ray Observatory}, it is possible to geometrically determine the distance to variable Galactic sources, based on the phenomenon that scattered radiation appearing in the X-ray halo has to travel along a slightly longer path than the direct, unscattered radiation. By measuring the delayed variability, constraints on the source distance can be obtained if the halo brightness is large enough to dominate the point spread function (PSF) and to provide sufficient statistics. The distance to Cyg X-3, which has a quasi-sinusoidal light curve, has been obtained with this approach by Predehl et al. Here we examine the feasibility of using the delayed signature of type I X-ray bursts as distance indicators. We use simulations of delayed X-ray burst light curves in the halo to find that the optimal annular region and energy band for a distance measurement with a grating observation is roughly 10--50\\arcsec~and 1--5 keV respectively, assuming \\chan's effective area and PSF, uniformly distributed dust, the input spectrum and optical depth to GX 13+1, and the Weingartner \\& Draine interstellar grain model. We find that the statistics are dominated by Poisson noise rather than systematic uncertainties, e.g., the PSF contribution to the halo. Using {\\em Chandra}, a distance measurement to such a source at 4 (8) kpc could be made to about 23\\% (30\\%) accuracy with a single burst with 68\\% confidence. By stacking many bursts, a reasonable estimate of systematic errors limit the distance measurement to about 10\\% accuracy. ", "introduction": "Type I X-ray bursts potentially provide a delayed signature in the halo that can be used to measure the distance to variable X-ray sources with a method proposed by Tr\\\"{u}mper \\& Sch\\\"{o}nfelder (1973; hereafter TS73), prior to the detection of the first X-ray halo around GX 339-4 by {\\em Einstein} (Rolf 1983). The TS73 method is based on the phenomenon that grain-scattered photons from an X-ray source travel along slightly longer paths to the telescope than the direct, unscattered photons. Temporal variations in the intensity are therefore delayed and smeared when they appear in the X-ray halo. Using the single scattering approximation, it is possible to predict the delayed light curve as a function of halo angle, energy, and distance to an accuracy that is limited by knowledge of the distribution of dust along the line of sight and by the accuracy of the interstellar grain model. Hu et al. (2004) developed a similar method to measure distances with X-ray halo variability using the frequency domain. The feasibility of the TS73 distance measurement method has been demonstrated by Predehl et al. (2000), who derived a distance of 9$^{+4}_{-2}$ kpc to Cyg X-3 using the source's quasi-sinusoidal variability. In this paper, we examine the applicability of the TS73 method to the abrupt increase in flux provided by type I X-ray bursts, which result from unstable thermonuclear ignition of accreted material on the surface of the neutron star. Sharp and temporary intensity changes, such as that produced by type I bursts or gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), produce a qualitatively different response in the X-ray halo than the response from smooth intensity variations like those of Cyg X-3. For example, consider a smooth change in point source flux over an hour or so. Eventually the halo brightness will reach a new base level corresponding to the new point source intensity, and information on the source distance and dust distribution is contained in the rate of response and the resulting phase shift of the light curve. With X-ray bursts a new base level is not obtained; rather, the burst appears as a slight and temporary increase in halo flux after a time delay that depends on the scattering geometry. The intrinsically small signal-to-noise ($S/N$) ratio provided by bursts makes their potential application as distance indicators particularly difficult, requiring the physical parameters governing the delayed light curve in the X-ray halo be measured to a high degree of accuracy, and requiring careful treatment of the point spread function (PSF). Gamma-ray bursts produce a similar halo light curve, although the problem is much simpler: With spectroscopic determination of the distances to host galaxies of GRBs, the degeneracy between the distribution of dust and the distance to the source is removed. This has been exploited by both the {\\em Swift} and {\\em XMM-Newton} observatories to determine the distances to Galactic interstellar dust clouds along various sightlines (Vaughan et al. 2004; Tiengo \\& Mereghetti 2006; Vaughan et al. 2006). The physical parameters governing the delayed light curve in the halo are the peak and persistent flux, the spectral shape, the scattering optical depth, the scale time of the approximately exponential burst light curve, and the distribution and composition of interstellar dust along the line of sight. Two of the most widely used interstellar grain models are the Mathis, Rumpl, \\& Nordsieck (1977; MRN) model and the Weingartner \\& Draine (2001; WD01) model. The MRN model is composed of silicate and graphite grains with a size distribution of $n(a) \\propto a^{-3.5}$, which reproduces the observed extinction of starlight. The WD01 grain model additionally accounts for the observed infrared and microwave emission from the diffuse ISM by including sufficient small carbonaceous grains. In this paper we use the WD01 interstellar grain model and we assume that the dust is distributed uniformly along the line of sight. The structure of this paper is as follows: We begin by describing the \\chan~observation that was used in this analysis and we briefly discuss pile-up (\\S~2). In \\S~3 we present two analytic equations from Draine (2003) describing the scattering of X-rays from interstellar grains and the resulting halos, from which we derive an equation describing the predicted counts spectrum for an arbitrary range of angles and energies. We also discuss our treatment of the PSF. The derived equation is used to estimate the optical depth to GX 13+1 assuming uniformly distributed dust along the line of sight by fitting it to the observed surface brightness distribution (SBD). In \\S~4 we demonstrate our method for calculating the expected delayed halo light curve of singly-scattered photons from a burst. In \\S~5 we show that, given a particular set of assumptions, the 1--5 keV energy range and the 10--50\\arcsec~annular region yield the highest time-averaged $S/N$ for viewing bursts in the halo. With this binning, simulations are carried out to test the feasibility of applying the TS73 method to type I X-ray bursts. We finish in \\S~6 by summarizing our results. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we studied the applicability of the TS73 method to the delayed signature of type I X-ray bursts in the halo. The signal produced by an X-ray burst in the halo is invariably small. Regular type I bursts last $\\sim$5--150 s, but the scattering geometry, which governs the distribution of time delays, assures that these photons will be spread out over time delays greater than $\\sim$10 ks for uniformly distributed dust. Nevertheless, if the physical parameters governing the light curve of the burst in the halo are well-known, the statistics provided by \\chan's effective area can yield a distance measurement to about 25\\% accuracy with a single burst. By stacking many bursts, systematic errors likely limit the potential accuracy to roughly 10\\%. Although non-grating observations have improved statistics due to larger effective area, pile-up precludes accurate flux measurements (although the transfer streak can be used) and require the use of larger halo angles, decreasing the $S/N$ as the evolution of the delayed burst light curve occurs on longer time scales. Source variability on 200 s scales with 40\\% rms amplitude increase the distance uncertainty by $\\sim$15\\%. The quoted errors assume very favorable source characteristics: (1) a bright source with a flux $\\sim$0.6 photons/cm$^{2}$/s during persistent emission from 1--5 keV, (2) a large optical depth to scattering ($\\tau_{\\rm sca}\\approx$1.4 at 1 keV), both of which increase the $S/N$ ratio of the delayed burst light curve in the halo, (3) a burst with large total fluence, characterized by $t_{\\rm b} = 60$ s and $F_{\\rm peak}/F_{\\rm persistent} = 7$. In the general case, the uncertainty in the inferred distance will be somewhat larger. Finally, note that the interstellar grain model represents an additional source of systematic error. In many cases the distance to Galactic X-ray sources has been estimated using other methods, e.g., using the requirement that the inferred peak luminosity is sub-Eddington, or using optical photometry of the (low-mass) binary companion, and the potential accuracy of the TS73 method applied to bursters may only provide additional distance constraints for a small fraction of all type I bursters. Moreover, if the distribution of dust differs significantly from the assumed or inferred distribution, the distance measurement can be unreliable. A future observatory with a larger effective area and arcsec resolution would provide superior statistics, however, making the TS73 method an attractive means of measuring the distance to a larger subset of the population of absorbed X-ray bursters." }, "0606/astro-ph0606063_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present spectroscopic confirmation of nine moderate redshift galaxy groups and poor clusters selected from the \\textit{ROSAT} Deep Cluster Survey. The groups span the redshift range z $\\sim$ 0.23 --0.59 and have between 4 and 20 confirmed members. The velocity dispersions of these groups range from $\\sim$ 125 to 650 km s$^{-1}$. Similar to X-ray groups at low redshift, these systems contain a significant number of early-type galaxies. Therefore, the trend for X-ray luminous groups to have high early-type fractions is already in place by at least z $\\sim$ 0.5. In four of the nine groups, the X-ray emission is clearly peaked on the most luminous early-type galaxy in the group. However, in several cases the central galaxy is composed of multiple luminous nuclei, suggesting that the brightest group galaxy may still be undergoing major mergers. In at least three (and possibly five) of the groups in our sample, a dominant early-type galaxy is not found at the center of the group potential. This suggests that many of our groups are not dynamically evolved despite their high X-ray luminosities. While similar systems have been identified at low redshift, the X-ray luminosities of the intermediate redshift examples are one to three orders of magnitude higher than those of their low redshift counterparts. We suggest that this may be evidence for group downsizing: while massive groups are still in the process of collapsing and virializing at intermediate redshifts, only low-mass groups are in the process of forming at the present day. ", "introduction": "Groups of galaxies constitute the most common galaxy associations, containing as many as 50--70\\% of all galaxies \\citep{tur76,gel83,eke06}. They are, therefore, an important laboratory for studying the processes associated with galaxy formation and evolution. In recent years, optical and X-ray studies of groups at low redshift have provided new insights into these important systems. In particular, there are strong correlations between the morphological composition of the luminous galaxies, the velocity dispersion, and the presence of X-ray emission \\citep{zab98,mul98, mul03,osm04}. Specifically, diffuse X-ray emission is found almost exclusively in those groups dominated by early-type galaxies. In turn, the early-type fraction is strongly correlated with the group velocity dispersion and, thus, the group mass. In the most luminous X-ray groups, the brightest group galaxy (BGG) is always a very massive elliptical, located at the peak of the X-ray emission \\citep{ebe94,mul96, mul98,hel00,mul03,osm04}. As the peak of the X-ray emission is likely coincident with the center of the group, this implies that the BGG lies at the center of the group potential. Indeed, the position of the BGG is also indistinguishable from the center of the group potential as defined by the mean velocity and projected spatial distribution of the galaxies \\citep{zab98}. The fact that the BGG is located at the center of the potential suggests the formation of the BGG is intimately linked to the formation and evolution of the group itself. Given their relatively low velocity dispersions, groups of galaxies provide ideal sites for galaxy-galaxy mergers \\citep{bar85,aar80,mer85,mil04,tay05,tem06}. This implies that significant changes in the star formation rates and morphological appearance of galaxies may be occurring in groups. To better understand how galaxies evolve in the group environment, groups must be observed over a wide range of cosmic time. However, observations of groups at even moderate redshifts have been limited because of the difficulty of finding groups given their low galaxy densities. \\citet{all93} photometrically selected a sample of groups at intermediate redshifts by targeting known radio galaxies. Their study suggested a progressive bluing in the galaxy population. Small samples of groups at higher redshifts have also been found in deep redshift surveys \\citep{lub98,coh00} and around lensed quasars \\citep{rus01,fas02,nai02,ray03,gra04,fau04,wil06}. The recent completion of very large redshifts surveys now allow large group samples to be kinematically-defined from moderate redshifts up to z $\\sim$ 1 \\citep{car01,ger05}. Wilman et al. (2005a,b) studied a large sample of groups at moderate redshifts selected from the CNOC2 survey and found that the fraction of group members undergoing significant star formation increases strongly with redshift out to z $\\sim$ 0.5. Therefore, there is evidence for some evolution in the group environment in the last $\\sim$ 5 billion years at least among optically-selected group samples. X-ray emission from the hot intragroup medium provides another way to identify candidate groups at high redshifts. \\textit{ROSAT} was the first X-ray telescope capable of finding such systems and large numbers of group candidates at intermediate redshifts were found in deep surveys with this telescope \\citep{ros95,sca97,bur97,ros98,jon98,vik98,rom00,ada00,per02,jon02,bur03}. The ROSAT surveys suggest there is little or no evolution of the X-ray luminosity function of groups and poor clusters out to at least z=0.5. More recently, \\citet{wil05} arrived at a similar conclusion using twelve groups and clusters from the early data taken as part of the \\textit{XMM} Large-Scale Structure (LSS) Survey. Upon completion, the XMM-LSS survey will provide a large sample of X-ray selected groups and poor clusters out to redshifts of z $\\sim$ 0.6 or higher. In this paper, we provide the first results from an extensive multi-wavelength study of nine X-ray selected galaxy groups and poor clusters in the redshift range 0.2 $<$ z $<$ 0.6 selected from deep \\textit{ROSAT PSPC} pointings. Our data allow the first detailed look at the morphological composition of X-ray groups at intermediate redshifts. A detailed study of the X-ray properties of six of these systems based on \\textit{XMM-Newton} observations is provided in a companion paper (Jeltema et al. 2006; hereafter Paper II). We assume a $\\Lambda$ cold dark matter cosmology with $\\Omega$$_{m}$=0.27, $\\Lambda$=0.73, and H$_{\\rm o}$=70 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ throughout this paper. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Group Membership} In most cases, the identification of the group in redshift space is trivial as the spatial distribution of galaxies on the sky coincide with the X-ray emission. However, for a few of these fields, there are several different galaxy systems superposed along the line of sight. This leads to some ambiguity about the true redshift of the X-ray system in two of the nine systems studied here. The RXJ1205.9+4429 field contains two significant galaxy systems, one at z $\\sim$ 0.35 and another z $\\sim$ 0.59. The \\textit{XMM-Newton} observation of this field shows that the X-ray emission is clearly centered on a luminous early-type galaxy that is part of the z=0.59 system (Paper II). Thus, we adopt this value as the redshift of this group. We note that the preliminary RDCS redshift corresponded to the lower redshift system. Therefore, the X-ray luminosity is actually considerably higher than originally reported in the RDCS. The true X-ray luminosity of this system is high enough that it does not meet our original selection criterion, suggesting this is likely a much richer system than the other objects in our sample. \\citet{ulm05} have recently published a detailed study of the X-ray and optical properties of this system and conclude that it is a fossil group. However, our spectroscopy and imaging data indicate that the magnitude difference between the brightest and second brightest confirmed member is $\\sim$ 1.2 mag. in the R-band. Thus, this system is not a fossil group by the standard definition usually adopted in the literature \\citep{jon03}. In the case of RJX0341-4459 field, we measure redshifts for five galaxies in a system at z $\\sim$ 0.41. The five galaxies have a spatial distribution similar to the X-ray emission. However, there are also three foreground galaxies distributed over the same area. As these three objects have very different redshifts, they are not part of a single galaxy system. Thus, we believe the X-ray emission is most likely associated with the system at z $\\sim$ 0.41, although higher resolution X-ray images are required to be sure. Examples like this demonstrate the difficulty sometimes encountered when trying to identify low galaxy density systems (i.e. groups) at high redshift even when X-ray emission is present. We determine group membership for each system using the ROSTAT package \\citep{bee90}. We start by considering all galaxies within $\\pm$3000 km s$^{-1}$ of the group's mean velocity. This is a large enough range to include all potential group members. We then calculate the biweight estimators of location (mean velocity) and scale (velocity dispersion). Objects with velocities greater than three times $\\sigma$$_{\\rm biwt}$ are then removed from the sample and a new mean location and scale are calculated. This process is repeated until there are no more objects to be clipped. This procedure resulted in the removal of one galaxy from three of the groups and none from the remainder. Figure 4 shows the velocity distributions of each member relative to the final mean velocity of the group. The final mean velocity and velocity dispersion are given in Table 2. For all of the systems studied here, the classical velocity dispersion (i.e. $\\sigma_{\\rm Gauss}$, the Gaussian estimator) is in good agreement with the biweight velocity dispersion estimate. For approximately half of our sample, the velocity dispersions are based on only $\\sim$ 5 velocity measurements. These velocity dispersions are rather uncertain. Studies of low redshift X-ray groups suggest velocity dispersions based on a small number of galaxies can be significantly underestimated \\citep{zab98}. \\subsection{The L$_{\\rm X}$-$\\sigma$ Relationship} Figure 5 shows the L$_{\\rm X}$-$\\sigma$ relationship for our nine groups along with the sample of nearby groups from \\citet{osm04} and the moderate redshift X-ray groups from \\citet{wil05}. As can be seen from the figure, several of the groups fall significantly off the relationships found for nearby groups and clusters. The two most deviant points in our sample correspond to the RXJ1334.0+3750 and RXJ1648.7+6019 groups. These are the two groups from our \\textit{XMM-Newton} survey where the X-ray emission is not centered on an early-type BGG (Paper II). In both cases, these groups have very low velocity dispersions for their given X-ray luminosities. There are several possible explanations for why these groups fall so far off the relationships found for low redshift groups and clusters. First, our velocity dispersions estimates for these groups may be artificially low because they are based on relatively small numbers (6 and 8 members, respectively). \\citet{zab98} find that velocity dispersions estimated from the five brightest galaxies can be underestimated by as much as a factor of three. A similar factor would bring our two most deviant groups in agreement with the relationship found for nearby groups and clusters. This idea can be tested by obtaining more velocity measurements. Second, the X-ray luminosities of these groups may have been enhanced or contaminated in some way. For example, the observed X-ray emission may be dominated by galaxy emission that is unresolved with our \\textit{XMM-Newton} observations. While we believe this is very unlikely given the high X-ray luminosities of our groups and the extent and morphology of the X-ray gas, we cannot rule this possibility out without higher resolution X-ray images. Thirdly, the velocity dispersions may have been reduced in some way. \\citet{hel05} have studied several nearby groups that fall off the L$_{\\rm X}$-$\\sigma$ relationship in a similar manner to our groups (although the X-ray luminosities of the nearby groups are nearly two orders of magnitude lower than the present examples). They suggest several physical mechanisms that could reduce the velocity dispersions including dynamical friction and tidal heating. They also suggest that orientation effects can lead to an artificially low observed velocity dispersion. Finally, the low velocity dispersions could be an indication that these groups are in the process of collapsing for the first time and therefore the measured velocity dispersions do not yet accurately reflect the depth of the group potential (see Section 4.5). \\subsection{Morphological Composition} Studies of X-ray groups at low redshift have revealed a very strong tendency for these systems to be dominated by early-type galaxies \\citep{ebe94,pil95,hen95,mul96,zab98}. Table 2 lists the early-type fraction for our groups (based on the \\textit{HST} morphological classifications, where possible). For all but one of our objects, the early-type fractions are in the range $\\sim$ 0.4--0.8. For the four groups with just four to six members known, these fractions could be somewhat over-estimated as our analysis is restricted to the brightest group members, which tend to be ellipticals \\citep{zab98}. However, even for the groups with many more members identified, the early-type fractions are comparable to those of rich clusters sampled out to similar radii \\citep{whi93}. Thus, the trend for X-ray groups to contain a large number of early-type galaxies appears to be in place out to at least z $\\sim$ 0.5. The one exception in our sample is the RXJ0210.4-3929 group, which based on the HST imaging is dominated by spiral galaxies. The large number of spirals in this system make it very unusual among X-ray groups at both low and moderate redshifts. A correlation between early-type fraction and velocity dispersion has been noted for nearby group samples \\citep{hic88,zab98,osm04}, suggesting that galaxy morphology is related to the depth of the group potential. For groups with well-determined membership, the relationship is surprisingly robust \\citep{zab98}. In Figure 6, we plot these quantities for our sample along with the low redshift data from \\citet{zab98}. Among our moderate redshift groups, there is considerable scatter and no indication of a trend between early-type fraction and velocity dispersion. We suspect much of this scatter is an indication that neither quantity is well-determined for most of our groups. However, we note that the two groups in our sample with membership data comparable to that of the \\citet{zab98} sample (i.e. $\\sim$ 20 known members) do appear to follow the trend found at low redshift. In fact, these two groups suggest that the relationship found by \\citet{zab98} extends to the range of poor clusters. As noted by \\citet{zab98}, the relationship cannot be the same as for rich clusters as it would predict an unphysical early-type fraction for clusters with velocity dispersions above $\\sim$ 800 km s$^{-1}$. \\subsection{The Brightest Group Galaxy} Previous work on low redshift X-ray groups indicates that the X-ray emission is usually centered on a luminous elliptical galaxy \\citep{ebe94,mul98,hel00,mul03,osm04}. In almost every case, this elliptical is the most luminous galaxy in the group. As the peak in the X-ray emission is likely coincident with the center of the group potential, this implies that the brightest group galaxy (BGG) lies at the center of the potential. Unfortunately, it is difficult to define the peak of the X-ray emission for the present sample from the low signal-to-noise \\textit{ROSAT} images. However, six of the nine groups have now been observed by \\textit{XMM-Newton} and four of these are consistent with the X-ray peak being coincident with the brightest group elliptical (Paper II). In all four groups with a central BGG, the radial velocity of the BGG is consistent with the mean velocity of the group within the velocity errors. Thus, similar to the case found for nearby X-ray groups \\citep{zab98}, the BGG is likely at or near the center of the group potential in these systems. However, for three of the four groups where we find a dominant BGG, the central object appears to be composed of multiple nuclei (see Figure 7). In the two most spectacular cases (RXJ0720.8+7109 and RXJ1256.0+2556), the central object has three components. Although multiple nuclei in CD galaxies in clusters are fairly common \\citep{hoessel80,schneider83,lauer88}, in the majority of cases there is a large magnitude difference between the various components. In contrast, for both of our three nuclei systems, the second nuclei have R-band magnitudes within $\\sim$ 0.5 mag. of the brightest component. In the case of the RXJ0720.8+7109 group, the second nucleus is the second brightest galaxy in the group. Previous studies of multiple nuclei in clusters have found large velocity offsets between the various components in some cases, indicating these systems are not bound and are thus not in the process of merging \\citep{merritt84,Tonry85,smith85}. For the RXJ0720.8+7109 group, we obtained a spectrum of the two brightest components and find a radial velocity difference of $\\sim$ 200 km s$^{-1}$. Given the typical errors on our velocity measurements ($\\sim$ 100 km s$^{-1}$), our data are consistent with a similar radial velocity for the two components. Thus, the two components may be bound. For the other triple system, RXJ1256.0+2556, we only obtained a velocity for the central component, so we cannot infer anything further about the nature of the multiple nuclei. As noted above, in only four of the nine groups in our sample is the X-ray emission clearly centered on an early-type galaxy. In two of the other groups the most luminous galaxy is an elliptical, but the existing X-ray data are not sufficient to determine an X-ray center (RXJ0341.9-4459 and RXJ1347.9+0752). Thus, we cannot draw strong conclusions for these two groups as to whether the X-ray emission is peaked on the dominant elliptical galaxy or not. For both groups, the brightest elliptical is offset in velocity from the mean velocity of the group by several hundred kilometers per second. However, we have very few velocity measurements for both systems, so the mean velocity of the group is not well-determined and we cannot draw strong conclusions regarding a potential offset of the BGG from the group center. However, the remaining three groups in our sample deviate strongly from the low redshift trend for there to be a dominant elliptical galaxy at the center of the group potential. The RXJ1334.0+3750 group contains a dominant elliptical, but the peak of the X-ray emission is offset significantly from this galaxy (Paper II). The velocity of this galaxy is consistent with the mean velocity of the group within the errors on each measurement. However, given the very low velocity dispersion of this system ($\\sigma$=121$^{+58}_{-45}$) and the small number of known members (6), we cannot draw strong conclusions with the existing velocity data. The most luminous galaxy in the RXJ1648.7+6019 group is also an elliptical, although the group contains several galaxies of comparable luminosity. Furthermore, the \\textit{XMM-Newton} data suggest the X-ray emission is not centered on any particular galaxy, but is instead distributed in a chain morphology similar to the distribution of galaxies near the group center (Paper II). The brightest elliptical is also offset in velocity from the mean velocity of the group by more than 200 km s$^{-1}$. This provides further evidence that this galaxy is not at the center of the group potential. A chain-like morphology is also found in the RXJ0210.4-3929 group. In this case, the brightest galaxies in the chain are spirals. Unfortunately, we do not have \\textit{XMM-Newton} data for this system, so we cannot be sure where the X-ray emission peaks. Regardless, the most luminous early-type galaxy near the group center is nearly a magnitude fainter than the brightest spirals and has a velocity offset by nearly 400 km s$^{-1}$ from the mean velocity of the group. Thus, this group also lacks a dominant central early-type galaxy. \\subsection{Evidence for Group Downsizing} As discussed in the last section, at least three (and potentially five) of the nine groups in the present sample do not appear to have a central dominant early-type galaxy. Furthermore, in three of the four groups where the X-ray emission is centered on a BGG, the central galaxy is not a single object, but rather is composed of multiple components. These observations suggest that most of the groups in our sample are not dynamically evolved. Instead, we appear to be catching them in the process of virialization. The global X-ray properties of these groups are consistent with the properties of more dynamically relaxed systems, however (Paper II). This suggests that the X-ray properties of groups are already in place early in the formation of these systems. Specifically, the intragroup medium properties appear to be largely set prior to the BGG experiencing its last major merger and settling at the center of the group potential. This scenario would also explain the lack of evolution observed in the X-ray luminosity function of groups out to z $\\sim$ 0.5 \\citep{ros95,jon02,wil05} despite the morphological peculiarities we find over the same redshift interval. If true, the temperature of the hot gas component may provide a better indication of the global group potential early on than the velocity dispersion of the galaxies. This might explain the very low velocity dispersions observed for the RXJ1334.0+3750 and RXJ1648.7+6019 groups: The X-ray temperatures of these systems reflect the massive group potentials, but the velocity dispersions of the galaxies do not yet accurately probe the group mass. Cosmological simulations of groups that include both the intragroup gas and galaxies may be able to test this idea. The late assembly of the BGG in groups is consistent with the results of simulations in hierarchical cosmological models \\citep{dub98}. The groups in our sample appear to cover a range in dynamical state and can therefore provide some clues into the formation process of the BGG. The RXJ0210.4-3929 and RXJ1648.7+6019 groups do not yet contain a dominant early-type galaxy and thus they are likely at the earliest stages of group formation. The morphological compositions of these groups are very different, with RXJ0210.4-3929 consisting mostly of spirals and RXJ1648.7+6019 mostly of early-type galaxies. This suggests that both early and late type galaxies can be the dominant contributor to the final merger product. The groups with a multiple component BGG are likely much further along in the virialization process. In fact, the BGG in these groups is probably undergoing its final major merger. Finally, only one of the groups in our sample is consistent with being a relaxed, virialized system (RXJ0329.0+0256). In this case, the BGG is at the center of the group potential as determined from both the X-ray emission and the velocity distribution of the group members and is unlikely to undergo any more major mergers. The fact that many of our intermediate redshift groups do not have a dominant central elliptical is somewhat surprising given that such groups appear to be very rare among local X-ray group samples \\citep{mul03,osm04}. One potential concern in comparing our intermediate redshift groups to local samples is that the best studied local samples were not selected in a similar manner. In fact, the largest ROSAT surveys of groups were performed with very heterogeneous samples of groups mostly drawn from optical catalogs \\citep{mul00,mah00,hel00,mul03,osm04}. To allow a better comparison to low redshift systems, we have selected a sample of nearby X-ray groups and poor clusters from two surveys based on the \\textit{ROSAT} All-Sky Survey: the NORAS \\citep{boh00} and REFLEX \\citep{boh04} group and cluster samples. From each survey, we have selected all of groups and clusters with X-ray luminosities between $\\sim$ 2 $\\times$ $10^{42}~h_{70}^{-2}~{\\rm ergs~s^{-1}}$ and $\\sim$ 2 $\\times$ 10$^{43}~h_{70}^{-2}~{\\rm ergs~s^{-1}}$ in the \\textit{ROSAT} band (i.e. the corresponding selection criterion for our intermediate redshift sample) with z $\\le$ 0.05. Eliminating duplicate entries from the two catalogs produces a sample of 74 X-ray luminous groups and clusters. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these systems have not been previously studied in detail in either the optical or X-ray bandpasses. However, a literature search reveals that 19 of the 74 systems have deeper X-ray images published. The existing data for this subset of groups suggests these X-ray selected systems follow the trends found among the more heterogeneously selected nearby group samples. In particular, in all 19 of the groups, the X-ray emission is centered on a luminous early-type galaxy. Furthermore, we find no multiple-nuclei examples among the 19 nearby BGGs. This suggest that the differences we find between our intermediate redshift systems and local samples are not the result of a selection effect. Rather, the intermediate redshift groups appear to be less dynamically evolved than present day luminous X-ray groups. A closer examination of low redshift samples suggests that there are some local examples of X-ray groups without a central BGG \\citep{mul03,osm04,ras06}. However, the X-ray luminosities of these systems are one to three orders of magnitude lower than the X-ray luminosities of our moderate redshift groups. Among the $\\sim$ 60 low redshift X-ray groups that have been studied in detail with \\textit{ROSAT}, the most luminous example of a system without a early-type BGG is the NGC 5171 group (L$_{\\rm X}$ $\\sim$ 3 $\\times$ 10$^{42}$ erg/s; \\citet{osm04}). Thus, among the most X-ray luminous (L$_{\\rm X}$ $>$ 5 $\\times$ 10$^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$) groups in the nearby universe, there appear to be no known counterparts to the systems we find at intermediate redshifts. The failure to find nearby examples of such systems suggests that the most X-ray luminous groups have largely reached virialization by z $\\sim$ 0. This suggest that we are witnessing group downsizing: While the most luminous (and thus most massive) groups are still in the process of virializing at intermediate redshifts, this process is restricted to much less luminous (and thus less massive) systems at the present day." }, "0606/astro-ph0606580_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Observational and theoretical evidence in support of metallicity dependent winds for Wolf-Rayet stars is considered. Well known differences in Wolf-Rayet subtype distributions in the Milky Way, LMC and SMC may be attributed to the sensitivity of subtypes to wind density. Implications for Wolf-Rayet stars at low metallicity include a hardening of ionizing flux distributions, an increased WR population due to reduced optical line fluxes, plus support for the role of single WR stars as Gamma Ray Burst progenitors. ", "introduction": "Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars represent the final phase in the evolution of very massive stars prior to core-collapse, in which the H-rich envelope has been stripped away via either stellar winds or close binary evolution, revealing products of H-burning (WN sequence) or He-burning (WC sequence) at their surfaces, i.e. He, N or C, O (Crowther 2007). WR stellar winds are significantly denser than O stars, as illustrated in Fig.~\\ref{WRross}, so their visual spectra are dominated by broad emission lines, notably HeII $\\lambda$4686 (WN stars) and CIII $\\lambda$4647-51, CIII $\\lambda$5696, CIV $\\lambda$5801-12 (WC stars). The spectroscopic signature of WR stars may be seen individually in Local Group galaxies (e.g. Massey \\& Johnson 1998), within knots in local star forming galaxies (e.g. Hadfield \\& Crowther 2006) and in the average rest frame UV spectrum of Lyman Break Galaxies (Shapley et al. 2003). In the case of a single massive star, the strength of stellar winds during the main sequence and blue supergiant phase scales with the metallicity (Vink et al. 2001). Consequently, one expects a higher threshold for the formation of WR stars at lower metallicity, and indeed the SMC shows a decreased number of WR to O stars than in the Solar Neighbourhood. Alternatively, the H-rich envelope may be removed during the Roche lobe overflow phase of close binary evolution, a process which is not expected to depend upon metallicity. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=test.eps,width=4.0in}} \\caption{Comparisons between stellar radii at Rosseland optical depths of 20 (= $R_{\\ast}$, black) and 2/3 (= $R_{2/3}$, grey) for HD~66811 (O4\\,If), HD~96548 (WN8) and HD~164270 (WC9), shown to scale, together with the wind region corresponding to the primary optical wind line forming region, $10^{11} \\leq n_{e} \\leq 10^{12}$ cm$^{-3}$ (hatched) in each case, illustrating the highly extended winds of WR stars with respect to O stars (Crowther 2007).}\\label{WRross} \\end{figure} WR stars represent the prime candidates for Type Ib/c core-collapse supernovae and long, soft Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). This is due to their immediate progenitors being associated with young massive stellar populations, compact in nature and deficient in either hydrogen (Type Ib) or both hydrogen and helium (Type Ic). For the case of GRBs, a number of which have been associated with Type Ic hypernovae (Galama et al. 1998; Hjorth et al. 2003), a rapidly rotating core is a requirement for the collapsar scenario in which the newly formed black hole accretes via an accretion disk (MacFadyen \\& Woosley 1999). Indeed, WR populations have been observed within local GRB host galaxies (Hammer et al. 2006). At solar metallicity, single star models predict that the core is spun down either during the red supergiant (via a magnetic dynamo) or Wolf-Rayet (via mass-loss) phases. The tendency of GRBs to originate from metal-poor environments (e.g. Stanek et al. 2006) suggests that stellar winds from single stars play a role in their origin since Roche lobe overflow in a close binary evolution would not be expected to show a strong metallicity dependence. In this article, evidence in favour of a metallicity dependence for WR stars is presented, of application to the observed WR subtype distribution in Local Group galaxies, plus properties of WR stars at low metallicity including their role as GRB progenitors. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\psfig{file=wrpop.eps,width=4.8in}} \\caption{Subtype distribution of Milky Way ($<$3kpc), LMC and SMC WR stars, in which known binaries are shaded (Crowther 2007).}\\label{wrpop} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Observational and theoretical evidence supports reduced wind densities and velocities for low metallicity WR stars, which addresses the relative WR subtype distribution in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, plus the reduced WR line strengths in the SMC with regard to the Galaxy and LMC. The primary impact at low metallicity is as follows; (a) an increased WR population due to lower line fluxes from individual stars, of particular relevance to I~Zw\\,18 and SBS0335-052E; (b) harder ionizing fluxes from WR stars, potentially responsible for the strong nebular HeII $\\lambda$4686 seen in low metallicity HII galaxies; (c) responsible for the reduced density of GRB environments with respect to Solar metallicity WR counterparts. Finally, a metallicity dependence for WR winds may help to reconcile the relative number of WN to WC stars observed in surveys (e.g. Massey \\& Johnson 1998) with evolutionary predictions. Evolutionary models for which rotational mixing is included yet metallicity dependent WR winds are not (Meynet \\& Maeder 2003) fail to predict the high N(WC)/N(WN) ratio observed at high metallicities (Hadfield et al. 2005), whilst models which account for the Vink \\& de Koter (2005) WR wind dependence compare much more favourably with observations (Eldridge \\& Vink 2006), in spite of the neglect of rotational mixing." }, "0606/astro-ph0606549_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It is shown that in strongly magnetized neutron stars, there exist upper limits of magnetic field strength, beyond which the self energies for both neutron and proton components of neutron star matter become complex in nature. As a consequence they decay within the strong interaction time scale. However, in the ultra-strong magnetic field case, when the zeroth Landau level is only occupied by protons, the system again becomes stable against strong decay. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606255_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A newly identified kiloparsec-scale X-ray jet in the high-redshift $z$=3.89 quasar 1745+624 is studied with multi-frequency Very Large Array, Hubble Space Telescope, and {\\it Chandra} X-ray imaging data. This is only the third large-scale X-ray jet beyond $z>$ 3 known and is further distinguished as being the most luminous relativistic jet observed at any redshift, exceeding $10^{45}$ erg/s in both the radio and X-ray bands. Apart from the jet's extreme redshift, luminosity, and high inferred equipartition magnetic field (in comparison to local analogues), its basic properties such as X-ray/radio morphology and radio polarization are similar to lower-redshift examples. Its resolved linear structure and the convex broad-band spectral energy distributions of three distinct knots are also a common feature among known powerful X-ray jets at lower-redshift. Relativistically beamed inverse Compton and `non-standard' synchrotron models have been considered to account for such excess X-ray emission in other jets; both models are applicable to this high-redshift example but with differing requirements for the underlying jet physical properties, such as velocity, energetics, and electron acceleration processes. One potentially very important distinguishing characteristic between the two models is their strongly diverging predictions for the X-ray/radio emission with increasing redshift. This is considered, though with the limited sample of three $z>$ 3 jets it is apparent that future studies targeted at very high-redshift jets are required for further elucidation of this issue. Finally, from the broad-band jet emission we estimate the jet kinetic power to be no less than $10^{46}$ erg/s, which is about 10$\\%$ of the Eddington luminosity corresponding to this galaxy's central supermassive black hole mass ${\\cal M}_{\\rm BH}$ \\simgt $10^9 \\, {\\cal M}_{\\odot}$ estimated here via the virial relation. The optical luminosity of the quasar core is about ten times over Eddington, hence the inferred jet power seems to be much less than that available from mass accretion. The apparent super-Eddington accretion rate may however suggest contribution of the unresolved jet emission to the observed optical flux of the nucleus. ", "introduction": "} \\begin{figure*} \\epsscale{0.75} \\plotone{f1.eps} \\figcaption[f1.eps]{\\label{figure-1} VLBI 2.3 GHz map of the parsec-scale jet in quasar 1745+624 from averaging 6 images from the USNO database (4 mas circular beam plotted on bottom left). The quasar core is the peak (239.0 mJy/bm) toward the upper left. The lowest contour level is 0.3 mJy/bm (2 times the measured rms in the image) increasing by factors of $\\sqrt{2}$. } \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\epsscale{1.75} \\plotone{f2.eps} \\figcaption[f2.eps]{\\label{figure-2} Multi-frequency VLA images of 1745+624. The $\\sim$2.5$\\arcsec$ long radio jet extending to the southwest of the core (placed at the origin) is seen clearly. The lowest contour levels are 0.60, 0.33, 0.40, and 0.45 mJy/beam (3 times the measured off source rms in the images), at 1.5, 4.9, 8.5, and 15 GHz, respectively. The positive levels (solid contours) are spaced by factors of $\\sqrt{2}$ up to the image peaks of 484, 441, 464, and 577 mJy/beam. The elliptical restoring (naturally weighted) beams are plotted at the bottom left corner: their dimensions are 0.530\\arcsec$\\times$0.340\\arcsec\\ at PA=--72$^{\\circ}$, 0.490\\arcsec$\\times$0.305\\arcsec\\ at PA=--67$^{\\circ}$, 0.255\\arcsec$\\times$0.204\\arcsec\\ at PA=--29$^{\\circ}$, and 0.182\\arcsec$\\times$0.128\\arcsec\\ at PA=--74$^{\\circ}$.} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\plotone{f3.eps} \\figcaption[f3.eps]{\\label{figure-3} VLA 4.9 GHz total intensity [I; left] and polarized intensity [P; right] images of 1745+624 at 0.35\\arcsec\\ resolution (beam plotted in bottom left). Contour levels begin at 0.35 (I) and 0.16 (P) mJy/bm, and increase by factors of $\\sqrt{2}$ up to peaks of 441.4 (I) and 18.1 (P) mJy/bm. The tick marks show the orientation of the electric vector position angles, with a correction of --6\\deg\\ applied corresponding to the integrated rotation measure of 28.4$\\pm$0.5 radians m$^{-2}$ \\citep{ore95}. Selected fractional polarization levels are indicated.} \\end{figure*} Quasars form a class of objects that frequently warrant superlatives in their descriptions: 1745+624 (4C+62.29) is no exception. It was identified as one of the highest redshift X-ray quasars at the time of its discovery \\citep[$z$=3.87;][]{bec92} from spectroscopic followup of statistically significant sources from the {\\it Einstein} X-ray Observatory. Further optical spectroscopy by \\citet{sti93} refined the redshift to $z$=3.89, affirmed by \\citet{hoo95}; the latter value is adopted here. After the {\\it Einstein} detection, it was established as a bona fide X-ray source by {\\it ROSAT} \\citep{fin93}, {\\it ASCA} \\citep{kub97}, and {\\it BeppoSAX} \\citep{don05}. By virtue of its high-redshift, it is one of the most radio-luminous quasars known \\citep[cf. Figure~1 of][]{jes03} -- its observed 1.4 GHz luminosity\\footnote{We adopt H$_{0}=71~$km~s$^{-1}$~Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{\\rm M}=0.27$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm \\Lambda}=0.73$ and have converted quoted literature values of luminosities and proper motions to this cosmology. If we assume the cosmology adopted in \\citet{jes03}, $L_{\\rm 1.4~GHz}=10^{28.4}$ W Hz$^{-1}$ (1 Watt = 10$^{7}$ erg s$^{-1}$).}, $L_{\\rm 1.4 GHz}=10^{29}$ W Hz$^{-1}$, is over an order of magnitude greater than that of the archetype luminous quasar 3C~273 \\citep{con93}. It is probably no coincidence that its 2.5\\arcsec\\ long jet \\citep[18 kpc projected;][]{bec92} is also the most luminous radio jet currently known \\citep[that we are aware of; cf. ][]{liu02,che05}, accounting for $\\sim$1/4th of the source's total 1.4 GHz luminosity. This quasar is of interest to us because of this prominent radio jet, visible on both milli-arcsecond \\citep[][Figure~\\ref{figure-1}]{tay94,fey00} and arcsecond-scales (Figures~\\ref{figure-2} \\& \\ref{figure-3}). We were prompted to identify such high-redshift systems with large-scale jets after the {\\it Chandra} X-ray Observatory detection of a $\\sim$2.5\\arcsec\\ long X-ray extension \\citep{sie03,yua03,che04} in the $z$=4.3 quasar GB~1508+5714 \\citep{hoo95}. Subsequent VLBA imaging of GB~1508+5714 has revealed a parsec-scale jet that can be traced out to $\\sim$100 milli-arcseconds \\citep[0.7 kpc projected;][]{che06}, aimed in the general direction of the kpc-scale structure, supporting the jet interpretation. These are the two most distant quasars with a {\\it kiloparsec-scale} jet\\footnote{Adopting the conventional requirement of a jet being at least 4 times longer than it is wide \\citep{bri84}. A single feature associated with a jet was discovered in the more distant $z$=5.47 blazar Q0906+6930 by \\citet{rom04}, but on VLBI scales only.} detected at any wavelength \\citep{che05}. The identification of such systems in the early Universe is extremely interesting for a number of reasons. Jets are signposts for ``active'' black hole/accretion disk systems \\citep[e.g.,][]{beg84}, requiring central nuclei of high-$z$ galaxies to be sufficiently well-developed to sustain gravitational collapse. At such early epochs, it is remarkable that the jet production process is apparently efficient and persists long enough ($>$Myr) to have produced such large (10's--100's kpc-scale) structures. In this context, jets may even serve as tracers of the directionality of the BH/disk axis in these early accreting systems, as chronicled in the ``bumps and wiggles'' in our jet images. Also, these jets are an efficient means to shock heat ambient gas thus triggering early star formation \\citep[e.g.,][]{ree89}. Among other important issues, such high-redshift systems are potentially very important to our understanding of the emission processes responsible for the production of the broad-band jet emission, and the X-rays in particular. Although the number of quasars with kpc-scale jets detected in the X-rays is growing \\citep{har06}\\footnote{See a current on-line census at: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/XJET/}, the origin of this radiation is still in active debate. \\citet{sch02} noted early on that a comparison of cosmologically distant jets with local examples could in principle provide crucial arguments to the debate. This is because the two main contending models for the X-ray emission of large-scale quasar jets -- synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background (IC/CMB) -- have, in their simplest versions, markedly different predictions of the X-ray jet properties with redshift (see \\S~\\ref{section-z}). A high-resolution {\\it Chandra} image of the $z$=3.89 quasar 1745+624 was obtained in an early observing cycle (Table~\\ref{table-1}) and X-ray emission from the arcsecond-scale radio jet is in fact detected and is quite prominent also. Apart from the GB~1508+5714 case mentioned above, evidence has been presented recently for at least one more high-$z$ quasar with extended X-ray emission \\citep[J2219--2719 at $z$=3.63;][]{lop06} with a radio counterpart \\citep[][and manuscript in preparation]{che05}. This makes 1745+624 one of only three very high-redshift ($z>$3) systems with extended X-rays associated with a radio jet. With the scarcity of such high-redshift systems and their importance in current discussions of X-ray jet emission models, we have independently analyzed the archival {\\it Chandra} data. It was also realized that 1745+624 hosts an exceptional jet making it conducive to study. This is because while both the GB~1508+5714 and J2219--2719 cases each show a single faint ($\\sim$1 mJy at 1.4 GHz) arcsecond-scale feature separated from their bright nuclei, the 1745+624 jet is 2 orders of magnitude brighter than the other two cases and shows {\\it resolved structure}. In addition, it is the most luminous X-ray jet observed thus far \\citep[cf.,][]{har06}. To fully exploit the potential of the {\\it Chandra} observation, we have also analyzed archival multi-frequency imaging data from the Very Large Array (VLA), and a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image to map the spectral energy distributions of the extended components in the quasar jet. These data, along with a new deep very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) map of the extended subarcsecond-scale jet are described in \\S\\S~\\ref{section-vlbi}--\\ref{section-chandra}, with a critical assessment of the derived spectra of the kpc-scale components in \\S~\\ref{section-spectra}. The physical properties of these extended components are then discussed (\\S~\\ref{section-discuss}), with comparisons made to the other two quasars with X-ray detected knots at comparably high-redshift ($z\\simgt$3). These distant examples are compared to other currently known X-ray jets in quasars at lower redshift ($z\\simlt$2) in light of expectations from synchrotron and inverse Compton emission models. Our results are summarized in \\S~\\ref{section-summary}. ", "conclusions": "} At $z$=3.89, the 1745+624 system displays a fully formed jet as observed by us when the Universe was only about 12$\\%$ of its present age. For its projected length $L = 18$ kpc, and assuming a constant hot spot advance velocity $\\beta_{\\rm adv} \\sim 0.1-1$ \\citep[see in this context][but also comments at the end of \\S~\\ref{section-hotspot}]{sch95}, the lifetime of the radio source is roughly $t_{\\rm life} \\sim L/ (\\beta_{\\rm adv} c \\, \\sin \\theta) \\sim$ Myr (the jet viewing angle $\\theta \\sim 10\\deg$ is taken here for illustration; see below). This structure signals long-term active accretion at a very early cosmic epoch, along with a roughly stable black hole/accretion disk axis \\citep[e.g.,][]{beg84}. Such large-scale jets (deprojected $\\sim$100 kpc in this case) at high-redshifts are not necessarily rare, though they have not been systematically searched for and studied. \\citet[][and manuscript in preparation]{che05} has only recently identified $\\sim$10 other jets on a comparable scale in a VLA study of a sample of $z>$3.4 (out to $z$=4.7) flat-spectrum-core radio sources; 1745+624 remains the most radio-luminous example observed (\\S~\\ref{section-intro}). Despite the extreme luminosity of the jet in 1745+624, its extended radio and X-ray emissions appear quite similar to other more local examples in regard to its morphology, spectral energy distribution, and radio polarization. This is quite surprising as higher-$z$ jets have propagated through the (supposedly different) intergalactic medium of the early Universe \\citep[e.g.,][]{ree89}. In the following, we first consider available evidence for relativistic beaming in the 1745+624 jet on both parsec and kpc-scales (\\S~\\ref{section-describe}). Then, we discuss the emission properties of the kpc-scale jet (\\S~\\ref{section-discussjet}) and the hot spot (\\S~\\ref{section-hotspot}), confronting the multiwavelength data with expectations from different emission models. Along the way, we make comparisons to other X-ray jets at low and high redshift. Finally, the broad-band data allow us to estimate the energetics of the jet, which we compare to the accretion parameters of the quasar nucleus (\\S~\\ref{section-energetic}). \\subsection{Radio Constraints on Relativistic Beaming of the Jet\\label{section-describe}} Several lines of evidence suggest that relativistic beaming in the 1745+624 jet is significant on the observed scales. Both the radio (VLBI and VLA-scale) and X-ray structures appear one-sided to our detection limits. The best constraints on the sidedness comes from the presented 2.3 GHz USNO map (jet to counter-jet ratio $>$50; \\S~\\ref{section-vlbi}) and proper motion studies with VLBI. Twelve epochs of higher resolution 8 GHz data from the same USNO program, obtained over $\\sim$2.5 years \\citep{pin04}, show a basically stationary inner ($\\sim$1--1.5 mas distant) component, although velocities of a few $c$ are allowed by the formal fit (B.G. Piner, 2005, private communication). Maps from the Caltech-Jodrell Bank survey obtained over a longer time baseline at 5 GHz reveal three superluminal components presumably further down the jet \\citep[][this is the highest redshift object in the sample -- see Figure~1 in the latter]{tay94,ver03}. Converting to our adopted cosmology, their proper motions correspond to apparent speeds ranging from $\\sim$6$c$ up to $\\sim$16$c$. This restricts the maximum angle of the small-scale jet to our line of sight to be $<$7--19\\deg. The superluminal VLBI jet is oriented at PA$\\sim$205--208\\deg\\ in the sky \\citep{tay94}, increasing gradually to $\\sim$216\\deg\\ out to $\\sim$110 mas (Figure~\\ref{figure-1}; \\S~\\ref{section-vlbi}). This further increases out to the visible arcsecond-scale structure (the hot spot PA=227\\deg). The maximal (projected) changes in position angle between the different features is 6\\deg\\ (cf. Table~\\ref{table-2}). The required intrinsic bend in the jet to account for these changing PAs is $\\sim$6\\deg\\ $\\times \\sin(20\\deg)$$\\sim$2\\deg, or even less (supposing the jet inclination $<$20\\deg\\ as indicated by the proper motions). Since we can trace the VLBI-scale emission out to the observed {\\it Chandra} scales, the VLBI proper motions (and only small intrinsic bends) constrain the kiloparsec-scale jet to be aligned within $\\simlt$25\\deg\\ to our line-of-sight, with a likely range of $\\sim$10--20\\deg, or less. Radio asymmetry studies of large scale quasar jets require jets like this to be relativistic \\citep[$\\Gamma$$>$1, with strict upper limits of $\\Gamma$$<$2--3;][]{war97}; these constraints have bearing on the following discussion of the origin of the X-ray emission in the 1745+624 jet. \\subsection{X-ray Emission Mechanisms in the Large-scale Jet\\label{section-discussjet}} The absence of optical emission and the steep radio spectra of the jet knots in 1745+624 preclude a straightforward power-law extrapolation of the low energy (synchrotron) emission into the X-ray band (\\S~\\ref{section-spectra}). The resultant convex broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED; Figure~\\ref{figure-7}) is a common characteristic of X-ray emitting knots in the jets of powerful quasars \\citep[e.g.,][]{schwartz00,sam04,mar05,har06}. As widely discussed, (unbeamed) inverse Compton emission also can not account for the observed excess of X-rays, and it is evident that this applies also to the present example at very high-redshift (\\S~\\ref{section-basic}). We explore the hypothesis that the bright X-ray emission is produced by {\\it relativistically beamed} inverse-Compton scattering of the CMB photons \\citep{tav00,cel01} as advocated by many workers. The main feature of this model is that in order to fulfill energy equipartition, significant beaming of the large-scale quasar jet emission is required (\\S~\\ref{section-beamed}). ``Non-standard'' synchrotron models have also been proposed to reproduce the overall convex radio-to-X-ray SEDs and we discuss this possibility in \\S~\\ref{section-synchrotron}. The main difference between these models is the expected diverging redshift-dependence of the X-ray emission, and we discuss issues and prospects for distinguishing such a dependence from the observations (\\S~\\ref{section-z}). \\subsubsection{Basic Considerations\\label{section-basic}} Generally, one can calculate the magnetic field in a synchrotron emitting radio source if we assume magnetic field energy equipartition with the radiating particles (corresponding to the minimum total energy of the system). In the 1745+624 radio jet, we use the observed radio properties of K1.4 and K1.8 (assuming negligible contribution from relativistic protons and no beaming, $\\delta$=1) to calculate fairly high values of $B_{\\rm eq, \\, \\delta=1} \\approx 180$ $\\mu$G and $200$ $\\mu$G, respectively. These values are more than an order of magnitude higher (due to the exceptionally luminous nature of this radio jet; \\S~\\ref{section-intro}) than those computed in lower-redshift quasar jets \\citep{kat05}, but are comparable to values inferred for lower power FRI radio galaxies \\citep{sta06}. The corresponding magnetic field energy densities of the knots, $U_{\\rm B} = B_{\\rm eq, \\, \\delta=1}^2/ 8 \\pi \\approx 1.3-1.6 \\times 10^{-9}$ erg\\,cm$^{-3}$, are $\\sim$6--7 times greater than the CMB energy density at the quasar's redshift, $U_{\\rm CMB} = 4 \\times 10^{-13} \\, (1+z)^4$ erg\\,cm$^{-3}$ $\\approx 2.3 \\times 10^{-10}$ erg\\,cm$^{-3}$. The latter quantity is, however, comparable to the energy densities of the knots' synchrotron photons (in the case of sub-relativistic jet velocity), \\begin{equation} U_{\\rm syn} \\approx {L_{\\rm syn} \\over 4 \\pi \\, R^2 \\, c} , \\label{equation-usyn} \\end{equation} \\noindent namely, $U_{\\rm syn} \\approx$ 2.8 and 3.8 $\\times 10^{-10}$ erg\\,cm$^{-3}$ for K1.4 and K1.8, respectively. In this estimate, we approximated the knots as spheres with radii, $R = 0.2\\arcsec / 2 \\approx 0.7$ kpc (\\S~\\ref{section-radio}), and took the synchrotron luminosities, $L_{\\rm syn} \\approx 10 \\times L_{\\rm 5 \\, GHz} \\approx 5-7 \\times 10^{44}$ erg\\,s$^{-1}$, as appropriate for the radio continuum extending over a few decades in frequency with spectral index $\\alpha_{\\rm r} \\approx 1$. For the spectral index $\\alpha_{\\rm r} \\approx 1$, the expected X-ray flux densities ($F_{\\rm X}$) from the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) plus IC/CMB processes are simply: \\begin{equation} F_{\\rm X}^{\\rm ssc} + F_{\\rm X}^{\\rm IC/CMB} \\approx \\left({\\nu_{\\rm r} \\over \\nu_{\\rm X}}\\right) \\, \\left({U_{\\rm syn} + U_{\\rm CMB} \\over U_{\\rm B}}\\right) \\, F_{\\rm r}. \\label{equation-ssc}\\end{equation} \\noindent Using the 5 GHz radio flux measurements ($F_{\\rm r}$), this severely underpredicts ($\\sim$0.054 nJy (K1.4) and $\\sim$0.074 nJy (K1.8) at 1 keV) the observed X-ray jet emission by factors of 87 and 42 in knots K1.4 and K1.8, respectively (Table~\\ref{table-2}). \\subsubsection{Relativistic Beamed X-ray Emission?\\label{section-beamed}} The bulk velocity of kpc-scale quasar jets are likely to be at least mildly relativistic \\citep[$\\Gamma > 1$, ][]{bri94b,war97}. This can significantly influence the expected inverse Compton X-ray fluxes calculated above. Specifically, relativistic beaming ($\\delta > 1$) increases the IC/CMB emission, and decreases the SSC one. In 1745+624, the superluminal VLBI jet can be traced out to kpc-scales (\\S~\\ref{section-describe}), so the beamed IC/CMB X-ray emission will dominate over that produced by SSC in the visible jet. Assuming energy equipartition as an additional constraint, the expected IC/CMB flux is (for $\\alpha\\approx$1): \\begin{equation} F_{\\rm X}^{\\rm IC/CMB} \\approx \\left({\\delta \\over \\Gamma}\\right)^2 \\left({\\nu_{\\rm r} \\over \\nu_{\\rm X}}\\right) \\, \\left({\\Gamma^2 \\, U_{\\rm CMB} \\over \\delta^{-10/7} \\, U_{\\rm B}}\\right) \\, F_{\\rm r} \\, \\, \\, \\propto \\, \\, \\, \\delta^{24/7}, \\label{equation-iccmb} \\end{equation} \\noindent since in the jet rest frame (denoted by primes) $U'_{\\rm CMB} \\approx \\Gamma^2 \\, U_{\\rm CMB}$, and the equipartition magnetic field $B'_{\\rm eq} = B_{\\rm eq, \\, \\delta=1} \\, \\delta^{-5/7}$. Here, $\\Gamma$ is the jet bulk Lorentz factor, and $U_B = B_{\\rm eq, \\, \\delta=1}^2 / 8 \\pi$. This gives the required $\\delta = 4.6$ and 3.9 for the knots K1.4 and K1.8, respectively, to explain the observed X-rays via inverse Compton emission. In this interpretation, the (small) decrease of the required Doppler factor along the jet is a direct consequence of the fading X-rays with the corresponding brightening of the radio emission (Figure~\\ref{figure-5}; cf. similar multi-wavelength morphologies in other well-studied jets like, 3C~273 \\citep{mar01,sam01}, 0827+243 \\citep{jor04}, PKS~1127--145 \\citep{sie02}, and PKS~1136--135 \\citep{sam06}). Although there is evidence that the 1745+624 jet is highly relativistic on parsec scales (\\S~\\ref{section-describe}), there are few independent constraints (the one-sidedness of the radio and X-ray jets) to directly support the fairly high Doppler factors on these large scales, as implied in this interpretation. The inferred Doppler factors require minimum Lorentz factors, $\\Gamma\\geq (\\delta + \\delta^{-1})/2$ = 2.4 (K1.4) and 2.1 (K1.8). These approach the strict upper limits on the speeds of large-scale quasar jets deduced from radio asymmetry studies \\citep[$\\Gamma$$<$2--3;][]{war97}. If we assume the 1745+624 jet flow is moving near these maximal values, the derived Doppler factors require that the jet is inclined within $\\simlt$12--15\\deg\\ to our line of sight, in agreement with the values inferred in \\S~\\ref{section-describe}. Given the discussed Lorentz factors of $\\sim$2--3, the Doppler factor is fairly insensitive to jet angles considered; for instance, $\\delta$=5.5--3.6 ($\\Gamma$=3) and $\\delta$=4.0--3.2 ($\\Gamma$=2.1) for jet angles, $\\theta$=0\\deg--15\\deg. Thus we can {\\it just} plausibly explain the level of X-ray jet emission in this jet via the IC/CMB mechanism if we push the speeds to be consistent with upper limits inferred from previous studies, together with the small viewing angles. It should be stressed that these estimates assumed a single-zone emitting region, and there are generally more free parameters in both Compton and synchrotron models invoking substructure in the jet \\citep[e.g.,][]{cel01,sta02,sie06}. Related to the beaming issue, we should remark that the \\emph{observed} radio power of the 1745+624 jet (excluding the hot spot region) is very large, $L_{\\rm 5 \\, GHz} \\approx 10^{44}$ erg\\,s$^{-1}$, suggesting its synchrotron luminosity of order $\\sim 10^{45}$ erg\\,s$^{-1}$ or greater. Such enormous radio powers from \\emph{large-scale jets} (exclusive from extended radio lobes) are quite extreme, so invoking even moderate beaming factors would reduce the intrinsic jet frame luminosity (by 1--2 orders of magnitude) to more comfortable levels. This relativistically beamed IC/CMB model also requires that there is a sufficient number density of low energy electrons to upscatter CMB photons into the observed {\\it Chandra} band. Radio emission would be radiated by these electrons at very low-frequencies (10's MHz in this case) and subarcsecond-resolution radio imaging capabilities at these energies are not widely available. Curiously, \\citet{sti93} noticed that the {\\it integrated} radio spectrum of 1745+624 contains a steep-spectrum excess at low-frequencies; this quasar would be catalogued as a steep-spectrum radio quasar in low-frequency surveys and/or if it were local (the $1+z$ shift in observed frequencies). In our own compilation of radio data from the literature (Figure~\\ref{figure-7}), we find $\\alpha$=0.55$\\pm$0.01 from 38 MHz to 1.4 GHz and $\\alpha$$\\sim$0 at the higher frequencies where our imaging observations were taken. If we extrapolate the observed individual spectra of the (dominant $\\alpha$$\\sim$0) core and steep-spectrum extended component to lower frequencies, it implies that the latter dominates the total low-frequency emission. The well-studied $z$=0.158 quasar 3C~273 shows a similar low-frequency excess apparent down to $\\sim$10's MHz \\citep{cou98} and resolved low-frequency imaging shows its extended X-ray emitting \\citep[e.g.,][]{mar01,sam01,jes06} radio jet does indeed dominate the total flux at low frequencies \\citep[cf. figure~A1 in][]{con93}. Further, although this low-frequency emission in 1745+624 is probably dominated by the (brighter and steeper spectrum at cm-wavelengths; \\S~\\ref{section-hotspot}) hot spot, this does not preclude a low-frequency contribution from the jet. Interestingly, the X-ray spectral index of the jet (Table~\\ref{table-2}) matches the low-frequency integrated radio one, as would be expected in the IC/CMB scenario. Future low-frequency imaging observations can clarify this by showing the relative contributions of the jet and hot spot in this and similar systems \\citep[see][for future prospects]{harris06}. \\subsubsection{Synchrotron Models for the X-ray Emission\\label{section-synchrotron}} In lieu of the beamed IC/CMB interpretation, synchrotron models with non-standard and/or multiple electron components are able to account for the ``excess'' X-ray emission \\citep{der02,sta02,sta04,jor04}. These models are attractive because in nearby low-power FRI jets, it is widely believed that synchrotron X-ray emission is produced \\citep[e.g.,][]{har06}, although they do not show the same convex SEDs, and emit at much smaller (few kpc) scales than the discussed quasar jets (10's--100's kpc scales). The challenge remains to explain the strong upturn in the X-ray band (i.e., the small values of $\\alpha_{\\rm ox}$) observed in powerful jets such as in 1745+624. While it is true that an increased energy density of the CMB photons at $z > 1$ will result in a stronger radiative cooling of the ultra-relativistic electrons, the maximum electron energy available assuming efficient (although realistic) continuous acceleration process is still high enough to allow for production of an appreciable level of keV synchrotron photons. In the case of the 1745+624 jet, the comoving energy density of the magnetic field (by assumption close to equipartition with the radiating electrons, as given above) is lower than the comoving energy density of the CMB photons, $U'_{\\rm B} < U'_{\\rm cmb}$, if only $\\delta^{5/7} \\Gamma > 2.5$. Thus, assuming even very moderate bulk velocity and beaming, the jet electrons cool mainly by inverse-Comptonization of the CMB photon field. In the equipartition derived magnetic field of $B$=200 $\\mu{\\rm G}$, the electrons emitting the highest energy photons detected ($\\sim$6 keV, observed) have electron energies, $\\gamma = E_{\\rm e} / m_{\\rm e} c^2 = (\\nu_{\\rm Hz} (1+z) / \\delta B_{\\rm \\mu{\\rm G}})^{1/2}\\sim 10^8$. Since their cooling are dominated by inverse Compton losses, the appropriate timescale can be evaluated roughly as $t_{\\rm cool}' = 3\\,m_e\\,c / 4 \\sigma_{\\rm T} \\gamma U_{\\rm CMB}' \\sim 4.4$ yrs. This evaluation is rough, because in fact the considered high energy electrons are expected to radiate in a transition between Thomson and Klein-Nishina cooling regimes, since \\begin{equation} \\left({\\Gamma \\, \\varepsilon_{\\rm cmb} \\over m_{\\rm e} c^2}\\right) \\, \\left({E_{\\rm keV} \\over m_{\\rm e} c^2}\\right) \\sim 1 \\, , \\end{equation} \\noindent with the energy of the CMB photon $\\varepsilon_{\\rm cmb} \\approx (1+z)$ milli-eV, and the jet bulk Lorentz factor $\\Gamma$ of the order of a few \\citep[see in this context][]{der02}. For such parameters and the considered electron energies, the `optimistic' electron acceleration timescale $t'_{\\rm acc} \\sim \\zeta \\, r_{\\rm g} / c \\sim 0.01$ yr, where $r_{\\rm g}$ is the electron gyroradius and $\\zeta \\sim 10$ is the efficiency factor depending on the jet plasma conditions \\citep[see][]{aha02}. This is still much shorter than the timescale for radiative losses, while the latter is order of magnitudes longer than the timescale for the electron escape from the emission region. The postulated stochastic acceleration mechanism can produce a flat-spectrum high-energy electron component, with the total energy density not exceeding the magnetic field energy density \\citep[see][for a discussion]{sta02}. The \\emph{observed} synchrotron spectrum of such particles (from the unresolved emitting region) is expected to show a spectral index modified (increased) by the radiative losses. With the condition of continuous injection of freshly accelerated electrons (characterized by a power-law energy spectrum $n'(\\gamma) \\propto \\gamma^{-p}$), such a spectral index would be $\\alpha = 0.5$ for any electron index $p < 2$ \\citep[see][]{hea87}, which is very close to the observed X-ray spectral index ($\\alpha_{\\rm X} \\approx 0.62^{+0.16}_{-0.17}$) of the 1745+624 jet. Moreover, the total luminosity of such a high-energy synchrotron component, if indeed limited only by the energy equipartition requirement, should be comparable to or less than the luminosity of the low-energy (radio) synchrotron component. That is in fact the case, since the \\emph{total} $1$ keV luminosity of the 1745+624 jet (excluding the terminal feature discussed in \\S~\\ref{section-hotspot}) is $\\sim 3 \\times 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ while, as we argue in \\S~\\ref{section-basic} above, the radio jet luminosity is $> 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Note, that in the framework of this synchrotron interpretation, the X-ray-to-radio jet luminosity ratio is not expected to change systematically with redshift in contrast to expectations in an IC/CMB interpretation, and this issue is discussed in the next subsection. \\subsubsection{Redshift Dependence of the X-ray Emission?\\label{section-z}} The simplest versions of synchrotron and IC/CMB models give significantly different predictions for the X-ray jet emission at high redshift because of the strong increase of the CMB energy density $\\propto (1+z)^4$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{sch02}. With all else equal, they predict divergences in the observed X-ray to radio monochromatic luminosity ($f_{\\nu}=\\nu\\,F_{\\nu}$) ratio, $f_{\\rm x}$/$f_{\\rm r}$ exceeding a factor of 100 or more at $z$$>$2 (cf. Equation~\\ref{equation-iccmb}). This difference should be readily apparent in observations of $z\\sim$4 jets like in 1745+624 if the X-rays were dominated by IC/CMB emission. X-ray jets detected so far have observed $f_{\\rm x}$/$f_{\\rm r}$ values which range over 4 orders of magnitude and there is no obvious sign of a $(1+z)$-dependence in the latest large compilation of \\citet{kat05}. However, there are complicating factors which will skew such correlations, in both models, such as source-to-source (and knot-to-knot within a single jet) variations in jet magnetic fields, electron energy densities, and speeds. Particularly in current samples biased toward ``blazars'', the X-ray jet emission is particularly sensitive to the (very small) jet angles to our line of sight if there is significant relativistic beaming on these large scales. For an IC/CMB origin, \\citet[][cf. figure~4 therein]{che04} outlined such a scenario to account for the large $f_{\\rm X}/ f_{\\rm r}$ ratio of the $z$=4.3 GB~1508+5714 quasar jet ($>$ 100; among the largest value found thus far) in comparison to other known, lower redshift ($z\\simlt$2) jets due mostly to its extreme redshift\\footnote{$f_{\\rm X}/ f_{\\rm r}$ can be equivalently expressed as the radio-to-X-ray power-law slope; $\\alpha_{\\rm rx}$=0.73 for GB~1508+5714 \\citep{che04} while $\\alpha_{\\rm rx} \\sim 1.1-0.8$, translating to $f_{\\rm X}/ f_{\\rm r} \\sim 0.1-30$ at lower redshifts \\citep[see figures 5 and 9 in][respectively]{sam04,kat05}.\\label{footnote-x}}. This scenario can be extended to the $z$=3.63 core-dominated quasar J2219--2719 where 6 total extended X-ray counts were recently detected in an $\\sim$8 ksec exposure \\citep{lop06}, and can be attributed to a $\\sim$1 mJy radio feature 2\\arcsec\\ south of the quasar \\citep[thus $f_{\\rm X}/ f_{\\rm r}>100$ also; ][and manuscript in preparation]{che05}. Two quasars showing particularly low $f_{\\rm x} / f_{\\rm r}$ ratios, despite their fairly high-redshifts ($z$=1.4 and 2) also stood out -- these are especially lobe-dominated quasars in comparison to the other examples, and a connection to beaming was suggested \\citep[see][for a discussion]{che04}. One caveat to note is that the Doppler factors required for the knots in the 1745+624 jet (in the minimum-energy + IC/CMB framework) are rather moderate, $\\delta=4-5$, and similar to that found in the GB~1508+5714 case \\citep[][\\S~\\ref{section-intro}]{che04}. The required $\\delta$ in these two $z\\sim$4 quasar jets are at the low end of the corresponding values calculated for lower-redshift objects ($\\delta\\sim$4--25). In fact, these few critical data points at high-$z$ help to define the trend discussed by \\citet[figure 10 therein]{kat05} that the maximal values of $\\delta$ required to explain the X-ray jet emission as IC/CMB {\\it decreases with redshift}. Also, in contrast to the GB~1508+5714 and J2219--2719 cases, the $f_{\\rm x}$/$f_{\\rm r}$ values of the 1745+624 jet are closer to those observed at lower-redshifts (Table~\\ref{table-2} and footnote~\\ref{footnote-x}). Although second-order effects from the intrinsic jet properties should be factored in, the low implied jet Doppler factors and lack of a very obvious redshift-dependence of $f_{\\rm x}$/$f_{\\rm r}$, can be taken as evidence against an IC/CMB interpretation. In particular, if there were more extreme Doppler factors than in the $z$$\\sim$4 quasars observed so far, the large-scale jets would be orders of magnitude brighter and will outshine the active cores in X-rays via the IC/CMB process \\citep{sch02}. Currently however, no such sources have been found in a growing number of high-$z$ radio-loud quasars imaged with subarcsecond-resolution by {\\it Chandra} \\citep{bas04,lop06}, so where are the very highly beamed high-$z$ X-ray jets? There is of course a natural Malmquist bias inherent in studying very high-redshift objects, so this and other selection biases must be addressed in future samples. On the other hand, if these trends persist with further observations, it may instead reflect intrinsic differences between large-scale quasar jets located at different redshifts and/or their different environments, which are then probed with observations. For example, in the IC/CMB interpretation, the trend may imply that high-$z$ jets of this kind are intrinsically slower than their lower-redshift counterparts. This may be due to a more disturbed environment (evidenced by the ``alignment effect'' of high-$z$ radio galaxies; e.g., Rees 1989) through which high-$z$ jets are propagating. Such an scenario, in fact, was suggested early on to explain the distorted morphologies observed in a large samples of high-$z$ ($\\sim$1.5--3) quasars and radio galaxies \\citep[e.g.,][]{bar88}. As current X-ray studies have tended toward known well-studied radio jets \\citep[e.g.,][]{sam04,mar05} that are relatively local, it is important to test if this and other trends persist and can be clarified with larger, more homogenous samples of distant ($z>$2--4) jets. In analogy to VLBI proper motion studies, the earliest superluminal motions detected tended to be the highest \\citep{ver94} and larger ensembles of source measurements now tend toward lower values \\citep{ver03,kel04}. This may mean that beaming factors of kpc-scale X-ray jets as inferred from IC/CMB calculations are more typically smaller than the highest ones found thus far. \\subsection{The Terminal ``Hot Spot'' \\label{section-hotspot}} Recent {\\it Chandra} studies have aimed to distinguish the X-ray detected terminal jet features (i.e., the hot spots) from the jets \\citep{hard04,kat05,tav05}. Many of these knots show much the same problem as in the jet, i.e. the inability to extrapolate the radio-to-optical power-law slopes smoothly in the X-ray band, and the underprediction of not-beamed inverse-Compton (SSC and IC/CMB) emission to the observed. In this context, it is useful to discuss the terminal feature K2.5 of the 1745+624 jet as a terminal hot spot. Knot K2.5 follows the conventional empirical definition of a hot spot only loosely \\citep{bri94b}, as applying these strict criteria to such high-redshift, small angular-size jets is quite restrictive. Hot spots are strong terminal shocks formed at the tips of powerful jets where the strong compression of the jet magnetic field leads to a transverse configuration and relatively high radio polarization. This expectation is in good agreement with observations of sources located at low redshifts. K2.5 is situated at the edge of the radio source and it is indeed compact with a spatial extent of $\\sim 0.15\\arcsec \\times 0.075\\arcsec \\approx 1 \\times 0.5$ kpc (\\S~\\ref{section-radio}), which is typical for the known X-ray detected hot spots in quasars and FR II radio galaxies. However, the parallel configuration of the magnetic field with respect to the jet axis, as well its low degree of linear polarization relative to the rest of the jet (Figure~\\ref{figure-3}), are not expected, nor typical of the hot spots resolved in more nearby radio sources \\citep{bri84}. {\\it This may betray the dominance of an underlying jet flow in this feature.} The 5 GHz flux of the hot spot in 1745+624 implies a monochromatic luminosity, $L_{\\rm 5 \\, GHz} \\approx 2.42 \\times 10^{44}$ erg\\,s$^{-1}$. This is higher, although still comparable to the 5 GHz luminosities of hot spots at lower redshifts \\citep[e.g.,][]{kat05}. Assuming energy equipartition as in the jet, and a cylindrical geometry for the emitting region with radius $0.15\\arcsec/2 \\approx 0.5$ kpc (\\S~\\ref{section-radio}) and similar length, we calculate the hot spot magnetic field, $B_{\\rm eq, \\, \\delta=1} \\approx 660$ $\\mu$G. This also is in rough agreement (though again slightly higher) with the minimum energy magnetic fields derived for the other knots \\citep{kat05}. The equipartition magnetic energy density of the hot spot, $U_{\\rm B} \\approx 1.7 \\times 10^{-8}$ erg\\,cm$^{-3}$, is more than one order of magnitude greater than the energy density of the CMB radiation at the quasar's redshift. However, the energy density of the synchrotron photons thereby, $U_{\\rm syn} \\approx 4.7 \\times 10^{-9}$ erg\\,cm$^{-3}$, is roughly comparable to $U_{\\rm B}$. In this evaluation, we took the hot spot radio spectral index, $\\alpha_{\\rm r} \\approx 1$, its synchrotron luminosity $L_{\\rm syn} \\approx 10 \\times L_{\\rm 5 \\, GHz}$, the geometry as described above, and neglected relativistic corrections. The implied 1 keV flux of the hot spot due to the SSC plus IC/CMB processes is then $\\sim$0.18 nJy (Equation~\\ref{equation-ssc}). As in the jet emission (\\S~\\ref{section-basic}), this is inconsistent with the observed X-ray flux, though here the deviation is less drastic (factor of $\\sim$14; Table~\\ref{table-2}). However, one should keep in mind many of the underlying assumptions in such calculations before claiming a true disagreement between model predictions and the observations. In particular, the hot spot structure is in fact unresolved, hence a slightly smaller volume than considered, together with, e.g. small deviations from energy equipartition and spectral curvature (see below), could foreseeably bring the measurement into better agreement with the model prediction. However, if we take the observed excess in X-rays over the estimated SSC flux at face value, this would not be the first such case for a hot spot. \\citet{hard04} has argued for a synchrotron origin of this X-ray excess in many local hot spot sources, though in the case of 1745+624, the optical upper limit precludes a straightforward extrapolation of the (very steep) radio spectrum up to the X-ray band. On the other hand, \\citet{tav05} has argued that there is an IC/CMB contribution from an underlying relativistic portion of the jet terminus (unresolved by our observations) to the few X-ray detected hot spots studied in several $z\\sim 1$ quasars. The latter possibility is quite attractive in the case of 1745+624: as we noted earlier, the terminal jet feature in this source does not have typical hot spot-like radio polarization properties, and there could very well be an unresolved portion of the jet mixed in. If the multi-band radiative output of K2.5 is dominated by a relativistic jet flow, this would imply $\\delta$=5 for an IC/CMB origin of the X-ray flux (using Equation~\\ref{equation-iccmb} with all the parameters discussed above). This beaming factor is quite high, though comparable to values derived in lower-redshift quasars \\citep{tav05}. It is also slightly higher than the values obtained for the proper jet (knots K1.4 and K1.8; see \\S~\\ref{section-beamed}), though again, there are the usual uncertainties in these calculations to keep in mind. Regardless, the problem of terminal X-ray/radio knots in this and many quasar jets can be viewed as a simple extension of that in the jet knots. One relevant issue in this discussion is the apparent lack of a hot spot on the side opposite of the nucleus to the prominent jet. If the advance speed of the jet is sub-relativistic, then some emission should have been visible on the counter-jet side. This can be reconciled by the fact that the usually inferred (sub-relativistic) advance speeds of hot spots in powerful radio sources assume that the jet thrust is balanced with the ram-pressure of the ambient material within a typical galaxy group/poor cluster environment \\citep{beg84}. However, if the jets propagate into the radio cocoon formed in a previous epoch of radio activity, i.e. in an environment with a substantially decreased number density and pressure, the advance velocity of the jet may be close to $c$. In such a case, combined Doppler and light-travel effects may result in an apparent lack of a visible counter hot spot. Such a scenario was proposed by \\citet{staw04} for the 3C~273 jet. Since the observed properties of 1745+624 and 3C~273 radio quasars are so similar, one could also apply this argument to explain the lack of emission visible on the counter-jet side in 1745+624. Let us finally discuss yet another issue regarding this dominant radio feature, namely the extrapolation of its radio spectrum to lower frequencies. As discussed in \\S~\\ref{section-beamed}, an extrapolation of its observed $\\sim$$1-10$ GHz continuum $\\propto \\nu^{-1.3}$ to lower frequencies exceeds the extrapolation of the flat-spectrum core component $\\propto \\nu^0$ at about $\\sim 500$ MHz, and joins smoothly with the observed integrated low frequency emission at $\\sim 200$ MHz (see Figure~\\ref{figure-7} [left]). In other words, one can attribute the $\\sim$30--300 MHz integrated emission to the extended radio structure. Since the extended emission is probably dominated by the brightest feature, the hot spot (we can not exclude a contribution from the fainter inner jet; \\S~\\ref{section-beamed}), this would imply a broken power-law character of its synchrotron spectrum, $\\propto \\nu^{-0.5}$ for $\\nu < 300$ MHz and $\\propto \\nu^{-1.3}$ for $\\nu > 300$ MHz. In the standard continuous-injection model of terminal features in powerful jets \\citep{hea87}, the spectral break would correspond to the energies, $E_{\\rm e} / m_{\\rm e} c^2 \\sim 10^3$. This low-frequency break is expected in face of the large computed hot spot equipartition magnetic field, $B_{\\rm eq, \\, \\delta=1} \\approx 660$ $\\mu$G \\citep[see a discussion in][]{bru03,cheung05}. \\subsection{The Jet Energetics \\label{section-energetic}} The multiwavelength emissions of the 1745+624 jet allow us to estimate the kinetic power of the outflowing plasma in this source. The kinetic power of the ultrarelativistic electrons and magnetic field characterizing the proper jet, under the minimum-power hypothesis, is roughly $L_{\\rm j} \\sim L_{\\rm B} + L_{\\rm e} \\sim 2 \\times \\pi R^2 \\, c \\Gamma^2 \\, U'_{\\rm B}$, where $R \\approx 0.7$ kpc is the jet radius and $U'_B = 1.5 \\times 10^{-9} \\, \\delta^{-10/7}$ erg s$^{-1}$ is the jet comoving magnetic field energy density, as discussed in \\S~\\ref{section-discussjet}. Assuming for illustration, a jet viewing angle $\\sim 10\\deg$ (see \\S~\\ref{section-describe}) and jet bulk Lorentz factor at the kpc-scale $\\Gamma \\sim 3$ (leading to the `comfortable' value of the jet Doppler factor $\\delta \\sim 4.7$), one obtains a kinematic factor $\\delta^{-10/7} \\, \\Gamma^2 \\sim 1$, and therefore a jet kinetic luminosity (regarding solely ultrarelativistic jet electrons and the jet magnetic field) $L_{\\rm j} \\sim 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$. If we regard the terminal feature as a ``true'' hot spot, we can estimate the kinetic energy of the jet. We approximate the broad-band synchrotron spectrum of the hot spot by a broken power-law: $\\propto \\nu^{-0.5}$ between the assumed minimum synchrotron frequency $\\nu_{\\rm min} = 10$ MHz and the break frequency $\\nu_{\\rm br} = 300$ MHz, followed by $\\propto \\nu^{-1.3}$ between $\\nu_{\\rm br}$ and the assumed maximum synchrotron frequency $\\nu_{\\rm max} = 10^{12}$ Hz (see \\S~\\ref{section-hotspot}). The radiative efficiency factor, i.e. the ratio of the power emitted by the hot spot electrons via synchrotron radiation, and the total power injected to these electrons at the terminal shock, is: \\begin{equation} \\eta_{\\rm rad} \\sim {\\ln (\\nu_{\\rm max} / \\nu_{\\rm br}) \\over \\ln (\\nu_{\\rm max} / \\nu_{\\rm min})} \\sim 0.7 \\, . \\end{equation} \\noindent The reconstructed radio continuum of the hot spot implies also its total synchrotron luminosity $L_{\\rm syn} \\approx 10 \\times L_{\\rm 5 \\, GHz} \\sim 2.5 \\times 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Thus, the total kinetic power of the jet transported from the active center to the jet terminal point is roughly: \\begin{equation} L_{\\rm kin} \\sim {L_{\\rm syn} \\over \\eta_{\\rm rad} \\, \\eta_{\\rm e}} \\, , \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\eta_{\\rm e}$ is the fraction of the jet kinetic energy transformed in the terminal shock to the internal energy of ultrarelativistic (i.e. synchrotron emitting) electrons. In the case of energy equipartition between the electrons and the magnetic field reached at the hot spot, one should expect very roughly $\\eta_{\\rm e} \\sim 0.5$ \\citep[see][for a wider discussion]{sik01}. This gives $L_{\\rm kin} \\sim 0.75 \\times 10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$. In fact, $\\eta_{\\rm e} = 0.5$ should be regarded as an upper limit, keeping in mind a possible proton contribution and work done by the outflow in pushing out the ambient medium, making $10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$ a safe lower limit for the kinetic power of the 1745+624 jet. The jet power estimated at the beginning of this subsection is an order of magnitude lower than its total kinetic power constrained from the hot spot emission. This may indicate a dynamical role of non-radiating jet particles \\citep[either cold electrons or protons; see in this context,][]{sik00}. Let us compare the kinetic power of the 1745+624 jet estimated above with the accretion parameters of the quasar core. Due to the large distance of the quasar, and hence related observational difficulties, these accretion parameters cannot be evaluated precisely thus should be treated with some caution. Nevertheless, we note \\citet{sti93} and \\citet{sk93} found a broad emission CIV line in the spectrum of the 1745+624 quasar at the observed wavelength $\\lambda_{\\rm CIV}^{\\rm obs} = 7553$ \\AA, and an observed ${\\rm FWHM_{CIV}^{\\rm obs}} = 64.9$ \\AA. This gives the intrinsic velocity dispersion: \\begin{equation} v_{\\rm CIV} = c \\, {{\\rm FWHM_{CIV}} \\over \\lambda_{\\rm CIV}} = c \\, {{\\rm FWHM_{CIV}^{\\rm obs}} \\over \\lambda_{\\rm CIV}^{\\rm obs}} \\approx 2576 \\, {\\rm km \\, s^{-1}} \\, . \\end{equation} \\noindent \\citet{sti93} reported also a steep-spectrum ($\\alpha_{\\rm opt} = 1.3$), non-variable and low-polarized optical continuum of the 1745+624 quasar, which we consider below as being produced by the circumnuclear gas solely. In other words, we assume that the host galaxy and the nuclear portion of the jet do not contribute significantly to the observed optical emission of the discussed object. At the observed wavelength $6600$ \\AA, corresponding to the source rest frame wavelength $1350$ \\AA, the detected continuum flux is $F_{6600} \\approx 0.08$ mJy. Thus, the intrinsic continuum luminosity at the emitted frequency $1350$ \\AA, is simply $L_{1350} = 4 \\pi d_{\\rm L}^2 \\, \\left[\\lambda F_{\\lambda}\\right]_{6600} \\approx 5.4 \\times 10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$. These estimates allow us to find the bolometric luminosity of the quasar core (assumed to be about ten times the $V$-band core luminosity), $L_{\\rm bol} \\sim 10 \\times L_{5500} \\sim 10 \\, \\left(\\nu_{5500} / \\nu_{1350}\\right)^{1-\\alpha_{\\rm opt}} \\, L_{1350} \\sim 8.2 \\times 10^{47}$ erg s$^{-1}$, as well as the mass of the central supermassive black hole via the virial relation \\citep{ves02,ves06}: \\begin{equation} {{\\cal M}_{\\rm BH} \\over {\\cal M}_{\\odot}} = 5.4 \\times 10^6 \\, \\left({v_{\\rm CIV} \\over 1000 \\, {\\rm km/s}}\\right)^2 \\, \\left({L_{1350} \\over 10^{44} \\, {\\rm erg/s}}\\right)^{0.53} \\simgt 1 \\times 10^9. \\end{equation} \\noindent This can be taken as a lower limit in this case because the relation was calibrated for the broad component of the CIV line, which was not measured independently from the narrow one \\citep{sti93,sk93}; including the latter underestimates the measured broad-line width \\citep{ves02} which could be $>$3,000 km s$^{-1}$. The corresponding Eddington luminosity is $L_{\\rm Edd} \\simgt 10^{47}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and the Eddington ratio, $\\Lambda \\sim L_{\\rm bol} / L_{\\rm Edd} \\sim 1-10$. The latter is quite large and may indicate contribution of the emission due to an unresolved portion of the jet to the nuclear optical continuum produced by the accreting matter. Finally, the total observed $1.4$ GHz flux of the 1745+624 radio source \\citep[780.6 mJy; ][]{con98}, gives the total monochromatic radio luminosity $L_{\\rm R} \\approx 1.6 \\times 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ thus a radio loudness parameter, ${\\cal R} \\sim 10^5 \\, L_{\\rm R} / L_{\\rm V} \\sim 10^{3} - 10^{4}$. Note that the discussed object, which possesses the most powerful observed radio jet known, is extremely `radio-loud', as the standard division between radio-quiet and radio-loud sources \\citep{kel89} is ${\\cal R} = 10$. With the obtained values of the Eddington ratio and radio loudness, 1745+624 fits into the `radio-loud' trend formed on the $\\Lambda - {\\cal R}$ plane by local ($z < 0.5$) FR I radio galaxies and radio selected broad-line AGNs, as discussed in detail by \\citet{sik06}. } We have analyzed multi-frequency radio, optical and X-ray imaging data for the kpc-scale jet in the $z$=3.89 quasar 1745+624. This quasar hosts the most powerful large-scale radio and X-ray jet yet observed, with monochromatic radio and X-ray luminosities, $L_{\\rm 5 \\, GHz} \\approx 1.3 \\times 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and $L_{\\rm 1 \\, keV} \\approx 2.8 \\times 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$, respectively (excluding emission from the powerful terminal ``hot spot''). Aside from its large radiative output, and related large inferred equipartition magnetic field (in comparison to local powerful jet sources), its properties (multi-wavelength morphology, radio polarization, and broad-band spectral energy distribution) are broadly similar to other lower-redshift quasar jets. This is unexpected in light of the dramatic increase in the CMB energy density and strong cosmic evolution of the intergalactic medium at such high-redshifts; this should have manifested in a dramatically different appearance of such large-scale outflows. The spectral energy distributions of the resolved linear structures are discussed. In this jet, inverse-Compton scattered emission on the CMB photons can just account for the X-ray emission if the jet is inclined close to our line of sight ($\\simlt$10\\deg) and if it is also moving relativistically, $\\Gamma$=2--3. Several indirect arguments from the multi-scale radio observations of 1745+624 support such values of the large-scale jet kinematic parameters. The data are also consistent with a synchrotron interpretation provided the electron acceleration timescale is much shorter than that of the radiative losses, which we deem likely. The main distinguishing feature of the two models should manifest in drastically different X-ray/radio emission properties of such high-redshift jets though with only three current $z>$3 examples, no trends are yet apparent. Via the virial relation, we estimate that a ${\\cal M}_{\\rm BH} \\simgt 1 \\times 10^9 \\, {\\cal M}_{\\odot}$ supermassive black hole resides at the center of this galaxy. The broad-band emission of the extended components allow us to additionally estimate a jet kinetic power of $L_{\\rm kin} \\sim 10^{46}$ erg\\,s$^{-1}$, which is a small fraction of the Eddington luminosity ($L_{\\rm kin}/L_{\\rm Edd} \\sim 0.1$) corresponding to this black hole mass. As the bolometric luminosity of the quasar is $L_{\\rm bol} / L_{\\rm Edd} \\sim 10$, the inferred jet kinetic power seems to be much less than the estimated accretion power. Despite this, the 1745+624 quasar, hosting the most powerful radio jet known, is extremely `radio-loud' in comparison to more local radio selected quasars with a radio-loudness parameter ${\\cal R} \\geq 10^{3}$, and is surprisingly similar to local radio selected broad line AGNs regarding the accretion parameters." }, "0606/astro-ph0606019_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The concordance model of cosmology and structure formation predicts the formation of isolated very massive stars at high redshifts in dark matter dominated halos of $10^5$ to $10^6\\Msun$. These stars photo-ionize their host primordial molecular clouds, expelling all the baryons from their halos. When the stars die, a relic \\ion{H}{2} region is formed within which large amounts of molecular hydrogen form which will allow the gas to cool efficiently when gravity assembles it into larger dark matter halos. The filaments surrounding the first star hosting halo are largely shielded and provide the pathway for gas to stream into the halo when the star has died. We present the first fully three dimensional cosmological radiation hydrodynamical simulations that follow all these effects. A novel adaptive ray casting technique incorporates the time dependent radiative transfer around point sources. This approach is fast enough so that radiation transport, kinetic rate equations, and hydrodynamics are solved self-consistently. It retains the time derivative of the transfer equation and is explicitly photon conserving. This method is integrated with the cosmological adaptive mesh refinement code {\\sl enzo}\\, and runs on distributed and shared memory parallel architectures. Where applicable the three dimensional calculation not only confirm expectations from earlier one dimensional results but also illustrate the multi--fold hydrodynamic complexities of \\ion{H}{2} regions. In the absence of stellar winds the circumstellar environments of the first supernovae and putative early gamma--ray bursts will be of low density $\\sim 1$ cm$^{-3}$. Albeit marginally resolved, ionization front instabilities lead to cometary and elephant trunk like small scale structures reminiscent of nearby star forming regions. ", "introduction": "\\footnote{Visualizations and animations of the simulations presented here can be found at {\\tt http://www.slac.stanford.edu/} {\\tt $\\sim$jwise/research/RT1/}} With the fundamental cosmological parameters pinned down by recent observations, questions related to first structure formation have now, in principle, no free parameters. Hydrodynamical simulations that start with cosmological initial conditions have shed light on the nature of the first luminous objects in the universe \\markcite{1998ApJ...508..518A, 1999AIPC..470...58N, 2000ApJ...540...39A, 2002Sci...295...93A, 2002MNRAS.330..927H, 2003ApJ...592..645Y}({Abel} {et~al.} 1998; {Norman}, {Abel}, \\& {Bryan} 1999; {Abel}, {Bryan}, \\& {Norman} 2000, 2002; {Hutchings} {et~al.} 2002; {Yoshida} {et~al.} 2003). \\markcite{2002Sci...295...93A}{Abel} {et~al.} (2002) found that the first luminous objects are isolated massive stars with masses somewhere in the range between 30 and 300 solar masses depending on how much feedback from the proto-star affects the accretion rate. The stellar build up from predicted accretion rates in the absence of feedback have been confirmed in smooth particle hydrodynamic simulations~\\markcite{2004NewA....9..353B}({Bromm} \\& {Loeb} 2004). There are physical reasons from proto-stellar evolution that accretion may come to an end when the star reaches $\\sim 100\\Msun$ \\markcite{2003ApJ...589..677O}({Omukai} \\& {Palla} 2003) but full radiation hydrodynamical simulations, even in one dimension, have not been possible to follow primordial stars up to the zero age main sequence. The early proto-stellar evolution, however, is understood in some detail \\markcite{1998ApJ...508..141O, 2002MNRAS.334..401R, 2004MNRAS.348.1019R}({Omukai} \\& {Nishi} 1998; {Ripamonti} {et~al.} 2002; {Ripamonti} \\& {Abel} 2004). The immediate relevance of primordial massive stars to cosmological reionization has prompted a number of investigations even though radiative transfer effects could only be accounted for crudely \\markcite{2000ApJ...535..530G, 2001NewA....6..437G, 2004MNRAS.350...47S, 2005ApJ...628L...5O, 2006ApJ...639..621A}({Gnedin} 2000; {Gnedin} \\& {Abel} 2001; {Sokasian} {et~al.} 2004; {O'Shea} {et~al.} 2005; {Alvarez}, {Bromm}, \\& {Shapiro} 2006) or in non-cosmological two-dimensional calculations~\\markcite{2004MNRAS.348..753S}({Shapiro}, {Iliev}, \\& {Raga} 2004). In spherical symmetry, the evolution of the first \\ion{H}{2} regions was studied by \\markcite{2004ApJ...610...14W}{Whalen}, {Abel}, \\& {Norman} (2004) and \\markcite{2004ApJ...613..631K}{Kitayama} {et~al.} (2004). These authors found that when the ionization front slows to become D-type it accelerates all the baryonic material to ten times the escape velocity of the dark matter halos that host these first stars. However, neither the stability of the ionization front, nor the impact of photo-ionization on the surrounding filaments could be addressed in the simplified one dimensional models. Significant amounts of molecular hydrogen are formed in relic \\ion{H}{2} regions facilitated by their large initial electron fractions \\markcite{2002ApJ...575...33R, 2005ApJ...628L...5O}(e.g. {Ricotti}, {Gnedin}, \\& {Shull} 2002; {O'Shea} {et~al.} 2005). Whether, photo-ionization leads to a net increase, decrease, or a delay in star formation remains controversial \\markcite{1996ApJ...467..522H, 2000ApJ...534...11H, 2001ApJ...551..599H, 2000MNRAS.314..611C, 2003MNRAS.346..456O, 2005ApJ...628L...5O, 2006ApJ...639..621A}({Haiman}, {Rees}, \\& {Loeb} 1996; {Haiman}, {Abel}, \\& {Rees} 2000; {Haiman}, {Abel}, \\& {Madau} 2001; {Ciardi} {et~al.} 2000; {Oh} \\& {Haiman} 2003; {O'Shea} {et~al.} 2005; {Alvarez} {et~al.} 2006). These outstanding questions will be resolved by direct numerical simulations that accurately follow the radiation transport as well as the cosmological hydrodynamics. Such calculations are presented in this {\\sl Letter}\\ for the first time. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} Early \\ion{H}{2} regions have a profound impact on the earliest structures. They displace a large amount of baryons, raise the gas entropy, and enable the formation of large amounts of molecular hydrogen after the star dies. If Pop III stars indeed have little mass loss before they die \\markcite{2001ApJ...550..890B}({Baraffe}, {Heger}, \\& {Woosley} 2001) our results illustrate that putative gamma ray bursts and supernovae will occur in a low density environment with densities $\\sim 1$ cm$^{-3}$ \\markcite{2004ApJ...604..508G}({Gou} {et~al.} 2004). The mixing of the first heavy elements occurs outside of dark matter halos in the intergalactic medium in regions that eventually will re-collapse to form galaxies. Consequently, the elements necessary for life may have been spread early and widely. The rich subject of ionization front instabilities \\markcite{1979ApJ...233..280G,1996ApJ...469..171G}(cf. {Giuliani} 1979; {Garcia-Segura} \\& {Franco} 1996) is important in early as well as galactic star formation. It can now be addressed in three dimensions at high spatial resolution using our radiation hydrodynamical adaptive mesh simulation techniques." }, "0606/astro-ph0606533_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A wide-field galaxy redshift survey allows one to probe galaxy clustering at largest spatial scales, which carries invaluable information on horizon-scale physics complementarily to the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Assuming the planned survey consisting of $z\\sim 1$ and $z\\sim 3$ surveys with areas of $2000$ and 300 deg$^2$, respectively, we study the prospects for probing dark energy clustering from the measured galaxy power spectrum, assuming the dynamical properties of dark energy are specified in terms of the equation of state and the effective sound speed $c_{\\rm e}$ in the context of an adiabatic cold dark matter dominated model. The dark energy clustering adds a power to the galaxy power spectrum amplitude at spatial scales greater than the sound horizon, and the enhancement is sensitive to redshift evolution of the net dark energy density, i.e. the equation of state. We find that the galaxy survey, when combined with CMB expected from the Planck satellite mission, can distinguish dark energy clustering from a smooth dark energy model such as the quintessence model ($c_{\\rm e}=1$), when $c_{\\rm e}\\simlt 0.04$ (0.02) in the case of the constant equation of state $w_0=-0.9$ ($-0.95$). An ultimate full-sky survey of $z\\sim 1$ galaxies allows the detection when $c_{\\rm e}\\simlt 0.08$ (0.04) for $w_0=0.9$ ($-0.95$). These forecasts show a compatible power with an all-sky CMB and galaxy cross-correlation that probes the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. We also investigate a degeneracy between the dark energy clustering and the non-relativistic neutrinos implied from the neutrino oscillation experiments, because the two effects both induce a scale-dependent modification in the galaxy power spectrum shape at largest spatial scales accessible from the galaxy survey. It is shown that a wider redshift coverage can efficiently separate the two effects by utilizing the different redshift dependences, where dark energy clustering is apparent only at low redshifts $z\\simlt 1$. ", "introduction": "Various cosmological probes such as supernovae in distant galaxies \\cite{Perlmutter99,Riess99}, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky \\cite{WMAP3}, and the galaxy redshift surveys \\cite{Tegmark04,2dF,Scranton,Eisenstein} have given strong evidence that a dark energy component, such as the cosmological constant, constitutes approximately $70\\%$ of the total energy density of the universe, which derives the accelerating cosmic expansion at low redshifts. Because there is no plausible theoretical explanation for its existence and magnitude (e.g. see \\cite{weinberg89,Ratra}), observational exploration of the nature of dark energy is one of the most important issues in modern cosmology as well as particle physics. An observational dark energy task we should first explore to tackle this fundamental problem would be to determine whether the accelerating expansion is as a consequence of the cosmological constant. Relaxing this assumption leads to a generalized dark energy with dynamically evolving energy density, which can be characterized by a time-dependent equation of state $w(a)=p_{\\rm de}/\\rho_{\\rm de}$ (the cosmological constant corresponds to $w=-1$). The current level of accuracy in constraining the constant $w$-parameter is $\\sigma(w)\\sim 0.1$ at $1\\sigma$ level with the best-fit value containing a model with $w=-1$ (e.g. see \\cite{Eisenstein,SNLS,WMAP3}). Future prospects aimed at pinning down the constraint on $w$ by a factor of 10 have been extensively investigated to address the usefulness of various cosmological experiments based on massive galaxy surveys such as tomographic weak lensing experiment (e.g. \\cite{Huterer,TJ}), the baryon oscillation experiment (e.g. \\cite{SE,HuHaiman,taka05}) and the cluster abundance experiment (e.g. \\cite{Laura}). Another important consequence of a generalized dark energy is the spatial perturbation, providing an independent clue to resolving the nature of dark energy from the equation of state. There are many previous efforts made to study how an inclusion of the dark energy perturbations modify the cold dark matter (CDM) structure formation scenarios: theoretical predictions on the modifications in the CMB power spectra and the galaxy power spectra \\cite{Caldwell,Chiba,Garriga,Dave,Ma,Hu02,Moroi,Huterer,Dedeo,Uzan} and the observational exploration of the dark energy clustering signal from the WMAP data at low multipoles \\cite{WMAP3,Bean,Lewis,GordonHu}. The dark energy clustering is relevant only for structure formation at low redshifts $z\\simlt 1$, where the net energy density is dominant to the cosmic expansion. In addition, a reasonable model including the dark energy perturbation predicts that the dark energy can cluster together with matter components at large spatial scales (inevitably at super-horizon scales), whilst the dark energy is smooth at small scales so that the additional component does not largely change the small-scale structure formations such as galaxy formation. For these reasons, the dark energy clustering effect on the CMB observables is likely to appear only via the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect (ISW) at low multipoles, where the Sachs-Wolfe effect generated at the recombination epoch is significant contamination to separate the ISW effect from the measured power spectrum. The transition scale to divide the dark energy clustering and smooth regimes can be usefully modeled by the effective sound speed of dark energy \\cite{Hu98,Hu02}. In this model, smoothness of dark energy can be tested by searching for the signature of the sound speed from cosmological observables. Hu and Scranton \\cite{HuScranton} carefully investigated a prospect of how the ISW effect measured via the angular cross-correlation between CMB and galaxy distribution can be used to probe the dark energy clustering, assuming an all-sky, deep multi-color imaging galaxy survey out to $z\\sim 2$. A galaxy redshift survey offers an alternative means for probing the dark energy clustering, through the measured statistical properties of three-dimensional gravitational clustering at largest scales. Compared to the angular correlations, from a cosmological point of view, the redshift survey carries more information on the underlying mass distribution due to a gain of the modes along the line-of-sight or redshift direction. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to, for the first time, investigate the ability of a galaxy redshift survey for testing the smoothness of dark energy from the measured galaxy power spectrum. In fact, there are several future plans for high-redshift galaxy surveys that are already being constructed or seriously under consideration: the Fiber Multiple Object Spectrograph (FMOS) on Subaru telescope \\cite{fmos}, its significantly expanded version, WFMOS \\cite{wfmos}, the Hobby--Ebery Telescope Dark Energy eXperiment (HETDEX) \\cite{hetdex}, and the Cosmic Inflation Probe (CIP) mission \\cite{cip}. These surveys probe galaxies at higher redshifts $z\\simgt 0.5$ than the existing surveys such as SDSS and 2dF surveys. Such a high-redshift survey has several advantages over the lower redshift ones. First, given a fixed solid angle, the comoving volume in which we can observe galaxies is larger at higher redshifts than in the local universe, thereby reducing the sample variance. This would make it more straightforward to obtain a well-behaved survey geometry that can help measure largest-scale perturbations. Second, density perturbations at smaller spatial scales are still in the linear regime or only in the weakly non-linear regime at higher redshift, which gives us more leverages on measuring the shape of the linear power spectrum to break the parameter degeneracies. In this paper, we will consider the survey design close to the proposed WFMOS survey, which consists two types of surveys different in redshift coverage and survey area: $0.5\\le z\\le 1.3$ with 2000 degree$^2$ and $2.5\\le z\\le 3.5$ with $300$ degree$^2$, respectively. The redshift coverage of WFMOS is suitable to probe the dynamical dark energy whose effects are apparent only at low redshifts $z\\simlt 1$, as we will show below. The structure of this paper is as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{prel} we start with writing down background cosmological equations, the Hubble expansion and the angular diameter distance, in terms of cosmological parameters. In Sec.~\\ref{de}, we define the effective sound speed parameter to model dynamical properties of dark energy clustering, and review how the dark energy clustering leads to a scale-dependent modification in the linear power spectrum shape assuming the adiabatic initial condition. Sec.~\\ref{gps} defines the galaxy power spectrum in terms of the primordial power spectrum, the transfer functions and the scale-dependent growth rate of mass clustering. In Sec.~\\ref{method}, we first define survey parameters intended to resemble a future survey being planned, and describe a methodology to model the galaxy power spectrum observed from a redshift survey that includes the two-dimensional nature in the line-of-sight and transverse directions due to the cosmological and redshift distortion effects. We then present the Fisher information matrix formalism that is used to estimate the projected uncertainties in the cosmological parameter determination provided the measured galaxy power spectrum. In Sec.~\\ref{results} we show the prospects of the future survey for probing the dark energy clustering. In addition, we carefully study how a degeneracy between the dark energy clustering and massive neutrinos can be lifted by utilizing the redshift information of galaxy clustering. Finally, we present conclusion and some discussion in Sec.~\\ref{conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} In this paper we have investigated the ability of a future galaxy redshift survey to test the smoothness of dynamical dark energy, which is another important consequence of a generalized dark energy with $w(z)\\ne-1$ and provides independent information on the nature of dark energy from that carried by the equation of state. The dark energy clustering signatures can be measured via a scale-dependent transition in the power of the galaxy power spectrum appearing at scales comparable with the dark energy sound horizon (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:pk}). It was shown that, for WFMOS survey, the sound speed can be detected at more than a 1-$\\sigma$ level, if the sound speed is small enough as $c_{\\rm e}\\simlt 0.04 $ (0.02) when $w_0=-0.9$ ($-0.95$) (see Figs.~\\ref{fig:ce} and \\ref{fig:ce-w}). An effective way to improve the ability is to enlarge the survey volume especially for low redshift slices at $z\\sim 1$. An ultimate full-sky survey could improve the lower bound on the detectable $c_{\\rm e}$ by a factor of 2. Another interesting possibility of the future galaxy survey is the use of the galaxy power spectrum to weigh the neutrino mass, as investigated in \\cite{TK}. We carefully investigate possible degeneracies between the dark energy clustering and the non-relativistic neutrinos in the galaxy power spectrum (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:pk_fnu-ce} and also see \\cite{Hannestad} for the related discussion on the degeneracy between the neutrino mass and the dark energy equation of state). We showed that having a wider redshift coverage can efficiently separate the two effects by utilizing the different redshift dependences; the dark energy is prominent only at low redshifts $z\\simlt 1$. In addition, modified gravity theories have received much recent attention as an alternative explanation of cosmic acceleration without dark energy, where gravity is weaker than the Einstein gravity at scales comparable to the horizon (e.g., \\cite{Shirata,Raul,Peacock,Fritz}). An important test to discriminate this possibility from the dark energy model is to simultaneously explore the cosmic expansion history and the growth of structure formation from cosmological experiments, because the two possibilities predict different growth rate even for an identical expansion history. Once again, wider redshift coverage of a galaxy redshift survey would be powerful to make a robust test of discriminating between effects of dark energy clustering, massive neutrinos, and modified gravity, which warrants a detailed study (also see \\cite{Peacock} for the discussion on the interplay between the massive neutrinos and the modified gravity in the shape of mass power spectrum). We hope that the results shown in this paper will give a useful guidance to designing a future survey if the dark energy clustering is desired to pursue as one of the science goals. We have assumed throughout this paper that dynamical properties of the dark energy are specified in terms of the equation of state and the effective sound speed, with the adiabatic initial condition. A merit of this approach is we need not assume a specific form of the Lagrangian of dark energy sector. However, the limitation is there is no guarantee this modeling can be applied to a full range of generic dark energy models. For example, we have ignored a contribution from the trace-free stress perturbation of dark energy, which is valid if the dark energy is a scalar field (e.g. see \\cite{Uzan} for the extension). Since we have little idea of what dark energy is, it is worth exploring a more general modeling of dark energy properties and investigate the resulting effect on structure formation. Unless such a theoretical model is available, we cannot extract all the cosmological information inherent in the future high-precision cosmological data sets in an unbiased way. Another non-trivial assumption we have made in this paper is the adiabatic initial conditions for dark energy perturbations, without any rigorous reasoning. If the dark energy field had existed since the inflationary epoch in the early universe, the dark energy perturbations naturally contained iso-curvature modes, and the effect just emerges at low redshifts. Hence, a galaxy redshift survey could by its own open up a new window for exploring the iso-curvature modes in structure formation to probe the physics in the early universe, complementarily to the CMB or the CMB-galaxy cross correlation \\cite{GordonHu,HuScranton}. Furthermore, if the primordial non-Gaussianity (e.g. see \\cite{Komatsu} for a thorough review) is dominantly imprinted onto the sector of dark energy, the galaxy survey allows us to explore the signal via, e.g., the bispectrum measurement of galaxy clustering. These are our future study and will be presented elsewhere. The linear perturbation theory makes secure predictions on structure formation, which allows an accurate interpretation of the cosmological data sets from the detailed comparison. A main obstacle that a galaxy redshift survey could contain in this procedure is uncertainties involved in the galaxy biasing, where unknown, non-linear gastrophysics may pollute the linear information even at large scales. Although we have assumed a scale-independent, linear bias, we do not think that a more realistic bias such as a scale-dependent bias is a significant contamination to the dark energy clustering constraint. Because the dark energy clustering induces characteristic scale-dependent modification and strong redshift evolution for $P(k)$ (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:pk}), these properties can be very robust to discriminate the dark energy clustering signals from the galaxy bias contamination or more generally other systematics. Finally, we comment on the non-linear gravitational clustering, which could also provide a contamination to the linear theory predictions. Encouragingly, however, the non-linear effects can be to some extent corrected based on our refined knowledge of the structure formation scenarios, based on the perturbation theory as well as the N-body simulations \\cite{Suto,Jain94,Jeong,Fritz}. Furthermore, as an interesting possibility, coupling of different Fourier modes induced by non-linear gravitational clustering could induce a transfer of the dark energy clustering effect at large scales to the power of $P(k)$ at smaller scales. If this is the case to be apparent on the measured power spectrum, an inclusion of the non-linearity in the model predictions could improve a signal-to-noise to test smoothness of dark energy, from the smaller-scale clustering information. This issue will be worth exploring in detail, and will be presented elsewhere. \\bigskip {\\it Acknowledgments:} The author thanks E.~Komatsu for valuable discussions and also thanks for T.~Futamase, O.~Lahav, D.~Nitta, P.~Norberg and Y.~Suto for helpful discussions. He also acknowledges the warm hospitality of Caltech where this work was partly done. This work was supported in part by a Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research (17740129) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan as well as the COE program at Tohoku University. We acknowledge the use of the publicly-available CMBFAST code \\cite{cmbfast}." }, "0606/astro-ph0606705_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\hd} is a unique system containing one massive star ({\\stA}) that is apparently entering the luminous blue variable phase, and an eclipsing companion ({\\stB}) that may have already evolved beyond this phase to become a Wolf-Rayet star. In this paper we present the results from {\\fuse} observations obtained in 1999, 2000, and 2002 and one far-UV observation obtained by {\\orfeus}/BEFS in 1993 shortly before the first eruption of {\\hd}. The eight phase-resolved spectra obtained by {\\fuse} in 2002 are analyzed in the context of a wind-eclipse model. This analysis shows that the wind of the eruptor obeyed a very fast velocity law in 2002, which is consistent with the line-driving mechanism. Large amplitude line-profile variations on the orbital period are shown to be due to the eclipse of {\\stB} by the wind of {\\stA}, although the eclipse due to gas flowing in the direction of {\\stB} is absent. This can only be explained if the wind of {\\stA} is not spherically symmetric, or if the eclipsed line radiation is ``filled-in\" by emission originating from somewhere else in the system, e.g., in the wind-wind collision region. Except for a slightly lower wind speed, the {\\orfeus}/BEFS spectrum is very similar to the spectrum obtained by {\\fuse} at the same orbital phase: there is no indication of the impending eruption. However, the trend for decreasing wind velocity suggests the occurrence of the ``bi-stability\" mechanism, which in turn implies that the restructuring of the circumbinary environment caused by the transition from ``fast, rarefied wind\" to ``slow, dense wind\" was observed as the eruptive event. The underlying mechanism responsible for the long-term decrease in wind velocity that precipitated this change remains an open issue. ", "introduction": "{\\hd} (Sk\\,78, AV\\,229) is the most luminous eclipsing binary system in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and a member of the young stellar cluster NGC\\,346. It is an ideal object for studying interacting winds and the evolution of very massive stars in binaries. The system achieved notoriety in 1994, when its primary star (hereafter {\\stA}; M$\\sim$50 \\msun) was discovered to be undergoing an eruptive event of a yet-undetermined nature. Although the system had been monitored since the early 1980s, the sudden brightening by $\\sim$2 magnitudes in late 1993 went unrecorded except for the visual estimates of A. Jones \\citep{Bateson93}. An intensive ultraviolet (UV) monitoring campaign was initiated in mid-1994, and this database provides a unique record of the declining phase of the outburst. However, the most intriguing question that {\\hd} raises involves the mechanism responsible for the eruption. We know that between 1987 and 1995 its UV spectrum went successively through all the ``late\" nitrogen Wolf-Rayet (WR) classes -- WN6 $\\rightarrow$ WN7 $\\rightarrow$ WN8 $\\rightarrow$ WN11 $\\rightarrow$ WN6 -- while also exhibiting significant changes in wind velocity and visual brightness; see \\citet{Koenigsberger04} for a general review. Although some of the characteristics of the eruption are similar to those observed in Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs), both its extraordinary luminosity ($\\sim3 \\times 10^6$~{\\lsun}) and its increase in luminosity during eruption \\citep[$\\sim10^7$~\\lsun;~][]{Drissen01} place it in a category currently shared only with $\\eta$ Carinae. The second component of the eclipsing system (hereafter {\\stB}; M$\\sim$28 \\msun) also appears to be a WR star. It has been difficult to isolate its spectral characteristics from the combined spectrum; see \\citet{Koenigsberger04} for a discussion of this issue, which is further complicated by the possibility that some emission at line frequencies arises in a wind-wind colliding region \\citep{Moffat98}. If {\\stB} is indeed a WNE star, then it is the evolved remnant of the originally more massive star of the binary system, and is therefore a good pre-supernova candidate. Alternately, it could simply be a less massive star whose outer layers have been significantly modified by a mass-transfer process, which has led to the current state of {\\stA}. The spectrum of {\\hd} indicates the presence of a third star. It can be seen in the continuum \\citep{Breysacher91}, in the optical spectra obtained in the 1980s \\citep{Niemela88}, and in the ``stationary\" UV photospheric lines that are visible in {\\it HST/STIS} spectra \\citep{Koenigsberger02}. This component (hereafter {\\stC}) is likely to be an O4--6 supergiant that could be gravitationally bound to the {\\stA}$+${\\stB} pair with a very long orbital period. Thus, it might be responsible for the instability of the system \\citep{Koenigsberger94}. Alternately, {\\stC} could simply be a line-of-sight object whose light contaminates the spectrum of the {\\hd} system. The presence of this third star complicates the interpretation of an already complicated system. However, because the evolution of massive stars plays such an important role in many astrophysical phenomena, it is important to understand the mechanisms responsible for the peculiar behavior of {\\hd}. In this paper, we analyze a set of phase-resolved spectroscopic observations of {\\hd} obtained with the {\\it Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer} (\\fuse) satellite. These data were obtained over an interval spanning many orbital cycles, but include a subset of 8 observations taken over $\\sim$6 orbits, which permit orbital changes in the structure of the wind of {\\stA} to be assessed. In addition, we use an archival spectrum obtained by {\\orfeus} shortly before {\\hd} erupted. This fortuitous observation constrains the time scale for the development of the instability leading to the eruptions. Our analysis is organized as follows. In \\S\\ref{obs}, we describe the observational material. The {\\fuse} light curve is presented in \\S\\ref{fuselc}, while the far-UV spectrum of {\\hd} and its orbital variability are discussed in \\S\\ref{fusesp}. In \\S\\ref{model} we analyze the orbital variations in terms of a wind-eclipse model, and discuss the implications. Additional discussion and our conclusions are presented in \\S\\ref{concl}. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{The Wind Structure of Star~A} We have used phase-resolved wind profiles of the {\\ion{P}{5}} resonance doublet obtained by {\\fuse} in 2002 together with a simple wind eclipse model to constrain the velocity law of {\\stA}, the relative continuum intensities of {\\stA} and {\\stB}, and the physical dimensions of the {\\hd} system. We find that, to a first approximation, the {\\ion{P}{5}} wind profiles require that the wind of {\\stA} is expanding with a ``fast\" velocity law, as is typical of outflows driven by radiation pressure in spectral lines. Systematic variations of profile strength and morphology as a function of orbital phase are well reproduced by a combination of ``wind eclipses\" of {\\stB} and physical eclipses of {\\stA} by {\\stB}. However, there are four important discrepancies between the observations and the synthetic line profiles obtained from our simplified model. The first consists of the presence of an emission ``spike\" near the rest velocity in the components of the {\\ion{P}{5}} resonance doublet that is not predicted by the model. We show in \\S\\ref{emC} that this problem can be resolved by assuming that the excess emission arises from the third component of the system, {\\stC}. The presence of a {\\ion{P}{5}} wind feature is consistent with the classification of {\\stC} as an O4--O6 supergiant on the basis of its photospheric absorption lines \\citep{Koenigsberger01}. Unfortunately, solutions for the three remaining discrepancies are less straightforward. \\noindent{\\bf Absence of a wind eclipse at $v \\geq 0:$} The wind eclipse around phase $\\sim$0.0 produces reduced emission over the range of velocities associated with the column of material projected against the disk of {\\stB}. We have shown that the wind of {\\stA} expands rapidly, so that it achieves its terminal speed before it reaches the radius of its relative orbit about {\\stB}. Thus, at phases immediately before and after $\\phi=$0.00, the entire emission lobe should be significantly reduced in intensity by the wind eclipse. However, the observations show the expected effect only at $v \\leq 0$~{\\kms}; i.e., only on the blue side of the P~Cygni profile. Thus, it seems as if only the portion of the wind of {\\stA} that is approaching the observer has the geometry and kinematics assumed by the model. We see two possible explanations for this discrepancy: \\begin{enumerate} \\item There is an extended region of {\\ion{P}{5}} emission associated with {\\stB} that compensates for the absorption produced by the wind eclipse. This emission could come from the surface of the shock cone associated with the WWC region, which effectively truncates the spherical symmetry of the outflow. \\item The wind of {\\stA} is not spherically symmetric, but is significantly perturbed in the direction of {\\stB}. However, the asymmetry must be present in the wind acceleration region, which we have shown lies very close to the surface of {\\stA}, far from the expected location of the WWC stagnation point. Hence, if this explanation is correct, we conclude that the wind structure of {\\stA} in the direction of its companion differs from that of other directions, as opposed to a wind structure that is truncated by the WWC region. This difference could either be {\\em intrinsic} to {\\stA} or could be the result of ``sudden radiative braking\" \\citep{Gayley97}. Note that if the wind structure towards the companion is non-standard, then the WWC surfaces that are drawn in Fig.~\\ref{wwcgeom} are not valid. For example, a slower wind towards the companion would have the effect of moving the stagnation point towards {\\stA}. \\end{enumerate} \\noindent{\\bf Strength of P~Cygni Absorption at $\\phi=$0.36:} If {\\ion{P}{5} $\\lambda$1117} is formed exclusively in the wind of {\\stA}, then the eclipse model predicts that the absorption trough of its P~Cygni profile should exhibit significant weakening during secondary eclipse, because {\\stB} occults the column of material responsible for producing this absorption. However, only a modest degree of weakening is observed at slow velocities; see, e.g., Fig~\\ref{p5montage} and Fig.~\\ref{p5montmSk80}. At large velocities, $v \\geq v_\\infty$, the absorption seems to be even more pronounced during secondary eclipse. A natural explanation for this behavior is that the wind of {\\stB} {\\em also emits and absorbs} {\\ion{P}{5}}; i.e., that our assumption concerning the unique association of {\\ion{P}{5}} with {\\stA} is not correct. Unfortunately, the present version of the wind-eclipse model is not able to test this idea, since a rigorous calculation must include detailed radiative transfer through two stellar winds and the WWC region. Instead, we simply note that if the spectrum of {\\stB} does posses a P~Cygni wind profile in the {\\ion{P}{5}} resonance doublet, then it differs significantly from the spectrum of the WR star in {Sk\\,108}. \\noindent{\\bf Extent of the P~Cygni absorption edge:} The final discrepancy is the extent of the P~Cygni absorption edge. Although {\\vinf $=$ 1750~\\kms} for {\\stA}, the edge velocity is $v_{edge} \\geq -2200$~{\\kms}. The greater extent of $v_{edge}$ is a well-known phenomenon in O-type and WR stars, so it is not too surprising to find it in {\\hd} as well. What is surprising, however, is that the extended, ``soft\" blue edge of the P~Cygni absorption trough does not vary with orbital phase. Since {\\stB} also drives a strong stellar wind, it is possible that its radiation field further accelerates the outflow from {\\stA} that has already achieved {\\vinf}. However, since this speculation cannot be tested directly with the present data set, the issue must remain open for now. \\subsection{New Insights into the Eruption Mechanism} The changes in the wind of {\\hd} prior to the eruptions in 1993--1994 were characterized by a progressive decrease in terminal velocity, which was accompanied by a systematic increase in density \\citep{Koenigsberger98b}. The first sign that a significant change was occurring in {\\hd} can be found in its {\\iue} spectra of 1986 \\citep{Koenigsberger04}, although peculiarities were already present in the early 1980s \\citep{Niemela88}. The amplitude of the perturbation seems to have grown gradually over the subsequent $\\sim$13 years until some kind of critical state was reached. This critical state produced the sudden eruption in 1993, which was followed by a second, stronger eruption in 1994. According to the visual data of Albert Jones \\citep[reproduced in][]{Koenigsberger04}, the eruption started around HJD 2,449,299 (1993 November 7), which is only 51 days (2.6 orbital cycles) after the {\\orfeus}/BEFS spectrum was acquired. Figure~\\ref{cforfeus} compares the {\\ion{P}{5} $\\lambda$1117} wind profile in the {\\orfeus}/BEFS spectrum with its counterpart in the {\\fuse} P2230102 spectrum. Both spectra were obtained at essentially the same orbital phase, though they are separated by 168 orbital periods. In addition to slightly stronger P~Cygni absorption around $-500$~{\\kms}, the only morphological difference between the two spectra is the location of the discrete absorption component that marks the position of terminal speed: in 1993 {\\vinf $=$ 1530~\\kms}, while {\\vinf $=$ 1750~\\kms} in 2002. Hence, the trend for decreasing wind velocity persisted from the early 1980s up to $\\sim$51 days before the start of the eruption. Evidently, the overall structure of the wind of {\\stA} was very similar just prior to the first eruption in 1993 and in 2002, when {\\hd} was in a quiescent state. Hence, we infer that the wind must have been driven by the same mechanism at both epochs; and we have argued on the basis of the rapid acceleration required to model the {\\ion{P}{5}} wind profile that in 2002, this mechanism was radiation pressure in spectral lines. Consequently, in 1993 the conditions in the star must have changed from supporting a ``normal\" radiatively driven outflow to a state of significantly enhanced mass loss in less that 51 days; i.e., whatever set of critical conditions initiated the eruption occurred within a remarkably short time interval. This rapid reconfiguration of the properties of the wind provides a strong constraint on the unknown mechanism responsible for the eruption. The fact that the wind velocity decreased systematically for many years before the eruption suggests that some critical limit was reached in the autumn of 1993. If the decreasing wind velocity is associated with an increasing wind density, as appears to be the case from the growth of emission line intensities over the 1980--2000 timescale \\citep{Koenigsberger04}, it is possible that the critical conditions are related to the ``bi-stability limit\" \\citep{Lamers95,Vink99}. In this case, the eruptions would be interpreted as the observable manifestation of the transition from the ``fast, rarefied wind\" side of the bi-stability limit to the ``slow, dense wind\" side and the concomitant re-structuring of the circumbinary environment. Since two major eruptions occurred within $\\sim$1.5 years, it appears that {\\stA} remained very close to its ``bi-stability limit\" for this long before beginning to relax to its pre-outburst state. Of course, the crucial unanswered question is what underlying evolutionary process caused {\\stA} to move towards its ``bi-stability limit\" in the first place, e.g., by triggering enhanced mass-loss rate or decreasing the velocity of the radiatively driven outflow. Identifying this trigger mechanism in {\\hd} is certain to improve our understanding of eruptive phenomena that occur in other massive stars and binary systems. Since these outbursts may drive significantly greater mass loss than possible via stellar winds, they have great potential to alter both the evolutionary histories of these stars and the yields of chemically enriched material they provide to their local environments." }, "0606/astro-ph0606475_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We cross-correlate the new 3 year Wilkinson Microwave Anistropy Probe (WMAP) cosmic microwave background (CMB) data with the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) radio galaxy data, and find further evidence of late integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect taking place at late times in cosmic history. Our detection makes use of a novel statistical method \\cite{Baldi et al. 2006a, Baldi et al. 2006b} based on a new construction of spherical wavelets, called needlets. The null hypothesis (no ISW) is excluded at more than 99.7\\% confidence. When we compare the measured cross-correlation with the theoretical predictions of standard, flat cosmological models with a generalized dark energy component parameterized by its density, $\\omde$, equation of state $w$ and speed of sound $\\cs2$, we find $0.3\\leq\\omde\\leq0.8$ at 95\\% c.l., independently of $\\cs2$ and $w$. If dark energy is assumed to be a cosmological constant ($w=-1$), the bound on density shrinks to $0.41\\leq\\omde\\leq 0.79$. Models without dark energy are excluded at more than $4\\sigma$. The bounds on $w$ depend rather strongly on the assumed value of $\\cs2$. We find that models with more negative equation of state (such as phantom models) are a worse fit to the data in the case $\\cs2=1$ than in the case $\\cs2=0$. ", "introduction": "The most outstanding problem in modern cosmology is understanding the mechanism that led to a recent epoch of accelerated expansion of the universe. The evidence that we live in an accelerating universe is now compelling. The luminosity distance at high redshift ($z\\sim 1$) measured from distant type Ia supernovae is consistent with a negative deceleration parameter ($q_0<0$ at $\\sim 3\\sigma$) and shows strong evidence of a recent transition from deceleration to acceleration \\cite{Riess et al. 2004, Riess et al. 1998, Perlmutter et al. 1999}. The amount of clustered matter in the universe, as detected from its gravitational signature through a variety of large scale probes (redshift surveys, clusters of galaxies, etc.) cannot be more than $\\sim 1/3$ of the total content of the universe \\cite{Springel et al. 2006}. Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy have constrained the value of cosmological parameters with outstanding precision. The recent WMAP data (\\cite{Bennett et al. 2003, Spergel et al. 2003, Spergel et al. 2006}) have shown that the total density of the universe is very close to its critical value. Taken together, these results are a strong indication in favor of a non-null cosmological term, which would at the same time explain the accelerated expansion of the universe and provide the remaining $\\sim 2/3$ of its critical density. The precise nature of the cosmological term which drives the accelerated expansion, however, remains mysterious. The favoured working hypothesis is to consider a dynamical, almost homogeneous component (termed {\\em dark energy}) with negative pressure (or, equivalently, repulsive gravity) and an equation of state $w\\equiv p/\\rho<-1/3$ \\cite{Peebles & Ratra 1988, Caldwell et al. 1998, Wang et al. 2000, Peebles & Ratra 2003}. Such a framework helps alleviating a number of fundamental problems arising when a constant cosmological term is interpreted as the energy density of the vacuum \\cite{Weinberg 1989}. One key indication of an accelerated phase in cosmic history is the signature from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect \\cite{Sachs & Wolfe 1967} in the CMB angular power spectrum. This is directly related to variations in the gravitational potential: in particular, it traces the epoch of transition from a matter-dominated universe to one dominated by dark energy. This effect (which is usually called {\\em late ISW}, as opposed to a {\\em early ISW} generated during the radiation-matter transition), shows up as a contribution in the low multipole region of the CMB spectrum. A detection of a late ISW signal in a flat universe is, in itself, a direct evidence of dark energy. Furthermore, the details of the ISW contribution depend on the physics of dark energy, and are therefore a powerful tool to better understand its nature. Unfortunately, the low multipole region of the angular power spectrum is also the most affected by cosmic variance, making the extraction of the ISW signal a difficult task. A useful way to separate the ISW contribution from the total signal is to cross-correlate the CMB anisotropy pattern (imprinted during the recombination epoch at $z\\sim 1100$) with tracers of the large scale structure (LSS) in the local universe \\cite{Crittenden & Turok 1996}. Detailed predictions of the ability to reconstruct the ISW using this technique were obtained by a number of authors \\cite{Cooray 2002, Hu & Scranton 2004, Afshordi 2004, Corasaniti et al. 2003, Pogosian et al. 2005}. This kind of analysis has been performed several times during the past few years, using different CMB data sets and various tracers of clustering. The first detection of the ISW \\cite{Boughn & Crittenden 2004, Boughn & Crittenden 2005} was obtained by combining the WMAP 1st year CMB data with the hard X-ray background observed by the High Energy Astronomy Observatory-1 satellite (HEAO-1 \\cite{Boldt 1987}) and with the radio galaxies of the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS \\cite{Condon et al. 1998}). The positive correlation with NVSS was later confirmed by the WMAP team \\cite{Nolta et al. 2004}. Other large scale structure tracers that led to similar positive results were the APM galaxy survey \\cite{Maddox et al. 1990}, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS \\cite{York et al. 2000}) and the near infrared 2 Micron All Sky Survey eXtendend Source Catalog (2MASS XSC \\cite{Jarrett et al. 2000}) \\cite{Fosalba et al. 2003, Scranton et al. 2003, Fosalba & Gaztanaga 2004, Afshordi et al. 2004, Padmanabhan et al. 2005, Cabre et al. 2006}. A somewhat different strategy to attack the problem was recently adopted by other authors, who attempted to seek the ISW signal in spaces other than the pixel space of the maps or the harmonic space of the angular power spectrum \\cite{Vielva et al. 2006, McEwen et al. 2006}. This approach relies on spherical wavelets as a tool to exploit the spatial localization of ISW (at large angular scales) in order to get a more significant detection of the effect. The purpose of the present paper is twofold. On one side, we want to perform a further analysis of the CMB-LSS cross-correlation, in order to obtain an independent check on previous results. We combine the recent 3rd year release of WMAP CMB sky maps with the radio galaxy NVSS catalogue, and carry out our investigation in wavelet space. We make use of a new type of spherical wavelets, the so-called {\\em needlets} \\cite{Narcowich et al. 2006, Baldi et al. 2006a, Baldi et al. 2006b} which have a series of advantages over previously used wavelets, as will be described in detail later. This then represents at the same time a check on previous results \\cite{Vielva et al. 2006, McEwen et al. 2006} and a significant improvement of the statistical and technical aspects of the problem. On the other side, we follow a rather general approach to dark energy modelization, as first proposed in \\cite{Hu 1998}. Within this framework the phenomenology of dark energy is characterized by three physical parameters: its overall density $\\omde$, its equation of state $w$, and the sound speed $c_s^2$. This parameterization has the advantage of being model independent, allowing one to encompass a rather broad set of fundamental models, and of giving a more realistic description of the dark energy fluid, for example accounting for its clustering properties, a feature that was shown to have quite a strong effect on theoretical predictions \\cite{Weller & Lewis 2003}. As shown in \\cite{Hu & Scranton 2004, Bean & Dore 2004, Corasaniti et al. 2003} the ISW signature can in principle be able to set constraints on the parameters of this generalized dark energy scenario: however, previous analyses of the ISW from CMB-LSS cross-correlation made a number of unrealistic simplyfing assumptions on the dark energy component and were only able to either found confirmations for its existence by constraining its density, or to set limits on its equation of state under restrictive hypotheses on its clustering properties (one notable exception being the analysis performed in \\cite{Corasaniti et al. 2005} which applied a parameterization similar to ours to make a likelihood analysis of the cross-correlation data points estimated in \\cite{Gaztanaga et al. 2004}). Our approach is more ambitious, as we attempt a more realistic description of dark energy and derive constraints on the combined set of three above mentioned parameters. The paper is organized as follows. In Section \\ref{data} we describe the dataset we use to perform our analysis. In Section \\ref{techniques} we outline the theoretical predictions of the expected ISW signal and discuss the statistical techniques we apply to extract it from the data. In Section \\ref{results} we present our results and the derived constraints on dark energy. Finally, in Section \\ref{conclusions} we discuss our main findings and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} We have analyzed the WMAP 3 year CMB temperature data, in conjunction with the NVSS radio galaxy survey, and found further evidence of a correlation between the CMB fluctuation pattern and the local distribution of matter, consistent with an ISW effect taking place at a late epoch of cosmic evolution. When a flat universe is assumed (as suggested by CMB observation) the detection of a late ISW signature is a strong evidence in favour of a dark energy component. Our findings are based on a new construction of spherical wavelets that has a number of advantages with respect to previous studies. The presence of a correlation between the CMB and the LSS is established with a high level of confidence. We have also improved the treatment of the dark energy component, introducing a more general parameterization than those used is similar earlier analysis. Quite interestingly, we find that although the case for a non zero dark energy contribution to the total density is compelling and robust, the constraints on $w$ do depend on the assumed clustering properties of the dark energy component, namely its sound speed $\\cs2$. Phantom models, and also the ordinary cosmological constant case $w=-1$, perform worse when a quintessence behaviour $\\cs2=1$ is assumed. This is due to the fact that there exist models with $w\\sim -0.4$ which predict more correlation at smaller angular scales ($\\theta\\sim 2^\\circ$). This is an intriguing result, that could imply a ISW effect taking place at redshifts as high as $z\\sim 1$, earlier than expected in the cosmological constant case. A similar preference for larger values of $w$ in quintessence models was also found in \\cite{McEwen et al. 2006}. Whether this is an indication of interesting physics taking place between the dark energy and dark matter components is a subject that requires further investigation. Clearly, the observation of ISW is proving quite promising as a tool to answer the questions arising from the mysterious nature of dark energy. While the CMB data have reached a great degree of accuracy on the angular scales that are more relevant for the detection of ISW, deeper redshift surveys and better catalogues can, in the future, improve the tracing of the local matter distribution, thus allowing to reduce the errors on the cross-correlation determination." }, "0606/astro-ph0606196_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We experimentally and numerically tested the separability of two independent equally--luminous monochromatic and white light sources at the diffraction limit, using Optical Vortices (OV), related to the Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) of light. The diffraction pattern of one of the two sources crosses a phase modifying device (fork--hologram) on its center generating the Laguerre--Gaussian (L--G) transform of an Airy disk. The second source, crossing the fork--hologram in positions different from the optical center, acquires different OAM values and generates non--symmetric L--G patterns. We formulated a criterion, based on the asymmetric intensity distribution of the superposed L--G patterns so created, to resolve the two sources at angular distances much below the Rayleigh criterion. Analogous experiments carried out in white light allow angular resolutions which are still one order of magnitude below the Rayleigh criterion. The use OVs might offer new applications for stellar separation in future space experiments. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606643_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\sl Planck\\/} will be the first mission to map the entire cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky with mJy sensitivity and resolution better than $10'$. The science enabled by such a mission spans many areas of astrophysics and cosmology. In particular it will lead to a revolution in our understanding of primary and secondary CMB anisotropies, the constraints on many key cosmological parameters will be improved by almost an order of magnitude (to sub-percent levels) and the shape and amplitude of the mass power spectrum at high redshift will be tightly constrained. ", "introduction": "{\\sl Planck\\/} will be the first mission to map the entire cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky with mJy sensitivity and resolution better than $10'$ \\cite{BlueBook}. The science enabled by such a mission spans many areas of astrophysics and cosmology, but in this short proceedings I can focus on only a few. (Further discussion of the cosmological science enabled by {\\sl Planck\\/} was covered by Lloyd Knox in his talk at this meeting.) In particular I want to focus on the dramatic revolution {\\sl Planck\\/} will represent in the study of primary CMB anisotropies and the universe at $z=10^3$, with its implications for low-$z$ studies such as those of dark energy. I also want to make a push for a CMB-centric view of structure formation which emphasizes the exquisite constraints on large-scale structure that we already have from the CMB at high-$z$. Before I begin with these science topics, it is important to remind ourselves how revolutionary {\\sl Planck\\/} will be. In addition to wider frequency coverage (crucial for control of foregrounds) and better sensitivity than {\\sl WMAP\\/}, {\\sl Planck\\/} has the resolution needed to see into the damping tail of the anisotropy spectrum. In fact {\\sl Planck\\/} will be the first experiment to make an almost cosmic variance limited measurement of the temperature anisotropy spectrum around the $3^{\\rm rd}$ and $4^{\\rm th}$ acoustic peaks. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{2.7in}{!}{\\includegraphics{irvine06_1a.eps}} \\resizebox{2.7in}{!}{\\includegraphics{irvine06_1b.eps}} \\end{center} \\caption{Forecast measurements of the temperature anisotropy power spectrum {}from 4 years of {\\sl WMAP\\/} or 1 year of {\\sl Planck\\/} data assuming nominal sensitivities. We have chosen the same binning scheme to show the advantage that higher resolution and sensitivity confers on {\\sl Planck\\/} for high-$\\ell$ science. Figures from \\protect\\cite{BlueBook}.} \\label{fig:tt} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{2.7in}{!}{\\includegraphics{irvine06_2a.eps}} \\resizebox{2.7in}{!}{\\includegraphics{irvine06_2b.eps}} \\end{center} \\caption{Forecast measurements of the polarization anisotropy power spectrum {}from 4 years of {\\sl WMAP\\/} or 1 year of {\\sl Planck\\/} data assuming nominal sensitivities. One can see clearly the advantage that higher sensitivity confers on {\\sl Planck\\/} for polarization science. Figures from \\protect\\cite{BlueBook}.} \\label{fig:ee} \\end{figure} What does this dramatic increase in our knowledge of the temperature and polarization anisotropy spectra tell us about cosmology, fundamental physics and the formation of structure? Here I will highlight just a few areas where we expect a large impact. ", "conclusions": "{\\sl Planck\\/} will provide a dramatic advance in our knowledge of primary and secondary CMB anisotropies. The constraints on many key cosmological parameters will be dropped to percent, or sub-percent, levels and the shape and amplitude of the mass power spectrum at high redshift will be tightly constrained. Beyond our desire to know the basic parameters of the universe accurately, and to perform truly precision tests of our cosmological model, the increase in precision will be important for a host of low redshift experiments, including those that aim to constrain the nature of the dark energy. I would like to thank the organizers of this conference for a pleasant and productive meeting, and Daniel Eisenstein and Wayne Hu for conversations and collaborations upon which some of this work rests. I am grateful to the many members of the {\\sl Planck\\/} collaboration who have labored tirelessly to make {\\sl Planck\\/} a reality, and especially to Charles Lawrence for his leadership and tireless enthusiasm -- and the chocolate donuts. MJW was supported in part by NASA." }, "0606/astro-ph0606207.txt": { "abstract": "The Low Mach Number Approximation (LMNA) is applied to 2D hydrodynamical modeling of Type I X-ray bursts on a rectangular patch on the surface of a non-rotating neutron star. Because such phenomena involve decidedly subsonic flows, the timestep increase offered by the LMNA makes routine simulations of these deflagrations feasible in an environment where strong gravity produces significant stratification, while allowing for potentially significant lateral differences in temperature and density. The model is employed to simulate the heating, peak, and initial cooling stages in the deep envelope layers of a burst. During the deflagration, B\u00e9nard-like cells naturally fill up a vertically expanding convective layer. The Mach number is always less than 0.15 throughout the simulation, thus justifying the low Mach number approximation. While the convective layer is superadiabatic on average, significant fluctuations in adiabaticity occur within it on subconvective timescales. Due to convective layer expansion, significant compositional mixing naturally occurs, but tracer particle penetration through the convective layer boundaries on convective timescales is temporary and spatially limited. Thus, mixing occurs on the relatively slow burst timescale through thermal expansion of the convective layer rather than from mass penetration of the convective layer boundary through particle convection. At the convective layer boundaries where mixing is less efficient, the actual temperature gradient more closely follows the Ledoux criteria. ", "introduction": "In the thermonuclear flash model, Type I X-ray bursts (henceforth referred to as \\textit{bursts}) are understood to be caused by the explosive ignition of hydrogen and/or helium gas, which have accreted onto the outer surface of neutron stars from relatively low-mass, binary companion donors. Extensive theoretical calculations using diffusional-thermal and 1D hydrodynamical models have successfully reproduced many of the general observational features of these bursts, such as the energies involved ($\\sim$10$^{38}$-10$^{39}$ ergs), their rise times (seconds), durations ($\\sim$ 10-100 seconds), spectral softening, and recurrence intervals (several hours). (For reviews, see Taam 1985, Lewin et al. 1995, Cumming 2004, and Strohmayer \\& Bildsten 2006.) However, multidimensional hydrodynamic modeling of bursts has been much more limited, partly due to limitations in computational resources. Using FLASH (Fryxell et al. 2000) based on the Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) (Colella \\& Woodward 1984), Zingale et al. (2001) simulated bursts as 2D detonations, albeit assuming very low mass accretion rates. Also using FLASH, Zingale et al. (2002) simulated bursts as 2D deflagrations using an artificial temperature perturbation in lieu of a realistic burning network. Spitkovsky et al. (2002) used the shallow water approximation to examine how flames would propagate during bursts around a two-layer neutron star surface, but their method is incompressible, assumes an ideal gas law, and does not account for thermal diffusion. In a different context, Dearborn et al. (2006) studied the related helium flash problem in the 3D cores of evolved giant stars using Djehuty (Baz\u00e1n 2003), which is based on an explicit Lagrange-Eulerian hydrodynamic method. Our current modeling effort simulates the heating, peak, and initial cooling stages of the deep envelope layers undergoing a burst with 2D hydrodynamics using the Low Mach Number Approximation (LMNA) and remedies the shortcomings of previous work in several respects: (1) compressibility effects are included; (2) potentially significant lateral fluctuations in temperature and density are allowed; (3) the essential input physics are considered, including thermal diffusion, a realistic equation of state, and a burning network (a $3\\alpha$ nuclear burning network is reported here for simplicity, and more complete networks can be included); (4) no assumption is made regarding the nature of convection; (5) sound waves are naturally excluded from the domain, thereby eliminating both the acoustic timestep restriction and acoustic boundary reflection problems which can plague fully compressible simulations; and, (6) the computational time is reduced by a factor of 10-100 compared to fully compressible methods, due to the corresponding increase in the timestep. Other approximation methods which eliminate the acoustic timestep restriction include the Boussinesq approximation (Spiegel \\& Veronis 1959; Miralles 2000), the anelastic approximation (Ogura \\& Phillips 1962; Glatzmaier 1984), and implicit methods (e.g., Deupree 2000). However, at present only the LMNA can successfully model the compressibility effects and significant lateral fluctuations in temperature and density which characterize deflagrations, as well as offer substantial increases in timestep and avoid acoustic boundary complications. While the LMNA is routinely used to model terrestrial combustion (e.g., Bayliss et al. 1992; McGrattan et al. 2004), only recently have efforts begun to adapt it to the astrophysical setting. Alternative astrophysical LMNA models have been recently developed by Bell et al. (2004a) and Almgren et al. (2006a, 2006b). Thus far, they have been used to examine 2D Landau-Darrieus planar flame instabilities during the early development of a Type Ia supernova (Bell et al. 2004b), Rayleigh-Taylor unstable flames in 2D and 3D (Bell et al. 2004c; Zingale 2005), and tested against the anelastic approximation and other fully compressible methods in a regime where all are valid (Almgren et al. 2006a, 2006b). The model by Bell et al. neglects background stratification, because the domain on which it was applied was much smaller than one pressure scale height. The model by Almgren et al. does include background stratification, and is thus more comparable to ours. However, our LMNA model differs from Almgren et al.'s in several important respects: (1) they evolve the density via the continuity equation, whereas we evolve the temperature via the energy equation; (2) they neglect thermal diffusion, because it is expected to be unimportant in their modeling of Type Ia supernova, whereas we include it in our model; (3) they allow a time-dependent background state, while presently, we assume it is time-independent, a condition which is easily relaxed and is reserved for future work; (4) we reformulate (using a novel function which will be described in detail below) the perturbative pressure gradient and buoyancy forces to accurately calculate the net vertical force in the presence of significant cancellation for large gravity. In $\\mbox{\\S}$2, the motivation and essence of our LMNA model are presented. The results of applying the LMNA to simulate a Type I X-ray burst in 2D are described in $\\S$3. Next, $\\S$4 briefly describes verification studies which were performed. Finally, a discussion of the key findings and limitations of the present model, along with ideas for future development and applications, is presented in $\\S$5. ", "conclusions": "The major accomplishments and findings of this project are summarized as follows: (1) The low Mach number approximation has been developed, verified, and implemented to study astrophysical deflagrations where large vertical pressure variations exist and the Mach number $M$ is small. (2) When applied to subadiabatic initial conditions representing the pre-burst peak stage of a Type I X-ray burst, a vertically expanding convective layer of B\u00e9nard-like cells naturally develops, and the vertical extent of the larger cells matches that of the convective layer. The convective layer expands to two pressure scale heights during the burst progression. (3) Even at their maximum values, convective flow speeds are substantially subsonic ($M_{peak}<0.15$), while the deviation of the pressure from the hydrostatic base state is always at most of order $M^{2}$. (4) As the convective layer expands, fuel is naturally mixed into the convective layer, and mixing within the layer is very efficient. However, at the convective layer boundaries, less efficient mixing results in significant composition gradients, such that $\\grad$ more closely follows $\\grad_{L}$ there. Penetration on convective-timescales is limited and temporary. (5) Both sub- and superadiabaticity are found within the convective layer, but it is slightly superadiabatic on average. (6) Convection significantly affects energy transport. In the present results, convection develops naturally as a consequence of superadiabatic gradients arising from heat inputted into the system by nuclear burning in a bursting layer. No model for convection is assumed; indeed, we have not been able to establish agreement with the predictions of mixing-length theory. Throughout the burst, the average values of the actual gradient $\\grad$ are best described as generally between $\\grad_{ad}$ and $\\grad_{L}$, while the instantaneous values are closer to $\\grad_{L}$. Moreover, some penetration occurs at the convective layer boundaries, where on average, $\\grad$ clearly deviates from $\\grad_{ad}$ to conform better to $\\grad_{L}$. Whether the Schwarzschild or Ledoux criteria is satisfied in regions where composition gradients exist in massive stars is still an open question in astrophysics. Semiconvection, a relatively slow mixing caused by composition gradients, is poorly understood, and models which examine the Schwarzschild vs. Ledoux gradients yield conflicting results (Merryfield 1995; Canuto 2000). Moreover, Canuto (2000) demonstrates the Schwarzschild criteria necessarily implies convective overshooting, and the Ledoux criteria also necessarily implies overshooting if convection is non-local. The current model includes all the key elements of convective and semiconvective processes, and it provides an opportunity to further examine this important issue. Several limitations to our current model should be noted. (1) The contribution of energy generation $\\dot{s}_{12,\\alpha}$ due to subsequent $\\alpha$ captures on $_{6}^{12}C$ is neglected in the current computation. Calculations show $\\dot{s}_{12,\\alpha}$ becomes important post-burst peak due to the rise in ash concentration $Z$ as a result of burning, and its inclusion is expected to increase the duration and magnitude of the simulated burst. (2) At more advanced stages of the burst ($log$ EGR$_{max}$ $\\geq$ 19), the upper convective boundary has reached the upper domain boundary. Comparison with a model which has an extended height shows that dynamical results at these stages may be subject to upper boundary influences. However, these differences were relatively minor and did not affect the qualitative behavior described here. Moreover, because the current model does not include the true surface of the star, observable light curves can not be rigorously calculated. (3) While most of the computational domain remains degenerate throughout the burst sequence, calculations show that degeneracy decreases as the burst progresses, and by the end of the calculation, it begins to be lifted in the upper third of the domain where the densities are smallest. Thus, expansion effects may become important at more advanced stages of the burst, and the current assumption that the base state is time-independent may need to be relaxed to better model the dynamics which arise at these later times. (4) The current model neglects rotation and magnetism. We note that these effects can be incorporated within the Low Mach number formalism, and we expect to address them in future work. Nevertheless, the results presented here describe reasonable qualitative behavior of the flow field as a burst progresses. The substantially subsonic flows arising during the burst, the convective layer filling up with larger cells of roughly the same vertical extent, and the better agreement of $\\grad$ with $\\grad_{L}$ near the convective layer boundaries are likely to describe the behavior when these additional effects are included. Presently, the LMNA method is a powerful computational tool and has been successfully applied to routinely simulate 2D Type I X-ray burst deflagrations, a problem which has thus far been intractable with other methodologies. Continuing to develop the algorithm will be a vital aspect of future work. Computationally, enhancements may include relaxing the time-independence of the hydrostatic base state, extending the model to 3D, implementing different coordinate systems, incorporating adaptive gridding techniques, and improving the input physics, such as incorporating rotation, more complete nuclear burning networks, and a sub-grid turbulence model. The LMNA model is well-suited to routinely model astrophysical deflagrations which occur during Type I X-ray bursts, the pre-ejection stage of classical novae, the pre-detonation stage of supernovae, and the hydrodynamics and burning in the cores of main sequence stars. The LMNA method represents a useful tool which enables the routine investigation of a wide variety of interesting and important astrophysical questions." }, "0606/astro-ph0606332_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from our two year study of ground-layer turbulence as seen through the 6.5-meter Magellan Telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory. The experiment consists of multiple, moderate resolution, Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors deployed over a large 16 arcminute field. Over the two years of the experiment, the ground-layer turbulence has been sampled on eleven nights in a variety of seeing and wind conditions. On most nights the ground-layer turbulence contributes 10\\% to the total visible-band seeing, although a few nights exhibit ground-layer contributions up to 30\\%. We present the ground-layer turbulence on the sampled nights as well as a demonstration of its strength as a function of field size. This information is combined with data from a MASS-DIMM seeing monitor adjacent to the Magellan Telescopes to infer the annual ground-layer contribution to seeing at Las Campanas. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} The concept of ground-layer adaptive optics correction (GLAO) is to make a modest improvement in image quality over a large field of view (many arcmin) by compensating for the turbulence in the lowest layers of the atmosphere. GLAO is complementary to full-atmosphere adaptive optics correction (AO), which delivers diffraction-limited imaging, but only over small fields of view ($<$ 1 arcmin). Recent studies of the atmosphere at astronomical sites have been conducted using a variety seeing monitors, and also with balloons carrying micro-thermal sensors \\cite{1994A&A...284..311V,1998A&AS..130..141K,2001A&A...369..364A,MASS_3,2003RMxAC..19...23S,2003SPIE.4839..466W}. A number these studies provide measuremants of both the total seeing and the distribution of turbulence as a function of altitiude. The new results suggest that typically more than half of the turbulent power in the atmosphere occurs at low altitude ($\\lesssim$ 1.0 km). This ground-layer is thought to arise from the interaction of moving air with local topography, which may differ from site to site depending on wind direction and ground contour upstream of the telescope. The presence of a strong, low altitude turbulence layer provides an opportunity to improve the seeing using an AO system with modest operating parameters \\cite{2000SPIE.4007.1022R}. Near the ground, the wind speed is low so the crossing time for a turbulent cell is typically on the order of ten milliseconds or more. Because the effective height of the ground layer is largest for the largest turbulent scales, a GLAO system favors correction of the lowest order modes. For atmospheric layers near the telescope, the isoplanatic angle will be large. Thus, a GLAO system might operate at low frequency (100 Hz) and low order ($<$50 modes on a 6.5-m telescope) while significantly improving the image quality over a large field of view (many arcmin). Initial GLAO models predicted a gain of a factor of two in image size over fields of 10 arcmin or more, resulting in a factor of four gain in sensitivity for background limited observations \\cite{2000SPIE.4007.1022R,2003SPIE.4839..673T}. The potential of GLAO correction is evident, however most of the work to date has consisted of modeling based on a few atmospheric measurements. Only limited amounts of data have been taken at the telescope. Although several on-going studies reveal at least some information about ground-layer turbulence \\cite{2004SPIE.5490..758W,2005ApJ...634..679L}, none of the current experiments provides adequate empirical measurements of the parameters and performance of a GLAO system. Early laser-tomography experiments, for example, are restricted to smaller fields of view. Since in any event different observatory sites might be expected to exhibit different ground-layer conditions, we have chosen to conduct an experiment to directly measure the effect of ground-layer turbulence at the Magellan Telescopes. This experiment was conducted as part the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) project, in order to study the implications of GLAO for the design of GMT and its instrumentation. ", "conclusions": "We have taken one of the first sets of moderate speed (100 Hz), wide-field (arcminutes), and moderate resolution (59 cm sub-aperture) wavefront sensor data, in order to asses the gains of a GLAO system. We have taken this data on eleven nights which span a range of meteorological, seeing, and reported ground-layer strength conditions. On the best nights, we find a RMS image size reduction of 30\\% over a 7 arcminute separation. On a typical night we find a 10\\% correction to a visible-band image." }, "0606/astro-ph0606274_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) are close binary systems where mass is transferred from a red dwarf star to a white dwarf star via an accretion disk. The flickering is observed as stochastic variations in the emitted radiation both in the continuum and in the emission line profiles.\\\\ The main goal of our simulations is to compare synthetic Doppler maps with observed ones, aiming to constrain the flickering properties and wind parameters.\\\\ A code was developed which generates synthetic emission line profiles of a geometrically thin and optically thick accretion disk. The simulation allows us to include flares in a particular disk region. The emission line flares may be integrated over arbitrary ``exposure'' times, producing the synthetic line profiles. Flickering Doppler maps are created using such synthetic time series. The presence of a wind inside the Roche lobe was also implemented. Radiative transfer effects in the lines where taken into account in order to reproduce the single peaked line profiles frequently seen in nova-like CVs. ", "introduction": "The flickering, or rapid variability, is observed as stochastic fluctuations in the emitted radiation. The typical timescales range from seconds to tenths of minutes, and the amplitudes vary from cents of magnitude to more than one magnitude. The flickering is a defining characteristic of cataclysmic variables, being frequently used to classify an object as a CV. Flickering is also observed in other classes of objects, as in some symbiotic stars \\cite{Miko90}. The first CV where flickering was observed is UX UMa \\cite{Line49}. Since then, many photometric studies were made aiming to locate the flickering source region in many systems. \\inlinecite{Diaz01} proposed a tomographic method to map the flickering source regions using line profile data. The flickering tomography was applied to V442 Oph system, and an isolated flickering source region could not be identified. The objective of our simulations is to generate flickering tomograms from synthetic line profiles and compare these tomograms with the observed maps, aiming to constrain some parameters of the flickering and locate its forming region.\\\\ The presence of winds in cataclysmic variables is noticed by strong wind driven lines in UV, i.e. C IV, and the occurrence of P-Cygni profiles. As some tomograms present emission at low velocities, we have implemented the presence of a optically thick wind, aiming to reproduce this behavior. The comparison of model tomograms with observations may help us to constrain the main wind parameters.\\\\ In this proceeding we present the main physical concepts and parameterizations contained in the simulations and some preliminary results that arise from them. ", "conclusions": "Simulations of synthetic accretion disc line profiles including flickering and wind were performed. From the simulations one can see that high S/N and high time-resolution spectra are needed in order to obtain information from flickering tomograms. The information contained in the low amplitude and high frequency flickering is lost first. The flickering information is also lost if long integration times are used. From the wind simulations we conclude that a line optical depth greater than 10 is needed to obtain single peaked wind line profiles.\\\\ As incoming work this code will be used to generate synthetic tomograms with flickering, which will be compared to observed flickering tomograms of V3885 Sgr, aiming to locate the sites of flickering production and constrain the flickering parameters in this system." }, "0606/astro-ph0606568_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present parameter estimation forecasts for present and future 3D cosmic shear surveys. We demonstrate in particular that, in conjunction with results from cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments, the properties of dark energy can be estimated with very high precision with large-scale, fully 3D weak lensing surveys. In particular, a 5-band, 10,000 square degree ground-based survey of galaxies to a median redshift of $z_m=0.7$ could achieve $1$-$\\sigma$ marginal statistical errors, in combination with the constraints expected from the CMB Planck Surveyor, of $\\Delta w_0=0.108$ and $\\Delta w_a=0.099$. We parameterize the redshift evolution of $w$ by $w(a)=w_0+w_a(1-a)$ where $a$ is the scale factor. Such a survey is achievable with a wide-field camera on a $4$ metre class telescope. The error on the value of $w$ at an intermediate pivot redshift of $z=0.368$ is constrained to $\\Delta w(z=0.368)=0.0175$. We compare and combine the 3D weak lensing constraints with the cosmological and dark energy parameters measured from planned Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) and supernova Type Ia experiments, and find that 3D weak lensing significantly improves the marginalized errors on $w_0$ and $w_a$ in combination, and provides constraints on $w(z)$ at a unique redshift through the lensing effect. A combination of 3D weak lensing, CMB and BAO experiments could achieve $\\Delta w_0=0.037$ and $\\Delta w_a=0.099$. We also show how our results can be scaled to other telescopes and survey designs. Fully 3D weak shear analysis avoids the loss of information inherent in tomographic binning, and we also show that the sensitivity to systematic errors in photometric redshift is much less. In conjunction with the fact that the physics of lensing is very soundly based, the analysis here demonstrates that deep, wide-angle 3D weak lensing surveys are extremely promising for measuring dark energy properties. ", "introduction": "Our knowledge of cosmology has advanced considerably in recent years. Led by detailed measurements of the microwave background radiation and large-scale structure, many of the most important cosmological parameters are now known with good accuracy. This advance has come about principally through the all-sky maps of the microwave sky taken with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) (Bennett et al., 2003), supplemented by higher-resolution observations of the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR) and Cosmic Background Imager (CBI) (Kuo et al., 2004; Pearson et al., 2003). When combined with large-scale structure information from the Anglo-Australian 2 degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS) (Colless et al., 2001; Percival et al., 2001), the Lyman-$\\alpha$ forest (Croft et al., 2002; Gnedin and Hamilton, 2002), and measurements of galaxy bias (Verde et al., 2002), the data establish the concordance model of an accelerating Universe dominated by dark energy and dark matter (Spergel et al., 2003; Spergel et al., 2006). The acceleration of the Universe is also apparent in observations of distant supernovae (e.g. Riess et al., 2000). The determination of the density, baryon content and expansion rate of the Universe shifts the major unanswered questions in cosmology to the nature of the dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy in particular can be probed through its cosmological effects on the distance-redshift relation and the growth rate of structure. The question of the precise nature of the dark energy is a far-reaching one. We use the simplest phenomenological model of dark energy by parameterizing the equation of state of the vacuum, \\begin{equation} w\\equiv p/(\\rho c^2), \\end{equation} where $\\rho$ is its energy-density and $p$ is the dark-energy/vacuum-pressure. $w=w(a)$ may vary with scale factor. If it is found with high precision that $w=-1$, then the dark energy cannot be distinguished with large-scale measurements from a modification to the gravity law along the lines suggested by Einstein with the cosmological constant. If, however, it can be established with a degree of certainty that $w$ differs from $-1$ at any redshift, then it cannot be associated with such a change to the gravity law, and is most naturally accounted for by a new field. This would be an extremely important discovery, and the time-evolution of the field would be a useful constraint on models. Some possibilities exist in the literature, such as those proposed by Ratra and Peebles (1988), but none is a clear favourite candidate. Weak lensing is a very attractive proposition for studying dark energy, as it is sensitive to both of these effects, and, equally importantly, the physics of weak lensing is well understood. A key part of this is that it is sensitive to the distribution of matter in the Universe, regardless of its form. Furthermore, since weak lensing analysis can be done in a way which is either dependent on the distance-redshift relation alone (see e.g. Taylor et al., 2006; Jain \\& Taylor, 2003) or on both the distance-redshift relation and the growth factor (this paper), it can in principle distinguish between modified gravity models and dark energy models. The main lesson of the field of microwave background astronomy is that with well-understood physics, robust results can be obtained with high precision. Weak lensing observations are, however, a technical challenge, as the imaging requirements are severe. Thus, it has only been in the last five years or so that the first measurements of cosmic shear have appeared (Bacon, Refregier and Ellis, 2000; Kaiser, Wilson and Luppino, 2000; van Waerbeke et al., 2000; Wittman et al., 2000). Weak lensing measurements to date have concentrated on obtaining the matter density parameter $\\Omega_m$ and the amplitude of mass density fluctuations (Hoekstra, Yee and Gladders, 2002; Jarvis et al., 2003; Rhodes et al., 2004; Heymans et al., 2004; Hoekstra et al., 2006; Semboloni et al., 2006). More ambitiously, weak lensing observations have started to put constraints on the equation of state of dark energy (Jarvis et al., 2005; Semboloni at al., 2006). Theoretically, the prospects for determining dark energy properties (specifically its equation of state $w$) using weak lensing have been explored in a number of papers (e.g. Taylor et al., 2006; Hu and Tegmark, 1999; Huterer, 2002; Heavens, 2003; Refregier, 2003; Simon, King and Schneider, 2004; Takada and Jain, 2004; Song and Knox, 2004; Ishak et al., 2004; Ishak, 2005). The prospects for determining $w$ as a function of redshift $z$ are markedly improved when 3D information on the individual lensed sources is available. Source distances could come from spectroscopic redshifts, but given the depth and the sky area required, they are more likely to be estimated from photometric redshifts. With 3D information, the lensing pattern can be analyzed in shells at different distances (e.g. Hu, 1999; Hu and Jain, 2004; Ishak, 2005), or by analyzing the shear pattern as a fully three-dimensional field (Heavens, 2003). It is the latter possibility which we investigate in this paper. The statistical properties of the shear pattern are influenced by many cosmological parameters, including $w(z)$. In this paper we extend the analysis of Heavens (2003) to small-angle surveys as well as computing the expected marginal errors on $w$ (and its evolution), using a Fisher matrix approach. We investigate issues of depth vs area, and the number of photometric bands which should be used, to determine the dark energy properties as accurately as possible. The main focus of the paper is in computing the expected statistical errors, but we do consider the impact of some systematics (Ishak et al., 2004; Bernstein, 2005; Huterer et al., 2005). The layout of the paper is as follows: in Section \\ref{s:method} we detail the transform method used and compute the covariance matrix of the transform coefficients; in Section \\ref{s:params} we outline how the expected statistical errors on parameters are calculated; in Section \\ref{s:Errors} we present the survey design and how we can scale to other surveys and in Section \\ref{Optimisation For a Wide-Field Lensing Survey} we present an optimization of survey design and the parameter errors; in Section \\ref{Parameter Forecasts} we consider the synergy of 3D weak lensing with other dark energy probes and discuss future surveys and finally we give our conclusions in Section \\ref{Conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Conclusions} In this paper we have presented a 3D weak lensing spectral method suitable for high-$\\ell$ studies, and investigated how well 3D weak lensing surveys could determine the equation of state of dark energy. The accuracy which could be achieved if systematic errors can be controlled is impressively high, provided the surveys are analyzed in 3D: marginal statistical errors of $\\Delta w_0=0.108$, on the current value of $w\\equiv p/(\\rho c^2)$, and its evolution $w_a$ constrained to $\\Delta w_a=0.397$ are possible with a 10,000 square degree survey in 5 bands to a median source depth of $z_m=0.7$. At a pivot redshift of $z=0.37$ such an experiment could constrain $w(z)$ to $\\Delta w(z=0.37)=0.0175$. Such a survey is possible with darkCAM, in conjunction with data from the Planck satellite. Even without Planck, the accuracy from 3D weak lensing alone is still impressively high, and better than any other dark energy probe considered on its own. The fact that the physics of 3D weak lensing is well-understood, combined with the small statistical error forecasts, makes 3D weak lensing a formidable prospect for advancing cosmology in the next decade. The errors on $w$ are comparable to, but a little better than, predictions from tomography (Hu and Jain, 2004; Ishak, 2005). The constraints on $w(z)$ at the pivot redshift and the figure of merit, $\\Delta w(z_{\\rm pivot})*\\Delta w_a$, of the experiments considered were also discussed. We have investigated optimizing a wide field survey to measure the equation of state parameters $w_0$ and $w_a$ and found an optimal survey strategy of $z_m=1.0$ covering $2400$ square degrees for a $5$ optical band survey. We found that increasing the number of optical bands to $9$ or $17$ makes little difference to the marginal errors when the 3D weak lensing result is combined with a Planck prior. The effect of including infrared bands in a wide field survey was investigated by varying the photometric redshift error, it was found that adding $4$ infrared bands to a $5$ band optical survey improves the marginal constraints on $w_0$ slightly from $\\Delta w_0=0.108$ to $\\Delta w_0= 0.097$. Three alternative dark energy probes were considered: a Planck CMB experiment; a WFMOS BAO experiment and a SNAP SNIa experiment. All possible combinations of experiments were considered and the figure of merit and pivot redshifts of the combinations shown. In such a competitive environment 3D weak lensing places strong constraints on the dark energy parameters and in combination with other experiments provides a unique degeneracy in the ($w_0$,$w_a$) plane which is manifest as a strong constraint at a particular pivot redshift. We have addressed the issues of biased photometric redshift estimates (e.g. Ma, Hu and Huterer, 2005) and show that the method is relatively insensitive to this. We also investigated the effect that a sample of outliers, with poor photometric redshift estimates, would have on the predicted marginal errors. The effect of outliers on the marginal error of $w_0$ is small although the way in which such a sample is treated is important. We have not considered errors due to the intrinsic alignment of galaxies (Heavens, Refregier and Heymans, 2000; Croft and Metzler, 2000; Catelan, Kamionkowski and Blandford, 2001; Crittenden et al., 2001; Jing, 2002), as these may be reduced to a negligible level by removing pairs which are close in photometric redshifts (Heymans and Heavens, 2003; King and Schneider, 2002). This procedure has already been demonstrated in the analysis of the COMBO-17 data (Heymans et al., 2004). We have also not addressed other issues of systematics, such as optical distortions, or possible alignment of foreground galaxies with shear (Hirata and Seljak, 2004), which may be reduced using techniques such as template fitting (King, 2005). Nevertheless, the fact that the statistical errors are very small is very encouraging. Clearly to achieve the accuracies quoted here is going to be a formidable challenge for control of systematics, but at least the statistical error forecasts are small enough that the promise of accurate measurement of the equation of state of dark energy may be realized." }, "0606/astro-ph0606042_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Neutrino oscillations affect light element synthesis through the $\\nu$-process in supernova explosions. The $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields produced in a supernova explosion of a 16.2 $M_\\odot$ star model increase by factors of 1.9 and 1.3 in the case of large mixing angle solution with normal mass hierarchy and $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13} \\ga 2 \\times 10^{-3}$ compared with those without the oscillations. In the case of inverted mass hierarchy or nonadiabatic 13-mixing resonance, the increment of their yields is much smaller. Neutrino oscillations raise the reaction rates of charged-current $\\nu$-process reactions in the region outside oxygen-rich layers. The number ratio of $^7$Li/$^{11}$B could be a tracer of normal mass hierarchy and relatively large $\\theta_{13}$, still satisfying $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13} \\le 0.1$, through future precise observations in stars having strong supernova component. ", "introduction": "In the final evolutionary stage of massive stars, most region of the stars except collapsing core explodes as supernova explosions. The collapsing core releases its gravitational energy with gigantic amount of neutrinos. The emitted neutrinos interact with nuclei in the exploding material and new species of nuclei are produced; this synthetic process is called the $\\nu$-process \\citep{de78,wh90}. There are several species produced through the $\\nu$-process. For light elements, $^7$Li and $^{11}$B are mainly produced through the $\\nu$-process (Woosley et al. 1990; Woosley \\& Weaver 1995; Yoshida, Emori, \\& Nakazawa 2000; Rauscher et al. 2002; Yoshida et al. 2004; Yoshida, Kajino, \\& Hartmann 2005). Some $^{19}$F is also produced through the $\\nu$-process \\citep{wh90,ww95,rh02}. For neutron-deficient heavy nuclei $^{138}$La and $^{180}$Ta are also produced through charged-current interactions with $\\nu_e$ \\citep{ga01,hk05}. Neutrino-driven winds from proto-neutron stars are considered to be one of the promoting sites for $r$-process heavy elements \\citep[e.g.,][]{ww94,tw94,ot00,tl04}. Supernova explosion is one of the important sites for supplying $^7$Li and $^{11}$B as well as Galactic cosmic rays, AGB stars, and novae during Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) \\citep[e.g.,][]{fo00}. In previous studies, we showed that the amounts of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B strongly depend on the neutrino energy spectra and the total neutrino energy \\citep{yt04,yk05}. We also constrained the neutrino energy spectra from the gravitational energy of a proto-neutron star and GCE models \\citep{yk05}. In these studies it has been assumed that the neutrino spectra do not change in the supernova ejecta. On the other hand, recent remarkable progress in neutrino experiments has confirmed the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations \\citep[e.g.,][]{mv04}. The experiments on atmospheric neutrinos \\citep[e.g.,][]{SK04}, solar neutrinos \\citep[e.g.,][]{SNO04}, and reactor neutrinos \\citep[e.g,][]{ap03,KL05} constrained most of parameter values in neutrino oscillations, such as squared mass differences and the mixing angles. Resultantly, the large mixing angle (LMA) solution turns out to be a unique solution for the 12- and 23-mixings. However, mass hierarchy between 1 and 3 mass eigenstates has not been clarified \\citep[e.g.,][]{SK04} and only upper limit of $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13}$ has been determined \\citep{ap03}. Supernova neutrino is another promoting target for neutrino experiments. When SN 1987A occurred, Kamiokande group and IMB group found eleven and eight events of neutrino detection \\citep{hk87,IMB87}. Owing to the development of neutrino experiments, much larger events of the neutrino detection are expected when a supernova explosion occurs in neighboring galaxies. In order to evaluate the neutrino flux and their energy dependence, neutrino oscillations in supernova explosions have been investigated qualitatively \\citep{ds00} and quantitatively \\citep{tw01}. They showed that in the case of adiabatic resonance for $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13}$ (LMA-L in Takahashi et al. 2001) the transition probability from $\\nu_e$ to $\\nu_{\\mu,\\tau}$ changes from 0 to almost 1 in the O/C layer in their supernova model. Finally, the energy spectrum of $\\nu_e$ changes to the one close to the $\\nu_{\\mu,\\tau}$ spectrum emitted from neutrino sphere. In the case of nonadiabatic resonance for $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13}$ (LMA-S in Takahashi et al. 2001), the change of neutrino spectra is smaller. The effects from mass hierarchy and from the change of the density profile due to the shock propagation were also investigated \\citep{ts03a,ts03b}. Since neutrino oscillations change neutrino spectra, it is expected that the amounts of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B change by the effect of neutrino oscillations \\citep{yk06}. During supernova explosions, neutral-current reactions such as $^4$He($\\nu,\\nu'p)^3$H and $^4$He($\\nu,\\nu'n)^3$He are important for $^7$Li and $^{11}$B production \\citep{yt04}. We note here that the total reaction rates of neutral-current reactions do not change by the neutrino oscillations. The energy spectrum summed up in all neutrinos and antineutrinos does not change by the oscillations. On the other hand, the reaction rates of charged-current reactions such as $^4$He($\\nu_e,e^-p)^3$He and $^4$He($\\bar{\\nu}_e,e^+n)^3$H are expected to increase by neutrino oscillations. As shown in \\citet{ds00} and \\citet{tw01}, the mean energies of $\\nu_e$ and $\\bar{\\nu}_e$ increase by the neutrino oscillations. This increase will raise the efficiency of the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B production. If we obtain some clear signals of neutrino oscillations in the abundances of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B, we would constrain the parameter values of neutrino oscillations from observations of light elements. This is a new procedure to constrain neutrino oscillation parameters completely different from the detections of supernova neutrinos. In the present study, we investigate light element synthesis in supernova explosions taking account of the change of the neutrino spectra due to neutrino oscillations. We also evaluate the dependence of the yields of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B in the supernova ejecta on the mixing angle $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13}$ and mass hierarchy. We set the luminosity and the energy spectrum of each flavor of neutrinos just emitted from a proto-neutron star in \\S 2. We also set the parameter values of neutrino oscillations from the results of recent neutrino experiments. We explain a supernova explosion model and a nuclear reaction network for light element synthesis. We mention the cross sections of charged-current reactions of the $\\nu$-process to evaluate the reaction rates including neutrino oscillations. In \\S 3, we show the transition probabilities of neutrino flavors with different values of $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13}$ and mass hierarchy. We also discuss the effect of the oscillations on the reaction rates of charged-current $\\nu$-process reactions. In \\S 4, we show the calculated mass fraction distribution of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B taking account of neutrino oscillations. Then, we show the dependence of the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields on $\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13}$ and mass hierarchy. We also show the dependence on the temperatures of $\\nu_{\\rm e}$ and $\\bar{\\nu}_{\\rm e}$ just emitted from proto-neutron star. In \\S 5, we discuss the neutrino oscillations with supernova shock propagation and show the change of the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields by this effect. We also discuss the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields related to observations of stars which have traces of supernova explosions and supernova remnants. Finally, we conclude our study in \\S 6. ", "conclusions": "We studied light element nucleosynthesis through the $\\nu$-process in supernovae taking account of neutrino oscillations. The parameters of neutrino oscillations were adopted from the evaluations through several neutrino experiments. We used a supernova model corresponding to SN 1987A and investigated the dependence of the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields on the mixing angle $\\theta_{13}$ and mass hierarchy. The obtained results are summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Neutrino oscillations affect the yields of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B synthesized in supernova explosions. Especially, the $^7$Li yield increases by a factor of 1.9 in the normal mass hierarchy and adiabatic H-resonance ($\\sin^{2}2\\theta_{13} \\ga 2 \\times 10^{-3}$) compared with that without neutrino oscillations. The $^{11}$B yield increases by a factor of 1.3. \\item In the inverted mass hierarchy, the increase in the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields is smaller: the yields of $^7$Li and $^{11}$B increase by factors of 1.3 and 1.2. \\item Neutrino oscillations in supernovae make the reaction rates of charged-current $\\nu$-process reactions larger. The reaction rates of neutral-current $\\nu$-process reactions do not change. Thus, the final amounts of the $\\nu$-process products increase by the neutrino oscillations. In our study, main important $\\nu$-process reactions for the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B production are $^4$He($\\nu,\\nu'p)^3$H($\\alpha,\\gamma)^7$Li, $^4$He($\\nu,\\nu'n)^3$He($\\alpha,\\gamma)^7$Be, $^{12}$C($\\nu,\\nu'p)^{11}$B, and $^{12}$C($\\nu,\\nu'n)^{11}$C. When we consider neutrino oscillations, the following charged-current $\\nu$-process reactions become also important: $^4$He($\\nu_e,e^-p)^3$He($\\alpha,\\gamma)^7$Li, $^4$He($\\bar{\\nu}_e,e^+n)^3$H ($\\alpha,\\gamma)^7$Be, $^{12}$C($\\nu_e,e^-p)^{11}$C, $^{12}$C($\\bar{\\nu}_e,e^+n)^{11}$B. \\item The neutrino temperatures also affect the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields due to neutrino oscillations. Large difference of the temperatures of $\\nu_e$ and $\\nu_{\\mu,\\tau}$ brings about larger increase in the yields compared with those without neutrino oscillations. \\item The shock propagation effect on the neutrino oscillations would slightly reduce the increment of the $^7$Li and $^{11}$B yields. In our model, most of neutrinos pass through the He/C layer before the shock wave arrives at the O/C layer, i.e., the resonance density region. When the shock wave is in the O-rich layers, the density change by the shock does not influence strongly neutrino oscillations. \\end{itemize}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606724_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper considers the techniques to distinguish normal star forming (NSF) galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosts using optical spectra. The observational data base is a set of 20\\,000 galaxies extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, for which we have determined the emission line intensities after subtracting the stellar continuum obtained from spectral synthesis. Our analysis is based on photoionization models computed using the stellar ionizing radiation predicted by population synthesis codes (essentially Starburst 99) and, for the AGNs, a broken power-law spectrum. We explain why, among the four classical emission line diagnostic diagrams, (\\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oii/\\Hb, \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\nii/\\Ha\\ (the BPT diagram), \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\sii/\\Ha, and \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oi/\\Ha), the BPT one works best. We show however, that none of these diagrams is efficient in detecting AGNs in metal poor galaxies, should such cases exist. We propose a new divisory line between ``pure'' NSF galaxies and AGN hosts: $ y = (-30.787+1.1358x+0.27297x^2){ \\rm tanh}(5.7409x) -31.093, $ where $y = $ log (\\oiii/\\Hb), and $x$= log (\\nii/\\Ha). According to our models, the divisory line drawn empirically by Kauffmann et al. (2003) includes among NSF galaxies objects that may have an AGN contribution to \\Hb\\ of up to 3\\%. The Kewley et al. (2001) line allows for an AGN contribution of roughly 20\\%. About 20\\% of the galaxies in our entire sample that can be represented in the BTP diagram are found between our divisory line and the Kauffmann et al. line, meaning that the local Universe contains a fair proportion of galaxies with very low level nuclear activity, in agreement with the statistics from observations of nuclei of nearby galaxies. We also show that a classification into NSF and AGN galaxies using only \\nii/\\Ha is feasible and useful. Finally, we propose a new classification diagram, the $DEW$ diagram, plotting $D_n(4000)$ vs max(EW\\oii,EW\\neiii). This diagram can be used with optical spectra for galaxies with redshifts up to $z = 1.3$, meaning an important progress over classifications proposed up to now. Since the $DEW$ diagram requires only a small range in wavelength, it can also be used at even larger redshifts in suitable atmospheric windows. It also has the advantage of not requiring stellar synthesis analysis to subtract the stars and of allowing one to see \\emph{all} the galaxies in the same diagram, including passive galaxies. ", "introduction": "Until recently, it was believed that active galactic nuclei were found in only a small fraction of all galaxies (Huchra \\& Burg 1992). However, it was already known that a large fraction of galaxies have nuclei with a very low level activity (called LINERs by Heckman 1980, for Low Ionization Nuclear Emission Regions), and that this activity would not be detectable in distant galaxies. Generally, normal star forming (NSF) galaxies are distinguished from those containing an active galactic nucleus (AGN) using diagrams where are plotted emission line ratios. The most common diagnostic diagrams are those of Baldwin, Phillips \\& Terlevich (1981, BPT) and Veilleux and Osterbrock (1987, VO). The lines in NSF galaxies are emitted by HII regions, which are ionized by massive stars, while AGNs are ionized by a harder radiation field. Therefore, for a given \\oiii/\\Hb\\ or \\oiii/\\oii\\ ratio, AGN galaxies will show higher \\oii/\\Hb, \\nii/\\Ha, \\sii/\\Ha, or \\oi/\\Ha\\ ratios \\footnote {In the entire paper \\oiii\\ stands for \\Oiii, \\oii\\ for \\Oii, \\nii\\ for \\Nii, \\sii\\ for \\Sii, and \\oi\\ for \\Oi.}, than NSF galaxies. The dividing line between NSF galaxies and AGN hosts has slightly changed over the years. In BPT and VO, it was a compromise between what was suggested by a limited number of data points and some coarse grids of crude photoionization models. More recently, Kewley et al. (2001) proposed a theoretical boundary, defined by the upper envelope of their grid of photoionization models in which the ionizing source was provided by young stellar clusters. With the advent of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, York et al. 2000, Abazajian et al. 2004), the number of data points increased by orders of magnitude. Also, techniques to model the stellar component of the spectra and subtract it from the observed spectrum to obtain the pure nebular spectrum became practicable on a large number of objects. As a result, in the \\oiii/\\Hb vs. \\nii/\\Ha\\ diagram, the $\\sim$ 50000 SDSS galaxies having S/N $>3$ in all the four lines and pertaining to a complete sample of about 120000 galaxies clearly outline two wings (Kauffmann et al. 2003) which look like the wings of a seagull. Kauffmann et al. (2003) have defined a purely empirical dividing line between NSF and AGN galaxies. This dividing line is significantly below the line drawn by Kewley et al. (2001). Interestingly, the SDSS has definitely shown that, in the local Universe, the number of galaxies hosting AGNs is of the same order as that of NSF galaxies (within a factor which depends on selection criteria and definitions). Studies based on other galaxy samples (e.g. Carter et al. 2001) also came to a similar conclusion, but the SDSS results are stronger, being based on a much larger number of objects, a clear selection function, high resolution spectra and elaborate subtraction of stellar features. There is actually an important difference between the original BPT or VO diagrams and the Kauffmann et al. (2003) diagram. The former were constructed using spectra of known giant HII regions (mainly located in spiral galaxies) and known nearby active galactic nuclei, while the Kauffmann et al. (2003) plot concerns galaxy spectra obtained through 3\\arcsec\\ fibres which, at their $z \\sim 0.1$ typical redshift, corresponds to 6 kpc (for $H_0=70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$) . Hence, in many galaxies, the region covered by the fibre encompasses a significant fraction of volume and light of the entire galaxy. Thus, galaxies that occupy the same position as LINERs in these diagrams a priori have no reason to be galaxies \\emph{hosting} a LINER, since the emission line flux from the low ionization nuclear emission region is small with respect to the emission line flux from a region of several kiloparsecs in diameter, at least in galaxies which still form stars. One of the persistent questions in astronomy is what causes or favors non-stellar activity in galaxies (see e.g. the proceedings of the IAU symposium ``The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei'', Storchi-Bergmann et al. 2004). The SDSS is revolutionizing our ways to attack this problem (e.g. Heckman et al. 2004, Kauffmann et al. 2004, Best et al., 2005, Fukugita et al. 2004, Hao et al. 2005a,b, Pasquali et al. 2005), and deeper surveys will follow. In view of this, it is important to revisit the classification criteria of galaxies in order to lay them on sounder ground. This is the purpose of the present paper. The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we present the data sample, and the method to measure emission line intensities. In Sect. 3 we show and discuss some classical emission line diagrams. In Sect. 4 we compare the distribution of observational points with the location of photoionization models for giant HII regions. In Sect. 5, we propose a simple model to account for the emission line properties of AGN host galaxies. In Section 6, we present our boundaries to distinguish NSF galaxies and AGN hosts in classical emission-line diagrams, and we propose alternative classifications, including one that can be easily used for high redshift objects. The last section summarizes our results. ", "conclusions": "We have considered a sample of 20\\,000 galaxies extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and constituting a magnitude-limited sample. We have applied the spectral synthesis technique described in previous papers in this series to the spectra of these galaxies in order to properly subtract the starlight and obtain a pure nebular spectrum. The emission line intensities have been measured with our automated procedure. These data have been used to revisit the classical diagrams that are used to distinguish normal star forming galaxies from galaxies hosting an AGN, and to propose new diagrams. We first analyzed the four classical emission line ratio diagrams: \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oii/\\Hb, \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\nii/\\Ha\\ (the BPT diagram), \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\sii/\\Ha, and \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oi/\\Ha. From a purely observational point of view, the BPT diagram is the one which best distinguishes two categories of galaxies, as it distributes the galaxies in two wings which look like the wings of a seagull. The left wing, identified with the sequence of normal star forming galaxies, is very narrow. The right wing, which appeared clearly for the first time in the paper by Kauffmann et al. (2003) also based on SDSS galaxies, is constituted of galaxies hosting an AGN. We have computed a series of photoionization models, using as an input the spectral energy distributions from evolutionary stellar population synthesis. We used the population synthesis code Starburst 99 (Leitherer et al. 1999) in the version which incorporates the most elaborated stellar atmospheres for the massive stars (Smith et al. 2002). Our photoionization models confirm this interpretation and allow us to draw physically based divisory lines in all the four classical diagrams. However, the models are too schematic to reproduce the observed \\sii/\\Ha\\ and \\oi/\\Ha\\ line ratios correctly. Therefore, the model sequence that best divides NSF and AGN galaxies in the \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oii/\\Hb\\ or \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\nii/\\Ha\\ diagrams cannot be safely used to distinguish NSF and AGN galaxies in the \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\sii/\\Ha, and \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oi/\\Ha diagrams. We propose the following divisory line between NSF galaxies and AGN hosts in the BPT diagram: \\begin{eqnarray} y = (-30.787+1.1358x+0.27297x^2){ \\rm tanh}(5.7409x) \\nonumber\\\\ -31.093, \\end{eqnarray} where $y$= log (\\oiii/\\Hb), and $x$= log (\\nii/\\Ha), replaced by log (\\nii/\\Ha)=-0.4 if \\oiii/\\Hb\\ is not available. This line is actually close to the line drawn empirically by Kauffmann et al. to distinguish NSF galaxies from AGN hosts. We found that the Kauffmann et al. line includes among NSF galaxies objects that have an AGN contribution to \\Hb\\ of up to 3\\%. Thus, depending on the problem one is interested in, one may want to use either the Kauffmann. et al line, or the line we propose in this paper, in order to segregate NSF galaxies from AGN hosts. The Kewley line is much less restrictive, and allows for an AGN contribution of roughly 20\\%. Since the BPT diagram is very populated between the line defined by Eq. (11) and the Kauffmann line (it contains about 11\\% of the galaxies in our sample, including passive galaxies), this means that the local Universe contains a fair proportion of galaxies with very low level nuclear activity, in agreement with the statistics from observations of galactic nuclei eg., Ho, Fillipenko \\& Sargent (1997). We point out that emission line ratio diagrams are not efficient in detecting the presence of an AGN in low metallicity galaxies, if such cases exist. We have shown that a classification into NSF and AGN galaxies using only \\nii/\\Ha\\ is feasible and useful. Finally, we propose a new classification diagram (named the $DEW$ diagram), which uses $D_n(4000)$ vs max(EW\\oii,EW\\neiii). This classification has many advantages: \\begin{itemize} \\item It can be used at much larger redshifts than the previous emission line classifications. With SDSS spectra, it can be applied to galaxies with redshifts up to $z = 1.3$. \\item It requires only a small range in wavelengths, so it can also be used at even larger redshifts in suitable windows in the near infra-red. \\item It can be used without a stellar synthesis analysis to subtract the stars. \\item It allows one to see \\emph{all} the galaxies in the same diagram, including passive galaxies (the definition of passive assumes a certain detection limit of emission lines). Hence, all galaxies can be classified. \\end{itemize} This method has drawbacks too: \\begin{itemize} \\item It is not exactly equivalent to the usual BPT classification. But does it matters? \\item Old galaxies with a recent starburst ($< 10^7$ yr) will be mistaken for AGN hosts. \\item The borderline between NSF and AGN galaxies is somewhat ``porous'' (but this is the case of almost any frontier). Note that in the BPT diagram, the borderline is also not very well defined at the low excitation end. \\end{itemize} We note that our proposed classification in the $DEW$ diagram is actually more compatible with that based on the \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\nii/\\Ha\\ diagram (when using our boundary line) than a classification based on the \\oiii/\\Hb\\ vs \\oii/\\Hb\\ diagram which is used in some papers. With this new classification scheme at hand, it will be possible to investigate the evolution of AGN galaxy populations in a much larger redshift range than has been done so far, and on firmer grounds." }, "0606/astro-ph0606038_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of HST observations of the host star for the first definitive extrasolar planet detected by microlensing. The light curve model for this event predicts that the lens star should be separated from the source star by $\\sim 6\\,$mas at the time of the HST images. If the lens star is a late G, K or early M dwarf, then it will be visible in the HST images as an additional source of light that is blended with the source image. Unless the lens and source have exactly the same colors, its presence will also be revealed by a systematic shift between centroids of the source plus lens in different filter bands. The HST data indicates both of these effects: the HST source that matches the position of the source star is 0.21 magnitudes brighter in the ACS/HRC-F814W filter than the microlensing model predicts, and there is an offset of $\\sim 0.7\\,$mas between the centroid of this source in the F814W and F435W filter bands. We conclude the planetary host star has been detected in these HST images, and this identification of the lens star enables a complete solution of the lens system. The lens parameters are determined with a Bayesian analysis, averaging over uncertainties in the measured parameters, interstellar extinction, and allowing for the possibility of a binary companion to the source star. This yields a stellar mass of $M_\\ast = 0.63{+0.07\\atop -0.09}\\msun$ and a planet mass of $M_p = 2.6 {+0.8\\atop -0.6} M_{\\rm Jup}$ at an orbital separation of $4.3 {+2.5\\atop -0.8}$AU. Thus, the lens system resembles our own Solar System, with a planet of $\\sim 3$ Jupiter-masses in a Jupiter-like orbit around a star of two-thirds of a Solar mass. These conclusions can be tested with future HST images, which should reveal a broadening of the blended source-plus-lens point spread function due to the relative lens-source proper motion. ", "introduction": "A new window on the study of extrasolar planets has been opened with the discovery of four planets by the gravitational microlensing method \\citep{bond-moa53,ogle71,ogle390,ogle169}. This method \\citep{mao-pac,gouldloeb} probes some regions of extrasolar planet parameter space that are not accessible with other planet detection methods. For example, microlensing probes a random sample of stars toward the Galactic bulge and has no large selection effects based on stellar type. The sensitivity of microlensing to low-mass planets \\citep{em_planet,wamb} at separations of a few AU is also unique among current methods, as the recent discoveries of OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb and OGLE-2005-BLG-169Lb have demonstrated \\citep{ogle390,ogle169}. It is also relatively straight-forward to determine the planet detection efficiency as a function of planet mass \\citep{planet-limit,gaudi-planet-lim}, and the detection efficiency for such low-mass planets is more than an order of magnitude lower than for Jupiter-mass planets. The microlensing discovery of two low-mass planets, despite the much lower detection efficiency, indicates that planets of $\\sim 10\\mearth$ are more common than Jupiter-mass planets at separations of a few AU around the most common stars in our Galaxy, and the fraction of stars with planets of $\\sim 10\\mearth$ is estimated to be about 40\\%. This would seem to confirm a key prediction of the core accretion model for planet formation: that Jupiter mass planets are much more likely to form in orbit around G and K-dwarf stars than around M-dwarfs \\citep{laughlin,ida_lin,boss}. In fact, \\citet{laughlin} have argued that the Jupiter-mass planets found in microlensing events \\citep{bond-moa53,ogle71} are more likely to orbit white dwarfs than M-dwarfs. Clearly, the microlensing detections would provide tighter constraints on planet formation theories if the properties of the host stars were known. In this paper, we present an analysis of images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) of the source and lens stars for the first microlensing event that yielded a definitive planet detection: OGLE-2003-BLG-235/MOA-2005-BLG-53. This event had a planetary lens system with a mass ratio of $q = 0.0039 {+0.0011\\atop -0.0007}$, so the planet is likely to have a mass similar to that of Jupiter or larger. Like the three other definitive microlensing planet detections to date, the light curve of this event has sharp features that resolve the finite angular size of the source star. This implies that the features of the lens system crossed the angular radius of the source star in $t_\\ast = 0.059\\pm 0.007\\,$days. This can be combined with the source star angular radius, $\\theta_\\ast = 0.53\\pm 0.04\\,\\mu$as to yield the angular Einstein radius: $\\theta_E = t_E \\theta_\\ast /t_\\ast = 0.55\\pm 0.07\\,$mas. The angular source star radius has been determined from the source star magnitude and color \\citep{bond-moa53} using the color-color relations of \\citet{bessellbrett} and the empirical relations between angular radius and surface V-K brightness of \\citet{vanbelle} and \\citet{kervella_dwarf}. This corresponds to a linear source radius of $1 \\rsun$, for $D_S = 8.8\\,$kpc, which is consistent with the dereddened color $(V-I)_0 = 0.76$ of a G-dwarf source \\citep{bond-moa53}. Our $\\theta_\\ast$ value differs slightly from the value given in \\citet{bond-moa53} due to the improved zero-point for ground-based photometry given below. $\\theta_E$ is related to the lens system mass by \\begin{equation} M_L = {c^2\\over 4G} \\theta_E^2 {D_S D_L\\over D_S - D_L} \\ , \\label{eq-m_thetaE} \\end{equation} where $D_L$ and $D_S$ are the lens and source distances, and $M_L = M_\\ast + M_p$ is the total lens mass. Since $D_S$ is known (approximately) and $M_\\ast \\gg M_p$, eq.~\\ref{eq-m_thetaE} can be considered to be a mass-distance relation for the lens star. Eq.~\\ref{eq-m_thetaE} can be combined with a multicolor main sequence star mass-lumonosity relation \\citep{kroupa_tout,gray,allen} to determine the brightness and colors of the lens star as a function of its distance. This allows us to predict the properties of the combined image of the lens and source in the HST frames, as shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig-predict}. The fraction of the combined flux that is due to the lens, $f_{\\rm lens}$, is shown in the top panel. During the microlensing event, the lens and source were separated by $< 0.1\\,$mas, but the light curve indicates a relative proper motion of $\\mu_{\\rm rel} = \\theta_\\ast /t_\\ast = 3.3\\pm 0.4\\,$mas/yr. So, the lens-source separation was $5.9\\pm 0.7\\,$mas when the HST images were taken, 1.78 years after peak magnification, and color difference between the lens and source stars implies that the centroid position for the unresolved images of the lens and source will show a color dependence. This color dependent centroid shift is shown in the bottom panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig-predict}. This figure indicates that the lens star could contribute as much as $\\sim 30$\\% of the total lens+source flux and yield a B-I centroid shift of $\\sim 0.65\\,$mas for a K-dwarf lens star of 0.6-0.8$\\,\\msun$. ", "conclusions": "With the detection of the lens star for microlensing event OGLE-2003-BLG-235/MOA-2005-BLG-53 with HST images taken less than 2 years after peak magnification, we have demonstrated that the ambiguities in the interpretation of planetary microlensing light curves can readily be resolved with high angular resolution follow-up observations. The resolution of these ambiguities allows the planetary microlensing events to place more significant constraints on planet formation theories. For example, we can now confirm the core accretion theory prediction of \\citet{laughlin} that the OGLE-2003-BLG-235/MOA-2005-BLG-53 planetary host star is not an M-dwarf. Instead, it is almost certainly a K-dwarf. If other gas giant planets discovered by microlensing, such as OGLE-2005-BLG-71Lb \\citep{ogle71} also orbit stars that are more massive than the typical microlens star, then this would confirm the core accretion theory prediction that gas giant planets form very rarely in orbit about low-mass stars \\citep{ida_lin,laughlin}. However, the suggestion by \\citet{laughlin} that the lens star might be a white dwarf is not supported by the HST data since a white dwarf lens would be much too faint to be detected. Although there is evidence that the lens star is detected in both the observed flux from the target star and the color dependent centroid shift, both of the signals are relatively weak. However, the centroid shift signal will grow with time, and will be 2.5 times stronger if similar observations are made in late 2007. It should also be possible to detect an additional effect: the broadening of the target star PSF. In late 2007, the lens and source will be separated by $\\sim 14\\,$mas, or about half an HST-ACS/HRC pixel. According to detailed simulation by one of us (JA), an exposure of $\\sim 2000\\,$sec (about one orbit) should suffice to measure the PSF broadening in the F814W passband. It should be possible to identify the lens star for most other planetary microlensing events. Because the relative proper motion, $\\mu_{\\rm rel}$, is usually determined from light curve features for planetary microlensing events, we can routinely construct plots similar to Fig.~\\ref{fig-predict} for other planetary events. The $\\mu_{\\rm rel}$ value for this event is smaller than average, so this event is not particularly favorable for such measurements. If the lens star had a lower mass, we might have to wait $\\sim 5$ years after the event or obtain more exposure time to detect the centroid shift. The situation for the host star of the $\\sim 13\\mearth$ planet in event OGLE-2005-BLG-169, is more favorable because the relative proper motion is large, $\\mu_{\\rm rel} = 8.4\\pm 0.6\\,$mas/yr, and the source star is about a magnitude fainter. As a result, the lens star can be detected in HST images 2 years after the event, even if it is at the bottom of the main sequence (Bennett, Anderson \\& Gaudi, in preparation). The only planetary microlensing event to date that may not allow the detection of the lens star is OGLE-2005-BLG-390 \\citep{ogle390}, because the source star is a giant. However, the lens star for this event may be detectable in the future with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (Beaulieu et al, in preparation). A space-based microlensing survey \\citep{gest-sim}, like the proposed Microlensing Planet Finder \\citep{mpf-spie} would routinely detect the lens stars by the methods discussed in this paper without the need for follow-up observations with a different telescope." }, "0606/astro-ph0606662_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ In this paper we calculate the luminosity distance - redshift relation for a special type of flat Friedmann brane with cosmological constant. This special case is singled out by its simplicity, the luminosity distance being given in terms of elementary functions. We compare our analytical result with the expresssion of the luminosity distance for the flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe and discuss the differences. ", "introduction": "[\\citet{RS}] suggested a new model for the gravitational interaction acting in five non-compact dimensions, the fifth dimension being warped. In brane cosmological models, emerging as generalizations of [\\citet{RS}], our observable universe is a four-dimensional space-time hypersurface (the brane), which has cosmological symmetries and is embedded in the warped five-dimensional bulk. The standard model interactions are confined to the brane, but gravitational dynamics is modified as compared with general relativity, at least at high energies (also at late times in the so-called induced gravity models). Consequently, the luminosity - redshift relation is also changed. The relation between the luminosity distance and redshift is a powerful tool of the cosmology and has a long history of its own [\\citet{perl,pad}]. In general relativity, a milestone was the work of Mattig [\\citet{matt}], in which this relation has been derived for the FLRW universe with vanishing cosmological constant. In Section 2 we discuss various luminosity distance - redshift relations. Subsection 2.1 contains the definition of the radial coordinate distance. In Subsection 2.2 we use a standard method for the calculation of the luminosity distance [\\citet{star}] in a FLRW universe with cosmological constant. The result cannot be represented by elementary functions as it contains elliptic integrals of the first kind. In Subsection 2.3 we calculate the luminosity distance - redshift relation for the flat Friedmann brane embeded in $Z_{2}$ symmetrically into the five-dimensional Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter space-time (5D SADS). For a special value of the brane tension, this relation becomes even simpler than in general relativity, containing only elementary functions. We briefly discuss the assumptions which led to this special case. We compare the luminosity distance - redshift relations for flat Friedmann brane and for FRLW universe with cosmological constant in the Concluding Remarks. ", "conclusions": "We have derived the analytical expressions of the luminosity distances for both a flat FLRW universe with cosmological constant and a Friedmann brane embedded into 5D ADS bulk. These expressions are substantially different, as they depend on the Friedmann equation. In the case of the Friedmann brane we have imposed two simplifying assumptions yielding the luminosity distance in terms of elementary functions. There are two values of the cosmological constants and of the brane tension, which are in accordance with these assumptions. The higher value of the $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$ (see: \\textit{Table 1}) is very close to today's preferred value [\\citet{lid}]. The luminosity distances as function of redshift for all three cases is represented in Fig. 1. On the two plots, $d_{L}$ is represented from $z=0$ to $z=10$ and $z=0$ to $z=2$, respectively. The motivation for the second graph is that supernova observations extend nowadays up to $z=2$. On the plots, we see that all three luminosity distances grow monotonically with increasing redshift. The steepest curve belongs to the FLRW universe. The middle curve is for the case of the brane with the higher value of the cosmological constant. This curve, in the range $z=0..2$, is extremely close to one pertinent to a flat FLRW universe. Since the values of both brane tensions are much below the theoretically predicted limit, our brane model qualifies as a \"toy model\". The constraints on brane tension [see: \\citet{maar}] imply that $\\Omega_{\\lambda}$ should be small. Nowadays, $\\Omega_{d}$ is also small, being proportional to $a_0^4$. Thus a perturbative treatment can give rise to a more realistic solution for the luminosity distance for Friedmann brane models [see: \\citet{KN}]. However, such realistic solutions for the luminosity distance will be more complicated than the correponding expressions in general relativity. \\begin{acknowledgement} We thank L\\'{a}szl\\'{o} \\'{A}rp\\'{a}d Gergely for raising this problem and guidance in its elaboration. This work was supported by OTKA grants no. T046939 and TS044665. \\end{acknowledgement}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606381_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of variable linear polarization from Sgr A* at a wavelength of $3.5\\,$mm, the longest wavelength yet at which a detection has been made. The mean polarization is $2.1 \\pm 0.1$\\% at a position angle of $16 \\pm 2^\\circ$ with rms scatters of 0.4\\% and 9$^\\circ$ over the five epochs. We also detect polarization variability on a timescale of days. Combined with previous detections over the range 150--400\\,GHz (750--2000\\,$\\mu$m), the average polarization position angles are all found to be consistent with a rotation measure of $-4.4 \\pm 0.3 \\times 10^5\\,$rad\\,m$^{-2}$. This implies that the Faraday rotation occurs external to the polarized source at all wavelengths. This implies an accretion rate $\\sim 0.2 - 4 \\times 10^{-8}\\, {\\rm M}_\\odot \\,$yr$^{-1}$ for the accretion density profiles expected of ADAF, jet and CDAF models and assuming that the region at which electrons in the accretion flow become relativistic is within $10\\,R_{\\rm S}$. The inferred accretion rate is inconsistent with ADAF/Bondi accretion. The stability of the mean polarization position angle between disparate polarization observations over the frequency range limits fluctuations in the accretion rate to less than $5$\\%. The flat frequency dependence of the inter-day polarization position angle variations also makes them difficult to attribute to rotation measure fluctuations, and suggests that both the magnitude and position angle variations are intrinsic to the emission. ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} Linear polarization can be an important diagnostic of relativistic jets and accretion flows associated with black hole systems. In the case of the massive black hole in the Galactic Center, Sgr A*, the properties of its mm-wavelength linear polarization probes the accretion environment on scales inaccessible with other techniques (Bower et al.\\,1999a,b; Aitken et al.\\,2001; Bower et al.\\,2001; Bower et al.\\,2003; Marrone et al.\\,2006). The apparent absence of linear polarization at wavelengths exceeding 2.7\\,mm and sharp rise in polarization fraction at shorter wavelengths sets an upper limit to the rotation measure (RM). This limits the mass accretion rate to $\\sim 10^{-7} {\\rm M}_\\sun {\\rm\\ yr^{-1}}$ at distances of $10 - 1000$ Schwarzschild radii from the black hole, which eliminates certain classes of accretion flow (Quataert \\& Gruzinov 2000; Agol 2000), but is consistent with CDAF and jet models (e.g. Falcke, Mannheim and Biermann 1993). The RM measures the accretion rate by serving as a proxy for the electron column density once coupled with assumptions about the magnetic field. Equipartition between kinetic, magnetic and gravitational energy is often assumed to relate the electron density and magnetic field (e.g. Bower et al. 1999a; Melia \\& Falcke 2001; Marrone et al. 2006). The discovery of variations in both the polarization angle (Bower et al.\\,2005) and fraction (Marrone et al.\\,2006) suggests two potential sources of variability. The variations may be intrinsic and, therefore, offer evidence on the nature and structure of the emission region on a scale of $\\sim 10 R_s$. Changes in the RM along the line of sight may also induce external polarization variability. Structure in the accretion region on all scales within the Bondi radius can contribute to RM variations. There is thus strong motivation to accurately characterize the RM, its fluctuations, and the intrinsic variability of the polarized source. In \\S2 we present the detection of linear polarization of Sgr A* at 3.5\\,mm, showing that it varies on short timescales as well as relative to historical non-detections. Combining this in \\S3 with other data, our detection yields the best constraints so far on the RM. We discuss the nature of the accretion flow and on the intrinsic source properties in \\S4. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Discussion} The accretion rate implied by this RM depends on density and magnetic profiles assumed. Following the prescription outlined by Marrone et al.\\,(2006),\\footnote{Note the typographical error in eq.\\,(9) of Marrone et al.\\,(2006) in which one should have RM$ \\propto r_{\\rm in}^{-7/4}$.} we write $n \\propto r^{-\\beta}$, for $r_{\\rm in} < r 3 \\, r_{\\rm in}$ and $1/2<\\beta < 3/2$. The fact that a single RM accounts for the frequency dependence of all mean polarization p.a.s implies that the Faraday rotation occurs external to the polarized source. Internal rotation would cause the RM to vary as a function of frequency. The emission is optically thick at all frequencies at which polarization is detected (Falcke et al.\\,1998; Zhao et al.\\,2003, Yuan et al.\\,2003), so if any internal Faraday rotation did occur, the diminuation of opacity effects with frequency, which increases the depth down to which one observes emission, would cause a corresponding increase in the Faraday rotation path length. An interpretation of the p.a.~jitter observed at 85\\,GHz in terms of RM variability would imply rms deviations of $1.2 \\times 10^4\\,$rad\\,m$^{-2}$, far smaller than the $\\sim 2 \\times 10^5\\,$rad\\,m$^{-2}$ rms deviations implied by the 340\\,GHz Marrone et al.\\,(2006) fluctuations interpreted similarly. However, the absence of a clear frequency dependence in the inter-day jitter makes it difficult to ascribe to RM fluctuations, and hence variations in the accretion rate. Table 2 shows the rms p.a. deviations for the multi-epoch observations at 85, 216, 230 and 340\\,GHz. These are inconsistent with the $\\nu^{-2}$ dependence expected of RM fluctuations from a magnetoionic medium external to the source, suggesting instead that the jitter reflects changes in the intrinsic source polarization p.a.. Nonetheless, the fact that the fluctuations at these frequencies were not observed simultaneously, coupled with the short time span of the 85\\,GHz observations compared to the $>2\\,$month -- albeit sporadic -- sampling of the 230 and 340\\,GHz measurements, still admits the possibility that the p.a.~dispersion observed at 85\\,GHz is unrepresentative of its long-term average. This appears unlikely. If the $\\approx 20^\\circ$ rms p.a. variations observed at 216--230\\,GHz were associated with RM fluctuations we would expect $\\approx 150^\\circ$ fluctuations at 85\\,GHz and would not expect to find $\\chi \\propto \\lambda^2$ over a set of disparate measurements. Moreover, the presence of intrinsic p.a. changes is unsurprising given that the polarization fraction is also intrinsically variable, as discussed below. The lack of p.a.~jitter attributable to RM fluctuations can be interpreted in terms of an upper limit in accretion rate fluctuations. The absence of clearly identifiable inter-day RM fluctuations suggests it is uniform on inter-day timescales. The consistency of the observations over a large number of disjoint epochs and frequencies with a single RM further suggests that the underlying accretion rate is constant on the timescale over which the observed polarization pas were averaged. The uncertainty in our RM fit places an upper bound on the accretion rate variations using ${\\rm RM} \\propto \\dot{M}^{3/2}$, valid under the assumption of equipartition between magnetic, kinetic and gravitational energy (e.g. Marrone et al.\\,2006). The 7\\% uncertainty in the RM implies $\\dot{M}$ fluctuations less than $5$\\%. The limit on $\\dot{M}$ variations is largely consistent with the limits imposed by source flux density variations. In the jet model the flux density scales as $\\dot{M}^{17/12}$ (Falcke et al.\\,1993). The standard deviation of the 3.5\\,mm fluxes is 10\\%, comparable to the errors on the individual measurements, which imposes an upper limit of 14\\% on $\\dot{M}$ fluctuations. Marrone et al.\\,(2006) detect 10\\% rms intensity variations at 340\\,GHz. The five intensity measurements from Bower et al.\\,(2005) at 216--230\\,GHz exhibit 29\\% modulations, implying $\\dot{M}$ fluctuations of 40\\%. Variability in polarization fraction is detected by all multi-epoch observations (Fig.\\,\\ref{FigPolnlabel}), at 85, 230 and 340\\,GHz, and presumably occurs at 112\\,GHz, where it was not detected at the 1.8\\% (1-$\\sigma$) level by a previous search (Bower et al. 2001). A previous limit of 1\\% linear polarization at 86\\,GHz (Bower et al.\\,1999b) demonstrates that it also varies on long timescales. Since the Faraday screen is external to the source the polarization amplitude fluctuations must be intrinsic. Instrumental depolarization effects are too low to explain the variability: bandwidth depolarization is only important for RMs greater than $2.7 \\times 10^7\\,$rad\\,m$^{-2}$ at 85\\,GHz, while beam depolarization is similarly improbable given the sub-mas size of Sgr A* at mm wavelengths (Bower et al. 2004; Shen et al. 2005). Spatial variation in the RM across the transverse extent of the source could depolarize the emission, but at even 85\\,GHz this requires RM fluctuations $\\delta {\\rm RM} \\ga 7 \\times 10^5\\,$rad\\,m$^{-2}$ (Quataert \\& Gruzinov 2000). Both the high variability of the mm and sub-mm emission (Zhao et al.\\,2004; Wright \\& Backer 1993; Tsuboi et al.\\,1999) and the linearly polarized emission of Sgr A* are possibly associated with its excess sub-mm emission (Serabyn et al.\\,1997; Falcke et al.\\,1998; Melia et al.\\,2001). ADAF models that fit the cm to-sub-mm spectrum include at least two distinct populations of radiating particles (Yuan et al.\\,2003), with the second important at $\\nu \\ga 100\\,$GHz in order to explain the sub-mm bump. The model of Yuan et al.\\,(2003), in which the sub-mm emission is dominated by thermal electrons, overpredicts the polarization fraction at 85\\,GHz (cf. Fig.\\,\\ref{FigPolnlabel}). In this model the degree of linear polarization ranges from 32\\% at 85\\,GHz to 70\\% at 400\\,GHz assuming a uniform magnetic field and that Faraday depolarization intrinsic to the source is unimportant (see their Fig.\\,3b). In the context of this model the ratio of the predicted to observed polarization levels can only be attributed to magnetic field inhomogeneity intrinsic to the source. This ratio is a factor of 3 higher at 85\\,GHz relative to the fraction in the range $150-400\\,$GHz, over which it is constant within the errors. It is hard to account for such an increase in magnetic field inhomogeneity at 85\\,GHz, particularly if the source size only scales $\\propto \\nu^{-1}$, as expected if its emission is self-absorbed. On the other hand, including synchrotron self-absorption effects, Goldston, Quataert \\& Igumenshchev (2005) show that the polarization fraction is expected to increase by a factor of three over the range $85-200\\,$GHz. The quasi-spherical accretion polarization model of Melia, Liu \\& Coker (2000) and the two-component model of Agol (2000) predict a 90$^\\circ$ p.a.~flip at $\\sim 280\\,$GHz which is at variance with the measured p.a.s at 150, 230 and 340\\,GHz. \\begin{figure}[h] \\vskip 5mm \\includegraphics[angle=0,scale=0.9]{f3.eps} \\caption{The mean polarization fraction of Sgr A*. The error bars plotted are those of Table \\ref{PolnTable}. Previous 86 and 112\\,GHz non-detections are marked with arrows. The error bars in the Aitken et al.\\,(2001) measurements, marked with triangles, reflect uncertainty in the contribution from dust emission rather than variability associated with the source.} \\label{FigPolnlabel} \\end{figure} We have reported here the detection of linear polarization in Sgr A* at 3.5\\,mm. This enables us to calculate the rotation measure and set a limit on the accretion rate. The lack of frequency dependence for position angle fluctuations indicates that they are intrinsic to the source. Our result favors RIAF/CDAF accretion models, with a shallow density distribution, over ADAF and Bondi-Hoyle accretion flows, which have a steep profile and are more likely to produce rapid RM variations. Future wide bandwidth simultaneous observations with CARMA and the SMA will fully characterize intrinsic and extrinsic changes in the polarization properties of Sgr A* and allow us to investigate the accretion environments of other nearby low luminosity AGN, such as M81* (Brunthaler, Bower \\& Falcke 2006)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606348_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We compare the performance of multiple codes written by different groups for making polarized maps from Planck-sized, all-sky cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. Three of the codes are based on a destriping algorithm; the other three are implementations of an optimal maximum-likelihood algorithm.} {Time-ordered data (TOD) were simulated using the Planck Level-S simulation pipeline. Several cases of temperature-only data were run to test that the codes could handle large datasets, and to explore effects such as the precision of the pointing data. Based on these preliminary results, TOD were generated for a set of four 217~GHz detectors (the minimum number required to produce I, Q, and U maps) under two different scanning strategies, with and without noise.} {Following correction of various problems revealed by the early simulation, all codes were able to handle the large data volume that Planck will produce. Differences in maps produced are small but noticeable; differences in computing resources are large.} {} ", "introduction": "Cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations have driven a remarkable advance in cosmology over the past decade (Smoot et al.~\\cite{smoot02}; de~Bernardis et al.~\\cite{debernardis00}; Hanany et al.~\\cite{hanany00}; Beno\\^{\\i}t et al.~\\cite{benoit03}; Bennett et al.~\\cite{bennett03} and references therein), and will continue to furnish invaluable data in the years to come. As the data volume and precision demanded of these observations increases (for example, Bond et al.~\\cite{bond99}), the complexity of the analysis methods required to deal with the data increases also. Map-making -- the process of turning time-ordered scan data into an image of the sky -- is an example of a crucial step whose technical complexity has grown significantly. This is particularly so in the case of total power measurements, where one removes signal drifts due to $1/f$-spectrum noise in the map-making step. If left unchecked, these drifts leave stripes in the final map with amplitudes greater than the cosmic signal, potentially compromising the scientific goals of a precision instrument such as Planck. For example, in the simulations presented below, the magnitude of the striping signal (estimated from the rms difference between a simple coadded map and the output map from one of our codes) was 336~\\muK, more than three times the output map's residual rms error of $\\sim$100~\\muK\\ due to white detector noise (see Table~5). (These numbers are for 1\\farcm7 pixels and four polarized detectors. For 5\\arcmin\\ pixels, corresponding to the resolution of the detectors, and for the full set of twelve detectors, the residual error is $\\sim$15~\\muK\\ for the temperature map.) In other words, map-making effectively removed striping with three times the target sensitivity. Proper map-making is thus crucial to mission objectives. Planck\\footnote{http://www.esa.int/science/planck/}, to be launched in 2008, will be the third-generation satellite dedicated to observations of CMB anisotropies. Its primary objective is to measure the temperature anisotropies to the cosmic variance limit out to multipoles $l>2000$; other scientific goals include detailed measurements of the polarized power spectrum, the extraction of catalogs of galaxy clusters and extragalactic sources, searches for non-Gaussianity, and in-depth studies of the Galaxy. To achieve these goals, Planck will image the sky in nine frequency bands, with resolution and sensitivity in the CMB-dominated bands of 5--15\\arcmin\\ and 5--10~\\muK, respectively. Crucial to the success of the mission is the production of sky maps approaching the instrumental white-noise limit; drifts and artifacts must be removed and the noise properties well-understood. The formidable challenge of doing this for maps containing millions of pixels lies at the heart of the effort of one of the Planck working groups, the CTP Working Group. It is important to develop and test well before launch efficient algorithms for inclusion in the data analysis pipeline. Besides preparing the pipeline, this helps to identify potential sources of systematic error and inform mission operations (e.g., scanning strategy). It also allows us to better quantify the mission's expected scientific output. In this paper, we evaluate a suite of map-making techniques using simulations of several channels of the Planck High Frequency Instrument (HFI) 217\\,GHz time-ordered data (TOD). The simulations model non-white noise and primary CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. The suite of methods includes both destriping and optimal map-making algorithms. We gauge the quality of our recovered temperature and polarization maps by looking at rms pixel residuals, and the residual power spectrum. This gives us an evaluation through second order statistical measures of noise and artifact residuals. The complexity of the problem requires (at this stage) that we impose a number of simplifying assumptions; these are clearly spelled out in the text and are the focus of on-going work. We emphasize that the ability to produce the maps shown here is a notable achievement requiring intensive computation. \\subsection{Planck Scanning Strategy} Planck will make its observations from the 2nd Earth-Sun Lagrange point, approximately $1.5 \\times 10^6~\\mathrm{km}$ from the Earth. The satellite is spin-stabilized, and during science observations it will rotate on its axis once per minute. The telescope points at angle of 85 degrees to the spin axis, so the detectors follow small circles on the sky. The satellite will perform a repointing manouvre once per hour to keep the spin axis close to the anti-solar direction. Thus during the one hour periods between manouvres the detectors will make repeated observations of the same ``rings'' on the sky. Some of the algorithms presented in this paper can take advantage of these repeated observations to reduce the computational burden. Within the constraints imposed by Planck's design, there is freedom to choose the precise pointings of the spin axis to optimize the scientific returns of the mission. The choice of spin axis pointings -- the scanning strategy -- is one of the factors we examine in this paper. \\subsection{Planck Science Goals for Sky Maps} Planck is designed to image the sky at nine frequencies from 30 to 857\\,GHz, with angular resolution from 33 to 5\\,arcmin. The raw sensitivity is sufficient that inferences about the underlying distribution of fluctuations on the sky should be limited not by noise, but rather by cosmic variance. To achieve this state, systematic errors and processing artifacts must be controlled to microkelvin levels. It is the latter challenge that we are addressing in this paper and its predecessor (Poutanen et al.~\\cite{poutanen06}). ", "conclusions": "The main goal of the simulations reported in this paper was to compare various map-making codes, and to demonstrate that they can deal with Planck-size data sets. The complexity of the simulated data was kept to a minimum in order to isolate software-induced systematic effects. No instrumental systematic effects other than noise correlations were included in the simulated data. Comparisons based on more realistic simulations will be made in future papers, which will assess the impact of strong gradients in the signal due to foregrounds, and include a more realistic treatment of the instrumental transfer function, e.g. through the inclusion of beam asymmetries. Nevertheless, some useful results can be identified. \\subsection{Scanning Strategy} The Planck design allows considerable flexibility in the choice of the scanning strategy, even in orbit. The refinement of the scanning strategy will therefore be an important aspect of the pre-launch simulation and analysis work. Our ability to assess the pros and cons of various candidate strategies will improve as our map-making algorithms include the functionality to deal with increasing levels of realism in the simulated data. Keeping these qualifications in mind, we compare the map-making residuals for the nominal and cycloidal scanning strategies. The results are summarized in Table~\\ref{tab:Pnoise}. There is a slight preference for the nominal strategy. This preference is a result of the smoother distribution of integration time on the sky for the case of the nominal scanning. Comparison of Figures 2 and 3, on the other hand, shows that the power in the residuals is higher at the lowest multipoles for the nominal scanning, at least for this particular realization of the noise TOD. An accurate quantification of the effects of scanning strategy requires, however, ensemble averaging, e.g., using Monte Carlo simulations. This will be the subject of future work. The issue is important for proper understanding of the mission's ability to measure, for instance, the reionization bump at low multipole. Furthermore, we anticipate that the nominal scanning will perform more poorly than the cycloidal scanning when our simulations contain a more realistic set of instrumental systematics. Once these are included, other features of the scanning strategy will become important, such as the ability to revisit pixels on a range of time scales in order to be able to reject systematic effects (such as residuals from quasi-periodic signals such as cooler noise) and the ability to cross through pixels in several different directions in order to allow the reconstruction of the beam transfer functions. We will return to the assessment of the relative benefits of scanning strategies in future publications. \\subsection{Resource requirements} The map-making codes described in this paper require considerable resources for Planck-sized data. All codes except Springtide keep the entire data stream in memory. Memory requirements are therefore dominated by the size of the TOD. Springtide requires significantly less memory, since it first calculates ring-maps, which compresses the data by a factor of 20--30 (for a Planck-type scanning strategy). The optimal codes (MADmap, MapCUMBA, ROMA) achieve slightly lower noise in the final maps than Polar and Springtide, but require an order-of-magnitude more CPU time. Polar achieved lower noise than Springtide, because it worked with shorter baselines (1~minute instead of 1~hour). Using shorter baselines would increase the memory requirement of Springtide. MADAM, which combines optimal map-making ideas with destriping, achieves practically the same noise levels as the optimal codes, with similar memory requirements, but in a time comparable to the destriping codes. \\subsection{Future improvements} The simulated data prepared for this work are the most advanced so far, but are still far from the reality of the Planck experiment. This holds for instrumental systematics as well as for accurate modeling of the sky signal. No foregrounds have been included, and several aspects of the CMB emission have been simplified. In particular, no gravitational lensing or tensor signals have been included. Both processes have their main impact on the B modes of polarization anisotropy. Lensing is a well-understood and inevitable effect in cosmology, distorting the CMB and producing B modes in a broad peak in the power spectrum centered at a $\\ell\\approx1000$, with an amplitude much smaller than that of E modes. Tensor signals show up primarily as degree-scale B modes. Early reionization could make a tail of that component appear on very large angular scales, with an amplitude which might be detectable by Planck. The pattern of the total intensity anisotropies on scales of about three degrees or more has been taken directly by the WMAP data. This affects also a component of the E polarization mode pattern. The angular extension and reliability of the WMAP pattern in our simulation may certainly benefit from the future releases of WMAP data." }, "0606/astro-ph0606454_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies by interferometers offer several advantages over single-dish observations. The formalism for analyzing interferometer CMB data is well developed in the flat-sky approximation, valid for small fields of view. As the area of sky is increased to obtain finer spectral resolution, this approximation needs to be relaxed. We extend the formalism for CMB interferometry, including both temperature and polarization, to mosaics of observations covering arbitrarily large areas of the sky, with each individual pointing lying within the flat-sky approximation. We present a method for computing the correlation between visibilities with arbitrary pointing centers and baselines and illustrate the effects of sky curvature on the $\\ell$-space resolution that can be obtained from a mosaic. ", "introduction": "The study of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation has revolutionized cosmology. Key to this revolution have been coupled advances in theory, data analysis, and instrumentation. In particular, the design of experiments with exquisite systematic error control has been crucial for progress in the field. Interferometers offer several advantages in this respect, with simple optics, instantaneous differencing of sky signals without scanning and no differencing of detectors. The shape of the beam can be well understood and the measurement is done directly in Fourier space where the theory most naturally lives. Pioneering attempts to detect CMB anisotropy with interferometers were made by \\cite{MarPar} and \\cite{Sub}. Several groups have successfully detected primary CMB anisotropies \\citep{CAT1,CAT2,DASIT,CBIT,VSA} and polarization \\citep{CBIP,DASIP}, using interferometers. The formalism for analyzing CMB data from interferometers has been developed by \\cite{HobLasJon,HobMag,WCDH,HobMas}; and \\cite{Mye}; as well as in the experimental papers cited above. \\cite{Parketal} and \\cite{ParkNg} examined interferometric polarimetry. In the Fraunhofer limit an interferometer measures the Fourier transform of the sky, multiplied by the primary beam. The primary beam determines the instantaneous field of view of the instrument and its Fourier transform is simply the autocorrelation of the Fourier transform of the point response of the receiver to an electric field. The angular scale probed by any pair of telescopes being correlated is determined by their spacing in units of the observational wavelength\\footnote{We assume throughout monochromatic radiation; the generalization to a specified frequency band is straightforward.}. The range of scales probed by the interferometer is then determined by the spacing of the elements, while the resolution in spatial wavenumber is determined by the area of sky surveyed. By ``mosaicking'' several smaller patches together, the resolution in spatial wavenumber can be increased, although the range of spatial scales remains fixed by the geometry of the interferometer elements. In most cases it has been assumed that the field of view is small, so that one can use the ``small-angle'' or ``flat-sky'' approximation. However, if we want fine resolution in spatial wavenumber -- which future experiments are driving towards -- we need to survey large areas of sky \\citep{HobMag} and thus relax this assumption. The purpose of this paper is to extend the formalism presented in the above papers to the case where each individual pointing of the interferometer is still within the flat-sky approximation but by mosaicking many pointings together a significant area of sky is surveyed. Our extension allows one to see how large an error is being made in assuming the flat-sky approximation and shows how corrections can be systematically incorporated. The central idea of this paper is the following. The key ingredient in analyzing a mosaic of interferometer pointings is the set of two-point visibility correlations. For each pair of pointings, we can calculate the correlations in a spherical coordinate system that places both pointing centers on the equator. If each pointing has a small field of view, then we can approximate the sphere by a cylinder in the vicinity of the equator, allowing the use of Fourier analysis rather than a more cumbersome expansion in spherical harmonics. The outline of this paper is as follows. We begin in \\S\\ref{sec:flat} by reminding the reader of some basic results in the flat-sky limit. We then show how this can be extended using a cylindrical projection in \\S\\ref{sec:cylinder} and make contact with the exact spherical harmonic treatment in \\S\\ref{sec:harmonic}. Section \\ref{sec:poln} extends our results to include polarization, and we conclude in \\S\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{!}{2.5in}{\\includegraphics{f7.eps}} \\end{center} \\caption{Window functions for a single pointing (solid), the sum of all pointings (dashed), and the sum of all pointings neglecting sky curvature (dotted). \\vskip 0.2in} \\label{fig:polmosaic} \\end{figure} Interferometers have been used to great effect in measuring CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. The formalism for analyzing interferometer data, however, has only been fully developed in the small-field-of-view or flat-sky limit. Future experiments which aim for exquisite $\\ell$-space resolution will need to survey large areas of sky -- outside the realm of validity of the existing formalism. In this paper we have extended the formalism to the situation where we can approximate the sky as flat for each individual pointing of the instrument, but we relax the assumption that the angle between pointings is also small. We have connected the full-sky spherical harmonic approach to the flat-sky Fourier approach in two distinct ways and derived approximations for the visibility covariance matrix in each. We find that the cylindrical method of \\S\\ref{sec:cylinder} and \\S\\ref{sec:polcylinder} works in all cases better than the harmonic method of \\S\\ref{sec:harmonic} and provides accurate approximations to the full-sky expressions for individual pointings smaller than $20^\\circ$ FWHM. Mosaicking together many pointings increases the $\\ell$-space resolution, but in the cases considered here the improvement is less than would be predicted from the flat-sky formalism, in large part due to the effects of baseline rotation. If we neglect sky curvature we overestimate the correlation between distant baselines and hence also overestimate the improvement in $\\ell$-space resolution." }, "0606/hep-ph0606205_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The properties of string networks at scales well below the horizon are poorly understood, but they enter critically into many observables. We argue that in some regimes, stretching will be the only relevant process governing the evolution. In this case, the string two-point function is determined up to normalization: the fractal dimension approaches one at short distance, but the rate of approach is characterized by an exponent that plays an essential role in network properties. The smoothness at short distance implies, for example, that cosmic string lensing images are little distorted. We then add in loop production as a perturbation and find that it diverges at small scales. This need not invalidate the stretching model, since the loop production occurs in localized regions, but it implies a complicated fragmentation process. Our ability to model this process is limited, but we argue that loop production peaks a few orders of magnitude below the horizon scale, without the inclusion of gravitational radiation. We find agreement with some features of simulations, and interesting discrepancies that must be resolved by future work. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606440_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present images, integrated photometry, surface-brightness and color profiles for a total of 1034 nearby galaxies recently observed by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite in its far-ultraviolet (FUV; $\\lambda_{\\mathrm{eff}}$=1516\\,\\AA) and near-ultraviolet (NUV; $\\lambda_{\\mathrm{eff}}$=2267\\,\\AA) bands. Our catalog of objects is derived primarily from the GALEX Nearby Galaxies Survey (NGS) supplemented by galaxies larger than 1\\,arcmin in diameter serendipitously found in these fields and in other GALEX exposures of similar of greater depth. The sample analyzed here adequately describes the distribution and full range of properties (luminosity, color, Star Formation Rate; SFR) of galaxies in the Local Universe. From the surface brightness profiles obtained we have computed asymptotic magnitudes, colors, and luminosities, along with the concentration indices C31 and C42. We have also morphologically classified the UV surface brightness profiles according to their shape. This data set has been complemented with archival optical, near-infrared, and far-infrared fluxes and colors. We find that the integrated (FUV$-K$) color provides robust discrimination between elliptical and spiral/irregular galaxies and also among spiral galaxies of different sub-types. Elliptical galaxies with brighter $K$-band luminosities (i.e$.$ more massive) are redder in (NUV$-K$) color but bluer in (FUV$-$NUV) (a color sensitive to the presence of a strong UV upturn) than less massive ellipticals. In the case of the spiral/irregular galaxies our analysis shows the presence of a relatively tight correlation between the (FUV$-$NUV) color (or, equivalently, the slope of the UV spectrum, $\\beta$) and the total infrared-to-UV ratio. The correlation found between (FUV$-$NUV) color and $K$-band luminosity (with lower luminosity objects being bluer than more luminous ones) can be explained as due to an increase in the dust content with galaxy luminosity. The images in this Atlas along with the profiles and integrated properties are publicly available through a dedicated web page at {\\tt http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/GALEX\\_Atlas/} ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} There are several compelling reasons for observing nearby galaxies in the ultraviolet (UV). First of all, massive, young stars emit most of their energy in this part spectrum and at least in star-forming galaxies they outshine the emission from any other stage of the evolution of a composite stellar population (e.g$.$ Bruzual \\& Charlot 2003). Therefore, the flux emitted in the UV in spiral and irregular is an excellent measure of the current Star Formation Rate (SFR; Kennicutt 1998; Donas et al$.$ 1987). In the case of quiescent elliptical galaxies the analysis of the UV upturn (the rising part of the FUV spectrum of these galaxies) promises to provide fundamental clues in our understanding of the evolution of low-mass stars on the horizontal branch. Due to its remarkable sensitivity to the physical properties of these stars, the UV upturn could be used, once fully understood, as a powerful diagnostic of old stellar populations (Burstein et al$.$ 1988; O'Connell 1999; Yi et al$.$ 1999; Brown 2004; Rich et al$.$ 2005, 2006, in prep$.$; Boselli et al$.$ 2005). The UV has also revealed the presence of residual star formation in a non-negligible fraction of low-redshift elliptical galaxies (Yi et al$.$ 2005). Second, the light emitted in the UV can be very efficiently absorbed by dust and then re-emitted at far-infrared (FIR) wavelengths. Therefore an analysis of the energy budget using a comparison of the infrared and UV emission is a powerful tool to determine the dust attenuation of light at all wavelengths (see Buat et al$.$ 2005 and references therein). In this sense, it is worth emphasizing that dust attenuation is the most vexing problem that one has to face when analyzing the observational properties of composite stellar populations and galaxies. Finally, the observation of nearby galaxies in the UV is fundamental if we are to understand the evolution of galaxies from the high-redshift Universe (where their properties are commonly derived from rest-frame UV observations) to the present. There have been many attempts in the past to address some of these issues. Sullivan et al$.$ (2000, 2001, 2004) studied the star formation histories in a relatively large and complete sample of UV-selected local galaxies, from which Treyer et al$.$ (1998) derived the SFR density of the local Universe. The nature of the UV upturn in elliptical galaxies has been widely studied by several groups, including O'Connell (1999), Brown et al$.$ (2000), Deharveng, Boselli, \\& Donas (2002). Studies on the dust attenuation in galaxies based on either photometric or spectroscopic UV studies are numerous, including Calzetti et al$.$ (1994), Heckmann et al$.$ (1995), Meurer et al$.$ (1995, 1999), Buat \\& Xu (1996), Gordon et al$.$ (2000, 2003), Buat et al$.$ (2002), Roussel et al$.$ (2005). The analysis of the UV morphology of nearby galaxies as a local benchmark for studies in the optical at high redshift have been also carried out by several authors, including Kuchinski et al$.$ (2000, 2001), Marcum et al$.$ (2001), Windhorst et al$.$ (2002), Lauger, Burgarella, \\& Buat (2005). However, the results of some of these studies were not conclusive mainly due to the small size of the samples used, which were not representative of the overall population of galaxies in the local Universe. This is particularly true for studies on the dust attenuation in star-forming galaxies and on the rest-frame UV morphology in nearby galaxies. In the case of the UV-upturn studies in early-type galaxies this limitation adds to the lack of spatial resolution and depth of previous UV data and, in some cases, to the availability of UV data in only one band, which leads to a loss of sensitivity to the strength of the UV upturn, best traced by the FUV$-$NUV color (see Gil de Paz et al$.$ 2005 and references therein). The availability of deep UV observations with moderately-good spatial resolution for large numbers of well-known nearby galaxies is now possible thanks to the launch of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) on April 28th 2003. The compilation of GALEX UV data carried out as part of this paper will allow us (and other researchers making future use of this dataset) to provide fundamental clues for solving some of the still many open questions regarding the UV properties of galaxies in the local Universe. In particular, we will show how the strength of the UV upturn is function of the stellar mass of the galaxy, with more massive elliptical galaxies showing stronger UV upturns. We will also demonstrate that in a sample like ours, which adequately represents the bulk of the galaxy population in the local Universe, the slope of the UV continuum is well-correlated (although with a significant dispersion) with the infrared-to-UV ratio and, therefore, with the UV extinction, and that the (FUV$-$$K$) color provides and excellent segregation between early-type (ellipticals and lenticulars) and late-type (spirals and irregulars) galaxies. In this ``The GALEX Ultraviolet Atlas of Nearby Galaxies'' we present surface photometry in the two GALEX ultraviolet (FUV \\& NUV) bands, providing integrated photometry and structural parameters for a total of 1034 nearby galaxies, including extensively-studied objects like M31, M32, M~33, M~51, M~81, M~82, M~83, M~87, M~101, etc. We compare the UV properties of this sample with corollary data in the optical, NIR, and FIR, available for the majority of the galaxies in the Atlas. This comparison allows us to obtain insight into fundamental correlations such as the `red sequence' found in the color-magnitude diagram of ellipticals and lenticulars, and a better definition of the IRX-$\\beta$ relation in normal star-forming galaxies. In Section~\\ref{sample} we extensively describe the sample of galaxies. Section~\\ref{observations} provides a summary of the GALEX observations. The analysis and results are given in Sections~\\ref{analysis} \\& \\ref{results}, respectively. The conclusions are summarized in Section~\\ref{conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} We have presented an imaging Atlas of 1034 galaxies observed in two UV bands by the GALEX satellite. From these we have derived surface brightness and color profiles in the FUV \\& NUV GALEX bands. Asymptotic magnitudes and colors along with concentration indices have also been obtained. A morphological classification of the profiles is also carried out. Despite a small but non-negligible excess of high-luminosity and paucity of low-luminosity spiral galaxies (compared with the luminosity distribution of ellipticals both in our and the NFGS samples) it is shown that this sample adequately matches the distribution and full range of properties of galaxies in the local Universe. We have augmented this data set with corollary data from the optical (RC3), NIR (2MASS), and far-infrared (IRAS). We emphasize here the special caution should be observed when comparing these results with those derived from a volume-limited sample. From a broad-based initial analysis of the UV properties of this sample we conclude: \\begin{itemize} \\item The value of the integrated (FUV$-K$) color of galaxies provides an excellent criterion with which to discriminate elliptical/lenticular galaxies from spirals and irregulars. The best discrimination between these two classes of galaxies (quiescent vs$.$ star-forming) is achieved if a cut-off color (FUV$-K$)=8.8\\,mag is adopted. A reasonably good separation is also obtained by using a (FUV$-$NUV) cut-off color at 0.9\\,mag. These colors also allow for a continuous distinction (although with a significant dispersion) of spiral galaxies of different types. \\item Elliptical/lenticular galaxies with brighter FUV and $K$-band luminosities show bluer (FUV$-$NUV) colors than ellipticals with fainter luminosities but redder (NUV$-K$) colors. This is true for ellipticals galaxies specifically within the range of absolute magnitudes covered by this Atlas (i.e$.$ M$_K$$<$$-$21\\,mag). This behavior is probably a consequence of luminous elliptical galaxies having stronger UV upturns than their intermediate-mass counterparts (see Boselli et al$.$ 2005). \\item We do not find a large dispersion in the intrinsic (corrected for internal extinction) (FUV$-$NUV) colors of the spiral/irregular galaxies in the Atlas ($\\sigma_{\\mathrm{(FUV-NUV)}_0}$=0.05\\,mag) neither a strong dependence of it with the galaxy luminosity. Consequently, the variations in the observed (FUV$-$NUV) colors with the luminosity or morphological type of the spiral and irregular galaxies in the sample are plausibly due to variations in the dust content (due for example to changes in metallicity) with these magnitudes. In the case of the (FUV$-K$) color the star formation history necessarily contributes to its dependence on luminosity and morphological type. \\item The change in the observed (FUV$-$NUV) color with the TIR-to-FUV ratio also suggests that the attenuation law in these galaxies differs from a pure Milky-Way extinction law. In particular, attenuation laws with relatively steep FUV rise and no 2175\\,\\AA\\ bump, like those based on a SMC Bar extinction law or the Calzetti law in the case of the most luminous objects, are favored. \\item A significant fraction (28\\%) of the UV profiles show some degree of flattening in the inner regions. The galaxies showing this kind of profiles belong to a relatively small range of optical morphological types (compared with the pure-exponential profiles), 2$<$T$<$8, i.e$.$ they are all truly spiral galaxies. We interpret this as a consequence of the high past SFR but comparatively low current gas infall rate in the inner disks of spiral galaxies, leading to an efficient consumption of the gas in these regions and, consequently, to a flattening of the UV profiles compared with the outer disks, where the gas supply is still abundant. This is, indeed, expected to be particularly important in intermediate-type spirals. \\end{itemize} The GALEX and corollary photometry data along with the profiles and UV images of galaxies in the sample can be accessed through a dedicated web page at\\newline {\\tt http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/GALEX\\_Atlas/}." }, "0606/astro-ph0606395_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A high accuracy photometry algorithm is needed to take full advantage of the potential of the transit method for the characterization of exoplanets, especially in deep crowded fields. It has to reduce to the lowest possible level the negative influence of systematic effects on the photometric accuracy. It should also be able to cope with a high level of crowding and with large scale variations of the spatial resolution from one image to another. A recent deconvolution-based photometry algorithm fulfills all these requirements, and it also increases the resolution of astronomical images, which is an important advantage for the detection of blends and the discrimination of false positives in transit photometry. We made some changes to this algorithm in order to optimize it for transit photometry and used it to reduce NTT/SUSI2 observations of two transits of OGLE-TR-113b. This reduction has led to two very high precision transit light curves with a low level of systematic residuals, used together with former photometric and spectroscopic measurements to derive new stellar and planetary parameters in excellent agreement with previous ones, but significantly more precise. ", "introduction": "Among the $\\sim$200 exoplanets known so far, only the 10 ones transiting their parent star have measured masses and radii, thanks to the complementarity of the radial--velocity and transit methods. Among them, 5 were detected by the OGLE-III planetary transit survey (\\cite{Udalski1}, \\cite{Udalski2}, \\cite{Udalski3}, \\cite{Udalski4}): OGLE-TR-10b (\\cite{Konacki3}), OGLE-TR-56b (\\cite{Konacki1}, \\cite{Bouchy2}), OGLE-TR-111b (\\cite{Pont1}), OGLE-TR-113b (\\cite{Bouchy1}, \\cite{Konacki2}) and OGLE-TR-132b (\\cite{Bouchy1}). Compared to the other transiting exoplanets, they orbit much fainter stars, leading to a lower amount of information available from their observation. Furthermore, obtaining high accuracy photometry for these stars is difficult with a classical reduction method, even with large telescopes, because of the high level of crowding present in most of the deep fields of view in the Galactic plane. Nevertheless, the accurate photometric monitoring of their transits is important to better constrain the mass-radius relationship of close-in giant planets, and thus the processes of planet formation, migration and evaporation. Besides, high accuracy transit observations may allow the detection of other planets, even terrestrial ones in the best cases, by the measurements of the dynamically induced variations of the period of the transit (\\cite{Miralda1}, \\cite{Agol1}, \\cite{Holman1}). An image deconvolution algorithm (\\cite{Magain1}) has recently been adapted to the photometric analysis of crowded fields (\\cite{Magain2}), even when the level of crowding is so high that no isolated star can be used to obtain the $PSF$ (Point Spread Function). We made some modifications to this algorithm to optimize it for follow-up transit photometry, with a main goal in mind: to obtain the highest possible level of photometric accuracy, even for faint stars located in deep crowded fields. This new method was tested on new photometric observations of two OGLE-TR-113b transits obtained with the NTT/SUSI2 instrument. This planet was the second one confirmed from the list of planetary candidates of the OGLE-III survey. It orbits around a faint K dwarf star ($I$ = 14.42) in the constellation of Carina. Due to the small radius of the parent star ($R \\sim 0.8$ $R_{\\odot}$), the transit dip in the OGLE-III light curves is the largest one among the planets detected by this survey ($\\sim$ 3 \\%). As OGLE-TR-113 lies in a field of view with a high level of crowding, this case is ideal to validate the potential of our new method. Sect.\\ 2 presents the observational data. Sect.\\ 3 summarizes the main characteristics of the deconvolution algorithm and describes the improvements we brought to optimize it for follow-up transit photometry. In Sect.\\ 4, our results are presented and new parameters are derived for the planet OGLE-TR-113b. Finally, Sect.\\ 5 gives our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "The results presented here show that our new photometry algorithm is well suited for follow-up transit photometry, even in very crowded fields. After analysis of NTT SUSI2 observations of two OGLE-TR-113b transits, we have obtained two very high accuracy transit light curves with a low level of systematic residuals. Combining our new photometric data with OGLE-III ephemeris, spectroscopic data and radial velocity measurements, we have determined planetary and stellar parameters in excellent agreement with the ones presented in Bouchy et al. (2004) and Konacki et al. (2004), but significantly more precise. We notice that the sampling in time, the sub-millimag photometric accuracy and the systematics residuals level of our light curves would be good enough to allow the photometric detection of a transiting Hot Neptune, in the case of a small star as OGLE-TR-113. We have obtained a very precise determination of the transit times, and, combining them with OGLE-III ephemeris, we could determine the orbital period with a very high accuracy. The precisions on the epochs and the period would in fact be high enough to allow the detection of a second planet or a satellite, for some ranges of orbital parameters and masses. Even a terrestrial planet could be detected with such a transit timing precision." }, "0606/astro-ph0606676_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present ultra-deep {\\it Spitzer} 70$\\mu$m observations of GOODS-North (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey). For the first time, the turn-over in the 70$\\mu$m Euclidean-normalized differential source counts is observed. We derive source counts down to a flux density of 1.2\\,mJy. From the measured source counts and fluctuation analysis, we estimate a power-law approximation of the faint 70$\\mu$m source counts of $dN/dS \\propto S^{-1.6}$, consistent with that observed for the faint 24$\\mu$m sources. An extrapolation of the 70$\\mu$m source counts to zero flux density implies a total extragalactic background light (EBL) of $7.4\\pm1.9\\nW$. The source counts above 1.2\\,mJy account for about 60\\% of the estimated EBL. From fluctuation analysis, we derive a photometric confusion level of $\\sigma_c = 0.30\\pm0.15$\\,mJy ($q=5$) for the {\\it Spitzer} 70$\\mu$m band. ", "introduction": "Deep 24$\\mu$m observations (Chary et al. 2004; Papovich et al. 2004; Fadda et al. 2006) have demonstrated the ability of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for {\\it Spitzer} (MIPS, Rieke et al. 2004) to study the mid-infrared (mid-IR) properties of high-redshift galaxies (Yan et al. 2004; Le Floc'h et al. 2004, 2005; P\\'{e}rez-Gonz\\'{a}lez et al. 2005; Daddi et al. 2005; Papovich et al. 2006; Caputi et al. 2006). The interpretation of the 24$\\mu$m data are complicated by the presence of strong emission and absorption features (e.g., Armus et al. 2004) redshifted into the 24$\\mu$m band. Observations at longer wavelengths, such as 70$\\mu$m which is closer to the far-infrared peak of the spectral energy distribution (SED) and is away from the strong mid-IR features, are crucial for constraining the infrared luminosities and star-formation rates. The previous deep Guaranteed Time Observer (GTO) surveys did not achieve sufficient sensitivity at 70$\\mu$m to detect distant luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs; $10^{11}\\lsun \\la L_{ir} \\la 10^{12}\\lsun$), without stacking 70$\\mu$m data for a large number of 24$\\mu$m-selected sources (Dole et al. 2006). Much deeper observations are needed at 70$\\mu$m to individually detect the $z\\sim1$ LIRGs that account for the majority of the extragalactic background light (Elbaz et al. 2002; Lagache et al. 2004). In this letter, we present initial results for the deepest 70$\\mu$m survey taken to date with {\\it Spitzer}. ", "conclusions": "Based on ultra-deep 70$\\mu$m observations, we derive source counts down to a flux density of 1.2\\,mJy, directly resolving about 60\\% of the EBL. The total fraction of the EBL estimated for sources down to the confusion level ($\\sigma_c\\simeq0.3$\\,mJy, $q=5$) is about 75\\%. A power-law extrapolation to zero flux density implies a total EBL of $7.4\\pm1.9\\nW$ at 71.4$\\mu$m. This is consistent with the value predicted based on EBL measurements at other wavelengths, the value predicted from the Lagache et al. (2004) model, and the value derived from the extrapolation of the 24$\\mu$m counts and 70$\\mu$m stacking analysis (Dole et al. 2006). However, the uncertainties on the results leave open the possibility of a significant population of sources at low 70$\\mu$m flux densities that are not accounted for in the models, such as highly obscured $z\\sim 1$ AGNs as proposed to account for the hard X-ray background (e.g., Worsley et al. 2005). Studies of the counterparts of the faint 70$\\mu$m population are ongoing and will help to constrain the infrared luminosities and the relative fraction of AGN versus starburst-dominated galaxies in the high-redshift {\\it Spitzer}-selected surveys. We thank our colleagues associated with the {\\it Spitzer} mission who have made these observations possible. This work is based on observations made with the {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope}, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under NASA contract 1407." }, "0606/astro-ph0606506_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We calculate the strong lensing probability as a function of the image-separation $\\Delta\\theta$ in TeVeS (tensor-vector-scalar) cosmology, which is a relativistic version of MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics). The lens, often an elliptical galaxy, is modeled by the Hernquist profile. We assume a flat cosmology with $\\Omega_b=1-\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.04$ and the simplest interpolating function $\\mu(x)={\\rm min}(1,x)$. For comparison, we recalculated the probabilities for lenses by Singular Isothermal Sphere (SIS) galaxy halos in LCDM with Schechter-fit velocity function. The amplification bias is calculated based on the magnification of the second bright image rather than the total of the two brighter images. Our calculations show that the Hernquist model predicts insufficient but acceptable probabilities in flat TeVeS cosmology compared with the results of the well defined combined sample of Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) and Jodrell Bank/Very Large Array Astrometric Survey (JVAS); at the same time, it predicts higher probabilities than SIS model in LCDM at small image separations. ", "introduction": "Since Bekenstein proposed the relativistic, modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) theory, named tensor-vector-scalar \\citep[TeVeS;][]{bekenstein04}, it has become possible to investigate the MOND phenomena in the cosmological sense. In particular, after determining the geometry and background evolution of the Universe, and calculating the deflection of light due to a weak gravitational field, one can test TeVeS and thus MOND with gravitational lensing \\citep{chiu,zhao06a,angus}. Before TeVeS, strong gravitational lensing in the MOND regime could only be manipulated by extrapolating non-relativistic dynamics \\citep{qin,mortlock}, in which the deflection angle is only half the value in TeVeS \\citep{zhaoqin06}. Needless to say, comparing the predicted results of gravitational lensing with observations is of key importance in testing TeVeS. \\citet{zhao06a} first examined the consistency of the strong lensing predictions in the TeVeS regime for galaxy lenses in the CfA-Arizona Space Telescope Lens Survey (CASTLES). In this {\\it Letter}, we investigate the statistics of strong lensing in the TeVeS regime, and compare the predicted lensing probabilities to the well defined sample of CLASS/JVAS survey. We adopt the mass function of the stellar component of galaxies \\citep{panters}. As a first approximation, we do not consider galaxy cluster lenses; the lenses in the well defined sample in CLASS/JVAS are believed to be produced by galaxies rather than galaxy cllusters, although a cluster lens, SDSSJ1004, was discovered in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) \\citep{inada03,oguri04a}. We consider the simplest MOND interpolating function $\\mu(x)$ and use the Hernquist profile \\citep{hernquist} to model the galaxy lenses. It is now established that, in standard cosmology (LCDM), when galaxies are modeled by a Singular Isothermal Sphere (SIS) and galaxy clusters are modeled by a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile, the predicted strong lensing probabilities can match the results of CLASS/JVAS quite well \\citep[e.g.,][]{chae03,chena,chenb,chenc,chend,li02,mitchell05, oguri02,oguri03b,oguri04,peng06,sarbu01, wj04,zhang2004,zhang05}. For comparison, we recalculate the lensing probabilities predicted by the SIS modeled galaxy lenses in LCDM cosmology with the velocity function. Note that, in LCDM, baryon infall effect \\citep[e.g.,][]{kochanek01,keeton01} has been well described by SIS model for galaxies \\citep{rusin05,koopmans06}, at least statistically; furthermore, the effects of substructures \\citep{oguri06} are also considered since we use the velocity function to account for the number density of lensing galaxies. Throughout this {\\it Letter}, we assume the source QSOs have a redshift of $z_s=1.27$. ", "conclusions": "It has been held that, in the MOND regime, the effect of lensing is inefficient, in particular, that strong lensing never occurs \\citep[e.g., ][]{scarpa}. Our calculations shown in Figure \\ref{figprob} indicate, however, that this is not true. Although the Hernquist model predicts insufficient lensing probabilities in a flat TeVeS cosmology compared with the result of CLASS/JVAS, the result is acceptable considering, at least, that the lensing galaxy can be modeled by steeper slopes and more efficient MOND $\\mu$-functions. Our results argue that TeVeS (and thus MOND) generates lenses with higher efficiency than CDM if the latter is modelled by SIS profile and in both cases the amplification bias is calculated based on the magnification of the second bright image (for SIS, the fainter image). Usually, $B$ is calculated based on the total magnification of the two images cosidered. Because we introduced a cutoff $\\beta_{q_r}$ due to the flux ratio $q_r$, the total magnification is $2\\sim q_r+1$ times larger than that of the second bright image (depending on $\\beta$ when $\\beta\\le\\beta_{q_r}$), which results in the corresponding value of $B$ about 4 times larger (both for SIS in LCDM and Hernquist in TeVeS). As shown in Figure \\ref{figprob}, the lensing probabilities for SIS halos in LCDM with $B=3.976$ (total) matches the results of CLASS/JVAS quite well (dashed line). Similarly, if we apply the total magnification to $B$ for Mondian Hernquist model, the final lensing probabilities would be overpredicted compared with the results of CLASS/JVAS. Note that an SIS profile is more concentrated in mass than a Hernquist profile, so if both profiles are applied in the same regime (LCDM or TeVeS), the SIS profile would be more effective at lensing than Hernquist. Therefore, the fact that the probabilities for SIS model in LCDM ($B=1.09$, dash-dotted line) are lower than the Hernquist model in TeVeS shown in Figure \\ref{figprob} implies that MOND demonstrates a higher lensing efficiency than CDM. This phenomena is, in fact, not difficult to understand. It is well known that MOND, as an alternative to dark matter for solving the ``missing mass\" problem, takes effect in the region surrounding the luminous matter with $r>r_0$, where a CDM halo is assumed to have non-zero density and its acceleration dominates over luminous matter in LCDM cosmology \\citep{kaplinghat}. The deflection angle $\\alpha(b)$ with impact parameter $b>r_0$ can be calculated using Newtonian CDM gravitation or Mondian luminous matter gravitation. We know that the acceleration $g(r)$ in the equation for deflection angle for an SIS modeled CDM halo is $g(r)\\propto r^{-1}$, independent of $b$. So, the image separation is independent of the source position angle $\\beta$ (when $\\beta<\\beta_{cr}$), as is well known in the SIS model. However, for a lensing galaxy (with no dark matter) modeled by a Hernquist profile, we have $g(r)\\propto r^{-1}$ only when $r>r_0$ (Mondian regime). So the higher probabilities indicate a higher lensing efficiency between MOND and CDM. As a first attempt at investigating strong lensing statistics in the TeVeS scenario, we have used the simplest interpolating function $\\mu(x)$. The deflection angle is, of course, sensitive to $\\mu(x)$ \\citep{zhao06b}. The simplest $\\mu(x)$ adopted in this {\\it Letter} corresponds to the lowest physical (or ``true\") acceleration $g(r)$. Any other forms of $\\mu(x)$ all give stronger physical accelerations than the simplest one \\citep{zhaotian06}. Furthermore, strong lensing is very sensitive to the concentration and the slope near the center of the density profile of lensing galaxies. The Hernquist model and an NFW model has $\\rho(r)\\sim r^{-1}$ near the center, both are inefficient in lensing. If elliptical galaxies were modeled as pressure- supported Jaffe model, e.g., with $\\rho(r)\\sim \\frac{1}{r^{2}(r+a)^2}$ where $a$ is a core scale length, then the lensing probability would be increased. Another important point is that we have assumed a flat universe with $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.96$. However, by fitting to high-z SN Ia luminosity modulus, \\citet{zhao06a} showed that an open universe is more likely in TeVeS (with $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.5$). In summary, it is promising to constrain TeVeS vs CDM through lensing statistics." }, "0606/astro-ph0606730_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Detailed studies of the photometric and kinematical properties of compact groups of galaxies are crucial to understand the physics of galaxy interactions and to shed light on some aspects of galaxy formation and evolution. In this paper we present a kinematical and photometrical study of a member, NGC4778, of the nearest (z=0.0137) compact group: Hickson 62.} {The aim of this work was to investigate the existence of kinematical anomalies in the brightest group member, NGC4778 in order to constrain the dynamical status and the formation history of the group. } {We used long-slit spectra obtained with FORS1 at VLT, to measure line-of-sight velocity distributions by means of the Fourier Correlation Quotient method, and to derive the galaxy rotation curve and velocity dispersion profile. } {Our analysis reveals that Hickson 62a, also known as NGC4778, is an S0 galaxy with kinematical and morphological peculiarities, both in its central regions (r $< 5''$) and in the outer halo. In the central regions, the rotation curve shows the existence of a kinematically decoupled stellar component, offset with respect to the photometric center. In the outer halo we find an asymmetric rotation curve and a velocity dispersion profile showing a rise on the SW side, in direction of the galaxy NGC4776.} {The nuclear counterrotation, the distorted kinematics in the outer halo and the X-ray properties of the group suggest that NGC4778 may be the product of a recent minor merger, more reliable with a small late-type galaxy.} ", "introduction": "Poor groups of galaxies are the most common cosmic structures and contain a large fraction of the galaxies present in the universe (\\cite{Tully87}, \\cite{Eke04a}). At a difference with rich clusters, they span a wide range of densities, from loose groups, having spatial density of baryonic matter slightly above that of the field, to compact ones having densities comparable or higher than those encountered in the cores of the richest clusters. For this reason, they are the ideal ground where to test all scenarios for galaxy formation and evolution and where to pinpoint the details of the physics controlling galaxy interactions. Loose groups having masses in the range $10^{13} - 10^{14} \\ M_{\\odot}$, almost certainly are still collapsing and are therefore crucial to uncover the formation processes shaping cosmic structures (\\cite{Zabludoff98}). Many factors converge in identifying compact groups as good candidates to be one of the regions where some of this processes occur. In first place, their high spatial density of luminous matter and small velocity dispersions imply dynamical lifetimes of the order of a fraction of the Hubble time. This leading to the possibility that the groups observed in the present time and in the local universe are second generation objects, just accreting new members from the loose groups of galaxies in which almost always they are embedded (\\cite{Vennik93}). Second, compact groups are numerous and contain a non negligible fraction of the baryonic matter in the nearby universe (\\cite{Pildis96}). Therefore, whatever is their ultimate fate, they are bound to have an impact on the observable properties of galaxies and cosmic structures. As it was stressed in \\cite{Mendes03} (hereafter M03), the influence of environmental effects on the internal dynamics and matter distribution of compact group galaxies has not yet been clearly established, mostly due to lack of reliable kinematic data. Extensive kinematical studies of both the stars and gas in galaxies belonging to compact groups (\\cite{Rubin91}; \\cite{Nishiura00}; M03; \\cite{Rampazzo98}; \\cite{Bonfanti99}) all suggest that peculiar kinematical behaviors are much more common ($\\sim 75\\%$) than in the field. Moreover, M03 showed that velocity fields of the ionized gas component in galaxies belonging to compact groups are often significantly affected by non-circular motions, local asymmetries and misalignments between the kinematic and stellar axes. These peculiarities, however, tend to smooth out if the rotation curve is derived by averaging the velocity fields of the galaxies over large regions. If these averaged values are used, a large fraction ($\\sim 80\\%$) of the HCG members follow the same Tully-Fisher (TF) relationship of field galaxies (M03). This may indicate that the haloes of compact group galaxies have not been significantly stripped inside their optical size. However, according to M03, the remaining 20\\% of the galaxies, including the lowest-mass systems, present significant anomalies which could be explained by assuming that compact group galaxies have smaller dark halos than their field counterparts, due to tidal truncation. A result which finds support in numerical simulations (cf. \\cite{Governato91}) and has important consequences on the groups dynamical lifetimes. In spite of the vast literature existing, due both to the limited statistics and to the problems encountered in disentangling true groups from optical ones as well as in deprojecting the measured kinematic and photometric quantities, our understanding of the dynamical and evolutionary status of compact groups still presents quite a few gaps. Gaps which can be filled only through detailed multitechnique and multiwavelength analysis of individual cases. In this respect, the dynamical and evolutive status of a group two observables are crucial: the detailed kinematics of the individual galaxies and the structure of the diffuse hot gas halo. In this paper and in Paper II (\\cite{Sodani06}) we present a study of the compact group of galaxies Hickson 62 based on archival optical, spectroscopic and X-ray data extracted from the ESO and the Chandra archives. In this first paper we focus mainly on the peculiar kinematics and on the photometry of the dominant galaxy NGC4778 (Hickson 62a), while in Paper II we shall discuss the diffuse X ray halo embedding at least two of the group components. This paper is structured as follows: in Section \\ref{HCG62} we discuss the main characteristics of Hickson 62, in Section \\ref{thedata} we describe the observations and the data reduction procedure. The photometric properties of NGC4778 are presented in Section \\ref{phot} and the kinematics in \\ref{kin}. Finally, we draw our conclusions in \\ref{discussion}. Throughout this paper we shall adopt a distance of 60.9 Mpc based on $H_{0}= 70$ km $\\mbox{s}^{-1} \\mbox{Mpc}^{-1}$ and an heliocentric radial velocity $V = 4260$ km $\\mbox{s}^{-1}$, this implies 1 arcsec = 0.29 kpc. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} We have analyzed high signal-to-noise spectra along the major axis of the dominant galaxy of the Hickson Compact Group HCG62. On the whole, the observed kinematics and photometry of NGC4778 is consistent with that of an S0 galaxy. -\\emph{Nuclear regions}- The higher resolution data enabled us to detect the signature of the nucleus of NGC4778: inside $3''$ we observe an inversion in the velocity profile gradient, which also correspond to some anomalous photometric features, such as bluer colors, and twisting in the position angle of the isophotes. These features strongly suggest the existence of a small core ($\\sim 600\\ pc$) kinematically decoupled from the whole galaxy. Such anomalous Kinematically Decoupled Cores (KDC) are common in early-type galaxies and show very similar features to those observed in the nuclear regions of HCG62a: the velocity profile is characterized by a central asymmetry, to which corresponds an unusual central isophotal flattening (see \\cite{Krajnovic04}). Similar behavior are observed for instance in NGC3623, belonging to the Leo Triplet (\\cite{Afanasiev05}). The central region of this galaxy, in fact, shows the presence of a chemically distinct core, a relic of a star formation burst, due to interactions, that is shaped as a cold stellar disk with a radius of $\\sim 250-350\\ pc$. Like NGC4778, NGC3623 also shows a drop in the stellar velocity dispersion in the nucleus. Numerical simulations (\\cite{Bournaud03}) predict that peculiar nuclear components may be the result of an interaction event between two galaxies. Both major merging and accretion of external material may induce that some gas does flow in to the nuclear regions of the remnant and quickly forms a small concentration of new stars that maintain the original angular momentum of the initial galaxy, counter-rotate with respect to the host galaxy. Furthermore, N-body simulations including gas, stars and star formation, suggest that galaxies can develope a central velocity dispersion drop due to nuclear gas inflow, then subsequent star formation and the appearance of young luminous stars born from dynamically cold gas (\\cite{Wozniak06}). -\\emph{Formation and evolution}- Our data are in good agreement with those obtained by \\cite{Rampazzo98} along the direction connecting the nuclei of NGC4778 and NGC4776 (P.A.$=128^\\circ$). They also found that the rotation curve is not symmetric with respect to the center of NGC4778, with a rapid increase in the SE direction at about $15''$ from the center. The velocity dispersion increases on both sides, reaching a maximum at about $10''$ from the center on the SW side. Given that the close galaxy NGC4776 is located on the NW, they suggested that {\\it i)} the rapid variation of the rotation curve and the sharp increase of the velocity dispersion in the SE direction is a real effect, reliable due to a dynamical perturbation; {\\it ii)} while the rise towards NGC4776 (on the NW side) could be partly an artifact due to the apparent superposition of the galaxies. The new kinematics along the SW side (presented in this work) further suggest that the South side of NGC4778 is dynamically perturbed. As we have discussed in the section \\ref{kin}, the rotation curve of NGC4778 is not symmetric with respect to the center, and this is a feature observed in many other compact groups (\\cite{Bonfanti99}). According to the literature, many compact groups mainly composed by early-type galaxies, like HCG62, show several morphological signature of interactions, and for all of them the apparent kinematical interactions are not explainable as a mere optical superposition. This conclusion is strongly supported by the simulations performed by \\cite{Combes95}, which show that the peculiarities observed in many rotation curves of galaxies belonging to compact groups are due to intrinsic effects and not to contamination along the line of sight. Our results are also in agreement with the estimates coming from merger simulations (\\cite{Combes95}), that predict asymmetry in the kinematical profiles and a distinction between the photometric and the dynamical center. The asymmetry and the shape of the rotation curve and velocity dispersion profile of NGC4778 do not find correlation with the photometric features of the galaxy, except for the bluer colors in the central region. The absence of correlation between the dynamical and the morphological peculiarities suggests that the dynamical properties of the HCG galaxies may be due to a minor merger event. In fact, as showed by \\cite{Nishiura00}, weak galaxy collisions could not perturb the galaxy rotation curves, but morphological deformations could be induced in the outer parts of the galaxy (tidal tails, bridges etc), while minor mergers could perturb the rotation curves in the inner regions, especially for gas-poor early-type galaxies, without causing morphological peculiarities. We have estimated the mass-to-light (M/L) ratio of NGC4778 in order to derive some constraints on the amount of dark matter in HCG62. Since the kinematical profiles are not symmetric, for the calculation of the M/L ratio, we have used the value of $v_{max}$ and $\\sigma_{max}$ taken from the unperturbed side (NE) of the curves. Moreover, in absence of an accurate photometric calibration, we used as total B magnitude the value provided by NED, $m_{b} = 13.79$. Choosing the values $v_{max}\\simeq 80\\ km/s$, $\\sigma_{max}\\simeq 270\\ km/s$ and $R_{max}=34$ arcsec ($\\simeq 10\\ Kpc\\ \\simeq 2R_{e}$), by using the virial theorem $(M/L)_{vir}\\simeq\\frac{2R\\ (\\sigma^{2}+v^{2})}{(L\\ G)}$, we obtain $M/L\\simeq20.6$. This abnormally high mass-to-light ratio is compatible with a recent merging which has induced a tidal heating in the center of NGC4778, thus leading to a velocity dispersion which is too high with respect to the actual mass of the galaxy. This result however presents conflicting aspects. In fact, while such behaviour is predicted by numerical simulations (\\cite{Combes95}), a detailed study of the x-ray diffuse halo detected in the central regions of the group leads to a very similar virial estimate of M/L. A more detailed discussion of this point will be presented in \\cite{Sodani06}. The velocity dispersion of HCGs are generally higher than would be expected given their visible mass (even if the discordant galaxies are ignored): this can also be explained if the bulk of the mass is in a non visible form (\\cite{Hickson97}). Moreover, ROSAT observations revealed a massive hydrogen envelope surrounding HCG62, and showed that this group is dominated by dark matter. Both N-body and hydrodynamic simulations indicate that the dark matter halos of individual galaxies merge first, creating a massive envelope within which the visible galaxies move (Barnes 1984, Bode et al 1993). Kinematic studies of loose groups (e.g. Puche \\& Carignan 1991) indicate that the dark matter is concentrated around the individual optical galaxies. In contrast, the X-ray observations indicate that in most compact groups, the gas and dark matter are more extended and are decoupled from the galaxies. This may be consistent with a M/L 30\\% to 50\\% lower in compact groups respect to isolated galaxies (Rubin et al 1991). The hierarchical mergers of cluster galaxies might power the emission line gas in the center of the group members (\\cite{Valluri96}): according to the merger scenario, in order to power emission-line nebulae, the merger must include a galaxy or a group of galaxies that are late-types and which bring with them cold gas. The observed $H_{\\alpha}$ emission in NGC4778, and also in NGC4776 and NGC4761, further support the idea that this galaxy has recently experienced a merger event. The overall scenario depicting NGC4778 as the product of a recent merger, as emerges by previous discussion, is consistent with the results obtained from X-ray observations. The presence of an extended X-ray halo is consistent with scenarios describing current compact group as the result of a first generation of mergers, where the dominant galaxy sits at the bottom of a large common gravitational well. The presence of two X-ray cavities in the hot gaseous halo located on symmetrically with respect to NGC4778 also indicate that the AGN residing in the galaxy core, must have undergone a recent (a few $10^{7}$ yr, \\cite{Birzan04}) active fase during which the radio-emitting relativistic plasma has created two low density regions within the hot IGM. It is commonly believed that such activity can be triggered by merging events, which increases the accretion rate onto the central massive black hole (\\cite{Cattaneo05}). These fits a scenario in which NGC4778 underwent a merger sometime in the past which produced the counter-rotating core and triggered the nuclear activity. However the low incidence of strong, type I AGN activity in interacting galaxies suggests that a delay of several $10^8$ years is generally expected until the peak of the AGN fase (\\cite{Canal06, Grogin05}, however see also \\cite{Koulouridis06}). In the case of NGC4778 we can derive a lower limit of $10^{7}$ yr for such delay from the age of the cavities. On the other end, an upper limit is represented by the age of the merger which, given the typical dynamical timescales of Compact Groups, can be estimated in $~10^8$ yr. This result agrees with the estimate that AGNs have duty cycles of the order of $10^{7-8}$ years." }, "0606/astro-ph0606400.txt": { "abstract": "We present a panoramic review of several observational and theoretical aspects of the modern astrophysical research about the origin of the Fundamental Plane (FP) relation for Early-Type Galaxies (ETGs). The discussion is focused on the problem of the {\\it tilt} and the {\\it tightness} of the FP, and on the attempts to derive the luminosity evolution of ETGs with redshift. Finally, a number of observed features in the FP are interpreted from the standpoint of a new theoretical approach based on the two-component tensor virial theorem. ", "introduction": "The long-debated question of how many physical independent parameters can be used to describe the overall observational manifold of galaxies, arose approximately 30 years ago, in particular with a pioneering paper by \\citet{aa23-259}. Performing a principal component analysis (PCA) on a sample of spirals with known rotation curves, morphological types, absolute luminosities, colors and [HI] masses, a surprising result arose, that only 2 independent parameters dominate most of the variance of the related manifold. \\citet{brosche88} proved the possibility to scale all the main integral galaxian properties with two parameters, \\eg\\ mass and angular momentum. Since then, the multivariate analysis on galaxian parameters has been carried out by many authors \\citep[e.g.,][]{Lentes,mnras206-453,apj278-61,apj280-7}, substantially confirming the earlier conclusion. An application of PCA to early-type galaxies (ETGs) yielded a similar result \\citep[][]{BRLen}, providing additional support to two previously discovered correlations, involving residuals from the Faber-Jackson (FJ) relation, $L_T \\propto \\sigma_o^{J}$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{apj204-668}. More precisely, the correlations are between (i) residuals in total luminosity, $L_T$, and metallicity index, $Mg_2$ \\citep[][]{aj100-1416}, and (ii) residuals in central projected velocity dispersion, $\\sigma_o$, and mean effective surface brightness, \\muem\\ \\citep[][]{apj230-697}. At that time, the idea that ETGs belong to a family of stellar systems controlled by a single parameter, where their physical properties scale according to luminosity (mass), was supported by several observational evidences: the large degree of homogeneity of galaxy light profiles (well represented by the \\r1q\\ de Vaucouleurs law), the uniform color-magnitude diagrams, the existence of the FJ relation and of the Kormendy relation \\citep[KR,][] {Korm77}, $\\muem=3\\log(r_e)+const$, between the effective radius, \\re\\, and \\muem. The above simple scenario started to change when \\citet{apj313-59} and \\citet{apj313-42}, taking advantage of a large sample of ETGs with available photometric and kinematical data, derived simultaneously the observational evidence that three physical parameters, $\\sigma_o$, \\muem, and \\re , are mutually correlated and unified in a 2-dimensional manifold, since then called {\\it Fundamental Plane} (FP). In this framework, both FJ and KR were interpreted as projections of the FP along the coordinate axes, which provides a natural explanation to the second, mysterious, ``hidden parameter''. Current astrophysical observations and theoretical speculations have widely extended the spectrum of the structural and dynamical parameters that can be measured or calculated within galaxies, including both the visible stellar (baryonic) component, B, and the invisible dark matter (DM) component, D. Despite this large zoo of parameters, it is very surprising that the main dimensionality of this manifold remains 2. In other words, the cloud of points in the parameter space whose axes are size (mass, luminosity, or radius), density (or surface brightness) and temperature (\\ie\\ kinetic energy per unit mass), does not populate uniformly the three dimensional space, but is distributed approximately along a plane where the scatter maintains small. The current paper aims to briefly review the most relevant attempts to explain the origin of the FP for ETGs. The mere existence of the FP does indeed indicate that structural properties in ETGs span a narrow range, suggesting some self-regulating mechanism must be at work during formation and evolution. The most relevant observational features of the FP are the tilt with respect to what is expected from one-component scalar virial theorem and homology (see section \\ref{sec1}), and a small thickness called tightness (see section \\ref{sec2}). According to observations, the scatter around the FP is very low, and the position of a galaxy above or below the plane is independent of galaxy flattening, isophotal twisting, velocity anisotropy, and details of radial light distribution. The small thickness corresponds to about 12\\% uncertainty in \\re , implying the FP is a good distance indicator \\citep[e.g.,][]{mnras330-443}. The paper is organized as follows. In section \\ref{sec1} we review the most relevant works that in the last years provided new data for the FP at different wavelengths, redshifts and environments. Special effort is devoted to both the KR and the $\\kappa$-space. The latter makes a very interesting and debated representation of the FP, built up by \\citet{apj399-462} using a different set of orthogonal variables. In section \\ref{sec2} we summarize the most important theoretical attempts devoted to explain the origin of both the tilt and the tightness of the FP. We will address, in particular, the role of anisotropy and rotation in the stellar velocity distribution, the weak deviation of stellar systems from homology, the role of Initial Mass Function (IMF), the role of DM, and the most relevant aspects of a new theoretical approach which uses the two-component tensor virial theorem for interpreting some of the observed features of the FP. The conclusions are drawn in section \\ref{sec4}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec4} We have reviewed some of the more relevant observational investigations on the FP, and summarized the most important theoretical attempts to explain its tilt and tightness by means of velocity anisotropy, DM fraction, homology, and IMF. None of the above mentioned mechanisms, by itself, is currently able to provide a complete explanation of the observed properties of the FP. We have shown that starting from the tensor virial theorem extended to a two-component model for ETGs, more insight on the problem can be gained. If a maximum of Clausius' virial energy is really the key for a dynamic explanation of FP, it appears surprising how the corresponding special configuration links together many of the involved parameters, in such a way that the basic two-dimensionality of the manifold of ETGs is ensured. The main observables \\re\\,, \\iem\\ , and $\\sigma_o$, appear to depend on cosmology via $\\gamma'$ (a quantity related to the local slope of the {\\it mass variance}) implying the projections of the FP (\\eg\\, FJ, KR) also depend on it. Nevertheless, the FP equation is found to degenerate with respect to $\\gamma'$. The debate on the origin of the FP is still currently open, but interesting developments are to be expected as soon as larger field surveys will be available in the near future. \\\\ {\\bf Acknowledgments} This work has partially been supported by {\\em Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo}, Piazza Duomo 15, Padova (Italy). We thank an anonymous referee for critical remarks." }, "0606/astro-ph0606056_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this first paper of a series on the structure of boxy and peanut-shaped (B/PS) bulges, \\kn-band observations of a sample of $30$ edge-on spiral galaxies are described and discussed. \\kn-band observations best trace the dominant luminous galactic mass and are minimally affected by dust. Images, unsharp-masked images, as well as major-axis and vertically-summed surface brightness profiles are presented and discussed. Galaxies with a B/PS bulge tend to have a more complex morphology than galaxies with other bulge types, more often showing centered or off-centered X structures, secondary maxima along the major-axis and spiral-like structures. While probably not uniquely related to bars, those features are observed in three-dimensional N-body simulations of barred discs and may trace the main bar orbit families. The surface brightness profiles of galaxies with a B/PS bulge are also more complex, typically containing $3$ or more clearly separated regions, including a shallow or flat intermediate region (Freeman Type~II profiles). The breaks in the profiles offer evidence for bar-driven transfer of angular momentum and radial redistribution of material. The profiles further suggest a rapid variation of the scaleheight of the disc material, contrary to conventional wisdom but again as expected from the vertical resonances and instabilities present in barred discs. Interestingly, the steep inner region of the surface brightness profiles is often shorter than the isophotally thick part of the galaxies, itself always shorter than the flat intermediate region of the profiles. The steep inner region is also much more prominent along the major-axis than in the vertically-summed profiles. Similarly to other recent work but contrary to the standard `bulge + disc' model (where the bulge is both thick and steep), we thus propose that galaxies with a B/PS bulge are composed of a thin concentrated disc (a disc-like bulge) contained within a partially thick bar (the B/PS bulge), itself contained within a thin outer disc. The inner disc likely formed secularly through bar-driven processes and is responsible for the steep inner region of the surface brightness profiles, traditionally associated with a classic bulge, while the bar is responsible for the flat intermediate region of the surface brightness profiles and the thick complex morphological structures observed. Those components are strongly coupled dynamically and are formed mostly of the same (disc) material, shaped by the weak but relentless action of the bar resonances. Any competing formation scenario for galaxies with a B/PS bulge, which represent at least $45$~per cent of the local disc galaxy population, must explain equally well and self-consistently the above morphological and photometric properties, the complex gas and stellar kinematics observed, and the correlations between them. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Since the work of \\citet{defis83}, bulges have largely been considered as low-luminosity elliptical galaxies, suggesting a rapid formation dominated either by mergers and accretion of external material (e.g.\\ \\citealt*{k96,kcw96}; but see also \\citealt*{bc01,abp01}) or possibly by dissipative gravitational collapse (e.g.\\ \\citealt*{els62,c84a,c84b,sm95}; but see also \\citealt{n98,n99}). Over the last decade, however, there has been much criticism of this idea. In particular, the realization that most bulges have an inner surface brightness profile shallower than the expected $R^{1/4}$ law \\citep*[e.g.][]{apb95,j96,mch03,bgdp03} argues against both mechanisms \\citep[e.g.][]{hm95,abp01}. Alternative models where bulges grow secularly (i.e.\\ over a long timescale and in relative isolation) have also been developed and studied, many of them bar-driven \\citep*[e.g.][]{pn90,fb93,fb95,nsh96}, and much observational data support them \\citep[e.g.][]{wfmmb95,es02}. Of primary concern here, several pieces of evidence point to the identification of most boxy and peanut-shaped (B/PS) bulges in edge-on spiral galaxies with the bars of barred spirals. In $N$-body simulations, whenever a disc galaxy forms a bar, a B/PS bar/bulge develops soon after. This process was studied first by \\citet{cs81}, later on by \\citet{cdfp90} and \\citet{rsjk91}, and more recently by \\citet{mwhdb95}, \\citet{am02}, \\citet{a02,a03,a05} and \\citet*{msh05}. The observed incidence of B/PS bulges is consistent with that expected if they are associated with relatively strong bars. Recent work by \\citet*{ldp00a,ldp00b} demonstrates that $45$ per cent of all bulges are B/PS, while amongst those the exact shape of the bulge depends mainly on the viewing angle to the bar. As shown by the numerical simulations, true peanuts are bars seen side-on, i.e.\\ with the major-axis of the bar roughly perpendicular to the line-of-sight. For less favourable viewing angles, the bulge/bar looks boxy, and if the bar is seen end-on it looks almost spherical. Stronger bars also lead to more prominent peanut shapes, as demonstrated observationally \\citep[e.g.][]{ldp00b} and theoretically \\cite[e.g.][]{am02,ba05}. The kinematics of discs harboring a B/PS bulge, as measured from both ionized-gas emission lines and stellar absorption lines, show the behaviour expected of barred spirals viewed edge-on. This has been demonstrated by the observations of \\citet{km95}, \\citet{mk99}, \\citet{bf97,bf99} and \\citet{cb04}, and by the modeling of \\citet{ab99} and \\citet{ba99,ba05}. Similar tests are now also available for face-on bars \\citep{dcmm05}. There is thus ample evidence that edge-on galaxies with a B/PS bulge are simply barred disc galaxies, and that the B/PS bulges themselves represent the thickest parts of the bars (see \\citealt{a05} for a review of all arguments). Yet there has been little convincing evidence for this from surface photometry alone, the best work being that of \\citet{ldp00a,ldp00b}. Early studies of non-spheroidal bulges used mostly optical images \\citep[e.g.][]{j87,sg89,s93} and the interpretation was often hampered by the large amount of extinction. As we will show in this paper, it truly takes the combination of N-body simulations and orbit studies with near-infrared (NIR) images to derive direct and convincing photometric evidence relating B/PS bulges and bars. \\citet*{spa02a,spa02b} and \\citet*{psa02,psa03a} studied the orbital structure of three-dimensional (3D) bars exhaustively \\citep[but see also][]{p84,pf91}. They find families of orbits which can not only provide the backbone of the boxy and peanut shapes, but can also cause local enhancements within the disc itself. Since extinction is far less important in the NIR, $K$-band images are the ideal tool to study the morphology of galaxies with a B/PS bulge, to look for similarities with barred orbital structures. In this paper, the first of a series, we study a sample of $30$ edge-on spiral galaxies, most of them with a B/PS bulge, for which we have obtained high-quality $K$-band images. Much complementary data exist for this sample \\citep[e.g.][]{bf97,bf99,cb04,bc06}, but the primary goal here is to study the morphology of the B/PS structures and their host discs, similarly to \\citet{ldp00b}. As we shall see, we find several features ressembling closely those expected of 3D bars: bulges with X shapes, secondary disc enhancements, inner rings, etc. A second paper discusses scaleheight variations in the same galaxies (\\citealt*{aab06}, hereafter \\citeauthor{aab06}; but see also \\citealt{aabbdvp03,abad04}). We present our sample in \\S~\\ref{sec:sample}, discuss the observations and data reduction in \\S~\\ref{sec:obs}, and then describe and discuss the resulting images and surface brightness profiles in \\S~\\ref{sec:images} and \\ref{sec:sbprofs}, respectively. We examine the direct consequences of our results in \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} and conclude briefly in \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have presented \\kn-band imaging observations of a sample of $30$ edge-on spiral galaxies, most of which harbour a boxy or peanut-shaped (B/PS) bulge. Those data are minimally affected by dust and best trace population II stars, where most of the luminous mass resides. Our multi-faceted analysis suggests that B/PS bulges are simply the thick part of bars viewed edge-on (see Figures~\\ref{fig:bps} and \\ref{fig:control}). Galaxies with a B/PS bulge tend to have a more complex morphology than galaxies with other bulge types, more often showing centered or off-centered X structures, secondary maxima along the major-axis, and spiral-like structures. Best revealed by unsharp-masking, those features are also observed in three-dimensional N-body simulations of barred discs \\citep{a05}, and can be explained by the orbital structure of bars \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{psa02}, although they need not be uniquely related to them. Only minor-axis extrema may be preferentially related to other bulge types. Whether taken along the major-axis or summed vertically (to simulate a flat galaxy), the surface brightness profiles of galaxies with a B/PS bulge are also more complex, more often showing $3$ or more clearly separated regions, including a rather shallow or flat intermediate region (see Figure~\\ref{fig:sbprof_cartoon}). Such Freeman Type~II profiles are expected from barred galaxies \\citep[e.g.][]{ba05}, but they do not have a natural self-consistent explanation in classic bulge formation scenarios. The radial breaks observed in the vertically-summed profiles of our objects provide further evidence of the transfer of angular momentum and radial redistribution of disc material mediated by the (presumed) bars \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{a02,a03}. Furthermore, the spatial correlations of the radial breaks with the ionized-gas and stellar kinematics \\citep{bf99,cb04} are as expected for fast bars, currently favoured by observations. The differences between the major-axis and vertically-summed profiles provide evidence for abrupt variations of the scaleheight of the disc material. This is, again, as expected from the diverse orbital families and vertical resonances and instabilities present in barred discs, but contrary to conventional wisdom. A quantitative and robust analysis of those scaleheight variations and a comparison with $N$-body simulations will appear in future papers of this series. Three other facts stand out. First, the steep inner region of the surface brightness profiles is systematically equal to or shorter than the isophotally thick part of the galaxies. Second, the isophotally thick part is itself systematically contained within the flat intermediate region of the surface brightness profiles. Third, the steep inner region of the surface brightness profiles is much more prominent along the major-axis than in the vertically-summed profiles. We are thus led to radically alter the classic `bulge + disc' model, composed of a thick and steep spheroidal bulge largely decoupled from a thin (possibly barred) exponential disc. Analogously to \\citet{a05}, we propose here that galaxies with a B/PS bulge are composed of a thin concentrated disc (a disc-like bulge), formed secularly by the bar and responsible for the steep inner region of the surface brightness profiles, contained within a (partially) thick bar (the B/PS bulge), responsible for the flat intermediate region of the surface brightness profiles and the complex morphological structures, itself contained within a thin outer exponential disc (see Figure~\\ref{fig:bulges_cartoon}). Those components are closely intertwined dynamically and are largely made of the same (disc) material, shaped over long timescales by the bar. The challenge to any competing formation scenario for galaxies with a B/PS bulge, which represent at least $45$~per cent of the local galaxy population \\citep{ldp00a}, is thus to simultaneously and self-consistently explain, equally well or better, their numerous morphological, photometric, and kinematic properties, as well as the correlations between them." }, "0606/astro-ph0606260_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We explore the mass-to-light ratio in galaxy clusters and its relation to the cluster mass. We study the relations among the optical luminosity ($L_{op}$), the cluster mass ($M_{200}$) and the number of cluster galaxies within $r_{200}$ ($N_{gal}$) in a sample of 217 galaxy clusters with confirmed 3D overdensity. We correct for projection effects, by determining the galaxy surface number density profile in our cluster sample. This is best fitted by a cored King profile in low and intermediate mass systems. The core radius decreases with cluster mass, and, for the highest mass clusters, the profile is better represented by a generalized King profile or a cuspy Navarro, Frenk \\& White profile. We find a very tight proportionality between $L_{op}$ and $N_{gal}$, which, in turn, links the cluster mass-to-light ratio to the Halo Occupation Distribution $N_{gal}$ vs. $M_{200}$. After correcting for projection effects, the slope of the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ and $N_{gal}-M_{200}$ relations is found to be $0.92\\pm0.03$, close, but still significantly less than unity. We show that the non-linearity of these relations cannot be explained by variations of the galaxy luminosity distributions and of the galaxy M/L with the cluster mass. We suggest that the nonlinear relation between number of galaxies and cluster mass reflects an underlying nonlinear relation between number of subhaloes and halo mass.} \\authorrunning{P. Popesso et al.} ", "introduction": "Clusters of galaxies are the most massive gravitationally bound systems in the universe. The cluster mass function and its evolution provide constraints on the evolution of large-scale structure and important cosmological parameters such as $\\Omega_m$ and $\\sigma _8$. Cluster mass-to-light ratios ($M/L$ hereafter) provide one of the most robust determination of $\\Omega_m$ in connection with the observed luminosity density in the Universe via the Oort (1958) method. In this method, a fundamental assumption is that the average $M/L$ of clusters is a fair representation of the universal value. For this reason, many works have focussed on the dependence of the cluster $M/L$ on the mass of the systems. In general, $M/L$ has been found to increase with the cluster mass. Assuming a power-law relation $M/L \\propto M^{\\alpha}$, and adopting the usual scaling relations between mass and X-ray temperature or velocity dispersion, when needed, most authors have found $\\alpha$ in the range 0.2-0.4, in both optical and near-infrared bands, and over a large mass range (Adami et al. 1998a; Bahcall \\& Comerford 2002; Girardi et al. 2002; Lin et al. 2003, 2004; Rines et al. 2004; Ramella et al. 2004; see however Kochanek et al. 2003 for a discordant result). Why does the cluster $M/L$ increase with the mass? Based on the results of numerical simulations, Bahcall \\& Comerford (2002) have proposed that the trend of $M/L$ with mass is caused by the stellar populations of galaxies in more massive systems being older than the stellar populations of galaxies in less massive systems. In this scenario, the slope of the $M/L-M$ relation should be steeper in the $B$ and $V$ bands, dominated by the young stellar populations, than at longer wavelengths, eventually becoming flat in the infrared $K$ band, dominated by the light of the old stellar population. Such a scenario is not consistent with the results of the semi-analytical modeling of Kauffmann et al. (1999), where the $M/L$ is predicted to increase with mass with approximately the same slope in the $B$ and $I$ band. Also observationally, the slope of the $M/L-M$ relation is found to be the same in different bands, the $B$-band (Girardi et al. 2002) the $V$-band (Bahcall \\& Comerford 2002), the $R$-band (Adami et al. 1998a, Popesso et al. 2005b,2005c) and the $K$-band (Lin et al. 2003, 2004; Rines et al. 2004; Ramella et al. 2004). An alternative interpretation of the increasing $M/L$ with system mass is provided by Springel \\& Hernquist (2003). They analyze the star formation efficiency within halos extracted from cosmological simulations, with masses in the range $10^8-10^{15} M_{\\odot}$, and find that the integrated star formation efficiency decreases with increasing halo mass by a factor 5--10 over the cluster mass range. This scenario is investigated by Lin et al. (2003), who convert the 2MASS $K$-band cluster luminosities into cluster stellar masses. They find that the fraction of mass in stars is a decreasing function of the cluster mass ($M_{star}/M_{tot} \\propto M_{tot}^{-0.26}$). In this paper we address the above issues by studying $M/L$ for a sample of 217 clusters, which span the entire cluster mass range. In particular, we study the relations among the cluster optical luminosity $L_{op}$, the mass $M_{200}$, and the number of cluster galaxies $N_{gal}$, within the virial radius $r_{200}$. We find a very tight relation between $L_{op}$ and $N_{gal}$, which links the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ relation (and therefore, the cluster $M/L$), to the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD hereafter) $N_{gal}-M_{200}$. The HOD is a powerful tool for describing galaxy bias and modelling galaxy clustering (e.g. Ma \\& Fry 2000; Peacock \\& smith 2000; Seljak 2000; Scoccimarro et al. 2001; Berlind \\& Weinberg 2002). It characterizes the bias between galaxies and mass in terms of the probability distribution $\\rm{P(N|M)}$ that a halo of virial mass M contains N galaxies of a given type, together with relative spatial and velocity distributions of galaxies and dark matter within halos. The HOD is a fundamental prediction of galaxy formation theory (e.g. Kauffmann, Nusser \\& Steinmetz 1997, Kauffmann et al. 1999; White, Hernquist \\& Springel 2001; Yoshikawa et al. 2001; Berlind et al. 2003; Kravtsov et al. 2004; Zheng et al. 2005) and it can be extremely useful to compare the observational results with the theoretical models. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe our dataset. In section 3 we describe the methods we use to calculate several cluster properties, like the characteristic radius, the virial mass, the optical luminosity, and the number density profile of cluster galaxies. In section 4 we analyze the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ and the $N_{gal}-M_{200}$ relations, and find that the number of galaxies per given halo mass decreases as the halo mass increases. In section 5 we seek for a physical explanation of this trend, also by comparing our results with theoretical predictions. Finally, in section 6 we provide our conclusions. Throughout this paper, we use $H_0=70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ in a flat cosmology with $\\Omega_0=0.3$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$ (e.g. Tegmark et al. 2004). ", "conclusions": "We have studied the $L-M$ and the $N-M$ relations in the 4 SDSS bands g, r, i, z for a sample of 217 galaxy clusters with confirmed 3D overdensity in the SDSS DR3 spectroscopic catalog. All the quantities are measured within the characteristic cluster radius $r_{200}$. We have remarked upon the direct connection between the two relations due to the proportionality of the cluster optical luminosity and the number of cluster galaxies. We have studied the galaxy surface number density profile in five bins of cluster mass and discovered that the profile has a strong dependence on the cluster mass. In the low and intermediate mass systems the best fit is provided by a King profile. The core radius of the best fit is decreasing as a function of the cluster mass, while the central galaxy density is increasing. In the highest mass bins a more concentrated generalized King profile or a cuspy NFW profile provide the best fits. Using the best fit profile in each mass bin, we have converted the observed number of cluster galaxies to the value within the virial sphere. Since clusters of different masses exhibit different surface density profiles, the deprojection correction decreases with the cluster mass. Applying this mass-dependent correction affects the $L-M$ and $N-M$ relations, by increasing the slope of these relations to the value of $0.92\\pm0.03$. Similarly, also the slope of the $M/L-M$ relation is affected and becomes $0.18\\pm0.04$. Hence, neglecting the dependence of the deprojection correction on the cluster mass, leads one to underestimate the slope of the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ and $N_{gal}-M_{200}$ relations. Despite the deprojection correction, the derived $N-M$ and the $L-M$ relations are still only marginally consistent with unity, at the 2.5$\\sigma$ level, i.e. direct proportionality between cluster mass and number of cluster galaxies is not supported. We have compared the properties of our clusters with the prediction of the hierarchical models of structure formation. These models naturally predict that $N \\propto M^{\\gamma}$ with $\\gamma < 1$. This result is generally interpreted as the indication that the galaxies in the low mass systems are older and more luminous per unit mass than the galaxies in high mass clusters. As a consequence, variations of the shape of the cluster LF and of the elliptical FP with the cluster mass are also expected. Such predicted variations are however not seen in our data. Not only we found the LF to be the same for clusters of different masses, but we also proved that this universal LF can be used to accurately predict the magnitudes of the three brightest cluster galaxies, given the LF-normalization of the clusters in which they are located. In other words, the BCG magnitudes are consistent with being drawn from the best-fit magnitude distribution of other cluster galaxies. Moreover we have shown that the FP of cluster ellipticals has the same slope in all the clusters and does not depend on the cluster mass. We conclude this paper with the following considerations. From the observational point of view, the mean cluster luminosity function and the $N-M$ or the $L-M$ relation determine completely the luminosity distribution of cluster galaxies. The mean cluster LF constrains with high accuracy the shape of the luminosity distribution in clusters, while the $N-M$ relation, calculated in a given magnitude range, fixes the normalization of the LF as a function of the cluster mass. Forthcoming cosmological models of galaxy formation should aim at reproducing this characteristic of the cluster galaxy populations, in order to understand the processes of galaxy formation and evolution in the cluster enviroment. \\vspace{2cm} We thank the referee, Christophe Adami, for the useful comments which helped in improving the paper. We acknowledge useful discussions with Stefano Borgani and Simon White. Funding for the creation and distribution of the SDSS Archive has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Despartment of Energy, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, and the Max Planck Society. The SDSS Web site is http://www.sdss.org/. The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC) for the Participating Institutions. The Participating Institutions are The University of Chicago, Fermilab, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation Group, The Johns Hopkins University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), New Mexico State University, University of Pittsburgh, Princeton University, the United States Naval Observatory, and the University of Washington." }, "0606/astro-ph0606110_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present panoramic {\\it Spitzer MIPS} 24-$\\mu$m observations covering $\\sim$9$\\times$9\\,Mpc ($25'\\times 25'$) fields around two massive clusters, Cl\\,0024+16 and MS\\,0451$-$03, at $z=0.39$ and $z=0.55$ respectively, reaching a 5-$\\sigma$ flux limit of $\\sim 200\\mu$Jy. Our observations cover a very wide range of environments within these clusters, from high-density regions around the cores out to the turn-around radius. Cross-correlating the mid-infrared catalogs with deep optical and near-infrared imaging of these fields, we investigate the optical/near-infrared colors of the mid-infrared sources. We find excesses of mid-infrared sources with optical/near-infrared colors expected of cluster members in the two clusters and test this selection using spectroscopically confirmed 24$\\mu$m members. The much more significant excess is associated with Cl\\,0024+16, whereas MS\\,0451$-$03 has comparatively few mid-infrared sources. The mid-infrared galaxy population in Cl\\,0024+16 appears to be associated with dusty star-forming galaxies (typically redder than the general cluster population by up to $A_V\\sim1$--2\\,mags) rather than emission from dusty tori around active galactic nuclei (AGN) in early-type hosts. We compare the star-formation rates derived from the total infrared (8--1000$\\mu$m) luminosities for the mid-infrared sources in Cl\\,0024+16 with those estimated from a published H$\\alpha$ survey, finding rates $\\gs5\\times$ than those found from H$\\alpha$, indicating significant obscured activity in the cluster population. Compared to previous mid-infrared surveys of clusters from $z\\sim0$--0.5, we find evidence for strong evolution of the level of dust-obscured star-formation in dense environments to $z=0.5$, analogous to the rise in fraction of optically-selected star-forming galaxies seen in clusters and the field out to similar redshifts. However, there are clearly significant cluster-to-cluster variations in the populations of mid-infrared sources, probably reflecting differences in the intracluster media and recent dynamical evolution of these systems. ", "introduction": "\\begin{figure*} \\centerline{ \\psfig{file=f1a.ps,width=3.5in,angle=0}~~ \\psfig{file=f1b.ps,width=3.5in,angle=0}} \\caption{\\small The $(B - R)$--$R$ color-magnitude diagram for (left) Cl\\,0024+16 and (right) MS\\,0451$-$03. We identify 24-$\\mu$m sources brighter than 200$\\mu$Jy and compare these to the distribution for the optically-selected populations in these fields (for clarity, this has been represented by a smoothed density plot). Also shown are histograms showing slices through the distributions, comparing the number counts and colors for the mid-infrared sources to the optically-selected population. To emphasise the location of the sequence of early-type galaxies in the clusters, the $(B-R)$ histogram is limited to $R\\leq 22$. The mid-infrared selected population lies between the red and blue galaxy peaks in these fields, most likely because of the influence of dust on intrinsically blue, star-forming galaxies. For the mid-infrared sources in the color-magnitude diagram we have removed those objects morphologically classified as stars. All colors are measured in 2$''$ diameter apertures, and we use the {\\sc best\\_mag} estimate of the total galaxy magnitude. } \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}[t] \\centerline{ \\psfig{file=f2a.ps,width=3.5in,angle=0}~~ \\psfig{file=f2b.ps,width=3.5in,angle=0}} \\caption{\\small We show $(R-K)$ versus $(B-R)$ colors for 24$\\mu$m-detected sources compared to the optical distribution in the Cl\\,0024+16 (left) and MS\\,0451$-$03 (right) fields. The distributions are limited at $R\\leq24$ and $K\\leq20$ and we represent the optical sample's number density as a slightly smoothed grayscale. The dashed tracks trace the expected colors of galaxies across $z=0$--2, with star formation histories similar to that of present-day Sdm--E galaxies, and the solid line and points show the location in color--color space of the range of spectral types at the cluster redshift. The arrow indicates the translation in color--color space corresponding to an increase in reddening of $A_V=1$. To perform a rough photometric cut to select 24$\\mu$m sources at the cluster redshift, we define a region around the predicted colors of cluster members indicated by the rectangular selection boxes in both panels. To avoid contamination by infrared emission from AGN, we designate a sub-region which should contain the passive galaxies (dashed-line box) -- 24$\\mu$m sources in this region are not included in our analysis of the obscured star-forming populations. We show the efficacy of this selection by plotting the colors of known spectroscopically-confirmed 24$\\mu$m cluster members, 85\\% of these fall within the selection box.} \\setcounter{figure}{2} \\end{figure*} The galaxy populations within the virialised regions of rich clusters at $z\\sim 0$ are characterised by passive elliptical and lenticular (S0) galaxies (Oemler 1974; Dressler 1980). In contrast, 5-Gyrs ago, at $z\\sim 0.5$, the galaxy populations in the most massive clusters had larger fractions of star-forming late-type spirals, and a corresponding deficit of luminous S0 galaxies (e.g.\\ Dressler et al.\\ 1997; Smail et al.\\ 1997; Couch et al.\\ 1998; Fasano et al.\\ 2000; Treu et al.\\ 2003). Taken together, these two observations imply that a process (or processes) is transforming many of the star-forming, late-type spirals in these regions into the passive early-type population (specifically S0s) found in local clusters (Poggianti et al.\\ 1999; Moran et al.\\ 2006, in prep). When considering potential pathways to produce this evolutionary change, we need to bear in mind that the typical luminosities of the star-forming spirals appear to be too low for them to transform into typical S0 galaxies found in local clusters, without the addition of significant numbers of new stars (Poggianti et al.\\ 1999; Kodama \\& Smail 2001). This problem is exacerbated when we include the fading which is likely to take place after the cessation of star formation in these galaxies. This then leads us to concentrate on mechanisms which are capable of increasing the luminosity of the galaxies -- mergers and starbursts. There has been a recent upsurge in interest in the potential for so-called ``dry'' mergers (mergers between dissipationless stellar systems which don't result in additional star formation) to influence the evolution of early-type galaxies (van Dokkum et al.\\ 2003; Bell et al.\\ 2003; van Dokkum 2005). However, the dynamically hot environments in rich clusters which are the subject of our study are deleterious to the formation and survival of cold, bound-pairs of early-type galaxies -- unless these systems arrive in the cluster as existing bound entities. It is not clear, therefore, that dry mergers can provide an effective route to substantially increase the number of luminous, early-type S0 galaxies within clusters. Unfortunately, the alternative mechanism for enhancing the luminosity of the bulge component -- a starburst -- also has strong observational evidence stacked against it. Surveys of star-forming galaxies in clusters using optical or UV star formation indicators have failed to detect galaxies with strongly enhanced star-formation which would have to exist to explain the growth of the bulge components of early-type galaxies in clusters at $z\\ls 0.5$--1 (Balogh et al.\\ 1999; Poggianti et al.\\ 1999; Gerken et al.\\ 2004). However, there is growing body of evidence that at least some of the galaxies in distant clusters may be undergoing bursts of star-formation, albeit ones which are heavily shrouded in dust. Smail et al.\\ (1999) used a deep VLA 1.4-GHz radio map to study a small sample of active galaxies within the core of the cluster Cl\\,0939+4713 ($z=0.41$). Combining the radio data with near-infrared and optical morphological information from the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)} and ground-based spectroscopy, they found that over half the radio-emitting population in the core are dusty late-type galaxies, presumably undergoing vigorous star formation. However, the spectral classification of these spirals placed them in the post-starburst class, and indeed all the post-starburst galaxies in this small region are radio-emitters. Dust has also been used to explain the unusual spectral properties of another class of galaxies found in distant clusters and the field: e(a) galaxies, which show enhanced Balmer absorption compared to normal star-forming galaxies (Poggianti et al.\\ 1999). Poggianti \\& Wu (2000) and Poggianti, Bressan \\& Franceschini (2001) discuss models for these galaxies invoking age-dependent dust obscuration of the younger stellar populations -- enabling significant activity to be hidden from view in these systems. If the passive lenticular galaxies found in local clusters, but absent from the equivalent rich environments at higher redshift, are the result of infalling late-type galaxies undergoing dusty-starburst in high-$z$ clusters, then a possible signature would be evolution in the total level of obscured star-formation in clusters out to $z\\sim1$. In principle, mid- and especially far-infrared/submillimeter observations give us a direct probe of the level of obscured activity in distant clusters. In particular, mid-infrared observations with {\\it Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)}, and more recently {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope (SST)}, provide sensitive imaging capabilities which can trace dusty star formation in clusters out to $z\\sim 1$ and beyond. Metcalfe, Fadda \\& Biviano (2005) summarise the results from {\\it ISO} surveys of distant clusters, which have yielded a total of just $\\sim 40$ cluster galaxies detected at 15\\,$\\mu$m across seven clusters between $z=0.18$--0.56 (Duc et al.\\ 2000, 2004; Fadda et al.\\ 2000; Metcalfe et al.\\ 2003; Coia et al.\\ 2005a,b; Biviano et al.\\ 2004). All these studies suggest that there is an increased level of mid-infrared activity in distant clusters, at levels above that suggested by UV/optical tracers of star formation. Submillimeter observations of more distant clusters have also hinted at possible enhanced activity in these environments (Best 2000; Webb et al.\\ 2005). However, the inhomogeneous mix of coverage and depth in the samples coupled with the modest numbers of sources detected in any individual cluster mean that it has proved difficult to use these data to provide quantitative constraints on the origin and evolution of dust-obscured activity in distant clusters. The {\\it SST}'s sensitive mid-infrared imaging capabilities provide an unique opportunity to undertake complete and representative surveys of the obscured, active populations in distant clusters. To search for a population of mid-infrared sources in rich clusters environments, we have therefore used the Multiband Imaging Photometer for {\\it Spitzer} (MIPS) to detect 24-$\\mu$m emission from galaxies in two clusters at $z\\sim0.5$ covering a very wide range in environment from $\\sim1$\\,Mpc out to the turn-around radius ($\\sim5$\\,Mpc) where the clusters merge into the surrounding field. These observations will provide measures of the level of obscured star-formation in these clusters, and so allow us to build up a reliable picture of the evolution of dust-obscured activity in clusters over the past 5\\,Gyrs. This paper presents a statistical analysis of the 24$\\mu$m populations in two $z\\sim 0.5$ clusters. A subsequent paper (Geach et al.\\ in prep) will discuss the properties of these sources in more detail using the available spectroscopic and morphological surveys of the clusters (Moran et al.\\ 2006). The paper is organised as follows: we describe our observations and their reduction in \\S2, analyse these in \\S3 and discuss our results and present our conclusions in \\S4 and \\S5, respectively. Throughout, we adopt a geometry with $\\Omega_m=0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$ and $H_0 = 70$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "We have used the MIPS instrument on {\\it Spitzer} to survey the 24$\\mu$m populations of two optically rich clusters at $z\\sim0.5$: Cl\\,0024+16 and MS\\,0451$-$03. The samples are $\\sim80$\\% complete at $200\\mu$Jy, corresponding to total (8--1000$\\mu$m) infrared luminosities of $6\\times10^{10}$\\,L$_\\odot$ and $12\\times10^{10}$\\,L$_\\odot$ at $z=0.39$ and $z=0.55$ respectively, equivalent to minimum SFRs of $\\sim10$\\,M$_\\odot$\\,yr$^{-1}$ and $\\sim20$\\,M$_\\odot$\\,yr$^{-1}$. We detect a total of 986 and 1018 mid-infrared sources above this flux limit across $\\sim25'\\times25'$ fields in Cl\\,0024+16 and MS\\,0451$-$03. Our observations probe from around the cores out to the turn-around radius at $\\sim5$\\,Mpc where the clusters merge into the field. In MS\\,0451$-$03, we also analyse archival MIPS observations of the central $\\sim5'\\times5'$ of the cluster, which our observations had to avoid. Similarly in Cl\\,0024+16 we make use of an {\\it ISO} 15$\\mu$m survey from Coia et al.\\ (2005) in the central region to build up a picture of the distribution of mid-infrared sources over the complete range of cluster environments. We exploit optical-near-infrared colors for the mid-infrared sources to reduce the background field contamination. We find a statistical excess of mid-infrared sources (within $\\sim 5$\\,Mpc of the cluster core) at $S_{\\rm 24\\mu m} > 200\\mu$Jy associated with Cl\\,0024+16: 155$\\pm$18. In contrast MS\\,0451$-$03 has a less significant population of mid-infrared sources, $28\\pm17$, although we note that there are a small number of confirmed 24$\\mu$m members in MS\\,0451$-$03 in our on-going spectroscopic survey of this cluster. Using our deep optical and near-infrared imaging of both clusters we show that the 24$\\mu$m sources in Cl\\,0024+16 are mostly associated with star-forming galaxies, with typically blue $(B-R)$ colors, but which can be dust reddened by up to $A_V\\sim2.5$ mags. We also compare the infrared star-formation rate to that derived from an optical narrow-band H$\\alpha$ survey of this cluster from Kodama et al.\\ (2004). Typically the H$\\alpha$-derived rates underestimate the extinction-free infrared rate by $\\gs5\\times$, suggesting significant obscuration of the activity in this cluster. We find that the level of obscuration for these individual cluster galaxies is comparable to that found for LIRGs in the field at similar epochs. This suggests that starbursts in clusters are similar (at least in terms of extinction) as those triggered in low-density environments. However the variation in the 24$\\mu$m populations of Cl\\,0024+16 and MS\\,0451$-$03 suggests that the range of triggering and suppression mechanisms in clusters is complex. We estimate that the total star-formation rate (derived from the infrared) in the central region of Cl\\,0024+16 ($\\ls R_{200}$) is $1000\\pm210$\\,M$_\\odot$\\,yr$^{-1}$. MS\\,0451$-$03 is much poorer in mid-infrared sources, and we derive a total star-formation rate estimate by summing over the small excess of objects, giving a total star-formation rate of $200\\pm100$\\,M$_\\odot$\\,yr$^{-1}$ within the same physical radius. We note however that our mid-infrared survey can miss some star-formation if a substantial number of lower-luminosity galaxies also exist in these clusters (as shown by the H$\\alpha$ survey of Kodama et al.\\ 2004). However, we show that the majority of the activity is dominated by these dusty-starbursts. Finally, we look at the evolution of the specific star formation rate per cluster with redshift from $z\\sim 0$--0.5, using our new estimates for the total star-formation rates in Cl\\,0024+16 and MS\\,0451$-$03. We compare these to estimates for lower and comparable redshift clusters studied with {\\it ISO} and {\\it IRAS}. We find that the high redshift clusters tend to have larger total star-formation rates compared to the more quiescent low-redshift ones, with an evolution similar to that of field LIRGs. However there is considerable scatter in this relation, and the evolution may only apply to the most active clusters. Although it is still unclear exactly what processes govern the star-formation histories of rich clusters, this study has shown that rich environments can sustain significant amounts of hidden star-formation, and that this seems to increase at least out to $z\\sim0.5$. This hidden activity may have a profound influence on the life-cycle of galaxies in high-density regions and the formation of the passive galaxy populations, ellipticals and S0s, which inhabit these environments at the present-day. We will investigate these issues in more detail in our next paper where we bring together spectroscopic and morphological information on the 24$\\mu$m population in these fields. We are also extending our survey with new panoramic observations of distant clusters with {\\it Spitzer} Cycle 3 GO time using both MIPS and the IRS." }, "0606/astro-ph0606236_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present \\textit{Spitzer Space Telescope} IRAC and MIPS observations of the galactic globular cluster M15 (NGC 7078), one of the most metal-poor clusters with a [Fe/H] = -2.4. Our \\textit{Spitzer} images reveal a population of dusty red giants near the cluster center, a previously detected planetary nebula (PN) designated K648, and a possible detection of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) arising from mass loss episodes from the evolved stellar population. Our analysis suggests $(9 \\pm 2) \\times 10^{-4}$~M$_{\\odot}$ \\ of dust is present in the core of M15, and this material has accumulated over a period of $\\approx 10^{6}$~yrs, a timescale ten times shorter than the last galactic plane crossing event. We also present \\textit{Spitzer} IRS follow up observations of K648, including the detection of the [Ne~II] $\\lambda 12.81$~\\micron \\ line, and discuss abundances derived from infrared fine structure lines. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Mass loss in evolved stellar populations affects the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) and mass loss from individual stars governs post main sequence evolution. The amount and duration of mass loss that occurs in giant stars remains one of the most uncertain parameters in stellar evolution theory and the effect of these processes on the inferences derived from stellar population models can be significant. Given the wide use of these models (e.g., in inferring stellar masses of high-redshift galaxies), understanding the mass losing process is vital for a range of problems in astrophysics. Although dust constitutes a small fraction of the total mass lost, it is frequently used as a marker as it is optically thin and its thermal emission is readily detectable in a variety of environments. Globular clusters (GCs), believed to have formed during the assemblage of the Galaxy, are coeval samples of stars at common, well-determined distances with nearly uniform initial compositions. GCs enable study of the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium arising from mass ejection during the post-main sequence evolution of stars. Red Giant stars, especially those ascending the Asymptotic Giant Branch, are expected to develop winds that inject processed material into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) during post-main sequence evolution. These winds contain gas and solid phase materials, the latter in the form of dust grains that condense from the metals. However, detection of thermal emission arising from intra-cluster medium dust has been elusive, suggesting that the ICM in GCs is 100 to 1000 times less massive than expected from current stellar evolution theory and observations of mass-losing stars in clusters and in the solar neighborhood. The circumstellar environments of stars in the late stages of evolution, when most mass loss occurs, are most effectively detected and studied in the infrared (IR). IR surveys conducted by {\\it IRAS}, {\\it 2MASS,} and {\\it ISO} revealed populations of dust-enshrouded asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars in the Galactic bulge \\citep{Jacco03}, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) \\citep{Zijlstra96, jacco97, trams99}, and in galactic Globular Clusters \\citep{Ramdani01,origlia02}. GCs are expected to contain dust from episodes of mass loss in red giant branch (RGB) and AGB stars. The IR excess of their circumstellar dust emission is expected to peak between 20~\\micron{} to 30~\\micron{}, and thus photometry at wavelengths larger than 20~\\micron{} is necessary to estimate accurate dust masses lost by such stars. The amount of dust present in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) will vary depending on the cluster escape velocity, the time since last crossing of the Galactic disk where the ICM can be stripped away by the ISM, and the number of mass-losing stars. In general the dust in the ICM of GCs is expected to be $\\simeq 10^{-2}$ to $10^{-3}$ M$_{\\odot}$ for most galactic clusters. Globular clusters have reasonably homogeneous (in age and metallicity), well-understood stellar populations, so observations of ICM dust are reasonably straightforward to interpret to yield mass loss rates and duty cycles. Previous attempts to detect the ICM in GCs suggest that the ICM density is well below that expected from predictions of the mass loss input from RGB and AGB stars, even considering the low metallicity of GCs. The lowest 3-$\\sigma$ upper limits to the ICM mass for 70~K dust are $\\sim 6\\times10^{-5}$ M$_\\odot$ \\citep{hopwood99}. Detecting thermal emission from the elusive ICM in GCs is observationally challenging. \\citet{origlia02} reported \\textit{ISO} observations of the IR thermal emission from the winds of individual RGB stars in six massive GCs (47 Tuc, NGC 362, Omega Cen, NGC 6388, M15, and M54) showing that, in those systems, stellar winds from these stars are enriching the ICM. Though thermal emission from the ICM material might be expected to be detectable, many attempts to do so with IR and millimeter observatories have produced only a single secure detection of ICM dust, a tentative (3.5-$\\sigma$) detection of thermal emission in the core of the metal-poor GC M15 \\citep{evans03}. Overall this result suggests that the ICM dust in GCs is significantly less massive than expected from current stellar evolution theory and observations of mass losing stars in GCs and the solar neighborhood. The causes of the paucity of ICM emission have been proposed to be ram-pressure stripping of ICM gas during Galactic plane passage, blowout by nova explosions, fast winds from the stars themselves, radiative ejection by the sheer luminosity of cluster stars, and continuous ram-pressure from hot gas in the galactic halo. However, the dominant state of the ICM is unclear. Sensitive searches for neutral H in the ICM at radio wavelengths have yielded upper limits $\\leq$ 0.1 M$_\\odot$ \\citep{Birk83}, with a possible detection of $\\approx$ 200 M$_\\odot$ in NGC 2808 \\citep{Faulk91} and a 5$\\sigma$ detection of 0.3 M$_\\odot$ in M15 \\citep{Jacco06}. Perhaps much of the ICM is ionized, as suggested by the high electron densities measured from pulsar timing in 47 Tuc \\citep{Paolo01}. However, H$\\alpha$ searches have as yet been unsuccessful. ICM dust grains in radiative thermal equilibrium should attain temperatures of 50~K to 80~K because of the high energy density of starlight within a GC \\citep{Forte02} and thus be detectable as an IR excess (above the photospheric emission) in GCs at mid- to far-IR wavelengths. Here we present observations of the galactic GC M15 with the \\textit{Spitzer Space Telescope} \\citep{Werner04}, whose instrumental sensitivity enables detection of dust masses as low as $4\\times10^{-9}$ M$_\\odot$ (assuming a population of grains radiating in thermal equilibrium, with integration times down to the background confusion limit) and therefore permits an unequalled opportunity to search for and set stringent limits on the ``missing'' ICM. \\subsection{M15} \\label{sec:m15} M15 (NGC 7078), with [Fe/H] = -2.4 \\citep{sneden97}, is one of the most metal poor GCs. It is a well-studied cluster, as it is home to the first planetary nebula (PN) discovered in a GC (K648, also designated as Ps-1, \\citet{pease28,howard97,alves00}) and to the first GC Low-Mass X-ray Binary source (X2127+119, \\citet{auriere84,charles86}). At least eight millisecond pulsars are also associated with the cluster \\citep{Kulkarni96}. M15 is generally believed to be a core-collapse GC, with a small, dense core containing approximately 4000~M$_\\odot$ \\citep{phinney96}. Properties of M15, reproduced from \\citet{hopwood99}, are listed in Table~\\ref{tab:m15_params}. Updated values as listed by \\citet{evans03} include the escape velocity $V_{esc}$ from \\citet{webbink85}, and the time $\\tau_c$ since the last plane crossing from \\citet{oden97}. The reddening and the distance are updated from \\citet{schlegel98} and \\citet{mcnamara04}, respectively. Galactic coordinates for M15 are $l = 65.01^\\circ$ and $b = -27.31^\\circ$, placing the cluster $\\sim$ 4.5~kpc south of the galactic plane. The total dust mass expected in a GC can be estimated using the following equation: \\begin{equation} M_{dust} = \\frac{\\tau_c}{\\tau_{HB}} \\ N_{HB} \\ \\delta M \\ \\frac{10^{[Fe/H]}}{100}, \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\tau_{HB}$ is the Horizontal Branch (HB) lifetime, $N_{HB}$ is the number of HB stars, [Fe/H] is the cluster metallicity, and $\\delta M$ is the dust mass lost from each star at the tip of the RGB. The factor of 100 is the solar gas-to-dust ratio, which is scaled for the metallicity of M15 by adding the [Fe/H] factor. Using values typical of population II stars and this relationship, the expected dust mass in M15 has been estimated to be 3.7 $\\times$ 10$^{-3}$ M$_{\\odot}$ by \\citet{evans03} and 2.0 $\\times$ 10$^{-3}$ M$_{\\odot}$ by \\citet{hopwood99}. M15 is also home to the PN K648. K648 was the first globular cluster PN discovered, and subsequently it has been extensively studied at UV, optical and IR wavelengths to determine the chemical composition of the ejecta nebula and parameters of the central star \\citep{barker83, adams84, howard97, bianchi01, hld03, garnett93}. The study of post-AGB stellar evolution in old metal-poor, low-mass stars in GCs or the galactic halo can be greatly enhanced if the by-products of stellar nucleosynthesis can be measured. Enriched material produced in the RGB and AGB stages of stellar evolution are dispersed into outer layers of the stellar system and subsequent mass loss processes lead to the formation of a PN. Few PNe in the galactic halo population have been identified and only four of these PNe, including K648, BB-1, DdDM~1, and H4-1 are associated with globular clusters \\citep{jacoby97}. Below, we present findings derived from a 5-15 \\micron{}~ IR spectrum of K648. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} Analysis of our \\textit{Spitzer} image data on the core of the globular cluster M15 show strong evidence for the presence of intercluster medium (ICM) dust in the cluster core, with a mass of $(9 \\pm 2) \\times 10^{-4}$~M$_\\odot$ and with an equilibrium temperature of $\\approx 70$~K. This is the first secure, high signal to noise detection of ICM dust in a globular cluster. Also present surrounding the core are populations of dusty AGB and post-AGB stars, along with the planetary nebula K648. Using IRS spectral data, we have observed both the [\\ion{S}{4}] and [\\ion{Ne}{2}] fine structure lines in K648 and have derived abundance estimates. The unique capabilities of {\\it Spitzer} have enabled us to identify both the interstellar dust and the dust producers in M15. This is surprising at such low metallicity ([Fe/H] = -2.4), and may have implications for dust production in the early universe. The mass of the ICM dust in M15 suggests that it has been accummulating for $\\sim 10^6$ years, which is a factor of ten shorter than the time since the last galactic plane crossing. The dust mass is also approximately 4 times smaller than the mass predicted by \\citet{evans03}. Both of these results imply that such dust does not survive long compared to its production rate, and is thus part of a stochastic process." }, "0606/astro-ph0606146_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We have observed the Crab Pulsar in the optical with S-Cam, an instrument based on Superconducting Tunneling Junctions (STJs) with $\\mu$s time resolution.} {Our aim was to study the delay between the radio and optical pulse.} {The Crab Pulsar was observed three times over a time span of almost 7 years, on two different locations, using three different versions of the instrument, and using two different GPS units.} {We consistently find that the optical peak leads the radio peak by 49$\\pm$90, 254$\\pm$170, and 291$\\pm$100~$\\mu$s. On assumption of a constant optical lead, the weighted-average value is $\\sim$170~$\\mu$s, or when rejecting (based on a perhaps questionable radio ephemeris) the first measurement, 273$\\pm$100~$\\mu$s.} {} ", "introduction": "Precise timing of pulsar light curves throughout the electromagnetic spectrum is a powerful tool to constrain theories of the spatial distribution of various emission regions. In recent years, it has become clear that the main and secondary pulses of the Crab Pulsar (PSR J0534+2200) are not aligned in time at different wavelengths. X-rays are leading the radio pulse by reported values of 344$\\pm$40~$\\mu$s (Rots et al.\\ \\cite{rots:2004}; RXTE data) and 280$\\pm$40~$\\mu$s (Kuiper et al.\\ \\cite{kuiper:2003}; INTEGRAL data) and $\\gamma$-rays are leading the radio pulse by 241$\\pm$29~$\\mu$s (Kuiper et al.\\ \\cite{kuiper:2003}; EGRET data. The uncertainty in this value does not include the EGRET absolute timing uncertainty of better than 100~$\\mu$s). At optical wavelengths, the observations present a less coherent picture. Sanwal (1999) has reported a time shift of 140~$\\mu$s (optical leading the radio). The uncertainty in this value is 20~$\\mu$s in the determination of the optical peak and 75~$\\mu$s in the radio ephemeris. Shearer et al.\\ (\\cite{shearer:2003}) have reported a lead of 100$\\pm$20~$\\mu$s for simultaneous optical and radio observations of giant radio pulses. Golden et al.\\ (\\cite{golden:2000}) have reported that the optical pulse {\\it trails} the radio pulse by $\\sim$80$\\pm$60~$\\mu$s. Romani et al.\\ (\\cite{romani:2001}) conclude that the radio and optical peaks are coincident to better than 30~$\\mu$s, but their error excludes the uncertainty of the radio ephemeris (150~$\\mu$s). The internal inconsistency of these results -- if we assume that the optical-radio delay is constant -- has prompted us to look into this matter in detail using recent observations in combination with earlier data. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[width=8cm,angle=0]{5254f2.eps} \\caption[]{Our three results combined with literature results in the optical. For all results, the uncertainties were obtained by linear addition (i.e.\\ not quadratic) of the uncertainty in the peak determination and the uncertainty in the radio ephemeris. Uncertainties on the peak determination alone are also plotted. The open symbol refers to Shearer et al. (\\cite{shearer:2003}), who observed giant radio pulses.} \\label{fig:results} \\end{figure} We have observed the Crab Pulsar with three different generations of the S-Cam instrument, on two locations, using two GPS units. We consistently find that the optical pulse is leading the radio pulse. However, the amount by which the optical is leading the radio differs from observation to observation. When comparing the different results as plotted in Fig.\\ \\ref{fig:results} which are obtained with the Jodrell Bank ephemeris, one should take into account that $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{radio}}$ contains a systematical component (of $\\sim$40~$\\mu$s) affecting all these measurements in the same way.If we subtract the 40~$\\mu$s, for the purpose of comparing the results, from $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{radio}}$ and add the remainder, in quadrature, to our measurement uncertainties, we obtain the following values for S-Cam1, S-Cam2, and S-Cam3: 49$\\pm$41, 254$\\pm$120, and 291$\\pm$50~$\\mu$s. From the last two observations (S-Cam2 and S-Cam3), we then determine an average lead of 273$\\pm$65~$\\mu$s. The uncertainty in this determination is dominated by uncertainties in the radio ephemeris. The result in X-rays for the same two epochs is 370$\\pm$40~$\\mu$s (Rots, private communication). From our data, we cannot rigorously exclude the possibility that the delay between the radio and optical peak evolves with time. The S-Cam1 result (49$\\pm$90~$\\mu$s; the uncertainty has been determined by a linear addition of the uncertainty in the peak determination and $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{radio}}$ ) in particular is slightly deviant compared to the S-Cam2 and S-Cam3 data points (254$\\pm$170 and 291$\\pm$100~$\\mu$s). However, the radio observations at the times of the S-Cam1 observations have a high dispersion measure -- a higher value has not been observed after February 1999. As a result, the radio-ephemeris uncertainty (80~$\\mu$s) might have been slightly underestimated: variations in the dispersion measure could introduce a somewhat higher uncertainty than the standard 20~$\\mu$s (Lyne et al.\\ \\cite{lyne:1993}). We note that Rots et al.\\ (\\cite{rots:2004}) have discarded their contemporaneous (X-ray) data point, because the timing ephemeris is somewhat suspect (the GRO version has a high second derivative indicative of a questionable fit). In the following we will therefore only consider the S-Cam2 and S-Cam3 data points. We emphasize here that corrections for arrival times at infinite frequency (which are substantial: $\\sim$0.6~s at 610 MHz) depend on the dispersion measure. The only (literature) data point which is clearly inconsistent with all observations is that of Golden et al.\\ (\\cite{golden:2000}). We have no explanation for this. Our value of the optical phase difference between the main and secondary pulse of 0.4054$\\pm$0.0004 is not consistent with the X-ray value from Rots et al.\\ (\\cite{rots:2004}) of 0.4001$\\pm$0.0002 periods. This implies that the details of the pulse profile are different in X-rays and at optical wavelengths. Our time shift of 273$\\pm$65~$\\mu$s is somewhat smaller than, but consistent with, the time shift as obtained from X-ray measurements. A time shift of $\\sim$270~$\\mu$s indicates that possibly (in a simple geometrical model ignoring relativistic effects) the optical radiation is formed $\\sim$90~km higher in the magnetosphere than the radio emission. Alternatively, the difference in phase of $\\sim$0.008 could be interpreted as an angle between the radio and optical beam of $\\sim$3$^{\\circ}$. Ideally, a simultaneous radio-optical observation at high frequency should be performed. With an observation like this uncertainties resulting from corrections for interstellar scattering are minimized, and the accuracy will effectively be limited by systematic effects ($\\sim$40~$\\mu$s for Jodrell Bank)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606370_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss new methods of measuring and interpreting the forbidden-to-intercombination line ratios of helium-like triplets in the X-ray spectra of O-type stars, including accounting for the spatial distribution of the X-ray emitting plasma and using the detailed photospheric UV spectrum. Measurements are made for four O stars using archival {\\it Chandra} HETGS data. We assume an X-ray emitting plasma spatially distributed in the wind above some minimum radius \\(R_0\\). We find minimum radii of formation typically in the range of \\(1.25 < R_0 / R_* < 1.67\\), which is consistent with results obtained independently from line profile fits. We find no evidence for anomalously low \\(f/i\\) ratios and we do not require the existence of X-ray emitting plasmas at radii that are too small to generate sufficiently strong shocks. ", "introduction": "Since the discovery of X-ray emission from OB stars by {\\it Einstein} \\citep{Hel79, Sel79}, the exact mechanism for X-ray production has been something of a mystery. X-ray emission from OB stars had been predicted by \\citet{CO79}, who proposed that an X-ray emitting corona could explain the observation of superionized \\ion{O}{6} through Auger ionization of \\ion{O}{4}. However, subsequent observations showing less attenuation of soft X-rays than would be expected from a corona lying below a dense stellar wind made a purely coronal origin seem unlikely \\citep{CS83}. \\citet{Mel93} also found that a distributed X-ray source was necessary to explain the observed \\ion{O}{6} UV P Cygni profile in \\zp. Furthermore, with no expectation of a solar-type \\(\\alpha-\\Omega\\) dynamo in OB stars with radiative envelopes, the coronal model fell out of favor. Subsequently, several scenarios in which magnetic field generation and dynamos could exist in OB stars have been proposed \\citep{CM01, MC03, MM05}. Since these models have been proposed, the primary observational evidence invoked by their proponents is anomalously low $f/i$ ratios in the X-ray emission of a few He-like ions in several stars. Re-examining these line ratios and determining whether they require a coronal model to explain them is one of the main goals of this paper. Shocks arising from instabilities in the star's radiatively driven wind have been considered to provide a more likely origin for the observed X-ray emission, as they are expected to be present, given the line-driven nature of these winds \\citep*{LW80, L82, KR85, OCR88, F95}. However, there have been difficulties in reproducing the observed X-ray properties of O~stars, such as the overall X-ray luminosity and the spectral energy distribution, from stellar wind instability models \\citep{Hel93, F95, FKPPP97, FPP97}. Until recently, the quality of the available spectral data provided little insight into these problems, since the CCD and proportional counter spectra could not resolve individual spectral lines. Recent high resolution X-ray spectroscopy of OB stars by the XMM-{\\it Newton} Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) \\citep{Kel01, Mel03, RCMMT05} and the {\\it Chandra} High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) \\citep{SCHL00, WC01, CMWMC01, MCWMC02, Cel03, KCO03, Gel05, Cel06} have answered some questions while raising new ones. Some stars have X-ray spectra that appear consistent with emission from shocks in the wind, but the detailed comparisons to predicted spectral models are still problematic. Both \\citet{WC01} and \\citet{CMWMC01} have found low forbidden-to-intercombination line ratios in one set of helium-like triplets each in the X-ray spectra of \\zo\\, and \\zp. They infer from this that some of the X-ray emitting plasma is too close to the star to allow shocks of sufficient velocity to develop. Other stars ($\\theta^1$~Ori~C and $\\tau$~Sco) have X-ray spectra that are unusually hard and have relatively small line widths. While these stars might be considered prime candidates for a coronal model of X-ray emission - especially after having magnetic fields detected via Zeeman splitting \\citep{Del02, Del06} - their behavior is better understood in terms of the magnetically channeled wind shock model, rather than a model of magnetic heating \\citep{SCHL00, Cel03, SCHT03, Gel05, Del06}. Finally, we note that for all of the O giants and supergiants observed, the line profiles are less asymmetric than predicted, given the high mass-loss rates measured for these stars using radio free-free emission, H~$\\alpha$ emission, and UV absorption lines \\citep{WC01, Kel01, CMWMC01, MCWMC02, KCO03, Cel06}. This implies either a lower effective opacity to X-rays in their winds (e.g. due to clumping or porosity effects \\citep{FOH03, OFH04, OFH06, OC06}), or lower mass-loss rates \\citep{Cel02, MFSH03, Hel03, BLH05, FMP06}. One of the key diagnostic measurements available to us in understanding the nature of X-ray emission in OB stars is the forbidden-to-intercombination line ratio in the emission from ions that are isoelectronic with helium. This ratio is sensitive to the UV flux, and thus to the proximity to the stellar surface. This allows us to constrain the location of the X-ray emitting plasma independently of other spectral data, such as emission line profile shapes. In this paper we discuss methods for using the $f/i$ ratio to constrain the location of X-ray emitting plasma in O star winds. In particular, we explore the effects of a spatially distributed source motivated by the broad line profiles. We discuss the effects of photospheric absorption lines, as well as the $f/i$ ratio expected for a plasma emitted over a range of radii, taking account of detailed line shapes when signal-to-noise allows. We find that accounting in detail for photospheric absorption lines is not important, as long as the X-ray emission originates over a range of radii. These methods are then applied to He-like triplet emission in a set of archival {\\it Chandra} observations of O stars. Our primary result is that good fits can be acheived for most lines with models having emission distributed over the wind, with minimum radii of about 1.5 stellar radii. We find that none of the data require the X-ray emitting plasma to be formed very close to the photosphere. This paper is organized as follows: In \\S~\\ref{sec:model} we review the physics of line formation in He-like species (\\S~\\ref{sub:fi}), explore the effects of spectral structure in the photoexciting UV field (\\S~\\ref{sub:photo}), and of spatial distribution of the X-ray emitting plasma (\\S~\\ref{sub:Rbar}), while incorporating the line-ratio modeling into a self-consistent line-profile model (\\S~\\ref{sub:hewind}). In \\S~\\ref{sec:data} we discuss the reduction and analysis of archival O star X-ray spectra. In \\S~\\ref{sec:results} we give the results of this analysis, fitting high signal-to-noise complexes with the self-consistent line-profile model described in \\S~\\ref{sub:hewind} and fitting the lower signal-to-noise complexes with multiple Gaussians and interpreting these results according to the spatially distributed picture described in \\S~\\ref{sub:Rbar}. In \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion} we discuss the implications of these results, and in \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusions} we give our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "} We have investigated the effect of a radially distributed plasma on the forbidden-to-intercombination line ratio in helium-like triplets, as well as variations in the exciting photospheric flux as a function of Doppler shift throughout the wind. We find that the fact that the plasma is likely distributed over a range of radii and Doppler shifts allows us to use an averaged value of the photospheric continuum instead of accounting for it in detail. We also find that the value of \\(R_0\\) derived assuming a distribution of radii is substantially smaller than the value of $R$ derived assuming a single radius. We have used the $f/i$ ratio of helium-like triplets to constrain the radial distribution of X-ray emitting plasma in four O-type stars. We find that the minimum radius of emission is typically \\(0.6 < u_0 < 0.8\\), or \\(1.25 < R_0 / R_* < 1.67\\) with the emission extending beyond this initial radius with either a constant filling factor or one that increases slightly with radius. This is consistent with the results of line profile fits using the model of \\citet{OC01} \\citep{KCO03, Cel06}. However, some of the minimum radii of formation are well inside the radius of optical depth unity calculated using the mass-loss rates in the literature, implying that either the effective opacities are lower \\citep[e.g. due to porosity effects][]{FOH03, OFH04, OFH06, OC06} or the mass-loss rates are lower than the literature values \\citep{MFSH03, Hel03, BLH05, FMP06} or both. We also measure low values of the characteristic optical depth \\(\\tau_*\\) compared to what one would expect based on the literature mass-loss rates, which is consistent with the same conclusions. We find that there is no evidence for anomalously low $f/i$ ratios in high-$Z$ species. Our measurements do not require X-ray emission orignating from too close to the star to have sufficiently strong shocks, nor do we need to posit the existence of a magnetically confined corona. This conclusion is based partly on different measured values of $f/i$ ratios and partly on higher photospheric UV fluxes on the blue side of the Lyman edge in the more recent TLUSTY model spectra. We have fit He-like emission line complexes with profile models that simultaneously account for profile shapes and line ratios. These models constrain the radial distribution of plasma both through the line ratio and the profile parameters \\(u_0\\) and $q$. We find that they are capable of producing good fits to the data, showing that the information contained in the line ratios and profile shapes are mutually consistent." }, "0606/astro-ph0606693_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\emph{Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal\\\\} We estimate the intrinsic neutral gas density in Damped Lyman $\\alpha$ systems ($\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$) in the redshift range $ 2.2 \\lesssim z \\lesssim 5$ from the DLA SDSS DR\\_3 sample of optically selected quasars. We take into account self-consistently the obscuration on background quasars due to the dust present in Damped Lyman $\\alpha$ systems. We model the column density and redshift distribution of these systems by using both a non-parametric and a parametric approach. Under conservative assumptions on the dust content of Damped Lyman $\\alpha$ systems, we show that selection effects lead to underestimating the \\emph{intrinsic} neutral gas density by at least $15\\%$ with respect to the \\emph{observed} neutral gas density. Over the redshift range $[2.2;5.5]$ we find $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}=0.97^{+0.08+0.28}_{-0.06-0.15} \\cdot 10^{-3}$, where the first set of error bars gives the $1\\sigma$ random errors and the second set gives the modeling uncertainty dependent on the fraction of metals in dust - from 0\\% to 50\\%. This value compares with $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}=0.82^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$ ($1\\sigma$ error bars), which is obtained when no correction for dust is introduced. In the model with half of the metals mass in dust we cannot constraint $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$ at a confidence level higher than $90\\%$. In this case there is indeed a probability of about $10\\%$ that the intrinsic column density distribution of DLA systems is a power law $f(N_{HI}) \\propto 1/N_{HI}^{~1.95}$. In contrast, with $25 \\%$ of the metals in dust - the most realistic estimate - a power law is ruled out at $99.5\\%$ of confidence level. ", "introduction": "Damped Lyman $\\alpha$ systems (hereafter DLA systems) are quasar absorption systems with a column density above $2\\cdot 10^{20} cm^{-2}$ and represent the high end of the distribution of absorption systems starting from the Lyman $\\alpha$ forest at $N_{HI} \\gtrsim 10^{14} cm^{-2}$. DLA systems represent the most significant reservoir of neutral hydrogen in the universe available for star formation. These systems are considered to be either (cold) massive rotating disks, the progenitors of todays disk galaxies \\citep{pro97,wol05} or compact protogalactic clumps \\citep{hae98,nag04}. In the era of precision cosmology, an accurate measure of the total mass density of neutral gas as a function of the redshift represents an important constraint for galaxy formation models. Ground observations are able to identify DLA absorption features in the spectra of quasars from $z_{abs} \\gtrsim 1.8$, where the absorption lines enter the atmospheric window, up to $z_{abs} \\approx 5.5$. With an all sky survey like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, spectra of several thousands of quasars with enough resolution for DLA detection have been acquired and the \\emph{observed} density of neutral gas in DLA systems is now measured with errors below $10\\%$ \\citep{pro05}. This measurement must be interpreted with some caution, as the presence of DLA systems along a line of sight leads to a potential obscuration due to the dust that they host: the \\emph{observed} gas density is a biased estimator of the \\emph{intrinsic} density unless the dust effects are accurately quantified. Several papers, starting from \\citet{ost84} have attempted to model the influence of dust along the line of sight, often with conflicting results. A detailed analysis framework for the obscuration of quasars has been developed by \\citet{fal93} (see also \\citealt{fal89,fal89b,pei91,pei95b}) and applied to the quasars sample of \\citet{lan91}. Their study highlighted a potentially severe effect of the dust bias that did not allow to put an upper limit to the intrinsic density of DLA systems. In fact, absorbers with high column densities and/or with high dust-to-gas ratio represent essentially ``bricks'' along the line of sight to a quasar and are very likely to be missed in optically selected surveys. An additional evidence for the dust obscuration came in the form of a detected preferential reddening in the spectra of quasars with DLA absorption with respect to a control sample without detection of these systems \\citep{pei91}. More recent investigations revised these earlier results on the dust content in DLA systems and on their reddening of background objects \\citep{mur04,ell05}, finding in particular no robust evidence for the reddening of quasars at $z \\approx 3$ with DLA features in their spectra: at $3\\sigma$ \\citet{mur04} find $E(B-V) < 0.02mag$, while \\citet{ell05} have $E(B-V)<0.04mag$ . At the same time radio selected quasars surveys \\citep{ell01}, with complete optical follow-up detection have provided the first bias free constraints on the intrinsic distribution of DLA systems. Taking advantage of these recent measurements for the number density of DLA systems, we have previously characterized \\citep{tre06} the dust absorption along random lines of sight by means of a Monte Carlo code, finding that, on average, the deviations from unit transmission are effectively modest ($\\langle \\exp{(-\\tau)} \\rangle \\gtrsim 0.9$ at an emitted wavelength $\\lambda_e = 0.14 \\mu m$ over all the redshift range) and of limited impact on most observations. However, this result does not exclude the presence of a small fraction of lines of sight (of the order of a few percent) through the most massive and/or the most metal-rich DLA systems and characterized by a large optical depth. Indeed, \\citet{wil05} and \\citet{wil06} find a significant evidence of reddening in DLA systems with CaII absorption lines at moderate redshift ($z_{abs} \\approx 1$; $\\langle E(B-V) \\rangle \\gtrsim 0.1$). Similarly \\citet{yor06} measure $E(B-V)$ up to 0.085 for MgII selected DLA systems at $z_{abs}\\approx 1.0$. As the determination of the gas density in DLA systems is dominated by these most massive absorbers, the potential bias in this measure, correctly stressed by \\citet{fal93}, must not be dismissed by the recent evidence of a very modest \\emph{average} deviation from unity transmission. In this paper we take advantage of the large sample of DLA systems identified in Sloan quasars \\citep{pro05} and we investigate the relation between the observed and intrinsic density of neutral gas in these systems. The Sloan sample that we consider has three main advantages over the sample used by \\citet{fal93}. (1) It is larger by a factor 30. (2) The quasars have been selected within a luminosity limit in the I band, significantly less sensitive to dust obscuration than the B band used for the older sample. (3) The color selection algorithm has a good sensitivity to red quasars \\citep{ric02}. In fact even if a quasar with a DLA absorption system is not dropped below the I-band flux limit, its color can be changed so that it ends up lying outside the color selection box used to identify quasar candidates for follow-up spectroscopy. Thanks to the precision of the Sloan photometry, that allows a clear separation of the stellar locus in the color space, and to the use of an extended color selection box, the loss of completeness due to this latter effect is only marginal (see \\citealt{ric02} for a detailed discussion of the Sloan color selection algorithm and for completeness tests) and is therefore not considered in this work. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:dust} we characterize the obscuration bias in a magnitude limited survey, in Sec.~\\ref{sec:data} we describe the dataset that we are using. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:para_OM} we present our analysis for the parametric estimation of the intrinsic comoving density of neutral gas, whose uncertainties are quantified in Secs.~\\ref{sec:boot}-\\ref{sec:scatter} by means of Monte Carlo simulations of synthetic observations. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:disc} we discuss the accuracy of a non-parametric estimator for the neutral gas density. We summarize our findings in Sec.~\\ref{sec:conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} In this paper we have improved the analysis of the column density distribution of DLA systems in the SDSS DR\\_3 DLA survey\\citep{pro05} to take into account the bias due to dust obscuration along the line of sight. A first modeling of the bias was constructed by \\citet{ost84} and improved by \\citet{fal93}. These earlier estimates expected a severe effect of obscuration, with the observed gas density of DLA systems being up to several times smaller than the intrinsic one. The best estimate for $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$ given by \\citet{fal93} is $4.9 \\cdot 10^{-3}$ (obtained using a cosmology with $\\Omega_M=1$ and $H_0=70 km/s/Mpc$) and their upper limit $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)} \\leq 3 \\cdot 10^{-2}$, obtained from a standard big bang nucleosynthesis abundance model. More recent works \\citep{mur04,ell05} tend to dismiss the issue of obscuration bias based on the absence of systematic reddening in the spectra of quasars with DLA absorption features. Here we show that the effect of obscuration, while not being as severe as predicted by \\citet{fal93}, does indeed play an important effect on the precise measurement of $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$. In the era of precision cosmology, where the \\emph{observed} density ${\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}}$ is constrained with errors below $10~\\%$, the systematic effects are not to be underestimated. With the typical amount of metals present in DLA systems the \\emph{observed} density ${\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}}$ derived from shallow magnitude limited surveys of quasars underestimates the \\emph{intrinsic} density ${\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}}$ by about $15~\\%$ assuming dust-poor DLA systems (i.e. systems with a fraction of metals in dust of 25\\%). Our best estimation for $z \\in [2.2;5.5]$ gives an intrinsic neutral gas density $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}=0.97^{+0.08}_{-0.06} \\cdot 10^{-3}$ ($1\\sigma$ error bars) to be compared with the observed gas density $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}=0.817^{+0.050}_{-0.052} \\cdot 10^{-3}$ derived by \\citet{pro05}. If we leave the dust to metal ratio parameter $\\alpha_{\\kappa}$ free to vary over the relevant range (from 0 to 1), we find $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}=0.97^{+0.08+0.28}_{-0.06-0.15} \\cdot 10^{-3}$, where the first set of error bars gives the $1\\sigma$ random errors and the second set gives the modeling uncertainty dependent on the fraction of metals in dust. The obscuration bias therefore represents the main source of uncertainties for the determination of the intrinsic neutral gas content in DLA systems. Our analysis has been carried out assuming that all the DLA absorbers at a given redshift have the same dust-to-gas ratio. By means of monte carlo simulations of synthetic observations we shoow that this assumption does not introduce a significant bias as long as the dust-to-gas ratio is not correlated with the hydrogen column density. A correlation of the form $k_i \\propto N_{HI}^{\\gamma}$ introduces a systematic error of the order $+14\\%$ in $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$ for $\\gamma = - 0.8$ and of $-3 \\%$ for $\\gamma = +0.8$ (the bias is reduced to $+8\\%$ and $0\\%$ for $\\gamma = \\mp 0.4$ respectively). Caution is also needed when taking the result from the maximum likelihood at face value. In our reference scenario we find that a power law function for column density distribution of DLA systems can be ruled out at a confidence level no greater than 99.5\\%. If the dust content in DLA systems is higher, the dust bias becomes more significant. For $50\\%$ of the metals in dust grains the present data do not allow to put an upper limit to the neutral gas content with confidence level greater than $90\\%$. We show in fact that there is a probability of about 10\\% that the SDSS DLA DR\\_3 data are consistent with an intrinsic power law distribution in column density adopting $\\alpha_{\\kappa}=1$. The slope of this power law is $m_2=-1.95$ and an upper cut-off cannot be derived from the data. In optically selected surveys, absorbers with high column densities of neutral gas and with high metallicity are missed, letting systematic uncertainties go easily out of control. Radio selected quasar samples would represent an elegant, bias free solution to the measurements of $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$. Unfortunately, with the present extension, these surveys constraint $\\Omega_{HI}^{(DLA)}$ with a random uncertainty of the order of $40~\\%$ (plus potential systematic effects due to the limited number of observed DLA systems). To reduce the errors within the $10~\\%$ level without the need to assume a modeling for the dust bias it is therefore necessary to increase the path-length of radio surveys by a factor $10$ at least. The UCSD radio survey \\citep{jor06} has recently made promising progresses in this direction." }, "0606/astro-ph0606416_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We adapt the Jain--Taylor (2003) shear-ratio geometric lensing method to measure the dark energy equation of state, $w=p_v/\\rho_v$ and its time derivative from dark matter haloes in cosmologies with arbitrary spatial curvature. The full shear-ratio covariance matrix is calculated for lensed sources, including the intervening large-scale structure and photometric redshift errors as additional sources of noise, and a maximum likelihood method for applying the test is presented. Decomposing the lensing matter distribution into dark matter haloes we calculate the parameter covariance matrix for an arbitrary experiment. Combining with the expected results from the CMB we design an optimal survey for probing dark energy. This shows that a targeted survey imaging $60$ of the largest clusters in a hemisphere with 5-band optical photometric redshifts to a median galaxy depth of $z_m=0.9$ could measure $w_0\\equiv w(z=0)$ to a marginal $1$-$\\sigma$ error of $\\Delta w_0=0.5$. We marginalize over all other parameters including $w_a$, where the equation of state is parameterized in terms of scale factor $a$ as $w(a)=w_0+w_a(1-a)$. For higher accuracy a large-scale photometric redshift survey is required, where the largest gain in signal arises from the numerous $\\approx 10^{14}\\rm M_\\odot$ haloes corresponding to medium-sized galaxy clusters. Combined with the expected Planck Surveyor results, such a near-future 5-band survey covering 10,000 square degrees to $z_m=0.7$ could measure $w_0$ to $\\Delta w_0=0.075$ and $\\Delta w_a=0.33$. A stronger combined constraint is put on $w$ measured at the pivot redshift $z_p=0.27$ of $\\Delta w(z_p)=0.0298$. We compare and combine the geometric test with the cosmological and dark energy parameters measured from planned Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) and supernova Type Ia experiments, and find that the geometric test results combine with a significant reduction in errors due to different degeneracies. A combination of geometric lensing, CMB and BAO experiments could achieve $\\Delta w_0=0.047$ and $\\Delta w_a=0.111$ with a pivot redshift constraint of $\\Delta w(z_p)=0.020$ at $z_p=0.62$. Simple relations are presented that show how our lensing results can be scaled to other telescope classes and survey parameters. ", "introduction": "Over the last decade, gravitational lensing has emerged as the simplest and most direct way to probe the distribution of matter in the Universe (Bartelmann \\& Schneider 2001, Refregier 2003). More recently it has become apparent that it can also be used as a probe of the mysterious, negative-pressure ``dark energy'' component of the Universe which gives rise to the observed acceleration of the expansion of the Universe (Hu \\& Tegmark,1999; Huterer, 2002; Jain \\& Taylor, 2003; Hu, 2003; Takada \\& Jain, 2003; Song \\& Knox, 2004; Ishak, 2005; Ma, Hu \\& Huterer, 2006; Heavens et al., 2006) The dark energy exerts its influence by its effect on the expansion history of the Universe. If the current expansion of the Universe is accelerating, the Universe must be older than if it was decelerating, since the expansion was slower in the past. This changes the distance traveled by a photon, $r(z)$, for a given expansion factor of the Universe, $a(z)=1/(1+z)$, as photons have had more time to travel further than in the decelerating case. The accelerated expansion will also slow the rate of growth of matter perturbations. The simplest phenomenological model of the dark energy can be constructed by simply parameterizing the equation of state of the vacuum, \\be p_v= w\\rho_v, \\ee where $p_v$ is the dark-energy/vacuum-pressure and $\\rho_v$ is its energy-density, and $w=w(a)$ may vary with scale factor. Gravitational lensing depends upon both the geometry of the Universe, via the observer-lens-source distances, and on the growth of structure which will lens distant galaxies, and so lensing probes both effects. Gravitational lensing is an integral effect and so for a given line of sight these effects are degenerate with each other and other parameters. In order to disentangle the effects of the dark energy we require redshift information for the source images. It has already been shown that such information can be used to reconstruct the 3-D distribution of dark matter (Taylor, 2001; Taylor et al., 2004). For large-scale imaging surveys, the most practical way to get redshifts for each image is from multi-band photometric redshift surveys. The COMBO-17 imaging and photometric survey (Wolf et al., 2003) has already shown the power of combining lensing with photometric redshifts (Brown et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2004; Gray et al., 2004; Bacon et al., 2005; Semboloni et al., 2006). The parameters of the dark energy can be extracted from weak gravitational shear measurements by taking correlations of galaxy ellipticities at different redshifts (e.g. Bacon et al., 2005; Hu, 2003; Heavens, 2003; Heavens et al., 2006; Semboloni, 2006), where the expansion history enters both the lens geometry and the dark matter evolution rate. Jain \\& Taylor (2003) proposed an alternative approach, taking the ratio of the galaxy-shear correlation functions at different redshifts. In this case the mass of the lens dropped out leaving behind a purely geometric quantity useful for measuring cosmological parameters. This had the advantages of allowing the analysis to extend into the nonlinear clustering r\\'egimes where modeling the nonlinear matter power spectrum can be inaccurate, and where the shear signal will also be stronger, i.e. in the vicinity of galaxy clusters. In addition, as this relies upon the correlation between galaxies and shear many systematic effects will be averaged over, as in galaxy-galaxy lensing. Following this a number of papers have suggested variations on this theme (Bernstein \\& Jain, 2003; Hu \\& Jain, 2004; Zhang, Hui \\& Stebbins, 2005). Geometric tests of dark energy not only complement other methods based on the clustering of matter, but directly probe the global evolution of the Universe via the redshift-distance relation, $r(z)$. Other methods measure the combined effect of the growth rate of perturbations and the global geometry. Comparison of the two can be used to test the Einstein-Hilbert action, and extensions and modifications of General Relativity such as extra dimensions. While the main focus of the Jain-Taylor (2003) paper was a statistic given by the ratio of galaxy-shear correlations (or equivalently power spectra), they illustrated their method with the analysis of a single cluster. In this paper we develop this idea further and focus on applying the geometric test behind individual galaxy clusters. The main difference between this and the original Jain-Taylor approach is that we do not need to first generate galaxy-shear cross-correlation functions, or cross-power spectra, which require large data-sets. Rather the ratios used are just of the shears behind a given cluster at fixed redshifts. This allows the test to be applied to noisy data, since we do not need to estimate correlation functions before applying the ratio test. This is similar to the approach of Bernstein \\& Jain (2004), who considered a ``template matching'' approach, cross-correlating a foreground galaxy template with the background shear pattern. Our approach is different in that we use the galaxies to identify the positions of lensing haloes, and then take shear ratios. In doing so we focus on the dark matter haloes generating the signal, allowing a halo decomposition of the matter distribution, and ask how to maximize the signal. The price we pay for this approach is that we become susceptible to a sampling variance due to lensing by other large-scale structure along the line of sight, which we can beat down using multiple lines of sight. In addition we generalize our methods to non-flat cosmological models. Zhang, Hui \\& Stebbins (2005) have proposed a different geometric method, which allows them to extend the correlation/power spectrum method to galaxy-galaxy and shear-shear correlations as well as galaxy-shear cross-correlations. They also point out some inaccuracies with the analysis of Jain \\& Taylor (2003) and Bernstein \\& Jain (2003), which we correct here. In the next Section we lay out the basic lensing equations we will need. In Section \\ref{ML} we derive the statistical properties of the shear ratios, and write down a likelihood function for measuring the dependent cosmological parameters, we then estimate the Fisher matrix and parameter covariance matrix for the dark energy. In Section 4 we outline the survey design formalism, using the dark matter halo model for the distribution of galaxy clusters and group haloes, outlining a realistic photometric redshift analysis and discuss bias and intrinsic ellipticity issues. In Section 5 we discuss survey strategies, considering targeted, wide-field and area limited designs. Using the parameter covariance matrix and a model of photometric redshifts we optimize a weak lensing photometric redshift survey for measuring dark energy parameters from cluster lensing in Section 6. We forecast the expected accuracy of cosmological parameters in Section 7 and compare and combine with other methods. In Section 8 we discuss the required control of systematic effects, and we present our conclusions in Section 9. We begin by introducing the necessary cosmological and weak lensing concepts. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have set out a new method for the analysis of the geometric shear ratio test for measuring the dark energy equation of state, based on the measurement of shear ratios around individual galaxy groups and clusters. The shear ratio test is insensitive to the growth of structure, but sensitive to the geometry of the Universe, via the matter and dark energy density and the dark energy equation of state. This approach allows one to apply the method to individual objects, rather than requiring the measurement of some other statistic such as the galaxy-shear cross-correlation function which may be noisy for small data-sets. The down-side is that the method is now contaminated by structure along the line of sight, which can be overcome by using many independent lines of sight. Of the parameters which govern the geometry of the Universe, or more properly the photon distance-redshift relation, the shear ratio is most sensitive to a constant dark energy equation of state, $w_0$, and very insensitive to evolution, parameterized here by $w_a$. This can be understood as due to the shear ratios being sensitive only to the change in shape of the shear signal as a function of redshift. As $w_a$ parameterizes the high-redshift effect of the dark energy equation of state, its effects are ``renormalized'' away. This behavior is very different to other probes of dark energy, and so helps to break parameter degeneracies when combined with other probes. It must be emphasised that the Fisher matrix framework used in this paper may result in overly optimistic constraints. Since the errors are calculated by expanding about a fiducial point in parameter space any higher order effects that may change the shape of the likelihood surface cannot be taken into account. The effect of varying the fiducial dark energy model, in Section \\ref{The effect of changing the fiducial dark energy model}, demonstrates that the errors are sensitive to the choice of the fiducial model. A concrete example of higher order likelihood effects can be seen in a 3D cosmic shear analysis by comparing Fisher matrix calculations of the ($\\sigma_8$, $\\Omega_m$) plane (for example in Heavens et al., 2006) (predicting an ellipse) with the measured constraints from data (for example Kitching et al., 2006) which measure an extended curved constraint. These effects can be investigated by large simulations or by a Monte-Carlo type exploration of the likelihood surface, we leave such investigations for future work. To account for many of the sources of uncertainty in the method, we have developed a halo decomposition analysis of the lensing dark matter distribution to model the signal from dark matter haloes over a range of mass scales and redshifts. We have also included the effects of shot-noise due to the random intrinsic orientation of each galaxy, photometric redshift errors and the contribution of large-scale structure lensing to the error budget. We have also investigated in detail a model for the photometric redshift error, based on studies of the COMBO-17 data-set, as a function of redshift, number of imaging bands and limiting magnitude. The effect of a bias in the calibration and distribution of photometric redshifts with spectroscopic redshifts is also studied, and we find that we require some $10^4$ galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to control calibration issues. The limitations of observing the shear signal from the ground and space are also discussed, and we argue that without adaptive optics ground-based lensing studies are seeing limited, suggesting that it will be difficult to use galaxies beyond $z=1.5$. The halo decomposition analysis of the dark matter lenses has allowed us to probe the origin of the shear signal in different types of survey, taking a 4-metre telescope with a 2 square degree field of view as our default survey. These results can be scaled to any other telescope parameters. For targeted observations, where the time-limitation translates into the number of clusters and groups one can observe to a given depth, we have shown that we only require around 60 of the largest clusters in a celestial hemisphere to constrain $w_0$ to around $\\Delta w_0\\sim 0.50$, marginalizing over all other parameters, including $w_a$, a factor of $3$ improvement on 4-year WMAP given a marginalization over $w_a$. To achieve a higher accuracy requires the imaging of an unfeasible number of haloes, and instead one should turn to a wide-field imaging and photometric redshift survey. We find for a 4-meter class telescope with a 2 degree field of view that with a 10,000 square degree, 5-band photometric redshift survey with median redshift $z_m =0.7$ ($r=23.8$), we can expect to reach an accuracy of $\\Delta w_0\\sim 0.07$, again marginalizing over all other parameters including $w_a$. Our results can be easily rescaled to other telescope types, and survey strategies. The halo decomposition allows us to deduce where the main signal comes from in both the targeted and surveying modes. In both cases a significant fraction of the signal comes from the largest hundred clusters in each survey, reaching a sensitivity of $\\Delta w_0 \\sim 0.5$, however the majority of the signal comes from the numerous ($\\sim 10^{5-6}$) $M>10^{14}M_\\odot$ haloes which can push the accuracy up to $\\Delta w_0\\sim 0.07$. Having determined where the majority of the dark energy signal will come from in a geometric shear ratio test, we then investigate the optimization of such a survey, when combined with the expected results from the Planck Surveyor experiment. We find that for our fiducial telescope for a fixed-time survey, going shallower ($z_m<0.7$) over a wider area decreases the accuracy due to the drop in the number of available background sources and corresponding increase in shot-noise. Going deeper ($z_m>0.7$) over a smaller area increases the clustering noise, since we now have fewer clusters to average over. We have also studied the effect of varying the number of imaging bands to increase or decrease the photometric accuracy. We find that when combined with Planck an increase from 5, 9 or 17 optical bands makes little difference to the optimal survey. The reason for this insensitivity to higher accuracy photometric redshifts is due to the integral nature of the lensing effect, and the weak effect when combined with another data-set. However decreasing the number of bands is expected to have a strong effect on the accuracy of the lensing survey as redshift information is lost. We discuss how our results can be scaled to other telescope classes and survey parameters. The dark energy parameters $w_0$ and $w_a$ can be combined to give an uncertainty on $w(z)=w_0+w_a z/(1+z)$, at some optimal redshift. This combination helps distinguish where the survey is most sensitive to the dark energy equation of state. In the case of our optimal lensing survey this is at $z=0.27$ with $\\Delta w(z=0.27)=0.0298$. Again, the reason for the low-redshift sensitivity to $w(z)$ is due to the insensitivity of the shear ratio test to $w_a$. Having optimized the lensing survey for the geometric test in combination with the expected results from the CMB, we have investigated the effect on the full set of cosmological parameters for the CMB and lensing. The geometric test constrains a narrow sheet in the $(\\Omega_m,\\Omega_v,w_0,w_a)$ parameter-space, which is nicely orthogonal to the CMB parameter constraints. Here we show that the CMB mainly constrains the curvature of the model, while the geometric test constrains $w_0$, and the combination constrain $w_a$. We have also compared and combined the geometric shear ratio test with the expected results from an Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) experiment, such as proposed for WFMOS, and a supernova Type Ia survey, such as that proposed for SNAP. Here we have put all of the surveys (lensing, CMB, BAO and SNIa) on an equal footing, using the same curved background cosmology and the same dark energy model parameterization. We find that the degeneracies in the geometric test, in particular the insensitivity to $w_a$, are nicely orthogonal to all these other probes. Combining the geometric test with the CMB, BAO or SNIa will yield accuracies of a $\\Delta w_0\\approx 0.10$ and $\\Delta w_a\\approx 0.5$, and can be compared for systematics. An optimal combination is a geometric lensing test, with the Planck CMB and WFMOS BAO experiment, yielding an expected accuracy of $\\Delta w_0=0.047$ and $\\Delta w_a=0.11$. Finally we discuss some of the potential systematic effects which could affect the predicted accuracy of lensing. In summary, the prospects of accurately measuring the dark energy equation of state and its evolution to high accuracy over the next decade are very good. The key to this is the gravitational lensing geometric shear ratio test, which, due to its orthogonal degeneracies, can be optimally combined with a large range of other dark energy probes, such as the CMB, BAO or SNIa. In addition, gravitational lensing can also be a probe via two-point analysis, either from correlation functions or power spectra in redshift-space (Heavens et al. 2006 and Castro et al. 2005). Just as with lensing of the CMB, since the shear ratio analysis does not contain any information on structure, we can expect there to be little correlation between the two methods, even for the same survey. However, the shear ratio covariance may be correlated with the shear power. We shall explore combining these methods elsewhere." }, "0606/astro-ph0606620_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this work we connect some measurable properties of the CIV$\\lambda$1549 emission line with the quasar accretion rates (Eddington ratios). A tight correlation is found for a sample of more than a hundred nearby objects, suggesting a possible method for a relatively accurate estimate of the Eddington ratio of high-redshift quasars, at least for the radio-quiet ones. This paper further confirms the existing notion that the CIV changes (shifts) are mostly driven by the accretion rate. ", "introduction": "\\begin{figure} \\centering{\\epsfig{file=fig1a.eps,width=80mm}} \\caption{The relation between log($L/L_{\\rm edd}$) and log($P_{\\rm CIV}$), where $P_{\\rm CIV}$ is the EW-normalized ratio of the blueward and redward profile widths at half maximum; see the text. 124 objects are included, 75 of which are radio-quiet. The radio-quiet objects are shown as filled rhombs, the radio-loud ones -- as open squares. Note that RQ objects show a much better correlation, as well as that only they show apparent super Eddington accretion rates.} \\end{figure} Exploring different quantities, we found a parameter ($P_{\\rm CIV}$), related to the EW-normalized shift of CIV, which correlates very well with the Eddington ratio ($L/L_{\\rm edd}$). This parameter is the ratio of the blueward and redward (measured in respect to the systemic velocity) widths of the profile at half maximum, normalized by the EW (in Angstroms) of the CIV line, i.e. $P_{\\rm CIV}=(FW_{\\rm blue}/FW_{\\rm red})/EW$. This parameter should not be difficult to measure, provided a spectrum of good quality is available and the precise redshift of the object is known. We found a very good correlation between $L/L_{\\rm edd}$ and $P_{\\rm CIV}$ (in logarithmic units), with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.64 (Fig. 1). The correlation even improves further if only radio-quiet objects are considered, 0.73, and slightly more if $P_{\\rm CIV}$ is measured at zero-intensity instead of half-maximum level. Thus, one can use $P_{\\rm CIV}$ to estimate $L/L_{\\rm edd}$, following the derived empirical relation (bisector linear fit): $${\\rm log}(L/L_{\\rm edd}) = 0.64~{\\rm log}(P_{\\rm CIV}) - 0.47$$ with a typical error of 0.5 dex for $L/L_{\\rm edd}$ (Fig. 1). One is to note, however, that $P_{\\rm CIV}$ applies to the broad component of CIV (after the subtraction of a NLR contribution on the top, if such is present, Bachev et al. 2004) and also that this parameter is calculated upon the redshift based on [OIII]$\\lambda$5007 or the narrow top of H$\\beta$ lines, not the top of CIV (often blueshifted). It should also be mentioned, that this relation is found mostly for powerful quasars and may not hold for the lower-luminosity objects (i.e. for $L/L_{\\rm edd} < 0.01$; Fig. 1). ", "conclusions": "The exact nature of correlations like the one we demonstrated above is not known, but one may suspect it has something to do with the accretion disk winds. As it is often assumed, CIV has a wind origin (Murray et al. 1995; Proga \\& Kallman 2004) and therefore it is not surprising to find a connection between the line profile and the Eddington ratio, taking into account that the later is often thought to drive the wind strength (details in Bachev et al. 2004, and the references within). Why exactly $P_{\\rm CIV}$, as defined, appears however to be the best surrogate for the Eddington ratio, should be a matter of future modeling. We also note that the \"$P_{\\rm CIV}$ -- $L/L_{\\rm edd}$\" relation could be of importance not only for modeling CIV emission region, but also for explaining the radio-quiet/radio-loud differences (e.g. Fig. 1). From a practical point of view, one can use such empirical relations for roughly estimating the Eddington ratio at high redshifts, where no other estimators are available. Thus, the early accretion history of the quasars can be traced, provided CIV properties do not change significantly with cosmic time." }, "0606/astro-ph0606550_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{}{We present a new continuum 3D radiative transfer code, MCFOST, based on a Monte-Carlo method. MCFOST can be used to calculate (i) monochromatic images in scattered light and/or thermal emission, (ii) polarisation maps, (iii) interferometric visibilities, (iv) spectral energy distributions and (v) dust temperature distributions of protoplanetary disks.}{Several improvements to the standard Monte Carlo method are implemented in MCFOST to increase efficiency and reduce convergence time, including wavelength distribution adjustments, mean intensity calculations and an adaptive sampling of the radiation field. The reliability and efficiency of the code are tested against a previously defined benchmark, using a 2D disk configuration. No significant difference (no more than 10\\%, and generally much less) is found between the temperatures and SEDs calculated by MCFOST and by other codes included in the benchmark.}{ A study of the lowest disk mass detectable by \\textit{Spitzer}, around young stars, is presented and the colours of ``representative'' parametric disks are compared to recent IRAC and MIPS \\textit{Spitzer} colours of solar-like young stars located in nearby star forming regions.}{} ", "introduction": "Signatures for the presence of dust are found nearly everywhere in astrophysics. In the context of star and planet formation, dust is abundant in molecular clouds and in the circumstellar environments of a large fraction of stellar objects in the early stages of their evolution. In the circumstellar disks encircling these young stars, where planets are thought to form, the interplay between dust and gas is of paramount importance. At short wavelengths, dust grains efficiently absorb, scatter, and polarise the starlight. How much radiation is scattered and absorbed is a function of both the geometry of the disk and the properties of the dust. In turns, the amount of absorbed radiation sets the temperature of the dust (and gas) and defines the amount of radiation that is re-emitted at longer, thermal, wavelengths. The last decade has witnessed the improvement of imaging capabilities with the advent of potent instruments in the optical and near-infrared, and large millimeter interferometers, providing detailed views of the disks around young stars. The sensitivity and wavelength range covered by new instruments is increasing steadily and the mid- and far-infrared ranges are now being explored efficiently by the {\\sl Spitzer Space Telescope}, and new facilities like Herschel and ALMA will soon complete the coverage. With this unprecedented wealth of data, from optical to radio, fine studies of the dust content and evolution of disks become possible and powerful radiative transfer (RT) codes are needed to fully exploit the data. In this paper we describe such a code, MCFOST. That code was used extensively to produce synthetic images of the scattered light from disks around young stars. Examples include the circumbinary ring of GG~Tau \\citep{McCabe02, Duchene04}, the large silhouette disk associated with IRAS 04158+2805 \\citep{Menard05}, and an analysis of the circular polarisation in GSS~30 \\citep{Chrysostomo97}. In \\S2 below, we briefly describe MCFOST. In section \\S3, tests and validation of MCFOST are presented. Two examples of applications are presented in \\S4. Firstly, a study is presented of the minimum mass of disks detectable by {\\sl Spitzer} around young solar-like stars, young low-mass stars, and young brown dwarfs. Secondly, the colours of parametric disks are compared to the {\\sl Spitzer} colours, for both IRAC and MIPS, of samples of T Tauri stars located in nearby star forming regions. ", "conclusions": "We have presented a new continuum 3D radiative transfer code, MCFOST. The efficiency and reliability of MCFOST was tested considering the benchmark configuration defined by P04. MCFOST was shown to calculate temperature distributions and SEDs that are in excellent agreement with previous results from other codes. Sets of models for young solar-like stars and low-stars are presented and compared to the {\\sl Spitzer}'s detection limits for the programme of the {\\sl Cores to Disks} legacy survey. Minimal disks masses of $\\approx 10^{-9}$ M$_\\odot$ for a T Tauri star and $\\approx 10^{-7}$ M$_\\odot$ for a brown dwarf are needed for the disk to be detectable by {\\sl Spitzer} in the mapping mode. IRAC and MIPS colours of Taurus Class II and III objects are compared to passively heated models with a ``representative'' disk geometry. The average location of the two classes of objects are well reproduced, as well as the extreme colours of some of the objects, that may correspond to highly tilted disks. $R_\\mathrm{in} =1$ AU is found to be maximum inner radius required to account for the observed colours of Class II objects. Further modelling of individual sources, combining optical, infrared and millimeter photometry with images and/or IRS spectroscopy, will be needed to better understand individual disks, their dust properties and their evolution." }, "0606/astro-ph0606599_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Star-formation history is strongly related to environment; the most massive and least star-forming galaxies reside in the highest density environments. There are now good observational reasons to believe that the progenitors of these red galaxies have undergone starbursts, followed by a post-starburst phase. Post-starburst (``K+A'' or ``E+A'') galaxies appear in the SDSS visible spectroscopic data by showing an excess of A star light (relative to K giant light) but deficient $\\Halpha$ line emission. We investigate the environments of these galaxies by measuring \\textsl{(1)}~number densities in $8\\,h^{-1}~\\mathrm{Mpc}$ radius comoving spheres, \\textsl{(2)}~transverse distances to nearest Virgo-like galaxy clusters, and \\textsl{(3)}~transverse distances to nearest luminous-galaxy neighbors. We compare the post-starburst galaxies to currently star-forming galaxies identified solely by A-star excess or $\\Halpha$ emission. We find that post-starburst galaxies are in the same kinds of environments as star-forming galaxies; this is our ``null hypothesis''. More importantly, we find that at each value of the A-star excess, the star-forming and post-starburst galaxies lie in very similar distributions of environment. Other studies finding similar results have argued that galaxy transformations occur slowly (time scales $>1$~Gyr), but this is at odds with the observational evidence that red galaxies are formed via starbursts. The only deviations from our null hypothesis are barely significant: a slight deficit of post-starburst galaxies (relative to the star-forming population) in very low-density regions, a small excess inside the virial radii of clusters, and a slight excess with nearby neighbors. None of these effects is strong enough to make the post-starburst galaxies a high-density phenomenon, or to argue that the starburst events are primarily triggered by external tidal impulses (\\eg, from close passages of massive galaxies). The small excess inside cluster virial radii suggests that some post-starbursts are triggered by interactions with the intracluster medium, but this represents a very small fraction of all post-starburst galaxies. ", "introduction": "How do old, dead, early-type galaxies form? There are two strong arguments that bulge-dominated galaxies (\\eg, ellipticals, lenticulars, and very early-type spirals) have progenitors that went through a starburst phase. The first is that bulge-dominated galaxies show enhancements in $\\alpha$-type elements over the Solar chemical abundance mix \\citep[\\eg, ][]{worthey98a, eisenstein03b}. These abundance patterns are naturally produced when star formation---or the last phase of star formation---has occured in a burst too rapid to allow recycling of the elements ejected by Type~1a supernovae. The second argument is that the post-starburst galaxies identified spectrally in large surveys of the Local Universe have the colors, surface brightnesses, and radial profiles that would be expected if they are to evolve passively into new bulge-dominated galaxies \\citep{quintero04a}; they cannot evolve passively into disk-dominated or other late types. Starburst origin is also supported indirectly by the uniformity seen in early-type galaxies' stellar populations \\citep[\\eg, ][]{eisenstein03b} and their lack of large resevoirs of cold gas and dust. Post-starburst galaxies are identified spectroscopically by having a large contribution to their spectral energy distribution from A stars---\\ie, new stars must have formed within the last $\\sim 1~\\mathrm{Gyr}$---but no, or very little, contribution from O and B stars---\\ie, no new stars have formed within the last $\\sim 0.01~\\mathrm{Gyr}$. In practice, these ``K+A'' or ``E+A'' galaxies\\footnote{The terminology ``K+A'' is to be preferred to ``E+A'' because the identification is spectral, not morphological, and ``K'' and ``A'' name spectral types. ``E'' names a morphological type \\citep{franx93a, dressler99a}.} \\citep{dressler83a, zabludoff96a, dressler99a} are identified by having strong Balmer absorption or blue continua (A-star indicators) but no $\\Halpha$ or [O\\,II] emission lines (O and B-star indicators). Importantly, because A stars have known lifetimes, the evolution of the population can be ``timed'' and rates computed; we find that of order 1~percent of the galaxy population is going through this phase each Gyr at $z\\sim 0.1$ \\citep{quintero04a}. What is not known is what precedes or triggers the (necessarily rapid) truncation of star-formation. Is it an external event, such as a tidal impulse, accretion event, or major merger? Or is it a purely internal event, such as an AGN flare or the abrupt exhaustion of star-formation fuel? Either way, since disk-dominated galaxies are the galaxies that contain young stars and the cold-gas fuel to make more, post-starburst galaxies must lie on some kind of evolutionary pathway between the disk-dominated and bulge-dominated populations. The distribution of galaxy star-formation rates is a strong function of environment, with much lower star-formation rates in higher density regions \\citep[\\eg, ][]{kennicutt83a, hashimoto98a, balogh01a, martinez02a, lewis02a, gomez03a, blanton03d, hogg03b, hogg04a, kauffmann04a, blanton05b, quintero06a}. Although it is customary to think of this as being a consequence of the morphology--density relation \\citep{dressler80a, postman84a}, in fact recent studies with large samples have shown that in fact the star-formation--environment relation has more explanatory or informative power than the morphology--density relation, at least with the morphological proxies currently available for large samples \\citep{hashimoto98a, hashimoto99a, kauffmann04a, blanton05b, quintero06a}. How is the information about environment transmitted to galaxy star-formation activity? Are there violent events when galaxies fall into high density regions? Or do the galaxies reduce their star-formation rates gradually as they find themselves in denser and denser environments? Studies of the (strong, observed) evolution of the fraction of galaxies in clusters that are blue (often called the ``Butcher--Oemler effect''; \\citealt{butcher78a}) have generally concluded that this evolution is gradual, at least when compared to the lifetimes of A stars \\citep{poggianti99a, balogh00a, kodama01a}, although there are certainly some galaxies in clusters that appear to be undergoing rapid evolution \\citep[\\eg, ][]{vogt04a, yang04a}. It is not clear how to reconcile this conclusion of gradual evolution with the conclusion (mentioned above) that a typical early-type galaxy has undergone a massive starburst in its past. Galaxy star-formation rates are also evolving very rapidly with redshift in the field; this result comes from many different techniques at many different wavelengths \\citep[\\eg, ][]{lilly96, hammer97, rowan-robinson97, hogg98o2lf, tresse98, cowie99, flores99, mobasher99, haarsma00, juneau05a, schiminovich05a}. This is usually imagined as being related not to infall into dense regions but rather to the supply of cold gas. On the other hand, since gravitational clustering brings galaxies into more and more dense environments with cosmic time, this might not be unrelated to the star-formation--environment relation and the Butcher--Oemler effect. At the same time as star formation in the Universe is declining, the total density of stellar mass on the ``red sequence'' of early-type or bulge-dominated galaxies is increasing \\citep{bell04a, blanton06a, faber05a, brown06a}. If blue galaxies transform into red galaxies via a post-starburst phase, as we believe they must, then this evolution of the red sequence must be quantitatively matched with an evolving population of post-starburst galaxies. As transition objects between the star-forming, disk-dominated and dead, bulge-dominated populations, the post-starburst galaxies could in principle have the environmental characteristics of either. Originally, K+A galaxies were found in high-density regions \\citep{dressler83a, couch87a}, and thought to be a ``cluster'' population. Of course the early searches for such galaxies were made in cluster fields. Once systematic searches for K+A galaxies were made in large redshift surveys, it was found that they are not particularly concentrated in clusters or high density regions, but rather live in a wide range of environments \\citep[][Helmboldt et~al., in preparation]{zabludoff96a, quintero04a, blake04a, goto05a}. In the large SDSS and 2dFGRS samples, it can be shown that the mean environment \\citep[][Helmboldt et al., in preparation]{quintero04a} and distribution of environments \\citep{blake04a} are both similar to those of spiral or disk-dominated galaxies. The environments of disk-dominated galaxies---isolation and small groups, where the virialized mass has a similar velocity dispersion to the contained galaxies---are the best environments in the Local Universe to find galaxy--galaxy mergers, which are the top candidates for triggers for the post-starburst galaxies. After all, the major mergers observed in the Local Universe are all associated with very high star-formation rates, and major mergers are expected to disrupt disks and leave behind the dynamically hot stellar orbits characteristic of the bulge-dominated population. With a sample of more than $10^3$ K+A galaxies \\citep{quintero04a}, we are in a position to ask much more detailed questions about the range of environments in which they lie, and the relationships between environmental and star-formation properties. That is the purpose of this \\textsl{Article}, with the goal of constraining the possible triggering mechanisms for this very important galaxy population. In what follows, a cosmological world model with $(\\Omega_\\mathrm{M},\\Omega_\\mathrm{\\Lambda})=(0.3,0.7)$ is adopted, and the Hubble constant is parameterized $H_0=100\\,h~\\mathrm{km\\,s^{-1}\\,Mpc^{-1}}$, for the purposes of calculating distances\\citep[\\eg,][]{hogg99cosm}. ", "conclusions": "As we have discussed elsewhere \\citep{quintero04a}, post-starburst galaxies plausibly lie on an evolutionary sequence between disk-dominated galaxies, which are forming stars and contain the neutral gas fuel for further star formation, and bulge-dominated galaxies, which have no star-formation fuel and show chemical signatures of past star-formation bursts. Post-starburst galaxies might even be the remnants of major mergers. A priori, the environments of these galaxies could be either like those of disk-dominated galaxies or those of bulge-dominated galaxies, or somewhere in-between. Of course, prior to this study, it was already known that the mean environments of post-starburst galaxies are more similar to those of disk-dominated galaxies than those of bulge-dominated galaxies \\citep[][Helmboldt et al., in preparation]{zabludoff96a, quintero04a, blake04a}. Here we have not only confirmed this result, we have shown that for each value of the A-star excess, the post-starburst galaxies with that A-star excess find themselves in similar environments to star-forming galaxies with that same A-star excess. In other words, A-star excess is more closely related to environment than $\\Halpha$~EW, since the post-starburst galaxies have $\\Halpha$~EWs like bulge-dominated galaxies. This result confirms our ``null hypothesis'' that the processes that connect a galaxy's star-formation history to its environment act on long timescales, longer than A-star lifetimes ($\\sim 1~\\mathrm{Gyr}$). This is not surprising, since at typical cosmological velocities ($\\sim 100~\\mathrm{km\\,s^{-1}}$), a galaxy can only travel $\\sim 1~\\mathrm{Mpc}$ in a Gyr, and there is now pretty good empirical evidence that everything important about galaxy environments happens on scales $< 1~\\mathrm{Mpc}$ \\citep{blanton04c}. On the other hand, this result is somewhat difficult to reconcile with the observation from chemical abundances \\citep[\\eg, ][]{worthey98a, eisenstein03b} and central stellar densities \\citep{quintero04a} that a typical red (early-type, or bulge-dominated) galaxy has undergone a brief but strong starburst at some point in its past. Perhaps the starbursts are triggered very randomly, with just a slight change in starburst trigger probability with environment, so we don't see the relation clearly. Perhaps the observed relationship between star-formation rate and environment was set down at very high redshift and is in fact diluting at the present epoch. Perhaps the starbursts are primarily triggered prior to infall into dense environments, in which case the galaxies somehow ``know'' the environment in which they will end up! We have shown that the fraction of the whole SDSS galaxy sample classified as ``K+A'' (post-starburst) is a function of environment, and that its dependence on environment is very similar to that of the fraction of the sample classified as star-forming. This is also consistent with our null hypothesis. The only deviations all have the sense that the K+A fraction is a slightly weaker function of environment than the star-forming fraction: We find slightly fewer K+As in extremely low density environments, and slightly more inside the virial radii of massive clusters and close to luminous neighbors than we would expect by naive scaling of the star-forming fraction. None of these deviations from the predictions of the null hypothesis are large, but they may point to triggering mechanisms for the starburst and post-starburst phases: It is possible that a small fraction of post-starburst galaxies are triggered by close passages of luminous galaxies. It seems likely, from Figure~\\ref{fig:clusto}, that a small fraction of post-starbursts are triggered by interactions with intracluster medium, because the deviation of the post-starburst fraction relative to the star-forming fraction does occur at the virial radius. We can therefore make two negative statements about the triggering of the \\emph{majority} of starbursts, both plausible at the outset: The first is that only a small fraction of post-starburst galaxies are triggered by external tidal impulses from close passages of massive galaxies. This does not rule out the possibility that they are created by mergers or accretion events, but if they are, the truncation of star-formation must occur after the two merging galaxies are no longer identifiable as separate galaxies. Our punchline may seem to be at odds with the punchline of some previous work \\citep{goto05a}. Quantitatively, however, there is no disagreement, given the differences in methodology, and in fact both studies do find small excesses of neighbors at small scales. This suggests that although tidal-impulse triggering (\\ie, triggering by close passages of massive neighbors) no-doubt occurs, it is not the dominant mechanism. The second negative statement we can make is that only a small fraction of post-starburst galaxies are created by IGM interactions on infall into clusters. Certainly some are; the identification of the virial radius in the abundance of post-starburst galaxies relative to star-forming galaxies is intriguing. The galaxy populations inside clusters are very different in morphological mix and star-formation-history mix than galaxy populations elsewhere. What physical process are involved in enforcing these differences? Many have hypothesized---quite naturally---that radical transformations must happen on infall \\citep{poggianti99a, balogh00a, kodama01a}; indeed some galaxies have been ``caught in the act'' of a radical transformation \\citep[\\eg, ][]{vogt04a}. Quantitatively, however, the fraction of galaxies showing clear evidence for intracluster medium interactions is very small. This is consistent with prior work in this area \\citep{poggianti99a, balogh00a, kodama01a, vogt04a}. The orbital time for a galaxy falling into a cluster is only a few times longer than the lifetime of A stars, so the excess of post-starburst galaxies in the infall regions is expected to ``smear'' into the cluster center; \\ie, the morphology of Figure~\\ref{fig:clusto} is about right (given the small numbers) for the intra-cluster medium hypothesis. What remains to be seen is whether, quantitatively, the tiny number of post-starburst galaxies observed within clusters is consistent with the competing facts that clusters are continuously growing by accretion of field galaxies and groups and that the morphological and star-formation mix in clusters is different inside and outside of clusters; the prodigious expected infall means that a lot of galaxies ought to be changing their morphologies and star-formation rates on infall. We expect such an analysis---beyond the scope of this paper---to conclude that either the transformation process is slow ($>1$~Gyr, which is not necessarily consistent with observations of abundances in bulge-dominated galaxies), or else that the galaxies in clusters somehow ``knew in advance'' (from their pre-infall group or filament environment) that they were destined to end up in a cluster. A philosophical point arises here: The fact that galaxy populations inside clusters are different from those outside does not \\emph{necessarily} mean that transformations take place as galaxies move from one environment to the other. The remaining hypotheses for the triggering of the starburst (or, more properly, star-formation truncation) events that precedes the post-starburst phases of these galaxies are: some kinds of random internal catastrophes or some kinds of galaxy--galaxy mergers. This latter possibility, which is consistent with all of the results here, is directly supported by the discovery of post-merger morphological signatures (\\eg, tidal arms) in many post-starburst galaxies \\citep{yang04a, goto05a}. It is also exciting, because merging is one of the fundamental processes of cosmogony, and holds great promise for providing precise connections between cosmological observations and theory at small scales." }, "0606/astro-ph0606199.txt": { "abstract": "We study the detection of extragalactic point sources in two-dimensional flat simulations for all the frequencies of the forthcoming ESA's Planck mission. In this work we have used the most recent available templates of the microwave sky: as for the diffuse Galactic components and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters we have used the ``Plank Reference Sky Model''; as for the extragalactic point sources, our simulations - which comprise all the source populations relevant in this frequency interval - are based on up-to-date cosmological evolution models for sources. To consistently compare the capabilities of different filters for the compilation of the - hopefully - most complete blind catalogue of point sources, we have obtained three catalogues by filtering the simulated sky maps with: the Matched Filter (MF), the Mexican Hat Wavelet (MHW1) and the Mexican Hat Wavelet 2 (MHW2), the first two members of the MHW Family. For the nine Planck frequencies we show the number of real and spurious detections and the percentage of spurious detections at different flux detection limits as well as the completeness level of the catalogues and the average errors in the estimation of the flux density of detected sources. Allowing a $5\\%$ os spurious detections, we obtain the following number of detections by filtering with the MHW2 an area equivalent to half of the sky: 580 (30 GHz), 342 (44 GHz), 341 (70 GHz), 730 (100 GHz), 1130 (143 GHz), 1233 (217 GHz), 990 (353 GHz), 1025 (545 GHz) and 3183 (857 GHz). Our current results indicate that the MF and the MHW2 yield similar results, whereas the MHW1 performs worse in some cases and especially at very low fluxes. This is a relevant result, because we are able to obtain comparable results with the well known Matched Filter and with this specific wavelet, the MHW2, which is much easier to implement and use. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} \\footnotetext{E-mail: caniego@ifca.unican.es} In two years from now, the ESA's Planck\\footnote{http://www.rssd.esa.int/index.php?project=Planck} satellite~\\citep{tauber} will inaugurate a new era in the studies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. Planck will observe the microwave sky with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity in nine frequency channels ranging from 30 to 857 GHz. Besides CMB anisotropies, Planck will also yield all-sky maps of all the major sources of microwave emission, including a large number of extragalactic sources that have not yet been observed at these frequencies. The study of these sources of microwave emission --often referred to as \\emph{``contaminants''} or \\emph{``foregrounds''}-- is twofold: on one hand, it is necessary to remove them in order to have the cleanest possible view of the CMB and, on the other hand, a better knowledge of the different foregrounds is a scientific goal in itself. As the launch date approaches, a big effort is being made to develop and to test state-of-the-art data processing techniques that will optimise the scientific exploitation of the forthcoming Planck data. The case of extragalactic foregrounds deserves to be considered in detail. Radio and infrared selected galaxies will be seen by Planck as point-like objects due to their very small projected angular size as compared to the experiment resolution (see Table 1). Hence, they are usually referred to as extragalactic point sources or just as \\emph{point sources} (as we do hereafter). Point sources are expected to be a major contaminant for Planck at multipoles $\\ell\\geq 500-1000$ \\citep{tof98,dz99,hob99,max00} and it is necessary to detect and remove as many of them as possible in order to clean CMB maps. As a very important astrophysics by-product, the detection process will yield all-sky catalogues of extragalactic point sources in a frequency interval in which they are lacking and that will prove very useful to constrain models of galaxy formation and evolution. Unfortunately, many of the component separation techniques that are generally used to separate diffuse Galactic foregrounds are not well suited to deal with point sources. This is mainly due to the fact that each galaxy is an independent source, different, in principle, to any other source in the sky. Albeit average energy spectra can be defined for different source populations, the spectral emission law is different for each galaxy and it makes impossible to apply separation methods which exploits a single energy spectrum for this foreground component. If the lack of knowledge on their spectral emission properties can be troublesome, their projected angular shape is basically the same for all of them: a Dirac's $\\delta$-like response convolved with the instrument beam response function. Thus, techniques that take into account the specific angular shape of point sources, such as wavelets and band-pass filters, are particularly useful for detecting them. In the last few years a number of techniques have been proposed for the specific case of point source detection in CMB maps, including the Mexican Hat Wavelet \\citep[]{cay00,patri01a,patri01b,patri03}, the Matched filter (MF) \\citep[]{max98}, the Scale-Adaptive filter \\citep{sanz01,yo02a,yo02b}, the Adaptive Top Hat filter \\citep{chi02}, the Biparametric Scale-Adaptive filter \\citep{can05} and the recently introduced Mexican Hat Wavelet Family \\citep[]{jgn06}. All the previously mentioned methods belong to the class of wavelet and linear filter techniques. Additionally, non-linear techniques such as Bayesian detection \\citep{hob03} have been successfully applied to point source detection in the CMB context, but since the use of those techniques implies a totally different methodological approach we will focus on the above mentioned filters and wavelets. Whereas some works have made an effort to compare the performances of some of them both theoretically and by using almost-ideal simulations \\citep{bar03,vio04,can05}, an attempt to compare the existent techniques under {\\it (almost)} ``real life'' conditions for the future Planck mission has not been done, yet. In this work we intend to reproduce the conditions of a blind point source survey as it will be carried out by Planck. We will use the Planck Reference Sky and the nominal Planck instrument characteristics and goal performance to simulate realistic sky emission as it should be observed at the nine frequencies covered by the satellite. Using such realistic simulations we will compare the performance of different filters. The ultimate goal is to decide which is the best tool of choice for the Planck case. The `goodness' of a filter will be evaluated according to the following criteria: \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{(\\roman{enumi})} \\begin{enumerate} \\item \\label{launo} The filter must be well suited to conduct a blind survey, that is, it must be able to work well with a minimum number of a priori assumptions about the data. \\item \\label{launo_bis} Besides, it must be robust against the effect of possible systematics. \\item \\label{lados} It must yield, after the detection process, a high number of positive detections. \\item \\label{latres} It must yield, after the detection process, a low number of false detections (not higher that, let us say, $5\\%$ of the integral, or total, number of detections above the corresponding detection threshold). \\item \\label{lacuatro} Moreover, additional factors, such as the flux detection limit of the output catalogue, its completeness and the accuracy with which the positions and the flux densities of the sources are estimated, will be taken into account. \\end{enumerate} We would like to remind that previous criteria are similar to those required for the Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, ERCSC, a blind catalogue of point sources that is one of the objectives of the Planck collaboration. In the compilation of this kind of catalogue, factors such as quickness and accuracy of the estimation of the flux of the sources have the priority over a high absolute number of detections. Keeping this in mind, criterion~\\ref{launo} eliminates from the competition tools such as the Biparametric Scale-Adaptive filter that, even if they are potentially very powerful, require a detailed knowledge of the probability distribution of the foregrounds\\footnote{Such tools could be very useful for exhaustive data mining the sky down to very low flux limits.}. The Adaptive Top Hat filter is known to produce strong ringing artifacts around the sources which can lead to a high number of false detections --against criterion~\\ref{latres}--, in particular in the vicinity of bright sources. The Scale-Adaptive filter seems to perform similarly or slightly worse than the MF \\citep{yo02c}. Therefore, in this work we will focus on the comparison of two tools: the Mexican Hat Wavelet Family (MHWF), which includes the standard Mexican Hat Wavelet, and the Matched Filter\\footnote{In particular, \\citet{jgn06} have shown that the second member of the Mexican Hat Wavelet Family (to be introduced in section~\\ref{sec:method}) is the one that gives the best results for the case of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) channels, and therefore we will limit the discussion to this wavelet, comparing it with the standard Mexican Hat (the first member of the family), that has been widely used in the literature with good results, and the matched filter.}. At first glance, the MF should be the obvious winner in the comparison. By definition, it is the best linear operator that can be applied to the data in order to maximise the signal to noise ratio of a signal with a known profile embedded in additive noise. But, in practise, the use of MFs does not lack of subtleties that must be considered here. In Fourier space the MF is proportional to the inverse of the power spectrum of the noise. That means that the power spectrum of the noise must either be known a priori or be estimated from the data in order to construct the filter. If point sources are scarce, the power spectrum of the noise can be reasonably approximated by the power spectrum of the observed data, that is easy to \\emph{estimate} by means of any of the power spectra toolboxes available in scientific softwares. But any estimated power spectrum, as good as it may be, is just a good guess of the real thing. This leads to a number of problems: \\begin{itemize} \\item Firstly, it is necessary to estimate the value of the power spectrum for all the Fourier modes present in the image. This implies the estimation of several hundreds of numbers for a typical CMB image. For the typical image size of the sky patches we work with, each Fourier mode must be estimated from a small number of data samples. Therefore, the estimated power spectrum is \\emph{noisy}, especially at low Fourier modes. On the contrary, to use the various members of the Mexican Hat Wavelet Family it is only necessary to determine one single number, the optimal scale of the wavelet and, thus, it is much less sensitive to noise estimation. \\item Since the estimated power spectrum is noisy, if it is directly used to construct the MF it very often happens that the resulting filter is so full of discontinuities and `jumps' in Fourier space that strong ringing effects appear in the filtered image. Therefore, it is necessary to smooth the power spectrum before constructing the filter. The different possible choices used in the smoothing procedure introduce some degree of arbitrarity in the use of MFs: one can, for example, apply some binning and interpolation scheme, or use polynomial fitting to the power spectrum, etc. \\item An additional problem appears when it is not possible to properly estimate some Fourier modes. This is the case when the image which has to be filtered is not complete (for example, if a mask is applied to the data in order to cut bad pixels, or in areas of the sky where there is incomplete coverage by the instrument). In that case the missing modes must be somehow guessed in order to build the MF. This problem is much less relevant for the case of wavelets. \\item Moreover, if we make considerations in the sphere we will have to deal with important problems when using a Matched filter as compared with a wavelet. These problems arise from the fact that the foregrounds are very different in different regions of the sky and therefore we need to use the appropriate filter for every region. The approach followed by \\citet{patri03} using the Spherical MHW (SMHW) was to divide the sky in a number N of regions and obtain the optimal scale for all of them. Then they determined that many of these scales gave similar results and that they could be divided in a small number of different groups. This allowed them to construct just a few filters in the sphere with their corresponding scales and filter the maps a small number of times instead of N. This is important because depending on the resolution, the filtering process may need a lot of CPU time. The problem with the MF is that instead of calculating N optimal scales we would need to calculate N filters, calculating the power spectra from the N regions, and filtering the maps N times, once for every filter. This process will require enormous amounts of CPU time, especially when dealing with high resolution images, and therefore will make it unfeasible in practise. \\end{itemize} Therefore, and as any experienced practitioner perfectly knows, the use of the MF is not the same as filtering by the inverse of the squared Fourier transform of the data. On the contrary, it requires a non negligible effort of handmade tuning that is not free from arbitrarities. Besides, all the previous effects lead to an unavoidable degradation of the performance of the MF under realistic conditions. Furthermore, all the theoretical superiority of the MF with respect to other linear filters comes from the fact that it maximises the signal to noise ratio, that is, it minimises the variance of the filtered noise. But if the noise is not Gaussian, as it is the case in CMB maps due to the emission contributed by Galactic foregrounds, \\textit{the fact that the variance is minimum does not guarantee that the number of false detections be minimum}. There may be outliers that are not removed. In that case, it is not by any means clear that the MF should be better than any other filter. Taking all the previous points into account, the comparison between the MF and the wavelets is still necessary. The performance of wavelets will degrade as well when going from ideal to realistic conditions. Wavelets, however, are much less sensitive than MFs to the problems described in the paragraphs above. Therefore, it is expected that the performance degradation will be less severe. If we can find a wavelet that performs nearly as well as the MF, but without having to resort to handmade tuning, we will have a detection tool that is as good as the MF regarding criteria~\\ref{lados},~\\ref{latres} and~\\ref{lacuatro} but is better regarding criterion~\\ref{launo} and~\\ref{launo_bis}. Such a wavelet would be preferable to MF for the compilation of a Planck blind point source catalogue. In Section~\\ref{sec:method} we briefly review the tools to be used in this paper: the MF and the wavelets belonging to the Mexican Hat Wavelet Family. In Section~\\ref{sec:sims} we describe the realistic Planck simulations we use. The results are summarised in Section~\\ref{sec:results}. In Section~\\ref{sec:discussion} we discuss some additional issues regarding point source detection in microwave satellite missions. Finally, we describe our main conclusions in Section~\\ref{sec:Conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:Conclusions} We have compared the performance of three filters when dealing with the detection of point sources in CMB flat sky maps. These filters are the well known MF, the Mexican Hat Wavelet (MHW1) and the recently introduced Mexican Hat Wavelet 2 (MHW2). The latter is the second member of the so-called Mexican Hat Wavelet Family (the MHW1 is the first), a group of wavelets obtained by applying the Laplacian operator to the Gaussian \\citep{jgn06}. This new wavelet is part of an effort to improve the MHW1, a tool already exploited by our group that has proved very useful in the detection of compact sources and of non-Gaussianity in CMB maps \\citep{patri01a,patri03,patri04}. We have tested these tools in realistic 2D simulations of the microwave sky prepared in the framework of optimising the efficiency in separating the various astrophysical components in the forthcoming ESA's Planck Satellite all-sky maps. As for the Galactic foregrounds and the S-Z effect in clusters of galaxies, we have used the available ``Planck Reference Sky Model''; we have adopted the Standard \"concordance\" Model for simulating CMB anisotropy maps and, as for extragalactic point sources, we have used simulations obtained by the software discussed in \\citet{jgn05} and with the number count models for sources of \\citet[]{dz05,gr01,gr04} and \\citet[]{ngr04}. We then applied the three considered filters to a sufficient number of flat patches to cover half of the sky $(2 \\pi \\,\\mathrm{sr}, b> |30^\\circ|)$ (see Section 3). We have found that the MHW2 and the MF outperform the MHW1 in some aspects, especially at the lowest Planck frequencies. The three filters yield approximately the same number of real detections, down to the same flux detection limit, although the MHW1 yields a corresponding higher number of spurious detections. Moreover, the MHW2 and the MF give comparable results for almost every one of the analysed indicators. As shown in Figure \\ref{fig:mfs}, it is remarkable that, even the estimated shape of the MF tends to that of the MHW2, at its optimal scale, for most of the frequencies discussed in this work. In a previous work \\citep{patri03}, a multi-fit approximation to estimate the flux density of the sources detected by the MHW1 was shown to be able to improve the results (as compared with the direct approach used in this work). We have applied this technique to the simulated maps used in this work and we found different results for the LFI and the HFI Planck frequency channels. In the first case, LFI, the improvement is small and the final results are never comparable to the ones obtained with the MHW2. In the second case, this procedure helps to slightly reduce the number of spurious sources, except for the highest frequency of HFI (857 GHz), where the decrease in the number of spurious is significant and the MHW1 approaches the results obtained with MHW2. These results are very important because both wavelets, the MHW1 and the MHW2, are represented by a known analytical function. The only parameter that needs to be obtained for each simulation is the ``optimal scale'', which is calculated locally in a very easy way. On the other hand, the correct definition of the MF implies a number of steps. Firstly, it is necessary to estimate the value of the power spectrum for all the Fourier modes present in the image, especially for the low modes where the power spectrum is \\emph{noisy}. Secondly, the use of such a noisy power spectrum to construct the MF often yields a filter with many discontinuities in Fourier space which, in turn, produces ringing effects in the filtered image. Therefore some smoothing in the spectra needs to be done before constructing the filter, which introduces further arbitrariness. Thirdly, sometimes it will not be possible to properly estimate some Fourier modes, for example when using masks with missing data, and these modes will have to be guessed. Therefore, the most relevant conclusion of this analysis is that the MHW2 can be surely a better choice for the definition of a blind source catalogue -- like the ERCSC foreseen for the future Planck mission -- because it gives numbers of detected and of spurious sources comparable to the ones obtained with the MF but is easier to implement, more robust and has much lesser CPU requirements, especially in all-sphere applications." }, "0606/astro-ph0606285_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We develop a scaling ansatz for the master equation in Dvali, Gabadadze, Porrati cosmologies, which allows us to solve the equations of motion for perturbations off the brane during periods when the on-brane evolution is scale-free. This allows us to understand the behavior of the gravitational potentials outside the horizon at high redshifts and close to the horizon today. We confirm that the results of Koyama and Maartens are valid at scales relevant for observations such as galaxy-ISW correlation. At larger scales, there is an additional suppression of the potential which reduces the growth rate even further and would strengthen the ISW effect. ", "introduction": "That cosmic acceleration is a fact appears indubitable. Instead of an exotic new form of dark energy driving the acceleration, it may be caused by a modification of gravity. Precise measurements for gravity are only available in the range of scales from a millimeter to that of the solar system---we do not have any direct probe of Einstein gravity beyond these boundaries. Cosmic acceleration may originate in a breakdown of Einstein gravity at distances beyond the range above. Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (DGP) \\cite{dvali00} have proposed a braneworld theory in which our universe is a (3+1)-dimensional brane embedded in an infinite Minkowski bulk. Gravity propagates everywhere, but, on the brane, an additional (3+1)-dimensional gravitational interaction is induced. This allows for gravitational potentials on the brane of a (3+1)-dimensional form at small distances to evolve into (4+1)-dimensional form beyond a crossover scale determined by the unknown energy scale for the bulk gravity. The cosmological solution of this theory was shown to exhibit accelerated cosmic expansion without the aid of an exotic energy component like dark energy \\cite{deffayet00}\\cite{deffayet01}. It has already been shown that the linearized field theory as defined by the DGP model contains ghost degrees of freedom \\cite{Luty:2003vm}\\cite{Nicolis:2004qq}\\cite{Koyama:2005tx}\\cite{Gorbunov:2005zk}\\cite{Charmousis:2006pn}, or even may violate causality in certain limits \\cite{Adams:2006sv}. It is known, for instance, that the de Sitter background is unstable to classical linear perturbations; however, it is claimed in \\cite{Deffayet:2006wp} that strong-coupling effects at small radii around matter sources ensure that the theory remains stable. The point of view of our work is to assume that linear perturbation theory remains valid on the largest scales. This is motivated by the fact that the late universe is dominated by the gravitational interaction of dark-matter haloes. The internal structure of the haloes is controlled by the strongly-coupled non-linear theory. On the other hand, the radius below which strong-coupling is important for haloes is approximately equivalent to their size and therefore their interactions should be driven by the linear theory analyzed in this work. We do find that deep into the accelerated era the spacetime becomes unstable on the timescale of the expansion. However, this is an effect that only becomes important far into the future and is negligible as far as the observational impact today is concerned. We therefore assume that during the early universe, when the theory does not exhibit instabilities, the analysis for DGP proceeds in exactly the same way as that for GR. Then, deep during the acceleration era, instabilities develop and the theory may or may not be saved by non-linear effects---an issue on which we remain agnostic. This evolutionary history appears to be the only one which is capable of reproducing the universe as we see it. If strong coupling effects are important straight away and at all scales, the approximation of a homogeneous background cosmology is completely inapplicable and the DGP model would not be able to reproduce observations such as supernova luminosities. We therefore effectively assume a best-case scenario for DGP: should this analysis fail to predict the observations, the model is excluded. If it passes the observational tests, a more careful study of the effects of the strong coupling regime during the acceleration era would be required to understand fully the future evolution of the universe in the DGP model. Under the above assumptions, the equations of motion for the theory of gravity on the brane, pertinent to the study of cosmology, do not close owing to the interaction with the bulk at first order in perturbation theory. Koyama and Maartens \\cite{koyama05} have used a quasi-static approximation, valid well within the horizon, to investigate structure formation at smaller scales. This solution shows the essential role that the bulk plays in correcting the gravitational potentials, reducing the growth rate. Also, Lue \\emph{et al.} \\cite{Lue:2004rj} have reached a similar conclusion using a different approach, including non-linearities in their calculations. In the following, we present a new scaling ansatz for the master equation, allowing us to solve the equation and calculate the resulting cosmological evolution at all scales for high redshifts, and close to the horizon today. In \\S \\ref{s:eom}, we review the linearized equations of motion for DGP. We present our scaling solution in \\S \\ref{s:scaling} and discuss its cosmological implications in \\S \\ref{s:cosmo}. We study the robustness of the scaling solution in the Appendix and discuss these results in \\S \\ref{s:discussion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:discussion} We have introduced a new scaling ansatz which allows solutions to linear perturbations in the DGP model on all scales less than the cross-over scale $r_\\cs$ up to the present epoch. The equations of motion for linear perturbations on the brane require knowledge of the gradient of the so-called master variable into the bulk. The master variable obeys a master equation in the bulk. To solve the master equation, it is sufficient to have two boundary conditions, one on the brane and the other in the bulk. Our scaling solution begins with an ansatz for the brane boundary condition: that the evolution of the master variable is scale free on the brane. The second boundary condition is that the master variable vanishes at the causal horizon in the bulk. With these two boundary conditions, we solve the master equation to determine the gradient. With the gradient known, we can then replace the scale-free ansatz with the dynamical solution and iterate the solution until convergence. We find that the quasi-static (QS) solution of \\cite{koyama05} is rapidly approached once the perturbation crosses the horizon. Before horizon crossing there are strong deviations from the quasistatic solution. For modes that crossed the horizon only recently during the acceleration epoch, we find that the metric perturbation $\\Phi-\\Psi$ decays more rapidly that the QS solution. The QS solution itself has a stronger decay than the $\\Uplambda$CDM model. The extra decay compared with $\\Uplambda$CDM is extremely robust to changing the gradient of the master variable into the bulk, the one variable that is required to close the equations of motion on the brane. We consider the observational consequences of these results in a companion paper \\cite{Song:2006}." }, "0606/hep-ph0606137_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\hspace*{\\parindent} There are many inflationary models in which inflaton field does not satisfy the slow-roll condition. However, in such models, it is always difficult to generate the curvature perturbation during inflation. Thus, to generate the curvature perturbation, one must introduce another component to the theory. To cite a case, curvatons may generate dominant part of the curvature perturbation after inflation. However, we have a question whether it is unrealistic to consider the generation of the curvature perturbation during inflation without slow-roll. Assuming multi-field inflation, we encounter the generation of the curvature perturbation during inflation without slow-roll. The potential along equipotential surface is flat by definition and thus we do not have to worry about symmetry. We also discuss about KKLT models, in which corrections lifting the inflationary direction may not become a serious problem if there is a symmetry enhancement at the tip (not at the moving brane) of the inflationary throat. ", "introduction": "Among many benefits from the inflationary expansion that takes place in the early Universe, an important prediction of inflation would be the generation of a spectrum of the primordial perturbations. Such perturbations naturally arise from the zero point vacuum fluctuations in quantum fields, which are stretched during inflation to cover very large scales in our present Universe. In the standard scenario of the inflationary Universe, the observed density perturbation is produced by a light inflaton field that rolls slowly down its potential. At the end of inflation, the inflaton field oscillates about the minimum of its potential and decays to reheat the Universe. Adiabatic density perturbation is generated because the scale-invariant fluctuations of the light inflaton field are different in different patches. Generically, slow-roll models of inflation predict an almost scale-invariant and Gaussian distribution of primordial density perturbations. We are not going back to historical developments, however it is easy to understand that the idea of hybrid inflation may provide us with a key idea to construct successful inflationary models\\cite{EU-book}. In hybrid models, the end of inflationary expansion is a second-order phase transition triggered by a trapped field (waterfall field). D-term inflation is an important application of this idea, which is found in the paradigm of supersymmetric particle cosmology. Furthermore, an important variant of D-term inflation is found in the paradigm of brane cosmology, which is called brane inflation\\cite{brane-inflation0, angled-inflation, matsuda_braneinflation}. From phenomenological viewpoints, brane models are sometimes categorized as models with large or intermediate extra dimensions (and vice versa)\\cite{Extra_1}. The idea of large extra dimensions is important for higher-dimensional models, because it may solve or weaken the hierarchy problem. In models with large extra dimensions, fields in the standard model(SM) are localized on a wall-like structure (maybe it is a brane), while the graviton propagates in the bulk. The discrepancy of the volume factor between gauge fields and gravitational fields explains the large hierarchy between gravity and gauge interactions. Of course, it is an important challenge to find signatures of branes in cosmological observations. Historically, it has been discussed that studying the formation and the evolution of cosmological defects would provide us with important information about branes\\cite{brane-defects, matsuda-defects}.\\footnote{Supergravity provides a natural mechanism for removing cosmological domain walls\\cite{matsuda-wall}.} Inflation models with low fundamental scale are discussed in ref.\\cite{low_inflation}. Scenarios of baryogenesis in such low-scale models are discussed in ref.\\cite{low_baryo, Defect-baryo-largeextra, Defect-baryo-4D}, where defects play distinguishable roles. The curvatons\\cite{curvaton_1, curvaton_2, curvaton_3} will play significant roles in these low-scale models\\cite{curvaton_liberate, topologicalcurvaton}. Moreover, in ref.\\cite{topologicalcurvaton}, it has been discussed that topological defects can play the role of the curvatons. Thus, defects in brane models such as monopoles, strings, domain walls and Q-balls are important\\cite{matsuda_necklace, BraneQball, matsuda_monopoles_and_walls, incidental, matsuda_angleddefect, tit-new}. It might be important to explain why defects other than strings can be produced in brane inflationary models, since (historically) it has been discussed by many authors that only strings are produced in brane inflationary models\\cite{previous-onlystrings}. It is not hard to understand that this conjecture is not so generic as it has been anticipated, as one can see from ref.\\cite{matsuda_JGRG}. Therefore, in order to find signatures of branes, it is important to consider other types of defects as well as cosmic strings. Our scenario of elliptic inflation is important, in a sense that it may provide us with another clue as to how one can find signature of branes from cosmological observations, as we will discuss in Sect.3.5. When it appeared, D-term inflation was believed to circumvent the well-known eta-problem of supergravity models of inflation based on F-terms. Thus brane inflation, which is in a sense a variant of D-term inflation, was believed to circumvent the eta-problem. However, a similar problem arose later again in brane paradigm. The problem was that the very mechanism that lifts the moduli potential was found to lift inflaton candidates and violate slow-roll conditions\\cite{KKLT-eta}. Directions that are protected by exact global symmetry may be expected to remain flat, however it is still very difficult to find actual symmetry that can survive after moduli stabilization and can be used to construct a successful inflationary scenario.\\footnote{There are interesting approaches in ref.\\cite{DBI-inflation} and \\cite{Sinha}. } From the perspective we discussed above, we believe that finding new mechanism for generating the curvature perturbation without slow-roll inflaton is quite important. In general, the superhorizon spectrum of perturbations is thought to be generated by the amplification of the quantum fluctuations of a light inflaton field, whose mass is much smaller than the Hubble constant during inflation. This is because the quantum fluctuations of the field can reach and exit the horizon only if its Compton wavelength is larger than the horizon during inflation. However, this happens only if the inflaton is effectively massless, i.e. only if $m_{I} \\ll H_I$. The above condition seems to conflict with our aim in this paper. Luckily, we know alternatives for the slow-roll inflaton. The curvatons and their variants can generate the curvature perturbation after inflation\\cite{curvaton_1, curvaton_2}, even if there is no slow-roll during inflation. However, this mechanism still requires flat direction that is supposed to have non-trivial properties. Thus, we think it is still important to find models for generating the curvature perturbation without using neither slow-roll inflaton nor the curvatons. The situations that we will consider in this paper are both general and useful. Our mechanism can be utilized in many kinds of phenomenological models in which slow-roll condition is inevitably violated. As we are considering inflation without slow-roll, the e-foldings of our model may be short, which will require compensation by another period of inflationary expansion. ", "conclusions": "The most important point is that an equipotential surface appears whenever there is additional inflaton that couples to waterfall field. Fluctuation appears along the equipotential surface and exits horizon during inflation. The equipotential surface is an ellipsoid, along which fields can fluctuate despite the large mass of the fields. Then, it induces fluctuation of the total number of e-folds at the end of inflation. The end line of hybrid inflation may also be ellipsoid, which becomes another source for the curvature perturbations. The spectrum of the curvature perturbation is determined by the masses and the couplings of the fields. For brane inflationary models, our mechanism provides us with a new inflationary scenario that circumvent the eta-problem. It is possible to generate the curvature perturbation even in a model where all flat directions are lifted at the UV side of the KS throat. It is also notable that our mechanism can be used to obtain a tilted spectrum. The spectrum is determined by the masses of the position moduli that parameterize the position of the inflationary branes. The mechanism may provide us with an important clue as to how one can obtain information about the structure of extra dimensions from cosmological observations." }, "0606/astro-ph0606291_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The burgeoning field of astrophotonics explores the interface between astronomy and photonics. Important applications include photonic OH suppression at near-infrared wavelengths, and integrated photonic spectroscopy. These new photonic mechanisms are not well matched to conventional multi-mode fibre bundles, and are best fed with single or few-mode fibres. We envisage the largest gains in astrophotonics will come from instruments that operate with single or few mode fibres in the diffraction limited or near diffraction limited regime. While astronomical instruments have largely solved the problem of coupling light into multi-mode fibres, this is largely unexplored territory for few-mode and single-mode fibres. Here we describe a project to explore this topic in detail, and present initial results on coupling light into single and few-mode fibres at the diffraction limit. We find that fibres with as few as $\\sim5$ guided modes have qualitatively different behaviour to single-mode fibres and share a number of the beneficial characteristics of multi-mode fibres. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} % Optical fibres have been in use in astronomical instrumentation for almost 30 years. They were first used for fibre-fed multi-object spectroscopy, which began with the Medusa instrument at Steward Observatory in 1979\\cite{Hilletal80}. The efficiency gains from the ability to observe large numbers of objects at once have made many otherwise impractical scientific programmes possible, including several huge spectroscopic surveys of great importance, for example the 2dF galaxy\\cite{2dFGRS01} \\& QSO\\cite{2QZ04} redshift surveys and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy component\\cite{SDSS00}. Another important application is integral field spectroscopy. The first instruments using fibre-based integral field units were constructed in the late 1980s\\cite{MF40,Silfid,DensePak}, and this is now a well established technique employed by a number of major optical and near infrared instruments (e.g.\\ GMOS\\cite{GMOSIFU}, VIMOS\\cite{VIMOS}, IMACS\\cite{IMACS}, CIRPASS\\cite{CIRPASS}). Optical fibres are also in use in astronomical optical interferometers \\cite{ShaklanRoddier88}. The importance of optical fibres in astronomy is set to increase even further with the continuing development of adaptive optics (AO). AO systems are now in place on all the world's largest astronomical telescopes, and advanced multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) systems are planned for both the current generation of telescopes and all of the proposed Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). These MCAO systems will provide large AO-corrected fields of view, and the very large number of spatially resolved elements will make efficient sampling of the focal plane essential\\cite{BlandHawthorn06}. This will require new developments in multi-object spectroscopy systems, deployable integral field units and deployable imaging systems, and optical fibres are well suited to play an important role in all of these. Consequently optical fibres, and in particular optical fibres combined with adaptive optics systems, are extremely important to the future of astronomy. The majority of fibre-fed instruments so far have been designed for operation under natural seeing conditions, and the relative ease of coupling light into multi-mode fibres (MMFs), especially in the presence of atmospheric aberrations, has led to their exclusive use in instruments to date. Developments in astrophotonics now provide a strong motivation to move away from MMFs, however. Astrophotonics is a broad term used for the astronomical application of a wide range of photonic technology, and this burgeoning field has the potential to revolutionise astronomy. Important examples which is likely to have a significant impact in the near future are integrated photonic spectrographs\\cite{OtherPaper} and OH suppression fibres based on aperiodic fibre Bragg gratings\\cite{OHsuppr} (AFBGs), which promise to give near infrared instruments sky backgrounds as low or possibly even lower than those seen in the optical. These new devices are capable of greatly benefitting astronomy, however a significant obstacle to realising this potential is the fact that many have been conceived as single-mode devices, meaning that they cannot be fed by conventional MMFs. The most obvious way to integrate a single-mode photonic device into an instrument is to feed it with a single-mode fibre (SMF), but this approach has its own difficulties. Shaklan \\& Roddier\\cite{ShaklanRoddier88} and Coud\\'e du Foresto et al\\cite{CoudeduForesto00} have shown that the theoretical maximum efficiency with which a stellar image can be coupled into a single mode fibre is $\\sim 80\\%$ in the absence of any atmospheric turbulence effects or obstructions in the telescope pupil. When the effect of a reasonable circular central obstruction of 20\\% of the primary diameter is included this falls to $\\sim 70\\%$, and the presence of atmospheric aberrations further reduces the coupling efficiency in proportion to the Strehl ratio. As a result direct coupling of large telescopes to SMFs in natural seeing is rendered impractical by low efficiencies, while the use of SMFs with AO places strong constraints on the necessary performance of the AO system, both in terms of the average Strehl achieved and its variability (which impacts on calibration). While the continuing development of AO may allow highly efficient and stable coupling of telescopes to SMFs in the future there is an intermediate approach which should allow the efficient integration of astrophotonic devices now. Though many important devices are single-mode it is in general possible to extend them to operate with a few propagating modes. With OH suppressing fibres, for example, the atmospheric emission lines must be blocked separately for each propagating mode, which can be achieved either with a single, more complex AFBG or by using converters to connect to multiple single-mode AFBGs\\cite{Converter}. An integrated spectrograph can also be made to work with a few modes\\cite{OtherPaper}, at least at low and moderate resolutions. Using modified astrophotonic devices such as these makes it is possible to use few mode fibres (FMFs) instead of SMFs. The coupling of light into FMFs is relatively unexplored territory, however as the number of modes increases it will become easier to couple light into the fibres, which is expected to reduce the sensitivity to AO system performance at the expense of increasing the required complexity of attached astrophotonic devices. Indeed for some, such as OH suppression fibres, it will be practical to use sufficiently many modes to allow use under natural seeing. In this paper we describe an ongoing investigation into the trade off between coupling efficiency and the number of propagating modes. ", "conclusions": "Astrophotonic developments such as OH suppression fibres and integrated photonic spectrographs have enormous potential, however efficiently integrating them into an astronomical instrument presents a challenge. The MMFs conventionally used in astronomy, while efficient at accepting starlight, are not suitable for feeding light into these devices as the devices are not able to accept a large number of modes. SMFs, on the other hand, while ideal for feeding light into astrophotonic devices are difficult to couple starlight into, even with adaptive optics. We have begun an investigation into the intermediate territory of FMFs, in order to find the best compromise between the two extremes. Our initial results on diffraction limited fibre coupling have shown that FMFs exhibit many of the desirable properties of MMFs even when there are only of order 10 guided modes. For example, FMFs offer higher maximum coupling efficiency than SMFs ($>90\\%$), especially for extended sources. Also FMFs are less sensitive to the effects of obstructions in the telescope pupil than SMFs are. Unlike SMFs, FMFs can efficiently couple light over a range of focal ratios from $F_{\\rm min} \\approx 1/(2.\\rm{NA})$ up to a maximum value determined by matching the size of the image to the fibre core. FMFs are also tolerant of displacement of the image centre from the fibre axis, provided the image remains within the fibre core. Both SMFs and FMFs exhibit little sensitivity to wavelength. While these results are encouraging the use of perfect diffraction limited images does represent an idealised case. In any real ground based telescope the adaptive optics correction will be imperfect, and the residual atmospheric wavefront perturbations will effect the coupling efficiency. It is known that SMF coupling is highly sensitive to imperfect correction, with the coupling efficiency declining in proportion to the Strehl ratio\\cite{CoudeduForesto00}, however the corresponding dependency for FMFs has not yet been investigated. At the time of writing simulated partially corrected atmospheric phase screens were being included in the model system to investigate the effects of various levels of aberrations on fibre coupling performance. The aim of this work is to determine the dependence of FMF coupling efficiency on the order of correction, from natural seeing to the diffraction limit, and thereby establish the number of modes required for acceptable throughput levels under a range of realistic usage conditions. Preliminary results have also been obtained for pupil-plane coupling to FMFs, which show a similar rapid convergence on MMF behaviour above $\\sim10$ modes as the image-plane results discussed here. This work will be extended to model lenslet arrays of various geometries and both image and pupil-plane coupling with a view to determining the best approach for FMF integral field spectroscopy." }, "0606/astro-ph0606258_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Several astrophysics and nuclear physics applications require the detection of photons in the energy range of keV up to several MeV with good position and energy resolution. For certain applications Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors might be the detector option of choice. Up to now, CZT detectors have mainly been used in the energy range between a few keV and $\\sim$1~MeV. They operate at room temperature and achieve excellent position resolution and substantially better energy resolution than scintillation detectors. Furthermore, they can be built more compact and more economically than Ge detectors and do not require cryogenic cooling. In this paper, we describe the results of 3-D Monte Carlo simulations of a ``CZT calorimeter'' that can be used to detect photons in the keV to several MeV range. The main objective of these studies is to evaluate the feasibility of CZT calorimeters, to study their performance and detect and understand performance limiting factors. Such a calorimeter consists of many layers of closely packed pixellated CZT detector units. Our simulations of single detector units reproduce experimental results, indicating that our simulations capture the main factors that limit the performance of a detector unit. For a full calorimeter the limiting factors within a range from $\\sim$20~keV to $\\sim$10~MeV are: a) the fact, that the incident energy is not totally deposited within the detector area because secondary particles leave the detector against the direction from which the incident radiation enters, b) signal loss when the interaction is near the pixel edges and near the anodes. In this case signals which are induced in neighboring pixels are discarded when their intensities lie below the trigger threshold. c) the steep weighting potential gradient close to the anodes, which affects about 0.25~cm next to the anode and impairs there the correction of the depth of interaction (DOI). This effect dominates in thin detectors (0.5~cm).\\\\ Understanding the limiting factors we come to the conclusion that 1~cm to 1.5~cm thick detector units can be used to build a calorimeter with good performance over the energy range from $\\sim$20~keV to $\\sim$10~MeV . ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) has emerged as the detector material of choice for the detection of hard X-rays and soft $\\gamma$-rays when excellent position and energy resolution is needed and cryogenic cooling is impractical. Most commonly, CZT detectors are employed to detect photons in the 10 keV to $\\sim$1 MeV energy range where its high density ($\\rho\\,\\approx$ 5.76 g/cm$^3$) and high average atomic number ($\\simeq$50) result in high stopping power and a large cross section for photoelectric interactions. Several astrophysical, nuclear physics, and homeland security applications require the detection of photons with energies of several MeV with good position and energy resolution and with a detection efficiency close to 100\\%. A detector built from closely packed CZT detectors units may perform substantially better than a scintillation detector and may be more compact and more economic than a cryogenically cooled Ge detector. So far CZT detectors have mainly been studied in the photoelectric regime (10 keV-$\\sim$300 keV). Two different designs have been widely used, pixellated detectors and single sided strip detectors \\cite{He2005,Matt,Macri,DOE}. Excellent energy resolutions have been achieved with both designs. For a pixellated detector with 11 $\\times$ 11 pixels and a steering grid Zhang et al. \\cite{He2005} reported 0.8\\% (full width half maximum, FWHM) at 662 keV for single pixel events and 2.3\\% at 662 keV (FWHM) for three pixel events. The detector size was 1.5 $\\times$ 1.5 $\\times$ 1 cm$^3$. For a single sided charge-sharing CZT strip detectors FWHM energy resolutions of 19.5 keV at 662 keV and 23.7 keV ar 1333 keV were reported \\cite{DOE}. Whereas detectors with N $\\times$ N pixels require N$^2$ readout channels CZT cross-strip detectors require 2 $\\times$ N channels. The penalty for this advantage are ambiguities in matching strips with the right cross-strip counterparts in case of multiple interactions in one detector. In order to achieve good detector efficiency, energy resolution and imaging properties in the ``Compton'' regime of several hundred keV requires to take multiple pixel or multiple strip events into account. Strategies exist to ameliorate this problem somewhat, for further details \\cite{DOE}. This paper deals with pixellated CZT detectors only. We use the Geant 4.0 code \\cite{G4} to study the performance of very thick detectors ($\\gg$ 10 cm) built from closely packed CZT detector units with the objective of evaluating the theoretically achievable performance of such CZT calorimeters given the electronic properties of present-day CZT substrates. As we will describe further below, the main thrust of our study is to evaluate general performance limitations arising from the combination of the location and spatial extent of the charge clouds below individual detector pixels, trapping of electrons and holes and the influence of the weighting potential. We neglect the performance limitations arising from Te-precipitates and other crystal defects. The good agreement of the simulated detector response and the one experimentally measured shows that electron and hole trapping and the detectors weighting potential indeed limits the performance of current CZT detectors. Te-precipitates and other crystal defects seem to be only important for underperforming detector areas. The calorimeter performance depends on the shape of the 3-D weighting potential and on the number, energy and distribution of secondary particles produced in the calorimeter. Simulations with a particle interaction code like Geant 4 and a device simulation code is the most efficient and most accurate way to estimate the performance of such calorimeters. This paper is structured as follows. In Section \\ref{AstroNuclAppl}, we give a brief description of astrophysics and nuclear physics experiments that may use CZT calorimeters. Subsequently, in Section \\ref{CZTSimulation} we describe the simulations and present their results for single detector units and for full CZT calorimeters. In Sect. \\ref{con} the results are discussed. In the following all energy resolutions are given as Full-Width-Half-Maximum energy resolutions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{con} In our simulations we have considered weighting potential, electron and hole trapping. The results of a single detector unit are in good agreement with experimental data. Therefore, precipitates and crystal inhomogeneities play a major role only for underperforming detector regions. The studies in this paper show, that CZT has to be seriously considered as a detector material for the design of future calorimeters which operate in the range from several~keV up to several MeV. We have simulated three different calorimeter designs varying the thickness of the individual detector and the number of layers, keeping constant the size of the full calorimeter constant (10.33~$\\times$~10.33~$\\times$~45~cm$^3$). Calorimeters built out of 1.0~cm and 1.5~cm thick units exhibit almost identical performance with energy resolutions of about 1.7\\% at 662~keV and about 1.9\\% at 10 MeV. The energy resolution is mainly limited by the energy loss owing to secondary particles leaving the detector upward against the direction from which the incident radiation enters the detector and by the effects of the steep change of the weighting potential close to the anode. Going to higher energies the resolution is also negatively influenced by the increasing number of events which have several interactions below one pixel because in these cases DOI corrections are not well defined. The principal result of our study is the fact that a 0.25~cm thick region below the anodes of the detector units exhibits a substantially poorer energy resolution than the rest of the detector volume. Reducing the portion of this low resolution volume increases the overall performance. A good calorimeter requires that the single detector unit is much thicker than the pixel pitch and of course much thicker than passive material. (mounting, cables and front-end electronics). Therefore, calorimeters built with 1.0~cm or 1.5~cm thick CZT crystals have significantly better resolution than those with 0.5~cm thin detector units. The energy resolution of a CZT calorimeter is shown in Figure \\ref{EffizienzFWHM}. The resolution is limited a) by the steep weighting potential gradient close to the anodes, which dominates in thin detectors and impairs the correction of the depth of interaction (DOI), b) by the fact, that the incident energy is not totally deposited within the detector area because secondary particles leave the detector upward against the direction from which the incident radiation enters the detector c) because signals induced in neighboring pixels when the interaction is near the pixel edges and near the anodes with intensity below the trigger threshold are lost for signal reconstruction leading to systematically reduced signals. We found that the energy resolution of a CZT calorimeter will lie between that of CsI-detectors and Ge detectors. In terms of spatial resolution solid state Ge and CZT detectors are of course much better than scintillation detectors. Where compactness and weight are issues as in a next generation space-born $\\gamma$-ray telescope, Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors might be the detector option of choice." }, "0606/astro-ph0606402_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% We present observations of V838~Mon and its close vicinity in the three lowest rotational transitions of CO. The $J$ = 2$\\to$1 and 3$\\to$2 data were obtained using the 3 m KOSMA telescope. They include on-the-fly maps covering a large area ($\\sim$3.4 sq. deg.) around V838~Mon and long integrations on the star position. Complementary observations in the CO $J$ = 1$\\to$0 transition were obtained using the 13.7 m Delingha telescope. The star position as well as 25 other points preselected in the near vicinity of the object have been measured in this transition. We report on a detection of two narrow emission components in $J$ = 2$\\to$1 and 3$\\to$2 transitions at the position of V838~Mon. Lines were found at radial velocities of $V_{\\rm lsr}=53.3$~km~s$^{-1}$ and $V_{\\rm lsr}=-11.0$~km~s$^{-1}$. Their origin is unclear. We also shortly discuss results of the observations of the vicinity of V838~Mon. ", "introduction": "The enigmatic eruption of V838 Mon, followed by its spectacular light echo, triggered research in different fields of astrophysics. Apart from studies of the evolution of the object, investigations of the circumstellar and interstellar neighborhood of the star can also be important for understanding the nature of the event. We present observations undertaken to search for molecular matter in the vicinity of V838 Mon. Using the results of the CO $J$~=~1$\\to$0 galactic survey of \\citet{dame} \\citet{loon} have suggested that V838 Mon is situated in a bubble of CO emission of a diameter of about 1$^{\\circ}$ (see Fig. 1). According to these authors the structure is of circumstellar origin due to the AGB activity of the V838 Mon progenitor. Several critical points against this finding and interpretation have been raised in \\citet{tyl}. However, the structure in the CO map reported in \\citet{loon} is quite suggestive and we have found important to obtain CO observations of the same ragion with a better sensitivity and angular resolution There are also other important reasons for observing the star and its vicinity in molecular lines. These are the nature of the echoing matter and a search for matter lost during and after the 2002 outburst. The detection and monitoring of the SiO maser emission from V838~Mon \\citep{deguchi,claus} shows that a molecular activity started close to the star. Complementary observations in molecular thermal transitions would be important to better understand what is going on there. \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[scale=0.6, origin=r, trim = 0 0 0 100]{kaminski_fig1.ps} \\caption{A $3^{\\circ}.5\\times3^{\\circ}.5$ map centered at the V838~Mon position from the CO~(1--0) galactic survey \\citep[data taken from {\\it SkyView} -- {\\tt \\small http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/};][]{dame}. The star symbol marks V838 Mon position. The polygon drawn with a solid line defines the region observed in the on-the-fly mode in the CO (2--1) and (3--2) transitions. Triangles mark the positions observed in the CO (1--0) transition. Dashed line indicates the Galactic equator.} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606687_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have compiled a complete extragalactic sample based on $\\sim25,000 \\rm \\, deg^2$ to a limiting flux of $3 \\times 10^{-11} \\rm \\, ergs \\, cm^{-2} \\, s^{-1}$ ($\\sim7,000 \\rm \\, deg^2$ to a flux limit of $10^{-11} \\rm \\, ergs \\, cm^{-2} \\, s^{-1}$) in the 20 -- 40 keV band with {\\it INTEGRAL}. We have constructed a detailed exposure map to compensate for effects of non-uniform exposure. The flux-number relation is best described by a power-law with a slope of $\\alpha = 1.66 \\pm 0.11$. The integration of the cumulative flux per unit area leads to $f_{20 - 40 \\rm \\, keV} = 2.6 \\times 10^{-10} \\rm \\, ergs \\, cm^{-2} \\, s^{-1} \\, sr^{-1}$, which is about 1\\% of the known $20 - 40 \\rm \\, keV$ X-ray background. We present the first luminosity function of AGN in the 20--40 keV energy range, based on 38 extragalactic objects detected by the imager IBIS/ISGRI on-board {\\it INTEGRAL}. The luminosity function shows a smoothly connected two power-law form, with an index of $\\gamma_1 = 0.8$ below, and $\\gamma_2 = 2.1$ above the turn-over luminosity of $L_* = 2.4 \\times 10^{43} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1}$. The emissivity of all {\\it INTEGRAL} AGNs per unit volume is $W_ {20 - 40 \\rm \\, keV}(> 10^{41} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1}) = 2.8 \\times 10^{38} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1} \\, h_{70}^3 \\, Mpc^{-3}$. These results are consistent with those derived in the $2 - 20 \\rm \\, keV$ energy band and do not show a significant contribution by Compton-thick objects. Because the sample used in this study is truly local (${\\bar z} = 0.022$), only limited conclusions can be drawn for the evolution of AGNs in this energy band. ", "introduction": "The Galactic X-ray sky is dominated by accreting binary systems, while the extragalactic sky shows mainly active galactic nuclei (AGN) and clusters of galaxies. Studying the population of sources in X-ray bands has been a challenge ever since the first observations by rocket borne X-ray detectors (Giacconi et al. 1962). At soft X-rays (0.1 -- 2.4 keV) deep exposures by {\\it ROSAT} have revealed an extragalactic population of mainly broad line AGNs, such as type Seyfert 1 and quasars \\citep{Hasinger98,ROSATdeep}. In the 2 - 10 keV range surveys have been carried out with {\\it ASCA} (e.g. Ueda et al. 2001), {\\it XMM-Newton} (e.g. Hasinger 2004), and {\\it Chandra} (e.g. Brandt et al. 2001) and have shown that the dominant extragalactic sources are more strongly absorbed than those within the {\\it ROSAT} energy band. For a summary on the deep X-ray surveys below 10 keV see Brandt \\& Hasinger (2005). At higher energies the data become more scarce. Between a few keV and $\\sim 1 \\rm \\, MeV$, no all-sky survey using imaging instruments has been performed to date. The {\\it Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer} ({\\it RXTE}) sky survey in the $3 - 20 \\rm \\, keV$ energy band revealed about 100 AGNs, showing an even higher fraction of absorbed ($N_H > 10^{22} \\rm \\, cm^{-2}$) sources of about 60\\% \\cite{RXTENGC}. The {\\it International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory} ({\\it INTEGRAL}; Winkler et al. 2003) offers an unprecedented $>20 \\rm \\, keV$ collecting area and state-of-the-art detector electronics and background rejection capabilities. Notably, the imager IBIS with an operating range from $20 - 1000 \\rm \\, keV$ and a fully-coded field of view of $10^\\circ \\times 10^\\circ$ enables us now to study a large portion of the sky. A first catalog of AGNs showed a similar fraction of absorbed objects as the {\\it RXTE} survey \\cite{intagn}. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) of the {\\it Swift} mission \\cite{Swift} operates in the 15 -- 200 keV band and uses a detector similar to IBIS/ISGRI, but provides a field of view about twice the size. The BAT data of the first three months of the mission provided a high galactic latitute survey, including 44 AGNs \\cite{BATsurvey}. Within this sample a weak anti-correlation of luminosity versus intrinsic absorption was found as previously found in the $2-10 \\rm \\, keV$ band \\citep{Ueda03,LaFranca}, revealing that most of the objects with luminosities $L_X > 3 \\times 10^{43} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1}$ show no intrinsic absorption. Markwardt et al. (2005) also pointed out that this luminosity corresponds to the break in the luminosity function. Related to the compilation of AGN surveys in the hard X-rays is the question of what sources form the cosmic X-ray background (CXB). While the CXB below 20 keV has been the focus of many studies, the most reliable measurement in the 10 - 500 keV has been provided by the {\\it High Energy Astronomical Observatory} ({\\it HEAO 1}), launched in 1977 (Marshall et al. 1980). The most precise measurement provided by the UCSD/MIT Hard X-ray and Gamma-Ray instrument ({\\it HEAO 1} A-4) shows that the CXB peaks at an energy of about $30 \\rm \\, keV$ (Marshall et al. 1980, Gruber et al. 1999). The isotropic nature of the X-ray background points to an extragalactic origin, and as the brightest persistent sources are AGNs, it was suggested early on that those objects are the main source of the CXB (e.g. Setti \\& Woltjer 1989). In the soft X-rays this concept has been proven to be correct through the observations of the {\\it ROSAT} deep X-ray surveys, which showed that $90 \\%$ of the $0.5 - 2.0 \\rm \\, keV$ CXB can be resolved into AGNs (Schmidt et al. 1998). At higher energies ($2 - 10 \\rm \\, keV$), {\\it ASCA} and {\\it Chandra} surveys measured the hard X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of AGNs and its cosmological evolution. These studies show that in this energy range the CXB can be explained by AGNs, but with a higher fraction of absorbed ($N_H > 10^{22} \\rm \\, cm^{-2}$) objects than in the soft X-rays (e.g. Ueda et al. 2003). A study based on the {\\it RXTE} survey by Sazonov \\& Revnivtsev (2004) derived the local hard X-ray luminosity function of AGNs in the 3--20 keV band. They showed that the summed emissivity of AGNs in this energy range is smaller than the total X-ray volume emissivity in the local Universe, and suggested that a comparable X-ray flux may be produced together by lower luminosity AGNs, non-active galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Using the {\\it HEAO 1}-A2 AGNs, Shinozaki et al. (2006), however, obtained a local AGN emissivity which is about twice larger than the value of Sazonov \\& Revnivtsev (2004) but consistent with the estimates by Miyaji et al. (1994) which was based on the cross-correlation of the {\\it HEAO 1}-A2 map with {\\it IRAS} galaxies. With the on-going observations of the sky by {\\it INTEGRAL}, a sufficient amount of data is now available to derive the AGN hard X-ray luminosity function. In this paper we present analysis of recent observations performed by the {\\it INTEGRAL} satellite, and compare the results with previous studies. In Section 2 we describe the AGN sample and in Section 3 the methods to derive the number-flux distribution of {\\it INTEGRAL} AGNs are presented together with the analysis of their distribution. Section 4 shows the local luminosity function of AGNs as derived from our data, followed by a discussion of the results in Section 5. Throughout this work we applied a cosmology with $H_0 = 70 \\rm \\, km \\, s^{-1} \\, Mpc^{-1}$ ($h_{70} = 1$), $k = 0$ (flat Universe), $\\Omega_{matter} = 0.3$, and $\\Lambda_0 = 0.7$, although a $\\Lambda_0 = 0$ and $q_0 = 0.5$ cosmology does not change the results significantly because of the low redshifts in our sample. ", "conclusions": "The extragalactic sample derived from the {\\it INTEGRAL} public data archive comprises 63 low redshift Seyfert galaxies ($\\langle z \\rangle = 0.022 \\pm 0.003$) and 8~blazars in the hard X-ray domain. Two galaxy clusters are also detected, but no star-burst galaxy has been as yet. This {\\it INTEGRAL} AGN sample is thus the largest one presented so far. 38 of the Seyfert galaxies form a complete sample with significance limit of $5 \\sigma$. The number flux distribution is approximated by a power-law with a slope of $\\alpha = 1.66 \\pm 0.11$. Because of the high flux limit of our sample the objects account in total for less than $1\\%$ of the $20 - 40 \\rm \\, keV$ cosmic X-ray background. The emissivity of all AGNs per unit volume $W_ {20 - 40 \\rm \\, keV}(> 10^{41} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1}) = 2.8 \\times 10^{38} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1} \\, h_{70}^3 \\, Mpc^{-3}$ appears to be consistent with the background estimates in the 2--10 keV energy band based on the cross-correlation of the {\\it HEAO 1}-A2 map with {\\it IRAS} galaxies \\cite{Miyaji94}. The luminosity function in the $20 - 40 \\rm \\, keV$ energy range is consistent with that measured in the $2 - 20 \\rm \\, keV$ band. Below the turnover luminosity of $L_* = 2.4 \\times 10^{43} \\rm \\, ergs \\, s^{-1}$ the absorbed AGNs become dominant over the unabsorbed ones. The fraction of Compton thick AGNs with known intrinsic absorption is found to be small ($8\\%$) in our AGN sample. For the sources without reliable absorption information we derived an estimate from the comparison with {\\it ROSAT} All-Sky Survey data and find that the data do not require additional Compton thick objects within the sample presented here. It has to be pointed out though, that the sources without RASS counterpart could be Compton thick which would increase the ratio of this source type to 13\\% in the complete sample. Evolution of the source population can play a major role in the sense that the fraction of absorbed sources among AGNs might be correlated with redshift, as proposed for example by Worsley et al. (2005). Over the life time of the {\\it INTEGRAL} mission we expect to detect of the order of 200 AGNs. Combining these data with the studies based on {\\it Swift}/BAT, operating in a similar energy band as IBIS/ISGRI, will further constrain the hard X-ray luminosity function of AGNs. But we will still be limited to the relatively high flux end of the distribution. Because of this {\\it INTEGRAL} and {\\it Swift}/BAT will most likely not be able to test evolutionary scenarios of AGNs and thus will be inadequate to explain the cosmic X-ray background at $E > 20 \\rm \\, keV$. Future missions with larger collecting areas and/or focusing optics will be required to answer the question of what dominates the Universe in the hard X-rays." }, "0606/astro-ph0606364_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "First discovered in the Magellanic Clouds and in the Milky Way, the largest pools of luminous supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) now known lie in M31 and in more distant galaxies. Hundreds of newly-discovered SSSs are helping us to test models for Type~Ia supernovae and to identify SSSs that may represent a wider range of physical systems, including accreting intermediate-mass black holes. In this short report we list ten intriguing facts about distant SSSs. ", "introduction": "\\vspace{-.3 true in} Luminous supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) were discovered and defined in terms of properties observed in a small number of sources ($\\sim 18$) in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds (MCs). Specifically, SSSs are defined in terms of their estimated luminosities ($L > 10^{36}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and their broad band spectra, with little or no emission above $1$ keV. The physical nature of SSSs is not yet determined. In fact, the studies we summarize below indicate that they are likely to be a diverse group, with several different types of physical systems observable as SSSs, including white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Perhaps this diversity is to be expected, given the simplicity of the definition. \\vspace{-.1 true in} SSS effective radii are comparable to those of WDs. Indeed, roughly half of the SSSs in the MCs and Milky Way with optical IDs have counterparts that are consistent with systems known to contain hot WDs: planetary nebulae, recent novae, and symbiotic binaries (Greiner 2000). The remaining SSSs in the Galaxy and MCs have measured periods ranging from a few hours to a few days. The first and best-known model for these binary was developed by Ed van den Heuvel and collaborators (1992). The close-binary supersoft (CBSS) model, postulates that the prodigious luminosities are generated through the nuclear burning of material accreted by a WD. In order for nuclear burning to occur, the accretion rates must be high (close to or larger than $10^{-7} M_\\odot$ year$^{-1}$). These high rates can be sustained only if the donor star is somewhat more massive than the WD and/or slightly evolved. An interesting characteristic of these models is that they allow the WD to increase its mass. Some SSS binaries may therefore be progenitors of Type~Ia supernovae (Rappaport, Di~Stefano, \\& Smith 1994; Di~Stefano 1996; Kahabka \\& van den Heuvel 1997 and references therein). While indirect evidence mounts that the WD model applies to some SSSs in the Galaxy and MCs, definite confirmation has been difficult. (See the contribution of Phil Charles to this volume.) One way to learn more about SSSs is to find them in other galaxies. We expect $\\sim 1000$ SSSs to reside in spiral galaxies such as M31. (See Di~Stefano \\& Rappaport 1994, Rappaport, Di~Stefano, \\& Smith 1994, Yungelson et al. 1996.) Thanks to {\\it Chandra} and {\\it XMM-Newton} we have begun to study SSSs in distant galaxies. Below we list some of the things we have learned. ", "conclusions": "\\vspace{-.3 true in} When Ed and his collaborators carried out the first theoretical investigations of the newly established class of SSSs, it was clear that something exciting was going on. Fifteen years later, the study of SSSs in other galaxies is leading to new and unexpected discoveries and challenges. As we begin to develop a statistical sample of SSSs, we are finding that they are a diverse group, and that there are other soft sources, QSSs, that may be related to them. The realms of astrophysics associated with SSSs and QSSs span supermassive BHs, intermediate-mass BHs, X-ray binaries with stellar-remnant accretors, Type~Ia progenitors, and supernova remnants. If, fifteen years hence, we have succeeded in establishing the nature of the sources we detect, and developing theoretical constructs to describe them and the roles they play in the universe, we will have accomplished a good deal. \\vspace{-.3 true in}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606152_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of the effects of environment on the photometric properties of galaxies in the core of the Shapley Supercluster at $z=0.05$, one of the most massive structures in the local universe. The Shapley Optical Survey (SOS) comprises archive WFI optical imaging of a 2.0\\,deg$^2$ region containing the rich clusters A3556, A3558 and A3562 which demonstrate a highly complex dynamical situation including ongoing cluster mergers. The \\mbox{$B-R/R$} colour-magnitude relation has an intrinsic dispersion of 0.045\\,mag and is \\mbox{$0.015\\pm0.005$}\\,mag redder in the highest-density regions, indicative of the red sequence galaxy population being 500\\,Myr older in the cluster cores than towards the virial radius. The $B-R$ colours of galaxies are dependent on their environment, whereas their luminosities are independent of the local density, except for the very brightest galaxies \\mbox{(M$_{R}\\!<\\!-22$)}. The global colours of faint \\mbox{($\\ga\\!{\\rm M}^{*}+2$)} galaxies change from the cluster cores where \\mbox{$\\sim\\!90$\\%} of galaxies lie along the cluster red sequence to the virial radius, where the fraction has dropped to just \\mbox{$\\sim\\!20$\\%.} This suggests that processes related to the supercluster environment are responsible for transforming faint galaxies, rather than galaxy merging, which should be infrequent in any of the regions studied here. The largest concentrations of faint blue galaxies are found {\\em between} the clusters, coincident with regions containing high fractions of \\mbox{$\\sim\\!L^{*}$} galaxies with radio emission indicating starbursts. Their location suggests star-formation triggered by cluster mergers, in particular the merger of A3562 and the poor cluster SC\\,1329-313, although they may also represent recent arrivals in the supercluster core complex. The effect of the A3562-SC\\,1329-313 merger is also apparent as a displacement in the spatial distribution of the faint galaxy population from both the centres of X-ray emission and the brightest cluster galaxies for both systems. The cores of each of the clusters/groups are marked by regions that have the lowest blue galaxy fractions and reddest mean galaxy colours over the whole supercluster region, confirming that star-formation rates are lowest in the cluster cores. In the cases of A3562 and SC\\,1329-313, these regions coincide with the centres of X-ray emission rather than the peaks in the local surface density, indicating that ram-pressure stripping may have an important role in terminating any remnant star-formation in galaxies that encounter the dense ICM of the cluster cores. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The cluster galaxy population has evolved rapidly over the last 4\\,Gyr \\citep[e.g.,][]{bo78,bo84,dressler94,dressler97,treu,kodama}. Clusters at \\mbox{$z\\!\\ga0.4$} are dominated, particularly at faint magnitudes, by blue spiral galaxies, predominantly irregular or Sc--Sd spirals. Some of these show signs of disturbed morphologies, and many present spectroscopic evidence that they have undergone multiple star-formation events over the last \\mbox{1--2\\,Gyr} \\citep{dressler94}. Conversely, local clusters are completely dominated by passive early-type galaxies: elliptical and lenticular (S0) galaxies at the brighter end, and dwarf spheroids at fainter magnitudes. In the standard hierarchical cosmological model, \\mbox{$z\\!\\sim\\!0.4$} represents the peak infall rate of field galaxies onto the cluster \\citep{kauffmann95}, and it is the transformation of these infalling field galaxies from star-forming disk-dominated galaxies into passively-evolving spheroids over a period of \\mbox{4--5\\,Gyr} through their encounter with the cluster environment, that produces the observed changes in cluster galaxy populations. Several physical mechanisms related to the cluster environment have been proposed as producing the observed transformations in galaxies, in which interactions with either other cluster galaxies or the hot intra-cluster medium (ICM) affect both their structural and star-formation properties. To distinguish between these mechanisms it is necessary to examine both where the transformations occur, and how the star-formation and structural properties of the galaxies are changed \\citep[e.g.][]{treu}. For example, ram pressure from the passage of the galaxy through the dense ICM can effectively remove the cold gas supply and thus rapidly terminate new star-formation, either by stripping the gas directly \\citep*{a99}, or by inducing a starburst in which all of the gas is consumed \\citep{fujita}. The most dramatic ICM-galaxy interactions should occur when two clusters merge, as shock fronts created in the ICM may trigger starbursts in galaxies over large scales \\citep*{roettiger}. Importantly, in terms of their environmental effects, these mechanisms all require a dense ICM, and so their evolutionary effects are limited to the cores of clusters. In contrast, galaxy mergers, which can strongly affect the morphological evolution of disks, cannot occur when the encounter velocities are much greater than the internal velocity dispersion of galaxies \\citep{aarseth}, and so while frequent in small groups, are rare in rich clusters \\citep{ghigna}. Alternatively galaxy harassment, whereby repeated close \\mbox{($<$50\\,kpc)}, high-velocity \\mbox{($>$1000\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$)} encounters with massive galaxies and the cluster's tidal field cause impulsive gravitational shocks that damage the fragile disk of late-type spirals \\citep{moore}, transforming them over a period of several Gyr. Galaxy harassment is effective throughout a cluster, including beyond the virial radius, but its effects should be greater for those clusters with higher velocity dispersions. Finally, when a galaxy falls into a more massive halo, the diffuse gas in its halo is lost to the ICM, thus preventing further cooling and replenishment of the cold gas supply, ``suffocating'' the galaxy \\citep[e.g.][]{blanton00,diaferio}. Star-formation in the galaxy then declines slowly as the remaining cold gas is used up \\citep*{larson}. The large datasets provided by the 2dFGRS and SDSS have allowed the environmental effects on galaxy properties to be followed statistically over the full range of environments, from the sparse field to the dense cluster cores \\citep[e.g.][]{lewis,gomez}, at least for the brightest galaxies (\\mbox{${\\rm M}<{\\rm M}^{*}\\!+1$}). They show that star-formation is most closely dependent on local density, and is systematically suppressed above a critical value of density, that is found 3--4 virial radii from clusters, but also in galaxy groups as poor as \\mbox{$\\sigma\\sim100$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$}. This suppression is observed to be independent of the richness of the structure to which the galaxy is bound \\citep{tanaka}, indicating that mechanisms such as galaxy harassment or ram-pressure stripping are not important for the evolution of bright galaxies. Instead the strongest candidates for driving their transformation are galaxy suffocation and low-velocity encounters, which are effective in both galaxy groups and cluster infall regions. However, it is not clear if and how this scenario extends to fainter magnitudes, as there has been observed a strong bimodality in the properties of galaxies about a characteristic stellar mass \\mbox{$\\sim3\\times10^{10}{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$} (corresponding to \\mbox{$\\sim{\\rm M}^{*}\\!+1$}), with more massive galaxies predominately passive red spheroids, and less massive galaxies tending to be blue star-forming disks \\citep{kauffmann03}. This bimodality implies fundamental differences in the formation and evolution of giant and dwarf galaxies, and it has been proposed \\citep[e.g.][]{dekel,keres} that these are driven by thermal processes in the gas inflowing from the halo onto the galaxy, with the characteristic mass scale representing the point at which shocks in the halo become stable, heating up the halo gas, and preventing further cooling. Hence if the formation and evolution of giant and dwarf galaxies are so fundamentally different, then they are likely to be affected differently by mechanisms related to the environment. For example, galaxy harassment should be most efficient at transforming low-luminosity late-type galaxies. \\citet{tanaka} find differences in the environmental dependences of faint \\mbox{(${\\rm M}^{*}\\!+1<{\\rm M}<{\\rm M}^{*}\\!+2$)} and bright \\mbox{(${\\rm M}<{\\rm M}^{*}\\!+1$)} galaxy populations, and suggest that faint galaxies are affected by mechanisms related to the structure in which the galaxy is found. To understand the mechanisms underlying the transformation of faint galaxies requires datasets reaching much fainter luminosities. Crucial discriminators between the different transformation mechanisms are the time- and distance-scales involved: while ram-pressure stripping should rapidly terminate star-formation in a galaxy within \\mbox{$\\la\\! 100$\\,Myr} but requires the dense ICM of the cluster core; a galaxy undergoing suffocation will have its star-formation rate slowly decline over a period of several Gyr. Hence the nature of the transition from regions where the majority of galaxies are star-forming, and those dominated by passive galaxies, will depend strongly on the dominant mechanism involved. One approach is to use galaxy colours, which can be readily obtained to much fainter magnitudes than spectroscopic star-formation rates, and which through the use of models can be directly related to star-formation histories with minimal assumptions \\citep[e.g.][]{bruzual}. Recent large datasets have shown that the bimodality of galaxies is also manifested through their broadband photometry, in particular a separation can be made on the basis of colour into red and blue galaxy populations \\citep{strateva,blanton03}, which correspond roughly to the two broad types previously known from their morphological and spectroscopical characteristics: passively-evolving early-type and star-forming late-type galaxies. This bimodality has been further quantified, resulting in colour-magnitude (C-M) relations and for both the red and blue galaxy populations \\citep{baldry}, and its evolution observed to \\mbox{$z\\sim1$} \\citep{bell}. \\citet{balogh04} show that the bimodal galaxy colour distribution is strongly dependent on environment, with the fraction of galaxies in the red distribution at a fixed luminosity increasing from 10--30\\% in the lowest density environments, to \\mbox{$\\sim$70\\%} at the highest densities. The most dramatic effects of environment on galaxy evolution should occur in superclusters, where the infall and encounter velocities of galaxies are greatest \\mbox{($>$1000\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$)}, groups and clusters are still merging, and significant numbers of galaxies will be encountering the dense ICM of the cluster environment for the first time. With this in mind we are undertaking the Shapley Optical Survey (SOS), an optical photometric study of the core region of the Shapley supercluster \\citep{shapley}, one the most massive structure in the local universe, containing as many as 25 Abell clusters. In this paper we examine the effect of the supercluster environment on the star-formation histories of galaxies as measured through their galaxy colours. We present the SOS in Section~\\ref{data}, and then describe how we quantify the local environment and statistically subtract the field galaxy population in Sections~\\ref{den} and~\\ref{sub}. We present our analysis of the C-M relation in Section~\\ref{cmrelation}, which then allows us to separate the red and blue galaxy populations whose spatial distributions are presented in Section~\\ref{redandblue}. We examine the environmental dependencies on galaxy colours in Section~\\ref{colours}, and discuss our findings in Section~\\ref{discussion}, before presenting our conclusions in Section~\\ref{conclusions}. Throughout the paper we adopt a cosmology with \\mbox{$\\Omega_M=0.3$}, \\mbox{$\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.7$} and \\mbox{H$_{0}$=70\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$}. According to this cosmology 1 arcmin corresponds to 60\\,kpc at \\mbox{$z=0.048$}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} The area covered by the SOS dataset lies mostly within one virial radius \\mbox{(1--1.5\\,$h_{70}$\\,Mpc)} of one of the clusters. The results presented here and in Paper I show that the global properties of faint galaxies change significantly from the cluster cores to the virial radius, both in terms of the luminosity function, and the mean galaxy colours, which indicates that these galaxies are being transformed by processes related to the supercluster environment. As galaxy mergers should be infrequent in any of the environments covered by the SOS, the finding of such large changes in the mean galaxy colour or fraction of faint blue galaxies within the SOS, indicates that some process other than merging must be responsible. In paper I, we suggested that galaxy harassment is important for shaping the galaxy luminosity function at magnitudes fainter than \\mbox{$\\sim M^{*}+1$}, and here we find additional evidence in favour of faint galaxies being transformed by ram-pressure stripping and undergoing starbursts triggered by shocks in the ICM produced by cluster mergers. These results indicate that the effect of environment on faint \\mbox{($\\ga M^{*}+1$)} galaxies is quite different from that observed for bright galaxies \\citep{gomez,lewis}. While bright galaxies appear to be transformed by processes that can take place well outside the virial radius, that is galaxy merging or suffocation, we find here that many faint galaxies are affected by their interaction with the supercluster environment, although we cannot rule out that the faint galaxies are also transformed outside the virial radius, beyond the limits of our survey. It is also possible that the observed environmental trends are partly due to a population of primordial, early-type galaxies that formed preferentially in the high-density regions that later became clusters \\citep[e.g.][]{poggianti05}. The differences in the environmental trends of bright and faint galaxies are likely to be related to the observed global bimodality in galaxy properties \\citep[e.g.][]{kauffmann03} about a stellar characteristic stellar mass of \\mbox{$\\sim3\\times10^{10}\\,{\\rm M}_{\\odot}$}. A possible explanation could lie within the context of the hot and cold flow model of galaxy evolution \\citep{dekel,keres}. At low masses, galaxies are able to merge and still retain their gas supply, and hence mergers would have little effect on star-formation or galaxy colours. In contrast, once galaxies merge to become more massive than a characteristic mass, shocks in the halo become stable, and preventing further cooling of gas from the halo, bringing about a transformation in the galaxy star-forming properties. In a future article, we plan to compare our observational results with predictions from semi-analytical models of galaxy evolution applied to n-body simulations of a region containing a supercluster constrained to match the dynamical structure of the Shapley supercluster region." }, "0606/astro-ph0606708_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A hypothetical time-variation of the gravitational constant $G$ would cause neutron star matter to depart from beta equilibrium, due to the changing hydrostatic equilibrium. This forces non-equilibrium beta processes to occur, which release energy that is invested partly in neutrino emission and partly in heating the stellar interior. Eventually, the star arrives at a stationary state in which the temperature remains nearly constant, as the forcing through the change of $G$ is balanced by the ongoing reactions. Comparing the surface temperature of the nearest millisecond pulsar, PSR~J0437-4715, inferred from ultraviolet observations, with our predicted stationary temperature, we estimate two upper limits for this variation: (1) $|\\dot G/G| < 2 \\times 10^{-10}$ yr$^{-1}$, if we allow direct Urca reactions operating in the neutron star core, and (2) $|\\dot G/G| < 4 \\times 10^{-12}$ yr$^{-1}$, considering only modified Urca reactions. Both results are competitive with those obtained by other methods, with (2) being among the most restrictive. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606222_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Most statistical tools used to characterize the complex structures of the interstellar medium can be related to the power spectrum, and therefore to the Fourier amplitudes of the observed fields. To tap into the vast amount of information contained in the Fourier phases, one may consider the probability distribution function (PDF) of phase increments, and the related concepts of phase entropy and phase structure quantity. We use these ideas here with the purpose of assessing the ability of radio-interferometers to detect and recover this information. By comparing current arrays such as the VLA and Plateau de Bure to the future ALMA instrument, we show that the latter is definitely needed to achieve significant detection of phase structure, and that it will do so even in the presence of a fair amount of atmospheric phase fluctuations. We also show that ALMA will be able to recover the actual ``amount'' of phase structure in the noise-free case, if multiple configurations are used. ", "introduction": "The physics of the interstellar medium (ISM) stands at the crossroads of many astrophysical problems, from stellar formation to galaxy evolution. Without a proper understanding of the processes taking place in the ISM, and of their interplay, complete and satisfactory solutions to these problems cannot hope to be met. Turbulence is one such process \\citep[see e.g.][]{spicker88,odell87,miesch94}, and it is thought to play a major role in the shaping of the fractal structures observed \\citep{falgarone91,vogelaar94,elmegreen96,falgarone98a,stutzki98,elmegreen2001}. Consequently, a quantitative description of these structures is a necessary first step towards understanding the physics of the ISM, and many statistical tools have been used to this end. Let us mention the power spectrum \\citep[see e.g.][]{gautier92,dickey2001,stanimirovic2001}, the autocorrelation function \\citep{kleiner85,perault86}, the $\\Delta$-variance \\citep{stutzki98,bensch2001}, the fractal dimension \\citep{falgarone91} and the wavelet decomposition \\citep{gill90}. These various tools are not altogether independent from one another. By definition, the autocorrelation function is the Fourier transform of the power spectrum, to which the $\\Delta$-variance and fractal dimension can also be related, albeit less directly \\citep{stutzki98}. Finally, the $\\Delta$-variance can be written as the variance of wavelet transform coefficients \\citep{zielinsky99}. On the whole, it is then fair to say that all of these tools are connected, in one way or another, to the power spectrum, although some of them are of easier and more reliable use depending on the type of observation \\citep{stutzki98,bensch2001}. Since the power spectrum is given by the squared amplitudes of Fourier components, it basically ignores any structural information that may be contained in the Fourier phases. Now, each Fourier component corresponds to a plane wave in direct space, with a given wave vector, amplitude and phase. The Fourier transform being linear, the observed structures are the result of the interaction between the various plane waves. Ignoring the phases when characterizing the structures is thus comparable to ignoring the interference phenomenon, and therefore marks a major loss in structural information. This has been confirmed by simple numerical experiments \\citep{juvells91,coles2005}. In the experiment performed by \\citet{coles2005}, the Fourier phases of a numerical simulation of galaxy clustering, which is a highly-structured field, are randomly reshuffled in Fourier space. The resulting field has lost most of the filamentary structure observed in the original image. This shows that it is in the Fourier-spatial distribution of the phases, and not in their values themselves, that most of the structural information must lie. The importance of this information may be best estimated in the context of interferometry. Indeed, interferometers essentially measure some Fourier components of the observed structures, and thus theoretically provide direct access to their phases. With the forthcoming ALMA instrument, the capacity of interferometers to detect structure in the Fourier phases \\emph{in real time} may be assessed. This is the purpose of this paper, which is organized as follows: Section \\ref{sec_pfa} offers a summary of the Fourier phase analysis technique, whose numerical implementation is presented in section \\ref{sec_psqip}. The main part of the paper, dealing with the application of these techniques to interferometric observations, is the topic of section \\ref{sec_atio}. Finally, section \\ref{sec_conc} gives a summary and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_conc} In this paper, we have addressed the ability of radio-interferometers to detect and recover the information contained in the Fourier-spatial distribution of phases, which was previously shown to store a vast amount of information about the structure of images. The PDF of phase increments and the related concept of phase entropy were introduced in this perspective. We ourselves have used the phase structure quantity $\\mathcal{Q}$, which is a minor modification of phase entropy leading to $\\mathcal{Q}=0$ for fields with purely random phases. Our main conclusion is that the dynamical range of spatial frequencies observed by the instrument is the key parameter allowing detection and measurement of phase structure. Using a turbulent model brightness distribution and instrumental configurations based on the characteristics of the future ALMA interferometer and of two existing arrays (VLA and Plateau de Bure), we have assessed the minimum integration time required by each configuration to have a significant detection of phase structure in the observed field. In the most conservative assessment, it appears that for a whole-field phase structure quantity $\\mathcal{Q} \\simeq 10^{-2}$, detection is achieved with a twenty minute integration in the ALMA E configuration (baselines going from 34 m to 909 m), or with a six hour integration in the VLA D configuration, but is not achieved by any other instrumental configuration tested\\footnote{It should be reminded that the more extended configurations have not been used in this single-configuration approach.}. With a whole-field phase structure quantity $\\mathcal{Q} \\simeq 10^{-3}$, certain detection can only be achieved using the ALMA E configuration, in which case it takes about 7.5 hours of integration. However, less conservative criteria allow for early hints at the presence of phase structure in the observed field. Indeed, by drawing random phases for the visibilities in real time, it is possible to compare the evolution of the phase structure quantity for the observed field to that for a random-phase field, and check if they start going apart at some point. This is the case for all ALMA and VLA configurations, with whole-field phase structure quantities $\\mathcal{Q} \\simeq 10^{-2}$ and $\\mathcal{Q} \\simeq 10^{-3}$, but not for any of the Plateau de Bure configurations. Regarding the possibility to recover the actual values of the phase structure quantity for the complete field, only multi-configuration observations with the ALMA instrument seem to allow for it, and it takes 9 hours in each of the 6 configurations to achieve this. Finally, we have studied the influence of atmospheric phase noise on the single-configuration observations, using the E configuration of ALMA and whole-field $\\mathcal{Q}\\simeq 10^{-2}$. The maximum rms phase fluctuations that can be allowed without completely washing out the actual phase structure lie well above the typical range of variations for the Chajnantor site. Consequently, the use of water vapor radiometers to correct for the atmospheric phase fluctuations does not appear as a necessary feature of the ALMA array in this respect, although it should allow for a more accurate determination of the actual phase structure quantity in the multiconfiguration scheme. Possible extensions to this work include the study of phase increments along the baseline tracks, which should considerably reduce the effects of atmospheric phase noise, and the evolution of phase structure with frequency in high spectral-resolution observations of line sources." }, "0606/astro-ph0606014_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Coherent synchrotron emission by particles moving along semi-infinite tracks is discussed, with a specific application to radio emission from air showers induced by high-energy cosmic rays. It is shown that in general, radiation from a particle moving along a semi-infinite orbit consists of usual synchrotron emission and modified impulsive bremsstrahlung. The latter component is due to the instantaneous onset of the curved trajectory of the emitting particle at its creation. Inclusion of the bremsstrahlung leads to broadening of the radiation pattern and a slower decay of the spectrum at the cut-off frequency than the conventional synchrotron emission. Possible implications of these features for air shower radio emission are discussed. ", "introduction": "There is recently growing attention on radio detection of high energy cosmic rays~\\citep{dz89,zhs92,heo96,avz00,fg03,g-etal04,fgp04,f-etal05}. High energy cosmic rays can initiate an electromagnetic cascade in a medium where relativistic electrons and positrons can be produced in a volume with a longitudinal (along the line of sight) dimension being smaller than the relevant radio wavelength. So, particles form a coherent bunch, acting like a single charged particle that emits a short burst of coherent radio emission. Two radiation processes have been considered: coherent Cerenkov radiation \\citep{a62, a65} and coherent synchrotron radiation~\\citep{fg03,hf03}. (Coherent radio emission from air showers was first considered by \\cite{kl66}, also \\cite{c67}, but their theory was not explicitly based on geosynchrotron emission.) The former requires charge asymmetry, say an excess of electrons, and a relatively dense medium for coherent Cerenkov emission to be at radio frequency. For example, the Moon is a good target for high energy neutrinos that can lead to a cascade in the lunar rocks. Excess electrons can develop leading to coherent Cerenkov emission at radio frequency with wavelength comparable with or larger than the longitudinal size of the cascade~\\citep{a62,a65}. For air showers, coherent synchrotron emission is generally considered more important than Cerenkov radiation (in the radio band)~\\citep{fg03,g-etal04}. The shower produces a bunch of relativistic electrons and positrons emitting coherent synchrotron radiation in geomagnetic fields. Unlike coherent Cerenkov radiation, coherent synchrotron emission does not need charge asymmetry~\\citep{fg03}. So far, the relevant spectra of coherent synchrotron emission from air showers were commonly calculated using numerical simulation based on the retarded-potential method \\citep{sgr03,hf05a,hf05b}. In this method, the radiation is calculated from the retarded potential~\\citep{j98}. Although coherent synchrotron emission has been considered analytically \\citep{ab02,fg03,hf03}, their calculation is based on the standard synchrotron radiation formula, which does not include the effect due to the particle's finite track. For air showers, effective coherent emission occurs in the core of the shower where most of radiating particles are created. Thus, it is of interest to consider radiation by a particle moving along a semi-infinite trajectory. Apart from the usual synchrotron emission there is emission due to the onset of the particle's curved trajectory. The latter component is referred to as the modified impulsive bremsstrahlung (MIB) as it is due to the combined effect of the usual impulsive (or prompt) bremsstrahlung due to particle ($e^\\pm$) creation, which is modeled as an abrupt jump in the particle's velocity from zero to $c$, and curvature of the particle's trajectory. It is worth noting that the finite track effect was considered for Cerenkov radiation~\\citep{t39} and was taken into account explicitly in calculation of cosmic-ray induced showers in a dense medium~\\citep{zhs92}. In the case of Cerenkov radiation, the finite track leads to a reduction in radiation intensity and modification of angular distribution of the emission. Since the main objective of studying radio emission from air showers is to infer the properties of the cosmic rays that induce the showers, one needs to determine the radio spectrum accurately. In this paper, we present a general formalism for coherent synchrotron radiation from a nonstationary many-particle system, which takes account of MIB. The formalism developed here is based on the single particle treatment~\\citep{mm91}, in which radiation is due to a current associated with particle's motion in a medium. Here, the current is regarded as extraneous as it is different from that due to the plasma response to waves. The spectrum of radiation from a many-particle system is derived from the total current that is obtained by adding all the currents due to individual particles. In the relativistic limit as in the usual synchrotron radiation, the spectrum can be expressed in terms of the Airy functions and as a result, the radiation is highly beamed. In Sec.2, a general formalism for synchrotron emission from a many-particle system is derived by including the effect of MIB due to the effect of a particle's semi-infinite track. Coherent synchrotron emission is considered in Sec. 3 and the application to air showers is discussed in Sec. 4. ", "conclusions": "Synchrotron emission by a particle moving along a semi-infinite trajectory is considered. Since effective coherent synchrotron emission by secondary particles in an air shower occurs in the core of the shower where most emitting particles are created, the initial point of the particle's trajectory need be included explicitly. It is shown that radiation from a particle moving along a semi-infinite track can be separated into the usual synchrotron emission and the bremsstrahlung-like emission (MIB). The latter is due to emission as the result of onset of the particle's curved trajectory. The spectral intensity of the modified synchrotron emission (usual synchrotron plus MIB) is lower than that for normal synchrotron emission, roughly by a factor of 4. It is interesting to note that such reduction is consistent with the recent result from numerical simulation by~\\cite{hf05b}. The radiation pattern has a broader angular distribution than the usual synchrotron emission. This feature is especially pronounced for the perpendicularly polarized component. The spectrum has a much slower decay above the critical frequency $\\omega\\sim\\gamma^2\\Omega_e$, while the usual synchrotron spectrum has an exponential cutoff above the critical frequency. In the application to radio emission from air showers, the reduced intensity can be verified in principle provided accurate observations of the radio spectrum are available. Although there exist early observations of air shower radio emission, there are some uncertainties in determining the calibration factor \\citep{a71,a78}. The current LOFAR Prototype Station (LOPES) and the future LOFAR may provide a better opportunity to test the predicted spectrum. Since the transition frequency (to spontaneous emission) is much lower than the cut-off frequency, change near the cut-off frequency may not be observable. The broadening of the radiation pattern occurs mainly for the perpendicularly polarized component, which may be observable provided that there is significant charge asymmetry in the emitting plasma. A major advantage of the formalism presented here is that the initial conditions including the time of particle creation, initial velocity and gyrophase all appear in the phase (\\ref{eq:psi2}) and these quantities can be modeled statistically. Although the single-particle formalism was used by~\\cite{wm82} to treat coherent gyromagnetic emission, in their calculation, the finite track effect was not considered. It is shown here that the distribution of the particle injection time is important in determining the coherence. The semi-infinite track approximation adopted here is valid provided that the emitting particles are highly relativistic with $\\gamma\\gg1$. In the relativistic limit, the synchrotron pulse duration ($1/\\Omega_e\\gamma^2 \\sim 10^{-8}\\,\\rm s$) is much shorter than the typical flight time $T\\sim 10^{-6}\\,\\rm s$ for a particle's free path 500 m, and therefore the orbit can be approximately regarded as semi-infinite. If electrons and positrons from an air shower have an energy cutoff extending to MeV energies with $\\gamma\\sim 1$, the synchrotron approximation is no longer valid and one has cyclotron emission instead. In this case, a finite orbit needs to be considered. One may extend the calculation in Sec. 3 and 4 to include the particle distribution in momentum and this requires a numerical approach, which is not considered here." }, "0606/astro-ph0606086_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent observations from the Swift gamma-ray burst mission indicate that a fraction of gamma ray bursts are characterized by a canonical behaviour of the X-ray afterglows. We present an effective theory which allows us to account for X-ray light curves of both (short - long) gamma ray bursts and X-ray rich flashes. We propose that gamma ray bursts originate from massive magnetic powered pulsars. ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} The unique capability of the Swift satellite has yielded the discovery of interesting new properties of short and long gamma ray burst (GRB) X-ray afterglows. Indeed, recent observations have provided new informations on the early behavior ( $t \\, < \\, 10^3 - 10^4 \\, sec$) of the X-ray light curves of gamma ray bursts. These early time afterglow observations revealed that~\\cite{Chincarini:2005,Nousek:2005,O'Brien:2006} a fraction of bursts have a generic shape consisting of three distinct segments: an initial very steep decline with time, a subsequent very shallow decay, and a final steepening (for a recent review, see Piran 2005, Meszaros 2006). This canonical behaviour of the X-ray afterglows of gamma ray bursts is challenging the standard relativistic fireball model, leading to several alternative models (for a recent review of some of the current theoretical interpretations, see M\\'esz\\'aros 2006 and references therein). \\\\ \\indent In order to determine the nature of both short and long gamma ray bursts, more detailed theoretical modelling is needed to establish a clearer picture of the mechanism. In particular, it is important to have at disposal an unified, quantitative description of the X-ray afterglow light curves. \\\\ \\indent The main purpose of this paper is to present an effective theory which allows us to account for X-ray light curves of both gamma ray bursts and X-ray rich flashes (XRF). In a recent paper~\\cite{cea:2006} we set up a quite general approach to cope with light curves from anomalous $X$-ray pulsars (AXP) and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGR). Indeed, we find that the canonical light curve of the X-ray afterglows is very similar to the light curve after the June 18, 2002 giant burst from AXP 1E 2259+586 (Woods et al. 2004). This suggests that our approach can be extended also to gamma ray bursts. \\\\ \\indent The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sect.~\\ref{light} we briefly review the general formalism presented in Cea (2006) to cope with light curves. After that, in Sect.~\\ref{050315} through \\ref{050416A} we carefully compare our theory with the several gamma ray burst light curves. In Sect.~\\ref{origin} we propose that gamma ray bursts originate from massive magnetic powered pulsars, namely pulsars with super strong dipolar magnetic field and mass $M \\sim 10 \\, M_{\\bigodot}$. Finally, we draw our conclusions in Sect.~\\ref{conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "} \\label{conclusion} Let us conclude by briefly summarizing the main results of the present paper. We have presented an effective theory which allows us to account for X-ray light curves of both gamma ray bursts and X-ray rich flashes. We have shown that the approach developed to describe the light curves from anomalous $X$-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters works successfully even for gamma ray bursts. This leads us the conclusion that the same mechanism is responsible for bursts from gamma ray bursts, soft gamma repeaters, and anomalous X-ray pulsars. In fact, we propose that gamma ray bursts originate by the burst activity from massive magnetic powered pulsars." }, "0606/astro-ph0606279_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first direct distance determination to a detached eclipsing binary in M33, which was found by the DIRECT Project. Located in the OB~66 association at coordinates ($\\alpha, \\delta)=(01\\!\\!:\\!\\!33\\!\\!:\\!\\!46.17, +30\\!\\!:\\!\\!44\\!\\!:\\!\\!39.9$) for J2000.0, it was one of the most suitable detached eclipsing binaries found by DIRECT for distance determination, given its apparent magnitude and orbital period. We obtained follow-up $BV$ time series photometry, $JHK_s$ photometry and optical spectroscopy from which we determined the parameters of the system. It contains two O7 main sequence stars with masses of $33.4\\pm3.5 \\; \\msun$ and $30.0\\pm3.3 \\; \\msun$ and radii of $12.3\\pm0.4\\; \\rsun$ and $8.8\\pm0.3\\; \\rsun$, respectively. We derive temperatures of $37000\\pm1500$ K and $35600\\pm1500$ K. Using $BVRJHK_s$ photometry for the flux calibration, we obtain a distance modulus of $24.92\\pm0.12$ mag ($964\\pm54$ kpc), which is $\\sim$0.3 mag longer than the Key Project distance to M33. We discuss the implications of our result and the importance of establishing M33 as an independent rung on the cosmological distance ladder. ", "introduction": "Starting in 1996 we undertook a long term project, DIRECT (i.e. ``direct distances''), to obtain the distances to two important galaxies in the cosmological distance ladder, M31 and M33. These ``direct'' distances are obtained by measuring the absolute distance to detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs). M31 and M33 are the nearest and most suitable Local Group galaxies for calibrating the extragalactic distance scale. However, they present a much greater observational challenge than the current anchor of the distance scale, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Their greater distance makes the brightest stars in them appear $\\sim 6$ mag fainter than the brightest LMC stars, thus pushing the limit of current spectroscopic capabilities. In addition, crowding and blending become more significant with increasing distance \\citep{Mochejska00, Mochejska01c}. Unfortunately, distances are now known to no better than 10-15\\%, as there are discrepancies of $0.2-0.3\\;{\\rm mag}$ between various distance indicators \\citep[e.g.][Figure 8]{Benedict02}. These uncertainties limit the calibration of stellar luminosities and population synthesis models for early galaxy formation and evolution. DEBs have the potential to establish distances to M31 and M33 with an unprecedented accuracy of 5\\% \\citep[for reviews and history of method see][]{Andersen91, Hilditch96, Paczynski97, Kruszewski99}. They offer a single step distance determination to nearby galaxies and may therefore provide an accurate zero point calibration of various distance indicators -- a major step towards very accurate and independent determination of the Hubble constant. In the last few years, eclipsing binaries have been used to obtain accurate distance estimates to the Large Magellanic Cloud \\citep[e.g.][]{Guinan98,Fitzpatrick03}, the Small Magellanic Cloud \\citep{Harries03,Hilditch05} and most recently to a semi-detached system in M31 \\citep{Ribas05}. Distances to individual eclipsing binaries in the Magellanic Clouds are claimed to be accurate to better than $5\\%$. Detached eclipsing binaries have yet to be used as distance indicators to M31 and M33. The DIRECT project has initiated a search for DEBs and new Cepheids in the M31 and M33 galaxies. We have analyzed five $11\\arcmin\\times11\\arcmin$ fields in M31, A-D and F \\citep[][hereafter Papers I, II, III, IV, V]{Kaluzny98, Stanek98, Stanek99, Kaluzny99, Mochejska99} and one $22\\arcmin\\times22\\arcmin$ field, Y \\citep[][hereafter Paper IX]{Bonanos03}. A total of 674 variables, mostly new, were found: 89 eclipsing binaries, 332 Cepheids and 253 other periodic, possible long-period or non-periodic variables. We have analyzed two fields in M33, A and B \\citep[][hereafter Paper VI]{Macri01b} and found 544 variables: 47 eclipsing binaries, 251 Cepheids and 246 other variables. Follow up observations of fields M33A and M33B produced 280 and 612 new variables, respectively \\citep[][hereafter Papers VII, VIII]{Mochejska01a, Mochejska01b}, including 101 new eclipsing binaries. Variables from two more DIRECT fields, one in M31 and the other in M33, remain to be reported. Of the 237 eclipsing binaries found by DIRECT, only four are bright enough ($V_{max}<20$ mag) for distance determination with currently available telescopes. An additional criterion for selection is that they contain deep eclipses, which removes degeneracies in the modeling. D33J013346.2+304439.9 is the brightest of these, discovered in field M33A (Paper VI), and this paper presents the distance we obtained to it with subsequent observations. In \\S 2 we describe the observations and the data reduction, in \\S 3 we present the light curve and radial velocity curve analysis, in \\S 4 the distance determination and in \\S 5 the discussion. ", "conclusions": "We present the first distance to a detached eclipsing binary in M33, establishing it as an independent rung on the cosmological distance ladder. This distance determination is a significant step towards replacing the current anchor galaxy of the extragalactic distance scale, the LMC, with galaxies more similar to those in the HST Key Project \\citep{Freedman01}, such as M33 and M31. We have chosen a detached eclipsing binary to simplify the modeling and derived a distance modulus of $24.92\\pm0.12$ mag. D33J013346.2+304439.9 is located in the rich OB~66 association \\citep{Humphreys80}, which contains a relatively high massive star population \\citep{Massey95}. The presence of one of the best candidate detached eclipsing binaries for distance determination in this association is not surprising. In addition to the DEB, OB~66 contains several other eclipsing binaries (see Paper VI), which suggests a high binary star formation rate for massive stars. Our adopted color excess value $E(B-V)=0.09\\pm0.01$ is smaller than estimations from \\citet{Massey95} for OB~66. Using the ``$q$ method'' and $UBV$ photometry of 36 stars, they derive $E(B-V)=0.15\\pm0.02$ and their spectroscopic sample yields $E(B-V)=0.13\\pm0.01$. However, our multi-band photometry combined with the spectroscopy determines the reddening accurately, thus it is unlikely our distance estimation suffers from systematic errors due to reddening. There are several avenues for improving the distance to M33 and M31 using eclipsing binaries. \\citet{Wyithe02} propose the use of semi-detached eclipsing binaries to be just as good or better distance indicators as detached eclipsing binaries, which have been traditionally considered to be ideal. The use of new improved stellar atmosphere models to derive surface brightnesses versus calibrations based on interferometry removes the restriction to DEBs for distance determination. Additionally, \\citet{Wyithe02} outline other benefits for using semi-detached binaries: their orbits are tidally circularized and their Roche lobe filling configurations provide an extra constraint in the parameter space, especially for complete eclipses ($i\\sim90$ deg). Bright semi-detached binaries in M33 or M31 are not as rare as DEBs, and are easier to follow-up spectroscopically, as demonstrated by \\citet{Ribas05} in M31. Thus, for the determination of the distances to M33 and M31 to better than $5\\%$ we suggest both determining distances to other bright DEBs and to semi-detached systems found by DIRECT and other variability surveys. Additional spectroscopy of the DEB would also improve the current distance determination to M33, since the errors are dominated by the uncertainty in the radius or velocity semi-amplitude. How does our M33 distance compare to previous determinations? Table~\\ref{distances} presents a compilation of 13 recent distance determinations to M33 ranging from 24.32 to 24.92 mag, including the reddening values used. Our measurement although completely independent yields the largest distance with a small 6\\% error, thus is not consistent with some of the previous determinations. This possibly indicates unaccounted sources of systematic error in the calibration of certain distance indicators. The implications of our result on the extragalactic distance scale are significant, especially when comparing to the $HST$ Key Project \\citep{Freedman01} distance to M33. They derive a metallicity corrected Cepheid distance of $24.62\\pm0.15$ mag, using a high reddening value of $E(V-I)=0.27$ and an assumed LMC distance modulus of $18.50\\pm0.10$ mag. If we calculate the LMC distance our result would imply, we derive $18.80\\pm0.16$ mag, which is not consistent with the eclipsing binary determinations. The error is obtained by adding in quadrature the individual errors in the two distance measurements. Taking this one step further, our LMC distance would imply a 15\\% decrease in the Hubble constant to $H_{0}=61\\; \\rm km\\;s^{-1}\\; Mpc^{-1}$. This improbable result brings into question the Key Project metallicity corrections and reddening values not only for M33, but also for the other galaxies in the Key Project. We thus demonstrate the importance of accurately calibrating the distance scale and determining $H_{0}$, which are both vital for constraining the dark energy equation of state \\citep{Hu05} and complementing the cosmic microwave background measurements from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe \\citep[WMAP;][]{Spergel06}." }, "0606/astro-ph0606753_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "} \\newcommand{\\eab}{ ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606109_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Relativistic outflows represent one of the best-suited tools to probe the physics of AGN. Numerical modelling of internal structure of the relativistic outflows on parsec scales provides important clues about the conditions and dynamics of the material in the immediate vicinity of the central black holes in AGN.} {We investigate possible causes of the structural patterns and regularities observed in the parsec-scale jet of the well-known quasar 3C 273.} {We present here the results from a 3D relativistic hydrodynamics numerical simulation based on the parameters given for the jet by Lobanov \\& Zensus (2001), and one in which the effects of jet precession and the injection of discrete components have been taken into account. We compare the model with the structures observed in 3C 273 using very long baseline interferometry and constrain the basic properties of the flow.} {We find growing perturbation modes in the simulation with similar wavelengths to those observed, but with a different set of wave speeds and mode identification. If the observed longest helical structure is produced by the precession of the flow, longer precession periods should be expected.} {Our results show that some of the observed structures could be explained by growing Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in a slow moving region of the jet. However, we point towards possible errors in the mode identification that show the need of more complete linear analysis in order to interpret the observations. We conclude that, with the given viewing angle, superluminal components and jet precession cannot explain the observed structures.} ", "introduction": "\\label{sect1} The structure and kinematics of parsec-scale outflows is typically explained in terms of shocks (Marscher \\cite{mar80}, Marscher \\& Gear \\cite{mg85}, G\\'omez et al. \\cite{gam93}, \\cite{gam94}, G\\'omez et al. \\cite{gom+94}) and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instabilities (Hardee \\cite{har82}, \\cite{har84}, \\cite{har87}, Hardee et al. \\cite{hcr97}, Hardee \\cite{har00}, \\cite{har03}, Hardee et al. \\cite{har05}) developing in a relativistic fluid. Relativistic shocks may dominate the jet dynamics and emission at small scales, but are likely to dissipate at distances larger than $\\sim 10$\\,pc (Lobanov \\& Zensus \\cite{lz99}) due to the interaction with the slower flow. On intermediate scales ($\\sim 10$--100\\,pc) shocks and plasma instabilities may play equally important roles in jets (Lobanov \\& Roland \\cite{lr01}). Distributions of the synchrotron turnover frequency obtained for 3C\\,273 (Lobanov et al. 1997) and 3C\\,345 (Lobanov 1998) indicate that both shocks and instabilities are present on these scales, while larger scales are most likely dominated by plasma instabilities alone. Recent studies by Hardee (\\cite{har00}) have shown that K-H instability may produce complex, three-dimensional ribbon-like and thread-like patterns inside a relativistic jet. In these ribbons and threads, a substantial increase of particle pressure and radio emissivity can be expected. This model has been successfully applied to the jet in 3C 120 (Hardee \\cite{har03}, Hardee et al. \\cite{har05}). The threaded structure forming a double helix has been detected in a space VLBI image of 3C\\,273 made at 5\\,GHz (Lobanov et al. \\cite{lob+00}). It was explained in terms of K-H instability developing in a relativistic flow with a modest Lorentz factor $\\gamma= 2.1$ and a relativistic Mach number $M = 3.5$ (Lobanov \\& Zensus 2001, hereafter \\cite{LZ01}). The analytical approach used in LZ01 is based on linear perturbation analysis of a K-H instability developed by Hardee (\\cite{har87}, \\cite{har00}). A similar approach applied to kiloparsec-scale jet in M87 allowed for accurate determination of physical parameters and modelling of radio emission to be made (Lobanov et al. \\cite{lhe03}). However, results from numerical simulations of relativistic flows indicate that, after the linear regime of instability growth, the jets can be easily disrupted (Perucho et al. \\cite{pe+04b}). In addition to this, the bulk Lorentz factor $\\gamma=2.1$ derived in LZ01 is below the values required to explain the apparent speeds of $\\beta_\\mathrm{app}\\sim 5-8\\,c$ of enhanced emission features observed in 3C\\,273. LZ01 suggest that the K-H instability is developing in a slower, underlying flow, and the fast components are most likely faster shock waves produced in the jet by the periodic ejections associated with the nuclear flares. The presence of such shocks may disrupt the linear growth of the K-H instability as well, and it is not clear whether the linear stability analysis can be still applied in the presence of these kind of non-linear effects in the flow. In view of these concerns, it is important to confront the results of LZ01 with numerical simulations, and attempt to address several fundamental issues about the stability and propagation of relativistic flows similar to the one observed in 3C\\,273. Numerical simulations can be used to verify whether the linear theory can be applied for explaining self-consistently the morphology and kinematics of parsec-scale flows, and whether these flows preserve fingerprints of linear modes even when the non-linear regime has developed or non-linear features, such as fast components, appear. Numerical simulations provide a means to address these problems by following the transition from linear to non-linear regimes of instability development (Perucho et al. \\cite{pe+04a,pe+04b}). The ultimate goal of this work is to probe the advantages and limitations of the combination of different approaches (linear theory, numerical simulations and observations) to studies of parsec-scale jets. 3C\\,273 is the second quasar discovered (Hazard et al. \\cite{hms63}), and the first one for which the emission lines were identified with red-shifted hydrogen lines (Schmidt \\cite{sch63}). In the same work, Schmidt (\\cite{sch63}) also pointed out the presence of a jet-like structure in this object. During the last four decades, the active nucleus and the relativistic outflow in 3C\\,273 have been studied in great detail (Courvoisier \\cite{cou98}). The parsec-scale radio jet in 3C\\,273 has been monitored for almost three decades (Pearson et al. \\cite{pea+81}, Unwin et al. \\cite{unw+85}, \\cite{unw+89}, Zensus et al. \\cite{zen+88}, \\cite{zen+90}, Davis et al. \\cite{dum91}, Abraham et al. \\cite{abr+96}, Krichbaum et al. \\cite{kwz00}, Lobanov et al. \\cite{lob+00}, Asada et al. \\cite{asa+02}). The emission associated with the relativistic outflow on kiloparsec scales has been probed extensively in the radio (Conway et al. \\cite{con+81}, \\cite{con+93}), near infrared (Neumann et al. \\cite{nmr97}, Hutchings et al. \\cite{hut+04}), optical (Thompson et al. \\cite{tmw93}, Jester \\cite{jes01}, Jester et al. \\cite{jes+01}) and X-ray (R\\\"oser et al. \\cite{roe+00}, Marshall et al. \\cite{mar+01}, Sambruna et al. \\cite{sam+01}) wavebands. The relativistic jet observed in the quasar 3C273 is one-sided, with no signs of emission on the counter-jet side at dynamic ranges of up to 16,000:1 (Unwin et al. \\cite{unw+85}). This is evidence for strong relativistic boosting in an intrinsically double-sided outflow powered by an accretion disk around the central black hole (Begelman et al. \\cite{bbr84}). The mass of the central black hole in 3C\\,273 is estimated to be $M_\\mathrm{bh} = 5.5^{+0.9}_{-0.8}\\times 10^8\\mathrm{M}_{\\sun}$ (Kaspi et al. \\cite{kas+00}). The enhanced emission features (jet components) identified in the jet on scales of up to $\\sim$20 milliarcseconds (mas) are moving at apparent speeds exceeding the speed of light by factors of 5-8 (Abraham et al. \\cite{abr+96}). Plausible ranges of the Lorentz factor $\\gamma\\approx 5$--10 and viewing angles $\\theta_\\mathrm{jet}\\approx 10\\degr$--$15\\degr$ have been inferred from these measurements. Ejections of new components into the jet occur roughly once every year (Krichbaum et al. \\cite{kwz00}), and they are likely to be related to weak optical flares observed with a similar periodicity (Belokon \\cite{bel81}). The position angle at which the components are ejected shows regular variations with a likely period of about 13--15 years (Abraham et al. \\cite{abr+96}, Abraham \\& Romero \\cite{ar99}), correlated with the long-term variability observed in 3C\\,273 in the optical (Babadzhanyants \\& Belokon \\cite{bb93}) and radio (Turler et al. \\cite{tcp99}) bands. Abraham \\& Romero (\\cite{ar99}) have suggested that this periodicity may reflect changes of the jet axis induced by the relativistic precession of the inner part of the accretion disk. Results from the linear analysis and numerical modelling are presented, compared and discussed in Sect.~\\ref{sect3} in connection to explaining the observed properties of parsec-scale outflow in 3C\\,273. Main results of the work are discussed in Sect.~\\ref{sect4}. Throughout the paper, we adopt the flat $\\Lambda$CDM Cosmology with the Hubble constant $H_{0}=71\\,h\\,$km\\, s$^{-1}$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$, where $h$ is a constant with a likely value of 1, and matter density $\\Omega_{M}=0.27$. The positive definition of spectral index, $S\\propto\\nu^{\\alpha}$ is used. For 3C\\,273 ($z=0.157$, Strauss et al. \\cite{str+92}), the adopted cosmological parameters correspond to the luminosity distance $D_{\\mathrm L}=0.7h^{-1}$\\,Gpc. The respective linear scale is $2.69h^{-1}$\\,pc\\,mas$^{-1}$, and a proper motion of 1\\,mas/yr corresponds to an apparent speed of $10.1 h^{-1}\\,c$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect4} We have performed two numerical RHD simulations with different initial setups in order to study the physical processes generating the observed structures in the parsec-scale radio jet in the quasar 3C\\,273. In the simulation 3C273-A, we have included a general set of helical and elliptical perturbations in a long jet with the basic physical parameters adopted from LZ01. In the simulation 3C273-B, we have used a shorter jet with the same physical parameters and have included precession and injection of fast components. The simulation 3C273-A was aimed to generate structures with wavelengths similar to those measured by LZ01 from the growth of Kelvin-Helmholtz perturbations. The simulation 3C273-B was designed to check if by combining the ejection of \\emph{superluminal} components and jet precession, with the periodicities reported in Babadzhanyants and Belokon (\\cite{bb93}) and Abraham et al. (\\cite{abr+96}), the same structures could be generated. We find that the structures generated in simulation 3C273-A are of the same order in size as those observed, if the relativistic propagation effects of the waves are taken into account. We observe in the solution of the stability problem that the instability modes found in the simulation propagate at mildly relativistic speeds. These wave speeds differ from those derived from the approximations used in LZ01. This can be due to the uncertainties introduced by the approximations to the characteristic wavelengths in the interpretation of the observations in LZ01. However, we show that wavelengths similar to the observed ones are found for the wave speed given by the solution of the linear problem, although the modes fitted in LZ01 and those used here for the same wavelengths are not coincident. The solutions of the stability problem applied to the adopted wave speeds (0.23 $c$) and line of sight ($15^\\circ$) show that any body modes present in the jet should be much shorter than those fitted in LZ01. It should be noted that these differences do not rule out the presence of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in parsec-scale jets. Despite difficulties in the mode identifications, the structures generated in the simulation are similar to those observed by LZ01. Regarding the long-term stability of the flow, we note that the jet in the simulation 3C273-A is disrupted at $\\sim 170\\, \\rm{pc}$ from the inlet, contrary to the observations tracing the jet in 3C273 up to $60\\, \\rm{kpc}$ away from the source. The reasons for this difference may be found in the conjunction of several factors. 1)~The numerical simulation does not run long enough to reach a fully steady-state regime. The disruption point moves downstream along the simulation, which could imply that the disruption is a transitory phase. 2)~Magnetic fields have not been taken into account neither in the linear analysis, nor in the numerical simulation - and it should be noted that the magnetic fields may be dynamically important at parsec scales (Rosen et al. \\cite{ro+99}, Frank et al. \\cite{fra+96}, Jones et al. \\cite{jon+97}, Ryu et al. \\cite{ryu+00}, Asada et al. \\cite{asa+02}). 3)~We only simulate the underlying flow, without considering the faster and possibly denser fluid in the superluminal components. 4) Inaccuracies in the linear analysis approximations can lead to large uncertainties in physical parameters derived. 5)~Differential rotation of the jet, shear layer thickness (Birkinshaw \\cite{bir91}, Hardee \\& Hugues \\cite{hah03}, Perucho et al. \\cite{pe+06}), and a decreasing density external medium could also play an important role (implying jet expansion; see Hardee \\cite{har82,har87}, and Hardee et al. \\cite{har05}). 6)~Arbitrary initial amplitudes of perturbations were chosen for the simulation, so we could have included too large perturbations. A combination of these factors could well change the picture of the evolution of the jet in terms of its stability properties. The effects of the rotation and magnetic fields on the stability of jets remain unclear, since no systematic numerical study has been performed up to now. In the simulation 3C273-B, we studied the effect of precession on the jet evolution and investigated the possibility that the short wavelength structures found in LZ01 were not due to K-H instabilities but due to the periodicities induced in the flow by the ejection of components. We demonstrate that such non-linear features as superluminal components generate linear structures in the form of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities which can be analyzed in the framework of linear perturbation analysis. One of the main conclusions that can be derived from this simulation is that helical twists can be excited by periodic injections if there is some induced helicity in the system. This helicity is induced in our simulation by the helical perturbation frequency, but in real jets this helicity could be induced by helical jet magnetic fields and/or by jet rotation. We have also shown that, in order to explain the observed $18\\,\\rm{mas}$ wavelength in terms of precession, either longer driving periodicities than the $15\\,\\rm{yr}$ suggested by Abraham \\& Romero (\\cite{ar99}) would be needed, or this wavelength must be induced by very fast components observed in a jet moving at a viewing angle $\\theta<15^\\circ$. The fast components could only generate the shorter wavelengths given in LZ01 ($\\lambda=2$ mas and $\\lambda=4$ mas) if a proper combination of the velocities and injection periodicities is used. Altogether, we find that inclusion of faster components and precession with the $15\\,\\rm{yr}$ periodicity does not explain well the observed wavelengths and periodicities. This gives more weight to the general conclusion about K-H instability acting prominently in the flow. In the future, numerical simulations of this kind may be used to constrain the basic parameters of the flow such as the viewing angle and the component speed. Inclusion of magnetic fields, differential rotation and the effects of an atmosphere with a decreasing density could help reconciling better the simulations with the observed structures. In this way, for example, an increase of the jet radius due to decreasing external density could cause a downstream increase of wavelengths of K-H instability modes (Hardee et al. \\cite{har05}). This remains to be seen with future, full-fledged RMHD simulations of the relativistic jet in 3C~273. The scope of the present work could be expanded to other sources, and applied to prominent jets for which the transversal structure may be resolved, such as 3C~120, extending the work done by Hardee et al. (\\cite{har05}) by performing numerical simulations." }, "0606/astro-ph0606423_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have developed an analytical model to describe the evolution of anisotropic galactic outflows. With it, we investigate the impact of varying opening angle on galaxy formation and the evolution of the intergalactic medium. We have implemented this model in a Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate galaxy formation and outflows in a cosmological context. Using this algorithm, we have simulated the evolution of a comoving volume of size $(12h^{-1}{\\rm Mpc})^3$ in the $\\Lambda$CDM universe. Starting from a Gaussian density field at redshift $z=24$, we follow the formation of $\\sim20,000$ galaxies and simulate the galactic outflows produced by these galaxies. When these outflows collide with density peaks, ram pressure stripping of the gas inside the peaks may result. This occurs in around half the cases and prevents the formation of galaxies. Anisotropic outflows follow the path of least resistance and thus travel preferentially into low-density regions, away from cosmological structures (filaments and pancakes) where galaxies form. As a result, the number of collisions is reduced, leading to the formation of a larger number of galaxies. Anisotropic outflows can significantly enrich low-density systems with metals. Conversely, the cross-pollution in metals of objects located in a common cosmological structure, like a filament, is significantly reduced. Highly anisotropic outflows can travel across cosmological voids and deposit metals in other, unrelated cosmological structures. ", "introduction": "Galactic outflows play an important role in the evolution of galaxies and the intergalactic medium (IGM). Supernova explosions in galaxies create galactic winds, which deposit energy and metal-enriched gas into the IGM. These outflows are necessary to explain many observations and to solve many problems in galaxy formation, such as the high mass-to-light ratio of dwarf galaxies, the observed metallicity of the IGM, the entropy content of the IGM, the abundance of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, the overcooling problem, and the angular momentum problem. High-resolution, gasdynamical simulations of explosions in a single object reveal that outflows generated by such explosions tend to be highly anisotropic, with the energy and metal-enriched gas being channeled along the direction of least resistance, where the pressure is the lowest \\citep{mf99,ms01a,ms01b}. Furthermore, several observations support the existence of anisotropic outflows (e.g. \\citealt{bt88,fhk90,carignanetal98,sbh98,stricklandetal00,vr02}). Indirect support for the existence of anisotropic outflows comes from the observed enrichment of systems around the mean density of the universe \\citep{2003ApJ...596..768S,2004MNRAS.347..985P} and the enrichment of systems far from known galaxies at $z\\sim3$ \\citep{psa06, s06}. It may be challenging to enrich such regions with isotropic outflows even with the inclusion of enrichment from poorly understood Population III stars. Early indications are that Population III stars are unlikely to pollute the IGM to a large extent \\citep{nop04}. Anisotropic outflows may also provide an explanation for part of the observed scatter in the metallicity in the IGM, which is still unexplained \\citep{2003ApJ...596..768S,psa06}. Several simulations of galactic outflows in cosmological contexts have been performed. Typically, these simulations use cubic comoving volumes of size $\\sim(10\\,{\\rm Mpc})^3$, containing thousands of galaxies. The methods used can be divided into two groups : analytical methods and numerical methods. The analytical methods describe the expansion of outflows in simulations that are either Gaussian random realizations of the density power spectrum or N-body simulations combined with prescriptions for galaxy formation. Outflows are represented using an analytical solution (e.g. \\citealt{sb01}, hereafter SB01, \\citealt{tms01,bsw05}) that currently assume isotropy. The numerical simulations use hydrodynamical algorithms such as SPH, and outflows are generated in a variety of ways: by imparting SPH particles with a large velocity component (e.g. \\citealt{std01,sh03,od06}), depositing additional thermal energy into SPH particles (e.g. \\citealt{2002ApJ...578L...5T}), or taking output from completed SPH simulations and calculating, {\\it a posteriori}, the propagation of outflows into the IGM \\citep{aguirreetal01}. Unlike the analytical methods cited above, which assume isotropic outflows, all these numerical approaches have the potential to generate anisotropic outflows. However, we believe that there are some limitations to these numerical approaches, which motivates us to introduce an analytical model for anisotropic outflows. With any SPH simulation, we need to be concerned with the limited resolution of the algorithm. Consider for example the simulations of \\citet{std01}. These authors identify galaxies of radius $r_N$, and rearrange the SPH particles located between $r_N$ and $r_0=2r_N$ into two uniform, concentric spherical shells located at radii $0.9r_0$ and $r_0$, which are then given an outward velocity. The outflow is therefore initially isotropic but becomes anisotropic as it propagates into a non-uniform external medium. We can see two potential problems with this approach. Firstly, the structure responsible for generating the anisotropy might be the galaxy or its environment, in which case the rearranging of particles into concentric shells would erase that structure entirely. Secondly, 52 particles per shell (the number they used) provides a good covering of the solid angles initially, but as the outflow expands and the particles in the shells move apart they become more like individual pressure points pushing on the external medium, and this could lead to an artificial mixing of the outflow and the external medium by Raleigh-Taylor instability. The approach of \\citet{aguirreetal01} is radically different. It consists of identifying galaxies in an output from an SPH simulation and calculating the propagation of outflows from these galaxies in $N_a$ different directions. Since the resistance encountered by the outflows will be direction-dependent, outflows will start isotropic but then become anisotropic as the distance travelled by outflows will vary with direction. There are two limitations to this approach. Firstly, since it uses the output of an SPH simulation and introduces the outflows {\\it a posteriori}, the feedback effect of these outflows cannot be simulated (i.e. outflows do not influence the formation of other galaxies). Secondly, in this approach gas elements move radially and encountering high-pressure gas will dissipate their energy and rapidly slow down. In the real universe, that gas element will likely acquire a tangential velocity component that will redirect it towards regions where the resistance of the external medium is weaker. To overcome these various limitations and study anisotropic outflows in a cosmological context, {\\it including the effect of feedback}, we have designed an analytical model for galactic outflows. This can then be combined with either an analytical method or a semi-analytic method for the description of galaxy formation. In this paper, we use an analytical Monte Carlo method. Calculations performed with an N-body semi-analytic approach will be presented in a forthcoming paper \\citep{mgp07}. This paper is set out as follows. In \\S2, we describe our analytical model for anisotropic outflows. In \\S3, we describe our Monte Carlo method for cosmological simulations. Results are presented in \\S4, and their implications are discussed in \\S5. Conclusions are presented in \\S6. ", "conclusions": "We have designed an analytical model for anisotropic galactic outflows based on the hypothesis that such outflows are bipolar and follow the path of least resistance through the environment of their source. In this analytical model we vary one parameter: the opening angle, $\\alpha$. We combined this model with an analytical Monte Carlo method for simulating galaxy formation, galaxy mergers, and supernova feedback. With this combined algorithm, we study the evolution of the galaxies and the IGM inside a comoving cosmological volume of size $(12h^{-1}{\\rm Mpc})^3$, from redshifts, $z=24-2$, in a $\\Lambda$CDM model. Our main results are the following: \\begin{itemize} \\item Galaxy formation starts at redshift, $z\\sim18$. Since we neglect the formation and evolutionary times of massive stars, each newly formed galaxy immediately produces an outflow that lasts for a time, $t_{\\rm burst}\\sim50{\\rm Myr}$. Such outflows can travel hundreds of kiloparsecs, and eventually collide with other objects. We neglect the effect of a collision with a well-formed galaxy (the cross-section is too small). When an outflow collides with a peak still in the process of collapsing, removal of the gas by ram pressure, preventing the formation of the galaxy, occurs about half of the time. When stripping does not occur, the protogalaxy is enriched in metals. This process occurs for all opening angles and the proportion stripped or metal-enriched is essentially independent of opening angle. \\item When metal-enrichment of a peak occurs and this peak collapses to form a halo, the cooling time of that halo is reduced, and the galaxy forms earlier. However, this effect is rather small. In particular, we did not find that metal-enrichment could ``bring to life'' low-mass protogalaxies whose cooling time exceeds the age of the universe. \\item Anisotropic outflows channel matter preferentially into low-density regions, away from the cosmological structures (filaments or pancakes) in which the galaxies producing the outflows reside. Consequently, the number of halos encountered by outflows decreases with decreasing opening angle. This reduction in the number of hits results in a larger number of galaxies forming, since fewer halos are stripped by the ram pressure of outflows. \\item The volume filling factor of galactic outflows (that is, the volume fraction of the IGM occupied by outflows) holds constant and then decreases with opening angle. For angles $\\alpha=180^\\circ-110^\\circ$ the constant filling factor is a result of the balance between an increase due to larger numbers of galaxies and a decrease due to a fall in volume per outflow. At smaller angles, the volume of individual outflows drops significantly with $\\alpha$, and the total filling factor decreases since this term wins out. \\item The decrease in filling factor with decreasing angle is not sufficient to explain the decrease in number of hits. The ratio (number of hits)/(filling factor) decreases with decreasing angles down to $\\alpha\\sim50^\\circ$. This indicates that at these angles, the outflows are efficient at avoiding collisions with halos and channel matter preferentially into low-density region. Hence, if several halos reside in a common cosmological structure, an outflow produced by one of them will tend to avoid encountering the others. For angles $\\alpha<50^\\circ$, we observe the opposite trend: outflows become more efficient in finding halos and hitting them. These narrow outflows can travel across cosmological voids and hit halos located in unrelated structures, like the next filament or pancake. This effect is a continuation of a process begun at $\\alpha\\sim 100^\\circ$ where the mean distance travelled by outflows when they strip collapsing peaks of their baryons begin to increase as the first neighboring structures are hit. \\item The enrichment of the IGM with metals favors high-density systems since the sources of outflows are located in high-density regions. However, as the opening angle decreases, there is a dramatic reduction of the enrichment of such systems, combined with a dramatic increase in enrichment of low-density systems. Anisotropic outflows enrich around 10\\% larger a volume of the underdense Universe (and $40\\%$ more of the Universe below $\\rho/{\\bar \\rho}=0.1$) than isotropic outflows. \\end{itemize} This collection of results is a mere consequence of the fact that outflows follow the path of least resistance. This is an assumption in our model and is motivated by observations as well as high-resolution simulations." }, "0606/astro-ph0606615_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use a relativistic ray-tracing code to calculate the light curves observed from a global general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of an accretion flow onto a Schwarzschild black hole. We apply three basic emission models to sample different properties of the time-dependent accretion disk. With one of these models, which assumes thermal blackbody emission and free-free absorption, we can predict qualitative features of the high-frequency power spectrum from stellar-mass black holes in the ``Thermal Dominant'' state. The simulated power spectrum is characterized by a power law of index $\\Gamma \\approx 3$ and total rms fractional variance of $\\lesssim 2\\%$ above 10 Hz. For each emission model, we find that the variability amplitude should increase with increasing inclination angle. On the basis of a newly-developed formalism for quantifying the significance of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in simulation data, we find that these simulations are able to identify any such features with (rms/mean) amplitudes $\\gtrsim 1 \\%$ near the orbital frequency at the inner-most stable orbit. Initial results indicate the existence of transient QPO peaks with frequency ratios of nearly 2:3 at a $99.9\\%$ confidence limit, but they are not generic features because at any given time they are seen only from certain observer directions. Additionally, we present detailed analysis of the azimuthal structure of the accretion disk and the evolution of density perturbations in the inner disk. These ``hot spot'' structures appear to be roughly self-similar over a range of disk radii, with a single characteristic size $\\delta\\phi=25^\\circ$ and $\\delta r/r=0.3$, and typical lifetimes $T_l\\approx 0.3T_{\\rm orb}$. ", "introduction": "Our understanding of accretion onto black holes has grown substantially in recent years. Correlated magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, stirred by an underlying magneto-rotational instability, has now been well-established as the fundamental mechanism of angular momentum transfer in accretion disks \\citep{balbu98}. With that achievement in hand, detailed studies of global accretion disk dynamics have been undertaken via large-scale numerical simulations in both the pseudo-Newtonian \\citep{hawle01,hawle02,machi03,armit03} and general relativistic \\citep{devil03a,devil03b,gammi03} frameworks. At the same time, we have also come into possession of a wealth of observational data. High signal-to-noise spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN; see e.g., the SDSS composite: \\citet{vande01}) as well as of black hole binaries in a variety of spectral states are now available \\citep{mccli05}; so, too, are detailed light curves and power-density spectra, particularly of black hole binaries \\citep{mccli05,vande05}, but also for Seyfert 1 galaxies and other AGN \\citep{marko04}. Fluorescent Fe K$\\alpha$ profiles have been used to infer detailed diagnostics of the disk surface in its innermost portions \\citep{fabia95,reyno97,done00,mille02}. One particularly exciting area of research has been the discovery of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in accreting black hole binaries \\citep{stroh01a,stroh01b}. In a growing number of sources, these QPOs appear in pairs with integer frequency ratios of 2:3 \\citep{mille01,remil02,homan05}. The high frequencies of these QPOs (near the frequency of the inner-most stable circular orbit; ISCO) suggests a strongly relativistic origin, but there exists a very broad range of theoretical models, none of which at this point appear overwhelmingly convincing \\citep{abram01,rezzo03,rebus04,schni05,petri05}. At the same time, there have not yet been any clear identifications of QPOs in the MHD simulations, much less pairs of QPOs with integer frequency ratios, making it difficult to choose one imperfect theoretical model over another. Without a physically consistent way of associating light output with numerical simulations of accretion dynamics, we cannot directly compare the predictions of our best theoretical disk models with any spectral or timing observations. Therefore it is the goal of this paper to move toward the objective of linking dynamical simulations to observational diagnostics. We will do so by applying several phenomenological models to detailed simulation data in order to predict the light that would be produced. From these models, we generate images and light curves for accretion disks as they might be seen by distant observers. Statistical analysis of this derived data will lead us to several interesting generalizations about the nature of variability in the light output of accreting black holes. Although the particular models we employ here for the emissivity and opacity of disks are not entirely realistic, the formalism we create can be readily applied to more realistic models in the future. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} \\subsection{Summary of Findings} We have developed a generalized post-processor analysis tool that couples ray-tracing in the Kerr metric with global GRMHD simulations to produce light curves and power spectra of accreting black holes. Using a variety of emission models, we probe different regions of the accretion disk and are better able to understand the underlying causes of time variability in the observed flux. The optically thick blackbody emission/absorption model is particularly useful for understanding the behavior of stellar-mass black holes in the Thermal Dominant state, which is characterized by a broad peak in the photon energy spectrum and very low levels of variability. By fixing the black hole mass and accretion rate, we can convert from dimensionless code units to physical units for local fluid density. Then, assuming a radiation-pressure dominated gas in the inner disk, we can derive a physical temperature, and thus emissivity and absorption coefficients. The temperature and scale height of the disk compare well with the Novikov-Thorne predictions for a Schwarzschild black hole accreting at 50\\% $\\dot{M}_{\\rm Edd}$ with a small torque at the inner boundary. Despite the very different assumptions used in the analytic model and the computer simulations, the agreement is close enough to provide reasonable confidence in our conversion factors for density and temperature, and thus the conclusion that the simulations can be used to understand the Thermal Dominant state. We have also developed new methods for analyzing the azimuthal structure of the accretion flow, determining the characteristic sizes and lifetimes of density perturbations. Over a large range of radii, we found the perturbations have a nearly exponential distribution of lifetimes, with $T_{\\rm life}\\approx 0.3T_{\\rm orb}$. Also, the characteristic shapes of the hot spots appears to be self-similar throughout the Keplerian regions of the disk, with $\\delta\\phi \\approx 25^\\circ$ and $\\delta r/r \\approx 0.3$. From these short coherence times, it seems clear that the hot spots formed by MHD turbulence cannot survive long enough to produce the QPOs with quality factors of $Q\\sim 5-10$ described in \\citet{schni05}. Thus, if the transient high frequency QPOs with 2:3 frequency ratios identified in Section \\ref{hfqpos} are in fact robust signatures of GRMHD disk dynamics, they are most likely {\\it not} produced by geodesic hot spots. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the QPOs are seen only from a single azimuthal viewing angle at any one time, perhaps suggesting some form of localized stationary wave in the disk. Finally, as part of our search for QPOs in the simulation data, we have also developed a general formalism for quantifying the significance of such features in simulations. These analytic results have been combined with Monte Carlo calculations to estimate our confidence limits for the QPOs at $\\gtrsim 99.9\\%$. \\subsection{Comparison with Observations} As argued throughout this paper, we believe the MHD simulations most closely resemble the Thermal state of black hole X-ray binaries. This high-luminosity state is dominated by a broad thermal peak in the energy spectrum around $E \\sim 0.7-1.5$ keV and a relatively small contribution from a steep power-law tail at higher energies \\citep{mccli05}. The timing properties are characterized by a featureless power spectrum with $P(\\nu) \\sim \\nu^{-\\Gamma}$, with typical power-law index $\\Gamma \\approx 1$. The total power in this state is also small, with (rms/mean)$^2$ Hz$^{-1} \\lesssim 10^{-3}$ above 1~Hz. Our simulated power spectra predict $\\Gamma \\approx 3-4$, which is rather greater than the typical slope. On the other hand, just this sort of steep power spectrum has been seen in the hard state observations of \\citet{bello06}. One robust prediction of the MHD/ray-tracing simulations is that, independent of the emission mechanism, the integrated rms power increases with disk inclination. In principle, this should be an observable prediction that could be tested with {\\it RXTE} data from black hole binaries in the Thermal state. Of course, there are complications when comparing two different binary systems, including different relative contributions to the thermal peak or power-law tail, different total luminosities, and different black hole masses. However, with a sufficiently large number of observations, it should be possible to account for these variables and extract a correlation between integrated spectral power and inclination. Other observational trends that might be explored with future MHD simulations include the observed linear relation between the X-ray flux and rms, which appears to extend to AGN as well \\citep{uttle04,uttle05}. The timing properties of black hole binaries also vary greatly between their different spectral states, a general feature that is still not understood. To explore either of these relationships, we will require more sophisticated emission models and, quite likely, more simulation data with a broader range of disk parameters. However, even with improved simulations and light curve models, there still exist some inherent difficulties in comparing theory with observation. {\\it RXTE} typically requires thousands of seconds of observation to detect high-frequency QPOs at rms amplitudes of a few percent (limited largely by photon counting statistics and ``dead time'' corrections). To achieve a similar sensitivity, our MHD simulations require hundreds of hours corresponds to generate only 0.2 seconds of real time for a $10 M_\\odot$ black hole (we have perfect photon statistics, but are limited by the inherent variance in the power spectra of short time series). This is more closely analogous to the time scales of AGN observations. If we were to scale the simulation to an AGN of mass $10^8 M_\\odot$, it would correspond to a sampling rate of every 40 minutes for roughly a month, assuming {\\it perfect} photon counting statistics! Thus it should be no surprise that QPOs are still so difficult to detect with high significance from supermassive black holes \\citep{benll01,vaugh05}." }, "0606/astro-ph0606490_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\emph{Context} Star-forming nuclear rings in barred galaxies are common in nearby spirals, and their detailed study can lead to important insights into the evolution of galaxies, their bars, and their central regions. We present integral field spectroscopic observations obtained with SAURON of the bar and circumnuclear region of the barred spiral galaxy M100, complemented by new {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} imaging of the region.\\\\ \\emph{Aims} We use these data to enhance our understanding of the formation, evolution, and current properties of the bar and ring.\\\\ \\emph{Methods} We derive the kinematics of the gas and the stars and quantify circular and non-circular motions using kinemetry. We analyse this in conjunction with the optical and infrared morphology, and our previously published dynamical modelling. By comparing line indices to simple stellar population models we estimate the ages and metallicities of the stellar populations present within the region, especially in and around the ring.\\\\ \\emph{Results} The stellar and gaseous velocity fields are remarkably similar, and we confirm that the velocity fields show strong evidence for non-circular motions due to the bar and the associated density wave. These are strongest just outside the nuclear ring, where our kinemetric analysis indicates inflow across the spiral armlets and into the ring region. The line strength maps all indicate the presence of a younger population within this ring, but detailed modelling of the line strengths shows that in addition to this young population, old stars are present. These old stars must have been formed in an event of massive star formation which produced the bulk of the mass, and which ended some 3~Gyr ago, a constraint set by the age of the stars in the bar and the nucleus. Our best-fitting model is one in which the current star formation is but the latest of a series of relatively short bursts of star formation which have occurred for the last 500~Myr or so. A clear bi-polar azimuthal age gradient is seen within the ring, with the youngest stars occurring near where the bar dust lanes connect with the ring.\\\\ \\emph{Conclusions} Our kinematic and morphological results all confirm the picture in which the nuclear ring in M100, considered typical, is fed by gas flowing in from the disc under the action of the bar, is slowed down near a pair of resonances, and forms significant amounts of massive stars. Detailed stellar population modelling shows how the underlying bulge and disc were put in place a number of Gyr ago, and that the nuclear ring has been forming stars since about 500~Myr ago in a stable succession of bursts. This confirms that nuclear rings of this kind can form under the influence of a resonant structure set up by a bar, and proves that they are stable features of a galaxy rather than one-off starburst events. ", "introduction": "The presence of a bar or other asymmetric perturbation of the gravitational potential within a spiral galaxy can strongly influence the dynamics of the gas and the stars. Bars are commonly formed within dynamically unstable galactic discs. During their evolution they can experience vertical buckling instabilities, which thicken the bar and increase the vertical velocity dispersion \\citep{com90,raha91}, and which we now know can be recurrent \\citep{mart06}. Bars are present in up to 70$\\%$ of spiral galaxies (Knapen, Shlosman \\& Heller 2000a; Eskridge et al. 2000; Grosb$\\o$l, Patsis \\& Pompei 2004), indicating that they must be long lived components of a galaxy. This strong conclusion is confirmed by recent results suggesting that the bar fraction is roughly constant out to $z\\sim1$ (e.g., Jogee et al. 2004). Dust lanes are often seen within large scale bars, offset from the bar major axis. The main families of periodic orbits making up the bar are elongated parallel to the bar, and perpendicular orbits are present if one or more inner resonances exist (Contopoulos \\& Papayannopoulos 1980), so called $x_1$ and $x_2$ orbits, respectively. At the location of such resonances, between the bar pattern speed and the period of the radial oscillations of the stars and gas, the stellar orbits abruptly change orientation. The gas orbits can only do this gradually, and this leads to the existence of shocks within the bar. The compression of this gas is manifested by increased dust extinction. The shocks can lead to angular momentum loss in the gas, as a result of which the gas will flow in towards the nucleus until it stalls in a ring-like region in the vicinity of the Inner Lindblad Resonances (ILRs), where there is no net torque acting on the gas (Knapen et al. 1995a, hereafter K95a; Heller and Shlosman 1996). The accumulation of gas in such a nuclear ring can easily lead to enhanced massive star formation (Heller and Shlosman 1994; K95a). Such star forming rings are found within the central 1-2 kiloparsec of 20$\\%$ of spiral galaxies, practically all barred \\citep{k05}, and are traced by strong line emission. Overall, nuclear rings contribute around 3-5\\% to the local star formation rate \\citep{ken05}, and may play a role in the secular evolution of galaxies (see review by Kormendy \\& Kennicutt 2004). The galaxy M100 (=NGC~4321) was chosen as the focus of this study due to its relative proximity \\citep[16.1~Mpc,][]{Fer96}, giving a scale of 70 parsec per arcsec, and the moderate strength of its bar. The bar strength ($Q_{\\mbox{b}}$) of M100 has been estimated at 0.2 by Laurikainen \\& Salo (2002), who suggest that significant asymmetric forces are present for bar strengths of $Q_{\\mbox{b}}> 0.05$. M100 exhibits a particularly clear resonant circumnuclear structure which has been described in detail by K95a and Knapen et al. (1995b, hereafter K95b, and 2000b, hereafter K00). The morphology changes dramatically between wavebands. In the \\emph{K} band, a small-scale bar is clearly visible, at the same position angle (PA) as the large-scale bar (see also Section 6.3). The picture, therefore, is of a single bar dissected by a nuclear ring. Hotspots of \\emph{K} band emission are located at the ends of the inner part of the bar. In blue optical light, as well as in H$\\alpha$ emission, a bright star-forming two-armed spiral structure is evident, delineated by the offset dust lanes which can be traced inwards through the main bar, through the ring, and towards the centre. We define the contact points as the locations on the ring dissected by a line through the nucleus and perpendicular to the bar major axis. In this paper, we present stellar and gas kinematics, absorption line indices (H$\\beta$, Mg$\\emph{b}$ and Fe5015), and {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} ({\\it SST}; Werner et al. 2004) near- and mid-infrared imaging across the nuclear ring and bar region in M100. We aim to study the detailed interplay between the dynamics on the one hand, and the ancient and recent history of the star formation in the bar and ring on the other. This is the second paper presenting results from our new dataset on this galaxy. In the first paper (Allard, Peletier \\& Knapen 2005; hereafter Paper~I) we presented emission line and gas velocity dispersion maps which showed how massive star formation occurs at the precise locations of relatively cool gas, and related these results to the dynamical origin of the ring in terms of a resonance structure set up by the bar. The current paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the observations, data reduction and analysis of the SAURON and {\\it SST} data, Section 3 briefly describes the morphology and line ratios, Section 4 concentrates on the kinematics, and Section 5 on the stellar populations. Our discussions and conclusions are presented in Sections 6 and 7. ", "conclusions": "This paper presents SAURON integral field observations of the central region and bar of M100, which yields the gaseous and stellar kinematics, and emission and absorption line strength maps. We complement this data set with {\\it SST} near- and mid-IR imaging of M100. The basic emission line morphology is that of the well-known nuclear ring which shines brightly in H$\\beta$, and which is linked to H{\\sc ii} regions at the Eastern end of the bar by a thin arc of ionised gas, running alongside but offset from the dust lanes (see also Paper~I). In [O{\\sc iii}] the morphology shows a central peak, while generally tracing the H$\\beta$ emission. The H$\\beta$ and [O{\\sc iii}] gas kinematics show regular rotation along the bar, equivalent to an inclined rotating disc, but with characteristic kinks in the velocity field along the bar minor axis, near the radius of the nuclear ring. The stellar velocity field is similar to that of the gas in the bar, and the non-circular motions are only slightly less evident near the centre, and practically as strong as in the gas along the bar minor axis. As discussed in more detail in Paper~I, the H$\\beta$ gas velocity dispersion shows a lower value where the star formation occurs, in the ring and at the ends of the bar, and also alongside the Eastern dust lane. The [O{\\sc iii}] gas velocity dispersion shows a slight decrease in the ring, and has a much higher central value than H$\\beta$. The Mg{\\emph b} and Fe5015 absorption line indices show lower values within the ring suggesting that a younger stellar population is diluting the deep absorption features of the older bulge population. The H$\\beta$ absorption line index shows a broken ring, with the breaks occurring where the H$\\beta$ emission is the strongest. All three absorption line indices, as well as the H$\\beta$ EW, show that the youngest stellar populations are found at the contact points between the ring and the dust lanes. Detailed modelling of the line strengths shows that old stars are present in addition to the young population which dominates the appearance of the ring, mostly so in emission lines like that of H$\\beta$. These old stars must have been formed in a past star formation event which produced the bulk of the mass, and which stopped some 3~Gyr ago, a constraint set by the age of the stars in the bar and the nucleus. Our best-fitting model is one in which the current star formation is but the latest of a series of relatively short bursts of star formation which have occurred for the last 500~Myr or so. A clear bi-polar azimuthal age gradient is seen within the ring, with the youngest stars occurring near where the bar dust lanes connect with the ring. Our kinematic and morphological results thus confirm a picture in which the nuclear ring in M100, considered typical, is fed by gas flowing in from the disc under the action of the bar, is slowed down near a pair of resonances, and forms significant amounts of massive stars. Detailed stellar population modelling shows how the underlying bulge and disc were put in place a number of Gyr ago, and that the nuclear ring has been forming stars since about 500~Myr ago in a stable succession of bursts. This confirms that nuclear rings can form under the influence of a resonant structure set up by a bar, and proves that they are stable features of a galaxy rather than one-off starburst events." }, "0606/astro-ph0606173_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I review the progress in research on intracluster planetary nebulae over the last five years. Hundreds more intracluster planetary nebulae have been detected in the nearby Virgo and Fornax galaxy clusters, searches of several galaxy groups have been made, and intracluster planetary candidates have been detected in the distant Coma cluster. The first theoretical studies of intracluster planetaries have also been completed, studying their utility as tracers of the intracluster light as a whole, and also as individual objects. From the results to date, it appears that intracluster planetaries are common in galaxy clusters (10-20\\% of the total amount of starlight), but thus far, none have been detected in galaxy groups, a result which currently is not well understood. Limited spectroscopic follow-up of intracluster planetaries in Virgo indicate that they have a complex velocity structure, in agreement with numerical models of intracluster light. Hydrodynamic simulations of individual intracluster planetaries predict that their morphology is significantly altered by their intracluster environment, but their emission-line properties appear to be unaffected. ", "introduction": "Intracluster starlight, the diffuse starlight which permeates many galaxy clusters, is potentially of great interest to studies of galaxy and galaxy cluster evolution. Since it is currently believed that the bulk of the intracluster stars were originally formed within galaxies and then were tidally removed from them, they are an important way to study the mechanisms of tidal stripping and interactions that are common within galaxy clusters (\\cite[Dressler 1984]{dressler1984}). Modern numerical simulations of galaxy clusters show that the intracluster light is ubiquitous in galaxy clusters, has a complex spatial and kinematic structure, and can be used to gain information on the dynamical evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters (Napolitano et al. 2003; Willman et al. 2004; Murante et al. 2004; Sommer-Larsen et al. 2005; Stanghellini et al. 2006; Rudick et al. 2006). However, the obstacles in observing intracluster light in detail are substantial. Due to its low surface brightness (at the brightest, less than 1\\% of the night sky background in the $V$ band), it is extremely difficult to image directly. There have been significant detections of intracluster light in galaxy clusters at low redshifts (z $<$ 0.3) (Feldmeier et al. 2004a; Gonzalez et al. 2004; Mihos et al. 2005; Zibetti et al. 2005; Krick et al. 2006), but nearly all of these observations require specialized observing techniques that are extremely time-consuming to carry out. In addition, although intracluster imaging observations are crucial for obtaining a global view of the phenomenon, they can only give the spatial distribution of intracluster light, and possibly a color, meaning that detailed comparisons with the theoretical models will be difficult. Finally, despite heroic efforts, direct imaging cannot yet probe the lowest surface brightness features, which have surface brightnesses of $\\mu_{V}$ = 32 mag/sq. arcsecond. An alternate way to study intracluster light is to detect luminous individual intracluster stars in nearby galaxy clusters, and gain more detailed information on the distribution, metallicity and velocities of intracluster stars than is possible from surface brightness measurements. This approach has also been quite successful: intracluster red giant stars (Ferguson, Tanvir, \\& von Hippel 1998; Durrell et al. 2002), intracluster H~II regions (Lee et al. 2000; Gerhard et al. 2002; Ryan-Weber et al. 2004) and intracluster novae and supernovae (Gal-Yam et al. 2003; Neil, Shara, \\& Oegerle 2005) have all been detected in galaxy clusters. Here, we focus on another luminous tracer of the intracluster light: intracluster planetary nebulae (hereafter, IPN). IPN have a number of unique advantages over other luminous tracers of the intracluster starlight. Because IPN are emission-line objects, they can be detected efficiently in [O~III] $\\lambda$ 5007 surveys from the ground. Therefore, using wide-field imagers common on 4-meter class telescopes, samples of hundreds of candidates can be found in a single telescope run. With spectroscopic follow-up using 6-meter and larger telescopes, the radial velocities of IPN can be determined, offering the ability to study the dynamics of intracluster starlight. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606345_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The recently discovered RRAT sources are characterized by very bright radio bursts which, while being periodically related, occur infrequently. We find bursts with the same characteristics for the known pulsar B0656+14. These bursts represent pulses from the bright end of an extended smooth pulse-energy distribution and are shown to be unlike giant pulses, giant micropulses or the pulses of normal pulsars. The extreme peak-fluxes of the brightest of these pulses indicates that PSR B0656+14, were it not so near, could only have been discovered as an RRAT source. Longer observations of the RRATs may reveal that they, like PSR B0656+14, emit weaker emission in addition to the bursts. ", "introduction": "\\object{PSR B0656+14} is one of three nearby pulsars in the middle-age range in which pulsed high-energy emission has been detected. These are commonly known as ``The Three Musketeers'' \\citep{bt97}, the other two being Geminga and PSR B1055--52. PSR B0656+14 was included in a recent extensive survey of subpulse modulation in pulsars in the northern sky at the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) by \\citet{wes06}. In the single pulses analysed for this purpose, the unusual nature of this pulsar's emission was very evident, especially the brief, yet exceptionally powerful bursts of radio emission. These extreme bursts of radio emission of PSR B0656+14 are similar to those detected in the recently discovered population of bursting neutron stars. These Rotating RAdio Transients (RRATs; \\citealt{mll+06}) typically emit detectable radio emission for less than one second per day, causing standard periodicity searches to fail in detecting the rotation period. From the greatest common divisor of the time between bursts, a period has been found for ten out of the eleven sources. The periods (between 0.4 and 7 s) suggest these sources may be related to the radio-quiet X-ray populations of neutron stars, such as magnetars \\citep{wt06} and isolated neutron stars \\citep{hab04}. However, \\citet{ptp06} have shown that the estimated formation rate of magnetars is too low. Furthermore the spectrum of the only RRAT for which an X-ray counterpart has so far been detected \\citep{rbg+06} seems to be too cool, too thermal and too dim for a magnetar, but is consistent with a cooling middle-aged neutron star like PSR B0656+14 \\citep{szk+06}. Also the pulse period and the slowdown-rate of PSR B0656+14, as well as the derived surface magnetic field strength and characteristic age, are within the range of measured values for RRATs. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that PSR B0656+14 could have been identified as an RRAT, had it been at the typical distance of the known RRATs. We have no way of telling whether its capacity to produce intense bursts of emission right across its profile is related to its age, period, inclination, or even its immediate galactic environment, since this behavior has been found in no other pulsar. The pulse-energy distribution is not a power-law, but is better fitted by a lognormal distribution and such distributions are thought to be common for pulsars (e.g. \\citealt{cjd04}). In a study of 32 pulsars, \\citet{rit76} found that PSR B0950+08 shows the highest degree of pulse-to-pulse intensity variation. Nevertheless, the brightest pulse found in an extensive study of its field statistics by \\citet{cjd04} is approximately 5 {\\Eav}. Vela does not show pulses brighter than 10 {\\Eav} and only 0.5\\% of the pulses are brighter than 3 {\\Eav} \\citep{jvkb01}. For PSR B0656+14 4\\% of the pulses are brighter than 3 {\\Eav}. Therefore the emission of PSR B0656+14 appears to be extremely erratic compared with both normal pulsars and pulsars with giant micropulses. One could wonder if more known pulsars show a similar kind of sporadic bright emission. To answer this question one should analyse the pulse energy distribution of a sample of pulsars. A complication would be that longer than typical observations are required to detect the presence of a tail of strong pulses. In a large survey for subpulse modulation by \\citet{wes06}, this pulsar was the only pulsar that showed clear evidence for this kind of sporadic emission. Our identification of PSR B0656+14 with RRATs implies that at least some RRATs could be sources which emit pulses continuously, but over an extremely wide range of energies. This is in contrast to a picture (predicted by \\citealt{zgd06}) of infrequent powerful pulses with otherwise no emission. Therefore, if it indeed turns out that PSR B0656+14 (despite its relatively short period) is a true prototype for an RRAT, we can expect future studies to demonstrate that RRATs emit much weaker pulses among their occasional bright bursts. We would also predict that their integrated profiles will be found to be far broader than the widths of the individual bursts, and will need many thousands of bursts to stabilize. Hopefully, radio observations of RRATs will soon be able to test these predictions. These, together with the detection of more RRATs and potentially their high-energy counterparts, will shed light on their true nature. The transient nature of these sources makes them difficult to detect. However it is likely that the Galactic population exceeds that of the ``normal'' radio pulsars \\citep{mll+06}. Thus surveys with long pointings, such as those planned with LOFAR, or many observations of the same region of sky are required. Surveys at low frequencies will also be more sensitive to nearer RRATs as the greater degree of dispersion will allow them to be more easily distinguished from radio frequency interference." }, "0606/astro-ph0606035_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:1} Extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars play an important role in extragalactic astronomy, since they have been individuated as possibly being responsible for the UV upturn in elliptical galaxies and in the bulges of spiral galaxies, that has been proposed as an independent age indicator for this type of galaxies. In recent years the ``binary scenario'', in which EHB stars formation is related to dynamical interactions inside binary systems, has been proposed as the main channel for their formation. In fact \\cite{Maxted} indicated that 69$\\pm$9\\% of field EHB stars should be close binary systems with short periods P$\\leq$10 days. Nevertheless, more recently \\cite{Napiwotzki} found a noticeably lower binary fraction (40-45\\%), and \\cite{MoniBidin} found no evidence of binarity among 18 EHB stars in globular cluster NGC6752. They estimated that within a 95\\% confidence level the close binary fraction in EHB of this cluster should be lower than 20\\%. Here we present preliminary results of the extension of the previous survey. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606729_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We present the results of global 3-D MHD simulations of stratified and turbulent protoplanetary disc models. The aim of this work is to develop thin disc models capable of sustaining turbulence for long run times, which can be used for on--going studies of planet formation in turbulent discs.} {The results are obtained using two codes written in spherical coordinates: GLOBAL and NIRVANA. Both are time--explicit and use finite differences along with the Constrained Transport algorithm to evolve the equations of MHD.} {In the presence of a weak toroidal magnetic field, a thin protoplanetary disc in hydrostatic equilibrium is destabilised by the magnetorotational instability (MRI). When the resolution is large enough ($\\sim 25$ vertical grid cells per scale height), the entire disc settles into a turbulent quasi steady--state after about $300$ orbits. Angular momentum is transported outward such that the standard $\\alpha$ parameter is roughly $4-6 \\times 10^{-3}$. We find that the initial toroidal flux is expelled from the disc midplane and that the disc behaves essentially as a quasi--zero net flux disc for the remainder of the simulation. As in previous studies, the disc develops a dual structure composed of an MRI--driven turbulent core around its midplane, and a magnetised corona stable to the MRI near its surface. By varying disc parameters and boundary conditions, we show that these basic properties of the models are robust.} {The high resolution disc models we present in this paper achieve a quasi--steady state and sustain turbulence for hundreds of orbits. As such, they are ideally suited to the study of outstanding problems in planet formation such as disc--planet interactions and dust dynamics.} ", "introduction": "Observational surveys of star forming regions in the Galaxy have revealed the ubiquity of rotationally supported discs of gas and dust orbiting young stars \\citep[e.g.][]{beckwith&sargent96,odelletal93,staufferetal94, siciliaaguilaretal06,kessleretal06}. It is commonly believed that these discs are the likely sites of planetary formation \\citep{safronov69,lissauer93}. The discovery of numerous extrasolar planets has increased the need for greater understanding of their properties so that accurate models of planet formation can be developed. These ``protoplanetary'' discs often show evidence for active accretion with a canonical mass flow rate onto the central star of $\\sim 10^{-8}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ \\citep[e.g.][]{siciliaaguilaretal04}, requiring a source of anomalous viscosity to transport angular momentum outward. It has long been believed that this is provided by turbulence within the disc \\citep[e.g.][]{shakura&sunyaev73}. So far only one mechanism has been shown to work reliably: MHD turbulence generated by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) \\citep{balbus&hawley91,balbus&hawley91b}. Given the cool and dense nature of protoplanetary discs, there are questions about the global applicability of the MRI in such environments as the ionisation fraction is low \\citep{blaes&balbus94}. Models suggest that protoplanetary discs are likely to have both magnetically active zones, where the disc is turbulent, and adjacent magnetically `dead-zones' where the flow is laminar \\citep[e.g.][]{gammie96,fromang02,ilgner&nelson06a}. In this paper we focus on ideal MHD simulations of protoplanetary discs. We will examine the dynamics of `dead--zones' in future work. Non linear numerical simulations performed using the local shearing box formalism \\citep[e.g.][]{balbus&hawley91b,hawleyetal96,brandenburgetal96} have shown that the saturated non linear outcome of the MRI is MHD turbulence having an effective viscous stress parameter $\\alpha$ between $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{-3}$ and $\\sim 0.1$, depending on the magnetic field configuration. Outward angular momentum transport can thus occur at the rate required to match observed accretion signatures onto T Tauri stars \\citep[see, for example,][who quote $\\alpha \\sim 0.01$ as being suggested by the observations]{hartmannetal98}. Much of this early simulation work was performed in discs with no vertical stratification, and so was useful in determining the nonlinear outcome of the MRI, but did not provide insights into the global structure of these discs in either the radial or vertical direction. The question of their vertical structure was addressed by \\citet{stoneetal96} and \\citet{miller&stone00} who performed shearing box simulations of vertically stratified discs. A basic result to come out of these studies is that the discs evolve to a structure consisting of a dense region around the miplane where turbulence is driven by the MRI, sandwiched between a tenuous and magnetically dominated corona which is highly dynamic, but stable against the MRI. Global MHD simulations of turbulent discs \\citep[e.g.][]{armitage98,hawley00,hawley01,steinacker&pap02,pap&nelson03a} confirm the basic picture provided by the local shearing box simulations. These early global simulations considered the radial structure of turbulent disc models, but employed non stratified cylindrical disc models. Recent work has been performed examining the dynamics of global, vertically stratified turbulent disc models, and has focussed on thick accretion tori around black holes, using either the Paczynski--Witta potential \\citep{hawley00,hawley&krolic01,hawleyetal01} or simulating accretion flows in the full Kerr metric \\citep[e.g.][]{devilliers03}. The starting conditions for these models are usually thick, constant angular momentum tori for which the gas is assumed to be non--radiating. These quickly evolve into thick accretion discs for which $H/R>0.1$. To date, there have been no published simulations of vertically stratified thin discs undergoing MHD turbulence (i.e. discs more akin to protoplanetary discs). In part this is because of the increased computational burden associated with simulating thin discs due to the higher resolution requirements. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse a suite of MHD simulations of global, stratified, turbulent, protoplanetary disc models with $H/R \\le 0.1$. We focus on the global structure of the discs, and analyse how modifications to the boundary conditions and disc thickness affect the results. The longer term goal is to use these models to examine a range of problems in planetary formation in the context of turbulent, vertically stratified discs. As such this paper is the first in a series. Future publications will address problems such as: the evolution of dust in turbulent discs; the orbital evolution of planetesimals and low mass planets; gap formation and gas accretion by giant protoplanets; the dynamical evolution of dead--zones. A number of previous studies have addressed these issues using cylindrical models: \\citet{nelson&pap03b,papaloizouetal04,nelson&pap04b,nelson05} studied gap formation and planet formation in turbulent discs. They showed in particular that type I migration becomes stochastic because of the turbulent density fluctuations in the disc. \\citet{fromang&nelson05} also used cylindrical models to study the radial migration of solid bodies due to gas drag. They found rapid accumulation of meter size bodies in anticyclonic vortices apparently resulting from the turbulence. Another key problem in planet formation, dust settling in turbulent discs, has been studied recently using shearing box models \\citep{johansenetal05,fromang&pap06,turneretal06}. Because of the local approach, these analyses had to ignore radial drift. All of these issues are likely to be affected by the simultaneous treatment of radial and vertical stratification that we consider in this present work. The plan of the paper is as follows: in section~\\ref{basic-equations}, we present the basic equations, notations, and diagnostics we use in this work. The set-up of our simulations is detailed in section~\\ref{simulations} and we present their results in section~\\ref{results}. We focus in particular on their global structure, and sensitivity to numerical issues such as resolution and boundary conditions. Finally, in section~\\ref{conclusion}, we summarise our results and highlight future improvements that will be added to the models. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} In this paper we have presented the results of 3-D MHD simulations of stratified and turbulent protoplanetary disc models. Our primary motivation is to develop disc models that can be used to examine outstanding issues in planet formation such as the migration of protoplanets, the growth and settling of dust grains, gap formation and gas accretion by giant planets, and the evolution and influence of dead--zones. Given that these phenomena occur on secular time scales, a key requirement is the development of disc models which are able to achieve a statistical steady state and sustain turbulence over long run times. We examined the issue of numerical resolution, and found that disc models with $\\simeq 15$ vertical zones per scale height in the vertical direction showed a continuing slow decline in their magnetic activity, and gave rise to relatively small values of $\\langle \\alpha \\rangle$. A suite of higher resolution runs with $\\simeq 25$ zones per scale height achieved statistical steady states with values of $\\langle \\alpha \\rangle \\simeq 4 \\times 10^{-3}$, and it was shown that these models resolve the fastest growing modes of the MRI throughout the disc once a turbulent steady state has been achieved. For this reason we focused on simulations performed using this higher resolution. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{figure/S5/thetamfluxS5.ps} \\caption{The sum of the mass fluxes through the vertical boundary of the disc located at $\\theta=\\theta_{max}$ and $\\theta_{min}$.} \\label{thetamflux_S5} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\noindent The key features of the resulting disc models are: \\begin{itemize} \\item{Any toroidal magnetic flux that is initially present within the disc is quickly expelled from the midplane due to magnetic buoyancy. This occurs on a time scale of $\\sim 100$ orbits, which is the time required for the MRI to grow and develop into non linear turbulence throughout the disc. The disc then evolves as if it is threaded by an approximately zero net flux magnetic field, such that high resolution is required to maintain turbulent activity.} \\item{A quasi--steady state turbulent disc is obtained after run times of between 250 -- 500 orbits, depending on the model. The volume averaged value of the effective viscous stress paramater $\\langle \\alpha \\rangle \\simeq 4 \\times 10^{-3}$, and time averaged radial profiles of $\\alpha$ yield variations of no more than a factor of two within the active domains of the disc models. These results are in basic agreement with previous studies of cylindrical discs \\citep{hawley01,pap&nelson03a}} \\item{The discs can be described as having a two--phase global structure as a function of height: a dense, magnetically subdominant turbulent core that is unstable to the MRI in regions within $|Z| < 2.5 H$ of the midplane, above and below which exists a highly dynamic and magnetically dominated corona which supports weak shocks and is stable against the MRI. The engine that drives this structure is the MRI which generates and amplifies magnetic field near the midplane, which then buoyantly rises up into the low density corona where it dissipates and flows out through the boundaries at the disc surface. This is in basic agreement with the shearing box simulations presented by \\citet{miller&stone00} and recent studies of thick tori orbiting around black holes \\citep{hawley00,hawley&krolic01,hawleyetal01,devilliers03}}. \\item{The velocity and density fluctuations generated by the models were found to be smaller than those obtained in cylindrical disc simulations using toroidal net flux magnetic field configurations \\citep{nelson05,fromang&nelson05}. $\\delta \\rho/\\rho_0 \\simeq 0.08$ in the stratified runs whereas in the cylindrical disc runs with net flux $\\delta \\rho/\\rho_0 \\simeq 0.13$. This has implications for the dynamics of dust, planetesimals and low mass protoplanets in turbulent discs as their stochastic evolution is driven by these fluctuating quantities.} \\item{The vertically, azimuthally and time averaged values of the radial velocity in some of the disc models were compared with the expectations of viscous disc theory, and were found to give very good agreement. We conclude that, subject to a suitable time average, global evolution of these stratified turbulent models is in good accord with standard viscous disc theory \\citep[e.g.][]{shakura&sunyaev73,balbus&pap99,pap&nelson03a}} \\end{itemize} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{figure/S5/vr_v_rS5.ps} \\caption{Comparison between the time averaged radial velocity obtained in the simulations ({\\it solid} line) and the predicted value of $v_R$ obtained from equation~(\\ref{v_R}) shown by the {\\it dotted} line.} \\label{vr_v_r_S5} \\end{center} \\end{figure} There are a number of outstanding issues raised by our simulation results. \\citet{fromang&nelson05} reported the presence of anticyclonic vortices in turbulent unstratified cylindrical disc models. In the stratified models we present in this paper, however, we did not find any evidence of vortices. This could be due to a number of reasons. First, the vertical stratification may prevent the formation of vortices near the midplane. A study by \\citet{barranco&marcus05} showed that column--vortices in stratified discs are unstable and are quickly destroyed. They showed that vortices could form in the more strongly stratified upper regions of the disc which are more than one scale height above the midplane. In our simulations these regions are typically dominated by magnetic fields, whose associated stresses may prevent the formation of vortices there. Second, we adopted a smaller azimuthal domain than \\citet{fromang&nelson05}: $\\pi/4$ versus $\\pi/2$ and $2 \\pi$ models. This may prevent the formation of vortices, which were found to be quite extended in $\\phi$ by \\citet{fromang&nelson05}. We did not observe any vortices in the cylindrical disc model C1 described in section~\\ref{cyl_setup}, and this may be partly explained by the smaller azimuthal domain. Finally, the different magnetic field topology contained in the disc may play a role: \\citet{fromang&nelson05} used a net flux toroidal magnetic field. In the stratified models, the toroidal flux is quickly expelled from the disc midplane and the evolution is more similar to that of a zero net flux disc. The cylindrical model C1 contained a zero net flux magnetic field. The properties of the field can affect the turbulence and hence the formation of vortices. In particular, stronger spatial and temporal variations in the stresses may cause the surface density variations to differ systematically between the models presented here and those in \\citet{fromang&nelson05}. If the formation of vortices in the models described in \\citet{fromang&nelson05} are related to the `planet modes' described by \\citet{hawley87}, then these differences may explain the lack of vortices seen in the stratified models and model C1. These issues, and their influence on the evolution of solid bodies will be explored in greater detail in a future paper. Finally, this is the first paper in a series which describes an approach to setting up models of turbulent, stratified protoplanetary discs capable of sustaining turbulence over long run times. Future papers will present a systematic study of outstanding problems in planet formation theory, such as disc--planet interactions, dust and planetesimal dynamics, and effects related to the presence of a dead zone. We also note that these models themselves can be further improved by including a realistic equation of state, heating and cooling of the disc, and a self--consistent treatment of the evolving ionisation fraction and conductivity of the disc material. At the present time inclusion of these physical processes is beyond current computational resources." }, "0606/astro-ph0606217_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{{\\it Aims:} The hard and soft spectral states of black hole accretion are understood as connected with ADAF accretion (truncated disk) and standard disk accretion, respectively. However, observations indicate the existence of cool gas in the inner region at times when the disk is already truncated outside. We try to shed light on these not yet understood intermediate states. {\\it Methods:} The disk-corona model allows to understand the spectral state transitions as caused by changes of the mass flow rate in the disk and provides a picture for the accretion geometry when disk truncation starts at the time of the soft/hard transition, the formation of a gap in the disk filled by an advection-dominated flow (ADAF) at the distance where the evaporation is maximal. We study the interaction of such an ADAF with an inner thin disk below. {\\it Results:} We show that, when the accretion rate is not far below the transition rate, an inner disk could exist below an ADAF, leading to an intermediate state of black hole accretion. ", "introduction": "It is now widely accepted that the hard and soft spectral states of black holes correspond to accretion in form of an advection-dominated flow (ADAF) and a thin disk, respectively (Esin et al. 1997). But observations also show an intermediate state which often appears in transitions between these two states. The hard states are understood as a consequence of interaction of the corona and the underlying disk which yields evaporation of gas from the disk to the hot coronal flow, and leads to a truncation of the accretion disk at some distance (Meyer et al. 2000b). Inside this truncation radius there is only a hot, optically thin flow. The soft state, on the other hand, is explained as the optically thick, standard accretion disk extending down to the last stable orbit, revealing itself in the characteristic multi-temperature blackbody spectrum. But observations also show an intermediate state which appears often in transitions between these two states (McClintock and Remillard 2006). After the soft/hard transition the spectra are not always solely produced by an optically thin accretion flow, the occurrence of reflection and a Fe K$\\alpha$ line indicate cool matter in the inner region (\\.Zycki et al. 1998). These intermediate states often persist for times significantly longer than the viscous timescale of the disk and can thus not be explained only by the fading or build-up of a disk during transitions between the two states. We here address the accretion geometry in the intermediate state. (Physically different is the so-called very high/intermediate spectral state (discussion by Fender et al. 2004, model of disk fragmentation Meyer 2004.) After a short description of the disk corona model in Sect. 2 we analyze in Sect.3 the physics of an ADAF above a disk. One of the key questions is whether heat can be drained from the upper ADAF and radiated away. We investigate the processes in the two-temperature regime which extends over most of the vertical height, as well as those in the thin layer above the disk surface where ion and electron temperature couple. In Sect. 4 we derive under which conditions condensation of matter from the ADAF into the disk occurs, the necessary process to allow an inner disk to survive. In Sect.5 we discuss how this picture can be related to the observed intermediate states. ", "conclusions": "We introduce a new feature of accretion flows onto black holes, the advection-dominated accretion flow affected by thermal conduction to a cool disk underneath. Our analysis shows that in the inner region condensation of matter from the hot flow into the disk is possible. This allows the existence of cool matter together with an already formed ADAF as indicated by the observed reflection and Fe K$\\alpha$ line in the intermediate spectral state." }, "0606/astro-ph0606021_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ With the new generation of high-resolution X-ray spectrometers the understanding of warm absorbers in Active Galactic Nuclei has improved considerably. However, the main question remains the distance and structure of the photoionised wind. } { We study the absorption and emission properties of the photoionised gas near one of the brightest and most variable AGN, the Seyfert galaxy NGC~4051, in order to constrain the geometry, dynamics and ionisation structure of the outflow.} { We analyse two observations taken with the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) of Chandra. We study the spectra of both observations and investigate the spectral response to a sudden, long-lasting flux decrease of a factor of 5 that occurred during the second observation. } { We confirm the preliminary detection of a highly ionised component with an outflow velocity of $-4500$~km\\,s$^{-1}$, one of the highest velocity outflow components seen in a Seyfert 1 galaxy. The sudden drop in intensity by a factor of five during the second observation causes a drop in ionisation parameter of a similar magnitude in the strongest and main ionisation component ($v = -610$~km\\,s$^{-1}$), allowing us for the first time to determine the recombination time of this component and thereby its distance in a robust way. We find an upper limit to the distance of $10^{15}$~m, ruling out an origin in the narrow emission line region. In addition, an emission component producing strong radiative recombination continua of \\ion{C}{vi} and \\ion{C}{v} appears during the low state. This can be explained by emission from an ionised skin of the accretion disk at a distance of only $\\sim 4\\times 10^{12}$~m from the black hole. Finally, the spectra contain a broad relativistic \\ion{O}{viii} line with properties similar to what was found before in this source with XMM-Newton; this line has disappeared during the low flux state, consistent with the disappearance of the inner part of the accretion disk during that low flux state. } { Combining high-resolution spectroscopy with timing information, we have constrained the geometry of the emission and absorption components in NGC~4051.} ", "introduction": "The stupendous amount of energy emitted by an Active Galactic Nucleus is released by gas that flows towards a supermassive black hole in the centre of a galaxy, presumably via an accretion disk. The average energy of the emitted radiation increases towards the centre of the accretion disk, and thus X-rays provide the best probe of the gas flow in the immediate surroundings of the black hole. From the presence of jets, as well as from blue-shifted ultraviolet absorption lines, we learn that in addition to the flow towards the black hole, there is also gas flowing away from it. With the availability of X-ray spectrographs on Chandra and XMM-Newton, we can study these flows close to the black hole, by studying lines in the X-ray spectra. The presence of multiple absorption line systems, that differ in their level of ionisation or in their outflow velocity, constrains the geometry of the outflow (for example NGC~3783, \\citet{netzer}; NGC~5548, \\citet{steenbrugge}). In this paper we describe the X-ray spectra of the Active Galactic Nucleus of NGC\\,4051, obtained with the Low-Energy Transmission Grating on board of the Chandra satellite. Emission from the nucleus of NGC\\,4051 was already found by \\citet{hubble}, and the galaxy is one of the 6 observed by \\citet{seyfert}, and discussed in his seminal paper as one of the first 12 known Seyfert galaxies. Being a member of the Ursa Major cluster \\citep{tullyetal} it has a distance of 18.6~Mpc \\citep{tullypierce} and a redshift of 700~km\\,s$^{-1}$ \\citep{verheijen}. NGC\\,4051 is a relatively bright optical object, at $V\\simeq13.5$. In X-rays, the source was not detected with UHURU or Ariel-V, but was studied extensively with EXOSAT and ROSAT; its X-ray variability was recently analysed on the basis of RXTE and XMM-Newton data \\citep{mchardy}. Its X-ray continuum has been described with a power law with photon index $\\Gamma=$1.8-2.0 \\citep{nandrapounds}. A soft excess with respect to this power law is not well described by a multi-temperature disk, and \\citet{ogle} concluded that it is due to broad emission from relativistic \\ion{O}{vii} emission lines and to radiative recombination. Two absorption line systems, at $-2340\\pm 130$ and $-600\\pm130$~km\\,s$^{-1}$, were found in the X-ray spectrum with the High Energy Transmission Grating of Chandra \\citep{collinge}. Multiple absorption systems were also found in the ultraviolet with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and in the Far Ultraviolet with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer; one of these may coincide with the $-600\\pm130\\,\\mathrm{km\\,s}^{-1}$ X-ray absorption system, all the others have smaller absolute velocities \\citep{collinge,kaspi}. Interestingly, a preliminary analysis of our first LETGS spectrum \\citet{vandermeer} did not show that high velocity component, but indicated the presence of an outflow component at even higher velocity, $-4500$~km\\,s$^{-1}$. For that reason we requested our second observation. This second observation, taken when NGC\\,4051 was in a much higher flux state, allowed us to investigate the ionised outflow both in terms of outflow velocity and ionisation structure. In this paper we report the analysis of both observations with the LETGS. ", "conclusions": "In this study we have investigated the spectral properties of NGC~4051, observed by {\\it Chandra}-LETGS on two occasions for a total of 180\\,ks. The time averaged spectrum of both the Jan 2002 and the Jul 2003 can be fitted by a modifyed black body and a power law, absorbed by ionised gas. Two of the ionisation components (2 and 3) are well visibible both in Jan 2002 and in the high state (part C) of Jul 2003. These gas components are consistent with being stable over a long time scale ($\\sim19$\\,months) both in ionisation level and outflow velocity. In particular, we report the detection of the highest outflow velocity-gas ever observed ($v\\sim-4800$\\,km s$^{-1}$), for component 3. The lower ionisation phase of the gas (component 1) is well detected only in the state C. This lack of detection is most probably due to the lower statistics affecting the other time segments. In the last part of the Jul 2003 observation, (part D), only the second component is detected, but it shows a significant variation in the ionisation parameter which linearly responded to the continuum flux variation on a time scale $>$3000\\,s. From this we estimated a lower limit for the gas density ($n\\ga 10^{12}$\\,m$^{-3}$) and as a consequence a distance for the absorber $r\\la 10^{15}$\\,m and a thickness of the gas layer $d\\ga 2\\times 10^{11}$\\,m. \\noindent The emission spectrum is rich in narrow and broad emission lines: The narrow lines (e.g. the \\ion{O}{vii} forbidden line) are not variable in time and therefore consistent with being produced in regions very distant from the black hole (e.g. the NLR). The RRCs of \\ion{C}{v} and \\ion{C}{vi} showed instead a very rapid variability, significantly arising above the continuum after the flux drop in spectrum D. The estimated distance ($r\\sim4\\times10^{12}$\\,m) of the recombining gas shows that these RRCs are produced close to (or in) the accretion disc. We also find that the column density of the gas producing the RRCs is incompatible with that found for the warm absorber, suggesting a different location for the absorbing and emitting media. Broad lines of \\ion{O}{viii}, \\ion{O}{vii} and \\ion{C}{vi} are also evident in the spectrum. The \\ion{O}{vii} and \\ion{C}{vi} lines show a simple Gaussian profile with a FWHM ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 \\AA, suggesting an origin in the BLR. On the contrary, the \\ion{O}{viii} Ly$\\alpha$ line is best modeled by a relativistically broadened profile. The tentatively detected variability on a months time scale is according to expectations for a line produced this close to a black hole. In accordance with previous studies, we find that the observed anticorrelation between the emissivity slope and the central source flux can be explained in terms of a relativistic accretion disc around a spinning black hole." }, "0606/astro-ph0606398_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have used the Very Large Array to search for compact milliarcsecond-size radio sources near methanol masers in high-mass star-forming regions. Such sources are required for Very Long Baseline Interferometry phase-referencing observations. We conducted pointed observations of 234 compact sources found in the NVSS survey and find 92 sources with unresolved components and synchrotron spectral indexes. These sources are likely the cores of AGNs and, thus, good candidates for astrometric calibrators. ", "introduction": "Phase-referenced Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations can measure accurately the position of a target source relative to a reference source. This, for example, permits one to measure the trigonometric parallax and proper motions of sources in our galaxy relative to extragalactic sources. We are now carrying out a large program to do this for methanol masers in regions of high mass star formation throughout the Milky Way. Table 1 contains 38 sources showing maser emission in 12.2 GHz $2_0-3_{-1}E$ line of methanol that we ultimately intend to observe. VLBI phase-referenced observations involve a phase calibrator and a target source. However, the distribution of known calibrators is not sufficiently dense enough to find one within $\\approx2^{\\circ}$ of any given maser source, which is necessary for high precision astrometry: Systematic errors are usually the limiting factor in phase-referenced position measurements, and these errors scale with the angular separation between the sources. Therefore, finding calibrators as close as possible to the maser target sources is mandatory. For this purpose, we have conducted a survey of NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998) sources near our methanol maser targets. We chose sources whose 1.4 GHz flux densities are greater than 20 mJy and that are unresolved ($<20''$) at the NVSS resolution. The NVSS survey typically yields about 15 such compact sources within $1^{\\circ}$ of any target position. Since our maser sources are in the Galactic plane many of these NVSS sources are compact HII regions, planetary nebulae (PNe), and, perhaps, compact supernova remnants (SNRs), and, thus, unsuitable for VLBI observations. However, some of the unresolved sources are likely extragalactic synchrotron sources. In addition to the NVSS sources, we augmented our candidate list with sources from the literature (Gregory \\& Condon 1991; Ma et al. 1998) and included known compact sources as a check on our procedures. In total, we observed 234 compact sources within 1$^{\\circ}$ of the maser sources. ", "conclusions": "A VLA search has resulted in the identification of 92 compact sources most likely of extragalactic nature. These sources are likely to be suitable calibrators for phase-referencing VLBI observations of 12.2 GHz CH$_3$OH or/and lower frequency masers." }, "0606/astro-ph0606167_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We present the results of multi epochs imaging observations of the companion to the planetary host Gliese 86. Associated to radial velocity measurements, this study aimed at characterizing dynamically the orbital properties and the mass of this companion (here after Gliese 86 B), but also at investigating the possible history of this particular system.} {We used the adaptive optics instrument NACO at the ESO Very Large Telescope to obtain deep coronographic imaging in order to determine new photometric and astrometric measurements of Gliese\\,86\\,B.} {Part of the orbit is resolved. The photometry of \\gl~B indicates colors compatible with a $\\sim70$ Jupiter mass brown dwarf or a white dwarf. Both types of objects allow to fit the available, still limited astrometric data. Besides, if we attribute the long term radial velocity residual drift observed for \\gl~A to B, then the mass of the latter object is $\\simeq0.5\\,M_\\odot$. We analyse both astrometric and radial velocity data to propose first orbital parameters for \\gl~B. Assuming \\gl~B is a $\\simeq0.5\\,M_\\odot$ white dwarf, we explore the constraints induced by this hypothesis and refine the parameters of the system.} {} ", "introduction": "One of the biggest challenges of today astronomy is to detect and characterize extra solar planetary systems, and to understand the way(s) they form and evolve. Over the past decade, the technical improvements have allowed detections of more than 150 extrasolar planets via radial velocity (hereafter RV) measurements down to 7.5 Earth Masses \\citep{riv05} around solar type stars, while direct imaging allows now the detection of giant planets around young stars \\citep{lagrange2004,chauvin2004}. From the theoretical point of view the influence of the multiplicity or companionship with outer bodies (e.g. brown dwarfs; hereafter BD) on the dynamics and orbital stability of the inner planets has been highlighted. This has led to constant efforts trying to identify outer companions to those stars hosting planets plus long term RV drifts. \\begin{table*}[htb] \\caption{Observation log. $\\nds$ is a CONICA neutral density filter with a transmission of 1.4\\%. S13 and S27 are two CONICA cameras corresponding respectively to a platescale of 13.25 and 27.01~mas. WFS corresponds to the wave front sensor of the adaptive optics system.} \\label{table:1} \\begin{tabular*}{\\textwidth}{@{\\excs}llllllll} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} UT Date & Filter & Camera & Observation type & Exp. Time (s) & WFS & Obs-Program & Platescale calibrator\\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} 12/11/2003 & \\ks & S27 & coronagraphy $(0.7~\\!'')$ & $100\\times0.6$ & VIS & 072.C-0624 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ 12/11/2003 & $2.17 + \\mbox{ND}_{\\mathrm{short}}$ & S27 & direct & $15\\times4.0$ & VIS &072.C-0624 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} 22/09/2004&H & S13 & coronagraphy $(0.7~\\!'')$ & $48\\times1.0$ & VIS & 073.C-0468 &$\\Theta_1$ Ori C \\\\ 22/09/2004&H + $\\nds$ & S13 & direct & $42\\times0.35$ & VIS & 073.C-0468 &$\\Theta_1$ Ori C \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} 29/07/2005 & \\ks & S27 & coronagraphy $(0.7~\\!'')$ &$400\\times0.8$ & VIS & 075.C-0813 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ 29/07/2005 & \\ks + $\\nds$ & S27 &direct &$400\\times0.35$ & VIS & 075.C-0813 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ 29/07/2005 & H & S13 & coronagraphy $(0.7~\\!'')$ &$360\\times1.$ & VIS & 075.C-0813 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ 29/07/2005 &H + $\\nds$ & S13 &direct &$400\\times0.35$ & VIS & 075.C-0813 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ 29/07/2005 & J & S13 & coronagraphy $(0.7~\\!'')$ &$165\\times2.$ & VIS & 075.C-0813 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ 29/07/2005 & J + $\\nds$ & S13 &direct &$240\\times0.5$ & VIS & 075.C-0813 & $\\Theta_1$ Ori C\\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\end{tabular*} \\label{logobs} \\end{table*} \\gl~A is a K0V star with an estimated mass of $0.8\\,\\msun$ \\citep{siess1997,baraffe1998} and is located at $10.9$\\,pc from the Sun \\citep{perryman1997}. Through RV measurements, \\citet{queloz2000} have detected a 4~$\\mj$ (minimum mass) planet \\gl~b, orbiting \\gl~A at $\\sim 0.11\\mbox{AU}$. This star is also surrounded by a more distant companion \\gl\\,B, discovered at $\\sim 20\\,\\mbox{AU}$ using coronagraphy coupled to adaptive optics imaging \\citep{els2001}. The estimated photometry of \\gl~B is compatible with that expected for a $40$--$70\\,\\mj$ brown dwarf companion. Howewer, \\citet{mug05} showed recently that this was also compatible with a cool white dwarf, and that the latter hypothesis was more likely regarding the K band spectrum of the companion. The absence of near-IR molecular and atomic lines as well as the steep K-band continuum are indeed consistent with what is expected for a high gravity object with an effective temperature higher than 4000~K. Apart for the RV wobble due to the hot Jupiter companion, \\gl~A also exhibits a long term RV drift measured with \\textsc{Coravel} and \\textsc{Coralie} over 20 years. This drift indicates the possible presence of an additional more distant companion, with a substellar mass and a distance to star greater than $\\simeq$ 20 AUs. \\citet{els2001} claimed that \\gl~B cannot account for this RV drift, due to its too low mass. They postulated instead that an additional companion, located in 2000 ``behind'' the star (i.e., under the coronographic mask), could be responsible for the observed drift. In the course of a deep search for faint outer companions to stars hosting planets with NACO, we were able to make new images of \\gl~A and B in the near IR. We present the observational results in Sect.~2. In Sect.~3, we report new photometric result of \\gl~B and we present an analysis of both astrometric and RV data, assuming that the RV drift is due to \\gl~B. Finally, in Sect.~4 we discuss the nature of \\gl~B, and we confirm that it is very probably a $\\sim 0.5\\,\\msun$ white dwarf. We discuss the implications of this hypothesis. ", "conclusions": "The identification of the orbital motion of \\gl~B around \\gl~A, combined to the measured residuals of the radial velocity data, allow to severely constrain the whole \\gl\\ system and its past evolution. Our dynamical study shows that \\gl~B is very probably a white dwarf, in agreement with the conclusions of totally independent spectrophotometric study by \\cite{mug05}. The brown dwarf hypothesis of \\cite{els2001} can therefore be definitively ruled out. The mass of \\gl~B is severely constrained by the dynamics. We derive $0.48\\,\\msun\\le m\\le 0.62\\,\\msun$. The orbit is eccentric ($e>0.4$) with a semi-major axis of a few tens of AU. The associated orbital period is several hundreds of years at least, and the stars have recently ($5$--$20$ years ago) passed at periastron. The orbit is retrograde with respect to the plane of the sky, but does not exactly lie in that plane. Actually we can say that $120\\degr\\la i\\la150\\degr$. Based on new photometric results on \\gl~B and the dynamical mass constrains, we also re-investigated the physical properties of this white dwarf companion. Using model predictions of \\cite{ber01}, we derived the effective temperature, the gravity and the cooling age of \\gl~B for both hydrogen-rich and helium-rich atmospheres models of white dwarfs. When \\gl~B was a main sequence star, its mass probably ranged between $0.8\\,\\msun$ and $1.5\\,\\msun$, which implies a spectral type between K2V and F7V. Its orbit was closer. The strong post-main sequence mass loss caused the orbit to widen. If it had been a more massive star, the initial semi-major axis would have been too small to allow orbital stability for the exoplanet orbiting \\gl~A. However \\cite{saf05} recently used chromospheric index and metallicity measurements to estimate the age of all known stars harbouring exoplanets. For \\gl~A, they derived an age ranging between 2\\,Gyr and 3\\,Gyr. Given the main sequence lifetimes and the white dwarf cooling times (Table~\\ref{tab:model}), assuming this age for \\gl~B would imply that its progenitor had $m_\\mathrm{init}\\ga2\\,\\msun$. This seems to be incompatible with our dynamical constraints. Obviously, in order to solve this discrepancy, the dynamical evolution of the whole system, including the exoplanet needs to be investigated into further details. There are many open questions associated with this issue: the exoplanet must have survived all the late evolution stages of \\gl~B. If the system is not coplanar, the exoplanet could have been subject to the Kozai resonance in the past. Moreover, the planet must have formed in a large enough circumstellar disk, which implies a minimum initial separation of $\\sim 10\\,$AU. All these issues need to be addressed, and this will be the purpose of forthcoming work." }, "0606/hep-ph0606178_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this letter we explore the Higgs instability in the gapless superfluid/superconducting phase. This is in addition to the (chromo)magnetic instability that is related to the fluctuations of the Nambu-Goldstone bosonic fields. While the latter may induce a single-plane-wave LOFF state, the Higgs instability favors spatial inhomogeneity and cannot be removed without a long range force. In the case of the g2SC state the Higgs instability can only be partially removed by the electric Coulomb energy. But this does not exclude the possibility that it can be completely removed in other exotic states such as the gCFL state. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606601_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have created a website, called \"Black Holes: Gravity's Relentless Pull\", which explains the physics and astronomy of black holes for a general audience. The site emphasizes user participation and is rich in animations and astronomical imagery. It won the top prize of the 2005 Pirelli INTERNETional Awards competition for the best communication of science and technology using the internet. This article provides a brief overview of the site. The site starts with an opening animation that introduces the basic concept of a black hole. The user is then invited to embark on a journey from a backyard view of the night sky to a personal encounter with a singularity. This journey proceeds through three modules, which allow the user to: find black holes in the night sky; travel to a black hole in an animated starship; and explore a black hole from up close. There are also five ``experiments'' that allow the user to: create a black hole; orbit around a black hole; weigh a black hole; drop a clock into a black hole; or fall into a black hole. The modules and experiments offer goal-based scenarios tailored for novices and children. The site also contains an encyclopedia of frequently asked questions and a detailed glossary that are targeted more at experts and adults. The overall result is a website where scientific knowledge, learning theory, and fun converge. Despite its focus on black holes, the site also teaches many other concepts of physics, astronomy and scientific thought. The site aims to instill an appreciation for learning and an interest in science, especially in the younger users. It can be used as an aid in teaching introductory astronomy at the undergraduate level. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} Some of the Hubble Space Telescope's most ground-braking discoveries have been about black holes, which are arguably the most extreme and mysterious objects in the universe. As a result, black holes appeal to a general audience in a way that almost no other scientific subject does. Unfortunately, most people have little idea of what black holes actually are, and they are more likely to associate them with science fiction than with science. These circumstances recommend black holes as a natural topic for an education and public outreach (E/PO) activity. To this end, we have created a website called \"Black Holes: Gravity's Relentless Pull,\" which serves as the E/PO component of several Hubble observing projects. The new website is part of HubbleSite, the Internet home of all Hubble news. The URL is \\underline{http:/$\\!$/hubblesite.org/go/blackholes/} . Many sites on the internet already explain black holes in one way or other. Most are encyclopedic, offering detailed text and graphics. By contrast, our site emphasizes user participation, and it is rich in animations and audio features. This approach was facilitated by the availability of powerful software for authoring multimedia content. The result is a website where scientific knowledge, learning theory, advanced technology, and pure fun all converge. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606437_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Previous calculations of the pregalactic chemistry have found that a small amount of H$_2$, $\\x{{\\rm H}_2}\\equiv n[\\rmH_2]/n[\\rmH] \\approx 2.6\\times 10^{-6}$, is produced catalytically through the H$^-$, H$_2^+$, and HeH$^+$ mechanisms. We revisit this standard calculation taking into account the effects of the nonthermal radiation background produced by cosmic hydrogen recombination, which is particularly effective at destroying H$^-$ via photodetachment. We also take into consideration the non-equilibrium level populations of H$_2^+$, which occur since transitions among the rotational-vibrational levels are slow compared to photodissociation. The new calculation predicts a final H$_2$ abundance of $\\x{{\\rm H}_2}\\approx 6\\times 10^{-7}$ for the standard cosmology. This production is due almost entirely to the H$^-$ mechanism, with $\\sim 1$ per cent coming from HeH$^+$ and $\\sim 0.004$ per cent from H$_2^+$. We evaluate the heating of the diffuse pregalactic gas from the chemical reactions that produce H$_2$ and from rotational transitions in H$_2$, and find them to be negligible. ", "introduction": "One of the key problems in cosmology is to understand the physical and chemical state of the baryonic matter in the Universe. At high redshift, the baryonic matter was fully ionized and co-existed with a thermalized radiation field (the cosmic microwave background, or CMB). By redshift $z\\sim 10^3$, the Universe had expanded and cooled to $\\sim 3000\\,$K, at which point the ionized nuclei and free electrons of the primordial plasma combined to form neutral atoms. This cosmic recombination was first studied theoretically by \\citet{1968ApJ...153....1P} and \\citet{1968ZhETF..55..278Z}. The observations of the acoustic peaks in the CMB $TT$ and $TE$ power spectra \\citep{2001ApJ...561L...1L, 2002ApJ...571..604N, 2002ApJ...568...38H, 2003ApJS..148..161K, 2006astro.ph..3450P, 2006astro.ph..3451H} provide direct evidence that cosmic recombination happened, and that it occurred over a narrow range in redshift, in accordance with predictions. As the Universe continued to expand and cool, the formation of molecules became thermodynamically favourable. Since hydrogen is most abundant, one would expect the most abundant molecule to be H$_2$. However, unlike atomic recombination, which occurs shortly after it becomes thermodynamically favourable and proceeds nearly to completion (e.g. \\citealt{2000ApJS..128..407S}), cosmological formation of molecules is slow and freezes out with a final abundance, $\\x{\\rmH_2} \\equiv n[\\rmH_{2}]/n[\\rmH] \\ll 1$. Despite their small abundance, molecules in the early universe have been investigated for several reasons. The first is that the primordial gas, mainly of hydrogen and helium atoms, lacks the low-lying excitations necessary for cooling and therefore star formation at low temperatures. On the other hand, molecules (which possess low-lying rotational excitations) could provide the cooling necessary to form the first stars \\citep{1967Natur.216..976S}. However, recent calculations indicate that the primordial H$_2$ abundance is far too small for this, and that the only H$_2$ important for cooling of early haloes is formed in collapsed haloes (e.g. \\citealt{1997ApJ...474....1T}). A second reason for studying H$_2$ production is that the heating of the gas, either via rotational transitions induced by the CMB or the chemical energy released by formation of the molecules, could affect the temperature of the pregalactic gas. Here even a small effect could be important for proposals to study the absorption of the CMB by pregalactic gas in the H~{\\sc i} 21-cm line \\citep{2004PhRvL..92u1301L}. Finally, there is the (perhaps academic) motivation to understand the composition of the primordial gas as part of elucidating the standard cosmological model. The first calculation of the primordial H$_2$ abundance was by \\citet{1967Natur.216..976S}. Noting that the direct radiative association of two H atoms is forbidden, they proposed that H$_2$ molecules could be built up using H$_2^+$ as an intermediate state (the specific reactions will be given in Section~\\ref{sec:rxn}). \\citet{1968ApJ...154..891P} and \\citet{1969PThPh..41..835H} suggested that the H$^-$ mechanism dominated the production of molecules in primordial gas clouds. A number of subsequent studies considered in increasing detail the H$_2$ abundance and cooling in primordial clouds \\citep{1969PThPh..42..523H, 1972PASJ...24...87Y, 1976ApJ...205..103H}. \\citet{1984ApJ...280..465L} performed a calculation of the abundances of H$_2$ as well as HD and LiH, calculating a final abundance $\\x{\\rmH_2}\\sim 10^{-6}$ in the intergalactic gas. This is essentially today's ``standard'' calculation of the primordial H$_2$ abundance, although some of the reaction rates and cosmological parameters have been updated. These updated analyses, which include substantial revisions to the deuterium and lithium chemistry, can be found in \\citet{1993A&A...267..337P}, \\citet{1995ApJ...451...44P}, \\citet{1998A&A...335..403G}, \\citet{1998ApJ...509....1S}, and references therein. The effect of H$_2$ on heating of the gas before collapse has also been considered. \\citet{1993A&A...267..337P} presented the first analysis of the thermal effect of molecules; they found a moderate effect ($\\sim$ 10 per cent) on the gas temperature mainly due to rotational lines in H$_2$, and a smaller effect due to chemical reactions. The heating in rotational lines was also considered by \\citet{1996ApJ...464..523H} and \\citet{1998A&A...335..403G}, but was revised downward by \\citet{2000MNRAS.316..901F}, who concluded the effect was insignificant. We revisit the chemical heating here, and conclude that it dominates over H$_2$ rotational lines. However, even this effect is probably too small to be detected by 21-cm experiments in the forseeable future as it changes the gas temperature at the $\\sim 10^{-4}$ level. All of these analyses, however, have been based on several common assumptions. One is the assumption of a purely thermal radiation field, which is not completely correct because of the line and continuum radiation emitted during hydrogen and helium recombination (e.g. \\citealt{1993ASPC...51..548R, 2005astro.ph.10634W}). Indeed, \\citet{2005PhRvD..72h3002S} found that this spectral distortion suppresses the lithium abundance by several orders of magnitude as compared with previous calculations \\citep{1996ApJ...458..401S, 1998A&A...335..403G, 2002ApJ...580...29S}. The other assumption is the use of H$_2^+$ photodissociation rates based either on local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) populations of the rotational-vibrational levels, or with all H$_2^+$ ions in the ground state. It is however known that H$_2^+$ forms preferentially in excited states and since radiative transitions between levels are slow, LTE may not apply. The importance of this was recognized by \\citet{1998A&A...335..403G} and \\citet{2002JPhB...35R..57L}, but a full non-LTE analysis of H$_2^+$ level populations has not been done. Our purpose here is to revisit the calculation of H$_2$ abundance, including spectral distortions to the CMB and with a level-resolved treatment of H$_2^+$. In Section~\\ref{sec:rxn}, we introduce the chemical reactions important for H$_2$ production. The H$^-$ mechanism, including the effect of the spectral distortion, is discussed in Section~\\ref{sec:-}. The H$_2^+$ mechanism and the level-resolved treatment is in Section~\\ref{sec:+}, and HeH$^+$ is discussed in Section~\\ref{sec:he}. The abundances of H$_2$, H$^-$, H$_2^+$, and HeH$^+$ are calculated for our presently favoured cosmology in Section~\\ref{sec:results}. The heating of the pregalactic gas by H$_2$ and the chemical reactions leading to its formation is considered in Section~\\ref{sec:heating}. We conclude in Section~\\ref{sec:discussion}. The theory of the energy levels and transitions of the H$_2^+$ ion is recapitulated in Appendix~\\ref{app:h2p}. In this paper, we have assumed a primordial helium abundance of $Y_P=0.24$, and a flat $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology with parameters from \\citet{2005PhRvD..71j3515S}: $\\Omega_b=0.0462$, $\\Omega_m=0.281$, and $H_0=71.0\\,$km$\\,$s$^{-1}\\,$Mpc$^{-1}$. The number density $\\n$ will refer to the total proper density of hydrogen nuclei in all forms (ionized, atomic, and molecular), although in the regime of interest here it is mostly atomic. The notation $x_i$ (or $\\x i$ for H$^-$, H$_2^+$, and HeH$^+$) will denote the number density of species $i$ relative to the total number density of hydrogen nuclei in all chemical forms (e.g. $\\x{\\rmH_2}= n[\\rmH_2]/n=1/2$ if all hydrogen is molecular). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} We have reconsidered the production of H$_2$ molecules in the pregalactic medium. In contrast to previous studies, we have included the spectral distortion in our analysis, and resolved all 423 rotational-vibrational levels of the H$_2^+$ ion. We find that in the level-resolved analysis, the H$_2^+$ reaction pathway is greatly suppressed because newly formed H$_2^+$ ions are photodissociated before they can decay to the ground state or undergo charge transfer to become H$_2$ molecules. We also find that the H$^-$ ion is easily destroyed by spectral distortion photons at $z>70$, so that the production of H$_2$ by this pathway is suppressed relative to the standard calculation. We obtain a final H$_2$ abundance $\\x{\\rmH_2}=6\\times 10^{-7}$ assuming standard cosmology. Unfortunately, the primordial H$_2$ molecules will be very difficult to detect. The main effect of H$_2$ on the thermal history of the gas actually comes from the formation process (via the H$^-$ sequence, Eqs.~\\ref{eq:-1}, \\ref{eq:-2}) rather than rotational lines; however the effect is only of the order of $10^{-4}$. In principle the proposed 21-cm tomography of the pre-reionization Universe could reach the sensitivity at which primordial H$_2$ becomes important, since it is sensitive to the temperature of the gas and has many more than $(10^{-4})^{-2}\\sim 10^8$ modes. However when assessing the prospects, it should be remembered that the high-redshift 21-cm signal has not yet been detected, and measurements at the $10^{-4}$ level are clearly very far in the future. Aside from H$_2$, there are other molecules with rotational lines such as HD and LiH, which could conceivably have been formed in the early Universe and played a role in the thermal balance. The treatment of these trace molecules is beyond the scope of this paper, but HD in particular may warrant further study as it has been found to be a significant heating source in some past works (e.g. \\citealt{1993A&A...267..337P}). Since the main route of formation of HD is via the reaction H$_2$(D$^+$,H$^+$)HD \\citep{1998A&A...335..403G}, any analysis of HD must incorporate the revised H$_2$ calculation presented here. Finally, one could ask whether the H$_2$ suppression mechanisms discussed here -- the spectral distortion and non-equilibrium populations in H$_2^+$ -- have a significant effect on H$_2$ cooling of protogalaxies. In the case of the spectral distortion, we have seen that at mean density the photodetachment of H$^-$ becomes unimportant at low redshift, since H$^-$ ions undergo a chemical reaction (usually associative detachment) before being destroyed by radiation. For example, the branching fraction for H$^-$ at mean density to be destroyed by radiation is 0.13 at $z=40$, 0.09 at $z=30$, and 0.05 at $z=20$. In overdense gas clouds at $z<40$ the collisional reactions are faster and we conclude that the spectral distortion should be negligible. We have tried running our H$_2^+$ code for overdense conditions at low redshift (e.g. $z=20$, $\\delta_b=10^4$, $T=10^3\\,$K) and find that the H$_2^+$ levels are still far out of equilibrium, with the lowest levels underpopulated relative to the Boltzmann distribution (at $T_{CMB}$) by many orders of magnitude. However in such clouds H$^-$ is likely to be a more important source of molecules than H$_2^+$ (see e.g. \\citealt{1997ApJ...474....1T}). Therefore we do not expect our changes in H$_2^+$ physics to have large consequences for the cooling of the first collapsed objects in the universe." }, "0606/astro-ph0606571_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We present a cosmic shear analysis and data validation of 15 square degree high-quality $R$-band data of the Garching-Bonn Deep Survey obtained with the Wide Field Imager of the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope.} {We measure the two-point shear correlation functions to calculate the aperture mass dispersion. Both statistics are used to perform the data quality control. Combining the cosmic shear signal with a photometric redshift distribution of a galaxy sub-sample obtained from two square degree of {\\it UBVRI}-band observations of the Deep Public Survey we determine constraints for the matter density $\\Omega_{\\rm m}$, the mass power spectrum normalisation $\\sigma_8$ and the dark energy density $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ in the magnitude interval $R\\in [21.5,24.5]$. In this magnitude interval the effective number density of source galaxies is $n=12.5\\,{\\rm arcmin}^{-2}$, and their mean redshift is \\mbox{$\\bar z=0.78$}. To estimate the posterior likelihood we employ the Monte Carlo Markov Chain method.} {Using the aperture mass dispersion we obtain for the mass power spectrum normalisation \\mbox{$\\sigma_8=0.80\\pm 0.10$} ($1\\,\\sigma$ statistical error) at a fixed matter density \\mbox{$\\Omega_{\\rm m}=0.30$} assuming a flat universe with negligible baryon content and marginalising over the Hubble parameter and the uncertainties in the fitted redshift distribution.} {} ", "introduction": "Measuring the weak gravitational lensing effect induced by the tidal gravitational field of the large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe, also called cosmic shear, is a powerful way to explore statistical properties of the LSS and, thus, cosmological models. In contrast to other methods cosmic shear directly probes the total matter distribution of the Universe independent of the baryonic content. Due to the need for high quality data, it has only been in recent years that groups have begun to use this method. The first cosmic shear measurements were published in the beginning of 2000 \\citep{bre00,vme00,kwl00,mvm01,wtk00}. Although some constraints on cosmological parameters were obtained from these measurements, their statistical errors, due to the small areas of the surveys (\\mbox{$\\sim 1\\,{\\rm deg}^2$}), and systematic errors were large. More recently, published cosmic shear measurements use larger survey areas (\\mbox{$\\sim 10\\,{\\rm deg}^2$}) and/or deeper fields to obtain smaller statistical errors and additionally discuss the influence of systematic errors on the cosmic shear signal \\citep[e.g.][]{vmr01,vmp02,vmh05,rrg01,rrc04,rrg02,hms03,bmr03,hyg02,btb03,mrb05,jbf03,jjb05,hbb05}. We are now entering a new phase of wide-field surveys which are wider and/or deeper so that systematic errors may begin to dominate over statistical errors. Many groups have been working on the problem of reducing systematic errors in cosmic shear measurements and have presented its impact on cosmological parameter estimations. \\citet{hoe04} and \\citet{vmh05} discussed the influence of an imperfect PSF-anisotropy correction on the cosmic shear signal. The impact of the redshift distribution sampling error has recently been studied by \\citet{mhh06} and \\citet{vwh06}. A further, more fundamental, source of bias is the correlation between the weak gravitational shear of distant galaxies and the intrinsic shape of foreground galaxies \\citep[e.g. ][]{his04,hwh06}. In addition, the so-called Shear TEsting Programme (STEP), a world-wide collaborative project to improve the accuracy and reliability of all weak lensing measurements has been initiated in mid 2004 \\citep[see first results in ][]{hvb06}. In the present paper we first present the results from a simple test of our pipeline using synthetic images. Specifically we give details about the changes we have made to it due to the lessons we have learnt so far from STEP and present the influence of the changes on the cosmic shear signal. To test the pipeline we used $3\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ of synthetic images obtained by ray tracing through $N$-body simulations \\citep{het05}. A cosmic shear analysis is performed using the E- and B-mode decomposition of the aperture mass ($M_{\\rm ap}$-) statistics. We show that within the uncertainties we recover the cosmic shear signal and that our pipeline does not create artificial B-modes. We then report on the results of a cosmic shear analysis of the Garching-Bonn Deep Survey (hereafter: GaBoDS) data set, obtained with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) of the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope on La Silla, Chile. The GaBoDS data set consists of $18.6\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ high quality $R$-band observations. Most of the data were obtained in the framework of a virtual survey. That is, we compiled the data set from the ESO archive. The rest of the data set was obtained by our GO programmes. We effectively use $15\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ of the total data set to create catalogues of galaxies for the shear measurements. Furthermore, the data set includes $2\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ of deep {\\it UBVRI}-band observations from the Deep Public Survey (henceforth: DPS). This yields photometric redshift information for $8\\%$ of all GaBoDS lensing objects in the magnitude interval $R \\in [21.5,24.5]$. The DPS lensing galaxies with photometric redshift information are used to estimate the redshift distribution which in turn is considered for the cosmic shear analysis. To test the reliability of our measurements we perform four basic tests on the systematics in our data. In addition, we calculate the ellipticity cross-correlation between uncorrected stars and corrected galaxies to quantify the residuals of the PSF anisotropy correction. Furthermore, we utilise the E- and B- mode decomposition of the $M_{\\rm ap}$-statistics to check for possible systematics in the data. The signal of the aperture mass statistics, the shear two-point correlation functions and their covariance matrix are calculated for the cosmic shear analysis. In contrast to other cosmic shear analyses, we estimate the mass power spectrum normalisation, $\\sigma_8$, using the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) technique. The paper is organised as follows. In Sect. \\ref{sect:cosmicshear} we briefly describe the theory of cosmic shear. We also discuss the statistics that we use to constrain cosmological parameters as well as a control of possible systematics in the data. The data and the weak lensing catalogue creation are presented in Sect. \\ref{sect:data}. The analysis of synthetic images is presented in Sect. \\ref{sect:simulations}. In Sect. \\ref{sect:Bmodecontrol} we elucidate in detail the different tests on the systematics in our data. In Sect. \\ref{sect:cosmicshearanalysis} we give the results from our cosmic shear analysis and present the cosmological parameters calculated using the MCMC technique. In addition we discuss several possible sources of systematic errors. In Sect. \\ref{sect:conclusion} we give a summary and outlook. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclusion} We have performed a cosmic shear analysis based on $15\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ of deep high quality $R$-band imaging data from the Garching-Bonn Deep Survey. Our cosmic shear measurement is B-mode free within the statistical errors, hence there are no significant systematic errors resulting from the data treatment (PSF correction, galaxy selection) left in the data. This encourages us to use the GaBoDS data for further cosmological analyses, such as the galaxy bias studies carried out by Simon et al. (in preparation). The measured redshift distribution is obtained from {\\it lensing} galaxies from $2\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ of {\\it UBVRI}-band data of the Deep Public Survey, a sub-sample of GaBoDS and not from an external redshift sample. The measured redshift distribution in combination with the cosmic shear signal is used to perform an unbiased estimate of cosmological parameters where, in contrast to many other cosmic shear analyses, we have estimated the covariance matrix {\\it directly from the data} without any further assumptions and have not computed it analytically. Assuming a flat $\\Lambda$CDM universe with negligible baryon content we have derived the mass power spectrum normalisation and the matter density while marginalising over the uncertainties in the Hubble parameter and the source redshift distribution. As a result we obtain \\mbox{$\\sigma_8=0.61^{+0.31}_{-0.20}$} and \\mbox{$\\Omega_{\\rm m}=0.46^{+0.30}_{-0.22}$} from the $M_{\\rm ap}$-statistics using the Peacock \\& Dodds model of the non-linear mass power spectrum. For a fixed matter density of \\mbox{$\\Omega_{\\rm m}=0.3$}, we obtain \\mbox{$\\sigma_8=0.80 \\pm 0.10$} ($1\\,\\sigma$ statistical error). Within the error bars this is consistent with recent cosmic shear measurements, galaxy clusters and the WMAP three year result, see Fig. \\ref{fig:sigma8vergleich} and table \\ref{tab:sigma8vergleich}. We discussed various systematic errors and roughly estimated their magnitude. With respect to the magnitude of systematic errors, the most uncertain sources are the redshift distribution and the intrinsic shape-shear correlation. Although the intrinsic shape-shear correlation has been analysed with $N$-body simulations using simple galaxy models, the impact on deep cosmic shear measurements is still unclear. With accurate photometric redshifts at hand, measurements of cross-correlation tomography could be carried out to provide a useful diagnostic tool \\citep{his04}. To reach the full potential of weak gravitational lensing measurements and high accuracy in the determination of cosmological parameters, it is therefore essential to have precise redshift estimates to obtain: a) unbiased redshift distributions of lensing galaxies and b) estimates of the intrinsic shape-shear correlation. Our cosmic shear result and the ongoing improvements in redshift and shear estimates (e.g. STEP) are quite encouraging for the upcoming wide-field multi-colour surveys as the future KIlo Degree Survey (KIDS), starting beginning 2007. The KIDS aims to image a contiguous area of $1500\\,{\\rm deg}^2$ in five colours. In combination with UKIDS the data will yield photometric redshifts accurate to $\\Delta z/(1+z)=0.03$ for typical $r^\\prime=23.5$ galaxies, rising to $10\\,\\%$ uncertainty at $r^\\prime=25$. In the primary lensing colour the limiting magnitude is predicted to be $r^\\prime_{\\rm Vega}=24.3$ ($10\\,\\sigma$ sky level measured in a circular aperture of $2^{\\prime \\prime}$ radius) and the median seeing is predicted to be $0\\myarcsec 6$. The depth of KIDS will yield about $10^8$ galaxies to a median redshift of $z\\approx 0.8$. With the KIDS data set at hand we will be able to measure the angular power spectrum on large scales. The statistical errors of cosmological parameter estimations will be reduced at least by a factor of ten, not only because the number of background galaxies is larger but also the number of galaxy pairs will increase dramatically, in particular for large angular scales. With such a large data set one can start to probe the equation of state of dark energy. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth,clip]{sigma8vergleich}} \\caption{ Recent determinations of $\\sigma_8(\\Omega_{\\rm m}=0.3)$ using galaxy clusters (triangles) and cosmic shear (squares) in comparison to our results ($M_{\\rm ap}$: solid hexagon with bold error bars, $\\xi_\\pm$: hexagon with light error bars) and the WMAP three year result (pentagon). The open triangle and open star on the right are the average of all $\\sigma_8$ determinations between 2002 and 2006 (indicated by the vertical lines) using clusters and cosmic shear, respectively (error bars of single measurements are not taken into account). The WMAP result of $\\sigma_8$ would be larger if $\\Omega_{\\rm m}$ is fixed to $0.3$. Within a year the measurement points are not in chronological order. Values taken from table \\ref{tab:sigma8vergleich}. Points from right to the left in the diagram are associated with values from top down in the table. \\label{fig:sigma8vergleich} } \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{table} \\caption{ Recent determinations of $\\sigma_8$ using clusters, cosmic shear and WMAP. The WMAP result of $\\sigma_8$ would be larger if $\\Omega_{\\rm m}$ is fixed to $0.3$. The result from \\citet{crh04} is obtained from a radio survey assuming that the median redshift is $z_{\\rm m}=2.2$. } \\label{tab:sigma8vergleich} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{l|c|l} \\hline\\hline Reference & $\\sigma_8$ & Method \\\\ \\hline our measurements & $0.80 \\pm 0.10$ & WL: $\\langle M_{\\rm ap}^2\\rangle$ \\\\ & $0.93 \\pm 0.14$ & WL: $\\xi_\\pm$ \\\\ \\citet{smv06} & $0.85 \\pm 0.06$ & WL: $\\xi^{\\rm E}$ \\\\ \\citet{hmv05} & $0.85 \\pm 0.05$ & WL: $\\xi^{\\rm E}$\\\\ \\citet{mrb05} & $1.02 \\pm 0.15$ & WL: $\\xi_\\pm$ \\\\ \\citet{jjb05} & $0.72^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$ & WL: \\\\ \\citet{hbb05} & $0.68 \\pm 0.13$ & WL: $\\xi_\\pm$\\\\ \\citet{vmh05} & $0.83 \\pm 0.07$ & WL: $\\xi^{\\rm E}$\\\\ \\citet{hbh04} & $0.67 \\pm 0.10$ & WL: $$\\\\ \\citet{rrc04} & $1.02 \\pm 0.16$ & WL: $\\langle \\gamma^2\\rangle$ \\\\ \\citet{crh04} & $1.0 \\pm 0.2$ & WL: $\\langle M_{\\rm ap}^2\\rangle$\\\\ \\citet{bmr03} & $0.97 \\pm 0.13$ & WL: \\\\ \\citet{btb03} & $0.72 \\pm 0.09$ & WL: \\\\ \\citet{hms03} & $0.78^{+0.55}_{-0.25}$ & WL: $\\langle M_{\\rm ap}^2\\rangle$ \\\\ \\citet{jbf03} & $0.71^{+0.06}_{-0.08}$ & WL: \\\\ \\citet{hyg02} & $0.86^{+0.09}_{-0.13}$ & WL: $\\langle M_{\\rm ap}^2\\rangle$ \\\\ \\citet{hyg02b}& $0.81^{+0.07}_{-0.10}$ & WL: $\\langle \\gamma^2\\rangle$ \\\\ \\citet{vmp02} & $0.98 \\pm 0.06$ & WL: $\\langle M_{\\rm ap}^2\\rangle$ \\\\ \\citet{rrg02} & $0.94 \\pm 0.24$ & WL: \\\\ \\citet{rrg01} & $0.91 ^{+0.25}_{-0.30}$ & WL: \\\\ \\citet{mvm01} & $1.04 \\pm 0.05$ & WL: \\\\ \\hline \\citet{hen04} & $0.62 \\pm 0.04$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{asf03} & $0.70 \\pm 0.04$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{bdb03} & $0.72 \\pm 0.06$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{sbc03} & $0.76 \\pm 0.01$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{pbd03} & $0.77 \\pm 0.05$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{pbd03} & $0.78 \\pm 0.06$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{vkl03} & $0.84^{+0.16}_{-0.03}$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{vnl02} & $0.61 \\pm 0.05$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{reb02} & $0.68 \\pm 0.04$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{rbn02} & $0.72 \\pm 0.02$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{sel02} & $0.76 \\pm 0.06$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{wu01} & $0.91 \\pm 0.11$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{pbd01} & $1.02 \\pm 0.07$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{oua01} & $0.91$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\citet{bsb00} & $0.96$ & X-ray clusters \\\\ \\hline \\citet{sbd06} & $0.74^{+0.05}_{-0.06}$ & WMAP \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606092_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use data from the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS), obtained from the first generation Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE-I), to identify and study RR Lyrae variable stars in the solar neighborhood. We initially identified 1197 RRab (RR0) candidate stars brighter than the ROTSE median magnitude $V = 14$. Periods, amplitudes, and mean $V$ magnitudes are determined for a subset of 1188 RRab stars with well defined light curves. Metallicities are determined for 589 stars by the Fourier parameter method and by the relationship between period, amplitude, and [Fe/H]. We comment upon the difficulties of clearly classifying RRc (RR1) variables in the NSVS dataset. Distances to the RRab stars are calculated using an adopted luminosity-metallicity relation with corrections for interstellar extinction. The 589 RRab stars in our final sample are used to study the properties of the RRab population within 5 kpc of the Sun. The Bailey diagram of period versus amplitude shows that the largest component of this sample belongs to Oosterhoff type I. Metal-rich ($[Fe/H] > -1$) RRab stars appear to be associated with the Galactic disk. Our metal-rich RRab sample may include a thin disk as well as a thick disk population, although the uncertainties are too large to establish this. There is some evidence among the metal-rich RRab stars for a decline in scale height with increasing [Fe/H], as was found by \\citet{Layden:1995}. The distribution of RRab stars with $-1 < [Fe/H] < -1.25$ indicates that within this metallicity range the RRab stars are a mixture of stars belonging to halo and disk populations. ", "introduction": "RR Lyrae variable stars are versatile objects for astronomical research. Not only are they excellent distance indicators, but they are useful as probes for understanding Galactic evolution and structure. RR Lyrae variables have the virtues of being both luminous and ubiquitous in the Galaxy, tracing the old stellar populations of the bulge, disk, and halo components. In this paper, we present results from a new survey of Bailey ab-type RR Lyrae stars (RRab or RR0) in the solar neighborhood based upon data in the Northern Sky Variability Survey \\citep{Wozniak:2004a}, hereafter NSVS. Bailey type c (RRc or RR1) variables in the NSVS will be discussed in a future paper. To get a clearer picture of the Galaxy, we need as complete a database as possible of both field and globular cluster RR Lyrae stars. The General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS) \\citep{Kholopov:1996} summarizes much previous work on the discovery of RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic field, but is significantly incomplete, especially for RR Lyrae stars of low amplitude \\citep{Akerlof:2000}. More recent CCD surveys of RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic bulge (OGLE: \\citet{OGLE}, MACHO: \\citet{MACHO2}) and halo (SDSS: \\citet{SDSS}, QUEST: \\citet{Vivas:2004}) have extended the coverage of the GCVS, but do not emphasize the discovery of brighter RR Lyrae stars in the solar neighborhood. The Northern Sky Variability Survey \\citep{Wozniak:2004a} is based on photometric observations obtained with the first generation telescope of the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE-I) (see section 2). Within the NSVS, RR Lyrae stars as faint as 15th magnitude in V can be detected, extending to a distance of about 7-9 kpc from the Sun \\citep{Akerlof:2000}. This region includes part of the inner halo and thick disk components of the Galaxy. Hence, this survey is an excellent complement to the bulge and outer halo surveys, bridging the portions of the Galaxy that they cover. The NSVS data complement those of the QUEST survey \\citep{Vivas:2004}, which includes RR Lyrae stars from 4 to 60 from the sun, but principally samples RR Lyrae stars more distant than those in the NSVS. Another survey that will complement the NSVS is the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) \\citep{Pojmanski:1997}. The ASAS database surveys the southern sky up to $\\delta = +28$ and has a magnitude limit of $V = 14$. In this paper, we will limit ourselves to a consideration of those NSVS RRab stars that are brighter than 14th magnitude in the ROTSE-I system. These stars have light curves sufficiently well defined that the periods are secure, and the classification of Bailey type is clear. Within certain limits, which we shall describe later, we expect this survey to provide a more complete and unbiased catalog of the RRab stars in the solar neighborhood than is provided by the GCVS. Because of this magnitude restriction, our paper mainly concerns RRab stars to a distance of 5 kpc from the Sun. Section 2 of the paper briefly describes the ROTSE-I telescope and the NSVS database. In section 3, we discuss the selection criteria used to identify RRab stars, the determination of periods, the photometric calibration, and methods for determining photometric metallicities. In section 4, the properties of the RRab sample and its distribution in space are discussed. Results are summarized in section 5. ", "conclusions": "The source of the RRab sample in this work primarily comes from the 2MASS correlated version of the NSVS database. Aside from the constraints on coverage mentioned earlier, the NSVS database should provide a complete catalog of field RR Lyrae stars within the solar neighborhood down to $V \\sim 15$. As a check, we took an early RRab candidate list that contained 1188 stars and cross correlated it with the GCVS \\citep{Kholopov:1996}. We took into consideration that some of the stars in the GCVS have poor astrometric positions, with uncertainties up to 1 arcminute. To match the NSVS RRab candidates with the GCVS RRab stars, our only option was to perform a positional match. A search grid with sizes varying from 2 arcminutes to 3 arcseconds was used. At the match limit of 3 arcseconds, only 133 NSVS RRab stars were found in the GCVS. Thus, out of 1188 NSVS RRab candidates, almost 90\\% were not found in the GCVS catalog. For a 2 arcminute positional match, 312 matches occurred, and an 1 arcminute search grid yielded 291 matches. Thus, it is safe to conclude that at least three quarters of the NSVS RRab candidates are not in the GCVS. We also did a reverse search of the northern GCVS RRab stars in the NSVS database that had been correlated with the 2MASS catalog. We expected that all bright GCVS RRab stars with declination greater than $-30^{\\circ}$ should be in the NSVS database. We also selected GCVS stars that were between 8th and 14th magnitudes in V. In this reverse search, 99 GCVS stars were not recovered in our working sample of RRab stars. To investigate these missing RRab stars, we searched further in the 2MASS correlated NSVS database, as well as in the original NSVS database located at Los Alamos. All but seven of the GCVS stars could be found in the LANL version of the database. The reasons for the absence of these seven variable stars (HP Aqr, AX Del, SZ Leo, DI Leo, NQ Lyr, AK Pup, and FI Sge) is unknown at this time. The search of the 2MASS correlated database recovered 63 of the 99 missing variable stars. Forty-three GCVS stars were excluded because their entries had fewer than 20 good observations. Nine other missing stars had a Galactic latitude within $12^{\\circ}$ of the plane. As noted in \\citet{Wozniak:2004a}, some confusion can exist in the identification of individual stars near the Galactic plane because of crowding. Eleven stars were excluded due to the selection criteria applied to periods, colors, and amplitudes in identifying RRab candidates as described in section 3.1. \\citet{Wils:2006} have recently completed a catalog of RR Lyrae stars in the NSVS which was done independently of the present survey. They identified 785 probable RR Lyrae stars, including 188 that were previously unknown. Of the 785, 712 are of RRab type, about 468 of which are brighter than magnitude 14. \\citet{Wils:2006} also provide a convenient table for cross identifying known RR Lyrae stars with those in the NSVS. In comparing our RRab candidates with those in \\citet{Wils:2006}, we find that most of the Wils et al. stars are also in our list, but not all. We also note that, because of the synonym problem in the NSVS, the stars in our Table \\ref{rrab_properties} are occasionally listed under different NSVS identification numbers than the corresponding variables in \\citet{Wils:2006}. There are some 60 RRab stars in the Wils et al. list that are brighter than 14 magnitude that are not included in Table \\ref{rrab_properties}. At least 50 of these appear to be genuine RRab stars that were excluded by one of the selection criteria we used. Most often the period criteria caused the omission of the star from our sample. For the remaining 10 stars there is still some uncertainty as to whether an RRab classification is correct. For consistency, we have not included the additional Wils et al. stars in our analysis, but have retained the original sample from our search criteria. \\subsection{Period Distribution} The period distribution of 1188 NSVS RRab stars was examined through a period histogram, shown in Figure \\ref{rrabhist}. In this histogram, the average period of the RRab stars is $0.563 \\pm 0.001$ days. This mean value is close to the average period of 0.55 days seen for RRab stars of Oosterhoff type I globular clusters, and is much shorter than the 0.64 days typically seen in clusters of Oosterhoff type II \\citep{Smith:95}. However, it is clear that the distribution of periods among the field RRab stars is wider than that seen within individual Oosterhoff type I clusters. Instead, the field RRab period histogram is a consequence of the mixture of several RR Lyrae populations, as can be seen from the distribution of the RRab sample with respect to the Galactic plane. The outer halo star studies of \\citet{Carney:1996} and cluster studies of \\citet{Lee:1999} hypothesized different origins for Oosterhoff type I and Oosterhoff type II clusters. \\citet{Lee:1999} used a sample of 125 RRab stars within 3 kpc of the plane and 61 RRab stars farther than 5 kpc from the plane to examine the relative distributions of halo RRab stars belonging to Oosterhoff group I and Oosterhoff group II. \\citet{Lee:1999} concluded that there was evidence that field RRab stars associated with an Oosterhoff II population were more likely to be found in the low Z group, being rarer at $|Z| > 5$ kpc. Because our sample of RRab stars becomes seriously incomplete as we move to a distance beyond 5 kpc, we cannot extend our survey to distances as large as those studied by \\citet{Lee:1999}. However, we can investigate trends in RRab populations within 5 kpc of the plane. The RRab sample was divided into regions defined by the distance from the Galactic plane, Z. Figure \\ref{rrabhist_z} shows the period distribution for RRab stars found close to the plane, $|Z| < 2$, kpc and at larger distances, $2 < |Z| < 5$ kpc. The average period of RRab stars found close to the plane shows a mean period indicative of an Oosterhoff I class. The average RRab period for the region $|Z| < 2$ kpc was $0.557 \\pm 0.001$ days. For the regions slightly further away, the average period shifted to an intermediate value between the Oosterhoff I and II types. The average RRab period for this group of stars in these regions was $0.580 \\pm 0.001$ days. It is clear, however, that the mean period in the low $|Z|$ sample is strongly influenced by the presence of a short period disk population of RRab stars. To winnow these from the sample requires a more detailed consideration of the RRab properties, which we discuss in the next section. \\subsection{Period-Amplitude Trends} A Bailey, or period-amplitude, diagram can be used as a diagnostic tool to investigate the Oosterhoff classification of RRab stars. \\citet{Preston:59} discovered that the location of field RRab stars in the Bailey diagram was a function of metallicity. \\citet{SKS:1981} noted that the same effect among the RRab stars of globular clusters might be explained if metal-poor RRab stars were more luminous than their metal-rich counterparts. \\citet{Clement:2000} furthered the argument that RRab stars of Oosterhoff type I and II occupy separate and distinctive lines in the Bailey diagram. We will use the linear trends from \\citet{Clement:2000}, which are based on the RRab stars found in M3 (Oosterhoff I type globular cluster) and $\\omega$ Cen (an Oosterhoff II cluster) as representative of the period-amplitude relations of Oosterhoff I and II clusters. M3, at [Fe/H]$= -1.5$, is one of the most metal-poor of the Oosterhoff I clusters. Thus, we would expect field RRab stars with Oosterhoff I properties to lie along or to the left of the M3 locus in the Bailey diagram. We would expect RRab stars of Oosterhoff type II to lie along, or perhaps slightly to the right, of the $\\omega$ Cen locus in the Bailey diagram. Figure \\ref{padiag_rrab} is our period-amplitude diagram for the 608 stars for which we had determined the period and amplitude. In this Figure we also overplot the linear Oosterhoff relations of \\citet{Clement:2000}. The RRab stars do not clearly fall along one or the other relation, as is usually seen in the cases for globular clusters. However, it appears that a majority of the stars fall near the Oosterhoff I relation, which is in agreement with the result from the period histograms. \\citet{Cacciari:2005} obtained a mean period-amplitude relation for RRab stars in M3 that is somewhat different from that in \\citet{Clement:2000}. In particular, Cacciari et al. noted that the more numerous regular and the rarer, more evolved M3 RRab stars occupied somewhat different positions in the period-amplitude diagram. The Cacciari et al. trend line for the regular (less evolved) RRab stars is generally similar to that of Clement and Rowe, but is slightly displaced and includes a quadratic term, so that the line flattens slightly at large amplitudes. Use of the Cacciari et al. rather than the Clement and Rowe Oosterhoff I line would not, however, change any of the conclusions we arrive at below. Even with the revised trend lines, significant populations exist near the Oosterhoff II trend line and at short periods to the left of the M3 Oosterhoff I line. \\subsection{Oosterhoff Dichotomy Classification for NSVS RRab Stars} A more careful classification for the NSVS RRab stars can be performed with the addition of metallicity information to the period and amplitude. Three groups of stars are identified in our period-amplitude diagram (Figure \\ref{pa_oo}): the Oosterhoff I RRab stars, the Oosterhoff II RRab stars, and short period group of RRab stars. Figure \\ref{pa_oo} is a reproduction of Figure \\ref{padiag_rrab} but with the Oosterhoff groups identified. The short period stars in the ``metal rich'' box of Figure \\ref{pa_oo} were scrutinized for RRc stars contaminating the RRab sample. Almost all of these short period stars were found to be genuine ab-type RR Lyrae stars with metallicities of [Fe/H] $> -1$. The right edge of this box is located at $[Fe/H] = -1$, as defined by the Sandage metallicity relation (Equation \\ref{ampmet}). All the stars with the filled circles were identified with a metallicity richer than [Fe/H] $= -1$, according to the best estimate metal abundance in Table \\ref{rrab_feh}. To examine the spatial distributions of the two Oosterhoff groups and the metal-rich group of RRab stars, we plot in Figure \\ref{feh_z} the [Fe/H] distribution versus the distance from the Galactic plane, $|Z|$. In Figure \\ref{tdmetz}, we see that the metal rich stars with [Fe/H] $> -1$ all lie close to the Galactic plane. The metal poor stars exhibit an extended distribution more consistent with the existence of a component with halo properties. However, below we will argue that a fraction of the RRab stars more metal-poor than [Fe/H] $= -1$ belongs to a thick disk population. Due to the faintness limit we imposed for our sample of RRab stars, our RRab stars probe to about 4.5 kpc away from the Galactic plane. \\subsubsection{Oosterhoff I and II} We divide the RRab stars in Figure \\ref{pa_oo}, excluding the metal rich stars confined in the box, along the dotted line. Stars to the left of this line are denoted as belonging to Oosterhoff I, while those to the right are credited to Oosterhoff II. Ideally, we might want to draw the dotted line to correspond to a metal abundance of [Fe/H]$ =-1.7$, which is the approximate boundary between globular clusters of Oosterhoff types I and II. However, if we use Sandage's amplitude-log period-[Fe/H] relation to identify the location of the [Fe/H]$ = -1.7$ boundary, the dividing line intersects with the Oosterhoff I relation of \\citet{Clement:2000}. This may suggest a small problem either with Sandage's amplitude-period-metallicity calibration, or with the adopted M3 trend line. \\subsubsection{Metal Weak Thick Disk Population?} The Oosterhoff I candidates were separated into two subgroups with the division occurring at $[Fe/H] = -1.25$. Note in Figure \\ref{oo1subgroup} the existence of a relatively large number of stars of [Fe/H] $> -1.25$ within 2 kpc of the Galactic plane. To investigate the implications of this group of stars, we first consider whether the apparent overabundance of disk stars in the more metal-rich Oosterhoff I group might reflect a bias in the identification of RRab stars. We used the more metal-poor Oosterhoff II sample as a control, assuming that it represents a pure or nearly pure halo population. The detection probabilities of the Oosterhoff II RRab stars are similar to those of Oosterhoff I RRab of comparable amplitude within our survey. We compared the number of Oosterhoff I and II type stars at different $|Z|$ distance intervals. Table \\ref{numratio} summarizes our calculated number ratios of these stars. We assume that the two $|Z|$ distance intervals listed in Table \\ref{numratio} best span the disk and inner halo population of our sample of stars. The regions above 5 kpc are excluded because of our adopted magnitude limit. In the region closer to the plane ($|Z| < 2.0$ kpc), we also have an additional constraint that the RRab stars have a Galactic latitude greater than $12^{\\circ}$, i.e. $|b| > 12^{\\circ}$. This constraint was imposed to avoid the regions of heavy interstellar extinction near the plane where the \\citet{Schlegel:1998} reddening maps are uncertain and where our survey incompleteness becomes more serious. Our number ratio calculations suggest that different Oosterhoff groups are dominant in the two $|Z|$ regions. In the case of Oosterhoff II (Oo II) to Oosterhoff I (Oo I), the ratio shows that the Oo I stars outnumber the Oo II stars 2 to 1 for the $2.5 < |Z| < 3.5$ kpc region. However, closer to the plane, the same ratio seems to indicate that Oo I RRab stars increase more rapidly as we approach the plane than is the number of Oo II RRab stars. This result is certainly consistent with the presence of a disk component within our Oosterhoff I group. We repeat this analysis to investigate the disk and halo populations, but divide the Oosterhoff I sample into two subgroups by metallicity. The metal richer Oosterhoff I subgroup ([Fe/H]$ > -1.25$) and the metal poorer Oosterhoff I subgroup ([Fe/H]$ < -1.25$) were each compared with the Oosterhoff II group at the same $|Z|$ distance intervals as in the above analysis. Table \\ref{oo_numbers} provides the numbers of RRab stars assigned to each Oosterhoff group at each $|Z|$ interval. Table \\ref{ooI_num} lists the number of RRab stars that make up the two Oosterhoff I subgroups. These number ratios suggest that the disk component of the RRab sample likely extends to metal abundances somewhat lower than our original [Fe/H] $= -1.0$ cutoff. The numbers of stars in the samples are not so great as to allow this conclusion to be drawn at more than the two sigma level. Full kinematic data on the sample stars would allow this conclusion to be tested more fully. Taking the ratios at face value, however, we estimate that approximately 60\\% of our metal-rich Oosterhoff I stars in the region $|Z| <$ 2.0 kpc belong to the thick disk. There is even some evidence for a metal-weak thick disk component \\citep{Norris:1985, Morrison:1990, Twarog:1994, Beers:1995} but the sample is not large enough to make a completely convincing case. We note that uncertainties in our derived values of [Fe/H] can scatter metal-rich stars into our metal weak sample and vice versa. The fact that there are very few stars in our [Fe/H] $> -1$ sample that also have $|Z| > 2$ kpc indicates that this effect is not large and does not account for the overabundance of stars near the disk in our Oosterhoff I metal-rich group. Such an effect might, however, contribute to the smaller excess near the disk among the Oosterhoff I metal-poor group. In order to clearly identify whether a star belongs in the thick disk or halo population, the kinematics of the star must be known. The kinematic information can provide stronger evidence for testing whether there exists a thick disk population in our Oosterhoff I group of stars. A program to obtain full space motions for these, few of which now have known radial velocities, would certainly be of value. We note that there is a continuum of properties among these field RRab stars. The stars with higher metal abundances as determined by the Fourier parameter method or (when such are available) by Layden's (1994) spectroscopy, lie to the left in the period-amplitude diagram, whereas the more metal-poor stars lie to the right. The apparently metal-rich RRab stars in the unusual globular clusters NGC 6388 and NGC 6441 \\citep{Layden:1999, Pritzl:2001,Pritzl:2002, Pritzl:2003, Clementini:2005} break this trend: falling to the right in a period-amplitude diagram although NGC 6388 and NGC 6441 appear to be about as metal-rich as 47 Tucanae. Thus, there is some similarity in the structure of the RRab stars in the solar neighborhood field, both metal-rich and metal-poor, that may extend to most but not all of their globular cluster counterparts. \\subsection{Thick Disk Stars} The metal rich star distribution in Figure \\ref{tdmetz} shows that most of these stars are close to the Galactic plane. The distribution of these stars with respect to $|Z|$ is broadly consistent with that expected of a thick disk population. However, the distribution of these stars appears to be a function of metal abundance. Although there are a few exceptions, there is a trend toward lower $|Z|$ distance as [Fe/H] goes from -1 to 0. This may indicate the existence of a thin, or at least a less thick, disk component among the most metal-rich of the RRab stars. To check whether this thick disk trend might be an artifact of our choice of $M_{V}-[Fe/H]$ relation, we rederived the distances using fixed $M_{V}$ values (+0.6 and +0.71, respectively \\citet{Smith:95, Layden:1996}). Regardless of how we arrived at the distances, the trend was still present, as can be seen in Figure \\ref{td_distfeh}. Thus, the tendency toward decreasing $|Z|$ with increasing [Fe/H] does not seem to be imposed on the data by our particular choice of $M_{V}-[Fe/H]$ relation. \\subsubsection{Scale Height of the Thick Disk} Using the 589 RRab stars for which we are able to derive reliable photometric metallicities, we have investigated the scale heights of the thick disk and inner halo for different subgroupings within the data. To derive scale height, h(Z), of these groups we binned data for each subgroup into an average of either 6 or 10 stars per $|Z|$ bin. For the thick disk scale height calculation, we considered the full sample as well as a subsample that excluded stars found close to the plane ($|b| < 12^{\\circ}$). In the latter case, we also implemented a limit to the volume in which we calculated the densities to be used in the determination of the scale heights. The adopted limits were $|b| > 12^{\\circ}$ and a radius of 2.0 kpc from the Sun. Therefore, the shapes of the volumes were essentially frustums of a cone until we reached the search radius limit of 2.0 kpc, which then reverted to the volume of a cylinder. A correction had to be applied to these volumes for areas of the sky that were too far south to be included within the ROTSE-I survey. In Figure \\ref{aitoff}, this region can be seen as a hole where no RRab stars were detected for our sample. This region is bounded by Galactic longitude $240^{\\circ} < l < 20^{\\circ}$ and Galactic latitude $-90^{\\circ} < b < +30^{\\circ}$. Once the densities were calculated, they were binned in $|Z|$, and an exponential function was fitted to the results. Figures \\ref{logdensity6} and \\ref{logdensity10} show how the log density falls off with the $|Z|$ distance bin for the full sample of 70 metal-rich stars. When the constraints on volume and $|b|$ are applied, 55 of these metal-rich RRab stars remain in the sample. For comparison, we also performed similar scale height calculations for 330 RRab stars within the Oosterhoff I group and for a ``halo'' sample of 428 RRab stars with $[Fe/H] < -1.25$. The stars selected for these groups were subject to the same volume limitations as those in the metal-rich group. Although it would have been interesting to separately determine scale heights for the Oosterhoff II stars and the more metal-rich and metal-poor Oosterhoff I groups, the numbers of stars within these subgroupings are insufficient to give robust results when the volume constraints are applied. The halo sample results are, in any case, given merely for completeness. The RRab sample we used does not go deeply enough into the halo to yield a reliable value of scale height. Results are shown in Table \\ref{sclhgt}. Figures \\ref{sclhgt6} and \\ref{sclhgt10} show plots of the density of the metal-rich thick disk stars with $|Z|$, where the adopted error bars are indicated. The weighting of the density points is important to our scale height solution. If we apply no weighting, the calculated scale heights for the metal-rich sample are much smaller, about 0.3 to 0.4 kpc, as reported in \\citet{Kinemuchi:2005}. We believe that the scale height calculation including weights depending on the uncertainties in distance and Poisson statistics are the more reliable. The scale height derived from the 6 stars per $|Z|$ bin case was $0.65 \\pm 0.17$ kpc (Figure \\ref{sclhgt6}). For the 10 stars per $|Z|$ bin, the scale height was $0.68 \\pm 0.18$ kpc for our thick disk sample of 70 stars (Figure \\ref{sclhgt10}). These scale heights are smaller than the canonical scale height of a pure thick disk sample ($\\sim 1$ kpc). Applying the volume constraints gives slightly greater, but also more uncertain results, around 0.8 kpc. In evaluating these results we must consider whether there exists any selection bias against the identification of RRab variables at large $|Z|$. However, such a bias seems unlikely since there is no large falloff in the detection efficiency for RRab stars in the NSVS sample until one reaches $V > 14$, which we set as the limiting magnitude for our RRab sample. Application of the efficiency corrections as a function of apparent magnitude found by \\citet{Amrose:2001} produces only a small change in the calculated metal-rich group scale height, yielding $0.66 \\pm 0.16$ kpc for the 6 stars per bin solution and $0.67 \\pm 0.17$ kpc for the 10 star per bin solution. The correction from \\citet{Amrose:2001} is an upper limit on the actual correction expected for the stars used in calculating our scale heights since the number of observed data points in this study is often greater than in the \\citet{Amrose:2001} simulation. A second source of error can arise from the scattering of the stars across the boundary between the Oosterhoff I and metal-rich groups. However any such scattering would be expected to increase rather than decrease the metal-rich group scale height. The calculated scale height also depends upon the adopted relationship between luminosity and metallicity. However, alternative calibrations from the recent literature give similar results. Because the metal-rich RR Lyrae stars in Figure \\ref{tdmetz} are distributed relatively close to the Galactic plane compared to the more metal-poor RRab stars, we already expected these stars to have a scale height indicative of a disk population. The fit is, however, strongly influenced by the stars very close to the plane. If the RRab stars within 400 pc of the plane are removed from the sample, leaving 45 RRab stars, and the calculation is repeated, the resultant scale heights are greater, about 1.1 kpc but with relatively large uncertainties. We can imagine three possible explanations for this: (1) contamination of the RRab sample close to the plane by some other type of variable star; (2) small number statistics; or (3) the presence of a mixture of thin and thick disk stars within the metal-rich RRab sample. We believe that the first explanation is unlikely. The light curves of the stars within this sample are characteristically those of RRab stars. While the light curves of high amplitude $\\delta$ Scuti stars can occasionally resemble those of RRab stars, almost all such stars have periods shorter than $\\sim 0.3$ days. The second explanation is more difficult to exclude. The third explanation is the most intriguing of the three -- that the stars comprising our metal-rich sample are a mixture of stars belonging to an old thin disk and the thick disk. When the scale height of the full metal-rich sample is calculated, the solution in this case would be influenced by the smaller scale height thin disk component. Values in the literature for the scale height of the old thin disk typically run from about 240 to 330 pc (see \\citet{Chen:2001} and references therein). In removing stars within 400 pc from the sample, we are removing many of the thin disk stars, leaving a solution dominated by the thick disk component. Values of the scale height of the old thick disk show some scatter, from as low as 0.6 to 0.7 \\citep{Chen:2001} to about 1.5 kpc \\citep{Gilmore:1983}, but are typically in the neighborhood of 1 kpc. Our value for the sample of metal-rich RRab stars more than 400 pc from the plane is comparable to the typical value of the thick disk scale height. This is not the first suggestion that the metal-rich RRab stars contain a mixture of thin and thick disk stars. \\citet{Layden:1995} obtained a scale height of 0.7 ($+0.5,-0.3$) kpc for RRab stars of $[Fe/H] > -1$. However, Layden noted a tendency for the calculated scale height to decrease with increasing metallicity for stars within this group. Although Layden cautioned that the trend was significant only at the one sigma level, he noted that his scale height was in between the values often quoted for the old thin and thick disk, and that this might indicated that his sample contained a mix of these stars. One might, however, regard the division of the metal-rich RRab stars into two populations, thick and old thin disk, to be too simple. There might instead just be a trend of decreasing scale height with increasing metallicity. More recently, \\citet{Maintz:2005} studied the motions of 217 RR Lyrae stars brighter than $V = 12.5$. They found evidence for a thick disk component, with a scale height of $1.3 \\pm 0.1$ kpc and a halo component of $4.6 \\pm 0.3$ kpc. In considering their sample of RR Lyrae stars with $|Z| < 0.5$ kpc, they found some evidence for a thin disk component with a scale height of $0.38 \\pm 0.04$ kpc, though they caution that they cannot draw a firm distinction between possible thin and thick disk components. Some of the stars in the \\citet{Maintz:2005} sample are common to our own, but our approaches to calculating the scale height are quite different so that the similarity in our results is significant. From a smaller sample of RRab stars \\citet{Amrose:2001} found a larger scale height ($1.8 \\pm 0.5$ kpc) for the thick disk. Their approach, however, was also different from that adopted here, making no use of metallicity constraints. A vertical scale height may not be the best method for describing the actual distribution of stars belonging to the Galactic halo. The scale height of about 4 kpc found for the Oosterhoff type I sample is much larger than the scale height of our sample of the metal-rich RRab stars. Figure \\ref{fig21} shows the scale height fit for the Oosterhoff I group. Note that close to the Galactic plane, the data points tend to fall above the fit to the data as a whole. This is again, suggestive of our mixture of thick disk and halo stars within our Oosterhoff type I sample. Although our calculated scale height for the ``halo\" group is too uncertain to be very useful here, the \\citet{Maintz:2005} value of 4.6 kpc shows us that our value to be reasonable. The presence of RR Lyrae stars is often taken as indicating the existence of a stellar population with an age of 10 Gyr or more. If, in fact, some of the RRab stars in our sample belong to an old thin disk component, then they may have ages slightly lower than the canonical 10 Gyr. \\citet{Delpeloso:2005} and \\citet{Hansen:2002} found the age of the old thin disk to be $8.3 \\pm 1.8$ Gyr and $7.3 \\pm 1.5$ Gyr, respectively. Thus, it is possible that some of the RR Lyrae in our sample were formed as recently as 7 or 8 Gyr ago. However, only a small proportion of the relatively metal-rich red giants in the old thin disk appear to lose enough mass to produce RR Lyrae stars \\citep{Layden:1995, Taam:1976}. \\subsubsection{$\\Delta \\log P$ and Metallicity Gradient} In \\citet{SKK:1991} figure 8a, a plot of the period shift, $\\Delta \\log P$, with metallicity showed a clear separation of the field RR Lyraes into the Oosterhoff groups. Since our period-amplitude diagram does not clearly show a sharp distinction between the two Oosterhoff groups, we plotted our sample of RRab stars in the same manner as \\citet{SKK:1991}. We did not include any of the metal-rich stars ($[Fe/H] > -1$) that we have identified as our thick disk sample. Figure \\ref{logpfeh} shows our $\\Delta \\log P-[Fe/H]$ plot, with approximately the same axes ranges as in \\citet{SKK:1991}'s figure 8a. We do not see a gap at $\\Delta\\log P = -0.03$, corresponding to the region of the Oosterhoff gap, but rather a continuous trend from one group to the next Oosterhoff group. Admittedly, our uncertainties in [Fe/H] are larger on a star to star basis than those in Suntzeff et al., which will tend to erase any Oosterhoff gap. We also looked for a metallicity gradient as a function of Galactocentric distance, R, in kpc. We assume the Galactocentric distance of the Sun to be 8.5 kpc. \\citet{SKK:1991} reported a metallicity gradient in their sample of field RR Lyraes, which spanned a region of $R = 4$ to 10 kpc. Following their steps, we present our result in Figure \\ref{skkgrad}, however, our sample only covers a region of $R \\sim 6$ to 12 kpc. In the region that overlaps with Suntzeff et al's work, we do not see a significant metallicity gradient. We note that in Suntzeff et al.'s figure 8a, the greatest change in [Fe/H] occurs at roughly $R < 5$ kpc. Few stars within our sample are that close to the galactic center. Although we have tried to exclude obvious disk stars from Figure \\ref{logpfeh}, the \\citet{SKK:1991} RRab stars are usually fainter than the NSVS sample, and may be a more pure halo sample. \\subsection{C-Type RR Lyrae Sample} Although we have been been reporting our results for the NSVS RRab stars in this paper, we have also completed a preliminary search for Bailey type c RR Lyrae (RRc) in the the NSVS database. This search for RRc stars was done in conjunction with the search for RRab stars, but with different selection criteria than those outlined in section 3.1. However, the 2MASS correlated database from which we obtained our RRab sample was optimized to find RRab stars and not the lower amplitude, shorter period RRc stars. We have found that many of the GCVS RRc stars were omitted from our preliminary RRc sample. A thorough search and analysis of the NSVS RRc stars will be conducted at a later date. In this section, we will confine ourselves to a description of some of the problems encountered with the identification of RRc stars in the NSVS database. We initially obtained 2558 RRc candidates from the 2MASS correlated NSVS database. As with the RRab candidates, we removed duplicate entries but kept the entry with the most observations. Our selection criteria for the RRc candidate stars are listed in Table \\ref{selection_rrc}. Periods were obtained using the Supersmoother routine and were compared to the period solutions from the cubic spline method. After a period was chosen for each star, we visually inspected these candidates and removed those stars with phased light curves of an eclipsing binary or phased light curves of poor quality. Amplitudes and mean intensity-weighted magnitudes were calculated for the remaining RRc candidates using the spline routine used for RRab stars. Since our relation for scaling amplitudes was constructed for both RRab and RRc stars, we applied it to scale the amplitudes of the RRc candidates. All of the NSVS RRc parameters will be published in a future paper dealing specifically with these RR Lyrae stars. We encountered several difficulties in selecting an appropriate RRc star sample that were more severe than in the case of the corresponding RRab stars. The light curve shape typical of RRc stars is not as distinctive as that of RRab stars. In particular, when the light curves are noisy, there can be confusion between the RRc stars, W UMa type eclipsing binary stars, and short period $\\delta$ Scuti/SX Phoenicis variable stars. Moreover, there are fewer RRc stars with excellent NSVS light curves that also have well observed light curves in the standard Johnson $V$ bandpass. Thus, we have not yet been able to compare $\\phi_{31}$ values on the NSVS system to standard $V$ band $\\phi_{31}$ values in a satisfactory manner for the RRc stars. Figure \\ref{rrchist} shows the period histogram for a sample of 375 RRc candidates as selected by the criteria in Table \\ref{selection_rrc}. We also used the selection criteria as described in \\citet{Akerlof:2000} to arrive at this sample. The sharp increase in the histogram toward shorter periods is, however, suspicious, indicating a possible contamination of the RRc stars by longer period, larger amplitude $\\delta$ Scuti type stars. This possible contamination is also evident in Figure \\ref{pa_rrc}, in which the RRc candidates are included in the period-amplitude diagram. The concentration of stars toward the short period and low amplitude corner of the plot may be spurious. So far, attempts to clearly separate RRc stars from the non-RR Lyrae stars using Fourier decomposition parameters, periods, and amplitudes have not been entirely successful. \\citet{Wozniak:2004b} have used machine learning techniques to classify long period variable stars, and this method may in the future help with the classification of the short period pulsating variables. The NSVS RRc variables will therefore be discussed further in a second paper." }, "0606/astro-ph0606098_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate how well the redshift distributions of galaxies sorted into photometric redshift bins can be determined from the galaxy angular two-point correlation functions. We find that the uncertainty in the reconstructed redshift distributions depends critically on the number of parameters used in each redshift bin and the range of angular scales used, but not on the number of photometric redshift bins. Using six parameters for each photometric redshift bin, and restricting ourselves to angular scales over which the galaxy number counts are normally distributed, we find that errors in the reconstructed redshift distributions are large; i.e., they would be the dominant source of uncertainty in cosmological parameters estimated from otherwise ideal weak lensing or baryon acoustic oscillation data. However, either by reducing the number of free parameters in each redshift bin, or by (unjustifiably) applying our Gaussian analysis into the non-Gaussian regime, we find that the correlation functions can be used to reconstruct the redshift distributions with moderate precision; e.g., with mean redshifts determined to $\\sim 0.01$. We also find that dividing the galaxies into two spectral types, and thereby doubling the number of redshift distribution parameters, can result in a reduction in the errors in the combined redshift distributions. ", "introduction": "There are many different techniques for determining the distance--redshift relation and/or growth--redshift relation motivated by the desire to understand the dark energy. Those that rely on the distances to a relatively small number of objects, such as the Type Ia supernova method \\citep[e.g.][]{riess98}, can use spectroscopic redshift determinations and thus avoid redshift error as a significant source of uncertainty. However, when the distance (and/or growth) constraints are derived from measurement of very large numbers of objects spectroscopy can be a practical impossibility. In such cases one must rely on ``photometric redshifts''; i.e., redshifts estimated from photometry in multiple broad bands \\citep[e.g.][]{loh86,connolly95,sawicki97}. The relatively low cost per object of imaging surveys compared to spectroscopic surveys is a great advantage and provides significant motivation for pursuing the technique of estimating photometric redshifts. Imaging surveys can potentially constrain dark energy via a variety of techniques including cluster counting \\citep[e.g.][]{haiman01}, cosmic shear \\citep[e.g.][]{hu02d,huterer02} and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO)~\\citep[e.g.][]{seo03,blake03,padmanabhan06}. It may even be possible for imaging surveys to use Type Ia supernovae, without spectroscopic follow-up, to constrain cosmology \\citep{barris04}. But abandoning spectroscopy has its disadavantages too. In general, there is some tolerance of redshift error, but less tolerance for uncertainty about the probability distribution of those errors. The impact of redshift uncertainties on dark energy constraints has been studied for supernovae \\citep{huterer04}, cluster number counts \\citep{huterer04}, weak lensing \\citep{bernstein04,huterer06,ishak05,ma06} and baryon oscillations \\citep{zhan06,zhan06b}. All of the studies cited in the above paragraph model the error distribution as Gaussian. However, photometric redshift error distributions, due to spectral-type/redshift degeneracies, often have bimodal distributions, with one smaller peak separated from a larger peak by $\\Delta z$ of order unity \\citep[e.g.][]{benitez00,fernandez-soto01,fernandez-soto02}. Thus a fraction of galaxies have photometric redshifts that are `catastrophically' wrong. Here we study how well the coarse properties of the true redshift distribution of galaxies in a given photometric redshift bin can be reconstructed from galaxy two-point correlation functions. The idea is that catastrophic photometric redshift (``\\phz{}'') errors introduce additional correlations between galaxies in different redshift bins. In general, such errors will alter both the amplitude and shape of the binned angular correlation functions. Measurements of the correlation functions over a range of angular scales would thus provide valuable information to unravel the effects of large \\phz{} errors. We emphasize that we are not attempting a forecast of the \\phz{} errors achievable given all possible information. In particular, we neglect information from spectroscopic calibration of the \\phz{} error distribution. Spectroscopy, possibly combined with a ``super'' photometric (12 or more bands) photo-z training set will play a critical role\\footnote{ The current plan for \\phz{} calibration is described in http://www.lsst.org/Science/photo-z-plan.pdf.}. In this sense our forecasts here are highly conservative. Further, the catastrophic errors are likely to be avoided by use of luminosity function and surface brightness priors. For recent results on spectroscopic calibration of \\phz{} measurements for weak lensing, see \\citet{ilbert06}. The outline of this paper is as follows. In \\S~\\ref{sc:method} we describe our model for the \\phz{} errors, the Fisher matrix we use to constrain the parameters of this model, and our model for the galaxy angular power spectra. We present our results in \\S~\\ref{sc:results}, including the details of our fiducial model and its impact on the resulting Fisher matrix constraints. We discuss some implications of our results in \\S~\\ref{sc:discussion} and draw conclusions on the feasibility of constraining \\phz{} errors with galaxy angular correlation functions. ", "conclusions": "} We have shown that the ability to constrain general (i.e. non-Gaussian) \\phz{} error distributions with galaxy two-point correlation functions depends on the parameterization of the \\phz{} errors, the range of angular scales probed by the correlation function, and prior knowledge of the galaxy bias. Binning the galaxy sample in \\phz{}, we have presented constraints on the binned redshift distribution and mean redshift in each \\phz{} bin. Parameterizing the redshift distribution by binned values is insensitive to small scatter from \\phz{} errors, but otherwise assumes no {\\it a priori} knowledge of the \\phz{} error distribution. We find that reducing the number of parameters in each \\phz{} bin can be very helpful, which could be achieved with improved knowledge of the \\phz{} errors from, e.g., spectroscopically calibrated samples or luminosity function priors. We have limited our use of the galaxy correlation function to angular scales where the galaxy number density is Gaussian distributed. At low redshifts, this severely limits the amount of data available to constrain the \\phz{} error parameters. We hypothesize that including information from correlations on non-Gaussian scales could significantly improve the constraints and demonstrate that the constraints on the mean redshift in each \\phz{} bin do improve by two orders of magnitude with a naive extrapolation of our Gaussian calculation to non-Gaussian scales. If it is possible to separate the galaxies by spectral type, the constraints on the \\phz{} errors may improve further by including information from the cross-correlation of the galaxy sub-samples. We have demonstrated this in figs.~\\ref{fg:LSSTbias} and \\ref{fg:redblue} by separating our fiducial galaxy sample into ``red'' and ``blue'' spectral types. We expect this procedure to be particularly helpful if there exists a well-populated spectral class of galaxies whose \\phz{}'s can be estimated unusually well. Our forecasts are limited to parameters of the \\phz{} error distribution and linear galaxy bias so we cannot make any rigorous conclusions about what kind of dark energy constraints can be achieved in weak lensing and baryon acoustic oscillation surveys with the level of \\phz{} errors forecasted here. However, we make qualitative comparisons with dark energy forecasts in the literature~\\citep{huterer06,ma06,zhan06,zhan06b} using our constraints on the mean redshift in each \\phz{} bin given in table~\\ref{tb:zbar}. In the Gaussian regime, the constraints we forecast of $\\sim0.01$ are factors of a few larger than those desired for upcoming dark energy surveys. However, adding non-Gaussian scales in the correlation function may provide the required constraints. The galaxy correlation properties are quite likely to provide at least a powerful consistency test for the redshift distributions as determined via spectroscopic and/or ``super'' (12 or more band) calibration subsamples." }, "0606/astro-ph0606051_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "CCD $UBVRI$ photometry is presented for type Ia supernova 2004fu in NGC 6949. The light and colour curves are typical for this class of objects, absolute magnitude at maximum and decline rate are in agreement with the relationship between these parameters, established for SNe Ia. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606267_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "There are various analytical approaches to the mean electromotive force $\\bscE = \\langle \\bu \\x \\bbb \\rangle$ crucial in mean--field electrodynamics, with $\\bu$ and $\\bbb$ being velocity and magnetic field fluctuations. In most cases the traditional approach, restricted to the second--order correlation approximation, has been used. Its validity is only guaranteed for a range of conditions, which is narrow in view of many applications, e.g., in astrophysics. With the intention to have a wider range of applicability other approaches have been proposed which make use of the so--called $\\tau$--approximation, reducing correlations of third order in $\\bu$ and $\\bbb$ to such of second order. After explaining some basic features of the traditional approach a critical analysis of the approaches of that kind is given. It is shown that they lead in some cases to results which are in clear conflict with those of the traditional approach. It is argued that this indicates shortcomings of the $\\tau$--approaches and poses serious restrictions to their applicability. These shortcomings do not result from the basic assumption of the $\\tau$--approximation. Instead, they seem to originate in some simplifications made in order to derive $\\bscE$ without really solving the equations governing $\\bu$ and $\\bbb$. A starting point for a new approach is described which avoids the conflict. ", "introduction": "In mean--field electrodynamics the mean electromotive force $\\bscE = \\langle \\bu \\x \\bbb \\rangle$ due to the fluctuations $\\bu$ and $\\bbb$ of the fluid velocity and the magnetic field plays a crucial role \\citep{krauseetal71b,krauseetal80,moffatt78,raedler00b}. A central problem is the determination of $\\bscE$ for a given motion as a functional of the mean magnetic field. Various methods have been used for that. One approach, which we call ``traditional approach\" or ``approach (i)\" in the following, was established together with mean--field electrodynamics at all \\citep{krauseetal71b,krauseetal80}. Most of the calculations of $\\bscE$ have been done on this basis using the so--called second--order correlation approximation (SOCA) or, what means the same, first--order smoothing approximation (FOSA). This approximation in its original form, that is, applied in the case of a purely hydrodynamic background turbulence, ignores all higher than second--order correlations in the fluctuations $\\bu$ of the velocity field (see section~\\ref{subsec31}). It can be justified only in cases in which these fluctuations are not too large. The usually given simple sufficient conditions for its validity are in view of astrophysical applications rather narrow. Basically it is possible to proceed to higher--order approximations but this requires tremendous efforts and has been done so far only in a few simple cases (Nicklaus and Stix 1988, Carvalho 1992, 1994, R\\\"adler {\\it et al.} 1997, see also section~\\ref{new1}). A slight modification of the second--order correlation approximation applies also to the case of a magnetohydrodynamic background turbulence (see section~\\ref{subsec32}). In some more recent investigations (which are cited below) other approaches are used, which rely in a sense on the $\\tau$--approximation of turbulence theory \\citep{orszag70} and are called ``$\\tau$-approaches\" or ``approaches (ii)\" in the following. They go in so far beyond the second--order correlation approximation as they consider also higher--order correlations, which are then in the sense of a closure expressed by second--order ones. In approach (i) the relevant equations are simplified by a well--defined approximation and then really solved, and $\\bscE$ is calculated with these solutions. In the approaches (ii) a relation for $\\bscE$ is deduced from the original equations, but without really solving them. Instead, in order to get manageable results, assumptions on the connection of some of the occurring quantities with $\\bscE$ are introduced. The final result for $\\bscE$ is to a large extent determined by these assumptions. The approaches (ii) cover from the very beginning also the case of a magnetohydrodynamic background turbulence. The main purpose of this paper is a critical analysis of the approaches (ii). Each step of approach (i) can be justified by the underlying induction equation or, in the case of a magnetohydrodynamic background turbulence, induction equation and momentum balance. Clear, at least sufficient conditions for the applicability of the second--order approximation can be given. There is no doubt in the correctness of its results in the so defined range of applicability. It seems reasonable to assume, and we do so in this paper, that there is at least some overlap of the ranges of applicability of the approaches (i) and (ii). We have then to require that in these overlapping ranges the results of both approaches coincide. Simple versions of approach (ii) as used by \\citet{vainshteinetal83}, \\citet{blackmanetal02b} and \\cite{brandenburgetal05b}, called ``simple $\\tau$--approach\" or ``approach (iia)\" in the following, deliver results which do not in all cases satisfy this requirement. As we will show below the more sophisticated version used in the papers by \\cite{raedleretal03} and by \\citet{rogachevskiietal03,rogachevskiietal04}, called ``spectral $\\tau$--approach\" or ``approach (iib)\", does not satisfy this requirement, too. We have to conclude that these approaches are not in full accordance with the basic equations mentioned. Therefore the results can not be taken for granted. We will propose a starting point for an alternative approach which avoids conflicts with approach (i). In section~\\ref{model} we define the frame of our considerations and deliver the basic equations. In section~\\ref{seci} we recall the fundamentals of approach (i) and review some of its basic results. In section~\\ref{secii} we explain the approaches (iia) and (iib), derive a few results, restricting attention to the simple case of a non--rotating fluid, and pinpoint shortcomings of these approaches and deviations of the results from those of approach (i). In section~\\ref{new} we explain a proposal for the alternative approach mentioned. Finally in Section~\\ref{sum} we summarize our findings. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sum} The paper provides a critical view on different analytical ways to determine the mean electromotive force $\\bscE$ in mean--field electrodynamics. First some of the findings gained with the traditional approach, reduced to the second--order correlation approximation or approach (i), are summarized (section~\\ref{seci}). In this context also some new results concerning the case of magnetohydrodynamic background turbulence are given (section~\\ref{subsec32}). Then the essentials of two versions of the $\\tau$--approach, or approach (ii), are represented, that is, of the simple $\\tau$--approach, or approach (iia), as used by \\citet{vainshteinetal83}, \\citet{blackmanetal02b} and \\citet{brandenburgetal05b}, and of the spectral $\\tau$--approach, or approach (iib), used by \\cite{raedleretal03} and by \\citet{rogachevskiietal03,rogachevskiietal04} (section~\\ref{secii}). Approach (i) in its original form, applying to purely hydrodynamic background turbulence, is based on solutions of the induction equation for the fluctuations $\\bbb$ simplified by some approximation. In the case of magnetohydrodynamic background turbulence in addition solutions of the momentum balance for $\\bu$, again in some approximation, are used. In the approaches (ii) these equations are not really solved. Instead, some assumptions on crucial quantities are introduced. There is hardly any doubt in the correctness of the results of approach (i) in the range of its applicability, which is well defined at least by sufficient conditions. It is not surprising that the approaches (ii) deliver the same vectorial structures of the contributions to $\\bscE$ as approach (i), for these are already determined by elementary symmetry principles. The results of the two types of approaches differ however in the dependence of the coefficients of the individual contributions to $\\bscE$ on the correlation properties of the velocity fluctuations $\\bu$. The discrepancies of the two approaches as well as strange aspects or shortcomings of the approaches (ii) are discussed in detail (sections~\\ref{subsubseciia2} and \\ref{seciibc3}). Unless any overlap of the ranges of applicability of the approaches (i) and (ii) can be excluded, what would be very surprising, we have to conclude that the approaches (ii) are in some conflict with the basic equations and not all of their results can be taken for granted. For instance, the magnetic contribution to the $\\alpha$--effect occurs in the approaches (ii) not only in the case of a magnetohydrodynamic background turbulence but for purely hydrodynamic background turbulence, too, where they should not exist. In addition, in the first case it is the same ``correlation time\" which occurs with the kinetic and the magnetic contributions, what seems to be in conflict with numerical simulations (section~\\ref{subsec43}). Further the dependence of $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ on the magnetic diffusivity $\\eta$ and the kinematic viscosity $\\nu$ which occurs in approach (iib) is not correct. Moreover, it is doubtful whether the approaches (ii) can describe, e.g., the $\\bOmega \\x \\bJ$--effect correctly. There is no hint that the mentioned shortcomings of the approaches (ii) result from the $\\tau$--approximation, that is, the reduction of third--order correlations of $\\bu$ or $\\bbb$ to second--order ones. An important reason for them seems to be an improper treatment of a term connected with the forcing term in the momentum balance. A proposal is made for a new approach which avoids any conflict with approach (i) (section~\\ref{new}). In this context also a new formalism for the higher--order correlation approximation is presented (section~\\ref{new1})." }, "0606/astro-ph0606117_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "From an astrobiological point of view, special attention has been paid to the probability of habitable planets in extrasolar systems. The purpose of this study is to constrain a possible range of the mass of a terrestrial planet that can get water. We focus on the process of water production through oxidation of the atmospheric hydrogen---the nebular gas having been attracted gravitationally---by oxide available at the planetary surface. For the water production to work well on a planet, a sufficient amount of hydrogen and enough high temperature to melt the planetary surface are needed. We have simulated the structure of the atmosphere that connects with the protoplanetary nebula for wide ranges of heat flux, opacity, and density of the nebular gas. We have found both requirements are fulfilled for an Earth-mass planet for wide ranges of the parameters. We have also found the surface temperature of planets of $\\leq 0.3 \\ME$ ($\\ME$: Earth's mass) is lower than the melting temperature of silicate ($\\sim 1500$~ K). On the other hand, a planet of more than several~$\\ME$ becomes a gas giant planet through runaway accretion of the nebular gas. ", "introduction": "More than 170 extrasolar planets have been detected so far; most of them are Jupiter-like planets (see www.obspm.fr/planets). At present, several projects are in progress to discover terrestrial planets (e.g., TPF, Darwin, etc.). Special attention has thus been paid to habitable planets in extrasolar systems. A prerequisite for a planet being habitable is considered to be the existence of liquid water on it. For a planet to retain liquid water on its surface, it must acquire a sufficient amount of water and be located at a suitable distance from its parent star. This paper focuses on the former issue and constrains the probability of the existence of habitable planets in extrasolar systems. The latter issue has been discussed using the term ``habitable zone''. The habitable zone (HZ) is defined as a range of orbital distance from a star within which a planet can retain liquid water on its surface. Around a solar-mass main-sequence star, the HZ is located around 1~AU and its width is as narrow as $\\sim$0.4~AU \\citep{KWR93}. The surface temperature of a planet beyond the HZ is below the freezing temperature of $\\rm H_2O$, so that the planet is unable to keep liquid water continuously. Because of high surface temperature of a planet closer to its parent star than the HZ, the concentration of $\\rm H_2O$ in the upper atmosphere is so high that the planet suffers substantial escape of $\\rm H_2O$ due to incident stellar UV radiation, and ends up losing its ocean completely. Formation of terrestrial planets in that narrow zone, however, seems to be by no means unlikely within the context of the core accretion model for planet formation. \\citet{IL04a,IL04b,IL05}, for example, constructed an integrated model for planet formation including the accretion and dynamical evolution of planets. Their model reproduced the mass-period distribution of detected extrasolar planets and also predicted that of unknown planets. In the predicted mass-period distribution, the HZ is filled with hypothetical terrestrial planets of various masses \\citep[e.g., Figure~12 of][]{IL04a}. This means the existence of planets in the HZ is likely; the remaining issue is thus how likely a planet acquires a sufficient amount of water. In this paper, we consider the nebular origin of water of terrestrial planets. A planet embedded in a protoplanetary nebula attracts gravitationally the nebular gas to have a hydrogen-rich atmosphere \\citep*{HNM79,MNH78}. The atmospheric hydrogen can be oxidized by some oxide contained in the planet to produce water on the planet, which was first proposed by \\citet{S90}. The reason why we focus on the process of water production is that it could commonly happen on any extrasolar terrestrial planet. Planets are in general formed in hydrogen-rich protoplanetary nebulae. Oxides are also available on a terrestrial planet if the C/O ratio of the system is less than unity \\citep{L75,LB79}; most main-sequence stars are known to have C/O ratios less than unity \\citep[e.g.,][]{RTLA03,TH05}. The remaining requirements are a sufficient amount of hydrogen and enough high temperature to melt the surface of the planet; the molten planetary surface being called the magma ocean. The second condition is needed because if the planetary surface remains solid, the reaction between the atmospheric hydrogen and the surface oxide would result just in production of membrane covering the surface, not leading to production of a large amount of water. In this paper, we investigate properties of the atmosphere of nebular origin. We first clarify the conditions for a planet to have a massive hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a magma ocean to constrain the range of the mass of a planet that has a sufficient amount of water. The structure of the nebular-origin atmosphere was investigated by \\citet{HNM79} and \\citet{NMSH85} for wide ranges of planetary accretion rate, grain opacity, and density of the nebular gas. However, they used quite simple forms of opacity and equation of state, both of which have been substantially improved. Furthermore they focused only on the Earth (i.e., Earth-mass planets) and had no discussion on the production of water. Although \\citet{S90} discussed the production of water in order to suggest the deep magma ocean on the early Earth, the ranges of the parameters considered were so restricted that we are unable to get any systematic understanding of the nebular origin of water on terrestrial planets. We also constrain the mass of a planet that remains a terrestrial one. Habitable planets may be not gas giant but terrestrial ones. If a planet is isolated from planetesimals, it captures a substantial amount of the nebular gas to become a gas giant planet \\citep*{INE00}. We simulate the evolution and accumulation of the planetary atmosphere to obtain the timescale for the substantial gas accretion as a function of planet's mass. The timescale is compared to the lifetime of the nebular gas of $10^6$--$10^7$ years \\citep*{NGM00} to constrain a possible range of the mass of a habitable planet. Section~2 describes our numerical method. Section~3 presents properties of the atmosphere of nebular origin for various planetary masses. Section~4 shows the timescale for the substantial accretion of the nebular gas. Finally we discuss the probability of water production on terrestrial planets and constrain the masses of the potentially-habitable planets in section~5. ", "conclusions": "Based on the numerical results obtained in sections~3 and 4, we discuss production of water from the hydrogen-rich atmosphere on a terrestrial planet, a possible range of the mass of a habitable planet, and the possibility of the nebular origin of water on the Earth. As described in Introduction, production of water on a terrestrial planet requires a sufficient amount of hydrogen and surface temperature higher than the melting temperature of silicate ($\\sim$ 1500~K). The two conditions are found to be fulfilled on an Earth-mass planet. In a late stage of terrestrial planet formation, accretion rate of planetesimals (i.e., luminosity) decreases with time because of exhaustion of the planet's feeding zone. The decrease in luminosity increases the amount of hydrogen on an Earth-mass planet (see Fig.~\\ref{f3}a), while surface temperature remains above 2000~K (see Fig.~\\ref{f1}a). For example, if accretion rate of planetesimals is $1 \\times 10^{-9} \\ME \\, {\\rm yr^{-1}}$, corresponding to $L \\sim 1 \\times 10^{23} \\rm erg \\, s^{-1}$ (see eq.~[\\ref{eq: accretion luminosity}]), the mass of atmospheric hydrogen is more than about $1 \\times 10^{25}$~g for $f < 1$, as shown Fig.~\\ref{f3}a: The amount of hydrogen a planet acquires is insensitive to the nebular density (see Fig.~\\ref{f3}b). Water is produced through reaction between the atmospheric hydrogen and oxides contained in the solid planet. The amount of water depends on what kind of oxide is available. Ion oxides (e.g., w\\\"{u}stite [$\\rm Fe_{0.974}O$], magnetite [$\\rm Fe_3O_4$], etc.) and fayalite ($\\rm Fe_2SiO_4$) react with the atmospheric hydrogen to produce water comparable in mass to hydrogen; the ratios of the partial pressures, $P\\sub{H_2O}/P\\sub{H_2}$, are 0.88, 24.02, and 0.49 at 1500~K for the iron-w\\\"{u}stite ($\\rm 1.894Fe+O_2 \\leftrightarrow 2Fe_{0.947}O$), the w\\\"{u}stite-magnetite ($\\rm 6.696Fe_{0.974}O+O_2 \\leftrightarrow 2.174Fe_3O_4$), and the quartz-iron-fayalite oxygen ($\\rm 2Fe+SiO_2+O_2 \\leftrightarrow Fe_2SiO_4$) buffers, respectively \\citep*{RHF78}. Thus, if a planet acquires hydrogen of $\\sim 1 \\times 10^{25} \\rm g$ and such oxygen buffers are available, the planet obtains water comparable in mass to the current sea water on the Earth ($= 1.4 \\times 10^{24}$~g). However, for the silicon-periclase-forsterite buffer ($\\rm 2MgO+Si+O_2 \\leftrightarrow Mg_2SiO_4$), $P\\sub{H_2O}/P\\sub{H_2}$ is as small as $\\sim 3 \\times 10^{-7}$ \\citep{RHF78}. Fe-bearing minerals might be required to produce sufficient water, although how much water is needed for a planet being habitable is quite uncertain. Whether Fe-bearing minerals commonly exist in extrasolar systems is still a matter of controversy. Equilibrium condensation in a highly-reduced environment like a protoplanetary nebula yields not Fe-bearing minerals but Fe-metal \\citep{WH93}. However, dust grains in a protoplanetary nebula can be considered to have non-equilibrium composition including, at least, fayalite \\citep[][and references therein]{PHBSRF94}. When the surrounding nebular gas disappears almost completely, the atmosphere and solid planet begin to get cold, and then an ocean forms through the condensation of steam in the atmosphere. However, almost complete dissipation of the nebular gas allows the extremely ultraviolet (EUV) and far-UV radiation from the parent star to penetrate the planetary atmosphere. Such irradiation causes extensive loss of hydrogen (and steam). The timescale for complete loss of a $10^{25}$-g (say) hydrogen-rich atmosphere due to EUV and far-UV can be estimated to be longer than $10^6$~years \\citep*{SNH80,SHN81}, if very strong EUV and far-UV \\citep[up to 100 times higher than the present;][]{GR02} from the young parent star is considered. On the other hand, the timescale for the ocean formation is on the order of $10^3$~years on a planet located in the HZ, according to calculations based on the radiative-convective equilibrium model of an $\\rm H_2O$-$\\rm CO_2$ atmosphere with mass of $\\sim 10^{24}$~g \\citep{A93}. The timescale for the ocean formation for a $\\rm H_2O$-$\\rm H_2$ atmosphere considered here is probably not so different from that for an $\\rm H_2O$-$\\rm CO_2$ atmosphere, because inclusion of $\\rm H_2$ hardly affects the atmospheric structure due to its weak blanketing effect. Therefore, an ocean can forms before the significant loss of the atmosphere due to EUV and far-UV. We can constrain a possible range of the mass of a habitable planet. As shown in section~3, there is a lower limit to the planetary mass below which the water production proposed in this paper does not work. Figure~\\ref{f5} illustrates that surface temperature of a planet of $\\leq$ 0.3~$\\ME$ is lower than the melting temperature of silicate ($\\sim 1500$~K) for reasonable ranges of the parameters. On the other hand, an upper limit to the mass of a habitable planet can be constrained because a massive planet captures a huge amount of the nebular gas to be a gas giant planet, not a terrestrial planet. The timescale for the gas accretion depends strongly on the planetary mass, as shown Fig.~\\ref{f6}. This timescale should be compared to the lifetime of the nebula that is known to be about $1 \\times 10^7$~years \\citep{NGM00}. The comparison suggests that the upper limit to the planetary mass is $7 \\ME$ for $f = 1$ and $2 \\ME$ for $f = 0.01$. The water production proposed in this paper may have worked on our Earth. Because of \\textit{N}-body simulations of planetary accretion, details of the terrestrial planet formation in the solar system have been clarified. After the runaway growth of protoplanets \\citep{WS93}, they grow in an oligarchic fashion until they eat almost all of the planetesimals in their feeding zones \\citep{KI98,KI00}. Then several Mars-mass protoplanets form in the terrestrial planet region. The subsequent growth of the protoplanets needs giant impacts between them. The planets formed in the way is likely to have high eccentricities \\citep{CWB96}. Damping of those high eccentricities needs the drag force of the nebular gas \\citep*{KI02,NLT05}. Because the Earth is isolated in the nebular gas, the accretion of the nebular gas inevitably takes place and water is produced on the Earth. Although the amount of the nebular gas required for the damping of the eccentricities are as small as $10^{-4}$ to $10^{-3}$ times that of the minimum-mass solar nebula \\citep{KI02,NLT05}, our numerical results show that this small amount of the nebular gas is sufficient for the Earth to get water comparable in mass with Earth's sea water. We should be, however, careful when we consider the nebular origin of water on the Earth. This is because the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (D/H) of the sea water on the present Earth is larger by about a factor of seven than D/H of the solar nebula \\citep[e.g.,][]{DR02}. Moreover, the current Earth's atmosphere includes a tiny amount of noble gas, while the solar nebula was rich in noble gas \\citep[e.g.,][]{P91}. The latter problem may be solved by extensive loss of the noble gases as well as hydrogen from the atmosphere due to EUV and far-UV radiation \\citep{SNH80,SHN81}. Although adequate mixing of water originated from nebular gas and water in comets can produce the present D/H on the Earth's ocean, because D/H in comets is larger (by about a factor of two) than D/H of the present Earth's ocean \\citep[e.g.,][]{DR02}, the former problem is difficult to solve. At present, we have no definite evidences that the sea water of the Earth was originated from the nebular gas. Our intention in this paper is to claim that water production from the nebular gas on a planet is a possible way for a terrestrial planet in the HZ to acquire water. As shown in this paper, the water production works, if a planet of 0.3 to several $M\\sub{E}$ forms in the protoplanetary nebula. The probability of formation of terrestrial planets in the nebular gas is still open to debate, mainly because the dissipation mechanism of the nebular gas is quite uncertain. However, the existence of many gas giant planets in extrasolar planets has ensured the validity of the core accretion model. That is, accretion of planets generally occurs in a protoplanetary nebula. Also, there is no good reason for terrestrial planet formation to prefer vacuum environment. Therefore, it is rather likely that terrestrial planets also form in the surrounding nebular gas. The production of water from the nebular gas in the HZ thus seems to be a natural consequence of planet formation." }, "0606/astro-ph0606321_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 24, and 70 $\\micron$ images of the Crab Nebula obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC and MIPS cameras, Low- and High-resolution Spitzer IRS spectra of selected positions within the nebula, and a near-infrared ground-based image made in the light of [Fe II]1.644 $\\micron$. The 8.0 $\\micron$ image, made with a bandpass that includes [Ar II]7.0 $\\micron$, resembles the general morphology of visible H$\\alpha$ and near-IR [Fe II] line emission, while the 3.6 and 4.5 $\\micron$ images are dominated by continuum synchrotron emission. The 24 $\\micron$ and 70 $\\micron$ images show enhanced emission that may be due to line emission or the presence of a small amount of warm dust in the nebula on the order of less than 1\\% of a solar mass. The ratio of the 3.6 and 4.5 $\\micron$ images reveals a spatial variation in the synchrotron power law index ranging from approximately 0.3 to 0.8 across the nebula. Combining this information with optical and X-ray synchrotron images, we derive a broadband spectrum that reflects the superposition of the flatter spectrum jet and torus with the steeper diffuse nebula, and suggestions of the expected pileup of relativistic electrons just before the exponential cutoff in the X-ray. The pulsar, and the associated equatorial toroid and polar jet structures seen in Chandra and HST images \\citep{Hes02} can be identified in all of the IRAC images. We present the IR photometry of the pulsar. The forbidden lines identified in the high resolution IR spectra are all double due to Doppler shifts from the front and back of the expanding nebula and give an expansion velocity of $\\approx 1264$ km s$^{-1}$. ", "introduction": "} In their seminal paper ``Synthesis of the Elements in Stars,'' E. M. Burbidge, G. R. Burbidge, W. A. Fowler, and F. Hoyle (1957) \\nocite{Bur57} described how primordial hydrogen is converted into the other elements by nucleosynthesis in stellar interiors and stellar explosions. Massive stars play a particularly important role in the production of nuclei up to the iron peak during main sequence and post main sequence nucleosynthesis. The Type II Supernova (SN) explosions that result from the collapse of the their iron cores produce the rest of the heavy elements by rapid neutron capture in the expanding ejecta. Thus, SN ejecta enrich the chemical content of the interstellar clouds from which new stars continually form, and it is believed that the contents of the pre-solar nebula were profoundly affected by one or more such events \\citep[see][]{Cla82}. In particular, the ability of SN explosions to eject copious quantities of carbon and other condensable metals has long led to speculation that SNs are capable of producing vast quantities of stardust as their ejecta cool \\citep{Cla82, Geh87, Dwe88, Geh88}. Clayton has proposed that such grains may survive today in meteorite inclusions. The infrared (IR) is an ideal spectral region in which to test these theories, because dust grains emit strongly in the IR as do forbidden emission lines from condensable metals that remain in the gas phase. On the other hand, previous IR studies that have failed to reveal evidence for any large amount of dust in SN remnants (SNRs) have provided us with somewhat of a mystery \\citep{Geh90, Are99, Dou01, Dwe04, Gre04}. We have used Guaranteed Observation Time (GTO) on NASA's new Spitzer Space Telescope \\citep{Wer04} to obtain IR images and spectroscopy of the Crab Nebula, formed by a supernova explosion in 1054 AD. It is one of the youngest known SNRs and is one of the most studied objects in the Galaxy. The SN ejecta in the Crab are concentrated in filaments of ionized gas that produce emission line spectra \\citep[see][]{Dav85}. One long-standing puzzle regarding the Crab is the lack of a visible blast wave expected from a massive star explosion \\citep{Sew06}. Previous IR observations have indicated that there is a paucity of dust in the Crab. Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) observations revealed an IR excess at wavelengths longer than 12 $\\micron$ that was attributed to thermal emission from 0.005-0.03 M$_{\\odot}$ of dust \\citep{Mar84}. Further evidence for dust in the Crab Nebula was found in the form of optical extinction in the filaments \\citep{Hes90, Fes90, Bla97, San98}. In more recent studies using the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), \\citet{Dou01} report no evidence of spectral features from dust emission in the ISOCAM spectra, while \\citet{Gre04} calculate an upper limit of 0.02 M$_{\\odot}$ of warm dust from the far-IR excess seen by ISOPHOT. The Crab Nebula is one of the brightest synchrotron sources in the Galaxy. It is a prototype of a class of SNRs called the filled-center SNRs or ``plerions,'' that are powered by a central pulsar. A large fraction of the Crab pulsar's spin down luminosity is converted into the nebular synchrotron luminosity, from radio through gamma-rays. The details of this conversion are quite uncertain. The \\citet{Ken84} steady-state spherical MHD model still provides the best description of the optical and X-ray profiles, but cannot tie them together with the radio synchrotron emission. The unprecedented sensitivity of the IR imagers and spectrometers of the Spitzer Space Telescope present us with an unparalleled opportunity to search for dust and forbidden line emission in the Crab Nebula and study in detail the spatial variations of synchrotron emission across the remnant. In this paper, we present 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 24, and 70 $\\micron$ images of the Crab Nebula obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC and MIPS cameras, IRS spectra of selected positions within the nebula, and a near-IR ground-based image made in the light of [Fe II]1.644 $\\micron$. ", "conclusions": "} We briefly summarize the main conclusions presented by our Spitzer Space Telescope IR imaging and spectroscopic observations of the Crab Nebula: 1. A comparison of the morphology from the x-ray to the radio shows that the synchrotron component and filaments dominate at different wavelengths. 2. We have derived a broadband shape to the synchrotron spectrum which shows evidence for multiple components along the line of sight, likely due to the torus and jet which remain flat to large distances from the pulsar, superposed on the broad nebular emission that steepens with increasing distance. At shorter wavelengths, the derived spectral shape is consistent with the expected pileup of relativistic electrons just below an exponential cutoff in X-rays. 3. We have measured the flux density of the nebula and the pulsar. The smooth background of the nebula and the pulsar are dominated by synchrotron emission and a large fraction of the emission from the filaments in the images is due to forbidden line emission from Ar, Ne, O, and Fe. 4. We find a paucity of dust. The small grain component seems to be missing entirely and we see no evidence for silicate emission. The total emission at long wavelengths from large grains implies a total dust mass in the nebula of less than 1\\% of a solar mass. 5. In the IRS spectra, we see Doppler shifted emission from both the front and back sides of the expanding shell, and we measure a radial expansion velocity of roughly 1264 km s$^{-1}$." }, "0606/astro-ph0606447_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "s{ Gravitational lensing has now become a popular tool to measure the mass distribution of structures in the Universe on various scales. Here we focus on the study of galaxy's scale dark matter halos with galaxy-galaxy lensing techniques: observing the shapes of distant background galaxies which have been lensed by foreground galaxies allows us to map the mass distribution of the foreground galaxies. The lensing effect is small compared to the intrinsic ellipticity distribution of galaxies, thus a statistical approach is needed to derive some constraints on an average lens population. An advantage of this method is that it provides a probe of the gravitational potential of the halos of galaxies out to very large radii, where few classical methods are viable, since dynamical and hydrodynamical tracers of the potential cannot be found at this radii. We will begin by reviewing the detections of galaxy-galaxy lensing obtained so far. Next we will present a maximum likelihood analysis of simulated data we performed to evaluate the accuracy and robustness of constraints that can be obtained on galaxy halo properties. Then we will apply this method to study the properties of galaxies which stand in massive cluster lenses at $z\\sim0.2$. The main result of this work is to find dark matter halos of cluster galaxies to be significantly more compact compared to dark matter halos around field galaxies of equivalent luminosity, in agreement with early galaxy-galaxy lensing studies and with theoretical expectations, in particular with the tidal stripping scenario. We thus provide a strong confirmation of tidal truncation from a homogeneous sample of galaxy clusters. Moreover, it is the first time that cluster galaxies are probed successfully using galaxy-galaxy lensing techniques from ground based data. } This contribution is a summary of two galaxy-galaxy lensing papers:\\\\ Limousin et~al., 2005 \\cite{paperI}, hereafter Paper I exposes a theoretical analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing, and Limousin et~al., 2006 \\cite{paperII}, hereafter Paper II exposes the application of the method tested extensively in Paper I on a sample of homogeneous massive galaxy cluster at $z\\sim0.2$. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "We have given a revue of galaxy-galaxy lensing detections obtained so far, both on field galaxies as well as on cluster galaxies. We have presented a maximum-likelihood analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing on simulated data to study the accuracy with which input parameters for mass distributions for galaxies can be extracted.. We have applied this method on a sample of massive galaxy clusters and we have derived some constraints on the dark matter halos of the elliptical cluster galaxies. It is the first time that cluster galaxies are successfully probed from ground based observations. The main result of this work is to find galaxy halos in clusters to be significantly less massive and more compact compared to galaxy halos around field galaxies of equivalent luminosity. This is in good agreement with previous galaxy-galaxy lensing studies. Moreover, this confirmation is based on the analysis of 5 massive clusters lenses whose properties are close one to each other, hence the confirmation we provide is a strong one since it relies on a homogeneous sample.\\\\ This observational result is in good agreement with numerical simulations, in particular with the tidal stripping scenario. The theoretical expectation is that the global tidal field of a massive, dense cluster potential well should be strong enough to truncate the dark matter halos of galaxies that traverse the cluster core (Avila-Reese et~al., 2005 \\cite{avila05}; Ghigna et~al., 2000 \\cite{ghigna00}; Bullock et~al., 2001 \\cite{bullock})." }, "0606/astro-ph0606501_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The recurrence of a previously documented eclipse of a solar-like pre--main-sequence star in the young cluster IC 348 has been observed. The recurrence interval is 4.7 $\\pm\\ 0.1$ yr and portions of 4 cycles have now been seen. The duration of each eclipse is at least 3.5 years, or $\\sim 75$\\% of a cycle, verifying that this is not an eclipse by a stellar companion. The light curve is generally symmetric and approximately flat-bottomed. Brightness at maximum and minimum have been rather stable over the years but the light curve is not perfectly repetitive or smooth and small variations exist at all phases. We confirm that the star is redder when fainter. Models are discussed and it is proposed that this could be a system similar to KH 15D in NGC 2264. Specifically, it may be an eccentric binary in which a portion of the orbit of one member is currently occulted during some binary phases by a circumbinary disk. The star deserves sustained observational attention for what it may reveal about the circumstellar environment of low-mass stars of planet-forming age. ", "introduction": "Eclipses by non-stellar objects are of great interest for their potential to tell us not only about the stars involved but also about the extended objects -- presumably circumstellar or circumbinary disks. Such events signal their presence by their extended duration. A well known example is $\\epsilon$ Aur, whose eclipse lasts $\\sim 2$ years \\citep{b85, l96}. Another is KH 15D \\citep{kh}, an eccentric binary system embedded in an inclined circumbinary disk \\citep{w06}. The longest known eclipse is for the star HMW 15\\footnote{The position listed for this object by \\citet{hmw00} is incorrect; the correct position is given by \\citet{chw04}.}. This object, also known as TJ 108 \\citep{tj}, H 187 \\citep{h98} and LRLL 35 \\citep{lrll}, is a member of the young cluster IC 348 at a distance of about 300 pc \\citep{c93, lrll, h07} and undergoes an eclipse that lasts $\\sim 3.5$ years \\citep{chw03} (hereafter Paper I). Like KH 15D it was discovered at Wesleyan University's Van Vleck Observatory (VVO) as part of a CCD photometric monitoring program of young clusters that has been going on for 15 years and covers about a thousand stars in several different clusters. It was not clear from Paper I, which covered only five years of monitoring, whether this lengthy eclipse event would recur and, if so, on what time scale. Now that three additional years have passed, we have obtained enough data to answer these questions rather definitively. We have also obtained new color data that help to constrain models of the system. It is now clear to us that HMW15 is an object worthy of intensive study over the coming years and we hope that the new evidence for periodic recurrence of the eclipse will stimulate additional work on it by other investigators. ", "conclusions": "HMW 15 is identified as a normal, PMS member of the young cluster IC 348 by \\citet{lrll} based on its location on the sky and in a color-magnitude diagram. Its spectral type is listed as between G8-K4 in the optical and K3-K6 in the infrared by those authors, an unusually wide range of results although not uniquely so. We may infer that it is a relatively low mass star (0.5 to 1 M$_\\odot$) at an age of 2-4 My and a distance of about 300 pc. It has no detectable infrared excess according to a recent {\\it Spitzer} study by \\citet{lm06} and is not known to be either a spectroscopic or visual binary. Its single distinguishing characteristic is its unusual photometric variability reported in Paper I and in this paper. Our data demonstrate the importance of three time scales of variation for this star. One is the periodic time of 4.7 years, another is the eclipse duration time of about 3.5 years and a third is the ``wiggle\" time of a few weeks during which coherent departures from smooth variation (sometimes involving reversals in the general trend of brightening or fading) occur. We discuss the plausible physical origins of each of these in turn. The only plausible explanation for a period of several years, in our view, is that this is an orbital period. The dynamical time scale that would apply to either pulsation or rotation for a star like this is much shorter -- of order hours or days. If HMW 15 is a single star, then we surmise that it must be orbited by an inhomogeneous ring of matter with a period of 4.7 years, corresponding roughly to a semi-major axis of around 3 AU. Presumably this ring would be part of a more extensive structure, perhaps a circumstellar disk. In this model the 3.5 year eclipse time would indicate that for about one quarter of each cycle the material in this ring was either absent or of vanishingly small optical depth. Alternatively, and perhaps more plausibly, the period may be the orbital period of a binary star system. We imagine a system analogous to KH 15D during the 1960's-80's in which one member of a binary is obscured by a circumbinary disk during a portion of each cycle \\citep{j04, j05}. As in the case of KH 15D this requires an eccentric orbit that is somewhat inclined to the plane of the circumbinary disk. The attractions of this model are the relatively flat bottom to the eclipse (expected if one star is totally obscured during that time) and the amplitude of about 0.75 mag, which is also expected for a total eclipse of stars with nearly the same luminosity. It should be easy to test this model over the next few years since radial velocity variations of the star or stars should easily be detectable. In this model, the 3.5 year extent of the eclipse is set by the fraction of the orbit covered by the circumbinary disk. Regardless of whether the star is single or a binary, it remains something of a puzzle to explain the shorter time scale variations that superimpose themselves on the overall light curve as small deviations or ``wiggles\". One possibility is that they represent actual variations in the brightness of the star or stars due, perhaps, to starspots, which are ubiquitous on pre-main sequence stars. However, the normal time scale for such variability is much shorter than observed -- typically days, due to the rotation period of the star. Another possibility is that these represent irregularities in the optical depth of the screen -- lumps and clumps in the distribution of matter in the circumstellar or circumbinary disks in the models discussed above. We need to have a longer period of monitoring to see how frequently these events occur and to be able to describe their properties statistically before more can be said about them. Color information during the events would also be interesting to obtain. The color data do not allow us to distinguish between the single star or binary model for this object. While an interstellar reddening law does not fit the color data very well (solid line on Fig. \\ref{color}) it is also not a terrible fit and it is always possible, perhaps even expected, that grain growth would have occurred in a circucmstellar disk of this age, so that a flatter than normal extinction law might be quite usual. On the other hand, a binary model can fit the data equally well, if not better, with very little effort. As an example, we show (dashed line on Fig. \\ref{color}) the predicted color behavior for a G8 + K6 system in which the G8 star is entirely visible at maximum and entirely obscured at minimum light. In computing this model we have assumed the extinction is gray. If, instead, we allowed the extinction to follow an interstellar reddening line, then the system light would follow the solid line during its brighter part and the dashed line during its fainter part. Obviously this would be an even better fit to the data. The simplest binary model, with gray extinction and total obscuration of the bluer star, is unlikely to be correct for another reason. The required color difference between the components is quite large for their magnitude difference. If, as one would expect, the components of this putative binary were coeval, then they would be expected to lie along an isochrone in the V, V-I plane. The simple binary model described here does not come close to either a theoretical or observed isochrone. The redder component is too bright by about 1.5 mag in V. This probably means that we need to consider non-gray extinction models. If the binary model is correct and we can obtain the spectral types of both stars, then it should be easily possible to determine the extinction law and the intrinsic properties of the stars. In this case, the system should prove to be a useful test of PMS models since we will have coeval stars of different masses. At present, more refined models are not warranted given the meager available data. It is interesting that HMW 15 escaped detection as a variable star for so long, in spite of the fact that its amplitude is more than one magnitude in V. Part of the reason is that it varies so slowly. Most variability studies, especially those aimed at young stellar objects, are tuned for detections on time scales of hours to months. While in some seasons this star is detectable as variable over a few weeks, it is not highly variable on that time scale and does not easily emerge from the data until multiple seasons are put together. Perhaps there are more such long time scale, periodic variables in young clusters awaiting detection. If so, we should continue to find them at VVO as the baselines for our variability studies continue to grow. To conclude, our data do not rule out a single star model for this system, but the binary model is marginally more attractive since it does a better job of explaining the color behavior and perhaps the wide range in reported spectral types \\citep{lrll}. The issue should soon be decided by spectral studies. If the star is a binary with an orbital period of 4.7 y and G or K components, then the radial velocity amplitudes of the stars will be easily detectable (many km/s). Regardless of this, it is now clear that at least one star in the system is periodically eclipsed by extended dust in its vicinity, presumably either a circumstellar or circumbinary disk. As in the case of KH 15D, we have a rare opportunity to learn about possibly planet-forming material by using the starlight as a probe. The relative motions of the star and extended matter provide a time dimension that can be exploited by a determined spectroscopic monitoring program supplementing continued photometry. We recommend this as a promising approach toward improving our knowledge of young stars and disks." }, "0606/astro-ph0606737_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the scattering of low-energy Cosmic Rays (CRs) in a turbulent, compressive MHD fluid. We show that compressible MHD modes -- fast or slow waves with wave lengths smaller than CR mean free paths induce cyclotron instability in CRs. The instability feeds the new small-scale Alfv\\'enic wave component with wave vectors mostly along magnetic field, which is not a part of the MHD turbulence cascade. This new component gives feedback on the instability through decreasing the CR mean free path. We show that the ambient turbulence fully suppresses the instability at large scales, while wave steepening constrains the amplitude of the waves at small scales. We provide the energy spectrum of the plane-parallel Alfv\\'enic component and calculate mean free paths of CRs as a function of their energy. We find that for the typical parameters of turbulence in the interstellar medium and in the intercluster medium the new Alfv\\'enic component provides the scattering of the low energy CRs that exceeds the direct resonance scattering by MHD modes. This solves the problem of insufficient scattering of low-energy CRs in the turbulent interstellar or intracluster medium that was reported in the literature. ", "introduction": "Cosmic rays (CRs) and magnetic fields are essential components for many astrophysical ecosystems, including galaxies and clusters of galaxies (see Schlickeiser 2002). In many instances, e.g. Milky Way, the pressure of CRs and magnetic fields is larger than the gas pressure. As a rule, astrophysical magnetic fields are frozen in turbulent plasma and move together with it. As a result, CRs interacting with turbulent magnetic fields get scattered and accelerated (see Melrose 1968, Schlickeiser 2002). The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approximation is widely used to describe the actual magnetized plasma turbulence over scales that are much larger than both the mean free path of the particles and their Larmor radius (see Kulsrud 2004). The theory of MHD turbulence has become testable recently due to numerical simulations (see Biskamp 2003) and this provided reliable foundations for describing turbulence-CRs interactions. The simulations (see Cho \\& Lazarian 2005 and ref. therein) confirmed the prediction of magnetized Alfv\\'enic eddies being elongated along magnetic field (see Shebalin, Matthaeus \\& Montgomery 1983, Higdon 1984) and provided results consistent with the quantitative relations for the degree of eddy elongation obtained in Goldreich \\& Sridhar (1995, henceforth GS95). Scattering of CRs is an essential part of both CR propagation modes and models of CR acceleration. Efficient scattering is usually postulated (see Schlickeiser 2002), which ensures high degrees of coupling of CRs and magnetized plasma. In addition, efficient scattering provides appreciable second order Fermi acceleration and enables the return of CRs into the shock to ensure the first order Fermi acceleration. This corner stone of CR physics has been challenged recently when it became clear that Alfv\\'enic eddies are stretched along magnetic field direction. As the interaction between CRs and such elongated eddies is weak (see discussion in Lerche \\& Schlickeiser 2001), this resulted in the prediction of long mean free paths for Milky Way CRs (Chandran 2000, Yan \\& Lazarian 2002, henceforth YL02). YL02 and Yan \\& Lazarian (2004) attempted to remedy the situation by appealing to CR scattering by isotropic sound-like fast modes. However, plasma-dependent damping of fast modes made the scattering very different in different parts of the interstellar medium. Is such a radical change of the CR scattering picture absolutely necessary? We note, that the problem of CR scattering goes well beyond the Milky Way physics. Brunetti (2006) discussed the implications of suppressed CR scattering on the acceleration of CRs in the clusters of galaxies. Is there any process through which scattering by fast modes can provide high efficiency of CR scattering? Below we consider such a process that is related to CR feedback on MHD turbulence. We show that compression of CRs induces instability that results in the generation of modes that are parallel to the magnetic field. Such modes that are also frequently referred to as slab modes have been long employed in the models of CR propagation (see, e.g., Jokipii 1966), their origin, however, was somewhat mysterious. This paper provides a physically motivated mechanism for the generation of slab modes and quantify the efficiency of their generation. In what follows we discuss the properties of compressible MHD turbulence in \\S~2. We describe the kinetic instability that develops in CRs when the magnetic field is compressed on scales less than the CR mean free path in \\S~3. We consider the non-linear saturation of the instability in \\S~4 and its large-scale cut-off that follows from the interaction of the instability waves with the ambient turbulence in \\S~5. The feedback of CRs to compressible turbulence is considered in \\S~6. The implications of our work for various ISM phases and intra-cluster medium (ICM) are considered in \\S~7. The short summary of this work is presented in \\S~8. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{CRs in ISM and galaxy clusters } Lets consider CRs in galaxy clusters. The magnetic field magnitude and the density of CRs are somewhat uncertain there (see Esslin et al. 2005), so we adopt values similar to our galaxy, namely $B=5\\mu$G, $n_{CR}(E>1~{\\rm GeV})=4\\cdot 10^{-10}~{\\rm cm}^{-3}$ and $\\alpha=2.6$. This corresponds roughly to equipartition between CR and magnetic field energies. In clusters these energy densities are around 5 per cent of the thermal energy density. We will have then $L_i\\approx 6\\cdot 10^{-7}$~pc. The reference Larmor radius of 1~GeV proton is $r_0\\approx 2\\cdot 10^{-7}$~pc. We take the scale $L=1$~kpc, which, being Alfv\\'enic at this scale, corresponds roughly to driving with the virial velocity at the scale of 30 kpc. For these numerical values and $\\mu=1/3$ we will have, from Eq.~(\\ref{amplitude}), $\\delta B/B=0.04(r_p/r_0)^{-0.1}$, almost independent on scale, $r_{p,{\\rm crit}}\\approx 10^{3} r_0 \\approx 2\\cdot 10^{-4}$~pc, $\\lambda\\approx 10^{-4}(r_p/r_0)^{1.2}$~pc, and the mean free path corresponding to the turbulent damping ($r_p=r_{p,{\\rm crit}}$) is 0.4~pc which is much smaller than the outer scale. We estimate collisionless cutoff as $l_{\\rm cut}\\sim 10^{-2}$~pc. The feedback mean free path will be around 0.3 pc, so the spectrum of Alfv\\'enic slab motions will be mostly steeper, $k^{-1.2}$ and the mean free paths will be modified according to (10) and (5). The efficient CR scattering entails efficient second-order Fermi acceleration, see eq. (13), the process that may be important for clusters of galaxies (Cassano, Brunetti, 2005). In our galaxy one can assume same values for $B$, $\\alpha$ and $n$ and value of $L$ around 50~pc. We assume an acoustic turbulence spectrum for fast waves, taking $\\mu=1/4$. We generally get a smaller range of Alfv\\'enic slab motions, from scales of $r_0$ to about $600r_0$ with $\\delta B/B=0.093(r_p/r_0)^{-0.14}$. The resulting mean free paths $\\lambda$ vary from $2.3\\cdot10^{-5}$~pc to $8\\cdot10^{-2}$~pc. In the Galactic Corona, fast waves will be damped by collisionless damping (see, e.g., Ginzburg 1961) with a cutoff of around $1.6\\cdot10^{-3}$~pc, which is within the range of $\\lambda$ that we deal with. In the warm ionized medium (WIM) the collisional damping cutoff will be around $10^{-4}$~pc. The feedback mean free path will be around $7\\cdot10^{-2}$. Again the spectrum of slab motions becomes steeper and the mean free paths of CRs are modified accordingly. In \\S~2 we assumed that the compression factor $A$ is larger than $v_A/c$. This assumption is satisfied in galaxy clusters, as, from the previously adopted values and $n\\approx 10^{-3}$~cm$^{-3}$, $v_A/c \\approx 10^{-3}$, while compression factors for scales between 2~pc and $2\\cdot 10^{-4}$~pc are between $0.12$ and $5\\cdot 10^{-3}$. For the Milky Way ISM this condition is satisfied much better, as for $n\\approx 1$, $v_A/c\\approx 4\\cdot 10^{-5}$, and compression factors are generally larger, due to the fact that the minimum $\\lambda/L$ is smaller. The slab Alfv\\'en modes had been a part of the CR paradigm from the very start of the research in the field (see Jokipii 1966). Together with anisotropic components they are part of some of the modern models of CR propagation (see Zank \\& Matthaeus 1992, Bieber et al. 1994, Shalchi et al. 2006). In our model the slab plane-parallel modes emerge naturally as the result of the interaction of compressible turbulence with CR. Although this mechanism is different from the earlier considered processes, it may justify some of the earlier calculations invoking slab modes. Unlike earlier theories we predict the dependence on the amount of the slab mode energy on the relative pressure of the CRs. As we see, in both clusters of galaxies and ionized gas in Milky Way the instability within CR fluid limits the CRs mean free path. Like in scenario discussed in YL04, where the compressible fast modes were identified as the major CRs scattering agent, compressive modes are essential for scattering. However in this treatment, unlike YL04, we show that compressions at scales much larger than the resonance scale are important. This difference is crucial for scattering of low-energy CRs, as the fast mode have collisional or collisionless cut-offs which, depending on the media, may be larger than the low-energy CR gyroradius. In this case YL04 appealed to Transient Time Damping (TTD) processes, which are less efficient for scattering than gyroresonance\\footnote{In fact the gyroresonance instability can be the major source of isotropization during the TTD acceleration.}. Our present work shows that the slab Alfv\\'en mode discussed in the present paper can be responsible for efficient scattering. Another important difference from YL04 is that our new mechanism require relatively large total pressure of CRs (see (\\ref{lili})). In the case when the pressure of CRs is negligible the fast modes could stay the major scattering agent (see Petrosian et al, 2006). Our model predicts rather small mean free paths, but this does not contradict the estimates on the average lifetime of the CR in the Galaxy. These lifetimes are estimated to be around Galaxy thickness divided by the Alfv\\'en velocity, which is a powerful support for the models with streaming instability. Our model will predict similar lifetimes, because it includes turbulence which advects CRs on outer scale comparable with Galaxy thickness with velocity of around Alfv\\'en velocity. In fact, the turbulence itself could be generated on these scales by Parker instability. \\subsection{Partially Ionized Gas} Previous discussion is also applicable to partially ionized gas, if the degree of ionization is larger than $\\sim 90\\%$. Indeed, for such high ionization degrees the Alfv\\'enic turbulence cascades to scales less than the ion-neutral decoupling scale (see Lithwick \\& Goldreich 2001). If, on the other hand, the degree of ionization is lower, we assume that Alfv\\'enic turbulence is fully damped by ion-neutral collisions at the scale $l_{\\rm damp}$, and it would not be able to provide turbulent damping for $k_\\perp l_{\\rm damp}<1$. As we saw in \\S~5 the damping for slab waves with $k_\\|$ is provided by turbulent eddies with $k_\\perp \\sim k_\\|^{3/4}$, therefore, our slab-type component arising from CR instability will protrude up to scales as large as $l_{\\rm damp}^{4/3}/L^{1/3}$. This scale could be substantially larger than the $r_{p,{\\rm crit}}$ derived in \\S~5. According to Lazarian, Vishniac \\& Cho (2004) the regime of viscosity damped turbulence emerges for Alfv\\'enic turbulence at scales less than $l_{\\rm damp}$. This regime is characterized by a shallow $k^{-1}$ spectrum of magnetic perturbations and it persists down to the ion-neutral decoupling scale where it reverts to intermittent Alfv\\'enic turbulence that involves only ions. The detailed treatment of the interactions of CRs with turbulence in partially ionized medium is beyond the scope of this paper, however. \\subsection{Thermal plasma mean free paths in galaxy clusters} In the paper above we considered the CR component of the ISM or ICM, which are the high energy particles that interact with the rest of the medium via the magnetic fields. These particles have a power-law distribution that arises from the acceleration terms that are proportional to the CR momenta. The astrophysical plasma, on the other hand, is assumed to have a Maxwellian distribution and provides us with both conductivity and mass density which are required for a MHD treatment. In a fully ionized plasma particle-to-particle collisions are Coulomb scattering and the rate of the collisions becomes smaller with temperature. With high temperature and small density these mean free paths can be huge. For example, in galaxy clusters it could be as large as 4kpc. This lead to apparent contradiction, as particles with such a huge mean free path will be subjected to acceleration and will not be Maxwellian. Schekochihin and Cowley (2005) proposed that thermal particles will be scattered by instabilities. They considered hydrodynamic as well as kinetic instabilities and considered the evolution of the cluster from initial state with no magnetic field. Their argument is that the Reynolds number, being initially very low, will increase with increasing magnetic field and the dynamo will self-accelerate. They predict folded magnetic fields due to high-Prandtl number dynamo and their mean free paths are between viscous scale and the reversal scale. In this subsection we estimate mean free paths of thermal particles in a way similar to the rest of our paper, keeping in mind that there are quite a few other plasma effects and some MHD dynamo effects that might be important, so that these estimates are still rather speculative. This may be excused by the fact that thermal mean free path, viscosity and thermal conductivity are very important for cluster dynamics. Anisotropic distributions of thermal particles will excite waves with inverse wavevectors of the order of thermal Larmor radius, $r_T\\approx 10^{-9}$~pc as the instability is exponentially slow for smaller wavevectors (see Mikhailovskii 1975, eq. 10.7). All particles will have approximately the same mean free path, and the value of $\\delta B/B$ that provides scattering will now refer to the {\\it total} perturbed magnetic field, in contrast with its definition in \\S~4. Apparently the energy-transfer arguments of \\S 6 will be most important, as the steepening is very fast on thermal Larmor scales. By equating steepening and turbulent energy transfer rates we have $r_T/L\\approx(\\delta B/B)^4$, which gives $\\delta B/B\\approx 10^{-3}$, $\\lambda\\approx 10^{-3}$~pc." }, "0606/astro-ph0606723_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper we present an analysis of temperature taken at two telescopes located at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos in the Canary Islands. More than 20 years of measurements at CAMC are included. The analysis of the data from TNG and CAMC are compared in order to check local variations and long term trends. Furthermore, the temperatures at different heights are correlated to the quality of astronomical seeing. We considered the correlation of NAO Index and annual down$-$time with mean annual temperatures. The final aim of this work is to better understand the influence of wide scale parameters on local meteorological data. The analysis is done using a statistical approach. From each long series of data we compute the hourly averages and than the monthly averages in order to reduce the short$-$time fluctuations due to the day/night cycle. A particular care is used to minimize any effect due to biases in case of lacking of data. Finally, we compute the annual average from the monthly ones. The two telescopes show similar trends. There is an increase of temperatures of about 1.0$^{\\circ}$C/10yrs from the annual means and a more rapid increase of the annual minimums then the maximums. We found that positive NAO Index reduces the increase of temperatures, and accelerates the decrease. Moreover, there is no evidence that positive NAO Index corresponds to a lower number of non-observable nights. Finally, seeing deteriorates when the gradient of temperatures between 2 and 10 m above the ground is greater than $-0.6^{\\circ}$C. ", "introduction": "Since the year 1970, La Palma Island, located at about 400 km off the Moroccan coast of North$-$West Africa, appeared a favorable geophysical site from the point of view of the sky conditions, due to the proximity of the semi-permanent Azores high pressure system, and it was chosen to host the main astronomical telescopes. It is known that the very good astronomical conditions of the island are mainly due to the stable subsiding maritime airmass that place most of the time the telescopes near the top of the mountain well above the inversion layer occurring in the range between 800 m and 1200 m (McInnes \\& Walker \\cite{mcinnes}).\\\\ All the telescopes are located along the northern edge of the Caldera de Taburiente, at the N$-$W side of La Palma Island, where the irregular shapes produce a complex orography and the crowdedness of the top, due to the presence of all the astronomical observatories, suggests a possible modification of the local microclimate making difficult to foresee in advance the precise local meteorological parameters. Therefore in these last years the ORM has been extensively monitored thanks to the efforts of the several site testing groups belonging to the hosted astronomical observatories.\\\\ Since several years, various astronomical sites are monitored on a continuous basis by automatic weather stations, which provide measurements of a few local meteorological parameters. All these instantaneous and long term records of the meteorological data are important tools for meteorological and climatological studies, as well as for the calibration of satellite remote sensing of the atmospheric and ground conditions (Zitelli et al. \\cite{zitelli}).\\\\ In this paper we present for the first time an analysis of measurements obtained from local meteorological towers and environmental conditions made at three telescopes at ORM. The meteo data of Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) and Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle Telescope (CAMC) are compared in order to check local variations or meteorological conditions. The analysis of these differences in terms of image quality at the telescopes will be discussed in this paper as follows:\\\\ In \\S 2 we discuss the annual temperature means for the two telescopes, in \\S 3 we present differences between day$-$time and night$-$time mean values and their comparison with the down$-$time at CAMC, in \\S 4 it is presented the North Atlantic Oscillation Index and its correlation with temperatures, in \\S 5 we present seeing and temperature analysis for TNG. A preliminary comparison among the three sites \\S 6 it is also presented on the basis of the results of the previous sections. ", "conclusions": "We presented for the first time an analysis of long$-$term temperature data directly obtained from local meteorological towers of TNG and CAMC, at a height of about 2300 m above sea level, far from urban concentration and well above the inversion layer.\\\\ Annual mean values show a similar trend between TNG and CAMC. The linear fit of the 20 years long baseline of CAMC data gives an increase of annual mean temperatures of about 1.0$^{\\circ}$C/10yrs.\\\\ It is interesting to note an oscillation of the values with a period of about 3$-$4 years that seems to be slightly smoothed during the last 10 years. Another evidence is the different behaviour of local minimums and local maximums, in fact the minimums increase more rapidly then the maximums.\\\\ A comparison between NAO Index and the annual mean temperatures shows a correlation of 86\\% of significance. In fact, the action of positive NAO Index is like a brake for the increase of temperatures, and like an accelerator for the decrease. Vice versa, negative NAO Index acts in opposite mode. Moreover, no correlation is found between NAO Index and number of non-observing nights.\\\\ We also investigated the influence of the temperature on the astronomical seeing and we have found that the seeing deteriorates when the gradient of temperature measured at 2 and 10 m above the ground is greater than $-0.6^{\\circ}$C. This can be explained as consequence of the lower temperature at 2 m because the higher temperature at 10 m inhibits the thermal convection below the primary mirror height." }, "0606/astro-ph0606209_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Charged particles (X) decaying after primordial nucleosynthesis are constrained by the requirement that their decay products should not change the light element abundances drastically. If the decaying particle is negatively charged (X$^-$) then it will bind to the nuclei. We consider the effects of the decay of X when bound to Helium-4 and show that this will modify the Lithium abundances. ", "introduction": "Many models of physics beyond the standard model have long-lived charged particles in their spectrum. For example, in the class of supergravity models where the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), the next lightest (NLSP) can be a long-lived charged slepton \\cite{feng03a}. Similar phenomenology arises in Universal Extra Dimension models \\cite{feng03c}. Another example is the class of SUSY models with axino dark matter where again the NLSP could be long-lived \\cite{covi01,covi04,brandenburg05}. A third example is a supersymmetric model with almost degenerate LSP and NLSP such that the dominant decay channel for the NLSP is kinematically suppressed \\cite{sigurdson03,profumo04}. Here we consider a new aspect of the early universe cosmology of these particles that affects the light element abundances. Other effects of these charged particles were previously considered in \\cite{dimopoulos89,kawasaki94,khlopov94,sedelnikov95,holtmann96,holtmann98,jedamzik99,cyburt03,feng03b,jedamzik04,kawasaki04,jedamzik06a,jedamzik06b,steffen06} If the particle is negatively charged, it will eventually form a bound state with the positively charged nuclei. When the particle decays, the decay products will electromagnetically interact with the nearby nucleus. If the nucleus is $^4$He, it may break up, creating $^3$He, T, D, p, n. These $^3$He, T and D nuclei will find other \\hef nuclei and interact to form \\lisi and \\lise. In addition to the production mechanism described above, charged particle decays result in a large non-thermal photon background that can destroy the created \\lisi and \\lise nuclei. When both the production and destruction processes are taken into account, we find that the overall \\lisi production could be in the same range as the Lithium isotopic abundance measured in few low metallicity popII stars \\cite{smith93,smith98,nissen99,vangioni-flam99,nissen00,asplund05}. Other effects can come from the elastic scattering of the charged particle produced in the decay from the \\hef nucleus, and also from the change in the motion of the \\hef in the bound state. We find that these effects produce insignificant changes to standard BBN abundances. In this work we only consider singly charged bound state of \\hef nuclei \\cite{cahn81,belotsky05,fargion05,khlopov06}. We ignore the production of neutral atoms of \\hef bound to two X. We also do not consider the bound state of protons. This binding process starts below about 0.5 keV and could be important for lifetimes larger than about a year. Another interesting process we have not considered here is that of forming stable ${\\rm Be}^8$-X bound states \\cite{cahn81}. A stable ${\\rm Be}^8$-X bound state has important implications for the production of Carbon in the early universe. We hope to return to these issues in future work. While this work was being completed, two related articles appeared on the arXiv. The three articles all consider different processes and hence complement each other. The first by Pospelov \\cite{pospelov06} pointed out that the nuclear processes with a photon in the final state will be modified by the presence of the strong electric field of the X particle. Pospelov showed that the enhanced D on X-\\hef cross-section could produce orders of magnitude larger \\lisi abundance. However, it is important to note that if the decay lifetime is about $10^6$ seconds or larger, then \\lisi will also be destroyed due to the non-thermal photons from the decay. The second paper by Kohri and Takayama \\cite{kohri06} worked out the changes in the light element abundances due to the change in coulomb barrier in the presence of the $X^-$, and due to the changes in the kinematics and energy balance for the reactions. They found that the Lithium abundances can be significantly modified from the standard BBN predictions. ", "conclusions": "We have concentrated here on the collision of \\het with background \\hef nuclei that would produce \\lisi nuclei. Standard BBN does not produce much \\lisi and thus the expectation is that this could be an important probe. The SBBN yield (without decays) is about $10^{-13}$ compared to the number density of H. This should be compared to the measured lithium isotopic ratios in some low metallicity popII stars which (conservatively) range between 0.01 and 0.1. A reasonable constraint on \\lisi then is that its abundance should not be much larger than that of \\lise nuclei (about $10^{-10}$ relative to the H number density). It is of course possible that the \\lisi primordial abundance is larger, but then we are left with the question of why \\lisi is depleted in much larger amounts than \\lise by astrophysical mechanisms. We found that in some regions of parameter space it is possible to produce \\lisi in quantities that match the observed ``plateau'' abundance. This does not imply that the decaying charged particle scenario can explain the \\lisi abundance. A full calculation including all the light elements would be necessary to ascertain that. We also note that there are astrophysical scenarios wherein the observed abundance of \\lisi finds an explanation (\\eg \\cite{suzuki02,lambert04,rollinde05,reeves05,prantzos06,prodanovic06,nath06}). The processes we have described here are clearly relevant for determining the light element abundances. Much more work needs to be done before these processes can be combined with previous analyses to put bounds on the model parameter space. Throughout this work we have neglected the bound states of other light elements. The fraction of bound states of D, T, \\het, \\lisi and \\lise are small owing to the much smaller abundance of the respective light elements. However, they could still have significant effects because of enhanced nuclear cross-sections. The correct treatment of this problem including all the cross-sections and bound states is beyond the scope of present work. In summary, we have studied an aspect of the decay of charged particles in the early universe. We looked at the electromagnetic bound states of the charged particle with \\hef nuclei and considered the effects of the decay on the light element abundances. We found that cosmologically relevant quantities of \\lisi could be produced as a result of these decays." }, "0606/astro-ph0606515_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We present a mode identification based on new high-resolution time-series spectra of the non-radially pulsating $\\delta$ Scuti star FG~Vir (HD 106384, V = 6.57, A5V). From 2002 February to June a global Delta Scuti Network (DSN) campaign, utilizing high-resolution spectroscopy and simultaneous photometry has been conducted for FG~Vir in order to provide a theoretical pulsation model. In this campaign we have acquired 969 Echelle spectra covering 147 hours at six observatories.} {The mode identification was carried out by analyzing line profile variations by means of the Fourier parameter fit method, where the observational Fourier parameters across the line are fitted with theoretical values. This method is especially well suited for determining the azimuthal order $m$ of non-radial pulsation modes and thus complementary with the method of Daszynska-Daszkiewicz (2002) which does best at identifying the degree $\\ell$.} {15 frequencies between 9.2 and 33.5~\\cd~were detected spectroscopically. We determined the azimuthal order $m$ of 12 modes and constrained their harmonic degree $\\ell$. Only modes of low degree ($\\ell \\le 4$) were detected, most of them having axisymmetric character mainly due to the relatively low projected rotational velocity of FG Vir. The detected non-axisymmetric modes have azimuthal orders between -2 and 1. We derived an inclination of 19\\degree, which implies an equatorial rotational rate of 66~\\kms.} {} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "We carried out a mode identification for the $\\delta$~Sct star FG Vir using high-resolution time-series spectra. 15 frequencies could be detected from the radial velocity and pixel-by-pixel intensity variations of a profile made from the combination of four iron lines. We have presented the first successful application of the FPF method to line profiles of a $\\delta$ Sct star. The pulsational geometry of 12 independent frequencies was analyzed by means of this method. Seven frequencies were identified with axisymmetric modes having $\\ell$ values between 0 and 2. Five non-axisymmetric modes with $m$ values between -2 and 1 were detected. These modes could be modeled with $\\ell$ values as large as $4$. The observed radial velocity amplitudes range between about 2 and 0.15~\\kms. The best models fit the profiles with 0.17~\\% relative radius variation for the dominant mode $\\nu_1$ and down to a value as small as 0.02~\\%. No high degree modes were found mainly due to the low rotational broadening of the line. By simultaneously fitting amplitudes and phases of velocity and light variations we computed $f$-values for eleven frequencies. A comparison of these empirical $f$-values with theoretical values computed for different mixing length values showed that convection seems to be relatively ineffective in FG Vir. The good identifications of the azimuthal order, combined with the determination of the inclination angle $i \\approx 19^{\\circ}$, will help to improve the treatment of rotational effects by seismic models. The present fit of the theoretical models to the observations cannot be improved significantly by carrying out additional photometric measurements of FG Vir. Hundreds of unstable modes with $\\ell \\le 5$ are predicted by theory for the frequency range between 7 and 40~\\cd~(Pamyatnykh, priv. comm.). Reducing the observational detection limit from 0.2 to 0.1 mmag would yield many more frequencies but without a knowledge of their pulsational quantum numbers the number of free degrees is increased with every detected frequency. A more promising approach is to start the search for a good stellar pulsation model with the anchor points given by our mode identification." }, "0606/astro-ph0606665_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Cosmic ray protons interacting with gas at the mean density of the interstellar medium in starburst galaxies lose energy rapidly via inelastic collisions with ambient nuclei. The resulting pions produce secondary electrons and positrons, high-energy neutrinos, and $\\gamma$-ray photons. We estimate the cumulative $\\gamma$-ray emission from starburst galaxies. We find a total integrated background above 100 MeV of $F_\\gamma\\approx10^{-6}$\\,\\,GeV\\,\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,\\,s$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ and a corresponding specific intensity at GeV energies of $\\nu I_\\nu \\approx 10^{-7}$\\,\\,GeV\\,\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,\\,s$^{-1}$\\,\\,sr$^{-1}$. Starbursts may thus account for a significant fraction of the extra-galactic $\\gamma$-ray background. We show that the FIR-radio correlation provides a strong constraint on the $\\gamma$-ray emission from starburst galaxies because pions decay into both $\\gamma$-rays and radio-emitting electron/positron pairs. We identify several nearby systems where the potential for observing $\\gamma$-ray emission is the most favorable (M82, NGC 253, \\& IC 342), predict their fluxes, and predict a linear FIR-$\\gamma$-ray correlation for the densest starbursts. If established, the FIR-$\\gamma$-ray correlation would provide strong evidence for the ``calorimeter'' theory of the FIR-radio correlation and would imply that cosmic rays in starburst galaxies interact with gas at approximately the mean density of the interstellar medium (ISM), thereby providing an important constraint on the physics of the ISM in starbursts. ", "introduction": "The magnitude of the extra-galactic $\\gamma$-ray background is uncertain, primarily due to the presence of foreground contaminants (compare Keshet et al.~2004, Strong et al.~2004, Sreekumar et al.~1998). {\\it GLAST\\,}\\footnote{http://glast.gsfc.nasa.gov/; http://www-glast.stanford.edu/} will have an order of magnitude better sensitivity at GeV energies than previous experiments and should provide important constraints on the unresolved extra-galactic $\\gamma$-ray emission. A number of potential contributors to the GeV $\\gamma$-ray background have been discussed in the literature including blazars (Stecker \\& Salamon 1996), galaxy clusters and groups (Colafrancesco \\& Blasi~1998; Dar \\& Shaviv~1995), intergalactic shocks and structure formation (Loeb \\& Waxman 2000; Keshet et al.~2003; Miniati 2002), dark matter annihilation (e.g., Ullio et al.~2002; Els{\\\"a}sser \\& Mannheim 2005), and normal star-forming galaxies (Pavlidou \\& Fields 2002). In this paper we calculate the contribution of starburst galaxies to the GeV $\\gamma$-ray background. In particular, we assess the possibility that starbursts are cosmic ray proton calorimeters: the dense ISM of these systems acts as a beam dump for the total energy injected by supernovae into cosmic ray protons, with a portion of the proton energy emerging as $\\gamma$-rays and high-energy neutrinos. In \\S\\ref{section:calorimeter} we review V\\\"olk's (1989) electron calorimeter model for the observed FIR-radio correlation (see Thompson et al.~2006, hereafter T06). We then argue that starbursts may also be proton calorimeters. In \\S\\ref{section:correlations}, we predict the $\\gamma$-ray flux from starburst galaxies and highlight which nearby systems are most likely to have detectable $\\gamma$-ray fluxes. We argue that the observed FIR-radio correlation provides important constraints on the $\\gamma$-ray emission from starbursts because pions from inelastic proton-proton collisions produce both $\\gamma$-rays and secondary electrons and positrons, which then produce radio synchrotron. Section \\ref{section:background} then discusses the cumulative starburst contribution to the extra-galactic $\\gamma$-ray background. Estimates similar to those presented here for the high-energy neutrino background from starbursts have recently been made by Loeb \\& Waxman (2006). Although the $\\gamma$-ray flux from individual starbursts has been estimated by several authors (e.g., Torres 2004, Torres et al.~2004, Cillis et al.~2005, Paglione et al.~1996, and Blom et al.~1999), this paper estimates the expected extra-galactic background, defines the requisite conditions for proton calorimetry, and explicitly connects the $\\gamma$-ray predictions with constraints from the FIR-radio correlation. ", "conclusions": "\\label{section:discussion} Figure \\ref{fig:background} shows the numerically calculated $\\gamma$-ray background as a function of $\\gamma$-ray energy ({\\it solid lines}), for $p=2.0-2.4$ (see caption for details). The inferred background from {\\it EGRET} from Strong et al.~(2004), as well as the conflicting upper limit at 1 GeV derived by Keshet et al.~(2004) are also shown. Our results indicate that $\\gamma$-ray production from pion decay in starburst galaxies contributes significantly to the observed background above 100 MeV. The considerable uncertainties in the $\\gamma$-ray background determination, primarily because of foreground subtraction (see Keshet et al.~2004), complicate a more direct comparison. An important point of this paper is that the absolute starburst $\\gamma$-ray flux --- both that from individual galaxies and that of the background --- cannot exceed that predicted in Figure \\ref{fig:background} and Table 1 without over-producing the radio emission from secondary electrons and positrons produced in charged pion decay (see \\S\\ref{section:correlations}, eq.~[\\ref{fir_radio}]). This conclusion is independent of whether starbursts are in fact proton calorimeters (as we have assumed), and can only be circumvented if ionization, inverse Compton, and bremsstrahlung losses significantly exceed synchrotron losses for cosmic ray electrons and positrons in starbursts; such a determination would put strong constraints on the origin of the FIR-radio correlation (T06; \\S\\ref{section:correlations}). If detected by {\\it GLAST}, the low energy $\\gamma$-ray emission from systems like NGC 253 and M82 (\\S\\ref{section:calorimeter}, Fig.~\\ref{fig:background}, Table \\ref{table:starburst}), may help constrain the contribution of inverse Compton and bremsstrahlung to electron/positron losses. The primary physical uncertainty in our estimate of the $\\gamma$-ray fluxes from starbursts lies in whether cosmic rays do in fact interact with gas at approximately the mean density of the ISM. In particular, given that galactic winds efficiently remove mass and metals from galaxies (e.g., Heckman et al.~1990), it is unclear whether the cosmic rays actually interact with the bulk of the ISM, which is required for pion production to be significant (\\S\\ref{section:calorimeter}). Detection of $\\gamma$-rays from starbursts at the level predicted in this paper would thus provide an important constraint on the physics of the ISM in starbursts and on the coupling between supernovae and the dense ISM, which contains most of the mass. In addition, the ionization and bremsstrahlung energy-loss timescales for electrons/positrons are similar to the proton-proton pion production timescale. Thus, constraints on pion production in starbursts via $\\gamma$-ray observations directly constrain the importance of ionization and bremsstrahlung losses for shaping the radio emission from starburst galaxies (T06). By contrast, detection of (or upper limits on) the $\\gamma$-ray emission from starbursts well below our predictions would rule out the hypothesis that starbursts are proton calorimeters, although they would, in our opinion, still be electron calorimeters. The alternative possibility suggested by equation (\\ref{gamma_fir}), that $\\eta \\ll 0.05$, is unlikely, given the energetics of Galactic cosmic ray production (e.g., Strong et al.~2004). We note that the total IR background from the particular model of the star formation history of the universe used to produce the $\\gamma$-ray background in Figure \\ref{fig:background} is $F^{\\rm TIR}\\approx2\\times10^{-5}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$, or $\\approx20$ nW m$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$, with approximately 80\\% ($f_{\\rm cal}\\approx0.8$) coming from starburst galaxies. A complete calculation, accounting for the contribution from the old stellar population (which contributes significantly to the background at $z \\approx 0$), finds a total background in starlight that is roughly twice as large (e.g., Nagamine et al.~2006). Equation (\\ref{fir_radio}) and, indeed, the existence of the FIR-radio correlation, implies that the expected radio background is $\\nu I_\\nu({\\rm radio})\\approx7.5\\times10^{-10}\\eta_{0.05}/[2\\ln(\\gamma_{max})]\\approx2.7\\times10^{-11}$ ergs\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,s$^{-1}$\\,sr$^{-1}$. A factor of two reduction in $\\nu I_\\nu({\\rm radio})$ has been included in this estimate as per the discussion after equation (\\ref{fir_radio}). In addition to producing secondary electron/positron pairs and $\\gamma$-rays, pion production is also a significant source of high-energy neutrinos, with $\\approx 5\\%$ of the proton cosmic ray energy going into neutrinos. Two-thirds of this energy goes to muon-type neutrinos. Therefore, for starburst galaxies that are proton calorimeters, we expect a FIR-neutrino correlation of the form $\\nu L_\\nu(\\mu-{\\rm neutrinos})=(2/3)\\nu L_\\nu({\\rm all\\,\\,neutrinos})\\approx 1.5\\times10^{-4}\\,\\eta_{0.05}L_{\\rm TIR}/\\ln(\\gamma_{max}) \\approx10^{-5}\\,\\eta_{0.05}L_{\\rm TIR}$, identical to the $\\gamma$-ray luminosity (eq.~[\\ref{gamma_fir}]). The corresponding cumulative extra-galactic $\\mu$-neutrino background at GeV energies is then the same as given in equation (\\ref{background}). Using a very similar estimate, Loeb \\& Waxman (2006) have recently argued that starbursts are likely to be an important contributor to the high-energy neutrino background. Because the ratio of the $\\gamma$-ray to neutrino luminosity from pion decay depends only on the micro-physics of pion production, the $\\gamma$-ray fluxes from starbursts predicted in this paper will provide a crucial calibration of the expected flux of extra-galactic high energy neutrinos." }, "0606/astro-ph0606386_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We describe the number counts and spatial distribution of 239 Distant Red Galaxies (DRGs), selected from the Early Data Release of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey. The DRGs are identified by their very red infrared colours with $(J-K)_{AB}\\!>\\!1.3$, selected over 0.62 deg$^2$ to a $90\\%$ completeness limit of $K_{AB}\\!\\simeq\\! 20.7$. This is the first time a large sample of bright DRGs has been studied within a contiguous area, and we provide the first measurements of their number counts and clustering. The population shows strong angular clustering, intermediate between those of $K$-selected field galaxies and optical/infrared-selected Extremely Red Galaxies. Adopting the redshift distributions determined from other recent studies, we infer a high correlation length of $r_0\\!\\sim\\!11\\,h^{-1}$Mpc. Such strong clustering could imply that our galaxies are hosted by very massive dark matter halos, consistent with the progenitors of present-day $L\\gtrsim L_*$ elliptical galaxies}. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} A new near-infrared selection technique has been developed in recent years to sample galaxies in the high-redshift Universe. By relying on purely near-infrared colours, this potentially avoids many biases which are inherent in optical techniques, particularly for detected dusty and/or evolved galaxies. \\cite{2003ApJ...587L..79F} argue that the simple $(J-K)_{AB}\\!>\\!1.3$ colour selection criteria produces a sample that is mainly populated by galaxies at $z\\!>\\!2$, at least at faint $K$-band magnitudes ($K_{AB}\\!\\gtrsim\\!21$). These are the so-called Distant Red Galaxies (hereafter DRGs). In the Faint Infrared Extragalactic Survey (FIRES), \\cite{2003ApJ...587L..79F} selected 14 candidate galaxies at $z\\!>\\!2$ to a depth of $K_{AB}\\!<\\!24.4$, of which 6 were spectroscopically confirmed \\citep{2003ApJ...587L..83V}. \\cite{2005ApJ...624L..81L} found that approximately $70\\%$ of DRGs are dusty star forming galaxies and the remaining $30\\%$ are passively evolved galaxies. Work by \\cite{2003ApJ...599..847R} suggest that DRGs may be a significant constituent of the $z\\!\\sim\\!2-3$ universe in terms of stellar mass. \\cite{2004ApJ...616...40F} demonstrated that the average rest-frame optical colours of DRGs fall within the range covered by normal galaxies locally, unlike the Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs -- \\citeauthor{1996AJ....112..352S} \\citeyear{1996AJ....112..352S}) which are typically much bluer. Larger samples of DRGs covering a wide range in stellar mass are now required to fully understand the importance of this population. In particular, studies conducted so far have (by necessity) concentrated on DRGs selected over relatively small areas, and very little is known about the bright end of this population. In terms of stellar mass, metalicity and star formation rate \\cite{2005ApJ...633..748R} find strong similarities between optically-selected and near-infrared selected galaxy samples. Clustering offers an alternative way to to study these populations. At large scales, the galaxy distribution is dominated by dark mater halo clustering, which is a strong function of halo mass. Several studies have measured strong clustering strength for high redshift galaxies selected in the near-infrared ($r_0\\!=\\!10-15h^{-1}$Mpc) \\citep{2003ApJ...588...50D,DRG_MUSIC_astroph}, comparable to the most luminous galaxies in the local universe. In this paper we present a study of the first large sample of DRGs selected at bright infrared magnitudes ($K_{AB}\\!<\\!21$) in a contiguous area. We analyse the number counts and clustering and draw conclusions about their likely origin. Throughout this paper, we assume $\\Omega_m\\!=\\!0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}\\!=\\!0.7$ and $h\\!=\\!H_0/70$~km~s$^{-1}$~Mpc$^{-1}$. \\section[]{UKIDSS UDS Early Data Release} \\label{sec:uds} \\subsection{Survey and Early Data Release} \\label{subsec:uds-edr} The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS -- \\citeauthor{UKIDSS_astroph} \\citeyear{UKIDSS_astroph})\\footnote{\\texttt http://www.ukidss.org} is began observations in Spring 2005, using the Wide-Field Camera (WFCAM -- Casali et al., in prep.) at the 3.8-m United-Kingdom InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT). Comprising 5 sub-surveys, it will take 7 years to complete and will cover a range of areas and depths. The deepest of these 5 sub-surveys, the Ultra-Deep Survey (UDS) aims to cover 0.8 deg$^2$ to a depth of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!25.0$, $H_{AB}\\!=\\!25.4$, $J_{AB}\\!=\\!26.0$ ($5\\sigma$, point-source). It is centred on the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey field (SXDS - \\citeauthor{sxds} \\citeyear{sxds}) at $02^h18^m00^s$, $-05^{\\circ}00'00''$ (J2000). Since February 10 2006, the UKIDSS Early Data Release (EDR) has been available to the ESO community\\footnote{\\texttt http://surveys.roe.ac.uk/wsa}. A full description of this data release is given in \\cite{UKIDSS-EDR_astroph}. \\subsection{Image stacking and mosaics} \\label{subsec:uds-mos} The stacking of the UDS EDR data was performed by our team using a slightly different recipe to the standard UKIDSS pipeline. Given the (relatively) small size of the field, it is possible to create a full mosaic before extracting catalogues, rather than merge catalogues extracted from individual chips. Given the various jitter and offset sequences, this helps to optimise depth in overlap regions and to produce a more homogeneous final image. Each observation block consists of a 4-pt mosaic to tile the $0.8$ deg$^2$ field, producing 16 images each of $\\simeq\\!15$ minutes exposure (see \\citeauthor{UKIDSS-EDR_astroph} \\citeyear{UKIDSS-EDR_astroph}). Individual reduced frames for each observation block were extracted from the UKIDSS pipeline as the starting point for our final mosaiced stack (including astrometric and photometric solutions). We used the variance map produced by the pipeline to weight each frame before stacking and rescaled the pixel flux for each individual image using the pipeline zero-points. The stacking was carried out in a two-step process by using the \\texttt{SWarp} software, an image resampling tool \\citep{swarp}. The final mosaiced images in the $J$- and $K$-band have the same pixel scale of $0.1342''$, with identical field centres and image scales to simplify catalogue extraction. The resulting images were visually inspected, and bad regions were masked out (areas around saturated stars, cosmetic problem areas, and low signal-to-noise borders). After masking, the usable area of this frame with uniform coverage is $0.62$ deg$^2$. We note that this is smaller than the expected $0.8$ deg$^2$ mosaic since the UDS field centre was moved by $\\sim\\!8$ arcmin shortly after observations began (to allow the use of brighter guide stars). The image seeing measured from the mosaiced images is $0.69''$ FWHM in $K$ and $0.80''$ in $J$. The RMS accuracy of our astrometry is $\\simeq\\!0.05''$ (i.e. $<\\!1$ pixel) and for our photometry the RMS accuracy is $\\lesssim\\!2\\%$ in both $J$- and $K$- bands \\citep{UKIDSS-EDR_astroph}. From direct measurements of noise in a $2''$ aperture on the image we estimate $5\\sigma$ limiting magnitudes of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!22.5$ and $J_{AB}\\!=\\!22.5$. \\subsection{Catalogue extraction} \\label{subsec:uds-cats} We found that the standard UKIDSS source detection software did not produce optimal catalogues for the UDS. We therefore produced a much improved catalogue for the EDR by using the \\texttt{SExtractor} software \\citep{sextractor}. The $K$-band image was used as the source detection image, since this is measurably deeper for most galaxy colours. All $K_{AB}$ magnitudes quoted below are total magnitudes extracted using the \\texttt{SExtractor} parameter \\texttt{MAG\\_AUTO}, while all colour measurements are obtained from fixed $2''$ aperture magnitudes. To optimise our catalogue extraction we performed a series of simulations to fine tune the \\texttt{SExtractor} parameters. Artificial point-like sources were added to the real $K$-band image using the observed PSF with FWHM $=\\!0.69''$ (rejecting regions containing bright sources), and distributed with magnitudes in the range $14\\!<\\!K_{AB}\\!<\\!24$. From the resulting new image a catalogue was extracted using \\texttt{SExtractor} and compared with the list of artificial source positions. This process was repeated 1000 times, and the resulting statistics allow us to estimate the catalogue completeness and the evolution of photometric errors. Using these simulations, \\texttt{SExtractor} detection parameters were tuned to maximise completeness at the noise-determined $5\\sigma$ depth of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!22.5$, while simultaneously minimising the number of spurious sources. While formally optimised for point-like sources, we note that these were close to optimal when we generated artificial sources using a substantially more extended PSF (FWHM $\\!=\\!1.2''$). Using these parameters, we extracted $78709$ sources over $0.62$deg$^2$ from the image, of which $34098$ were determined to be unsaturated, unmasked and from regions of uniform coverage to $K_{AB}\\!<\\!22.5$. These form the basis of the analysis outlined below. Assuming the background noise is symmetric about zero, we can estimate the spurious fraction by extracting sources from the inverted image and comparing with the number of sources extracted from the normal image. At our magnitude limit of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!22.5$ the fraction of spurious detections is found to be less than $1\\%$, while the completeness level is above $70 \\%$ (for point sources). \\section[]{Selection and number counts} \\label{sec:drg} \\subsection{Selection of DRGs} \\label{subsec:drg-sel} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig1.eps}} \\caption{{\\it Lower panel:} $(J-K)_{AB}$ against $K_{AB}$ for sources in the UDS EDR field. Small points represent the full population of K-band selected objects, while larger points are those selected with $(J-K)_{AB}\\!>\\!1.3$ (and visually confirmed). The colour criteria, the magnitude limit at $K_{AB}\\!=\\!21.2$ and the magnitude completeness at $K_{AB}\\!=\\!20.7$ are highlighted, as is the crude boundary between galaxies and the stellar locus at $(J-K)_{AB}\\!=\\!0$. {\\it Upper panel:} Errors as derived by \\texttt{SExtractor} on the $(J-K)_{AB}$ colours (for display purposes only $1/5$th of the points are shown). Mean values are also displayed, as are errors derived from simulations. } \\label{fig:sel} \\end{center} \\end{figure} From the catalogue described above we selected objects using the $(J-K)_{AB}\\!>\\!1.3$ criteria. A visual inspection of each source was then required to remove spurious detections, which at these extreme colours was found to be a relatively large fraction ($\\sim\\!20\\%$). The majority are caused by diffraction spikes and cross-talk images \\citep{UKIDSS-EDR_astroph} and are easy to identify and reject. This leaves 369 DRGs at $K_{AB}\\!<\\!21.2$, which represents the largest sample selected over a contiguous area. The surface density derived is $n\\!=\\!0.163\\pm0.009$ arcmin$^{-2}$. Figure~\\ref{fig:sel} shows the $(J-K)$ colour of these galaxies versus $K$-band magnitude. The object shown by a star was classified as a point-like source in our global catalogue, and is confirmed to be a star after visual inspection. \\subsection{Photometric errors and contamination of DRG sample} \\label{subsec:drg-cont} Since our sample is based on $(J-K)$ colour selection it is vital to carefully consider the effects of photometric errors. Since most galaxies show substantially bluer colours (Figure~\\ref{fig:sel}) we can expect the number density of DRGs to be artificially boosted at fainter magnitudes, as errors push objects above the $(J-K)_{AB}\\!>\\!1.3$ selection boundary. As a lower limit to this contamination we could use the photometric errors derived from \\texttt{SExtractor}, and these are shown as a function of magnitude in Figure~\\ref{fig:sel}. Our experience suggests that analytically-determined errors from \\texttt{SExtractor} are likely to be underestimates, so we use the mean photometric errors obtained from the simulations described in section~\\ref{subsec:uds-cats}. We used our simulated errors to estimate the contamination by randomising the real galaxy catalogue using Monte-Carlo simulations. For each object in our full catalogue, we allow the $(J-K)$ colour to vary assuming a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation corresponding to the chosen photometric error. We then re-select our catalogue using the $(J-K)_{AB}\\!>\\!1.3$ criteria, and repeat this process 1000 times. This should provide an approximate upper limit on contamination, since we are randomising the observed galaxy catalogue (which already suffers from the effects of photometric errors). Defining the contamination fraction from the number of objects scattered into our selection boundary minus those which are scattered out, our simulated source errors yield contamination fractions of $(46.0\\pm3.8)\\%$ at the limiting magnitude of $K_{AB}\\!<\\!21.2$, falling to $(16.8\\pm3.6)\\%$ at $K_{AB}\\!<\\!20.7$ (the estimated completeness limit; see Section~\\ref{subsec:drg-counts}). We note that the typical error on the colour is $\\Delta(J-K)_{AB}\\!\\sim\\!0.1$ at $K_{AB}\\!=\\!20.7$. As shown in \\cite{AEGIS_DRG_astroph}, a slight change of the $(J-K)$ colour selection does not have a major affect on the redshift distribution. Based on these values we conclude that our number counts and clustering measurements are reasonably robust at $K_{AB}\\!<\\!20.7$, but will become increasingly unreliable at fainter magnitudes. We will therefore adopt a limit of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!20.7$ for further study, which produces a sample of $239$ DRGs. \\subsection{Number counts of DRGs} \\label{subsec:drg-counts} Figure~\\ref{fig:counts} shows the $K$-band differential number counts of our sample of DRGs. The number counts indicate that our sample is complete up to approximately $K_{AB}\\!\\simeq\\!20.7$, after which the counts are clearly dropping. This defines our estimated completeness limit. Our simulations suggest that the contamination due to photometric errors will be $\\sim\\!16\\%$ at $K_{AB}\\!<\\!20.7$. We conclude the dominant source of error in our number counts will be Poisson counting errors (plotted) and cosmic variance (discussed in section~\\ref{subsec:drg-dxs}). At bright magnitudes (e.g. $K_{AB}\\!<\\!20$) our UKIDSS data are entirely unique, and no studies exist in the literature for comparison. At fainter magnitudes, our counts are in very good agreement with the DRG counts from the \\cite{DRG_MUSIC_astroph} sample. They are also consistent with the number counts from the AEGIS survey (Foucaud et al. in prep.; see also \\citeauthor{AEGIS_DRG_astroph} \\citeyear{AEGIS_DRG_astroph}). Combining literature data with the present work we can examine the global shape of the DRG number counts over a very wide dynamic range ($18.5\\!<\\!K_{AB}\\!<\\!25.0$). This strongly suggests a break feature in the slope at $K_{AB}\\!\\sim\\!20.5$ which is an effect already seen in the global K-band number counts (e.g. \\citeauthor{GCW} \\citeyear{GCW}). We note that the projected density of DRGs is approximately 10 times lower than EROs, and approximately 100 times lower than the global galaxy counts at a given magnitude. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fig2.eps}} \\caption{$K$-band differential number counts for our sample of DRGs. The errorbars plotted are computed from poissonian small number statistics \\citep{1986ApJ...303..336G}. For comparison, we have overplotted the number counts for DRGs derived from the DXS EDR survey, with errors representing the field-to-field variance (see section~\\ref{subsec:drg-dxs} -- these points are slightly shifted for display purposes), and from the literature from fainter samples \\citep{2003AJ....125.1107L,2004ApJ...616...40F,2005ApJ...633..748R,DRG_MUSIC_astroph}. EROs number counts from the UDS/DXS SV sample are shown as well, for comparison. The plot inset shows number counts over a larger magnitude range.} \\label{fig:counts} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\subsection{Cosmic variance} \\label{subsec:drg-dxs} As a simple test of cosmic variance, and to investigate whether the UDS is an unusual field, we used the data available from the UKIDSS Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS) to perform a comparison study. The DXS is the other deep extragalactic component of UKIDSS \\citep{UKIDSS_astroph}, consisting of 4 fields with a 7-year goal of observing 35 deg$^2$ to depths of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!22.7$ and $J_{AB}\\!=\\!23.2$. We used data from 3 fields observed in both $J$- and $K$-bands in the UKIDSS EDR, covering $\\sim\\!2900$ arcmin$^2$, $\\sim\\!4500$ arcmin$^2$ and $\\sim\\!2900$ arcmin$^2$ respectively. While exposure times are similar to the UDS EDR, the observing conditions are generally poorer. Direct comparison is also complicated by the different source extraction methods used by the DXS. We applied the same selection method described in section~\\ref{subsec:drg-sel}, except that we did not visually inspect the samples. This selects $1523$ objects in total, of which we estimate approximately $20\\%$ are likely to be spurious (see section~\\ref{subsec:drg-sel}), with a similar fraction likely to be artificially boosted due to photometric errors at faint magnitudes (section~\\ref{subsec:drg-cont}). Since these errors are smaller than the errors in the DXS counts, for simplicity we opt not to make these corrections in our comparison with the UDS. We derived a median surface density of $n\\!=\\!0.176\\pm0.075$ arcmin$^{-2}$ at $K_{AB}\\!=\\!21.2$, in very good agreement with the UDS value. The resulting median counts from the 3 DXS samples are overplotted in figure~\\ref{fig:counts}, with errors representing the field-to-field RMS variance. The agreement with UDS is very good. Although no corrections were applied, this crude comparison suggests that the density of DRGs is stable and broadly consistent between fields. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summ} We have extracted a large sample of bright Distant Red Galaxies from the UKIDSS UDS EDR. Our catalogue contains $369$ DRGs to a limiting magnitude of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!21.2$, extracted over an area of $0.62$ deg$^2$. The fainter $K_{AB}\\!>\\!20.0$ number counts are in good agreement with previous estimates, while at brighter magnitudes the sample is unique. Using simulations we determined that contamination due to photometric errors is below $\\sim\\!16\\%$ at an approximate completeness limit of $K_{AB}\\!<\\!20.7$. From this sample we extracted a sub-sample of 239 bright DRGs to a limit of $K_{AB}\\!=\\!20.7$. These bright DRGs appear highly clustered, and we determine a correlation length of $r_0\\!\\simeq\\!11 \\,h^{-1}$Mpc and a bias measurement $b\\!\\simeq\\!4.5$, assuming the sample lies at a mean redshift of $\\bar{z}\\!=\\!1.0$ with a standard deviation of $\\sigma\\!=\\!0.25$ (consistent with studies at similar depths -- \\citeauthor{AEGIS_DRG_astroph} \\citeyear{AEGIS_DRG_astroph}). They appear more clustered than fainter samples of DRGs derived at these redshifts, which may be evidence for luminosity segregation, in agreement with biased galaxy formation scenarios." }, "0606/astro-ph0606453_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\textbf{{A detailed spectroscopic study covering the blue to near-infrared wavelength range ($\\lambda$3700~\\AA~-1$\\mu$m) was performed for a sample of 34 HII galaxies in order to derive fundamental parameters for their HII regions and ionizing sources, as well as gaseous metal abundances. All the spectra included the nebular [SIII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$9069,9532~\\AA~lines, given their importance in the derivation of the S/H abundance and relevant ionization diagnostics.}} {A systematic method was followed to correct the near-IR [SIII] line fluxes for the effects of the atmospheric transmission. A comparative analysis of the predictions of the empirical abundance indicators R$_{23}$ and S$_{23}$ was performed for our sample galaxies. The relative hardness of their ionizing sources was studied using the $\\eta$' parameter and exploring the role played by metallicity.} {For 22 galaxies of the sample, a value of the electron temperature T$_{e}$[SIII] was derived, along with their ionic and total S/H abundances. Their ionic and total O/H abundances were derived using direct determinations of T$_{e}$[OIII]. For the rest of the objects, the total S/H abundance was derived using the S$_{23}$ calibration. The abundance range covered by our sample goes from 1/20 solar up to solar metallicity. Six galaxies present 12+log (O/H) $<$ 7.8 dex. The mean S/O ratio derived in this work is log (S/O)=-1.68$\\pm$0.20 dex, 1$\\sigma$ below the solar (S/O)$_\\odot$ value. The S/O abundance ratio shows no significant trend with O/H over the range of abundance covered in this work, in agreement with previous findings. There is a trend for HII galaxies with lower gaseous metallicity to present harder ionizing spectra. We compared the distribution of the ionic ratios O$^{+}$/O$^{++}$ vs. S$^{+}$/S$^{++}$ derived for our sample with the predictions of a grid of photoionization models performed for three different stellar effective temperatures. This analysis indicates that a large fraction of galaxies in our sample seem to be ionized by extremely hard spectra, in line with recent suggestions for extra ionizing sources in HII galaxies.} {} ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} HII galaxies are galaxies undergoing violent star formation (Searle \\& Sargent 1972; Terlevich et al. 1991; Cair\\'os et al. 2000). Their optical spectra show strong emission lines (recombination lines of hydrogen and helium, as well as forbidden lines of elements like oxygen, neon, nitrogen, sulfur, among others) that are very similar to the spectra of extragalactic HII regions. Analysis of their spectra shows that they are low-metallicity objects with the metallicity varying from 1/40$Z_{\\odot}$ to 1/2$Z_{\\odot}$ (e.g. Terlevich et al. 1991; Telles 1995 and references therein; V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Iglesias-P\\'aramo 1998,2003; Thuan \\& Izotov 2005). Among them we can find the least chemically-evolved galaxies in the local Universe. The study of elemental abundances in emission-line galaxies gives information about their chemical evolution and star formation history. Outside the Local Group, emission lines from ionized gas represent the principal means of deriving abundances, as energy is concentrated in a few conspicuous emission lines. Abundances for the stellar population are derived from absorption features, which are more numerous and require much higher signal-to-noise spectra to be derived meaningfully. In HII galaxies the metal enrichment of the interstellar medium by supernovae has been operating typically in low-metallicity environments. Oxygen is the most frequently used element in deriving abundances from emission lines: abundances are easily derived, as the main ionization stages are observable in the optical range. Furthermore, oxygen is particularly suitable for chemical evolution studies, as it traces the overall metallicity very well. It originates quasi exclusively from the nucleosynthesis in type II supernovae progenitors (Meynet \\& Maeder 2002; Pagel 1997; Woosley \\& Weaver 1995). While the sources of oxygen are well-determined and the most important ionization stages can be observed in the optical range, some uncertainties still remain about the sulfur yields and its sources. In addition, not all the ionization stages can be observed in the optical range and important ionization correction factors (ICFs) must be applied to derive the total sulfur abundance. Hence comparing S and O abundances can give us some clues to sulfur nucleosynthesis and the masses of the stars where the sulfur tends to be formed. To derive oxygen abundances, one should first derive the electron temperature, which requires the measurement of faint auroral lines, like [OIII]$\\lambda$4363~\\AA, which are often not detected. The alternative is to use strong line-abundance indicators, like R$_{23}$\\footnote{R$_{23}$=([OII]$\\lambda$3727 + [OIII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$4959,5007)/H$\\beta$}, which calibrated empirically (Pagel et al. 1979, Pilyugin 2001) or through photoionization models (e.g. McGaugh 1991). However, the relation between R$_{23}$ and oxygen abundance presents the noticeable drawback of being double-valued. V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Esteban (1996) proposed S$_{23}$\\footnote{S$_{23}$ = ([SII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$6717,31 + [SIII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$9069,9532)/H$\\beta$} as an alternative abundance indicator. In contrast to oxygen, S$_{23}$ remains single-valued up to abundances above solar value. Furthermore, sulfur should be as useful as oxygen for tracing metallicity. From an observational point of view, S$_{23}$ has the advantage over R$_{23}$ that the [SII] and [SIII] lines are less affected by reddening (P\\'erez-Montero et al. 2005; hereinafter PM06). To produce an accurate derivation of S/H abundance, the importance of using the nebular [SIII] lines can not be overlooked (e.g. Dennefeld \\& Stasi\\'nska 1983; V\\'{\\i}lchez et al. 1988, Garnett 1989; Bresolin et al. 2004). Photoionization models indicate that S$^{++}$ is the dominant sulfur ion (Garnett 1989; hereinafter G89), which presents three forbidden transitions at [SIII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$9069,9532~$\\AA$~ and $\\lambda$6312~$\\AA$~ in the optical to near-IR (NIR) range (analogs to [OIII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$4959,5007~$\\AA$~ and $\\lambda$4363~$\\AA$). The [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~$\\AA$~line is faint, highly temperature-sensitive, and it can induce several biases in the derived S/H abundance. The NIR [SIII] lines can be quite strong, and a detailed telluric atmosphere correction has to be applied to them. P\\'erez-Montero \\& D\\'{\\i}az (2003) (hereinafter PMD03) and G89 derive the S$^{++}$ ionic abundance for samples of about one dozen emission-line galaxies, both using the nebular [SIII]$\\lambda$9069~$\\AA$~line. Recent work by Izotov et al. (2005) (hereinafter I05) presents S/H abundances for a large number of metal-poor emission-line galaxies from the SDSS-DR3\\footnote{Data Release 3 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey}; however, the auroral line [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~$\\AA$~ was used in this work to calculate the S$^{++}$ ionic abundance. Here we present long-slit spectrophotometric observations of a sample of 34 HII galaxies to make a detailed analysis of their chemical abundances. The wide coverage of our spectra ($\\lambda$3700~\\AA~ - 1$\\mu$m) for all the galaxies in the sample provides us all the emission lines needed to estimate the oxygen and sulfur abundances directly. All the S/H abundances were estimated using a nebular [SIII] line, so that uncertainties related to the use of the auroral line [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~\\AA~are avoided. In addition, this wavelength coverage allowed us to study the properties of the ionizing clusters of HII galaxies making use of the $\\eta$' parameter and sequences of photoionization models. In the next section we describe our sample of galaxies, the observations, and data reduction and present the line intensities. In Sect.3 we perform a comparative study between R$_{23}$ and S$_{23}$ abundance indicators, present an analysis about ionization structure and ionizing sources, and discuss the abundance results for the sample. Finally in Sect.4 we summarize our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Empirical abundance indicators for our sample} Commonly used strong line empirical abundance indicators are R$_{23}$ (Pagel et al. 1979; Edmunds \\& Pagel 1984; McCall et al. 1985; McGaugh 1991) and S$_{23(4)}$ (V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Esteban 1996; D\\'{\\i}az \\& P\\'erez-Montero 2000; Oey \\& Shields 2000; PM06). Though widely used, R$_{23}$ presents the drawback of having a double-valued relation with oxygen abundance, creating an intrinsic uncertainty on the derived O/H abundances. The turnover region of the relation R$_{23}$ vs. O/H takes place for log R$_{23}$ $\\gtrsim$ 0.9, corresponding to 8.0 $\\lesssim$ 12+log (O/H) $\\lesssim$ 8.4. In this region, R$_{23}$ is sensitive to ionization conditions but almost insensitive to O/H. Most of the HII galaxies from our sample show R$_{23}$ values within this ill- defined region, which is what we want to explore. The S$_{23}$ parameter introduced by V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Esteban (1996) has been used as an O/H abundance calibrator in D\\'{\\i}az $\\&$ P\\'erez-Montero (2000) and P\\'erez-Montero \\& D\\'{\\i}az 2005 (hereinafter PMD05). It has also been demonstrated that S$_{23}$ is an efficient S/H abundance calibrator in PM06. It presents several advantages over R$_{23}$. First, it has a lower dependence on the ionization parameter and remains single-valued up to metallicities higher than solar, 12+log (O/H)$_{\\odot}$ = 8.69 and 12+log (S/H)$_{\\odot}$ = 7.19 (Lodders 2003). Secondly, the sulfur emission lines are less affected by reddening. However, the spectral regions around the red [SIII] lines are affected by atmospheric absorption. The N2\\footnote{N2=log ([NII]$\\lambda$6584/H$\\alpha$)} parameter has also been proposed as an abundance indicator (Denicol\\'o et al. 2002; Van Zee et al. 1998). This parameter offers several advantages, because it involves easily measurable lines that are available for a wide redshift range (up to z $\\sim$ 2.5). The N2 vs. O/H relation seems monotonic and the [NII]/H$\\alpha$ ratio does not depend on reddening correction or flux calibration. The drawbacks are that the [NII] lines can be affected by other excitation sources (see Van Zee et al. 1998). In addition, N2 is sensitive to ionization conditions and relative N/O abundance variations. \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[bb= 18 510 592 718,width=14cm,clip]{4488fig3.ps} \\caption{The left panel presents the relation between S$_{23}$ and R$_{23}$; the middle and right panels show the relations between log (1.3{\\it x}[NII]6584/H$\\alpha$) and the empirical indicators of abundances, R$_{23}$ and S$_{23}$ respectively, for all galaxies of our sample.} \\label{S23_R23} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[bb=20 426 580 692,width=10cm,clip]{4488fig4.ps} \\caption{The left panel shows the relation of log ([SII]6717,31/H$\\alpha$) vs. log (1.3{\\it x}[NII]6584/H$\\alpha$); the right panel presents the relation between log ([SIII]/[SII]) and log S$_{23}$ for all galaxies of our sample.} \\label{NII_SII} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[bb=20 426 580 692,width=10cm,clip]{4488fig5.ps} \\caption{The left panel shows the relation log $\\eta$' vs. log S$_{23}$ for all galaxies in our sample. Full and empty symbols represent the objects with and without T$_{e}$[OIII], respectively. The right panel presents the relation between log (S$^{+}$/S$^{++}$) and log (O$^{+}$/O$^{++}$) for the galaxies with electron temperature; solid, short-dashed, and long-dashed lines show the loci for three series of photoionization models for T$_{eff}$=50kK, 40kK, and 30kK, respectively. See the text for details.} \\label{cumulos} \\end{figure*} Figure~\\ref{S23_R23}a shows the relation between S$_{23}$\\footnote{The S$_{23}$ values were derived using the sulfur emission lines quoted in Table~\\ref{fluxes}} and R$_{23}$\\footnote{The R$_{23}$ values were calculated using the oxygen emission lines from our blue spectra (Kehrig et al 2004).} for the galaxies of our sample. Although log R$_{23}$ values remain approximately constant for most galaxies, log S$_{23}$ values present a variation of approximately 0.8 dex. We can see that for galaxies in the turn-over region of the relation between $R_{23}$ and O/H, R$_{23}$ does not correlate with S$_{23}$. This fact is easily understood since the relationship between $S_{23}$ and O/H is not bivaluate in the metallicity range that we are interested in. Besides, Figs.~\\ref{S23_R23}b and c show that R$_{23}$ does not correlate with [NII]/H$\\alpha$, contrary to the behavior of S$_{23}$. Therefore, for objects located in the ill-defined region of R$_{23}$ vs. O/H, S$_{23}$ can be used to derive chemical abundances, especially the S/H abundance. \\subsection{Ionization structure and the ionizing sources} In photoionized regions like the ones we consider here, the physical properties that determine line intensities are the luminosities and temperatures of the ionizing stars, the gas density, the optical thickness to the ionizing photons, and the chemical abundances. Because S$_{23}$ is a combination of strong line intensities, it can be affected by several effects. Taking S$_{23}$ as an abundance indicator, we are not considering, to first order, the detailed effects produced by changes in the physical properties mentioned above. For this reason, it is important to check the sensitivity of S$_{23}$ to some of these properties. The optical thickness to ionizing photons is the first to assess. As can be seen in Fig.~\\ref{NII_SII}a, [NII]/H$\\alpha$ and [SII]/H$\\alpha$ present a strong correlation, discarding density boundary effects for the sample galaxies (see e.g. McCall et al. 1985); this correlation implies a statistically significant relation between N$^{+}$/N and S$^{+}$/S, as expected from standard HII region models. Ratios of line intensities of elements in different ionization stages, such as [OIII]/[OII] or [SIII]/[SII], are sensitive to combinations of the luminosity, the gas density and geometry, and the radiation hardness; but they are insensitive to abundances at first order, as they originate in the same element. Any variation with respect to such line ratios indicates a sensitivity to these physical parameters, though in a combination that might not be straightforward to derive. Figure~\\ref{NII_SII}b shows the dependence of S$_{23}$ on [SIII]/[SII]\\footnote{[SIII]/[SII] = [SIII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$9069,9532/[SII]$\\lambda$$\\lambda$6717,6731}. While [NII]/H$\\alpha$ shows a well-known dependence on the excitation degree (e.g. McCall et al. 1985), the dependence is much weaker for S$_{23}$, being mostly marginal. Despite the fact that S$_{23}$ possesses a narrower dynamical range than [NII]/H$\\alpha$, we consider it a better abundance indicator for our sample than [NII]/H$\\alpha$, since S$_{23}$ does not show any strong dependence on the ionization conditions. Having a wide wavelength coverage has allowed us to study the properties of the ionizing sources in our sample of HII galaxies. This study could help to constrain the range of applicability of photoionization models and stellar atmospheres in order to fit the observations, thus improving our understanding of the mechanisms that heat the HII regions in HII galaxies (Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer 1999; Thuan \\& Izotov 2005). A convenient hardness index is the parameter $\\eta$' introduced by V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Pagel (1988): \\[\\eta' = \\frac{[OII]\\lambda\\lambda3727,29/[OIII]\\lambda\\lambda4959,5007}{[SII]\\lambda\\lambda6717,31/[SIII]\\lambda\\lambda9069,9532} \\] This parameter has been recommended as a criterion for effective temperature of the ionizing star(s), T$_{eff}$, of HII regions, in the sense that softer ionizing spectra have higher values of $\\eta$' (e.g. V\\'{\\i}lchez \\& Pagel 1988; Kennicutt et al. 2000). In Fig.~\\ref{cumulos}a we present the behavior of the parameter $\\eta$' with respect to S$_{23}$ for our sample. Overall, we can see that $\\eta$' goes up with S$_{23}$, implying that the hardness of the ionizing spectra increases with lower gaseous metallicity for our sample of HII galaxies (e.g. Bresolin \\& Kennicutt 1999; Oey et al. 2000 and references therein; see also Mart\\'{\\i}n-Hernandez et al. 2002). A possible explanation for higher temperatures at lower metallicities has been suggested by Massey et al. (2004). They find that, for a range of stellar atmosphere models, stars of early through mid-O types in a Magellanic Cloud sample are 3000K-4000K hotter than their Galactic (metal-richer) counterparts; and they attribute their higher temperatures to the minor importance of wind emission, wind blanketing, and metal-line blanketing at lower metallicities. In Fig.~\\ref{cumulos}b we present the relationship between the ionic ratios S$^{+}$/S$^{++}$ and O$^{+}$/O$^{++}$ for the subset of HII galaxies with electron temperature. In this figure we show the loci of the average predictions of three sequences of single-star photoionization models (computed with the photoionization code Cloudy 96; Ferland 2002), performed using CoStar model atmospheres (Schaerer \\& de Koter 1997) T$_{eff}$=50kK, 40kK and 30kK. Along each line, the metallicities vary between $Z_{\\odot}$/20 and $Z_{\\odot}$/2, and the ionization parameter changes from log U = -2 to log U = -3 (a detailed description of the grids of the photo-ionization models used in this work can be found in PMD05). According to these models, a large fraction of the galaxies appear to harbor ionizing sources with spectra harder than the spectrum produced by a 50kK effective temperature CoStar atmosphere (Schaerer \\& de Koter 1997). Kennicutt et al. (2000) have found, for a sample of HII regions (in the Galaxy and Magellanic Cloud), that empirically-based stellar-temperature indices present a decrease in mean stellar temperature with increasing abundance. They show, however, that the typical T$_{eff}$ for their HII regions are below $\\sim$ 55kK (at $Z_{\\odot}$/5), in agreement with the model-based results by Bresolin et al. (1999). Though any calibration of nebular empirical parameters in terms of T$_{eff}$ should be a function of the atmosphere and photoionization models used, it seems that T$_{eff}$ $\\sim$ 55kK represents a reasonable upper limit for the effective temperature in HII regions in contrast to HII galaxies. These findings suggest the existence of very hard spectral energy distributions as ionizing sources in some HII galaxies. Stasi\\'nska \\& Schaerer (1999), modelling the HII regions in IZw18, argue that extra heating sources might well exist, in addition to ionizing clusters, giving rise to large temperature variations and enhancing the [OIII]$\\lambda$4363 emission. I05 have also invoked extra heating sources (i.e. X-ray ionizing sources) to explain the high-ionization emission lines observed in some metal-poor emission-line galaxies. More observations, covering a wide range in wavelength, as well as dedicated work using photoionization models for evolving starbursts with a library of different ionizing spectra, are needed to further investigate the above suggestions. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=9cm,clip]{4488fig6.ps} \\caption{A comparison between the measured line temperatures of [OIII] and [SIII]. The electron temperatures, t$_{e}$[OIII] and t$_{e}$[SIII], are shown in units of 10$^{4}$K. The dashed and solid lines are the photoionization models'relation between these temperatures from PMD05 and I05, respectively.} \\label{graf_temp} \\end{figure} \\begin{table*} \\caption{Physical properties and chemical abundances for the galaxies with S/H and O/H derived directly} \\label{6gal} \\centering \\renewcommand{\\footnoterule}{} \\begin{minipage}{\\textwidth} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccc} \\hline\\hline Object & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{IIZW40} & Tol0226-390 & Tol1924-416 & Tol0538-416 \\\\ &G89\\footnote{References - G89: Garnett (1989), PMD03: P\\'erez-Montero \\& D\\'{\\i}az (2003)} &PMD03$^{a}$ &This Work & & & & & \\\\ \\hline $n_{e}$([SII]) &100. &290$\\pm$60 &197$\\pm$167 &221 $\\pm$64 &78$\\pm$28 &$\\leq$ 100.\\footnote{Low Density Limit} \\\\ $T_{e}$([SIII])/10$^{4}$K &1.35$\\pm$0.12 &1.30$\\pm$0.05 &1.04\\footnote{$T_{e}$([SIII]) derived using [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~\\AA~ line from the red spectra}$\\pm$0.10 &1.40$^{c}$$\\pm$ 0.18 &1.43$^{c}$$\\pm$ 0.17 & 1.29$^{c}$$\\pm$ 0.20 \\\\ $T_{e}$([OIII])/10$^{4}$K &1.33$\\pm$0.02 &1.34$\\pm$0.03 &1.35$\\pm$ 0.06 & 1.19$\\pm$ 0.04 & 1.39$\\pm$ 0.07 & 1.30$\\pm$ 0.06 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) &5.21 $\\pm$0.09 &5.21$\\pm$0.09 &5.23$\\pm$ 0.12 & 5.81$\\pm$ 0.07 & 5.50$\\pm$ 0.06 & 6.18$\\pm$ 0.04 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) &6.00 $\\pm$0.11 &5.99$\\pm$0.04 &6.24$\\pm$0.14 &6.17$\\pm$0.16 &5.91$\\pm$ 0.13 & 6.20$\\pm$ 0.21 \\\\ 12+log[(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$)/H$^{+}$] &6.07$\\pm$0.11 &6.07$\\pm$0.05 & 6.28$\\pm$ 0.14 & 6.33$\\pm$ 0.13 & 6.06$\\pm$ 0.11 & 6.49$\\pm$ 0.13 \\\\ ICF(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$) &1.95 &1.86 & 1.98 & 1.05 & 1.06 & 1.06 \\\\ 12+log (S/H) &6.36$\\pm$0.11 &6.34$\\pm$0.05 & 6.53$\\pm$ 0.34 & 6.35$\\pm$ 0.14 & 6.08$\\pm$ 0.12 & 6.53$\\pm$ 0.14 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) &6.95$\\pm$0.07 &7.08$\\pm$0.07 & 6.88$\\pm$ 0.26 & 7.37$\\pm$ 0.15 & 7.13$\\pm$ 0.14 & 6.99$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) &8.01$\\pm$0.02 &8.03$\\pm$0.08 & 7.96$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.94$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.83$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.79$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 12+log (O/H) &8.05$\\pm$0.02 &8.08$\\pm$0.03 & 7.99$\\pm$ 0.09 &8.05$\\pm$ 0.09 &7.91$\\pm$ 0.09 & 7.86$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ \\hline\\hline Object & Cam0840+1201 & CTS1008 & UM238 & Tol0104+388 & UM306 & UM307 \\\\ \\hline $n_{e}$([SII]) &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &169$\\pm$50 &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &111$\\pm$109 &845$\\pm$102 \\\\ $T_{e}$([SIII])/10$^{4}$K & 1.59$^{c}$$\\pm$ 0.38 & 1.22$^{c}$$\\pm$ 0.22 & 1.61\\footnote{$T_{e}$([SIII]) derived from the relation $T_{e}$([SIII]) = 10500$T_{e}$([OIII]) - 800, see the text for details.}$\\pm$ 0.09 & 0.85\\footnote{$T_{e}$([SIII]) derived using [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~\\AA~ line from the blue spectra}$\\pm$ 0.08 & 1.13$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.17 & 1.08$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ $T_{e}$([OIII])/10$^{4}$K & 1.36$\\pm$ 0.06 & 1.24$\\pm$ 0.05 & 1.61$\\pm$ 0.09 & 1.55$\\pm$ 0.08 & 1.21$\\pm$ 0.05 & 1.11$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) & 5.52$\\pm$ 0.05 & 5.50$\\pm$ 0.11 & 5.54$\\pm$ 0.17 & 6.13$\\pm$ 0.03 & 5.83$\\pm$ 0.05 & 6.40$\\pm$ 0.17 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) & 6.00$\\pm$ 0.29 & 6.20$\\pm$ 0.22 & 5.34$\\pm$ 0.09 & 6.96$\\pm$ 0.16 & 6.36$\\pm$ 0.24 & 6.31$\\pm$ 0.10 \\\\ 12+log[(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$)/H$^{+}$] & 6.12$\\pm$ 0.24 & 6.28$\\pm$ 0.20 & 5.75$\\pm$ 0.14 & 7.02$\\pm$ 0.14 & 6.48$\\pm$ 0.20 & 6.66$\\pm$ 0.14 \\\\ ICF(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$) & 1.74 & 1.09 & 1.01 & 1.00 & 1.09 & 1.04 \\\\ 12+log (S/H) & 6.36$\\pm$ 0.33 & 6.32$\\pm$ 0.22 & 5.76$\\pm$ 0.14 & 7.02$\\pm$ 0.18 & 6.52$\\pm$ 0.21 & 6.68$\\pm$ 0.14 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) & 6.86$\\pm$ 0.14 & 6.90$\\pm$ 0.27 & 7.60$\\pm$ 0.36 & 8.33$\\pm$ 0.09 & 7.75$\\pm$ 0.07 & 8.68$\\pm$ 0.35 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) & 7.77$\\pm$ 0.07 & 8.01$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.65$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.53$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.92$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.57$\\pm$ 0.11 \\\\ 12+log (O/H) & 7.82$\\pm$ 0.08 & 8.05$\\pm$ 0.09 & 7.92$\\pm$ 0.23 & 8.40$\\pm$ 0.09 & 8.14$\\pm$ 0.07 & 8.71$\\pm$ 0.34 \\\\ \\hline\\hline Object & UM323 & Tol0140+420 & UM391 & UM396 & UM408 & Tol0306+405 \\\\ \\hline $n_{e}$([SII]) &630:$^{f}$ &144:\\footnote{Upper limit} &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &220$\\pm$64 \\\\ $T_{e}$([SIII])/10$^{4}$K & 1.35$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.14 & 2.25$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.65 & 1.09$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.10 & 1.31$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.06 & 1.71$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.11 & 1.94$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.71 \\\\ $T_{e}$([OIII])/10$^{4}$K & 1.87$\\pm$ 0.12 & 1.31$\\pm$ 0.06 & 1.12$\\pm$ 0.09 & 1.32$\\pm$ 0.06 & 1.71$\\pm$ 0.10 & 1.29$\\pm$ 0.06 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) & 5.88$\\pm$ 0.13 & 5.83$\\pm$ 0.07 & 6.02$\\pm$ 0.05 & 5.30$\\pm$ 0.04 & 5.36$\\pm$ 0.05 & 5.94$\\pm$ 0.04 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) & 5.86$\\pm$ 0.13 & 5.83$\\pm$ 0.28 & 6.33$\\pm$ 0.14 & 6.33$\\pm$ 0.12 & 5.47$\\pm$ 0.10 & 5.56$\\pm$ 0.43 \\\\ 12+log[(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$)/H$^{+}$] & 6.17$\\pm$ 0.13 & 6.13$\\pm$ 0.19 & 6.50$\\pm$ 0.11 & 6.37$\\pm$ 0.11 & 5.72$\\pm$ 0.08 & 6.09$\\pm$ 0.19 \\\\ ICF(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$) & 1.02 & 1.03 & 1.02 & 1.78 & 1.01 & 1.01 \\\\ 12+log (S/H) & 6.18$\\pm$ 0.13 & 6.16$\\pm$ 0.18 & 6.51$\\pm$ 0.11 & 6.61$\\pm$ 0.17 & 5.73$\\pm$ 0.08 & 6.13$\\pm$ 0.16 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) & 7.99$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.51$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.49$\\pm$ 0.12 & 7.03$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.18$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.78$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) & 7.37$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.78$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.37$\\pm$ 0.14 & 7.97$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.56$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.90$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ 12+log (O/H) & 8.08$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.96$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.74$\\pm$ 0.13 & 8.01$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.71$\\pm$ 0.08 & 8.15$\\pm$ 0.07 \\\\ \\hline\\hline Object & Cam0357+3915 & CTS1006 & Tol2138+397 & Tol2146+391 & Tol2240+384 & UM151\\footnote{[OII]$\\lambda$3727~\\AA~ line could not be measured for UM151} \\\\ \\hline $n_{e}$([SII]) &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ &132$\\pm$80 &$\\leq$ 100.$^{b}$ \\\\ $T_{e}$([SIII])/10$^{4}$K & 1.52$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.08 & 1.42$^{e}$$\\pm$ 0.12 & 1.99$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.14 & 1.68$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.10 & 1.60$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.09 &1.88$^{d}$$\\pm$ 0.12 \\\\ $T_{e}$([OIII])/10$^{4}$K & 1.52$\\pm$ 0.08 & 1.31$\\pm$ 0.06 & 1.97$\\pm$ 0.13 & 1.68$\\pm$ 0.10 & 1.60$\\pm$ 0.09 & 1.86$\\pm$ 0.12 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) & 5.07$\\pm$ 0.07 & 5.70$\\pm$ 0.07 & 5.20$\\pm$ 0.04 & 4.93$\\pm$ 0.05 & 5.19$\\pm$ 0.05 & 5.77$\\pm$ 0.06 \\\\ 12+log(S$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) & 5.86$\\pm$ 0.11 & 6.03$\\pm$ 0.09 & 5.82$\\pm$ 0.12 & 6.20$\\pm$ 0.08 & 5.68$\\pm$ 0.20 & 6.13$\\pm$ 0.13 \\\\ 12+log[(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$)/H$^{+}$] & 5.93$\\pm$ 0.10 & 6.20$\\pm$ 0.09 & 5.91$\\pm$ 0.10 & 6.22$\\pm$ 0.07 & 5.80$\\pm$ 0.17 & 6.29$\\pm$0.11 \\\\ ICF(S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$) & 1.14 & 1.06 & 1.12 & 1.10 & 1.14 & 1.04 \\\\ 12+log (S/H) & 5.98$\\pm$ 0.13 & 6.22$\\pm$ 0.09 & 5.96$\\pm$ 0.12 & 6.26$\\pm$ 0.09 & 5.86$\\pm$ 0.20 &6.31$\\pm$0.12 \\\\ 12+log(O$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) &6.33$\\pm$0.14 & 7.54$\\pm$ 0.15 & 6.69$\\pm$ 0.07 & 5.88$\\pm$ 0.10 & 6.92$\\pm$ 0.08 & --- \\\\ 12+log(O$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) &7.78$\\pm$ 0.08 &7.82$\\pm$ 0.07 & 7.31$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.61$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.70$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.05 $\\pm$ 0.08 \\\\ 12+log (O/H) &7.79$\\pm$ 0.08 & 8.00$\\pm$ 0.10 & 7.41$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.62$\\pm$ 0.08 & 7.77$\\pm$ 0.08 & --- \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{minipage} \\end{table*} \\subsection{Physical properties and chemical abundances} \\label{total_abund} The physical properties and chemical abundances of the ionized gas were calculated for these galaxies following the 5-level atom FIVEL program (Shaw \\& Dufour 1994) available in the task IONIC of the STSDAS package. The final quoted errors in the derived quantities were calculated by error propagation including errors in flux measurements, atmospheric corrections, and temperatures. For the [SIII] lines we adopted the most recent atomic coefficients (Tayal \\& Gupta 1999). Electron densities were obtained from the [SII]$\\lambda$6717/$\\lambda$6731~\\AA~line ratio. We could derive the electron temperature values of T$_{e}$[SIII], T$_{e}$[OIII], T$_{e}$[OII], and T$_{e}$[SII] by combining the data from our blue (Kehrig et al. 2004) and red spectra. Using the [OIII]$\\lambda$4363\\AA/$\\lambda\\lambda$4959,5007~\\AA~line ratio, we derived the T$_{e}$[OIII] for 21 galaxies of the sample. The T$_{e}$[SIII] was calculated from the [SIII]$\\lambda$6312/$\\lambda\\lambda$9069,9532~\\AA~line ratio for 14 galaxies with a measurement of the [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~\\AA~ line. For the 8 galaxies without any measurement of the [SIII]$\\lambda$6312~\\AA~line and with T$_{e}$[OIII], a theoretical relation between [OIII] and [SIII] electron temperatures (PMD05) was used: \\[T_{e}[SIII] = 10,500T_{e}[OIII]-800\\] In total we have 22 galaxies with a measurement of T$_{e}$[SIII]. In order to derive T$_{e}$[SIII] temperature and S$^{++}$ abundances, whenever possible we used the [SIII]$\\lambda$9069~\\AA~fluxes, given that the flux of [SIII]$\\lambda$9532~\\AA~seems to be affected by partial blending of the P8 line. However, when the [SIII]$\\lambda$9069~\\AA~line falls inside the absorption band head due to the redshift of the galaxy, the flux of the [SIII]$\\lambda$9532~\\AA~line was used if this line was not close to the 1$\\mu$m limit, where the flux calibration becomes highly uncertain. Regarding [SII] temperatures, for those objects without the [SII] auroral line at $\\lambda$4068~\\AA~we took the approximation T$_{e}$[SII] $\\approx$ T$_{e}$[OII] as valid. We could derive T$_{e}$[OII] using the [OII]$\\lambda$ $\\lambda$3727/7325~\\AA~line ratio for 16 objects of the sample. For the rest of the objects not presenting any auroral line in the low excitation zone, we used the model-predicted relations between T$_{e}$[OII] and T$_{e}$[OIII] found in PMD03, which explicitly take the dependence of T$_{e}$[OII] on electron density into account. In most cases the agreement between our line-intensity measurements in the blue and in the red spectra is good; we thus have adopted the values with the smaller observational errors to derive line temperatures. Otherwise, for T$_{e}$[SIII] and T$_{e}$[SII], we used the line intensities corresponding to the red spectra. The relationship between both temperatures, T$_{e}$[OIII] and T$_{e}$[SIII], is shown in Fig.~\\ref{graf_temp} for all our galaxies with electron temperature and the sample of HII galaxies and HII regions compiled in PMD03, together with photoionization model relations. We note that there are two behaviors. While most HII regions show lower T$_{e}$[SIII] values than the ones provided by the photoionization models relations, many HII galaxies present higher T$_{e}$[SIII] values than the ones predicted by the models. The same trend can be noticed for the sample of metal-poor emission-line galaxies in I05 (their Fig.4), for a range of T$_{e}$[OIII] from 1x10$^{4}$K to 2.0x10$^{4}$K. This fact suggests that HII regions and HII galaxies probably present different spatial temperature structures. In order to compute the total sulfur abundances, we need to evaluate the corresponding ICF. A detailed study of the ICF scheme for sulfur is described in PM06. According to this work, for the objects with log ([SIII]/[SII]) $\\geq$ 0.4, we made use of the formula of Barker with $\\alpha$ =2.5 (Barker 1980). For the rest of the objects in the sample, we used the predictions of photoionization models for CoStar atmospheres (see Fig.3 in PM06). These predictions indicate rather low values of the ICF, independent of the ionizing effective temperature of the models. With regard to the oxygen ICF, a small fraction of O/H is expected to be in the form of O$^{3+}$ ion in the high-excitation HII regions when the HeII$\\lambda$4686 emission line is detected. We have a measurement of the HeII$\\lambda$4686 emission line in 6 galaxies of our sample. According to the photoionization models from Stasi\\'nska \\& Izotov (2003), the O$^{3+}$/O can be on the order of 1$\\%$ only in the highest-excitation HII regions [O$^{+}$/(O$^{+}$ + O$^{2+}$) $\\leq$ 0.1]; therefore, taking our abundance results into account, we assumed that this correction is negligible in our sample. Physical conditions, chemical abundances, and ICFs of sulfur for the galaxies with a measurement of the T$_{e}$[SIII] are quoted in Table~\\ref{6gal}. From this Table we can see that there are six galaxies with 12+log (O/H) varying between 7.4 and 7.8. These objects are among the galaxies with very low metallicity. For the objects without T$_{e}$[SIII], we used the strong line calibration of the total S/H abundance as a function of S$_{23}$, presented by PM06, to derive the total S/H abundance. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=7.0cm,clip]{4488fig7.ps} \\caption{\\footnotesize The distribution of total sulfur abundance for our sample of galaxies. The dashed and empty histograms show the number of galaxies with S/H derived from $T_{e}$[SIII] (see Table~\\ref{6gal}) and obtained from the S$_{23}$ calibration, respectively (see the text for details).} \\label{hist} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[bb=21 260 570 591,width=\\columnwidth,clip]{4488fig8.ps} \\caption{\\footnotesize The observed sulfur-to-oxygen abundance ratio for the subset of galaxies of the sample with $T_{e}$[OIII] plotted as a function of the oxygen abundance. The solar value is shown. The dashed lines are +/- (1$\\sigma$) of the mean as shown by the continuous line.} \\label{S_H_O_H} \\end{figure} The only galaxy of our sample for which we can compare the S/H abundance derived in this work with previous S/H abundance determinations in the literature is IIZw40. This galaxy has been observed by G89 and PMD03. In Table~\\ref{6gal} we present the results for IIZw40 obtained by the three works. In order to minimize possible reddening corrections effects in the abundance calculation for this galaxy, we referred the flux of each sulfur line we measured to a nearby hydrogen line. In the case of 12+log (S$^{+}$/H$^{+}$) ionic abundance the three values are close to each other; the value of the 12+log (S$^{++}$/H$^{+}$) ionic abundance, derived in this work is higher than the previous ones by up to some 0.2 dex. We believe that this fact could be the result of our systematic absorption correction procedure. Figure \\ref{hist} shows the distribution of sulfur abundance derived for our sample of HII galaxies. The empty and dashed histograms represent the distribution of S/H derived with S$_{23}$ for all the objects and obtained from T$_{e}$[SIII], respectively. Most of the galaxies present total S/H abundance values that are between 1/20 solar to solar\\footnote{12+log (S/H)$_{\\odot}$ = 7.19 $\\pm$ 0.04 (Lodders 2003)}. This is an expected behavior since our sample is composed mainly of low-luminosity galaxies. Besides, we note that the dashed histogram peak corresponds to total S/H abundance value lower than the S/H maximum of the empty histogram. It suggests that, in order to know the overall metallicity distribution of a sample of galaxies, it would be worth making use of an efficient empirical abundance indicator. Hoyos $\\&$ D{\\'{\\i}}az (2006) found a similar result by studying the O/H abundance for a sample of HII galaxies. The abundances obtained in this work allow us to study the dependence of S/H as a function of O/H in low metallicity environments. In Fig.~\\ref{S_H_O_H} we show the relationship between the S/O abundance ratio and total O/H abundance for the subset of galaxies with T$_{e}$[OIII] and T$_{e}$[SIII]. The value of the sigma weighted mean for log(S/O) is -1.68$\\pm$0.20 dex. The galaxy with nearly solar metallicity (UM307) is classified as an SABd from HYPERLEDA database\\footnote{leda.univ-lyon1.fr (Paturel 2003)}. Evaluating the contribution of all observational errors to the derivation of these abundances, we can conclude at this level of uncertainty that there is no statistical evidence of any systematic variation of S/O with O/H for this range of abundances. Therefore, our results agree with a constant S/O ratio and lower (1$\\sigma$) than the solar ratio for this type of emission-line object. This result indicates that sulfur and oxygen appear to be produced by the same massive stars, as expected by current nucleosynthesis prescriptions (see Pagel 1997 and references therein). In recent works, I05 and PM06 indicate that HII galaxy data are consistent with a constant S/O ratio, but somewhat lower than the current solar ratio. Regarding disk HII regions, the dispersion in S/O appears much larger and the assumptions of a constant S/O is questionable there. These results suggest that the assumption that the S/O ratio is constant at all abundances remains controversial (e.g Bresolin et al. 2004) and should be explored further, particularly at the not very well-known metallicity ends: extremely metal deficient HII galaxies (i.e. very low O/H) and HII regions in the inner disk of galaxies (i.e. metal rich central parts with highest O/H)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606060.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present the type-1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) sample extracted from the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey first observations of 21000 spectra in 1.75 deg$^2$. This sample, which is purely magnitude limited, free of morphological or color selection biases, contains 130 broad line AGN (BLAGN) spectra with redshift up to 5. Our data are divided into a wide ($I_{AB} \\le 22.5$) and a deep ($I_{AB} \\le 24$) subsample containing 56 and 74 objects respectively. Because of its depth and selection criteria, this sample is uniquely suited to study the population of faint type-1 AGN. Our measured surface density ($\\sim 472 \\pm 48$ BLAGN per square degree with $I_{AB} \\le 24$) is significantly higher than that of any other optically selected sample of BLAGN with spectroscopic confirmation. By applying a morphological and color analysis to our AGN sample we find that: (1) $\\sim 23 \\%$ of the AGN brighter than $I_{AB}=22.5$ are classified as extended; this percentage increases to $\\sim$ 42 \\% for those with $z < 1.6$; (2) a non-negligible fraction of our BLAGN are lying close to the color space area occupied by stars in $u^*-g'$ versus $g'-r'$ color-color diagram. This leads us to the conclusion that classical optical ultraviolet preselection technique, if employed at such deep magnitudes ($I_{AB}=22.5$) in conjuction with a preselection of point-like sources, can miss miss up to $\\sim 35\\%$ of the AGN population. Finally, we present a composite spectrum of our sample of objects. While the continuum shape is very similar to that of the SDSS composite at short wavelengths, it is much redder than it at $\\lambda \\ge 3000$ \\AA . We interpret this as due to significant contamination from emission of the host galaxies, as expected from the faint absolute magnitudes sampled by our survey. ", "introduction": "Recent surveys such as 2QZ and SDSS produce quasi-stellar object (QSO) spectra by the thousands \\citep{Croom2004,Richards2002}, demonstrating the high efficiency of optical color selection techniques used since the pioneering work by \\citet{Sandage1965}. Spectroscopic targets are preselected based on their location in multidimensional color space (far from main sequence stars) and their morphology (point-like appearance, to avoid galaxies). The drawback of such prerequisites is that some subsets of the underlying QSO population may be under-represented in these surveys, thereby possibly biasing our current understanding of this population of objects. The preselection of non-resolved objects prevents the selection of faint active nuclei in relatively bright galaxies and introduces incompleteness at low redshift. Moreover, the selection of unresolved objects is highly dependent on the quality of the imaging data. The ultraviolet (UV) excess selection is efficient only up to $z\\sim2.3$, and the evolving track of standard QSO crosses over main sequence stars near $z \\sim 2.5 \\pm 0.5$ in most optical broad band color-color planes. While it is difficult to identify AGN candidates in this redshift range, it is also at this epoch that a maximum in the QSO space density seems to be observed \\citep{Wall2005}, although there is now clear indication, at least for the X-ray selected AGN, that this maximum is dependent on the intrinsic luminosity \\citep{Hasinger2005}. % % % It is therefore essential to obtain unbiased samples at these high redshifts to trace and understand the accretion history onto supermassive black holes, which is believed to be the origin of the AGN phenomena. Other criteria have been used to select AGN samples such as spectral energy distribution of objects in slitless spectroscopic plates \\citep{Hewett1995,Wisotzki2000}, variability and low proper motion \\citep{Brunzendorf2002} or radio emission \\citep{Jackson2002,Ivezic2002}, but they are always biased toward some subsets of the population. X-ray surveys are an efficient alternative to traditional optically selected samples and, indeed, they have allowed to derive, with good statistics, luminosity function and evolution of various classes of X-ray emitting AGN (e.g. absorbed and unabsorbed AGN in the X-ray band, soft and hard X-ray selected, see \\citealp{Miyaji2000,Ueda2003,Hasinger2005}). However, the comparison of the results obtained for X-ray and optically selected AGN is not straightforward both because of the different composition of the samples (X-ray samples contain large fraction of obscured AGN, without broad emission lines in their optical spectra) and of the somewhat different definition of AGN which is usually adopted in the X-ray surveys (e.g. any source with an X-ray luminosity and/or an X-ray to optical luminosity ratio above given thresholds). The identification of faint type I AGN in a complete magnitude limited optical sample has been attempted in the Canada France Redshift Survey (CFRS) with 6 QSO identified among 943 spectra down to a limiting magnitude of $I_{AB} = 22.5$ \\citep{Schade1996}. To probe fainter magnitude the COMBO-17 project identifies AGN from their spectral energy distribution (SED) based on photometry in a set of 17 filters. They selected 192 objects over 0.78 square degree down to a magnitude $R = 24$ with $z >1.2$ \\citep{Wolf2003}. Although the technique developed by this team leads to a good redshift accuracy ($\\Delta z\\sim0.03$), it can be affected by some 'catastrophic errors' in region of the color space where various identifications are possible or in the case of objects with SED deviating from the reference set of templates. In the present paper we present a spectroscopic catalog of broad emission line objects obtained from the purely flux limited spectroscopic sample of the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). This sample, free of any color or morphological biases, can be considered as a minimally biased sample to explore the population of optically non-obscured QSO at the faint end of the luminosity function. Our completeness is essentially set by the S/N ratio at which a broad emission line can be reliably identified in our spectra. The data are divided into a wide ($I_{AB} \\le 22.5$) and a deep ($I_{AB} \\le 24$) subsample containing 56 and 74 objects respectively. The limiting magnitude of our deep sample is well beyond the limit of other optical spectroscopic surveys of AGN. In the following section we describe briefly the VVDS imaging and spectroscopic surveys. In Section \\ref{Catalog} and \\ref{SF} we describe the process of AGN identification in the VVDS and the corresponding selection function. In Sections \\ref{Counts}, \\ref{Zdistrib} and \\ref{Morphcol} we present the surface density of BLAGN, the redshift distribution and the morphological and color properties of our sample. The composite spectrum of our sample of objects is presented and discussed in section \\ref{sec:composite}. %==================================================================== % Observations % %==================================================================== ", "conclusions": "%\\subsection{selection function} This paper describes a complete sample of 130 BLAGN selected from the VVDS first epoch spectroscopic catalog down to $I_{AB} = 24$. It is the first spectroscopic BLAGN catalog of this size at such faint magnitudes, purely magnitude limited and free of preselection biases. %\\subsection{counts} The VVDS deep and wide complete samples contain 74 and 56 BLAGN respectively in this first release. A total of about 250 to 300 BLAGN are expected when the VVDS will be completed. We measure cumulative surface densities of $ 472 \\pm 48$ BLAGN per sq. deg. with $I_{AB} \\le 24$. %\\subsection{z distribution} The redshift distribution ranges from 0 to 5 while the mean redshift in both the WIDE and DEEP samples is 1.8. So, by pushing our magnitude limit from $I_{AB} = 22.5$ to $I_{AB} = 24$ the result is not to increase the mean redshift of the sample, but rather to explore the faint end of the luminosity function at all redshifts. %\\subsection{Morphological and color analysis} By comparing the $u-g$, $g-r$ color distribution of our AGN population with $z < 2.3$ and $I_{AB} < 22.5$ to the complete VVDS photometric catalog of stellar-like objects, we find that $\\sim 35\\%$ of the AGN present in our sample would be missed by the usual UV excess and morphological criteria used for the preselection of optical QSO candidates in this redshift range. Most of the extended VVDS BLAGN are below the redshift $z=1.6$, a redshift range where 42\\% of VVDS BLAGN are extended. The VVDS BLAGN have redder colors at the faint end of the luminosity function. Although we cannot exclude that the intrinsic spectrum of BLAGN is redder at faint luminosity or that the redder color it is due to the presence of dust, there are evidences that this effect is due to contamination by the continuum of the host galaxy at faint magnitudes. Indeed, 35\\% of the VVDS BLAGN have magnitudes fainter than $M_B=-23$. %\\subsection{spectra analysis} This contamination is also seen in the composite spectrum obtained by co-adding the individual spectra in their rest frame. A comparison of the VVDS and SDSS composite QSO spectra shows that the VVDS continuum is significantly redder than the SDSS one, especially at long wavelengths. %\\subsection{prospects} In the context of the study of the VVDS luminosity function and its evolution \\citep{Bongiorno2006}, our BLAGN sample has two interesting properties. First, it is free of biases in the redshift range $2 30 \\mu m$ continuum of QSOs. To investigate the link between AGN activity and star formation and the extent to which they occur simultaneously, it is important to quantify the star formation activity in QSO hosts. Such measurements are made difficult, however, by the observational problems of detecting star formation tracers in the presence of extremely powerful AGN emission. SED studies based on the \\IRAS\\ and \\ISO\\ space missions have established QSOs as sources of (sometimes) strong far-infrared emission. \\citep[e.g.][]{neugebauer86,haas03}. In addition to a nonthermal continuum that is detectable in the infrared only in flat spectrum radio-loud QSOs \\citep[e.g.][]{haas98}, a strong far-infrared emission component is often observed, at varying levels with respect to the strong AGN mid-infrared continuum. Due to its steep falloff in the submillimeter regime, the origin of this far-infrared emission must be thermal emission of optically thin dust \\citep{chini89,hughes93}. While the warmer T$\\sim$200K dust, which dominates the mid-infrared SEDs of QSOs, is generally accepted to be predominantly AGN heated, there is still considerable dispute about the origin of the cooler T$\\sim$50K emission often dominating the far-infrared. Direct heating by the powerful AGN, but at distances ensuring sufficently low temperatures, is one possibility \\citep[e.g.][]{sanders89,haas03,ho05}. Other models prefer an origin in vigorous star formation in the QSO host \\citep[e.g.][]{roro95}. \\cite{roro95} used radiative transfer modelling to infer an SED of AGN heated dust that, in $\\nu$L$_\\nu$ units, peaks in the mid-IR and decays towards the far-infrared, a feature shared by many other such models. In the QSO SEDs that are often flat over a wide wavelength range including the far-infrared, the far-infrared component is then plausibly ascribed to a component with an SED similar to that of a star-forming galaxy, in accordance with evidence for coexistence of star formation and AGN in spatially resolved lower luminosity AGN. \\Citet{roro95} found a tight correlation of AGN optical emission and mid-infrared continuum and a weaker correlation between optical and far-infrared emission, which is supporting the view that the far-infrared does not result directly from AGN heating but that there is a connection between AGN and starburst luminosities in the QSOs. Our goals are to quantify star formation in QSO hosts and to estimate its contribution to the the far-infrared emission. In the mid-infrared, the contrast between the emission from possibly dust-obscured star formation and from the central AGN is favourable, and established star formation tracers are available. We use two such tracers: (1) The mid-infrared broad aromatic `PAH' emission features arise in regions of the interstellar medium of a galaxy where their aromatic carriers are present, and where their transient excitation is made possible by a non-ionizing ($<13.6$eV) soft UV radiation field. This is the case in the photodissociation regions (PDRs) that accompany Galactic star formation regions \\citep[e.g.][]{verstraete96}, as well as in the diffuse interstellar medium where they are excited by the general interstellar UV radiation field that has leaked from its OB star origins to large scales \\citep[e.g.][]{mattila96}. PAHs have been used as a quantitative tracer of star formation in galaxies \\citep[e.g.][]{genzel98, foerster04, calzetti05}. Metallicity above 0.2 solar is a prerequisite for strong PAH emission \\citep{engelbracht05}, a condition that is probably safely met for local QSO hosts. Destruction of the PAH carriers in energetic environments but survival in starburst PDRs (though not in \\hii\\ regions proper) is key for the use of PAH features as diagnostic. The PAH features are absent from the hard radiation environment of AGNs according to both empirical \\citep[e.g.][]{roche91,lefloch01,siebenmorgen04a} and theoretical \\citep{voit92} studies. The latter suggest that PAH molecules hit by single energetic EUV/X-ray photons can be efficiently destroyed by photo-thermo dissociation or Coulomb explosion. Since AGN are copious emitters of hard photons, PAH molecules near AGN will be destroyed unless shielded by a large obscuring column. (2) The low excitation fine-structure emission lines like \\ne212m \\ are among the dominant emission lines of HII regions. Observations of starburst galaxies, as well as a combination of evolutionary synthesis and photoionization modelling, show \\ne212m \\ to be stronger than higher excitation mid-infrared lines ([NeV], [OIV], [NeIII]) in typical ionized regions excited by young stellar populations \\citep{thornley00,verma03}. Use of low excitation lines as star formation tracers requires, however, the consideration of possible contributions from the AGN Narrow Line Region (NLR) which can be significant despite the generally higher excitation of such regions \\citep[e.g.][]{spinoglio92,alexander99} compared to starburst \\hii\\ regions. Section 2 of the paper describes the sample, observations and data reduction used to obtain the line and continuum fluxes in our sources. Emission lines that are relevant to the present study are tabulated for all sources. In Section 3 we discuss the widespread presence of PAH emission and its relation to other components of the QSO spectra. Finally, Section 4 addresses the issue of star formation in host galaxies of QSOs, shows the importance of this process and compares our results with earlier findings. In a forthcoming paper, we discuss the implications of our results for QSO SEDs in general. We adopt $\\Omega_m =0.3$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda =0.7$ and $H_0=70$ km\\,s$^{-1}$\\,Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "Sensitive \\spitzer\\ mid-infrared spectroscopy reveals the widespread presence of aromatic `PAH' emission features in z$\\lesssim 0.3$ QSOs from the Palomar-Green sample, indicating the presence of powerful (\\nulnu60 $\\sim 1.7\\times 10^{10}$ to 2.5$\\times 10^{12}\\Lsun$) star formation activity in these systems. Starburst and AGN activity are connected in QSOs up to these high luminosities. By comparing the ratios of \\pahIR, \\ne212m , and far-infrared emission in QSOs with starbursts we conclude that for the average QSO in our sample at least 30\\% and likely most of the QSO far-infrared emission is due to star formation. The data suggest a trend with the star formation contribution being the largest in the most FIR-luminous QSOs." }, "0606/astro-ph0606472_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Molecular hydrogen observations towards Herbig-Haro objects provide the possibility of studying physical processes related to star formation.} {Observations towards the luminous IRAS source IRAS11101-5928 and the associated Herbig-Haro objects HH135/HH136 are obtained to understand whether high-mass stars form via the same physical processes as their low-mass counterparts. } {Near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy are used to infer H$_2$ excitation characteristics. A theoretical H$_2$ spectrum is constructed from a thermal ro-vibrational population distribution and compared to the observations. } {The observations reveal the presence of a well-collimated, parsec-sized H$_2$ outflow with a total H$_2$ luminosity of about $2L_\\odot$. The bulk of the molecular gas is characterized by a ro-vibrational excitation temperature of $2000\\pm200$~K. A small fraction (0.3\\%) of the molecular gas is very hot, with excitation temperatures around 5500~K. The molecular emission is associated with strong [FeII] emission. The H$_2$ and [FeII] emission characteristics indicate the presence of fast, dissociative J-shocks at speeds of $v_\\mathrm{s} \\approx$ 100 km s$^{-1}$. Electron densities of $n_\\mathrm{e}$ = 3500-4000 cm$^{-3}$ are inferred from the [FeII] line ratios.} {The large H$_2$ luminosity combined with the very large source luminosity suggests that the high-mass protostar that powers the HH135/HH136 flow forms via accretion, but with a significantly increased accretion rate compared to that of low-mass protostars. } ", "introduction": "Near-infrared studies of molecular hydrogen emission in Herbig-Haro (HH) objects provide a powerful tool to gain insight in the physical processes that occur during the early phases of low-mass star formation. The total H$_2$ luminosities are proportional to the accretion rates in the early phases of the protostellar evolution (Stanke \\cite{stanke}; Froebrich et al. \\cite{froebrich}), and the H$_2$ ro-vibrational population distribution allows us to determine the physical scenarios that are at work in the supersonic jets that form during the accretion phase (McCoey \\cite{mccoey}, and references therein). A complementary tool to study such regions is available via the near-infrared emission lines of [FeII] and other atomic emission lines, that allow us to measure electron densities in the shocked material (e.g., Nisini et al. \\cite{nisini}). In a number of HH objects, and most prominently in HH objects that show pronounced [FeII] emission, a temperature stratification is inferred from the H$_2$ observations, where part of the molecular gas reach temperatures above 5000~K (Giannini et al. \\cite{giannini04}). The combined H$_2$ and [FeII] emission has been explained in terms of fast J-type shocks, where the [FeII] emission is produced in dissociative parts of the shocks, and where H$_2$ arises in the slower, non-dissociative regions (e.g., Gredel \\cite{gredel94}). Detailed model calculations of J-type shocks with magnetic precursors confirm such a model, and produce population distributions where the rotational excitation temperatures increase with increasing vibrational state of H$_2$ (e.g., Flower et al. \\cite{flower}). C-type shocks at largely different physical conditions produce similar H$_2$ population distributions, however, and the H$_2$ population distribution alone does not allow us to distinguish between both scenarios (Flower et al. \\cite{flower}). The presence of [FeII] emission is generally interpreted in terms of dissociative J-type shocks, although it is conceivable that C-type shocks produce [FeII] as well (Le Bourlot et al. \\cite{lebourlot}). Near-infrared studies of outflows from intermediate- and high-mass star forming regions are rare, either because such outflows are not very frequent {\\tt per se} or because high-mass star-forming regions are deeply embedded in general. Some outflows that are observed from high-luminous sources such as Orion ($10^5 L_\\odot$) lack the high degree of collimation that is typical for outflows from low-mass star-forming regions. Other flows that emerge from luminous IRAS sources, such as HH80/81 ($2 10^4 L_\\odot$, Mart\\'i, Rodr\\'iguez, \\& Reipurth \\cite{marti}), IRAS 16547-4247 ($6 10^4 L_\\odot$, Brooks et al. \\cite{brooks03}), or IRAS 18151-1208 ($2 10^4 L_\\odot$, Davis et al. \\cite{davis04}), are highly collimated. It is not clear whether intermediate- and high-mass stars form in a similar way to low-mass stars, but with enhanced accretion rates, or whether different processes, such as the merging of low-mass protostars, are at work. Enlarging the sample of near-infrared observations of regions of intermediate- and high-mass star formation and comparing the general properties of their H$_2$ and [FeII] emission with those of low-mass star-forming regions is therefore desirable. In the following, a study of the molecular outflow \\object{HH135}/\\object{HH136}, which is powered by the cold and very luminous ($10^4 L_\\odot$) IRAS source \\object{IRAS11101-5928}, is presented. The pair of Herbig-Haro objects HH135/HH136 was discovered by Ogura \\& Walsh (\\cite{ogura}) in an objective prism survey and is located in the bright rimmed cloud No. 64 of Sugitani \\& Ogura (\\cite{sugitani}) in the Eastern Carina region. The HII region, also known as Gum 36, is believed to be excited by the open cluster Stock~13, for which photometric distances of 2.7 kpc are available (Steppe \\cite{steppe}). The general morphology of HH135/HH136 indicates that the two objects are formed at the opposite flow directions of a bipolar flow, which is driven by IRAS11101-5829. The velocity field of the HH135/HH136 region is complex, however, and the fact that the main part of the emission from both HH135 and HH136 is blue shifted led Ogura \\& Walsh (\\cite{ogura}) to conclude that HH135 and HH136 form two different, independent flows. Near-infrared JHK polarimetric observations of the associated reflection nebula carried out by Tamura et al. (\\cite{tamura}) showed that IRAS11101--5829 is the only illuminating source of the nebula that is associated with HH135/HH136. A more recent millimetre study by Ogura et al. (\\cite{ogura98}) presented a model that explains the observed velocity features and where HH135 and HH136 form part of a single, bipolar flow driven by IRAS11101-5829. This view is supported by the very recent polarimetric observations by Chrysostomou et al. (\\cite{chrysostomou}), who proposed that a strong helical magnetic field threading though HH135/HH136 maintains the strong collimation of the flow. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=12cm]{4746fig1.ps} \\caption{[SII] image of HH135/HH136 and part of the G~36 region in Carina. Optical knots in HH136 are labeled following the notation by Ogura \\& Walsh (\\cite{ogura}). {The crossed square south of knot J marks the position of the IRAS source IRAS11101-5829. } North is up and east is left. } \\label{img_SII} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=12cm]{4746fig2.ps} \\caption{Gunn z image of HH135/HH136. } \\label{img_gunnz} \\end{figure} The purpose of this paper is to investigate the molecular hydrogen emission of HH135/HH136, and to study how the emission characteristics differ from those of low-mass star-forming regions. The observations are presented in Sect.~\\ref{observations}, which also includes a more detailed discussion of the data reduction method and errors. The imaging results are given in Sect.~\\ref{imaging} and the spectroscopy in Sect.~\\ref{spectroscopy}. Section~\\ref{sumspectra} contains an analysis of the global properties of the molecular hydrogen emission, and Sect.~\\ref{FeII} summarises the results of an analysis derived from the [FeII] lines, which are observed towards HH135/HH136. The main conclusions of this study are summarized in Sect.~\\ref{conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} The observations presented above and the main conclusions are summarized as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The images obtained in the (1,0) S(1) line of molecular hydrogen reveal the presence of a well-collimated molecular outflow that extents over a scale of about 1 pc. \\item {A number of the H$_2$ emission line knots are associated with faint, underlying continuum emission. } \\item The ro-vibrational excitation temperatures of H$_2$ of the various knots in the HH135/HH136 flow are remarkably constant, and are well characterized by a narrow range of $T_\\mathrm{ex} = 2000 \\pm 200$K. \\item The molecular part of the shocked gas contains a small fraction of some 0.3\\% of hot H$_2$ at a ro-vibrational excitation temperature of $T_\\mathrm{ex} = 5500 \\pm 200$K. \\item Very strong emission lines from [FeII] occur towards various knots in HH135/HH136, and emission from HeI, hydrogen recombination lines, [CI], [SII], and [NII] are present as well. The [FeII] line ratios indicate the presence of a fast J-type shock at a speed of $v_s \\approx 100$ km s$^{-1}$. Electron densities are of the order of $n_e = 3500 - 4000$ cm$^{-3}$ and electron temperatures are $T_e \\approx 3000$~K. A more comprehensive analysis of the atomic emission is hampered by the low spectral resolution and the occurrence of a very large number of line blends. \\item The ro-vibrational population distribution of H$_2$, together with the presence of strong [FeII] emission, which is spatially displaced from the H$_2$ emission, indicate that the emission lines arise form in the cooling regions of fast, dissociative J-type shocks, where the [FeII] emission traces the fast, dissociative parts of the shocks and where the H$_2$ emission emerges from regions of oblique shocks where the shock speeds are lower. The presence of emission from re-forming H$_2$ molecules in the cooling post-shock region is not ruled out. \\item The large H$_2$ luminosity of 2 $L_\\odot$ suggests that the intermediate- to high-mass protostar that powers the HH135/HH136 outflow forms via a significantly increased accretion rate, compared to the accretion rates of low-mass protostars. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606191_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{In this paper we consider a large sample of optically selected clusters, in order to elucidate the physical reasons for the existence of X-ray underluminous clusters. For this purpose we analyze the correlations of the X-ray and optical properties of a sample of 137 spectroscopically confirmed Abell clusters in the SDSS database. We search for the X-ray counterpart of each cluster in the ROSAT All Sky Survey. We find that 40\\% of our clusters have a marginal X-ray detection or remain undetected in X-rays. These clusters appear too X-ray faint on average for their velocity disperiosn determined mass, i.e. they do not follow the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity and virial mass traced by the other clusters. On the other hand, they do follow the general scaling relation between optical luminosity and virial mass. We refer to these clusters as the X-ray-Underluminous Abell clusters (AXU clusters, for short) and designate as 'normal' the X-ray detected Abell systems. We examine the distributions and properties of the galaxy populations of the normal and the AXU clusters, separately. The AXU clusters are characterized by leptokurtic (more centrally concentrated than a Gaussian) velocity distribution of their member galaxies in the outskirts ($1.5 < r/r_{200} \\leq 3.5$), as expected for the systems in accretion. In addition, the AXU clusters have a higher fraction of blue galaxies in the external region and show a marginally significant paucity of galaxies at the center. Our results seem to support the interpretation that the AXU clusters are systems in formation undergoing a phase of mass accretion. Their low X-ray luminosity should be due to the still accreting Intracluster gas or to an ongoing merging process.} \\authorrunning{P. Popesso et al.} ", "introduction": "Clusters of galaxies are extremely important astrophysical tools. They are the most massive gravitationally bound systems in the universe. Since they sample the high mass end of the mass function of collapsed systems, they can be used to provide tight constraints on cosmological parameters such as $\\Omega_m$, $\\sigma_8$ and $\\Lambda$ (Eke at al 1996, Donahue \\& Voit 1999). Moreover they are extremely powerful laboratories to study galaxy formation and evolution. To investigate the global properties of the cosmological background it is necessary to construct and study a large sample of clusters (Borgani \\& Guzzo 2001). Several techniques exist to build cluster samples, each based on different clusters properties. The first attempts at a large, homogeneous survey for galaxy clusters was conducted by Abell (1958) with the visual identification of clusters on the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS) photographic plates. Similar cataloges were constructed by Zwicky and collaborators (Zwicky et al. 1968). Since then, a large number of optically selected samples have been constructed with automated methods: EDCC (Edimburgh Durham Cluster Catalogue: Lumdsen et al. 1992), APM (Automatic Plate measuring; Dalton et al. 1994), PSCS (Palomar Distant Cluster Survey; Postman et al. 1996), EIS (ESO Imaging Cluster Survey; Olsen et al. 1999), ENACS (ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey, Katgert et al. 1996, Mazure et al. 1996), RCS (Red sequence Cluster Survey; Gladders \\& Yee 2000) and the samples derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Goto at al. 2002; Bahcall et al. 2003). The advantage of using optical data is that in general it is relatively easy to build large optically selected cluster catalogs, which allow one to investigate cluster properties with a statistically solid data-base. On the other hand, the main disadvantage of the optical selection is that the selection procedure can be seriously affected by projection effects. Only a very observationally expensive spectroscopic campaign can confirm the overdensities in 3 dimensions. In 1978, the launch of the first X-ray imaging telescope, the \\emph{Einstein} observatory, began a new era of cluster discovery, as clusters proved to be luminous ($\\ge 10^{42-45}$ ergs $\\rm{s}^{-1}$), extended ($\\rm{r} \\ga 1$ Mpc) X-ray sources, readily identified in the X-ray sky. Therefore, X-ray observations of galaxy clusters provided an efficient and physically motivated method of identification of these structures. The X-ray selection is more robust against contamination along the line-of-sight than traditional optical methods, because the X-ray emission, unlike galaxy overdensities, is proportional to the square of the (gas) density. The ROSAT satellite with its large field of view and better sensitivity, allowed to a leap forward in the X-ray cluster astronomy, producing large samples of both nearby and distant clusters (Castander et al. 1995; Ebeling et al. 1996a, 1996b; Scharf et al. 1997; Ebeling et al. 2000; B\\\"ohringer et al. 2001; Gioia et al. 2001; B\\\"ohringer et al. 2002; Rosati et al. 2002 and references therein). The disadvantage of X-ray cluster surveys is their lower efficiency and higher observational cost as compared to optical surveys. It is clear that understanding the selection effects and the biases due to the different cluster selection techniques is crucial for interpreting the scientific results obtained from such different cluster samples. Castander et al. (1994) used ROSAT to observe cluster candidates in the redshift range 0.7-0.9 from the 3.5 square degree subsample of Gunn et al.'s (1986) optical cluster catalog and found surprisingly weak X-ray emission. Bower et al. (1994) undertook ROSAT X-ray observations of optically selected clusters from Couch et al.'s (1991) 46 $\\rm{deg}^2$ catalog. Bower et al. (1994) selected a random subset of the full catalogue, in the redshift range 0.15--0.66. The X-ray luminosity of almost all the selected clusters was found to be surprisingly low, suggesting, on the one hand, substantial evolution of the X-ray luminosity function between redshift $z=0$ and $z \\sim 0.4$, and, on the other hand, overestimated velocity dispersions for the nearby X-ray underluminous clusters, perhaps as a consequence of the contamination by galaxy filaments and of radial infall of field galaxies into the clusters. Similar results were obtained by Holden et al. (1997). With the ROSAT Optical X-ray Survey (ROXS), Donahue et al. (2002) concluded that there is little overlap between the samples of X-ray-selected and optically-selected galaxy clusters. Only $\\sim 20$\\% of the optically selected clusters were found in X-rays, while $\\sim 60$\\% of the X-ray clusters were also identified in the optical sample. Furthermore, not all of the X-ray detected clusters had a prominent red-sequence, something that could introduce a selection bias in those cluster surveys based on colour information (Goto et al. 2002, Gladders \\& Yee 2000). Ledlow at al. (2003) analyzed the X-ray properties of a sample of nearby bright Abell clusters, using the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS). They found an X-ray detection rate of 83\\%. Gilbank at al. (2004) explored the biases due to optical and X-ray cluster selection techniques in the X-ray Dark Cluster Survey (XDCS). They found that a considerable fraction of the optically selected clusters do not have a clear X-ray counterpart, yet spectroscopic follow-up of a subsample of X-ray underluminous systems confirmed their physical reality. Lubin et al. (2004) analyzed the X-ray properties of two optically selected clusters at $z \\ge 0.7$, with XMM-Newton. They found the two clusters are characterized by X-ray luminosities and temperatures that are too small for their measured velocity dispersion. Similar results were obtained in the XMM-2dF Survey of Basilakos et al. (2004). They found many more optical cluster candidates than X-ray ones. Deeper XMM data confirmed that their X-ray undetected cluster candidates have intrinsically very low X-ray luminosities. In this paper we consider a large sample of optically- and X-ray-selected clusters, in order to elucidate the physical reasons for the existence of underluminous optical/X-ray clusters. The starting point of this work is the analysis we conducted on a sample of X-ray selected clusters sample (Popesso et 2005a, Paper III of this series). 90\\% of those systems are taken from the REFLEX and NORAS catalogs, which are X-ray flux-limited cluster catalogs entirely built upon the ROSAT-All-Sky Survey (RASS). The remaining 10\\% of that sample are groups or faint clusters with X-ray fluxes below the flux limits of REFLEX and NORAS. In Paper III we found an optical counterpart for each of the X-ray selected clusters of the RASS. Using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, see, e.g., Abazajian et al. 2003) optical data for these clusters, we then studied the scatter of the correlations between several optical and X-ray cluster properties (X-ray and optical luminosities, mass, velocity dispersion and temperature). In this paper we extend our analysis to a sample of {\\em optically} selected clusters. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe the data and the sample of optically selected clusters used for the analysis. We also describe how we measure the optical luminosity, the velocity dispersion, the mass and the X-ray luminosity of the clusters. In section 3 we analyze the correlation of both the X-ray and the optical cluster luminosities with their masses. In section 4 we describe the optical properties of the Abell clusters without clear X-ray detection and compare them with those of normal X-ray emitting Abell systems. In section 6 we discuss our results and give our conclusions. We adopt a Hubble constant $\\rm{H}_0=70 \\; \\rm{h} \\; \\rm{km} \\; \\rm{s}^{-1} \\; \\rm{Mpc}^{-1}$, and a flat geometry of the Universe, with $\\Omega_{m}=0.3$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$ throughout this paper. ", "conclusions": "We have studied the X-ray and optical properties of 137 isolated Abell clusters. Each object has a confirmed three-dimensional overdensity of galaxies. We have looked for the X-ray counterpart of each system in the RASS data. Three classes of objects have been identified, where the classification is based on the quality of the X-ray detection. 86 clusters out of the 137 Abell systems have a clear X-ray detection and are considered normal X-ray emitting clusters (the 'normal Abell clusters'). 27 systems have a X-ray detection of low significance (less the $3\\sigma$) and 24 do not have clear X-ray detection (a rough estimate of $L_X$ is provided but with huge statistical errors). The normal Abell clusters follow the same scaling relations observed in the X-ray selected RASS-SDSS clusters. The $24+27$ Abell clusters with unsecure X-ray detection appear to be outliers in the $L_X-M_{200}$ relation determined for X-ray luminous clusters. Their X-ray luminosity is on average one order of magnitude fainter than would be expected for their mass . A careful analysis of the 3D galaxy overdensity of these systems reveals that the individual galaxy velocity distributions in the virial region are gaussian in 90\\% of the clusters and are not ascribable to the superposition of smaller interacting systems. We conclude that these Abell cluster with unsecure X-ray detection in RASS are not spurious detections in the redshift distribution, but are a distinct class of objects. Due to their location with regard to the RASS-SDSS $M-L_X$ relation we call them 'Abell X-ray underluminous clusters' or AXU clusters for short. Several AXU clusters are confirmed to be very faint X-ray objects in the literature. Their X-ray flux is probably too low to be detected in the RASS survey. Yet, AXU clusters are not outliers from the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ relation, i.e. they have a normal optical luminosity given their mass. Hence, the distinctive signature of AXU clusters seems to lie in an X-ray luminosity which is unexpectedly low. We have looked for other properties of AXU clusters that make them different from normal Abell clusters. We have shown that AXU clusters do not have more substructures than normal Abell clusters. The galaxy luminosity functions within the virial region of the two cluster samples are very similar to each other. Rather similar are their galaxy number density profiles, even if the AXU clusters seem to lack galaxies near the core, relative to normal Abell clusters (but the significance of this result is low). The fractions of blue galaxies in the two kinds of clusters are only marginaly different, AXU clusters being characterized by a higher fraction. The main difference between the two classes of objects lies in the velocity distribution of their member galaxies. The galaxy velocity distribution of the normal Abell clusters is perfectly fitted by a Gaussian both in the inner, virialized region ($\\le 1.5 \\, r_{200}$), and also in the external region ($1.5 \\, r_{200} \\le r \\le 3.5 \\, r_{200}$). The AXU clusters instead have a Gaussian velocity distribution only within the virial region. In the external region, their velocity distribution is significantly more peaked than a Gaussian. The analysis of its shape by comparison with dynamical models available in the literature (van der Marel et al. 2000), suggests a radially anisotropic galaxy orbital distribution. However, the galaxies in this external region need not be in dynamical equilibrium with the cluster potential. As a matter of fact, a leptokurtic shape of the velocity distribution is a typical signature of the external, infall regions of dark matter haloes (Wojtak et al. 2005). The analysis of the velocity distribution of the AXU clusters in their outer regions hence suggests the presence of an unvirialized component of the galaxy population, still in the process of accretion onto the cluster. This infalling population would be mainly composed of field, hence blue, galaxies, which could then explain the excess of blue galaxies in AXU clusters, relative to normal Abell clusters. On the other hand, the Gaussian velocity distribution in the inner region suggests that there the galaxy population is dynamically more evolved, and probably virialized. By a similar analysis on a different sample of X-ray underluminous clusters, Bower et al. (1997) came to propose two different scenarios. AXU clusters could be severely affected by projection effects arising from surrounding large-scale structure filaments elongated along the line-of-sight. Their velocity dispersion, and hence their virial masses would then be severely overestimated by interlopers in the filaments. In the alternative scenario AXU clusters could be clusters not yet formed, or in the phase of forming, or, at least, caught at a particular stage of their evolution, while they are undergoing a rapid mass growth. Should the former of the two scenarios apply, we would expect AXU clusters to be X-ray underluminous for their mass, but they could still be optically luminous because we partly see the light of the filament projected onto the cluster. However, contamination by interlopers does affect the optical luminosity estimate, but not so much as the virial mass estimate, and not so much in the $i$ band, where contamination by the field (hence blue) galaxies should be small. Therefore, in such scenario it would be surprising that the clusters obey so well the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ relation, which requires that the effects of the filament on the dynamical mass estimate and the optical light in the aperture both conspire not to produce an offset from the relation. It would also be surprising that the AXU clusters show a galaxy LF perfectely consistent with the steep LF found in galaxy clusters (see Popesso et al. paper II and IV) and not the flat LF observed in the field (Blanton et al. 2005). Instead AXU clusters are not outliers from the $L_{op}-M_{200}$ relation. If anything, AXU clusters are overluminous in the optical for their mass. In fact, the biweight-average (see Beers et al. 1990) $i$-band mass-to-light ratios of normal Abell clusters and AXU clusters are $150 \\pm 10 \\, M_{\\odot}/L_{\\odot}$, and $110 \\pm 10 \\, M_{\\odot}/L_{\\odot}$, respectively. As a further test, we have re-calculated the virial masses of all clusters by considering only red cluster members belonging to the red sequence in the $u-i$ vs. $i$ color-magnitude diagram. In this way contamination by interlopers is strongly reduced (see, e.g., Biviano et al. 1997). Masses computed using all cluster members are compared to masses computed using only red-sequence members in Fig. \\ref{lowlx}. The cluster masses do not change significantly when only red-sequence members are used to calculate them, suggesting a low level of contamination by interlopers. The results of our analyses therefore support Bower et al.'s alternative scenario, namely AXU clusters are systems in the stage of formation and/or of significant mass accretion. If AXU clusters are still forming, the intra-cluster gas itself may still be infalling or have not yet reached the virial temperature. In addition, for AXU clusters undergoing massive accretion, it is to some degree possible that the continuous collisions of infalling groups is affecting the gas distribution, lowering its central density (such as in the case of the so called 'bullet cluster', see Barrena et al. 2002 and Clowe et al. 2004). In both cases the X-ray luminosity would be substantially lower than predicted for the virial mass of the system, because of its dependence on the square of the gas density. We note however that a virialized cluster undergoing a strong collision with an infalling group would show up as a substructured cluster, yet the AXU clusters do not show an increased level of substructures when compared to normal Abell clusters. In summary, we know that the X-ray emission is very much dominated by the central region whereas the optical properties are more global. Therefore it could well be that we see a rough relaxation on the large scale (within $1.5r_{200}$) of the galaxy system reflected by a rough Gaussian galaxy velocity distribution, while the central region has not yet settled to reach the high density and temperatures of the luminous X-ray clusters. In order to explore this further, we need much more detailed information on the distribution of the density and temperature of the intracluster gas in AXU clusters, something that cannot be done with the RASS data, but requires the spatial resolution and sensitivity of XMM-Newton. Our results give supports to the conclusion of Donahue et al. (2002) concerning the biases inherent in the selection of galaxy clusters in different wavebands. While the optical selection is prone to substantial projection effects, also the X-ray selection is not perfect or not simple to characterize. The existence of X-ray underluminous clusters, even with large masses, makes it difficult to reach the needed completeness in mass for cosmological studies. Moreover, as discussed in Paper III, the relation between the X-ray luminosity and mass is not very tight even for the X-ray bright clusters, and the relation between cluster masses and optical luminosities is as tight or perhaps even tighter. Clearly, a multi-waveband approach is needed for optimizing the completeness and reliability of clusters samples. On the other hand, it becomes clear that for precision cosmology we also need a more observationally oriented prescription of cluster selection from theory, rather than a mere counting of \"relaxed\" dark matter halos. Predicted distribution functions closer to the observational parameters like temperature or velocity dispersion distribution functions and their relations to X-ray and optical luminosity are needed. \\vspace{2cm} We thank the referee F. Castander for the useful comments, which helped in improving the paper. We thank Alain Mazure for useful discussion. Funding for the creation and distribution of the SDSS Archive has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, and the Max Planck Society. The SDSS Web site is http://www.sdss.org/. The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC) for the Participating Institutions. The Participating Institutions are The University of Chicago, Fermilab, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation Group, The Johns Hopkins University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), New Mexico State University, University of Pittsburgh, Princeton University, the United States Naval Observatory, and the University of Washington." }, "0606/astro-ph0606644_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present high-resolution, high signal to noise absorption-line observations of CN, \\ion{Ca}{2}, \\ion{Ca}{1}, CH$^+$, and CH along twenty lines of sight toward members of the Pleiades. The acquired data enable the most detailed study to date of the interaction between cluster stars and the surrounding interstellar gas. Total equivalent widths are consistent with previous investigations except where weaker features are detected owing to our greater sensitivity. Mean $b$-values for the molecular species indicate that toward most of the Pleiades CH is associated with the production of CH$^+$ rather than CN. An analysis of radial velocities reveals a kinematic distinction between ionized atomic gas and molecular and neutral gas. Molecular components are found with velocities in the local standard of rest of either $\\sim$ +7 km s$^{-1}$ or $\\sim$ +9.5 km s$^{-1}$, with the higher-velocity components associated with the strongest absorption. Atomic gas traced by \\ion{Ca}{2} shows a strong central component at $v_{\\mathrm{\\scriptstyle LSR}}$ $\\sim$ +7 km s$^{-1}$ exhibiting velocity gradients indicative of cloud-cluster interactions. Gas density estimates derived from measured CH/CH$^+$ column density ratios show good agreement with those inferred from H$_2$ rotational populations, yielding typical values of $n\\sim50$ cm$^{-3}$. Our models do not include the important time-dependent effects on CH$^+$ formation which may ultimately be needed to extract physical conditions in these clouds. ", "introduction": "The interstellar medium (ISM) in the vicinity of the Pleiades is a rich environment for the study of processes that result from the interactions between stellar photons and the gas and dust clouds of interstellar space. The stars of this cluster were not formed out of the surrounding material visible as reflection nebulosity. Rather, the spatial association of the stars and the interstellar gas is the result of a chance encounter between the cluster and one or more approaching clouds (White 2003). Such collisions precipitate numerous radiative processes including the photoionization of atomic and molecular species, the photodissociation of molecules such as CH and H$_2$, and the photoelectric heating of diffuse gas by dust grains stimulated by ultraviolet radiation, all of which may help to explain some peculiarities of the ISM near the Pleiades. Two such peculiarities are the great strength of CH$^+$ absorption lines observed toward many cluster members (White 1984\\emph{a}) and the large amount of H$_2$ in rotationally excited states (Spitzer, Cochran, \\& Hirshfeld 1974). While these anomalies may be related, a rigorous chemical model of CH$^+$ production in the Pleiades, and elsewhere in the ISM, remains to be developed. CH$^+$ is unable to form at the low temperature of diffuse clouds because the reaction leading to its formation, C$^+$ + H$_2$ $\\to$ CH$^+$ + H, is endothermic with an activation energy of $\\Delta E/k=4640$ K. Elitzur and Watson (1978, 1980) showed that the above reaction can produce sufficient amounts of CH$^+$ if the gas is heated by an interstellar shock. However, subsequent observations failed to detect a corresponding overabundance of OH molecules resulting from a similar endothermic reaction (Federman et al. 1996\\emph{a}). Several groups (Draine \\& Katz 1986; Pineau des For\\^ets et al. 1986) employed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shocks to lessen the problem with the overproduction of OH, but even their models yielded OH column densities in excess of observations. The velocity shifts between CH and CH$^+$ absorption lines predicted by these shock models have also not been detected (e.g., Gredel, van Dishoeck, \\& Black 1993). Alternate theories for a non-thermal origin of CH$^+$ have since been proposed. Federman et al. (1996\\emph{b}) considered the motions of C$^+$ ions influenced by the passage of Alfv\\'en waves against a static background of cold neutral gas. Their model predicts CH$^+$, CH, and OH column densities in line with observations, but requires an additional mechanism to account for observed HCO$^+$ abundances. More recently, non-equilibrium chemistry was investigated by Joulain et al. (1998) and Falgarone et al. (2005). These authors ascribe the transient heating of localized regions of the cold diffuse medium to intermittent bursts of turbulent dissipation by either MHD shocks or coherent small-scale vortices. Such models may be appropriate for many Galactic sight lines, yet the observational evidence in the Pleiades favors heating either by H$_2$ dissociation or by dust photoelectron emission, rather than shocks, as the agent responsible for CH$^+$ formation (White 1984\\emph{b}). \\tabletypesize{\\scriptsize} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lcccccccc} \\tablecolumns{9} \\tablewidth{0.8\\textwidth} \\tablenum{1} \\tablecaption{Stellar and Observational Data} \\tablehead{\\colhead{HD} & \\colhead{Name} & \\colhead{Type} & \\colhead{$E(B-V)$} & \\colhead{$B$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$ [J2000]} & \\colhead{$\\delta$ [J2000]} & \\colhead{$d$} & \\colhead{$\\tau_{exp}$} \\\\ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{} & \\colhead{} & \\colhead{(mag)} & \\colhead{(mag)} & \\colhead{($^h$, $^m$, $^s$)} & \\colhead{($^{\\circ}$, $^{\\prime}$, $^{\\prime\\prime}$)} & \\colhead{(pc)} & \\colhead{(s)} } \\startdata 23288 & 16 Tau & B7 IV & \\phs 0.10 & 5.41 & 03 44 48.22 & +24 17 22.1 & 103 $\\pm$ 11 & $3 \\times 1200$ \\\\ 23302 & 17 Tau & B6 III & \\phs 0.05 & 3.61 & 03 44 52.54 & +24 06 48.0 & 114 $\\pm$ 12 & $2 \\times \\phn 600$ \\\\ 23324 & 18 Tau & B8 V & \\phs 0.05 & 5.58 & 03 45 09.74 & +24 50 21.3 & 113 $\\pm$ 11 & $2 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23338 & 19 Tau & B6 IV & \\phs 0.04 & 4.20 & 03 45 12.49 & +24 28 02.2 & 114 $\\pm$ 14 & $3 \\times \\phn 600$ \\\\ 23408 & 20 Tau & B7 III & \\phs 0.07 & 3.81 & 03 45 49.61 & +24 22 03.9 & 110 $\\pm$ 13 & $2 \\times \\phn 600$ \\\\ 23410 & & A0 V & \\phs 0.08 & 6.92 & 03 45 48.82 & +23 08 49.7 & 103 $\\pm$ 11 & $4 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23432 & 21 Tau & B8 V & \\phs 0.07 & 5.73 & 03 45 54.48 & +24 33 16.2 & 119 $\\pm$ 13 & $2 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23441 & 22 Tau & B9 V & \\phs 0.06 & 6.42 & 03 46 02.90 & +24 31 40.4 & 109 $\\pm$ 11 & $2 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23480 & 23 Tau & B6 IV & \\phs 0.10 & 4.11 & 03 46 19.57 & +23 56 54.1 & 110 $\\pm$ 13 & $3 \\times \\phn 600$ \\\\ 23512 & & A1 V & \\phs 0.35 & 8.47 & 03 46 34.20 & +23 37 26.5 & $\\ldots$ & $8 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23568 & & B9.5 V & \\phs 0.07\\tablenotemark{a} & 6.85 & 03 46 59.40 & +24 31 12.4 & 150 $\\pm$ 23 & $4 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23629 & 24 Tau & A2 V & $-0.03$ & 6.30 & 03 47 21.04 & +24 06 58.6 & $\\ldots$ & $3 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23630 & $\\eta$ Tau & B7 III & \\phs 0.04 & 2.81 & 03 47 29.08 & +24 06 18.5 & 113 $\\pm$ 13 & $2 \\times \\phn 300$ \\\\ 23753 & & B8 V & \\phs 0.04 & 5.38 & 03 48 20.82 & +23 25 16.5 & 104 $\\pm$ 10 & $2 \\times 1200$ \\\\ 23850 & 27 Tau & B8 III & \\phs 0.04 & 3.54 & 03 49 09.74 & +24 03 12.3 & 117 $\\pm$ 14 & $2 \\times \\phn 600$ \\\\ 23862 & 28 Tau & B8 Vp & \\phs 0.03 & 4.97 & 03 49 11.22 & +24 08 12.2 & 119 $\\pm$ 12 & $3 \\times \\phn 900$ \\\\ 23873 & & B9.5 V & \\phs 0.02\\tablenotemark{a} & 6.59 & 03 49 21.75 & +24 22 51.4 & 125 $\\pm$ 14 & $3 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23923 & & B8 V & \\phs 0.06\\tablenotemark{a} & 6.12 & 03 49 43.53 & +23 42 42.7 & 117 $\\pm$ 13 & $2 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 23964 & & B9.5 Vp & \\phs 0.11 & 6.80 & 03 49 58.06 & +23 50 55.3 & 159 $\\pm$ 39 & $4 \\times 1800$ \\\\ 24076 & & A2 V & \\phs 0.03\\tablenotemark{a} & 7.02 & 03 50 52.43 & +23 57 41.3 & 102 $\\pm$ 10 & $4 \\times 1800$ \\\\ \\enddata \\tablenotetext{a}{Reddening values for these stars were updated in White (2003).} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.4\\textwidth]{f1.eps} \\caption[Distribution of observed Pleiades stars.]{Distribution of observed Pleiades stars in relative equatorial coordinates centered on $\\eta$ Tau [$\\alpha(2000)=03^h47^m29^s.08$, $\\delta(2000)=+24^{\\circ}06^{\\prime}18^{\\prime\\prime}.5$]. The label next to each symbol is either the last three digits of the HD number or the Flamsteed or Bayer designation. Decreasing symbol size denotes three magnitude ranges: $B < 5.0$, $5.0 < B < 6.5$, and $6.5 < B$. This key is used in Figures 6, 7, and 8.} \\end{figure} Precise measurements of CN, CH$^+$, and CH column densities in the Pleiades interstellar gas can offer new insight into the chemical reaction networks active in these diffuse clouds. At the same time, highly sensitive observations of \\ion{Ca}{2} and, to a lesser extent, \\ion{Ca}{1} can be used to trace the kinematic effects of the interaction occurring between interstellar gas and the stellar radiation field in great detail and on large spatial scales. The earlier investigation by White (1984\\emph{a}), comprising spectra for 15 Pleiades members, analyzed interstellar absorption from the above atomic and molecular species, but the moderate velocity resolutions ($\\sim$ 3$-$8 km s$^{-1}$) allowed detections of only one component per sight line. Later studies capable of detecting many line-of-sight components, such as the ultra-high resolution survey by Crane et al. (1995) of interstellar CH$^+$ and CH and the high-resolution survey by Welty et al. (1996) of \\ion{Ca}{2}~K, included only a few of the brightest Pleiades members in their sample. Most recently, high-resolution observations were made by White et al. (2001) of 36 Pleiades stars, both members and nonmembers, in the \\ion{Na}{1}~D lines and of 12 of these stars in the \\ion{Na}{1} ultraviolet doublet. The full analysis of these data (White 2003) revealed considerable complexity and star-to-star variation in the atomic gas traced by neutral sodium, leading to an extensive spatial schematic of cloud-cluster interactions in which two clouds were presumed to be interacting with the UV radiation field of the Pleiades and also with each other. One of the primary motivations for the present investigation was to obtain equally high quality data for the other important optical tracers of the ISM toward a large number of targets in the Pleiades so that a complete picture of the interaction between interstellar gas clouds and the stars of the cluster may be constructed. In this paper, high-resolution, high signal to noise observations of CN, \\ion{Ca}{2}, \\ion{Ca}{1}, CH$^+$, and CH toward 20 Pleiades members allow us to study cloud-cluster interactions and the implications for the chemistry of the local ISM with a precision unmatched by previous investigations. We describe our observations and detail the process of data reduction in \\S{} 2. In \\S{} 3, we present the results of Gaussian fitting the observed profiles and compare our measurements to those from the literature. The analysis of our observations appears in \\S{} 4, with particular attention paid to the spatial distribution of atomic and molecular velocity components (\\S{} 4.1). We examine \\ion{Na}{1}/\\ion{Ca}{2} column density ratios in \\S{} 4.2 and derive physical conditions in \\S{} 4.3. In \\S{} 5, we interpret our findings in light of the conceptual schematic of cloud-cluster interactions offered by White (2003) and summarize our principal results in \\S{} 6. \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.7\\textwidth, angle=90]{f2.eps} \\caption[Spectra of Ca~{\\scriptsize II}.]{Observed Ca~{\\scriptsize II} spectra arranged to approximate the spatial relationships among sight lines. Spectra toward the left (right) of the figure correspond to sight lines in the eastern (western) part of the cluster. Likewise, spectra toward the top (bottom) of the figure correspond to sight lines in the north (south). See Figure 1 for the actual distribution of sight lines. The vertical tick marks indicate velocity components.} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "In \\S{} 4.1, the relatively straightforward distribution of molecular gas in the Pleiades as traced by the molecules of CH$^+$, CH, and CN is contrasted with the rather complicated structures seen in the ionized atomic gas traced by \\ion{Ca}{2}. The largest columns of molecular gas are associated with a velocity component at $v_{\\mathrm{\\scriptstyle LSR}}$ $\\sim$ +9.5 km s$^{-1}$ concentrated in the western region of the cluster. Clearly, some of this material is related to the molecular cloud seen along the line of sight toward HD 23512, particularly that detected in CH and CN absorption in this direction. Indeed, the velocities of the CH and CN components here are consistent with the cloud velocity determined from molecular line emission by Federman \\& Willson (1984) and, although the density of the cloud derived from our CH and CN column densities ($n > 1600$ cm$^{-3}$) is significantly larger than their predicted value ($\\sim$ 300$-$500 cm$^{-3}$), the inclusion of dark-cloud chemistry should correct this discrepancy. Still, whether or not all molecular components that share the cloud velocity have a common origin remains elusive. The general conclusions of the expansive study by White (2003) favor a three body encounter in which gas associated with the Taurus dust clouds and redshifted by the interaction with the Pleiades accounts for some of the red components and a separate cloud approaching from the west and also interacting with the cluster accounts for others. In support of the latter, the strongest components of CH$^+$ absorption are located northwest of the cluster center, with a position and orientation similar to that of the western cloud described by White (2003). The absence of any corresponding CH components in this region indicates the low density of the material. Gas toward 17 Tau and 23 Tau with a velocity of +10 km s$^{-1}$ likely probes the low-density envelope of the molecular cloud which lies just to the south of these sight lines. The rest of the CH$^+$ components near +9 km s$^{-1}$ may also trace this envelope, but the data do not preclude a connection with redshifted Taurus material. The other, weaker constituent of molecular gas in the Pleiades has a velocity of $\\sim$ +7 km s$^{-1}$, associating it with the central component of atomic gas and with the Taurus clouds. All sight lines with detectable amounts of CH, except that toward HD 23512, and the majority of CH$^+$ sight lines exhibit this component. It is found in both species along sight lines to three stars in the center of the cluster ($\\eta$ Tau, 27 Tau, and 28 Tau) and these show similar CH/CH$^+$ column density ratios (0.2 for $\\eta$ Tau and 0.1 for 27 Tau and 28 Tau). Toward HD 23512, where both species are detected at $\\sim$ +9.5 km s$^{-1}$, the ratio is much larger (0.9). That the column densities of CH and CH$^+$ are well correlated for the central component strengthens the claim that CH toward most of the Pleiades is CH$^+$-like. The larger ratio toward HD 23512 results from the addition of CN-like CH to the total CH column and reinforces the idea that this sight line effectively probes the molecular cloud. The patterns exhibited in the velocity components of \\ion{Ca}{2} (Figure 8) offer unique insight into the complex interactions between the ISM and the stars of the Pleiades. For instance, the central component at $v_{\\mathrm{\\scriptstyle LSR}}$ $\\sim$ +7 km s$^{-1}$ seen toward all of the stars in our survey does not have a uniform velocity across the cluster. The slight blueshifts and redshifts apparent in Figures 8\\emph{d} and 8\\emph{f}, respectively, are a strong indication that a dynamical interaction is occurring in which cloud material passing through the UV radiation field of the cluster is deflected toward and away from our line of sight. That the pattern seems to repeat itself at larger and smaller velocities (Figures 8\\emph{c} and 8\\emph{g}) suggests that the encounter of this central component can account for at least some of the observed red and blue components. Gas detected at velocities higher than $\\sim$ +10 km s$^{-1}$ likely derives from multiple sources. The feature seen in Figure 8\\emph{h} may contain components missing from the gas in Figure 8\\emph{g} which have been further redshifted by cluster interactions, but may also contain independent components from a chance meeting with a second approaching cloud. The latter is the probable source of the extreme-velocity components in Figure 8\\emph{i} due to the proximity of these sight lines to the molecular cloud. The shocked atomic components in Figures 8\\emph{a} and 8\\emph{b} show additional indications of a velocity gradient from the center of the cluster to the northwestern edge, despite the noticeable gap toward 17 Tau, 20 Tau, and 22 Tau. In general, the various components of \\ion{Ca}{2} are more pervasive in number and extent than those in the analysis of \\ion{Na}{1} observations by White (2003), as expected if \\ion{Ca}{2} is the most widely distributed species as in Figure 6 of Pan et al. (2005). Clearly, highly sensitive observations of \\ion{Ca}{2} can trace the intricate cloud-cluster and cloud-cloud interactions of the Pleiades in greater detail and on a larger scale than \\ion{Na}{1} observations of equal quality. An important result of our analysis of \\ion{Na}{1}/\\ion{Ca}{2} ratios (\\S{} 4.2) was that they predicted the proper relationship between velocity components and the expected physical conditions of the associated clouds, strengthening our confidence in the column densities derived from our observations. \\ion{Na}{1}/\\ion{Ca}{2} ratios of order a few to 10 were measured for most positive-velocity components indicating the diffuse nature of much of the interstellar gas near the cluster where calcium is not efficiently depleted onto the surfaces of dust grains. A ratio of order 100 was observed in the +9.2 km s$^{-1}$ component toward HD 23512 since this gas lies in a denser region near the molecular cloud, an environment which results in higher calcium depletion. Final confirmation comes from the +6.2 km s$^{-1}$ component toward this star whose \\ion{Na}{1}/\\ion{Ca}{2} ratio of $\\sim$ 10 rightly places it among the diffuse components. The precise density estimates of \\S{} 4.3 can place meaningful constraints on the chemical processes active in the diffuse clouds of the Pleiades. A comparison of the values obtained from CH/CH$^+$ column density ratios with those from rotationally excited H$_2$ column densities offers particular insight. We find generally good agreement in the densities obtained from the two methods by adopting a molecular fraction of $f=0.07$. This value of $f$ yields typical densities of $\\sim50$ cm$^{-3}$, significantly below earlier predictions which favored densities between 100 cm$^{-3}$ (Gordon \\& Arny 1984) and 400 cm$^{-3}$ (White 1984\\emph{a}, \\emph{b}). A possible discrepancy with our more precise estimates comes from the recent study by Zsarg\\'o and Federman (2003) who inferred a density upper limit of $n \\leq 3.5$ cm$^{-3}$ from the column densities of the fine-structure levels of \\ion{C}{1} toward $\\eta$ Tau. This determination is an order of magnitude lower than our value toward $\\eta$ Tau, $n=62$ cm$^{-3}$, obtained from both CH/CH$^+$ ratios and H$_2$ rotational populations. Yet, based on their density estimate, Zsarg\\'o and Federman (2003) predict a CH column density upper limit toward $\\eta$ Tau of $N$(CH) $\\leq 7.3 \\times 10^{11}$ cm$^{-2}$, consistent with our measured value of $4.8 \\times 10^{11}$ cm$^{-2}$. To derive this predicted column density, the authors incorporated non-thermal motions of ions and neutrals due to the propagation of Alfv\\'en waves in a transition zone between cloud and intercloud material (Federman et al. 1996\\emph{a}). Without incorporating turbulence, the predicted column density along this sight line is $N$(CH) $\\leq 1.6 \\times 10^{9}$ cm$^{-2}$, much lower than the measured value. Non-thermal models hold great promise for diffuse-cloud chemistry, particularly in explaining the abundance of the CH$^+$ radical as well as the abundances of molecules like CH which are tied to its formation. The question remains, then, why the density predicted by Zsarg\\'o and Federman (2003) is so much lower than our value. Two possibilities immediately present themselves. First, observations of H$_2$, CH, and CH$^+$ may sample different cloud depths due to the stratification of molecular species along the line of sight. This scheme suggests that rotationally excited H$_2$ molecules probe denser portions of the cloud closer to the stars, in the main portion of the photodissociation region (PDR), where the UV radiation is strongest and is responsible for populating the higher $J$ levels through UV pumping. CH and CH$^+$, as well as \\ion{C}{1}, would then trace the less dense outer portions of the cloud away from the PDR. A major drawback to this scenario is it requires $f=0.5$ or higher to yield low enough densities from our measured CH/CH$^+$ column density ratios to agree with the \\ion{C}{1} result, which would subsequently increase our H$_2$-derived densities for this diffuse gas to greater than 400 cm$^{-3}$, a value more typical of the Pleiades molecular cloud. A more suitable alternative is that the fine-structure levels of \\ion{C}{1} trace regions of various extent along the line of sight. If the $J=1$ level, for instance, was confined to a region of space 1/10 the size of that occupied by the $J=0$ level, the density upper limit would be more in line with our determination. Finally, the inclusion of time-dependent effects into a chemical model of CH$^+$ formation may still prove to be important since the timescale for H$_2$ dissociation is comparable to the characteristic time in which the cloud is interacting with the cluster. Because the initiating reaction leading to CH production requires H$_2$, a decreasing presence due to photodissociation would demand a higher density to account for the observed columns of CH. Such a requirement could be accommodated by our simple steady-state model by, again, raising slightly the value of $f$(H$_2$). The most general conclusion of this investigation is that detailed observations of both atomic and molecular species essentially confirm the scenario of cloud-cluster interactions constructed by White (2003). A pervasive foreground gas cloud at $v_{\\mathrm{\\scriptstyle LSR}}$ $\\sim$ +7 km s$^{-1}$ seen toward nearly every star in both strong atomic and weaker molecular absorption is flowing through the cluster and dynamically interacting with the stellar UV radiation field. The clearly symmetric patterns of both blueshifted and redshifted \\ion{Ca}{2} components extending across the cluster demonstrate the large-scale nature of these interactions. A second cloud at $v_{\\mathrm{\\scriptstyle LSR}}$ $\\sim$ +10 km s$^{-1}$ is also likely to be interacting with the cluster due to the strong CH$^+$ absorption near this velocity northwest of the cluster center and the existence of a diffuse molecular cloud also at $v_{\\mathrm{\\scriptstyle LSR}}$ $\\sim$ +10 km s$^{-1}$ to the southwest. High velocity \\ion{Ca}{2} components with no direct connection to redshifted foreground gas may also require the existence of a second interacting cloud." }, "0606/astro-ph0606408_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We explore a model of interacting dark energy where the dark energy density is related by the holographic principle to the Hubble parameter, and the decay of the dark energy into matter occurs at a rate comparable to the current value of the Hubble parameter. We find this gives a good fit to the observational data supporting an accelerating Universe, and the model represents a possible alternative interpretation of the expansion history of the Universe. ", "introduction": "Observations of type Ia supernova indicate that the Universe is making a transition from a decelerating phase to an accelerating one. The conventional explanation for this behavior is that a dark energy component is coming to dominate over and the matter-dominated phase is giving way to a phase dominated by a dark energy component. In fact a good fit is obtained from the observational data by assuming the cosmological model ($\\Lambda$CDM) involving a cosmological constant $\\Lambda$ and cold dark matter in about the ratios $\\Omega_{m,0}=0.3$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda,0}=0.7$. In this paper we show that one can describe the cosmological data with a model of dark energy that includes an interaction that effects a transition (decay) of dark energy into matter. The model incorporates a holographic principle\\cite{'tHooft:1993gx,Susskind:1994vu} to determine the dark energy density of the Universe. The principle relates the dark energy scale to the Hubble horizon which has been the subject of speculation for applying holographic ideas to cosmology\\cite{Easther:1999gk,Veneziano:1999ts,Kaloper:1999tt,Brustein:1999ua,Bak:1999hd,Cohen:1998zx,Thomas:2002pq,Bousso:2002ju}. This is a common choice for imposing holography on cosmology, and it has the most natural thermodynamic interpretation. However, this conditon imposed on the dark energy yields an equation of state that is matter-like\\cite{Hsu:2004ri} and therefore inconsistent with observational data. Subsequently efforts have been made to impose a holographic constraint based on some other physical horizon such as the particle horizon\\cite{Fischler:1998st,Bousso:1999xy} or the future event horizon\\cite{Li:2004rb,Huang:2004wt,Zhang:2005yz,Myung:2005sv,Myung:2005pw,Zhang:2005hs,Kim:2005at,Li:2006ci} or some other physical condition\\cite{Horava:2000tb,Danielsson:2004xw,Horvat:2004vn,Guberina:2005mp,Elizalde:2005ju,Guberina:2006fy,Ke:2004nw}. A suitable evolution of the Universe is obtained when, in addition to the holographic dark energy, an interaction (decay of dark energy to matter) is assumed, and the decay rate should be set roughly equal to the present value of the Hubble parameter for a good fit to the expansion history of the Universe as determined by the supernova and cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. Interacting dark energy has been studied previously\\cite{Amendola:1999qq,Amendola:2000uh,Zimdahl:2000zm,Balakin:2003tk,Wang:2004cp,Cai:2004dk,Pavon:2005yx,Zimdahl:2005bk,Wang:2005jx,Wang:2005ph,Pavon:2005kr,Berger:2006db,Hu:2006ar} primarily with a goal of explaining the cosmic coincidence problem. A survey of the possible dynamics of dark energy can be found in Ref.~\\cite{Copeland:2006wr}. In the presence of an interaction the dark energy can achieve a stable equilibrium that differs from the usual de Sitter case or the approach to the stable equilibrium can be made more gradual. Such models offer the hope of solving the coincidence problem that exists in the $\\Lambda$CDM model where there is no obvious reason why the transition from matter domination to domination by the dark energy is occuring during the current epoch. This paper presents a simple model that gives an acceptable expansion history of the Universe in terms of a holographic condition on the dark energy that relates its size to the Hubble scale. This is a common choice for imposing holography on cosmology, and it has the most natural thermodynamic interpretation. The effective equations of state of matter and dark energy coincide and behave like cold dark matter (CDM) at early times. The transition to behavior like a cosmological constant is effected by simply assuming there is a constant decay of dark energy into matter. The coincidence problem appears in the interacting dark energy model as the choice of the scale for the dark energy interaction which must be close to the present value of the Hubble parameter. ", "conclusions": "The $\\Lambda$CDM model provides an explanation for all observational data. However there remain a number of important issues it must confront. Given our lack of understanding of the dark energy, one can ask if there are other simple physical properties that dark energy might have that could equally well account for the data. In this paper we have shown that a model of dark energy with a holographic condition relating the dark energy to the Hubble parameter and a constant interaction of size roughly equal to the Hubble constant $H_0$ can give a good fit to data. This model is characterized by a constant ratio of $\\Omega _m$ to $\\Omega_\\Lambda$. Since the ratio of matter to dark energy is constant due to the holographic condition and the effective equations of state are equal, one can view the evolution of the model as one comprised of one component whose effective equation of state varies between $0$ when the decay of the dark energy into matter is negligible to an asymptotic value of $-1$ when the interaction become important. The transition between one regime and the other occurs when the interaction rate is comparable to the Hubble parameter. We have shown that the expansion history of the Universe can be reproduced with a model of interacting dark matter. For the specific model presented here the functional dependence $H(z)$ differs slightly between the $\\Lambda$CDM and the model discussed in this paper. Future data from SNAP may be useful in discriminating between them. Finally information that goes beyond the recorded expansion history of the Universe may be useful for ruling out this kind of model." }, "0606/astro-ph0606314_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% We present an analysis of optical lightcurves of Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Be-type stars. Observations show that (1) optical excess flux is correlated with near-IR excess flux indicating a similar mechanism and (2) the lightcurves can trace out ``loops'' in a colour-magnitude diagram. A simple model for the time dependence of bound-free and free-free (bf-ff) emission produced by an outflowing circumstellar disk gives reasonable fits to the observations. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606064_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have undertaken a multiwavelength project to study the relatively unknown properties of groups and poor clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshifts. In this paper, we describe the \\textit{XMM-Newton} observations of six X-ray selected groups with $0.2$ 0.2-0.3 dex, see Pavlenko \\& Yakovina 1994 for more details). Generally speaking, existed grids of the model atmospheres can be used as zero-approach tool to be refined in the process of analysis. Despite a substantial efforts to develop more sophisticated model atmosphere, a few problems provide the real challenge for the modern theory of stellar astrophysics: -- atmospheres of the most evolved stars do not exist in hydrostatic equilibrium. In some cases effects of sphericity can be essential. -- Convection in the extended photospheres can be properly described only in the 3D approach. -- The further computation of line lists and other physical parameters (dissociation energies, partition functions, etc) of polyatomic molecules is absolutely essential for cool stellar atmosphere modelling to progress. In particular little, no or only poor data exists for species such as C$_3$, CH$_4$ and C$_2$H$_2$. These species provide substantial opacity in the coolest atmospheres. Even the existing line lists of diatomic molecules, such as CN, C$_2$, CH, are not accurate enough to be used for the high resolution analysis of observed spectra. Naturally, these problems can be solved one at a time. However, it is only possible when paying special attention to theoretical support of current observations." }, "0606/astro-ph0606593_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The role of asymmetry on the evolution of prebiotic homochirality is investigated in the context of autocatalytic polymerization reaction networks. A model featuring enantiometric cross-inhibition and chiral bias is used to study the diffusion equations controlling the spatiotemporal development of left and right-handed domains. Bounds on the chiral bias are obtained based on present-day constraints on the emergence of life on early Earth. The viability of biasing mechanisms such as weak neutral currents and circularly polarized UV light is discussed. The results can be applied to any hypothetical planetary platform. ", "introduction": "The emergence of biomolecular homochirality in prebiotic Earth is a crucial step in the early history of life \\cite{AG93, Bonner}. It is well-known that chiral selectivity plays a key role in the biochemistry of living systems: amino acids in proteins are left-handed while sugars are right-handed. However, laboratory syntheses produce racemic results. This is somewhat surprising, given that statistical fluctuations of reactants will invariably bias one enantiometer over the other \\cite{Blackmond04}: even though every synthesis is {\\it ab initio} asymmetric \\cite{Dunitz}, the enantiometric excess is nevertheless erased as the reactions unfold. An important exception is the reaction by Soai and coworkers, where a small initial enantiometric excess is effectively amplified in the autocatalytic alkylation of pyrimidyl aldehydes with dialkylzincs \\cite{Soai}. As stressed by Blackmond \\cite{Blackmond04}, Soai's reaction succeeds because it features the needed autocatalytic behavior proposed originally by Frank \\cite{Frank53} with enantiometric cross-inhibition catalysed by dimers. It is unlikely that the specific chemistry of the Soai reaction occurred in early-Earth. However, it displays the relevant signatures of a realistic homochirality-inducing reaction network: autocatalysis, enantiometric cross-inhibition, and enzymatic enhancement performed by dimers or by larger chirally-pure chains. In the present work, we will investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of a reaction network recently proposed by Sandars which shares these features \\cite{Sandars03}. To it, we will add an explicit chiral bias, in order to investigate the efficacy of intrinsic and extrinsic biasing mechanisms proposed in the literature. A first step in this direction can be found in the work by Brandenburg {\\it et al.}, who studied an extension of Sandar's model including bias but no spatial dependence \\cite{BAHN}. By intrinsic we mean either biasing effects related to fundamental physics, such as parity-violating weak neutral currents (WNC) \\cite{WNC0,KN83} or -- given that we know little of early-Earth's prebiotic chemistry and even less of other possible life-bearing planetary platforms \\cite{Orgel98} -- to some as yet unknown chemical process. By extrinsic we mean possible environmental influences, such as circularly-polarized UV light (CPL) from, for example, active star-formation regions \\cite{Lucas05} or direct seeding of chiral compounds by meteoritic bombardment \\cite{Engel97, Cronin98}. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the reaction network will be shown to be equivalent to a two-phase system undergoing a symmetry-breaking phase transition characterized by the formation of competing domains of opposite chirality. The evolution of the domain network is sensitive to Earth's early environmental history and to the magnitude of the chiral bias. Using the time-scale associated with the emergence of life on Earth it is possible to obtain a lower bound on the bias. In particular, it will be shown that the very small bias from WNC is inefficient to generate homochiral conditions. For CPL the situation is less clear due to uncertainty in the nature and duration of sources, but still highly unlikely. The formalism is set up to be applicable to any planetary platform. The paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we introduce the biased polymerization model and its pertinent rate equations. In section 3 we describe the reduced ($n=2$) model and how the net chirality can be interpreted as a continuous order parameter satisfying an effective potential. This allows us to introduce explicitly spatial dependence in the study of biased polymerization. In section 4 we describe the dynamics of homochirality using techniques from the theory of phase transitions with mean-field Ginzburg-Landau models in the limit of no bias. In section 5 we generalize our results to include a small bias, describing in detail the wall dynamics in this case and the time-scales associated with the development of homochirality in early-Earth. We also investigate if the onset of prebiotic homochirality on early-Earth could have been the result of a nucleation event.We conclude in section 6 with a summary of our results and an outlook to future work. ", "conclusions": "The spatiotemporal evolution of prebiotic homochirality was investigated in the context of an autocatalytic reaction network featuring enantiometric cross-inhibition catalysed by dimers and chiral bias. Domains of opposite chirality, separated by thin interfaces, compete for dominance. It was shown that the dynamics of the domain network is determined by the percolation properties of its initial distribution and subsequently by the two main forces acting on the interfaces, surface tension and chiral bias. Small biases of $g\\leq 10^{-6}$ were shown to be inefficient to drive reasonably-sized reactor pools toward homochirality within presently-accepted time-scales for the origin of life on Earth. As a consequence, the present calculations indicate that WNCs cannot explain the observed homochirality of life's biomolecules. CPL remains a remote possibility, albeit current sources do not look promising either in magnitude and duration. Also, it should be noted that unpolarized UV may destroy any early enantiometric excess. The results obtained assume that the polymerization dynamics can be captured by truncating the reaction network to $n\\leq 2$ and that the dynamics of dimers is enslaved by that of monomers (the adiabatic approximation). These approximations imply that complete chiral separation can only occur with perfect fidelity $f=1$. Going beyond involves solving the complete network of spatiotemporal rate equations for larger values of $n$ and for varying fidelity, a computer-intensive, but not impossible, task. However, given that the formation rate of higher $n$ polymers will necessarily be slower, we believe that the results obtained here capture at least qualitatively the essentials of the more general case. It remains a challenging open question whether a simple transformation could be found to reduce the biased higher-$n$ system to an effective field theory as done here for $n=2$. What other possible sources of bias could have driven Earth's prebiotic chemistry toward homochirality? We cannot rule out the possibility that some unknown chemical bias satisfying the above bound might have been active. Another, highly unnatractive, possibility is that an unlikely large statistical fluctuation towards one enantiometer did occur and established the correct initial conditions. Possible bombardment from meteors contaminated with chiral compounds could also have jump-started the process, although one still needs to explain how the chiral excess formed in the meteors in the first place. It seems to us that the answer to this enigma will be found in the coupling of the reaction network to the environment. We note again that the results obtained here are within the diffusive, and hence ``gentle,'' evolution towards homochirality. Early-Earth, however, was a dramatic environment. Given the nonlinear properties of the spatiotemporal equations describing the evolution towards homochirality, environmental disturbances, such as meteoritic impacts or volcanic eruptions, must have played a key role in early-Earth's prebiotic chemistry. These disturbances, if violent enough, would certainly affect the evolution of the chiral domain network and possibly change the bounds obtained in the present work. Gleiser and Thorarinson proposed to model the coupling to an external disturbance stochastically \\cite{GT}. Within their framework, results will depend on how the amplitude of the external ``noise'' compares with the critical value described in section 4.1. Preliminary results indicate that large enough noises (modelling external influences) may redirect the direction of homochirality entirely, erasing any previous evolution toward either handedness. Further work along these lines is underway. In a different approach, Brandenburg and Multam\\\"aki suggested that hydrodynamic turbulence could have sped up the march toward homochirality \\cite{BM}. In either case, it is clear that the evolution toward homochirality, as that of life itself, cannot be separated from Earth's early environmental history. The author thanks Gustav Arrhenius, Jeffrey Bada, Freeman Dyson, Leslie Orgel, and Joel Thorarinson for stimulating discussions. He also thanks Joel Thorarinson for producing figure 3." }, "0606/astro-ph0606070_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\lsi\\ is one of the few X-ray binaries with Be star companion from which both radio and high-energy gamma-ray emission have been observed. We present \\xmm\\ and \\intgr\\ observations which reveal variability of the X-ray spectral index of the system. The X-ray spectrum is hard (photon index $\\Gamma\\simeq 1.5$) during the orbital phases of both high and low X-ray flux. However, the spectrum softens at the moment of transition from high to low X-ray state. The spectrum of the system in the hard X-ray band does not reveal the presence of a cut-off (or, at least a spectral break) at 10-60~keV energies, expected if the compact object is an accreting neutron star. The observed spectrum and spectral variability can be explained if the compact object in the system is a rotation powered pulsar. ", "introduction": "The Be star binary \\lsi\\ is one of the few X-ray binaries (along with PSR B1259-63 and LS 5039) from which radio and very high-energy gamma-ray emission is observed. Radio emission from the system is highly variable and shows periodicity of $T=26.4960$ days, which can be associated with the binary orbital period \\citep{gregory02}. Radio observations reveal the presence of 100~AU-scale jet in the system which places \\lsi\\ among the Galactic micro-quasars \\citep{massi93,massi04}. The system is also a Galactic \"micro-blazar\" due to its association with 100 MeV gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01 \\citep{tavani98} visible up to TeV energies \\citep{albert06}. \\citet{mendelson89} found an optical modulation in the V-band with the same periodicity as the radio periodicity. This is confirmed by Paredes et al. (1994); the optical modulation in the V-band is about 0.15 mag. Optical data allow to constrain the orbital parameters of the system revealing the eccentricity of the orbit, $e\\simeq 0.7$ \\citep{casares05}. However, the measurements are not sufficient to determine the nature of the compact object (neutron star or black hole), because the inclination of the orbit is poorly constrained. The X-ray emission from \\lsi\\ is also variable and has nonthermal spectrum. Since the discovery, the system was twice monitored simultaneously in the X-ray and radio bands over a single orbital cycle \\citep{taylor96,harrison00}. These simultaneous observations show that X-ray emission peaks almost half an orbit before the radio. In both X-ray and radio bands the orbital phases of maxima of the flux \"drift\" from orbit to orbit. Two major types of models of radio-to-X-ray activity of \\lsi\\ were proposed in the literature. Models of the first type, first introduced by \\citet{taylor84} assume that activity of the source is powered by accretion onto the compact object. In the second class of models, first proposed by \\citet{maraschi81}, the activity of the source is explained by interactions of a young rotation powered pulsar with the wind from the companion Be star. If the system is an accreting neutron star or black hole, one expects to find a cut-off powerlaw spectrum in the hard X-ray band. The cut-off energy is normally at $10-60$~keV \\citep{white83,filippova05} for neutron stars and at $\\sim 100$~keV for black holes \\citep{mcclintock03} (the cut-off can move to even higher energies in the \"high/soft\" state see e.g. \\citet{belloni}). Of course, it is possible that the emission from the \"central engine\" of the micro-blazar \\lsi\\ is \"masked\" by the emission from the jet, which can be beamed toward an observer on Earth, similarly to what is observed in blazars. In this case the hard X-ray spectrum of the source is a superposition of the powerlaw jet emission and emission from the accretion disk. If the jet and accretion contributions to the X-ray spectrum are comparable, then emission from the accretion disk should at least produce an observable spectral feature (e.g. a bump, a break or turnover) in the 10-100~keV energy band. Below we present a study of \\lsi\\ in the 0.5-100~keV energy band with \\xmm\\ and \\intgr\\ which shows that the spectrum of the source is well fit by a simple powerlaw, without any signature of high-energy cut-off. Moreover, the X-ray powerlaw matches smoothly to the higher-energy spectrum in the 100~keV -- 10~MeV band found with the {\\it CGRO} instruments OSSE \\citep{tavani96} and COMPTEL \\citep{vandijk96}. The broad band spectrum of the source does not exhibit a cut off up to at least GeV energies. The spectrum of \\lsi\\ in the X-ray -- soft gamma-ray band is thus very different from the typical spectra of accreting neutron stars and black holes. Contrary to accreting compact object models, a featureless powerlaw keV~--~MeV spectrum is expected in the \"rotation powered pulsar\" scenario. Unfortunately, the population of X-ray binaries with a rotation powered pulsars as compact objects is not so rich as that of accreting pulsars. In fact, the only firmly established example of X-ray binary with a young radio pulsar as a compact object, PSR B1259-63 \\citep{johnston92}, exhibits a featureless powerlaw spectrum in the X-ray band which smoothly continues to the higher energies, exactly as in \\lsi. Moreover, the overall spectral energy distributions and variability properties of the two systems are qualitatively very similar: large radio outbursts which occur once per orbit, similar X-ray spectra and high-energy gamma-ray emission extending up to the TeV energy band. Recent observations of PSR B1259-63 during its 2004 periastron passage \\citep{chernyakova06} show that the X-ray emission from the system is most probably produced via inverse Compton scattering of the UV radiation from the Be star by the pulsar wind electrons, the same mechanism as proposed by \\citet{maraschi81} for \\lsi The \\xmm\\ and \\intgr\\ observations of \\lsi\\, reported here, reveal the variability of the X-ray spectrum of the system during the transition from high to low X-ray state. We find that the spectra of the system in high and low X-ray states are very similar, but during the transition to the low flux state the spectrum softens. It turns out that explanation of such behavior of the system is not trivial and, in fact, the shape and variability of the spectrum put tight constraints on the injection mechanism of high-energy electrons responsible for the X-ray emission as well as on the geometry of the X-ray emission region. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we describe the details of the \\intgr\\ and \\xmmsp data analysis. The results (imaging, spectral and timing analysis) are presented in Section 3. In Section 4 we discuss the physical implications of the results for the synchrotron -- inverse Compton broad band model of the source. This gives us the possibility to constrain physical parameters of the system and develop a physical model of the source which we study in more details in Section 5. Finally, we summarize our findings in Section 6. \\section[]{Observations and Data Analysis} \\subsection{\\intgr\\ observations} Since the launch of \\intgr\\ \\citep{winkler} on October 17, 2002, \\lsi\\ was several times in the field of view of the main instruments during the routine Galactic plane scans and pointed observations (see Table \\ref{intdata} for details). Most of the times the distance of the source from the center of the field of view was too large to use the X-ray monitor JEM-X. Therefore IBIS/ISGRI \\citep{lebrun} is the only instrument we can use in our analysis of this source. In this analysis we have used the version 5.1 of the Offline Science Analysis (OSA) software distributed by the ISDC \\citep{courvoisier03}. In our analysis we have used all available public data spread over the period from the January 2003 (rev 25) until March 2005 (rev 288). Overall we have analyzed 600 science windows which resulted in an effective vignetting corrected exposure of 273~ksec. In order to study the spectral variations of the source we have grouped the data into three parts covering orbital phases 0.4 -- 0.6, 0.6 -- 0.8 and 0.8 -- 0.4 (see Table \\ref{intdata}). The spectral analysis was done with the use of the \\texttt{mosaic\\_spec} tool, which extracts spectra for a given sky position from mosaic sky images. \\begin{table} \\caption{Journal of the \\intgr\\ observations of \\lsi. $^*$ \\label{intdata}} \\begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|c|c} \\hline Data & Orbital phase & Effective &20-60 keV Flux&$\\Gamma$ \\\\ Set & & Exposure (ks) &$10^{-11}$ergs s$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$\\\\ \\hline I1 & 0.4 -- 0.6 &50& 3.8$\\pm 0.6$ &1.7$\\pm 0.4$ \\\\ I2 & 0.6 -- 0.8 &23& 3.0$\\pm 1.0$&3.6$^{+1.6}_{-1.1}$ \\\\ I3 & 0.8 -- 0.4 & 200&2.4$\\pm0.3$ &1.4$\\pm 0.3$ \\\\ I$_{\\mbox{av}}$& &273&2.5$\\pm 0.3$ &1.6$\\pm 0.2$ \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} $^*$ Given errors represent 68\\% confidence interval uncertainties. \\end{table} \\subsection{\\xmm\\ observations} \\xmm\\ has observed \\lsi\\ with the EPIC instruments five times during 2002. Four observations have been done during the same orbital cycle, and the fifth one has been done seven months later. The log of the \\xmm\\ data analyzed in this paper is presented in Table~\\ref{data}. \\begin{table} \\caption{Journal of \\xmm\\ observations of \\lsi \\label{data}} \\begin{tabular}{c@{\\,}c@{\\,}ccc@{\\,}c} \\hline Data& Observational& Date & MJD& Orbital&Exposure (ks)\\\\ Set& ID & & (days)& Phase &MOS1/MOS2/PN \\\\ \\hline X1& 0112430101& 2002-02-05&52310 & 0.55 &5.8/5.8/5.0 \\\\ X2& 0112430102& 2002-02-10&52315 & 0.76 &5.8/5.8/5.0 \\\\ X3& 0112430103& 2002-02-17&52322 & 0.01 &1.5/1.5/5.0 \\\\ X4& 0112430201& 2002-02-21&52326 & 0.18 &7.0/7.0/5.1 \\\\ X5& 0112430401& 2002-09-16&52533 & 0.97 &6.2/6.2/6.0 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} The \\xmmsp Observation Data Files (ODFs) were obtained from the on-line Science Archive\\footnote{http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/external/xmm\\_data\\_acc/xsa/index.shtml}; the data were then processed and the event-lists filtered using {\\sc xmmselect} within the Science Analysis Software ({\\sc sas}) v6.0.1. In all observations the source was observed with the PN detector in the Small Window Mode, and with MOS1 and MOS2 detectors in the Full Frame Mode. In all observations a medium filter was used. The event lists for spectral analysis were extracted from a 40$^\\prime$$^\\prime$ radius circle at the source position for MOS1, from a 30.0$^\\prime$$^\\prime$ radius circle for MOS2, and for PN a region of 25$^\\prime$$^\\prime$ around the source position was chosen. Background photons were collected from a region located in the vicinity of the source with the same size area as the one chosen for the source photons. For the spectral analysis, periods affected by soft proton flares need to be filtered out. To exclude them we have used script \\texttt{xmmlight\\_clean.csh} \\footnote{http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/xmm2/xmmlight\\_clean.csh}. The source countrate in 2 -- 10 keV energy range varied from about 0.03 to 0.06 cts/s for MOS instruments, and from 0.05 to 0.10 cts/s for PN. With the help of the \\texttt{GRPPHA} FTOOL we have re-binned the spectra, so that each energy bin has at least 30 counts. Data from MOS1, MOS2 and PN detectors were combined in the spectral analysis to achieve better statistics. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have presented the \\intgr\\ and \\xmm\\ observations of \\lsi. We have found that the overall spectrum of the system in 0.5-100~keV band is well fit by a featureless powerlaw with the photon index $\\Gamma_{ph}\\simeq 1.5$ both in the high and low flux states. The 0.5-100~keV powerlaw spectrum matches smoothly the higher-energy spectrum of the source in 100~keV -- GeV band. The powerlaw with the same photon index seems to continue without a cut-off up to 1-10~MeV energies. Non-observation of a cut-off or a break in the spectrum at 10-100~keV energies, typical for the accreting neutron stars and black holes, implies that the accretion in the source proceeds at a very low (if not zero) rate. This favors the scenario in which the compact object is a rotation-powered pulsar. We have discovered that the spectrum is hard in both high and low X-ray states, but softens during the transition from the high flux to the low flux state. The spectral characteristics of the system favor the model in which electrons are initially injected at high energies and subsequently cool to lower energies forming the characteristic \"cooling\" spectrum with the spectral index $\\Gamma_e\\simeq 2$. We have proposed a model in which cold relativistic pulsar wind (electron and/or proton loaded) with the bulk Lorentz factor $\\Gamma\\sim 10^2\\div 10^3$ provides a source of X-ray emitting electrons. Such relativistic wind penetrating into the Be star disk can also be responsible for the formation of jet-like outflow from the system." }, "0606/astro-ph0606300_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first 6.7~GHz methanol maser linear polarization map of the extended filamentary maser structure around the compact {\\sc Hii} region W3(OH). The methanol masers show linear polarization up to $\\sim 8$~per~cent and the polarization angles indicate a magnetic field direction along the North-South maser structure. The polarization angles are consistent with those measured for the OH masers, taking into account external Faraday rotation toward W3(OH), and confirm that the OH and methanol masers are found in similar physical conditions. Additionally we discuss the Zeeman splitting of the 6.7~GHz methanol transition and present an upper limit of $\\sim 22$~mG for the magnetic field strength in the maser region. The upper limit is fully consistent with the field strengths derived from OH maser Zeeman splitting. ", "introduction": "Through polarization observations, maser are unique probes of the magnetic fields that are thought to play an important role in star-forming regions (SFRs). Observations of the Zeeman splitting of several different transitions of the OH masers indicate mG level magnetic fields, and the linear polarization of the masers has also been used to determine the structure of the magnetic field \\citep[e.g.][]{Etoka05, Bartkiewicz05}. In addition to the OH masers, the H$_2$O masers at 22~GHz have also been used to determine the magnetic field strength and structure in the more dense areas of SFRs \\citep[e.g.][]{Sarma01, Imai03, Vlemmings06}. These observations have revealed magnetic field strengths of several tens to hundreds of mG. The 6.7~GHz methanol maser is a strong tracer of high-mass star-formation \\citep{Menten91} and is typically one of the brightest masers in those regions. The masers occur in regions with similar densities and temperatures to the ground state OH masers, where enhanced densities of both molecular species are to be expected as a result of material from grain mantles being evaporated under the influence of weak shocks \\citep{Hartquist95}. Theoretical modelling has shown that both masers can be pumped simultaneously \\citep{Cragg02}. Similar to H$_2$O, methanol is a non-paramagnetic molecule. As a result, the Zeeman splitting is only a small fraction of the typical maser line width. Thus, the determination of the magnetic field strength using 6.7~GHz methanol masers requires sensitive and high spectral resolution observations. As yet, no successful methanol Zeeman experiment has been reported. Only recently have the first measurements of linear polarization of the 6.7~GHz methanol maser been made. Observations by \\citet{Ellingsen02} indicate a fractional linear polarization up to $10$~per~cent, although no polarization maps have been produced until now. In this letter the polarization properties of the 6.7~GHz methanol masers in the massive star-forming region W3(OH) are presented. The polarization has been determined using MERLIN\\footnote{MERLIN is a national facility operated by the University of Manchester at Jodrell Bank Observatory on behalf of PPARC} observations presented by \\citet[][~hereafter HSC06]{HarveySmith06}, where the focus has been on the astrometry and distribution of the methanol masers. W3(OH) is one of the most intensively studied star-forming regions and contains one of the most luminous ultracompact {\\sc Hii} (UC{\\sc Hii}) regions. It is located in the Perseus spiral arm of the Galaxy at a distance of $1.95\\pm0.04$~kpc as determined using maser astrometry \\citep{Xu06}. It is the site of several young high- and intermediate-mass stars, the most prominent of which is the UC{\\sc Hii} region itself, which is ionized by an embedded zero-age main-sequence O-star \\citep[e.g][]{Dreher81}. The W3(OH) region displays strong emission from a wide variety of maser species \\citep[e.g][~and references therein]{Wright04a, Etoka05}. Strong OH and methanol masers are seen projected onto the UC{\\sc Hii} region and strong H$_2$O masers have been found towards the related Turner-Welch (TW) Object \\citep{Turner84}. ", "conclusions": "MERLIN has been used to produce the first maps of the polarization of 6.7~GHz methanol masers in the star-forming region W3(OH). Linear polarization of up to $\\sim 8$~per~cent, similar in level to that found from the 12.2~GHz methanol masers at the same velocities, has been found. We determined an upper limit of $22$~mG to the magnetic field strength through the RHC-LHC cross-correlation method. As the 6.7~GHz methanol masers are much less affected by internal and external Faraday rotation than the lower frequency OH masers, they are excellent probes of the magnetic field direction in the maser region. After correction for Faraday rotation we find that the magnetic field is orientated parallel to the extended N-S filamentary structure detected in methanol and OH maser observations." }, "0606/astro-ph0606136_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% We propose a solution to the problem of astrometric and photometric calibration of coronagraphic images with a simple optical device which, in theory, is easy to use. Our design uses the Fraunhofer approximation of Fourier optics. Placing a periodic grid of wires (we use a square grid) with known width and spacing in a pupil plane in front of the occulting coronagraphic focal plane mask produces fiducial images of the obscured star at known locations relative to the star. We also derive the intensity of these fiducial images in the coronagraphic image. These calibrator images can be used for precise relative astrometry, to establish companionship of other objects in the field of view through measurement of common proper motion or common parallax, to determine orbits, and to observe disk structure around the star quantitatively. The calibrator spots also have known brightness, selectable by the coronagraph designer, permitting accurate relative photometry in the coronagraphic image. This technique, which enables precision exoplanetary science, is relevant to future coronagraphic instruments, and is particularly useful for ``extreme'' adaptive optics and space-based coronagraphy. ", "introduction": "Stellar coronagraphs suppress a star's point spread function (PSF) in order to enable the imaging of faint objects or structure, such as planets or proto-planetary disks, in orbit about the star \\citep{Lyot39, Sivaramakrishnan01}. Accurate relative astrometry between the star and its apparent companions or extended disk structure is essential to establish physical association through confirmation of common proper motion or common parallax \\citep{Oppenheimer018pcsurvey}, to determine orbital parameters, and to observe disk structure quantitatively. Relative photometry between the star and these other objects in the field of view is also necessary to conduct studies of disk or companion physics and chemistry. However, a perfect coronagraph will completely remove the core of the star's PSF, meaning that measuring its intensity or location in the scientific data is impossible. \\citet{LS05} show that decentering the on-axis star results in complex PSF morphology --- tilt errors can even introduce artifacts that look like point sources within a few resolution elements of the center of the occulting focal plane mask of the coronagraph, even in simple theoretical simulations. We have also observed these effects in real data from the optimized, diffraction-limited Lyot Project coronagraph \\citep{Sivaramakrishnan01, OppenheimerAMOS03, OSM03, OppenheimerSPIE04, Makidon05}, which is deployed at the Air Force AEOS 3.6\\ m telescope \\citep{LRCN02}. This coronagraph is the first to operate in the regime of ``extreme adaptive optics'' (ExAO), with Strehl ratios in the 70-85\\% range, and it has played a role in developing advanced techniques of exoplanetary science. (The NICMOS coronagraph on the Hubble Space Telescope is not optimized for coronagraphy --- the function of its focal plane occulter is to reduce the total flux on the detector, since there is no coronagraphic suppression of the stellar background away from the PSF core.) It brings early results to a burgeoning field of coronagraphic imaging of nearby stars. In \\citet{Digby06} we discuss some of the problems of coronagraphic astrometry uncovered when analyzing real data from the Lyot Project coronagraph, including the fact that such data is often far more complex than simple theory might predict \\citep{LS05, SSSLOM05}. Over exposures a few seconds to several minutes long objects are smeared out on the detector because of slow drifts in the AO system, differential refraction effects and field rotation. In addition, the dynamic range of the detector prevents simultaneous non-coronagraphic imaging of faint companions with the AO target star. The image is further complicated by the motion of speckles, which occurs on all timescales present in the obervation. This paper presents a solution to some of the problems discussed in \\citet{Digby06}. We explain how to create controlled fiducial spots in the coronagraphic image which pinpoint the location of the star, in addition to providing calibration for accurate relative photometry, thus solving the fundamental problem of coronagraphic image calibration. By inserting a reticulate grid of wires into a pupil ahead of the focal plane occulting mask in the coronagraph we create predictable images of the central star at desired locations and chosen brightness in the coronagraphic image plane. We extend the analytical theory of segmented aperture telescope point-spread functions (PSFs) for direct imaging \\citep{Chanan98, SivaramakrishnanGSMT01, Yaitskova02} as well as that of coronagraphic imaging \\citep{SivaramakrishnanGSMT01, SY05} to describe the effects of our proposed reticulate grid of wires in the coronagraphic case. Our methods, though relevant to any coronagraphic observation, are particularly applicable to space-based high dynamic range coronagraphy dedicated to the extremely challenging task of finding and characterizing Earth-like exoplanets, as our approach does not disturb the extremely smooth, well-corrected wavefront that such searches demand. Our technique does not require exquisite calibration of deformable mirrors, for instance, nor does it require any change in a deformable mirror shape before, during, or after an observation. We note a simultaneous but independent study by \\citet{Marois06}, where a pupil plane before the focal plane mask is also modified in order to create images suitable for photometric and astrometric purposes. \\S 2 elucidates the theoretical basis for our calculations of telescope PSFs. \\S 3 describes the perfect coronagraph used to illustrate the utility of this new theoretical construct, as well as the difficulties in proper numerical simulations of the reticulate pupil mask. In \\S 4, we extend the theory to a more practical level, addressing the effects of finite bandwidth in astronomical imaging, imprecise positioning of optics, residual uncorrected wavefront errors, and atmospheric differential refraction. \\S 5 describes the practical application of the theory, including some details on how to design reticulate pupil masks, and how to calibrate and reduce coronagraphic data to derive precision relative astrometry and photometry. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606699_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The clustering properties of dark matter halos are a firm prediction of modern theories of structure formation. We use two large volume, high-resolution N-body simulations to study how the correlation function of massive dark matter halos depends upon their mass, assembly history, and recent merger activity. We find that halos with the lowest concentrations are presently more clustered than those of higher concentration, the size of the effect increasing with halo mass; this agrees with trends found in studies of lower mass halos. The clustering dependence on other characterizations of the full mass accretion history appears weaker than the effect with concentration. Using the integrated correlation function, marked correlation functions, and a power-law fit to the correlation function, we find evidence that halos which have recently undergone a major merger or a large mass gain have slightly enhanced clustering relative to a randomly chosen population with the same mass distribution. ", "introduction": "The observed Universe contains order on all scales we can probe. It is generally believed that the largest structures arose via the amplification of primordial (quantum) fluctuations during a period of accelerated expansion, processed by the subsequent $13\\,$Gyrs of gravitational instability. The pattern of clustering of objects on large scales is a calculable prediction of cosmological models and thus comprises one of the fundamental cosmological statistics. Within modern theories of structure formation, the clustering of rare, massive dark matter halos is enhanced relative to that of the general mass distribution \\citep{Kai84,Efs88,ColKai89,MoWhi96,SheTor99}, an effect known as bias. The more massive the halo, the larger the bias. As a result, the mass of halos hosting a given population of objects is sometimes inferred by measuring their degree of clustering -- allowing a statistical route to the notoriously difficult problem of measuring masses of cosmological objects (e.g.~\\citet{CooShe}). Since halos of a given mass can differ in their formation history and large-scale environment\\footnote{ The large-scale environment of a halo refers to the density, smoothed on some scale larger than the halos, e.g.~$5-10\\,h^{-1}$Mpc.}, a natural question arises: do these details affect halo clustering? In currently viable scenarios for structure formation, objects grow either by accretion of smaller units or by major mergers with comparable-sized objects. The formation history of a halo can thus be characterized by its mass accumulation over time, such as when it reached half of its mass, had a mass jump in a short time, or last underwent a (major) merger. Theoretically, the simplest descriptions of halo growth and clustering \\citep{bondetal,bower,lc93,lc94,kit-sut,kit-sut2} do not give a dependence upon halo formation history \\citep{Whi93,SheTor04b,FurKam05,Har06}. To reprise these arguments: pick a random point in the universe and imagine filtering the density field around it on a sequence of successively smaller scales. The enclosed density executes a random walk, which in the usual prescription is taken to be uncorrelated from scale to scale. The formation of a halo of a given mass corresponds to the path passing a certain critical value of the density, $\\delta_c$, at a given scale. The bias of the halo is the `past' of its random walk and its history the `future' of the walk. All halos of the same mass at that time correspond to random walks crossing the same point, and thus have the same bias. (Note that the derivation, using sharp $k$-space filtering, does not match the way the prescription is usually applied, and this has been suggested by some of the above authors as a way to obtain history dependence. Introducing an environmental dependence through e.g.~elliptical collapse will also give a history dependence.) The lack of dependence on halo history in the simplest descriptions does not close the discussion theoretically or otherwise. While these analytic methods work much better than might be expected given their starting assumptions, the Press-Schechter based approaches still suffer many known difficulties (e.g.~\\citet{ShePit97}, \\citet{BenKamHas05}). Other analytical ways of estimating the clustering of mergers have been explored. For example, \\citet{FurKam05} defined a merger kernel (not calculable from first principles) and assumed that all peaks within a certain volume eventually merged. Such an ansatz implies that recently merged halos are more clustered for $M>M_*$ and less clustered for $MM_*$ and reduction for $M2\\sigma$) merger effects on clustering in many cases we considered, both for recent major mergers and large mass gain, in most cases this signal was weak: a 5--10\\% increase in bias. Our strongest signal came from using a likelihood fit of the correlation function to a power law, particularly for major mergers within $0.4\\,h^{-1}$Gyr of the present, where we saw a typical merger bias of up to $20\\%$. This bias signal is not necessarily at odds with the lack of signal in previous work, which looked for larger bias than that seen on average here. Even with a $(1.1\\,h^{-1}{\\rm Gpc})^3$ volume, massive halos remain very rare objects and small changes in their correlations are difficult to detect. We were plagued by the competing effects that increasing the severity of the merger (and hence underlying signal) decreases the number of pairs, worsening the statistics. General trends remain elusive, since changing various criteria (e.g.~merger definition, minimum mass, time step) generally changed the number of halos involved, thus changing the errors. However, we did find that the strength of the merger bias typically increased with increasing merger ratio, i.e.~more major mergers are more strongly biased. Finally, we note that the correlations found between the last large (20\\%) mass gain and the different definitions of formation redshifts provide a connection between the assembly bias studied in \\S\\ref{sec:history} and the merger bias in \\S\\ref{sec:merger}. This bias is not expected from direct application of extended Press-Schechter theory, and it provides a phenomenon that a more precise analytic model of mergers should reproduce. We thank J. Bullock, R. Croft, G. Jungman, P. Norberg, G. Rockefeller, R. Sheth, E. Scannapieco, R. Wechsler and A. Zabludoff for enlightening conversations and especially R. Sheth and R. Wechsler, who also provided useful comments on the draft. J.D.C., D.E.H. and M.W. thank the staff of the Aspen Center for Physics for their hospitality while this work was being completed. The simulations and analysis in this paper were carried out on supercomputers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and NERSC. J.D.C. was suported in part by the NSF. M.W. was supported in part by NASA. D.E.H. gratefully acknowledges a Feynman Fellowship from LANL." }, "0606/astro-ph0606650_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} { We have carried out a survey of 60 Herbig Ae/Be stars in the 3 micron wavelength region in search for the rare spectral features at 3.43 and 3.53~micron. These features have been attributed to the presence of large, hot, hydrogen-terminated nanodiamonds. Only two Herbig Ae/Be stars, \\object{HD~97048} and \\object{Elias~3$-$1} are known to display both these features.} { We have obtained medium-resolution spectra ($R \\sim 2500$) with the ESO near-IR instrument ISAAC in the 3.15$-$3.65~micron range. } { In our sample, no new examples of sources with prominent nanodiamond features in their 3~micron spectra were discovered. Less than 4\\% of the Herbig targets show the prominent emission features at 3.43 and/or 3.53~$\\mu$m. Both features are detected in our spectrum of HD~97048. We confirm the detection of the 3.53~$\\mu$m feature and the non-detection of the 3.43~$\\mu$m feature in MWC~297. Furthermore, we report tentative 3.53~$\\mu$m detections in V921~Sco, HD 163296 and T~CrA. The sources which display the nanodiamond features are not exceptional in the group of Herbig stars with respect to disk properties, stellar characteristics, or disk and stellar activity. Moreover, the nanodiamond sources are very different from each other in terms of these parameters. We do not find evidence for a recent supernova in the vicinity of any of the nanodiamond sources. \\\\ We have analyzed the PAH~3.3~$\\mu$m feature and the \\Pfd hydrogen emission line, two other spectral features which occur in the 3~micron wavelength range. We reinforce the conclusion of previous authors that flared-disk systems display significantly more PAH emission than self-shadowed-disk sources. The \\pfd line detection rate is higher in self-shadowed-disk sources than in the flared-disk systems.} { We discuss the possible origin and paucity of the (nano)diamond features in Herbig stars. Different creation mechanisms have been proposed in the literature, amongst others in-situ and supernova-induced formation. Our data set is inconclusive in proving or disproving either formation mechanism.} ", "introduction": "Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stars are pre-main-sequence objects of intermediate (1.5--8 M$_\\odot$) mass. These sources exhibit large infrared (IR) excesses, for the greater part due to thermal emission of circumstellar dust. The geometry of this dust surrounding the late-B, A and F-type members of this class is disklike \\citep[e.g.][]{mannings97, testi, pietu, fuente, natta04}. Also for early-B-type stars, evidence for disks has been found \\citep[e.g.][]{vink02}. However, there is growing evidence that the structure of the circumstellar matter in early-type B stars is fundamentally different from Herbig Ae and T~Tauri stars \\citep[e.g.][]{fuente,bik04}. The chemistry and mineralogy of the dust component of circumstellar disks around HAEBE stars has been studied with unprecedented precision based on near-to-mid-IR spectra (2--200~$\\mu$m) provided by the \\textit{Infrared Space Observatory} \\citep[ISO,][]{kessler}. The launch of this satellite in 1995 was the start of a brand-new era for the research of protoplanetary disks. The spectra revealed a large variety in dust properties and species, from small carbonaceous molecules like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules (PAHs) to silicate dust. Moreover, some sources were shown to contain crystalline grains, similar to those found in comets in our own solar system \\citep{waelkens96,malfait, malfait99,vandenancker00a, vandenancker00b, meeus01}. All available ISO 2--15~$\\mu$m spectra of HAEBE stars have been studied as a whole by \\citet[][hereafter AV04]{ackeiso}. A handful of HAEBE sources \\citep[HD~97048 and Elias~3$-$1,][and references therein]{vankerckhoven} and the post-AGB binary \\object{HR~4049} \\citep{geballe89} display peculiar spectral features at 3.43 and 3.53~$\\mu$m. Comparison with laboratory spectra has convincingly shown that the carriers of these features are hydrogen-terminated nanometer-sized diamonds \\citep[hereafter nanodiamonds,][]{guillois}. Near-IR observations of HD~97048 by \\citet{habart04a} have spatially resolved the emission region of the strong 3.43 and 3.53~$\\mu$m features on a scale of $0.18^{\\prime\\prime} \\times 0.18^{\\prime\\prime}$. The observations prove beyong doubt that the emission region is confined to the inner 15~AU of the circumstellar {\\em disk}. More tentative detections of the features were reported in the literature \\citep[e.g. in HD~142527 and HD~100546,][respectively]{waelkens96,malfait98b}, but only one additional 3.53~$\\mu$m feature was discovered persuasively \\citep[in MWC~297,][]{terada}. Summing up, only two HAEBE stars display both the 3.43 and the 3.53~$\\mu$m feature, and one HAEBE object shows the 3.53~$\\mu$m feature. Considering that the ISO sample contains 45 targets, only a minor fraction of the HAEBE stars appear to have such a spectacular 3 micron spectrum (AV04). The currently operating successor to the ISO satellite, Spitzer, is not equipped with a spectrograph which can observe in the 3~micron region of the spectrum. Ground-based observations are therefore the only alternative. With the present paper, we intend to enlarge the sample of HAEBE stars that are observed in the 3 micron region and possibly identify new targets which display nanodiamond emission. Therefore, we have employed the near-IR ISAAC instrument (ESO$-$VLT) and focused on the wavelength region around 3.3 (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hereafter PAHs), 3.43 and 3.53~$\\mu$m (nanodiamonds). In Sect.~\\ref{dataset}, we present the sample and the data reduction procedure. The detected features are discussed in Sect.~\\ref{observations}. ", "conclusions": "} We summarize the two main conclusions of the present paper. \\begin{itemize} \\item Our survey of 3~micron spectra of HAEBE stars has not revealed a new spectacular nanodiamond source like HD~97048 or Elias~3$-$1. This negative result increases the rarity of these near-IR bands in the group of Herbig stars. Within the current sample, only 4\\% of the targets are surrounded by detected nanodiamonds. We find a large range in nanodiamond luminosity, which spans 1$-$2 orders of magnitude. No clear correlation is found between the presence of the nanodiamond features and the disk and stellar parameters, although a weak link between nanodiamond luminosity and stellar luminosity may be present. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a specific disk/star property which the nanodiamond sources have in common. We have shown that our findings are inconclusive with respect to the influence of the surroundings of the targets. We do not find any evidence for a correlation of nanodiamond emitters with the locations of known recent supernova remnants, nor do we find evidence for an enrichment in heavy elements of the photosphere of the system with the most prominent nano-diamond features, HD~97048. \\item Most to all Herbig stars with a flared disk are PAH emitters. This conclusion once again confirms the suggestion of \\citet{meeus01} that PAH molecules can only be excited in systems where they can capture direct stellar UV photons. In the case of self-shadowed disks, the puffed-up inner rim casts a shadow over the outer disk, preventing the PAH molecules from being heated by the central star. Our findings reinforce the results of AV04 and \\citet{habart}. The latter studies were based on ISO data. Due to the large aperture sizes of the ISO instruments, it is difficult to differentiate between PAH emission emanating from the disk surface, and contamination from the wider surroundings of the target. The present ISAAC data set, which clearly confirms the correlation, is considerably more reliable in this sense: both the narrow slit and the chop-nod technique, which allows for an efficient subtraction of constant background emission, reduce the possibility of confusion with extended PAH emission drastically. \\end{itemize} Laboratory experiments have been instrumental in the identification of the carriers of the 3~micron features \\citep[e.g.][]{guillois,sheu02,jones04,mutschke04}. Currently, the astronomical spectra can be reproduced from the absorption spectra of films of hydrogen-terminated diamonds \\citep{sheu02}. The spectral features in the 3~micron range are due to CH-bond stretches (as is the PAH~3.3~$\\mu$m feature). The prominent peaks around 3.43 and 3.53~$\\mu$m observed in HAEBE spectra can only be reproduced when the diamonds are sufficiently large. Typical sizes for the diamonds in HAEBE stars ($\\sim$50-100~nm) are 2 orders of magnitude larger than the nanodiamonds found in our solar system \\citep[e.g.][]{jones04}. The spectral features hence indicate the presence of large, hot hydrogen-terminated diamonds. The question remains whether there are indeed no diamonds in the majority of disks. It may be possible that nanodiamonds of small sizes are present, but remain undetected, because their spectral signature is less pronounced \\citep[e.g.][]{sheu02}. Also diamonds which are not hydrogen-terminated are not detectable in the 3~micron region. Diamonds that are stripped from hydrogen atoms are hence overlooked by our survey. A third possibility why (nano)diamonds can remain undetected is their exact location |and hence temperature| in the disk. Cool hydrogen-terminated diamonds will not radiate significantly in the near-IR. The absence of the 3~micron features in the spectrum of a HAEBE system hence does not necessarily mean that no (nano)diamonds are present. \\subsection*{In-situ formation or extraneous origin?} Diamond was the first presolar mineral to be identified in meteorites \\citep{lewis87} and it has the highest relative abundance among carbonaceous grains. The diamond has been classified as presolar based on the presence of a significant overabundance of very heavy (Xe-H) {\\em and} very light (Xe-L) Xe isotopes (together Xe-HL). The overabundance of this noble-gas carrier is expected to be produced by $r$- and $p$-process nucleosynthesis in supernovae. The link between the presence of nanodiamonds and the xenon overabundance led to the hypothesis that the diamonds are formed in, and injected into the system by a supernova outflow \\citep{clayton89}. Isotope anomalies on other heavy elements such as Te and Pd also point to supernova nucleosynthesis \\citep{richter98, maas01}. Recent analysis of $^{60}$Fe isotopes in chondrites has clearly demonstrated that a nearby type~II supernova has contributed material to the natal cloud from which our own solar system formed \\citep{mostefaoui05,tachibana06}. This process may have been important for planet formation, as the the radioactive decay of $^{60}$Fe into $^{60}$Ni was an important heat source for the early planetary melting and differentiation and keeping asteroids thermally active for much longer than would be possible from the decay of $^{26}$Al alone. Infrared spectroscopy has shown that solar-system diamonds contain N and O, probably in chemical functional groups on their surfaces \\citep{lewis89,mutschke95,andersen98,jones04}. However, the similarity of C- and N-isotopes of these diamonds and the solar system as a whole supports the idea that not all solar-system diamonds originate from supernovae and that the supernova contribution to the diamonds in our own solar system is probably not very large. It thus remains unclear how the majority of the solar-system diamonds has formed. Although advocated by several recent studies \\citep{kouchi05,binette05}, the presence of nanodiamonds in the interstellar medium remains controversial. The absence of observable 3.43 and 3.53~$\\mu$m features in the ISM suggests that hydrogenated hydrocarbons cannot be more abundant than $\\approx$~0.1 ppm in the interstellar medium \\citep{tielens87}. \\citet{vankerckhoven} showed that in HD~97048 and Elias~3$-$1, 1 nanodiamond part per billion relative to hydrogen is required to reproduce the 3~micron spectra observed by ISO, making an ISM origin of nanodiamonds in principle a viable option. This hypothesis has problems in explaining the paucity of detections of the 3.43 and 3.53~$\\mu$m feature in Herbig stars within our sample, however. We found no evidence for the presence of a supernova remnant (SNR) in the proximity of any of our sample sources. We made use of the catalog of galactic SNRs published by \\citet{green04}. Only R~Mon and V590~Mon are potentially located close to a SNR; the Monoceros Nebula (G205.5$+$0.5). These sources display no detected nanodiamond features, however. We note that the absence of a SNR in the vicinity of our sample stars in the above-mentioned catalog does not necessarily imply that no supernova has actually occured. Most of the sample targets are located in massive-star-forming regions. It may very well be that the most massive members in such a region have recently gone off as a supernova. In a relatively crowded star forming region, the ejecta of such an event likely affect a number of surrounding young stellar objects or molecular clouds. In this scenario, the presence of diamonds in the circumstellar disk is expected to be common to all disk systems in the vicinity of the supernova. Unfortunately, we have no spectra of disk sources close to Elias~3$-$1, HD~97048 or MWC~297 to check this hypothesis. The parent star of a disk which contains supernova-injected diamonds must be be polluted by supernova material as well, under the supernova hypothesis. Enrichment of the stellar photosphere by a supernova outflow is expected to alter the photospheric abundance pattern of the star significantly. An abundance analysis of the strongest diamond source HD~97048 has produced upper limits on the abundances of a few heavy elements. The Sr abundance is at least one order of magnitude less than the solar abundance of this element. No evidence supporting the supernova hypothesis is found. Except for HD~97048 and Elias~3$-$1, both nanodiamond features have also been observed in the post-AGB binary HR~4049 \\citep{geballe89}. The post-AGB phase is very short ($\\sim$10,000~yr) compared to the lifetime of an intermediate-mass pre-main-sequence star. Due to the short timescales, it is unlikely that a nearby supernova is the cause of the presence of nanodiamonds in this system. However, the oxygen isotopes in the circumbinary disk of HR~4049 display peculiar behaviour: the relative $^{17}$O and $^{18}$O abundances are two orders of magnitude larger than the surface abundances in other evolved stars \\citep[$^{16}$O/$^{17}$O~=~8.3$\\pm$2.3 and $^{16}$O/$^{18}$O~=~6.9$\\pm$0.9,][]{cami01}. These exceptional values are most likely related to the binary nature of HR~4049, and possibly to a nova outburst. The presence of nanodiamonds in the circumstellar environment may be related to such an event as well. The extraneous origin of the circumstellar diamonds is disputed, however. \\citet{dai02nature} have stated that, if the supernova hypothesis is true, nanodiamonds should be abundant in solar-system comets as well. These objects are believed to have formed further out in the early solar system and are likely more pristine than meteorites. The authors have investigated fragile, carbon-rich IPD particles which enter the Earth's atmosphere with speeds in the range of cometary bodies, which suggests that the grains originate from these objects. Nanodiamonds are absent or strongly depleted in such IPD grains, which indicates that diamonds are not uniformly abundant in the solar system. This may support the hypothesis that the detected meteoritic nanodiamonds have formed {\\em in situ}, and are not of presolar origin. \\citet{goto00} has suggested that the X-ray hardness of the radiation field of the central star may play a decisive role in the formation of diamond. However, our analysis has shown no obvious link between the source's X-ray luminosity and presence/absence of nanodiamonds. Furthermore, the strength of the few detected diamond features appears to be independent from the X-ray strength of the central star as well. The extraneous origin of nanodiamonds is an attractive hypothesis, because it naturally explains the paucity of nanodiamond sources and the seemingly very different properties of these targets. No evidence was found, however, to substantiate the claim of an external triggering source in the vicinity of the targets. In-situ formation of nanodiamonds is a viable alternative. However, it remains unclear why only very few disks can/could provide the specific conditions needed to produce diamond. The disk and stellar parameters of the diamond sources are not uncommon, nor do the targets form a consistent group within the Herbig stars. Selection effects in terms of the size, temperature or hydrogenation of the diamonds may nonetheless be present. Such effects could prevent the detection of features in the 3~micron region in spectra of the majority of circumstellar disks. A larger sample of systems displaying diamond emission is needed to distinguish between in-situ formation and an extraneous origin of the (nano)diamonds in Herbig Ae/Be stars and in our own solar system." }, "0606/astro-ph0606185_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We used our database of VLT-UVES quasar spectra to build up a sample of 70 Damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ (DLA) or strong sub-DLA systems with total neutral hydrogen column densities of $\\log N($H\\,{\\sc i}$)\\ga 20$ and redshifts in the range $1.72.43$) and the lower ($z_{\\rm abs}\\le 2.43$) redshift halves of our sample. However, the two populations of systems are statistically different. There is a strong redshift evolution in the sense that the mean metallicity {\\sl and} mean velocity width increase with decreasing redshift. We argue that the existence of a DLA velocity-metallicity correlation, over more than a factor of 100 spread in metallicity, is probably the consequence of an underlying mass-metallicity relation for the galaxies responsible for DLA absorption lines. Assuming a simple linear scaling of the galaxy luminosity with the mass of the dark-matter halo, we find that the slope of the DLA velocity-metallicity relation is consistent with that of the luminosity-metallicity relation derived for local galaxies. If the galaxy dynamical mass is indeed the dominant factor setting up the observed DLA velocity-metallicity correlation, then the DLA systems exhibiting the lowest metallicities among the DLA population should, on average, be associated with galaxies of lower masses (e.g., gas-rich dwarf galaxies). In turn, these galaxies should have the lowest luminosities among the DLA galaxy population. This could explain the difficulties of detecting high-redshift DLA galaxies in emission. ", "introduction": "Over the past decade, significant progress in our understanding of early galaxy evolution has been made with large samples of high-redshift galaxies drawn from deep multi-band imaging \\citep[][and references therein]{2003ApJ...592..728S}. However, even before the first surveys for Lyman-Break Galaxies (LBGs) had begun, samples of DLA absorbers observed on the lines-of-sight to distant quasars had been constructed \\citep{1986ApJS...61..249W,1995ApJ...454..698W}. These absorbers were thought at the time to be the best carriers of information on the population of high-redshift galaxies, but, despite many attempts to identify the galaxies responsible for DLA absorption lines [hereafter called DLA galaxies], only very few could be detected in emission \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{1993A&A...270...43M,1996Natur.382..234D,1999MNRAS.303..711L,1999MNRAS.305..849F,2002ApJ...574...51M,2004A&A...422L..33M,2004A&A...417..487C,2005MNRAS.358..985W}. However, there is little doubt that DLA systems arise from the densest regions of the Universe and are closely associated with galaxies. It is therefore crucial to establish the connection between the absorption-selected DLA systems and emission-selected galaxies. In addition, the detailed information that becomes available only through the combination of morphology, colour and luminosity, with QSO absorption-line spectroscopy, makes these galaxy/absorber associations unique laboratories to study the physical processes at work during galaxy formation \\citep[see][]{1999ApJ...522..604P}. Progress in this field has been slow. Firstly, a huge amount of work is needed to derive important parameters in DLA systems such as gas kinematics, metallicity, or dust and molecular fractions \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{1997ApJ...486..665P,1997ApJ...487...73P,1998ApJ...507..113P,1999ApJS..121..369P,2001ApJ...552...99P,1998A&A...337...51L,2003MNRAS.346..209L}. Secondly, as mentioned above, the known high-redshift DLA systems have proved to be very difficult to detect in emission. This has caused some confusion and for a while suggestions were put forward that DLA absorbers may not be related to high-redshift galaxies at all. \\citet{1998MNRAS.295..319M} and \\citet{1998ApJ...495..647H,2000ApJ...534..594H} resolved this issue showing that the difficulty of detecting high-redshift DLA systems in emission is an unavoidable consequence of the absorption cross-section selection which tends to reveal faint galaxies because they have an integrated cross-section larger than that of bright galaxies \\citep[see also][]{1999MNRAS.305..849F}. Recently, \\citet{2004A&A...422L..33M} tentatively suggested that, if a galaxy luminosity-metallicity relation similar to that observed at $0\\la z\\la 1$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{2002ApJ...581.1019G,2003ApJ...599.1006K,2004MNRAS.350..396L,2004ApJ...613..898T} was already in place at high redshifts, then it would be possible to significantly increase the DLA galaxy detection probability by carefully selecting DLA systems with the highest metallicities. In fact, the few DLA galaxies that have to date been identified in emission do give support to the conjecture that a luminosity-metallicity relation was already in place at $z\\approx 2-3$, although the result is only marginally statistically significant \\citep[][see also Christensen et al., in prep.]{2004A&A...422L..33M}. This is in line with the near-Solar or even super-Solar metallicities derived for bright Lyman-break or bright K-band selected galaxies at similar redshifts \\citep{2004ApJ...612..108S,2004ApJ...608L..29D}. A mass-metallicity relation has recently been put into evidence for UV-selected star-forming galaxies at $z\\sim 2.3$ by \\citet{2006astroph0602473E}. In this paper, we provide for the first time evidence for the existence of a velocity-metallicity correlation for high-redshift DLA galaxies that could be the consequence of an underlying mass-metallicity relation for the galaxies responsible for DLA absorption lines. From the observation of a sample of 17 DLA systems at $z_{\\rm abs}<3$, \\citet{1998ApJ...494L..15W} previously showed that the DLA systems exhibiting the largest line profile velocity widths span a narrow range of high metallicities. However, these authors also suggested that systems with small velocity widths span a wide range of metallicities. Recently, \\citet{2003MNRAS.345..480P} found a hint of an increase of the mean DLA metallicity with increasing velocity width, but the statistical significance of their result is low. In this paper, we use our database of VLT-UVES quasar spectra to build up a sample of 70 DLA or strong sub-DLA systems with total neutral hydrogen column densities of $\\log N($H\\,{\\sc i}$)\\ga 20$ and redshifts in the range $1.7 0.1$ and so $N_H > 6 \\times 10^{20}$~cm$^{-2}$. This corresponds to lines of sight with 100-\\micron\\ cirrus brightness $I_{100} > 6$~MJy~sr$^{-1}$. While there will be many such directions in which to examine the polarization of the low-frequency foreground cirrus with forthcoming experiments, for CMB applications one needs to work at even lower column densities too. Another issue for any intercomparison of optical polarization and the polarization of low-frequency dust emission is that the Galaxy is optically thin for the latter. Therefore, we see the whole Galaxy, or right out of it, unlike probes with stars which rely on differential extinction along that path. But at high latitude, most relevant to the CMB, the effective paths might not be too dissimilar if the stars used were sufficiently distant. A lot of attention goes into the degree of polarization $p = P/I$, the ratio of the polarized intensity $P$ to the total emission $I$. Non-polarizing grains (or other emission components entirely) can contribute to $I$, potentially confusing the interpretation of any spectral dependence of $p$. We therefore also emphasize the importance of examining $P$ and its spectral dependence directly, as a diagnostic of the aligned grains. $P$ is of course what is relevant to the calculation of the power spectrum of the $E$ and $B$ modes of the polarized intensity. We do not attempt to predict these (Prunet \\etl\\ \\cite{pru98}; Tucci \\etl\\ \\cite{tuc05}) since they depend in addition on the spatial variation of the degree and orientation of the alignment, whose statistical properties are not known (i.e., the statistics of $P$ are different than the statistics of $p_{em}I$). However, the dust contribution to the power spectrum should scale with the same frequency dependence as $P^2$ (from dust), unless hoped-for ``spatial -- electromagnetic frequency decoupling'' breaks down, i.e., there were different populations of grains with different alignment statistics whose relative contributions to $P$ (and $I$) changed with frequency. A $TE$ measurement of the dust emission at 353~GHz by Archeops (Ponthieu \\etl\\ \\cite{pon05}) provides a basis from which the potential contamination at lower frequencies can be estimated more directly. ", "conclusions": "\\label{results} The results from the different steps of this recipe are collected in Table~\\ref{predictt}. There $pa_{em}$ is evaluated at 350~GHz, but this choice is inconsequential (Fig.~\\ref{figpem}). \\begin{table}[!b] \\caption{Prediction of the Net Submillimetre Polarization} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccc} \\hline \\\\ &\\multispan{4}\\, Oblate\\hfil &\\multispan{3} Prolate\\hfil\\\\ Axial ratio & $\\sqrt{2}$ & 2 & 4 & 6 & 2$^1$& 2$^2$& 4$^2$\\\\ \\hline \\\\ $(p/\\tau)_{ex}$ & 0.04 & 0.08 & 0.12 & 0.12 & 0.05 & 0.09 & 0.14 \\\\ $R$ & 0.67 & 0.36 & 0.23 & 0.23 & 0.53 & 0.30 & 0.19 \\\\ $pa_{em}$$^3$ & 0.31 & 0.56 & 0.83 & 0.90 & 0.39 & 0.56 & 0.91 \\\\ $R pa_{em}$ & 0.21 & 0.20 & 0.19 & 0.21 & 0.21 & 0.17 & 0.17 \\\\ $d R pa_{em}$ (\\%)& 9.3 & 8.9 & 8.7 & 9.4 & 9.3 & 7.5 & 7.8 \\\\ \\hline \\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {$^1$ perfect spinning alignment} \\\\ {$^2$ picket fence alignment} \\\\ {$^3$ evaluated at 350~GHz} \\\\ \\label{predictt} \\end{table} For perfectly aligned oblate silicate particles ($R \\sim 1$ in this case), the axial ratio needs to be no higher than 1.4 to produce the maximum $(p/\\tau)_{ex}$ observed. For larger axial ratios, grains must be somewhat disaligned by a quantifiable amount ($R < 1$) to produce the same $(p/\\tau)_{ex}$. The value of $pa_{em}$ is large, and as expected higher for the more extreme axial ratios (Fig.~\\ref{figpem}). The application of the recipe to the models for axial ratios closer to unity is probably more reliable, and these ratios are possibly the most realistic as well. But it turns out that the product $R pa_{em}$ is fairly robust, depending little on the shape and axial ratio. \\subsection{Dilution}\\label{dilute} Non-aligned grains contribute to the thermal emission and dilute the maximum polarization expected. The Kim \\& Martin models used involve silicates and (large) graphite particles (Kim \\etl\\ \\cite{kim94}), following Mathis \\etl\\ (\\cite{mat77}) and Draine \\& Lee (\\cite{dra84}). The relative contributions to the submillimetre emission can be judged from calculations by Draine \\& Anderson (\\cite{dra85}), which do produce about the right amount of far-infrared emission per unit column density. This suggests quite a reduction, by $d \\sim 1/3$. A more recent variant of this model, with slightly different size distributions and apportionment of material (Li and Draine \\cite{lid01}), gives $d \\sim 0.58$ at 353~GHz (their Fig.~9). We adopt the mean, $d \\sim 0.45$, and note another major contribution to the systematic uncertainty. Note that the dilution of $(p/\\tau)_{ex}$ in the optical by extinction by unaligned graphite (carbonaceous) particles has resulted in a larger $R_{ex}$, and so this low $d$ can be considered as payback, compensating in the product $dR$. Likewise, if there were optical polarization by large carbonaceous particles, there would be an accompanying decrease in $R$ but an increase in $d$, and so this change too would not produce a greatly different net $p_{em}$ in the submillimetre. \\subsection{Predicted Net Polarization $p_{em}$}\\label{predict} This self-consistent model then predicts a maximum net polarization $d R pa_{em}$ as listed in Table~\\ref{predictt} and summarized as the median $p_{em} (\\%) = 8.9 \\pm 0.7 \\pm 3.5 $. The result is not very dependent on the shape or axial ratio of the grains, as reflected in the modest rms 0.7\\% among the different models. The systematic uncertainty 3.5\\% % is much more substantial, with the rough estimate based on actual application of the recipe to the models: calculating $\\tau_{ex}$ appropriately (step (ii); \\S~\\ref{disor}), the (frequency dependent) dilution $d$ near 353~GHz (step (vi); \\S~\\ref{dilute}), and encompassing the assumption $R_{em} = R_{ex}$ (step (v); \\S~\\ref{disor}). Thus the maximum polarization to be expected is quite large, even without the possible boost accompanying spectral flattening of the amorphous silicate emissivity through 350~GHz. But when averaged over large regions with (i) non-uniform alignment (beam dilution) or (ii) less than the optimal alignment, including the effects changes in the direction of the magnetic field, or unfavorable field orientation (something that changes systematically on a large scale in the Galaxy), or (iii) alignment which changes along the line of sight, then typically half of this might be expected, judging from Fig.~\\ref{smf} which shows the depolarization from (ii) and (iii). This would still leave $p_{em} \\sim 5$\\%. \\subsection{Observations}\\label{sobs} Beno\\^it \\etl\\ (\\cite{ben04}) present Archeops measurements of polarization in the Galactic plane at 353~GHz. They find $p_{em} \\sim 4 - 5 \\%$ for the diffuse emission averaged over several square degrees and even higher values in some large clouds. The orientation of the $E$ vector roughly perpendicular to the plane is reassuringly as expected. However, no clear correlation with optical interstellar polarization (for which the path lengths to the background stars would be shorter than for the emission) has been established and the data are not of high enough signal to noise to follow this at high resolution. Because of the long lines of sight and high column densities, the Galactic plane, even its diffuse emission, is probably not the best place to evaluate the polarization of the higher latitude cirrus foreground of the CMB. The amount of polarization observed is actually close to what is predicted by the analysis above. Although such estimates were actually made in 2003, before the Archeops results, this can hardly be taken as a triumph, given the large systematic uncertainties and the extra uncertainties of modeling the emission in the Galactic plane. Nevertheless it does support the view that the polarization of the cirrus at higher latitude will be significant. Although the variations in alignment along and across the line of sight at high latitude are not known, it seems possible (because of the shorter paths and thus simpler geometry being integrated) that these variations will be less than in the Galactic plane, resulting in less depolarization. \\subsection{Spectral Behaviour of $p_{em}$ and $P$} \\label{spectp} As noted above, the spectral index of the amorphous silicate emissivity might be less steep than the $\\beta \\sim 2$ inherent in our calculations. A modest change was introduced by Li \\& Draine (\\cite{lid01}, their eq.~1 and Fig.~9) to fit the frequency dependence of the diffuse emission. Boudet \\etl\\ (\\cite{bou05}) suggest even stronger variations with frequency over the range 150 -- 3000~GHz. In this case, the factor $d$ would be tend to increase with decreasing frequency as the relative importance of large silicates to the submillimetre emission rose. In models where it is the silicates that produce the polarization (subscribed to here), this frequency dependence of $d$ would result in an increase in the net $p_{em}$ at the lower frequencies and our estimate at 353~GHz could be low by a factor $\\sim 1.6$ (not included in the systematic errors below). It will be interesting to learn the results from B2K (and Planck) which measure within this interesting range of frequencies. Because of different weighting of different components, the spectral dependence of the polarized intensity $P$ can be different than that of total emission, $I$ (\\S~\\ref{emission}). Through dilution, non-aligned grains lower the net polarization. If the frequency dependence of emission for the diluting component is different, then this introduces a frequency dependence into $p_{em} = P/I$. We have just mentioned one example. To characterize the intrinsic emission properties of the carriers of the polarization more directly, this confusion from dilution can be avoided in principle by examining $P$, which would isolate the spectral dependence of the polarizing emitters. For frequency ranges over which $pa_{em}$ for this component could be assumed to be constant, this would directly give $\\beta$, and its variations, for the spectral emissivity ($I$) of this aligned-grain component. $P$ is also the quantity on which to base statistical evaluation of the spatial variations. \\begin{figure}[!b] \\includegraphics[width=7cm, angle=90] {toymodel.ps} \\caption{Frequency dependence of observables $p_{em}$, $I$, and $P$ (solid curves, from top) in an illustrative model in which the value of $\\beta$ for the amorphous silicate component varies with frequency (see text). The silicate and graphite constributions to $I$ are shown by the dashed and dot-dash curves, respectively (for normalization, see text). } \\label{toymodel} \\end{figure} A toy model for illustration is presented in Figure~\\ref{toymodel}. Here it has been assumed that $\\beta$ for the aligned silicate component changes significantly with frequency, in the spirit of what has been inferred from astronomical observations and measurments in the laboratory (Boudet \\etl\\ \\cite{bou05}; J.-P.\\ Bernard, private communication), although to be sure this is not (yet) well constrained. Specifically the model uses $\\beta = 1.7$ for $\\lambda < 1$~mm ($\\nu > 300$~GHz), flattening (perhaps too abruptly in this illustrative model) to 0.5 through 2~mm (150~GHz), and then steepening to 1.5 (again for visual emphasis) beyond 5~mm ($\\nu < 60$~GHz). For the silicate grains we take $T = 17$~K and $pa_{em}$ = 0.2 (0.089/0.45 as in \\S~\\ref{predict}. In a more realistic model there would be a slight increase in $pa_{em}$ with decreasing frequency as a resultof impliedchanges in the complex refractive index of the silicate. There is also an unpolarized graphite component with $T = 20.5$~K with relative emission such that $d=0.45$ at 353~GHz (consistent with Table~\\ref{predictt}). For the graphite component, $\\beta = 2$. It should be kept in mind that the ``graphite'' might alternatively be amorphous carbon, in which some frequency dependent changes in $\\beta$ might also be expected. The ``observables'', $I$, $P$ and $p_{em}$, are shown by the solid curves. in Figure~\\ref{toymodel}. The model illustrates several important features. The spectral index measured from $I$ is a function of frequency and would not be representative of either grain material. On the other hand, the spectral index measured from $P$ would track that of the aligned amorphous silicates, even though this component is diluted in $I$. Toward lower frequencies silicates provide a more dominant contribution to the total emission ($d$ is larger) and so even though $pa_{em}$ does not rise significantly for this component, the net $p_{em}$ does increase to lower frequencies. It appears that the frequency dependence could be quite complicated, such that it would not be correct to extrapolate at constant $\\beta$ and/or $p_{em}$ from meaurements at a single high frequency toward the CMB frequncies. Rather, to disentangle this most convincingly, multi-frequency measurements of both $p_{em}$ and $P$ (and $I$) will need to be examined in regions of relatively bright foregrounds to produce a self-consistent model. Such an assessment of the dust polarization on the brighter cirrus, uncontaminated by the CMB at lower frequencies, would provide a basis for understanding the fainter cirrus contaminating the CMB. While this is not possible with Archeops, B2K and Planck have polarization capability at three frequencies and PILOT will extend this to higher frequencies (Table~\\ref{angular}). It would be advantageous to make use of polarization measurements below 100~GHz too (e.g., WMAP and Planck), but at some point synchrotron emission, which probably has a higher intrinsic polarization, would no longer be negligible (Fig.~\\ref{contam}), and there is the anomalous emission to considere too.. \\subsection{Alignment of Small Grains and Polarization of Anomalous Emission}\\label{anomalous} As discussed in \\S~\\ref{polarization}, $(p/\\tau)_{ex}$ is very low in the ultraviolet, where the extinction comes from small grains (VSGs, PAHs). What polarization there is (Fig.~\\ref{pandtau}) is consistent with a fading contribution coming from big grains (Kim \\& Martin \\cite{kim95}). However, it is possible that there is a very low level of residual alignment of small grains, such as from the Davis-Greenstein process, could be present (Kim \\& Martin \\cite{kimm95}; Wolff \\etl\\ \\cite{wol97}; Lazarian \\& Finkbeiner \\cite{laz03}). Tiny grains, including if not exclusively PAHs, are the ones that could spin most rapidly to produce low frequency ($\\sim 20$~GHz) emission (Draine \\& Lazarian \\cite{dra98}), possibly accounting for the dust-correlated anomalous microwave emission (Finkbeiner \\cite{fin04}; Finkbeiner \\etl\\ \\cite{finl04}; de Oliveria-Costa \\etl\\ \\cite{deo04}; Davies \\cite{davies06}; Davis \\cite{davis06}). Since these small particles should not be well aligned, the degree of polarization of that component would not be high (tiny compared to the degree of polarization of the synchrotron component), a diagnostic feature that might be used to advantage by WMAP and Planck LFI. Still, the spectre of a few percent polarization for spinning dust could be a serious contamination for precise CMB polarization measurments (Lazarian \\& Draine \\cite{laz00}; Lazarian \\& Finkbeiner \\cite{laz03}). We can be somewhat more quantitative in a semi-empirical if model-dependent way, starting from the Li \\& Draine (\\cite{lid01}) model, in which PAHs are responsible for most if of the strong 2175~\\AA\\ feature in the extinction curve (as reasonable and economical assumption). We then use the tight limits placed on the polarization of the 2175~\\AA\\ feature (Martin \\etl\\ \\cite{mar99}; \\S~\\ref{polarization}). The relative change in polarization, compared to extinction, at the bump gives for this component $p/\\tau_{ex} < 0.002$. The same quantity for perfectly aligned PAHs could be calculated using small-particle formulae as in equations \\ref{qspheroid} and \\ref{pem} (the extinction is pure absorption), given a shape and refractive indices. However, there are no refractive indices since only absorptivity has been modeled (Li \\& Draine \\cite{lid01}), and for these large molecules it might not even be particularly appropriate. Nevertheless, since the PAHs are probably highly flattened, this quantity would be near unity, just as it is for tiny graphite spheroids of even modest asphericity (Martin \\etl\\ \\cite{mar95}; Wolff \\etl\\ \\cite{wol97}). Therefore, $R_{ex} < 0.002$. Similarly, for the rotational dipole emission of well aligned tiny grains, $pa_{em}$ would also be unity. It would be reasonable to assume similar effects from disorientation: $R_{em} \\sim R_{ex}$. Thus for the dust-related anomalous emission, we would predict a degree of polarization less than 0.2\\%, probably very much less given that polarization of the 2175~\\AA\\ feature is unusual. This is more than an order of magnitude, probably nearer two, less than for the degree of polarization of the thermal dust emission, and also very much less than expected for synchrotron emission. The real situation is more subtle, however, because polarization of the rotational emission depends on the alignment of the angular momentum vector with respect to the magnetic field rather than the body axis with respect to the field, needed for the ultraviolet polarization (Lazarian \\& Draine \\cite{laz00}). If there is only partial alignment of the angular momentum vector and the body axis, then the low frequency polarization would be higher and with detection of polarization of the anomalous emission one might learn something more about the alignment. To complicate things further, there is an alternative model for the anomalous microwave emission, magnetic-dipole emission from magnetic grains (Draine \\& Lazarian \\cite{dra99}; Lazarian \\& Finkbeiner \\cite{laz03}), which would have a very distinctive frequency-dependent polarization signature. Not enough is known about the properties of these grains or their alignment to make firm predictions of the degree of polarization. However, since magnetic inclusions might be a factor in grain alignment, this emission might be more closely related to ``normal-sized'' grains which are better aligned, and therefore might be more highly polarized than emission from spinning dust. Following similar bootstrapping arguments such as above, the order of magnitude might be like that given by $R pa_{em}$ in Table~\\ref{predictt}, thus $\\sim 20$\\%, reduced by other diluting contributions to the microwave emission. Again, synchrotron polarization would be a consideration." }, "0606/astro-ph0606740_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Spectra have been obtained with the low-resolution modules of the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope ($Spitzer$) for 58 sources having f$_{\\nu}$(24\\,\\um) $>$ 0.75\\,mJy. Sources were chosen from a survey of 8.2 deg$^{2}$ within the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey region in Bo\\\"{o}tes (NDWFS) using the Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) on $Spitzer$. Most sources are optically very faint ($I$ $>$ 24\\,mag). Redshifts have previously been determined for 34 sources, based primarily on the presence of a deep 9.7\\,\\um silicate absorption feature, with a median z of 2.2. Spectra are presented for the remaining 24 sources for which we were previously unable to determine a confident redshift because the IRS spectra show no strong features. Optical photometry from the NDWFS and infrared photometry with MIPS and the Infrared Array Camera on $Spitzer$ (IRAC) are given, with $K$ photometry from the Keck I telescope for some objects. The sources without strong spectral features have overall spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and distributions among optical and infrared fluxes which are similar to those for the sources with strong absorption features. Nine of the 24 sources are found to have feasible redshift determinations based on fits of a weak silicate absorption feature. Results confirm that the \"1 mJy\" population of 24\\,\\um $Spitzer$ sources which are optically faint is dominated by dusty sources with spectroscopic indicators of an obscured AGN rather than a starburst. There remain 14 of the 58 sources observed in Bo\\\"{o}tes for which no redshift could be estimated, and 5 of these sources are invisible at all optical wavelengths. ", "introduction": "Imaging surveys at infrared wavelengths with the Spitzer Space Telescope ($Spitzer$) have the potential to reveal populations of sources that were previously unknown. In particular, surveys with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for $Spitzer$ (MIPS) \\citep{rie04} at 24\\,\\um should reveal sources which are luminous because of emission from dust, and which may contain sufficient dust to make them very faint or invisible optically. The Infrared Spectrograph on $Spitzer$ (IRS)\\footnote{The IRS was a collaborative venture between Cornell University and Ball Aerospace Corporation funded by NASA through the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Ames Research Center.} \\citep{hou04} is sufficiently sensitive to obtain low-resolution spectra of these MIPS sources at flux density levels of f$_{\\nu}$(24\\,\\um) $<$ 1 mJy. As part of initial efforts to characterise this \"1 mJy\" population, we surveyed 8.2 deg$^{2}$ within the Bo\\\"{o}tes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS) \\citep{jan99} with MIPS to produce a catalog of mid-infrared sources. The MIPS data were obtained with an effective integration time at 24\\,\\um of $\\sim$90\\,s per sky pixel, reaching a 5 $\\sigma$ detection limit of $\\sim$ 0.3\\,mJy for unresolved sources. This field was chosen because the deep and well calibrated optical imagery in $B_W$, $R$, and $I$ bands makes possible the identification of infrared sources with very faint optical counterparts and allows confident selection of infrared sources lacking optical counterparts to very deep optical limits. We then selected for subsequent spectroscopic observations with $Spitzer$ those sources which are the faintest optically (typically $I$ $>$ 24) while also bright enough ($>$ 0.75\\,mJy at 24\\,\\um) for spectroscopy with the IRS within integration times of $\\sim$ 1 h. Other than the mid-infrared flux limit, the only selection criterion was optical faintness, because we were primarily interested in understanding sources which would not have been identified in previous optical studies. Our first results reported the discovery of a significant population of optically obscured, high redshift sources (\\citet{hou05}; hereinafter H05). To date, we have observed 58 Bo\\\"{o}tes sources with the IRS. Continuum was detected in all 58 objects observed, confirming that all mid-infrared sources are real even when they have no optical counterparts and also demonstrating that the MIPS-derived positional uncertainties are less than $\\sim$ 0.5'' rms. Redshifts for 17 sources determined by fitting templates of known local objects were reported in H05; an additional 17 sources with redshifts include 14 in Higdon et al. (in preparation), 2 in \\citet{des06}, and one in \\citet{dey05}. The most important result is that these sources are generally at high redshift. Of the 34 sources with redshifts, the median redshift (z) is 2.2. The spectra of these sources with redshifts are dominated by strong silicate absorption centered at rest frame 9.7 $\\mu$m. Only two sources are best fit by strong PAH emission features not requiring silicate absorption. There remain 24 spectra which we have observed with the IRS but for which redshifts have not yet been reported because there are no strong spectral features. We discuss these sources in the present paper. All Bo\\\"{o}tes sources with 1.9 $<$ z $<$ 2.7 from IRS redshifts have measurable redshifts because of the deep silicate absorption feature centered at rest frame 9.7\\,\\um. Because of the accessible wavelength range of the IRS, redshifts beyond about 2.8 could not be measured because this absorption feature would be longward of the IRS wavelength limit. This allows two possible interpretations of the 24 sources for which we have not been able to derive redshifts: either they are a category of sources at redshifts z $\\la$ 2.8 having weak spectral features, or they are at z $\\ga$ 2.8. It is crucial to know which conclusion is more representative of the \"no-z\" sample. If features are weak, that is important for interpreting the nature of the sources, and for understanding why they are optically faint. If the \"no-z\" sources are at higher redshifts than for the measured sources, this would be evidence for an obscured population at even higher redshifts and luminosities than the sources already identified. Because this population of optically-faint infrared sources would not have been selected using criteria available before $Spitzer$, it is necessary to consider whether all of the targets do indeed represent a distant, extragalactic population, as we have assumed. Our initial selection ruled out Solar System objects by verifying that the infrared source showed no proper motion between the two epochs of the MIPS observations; the selection at 24\\,\\um insures that any Solar System objects would be in the main asteroid belt or closer and hence would have measurable proper motion between $Spitzer$ observations. All sources were also detected at the same positions with the $Spitzer$ Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) \\citep{faz04} with observations obtained at a different epoch. Known stellar populations are ruled out because the extreme infrared to optical flux ratios imply very cool source temperatures for a black body. In addition, we report new $K$ band observations with high spatial resolution which resolve at least 4 of the 24 sources. All indications, therefore, are that these sources are an extragalactic population, but locating them in the universe requires the determination of redshifts. In this paper, we give all available data for the 24 sources with \"featureless\" spectra and compare the overall spectral energy distributions for this sample of sources to those sources with previously determined redshifts. We illustrate all of the spectra in order to discuss which ones might have weak features and suggest new redshifts for 9 sources based on possible but weak spectral absorption features. ", "conclusions": "We present IRS spectra and optical and infrared photometric data for 24 optically faint sources with f$_{\\nu}$ (24\\,\\um) $>$ 0.8\\,mJy selected from within the 8.2 deg$^{2}$ $Spitzer$ Bo\\\"{o}tes survey within the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. The Bo\\\"{o}tes sample with IRS spectra comprises a set of 58 sources with high infrared to optical ratios ($\\nu$f$_{\\nu}$(24 \\ums)$/ \\nu$f$_{\\nu}$($I$) = IR/opt $>$ 50) and typical f$_{\\nu}$(24\\,\\um) = 1 mJy. Redshifts have been previously determined for 34 of the 58 sources, with a median z = 2.2. The 24 sources discussed in the present paper are the remaining sources which do not show sufficiently strong spectral features in the IRS low-resolution spectra for confident redshift determination by fitting with templates containing either strong silicate absorption or strong PAH emission. There are no significant systematic differences in overall SEDs or fluxes for the sample with redshifts (usually having strong silicate absorption at rest frame 9.7\\,\\um) and the sample without redshifts (having weak or no absorption or emission features). 16 of the 24 sources show power-law SEDs determined from photometry through infrared and optical wavelengths. Sources could be at z $\\la$ 2.8 with weak spectral features, or could show no features in the spectrum because z $\\ga$ 2.8 and features are redshifted out of the IRS spectral range. 10 of the 24 sources have log [f$_{\\nu}$(24 \\ums)/f$_{\\nu}$(8 \\ums)] $>$ 1.0, a value expected for starbursts, but none of the sources show PAH emission features in the infrared spectra normally associated with a luminous starburst. Possible redshifts are suggested for 9 of the 24 sources based on fitting a profile of weak silicate absorption. Photometric redshift estimates are given for 2 sources whose SEDs show evidence of a stellar component exceeding the dust continuum, although neither of these sources shows PAH emission, and the photometric redshift does not agree with the weak-silicate redshift for the one source with both measured. These suggested new redshifts provide evidence in favor of the explanation for the majority of the \"no-redshift\" sources that they are similar in nature and luminosity to the more heavily absorbed sources, but with weaker absorption features, and would bring the total number of redshifts determined for faint Bo\\\"{o}tes sources to 44 of the 58 sources observed, counting one photometric redshift. Even if the suggested new redshifts are correct, there remain 14 sources from the Bo\\\"{o}tes sample of 58 with no redshift estimates. With our present data, it is not possible to reach any conclusions regarding the nature of these remaining sources. Five of these 14 sources without redshifts are not detected at any optical wavelength in the NDWFS. Whether these represent a dusty population at redshifts higher than previously measured, or whether they represent a population of optically-obscured sources at z $<$ 2.8 with weak spectral features remains ambiguous. Because such sources are a significant fraction of the optically faint sources in the Spitzer \"1 mJy\" population of 24\\,\\um sources, continued efforts to determine their nature are important." }, "0606/astro-ph0606576_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have observed the bipolar post-AGB candidate OH 231.8+4.2, using the mid-infrared interferometer MIDI and the infrared camera with the adaptive optics system NACO on the Very Large Telescope. An unresolved core ($<$200~mas in FWHM) is found at the center of the OH\\,231.8+4.2 in the 3.8~$\\mu$m image. This compact source is resolved with the interferometer. We used two 8-meter telescopes with four different baselines, which cover projected baseline lengths from 62 to 47 meters, and projected position angles from 112 to 131 degrees that are almost perpendicular to the bipolar outflow. Fringes from 8 to 9~$\\mu$m and from 12 to 13.5~$\\mu$m were clearly detected, whilst the strong silicate self-absorption allows only marginal detection of visibilities between 9 and 12~$\\mu$m. The fringes from the four baselines consistently show the presence of a compact circumstellar object with an inner radius of 30--40~mas, which is equivalent to 40--50 AU at 1.3~kpc. This clearly shows that the mid-infrared compact source is not the central star (3~AU) but circumstellar material. The measured size of the circumstellar material is consistent with the size of such disks calculated by hydrodynamic models, implying the circumstellar material may have a disk configuration. ", "introduction": "Low and medium mass stars ($\\sim$1--8 $M_{\\sun}$ on the main sequence) experience an intensive mass-loss phase during the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase. Typically, the AGB wind is spherically symmetric. However, during the next evolutionary stages, i.e., the post-AGB phase and the planetary nebula (PN) phase, a high fraction of stars show asymmetric shapes in their circumstellar envelopes, such as elliptical and bipolar. One of the hypotheses about the formation of the bipolar shape invokes a binary disk scenario \\citep{Balick02, VanWinckel03}. Part of the material lost during the intensive AGB mass-loss wind is trapped in the binary system, and a circumbinary disk is formed in the plane of the binary orbit. The disk restricts the direction of the low density but high velocity post-AGB and PN wind in the equatorial plane, and focuses the wind towards two poles. The size of the binary disk will be small \\citep[less than 100 AU (80~mas for our target);][]{Mastro99}, and so requires interferometric observations to be resolved. \\object{OH 231.8+4.2} (IRAS~07399$-$1435; RA 07h42m16.83s Dec $-$14d42m52.1s; hereafter OH~231) is one of the well studied post-AGB candidates. TiO bands are detected from the central region, suggesting the central star exhibits a M9 spectral type \\citep{Cohen81}. \\citet{SanchezContreras04} claimed the presence of a spectroscopic binary from optical spectra, because in addition to TiO and VO bands from the M-type star, Balmer lines and continuum excess are detected. OH~231 is probably located in the open cluster, M~46 \\citep{Jura85}, thus the distance is relatively well determined (1.3 kpc). The outflow is strongly bipolar, and bubbles and shocked regions are found in the outflow \\citep[e.g.][]{Bujarrabal02}. L-, N- and Q-band seeing-limited images show an unresolved core at the center of this object \\citep{Kastner92, Jura02}. The infrared color of this compact source is extremely red, and it is believed to be a dusty disk \\citep{Jura02}. The velocity structure of SiO masers also suggest the presence of a rotating disk around this compact source \\citep{SanchezContreras02}. The OH masers appear to be associated with an expanding torus \\citep{Zijlstra01}. In this paper we present both high resolution infrared (IR) images and and mid-IR interferometeric visibilities of the central compact source, so as to resolve the compact source at the center and so as to determine if this source is a disk. ", "conclusions": "Our L'-band and N-band images using the AO system find an unresolved compact object in the center with dimension less than 200~mas. This object has a red color and consists of circumstellar material. This circumstellar material is responsible for the fringes detected by mid-infrared interferometer. There are other emission mechanisms which can cause correlated flux in the mid-infrared, such as (1) the central star and (2) the central star + binary companion(s), but we can exclude these possibilities. First, the correlated flux of a single star with a radius 3~AU \\citep{SanchezContreras02} at 1.3~kpc (2.3~mas) is almost 100~\\% of the total flux (i.e. unresolved) with current baseline lengths. The observed fringes indicate a much larger source size. Using the parameters of the central star from \\citet{Jura02} ($T_{\\rm eff}=2500$~K, radius of $4.6\\times10^{13}$~cm), the flux of the central star is $\\sim$6~Jy at 10~$\\mu$m, thus the correlated flux should also be $\\sim$6~Jy on any baseline. The measured values are inconsistent with the expected correlated flux; the flux drops to 0.1--0.2~Jy for the longest baseline. Thus, the measured visibilities are not from the central star. Second, the silicate absorption is detected in correlated flux, which shows the circumstellar origin of the mid-infrared compact source. Although the presence of a binary companion has been suggested by \\citet{SanchezContreras04}, it is unlikely that we measured the orbit of the binary companion around the central star, nor the radius of the binary companion. A sharp angular dependence of visibilities would be expected in the orbit case, which is not detected (Fig.~\\ref{Fig-gauss}). The possibility of the binary companion radius is ruled out because the flux would be 1~mJy level at 1.3~kpc if the companion is an A0V star \\citep{SanchezContreras04}. Therefore, the MIDI visibilities are due to dusty circumstellar material. The absence of stellar emission in the correlated flux suggests this material is still optically thick at 10~$\\mu$m. \\citet{Jura02} analyzed the spectral energy distribution of this object and argued that the mid-infrared unresolved source is a disk. \\citet{SanchezContreras02} measured the velocity distribution of SiO maser lines. The SiO masers show the presence of a rotating disk, within 4~mas from the star. \\citet{Zijlstra01} find that OH velocity structure could be viewed as an expanding torus, with an additional component from a bipolar, ballistic outflow. Our NACO images also suggest the presence of a disk or torus. The central region in the L'-band shows a trapezium shape: this may be interpreted as a flared outflow from a torus or a disk. The trapezium shape is also seen in the NB2.12 image. The small blobs seen in the trapezium cloud of NB2.12 image, is probably due to non-uniform extinction within the flared disk, or an illusion caused by scattered light. The north part of the `trapezium region' is brighter than other regions in NB2.12, possibly because the disk is slightly inclined with the northern part nearer to the earth. The obtained size of the dense circumstellar material is at least 40--50 AU. The optical depth from our preliminary analysis using {\\it DUSTY} \\citep{Ivezic97} suggests $\\tau_{\\rm{8\\mu m}}$=1.6 and $\\tau_{\\rm{13~\\mu m}}$=2.7, showing the actual inner radius is smaller than the values which we measured. Nevertheless, if the density distribution is $\\rho=\\rho_0 (r/r_0)^{-\\alpha}$ where $\\alpha=1$--2, the optical depth increases dramatically for closer inner radii, and the measured size need not be that different from the actual inner radius of the dusty shell or torus. The hydrodynamic model of \\citet{Mastro99} shows that an accretion disk with a radius of 40--50 AU can be formed in a binary disk. The co-incidence of the radii from the theory and the observations implies that the circumstellar material is shaped as a disk or torus in this object. On the other hand, \\citet{Jura02} assumed a binary companion with an orbit of 3--~5~AU for OH 231, and the inner radius of the disk might be $\\sim 1.7$ larger than the companion orbit, which should be 5--9~AU. Our measured inner radius is much larger than \\citet{Jura02}'s assumption. This may be because the companion is actually further out than expected because the central star is larger than expected by \\citet{Jura02}, or because our mid-infrared measurements observe the radius at which disk has cooled down enough to allow dust to condense out of the gas phase. An alternative solution could be that the disk is gradually expanding and losing momentum, and at the time of the formation, the disk could be much smaller than the current size. In conclusion, we measured the angular size of the circumstellar material in OH~231to be 40--50~AU, and this material is probably in a disk or toroidal configuration. Future MIDI observations with different baseline angles are required to confirm the presence of a disk like structure and to measure its inclination angle. The OH masers are located to the south and east, within the darker lane seen in the L'-band image, and trace the waist of the trapezium, allowing for orientation effects. Only foreground (blue-shifted) OH is seen: the red emission appears to be more extended and is not picked up by the MERLIN interferometer, while the blue emission consist of more compact components. The velocity field shows a clear gradient in the southern part of the maser spots, with $v_{\\rm LRS}$=20--30\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ on the east and west edge and the bluest component ($v_{\\rm LRS}$=10\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$) in the middle. It is inconsistent with an expanding torus, but is consistent if we observe the blue-shifted rim of a biconical outflow tilted towards us. Thus, the dynamics of the source change from a rotating disk in the very centre, within a few stellar radii, to a conical outflow at $\\sim$1000~AU. The stellar position estimated by the the SiO maser tracing an equatorial rotating torus \\citep{SanchezContreras02} coincides with the central position of the blue-shifted ($\\sim$0--5\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$) biconical distribution seen in OH. All the components of the binary disk hypothesis \\citep{Balick02, VanWinckel03} may therefore be present in OH~231.8+4.2: a rotating SiO maser disk very close to the central star, a compact circumstellar material at $\\sim$40--50~AU which may have a disk-like distribution, and a bipolar outflow." }, "0606/astro-ph0606210_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of a new Einstein cross at redshift $z_S = 2.701$ based on \\lya\\, emission in a cruciform configuration around an SDSS luminous red galaxy ($z_L = 0.331$). The system was targeted as a possible lens based on an anomalous emission line in the SDSS spectrum. Imaging and spectroscopy from the W.M.~Keck Observatory confirm the lensing nature of this system. This is one of the widest-separation galaxy-scale lenses known, with an Einstein radius $\\theta_{\\rm E}\\simeq 1.84$\\,arcsec. We present simple gravitational lens models for the system and compute the intrinsic properties of the lensed galaxy. The total mass of the lensing galaxy within the $8.8 \\pm 0.1$ kpc enclosed by the lensed images is $(5.2 \\pm 0.1) \\times 10^{11} M_{\\sun}$. The lensed galaxy is a low mass galaxy (0.2$L_*$) with a high equivalent-width Ly$\\alpha$ line ($EW_{{\\rm Ly}\\alpha}^{\\rm rest} = 46 \\pm 5$ \\AA). Follow-up studies of this lens system can probe the mass structure of the lensing galaxy, and can provide a unique view of an intrinsically faint, high-redshift, star-forming galaxy at high signal-to-noise ratio. ", "introduction": "Strong gravitational lensing is a powerful tool for the measurement of lensing galaxy masses and for the detailed study of magnified high-redshift sources. Multiple lensed images can directly constrain models for the distribution of mass in the lens on the scale of the Einstein radius $\\theta_{\\rm E}$. In well-studied cases, these observations directly test theories for the central dark-matter profile in both galaxies \\citep[e.g.,][]{kt03, dye_warren_05} and galaxy clusters (\\eg \\citealt{kneib_2218_95, kneib_2218_96}; \\citealt*{abdelsalam_98a, abdelsalam_98b}). Simultaneously, lensed background galaxies can be magnified by factors of up to several tens, providing data of a quality which would not otherwise be possible. Such data have been used to constrain the faint end of the high-redshift galaxy luminosity function \\citep[e.g.,][]{santos_2004}, study distant galaxies at wavelengths which would be impractical without magnification \\citep*[e.g.,][]{chary_2005}, and probe detailed properties of high-redshift galaxies \\citep{pettini_cb58}. Systematic searches for new galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses are traditionally based on imaging detections \\citep[e.g.,][]{maoz_snapshot, gregg_2000, wisotzki_2002, inada_0924, morgan_ctq327, richards_snap, pindor_2004}, although a handful of lenses have been identified in spectroscopic observations \\citep{huch85, warren_0047_96, john03}. The Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) survey (\\citealt{slacs1, slacs2, slacs3}) efficiently identifies new gravitational lenses by searching the spectroscopic database of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; \\citealt{york_sdss}) for systems consisting of low-redshift ($z \\sim 0.1$--$0.4$) luminous elliptical galaxies superposed with moderate-redshift ($z \\sim 0.3$--$1$) star-forming galaxies (see also \\citealt{bolton_speclens}, \\citealt*{whw_2005}, and \\citealt{whwdm_2006}). This technique relies upon the detection of {\\em multiple} anomalous nebular emission lines in the SDSS fiber spectra of lensing early-type galaxies. In principle, the anomalous emission line technique can also identify lenses with higher redshift, \\lya-emitting source galaxies \\citep{warren_0047_96, h00, wil00}. In practice this approach has been less productive because strong, high-redshift \\lya\\, emitters are less numerous on the sky than moderate-redshift galaxies showing oxygen and Balmer emission lines to the SDSS line-flux limits, and the increase in lensing cross section with source redshift does not overcome this effect. This {\\em Letter} reports the discovery of a new spectroscopically-selected strong gravitational lens with a \\lya-emitting galaxy as its source, SDSS~J101129.49$+$014323.3 (hereafter \\einstein). The lensed galaxy forms a highly symmetric Einstein cross which, by virtue of its large physical scale, provides leverage for determining the dark-matter halo mass of the lensing elliptical. The system also provides a highly magnified view of an intrinsically faint, compact, and high-redshift star-forming galaxy. For all calculations, we assume a universe with $(\\Omega_{\\mathrm{M}},\\Omega_{\\Lambda},h) = (0.3,0.7,0.7)$. ", "conclusions": "We present the discovery of a new high-redshift Einstein-cross gravitational lens, \\einstein. The lens galaxy is a bright elliptical at $z_{\\rm lens} = 0.331$, while the lensed source is a $\\sim 0.2 L_*$ \\lya -bright, star-forming galaxy at redshift $z_{\\rm source} = 2.701$. Though such high-$z$ \\lya\\ lenses appear to be much less numerous in the SDSS than lenses with lower redshift ($z \\la 1$) oxygen- and Balmer-line emitting sources \\citep{bolton_speclens, whw_2005, slacs1, whwdm_2006}, the discovery of \\einstein\\ demonstrates their presence. Depending on the luminosity function slope of the \\lya -emitting source population, deeper spectroscopic surveys could yield an appreciable sample of such lens systems. As with all gravitational lenses, this system offers a powerful tool for measuring the mass in the lensing galaxy. \\einstein\\ is of particular interest for its relatively wide ($\\sim 4\\arcsec$) image separation, probing the lens galaxy at a radius within which the contributions of luminous and dark matter are expected to be comparable. As with the sample of lenses discovered by the SLACS survey \\citep{slacs1}, the image of the lens galaxy is not overwhelmed by lensed-quasar images and is thus accessible to accurate photometric and dynamical observations. The high degree of symmetry of the image configuration suggests that a largely model-independent test of the relative degree of flattening between the mass and light distributions in the early-type lens galaxy will be enabled by high-resolution imaging. A modest Cycle~15 {\\it HST}/ACS program to image this system has been awarded two orbits (P.I. Moustakas). \\einstein\\ also offers a highly magnified view of a sub-$L_*$ starforming galaxy at high redshift. This discovery is thus complementary to the more luminous Lyman-break galaxy MS1512$-$cB15 \\citep{yee_cb58}, which is also strongly magnified by gravitational lensing \\citep{seitz_cb58}. The magnification of \\einstein\\ suggests this system as a target for deep spectroscopic studies of the high-redshift IGM that would otherwise be infeasible due to the intrinsic source faintness." }, "0606/astro-ph0606026_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We revisit the evolutionary scenario for Hot Flasher low-mass structures, where mass loss delays the He flash till the initial phases of their White Dwarf cooling sequence.} {Our aim has been to test the theoretical results vis-a-vis different assumptions about the efficiency of mass loss.} {To this purpose, we present evolutionary models covering a fine grid of masses, as obtained assuming a single episode of mass loss in a Red Giant model of 0.86 $M_{\\odot}$ with Z=0.0015.} {We find a reasonable agreement with previous evolutionary investigations, showing that for the given metallicity late Hot Flashers are predicted to cover the mass range M=0.4975 to M= 0.4845 ($\\pm$0.0005) $M_{\\odot}$, all models igniting the He-flash with a mass of the H-rich envelope as given by $M_e$=0.00050 $\\pm$0.00002 $M_{\\odot}$. The ignition mechanism is discussed in some details, showing the occurrence of a bifurcation in the evolutionary history of stellar structures at the lower mass limit for He ignition. Below such a critical mass, the structures miss the He ignition, cooling down as a Hot Flasher-Manqu\\'e He White Dwarf. We predict that these structures will cool down, reaching the luminosity $logL/L_{\\odot}$=-1 in a time at the least five times longer than the corresponding cooling time of a normal CO White Dwarf.} {On very general grounds, one expects that old stellar clusters with a sizeable population of Hot Flasher should likely produce at least a similar amount of slow-cooling He White Dwarfs. According to this result, in a cluster where 20\\% of Red Giants escape the He burning phase, one expects roughly twice as White Dwarfs than in a normal cluster where all Red Giants undergo their He flash} \\keywords {Stars: evolution, Stars: White Dwarfs, Stars: mass loss} ", "introduction": "Over the last decades the evolution of low-mass stellar structures has been the subject of a large amount of investigations, aimed at constraining the evolutionary status of stars in old stellar systems, such as Galactic Globular Clusters. Since long time we know that present Globular Cluster stars are expected to leave their Main Sequence to climb along the Red Giant Branch (RGB) till the onset of the He-flash. After the phase of central (Horizontal Branch) and shell (Asymptotic Giant Branch) He burning phases, they will eventually cool down under the form of Carbon-Oxygen (CO) White Dwarfs (WDs). In this context, the occurrence of extended \"Blue Tails\" in the Horizontal Branches (HB) of several Galactic Globulars has already been understood in terms of RGB structures which have lost the large majority of their H-rich envelope before igniting He to become HB stars. Castellani \\& Castellani (1993; but see also Castellani, Degl'Innocenti \\& Pulone 1995) found that, for extreme mass loss, there are stellar models which fail to ignite He at the tip of the RGB, but undergo a late He-flash during the contraction toward their He-WD structure or in the early stages of the WD cooling sequence. Similar structures are now known in the literature as \"Hot He-Flashers\" (HFs). Even larger mass loss will prevent the He ignition, definitively producing He White Dwarfs. Hot Flashers have been extensively investigated by several authors. D'Cruz et al. (1996) made use of Reimers (1975, 1977) formula for mass loss, taking the efficiency parameter $\\eta_R$ as a free parameter to explore the range of mass-loss producing HFs for selected assumptions about the star metallicity. Sweigart (1997) discovered that when the He-flash occurs along the WD cooling sequence (\"late\" HFs), then convection is expected to reach the H-rich envelope, enhancing He and Carbon abundances in the stellar atmosphere and driving strong H-flashes. Brown et al. (2001) adopted again the Reimers formalism to explore the occurrence of late HF for the metal abundance Z=0.0015, in connection with observational evidence for extremely hot HB stars in the Galactic globular NGC2808. Quantitative estimates of the mixing driven by the He-flash have been finally presented by Cassisi et al. (2003), who were able, for the first time, to follow in detail the growth of such an instability in late HFs. In this paper we revisit the HF theoretical scenario but adopting different assumptions concerning the mass-loss mechanism. On this basis we will present and discuss new evolutionary results, focusing the attention on the stellar structures marking the transition between late HF and bona fide He WD. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=8cm]{Age_LL.eps} \\caption {The cooling ages versus the WD luminosity for our most massive He WD model ($0.4840 M_{\\odot}$: heavy line) compared with the less massive model $0.4600 M_{\\odot}$, the $0.449 M_{\\odot}$ with element diffusion (Serenelli et al. 2002) and a $0.5 M_{\\odot}$ CO WD (Prada Moroni \\& Straniero 2002). {\\it L} is in fraction of $L_{\\odot}$ and {\\it AGE} is in years.} \\label{f:fig4} \\end{figure} In this paper we have addressed the problem of Hot Flasher, investigating in details the predicted evolutionary behavior of low mass stars with Z=0.0015 after an episode of mass loss during their RG evolution. We found that stellar masses in the range $0.485 \\le M \\le 0.497 M_{\\odot}$ experience the He flash (and the explosive H-reignition) during their WD cooling phase, when the residual H shell burning has reduced the H-rich stellar envelope down to $M_e \\sim 0.0005 M_{\\odot}$, independently of the mass of the model. Such a result appears in reasonable agreement with theoretical predictions given by Brown et al (2001) for the same metallicity, the small difference ($M \\sim 0.0005$ against $0.0006 M_{\\odot}$) being likely the effect of small differences in the adopted input physics. Supporting, in turn, the evidence that the mass of the H-rich envelope plays a critical role in the onset of the delayed He flashes. According to this result, we are also predicting the structural parameters needed to evaluate the evolutionary times of structures below the lower mass limit for He ignition, which will definitely cool down as He WD. We find that these He WD will reach the luminosity $logL/L_{\\odot}$=-1 in a time about 5 times longer than normal Carbon-Oxigen WDs do, giving a detectable contribution to the abundance of WD above such a luminosity if and when a not marginal fraction of RG stars escape the He ignition. For the sake of completeness, one has finally to advise that the current scenario slightly depends on the luminosity of the RG models undergoing the mass loss episode, since peeling off RG structures either before (as in the previously reported computations) or after the first dredge up gives HF progenitors with different He abundances in the stellar envelopes. Numerical experiments for our $0.86 M_{\\odot}$ models have shown, e.g., that when the models is stripped after the dredge up ($logL/L_{\\odot}= 1.48, M_c=0.24M_{\\odot}$) the lower mass limit for LHF moves from 0.485 to 0.491 $M_{\\odot}$, with LHF models characterized by slightly smaller H-rich envelopes, as given by $M_e^f=0.00048 M_{\\odot}$. As a whole, these appear as marginal differences, not affecting the theoretical scenario we are dealing with." }, "0606/astro-ph0606160_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% Emission line spectra from H~{\\sc ii} regions are often used to study properties of the gas in star-forming regions, as well as temperatures and luminosities of the ionising sources. Empirical diagnostics for the interpretation of observational data must often be calibrated with the aid of photoionisation models. Most studies so far have been carried out by assuming spherical or plane-parallel geometries, with major limitations on allowed gas and dust density distributions and with the spatial distribution of multiple, non-centrally-located ionising sources not being accounted for. We present the first results of our theoretical study of geometric effects, via the construction of a number of 3D photoionisation models using the {\\sc mocassin} code for a variety of spatial configurations and ionisation sources. We compare integrated emission line spectra from such configurations and show evidence of systematic errors caused by the simplifying assumption of a single, central location for all ionising sources. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606483_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We derive the effects of dark matter (DM) decays and annihilations on structure formation. We consider moderately massive DM particles (sterile neutrinos and light DM), as they are expected to give the maximum contribution to heating and reionization. The energy injection from DM decays and annihilations produces both an enhancement in the abundance of coolants (H$_2$ and HD) and an increase of gas temperature. We find that for all the considered DM models the critical halo mass for collapse, $m_{crit}$, is generally higher than in the unperturbed case. However, the variation of $m_{crit}$ is small. In the most extreme cases, i.e. considering light DM annihilations (decays) and halos virializing at redshift $z_{vir}>30$ ($z_{vir}\\sim{}10$), $m_{crit}$ increases by a factor $\\sim{}$4 ($\\sim{}$2). In the case of annihilations the variations of $m_{crit}$ are also sensitive to the assumed profile of the DM halo. Furthermore, we note that the fraction of gas which is retained inside the halo can be substantially reduced (to $\\approx 40$ per cent of the cosmic value), especially in the smallest halos, as a consequence of the energy injection by DM decays and annihilations. ", "introduction": "One of the fundamental questions concerning the formation of first structures is the minimum halo mass (critical mass, $m_{crit}$) for collapse at a given redshift (Silk 1977; Rees \\& Ostriker 1977; White \\& Rees 1978; Couchman 1985; Couchman \\& Rees 1986; de Araujo \\& Opher 1988, 1991; Haiman, Thoul \\& Loeb 1996). Tegmark et al. (1997; T97) thoroughly addressed such question, pointing out how $m_{crit}$ crucially depends on the abundance of H$_2$, the main coolant present in the metal free Universe. Subsequent studies (Abel et al. 1998; Fuller \\& Couchman 2000; Galli \\&{} Palla 1998, 2002; Ripamonti 2006) refined the model of T97, accounting also for minor effects, such as the cooling induced by HD molecules. The production of molecules and $m_{crit}$ are sensitive to any physical process which can release energy in the intergalactic medium (IGM). In fact, the injection of energy in the IGM can either delay the collapse of first halos (because of the increased gas temperature, or of photodissociation of molecules) or favour structure formation (because of the enhancement in the abundance of free electrons, which act as catalysts for the formation of molecules). For this reason, it is crucial to understand the influence of reionization sources on structure formation. Many studies have shown that massive metal free stars are efficient in dissociating H$_2$ molecules, quenching star formation in the first halos (Haiman, Rees \\& Loeb 1997; Ciardi, Ferrara \\& Abel 2000; Ciardi et al. 2000; Haiman, Abel \\& Rees 2000; Ricotti, Gnedin \\& Shull 2002; Yoshida et al. 2003). Intermediate mass black holes, produced by the collapse of first stars, are thought to efficiently re-heat the IGM, increasing $m_{crit}$ and reducing star formation in the smaller mass halos (Ricotti \\& Ostriker 2004; Ricotti, Ostriker \\& Gnedin 2005; Zaroubi et al. 2006). Also particle decays and annihilations can be sources of partial reionization and heating (see Mapelli, Ferrara \\& Pierpaoli 2006 and references therein), and could influence structure formation. For example, Shchekinov \\& Vasiliev (2004) investigated the possible effect on $m_{crit}$ due to ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) emitted by particles decaying in the early Universe. Biermann \\& Kusenko (2006) considered the impact on structure formation due to sterile neutrino decays. Both these studies found a substantial enhancement on the abundance of molecular coolants (H$_2$ and/or HD). However, they neglected the possible increase of gas temperature due to UHECRs or decays, respectively. More recently, Stasielak, Biermann \\& Kusenko (2006) evaluated the effect of sterile neutrino decays accounting also for the heating of the gas. However, their single-zone model is likely to oversimplify the crucial behaviour of gas density during the halo collapse. In this paper, we consider the influence of dark matter (DM) decays and annihilations on structure formation, taking into account variations induced both in the chemical and in the thermal evolution of the IGM and of the gas inside halos. Furthermore, we substitute the single-zone models, which are commonly adopted in previous papers (Haiman et al. 1996 is an important exception), with more sophisticated 1-D simulations. We focus on relatively low mass DM particles, such as sterile neutrinos and light DM (LDM), as their effect on the IGM is expected to be much more important than that of heavier ($\\gtrsim{}100$ MeV) DM particles (Mapelli et al. 2006). Sterile neutrinos are expected to decay into active neutrinos and keV-photons (Dolgov 2002), while LDM can either decay or annihilate producing electron-positron pairs (Boehm et al. 2004; Hooper \\& Wang 2004; Picciotto \\& Pospelov 2005; Ascasibar et al. 2006). keV-photons interact with the IGM both via Compton scattering and photo-ionization; instead, the electron-positron pairs undergo inverse Compton scattering, collisional ionizations, and positron annihilations (Zdziarski \\& Svensson 1989; Chen \\& Kamionkowski 2004; Ripamonti, Mapelli \\& Ferrara 2006, hereafter RMF06). RMF06 derived the fraction $f_{abs}(z)$ of energy emitted by sterile neutrino decays and LDM decays or annihilations which is effectively absorbed by the IGM through these processes. In this paper, we adopt the fits of $f_{abs}(z)$ given by RMF06. In Section 2 we describe the hydro-dynamical code used to derive $m_{crit}$ and the DM models which we adopt. In Section 3 we discuss the effect of DM decays and annihilations on the chemical and thermal evolution of the IGM, giving an estimate of the Jeans mass. In Section 4 we describe the chemical and thermal evolution of the gas inside the halos, deriving $m_{crit}$. In the discussion (Section 5) we address various points, such as the variations in the baryonic mass fraction inside the halos induced by DM decays/annihilations and the influence of the concentration of the DM profile. We adopt the best-fit cosmological parameters after the 3-yr WMAP results (Spergel et al. 2006), i.e. $\\Omega{}_{\\rm b}=0.042$, $\\Omega{}_{\\rm M}=0.24$, $\\Omega{}_{\\rm DM}\\equiv{}\\Omega{}_{\\rm M}-\\Omega{}_{\\rm b}=0.198$, $\\Omega{}_\\Lambda{}=0.76$, $h=0.73$, $H_0=100\\,{}h$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we derived the effects of DM decays and annihilations on structure formation. We considered only moderately massive DM particles (sterile neutrinos and LDM), as they are expected to give the maximum contribution to heating and reionization (Mapelli et al. 2006). To describe the interaction between the IGM and the decay/annihilation products we followed the recipes recently derived by RMF06. We accounted not only for the diffuse cosmological contribution to heating and ionization, but also for the local contribution due to DM decays and annihilations occurring in the halo itself. The local contribution results to be dominant in the case of DM annihilations especially for cuspy DM profiles. The energy injection from DM decays/annihilations produces both an enhancement in the abundance of coolants (H$_2$ and HD) and an increase of gas temperature. We found that for all the considered DM models (sterile neutrino decays, LDM decays and annihilations) the critical halo mass for collapse, $m_{crit}$ is often higher than in the unperturbed case. This means that DM decays and annihilations tend to delay the formation of structures. However, the variation of $m_{crit}$ is minimal. In the most extreme cases, i.e. considering LDM annihilations (decays) and halos virializing at redshift $z_{vir}>30$ ($z_{vir}\\sim{}10$), $m_{crit}$ increases of a factor $\\sim{}4$ ($\\sim{}$2). In the case of decays, the variations of $m_{crit}$ are almost independent from the assumed concentration of the DM halo, although higher concentrations (corresponding to smaller values of $m_{crit}$) seem to be associated with slightly stronger effects of the DM energy injection. The dependence on concentration is more evident in the case of annihilating particles, where higher concentrations lead to substantially larger effects. This happens because the ``local'' contribution is important. In summary, the effects of DM decays and/or annihilations on structure formation are quite small, except in some extreme cases (e.g. very high concentration for annihilations). However, the energy injection from DM decays/annihilations has important consequences on the fraction of gas which is retained inside the halo. This fraction can be substantially reduced, especially in the smallest halos ($\\lesssim{}10^6\\,{}M_\\odot{}$). Finally, we point out that our results are quite different from the conclusions of Biermann \\& Kusenko (2006) {and Stasielak et al. (2006)\\footnote{Biermann \\& Kusenko (2006) and Stasielak et al. (2006) do not calculate the critical mass $m_{crit}$. So, it is quite difficult to make a quantitative comparison between their results and ours.}, who suggest that sterile neutrino decays can favour the formation of first objects. The discrepancy is likely due to our more complete treatment which includes the hydrodynamics of the collapsing structures. In fact, our hydro-dynamical treatment allows to describe the detailed gas density evolution during the collapse, resulting in markedly different temperature and chemical properties with respect to those found by a simple one-zone model." }, "0606/astro-ph0606103.txt": { "abstract": "The unified model of Seyfert galaxies suggests that there are hidden broad-line regions (HBLRs) in Seyfert 2 galaxies (S2s). However, there is increasing evidence for the appearance of a subclass of S2s lacking of HBLR (non-HBLR S2s). An interesting issue arises as to relations of non-HBLR S2s with other types of Seyfert galaxies and whether or not they can be included in the unified model. We assemble two sub-samples consisting of 42 non-HBLR S2s and 44 narrow-line Seyfert 1s (NLS1s) with redshift $z\\le 0.05$ from published literatures to explore this issue. We compare black hole masses in the galactic centers, accretion rates, infrared color ratio ($f_{60 \\mu \\rm m}/f_{25 \\mu \\rm m}$) as a potential indicator of the dusty torus orientation, \\oiii $\\lambda 5007$, radio and far infrared luminosities. We find that non-HBLR S2s and NLS1s have: 1) similar distributions of the black hole masses ($10^6-3\\times 10^7\\sunm$) and the Eddington ratios ($L_{\\rm Bol}/L_{\\rm Edd}\\sim 1$); 2) significantly different distributions of $f_{60 \\mu \\rm m}/f_{25 \\mu \\rm m}$ ratios; 3) similar distributions of bulge magnitudes and luminosities of [O {\\sc iii}], radio, far infrared emission. The similarities and differences can be understood naturally if they are intrinsically same but non-HBLR S2s are viewed at larger angles of observer's sight than NLS1s. We thus suggest that non-HBLR S2s only have \"narrower\" broad line regions and they are the counterparts of NLS1s viewed at high inclination angles. The absence of the polarized emission line in non-HBLR S2s is caused by the less massive black holes and high accretion rate similar to NLS1s. The implications of the unification scheme of non-HBLR S2s and NLS1s are discussed. % ", "introduction": "Seyfert galaxies were traditionally divided into two classes according to the presence or absence of the broad permitted optical lines. With the discovery of the polarized broad lines in NGC 1068, a prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy, Antonucci \\& Miller (1985) suggested that there should be a geometrically and optically thick \"torus\" surrounding a Seyfert 1 nucleus with broad lines (BLS1s). If the torus is face on, we can \"see\" the broad line region directly and the galaxies appear as BLS1s. Otherwise it appears as a Seyfert 2. This is the basic idea of the unified model (UM) of AGNs (Antonucci 1993). Many authors have reported pieces of evidence for the orientation-based UM (Miller \\& Goodrich 1990; Tran et al. 1992; Mulchaey et al. 1994, Tran 1995; Yong et al. 1996; Heisler, Lumsden \\& Baily 1997, hereafter HLB97; Moran et al. 2000; Lumsden et al. 2001). It has been found that at least $35\\%$ of Seyfert 2 galaxies have broad emission lines in polarized lights (Tran 2001; Moran et al. 2000) and $\\sim 96\\%$ of the objects have column densities ranging from $10^{22}$ to $10^{24}$cm$^{-2}$ (Risaliti et al. 1999; Bassani et al. 1999). However, spectropolarimetric surveys of complete samples of Seyfert 2 galaxies suggest that hidden Seyfert 1 nuclei have not been detected in $>50\\%$ of these objects from the CfA and 12 $\\mu$m samples of Seyfert 2 galaxies (Tran 2001, 2003); and $10-30\\%$ S2 are found unabsorbed in X-rays (Panessa \\& Bassini 2002), even $50\\%$ among {\\em ROSAT}-selected Seyferts (Gallo et al. 2006). Non-HBLR S2s are shown to be systematically weaker than their HBLR counterparts, and can not be explained by different orientations (Tran 2001; 2003, Lumsden \\& Alexander 2001), challenging the unification scheme. Tran (2003) suggested that there are \"true\" Seyfert 2 galaxies. The paradigm of the unification scheme for {\\em all} Seyfert galaxies remains a matter as debate among the literatures (e.g. Miller \\& Goodrich 1990; Kay 1994; Tran 2001, 2003). We still poorly understand why we can not detect polarized broad lines (PBLs) in some S2s. The absence of PBLs could be attributed to edge-on line of sight and hidden of electron scattering region (Miller \\& Goodrich 1990; HLB97; Taniguchi \\& Anabuki 1999). Nicastro (2000) related the absence of PBLs to higher Eddington ratios. He suggested that the width of broad emission lines is Keplerian velocity of an accretion disk at a critical distance from the central black hole, which is the transition radius between radiation and gas pressure-dominated region (see also Nicastro et al. 2003). It has also been suggested that some non-HBLR S2s are intrinsically weak and lack of broad line region (Tran 2001, 2003; Gu \\& Huang 2002; Laor 2003). As argued by Tran (2003), \"it appears that much of the difference between S1s and S2s can be explained solely by orientation, it would be difficult for the same model to apply among the HBLR and non-HBLR S2s without invoking intrinsic physical differences\", what are the physical meanings for the absence of polarized broad lines in Seyfert 2 galaxies? Do they really not have \"broad\" line region? It has been suggested that some of Seyfert 2 galaxies without PBLs as a new subclass are probably lack of broad line region (Tran 2001, 2003). Tran (2003) confirmed that polarized hidden broad-line region S2s share many similar large-scale characteristics with BLS1s, while non-HBLR S2s do not. Deluit (2004) analyzed {\\em Beppo}-SAX data of Seyfert 2s and found that non-HBLR S2s are different in hard X-rays (15$-$136keV) from those with hidden BLR Seyfert 2. There is growing evidence for that not {\\em all} Seyfert 2 galaxies might be intrinsically similar in nature. As we discuss in detail in \\S4 (see Table 1. for possible types of Seyfert 2 galaxies), some non-HBLR S2s may result from fuel-depleting Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies if the dusty torus is supplying matter onto the black holes (Krolik \\& Begelman 1988). These objects could be characterized by low or absent absorption in X-ray band, they thus might be the progenitors of the optically-selected unabsorbed Seyfert 2 galaxies defined by Panessa \\& Bassini (2002)\\footnote{The roles of the gas-dust ratio has been discussed by Maiolino et al. (2001) and Gallo et al. (2006)}. This definitely makes it more complicate to study the physics of non-HBLR S2s. However, this paper focuses on the absorbed non-HBLR S2s. If they were powered by less massive black holes and obscured by torus at larger viewing angles (Tran 2003), what are their counterparts at low orientation? This motivates us to explore the relation between non-HBLR S2s and narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies. {\\footnotesize \\begin{center}{\\sc Table 1 The possible types of Seyfert 2 galaxies} \\vglue 0.3cm \\begin{tabular}{lcc}\\hline\\hline & absorbed & unabsorbed \\\\ & ($N_{\\rm H}\\ge 10^{22}$cm$^{-2}$) & ($N_{\\rm H}< 10^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)\\\\ \\hline non-HBLR & $\\surd$ & $\\surd$ (unabsorbed Seyfert 2) \\\\ HBLR & $\\surd$(classical Seyfert 2) & $\\surd$ (Gallo et al. 2006) \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\parbox{3.1in} {\\baselineskip 9pt \\noindent {\\sc Note:} The symbol $\\surd$ indicates that this type is generally observed. Polarized spectroscopic measurements are available only for four unabsorbed Seyfert 2 galaxies, NGC 2992 (Rix et al. 1990), NGC 5995 (Lumsden \\& Alexander 2001, Tran 2001), NGC 7590 (Heisler et al. 1997) and NGC 4501 (Tran 2003, Cappi et al. 2006). A polarized broad H$\\alpha$ line has been found in the first two objects, but not in NGC 4501 and NGC 7590. Gallo et al. (2006) find $\\sim 50\\%$ of {\\em ROSAT}-selected Seyfert galaxies are low absorption Seyfert 2s.} \\end{center} } As a distinct subclass, NLS1s have very narrow Balmer lines [FWHM (H$\\beta$) $\\le 2000~\\rm km~ s^{-1}$], strong Fe {\\sc ii} lines (Osterbrock \\& Pogge 1985), and violent variability in soft X-ray band (Boller et al. 1996). They likely contain less massive black holes at the Eddington limit rates (Boller et al. 1996; Laor et al. 1997) and can be explained by slim disk (Wang et al. 1999; Wang \\& Zhou 1999, Mineshige et al. 2000; Wang \\& Netzer 2003; Wang 2003; Ohsuga et al. 2003, Chen \\& Wang 2004; Collin et al. 2002; Collin \\& Kawaguchi 2004, Kawaguchi et al. 2004). The brighter soft X-ray fluxes favor the pole-on orientation hypothesis since an edge-on thick disk is dimmer than the lower inclination (Madau 1988; Boller et al. 1996; Leighly 1999a, b; see more detail calculations of Watarai et al. 2005). It is thus expected that the soft X-ray selected NLS1s tend to have a pole-on orientation to observers (Boller et al. 1996). This is further supported by the polarization observations showing that most of the soft-X-ray-selected {\\em ROSAT} AGNs have polarization lower than $\\le 1\\%$ and no clear optical reddening (Grupe et al. 1998a). Optically-selected NLS1s from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are weak in soft X-ray bands and hence have lower Eddington ratios (William et al. 2004). If the dusty tori generally exist in Seyfert galaxies and their orientations are random, what are the counterparts of NLS1s viewed at larger angles? The presence of the non-HBLR S2s and NLS1s as new members of Seyfert galaxies have strong impact on the classical unified model. We suggest that non-HBLR S2s are the counterpart of NLS1 viewed at larger angles. If so, the black hole masses, accretion rates (also Eddington ratios) as fundamentally intrinsic parameters should have same distributions. In this paper, we compared large-scale properties of non-HBLR S2s and NLS1s to quantitatively test the above issues. We find non-HBLR S2s share the potential isotropic characters with NLS1s while they are different greatly in the potential anisotropic properties. This may suggest that they are basically the same objects but viewed from different angles, adding new ingredient to the classical unification scheme. ", "conclusions": "We assemble two sub-samples of consisting of 44 NLS1s and 42 non-HBLR S2s to examine whether they have similar or same central engines. Most of NLS1s in the present sample have a steep soft X-ray spectrum ($\\Gamma_{\\rm SX}>2$) whereas the non-HBLR S2s have strong absorption in X-ray band. We estimate black hole masses and accretion rates of these samples. We find that: 1) the two kinds of Seyfert galaxies have same distributions of black hole masses from FWHM([O {\\sc iii}]) at $p_{\\rm null}=44.8\\%$ in ASURV test; 2) the \\oiii luminosities as an accretion rate indicator are similar and the black holes have accretion rates close to or above the Eddington limit; 3) the $f_{60\\mu}/f_{25\\mu}$ as orientations of the dusty torus are very different. We suggest that non-HBLR S2s are counterpart of NLS1s at edge-on orientation. This hypothesis is further supported by the comparison with other indicators. NLS1s and non-HBLR S2s can be unified based on orientation, but they have less massive black holes with higher accretion rates different from the broad line Seyfert 1 galaxies and HBLR S2s. This hypothesis sets up a scenario of a population of less massive black holes at {\\em all} orientations, which have higher accretion rates and are evolving to broad line Seyfert galaxies. Future work on unification scheme with the growth of the black holes and electron scattering screen are need to be done in future." }, "0606/astro-ph0606497_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% The planets capture model for the eruption of V838 Mon is discussed. We used three methods to estimate the location where the planets were consumed. There is a nice consistency for the results of the three different methods, and we find that the typical stopping / slowing radius for the planets is about 1R$_\\odot$. The three peaks in the optical light curve of V838 Mon are either explained by the swallowing of three planets at different radii or by three steps in the slowing down process of a single planet. We discuss the other models offered for the outburst of V838 Mon, and conclude that the binary merger model and the planet/s scenario seem to be the most promising. These two models have several similarities, and the main differences are the stellar evolutionary stage, and the mass of the accreted material. We show that the energy emitted in the V838 Mon event is consistent with the planets scenario. We suggest a few explanations for the trigger for the outburst and for the double structure of the optical peaks in the light curve of V838 Mon. ", "introduction": "V838 Mon had an extraordinary multi-stage outburst during the beginning of 2002. Imaging revealed the presence of a spectacular light echo around this object (Bond et al. 2003). The amplitude of the outburst in the optical band was about 9.5 mag. The post-outburst spectroscopic observations of V838 Mon showed that it was very red throughout the eruption and long after it ended (Munari et al. 2002; Banerjee \\& Ashok 2002; Kimeswenger et al. 2002; Evans et al. 2003; Kaminsky \\& Pavlenko 2005; Tylenda 2005). This is inconsistent with an exposed hot white dwarf in novae. Evans et al. (2003) and Retter \\& Marom (2003) concluded that the progenitor star of V838~Mon probably had a radius of $\\sim 8 R_\\odot$, a temperature of $\\sim 7,300$ K and a luminosity of $\\sim 100-160 L_\\odot$. Tylenda, Soker \\& Szczerba (2005b) presented a detailed analysis of the progenitor. They argued that V838~Mon is likely a young binary system that consists of two $5-10 M_\\odot$ B stars and that the erupting component is a main-sequence or pre-main sequence star. They also estimated for the progenitor a temperature of $\\sim 4,700-30,000$ K and a luminosity of $\\sim 550-5,000 L_\\odot$. Tylenda (2005) adopted a mass of $\\sim 8 M_\\odot$ and a radius of $\\sim 5 R_\\odot$ for the progenitor of V838~Mon. There is additional supporting evidence that the erupting star belongs to a binary system with a hot B secondary star (Munari \\& Desidera 2002; Wagner \\& Starrfield 2002; Munari et al. 2005). Spectral fitting suggested that V838~Mon had a significant expansion from a few hundreds to several thousands stellar radii in a couple of months during the outburst (Soker \\& Tylenda 2003; Retter \\& Marom 2003; Tylenda 2005; Rushton et al. 2005). Interferometric observations at the end of 2004 with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer confirmed the huge radius of the post-outburst star with an estimate of $1,570 \\pm 400 R_\\odot$ and suggested some asymmetric structure (Lane et al. 2005). There are only very rough estimates on the mass of the ejecta (Rushton et al. 2003; Lynch et al. 2004; Tylenda 2005). \\subsection{Models for the outburst} Soon after its outburst, V838~Mon was recognized as the prototype of a new class of stars (Munari et al. 2002; Bond et al. 2003), which currently consists of three objects: M31RV (Red Variable in M31 in 1988; Rich et al. 1989; Mould et al. 1990; Bryan \\& Royer 1992), V4332~Sgr (Luminous Variable in Sgr, 1994; Martini et al. 1999), and V838~Mon (Peculiar Red Variable in 2002), plus three candidates -- CK~Vul, which was identified with an object that had a nova-like event in the year 1670 (Shara \\& Moffat 1982; Shara, Moffat \\& Webbink 1985; Kato 2003; Retter \\& Marom 2003), V1148 Sgr, which had a nova outburst in 1943 and was reported to have a late type spectrum (Mayall 1949; Bond \\& Siegel 2006), and the peculiar variable in Crux that erupted in 2003 (Della Valle et al. 2003). So far, seven explanations for the eruption of these objects have been supplied. The first invokes a nova outburst from a compact object, which is embedded inside a common red giant envelope (Mould et al. 1990). In the second model, an atypical nova explosion on the surface of a cold white dwarf was suggested (Iben \\& Tutukov 1992; Boschi \\& Munari 2004). Soker \\& Tylenda (2003) proposed a scenario in which a main sequence star merged with a low-mass star. This model was lately revised by Tylenda \\& Soker (2006), and summarized by Soker \\& Tylenda (2006). Van-Loon et al. (2004) argued that the eruption was a thermal pulse of an AGB star. Munari et al. (2005) explained the outburst of V838~Mon by a shell thermonuclear event in the outer envelope of an extremely massive (M $\\sim 65 M_\\odot$) B star. Lawlor (2005, 2006) proposed another mechanism for the eruption of V838~Mon. He invoked the born-again phenomenon to explain the first peak in the light curve and altered the model by adding accretion from a secondary main-sequence star in close orbit to explain the second peak in the optical light curve of V838~Mon. A promising model for the peculiar eruption of V838~Mon was suggested by Retter \\& Marom (2003) and was further developed by Retter et al. (2006). This paper summarizes this model for V838 Mon and similar objects. The peculiar and enigmatic outburst of V838 Mon led to a specific meeting dedicated to this phenomenon that was held in La Palma, Spain on 2006 May, in which the first author of this paper presented the planets-swallowing model of V838 Mon. The most important result that was presented in the conference is probably two new very reliable distance estimates that are consistent with a distance of about 6 kpc to V838 Mon (Sparks 2006; Afsar \\& Bond 2006). This is somewhat smaller than what was previously believed (e.g., Bond et al. 2003), and thus it has some impact on the energy emitted in the outburst. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606174_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We suggest that the mass lost during the evolution of very massive stars may be dominated by optically thick, continuum-driven outbursts or explosions, instead of by steady line-driven winds. In order for a massive star to become a Wolf-Rayet star, it must shed its hydrogen envelope, but new estimates of the effects of clumping in winds from O-type stars indicate that line driving is vastly insufficient. We discuss massive stars above roughly 40--50 M$_{\\odot}$, which do not become red supergiants, and for which the best alternative is mass loss during brief eruptions of luminous blue variables (LBVs). Our clearest example of this phenomenon is the 19th century outburst of $\\eta$ Carinae, when the star shed 12--20 M$_{\\odot}$ or more in less than a decade. Other examples are circumstellar nebulae of LBVs and LBV candidates, extragalactic $\\eta$ Car analogs (the so-called ``supernova impostors''), and massive shells around supernovae and gamma-ray bursters. We do not yet fully understand what triggers LBV outbursts or what supplies their energy, but they occur nonetheless, and present a fundamental mystery in stellar astrophysics. Since line opacity from metals becomes too saturated, the extreme mass loss probably arises from a continuum-driven wind or a hydrodynamic explosion, both of which are insensitive to metallicity. As such, eruptive mass loss could have played a pivotal role in the evolution and ultimate fate of massive metal-poor stars in the early universe. If they occur in these Population III stars, such eruptions would also profoundly affect the chemical yield and types of remnants from early supernovae and hypernovae thought to be the origin of long gamma ray bursts. ", "introduction": "Mass loss is a critical factor in the evolution of a massive star. In addition to the direct reduction of a star's mass, it profoundly affects the size of its convective core, its core temperature, its angular momentum evolution, its luminosity as a function of time, and hence its evolutionary track on the HR diagram and its main-sequence (MS) lifetime (e.g., Chiosi \\& Maeder 1986). Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars are the descendants of massive stars as a consequence of mass loss in the preceding H-burning phases, during which the star sheds its H envelope (Abbott \\& Conti 1987; Crowther 2006). While the maximum initial mass of stars is thought to be $\\sim$150 M$_{\\odot}$ (Figer 2005; Kroupa 2005), WR stars do not have masses much in excess of 20 M$_{\\odot}$ (Crowther 2006).\\footnote{By ``WR stars'' we mean H-deficient WR stars (core-He burning phases or later), and not the luminous H-rich WNL stars (Crowther et al.\\ 1995), which are probably still core-H burning.} Thus, very massive stars have the immense burden of removing 30--130 M$_{\\odot}$ during their lifetime before the WR phase, unless they explode first. Stellar evolution calculations prescribe $\\dot{M}$($t$) based on semiempirical values, so it is important to know when most of this mass loss occurs. In this letter we address the question of whether this mass loss occurs primarily via steady stellar winds, or instead through violent, short-duration eruptions or explosions. Recent studies of hot star winds indicate that mass-loss rates on the MS are much lower than previously thought. These mass-loss rate reductions are significant enough to affect MS evolution, but they also raise an important question: {\\it If mass loss via stellar winds is insufficient to strip off a star's H envelope and form a WR star, then how and when does it occur}? Simultaneously, observations of nebulae around luminous blue variables (LBVs) and LBV candidates have revealed very high ejecta masses -- of order 10 M$_{\\odot}$. In $\\eta$ Car we know that the mass was ejected in a single outburst and is not swept-up ambient material. Together, these facts suggest that short-duration outbursts like the 19th century eruption of $\\eta$ Car could dominate mass lost during the lives of the most massive stars, and would be critical to form WR stars. As detailed below, the extreme mass-loss rates of these bursts imply that line opacity is too saturated to drive them, so they must instead be either continuum-driven super-Eddington winds or outright hydrodynamic explosions. Unlike steady winds driven by lines, the driving in these eruptions may be largely independent of metallicity, and might play a role in the mass loss of massive metal-poor stars (Population III stars). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606032_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss new functionality of the spectral simulation code CLOUDY which allows the user to calculate grids with one or more initial parameters varied and formats the predicted spectra in the standard FITS format. These files can then be imported into the x-ray spectral analysis software XSPEC and used as theoretical models for observations. We present and verify a test case. Finally, we consider a few observations and discuss our results. ", "introduction": "X-ray spectrometers typically record photon counts per energy bin. The photon count for each bin is equal to the integral of the incident spectrum times an instrument response function, which is a function of both photon energy and detector bin. In general, this integral cannot be reliably inverted to recover the incident spectrum, in part because inversion techniques tend to be unstable to small changes in the photon count. The solution then is to compare the photon counts recorded by the spectrometer with best-fit theoretical photon counts, calculated by integrating the product of the known instrument response function with theoretical spectra. XSPEC (last described by Arnaud 1996) is an open-source, X-ray spectral-fitting program, first developed in 1983 and still in development today. The current \\textit{de facto} standard for X-ray spectral analyis, XSPEC calculates theoretical photon counts from theoretical spectra to find the best fit between the observed and theoretical photon counts. In order to do this, XSPEC must have not only data files containing the observed photon counts, background spectrum, and instrumental response (all of which can be readily obtained), but also theoretical models of any and all spectra that the user believes will accurately represent the actual source spectrum (as a whole or in part). XSPEC comes bundled with many such theoretical models, but can also import external models via two methods: an external subroutine or a table file. The table file option can be used if calculating an individual model is too CPU-intensive. The commands which control the importing of table models are as follows: \\texttt{atable} for additive tabular models (intended to represent sources of emission), \\texttt{mtable} for multiplicative tabular models (for absorption, filtering, and extinction), and \\texttt{etable} for exponential tabular models (for any exponential effects). The purpose of this work is to greatly expand the pool of theoretical models by creating functionality allowing the existing spectral simulation code CLOUDY to produce predicted spectra in a format which the user can import into XSPEC. CLOUDY predictions have been used in XSPEC before (recent examples include Kraemer et al. 2005 and Turner et al. 2005). However, the new functionality discussed here greatly simplifies the process. We consider only additive and multiplicative models. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/hep-ph0606261_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The neutrino chirality-flip process under the conditions of the supernova core is investigated in detail with the plasma polarization effects in the photon propagator taken into account. It is shown that the contribution of the proton fraction of plasma is essential. New upper bounds on the neutrino magnetic moment are obtained: $\\mu_\\nu < (0.5 - 1.1) \\, \\times 10^{-12} \\, \\mu_{\\rm B}$ from the limit on the supernova core luminosity for $\\nu_R$ emission, and $\\mu_\\nu < (0.4 - 0.6) \\, \\times 10^{-12} \\, \\mu_{\\rm B}$ from the limit on the averaged time of the neutrino spin-flip. The best astrophysical upper bound on the neutrino magnetic moment is improved by the factor of 3 to 7. ", "introduction": "Nonvanishing neutrino magnetic moment leads to various chirality-flipping processes when the left-handed neutrinos produced inside the supernova core during the collapse could change their chirality becoming sterile with respect to the weak interaction. These sterile neutrinos would escape from the core leaving no energy to explain the observed luminosity of the supernova. This process was investigated by several authors. R. Barbieri and R.~N. Mohapatra~\\cite{Barbieri:1988} considered the neutrino spin-flip via both $\\nu_L e^- \\to \\nu_R e^-$ and $\\nu_L p \\to \\nu_R p$ scattering processes in the inner core of a supernova immediately after the collapse. However, they did not consider the essential plasma polarization effects in the photon propagator, and the photon dispersion was taken in a phenomenolical way, by inserting an {\\it ad hoc} thermal mass into the vacuum photon propagator. Imposing for the $\\nu_R$ luminosity $Q_{\\nu_R}$ the upper limit of $10^{53}$ ergs/s, the authors~\\cite{Barbieri:1988} obtained the upper bound on the neutrino magnetic moment: \\begin{eqnarray} \\mu_\\nu < (0.2-0.8) \\times 10^{-11} \\, \\mu_{\\rm B} \\,. \\label{eq:lim_Barbi} \\end{eqnarray} Later on, A. Ayala, J.~C. D'Olivo and M. Torres~\\cite{Ayala:1999,Ayala:2000} used the formalism of the thermal field theory to take into account the influence of hot dense astrophysical plasma on the photon propagator. The upper bound on the neutrino magnetic moment was improved by them in the factor of 2: \\begin{eqnarray} \\mu_\\nu < (0.1-0.4) \\times 10^{-11} \\, \\mu_{\\rm B} \\,. \\label{eq:lim_Ayala} \\end{eqnarray} However, those authors considered only the contribution of plasma electrons, and neglected the proton fraction. Thus, the reason exists to reconsider the neutrino spin-flip processes in the supernova core more attentively. We will show in part, that the proton contribution into the photon propagator is essential, as well as the scattering on plasma protons. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{itemize} \\item We have investigated in detail the neutrino chirality-flip process under the conditions of the supernova core. The plasma polarization effects caused both by electrons and protons were taken into account in the photon propagator. The rate $\\Gamma (E)$ of creation of the right-handed neutrino with the fixed energy $E$, the energy spectrum, and the luminosity have been calculated. \\item From the limit on the supernova core luminosity for $\\nu_R$ emission, we have obtained the upper bound on the neutrino magnetic moment $ \\mu_\\nu < (0.5 - 1.1) \\, \\times 10^{-12} \\, \\mu_{\\rm B}\\,. $ \\item From the limit on the averaged time of the neutrino spin-flip, we have obtained the upper bound $ \\mu_\\nu < (0.4 - 0.6) \\, \\times 10^{-12} \\, \\mu_{\\rm B}\\,. $ \\item We have improved the best astrophysical upper bound on the neutrino magnetic moment by the factor of 3 to 7. \\end{itemize} \\newpage" }, "0606/astro-ph0606048_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The most recently celebrated cosmological implications of the cosmic microwave background studies with WMAP (2006), though fascinating by themselves, do, however, create some extremely hard conceptual challenges for the presentday cosmology. These recent extremely refined WMAP observations seem to reflect a universe which was extremely homogeneous at the recombination age and thus is obviously causally closed at the time of the cosmic recombination era. From the very tiny fluctuations apparent at this early epoch the presently observable nonlinear cosmic density structures can, however, only have grown up, if in addition to a mysteriously high percentage of dark matter an even higher percentage of dark energy is admitted as drivers of the cosmic evolution. The required dark energy density, on the other hand, is nevertheless 120 orders of magnitude smaller then the theoretically calculated value. These are outstanding problems of present day cosmology onto which we are looking here under new auspices. We shall investigate in the following, up to what degree a universe simply abolishes all these outstanding problems in case it reveals itself as universe of a constant total energy. As we shall show basic questions like: How could the gigantic mass of the universe of about $10^{80}$ proton masses at all become created? - Why is the presently recognized and obviously indispensable cosmic vacuum energy density so terribly much smaller than is expected from quantumtheoretical considerations, but nevertheless terribly important for the cosmic evolution? -Why is the universe within its world horizon a causally closed system? - , can perhaps simply be answered, when the assumption is made, that the universe has a constant total energy with the consequence that the total mass density of the universe (matter and vacuum) scales with $R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{-2}$. Such a scaling of matter and vacuum energy abolishes the horizon problem, and the cosmic vacuum energy density can easily be reconciled with its theoretical expectation values. In this model the mass of the universe increases linearily with the world extension $R_\\mathrm{u}$ and can grow up from a Planck mass as a vacuum fluctuation.} ", "introduction": "This paper aims at the investigation of possible cosmological consequences of the hypothesis that the total mass density - or equivalently the energy density, of the universe (baryonic and dark matter, vacuum energy, photons) behaves according to a $R_\\mathrm{u}^{-2}$-law where $R_\\mathrm{u}$ denotes the cosmic scale or, if extended to the light horizon, the extension of the universe. In this respect $R_\\mathrm{u}$ can be called the distance between two arbitrary space points comoving with the Robert- son-Walker-like homologous cosmological expansion of the universe, validating the relation $\\dot{R_\\mathrm{u}}/R_\\mathrm{u}=\\dot{S}/S$, if $S$ for instance is the distance between any two freely comoving galaxies (dots on top of quantities mean derivatives with respect to cosmic time. This relation was already suggested by considerations carried out by Kolb (1989), Overduin \\& Fahr (2001, 2003) or Fahr \\& Heyl (2006). A detailed justification for such a scaling behaviour will be provided in section 9 at the end of this paper where we will show that such a density scaling indeed might help to describe a reasonably realistic scenario which correctly delivers the basic parameters of our expanding universe. In the following we shall work in the frame of General Relativity and shall base ourselves on the Friedmann equations. The only special prerequisites for our investigation are the assumption of a total mass density scaling with $R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{-2}$ and a topologically flat universe with a curvature parameter $k=0$, which is also strongly suggested nowadays by the recent WMAP data (WMAP 2006). A short suggestive substantiation for our assumption of a $R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{-2}$-scaling can be derived from the 1. Friedmann equation \\setlength{\\mathindent}{0pt} \\begin{equation} H^\\mathrm{2} = \\left( {\\frac{{\\dot R_\\mathrm{u}}}{R_\\mathrm{u}}} \\right)^\\mathrm{2} = \\frac{{8\\pi G\\rho _\\mathrm{tot}}}{3} - \\frac{kc^\\mathrm{2}}{{R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{2}}}, \\label{1}% \\end{equation} with $H$ the Hubble parameter, $R_\\mathrm{u}$ and $\\dot{R_\\mathrm{u}}$ the extension of the universe and its time derivative, respectively, $G$ the constant of gravitation, $c$ the velocity of light, and $\\rho_\\mathrm{tot}$ the total mass density of all gravitating constituents of the universe (e.g. baryonic and dark matter, equivalent mass of the vacuum energy). For a flat universe, $k=0$, the above equation can be written as \\setlength{\\mathindent}{0pt} \\begin{equation} \\dot {R_\\mathrm{u}}^\\mathrm{2} = \\frac{{8\\pi G\\rho _\\mathrm{tot}}}{3} R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{2} = \\Phi_\\mathrm{eff}, \\label{2}% \\end{equation} where the expression $8\\pi G\\rho _\\mathrm{tot}R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{2}/3$ can be interpreted as an effective cosmic action potential $\\Phi_\\mathrm{eff}$ of gravitation which is the driving quantity for the dynamics of the universe. Respecting the cosmological principle means, that the potential $\\Phi_\\mathrm{eff}$ is present at each space point of the expanding universe. We now take as our basic assumption that the gravitational energy $\\mathrm{d}m\\Phi_\\mathrm{eff}$, related to each mass element $\\mathrm{d}m$ of our homogeneously matter-filled universe, just equals its rest mass energy, i.e. \\setlength{\\mathindent}{0pt} \\begin{equation} \\Phi_\\mathrm{eff} \\mathrm{d}m = \\frac{{8\\pi G\\rho _\\mathrm{tot}}}{3} R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{2} \\mathrm{d}m = c^\\mathrm{2} \\mathrm{d}m. \\label{3}% \\end{equation} Then, this evidently results in a total density $\\rho_\\mathrm{tot}$ given by \\setlength{\\mathindent}{0pt} \\begin{equation} \\rho_\\mathrm{tot}={\\frac{{3c^\\mathrm{2}}}{{8\\pi GR_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{2}}}} \\propto {\\frac {1}{R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{2}}}, \\label{4}% \\end{equation} which expresses the assumed $R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{-2}$-scaling as the basis of our further investigations. A deeper view to this relation is offered in section 9 of this paper. ", "conclusions": "The assumed $R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{-2}$ scaling of matter and vacuum energy densities combined with the assumption of a flat universe with curvature $k=0$ leads to a universe which does not face a horizon problem any longer and thus does not require a cosmic inflation at the beginning. Furthermore, the theoretically calculated and unexplainable high amount of vacuum energy - with a value about $10^\\mathrm{120}$ higher than observed - one perfectly fits into the idea of an universe with a $R_\\mathrm{u}^\\mathrm{-2}$ scaling of the matter and vacuum energy density. In addition, it has been shown, that the present universe might have its origin in a quantum mechanical fluctuation that took place in the Planck era and that the vacuum energy is nothing else but the scaling rest energy associated with half a Planck mass within a Planck volume $V_\\mathrm{Pl}$. Finally, the whole mass of the universe can be explained by the accumulation of half Planck masses up to the present time which are generated as virtual quantum mass releases per Planck time and permitted to become real in the expanding universe. These results have been obtained on the basis of a so-called \"economical\" universe where the rest energy of the released Planck masses are compensated by the negative gravitational binding energy and which expresses one of the most fundamental laws of physics - the conservation of energy." }, "0606/astro-ph0606081_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It is generally thought that conservative mass transfer in Algol binaries causes their orbits to be wider, in which the less massive star overflows its Roche-lobe. The observed decrease in the orbital periods of some Algol binaries suggests orbital angular momentum loss during the binary evolution, and the magnetic braking mechanism is often invoked to explain the observed orbital shrinkage. Here we suggest an alternative explanation, assuming that a small fraction of the transferred mass forms a circumbinary disk, which extracts orbital angular momentum from the binary through tidal torques. We also perform numerical calculations of the evolution of Algol binaries with typical initial masses and orbital periods. The results indicate that, for reasonable input parameters, the circumbinary disk can significantly influence the orbital evolution, and cause the orbit to shrink on a sufficiently long timescale. Rapid mass transfer in Algol binaries with low mass ratios can also be accounted for in this scenario. ", "introduction": "An Algol binary is a semidetached binary system consisting of (1) an early type, main sequence primary component which does not fill its Roche lobe, and (2) a lobe-filling, less massive star that is substantially above the main sequence. The less massive star is cooler, fainter and larger \\citep{Giur81,pete01}. It is believed that star (2) is initially more massive, and evolves first to overflow its Roche lobe to transfer mass to star (1). After the rapid mass exchange, the lobe-filling star (2) becomes less massive in the Algol binary stage. The evolution of Algol binaries has been investigated extensively (e.g., Plavec 1968; Paczynski 1971; Refsdal \\& Weigert 1969). Although conservative mass transfer seems to roughly reproduce the observed characteristics of a considerable fraction of Algol binaries (e.g. Nelson \\& Eggleton 2001; De Loore \\& van Rensbergen 2004), nonconservative evolution with mass and orbital angular momentum loss taken into account is required for better comparison between theories and observations (Thomas 1977; Refsdal et al. 1974; Sarna 1993). With regard to the orbital evolution, conservative mass transfer in Algol binaries leads to increase of the orbital periods because mass is transferred from the less massive star to the more massive component (Huang 1963). However, there is strong evidence showing that the orbital periods of some Algol binaries are actually decreasing \\citep{qian00a,qian00b,qian01a,qian01b,qian01c,qian02,lloy02}. Although it is uncertain whether the measured period changes are long-term (secular) changes or transient fluctuations, they clearly demonstrate that these systems must undergo mass and angular momentum loss during the evolution. Moreover, \\citet{qian02} find that the decreasing rates $\\dot{P}_{\\rm orb}$ scale with the orbital periods $P_{\\rm orb}$ roughly as $-\\dot{P}_{\\rm orb}\\propto P_{\\rm orb}$. This orbital decay may be explained by angular-momentum loss via magnetic stellar winds \\citep{verb81}. Sarna, Muslimov, \\& Yerli (1997) and Sarna, Yerli, \\& Muslimov (1998) proposed that dynamo action can occur in mass-losing stars in Algol-type binaries, and produce large-scale magnetic fields, which lead to magnetic braking of the stars. However, there could exist some potential difficulties for the magnetic braking mechanism (see below). Here we suggest an alternative interpretation assuming that a small fraction of the transferred mass would form a circumbinary (CB) disk surrounding the binary system \\citep[see also][]{van94}. Previous works \\citep{taam01,chen06} have already indicated that the CB disk can efficiently remove the orbital angular momentum and accelerate the binary evolution in accreting white dwarf or neutron star binaries. We describe the input physics that is necessary for the evolution model in section 2. Numerically calculated results for the evolutionary sequences of Algol binaries in two cases are presented in section 3. We make brief discussion and conclude in section 4. ", "conclusions": "It is an open question why some of the Algol systems show orbital shrinkage while others not. Although it is generally believed that there must be orbital angular momentum loss during the evolution of these binaries, the appropriate mechanism(s) for angular momentum loss has not been verified. Based on theoretical model of \\citet{spru01} and \\citet{taam01}, we suggest that a CB disk may play an important role in determining the orbital change in Algol systems. Note that our CB disk hypothesis does not exclude the effect of (magnetized) mass loss. On the contrary, the formation of the CB disk may be closely related to the mass loss processes in the binary evolution. The existence of the CB disks may be revealed by their infrared radiation, as in GG Tau \\citep{rodd96}. The Monte-Carlo simulation by \\citet{wood99} has reproduced the morphology of the near IR radiation which is in accord with the observations by \\citet{rodd96}. In this paper we have calculated the evolutionary sequence for Algol binaries with typical masses and orbital periods, taking into account both magnetic braking and the CB disk. The detailed calculations indicate that the orbital evolution of Algol binaries can be significantly affected by the CB disk, especially for Case A mass transfer. With adequate values of $\\delta$, it is possible to account for the decrease of the orbital periods in some Algol binaries. In addition, the existence of CB disk can accelerate the evolution and enhance the mass transfer rates, as already noticed in the evolutionary study of CVs \\citep{taam01}. This suggests a plausible explanation for the rapid mass transfer observed in a few Algol binaries with very low mass ratios \\citep{qian02a}. Finally, we note that the magnitude of the mass feeding parameter $\\delta$ is highly uncertain, let alone its variation with the mass transfer rates. These uncertainties make it difficult to present direct comparison between observations and theoretical predications for Algol binaries. However, our analysis provides a reasonable mechanism for angular momentum loss in semi-detached binaries including Algol binaries. More detailed multi-wavelength observations can provide stringent tests for the CB disk model, and the theories of the evolution of Algol binaries." }, "0606/astro-ph0606562_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present corrections for the change in the apparent scalelengths, central surface brightnesses and axis ratios due to the presence of dust in pure disk galaxies, as a function of inclination, central face-on opacity in the B-band (${\\tau}^{f}_{\\rm B}$) and wavelength. The correction factors were derived from simulated images of disk galaxies created using geometries for stars and dust which can reproduce the entire spectral energy distribution from the ultraviolet (UV) to the Far-infrared (FIR)/submillimeter (submm) and can also account for the observed surface-brightness distributions in both the optical/Near-infrared and FIR/submm. We found that dust can significantly affect both the scalelength and central surface brightness, inducing variations in the apparent to intrinsic quantities of up to 50$\\%$ in scalelength and up to 1.5 magnitudes in central surface brightness. We also identified some astrophysical effects for which, although the absolute effect of dust is non-negligible, the predicted variation over a likely range in opacity is relatively small, such that an exact knowledge of opacity is not needed. Thus, for a galaxy at a typical inclination of $37^{\\circ}$ and having any ${\\tau}^{f}_{\\rm B}>2$, the effect of dust is to increase the scalelength in B relative to that in I by a factor of $1.12 \\pm 0.02$ and to change the B-I central colour by $0.36\\pm 0.05$ magnitudes. Finally we use the model to analyse the observed scalelength ratios between B and I for a sample of disk-dominated spiral galaxies, finding that the tendency for apparent scalelength to increase with decreasing wavelength is primarily due to the effects of dust. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} A primary goal of modern studies of star-forming galaxies is to understand how these systems were assembled over cosmic time. If the disks of spiral galaxies grow from the inside out, as predicted by semi-analytical hierarchical models for galaxy formation (e.g. Mo, Mao \\& White 1998), one would predict the stellar populations to be younger and have lower metallicity in the outer disk than in the inner disk, such that local universe galaxies should be intrinsically larger at the shorter wavelengths where light from the young stellar population is more prominent. For the same reason one would expect the intrinsic sizes of spiral disks to be larger at the current epoch than at higher redshift. Observationally, such predictions can be tested in two ways. One way is to compare the spatial distribution of the constituent stellar populations at different wavelengths, for local universe galaxies. Another way is to look for structural differences in galaxies observed at different cosmological epochs, at the same rest frame wavelength. Both methods require an analysis of the surface-brightness distribution of spiral galaxies in the optical and near-infrared (NIR) to quantify the distribution of starlight, for example by deriving the scalelength of the disk. This is done by fitting observed images with models for the surface-brightness distribution of stellar light, whereby the disk component is usually specified by an exponential distribution. The derived exponential scalelengths can either be intercompared between different wavelengths for local universe galaxies (Elmegreen \\& Elmegreen 1984, Peletier et al. 1994, Evans 1994, De Jong 1996a,b, de Grijs 1998, Cunow 1998, 2001, 2004, MacArthur et al. 2003, M\\\"ollenhoff 2004), or between galaxies at different redshifts at a given wavelength (Lilly et al. 1998, Simard et al. 1999, Ravindranath et al. 2004, Trujillo \\& Aguerri 2004, Trujillo et al. 2005, Barden et al. 2005). However, the appearance of disk galaxies is strongly affected by dust and this effect is different at different wavelengths and for different opacities. This has consequences not only for the derivation of the variation of intrinsic scalelength with wavelength, but also for the variation of intrinsic scalelength with cosmological epoch, since the opacity of disk galaxies is expected to have been systematically higher in the past ( e.g. Dwek 1998, Pei et al. 1999). The effect of dust on the observed scalelengths and central surface brightnesses of disk galaxies has been previously modelled by Byun et al. (1994), Evans (1994) and Cunow (2001). By means of radiative transfer calculations these works investigated the dependence of this effect on star/dust geometry, opacity, inclination and wavelength. Recently, a better knowledge of the star/dust geometry has been obtained through a joint consideration of the direct starlight, emitted in the ultraviolet (UV)/optical/NIR, and of the starlight which is re-radiated in the Far-infrared (FIR)/submillimeter (submm). In a series of papers devoted to modelling the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) we derived geometries of the distribution of stellar light and dust that are successful in reproducing not only the observed integrated SEDs, but also the observed radial profiles both in the optical/NIR and FIR/submm (Popescu et al. 2000; hereafter Paper~I, Misiriotis et al. 2001; hereafter Paper~II, Popescu et al. 2004, see also Popescu \\& Tuffs 2005 \\footnote{A simplified version of this geometrical prescription has been applied by Misiriotis et al. (2004) to fit the FIR SEDs of bright IRAS galaxies.}). In this paper, the fourth in this series, we use these derived distributions of stars and dust to obtain a new quantitative measure of the effect of dust on the observed photometric parameters in the optical wavebands. Furthermore, because it is no longer necessary to explore a wide range of star/dust geometries, we are also able to systematically explore the full parameter space in opacity, inclination and wavelength, and tabulate the results in a form convenient for the use of the community. We give quantitative measures of the change in the apparent scalelength, central surface brightnesses and inclination of disk galaxies due to the presence of dust.\\footnote{ These corrections are only valid for normal disk galaxies and are not applicable to systems with different star/dust geometries such as starburst or dwarf galaxies.} All these changes are expressed as the ratio of the apparent quantity (i.e. that obtained by fitting images of dusty disks with pure exponential disks) to the intrinsic quantity (i.e. that which would be obtained in the absence of dust). These corrections have been derived from a subset of the simulated images (those in the optical bands) presented in Tuffs et al. (2004; hereafter Paper~III). In Sect.~2 we give a brief description of the distributions of stars and dust used in the simulated images. In Sect.~3 we specify the fitting procedure used to extract apparent scalelengths, central surface brightnesses and axis ratios from the simulated images. These quantities are tabulated in Sect. 4, where we also describe and explain their dependence on opacity, inclination and wavelength due to the effect of dust. In Sect.~5 we examine the impact of these new results on our ability to derive quantities of astrophysical interest from optical observations and give in Sect.~6 a specific example of the determination of the variation of intrinsic scalelength with wavelength for local universe galaxies. A summary of the paper is given in Sect.~7. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} We have fitted the simulated images of dusty disk galaxies presented in Paper~III with a template brightness distribution corresponding to an inclined infinitely thin dustless exponential disk to obtain apparent scalelengths, central surface-brightness distributions and axis ratios. These are the apparent photometric quantities that an observer would extract from observed images of galaxies. Using the prior knowledge of the corresponding intrinsic quantities input in the simulations, we were able to derive the correction factors (listed in Tables~1--5 of this paper) for the conversion of the apparent to intrinsic quantities due to dust, as a function of inclination $i$, central face-on optical depth in B band ${\\tau}^{f}_{\\rm B}$, and wavelength. The apparent to intrinsic scalelength ratio is always greater than unity and can vary up to 50$\\%$. The apparent to intrinsic central surface-brightness ratio expressed in magnitudes can be either positive or negative, depending on whether the dimming due to dust is more or less important than the brightening due to the increase in the column density of stars induced by inclining the disk. This ratio can change up to 1.5 magnitudes due to the effect of dust. The ratio of the apparent to intrinsic axis ratio is not strongly affected by dust, but has an opposite dependence on inclination according to whether the lines of sight through the disk are predominantly optically thin or optically thick. In the former case the vertical distribution of stars makes the galaxy appear progressively rounder with increasing inclination than an infinitely thin disk, whereas in the latter case the opposite trend is seen, because an increasing proportion of the observed light originates from a thin layer of stars above the dust. Assuming that the basic geometry of dust and stars in local universe spiral galaxies also applies for higher redshift spiral galaxies, our tabulated corrections can be used to correct for the increase in the apparent disk scalelength with increasing redshift due to the expected increase in opacity. This will allow the intrinsic evolution of disk sizes with cosmological epoch to be investigated. As an example, we show that for a possible variation in opacity between 2 at $z=0$ to 8 or more at $z=1$, the apparent scalelength in the B band of a galaxy seen at $i=37^{\\circ}$ would increase by a factor of at least 1.24 due to dust. We used our model to analyse the distribution of observed scalelength ratios between B and I for a sample of disk-dominated spiral galaxies. We found that the predominance of galaxies with larger apparent scalelength in B than in I is primarily due to the effects of dust." }, "0606/astro-ph0606424_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I review photo-polarimetric and spectropolarimetric observations of V838 Mon, which revealed that it had an asymmetrical inner circumstellar envelope following its 2nd photometric outburst. Electron scattering, modified by pre- or post-scattering H absorption, is the polarizing mechanism in V838 Mon's envelope. The simplest geometry implied by these observations is that of a spheroidal shell, flattened by at least 10\\% and having a projected position angle on the sky of $\\sim$37$^{\\circ}$. Analysis of V838 Mon's polarized flux reveals that this electron scattering shell lies interior to the envelope region in which H$\\alpha$ and Ca II triplet emission originates. To date, none of the theoretical models proposed for V838 Mon have demonstrated that they can reproduce the evolution of V838 Mon's inner circumstellar environment, as probed by spectropolarimetry. ", "introduction": "Linear polarimetry can provide powerful diagnostic information regarding the geometry of unresolved astrophysical environments. Numerous literature resources \\citep{nor92, bjo00} eloquently discuss these diagnostic capabilities; for the purpose of this review I will simply summarize several fundamental principles. The observed intrinsic polarization of unresolved sources is simply the net integrated polarization of the system. The density, geometrical distribution, and scattering properties of scatterers in a system are several factors which will influence the strength of the observed intrinsic polarization; systems which either lack an extended envelope of material or are characterized by a symmetrical envelope will exhibit zero net intrinsic linear polarization. Non-uniform illumination of an extended envelope, by sources such as star-spots and/or binary companions, may also produce a net intrinsic polarization. Several factors may influence the wavelength dependence of observed intrinsic linear polarization, as discussed by \\citet{nor92} and \\citet{bjo00}. These factors include: a) the scattering process (i.e. Thompson versus Mie scattering); b) the nature of the illuminating source; c) the dilution of polarized light by the presence of additional unpolarized (i.e. direct) light; and d) the preferential absorption of more scattered light than direct (unpolarized) light. One is typically is unable to directly measure the intrinsic polarization of astrophysical sources, as the actual observed polarization is comprised of interstellar (time independent) and intrinsic (possibly time dependent) components. Identifying and removing interstellar polarization (ISP) from data is a critical, non-trivial exercise; however, several techniques have proven to be successful in this regard. The field star technique \\citep{mcl79} is one method; successful implementation requires one to identify a suitable number of field stars which are a) intrinsically unpolarized; b) located at a similar distance as the target of interest; and c) located a small angular distance from the target of interest. If one assumes emission lines in the target of interest are intrinsically unpolarized \\citep{har68}, measuring the polarization in these lines can yield estimates of the ISP, although \\citet{qui97} have shown that this assumption is not always valid. Finally, the wavelength dependence of ISP is known to follow the empirical Serkowski law \\citep{ser75}; hence, measuring the wavelength dependence of the total observed polarization will, in certain cases, allow one to accurately parameterize the ISP. ", "conclusions": "V838 Mon exhibited clear evidence of an intrinsic polarization component beginning at least on 4 February 2002; evidence of this intrinsic component disappeared by 13 February 2002. The wavelength dependence of this intrinsic polarization suggests that electron scattering, modified by pre- or post-scattering absorption by hydrogen, was the polarizing mechanism. The presence of an intrinsic component implies that V838 Mon's circumstellar envelope was asymmetrical; one possibly geometry of this envelope is a spheroidal shell flattened by at least 10\\%. From V838 Mon's polarized flux, we know that this shell is located interior to the region of V838 Mon's envelope responsible for producing emission features at H$\\alpha$ and the Ca II triplet. Current theoretical efforts to identify the mechanism responsible for V838 Mon's outburst have primarily focussed on explaining its photometric evolution. To date, none of these models have demonstrated that they can reproduce the evolution of V838 Mon's inner circumstellar environment, as probed by spectropolarimetry." }, "0606/astro-ph0606649_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a survey of the extinction properties of ten lensing galaxies, in the redshift range $z=0.04$--$1.01$, using multiply lensed quasars imaged with the ESO VLT in the optical and near infrared. The multiple images act as `standard light sources' shining through different parts of the lensing galaxy, allowing for extinction studies by comparison of pairs of images. We explore the effects of systematics in the extinction curve analysis, including extinction along both lines of sight and microlensing, using theoretical analysis and simulations. In the sample, we see variation in both the amount and type of extinction. Of the ten systems, seven are consistent with extinction along at least one line of sight. The mean differential extinction for the most extinguished image pair for each lens is $\\bar{A}(V) = 0.56\\pm0.04$, using \\cardelli~parametrization. The corresponding mean $\\bar{R}_V=2.8\\pm0.4$ is consistent with that of the Milky Way at $R_V=3.1$, where $R_V=A(V)/E(B-V)$. We do not see any strong evidence for evolution of extinction properties with redshift. Of the ten systems, B1152+199 shows the strongest extinction signal of $A(V)=2.43\\pm0.09$ and is consistent with a \\cardelli~with $R_V=2.1\\pm0.1$. Given the similar redshift distribution of SN Ia hosts and lensing galaxies, a large space based study of multiply imaged quasars would be a useful complement to future dark energy SN Ia surveys, providing independent constraints on the statistical extinction properties of galaxies up to $z\\sim1$. ", "introduction": "The study of extinction curves of galaxies at high redshift has generated a lot of interest in recent years \\citep[see e.g.,][]{riess, falco1999,goudfrooij,murphy,kann, goicoechea, york}. Light reaching us from distant sources is extinguished by dust along its path making it important to correct measurements for the amount and properties of the extinction. Extragalactic dust extinction can for example affect measurements of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) used to determine various cosmological parameters \\citep[e.g.,][]{riess1998, perlmutter} and the star-formation rates for high redshift starburst galaxies which are used as probes of galaxy evolution \\citep[see e.g.,][]{madau}. Yet, even if dust properties and thus extinction may vary with redshift and environment, an average \\cardelli~is often applied when calibrating extragalactic data due to the lack of knowledge of the extinction properties of higher redshift galaxies. Traditionally, extinction curves are measured by comparing the spectra of two stars of the same spectral type, which have been reddened by different amounts \\citep[see e.g.,][]{massa}. As it becomes significantly harder to measure spectra of individual stars with distance this method is limited in its application to the Milky Way and the nearest galaxies. The extinction curves of the Milky Way along different lines of sight have been mapped extensively using this method and have been shown to follow an empirical parametric function which depends only on one parameter, $R_V=A(V)/E(B-V)$, where $A(\\lambda)$ is the total extinction at wavelength $\\lambda$ and $E(B-V)=A(B)-A(V)$ \\citep{cardelli}. The mean value of $R_V$ in the Milky Way is $3.1$ \\citep{cardelli} but for different lines of sight the value ranges from as low as $R_V\\approx1.8$ toward the Galactic bulge \\citep{udalski} and as high as $R_V\\approx5.6$--$5.8$ \\citep{cardelli,fitzpatrick}. A lower $R_V$ corresponds to a steeper rise of the extinction curve into the UV, whereas it has little effect on the extinction in the infrared. Extinction curves have also been obtained for the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds (hereafter, SMC and LMC, respectively) and M31 using this method. The mean extinction curve of the LMC differs from the \\cardelli~in that the bump at $2175$~$\\AA$ is smaller by a factor of two (as measured by the residual depth of the bump when the continuum has been extracted) and the curve has a steeper rise into the UV for wavelengths shorter than $2200$~$\\AA$ \\citep{nandy81}. The extinction curve of the SMC is well fitted by an $A(\\lambda)\\propto\\lambda^{-1}$ curve which deviates significantly from the \\cardelli~and the LMC extinction for $\\lambda^{-1}\\ge4$~$\\mu m^{-1}$ and in particular shows no bump at $2175$ $\\AA$ and a steeper rise into the UV \\citep{prevot84}. \\citet{bianchi} found that the extinction of M31 follows that of the average \\cardelli. The various extinction properties shown by these galaxies, especially in the UV and shorter wavelengths, further strengthens the need to find a method to study the extinction curves of more distant galaxies. A few methods have been proposed for measuring extinction curves for more distant galaxies. One method is basically an extension of the traditional method of comparing stars of the same spectral type to comparing the SNe Ia \\citep{riess,perlmutter97}. The extinction is estimated from comparison with unreddened, photometrically similar SNe Ia. A subset of SNe Ia, with accurately determined extinctions and relative distances, is then used to further determine the relationship between light and color curve shape and luminosity in the full sample. SN Ia extinction studies usually give lower $R_V$ values than the mean Galactic value of $R_V=3.1$ \\citep{riess1996b, krisciunas, wang2006}. Quasars with damped Ly$\\alpha$ systems (DLAs) in the foreground have also been studied by \\citet{pei} and were found to be on average redder than those without. By comparing the optical depths derived from the spectral indices and the ones derived from excess extinction at the location of the \\cardelli~bump they found that their sample of five quasars with DLAs is not consistent with the \\cardelli, marginally compatible with the LMC extinction and fully compatible with SMC extinction. \\citet{murphy} studied a larger sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasars with damped Ly$\\alpha$ systems in the foreground and found no sign of extinction. They suggest that the difference between their results and that of \\citet{pei} may be due to the small number statistics in the study by \\citet{pei}. \\citet{ellison} also found that intervening galaxies cause a minimal reddening of background quasars in agreement with the results of \\citet{murphy} while \\citet{york} found $E(B-V)$ of up to $0.085$ for quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with Mg II absorption. In their study \\citet{york} found no evidence of the $2175$~$\\AA$ bump (at variance with \\citet{malhotra}) and found that the extinction curves are similar to SMC extinction. \\citet{ostman} studied the feasibility of measuring extinction curves by using quasars shining through galaxies. For the two such systems which survived their cuts, they argued that the extinction curves in the foreground spiral galaxies were consistent with Galactic extinction. They further suggested a possible evolution in the dust properties with redshift, with higher $z$ giving lower $R_V$ by studying values obtained from the literature in addition to their own. Extinction curves of high redshift galaxies have also been studied by looking at the spectral energy distribution of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). For example, \\citet{palli} fitted a \\cardelli, an SMC and an LMC extinction law to the afterglow of GRB 030429. The afterglow, at $z=2.66$, was best fit by an SMC like extinction curve with $A(V)=0.34\\pm0.04$. \\citet{kann} studied the extinction of a sample of 19 GRB afterglows and fitted them to various dust extinction models. They found that the SMC extinction law was preferred by a great majority of their Golden Sample (seven out of eight) while one afterglow was best fit by a \\cardelli~(the other eleven were equally well fit by SMC, LMC and Galactic extinction). The mean extinction in the $V$-band was $A(V)=0.21\\pm0.04$. \\citet{goudfrooij} reviewed the dust properties of giant elliptical galaxies and found that they are typically characterized by small $R_V$ if they are in the field or in loose groups, but that if they are in dense groups or clusters their $R_V$ values are close to the mean Galactic $R_V=3.1$. Early type elliptical galaxies typically have low $A(V)$ \\citep[see e.g.,][who found $A(V)\\lesssim0.35$ for dust lanes in ellipticals]{goudfrooij1994}. \\citet{nadeau} pointed out that gravitationally lensed quasars could be used to measure the extinction curves of higher redshift galaxies. \\citet{falco1999} explored a large sample of 23 lensing galaxies using this method and found that only seven were consistent with no extinction. This method has also been applied to single systems by e.g. \\citet{jaunsen,toft,motta,wucknitz,munoz,wisotzki,goicoechea} and shows varying extinction properties between different lensing systems. Here we present a systematic study of the extinction curves of gravitational lenses based on a survey of $10$ lens systems. We have made a dedicated effort to minimize the number of unknowns and effects that can mimic extinction. We have broad wavelength coverage in nine different optical and NIR broad bands. An effort was made to minimize the time between the observations for each system in the different bands to minimize the effect of intrinsic quasar variability and microlensing. All our systems have spectroscopically determined redshifts for both the quasar and the lensing galaxy. Finally, our systems span the range of $z=0.04$--$1.01$ giving us the possibility to explore possible evolution with redshift. The outline of this paper is as follows: In \\S~\\ref{sec:method} we describe the details of the employed method and discuss different sources of systematics and of random errors which may affect our results. We also present the results of simulations which explore the effects of these errors on data sets similar to those we obtain in the survey. In \\S~\\ref{sec:data} we present the data and the data reduction of the ESO VLT survey for the 10 lensing systems. We present the results of our analysis of each individual system in \\S~\\ref{sec:res_ind} and the analysis of the full sample in \\S~\\ref{sec:res_full}. Finally we summarize our results in \\S~\\ref{sec:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:results} We open this chapter by presenting in \\S~\\ref{sec:res_ind} the results of our extinction curve analysis for each of the 10 lensing systems. We present the detailed analysis of systems where at least one image pair has a two sigma detection of extinction for one of the three applied extinction laws. The systems are presented in order of increasing redshift. We then move on to discussing in \\S~\\ref{sec:res_full} the overall results of our analysis, as well as statistical properties of the full sample. \\subsection{The individual systems} \\label{sec:res_ind} \\subsubsection{Q2237+030} Q2237+030 was discovered by \\citet{huchra} and consists of a quasar at redshift $z=1.70$ and a spiral lensing galaxy at $z=0.04$ making it the nearest known lensing galaxy to date. The system was later resolved into four images forming an Einstein cross with the lensing galaxy in the middle \\citep{yee88, schneider88}. \\citet{schneider88} modeled the system in detail and found a predicted time delay of order of one day between the images and amplifications of $4.6,4.5,3.8$ and $3.6$ for images A, B, C and D, respectively. \\citet{falco96} studied the system with the VLA at radio wavelengths and obtained flux density ratios of $1.00,1.08,0.55$ and $0.77$ for images A, B, C, D, respectively. Q2237+030 has previously been noted in the literature as having high variability which is uncorrelated between the four images \\citep[see e.g.,][]{irwin, corrigan}. This system is difficult to interpret as it shows a lot of scatter in the points which cannot be explained by extinction alone nor microlensing (see Figures~\\ref{fig:q2237c} and \\ref{fig:q2237d}). None of the extinction laws we apply give a good fit to the data for any pair of images (as the redshift of this system is very low, $z=0.04$, we do not expect to see much difference between the quality of the fits for the different extinction laws, see \\S~\\ref{sec:pureext}). All the image pairs, except C$-$A and D$-$A, yield $A(V)$ consistent with zero. The data points and fits for C$-$A and D$-$A can be seen in Figures~\\ref{fig:q2237c} and \\ref{fig:q2237d} and the parameters of the fits in Tables~\\ref{tab:q2237ac} and \\ref{tab:q2237ad}. \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for Q2237+030: C$-$A} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$s$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $ 0.53\\pm0.03$ & $>7$ &\\nodata & \\textit{0.65}& \\nodata & $3.6\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $0.29\\pm0.06$ & $2.9\\pm1.4$ & \\nodata & $0.85\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & $3.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $0.27\\pm0.07$ & $2.6\\pm 1.5$ & \\nodata & \\textit{0.65} & $-0.23\\pm0.05$ & $3.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.49\\pm0.02 $ & \\nodata & $0.6\\pm0.1$ & \\textit{0.65} & \\nodata & $3.2\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.3\\pm0.5$ & \\nodata & $1\\pm4$ & $0.8\\pm0.5$ & \\nodata & $3.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.3\\pm0.2$ & \\nodata & $1\\pm3$ & \\textit{0.65} & $-0.2\\pm0.1$ & $3.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $0.49\\pm0.02$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{0.65} & \\nodata & $3.2\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $0.35\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $0.78\\pm0.04$ &\\nodata & $3.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $0.34\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{0.65} & $-0.15\\pm0.05$ & $3.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image C compared to image A. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:q2237ac} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for Q2237+030: D$-$A} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$s$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $ 1.23\\pm0.03$ & $>7$ &\\nodata & \\textit{0.28}& \\nodata & $7.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $0.35\\pm0.06$ & $3.1\\pm1.5$ & \\nodata & $1.05\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata & $1.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $0.28\\pm0.07$ & $2.1\\pm 1.2$ & \\nodata & \\textit{0.28} & $-0.85\\pm0.05$ & $1.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $1.11\\pm0.03 $ & \\nodata & $0.27\\pm0.04$ & \\textit{0.28} & \\nodata & $1.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.4\\pm1.1$ & \\nodata & $0.9\\pm0.4$ & $0.9\\pm1.1$ & \\nodata & $2.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.3\\pm0.4$ & \\nodata & $1.3\\pm0.6$ & \\textit{0.28} & $-0.8\\pm0.4$ & $2.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $1.18\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{0.28} & \\nodata & $5.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $0.41\\pm0.06$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $0.97\\pm0.05$ &\\nodata & $1.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $0.39\\pm0.06$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{0.28} & $-0.75\\pm0.05$ & $1.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image D compared to image A. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:q2237ad} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f11.eps} \\caption{Q2237+030, C$-$A: The upper panel shows the data points and the best fit extinction curves. The lower panel shows the original data points and their shift due to a microlensing signal, along with the best fit through the shifted points. The parameters of the fits are given in Table~\\ref{tab:q2237ac}. \\textit{Annotation:} Filled circles are the original data points with error bars. The curves correspond to the \\cardelli~(eq. \\ref{eq:car}) with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ free (dash-dot) and fixed (solid), the power law (eq. \\ref{eq:alpha}) with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ free (dash-dot-dot-dot) and fixed (dotted) and the linear law (eq. \\ref{eq:lambda}) with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ free (long dash) and fixed (short dash). Shifted data points due to a microlensing signal are plotted in open boxes (\\cardelli), triangles (power law) and diamonds (linear law).\\label{fig:q2237c}} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f12.eps} \\caption{Q2237+030, D$-$A: The upper panel shows the data points and the best fit extinction curves. The lower panel shows the original data points and their shift due to a microlensing signal, along with the best fit through the shifted points. The parameters of the fits are given in Table~\\ref{tab:q2237ad}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:q2237d}} \\end{figure} We use the radio measurements of \\citet{falco96} to fix $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ and in particular for the D$-$A image pair this changes the results significantly. As the flux density ratios in the radio agree with the model predictions for the D$-$A image pair it is interesting to note that none of the extinction laws we apply give good fits to the data unless we allow for corrections due to achromatic microlensing (see Figures~\\ref{fig:q2237c} and \\ref{fig:q2237d} and Tables~\\ref{tab:q2237ac} and \\ref{tab:q2237ad}). This might suggest that either D is demagnified by a strong microlensing signal, or that image A is magnified (or both) and the residual `extinction curve' which we are fitting may be effects of chromatic microlensing. The same effect, but not as strong, is seen in the C$-$A image, again suggesting a slight demagnification of C, a magnification of A or a combination of the two. In previous microlensing studies, component D has not been seen to have as strong a microlensing signal as A and C have \\citep{irwin, alcalde, gil-merino} so therefore it is perhaps more likely that we are seeing the magnification of image A. Another explanation for the shift in $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ might be intrinsic variations of the quasar components as discussed in \\S \\ref{sec:lensing}. Such variability could introduce an overall shift of the data, resulting in inaccurate estimates of $\\Delta\\hat{m}$. By inspecting the $V$-band lightcurves from \\citet{kochanek2004} we see that component A is indeed in a bright phase at the time of our observations (Julian date of around 2451670). Component D is fairly stable but component C is getting dimmer climbing down from a peak in its brightness and is still fairly bright, perhaps making the C$-$A shift in $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ less prominent than the D$-$A shift. \\subsubsection{PG1115+080} PG1115+080 is a multiply imaged system discovered by \\citet{weynman} as a triply imaged system with the quasar at redshift $z=1.72$. The A component was later resolved into two separate images, A1 and A2, by \\citet{hege} making the system a quad. The lensing galaxy was located by \\citet{christian} and is an early type galaxy \\citep{rusin}. Its redshift and that of three neighboring galaxies were determined to be at $z=0.31$ by \\citet{kundica}. The time delays between the components were determined by \\citet{schechter}. \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{6} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for PG1115+080} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $0.12\\pm0.06$ & $3.3\\pm1.9$ & \\nodata & $0.29\\pm0.05$ & $1.2\\pm0.3$\\\\ Power law & $0.3\\pm2.0$ & \\nodata & $0.5\\pm1.5$ & $0.1\\pm2.0$ & $1.2\\pm0.3$\\\\ Linear law& $0.13\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $0.28\\pm0.04$ & $1.2\\pm0.3$\\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image A2 compared to reference image A1. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:pg1115ab} \\end{deluxetable*} The system shows very weak differential extinction for all the images (all but A2$-$A1 have $A(V)$ equal to $0$ within two sigma, see Table~\\ref{tab:extinction}). The data points and fits for A2$-$A1 are shown on Figure \\ref{fig:pg1115} and the parameters of the fits in Table \\ref{tab:pg1115ab}. The low extinction signal is in agreement with the results of \\citet{falco1999}. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f13.eps} \\caption{PG1115+080, A2$-$A1: Best fit extinction curves for A2$-$A1. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:pg1115ab}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview.\\label{fig:pg1115}} \\end{figure} \\subsubsection{B1422+231} B1422+231 is a quadruply imaged system first discovered by \\citet{patnaik} in the JVAS survey and confirmed to be a lensing system by \\citet{lawrence92}. The lensing system consists of an early type main galaxy \\citep{yee} at $z=0.34$ \\citep{kundic, tonry98} and five nearby galaxies \\citep{remy, bechtold}. The quasar is at a redshift of $z=3.62$ and the maximum image separation is $1.3''$ \\citep{patnaik}. The images show intrinsic variability which has been used to determine the time delay by studying radio light curves \\citep{patnar}. We only use three of the four images in our analysis as D was too faint to give usable results (all the visible bands gave zero detection). As for the other components they show very weak differential extinction and give very weak constraints on the differential extinction curves. All the fits have $A(V)$ consistent with zero (see Table~\\ref{tab:extinction}). We also get $A(V)$ consistent with zero when we fix $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ (where the values for the $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ are taken to be the average between those deduced by \\citet{patnaik} in the $5~GHz$ and $8~GHz$ bands). The low differential extinction between the images is in agreement with the results of \\citet{falco1999}. \\subsubsection{B1152+199} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for B1152+199} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$s$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $ 2.03\\pm0.03$ & $1.61\\pm0.05$ &\\nodata & \\textit{1.18}& \\nodata & $2.7\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $2.43\\pm0.09$ & $2.1\\pm0.1$ & \\nodata & $0.85\\pm0.07$ & \\nodata & $2.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $2.41\\pm0.09$ & $2.0\\pm 0.1$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.18} & $0.32\\pm0.07$ & $2.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $2.01\\pm0.03 $ & \\nodata & $1.98\\pm0.04$ & \\textit{1.18} & \\nodata & $4.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $2.7\\pm0.1$ & \\nodata & $1.45\\pm0.08$ & $0.6\\pm0.1$ & \\nodata & $2.8\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $2.6\\pm0.1$ & \\nodata & $1.52\\pm0.07$ & \\textit{1.18} & $0.6\\pm0.1$ & $3.2\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $1.94\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{1.18} & \\nodata & $10.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $3.57\\pm0.07$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-0.23\\pm0.06$ &\\nodata & $3.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image B compared to reference image A. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:b1152} \\end{deluxetable*} B1152+199 is a doubly imaged system first discovered by \\citet{myers} in the CLASS survey with a background quasar at $z=1.02$, a lensing galaxy at $z=0.44$ and image separation of $1\\farcs56$. It was observed in radio wavelengths (at frequencies $1.4,5,8.4$ and $15$~$GHz$) by \\citet{rusin}. The extinction curve has previously been studied and fitted by a \\cardelli~with $1.3\\leq R_V\\leq2.0$ and $E(B-V)\\sim1$ \\citep{toft} suggesting that it is a heavily extinguished system. B1152+199 shows a very strong extinction signal as can be seen in Figure~\\ref{fig:b1152} and Table~\\ref{tab:b1152}. It has the strongest extinction signal of all ten systems with $A(V)=2.43\\pm0.09,2.7\\pm0.1,3.57\\pm0.07$ at $\\chi^2_\\nu=2.0,2.8,3.4$ for the \\cardelli, power law and linear law respectively. Using the radio measurements of \\citet{rusin} to fix $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ we similarly get $A(V)=2.03\\pm0.03,2.01\\pm0.03,1.94\\pm0.03$ at $\\chi^2_\\nu=2.7,4.0,10.0$. We also analyze the data with respect to a possible achromatic microlensing signal, keeping $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ fixed. This yields a non-zero microlensing correction for the \\cardelli~and power law of $s=0.32\\pm0.07,0.6\\pm0.1$ and $A(V)=2.41\\pm0.09,2.6\\pm0.1$ at $\\chi^2_\\nu=2.1,3.2$ respectively. The best fit for the linear law lies outside the validity of the method with $s>1$ (see \\S~\\ref{sec:micro}) which would correspond to a microlensing signal of $>1$ mag. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f14.eps} \\caption{B1152+199: The upper panel shows the data points and the best fit extinction curves to them. The lower panel shows the original data points and their shift due to a microlensing signal. The parameters of the fits are given in Table~\\ref{tab:b1152}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:b1152}} \\end{figure} It is clear that in all cases the \\cardelli~provides the best fit to the data suggesting Galactic type dust although the best fit $R_V$ values are lower than those commonly seen in the Milky Way. It is possible that the measured $R_V$ value is being lowered by a non-zero extinction in the A image provided it has a higher value of $R_V$ (see discussion in \\S~\\ref{sec:extboth}). However, given the very strong extinction signal this would require very strong extinction along both lines of sight in addition to a strong differential signal. This is unlikely given the fact that component A is at more than twice the distance from the center of the lensing galaxy than component B with A at $1\\farcs14$ and B at $0\\farcs47$ from the center \\citep{rusin}. Measurements in the X-ray further suggest that the A component is non-extinguished (K. Pedersen et al., 2006, in preparation). \\subsubsection{Q0142$-$100} \\label{sec:q0142} Q0142$-$100 is a doubly imaged system first discovered by \\citet{surdej} and also known in the literature as UM 673. The quasar is at a redshift of $z=2.72$ \\citep{macalpine} and the lensing galaxy, which is of early type \\citep{rusin}, is at a redshift of $z=0.49$ \\citep{surdej}. \\citet{wisotzki} studied this system using spectrophotometric observations and found signs of differential extinction but no microlensing. The data points and our fits for Q0142$-$100 can be seen in Figure~\\ref{fig:q0142} and the parameters of the fits in Table~\\ref{tab:q0142}. All the fits give similar $\\chi^2_\\nu$ but the parameters, in particular for the power law, are poorly constrained due to the lack of data points (we did not get any measurements in the infrared for this system). The extinction is high for an early type galaxy and is not consistent with that found by \\citet{falco1999} who found negligible extinction. We suspect that the data are being contaminated by the lens galaxy as the B component is located near the galaxy center (at $0\\farcs38$) and the seeing was not optimal for this system (the mean seeing was $0\\farcs87$ compared to $0\\farcs57$ for the full data set). As there are no published radio measurements available we do not have constraints on $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ to analyze the system with respect to a possible microlensing signal. \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{6} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for Q0142$-$100} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} &\\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $0.40\\pm0.03$ & $4.8\\pm0.7$ & \\nodata & $1.64\\pm0.04$ & $1.2\\pm0.5$\\\\ Power law & $4.1\\pm3.8$ & \\nodata & $0.1\\pm0.8$ & $-2.1\\pm3.8$ & $1.1\\pm0.5$\\\\ Linear law& $0.27\\pm0.08$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $1.8\\pm0.1$ & $1.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image B compared to reference image A. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:q0142} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f15.eps} \\caption{Q0142$-$100: The plot shows the data points and the best fit to them. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:q0142}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:q0142}} \\end{figure} \\subsubsection{B1030+071} B1030+071 is a doubly imaged system first discovered by \\citet{xan1} in the JVAS survey. They monitored the system in radio wavelengths, finding that the flux density ratios between image A and B range from 12.0 to 18.8 and seem to vary with both time and frequency. The redshift of the background source was determined to be at $z=1.54$ and the redshift of the lensing object to be at $z=0.60$ \\citep{fassnacht}. \\citet{falco1999} determined a differential extinction of $E(B-V)=0.02\\pm0.04$ assuming a fixed $R_V=3.1$ \\cardelli. We were unable to perform an extinction analysis on this system as the deconvolution did not succeed in separating the B component from the main lens galaxy (separated by $0\\farcs11\\pm0\\farcs01$ \\citep{xan1}) making the photometric values unreliable. For a further study of the extinction of this system higher resolution images would be required. \\subsubsection{RXJ0911+0551} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for RXJ0911+0551: B} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Image pair} & \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata B$-$A & \\cardellitab & $ 0.33\\pm0.06$ & $4.9\\pm0.6$ &\\nodata & $-0.10\\pm0.05$ & $1.3\\pm0.4$\\\\ B$-$D & \\cardellitab & $ 0.20\\pm0.08$ & $4.1\\pm1.1$ &\\nodata & $-1.00\\pm0.06$ & $1.6\\pm0.5$\\\\ B$-$A & Power law & $0.9\\pm3.7$ & \\nodata & $0.3\\pm0.3$ & $-0.7\\pm3.7$ & $1.3\\pm0.4$ \\\\ B$-$D & Power law & $0.2\\pm1.4$ & \\nodata & $0.8\\pm0.6$ & $-1.1\\pm1.4$ & $1.6\\pm0.5 $\\\\ B$-$A & Linear law & $0.23\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-0.04\\pm0.04$ & $1.5\\pm0.4$\\\\ B$-$D & Linear law & $0.17\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-1.00\\pm0.04$ & $1.5\\pm0.4$ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image B compared to reference images A and D. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:rxj0911b} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for RXJ0911+0551: C} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Image pair} & \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata C$-$A & \\cardellitab & $ 0.20\\pm0.10$ & $3.3\\pm1.5$ &\\nodata & $0.66\\pm0.07$ & $1.2\\pm0.4$\\\\ C$-$D & \\cardellitab & $ 0.09\\pm0.08$ & $2.2\\pm1.5$ &\\nodata & $0.26\\pm0.06$ & $1.3\\pm0.4$\\\\ C$-$A & Power law & $0.3\\pm2.1$ & \\nodata & $0.9\\pm0.5$ & $0.6\\pm2.1$ & $1.2\\pm0.4$ \\\\ C$-$D & Power law & $0.1\\pm1.8$ & \\nodata & $1.3\\pm1.5$ & $03\\pm1.8$ & $1.2\\pm0.4$\\\\ C$-$A & Linear law & $0.23\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $0.62\\pm0.04$ & $1.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ C$-$D & Linear law & $0.17\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $0.31\\pm0.05$ & $1.2\\pm0.4$ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image C compared to reference images A and D. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:rxj0911c} \\end{deluxetable*} RXJ0911+0551 is a multiply imaged system first discovered by \\citet{bade} in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey with the quasar at $z=2.80$. It was later studied by \\citet{burud} who resolved the system into four images and found that large external shear, possibly due to a cluster, was required to explain the image configuration. \\citet{kneib} confirmed that the lensing galaxy belongs to a cluster at $z=0.769$. Observed reddening in at least two (images B and C) of the four images suggest differential extinction by the early type lensing galaxy \\citep{burud}. \\citet{hjorth} measured the time delay of the system between images A,B,C on the one hand and D on the other and found the time delay to be $146\\pm8$~days ($2\\sigma$). We find relatively strong extinction in images B and C compared to images A and D. Image D also shows some extinction when compared to A but the effect is consistent with zero within two sigmas. We analyze the extinction curves of B and C compared to A and D. The data points and the fits can be seen in Figures~\\ref{fig:rxj0911b} and \\ref{fig:rxj0911c} and the parameters of the fits can be seen in Tables \\ref{tab:rxj0911b} and \\ref{tab:rxj0911c}. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f16.eps} \\caption{RXJ0911+0551, B: The upper panel shows the data points and the fits for the extinction of image B compared to image A. The lower panel shows the corresponding plot for image B compared to image D. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:rxj0911b}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:rxj0911b}} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f17.eps} \\caption{RXJ0911+0551, C: The upper panel shows the data points and the fits for the extinction of image C compared to image A. The lower panel shows the corresponding plot for image C compared to image D. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:rxj0911c}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:rxj0911c}} \\end{figure} Assuming image A is completely unextinguished we can estimate the lower limit of the relative extinction of D compared to B and C, $E_D(B-V)/E_{B,C}(B-V)$. For both B and C, we find that this ratio is around $1/3$ so we expect the extinction curve properties to be affected by both lines of sight (see discussion in \\S~\\ref{sec:extboth}). That is, we do not expect the extinction curve we get from comparing B and C to D to represent the extinction curve along either line of sight unless their extinction properties are identical. We see that the $R_V$ value of both B and C are lower when compared to image D than those we get from comparing them to image A suggesting that the extinction properties are indeed different (with image D having a higher $R_V$ value). We note however that the values of $R_V$ do agree within one sigma for both the differential extinction curves for both B and C. \\subsubsection{HE0512$-$3329} HE0512$-$3329 is a doubly imaged system first discovered by \\citet{gregg} with an image separation of $0\\farcs644$ and quasar redshift of $z=1.565$. They estimated a redshift of $z=0.9319$ for the lensing object and found that the lens is most likely a spiral galaxy. In addition, they estimate the differential reddening assuming negligible microlensing and a standard \\cardelli~with $R_V=3.1$. This yields $A(V)=0.34$ with the A image being redder than the B image. \\citet{wucknitz} worked further on disentangling microlensing and differential extinction, and estimated $A(V)= 0.07$ with A being the extinguished image. This fit results in an effective $R_V=-2.0$ which can be achieved if the two lines of sight have different $R_V$. \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{6} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for HE0512$-$3329} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $ 0.14\\pm0.04$ & $1.7\\pm0.4$ &\\nodata & $-0.67\\pm0.03$ & $2.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.23\\pm0.09$ & \\nodata & $1.3\\pm0.3$ & $-0.76\\pm0.09$ & $1.4\\pm0.4$ \\\\ Linear law & $0.35\\pm0.02$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-0.86\\pm0.04$ & $1.4\\pm0.4$ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image A compared to image B. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:he0512} \\end{deluxetable*} In the case of HE0512$-$3329, it is the brighter image, A, which shows extinction with respect to the B image. The system is interesting as one of the redshifted data points falls in the range where the $2175$ $\\AA$ bump in the \\cardelli~should lie (see Figure~\\ref{fig:he0512}). There is however no sign of a bump at $\\lambda=2175$ $\\AA$ and both the power law and the linear extinction law give a much better fit (see Table~\\ref{tab:he0512} for the parameters of the fits). We redo the fits with no constraints on the $R_V$ values to see if our data could be fit by a negative $R_V$ value but this does not change the result of $R_V=1.7\\pm0.4$. As there is no radio data available we do not constrain the intrinsic ratio in the fits and we can not constrain the microlensing signal. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f18.eps} \\caption{HE0512$-$3329: The plot shows the data points and the best fit to them. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:he0512}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:he0512}} \\end{figure} Our results are not in agreement with those of \\citet{wucknitz} who found that fits with the $2175$ $\\AA$ bump better reproduced their data than those without, although the result was not highly significant. In addition, they found that it is crucial to take microlensing into account when analyzing the extinction curve, which might explain the discrepancy. However, the detected microlensing signal is only important at wavelengths lower than those we probe, with a small possible effect in the $B$- and $V$-bands. Therefore, a microlensing signal consistent with the results of \\citet{wucknitz} should not affect our results significantly. In addition, we note that for their best fitting $R_V$ their fit curves downwards for $\\lambda^{-1}<1$~$\\mu m^{-1}$ which is not consistent with our measurement in the $K$-band (see Figure~\\ref{fig:he0512}). \\subsubsection{MG0414+0534} MG0414+0534 is a quadruply imaged system first discovered by \\citet{hewitt} with image separation of up to $2^{\\prime\\prime}$. The quasar, at redshift of $z=2.64$, shows evidence of being heavily reddened by dust in the lensing galaxy \\citep{lawrence95}. The lens, which has early type spectrum, is at redshift $z=0.9584$ \\citep{tonry} and was modeled by \\citet{falco1997} who found the brightness profile to be well represented by a de Vaucouleurs profile which is characteristic of an elliptical galaxy. \\citet{falco1999} studied the extinction curve of this system and fitted it to a \\cardelli~giving a best fit of $R_V=1.5$, assuming that all lines of sight have the same $R_V$. \\citet{angonin} studied the origin of the extinction and found, that while the differential extinction is likely due to the lensing galaxy, then there is also evidence for significant reddening which is intrinsic to the source. \\citet{katz} did an extensive radio survey of the system and found that there was no sign of variability in the radio flux ratios between their measurements and those of \\citet{hewitt} except for the C/B image ratio. For MG0414+0534, components A1 and A2 show extinction when compared to images B or C with A2 being the more strongly extinguished image (see Table~\\ref{tab:extinction}). For the A1 image we find different effective extinction laws depending on whether we compare with image B or C (see Table~\\ref{tab:mg0414a1} and Figure~\\ref{fig:mg0414a1}). In all cases the power law gives the best fit and the linear law the worst (we use the radio measurements of \\citet{katz} to fix $\\Delta\\hat{m}$). For the \\cardelli~the $R_V$ values do not agree suggesting that perhaps the extinction of images B and C is affecting the differential extinction curve. We also note though, that we would expect $A(V)$ for A1$-$B to be around 0.3, to be consistent with the other values in Table~\\ref{tab:extinction}, but the best fitting values give a lower value. We therefore perform another fit where we fix $A(V)=0.3$ in the fits for the A1$-$B pair and this gives $R_V=2.1\\pm0.2;1.8\\pm0.1$ for $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ fixed and free respectively, which are marginally consistent with the results compared to the C image. However, the $\\chi^2_\\nu=2.6;2.0$ of these fits are significantly worse than those of the original fits. We do not see any evidence for microlensing except in the case of SMC-like linear extinction which still results in a worse fit than the other two extinction laws. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f19.eps} \\caption{MG0414+0534, A1: The upper panel shows the data points and the fits for the extinction of image A1 compared to image B. The lower panel shows the corresponding plot for image A1 compared to image C. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:mg0414a1}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:mg0414a1}} \\end{figure} For image A2 the \\cardelli~gives the best fit when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is kept fixed but otherwise the different extinction laws give similar results (see Table~\\ref{tab:mg0414a2} and Figure~\\ref{fig:mg0414a2}). The parameters of the \\cardelli~are consistent when compared with images B and C suggesting that either A2 dominates the extinction signal or that B and C have similar extinction properties. There is no evidence for microlensing except in the case of the linear extinction law. We note that the absolute extinction of image A2, which must be greater or equal to the differential extinction in Table~\\ref{tab:mg0414a2}, is very high given that the lens is an early type galaxy (\\citet{goudfrooij1994} find $A(V)\\lesssim0.35$ for their sample of early type galaxies). \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f20.eps} \\caption{MG0414+0534, A2: The upper panel shows the data points and the fits for the extinction of image A2 compared to image B. The lower panel shows the corresponding plot for image A2 compared to image C. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:mg0414a2}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview. \\label{fig:mg0414a2}} \\end{figure} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{8} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for MG0414+0534: A1} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Images} & \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} &\\colhead{$s$}& \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata A1$-$B & \\cardellitab & $ 0.07\\pm0.02$ & $0.4\\pm0.1$ &\\nodata & $-0.99\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata& $1.5\\pm0.5$\\\\ A1$-$B & \\cardellitab & $ 0.15\\pm0.03$ & $0.9\\pm0.2$ &\\nodata & \\textit{-1.07} & \\nodata&$1.6\\pm0.5$\\\\ A1$-$C & \\cardellitab & $ 0.29\\pm0.04$ & $1.5\\pm0.2$ &\\nodata & $-2.00\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata&$1.7\\pm0.5$\\\\ A1$-$C & \\cardellitab & $ 0.27\\pm0.04$ & $1.4\\pm0.2$ &\\nodata & \\textit{-2.0} & \\nodata&$1.5\\pm0.4$\\\\ A1$-$B & Power law & $0.10\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata & $3.1\\pm0.6$ & $-1.04\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata&$0.9\\pm0.4$ \\\\ A1$-$B & Power law & $0.13\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & $2.8\\pm0.4$ & \\textit{-1.07} & \\nodata&$1.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ A1$-$C& Power law & $0.15\\pm0.07$ & \\nodata & $2.7\\pm0.6$ & $-1.93\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata&$1.0\\pm0.4$ \\\\ A1$-$C& Power law & $0.24\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & $2.1\\pm0.3$ & \\textit{-2.0} & \\nodata&$1.1\\pm0.4$\\\\ A1$-$B & Linear law & $0.53\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-1.37\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata&$2.2\\pm0.5$\\\\ A1$-$B & Linear law & $0.31\\pm0.02$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-1.07} & \\nodata&$3.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ A1$-$B & Linear law & $0.49\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-1.07} & $0.28\\pm0.05$&$2.3\\pm0.4$\\\\ A1$-$C & Linear law & $0.61\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-2.27\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata&$1.9\\pm0.5$\\\\ A1$-$C & Linear law & $0.42\\pm0.02$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-2.0} & \\nodata&$2.9\\pm0.4$\\\\ A1$-$C & Linear law & $0.58\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-2.0} & $0.26\\pm0.05$&$1.9\\pm0.5$ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image A1 compared to reference images B and C. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:mg0414a1} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{8} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for MG0414+0534: A2 } \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Images} & \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$s$}& \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata A2$-$B & \\cardellitab & $ 0.87\\pm0.05$ & $2.7\\pm0.2$ &\\nodata & $-1.08\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & $1.8\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$B & \\cardellitab & $ 0.69\\pm0.03$ & $2.2\\pm0.2$ &\\nodata & \\textit{-0.93} & \\nodata & $1.8\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$C & \\cardellitab & $ 0.91\\pm0.04$ & $2.6\\pm0.1$ &\\nodata & $-1.96\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & $1.8\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$C & \\cardellitab & $ 0.81\\pm0.04$ & $2.3\\pm0.2$ &\\nodata & \\textit{-1.89} & \\nodata & $1.6\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$B & Power law & $1.6\\pm1.2$ & \\nodata & $0.7\\pm0.2$ & $-1.8\\pm1.2$ & \\nodata &$1.7\\pm0.5$ \\\\ A2$-$B & Power law & $0.65\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & $1.49\\pm0.07$ & \\textit{-0.93} &\\nodata & $2.3\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$C& Power law & $1.3\\pm0.5$ & \\nodata & $0.9\\pm0.2$ & $-2.4\\pm0.5$ & \\nodata & $1.8\\pm0.5$ \\\\ A2$-$C& Power law & $0.75\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & $1.42\\pm0.07$ & \\textit{-1.89} & \\nodata & $1.9\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$B & Linear law & $1.11\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-1.34\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata & $1.7\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$B & Linear law & $0.81\\pm0.02$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-0.93} & \\nodata & $4.0\\pm0.4$\\\\ A2$-$B & Linear law & $1.07\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-0.93} & $0.39\\pm0.05$ & $1.6\\pm0.5$\\\\ A2$-$C & Linear law & $1.16\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-2.25\\pm0.05$ & \\nodata & $1.6\\pm0.4$\\\\ A2$-$C & Linear law & $0.91\\pm0.02$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-1.89} & \\nodata & $3.5\\pm0.4$\\\\ A2$-$C & Linear law & $1.13\\pm0.04$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-1.89} & $0.35\\pm0.05$ & $1.5\\pm0.4$ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image A2 compared to reference images B and C. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:mg0414a2} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{deluxetable}{llll} \\tablecolumns{4} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{MG0414+0534: The extinction properties of A2$-$A1} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} &\\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$}} \\startdata Fit & Free & $0.61\\pm0.11$ & $3.8\\pm0.7$\\\\ Fit & Fixed & $0.53\\pm0.03$ & $3.5\\pm0.4$\\\\ C & Free & $0.62\\pm0.06$ & $4.0\\pm0.9$\\\\ C & Fixed & $0.54\\pm0.06$ & $3.4\\pm1.0$\\\\ B & Free & $0.80\\pm0.05$ & $5.4\\pm2.5$\\\\ B & Free & $0.54\\pm0.04$ & $3.7\\pm1.3$ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The first two lines give the results from the \\cardelli~fit to the data. The last four lines give the extinction properties calculated from eq. (\\ref{eq:rdiff}) using the properties of A2 and A1 compared to images B and C from Tables~\\ref{tab:mg0414a1} and \\ref{tab:mg0414a2}.} \\label{tab:mg0414_rdiff} \\end{deluxetable} As the extinction of A1 is significant compared to A2 we expect the extinction properties of both lines of sight to affect the A2$-$A1 extinction curve (see \\S~\\ref{sec:extboth}). The fit of A2$-$A1 for the Galactic extinction curve gives us $R_V=3.5\\pm0.4,3.8\\pm0.7$ at $A(V)=0.53\\pm0.03,0.61\\pm0.11$ when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is kept fixed or free respectively. If we assume that images B and C have zero extinction we can calculate the effective $R_V$ we expect to get from eq. (\\ref{eq:rdiff}). The results can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:mg0414_rdiff} and are in good agreement with the results of the fits. The extinction of MG0414+0534 is high for an early type galaxy. We can not exclude the possibility that the extinction may be due to an unknown foreground object and not the lensing galaxy itself. Finally we note that our estimates of the differential extinction agree with those of \\citet{falco1999} which were obtained by assuming standard Galactic extinction with $R_V=3.1$. \\subsubsection{MG2016+112} \\begin{deluxetable*}{lrrrrrrr} \\tablecolumns{7} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Extinction curve fit results for MG2016+112} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Extinction} & \\colhead{$A(V)$} & \\colhead{$R_V$} & \\colhead{$\\alpha$} & \\colhead{$\\Delta\\hat{m}$} & \\colhead{$s$} & \\colhead{$\\chi^2_{\\nu}$}} \\startdata \\cardellitab & $ 0.20\\pm0.03$ & $3.0\\pm0.5$ &\\nodata & \\textit{-0.092}& \\nodata & $1.7\\pm0.4$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $0.1\\pm0.1$ & $1.8\\pm1.0$ & \\nodata & $-0.01\\pm0.10$ & \\nodata & $1.9\\pm0.5$\\\\ \\cardellitab & $0.11\\pm0.09$ & $1.8\\pm 1.3$ & \\nodata & \\textit{-0.092} & $-0.1\\pm0.1$ & $1.8\\pm0.5$\\\\ Power law & $0.18\\pm0.03 $ & \\nodata & $1.4\\pm0.2$ & \\textit{-0.092} & \\nodata & $1.4\\pm0.4$\\\\ Power law & $0.11\\pm0.09$ & \\nodata & $1.8\\pm0.6$ & $-0.02\\pm0.10$ & \\nodata & $1.5\\pm0.5$\\\\ Power law & $0.12\\pm0.09$ & \\nodata & $1.7\\pm0.5$ & \\textit{-0.092} & $-0.06\\pm0.11$ & $1.5\\pm0.5$\\\\ Linear law& $0.23\\pm0.01$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-0.092} & \\nodata & $1.6\\pm0.4$\\\\ Linear law& $0.28\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & $-0.18\\pm0.06$ &\\nodata & $1.6\\pm0.5$\\\\ Linear law& $0.27\\pm0.03$ & \\nodata & \\textit{1.0} & \\textit{-0.092} & $0.08\\pm0.06$ & $1.6\\pm0.5$\\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{ The extinction of image B compared to reference image A. Numbers quoted in italics were fixed in the fitting procedure.} \\label{tab:mg2016} \\end{deluxetable*} MG2016+112 was discovered by \\citet{lawrence} and has a giant elliptical lensing galaxy at redshift $z=1.01$ \\citep{schneider85, schneider86}. The system consists of two images, A and B, of the quasar at redshift $z=3.273$ and an additional image C which may be a third image of the quasar with an additional signal from another galaxy and has been challenging to model \\citep{lawrence, lawrence93,nair}. The flux of images A and B in the radio at 5 GHz was determined by \\citet{garrett} to be $15.8$~mJy and $17.2$~mJy respectively. This is the highest redshift system in our sample, and is also interesting since one of the data points lands in the range where the $2175$ $\\AA$ bump in the \\cardelli~should be (see Figure~\\ref{fig:mg2016}). However, the extinction signal is very weak with $A(V)=0.1\\pm0.1,0.11\\pm0.09,0.28\\pm0.03$ at $\\chi^2_\\nu=1.9,1.5,1.6$ for the \\cardelli, power law and linear law respectively (see Table~\\ref{tab:mg2016} for the parameters of the fits). When we fix $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ we find somewhat higher extinction of $A(V)=0.20\\pm0.03,0.18\\pm0.03,0.23\\pm0.01$ at $\\chi^2_\\nu=1.7,1.4,1.6$. In both cases a power law or a linear law is marginally preferred to a \\cardelli. We also analyze the data with respect to a possible microlensing signal but only find a weak microlensing signal (see Table~\\ref{tab:mg2016} and Figure~\\ref{fig:mg2016}). Finally we note that our results for the \\cardelli~are consistent with the results of \\citet{falco1999}. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f21.eps} \\caption{MG2016+112: The upper panel shows the data points and the best fit extinction curves as given in Table~\\ref{tab:mg2016}. The lower panel shows the original data points and their shift due to a microlensing signal. The parameters of the fits can be seen in Table~\\ref{tab:mg2016}. See the caption of Figure \\ref{fig:q2237c} for annotation overview.\\label{fig:mg2016}} \\end{figure} \\subsection{The full sample} \\label{sec:res_full} In this section we study the properties of the sample as a whole. We look for correlations between various parameters and, in particular, search for any dependence on the redshift or the morphology of the galaxies. Furthermore, we discuss the low $R_V$ values found in SN Ia studies and the possible complementarity of lensing extinction curve studies. We study, on the one hand, a `golden sample' and, on the other hand, we analyze the full sample. The `golden sample' is defined to include the image pair with the strongest differential extinction for each lens. In addition Q0142$-$100 is excluded from the `golden sample' (see \\S \\ref{sec:q0142}). The `golden sample' therefore consists of eight pairs of images, of which seven have strong enough extinction to analyse the extinction curve. If not otherwise stated, the results apply to the full sample. \\subsubsection{$A(V)$ as a function of distance from center of the lensing galaxy} To study the distribution of $A(V)$ as a function of distance from the lens galaxy, we analyze the sample using two methods. First we plot, in Figure~\\ref{fig:A_dist}, the differential $A(V)$ of the image pairs (from Table~\\ref{tab:extinction}) as a function of the ratio of the distances from the center of the galaxy (from Table~\\ref{tab:lenses}). We assign a negative value to the $A(V)$, in those cases where the more distant image is the more strongly extinguished one. One can see, that when the ratio is small, the image which is nearer the center of the galaxy is the more extinguished one. However, when the ratio approaches one, the $A(V)$ becomes more evenly scattered around zero. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f22.eps} \\caption{The differential $A(V)$ for a pair of images~vs.~the ratio of the distances from the center of the lensing galaxy. The differential $A(V)$ is defined as negative if the image closer to the galaxy is less extinguished. The figure shows that images closer to the galaxy tend to be the more extinguished but that when the ratio approaches $1$ the scatter increases. \\label{fig:A_dist}} \\end{figure} For the second method, we assume that the image with the weakest extinction signal is indeed non-extinguished. We define an absolute $A(V)$ for the other images, by taking the differential extinction compared to this reference image, which we plot as a function of distance from the center of the galaxy, scaled by the lens galaxy scale length\\footnote{The scale length is taken to be the effective radius of a de Vaucouleurs profile fit from \\citet{rusin2003}.} (see Figure~\\ref{fig:A_scale} and Table~\\ref{tab:lenses}). From the plot we can see that most $A(V)$ values lie in the range of $0$--$0.5$ for distances smaller than around four scale lengths, but drop for more distant images. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f23.eps} \\caption{$A(V)$ as a function of the distance of the image relative to the scale radius of the lensing galaxy. We assign an absolute $A(V)$ to the images by assuming that the least extinguished image for each system is non-extinguished. The quads are symbolized as circles and the four doubles are symbolized as triangles (up and down facing), a diamond and a box. The non-extinguished reference images are marked on the plot by open symbols. The error bars for $d_g/d_s$ are smaller than the plotted symbols. We see that the $A(V)$ values mostly lie in the range of $0-0.5$ for $d_g/d_s \\lesssim 4$ and drop for higher values.\\label{fig:A_scale}} \\end{figure} Both of these results are consistent with the expectation that the more distant image is on average more likely to pass outside the galaxy and thus not be affected by extinction. When the distances become similar, secondary effects due to the non-symmetric shape of the lens start becoming important, creating a scatter in the $A(V)$~vs.~distance plots. This is in particular the case for the quads where the distances tend to be similar. \\subsubsection{The different extinction laws} We investigate whether our sample shows a preference for one type of extinction law to another and whether the type of extinction depends on the galaxy type. We also study the correlation between the parameters of the different fits. We find that when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is allowed to vary, our sample does not show a preference for one extinction law over the other (the mean of the $\\chi^2_\\nu$ is $\\bar{\\chi}^2_\\nu=1.7,1.6,1.8$ for the \\cardelli, power law and linear law) although individual systems can show a strong preference. If we alternatively look at the fits where $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ was fixed we see that the power law and \\cardelli~are preferred over the linear law in the sample as a whole (with $\\bar{\\chi}^2_\\nu=2.7,2.1,4.3$) but again individual systems can show different behaviors. There are three late type galaxies in our sample. One (HE0512$-$3329) shows a clear preference for an SMC linear law extinction, one (B1152+199) shows a preference for a \\cardelli~and the third (Q2237+030) gives equally good fits to all the extinction laws (which is expected due to its low redshift, see \\S~\\ref{sec:pureext}). For the early type galaxies there is also no clear preference for one type of extinction law. Three systems (PG1115+080, Q0142$-$100, RXJ0911+0551) show no preference for one extinction law over the other, one (MG0414+0534) favors a power law with power index $\\alpha=2-3$ for one of the images (which may be affected by extinction along both lines of sight) and one (MG0216+112) shows a weak preference for a power or a linear law over the \\cardelli. We therefore conclude that there is no evidence for a correlation between galaxy type and type of extinction in our sample. When confining the analysis to a Galactic extinction, we find that the mean $R_V$ (for the `golden sample') of the late type galaxies ($\\bar{R}_V^{late}=2.3\\pm0.5$) is marginally lower than that of the early type galaxies ($\\bar{R}_V^{early}=3.2\\pm0.6$), however they are consistent within the error bars and the difference may be due to low number statistics. This is further discussed in \\S \\ref{sec:lowRv}. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f24.eps} \\caption{The power index $\\alpha$~vs.~$R_V$. The data points consist of all image pairs where the extinction curves were analyzed (from fits with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ free). The plot shows a clear correlation between $\\alpha$ and $R_V$, with lower $\\alpha$ giving higher $R_V$, which is consistent with lower $R_V$ giving a steeper rise into the UV. The point corresponding to $\\alpha=1.0$ (SMC type extinction) and $R_V=2.9$ \\citep[the mean $R_V$ for the SMC, as determined by][]{pei2}, is marked by a diamond.\\label{fig:alpha_R}} \\end{figure} We also study the correlation of the parameters $R_V$ and $\\alpha$ for each system to demonstrate the consistency of the two approaches. As expected, we find that there is a strong correlation with larger $R_V$ giving smaller $\\alpha$, as seen in Figure~\\ref{fig:alpha_R}, consistent with smaller $R_V$ giving steeper rise into the UV. The exact relationship between $R_V$ and $\\alpha$ can be derived by solving equations (\\ref{eq:car}) and (\\ref{eq:alpha}) and is wavelength dependent. A first order linear fit to our data gives $\\alpha=(2.5\\pm0.2)-(0.51\\pm0.09)R_V$ which is an applicable approximation within the wavelength range of our data. In addition we check whether the strength of the extinction is correlated to $R_V$, but we find no evidence for such a correlation (see Figure~\\ref{fig:R_A}). \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f25.eps} \\caption{The figure shows $R_V$~vs.~$A(V)$. The data points consist of all image pairs where the extinction curves were analyzed (filled circles from fits with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ free and filled boxes from fits with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ fixed). The figure shows, as expected, no correlation between $R_V$ and the amount of extinction.\\label{fig:R_A}} \\end{figure} Finally we study the correlation between the values of $A(V)$ which were found corresponding to the different extinction laws. The results can be seen in Figure~\\ref{fig:A_A}. We see that when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is free, the power law favors higher $A(V)$ than the other two extinction laws (see left bottom and top panels in Fig.~\\ref{fig:A_A}). When $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is fixed, the correspondence becomes much better with the power law giving marginally lower values. The agreement between the $A(V)$ values derived for the \\cardelli~and the linear law are in general good, regardless of whether we keep $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ fixed or free (with the exception that for $A(V)\\gtrsim1$ the linear law gives higher results when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is free). \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f26.eps} \\caption{The graphs show the correlation between the values of $A(V)$ derived for the different fits. The left column shows the distribution for the fits where $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is a fitted parameter and the right column gives the corresponding distribution when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is fixed. The dashed line corresponds to $x=y$, which would correspond to perfect agreement in $A(V)$ between the fits, and is plotted for reference. \\label{fig:A_A}} \\end{figure} Figure~\\ref{fig:A_A} also clearly demonstrates that the $A(V)$ values become much better constrained when $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ is fixed in the fitting. This suggests that it would be valuable for a future extinction survey, to do a simultaneous radio survey for the systems, in order to constrain the intrinsic magnitude ratio of the images. \\subsubsection{Evolution with redshift} \\label{sec:redshift} Next, we investigate the behavior of our sample as a function of redshift. The plots of $R_V$ and $\\alpha$ as a function of redshift can be seen in the upper two panels of Figure~\\ref{fig:all_z}. We do not see any strong correlation, in either the full nor the `golden sample', although the lower values of $R_V$ and the higher values of $\\alpha$ seem to appear at higher $z$. Our results do not confirm evolution of $R_V$ with redshift, with lower $R_V$ at higher $z$, as suggested by \\citet{ostman}, but do not exclude such evolution either. We stress that a larger sample would be needed to make any conclusive claims. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{0.9} \\plotone{f27.eps} \\caption{ The top panel shows $R_V$ as a function of $z$. The middle panels shows $\\alpha$~vs.~$z$. The bottom panels shows $A(V)$ (as given by a \\cardelli~fit)~vs.~$z$. On all panels, triangles denote late type galaxies and boxes denote early type galaxies where the values are taken from the fits with $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ kept free. Circles denote the corresponding fits where $\\Delta\\hat{m}$ was fixed. Filled symbols correspond to a `golden' sample as defined in \\S \\ref{sec:res_full}. We see no strong evolution with $z$ but lower values of $R_V$ seem to appear at higher $z$. \\label{fig:all_z}} \\end{figure} We also investigate whether there might be an evolution in the amount of dust extinction with redshift. Again, we use two samples, the `golden sample' as defined above, and a sample consisting of the highest differential extinction deduced for each image. The resulting plot can be seen in the bottom panel of Figure~\\ref{fig:all_z} and does not show any correlation between $A(V)$ and $z$. \\subsubsection{Low $R_V$ values and Type Ia SNe} \\label{sec:lowRv} Recent studies of SNe Ia have suggested that $R_V$ values for SN hosts \\citep[which are mostly late type, see][]{sullivan} could be lower than those for the Milky Way \\citep[see e.g.,][]{riess1996b, krisciunas, wang2006} suggesting that SN hosts are systematically different from the Milky Way. \\citet{wang} however suggest that the reason for the low values of $R_V$ might be due to circumstellar dust around the SNe themselves. The presence of such dust would cause inaccurate estimates of the dust extinction of the host galaxies of the SNe Ia. Lensing studies have also seen more extreme $R_V$ values than those in the Milky Way \\citep[see e.g.,][]{motta, wucknitz} but this has been criticized as possibly being due to extinction along both lines of sight. However, by choosing systems where the extinction of the measured image dominates the extinction of the reference image, this effect can be avoided (see discussion in \\S~\\ref{sec:extboth}). In our sample the mean $R_V$ value is $\\bar{R}_V=2.8\\pm0.3$ (with RMS scatter of $1.2$) for the full sample, and $\\bar{R}_V=2.8\\pm0.3$ (with RMS scatter of $1.1$) for the `golden sample'. These values are marginally lower than, but consistent with, the Milky Way mean value of $R_V=3.1$. If we look at $R_V$ for the late and early type galaxies separately, we find $\\bar{R}_V^{early}=3.2\\pm0.6$ and $\\bar{R}_V^{late}=2.3\\pm0.5$ for the `golden' sample. These values are consistent with each other within the quoted error bars, but it is interesting that the late type galaxies have a lower mean $R_V$, in agreement with SN Ia studies. A larger sample would be needed to determine whether this is a real trend, or due to low number statistics. The mean extinction in our `golden sample' is $\\bar{A}(V)=0.56\\pm0.04$ (with RMS scatter of $0.80$). This gives a lower limit to the mean absolute extinction, as the mean $A(V)$ value is lowered if the reference image is also extinguished. If we remove the highly extinguished system B1152+199 from our sample, the mean of the `golden sample' reduces to $\\bar{A}(V) = 0.29\\pm0.05$ (with RMS scatter of $0.29$). If we instead take the highest differential extinction for each image for the full sample into account we get $\\bar{A}(V) = 0.33\\pm0.03$ (with RMS scatter of $0.56$ (or $\\bar{A}(V) = 0.21\\pm0.03$ without B1152+199). All these values are high enough to cause systematic effects in the calibration of SNe Ia. A lower mean $R_V$ from a lensing study would strengthen the results of low $R_V$ values from SN studies applying to the interstellar medium. A lower real $R_V$ value than the assumed one would lead to an overestimation of $A(V)$ given a measurement of $E(B-V)$ (as $A(V)=R_V E(B-V)$). It is therefore important that the extinction properties of higher redshift galaxies, and SN hosts in particular, be further investigated as assuming a mean Galactic extinction with $R_V=3.1$ in the analysis of SNe Ia could affect the cosmological results. Lensing galaxies and SN Ia hosts are distributed over a similar redshift range (from $z=0$ to $z\\sim1$) and consist of both early type and late type galaxies. The majority of lensing galaxies are massive early type galaxies \\citep{kochanek} whereas the SN Ia hosts are mostly late type \\citep{sullivan}. It would however be possible to select sub-samples of either group which would have the same morphology distribution as the other. Therefore, studies of the extinction properties of lensing galaxies can complement future dark energy SN Ia surveys, providing an independent measurement of the extinction properties of the SN Ia type hosts. We have presented an imaging survey of the extinction properties of 10 lensing galaxies using multiply imaged quasars observed with the ESO VLT in the optical and the NIR. We have made a dedicated effort to reduce the number of unknowns and effects which can mimic extinction. We have explored, analytically and in simulations, the effects of extinction along both sight lines. We find that it is not crucial for the reference image to have zero extinction, as long as its extinction is small compared to the other image. We also study the effects of achromatic microlensing and find that to account for such an effect in photometric data, it is crucial to have constraints on the intrinsic magnitude difference of the images. We were able to study the extinction of 9 out of 10 of the systems in the survey, the last one had to be discarded due to contamination by the lensing galaxy. Out of the 9 systems, 8 have a two sigma extinction signal for at least one image pair, which was our limit for doing further extinction curve analysis. However, we suspect that one of those is also contaminated by the lensing galaxy (Q0142$-$100) and exclude it from our `golden sample'. The mean extinction for the `golden sample' is $\\bar{A}(V)=0.56\\pm0.09$, using \\cardelli~parametrization, and the mean $R_V$ is $\\bar{R}_V=2.8\\pm0.4$ (compared to $\\bar{R}_V=2.8\\pm0.3$ for the full sample), which is consistent with the mean $R_V=3.1$ found for the Galaxy. The systems show various extinction properties. There is no strong evidence for a correlation between morphology and extinction properties. As our sample covers a broad range in redshifts ($z=0.04$--$1.01$) we have also looked for evolution with redshift. However, our results neither confirm nor refute evolution of extinction parameters with redshift and we stress that a larger sample would be needed to make any conclusive claims. Finally we wish to point out that large studies of gravitationally lensed quasars are ideal to study the possible evolution of extinction properties as they are spread over a redshift range from $z=0$ to $z\\approx1$. Furthermore, the quasars do not affect the environment of the galaxy we wish to study as is the case in SN Ia studies. For further improvements, however, higher resolution and deeper imaging for a larger sample would be required making a dedicated study with space based telescopes of considerable interest. A simultaneous radio survey, in order to constrain the intrinsic ratio of the images, would also further improve the results. Such a study could complement future dark energy SN Ia surveys, providing an independent measurement for the extinction properties of SN Ia type host galaxies." }, "0606/astro-ph0606680_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the present paper we develop an algorithm allowing to calculate line-of-sight velocity dispersions in an axisymmetric galaxy outside of the galactic plane. When constructing a self-consistent model, we take into account the galactic surface brightness distribution, stellar rotation curve and velocity dispersions. We assume that the velocity dispersion ellipsoid is triaxial and lies under a certain angle with respect to the galactic plane. This algorithm is applied to a Sa galaxy NGC~4594~= M~104, for which there exist velocity dispersion measurements outside of the galactic major axis. The mass distribution model is constructed in two stages. In the first stage we construct a luminosity distribution model, where only galactic surface brightness distribution is taken into account. Here we assume the galaxy to consist of the nucleus, the bulge, the disc and the stellar metal-poor halo and determine structure parameters of these components. Thereafter, in the second stage we develop on the basis of the Jeans equations a detailed mass distribution model and calculate line-of-sight velocity dispersions and the stellar rotation curve. Here a dark matter halo is added to visible components. Calculated dispersions are compared with observations along different slit positions perpendicular and parallel to the galactic major axis. In the best-fitting model velocity dispersion ellipsoids are radially elongated with $\\sigma_{\\theta}/\\sigma_R \\simeq 0.9-0.4$, $\\sigma_z/\\sigma_R \\simeq 0.7-0.4$, and lie under the angles $\\le 30\\degr$ with respect to the galactic equatorial plane. Outside the galactic plane velocity dispersion behaviour is more sensitive to the dark matter density distribution and allows to estimate dark halo parameters. For visible matter the total $M/L_B = 4.5 \\pm 1.2$, $M/L_R = 3.1 \\pm 0.7$. The central density of the dark matter halo is $\\rho_{\\rm DM}(0) = 0.033~\\rmn{M_{\\sun}pc^{-3}}$. ", "introduction": "The study of the dark matter (DM) halo density distribution allows us to constrain possible galaxy formation models and large scale structure formation scenarios \\citep*{b66,b51,b41}. For this kind of analysis, it is necessary to know both the distribution of visible and dark matter. Without additional assumptions rotation curve data alone are not sufficient to discriminate between these two kinds of matter \\citep{b29}. It does not suffice either to use additionally velocity dispersions along the major axis. Realistic mass and light distribution models must be consistent, i.e. the same model must describe the luminosity distribution and kinematics. Three main classes of self-consistent mass distribution models can be discriminated: the Jeans equations based models, the specific phase space density distribution models and the Schwarzschild orbit superposition based models. Mass distribution models based on solving the Jeans equations have an advantage that the equations contain explicitly observed functions -- velocity dispersions. On the other hand, there are three equations, but at least five unknown functions (three dispersion components, centroid velocity and the velocity dispersion ellipsoid orientation parameter) and thus the system of equations is not closed. In addition, the use of the Jeans equations neglects possible deviations of velocity distributions from Gaussians and does not garantee that the derived dynamical model has non-negative phase density distribution everywhere. However, within certain approximations the Jeans equations are widely used for the construction of mass distribution models. In the case of spherical systems with biaxial velocity dispersion ellipsoids, such models have been constructed, for example, by \\citet{b6}, \\citet{b64}, \\citet{b42}, \\citet{b82}. In the case of flattened systems with biaxial velocity dispersion ellipsoids, a general algorithm for the solution of the Jeans equations was developed by \\citet*{b8}, \\citet{b19}. Another algorithm in the context of the multi-Gaussian expansion (MGE) formalism was developed by \\citet{b34}. An approximation for cool stellar discs (random motions are small when compared with rotation) has been developed by \\citet{b1}. Dynamical models with a specific phase density distribution have the advantage that velocity dispersion anisotropy can be calculated directly. On the other hand, due to rather complicated analytical calculations, only rather limited classes of distribution functions can be studied. Spherical models of this kind have been constructed by \\citet*{b17}, \\citet{b5}. In the case of an axisymmetric density distribution, velocity dispersion profiles have been calculated for certain specific mass and phase density distribution forms by \\citet*{b84}, \\citet{b37}, \\citet{b25}, \\citet*{b24}, \\citet*{b28}, \\citet{b65}, \\citet{b2} and others. A special case is an analytical solution with three integrals of motion for some specific potentials: an axisymmetric model with a potential in the St\\\"ackel form \\citep{b27}, isochrone potential \\citep{b26}. Probably the most complete class of dynamical models has been developed on the basis of the Schwarzschild linear programming method \\citep{b72}. Thus, it is not surprising that just for this method most significant developments occured in last decade. \\citet{b68} and \\citet{b22} have developed this method in order to calculate line-of-sight velocity profiles. Thereafter, \\citet{b16} and \\citet{b88} generalized it for an arbitrary density distribution linking it with MGE method. A modification of the least-square algorithm was done by \\citet{b55}. Interesting comparisons of the results of the Schwarzschild method with phase density calculations within a two-integral approximation have been made by \\citet{b86} and \\citet{b55}. At present, nearly all dynamical models have been applied for one-component systems. However, the structure of real galaxies is rather complicated -- galaxies consist of several stellar populations with different density distribution and different ellipticities. In addition, in different components velocity dispersions or rotation may dominate. In our earlier multi-componental models \\citep*[see][]{b79,b80,b32} we approximated flat components with pure rotation models and spheroidal components with dispersion dominating kinematics. For spheroidal components mean velocity dispersions were calculated only on the basis of virial theorem for multi-componental systems. These models fit central velocity dispersions, gas rotation velocities and light distribution with self-consistent models. In the present paper, we construct a more sophisticated self-consistent mass and light distribution model. We decided to base it on the Jeans equations. For all visible components, both rotation and velocity dispersions are taken into account. The velocity dispersion ellipsoid is assumed to be triaxial and line-of-sight velocity dispersions are calculated. Mass distribution of a galaxy is axisymmetric and inclination of the galactic plane with respect to the plane of the sky is arbitrary. In order to discriminate between DM and visible matter, it is most complicated to determine the contribution of the stellar disc to the galactic mass distribution. Quite often the maximum disc approximation is used. In the present paper, we attempt to decrease degeneracy, comparing calculated models with the observed stellar rotation curve, velocity dispersions along the major axis and in addition, along several cuts parallel to the major and minor axis. In the case of two-integral models for edge-on galaxies this allowed to constrain possible dynamical models \\citep{b63}. First measurements of velocity dispersions along several slit positions were made by \\citet{b53} and \\citet{b46}. Later, similar measurements were performed by \\citet{b8}, \\citet*{b38}, \\citet{b77}, \\citet{b16}. In recent years, with the help of integral field spectroscopy, complete 3D velocity and dispersion fields have been measured already for several tens of galaxies. We apply our model for the nearby spiral Sa galaxy M~104 (NGC~4594, the Sombrero galaxy). This galaxy is suitable for model testing, being a disc galaxy with a significant spheroidal component. The galaxy has a detailed surface brightness distribution and a well-determined stellar rotation curve. M~104 has a significant globular cluster (GC) subsystem. And as most important in our case, the line-of-sight velocity dispersion has been measured along the slit at different positions parallel and perpendicular to the projected major axis. We construct the model in two stages. First, a surface brightness distribution model is calculated. Here we distinguish stellar populations and calculate their structure parameters with the exception of masses. In the second stage, we calculate line-of-sight velocity dispersions and the stellar rotational curve and derive a mass distribution model. Sections~2 and 3 describe the observational data used in the modelling process and construction of the preliminary model. In Section~4 we present the line-of-sight dispersion modelling process. Section~5 is devoted to the final M~104 modelling process. In Section~6 the discussion of the model is presented. Throughout this paper all luminosities and colour indices have been corrected for absorption in our Galaxy according to \\citet*{b71}. The distance to M~104 has been taken 9.1~Mpc, corresponding to the scale 1~arcsec~= 0.044~kpc \\citep*{b39,b61,b81}. The angle of inclination has been taken 84\\degr. ", "conclusions": "In the present paper we developed an algorithm, allowing to construct a self-consistent mass and light distribution model and to calculate projected line-of-sight velocity dispersions outside galactic plane. We assume velocity dispersion ellipsoids to be triaxial and thus the phase density is a function of three integrals of motion. The galactic plane may have an arbitrary angle with respect to the plane of the sky. The developed algorithm is applied to construct a mass and light distribution model of the Sa galaxy M~104. In the first stage a luminosity distribution model was constructed on the basis of the surface brightness distribution. The inclination angle of the galaxy is known and the spatial luminosity distribution can be calculated directly with deprojection. Using the surface brightness distribution in $BVRI$ colours and along the major and minor axis, we assume that our components represent real stellar populations and determine their main structure parameters. In the second stage, the Jeans equations are solved and the line-of-sight velocity dispersions and the stellar rotation curve are calculated. Observations of velocity dispersions outside the apparent galactic major axis allow to determine the velocity ellipsoid orientation, anisotropy and to constrain DM halo parameters. The total luminosity of the galaxy M~104 resulting from the best-fitting model is $L_B = (5.1\\pm 0.6) \\cdot 10^{10} \\rmn{L_{\\sun}}$, $L_R = (7.4\\pm 0.7) \\cdot 10^{10} \\rmn{L_{\\sun}}$. The total mass of the visible matter is $M_{\\rmn{vis}} = (22.9\\pm 3.2) \\cdot 10^{10} \\rmn{M_{\\sun}}$, giving the mean mass-to-light ratio of the visible matter $M/L_B = 4.5 \\pm 1.2~ \\rmn{M_{\\sun}L_{\\sun}^{-1}}$, $M/L_R = 3.1 \\pm 0.7~ \\rmn{M_{\\sun}L_{\\sun}^{-1}}$. The surface brightness distributions in $V$ and $I$ have not sufficient extent to determine the luminosities of the stellar halo and we do not either give galactic total luminosities in these colours and corresponding $M/L$ ratios. Calculated from the model, the $L_B$ coincides well with the total absolute magnitude $M_B = -21.3$ ($=5.2 \\cdot 10^{10}~\\rmn{L_\\odot}$) obtained by \\citet{b39}. In our model, the mass of the disc is $M_{\\rm disc} = 12\\cdot10^{10}\\rmn{M_{\\sun}}$. This coincides rather well with the disc mass $11.4\\cdot 10^{10} \\rmn{M_{\\sun}}$ calculated with the help of Toomre's stability criterion by \\citet{b83} and with the mass $9.6\\cdot 10^{10} \\rmn{M_{\\sun}}$ derived by \\citet{b34}. On the other hand, \\citet{b34} derived for the bulge mass $> 5\\cdot 10^{11} \\rmn{M_{\\sun}}$, giving $M_\\rmn{disc}/M_\\rmn{bulge} =0.2$. This is similar to the value 0.25 derived by \\citet{b47}, but this is much less than $M_\\rmn{disc}/M_\\rmn{spher} = 1.1$ resulting from our model. An explanation may be that in the models by \\citet{b34} and \\citet{b47} no DM halo was included and hence the extended bulge mass is higher. In our model, the disc is rather thick ($q= 0.25$). However, disc thickness can be easily reduced to $q=0.15-0.2$ when taking the galactic inclination angle instead of $\\delta = 84\\degr$ to be 83--82$\\degr$. Other parameters remain nearly unchanged. At present this was not done. Derived in the present model bulge parameters can be used to compare them with the results of chemical evolution models. Our model gives $M/L_V = 7.1 \\pm 1.4~\\rmn{M_{\\sun}L_{\\sun}^{-1}}$ and $(B-V)=1.06$ for the bulge. Comparing spectral line intensities with chemical evolution models, \\citet{b87} obtained for the bulge region the metallicity $Z=0.03$ and the age 11~Gyrs. According to \\citet{b13}, these parameters give $M/L_V = 7-8~\\rmn{M_{\\sun}L_{\\sun}^{-1}}$ and $(B-V) = 1.06-1.08$ for simple stellar population (SSP) models. Bulge parameters from our dynamical model agree well with these values and suggest that our model is realistic. In our calculations, we corrected luminosities from the absorption in the Milky Way only and did not take into account the inner absorption in M~104. According to \\citet{b35}, absorption in the centre may be at least $A_V\\sim 0.13$~mag and thus $M/L_V = 6.3$ for the bulge. This is slightly too small when compared with the \\citet{b13} SSP models. However, decreasing the bulge age to 10.5~Gyrs allows to fit the results. Rather sophisticated models of M~104 have been constructed by \\citet{b34,b35} and \\citet{b33}. Due to our different approaches, it is difficult to compare our components and their parameters with those of \\citet{b34,b35}. On the basis of the data used by us, we had no reason to add an additional inner disc or a bar to the bulge region. However, we did not analyse $I$ and $H$ colours and ionized gas kinematics in inner regions as it was done by \\citet{b33}. Modelling of gas kinematics in central regions is beyond the scope of the present paper as gas is not collision-free. On the basis of velocity dispersion observations only along the major axis it is difficult to decide about the presence of the DM even when dispersions extend up to 2--3 $\\rmn{R_e}$ \\citep{b70}. In the case of M~104, additional dispersion measurements can be used. Velocity dispersions in the case of the slit positioned parallel and perpendicular to the galactic major axis, have been measured by \\citet{b53}. The calculated mass distribution model describes rather well the observed stellar rotation curve and line-of-sight velocity dispersions. Only the two last measured points at a cut 50~arcsec perpendicular to the major axis deviate rather significantly when compared to the model. On the other hand, in addition to stellar velocity dispersion measurements, the mean line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the GC subsystem $\\sigma = 255~\\rmn{km~ s^{-1}}$ was measured by \\citet{b12}. This corresponds to GCs at average distances 5--10 kpc from the galactic center and is in rather good agreement with the dispersions calculated from the model. In the best-fitting model the DM halo harmonic mean radius $a_0= 40$~kpc and $M=1.8\\cdot 10^{12} {\\rm M_{\\sun}}$ giving slightly falling rotation curve in outer parts of the galaxy (Fig.~\\ref{gasrot}). The central density of the DM halo in our model is $\\rho (0) = 0.033~\\rmn{M_{\\sun} pc^{-3}}$, being also slightly less than it was derived for distant ($z\\sim ~0.9$) galaxies \\citep[$\\rho (0) = 0.012-0.028~\\rmn{M_{\\sun} pc^{-3}}$,][]{b78}. On the other hand, the result fits with the limits derived by \\citet{b9} for local galaxies $\\rho (0) = 0.015-0.050~\\rmn{M_{\\sun} pc^{-3}}$. An essential parameter in mass distribution determination is the inclination of the velocity dispersion ellipsoid with respect to the galactic plane \\citep[see e.g.][]{b56,b63}. Velocity dispersion ellipsoid inclinations calculated in the present paper are moderate, being $\\le 30\\degr$. In a sense, our approach to the third integral of stellar motion is similar to that by \\citet{b50} -- the local St\\\"ackel fit. In their modelling of the local Milky Way structure, they derived that at $0$ 1~kpc) clusters from star counts down to $B\\approx16$ from homogeneous wide-field observations with a 50-cm Schmidt camera of the Ural university. Based on \\emph{UBV}-CCD observations compiled from literature, Tadross et al.~(\\cite{tad02}) redetermined ages and distances for 160 open clusters. The cluster sizes were estimated visually, from POSS prints, and they are practically identical to the diameters estimated by Lyng\\aa{}. Kharchenko et al.~(\\cite{khea03}) determined radii of about 400 clusters from star counts in \\ascc and USNO-A2.0 catalogues. Nilakshi et al.~(\\cite{nilak}) derived structural parameters of 38 open clusters selected from the Lyng\\aa's~(\\cite{lyn87}) catalogue from star counts in the USNO-A2.0 catalogue. Recently, Bonatto \\& Bica~(\\cite{bonb}) published structural and dynamical parameters of 11 open clusters obtained from star counts and photometric membership based on the 2MASS survey. Correlations of cluster size with age and Galactic location were found by some of the authors above, though the results are rather controversial (see \\S~\\ref{sec:location} and \\S~\\ref{sec:age} for more details). There are at least two major aspects which must be taken into account in the interpretation of the results. At first, how well does a given sample represent the local population of open clusters in the Galaxy, or which biases can arrise from the incompleteness of the data and influence the results. Second, how homogeneous are data on individual clusters, on their size, age, distance, provided that they are based on observations with different telescopes equipped with different detectors, or if different methods were used for the determination of cluster parameters. The answer is not trivial considering the large set of data compiled from literature, especially. Using the Catalogues of Open Cluster Data (COCD% \\footnote{\\texttt{ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/J/A+A/438/1163, ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/J/A+A/440,403}% }; Kharchenko et al.~\\cite{starcat},~\\cite{clucat},~\\cite{newclu}, Paper I, II, III, respectively), we are able to reduce those uncertainties which are due to the inhomogeneity of the cluster parameters, and we can better estimate biases due to an incompleteness of the cluster sample. The \\clucat is originated from the All-Sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5 million stars (\\ascc$\\negthickspace$% \\footnote{\\texttt{ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/I/280A}% }; Kharchenko~\\cite{kha01}) including absolute proper motions in the Hipparcos system, $B$, $V$ magnitudes in the Johnson photometric system, and supplemented with spectral types and radial velocities if available. The \\ascc is complete up to about $V=11.5$~mag. We identified 520 of about 1700 known clusters (Paper~I) in the \\ascc and found 130 new open clusters (Paper~III). Therefore, the completeness of the cluster sample is mainly defined by the limiting magnitude of the \\ascc. For each cluster, membership was determined by use of spatial, kinematic, and photometric information (Paper~I), and a homogeneous set of structural, kinematic and evolutionary parameters was obtained by applying a uniform technique (Papers II and III). The sample was used to study the population of open clusters in the local Galactic disk by jointly analysing the spatial and kinematic distributions of clusters (Piskunov et al.~\\cite{clupop}, Paper IV). In this paper we use the homogeneous data on structural parameters of open clusters from the COCD to study general correlations including cluster sizes as well as to analyse the spatial distribution of cluster members from the point of view of mass segregation. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:data} we briefly describe the data set and estimate the statistic properties of the cluster sample. The relations between cluster radius and its location in the Galaxy are discussed in Sec.~\\ref{sec:location}. The correlations of cluster size with age is considered in Sec.~\\ref{sec:age}. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:masseg} we examine the effect of mass segregation in open clusters. A summary is given in Sec.~\\ref{sec:concl}. ", "conclusions": "} This study is based on the Catalogue of Open Cluster Data (\\clucat) and its Extension~1 described in Papers II and III. The \\clucat is derived from the \\ascc, a homogeneous all-sky catalogue with complete information on proper motions and $B,V$-photometry. So, all open clusters found in this catalogue can be treated in the same way to derive their astrophysical parameters. On the other hand, the price to be paid for this advantage is the bright completeness limit of \\ascc at about $V$~=~11.5. However, the biases resulting from a simply magnitude limited sample can be estimated, they have been discussed in the previous sections and have been taken care of in order not to influence the conclusions. Using samples of clusters from different sources with different photometry and/or different limiting magnitude may introduce biases in the results which cannot be estimated easily. The whole sample from \\ascc consists of 641 open clusters. In papers II and III we determined membership in the clusters applying photometric as well as astrometric criteria. Apparent linear radii have been computed from individual distances and angular sizes of the clusters, based on members only. For the first time, the structural properties of the galactic open cluster system have been statistically analysed from an unbiased, homogeneous, and relatively large sample. A comparison of our cluster sizes with those given in Lyng\\aa{}~(\\cite{lyn87}) (about 500 clusters in common) shows that cluster radii from Lyng\\aa{}~ are in average lower by a factor of 2, and they fit rather the core than the corona. Our large sample allowed us to investigate the dependence of the cluster size on the age of a cluster and on its location in the Galaxy. The clusters cover an age range between about 5~Myr to more than 1~Gyr. For younger clusters ($<$ 200 Myr) there is no significant correlation between linear size and Galactocentric distance. At an age corresponding to two revolutions around the Galactic centre we detect that the clusters are on average smaller ($\\overline{R_{cl}}=3.8\\pm0.2$~pc) inside the solar circle than outside ($\\overline{R_{cl}}=4.6\\pm0.3$~pc). According to a ($K-S$) test the probability that both subsamples are drawn from the same distribution is less than 4~\\%. This size dependence on Galactocentric radius lead to the conclusion that the inner Galactic disk is void with respect to older open clusters. No clusters older than the age of the Hyades should exist inside a Galactocentric radius of about 6~kpc. Perpendicular to the plane we note a systematic increase of cluster sizes with increasing $|Z^{\\prime}|$. This, however, turned out to be significant only for clusters older than $\\log t>8.35$, which already survived at least one revolution around the Galactic centre. From these findings the following picture of the evolution of open clusters arises. Clusters in the wider Solar neighbourhood are formed within the thin disk, their initial size distribution does not show a significant correlation with the $R_{G}$-- and $|Z^{\\prime}|$- coordinates. The size distribution changes at ages corresponding to one revolution around the Galactic centre. At low $Z^{\\prime}$ we now note a relatively larger number of small clusters. This makes us conclude that close to the Galactic equator and inside the solar circle larger clusters are in danger to dissolve even during the first revolution around the Galactic centre. On the other hand, they have a higher chance to survive encounters and the impact of Galactic tidal forces, if their orbits are outside the Solar one and are inclined to the Galactic plane. Therefore, they reach higher ages at these locations. Finally, the apparent linear sizes of clusters and their cores are, on average, decreasing with time and this process is faster for the coronae than for the cores. Taking into account that our input catalogue is magnitude limited, this finding can be interpreted as a first hint for mass segregation. In the majority of clusters of our sample clear evidence for mass segregation of stars with $m>1\\,m_\\odot$ has been established from the distribution of the radial mass gradient as a function of age. An apparent flattening of the radial mass gradient for clusters older than 50...100 Myr occurs due to stellar evolution when massive stars subsequently leave the main sequence, and, secondly, because we cannot observe the low-mass stars due to the bright limiting magnitude of the \\ascc. External gravitational shocks may also influence the mass distribution in clusters and can be partly responsible for a spread of the radial mass gradient at $\\log t > 8$. Nevertheless, a ``typical'' cluster older than about 100 Myr and within about 1~kpc from the Sun shows mass segregation. The youngest clusters of our sample with ages less than 50 Myr show a large spread of the radial mass gradient: from clusters with a clear concentration of the most massive stars to the centres up to clusters with no or only a flat mass gradient. The different dynamical state of clusters of the same age possibly results from the different initial conditions and environments of the clusters." }, "0606/astro-ph0606539_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a method for simulating the evolution of HII regions driven by point sources of ionizing radiation in magnetohydrodynamic media, implemented in the three-dimensional Athena MHD code. We compare simulations using our algorithm to analytic solutions and show that the method passes rigorous tests of accuracy and convergence. The tests reveal several conditions that an ionizing radiation-hydrodynamic code must satisfy to reproduce analytic solutions. As a demonstration of our new method, we present the first three-dimensional, global simulation of an HII region expanding into a magnetized gas. The simulation shows that magnetic fields suppress sweeping up of gas perpendicular to magnetic field lines, leading to small density contrasts and extremely weak shocks at the leading edge of the HII region's expanding shell. ", "introduction": "Observations show that giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in local group galaxies convert at most a few percent of their mass into stars per cloud crossing time \\citep{zuckerman74}, and that clouds are typically destroyed in a few crossing times \\citep{blitz06a}, well before they have converted a significant fraction of their mass into stars. Observations also strongly support the idea that GMCs are gravitationally bound \\citep{krumholz05c,blitz06a,krumholz06d}, so the fact that they survive for more than a crossing time yet do not collapse entirely into stars strongly suggests that internal feedback plays a dominant role in GMC evolution. HII regions driven by newly-formed massive stars are likely to be the dominant sources of energy injection and mass loss in clouds, and are therefore critical to GMC evolution \\citep{mckee97,williams97,matzner02}. \\citet{krumholz06d} show using semi-analytic models that feedback from HII regions can quantiatively reproduce the observed lifetime, star formation rate, and star formation efficiency of GMCs. However, these calculations rely on simple analytic solutions for the evolution of spherically-symmetric HII regions in non-magnetic gas. Understanding the detailed evolution of GMCs will require a considerably more sophisticated numerical approach, and for this reason three-dimensional simulation of the evolution of molecular clouds under the influence of internal sources of ionizing radiation is a critical problem in numerical astrophysics. In this paper we have the dual purpose of presenting a new algorithm for simulation of HII regions in molecular clouds, and using this algorithm to explore potential computational problems that arise in general for simulations of this type. We also demonstrate our new algorithm in a simple application, the expansion of an HII region into a uniform neutral gas in which the magnetic pressure greatly exceeds the thermal pressure, as it does in molecular clouds. In the past year several authors have considered the problem of simulating HII regions, and presented both algorithms \\citep[e.g.][]{arthur06, mellema06} and results on the evolution of HII regions in turbulent hydrodynamic media \\citep{dale05, mellema05,maclow06}. For a recent review see \\citet{henney06}. Several authors have also presented methods for simulation of ionizing radiation-hydrodynamics (IRHD) in a cosmological context \\citep[e.g.][]{abel02, whalen06}, which differs from the problem in the context of present-day molecular clouds primarily in the amount of cooling to which the gas is subjected and the conditions of the gas before it is ionized. Finally, researchers studying the evolution of ultracompact HII regions planetary nebulae have presented algorithms and results for ionizing radiative transfer with hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics in 2D and 3D under the simplifying assumption that the ionized gas has a perfectly sharp edge and is always in thermal and ionization equilibrium \\citep[e.g.][]{garciasegura96, garciasegura97, garciasegura00}. Our algorithm improves on previous work in that it is the first to couple ionizing radiative transfer to magnetohydrodynamics (IRMHD) without imposing an assumption of thermal or ionization equilibrium. The inclusion of magnetic fields is important because observations indicate that the magnetic energy in molecular clouds is comparable to the kinetic and gravitational potential energies \\citep{crutcher99,crutcher05,heiles05}. Thus, dynamical expansion of ionized regions may be significantly altered by magnetic confinement, an effect we wish to explore. Indeed, we show that even in the simple case of expansion of an HII region into a uniform, magnetized medium, the magnetic field produces qualitatively new phenomena. The Alfven speeds of a few km s$^{-1}$ typically found in molecular clouds reduce the strength of shocks associated with expanding ionization fronts at early times, and at later times turn off the shocks entirely, greatly reducing the collection of gas and possibly thereby reducing the amount of triggered star formation. A non-equilibrium treatment of the ionization structure is important because we find that a non-equilibrium treatment of the thermal and ionization structure of the ionized gas leads to modest but significant effects on quantities such as the expansion rate of HII regions, effects that are lost in the assumption of perfect radiative equilibrium. Before exploring these new phenomena, however, we point out that there has yet to be a detailed study of potential computational problems and constraints that arise in 3D simulations of IRHD and IRMHD with the strong cooling and large temperature contrasts that are expected for modern day (as opposed to primordial) interstellar chemistry. We have therefore performed a detailed comparison of simulations using our method to analytic solutions for computationally challenging problems, as a way of searching for potential difficulties that may arise in general IRHD methods. We discover several conditions that a simulation must satisfy to reproduce analytic results correctly. One must limit the amount by which the gas pressure is allowed to change between hydrodynamic updates, for a ray-tracing method one must periodically rotate the orientation of the rays, and one must either resolve the ionization front or restrict the rate of cooling at the front to suppress excess cooling due to numerical mixing. We show that failure to meet these conditions produces quantitatively incorrect results. The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. In \\S~\\ref{formulation} we describe the physical formulation of the problem that we adopt, including our approximations and assumptions. In \\S~\\ref{algorithm} we present our simulation algorithm. In \\S~\\ref{tests} we compare our code to analytic solutions, and thereby demonstrate the existence of conditions that numerical methods must satisfy in order to reproduce analytic solutions correctly. We use our method to simulate the evolution of HII regions in magnetized media in \\S~\\ref{MHDresults}, and finally we summarize and present conclusions in \\S~\\ref{conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} We have demonstrated an algorithm for computing the evolution of magnetized molecular gases subjected to internal sources of ionizing radiation, which is potentially applicable to molecular clouds. In testing our algorithm, we have discovered three conditions that are likely to apply to ionizing radiation hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic codes in general. First, to achieve maximum accuracy the update time step must be limited so that the temperature in cells does not change by more than a factor of $f<10$ between hydrodynamic or magnetohydrodynamic updates. Larger values of $f$ produce small but significant errors in the expansion rates of D type ionization fronts. Second, when using a ray-tracing approach to compute the ionizing radiative transfer, one should rotate the orientation of the rays periodically to avoid a build-up of errors caused by the discretization of angles around the ionizing source. Failure to obey this conditions results in fronts that should be spherical developing aspherical features, and in more complex calculations this could potentially seed instabilities. Third, and most significantly, one must avoid overcooling caused by numerical smearing of the ionization front. This can be handled most easily by suppressing cooling in cells with mixed ionization fractions. Failure to obey this condition leads to an unphysical loss of energy from expanding HII regions that causes them to lag analytic solutions by tens of percent. A calculation that satisfies these three constraints can reproduce the analytic solution for the expansion of a D type ionization front to an accuracy of a percent for at least $\\sim 20$ ionized sound-crossing times. Using our algorithm, we report the first three-dimensional simulations of the expansion of an HII region into a magnetized gas. We show that the presence of a magnetic field distorts the HII region, and greatly reduces the strength of the shock and the density contrast in directions perpendicular to the magnetic field. This leads to the formation of an HII region which is bounded by a dense shell of swept-up gas along the field, but not perpendicular to it. The absence of a dense shell over much of the solid angle means that, in the presence of strong, ordered magnetic fields, HII regions may not be able to collect and compress as much gas as one might expect from purely hydrodynamic estimates. This may reduce the efficiency of triggered star formation from HII regions." }, "0606/astro-ph0606013_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Motivated by recent observations of plateaus and minima in the radial abundance distributions of heavy elements in the Milky Way and some other spiral galaxies, we propose a dynamical mechanism for the formation of such features around corotation. Our numerical simulations show that the non-axisymmetric gravitational field of spiral density waves generates cyclone and anticylone gas flows in the vicinity of corotation. The anticyclones flatten the pre-existing negative abundance gradients by exporting many more atoms of heavy elements outside corotation than importing inside it. This process is very efficient and forms plateaus of several kiloparsec in size around corotation after two revolution periods of a galaxy. The strength of anticyclones and, consequently, the sizes of plateaus depend on the pitch angle of spiral arms and are expected to increase along the Hubble sequence.} ", "introduction": "It has recently been recognized that density waves in the stellar component of spiral galaxies have a profound effect on the dynamics of stars, cold gas clouds, and dust in the vicinity of the corotation resonance. The non-axisymmetric gravitational field of spiral stellar density waves causes large changes ($\\sim 50$ per cent over the lifetime of a galaxy) in the angular momenta of individual stars and cold gas clouds around the corotation radius (Sellwood \\& Binney \\cite{Sellwood}). Considerable radial migrations associated with the angular momentum changes are expected to dilute the abundance gradients in the cold gas component of spiral galaxies (Sellwood \\& Preto \\cite{Sellwood2}). The radial abundance distribution of heavy elements in log scale in at least some spiral galaxies (perhaps, including the Milky Way) cannot be described by a linear function with a negative slope. According to Zaritsky, Kennicutt, \\& Huchra (\\cite{Zaritsky}), the oxygen abundances in NGC~2997, NGC~3319, NGC~5033 and other spiral galaxies in their sample show a complex nonlinear behaviour -- plateaus and minima can be identified in the radial distribution of oxygen. Perhaps more convincing evidence for a complex radial distribution of heavy element abundances is found in the Milky Way. For instance, the radial abundance distributions of O, N, Mg, and other heavy elements derived by Daflon \\& Cunha (\\cite{Daflon}) from a sample of OB stars show a minimum near 8~kpc (although they have not accentuated the importance of this behaviour and approximated the radial abundance profiles by a linear function with a negative slope). The existence of a plateau in the oxygen abundance distribution has also been reported by Andrievsky et al. (\\cite{Andrievsky}). Although a definite confirmation of plateaus or/and minima in the radial abundance profiles of heavy elements requires a larger sample of abundance tracers than has been used in the abovementioned studies, the existing evidence strongly suggests these features. A simple multizone model of chemical enrichment in spiral galaxies has been recently proposed by Mishurov et al. (\\cite{Mishurov}) and Acharova et al. (\\cite{Acharova}). It explains the formation of minima and/or plateaus in the radial abundances of heavy elements near corotation by a selective action of star formation. The star formation rate around corotation is assumed to have a minimum (due to the lack of strong spiral shock waves) and consequently the heavy element production also has a minimum at the corotation radius. The assumed temporal migration of the corotation resonance can produce either plateaus or minima in the radial abundance distributions of heavy elements. In this paper, we focus on a purely hydrodynamic explanation for a nonlinear radial distribution of heavy elements in spiral galaxies. We present the first numerical hydrodynamic simulations that self-consistently explain the formation of a plateau in the heavy element abundance distribution in the vicinity of corotation. We demonstrate the development of cyclones and anticyclones in the gas flow around corotation and study their influence on the radial abundance distribution of heavy elements in spiral galaxies. The existence of cyclones and anticyclones has been observationally confirmed in at least two spiral galaxies (Fridman et al. \\cite{Fridman1,Fridman2}) and has been predicted in the laboratory experiments of rotating shallow water modelling (Nezlin \\cite{Nezlin}). The model equations are formulated in \\S~\\ref{model}. The numerical code is described in \\S~\\ref{code} and the initial conditions are given in \\S~\\ref{init}. The results of numerical simulations are presented in \\S~\\ref{results}. The possible implications for spiral galaxies of different Hubble types are discussed in \\S~\\ref{hubble}. The main results are summarized in \\S~\\ref{sum}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sum} We have studied numerically the dynamics of warm gas and heavy elements in spiral galaxies. Two types of two-armed spiral galaxies are considered in which corotation is situated approximately in the middle of the spiral pattern (type~1) and at the very end of it (type~2), respectively. Type~2 spiral galaxies show little radial redistribution of heavy elements in the warm gas disk. Conversely, type~1 spirals are distinguished by a substantial radial redistribution of heavy elements around corotation. Strong cyclones and anticyclones around corotation are generated by the non-axisymmetric gravitational field of spiral stellar density waves in type~1 galaxies. The anticyclone flows transport gas from inside corotation to the regions outside it and vice versa. If the radial abundances of heavy elements are characterized by a negative slope, the anticyclones bring many more atoms of heavy elements outside corotation than they import inside corotation. This results in a flattening of radial abundance profiles at the position of anticyclones after two revolution periods of a galaxy. On the other hand, the cyclone flows generate in-going and out-going streams of gas along the spiral arms. These streams meet at corotation, producing a contact discontinuity in the gas flow and associated step-like radial profiles of heavy element abundances at the position of cyclones. Nevertheless, the azimuthally averaged radial abundance distributions of heavy elements show {\\it a well-defined plateau on both sides of corotation}, implying that anticyclones are more powerful in transporting the heavy elements than cyclones. The sizes of plateaus around corotation in the azimuthally averaged radial abundance distributions of heavy elements are expected to increase along the Hubble sequence in spiral galaxies with equal number of arms. Our numerical simulations show that in two-armed Sa-Sb galaxies with a pitch angle of $10^\\circ$, the plateau has a maximum size of 2~kpc. In contrast, Sc galaxies with a pitch angle of $25^\\circ$ have the plateau that can become as large as 4.5~kpc. A growing efficiency of radial mixing of heavy elements (and an associated flattening of negative abundance gradients) along the Hubble sequence is related to the increasing radial separation between the spiral arms and a consequent increase in the strength of anticyclones. A considerable portion of total gas mass in a spiral galaxy may be in the form of cold molecular hydrogen clouds. Our numerical simulations show that the efficiency of radial mixing grows as the gas temperature drops. A decrease in the restoring force of pressure gradients is responsible for this effect. However, our numerical hydrodynamics code is not appropriate for the modelling of molecular cloud dynamics, for which the sticky particle codes are well suited. Sellwood \\& Binney (\\cite{Sellwood}) and Sellwood \\& Preto (\\cite{Sellwood2}) have employed N-body simulations to study the dynamics of cold molecular clouds. They have reported the development of anticyclonic motions at corotation and predicted the flattening of any metallicity gradients within the disc. In this paper, we neglect the effect of continuous star formation. It is a computationally difficult task to self-consistently include the production of heavy elements in the hydrodynamics code. A possible exception is oxygen which is released mostly by short-living massive stars, for which the instantaneous recycling approximation can be used (e.g. Acharova et al. \\cite{Acharova}). Our preliminary numerical simulations indicate that the on-going star formation in the spiral arms may change the shape of the plateau at corotation. More specifically, a mild minimum and maximum in the azimuthally averaged radial abundance profile of oxygen may develop at the inner and outer sides of corotation, respectively. Similar shapes in the radial abundance distribution of oxygen near corotation were reported by Acharova et al. (\\cite{Acharova}). The results of this study will be presented in a follow-up paper." }, "0606/hep-ph0606289_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A wide range of techniques have been developed to search for particle dark matter, including direct detection, indirect detection, and collider searches. The prospects for the detection of neutralino dark matter is quite promising for each of these three very different methods. Looking ahead to a time in which these techniques have successfully detected neutralino dark matter, we explore the ability of these observations to determine the parameters of supersymmetry. In particular, we focus on the ability of direct and indirect detection techniques to measure the parameters $\\mu$ and $m_A$. We find that $\\mu$ can be much more tightly constrained if astrophysical measurements are considered than by LHC data alone. In supersymmetric models within the $A$-funnel region of parameter space, we find that astrophysical measurements can determine $m_A$ to roughly $\\pm100$ GeV precision. ", "introduction": "\\label{} If low scale supersymmetry exists in nature, it will likely be discovered in the next few years at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), or perhaps even earlier at the Tevatron. In many supersymmetric scenarios, the LHC can identity the presence of the lightest neutralino in the form of missing energy in the cascade decays of squarks and/or gluinos. At approximately the same time, direct and indirect searches for dark matter will be reaching the level of sensitivity needed to discover neutralinos in a wide range of supersymmetric models. Collider and astrophysical experiments tell us very different things about the nature of supersymmetry. The LHC is likely to reveal the approximate masses of a number of superpartners, including squarks, gluinos, the lightest neutralino, and in some cases sleptons and heavier neutralinos. Other properties of the supersymmetric model will remain unconstrained by the LHC, however. In particular, the composition of the lightest neutralino (the mixture of bino, wino, and higgsino components), and therefore its couplings, will be very difficult to deduce at a hadron collider. In contrast, the cross sections relevant to astrophysical dark matter experiments depend critically on the composition of the lightest neutralino. \\begin{figure}[t] \\hspace{-1.5cm} \\includegraphics[width=2.2in,angle=-90]{direct.ps} \\includegraphics[width=2.2in,angle=-90]{nu4.ps} \\caption{Left: The relationship between the quantity $|N_{11}|^2 |N_{13}|^2 \\tan^2 \\beta/m^4_A$ and the spin-independent neutralino-nucleon elastic scattering cross section. Right: The rate of neutrinos detected in a kilometer scale neutrino telescope, such as IceCube, from neutralino annihilations in the Sun as a function of the quantity $|N_{13}|^2-|N_{14}|^2$. A constraint 100 times more stringer than the current CDMS bound has been applied (in the right frame) in anticipation of increased sensitivity from direct detection experiments in the coming few years.} \\label{directneutrino} \\end{figure} In Fig.~\\ref{directneutrino}, we show how the rates in astrophysical dark matter experiments depend on the composition of the lightest neutralino. In the left frame, we compare the scalar neutralino-nucleon elastic scattering cross section (which determines the rate in direct dark matter experiments) to the quantity: $\\tan^2 \\beta |N_{11}|^2 |N_{13}|^2/m^4_A$. Here, $m_A$ is the mass of the CP-odd Higgs boson in the MSSM. The $|N|^2$'s are defined by the following: $\\chi^0_1 = N_{11}\\tilde{B} +N_{12} \\tilde{W}^3 +N_{13}\\tilde{H}_1 +N_{14} \\tilde{H}_2$. The correlation shown in the left frame of Fig.~\\ref{directneutrino} is quite tight for models with large cross sections, which are produced through diagrams which exchange a heavy Higgs boson coupling to $b$ and $s$ quarks (\\cite{carena}). Neutralinos scattering with the Sun can become gravitationally bound and accumulate in the Sun's core, eventually annihilating to produce high-energy neutrinos. The rate of those neutrinos being observed at a kilometer-scale neutrino telescope such as IceCube or KM3 is shown in the right frame of Fig.~\\ref{directneutrino} as a function of the quantity $|N_{13}|^2-|N_{14}|^2$. This correlation comes from the $\\chi^0$-$\\chi^0$-$Z$ coupling which largely determines the capture rate in the Sun in nearly all observable models (\\cite{halzen}). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606543_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an \\xmm\\ observation of the massive edge-on Sb galaxy NGC~2613. We discover that this galaxy contains a deeply embedded active nucleus with a 0.3-10 keV luminosity of 3.3$\\times10^{40}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ and a line-of-sight absorption column of $1.2 \\times 10^{23} {\\rm~cm^{-2}}$. Within the $25{\\rm~mag~arcsec^{-2}}$ optical B-band isophote of the galaxy, we detect an additional 4 sources with an accumulated luminosity of 4.3$\\times10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. The bulk of the unresolved X-ray emission spatially follows the near-infrared (NIR) K-band surface brightness distribution;the luminosity ratio $L_X/L_K \\sim 8\\times10^{-4}$ is consistent with that inferred from galactic discrete sources. This X-ray-NIR association and the compatibility of the X-ray spectral fit with the expected spectrum of a population of discrete sources suggest that low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are the most likely emitters of the unresolved emission in the disk region. The remaining unresolved emission is primarily due to extraplanar hot gas. The luminosity of this gas is at least a factor of 10 less than that predicted by recent simulations of intergalactic gas accretion by such a massive galaxy with a circular rotation speed $V_c \\sim 304 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$ (Toft et al.~2002). Instead, we find that the extraplanar hot gas most likely represents discrete extensions away from the disk, including two ``bubble-like'' features on either side of the nucleus. These extensions appear to correlate with radio continuum emission and, energetically, can be easily explained by outflows from the galactic disk. ", "introduction": "X-ray observations of extraplanar hot gas ($T$ $\\gtrsim$ 10$^6$ K) around nearby edge-on disk galaxies are essential in the study of the galactic ecosystem in many aspects, particularly the disk-halo interaction. Such observations have helped establish the prevalence of galactic superwinds in starburst galaxies, e.g., NGC~253 (Strickland et al.~2000, 2002) and NGC 4666 (Dahlem, Weaver \\& Heckman~1998), among others. Extraplanar X-ray-emitting gas has also been detected unambiguously around several ``normal'' late-type galaxies with little evidence for nuclear starbursts:~NGC~891 (Sb; Bregman \\& Houck 1997), NGC 4631 (Scd; Wang et al.~2001), NGC 3556 (Sc; Wang, Chaves \\& Irwin 2003) and NGC 4634 (Scd; T$\\ddot{\\rm u}$llmann et al.~2006). In these galaxies (except for NGC~4634 which currently lacks direct evidence), extraplanar hot gas is clearly linked to outflows from recent massive star-forming regions in galactic disks. The global X-ray properties of extraplanar gas in these ``normal'' star-forming galaxies, when scaled with the star formation rate of the host galaxies, appear similar to those found in starburst galaxies (Strickland et al.~2004a, b; Wang 2005). Nevertheless, this needs to be confirmed by extended X-ray observations of ``normal'' star-forming galaxies. On the other hand, current galaxy formation models also predict the existence of hot gaseous halos surrounding present-day disk galaxies, which arise from gravitational infall from the intergalactic medium (IGM; e.g., Toft et al.~2002 and references therein). The predicted extraplanar X-ray luminosity strongly depends on the mass of the host galaxy. X-ray observations thus have long been expected to detect such gaseous halos around nearby massive, typically earlier-type disk galaxies. However, there is so far little direct observational evidence for the presence of this kind of X-ray-emitting halo. Benson et al.~(2000) analyzed X-ray emission from the outer halos ($\\gtrsim 5'$) of primarily two early-type spirals NGC 2841 (Sb; $\\sim 15$ Mpc) and NGC 4594 (Sa; $\\sim 25$ Mpc), using {\\sl ROSAT} PSPC observations. No significant diffuse emission was detected, although the upper limits to the diffuse X-ray luminosities are consistent with the current predictions (Toft et al.~2002). Therefore, more dedicated searches for the X-ray signals of IGM accretion around disk galaxies are needed. Here we present a study of an \\xmm ~observation toward NGC~2613, an edge-on Sb galaxy with ``normal'' star formation. We focus on probing the spatial and spectral properties of its large-scale X-ray emission. This galaxy (Table~\\ref{tab:N2613}) is a good candidate to probe the presence of hot gas, in the sense that: 1) it is very massive and thus expected to contain a large amount of hot gas; 2) its high inclination ($\\sim$79$^\\circ$) allows the possibility of detecting extraplanar emission, either from a halo of accreted gas or a large-scale outflow; 3) its moderately large distance (25.9 Mpc) places the galaxy and its $\\sim$50 kpc vicinity in the field of view (FOV) of a typical \\xmm ~observation, offering a good opportunity of studying the large-scale distribution of gas, and 4) it is known to show extraplanar features at other wavebands, specifically the radio continuum and \\HI (Chaves \\& Irwin 2001; Irwin \\& Chaves 2003) as well as earlier \\HI observations (Bottema 1989). ", "conclusions": "{\\label{sec:discussion}} \\subsection{The nature of the nuclear X-ray emission} {\\label{subsec:nucleus}} Our two-component spectral fit for the nucleus (\\S~\\ref{subsec:ps}; Table \\ref{tab:nucleus_fit}) indicates that the intrinsic neutral hydrogen column density is $\\sim$$1.2{\\times}10^{23}{\\rm~cm^{-2}}$. This is much higher than the beam-averaged \\HI column density of $\\sim$$2\\times10^{21}{\\rm~cm^{-2}}$ found by Chaves \\& Irwin (2001), but it is typical of values found for molecular circumnuclear disks. Ott et al. (2001), for example, find a molecular column density of order $10^{23}{\\rm~cm^{-2}}$ for NGC~4945. Molecular data are not yet available for NGC~2613, but our results suggest that a substantial molecular component should be present in this galaxy. For the nuclear component, the modelled intrinsic flux given in Table~\\ref{tab:nucleus_fit} leads to an intrinsic X-ray luminosity of $\\sim$$3.3{\\times}10^{40}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ in the 0.3-10 keV range. The photon index of this component is $\\sim$2, a typical value found in the X-ray spectra of AGNs (e.g. Pellegrini, Fabbiano \\& Kim 2003). No radio core was detected by Irwin, Saikia \\& English (2000), putting a 3$\\sigma$ upper limit of $4.5\\times10^{27}{{\\rm ~ergs~s^{-1}~Hz^{-1}}}$ on the radio spectral power at 1.425 GHz within the same 16$^{\\prime\\prime}$ region. Using the above luminosity over the 0.3-10 keV range, we derive an upper limit of $\\alpha\\,=\\,0.62$ on the energy spectral index ($S_\\nu\\,\\propto\\,\\nu^{-\\alpha}$) between the radio and X-ray bands. Although the X-ray nucleus is heavily obscured, these values nevertheless suggest that the energy spectral index is likely flat or possibly rising at the low frequencies, a fact again consistent with the interpretation of the nuclear source as an AGN. Thus, we conclude that the nuclear X-ray source represents an AGN in this galaxy, the first evidence that this is the case. The non-nuclear component, characterized by the second power-law (PL2), shows a photon index of $\\sim1.7$ and an intrinsic 0.3-10 keV luminosity of $3.4{\\times}10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. Irwin et al.~(2003) showed that the accumulated spectra of LMXBs in early-type galaxies can be uniformly described by a power-law model with a best-fit photon index of $1.56\\pm{0.02}$. By using a sample of nearby galaxies of various morphological types, Gilfanov (2004) studied the relation between the collective luminosity of LMXBs and the K-band luminosity, $L_K$, of the underlying stellar content. He found that, for LMXBs with luminosity higher than $10^{37}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, their collective luminosity $L_X$ = ${\\rm(3.3-7.5)}{\\times}10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}L_K/10^{11}L_{\\odot,K}$. Assuming that the spatial distribution of LMXBs follows that of the K-band star light (Jarrett et al.~2003), we estimate that the collective luminosity of LMXBs within the 16$^{\\prime\\prime}$ circle is ${\\sim}$${\\rm(1.8-4.2)}{\\times}10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. Thus the non-nuclear component is consistent with the collective emission of unresolved LMXBs. We note that high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) are expected to be present in star-forming disk galaxies and their composite spectral properties are somewhat similar to that of the LMXBs, thus the collective contribution of HMXBs may also be partly responsible for the non-nuclear component. We show below that in NGC~2613 the relative contribution of HMXBs is small as compared to that of LMXBs. \\subsection{The collective X-ray emission of discrete sources} {\\label{subsec:cxs}} It is known that X-ray binaries, including LMXBs and HMXBs, dominate the X-ray source populations with luminosities $\\gtrsim 10^{35}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ in galaxies. Owing to their distinct evolution time-scales, the numbers and thus the collective contributions of long-lived LMXBs and short-lived HMXBs to the X-ray emission of a galaxy are expected to be proportional to its stellar mass and star formation rate (SFR), respectively. Colbert et al.~(2004) analyzed {\\sl Chandra} observations of X-ray sources in a sample of nearby galaxies of various morphological types and SFRs. They found that the collective X-ray luminosity of point sources $L_{XP}$ is linearly correlated with the total stellar mass $M_{\\star}$ and the SFR of the host galaxy as \\begin{eqnarray} L_{XP}~(\\rm{ergs~s^{-1}})~=~(1.3\\pm{0.2})\\times 10^{29}~M_{\\star}~(\\rm{M_{\\odot}}) \\nonumber \\\\ + (0.7\\pm{0.2})\\times 10^{39}~\\rm{SFR}~(\\rm{M_{\\odot}~yr^{-1}}). \\label{eq:LXP} \\end{eqnarray} We use this relation to assess the relative importance of LMXBs and HMXBs in contributing to the X-ray emission of NGC~2613. The total stellar mass can be estimated from the K-band luminosity $L_K$ and the $B-V$ color index via (Bell \\& de Jong 2001) \\begin{equation} {\\rm log}(M_{\\star}/L_K) = -0.692 + 0.652 (B-V), \\label{eq:Mstar} \\end{equation} where $L_K$ is in units of the K-band Solar luminosity. The SFR can be estimated from the far-infrared (FIR) luminosity $L_{FIR}$ via (Kennicutt 1998) \\begin{equation} \\rm{SFR}~=~4.5\\times10^{-44}~L_{FIR}~(\\rm{ergs~s^{-1}}). \\label{eq:SFR} \\end{equation} $L_{FIR}$ is measured according to (Lonsdale, Helou \\& Good 1989) \\begin{equation} L_{FIR} = 3.1\\times10^{39}~D^2~(2.58~S_{60}+S_{100}), \\label{eq:LFIR} \\end{equation} where $D$ is the distance of the galaxy in units of Mpc, $S_{60}$ and $S_{100}$ are the flux densities in units of Jy at 60~${\\mu}$m and 100~${\\mu}$m, respectively. With the available photometric data for NGC~2613 (Table \\ref{tab:N2613}), we estimate that the total stellar mass is $2.1\\times10^{11}{\\rm~M_{\\odot}}$ and the SFR is $4.2{\\rm~M_{\\odot}~yr^{-1}}$. Based on Eq.~(\\ref{eq:LXP}), the contributions of LMXBs and HMXBs to the collective X-ray emission of discrete sources is $\\sim2.7\\times10^{40}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ and $\\sim2.9\\times10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, respectively, with the latter being about 10\\% of the former. In the disk of NGC~2613, we find that the 0.5-2 keV unresolved emission is spatially correlated with the K-band star light. Therefore, the normalization factor for the K-band profile (\\S~\\ref{subsubsec:spat_anal}) should represent the collective X-ray emissivity of the underlying old stellar population. Using the power-law model given by Irwin et al.~(2003) for the accumulated spectrum of LMXBs, we convert the observed 0.5-2 keV count rate into the intrinsic luminosity in the 0.3-10 keV band). The K-band flux density is also converted into intrinsic luminosity according to the 2MASS K-band photometry. The normalization factor, 3.0$\\times10^{-4}{\\rm~cts~s^{-1}~arcmin^{-2}}/({\\rm MJy~sr^{-1}})$, is then equivalent to an X-ray emissivity of $L_X = 4.2{\\times}10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}L_K/(10^{11}L_{\\odot,K})$, or a luminosity ratio of $L_X/L_K \\sim 7.5\\times10^{-4}$. Gilfanova (2004) found that the collective X-ray luminosity of galactic LMXBs is related to the underlying K-band luminosity following $L_X = (3.3-7.5) {\\times}10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}L_K/(10^{11}L_{\\odot,K})$, i.e., a luminosity ratio of $L_X/L_K \\sim (5.8-13.2)\\times10^{-4}$. Therefore the collective X-ray emissivity of unresolved discrete sources inferred for NGC~2613 is consistent with that of the galactic LMXBs, and we conclude that the collective X-ray emission of LMXBs dominates the soft emission of NGC~2613 in its disk region. \\subsection{The origin of extraplanar gas} Presence of diffuse gas in NGC~2613 is evident by the soft X-ray excess over the K-band light. We consider two possible origins of the diffuse gas: 1) the continuously accreted IGM (Toft et al. 2002) and 2) the outflow from the galactic disk (Irwin \\& Chaves 2003). \\subsubsection{An accreted gaseous halo?} Toft et al.~(2002) calculated global X-ray properties (e.g., luminosity, effective temperature and intensity distribution) of hot gaseous halos, based on their simulated galaxies. The predicted luminosity strongly depends on the circular speed of the host galaxy. The most massive galaxies in their simulations have circular speeds similar to that of NGC~2613 ($\\sim$ $300{\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$). The predicted 0.2-2 keV luminosity for such a galaxy is $\\sim8\\times10^{40}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ (Fig.~3 in Toft et al.~2002). From our best-fit spectral models of the spectra of unresolved emission, we derive an intrinsic 0.2-2 keV luminosity of $\\sim$8$\\times10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ for the sum of the thermal and power-law components, and $\\sim$6$\\times10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ for the thermal components only. We note that the unresolved emission outside our spectral extraction region contributes little to the total luminosity. The simulated luminosity of gas emission by Toft et al.~(2002) is at least an order of magnitude higher than the observed value for NGC~2613. We therefore conclude that the simulations as presented by Toft et al.~(2002) substantially over-predict the X-ray emission from the cooling inflow of the IGM, if this is what is occurring in NGC~2613. This over-prediction is related to the so-called over-cooling problem in current theories of galaxy formation. We speculate that the over-cooling problem is a result of an inappropriate treatment of stellar and/or AGN feedback. For example, the mechanical energy input from Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is typically not included in galaxy formation simulations, partly due to the difficulty in treating the astrophysics related to gaseous flows. Qualitatively, Type Ia SNe, which tend to occur in low-density hot environments, provide an especially effective mechanism for large-scale distributed heating, required to reduce the cooling of gas in galactic bulges and halos (Tang \\& Wang 2005). Massive stars in galactic disks may also serve as sources of mechanical energy that could produce outflows into halos and help slow down the cooling of the accrected gas. For example, with a star formation rate of $\\sim4.2~{\\rm M_{\\odot}~yr^{-1}}$ for stars between 0.1 and 100 ${\\rm M_{\\odot}}$, and assuming a Salpeter IMF and that stars with mass $> 8 {\\rm~M_{\\odot}}$ become core-collapse SNe, the rate of total energy release from the star-forming regions of NGC~2613 is $L_{SNII}\\sim1.0\\times10^{42} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. Our spatial and spectral analyses suggest that the extraplanar gas is responsible for the thermal emission (\\S~\\ref{subsec:diffuse}) and has a total 0.3-10 keV luminosity of $\\lesssim5\\times10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. Thus, SNe can provide enough energy to explain the X-ray emission of the extraplanar gas in NGC~2613. \\begin{figure*}[!htb] \\vskip -1cm \\centerline{ \\epsfig{figure=n2613_x_r_c.eps,width=0.8\\textwidth,angle=0} } \\vskip -0.5cm \\caption{(a) VLA C+D configuration continuum contours overlaid on the same X-ray intensity image (grey scale) as contoured in Fig.~\\ref{fig:2dmap} and in (b) of this figure. The contour levels are 0.18, 0.27, 0.56, 0.84, 1.1, 1.7, 2.3, 3.2~mJy~beam$^{-1}$ and the beam is $22^{\\prime\\prime}{\\times}15^{\\prime\\prime}$ at a position angle of $-8\\fdg2$. A few X-ray extraplanar features are labelled (see text). (b) The same X-ray intensity contours as in Fig.~\\ref{fig:2dmap} overlaid on a greyscale image of the total intensity VLA C+D configuration \\HI map. The grey scale range (shown with a square root transfer function) is in units of $10^3$ Jy beam$^{-1}$ m s$^{-1}$ and the beam is $47^{\\prime\\prime}{\\times}32^{\\prime\\prime}$ at a position angle of $-8\\fdg2$. F1 and F2 refer to two \\HI extensions identified by Chaves \\& Irwin (2001). } \\label{fig:overlay_map} \\end{figure*} \\subsubsection{Multiwavelength extraplanar features} {\\label{subsubsec:correlations}} In Fig.~\\ref{fig:overlay_map}a and b, we compare the X-ray emission with the radio continuum emission and \\HI total intensity emission, respectively. Of the two radio images, the radio continuum morphology more closely resembles the X-ray morphology in the sense that: a) the north bubble has a radio continuum counterpart; b) the south extension also has a radio continuum counterpart; c) the south-west feature shows a small radio continuum protrusion; and d) the peaks of the large eastern extensions (north and south) also show radio emission. The \\HI total intensity map shown here does not show all of the extended features identified by Chaves \\& Irwin (2001), but two of their features, F1 and F2 clearly extend above and below the galactic plane and are labelled in Fig.~\\ref{fig:overlay_map}b. These two features might be related with the northern and southern arc of the eastern extensions seen in the X-ray. It is not wise to read too much into these correlations, given the limited S/N of the maps. However, the relationship with the radio continuum is sufficiently strong that the X-ray emission in the extraplanar features, representing hot diffuse gas, is very likely associated with the radio continuum emission which represents predominantly the non-thermal component. We further consider the energetics of a specific feature, namely the `north bubble', which is the only extraplanar feature that can be cleanly isolated from the ambient emission. Guided by Fig.~\\ref{fig:bubble_map}, we approximate the volume occupation of the bubble by a cylinder with 1$^\\prime$ in diameter and 0\\farcm8 in height, the center of which is 1\\farcm2 above the galactic center. Hence the volume of the bubble is $\\sim2.7\\times10^2{\\rm~kpc^3}$. We find a total 0.5-2 keV count rate of 2.4$\\times10^{-3}{\\rm~cts~s^{-1}}$ within the bubble. In the best-fit model to the spectra of unresolved emission, the high and low temperature components predict a 0.5-2 keV count rate of 7.5$\\times10^{-3}{\\rm~cts~s^{-1}}$ and 2.0$\\times10^{-3}{\\rm~cts~s^{-1}}$, respectively. Therefore the north bubble is unlikely to be due to the low temperature component alone. Instead, it could be dominated by the high temperature component. Taking an effective temperature of $\\sim$ 0.8 keV, we estimate the mean density of the bubble to be $\\sim\\eta^{-1/2}\\times10^{-3}{\\rm~cm^{-3}}$, where $\\eta$ is the filling factor of the hot gas inside the bubble. The total thermal energy of the bubble is $E_{th}\\simeq 3.6\\eta^{-1/2}\\times10^{55}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, and the work done to steadily lift up the bubble against gravity is $E_g \\simeq 1.7\\eta^{-1/2}\\times10^{55}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, given the gravitational potential introduced by the exponential disk of the galaxy (Irwin \\& Chaves 2003). Given the morphology and the position of the bubble, we speculate that it was produced near the nuclear region, either by a nuclear starburst or the AGN. If the bubble's total amount of thermal and gravitational energy is obtained from a starburst, it takes a time of $\\tau\\simeq(E_{th}+E_g)/(fL_{SNII})\\simeq1.7\\eta^{-1/2}\\times10^7{\\rm~yr}$ to form the present structure, where $f$ is a geometrical factor taken to be 0.1 to reflect a fractional star formation rate of the central 1 kpc in the disk. This timescale is typical for massive stars to become SN explosions. On the other hand, assuming the flux density of the AGN follows $S_\\nu\\,\\propto\\,\\nu^{-\\alpha}$ between the radio and X-ray bands, the total bolometric luminosity over this frequency range is $\\sim 4.5\\times10^{40} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ with $\\alpha=0.62$ adopted (\\S~\\ref{subsec:nucleus}). It is uncertain what fraction of the AGN energy can be taken to energize the ambient gas, but we consider the AGN might also be capable of producing this feature. For example, the locations of the north bubble and south extension immediately on either side of the nucleus are reminiscent of extraplanar loops or lobes seen in nuclear outflow galaxies like NGC~3079 (e.g. Cecil et al. 2002) which is known to have an AGN. \\begin{figure}[!htb] \\vskip -1.5cm \\centerline{ \\epsfig{figure=x_bubble.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth,angle=0} } \\vskip -2cm \\caption{Blow-up of the X-ray-emitting bubble to the north of the nucleus. The same X-ray intensity image as in Fig.~\\ref{fig:2dmap} is used. Contour levels are at 5, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9, and 6.2 $\\times$10$^{-3}{\\rm~cts~s^{-1}~arcmin^{-2}}$. } \\label{fig:bubble_map} \\end{figure} } We have analyzed an \\xmm~observation of the massive edge-on Sb galaxy NGC~2613. We find a deeply embedded AGN in this galaxy. The X-ray spectrum of this AGN can be characterized by a power-law model with a photon-index of $\\sim$2 and a 0.3-10 keV intrinsic luminosity of 3.3$\\times10^{40}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. Linking the X-ray spectral properties of the AGN with the current upper limit at radio frequencies indicates a spectral flattening of the AGN at low frequencies. The 0.5-2 keV unresolved X-ray emission is found to closely trace the near-IR emission in the disk region, and the X-ray to near-IR luminosity ratio is consistent with that inferred from galactic LMXBs. These two facts together indicate that the bulk of the unresolved emission is produced by the old stellar population of the galaxy, predominantly LMXBs. A few extraplanar diffuse X-ray features are present in addition to the collective emission from discrete sources traced by the near-IR light. These features can be explained by the presence of hot gas, which can be spectrally characterized by a two-temperature plasma with $kT$ $\\sim$0.08 keV and $\\sim$0.8 keV. The total X-ray luminosity of hot gas is at least an order of magnitude lower than that predicted by current simulations of IGM accretion based on disk galaxy formation models. Thus the extraplanar features are very unlikely to result from IGM accretion. Instead, morphologically most of these extraplanar features have extended radio counterparts, which are believed to arise from disk-related events. Also, energetically the extraplanar features can be generated by either supernova explosions or the AGN, the latter possibly related to the bubbles above and below the nucleus. Therefore, we conclude that the extraplanar features are most likely formed from outflows from the galactic disk. Our observation suggests that a proper inclusion of galactic feedback is essential, not only to understanding galaxy formation, but also to its continued evolution. NGC~2613 and galaxies like it provide nearby laboratories that may help to understand the over-cooling problem existing in current galaxy formation simulations. For J. I., this work has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada." }, "0606/astro-ph0606069_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We give a brief review of the known effects of a dynamical vacuum cosmological component, the dark energy, on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We distinguish between a ``classic\" class of observables, used so far to constrain the average of the dark energy abundance in the redshift interval in which it is relevant for acceleration, and a ``modern\" class, aiming at the measurement of its differential redshift behavior. \\\\ We show that the gravitationally lensed CMB belongs to the second class, as it can give a measure of the dark energy abundance at the time of equality with matter, occurring at about redshift 0.5. Indeed, the dark energy abundance at that epoch influences directly the lensing strength, which is injected at about the same time, if the source is the CMB. We illustrate this effect focusing on the curl (BB) component of CMB polarization, which is dominated by lensing on arcminute angular scales. An increasing dark energy abundance at the time of equality with matter, parameterized by a rising first order redshift derivative of its equation of state today, makes the BB power dropping with respect to a pure $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology, keeping the other cosmological parameters and primordial amplitude fixed. We briefly comment on the forthcoming probes which might measure the lensing power on CMB.} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606633_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this Letter, we study a localized stellar overdensity in the constellation of Ursa Major, first identified in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data and subsequently followed up with Subaru imaging. Its color-magnitude diagram (CMD) shows a well-defined sub-giant branch, main sequence and turn-off, from which we estimate a distance of $\\sim 30$ kpc and a projected size of $\\sim 250 \\times 125$ pc. The CMD suggests a composite population with some range in metallicity and/or age. Based on its extent and stellar population, we argue that this is a previously unknown satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, hereby named Ursa Major II (UMa II) after its constellation. Using SDSS data, we find an absolute magnitude of $M_V \\sim -3.8$, which would make it the faintest known satellite galaxy. UMa II's isophotes are irregular and distorted with evidence for multiple concentrations; this suggests that the satellite is in the process of disruption. ", "introduction": "Numerical simulations in the hierarchical cold dark matter paradigm of galaxy formation generally predict 1 to 2 orders of magnitude more satellite halos in the present day Local Group than the number of dwarf galaxies thus far observed \\citep[e.g.,][]{Mo99,Kl99,Be02}. Numerous solutions have been proposed for this ``missing satellite'' problem. For example, star formation may be inhibited in low-mass systems \\citep[e.g.,][]{Bu01,So02}, or the known satellites may represent a higher mass regime of the satellite initial mass function~\\citep[e.g.,][]{Str02,Kr04}. However, it has become increasingly clear over the last two years that the census of Local Group satellites is seriously incomplete. Data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{Yo00} have revealed five new nearby dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) in quick succession: Andromeda IX~\\citep{Zu04}, Ursa Major~\\citep{Wi05a}, Andromeda X~\\citep{Zu06b}, Canes Venatici~\\citep{Zu06a} and Bo{\\\"o}tes~\\citep{Be06b}. All five galaxies were detected as stellar overdensities. The purpose of this Letter is to study another prominent stellar overdensity in SDSS Data Release 4 \\citep{Am06}. \\citet{Gr06} independently called attention to it, stating that it may be a ``new globular cluster or dwarf spheroidal''. Here we provide evidence from SDSS and subsequent deeper Subaru imaging for its interpretation as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy, the thirteenth around the Milky Way, with the proposed name Ursa Major II (UMa II). \\begin{figure}[t] \\begin{center} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{uma2_sdssfig.ps} \\caption{The UMa II Dwarf as seen by SDSS: {\\it Upper left:} Combined SDSS $g,r,i$ images of a $1.2^{\\circ} \\times 1.2^{\\circ}$ field centered on the overdensity (J2000 08:51:30 +63:07:48). $\\Delta \\alpha$ and $\\Delta \\delta$ are the relative offsets in right ascension and declination, measured in degrees of arc. The dashed lines indicate the two pointings observed with Subaru (see \\S 2). {\\it Middle left:} The spatial distribution of all blue objects ($g - i < 0.5$) classified as stars in the same area. {\\it Lower left:} Binned spatial density of all blue stellar objects, together with a dotted box that covers most of the object and a dotted annulus used to define the background. {\\it Upper right:} CMD of all stellar objects within the dotted box; note the clear main sequence turn-off and subgiant branch, along with hints of horizontal and red giant branches, even without removal of field contamination. {\\it Middle right:} Control CMD of field stars from the dotted annulus. {\\it Lower right:} A color-magnitude density plot (Hess diagram), showing the CMD of the box minus the control CMD, normalized to the number of stars in each CMD. All photometric data were corrected for Galactic foreground extinction using \\citet{schl98}. \\label{fig:uma_disc}} \\end{center} \\vskip -1.1cm \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{uma2_subarufig.ps} \\caption{The UMa II Dwarf as seen by Subaru: {\\it Upper left:} CMD of the central region of UMa II (see dashed box in the upper right panel of Figure~\\ref{fig:uma_disc}), constructed with Subaru $g,i$ data. The solid gray line graphically indicates the color-magnitude selection criteria used to construct the contour plots in the lower panels. The error bars on the left show the typical photometric errors at the $i-$band magnitude indicated. {\\it Upper right:} A color-magnitude density plot (Hess diagram), showing the CMD of the box minus a control-field CMD, normalized to the number of stars in each CMD. {\\it Lower left:} Isodensity contours of the stars selected from the Subaru data by the gray box in the upper left panel. The plotted contour levels are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9$\\sigma$ above the background level. $\\Delta \\alpha$ and $\\Delta \\delta$ are measured in degrees of arc. {\\it Lower right:} Isodensity contours using SDSS data for comparison, with levels of 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9$\\sigma$ above the background plotted. Note that the three blobs appear in both panels.} \\label{fig:uma_disc2} \\end{center} \\vskip -1.2cm \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[t] \\begin{center} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{uma2_cmdsclust.ps} \\caption{ {\\it Upper left:} Composite CMD of the central region of UMa II (dashed box in the upper right panel of Figure~\\ref{fig:uma_disc}), with photometry of both SDSS and Subaru stars plotted (black circles and gray dots, respectively). Duplicate detections (i.e., detections of the same star in both sets of photometric data) have {\\em not} been removed. The error bars on the left show the typical photometric errors for each dataset at the $i-$band magnitude indicated. {\\it Upper right:} The same composite CMD, with all stars shown as gray dots, and Padova isochrones \\citep{Gi04} overplotted for (left to right) [Fe/H]$= -2.3$/12 Gyr, [Fe/H]$= -1.3$/12 Gyr and [Fe/H]$= -0.7$/10 Gyr, shifted to a distance modulus of 17.5. {\\it Lower left:} Subaru $g-$band image of the apparent central cluster of UMa II. The image spans $3\\arcmin \\times 3\\arcmin$. The curved shadow to the left is scattered light from a nearby bright star. {\\it Lower right:} Composite CMD of the central cluster region shown in the lower left panel, with SDSS and Subaru photometry plotted as gray and black dots, respectively. The three isochrones from the upper right panel are also overplotted; the middle isochrone ([Fe/H]$= -1.3$/12 Gyr) appears to be a reasonably good fit to the data, although even in this small region the main sequence is broader than might be expected from simple photometric errors (see upper left panel).} \\label{fig:uma_cmdscluster} \\end{center} \\vskip -0.5cm \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsscale{0.95} \\plotone{uma2_complexa.ps} \\caption{The locations of UMa II and Complex A, together with the great circle of the Orphan Stream. The distance estimate to the Orphan Stream is comparable to that of UMa II, but Complex A is believed to lie much closer. The gray scale shows the density of SDSS stars satisfying $g - r < 0.4$ and $20 < r < 22.5$. The inset image is a blow-up of the area immediately around UMa II, showing its long axis almost aligned with constant Galactic longitude. The column density contours for Complex A are taken from \\citet{Wa01}, while the great circle of the Orphan Stream is from \\citet{Be06c}.} \\label{fig:busy} \\end{center} \\vskip -1.2cm \\end{figure} \\begin{deluxetable}{lc} \\tablecaption{Properties of the Ursa Major II Dwarf \\label{tbl:pars}} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{Parameter\\tablenotemark{a}} & {~~~ } } \\startdata Coordinates (J2000) & \\coords \\\\ Coordinates (Galactic) & $\\ell = 152.5^\\circ$, $b= 37.4^\\circ$ \\\\ Position Angle & $95^\\circ$\\\\ Ellipticity & $0.5$\\\\ Central Extinction, A$_{\\rm V}$ & $0\\fm29$\\\\ V$_{\\rm tot}$ & $14\\fm3\\pm0\\fm5$\\\\ (m$-$M)$_0$ & $17\\fm5\\pm0\\fm3$\\\\ M$_{\\rm tot,V}$ & $-3\\fm8\\pm0\\fm6$\\enddata \\tablenotetext{a}{Integrated magnitudes are corrected for the Galactic foreground reddening reported by \\citet{schl98}} \\label{tab:struct} \\end{deluxetable} ", "conclusions": "We have identified a new companion to the Milky Way galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. Based on its size, structure and stellar population, we argue that it is a new dwarf spheroidal galaxy and name it UMa II. It has a distance of $\\sim 30$ kpc and an absolute magnitude of $M_V \\sim -3.8$. Its color-magnitude diagram shows an upper main sequence, turn-off and sub-giant branch, as well as hints of red giant and horizontal branches. UMa II has a bright central concentration, together with two further clumps. The irregular nature of the object suggests that it may have undergone disruption. This is the fourth Milky Way dSph discovered by SDSS in little over a year. Together with the earlier discoveries of Ursa Major I, Canes Venatici and Bo{\\\"o}tes, this underscores how incomplete our current census actually is. As SDSS covers only $\\sim 1/4$ of the celestial sphere, crude scaling arguments would suggest that there are tens of missing Milky Way dSphs. If true, this would go some way toward resolving the missing satellite issue. \\vskip-0.5cm" }, "0606/astro-ph0606405_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present new observations of 470 stars using the Fibre Large Array Multi-Element Spectrograph (FLAMES) instrument in fields centered on the clusters NGC\\,330 and NGC\\,346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), and NGC\\,2004 and the N11 region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). A further 14 stars were observed in the N11 and NGC\\,330 fields using the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) for a separate programme. Spectral classifications and stellar radial velocities are given for each target, with careful attention to checks for binarity. In particular, we have investigated previously unexplored regions around the central LH9/LH10 complex of N11, finding $\\sim$25 new O-type stars from our spectroscopy. We have observed a relatively large number of Be-type stars that display permitted Fe~{\\scriptsize II} emission lines. These are primarily not in the cluster cores and appear to be associated with classical Be-type stars, rather than pre main-sequence objects. The presence of the Fe~{\\scriptsize II} emission, as compared to the equivalent width of H$\\alpha$, is not obviously dependent on metallicity. We have also explored the relative fraction of Be- to normal B-type stars in the field-regions near to NGC\\,330 and NGC\\,2004, finding no strong evidence of a trend with metallicity when compared to Galactic results. A consequence of service observations is that we have reasonable time-sampling in three of our FLAMES fields. We find lower limits to the binary fraction of O- and early B-type stars of 23 to 36\\%. One of our targets (NGC\\,346-013) is especially interesting with a massive, apparently hotter, less luminous secondary component. } ", "introduction": "As part of a European Southern Observatory (ESO) Large Programme we have completed a new spectroscopic survey of massive stars in fields centered on open clusters in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC respectively) and the Galaxy. The survey has employed the Fibre Large Array Multi-Element Spectrograph (FLAMES) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), that provides high-resolution ($R\\sim$20,000) multi-object spectroscopy over a 25' diameter field-of-view. The scientific motivations for the survey, and the observational information for the three Galactic clusters (NGC\\,3293, NGC\\,4755, and NGC\\,6611), were presented by \\citet[][hereafter Paper~I]{mwpaper}. In this paper we present the FLAMES observations in the Magellanic Clouds. The material presented is largely a discussion of the spectral classifications and radial velocities of each star, and provides a consistent and thorough overview of what is a particularly large dataset. In parallel to this catalogue, subsets of the sample are now being analysed by different groups. The sources of photometry and astrometry used for target selection are given in Section~\\ref{targets}, followed by details of the observations in Section ~\\ref{obs}, and then a discussion of the observed sample. Two FLAMES pointings were observed in each of the Clouds, centered on NGC\\,346 and NGC\\,330 in the SMC, and on NGC\\,2004 and the N11 region \\citep{hen56} in the LMC. NGC\\,346 is a young cluster with an age in the range of 1 to 3$\\times$10$^6$ yrs \\citep{k89,wal00,jc03,mfast2}, that has clearly undergone prodigious star formation. It is also the largest H~\\2 region in the SMC. The best source of spectroscopic information in NGC\\,346 is the study by \\citet[][ hereafter MPG]{mpg}, who found as many O-type stars in the cluster as were known in the rest of the SMC at that time. High-resolution optical spectra of five of the O-type stars from MPG were presented by \\citet[][together with AzV~220 that is also within the FLAMES field-of-view]{wal00}. These were analysed by \\citet{jc03}, in conjunction with ultraviolet data, to derive physical parameters. N11 is also a relatively young region and includes the OB associations LH9, LH10 and LH13 \\citep{lh}, that are of interest in the context of sequential star-formation, see \\citet{w92}, \\citet[][ hereafter P92]{p92}, and \\citet{b03}. P92 illustrated how rich the region is in terms of massive stars, presenting observations of 43 O-type stars in LH9 and LH10, with three O3-type stars found in LH10. These O3 stars were considered by \\citet{w02} in their extension of the MK classification scheme to include the new O2 subtype, with one of the stars from P92 reclassified as O2-type. The FLAMES observations in N11 presented an opportunity to obtain good-quality spectroscopy of a large number of known O-type stars, whilst also exploring the spectral content of this highly-structured and dynamic region. NGC\\,330 and NGC\\,2004 are older, more centrally condensed clusters. NGC\\,330 in particular has been the focus of much attention in recent years. \\citet{f72} presented H$\\alpha$ spectroscopy of 18 stars in the cluster, and noted: `It is also an object of considerable importance in discussion of possible differences between stars of the same age in the SMC and in the Galaxy'. The community has clearly taken his words to heart -- in the past 15 years there have been numerous studies in the cluster, most of which were concerned with the large population of Be-type stars therein, namely \\citet{grb92}, \\citet{l93}, \\citet{grb96}, \\citet{maz96}, \\citet{sk98}, \\citet{sk99}, \\citet{m99}, and \\citet{l03}. The paper from these with the widest implications is that from \\citet{m99}, who compared the fraction of Be stars (relative to all B-type stars) in a total of 21 clusters in the SMC, LMC and the Galaxy. The fraction of Be stars appears to increase with decreasing metallicity, although their study was limited to only one cluster (NGC\\,330) in the SMC. This trend led \\citeauthor{m99} to advance the possibility of faster rotation rates at lower metallicities -- one of the key scientific motivations that prompted this FLAMES survey. In contrast to NGC\\,330, with the exception of abundance analyses of a few B-type stars by \\citet{korn02,korn06}, relatively little was known about the spectroscopic content of NGC\\,2004 until recently. A new survey by \\citet{mhf}, also with FLAMES, has observed part of the field population near NGC\\,2004 using the lower-resolution mode of the Giraffe spectrograph (and with a different field-centre to ours). \\citeauthor{mhf} concluded that the Be-fraction in their LMC field is not significantly different to that seen in the Galaxy. The FLAMES observations for the current survey were obtained in service mode and so span a wide range of observational epochs, giving reasonable time-sampling for the detection of binaries. There are surprisingly few multi-epoch, multi-object spectroscopic studies of stellar clusters in the literature in this respect, with one such study in 30 Doradus summarized by \\citet{bsm98}. Placing a lower limit on the binary fraction in dense star-forming regions such as NGC\\,346 and N11, combined with stellar rotation rates, will help to provide useful constraints in the context of star formation and the initial mass function. ", "conclusions": "In Table~\\ref{overview} we give an overview of the entire sample in the FLAMES survey, incorporating the LMC and SMC observations reported here, with the Galactic data from Paper~I. Analysis of many of these data is now well advanced by different groups. Here, with the benefit of a broad view of the whole sample, we discuss some of the more general features of the survey. \\subsection{H-R diagrams for each of the fields} In Figure~\\ref{hrds} we show Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R diagrams) for each of our LMC and SMC fields. These have been compiled by employing various published calibrations -- clearly the detailed studies of different subsets of the survey will yield precise determinations of temperatures and luminosities, but we take the opportunity now to show the full extent of the LMC/SMC stars in the H-R diagram. Objects listed as likely foreground objects are plotted as open circles, likely binaries as '+`, and emission-line objects as triangles. For illustrative purposes the evolutionary tracks shown are from \\citet{s93} for the LMC targets and from \\citet{char93} for the SMC. Temperatures were adopted on the basis of spectral type, luminosity and metallicity from \\citet[][O-type stars]{mfast2}, \\citet[][B-type supergiants]{clw06}, \\citet[][A-type superigants]{eh03}, and \\citet[][for other types]{sk82}. Objects that luminosity classes of III or V were assigned temperatures from calibrations for dwarfs; more luminous stars (i.e. II, Ib, Iab and Ia) adopted temperatures from calibrations of supergiants. With no metallicity-dependent temperature scale in the literature for early B-type supergiants, temperatures were taken from the Galactic results \\citep{clw06}, which were found to be in good agreement with those from analysis of individual stars in the SMC \\citep{tl04,tl05}. Luminosities were calculated using intrinsic colours from \\citet{f70}, extrapolating or interpolating where required; bolometric corrections were calculated using the relations from \\citet{vacca} for the earliest types, and from \\citet{balbc} for the cooler stars; the ratio of total to selective extinction ($R$) in the LMC was taken as 3.1 \\citep[e.g.][]{h83} and as 2.7 in the SMC \\citep{b85}; distance moduli were taken as 18.5 to the LMC \\citep[e.g.][]{gibson} and 18.9 to the SMC \\citep{hhh}. Figure~\\ref{hrds} highlights the predominantly less-massive populations observed in the two older clusters (i.e. NGC\\,2004 and NGC\\,330), particularly when compared to N11. The N11 observations also sample a more luminous, more massive population than those in NGC\\,346. This is, in part, influenced by the fact that some of the O-type stars observed by \\citet{wal00} were explicitly avoided in the FLAMES survey as state-of-the-art analyses have already been presented in the literature \\citep[e.g.][]{jc03}. \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[angle=180,width=12cm]{4988fig12.eps} \\vspace*{0.5cm}\\caption{H-R diagrams for the four FLAMES fields in the Magallanic Clouds. Open circles denote foreground stars, open triangles are emission-line objects, and likely binaries are indicated with crosses. The evolutionary tracks are taken from \\citet{s93} for N11 and NGC\\,2004, and from \\citet{char93} for NGC\\,330 and NGC\\,346.}\\label{hrds} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Overview of the distribution of spectral types of the FLAMES survey, including the Galactic clusters from Paper~I.}\\label{overview} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lp{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}} \\hline Field & O & Early-B & Late-B & AFG & Total \\\\ & & (B0-3) & (B5-9) & & \\\\ \\hline MW:\\o NGC\\,3293 & $-$ & 48 & 51 & 27 & 126 \\\\ MW:\\o NGC\\,4755 & $-$ & 54 & 44 & 10 & 108 \\\\ MW:\\o NGC\\,6611 & 13 & 28 & 12 & 32 & 85 \\\\ SMC: NGC\\,330 & 6 & 98 & 11 & 10 & 125 \\\\ SMC: NGC\\,346 & 19 & 84 & 2 & 11 & 116 \\\\ LMC: NGC\\,2004 & 4 ($+$ 1 WR) & 101 & 6 & 7 & 119 \\\\ LMC: N11 & 44 & 76 & $-$ & 4 & 124 \\\\ \\hline Total & 87 & 489 & 126 & 101 & 803 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} \\subsection{Exploring new regions of N11} As mentioned earlier, part of our intention in the FLAMES observations was to explore some of the less dense, apparently star-forming regions in N11. In addition to the discovery of the O2.5-type star to the north of LH10, the survey has revealed a large number of O-type stars in the regions surrounding LH9 and LH10. In Figure~\\ref{n11_mess} we show the $V$-band WFI image used for target selection in N11, with the O- and B-type stars marked in different colours; LH9, LH10 and LH13 are also identified in the image. Note the O-type stars to the south of LH9, newly discovered by this survey. These include N11-020 [classified as O5 I(n)fp] on the northern edge of the N11F region (cf. Figure~\\ref{fchart_n11}). Furthermore, N11-004 [O9.7 Ib] is the bright star in N11G, and N11-058 [O5.5 V((f))] is one of two visually bright stars in N11I, the other being N11-102 [B0.2~V]. Both N11G and N11I appear as small `bubbles' in near-IR images, presumably driven by the ionization and/or the stellar winds from these stars. We have also observed N11-029 [OC9.7 Ib] in N11H, which appears radially smaller than N11G and N11I. The densest regions in N11, i.e. N11B (LH10) and N11C (LH13) have been demonstrated by other authors \\citep{p92,w92,hm00,b03} to have rich, young populations of early-type stars. The general consensus is that this region is a two-stage starburst, with the evolution of LH9 triggering star-formation around it. For the first time the FLAMES survey has observed the regions to the south and west of LH9 -- whilst much smaller in size and stellar content, we find newly discovered O-type stars as the likely source of ionization and dynamic energy for the observed nebulae. To place this region in context, the `bigger picture' is dramatically illustrated by the cover image of Edition \\#80 of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory/National Solar Observatory (NOAO/NSO) Newsletter. This features an image of N11 from the Magellanic Clouds Emission Line Survey (credited to Drs.~S. Points, C. Smith, and M. Hanna). In addition to N12, N13, and N14, the image includes the significantly extended shell of gas that constitutes N10 from \\citet{hen56}. \\subsection{`Blue stragglers' in NGC\\,330} Blue stragglers were reported in NGC\\,330 by \\citet{l93}, with \\citet{grb96} arguing that they might be a product of binary evolution. Blue stragglers are thought to arise from either mass-exchange or stellar mergers \\citep[e.g.][]{pm94}, with recent studies of globular clusters suggesting that both channels play a role \\citep{d04}. Six of our targets in the NGC\\,330 observations are late O-type stars, three of which are less than 5$'$ from the centre of the cluster: NGC\\,330-023 (see Section \\ref{330_023}), NGC\\,330-049, and NGC\\,330-123. In particular, NGC\\,330-123 (R74-B18) is classified here as O9.5 V, cf. B0~Ve from \\citet{l93} and O9~III/Ve from \\citet[][who were quoting unpublished types from Lennon]{grb96}. Narrow (and weak) emission is seen in the core of the H$\\alpha$ Balmer line in the UVES spectrum of NGC\\,330-123, but is accompanied by [N~\\2] emission so the origins are likely nebular. Indeed, \\citet{sk98} note that there is an elliptical region of diffuse nebular emission centred on this star, it would appear that NGC\\,330-123 is the ionization source of this nebulosity. Interestingly, the radial velocity of NGC\\,330-123 is 177 km/s (with standard deviation, $\\sigma$ = 5), i.e. different from the systemic velocity of the cluster which is $\\sim$155 km/s \\citep[e.g.][]{l03}. Binarity is a possible explanation of this difference, but additional spectra at other epochs (October 1992 and October 1995), though of lower resolution, are in good agreement with the FLAMES data. If this star is coeval with the cluster then its current radial velocity might indicate a previous, though relatively recent ejection event. Its radial velocity however is similar to the three more distant O-type stars in the NGC\\,330 field: NGC\\,330-013, NGC\\,330-046 and NGC\\,330-052, which have $v_r =$ 176, 177 and 166~\\kms\\/ respectively. Two of these, NGC\\,330-013 and NGC\\,330-052, are found to be helium rich \\citep{rmsmc}, whilst NGC\\,330-123 has also been reported as helium rich by \\citet[][note that this paper erroneously refers to R74-A01 as helium rich, when it should actually refer to R74-B18, i.e. NGC\\,330-123]{l93}. All four stars could perhaps be considered as members of the general field population which, from the H-R diagram (Figure~\\ref{hrds}), can be seen to extend well beyond the notional cluster turn-off -- as represented by the $\\sim$20 stars with spectral types earlier than B1. We note that the majority of these stars have radial velocities rather different from the cluster radial velocity, suggesting that the probable number of true blue stragglers in this field belonging to NGC\\,330 is small. Both NGC\\,330-023 and NGC\\,330-049 are late O-type stars with velocities consistent with the cluster \\citep[cf.][]{l03}, although the pecularities of NGC\\,330-023 have already been discussed in Section~\\ref{330_023}. At respective radial distances of 2.3$'$ and 4.5$'$ they are not immediately proximate to the cluster core, but are perhaps outer members of the cluster and therefore could be true blue stragglers. The situation for NGC\\,2004 is qualitatively similar to that of NGC\\,330. The Wolf-Rayet and O2-3 stars stand out as potential blue stragglers but are more likely field stars, though the presence of an O2-3 star in the field is unusual in itself. One further candidate blue straggler is NGC\\,2004-019, which is close to the core, with $r_{\\rm d} =$ 1.5$'$. \\subsection{Incidence of Be-stars}\\label{discussbe} The numbers of Be-type stars in each FLAMES pointing are summarised in Table \\ref{overview2}. The observed field-population of B- and Be-type stars in our NGC\\,330 and NGC\\,2004 pointings should be relatively unaffected by specific selection effects (Section \\ref{seffects}), aside from the slightly different ($\\sim$0.5$^{\\rm m}$) faint cut-off of the observations. The Be-stars in Table~\\ref{overview2} include some in the outer regions of the clusters themselves. As an experiment, we considered the B-type stars with $r_d > {\\rm 2}'$ in NGC\\,330 and NGC\\,2004 to sample the field population away from the main clusters. All stars in the range B0-3 were counted and then the relative percentage of those that are seen to be Be-type stars was found. In NGC\\,2004 this ratio for the field population (i.e. Be / [Be$+$B]) was 16\\% (13/81), compared to 23\\% (18/77) in NGC\\,330. It is difficult to quantify the uncertainties in these results. Is there any effect in terms of absolute magnitude? As a further experiment (and still with the $r_d > {\\rm 2}'$ condition) we considered the early B-type stars in our NGC\\,330 data with $V \\leq$~16.03. Taking the difference of the distance moduli of the Clouds as 0.4$^{\\rm m}$, and allowing for the fact that the `typical' extinction toward the LMC is $\\sim$0.1$^{\\rm m}$ greater than the SMC \\citep[][]{m95}, this notionally imposes a similar cut-off as that in the NGC\\,2004 data. The Be-fraction for the NGC\\,330 field population remains robust at 24\\% (11 Be/45 Be+B). Our results are in reasonable agreement with those from \\citet{sk99} and, for NGC\\,2004, match those of \\citet{mhf}. Both \\citeauthor{sk99} and \\citeauthor{mhf} advanced their results as a lack of evidence for a strong dependence of the Be-fraction with metallicity when compared to the general result for the Milky Way of $\\sim$17-20\\% \\citep{zb}. This is in contrast to the results for clusters from \\citet{m99}. The statistics in our NGC\\,346 and N11 data do not provide a meaningful test of the relative numbers of Be stars at different metallicities. Aside from a likely mix of field and cluster populations in the NGC\\,346 pointing, the N11 region is even less suited given its complex star-formation history. \\subsection{Binaries and the binary fraction} With the time-sampling provided by the service-mode observations we are reasonably sensitive to detection of binarity in our SMC and LMC targets. In Appendix~\\ref{mjd} we give full details of the observational epochs of the FLAMES spectra. The observations in both N11 and NGC\\,2004 spanned a total of 57 days, and those in NGC\\,346 covered 84 days. The time-coverage of the majority of the NGC\\,330 data is not as extensive as for the other fields, covering 10 days. The new HR03 (\\lam4124) data offer some extra information in this regard (e.g. Section~\\ref{330_023}). However, given the relatively poor signal-to-noise in the 2003 data it is difficult to compare measured velocities meaningfully -- from these comparisons a number of stars are flagged as having potentially variable velocities. The FLAMES data are sufficient to derive periods for some of the newly discovered systems, the most interesting of which will receive a detailed treatment in a future study. The incidence of binaries in summarised in Table~\\ref{overview2}. We stress that stars considered as multiple in this discussion are those listed in Tables~\\ref{346}, \\ref{330}, \\ref{lh910}, and \\ref{2004} as `Binary' (be they SB1, SB2 or not specified). Stars suggested to perhaps demonstrate $v_r$ variations are not considered further, pending follow-up. As such, the percentages in Table~\\ref{overview} serve as strong, {\\it lower} limits on the binary fraction in our fields. In young, dense clusters multiplicity seems a common, almost ubiquitous feature. \\citet{gm01} found a significant binary fraction (79\\%) in the very young Galactic cluster NGC\\,6231, and \\citet{wbp99} and \\citet{p99} highlighted the high degree of multiplicity found in the massive members of the Orion Nebula, suggesting a different mode of star formation to that at lower masses (in which the binary fraction is lower). The formation mechanism of massive stars is still a point of significant debate. In their discussion of the competing scenarios of massive-star formation from accretion versus stellar mergers, \\citet{bz05} suggest that the multiple star fraction will be larger if merging dominates. \\citeauthor{bz05} also suggest that mergers may be the dominant process in ultradense regions such as 30 Doradus; perhaps the high binary fraction of O- and early B-type stars in N11 is indicative of this mode of star-formation, remembering that 36\\% is a solid, lower limit obtained from a programme that was not optimised for detection of binaries. By comparison, the low binary fraction in the NGC\\,330 targets is somewhat puzzling. Although fewer binaries are generally found in the field population \\citep[e.g.][]{mgh98}, the NGC\\,330 fraction is significantly lower than that for NGC\\,2004, which similarly samples the field (see Figures~\\ref{fchart_330} and \\ref{fchart_2004}). We speculate that, whilst the new HR03 data added an additional epoch to the time-sampling for the NGC\\,330 targets, it is still not as thorough as for the other fields. \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Overview of the number of Be-type stars and binaries in the LMC and SMC sample}\\label{overview2} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lp{1.2cm}p{1.2cm}p{1.2cm}p{1.2cm}p{1.2cm}} \\hline Field & O ($+$ Oe) & Early-B & Be & Total & Binary \\\\ & & (B0-3) & & (O$+$Early-B) & Fraction \\\\ \\hline SMC: NGC\\,330 & 6 & 76 & 22 & 104 & \\\\ {\\it Binary} & $-$ & {\\it 3} & {\\it 1} & {\\it 4} & {\\it 4\\%} \\\\ &&&&&\\\\ SMC: NGC\\,346 & 19 & 59 & 25 & 103 & \\\\ {\\it Binary} & {\\it 4} & {\\it 19} & {\\it 4} & {\\it 27} & {\\it 26\\%} \\\\ &&&&&\\\\ LMC: NGC\\,2004 & 4 & 83 & 18 & 105 & \\\\ {\\it Binary} & {\\it 1} & {\\it 21} & {\\it 2} & 24 & {\\it 23\\%} \\\\ &&&&&\\\\ LMC: N11 & 44 & 68 & 8 & 120 & \\\\ {\\it Binary} & {\\it 19} & {\\it 21} & {\\it 3} & {\\it 43} & {\\it 36\\%} \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*}" }, "0606/astro-ph0606627_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We analyse observations, spanning 15 years, dedicated to the extreme emission-line object \\hen. Our photometric data indicate that the luminosity of the star undergoes marked variations with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.65~mag. These variations are recurrent, with a period of 16.093$\\pm$0.005~d. The spectrum of \\hen\\ is peculiar with many different lines (H\\,{\\sc{i}}, \\he, \\feii,...) showing P Cygni profiles. The line profiles are apparently changing in harmony with the photometry. The spectrum also contains \\oiii\\ lines that display a saddle profile topped by three peaks, with a maximum separation of about 600~\\kms. \\hen\\ is most likely an evolved luminous object suffering from mass ejection events and maybe belonging to a binary system. ", "introduction": "In the middle of the last century, dedicated \\ha\\ surveys have identified many emission-line stars. A large number of these stars were at first classified as Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars but, on second sight, it appears that their spectrum rarely presents the typical WR characteristics. Although these peculiar objects may represent keys for understanding stellar evolution, only a few of them, generally the brightest and least reddened ones, were analysed in detail. \\hen, also known as WRAY\\,15-285, MR\\,14, SS73\\,10, or Ve\\,6-14 ($8^{\\rm h}48^{\\rm m}45.5^{\\rm s} -46 ^{\\circ}05'09''$, J2000), is such an emission-line object \\citep{vel}. It has only been poorly studied since its detection despite its peculiarities. The star actually displays a strong and broad \\ha\\ line which led to the classification of \\hen\\ as a Wolf-Rayet star \\citep{roberts,henize}, an extreme Be-like object \\citep{sand} and more recently as a B[e] star \\citep{dew}. \\citet{henize} even suggested that \\hen\\ could be a nova on the basis of its non-detection by \\citet{smi}. However, as the star is photometrically variable (see below), it could simply have been below Smith's detection limit at the time of her observation. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a long-term observing campaign on this object. The paper is organized as follows: the observations are presented in Sect.\\,2, the photometric data are analysed in Sect.\\,3, and the spectral features of \\hen\\ are examined in Sect.\\,4. Finally, we discuss in Sect.\\,5 the nature of the star using the gathered evidence and we conclude in Sect.\\,6. ", "conclusions": "Our study shed new light on the poorly known peculiar system \\hen. In our data, this intriguing object displays recurrent photometric variations with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.65~mag and a period of 16.09$\\pm$0.01~days. Its spectrum presents many P~Cygni profiles (H\\,{\\sc{i}}, \\he, \\feii,...) and some forbidden lines like \\oiii. The Balmer line profiles vary along with the photometry. The \\oiii\\ profile is very peculiar and contains three sub-peaks: one is associated with the foreground nebula, but the other two, separated by $\\sim$600~\\kms, indicate the presence of an accretion disk or of expanding ejecta close to the star. The actual nature of \\hen\\ is still difficult to ascertain with our limited sample of observations, but most existing evidence points towards a moderately bright and distant object ($d\\sim8-9$~kpc and $M_V\\sim-5.1$) having probably undergone a mass ejection event and maybe belonging to a binary system." }, "0606/astro-ph0606761_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a survey of spiral arm extinction substructure referred to as feathers in 223 spiral galaxies using HST WFPC2 images. The sample includes all galaxies in the RC3 catalog with $cz$ \\(<\\) 5000 km s\\(^{-1}\\), B\\(_{T}\\) \\(<\\)~15, {\\it i} \\(<\\)~60\\degr, and types Sa--Sd with well-exposed broadband WFPC2 images. The detection frequency of delineated, periodic feathers in this sample is 20\\%\\ (45 of 223). This work is consistent with Lynds (1970), who concluded that feathers are common in prototypical Sc galaxies; we find that feathers are equally common in Sb galaxies. Sb--Sc galaxies without clear evidence for feathers either had poorer quality images, or flocculent or complex structure. We did not find clearly defined feathers in any Scd--Sd galaxy. The probability of detecting feathers was highest (83\\%) for spirals with well-defined primary dust lanes (the lanes which line the inner edge of an arm); well-defined primary dust lanes were only noted in Sab--Sc galaxies. The detection frequency of feathers was similar in barred and unbarred spirals. Consistent with earlier work, we find that neighboring feathers tend to have similar shapes and pitch angles. Well-defined feathers often emerge from the primary dust lane as leading features before they curve to trailing; some are quite elongated, extending into the interarm and merging with other feathers. OB associations are often found lining feathers, and many feathers transition to the stellar substructures known as spurs (Elmegreen 1980). We find that feathers are coincident with interarm filaments strikingly revealed in Spitzer 8$\\mu$m images. Comparison with CO 1-0 maps of NGC 0628 and NGC 5194 from BIMA SONG shows that feathers originate at the primary dust lane coincident with gas surface density peaks. Contrary to the appearance at 8$\\mu$m, the CO maps show that gas surface density in feathers decreases rapidly with distance from the primary dust lane. Also, we find that the spacing between feathers decreases with increasing gas surface density; consistent with formation via a gravitational instability. ", "introduction": "Spiral arms are not smooth, continuous features. Typically an arm is composed of many substructures commonly referred to as feathers, spurs, and branches, which give the arm its patchy, divaricate appearance. This substructure appears associated with much of the star formation in the arm. \\subsection{Previous Observations of Spiral Arm Substructure}\\label{previous_obs} Early reports of spiral arm substructure were based on examination of photographic plates such as those used for prints in \\textit{The Hubble Atlas of Galaxies} (Sandage 1961). Weaver (1970) noted that the spiral arms of nearby galaxies appear clumpy, irregular, and mottled on small scales. In particular, he noted the presence of ``spurs\" (also referred to as branches or twigs), which appear to originate on the {\\it outside} of the arm, with larger pitch angles than the arm itself. Spurs extend from the outside of the arm into the interarm, and are seen in photographic plates as {\\it stellar} features. Weaver also noted the presence of {\\it dark} material concentrated along the {\\it inner} edges of spiral arms. He remarked that the outside regions of arms appear to be made of material drawn out or ``brushed\" from the inner edges, and that this brushed-out structure has a pitch angle typically a factor of two larger than the arm itself. At the same time, Lynds (1970) reported a detailed study of dark nebulae in 17 late-type spirals using photographic plates from Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories. She commented on the well-known strong dust lanes along the inner edge of the arms, which she termed ``primary dust lanes\" (hereafter abbreviated PDLs), and noted the presence of thin dust lanes with large pitch angles cutting {\\it across} the luminous arms. She called these features ``feathers\", and pointed out that these extinction features become mostly undetectable outside the luminous arm presumably owing to the absence of a sufficiently bright background. She also emphasized that bright {\\HII} regions are typically near or embedded in dust lanes. Later, Piddington (1973) noted that interarm stellar features called spurs by Weaver are often found associated with the extinction features cutting across luminous arms called feathers by Lynds, and suggested that the two are related. Subsequently, Elmegreen (1980) studied seven spiral galaxies to investigate the properties of spurs, which as noted above are observable as stellar features. Elmegreen was able to identify two to six well-delineated spurs in each of her galaxies, with lengths ranging from one to five kpc; her spurs are generally located in the outer parts of the luminous disk. She observed that spurs are always located on the outside of spiral arms, have pitch angles equal to or greater than that of the originating arm, and commonly occur in pairs or groups with the spurs oriented roughly parallel to one another. Elmegreen also determined that on average spurs have pitch angles of roughly 50\\degr\\ with respect to spiral arms, which is comparable to the average pitch angles of the feathers measured by Lynds (1970). Noting the similarity between the pitch angles of feathers and spurs, Elmegreen added further observational support to Piddington's (1973) suggestion that spurs and feathers have a common origin. \\subsection{Theoretical Studies of Substructure}\\label{theories} Motivated to explain the formation of observed spurs, branches, and feathers in spiral galaxies, Balbus (1988, hereafter B88) conducted a local gas dynamical stability analysis of a single-fluid polytropic flow through spiral arm potentials, following the linear evolution of self-gravitating perturbations. In his analysis, the background gaseous surface density profile representing the arm has an arbitrary spatial form, and the differentially rotating, expanding background flow is consistent with this profile. Balbus investigated all wavenumber directions in the plane of the disk and modeled the spiral arms as tightly wound, with no magnetic field. B88 found that there are two preferred directions of growth in spiral arm flow: initial wavefronts roughly along the spiral arm, or perpendicular to it. The rate of growth in both directions depends on the properties of the underlying flow. In certain regimes, growth of instabilities leads to fragmentation parallel to the arms, observed as a thickening of the arms. In other situations, growth of initially leading wavenumbers results in branches, feathers, or spurs. For wavefronts initially perpendicular to the arm, as the gas moves into the interarm region, the flow expansion and shear (which increases downstream from the arm) shapes and stretches small-scale structure into the familiar large scale trailing `spur' shapes that are observed. B88 also suggested that a two-dimensional lattice of small-scale structure can develop when the two dominant modes of growth intersect. In \\textit{The Hubble Atlas of Galaxies} (Sandage 1961), B88 found that some barred spiral galaxies, in particular the western arm of NGC 1300, seemed to exhibit a lattice structure of {\\HII} regions. However, he found no examples of such structure in unbarred galaxies. Kim and Ostriker (2002, hereafter KO) extended the local models of B88 by including the effects of non-linearity and magnetic fields. KO conducted local, two-dimensional, time-dependent, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of self-gravitating, differentially rotating, razor thin disks of gas. Their models followed the formation and fragmentation of ``gaseous spurs'' as the flow passes through spiral arm potentials. They found that local substructures are created via the magneto-Jeans instability (MJI); as the background flow passes through the spiral pattern it is shocked and compressed until it becomes Jeans unstable, at which point gravity, aided by magnetic forces, begins to create alternating compressed and rarefied regions along an arm. The magnetic effects aid the formation of compressed, self-gravitating complexes because magnetic tension forces oppose the Coriolis forces that would otherwise stabilize the flow, helping to transfer angular momentum out of growing condensations. KO found that the gaseous spurs fragment into clumps within which star formation could commence. They suggest that these clumps could be the precursors of bright {\\HII} regions that jut from the outside of spiral arms inside corotation. From their simulations, KO put together observable statistics of their gaseous spurs. Most potentially comparable to observations is the spacing of these features along a spiral arm, which they find ranges from 2--5 times the local Jeans wavelength (at the spiral arm density peak) and corresponds to a spacing of approximately 750 pc on average. KO also proposed that the shape and location of gaseous spurs within a spiral arm may potentially be used observationally to determine the spiral pattern speed of the arm. Very recently, Kim \\& Ostriker (2006) have extended their thin disk simulations to three dimensions, also making comparison to two-dimensional ``thick disk'' models. The results they find are overall consistent with the conclusions of KO, with the difference that spur spacings increase by a factor \\(\\sim2\\) due to the dilution of self gravity when the disk thickness increases. Chakrabarti, Laughlin, and Shu (2003, hereafter CLS) studied the response of a thin, self-gravitating, singular isothermal gaseous disk to rigidly rotating spiral potentials, specifically focusing on the effects of ultraharmonic resonances by choosing parameters that minimize swing amplification. In simulations with low \\(Q_{g}\\), CLS found growth of spiral arm ``branches'' (which they define as trailing bifurcations of the main spiral arms). Long-term simulations with high \\(Q_{g}\\) exhibited the growth of stubby leading structures (referred to as ``spurs'' by CLS; this is however inconsistent with terminology of other authors). Wada and Koda (2004, hereafter WK) performed two-dimensional, time dependent, global hydrodynamical simulations of a thin, isothermal, non-self-gravitating disk of gas in tightly and loosely wound, rigidly rotating spiral potentials. WK's model rotation profiles included both differentially rotating and rigidly rotating cases. They found that the spiral shock front is stable when the gas is modeled with a flat rotation curve and unstable when modeled with a rising rotation curve. In their models, they found the stability of the shock front is also dependent upon the pitch angle of the spiral arms: stable if \\(i\\leq10\\degr\\), unstable if \\(i\\geq10\\degr\\). In the unstable models of WK, strong shocks with arm-interarm density ratio \\(\\sim100\\) become unstable by rippling. WK attribute this ``wiggle'' instability to Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) modes involving the strong velocity shear behind the shock. Over time, the instabilities become non-linear forming what WK refer to as ``spurs'' in the interarm regions. The spurs are quasi-regularly spaced, approximately 100-200 pc apart; the authors do not state, however, how spacing depends on model parameters. Due to the shape of the rotation curve, the spurs formed in the WK simulations are curved near the arm in the opposite sense (i.e. trailing then leading) to the gaseous spurs produced in the KO simulations and the small-scale structure predicted in B88's analysis. Dobbs and Bonnell (2006, hereafter DB) used three-dimensional SPH simulations to study the response of isothermal, non-self-gravitating gaseous disk models with varying temperatures to a four armed rigidly-rotating spiral potential. DB find that the temperature of the disk has a crucial effect on the growth of spiral arm substructure. In the lower temperature (T \\(<10^{3}\\) K) models of DB, the initially smooth arms become clumpy, and then the clumps are sheared into trailing features as they return to interarm regions. The shapes of the interarm features found by DB are similar to those of KO, reflecting the flat rotation curve they adopt. DB use somewhat nonstandard terminology in describing their results; they refer to the portions of interarm extinction features adjoining arms as ``spurs'', and the portions further downstream as ``feathers''. In their T = 50 K model, which has arm-interarm contrast \\(\\sim50\\), the spacing of DB's spurs are \\(\\approx 700\\) pc; DB also do not state, however, how spacing depends on model parameters. \\subsection{Discussion of Substructure Nomenclature} As is evident from the above summaries, the terms ``spurs'', ``feathers'', and ``branches'' have been used in many ways. In this paper, we adopt the definitions from the initial, observational papers: \\textit{feathers} -- thin dust lanes or extinction features that extend outward at a large angle from the \\textit{primary dust lane} (PDL) which lines the inner side of the arm, cutting across the outer bright part of the spiral arm (Lynds 1970). \\textit{spurs} -- bright chains of OB associations and {\\HII} regions that jut at a large angle from the spiral arm into the interarm (Weaver 1970, Elmegreen 1980). \\textit{branches} -- divarications of a spiral arm that lend to the overall spiral structure (Elmegreen 1980). \\subsection{A New Survey of Spiral Arm Feathers} Feathers are of considerable interest because there are both observational (Lynds 1970, Piddington 1973, Elmegreen 1980, Scoville et al. 2001) and theoretical (B88, KO) reasons to associate them with a significant portion of star formation in spiral galaxies. Also, they may provide information on basic physical conditions in spiral arms, such as the mean gaseous surface density and magnetic field strength (KO). At least in principle, they may also be used to deduce the spiral pattern speed and details of the gas flow through spiral arms (KO, CLS). Lastly, they are a striking characteristic of prototypical grand design spiral galaxies (e.g. M51, Beckwith 2005) and may therefore tell us something about the evolutionary and environmental aspects of spiral structure. A complete description of spiral arms should include a characterization of the frequency and properties of such feathers, and a complete model of spiral structure should explain their dynamical origins. The goals of this survey include: confirming that feathers are a common feature of spiral galaxies, evaluating their frequency and characteristics, and determining the types of spiral galaxies in which feathers occur (barred or unbarred, early or late-type, grand design or flocculent). We aim to identify where feathers are located: in the inner or outer disk, on the inside of spiral arms or the outside? In addition, we investigate the relation of the spacing of feathers to the gas surface density of a galaxy. ", "conclusions": "We find extinction feathers in nearly 20\\% of 233 spiral galaxies. We show that feathers are most common in Sb--Sc galaxies; Sb--Sc galaxies in which we did not detect feathers either had poor quality images, or flocculent or complex structure. Feathers are rare in Sa galaxies and undetected in Scd--Sd galaxies. The presence of feathers is closely tied to the existence of a primary dust lane (PDL). The probability of detecting feathers increases with PDL delineation; the highest being 83\\% for spirals with well-delineated PDLs, within which feathers are ubiquitous. Characteristically, feathers: (1) are associated with bright star forming regions within spiral arms and interarm regions; (2) extend beyond the outer edge of spiral arms, sometimes far into interarm regions, and merging with the PDL of another arm; (3) transition or evolve into stellar spurs; and (4) often form lattice structures or multiple rows of feathers within a single spiral arm in barred galaxies. Furthermore, we find that the spacing of feathers is related to the molecular surface density along spiral arms; (1) typically, the distance between feathers increases as the molecular surface density decreases and (2) the majority of feathers originate in regions of higher gas surface density. The mean separation of feathers is \\(1.7 \\lambda_{Jeans}\\) and \\(10.4 \\lambda_{Jeans}\\) in NGC 0628 and NGC 5194; the value for NGC 0628 is likely an underestimate due to poor signal to noise and a lower limit of {\\HI} data. The above observable characteristics are consistent with models in which feathers are produced by local gravitational instabilities (i.e. Jeans or magneto-Jeans instability) in the gas." }, "0606/astro-ph0606282_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Galactic center (GC) provides a unique laboratory for a detailed examination of the interplay between massive star formation and the nuclear environment of our Galaxy. Here, we present an 100 ks {\\sl Chandra} ACIS observation of the Arches and Quintuplet star clusters. We also report on a complementary mapping of the dense molecular gas near the Arches cluster made with the Owens Valley Millimeter Array. We present a catalog of 244 point-like X-ray sources detected in the observation. Their number-flux relation indicates an over-population of relatively bright X-ray sources, which are apparently associated with the clusters. The sources in the core of the Arches and Quintuplet clusters are most likely extreme colliding wind massive star binaries. The diffuse X-ray emission from the core of the Arches cluster has a spectrum showing a 6.7-keV emission line and a surface intensity profile declining steeply with radius, indicating an origin in a cluster wind. In the outer regions near the Arches cluster, the overall diffuse X-ray enhancement demonstrates a bow shock morphology and is prominent in the Fe K$\\alpha$ 6.4-keV line emission with an equivalent width of $\\sim 1.4$ keV. Much of this enhancement may result from an ongoing collision between the cluster and the adjacent molecular cloud, which have a relative velocity $\\gtrsim 120 {\\rm~km^{-1}}$. The older and less compact Quintuplet cluster contains much weaker X-ray sources and diffuse emission, probably originating from low-mass stellar objects as well as a cluster wind. However, the overall population of these objects, constrained by the observed {\\sl total} diffuse X-ray luminosities, is substantially smaller than expected for both clusters, if they have normal Miller \\& Scalo initial mass functions. This deficiency of low-mass objects may be a manifestation of the unique star formation environment of the Galactic center, where high-velocity cloud-cloud and cloud-cluster collisions are frequent. ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intr} Nuclear regions of galaxies are the breeding ground of high energy phenomena and processes, which are manifested observationally by active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and star-bursts. Such activities are believed to be important in both regulating galaxy evolution and generating thermal and chemical feedback into the intergalactic medium. The best site for a detailed study of the activities and their complex interaction with the physically extreme environment in the nuclear regions of galaxies is our own nucleus, only $\\sim 8$ kpc away. We can observe the Galactic center (GC) with a spatial resolution and sensitivity that are factors $\\gtrsim 300$ and $ \\gtrsim 10^5$ better than those available for even nearby nuclear starburst galaxies (e.g., M82 and NGC 253) or AGNs (e.g., M81). While the super-massive black hole at the dynamic center of the Galaxy is only weakly active at present \\citep{bag01}, much of the current high-energy activity in the GC is due to the presence of the three young massive stellar clusters in the central 50 pc: Arches (with age equal to $2-3 \\times 10^6$ yrs; core or half-mass radius 0.4 pc), Quintuplet ($3-6 \\times 10^6$ yrs; 1.0 pc), and the Central cluster ($3-7 \\times 10^6$ yrs; 0.5 pc) (Figer et al. 1999, 2002, 2004; Stolte et al. 2002; Genzel et al. 2003). These clusters are responsible for about half of the Lyman continuum flux emitted in the central several $10^2$ pc of the GC. Massive stars are also expected to release large amounts of mechanical energy into the GC region in form of fast stellar winds and supernovae, although the actual rate is highly uncertain. This mechanical energy input shapes the surrounding ISM. The present work focuses on the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters. The GC cluster is less massive and older. Its location in the circum-nuclear region makes its X-ray properties difficult to characterize and will not be dealt with here (however see \\citealt{nay05}). Both the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters are known X-ray emitters. Discovered serendipitously at a large off-axis angle ($\\sim 7^\\prime$) in an initial 50 ks {\\sl Chandra} ACIS-I observation \\citep{yus02}, the X-ray emission arising from the \\xs\\ cluster was resolved into discrete and diffuse components. In a later 12 ks ACIS-I observation during a large-scale GC survey \\citep{wan02a}, the X-ray core of the cluster was further resolved into two separate components \\citep{wan03,law04}. The apparent diffuse X-ray component was speculated to arise from the so-called cluster wind \\citep{rag01,yus02}. Because of the high number density of massive stars, their stellar winds collide with each other and can be largely thermalized to form a plasma with an initial temperature of a few times $10^7$ K. The expanding of this plasma may then be considered as a wind from the entire cluster. However, the quality of the previous observations is not adequate for a quantitative test of this scenario. In particular, the diffuse X-ray spectrum shows a distinct 6.4-keV emission line from neutral or weakly ionized irons. The origin of this line is unknown. The X-ray emission from the \\xq\\ cluster is substantially weaker. The detection of a few discrete sources and possible diffuse emission in the region has been reported; but detailed spectral and timing information is not yet available \\citep{wan03,law04} To further the study of these two clusters and their relationship to the environment, we have obtained an 100 ks \\chandra\\ ACIS-I observation. We have further carried out a complementary imaging study of the molecular gas in the immediate surroundings of the Arches cluster using the six-element Owens Valley Millimeter Array. With these observations and other multi-wavelength data, we present an in-depth study of various point-like and diffuse X-ray sources in and around the clusters. In this paper, we assume that the distance to the GC is 8 kpc (hence $1^\\prime =$ 2.5 pc) and quote statistical errors from our X-ray data analysis at the 90\\% confidence level, unless being pointed out otherwise. The solar abundance is in reference to \\citet{and89}; thus the number of iron relative to hydrogen is $4.68 \\times 10^{-5}$, which is considerably greater than $2.69 \\times 10^{-5}$ in the so-called ISM abundance \\citep{wil02}, for example. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:dis} The above results show distinctly different X-ray properties between the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters. The \\xs\\ cluster contains three luminous point-like sources, all of which exhibit the strong 6.7-keV emission line, and two apparently diffuse components with either 6.4-keV or 6.7-keV line emission. The 6.4-keV line-emitting enhancement is strongly elongated, morphologically, tracing the east boundary of the CS cloud's southern extension. These characteristics are absent in the \\xq\\ cluster, in which we detect only weak X-ray sources, plus a very low surface brightness diffuse emission with a hard spectrum. There is also no evidence for any associated CS cloud. In the following, we discuss origins of these various X-ray components, possible causes of the distinct differences in the X-ray properties between the two clusters, and implications of our results. \\subsection{Galactic Center Environment}\\label{ss:d_envi} We attempt to understand the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters in the context of the unique GC environment. The generally high gas density and pressure, strong gravitational tidal force, and large random and bulk motion velocities in the GC affect both the formation and evolution of young stellar clusters \\citep{mor93}. Here we concentrate on the potential interplay between the molecular gas and the \\xs\\ cluster. Is the ``$-$30 km s$^{-1}$ cloud'' and the \\xs\\ cluster physically associated? On one hand, because of their large velocity separation, the two systems would pass each other in only $\\sim 10^4$ yrs if the size of the cloud along the line of sight is comparable to that projected in the sky and at the GC distance. On the other hand, the volume filling factor of dense molecular gas in the region is quite high ($\\gtrsim 0.3$; \\citealt{ser87}). In particular, the well-known Arched filaments all have negative velocities similar to that of the molecular gas; the photon-ionization modeling of these filaments suggests that they are physically in the vicinity of the \\xs\\ cluster \\citep{lan01a}. Thus the probability for a chance physical contact of a dense cloud with the cluster is not small. An independent argument for the association is an effective extinction deficit of $\\delta A_V \\approx 10$ over a region of $\\sim 15$\\as\\ from the cluster core, which can be interpreted as the displacement of the dusty gas by the cluster wind and/or the dust grain destruction by the UV radiation from the cluster \\citep{sto02}. The extinction is the largest towards the region just west of the cluster (\\citealt{sto02}; Note that East is to the right in their Figs.~3 and 8). Interestingly, this extinction deficit, corresponding to $\\delta N_H \\sim 3 \\times 10^{22} {\\rm~cm^{-2}}$, provides a natural explanation for the difference between our measured X-ray-absorbing column $N_H \\approx 8 \\times 10^{22} {\\rm~cm^{-2}}$ and the prediction from the total sight-line extinction $A_V = 24$ \\citep{sto02, boh78, sch98}. Furthermore, the interaction of the \\xs\\ cluster wind with the cloud may also explain the strong and distinct X-ray emission enhancement around the \\xs\\ cluster (\\S~\\ref{ss:d_line}). The far-IR spectroscopy further shows the presence of a component of dusty gas at a velocity of $-70 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$, unique at the location of the \\xs\\ cluster \\citep{cot05}. This component may represent shocked cloud gas, deflected toward us (e.g., in the lower left direction of Fig.~\\ref{f:ill}; see \\S~\\ref{ss:d_line} for further discussion). Therefore, we tentatively conclude that the ``$-$30 km s$^{-1}$ cloud'' and the cluster are undergoing a collision. The collision of such clouds with the \\xs\\ cluster may have strongly affected its evolution. The absence of a natal cloud associated with the cluster at its velocity, for example, may be a consequence of the collision. The removal of this natal cloud from the cluster at an early time could have reduced the probability for low-mass stars to form. The cloud-cloud collision could also be responsible for the formation of the \\xs\\ cluster itself. The exceptionally high gas temperature and velocity dispersion in such a formation formation process could also result in a top-heavy initial mass function (IMF; see \\S~\\ref{ss:d_yso} for further discussion). Our X-ray study further provides useful measurements about the GC environment. In addition to the $N_H$ measurement, we have also directly estimated the metal abundance (mainly iron) in the GC. Recent estimates based on near-IR spectroscopy of young and intermediate-age supergiants in GC \\citep[e.g.,][]{ram00} suggest an iron abundance that is consistent with being solar, i.e., similar to the abundance observed in the solar neighborhood. This result is {\\sl against} the general trend of an increasing metallicity with decreasing galacto-centric radius as observed in the disks of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies. Our X-ray measured iron abundance of $\\sim 1.8^{+0.8}_{-0.2}$ solar, based on the spectral analysis of the luminous colliding wind candidates in the \\xs\\ cluster, agrees with the trend. The thermal process involved in the X-ray emission is quite simple, and the ion fraction of the He-like Fe K$\\alpha$ emission is insensitive to the exact plasma temperature fitted. Furthermore, the iron abundance in the winds of the massive stars is not expected to be contaminated by their own nuclear synthesis in the deep cores of the stars. Therefore, we conclude that the iron abundance in the ISM of the GC is super-solar. \\subsection{Nature of Discrete X-ray Sources}\\label{ss:d_sou} As shown in \\S~\\ref{ss:sou_pop}, our analysis confirms a relatively flat source NFR in the region of the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters, as indicated first in \\citet{mun06}. Our obtained power law slope ($\\alpha = 1.26_{-0.13}^{+0.14}$; 90\\% confidence) is flatter than those in the deep observations of Sgr B2 ($1.7\\pm0.2$) and Sgr A$^*$ ($1.4\\pm0.1$) as well as the $2^\\circ \\times 0\\fdg8$ shallow survey ($1.5\\pm0.1$). The implied over-population of relatively bright X-ray sources is clearly related to the presence of the two clusters. The discrete X-ray sources in the core of the clusters are unlikely due to emission from individual normal massive stars or even binaries. The X-ray emission from such a star/binary can be characterized typically by an optically-thin thermal plasma with a temperature of $\\sim 0.6$~keV and a luminosity following the empirical relation $\\frac{L_{X}}{L_{bol}} \\sim 10^{-7}$, where $L_{bol}$ is the bolometric luminosity. Thus the emission is too soft and faint to be observed from the GC. Even the Pistol star near the core of the \\xq\\ cluser (Fig.~\\ref{f:im_multi_bw}d) is not detected as an X-ray source. The star is a luminous blue variable with $L_{bol} \\gtrsim 10^{6.6} L_\\odot$ and has an extinction of $A_{K} \\approx 3.2$, corresponding to $N_{H} \\approx 5.1\\times10^{22} {\\rm~cm^{-2}}$. Assuming the {\\sl MEKAL} thermal plasma with a temperature of 0.6 keV, we estimate that the 3$\\sigma$ upper limit to the 0.3-8 keV luminosity is 3 $\\times10^{33} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, consistent with $L_{x}/L_{bol} \\sim 10^{-7}$. Most likely, the luminous X-ray sources associated with the \\xs\\ cluster represent colliding stellar winds in massive star close binaries. The characteristic shock temperature of a colliding wind is \\begin{equation} T \\simeq (3\\times10^{7} {\\rm~K}) v_{w,3}^{2}, \\end{equation} where $v_{w,3}$ is the relative colliding wind velocity in units of $10^3 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$. Well-known examples of such systems are WR11 (kT$\\approx 4.3$ keV, $L_X \\sim 8 \\times 10^{33} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$; \\citealt{sch04}) and WR140 (kT$\\approx 3$ keV, $L_X \\sim 2 \\times 10^{33} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$; \\citealt{zhe00}). Clearly, the expected temperatures are similar to the measured values for the sources in the \\xs\\ cluster, although their luminosities seem to be substantially higher than those confirmed colliding wind systems, which all have $L_X < 1 \\times 10^{34} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{osk05}. The unusually high X-ray luminosities of the colliding wind systems may be related to the compactness of the \\xs\\ cluster, in which very close binaries may form dynamically. In contrast, the X-ray sources in the \\xq\\ cluster are probably typical colliding wind systems. They all have individual $L_X$ in the range of $(0.2-3) \\times 10^{33} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ as well as the hard X-ray spectra with the 6.7-keV emission line, as expected. While only relatively luminous X-ray sources are detected individually, sources below our detection limit are hidden in the ``diffuse'' emission. Indeed, the diffuse emission in the cores of the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters shows a general correlation with their stellar distributions (Fig.~\\ref{f:rbp}). Thus, relatively faint colliding wind binaries could significantly contribute to the emission. But the bulk of the diffuse X-ray emission in outer regions of the clusters may have different origins for several reasons. First, the emission extends much further away from the cluster cores than the stellar light distributions (Fig.~\\ref{f:rbp}). Second, the spectrum of the diffuse emission is harder than that of the discrete sources. Third, the emission in the outer region of the \\xs\\ cluster mainly exhibits the 6.4-keV line, inconsistent with the the colliding wind interpretation. \\begin{figure*}[!htb] \\centerline{ \\epsfig{figure=f15.eps,width=1\\textwidth,angle=0} } \\caption{\\small Radial ACIS-I 1-9 keV intensity profiles ({\\sl crosses} with $1\\sigma$ error bars) around the \\xs\\ (a) and \\xq\\ (b) clusters, compared with the respective NICMOS F205W stellar light distributions (connected {\\sl triangles}). The cluster wind predictions are shown approximately as the solid line from 3-D simulations for the ``standard'' stellar wind mass-loss rates of the two clusters \\citep{roc05}. \\label{f:rbp}} \\end{figure*} \\subsection{Cluster Winds}\\label{ss:d_cw} In addition to colliding winds in individual massive star binaries, the collision among stellar winds collectively becomes important in a compact cluster such as the \\xs. The collision results in the thermalization of the stellar winds and their subsequent merging into a so-called cluster wind. Various 1-D models and 3-D hydrodynamic simulations have been carried out on cluster winds \\citep{rag01,ste03,roc05}. Within the uncertainties of such model parameters as overall stellar wind velocities and mass loss rates, simulated cluster winds are shown to explain the luminosities of diffuse X-ray emission from several star clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{ste03,roc05}; but little detailed comparison has yet been performed. Fig.~\\ref{f:rbp} compares the radial diffuse X-ray intensity profiles from the 3-D hydro-dynamical simulations, carried out specifically for the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters, approximately accounting for the discrete positions of massive stars and their individual stellar wind properties \\citep{roc05}. For the \\xq, the cluster wind could account for $\\sim 1/4-1/3$ of the observed diffuse X-ray emission. For the \\xs, which is much more compact, the simulated profile gives a reasonably good match to our measured distribution of the diffuse X-ray intensity within $\\sim 10$\\as, but is too steep to explain the emission at larger radii. The flattening of the observed intensity distribution in the radius range of $\\sim 10^{\\prime\\prime}$ to $\\lesssim 15^{\\prime\\prime}$) may arise from the reverse shock heating and confinement of the wind. At larger radii, the overall diffuse X-ray enhancement demonstrates a bow shock morphology and is prominent in the Fe K$\\alpha$ 6.4-keV line emission (\\S~\\ref{sss:dif_a}), inconsistent with the expectation for the cluster wind interpretation (see below). Therefore, the cluster wind may be important in the core, but not in the outer region of the \\xs\\ cluster. The complexity of the diffuse X-ray emission from the \\xs\\ cluster probably reflects its interaction with the CS cloud. Both the morphology of the diffuse X-ray emission, particularly the elongation of the 6.7-keV line emission, and the extinction deficit distribution indicate that the motion of the cluster relative to the cloud is from East to West in the sky. Because of their supersonic relative motion, a bow-shock is expected to form around the cluster. Fig.~\\ref{f:ill} illustrates this simple-minded scenario for the interaction, although the true situation is certainly more complicated. Following \\citet{bur88}, we can estimate from the ram-pressure balance the characteristic radius of the reverse shock in the cluster wind as \\begin{equation} r_s = (0.7 {\\rm~pc}) \\dot{M}_{w,-4}^{1/2} v_{w,3}^{1/2} v_{r,2}^{-1} n_{a,2}^{-1/2}, \\label{e_r_s} \\end{equation} where $\\dot{M}_{w,-4}$ is the mass-loss rate of the cluster wind (in units of $ 10^{-4} M_\\odot$), $v_{r,2}$ is the relative velocity between the cluster and the cloud ($10^2 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$), and $n_{a,2}$ is the gas density in the colliding cloud ($10^2 {\\rm~cm^{-3}}$). Because the contact discontinuity has a scale $l_c \\sim 1.5 r_s$, we can estimate the volume of shocked wind materials as $V \\sim \\frac{4\\pi}{3}(1-1/1.5^3) l_c^3$. Assuming that this volume corresponds to the 6.7-keV line plume, which has a radius $l_c \\sim 0.6$ pc (15\\as) and we can infer $n_e \\sim 5 {\\rm~cm^{-3}}$ from the integrated emission measure of the central plume, $IEM \\sim 16 {\\rm~cm^{-6}~pc^3}$ (the {\\sl MEKAL} fit in Table~\\ref{spec_d}). The ram-pressure balance also gives the density of the shocked ambient gas $n_a \\sim \\frac{n_e}{4}(\\frac{v_w}{v_{r}})^2$ $\\sim (1.3 \\times 10^2 {\\rm~cm^{-3}}) v_{w,3}^2 v_{r,2}^{-2}$. This, together with Eq.~\\ref{e_r_s}, gives $\\dot{M} \\sim (1 \\times 10^{-4} M_\\odot) v_{w,3}$. The above inferred $n_a$ and $\\dot{M}$ values depend on $v_w$, which may be quite uncertain. In particular, the near-IR spectroscopic estimate of stellar winds may have significantly underestimated $v_w$ as possible low-emissivity winds in the line profiles were not taken into account \\citep{cot96}, i.e., the wind terminal velocity could be considerably higher than $1 \\times 10^3 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$. Nevertheless, the above inferred mass-loss rate still appears substantially smaller (by a factor of up to $\\sim 10$) than the current estimates based on radio continuum estimates \\citep[e.g.,][]{lan05}. Such estimates may be very uncertain (e.g., \\citealt{roc05}), particularly for binaries with strong wind-wind interaction. The relatively small $n_a$ value is consistent with the weak CS emission from the ambient gas, probably representing the inter-clump medium of the colliding cloud. While the shocked cluster wind should be constantly flowing out from the bow shock at a velocity comparable to the sound velocity $c_s \\sim (8 \\times 10^2 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}) v_{w,3}$, we can also estimate the ionization time scale as $\\tau \\sim n_e l_c/c_s \\sim (1 \\times 10^{11} {\\rm~cm^{-3}~s}) v_{w,3}^{-1}$, which is much too large to explain the 6.4-keV line emission with an {\\sl NEI} plasma, but is consistent with that inferred from the spectrum of the central plume (\\S~\\ref{sss:dif_a}). Therefore, the observed size and shape of the 6.7-keV line plume (Fig.~\\ref{f:im_line}), at least qualitatively, match the predictions of this simple bow shock interpretation, within the uncertainties of the relevant parameters. \\subsection{Origin of the 6.4-keV line emission}\\label{ss:d_line} The above discussion indicates that the 6.4-keV line emission associated with the \\xs\\ cluster is unlikely due to an {\\sl NEI} process. We thus consider the possible origin of the line emission as the filling of iron K-shell vacancies produced by either ionizing radiation with photon energies $> 7.1$ keV or collision with low-energy cosmic-ray electrons \\citep[LECRe;][]{val00}. The fluorescent line emission and Thompson continuum scattering seem to give a reasonable good explanation for those most prominent 6.4-keV enhancements associated with well-known giant molecular clouds such as Sgr B2 and Sgr C in the GC \\citep{koy96a, cra02, rev04}. This explanation requires the presence of a luminous X-ray source with a spectrum consistent with the observed power law continuum with a photon index of $\\Gamma \\approx 1.8$. Because such a source is currently not present in the GC, the observed emission is proposed to be the reflection of past Sgr A*, with an X-ray luminosity of $\\gtrsim 10^{39} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, about a few hundreds years ago. However, the fluorescence interpretation has difficulties in accounting for the 6.4-keV line emission regions closer to Sgr A*. A comparison of the CS emission and the diffuse 6.4-keV line intensity does not show a peak-to-peak correlation, which should be expected because the gas traced by the CS emission is expected to be optically thin to the iron ionizing radiation \\citep{wan03}. As shown in \\S~\\ref{ss:cs_dist}, the detailed correlation is also absent in the \\xs\\ CS cloud. This difficulty may be avoided, if the CS emission does not trace well the actual gas distribution (e.g., due to the destruction of the molecule by the strong UV radiation from the \\xs\\ cluster). Even in this case, however, the gas column density of the cloud cannot be much greater than $\\delta N_H \\sim 10^{22} {\\rm~cm^{-2}}$, constrained by both the X-ray absorption and the near-IR extinction distribution (\\S~\\ref{ss:d_envi}). Following \\citet{sun98}, we estimate the required X-ray luminosity of Sgr A* to produce the detected 6.4-keV line intensity of the \\xs\\ (Fig.~\\ref{f:cs_x}) as \\begin{equation} L_X = (4 \\times 10^{39}{\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}) (d/27 {\\rm~pc})^2 (\\delta N_H/10^{22} {\\rm~cm^{-2}})^{-1}, \\end{equation} where we have assumed the iron abundance to be 2 $\\times$ solar and have scaled the distance ($d$) between the cloud and Sgr A* to be their projected separation in the sky, corresponding a light travel time of only about 90 years. Of course, the actual distance is likely to be greater, and the required $L_X$ should then be higher. This common interpretation of the 6.4-keV line enhancement and those associated with Sgr B2 and Sgr C, though difficult to rule out completely, would not explain the apparent position coincidence between the cloud and the cluster. Alternatively, one may consider the \\xs\\ cluster as the origin of the hard X-rays. But this possibility can be easily dismissed because of the absence of the 6.7-keV line (which is strong in both the point-like sources and in the cluster core) in the 6.4-keV line enhancement. Furthermore, the observed X-ray luminosity of the cluster is more than a factor of $10^2$ short of what is required for the fluorescence interpretation. A more plausible scenario for the \\xs\\ 6.4-keV line enhancement is the LECRe-induced Fe K-shell vacancy filling \\citep{val00}. In this scenario, the continuum is due to the bremsstrahlung radiation of the LECRe. The expected power-law photon index of the continuum is 1.3-1.4 over the range of 1-10 keV, consistent with our measured value of the SE extension (Table~\\ref{spec_d}). The LECRe may be produced in strong shocks that are present within the \\xs\\ cluster and in both the forward bow shock and the reverse-shock in the cluster wind (see the discussion above). For example, \\citet{byk00} have shown that a shock of velocity $\\gtrsim 10^2 {\\rm~km~s^{-1}}$ into a molecular cloud, accompanied by magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence, can provide a spatially inhomogeneous distribution of nonthermal LECRe. \\citet{yus03} have further presented observational evidence for nonthermal diffuse radio emission from the \\xs\\ cluster and have suggested that colliding wind shocks may generate the responsible relativistic particles. The diffuse X-ray enhancement has a bow-shock morphology and is presumably linked to the site of particle acceleration. But, because of particle diffusion and gas flow, one does not expect a peak-to-peak correlation of the X-ray emission with the CS emission from the colliding cloud. Following \\citet{yus02a}, we estimate the LECRe energy density required to produce the observed 6.4-keV line intensity. If the {\\sl shocked} gas density is $\\sim 10^{3} {\\rm~cm^{-3}}$, the required energy density is then $\\sim 6 \\times 10^3 {\\rm~eV~cm^{-3}}$, substantially greater than the value $0.2 {\\rm~eV~cm^{-3}}$ from averaging over the Galactic ridge \\citep{val00}. But the implied pressure inside the bow shock can still be balanced by the high ram-pressure ($\\sim 2 \\times 10^{-8} v_{r,2}^2 n_{a,2} {\\rm~dyn~cm^{-2}}$) of the collision between the cluster wind and the CS cloud. In short, the bow shock provides a plausible interpretation of the distinct spatial and spectral properties of the diffuse X-ray emission around the cluster and its physical relationship to the CS cloud. \\begin{figure}[!thb] \\centerline{ \\epsfig{figure=f16.eps,width=0.4\\textwidth} } \\caption{\\small An illustration of the proposed cluster-cloud collision scenario for the \\xs. The shocked cloud gas is partly traced by the CS and 6.4-keV lines (Fig.~\\ref{f:cs_x}), whereas the shocked cluster wind plasma near the cluster is by the 6.7-keV line (Fig.~\\ref{f:im_line}). } \\label{f:ill} \\end{figure} Finally, we consider the possibility that the 6.4-keV line enhancement represents the reprocessed X-rays from numerous discrete and faint sources embedded around the \\xs\\ cluster. A natural candidate for such sources might be low-mass pre-main sequence young stellar objects (YSOs). But they are in general not known to emit strong 6.4-keV line emission. In the Orion nebula, for example, the line emission is detected from only a few YSOs and with EWs less than 300 keV. Therefore, YSOs are probably not a significant contributor to the 6.4-keV line enhancement. \\subsection{YSO population and stellar IMF}\\label{ss:d_yso} The overall luminosity of the diffuse X-ray emission provides a fundamental limit to the population of YSOs and hence the IMF of the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters. YSOs in the mass range of $(0.3 - 3) M_\\odot$ typically have large $L_X/L_{bol}$ ratios and hard X-ray spectra. Most importantly, they can be numerous, as shown in the {\\sl Chandra} Orion Ultra-deep Project \\citep{fei05}. Though with a {\\sl mean} 2-8 keV luminosity of only $\\sim 1.2 \\times 10^{30} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ per star, YSOs collectively account for about 75\\% of the luminosity of the Orion nebula, the IMF of which is consistent with the standard Miller \\& Scalo (1979; MS hereafter), based on the work by \\citet{hil97}. If the clusters in the GC have a similar IMF, YSOs should then be equally important. At the GC, typical YSOs cannot be detected individually, but can be constrained collectively in {\\sl Chandra} observations. Based on the diffuse X-ray intensity observed around Sgr A*, \\citet{nay05} find that the population of YSOs in the GC cluster is extremely small. They conclude that it cannot be a remnant of a massive star cluster, originated at several tens of parsecs away from Sgr A* and then dynamically spiralled in, and is thus most likely formed {\\sl in situ} in a self-gravitating circum-nuclear disk and with a top heavy IMF. While star formation around a super-massive black hole represents an extreme, it is clearly important to examine the IMF of the \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters in the general environment of the GC. We find a similar deficiency of YSOs in \\xs\\ and \\xq\\ clusters, which places important constraints on their IMF. Existing near-IR studies have provided estimates on the present-day MF of stars with masses greater than a few solar masses in the core of the \\xs\\ cluster; MF measurements in outer regions are difficult because of severe confusion with field stars. Fig.~\\ref{f:imf} shows the MF within $r < 0.4$ pc of the \\xs\\ cluster \\citep{sto05}, compared with various predictions of YSOs. The standard MS IMF, normalized with the number of stars in the mass range of $M > 60$ M$_\\odot$, predicts at least 2$\\times10^{5}$ YSOs. Using our measurements of the diffuse X-ray emission, we can directly get an upper limit to the population of YSOs over the entire cluster ($r < 2.5$ pc). We assume that the mean X-ray luminosity of the YSOs in the \\xs\\ cluster to be the same as that in the Orion nebula, because of their similar ages. As is shown above, much of the diffuse X-ray emission, though difficult to quantify, likely has other origins (e.g., cluster winds) to account for the prominent iron K$\\alpha$ lines. Therefore, the use of the total 2-8 keV diffuse X-ray luminosity of $2 \\times 10^{34} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ (Table~\\ref{spec_d}) gives the upper limit as $2 \\times 10^{4}$ YSOs, which is a factor of 10 smaller than the above prediction from the MS IMF. The actual discrepancy should be substantially larger. We have neglected the mass loss in the stellar evolution, which is important for the massive stars. Considering the mass loss, the number of stars in the above initial mass range, hence the normalization of the IMF, would be greater. The number of cluster stars in the region of $r= 0.4-2.5$ pc is also not included, though difficult to fully quantify; for example, there are 77 stars with $M>40 M_{\\odot}$ in the radius $r< $ 0.6 pc \\citep{fig99b}, compared to about 48 in the same mass range of the MF obtained by \\citet{sto05} for $r< $ 0.4 pc. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\centerline{ \\epsfig{figure=f17.eps,width=0.5\\textwidth} } \\caption{\\small Present-day MF as obtained by \\citet{sto05} in the $r < 0.4$~pc core of the \\xs\\ cluster, compared with the power law ($\\propto M^\\Gamma$, where $\\Gamma=-0.86$; dashed curve) fitted in the 6-60 M$_\\odot$ range \\citep{sto05}) and the MS half-Gaussian (dot-dashed line), normalized to the number of stars in the mass range of $> 60$ M$_\\odot$. The X-ray-inferred upper limit to the number of YSOs (0.3-3 M$_\\odot$) in the entire cluster is marked as the bar with the arrow. The MF at M $\\lesssim$ 6 M$_\\odot$ may be significantly contaminated by field stars \\citep{sto05}.} \\label{f:imf} \\end{figure} An extrapolation of a power law fit in the mass range of 6-60 M$_\\odot$, as obtained by \\citet{sto05}, is consistent with the X-ray-inferred number of YSOs (Fig.~\\ref{f:imf}). But, \\citet{sto05} shows that the MF steepens with radius. This steepening is expected as a result of the dynamic mass segregation of stars in the cluster core \\citep{kim02,por02}. Furthermore, mergers among stars may also be important in flattening the MF toward the cluster core. Therefore, the MF of the entire cluster, including the region in $r = 0.4 - 2.5$ pc, is likely to be steeper. If this is the case, a turnover in the MF (e.g., at $\\sim 6$ M$_{\\odot}$, as indicated in the study of \\citet{sto05}, may indeed be required to explain the X-ray-inferred upper limit on the overall YSO population in the \\xs\\ cluster. Similarly, we can constrain the YSO population in the \\xq\\ cluster. There are 30 stars with masses larger than 20 $M_{\\odot}$ within $r = 25$\\as\\ (1 pc) of the \\xq\\ cluster \\citep{fig99a}. Assuming the MS IMF would predict a total number of YSOs to be at least $2 \\times10^{4}$. These YSOs would have a 2-8 keV luminosity of $\\sim 1 \\times10^{34} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, accounting for the weak dependence of the mean X-ray luminosity on the cluster age (a factor of 1.6; \\citealt{pre05}). This predicted value is a factor of 5 greater than our measured total diffuse X-ray luminosity of $2 \\times10^{33} {\\rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$ within $\\sim 1^\\prime$ of the \\xs2\\ cluster (\\S~\\ref{sss:dif_a})." }, "0606/nucl-th0606063_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using the relativistic impulse approximation with the Love-Franey \\textsl{NN} scattering amplitude developed by Murdock and Horowitz, we investigate the low-energy ($100$ MeV$\\leq E_{\\mathrm{kin}}\\leq 400$ MeV) behavior of the nucleon Dirac optical potential, the Schr\\\"{o}dinger-equivalent potential, and the nuclear symmetry potential in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter. We find that the nuclear symmetry potential at fixed baryon density decreases with increasing nucleon energy. In particular, the nuclear symmetry potential at saturation density changes from positive to negative values at nucleon kinetic energy of about $200$ MeV. Furthermore,the obtained energy and density dependence of the nuclear symmetry potential is consistent with those of the isospin- and momentum-dependent MDI interaction with $x=0$, which has been found to describe reasonably both the isospin diffusion data from heavy-ion collisions and the empirical neutron-skin thickness of $^{208} $Pb. ", "introduction": "The energy dependence of the nuclear symmetry potential, i.e., the isovector part of nucleon mean-field potential in asymmetric nuclear matter, has recently attracted much attention \\cite% {91bomb,97ulrych,das03,li04a,li04b,chen04,rizzo04,fuchs04,mazy04,chen05,li05xmed,05behera,baran05,samma05,zuo05,fuchs05,fuchs05prc,rizzo05,mazy06}% . Its knowledge together with that of the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy are important for understanding not only the structure of radioactive nuclei and the reaction dynamics induced by rare isotopes but also many critical issues in astrophysics \\cite{ireview98,ibook}. Various microscopic and phenomenological models, such as the relativistic Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) \\cite% {97ulrych,fuchs04,mazy04,samma05,fuchs05,fuchs05prc,mazy06} and the non-relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) \\cite{91bomb,zuo05} approach, the relativistic mean-field theory based on nucleon-meson interactions \\cite% {baran05}, and the non-relativistic mean-field theory based on Skyrme-like interactions \\cite{das03,05behera}, have been used to study the nuclear symmetry potential, but the predicted results were found to vary widely. While most models predict a decreasing nuclear symmetry potential with increasing nucleon momentum, albeit at different rates, a few nuclear effective interactions used in some of the models lead to an opposite conclusion. Using the relativistic Dirac optical potential obtained from the relativistic impulse approximation (RIA) \\cite% {mcneil83prc,mcneil83,shepard83,arnold79,clark83,miller83,horowitz85,murdock87,tjon85,ott88,jin93,toki01} with the empirical nucleon-nucleon (\\textsl{NN}) amplitude calculated by McNeil, Ray, and Wallace (MRW) \\cite{mcneil83prc,mcneil83,shepard83}, which works well for elastic nucleon-nucleus scattering at medium and high energies (above $500$ MeV), three of present authors \\cite{chen05ria} have recently studied the high-energy behavior of the nuclear symmetry potential in asymmetric nuclear matter. It was found that for nucleons at high energies, the symmetry potential at fixed baryon density is essentially constant and is slightly negative below nuclear density of about $\\rho =0.22$ fm$^{-3}$ but increases almost linearly to positive values at high densities. A nice feature of RIA is that it permits very little phenomenological freedom in deriving the nucleon Dirac optical potential in nuclear matter. The basic ingredients in this method are the free \\textsl{NN} invariant scattering amplitude and the nuclear scalar and vector densities in nuclear matter. This is in contrast to the relativistic DBHF approach, where different approximation schemes and methods have been introduced for determining the Lorentz and isovector structure of the nucleon self-energy \\cite{97ulrych,fuchs04,mazy04,samma05,fuchs05,fuchs05prc,mazy06}. However, the original RIA of MRW failed to describe spin observables at laboratory energies lower than $500$ MeV\\cite{ray85}, and its predicted oscillations in the analyzing power in proton-\\textrm{Pb} scattering at large angles were also in sharp disagreement with experimental data \\cite{drake85}. These shortcomings are largely due to the implicit dynamical assumptions about the relativistic \\textsl{NN} interaction in the form of the Lorentz covariance \\cite{adams84} and the somewhat awkward behavior under the interchange of two particles \\cite{horowitz85} as well as the omitted medium modification due to the Pauli blocking effect. To solve these theoretical limitations at lower energies, Murdock and Horowitz (MH) \\cite{horowitz85,murdock87} extended the original RIA to take into account following three improvements: i) an explicit exchange contribution was introduced by fitting to the relativistic \\textsl{NN} scattering amplitude; ii) a pseudovector coupling rather than a pseudoscalar coupling was used for the pion; iii) medium modification from the Pauli blocking was included. With these improvements, the RIA with free \\textsl{NN} scattering amplitude was then able to reproduce successfully measured analyzing power and spin rotation function for all considered closed shell nuclei in proton scattering near $200$ MeV. Particularly, the medium modification due to the Pauli blocking effect was found to be essential in describing the spin rotation function for $^{208}$% Pb at proton energy of $290 $MeV \\cite{murdock87}. Extending our previous work by using the generalized RIA of MH and the nuclear scalar and vector densities from the relativistic mean-field theory, we study in the present paper the low-energy ($100$ MeV$\\leq E_{\\mathrm{kin}% }\\leq 400$ MeV) behavior of the nucleon Dirac optical potential, the Schr% \\\"{o}dinger-equivalent potential, and the nuclear symmetry potential in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter. We find that for low energy nucleons the nuclear symmetry potential at fixed nuclear density decreases with increasing nucleon energy. In particular, the nuclear symmetry potential at saturation density changes from positive to negative values at nucleon kinetic energy around $200$ MeV. The resulting energy and density dependence of the nuclear symmetry potential is further found to be consistent with the isospin- and momentum-dependent MDI interaction with $x=0$ \\cite% {das03,chen05}, which has been constrained by the isospin diffusion data in heavy-ion collisions and the empirical neutron-skin thickness of $^{208}$Pb \\cite{chen05,li05xmed,steiner05nskin,chen05nskin}. Our results thus provide an important consistency check for the energy dependence of the nuclear symmetry potential in asymmetric nuclear matter. The paper is organized as follows. In Section \\ref{optical}, we briefly review the generalized relativistic impulse approximation for the nuclear optical potential. Results on the relativistic nuclear optical potential, the resulting Schr\\\"{o}dinger-equivalent potential, and the nuclear symmetry potential in asymmetric nuclear matter are presented in Section \\ref{results}% . A summary is given in Section \\ref{summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{summary} Based on the generalized relativistic impulse approximation of MH and the scalar and vector densities from the relativistic mean-field theory with the parameter set HA, we have studied the low-energy behavior of the nuclear symmetry potential in asymmetric nuclear matter. In the relativistic impulse approximation of MH, the low energy behavior of the Dirac optical potential has been significantly improved by including the pseudovector coupling for pion, the exchange contribution, and medium modification due to the Pauli blocking effect. We find that compared with results from the original RIA of MRW, the generalized RIA of MH gives essentially identical real parts of the scalar and vector amplitudes for both proton-proton and neutron-proton scattering but significantly reduced strength in their imaginary parts at low energies $E_{\\mathrm{kin}}\\leq 300$ MeV. These improvements in the RIA of MH modify the real scalar and vector Dirac optical potentials at lower energies and make the resulting energy dependence of the Schr\\\"{o}% dinger-equivalent potential and nuclear symmetry potential more reasonable. At saturation density, the nuclear symmetry potential is found to change from positive to negative values at nucleon kinetic energy of about $200$ MeV. This is a very interesting result as it implies that the proton (neutron) feels an attractive (repulsive) symmetry potential at lower energies but repulsive (attractive) symmetry potential at higher energies in asymmetric nuclear matter. Adding also the repulsive Coulomb potential, a high energy proton in asymmetric nuclear matter thus feels a very stronger repulsive potential. This behavior of the nuclear symmetry potential can be studied in intermediate and high energy heavy-ion collisions that are induced by radioactive nuclei, e.g., by measuring two-nucleon correlation functions \\cite{chen-nn} and light cluster production \\cite{chen-cluster} in these collisions. Comparing the energy and density dependence of the nuclear symmetry potential from the RIA of MH with that from the MDI interaction indicates that results from the MDI interaction with $x=0$ are in good agreement with those from the RIA of MH. For baryon density less than $0.25$ fm$^{-3}$ and nucleon energy less than $400$ MeV as considered in the present work, the nuclear symmetry potential from the MDI interaction with $x=0$ lies approximately between the two results from the RIA of MH with isospin-dependent and isospin-independent Pauli blocking corrections. This provides a strong evidence for the validity of the MDI interaction with $x=0$ in describing both the isospin diffusion data in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions and the neutron skin thickness data for $^{208}$Pb. The results presented in present work thus provide an important consistency check for the energy/momentum dependence of the nuclear symmetry potential in asymmetric nuclear matter, particularly the momentum dependent MDI interaction with $x=0$, which is an essential input to the isospin-dependent transport model \\cite{li04b,baran05,li05xmed} in studying heavy-ion collisions induced by radioactive nuclei at intermediate energies. They are also useful in future studies that extend the Lorentz-covariant transport model \\cite{ko87,mosel92} to include explicitly the isospin degrees of freedom." }, "0606/astro-ph0606231_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report in this letter our analysis of a large sample of photospheric vector magnetic field measurements. Our sample consists of 17200 vector magnetograms obtained from January 1997 to August 2004 by Huairou Solar Observing Station of the Chinese National Astronomical Observatory. Two physical quantities, $\\alpha$ and current helicity, are calculated and their signs and amplitudes are studied in a search for solar cycle variations. Different from other studies of the same type, we calculate these quantities for weak ($100G<|B_z|<500G$) and strong ($|B_z|>1000G$) fields separately. For weak fields, we find that the signs of both $\\alpha$ and current helicity are consistent with the established hemispheric rule during most years of the solar cycle and their magnitudes show a rough tendency of decreasing with the development of solar cycle. Analysis of strong fields gives an interesting result: Both $\\alpha$ and current helicity present a sign opposite to that of weak fields. Implications of these observations on dynamo theory and helicity production are also briefly discussed. ", "introduction": "Magnetic helicity is a physical quantity that measures the topological complexity of a magnetic field, such as the degree of linkage and/or twistedness in the field (Moffatt 1985, Berger \\& Field 1984). It has been shown that its total amount is approximately conserved in the Sun even when there is an energy release during fast magnetic reconnection (Berger 1984). This conservation of total magnetic helicity is considered to play an important role in the dynamical processes in the Sun. For example, by considering helicity conservation in the mean-field dynamo, theories have predicted that solar dynamo would produce opposite helicity signs in the mean field and in the fluctuations (Blackman \\& Field 2000, see Ossendrijver 2003 for a review). It has also been considered that magnetic helicity and its conservation may play an important role in CME dynamics (Low 2001, Demoulin et al. 2002) where accumulation of total magnetic helicity in the respective northern and southern hemispheres leads to a natural magnetic energy storage for CME eruptions (Zhang \\& Low 2005, Zhang, Flyer \\& Low 2006). A direct measurement of magnetic helicity and hence a direct test of above theories by observations are still out of our reach because so far the photosphere is still the only layer that we can measure vector magnetic fields with reasonable temporal and spatial resolutions. However, by calculating derived physical quantities, such as $\\alpha$ and current helicity, from observed photospheric vector magnetograms we do get a glimpse of properties of magnetic helicity in the Sun. For example, from photospheric magnetic field measurements we learn that magnetic fields emerging from the solar convection zone to the photosphere are already significantly twisted (Kurokawa 1987, Leka et al. 1996) and statistically these fields possess a positive helicity sign in the southern hemisphere and a negative helicity sign in the northern hemisphere (Pevtsov et al. 1995, Bao \\& Zhang 1998). These observations thus provide us implications on how magnetic helicity might be produced in the convection zone (Berger \\& Ruzmaikin 2000) and how magnetic helicity conservation might have played a role in balancing the twist and writhe helicity in an originally untwisted flux rope (Longcope et al. 1998). In this letter, we intend to use photospheric vector magnetic field measurements to find further observational indications of helicity production and conservation. Different from other works of the same type, we separate studied fields into two parts: strong magnetic fields and weak magnetic fields. We organize our paper as follows: In \\S 2, we describe our observation and data reduction. In \\S 3, we present our analysis and discussions. We conclude the letter with a brief summary in \\S 4. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Comparison with previous studies} Before we proceed to present our results it is useful to check our data reduction of this dataset with previous results obtained by other instruments and datasets. We select a subsample of our dataset, containing observations made between 1997 July to 2000 September, in order to compare with Pevtsov et al. (2001) where $\\alpha_{best}$ and current helicity were also calculated for the same period of time. The difference is that their magnetograms were obtained by the Haleakala Stokes Polarimeter (HSP) at Mees Solar Observatory. Figure 1 presents the latitudinal profile of $\\alpha_{best}$ for the 391 active regions observed by Huairou magnetograph during this period of time. Each point presents the average value of $\\alpha_{best}$ when multiple magnetograms of the same active region were obtained. Note in producing this figure we did not separate the weak and strong fields but instead use all data points with $|B_z|>100G$ and $|B_x, B_y|>200G$, in order to make a reasonable comparison with Pevtsov et al. (2001). The green line shows the least-square best-fit linear function of these $\\alpha_{best}$ values. The similarity between our figure and Figure 1 of Pevtsov et al. (2001) indicates a good consistence between the two datasets. Out of our 391 active regions during this period, 58.9\\% of 214 active regions in the northern hemisphere have $\\alpha_{best}<0$ and 67.2\\% of 117 active regions in the southern hemisphere have $\\alpha_{best}>0$. These numbers are consistent with the numbers of 62.9\\% and 69.9\\% for the northern and southern hemispheres respectively in Pevtsov et al. (2001). Our data shows no tendency of hemispheric rule by current helicity. 44.4\\% of 214 active regions in the northern hemisphere have $h_c<0$ and 45.8\\% of 117 active regions in the southern hemisphere have $h_c>0$. Note in Pevtsov et al. (2001) a much weaker tendency is also found with numbers of 50\\% and 57.5\\% for their $h_c$ values in the northern and southern hemispheres respectively. They contribute this difference to Faraday rotation. But we suggest the difference is largely (although possibly not all) because of a physical point which we will return to address below. Averages of $\\alpha_{best}$ for active regions observed in each 10 degrees of solar latitudes are also plotted in Figure 1, presented as red square symbols. The large error bars of these averages remind us that our established hemispherical rule is of a statistical result. Individual active regions may present large deviations from the mean values. This is also true for other statistical results that we will present below. \\subsection{Helicity observation of weak fields} Figure 2 presents our result of solar cycle variations of $\\alpha$ (top panel) and current helicity (middle panel) for weak fields ($100G<|B_z|<500G$). Each point in these plots is a weighted average of $\\langle\\alpha_z\\rangle$ or current helicity for active regions observed during one year. For active regions in the southern hemisphere the weight is set to $1$ and for active regions in the northern hemisphere the weight is set to $-1$. The weighted averages then indicate the magnitudes of $\\alpha$ or current helicity averaged over the global surface during a whole year, assuming the northern and southern hemispheres have opposite helicity signs. We see that both averaged $\\alpha$ and current helicity have positive signs except for the Year 2004. This tells us that both $\\alpha$ and current helicity for weak fields obey the established hemispheric rule during most years of the solar cycle. The averaged $\\alpha$ and current helicity for Year 2004 are negative, which indicates the usual hemispheric rule is not followed in this year. This is consistent with Hagino \\& Sakurai (2005) where they also found a violation of the usual hemispheric rule during solar minimums. Figure 2 also presents a rough tendency of a decrease of $\\alpha$ and current helicity with the development of solar cycle. We notice in Berger \\& Ruzmaikin (2000) the helicity production rate by differential rotation in solar interior is calculated and their calculation also shows a similar decrease of magnitudes of the rate of helicity transported into the northern and southern hemisphere respectively. This can be seen from the bottom panel of Figure 2 where the helicity transportation rate into the southern hemisphere by the m=0 mode is replotted, with data taken from Berger \\& Ruzmaikin (2000). This interesting consistence seems to suggest that differential rotation is the source of helicity production in solar interior although we are not able to make a conclusion because we do not know whether the $\\alpha$ effect will also produce the same tendency or not. As pointed out by the careful referee, the calculated transferred helicity ends at zero during solar minimums whereas our observation as well as Hagino \\& Sakurai (2005) show the helicity goes to the opposite sign during solar minimums. We intend to explain this as a result of trans-equatorial reconnection (Pevtsov 2000) which has consumed the helicity of the dominate sign in each hemisphere, a point interesting of itself but is out of the scope of current letter. Another interesting implication of Figure 2 is that, whereas we usually consider helicity variation as a function of latitude as presented in Figure 1, another possibility is that the helicity variation is more associated with solar cycle dependence and the known latitude dependence is just a derived relation from this solar cycle dependence of helicity and the Butterfly diagram. \\subsection{Helicity observation of strong fields} For strong magnetic fields ($|B_z|>1000G$), calculation of weighted averages of $\\alpha$ and current helicity presents an interesting result, shown in Figure 3. All averaged $\\alpha$ and current helicity are negative, which means they do not follow the usual hemispheric rule. This also means that strong fields have a helicity sign opposite to that of weak fields. As we have mentioned earlier, if we interpret our observed weak fields in active regions as the representatives of the general weak fields distributed over the global Sun, then we may use them to represent the large-scale field. Our strong fields may be used to represent the small-scale fluctuations compared to the large-scale of the global Sun. Then under this interpretation our observation seems to be consistent with the theory that solar dynamo would produce opposite helicity signs in the mean field and in the fluctuations. It is also interesting to notice that in Berger \\& Ruzmaikin (2000) the higher modes helicity, such as the m=5 mode replotted in Figure 3, also has a sign opposite to that of the m=0 mode. Again, if we interpret their low-degree (such as m=0) mode field corresponds to our weak field because both of them represent a more uniformly-distributed field over the global Sun and their high-degree (such as m=5) mode field corresponds to our strong field because both of them are sporadically appeared on the surface, then their calculation and our observation show a consistence again. The observation that strong fields have a helicity sign opposite to that of weak fields may help us understand why $\\alpha_{best}$ usually shows a better hemispheric rule than current helicity if both quantities are calculated from vector magnetograms of the whole field (Pevtsov et al. 2001). We interpret it as follows. When we calculate $\\alpha_{best}$ of the whole field, each data point is given an equal weight. This results in the calculated $\\alpha_{best}$ presenting the sign of weak fields, whose number of data points dominates over that of strong fields. But when we calculate the current helicity of the whole field, defined as $h_c=B_z\\cdot(\\nabla\\times{\\bf B})_z = \\alpha B_z^2$, we have attributed a weight of $B_z^2$ to each data point. This then results in a nearly cancellation of current helicity between the weak and strong fields because weak and strong fields happen to have opposite helicity signs and the former has a larger number of data points but smaller $B_z^2$ values for each data point whereas the latter has a smaller number of data points but each data point has a larger $B_z^2$ value. It has been suggested that Faraday rotation contributes to the difference between $\\alpha_{best}$ and current helicity. We suggest the main reason is the opposite helicity signs between weak and strong fields. J. T. Su \\& H. Q. Zhang (2006, in preparation) recently did a calculation and it shows that whereas Faraday rotation may rotate the transverse fields to 20 - 30 degrees, the resultant $\\alpha$ values are less influenced, with changes of $\\alpha$ values all less than a few percentages. Another comment is that if Faraday rotation is the reason of the difference we should not see the difference in the dataset obtained by spectrograph-type magnetographs where the effect of Faraday rotation can be taken care of by inversion methods. But the difference is observed in Pevtsov et al. (2001) where HSP data are used. We have recently checked several active regions observed by ASP/HAO. Similar feature of opposite helicity signs between weak and strong fields is found, although not in every region examined. Also kindly pointed out by the referee, similar tendency of opposite helicity signs is also indicated in a decaying active region observed by ASP (Figure 4 of Pevtsov \\& Canfield 1999). Finally we point out another consistence of our observation with previous study. By applying a known reconstruction technique to MDI data Pevtsov and Latushko (2000) calculated the current helicity of the global Sun. They found that the usual hemispheric rule is followed for regions above 40 degrees of solar latitudes whereas the rule is surprisingly not obvious for regions within 40 degrees of solar latitudes. With our observation, we now can interpret it as follows. In high latitudes magnetic fields are dominated by weak fields with their signs following the usual hemispherical rule, whereas in low latitudes strong fields with an opposite helicity sign present to result in a reduction to the usual hemispherical rule." }, "0606/astro-ph0606188_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We observed the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) emission of the emission-line regions Hubble\\,I, Hubble\\,V, Hubble\\,X, Holmberg~18, and the stellar emission-line object S28 in NGC6822 with the ESO Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) 12m telescope as part of its science verification. The very low system temperature of $130-180$~K enabled us to achieve detections in 4 single pointings and in a high spatial resolution $70''\\times 70''$ map of Hubble\\, V. We compare the spectra with H{\\sc i} observations, obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, of the same regions. In combination with previous multi-line CO observations, we perform a preliminary investigation of the physical conditions in Hubble\\, V using a simple LTE model. We estimate the mass of the Hubble~V region and the H$_2/I_{\\rm CO(3\\rightarrow 2)}$ conversion factor. Also, we show that Hubble~V is located very near the line-width versus size relation traced by the Milky Way and LMC molecular clouds. ", "introduction": "We present $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) observations of the emission-line regions Hubble\\,I, Hubble\\,V, Hubble\\,X, Holmberg~18, and the stellar emission-line object S28 \\citep{kd} in NGC6822 with the ESO Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) 12m telescope\\footnote{This publication is based on data acquired with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX). APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institut f\\\"ur Radioastronomie, the European Southern Observatory, and the Onsala Space Observatory.}. NGC6822 is a Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy, of type IB(s)m. Its study started with the landmark paper of \\cite{h25}, who identified it as a galaxy in its own right, external to the Milky Way. The most recent estimate of its distance, based on observations of 116 Cepheid variables, places it at $466 \\pm 20$~kpc \\citep{p04}. \\cite{ppr05} find a metallicity $12 + \\log($O/H$) = 8.37 \\pm 0.09$ for Hubble V and $12 + \\log($O/H$) = 8.19 \\pm 0.16$ for Hubble X, corresponding to roughly half the solar metallicity. Star formation proceeded at an almost constant rate up to the present, except for the central bar region, where star-formation increased by a factor of $3-4$ during the last 600~Myr \\citep{w01}. Its proximity allows us to study the different components and phases of its interstellar medium on scales of order 10$-$100 parsec. The detection of the compact molecular clouds associated with Hubble\\,V was first reported by \\cite{w94}. Later on, the emission-line regions Hubble\\,I, Hubble\\,V, and Holmberg~18, and the stellar emission-line object S28 were observed in $^{12}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) emission by \\cite{i97}. Moreover, for Hubble\\,V, the brightest HII region in NGC6822, detections of $^{12}$CO(2$\\rightarrow$1), $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2), $^{12}$CO(4$\\rightarrow$3), and $^{13}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) have been reported \\citep{i03}. $^{12}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) and $^{12}$CO(2$\\rightarrow$1) observations centered on Hubble\\,X, on the other hand, did not yield a detection \\citep{i03}. These results will serve as a comparison for the APEX data presented here. In this Letter, we combine the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) line intensities measured with APEX with line intensities of other $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO transitions, taken from the literature, to constrain the physical conditions of the molecular interstellar medium of NGC6822 using simple LTE models. We also investigate the spatial distribution of the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) emission and how it correlates with previous high resolution HI observations. \\begin{figure*} \\vspace*{9cm} \\special{hscale=35 vscale=35 hsize=540 vsize=560 hoffset=-20 voffset=45 angle=0 psfile=\"5411fig1a.ps\"} \\special{hscale=35 vscale=35 hsize=540 vsize=560 hoffset=235 voffset=45 angle=0 psfile=\"5411fig1b.ps\"} \\special{hscale=35 vscale=35 hsize=540 vsize=520 hoffset=-20 voffset=-70 angle=0 psfile=\"5411fig1c.ps\"} \\special{hscale=35 vscale=35 hsize=540 vsize=720 hoffset=235 voffset=-70 angle=0 psfile=\"5411fig1d.ps\"} \\caption{CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) spectra of the star-forming regions Hubble\\rm{I}, Hubble\\rm{X}, and Holmberg~18 and the stellar emission-line object S28 in NGC6822, overplotted with the best fitting Gaussian. The black curve indicates the H{\\sc i} emission as derived by \\cite{deblok06}. Evidently, the molecular gas associated with Hubble~I and Holmberg~18 has the same velocity as the neutral gas. The velocity of the molecular gas associated with the stellar object S28 differs from that of the H{\\sc i}. Hubble~X was not detected. \\label{HIV}} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "\\begin{table*} \\caption{CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) properties of the targeted regions in NGC6822:~the peak main-beam temperature, $T_{\\rm mb}$, the velocity of the line with respect to the Local Standard of Rest, the line FWHM, and the integrated line intensity, $I_{\\rm CO}$ . \\label{tabres}} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{|c|cccccc|} \\hline name & RA & DEC & $T_{\\rm mb}$ (K) & LSR velocity (km/s) & FWHM (km/s) & $I_{\\rm CO}$ (K~km~s$^{-1}$) \\\\ \\cline{1-7} Hubble\\rm{I} & 19 44 31.64 & -14 42 01.2& $0.07 \\pm 0.02$ &$-66.3 \\pm 0.4$ & $6.1 \\pm 1.1$ & $0.49 \\pm 0.11$ \\\\ Hubble\\rm{V} & 19 44 52.80 & -14 43 11.0 & $0.61 \\pm 0.02$ &$-41.3 \\pm 0.1$ & $6.0 \\pm 0.2$ & $3.89 \\pm 0.14$ \\\\ Hubble\\rm{V} & 19 44 52.80 & -14 43 11.0 & deconvolved &$-41.3 \\pm 0.4$ & $6.0 \\pm 0.2$ & $6.65 \\pm 0.59$ \\\\ Hubble\\rm{X} & 19 45 05.20 & -14 43 13.0 & & & & $< 0.30$ \\\\ Holmberg~18 & 19 44 48.93 & -14 52 38.0 & $0.11 \\pm 0.02$ &$-43.6 \\pm 0.2$ & $2.5 \\pm 0.4$ & $0.29 \\pm 0.07$ \\\\ KD82\\_S28 & 19 44 57.79 & -14 47 51.5 & $0.12 \\pm 0.02$ &$-57.5 \\pm 0.3$ & $5.2 \\pm 0.7$ & $0.67 \\pm 0.11$ \\\\ \\cline{1-7} \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} We fitted Gaussians to the detected emission lines in order to estimate the peak intensity, $T_{\\rm mb}$ (K), and the integrated intensity, $I_{\\rm CO} = \\int T_{\\rm mb}(v)\\,dv$ (K~km~s$^{-1}$), of the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) emission lines of the observed star-forming regions (see Table \\ref{tabres}). We used the best fitting Gaussian and the 1$\\sigma$ noise on the spectrum, estimated from the spectral region between $-100$ and 0~km/s and excluding the emission line, to generate 1000 new noisy spectra. These were analysed the same way as the original spectrum, allowing us to estimate the 1$\\sigma$ errors on these quantities. For the non-detected star-forming region Hubble\\rm{X}, we give a 3$\\sigma$ upper limit over a velocity width of 6~km/s. \\subsection{Physical conditions in Hubble{\\rm V}} \\begin{figure} \\vspace*{8cm} \\special{hscale=50 vscale=50 hsize=540 vsize=520 hoffset=-25 voffset=-37 angle=0 psfile=\"5411fig2.ps\"} \\caption{$^{12}{\\rm CO}(3\\rightarrow2)$ map of Hubble\\rm{V}. Each panel shows the brightness temperature $T_{\\rm mb}$ as a function of velocity with respect to the Local Standard of Rest (LSR). Some spectra still show some residual variations even after subtracting off a double sinusoidal baseline. Nearest neighbor panels overlap by 8$''$, i.e. about half of the APEX beam width at this frequency, so that next nearest neighbor panels are roughly independent. The CO source associated with Hubble{\\rm V} is clearly resolved in this map and is extended towards the north-east. \\label{HV}} \\end{figure} We made a preliminary assessment of the physical conditions in the CO cloud associated with Hubble{\\rm V} assuming local thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE). In that case, there is one excitation temperature, $T_{\\rm ex}$ responsible for populating the energy levels of the $^{12}{\\rm CO}$ and $^{13}$CO isotopomers. This need of course not be the case in reality, with the higher-$J$ lines not being thermalized due to their larger Einstein $A$ coefficients. In the following, we will assume the isotopic ratio $X={^{12}{\\rm CO}}/{^{13}{\\rm CO}}=60$ \\citep{lp93,saz02}, in which case the optical depths of $^{12}{\\rm CO}$, denoted by $\\tau_{12}$, and $^{13}{\\rm CO}$, denoted by $\\tau_{13}$, obey the relation $\\tau_{12} = X\\,\\tau_{13}$. The calculated line intensities are coupled to the observed quantities by the beam filling factor $f_{\\rm b}$, which we assume to be the same for the $^{12}{\\rm CO}$ and $^{13}{\\rm CO}$ emission. Furthermore, we will assume that both the $^{12}{\\rm CO}$ and the $^{13}{\\rm CO}$ emission arises in the same region so that $\\Omega_{\\rm source}$, the solid angle spanned on the sky by the CO source, is the same for both isotopomers. This is to keep this preliminary modeling as simple as possible since there is no physical reason why $f_{\\rm b}$ and $\\Omega_{\\rm source}$ should be the same for all transitions. We can use this source solid angle to correct the observed emission line brightness temperatures for beam dilution using the relation $T'_{\\rm mb} = T_{\\rm mb} (\\Omega_{\\rm source} + \\Omega_{\\rm beam})/\\Omega_{\\rm source}$, with $\\Omega_{\\rm beam}$ the beam solid angle. The main-beam brightness temperature of an observed transition can be written as \\begin{equation} T'_{{\\rm mb},i} = f_{\\rm b}\\,\\left( 1 - e^{-\\tau_i} \\right) \\frac{h \\nu_i}{k} \\left( \\frac{1}{e^{h \\nu_i/kT_{\\rm ex}}-1} - \\frac{1}{e^{h \\nu_i/kT_{\\rm cmb}}-1} \\right), \\end{equation} with $\\nu_i$ the frequency of the transition, $\\tau_i$ its optical depth, and $T_{\\rm cmb} = 2.725$~K the background radiation temperature. \\begin{table} \\caption{Comparison of the LTE model with the measured intensities of the $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO transitions. All intensities have been corrected for beam dilution using $\\Omega_{\\rm source} = 209\\,{\\rm arcsec}^2$. \\label{tablte}} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{|ccc|} \\hline transition & measurement (K) & model (K) \\\\ \\cline{1-3} $^{12}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) & $1.72 \\pm 0.11$ & 1.73 \\\\ $^{12}$CO(2$\\rightarrow$1) & $1.69 \\pm 0.08$ & 1.66 \\\\ $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) & $1.56 \\pm 0.05$ & 1.57 \\\\ $^{12}$CO(4$\\rightarrow$3) & $1.50 \\pm 0.09$ & 1.48 \\\\ $^{13}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) & $0.11 \\pm 0.07$ & 0.11 \\\\ \\cline{1-3} \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=7cm,angle=0]{5411fig3.eps} \\caption{Spatial distribution of the CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) emission of Hubble\\rm{V} at 18$''$ resolution (contours) plotted over an H$\\alpha$ image (greyscale). The square indicates the region mapped by our APEX observations. The contour values are 1 (which corresponds to 3$\\sigma$), 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5~K~km~s$^{-1}$. The CO emission is not centered on the H$\\alpha$ emission. The positions of the CO clouds MC1 and MC2, identified by \\cite{w94}, are indicated in the figure. \\label{spatial}} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Using a non-linear minimisation routine, we simultaneously fitted a Gaussian model for the spatial distribution of the CO emission of Hubble{\\rm V}, convolved with the APEX beam, which constrains the source solid angle $\\Omega_{\\rm source}$ and the parameters $T_{\\rm ex}$, $f_{\\rm b}$, and $\\tau_{12}$ to the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) map, presented in fig. \\ref{HV}, and to the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) brightness temperature measured by us, and the $^{12}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0), $^{12}$CO(2$\\rightarrow$1), $^{12}$CO(4$\\rightarrow$3), and $^{13}$CO(1$\\rightarrow$0) brightness temperatures presented in \\cite{i03}. We then used the best fitting values for $\\Omega_{\\rm source}$, $T_{\\rm ex}$, $f_{\\rm b}$, and $\\tau_{12}$ to generate 10000 mock data sets with added Gaussian noise on each of the observed quantities, using the measured 1$\\sigma$ uncertainties on the measured quantities as estimates for the dispersions of each of the noise distributions. These mock data sets were analysed the same way as the original set, allowing us to estimate the 1$\\sigma$ errors on the derived quantities. This way, we find that the parameter values $\\Omega_{\\rm source} = 209 \\pm 50\\,{\\rm arcsec}^2$, $T_{\\rm ex} = 49 \\pm 27\\,{\\rm K}$, $\\tau_{12} = 3.7 \\pm 2.3$, and $f_{\\rm b}= 0.04 \\pm 0.03$ provide the best fit to the whole data-set. There is a large degree of degeneracy between the parameters of this model, e.g. between $T_{\\rm ex}$ and $f_{\\rm b}$. This is reflected by the very large errorbars on these quantities. Still, the minimisation routine converges to the same solution independent of the starting point of the minimisation which proves that the minimum of the $\\chi^2$ is well defined. Moreover, this temperature estimate agrees with the dust temperature derived from the ratio of the $60 \\mu$ and $100 \\mu$ IRAS flux densities, $f_\\nu(60)=7.89$~Jy and $f_\\nu(100)=11.81$~Jy, of Hubble{\\rm V}, $T_{\\rm dust} \\approx 40$~K. This estimate was derived assuming a single temperature component and a $\\lambda^{-1}$ emissivity law. Given the apparently rather high temperature of this CO emission cloud, observations of higher-$J$ transitions, e.g. with FLASH or the future SIS heterodyne receivers, are required for a more precise assessment of its physical properties using more sophisticated LVG models, taking into account non-LTE effects. Also, some of the published high-$J$ transition temperatures, such as $^{12}$CO(4$\\rightarrow$3) value of \\cite{i03}, may be affected by the small area that was mapped. If some of the emission was missed, this may lead to an underestimation of the brightness temperature of these transitions. Using the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) FWHM line-width, $\\Delta V$, in km~s$^{-1}$, and the radius of the emission region, $R$, in parsec, we can also estimate the virial mass of Hubble~V as $M_{\\rm vir} \\approx 190 R (\\Delta V)^2$, in solar masses \\citep{m88}. For $\\Delta V = 6.0$~km~s$^{-1}$, $R = \\sqrt{\\Omega_{\\rm source}}/2.355 =6.1'' = 13.9$~pc, we find $M_{\\rm vir} \\approx 9.5 \\times 10^4\\,M_\\odot$. Using the relation $M_{\\rm dust} = 1.27 f_\\nu(100) D^2 (\\exp(144\\,K/T)-1)\\,M_\\odot$ \\citep{blg02} for the dust mass, with $D$ the distance in Mpc, we find $M_{\\rm dust} \\approx 130\\,M_\\odot$. Using the metallicity-dependent gas versus dust mass relation (eqn. (6) in \\cite{blg02}), this yields $M_{\\rm gas} \\approx 9 \\times 10^4\\,M_\\odot$, in good agreement with the virial mass. This is much less than the estimate of the total gas mass $M_{\\rm gas} = 10 \\pm 5 \\times 10^5\\,M_\\odot$ of \\cite{i03}. This is most likely because we are measuring quantities (radius, velocity dispersion) that pertain only to the CO emission region : any mass distribution outside this region, which was taken into account by \\cite{i03}, would not have a very large effect on the virial mass estimate. Hubble~V is also very near the line-width versus size relation traced by the Milky Way and LMC molecular clouds \\citep{h95,m90}. We estimate the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) to H$_2$ conversion at $5.4-5.8 \\times 10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$ (K\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$)$^{-1}$, depending on whether the deconvolved or the observed brightness is used. \\subsection{Comparison with previous observations} In Figures~\\ref{HIV} and \\ref{HV}, we plot the (unscaled) HI spectra derived by \\citet{deblok06}, of the same regions as our observations on top of the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) spectra. One can see that apart from S28, both emission lines are coincidental although the HI emission is systematically broader than the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) emission. In Figure~\\ref{spatial}, we plot the spatial distribution of the $^{12}$CO(3$\\rightarrow$2) emission of Hubble\\rm{V} at 18$''$ resolution. We find a different morphology than the one derived by \\citet{i03}, however it is in accordance with their [C\\rm{II}] emission, found in the same paper. A possible cause might be the higher system temperature of 2460K during their observation, producing more noise which might cause a shift in the spatial distribution. The main emission peak in our map corresponds to the molecular cloud MC2, first detected by \\cite{w94}; the eastward extension corresponds only very roughly to MC1. With our observations we prove that APEX is very suited for deriving spatially extended, high signal-to-noise maps of emission-line regions in Local Group dwarf galaxies, where one can achieve a spatial resolution of a few tens of parsecs." }, "0606/astro-ph0606141_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the inner regions of an accretion disk around a black hole, relativistic protons can interact with ambient matter to produce electrons, positrons and $\\gamma$-rays. The resultant steady state electron and positron particle distributions are self-consistently computed taking into account Coulomb and Compton cooling, $e^-e^+$ pair production (due to $\\gamma-\\gamma$ annihilation) and pair annihilation. While earlier works used the diffusion approximation to obtain the particle distributions, here we solve a more general integro-differential equation that correctly takes into account the large change in particle energy that occur when the leptons Compton scatter off hard X-rays. Thus this formalism can also be applied to the hard state of black hole systems, where the dominant ambient photons are hard X-rays. The corresponding photon energy spectrum is calculated and compared with broadband data of black hole binaries in different spectral states. The results indicate that the $\\gamma$-ray spectra ($E > 0.8$ MeV) of both the soft and hard spectral states and the entire hard X-ray/$\\gamma$-ray spectrum of the ultra-soft state, could be due to $p-p$ interactions. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that there always exists in these systems a $\\gamma$-ray spectral component due to $p-p$ interactions which can contribute between $0.5$ to $10$\\% of the total bolometric luminosty. The model predicts that {\\it GLAST} would be able to detect black hole binaries and provide evidence for the presence of non-thermal protons which in turn would give insight into the energy dissipation process and jet formation in these systems. ", "introduction": "Black hole X-ray binaries are generally observed to be in two distinct states. These states, which are named hard and soft, differ in their luminosity and spectral shapes. In the hard state, which is in general less luminous, the spectrum of the system can be described as a hard power-law with a spectral index $\\Gamma \\sim 1.7$ and a cutoff around $100$ keV. This spectrum can be modeled as thermal Comptonization of soft photons by a plasma having temperature $T \\sim 50$ keV \\citep[e.g.][]{Gier97}. In contrast, the spectrum during the soft state consists of a blackbody-like component with $kT \\sim 1$ keV, which typically dominates the luminosity and is generally considered to be thermal emission from an optically thick accretion disk. Apart from this soft (or disk) component, a hard X-ray power-law tail, with photon index $\\Gamma \\sim 2.5$ and no detectable cutoff up to $\\sim 8$ MeV \\citep{mcc02}, is also observed. There have been several interpretations of the high energy ($E > 200$ keV) emission from black hole systems. It may arise from a photon starved inner most region of a disk which cools due to bremsstrahlung self-Comptonization \\citep{Mel93} or as emission due to $\\pi^0$ decay, which are created by proton-proton interaction in a hot proton gas, $T > 10^{11}$ K \\citep{Kol79,Jou94}. While these possibilities maybe viable, they are based on assumptions of the geometry and physical properties of the system, which are not directly and independently verifiable, like the presence of a very hot proton gas or a photon starved region. Another interpretation is that the spectra arises due to Comptonization of photons by the bulk motion of matter falling into the black hole \\citep{Lau99}. However, \\cite{Nie06} have argued that the non-detection of spectral breaks at $E < 500$ keV is contrary to this model's prediction. A detailed radiative model, which has been used to fit good quality broad band data of black hole systems, is the hybrid model which is inscribed in a spectral fitting code called EQPAIR \\citep{cop98,Gier99}. In the framework of this model, this high energy component arises from a plasma consisting of both thermal and non-thermal electrons that Comptonize external soft photons. Detailed spectral modeling of the observed soft state spectra demands the coexistence of thermal and non-thermal electrons in the emission region and hence the steady state non-thermal electron distribution is computed by assuming that there is an injection of non-thermal particles into the system where they cool by Comptonization and Coulomb interactions. The origin of these non-thermal particles is uncertain. A possible site may be a corona on top of a cold disk which is heated by magnetic field reconnections \\citep{har93, pout99}, but the details of the process are largely unknown. The acceleration process has to be highly efficient to produce non-thermal electrons in an environment where electrons cool rapidly by inverse Comptonization. If this acceleration process is mass-independent then protons are also expected to be accelerated to relativistic energies, for example by scattering off magnetic \"kinks\" in a Keplerian accretion disk \\citep{sub96}. Some of these non-thermal protons may escape from the system and contribute to the jet formation \\citep{sub99}. This is particularly interesting since there are some evidence that the X-ray producing region may be same as the base of the extended jet \\citep{Mar05}. Hence the detection of these non-thermal protons will provide valuable clues to the nature of black hole systems. Non-thermal protons would interact with the ambient thermal protons and produce electron-positron pairs, which would Comptonize photons to high energies. These high energy photons would produce further pairs by $\\gamma-\\gamma$ interaction and a pair cascade would ensue. Pair cascades initiated by the injection of pairs (or equivalently high energy non-thermal electrons) have been extensively examined \\citep[e.g.][]{zdzlight,sven}. The effect of $p-p$ interactions and the resultant spectra have also been computed and studied \\citep[e.g.][]{sss,E80,E83,maha,sera,zdz86}. These works, in general, did not consider the presence of copious photons or have assumed that the ambient photons are in the UV range, a scenario relevant to AGN and under-luminous black hole systems. However, for black hole binaries, the system is dominated by either soft or hard X-rays depending on the spectral state. One of the important radiative interaction that would occur in such an environment is the inverse Compton scattering of X-rays by pairs with Lorentz factor $\\gamma \\approx 200$ that are produced by the $p-p$ interaction. The standard methods to compute the inverse Compton spectra, assume that the interaction in the rest frame of the electron takes place in the non-relativistic Thompson limit, which is true only if electron Lorentz factor times the photon energy $\\gamma \\epsilon$ $ \\ll m_ec^2$. This assumption is violated if the ambient photon energy is $ \\le m_ec^2/\\gamma \\approx 2$ keV. Thus, when \\citet{bhat03} considered $p-p$ interaction in the presence of blackbody photons having temperature $T \\approx 1$ keV, they used a general formalism to describe the inverse Compton process given by \\citet{blu70}. They found that for such a situation, which is relevant to the soft state of black hole binaries, the effect of non-thermal protons is to produce a broad feature around $1-50$ MeV. Using the observed OSSE data for GRS 1915+105, they could constrain the fraction of non-thermal protons in the system to be $< 5\\%$. Although \\citet{bhat03}, computed the change in energy of the photon (and hence the change in energy of the lepton) appropriately in the Klein-Nishina regime, they used, for simplicity, a diffusion equation to describe the kinetic evolution of the pairs, which intrinsically assumes that the change in energy of the particle per scattering is small. This assumption breaks down when the ambient photon energy is in X-rays, especially when there are a copious amount of ambient hard X-rays. In this work, we extend the formalism developed by \\citet{bhat03}, by solving an integro-differential equation for the pair kinetic evolution which correctly takes into account the large energy changes that a lepton undergoes upon scattering with an X-ray photon. This not only allows for a more accurate estimation of the emergent spectra for systems in the soft state, but enables the scheme to be applied to the hard state also. In \\S $2$ we describe the model and the assumptions made to compute the steady state non-thermal electron/positron distributions and the resultant photon spectra. In \\S $3$ some general results of the computation are presented along with comparison with observations of black hole systems Cyg X-1 and GRS 1915+105 in different spectral states. The main results of the work are summarized and discussed in \\S $4$. ", "conclusions": "A self-consistent scheme, which computes the electron/positron and radiation energy distribution inside a thermal plasma having non-thermal protons, is developed. The non-thermal protons interact via $p-p$ collisions to produce electron/positron pairs and $\\gamma$-rays. These high energy pairs cool by inverse Comptonization of ambient photons. The effect of subsequent pair production due to photon-photon interactions and annihilation of positrons with ambient electrons, is taken into account. Unlike previous works, the scheme does not assume that the energy change of the leptons during inverse Compton scattering is small. Hence it can be applied to black hole binary systems, where the dominant ambient photons are X-rays. Comparison of the computed spectra with the broad band X-ray/$\\gamma$-ray spectra of black hole binaries in different spectral states reveal: \\noindent $\\bullet$ The hard X-ray spectra (3--800 keV) of the soft and Very High state (VHS), are too steep to be explained as emission due to $p-p$ interactions. However, the observed $\\gamma$-ray spectra (0.8--8 MeV), especially for the soft state, could be due to such interactions. In this interpretation, an unknown acceleration process energises both electron and protons, producing their non-thermal distributions. While the electron non-thermal distribution gives rise to the hard X-ray emission, the protons are the origin of the $\\gamma$-rays. The powers going into accelerating protons and electrons are within a factor of two. \\noindent $\\bullet$ For the ultra-soft state, the observed hard X-ray spectra ( E $> 5$ keV) could be entirely due to $p-p$ interactions. This interpretation gives a natural explanation for the similar hard X-ray spectral slope ($\\Gamma \\approx 2$) observed whenever a black hole is in the ultra-soft state. \\noindent $\\bullet$ For the hard state, the observed $\\gamma$-ray spectrum (0.5--8 MeV) can be explained as emission due to $p-p$ interactions alone. The predicted steep spectral shape in this energy range, is not sensitive to the model parameters, and matches well with the observations. \\noindent $\\bullet$ For both the soft and hard states, the model predicts that for reasonable parameters, {\\it GLAST} should be able to detect black hole binaries. This in contrast to the situation when only non-thermal electrons are present in the system, where very low compactness and large maximum Lorentz factor of the electrons have to be postulated, in order for {\\it GLAST} to make a similar detection. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that there always exists a spectral component due to a non-thermal proton distribution in black hole binaries. This component peaks at $\\gamma$-rays and can contribute between $0.5$ to $10$\\% of the bolometric luminosity. In the ultra-soft state, this component is visible for $E > 5$ keV. During the soft and hard states, the emission is detectable only when $E > 0.8$ MeV, since other spectral components dominate at lower energies. This hypothesis can be verified using future observations by {\\it GLAST}. The scheme does not include scattering of high energy photons with thermal electrons. Although the Klein-Nishina cross section decreases with photon energy, such scatterings can be important especially when the Thompson optical depth is significantly greater than unity, a case more pertaining to the soft state. In fact, the inability of the present model to explain the hard X-ray emission during the soft state, may be an artifact of this assumption. If that is true, then it may be possible that only protons are accelerated in black hole binaries and not electrons. This is theoretically appealing given the complexities of accelerating electrons to high energies in a region where inverse Compton cooling is efficient. However, several sophisticated modification of the present scheme have to be undertaken before this speculation can be tested. Evidence of non-thermal protons in black hole binaries, would shed light on the energy dissipation process that occur in the inner regions of the accretion disk. These energetic protons could also be the origin of the outflows/jets that are observed in many of these systems. Such insights may finally lead to a comprehensive physical picture of these enigmatic sources." }, "0606/astro-ph0606694_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A magnetic helicity integral is proposed which can be applied to domains which are not magnetically closed, i.e.~have a non-vanishing normal component of the magnetic field on the boundary. In contrast to the relative helicity integral, which was previously suggested for magnetically open domains, it does not rely on a reference field and thus avoids all problems related to the choice of a particular reference field. Instead it uses a gauge condition on the vector potential, which corresponds to a particular topologically unique closure of the magnetic field in the external space. The integral has additional elegant properties and is easy to compute numerically in practice. For magnetically closed domains it reduces to the classical helicity integral. ", "introduction": "Magnetic helicity is an important quantity in describing the structure and evolution of magnetic fields in many fields of physics, in particular in plasma physics and astrophysics. It was introduced to Plasma Physics by H.K.~Moffatt in \\cite{Moffatt69} and was originally defined as an integral over a magnetically closed volume, i.e.~a volume for which the normal component of the magnetic field (${\\bf B}$) vanishes on the boundary $\\partial V$: \\begin{equation} H({\\bf B}) := \\int_{V} {\\bf A} \\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf B} \\ dV \\ ; \\quad B_{n}= {\\bf B}\\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf n}\\vert_{\\partial V}=0 . \\label{totalhelicity} \\end{equation} Here ${\\bf A}$ is the vector potential, $\\nabla \\times {\\bf A} = {\\bf B}$, of the magnetic field. The integral measures - roughly speaking - the Gaussian linkage of magnetic flux within $V$. More precisely, it is the asymptotic linking number of pairs of field lines averaged over the volume \\cite{Arnold86}. It is an important property of this integral that we can derive an equation of continuity for the helicity density, which uses only the homogenous Maxwell's equations (here ${\\bf E}= - \\partial_t {\\bf A}- \\nabla \\phi$ is the electric field): \\begin{equation} \\partial_{t} ({\\bf A} \\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf B}) + \\nabla \\!\\cdot\\! \\left( \\phi {\\bf B} + {\\bf E} \\times {\\bf A} \\right) = -2 \\ {\\bf E} \\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf B} \\ . \\label{helevolu} \\end{equation} It can be shown that the integral is a topological invariant, i.e.~it does not change under a deformation of the field within $V$, as given for instance by the motion of a magnetic field embedded in an ideal plasma, satisfying (${\\bf v}$ is the plasma velocity) \\begin{equation} {\\bf E} + \\mathbf{v}\\times\\mathbf{B} = 0 \\label{idealevolu} \\ . \\end{equation} Under such a condition, (\\ref{helevolu}) becomes \\begin{equation} \\partial_{t} ({\\bf A} \\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf B}) + \\nabla \\!\\cdot\\! \\left( (\\phi -{\\bf v}\\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf A}) {\\bf B} + {\\bf v} {\\bf A}\\!\\cdot\\!{\\bf B} \\right) = 0 \\ , \\label{idealevoluhel} \\end{equation} so that integrating over a volume with ${\\bf v}\\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf n}=0$ on the boundary (or more generally a comoving volume) results in \\begin{eqnarray} \\frac{d}{dt} \\int_{V} {\\bf A} \\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf B} \\ dV & = & \\int_{V} \\partial_{t} ({\\bf A} \\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf B}) + \\nabla \\!\\cdot\\! ({\\bf v} \\ {\\bf A}\\!\\cdot\\!{\\bf B} ) \\ dV \\nonumber \\\\ & =& - \\int_{\\partial V}\\!\\!\\! (\\phi -{\\bf v}\\!\\cdot\\! {\\bf A}) {\\bf B}\\!\\cdot\\!{\\bf n} \\, da = 0. \\label{changehel2} \\end{eqnarray} Moreover, the total helicity is often an approximate invariant for non-ideal plasmas \\cite{Berger84}, and is therefore a valuable tool in determining the evolution of many technical and natural plasmas. One of the earliest results was the prediction of the relaxed state of a Reversed-Field Pinch \\cite{Taylor:RelaxationReconnection}, but there are many more applications (see \\cite{HelicitySpaceLab} for an overview). However, the boundary condition $B_{n}=0$ on the integral (\\ref{totalhelicity}), which is necessary to ensure gauge invariance, means that it can not be applied to cases where the magnetic field crosses the boundary. Typical examples are the vacuum vessels of laboratory plasmas where an external magnetic field crosses the boundaries, or the atmospheres of stars or planets, where the studied volume is usually bounded by the surface of the body, through which the magnetic field emerges. In such cases it was previously necessary to resort to the calculation of the relative helicity, i.e.~the helicity was calculated with respect to a reference field ${\\bf B}_{\\rm ref}$ satisfying the same boundary conditions. One can prove \\cite{FinnAntonsen,Berger1984} that for an arbitrary closure of the magnetic field outside $V$, denoted by ${\\bf B}_{\\rm ext}$, the relative helicity \\begin{eqnarray} H({\\bf B} \\vert {\\bf B}_{\\rm ref}) & = & H({\\bf B}+{\\bf B}_{\\rm ext})-H({\\bf B}_{\\rm ref}+{\\bf B}_{\\rm ext}) \\\\ & = & \\int ({\\bf A} + {\\bf A}_{\\rm ref}) \\cdot ({\\bf B} -{\\bf B}_{\\rm ref}) \\ dV \\ , \\end{eqnarray} is actually independent of the external closure of the field. The reference field is in most cases choosen to be a potential field (see e.g.~\\cite{BergerRuzmaikin:HelicityProduction}) since a potential field is easy to compute and physically distinguished as the lowest energy state compatible with the boundary conditions. The introduction of a reference field, however, not only complicates the calculation of magnetic helicity, but also complicates its already difficult interpretation. For instance, the question arises as to whether a change of relative helicity in a volume has a physical meaning, or whether it is only due to our particular choice of reference field. In this contribution it is proposed to replace the reference field by a more general boundary condition on the vector potential and it is shown that this leads to a well defined quantity. ", "conclusions": "In this letter it was shown how the total helicity integral can naturally be generalized to allow for magnetic fields which are not closed within the domain, i.e.~which have a non-vanishing normal component on the boundary. The construction does not require an explicit reference field as the relative helicity integral does, which was previously used in this situation. Instead we have a gauge condition for ${\\bf A}$ on the boundary which corresponds to closing the domain with a topologically unique field. This field is an external complement with zero helicity density to the field in the given domain. The new integral has all desirable properties, i.e.~it is gauge invariant, topologically invariant, and it reduces to the total helicity whenever the latter is well defined. Moreover, it shows the proper additivity with respect to fields and complementary volumes. This facilitates not only many calculations of helicity, but also its interpretation." }, "0606/gr-qc0606025_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use covariant and first-order formalism techniques to study the properties of general relativistic cosmology in three dimensions. The covariant approach provides an irreducible decomposition of the relativistic equations, which allows for a mathematically compact and physically transparent description of the 3-dimensional spacetimes. Using this information we review the features of homogeneous and isotropic 3-d cosmologies, provide a number of new solutions and study gauge invariant perturbations around them. The first-order formalism is then used to provide a detailed study of the most general 3-d spacetimes containing perfect-fluid matter. Assuming the material content to be dust with comoving spatial 2-velocities, we find the general solution of the Einstein equations with non-zero (and zero) cosmological constant and generalise known solutions of Kriele and the 3-d counterparts of the Szekeres solutions. In the case of a non-comoving dust fluid we find the general solution in the case of one non-zero fluid velocity component. We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the families of 3-d cosmologies with rotation and shear and analyse their singular structure. We also provide the general solution for cosmologies with one spacelike Killing vector, find solutions for cosmologies containing scalar fields and identify all the PP-wave 2+1 spacetimes. ", "introduction": "General relativity in three spacetime dimensions is known to possess a number of special simplifying features: there are no gravitational waves, no black holes in the absence of a negative cosmological constant, the Weyl curvature is identically zero, and the weak-field limit of the theory does not correspond to Newtonian gravity in two space dimensions~\\cite{GAK}-\\cite% {teit}. The theory is therefore considerably 'smaller' than general relativity spacetimes with four (or more) dimensions, and the strong-energy condition that creates geodesic focussing does not depend on the density of the material sources. These simplifying features mean that considerable progress can be made in the search for the general cosmological solution of the three-dimensional Einstein equations. In an $(N+1)$-dimensional spacetime the number of independently arbitrary $N$-dimensional functions of the space coordinates that are needed to specify the Cauchy data for the general cosmological problem on a spacelike hypersurface in vacuum is $% (N+1)(N-2)$; in the presence of a general (non-comoving) perfect fluid it is $N^{2}-1;$ and for a comoving perfect fluid it is $N^{2}-N-1$~\\cite{BBL}. Thus, in the $N=2$ case, we see that the number reduces to zero for the vacuum solution (reflecting the absence of free gravitational fields in vacuum), reduces to one arbitrary spatial function in the comoving perfect-fluid case ,and to three arbitrary spatial functions for a perfect fluid. In this paper we will set up the general cosmological problem in three-dimensional spacetimes and find the general solution of the field equations in the case of comoving pressure-free matter, with and without a cosmological constant, $\\Lambda $. We go on to find solutions for the case of non-comoving dust and classify the singularities and asymptotic behaviours that arise in both cases with and without a cosmological constant. The relative tractability of the general cosmological problem in 2+1 dimensions allows us to go some way towards finding a general solution of the Einstein equations and we are able to isolate those features which prevent a full solution being found. In particular, we are able to find and classify the solutions for dust containing one of the (two possible) non-zero spatial 2-velocity components. There have been several past investigations of the structure of 2+1 dimensional general relativity and studies of the properties of particular solutions with high symmetry (see~\\cite{GAK}-\\cite{D}, and~\\cite{Clema}-\\cite% {Ida}). Important motivations for these studies were provided by the astrophysical interest in the possible observational signatures of cosmic strings and domain walls in the universe \\cite{vil}-\\cite{his}. Higher-order curvature contributions were discussed in~\\cite{BBL}, together with the special features of the Newtonian-relativistic correspondence in general relativity and related theories, while the study of quantum gravity is reviewed in~\\cite{carl}. Cosmological solutions and singularities were discussed in~\\cite{BBL} and~\\cite{collas,gar1}, while gravitational collapse of spherically symmetric dust clouds have been considered in~\\cite{Kriele}-% \\cite{gutti}. The outline of this paper is as follows. In section 2 we define the 3-d Einstein equations and our notations. Section 3 introduces the 2+1 covariant formalism and the general kinematics of 3-d spacetimes, identifying the special features that arise from the lower dimensions and from the vanishing of the Weyl curvature. These include the key role of the isotropic pressure as the sole contributor to the gravitational mass of the system and the fact that vorticity never increases with time. In section 4 we give a number of new cosmological solutions, review the characteristics of the homogeneous and isotropic models, including those that are singularity-free, and provide the generalisation of the G\\\"{o}del universe to 3 dimensions. We also consider linear perturbations around the 3-d analogues of the `dust'-dominated FRW models and find them to be (neutrally) stable. In section 5 we employ Witten's first-order formalism~\\cite{witten} to formulate the equations governing the most general 3-d cosmological spacetime metric containing perfect-fluid matter. Then, in section 6 we specialise the matter source to pressure-free dust with non-zero $\\Lambda $ and comoving 2-velocities and find the general solution of the field equations. These fall into three classes, one of which generalises the solution of Kriele~\\cite{Kriele} to $\\Lambda \\neq 0$, while another is the generalisation of the Szekeres metric with nonzero $\\Lambda $~to 2+1 dimensions \\cite{szek, BSS}. Section 7 considers the most general dust cosmologies with non-comoving velocities and finds various new classes of solutions. We study the asymptotic behaviour of these solutions and analyse in detail the structure of their spacelike and timelike singularities. Also, by means of a number of examples, we illustrate the wide range of possible behaviours in the presence of vorticity and shear. The same section also introduces a transformation that generates exact solutions with nonzero cosmological constant from those with vanishing $\\Lambda $. Finally, in section 8 we look at the case of a pure scalar field, provide the general solution of Einstein's equations with one spacelike Killing vector, and identify all the 2+1 PP-wave spacetimes. Our results are summarised and discussed in section 9. ", "conclusions": "Whereas the general cosmological solutions of the 3+1 dimensional Einstein equations are intractably complicated and likely dominated by non-integrability, the structure of the theory in 2+1 offers the possibility of making considerable progress towards finding the general solution in several interesting situations. This fact, together with our current perception that quantum field theory fits more naturally in three rather than four dimensions, has motivated the study of Einstein's theory in 3-dimensional spacetimes. In this article we employed covariant and first-order formalism techniques to study the properties of general relativity in three dimensions. The covariant approach provided an irreducible decomposition of the relativistic equations and allowed for a mathematically compact and physically transparent description of their properties. Using this information we reviewed the kinematical, dynamical and geometrical features of 3-dimensional spacetimes and identified the special features that distinguish them from the standard 3+1 models. These include the key role of the isotropic pressure as the sole contributor to the gravitational mass of the system and the fact that vorticity never increases with time. We also reviewed the 3-d analogues of the spatially homogeneous and isotropic FRW models and investigated their stability against linear perturbations. We found that, unlike their conventional counterparts, dust-dominated 3-d homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes are stable under shear and vorticity distortions and (neutrally) stable against disturbances in their density distribution. The latter reflects the vanishing of the total gravitational mass in 3-dimensional dust models, which ensures the absence of linear Jeans-type instabilities. In addition to isotropic spacetimes, we also looked at 3-dimensional anisotropic models providing Kasner-like solutions for the case of pressure-free matter and generalising G\\\"{o}del's universe to three dimensions. The covariant formalism allowed us to carry out these analyses by a study of the kinematic variables characterising the expansion of the universe. The absence of both electric and magnetic Weyl curvature components in three dimensions considerably simplifies the analysis. We then specialised further to the case of a pressureless matter source. In addition to being physically realistic, this assumption produces a significant further simplification of the cosmological field equations in three-dimensional spacetimes. We were able to find the general cosmological solutions of the theory in the case where the matter was comoving. No symmetry assumptions were made. We then considered the fully general pressureless fluid system with non-comoving velocities. We were able to solve the system in the case where one spatial velocity component was zero whilst the other was non-zero. This allowed us to carry out an asymptotic study, close to and far from singularities, of an inhomogeneous cosmology with rotation, expansion and shear. All the singularities arising in these solutions were classified using the different criteria of strength introduced by Krolak and Tipler. We were able to provide a simple transformation which generalised all the solutions we found with vanishing cosmological constant into new solutions with non-zero cosmological constant. Finally, we considered scalar-field metric with one Killing vector and found all the PP-wave solutions in 2+1 dimensional universes. These investigations suggestion a number of problems for further study. Exact solutions in the cases with non-zero isotropic and anisotropic pressure remain to be investigated. In the case of zero pressure, we have analysed the problem of the general solution of the three-dimensional Einstein equations into a well-defined system of partial differential equations. We have solved for the case with comoving velocities and a single non-comoving velocity but the problem remains to find the general solution of the equations when both non-comoving fluid velocities are present. \\subsection*{Acknowledgement} D. Shaw is supported by the PPARC." }, "0606/astro-ph0606062_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent work on globular cluster systems in dwarf galaxies outside the Local Group is reviewed. Recent large imaging surveys with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} and follow-up spectroscopy with 8-m class telescopes now allow us to compare the properties of massive star clusters in a wide range of galaxy types and environments. This body of work provides important constraints for theories of galaxy and star cluster formation and evolution. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Studies of globular clusters (GCs) in dwarf galaxies provide very important insights into galaxy formation, the formation and evolution of GCs, and the relationship between GCs and nuclei. Comparisons of the properties of star clusters in different types of galaxies can test the theories of galaxy formation. In hierarchical scenarios of galaxy formation dwarf-size galaxies form first and then merge into larger systems. If star cluster formation coincided with galaxy formation, then a significant fraction of the star clusters in massive galaxies should have been formed in dwarfs. In this case the star clusters in dwarf galaxies in dense environments should be at least as old and metal-poor as the oldest star clusters in giant galaxies. However, recently evidence has mounted that stellar populations in surviving low mass galaxies are younger than in giant ellipticals\\cite{treu05}. In this ``downsizing'' view the dwarf galaxies formed after the giants or at least had their star formation rates suppressed at early times. A signature of downsizing would be that the star clusters in dwarfs are younger than those in giant galaxies. Another question that star clusters can help answer is the relationship between dwarf irregular (dI) and dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies. All dwarf galaxies must have formed with substantial gas fractions like today's dI galaxies. However, in massive local galaxies clusters the majority of the dwarfs are gas-free, smooth-isophote dEs. The differences may be due to environment or dIs may get transformed into dEs by gas stripping, supernovae winds, or galaxy interactions. A comparison of the star clusters in the two types of dwarfs provides insight into the processes that shaped these galaxies and into why some dEs form nuclei. In addition, the shape of the initial mass function of star clusters and how it evolves is not well understood. There are still debates about whether the form of initial mass function is a single or broken power-law (resulting in a log-normal distribution in magnitudes) and about the effects of various destruction processes \\cite{baum98}\\cite{fz01}\\cite{vesp01}. By comparing the present-day mass functions in dwarf galaxies with those in giant galaxies it may be to disentangle the destructive processes and therefore determine the shape of the initial star cluster mass function. This paper reviews the properties of star cluster systems in dwarf galaxies outside of the Local Group. Large imaging surveys with the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} are now starting to provide us with statistically significant samples of GCs in dEs and dIs in different environments. Follow-up spectroscopy with 8-m class telescopes are now providing complementary results on the ages, metallicities, abundance ratios, and kinematics of GCs and nuclei in dwarf galaxies. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} Substantial progress in understanding the GCSs of dwarf galaxies has been made in recent years due to large imaging surveys in different environments with {\\it HST}, new spectroscopic work using 8-m class telescope, and the inclusion of globular clusters in cosmological galaxy formation models. More work is still needed on photometry and spectroscopy of GCs in dIs in order to improve the comparisons with the results on dEs. Also, there is much to be learned from the kinematics of GCs that could not be discussed here. GCs will continue to be a fundamental tool for understanding the formation of dwarf galaxies and testing theories of galaxy formation in general.\\\\ \\noindent This work was supported by the Gemini Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., on behalf of the international Gemini partnership of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America." }, "0606/astro-ph0606581_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Bearing in mind the application to the theory of core-collapse supernovae, we performed a global linear analysis on the stability of spherically symmetric accretion flows through a standing shock wave onto a proto neutron star. As unperturbed flows, we adopted the spherically symmetric steady solutions obtained with realistic equation of state and formulae for neutrino reaction rates taken into account. These solutions are characterized by the mass accretion rate and neutrino luminosity. Then we solved the equations for linear perturbations numerically, and obtained the eigen frequencies and eigen functions. We found (1) the flows are stable for all modes if the neutrino luminosity is lower than a certain value, e.g. $\\sim 1\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s for $\\dot{M}=1.0M_{\\odot}/{\\rm s}$. (2) For larger luminosities, the non-radial instabilities are induced, probably via the advection-acoustic cycles. Interestingly, the modes with $\\ell=2$ and $3$ become unstable at first for relatively low neutrino luminosities, e.g. $\\sim 2-3\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s for the same accretion rate, whereas the $\\ell=1$ mode is the most unstable for higher luminosities, $\\sim 3-7\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s. These are all oscillatory modes. (3) For still larger luminosities, $\\gtrsim 7\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s for $\\dot{M}=1.0M_{\\odot}/{\\rm s}$, non-oscillatory modes, both radial and non-radial, become unstable. These non-radial modes were identified as convection. The growth rates of the convective modes have a peak at $\\ell=5-11$, depending on the luminosity. We confirmed the results obtained by numerical simulations that the instabilities induced by the advection-acoustic cycles are more important than the convection for lower neutrino luminosities. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of the inner boundary on the stabilities and found that they are not negligible though the existence of the instabilities is not changed qualitatively for a variety of conditions. ", "introduction": "The explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernova is still remaining to be revealed. Several observations suggest that the supernova explosion is asymmetric in general. For example, the HST images of supernova 1987A, the most thoroughly investigated supernova so far, shows clear global asymmetry of the ejecta. The radiations scattered by the supernova ejecta commonly have one percent level of linear polarization, the fact naturally explained by the asymmetry of the scattering surface~\\citep{leo00, wan02}. Furthermore, it is now well known that young pulsars have a large peculiar velocity \\citep{lyn94}, which is supposed to be gained by a nascent neutron star at its birth owing to the asymmetry of dynamics. On the theoretical side, the possible roles of the asymmetry in the explosion mechanism are being explored from various points of view at the moment~\\citep{kot06}. As a result of many multi-dimensional studies, it is now believed that the dynamics of supernova core is intrinsically asymmetric even though extrinsic factors like the rotation or magnetic field of progenitor is absent. The asymmetry is thought to be produced by some hydrodynamical instabilities, the most well known of which is convection. A couple of recent numerical simulations demonstrate, on the other hand, that another instability plays an important role in the accretion flows through the standing shock onto the proto neutron star \\citep{blo03,sch04,blo06,ohn06a}. The remarkable feature of this instability is the dominance of the $\\ell=1$ mode, where $\\ell$ stands for the azimuthal index of the spherical harmonic functions, $Y_{\\ell}^{m}$. The so-called standing accretion shock instability or SASI is thus expected to be a natural explanation for the large kick velocities of young pulsars. The mechanism of SASI is still controversial. One of the promising mechanisms is the amplified cycle of the inward advections of vortex and entropy fluctuations and outward propagations of acoustic perturbations, which was originally discussed in the context of black hole accretions \\citep{fog00,fog01,fog02}. The mechanism was also known in the engineering field (see \\citet{how75} and references therein). Most recently, however, \\citet{blo06} claimed, based on their 2D numerical simulations with a simplified cooling taken into account, that the instability is induced by the purely acoustic cycles. On the other hand, \\citet{ohn06a} obtained the results that appear to support the advection-acoustic cycle in their 2D numerical models with more realistic heating and cooling processes taken into consideration. Obviously, more detailed linear analyses for appropriate background models and boundary conditions are needed to clarify the nature of the instabilities and that is the main purpose of this paper, in which we accomplished global linear analyses for the spherically symmetric steady accretion flows that are supposed to represent the post-bounce supernova core reasonably well. It should be emphasized that SASI is a non-local instability. As mentioned above, the convection has been numerically explored by many researchers for the past decades. If the neutrino luminosity is larger than a certain value, there appears a so-called heating region in the post-shock flows, where the net neutrino heating occurs~\\citep{yam06}. In this region, the entropy gradient is negative and the flow is convectively unstable if the conventional criterion for convection is applied. Recently, \\citet{fog06a} demonstrated by linear analysis that the advection tends to suppress the convection. In fact, the condition for the instability is tightened and the growth rate is lowered in general. In this paper, SASI was not discussed. We think, however, the SASI and convection should be treated simultaneously and on an equal basis. It is also noted that it is important to employ a realistic equation of state and neutrino heating/cooling rates, since not only the evolution of perturbations but also the unperturbed background structure is dictated by them. In fact, the stability strongly depends on the latter. For example, the radial distributions of sound velocity and inflow velocity are crucially important for the advection-acoustic cycle. The growth rate and stability criterion for convection, on the other hand, depend not only on the entropy gradient but also on the advection time of the flow as discussed by \\citet{fog06a}. Moreover, the stability of accretion flows through a standing shock against radial perturbations is mainly determined by the acceleration or deceleration of the flow just behind the shock wave \\citep{nak92,nak93,nak94}. It is, hence, important to employ appropriate unperturbed background flows and boundary conditions. Some of the discrepancy mentioned above may be attributed to the difference of them. In this paper, we accomplished global linear analyses of spherically symmetric steady accretion flows through a standing accretion shock onto a proto neutron star, using a realistic equation of state and neutrino-heating/cooling rates, and investigated the stability of the flows against both radial and non-radial perturbations. In so doing, we treated the convective instabilities and SASI on an equal basis. In the next section, we summarize the formulations, describing briefly the background steady solutions and then giving basic equations for the global linear analysis. The main results of the numerical calculations are presented in section~\\ref{eigen}. We discuss in section~\\ref{mec} the mechanisms of instabilities found in the previous section. In section~\\ref{dep}, we consider the dependence of the results on the assumptions we make for the inner boundary conditions and the perturbation of neutrino temperature. The final section is devoted to discussion. ", "conclusions": "\\label{disc} In this paper, we investigated the stability of the spherically symmetric accretion flow through the standing shock wave onto the proto neutron star, which is supposed to approximate the post-bounce situation in the core-collapse supernova. We performed systematically the global linear-stability analyses for both radial and non-radial perturbations. We found that the flow is stable for all modes if the neutrino luminosity is lower than $\\sim 1\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s in our models with $\\dot{M}=1.0M_{\\odot}/{\\rm s}$. For larger luminosities, the non-radial instabilities are induced, probably via the advection-acoustic cycles. The modes with $\\ell=2$ and $3$ become unstable at first for relatively low neutrino luminosities, e.g. $\\sim 2-3\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s for the same accretion rate, whereas the $\\ell=1$ mode is the most unstable for higher luminosities, $\\sim 3-7\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s. These are all oscillatory modes. For still higher luminosities, $\\gtrsim 7\\times 10^{52}$ ergs/s, the non-oscillatory modes become unstable, among which we identified the non-radial ones as convection. In this way, we discussed the convective instability in the presence of advection on the same basis. We found that the growth rates of the convective modes change gradually with $\\ell$ and have a peak at $\\ell=5-11$, depending on the luminosity. The luminosity, at which each convective mode becomes unstable, decreases with $\\ell$ up to $\\ell=6$ and then increases for the same accretion rate. We confirmed the results obtained by numerical simulations that the instabilities induced by the advection-acoustic cycles become more important than convections for lower neutrino luminosities. We modified the criterion for the convection in the presence of advection previously discussed by \\citet{fog06a}. Furthermore, we investigated the sensitivity of the results to the inner boundary conditions and found that the nature of the instabilities is not changed qualitatively. In most of realistic simulations, the neutrino luminosity seems to be much smaller than the critical value (see e.g. \\citep{jan05,sum05}). Hence, from the results of this paper, the over-stabilizing modes induced probably by the advection-acoustic cycles are more important than convections in causing the global anisotropy as observed in the ejecta of core-collapse supernovae \\citep{leo00,wan02}. The instability is normally saturated at some amplitudes owing to the non-linear coupling of various modes~\\citep{ohn06a}. Although the instability of the standing shock wave, whatever the cause, is helpful for the shock revival, recent multi-dimensional numerical simulations \\citep{jan05} demonstrated that these instabilities alone could not induce an explosion. Then there must be some other agents to further boost the shock revival. Very recently \\citet{bur06} proposed a new mechanism, in which the dissipation of out-going acoustic waves that are excited by g-mode oscillations in the proto neutron star is the agent of the shock revival. In this context, the possible coupling between the instabilities of the accretion flows and the oscillations of the proto neutron star are interesting~\\citep{yos06,ohn06b}. In this paper, we considered only the spherically symmetric background flows. Considering the fact that massive stars are rotating in general, we are naturally concerned with the stability of rotational accretion flows. In the previous paper~\\citep{yam05}, we showed that the rapid rotation changes steady accretion flows in such a way that the critical luminosity is decreased and, as a result, the shock revival is facilitated. In so doing, we found that some of the models have a negative entropy gradient and can be convectively unstable. >From the results of this paper, we also expect some oscillatory modes will become unstable and will be more important than convection for low neutrino luminosities. Magnetic fields may also play an important role for the stability of accretion flows. Then, the so-called magneto-rotational instability (MRI) should be discussed in the same framework. In the case of the spherically symmetric background considered in this paper, each eigen value is degenerate with respect to the index, $m$. In the presence of rotation and/or magnetic field, the degeneracy will be removed at least partially. Furthermore, how the growth rates themselves are modified by these effects is an interesting issue. We are currently undertaking the task~\\citep{yam06b} and the results will be published elsewhere." }, "0606/astro-ph0606548_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The temperature anisotropies and polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation provide a window back to the physics of the early universe. They encode the nature of the initial fluctuations and so can reveal much about the physical mechanism that led to their generation. In this contribution we review what we have learnt so far about early-universe physics from CMB observations, and what we hope to learn with a new generation of high-sensitivity, polarization-capable instruments. Key-words: cosmic microwave background --- early universe ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606254_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations to investigate the spinning-down of magnetars rotating in the propeller regime and moving supersonically through the interstellar medium. The simulations indicate that magnetars spin-down rapidly due to this interaction, faster than for the case of a non-moving star. From many simulation runs we have derived an approximate scaling laws for the angular momentum loss rate, $\\dot{L} \\propto-~\\eta_m^{0.3}\\mu^{0.6}\\rho^{0.8}{\\cal M}^{-0.4} \\Omega_*^{1.5}$, where $\\rho$ is the density of the interstellar medium, ${\\cal M}$ is Mach number, $\\mu$ is the star's magnetic moment, $\\Omega_*$ is its angular velocity, and $\\eta_m$ is magnetic diffusivity. A magnetar with a surface magnetic field of $10^{13} - 10^{15}$ G is found to spin-down to a period $P > 10^5-10^6$ s in $\\sim 10^4 - 10^5$ years. There is however uncertainty about the value of the magnetic diffusivity so that the time-scale may be longer. We discuss this model in respect of Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) and the isolated neutron star candidate RXJ1856.5-3754. \\begin{keywords} neutron stars --- magnetars --- magnetic field --- MHD \\end{keywords} ", "introduction": "Some neutron stars referred to as ``magnetars'' have unusually large magnetic fields, $B\\sim 10^{13}-10^{15} ~{\\rm G}$ (Duncan \\& Thompson 1992; Thompson \\& Duncan 1995). Possible candidates for magnetars include anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) (Kulkarni \\& Frail 1993; Kouveliotou et al. 1994; Hurley et al. 1999). These objects are associated with supernovae remnants and hence are relatively young (Vasist \\& Gotthelf 1997; Kouveliotou et al. 1998). Only a few candidates for magnetars have been found so far. The estimated birthrate of magnetars is $\\sim 10\\% $ of ordinary pulsars (Kulkarni \\& Frail 1993; Kouveliotou et al. 1994, 1999) so that there might be many more magnetars which are presently invisible. Their ``visibility\" depends on a number of factors. One important factor is the rate of the star's spin-down. If magnetars spin-down rapidly to very long periods, then one will not detect spin modulated variability during flares. Consequently the identification of the variability with a rotating neutron star would be more difficult. \\begin{figure*} \\includegraphics[scale=.8]{f1.eps} \\caption{Matter flow around a strongly magnetized star rotating in the propeller regime and propagating through the interstellar medium with Mach numbers ${\\cal M}=1$ (top panel) and ${\\cal M}=3$ (bottom panel). Other parameters correspond to the main case. The background represents the logarithm of density and the length of the arrows is proportional to the poloidal velocity. The solid lines are magnetic field lines. The dashed solid line shows the Alfv\\'en surface. Distances are measured in units of the Bondi radius. Time corresponds to $50$ rotation periods of of the star.} \\label{Figure 1} \\end{figure*} During the pulsar stage of evolution, magnetars spin down much more rapidly than ordinary pulsars. Consequently, they pass through their pulsar stage much faster, in $\\sim 10^4$ years (Thompson \\& Duncan 1995). When the light cylinder radius becomes larger than magnetospheric radius $r_m$, the relativistic wind is suppressed by the inflowing matter (Shvartsman 1970) and the star enters the propeller regime where the spin-down is due to the interaction of the star's rotating field with the interstellar medium (ISM) (Davidson \\& Ostriker 1973; Illarionov \\& Sunyaev 1975). Magnetars with velocities $v > 100-200$ km/s interact directly with the ISM. That is, the magnetospheric radius is larger than gravitational capture radius (Harding \\& Leventhal 1992; Rutledge 2001; Toropina et al. 2001). In the propeller regime the rapidly rotating magnetosphere interacts strongly with the supersonically inflowing ISM. The spin-down rate of supersonically moving magnetars in the propeller regime has been estimated earlier, but different authors have obtained rather different results. For example, Rutledge (2001) estimates a spin-down time of $\\sim 4 \\times 10^9$ yr for a neutron star with a surface magnetic field $B = 10^{15}~{\\rm G}$ and velocity $v = 300~{\\rm km/s}$. On the other hand, Mori and Ruderman (2003) estimate that a magnetar spins-down to periods greater than $10^4$ s within $\\sim 5 \\times 10^5$ years. Mori and Ruderman put forward this model as an explanation of the isolated neutron star (INS) candidate RX J1856.5-3754 which does not show variability. The propeller stage of evolution has been investigated in non-magnetar cases both theoretically (e.g., Illarionov \\& Sunyaev 1975; Davies, Fabian \\& Pringle 1979; Davies \\& Pringle 1981; Lovelace, Romanova \\& Bisnovatyi-Kogan 1999; Ikhsanov 2002; Rappaport, Fregeau, \\& Spruit, 2004) and with MHD simulations (Wang \\& Robertson 1985; Romanova et al. 2003; Romanova et al. 2004; Romanova et al. 2005; Ustyugova et al. 2006). However, only limited theoretical work has been done for magnetar-type propellers, which propagate through the ISM supersonically (Rutledge 2001; Mori \\& Ruderman 2003). No MHD simulations of this flow regime have been done previously. This work presents the first numerical simulations of the interaction of supersonic, fast rotating magnetars with the ISM. Earlier, we investigated supersonic propagation of {\\it non-rotating} strongly magnetized stars through the ISM (Toropina et al. 2001). The present simulations are analogous to those in Toropina et al. (2001). However, here the star rotates in the propeller regime. The main objective of this work is to determine the dependences of spin-down rate of the star on the different variables and to estimate corresponding time-scale of the spin-down. Sections 2 and 3 describe the physical situation and simulation model. In \\S 4, we discuss the results of our simulations. In \\S 5, we apply our results to magnetars and in \\S 6 we discuss possible magnetar candidates. Conclusions are given in Section 7. \\begin{figure*} \\includegraphics[scale=.7]{f2.eps} \\caption{Temporal variation of the total angular momentum flux from the star obtained by integrating over a surface surrounding the star (solid line) and the flux through a surface across the magnetotail at $z=0.6$ (dotted line).} \\label{Figure 2} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\includegraphics[scale=.8]{f3.eps} \\caption{Distribution of the angular momentum fluxes in the magnetotail for our main case. The color background shows the specific angular momentum carried by the magnetic field (top panel) and by the matter (bottom panel). The solid lines are magnetic field lines.} \\label{Figure 3} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\includegraphics[scale=.8]{f4.eps} \\caption{Dependence of the angular momentum flux on different parameters, (a) the Mach number ${\\cal M}$, (b) the angular velocity of the star $\\omega_*\\equiv \\Omega_*/\\Omega_K$, (c) the magnetic moment $\\mu$, and (d) the magnetic diffusivity $\\tilde{\\eta}_m$.} \\label{Figure 4} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "Using axisymmetric MHD simulations we have studied the supersonic propagation through the ISM of magnetars in the propeller stage. We have done many simulation runs for the purpose of determining the angular momentum loss rate of the star due to the interaction of its magnetosphere with the shocked ISM. We conclude, that the interaction may be highly effective in spinning-down magnetars. A star with magnetic field $B \\sim 10^{13}-10^{15} G$ is expected to spin-down in $\\Delta T \\sim 10^4-10^5 {\\rm years}$. This time may be longer if the ISM material does not efficiently interact with the external regions of the magnetar's magnetosphere. Therefore, after relatively short stages of pulsar and propeller activity, a magnetar becomes a very slowly rotating object, with a period $P > 10^5-10^6 s$, which is much longer than the periods expected for ordinary pulsars. This may be a reason why the number of soft gamma repeaters, which are candidate magnetars, is so small. We should note however, that the rate of spinning-down depends on the magnetic diffusivity which is not known. At lower diffusivity the rate of spinning-down will be lower. The INS candidate RX J1856.5-3754 may be an example of a slowly rotating magnetar. However, this model does not explain the $H_{\\alpha}$ nebulae. An ordinary misaligned pulsar explains the different features more easily, excluding the fact that no periodic fluctuations were observed from this object." }, "0606/astro-ph0606312_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Prompt optical emission from the $\\gamma$-ray burst of GRB 041219A has been reported by Vestrand et al. There was a fast rise of optical emission simultaneous with the dominant $\\gamma$-ray pulse, and a tight correlation with the prompt $\\gamma$-ray emission has been displayed. These indicate that the prompt optical emission and $\\gamma$-ray emission would naturally have a common origin. We propose that this optical component can be modeled by considering the Comptonization of $\\gamma$-ray photons by an electron cloud. As a result of this mechanism, the arrival time of the optical photons is delayed compared with that of the $\\gamma$-rays. We restrict that the lag time to be shorter than $10$ s, within which the prompt optical emission is considered to vary simultaneously with the prompt $\\gamma$-ray emission. Taking the observations of GRB 041219A into account, we derive the number density of the surrounding electron cloud required for Comptonization. The redshift of GRB 041219A is predicted to be $z\\lesssim 0.073$ as well. ", "introduction": "GRB 041219A was detected by both the IBIS detector on the {\\rm International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory} satellite \\citep{got04} and the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) \\citep{bar04}. It was an unusually bright and long burst. The fluence of $1.55\\times 10^{-4}\\,ergs\\,cm^{-2}$ measured by BAT in the 15-350\\,keV band would put it among the top few per cent of the 1637 $\\gamma$-ray burst (GRB) events listed in the comprehensive fourth BATSE (Burst and Transient Source Experiment) catalog \\citep{pac99}. The duration of the prompt $\\gamma$-ray emission was approximately $520\\,s$, making it one of the longest bursts ever detected \\citep{ves05}. So far, prompt optical and infrared emission that occurs when the main burst is still in progress has been detected from a few GRBs. These include GRB 990123 \\citep{ake99}, GRB 041219A \\citep{ves05, bla05}, GRB 050401 \\citep{ryk05}, GRB 060111B (Klotz et al. 2006), and GRB 050904 \\citep{Boe06, Wei06}. The data obtained by RAPTOR (Rapid Telescopes for Optical Response) shows that the prompt optical light curve of GRB 041219A could be well fitted with a constant prompt optical-to-$\\gamma$-ray flux ratio $F_{opt}/F_{\\gamma}=1.2\\times 10^{-5}$ \\citep{ves05}. This strongly suggests that a direct correlation of both the time-varying spectral shape and the flux magnitude exists between the prompt optical emission and the $\\gamma$-ray emission. Prompt long-wavelength radiation accompanying prompt $\\gamma$-ray emission has been widely discussed by many authors in the pre-afterglow era \\citep{kat94, sch94, wei97, tav96,zha05} and in the afterglow era \\citep{Sai99, mes99, wu06, van00, fan04, fw04, Bel05}. Recently, simultaneous variation of the optical-infrared emission with the prompt $\\gamma$-rays from GRB 041219A has been discussed by \\cite{fan05} using a neutron-rich internal shock model. Alternatively, here we argue that Compton attenuation of the $\\gamma$-ray photons with a power-law spectrum by intervening electron clouds could give birth to the prompt optical emission. The $\\gamma$-ray photons are assumed to be produced by the central engine (e.g., standard fireball model), while an electron cloud with the extremely high number density required could likely be ejected by the progenitor of the GRB, for example, as ejecta from the associated supernova in an earlier phase of the explosion \\citep{mac99}. When the incident $\\gamma$-ray photons travel through the electron cloud, some of them will be reprocessed into optical photons through the Compton attenuation mechanism. The model is addressed in detail in \\S\\, 2, and we give the discussion and conclusions in \\S\\, 3. ", "conclusions": "We propose that the prompt optical and infrared emission from GRB 041219A can be modeled by the saturated Comptonization of its $\\gamma$-ray emission. The current evidence shows that the optical emission of GRB 041219A is rather distinct from that of other GRBs, suggesting a possible environmental influence \\citep{ves05}. We argue that this special event could have been surrounded by a very high density electron cloud. If the sub-$10\\,s$ lag time prompt optical emission can be considered as varying simultaneously with the prompt $\\gamma$-ray emission, by fitting the observations we find that the required electron number density to degrade the $\\gamma$-rays into the optical band is $\\sim 7\\times 10^{17}\\,cm^{-3}$, and this dense scattering region is expected to cover $\\sim 87\\%$ of the total area. Although the required value of the electron number density is much higher than that of ordinary interstellar matter, it is lower than the electron number density of the Sun's outer convection layer \\citep{bah88}. We argue that the electron cloud could be a result of, for example, either the ejecta of the outer layer of the GRB progenitor ejected in an earlier phase of the explosion \\citep{mac99} or the capture of a star by the GRB progenitor \\citep{wan01}. If the scattering electron cloud is produced by the former mechanism, its total mass can be estimated as $M\\sim 4\\pi R_{\\ast}^2Ln_{e}m_{p}\\approx 2 \\times10^{-6}\\,M_{\\odot}$, where $m_{p}$ is the proton mass and $R_*$ is the radius of the GRB progenitor star, with $R_*\\sim10R_{\\odot}$ adopted here. Suppose that the ejected outer layer of the progenitor has a typical length of $10^5\\,cm$ and density of $10^{-3}\\,g\\,cm^{-3}$; when it expands into a size of $10^8\\,cm$, it could create an electron cloud as required by the model. As a result, we predict that an upper limit on the redshift of GRB 041219A of $z\\sim 0.073$ if the isotropic energy of this GRB is less than that of GRB 990123. Further more, many photons radiated in the UV/soft X-ray band could be inferred. Nevertheless, the XRT and UVOT instruments on board \\emph{Swift} did not autonomously slew to the burst, since automated slewing is not yet enabled \\citep{fen04}; it is interesting to note that the \\emph{Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer} All Sky Monitor obtained some soft X-ray data for the initial 120\\,s of GRB 041219A \\citep{mcb06}. The results presented here highlight the need for continued broadband observations of $\\gamma$-ray burst and the afterglow. \\noindent{\\bf Acknowledgement:} We thank the anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions that lead to an overall improvement of this study. We are thankful to Y.-F. Huang, S.-N. Zhang and K.-S. Cheng for both helpful comments and useful discussions. Thanks also to H.-X. Yin and W. Qiao for useful discussions. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 10573021, 10273011, and 10433010), and by the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects." }, "0606/astro-ph0606638_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We compare simulations of the \\lya forest performed with two different hydrodynamical codes, \\gad and \\textsc{Enzo}. A comparison of the dark matter power spectrum for simulations run with identical initial conditions show differences of 1-3\\% at the scales relevant for quantitative studies of the \\lya forest. This allows a meaningful comparison of the effect of the different implementations of the hydrodynamic part of the two codes. Using the same cooling and heating algorithm in both codes the differences in the temperature and the density probability distribution function are of the order of 10 \\%. The differences are comparable to the effects of boxsize and resolution on these statistics. When self-converged results for each code are taken into account the differences in the flux power spectrum -- the statistics most widely used for estimating the matter power spectrum and cosmological parameters from \\lya forest data -- are about 5\\%. This is again comparable to the effects of boxsize and resolution. Numerical uncertainties due to a particular implementation of solving the hydrodynamic or gravitational equations appear therefore to contribute only moderately to the error budget in estimates of the flux power spectrum from numerical simulations. We further find that the differences in the flux power spectrum for \\enzo simulations run with and without adaptive mesh refinement are also of order 5\\% or smaller. The latter require 10 times less CPU time making the CPU time requirement similar to that of a version of \\gad that is optimised for \\lya forest simulations. ", "introduction": "There is now a well established paradigm for the origin of the \\lya forest, the ubiquitous absorption lines due to neutral hydrogen in the spectra of high-redshift quasars. The absorption blue-wards of 1216 $\\AA$ is predominantly due to density fluctuations in the intervening warm ($\\sim 10^4$ K) photoionized inter-galactic medium (IGM) on scales larger than the Jeans length of the gas (see \\cite{Rauch_1998} for a review). Numerical simulations were instrumental in establishing the new paradigm in the 1990s (\\cite{Cen_1994}, \\cite{Zhang_1995}, \\cite{Hernquist_1996}, \\cite{Theuns_1998a}, \\cite{Zhang_1997}). The \\lya forest and the associated metal absorption probe the thermal and ionization history of the IGM as well as the interplay of galaxies and the IGM from which they are formed. More recently the \\lya forest has also been established as a means of quantitative measurement of the underlying matter distribution and thus a variety of cosmological parameters ({\\it e.g.} \\cite{Croft_1998}, \\cite{Croft_2002a}, \\cite{Viel_2004}, \\cite{Seljak_2005a}, \\cite{Viel_2006b}, \\cite{Seljak_2006}; Viel, Haehnelt \\& Lewis (2006)). Numerical simulations thereby play a crucial role in inferring the linear matter power spectrum and other derived quantities from the \\lya forest data. With increasing sample sizes statistical errors of measurements of the flux distributions have reached the percent level and the error budget is dominated by systematic uncertainties (Viel, Haehnelt \\& Springel (2004), \\cite{McDonald_2005a} \\nocite{McDonald_2005b}). Uncertainties due to numerical simulations contribute significantly to the error budget and the accuracy with which the flux distribution for given input physics and cosmological parameters can be simulated has become important. Most studies so far have used convergence tests to assess uncertainties due to the numerical simulations and direct comparisons of cosmological hydrodynamical simulation performed with different codes have been rare. The differences between hydro-dynamical simulations of galaxy clusters with a wide range of different codes/methods have been studied in the Santa Barbara cluster project (Frenk et al. 1999)\\nocite{Frenk_1999}. Recently \\cite{O'Shea_2005} performed a comparison between the grid based adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code \\textsc{Enzo}\\footnote{http://cosmos.ucsd.edu/enzo/} and the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code \\textsc{Gadget-2}\\footnote{http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/gadget/}. However, little has been done in this respect for hydrodynamical simulations of the \\lya forest data (see \\cite{Theuns_1998b} for a notable exception of a comparison between two SPH codes) Some comparisons of hydrodynamical simulations with approximate simulations of the \\lya forest data have been performed by McDonald et al. (2005),\\cite{Zhan_2005} and Viel, Haehnelt \\& Springel (2006). We present here a comparison of hydrodynamical simulations of the \\lya forest with \\enzo and \\gad which concentrates on the statistical properties of the flux distribution. \\\\ We are therefore mostly interested in properties of the moderate to low over-density gas which is responsible for \\lya forest absorption. Of particular interest is the probability distribution of the gas density, the temperature, the resulting flux distribution and the flux power spectrum. A major difference between grid-based and SPH codes is their treatment of shocks and their effects on the temperature distribution. We will also examine these differences.\\\\ \\indent The plan of the paper is as follows. In \\S\\ref{Codes} we describe the \\enzo code and the \\gad code and the different ways in which the codes solve the gravitational and hydrodynamics equations. In \\S\\ref{Sims} we describe the simulation set used in the comparisons. In \\S\\ref{comparison} we investigate how physical properties of both codes compare, in particular the gas distribution and the 1-D flux power spectrum. Finally in \\S\\ref{time} we will look at the performance of each code in terms of CPU time consumption. ", "conclusions": "We have performed a detailed comparison of \\lya forest simulations with \\gad, a \\textsc{TreePM-SPH} code, and \\enzo a Eulerian AMR code in order to asses the numerical uncertainties due to a particular numerical implementation of solving the hydrodynamical equations. The codes are similar with respect to the way in which they compute the gravitational forces at large scales but differ in the way they calculate gravitational forces on small scales; the codes use a Tree-PM and PM N-body algorithm, respectively. Their main differences lie, however, in the way in which they solve the gas hydrodynamics. \\gad discretises mass using SPH methods while \\enzo discretises space using adaptive meshes. The main results are as follows. \\begin{itemize} \\item{The differences in the dark matter power spectrum between simulations with \\enzo and \\gad on scales relevant for measurements of the matter power spectrum from \\lya forest data are about 2\\% for an appropriate choice of box size and resolution.} \\item{The temperature density relation of simulations with \\enzo and \\gad differ very little. The PDF of the volume weighted temperature differ by $\\sim 10$ \\% probably mainly due to differences in the PDF of the gas density which are of the same order and at least partially caused by a slight mismatch in resolution.} \\item{The PDF of the flux distribution of simulations with \\enzo and \\gad agree very well. Typical differences are $\\sim 5-10$\\% probably again mainly due to a slight mismatch of the resolution.} \\item{The differences of the flux power spectrum of simulations with \\enzo and \\gad on scales relevant for measurements of the matter power spectrum from \\lya forest data are about 5\\% for an appropriate choice of box size and resolution and simulations which fully resolve the Jeans mass. For simulations of lower resolution but larger boxsize the difference increase up to $\\sim 10$\\%. Note that the differences are scale and redshift dependent. } \\end{itemize} \\begin{figure} \\psfig{figure=timing.ps,width=0.48\\textwidth} \\caption{\\label{times} A comparison of the CPU time required for the simulation to run through a fixed redshift interval. Simulation parameters are as described in the text and annotated on the plot. The thin lines are for a SUN distributed memory cluster and the thick lines are for a SGI shared memory (SM) machine. Only relative values for the same architecture should be considered. Note the reversal in relative speed between \\gad simulations with star formation and \\enzo static grid simulation between the two architectures. The thick dashed line shows a linear scaling of CPU time with the number of particles for comparison. } \\end{figure} Overall the \\lya forest simulations with \\enzo and \\gad agree astonishingly well. The choice of method for solving the hydrodynamical simulations appears to affect the gas distribution and its thermal state very little. It is also reassuring that two different implementations for solving the gravitational equations agree well. The corresponding uncertainties should contribute to the overall error budget of measurements of the matter power spectrum from \\lya forest data at the level of 3\\%. The total error in current measurement is significantly larger and they should thus not be important. The main numerical uncertainties are instead due to a lack of sufficient dynamic range which typically makes correction of 5\\% for boxsize and resolution necessary. This will obviously improve as computational resources become more powerful. In practical terms memory requirements of simulations with \\enzo without AMR and \\gad are similar. \\enzo without AMR offers the highest speed but requires somewhat larger corrections. Our results suggest that if sufficient computational resources are available and sufficient care is employed the accuracy of numerical simulations should not yet be a limiting factor in improving the accuracy of measurements of the matter power spectrum from \\lya forest data." }, "0606/astro-ph0606197_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Dark matter or modifications of the Newtonian inverse-square law in the solar system are studied with accurate planetary astrometric data. From extra-perihelion precession and possible changes in the third Kepler's law, we get an upper limit on the local dark matter density, $\\rho_\\mathrm{DM} \\ls 3 {\\times} 10^{-16}~\\mathrm{kg/m}^3$ at the 2-$\\sigma$ confidence level. Variations in the $1/r^2$ behavior are considered in the form of either a possible Yukawa-like interaction or a modification of gravity of MOND type. Up to scales of $10^{11}$~m, scale-dependent deviations in the gravitational acceleration are really small. We examined the MOND interpolating function $\\mu$ in the regime of strong gravity. Gradually varying $\\mu$ suggested by fits of rotation curves are excluded, whereas the standard form $\\mu(x) = x/(1+x^2)^{1/2}$ is still compatible with data. In combination with constraints from galactic rotation curves and theoretical considerations on the external field effect, the absence of any significant deviation from inverse square attraction in the solar system makes the range of acceptable interpolating functions significantly narrow. Future radio ranging observations of outer planets with an accuracy of few tenths of a meter could either give positive evidence of dark matter or disprove modifications of gravity. ", "introduction": "Gravitational inverse-square law and its relativistic generalization have passed significant tests on very different length- and time-scales. Precision tests from laboratory and from measurements in the solar system and binary pulsars provide a quite impressive body of evidence, considering the extrapolation from the empirical basis \\citep{ade+al03,wil06}. First incongruences seem to show up only on galactic scales with the observed discrepancy between the Newtonian dynamical mass and the directly observable luminous mass and they are still in order for even larger gravitational systems. Two obvious explanations have been proposed: either large quantities of unseen `dark' matter (DM) dominate the dynamics of large systems \\citep{zwi33} or gravity is not described by Newtonian theory on every scale \\citep{fin63}. Dark matter is all the general theory of relativity needs to overcome apparent shortcomings and provides a coherent picture for gravitational phenomena from the laboratory to the cosmological context. The paradigm of cold DM when complemented with a positive cosmological constant (the so called $\\Lambda$CDM scenario) is successful in explaining the whole range of galactic and extra-galactic body of evidence, from flat rotation curves in spiral galaxies to large scale structure formation and evolution \\citep{pea99}. The $\\Lambda$CDM paradigm could be regarded as the definitive picture apart from that the presumed existence of DM relies so long only on its putative global gravitational effect, whereas direct detection by any independent mean is still lacking. This makes room to alternative proposals based on modifications of Newtonian gravity. In general, such proposals do not extend the inverse-square law to a regime in which it has never before been tested and they do not introduce any exotic component. Proposals are very different from each other. Some of them can make gravity stronger on scales of galaxies and explain flat rotation curves without dark matter \\citep{mil83}; others realize a mechanism for the cosmic acceleration without dark energy, for example as a result of gravity leaking on scales comparable to the horizon \\citep{dva+al00}. Two main alternative proposals have been discussed. In the first one, the gravitational potential deviates from the usual form at large distances. A classical example is the inclusion of a Yukawa-like term in the gravitational potential. This is strictly related to more fundamental theories where these additional contributions appear as the static limit of interactions due to the exchange of virtual massive bosons \\citep{ade+al03}. According to the second main choice, Newton's law fails when the gravitational acceleration is small rather than when the distance is large. The prototype and still one of the most empirically successful alternative to DM is Milgrom's modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) \\citep{mil83,sa+mc02}. With some basis in sensible physics, MOND can provide an efficient description of the phenomenology on scales ranging from dwarf spheroidal galaxies to cluster of galaxies but its cosmological extension is still in the childhood \\citep{bek04}. High precision solar system tests could provide model independent constraints on possible modifications of Newtonian gravity. The solar system is the larger one with very well known mass distribution and can offer tight confirmations of Newtonian gravity and general relativity. Any deviation emerging from classical tests would give unique information either on dark matter and its supposed existence or on the nature of the deviation from the inverse-square law. Several authors have discussed this possibility. \\cite{tal+al88} derived limits from the analysis of various planetary astrometric data set on the variation in the $1/r^2$ behavior of gravity. Experimental bounds on non luminous matter in solar orbit were derived either by considering the third Kepler's law \\citep{and+al89,and+al95} or by studying its effect upon perihelion precession \\citep{gr+so96}. The influence of a tidal field due to Galactic dark matter on the motion of the planets and satellites in the solar system was further investigated by \\cite{bra+al92} and \\cite{kl+so93}. The orbital motion of solar-system planets has been determined with higher and higher accuracy \\citep{pit05b} and recent data allow to put interesting limits on very subtle effects, such as that of a non null cosmological constant \\citep{je+se06,se+je06}. In this paper, we discuss what state-of-art ephemerides tell us about non Newtonian or DM features. In section~\\ref{basi}, we review standard expectations about Galactic dark matter at the solar circle and discuss some standard frameworks for deviations from the inverse square-law, i.e. a Yukawa-like fifth force and the MOND formalism. Observational constraints from perihelion precessions and changes in the third Keplerian law are discussed in section \\ref{peri} and \\ref{mean}, respectively. Section \\ref{conc} is devoted to some final considerations. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} Debate between dark matter and departures from inverse-square law is still open. Considering both theoretical and observational aspects, dark matter seems to be slightly preferred. If on a galactic scale the two hypotheses match, on the cosmological side only DM can give a consistent framework. This might shortly change with the steady improvements in relativistic generalization of the MONDian paradigm. So, in our opinion, it is of interest to examine results on a very different scale, that of the solar system. Solar system data have been confirming predictions from the general theory of relativity without any need for dark matter and it is usually assumed that deviations can show up only on a larger scale. In this paper, we have explored what we can learn from orbital motion of major planets in the solar system. Results are still non-conclusive but nevertheless interesting. Best constraints come from perihelion precession of Earth and Mars, with similar results from modifications of the third Kepler's law. The upper bound on the local dark matter density, $\\rho_\\mathrm{DM} \\ls 3 {\\times} 10^{-16}~\\mathrm{kg/m}^3$, falls short to estimates from Galactic dynamics by six orders of magnitude. Deviations of the gravitational acceleration from $1/r^2$ are really negligible in the inner regions. A Yukawa-like fifth force is strongly constrained on the scale of $\\sim 1$~AU. For a scale-length $\\lambda_\\mathrm{Y} \\sim 10^{11}~\\mathrm{m}$, a Yukawa-like modification can contribute to the total gravitational action for less then one part on $10^{11}$. Similar limits could be achieved by precise measurements on the proof masses carried on board of the LISA Pathfinder satellite~\\footnote{http://www.rssd.esa.int/index.php?project=LISAPATHFINDER} (Speake, private communication). In fact, instantaneous measurements of the drag-free test-mass acceleration during the transfer orbit towards the first Sun-Earth Lagrange point could in principle test the inverse square law on a scale length of $\\sim 1$~AU (Speake, private communication). Results on a similar scale-length could be obtained through a detailed analysis of binary pulsars. The periastron shift, the gravitational redsfhift/second-order Doppler shift parameter and the rate of change of orbital period are sensitive to scalar-tensor gravity and to any other deviation from the general theory of relativity \\citep{wil06}. Dipole gravitational radiation associated with violations of the equivalence principle in its strong version could cause an additional form of gravitational damping and a significant change of the orbital period could occur, in particular for a binary pulsar system with objects of very dissimilar mass \\citep{wil06}. A massive graviton associated with a Yukawa-like fifth force could also affect the speed of propagation of gravitational waves and induce radiation effects at the reach of future gravitational wave detectors \\citep{wil06}. A large class of MOND interpolating function is excluded by data in the regime of strong gravity. The onset of the asymptotic $1/r$ acceleration should occur quite sharply at the edge of the solar system, excluding the more gradually varying $\\mu(x)$ suggested by fits of rotation curves. On the other hand, the standard MOND interpolating function $\\mu(x) = x/(1+x^2)^{1/2}$ is still in place. Studies on planetary orbits could be complemented with independent observations in the solar system. Mild or even strong MOND behavior might become evident near saddle points of the total gravitational potential, where MONDian phenomena might be put at the reach of measurements by spacecraft equipped with sensitive accelerometers \\citep{be+ma06}. As a matter of fact, fits to galactic rotation curves, theoretical considerations on the external field effects and solar system data could determine the shape of the interpolating function with a good accuracy on a pretty large intermediate range between the deep Newtonian and MONDian asymptotic behaviors. Future experiments performing radio ranging observations of outer planets could greatly improve our knowledge about gravity in the regime of large accelerations. The presence of dark matter could be detected with a viable accuracy of few tenths of a meter on the measurements of the orbits of Neptune or Pluto, whereas an uncertainty as large as hundreds of meters would be enough to disprove some pretty popular MOND interpolating functions. In order to become really competitive with general relativity and the $\\Lambda$CDM paradigm, MOND should be predictive on the whole range of observed systems from solar system to the cosmic microwave background radiation. On a galactic scale, effects of DM or MOND are pretty similar and very difficult to distinguish each other but there might be some detectable differences on a smaller scale. In fact, the local value of DM at the solar circle is pretty much fixed by Galactic dynamics whereas the MOND behavior in the regime of strong accelerations probed locally is not univocal on a theoretical and observational basis. Nevertheless, only a very small class of interpolating free functions would give the same perturbation on the orbits of outer planets as that from local DM. Matching the expectations from DM with future radio ranging observations would be an important, nearly conclusive confirmation of its existence. On the other hand, deviations at a different order of magnitude, as those expected for a large variety of MOND interpolating functions, would be a strong indication of departure from the inverse-square gravitational law." }, "0606/astro-ph0606368_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\emph{HST} ACS images reveal blue cores in four E+A, or post-starburst, galaxies. Follow-up spectroscopy shows that these cores have LINER spectra. The existence of LINERs, consistent with those in many elliptical galaxies, is yet one more piece of evidence that these post-merger, post-starburst, bulge-dominated galaxies will evolve into normal ellipticals. More interestingly, if LINERs are powered by low-luminosity AGN, their presence in these E+As suggests that any rapid growth phase of the central black hole ended in rough concert with the cessation of star formation. This result emphasizes the importance of E+As for exploring how the evolution of black holes and AGN may be tied to that of galactic bulges. ", "introduction": "The strong correlation between black hole mass and galaxy bulge velocity dispersion \\cite[$M_\\bullet-\\sigma_B$;][]{Ferrarese00,Gebhardt00} suggests one of two things. Either early-type galaxies do not arise from dissipative mergers or there is a connection --- perhaps causal --- between the small-scale physics of black hole (BH) growth and the large-scale physics that organizes the host galaxy morphology, kinematics, and stellar populations during and after the merger. Given the observational evidence that gas-rich mergers do occur and that at least some produce pressure-supported, bulge-dominated remnants, it remains to understand how the processes that drive the evolution of the smallest and largest galactic scales are related. A key to resolving this question is to identify galaxies undergoing large-scale transitions via mergers and to consider the properties of their cores. On-going mergers are too complicated to provide clear answers, while their likely remnants are too far removed from the merger event. E+A galaxies, which have post-starburst spectra, frequent tidal features, and the kinematic and morphological signatures of early type galaxies \\citep{Zabludoff96,Norton01,Chang01,Yang04}, are true transitional objects and thus plausible test cases. In this {\\it Letter}, we explore whether there is evidence for a central BH/AGN in nearby E+As, and, if so, whether the core is consistent with those of early-type galaxies and evolving in concert with the galaxy as a whole. ", "conclusions": "We identify four E+A galaxies with blue cores, which are revealed by our follow-up spectroscopy to have LINER spectra. The existence of LINERs, similar to those in elliptical galaxies, is more evidence that E+A galaxies, with their post-starburst spectra, post-merger, gas-poor, bulge-dominated morphologies, and pressure-supported kinematics \\citep[e.g.,][]{Norton01,Chang01,Yang04}, evolve into normal early-types. More interestingly, if LINERs are low-luminosity AGN, their presence in E+As suggests that any rapid growth phase of the central AGN has ended in rough concert with the star formation and therefore that the evolution of the black hole is tied to that of the galactic bulge. What is not clear from our work is whether the coupling between AGN and bulge evolution is causal, as is suggested by some theoretical models incorporating AGN feedback \\citep{Springel05a,Springel05b}. The study of a large sample of E+As, including an investigation of any correlation between AGN strength and the time elapsed since the starburst, could provide a test of the AGN-feedback hypothesis, as those models predict that the black hole accretion rate peaks shortly after the starburst and declines quickly as the merger remnant ages." }, "0606/astro-ph0606642_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper we analyze previously published spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios of E and S0 galaxies in the rich cluster CL1358+62 at $z=0.33$, and introduce techniques for fitting stellar population models to the data. These data and methods will be used further in a larger study of the evolution of absorption line strengths in intermediate redshift clusters. Here we focus on the 19 elliptical and lenticular galaxies with an homogeneous set of eight blue Lick/IDS indices. These early-type galaxies follow very narrow line strength-line width relations using Balmer and metal lines, indicating a high degree of uniformity in their formation and enrichment histories. We explore these histories using recently published, six-parameter stellar population models \\citep{thomas,thomas2}, and describe a novel approach for fitting these models {\\it differentially\\/}, such that the largest sources of systematic error are avoided. The results of the model fitting are accurate {\\it relative\\/} measures of the stellar population parameters, with typical formal errors of $\\simlt 0.1$ dex. The best-fit models yield a mean $\\chi^2$ of 1.2 per degree of freedom, indicating that the models provide good descriptions of the underlying stellar populations. We find: (1) no significant differences between the best-fit stellar population parameters of Es and S0s at fixed velocity dispersion; (2) the stellar populations of the Es and S0s are uniformly old, consistent with results previously published using the fundamental plane; (3) a significant correlation of [Z/H] with galaxy velocity dispersion, in a manner consistent with the observed $B-V$ colors of the galaxies, and indicating that dust is not a significant contributor to the colors of early-type galaxies; (4) a possible, modest anti-correlation of [$\\alpha$/Fe] with velocity dispersion, with $< 2\\sigma$ significance, and discrepant with the correlation inferred from data on nearby galaxies at the $<3\\sigma$ level; and (5) a significant anti-correlation of [$\\alpha$/N] with galaxy velocity dispersion, which we interpret as a correlation of nitrogen enhancement with mean metallicity. Neither [$\\alpha$/C], nor [$\\alpha$/Ca] shows significant variation. While the differences between our conclusions and the current view of stellar populations may point to serious deficiencies, our deduced correlation of mean metallicity with velocity dispersion does reproduce the observed colors of the galaxies, as well as the slope of the local Mg-$\\sigma$ relation. Our tests indicate that the inferred population trends do describe real galaxies quite well, and matching our results with published data on nearby galaxies, we infer that the discrepancy stems largely from the historical treatment of broadening corrections to the narrow indices. The data also strongly indicate that secondary nitrogen is an important component in the chemistry of elliptical and lenticular galaxies. Taken together, these results reduce early-type galaxies in clusters to a family with one-parameter, velocity dispersion, greatly simplifying scenarios for their formation and evolution. More specifically, our data conclusively show that cluster S0s did not form their stars at significantly later epochs than cluster ellipticals of the same mass, and the presence of secondary nitrogen indicates that both Es and S0s formed from self-enriching progenitors, presumably with extended star-formation histories. ", "introduction": "Ever since the discovery that early-type galaxies follow scaling relations \\citep{mm1957}, it was clear they had profound implications for cosmology as well as for galactic structure, formation, and evolution \\cite[e.g.][and subsequent literature]{minkowski1962,terlevich}. Perhaps the most well-studied of these scaling relations is the color-magnitude relation \\citep{baum}, and its interpretation as a correlation of metal abundance with galaxy luminosity \\citep{rood1969} has survived to the present-day. Over the past several decades, numerous other scaling relations have been discovered and interpreted, such as $L$-$\\sigma$ \\citep{fj76}, $r_e$-$I_e$-$\\sigma$ \\citep[the fundamental plane;][]{dress7s,dd87}, Mg-$\\sigma$ \\citep{terlevich}, and other line strength-line width relations, such as H$\\delta_A$- or H$\\gamma_A$-$\\sigma$ \\citep[e.g.][]{kuntschner2000,kelson01}. Several important breakthroughs have helped to constrain the nature of early-type galaxy scaling relations. The clearest results have come from explicit tests for changes in the ages of stellar population with redshift along the sequence of early-types. By measuring the slopes of the color-magnitude relations in clusters to redshifts of unity \\cite{stanford} concluded that the relation originates largely from systematic variations in metallicity with galaxy mass \\citep[also see][]{blakeslee2006}. Likewise, the fundamental plane of early-type galaxies has a slope that does not appear to evolve significantly with redshift to $z=0.33$ \\citep{kelsonc}, further evidence that cluster E/S0s are a family well-described by uniform ages and a mass-metallicity relation. At redshifts of $z=0.8-0.9$ there are hints that the slope of the fundamental plane may evolve modestly \\citep{jorgensen2006}, though this result appears to be inconsistent with the slope of the color-magnitude relation as measured by \\cite{blakeslee2006} and it remains to be seen how these data will be reconciled. There have been many efforts to observe the high-redshift line strength-line width relations \\citep{ziegler,kelson01,jorgensen0152,barr2005,moran2005}. However, significant constraints have not been forthcoming because of the difficulty of obtaining sufficient signal-to-noise ratios. The situation is much better at low redshifts. Detailed analysis of line strengths in low-redshift E/S0s have been very revealing since \\cite{jesus} (and others) broke the age-metallicity degeneracy \\citep{worthey}. Using line strengths many authors have shown that massive galaxies in clusters are uniformly old \\citep[e.g.][]{jorgensen1997,jorgensen1999,trager2000a,kuntschner2000}, but some ambiguities do remain. For example it has long been understood that the Mg$b$-$\\sigma$ \\citep{terlevich} and Fe-$\\sigma$ \\citep{jesus} relations are not consistent with the hypothesis that they both arise solely from a correlation between the mean metallicity of the stellar populations and galaxy mass. The discrepancy has been interpreted using stellar populations models in which ``$\\alpha$-enhancement, or [$\\alpha$/Fe], is allowed to vary systematically with velocity dispersion \\citep[see, e.g.][for details and many important references]{jorgensen1999,trager2000a,trager2000,worthey2003,thomas2005}. While \\cite{trager2000a} reminded readers that this is a misnomer, because the $\\alpha$ elements are not enhanced --- Fe is simply under-abundant. We will, however, continue to use the term ``$\\alpha$-enhancement'' to be consistent with past literature on the subject. After several decades of analysis, improved techniques of observation, and despite the immense amount of progress in stellar population models \\citep{faber1972,worthey,trager2000a,schiavon1,thomas}, the modeling of absorption lines remains ambiguous and contradictory \\citep[e.g.,][and others]{worthey,trager2000,worthey2003,schiavon3,thomas-ca}. Some have even questioned the ``$\\alpha$-enhancements'' altogether \\citep[]{proctor2004a}. Over the long-term we hope that the physics of stellar atmospheres will be understood with sufficient detail to allow for the creation of synthetic stellar spectra for stars, over the full range of stellar masses and phases of stellar evolution, that comprise the observed spectra of galaxies. Presently, however, numerous uncertainties in the formation of molecular lines, and incomplete line lists prevent one from generating completely synthetic spectra for stellar populations. As a result the features in the spectra of stars and galaxies cannot be fully modeled. Despite major progress in generating high resolution spectral energy distributions of simple stellar populations \\citep{vaz2a,bc2003}, we cannot fully solve for the age(s) and elemental abundances of populations in a galaxy by directly fitting synthetic spectra. \\begin{figure*} \\centerline{\\epsscale{0.7} \\plotone{fig1.eps}} \\caption{Color-magnitude diagram of the cluster in $R$ and $V_{606}-I_{814}$, taken from \\cite{kelsonb}. All 194 confirmed cluster members in the HST imaging are shown. The red, blue, and green symbols represent those galaxies observed by \\cite{kelsonb} for use in their study of the fundamental plane. Ellipticals are shown using red, filled circles. The S0 galaxies are shown using blue open circles. Spiral galaxies are shown in green. The light gray points were not observed in the high-resolution study of \\cite{kelsonb}. The red, blue, and green points are shown using two sizes. The larger ones mark those galaxies in the homogeneous sample (for which all eight of the indices used in the modeling are available; see \\S \\ref{sec:fitting}). The E and S0 (red and blue) galaxies in the figure are discussed in this paper while the full fundamental plane sample of CL1358+62 will be discussed in a subsequent paper. \\label{fig:selection}} \\end{figure*} Without the ability to directly model the spectra of galaxies, one must measure and model spectral indices. One widely used system is the Lick/IDS system, created by \\cite{burstein84} \\citep[and subsequently revised by][]{trager}. To this day, the measurement and modeling of these line strengths remain the most useful means of assessing the bulk properties of the stellar populations in passively evolving galaxies. Over the last several years several groups have expanded our ability to model these indices with more parameters than age, metallicity, and $\\alpha$-enhancement. The models of \\cite{trager2000a},\\cite{thomas}, and \\cite{schiavon2005} allow one to probe specific elemental abundances, such as nitrogen, carbon, and calcium. Such models only make predictions for passively evolving stellar populations. Fortunately models of galaxy evolution involving star-formation are not needed in our study of massive cluster galaxies through intermediate redshifts, because such galaxies have been shown to be passively evolving \\citep[e.g.,][]{kelson97,kelsonc,wuyts}. At higher redshifts, on-going star-formation may become increasingly important \\citep[e.g.][]{juneau}, and more sophisticated models may then be required. In our survey of galaxies in rich clusters at intermediate redshifts, the sample of galaxies with the highest signal-to-noise spectroscopy over the widest range of galaxy luminosities is that from our fundamental plane survey of CL1358+62 at $z=0.33$. Because of the depth and quality of that sample, we adopt it as the reference sample to which the other clusters in our survey will subsequently be compared \\citep{evolpaper}. Here we study the absorption lines of the E/S0 galaxies in that sample, using the models of \\cite{thomas} and \\cite{thomas2} to explore not only ages and metallicities, but additional stellar population parameters, namely the relative abundances of nitrogen, carbon, and calcium, along with the mean $\\alpha$-enhancement. Because we are keenly interested in potential variations in the abundance ratios, and because the state-of-the art high-resolution models \\citep{bc2003} do not reproduce, in detail, the strengths of many features in the spectra of real galaxies \\citep[e.g. CN, Ca4227, Mg, H$\\delta$, H$\\gamma$;][]{gallazzi2005}, we prefer to derive stellar population parameters from an analysis of absorption line indices. The \\cite{bc2003} SEDs are employed for other purposes and these are discussed below in the context of deriving broadening corrections to our data. Many of the details regarding the processing of the data, and subsequent corrections, are discussed elsewhere \\citep{kelsonb,datapaper}. However several of the key points are discussed below in \\S \\ref{sec:data} because of their crucial role in the analysis. We then describe our comparison of the absorption line strengths of the E/S0 galaxies to the models of \\cite{thomas} and \\cite{thomas2}, in which we perform non-linear least-squares fits to each galaxy's set of line strengths \\cite[see, also][]{proctor2004b}, {\\it but only for relative differences in the stellar population parameters\\/}. This allows us to explicitly avoid potentially large systematic uncertainties in the direct comparison of the data and models. This methodology is used in the rest of the survey and so is described in some detail. The resulting relative ages and patterns of fitted chemical abundances are described in \\S \\ref{sec:fits} and then discussed further in \\S \\ref{sec:summary}. Our conclusions are summarized in \\S \\ref{sec:conclusions}. While our findings do not depend on the cosmology, we use the cosmological parameters $H0=72$ km/s/Mpc, $\\Omega_M=0.27$, and $\\Omega_\\Lambda = 0.73$, when such parameters are required (e.g. for corrections to the line strengths for any variation in the metric sizes of the apertures from which the spectra were obtained). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have measured absorption line strengths for galaxies in the cluster CL1358+62 using the spectra published in \\cite{kelsonb}. A homogeneous population of early-type galaxies has been analyzed, with the full selection of galaxies in \\cite{kelsonb} to be discussed in a subsequent paper. The largest source of systematic errors that plague the analysis of absorption lines has been eliminated by matching the stellar populations models \\citep{thomas,thomas2} to the mean observed line strengths of the most massive early-type galaxies in CL1358+62. Furthermore, not only does a recalibration of the models allow for accurate differential measurements of the stellar population parameters, but the topology of the $\\chi^2$ minimum can be used to accurately estimate formal errors. Using only those E/S0 galaxies which have accurate measurements of eight blue Lick/IDS indices (H$\\delta_A$, H$\\gamma_A$, CN$_2$, Ca4227, G4300, Fe4383, Fe4531, and C4668), we fit for the {\\it relative} measures of age and chemical abundances. The fitting has resulted in homogeneous sets of stellar population parameters relative to the reference point used in resetting the model zero-point. The key results can be summarized as follows: \\noindent (1) The populations of the E and S0 galaxies are statistically identical in their age and abundance patterns, down to the magnitude limit of $R=21$ mag, consistent with what was found using the fundamental plane \\citep{kelsonc}. Beyond the magnitude limit, selection biases become important. \\noindent (2) The observed scatter in relative ages is 0.06 dex, where the scatter expected from measurement errors is 0.09 dex. The scatter in ages is consistent with that inferred from the color-magnitude relation \\citep{vdcm33}, and from the fundamental plane \\citep{kelsonc}. \\noindent (3) We find a tight correlation between relative metallicity and velocity dispersion, with a slope of $0.86\\pm 0.17$ dex/dex. The scatter about this relation is 0.06 dex, where the scatter expected from the formal errors is 0.05 dex. The observed $B-V$ colors are also consistent with the inferred ages and metallicities. \\noindent (4) The scatter in relative $\\alpha$-enhancement is only 30\\% larger than expected from the formal errors alone. When the nitrogen abundance ratio is allowed to vary, we find a mild anti-correlation of $\\Delta$[$\\alpha$/Fe] with $\\log \\sigma$, but with a significance less than $<2\\sigma$. While we find little evidence for a significant correlation (or variation) of [$\\alpha$/Fe] with velocity dispersion, the slope of the local Mg-$\\sigma$ relation can be reproduced by our $\\Delta$[Z/H]-$\\sigma$ correlation. \\cite{thomas2005} argued that Mg$b$-$\\sigma$ arises mostly from the correlation of metallicity with velocity dispersion. Our results go beyond that and suggest that no variation of $\\alpha$/Fe is required. The discrepancy between our conclusions and previously published work on this topic arises from our steeper [Z/H]-$\\sigma$ relation. This discrepancy may be due to the treatment of the broadening corrections, in particular for the narrow Lick iron indices, though more detailed analysis is required to verify this hypothesis. Previous work \\cite[e.g.][]{trager2000} indicated that cluster E/S0s form a three-parameter family of objects, with [Z/H] and $\\alpha$/Fe correlated with velocity dispersion. Historically, models with variable ratios of Type I and Type II supernovae and subsequent galactic winds have been invoked to explain such a complex family of objects. Elimination of the correlation of $\\alpha$-enhancement with velocity dispersion would greatly simplify models of E/S0 formation. \\noindent (5) We find that the enhancement of nitrogen is strongly correlated with velocity dispersion, while carbon abundance appears to show no variation. This N-$\\sigma$ correlation has not been observed before. This new correlation originates either in deficiencies in the stellar population models, or implies new physics to be incorporated into our understanding of E/S0 formation and evolution. The most likely explanation is one in which the nitrogen abundance ratios do not arise from mechanisms specifically tied to $\\sigma$, but that the nitrogen-enhancement is correlated with metallicity. In other words, the nitrogen is secondary in origin, and the progenitors of E/S0 galaxies experienced significantly extended star-formation. These data form the only sample of early-type galaxies in which these particular abundance patterns have been found, so far. In all other respects the sample shows the uniform age distribution and a steep correlation of mean metallicity with velocity dispersion inferred from other diagnostics. While models which include variable abundance ratios \\citep[e.g.][]{trager2000,thomas,thomas2} are relatively immature, their development has been encouraging, and the data are already well-fit by such models. The blue Lick indices appear to be powerful diagnostics of stellar population ages and provide excellent, self-consistent fits to the metal lines, even if the resulting abundance ratios run counter to much of the previous literature. Despite these discrepancies, the observed line strength-line width relations of nearby galaxies, published by \\cite{nelan2005}, are recovered, with some notable exceptions. Those relations that match well do bolster our faith in these findings. However, nearly all of the iron line strength-line width relations are not matched well, and the published data on nearby galaxies have had large multiplicative Doppler corrections applied. We suggest that perhaps past treatment of these corrections may be in error. That the $(B-V)$ colors are consistent with our stellar population parameters not only reinforces our conclusions, but also indicates that dust is not an important component in the optical SEDs of early-type galaxies. The results on enhancements (over Fe) of $\\alpha$, nitrogen, and carbon have important implications. While it remains to be seen whether the carbon- and nitrogen-sensitive indices are being modeled correctly, the nitrogen enhancement-velocity dispersion correlation agrees very well with the correlation of [N/Z] with [Z/H] expected to arise from secondary production of nitrogen by AGB stars. Taken together, our differential stellar population parameters suggest that these massive early-type galaxies form a family with only a single parameter: galaxy velocity dispersion (or possible mass). The uniform ages and simple trends of metallicity with velocity dispersion appear to contradict the observation that fewer S0s exist at higher redshift \\citep{morph2,postman2005}. We conclude that the timescales and mechanisms with which the populations in S0s form are statistically identical to that of ellipticals of the same mass. Early-type galaxies, now shown to have significant self-enrichment and extended star-formation histories, must be reconciled with hierarchical formation \\citep[e.g.][]{kauffman1993} in a $\\Lambda$CDM universe. The uniform ages and tight mass-metallicity relation may not be compatible with significant merging and histories of extended star-formation. In a subsequent paper, we will employ our machinery for measuring these age and abundance patterns in a range of clusters from $z=0$ to $z=0.83$. With comparisons of the properties of cluster galaxies over a range of redshifts, we will test the universality of some of the conclusions presented here, quantify changes in the stellar population parameters with cluster redshift \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{kelson01,jorgensen0152,barr2005}, and attempt to reconcile the above results with a coherent picture of the formation and evolution of galaxies in rich clusters." }, "0606/astro-ph0606532_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the far-infrared (IR) maps of a bipolar planetary nebula (PN), NGC 650, at 24, 70, and $160\\micron$ taken with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) on-board the Spitzer Space Telescope. While the two-peak emission structure seen in all MIPS bands suggests the presence of a near edge-on dusty torus, the distinct emission structure between the $24\\micron$ map and the 70/$160\\micron$ maps indicates the presence of two distinct emission components in the central torus. Based on the spatial correlation of these two far-IR emission components with respect to various optical line emission, we conclude that the $24\\micron$ emission is largely due to the [\\ion{O}{4}] line at $25.9\\micron$ arising from highly ionized regions behind the ionization front, whereas the 70 and $160\\micron$ emission is due to dust continuum arising from low-temperature dust in the remnant asymptotic giant branch (AGB) wind shell. The far-IR nebula structure also suggests that the enhancement of mass loss at the end of the AGB phase has occurred isotropically, but has ensued only in the equatorial directions while ceasing in the polar directions. The present data also show evidence for the prolate spheroidal distribution of matter in this bipolar PN. The AGB mass loss history reconstructed in this PN is thus consistent with what has been previously proposed based on the past optical and mid-IR imaging surveys of the post-AGB shells. ", "introduction": "NGC 650 (PK 130-10\\fdg1, M 76, Little Dumbbell Nebula) is a large ($\\sim300\\arcsec$; \\citealt{balick92}) bipolar planetary nebula (PN) of the ``late butterfly'' type \\citep{balick87}. The nebula structure in the optical consists of the bright rectangular core of $95\\arcsec \\times 40\\arcsec$ (the long side perpendicular to the bipolar axis) and a pair of fainter lobes extending $\\sim90\\arcsec$ and $\\sim150\\arcsec$ from the central star that is attached to the long side of the rectangular core. The central core was long suspected to be a nearly edge-on torus, and the most recent kinematical study has eloquently demonstrated that the core is an inclined torus and the lobes are blown-bubbles expanding into the polar directions \\citep{bryce96}. Under the framework of the widely-accepted general interacting stellar wind (GISW) model (e.g., \\citealt{balick87}), the formation of bipolar PNs is understood as a two-step process. First, the progenitor star has to lose its envelope material via mass loss (${\\dot M} \\sim 10^{-6}$ M$_{\\odot}$, $v \\sim 10$ km s$^{-1}$) during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of the evolution. This AGB wind leads up to the so-called superwind (${\\dot M} \\sim 10^{-4}$ M$_{\\odot}$, $v \\sim 20$ km s$^{-1}$) at the end of the AGB phase prior to the exhaustion of the envelope material. During the superwind phase, mass loss is expected to cause concentration of the ejected matter into the equatorial plane. The AGB mass loss therefore results in the equatorially-enhanced circumstellar shell. Then, a hot and tenuous fast wind (${\\dot M} \\sim 10^{-9}$ M$_{\\odot}$, $v \\sim 10^{3}$ km s$^{-1}$) begins to emanate from the progenitor just prior to the beginning of the PN phase when the circumstellar material starts to ionize. This fast wind pushes into the surrounding equatorially-concentrated envelope, and the flow of the wind is thus channeled into the polar directions. The preferential wind flow towards the polar directions creates the typical bipolar lobes as wind-blown bubbles. The GISW scheme is thus capable of producing various PN shapes (both bipolar and spheroidal shells) depending primarily on the degree of the equatorial enhancement in the surrounding AGB shell. Hence, in order for the GISW scheme to work, the equatorially-enhanced AGB shell must be present when a fast wind is initiated. The GISW model itself, however, does not address how to generate the equatorial enhancement in the AGB wind shell. The presence of such circumstellar shells with a built-in equatorial density enhancement has been confirmed by imaging surveys of proto-PNs in thermal IR dust emission from the innermost torus (e.g., \\citealt{skinner94,meixner97,dayal98,meixner99,ueta01}) and dust-scattered star light (e.g., \\citealt{ueta00}). Based on the results from the largest mid-IR and optical imaging surveys to date \\citep{meixner99,ueta00}, a so-called ``layered shell model'' has been proposed to explain {\\sl both} the bipolar and elliptical proto-PN morphologies \\citep{ueta02,ueta03}. In this model, the proto-PN shells are thought to consist of three generic layers, each of which possesses a specific structure reflecting the geometry of mass loss at the time. The outer spherically symmetric layer represents isotropic mass loss during the early AGB phase, while the inner toroidal layer embodies equatorially-enhanced mass loss during the superwind epoch at the end of the AGB phase. Between these layers there is an intermediate spheroidal layer, which results from a gradual transformation of the mass loss geometry from isotropic to equatorially-enhanced over the course of the AGB phase. The unique strength of this layered shell model is its versatility. Radiative transfer calculations using this model have successfully reproduced both bipolar and elliptical proto-PN morphologies by simply varying the degree of the equatorial density enhancement (i.e., optical depth) of the shell \\citep{meixner02,ueta03}. The implication of the layered shell model is that there is no intrinsic distinction between the elliptical and bipolar proto-PN shells other than the degree of the equatorial density enhancement. Bipolar PNs would emerge from equatorially-enhanced proto-PNs and elliptical PNs would descend from proto-PNs of rather isotropic density distribution. The presence of the spheroidal intermediate layer is the key to account for the elongation along the polar axis in proto-PN shells (e.g., \\citealt{ueta01,meixner02,ueta03,meixner04}). It is clear that the equatorially-enhanced superwind {\\sl initiates} the subsequent aspherical structure development that eventually results in the observed complex PN structures. However, it is still not yet evident how the shell structure development ensues in the AGB and post-AGB winds. How does the spheroidal density distribution arise prior to the equatorial enhancement at the end of the AGB phase? Is the post-AGB mass loss significant in shell shaping? Does a fast wind simply ``snow-plow'' the surrounding material, tracing the pre-existing toroidal density distribution, or contribute to an additional equatorial enhancement? These are only a few questions concerning the shell structure development in the circumstellar shells of evolved stars. Further to understand the role of mass loss in the shell structure development during the AGB phase and beyond, the remnant AGB shells need to be investigated in PNs via sensitive far-IR observations of thermal dust emission, since such remnant AGB shells are very much dispersed and cold. In the following, we present the results of Spitzer Space Telescope far-IR mapping observations of a bipolar PN, NGC 650, to probe the history of AGB and post-AGB mass loss in this object. Below, we describe the data set and reduction procedure (\\S 2), discuss the results (\\S 3), and summarize conclusions (\\S 4). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0606/astro-ph0606704_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Quasars are powered by accretion onto supermassive black holes, but the problem of the duty cycle related to the episodic activity of the black holes remains open as one of the major questions of cosmological evolution of quasars. In this Letter, we obtain quasar duty cycles based on analyses of a large sample composed of 10,979 quasars with redshifts $z\\le2.1$ from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release Three. We estimate masses of quasar black holes and obtain their mass function (MF) of the present sample. We then get the duty cycle $\\bar{\\delta}(z)=10^{-3}\\sim 1$ based on the So\\l tan's argument, implying that black holes are undergoing multiple episodic activity. We find that the duty cycle has a strong evolution. By comparison, we show that evolution of the duty cycle follows the history of cosmic star formation rate (SFR) density in the Universe, providing intriguing evidence for a natural connection between star formation and triggering of black hole activity. Feedback on star formation from black hole activity is briefly discussed. ", "introduction": "Supermassive black holes are relics of quasars in the Universe (So\\l tan 1982; Rees 1984, 1990). Evolution of quasars is led by switching on and off accretion onto the black holes. During their entire evolution, how many times and how many black holes are triggered? what is the triggering mechanism? and why do quasars switch off? The duty cycle, defined as the fraction of active black holes to their total number is a key to tackling the above problems (Richstone et al. 1998; Martini 2004). A popular method to get the duty cycle invokes the continuity equation and the MF of quasar black holes. With an assumption that quasar black holes have the same Eddington ratio, their MF can be obtained from the luminosity function and finally the duty cycle can be found from the continuity equation (Small \\& Blandford 1990; Marconi et al. 2004). This is a convenient way to discuss evolution of the black holes, but the degeneracy of the Eddington ratio and the duty cycle still holds. Actually, not only are the Eddington ratios {\\em not} constant for different quasars at different epochs, but they appear to be quite scattered (Vestergaard 2004). % The duty cycle is poorly understood as a statistical parameter tracing the evolution of quasar populations. In recent years, there has been much progress in estimating black hole masses both in nearby galaxies and distant quasars. The empirical relation of reverberation mapping allows us to conveniently obtain the black hole masses from a large sample and directly get their MF. Thus it becomes realistic to get new clues to understand the evolution of quasars. Fortunately, by invoking the MF, we can decouple the degeneracy of the duty cycle and the Eddington ratio to get the duty cycle. In this Letter, we use available SDSS data to directly get the MF of the black holes so as to discuss the duty cycle based on the MF and find that there is a strong cosmological evolution. Our calculations assume a cosmology with the Hubble constant $H_0=70~{\\rm Mpc^{-1}~km~s^{-1}}$, $\\Omega_{\\rm m}=0.3$, and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$. ", "conclusions": "The evolution of quasars is jointly controlled by the triggering mechanism and accretion. The duty cycle is a key parameter to unveil the evolution of quasars. The results of the present paper show a very strong cosmological evolution of quasar's duty cycle. The triggering history represented by $\\bar{\\delta}(z)$ is quite similar to the evolution of cosmic SFR density. This indicates that star formation may be the direct mechanism to trigger the activity of the black holes. The duty cycle can be roughly justified from the galaxy luminosity function. According to the luminosity function of galaxies at $1.8\\le z\\le 2.0$ (Dahlen et al. 2005), the galaxy number density is $n_{\\rm G}\\approx 826$Gpc$^{-3}$ for galaxies brighter than $R-$band magnitude $M_{\\rm R}=-24$. This corresponds to the number density of galaxies with black hole mass larger than $10^9\\sunm$ converted from $\\log \\left(M_{\\rm BH}/\\sunm\\right)=-0.5M_{\\rm R}-3$ (McLure \\& Dunlop 2001). Number density of quasars brighter than $M_i=-28$ (corresponding to a black hole with mass $>10^9\\sunm$ if it is accreting at the Eddington limit) is $n_{\\rm Q}\\approx 175$ Gpc$^{-3}$ based on the quasar luminosity function (Richards et al. 2006). We thus estimate a duty cycle of $\\sim 0.18$, which is roughly consistent with the present results (see Figure 2a). The SFR density rises with redshift out to $z=1.5$ and appears to be roughly flat between $z\\approx 1.5$ and $z\\approx 3.0$. This tendency could be explained by strong feedback from activity of black holes to their host galaxies (Silk 2005; Di Matteo et al. 2005; Croton et al. 2006). With a balance between star formation and feedback in $z\\sim 1.5-3.0$, the violent star formation is then suppressed. However, the SFR density is going to decrease with time due to a shortage of gas and the BH duty cycle follows this trend. To further confirm this, future work will focus on the dependence of the duty cycle on the black hole masses. It could show the feedback-dependence on the BH growth itself. Additionally the total accretion time (net lifetime) of black holes will be then obtained." }, "0606/hep-ph0606007_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "} \\nc{\\eab}{ Upper limits on neutrino masses from cosmology have been reported recently to reach the impressive sub-eV level, which is competitive with future terrestrial neutrino experiments. In this brief review of the latest limits from cosmology we point out some of the caveats that should be borne in mind when interpreting the significance of these limits. ", "introduction": "The latest results from the WMAP satellite \\cite{spergel} confirm the success of the $\\Lambda$CDM model, where $\\sim 75\\;\\%$ of the mass-energy density is in the form of dark energy, with matter, most of it in the form of cold dark matter (CDM) making up the remaining 25 \\% . Neutrinos with masses on the eV scale or below will be a hot component of the dark matter and will free-stream out of overdensities and thus wipe out small-scale structures. This fact makes it possible to use observations of the clustering of matter in the universe to put upper bounds on the neutrino masses. An excellent review of the subject is that of Lesgourgues and Pastor \\cite{lesgourgues}. With the improved quality of cosmological data sets seen in recent years, the upper limits have improved, and some quite impressive claims have been made in the recent literature. We will in the following summarize the latest upper bounds and point out some of the potential systematic uncertainties that need to be clarified in the future. ", "conclusions": "Current cosmological observations provide strong upper limits on the sum of the neutrino masses. However, when assessing the significance of these limits one should bear in mind that several assumptions are involved in deriving these limits, both cosmological and astrophysical. It is an important task for further research to clarify how sensitive the results are to these assumptions, and how well they are justified." }, "0606/astro-ph0606674.txt": { "abstract": "There has recently been growing evidence for the existence of neutron stars possessing magnetic fields with strengths that exceed the quantum critical field strength of $4.4 \\times 10^{13}$ G, at which the cyclotron energy equals the electron rest mass. Such evidence has been provided by new discoveries of radio pulsars having very high spin-down rates and by observations of bursting gamma-ray sources termed magnetars. This article will discuss the exotic physics of this high-field regime, where a new array of processes becomes possible and even dominant, and where familiar processes acquire unusual properties. We review the physical processes that are important in neutron star interiors and magnetospheres, including the behavior of free particles, atoms, molecules, plasma and condensed matter in strong magnetic fields, photon propagation in magnetized plasmas, free-particle radiative processes, the physics of neutron star interiors, and field evolution and decay mechanisms. Application of such processes in astrophysical source models, including rotation-powered pulsars, soft gamma-ray repeaters, anomalous X-ray pulsars and accreting X-ray pulsars will also be discussed. Throughout this review, we will highlight the observational signatures of high magnetic field processes, as well as the theoretical issues that remain to be understood. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Since their theoretical conception by Baade \\& Zwicky (1934) neutron stars have been fascinating celestial objects, both for study of their exotic environments and for their important place in stellar evolution. Among the first signals to be detected from neutron stars came from radio pulsars (Hewish et al. 1968), spinning many times per second, distinguishing themselves from the background of interplanetary scintillation signals by their extremely regular pulsations. Pulsars were also soon discovered to be spinning down, their periods increasing also very regularly. The rotating magnetic-dipole model (Pacini 1967, Gold 1968, Ostriker \\& Gunn 1969), in which the pulsar loses rotational energy through magnetic dipole radiation, was dramatically confirmed with the discovery that the spin-down power predicted for the Crab pulsar was a nearly perfect energetic match with the radiation of its synchrotron nebula. The rotating dipole model also accounts for the observed rate of spin-down of the Crab and other pulsars, with required surface magnetic fields in the range of $10^{11} - 10^{13}$ Gauss for the first detected pulsars. This range has since significantly broadened, first with the discovery of a class of pulsars having periods of several milliseconds (Backer et al. 1982), believed to have been spun-up by accretion torques of a binary companion (Alpar et al. 1982), and much lower surface magnetic fields in the range of $10^8 - 10^{10}$ Gauss. Recent surveys have also discovered pulsars with very high period derivatives (e.g. Morris et al. 2002, McLaughlin et al.~2003) that imply surface fields up to around $10^{14}$ Gauss. Another class of neutron stars was discovered at X-ray and $\\gamma$-ray energies and may possess even stronger surface magnetic fields. Such stars are now referred to as magnetars % NEW: (Duncan \\& Thompson 1992), since they most probably derive their power from their magnetic fields rather than from spin-down energy loss (see Woods \\& Thompson 2005). Within the magnetar class there are two types of sources that were originally thought to be very different objects, although they are now believed to be closely related. The Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars (AXPs) were discovered as pulsating X-ray sources in the early 1980s and were thought at first to be an unusual type of accreting X-ray pulsar, from which the name is derived. The AXPs have periods in a relatively narrow range of 5 - 11 s, are observed to be spinning down with large period derivatives (Vasisht \\& Gotthelf 1997) and have no detectable companions or accretion disks that would be required to support the accretion hypothesis. Interpretation of their period derivatives as magnetic dipole spin down imply magnetic fields in the range $10^{14} - 10^{15}$ Gauss. But such high fields were not widely accepted initially, since their detected X-ray luminosities of around $10^{35}\\,\\rm erg\\,s^{-1}$ exceed their spin-down luminosities by several orders of magnitude. It was only by connection to another subclass of magnetar, the Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters (SGRs), that the extremely high magnetic fields of AXPs were adopted. SGRs were discovered as transient sources that undergo repeated soft $\\gamma$-ray bursts, usually in widely separated episodes. They undergo both repeated smaller bursting of subsecond duration as well as much more luminous superflares, lasting hundreds of seconds, which so far have not repeated in any single source but may be repeating on much longer timescales. It was not until some twenty years after their discovery that their quiescent X-ray pulsations were detected and also very high period derivatives (Kouveliotou et al. 1998), both with a range of values very similar to those of AXPs. Recently, bursts resembling the smaller bursts of SGRs were seen from several AXPs (Kaspi et al. 2003), making it likely that SGRs and AXPs are two variations of the same type of object % NEW - AKH (Thompson \\& Duncan 1993), very strongly magnetized, isolated neutron stars possibly powered by magnetic field decay. The periods and period derivatives of the various types of isolated pulsars are shown in the $P$-$\\dot P$ diagram of Figure \\ref{fig:PPdot}. Assuming that the spindown torque is due to magnetic dipole radiation, two quantities can be defined from the measured $P$ and $\\dot P$ for each pulsar: (1) Characteristic age $P/(2\\dot P)$: From $\\dot\\Omega\\propto -\\Omega^3$ (where $\\Omega=2\\pi/P$), the age of the pulsar is found to be $T=(P/2\\dot P)[1-(P/P_i)^2]$, where $P_i$ is the pulsar's initial spin period. (2) Surface dipole magnetic field: \\be B_s = \\left( {\\frac{{3Ic^3 P\\dot P}}{{2\\pi ^2 R^6 }}} \\right)^{1/2} \\simeq 2 \\times 10^{12}{\\rm G}\\,(P \\dot P_{15})^{1/2}, \\label{eq:B0}\\ee where $\\dot P_{15} \\equiv \\dot P/(10^{-15}\\,\\rm s\\,s^{-1})$ (and $P$ is in units of second), and and $I$ ($\\simeq 10^{45}$~g~cm$^2$ and $R$ ($\\simeq 10^6$~cm) are the neutron star moment of inertia and radius. There are presently around 1600 spin-powered radio pulsars known, with periods from $1.5$ ms - 8 s (Manchester 2004)\\footnote{ see http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/pulsar/psrcat/}. Some fraction of these pulse at other wavelengths, including about 10 in $\\gamma$-rays and about 30 in X-rays. The magnetars, eight AXPs and four SGRs\\footnote{ see http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/$\\sim$pulsar/magnetar/main.html}, occupy the upper right-hand corner of the diagram and curiously overlap somewhat with the region occupied by the high-field radio pulsars. However, the two types of objects display very different observational behavior. The high-field radio pulsars have very weak or non-detectable X-ray emission and do not burst (e.g. Kaspi \\& McLaughlin 2005), while the magnetars have no detectable radio pulsations, with the exception of the recent detection of radio pulsations in the transient AXP XTE J1810-197 (Camilo et al. 2006). The intrinsic property that actually distinguishes magnetars from radio pulsars is presently not understood. \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{PPdot.eps} \\caption{Plot of period vs. period derivative for the presently known rotation-powered pulsars and magnetars. Lines of constant characteristic age, $P/2\\dot P$, and surface dipole field (see Eqn [\\ref{eq:B0}]) are superposed.} \\label{fig:PPdot} \\end{figure} A third class of strongly magnetized neutron stars are the accreting X-ray pulsars (Parmar 1994). These sources are members of binary systems with high-mass companions that either have strong stellar winds or overflow their Roche lobes, transferring material to the neutron star. Inside an Alfven surface where the pressure of the accretion flow equals the neutron star magnetic field pressure, the accreting material is funneled along the magnetic field to the poles. The heated accretion flow then radiates from hot spots that rotate with the star, thereby producing pulsations. However, since accretion torques dominate the period derivative evolution, the surface magnetic fields of X-ray pulsars cannot be determined using the rotating dipole model, as they are for the rotation-powered pulsars and magnetars. Instead, magnetic fields of these objects have been measured from the energies of the cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSFs) that appear in their spectra (see Orlandini \\& dal Fiume 2001, for review), since the fundamental occurs at the electron cyclotron energy, $E_{ce} = \\hbar eB/(m_ec)=11.58\\,(B/10^{12}\\,{\\rm G})$~keV. Table 1 lists the X-ray pulsars, the energies of CRSFs that have been detected in their spectra and the inferred magnetic field strengths. In most cases, the measured magnetic fields range from $1-5 \\times 10^{12}$ Gauss, with the highest fields being around $4 \\times 10^{12}$Gauss. The formation of such line features will be discussed in section \\ref{sec:XRPs}. \\begin{table} \\caption{X-Ray Pulsars with Cyclotron Resonant Scattering Features$^a$} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{llc} \\hline Source & Energy (keV)$^b$ & B ($10^{12}$ Gauss)$^c$\\\\ \\hline 4U 0115+63 & 12 (4) & 1.0\\\\ 4U 1907+09 & 18 (1)& 1.6\\\\ 4U 1538-52 & 20 & 1.7 \\\\ Vela X-1 & 25 (1) & 2.2 \\\\ V 0332+53 & 27 (2) & 2.3 \\\\ Cep X-4 & 28 & 2.4 \\\\ Cen X-3 & 28.5 & 2.5 \\\\ X Per & 29 & 2.5 \\\\ XTE J1946+274 & 36 & 3.1 \\\\ MX0656-072 & 36 & 3.1 \\\\ 4U 1626-67 & 37 & 3.2 \\\\ GX 301-2 & 37 & 3.2 \\\\ Her X-1 & 41 & 3.5 \\\\ A 0535+26 & 47$^d$ (2) & 4.1 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\small $^a$ Data is from Heindl et al. (2004). $^b$ Numbers in parentheses are the number of cyclotron harmonics detected. $^c$ Magnetic field strength for viewing angle along field direction.} $^d$ Kretschmar et al. (2005) \\end{table} Clearly, there is a broad range of astrophysical sources in which the magnetic fields approach and exceed the quantum critical field strength, $B_Q \\equiv m_e^2c^3/(e\\hbar)=4.414 \\times 10^{13}$~G, at which the cyclotron energy equals the electron rest mass. In this regime, the magnetic field profoundly affects physical processes and introduces additional processes that do not take place in field-free environments. From a physics point of view, strongly magnetized neutron stars provide the only environment in which to measure and test these effects. From an astrophysics point of view, it is necessary to investigate the physics of strong magnetic fields in order to effectively model and understand the nature of the sources. This article will attempt to address both points of view by providing a review of the basic physical processes important in neutron star interiors and magnetospheres, as well as a review of the source models in which these processes play a critical role. We begin with a description of a free electron in a magnetic field in both classical and quantum regimes. Subsequent sections then discuss and review current understanding of the behavior of matter, atoms, molecules and plasma, in strong magnetic fields, photon propagation in magnetized plasmas, free-particle radiative processes, the physics of neutron star interiors, and field evolution and decay mechanisms. Then we will review models for magnetized atmospheres, non-thermal radiation from rotation-powered pulsars, burst and quiescent radiation from SGRs and AXPs, and emission from accreting X-ray pulsars. Other useful books and reviews on strongly magnetized neutron stars include Meszaros (1992), Duncan (2000), Lai (2001) and Harding (2003). A complimentary work concentrating on stellar magnetism in general is the book by Mestel (1999). ", "conclusions": "In this article we have reviewed the physics that applies in extremely strong magnetic fields, the properties of strongly magnetized neutron stars, atmospheres and magnetospheres, and the present status of our understanding and models of the astrophysical sources that are their manifestation. While the use of non-relativistic quantum mechanics is adequate (even for $B>B_Q$) for describing bound states or any processes where the electron stays in the ground Landau level, one must use relativistic quantum mechanics (QED) in computing the rates and cross sections for many free particle and photon processes. Nearly all of the cross sections for the first and second-order free particle processes in strong magnetic fields, such as cyclotron radiation and absorption, one photon and two-photon pair creation and annihilation and Compton scattering, have been calculated and studied. Only a few of the higher-order processes, such as Bremsstrahlung and photon splitting, have been investigated since they become increasingly complex. The unusual and interesting properties of photon propagation in strong magnetic fields has been a topic of intensive study in recent years, especially after the discovery of magnetars. Among all the processes that have been investigated, vacuum polarization has been found to be of particular importance. A variety of astrophysical sources, that include rotation-powered and accretion-powered neutron stars and the magnetars, SGRs and AXPs, are believed to be very strongly magnetized neutron stars. The processes that operate only in such strong fields may be fundamental to the functioning of these sources. For rotation-powered pulsars, one-photon pair creation is thought to be the primary process attenuating high-energy photons, and the created pairs may be critical in the production of the observed radio pulsations. We do not yet fully understand though how and why the radio emission seems to turn off well before the pulsar spin-down has ceased. Theoretical models show that pair production decreases as the pulsar ages, but does it turn off suddenly, or are there some threshold properties (e.g. multiplicity or energy spectrum) for radio emission? In the case of the magnetars, power levels far exceeding their spin-down power requires fast magnetic field decay on timescales only possible through processes such as ambipolar diffusion, that become effective in fields above $10^{14}$ G. We do not yet understand, however, why these sources are radio quiet. Is pair production suppressed by the strong field or are the collective plasma processes disrupted? Theoretical studies have so far not been able to find a convincing mechanism for the suppression of the radio emission in magnetars. Even more puzzling is the growing number of magnetars and radio pulsars having very similar spin properties, and therefore similar implied surface magnetic field strengths. Aside from their radio emission properties, radio pulsars and magnetars also have very different X-ray emission levels, transient emission and glitching behavior. What are the hidden characteristics of these sources that distinguish them? Also of interest are the emerging population of ``dim'' isolated neutron stars with apparently pure thermal emission. The spectral features detected in some of these sources are exciting, but their identifications remain unclear. The nature of these sources is unknown. Could they be descendants of magnetars? To find answers to these questions, new ideas and more theoretical work are surely needed. But new and more sensitive instruments are on the horizon that will also provide some clues as well. The ALFA pulsar survey (Cordes et al. 2005) began operation last year at Arecibo, one of the world's most powerful radio telescopes, and this survey is expected to discover at least 1000 new radio pulsars, nearly doubling the current number. Among the newly discovered pulsars will be many more radio pulsars with magnetar field strengths. The Gamma-Ray Large Area Telescope (GLAST) (McEnery et al. 2004), due to launch in 2007, will have a point source detection threshold about 20 times below that of EGRET and will discover hundreds of new $\\gamma$-ray pulsars. GLAST will also have sensitivity up to 200 GeV and will be able to make very sensitive measurements of spectral high-energy cutoffs. Third-generation ground-based Air Cherenkov detectors, such as H.E.S.S. (Hinton et al. 2004) in Namibia, have begun operation. They are sensitive to $\\gamma$-rays in the range 50 GeV to 50 TeV and may discover or put important constraints on pulsar and magnetar spectra and their nebulae. Further into the future are planned X-ray telescopes, such as Constellation X, XEUS, and X-ray polarimeters, such as AXP, POGO and ACT. Polarimeters in particular will be extremely important in looking for some of the signatures of very strong magnetic fields that have been discussed in this article, such as the vacuum polarization resonance and photon splitting cutoffs. \\ack We thank Matthew Baring for comments on the manuscript. This work has been supported in part by NSF grant AST 0307252 (DL)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606710_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The colour and luminosity distributions of red galaxies in the cluster Abell\\,1185 ($z=0.0325$) were studied down to $M^*+8$ in the $B$, $V$ and $R$ bands. The colour--magnitude (hereafter CM) relation is linear without evidence for a significant bending down to absolute magnitudes which are seldom probed in literature ($M_R=-12.5$ mag). The CM relation is thin ($\\pm0.04$ mag) and its thickness is quite independent from the magnitude. The luminosity function of red galaxies in Abell\\,1185 is adequately described by a Schechter function, with a characteristic magnitude and a faint end slope that also well describe the LF of red galaxies in other clusters. There is no passband dependency of the LF shape other than an obvious $M^*$ shift due to the colour of the considered population. Finally, we conclude that, based on colours and luminosity, red galaxies form an homogeneous population over four decades in stellar mass, providing a second evidence against faint red galaxies being a recent cluster population. ", "introduction": "One of the major problems facing models of galaxy formation is why cold dark matter models predict a larger number of low-mass galaxies than observed. Today, extremely faint ($M \\gg M^*+5$ mag) galaxies are still a poorly studied population because they are difficult to find and, once found, the measurement of their properties is not trivial since the measured properties are usually strongly affected by selection effects. Thus, understanding the properties of the lowest luminosity galaxies, which are presumably also very low mass, might shed light on some of the unsolved questions related to the production of galaxies in low-mass halos. The bulk of the observational work on low-luminosity galaxies is limited to clusters environment. The pioneering work by Visvanathan \\& Sandage (1977) presents the colour-magnitude relation over an eight magnitude range, although the very large majority of the data is relevant to the brightest four magnitudes. Secker et al. (1997) reports that the colour-magnitude relation (also known as the red sequence) is linear in the Coma cluster over a seven magnitude range, i.e. down to $M_R=-15.0$ mag. Conselice et al. (2002) confirms that galaxies in the first four magnitudes of the Perseus clusters obey to the usual colour--magnitude relation (e.g. Bower, Lucey \\& Ellis 1992), but faint candidate members of the cluster tend to depart from the colour of the red sequence, being bluer or redder. The scatter around the red sequence is small ($\\sigma \\approx 0.07$ mag) down to $M_R\\sim-17$ mag, but rises to $\\sigma \\approx 0.5$ mag at $M_R\\sim-14$ mag. Instead, Evans et al. (1990) found that the fainter Fornax galaxies become redder, not bluer. Therefore, it is unclear what is the shape of the red sequence at faint magnitudes and if it is universal or if it changes from cluster to cluster. In other environments, information is even scarcer. In the review article by Mateo (1998) on dwarf galaxies in the local group, the colour-magnitude relation includes about 30 galaxies in the range $-220$, the coupling function can, in principle, become zero and even negative if the value of the scalar field exceeds the critical value \\be \\label{phi_crit}\\phi_{\\rm crit}:=\\f{1}{\\sqrt{|\\sigma|}} \\ee We have deliberately written the absolute value of the coupling strength because, as we shall see later on, it is also of importance in the case of negative coupling. In this paper, we restrict our attention to a flat homogeneous and isotropic model, described by the FRW-metric \\be ds^2=-dt^2+a(t)^2 d\\vec{r}^{\\,2} \\ee Using a conformal transformation \\be \\label{CT} \\t g_{ab} := f(\\phi) g_{ab}\\ee the action (\\ref{Action}) can be recast in the form \\cite{Conf_NMC} \\be \\label{action} S[\\t g_{ab},\\phi]=\\int{dt \\left[ \\f{3}{\\kappa}(a^2 \\ddot a + a \\dot a^2)+a^3\\left(\\f{1}{2}F(\\phi)^2\\dot\\phi^2-\\t V(\\phi)\\right)\\right]} \\ee where we have introduced the effective potential \\be \\label{Veff} \\t V(\\phi):=\\f{U(\\phi)}{f(\\phi)^2} \\ee and \\be F(\\phi)^2:=\\f{1-\\sigma \\phi^2 (1-\\f{6 \\sigma}{\\kappa})}{f(\\phi)^2} \\approx \\f{1}{f(\\phi)}. \\ee The last approximation holds as long as we are interested in weak coupling such that $\\sigma \\sim (10^{-3}\\div 10^{-2}) \\kappa$; then $\\left( 1- \\f{6 \\sigma}{\\kappa}\\right)$ can be set to 1 in this order of magnitude. Note that in the Hamiltonian formulation, there is a similar canonical transformation under which $F(\\phi)^2:=\\f{1}{f(\\phi)}$ exactly \\cite{nonMin}. Consequently, the relation between the scalar fields (\\ref{phiRel}), derived below, also becomes exact, which considerably simplifies the analysis even if $\\f{6 \\sigma}{\\kappa} \\neq 1$. The last step, that will bring the kinetic term into its canonical form (Einstein frame), is to redefine the field \\bq \\label{phiDef} \\t \\phi &:=&\\int{d\\phi F(\\phi)} \\approx \\int{\\f{d\\phi}{\\sqrt{1-\\sigma \\phi^2}}} \\nonumber\\\\ &=&\\f{1}{\\sqrt{\\sigma}}\\left\\{% \\begin{array}{ll} \\sin^{-1}(\\sqrt{\\sigma\\phi}), & \\hbox{if} \\quad \\sigma > 0\\\\ \\sinh^{-1}(\\sqrt{|\\sigma|}\\phi), & \\hbox{if} \\quad \\sigma < 0 \\\\\\end{array}% \\right. \\eq Note that for a positive $\\sigma$ the quantity $\\sqrt{\\sigma}\\phi$ must be less than unity, for $f(\\phi)$ must not vanish and, in fact, be positive. From (\\ref{phiDef}) we get \\be \\label{phiRel} \\sqrt{|\\sigma|}\\phi \\approx\\left\\{% \\begin{array}{ll} \\sin(\\sqrt{\\sigma}\\t\\phi), & \\sigma > 0\\\\ \\sinh(\\sqrt{|\\sigma|}\\t\\phi), & \\sigma < 0 \\\\\\end{array}% \\right. \\ee Aiming at a loop quantization, we now have all the ingredients to proceed to the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory. For that end we introduce the phase space variables: \\be |\\t p|:=a^2, \\quad \\t c:=\\gamma \\dot a, \\quad \\t \\phi \\quad {\\rm and} \\quad \\t \\pi:=p^{3/2}\\dot{\\t \\phi} \\ee here $\\t p$ and $\\t c$ are the gauge-invariant triad and connection components respectively, $\\gamma$ is the Barbero-Immirzi parameter \\cite{AshVarReell,Immirzi}, and $\\t \\pi$ is the field momentum. Generally, the sign of $\\t p$ determines the orientation of the triad. From now on we assume that $\\t p>0$. Again, the tilded variables stand for quantities written in the Einstein frame. For notational convenience, however, we will omit tildes until transforming back to the Jordan frame. In terms of newly defined variables the action (\\ref{action}) takes the form \\be \\label{newAction} S=\\int{dt \\left[ \\frac {3}{\\kappa \\gamma} p \\dot{c} + \\pi \\dot{\\phi} - \\H \\right]}. \\ee with the Hamiltonian \\be \\label{Ham} \\H = -\\f{3}{\\kappa \\gamma^2} \\sqrt{p} c^2 + \\f{\\pi^2}{2 p^{3/2}} + p^{3/2} V(\\phi) \\ee From (\\ref{newAction}) we see that the pairs $\\{p,c\\}$ and $\\{\\phi,\\pi\\}$ are indeed canonically conjugate variables with the Poisson brackets \\be \\label{PB} \\{c,p\\}=\\frac{\\kappa \\gamma}{3}, \\quad \\{\\phi,\\pi\\}=1\\ee Before proceeding to inflation, let us comment on a phenomenological relation between the Einstein and Jordan frames. More specifically, eventually we are interested in the number of e-folds during the inflationary epoch \\be \\t N:=\\ln\\left(\\f{\\t a_e}{\\t a_b}\\right)\\ee where the subscripts stand for the initial (before inflation) and final (after inflation) values of the scale factor $\\t a$. Suppose we have solved the equations of motion in the Einstein frame and obtained $\\t a_b$ and $\\t a_e$. Then it is clear from (\\ref{CT}) that the scale factors in the two frames are related by \\be \\label{aRel} \\t a = \\sqrt{f(\\phi)} a\\ee Therefore the Jordanian number of e-folds is \\be N \\equiv \\ln\\left(\\f{a_e}{a_b}\\right) = \\ln\\left(\\f{\\sqrt{f(\\phi_b)}\\t a_e}{\\sqrt{f(\\phi_e)}\\t a_b}\\right)= \\t N + \\f{1}{2}\\ln\\left(\\f{f(\\phi_b)}{f(\\phi_e)}\\right) \\ee At the end of inflation, the scalar field is essentially zero, while at the beginning of inflation it has its maximum value $\\phi_{\\rm max}$. Thus, using (\\ref{CFcn}), we can explicitly write \\be \\label{Nrel} N=\\t N + \\f{1}{2} \\ln(1-\\sigma \\phi_{\\rm max}^2)\\ee In principle, the beginning of inflation may occur when the scalar field is close to its critical value, such that $|\\sigma \\phi_{\\rm max}| \\approx 1$. In this case, a negative coupling $\\sigma<0$ would yield a negligible correction to the righthand side of (\\ref{Nrel}). A positive coupling, on the contrary, might give a significant contribution resulting in a substantial difference between the Jordanian and Einsteinian number of e-folds. ", "conclusions": "In this section, we study numerical solutions to the differential equations (\\ref{HamEqSc}). Again we will be mostly interested in the maximum value of the inflaton for the allowed range of initial conditions and the parameter $\\sigma$. Let us first discuss the initial field and the scale factor. As was shown in the previous section, the dependence on the former is rather trivial: the initial value $\\phi_0$ acts as constant of integration and should be merely added to the change in the inflaton during the climbing phase. The dependence of $\\phi_{\\rm max}$ on the initial scale factor is more complicated, but the value of $p_i$ itself is quite restricted. It appears that there is a natural choice of $p_i$, associated with the smallest eigenvalue of the area operator \\cite{ABL}, related to $\\mu_0$. In fact, as one can see from (\\ref{phinode}), the effective growth of the scalar $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff}$ depends on the limits of integration, hence scale factor, only through the ratio $q\\equiv \\f{p}{p_*}$. The lower limit is given by $q_i=\\f{1}{2 j}$, while the upper limit is not fixed a-priory. It has a physical meaning of the marginal value that separates the effective and classical behavior of the spectrum of the geometrical density operator. For the estimate in the previous section we used $q=1$ as the upper limit. A closer look at the graph of $D(q)$ (see Fig. \\ref{fig_Dq}) shows that there is a maximum around $q\\approx 1$. In other words, the behavior of the spectrum is not yet classical. It would be more reasonable to stop the integration (which is meant to be over the effective domain) at a somewhat greater value of $q$, where $D(q)$ is essentially close to unity. Recall that $q_0=1$ was giving $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff}=0.14\\mpl$. At the same time, analysis of Eq. (\\ref{phi_eff}), for $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff}$ as a function of the upper limit of integration $q_0$, shows that the effective growth of the inflaton sensitively depends on $q_0$, whereas the classical formula (\\ref{apprTrans}) indicates a much weaker dependence upon $q_0$. For instance, taking $q_0=2$, one would get $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff}=0.3\\mpl$, while $q_0=4$ yields $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff}=0.5\\mpl$. This implies that if one increases $q_0$, one should expect a somewhat greater value of total $\\Delta \\phi \\equiv \\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff} + \\Delta \\phi_{\\rm cl}$. Nevertheless, for the sake of estimate, we will stick with $q_0=1$ and compare the numerical results with analytical formulas. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=7cm,height=7cm, angle=270]{D2.eps} \\end{center} \\vskip-0.5cm \\caption{The spectrum of the geometrical density operator $D(q)$ introduced in Eq. (\\ref{defD})} \\label{fig_Dq} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=7.5cm,height=5.0cm]{sigma.ps} \\end{center} \\vskip-0.5cm \\caption{The change of the inflaton during the classical phase as function of its initial momentum for different values of $\\sigma$ (measured in the units of $\\lp^2$).} \\label{phiSc_num} \\end{figure} Summing up, as the effective growth of the inflaton is not very substantial and does not depend on the initial field momentum $\\pi_0$ or coupling strength $\\sigma$, the quantity of the most interest is the classical part of $\\Delta \\phi$. The latter is determined by $\\pi_0$ and $\\sigma$. The dependence of $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm cl}$ on the initial momentum $p_0$ for five different values if $\\sigma$ is displayed in Fig. \\ref{phiSc_num}. The curves correspond (top to bottom) to $\\sigma/\\lp^2=-0.1,-0.05,0,0.05$ and 0.1 and are plotted for the allowed range of initial momenta: $\\f{\\pi_0}{\\lp}<5 j = 25$. The maximum inflaton value grows with initial momentum and qualitatively resembles the Lambert function. It is steepest for small momenta and flattens out when $\\pi_0$ becomes large. Quantitatively, for $\\sigma=0$ there is a very good agreement with the analytical result (\\ref{apprTrans}) and the graph of Fig. \\ref{fig2}. The curves, corresponding to opposite values of the coupling strength, are situated symmetrically around the minimal curve, which justifies the linear (in $\\sigma$) approximation used in (\\ref{linearSigma}). Furthermore, direct calculation shows that the $\\sigma$-corrections to the central curve are very close to those predicted by formula (\\ref{sigmaCorrections}) for both small and large initial momenta. Classical climbing brings the scalar field fairly close to the required values determined by $\\t N = 60$ and (\\ref{Nquad}). For instance, $\\phi_{\\rm req}=2.6 \\mpl$ for $\\sigma=-0.05 \\lp^2$ and $\\phi_{\\rm req}=2.5 \\mpl$ for $\\sigma=-0.10 \\lp^2$). However, $\\Delta\\phi_{\\rm cl}$ on its own is not enough for sufficient inflation. At the same time, the number of e-folds is very sensitive to deviations in $\\phi_{\\rm max}$ near the required values. In other words, even small (positive) variations of $\\phi_i$ and/or $\\Delta \\phi_{\\rm eff}$, such as of order of $0.1 \\mpl$, would lead to sufficient $\\t N$ and should be seriously taken into account. We see from Fig. \\ref{phiSc_num} that a negative coupling constant indeed gives a greater change of the inflaton, and more negative values are preferable for successful inflation. This fact can be also understood from the Jordanian perspective. The non-minimally coupled action (\\ref{Action}) can be thought of as a standard one with a field-dependent gravitational constant (\\ref{kappaEff}). Clearly, a negative $\\sigma$ results in `weaker' gravitational coupling, and it is not surprising that the inflaton would reach to a greater value (yielding a greater $N$), than for $\\sigma=0$. Moreover, if $\\sigma<0$, the second term of the righthand side of the relation between the number of e-folds in the Einstein and Jordan frames (\\ref{Nrel}) is of order one and can be neglected. Thus $\\t N \\approx N$ and is greater than in the case of minimal coupling. Similar considerations work for a positive coupling as well and imply a smaller number of e-folds. We should now clarify the seeming discrepancy with the result of Futamase and Maeda \\cite{Conf_NMC}. As we have already mentioned, in that paper, the authors argued that, in order to allow successful inflation, the coupling constant $\\xi$ had to be fine-tuned within a very narrow interval: $\\xi < 10^{-12}$ for $\\xi>0$ and $|\\xi|<10^{-3}$ for $\\xi<0$. These restrictions on $\\xi$ arose from the heuristic argument based on Linde's chaotic inflationary scenario. The values of $\\phi_i$ are assumed to be randomly distributed from zero up to Planckian energy densities $V(\\phi) \\sim \\mpl^4$. Such potential is attained at $\\phi \\sim 10^6 \\mpl$. The latter must necessarily be less than the critical value $\\phi_{\\rm crit}$ (\\ref{phi_crit}), which implies $\\sigma \\sim 10^{-12} \\lp^2$ and $\\xi \\sim 10^{-14}$. The above conditions can be relaxed in the framework of LQC. As the initial values of the scalar field appear as vacuum fluctuations, that are amplified during the `climbing' phase, one just needs to restrict the coupling constant so that $\\phi_{\\rm crit}$ merely exceeds $\\phi \\sim 3 \\mpl$ - the maximum inflaton value we are interested in. That yields $\\sigma \\sim 10^{-1} \\lp^2$ and $\\xi \\sim 10^{-3}$. The former is exactly the maximum value of the parameter $\\sigma$ we have considered in the paper. To summarize, the main characteristic of inflation, the number of e-folds, depends on the initial matter fluctuations and the coupling parameter $\\sigma$. The coupling strength is bounded to be less than $0.1 \\lp^2$ by the condition $\\phi_{\\rm max}<\\phi_{\\rm crit} \\equiv 1/\\sqrt{|\\sigma|}$ for both positive and negative couplings. At the same time, the most negative $\\sigma$ would work best for successful inflation. The restriction on the initial field momentum $\\pi_i$ appears as a requirement for the matter density to remain subcritical and implies $|\\pi_i|<5 j$. With these restrictions, the value of the inflaton will increase by approximately $2.0-2.6 \\mpl$ during the `climbing' (effective and classical) phase. Together with the initial vacuum fluctuations of the scalar field of order of several tenths of $\\mpl$ this would lead to $\\t N \\geq 60$, i.e. sufficient inflation. It should be noted that one cannot get $\\t N$ much greater than 60, which indicates that observations may be sensitive to the mechanism discussed here. {\\bf Acknowledgements:} We thank P.Singh and K.Vandersloot for valuable discussions." }, "0606/astro-ph0606526_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "First using a sample of 32 GRBs with known redshift (Guidorzi et al. 2005) and then a sample of 551 BATSE GRBs with derived pseudo-redshift (Guidorzi 2005), the time variability/peak luminosity correlation ($V$ vs. $L$), originally found by Reichart et al. (2001) using a sample of 18 GRBs, was tested. For both samples the correlation is still found but less relevant due to a much higher spread of the data. Assuming a straight line in the $\\log{L}$--$\\log{V}$ plane ($\\log{L} = m \\log{V} + b$), as done by Reichart et al., both Guidorzi et al. and Guidorzi found that the line slope for both samples is much lower than that derived by Reichart et al.: $m = 1.3_{-0.4}^{+0.8}$ (Guidorzi et al. 2005), $m = 0.85\\pm 0.02$ (Guidorzi 2005), $m = 3.3^{+1.1}_{-0.9}$ (Reichart et al. 2001). Reichart \\& Nysewander (2005) discuss our results and attribute the different slope to the fact we do not take into account in the fit the variance of the sample (also called slop), and demonstrate that, using the method presented by Reichart (2001), the expanded data set of Guidorzi et al. (2005) in $\\log{L}$--$\\log{V}$ plane is still well described by a line with slope $m = 3.4^{+0.9}_{-0.6}$. Here we compare the results of two methods accounting for the slop of the sample, the method implemented by Reichart (2001) and that by D'Agostini (2005). We demonstrate that the method used by Reichart et al. (2001) to estimate the straight line slope, provides an inconsistent estimate of the parameter when the sample variance is comparable with the interval of values covered by the GRB variability. We also demonstrate that, using the D'Agostini method, the slope of the $\\log{L}$--$\\log{V}$ correlation is still consistent with that derived by us earlier and inconsistent with that derived by Reichart \\& Nysewander (2005). Finally we discuss the implications on the interpretations proposed for the $V-L$ correlation and show that our results are in agreement with the peak energy/variability correlation found by Lloyd-Ronning \\& Ramirez-Ruiz (2002) and the peak energy/peak luminosity correlation (Yonetoku et al. 2004; Ghirlanda et al. 2005). ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} Most of our knowledge about the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) phenomenon is derived from their spectra and light curve profiles, but it is recognised that other observational probes (e.g., polarisation of the gamma-rays) would give key information to the solution of the GRB enigma. Among these probes, it is recognised the importance of the erratic time variability of the GRB time profiles. For example, in the GRB internal shock model, not very variable radiation is expected to be produced at radii lower than the photosphere radius in which the shocks remain optically thin to pairs \\citep{Kobayashi02}, while highly variable radiation is expected to be produced in shocks above this radius \\citep{Meszaros02}. Also in the sub-jet model by \\citet{Ioka01}, time variability is expected and its amplitude related to the viewing angle of the burst. A key objective of the study of GRBs is to establish whether GRBs can be reliably used as standard candles and to determine the optimal relationship between observed and intrinsic properties. The recent discovery of GRBs with bright afterglows at redshifts $z>6$ highlights their power as probes of the high redshift Universe \\citep{Haislip06,Kawai06}, but spectroscopically-confirmed redshifts are only a fraction. In contrast, the characteristics of gamma-ray light curves, which are available for all GRBs, offer a potentially independent estimate of luminosity distance for statistically-significant samples. An important problem, however, in deriving the intrinsic correlations is the interpretation of scatter in correlations, which may be produced by measurement methods, construction of samples with properties measured by satellites with differing response functions, small samples and different statistical analysis methods and intrinsic physical differences in the GRB population \\citep{Nava06}. As sample sizes slowly increase, addressing these issues remains critical for the correct inference of intrinsic GRB properties and thus their use as cosmological probes. In this paper, we concentrate on a long-standing empirical relation that initially suggested a possible Cepheid-like correlation between gamma-ray variability and peak luminosity of GRBs \\citep{Reichart01,Fenimore00}. \\citet{Reichart01} (hereafter R01), using a robust measure $V$ of the GRB variability, for a sample of 13 GRBs with known redshift, found that in the GRB rest frame this measure is correlated with the GRB peak luminosity $L$. In the $\\log{L}$--$\\log{V}$ plane the correlation was modelled with a linear function $\\log L = m \\log V + b$ with the slope of the straight line $m = 3.3^{+1.1}_{-0.9}$ and a sample variance along $V$ of $\\sigma_{\\log{V}}=0.18$, both parameters being obtained with the method described by \\citet{Reichart01b} (hereafter called Reichart method). This method was proposed to fit data sets affected by a sample variance in addition to the statistical variance (called \"intrinsic variance\") of each data point. Recently, first \\citet{Guidorzi05a} (hereafter GFM05) and then \\citet{Guidorzi05b} (hereafter G05) tested this correlation first using an extended sample of 32 GRBs with known redshift (GFM05), and then with 551 GRBs detected by {\\em CGRO}/BATSE \\citep{Paciesas99} for which a pseudo-redshift was derived by G05 exploiting the spectral lag-luminosity correlation \\citep{Norris00, Norris02,Band04}. In both cases, the correlation was confirmed and in the $\\log V$--$\\log L$ plane the slope of the straight line was found much lower than that derived by R01 ($m = 1.3_{-0.4}^{+0.8}$ derived by GFM05; $m = 0.85\\pm 0.02$ derived by G05). It was also found that, with the sample variance neglected, the straight line did not provide a good description of the data ($\\chi^2/{\\rm dof} = 1167/30$ and $\\chi^2/{\\rm dof} = 4238/549$ for the samples considered by GFM05 and G05, respectively). Neglecting the sample variance was correctly questioned by \\citet{Reichart05} (hereafter RN05), who however show that, also using the extended data set of GFM05, the $m$ slope is given by $m = 3.4_{-0.6}^{+0.9}$, still in perfect agreement with the original value found by R01 and in strong disagreement with the value found by GFM05. They attribute this disagreement to the fact that GFM05 do not include among the parameters of the fit the sample variance, which they estimate to be $\\sigma_{\\log{V}}=0.20\\pm0.04$. In an unrefereed note, \\citet{Reichart05_comm} takes issue with the most recent paper by G05, who confirms the results previously found by GFM05. In this paper, we discuss the Reichart method and compare the results with those obtained following the treatment by \\citet{Dagostini05} (hereafter called ``the D'Agostini method''), which deals with the same problem of fitting data points affected by extrinsic scatter in addition the intrinsic uncertainties along both axes. We show with numerical simulations that the Reichart method provides an inconsistent estimate of the $m$ slope in the specific case of the $\\log V$--$\\log L$ data set, we discuss the likely reason for this inconsistency. We show that our original results are substantially confirmed by the D'Agostini method even taking into account the sample variance. Finally we discuss the subsequent implications for the inferred physics of GRB central engines and their relativistic outflows. The usefulness of the so-called variability/peak luminosity correlation is discussed in the broader context of recently discovered correlations between other observed and derived properties of GRBs. \\section[]{The Reichart method} \\label{s:meth} The Reichart method has as starting point the well known Bayes theorem that, for inference of physical parameters, is widely discussed in several text books (see, e.g., D'Agostini 2003). It states that the conditional probability that a set of parameters \\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$}$=\\theta_1,\\theta_2,...\\theta_n$ takes a particular value $\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$}^0$, given a data set $D$, whose values depend on \\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} (for instance, N independent observations of a quantity $X$), is given by: \\begin{equation} p(\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} | D I) = \\frac{p(\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} | I) \\ p(D | \\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} I)}{p(D | I)} \\end{equation} where $I$ is the available prior information, $p(\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} |I)$ is the probability distribution of \\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} on the basis of the information $I$, and $p(D |\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} I)$ is the conditional probability of getting the measured data set given the value $\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$}^0$ and the information $I$. The probability distribution $p(\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} |I)$ is called prior probability, while the probability distribution $p(D |\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} I)$ is called likelihood function. The probability $p(D | I)$ is introduced as normalization factor. In the case that no prior information is known, $p(\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$}|I)$ is generally assumed to be a uniform distribution and the range of the possible values of \\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$} are those logically allowed. In this case the posterior probability and the likelihood function are equivalent. Reichart (2001) concentrates on the derivation of the prior probability $p(\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\theta$}|I)$ in the special case in which for two of the $N$ parameters, $x$ and $y$ (in our specific case $x = \\log V$ and $y = \\log L$), we have a set of $N$ pairs of measurements, from which it appears that the two are correlated with $y = y_c(x; \\theta_m)$, were $\\theta_m$, with $m = 1, 2$, \\ldots, $M$, are M intermediate parameters that describe the curve $y_c(x;\\theta_m)$ (in our case $y = m x + b$, $M = 2$). Correctly the scatter of the parameter values $x$ and $y$ around the curve is assumed to be due partly to the measurement errors (intrinsic scatter) and partly due to weaker dependences of either parameters $x$ or $y$ on other, yet unmeasured, and even yet unknown, parameters (extrinsic scatter or sample scatter). Both the scatters for $x$ and $y$, are assumed by Reichart to be normally distributed and uncorrelated, with unknown standard deviations $\\sigma_x$ and $\\sigma_y$ of the extrinsic scatter of $x$ and $y$, respectively. The conditional probability of the values of the parameters $\\theta_m$, $\\sigma_x$, $\\sigma_y$ given the measured set of data points and their uncertainties is thus derived under simplifying assumptions (see Section 2.2.2 of Reichart 2001), among which that the curve $y = y_c(x; \\theta_m)$ can be approximated by a straight line ($y \\approx y_{t,n} + s_{t,n}(x-x_{t,n})$). The result is the following (eq.~43 of Reichart 2001): \\begin{eqnarray} \\lefteqn{ p(\\theta_m, \\sigma_x, \\sigma_y | x_n, y_n, \\sigma_{x,n}, \\sigma_{y,n}) \\approx \\prod_{n=1}^N \\sqrt{1+s_{t,n}^2} \\ G_n \\big[ y_n, y_{t,n} +{}} \\nonumber\\\\ & & {}+s_{t,n}(x_n - x_{t,n}), \\sqrt{\\sigma_y^2 + \\sigma_{y,n}^2 + s_{t,n}^2 (\\sigma_x^2 + \\sigma_{x,n}^2)} \\big] \\label{e:reichart} \\end{eqnarray} where $\\sigma_{x,n}^2$ and $\\sigma_{y,n}^2$ are the intrinsic variances of the $N$ pairs of data points $x_n$ and $y_n$ ($n = 1, 2$, \\ldots, $N$), respectively; $(x_{t,n}, y_{t,n})$ is the point on the curve $y=y_c(x; \\theta_m)$ which maximises the two-dimensional Gaussian $G_n(x, x_n, \\sqrt{\\sigma_x^2+\\sigma_{x,n}^2}) \\times G_n(y, y_n, \\sqrt{\\sigma_y^2+\\sigma_{y,n}^2})$. In order to simplify the derivation of the prior probability in this special case, eq.~\\ref{e:reichart} is assumed to be a likelihood function and the maximum likelihood method is applied to constrain the values of the intermediate parameters $\\theta_m$, $\\sigma_x$ and $\\sigma_y$ and the uncertainty in the values of $\\theta_m$. \\subsection{Application of the Reichart method to the Luminosity--Variability correlation} \\label{s:appl} We now apply the Reichart method in the specific case of the variability--luminosity correlation test, showing that we are capable of reproducing the results obtained by R01 and RN05. In the case of this test, $N$ pairs of measured values of $V_n$ and $L_n$ (one per each burst) are available, and, in the eq.~\\ref{e:reichart}, $x_n=\\log{(V_n/\\bar{V})}$, $y_n=\\log{(L_n/\\bar{L})}$ ($\\bar{V}$ and $\\bar{L}$ being the correspondent median values), $\\sigma_{x,n} = \\sigma_{\\log{V_n}}$ and $\\sigma_{y,n}=\\sigma_{\\log{L_n}}$. Having modelled the correlation by a straight line: \\begin{equation} \\displaystyle y(x) \\ = \\ m\\,x \\ + \\ q \\label{eq:PL} \\end{equation} from eq.~\\ref{e:reichart}, it is possible to derive the log--likelihood function: \\begin{eqnarray} \\displaystyle \\log{p(m,q,\\sigma_x,\\sigma_y|\\{x_i,y_i,\\sigma_{x,i},\\sigma_{y,i}\\})} =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\nonumber\\\\ ~~~~\\frac{1}{2}\\,\\sum_{i=1}^N \\Big[\\log{\\Big(\\frac{1+m^2}{2 \\pi (\\sigma_y^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x}^2 + \\sigma_{y,i}^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x,i}^2)}\\Big)}\\quad +\\nonumber\\\\ ~~~~-\\quad\\frac{(y_i - m\\,x_i - q)^2}{\\sigma_y^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x}^2 + \\sigma_{y,i}^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x,i}^2}\\Big] \\label{eq:prior} \\end{eqnarray} in which, without loss of generality, it is possible to assume either $\\sigma_x=0$, or, alternatively, $\\sigma_y=0$ (both appear only in the term $\\sigma_y^2+m^2\\,\\sigma_x^2$). Assuming $\\sigma_x=0$ in eq.~\\ref{eq:prior}, with the maximum likelihood method the free parameters $m$, $q$, and $\\sigma_y$ can be derived. Alternatively, if one assumes $\\sigma_y=0$, the value for $\\sigma_x$ can then be determined from $\\sigma_x=\\sigma_y/m$, where $\\sigma_y$ is the value obtained in the previous case under the assumption of null $\\sigma_x$. For our extended sample of 32 GRBs with known redshift (GFM05), we find that at 90\\% confidence level, the best-fitting parameter values are the following: $m= 3.8_{-1.1}^{+2.8}$, $q=0.07_{-0.33}^{+0.32}$, $\\sigma_y = \\sigma_{\\log L} = 0.93_{-0.29}^{+0.77}$ (alternatively, $\\sigma_x = \\sigma_{\\log V} \\approx 0.24$) (solid lines in Fig.~\\ref{f:z}). As can be seen, all these values are in excellent agreement with those derived by RN05 (they report the 1$\\sigma$ uncertainty). Similarly, for the sample of 551 BATSE GRBs with pseudo-redshift (G05), we find $m=3.5_{-0.4}^{+0.6}$, $q=0.15_{-0.9}^{+0.9}$, $\\sigma_y=1.21_{-0.15}^{+0.19}$, or $\\sigma_x \\approx 0.35$ (solid lines in Fig.~\\ref{f:pz}). All these results are also summarised in Table~\\ref{tab:fit_results}. \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{guidorzi_fit_VL_f1.eps} \\caption{Variability vs. Peak Luminosity for the 32 GRBs with known redshift considered by GFM05. Also shown are the best fit curves and 1$\\sigma$ regions. {\\it Solid lines}: best fit results with the Reichart method. {\\it Dashed lines}: results obtained by GFM05. {\\it Dashed-dotted lines}: best fit results with the D'Agostini method.} \\label{f:z} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{guidorzi_fit_VL_f2.eps} \\caption{Variability vs. Peak Luminosity for the 551 BATSE GRBs with pseudo-redshift considered by G05. Also shown are the best fit curves and 1$\\sigma$ regions. {\\it Solid lines}: best fit results with the Reichart method. {\\it Dashed lines}: results obtained by G05. {\\it Dashed-dotted lines}: best fit results with the D'Agostini method. } \\label{f:pz} \\end{figure} \\begin{table*} \\centering \\caption{Best-fitting parameters obtained with different methods for the GRB samples used by GFM05 and G05. The confidence intervals are at 90\\%.} \\label{tab:fit_results} \\begin{tabular}{llllll} \\hline GRB Set & Method & $m$ & $q$ & $\\sigma_y$ & $\\sigma_x$ \\\\ & & & & ($\\sigma_x=0$) & ($\\sigma_y=0$)\\\\ \\hline 32 (from GFM05) & Reichart & $3.8_{-1.1}^{+2.8}$ & $0.07_{-0.33}^{+0.32}$ & $0.93_{-0.29}^{+0.77}$ & $\\sim0.24$\\\\ 32 (from GFM05) & D'Agostini & $1.7_{-0.4}^{+0.4}$ & $0.07_{-0.19}^{+0.18}$ & $0.58_{-0.12}^{+0.15}$ & $\\sim0.34$\\\\ 32 (from GFM05) & {\\tt fitexy} & $1.9\\pm0.1^{{\\rm (a)}}$ & $0.14\\pm0.02^{{\\rm (a)}}$ & -- & --\\\\ 551 (from G05) & Reichart & $3.5_{-0.4}^{+0.6}$ & $0.15_{-0.9}^{+0.9}$ & $1.21_{-0.15}^{+0.19}$ & $\\sim0.35$\\\\ 551 (from G05) & D'Agostini & $0.88_{-0.13}^{+0.12}$ & $0.01_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$ & $0.65_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$ & $\\sim0.74$\\\\ 551 (from G05) & {\\tt fitexy} & $1.37\\pm0.02^{{\\rm (a)}}$ & $0.09\\pm0.01^{{\\rm (a)}}$ & -- & --\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\begin{list}{}{} \\item[$^{\\rm (a)}$] $1\\sigma$ confidence interval. \\end{list} \\end{table*} \\section[]{An unbiased method} \\label{s:dago_meth} \\citet{Dagostini05} addressed the same problem described in the previous section, i.e. how to perform a linear fit between two data sets with errors on both axes and with an extra variance. Similarly to the Reichart method, the D'Agostini method is based on the parametric inference typical of the Bayesian approach. However, the resulting log-likelihood derived by \\citet{Dagostini05} (see eq. 35 and 52 therein) differs from that by Reichart, reported in \\ref{e:reichart}, for just one term: in the D'Agostini likelihood function the term $(1+m^2)$ is just 1. For a detailed description of the D'Agostini method and of its derivation we address the reader to the original paper. We will demonstrate that, unlike the Reichart method, the likelihood function derived by D'Agostini provides unbiased estimates of the unknown parameters. According to D'Agostini (2005), the log-likelihood function for the case here considered, is considered is given by \\begin{eqnarray} \\displaystyle \\log{p(m,q,\\sigma_x,\\sigma_y|\\{x_i,y_i,\\sigma_{x,i},\\sigma_{y,i}\\})} =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\nonumber\\\\ ~~~~\\frac{1}{2}\\,\\sum_{i=1}^N \\Big[\\log{\\Big(\\frac{1}{2 \\pi (\\sigma_y^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x}^2 + \\sigma_{y,i}^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x,i}^2)}\\Big)}\\quad +\\nonumber\\\\ ~~~~-\\quad\\frac{(y_i - m\\,x_i - q)^2}{\\sigma_y^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x}^2 + \\sigma_{y,i}^2 + m^2\\,\\sigma_{x,i}^2}\\Big] \\label{eq:prior_dago} \\end{eqnarray} Using this equation, in the case of the 32 GRBs of GFM05, at 90\\% confidence level we find the results reported in Table~\\ref{tab:fit_results}. In particular we find a slope $m= 1.7\\pm0.4$ against a value $m= 3.8_{-1.1}^{+2.8}$ found with the Reichart method. Likewise, using the sample of 551 GRBs with pseudo-redshift of G05, we find the best fit parameter values reported in Table~\\ref{tab:fit_results}, $m=0.88_{-0.13}^{+0.12}$. The best-fitting power-laws obtained with the D'Agostini method and the Reichart method are compared in Fig.s~\\ref{f:z} and \\ref{f:pz} for the two data sets, respectively. In Table~\\ref{tab:fit_results} we report the also the best-fitting parameters obtained using the Least square fit in the case of data in the case of data affected by errors on both axes (``{\\tt fitexy}'' tool, \\citet{Press93}), but not with no extra variance. We report these results to examine how the best-fitting parameters are affected when the sample variance is taken into account. As can be seen from Table~\\ref{tab:fit_results}, the Reichart method and D'Agostini method give different best fit parameter values, especially the value of the slope $m$. The Reichart method yields steeper slopes even that those found with the D'Agostini method, whose results are consistent with those originally obtained by GFM05 and G05 ($m = 1.3_{-0.4}^{+0.8}$, GFM05; $m = 0.85\\pm 0.02$, G05), even though the fit, in the latter case, was found unacceptable (very high $\\chi_r^2$). Also with the '{\\tt fitexy}' algorithm \\citep{Press93}, the slopes obtained are much shallower than the correspondent obtained with the Reichart method. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:conc} We applied both Reichart and D'Agostini methods to the samples of 32 GRBs with known redshift and 551 BATSE GRBs with pseudo-redshift considered by GFM05 and G05, respectively. The goal was to estimate the slope $m$ as well as the scatter of the power law describing the correlation between variability and peak luminosity originally presented by \\citet{Reichart01}. Both methods account for an extra variance in addition to the intrinsic affecting each single point. From simulations, we found that when the sample variance $\\sigma_x^2$ is comparable with the total scatter along the same axis, $\\sigma_{x,t}^2$, the Reichart method tends to overestimate $m$, while the D'Agostini still estimates it correctly. When the sample variance is negligible with respect to the total variance, the two methods give consistent results. In the specific case of the $V-L$ correlation, the two variances are comparable: in the case of the 32 GRBs of GFM05, it is $\\sigma_{x,t}=0.32$, $\\sigma_{x}=0.24$ (Reichart) or $\\sigma_{x}=0.34$ (D'Agostini). This explains the discrepancy between the two methods. We showed that the D'Agostini method is a reliable estimator of $m$ in this regime, whereas the Reichart is no more. In particular, the best-fitting value for $m$ obtained with the D'Agostini method is $1.7\\pm0.4$ and $0.88_{-0.13}^{+0.12}$ at 90\\% confidence level for the 32 GRBs of GFM05 and for the 551 GRBs of G05, respectively. These values are significantly smaller than those obtained with the Reichart method, which are consistent with previous results of R01 and RN05. These results hold as far as the definition of variability given by R01 is assumed. Alternatively, from other definitions of variability based on different kinds of filter used to smooth the light curves, it seems to be possible to obtain a range of values for $m$ from $\\sim$1 to $\\sim$3 \\citep{Fenimore00,Li06}. One of the possible implications of a smaller value of $m$ than originally found by R01 on the interpretation of the $V-L$ correlation is that, in the jet emission scenario, we would expect a stronger dependence of the Lorentz factor of the expanding shells on the jet opening angle \\citep{Kobayashi02}. Finally, other more recent and tighter correlations, such as the Amati, Ghirlanda, Liang \\& Zhang relations appear to be more reliable luminosity estimators than the $V-L$ one. In particular, our results of values of $m$ in the interval 1--2 obtained with the D'Agostini method, appear to be consistent with two independent relations: $E_{\\rm p}\\propto V^{\\delta}$ ($0.4<\\delta<1.15$) \\citep{Lloyd02b}, and the equivalent version of the Amati relation with the isotropic-equivalent peak luminosity instead of the isotropic-equivalent total released energy, $E_{\\rm p}\\propto L^{0.5}$. By combining the two, one expects $m=\\delta/0.5$, in agreement with the results reported here as well as those reported by GFM05 and G05. Finally, the increasing number of GRBs with spectroscopic redshift detected by {\\em Swift} \\citep{Gehrels04} will help extend the range in $V$ and better constrain the power-law fit of the $V-L$ correlation, with the benefit of a homogeneous data set of light curves all detected with the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) onboard {\\em Swift}. A thorough test of the $V-L$ correlation with BAT data is in progress (Rizzuto et al., in preparation)." }, "0606/astro-ph0606656_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present an {\\sl XMM-Newton} observation of the eclipsing binary Algol which contains an X-ray dark B8V primary and an X-ray bright K2IV secondary. The observation covered the optical secondary eclipse and captured an X-ray flare that was eclipsed by the B star. The EPIC and RGS spectra of Algol in its quiescent state are described by a two-temperature plasma model. The cool component has a temperature around 6.4$\\times$10$^{6}$ K while that of the hot component ranges from 2 to 4.0$\\times$10$^{7}$ K. Coronal abundances of C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe were obtained for each component for both the quiescent and the flare phases, with generally upper limits for S and Ar, and C, N, and O for the hot component. F-tests show that the abundances need not to be different between the cool and the hot component and between the quiescent and the flare phase with the exception of Fe. Whereas the Fe abundance of the cool component remains constant at $\\sim$0.14, the hot component shows an Fe abundance of $\\sim$0.28, which increases to $\\sim$0.44 during the flare. This increase is expected from the chromospheric evaporation model. The absorbing column density $N_H$ of the quiescent emission is 2.5$\\times10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$, while that of the flare-only emission is significantly lower and consistent with the column density of the interstellar medium. This observation substantiates earlier suggestions of the presence of X-ray absorbing material in the Algol system. ", "introduction": "Algol ($\\beta$ Per) is a nearby eclipsing binary with an early main-sequence (B8V) primary and a cool subgiant (K2IV) secondary. This system is only 28.46 pc away (Hipparcos parallax measurements, ESA 1997) and has a period of about 2.87 d and an orbit inclination of $81^{\\circ}$. The radii of the two companion stars ($R_{B}$ and $R_K$) are 3.0 and 3.4 $R_{\\odot}$, respectively, and their separation is 14.14 $R_{\\odot}$ (Hill et al. 1971; Richards 1993). It is a semi-detached system with the K star filling its Roche lobe. The mass transfer occurs in the form of gas streams from the K star to the B star and ends up in an annulus around the B star. (Richards 1993; Richards et al. 1995; Richards 2001; Richards 2004; Retter et al. 2005). Algol was first detected in X-rays by {\\sl SAS} 3 (Schnopper et al. 1976) and confirmed as a strong X-ray emitter by Harnden et al. (1977). It is generally accepted that the K star has an active corona and accounts for most of the X-ray flux of the system, whereas the B star is X-ray dark (White et al. 1980). This was proved for the first time by Chung et al. (2004) by the detection of Doppler shifts of the spectra caused by orbital motion of the K star. Given an active corona, flares appear typically every day with a duration of several to many hours. Algol shows elemental abundances which differ from those of the sun (Antunes et al. 1994; Schmitt \\& Ness 2004). Antunes et al. (1994) quote abundances of Fe, O, Mg, Si, S, Ar and Ca which are lower than the solar photospheric values by a factor of 2-3, and N to be less than 0.1. With the exception of N these results have been generally confirmed by {\\sl Chandra} observations (Schmitt \\& Ness 2004). Schmitt \\& Ness (2002) studied a sample of late type stars including Algol and they found an enhancement of N. Drake (2003) also suggested that the N abundance is enhanced by a factor of 3, and C is depleted by a factor of 10 (both relative to HR1009, whose C/N abundance is consistent with that of the solar photosphere). These C and N abundances would lead to the conclusion that the K star has lost at least half of its initial mass. That flares have different elemental abundances has been concluded from previous missions, such as {\\sl GINGA} (Stern et al. 1992), {\\sl ROSAT} (Ottmann \\& Schmitt 1996), {\\sl BeppoSAX} (Favata \\& Schmitt 1999), {\\sl Chandra} {Nordon \\& Behar 2007} and {\\sl XMM-Newton} {Nordon \\& Behar 2008}. They suggest that the elemental abundances of Algol's flaring region resemble more the photospheric than the quiescent coronal abundances, which might be a consequence of chromospheric evaporation (G\\\"{u}del et al. 1999; Favata \\& Micela 2003 and references therein). At the beginning of the event, fresh chromospheric material is evaporated in the flaring loop(s), and enhances the corona elemental abundances; once the material has been transported to the flaring corona structure, the fractionation mechanism, which is responsible for the lower abundance, would start operating, bringing the corona abundance back to its quiescent value. The absorbing column density ($N_H$) inferred from X-ray observations is usually higher than the column density of the interstellar medium (ISM) between Algol and the observer. Welsh et al. (1990) gave an upper limit of the ISM column density of 2.5$\\times10^{18}$ cm$^{-2}$ using the ISM Na{\\small I} D line absorption of the B8 primary. Stern et al. (1995) got a similar result from the He/H ratio using EUVE observations. The $N_H$ derived from the {\\sl ROSAT} PSPC observation of Algol is about 5$\\times10^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$ (Ottmann 1994). Favata \\& Schmitt (1999), using {\\sl BeppoSAX}, reported that $N_H$ increased up to $>10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ during the flare rise and decreased during the decay, which may possibly be associated with moving, cool material in the line of sight, e.g. a major coronal mass ejection. In this paper we present a time resolved spectroscopy of Algol, using {\\sl XMM- Newton} European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) and Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) observations of Algol. Compared with the instruments used in earlier studies the EPIC cameras are the first ones to have a combination of moderate spectral resolution, wide energy coverage, and high sensitivity, while RGS provides us with unparalleled sensitivity for high resolution spectroscopy in the soft X-ray band. These advantages permit us to perform a more detailed diagnosis of the plasma properties and their evolution as far as the corona of the K type secondary is concerned. The {\\sl XMM-Newton} observation covered the secondary eclipse and an X-ray flare was detected. Schmitt et al. (2003) presented a detailed study of the geometry of the flare, and we analyze the X-ray spectra of Algol in both the quiescent and flaring states. We can therefore study the mechanism of the X-ray emission of Algol in both the quiescent and the flaring states. In $\\S$ 2, we describe the observation and data reduction. The spectral properties of the overall and flare-only emissions are given in $\\S$ 3. The proposed local cool absorbing gas structures are discussed in $\\S$ 4 and a summary is provided in $\\S$ 5. ", "conclusions": "We have analyzed an {\\sl XMM-Newton} observation of the eclipsing binary Algol, in which the interval of the secondary optical minimum and some preceding section in the orbit were covered. During the eclipse of the X-ray bright K star a flare occurred, so that we can study both the quiescent corona and an eclipsed flare. We joined the data of all four X-ray instruments on board of {\\sl XMM-Newton}, which give spectral data at high resolution with the RGSs from 0.3 - 2 keV and medium resolution data with the EPIC cameras from 0.3 - 10 keV. Satisfactory fits have been obtained over the entire energy band using the two-temperature VMEKAL model for the overall spectrum. We cannot rule out that the elemental abundances of the spectrum's low temperature and high temperature components are identical, but the abundance of Fe is clearly different at the 4$\\sigma$ level for the quiescent phase and significantly more than 5$\\sigma$ for the flare phase, indicating that the high temperature and low temperature plasma components are not well mixed. We also observed a significant Fe abundance increase in the hot component by a factor of $\\sim$ 1.6 during the flare, which supports the idea of chromospheric evaporation. The fits to the $N_H$ column density reveal values around 2.5$\\times10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$, for the quiescent corona which is far in excess of the interstellar column density. On the other hand, the fits to the flare-only emission are consistent with no absorption exceeding the interstellar value. We propose that the line of sight column density across Algol is not uniform. It is sufficiently high towards the polar regions, and reduced towards the equatorial regions. \\normalem" }, "0606/astro-ph0606183_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A cosmological model with total density close to critical (and flat geometry), dominated by dark matter and dark energy of unknown nature, and consistent with the basic predictions of the inflationary scenario is a very good fit to a variety of cosmological probes: the anisotropy of the CMB, the large scale distribution of matter, the luminosity distance of high-redshift type Ia supernovae and so on. These high-quality data have established a new standard of precision in the determination of cosmological parameters.} \\FullConference{CMB and Physics of the Early universe\\\\ 20-22 April 2006\\\\ Ischia, Italy} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "Cosmology has developed into a fully mature science. The parameters of the big bang model are now known with great accuracy, and the constraints are expected to get tighter in the future. Inflation has not been falsified, and its main predictions are strikingly consistent with observations. The results obtained using completely different cosmological probes are in remarkable agreement among themselves, as well as with theoretical predictions. Nonetheless, many fundamental questions are still open \\cite{open questions}. The pace of experimental and theoretical progress, however, does not seem to be close to a halt." }, "0606/astro-ph0606460_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a comparison of barstrength $Q_b$ and circumnuclear dust morphology for 75 galaxies in order to investigate how bars affect the centers of galaxies. We trace the circumnuclear dust morphology and amount of dust structure with structure maps generated from visible-wavelength HST data, finding that tightly wound nuclear dust spirals are primarily found in weakly barred galaxies. While strongly barred galaxies sometimes exhibit grand design structure within the central 10\\% of $D_{25}$, this structure rarely extends to within $\\sim 10$~pc of the galaxy nucleus. In some galaxies, these spiral arms terminate at a circumnuclear starburst ring. Galaxies with circumnuclear rings are generally more strongly barred than galaxies lacking rings. Within these rings, the dust structure is fairly smooth and usually in the form of a loosely wound spiral. These data demonstrate that multiple nuclear morphologies are possible in the most strongly barred galaxies: chaotic central dust structure inconsistent with a coherent nuclear spiral, a grand design spiral that loses coherence before reaching the nucleus, or a grand design spiral that ends in a circumnuclear ring. These observations may indicate that not all strong bars are equally efficient at fueling material to the centers of their host galaxies. Finally, we investigate the longstanding hypothesis that SB(s) galaxies have weak bars and SB(r) galaxies have strong bars, finding the opposite to be the case: namely, SB(r) galaxies are less strongly barred and have less dust structure than SB(s) galaxies. In general, more strongly barred galaxies tend to have higher nuclear dust contrast. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Most spiral galaxies have large-scale bars, and any complete picture of galaxies must include the impact of bars on their evolution. Bars are important because they are an obvious mechanism for funneling gas and dust to the centers of galaxies: gas clouds orbiting in the disk lose angular momentum as they encounter the bar, thereby sinking towards the galaxy's center \\citep{binney87, athanassoula92, piner95, regan97, maciejewski02}. Bars are therefore expected to play a major role in circumnuclear star formation, bulge growth, and the fueling of the central, supermassive black hole. Bar-driven radial gas inflow should drive large quantities of gas and dust into the central regions of galaxies, thereby increasing the central gas concentration of barred galaxies relative to unbarred galaxies. Observations by \\citet{sakamoto99} and \\citet{sheth05} support this view, finding higher concentrations of molecular gas in the central kiloparsec of barred galaxies than in unbarred galaxies. As higher gas density is empirically correlated with higher star formation rates \\citep[e.g.,][]{kennicutt98}, there should be a correlation between bar-driven inflow and central star formation. Observational evidence for enhanced nuclear or circumnuclear star formation in barred galaxies provides broad support for this picture \\citep{ho97c, maoz01, knapen06}. It has long been speculated that this same radial gas inflow could provide active galactic nuclei (AGN) with fuel \\citep{simkin80, schwarz81}. There is so far no evidence, though, that bars (large-scale or nuclear) are the primary fuel source for AGN: not all active galaxies are barred, not all barred galaxies are active, and, in fact, well-matched samples of active and inactive galaxies have the same bar fraction \\citep{ho97c, mulchaey97a, laine02}. \\citeauthor{ho97c} speculate that this is because radially-transported gas is prevented from reaching the nucleus. If bars are indeed fueling galaxies' circumnuclear regions, then this should be reflected in the morphology of the cold circumnuclear interstellar medium (ISM). \\citet{martini03a} establish a nuclear dust morphology classification system with four spiral classes (grand design, tightly wound, loosely wound, and chaotic spiral) and two non-spiral classes (chaotic and no structure) to quantify differences between various galaxy types. \\citet{martini03b} find no differences in the nuclear dust structure of active and inactive galaxies. This study does find evidence that nuclear grand design spirals are primarily found in barred galaxies and that these grand design spirals connect to large scale dust lanes in barred galaxies. Likewise, \\citeauthor{martini03b} primarily find tightly wound nuclear spirals in unbarred galaxies. All of these studies of the role of bars in fueling central star formation or black holes simply compare ``barred'' versus ``unbarred'' galaxies. This discretization glosses over, and over simplifies, the long-known continuum of barstrengths \\citep{devaucouleurs59}. One early way of quantifying the strength of a bar is the deprojected bar ellipticity $\\epsilon_b$ \\citep{martin95}. The disadvantage of using the bar ellipticity is that defining the bar---i.e., its exact dimensions---is a somewhat subjective process \\citep{buta01}. \\citet{abraham00} introduce the parameter $f_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize bar}}$, which is a function of the bar axis ratio, and therefore susceptible to the same systematics as $\\epsilon_b$. \\citeauthor{buta01}, by expanding on the method of \\citet{combes81}, circumvent this problem by using a force ratio, which they call $Q_b$. Assuming that the light traces the underlying mass distribution, they use near-infrared images to calculate a map of a galaxy's potential. From these potential maps, and with some assumptions about the characteristic scale-height, they then calculate the tangential force $F_T$ and mean (axisymmetric) radial force $\\langle F_R\\rangle$. They define the ratio map $Q_T$ as \\begin{equation}\\label{eqn:Qt} Q_T(i,j) = \\frac{F_T(i,j)}{\\langle F_R(i,j)\\rangle}. \\end{equation} This ratio map has the property that in each of four quadrants $Q_T$ reaches a local extremum. Letting $Q_{T}^{\\mbox{\\scriptsize max},\\,k}$ be the absolute value of such an extremum in the $k$th quadrant, the barstrength $Q_b$ is defined as \\begin{equation}\\label{eqn:Qb} Q_b = \\frac{1}{4} \\sum\\limits^{4}_{k=1} Q_{T}^{\\mbox{\\scriptsize max},\\,k}. \\end{equation} The cited uncertainties on $Q_b$ are a measure of how much $Q_{T}^{\\mbox{\\scriptsize max}}$ varies by quadrant. From a comparison with the three barstrength classes defined by \\citeauthor{devaucouleurs59} (unbarred SA, weakly barred SAB, and strongly barred SB), \\citeauthor{buta01} find a reasonable correlation between the RC3 bar classification and $Q_b$, although with substantial scatter. In particular, SA galaxies have $Q_b \\lesssim 0.1$, SAB galaxies have $0.05 \\lesssim Q_b \\lesssim 0.2$, and SB galaxies have $Q_b \\gtrsim 0.15$. The most strongly barred galaxies have $Q_b \\approx 0.6$ \\citep{buta01}. While we adopt $Q_b$ as the best available measure of barstrength, we note that \\citet{athanassoula92} shows that both the quadrupole moment (strength) and the pattern speed play an important role in how effectively the bar drives mass towards the center of the galaxy. Pattern speed, however, is much more difficult to measure than parameters that can be calculated from photometric data. \\citet{martini04} used $Q_b$ and the nuclear classifications of \\citet{martini03a} to compare the barstrengths and nuclear dust morphologies of 48 galaxies with archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data. He found that grand design nuclear spirals are primarily found in strongly barred galaxies, while axisymmetric tightly wound nuclear spirals are exclusively found in galaxies with $Q_b < 0.1$. With a larger sample and reconsideration of the circumnuclear dust morphology classification at the smallest scales, we examine how nuclear dust structure varies with barstrength. We identify 75 galaxies, described in \\S\\ref{sec:data}, with a measured barstrength $Q_b$ from the literature. To analyze the dust morphology, we create ``structure maps'' from archival HST data using the technique of \\citet{pogge02} as discussed in \\S\\ref{sec:smap}. We then classify the galaxies according to a refined version of the classification scheme proposed in \\citet{martini03a}, as described in \\S\\ref{sec:nuc}. The main difference between the classification scheme used here and that of \\cite{martini03a} is a stronger focus on the central-most regions of the galaxy. We discuss our results in \\S\\ref{sec:results}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We present a study of the circumnuclear dust morphology for a sample of 75 galaxies with archival HST data and measured barstrength $Q_b$. This $Q_b$ is a measure of the maximal force ratio due to the presence of a bar in a galaxy, and thus is arguably superior to the rudimentary bar axis ratio \\citep{buta01}. We use the structure map technique of \\citet{pogge02} to enhance the visibility of the galaxies' dust content and to classify the circumnuclear dust morphology within the central 5\\% of $D_{25}$, according to a refined version of the classification scheme proposed by \\citet{martini03a}. We also introduce the structure map rms $\\sigma_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize sm}}$ within the central regions of the galaxy as a quantitative measure of the amount of nuclear dust structure. A comparison of the morphological classifications and measured barstrengths reveals that tightly wound nuclear dust spirals (with pitch angles less than 10\\dg) are preferentially found in galaxies with lower $Q_b$. No other nuclear class exhibits a significant correlation with barstrength. Previous observations found that grand design nuclear dust spirals are hosted exclusively by strongly barred galaxies. While we do see grand design structure in many barred galaxies, this grand design structure does not extend all the way into the unresolved nucleus ($\\sim 10$~pc), although it is often present at larger scales. Earlier studies did not strictly require that the grand design structure extend into the nucleus. Taking this into account, we identify two distinct types of circumnuclear grand design spirals. Small grand design (SGD) spirals are nuclear dust spirals in which the two symmetric spiral arms are coherent from 1\\% of $D_{25}$ (typically a few hundred parsecs) to the central tens of parsecs of the galaxy (where tracing the structure becomes resolution-limited). Large grand design (LGD) nuclear spirals, on the other hand, show two prominent symmetric arms within 10\\% of $D_{25}$ (typically on the scale of a few kiloparsecs); these arms do not necessarily extend to the center of the galaxy. In fact, these two types of grand design structure are nearly disjoint: the nuclear spiral arms in only two of the twenty LGD galaxies in our sample extend into the unresolved center of the galaxy (i.e., also displayed SGD structure). The LGD spirals are found in systematically more strongly barred host galaxies. This strongly confirms previous indications from much smaller samples and demonstrates that the dust lanes along the leading edges of large-scale spirals do not generally extend all the way into the nuclear region, but instead lose coherence at the scale of several hundred parsecs. While SGD spirals are not found in galaxies with a significantly different barstrength than typical galaxies, they are found in galaxies with significantly less dust structure in the central regions than LGD galaxies. The reduced dust structure may reflect a requirement for the formation of SGD morphology, or simply a requirement for its detection. The LGD spiral arms may not maintain coherence to the nucleus because mass inflow due to the presence of a large-scale bar prompts star formation, which can disrupt a nuclear grand design spiral. In addition, forty percent of the LGD spirals do not extend into the nuclear region because there is a circumnuclear starburst ring. We find that all of the galaxies with circumnuclear starburst rings have LGD structure and are more strongly barred than other galaxies. Within the rings, three fourths of the galaxies with circumnuclear rings have coherent loosely wound spirals within the ring, while the others have less coherent chaotic spirals. We also find that among SB galaxies, SB(s) galaxies have more dust structure and are more strongly barred than SB(r) galaxies. This is partially at odds with the prevailing view in the literature, which is that SB(r) galaxies should be more strongly barred, although there is consensus that SB(r) galaxies have less central dust \\citep[e.g.][]{kormendy04}. \\citet{sanders80} suggest that differences in the bar pattern speed may also explain the large-scale morphological differences between SB(s) and SB(r) galaxies; as our results indicate that SB(s) galaxies are more strongly barred, pattern speed may be the more relevant parameter. Overall, there is agreement in the literature that more strongly barred galaxies should---and do---have more dust and gas in their centers \\citep{kormendy04}. We find that for the most strongly barred galaxies, there are several possible morphologies the circumnuclear dust can take. This may indicate that not all bars of a given strength $Q_b$ funnel material toward the centers of galaxies with equal efficiency, potentially due to the effects of pattern speed on bar efficiency, or simply the fact that $Q_b$ is a one-parameter description of the bar. In the most strongly barred galaxies, there can be an LGD spiral whose arms do not extend to the galaxy nucleus but instead lose coherence. Some LGD spirals end in circumnuclear starburst rings. In the absence of these structures, however, the nuclear dust in the most strongly barred galaxies tends to be fairly chaotic, potentially hosting star formation. It would be interesting to investigate how circumnuclear dust morphology and dust structure $\\sigma_{\\mbox{\\scriptsize sm}}$ varies with nuclear star formation rates in strongly barred galaxies." }, "0606/astro-ph0606306_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We study the cosmological evolution of the universe when quintessence is modeled within supergravity, supersymmetry is broken in a hidden sector, and we also include observable matter in a third independent sector. We find that the presence of hidden sector supersymmetry breaking leads to modifications of the quintessence potential. We focus on the coupling of the SUGRA quintessence model to the MSSM and investigate two possibilities. First one can preserve the form of the SUGRA potential provided the hidden sector dynamics is tuned. The currently available limits on the violations of the equivalence principle imply a universal bound on the vacuum expectation value of the quintessence field now, $\\kappa ^{1/2}Q\\ll 1$. On the other hand, the hidden sector fields may be stabilised leading to a minimum of the quintessence potential where the quintessence field acquires a mass of the order of the gravitino mass, large enough to circumvent possible gravitational problems. However, the cosmological evolution of the quintessence field is affected by the presence of the minimum of the potential. The quintessence field settles down at the bottom of the potential very early in the history of the universe. Both at the background and the perturbation levels, the subsequent effect of the quintessence field is undistinguishable from a pure cosmological constant.} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "There is a host of observational evidence in favor of the existence of a non-zero vacuum energy density of the Universe driving the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe~\\cite{LSS,IA,CMB}. The simplest explanation for this new era in the history of the Universe is the presence of a cosmological constant of extraordinarily small value, some 120 orders of magnitude lower than the Planck scale. Such a small value is particularly difficult to accommodate when dynamical effects such as the Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) and electroweak phase transitions or even Grand Unified Theory (GUT) scale physics are taken into account. This has prompted the possibility of using extra dimensional models such as self--tuning scenarios~\\cite{kachru} or brane induced gravity models~\\cite{deffayet}. Unfortunately these alternatives have drawbacks such as hidden fine--tunings~\\cite{Lalak}. Within four dimensional physics, there is an experimental way of discovering whether the vacuum energy is a true constant of nature or the result of more complicated dynamical effects. Indeed very active experimental programs are dedicated to the analysis of the so-called equation of state of the dark energy sector (the ratio between the pressure and the energy density). If the equation of state differs from $-1$ (and is greater than $-1$, otherwise see for instance Ref.~\\cite{MSU}), then a plausible candidate for dark energy is quintessence~\\cite{RP,quint,PB}, \\ie the dynamics of a scalar field rolling down a runaway potential. Of course, quintessence only accounts for the small and non-vanishing vacuum energy, it has nothing to say about the large cancellation of the overall cosmological constant. \\par One of the most stringent requirements imposed on quintessence models is the existence of attractors, \\ie long time stable solutions of the equations of motion~\\cite{quint}. Indeed the presence of an attractor implies an insensitivity to initial conditions of the quintessence field for the vacuum energy now. For a large class of potentials, attractors leading to vacuum energy dominance exist provided their large field behavior is of the inverse power law type. Such potentials are known under the name of Ratra--Peebles potentials~\\cite{RP}. In these cases, the quintessence field reaches an attractor, only to leave it when dominating the energy content of the universe. This happens when the field is of the order of the Planck scale. \\par This has drastic consequences on quintessence model building. Indeed, it requires a natural framework within which Planck scale physics is taking into account. Supergravity is a promising field theoretical arena where both particle physics and Planck scale physics can be described~\\cite{Nilles}. Models of quintessence in supergravity have been constructed~\\cite{BM1,BM2,BMR1,BMR2} leading to interesting phenomenological consequences such as low values of the equation of state. In particular, the simplest model of quintessence in supergravity, often dubbed the SUGRA model in the literature, leads to the following potential \\begin{equation} \\label{sugra} V_{\\rm quint}(Q)={\\rm e}^{\\kappa Q^2/2+\\kappa \\xi ^2}\\frac{M^{4+\\alpha }}{Q^{\\alpha}}\\, , \\end{equation} with $\\kappa \\equiv 8\\pi/\\mpl ^2$ and $M^{4+\\alpha }=\\lambda ^2\\xi ^4 m_{\\rm c}^{\\alpha }2^{\\alpha/2}$ and where, in this equation, $Q$ is canonically normalized. The quantity $\\alpha $ is a free positive index and $\\lambda $ is a dimensionless coupling constant and, in order to avoid any fine-tuning, we will always consider that $\\lambda \\sim 1$. $m_{\\rm c}$ is the cut-off scale of the effective theory used in order to derive the SUGRA potential. Typically $m_{\\rm c}$ can be thought as the GUT scale but we will see that the Planck scale is also possible (and, sometimes, necessary). Finally, $\\xi $ is a vacuum expectation value (vev) of some other field present in the quintessence sector, see below for more details. As a specific example, $\\xi$ can be realized as a Fayet-Iloupoulous term arising from the Green--Schwarz anomaly cancellation mechanism~\\cite{BM1,BM2}. The main feature of the above potential is that supergravity corrections have been exponentiated and appear in the prefactor. Phenomenologically, this potential has the nice feature that the equation of state $\\omega \\equiv p_Q/\\rho _Q$ can be closer to $-1$ than with the Ratra--Peebles potential when the field approaches its present value $\\kappa^{1/2} Q_{\\rm now}\\approx 1$. Moreover, a small value for $M$ can be avoided. Indeed, since the vev of the quintessence field is now of the order of the Planck mass, requiring that the quintessence energy density be of the order of the critical energy density $\\rho_{\\rm cri}\\sim 10^{-122}\\mpl ^4$ implies that \\begin{equation} \\frac{M}{\\mpl}\\sim 10^{-122/(4+\\alpha )}\\, , \\end{equation} and, therefore, $M$ can be a large scale (by particle physics standard) for very reasonable values of the index $\\alpha $. For instance, it is above the TeV scale for $\\alpha \\gta 4$. This mechanism is reminiscent of a ``see-saw'' mechanism where a very small scale (the cosmological constant scale) is explained in terms of a large one (the scale $M$) and a very large one (the Planck scale $m_{_{\\rm Pl}}$). Moreover, the scale $\\xi $ can have acceptable values. From the expression of the scale $M$, one obtains \\begin{equation} \\label{xisugra} \\frac{\\xi }{\\mpl }\\sim \\left(\\frac{\\rho _{\\rm cri}}{\\mpl }\\right)^{1/4} \\left(\\frac{\\mpl}{m_{\\rm c}}\\right)^{\\alpha /4}\\, , \\end{equation} and for $\\alpha \\gta 11$ and a cut-off $m_{\\rm c}$ of the order of the GUT scale, $\\xi $ is above the TeV scale\\cite{BM1}. However, considering $m_{\\rm c}