{ "0711/0711.4856_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "According to the standard liquid-water definition, the Earth is only partially habitable. We reconsider planetary habitability in the framework of energy-balance models, the simplest seasonal models in physical climatology, to assess the spatial and temporal habitability of Earth-like planets. We quantify the degree of climatic habitability of our models with several metrics of fractional habitability. Previous evaluations of habitable zones may have omitted important climatic conditions by focusing on close Solar System analogies. For example, we find that model pseudo--Earths with different rotation rates or different land--ocean fractions have fractional habitabilities that differ significantly from that of the Earth itself. Furthermore, the stability of a planet's climate against albedo-feedback snowball events strongly impacts its habitability. Therefore, issues of climate dynamics may be central in assessing the habitability of discovered terrestrial exoplanets, especially if astronomical forcing conditions are different from the moderate Solar System cases. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Planetary science is being challenged by extrasolar planetary system discoveries \\citep{mayor+queloz1995,marcy+butler1996}.\\footnote{See \\citet{reipurth_et_al2007} for a review. See also http://exoplanet.eu and http://exoplanets.org.} The orbital architectures of many of these systems, with massive planets located either very near to their parent stars or on highly eccentric orbits, are strikingly unusual. These discoveries have been surprising, however, mostly as a consequence of our own Solar-System centric point of view. In fact, planet searches at multi-AU orbital distances are now providing tentative evidence that Solar System giant planets, with their nearly circular orbits, are more the exception than the norm, by simple comparison with the ensemble properties of known extrasolar planetary systems \\citep{marcy_et_al2005}. If these preliminary trends hold, they may have a profound impact on our perception of our place in the Universe. The pace of exoplanet discoveries has accelerated sharply in the last few years and the future looks bright. Two significant developments in exoplanet research have occurred within the last year or so. A micro-lensing discovery of a likely terrestrial planet, with a mass $5.5$ times that of Earth, was reported by \\citet{beaulieu_et_al2006}, making it the first discovery of a planet that is thought to be terrestrial (i.e. rocky). Several months ago, \\citet{udry_et_al2007} announced the Doppler-velocimetry discovery of a potentially habitable terrestrial planet around a low-mass M-dwarf. In considering future discoveries, of specific interest to this study are two dedicated space missions: {\\it Corot} and {\\it Kepler} \\citep{baglin2003,borucki_et_al2003,borucki_et_al2007}. A key objective of both missions is to monitor a large number of stars to detect the (repeatable) micro-eclipses generated when terrestrial planets transit in front of their host star. It is expected that a few Earth analogues (i.e. with Earth-like masses and comparable distances to their host stars), and possibly hundreds to thousands of additional terrestrial planets unlike Earth, will be identified by {\\it Corot} and {\\it Kepler} after a few years of operation \\citep{borucki_et_al2007, borucki_et_al2003, basri_et_al2005}. The discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet, potentially hosting life as we know it, is therefore within the 5-year astronomical horizon. Ambitious missions are also being prepared to map in detail the orbits of exoplanets around nearby stars (with {\\it SIM PlanetQuest} \\citep{unwin_et_al2007}) and later to obtain spectra of nearby Earth-like planets in the hope that they would reveal the first unambiguous signatures of life on a remote world (with the {\\it Terrestrial Planet Finder} and {\\it Darwin} \\citep{leger+herbst2007}). The idea that liquid surface water is a prerequisite for a terrestrial planet to have the ability to host life is widely used as the key concept behind searches for habitable planets around other stars. This is because of the central and critical role that water plays in the biochemistry on Earth.\\footnote{It should however be noted that alternate molecules (e.g., ammonia, methyl alcohol) could conceivably perform equivalent roles in different environments, such as those of lower temperature and higher pressure \\citep{haldene1954,firsoff1963,goldsmith+owen2002}.} As the current exoplanet census indicates, notions based on an old Solar System centric view may only be relevant to a minority of planets (or planetary systems). What if most terrestrial planets discovered in the future have, like the vast majority of exoplanets currently known, highly eccentric orbits generating large seasonal variations? What if the atmospheric mass and composition, planetary spin rate, or land-sea coverage of these exo-Earths are generally different from what they are on Earth? If the last ten years of extrasolar planet discoveries offer any guidance, our Solar System appears to show but little of the general planetary diversity found around other stars. The classical calculations of habitability on Earth-like planets by, e.g., \\citet{dole1964} and \\citet{hart1979} predated extrasolar discoveries. Apart from a few exceptions (\\citealt{franck_et_al2000b,gaidos_et_al2005}; see also \\citealt{vonbloh_et_al2007,selsis_et_al2007} in the specific context of the Gleise 581 system) the subject of planetary atmospheric habitability has been revisited little since the seminal work of \\citet{kasting_et_al1993}. Given the major developments expected in the next five years and beyond, it is important that the climate regimes expected on exotic versions of the Earth, and their consequences for habitability, be studied and better understood. This will help interpret upcoming planet detections and will inform future long-term efforts on the best strategies to find robust signatures of life on exo-Earths. The central role of astronomical forcings in determining the seasons and the climatology of the Earth is well known (e.g., the long-term Milankovitch cycles). Clearly, obliquity, precession, and eccentricity can all strongly affect global and regional habitability conditions on the Earth and, by extension, on any other potentially habitable terrestrial exoplanet. Previously, only preliminary investigations of the role of obliquity (\\citealt{williams+kasting1997}, hereafter WK97; and \\citealt{williams+pollard2003}) and eccentricity \\citep{williams+pollard2002}, for very specific Earth-like conditions, have been considered in some detail. The surface habitability of a terrestrial planet, however, must depend on the combination of obliquity and eccentricity with the planetary rotation rate, the continental coverage (from dry Earths to water worlds) and the overall mass and composition of the atmospheric layer (e.g., compare Mars vs. Venus), among other factors. A thorough exploration of how these various global planetary attributes combine to affect climatology and make a terrestrial planet seasonally or regionally habitable is therefore an important element in the search for signatures of life elsewhere. In the present study, we describe how energy balance climate models can contribute to this understanding. In \\S~\\ref{sec:model}, we introduce the concept of climate modeling hierarchy, describe our energy balance model and validate it on the Earth. In \\S~\\ref{sec:Hab Zones}, we reconsider various features of habitability for Earth--like planets with seasonally-forced climates. In \\S~\\ref{sec:def}, we discuss several subtleties in the definition of habitability that emerge from our work on seasonal climates, and we finally conclude in \\S~\\ref{sec:conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We have reconsidered the notion of habitability for Earth-like planets with seasonal energy-balance climate models. These models show that the concept of regional and seasonal habitability is generally important to assess the ability of terrestrial exoplanets to host life. We find that previous evaluations of habitable zones may have omitted important climatic conditions by focusing on close Earth analogies. We illustrate this with two specific examples: pseudo--Earths rotating at different rates or possessing a smaller ocean fraction than Earth itself. These pseudo-Earths have quantitatively different climatic habitability properties than the Earth itself. Comparisons to global radiative balance calculations show that seasonal habitability generally extends the inner orbital range of Earth-like planet habitable zones. The outer orbital range is reduced relative to what global radiative balance calculations would indicate, however, because the climate generally makes a dynamical transition to a globally-frozen snowball state before the outer radiative limit is reached. The stability of a planet's climate against snowball events therefore has a strong impact on its habitability. Since this stability is partly determined by external forcing factors such as the magnitude of insolation and the length of winters, we expect issues of climate dynamics to be central in determining the habitability of terrestrial exoplanets, particularly if their forcing conditions are generally different from the moderate cases encountered in the Solar System." }, "0711/0711.4584_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The determination of the Earth gravity field from space geodetic techniques now allows us to obtain the temporal variations of the low degree coefficients of the geopotential, combining the orbitography of several satellites (e.g. Lageos1, Lageos2, Starlette). These temporal variations of the Earth gravity field can be related to the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) through the inertia tensor. This paper shows these relations and discusses how such geodetic data can contribute to the understanding of the variations in EOP. ", "introduction": "The Earth Orientation is generally considered as (i) Earth rotation axis movements in space (precession-nutation), (ii) Earth rotation axis movements in the Earth (polar motion), or (iii) Earth rotation speed variations (exces in the length of the day). These movements come from Earth inside masses distributions. The Earth gravity field can give us information about this distribution of masses because nowadays we can determine the variations of the Earth gravity field by space geodetic techniques. Hence, there is a link between the variations of the Earth gravity field and the variations of the Earth Orientation Parameters. And the high accuracy now reached in the VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) determination requires looking further at the various geophysical contributions to variations in EOP. So we investigate here if this variable gravity field can be valuable for the improving the modelisation of the Earth rotation. ", "conclusions": "The part of the length of the day obtained with the $\\Delta C_{20}$ data corresponds to gravitational terms. Then we have compared $\\Delta(LOD)$ corrected from the movements terms (as atmospheric ones), the zonal tides and the decadal terms (from magnetic effects in the core-mantle boundary). But the residual term has an amplitude of the order of $50$ $\\mu$s, whereas the better precision on these LOD data is of the order of $10$ $\\mu$s. The effect of the variable gravity field on the polar motion can be investigated now, using Eq.~(\\ref{eq:p}). Finally, we find a 18.6-yr periodical effect on the precession angle development in longitude with a sinus term of about $105$ $\\mu$as (Bourda \\& Capitaine 2004). In the future, the static gravity field and its temporal variations coming from the GRACE satellite will be very usefull for these kind of studies, because they are very precise." }, "0711/0711.1704_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of new ammonia masers in the non-metastable (8,6) and (11,9) transitions towards the massive star forming region NGC\\,6334\\,I. Observations were made with the ATCA interferometer and the emitting region appears unresolved in the 2.7\\arcsec $\\times$ 0.8\\arcsec~beam, with deconvolved sizes less than an arcsecond. We estimate peak brightness temperatures of $7.8 \\times 10^5$ and $1.2 \\times 10^5$\\,K for the (8,6) and (11,9) transitions, respectively. The masers appear coincident both spatially and in velocity with a previously detected ammonia (6,6) maser. We also suggest that emission in the (10,9), (9,9) and (7,6) transitions may also be masers, based on their narrow line widths and overlapping velocity ranges with the above masers, as observed with the single-dish Mopra radiotelescope. ", "introduction": "Ammonia (NH$_3$) is an extremely useful molecular tool for studying the interstellar medium. Many inversion transitions occur in the easily observable 12\\,mm band. They include transitions from both metastable (J=K) and non-metastable (J$>$K) levels of ammonia. Hyperfine structure in the metastable transitions is commonly seen, which can be used to derive optical depths, whereas comparison of different (J,K) transitions can yield information on the rotational temperature (eg. \\citealt{walmsley83,danby88}). The first suggestion that ammonia may display maser action in interstellar space was made by \\citet{wilson82} who noted that (3,3) emission toward W33 was not matched by (1,1), (2,2) and (4,4) transitions, which were all in absorption. They suggested that this may be due to a weak population inversion. Maser emission in ammonia transitions was first unambiguously identified by \\citet{madden86} in the (9,6) and (6,3) transitions, shortly followed by \\citet{mauersberger86} in the (3,3) transition of $^{15}$NH$_3$. In addition to these transitions, ammonia masers have been detected in the following transitions: (5,4) (7,5), (9,8), (10,8) \\citep{mauersberger87}, (6,5) \\citep{mauersberger88}, (5,5) \\citep{cesaroni92}, (6,6) \\citep{beuther07} and (1,1) \\citep{gaume96}. $^{14}$NH$_3$ (3,3) masers were first detected by \\citet{zhang95}. Pumping mechanisms for most ammonia masers remain unclear. Metastable transitions of ortho-ammonia, like (3,3) are thought to be collisionally excited \\citep{walmsley83} but such a mechanism will only work for non-metastable transitions where exceedingly high H$_2$ densities between $10^{10} - 10^{12}$ cm$^{-3}$ are found (eg. \\citealt{madden86}). \\citet{madden86} suggest two alternative pumping mechanisms for non-metastable transitions: either pumping by a strong infrared radiation field, such as found around a deeply embedded high mass star, or by a fortuitous overlap of a far-infrared line, which allows a population transfer from a (J,K) inversion level to (J+1, K). Ammonia masers are found in regions of high mass star formation, with the best known example being W51 \\citep{madden86,mauersberger87}, with other prominent examples being G9.62+0.19 \\citep{cesaroni92,hofner94} and NGC6334I \\citep{kraemer95,beuther07}. NGC6334I forms the focus of this work. It is a nearby (1.7kpc, \\citealt{neckel78}) region of high mass star formation, traced by bright infrared emission, an ultracompact (UC) \\hii region, mm continuum sources and methanol maser sites. See \\citet{beuther07} for a more comprehensive summary of characteristics of the region. ", "conclusions": "We have observed the two non-metastable transitions of ammonia: (8,6) and (11,9), using the ATCA. The (8,6) transition has a peak brightness temperature of 7.8 $\\times 10^5$\\,K, whereas the (11,9) transition has a peak brightness temperature of 1.2 $\\times 10^5$\\,K, indicating that both are masers. The (11,9) transition is E$_{\\rm l}/k=1449$\\,K above ground making it the highest energy ammonia maser currently known. The position of both masers is consistent with being coincident, to within positional uncertainties, with maser emission in the previously detected (6,6) transition \\citep{beuther07}. Single-dish observations of (7,6), (9,9) and (10,9) suggest they may also be masers based on their narrow line widths and overlapping velocity range with the above-mentioned masers, which is distinctly different from the thermal emission systemic velocity. High spatial resolution observations of these transitions are planned to decide whether or not these are masers as well." }, "0711/0711.0702_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{In the log Age vs. integrated absolute magnitude ($M_V$) plane, the open clusters of the Milky Way form a well-defined band parallel to theoretical sequences decribing the passive evolution of Simple Stellar Populations and display a pretty sharp upper threshold in mass ($M\\sim 2\\times 10^4 ~M_{\\odot}$) over a 4 dex range of ages. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0711/0711.2477_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% Given multiband photometric data from the SDSS DR6, we estimate galaxy redshifts. We employ a Random Forest trained on color features and spectroscopic redshifts from 80,000 randomly chosen primary galaxies yielding a mapping from color to redshift such that the difference between the estimate and the spectroscopic redshift is small. Our methodology results in tight RMS scatter in the estimates limited by photometric errors. Additionally, this approach yields an error distribution that is nearly Gaussian with parameter estimates giving reliable confidence intervals unique to each galaxy photometric redshift. ", "introduction": "We are given five bands of photometric data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 \\htmladdnormallinkfoot{(SDSS DR6)}{http://www.sdss.org/dr6/}. Associated with each magnitude measurement is an error measurement and an extinction measurement used to correct the effect of Galactic dust. For some objects we have spectroscopic redshifts, hereon denoted $z_{spec}$ for a particular object. We wish to estimate photometric redshifts for non-spectroscopic objects which are represented by the spectroscopic sample. We are currently interested only in galaxies with $10^{-4} \\le z_{spec} \\le 1$, and we exclude other objects which are likely to \"contaminate\" our sample. We further choose for the moment not to consider Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs), leaving us with some $400,000$ objects with which to train and test. In our current work we use magnitudes available in the new Ubercal table (Padmanabhan 2007) for each object. We subtract sequential extinction-corrected magnitudes to get color features, named $u$, $g$, $r$, and $i$. For instance, our color $u$ is actually the magnitude difference $u - g$ and so on. ", "conclusions": "Our RMS error is consistent with results from previous studies using similar datasets, though slightly lower RMS errors from different methodologies have been reported. We may yet gain by expanding our training data set as we have more than $300,000$ training objects in reserve and the computational complexity of random forests is quite modest (in preliminary testing we trained multiple forests with multiple training sets on a Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz MacBook in less than one week; regression on all of our held-out data took several days using the same machine). Future work will include better accounting for dependence between trees, investigating more deeply the behavior of our error distributions as a function of $z_{spec}$, addressing $z_{spec}$-dependent bias, and extending estimation to objects not represented by the training data. As it is, the quality of the estimates, the per-object error distributions, and the computational efficiency make this approach an attractive option for photometric redshift estimation." }, "0711/0711.2688_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\it Very Large Array } and Parkes 64 m radiotelescope 21-cm observations of the starburst dwarf galaxy NGC~5253 reveal a multi-component non-axisymmetric \\HI\\ distribution. The component associated with the stellar body shows evidence for a small amount of rotational support aligned with the major axis, in agreement with optically measured kinematics and consistent with the small galaxian mass. Approximately 20--30\\% of the \\HI\\ emission is associated with a second component, an \\HI\\ ``plume'' extending along the optical minor axis to the southeast. We consider outflow, inflow, and tidal origins for this feature. Outflow appears improbable, inflow is a possibility, and tidal debris is most consistent with the observations. Thus, kinematics of the \\HI\\ that include this feature are not indicative of the dynamical mass or the local velocity dispersion of the cold gas. These \\HI\\ observations also reveal a filamentary third component that includes an 800 pc diameter \\HI\\ shell or bubble to the west of the nucleus, coinciding with an H$\\alpha$ shell. The mass of \\HI\\ in the shell may be as large as $\\sim$$4\\times10^6$ \\msun. This large mass, coupled with the lack of expansion signatures in the neutral and ionized gas ($v<30$ \\kms), suggests that this feature may be an example of a starburst-blown bubble stalled by interaction with a massive neutral envelope. Many other \\HI\\ kinematic features closely resemble those seen in H$\\alpha$ emission from the ionized gas, supporting the interpretation of neutral and ionized gas outflow at velocities of $\\sim$30 \\kms. Comparison between extinction estimates from the Balmer emission-line decrement and the \\HI\\ column densities suggest a gas-to-dust ratio 2--3 times the Galactic value in this low-metallicity ($Z=1/4~Z_\\odot$) galaxy. ", "introduction": "NGC~5253 is a remarkable starbursting dwarf galaxy with a prominent minor axis dust lane located in the nearby Centarus A/M~83 galaxy complex \\citep{kara} . At visual wavelengths, the impression of NGC~5253 is dominated by its network of ionized gas filaments which extend across its minor axis and reach beyond the stellar distribution \\citep{hodge, graham81, caldwell, marlowe, martin}. X-ray observations reveal several small starburst-heated bubbles but no monolithic superbubble or galactic wind \\citep{strickland, summers}. It harbors an extremely luminous, compact, obscured site of nuclear star formation containing several star clusters with masses from $10^5$ -- $10^6$ $M_\\odot$ having ages $<10^7$ yrs \\citep{gonzalez, calzetti97, vanzi, martin-h}. Much of the nucleus is obscured by high levels of patchy dust extinction up to $A_V=25$ mag \\citep{aitken, moorwood, alonso}. Radio-wave continuum and recombination line studies have revealed a dominant luminous ($10^9$ $L_\\odot$), compact (r=1 pc), young ($<2.3$ Myr) star cluster that appears to be gravitationally bound and potentially destined to evolve into a globular cluster \\citep{beck, turner98, gorjian, mohan}. The centimeter-wave spectral energy distribution is consistent with an optically-thick thermal Bremsstrahlung source\\footnote{\\citet{turner00} term this object a ``supernebula'' while \\citet{kj} use the name ``ultra-dense \\HII\\ regions'' (UDHII) by analogy with the Galactic ultra-compact \\HII\\ regions \\citet{wood}.} having densities exceeding $10^4$ cm$^{-3}$ and emission measures $> 10^8$ cm$^{-6}$ pc powered by $> 10^{52}$ Lyman continuum photons s$^{-1}$. \\citet{caldwell} studied the star formation history of NGC~5253 and determined that the light was dominated by a young component with an age between 10$^8$ and 10$^9$ yrs. Recent studies have concluded that all of the UV-selected star clusters in NGC~5253 have estimated ages $<$20 Myr, indicating that either the star formation episode began very recently or else that the timescale for dynamical disruption of star clusters is very short \\citep{tremonti, harris}. The overall gas-phase metallicity of NGC~5253 is 12+$\\log(O/H)\\simeq8.16$ (about 1/4 solar), but some of the central regions contain an excess of nitrogen, consistent with local ``pollution'' from Wolf-Rayet star winds \\citep{wr, k97, ls07}. When observed at low resolution, the distribution and kinematics of its neutral interstellar medium suggest that the \\HI\\ in NGC~5253 either rotates about the minor axis or flows radially along the minor axis \\citep{ks}. \\citet{turner97} and \\citet{meier} report the $^{12}CO$ detection of molecular gas clouds having kinematics consistent with infall along the minor axis dust lane. These peculiar gas kinematics may hold clues to the mechanism that triggered the present burst of star formation. In this paper we present 21-cm aperture synthesis observations from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's {\\it Very Large Array}\\footnote{The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated by Associated Universities, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.} (VLA) and the Parkes 64 m radio telescope to investigate the conditions in the interstellar medium that have produced such extreme star formation. NGC~5253 is an ideal environment to seek the causes of extreme star formation because the burst is so young and, presumably, feedback from the energetic star clusters has not yet had a dramatic impact on the surrounding ISM. The distance to NGC~5253 is somewhat controversial and has been measured in many studies including \\citet{saha} (4.1 $\\pm$0.5 Mpc), \\citet{gibson} (3.3$\\pm0.3$ Mpc), \\citet{freedman} (3.25$\\pm$0.2 Mpc), \\citet{karachentsev} (3.9$\\pm$0.5 Mpc), \\citet{thim} (4.0$\\pm$0.3 Mpc), and \\citet{sakai} (3.8 $\\pm$0.2 Mpc). The distances based on Cepheid variables strongly depend on the sample selection \\citep{gibson, thim} and so we prefer the TRGB distance of 3.8 Mpc \\citep{sakai} which implies an angular scale of 18.4 pc arcsec$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "Radio-wave aperture synthesis observations in the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen at 8\\arcsec\\ resolution have revealed a complex non-axisymmetric gas distribution and velocity field in NGC~5253. The total neutral atomic content of the galaxy is $1.4\\times10^8$ \\mo\\ from single-dish observations for a distance of 3.8 Mpc. The neutral medium in NGC~5253 may be characterized as consisting of three components: a component containing the majority of the neutral medium distributed along the stellar distribution and showing evidence for low-amplitude rotation at the level of 15--20 \\kms; a redshifted \\HI\\ plume extending to the south-southeast along the minor axis containing 20--30\\% of the \\HI; and kinematically cold \\HI\\ shells or filaments extending along the minor axes and to the southwest, containing $\\sim$10\\% of the neutral gas mass. Taken together, these different components result in very complex velocity structures. Here we will try to summarize out best understanding of these structures, starting with the relatively enigmatic \\HI\\ plume. \\subsection{The Nature of the \\HI\\ Plume} The kinematically distinct \\HI\\ plume consists of a significant fraction of the total \\HI\\ emission from NGC~5253. In this paper we have discussed three possible origins for the \\HI\\ plume: outflowing gas, inflowing gas, and a separate \\HI\\ cloud which is interacting with NGC~5253. The possibility of outflow was motivated by similarity with velocity fields observed in other dwarf starburst galaxies showing \\HI\\ outflow (e.g., NGC 1569, NGC 625, NGC 1705). However, the large fraction of \\HI\\ ($\\approx$25\\%) in the anamalous velocity gas in NGC~5253 is exceptional. Furthermore, strong outflows are usually accompanied by H$\\alpha$ and X-ray emission which is not observed at this location. Such a massive outflow confined to a small solid angle without corresponding signatures in the ionized gas seems unlikely. The possibility of inflow was motivated by the radial velocities of CO clouds within the minor-axis dust lane \\citep{meier}. Our high resolution \\HI\\ observations indicate that the plume is a kinematically distinct feature from the \\HI\\ associated with the molecular gas. The most compelling argument for inflow is the near coincidence in velocity of the \\HI\\ plume with the galaxy's systemic velocity in the region where the two are spatially coincident. If the \\HI\\ plume is infalling, it must be from the far side of NGC~5253 given the plume's velocity field (i.e., the most redshifted gas lies farthest from the galaxy), consistent with the lack of extinction observed in this vicinity despite the high \\HI\\ column density. Finally, we have the possibility that the \\HI\\ plume is a distinct structure, perhaps a remnant from a recent interaction, seen in projection against the main body of NGC~5253. In this scenario, a recent gravitational encounter, perhaps with another dwarf galaxy in the same group, produced the \\HI\\ plume and provided the trigger for the current extreme burst of star formation. Other dwarf galaxies, both bursting and non-bursting are accompanied by pure \\HI\\ structures. Given the relatively large gas mass associated with the \\HI\\ plume, this would appear to be the most likely explanation. \\subsection{A Comprehensive View of the \\HI\\ in NGC 5253} Our high resolution view of NGC~5253 has shown us that NGC~5253 has many similarities to the best studied dwarf starburst galaxies. \\HI\\ concentrations near the minor axis dust lane are coincident in location and velocity with at least two of the molecular clouds seen in $^{12}$CO \\citep{meier}. The \\HI\\ extension to the south-southeast, designated here the \\HI\\ plume, appears to be spatially and kinematically distinct from the gaseous medium surrounding the dust lane molecular clouds along the southeast minor axis. We present evidence that the redshifted \\HI\\ plume is likely to be either a dynamically distinct tidal remnant or an inflow on the far side of the galaxy. \\HI\\ extensions to the east, west, and southwest show remarkably similar morphologies as the H$\\alpha$ shells and filaments. In particular, there is a close morphological similarity between the ``quiescent'' H$\\alpha$ shell to the west of the nucleus noted by \\citet{martin} and an 800 pc diameter shell-like feature seen in \\HI. This may be an example of a starburst-powered shell stalled by the mass of surrounding neutral gas. These complex \\HI\\ features and kinematic signatures, when considered together with distributions of the molecular, ionized, and hot coronal media, are consistent with a starbursting low-mass galaxy in the initial phases of generating a galactic wind. Unlike more massive galaxies such as M~82 or NGC~3079 which show monolithic, well-collimated outflows \\citep[e.g.,][and references therein] {sh07,cbv02} several non-co-spatial star formation events over the last $\\sim20$ Myr appear to be required to explain the multiple outflows observed in NGC~5253 \\citep{summers, strickland, caldwell}. The initiating and sustaining cause of the recent star formation activity may be an inflow or interaction of atomic gas along the ``plume'', identified here for the first time. As such, NGC~5253 joins a long list of starburst galaxies where recent gravitational interactions are implicated as the trigger for extreme star formation bursts." }, "0711/0711.0408_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We study the structure of the magnetic elements in network-cell interiors.} {A quiet Sun area close to the disc centre was observed with the spectro-polarimeter of the Solar Optical Telescope on board the Hinode space mission, which yielded the best spatial resolution ever achieved in polarimetric data of the \\ion{Fe}{i}\\,630\\,nm line pair. For comparison and interpretation, we synthesize a similar data set from a three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic simulation.} {We find several examples of magnetic elements, either roundish (tube) or elongated (sheet), which show a central area of negative Stokes-$V$ area asymmetry framed or surrounded by a peripheral area with larger positive asymmetry. This pattern was predicted some eight years ago on the basis of numerical simulations. Here, we observationally confirm its existence for the first time.} {We gather convincing evidence that this pattern of Stokes-$V$ area asymmetry is caused by the funnel-shaped boundary of magnetic elements that separates the flux concentration from the weak-field environment. On this basis, we conclude that electric current sheets induced by such magnetic boundary layers are common in the photosphere.} ", "introduction": "With ever increasing polarimetric sensitivity and spatial resolution, it becomes now clear that even the most quiescent areas on the solar surface harbour ample amounts of magnetic flux. This flux becomes visible in small patches of field concentrations, called magnetic elements for short. While horizontal fields tend to occur near the edge of granules, the present investigation focusses on fields predominantly oriented in the vertical direction and mainly occurring in the intergranular space \\citep{lites_etal_07b,lites_etal_07a}. There, magnetic elements are often visible in G-band filtergrams as point-like objects. In more active regions, magnetic elements of extended size appear in the form of `crinkles', `ribbon bands', `flowers', etc. \\citep{berger+al04}, which show a sub-structure consisting of a dark central area surrounded by a striation of bright material and further outside by a downdraft of plasma \\citep{langangen_etal_07}. While Doppler measurements of this downdraft are at the limit of spatial resolution with the best ground-based solar telescopes, spectro-polarimetric measurements have less spatial resolution due to image degradation by atmospheric seeing over the required long integration times. Measurements with the spectro-polarimeter on board the Hinode satellite have a superior spatial resolution of approximately $0.3\\arcsec$ thanks to excellent pointing capabilities \\citep{shimizu_etal_07} and the absence of seeing. Using Hinode data, we show examples of unipolar magnetic elements of the network-cell interiors that possess a distinct sub-structure, which is strikingly manifested in maps of the asymmetry of spectral lines in the circularly polarized light --- the Stokes-$V$ area asymmetry. The areas of the blue and the red lobes of Stokes-$V$ profiles are identical when formed in a static atmosphere, but become asymmetric in the presence of gradients in the velocity and magnetic field strength \\citep{illing+al75,solanki+pahlke88,sanchez-almeida+al89,landolfi+landi96}. Hence, the variation in the Stokes-$V$ asymmetry across magnetic elements gives information on their magnetic field and plasma flow properties. Since this information is involved, we computed synthetic Stokes-$V$ profiles of magnetic elements that occur in a three-dimensional simulation of magneto-convection and compare their asymmetry with the measured ones in order to understand their origin. ", "conclusions": "Spectro-polarimetric data of a quiet Sun area close to the disc centre obtained with SOT on board Hinode were analysed. We find magnetic elements of either a roundish (tube) or an elongated (sheet) shape, which show Stokes-$V$ profiles of negative area asymmetry in the centre, surrounded or framed by pixels of larger, positive area asymmetry. A comparison with results from 3-D MHD-simulations suggests that this peculiar pattern in Stokes-$V$ area asymmetry (first predicted by Steiner 1999) is due to the confined nature of the field in magnetic elements with a funnel-shaped boundary layer that gives rise to a steep gradient in field strength along the line of sight. We also conclude that this kind of magnetic element of the internetwork is accompanied by electric current sheets. While these conclusions are evident from the comparison, we cannot exclude the hypothesis that a suitable magnetic structuring on scales not resolved by the present observation and simulation would lead to the observed pattern in $\\delta A$." }, "0711/0711.1025.txt": { "abstract": "We consider in detail the spectral energy distribution (SED) and multi-wavelength variability of NGC~5548. Comparison with the SEDs of other AGNs implies that the internal reddening of NGC~5548 is E(B-V) = 0.17 mag. The extinction curve is consistent with the mean curve of other AGNs found by Gaskell \\& Benker, but inconsistent with an SMC-type reddening curve. Because most IR emission originates exterior to the broad-line region (BLR), the SED seen by the inner BLR is different from that seen by the outer BLR and from the earth. The most likely BLR covering factor is $\\sim 40$\\% and it is not possible to get an overall BLR covering factor of less than 20\\%. This requires that the BLR is not spherically symmetric and that we are viewing through a hole. Line-continuum variability transfer functions are consistent with this geometry. The covering factor and geometry imply that near the equatorial plane the BLR covering approaches 100\\%. The spectrum seen by the outer regions of the BLR and by the torus is thus modified by the absorption in the inner BLR. This shielding solves the problem of observed BLR ionization stratification being much greater than implied by photoionization models. The BLR obscuration also removes the problem of the torus covering factor being greater than the BLR covering factor, and gives consistency with the observed fraction of obscured AGNs. The flux reduction at the torus also reduces the problem of AGN dust-reverberation lags giving sizes smaller than the dust-sublimation radii. ", "introduction": "Because of the difficulty of observing in the extreme ultra-violet (EUV), the true shape of the continuum of AGNs has long been a mystery. If emission lines arise from photoionization, then the equivalent width of the lines gives information on the number of ionizing photons (Zanstra 1931, Osterbrock 1989) and their total energy (Stoy 1933). Early photoionization model calculations of the broad-line region (BLR) spectrum (e.g., Davidson 1972, MacAlpine 1972, Shields 1972) {\\it assumed} covering factors ($\\Omega/4\\pi$) and continuum shapes that could account for the observed strengths of the emission lines. However, the first spectrophotometry of the rest-frame UV continuum in high-redshift AGNs showed an apparent turn down of the UV spectrum (Oke 1970, 1974). {\\it IUE} satellite observations of lower-redshift AGNs confirmed this (Green et al.\\@ 1980). Green et al.\\@ reported that the $\\alpha \\thickapprox 0.5$ spectral slope ($F_{\\nu} \\propto \\nu^{-\\alpha}$) from the optical to the UV steepened to $\\alpha \\thickapprox 2.3$ at wavelengths shorter than $\\lambda$1200. MacAlpine (1981) showed that there was a severe ``energy budget'' problem because such a continuum needed $\\Omega/4\\pi \\gtrsim 9$ to match the observed He II $\\lambda$4686 equivalent width. The observed ionizing continuum was thus providing an order-of-magnitude fewer ionizing photons than were needed. The problem was compounded when spectroscopy of the Lyman-limit region showed that rest-frame Lyman continuum absorption was rare (Osmer 1979). Smith et al.\\@ (1981) concluded from observations of the Lyman-limit region that $\\Omega/4\\pi \\lesssim 0.15$ and further analysis by MacAlpine (1981) showed that $\\Omega/4\\pi \\thickapprox 0.05$ was most likely. Netzer (1985) pointed out that there is a serious energy-budget discrepancy for other lines. The HST composite spectrum of Zheng et al.\\@ (1997) and the multi-wavelength spectra of a sample of PG quasars (Laor 1997) confirmed the steepening of the observed continuum at shorter wavelengths. Photoionization models (e.g., Shields \\& Ferland 1993; Korista et al.\\@ 1998; Goad \\& Koratkar 1998; Kaspi \\& Netzer 1999; Korista \\& Goad 2000) consistently required covering factors an order of magnitude higher than allowed by the limits on Lyman limit absorption. An important question is whether the continuum {\\it we} see is the same as that seen by the emission lines. The continuum could be intrinsically anisotropic, or the continuum we see could be modified by extinction from dust grains along the line of sight, or by absorption lines. MacAlpine (1981) suggested that a marked upturn in dust extinction below $\\lambda$1200 could be causing the apparent turndown in the continuum we see. Green et al.\\@ (1980), however, felt that the turndown below $\\lambda$1200 was probably intrinsic, and that extinction by dust grains was probably not causing it because of the lack of effect on the spectrum longwards of $\\lambda$1200. McKee \\& Petrosian (1974) had previously argued against the presence of dust in AGNs because of the lack of both the $\\lambda$2175 dust feature and the curvature in the UV spectra that dust should produce. The apparent match up between UV spectral indices and the X-ray region (Laor 1997) argued against significant extinction. Various other solutions have been offered to the energy-budget problem. Collin-Souffrin (1986), Joly (1987), and Dumont, Collin-Souffrin, \\& Nazarova (1998) favored non-radiative heating of the BLR as the solution to the energy-balance problem. Binette et al.\\@ (1993) suggested the clouds were being heated by a diffuse continuum very close to them. Korista, Ferland, \\& Baldwin (1997) suggested the the UV-EUV SED might be double peaked. Maiolino et al.\\@ (2001c), on the other hand, suggested that the solution to the conflict between the lack of Lyman limit absorption and the high covering factors implied by photoionization models was that the BLR was not covering the source uniformly. In this paper we investigate the energy-budget question in the well-studied AGN NGC~5548 and investigate the implications for the BLR and torus structure. NGC~5548 is an important test case for investigating the energy-budget issue (Rokaki et al.\\@ 1994; Dumont et al.\\@ 1998) since NGC~5548 has been particularly well studied at all accessible wavelengths, its variability behavior in most spectral regions is well known, and the line-continuum transfer functions, which give information on the BLR size and radial distribution, are better known than for any other AGN. We focus in this paper on the period 2449115 -- 2449130 when NGC 5548 was intensely monitored by the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope}. We adopt a distance, $R$, of 76 Mpc to NGC~5548. This is based on an H$_0 = 73$ km/s/Mpc, $\\Omega_{matter} = 0.27$, $\\Omega_{vacuum} = 0.73$ cosmology and the local velocity field model of Mould et al.\\@ (2000). ", "conclusions": "We have used simultaneous observations and the results of multi-wavelength variability studies to consider in detail the most probable SED of NGC~5548 during the highest state in the HST monitoring in 1993. We have argued that when the continuum of NGC~5548 (and other AGNs) is corrected for Galactic and internal reddening, detailed photoionization modelling shows that the strengths of all the major emission lines can be explained by photoionization by the inferred AGN continuum so long as the covering factors are large ($\\sim 40$\\%). The long-standing ``energy-budget problem'' can now be seen to have been a consequence of not appreciating the significant reddening of the continua of most AGNs and erroneously assuming a spherical geometry. Because the emission-line strengths can be explained by photoionization from the observed (or extrapolated) continuum, there is no need for the additional heating source suggested by Collin-Souffrin (1986), Joly (1987), and Dumont et al.\\@ (1998). To reconcile our high covering factor with the lack of absorption along the observer's line of sight we need a picture of the BLR which is different from the widely assumed quasi-spherical distribution of BLR clouds. Instead most of the BLR clouds (especially those far from the AGN) have a flattened distribution that extends out to the inner edge of the dusty torus. We have shown that such a model is consistent with the observed line-continuum transfer functions for NGC~5548. In the geometry needed to explain the observed line strengths, the cloud covering fraction is close to 100\\% in the equatorial plane. We have therefore proposed a shielding model of the BLR where the inner clouds absorb much of the radiation before it reaches the outer clouds or the torus. This solves the problem of LOC models not explaining the strong change in cloud conditions with radius. The shielding BLR picture quantitatively reproduces the ionization-dependent lags seen in NGC~5548. The absorption by BLR gas also solves several problems with the torus. Allowance for BLR absorption increases the torus covering factor calculated from energetics, and makes it slightly greater than the mean BLR covering factor. This reconciles the torus covering factor with the fraction of obscured (type-2) AGNs and explains why low-ionization by the BLR is never seen. The reduced flux seen by the torus also allows the dust to exist at smaller radii and reduces the discrepancy between the calculated dust sublimation radii and the radii of the inner edge of the torus found from reverberation mapping. Since the line ratios, equivalent widths, and the continuum shape of NGC~5548 are similar to other AGNs (see, for example, Sergeev et al.\\@ 1999) we expect that these results can be generalized to most other AGNs." }, "0711/0711.2311_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the spectrum of mesons for the gauge theory dual to a supergravity configuration of intersecting D3/D7 branes \\cite{Hovdebo:2005hm}, and use the expression for the Lagrangian of the scalar mesons to compute explicitly the Lagrangian for the lightest states in the infrared limit. Assuming that the matter content of this gauge theory is part of a hidden sector, which interacts with the standard model only via gravity, we explore the cosmological consequences of these lightest scalar mesons for a FRW universe. We show that phantom fields may appear naturally in this kind of scenarios. ", "introduction": "The standard Big-Bang model of cosmology has been very successful in explaining the cosmological observations \\ci{WMAP,SN}, however the model needs to be extended to include at least two periods of positive acceleration of our universe, one at high temperatures denoted by Inflation and another at present time and given in terms of Dark Energy. Scalar fields are perhaps the best candidates to explain these periods of acceleration \\ci{scalar}. The effect of scalar fields in the cosmological evolution of our universe has been the object of extensive studies \\ci{scalar,Q.ax}. The equation of state of Dark Energy $w=p/\\rho$ is very close to -1 but the cosmological data \\ci{WMAP,SN} seems to favor a $w$ smaller than -1 \\ci{DE}. This can be achieved through the use of the so called phantom fields, which are scalar fields with a negative kinetic term \\ci{phantom}, or alternatively by the inclusion of an interaction term between the Dark Energy scalar field and some other particle \\ci{wapp,IDE,IDE.ax}. Despite their success, these models have to provide a very particular potential for the scalar fields, and in most of the cases these potentials are not deduced from considerations other than to fit the experimental data of the evolution of our universe. Further more, for the case of the phantom fields, it is in general not even clear how such a field can arise consistently within quantum field theory. If, instead of defining the Lagrangian of the field guided by the principle of reproducing the cosmological data, we could obtain its main properties from a theory intended to describe phenomena beyond gravity, this would be a step forward to incorporate this evolution driving mechanism in the scope of a wider theory. Natural places to look for these fields are supergravity, string theory, grand unification theories or other quantum theories of gravity. Ideally we would like to find a field which is naturally coupled to gravity, or one of its generalizations, ruled by a defined potential, and see what are its cosmological implications. Due to the lack of abundance of this kind of scenarios, the choice for this work will be different, and we will look for this type of field in the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence \\cite{'t Hooft:1993gx, Susskind:1994vu}, and more in particular, using the AdS/CFT correspondence \\cite{Maldacena:1997re} as it was applied to a system of D3/D7 branes in \\cite{Hovdebo:2005hm}. This analysis provides a define potential which can be use for the kind of field we are looking for and an example of a scenario where a phantom field can arise in the context of a quantum theory. The AdS/CFT correspondence establishes a duality between string theory in its supergravity limit and a conformal field theory. The first is a theory which contains gravity, while the second is a field theory in a flat background without gravity. This correspondence has been extended to more general gauge/gravity situations, and applied successfully to obtain physical quantities proper to gauge theories in their non-perturbative limit, in the hope of reaching a better understanding of non-perturbative QCD \\cite{Herzog:2006gh, Gubser:2006bz,CasalderreySolana:2006rq,Herzog:2006se,Caceres:2006dj, Caceres:2006as,Chernicoff:2006hi,CaronHuot:2006te,PS,Mateos:2007yp}. See \\cite{Mateos:2007ay} for a resent review. By analyzing a particular supergravity configuration in \\cite{Hovdebo:2005hm}, it was possible to determine the spectrum of mesons, that is, quark-antiquark bound states, in a ${\\cal N}$ =2 field theory with fundamental matter. With this result at hand, we compute explicitly the Lagrangian for the lightest two scalar mesons in this scenario, which happen to have the same mass. This Lagrangian is valid for strong gauge coupling in the infrared limit of the field theory, and we will use this result as a motivation to analyze the consequences of two mesonic fields, governed by the Lagrangian we find, if they were present in our universe. Is necessary for us to mention two reasons why we cannot use this result as a solid prediction, and then argue why it is still a strong motivation for the present analysis. On the one hand, the matter content of the gauge theory, where the mesons studied here live, is not part of the standard model of particles and has not been observed to exist in our universe. On the other hand, as mention before, the mesons we are describing live in a four dimensional Minkowsky space-time, flat and without gravity, hence not suitable for cosmological evolution. Concerning the matter content of the ${\\cal N}$=2 theory that we are working with, we have to say that it is commonly speculated that there could be in nature a hidden, or dark, sector of particles beyond those included in the standard model. The particles in this sector could have scape observation for either of many reasons, like not being in the scope of energies archived in experiments so far, or simply for being coupled to standard matter exclusively by gravitational interaction. Assuming the matter content of the theory at hand to be part of this hidden or dark sector will permit us, in this work, to perform the analysis we are interested in. In what respects the lack of gravity in the field theory, we are assuming that a similar field to the mesons we find, could be present in the theory that should describe the processes of elementary particles in a universe with matter. So we will work taking a variational approach where the contribution of these mesons to the action dictating the cosmological processes is given by the integral, over the space-time, of the Lagrangian we find for the fields, multiplied by the determinant of the metric for a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. In the next section we will shortly describe the main features of the supergravity configuration used in \\cite{Hovdebo:2005hm}, and how it is related to the spectrum of the scalar mesons and the Lagrangian obtained there. In section \\ref{Lagr}, we will perform the explicit calculation of the relevant terms of the Lagrangian in the infrared limit for the two lightest mesons once they have been embedded in a FRW metric. Section \\ref{potential} will be used to discus the main features of the Lagrangian found in section (\\ref{Lagr}). The possible cosmological implications will be address in section \\ref{cosmo} and we will finish with some concluding remarks in section \\ref{conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} Starting from the spectrum of the scalar mesons in the ${\\cal N}$=2 theory dual to a supergravity configuration of D3 and D7 branes, we were able to extract the Lagrangian governing the behavior of the two lightest of these states in the infrared limit. We considered the possibility for these mesons to live in our universe and obtained an action to describe the cosmological consequences of the presence of these fields. The resulting effective scalar fields $\\vp$ and $\\phi $ have different cosmological contributions depending on the sign of the kinetic term. For positive kinetic terms these fields oscillate around the minimum of the potential but they have different masses. They behave as dark matter and therefore their energy densities redshift as $\\rho\\propto a^{-3}$. On the other hand, for negative kinetic terms, the fields become phantom fields with an equation of state parameter $w<-1$. The universe expands in an accelerating way and the fields $\\vp, \\phi$ could then parameterize the Dark Energy. Concerning the possibility of phantom fields appearing for the case analyzed here, we have to say we believe it to be a more general phenomenon for this kind of scenarios. The reason for this believe is that given the Lagrangian in \\cite{Hovdebo:2005hm}, we can see that to each order $n$, higher than two, there will be a contribution given by the product of the kinetic term of one of the mesons in the spectrum, $\\partial_\\mu\\Phi_a\\partial^\\mu\\Phi_a$, times a polynomial of homogeneous degree $n-2$ on the other fields. Considering then the Lagrangian to all orders, it would be found that at least some of the kinetic terms would appear multiplying a polynomial of the fields, and these fields could take a wide range of values. It would seam natural to expect then for the kinetic term to be negative in some region of values for the fields, giving rise to the existence of phantom fields. To make this expectation concrete, it would be necessary to consider a setting where the physical properties would make the Lagrangian of \\cite{Hovdebo:2005hm}, or another one similarly deduce, exactly summable so that the appearance of phantom fields could be precisely stated." }, "0711/0711.2596_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Most of the observed emission lines and continuum excess from young accreting low mass stars (Classical T Tauri stars -- CTTSs) take place in the star-disk or inner disk region. These regions have a complex emission topology still largely unknown.} {In this paper the magnetospheric accretion and inner wind contributions to the observed permitted He and H near infrared (NIR) lines of the bright southern CTTS RU Lupi are investigated for the first time.} {Previous optical observations of RU Lupi showed a large H$\\alpha$ profile, due to the emission from a wind in the line wings, and a micro-jet detected in forbidden lines. We extend this analysis to NIR lines through seeing-limited high spectral resolution spectra taken with VLT/ISAAC, and adaptive optics (AO) aided narrow-band imaging and low spectral resolution spectroscopy with VLT/NACO. Using spectro-astrometric analysis we investigate the presence of extended emission down to very low spatial scales (a few AU).} {The HeI \\lam10830 line presents a P Cygni profile whose absorption feature indicates the presence of an inner stellar wind. Moreover the spectro-astrometric analysis evidences the presence of an extended emission superimposed to the absorption feature and likely coming from the micro-jet detected in the optical. On the contrary, the origin of the Hydrogen Paschen and Brackett lines is difficult to address. We tried tentatively to explain the observed line profiles and flux ratios with both accretion and wind models showing the limits of both approaches. The lack of spectro-astrometric signal indicates that the HI emission is either compact or symmetric. Our analysis confirms the sensitivity of the HeI line to the presence of faint extended emission regions in the close proximity of the star.} {} ", "introduction": "Classical T~Tauri stars (CTTSs) are young solar and lower mass stars presenting a rich emission line spectrum in excess of the continuum from the stellar photosphere. This emission includes Hydrogen lines, low energy forbidden lines and Helium lines together with a continuum excess -- the veiling. Optically and NIR forbidden emission lines, such as the [\\ion{O}{i}], [\\ion{S}{ii}] and [\\ion{Fe}{ii}] lines, have emission regions large enough to be resolved and are typically associated with outflowing jets \\citep[e.g.][]{bacciotti00,dougados00,pyo06}. On the other hand, the atomic permitted lines, such as the Hydrogen lines, are more difficult to interpret. The energy released by the accretion of matter onto the star can power the permitted line emission that is believed to arise from magnetospheric accretion columns and/or accretion shocks \\citep[e.g.][]{muzerolle01,bouvier07}. The fact that the emission component of permitted atomic lines is attributed to infalling gas is supported by the presence of inverse P~Cygni profiles, and by the correlation of their luminosities with the accretion luminosity, derived from the veiling \\citep{muzerolle98b,muzerolle98c}. On the other hand, the blueshifted absorption features, when present, are an indicator of high velocity inner winds \\citep[e.g.][]{edwards87,najita00}. Indeed, several recent spectroscopic studies suggest that the emission of the permitted HI and He lines can actually include a contribution from both inflowing and outflowing gas \\citep[e.g.][]{beristain01,folha01,takami01,whelan04,edwards06}. This has motivated hybrid models where the Hydrogen emission is due to both the magnetospheric accretion and a wind \\citep{alencar05,kurosawa06}. The fact that the collimated, spatially resolved jets, traced at large distance from the source by optical, near-infrared forbidden lines, are generated in circumstellar regions (less than 10 AU from the source) is predicted by theoretical models \\citep{anderson03,ferreira06} and observationally proved by the frequent detection of blueshifted absorption features in a number of strong permitted lines (H$\\alpha$, Na, D, CaII, MgII, \\citealt{najita00}), formed close to the star. Signatures of outflowing gas revealed by absorption features can also be searched in the profile of the HeI \\lam10830 line \\citep{takami02, edwards03,dupree05}. \\citet{edwards06} analysed a sample of 31 T Tauri stars and showed that the HeI line is much more sensitive than the usually used \\Ha\\, line to trace inner winds in absorption (in 71\\% of the sources was detected an absorption feature in the HeI line against only 10\\% of detections in the \\Ha\\, line). \\citet{beristain01} showed that the diagnostic power of permitted Helium lines in tracing inner winds, lies in their high excitation potential (20-50 eV), that restricts the line formation to a region of either high temperature or close proximity to a source of ionising radiation.\\\\ In order to investigate the reliability of such scenarios, we have observed the circumstellar region of the T Tauri star RU Lupi in the NIR wavelength range. This source is one of the most active and well known T Tauri stars \\citep{lamzin96,stempels02,herczeg05} and it is a good target to investigate the inner winds and accretion flows down to very small spatial scales. RU Lupi is located at a distance of only 140 pc \\citep{dezeeuw99}, allowing us to reach small spatial scales with high angular resolution instrumentation and/or specialised techniques of data analysis. In particular, NACO at the VLT was used to take high angular resolution images and low spectral resolution spectra. With VLT/ISAAC seeing limited and high spectral resolution spectra were obtained. A spectro-astrometric analysis was applied. Spectro-astrometry is a powerful technique to obtain positional information on the region originating the emission in the components of a line profile even in seeing-limited conditions. \\citet{takami01}, for example, using spectro-astrometry, found that the blueshifted and redshifted wings of the H$\\alpha$ line emitted by RU Lupi show a spatially symmetric offsets with respect to the source, in the same direction of the jet traced, on higher spatial scales, by the forbidden \\oi\\, and \\s\\, lines. \\citet{whelan04} detected a similar extended emission in the wings of the \\pab\\, line in three T Tauri sources (DG Tau, V536 Aql, and LkH$\\alpha$ 321). In this paper we present the results obtained from such a study and, in particular, a detailed analysis about the origin of the Paschen and Brackett HI lines and the HeI \\lam10830 line. The paper is structured as follows: in Sect.~\\ref{sect:data_reduction} we present the different set of observations and the data reduction process; in Sect.~\\ref{sect:results} the observed line profiles and fluxes are analysed; moreover we present the concepts underlying the spectro-astrometry technique and the obtained position spectra; finally in Sect.~\\ref{sect:discussion} we discuss the origin of permitted H and He lines by means of a model for wind and accretion, and of the results obtained with spectro-astrometry. In the Conclusions (Sect.~\\ref{sect:conclusions}) we summarize our findings. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclusions} In this paper we analysed infrared spectra and images of the T Tauri star RU Lupi, in order to find observational constraints for the physics of the circumstellar region. This source was previously observed in the optical wavelength range by other authors, that reported about a strong accretion activity and the presence of a micro-jet detected in the optical forbidden lines and in the H$\\alpha$ line \\citep{takami01}. We have observed for the first time RU Lupi in the NIR with high angular and spectral resolution. In this paper we report about these observations and, in particular, we investigate the origin of the permitted H and He NIR lines through the analysis of the line profiles and fluxes, and using the spectro-astrometry technique which allows us to constrain the emission region of each velocity component of the detected lines. The problem of the origin of HI lines was widely debated in the last decades. Many different models were proposed to reproduce their profiles and fluxes: wind models \\citep[e.g., ][]{hartmann90}, accretion models \\citep[e.g., ][]{hartmann94,muzerolle98a,muzerolle01} and also hybrid models accounting for the emission from both the accretion columns and the wind \\citep[e.g., ][]{kurosawa06}. These analyses, however, focused mainly on Balmer lines observed in the optical range. The Paschen and Brackett lines detected in our NIR spectra of RU Lupi present broad, slightly blueshifted and nearly symmetric profiles, which are difficult to reproduce with either a wind or an accretion model. This was already noted, in general, by \\citet{folha01}, \\citet{whelan04}, \\citet{nisini04}. We tentatively used a toy model of a spherical envelope of partially ionised Hydrogen with a wind or an accretion velocity profile \\citep{nisini04} to constrain the HI line ratios and fluxes. This analysis showed that neither a spherical wind nor spherical accretion can reproduce the Brackett and Paschen decrement and fluxes. Our spectro-astrometric analysis did not highlight any extended emission in the Paschen and Brackett lines, suggesting that the region emitting the HI NIR lines is very compact ($<$1.3 AU) and/or symmetric. On the other hand, the HeI \\lam10830 line blueshifted absorption feature clearly indicates the presence of an inner wind. The wide range of velocities covered by the absorption feature favours the geometry of a spherical wind emerging from the stellar surface rather than a disk wind as found in many TTS by \\citet{edwards06}. In addition, the spectro-astrometric analysis highlighted the presence of an emission superimposed to the absorption feature that extends up to at least $\\sim$3 AU from the source and covers the same velocity range of the H$\\alpha$ extended emission found by \\citet{takami01}. We suggest that this emission comes from the blue lobe of the micro-jet detected in the optical lines by \\citet{takami01}. Interestingly, the HeI showed to be more sensitive than the HI NIR lines to faint extended emission because the absorption feature increases the contrast between the emission from the extended region and the continuum from the source. This confirms the potential of the HeI \\lam10830 line to investigate the complex geometry of the inner part of the circumstellar region of CTTS, where both the accretion and the ejection processes take place \\citep[see also ][]{edwards06}. On the base of these results, future high angular resolution observations of the permitted H and He lines in CTTS can give useful hints to the understanding of the accretion/ejection mechanisms and the development of theoretical models accounting for the emission from both the outflowing and the accreting gas." }, "0711/0711.0888_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first results of a combined VLT VIMOS integral-field unit and \\textit{Hubble Space Telescope} (\\textit{HST})/ACS study of the early-type lens galaxy SDSS\\,J2321$-$097 at $z=0.0819$, extending kinematic studies to a look-back time of 1\\,Gyr. This system, discovered in the Sloan Lens ACS Survey, has been observed as part of a VLT Large Programme with the goal of obtaining two-dimensional stellar kinematics of 17 early-type galaxies to $z \\approx 0.35$ and Keck spectroscopy of an additional dozen lens systems. Bayesian modelling of both the surface brightness distribution of the lensed source and the two-dimensional measurements of velocity and velocity dispersion has allowed us, under the only assumptions of axisymmetry and a two-integral stellar distribution function (DF) for the lens galaxy, to dissect this galaxy in three dimensions and break the classical mass--anisotropy, mass-sheet and inclination--oblateness degeneracies. Our main results are that the galaxy (i) has a total density profile well described by a single power-law $\\rho \\propto r^{-\\gamma'}$ with $\\gamma' = 2.06^{+0.03}_{-0.06}$; (ii) is a very slow rotator (specific stellar angular momentum parameter $\\lambda_{\\mathrm{R}} = 0.075$); (iii) shows only mild anisotropy ($\\delta \\approx 0.15$); and (iv) has a dark-matter contribution of $\\sim 30$~per cent inside the effective radius. Our first results from this large combined imaging and spectroscopic effort with the VLT, Keck and \\textit{HST} show that the structure of massive early-type galaxies beyond the local Universe can now be studied in great detail using the combination of stellar kinematics and gravitational lensing. Extending these studies to look-back times where evolutionary effects become measurable holds great promise for the understanding of formation and evolution of early-type galaxies. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:Introduction} Within the hierarchical galaxy formation scenario, early-type galaxies are assumed to be the end-products of major mergers with additional accretion of smaller galaxies (e.g.~\\citealt{Burkert-Naab2004} for a review). As such the study of their structure, formation and evolution is an essential step in understanding galaxy formation and the standard $\\Lambda$ cold dark matter ($\\Lambda$CDM) paradigm, in which the hierarchical galaxy formation model has its foundations. Early-type galaxies are observed to follow tight scaling relations between their stellar population, dark matter, kinematic and black hole properties, the origins of which are still not well understood \\citep[e.g.][]{Djorgovski-Davis1987, Dressler1987, Magorrian1998, Bolton2007}. Considerable observational progress has been made in the last decades in our understanding of the relative contributions of baryonic (mostly stellar), dark matter and black hole constituents of early-type galaxies through stellar dynamical tracers and X-ray studies (e.g.\\ \\citealt{Fabbiano1989}; \\citealt{Mould1990}; \\citealt*{Saglia1992}; \\citealt{Bertin1994}; \\citealt*{Franx1994}; \\citealt{Carollo1995}; \\citealt{Arnaboldi1996}; \\citealt{Rix1997}; \\citealt{Matsushita1998}; \\citealt{Loewenstein-White1999}; \\citealt{Gerhard2001}; \\citealt{Seljak2002}; \\citealt*{Borriello2003}; \\citealt{Romanowsky2003}). More recently, the SAURON collaboration \\citep{deZeeuw2002} has extensively studied a large and uniform sample of early-type galaxies in the local Universe (i.e.\\ $z \\la 0.01$), combining SAURON integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) on the William Herschel Telescope with high-resolution \\textit{Hubble Space Telescope} (\\textit{HST}) imaging to obtain a three-dimensional picture of these galaxies in terms of their mass and kinematic structure \\citep{Emsellem2004, Emsellem2007, Cappellari2006, Cappellari2007}. \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\resizebox{0.375\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{FIG/HST-435.ps}} \\hspace{0.025\\hsize} \\resizebox{0.375\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{FIG/HST-814.ps}} \\caption{\\textit{HST}/ACS images of \\galaxy, taken through the \\textit{F435W} (left-hand panel) and \\textit{F814W} (right-hand panel) filters. The images are single exposures with an integration time of $420\\,\\mathrm{s}$; the pixel scale is $0.05\\,\\mathrm{arcsec}$. A full description of these observations and the data-reduction process is given in \\citet{Bolton2006}.} \\label{fig:HST_images} \\end{figure*} Despite making a great leap forward, the complex modelling of the SAURON systems and the unknown dark matter content and total mass of these galaxies still require some assumptions to be made about their gravitational potential [e.g.\\ constant stellar mass-to-light ratio ($M/L$) from stellar population models] and inclination. These issues can be partly overcome in discy systems where the inclination can be determined from the photometry or possibly from dust lanes. However, systems with lower ellipticity can show stronger degeneracies \\citep[e.g.][]{Cappellari2007}. Also, near the effective radius dark matter becomes a major contributor to the stellar kinematics \\citep{Gerhard2001, Treu-Koopmans2004} and it is not yet clear what impact its neglect has, even though it is estimated to be not too severe \\citep{Cappellari2006}. At higher redshifts, the extraction of detailed kinematic information from early-type galaxies becomes increasingly more difficult because of the decrease in apparent size and cosmological surface brightness dimming. However, galaxies at higher redshifts are much more likely to act as gravitational lenses on background galaxies \\citep*[e.g.][]{Turner1984}. The additional information obtained from gravitational lensing on, for example, the enclosed mass and the density profile has been shown to break some of the classical degeneracies in stellar kinematics and lensing, namely the mass--anisotropy and the mass-sheet degeneracies, respectively \\citep[e.g.][hereafter BK07]{Treu-Koopmans2002a, Koopmans2003, Koopmans-Treu2003, Treu-Koopmans2004, Koopmans2006, Barnabe-Koopmans2007}. In order to use gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics in a systematic way, the Lenses Structure \\& Dynamics (LSD) Survey was started in 2001, combining \\textit{HST} imaging data on lens systems with stellar kinematics obtained with Keck \\citep{Koopmans-Treu2002, Koopmans-Treu2003, Treu-Koopmans2002a, Treu-Koopmans2002b, Treu-Koopmans2003, Treu-Koopmans2004}. This project and its results, predominantly at $z\\approx 0.5\\!\\!-\\!\\!1.0$, have shown the validity of this methodology and its effectiveness at higher redshifts. These high-redshift systems, however, are relatively rare and hard to follow up, which has limited studies to the use of luminosity-weighted stellar velocity dispersions \\citep[e.g.][]{Koopmans-Treu2002,Treu-Koopmans2002b} or long-slit spectroscopy in a few large apertures along the major axes \\citep[e.g.][]{Koopmans-Treu2003, Treu-Koopmans2004}. The Sloan Lens ACS Survey \\citep[SLACS,][]{Bolton2005,Bolton2006} was begun to extend the sample of lens galaxies suitable for joint lensing and dynamical studies. SLACS lens candidates were selected from the SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy sample \\citep{Eisenstein2001} and a quiescent subsample [defined by $\\mathit{EW}(\\mathrm{H}\\alpha)<1.5\\,$\\AA] of the MAIN SDSS galaxy sample \\citep{Strauss2002} by an inspection of their SDSS fibre spectroscopy \\citep{Bolton2004}. Galaxies whose spectra presented emission lines at a higher redshift than the redshift of the galaxy itself were observed in an \\textit{HST} snapshot programme to check whether the source of the emission lines was a gravitationally lensed background galaxy. To date, SLACS has confirmed around 80~lens systems (Bolton et al., in preparation). In contrast to most earlier lens surveys which drew their candidate systems from catalogues of potential sources \\citep[e.g.~quasi-stellar objects or radio sources as in the CLASS survey,][]{Browne2003}, SLACS is a \\emph{lens}-selected survey and as such preferentially finds systems with bright lens galaxies but comparatively faint sources. It is therefore an ideal starting point for detailed investigations into the properties of the lens galaxies. In this paper we introduce a follow-up project to SLACS which aims at combining the lensing information with detailed two-dimensional kinematic information obtained with the VIMOS integral-field unit (IFU) mounted on the VLT. The full sample comprises 17~systems. In this paper we demonstrate the available data and the analysis methodology on one system, {\\galaxy}. The lens in this system is an early-type galaxy at $z=0.0819$. The SDSS spectrum shows additional [\\ion{O}{ii}] and H$\\beta$ emission from a gravitationally lensed blue galaxy at $z_{\\mathrm{s}} = 0.5342$ \\citep{Bolton2006}. In \\textit{HST} imaging (Fig.~\\ref{fig:HST_images}) the lensed source is shown to form an almost complete Einstein ring of radius $1.68\\,\\mathrm{arcsec}$, corresponding to an Einstein radius of $\\REin=2.6\\,\\mathrm{kpc}$ at the lens redshift. The projected mass enclosed within the Einstein radius is $M(<\\REin) = 1.3\\times10^{11}\\,M_{\\sun}$. Details on this system are listed in Table~\\ref{tab:basic_data}. In Section~\\ref{sec:Observations}, we describe the VIMOS and \\textit{HST} observations that form the basis of this analysis. The IFU data are presented in Section~\\ref{sec:data_analysis}, with a description of the data reduction in Section~\\ref{ssec:data_reduction} and of the extraction of two-dimensional kinematic maps in Section~\\ref{sec:kinematic_analysis}. In Section~\\ref{sec:inferences} we determine several commonly used parameters from the kinematic data alone, in a way that is directly comparable to earlier studies, for example from the SAURON collaboration. We apply the joint lensing and dynamics analysis developed by BK07 in Section~\\ref{sec:analysis}. In Section~\\ref{sec:degeneracies} we present a physical argument that explains why gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics can break the degeneracy between oblateness and inclination. We discuss our results and conclude in Section~\\ref{sec:discussion}. We use a concordance $\\Lambda$CDM model throughout this paper, described by $\\Omega_{\\mathrm{M}}=0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda} = 0.7$ and $H_{0} = 100\\,h\\,\\mathrm{km\\,s^{-1}\\,Mpc^{-1}}$ with $h=0.7$ unless stated otherwise. At the redshift of \\galaxy, $1\\,\\mathrm{arcsec}$ corresponds to $1.1\\,h^{-1}\\,\\mathrm{kpc} = 1.5\\,\\mathrm{kpc}$. \\vfill \\begin{table} \\centering \\begin{minipage}{0.85\\hsize} \\caption{Basic data for \\galaxy. The data are taken from \\citet{Treu2006err} and \\citet{Koopmans2006}.} \\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\\hspace{12em}}r@{$\\;$}l} \\hline $\\alpha_{\\mathrm{J2000}}$ & $23^{\\mathrm{h}}21^{\\mathrm{m}}20\\fs93$ & \\\\ $\\delta_{\\mathrm{J2000}}$ & $-09\\degr39\\arcmin10\\farcs2$ & \\\\ $z_{\\mathrm{l}}$ & $0.0819$ & \\\\ $z_{\\mathrm{s}}$ & $0.5342$ & \\\\ $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{ap}}$ & $(236\\pm7)$&$\\mathrm{km\\,s^{-1}}$ \\\\ $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{c}}$ & $(245\\pm7)$&$\\mathrm{km\\,s^{-1}}$ \\\\ $\\REin$ & $1.68\\,\\mathrm{arcsec} = 2.59$ & $\\mathrm{kpc}$ \\\\ $R_{\\mathrm{eff},B}$ & $(8.47\\pm0.11)$&$\\mathrm{kpc}$ \\\\ $M_{B}$ & $-21.72\\pm0.05$ & \\\\ $R_{\\mathrm{eff},V}$ & $(7.93\\pm0.07)$&$\\mathrm{kpc}$ \\\\ $M_{V}$ & $-22.59\\pm0.05$ & \\\\ $\\qiso$ & $0.77$ & \\\\ $\\vartheta_{\\mathrm{PA},\\star}$ & $126\\fdg5$ & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\textit{Notes:} $z_{\\mathrm{l}}$ and $z_{\\mathrm{s}}$ are the redshifts of \\galaxy\\ and the gravitationally lensed background galaxy, respectively. $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{ap}}$ is the velocity dispersion measured from the 3-arcsec-diameter SDSS fibre, $\\sigma_{\\mathrm{c}}$ is the derived central velocity dispersion \\citep{Treu2006}. $\\REin$ is the Einstein radius. $R_{\\mathrm{eff}}$ and $M$ are the effective radii and absolute magnitudes determined by fitting de Vaucouleurs profiles to the $B$- and $V$-band ACS images \\citep{Treu2006}. $\\qiso$ and $\\vartheta_{\\mathrm{PA},\\star}$ are isophotal axial ratio and position angle of the major axis, respectively \\citep{Koopmans2006}. \\end{minipage} \\label{tab:basic_data} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} In this paper we have presented the first results from an integral-field spectroscopic survey of early-type lens galaxies from SLACS. The combination of integral-field spectroscopy from VIMOS/IFU mounted on the VLT with high-resolution imaging from \\textit{HST}/ACS has enabled us to conduct the first in-depth study of the structure of a luminous elliptical galaxy beyond the local Universe, \\galaxy\\ at $z=0.0819$. We have applied a new analysis method that combines the kinematic and lensing information in a fully self-consistent way and have shown how this combination breaks some of the degeneracies that limit the separate application of these two methods. The galaxy that we have studied here turns out to be a fairly ordinary elliptical with properties similar to those of local galaxies of comparable luminosity, such as those studied by the SAURON collaboration \\citep{Emsellem2007, Cappellari2007}. \\galaxy\\ is a slow rotator in the classification of \\citet{Emsellem2007} with an angular momentum parameter of $\\lambda_{\\mathrm{R}} = 0.075$. The velocity dispersion map is flat to the limit where we were able to measure the kinematic parameters reliably. Using the updated estimator of \\citet{Binney2005} for the ratio between systematic and random velocities, $v/\\sigma_{v}$, that fully exploits the information in integral-field spectroscopic data, we have shown that the ellipticity of the stellar distribution in \\galaxy\\ is due to anisotropy of the velocity distribution rather than rotation, again in line with local galaxies of comparable luminosity \\citep{Cappellari2007}. We have modelled the galaxy by making use of the {\\dynlen} algorithm which self-consistently combines gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics under the assumption of axisymmetry and a two-integral DF. We adopted for the system the total gravitational potential generated by an axisymmetric power-law mass density distribution of logarithmic slope $\\gamma'$ and axial ratio $q$. The best-fitting model given the data is obtained in the framework of Bayesian statistics by maximizing the evidence merit function. The results for the best-fitting model are summarized as follows. \\begin{enumerate} \\item The logarithmic slope of the total density is $\\gamma' = 2.06^{+0.03}_{-0.06}$ (the error is given within the 68~per cent confidence interval), which is very close to (and consistent with) an isothermal density distribution. \\item The axial ratio of the total density distribution is $q = 0.74^{+0.02}_{-0.05}$. Since in our approach mass is not required to follow light, this $q$ does not have to coincide with the (average) axial ratio of the luminous distribution, which is calculated from the reconstructed DF, giving $\\qlight = 0.85$ for the best model. \\item The inclination angle of the galaxy is $i = 67\\fdg8^{+1.1}_{-7.8}$. The small error bar shows that inclination can be well determined in combination with lensing data. \\item The `maximum bulge' approach, that is, the rescaling of the circularized stellar density profile which maximizes the contribution of the luminous component to the total density profile, prescribes a stellar mass $M_{\\mathrm{eff}} \\simeq 2.0 \\times 10^{11} M_{\\sun}$ inside the effective radius, which corresponds to an average $M/L$ of $5.2\\,(M/L)_{\\sun,B}$. The total mass enclosed in the same region is approximately $2.9 \\times 10^{11} M_{\\sun}$: the non-visible matter, therefore, accounts for about 30 per cent of the total mass within that three-dimensional radius. \\item The local $\\vphi/\\bar{\\sigma}$ ratio on the meridional plane confirms that {\\galaxy} as a whole is a slow rotator, with the random motions becoming less predominant compared to rotation only in the very central regions. The best model yields a global anisotropy parameter $\\delta = 0.14$, fully consistent with the value obtained directly from the data, showing that the galaxy is close to an isotropic rotator. The other global anisotropy parameters have values $\\beta = 0$ [as a consequence of having assumed a two-integral DF $f(E, L_{z})$] and $\\gamma = -0.32$, indicating a mild tangential anisotropy. \\end{enumerate} These results are in good agreement with the analysis of {\\galaxy} by \\citet{Koopmans2006}, which we here extend in a more rigorous way. In particular, the results confirm the essentially isothermal profile of the mass density distribution, which appears to be a defining characteristic of early-type galaxies. The best-fitting model is consistent with a dark matter fraction of 30~per cent within 10\\,kpc (approximately corresponding to the unprojected effective radius), similar to what \\citet{Cappellari2006} determine for the SAURON sample of early-type galaxies by making use of three-integral Schwarzschild dynamical models under the caveat that light traces mass. However, it seems plausible that a constant-M/L model could still reproduce the observed kinematics of {\\galaxy} if one allowed for a more flexible three-integral dynamical model rather than the two-integral model considered in this work. The relative difficulty in unambiguously discriminating between the constant-$M/L$ model and the power-law model is also a consequence of the fact that for the specific lens system studied here, the mass within the Einstein radius is to a large extent dominated by the stellar mass, so that the difference between the two models does not show up dramatically in the lens model. The combined analysis of more distant objects, however, is expected to provide more unequivocal results in this respect. In general, for galaxies at higher redshift the ratio between the Einstein radius and the effective radius becomes larger (see e.g.~the SLACS galaxy sample in \\citealt{Koopmans2006}) and any deviation from a model for which mass follows light would become significantly more prominent, since at least the surface brightness slope would be much steeper than what is allowed by the lensing data. The dynamical structure of {\\galaxy} (i.e.\\ anisotropy and $\\vphi/\\bar{\\sigma}$ map) is also in good agreement with what is found by \\citet{Cappellari2007} for the most massive ellipticals of the SAURON sample. The analysis has shown that the combination of gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics is a powerful method which allows the dissection in three dimensions of an elliptical galaxy (assumed to be well described as a two-integral axisymmetric dynamical system), breaking to a significant extent the classical degeneracies between inclination and flattening as well as between mass and anisotropy. The way the degeneracy between inclination and oblateness is overcome can be understood within a simplified physical picture: $q$ and $i$ are coupled in the projected potential which enters in the description of gravitational lensing; when it comes to the dynamics, however, the surface brightness weighted integral along the minor axis over the line-of-sight stellar velocity dispersion is not a function of the inclination, since, due to the properties of the two-integral DF, the intersection of the velocity dispersion tensor with the $(v_{R}, v_{z})$ plane is always a circle, that is, $\\sigma_{R}^{2} = \\sigma_{z}^{2}$ for each position in the galaxy (see Section~\\ref{sec:degeneracies}). We have shown that the method, in its implementation as the {\\dynlen} algorithm, is robust enough to make use of observational data in order to recover the non-linear parameters which characterize the total gravitational potential and the geometry of the system (i.e.\\ inclination, positional angle and lens centre) with relatively tight error bars (the confidence intervals shown in Table~\\ref{tab:stat}). This first application therefore shows promise for the future study of the other SLACS systems at higher redshift. In forthcoming papers in this series we will extend this work to the entire sample of 17~SLACS lenses with VLT VIMOS IFS, covering a range of lens galaxy morphology, mass and redshift ($z = 0.08 - 0.35$). The VLT sample will be complemented by a further 13 lenses for which we have obtained long-slit spectroscopy at the Low Resolution Imager and Spectrograph \\citep[LRIS,][]{Oke1995} on the Keck-I telescope. Several slit positions -- aligned with the major axis and offset along the minor axis -- have been obtained for each system in the Keck sample, thus effectively producing two-dimensional kinematic information across most of the lens galaxy." }, "0711/0711.2305_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{{}{Nearly half the stellar mass of present-day spiral galaxies has formed since $z\\!=\\!1$, and galaxy kinematics is an ideal tool to identify the underlying mechanisms responsible for the galaxy mass assembly since that epoch.} {Here, we present the first results of the ESO large program, ``IMAGES'', which aims at obtaining robust measurements of the kinematics of distant galaxies using the multi-IFU mode of GIRAFFE on the VLT. 3D spectroscopy is essential to robustly measure the often distorted kinematics of distant galaxies (e.g., Flores et al.\\ 2006). We derive the velocity fields and $\\sigma$-maps of 36 galaxies at $0.4\\!<\\!z\\!<\\!0.75$ from the kinematics of the \\oii\\ emission line doublet, and generate a robust technique to identify the nature of the velocity fields based on the pixels of the highest signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). } {Combining these observations with those of Flores et al., we have gathered a unique sample of 63 velocity fields of emission line galaxies ($W_{0}(\\mbox{{\\sc [Oii]}})\\ge15$\\,\\AA) at $z\\!=\\!0.4$\\,--\\,0.75, which are a representative subsample of the population of $M_{\\rm stellar}\\!\\ge\\!1.5\\!\\times\\!10^{10}M_{\\sun}$ emission line galaxies in this redshift range, and are largely unaffected by cosmic variance. Taking into account all galaxies -with or without emission lines- in that redshift range, we find that at least 41$\\,\\pm\\,$7\\% of them have anomalous kinematics, i.e., they are not dynamically relaxed. This includes 26$\\,\\pm\\,$7\\% of distant galaxies with complex kinematics, i.e., they are not simply pressure or rotationally supported.} {Our result implies that galaxy kinematics are among the most rapidly evolving properties, because locally, only a few percent of the galaxies in this mass range have complex kinematics. It is well-established that galaxies undergoing a merger have complex large-scale motions and thus are likely responsible for the strong evolution of the galaxy kinematics that we observe.} ", "introduction": "The resolved 3D kinematics of distant galaxies are a powerful tracer of the major processes governing star-formation and galaxy evolution in the early universe such as merging, accretion, and hydrodynamic feedback related to star-formation and active galactic nucleus (e.g., Barnes \\& Hernquist 1996; Barton et al.\\ 2000; Dressler 2004). Thus, robustly measuring the internal kinematics of galaxies in the distant universe plays a crucial role for our growing understanding of how galaxies formed and evolved. Over the last decade, great efforts have been made to study the properties of galaxies in the distant universe (at $z\\!\\sim\\!1$), revealing a strong evolution with cosmic time. For instance, the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) has declined by a factor $\\sim\\!10$ from $z\\!\\sim\\!1$ to the present (Lilly et al.\\ 1996; Madau et al.\\ 1996; Hammer et al.\\ 1997; Cowie et al.\\ 1999; Flores et al.\\ 1999). Such a strong evolution of cosmic SFR is consolidated by subsequent works, e.g., Haarsma et al.\\ (2000), Wilson et al.\\ (2002). Although the conclusions are made from different data, they are consistent within a factor of 3 (Hopkins 2004). Heavens et al.\\ (2004) suggest that the cosmic SFR may have reached its peak as late as $z\\!\\sim\\!0.6$. Overall, about half of the stellar mass in intermediate-mass galaxies was formed since $z\\!=\\!1$, mostly in luminous infrared galaxies (Hammer et al.\\ 2005). Galaxy interactions and merging may be mechanisms that played a significantly larger role for star-formation in the distant universe than today. Le F{\\`e}vre et al.\\ (2000) found that the merger rate in the distant universe was about a factor of 10 times higher than at low redshift (see also Conselice et al.\\ 2003; Bell et al.\\ 2006; Lotz et al.\\ 2006). The high merger rate detected in the distant universe raises a challenge to the standard scenario of disk formation (Hammer et al.\\ 2007). If major mergers generate the ellipticals inevitably, we would find a large fraction of elliptical galaxies rather than about $\\sim$70\\% of spiral galaxies among the intermediate-mass galaxies in the local universe. Similarly, the fraction of luminous compact blue galaxies (LCBGs) increases with redshift by about an order of magnitude out to $z\\!\\sim\\!1$ (Werk et al.\\ 2004; Rawat et al.\\ 2007). LCBGs may be the progenitors of local spheroidal or irregular galaxies at low redshift (e.g., Koo et al.\\ 1995; Guzman 1999), or of the bulges of massive spirals (Hammer et al.\\ 2001; Noeske et al.\\ 2006). 3D spectroscopy of the internal kinematics of LCBGs suggests that they are likely merger remnants ({\\\"O}stlin et al. 2001; Puech et al.\\ 2006a). Strong evolution as a function of cosmic time has also been claimed for the Tully-Fisher relationship (TFR, Tully \\& Fisher 1977; Giovanelli et al.\\ 1997), which relates the luminosity and the rotation velocity of disk galaxies. Out to $z\\!\\sim\\!1$, the B-band TFR has been found to have evolved by $\\sim\\!0.2$\\,--\\,$2$ mag (e.g., Portinari \\& Sommer-Larsen 2007 and references therein). This brightening of the B-band TFR can be explained by the enhanced star-formation rates at higher redshifts (Ferreras \\& Silk 2001; Ferreras et al.\\ 2004), but is still a matter of debate. Conselice et al.\\ (2005) do not find significant evolution in either the stellar mass or K-band TFR's slope or zero point. However, the most striking evolution of the TFR is provided by its large scatter at high redshifts (Conselice et al.\\ 2005), which may be related to the disturbed kinematics of distant galaxies (e.g., Kannappan \\& Barton 2004). The rapid time decrease of cosmic SFR, the role of merging in the early evolution of galaxies, and the possible evolution of the TFR are only examples of why measuring the kinematics of distant galaxies precisely and robustly is a {\\it sine qua non} for studying galaxy evolution. However, this is often beyond what can be achieved with classical long-slit spectroscopy. The morphologies and kinematics of distant galaxies are often complex, and their small sizes make it very difficult to precisely position and align the slit. Both limitations can be overcome with integral-field spectroscopy, although the method is relatively complex and time-consuming. Flores et al.\\ (2006) presented the first study of a statistically meaningful sample of 35 intermediate-mass galaxies at z=0.4-0.7, using the integral-field multi-object spectrograph GIRAFFE on the ESO-VLT. They defined a classification scheme to distinguish between rotation and kinematic perturbances, which may stem from interactions and mergers, from the 3D kinematics and high-resolution HST imaging. Intriguingly, they find that the large scatter of distant TFR shown in previous studies is due to non-relaxed systems while the pure rotational disks exhibit a TFR that is similarly tight as that of local spirals. Here, we present another sample of 36 galaxies with very similar selection criteria, to enlarge the total sample size and put the conclusions on statistically more robust grounds. This is the first of a series of publications related to the ESO-VLT large program IMAGES, which aims at studying the evolutionary sequence of galaxies over the last 8 Gyrs (see Ravikumar et al.\\ 2007 for more details). The paper is organized as follows. In Sect.~2 we describe the observations and the sample selection. The methodology to describe and classify the distant galaxy kinematics is shown in Sect.~3, as well as a detailed description of the 36 observed velocity fields (VFs). Sections 4 and 5 include the discussion and the conclusion. In this paper, we adopt the Concordance cosmological parameters of $H_0\\!=\\!70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_M\\!=\\!0.3$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda\\!=\\!0.7$. {\\scriptsize \\begin{table}[!t] \\caption{Journal of observations.} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccr}\\hline Run ID & Setup & Exposure (hr) \\\\\\hline 174.B-0328(A) & L04 & 10 \\\\ 073.A-0209(A) & L05 & 4.5 \\\\ 174.B-0328(A) & L05 & 10.6 \\\\ 174.B-0328(E) & L05 & 10.4 \\\\\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\label{tbobservation} \\end{table} } ", "conclusions": "We have been able to measure the VFs of 36 galaxies at \\zzz\\ using deep exposures of the multiplex integral-field spectrograph GIRAFFE at the VLT in the multi-IFU mode, measuring the kinematics of the spatially and spectrally well resolved \\oii\\ emission line doublet. In combination with a similar study by Flores et al.\\ (2006), we have a relatively large and representative sample of 63 galaxies with $M_{\\rm stellar} \\ge 1.5\\times 10^{10}M_{\\sun}$. Thus, our results are representative for the population of intermediate-mass galaxies in this redshift range, and it cannot be affected by cosmic variance. To date, this is the only existing representative sample of distant galaxies with measured VFs. We confirm and consolidate the results of Flores et al.\\ (2006), that a significant fraction of intermediate mass galaxies had perturbed or complex kinematics 5 Gyrs ago. Our method to classify the kinematics of the galaxies is particularly robust. It attributes a large weight to the velocity dispersion in the central region of the galaxy, where the S/N are the highest. Even if we assume that all quiescent galaxies at \\zzz\\ had well ordered VFs, we find that 41$\\,\\pm\\,$7\\% of the galaxies are not kinematically relaxed, including 26$\\,\\pm\\,$7\\% of galaxies that show complex kinematics. Undoubtedly, galaxy kinematics are evolving very rapidly, since most present-day galaxies in the same mass range are likely to have ordered VFs. This result may be combined with the fact that anomalous VFs are responsible for most of the large observed dispersion of both the Tully-Fisher and the $j_{\\rm disk}$--$V_{\\rm max}$ relationships (see Flores et al.\\ 2006 and Puech et al.\\ 2007). It suggests a random walk evolution of galaxies related to a high fraction of merging events, including major mergers (Puech et al.\\ 2007). Mergers may indeed reproduce all the peculiar kinematics at \\zzz, as well as being responsible for the dispersion of fundamental relations. Other mechanisms, such as in-fall of high velocity gas clouds, gas outflows or bars may also contribute to the observed evolution in the kinematics. To understand their influences, and moreover the underlying mechanisms that activate them, requires detail analyzes of individual objects and as a prerequisite, a full model of the significance of the GIRAFFE measurements. If major merging is the main mechanism responsible for the large fraction of complex VFs, then this implies that, since $z\\!=\\!1$, from 50\\% to 70\\% of intermediate mass galaxies have experienced a major merger. This is quantitatively in good agreement with the spiral rebuilding scenario as proposed by Hammer et al.\\ (2005)." }, "0711/0711.4715_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% Here we describe the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey which is the largest, systematic, galaxy-wide search for massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) yet undertaken. Mid-IR bright point sources from the MSX satellite survey have been followed-up with ground-based radio, millimetre, and infrared observations to identify the contaminating sources and characterise the MYSOs and UCHII regions. With the initial classification now complete the distribution of sources in the galaxy will be discussed, as well as some programmes being developed to exploit our sample. ", "introduction": "Massive stars ($M$$>$8~\\msun, $L$$>$10$^4$~\\lsun) play a fundamental role in many areas of astrophysics. They are the principal source of UV radiation and heavy elements in galaxies, and are responsible for injecting huge amounts of kinetic energy into the ISM through powerful molecular outflows, strong stellar winds and supernova explosions. The momentum imparted through these processes provides an important source of mixing and turbulence within the ISM. They are also thought to play a key role in regulating star formation, either by disrupting molecular clouds before stars have been able to form, or constructively through the expansion of their HII regions (e.g., collect and collapse) or the propagation of strong shocks into their surroundings (e.g., radiatively driven implosion). Massive stars have an enormous influence not only on the physical structure and chemistry of their local environment, but also on the structure and evolution of their host galaxies. Despite the importance of massive stars the processes involved in their formation and the early stages of their evolution are still poorly understood. Massive stars reach the main sequence while still deeply embedded within their natal molecular clouds, and therefore their entire pre-main sequence formation and evolution is hidden behind high levels of extinction. They are extremely rare and as a consequence are generally located farther away than regions of low-mass star formation. The large distances are compounded by the fact that massive stars are through to form exclusively in clusters and limited spatial resolution makes it difficult to identify and attribute derived quantities to individual sources. Furthermore, the evolution of massive stars is extremely rapid, which means that key stages in their early evolution are short lived. Due to these observational difficulties, until relatively recently, the only catalogue of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) had been limited to 30 or so serendipitously detected sources (\\citealt{henning1984}) most of which are nearby. ", "conclusions": "The RMS survey aims to produce a large, unbiased sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) located throughout the Galaxy. We have colour-selected approximately 2000 MYSO candidates from the MSX and 2MASS point source catalogues that have colours similar to known MYSOs. We have almost completed a multi-wavelength programme of follow-up observations to distinguish between genuine MYSOs and types of embedded or dust enshrouded objects that have similar mid-infrared colours that contaminate our sample. So far using these observations we have unambiguously classified $\\sim$90\\% of our sample, approximately half of which are identified as either YSOs and UCHII regions. The luminosities of a sub-sample of these sources, for which good IRAS data are available, confirms that we are detecting a significant number of genuine MYSOs. When complete, we estimate our database will contain a well selected sample of $\\sim$500 bona fide MYSOs and a further 500--600 UCHII regions, along with complementary multi-wavelength observations. Now the classification is almost complete we have begun a number of observational programmes to exploit our sample and to address many open questions concerned with massive star formation. These include: high resolution observations of potentially triggered regions to investigate different triggering mechanisms; chemical surveys using millimetre lines and IR absorption features to investigate the chemistry and possible chemical evolution of MYSOs; investigation of molecular outflows associated with MYSOs; and high resolution spectroscopy of accretion disks. All of these programmes are being conducted on sub-samples selected as a function of luminosity, distance and location. The whole sample and all of the observational results of our multi-wavelength campaign are available at www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/RMS." }, "0711/0711.1076_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{In recent papers convincing evidence has been presented for chemical stratification in Ap star atmospheres, and surface abundance maps have been shown to correlate with the magnetic field direction. Radiatively driven diffusion, which is known to be sensitive to the magnetic field strength and direction, is among the processes responsible for these inhomogeneities.} {Here we explore the hypothesis that equilibrium stratifications -- such that the diffusive particle flux is close to zero throughout the atmosphere -- can in a number of cases explain the observed abundance maps and vertical distributions of the various elements.} {An iterative scheme adjusts the abundances in such a way as to achieve either zero particle flux or zero effective acceleration throughout the atmosphere, taking strength and direction of the magnetic field into account.} {The investigation of equilibrium stratifications in stellar atmospheres with temperatures from 8500 to 12000\\,K and fields up to 10\\,kG reveals considerable variations in the vertical distribution of the 5 elements studied (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe), often with zones of large over- or under-abundances and with indications of other competing processes (such as mass loss). Horizontal magnetic fields can be very efficient in helping the accumulation of elements in higher layers.} {A comparison between our calculations and the vertical abundance profiles and surface maps derived by magnetic Doppler imaging reveals that equilibrium stratifications are in a number of cases consistent with the main trends inferred from observed spectra. However, it is not clear whether such equilibrium solutions will ever be reached during the evolution of an Ap star.} ", "introduction": "Atomic diffusion in stars, when efficient enough to overcome mixing processes, leads to inhomogeneous abundance distributions of chemical elements. This is probably what happens in the atmospheres of upper main-sequence, chemically peculiar (CP) stars which exhibit a wide variety of strong abundance anomalies, since the outer layers of these stars can be considered stable enough to allow element diffusion to take place. A considerable number of papers, starting with Michaud (\\cite{mic70}), have examined to what extent the diffusion model is able to explain the observed anomalies. Often, but not always, these anomalies appear to be quite well correlated with the respective radiative accelerations (frequently the leading contribution to the diffusion velocity) of each element. However, the CP phenomenon involves so many complex processes that a direct comparison of observed apparent abundance anomalies and calculated radiative accelerations will not be sufficient for fully describing the build-up of abundance peculiarities. On the one hand, abundance determinations in the past did not take stratification of the chemical elements into account; on the other, these stratifications are built up by a time-dependent, non-linear diffusion process which is quite sensitive to magnetic fields and to macroscopic motions (residual turbulence or stellar wind for instance) and depends not only on radiative accelerations. Despite the fact that full modelling of atmospheres of CP stars is still out of reach, notable progress has been made in the field of diffusion. A first study addressing the special behaviour of silicon in magnetic atmospheres was carried out by Vauclair et al. (\\cite{vhp79}), followed by the quantitative modelling of Si stratification by Alecian \\& Vauclair (\\cite{alv81}). A theoretical prediction of manganese accumulation in hot CP stars was proposed by Alecian \\& Michaud (\\cite{alm81}), and a first attempt at detecting such a stratification was carried out by Alecian (\\cite{ale82}) in the HgMn star $\\upsilon$\\,Her using a method based on the curve of growth of Mn resonance lines. Abundances of iron peak elements in several HgMn stars were analysed in detail by Smith \\& Dworetsky (\\cite{smi93}). In their study, these authors used what were state of the art methods at that time, applying schematic corrections for the chemical stratifications. Within the framework of this approximate treatment, they found that their results were in excellent agreement with the predictions of the diffusion model. A detailed study of the stratifications of several metals in the magnetic star 53 Cam, assuming the presence of a stellar wind, is due to Babel \\& Michaud (\\cite{bam91}) and to Babel (\\cite{bam92}). Their main conclusion for that particular star was that diffusion alone cannot account for the observations and that more sophisticated models have to be developed, including mass loss confined by magnetic fields. These early studies were limited by technical constraints, such as insufficient computing power, and by the lack of atomic and observational data. Therefore no firm conclusions could be reached concerning the chemical stratifications produced by diffusion processes. Fortunately, the situation has improved drastically. Thanks to high performance detectors, inhomogeneous element distributions appear to be established beyond reasonable doubt; see e.g. Kochukhov et al. (\\cite{koc04}) for horizontal distributions in the magnetic atmosphere of 53 Cam and Kochukhov et al. (\\cite{koc06}) for vertical distributions in the Ap star HD\\,133792. Significant progress has also been made in modelling, since self-consistent atmospheric models for non-magnetic stars, including abundance stratifications compatible with the amount of elements which can be supported by radiative forces, are in an advanced stage of development (Hui-Bon-Hoa et al. \\cite{hbh02}). In the present paper, we attempt to advance one further step on the long path towards the complete modelling of the migration process of chemical elements, by looking for an equilibrium solution to the stratification of metals in magnetic atmospheres. We rely on the physics and methods presented in previous papers, where we have computed the Zeeman amplification of radiative accelerations in detail (Alecian \\& Stift \\cite{als04}), and studied diffusion velocities in magnetic atmospheres (Alecian \\& Stift, \\cite{als06}). The present work still assumes LTE and the temperature/pressure structure of the atmosphere is computed with solar abundances (ATLAS9, Kurucz, \\cite{kur93}). The CARAT code is used in the improved version discussed by Alecian \\& Stift (\\cite{als06}). It carries out full opacity sampling of Zeeman split spectral lines, determines the radiative flux by solving the polarised equation of radiative transfer, includes radiative accelerations due to bound-free transitions, and takes the redistribution of momentum among ions into account. In Section \\ref{sec:buildup} we discuss theoretical aspects of the element stratification process and in Section \\ref{sec:numerics} we present the numerical method used to obtain solutions for equilibrium stratifications. In Section \\ref{sec:resdisc} we discuss our results in view of recent observations. ", "conclusions": "\\label{seq:conclusion} In this work we present the first detailed numerical calculations of element stratifications due to atomic diffusion in magnetic atmospheres. This study addresses the abundance anomalies observed in Ap stars, either magnetic or non-magnetic (HgMn stars). Radiative accelerations are based on full opacity sampling of Zeeman split spectral lines, and diffusion velocities are obtained by the methods described in Alecian \\& Stift (\\cite{als06}). The stratifications derived in the present study correspond to equilibrium solutions: one looks for abundance stratifications such that diffusion velocities are close to zero everywhere in the atmosphere. Because of the high computational cost, we restricted our study to a few metals and stellar atmospheres. We want to explore those cases where our results can be compared with observed abundance maps and stratifications. We did not try to use atmospheric models corresponding perfectly to those derived from the observations of 53\\,Cam and of HD\\,133792, but instead used standard solar abundance ATLAS9 models that are close enough to allow a meaningful discussion. It emerges from this comparison that, in several cases, equilibrium solutions are consistent with stratifications reconstructed from observed Stokes spectra by means of magnetic Doppler imaging. However, significant differences also exist. Some of these differences may be partly due to possible shortcomings in the inversion of the observational material, but one has to keep in mind that our modelling approach, with its search of equilibrium stratifications, is more likely to be responsible. Indeed, equilibrium solutions can be very different from the stratifications encountered in real stars, which result from non-linear, time-dependent processes, with a competition between several physical processes (atomic diffusion, inhomogeneous mass-loss, complex magnetic geometries, NLTE effects, turbulence, etc.). The present study constitutes one more step toward the detailed modelling of magnetic atmospheres, but for the first time in this quest, the results we obtain can be compared with observations. Time-dependent atomic diffusion is the next step, which we shall address in the near future." }, "0711/0711.4465_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% I outline a method for estimating astrophysical parameters (APs) from multidimensional data. It is a supervised method based on matching observed data (e.g.\\ a spectrum) to a grid of pre-labelled templates. However, unlike standard machine learning methods such as ANNs, SVMs or k-nn, this algorithm {\\em explicitly} uses domain information to better weight each data dimension in the estimation. Specifically, it uses the sensitivity of each measured variable to each AP to perform a local, iterative interpolation of the grid. It avoids both the non-uniqueness problem of global regression as well as the grid resolution limitation of nearest neighbours. ", "introduction": "Consider the problem of estimating the astrophysical parameters (APs) of a star from its spectrum using a grid of pre-labelled spectra. Let ${\\vec p} = \\{p_i\\}$, $i=1 \\ldots I$ be the data vector (spectrum or multiband photometry) and ${\\vec \\phi} = \\{\\phi_j\\}$, $j=1 \\ldots J$ be the AP vector (e.g.\\ \\teff, \\logg, etc.). Standard approaches involve performing a global regression on the grid to infer the mapping $\\vec \\phi = g(\\vec p)$, using, for example, a artificial neural network (ANN) (e.g.\\ Bailer-Jones et al.\\ 1998) or a support vector machine (SVM) (e.g.\\ Tsalmantza et al.\\ 2006). Although these methods meet with reasonable success, they have problems when it comes to estimating multiple APs, in particular if some APs have a relatively weak signature (as is the case with \\logg\\ and [Fe/H]: compare the vertical scales in Fig.~\\ref{formod}). To overcome this we should weight the variables according to their sensitivity with respect to the APs of interest. In principle, ANNs and SVMs implicitly learn this weighting from the data, but this is difficult with many noisy variables. Furthermore, a global regression approach is strictly flawed, because while the photon counts in a band varies uniquely with the APs, the converse is not true (Fig.~\\ref{formod}). The global regression is trying to solve an inverse problem and the lack of uniqueness could lead to a poor fit. This degeneracy problem is exacerbated at low spectral resolution and by noise. \\begin{figure}[t] \\epsscale{0.80} \\plotone{O9.3_1.eps} \\caption{Variation of photon counts with \\logteff\\ (top) and \\logg\\ (bottom) in three filters (bands). A $J$-dimensional fit to each band (independently) is a forward model. This is a true function (unlike a fit to the inverse).} \\label{formod} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "The algorithm currently performs slightly worse than one of the best generic regression algorithms available (an SVM), yet this is not bad considering that (a) it is in an early stage of development, and (b) the results were obtained using a (suboptimal) {\\em linear} forward model. Unlike ANNs, the dimensionality of the algorithm's fitting depends on the number of APs ($J$), not the number of data dimensions ($I$), so it should scale well to typical spectral problems ($J$ is a few, $I$ is a few thousand). Moreover, the method has the ability to detect and report multiple solutions which arise from degeneracies in the data (see Fig.~\\ref{formod})." }, "0711/0711.1240_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ In supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, the lightest neutralino, the gravitino, and the axino can appear as the lightest supersymmetric particle and as such provide a compelling explanation of the non-baryonic dark matter in our Universe. For each of these dark matter candidates, I review the present status of primordial production mechanisms, cosmological constraints, and prospects of experimental identification. \\PACS{ {95.35.+d}{Dark matter} \\and {12.60.Jv}{Supersymmetric models} \\and {04.65.+e}{Supergravity} } % } % ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Numerous astrophysical and cosmological considerations point to the existence of non-baryonic dark matter in our Universe~\\cite{Bergstrom:2000pn,Bertone:2004pz}. In fact, based on observations of supernovae, galaxy clusters, and the cosmic microwave background (CMB), we believe today that our Universe is flat with about 76\\%, 20\\%, and 4\\% of the critical energy density $\\rho_c$ provided in the form of dark energy, non-baryonic dark matter, and baryons, respectively~\\cite{Spergel:2006hy,Yao:2006px}. A nominal ``$3\\sigma$'' range% \\footnote{Note that the nominal ``$3\\sigma$'' range is derived assuming a restrictive six-parameter ``vanilla'' model. A larger range is possible---even with additional data from other cosmological probes---if the fit is performed in the context of a more general model that includes other physically motivated parameters such as a nonzero neutrino mass~\\cite{Hamann:2006pf}. Thereby, the range $0.094 < \\Omega_{\\CDM} h^2 < 0.136$ has been obtained in Ref.~\\cite{Hamann:2006pf}.} of the dark matter density $\\Omega_{\\CDM}=\\rho_{\\CDM}/\\rho_c$ can be inferred from measurements of the CMB anisotropies by the Wilkinson Micro\\-wave An\\-iso\\-tropy Probe (WMAP) satellite~\\cite{Spergel:2006hy} \\begin{equation} \\Omega_{\\CDM}^{3\\sigma}h^2=0.105^{+0.021}_{-0.030} \\label{Eq:OmegaDM} \\end{equation} with $h=0.73^{+0.04}_{-0.03}$ denoting the Hubble constant in units of $100\\,\\km\\,\\Mpc^{-1}\\seconds^{-1}$. Relying on the pieces of evidence, we think that a particle physics candidate for dark matter has to be electrically neutral, color neutral,% \\footnote{A colored dark matter candidate is disfavored by severe limits from searches for anomalous heavy nuclei~\\cite{Yao:2006px}.} and stable or have a lifetime $\\tau_{\\CDM}$ that is not much smaller than the age of the Universe today $t_0 \\simeq 14~\\mathrm{Gyr}$. Moreover, the species providing the dominant contribution to $\\Omega_{\\CDM}$ have to be sufficiently slow to allow for structure formation. For example, since the neutrinos of the Standard Model are too light, $\\sum_i m_{\\nu_i} \\lesssim \\Order(1~\\eV)$~\\cite{Lesgourgues:2006nd}, they were too fast at early times. Accordingly, they are classified as hot dark matter which can constitute only a minor fraction of $\\Omega_{\\CDM}$ since otherwise structure formation cannot be understood~\\cite{Hannestad:2007dd}. Thus, the observationally inferred dark matter density can be considered as evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. Supersymmetric (SUSY) extensions of the Standard Model are an appealing concept because of their remarkable properties, for example, with respect to gauge coupling unification, the hierarchy problem, and the embedding of gravity~\\cite{Wess:1992cp,Nilles:1983ge,Haber:1984rc,Martin:1997ns,Drees:2004jm,Baer:2006rs}. As superpartners of the Standard Model particles, new particles appear including fields that are electrically neutral and color neutral. Since they have not been detected at particle accelerators, these sparticles must be heavy or extremely weakly interacting. Because of the non-observation of reactions that violate lepton number $L$ or baryon number $B$, it is often assumed---as also in this review---that SUSY theories respect the multiplicative quantum number \\begin{align} \\mathrm{R}=(-1)^{3B+L+2S} \\ , \\end{align} known as R-parity, with $S$ denoting the spin. Since Standard Model particles and superpartners carry respectively even (+1) and odd (-1) R-parity, its conservation implies that superpartners can only be produced or annihilated in pairs and that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) cannot decay even if it is heavier than most (or all) of the Standard Model particles.% \\footnote{While R-parity conservation is assumed in this review, its violation is a realistic option; see, e.g., \\cite{Dreiner:1997uz,Allanach:2007vi,Takayama:2000uz,Buchmuller:2007ui,Ibarra:2007jz}.} An electrically neutral and color neutral LSP can thus be a compelling dark matter candidate. For the lightest neutralino, the gravitino, and the axino, which are well-motivated LSP candidates, this is shown below. For each scenario, I will address implications for cosmology and experimental prospects. Note that the discussion of gravitino/axino dark matter in Sects.~\\ref{sec:GravitinoDM} and~\\ref{sec:AxinoDM} will be more extensive than the one of neutralino dark matter in Sect.~\\ref{sec:NeutalinoDM}, for which numerous excellent reviews exist such as~\\cite{Jungman:1995df,Drees:2004jm,Olive:2007hm,Bertone:2007ki}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:Conclusion} \\begin{table*} \\caption{Supersymmetric dark matter candidates, their identity, and key properties. With the listed production mechanisms, $\\Omega_{\\LSP}=\\Omega_{\\CDM}$ is possible. The respective production leads typically to a cold, warm, or hot dark matter component as indicated. Quantities marked with `(?)' seem to be unaccessible in light of the current understanding of cosmological constraints within a standard thermal history.} \\label{tab:SUSYDMCandidates} \\begin{tabular}{lllllll} \\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} LSP & identity & mass & interactions & production & constraints & experiments\\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip}\\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} $\\widetilde{\\chi}^0_1$ & lightest neutralino & $\\Order(100\\,\\GeV)$ & g, g', $y_i$ & therm.~relic & $\\leftarrow$ cold & indirect searches \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & (spin 1/2)& & weak & & & direct searches \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & mixture of& & {\\tiny $M_{\\mathrm{W}}\\sim 100~\\GeV$} & & & collider searches \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & $\\Bino$, $\\Wino$, $\\HiggsinoUp$, $\\HiggsinoDown$& & & & & \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip}\\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} $\\widetilde{G}$ & gravitino & eV--TeV & $(p/\\MPl)^{n}$ & therm.~prod. & $\\leftarrow$ cold & $\\stau$ prod. at colliders \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & (spin 3/2)& & extremely weak & NLSP decay & $\\leftarrow$ warm & + $\\stau$ collection \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & superpartner& & {\\tiny $\\MPl = 2.4\\!\\times\\! 10^{18}\\,\\GeV$} & & & + $\\stau$ decay analysis \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & of the graviton& & & & BBN& $\\hookrightarrow$ $\\mgravitino$, $\\MPl$ (?) \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip}\\hline\\noalign{\\smallskip} $\\widetilde{a}$ & axino & eV--GeV & $(p/f_a)^{n}$ & therm.~relic. & $\\leftarrow$ hot/warm & $\\stau$ prod. at colliders \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & (spin 1/2)& & extremely weak & therm.~prod. & $\\leftarrow$ cold/warm & + $\\stau$ collection \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & superpartner& & {\\tiny $f_a\\gtrsim 10^{9}\\,\\GeV$} & NLSP decay & $\\leftarrow$ warm/hot& + $\\stau$ decay analysis \\vspace{0.1cm} \\\\ & of the axion& & & & BBN& $\\hookrightarrow$ $m_{\\ax}$ (?), $f_a$ \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip}\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table*} Dark matter is strong evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. Extending the Standard Model with SUSY, an electrically neutral and color neutral LSP becomes a dark matter candidate for conserved R-parity. I have shown that the neutralino $\\neutralino$, the gravitino $\\gravitino$, and the axino $\\axino$ can be the LSP and as such explain the non-baryonic dark matter in our Universe. The neutralino $\\neutralino$ is already part of the MSSM which provides a solution of the hierarchy problem and allows for gauge coupling unification. Being the superpartner of the graviton and the gauge field associated with supergravity, the gravitino $\\gravitino$ is equally well motivated with a mass $\\mgr$ that reflects the SUSY breaking scale. As the superpartner of the axion, also the axino $\\axino$ appears naturally once the strong CP problem is solved with the Peccei--Quinn mechanism in a SUSY setting. While mass values and interactions can be very different for the $\\neutralino$, $\\gravitino$, and $\\axino$, I have illustrated for each of these LSP candidates that natural regions in the parameter space exist in which $\\Omega_{\\LSP}=\\Omega_{\\CDM}$. These regions are limited by bounds from electroweak precision observables, B-physics observables, Higgs and sparticle searches at LEP, and by BBN constraints. The constraints from $\\Omega_{\\CDM}$ and BBN also imply serious upper limits on the reheating temperature after inflation $\\TR$ which can be relevant for models of inflation and baryogenesis. Most promising are the experimental prospects in the case of the $\\neutralino$ LSP. Being a WIMP, the $\\neutralino$ LSP should be accessible in direct and indirect dark matter searches. Indeed, first hints might have already been found in the EGRET data~\\cite{deBoer:2005bd,Elsaesser:2004ap}. With ongoing indirect searches, the increasing sensitivity of direct searches, and the advent of the LHC at which $\\neutralino$ dark matter could be produced, we will be able to test whether these hints are indeed the first evidence for the existence of SUSY dark matter. While an excess in missing transverse energy is expected to be the first evidence for SUSY at the LHC already within the next three years, the identification of the $\\neutralino$ being the LSP will require the reconstruction of the SUSY model realized in nature. If superparticles are within the kinematical reach, precision studies at the ILC will be crucial for this endeavor. In the $\\gravitino/\\axino$ LSP scenarios with conserved R-parity, no dark matter signal should appear in direct or indirect searches. However, since an electrically charged LOSP such as the $\\stau$ is viable in the $\\gravitino/\\axino$ LSP scenarios, (quasi-) stable $\\stau$'s might occur as muon-like particles instead of an excess in missing transverse energy. Indeed, an excess of (quasi-) stable $\\stau$'s could appear as an alternative first evidence for SUSY at the LHC in the next three years. Because of the severe upper limits on the abundance of stable charged particles~\\cite{Yao:2006px}, one would then expect that the $\\stau$ is the NLSP that decays eventually into the $\\gravitino/\\axino$ LSP or that R-parity is broken. A distinction between these scenarios will require the analysis of the $\\stau$ decays. For this challenge, the ILC with its tunable beam energy seems crucial~\\cite{Hamaguchi:2004df,Feng:2004yi,Martyn:2006as,Hamaguchi:2006vu,Martyn:2007mj}. Table~\\ref{tab:SUSYDMCandidates} presents an overview of the SUSY dark matter candidates discussed in this review. As the LSP, each of them---the lightest neutralino $\\neutralino$, the gravitino $\\gravitino$, or the axino $\\axino$---could provide $\\Omega_{\\CDM}$ and could be produced and identified at colliders in the near future. \\bigskip I would like to thank the organizers of SUSY 2007 for inviting me to an exciting and stimulating conference. I am grateful to A.~Brandenburg, L.~Covi, A.~Freitas, K.~Hamaguchi, G.~Panotopoulos, T.~Plehn, J.~Pradler, L.~Rosz\\-kowski, S.~Schilling, N.~Tajuddin, Y.~Y.~Y.~Wong, D.~Wyler, and M.~Zagermann for valuable discussions and collaborations on the topics covered in this review." }, "0711/0711.1289_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the properties of the discrete X-ray sources detected in our monitoring program of the `typical' elliptical galaxy, NGC 3379, observed with {\\em Chandra} ACIS-S in five separate pointings, resulting in a co-added exposure of 324-ks. From this deep observation, 132 sources have been detected within the region overlapped by all observations, 98 of which lie within the $D_{25}$ ellipse of the galaxy. These 132 sources range in \\LX\\ from 6$\\times 10^{35}$ \\ergps\\ (with 3$\\sigma$ upper limit $\\le$4$\\times 10^{36}$ \\ergps) to $\\sim2~\\times 10^{39}$\\ergps, including one source with \\LX$>1~\\times 10^{39}$\\ergps, which has been classified as a ULX. From optical data, 10 X-ray sources have been determined to be coincident with a globular cluster, these sources tend to have high X-ray luminosity, with three of these sources exhibiting \\LX$> 1\\times10^{38}$\\ergps. From X-ray source photometry, it has been determined that the majority of the 132 sources that have well constrained colors, have values that are consistent with typical LMXB spectra. Additionally to this, a sub-population of 10 sources has been found to exhibit very hard spectra and it is expected that most of these sources are absorbed background AGN. There are 64 sources in this population that exhibit long-term variability, indicating that they are accreting compact objects. 5 of these sources have been identified as transient candidates, with a further 3 possible transients. Spectral variations have also been identified in the majority of the source population, where a diverse range of variability has been identified, indicating that there are many different source classes located within this galaxy. ", "introduction": "Low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are the only direct fossil evidence of the formation and evolution of binary stars in the old stellar populations of early-type galaxies. First discovered in the Milky Way (see Giacconi 1974), these binaries are composed of a compact accretor, neutron star or black hole, and a late-type stellar donor. The origin and evolution of Galactic LMXBs has been the subject of much discussion, centered on two main evolution paths (see Grindlay 1984; review by Verbunt \\& Van den Heuvel 1995): the evolution of primordial binary systems in the stellar field, or formation and evolution in Globular Cluster (GC). With the advent of {\\em Chandra} (Weisskopf \\etal\\ 2000), many LMXB populations have been discovered in early-type galaxies (see review Fabbiano 2006), and the same evolutionary themes (field or GC formation and evolution) have again surfaced, supported and stimulated by a considerably larger and growing body of data. These {\\em Chandra} observations have provided important results on the spatial distributions and X-ray luminosity functions of LMXB populations (e.g., Kim \\& Fabbiano 2004; Gilfanov 2004), on their average spectra, and on their association with GCs (e.g. Angelini \\etal\\ 2001; Kundu \\etal\\ 2002; White \\etal\\ 2002; Sivakoff \\etal\\ 2006). However, most of the {\\em Chandra} observations of LMXB systems so far consist of fairly shallow individual snapshots for each observed galaxy, with limiting luminosity ($\\sim0.3-$8.0~keV) of a few $10^{37}$~erg~s$^{-1}$. These data give us information on the high luminosity LMXB sources, but do not cover the typical luminosity range of the well studied LMXB populations of the Galaxy and M31, which extends down a decade towards dimmer luminosities. Moreover, apart from rare exceptions, these observations do not have the time sampling that would permit variability studies and the identification of X-ray transients. Although, from this limited sample of multi-epoch observations with higher limiting luminosities, already a variety of different variability behaviours of LMXBs have been observed (e.g. Irwin 2006; Sivakoff \\etal\\ 2007). Both multi-epoch observations and low luminosity thresholds are important aspects of the observational characteristics of Galactic LMXBs and are needed for constraining the evolution of these populations (e.g., Piro \\& Bildsten 2002, Bildsten \\& Deloye 2004). For these reasons we proposed (and were awarded) a very large program of monitoring observations of nearby elliptical galaxies with {\\em Chandra} ACIS-S3. NGC3379, in the nearby poor group Leo (D=10.6~Mpc (Tonry \\etal\\ 2001)) was chosen for this study because is a relatively isolated unperturbed `typical' elliptical galaxy, with an old stellar population (age of 9.3~Gyr, Terlevich \\& Forbes 2002) and a poor globular cluster system ($S_{GC}=1.3 \\pm 0.7$, Harris 1991; where $S_{GC}$ = No.GC$\\times 10^{(0.4(M_V+15))}$). These characteristics make NGC3379 ideal for exploring the evolution of LMXB from primordial field binaries. Observationally, NGC3379 is an ideal target for LMXB population studies, because of its proximity, resulting in a resolution of $\\sim30$~pc with {\\em Chandra}, and the lack of a prominent hot gaseous halo, demonstrated by a previous short {\\em Chandra} observation (David \\etal\\ 2005). These characteristics optimize the detection of fainter LMXBs, and minimize source confusion; because of its angular diameter ($D_{25} = 4.6$ arcmin, RC3), NGC3379 is entirely contained in the ACIS-S3 CCD chip, and is not affected by the degradation of the {\\it Chandra} PSF at large radii. Here we publish the catalog of LMXBs with their properties resulting from the entire observational campaign of NGC3379 (four observations between January 2006 and January 2007, for a total of $\\sim300$~ks), which has been recently completed, and including the first 30~ks observation taken in 2001, from the {\\it Chandra} archive. In the companion paper (Fabbiano \\etal\\ 2007) we summarize our results relative to GC-LMXB associations and discuss their implications for our understanding of LMXB formation. In addition to these two papers, further highlights from the X-ray binary population of NGC 3379 will be presented in Brassington \\etal\\ (2008, in prep), where the properties of the transient population of NGC 3379 will be presented. Forthcoming papers will also present: the properties of the ULX, the X-ray luminosity function and the diffuse emission of the galaxy, as well as the properties of the nuclear source and the intensity and spectral variability of the luminous X-ray binary population. Preliminary results from the first {\\it Chandra} observations of our program were reported in Kim \\etal\\ (2006) and Fabbiano \\etal\\ (2006). This paper is organized as follows: \\S 2. details the observational program and describes the data analysis methods and results, including pipeline processing of the data, source detection, astrometry and matching of sources from the different observations, X-ray photometry and overall population results, variability analysis and optical counterpart matching (GC and background objects); \\S 3. is the source catalog, including the results from the individual observations and the co-added data; \\S 4 presents the discussion of the properties of the sources catalog; \\S 5 summarizes the conclusions of this work. ", "conclusions": "We have presented a source catalog and variability atlas resulting from our monitoring deep observations of the nearby elliptical NGC 3379 with \\CHANDRA\\ ACIS-S. Our results can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item{132 X-ray point sources have been detected within NGC 3379, ranging in luminosity from 6$\\times 10^{35}$\\ergps\\ (with 3$\\sigma$ upper limit $\\le$4$\\times 10^{36}$ \\ergps) to $\\sim2~\\times 10^{39}$\\ergps, with 98 of these sources residing within the $D_{25}$ ellipse of the galaxy.} \\item{Only one ULX has been identified within this galaxy, with a galactocentric radius of 6.7\\arcsec, and a peak luminosity of \\LX$\\sim3\\times10^{39}$\\ergps.} \\item{Ten globular clusters have been identified to be coincident with X-ray sources, all of which lie within the $D_{25}$ ellipse of the galaxy. These GC-LMXB associations tend to have high X-ray luminosities, with three of these sources exhibiting \\LX$>~1\\times10^{38}$\\ergps.} \\item{From source photometry, it has been determined that the majority of source with well constrained colors have values that are consistent with a typical LMXB spectrum of $\\Gamma=1.5-2.0$, with no intrinsic absorption.} \\item{A sub-population of 10 sources has been found to exhibit very hard spectra. These objects are distributed uniformly in the sky and it is expected that most of these sources are absorbed background AGN.} \\item{64 sources, 48\\% of the X-ray source population, have been found to exhibit some type of long-term variability, which clearly identifies them as accreting compact objects. 5 of these variable sources have been identified as transient candidates, with a further 3 identified as possible transients.} \\item{Spectral variability analysis has revealed that the sources within NGC 3379 exhibit a range of variability patterns, where both high/soft$-$low/hard and low/soft$-$high/hard spectral transitions have been observed, as well as sources that vary in luminosity, but exhibit no spectral variation, indicating that there are many different source classes within this galaxy.} \\end{itemize} In addition to this catalog paper, our companion paper Fabbiano \\etal\\ (2007) discusses the dearth of low-luminosity GC-LMXBs within this galaxy. Further highlights from the X-ray binary population of NGC 3379 will also be presented in Brassington \\etal\\ (2008, in prep), where the properties of the transient population of NGC 3379 will be presented. Forthcoming papers will also present: the properties of the ULX, the X-ray luminosity function and the diffuse emission of the galaxy, as well as the properties of the nuclear source and the intensity and spectral variability of the luminous X-ray binary population. The results from this deep observation will then be compared to the X-ray source catalog of the old, GC rich elliptical galaxies NGC 4278, which has also recently been the subject of a deep \\CHANDRA\\ observation. \\appendix" }, "0711/0711.2655_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use the large cosmological Millennium Simulation (MS) to construct the first all-sky maps of the lensing potential and the deflection angle, aiming at gravitational lensing of the CMB, with the goal of properly including small-scale non-linearities and non-Gaussianity. Exploiting the Born approximation, we implement a map-making procedure based on direct ray-tracing through the gravitational potential of the MS. We stack the simulation box in redshift shells up to $z\\sim 11$, producing continuous all-sky maps with arcminute angular resolution. A randomization scheme avoids repetition of structures along the line of sight and structures larger than the MS box size are added to supply the missing contribution of large-scale (LS) structures to the lensing signal. The angular power spectra of the projected lensing potential and the deflection-angle modulus agree quite well with semi-analytic estimates on scales down to a few arcminutes, while we find a slight excess of power on small scales, which we interpret as being due to non-linear clustering in the MS. Our map-making procedure, combined with the LS adding technique, is ideally suited for studying lensing of CMB anisotropies, for analyzing cross-correlations with foreground structures, or other secondary CMB anisotropies such as the Rees-Sciama effect. ", "introduction": "\\label{i} \\renewcommand{\\thefootnote}{\\fnsymbol{footnote}} \\footnotetext[1]{E-mail: carbone@ieec.uab.es} \\footnotetext[2]{E-mail: volker@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE} \\footnotetext[3]{E-mail: bacci@sissa.it} \\footnotetext[4]{E-mail: mbartelmann@ita.uni-heidelberg.de} \\footnotetext[5]{E-mail: sabino.matarrese@pd.infn.it} \\renewcommand{\\thefootnote}{\\arabic{footnote}} The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is characterized both by primary anisotropies, imprinted at the last scattering surface, and by secondary anisotropies caused along the way to us by density inhomogeneities and re-scatterings on electrons that are freed during the epoch of reionization, and heated to high temperature when massive structures virialize. One of the interesting effects that can generate secondary anisotropies is the weak gravitational lensing of the CMB, which arises from the distortions induced in the geodesics of CMB photons by gradients in the gravitational matter potential \\citep{Matthias_rew,Lewis06}. Forthcoming CMB probes do have the sensitivity and expected instrumental performance which may allow a detection of the lensing distortions of the primary CMB anisotropies, which would then also provide new insights and constraints on the expansion history of the universe and on the process of cosmological structure formation \\citep{acquaviva_baccigalupi_2006,hu_etal_2006}. However, accurate predictions for the expected anisotropies in total intensity and polarization are clearly needed for analyzing this future data, which demands for detailed simulated maps. The increasing availability of high-resolution N-body simulations in large periodic volumes makes it possible to directly simulate the CMB distortions caused by weak lensing using realistic cosmological structure formation calculations. This work represents a first step in that direction. Existing studies already give access to statistical properties of the expected all-sky CMB lensing signal, such as the two-point correlation function and the power spectrum of the lensing potential and deflection angle, see e.g. \\citep{Lewis05} and references therein. This is based on `semi-analytic' calculations that use approximate parameterizations of the non-linear evolution of the matter power spectrum. On the other hand, up to now N-body numerical simulations have been used to lens the CMB only on small patches of the sky in order to exploit the practicality of the flat-sky approximation, see e.g. \\citep{Amblard et al 04} and references therein. However, our approach of propagating rays through the forming dark matter structures gives access to the full statistics of the signal, including non-linear and non-Gaussian effects. Furthermore, it allows the accurate characterization of correlations of CMB lensing distortions with the cosmic large-scale structure, and with other foregrounds such as the Sunyaev-Zeldovich and Rees-Sciama effects. Hopefully this will allow improvements in the methods for separating the different contributions to CMB anisotropies in the data, which would be of tremendous help to uncover all the cosmological information in the forthcoming observations. \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{!}{\\includegraphics{stacking.ps}} \\caption{Sketch of the adopted stacking and randomization process. The passage of CMB photons through the dark matter distribution of the Universe is followed by stacking the gravitational potential boxes of the MS, which are $500\\,h^{-1}{\\rm Mpc}$ on a side (comoving). Shells of thickness $500\\,h^{-1}{\\rm Mpc}$ are filled with periodic replicas of the box. All boxes (squares) that fall into the same shell are randomized with the same coordinate transformation (rotation and translation), which, in turn, differs from shell to shell.} \\label{stacking} \\end{center} \\end{figure*} From an experimental point of view, the improved precision of the CMB observations, in particular that of the next generation experiments\\footnote{See \\textsf{lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov} for a complete list of operating and planned CMB experiments}, may in fact require an accurate delensing methodology and a detailed lensing reconstruction. CMB experiments targeting for instance the CMB polarization, and in particular the curl component of the polarization tensor, the so called $B$-modes from cosmological gravitational waves, may greatly benefit from a precise knowledge of the lensing effects in order to separate them from the primordial cosmological signal \\citep{seljak_hirata_2004}. In particular, for a correct interpretation of the data from the forthcoming Planck satellite\\footnote{www.rssd.esa.int/PLANCK}, it will be absolutely essential to understand and model the CMB lensing, as the satellite has the sensitivity and overall instrumental performance for measuring the CMB lensing with good accuracy. We note that a first detection of CMB lensing in data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP\\footnote{See \\textsf{map.gsfc.nasa.gov}}) combined with complementary data has already been claimed by \\citep{smith_etal_2007} and \\citep{Seljak0108}. In this study we introduce a new methodology for the construction of all-sky lensing-potential and deflection-angle maps, based on a very large cosmological simulation, the {\\it Millennium} run \\citep{Springel2005}. As a first step in the analysis of the maps produced using the MS dark matter distribution, we have determined the interval of angular scales on which these maps match the semi-analytical expectations, since we expected a lack of lensing power on large scales, due to the finite volume of the N-body simulation. To compensate for this effect, we have implemented a method for adding large-scale power which allows to recover the correct lensing signal on the scales outside this interval, i.e. on scales larger than the MS box size. At the other extreme, at the smallest resolved scales, we are interested in the question whether our maps show evidence for extra lensing power due to the accurate representation of higher-order non-linear effects in our simulation methodology. On these small scales, the impact of non-Gaussianities from the mapping of non-linear lenses is expected to be largest. This paper is organized as follows. In Section \\ref{lmvtba}, we briefly describe the basic aspects of lensing relevant to our work. In Section \\ref{mmpwtms}, we describe the N-body simulation and the details of our map-making procedure. In Section~\\ref{tslpada}, we present the lensing-potential and deflection-angle maps, and study the distribution of power in the angular domain. In Section~\\ref{c} we provide a summary and discussion. ", "conclusions": "\\label{c} We constructed the first all sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) weak-lensing potential and deflection angle based on a high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation, the Millennium Run Simulation (MS). The lensing potential and deflection angle are evaluated in the Born approximation by directly ray-tracing through a three-dimensional, high-resolution mesh of the evolving peculiar gravitational potential and its gradient. The time evolution is approximated by 53 simulation outputs between redshift $z=0$ and $z\\simeq 11$, each used to cover a thin redshift interval corresponding to a shell in the past light-cone around the observer. To prevent artificial repetition of structures along the line-of-sight, while at the same time avoiding discontinuities in the force transverse to a line-of-sight, we tessellate shells of comoving thickness corresponding to the size of the box ($500\\,h^{-1}{\\rm Mpc}$) with periodic replicas which are coherently rotated and translated within each shell by a random amount. Moreover, in order to include the contribution to the lensing signal from the scales larger than the MS box size, we have implemented a method for adding large-scale structure as described in the text. Using the Hierarchical Equal Area Latitude Pixelization (\\textsf{HEALPIX}) package for obtaining a uniform sky-coverage, we have constructed simulated CMB lensing maps with $\\sim 5$ million pixels and an angular resolution of $\\sim 1.72^\\prime$, based on potential fields calculated on $2560^3$ meshes from the Millennium simulation. In the present study, we analyze the power spectrum of the lensing potential and the deflection angle, and compare it with predictions made by semi-analytic approaches. We note that our general approach for map-making can be extended to other CMB foregrounds, including the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) and Rees-Sciama effects at low redshifts, as well as estimates of the Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) effects, or of the X-ray background. This will in particular allow studies of the cross-correlation of the lensing of CMB temperature and polarization with these effects, which will be the subject of a forthcoming study. In our approach we do not take into account the contributions of the baryonic physics to the lensing effects on the CMB. We expect in fact that these contributions could be non-negligible only on the typical scales of cluster cores and below, thus well above $l\\sim 3000$. Our comparison of the angular power spectrum of the lensing-potential and the deflection-angle with semi-analytic expectations reveals two different regimes in our results. First, for multipoles up to $l\\sim 2500$, our simulated maps produce a lensing signal that matches the semi-analytic expectation. Second, we find evidence for a slight excess of power in our simulated maps on scales corresponding to few arcminutes and less, which we attribute to the accurate inclusion of non-linear power in the Millennium simulation. It will be especially interesting to study the non-Gaussianities in the signal we found and its implied consequences for CMB observations. The new method proposed here demonstrates that an all-sky mapping of CMB lensing can be obtained based on modern high-resolution N-body simulations. This opens the way towards a full and accurate characterization of CMB lensing statistics, which is unaccessible beyond the power spectrum with the existing semi-analytical techniques. This is relevant in view of the forthcoming CMB probes, both as a way to detect, extract and study the CMB lensing signal, which carries hints on the early structure formation as well as the onset of cosmic acceleration, and as a tool to distinguish CMB lensing from the Gaussian contribution due to primordial gravitational fluctuations." }, "0711/0711.2180_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present internal surface-brightness profiles, based on HST/ACS imaging in the $F606W$ bandpass, for 131 globular cluster (GC) candidates with luminosities $L\\simeq 10^4$--$3\\times10^6\\,L_\\odot$ in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128. Several structural models are fit to the profile of each cluster and combined with mass-to-light ratios from population-synthesis models, to derive a catalogue of fundamental structural and dynamical parameters parallel in form to the catalogues recently produced by \\citeauthor{mcl05} and by \\citeauthor{barmby07} for GCs and massive young star clusters in Local Group galaxies. As part of this, we provide corrected and extended parameter estimates for another 18 clusters in NGC 5128, which we observed previously. We show that, like GCs in the Milky Way and some of its satellites, the majority of globulars in NGC 5128 are well fit by isotropic \\citeauthor{wil75} models, which have intrinsically more distended envelope structures than the standard \\citeauthor{king66} lowered isothermal spheres. We use our models to predict internal velocity dispersions for every cluster in our sample. These predictions agree well in general with the observed dispersions in a small number of clusters for which spectroscopic data are available. In a subsequent paper, we use these results to investigate scaling relations for GCs in NGC 5128. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The spatial structures and internal stellar kinematics of old globular clusters (GCs) contain information on both their initial conditions and their dynamical evolution over a Hubble time. An efficient way of extracting this information is to fit detailed models to the surface-brightness profiles and (where available) velocity-dispersion data of individual clusters, and then to look for possible correlations between the physical properties of large numbers of GCs. This has been done for most of the $\\simeq\\! 150$ globulars in the Milky Way, yielding comprehensive catalogues of their structural and dynamical parameters \\citep{djo93,pry93,har96,mcl05}. Much of this work has traditionally started from the assumption that individual globulars are well described by the classic \\citet{king66} models of single-mass, isotropic, modified isothermal spheres, although recently alternative models have also been employed \\citep{mcl05}. Explorations of numerous scaling relations and interdependences between the properties of Galactic GCs \\citep[e.g.,][]{djo94} have led to the definition of a fundamental plane for globulars that is analogous to but physically distinct from that for early-type galaxies and bulges \\citep{djo95,bur97,mcl00}. Understanding the GC fundamental plane in full detail is still not a completely solved problem, but important advances have been made in recent years as it has become possible to measure the internal properties of GCs in many other galaxies. High-resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging has been used to fit \\citet{king66} and other models to the surface-brightness profiles of scores of globulars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and the Fornax dwarf spheroidal \\citep{mg03a,mg03b,mg03c,mcl05}, M31 \\citep[e.g.,][]{barmby02,barmby07}, M33 \\citep{lar02}, and the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 = Centaurus A (\\citealt{hol99,har02}). Internal velocity dispersions and dynamical mass estimates are also available for smaller but growing numbers of GCs in these systems \\citep{djo97,dub97,lar02,marho04,rej07}. Here we add to this database with structural measurements of 131 GCs in NGC 5128. This galaxy is an attractive target for such studies in part because of its large GC population, estimated by \\citet{har06} at ${\\cal N}_{\\rm GC} \\simeq 1500$. It thus contains many objects at the high end of the star-cluster mass range ($10^6$--$10^7\\ M_{\\odot}$), which is largely unprobed in the ten-times smaller GC system of the Milky Way but where it is increasingly suggested that the cluster population may encompass a variety of objects including classic globulars, the compact nuclei of dwarf elliptical galaxies, and the new class of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies \\citep{hilker99,drink00,hasegan05}. In addition, the proximity of NGC 5128 ($D=3.8$~Mpc; see below) makes it possible to resolve the core radii as well as just the half-light radii of GCs over nearly their full mass range ($M\\ga 10^4\\ M_\\odot$), and thus to fit them rigorously with detailed structural models. This paper is the third in a series of four dealing with HST observations of GCs in NGC 5128. In \\citet[][$\\equiv$~\\citetalias{har02}]{har02} the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) aboard HST were used to measure surface-brightness profiles for 27 very bright GCs in NGC 5128. \\citet{king66} models were fitted to these profiles to derive a structural fundamental plane that could be compared directly to that of the Milky Way globulars. In \\citet[][$\\equiv$~\\citetalias{har06}]{har06} we published the first results from a new HST-based survey of GCs in NGC 5128, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) in its Wide Field Channel (WFC) to image a total of 131 GC candidates at a resolution of 0\\farcs05 (linear resolution $\\simeq\\! 0.9$ parsec). \\citetalias{har06} gives the full description of the cluster sample along with some rough overall characteristics of the ensemble of objects. In the present paper, we derive surface brightness profiles for all of these clusters and fit each of them with a number of different structural models. The final paper in this series \\citep[][$\\equiv$~\\citetalias{mcl07}]{mcl07} uses these results to examine a number of structural correlations for GCs in NGC 5128, which are then compared to the globulars in the Milky Way and to various other types of massive clusters. In related work, \\citet{barmby07} present the results of a similar ACS study of GCs in M31 and compare the fundamental planes of old GCs in that galaxy, the Milky Way, NGC 5128, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and the Fornax dwarf spheroidal. In the next Section we describe the steps we have taken to derive surface brightness profiles for the GC candidates from \\citetalias{har06}, to characterise the point-spread function (PSF) that blurs the very central regions ($R\\la 2$--3~pc) of these profiles, to transform the surface-brightness data from their native HST filter to the standard $V$ bandpass, and to estimate metallicities for the clusters from separate, ground-based Washington photometry. In \\S\\ref{sec:models}, we apply publicly available population-synthesis models to estimate individual $V$-band mass-to-light ratios for the clusters, given their metallicities and assuming various (old) ages. Following this, we summarise the main properties of each of three structural models (those of \\citealt{king66}, \\citealt{wil75}, and \\citealt{sersic}) that we have convolved with the ACS/WFC PSF and fit to every observed surface-brightness profile. Section \\ref{sec:fits} gives the results of these fits and uses them to infer a wide range of structural and dynamical parameters, including total cluster luminosities and masses, effective and core radii and stellar densities, concentration indices, relaxation times, total binding energies, predicted central velocity dispersions, and $\\kappa$-space parameters for the fundamental plane \\citep{bbf92}. We present these in tables that are available in machine-readable format either online\\footnotemark \\footnotetext{See http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/$\\sim$dem/clusters.html} or upon request from the first author. Note that our measurements of GC luminosities and intrinsic sizes in particular supersede the recent estimates of \\citet{vdb07}, who based his numbers on a less detailed analysis of some very basic cluster characteristics given in \\citetalias{har06}. In \\S\\ref{sec:fits} we also address the question of whether the standard \\citet{king66} model specifically gives the best possible fit to GC surface-brightness profiles in NGC 5128. We then extend the range of physical parameters calculated for the smaller sample of clusters previously fitted with \\citeauthor{king66} models in \\citetalias{har02}, and we provide important corrections to some of the more basic parameters (in particular, the intrinsic central surface brightnesses) already published in that earlier work. The results of this re-analysis are tabulated in Appendix \\ref{sec:STIStables}. In \\S\\ref{sec:apvel} we combine our structural modeling and population-synthesis mass-to-light ratios to predict line-of-sight velocity dispersions within a series of circular apertures with physical radii suited to realistic observational set-ups. We compare these predictions with spectroscopic data from \\citet{marho04} and \\citet{rej07} for some of our current cluster sample. Finally, \\S\\ref{sec:summary} summarises the paper. Our modeling analysis in this paper is in all respects very similar to that undertaken by \\citet{mcl05} for a sample of 103 old GCs and 50 young massive clusters drawn from the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and the Fornax dwarf spheroidal. The catalogues of structural and dynamical properties that we produce here for GCs in NGC 5128 are likewise very close in form and content to those in \\citeauthor{mcl05}. We have recently completed the same type of modeling and produced parallel catalogues for a further 93 GCs in M31 \\citep{barmby07}. As we mentioned above, \\citeauthor{barmby07} combine results to compare the fundamental planes of the old GCs in all six galaxies. In \\citetalias{mcl07} \\citep{mcl07} we directly compare GC structural correlations only between the Milky Way and NGC 5128, but we also examine how they relate to other kinds of massive star clusters. In all of what follows, we adopt a distance of 3.8 Mpc to NGC 5128. This value is representative of recent measurements based on the tip of the red-giant branch [$(m-M)_0 = 27.98 \\pm 0.15$], the planetary nebulae luminosity function [$(m-M)_0 = 27.97 \\pm 0.14$], surface-brightness fluctuations [$(m-M)_0 = 27.78 \\pm 0.10$], Mira variables [$(m-M)_0 = 27.96 \\pm 0.11$], and Cepheids [$(m-M)_0 = 27.67 \\pm 0.20$]; see \\citet{har99}, \\citet{rej04}, and \\citet{ferr07}. The nominal average of these five, reasonably high-precision distances is $(m-M)_0 = 27.88 \\pm 0.06$, or $3.76 \\pm 0.11$~Mpc. All these methods have undergone recent calibration revisions of various kinds \\citep[cf.][]{ferr07} but the net results have been to shift the mean up or down by amounts at the level of only $0.1$~mag. At a distance of 3.8 Mpc, 1 arcsecond is subtended by 18.4 parsec. One ACS/WFC pixel (0\\farcs05) then corresponds to 0.92~pc. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0711/0711.0466_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "We start with a CDM like power law in the quantity $\\rho/\\sigma^{3}$ where $\\rho$ is the local space density and $\\sigma$ is the local radial velocity dispersion. The above quantity is often loosely referred to as the phase space density (as it is here) but it is actually a `pseudo' phase space density (e.g. see Dekel $\\&$ Arad (2004) for a discussion of the true 6-D phase space density). This power law is maintained in the outer regions of the model but with a continued rise at sufficiently small radius, the phase space density is assumed to reach the Tremaine \\& Gunn (1979) limit in the absence of other lower and less fundamental limiting effects. This quantum statistical upper limit on the phase space density applies to thermal particles as well as fermions. Hence, as long as the particles are not bosons we expect an eventual cap/core in the central phase space density. Here a simple model is proposed in order to mimic the lingering effects of a putative but as yet unknown primordial phase space density bound (Q$_{p}\\equiv\\bar{\\rho}/{\\bar{\\sigma}^{3}}$ where $\\bar{\\rho}$ is the mean density and $\\bar{\\sigma}$ is the one dimensional velocity dispersion). With a constant central phase space density ($Q_{o}$) core of size r$_{c}$, the following profile is defined: \\begin{equation} \\rho/\\sigma^{3}\\equiv Q(r) = \\frac{Q_{o}}{(1+(r/r_{c})^{\\alpha})^{1.92/\\alpha }} \\end{equation} The choice of a model independent power law index of 1.92 (close to that found by Taylor \\& Navarro) comes from the work of Dehnen \\& McLaughlin (2005). All but one of the models presented here were computed with the shape parameter $\\alpha=1.92$. Lower values of $\\alpha$ result in a more gradual transition to the outer power law and as will be shown produce very similar results. The above expression for Q(r) is substituted into the Jeans equation after eliminating $\\sigma^{2}$, thereby allowing the determination of the density profile $\\rho$. (Note the assumption of spherical symmetry). \\begin{equation} \\frac{d\\log \\ \\rho}{d\\log \\ r} = -0.6\\frac{GM_{r}}{r}\\left(\\frac{Q}{\\rho} \\right)^{2/3}-1.2\\beta +0.4\\frac{d\\log \\ Q}{d\\log \\ r} \\end{equation} with \\begin{equation} \\frac{d M_{r}}{d\\log \\ r} = \\ln(10) 4 \\pi r^{3} \\rho \\end{equation} where $\\beta$ is the anisotropy parameter (Binney \\& Tremaine, 1987) and is positive for a predominantly radial anisotropy. The following dimensionless number involving the initial conditions was found to lie between 2 and 3 for all models presented here. \\begin{equation} \\gamma = 4\\pi G r^{2}_{c} Q_{o}(\\sigma^{2}_{o})^{1/2}=4\\pi G r^{2}_{c} Q^{2/3} _{o}\\rho^{1/3}_{o} \\end{equation} Integrations can be carried out with $\\beta = 0$, but for the above range of $\\gamma$, the dispersion is found to increase outwards around the point of gradient change in Q(r). As CDM simulations indicate a small radial anisotropy in the $outer$ parts of a halo, at each step in the integration, trial values of $\\beta$ are stepped through (in units of 0.001) in order to determine that value which makes the logarithmic gradient in dispersion have the shallowest $negative$ value. In this way a $\\beta$ profile is obtained starting at zero in the center (actually 0.001 for computational reasons) remaining small throughout the core and usually ending up $\\sim0.2-0.3$. At some point further out the scheme tries to make $\\beta$ decrease but it is constrained to remain at its maximum value. The above value of $\\beta_{max}$ is a rough average of the outermost values determined for CDM halos (Fig. 3 of Dehnen \\& McLaughlin (2005)). Unlike models computed without the above simple, well defined prescription, those here exhibit consistent scaling relations (see discussion below). Furthermore, the initial rise of $\\beta$ is very nearly a linear function of the logarithmic density gradient as advocated by Hansen \\& Moore (2006). Beyond $\\beta\\sim0.3$ however, both the Hansen \\& Moore and the Dehnen \\& McLaughlin results show a large scatter in $\\beta$ and we have elected to keep it constant in this region. The core can be considered isothermal (i.e. constant velocity dispersion and negligible velocity anisotropy) within the region where the logarithmic density gradient is greater than -0.1. This radius is $\\sim0.2$~r$_{c}$. Depending on what observations are given (i.e. initial rotation curve slope, the location of the bend in the rotation curve or its amplitude) determines which of the parameters $\\rho_{o}$, r$_{c}$ or Q$_{o}$ one chooses to fix initially. A model is constructed by integrating equations (2) and (3) while systematically varying the other two parameters until the logarithmic density gradient becomes -4.000 at M$_{vir}$\\footnote{ Approximate solutions which obviate the need for the trial and error procedure are given in the appendix.}. M$_{vir}$ and R$_{vir}$ are defined as the values of mass and radius where the mean density becomes $100\\times\\rho_{c}$ (h$_{100}=0.7$ assumed throughout). This outer boundary condition was determined empirically (e.g. by fitting the outer profile to the observations of the cluster A1689 as described below). The density profile derived from equation (2) is quite different from an NFW profile. It possesses a constant density core followed by a relatively steep radial fall-off. A steep fall-off in density appears to be demanded by the observations of galaxy cluster A1689 (Broadhurst et al. 2005) and is shown in Fig. 1. The value of $\\rho_{o}$ determined for a converged model corresponds to a particular value of $\\beta_{max}$. Remarkably, any other model with {\\it{the same}} $\\rho_{o}$ can then be obtained from the following scaling relations (i.e. Q$_{o}\\propto M^ {-1}$, Q$_{o}\\propto \\sigma_{o}^{-3}$ and Q$_{o}\\propto r^{-3}_{c}$) and hence is a member of a {\\it{one parameter}} family of models. Interestingly, these scaling relations are identical to those discussed by Dalcanton \\& Hogan (2001) to describe the results of `gentle' merging given that during a merger Q cannot increase. Based on this discussion, the inverse relation between Q$_{o}$ and M found here suggests that equation (1), for all of its simplicity, is consistent with {\\it{a form of}} hierarchical structure formation. As discussed by the above authors, it is decidedly not compatible with `phase packing' where one expects more massive objects (with higher central velocity dispersions) to have smaller core radii. In what follows, models are specified by the four parameters Q$_{o}$ (M$_{\\odot}pc^{-3}(km \\ sec^{-1})^{-3}$), r$_{c}$ (kpc), $\\rho_{o}$ (M$_{\\odot}pc^{-3}$) and $\\alpha$ and are enclosed in brackets. It is useful to express the equivalent {\\it{gas}} entropy in terms of Q. We do this by evaluating the adiabatic constant $K=kTn_{e}^ {-2/3}$. With Q in the same units as above we obtain \\begin{equation} K=\\frac{8.84\\times10^{-7}\\mu\\mu_{e}^{2/3}((3-2\\beta(r))/3)}{Q^{2/3}}=K_{o} (3-2\\beta(r))/3)(1+(r/r_{c})^{\\alpha})^{1.28/\\alpha} \\end{equation} and $K_{o}=8.84\\times10^{-7}\\mu\\mu_{e}^{2/3}Q_{o}^{-2/3}$ kev cm$^{-2}$ Note that the entropy of the gas is initially constant at $K_{o}$ and then increases as a power law with index 1.28 as long as $\\beta$ remains constant in the outer region (see Fig. 1). We emphasize that inherent in equation (5) is the assumption that the entropy of the gas is the same as the entropy of the dark matter and that as merging continues the increase in entropy is the same for both components. Thus this value of K must be a lower limit to the actual gas entropy and as such it provides a floor on which gas physics processes (i.e. cooling, heating, astration etc.) can be played out. The characteristics of a representative model (in this case for the galaxy cluster A1689) are shown in Fig. 1. ", "conclusions": "A new model for dark matter halos has been proposed and is successfully applied to observations of objects with masses ranging from $\\sim10^{9}$ to $\\sim10^{15}$ M$_{\\odot}$. Fig. 3 is a graphical summary of the results which shows the scaling relations discussed earlier. It is important to note key differences in structure occur with different scaling normalizations. The filled symbols are structures with relatively high values of $\\rho_{o}$ ($\\sim 0.1 M_{\\odot}~ pc^{-3}$) while the open symbols are structures with lower values of $\\rho_{o}$ ($\\sim 0.01 M_{\\odot} ~ pc^{-3}$) and lower $\\beta_{max}$'s. Close examination of Fig. 3 reveals a real systematic shift between these two groups of objects. Objects with identical central densities would lie essentially dispersionless along a line of the indicated slope. Further, for two models with the same mass, the one with the higher $Q_{o}$ has the higher $\\rho_{o}$ and smaller $r_{c}$ (i.e. quantitatively $\\partial$~log Q$_{o}$/$\\partial$~log $ \\rho_{o}=0.67$ and $\\partial$~log Q$_{o}$/$\\partial$~log r$_{c}=-1.57$ for a fixed halo mass). While the density is not expected to increase during merging, Hernquist et al. (1993) propose a scheme whereby the density decreases while the dispersion remains constant. Dalcanton \\& Hogan interpret this as a result of more violent merging so that different merging histories at earlier times could account for the variations in central density seen now. More observations are required to determine if the apparent dichotomy in central density is real and if so what its origin is. For example, if we assume that the dichotomy extends to galaxy clusters, then a model with the same mass as A1689 but with one tenth the central density will have its gas entropy floor raised by $\\sim2.8$. Such a change in central gas entropy floor is one characterization differentiating cooling flow clusters from non cooling flow clusters. The error bars in each panel of Fig. 3 were calculated by assuming an empirical approximation to $\\gamma$ (equation (4)) in terms of the central density (i.e. $\\gamma\\sim1.80\\rho^{-0.0753}_{o}$) and variables $\\rho_{o}$ and r$_{c}$ were then treated as independent with estimated uncertainties of $\\pm0.25$ and $\\pm0.10$ respectively. Rotation curves derived from the model and the NFW profile can be very similar (e.g. the two A class galaxies in \\S3.1) while according to the model the data appear incompatible with standard CDM cosmological simulations which do not predict `observable-sized' cores. The similarity is most pronounced among objects in the high central density group. One property of our cored models which may be relevant to the `missing satellite' problem is that these structures are more vulnerable to tidal disruption than the NFW models, especially those halos with low central densities. From this work a relation has been determined between Q$_{o}$ and the mass of dark matter halos over a range from $\\sim10^{9}$ to $\\sim10^{15}$ M$_{\\odot}$ . An observational challenge is to find the lower mass limit to objects with dark matter halos thus providing an estimate of the primordial value of Q (Q$_{p}$). Knowledge of Q$_{p}$ allows the determination of the mass of the dark matter particle (assuming that the particles are thermal) since then Q is proportional to the fourth power of the particle mass (e.g. equating the value of Q$_{o}$ found above for Fornax with Q$_{p}$ provides a lower limit on this mass of 431~ev). An additional constraint comes from an analysis of the power spectrum of the Ly$\\alpha$ forest. From this one can determine the free streaming length ($\\lambda_{fs}$) of the dark matter particle. This quantity in turn is simply related (in the case of thermal particles) to the particle mass. A recent determination of a limit on $\\lambda_{fs}$ by Seljak et al. (2006) implies a thermal dark matter particle mass limit of $>10$ kev (i.e. Q$_{p}>1$ which according to our scaling relation above implies dark matter halos with masses as low as $\\sim10^3$~M$_{\\odot}$). An attractive alternative to the above `classical' WDM scenario has been proposed by Strigari et al. (2007). If the particles are non-thermally produced by the decay of a supersymmetric particle for example and if they are born sufficiently late then the initial velocities of the resulting daughter particles can be sufficiently high to yield a free streaming length comparable to that found from the Ly$\\alpha$ forest analysis but with Q$_{p}$ orders of magnitude lower than above (i.e. Q$_{p}\\sim10^{-5}-10^{-6}$) and a correspondingly much higher dark halo mass limit. This picture has the additional feature that it is hierarchical in the conventional CDM sense since the parent particles are born cold and being bosons they are not subject to the ultimate phase space density restriction. Future results from experimental particle physics and even more sophisticated cosmological simulations should lead to a fuller understanding of the dark matter problem and the viability of the model." }, "0711/0711.0520_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the cosmological stability of a class of theories with a dynamical preferred frame. For a range of actions, we find cosmological solutions which are compatible with observations of the recent history of the Universe: a matter dominated era followed by accelerated expansion. We then study the evolution of linear perturbations on these backgrounds and find conditions on the parameters of the theory which allow for the growth of structure sourced by the new degrees of freedom. ", "introduction": "Theories of modified gravity can be invoked as viable solutions to the problem of missing mass. Though initially restricted to making predictions regarding quasistatic, weak field configurations \\cite{milgrom,angus,smgaugh}, more recent models are derivable from generally covariant actions \\cite{bek1,navvan,bruneton,dub} and so can, in principle, be compared with traditional tests of general relativity (for instance see \\cite{kahya,seif,zhang}). The best known proposal, the Tensor-Vector-Scalar (TeVeS) theory of gravity proposed by Bekenstein has been studied in some depth \\cite{bek2,fam,skor,mavro}, and has been found to explain a plethora of observations, from galactic rotation curves to the growth of structure during recombination without invoking dark matter. We have shown \\cite{zfs1} that it can be seen as a particular case of Einstein-Aether theories of gravity \\cite{ae} with non-canonical kinetic terms and that one can consider a different subclass of these models which seem to be observationally viable \\cite{zfs2}. For convenience and to distinguish them from standard Einstein-Aether theories, we have named these theories Generalized Einstein Aether Theories. In this paper we wish to explore, in as general terms as possible, the cosmological stability of these theories. It has been shown that the ``vector'' part of TeVeS plays an essential role in the growth of structure that leads to the formation of galaxies \\cite{dodel}. Perturbations in the time-like vector field are gravitationally unstable and grow in a manner akin, but not identical, to that of normal, pressureless matter. We wish to find if this phenomenon is present in Generalized Einstein Aether Theories. In this paper we present the following results: \\begin{itemize} \\item we present the full set of background, and linear perturbation, equations for Generalized Einstein Aether Theories; \\item for a broad class of models there is accelerated expansion following a period of matter domination; \\item in a pure baryonic universe, the growth of structure can be sustained and enhanced by the presence of the Aether vector field; \\item although the growth of structure is driven by the vector field, unlike in TeVeS, it remains strictly unit timelike leading to qualitatively different features; \\item there are choices of parameters in the Einstein-Aether theories that give a reasonable fit to current measurements of large scale structure \\item a few notable features can be used to distinguish it from conventional gravity and dark matter, in particular a different growth rate for structure and the presence of non zero, scalar anisotropic stresses (``$\\Phi-\\Psi$''). \\end{itemize} There are a number of steps we must go through before we can assess if there is the desired instability of the vector field, or aether, in these theories. We are looking for it in the cosmological setting and hence we must identify the restricted class of theories that give us acceptable cosmologies. We do so in Section \\ref{sect:background}. Once we have established what region of parameter space we want to explore, we then check if perturbations in the vector field grow in a matter dominated era. We shall see, in Section \\ref{sect:vector} that this defines a subset of parameters. We then consider the full coupled system of metric, matter, and vector field perturbations for modes outside the horizon well before recombination and trace their evolution up to the present time. As will become clear, we are able to identify the subset of theories which could possibly lead to realistic growth of structure in a purely baryonic universe. In Section \\ref{sect:conc} we discuss if the constraints we find in this paper are compatible with a host of constraints that have been identified in \\cite{zfs2}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conc} We have shown that the vector field in the Generalized Einstein Aether theory can play the same role as in TeVeS and the same role as dark matter in sustaining the growth of structure during recombination. A growing mode for the vector field exists in the matter era for a wide variety of parameters and, through its associated energy density and anisotropic stress, can become a dominant source term in the Poisson equation, thus sustaining gravitational potentials which further act as sources for the evolution of the baryonic density contrast. The shape of the power spectrum is dictated predominantly by the $k$ dependence of the growing mode which may either be determined by dominant initial data for the vector field (Case 2) or the manner in which an initially very small vector field reaches the growing mode solution via coupling to evolving gravitational potentials (Case 1). As in the case of dark matter, a turnover in the power spectrum exists in the latter case due to the comparitive lack of damping of metric modes entering the horizon after radiation domination. Though the vector's stress energy tensor does contain terms proportional to the gravitational potentials (leading to an effective time dependent rescaling of Newton's constant in Poisson's equation) we find that this is a subdominant effect. At late times and on large scales Poisson's equation (\\ref{eqn:Poisson}) takes the approximate form: \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:cosmol} \\nabla^{2}\\Phi\\sim 4\\pi G\\rho_{B}+\\frac{l_{E}}{2}{\\cal F}_{K}(\\eta){\\cal H}\\nabla^{2}V \\end{equation} where $\\rho_{B}$ is the baryonic energy density. The dominant component of the right hand side at late times is found to be the term associated with the field $V$. In so far as the evolution of $V$ is sourced by terms in the metric but not entirely fixed by it via constraints, its contribution to the Poisson equation is more akin to dark matter. It is interesting to contrast this with the weak-field quasistatic limit of the theory discussed in \\cite{zfs2}, wherein $A^{\\mu}$'s stress energy tensor is determined \\textit{entirely} by the metric and thus all observed mass discrepancies must be attributed to a modification of Poisson's equation which takes the form: \\begin{equation} \\label{eq:weakfi} \\nabla.(\\mu(|\\nabla\\Phi|/M)\\nabla\\Phi)=4\\pi G\\rho_{B} \\end{equation} Therefore in this regime mass discrepancies can be interpreted as arising from a change in the relationship between the dominant component of the matter energy density (taken to be baryonic matter) and the gravitational field. In producing a realistic power spectrum, we find that the effective energy density of the growing mode $V$ is considerable at the scale where overdensities become nonlinear ($k\\sim 2h Mpc^{-1}$). A similar situation exists in the TeVeS theory. This raises the issue, as yet unaddressed, of the degree to which $V$, instrumental in the growth of large scale structure, contributes to the mass of bound structure and, if so, whether it remains akin to a dark source in the Poisson equation (as in \\ref{eq:cosmol}) rather than a modification of how the gravitational field is sourced by baryonic matter (as in \\ref{eq:weakfi}). In other words, covariant realizations of the MOND program may well have unintentionally reintroduced dark matter, albeit non-particulate dark matter, via the back door. However, it is by no means obvious that the collective picture given by a universe where a vector field gives rise to mass discrepancies would be degenerate with a particle dark matter model i.e the theory may resemble different types of dark matter in different regimes but not a single type across all regimes. Indeed we have seen that the cosmological case involves significant anisotropic stresses at late times while the quasistatic case considered in \\cite{zfs2} does not. We were able to clarify the analogy to the cosmological perturbations of Bekenstein's TeVeS theory. While the vector field is also nonvanishing in the cosmological background in that case, it is seen that the growth of structure requires the vector field be of non-fixed norm. As in the model discussed here, a growing mode in the vector field eventually dominates the evolution of the baryonic matter, its scale dependence being determined by the influence of metric source terms in its equation of motion. However, in TeVeS the growing mode and vector field perturbed stress energy tensor will tend to have different time dependences and so make for a potentially differing evolution of perturbations over cosmic time. In both theories the quantity $\\delta\\tilde{T}^{0}_{\\phantom{0}0}$ will generally retain a time dependence during the matter era, in contrast to the perturbed dark matter density in $\\Lambda$CDM models. We now consider the parameter space explored in this paper. We have found that a power spectrum with a turnover and giving a reasonable fit to data tend to follow when the vector field and its time derivative are initially small. Following this, the degree to which the power spectrum today can agrees with the data is dictated the values of the parameters $n$ and $\\gamma$ (recall that ${\\cal F}=\\gamma(-{\\cal K})^{n}$) and the $c_{i}$ (see section \\ref{sect:Case1}). In the background we have seen (see figure \\ref{fig1}) through that some values of $n$ and $\\gamma$ in the modified Friedmann equation permit late time acceleration. To first order in perturbations we have seen that the influence of $n$ on the evolution of the matter and metric fields is via its combined influence on the exponent of the vector field growing mode and, along with $\\gamma$, the time dependence of the quantity $F_{K}$ to zeroth and first order which themselves act as sources in the Poisson equation and difference between Newtonian gauge potentials. In particular we were able to find values of $n$ consistent with late time acceleration and a growing mode. We were unable to produce a realistic power spectrum in the absence of dark matter for the value $n=1$ (as hinted at by the lack of growing modes in the homogeneous solution to the vector equation for this value). The $c_{i}$, which determine the vector field's kinetic term, affect the degree to which the Friedmann equation is modified in the cosmological background. For instance, if $c_{1}+3c_{2}+c_{3}=0$ then there is no effect on the background evolution. To first order in perturbations, the $c_{i}$ determine the nature of growing mode. We have restricted ourselves to values of $b_{3}$ (see equation (\\ref{bees})) which led to an approximate monomial growth of the vector field. Deviations from this behaviour will have an integrated impact on the evolution of the other fields again, for instance, acting as a dark source in the Poisson equation but it is to be expected that different $n,c_{i}$ will match observations of the matter power spectrum. It is worth noting that in this case as well as TeVeS a power-law growing mode emerges from a non-Maxwellian kinetic term (i.e. ${\\cal K} \\neq -F^{\\mu\\nu}F_{\\mu\\nu}$;$c_{1}+c_{3}\\neq0$); it has been shown in \\cite{zfs1,tartag,bf2} that such kinetic terms can arise from a change of variables at the level of the action. For instance in TeVeS the vector field kinetic term is Maxwellian when written as a bimetric theory but not when written as a single metric theory. Our choices for $F({\\cal K})$ were dictated by a desire for simplicity. It is to be hoped that a deeper grounding of the ideas discussed herein would fix the expected form of ${\\cal F}$. As all contributions of the vector field to the matter and metric evolution equations at 1st order in perturbations are proportional to the background value of ${\\cal F}_{K}$, the time dependence of this quantity can be expected to have a significant impact. We have seen that this will tend to produce enhanced growth for viable forms of a monomial ${\\cal F}(\\cal K)$. Though we have chosen the sign of the term $\\alpha=c_{1}+3c_{2}+c_{3}$ to be consistent with subluminal propagation of gravitational waves in the limit far from matter, in generic backgrounds the speed of gravitational waves will depend on $F({\\cal K})$ and it is not obvious that the theory would pass tests such as those discussed in \\cite{moore}. Recent work \\cite{li,garfinkle} on the consequences of the theory with $F \\propto {\\cal K}$ have chosen the opposite sign of $\\alpha$ where gravity propagates superluminally with respect to the preferred frame, thus avoiding any constraints from the above tests \\cite{PPN} ; such a choice would change the requirements for a growing vector mode for more complicated $F({\\cal K})$ as well as leading to the background cosmology and weak field limit being described by the same sign ${\\cal K}$, rendering them no longer independent regimes. Finally, the smallness of the mass scale appearing in the vector action $M\\sim cH_{0}<