{ "0608/astro-ph0608353_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We determine what aspects of the density field surrounding galaxies most affect their properties. For Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies, we measure the group environment, meaning the host group luminosity and the distance from the group center (hereafter, ``groupocentric distance''). For comparison, we measure the surrounding density field on scales ranging from 100 $h^{-1}$ kpc to 10 $h^{-1}$ Mpc. We use the relationship between color and group environment to test the null hypothesis that only the group environment matters, searching for a residual dependence of properties on the surrounding density. Generally, red galaxies are slightly more clustered on small scales ($\\sim$ 100--300 $h^{-1}$ kpc) than the null hypothesis predicts, possibly indicating that substructure within groups has some importance. At large scales ($> 1$ $h^{-1}$ Mpc), the actual projected correlation functions of galaxies are biased at less than the 5\\% level with respect to the null hypothesis predictions. We exclude strongly the converse null hypothesis, that only the surrounding density (on any scale) matters. These results generally encourage the use of the halo model description of galaxy bias, which models the galaxy distribution as a function of host halo mass alone. We compare these results to proposed galaxy formation scenarios within the Cold Dark Matter cosmological model. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Galaxy properties are a strong function of their environment. In particular, galaxies in dense environments are older, redder, more concentrated, higher in surface brightness, and more luminous than galaxies in voids (\\citealt{hubble36a, oemler74a, davis76a, postman84a, dressler80a, santiago92a, hermit96a, zehavi02a, norberg02a, hogg03b, blanton05b, kauffmann04a, weinmann05a, maller05a, martinez06a}). Clearly, part of understanding galaxy formation must involve understanding why regions with different initial conditions (a different initial cosmological density field) result in such different galaxy populations. Quantitative understanding of this variation of clustering with galaxy type has improved in the last twenty years or so with the advent of large extragalactic samples. Among the papers written on this subject, what the authors mean by ``galaxy type'' has varied considerably. For some ``type'' has meant a measure of its optical morphological properties --- is it an elliptical, a dwarf elliptical, a lenticular, a spiral, or an irregular? Others have preferred measures of galaxy structure such as size or concentration, or measures of the galaxy star-formation history, such as color or emission line flux. A number of recent papers (\\citealt{kauffmann04a, blanton05b, quintero06a}) have shown that star-formation related properties such as color and emission line flux are directly affected by environment, while structural properties such as surface brightness and concentration (which are more closely related to classical morphology) are not. In addition, \\citet{kauffmann04a} have shown that environment does not affect measures of very recent star-formation such as emission lines (the last 10 Myr) over and above its affect on longer time scale measures such as optical color (the last 1 Gyr). Whether other classical morphological measurements, such as spiral arm properties, are related to environment directly, remains to be seen. In this paper, we will simplify based on these results to only consider the relationship between environment and galaxy colors. Astronomers have not only differed by what they mean by ``galaxy type,'' they also have differed in how they measure ``environment.'' Usually their choices have been motivated by practicality --- after all, the ultimate measure of environment, the local mass density field, is currently observationally inaccessible. In some cases, astronomers have used distance from the center of a cluster or surface density within that cluster as a measure of environment (\\citealt{oemler74a, dressler80a, postman84a, gomez03a, quintero06a}). In other cases, we have used field samples and measured the number of nearby galaxies relative to the mean density, using various measures (\\citealt{hashimoto98a, hashimoto99a, balogh04a, hogg04a, kauffmann04a, blanton05b}). Sometimes, we do not measure the density around individual objects, but instead measure the average environments of classes of galaxies. For example, we can measure as a function of galaxy properties the mean environments around galaxies (\\citealt{hogg03b,blanton05b}) or their correlation functions (\\citealt{davis76a, santiago92a, hermit96a, norberg02a, zehavi04a}). In this paper, we will consider all of these approaches to understand what description of the density field is most directly related to galaxy colors. All of these analyses have found the same qualitative results. The ``later type'' galaxies --- diffuse, low surface brightness, blue spiral or irregular galaxies --- populate the low density regions. The ``earlier type'' galaxies --- concentrated, high surface brightness, red elliptical or S0 galaxies --- populate the high density regions. However, all of the measures of environment are correlated at least weakly to each other, so one expects them all to show the same qualitative trends. If we can determine what aspects of environment are {\\it most directly} related to galaxy properties, it will be an important clue in determining the way in which environment affects galaxy formation. Making this determination is the goal of this paper. We choose here two classes of environmental measurements: ``group environment'' measurements and ``surrounding density measurements'' on varying scales. Here, we repeatedly use the term ``group environment'' to refer to two parameters regarding the galaxy environment: the luminosity of the host group or cluster (group luminosity) and the radius from the center of that group (groupocentric distance). By ``surrounding density'' we mean the density with respect to the mean in a cylinder around each galaxy, where the cylinder is aligned in the redshift direction to integrate over nonlinear redshift space distortions. The radius of the cylinder in the transverse direction determines the scale. We explain these density measurements in more detail below. These results yield insights into how the spatial distribution of galaxies is related to that of the dark matter. In particular, a recently developed way of describing the relationship between galaxies and mass is by using the ``halo occupation distribution'' (HOD), which quantifies the distribution of galaxies as a function of host dark matter halo mass (see \\citealt{berlind02a} and references therein). The HOD description is an extremely convenient way of parameterizing the physics that relates galaxies and mass, and of marginalizing over the possible relationships when trying to use galaxy clustering to constrain cosmology (\\citealt{abazajian05a}). It typically assumes that the distribution of galaxy luminosities and types depends only on the mass of the host halo, and not on the larger scale density field. We test this assumption here by associating galaxy groups in the observations with dark matter halos, and asking whether indeed the masses of these groups are the only quantities that are relevant to galaxy properties. In Section \\ref{sdss} we describe the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; \\citealt{york00a}) and the \\citet{berlind06a} group catalog resulting from it. In Section \\ref{environs}, we find that both group luminosity and groupocentric distance are independently related to galaxy properties. We then consider whether the mean density around galaxies is related to galaxy colors over and above the dependence expected to result just from the dependence on group environment. We only find a large residual dependence on very small scales ($\\sim 300$ $h^{-1}$ kpc). Meanwhile, even in regions with very different densities on large scales, the galaxy population is similar as long as the group environment is similar. In Section \\ref{correlation} we demonstrate the same results in terms of the correlation functions of red and blue galaxies. In Section \\ref{others} we compare our results to similar studies of others, finding agreement. In Section \\ref{theory}, we compare our results to similar investigations in the theoretical realm. In Section \\ref{conclusions} we discuss the implications of our results for theories of galaxy formation and for interpreting large-scale structure statistics. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} We have described the relationship between galaxy colors and their group environments, in terms of the luminosity of their host group and their distance from the center of that group (groupocentric distance). Furthermore, we have searched for any residual relationship between galaxy color and measures of the surrounding environment on various scales, finding only a slight dependence at large scales ($> 1$ $h^{-1}$ Mpc) and a stronger dependence at the smallest scales ($<300$ $h^{-1}$ kpc). Measured at any scale, the variation of galaxy colors with the surrounding density field does not explain the variation of color with group environment: the group environment always yields extra information. Since other properties, such as concentration and surface brightness, do not appear to correlate with the density field independently of color (\\citealt{blanton05b,kauffmann04a, quintero06a}) these results likely extend to other galaxy properties as well. In fact, we have checked this proposition explicitly for concentration and found no dependence of concentration on the larger scale density field once the color and group environment is fixed. When interpreting these results, keep in mind that we have considered for the most part only galaxies with $M_r - 5\\log_{10} h < -19$ (though in Figure \\ref{bias} we also look at slightly lower luminosity galaxies), which limits us to dark matter halos of $\\sim 5\\times 10^{11}$ $h^{-1}$ $M_\\odot$ or greater. Whether the assembly time or large-scale density affects galaxies in smaller halos is an open question. These results have important consequences for the study of galaxy formation: \\begin{enumerate} \\item That the blue fraction has no residual relationship with the large scale density field (such as 1 $h^{-1}$ Mpc and above) demonstrates that galaxy formation is closely tied to physics within each halo. The location of that halo in the large-scale density field appears not to be important, nor (if CDM is correct) the assembly time of the host halos (at fixed halo mass). \\item The residual dependence of color on small scale density may indicate the importance of surviving substructure within the group (though it is hard to disentangle possible projection effects causing this dependence). If so, it may be a signature of the processing of blue galaxies into red galaxies in moderately sized groups prior to infall into large groups. \\end{enumerate} These results are also important for studies of large-scale structure that depend on the use of the halo occupation distribution formalism to model small-scale clustering. A typical simplification (not a necessary one) of those models is that how galaxies occupy halos depends only on their mass, not their larger scale environment. By showing that the {\\it relative} distribution of different types of galaxies is not affected by the larger scale environment (while it manifestly is affected by the group luminosity) we lend credence to this assumption. Furthermore, theoretically speaking, the large-scale density field is related to the assembly time of the halos, and we might expect assembly times to be related to the ages of the galaxies. Either the halos containing our $L_\\ast$ galaxy sample do not have much relationship between their assembly time and large-scale clustering, or the process of galaxy formation is not much affected by the assembly time of the halo at a given halo mass. Either possibility is encouraging to those trying to use the halo model to interpret the medium-scale correlation functions of similar samples in terms of cosmological models." }, "0608/astro-ph0608165_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The $w-w'$ plane, defined by the equation of state parameter for the dark energy and its derivative with respect to the logarithm of the scale factor, is useful to the study of classifying the dynamical dark energy models. In this note, we examine the evolving behavior of the two-field quintom models with $w$ crossing the $w=-1$ barrier in the $w-w'$ plane. We find that these models can be divided into two categories, type A quintom in which $w$ changes from $>-1$ to $<-1$ and type B quintom in which $w$ changes from $<-1$ to $>-1$ as the universe expands. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0608/astro-ph0608215_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on the spectroscopic monitoring of GCIRS16SW, an Ofpe/WN9 star and LBV candidate in the central parsec of the Galaxy. SINFONI observations show strong daily spectroscopic changes in the K band. Radial velocities are derived from the He~{\\sc i} $2.112 \\mu m$ line complex and vary regularly with a period of 19.45 days, indicating that the star is most likely an eclipsing binary. Under various assumptions, we are able to derive a mass of $\\sim$ 50 \\msun\\ for each component. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The central cluster constitutes one of the largest concentrations of massive stars in the Galaxy \\citep{genzel03}. Nearly 100 OB and Wolf-Rayet stars are confined in a compact region of radius $\\sim$ 0.5 parsec centered on the super-massive black hole associated with the radio source SgrA* \\citep{paumard06}. Among this population of young massive stars, six are thought to be Luminous Blue Variables (LBV): IRS16NE, IRS16C, IRS16NW, IRS16SW, IRS33E and IRS34W \\citep{paumard04,trippe06}. LBVs are evolved massive stars experiencing strong variability in both photometry and spectroscopy due to their proximity to the Humphreys-Davidson limit \\citep{hd94}, a region of the HR diagram where the luminosity of the stars reaches the Eddington luminosity so that instabilities develop in their atmospheres, leading to strong mass ejection and drastic changes in the stellar properties (\\teff, radius). The six stars mentioned above are only LBV ``candidates'' (LBVc) since they have not been observed to experience the strong outbursts and photometric changes typical of bona fide LBVs such as $\\eta$ Car \\citep{dh97}. However, their luminosities and spectra are very similar to stars known to be ``quiescent'' LBV, i.e. stars having experienced an LBV event in the past and being now in a more stable phase. In addition, one of them - IRS34W - has shown photometric variability on timescales of months to years which was interpreted as the formation of dust from material previously ejected by an LBV outburst \\citep{trippe06}. Among these six stars, IRS16SW deserves special attention. This star was claimed to be a massive eclipsing binary by \\citet{ott99} since its K band magnitude displays regular variations with a periodicity of 9.72 days. However, the absence of a second eclipse in the light-curve lead \\citet{depoy04} to the conclusion that the binary scenario was not correct, and that IRS16SW was instead a pulsating massive star, a class of star predicted by theory but not observed so far. Here, we present results of the spectroscopic monitoring of IRS16SW revealing periodic variations of radial velocities which are interpreted as the signature of a massive spectroscopic and eclipsing binary . \\begin{figure*} \\epsscale{0.9} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=8.5cm,height=6.5cm]{f1a.eps} \\includegraphics[width=8.5cm,height=6.5cm]{f1b.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Montage of spectra of IRS16SW around the region of He~{\\sc i} 2.112 $\\mu m$ (left) and \\brg\\ (right) taken between October 2$^{nd}$ and October 12$^{th}$ 2005. The changes in both the line shape and position are clearly seen. \\label{var_lines}} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{disc} \\subsection{Binary versus pulsating variable} \\label{disc_bin} \\citet{depoy04} argue that IRS16SW was a pulsating massive star based on the absence of second minimum in the light-curve and the difficulty to fit this light-curve in the binary scenario (but see Sect.\\ \\ref{orb_sol}). They compare the observed variation in K magnitude to the predictions of the dynamical models of \\citet{dg00} and conclude that there is a reasonable qualitative agreement. However, there are some quantitative discrepancies. First, the amplitude of the variation is much larger than predicted: although \\citet{dg00} do not compute K band photometry, one can estimate the variation in this band to be at most 0.2 mag (inspection of their Table 2 reveals that the amplitude of photometric variations decreases with wavelength and is $\\lesssim 0.2$ mag in the I band), while we observe 0.55 mag. Second, the period we derive $-$ 19.45 days $-$ is larger than expected in the pulsating scenario \\citep[see Table 1 of][]{dg00}. Concerning spectroscopic changes, although in principle one can not completely rule out the possibility that they are due to motions of the atmosphere and fluctuations of the physical parameters (\\teff, radius) due to pulsations \\citep{dg00}, the timescales are again not consistent: $\\sim$ 1 day for pulsations compared to 19.45 days observed. Besides, so far there are no theoretical predictions of spectroscopic changes caused by pulsations to which we could compare our observed spectra. The binary nature of IRS16SW is thus strongly favored. The absence of secondary eclipse in the light-curve is explained by the similar K band magnitude of the two components. This is another indication that both stars are very similar. \\citet{depoy04} report the presence of a variation in $H-K$ on a period of 9.725 days, $H-K$ being bluer when the system is brighter. A similar trend was observed in the optical photometry of the massive contact binary V606 Centauri \\citep{lorenz99}. We interpret this as a sign of heating in the contact zone, making the spectral energy distribution in this region bluer. Massive binaries are indeed known to produce X-rays through colliding winds, and we might expect the same kind of interaction and heating around the contact region. Again, since this region is seen twice during an orbital revolution, an observed period half the true orbital period is naturally derived from the $H-K$ curve. \\subsection{Stellar evolution and the LBV phenomenon} \\label{disc_evol} Whether or not all massive stars go through the LBV phase is still under debate. \\citet{langer94} and \\citet{pasquali97} argue that this is the case, while other observational \\citep{crowther95} and theoretical \\citep{mm05} studies indicate that the most massive stars ($M \\gtrsim 60 \\msun$) may skip this phase. This is an important issue since although short, the LBV phase is crucial in the mass loss history, and consequently in the subsequent evolution, of massive stars. Recent studies by \\citet{smith06} even claim that most of the mass of hot stars is lost during the LBV phase. Here, we provide an accurate measurement of the present mass of a candidate LBV, confirming that a star with an initial mass larger than 50 \\msun\\ (and likely of the order 60-70 \\msun) may become a LBV. This is a strong constraint for evolutionary models. Of course, one could argue that the star's evolution was affected by binarity. However, inspection of the spectral morphology and physical properties \\citep[see][]{paco97} of IRS16SW and the other LBVc in the Galactic Center shows similarities. Our monitoring of IRS16SW also includes the other LBVc in the Galactic Center. Except for IRS16NE, none of these stars showed any spectroscopic variation, ruling out the possibility that they are close binaries. IRS16NE showed some RV fluctuations \\citep[see also][]{tanner06}, but so far we do not have enough data point to sample an hypothetical RV curve. Hence, the similarity between the spectrum of IRS16SW and those of the other single LBV candidates leads us to the conclusion that binarity has not (yet?) significantly affected the evolution of IRS16SW. Since the mass of the two components is similar, one can speculate that IRS16SW is composed of two stars initially equally massive that have so far evolved in parallel in a detached system, without influencing each other. They may have just entered the LBV phase during which contact was achieved due to their respective expansion. This event probably happened very recently (the LBV phase lasting $\\sim 10^{5} yr$) so that the general properties of both components have not yet been affected by mass transfer and binary evolution. Such a scenario is consistent with both stars displaying similar spectra (but see Sect.\\ \\ref{spec_disentang} for caution words). Assuming that IRS16SW was not affected by binary evolution, the properties of the LBV candidate in IRS16SW can thus be used to constrain evolutionary models of single massive stars. In their recent models including rotation, \\citet{mm05} stressed that the LBV phase is not systematically reached above 45 \\msun. Here, we have an example for which it is the case (under the assumption that IRS16SW will turn $-$ or has already turned in the past $-$ into a genuine LBV)." }, "0608/astro-ph0608509_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The gravitational collapse of a non-rotating, black-hole-forming massive star is studied by $\\nu$-radiation-hydrodynamical simulations for two different sets of realistic equation of state of dense matter. We show that the event will produce as many neutrinos as the ordinary supernova, but with distinctive characteristics in luminosities and spectra that will be an unmistakable indication of black hole formation. More importantly, the neutrino signals are quite sensitive to the difference of equation of state and can be used as a useful probe into the properties of dense matter. The event will be unique in that they will be shining only by neutrinos (and, possibly, gravitational waves) but not by photons, and hence they should be an important target of neutrino astronomy. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0608/astro-ph0608023_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present a detailed study of the single radio pulses of PSR B0656+14, a pulsar also known to be a strong pulsed source of high-energy emission. } { Despite the extensive studies at high-energy wavelengths, there is little or no published work on its single-pulse behaviour in the radio band. In this report we rectify this omission. } { Radio observations using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at 1380 MHz and the Arecibo Observatory at 327 and 1525 MHz are used to investigate the single-pulse behavior of PSR B0656+14. A comparison is made with the phenomena of giant pulses and giant micropulses. } { We have found that the shape of the pulse profile of PSR B0656+14 requires\\rm an unusually long timescale to achieve stability (over 25,000 pulses at 327 MHz). This instability is caused by very bright and narrow pulses with widths and luminosities comparable to those observed for the RRATs. Many pulses are bright enough to qualify as ``giant pulses'', but are broader than those usually meant by this term. At 327 MHz the brightest pulse was about 116 times brighter than the average pulse. Although the most powerful pulses peak near the centre of the profile, occasional sudden strong pulses are also found on the extreme leading edge of the profile. One of them has a peak flux of about 2000 times the average flux at that pulse longitude. No ``break'' in the pulse-energy distributions is observed, but nevertheless there is evidence of two separate populations of pulses: bright pulses have a narrow ``spiky'' appearance consisting of short quasi-periodic bursts of emission with microstructure, in contrast to the underlying weaker broad pulses. Furthermore, the spiky pulses tend to appear in clusters which arise and dissipate over about 10 periods. We demonstrate that the spiky emission builds a narrow and peaked profile, whereas the weak emission produces a broad hump, which is largely responsible for the shoulders in the total emission profiles at both high and low frequencies. } {} ", "introduction": "\\object{PSR B0656+14}, at a spin-down age of 111,000 yrs, is one of three nearby pulsars in the middle-age range in which pulsed high-energy emission has been detected. These are commonly known as ``The Three Musketeers'' (\\citealt{bt97}), the other two being Geminga and PSR B1055--52. Middle-aged pulsars (roughly defined to be those whose spin-down ages range from 50,000 yrs to 300,000 yrs) are of interest to neutron star theorists because they allow the detection of high-energy thermal radiation from the star's surface, and hence can provide tests for models of surface cooling and atmosphere composition. In more energetic young pulsars (the Crab) the pulsed non-thermal emission is dominant, and completely masks the thermal emission at all wavelengths. In cool, older pulsars blackbody surface temperatures are expected to have fallen below the detection threshold, with the likely exception of their heated polar caps (the polar cap of one such older pulsar, B0943+10, having recently been detected in soft X-rays (\\citealt{zsp05}). However pulsars such as B0656+14 are also of interest because they provide tests between competing emission models for the highest energy components. Their hard X-ray emission can variously be interpreted as a product of outergaps located in the outer magnetosphere (\\citealt{cz99}), or as originating closer to the surface magnetic poles (\\citealt{hm98}). Fundamental to these discussions are the determination of the geometric location of the various high-energy peaks, and their relation to the radio emission peak, which is generally taken to define the polar cap of the pulsar's dipole axis. In the case of PSR B0656+14, a major clue is that observations from optical to hard X-ray all show one or both of the two peaks always at the same two phase longitudes (\\citealt{dcm+05,kmmh03,pzs02,ssl+05,zps96}), while the radio peak falls almost, but not quite, halfway between these peaks. PSR B0656+14 was included in a recent extensive survey of subpulse modulation in pulsars in the northern sky (\\citealt{wes06}). In the single pulses analysed for this purpose the unusual nature of this pulsar's emission was very evident, especially the ``spiky'' nature of the subpulses. But what was most striking was that the pulsar occasionally exhibited exceptionally powerful and longitudinally narrow subpulses reminiscent of ``giant'' pulses, hitherto reported for only a handful of pulsars, including the Crab pulsar (\\citealt{sr68}) and mostly young or millisecond pulsars (e.g. \\citealt{spb+04}). More recently, giant pulses have been discovered in two old pulsars (\\citealt{ke04}). If their presence could be confirmed in PSR B0656+14, this would demonstrate that the phenomenon might also be found in pulsars of intermediate age and hence at any stage of a pulsar's lifetime. We therefore set out to explore the full nature of PSR B0656+14's pulse behaviour in the radio band. PSR B0656+14 has a period (0.385 sec) not greatly below the average for all pulsars and at radio frequencies exhibits an apparently unremarkable single-peak integrated profile. Yet at any wavelength the integrated profile of a pulsar conceals as much information as it yields, and this pulsar has proved to be no exception. It is remarkable that, despite the extensive studies at high-energy wavelengths, there is little or no published work on its single-pulse behaviour in the radio band. In this report we rectify this omission, and, in addition to confirming the presence of extremely bright pulses across the profile, demonstrate that the pulsar's radio emission is far from that typical of older better-known pulsars. While this work was being prepared the discovery of RRATs (Rotating RAdio Transients) was announced. These are sources which emit single powerful pulses, separated by long intervals, and were identified as isolated pulsars with periods of between 0.4 and 7 seconds. However, their relation to the known pulsar population was unclear. The intermittent giant pulses we have detected in PSR B0656+14 led us to argue in a separate paper that this pulsar, were it not so near, could itself have appeared as an RRAT (\\citealt{wsr+06}). This paper is complementary to that work, showing that this pulsar's bright pulses are narrow and ``spiky'', occur at a wide range of central longitudes and can be differentiated from a weaker but steadier underlying emission. A third paper is planned in which we will present polarization data and attempt to link the radio emission -- in a single geometric structure -- to the high-energy peaks. The details of the radio observations are described in the next section. In Sect. \\ref{SctProfile} the pulse profile is discussed, in Sect. \\ref{SctSinglePulse} the properties of the single pulses and in Sect. \\ref{SctSeparation5} we will show that the emission can be decomposed into ``spiky'' and ``weak'' emission. In Sect. \\ref{SctDiscussion} our results are discussed and summarized. ", "conclusions": "Discussion and conclusions} \\subsection{Comparison with the known population of pulsars} We have shown that PSR B0656+14 intermittently emits pulses that are extremely bright compared to normal pulsars and with pulse energies well above 10 {\\Eav} these pulses formally qualify as giant pulses. Nevertheless these pulses differ from giant pulses and giant micropulses in important ways: \\begin{itemize} \\item The pulse-energy distribution of PSR B0656+14 does not show a power-law tail (this is possibly also true for PSR B1133+16; \\citealt{kkg+03}) \\item The widths of the bright pulses of PSR B0656+14 are much greater than those of the extremely narrow giant pulses (e.g. \\citealt{spb+04}), although similar to that of the giant micropulses. \\item The brightest pulses of PSR B0656+14 are an order of magnitude brighter (both in integrated energy and in peak flux) than the giant micropulses of the Vela pulsar (\\citealt{jvkb01}) and PSR B1706--44 (\\citealt{jr02}). \\item The bright pulses of PSR B0656+14 are not strongly constrained in pulse longitude. In most other pulsars, both fast (e.g. B1937+21, B1821--24) and slow (e.g. B0031--07) the pulse longitudes where giant pulses appear are highly constrained, whether towards one edge or centrally (e.g \\citealt{cst+96,kt00,rj01,ke04}). Also the giant micropulses detected for the Vela pulsar and the young pulsar B1706--44 are highly confined (in both cases to the leading edge of the pulse profile). \\item The claimed empirical correlation between the appearance of giant pulses and high light-cylinder magnetic field strengths clearly fails for PSR B0656+14 since its value (770 Gauss) is well below those of most pulsars exhibiting giant pulses (around $10^5$ Gauss; \\citealt{cst+96}). However, PSR B0031--07 and a number of other slow pulsars also easily fail this test, so the correlation may only be valid for millisecond pulsars. \\item The bright pulses of B0656+14 do not coincide with any of the observed X-ray peaks, in contrast to those of the well-known pulsars exhibiting giant pulses. \\end{itemize} Despite the differences between the spiky emission of PSR B0656+14 and the giant micropulses listed above, there are also interesting parallels between PSR B0656+14 and Vela. The pulse profile of PSR B0656+14 has a shoulder on the trailing edge reminiscent of a similar feature discovered in Vela (\\citealt{jvkb01}) and B1937+21 (\\citealt{cst+96}). In both, the shoulder is not associated with the giant pulses (\\citealt{kt00}), and that also appears to be the case in PSR B0656+14. Furthermore both pulsars have low-frequency intensity modulations and neither pulsar shows a coincidence between the locations of the radio and high-energy emission. Many of the exceptional properties of PSR B0656+14 have led us to point out (\\citealt{wsr+06}) that this pulsar, were it not so near, could have been discovered as an RRAT. Chief among these are the infrequent, but luminous pulses with very high peak fluxes and widths comparable with those of the RRATs. Furthermore, like RRATs, PSR B0656+14 has a light-cylinder magnetic field strength which is not exceptional. Surprisingly, the middle-aged PSR B0656+14 also shares many properties with recycled millisecond pulsars. For instance both have wide profiles that have a more or less constant width or component separation over a very wide frequency range (e.g. \\citealt{kll+99})\\footnote{However, it should be noted that invariant profile widths is not a property confined to millisecond pulsars. \\citep{mr02a} have shown that a whole class of bright slow pulsars have component widths and component separations independent of frequency.}. Furthermore the emission of millisecond pulsars is usually highly polarized with a flat linear polarization profile (e.g. \\citealt{xkj+98}). PSR B0656+14 is 92\\% linear polarized at 400 MHz and also the position angle is remarkably flat (\\citealt{gl98}). An interesting comparison might be drawn between the B0656+14 and a number of millisecond pulsars which are also known to have slowly-varying unstable profiles (e.g. \\citealt{rk03,kxc+99,bs97}), possibly resulting from spiky emission in one or more components. \\subsection{The spiky emission} We show in this paper that the emission of PSR B0656+14 can be characterized by spiky emission that is not confined to a narrow pulse-longitude range, but generally concentrated toward the centre of its profile. This spiky emission has a low occurrence rate within each pulse and is often quasi-periodic in structure. In addition, pulses with spiky emission have a tendency to cluster in successive pulses. By contrast, there is also a weak emission, which appears with a high occurrence rate over the full width of the pulse and varies little from pulse to pulse. Furthermore, the profiles of the spiky and weak emission have very different shapes and frequency evolution. Taken together, these properties all argue for two distinct types of emission. Separate properties of weak and strong emission can be supported by the fits of the pulse-energy distribution. However, in Fig. \\ref{lred_fit} one can see that all pulses with a peak-flux weaker than the average are below the noise level. Therefore more sensitive observations (with at least an order of magnitude increase in $S/N$) are required to see single weak pulses and to find out if there exists a break in the pulse-energy distribution. Such an observation would show if the spiky and weak emission are associated with the extreme ends of a single smooth energy distribution, or if they are two physically distinct distributions. Pulse profiles of many pulsars can accurately be decomposed into a small number of Gaussian emission components (\\citealt{kwj+94}). This is not possible for the isosceles shape of the profile of the spiky emission at high frequencies. This, together with the width of the central component that is invariant with frequency, may suggest that it reflects a permanent geometrical feature. It might be related to an intensity-enhancing (e.g. caustic) effect that boosts the otherwise weak emission. Due to the low occurence rate of the spiky emission, the profile requires an unusually long timescale to achieve stability (over 25,000 pulses at 327 MHz). Despite the high variability in shape of the spiky emission profile on short timescales, we found that the radio power output remains remarkably stable and this may indicate that processes ``repackage'' the power within the magnetosphere, rather than generate it. The emission of PSR B0656+14 shows a quasi-periodicity of $20P_1$, which is intensity modulated, rather than phase modulated. Similar fluctuations without drift are often associated with core emission within a conal structure (e.g. PSR B1237+25; \\citealt{sr05}). To the best of our knowledge, there have been no theoretical attempts to account for the periodicity of this emission. Possibly the modulation should be considered in the framework of the charge flow balance within the entire magnetosphere. Although we conventionally suppose in such a pulsar that we only have a view of one pole, it has recently been plausibly suggested (\\citealt{dfs+05}) that in selected stars (all of them pulsed X-ray sources, as is PSR B0656+14) it is possible to clearly detect radiation from particles downflowing towards the pole that is hidden from our view. The widely-separated high-energy peaks located well away from the phase of the polar cap point to activity in the outer magnetosphere, possibly associated with an outer gap. Also in the case of PSR B0656+14 we may be dealing with emission which is stimulated, either directly on indirectly, by an inflow - as well as an outflow - of charged particles (an analogy with rainfall is not inappropriate), with short-lived showers of particles intermittently injected into the polar regions in a quasi-periodic manner. This idea will be explored in a subsequent paper, in which we will also present polarization data and attempt to link the radio emission to the high-energy peaks." }, "0608/astro-ph0608090_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider dark matter annihilation into Standard Model particles and show that the least detectable final states, namely neutrinos, define an upper bound on the total cross section. Calculating the cosmic diffuse neutrino signal, and comparing it to the measured terrestrial atmospheric neutrino background, we derive a strong and general bound. This can be evaded if the annihilation products are dominantly new and truly invisible particles. Our bound is much stronger than the unitarity bound at the most interesting masses, shows that dark matter halos cannot be significantly modified by annihilations, and can be improved by a factor of 10--100 with existing neutrino experiments. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0608/astro-ph0608573_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first far-red spectra of the L subdwarf 2MASS J16262034+3925190 and the late M/early L subdwarf 2MASS J16403197+1231068. We confirm the ultracool subdwarf nature of these objects. 2M1626+3925 shows strong K~I absorption, like an L4 dwarf, and is very similar to, but hotter than, the late L subdwarf 2MASS J05325346+8246465. It is unambiguously an L subdwarf. 2M1640+1231 is very similar to SSSPM J1444-2019, which has been classified as sdM9 or early sdL. In contrast to the hotter M subdwarfs, L subdwarfs are characterized by not only enhanced hydrides but also strong TiO. Progress in a classification system requires identification of more subdwarfs to map out their variations. ", "introduction": "Although most stars in the solar neighborhood are members of the Galactic disk, there is a trace population of old, low-metallicity stars. The spectra of near-solar metallicity low-mass stars can be classified in the M dwarf scheme \\citep{khm} and are dominated in the red by molecular absorption, most notably TiO. The spectra of metal-poor low-mass stars are dramatically different, and can be classified in the scheme of \\citet{g97}[hereafter G97], who divided the stars into M dwarfs (M), subdwarfs (sdM) and extreme subdwarfs (esdM), on the basis of the TiO and CaH features. The sdM have reduced but significant TiO absorption compared to M dwarfs, while extreme M subdwarfs have weak or even absent TiO. At and below the hydrogen-burning limit, solar metallicity dwarf spectra begin to look qualitatively different, and are described by the L dwarf classification scheme \\citep{k99}. TiO, and later VO, weaken and disappear as dust grains form; the neutral alkali (Na, K, Rb, Cs) lines are strong; and the hydrides strengthen (see Kirkpatrick 2006 for a complete review and references.) Although the G97 system covers the LHS stars \\citep{l79,faintlhs2}, new surveys have begun to identify even cooler subdwarfs and have extended the sdM and esdM sequences \\citep{esdm7,sdm8,esdm65, sdm95,esdm8} to later spectral types. Four subdwarfs have merited suggestions that they should be considered L subdwarfs by their discoverers. \\citet{latesdl} found 2MASS J05325346+8246465\\footnote{Hereafter 2M0532+8246; we follow this convention for abbreviation for other object designations.} as part of a T dwarf search --- it is dramatically different in both the red and near-IR from any L dwarf and is most likely a metal-poor brown dwarf. \\citet{earlysdl} discovered LSR1610-0040 as part of a photographic plate-based proper motion survey --- it resembles an sdM but has anomalously strong Rb~I and Cs~I lines, leading to the suggestions that it should be considered an early L dwarf. However, both \\citet{c1610} and \\citet{b1610} have concluded it is peculiar mid-M subdwarf with unusual abundances. Most recently, \\citet{sss1444} report \"the formal classification of SSSPM J1444-2019 is sdM9, although it appears likely that it is, in fact, an L-type subdwarf.\" \\citet{latesdl2} reports 2MASS J16262034+3925190 as an L subdwarf that is not as cool as 2M0532+8246 We present red spectra of three cool subdwarfs: LSR1610-0040, 2M1626+3925, and 2MASS J16403197+1231068. Like 2M1626+3925, 2M1640+1231\\citep{bother} was discovered in a 2MASS-based T dwarf search. It is classified as \"sdM8?\" on the basis of a near-infrared spectrum, but existing \"sdM9\" type objects have been classified in the red. We present the data in Section~2 and discuss issues in the classification and interpretation of these objects in Section~3. ", "conclusions": "2M1640+1231 can be understood as an subdwarf analog to an M8/M9 dwarf; the current optical classification suggests a type even later than the sdM8 IR classification -- either sdM9 or early sdL. It is very similar to SSSPM J1444-2019. 2M1626+3925 can be understood as an L subdwarf; it is similar to, but 'earlier' (hotter) than, 2M0532+8246. LSR1610-0040 does not appear to be in between these two objects; however, the features pointed out by \\citet{earlysdl} are confirmed. Both \\citet{b1610} and \\citet{c1610} have extensive discussions of this peculiar object and its classification. In contrast to the situation in the range sdM0-sdM7, the latest M and L subdwarfs show {\\it enhanced} TiO absorption relative to late-M and L dwarf spectra. Physically, this is due to dust being relatively less important than in solar-metallicity dwarfs, as suggested by \\citet{latesdl}. There are two important points that emerge from the difficulty in dealing with the spectra of these stars. First, if the \"L subdwarf\" term is to suggest features in common with the L dwarf sequence, both 2M1640+1231 and LSR1610-0040, as well as SSSPM J1013-1356 and SSSPM J1444-2019, should be considered M subdwarfs. However, as noted by \\citet{earlysdl} and \\citet{sss1444}, we have run out of single digit sdM types, especially if SSSPM J1013-1356 is an sdM9.5, pointing to an early L designation. The G97 system has been successful in distinguishing the dwarf, subdwarf and extreme subdwarfs bins, and in its numerical types it distinguishes within these bins. Types were assigned so that CaH absorption was similar for all M, sdM and esdM; for the hotter stars recent work confirms that the CaH is primarily sensitive to temperature \\citep{ww06}, but since the latest types have CaH stronger than in M dwarfs this system necessarily breaks down. LHS 377 is {\\it by definition} an sdM7 in the G97 system, but it was the only object later than sdM5 known at that time! At least in the red spectrum here, an sdM9 classification of 2M1640+1231 -- the same as SSSPM J1444-2019 -- suggests that existing numerical types are not wildly inappropriate. It is therefore possible that the community may prefer to describe such objects as SSSPM J1444-2019 and 2M1640+1231 as sdM9, and therefore compress the existing late sdMs that have extended the sdM sequence into the sdM6-sdM8 subclasses. The community could alternatively allow the sdM spectral classes to extend beyond sdM9; e.g., sdM10, sdM11, etc., if it is desirable to avoid sdL types. The behavior of TiO and CaH suggests that in subdwarfs that the transition from M to L is rather different at low metallicity, so a one-to-one matching may not be a good description of the spectra anyway: 2M1626+3925 is dominated by the same CaH and TiO features as sdMs in the limited range 6500-7300\\AA. Furthermore, the 2MASS L subdwarfs are {\\it blue} in $J-K_s$, yet L dwarfs are much {\\it redder} in $J-K_s$ than M dwarfs. The change in the overall appearance once enough subdwarfs have been discovered should govern the M/L transition, and is likely to be better linked to physical changes. It may well be, that happened with T dwarfs, that near-infrared classification is more useful: see \\citet{esdm8} for just such a suggestion. The best solution is to wait until more late sdM/early sdL's have been discovered and the relative merits of red and near-IR typing can be assessed. Second, the fact that the three objects presented in this paper seem to be an extension of the sdM sequence, rather than the esdM sequence, yet do not clearly fit into a sequence strongly suggests that we need more objects simply to characterize the appearance of the spectra near the M/L transition and that an extra parameter may be needed to describe them. Such factors as unresolved binaries, changes in $[\\alpha/Fe]$ abundances, and higher sensitivity to $[m/H]$ might all play a role. The fact that an object, LSR1610-0040, that is so difficult to fit into the existing framework \\citep{earlysdl,c1610,b1610} has already been found should serve as a cautionary warning. \\citet{sss1449}'s suggestion that the latest sdM and sdL's are only $[m/H]=-0.5$ is also consistent with the idea that the coolest dwarfs are very sensitive to metallicity; on the other hand, it seems to us, following G97, that if $[m/H]=-0.5$ caused subdwarf classification then there would be large numbers of the them already discovered in the disk, rather than only a handful of objects with halo kinematics. Rather, we believe these objects are likely to have $[m/H] <-0.5$ (i.e., $[m/H] \\approx -1$). Detailed studies of the objects discussed in this paper, as well as such objects as the blue M7 LHS 1317 \\citep{faintlhs2}, are needed to answer these questions. In any case, we suggest that all numerical spectral subtypes of sdM7 and later, be considered tentative until a large sample with both optical and near-IR spectra can be characterized." }, "0608/astro-ph0608059_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider particles with low free or proper eccentricity that are orbiting near planets on eccentric orbits. Via collisionless particle integration we numerically find the location of the boundary of the chaotic zone in the planet's corotation region. We find that the distance in semi-major axis between the planet and boundary depends on the planet mass to the 2/7 power and is independent of the planet eccentricity, at least for planet eccentricities below 0.3. Our integrations reveal a similarity between the dynamics of particles at zero eccentricity near a planet in a circular orbit and with zero free eccentricity particles near an eccentric planet. The 2/7 law has been previously explained by estimating the semi-major at which the first order mean motion resonances are large enough to overlap. Orbital dynamics near an eccentric planet could differ due to first order corotation resonances that have strength proportional to the planet's eccentricity. However, we find the corotation resonance width at low free eccentricity is small. Also the first order resonance width at zero free eccentricity is the same as that for a zero eccentricity particle near a planet in a circular orbit. This accounts for insensitivity of the chaotic zone width to planet eccentricity. Particles at zero free eccentricity near an eccentric planet have similar dynamics to those at zero eccentricity near a planet in a circular orbit. ", "introduction": "Chaotic diffusion associated with the overlap of resonances has been shown to be responsible for instabilities in the solar system (e.g., see \\citealt{holman93,lecar01,lecar02,tsiganis05}). For the restricted 3-body problem \\citet{wisdom80} first showed that the width of the chaotic zone near a planet could be explained by calculating the location at which the first order mean motion resonances are large enough to overlap. The zone width has been measured numerical and predicted theoretically \\citep{wisdom80,duncan89,murray97} for a planet in a circular orbit, though some work has extended the stability analysis for bodies in orbits near circular and eccentric binary stars \\citep{holman99,mudryk06}. The stability of bodies at low eccentricity residing in multiple planet extrasolar systems have also been investigated numerically (e.g., \\citealt{rasio96,lepage04,barnes04}). Recently \\citet{quillen06b} suggested that the edge of Fomalhaut's eccentric ring could be due to truncation by a 0.1 eccentricity Neptune mass planet. The nearby star Fomalhaut hosts a ring of circumstellar material \\citep{aumann85,gillett85} residing between 120 and 160 AU from the star \\citep{holland98,dent00,holland03}. {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} infrared observations of Fomalhaut reveal a strong brightness asymmetry in the ring \\citep{stapelfeldt04,marsh05}. Recent {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} ({\\it HST}) observations show that this ring has both a steep and eccentric inner edge \\citep{kalas05}. The sharp disk edge suggested that the dust particles are in orbits with low free or proper eccentricity, thus the ring has eccentricity equal to the forced eccentricity caused by secular perturbations from the proposed planet. Such a configuration is possible if inelastic collisions in the disk damp the eccentricities of particles, resulting in a particle distribution that moves along nearly closed streamlines or closed and non-self-intersecting orbits. Fomalhaut's ring has a intermediate collision timescale of $10^3$ orbits, estimated from its normal disk opacity $\\tau \\sim 1.6\\mu$m at 24$\\mu$m \\citep{marsh05}. While previous theoretical and numerical studies have considered orbit stability near the corotation region for planets on circular orbits, little work has been done considering the stability of orbits near a planet on an eccentric orbit. The dynamical problem of an object orbiting a planet in a circular orbit has a conserved quantity, the Jacobi integral, that is not conserved when the planet is on an eccentric orbit. Surfaces of section have been used to illustrate the types of orbits (tori or area filling) for the restricted three-body system \\citep{wisdom85,winter97}. However, when the planet is eccentric there is no extra integral of motion making it difficult to create surfaces of section. We are motivated here to consider the role of the planet's eccentricity in setting the boundary of non-stochastic orbits in the corotation region. We focus here on particle orbits that have nearly zero free eccentricity and so have eccentricity set by the forced eccentricity due to secular perturbations from the planet. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have investigated the dynamics of low free eccentricity collisionless massless particles in the plane near a planet on a eccentric orbit. By determining the semi-major axis at which the particle lifetime increases, we measure the width of the chaotic zone near the planet. For eccentricity $e_p < 0.3$ we find that the chaotic zone width is independent of the planet's eccentricity and matches that predicted by the 2/7 law. The eccentricity dispersion in the disk edge and the lifetime of particles within the chaotic zone is also nearly independent of planet eccentricity. These results suggest there is a similarity in the dynamics of particles at zero free eccentricity and those at zero eccentricity near a planet in a circular orbit. To account for our numerical results we have explored the dynamics of a Hamiltonian system that takes into account first order secular perturbations and the two terms that comprise each first order mean motion resonance. With a coordinate transformation we have rewritten the Hamiltonian in terms of an action variable that depends on the free eccentricity rather than the eccentricity. At low free eccentricity we find that the new Hamiltonian resembles the Hamiltonian of a low eccentricity particle near a planet in a circular orbit. This accounts for the lack of sensitivity of the particle dynamics on planet eccentricity. For orbits with eccentricity equal to the forced eccentricity there is a region in the plane with longer lived orbits (compared to the planet orbital period) in close proximity to eccentric planets. Three dimensional simulations that incorporate collisions are needed to see if these orbits tend to be populated by long lived particles, as proposed for Fomalhaut's eccentric ring \\citep{quillen06b}. \\vskip 0.1truein We thank the referee, Dr. Tsiganis, for numerous comments that have significantly improved this manuscript. Support for this work was in part provided by National Science Foundation grants AST-0406823 and PHY-0552695 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No.~NNG04GM12G issued through the Origins of Solar Systems Program, and HST-AR-10972 to the Space Telescope Science Institute." }, "0608/astro-ph0608603_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss color selection of rare objects in a wide-field, multiband survey spanning from the optical to the mid-infrared. Simple color criteria simultaneously identify and distinguish two of the most sought after astrophysical sources: the coolest brown dwarfs and the most distant quasars. We present spectroscopically-confirmed examples of each class identified in the IRAC Shallow Survey of the Bo\\\"otes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. \\tdwarf\\ is a T4.5 brown dwarf at a distance of approximately 42~pc, and \\qso\\ is a radio-loud quasar at redshift $z = 6.12$. Our selection criteria identify a total of four candidates over 8 square degrees of the Bo\\\"otes field. The other two candidates are both confirmed $5.5 < z < 6$ quasars, previously reported by Cool et al. (2006). We discuss the implications of these discoveries and conclude that there are excellent prospects for extending such searches to cooler brown dwarfs and higher redshift quasars. ", "introduction": "Wide-area surveys are one of the most powerful tools for observational astronomy, and have led to discoveries ranging from Earth-crossing asteroids to the most distant quasars. Historically, when technology allows a wavelength regime to be newly probed, either in terms of sensitivity or area, one of the first tasks is a large, shallow survey to see what astrophysical phenomena lurk in the uncovered territory. In recent years, major advances from this line of research include the discovery of the coolest Galactic stars by the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), ultraluminous infrared galaxies by the {\\it Infrared Astronomical Satellite}, the most distant quasars by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background, first by the {\\it Cosmic Background Explorer} and later refined by the {\\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe}. Such fundamental scientific discoveries have been a major incentive and reward for NASA's Explorer program and other large projects. The pace of scientific discovery relies on such programs continuing. The mid-infrared regime has been made newly accessible by the launch of the {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} \\markcite{Werner:04}(Werner {et~al.} 2004). At its least competitive, shortest waveband, $3.6 \\mu$m, {\\it Spitzer} is still more than five orders of magnitude more efficient than the largest ground-based observatories for areal surveys. For the longest wavebands, ground-based observations are simply not possible. Even compared to previous space-based missions, {\\it Spitzer} offers several orders of magnitude increase in mapping efficiency. Thus inspired, we have undertaken a shallow, wide-area 3.6 to $8.0~\\mu$m survey with {\\it Spitzer}, summarized in \\S2. We discuss two of the rare, interesting astronomical sources which are ideally suited to selection by combining deep optical data with shallow mid-infrared data: the coolest Galactic brown dwarfs and the most distant quasars. The former, of course, are not actually rare in the cosmos; their faint optical magnitudes merely delayed their discovery until recent years and continue to make them ``rare'' in terms of known, spectroscopically-confirmed examples. Section~3 discusses the selection criteria used to identify such sources and \\S4 describes our spectroscopic observations which confirmed both a cool brown dwarf (spectral class T4.5) and a high-redshift ($z = 6.12$) quasar. The implications for these discoveries are described in \\S4, and \\S5 summarizes the results and discusses future prospects. Throughout we adopt a ($\\Omega_m, \\Omega_\\Lambda$) = ($0.3, 0.7$) flat cosmology and $H_0 = 70 \\kmsMpc$. Unless otherwise stated, all magnitudes are quoted in the Vega system. ", "conclusions": "Initial spectroscopic follow-up of candidates was obtained with the Multi-Aperture Red Spectrometer \\markcite{Barden:01}(MARS; Barden {et~al.} 2001) on the Mayall 4m telescope at Kitt Peak. MARS is an optical spectrograph which uses a high resistivity, p-channel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CCD with little fringing and very high throughput at long wavelengths ($\\simlt 10,500$ \\AA). On the nights of UT 2006 March 24 $-$ 26, we obtained spectra of red sources in the Bo\\\"otes field using the 1\\farcs7 wide long slit, OG550 order-sorting filter, and the VG8050 grism. Across much of the optical window, the instrument configuration provides resolution $R \\approx 1100$ spectra, as measured from sky lines filling the slit. \\tdwarf\\ was observed for 1.5~hr on UT 2006 March 24, split into three dithered 1800~s exposures. \\qso\\ was observed for 1~hr on UT 2006 March 25, split into three 1200~s exposures. The data were processed following standard optical, slit spectroscopy procedures. The nights were not photometric, but relative flux calibration of the spectra was achieved with observations of the spectrophotometric standards Feige~34 and PG~0823+546 \\markcite{Massey:90}(Massey \\& Gronwall 1990) obtained during the same observing run. The extracted, calibrated MARS spectra are presented in Figs.~\\ref{fig.tdwarfopt} and \\ref{fig.qso}. The bright star 3\\farcs3 east of \\qso\\ made extraction of the fainter target challenging, resulting in systematic fluctuations of the background at the 1~$\\mu$Jy level. Near-infrared spectroscopy of \\tdwarf\\ was obtained with the cryogenic, cross-dispersed Near-Infrared Echelle Spectrograph \\markcite{Mclean:98}(NIRSPEC; McLean {et~al.} 1998) on the Keck~II 10m telescope atop Mauna Kea. We first obtained $J$- and $H$-band spectroscopy on UT 2006 April 05. An AB nod sequence with a total on-source integration time of 200~s per grating setting was used. For both grating settings, the G2~V star GSPC P300-E from \\markcite{Colina:97}Colina \\& Bohlin (1997) was used for both telluric correction and flux calibration. An additional $J$-band spectrum was acquired on UT 2006 May 11. On this night a 300 s integration was taken both on-source and off-source, and the F0 star BD+66 1089 was acquired for telluric correction and flux calibration. Fig.~\\ref{fig.tdwarf} presents the combined near-infrared spectrum. \\subsection{\\tdwarf: Mid-T Brown Dwarf} \\begin{figure}[!t] \\begin{center} \\plotfiddle{f3.eps}{3.1in}{-90}{45}{45}{-180}{260} \\end{center} \\caption{Optical spectrum of \\tdwarf, optically classified as a T5$\\pm$2 brown dwarf, obtained with the MARS spectrograph on KPNO~4m telescope. The relative flux calibration was determined from observations of standard stars from the same observing runs with the same instrumental configurations. The spectrophotometric scale was estimated from the imaging. The dotted spectrum shows 2MASS~J055919.14$-$140448.8, classified as a T5 brown dwarf at optical wavelengths (Burgasser et al. 2003a).} \\label{fig.tdwarfopt} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[!t] \\begin{center} \\plotfiddle{f4.eps}{3.1in}{-90}{45}{45}{-180}{260} \\end{center} \\caption{Near-infrared spectrum of \\tdwarf\\ obtained with the NIRSPEC spectrograph on the Keck~II telescope, classified as a Galactic T4.5 brown dwarf from these data. The relative flux calibration was determined from observations of standard stars from the same observing runs with the same instrumental configurations. The spectrophotometric scale was estimated from the imaging. The dotted line shows the infrared spectrum of 2MASS~J0559$-$1404, classified as a T4.5 brown dwarf in the near-infrared (McLean et al. 2003).} \\label{fig.tdwarf} \\end{figure} The spectrum of \\tdwarf\\ shows the classic signatures of a T dwarf. The optical spectrum in Fig.~\\ref{fig.tdwarfopt} shows a sharp rise to the longest wavelengths, indicative of a cool temperature and strong absorption by the pressure-broadened wings of \\ion{K}{1} (and to some extent \\ion{Na}{1}). Even more telling are the $J$- and $H$-band spectra in Fig.~\\ref{fig.tdwarf} that show strong CH$_4$ and H$_2$O absorption, the former of which is the hallmark of spectral class T. As this object has both optical and near-infrared spectra, we can classify on both the optical and near-infrared classification schemes. The optical typing of T dwarfs is somewhat crude because the $\\leq 1 \\mu$m spectra show less variation than at longer wavelengths. Nonetheless, \\markcite{Burgasser:03}Burgasser {et~al.} (2003a) have established standards for classes T2, T5, T6, and T8. In the $6000 - 10000$ \\AA\\ range the best diagnostic is the 9300 \\AA\\ band of H$_2$O. Unfortunately our MARS spectrum has not been telluric corrected so the depth of this water feature will be influenced by both the earth's atmosphere as well as the atmosphere of the brown dwarf itself. This feature in \\tdwarf\\ is not as deep as in the spectrum of a T8, so the true spectral type must be earlier than that. Comparisons with the T2, T5, and T6 standards obtained with Keck \\markcite{Burgasser:03}(Burgasser {et~al.} 2003a) show that the overall slope most resembles that of the T5. Given the coarseness of classification in this wavelength regime, we can assign only a crude optical spectral type of T5$\\pm$2. In the near-infrared the situation is much improved. In this wavelength regime there is a full set of standards for each spectral subtype from T0 to T8 \\markcite{Burgasser:06}(Burgasser {et~al.} 2006). Using Keck NIRSPEC spectra from \\markcite{Mclean:03}McLean {et~al.} (2003) of the \\markcite{Burgasser:06}Burgasser {et~al.} (2006) standards, we find that the individual $J$-band spectra best match a type intermediate between T4 and T5. A similar fit to the $H$-band data alone gives the identical result. These results point to a solid near-infrared spectral type of T4.5. Shown in Figs.~\\ref{fig.tdwarfopt} - \\ref{fig.tdwarf} are comparisons of the spectra of \\tdwarf\\ and 2MASS~J0559$-$1404, which is the optical T5 standard and typed as T4.5 on the \\markcite{Burgasser:06}Burgasser {et~al.} (2006) near-infrared scheme. (That is, 2MASS~J0559$-$1404 has the same type as \\tdwarf\\ in both wavelength regimes.) Note the similarities between the two spectra. 2MASS~J0559$-$1404 has a well measured trigonometric parallax of 97.7$\\pm$1.3 mas \\markcite{Dahn:02}(Dahn {et~al.} 2002) and an absolute magnitude of $M_J = 13.75 \\pm 0.04$, which allows us to estimate a distance to \\tdwarf\\ of 42 pc, assuming both T dwarfs are single. However, 2MASS~J0559$-$1404 is the most overluminous object in the early-/mid-T ``hump'' on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram \\markcite{Vrba:04, Golimowski:04}(see Vrba {et~al.} 2004; Golimoski {et~al.} 2004), leading some researchers to believe that it might be a close, equal-magnitude double despite all current evidence to the contrary \\markcite{Burgasser:03b, Gelino:05, Liu:06}(Burgasser {et~al.} 2003b; Gelino \\& Kulkarni 2005; Liu {et~al.} 2006). Correcting for this possibility, we find that \\tdwarf\\ might be as close as 30 pc. No other optically classified T dwarfs are known of spectral type T5; the only other T dwarf with a measured trigonometric parallax and near-infrared type of T4.5 is SDSS~J020742.48+000056.2. The parallax measurement of 34.85$\\pm$9.87 mas for SDSS~J0207+0000 \\markcite{Vrba:04}(Vrba {et~al.} 2004) implies $M_J = 14.51 \\pm 0.64$, which is very uncertain but lends some weak support to the closer distance estimate for \\tdwarf. The first images to detect the brown dwarf were the NDWFS $I$-band observations obtained on UT 2000 April 28, 3.7~yr prior to the IRAC imaging. Comparing ten nearby sources detected in both the $I$-band and $3.6 \\mu$m observations, \\tdwarf\\ has a detected proper motion of $0\\farcs1 \\pm 0\\farcs03\\, {\\rm yr}^{-1}$, in a southerly direction. This is comparable in amplitude to the expected reflex solar motion for a source at $\\approx 40$~pc. Interestingly, the star 5\\farcs7 east of the brown dwarf shows a higher proper motion, $\\mu = 0\\farcs3 \\pm 0\\farcs03\\, {\\rm yr}^{-1}$ in the NW direction. The colors of this $R = 22.3$ star (ISS~J142951.3+333010) are relatively blue, $B_W - R = 0.6, R-I = 0.6$, suggesting a relatively hot white dwarf at a distance of several hundred pc, moving at several hundred km sec$^{-1}$. The $4.5 \\mu$m flux of the brown dwarf is 2.7~mag brighter than the survey limit (\\ie $V/V_{\\rm max} = 0.024$), whereas the $I$ magnitude is only 0.9~mag above the limit ($V/V_{\\rm max} = 0.3$). This suggests that the $I < 23$ requirement imposed to provide robust morphological selection of unresolved sources is a significant limiting factor. We estimate that our selection criteria restrict our sensitivity to brown dwarfs of spectral type T3 to T6. The former limit comes from the IRAC color criterion \\markcite{Patten:06}(Patten {et~al.} 2006). The latter limit comes from available data (J.D.~Kirkpatrick \\etal in prep.) suggesting that $I$-band flux drops dramatically for spectral types cooler than T6. From \\markcite{Vrba:04}Vrba {et~al.} (2004) and \\markcite{Golimowski:04}Golimoski {et~al.} (2004), the range T3 to T6 corresponds very roughly to $T_{\\rm eff} = 1500$ to $1100$~K. Using a model which forms brown dwarfs at a constant rate over 10~Gyr with power law mass functions of index 0.4 to 1.3 \\markcite{Reid:02}(Reid, Gizis, \\& Hawley 2002) and the theoretical models of \\markcite{Burrows:03}Burrows, Sudarsky, \\& Lunine (2003) which give luminosities and $T_{\\rm eff}$ as a function of brown dwarf mass and age, we expect $3 - 5$ brown dwarfs in the IRAC shallow survey to meet our selection criteria. Intriguingly, there should be a similar number of dwarfs with $T_{\\rm eff} < 750$~K above the [4.5] flux limit, although our $I < 23$ requirement would exclude them from the present sample. Given our desire to understand more fully the physical nature of the L/T transition, the newly discovered T4.5 brown dwarf can serve as another probe of the overluminosity of the early-/mid-T hump. Its magnitudes of $J = 16.88$ and $K_s = 16.99$ make it a difficult but not impossible target for a dedicated near-infrared parallax program such as the on-going one at the US Naval Observatory in Flagstaff \\markcite{Vrba:04}(Vrba {et~al.} 2004). More importantly, \\tdwarf\\ is the first example of a field T dwarf selected by mid-infrared photometry supplemented by other ground-based optical and near-infrared data. This implies that a very similar selection technique to be employed by the {\\it Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer} \\markcite{Eisenhardt:03}({\\it WISE}; Eisenhardt \\& Wright 2003), planned for launch in 2009, is sound and will be capable of discovering other T dwarfs, and hopefully cooler Y dwarfs \\markcite{Kirkpatrick:03}(Kirkpatrick 2003). {\\it WISE} will sample hundreds of times more volume than the IRAC Shallow Survey in bands similar to [3.6] and [4.5], and should reveal whether there are brown dwarfs closer to the Sun than Proxima Centauri. \\subsection{\\qso: $z = 6.12$ Quasar} \\begin{figure}[!t] \\begin{center} \\plotfiddle{f5.eps}{3.1in}{-90}{45}{45}{-180}{260} \\end{center} \\caption{Spectrum of \\qso, a quasar at $z = 6.12$, obtained with the MARS spectrograph on the Kitt Peak 4m Mayall telescope. The relative flux calibration was determined from observations of standard stars from the same observing run with the same instrumental configuration. As the nights were not photometric, the spectrophotometric scale has been estimated from the imaging.} \\label{fig.qso} \\end{figure} The spectrum of \\qso\\ (Fig.~\\ref{fig.qso}) clearly shows the strong Ly$\\alpha$ emission and strong Ly$\\alpha$ decrement of a $z \\geq 6$ quasar. At a redshift of $z = 6.12$, \\qso\\ is emitting when the universe was 0.89~Gyr old, or only 7\\%\\ of its current age. This is the tenth $z \\geq 6$ quasar identified to date, with the prior nine identified by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\markcite{Fan:06}(SDSS; Fan {et~al.} 2006). \\qso\\ was identified independently by \\markcite{McGreer:06}McGreer {et~al.} (2006) using different selection criteria. Two characteristics separate \\qso\\ from the other nine $z \\geq 6$ quasars known. First, while the other nine were identified from 6550 deg$^2$ of the wide-area, shallow SDSS optical survey with $J$-band follow-up, \\qso\\ was identified in a more sensitive, multi-wavelength survey of only 8 deg$^2$. Consequently, this is the least luminous quasar known at $z \\approx 6$. Secondly, the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm survey \\markcite{Becker:95}(FIRST; Becker, White, \\& Helfand 1995) identifies a source with an integrated flux of 1.03~mJy within 1 arcsec of the quasar coordinates. \\qso\\ is thus the only $z \\geq 6$ mJy-radio source currently known. The evolution of the fraction of quasars which are radio loud, and, in fact, the definition and very existence of such a dichotomy, has been the subject of substantial literature. Some researchers prefer a definition based on the radio-optical ratio $R_{\\rm ro}$ of the specific fluxes at rest-frame 6~cm (5~GHz) and 4400 \\AA\\ \\markcite{Kellerman:89}(Kellerman {et~al.} 1989). The other common definition divides the populations at some rest-frame radio luminosity; \\eg \\markcite{Gregg:96}Gregg {et~al.} (1996) uses a cutoff value for the 1.4 GHz specific luminosity, $L_{\\rm 1.4~GHz} = 10^{32.5}\\, h_{50}^{-2}\\, {\\rm ergs}\\, {\\rm s}^{-1}\\, {\\rm Hz}^{-1}$ to separate radio loud and radio quiet sources.\\footnote{An Einstein-de~Sitter cosmology is assumed.} The latter definition is immune to obscuration from dust, and, as argued by \\markcite{Peacock:86}Peacock, Miller, \\& Longair (1986) and \\markcite{Miller:90}Miller, Peacock, \\& Mead (1990), is the more physically meaningful definition. Based on radio observations of all $z > 4$ quasars known as of mid-1999 and using the radio luminosity definition, \\markcite{Stern:00a}Stern {et~al.} (2000) found that approximately 12\\%\\ of quasars are radio loud, with no evidence of this fraction depending on either redshift (for $2 \\simlt z \\simlt 5$) or optical luminosity (for $-25 \\simgt M_B \\simgt -28$). For a typical radio spectral index $\\alpha = -0.5$ and an Einstein-de~Sitter cosmology for comparison with previous literature, \\qso\\ has a radio luminosity of $L_{\\rm 1.4~GHz} = 1.33 \\times 10^{33}\\, h_{50}^{-2}\\, {\\rm ergs}\\, {\\rm s}^{-1}\\, {\\rm Hz}^{-1}$, classifying it as radio loud. \\markcite{McGreer:06}McGreer {et~al.} (2006) show that this source is still classified as radio loud based on a radio-optical ratio definition. \\qso\\ is thus the most distant radio-loud quasar known. \\qso\\ is only slightly fainter in luminosity than the $z \\geq 6$ SDSS quasars, so we consider all ten $z > 6$ quasars as a single sample, deferring issues of the likelihood of our having found such a source in our drastically smaller survey (discussed next). The implication is that the radio loud fraction remains near 10\\%\\ out to $z \\approx 6.5$. Conventional wisdom and morphological studies suggest that luminous, radio loud AGN are preferentially identified with early-type galaxies \\markcite{McLure:99}(\\eg McLure {et~al.} 1999). Theory can explain the trend, since early-type galaxies are likely the products of major mergers and two coalescing supermassive black holes appear necessary to create black holes of sufficient spin to generate highly collimated jets and powerful radio sources \\markcite{Wilson:95}(\\eg Wilson \\& Colbert 1995). Assuming the radio loud -- luminous host galaxy relation remains robust at high redshift, the apparent discovery that $\\approx 10\\%$ of quasars are radio loud out to the highest redshifts probed has interesting implications for the formation epoch of massive galaxies. In hierarchical models of galaxy formation, late-type (less massive) systems form first and mergers are required to form the early-type (more massive) systems. Eventually, therefore, one expects the radio-loud fraction of AGNs to fall precipitously with redshift. Our results show this epoch lies beyond $z \\approx 6$, providing further evidence for an early formation epoch for massive galaxies. The stellar masses of $i$-dropout galaxies in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey \\markcite{Giavalisco:04a}(Giavalisco {et~al.} 2004) leads to a similar conclusion from a very different data set and line of argument \\markcite{Yan:05, Yan:06, Eyles:06}(Yan {et~al.} 2005, 2006; Eyles {et~al.} 2006). How likely was the discovery of this distant quasar in an 8 deg$^2$ field? Interpolating the $K_s$ and $3.6~\\mu$m photometry for \\qso\\ implies $m_{\\rm AB}[(1+z) 4400 {\\rm \\AA}] \\approx 19.6$, or $M_{\\rm AB}(4400) = -27.2$. For a typical quasar optical spectral index, the conversion between AB-system $M_{\\rm AB}(4400)$ and Vega-system $M_B$ is $M_B = M_{\\rm AB}(4400) + 0.12$ \\markcite{Stern:00a}(\\eg Stern {et~al.} 2000), implying $M_B = -27.1$ for \\qso. Our $J$-band photometry implies a continuum flux density of $\\approx 18~\\mu$Jy at $1~\\mu$m, or a rest-frame UV luminosity of $M(1450) = -26.0$, making this source fainter than any of the $z \\approx 6$ quasars identified by the SDSS \\markcite{Fan:06}(Fan {et~al.} 2006). \\markcite{McGreer:06}McGreer {et~al.} (2006) found a slightly brighter absolute magnitude, $M(1450) = -26.4$, likely due to their alternate methodology whereby a quasar template fit to the IRAC data was used to derive the rest-frame UV luminosities. We estimate the number of high-redshift quasars expected from our selection criteria using the \\markcite{Fan:04}Fan {et~al.} (2004) high-redshift quasar luminosity function, derived from the SDSS. We approximate high-redshift quasar spectra as step functions, with zero flux below redshifted Ly$\\alpha$ and a flat SED (in $f_\\nu$) redward of Ly$\\alpha$, and we approximate the NDWFS $I$-band filter as a tophat function. Our selection criteria restrict our sensitivity to quasars at $5.5 \\simlt z \\simlt 6.5$. The lower redshift limit comes from the $R - I$ color requirement, determined from the \\markcite{Richards:06}Richards {et~al.} (2006) model discussed in \\S3; indeed, the $z = 5.39$ quasar identifed by \\markcite{Cool:06}Cool {et~al.} (2006) is too blue in $R - I$ to meet our selection criteria (Fig.~\\ref{fig.colcol}). The upper redshift limit corresponds to Ly$\\alpha$ shifting out of the $I$-band filter. The \\markcite{Fan:04}Fan {et~al.} (2004) luminosity function predicts 3.3 quasars at $5.5 < z < 6.5$ with $I < 23$ in our 8 deg$^2$ survey. This prediction exactly matches the current results, though, notably, the faintest of the high-redshift Bo\\\"otes quasars has $I = 22.0$, suggesting that more quasars remain to be discovered with $22 < I < 23$ and that the faint end slope of the high-redshift quasar luminosity function is steeper than currently assumed. Of the 3.3 quasars predicted at $5.5 < z < 6.5$, only 0.3 are expected to be at $z > 6$, or, for 12\\%\\ of quasars being radio-loud \\markcite{Stern:00a}(Stern {et~al.} 2000), we only had a 4\\%\\ chance of identifying a $z > 6$ radio-loud quasar in this survey. While it is premature to make strong claims from this small sample, our results imply possible rapid evolution in the faint end of the quasar luminosity function and in the radio loud fraction at high redshift." }, "0608/astro-ph0608329_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Errors in the kinematic distances, under the assumption of circular gas orbits, were estimated by performing synthetic observations of a model disk galaxy. It was found that the error is $< 0.5 \\kpc$ for most of the disk when the measured rotation curve was used, but larger if the real rotation curve is applied. In both cases, the error is significantly larger at the positions of the spiral arms. The error structure is such that, when kinematic distances are used to develope a picture of the large scale density distribution, the most significant features of the numerical model are significantly distorted or absent, while spurious structure appears. By considering the full velocity field in the calculation of the kinematic distances, most of the original density structures can be recovered. ", "introduction": "Since the classic work by \\citet{oor58}, there have been many attempts to use the kinematic properties of the diffuse gas to determine the large scale spiral structure of the Milky Way. Very early in the study of the Galaxy, it was determined that the orbits of the disk components of the Galaxy were not very different from circular, with an orbital frequency that decreases monotonically as a function of galactocentric radius. These facts allow the use of the kinematic distance method as a first approximation to map the gaseous component of the galactic disk. Two of the main strengths of this method (that it can be used for a very large fraction of the Galaxy and that it can be applied to the gaseous component of disk, which is notoriously difficult to obtain a distance to) make it particularly useful for this goal. Nevertheless, it was soon realized that the deviations from circular orbits, however small in absolute value, might have a strong impact on how we see the Galaxy. One of the first difficulties of the kinematic distance method appeared in the determination of the rotation curve, namely, in the fact that the circular rotation velocity measured for positive galactic longitudes (northern Galaxy) did not match the one measured for negative longitudes (southern Galaxy). The simplest way to reconcile these observed rotation laws is to take their average, assuming that the differences generated by non-axisymmetric structure will cancel out. \\citet{ker62} showed that this approximation leads to large north-south asymmetries that, given their heliocentric nature, seemed unlikely. It became clear that the complex kinematic structure revealed in the diffuse gas surveys, like the presence of gas at forbidden velocities, or the oscillations in the rotation curve, was itself a consequence of the spiral structure that was being sought. Given the importance of the rotation curve for the understanding of the galactic dynamics, in addition of the determination of kinematic distances, a different approach to measuring the rotation curve was needed. A frequently used method to obtain the galactic rotation curve involves measuring the full velocity field of discreet sources that might share the motion of the diffuse gas (young objects like \\ion{H}{2} regions, for example), and then averaging the so obtained azimuthal velocities. This approach has lead to models of the rotation curve \\citep{bra93,mac05} that might more closely trace the real mass distribution of the Galaxy, but introduce new sources of error when used to obtain kinematic distances. Nevertheless, generally accepted models of the spiral structure \\citep{geo76,tay93} have been obtained using this assumption. \\citep[For a nice review of the early work, see][]{ker69} Another approach involves the modelling of the non-circular motions of the gas, instead of forcing the assumption of circular orbits. In a recent paper, \\citet{fos06} used an analytic approach for the velocity field of the outer Galaxy. In this work, a numerical model of the galactic disk, with full MHD, is used to further explore the effects of non-circular motions in the image one would obtain of the Galaxy when we rely on the kinematic method for distances. An observer is imagined inside the numerical model, which is assumed similar to the Milky Way, and the analysis that this observer would perform is reproduced. In \\S \\ref{simulation_sec}, a brief description of the numerical simulation is presented; in \\S \\ref{observations_sec} the selection of the observer's position is described, and how the measurement of the rotation curve was emulated; \\S \\ref{errors_sec} presents an analysis of the errors in the kinematic distances and how they affect the image the observer generates of his/her home galaxy; finally, \\S \\ref{discusion_sec} summarizes the results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discusion_sec} The effect of the circular orbits assumption on our idea of the large scale structure of the Galaxy was explored. Since these errors might be quite large at the position of the spiral arms, the study of the spiral structure of the Galaxy and objects associated with it is particularly affected. By simulating the way an imaginary observer inside the model galaxy might try to infer the structure of the gaseous disk, it was found that the circular orbits assumption destroys the spiral structure and creates spurious features in the measured distribution. The method of kinematic distances is a powerful one since it allows measurement of distances to diffuse sources and it is easily applicable to a large fraction of the galactic disk. Even if the measured rotation curve includes deviations that do not reflect the true large scale mass distribution, Figure \\ref{lon_err_fig}(a) shows that the errors in the distance are, in fact not very large for most of the galactic disk; in fact, the distance errors that arise from using the true rotation curve are larger. In both cases, however, the errors are quite large at the positions of the spiral arms. If we want to use this distance method for objects associated with the spiral structure, we need to consider non-circular motions (as has been succesfully shown by \\citealp{fos06} for a set of \\ion{H}{2} regions and SNR). One possibility to achieve this is to try to determine the full velocity field of the galactic disk. But direct measure of distances to the diffuse gas component is quite difficult (therefore the strength of the kinematic distance method). So, we need to use discreet objects and assume that they share their velocity with the diffuse component (\\citealp[ for example]{bra93}; \\citealp[see also discussion in][]{min73}). Yet another difficulty arises when tangential velocities and distances are required beyond the solar neighborhood. Another approach at determining the full velocity field is to model it. Recently, \\citet{fos06} used an analytical model of the density and velocity fields of the diffuse gas, with parameters for the model fitted to \\ion{H}{1} observations of the outer Galaxy. Despite the fact that their density and velocity models are not consistent in the hydrodynamics sense, and that the model do not include the dynamical effects of magnetic fields, they were able to add features of the Galaxy that are currently difficult to incorporate to numerical models, like the disk's warp or the rolling motions associated with the spiral arms. Further numerical studies should allow the development of a more realistic analytical model. Instead of an analytic model, a numerical model was used in the present work to obtain density and velocity fields. Since the focus is in large scale velocity structures, an eulerian code provides a good approach. Also, since the galactic magnetic field has been proved to be an important component of the total ISM pressure \\citep{bou90}, its effect in the gas dynamics is likely to be important; therefore, a full MHD simulation was required. The large scale forcing is also trascendant; since the azimuthal shape of the spiral perturbation appears to have an influence on the gaseous response \\citep{fra02}, the usual sinusoidal perturbation was deemed too simplistic and a self-consistent model for the perturbing arms was chosen. At the present time, the galactic warp and the vertical motions associated with the spiral arms \\citep{gom04a,gom04b} could not be considered at the necessary resolution. In this work, it has been shown that it is possible to recover most of the gaseous structure of the galactic disk using kinematic distances, as long as the full velocity field is considered. Nevertheless, applying these results to the Milky Way is a whole new issue, since obtaining the full velocity field is not trivial. For the procedure used here, how close the numerical simulation is to the real Galaxy remains the weak point of this approach. The computation cost of a realistic enough simulation is still too high to allow a parameter fitting analysis. So, the remaining question is if the velocity field that results from the simulation yields a determination of the distance to a given object, or only an estimation of the distance error. The answer to that question is left to the reader's criterion." }, "0608/astro-ph0608172.txt": { "abstract": "{} % {We study the uniformity of the distribution of compact flat-spectrum AGN on the sky and the evolution of their relativistic jets with cosmic epoch.} % {A complete sample of compact extragalactic radio sources at 15\\,GHz was recently compiled to conduct the MOJAVE program. The MOJAVE sample comprises 133 radio-loud flat-spectrum AGN with compact relativistic outflows detected at parsec scales.} % {Analysis of the population of flat-spectrum quasars of the sample reveals that the pc-scale jets of quasars have intrinsic luminosities in the range between $\\sim10^{24}\\,{\\rm W\\,Hz^{-1}}$ and $\\sim10^{27}\\,{\\rm W\\,Hz^{-1}}$ and Lorentz factors distributed between $3\\la\\gamma \\la30$. We find that the apparent speed (or Lorentz factor) of jets evolves with redshift, increasing from $z\\sim0$ to $z\\sim1$ and then falling at higher redshifts ($z\\sim2.5$) by a factor of 2.5. The evolution of apparent speeds does not affect significantly the evolution of the beamed luminosity function of quasars, which is most likely to be dependent on the evolution of radio luminosity. Furthermore, the beamed radio luminosity function suggests that the intrinsic luminosity function of quasars has a double power-law form: it is flat at low luminosities and steep at high luminosities. There is a positive evolution of quasars at low redshifts ($z<0.5$) and strong negative evolution at redshifts $>1.7$ with space density decline up to $z\\sim2.5$. This implies that the powerful jets were more populous at redshifts between $0.5$ and $1.7$. We show that the evolution of compact quasars is luminosity dependent and it depends strongly on the speed of the jet suggesting that there are two distinct populations of quasars with slow and fast jets which evolve differently with redshift.} % {} ", "introduction": "The advantage of studying the cosmological evolution of radio sources free of dust obscuration was realized by \\cite{longair66}. He demonstrated that the cosmic evolution of low and high luminosity radio sources sampled at low radio frequency (178\\,MHz) are different with later ones having much stronger evolution. The morphological difference between FRI and FRII radio sources \\citep{fanaroff74} and their division into low and high luminosity classes below and above $L_{\\rm 178\\,MHz}\\approx10^{25}$\\,W\\,Hz$^{-1}$\\,sr$^{-1}$ was used by \\cite{wall80} to show that the population of FRI radio sources does not evolve strongly with cosmic time whilst the evolution of FRII sources is much stronger. The orientation-based unification scheme \\citep{scheuer87,barthel89} suggests that a single parent population of radio sources appears as radio galaxies and quasars when viewed at different angles to the line of sight, with quasars beeing seen from $45^{\\circ}$ to the line of sight and radio galaxies from larger angles. It was successfully used to describe a diverse appearance of observed characteristics of radio sources and their evolution \\citep{urry95,jackson99,grimes04} at different radio frequencies. The orientation of the jet and its beamed emission are two important keys to identify that the BL Lacs and quasars are beamed parent objects of FRI and FRII radio sources. At low frequencies (178\\,MHz), these sources appear as extended (lobe-dominated) steep-spectrum FRI and FRII radio sources. \\cite{willott01} used the combined sample of 3CRR, 7C and 6CE surveys (see references in Willott et al. 2001) to model the radio luminosity function of FRI/FRII radio sources. They showed that a dual-population model of luminosity function fits the data well, but it requires a differential positive density evolution between $z\\sim0$ and $z\\sim2$. No evidence of a negative evolution (redshift `cut-off') is found at high redshifts. The surveys at frequencies $\\ge1.4$\\,GHz include both lobe- and core-dominated sources in which the jet beaming effect appears to be dominant. These radio sources enhanced by Doppler beaming of the jet are identified with flat-spectrum quasars and BL Lacs. At these frequencies, the cosmological evolution of flat-spectrum sources is more complex, involving the evolution of both non-beamed and beamed emission. In addition to the luminosity/density evolution it also may depend on the evolution of relativistic effects with cosmic time. The evolution of flat-spectrum quasars was studied in several works \\citep{dunlop90,jackson99,cirasuolo05,wall05}. \\cite{jackson99} showed that the evolution and beaming of powerful radio sources may be described by a dual-population unification scheme for FRI and FRII sources which, depending on the viewing angle, appear as lobe-dominated steep-spectrum and core-dominated flat-spectrum sources. Using data from a combined sample of radio sources at 2.7\\,GHz \\cite{dunlop90} showed that both pure luminosity and luminosity/density evolution fit the observed redshift and source-count data. They presented clear evidence of a redshift cut-off for both steep- and flat-spectrum quasars at high redshifts, $z\\ga2$. A high redshift cut-off is also evident in the Parkes quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum quasars \\citep{wall05} and in the sample of 352 faint flat-/steep-spectrum quasars \\citep{cirasuolo05} -- with radio fluxes $\\ge$1~mJy at 1.4\\,GHz -- selected from the radio (Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters) and optical (2dF QSO Redshift Survey) surveys. They found an indication of a significant negative evolution for faint quasars at $z>1.8$ consistent with negative evolution of bright flat-spectrum radio quasars at 2.7\\,GHz, and inconsistent with no-evolution of steep-spectrum bright radio quasars at 151\\,MHz \\citep{willott98}. The reduction of the comoving space density of quasars at high redshifts is also found in X-ray and optically selected samples (e.g., Schmidt et al. 1991; Fan et al. 2001 and references therein; Hasinger 2004; Silverman et al. 2005) indicating that the redshift cut-off of optically-selected quasars is not a selection effect due to obscuration by dust. It is not clear whether the redshift cut-off of flat-spectrum sources is present in high radio frequency samples selected on the basis of beamed emission and whether the cosmological evolution of beamed sources depends on the properties of the jets such as the intrinsic luminosity and Lorentz factor of the jet (the analytical relationships between the latter parameters were studied by \\cite{lister97} for simulated flux-limited samples of relativistic jets). %The analytical relationships %between the latter parameters were studied by \\cite{lister97} for a %simulated flux-limited samples of relativistic jets. The predicted %flux density, redshift and apparent speed distributions were compared %to the Caltech-Jodrell Bank sample of bright flat-spectrum AGN. %They concluded that the observational data of the sample are %insufficient to distinguish between correlated and independent models %of the luminosity--Lorentz factor relation. To examine these problems we use the (first) complete sample of 133 bright AGN at 15\\,GHz which has been compiled recently by \\cite{lister05} as an extension of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) 2\\,cm survey \\citep{kellermann98,zensus02} and other programs. This sample of flat-spectrum AGN was designed for a long-term observational program (named the MOJAVE survey) to study the structure and evolution of compact jets. The radio emission of AGN originates in the compact jets at scales from a few parsecs to tens of parsecs. Although the sample is small, includes relatively bright sources and is restricted to $z\\la2.7$, it provides a wealth of information about radio emission, structure and kinematics of parsec-scale jets. The completeness of the sample makes it possible to investigate the cosmological evolution of flat-spectrum AGN in the context of evolution of the jet parameters. In Sect. 2, the complete sample of flat-spectrum AGN is presented. In Sect. 3, we investigate the homogeneity of the MOJAVE sources on the sky. The source counts of AGN, evolution of apparent speeds of jets, and luminosity function and its evolution with cosmic epoch are examined in Sect. 4. Section 5 involves the summary of results. In this paper we use a flat cosmology ($\\Omega_{\\rm m} + \\Omega_{\\rm \\Lambda}= 1$) with non-zero lambda, $\\Omega_{\\rm m} = 0.3$ and $\\rm H_{\\rm 0} = 70\\, km\\,s^{-1}\\,Mpc^{-1}$. %The observed radio %luminosity of BL Lacs and quasars at 15\\,GHz is highly boosted and %radiated predominantly by the approaching jet (references XXX). %Earlier studies \\citep{urry84,urry91,lister03} provided analytical %predictions for the %beamed luminosity function of the jets assuming %The intrinsic radio luminosity %function is altered by the Doppler beaming of the jet which is a %function of the speed and viewng angle of the jet. Earlier studies %\\citep{urry84,urry91,lister03} provided analytical predictions for the %beamed luminosity function of the jets assuming % The %beamed radio luminosity is a function of intrinsic (non-boosted) %luminosity and Doppler factor of the jet which depends on the speed %and viewng angle of the jet. %__________________________________________________________________ ", "conclusions": "The principal results of statistical analysis of bright flat-spectrum compact AGN from the flux-limited MOJAVE sample are: (a) the distribution of 133 AGN is uniform on the sky; (b) the slope of the source counts of radio sources is aligned with the slopes of source counts of independent high radio frequency surveys suggesting that the MOJAVE is a \\emph{complete} flux-limited sample; (c) Lorentz factors of the jets of quasars lie in the range from $\\sim3$ to $\\sim30$ and Doppler factors of the jets are distributed between $\\delta_{\\rm min}>1$ and $\\delta_{\\rm max}\\la60$ with the realistic upper limit on $\\delta_{\\rm max}\\approx30$ for the MOJAVE sample; (d) the mean apparent transverse speed of jets of quasars (or the mean Lorentz factor) increases by a factor of two (from 6.5 to 14) with increasing redshift up to $z\\sim1$ and then gradually decreases at high redshifts by a factor of 2.5; (e) the intrinsic luminosities of compact jets are distributed in the range from $\\sim10^{24}\\,{\\rm W\\,Hz^{-1}}$ to $\\sim10^{27}\\,{\\rm W\\,Hz^{-1}}$ and their intrinsic radio luminosity function is flat ($B\\sim0$) at low luminosities and becomes steeper ($B\\sim-2.5$) at high luminosities; (f) the weak positive evolution of quasars is evident at low redshifts, $z<0.5$, and a statistically significant redshift cut-off is present at $z \\geq 1.7$; (g) the cosmological evolution is different (1) for high- ($L_{15}>10^{27.9}\\,{\\rm W\\,Hz^{-1}}$) and low-luminosity quasars ($L_{15}<10^{27.9}\\,{\\rm W\\,Hz^{-1}}$) suggesting that their evolution depends strongly on luminosity, and (2) for fast and slow jets, which indicates the existence of two distinct populations of quasars one with slow jets ($\\beta_{\\mathrm a}<6$) and high intrinsic luminosities which does not show a significant evolution with redshift and one with $\\beta_{\\mathrm a}>6$ and low intrinsic luminosities having a pronounced redshift cut-off at $z>1.7$. The differential evolution of the population of fast and slow jets at $z>1.7$ may explain inconsistent results obtained for a redshift cut-off of quasars sampled at high and low radio frequencies \\citep{dunlop90,willott01} with former one providing no evidence for any decline in the comoving space density. If slow jets reside in high luminosity FRII radio sources and fast jets produce faint FRII structures, which are too weak to be detected at 151\\,MHz, then the low-frequency sample will include the population of quasars with low jet speeds which do not show significant evolution up to $z\\sim2.5$ (Fig.~\\ref{fig:vvm-speed}). The population of fast jets, however, will be included in the high frequency samples because of highly beamed emission of the jet. This naturally explains the redshift cut-off of quasars sampled at 1.4\\,GHz, 2.7\\,GHz \\citep{dunlop90,cirasuolo05,wall05} and significant redshift cut-off at $z>1.7$ found for our sample (Figs.~\\ref{fig:vvm-b-l},\\ref{fig:vvm-speed}). %% %\\begin{figure} % \\centering %% \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{z-ro.eps}} % \\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=8.2cm]{Va-D.ps} % % \\caption{Apparent transverse speed versus Doppler factor of the jet % for different values of the viewing angle ($\\theta=2^{\\circ}; % 3^{\\circ}; 5^{\\circ}; 10^{\\circ}; 30^{\\circ}; 90^{\\circ}$) of the % jet and its speed ($\\gamma=2; 5; 10;20; 30; 90$).} % %\\label{fig8} %\\end{figure} %% %The presence of the positive evolution of compact quasars at %low-redshifts indicates that the activity induced by the jet was much %common at redshifts between $0.599.5$\\,\\%, see Table 3) redshift cut-off at $z > %1.7$. This result confirm the redshift cut-off found at slightly %higher redshifts, $z>2$ \\citep{dunlop90}, for flat- and %steep-spectrum quasars sampled at 2.7\\, GHz. At low-redshifts, the %positive evolution of compact quasars is consistent with slightly %stronger evolution of quasars at 2.7\\,GHz. %At low-redshifts, $z<1.8$, the strong positive evolution is seen for %bright quasars sampled at 15\\,GHz, 2.7\\,GHz \\citep{dunlop90} and %151\\,MHz \\citep{willott98,willott01}, while the faint quasars %sampled at 1.4\\,GHz do not show evidence for a strong decrement in the %space density. This is a strong evidence that the space density of %quasars peaks at smaller redshifts for fainter quasars (similar to the %evolutionary behaviour of X-ray selected quasars found by %\\cite{ueda03} indicating that the population of faint radio quasars %forms later than the high-luminosity population. The space density %decline at redshifts beyond $z>3$ is also confirmed for optically- and %X-ray-selected quasars (see for example, Schmidt et al. 1991; Fan et %al. 2001 and references therein; Hasinger 2004) %\\cite{hasinger04}). %{\\tt Discuss the V/Vm and number density evolution in terms of % $L_{\\rm int}$ and $\\gamma$ of the jet.} %{\\tt Generate all figures and results for 94 quasars (not 93)} %\\emph{151/178 MHz surveys}. At these frequencies all sources have %extended radio lobe structures from kpc to Mpc scales. Schmidt (1969) %and Longair \\& Scheuer (1970) studied the evolution of steep-spectrum %quasars and radio galaxies from the complete 3CRR sample (Laing et %al. 1983) compiled at 178 MHz. They found a positive evolution for %quasars with the $\\langle V/V_{\\rm max} \\rangle = %0.68\\pm0.042$. Willott et al. (2001) used the combined sample of 3CRR, %7C and 6CE surveys (see references in Willott et al. 2001) to model %the radio luminosity function (RLF) of FRI/FRII radio sources. They %showed that a dual-population model of RLF fits the data well, but it %requires a differential positive density evolution between $z\\sim0$ %and $z\\sim2$. No evidences of a negative evolution is found at high %redshifts. %The complete samples compiled at different frequencies sample different %populations of AGN which show a positive evolution with cosmic %epoch. It naturally explains that physical processes occurring on %hundreds of kpc and on pc-scales are interconnected. The high-$z$ %cut-off is found to be significant only at high frequencies, 2.7 and 15 %GHz. %{\\tt More discussion?} %% \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{(\\roman{enumi})} % \\begin{enumerate} \\item The distribution of 133 AGN is uniform on % the sky. \\item The flat-spectrum quasars are distributed % non-uniformly in the space: the $V_{\\rm e}/V_{\\rm a}$ distribution % is biased towards large redshifts with $\\langle V_{\\rm e}/V_{\\rm a} % \\rangle = 0.59\\pm0.03$, which is indicative of a positive % evolution with cosmic epoch. \\item The banded $V/V_{\\rm max}$ test % shows that (a) the strong positive evolution of flat-spectrum % quasars is significant at low-redshifts, $z<0.5$, and a % statistically significant redshift cut-off is present at $z \\geq % 1.7$ with negative evolution up to high redshifts, $z\\sim2.5$; % No significant evolution is found between $0.5